Say , Jim , how about going for a few beers after dinner ? You know that is tempting but is really not good for our fitness . What do you mean ? It will help us to relax . Do you really think so ? I don't . It will just make us fat and act silly . Remember last time ? I guess you are right.But what shall we do ? I don't feel like sitting at home . I suggest a walk over to the gym where we can play singsong and meet some of our friends . That's a good idea . I hear Mary and Sally often go there to play pingpong.Perhaps we can make a foursome with them . Sounds great to me ! If they are willing , we could ask them to go dancing with us.That is excellent exercise and fun , too . Good.Let ' s go now . All right . Can you do push-ups ? Of course I can . It's a piece of cake ! Believe it or not , I can do 30 push-ups a minute . Really ? I think that's impossible ! You mean 30 push-ups ? Yeah ! It's easy . If you do exercise everyday , you can make it , too . Can you study with the radio on ? No , I listen to background music . What is the difference ? The radio has too many comerials . That's true , but then you have to buy a record player . Are you all right ? I will be all right soon . I was terrified when I watched them fall from the wire . Don't worry.He is an acrobat 。 I see . Hey John , nice skates . Are they new ? Yeah , I just got them . I started playing ice hockey in a community league . So , I finally got myself new skates . What position do you play ? I ’ m a defender . It ’ s a lot of fun . You don ’ t have to be able to skate as fast on defense . Yeah , you ’ re a pretty big guy . I play goalie , myself . Oh , yeah ? Which team ? The Rockets . Really ? I think we play you guys next week . Well , I have to go to practice . See you later . All right , see you later . Hey Lydia , what are you reading ? I ’ m looking at my horoscope for this month ! My outlook is very positive . It says that I should take a vacation to someplace exotic , and that I will have a passionate summer fling ! What are you talking about ? Let me see that ... What are horoscopes ? It ’ s a prediction of your month , based on your zodiac sign . You have a different sign for the month and date you were born in . I was born on April 15th , so I ’ m an Aries . When were you born ? January 5th . Let ’ s see . . . you ’ re a Capricorn . It says that you will be feeling stress at work , but you could see new , exciting developments in your love life . Looks like we ’ ll both have interesting summers ! That ’ s bogus . I don't feel any stress at work , and my love life is practically nonexistent . This zodiac stuff is all a bunch of nonsense . No , it ’ s not , your astrology sign can tell you a lot about your personality . See ? It says that an Aries is energetic and loves to socialize . Well , you certainly match those criteria , but they ’ re so broad they could apply to anyone . What does it say about me ? A Capricorn is serious-minded and practical . She likes to do things in conventional ways . That sounds just like you ! Frank ’ s getting married , do you believe this ? Is he really ? Yes , he is . He loves the girl very much . Who is he marring ? A girl he met on holiday in Spain , I think . Have they set a date for the wedding ? Not yet . I hear you bought a new house in the northern suburbs . That ’ s right , we bought it the same day we came on the market . What kind of house is it ? It ’ s a wonderful Spanish style . Oh , I love the roof tiles on Spanish style houses . And it ’ s a bargaining . A house like this in river side costs double the price . Great , is it a two bedroom house ? No , it has three bedrooms and three beds , and has a living room with a twelve-foot ceiling . There ’ s a two-car garage . That ’ s a nice area too . It ’ ll be a good investment for you . Yeas , when will you buy a house ? Not untill the end of this year , you know , just before my wedding . Right , congratulations . Thank you . Hi , Becky , what's up ? Not much , except that my mother-in-law is driving me up the wall . What's the problem ? She loves to nit-pick and criticizes everything that I do . I can never do anything right when she's around . For example ? Well , last week I invited her over to dinner . My husband and I had no problem with the food , but if you listened to her , then it would seem like I fed her old meat and rotten vegetables . There's just nothing can please her . No , I can't see that happening . I know you're a good cook and nothing like that would ever happen . It's not just that . She also criticizes how we raise the kids . My mother-in-law used to do the same thing to us . If it wasn't disciplining them enough , then we were disciplining them too much . She also complained about the food we fed them , the schools we sent them too , and everything else under the sun . You said she used to ? How did you stop her ? We basically sat her down and told her how we felt about her constant criticizing , and how we welcomed her advice but hoped she'd let us do our things . She understood , and now everything is a lot more peaceful . That sounds like a good idea . I'll have to try that . How are Zina's new programmers working out ? I hate to admit it , but they're good . And fast . The Filipino kid is a genius . So you'll make the deadline , and have us up and running next week ? It'll be close , but we'll make it . Good . After starts paying us , we won't need Vikam's cash anymore . And if we don't need them , we won't need Zina , either . Do you like cooking ? Yes . I like cooking very much . I got this hobby when I was 12 years sold . Why do you like it ? I have no idea . I like cooking by myself . I like to taste delicious food . That's wonderful ! And I love trying new recipes , which I usually test with my friends . You can come , too . Really ? I hope I can have a chance to taste it . Don't forget to tell me . Certainly . Anyone home ? Jen ! I'm in the kitchen ... let yourself in ! Wow ! You're really working up a storm ! I know . I've even worked up a sweat . You look like a cooking show host--only messier . You look so tan and healthy ! Thanks . I just got back from summer camp . How was it ? Great . I got to try so many things for the first time . Like what ? I went sailing , fishing , and horseback riding . I ’ m so jealous . The counselors were so nice too . It was the best summer ever . Except for all those mosquitoes ! Diana , do you like the perfume I gave you ? It ’ s good . But to tell you the truth , I don ’ t wear perfume . I ’ m sorry . I didn ’ t know that . That ’ s all right . Thank you all the same . Ah , ah , ah ... All right , Bill.Here ' s your daily exercise schedule . You are to jog before breakfast . Jog ? Then , you are to walk to work . Walk ? Thirty minutes in gym at lunch time . Oh no . Use the stairs , never the elevator . Oh , dear . And three times a week , you can either swim , play racketball , or hand ball . Oh no . OK , you can stop now.It ' s time for the dance class . Dance class ! I don't know how . You will . Oh ... Hi Bill , I saw your grandma yesterday . Oh where was that ? I was running around the track at my college and there she was walking around the same track . Grannie always tries to stay fit and healthy.She is always making us kids eat the proper foods . Well , it pays off for her.How old is she anyway ? She will be 86 next month . That is truly amazing ! I would like to register for a class today . No problem , what class would you like to take ? I would very much enjoy taking a Psychology class.Because I'm crazy . There are two classes that are still open . Which days are these classes on ? The first class is a Tuesday and Thursday class from two to three . What about the other class ? The other class is on Monday and Wednesday from 10 am - 12 . Are you sure there are no more open classes ? I'm positive . Sign me up for Monday and Wednesday . Okay , I'll sign you up . Dad , why are you taping the windows ? Honey , a typhoon is coming . Really ? Wow , I don't have to go to school tomorrow . Jenny , come and help , we need to prepare more food . OK . Dad ! I'm coming . Hi , my name is Lean , and I'm from Russia . Nice to meet you , Lean . My name is Alike . I'm from Japan . To me English is a difficult language . A second language is always difficult . True , but English is harder than most . It's a crazy language . A crazy language ? Why do you say that ? One letter can have several pronunciations and one word can have several meanings . No wonder you say English is a crazy language . Can I help you ? I hope so . I'm looking for some material for a paper I'm writing , and I'm not quite sure where to look . I'll certainly try to help you . What topic is your paper on ? My paper is on the influence of television on children . There are several possible sources you might use for that topic . I suggest you use the computer and the computer will give you a list of every scientific journal that talks about children and television . Thank you for you help . Here ’ s your hot dog and beer . What happened ? Did I miss anything ? Yeah , Cal Ripen just hit a home run . What ’ s the score ? Well it was 3 to 4 , but Ripen ’ s home run made it 5 to 4 since another player was on first base . So Baltimore is winning ? Right . This is a really great place to watch a baseball game . Yeah , there isn ’ t a bad seat in the place . The fans are great here , too . Not like in Philadelphia . It was a great idea to spend a day watching a game . Yeah , it reminds you why they say baseball is America ’ s favorite pastime . How do you like the pizza here ? Perfect . It really hits the spot . Do you have a light ? Sorry , I don't smoke . I was scared stiff of giving my first performance . Were you ? your performance was excellent . Thank you for your kindly words . Excuse me . Could you please take a picture of us with this camera ? Sure . Which button do I press to shoot ? This one . Do I have to focus it ? No , this is a focus-free camera . All you have to do is point and press the button . All right . Say cheese ! Every country should face the history . Yeah , we don ’ t live in the vacuum . We have traditional values and long but different history . Sometimes , we , human beings , really had done something wrong , so we should admit it at first . But there is always somebody who wants to turn his back on the true history . I believe such things won ’ t be realized , just daydreaming . Do you like traveling , Kathy ? I like traveling for pleasure to get places for vacation for instance . But I don ’ t like traveling to work , waiting for buses , or ... Or getting stuck in traffic jams when you ’ re driving . Exactly . Your house is too small . Why not buy a big one . I do wish I could afford one . You can get a loan from the bank . You know LPF program provides low cost loans for participants home purchases . Of course I know that . But don't you notice that the house price is skyrocketing ? How do you do , Prof.Smith . How do you do , Ms . Yang.You speak very good English . Thank you . I begin to like English even when I was a child . Where did you learn it ? At school , in China.This is my first time to be out of my own country . It's amazing . Do you want black or white coffee ? White , please Look ! there's a Folk concert tomorrow evening . Do you Want to go ? I don't like Folk music very much . What kind of music do you like ? I like classical music . Do you ? Not very much . Classical music sends me to sleep I don't believe you . It ’ s true . You are funny ! So are you ! How about another coffee ? What do you like to do in your spare time ? I like playing chess . Do you have any hobbies besides playing chess ? I'm afraid not . Do you have any hobbies like playing tennis or things like that ? Oh , yes . I like playing basketball . Can you tell me why you like it ? Because I like the feeling of cooperating with others . Where is John ? I can't find him anywhere . Haven't you heard that he is in prison ? What ? Beg your pardon . John is in prison now . He was copped outstealing . I just cann't believe my ears ! Can I help you ? I hope so . I'm looking for some material for a paper I'm writing , and I'm not quite sure where to look . I'll certainly try to help you.What topic is your paper on ? My paper is on the influence of television on children . There are several possible sources you might use for that topic . I suggest you use the computer and the computer will give you a list of every scientific journal that talks about children and television . Thank you for you help . Hey , Ted . What are you up to this Friday ? Well , I have the day off from work . That ’ s great ! Do you have any plans ? Well , I ’ Ve been working so hard lately , so I ’ ll probably just take it easy . Sounds nice . Yeah , I ’ ll probably just stay in and relax . Maybe watch a few movies . Can I stop by ? Sure . Any time . You honestly believe the world ’ s improving every year ? Yes , I do . I think that science is making us wiser . What do you think ? I don ’ t think you ’ re right there . I believe industry is making us wealthier . I don ’ t believe that . And in my opinion , medicine is making us healthier . I agree with you in the sense . But we ’ re all more miserable than ever , aren ’ t we ? I don ’ t agree with you . I maintain that we ’ re healthier , wealthier and wiser than we were a hundred years ago . That ’ s your opinion not mine . What do you plan to do for your birthday ? I want to have a picnic with my friends , Mum . How about a party at home ? That way we can get together and celebrate it . OK , Mum . I'll invite my friends home . How may I help you ? I would like to return this book . Is that all you need ? I also want to check out this video . Is that all you would like to check out ? That ’ s all I need . Do you have your library card ? Here it is . Make sure to take proper care of this video . That won ’ t be a problem . If you damage the video , you will be fined . I won ’ t damage it . What's the matter with you then ? You look miserable . It's us . What do you mean by us . Well , you always say you're busy . That's right . And you often go back to live with your parents and leave our son in the room by himself . I ... I ... I miss my parents , also they miss me . Oh I remember , I cut terrible calls , and you didn't say anything about it . You mean I am groaned a few words ? Totally not . Perhaps it's about our marriage . Hi , Mary . You look pale today . What's the matter with you ? I think I've caught a cold . Now I'm aching all over . You'd better take some medicine and have a good rest . I hope you'll be yourself pretty soon . Thank you . I suppose I should go to see a doctor . I feel like going for a drink , it's been a long day . Great idea ! Peter , I could use the drink . How about the new bar across road ? Sounds good . The food there is fantastic , too . I agree , I had lunch there last week . excellent ! That sounds like a plan . Could you tell me the right time , please ? Well . My watch says five past two . But it ’ s no use rely on it because it has been gaining and losing these last a few days . You have to go and fix it . Yes . I will . does your family have a record of your ancestors ? sure . My mom has been working on our family tree for years . She ’ s always updating it . do you have a copy of your family tree in your house ? I ’ d love to see it . I can show it to you now , if you like . I think it goes back about 8 generations so far . that ’ s amazing . Do you have a large extended family ? I ’ Ve got 30 cousins on my mom ’ s side and 10 cousins on my dad ’ s side . are you very close to your first-cousins ? the ones that are my age are close relatives . Now that I ’ m older , I don ’ t spend as much time with them as I used to , so I don ’ t know my younger cousins as well as the older ones . I see . who ’ s the head of your household ? it ’ s definitely my mother . And , her mother is definitely the matriarch of the bigger family . that ’ s interesting . What does your grandfather think of your step-mother ? at first , she was quite critical of her , but now that they ’ Ve been married for a few years , she ’ s starting to accept the fact that my father divorced my mother . that ’ s pretty much how you feel about your step-mother . Like grandmother , like grandson . Hi , Mr . Wang . Do you feel like going boating with me ? Sounds interesting , I haven't gone boating for some time now , and what time ? How about tomorrow afternoon ? Sure . Where shall I meet you ? At the gate of the park . Great . I look forward to meeting you . See you then . See you . I hear that you've been to the Saikei Ski Resort for the weekend . Did you enjoy it ? Yes , it's so exciting , though I had the most falls in our skiing team . Isn't there any coach to teach you how to ski ? Of course there is . The top-level coaches there are from the State Sports General Administration . Could you move smoothly ? Yes.My face even ached in the icy wind . What happened afterwards ? I was skiing on and on excitedly until I realized one thing-I could not stop ! You can just imagine how terrified I was . Poor girl ! You look pale recently . Yeah . I have got much pressure in the company . I have tobe wrapped upon my work . Take good care of yourself . Thank you . I will . Hey , Maggy , Did you hear about David ? About David ? No , I didn ’ t hear anything . You know , about David and his new boss . Sorry , I don ’ t quite follow you . Well , I heard David has been fired . Oh , that is a shame . He is really hard working . how do you usually get to school ? I usually ride my bike . Which form of transport do you prefer to use ? I feel that I can see more when I pedal a bicycle , but when I feel lazy , I drive my car . I think we should discourage people from using their private cars . They produce too much pollution ! I agree , but I would find it difficult to stop using my car . It's just so convenient . cars might be convenient , but they're so bad for the environment . do you have a car ? no . I used to have one though . Once I started using my bicycle to get around , I found that I didn't really need it . maybe if I sold my car now , I wouldn't be so tempted to use it . you could try . It would save you a lot of money . that's true . Every month , I spend hundreds of dollars on gas , insurance , and repairs . if you got to class by riding a bicycle every day instead of driving , you will get lots of exercise , too ! I could stand to lose a few pounds . Having a car has made me lazy . I never end up walking anywhere ! let's go to a car dealership . I'll help you try to sell your car for a good price . sounds good ! Let's go ! What's wrong with him ? His nose is out of joint because we forgot to invite him to the party . What are you going to do for one year abroad , Tom ? Study , study , study . I want to learn a lot . You are going to take courses ? Yes . I am going to take some university courses there . Sounds hard . Yes , but I think it's probably for the best . Won ’ t you get lonely ? Hey , I am a pretty cool guy . I will make friends , and I'll have a lot of extracurricular activities too . You know , like fencing , or theater or something . Isn't this lovely weather ? Will you help me water the flowers , Jack ? Well , do you think I have to ? I do.We haven't watered them for quite a few days . Please look at the sky.Don ' t you see the dark clouds ? It's going to rain soon . Good.So we don't have to work.How nice ! But I don't think it's so nice . Why ? The weather report says it's going to rain for a whole week . Oh , I'm afraid all the flowers will die in the rain . On , darn . The grocery store is closed . Yeah , this one closes at ten . We could drive to the 24 - hour store on sixth . Alright . We are out of everything . I wish the store close to us was open 24 - house a day . I know , our schedules are so weird . Sometimes , the little corner store is the only thing within walking distance that ’ s open when we get home . Yeah , and the prices there are very high . I know . Three dollars for milk . Do you think they two will get married ? You can count on it . I think so.Yes , they get along so well . I like him.He ' s good for her . You're right . He sure is . Dad , where are we off to ? First we will go to the city centre and stop for something to drink . Then we will visit the University Museum . Where are we going to have a drink ? There is a coffee shop round the corner . Can you see that big building at the end of the road ? Yes ? That is a bank . The coffee shop is opposite the bank . Good . I will have hot chocolate . A stop ! Wait for the lights to turn green . When crossing the road you must always pay attention to what's around you . Sorry . How far is the museum ? I am not sure . We will ask for directions in the coffee shop . Here we are . You find us a table and I'll get the drinks . How about going to the cinema tonight ? That's great . What's on tonight ? I am not sure about the name of the film , but I know it's a romantic one . Romantic ? I am afraid I like thrillers better . Don't you think it's too bloody ? On the contrary , very exciting . I feel so uncomfortable . Are you sick ? No . The teacher is dragging the chalk over the blackboard . It set my teeth on edge . He ’ ll finish writing in a minute . I have made up my mind . I am getting a tattoo . Really ? Are you sure ? Yeah ! Why not ? They are trendy and look great ! I want to get a dragon on my arm or maybe a tiger on my back . Yeah but , it is something that you will have forever ! They use indelible ink that can only be removed with laser treatment . On top of all that , I have heard it hurts a lot ! Really ? Of course ! They use this machine with a needle that pokes your skin and inserts the ink . Oh , I didn ’ t know that ! I thought they just paint it on your skin or something . I think you should reconsider and do some more research about tattoos . Also , find out where the nearest tattoo parlor is and make sure they used sterilized needles , and that the place is hygienic . Maybe I should just get a tongue piercing ! Excuse me , what's the screen near your steering wheel for ? It's a portable TV . It's a popular thing now . Oh , that's new to me . So what's on everyday ? News about current affairs , documentaries , music , movies , noncommercial ads and so on . Is there anything interesting ? Yes , there are something good and informative . I think that many people underestimate the value of TV in education . I agree . Are there any commercials on the TV ? Of course . Because the TV stations need to make money from commercials between the programs . That makes a lot of sense . Does the TV work well ? Not always . It depends on the transmission of the satellite signals . I got it . Do you pay for the programs ? Yes , 50 Yuan per month . Oh , no ! How dreadful ! Look at the view from the window . Oh , dear . That ’ s terrible . Not at all what I expected . It ’ s awful , isn ’ t it ? I can ’ t bear to look at it . I ’ m rather disappointed . It can ’ t be helped . What do you do in your free time , Nancy ? Well , I like playing the violin . Really ? How long have you been playing the violin ? About ten years so far . I started learning when I was in middle school . That's really interesting . Sure . So what about you ? Do you have any hobbies ? Well , I like collecting matchbox ! I'm not sure if that counts , though . Of course it does . Everybody has his own hobby . How can I tell her about this ? Don't worry , you'll find a way . There is no need to be so frustrated . How can you live without job in the future ? Don't worry , you'll find a way . What sports do you like to play ? I like baseball and basketball . How about football ? In my country football is brand new , so I never learned the game when I was younger . It's a very popular game in America . Yeah . I heard a lot about it . Is it really that fun ? For me , it's one of those games that are fun to both watch and play . Are you a football player ? No , I just for fun with my friends . We play two hand touch or flag football . We're too old to play tackle football . What is two hand touch and flag football ? Instead of tackling somebody , you just have to touch them with two hands , or if it is flag football , grab the flag that the ball carrier is wearing . I see . It's safer then right ? Exactly . We play every Saturdays on the field by the tennis courts . If you want to learn and play a little , you're welcome to join us . I'll give it a try . Give me a call and let's go down together . Ok . I'll call you Saturday morning . Great . What upsets you ? My parents called . As usual , they reminded me again that I should have a plan to marry by my late 20s . Easier said then done . Who should I marry ? I have no time to go on a date . It is not your mother finding one for you ? I will find one myself , of course . I ’ m a modern girl . Perhaps you can try the three minutes date , the latest type . You mean dozens of the opposite sex meet each other for three minutes in a dimly bar serving alcohol , I hate that idea . No , there is an updated virgin , three minutes video date . I know an online dating website providing such service with a microphone and webcam , you can sigh for it . You can be face-to-face with a guy talking for maximum three minutes . I don ’ t think it makes sense . Three minutes is such a short time . I think you can find out if there is a possibility of romance within the first second of meeting someone , so-called love at first sight . Anyway , I don ’ t want to post my face up for sale on the internet like that . Don ’ t worry . There are many other options using the internet as dating methods . Some sites operate at international standard even have got certifications . Of course , for these sites , you have to pay a membership fee . But all in all , it is more serious and professional . The chance of meeting a good and serious person who does not play games is higher . I don ’ t want to post my personal information on the internet . I ’ m not knowing who is reading it . Are you going to the party on Saturday ? I was thinking about it . Are you ? Yeah , I heard it's going to be a lot of fun . Really ? Well , what time does it start ? It starts at 8 Well , who all is going to be there ? Everyone from school . How do you know it's going to be so fun ? This party is going to have a DJ , food , and drinks . Wow , that does sound like it's going to be fun . So am I going to see you at the party ? Yeah , I will be there . Could you talk to me for a few minutes about my grades ? Step into my office for a moment . What is your concern ? Am I failing ? Let's go on the computer to see what's up . Do you think you are doing well ? I am pretty sure that I am in trouble . I can see that you are trying , but where do you think you could improve ? I missed a few classes ; I need to make sure I come to school on a regular basis . Having a regular study routine and following it is very important , right ? I'll try ; it's hard ! Thanks for stopping by ! Good luck on your test tomorrow . We'll be crossing our fingers for you ! Thanks . I'll never ever work together with him ! What happened ? Quarrel again ? Will you take my materials back from him for me ? Please ! Don't ask me . I don't wanna be involved in your quarrel . Oh , my God ! I've been cheated ! What ? What did you buy ? It's a brick ! I can't believe how stupid I was . Damn it ! What is it ? Why did you buy a brick ? There was a guy on the sidewalk.He had three new boxes , Panasonic video camera boxes.He said he had to get rid of them quick . And ? So he said he'd sell me one for twenty dollars . A four-hundred-dollar camera for twenty bucks . And it's a brick ? Yes . I can't believe how stupid you are . Why didn't you open the box ? I wanted to . But he said , no , the box is still in its plastic wrap from the store.If it's opened , other people won't believe it's new . So he had the boxes wrapped in plastic . Yes , it was the kind of perfect plastic wrap that comes with new products.Look , it even had a bar-code price sticker on it ! It looked brand new . But why would a guy be selling new video cameras for twenty dollars ? He said he had to get rid of them . They were stolen . Aha ! Now I understand.You were trying to buy stolen goods on the sidewalk.So , what I think is , you deserve to get cheated ! C'mon , don't blame me ! I thought it was a new camera . We could use it.We were even thinking about buying a camera . I don't understand how he could have such a perfect-looking box . That's no problem.He just has a friend who works in a shop that can do plastic wrap . That's easy.And probably it's the same shop he got the boxes from.Maybe his friend works in an electronics store . They sell video cameras there.Probably they had a couple video camera boxes lying around.So they get the idea of wrapping bricks to sell to fools like you.Twenty dollars a brick . That's a good profit if they can sell enough bricks . You're right , Sarah . I was a fool . I can't believe it . How could I fall for such a trick ? Is the clock right ? I'm afraid it gains a little . By how many minutes ? Two . Hey , Mary , what's up ? Just so so . Last night I met this great guy at the bar and we had such a wonderful time , so we decided to meet again tonight . Oh , that's exciting . What does this guy look like ? Is he hot ? Well , I didn't think so at first . But as we started talking , I found him extremely funny and witty . I couldn't stop laughing at his jokes ! And we have so much in common . We like the same team , music , and most amazingly , we both love Chinese food ! I have the feeling that we are going to be great friends . It seems you two are a good match . What qualities do you look for in a friend ? There's nothing definite I think . I don't have a list or anything , but when I first meet somebody , I can usually tell whether or not that person is going to be a good friend . It seems I have radar helping me spot new friends . Well , that's something I've never heard of . But if you ask me what I value most in a friend , I would say honesty . I agree . You can't expect a close relationship with a dishonest person . Those are the people that will turn their back on you when you are in need . Yeah , I know . A friend in need is a friend indeed . I don't need fair-weather friends either . What ’ s up ? You don ’ t look too good . Yeah , my head hurts , that ’ s all . I ’ Ve been in physics class all day . It ’ s killer ! I liked physics . It ’ s all math , really . arcs , curves , velocity , cool stuff . Yeah , yeah , but today ’ s lesson was all about the creation of the universe . A physics class about the creation of the universe ? That ’ s some pretty unscientific language there . Sounds more religious to me . It ’ s all religion . Take the theory of the Big Bang.How is it possible that all of the stuff in the universe comes from an explosion ? That ’ s no better than Atlas carrying the globe on his back or African myths about turtles and stuff . Turtles ? Whatever ... Look , all that ’ s required for the creation of matter an imbalance of particles and anti-particles . At least , that ’ s what the math says . Math , sheath . What ’ s the evidence ? There is evidence ! You know Edwin Hubble ? He ’ s the guy who in the early twentieth century was the first scientist to measure the drift of matter in the universe , thus advancing notions of an expanding universe . What would it be expanding from ? Well , the Big Bang ... DUH ! Anyway , it ’ s just a theory . Why do people go around touting theories ? Where ’ s the scientific rigor in that ? Dude , don ’ t equivocate . A theory only becomes a theory after withstanding rigorous testing . You slept through class , didn ’ t you ? Today more and more people advocate lifelong learning . But people have different views about lifelong learning . How do you understand lifelong learning ? I think lifelong learning is the concept that it's never too soon or too late for learning Does that mean studying all the time ? I don't think so . I think it's about your attitude towards learning . One should be open to new ideas , decisions , skills or behaviors . Then the axiom - ' You can't teach an old dog new tricks ' doesn't work any longer . You're right . Lifelong learning is about finding learning opportunities at all ages and in numerous contexts Yes , I agree with you . When I retired I will participate in programs to keep momentally active . Me too . To keep up with the changing world , one must be involved in lifelong learning and be ready to accept new things . You know what ? I've recently been teaching myself French . Really ? That's great ! I know that your company has a lot of clients in France . Yes , so I want to learn French to develop my career . How old are you ? Nine ... but I'll be ten on May 1st.When is your birthday ? I'm older than you ! I'll be ten on April 14th . Are you going to have a birthday party ? Maybe . I'll have to ask my mother . It smells like an ashtray in here ! Hi honey ! What ’ s wrong ? Why do you have that look on your face ? What ’ s wrong ? I thought we agreed that you were gonna quit smoking . No ! I said I was going to cut down which is very different . You can ’ t just expect me to go cold turkey overnight ! Look , there are other ways to quit . You can try the nicotine patch , or nicotine chewing gum . We spend a fortune on cigarettes every month and now laws are cracking down and not allowing smoking in any public place . It ’ s not like you can just light up like before . I know , I know . I am trying but , I don ’ t have the willpower to just quit . I can ’ t fight with the urge to reach for my pack of smokes in the morning with coffee or after lunch ! Please understand ? Fine ! I want a divorce ! Why are you shivering ? It's freezing . It seems that you get antsy when you hear I praise another guy . I get antsy not because you praise a guy , but because you may be taken for a ride by a guy like him . How come you think of him that way ? Because you seem to have lost your vigilance . You should be on the watch out . I have no reason to distrust him . He's never caused any harm . Isn't there anything that sounds fishy ? Nothing smells a rat . I told you that he's an all-right guy . All-right guy ? All right . Let's talk about something else instead . Cheese ! It tastes like cardboard . I think so . Maybe that ’ s why it ’ s cheap here . Have you signed up to join the company ’ s Christmas party ? Sure , I have . Will you join ? I will . You know , as a newcomer , I think it might be a good opportunity to get to know people from the other departments of our company in a more relaxed atmosphere . You are right . Our company ’ s Christmas party has always been an amazing occasion for everybody to relax and get to know each other better . It is also a time to make new friends and do some networking . I hope that it is not a formal one when the boss is there . No , it will not be formal at all . It is a fun time . You will love the game show . Please dress casually . Usually there is an over abandon of drinks , so be careful with that . Don ’ t worry , I can handle that . And I know if the boss is there , even it is an informal evening , it does not make a good impression to get totally drunk in front of him . If the weatherman's predictions are accurate , it should rain tomorrow . I hope not . Then we'd have to reschedule our baseball game . hi , Emily , do you know that guy over there ? The tall one ? Sure , that's Drive , he works with Lily . He is cute.What dose he do ? I'm not sure , he is a manager I think . Really ? Are you going to introduce us ? Well , he has already taken you know , that's his wife right there . You didn't ring me last night . You said you would . I'm sorry to have made you disappointed . That's all right . But why were you so rude to me at lunch . Was I ? Sorry , I didn ’ t mean to be . I do apologize . And why are you yarning now ? Are you bored ? Forgive me darling . I'm very tired . Hi , Nicole . Did you have a good weekend ? Yes , I did . But I feel tired today . Really ? Why ? Well , on Saturday I cleaned the house and played tennis . Then on Sunday I hiked in the country . And I bet you studied , too . Yeah . I studied on Sunday evening . What about you ? Well , I didn't clean the house and I didn't study . I stayed in bed and watched TV . That sounds like fun , but did you exercise ? Sort of . I played golf on my computer ! There will be a parade to celebrate National Day this weekend . What's the route ? From Zhongshan Circus to City Bank . If only I could join it ! Excuse me . I'm afraid you're in my seat . You've moved my books . Oh , dear . You must have realized somebody was here . Oh , well , I looked around . There wasn't any other space . I waited a while and nobody came . I'm sorry if I've taken your place . What ’ s the life expectancy in your country ? I ’ m not sure , but probably about 75 years . How about in your country ? About 70 , I think . This newspaper article talks about the problems of an aging population . It ’ s a problem that will soon affect most of the world . I heard that the government might need to increase the retirement age , because otherwise there will not be enough workers to support the young and the elderly . Perhaps we need to have more babies ! Tina gave birth to a baby boy yesterday . Did she ? That ’ s great . However , if we have too many children , that will have a bad effect on the enviroment . How ’ s your son these days ? Oh , he ’ s fine . Kids seem to grow up very quickly nowadays . He ’ ll be a teenager before you know it ! Teenagers are often rebellious ! When do you mine it is a good age to have a child ? I had mine when I was 24 . that ’ s a little young . I ’ d suggest you wait until you are in your late twenties . , or even in your early thirties if you have a good career . Yes , I think you ’ re right . I ’ m thinking about having a child , but not just yet . Is there a big generation gap between parents and their children in you country ? Yes , there is . Teenagers do not want to live traditional lives . They want to go out , have fun , and explore the world . They want to develop their own view of life . Parents usually try to discourage them , but they don ’ t often succeed . Parents usually give their children more freedom in my country . Sometimes they give them too much freedom . It ’ s almost impossible to get the right balance . If you are too strict , kids might ignore you . If you are too lenient , they might go wild . I'm going to Japan this year on vacation . Have you ever been to America ? No , but I'd really like to . You'd like it . Hey , Mark , long time no see . Julie ! It's good to see you again . How have you been ? Great . I just got back from a week's vacation in Thailand . Really ? How was it ? Fantastic ! I didn't want to come back . I hear the beaches in Thailand are beautiful . They are . And not only that the people are friendly , but also the food is delicious , not to mention cheap . I do like Thai food . Did you see much of Bangkok ? Not much . I've got enough city life in Beijing . I know what you mean . I could use a vacation myself . Hey , wouldn't it be great if we could go to Thailand together sometime ? Yeah , it sure would . Could I see the manager please ? I have a complaint to make . Yes , I ’ m the manager here . What can I do for you , Madam ? Did you have the room checked before we move in ? Which room are you in ? 1808 . The toilet doesn ’ t work properly , the water doesn ’ t run in the shower . I ’ m awfully sorry to hear that . I ’ ll turn to it right away . Congratulations , Vivian . You won the grand prize , again . Isn't it just great ! I just knew I'd win ! You did ? How ? Did you wear red underwear again this year ? Not only that ! Tell me ! Tell me ! What's your secret ? ! OK , OK . I'll whisper it to you , but you have to promise not to tell anyone ! What ? ! You did that ? ? ! ! ! We are going to the concert this evening . Will you join us . I'm very sorry I can't . Why not ? I've been snowed under with since my bosses away on business . You'v been work here for nearly a month , how do you feel about the job ? Not bad.Thank you for your help . I am always busy with this job , I feel a bit tired . I had the same feeling when I first came to work here . but after a period of time , I feel better , I am sure you ' ll get used to this busy job . I also feel that work efficiency here is very high . and you have strong working ability and professional skill , it seems that you know all , that's really wonderful ! You know the phrase , the survival the fittest . We have no choices . That's right , I have to work hard . The music is on.May I have the pleasure to dance with you ? Sorry , I'm engaged for the foxtrot.Will the next Walls be all right ? Certainly . Excuse me , is this seat taken ? No , please feel free . Thanks a lot . Do you work in Shanghai ? Yes I do . How about you ? No , I'm a tourist . This place is amazing ! It's much bigger than I imagined , and much more exciting ! There's so much to see here . You can say that again ! It's much more modern than people imagine . Where are you from ? Um , well let's see ... I'm from Kansas originally . A much quieter and more peaceful place than here , that's for sure ! Uh huh ... Look at this headline , Soo Mi . Wow ! So many people in the United States get divorced ! Is it the same in Korea ? I don't think so . In Korea some marriages break up , but most couples stay together . Do people get married young ? Not really . Very few people get married beforethe age of 20 . Hmm . Do women usually work after they get married ? No , a lot of women stay home and take care of their families . But some work . Boy ! What a beauty ! I fall in love with her at the first sight . The beauty under the tree ? Of course.No girl is more charming . She is a young man ! Excuse me.Where do I register ? Oh , over there in Pacific Pavilion . Is that the large , white building ? Yeah , that's it . Thanks . How was your education going on in Australia ? I'm going to graduate this summer . Where are you going to work then , in Australia or back in China ? I'm planning to return to China after graduation . Why are you choosing to leave a foreign country ? Many people are reluctant to leave the superior living environment abroad . Well , I think personal development is much more important than simply having a superior living environment . Yeah , China's developing so fast and development opportunities can be found almost in every corner of the country . Do you have any particular hobbies , Tom ? Oh , yes . I love playing badminton , table tennis and computer games . And playing the games has become my favorite . I hear many teenagers will spend hours and hours sitting at computers . And they don't care about their own health at all . How about you ? I'm no better than them . They say it's mindless to sit in front of a machine all the time , but I think it's stimulating . You won't play online games full of violence , will you ? Once in a while . It's no good . And I think spending several hours each day playing computer games is a waste of time . You might as well do something healthy and meaningful . I hope I can practice self-control again . What ’ s the plot of your new movie ? It ’ s a story about a policemen who is investigating a series of strange murders . I play the part of the detective . He has to catch the killer , but there ’ s very little evidence . It ’ s a psychological th Did you enjoy making the movie ? We heard stories of disagreement with other actors and with the director . I have had disagreement with every director . I ’ Ve worked with . We ’ Ve always disagreed in a friendly way and we have always resolved our differences . It was the same when I made this movie . I don ’ t no Critics are not very happy with the movies that you ’ Ve made recently . Does that bother you ? Not at all . The feedback from audience has been great . I care about what they think more than what the critics think . Did you do you own stunts in the movie ? I wanted to , but my insurance company wouldn ’ t let me . All of my stunts were done by a stuntman . As you know , I used to do my own stunts , but I ’ ll leave that to the experts in future . Thank you very much for doing this interview . My pleasure . Have you seen the movie yet ? Yes . I have . I liked it very much . Like you , I was very impressed with Rachel ’ s performance in the movie . She ’ s going to be a star . Who's that old lady trimming the trees ? She's my grandma . She's looks very healthy.How old is she ? 92 . Mom . My legs are killing me . Hold on . We will be successful right away . Oh , man . I had the best supper last night . My wife made a stir-fry and it was amazing ! I love stir fry crispy bitesize vegetables covered in a mixture of soy sauce and oyster sauce . Wilted greens and fresh bean sprouts . Throw in some onion and garlic and ginger ! Mmm ! Mmm ! It ’ s almost lunchtime . I would die for a plate of stir fry right now ! Well , you can keep the vegetables , I ’ ll take the meat . The stir fry my wife made was really hearty , with chunks of beef and slivers of bell peppers and onion ... What ? You call that a stir fry ? More meat than vegetables ? That ’ s the worst insult you could throw at a Chinese stir fry . What a disgrace to the wok she fried it in ! What you had is equivalent to a fajita without the wrap ! What did you say ? I said it's a lovely day . Why don't we go for a walk ? Well , I feel a little tired . Come on ! A little labor , much health . Then can you wait a few minutes ? I want to finish writing this letter . Don't take too long . It would be a shame not to take advantage of such lovely weather . I won't be long . No more than ten minutes . Why don't you go ahead and I'll meet you in the park ? I Believe I will . Look for me near the lake . Thank god you showed up when you did ! He ’ s insane ! Do you think we should call the police ? Don ’ t worry about it , I ’ ll call my friend and have him take care of it . I can ’ t believe he was stalking you all these years . What a nut job ! I know ! Well ... he said I ’ m not pregnant . I ’ m sorry if I got you all worked up over nothing . I want you to know that I didn ’ t do it on purpose ... Don ’ t apologize ! From the moment I met you , not a day has gone by when I haven ’ t thought of you.And now that I ’ m with you again , I ’ m ... I ’ m just scared , Veronica . The closer I get to you , the worse it gets . The thought of not being with you , I mean , I just can ’ t handle it ! We were made for each other , Veronica . You are my everything , my soul mate . What can I do ? Just hold me ... I ’ ll always be here for you , no matter what . And together , we can tackle whatever life throws at us . I believe in us , steven . I ’ m so happy to hear that ! I knew we belong together . I love you so much . Zina , can I talk to you about something personal ? As long as it doesn't take too long . My boyfriend says I work too much . That I spend more time with you than with him . Was he upset when you told him you had to leave this weekend ? He said not to bother coming back . And I said , fine , I won't . So what's the problem ? Mary , how was your date with john ? it's ok . It seems we have a lot in common . oh , really . That is great news . What does he look like ? he is tall and slim , fair-haired . sounds like he is pretty cute . What do you think of him ? he is a nice guy and very considerate . I was impressed with how smart he was and he has a great sense of humor . oh , it's love at first sight . When will you see each other again ? he didn't say , but he said he would call me . maybe he is busy with his work . Just wait and try not to think about it too much ! oh , steve . Stop it ! I am a bit nervous ! What if he doesn't call ? come on , Mary , you're a total catch . I bet he will call you . Don't worry . thank you , Steve . You're always so encouraging . that's what friends are for . Hi , Francis , how was your business trip ? It was a nightmare . What ’ s up ? Actually , the business trip itself was very successful . We arrived on time , we had nice conversations and we settled some important issues for the next year . Sounds quite fruitful , why do you call it still a nightmare then ? Well , the air line lost my luggage on the return flight and then I lost my carry on bag when I was tackling with the officers in charge . I left the airport three hours later than I expected and then I was caught in a traffic jam . When I finally got home , I was totally exhausted . But I found the elevator was out of service due to a blackout . This is really a sad story . Did they trace back your luggage ? I am still waiting for their call . Take it easy , all sufferings have their reward . So the company decided to cancel your trip to Hong Kong ? Yes , The SARS epidemic is not under effective control yet . So I'd better not risk it . Maybe it's a good things . If you don't have to go to Hong Kong , you can take a break and take things easy for a while . You are right . Maybe we should work out a fitness plan and start to do more exercise . Sitting around in the office all day is no way of keeping fit . That's a good idea . Let's see if we can get more people in this plan . There isn't much business these days anyway , so I think many people will be interested . Which pair of jeans do you like best ? I really like the straight legs . But they aren't very fashionable . What about these ? I don't like the way they sag down . I feel like I have plumber butt in them . That's the style ! You just wear boxers . What if someone got it in their head to give them a tug ? What then ? You're so old fashioned ! Nobody is going to pull down your pants ! If you ask me , it's a walking invitation ! Hi , Charles . What's the matter ? Oh ! ! My car isn't working . I'm waiting for a tow-truck . Do you have a ride home ? Yes , my wife is coming to get me . That's good . Do you live near here ? No , we live in the suburbs . What about you ? I live downtown , with my parents . Do you have a car ? I don't need a car . I walk to work . You're lucky ! Happy anniversary , sweetheart ! Yes . to our first anniversary and many more to come . Cheers ! I'll drink to that . Thanks for making this a night worth remembering . Well , it's a special day . They say if you survive the first year , the rest is smooth sailing . That's good to know . Oh , listen ! The band's playing our song . I requested it . What do you say ? Do you have your dancing shoes on ? Always . What do you plan to do for your birthday ? I want to have a picnic with my friends , Mum . How about a party at home ? That way we can get together and celebrate it . OK , Mum . I'll invite my friends home . How about seconds , Victor ? No.thanks . I'm full . Why don't you have dinner with me tonight ? I'd love to . Let's say about 6:00 ? That's OK with me . Cigarette ? Oh , uh ... Thanks . Henry , do you have a light ? Sorry , here . Thanks . Lovely day . Pity I ’ m on duty . I ’ ll stand in with you if you like . I ’ Ve got nothing else to do . Oh , no . I couldn ’ t possibly . Hi Rose , what are you busy with right now ? Hi Jack , I'm working on these documents . The manager wants them for half an hour . Well , Rose . Is there something any need ? Are your free this weekend ? Yes , I have nothing to do . Great , Is it convenient if i visit you this weekend ? I beg your pardon ? I'd like to call on you this weekend . I just want to a drop in for a chat . Really ? well , ok , you're welcome . Is 5 PM . Saturday a good time for you ? Hmm , how about seven ? I can treat you to dinner . Sure , that would be great . I'll bring the wine . OK . Then I'll be expecting you . I'll be there on time . How do you shoot pool ? You have 16 balls on the table , 7 solid colored , 7 striped colored , a black 8 ball , and the white ball . And ? You hit the white ball with your cue . The white ball hits the colored balls . And you want to get the colored balls into the pockets . How do you know whether you should hit the solid or the striped one ? At the beginning , it does not matter , but once someone gets one ball in , it is set . Can I get the black ball in ? The black ball has to be the final ball in the pockets . Let's go and try now ! How about going to hear a country-and-western singer tonight ? I'd enjoy that . I'll pick you up around 8: 00 . OK . I'll see you then . The mosquitos are biting me ! Me , too , I can ’ t stop scratching . They are everywhere ! Sneaky little jerks . Do you have any bug spray ? No , I forgot to buy some . Then we ’ ll have to put up with it . We can cover ourselves with beer ! That way if they bite us , they ’ ll get drunk and fall asleep . That ’ s without a doubt , the best idea you ’ Ve had ! Let ’ s do it ! Run ! They are thirsty for more ! Stop running around in front of the TV , will you ? Why don't you just sit and watch ? I've tried , but I can't stand the bald man talking so loudly in the program . Then stay away . No one is keeping you from doing that . Don't be so irritable . I just don't understand the program , that's all . All right , I will explain it to you later on . Now scram . Ok . I will wait until you have had your fun , if that's what you want . That's exactly what I want , thank you . Okay , can I ask you something direct ? Ha ! It's not like you've ever been one to beat around the bush . Fair enough . Give it to me straight . Did she bully you into this ? No , seriously . . . I really want this . I tell ya , when I got the invite , it really threw me for a loop . You've done a complete 180 . I know . But things have changed . I guess I've settled down . I guess so . My daughter plans to quit her present job and wants to find another . She says she wants to get a better job with higher pay . It seems quite normal to me . It is pretty much what I want to do . But what about settling down to start a family ? Doesn't anyone want to get married any more ? It is different now . The world is becoming colorful . Some of my friends don't feel the same pressure to marry . We all want to wait for the right moment . What time is the right moment ? Let the universe find us instead of forcing love . We prefer natural love . The most important thing is to be happy . Love will find us later . That is what we say . Please excuse me , but I really have to be going . Yes , of course.It was nice to see you . It was nice to see you , too.And please give my regards to Mrs.Robbins . Excuse me . Is this seat taken ? I'm afraid so . What do you think of the coming match ? Winning is a piece of cake to me . You are bragging again . What would you reckon the taxing increases ? Well , the state will benefit a lot , I suppose . But what do most people think about it ? Ah , it ’ s hard to say . are you still coming to my place for dinner tomorrow night ? of course . Is the dinner still on ? yes , I was just wondering how you and your roommate were planning on coming to my place . we were planning on walking both ways since the weather is still nice . that's what I thought you would do . Listen , I live in a bit of a rough neighborhood . It's just down the street from all the bars . You probably don't want to be walking around after dark . it can't be that bad . I wish it wasn't , but there is actually a lot of crime and prostitution around here . really ? I never would have guessed . The criminals must only come out in the evenings , because I've never noticed anything strange when I've been at your house in the daytime . do me a favor , and take a taxi . It'd make me feel a lot better . ok , we will . How do you get around in the evenings ? when I first moved in , I walked everywhere . But within a week , I had my purse stolen — just a block away from the police station ! Now , I always take public transportation . has anything else happened to you ? nothing else has happened to me , but I have seen quite a few fights on the streets after the bars close . well , we'll be careful . Thanks for letting me know . Jack wonders whether Linda likes him or not . Why doesn't he ask her ? He is too scared to ask her . He's a chicken guy . I don't understand why some parents keep beefing and complaining about their daughters not being able to follow suit . Yeah . Li Na's mother has been building a fire under her since her neighbour's daughter got married with a Canadian . She's almost driving Li Na crazy . If I were Li Na , I would ask her if she had done that . She is as meek as a lamb . She never goes against anyone or anything . She's as good as gold , you know ? Where is John ? I can't find him anywhere . Haven't you heard that he is in prison ? What ? Beg your pardon . John is in prison now.He was copped outstealing . I just cann't believe my ears ! What do you need ? I need to use the Internet . You have your library card , right ? Yes , I do . There is a wait right now to use the computers . That ’ s fine . Would you please write your name on this list ? Then what ? I will call you when a computer is free . How do I log on to the computer ? Use the number on the back of your library card . Thanks . I ’ ll be sitting over there . What a nice tie you are wearing ! Thank you.But does it really look all right ? Certainly.It matches your suit perfectly . Then does it go well with my sweater ? Yes.You look very smart today . Thank you very much . What do you make of the case ? If you ask me , I don ’ t think it ’ s guilty . What do you mean by saying so ? I mean it ’ s not his fault . Oh , yeah ? Yes . Don ’ t you think he should be pitied rather than accused ? Happy Mother's Day , Mom ! Thanks ! These are beautiful . You shouldn't have ! Of course I should have ! You certainly deserve them ! You put up with all of us . I forgot what I put up with . In that case , I do deserve these flowers . I have a real problem when I meet people . What is it ? Maybe I can help . I never know when to shake hands and when not to . Can you tell me something about it ? Do you come from a country where they shake hands ? Oh yes . Men , women , and children shake hands all the time . It ’ s very simple . Men shake hands , women and children don ’ t . But some women do shake hands . And now a lot of children have such good manners , they shake hands too . Well , a good rule to follow is , for men you hold out your hand , for women and children , you wait and see what they do . That sounds easy enough . Sure . Once you get the hang of it , it ’ s a piece of cake ! It ’ s nothing to worry about . Sam , I am so sorry . It was your birthday yesterday and I completely forgot about it . Don't worry about it . I keep forgetting everyone's birthdays as well . Margaret really told me off when she found out that I had forgotten all about it . We did try to phone you , but you and Jane must have gone out . Yes , Jane invited me for dinner to this new restaurant which opened near us . Oh , yes , I know the one . How was the food ? The food was excellent , but Jane ordered a birthday cake , which they forgot about . So as you can see , you were not the only one . Oh , no . Yes , Jane was quite upset about it . The manager came to apologize and we did get free dessert , but still ... I would think this was the least they could do . In the end it was a nice evening and I got an iPad as my birthday present which I wanted for a while . Great . I have also been thinking of getting one . Do you think you could ask Jane to have a quiet word with Margaret ? My birthday is not that far away . I can try , but knowing Margaret she will see through that immediately . Here's the restaurant we're meeting the Smiths at . Let's go in to wait for them . After you . When do you usually go to the movies ? I usually go in my free time on the weekends . How about you ? The movie theater is always so crowded on the weekends . I like to go to the movies during the week . That's true . And sometimes the tickets are cheaper during the week as well . Are you telling us a lie again ? I will be hanged if I lying . All right . But what was the trouble ? My car run out of petrol . I can't believe Mr . Fro didn't buy it . Who does that guy think he is anyway ? Bill Gates ? He had a lot of nerve telling us our ads sucked . Time to order . Balista , today I want a skinny triple latte . When did you start worrying about your weight ? I'm not . I just don't feel like drinking whole milk today . Why ? Do you think I'm fat ? No , Jess , chill out ! Come on , Tara . Let ’ s go up to the window and buy two tickets . The movie is starting in a few minutes . We can ’ t break into the line . Don ’ t be so impatient . We ’ ll be at the front of the line soon . Two tickets , please . How much are they ? Oh no , Ari . I didn ’ t mean for you to pay for me when I invited you to go tonight . Let ’ s go Dutch . I ’ ll pay my own way . I insist . I ’ m looking forward to this film . I read a good review of it in this morning ’ s newspaper . Me , too . It will be great to see something light and funny for a change . I ’ m tired of heavy drama . Are these seats okay ? They ’ re fine , but I can ’ t watch a movie without popcorn . Do you often buy magazines ? I buy a computer magazine every month . It keeps me up-to date with all the latest developments . Why don ’ t you find the information on the internet instead ? Sometimes it takes too long to find the exact information you are looking for . Besides , I like to read a magazine in a coffee bar sometimes . Do you have an online edition of that magazine ? Yes , they do . But you can only access all the articles if you have a subscription . Do you have a subscription ? Yes , I do . The magazine arrives by post at the beginning of each month . Do you every buy magazines ? I only buy them if they look particularly interesting . I don ’ t buy any regularly . Mumm . Those burgers smell great . It's perfect day for a barbecue . It sure is . I'm glad it didn't rain . My name's Mike Gates , by the way . Oh , hi ! I'm Barbara Johnson . Nice to meet you . I'm sorry . What's your name again ? Barbara . But please , just call me Barb . So Barb ... what do you do ? I'm studying medicine . Really ? Where ? At Harvard . What about you ? I'm an engineer at IBM . Oh , are you ? That sounds interesting . Yeah . I like it . Hey , it looks like the food is ready . Good . I'm starving . Wow ! I can't believe I'm standing here ! What are you so excited about ? I'm standing in front of an exquisite work of art ! What's the big deal ? It's just a picture of some woman . I've seen it so many times in books , but I never imagined I'd get to see it in person . There are tons of other paintings that I think are better . Maybe so , but do you have any idea how much this one is worth ? No , how much is it worth ? About 80 million dollars . Whoa . hey , Maris , are you a part-timer ? part-timer ? Is that a new buzzword ? oh , it ’ s pretty popular among my classmates these days . So are you ? sure , I have a part-time job as a bartender . cool ! It must be amazing to work at a bar ! yeah , but I ’ m not there for fun . I have to remain professional and if I get distracted , the manager would be pretty upset . that ’ s true . I ’ m wondering did you learn anything from the job ? of course . There ’ s always much to learn . I got to know more about the real world . you mean you got working experience , right ? not just working experience . I would say the biggest lesson I learned is how to deal with people from all walks of life . it must be very demanding . sometimes it is . But after working for a few weeks , it ’ s easy to figure out . really ? It sounds interesting . maybe you can come to the bar one day and I ’ ll show you around . great . I ’ m looking forward to it . Have you seen that house ? Yes , it looks interesting . You're right . I love it very much . It must be old . At least more than 100 years old . Let's enter it ! I can't open the door . It must be locked . Let me ask the old woman in that reception office . She can't answer you . She must be deaf . It must be a haunted house . Are you frightened ? Frightened ? You must be joking . Have you got any hobbies ? Yes . I'm fond of playing the chess and I'm very keen on playing cards . Which is easier to learn ? Both , but the rules of playing cards vary in different places . Jim , how was your weekend ? I went to the beach with my friends and had a barbecue there . That sounds like a lot of fun . Did you go swimming , too ? Sure . I think it ’ s a fantastic place to go . I couldn ’ t agree more . That ’ s an ideal place for a vacation . It sure is . I can ’ t wait to go there myself . You'd better prepare for the examination . I don't think the exam will be very hard . You should change your attitude , or you will not pass the course . Maybe you're right . I have been too lazy lately . It is high time you have a talk with him . That may help clear the mists . I did , but he gives me a runaround . If I were you , I would put the whole matter on the table . But he was trying to beat about the bush . And my talk with him was fruitless . What is the correct time , please ? It's exactly twelve minutes past seven . When will the lecture begin ? It'll begin at nine o'clock sharp . Should I ask Sara to the party ? I would if I were you . If he promised to help you , I'm sure he will help . He's a man of his word . You said it . I always count on him when I need his help . Last year he helped me out of trouble , too . We're having a sixties party next week . Do you want to come ? What is a sixties party ? You come dressed in anything from the sixties . That sounds like fun . But where can I get clothes that old ? Check out your mom's closet . I'll bet she still has something . Good idea . Can I bring some music from that period too ? That will be great ! Do you have LPs or Cds ? Don't tell me you have a record player ! I want to improve my handwriting , and I've practiced it for several weeks , but nothing happened . You see , my handwriting is still bad . Oh , come on . You know it's a long process , you have to be patient . I know it , but I don't know when I can make it better . A , whatever you do , the most important is perseverance . So you have to hang on there , the longer , the better . Then some day , you will find you've already made a lot of progress . Yeah , you are right . I must stop complaining and stick to it every day . Yeah ! Where there is a will , there is a way . I ’ m so excited , mother . Oh , a new baby ! My first grandchild . And my first nephew . He looks a lot like you , mum . He does . Do you think so ? Well , I guess . He does look a lot like me . Oh , he ’ s got Richard ’ s eyes though . Yes , he does have Richard ’ s eyes . The baby even looks like you than Richard does . Well , children usually resemble their parents . It ’ s true . Michelle is a lot like Henry in so many ways . And she is shy with new people just like he is . You often like comparing children with their parents . You ’ re right . The music has started . How do you like this waltz ? It's very nice . May I ask you for a dance ? Certainly . You are doing the waltz wonderfully well . Thanks . I'm glad you say so . Oh , the music has stopped . Do you speak only English in the class , or does your teacher explain everything to you in Spanish ? Oh , we never speak Spanish in class ! Miss.Parker speaks to us only in English . I suppose she's right . Does she speak English very slowly ? Not always . Sometimes we don't understand her . Then she has to repeat what she said . It must be interesting to study English . Mario and I are the best students in the class . Miss Parker says that my pronunciation is very good . Is English pronunciation easy or difficult ? Sometimes it's difficult . Some words look different from the way one pronounces them . Doris , I'm glad you're home . I'm terrified . I don't know what to do ! What is it ? What happened ? I think someone is stalking me . No , it can't be . Really ? Who ? I don't know . I saw him the first time Tuesday . He was at the cafe . I noticed he was looking at me a lot . Not just the usual looking , but staring.He just kept staring at me . He didn't stop . What did you do ? I didn't do anything . Finally , he left.But then I saw him again today . Outside the shoe store . Near the cafe . I went into a CD store and pretended I was looking at CD's . But then he came in too . Did he leave when you left ? Yes . Then I noticed he was on the sidewalk behind me . He was following me . What did you do ? He followed me all the way home ! That's about five blocks . And around corners too.So he was definitely following you . Yes , he was . I'm not imagining it.Finally , just when I got home , I turned around and looked at him.He was just standing there . He didn't smile . He just stood there . It was so obvious.What should I do ? I'm so scared . Can I call the police ? Actually , I don't think you can call the police . Not yet at least.He hasn't done anything . And probably the police will just ignore it.But if anything happens again , then maybe you should call . Why can't I call the police now ? He was definitely following me ! Of course you can call the police if you want . That's not what I mean . I'm just saying that they probably won't do anything . I suppose . What can they do ? I don't even know who he is . Listen , Carol . Don't let this bother you too much.Probably it's nothing . Just keep your eyes open when you go out.If you see him a third time , and if he follows you again , then I think we should go to the police.But for now , just try not to worry . Alright . And I won't go to that cafe for awhile . Han Maimed , What's your plan for the weekend ? I plan to travel around Harvard University and know more about it . To tell you the truth , I plan to apply for Harvard after graduation from high school . It ’ s better to get to know it . What about you ? I get together with my Christian brothers on Saturdays . Oh , my God ! John , I didn ’ t know you are religious . You just look like a scientific kook , like Leonard in the Big Bang Theory . Come on , Han Maimed , don ’ t make a fuss . A lot of Americans , including many scientists , believe in religion . But I ’ m really surprised . I thought science and religion are not compatible , are they ? Yes , they are compatible . Actually , the U . S . is both the most developed and the most religious country in the world . I've heard about it a little bit before , but I don ’ t understand . How can people believe in God since they know God doesn't exist ? That ’ s a little complicated . You ’ ll get to know it when you are acquainted with the U . S . history later on . Religion was and is a part of American people ’ s life . Guess what ? Even Harvard University , which is a highly academic institution , is in a sense the product of religion . Really ? Absolutely ! It was founded by a group of Puritan immigrants from England . Why was it founded by the Puritans ? Where were the atheistic educators ? Because most of the first English immigrants who came to the United States were Puritans . How come ? I mean why most of them were religious people ? That ’ s because in the 16th and 17th century , there was a series of religious reforms in England . Many religious separatists were persecuted and fled to other countries . So , you mean people didn't enjoy religious freedom in England ? Yes , that's why Puritans moved to the New World , where they believed they could establish a heaven for Puritans . Later on , it was these Puritans who founded Harvard College . Why did they want to found a college ? Many Puritans had received classic style of higher education in Oxford University and Cambridge University back in England . They hoped that their descendants could receive this kind of education as well . Oh , I see . Actually Harvard was first named ' New College ' , without a formal name . When did it begin to be called Harvard University ? In 1639 , it was renamed after its major benefactor John Harvard . Interestingly , JohnHarvard himself was a clergyman . It seems that Harvard was predestined to be influenced by religion . Therefore , it ’ s not exaggerate to claim that had there not been religion , there would note Harvard . Wow , I didn ’ t know that religion had played such an important role in Harvard history . Religion has been playing an indispensible part in Harvard history as well as the U . S . I finally begin to get to know Harvard . It seems that my knowledge of Harvard is rather poor . I have a lot work to do before applying for Harvard . Remember that Harvard is a part of the United States . So you have to know the U . S . history and culture if you want to have in-depth knowledge of Harvard . The two are closely related . That ’ s right . I have a lot to learn from you . You can ask me any question at any time . I am not convinced by your explanation . Could you explain it ? Sorry , I really can't do that . There's little time left for us . I can't accept your excuse . It's five o'clock . But I have an appointment with Ann . Ok , sounds good . But I think it's your trick . What do you do in summer ? I love going out into the countryside for walks or bike ride . I love being out in the fresh summer air . How about you ? I don ’ t often go for walks , but I either play sports outside-you know , tennis or badminton-or just sit in the sunshine and read a good book . What do you do in winter ? Well , I play sports indoors quite often . If I ’ m feeling lazy , I just watch a film at home . I prefer summer to winter . I think most people do . I like wearing nice , colorful clothes in summer-you know , a nice dress or skirt . It ’ s too cold for those kinds of clothes in winter . Yes . I like wearing shorts in summer . My legs would freeze ! Do you think we ’ ll have a nice summer this year ? Thanks to global warming , it could be hotter than ever ! I will never forget Linda . After all , she was my first lover . I think you ’ ll lay it to rest with the time flying . I remember that someone says that it is difficult to forget the people who don ’ t want to forget . But I think time can change everything . Could you tell me what university you want to go to , John ? Pardon ? What university would you enter ? University ? Why ? You asked me last year . Oh , I forget.Sorry . I went to Harvard University . Did you ? And what course did you take there ? God save me ! Is there anything wrong with you ? Didn't I tell you ? I've not known.Perhaps , I've got a bad memory . I did a B . A . in economics.Remember ? Terrific ! B . A . , again and again-B . A . I've been chosen to plan the next family reunion . Fun for you ! Do you get to do anything you want ? Yep . And I should start planning now . Does everyone usually show up for your family reunions ? Just about . There are at least a few hundred in our immediate family alone . How Ay days will the reunion be ? Usually it's at least five days and four nights . This is going to be a major production for you ! Hi , my name is Lean , and I'm from Russia . Nice to meet you , Lvan.My name is Alike . I'm from Japan . To me English is a difficult language . A second language is always difficult . True , but English is harder than most.It ' s a crazy language . A crazy language ? Why do you say that ? One letter can have several pronunciations and one word can have several meanings . No wonder you say English is a crazy language . What did you think of the film ? I liked it . I thought it was great . Yes , I liked it , too . Did you like the acting ? Yes . I thought it was excellent . Didn't you ? Not really . I thought it was disappointing . It's a nice cinema , isn't it ? Do you think so ? I don't like it very much . I found it rather uncomfortable . What ’ s up ? You don ’ t look too good . Yeah , my head hurts , that ’ s all . I ’ Ve been in physics class all day . It ’ s killer ! I liked physics . It ’ s all math , really , arcs , curves , velocity , cool stuff . Yeah , yeah , but today ’ s lesson was all about the creation of the universe . A physics class about the creation of the universe ? That ’ s some pretty unscientific language there . Sounds more religious to me . It ’ s all religion . Take the theory of the Big Bang.How is it possible that all of the stuff in the universe comes from an explosion ? That ’ s no better than Atlas carrying the globe on his back or African myths about turtles and stuff . Turtles ? Whatever ... Look , all that ’ s required for the creation of matter an imbalance of particles and anti-particles . At least , that ’ s what the math says . Math , sheath . What ’ s the evidence ? There is evidence ! You know Edwin Hubble ? He ’ s the guy who in the early twentieth century was the first scientist to measure the drift of matter in the universe , thus advancing notions of an expanding universe . What would it be expanding from ? Well , the Big Bang ... DUH ! Anyway , it ’ s just a theory . Why do people go around touting theories ? Where ’ s the scientific rigor in that ? Dude , don ’ t equivocate . A theory only becomes a theory after withstanding rigorous testing . You slept through class , didn ’ t you ? Which film shall we see ? There is nothing good at the moment.Let ' s do something different.Would you like to go to a concert ? Yes , I'd love to.Here is a good one , Mozart and Beethoven.It ' s on the Festival Hall.Shall we go there ? Fine ! Do you want anything to eat now ? No , I'm not hungry . Well , let's go and have something to drink instead . I know a good place . It's a little expensive , but it's fun . Everyone wants to be financial lose kill . You must invest your savings if you planed to retire rich . I ’ m thinking about buying stocks . It can be a good investment if I can manage well . What do you say ? I partly agree with you . Buying stocks is not difficult , but making money consistently from buying stock is very difficult . Even professionals don ’ t find it easy , so be careful . Anyway , people like us need help with investing . Why not do some online research ? There are data , reports and discussion forums to educate people on how to invest . In addition , you need to visit an established website that offers stock charts . Wow , you sound very professional . I just watched the investment TV program last weekend . It has become a very hot topic these days . Actually I am not even a beginner . Can I borrow your suit ? That's out of the question . Bill , how can you hear so happy today ? Aha . I've read of my roommate . I made a move today . Really ? What was the matter ? You knew Brain Locker ? Brain Locker ? No , I don't think so . What does he look like ? Well , he's thin and tall . He has brown hair , a holt nose , green eyes and wearing glasses . Mm . I've seen him a couple of times , I think . Where are you from ? I'm from Guangzhou . Where in China is Guangzhou ? It's in the South of China . Well , I must be off now . I have an appointment at six . In that case , I won ’ t keep you any longer . Drop in anytime . Ok , Goodbye . See you later . Hey ! How was your first day of class ? I ’ m in level two and I ’ m loving my class this semester ! It ’ s great being in a class of international students ! Mine was ok , except that no one in my class speaks English . I guess it will force me to converse in Chinese more in class so at least I should improve a lot this semester . That ’ s both fortunate and unfortunate . It ’ s the United Nations in my class ! We have people from all over the world ! There are three Germans , a Pole , a Scottish , two French , an American , a Brazilian , That ’ s quite the array of nationalities . Everyone in my class is from Asia , except me . There are a few South Koreans , several Japanese , Malaysian , Thai , Singaporean , Filipino , Kazakhstan , and o Well , I think you ’ re pretty lucky actually . You ’ ll have the opportunity to learn so much about Asian culture . I guess so , but I think it ’ s going to be hard to relate to my classmates , especially with the language barrier . I think I might change classes . Don ’ t ! Stay the course ! Your spoken Chinese will be eternally grateful . I bet you it will even surpass mine with all that practice . I highly doubt it . Your girlfriend is Chinese . Well , there is that , yes . Hey , I'm hungry . How about you ? Yeah , I can really go for some Chinese food right now . That's a great idea . Let's go to a Chinese restaurant . I know one . Let's go . Good morning , Miss Li . Morning , Mike . I ’ m sorry that I was absent yesterday . I ’ Ve already got your certificate for sick-leave . How do you feel today ? I feel much better now . Have you received the reading material handed out yesterday ? I ’ Ve already got it . Thanks . I will explain it in detail in the next class . Could you preview it ? I will . Do you like flowers ? Of course , I like . What's your favorite flower ? Forsythia . It's also called winter jasmine which is the symbol of the spring's arrival . Spring is a lively season . Yes . How about you ? I admire plum blossoms very much . It seems that only it can blossom in the cold winter . You have a perfect taste ! It is the symbol of laughing at hoar frost and fighting with snow . I admire the bravery of plum blossoms . But it used to be ignored by many people . The bright people will remember it forever . Well , it's snowing . Let's enjoy the plum blossoms when snowing . What is the weather like today ? It stops snowing , but there's a bit wind . And the streets are covered with ice . Do you know what the temperature is today ? I missed today's weather for cast in the radio It seems 10 degree below zero at least . I don't mind the cold weather , but do hate when it get slippery . The ice is soon be thick for skating . I'm so fine to want a sport That's fine . let's go skating together tomorrow . What kind of music do you like listening to ? I like music that has a fast beat and is lively , like dance music . You know , I go to a disco almost every week . Sometimes it's too loud though . You prefer classical music , don ’ t you ? Yes , I do . I find it very relaxing . I often listen to Mozart or Bach in the evening after a hard day at work . I must admit that I like several pieces of classical music . It ’ s certainly more sophisticated that modern dance music . Classical music is supposed to be good for you brain . Research suggest that it makes your brain more active . Students who listen to classical music while studying perform better . Really ? Perhaps I should listen to classical music often . I heard that listening to classical music is helpful in reducing stress . Yes . That ’ s why I listen to it in the evenings . I usually play it as background music while I ’ m cooking or doing other housework . I ’ Ve got a few classical music CD ’ s . I should follow your lead and increase my brian power . You can find plenty of recording on the internet too . You can listen to samples and then buy them very cheaply if you like them . That ’ s a good idea . You should do the same with some music . You might find something you like . Classical music might make you clever , but dance might make you livelier and happier . That ’ s true . There ’ s clear evidence that people who listen to lively music are lively people . Music can influence a person ’ s feeling and character . There is a new coffee shop opening up down the street . I hope that they have a good menu . Most coffee shops only have coffee and Danish . That's right . You don't drink coffee , do you ? No , so it's usually boring to join my friends in the afternoon at a regular coffee shop . What kind of things would you like to see on the menu ? Maybe a fruit salad and a few different hot sandwiches at least . That shouldn't be too difficult . Since this is a small neighborhood , maybe they will take this suggestion . Let's try it ! Darling , I have news for you . Bobby and his wife , Evelyn , are going to have a baby soon . Really ? I thought his wife couldn ’ t have a baby . Actually they ’ re expecting the baby to come on my birthday . Oh , what a coincidence ! I bet Bobby must be very happy about it . He likes children and always wants a child of his own . In fact , they ’ re both very excited about the coming baby . Evelyn imagines what their baby would be look like , since one parent is American and the other one is Chinese . Oh , right . Now I know why they would want to see our boy . It ’ s hard to imagine the wonder ! Are they expecting a boy or a girl ? It ’ s still a mystery . Because Evelyn is only three-month pregnant . But she begins to take her maternity leave now . Oh ! You mean she doesn ’ t have to work now ? It ’ s hard for young parents not to overreact , isn ’ t it ? Well , I am a regular member of this club . Do you have to pay to join ? Yes , membership fees vary depending on the club but usually they run into tens of thousands of dollars . Wow , that much ? Don't they have any public courses ? Very few , unfortunately . How was your game today ? Extremely good . I shot a 78 , including 5 birdies ! Congratulations ! What's your normal handicap ? Ten . How did your game go ? My drives were terrible today . I kept slicing the ball into the roughs and sand traps . Maybe you can correct it by going to a driving range before you play again . The concert was really great . I agree . The singing group used to be very popular . I can't believe they would play so good . I have tickets to The Phantom of the Opera on Friday night . Would you like to go ? Thanks . I'd love to . What time is the show ? It's at 8: 00 . That sounds great . So , do you want to have dinner at 6:00 ? Uh , I'd like to , but I have to work late . Oh , that's OK . Let's just meet at the theater before the show , around 7:30 . That sounds fine . Is the Chinese team taking the lead ? No , it's the Japanese team . Japanese teams always play a dark horse . Well , their team work is well worth learning . Do you mind if I ask your friend out ? Of course , but we aren't going out , we're just friends . Okay , that's good . Do you want me to put in a good word for you ? Harry is so down that he won't talk to anyone . I know only too well what that's like . What do you mean ? I was very sad when I was laid off last year . Hi , Is that David ? Hi , Jenny . It's David here . Hey , what's new ? Not much . My girlfriend just dumped me . Sorry to hear that . What happened ? Well , she told me things just weren ’ t working out and we weren ’ t right together . But I thought things were just great . Why did she say this ? It's completely out of the blue . Hey , that ’ s not the girl with pink hair , is it ? The girl I saw with Jack yesterday . What ? She was cheating on me with that ugly guy . Oh , no , I feel like such a loser . Hey , she is not worth it . Forget her . But she lied to me . Hey , she is not worth it . Anyway , there are plenty more fish in the sea . Listen , let's go for a drink in the town . How about that ? Ok , then . But you have to promise me that you are not gonna wear that face . What face ? The one where you look like your dog just died . You have to get over her and the sooner the better . Yeah , I know . You are right . This is a nice set of wheels . How much did the dealer charge you for this ? A lot . I probably got to moonlight for the rest of my life , but so what , it ’ s worth it . Come on , get in . Let ’ s take a drive . Okay then , let ’ s go fast ! Whoa ! This thing can really accelerate fast . Check out what happens when I put on the brakes suddenly . It can stop quickly . Hey , just watch out for cops or you ’ re gonna end up in the slammer . You know you tend to go fast ? Yes , I know it . I went through my last set of tires fast . I even had three flat tires in two weeks . Now watch ... some guys probably run a light and hit your car . Cut out , would you ? When's your birthday ? It's just around the corner . Bob is getting on in years . Yeah , I'm very worried about his health . He looks tired all the time . He's working too hard . Which church do you attend ? I am Mormon , so I go to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints . What ’ s the difference between this and other Churches ? Mormons believe that , after the death of Christ and the death of the Apostles 10 , their church Christ founded became corrupt and the authority of Christ on earth was lost to men . In 1830 , a prophet named Joseph Smith was brought up by God to restore the church . Then does that mean the other churches are corrupt ? That means that they all have parts of the original gospel , but not all . Do you believe that Mormons have all of it ? Yes . Why do you really go to church ? We gather together to encourage each other , because we have common beliefs . We come together and call it church . Sorry I was late for the meeting today . I got stuck in traffic . That's okay . Better late than never . Hello ! What are you reading about in the newspaper ? Hello ! I was exhausted some studying , so I decided to read the newspaper to relax . Unfortunately , the news is so depressing . There has been another murder in the city center . I ’ m shocked that the police haven ’ t caught the killer yet . People are starting to get frightened by it . Everyone will be relieved when they finally catch the murder . You mean “ if ” they catch the murderer . I ’ m scared stiff about going into the city center at night . There must have been some good news in the newspaper . I can ’ t believe that none of the news stories make you happy or excited . Well , there was one good piece of news . You remember the local girl who was dying of a rare blood disease ? Yes . Her parents were raising money to have her treated in the united states . Well , they ’ Ve got the money and she ’ s going tomorrow for treatment . I ’ m so happy for the family ! They must be very relieved and excited about that . I ’ m sure they are . Oh , and a local man won the lottery . I ’ m so jealous ! I wish it were me ! I buy a lottery ticket every week and I ’ m amazed that I haven ’ t even won a small prize yet . It ’ s so unfair ! Don ’ t be moody ! I hope you ’ re not tired , because we ’ Ve been invited to a party this evening . I know how excited you get about parties . Hi ! Tom . Want to go to play bowling tonight ? Sounds good . When and where shall we meet ? Let me see . How about 6:30 at the gate of the club ? Fine , see you then . Are there many idioms in English ? There are hundreds and hundreds.English is particularly rich in idiomatic expressions . Can you give us an example ? I'll look up the rate.To look up doesn't mean to look high into the sky or to look at the roof.It means to search for and find some information . What about the expression goodbye ? Is that an idiom ? That is just a natural , grammatical English expression.It has a direct translation in other languages . This is interesting , Ms.Parker . Why did the teacher criticise Myra in front of the whole class ? Because Myra was cheating on exams , and she spoke back rudely . I don't think that Myra should have spoken so rudely to the teacher . I know she was angry , but that's still no excuse for rudeness . Do you know where I can park ? Do you need a spot here or off campus ? I want a space on campus . There's a parking structure for students . Where can I find it ? Go to the western side of the campus , and you'll find it there . Is it full ? When I went up there , it wasn't full at all . When was that ? Sometime this morning . Would it be full now ? I am really not sure . Have you heard of the Love Bug ? Do you mean the ' I love you ' virus that attacks computers through e-mail ? Yes . It is one of the most harmful computer viruses in the world . People say it will break out again om Valentines ' Day this year . This is terrible . Why do hackers play such a dirty trick ? Hackers are smart , and they want people to know about it . So they create viruses to tell people they are smart ? That's really sick . I am confused by what he said . Why do you say that ? I don ’ t know what he wants to do . Does he want help me or just scold me ? Think a little . I think he means well at the bottom of his heart . Where are you going ? I ’ m going to the hospital . What ’ s the matter ? Professor Wang was hurt in a traffic accident . That ’ s too bad . How are things now ? His life is hanging by a thread , and he is under an emergency treatment . Want to meet for lunch this Saturday ? Sorry , I can't . I am busy . What are you doing ? I always do volunteer work on the first Saturday of every month . What kind of volunteer work ? I help out at the children's hospital . I help plan activities . Oh , yeah ? Yes , it ’ s exciting . This month we are doing crossword puzzles . Are the children all grown up now , Rose ? Oh , yes . Laura ’ s the oldest . She ’ s a computer programmer . Oh , very interesting . And what about Rita ? She was such a bright child — always reading . She ’ s a librarian at the public library . Really ? And Chris ? She was a very pretty little girl . Christy is working as a waitress at a restaurant in Paris . She ’ s married to a French photographer . Oh , how interesting . And what about Larry and Rocky ? Larry drives a truck . He drives all over the country . We hardly ever seen him . Really ? Where does he live now ? Colorado . And does Rocky drive a truck , too ? Oh , no . Rocky is a pilot . Really ? Where does he fly ? Does he fly to other countries ? Yes . Mostly to England and France . Merry Christmas , Linda ! Merry Christmas , Lee ! Linda , thank you for this wonderful Christmas dinner . I really enjoyed it . Thank you for coming . I'm glad you liked it . Where's your better half ? She's at home . Look , there are some words on the fish . I know that they are auspicious fish . It's quite popular nowadays . For God's sake ! It's too bloody . How can people be so cruel ? Not at all . I think the tattoos are so cool and chic . You can't prick the fish to please the sick tastes of some bloody people . Honey , it's not so serious . It's just an animal . Just an animal ? But it has life too . If you want a tattoo , get one . It's your choice because you want it . But has anyone asked the fish if it wanted one ? OK , I understand , but what else could we do ? Who's singing in your home , Jim ? It's Ellie and her friends . Who's Ellie ? She's my little niece.It ' s her birthday.They ' re singing " Happy Birthday " . Oh , I old is she ? She's ten . I suppose they're playing games . Oh , yes.Ellie was playing games all day yesterday.By the way , Alice , when's your birthday ? Today . Today ? Yes . Well , imagine that ! How old are you ? Eighteen.Some friends are having a birthday party for me tonight.Do you want to come ? Very much.What time ? About 6:00 . I'll be at your house at about 5:30 . Happy birthday . Well , it was nice meeting you . Yes , I hope we meet again . Sure , I'll give you a call . Okay . I saw an interesting program on TV last night . It was about elderly people . And what did the program say ? It said that people with a positive attitude 7 tend to live longer and happier . I think that many physicians 8 now agree with that idea . And the TV program also said that physical exercise helps people deal with stress . And the most active older people seem to enjoy some kind of physical exercise . My father is over 60 years old , and he lifts weights every day . Did you see the information on sales for last year ? The sales review was made at our last board meeting . There's a great news for our shareholders . Yeah , I went over the figures this morning . We're finally started making money again ! We've never sold this much before , our growth this year has been phenomenal . We have captured 8 % of the market , up from last year by 120 % . Our strategy is working ! not only our annual sales brake a record , but our month by month earnings exceeded our forecast as well . After a two-year slump , we finally back in the black . The company's performance has improved since Wallace became president . He's made our little business into a real lucrative operation . Products are selling like hotcakes . I think our success is partly because of Wallace's contribution , and partly because of our new marketing strategy . Because of the new advertising campaign , we have become the top sellers in the field . Let's hope this stroke of good luck lasts . I hope we are over our financial difficulties for good . Let's hope it is ! What a letdown . I wanted to experience some Mafia culture firsthand . It's worth it just to go and eat what the mafia eat ! The five-dollar tiramisu is a culinary orgasm . Such a thing exists ? Fortunately , yes . You're blushing ! Am I ? Um ... my face gets red when I walk too fast . You're embarrassed , aren't you ? You gotta loosen up in Little Italy . The lady at the cafe will kiss you when you meet her ... Did you get any rewards or honors in college ? Yes , I received the scholarship 3 times on end . Did you join the Communist Party of China ( CPC ) ? Yes , I joined the CPC when I was a freshman Your brand new car is so excellent . I like it very much . Let ’ s go for a joy ride . Are you watching the soccer match tonight ? It must be the most exciting one in this season . Well , of course I can ’ t miss it . Which team are you for ? Manchester United . What about you ? Me too . Do you think they are going to get the championship this time ? I have confidence in them . The weekend's finally here ! And it's a long one . I have Monday off . It's Memorial Day or something like that . Yep . It's the kickoff of the barbecue season . We're invited to a grill party in the park tomorrow . Sounds good . What do we need to bring ? We need to buy some buns for the hot dogs and hamburgers , and I'm making potato salad . I'll dig out the Frisbee and my kite from Taiwan . Hi , Martin . I ’ Ve been looking for you all morning . What ’ s up ? I want to say goodbye . I ’ m leaving for America tomorrow . America ? Did you get admit to MIT ? Yes . Congratulations ! Susan . I ’ m so happy for you . Thank you . Really going to miss you . Me too . I ’ ll write to you once I get settled . But I have so much to do . You might have to wait a while . But I really will write to you . I love to write letters . I think it ’ s more meaning than the emails even than the phone call . Ok . Take care . Have a nice journey . Thank you . Look after yourself . Bye . Bye . You know , Taylor's been in the hospital for a couple of days . And I'm the one who put him there with my football moves . But you're not to blame for them keeping him there . Yeah , what was all that stuff about running tests about anyway ? I'm not sure , but we can find out . I bought some crosswords to keep him busy . Great , then let's go visit him . I want to give him some flowers , too , to say sorry . Did you see Ally Mabel last night ? Yes , I did . Did you ? Yes , wasn't it funny ? Oh yes , I loved it . Wasn't the scene with the judge great ? Ha , yes , brilliant ! Look out ! Your tea water is running over . Oh , would you please turn off the fire ? My hands are sticky with the dough . Sure . Thanks . Did you see May today ? Yes , but why does she have such a long face ? I don't have the foggiest idea . I thought she'd be happy . Yeah , especially since she got a promotion recently . I don't know . Maybe it ’ s some kind of personal problem . I don't think the teacher had a right to say that . The teacher was wrong to have accused her in front of the whole class . You've got to be joking ! It's the teacher's right to say anything wants , and if she saw Myra cheating , she certainly had the right to say so . I agree she had the right to say something , but I feel she should have done it privately . You're right . If I were the teacher , I wouldn't have done that . Come on in . I am so glad you are here . We have been expecting you . Am I late for the party ? Looks everyone is already here . Hope I didn ’ t miss something interesting . No , you are just on time . We haven ’ t really started yet . Great , here are some flowers for you . I hope you like them . I was not sure if the color will suit your new apartment . Thank you , they ’ re beautiful . You can hang your coat over there . Try this new couch , it is so comfortable . You will love it . Want something to drink , tea , coffee , juice or Cola ? Don ’ t bother . I will help myself . Make yourself at home . It is such a nice place . Well , I don ’ t mean to boast but all the designs are done by myself and some colleagues are already trying to copy some of them for their new apartments . Look , they are making photos now of my designed kitchen . Steven , would you like to go dance with us tonight ? John , I am just not in the mood for this . You look so upset . What's going on ? I lost the table tennis game yesterday . Oh , what a pity ! I just don ’ t want to play table tennis any more . Is it that bad ? It ’ s nothing more than a game . My opponent bowled me with the very first ball . I was wondering if it's appropriate for me to play table tennis . Oh , come on ! Failure is the mother of success . Don ’ t lose heart . I'm sure you'll succeed . Perhaps you are right . But I still need some time to recover from the failure . I understand . The band is pretty good . How do you like the music ? It's very nice . I haven't heard live music in a while . This is fun . Well , then , may I invite you for the next dance ? Of course . But I'm afraid I'm not much of a dancer ... Don't worry . I'm not much of a dancer myself . You're dancing so well . You dance beautifully too . When did you learn to dance ? In college . But I don't dance very often . What's your favourite dance ? It's hard to say . It depends . But I love the waltz . How about tango ? Oh , I like it . It's such a beautiful dance , but I can't do it well . What about you ? Tango is my favorite . Anything but hip-hop or the foxtrot . ( the music has stopped ) Thank you for the dance . My pleasure . Let's go and have a drink . OK . I think the biggest environment problem in my country is air pollution . Yes , I agree . The air here is much more polluted than in my country . Of course , my country is more agricultural and has much less industry . We have reduced emission of air pollutants in recent years , but cars are still a major source of them . Factories have become cleaner as stricter environment pollution law have been introduced . The problem is now on a truly global scale . I don't believe that any single country can do anything about it . I think you're right . There needs to be an international response to this problem ? I just had a terrible week . What a shame ! I fell down and hurt my arm . That's too bad . Then my son drove into a tree . I'm sorry to hear that . The dog bit the delivery boy . What a pity ! And a storm blew our roof away . Ho , no ! I ’ m so excited , mother . Oh , a new baby ! My first grandchild . And my first nephew . He looks a lot like you , mum . He does . Do you think so ? Well , I guess . He does look a lot like me . Oh , he ’ s got Richard ’ s eyes though . Yes , he does have Richard ’ s eyes . The baby even looks like you than Richard does . Well , children usually resemble their parents . It ’ s true . Michelle is a lot like Henry in so many ways . And she is shy with new people just like he is . You often like comparing children with their parents . You ’ re right . When do you go to bed usually ? I go to bed at ten and get up at six . That's helpful for your health . Sure . Have you been ever been to Disneyworld ? When I was young , my parents took me to the one in California . I always forget which — is that one Disneyland or Disneyworld ? The one in Florida is Disneyworld and the one in California is Disneyland , so you must have been to Disneyland . That's right . Why do you ask ? Well , I've never been to either so I was thinking of going to Disneyworld for my honeymoon . When are getting married ? Some time next year . We haven't set the date yet . Congratulations ! I had no idea . Thank you . So what do you think ? Would we have a good time ? Do you like amusement parks ? For the most part , yes . Some of the rides are bit too scary for me , though . If you don't think twice about the rides and go on every ride that you can , you'll have a good time . Even the roller coasters that go through tunnels in the dark ? Even those . It'll be very romantic , I think . You'll have loads of fun . Thanks for the advice . I'll talk to my fiance about it tonight . I'm sure he'll love the idea . Just throw yourself into it and you'll enjoy it ! Can you speak French ? Yes , I can , but not very well . Can you understand your Spanish teacher ? More or less . How well do you understand Mr . Wang , your Chinese teacher ? About 40 percent , if he speaks slowly.When he speaks fast , I can only catch a word here and there . But Mr . Wang is an excellent Chinese teacher.With his help , my Chinese is getting better and better e you look better today . How did your test go ? much better than it did yesterday . did you pass ? I not only passed my test , but I aced it ! I'm so happy ! you should be . You worked really hard last night preparing for it . thanks for helping me with it . If you hadn't encouraged me to do my best , I wouldn't have ever been able to pass . you don't have to thank me . It's just a part of my job as your counsellor . did you always do well at school ? no , in fact , I was terrible at taking exams . really ? sure , but my teachers always encouraged me to do the best that I could and that helped me a lot . When are your final exams ? I'll get my finals in two months . when do you plan on studying for those exams ? most students just cram the night forehead . do you think that's a good idea ? no , I think I should study a little bit at a time , starting a few weeks before the exam . that sounds like a good idea . What are you going to do if you have any questions while you're studying ? I'll go and talk to my professor or a learning support assistant . it sounds like you've learned something useful this year ! Can I borrow your Cds for our school dance ? Oh , you don't ask much , do you ? I promise I will personally guard every single one and they will come back in perfect condition . I'll tell you what . Your class can rent them from me for the night and buy back any damaged ones . That sounds fair . That's still cheaper than paying a band to come play for us . Not as fun though . A live band is way more exciting ! Our class doesn't have enough money . We already checked into it . Let me know with your next dance . I know a band that may give you a break for the publicity . Do you want to go to the beach tonight ? Sure , which beach are we going to ? I wanted to go to Malibu beach . I like Santa Monica . The water there looks so dirty . I just like the pier they have at Santa Monica . I like the pier too , because it's beautiful at night . Is Malibu beach nice ? It's a lot nicer , and I really like it better . So you want to go to Malibu ? If that's okay with you . Sure , let's go to Malibu . There are so many environment problems in the world today . Do you think we can really solve them all or will destroy the world ? I hope that world leaders can get together and agree on a plan for action , but I doubt it ’ ll happen before it ’ s too late . We need to solve the problem of air pollution before we destroy the atmosphere . There ’ s lots of clean , modern technology , but companies in developed countries say it ’ s expensive . Developing countries put more emphasis on economic development than on environment protection . Everyone is looking at the issue in the short term , rather than the long term . It ’ s the same with the destruction of the rainforests . Countries and companies just want the wood . They ’ re not thinking about the long-term damage to the forests . We should also remember that the forests are an important natural habitat for thousands of species of animal and plant life . In other parts of the world , especially in Africa , there is a problem with desertification . Climate change and over-farming are causing farmland to turn into desert . In means that people cannot grow enough food . It also means that people sometimes fight over the famp 3land that remains . Damaging the environment actually leads to conflict between people . Have you ever thought about joining an organization committed to protecting the environment ? You could get involved with projects to improve the environment . I think I ’ d like to do that . I could take the things I learn here back to my country when I have finished my studies . Kathy ! How are you ? It's been ages ! What are you doing these days ? I just opened my own restaurant . I'm also head chef . You're kidding ! You've always hated cooking ! Well , I used to hate cooking , but now I love it . When did you change your mind ? After I tried French food . Before that , I used to cook really boring things for my family . I still can't believe it ! So , did you go to cooking school or something ? Yeah . I went to California to study . Really ? How long did you stay there ? I was there between 88 and 90 . And what did you do after that ? Then I came back here . I worked for about three years to get some experience . Susan , I am inviting you and Frank to our house warming party this weekend . A house warming party ? Yes , Deborah and I are going to buy a new home in Woodlawn . Congratulations ! That ’ s wonderful . I bet both of you are quite happy . Well , we have always dreamed of owning our own home , but real estate 1 in this area is extremely expensive . I understand . That ’ s why Christopher and I want to find a place in a small town , far from the city . That ’ s a good idea if you can find employment nearby . I agree . That ’ s why Christopher is already looking for a job in Maine , or Wisconsin . What can I do for you ? I am trying to find this book . What ’ s the problem ? It doesn ’ t seem like this library has it . Have you checked the computer ? I have already . What did it say ? It says the book is on the shelf , but I didn ’ t find it there . I can always borrow the book from another library . You can do that ? I ’ ll make the call and contact you when it gets in . That ’ s fantastic . Thank you . ABC Rent-a-Car . May I help you ? I would like to rent a car . What kind of car do you have ? We have Volkswagen , Pinto , Plymouth and Datsun . What is the rate ? Twenty dollars per day for Volkswagen , Pinto and Datsun , and twenty-seven dollars for Plymouth . How about mileage and gas ? There is no charge for mileage . And fill up the gas when you return the car to us as it is not included . OK . I'll try a Pinto . I want to rent a car for one week . All right , sir . May I have your driver's license ? Here you are . Would you be willing to accompany me to the party tonight ? Sure , I'd love to . Which film shall we see ? There is nothing good at the moment.Let ' s do something different.Would you like to go to a concert ? Yes , I'd love to.Here is a good one , Mozart and Beethoven.It ' s on the Festival Hall . Fine ! Do you want anything to eat now ? No , I'm not hungry . Well , let's go and have something to drink instead . I know a good place . It's a little expensive , but it's fun . Spring Festival is the most important festival in China , isn't it ? Yes , that's true . How long is the holiday ? It depends.But usually it's about 15 days . Do you eat any special food for the festival ? Yes , dumpling is a must.There is also other food.For example , people eat chicken for good luck . That's interesting . I'm told the Chinese firework is very beautiful , isn't it ? Yes , it's really wonderful ! Oh , great ! I hope I can spend this Spring Festival with you here in Beijing . I'm sure you'll have a good time . I'm really sick of waiting for a bus . Yeah.Especially when you have something urgent to do . But a taxi costs too much . That's true . I feel absolutely horrible . My temperature is 41 degrees Celsius , and I've got a headache and a runny nose . do you have any other symptoms ? I've also got a terrible stomach-ache . Is my face still swollen ? just a little . Has your toothache gone now ? yes , for the most part . It doesn't feel as bad as my other ailments , anyway . how about your tongue ? Does it still hurt ? no , the burn ointment seemed to take effect right away . I think it's already healed . how did you get that burn again ? I scalded on the hot coffee a few days ago . you haven't had much luck lately , have you ? no , but I'm sure I'll get better soon . when's the last time you took your tablets ? I took the red ones just before lunch and the white ones just after lunch . I think it's time you took another does of each . What would you like to drink with them ? just some water , please . Do you have any ointment for my nose ? It feels so itchy after blowing my nose so much . sure , I'll just go and get it now . what would you like to eat ? Some soup ? that sounds good . soup always makes me feel better when I'm sick . I hope it makes you feel better , too . I haven't got enough evidence for prosecuting him . Why don't you find someone who is in the know . I'm just thinking about that , but the trouble is , I don't know who is well in the know . Did you ask his former secretary , Lora ? She knows a lot about him . Thanks for reminding me . She's the right person to help me . What are you two doing in here ? We heard you weren't feeling well , so we came to check on you . I was sitting there giving out nametags and all of a sudden , there she was . Who , Femi ? Yeah , Yi-jun saw her inside . All these memories of prom night came back to me . I had to be alone . You remember that night ? I remember someone spiked my punch . You sat with me in the girl's bathroom ... You're not looking happy.What ' s the matter ? Oh , nothing special . I'm just a bit tired . With the job ? With everything , with everybody , with all this ! A good suggestion for you.You need a holiday . It wasn't always like this , you know . What do you mean ? Well , I mean.We always do the same thing.There ' s no variety in our lives . You need a holiday.That ' s what's the matter . Certainly , perhaps . Oh dear , Miss , you are soaked ! Wow , it's really raining heavily outside . Yes , it sure is . I had to run here from work ! I need to rush as I'm on my lunch break . Well please , why don't you go ahead of me in line ? I'm in no hurry . Oh , that's so nice of you ! Thank you very much . My pleasure Miss . Actually , could you recommend what to eat here ? I've never been here before . Sure . Well , the avocado sandwich is delicious , and it's the healthiest thing on the menu . Personally , I think the beef salad is the tastiest choice . I usually get that . Also , the milkshakes are the best milkshakes in town ! Well , thanks for the suggestions . Oh , don't mention it . Dad , what's the date ? It's December eighteenth . In seven days it will be Christmas Day . Yes , I know that . So , can I buy some new shoes as a Christmas present ? Sure , a promise is a promise . What happen , John ? Nothing . Why do you look unhappy ? I ’ m rather disappointed at not being able to see my best friend off . Oh , cheer up . He ’ ll understand you . This man is your fiance , Dolly ? Yeah , how do you like him ? He's handsome . Can you give me a touch of his character ? He's outgoing and honest , but sometimes he's a bit conservative . Do you think I should buy this now and bring it with us ? Don't bother . those are a dime a dozen where we are going . Brooke , are you still mad ? Is your mom mad ? No ... mom said that we'll have the wedding at home on the 2nd . So let's hope your mom is right about that being a lucky day ... It will be . And today is , too . I just talked to the airlines ... They're going to give us back the seats ? No , they're giving us discount tickets on a honeymoon package in ... Hawaii ? My dream honeymoon destination ? You got it ! We'll fly there directly from Texas . Oh , Jack ! That's wonderful ! The world changes , the family changes too . What do you mean ? People now like a small family composed of two parents and one child . That is called a nuclear family . I don't like such a family . What kind of family are you like ? I like a family composed of many people . It includes grandparents , parents , aunts and uncles , and children . It's a traditional family . It may be too large to live well . We can live well , I think . What was that all about ? We had a difference of opinion . Is she going to be okay ? She'll be fine . Is sailing fun ? You bet ! John dates her seven times a week . Really ? That's a straws in the wind . I think so . Maybe he's fallen for her . Yeah . They suit each other . A perfect match between a man and a girl . Right . I was told my friend Joe was speaking ill of me . That's a real let-down . I don't think Joe has done such a thing . Don't believe things in haste . Maybe I should go and ask him whether it's true . Good morning , Loans . Good morning , Mr . Smith . I would like to compliment you on your diligence . Well , thank you , Mr . Smith . But I was just doing my job . Yes . And we're proud of you , Loans . It's nice of you to say so . Which countries have you been to ? I ’ Ve been to most of the countries in Europe , several countries in asia-china , Japan , korea , and Thailand-and to the united states and Canada . I thought you had been to Australia too . No , but I ’ m planning on visiting Australia and new Zealand soon . I ’ Ve heard that they are beautiful countries . Which is the most beautiful country you ’ Ve been to ? I think I ‘ d say norway . It has many picturesque fjords , waterfalls , and mountains . Isn ’ t it really cold there ? Well , the north of Norway is almost always cold , but further south it can be fairly warm in summer . It ’ s a wet country , so there ’ s snow almost everywhere in winter . I ’ Ve been to other Scandinavian countries , but not to Norway . Perhaps I should go and do some winter sports there . Alison , would you like to have some more ? No thanks . I have had enough . Actually you haven't have much . To tell you the truth , I am on the diet . That sounds ridiculous . Why ? Well , I am gaining weight these days , and I have to watch my calories . Welcome to my birthday party , I am so happy you can come . Thanks for inviting me . Here is the gift for you . Happy birthday , Francis ! Many more happy and healthy years for you ! Thank you , shall I open it now ? Yes , please do . Wow , a remote car model and my favorite brand . I really like it . That is so nice of you . Yeah , I was really struggling whether I should give you this nice little car . It was the last one they had and I really like it so much myself . Typical you , always wanting to keep the best things for yourself . The more I appreciate the gift now . Did you read the news that ' China's property prices rose at the fastest pace in 18 months in December , ending the year with rising fears of bubbles in the property market ' ? No . Does the newspaper say what has caused that ? Yes . It says the hike was a result of purchase rush in the fourth quarter on expectations of tightening politics . I think the government should make a serves of moves to cool the market . Right . The climbing property prices has become a headache for Chinese residents . I think that show biz stars have a really easy life . They have lots of money , so they can buy almost anything they want . They ’ re famous , so everyone loves them . I think they must have horrible lives . All the paparazzi take photos of them wherever they go and whatever they do . They must get sick of it . I bet they love it really . Sure , they complain about it , but that just gets them more publicity , doesn ’ t it ? I think that few of the show biz stars want any publicity for themselves . They only want it for their films . No way ! They want publicity for themselves , so that they get invited to make more films , go to lots of cocktail parties , and even make albums ! They have such an easy life . They don ’ t even pay for drinks when they go to a cocktail party . Show biz stars have plenty of expenses . That ’ s why they need so much money . They need million of dollars to buy big , seclude houses and wonderful dresses . I bet most show biz stars would prefer to wear jeans and a t-shirt , but they can ’ t because their managers force them to wear clothes they don ’ t like . I don ’ t understand how you can have any sympathy for show biz stars . They ’ re overpaid , over-ambitious , and over-adored . I think you should give them some credit . They ’ re very talented people and they deserve all the money they earn . They even donate money to charity to help people who are less fortunate than themselves . Come on ! They only do that to get even more publicity for their films and themselves 。 Hi , it is a pleasant surprise ! Yeah , it ’ s been ages ! So how have you been ? Couldn ’ t be better . And you ? Just as usual , you know . Hey , Mary , can you cut that out ? Cut what out I ’ m not doing anything . The tapping of your pen on your desk . It ’ s driving me crazy . Fine ! By the way would you mind not slurping your coffee every time you have a cup ! I don ’ t slurp my coffee . And plus , how can you hear it when you ’ re shouting into your phone all the time ? You ’ Ve got to be kidding me ! You ’ re complaining about me talking on the phone when you go out for a cigarette break ten times a day to shoot the breeze ? Look , we have a lot of accumulated anger from working in these conditions , and it ’ s probably okay to let off steam once in a while . But , it ’ s probably not a good idea to keep it up I ’ m willing to forgive and forget and if you are . Fine . Let's call a truce . I'll try to more considerate and to keep the noise down . Yeah , I ’ ll try to do the same . So , I was wondering you wanna go out to dinner Friday night ? The weather in Beijing is just beautiful ! Autumn is the best season in Beijing , you know . Yes , I can see . The summer heat is over , and the winter cold is still far away . What is the weather like in Washington at this time of this year ? Autumn is also very nice in Washington . Is it very cold in winter there ? No , it isn't . But sometimes it snows a lot in winter . Does it rain a lot in summer there ? Oh yes ! Sometimes it rains very heavily.How about here in Beijing ? There's a lot of rain in summer , but it seldom rains in autumn . I feel it's rather dry here . That's true . Many people from the south don't like the weather here . Are you from the south ? No , I'm from the north . I was born in Beijing , actually . I this is your hometown ? Mike , come and look at this painting of shrimp ! It is so simple yet so vivid ! Yeah . It is incredible ! Is it the work of Qi Bakshi ? Yes , it is . How do you know that ? Well , Qi is famous all over the world , isn ’ t he ? Besides I am quite interested in Chinese painting . Cool ! What kind of Chinese painting do you prefer , free sketch or claborate-style painting ? I prefer free sketch , especially the landscape paintings . I can always feel peace and harmony from those landscape paintings . That's true . Chinese art stresses the harmony between man and nature , which is an important part of China's traditional culture . I love this art exhibition ! So do I . Let ’ s go to other areas to see what they have got , shall we ? OK . Lousy weather , isn't it ? It has stopped snowing , but it's even colder . Look at the ice there hanging from the eaves . And the streets are covered with snow . Do you know what the temperature is today ? I missed today's weather forecast over the TV . It feels like ten degrees below zero at least . I don't mind the cold weather but I do hate it when it gets slippery . The ice will soon be thick enough for skating . I am so fond of winter sports . That's great . Let's go skating together tomorrow . Nick , it's very nice of you to see me off . You're welcome . Did you have a good time on this vacation ? Very well . If I leave I'll miss you . Me too . Please write to me as soon as you get Boston . I'm sure and I remembered your phone number . I'll call you . OK , they begin to register . It's time I left . Have a nice journey ! Do give my regards to your parents . What are your working hours ? Eight to twelve in the morning , two to six in the afternoon . Much better than mine . What are your hours ? Mine aren't fixed . Sometimes I do the day shift , sometimes the night shift . Would it be all right if I went home next weekend ? For What ? Well , I want to surprise my brother showing up for his birthday . Well , that sounds like it would be OK . Just be careful . Could you tell me what university you went to , Mr . Smith ? I went to Yale University . Did you ? And what did you study ? I have a B . A . in Economics . Would you mind telling me how old you are ? I'm twenty-seven . And could you tell me what other jobs you have had ? Yes , I have worked in a bank for the last years . And what was your salary at the bank ? I got $ 500 a week . Hi , Jane . How are you doing this morning ? I'm all right , thanks . Just a little tired . Late night ? Yeah , I got home around two . I am going to celebrate my birthday with you all in a night club this year , what do you say ? Fantastic ! I enjoy clubbing , especially those clubs with live bands . The only fly in the ointment is that the air is bad , full of smoke , and the music is too loud , so conversations are not really possible . Once I nearly got burnt by a cigarette . How did that happen ? A wild dancer dropped it on my left foot and said nothing about it . If I had drunk enough and I would have had the bold to punch him in the face . Sounds cool ! But that is not what a lady should do . People are easy to lose head in a night club and being drunk . What do you do for a living ? I ’ m a doctor . Really ? Do you like it ? Yes , I do . It ’ s very interesting . What ’ s your job ? I ’ m a bus driver . Oh , do you enjoy it ? No , I don ’ t really like it . It ’ s boring . what a nice garden ! Look at these tulips ! that would be a good shot . Can you take my picture here , dear ? Please try to get the garden in the frame as well . all right . Would you please stand closer to the flower bed ? Good . Smile . Say " cheese " . OK , got you . That's terrific . thanks . Could you take one more from this angle ? no problem . now let's have one together . do you know how to set the timer ? let me see ... set the timer first and push the button , oh , come here . OK , let's have a try . cheese ... did it come out ? yes , but it's blurred and a little dark . never mind . Let's go to the falls and try again . Ok , let's go . Did you watch television last night , Charles ? Yes , I did . It was a good game , wasn't it ? Oh , I didn't watch the football match . I wanted to but my wife preferred to see the old film . What a pity . It was quite exciting . Both teams played very well . How did it finish ? It finished in a draw . What was the film like ? It was quite good . But . I missed the beginning of it because I had to eat first . Did your wife enjoy it ? No , she didn't . After half an hour she stopped watching and started to read a book . Hey , Vernassa . why be angry look ? It's the new neighbor . I hate her guts . I've never seen you so worked up . what did she do to you ? She made another white crack about my clothes . Are you sure she was trying to put you down ? Of course , I am sure . You shall go easy on her . she is new here . Just how am I supposed to do that ? You shall just take it in surprise . I've tried , but she keeps pushing my buttons . Try to pull it together , Vernassa . I am sure things will turn note , ok ? I am not . she is no picnic . Well . if you think I can help , let me know . Thanks , Serena . I ’ m forming a music band . Do you already know how to play an instrument ? Uh ... Yeah ! I ’ Ve told you a thousand times that I ’ m learning to play the drums . Now that I know how to play well , I would like to form a rock band . Aside from yourself , who are the other members of the band ? We have a guy who plays guitar , and another who plays bass.Although we still haven ’ t found anyone to be our singer . You told me that you had some musical talent , right ? Yes , I ’ m a singer . Perfect . So you can audition this weekend here at my house . Great ! Wait here ? You don ’ t have enough room for the amplifiers , microphones or even your drums ! By the way where do you keep them or practice ? I've heard you're going to America tomorrow . I want to see you off at the airport . Oh , thanks a lot . What time are you leaving ? 1 thirty P . m . But I've got to check in at 12 thirty P . m . What airline and what flight ? Pan American Airlines . Flight 282 . I'll see you at the airport at 12 thirty P . m . Ok . See you tomorrow . I ’ m sorry , dad . But you can ’ t do that . It ’ s for me to decide . Oh , I see . You ’ Ve already decided , have you ? Now , you listen to me , you ’ re only 19 . I didn ’ t say I ’ d already decided , dad . I said it was for me to decide . There is a difference . Oh . So you think you can just do whatever you want , do you ? I didn ’ t say that either . I was hoping we could discuss the matter together . I want your advice but I don ’ t want you to tell me what to do . I ’ Ve got to make decisions for myself , dad . Hello , Friendship Restaurant . May I help you ? I'd like to book a table tonight . Yes , Sir . For how many people , please ? Eight . What time ? Eight o'clock tonight , would you please set us in a private room ? So sorry , we're fully booked in that room . Would you like to make reservation some other time ? Maybe not , thank you all the same then . Hey , Zina . You're here early today . Yeah , I'm going to be making phone calls all day . What a blast . I just wanted to say thanks for putting us on the map so fast . I appreciate it . Save it , Vince . After I put my first million in the bank , I'll say you're welcome . Fair enough.Keep up the good work . That is the most beautiful sunset ! Let's stop the car and enjoy it for a minute . Here is a good place . Let's get out . Wow . We don't get to see this in the city ! Mother Nature is quite an artist . Look behind us at the mountains ! They're reflecting pink ! Amazing . The sun is almost gone and yet there is still color everywhere ! Where is our camera ? Let's see if we can catch this on film ! What a nice day ! Why don't we go for an outing ? Sure.Where would you suggest ? How about going to the suburbs ? Sounds good . Why didn't you tell me you had a girlfriend ? Sorry , I thought you knew . But you should have told me you were in love with her . Didn't I ? You know you didn't . Well , I'm telling you now . Yes , but you might have told me before . I didn't think you'd be interested . You can't be serious . How dare you not tell me you were going to marry her ? Sorry , I didn't think it mattered . Oh , you men ! You're all the same . Hi , Bill . Hi , Jim . Where is that cool guy , Dick ? I haven ’ t seen him for two weeks . He ’ s been sick since he came back from Italy . Bummer , I ’ m sorry to hear that , is he better now ? Yes , Doctor William said that he could come back to work ASAP . Where's Tom this evening ? He's a little sick under the weather . Really ! What's the matter with him ? He has the flu . Tell him I was asking about him . I will . Maybe you should talk to the teacher . No , it's no use . You never know unless you try . I know . She won't change my grade . well , I finished my last final today . the end of all the hard work for my master's . what a nice feeling to get my degree ! do you want to attend the convocation ? certainly . After years of hard work , I wouldn't miss it . By the way , where can I find cap and gown ? do you want to have them made or do you want to rent them ? oh , I think they're provided by the school for that special day . no . those you have to provide for yourself . what do most of the students do ? well , most of them only need a cap and gown for that particular convocation service , but some of the education majors have had them made , because they will be faculty members , and they'll need them f then , I might as well have them made . Mary , don't move . Stand right there . It's a good shot . The background is very pretty . hold it a second . I want to fix my hairpin . it doesn't matter . Say'cheese ' . here's Lisa . May I take a picture with her ? Certainly . Ok , got you . Do you mind if I ask you a question ? No , not at all . Go ahead . What do you do in order to improve your English ? I go to movies ; I go to lectures ; I listen to the radio ; I do lots of things . Most importantly , I practice every chance I get . It ’ s a good idea to have a radio , isn ’ t it ? Sure . It ’ s like understanding on the telephone — — you can ’ t see the speaker ! It ’ s great for improving listening comprehension . It takes a long time to learn a language , doesn ’ t it ? It certainly does . But if you practice speaking every spare minute and learn useful sentences every day you can make big progress . Good morning , Sue . Good morning , Tom.How are you ? I'm fine , thanks , how about yourself ? Things couldn't be better.Where are you going now ? I am heading for the library . I've got a research project to do.How about you ? I'm going to the English class.It ' ll start in five minutes , I've got to run . See you later , alligator . After a while , crocodile . Is the environment a big issues in your country ? It is in mine . It is in mine too.The biggest issue is water . The climate is dry and so water conservation is very important . What methods do you use to conserve water ? Water is rationed . We can only use a certain amount each month . It means that we cannot use some modern household items , like washing machines . They use too much water . I see . I think the biggest environment problem in my country is air pollution . Yes , I agree . The air here is much more polluted than in my country . Of course , my country is more agricultural and has much less industry . We have reduced emission of air pollutants in recent years , but cars are still a major source of them . Factories have become cleaner as stricter environment pollution law have been introduced . The problem is now on a truly global scale . I don ’ t believe that any single country can do anything about it . I think you ’ re right . There needs to be an international response to this problem . Hurry up . Time is running out . I see . I have run as fast as I can . Hi Cody , how did practicing go this week ? Well I had several tests and an oral presentation this week so I didn ’ t get a chance to memorize the second page , but I think I mastered the tricky section . Great ! Warm up with some scales and arpeggios first . Good , good . This week , work on keeping the rhythm steady when you play the last part with the sixteenth note . Now let ’ s take a look at this Charles ? Before I start I was wondering if it was ok if I put a small crescendo in here and then decrescendo back to pianissimo again over here ? It might work . I ’ ll have to hear it.Show me what you ’ Ve done . It was horrible ! I played play it much better at home ! It ’ s just nerves . Just play the right hand for now . One two three four five six , ta ti tri-ple-ti . Good , good . Don ’ t forget the accidentals ! The key signature says that note should be a G-sharp b Is that better ? Yes , much better . Watch where you lift your foot off the pedal . What was that ? Sorry ! The stretch for that octave is always hard to make . That's ok , keep going , you ’ re moving ahead by leaps and bounds . Watch your dynamics ! Keep your elbows lifted . Remember to stroke the keys , don ’ t pound . That ’ s better ! Remember that as a pianist or any Can you tell me the time ? It's 5:30 by my watch . Is your watch right ? Yes . There's only a few seconds in a whole month . I heard that you're going on your first date Friday night . Are you angry , Lisa ? Angry ? Why would I be ? Please don't tell my mom . Come on . Dating is a part of young people's social life . Besides , you're sixteen already . I'm glad that you see it that way . Do you want to borrow my coat ? I have a black coat that would look smashing on you . Thank you so much , Lisa ! Hi , Mary , long time no see . I heard through the grapevine that your getting married . Yes , next March . Congratulations , I hope everything works out . Jim and you are bosom friends , aren't you ? I wouldn't say so . What do you mean ? Well , I thought he was , but he ends up to be a con man . is everything alright ? yes , everything is fine . what took so long ? I thought your flight was supposed to arrive 3 hours ago ! didn't they announce that our flight was delayed ? I didn't hear anything about a delay . I thought everything was running on time . What happened ? we boarded the plane on time , but then we were held up for almost an hour due to a maintenance problem . then what ? Your plane was three hours late ! we finally took off , but about 30 minutes later , the captain came on the loudspeaker to warn us that there would be some bad turbulence for most of the flight . turbulence is pretty normal , isn't it ? yes , but this was the worst turbulence I'd ever experienced in my life ! Everyone started getting sick . The flight attendants had to stay in their seats . The captain decided to land early . so where did you land ? we landed in Southampton and waited an hour for the storms to pass and then took off again . that sounds like a nightmare ! it wasn't too bad . At lease I'm alive . have you had anything to eat ? I managed to get a sandwich from a flight attendant . How about you ? I had a few coffees while I was waiting . Let's get out of here ! I've got some bad news about the bike you lent me . What's that ? I fell on the way to school , and your bike got scratched . I'm really sorry . Don't worry about it . It's not new , it already has a few scratches . Did you get hurt ? No , thank you . That's the most important thing . It's kind of you to say . I feel a little stupid . Forget about it . When you lent me the bike , it looked brand new , almost anyway . Maybe , but really I have fallen a couple of times and it's been hit once or twice as well . I appreciate that , thank you . What date is it today ? Today is December 23,2002 . Oh , the day after tomorrow is Christmas . Merry Christmas to you ! Hello ! I'm Penny , I moved here just now . Oh , Penny , I'm Leonard , glad to meet you . Nice to meet you , too . I thought I should come and say hello to you . I haven't known anybody . It is hard to get used to a new place , isn't it ? Yes . Would you like to come here later to have a coffee ? Bring all your family . We'd like to . Can you tell me when we go ? About 4 . OK . Do you want us to bring something ? No , just come here . OK , see you later . Bye . You know what , last night I almost got hit by a vase falling from the third floor . Oh , how dreadful ! I ’ m ever so sorry . Luckily that was nothing serious . Thank God ! I do feel like a trip to Florida on such a gloomy day in New York , to enjoy the sunshine while lying on the beaches of Florida . That's a great idea . It's the best season for tourists in Florida . You can also get a good sun-tan there . But if the sunshine is too strong , it might damage the eyes and the skin . You can put on your shades . And remember don't make your skin look like a tomato . Or else after that your skin will begin to flake off . You may even wind up with skin cancer . I see . Overdoing it will do more harm than good . You said it . I just finished reading this article ' Getting Old Gracefully ' . It's a very good article . What does it say ? A lot of things . There is a part about how old people should accept being old and stop feeling restless . You really should read it . Thank you . But I don't think I'll bother . Why not ? What this article says makes good sense to me . If you read it , I'm sure you'll agree with me . I don't think I'll have any trouble with getting old . But perhaps you can keep the article for a while , I may read it later . Thanks for coming shopping with me . I'm so honored that you thought to ask me . I've never given a speech in front of a thousand people before . You're going to do great . And you're going to look great . Thanks . Now let's decide which one of these suits looks best for this occasion . I still like the olive one best . There's a tailor here who can take up the sleeves for you . The question is , can he have it done before Friday ? These guys are professional . I think they can have it done tomorrow . Let's ask . I love slim girls , don ’ t you ? Not particularly . I like fat girls . And I like a girl with good skin , do you ? I can ’ t say I do . What I like a girl with good manners . Well , yes . But surely you like a girl with a nice figure . Yes . But I like a girl with a nice personality . But you like a girl to be rich , surely ? Not particularly . I like a girl to be good . What's going on here ? We're waiting in line to get one of Master Li's Chinese couplets . I got one last year and I had good luck all year ! Master Li ? Who's that ? He's Taipei's most famous calligraphy master ! Quick ! Get in line ! I will ! I could use some good luck ! I suppose you like cinematography and costumes and that sort of stuff ? Yes , I do . The look of a picture is very important . I think sound is even more important ! Guns , bombs , sirens--that's what makes a movie exciting ! You wouldn't know a good movie even if it bit you on the nose . In my book , all a good movie needs is a chase scene and lots of things that blow up . Enough ! If we don't finish the game , there won't be time for any movies tonight ! What day is today ? It's Thursday , I think . Tomorrow is Friday . It's going to be the weekend . We're busy on weekdays , but we'll have a good rest at the weekend . We'll meet again in a few days . I decided to go for this kind of life . Try to keep cool . It's not an easy take . I know . I always hope for the best and prepare for the worst . Then you will be in line for a doom . What day is it today ? It's Friday . Are you new to this school ? Yes , I ’ m new . Is this your first year in college ? I transferred from another school . Where did you transfer from ? I was at PCC before . Why did you transfer ? I was going to go here first , but my grades weren ’ t good enough . Did you like it at PCC ? PCC is an incredible school . Well , I wish you luck here . I ’ m sure I ’ ll like it here . There is something wrong with my girlfriend . What's the trouble ? The department manager is all over her . He says he loves her . What about your friend ? Did she fall for him ? Of course not ! She thinks he's an apple-head . She doesn't like an apple-headed man , you know . Now you don't have the butterflies in your stomach , do you ? Are you ready to go to the bank ? Sure , what do you need to do there ? There ’ s problem with my bank statement . There ’ s a mistake on it . I also need to withdraw some money some the ATM . I have to exchange some money . that ’ s right . You ’ re going away next week . I also want to see if my salary has been paid into my bank account . There was a problem last week . I have to pay my credit bill too . If I don ’ t pay it soon , the credit card company will charge me interest . Their interest rates are usually quite high . It ’ s a good idea to pay off your credit card debts before they attract interest . It ’ s so relaxing , taking a walk in the country . The air is so fresh and clean . would you like to live in the country ? I ’ m not sure I ’ d like it . I can see a lot of advantage and disadvantage . The problem is that , for me , each advantage has its own disadvantage . What do you mean ? Well , I hate the noise in the city , but I love being around lost of people . The problem is that you can ’ t have lots of people and have peace and quiet . The two just don ’ t go together . I see what you mean . I love being far away from a city , but I hate being so far away department stores and sports facilities . People can ’ t have it both ways . If you live in the country , it is often less convenient . If you live in a city , it is noisy , but there ’ s more to do . I would love to be surrounded by hills and streams . They ’ re so much better to look at than concrete , rows of parked cars and tall buildings . I would love to hear the birds singing and feel the fresh breeze on my face . When the wind blows in the city , you get dust in your mouth and in your eyes . The view from the hill is so beautiful and relaxing . There ’ s so sign of pollution . The village looks so peaceful . Just remember that in that village there ’ s nothing to do . There ’ s not even a pub or restaurant . There ’ s just one small shop with a poor selection of goods . You ’ re right . I would have to travel to the city at least once a week to go shopping and see friends . I would hate living in the country ! Hey Mike . What are you doing ? Nothing much . What are you up to ? I was just concerned about Sam . He hasn't been himself lately . He took the civil service exam and failed . That sucks . He must feel depressed . Yeah . He's been sitting in his room everyday for the last 4 days . Why don't we take him out ? We can try to take his mind off of it . In the least show him that we're there for him . That's a great idea . Why don't you call him . I already talked to him a couple of times and it might be good for him to hear from somebody else . Ok . I'll call you back after I'm done . Sounds good . Did you hear Peter just retired ? Are you sure ? He is quite young , isn't he ? He is not young as he looks . I think he's almost sixty . Really ? He looks so young . Hello , Steven . Congratulations ! Thank you . How's your married life ? We're happy together now . We both think that we're a well-matched couple . That's very good . It's said that marriage is the Ab of love . But the words may not be right . The situation differs in person . We have waited for a long time . When will we start ? Take it easy . I have to cut my losses . are you working overtime again ? Over the last two weeks , you have worked overtime every day without a break ! Your company is draining the life out of you ! I know , but I don't have a choice , my boss has complete control over our work schedules . I haven't made it out of the office before 9 PM a single day this week . Well , I hope they're paying you the big bucks for all this work ... No , not exactly , I'm working for minimum wage.And they don't give extra pay for overtime . Overtime is our own time . What ? ! Isn't there a law against that , I think there is some legislation that requires employers to give their employees a fair rate of wages . You should know your rights ! If you are putting in so many hours , they should give you some kind of compensation . They do give bonuses at the end of the year for the employees with highest productivity numbers , but frankly , it's not much of an incentive . They give us a bonus of ten dollars . That's just wrong ! why don't you just quit ? I would , but I'm afraid I would't be able to find another job . I don't have very many job marketable skills , there aren't so many jobs that I'm qualified for . it sounds like any job will be better than the one you have now ! The tranquility of the night , the chirping of some insects , everything is so natural ! I felt as if I had been in a different world . And I was overwhelmed by this scene , too . I'd like to reserve a table for three at 6:30 this evening . Let me check . Hold on , please ... Yes , that's fine . Smoking or nonsmoking area ? Nonsmoking , please . All right . May I have your name ? My surname is Gao . How do you spell it , sir ? OK . Come back into the classroom , class . Does the class start again , Mam ? Yes , but to the health , this break has long enough . Oh , breaktime flies . come on , baby . It ’ s time now . Mam , another minute , could I ? Hurry up , little boy . why are you so upset today , Maria ? Cheer up ! oh , Iris , it ’ s about the job with the PR company . it ’ s a great opportunity . You should be happy with the offer . but my mother won ’ t allow me to accept any part-time job . I ’ m afraid she will say no again . why ? It ’ s unfair . You can learn a lot from it . she says a part-time job is cursed blessing . It takes so much time and energy that I won ’ t be able to focus on my studys . that may be true . But I ’ m sure you ’ re able to find a balance between them . Why not try it ? I turned down quite a few offers before for her sake . But I ’ m a senior now , I don ’ t want to miss the chance this time . I agree with you but I think you really need to talk to your mother and tell her what's on your mind . I ’ ll try , but what if she insists ? just let her know that the experience will be both amazing and rewarding . And more importantly , you can manage both your study and the job . do you think it will work ? sure . Every cloud has its silver lining . Just try . ok , I ’ ll do that . Thank you , Iris . sure . Good luck , Maria ! Where did you go yesterday ? I went to play tennis in the public park . How often do you play tennis ? Twice a week . How about you ? I seldom play tennis . I prefer football and basketball . What is very difficult to gather team player together . I usually play with my school-mates . Do you like watching football matches ? Yes . I went to Tinge Sport Centre for football match last Sunday . Why are you all dressed up ? I've got a date . I ’ m sick of my job , I always have to work late at night , and the company keeps me working in the office . Why don ’ t you find a new career where you can do what you enjoy , being outside working during the day ? What do you suggest ? I can ’ t afford to quit my job until I get a new one . Maybe you have two choices . You could attend school during the day , or you could get a position that provides training . I saw an interesting program on TV last night . It was about elderly people . And what did the program say ? It said that people with a positive attitude tend to live longer and happier . I think that many physicians now agree with that idea . And the TV program also said that physical exercise helps people deal with stress . And the most active older people seem to enjoy some kind of physical exercise . My father is over 60 years old , and he lifts weights every day . Saying you want to kill yourself , you terrified me out of my wits . I was playing a joke on you . That ’ s too much . Dear , forgive me . I won ’ t do that again . Where are you going this weekend ? I ’ m going to Hainan . Oh really ? It ’ ll be nice and warm there . Have you been there before ? Yes , actually it ’ s my second visit . I was there last October . I see . What ’ s it like there ? Well , the life style is much more relaxed than here in the city . And the seafood is tastier ! Well , have a great time ! Hurry up , Daniel , it's Barbie time . All right , Sis ! Come on , it's cool outside . I really wish Mom and Dad were here with us . Hey , Daniel , what's your favorite weather ? Snowy or sunny ? Me ? Er , I like hot weather , just like today . What ? Are you crazy ? I like to watch Barbie sticking her tongue out . Ew , Danny , gross ! By the way , what's your favorite weather ? I love snowy , because it is very very romantic . Look , is that Tom ? My girlfriend dumped me . Well , that's life . Did Roll win the race ? Yeah , he did . But he only won it by a hair's breadth . But anyway , he won at last . Yeah . To win is the most important thing . What's this then ? It's my geography , sir.The Map of Africa you set us . But this should have been handed in last Thursday . Yes , I know , sir . I'm sorry . Well , what's your excuse then ? My mother's been ill and I had to stay at home . Oh , Yes ? It's true , sir . Hey , This is your order . Are you new here ? I come to this coffeehouse often . But I didn't see you here before . Yes . I started this part-time job just three days ago . And my internship will last 1 week . I'm still a student now . Do you mind if I ask you why you've taken the part-time job here ? Of course not . You know , there are many foreign customers like you here . And I think it's good for me to improve my oral English . Oh , are you an English student ? Or you just study English for interest's sake ? No , I'm not an English student . But I do like English . I'm going to be a volunteer in the 2008 Olympics where I want to be helpful with the language . So I try to improve my English . Very nice . Thank you for your time . Thank you , sir . But I'm not allowed to accept any tips . OK then . I don't want to put you in trouble . Well , would you like something else ? The new-made cafe parfait is really good . Want some ? OK . But I'd like some cookies . Sure . If you want more coffee , please go over there . There is self-help coffee maker . I surely know that . Don't forget that I am a regular customer here . Oops . Well , wait for a while . We'll get it done quickly . It's OK . Thank you . Do you think the bad weather will last long ? I don't think so . It changes so quickly this time . I hope so . We have planed to visit the square but we have to cancel it . I think you can go to visit the museum . It's worth seeing . You can go to the square some other time . Good idea . Thanks a billion . Let's go in . After you . Could you tell me what university you want to go to , John ? Pardon ? What university would you enter ? University ? Why ? You asked me last year . Oh , I forget . Sorry . I went to Harvard University . Did you ? And what course did you take there ? God save me ! Is there anything wrong with you ? Didn't I tell you ? I've not known . Perhaps , I've got a bad memory . I did a B . A . in economics . Remember ? Terrific ! B . A . , again and again-B . A . I think he deserved his gold . Did you see his last dive ? Yes , it's perfect ! He's diving for the gold . You are studying here , aren ’ t you ? Yes . I have been here for three years . Do you like this campus ? Well . I ’ m rather disappointed with it . How come ? It ’ s too old . And it isn ’ t as specious as I expected . Oh.It ’ s awful , but it can ’ t be helped . I ’ ll just have to put up with it . How I wish my son Mark could be as excellent as your Joe ! Don ’ t be too humble . Few young men could be equal to Mark . And in some respects Joe and Mark are neck and neck . I agree . Both Joe and Mark are men of guts . Hi Mark . Hi . What are you planning to do today ? I'm not sure yet . Would you like to have lunch with me ? Yes . When ? Is 11:30 AM OK ? Sorry , I didn't hear you . Can you say that again please ? I said , 11:30 AM . Oh , I'm busy then . Can we meet a little later ? OK , how about 12:30 PM ? OK . Where ? How about Bill's Seafood Restaurant ? Oh , Where is that ? It's on 7th Street . OK , I'll meet you there . How have you been ? Fine , thanks . How about you ? Hi , Monica , congratulations ! Your presentation at the meeting was very successful and everyone was impressed by your speech . And it was so persuasive and I bet our clients will be convinced to invest their money in this project . You really made a big contribution to our company . Thank you , I just tried my best . I am very happy to know you like it . You must have been prepared for a long time . Some statistics in this presentation are not easy to find , right ? Well , yes . Several colleagues from different departments helped me with that . They are very supportive . I consulted an economic expert last week . He was very kind to give valuable suggestions . Now , the effort pays off . You have accomplished something . Come on , don ’ t flatter me anymore . I took the job because I love being challenged . But I can ’ t get this turned around without the support from you people . I hate to say goodbye , but it's late . Can't you stay for a little bit longer , it's only 8 . I wish I could.But I'm afraid I can't . I've got some serious studying to do . I have to go . OK.See you on Today . See you on Moday.Have a great weekend . You too.Thanks for dropping in . Are you really dating with Frank ? Yeah . But in my heart of hearts , I find he ’ s not very much to my liking . Then why not keep away from him ? The problem is that I just have no one to turn to right now . That ’ s stupid . Hi , Jim . How are you ? I haven't seen you for a while . I'm fine . I've been out of town . I just got back . Where were you ? I was in New York for a wedding . What do you think of the novel you just finished reading ? I like it a lot . It has a very funny beginning , I think . It attracts your attention the moment you begin reading it . What do you like best about it ? I like the plot . It's so full of twists and turns . I also like the main character . She is so humorous and smart . What do you think of the ending ? The ending is a bit weak . It's so abrupt , like those of most other detective stories . Quite a few times , I had my back to the wall . Really ? Generally they will turn out to be a good thing . That ’ s right . You ’ ll exert all your energy and get out of it . Is that your phone ? Yes , it's my new business phone . Do you like it ? It's very impressive . Can you use the Internet on your phone ? Yes , it's got wireless Internet access . That's really convenient . Does it have the Bluetooth ? Yes , but I don't really use it often . Have you ever used it ? No , but I think it'd be really great for people like you who are always on the go . Yes , I guess I should try to use it . Good morning , Mary ! Good morning , John ! I want to have a few friends over for a dinner party to celebrate my birthday . Would you be able to come the next weekend on Saturday ? I'd be delighted to , John . Saturday did you say ? Yes , if that's all right for you . I'm pretty sure I'll be all right . In fact , I'd be delighted to come over and celebrate your birthday with you . What time are you planning to start ? Oh , good . If you could come around six thirty or seven o'clock , that would give us some time to chat a whit over a glass of wine before dinner . That sounds fine . I'll be there around seven . Don't worry . I'm sure you'll do better next time . I didn't realize it was so difficult though I know I'm always too nervous in such competition . It doesn't matter . Forget it . I don't think I performed well . Oh ! That's much hetter than I did . Can you tell me how to improve myself ? There's no secret at all . The only thing for you to do is to practice more . You will succeed . Thank you for your encouragement . It's a pleasure . Come on . I'm on your side . I just dropped in to say goodbye . What time are you leaving ? I'll leave at 10 o'clock . Take care and give my best to you parents . Thank you , I will . Hope to see you again next year . Come back . You haven't paid yet . May , just let him go . But he took some newspaper away without paying . I know . Why ? You make me confused . He lives nearby and he would just glance at the newspaper headlines , read the political sections and return them later . Why does he have such a privilege ? He used to be a hero during the war time and everyone respect him . I see . Does he live by himself ? Yes , he has no children and his wife passed away when he was in the battle . He must be lonely ? I bet . But he is always busy telling the children stories . How respectable ! How may I help you ? I need to get on the Internet . Do you have your library card with you ? Yes , I have it . You ’ re going to have to wait for a computer . That ’ s okay . Please put your name on this list . Then what do I need to do ? When there is a computer available , I will call you . What do I do to log on to the computer ? Just type in the number on the back of your library card . Okay . Thanks for your help . Are you coming to the bridal shower for Jane ? Yes , I am . When is the wedding ? Aug 8 . August bride . How nice ! By the way , who is going to be the matron of honor ? Mrs . White . Oh , yeah ? I wonder who is going to give Jane away at the wedding . You know her father passed away several years ago . Maybe her uncle will . I think so . The wedding will be held at her church , right ? Right . Red Rochester will officiate at the wedding . Do you know where they will go on their honeymoon ? Yes , Jane says they will go to China . Don ’ t do that again . You are riding the tiger . No problem . I can deal with it well . You will ask for it . All is best now , isn ’ t it ? Hurry up ! Time is money ! Don't build a fire under me . I know the importance of time . But you are too slow to follow them . Don't you see I'm trying my best ? Watch out ! You'll hit that car if you're not careful . Oh no , I won't . But we will have an accident if you don't stop shouting . You see . I told you you'd hit him if you weren't careful . Oh , shut up , will you ? It was all your fault.If you'd kept quite this would never have happened . Oh , so it was my fault , was it ? If I hadn't warned you in time it would have been much worse . Steve , you look pale . What happened ? I didn't sleep a wink last night . Did you have something on your mind ? You look so concerned . Maybe I can help you . Well , I am under a lot of pressure . My boss is very pushy . He assigned me three projects . Now the deadlines are near , and I still have not finished all of my projects . Is there anything I can do to help you ? Well , I guess no one can help me but myself . For the moment , I just need someone to talk to , so that I can relieve my stress . Lodge , You must come around sometime , You have to check out my mew stereo . Sure , When is good time for you ? Can you make it on Tuesday ? What time do you want me there ? Anytime after six will be fine . All right , It's a date . My friend Jean is very beautiful . What's her figure ? Perfect , and I like her charming eyes too . What's the color of her eyes ? Dark blue . What ’ s the life expectancy in your country ? I ’ m not sure , but probably about 75 years . How about in your country ? About 70 , I think . This newspaper article talks about the problems of an aging population . It ’ s a problem that will soon affect most of the world . I heard that the government might need to increase the retirement age , because otherwise there will not be enough workers to support the young and the elderly . Perhaps we need to have more babies ! Tina gave birth to a baby boy yesterday . Did she ? That ’ s great . However , if we have too many children , that will have a bad effect on the enviroment . How ’ s your son these days ? Oh , he ’ s fine . Kids seem to grow up very quickly nowadays . He ’ ll be a teenager before you know it ! Teenagers are often rebellious ! When do you think it is a good age to have a child ? I had mine when I was 24 . that ’ s a little young . I ’ d suggest you wait until you are in your late twenties . , or even in your early thirties if you have a good career . Yes , I think you ’ re right . I ’ m thinking about having a child , but not just yet . Is there a big generation gap between parents and their children in you country ? Yes , there is . Teenagers do not want to live traditional lives . They want to go out , have fun , and explore the world . They want to develop their own view of life . Parents usually try to discourage them , but they don ’ t often succeed . Parents usually give their children more freedom in my country . Sometimes they give them too much freedom . It ’ s almost impossible to get the right balance . If you are too strict , kids might ignore you . If you are too lenient , they might go wild . Hey Mike . I forgot about registration . I'm a day late , so all the classes are mostly full . What do you think I should do ? You're screwed . You can't do anything about that . You have to hope that you get some classes that will be useful . Do you think going to the registration building will help at all ? No . They will tell you the same thing in a worse way . Did you register yet ? Of course . Registering for classes is not something you want to miss . What classes do you think are still open ? Well , I know psychology 101 is a big class , so there will always be seats in that class . You can also get into Sociology . That's helpful . Thanks . But what do you think about philosophy . I wanted to take that class this semester . I took that class last year . The professor is really cool , so if you go to his office , you can have him sign a card that will let you in even if the class is full . He does that ? I guess that's because so many people drop out of that class . That makes sense . I think I'll do that . Thanks for all the help . No problem , man . Thanks for helping me move into my new house . Any time . I'm just glad I could help . I've been so stressed these days . What's the matter ? Are you OK ? I don't know where to go for college , and what to major in . Don't worry . You have plenty of time to decide . And I also want to get scholarships to help me pay for the tuition . I want to get the burden off my family . You always worry too much about everything . Take it easy , honey . You are good enough . You can go to the ideal college . OK , OK . I'm so sorry . By the way , for you , is it more important to make money or to enjoy your work ? In a perfect world , I would enjoy my work if I do not have to do much , and make lots of money ! OK , honey , stop dreaming . You should face the reality . That's only a joke . To be honest , I have to improve my English , because my English is not good enough . I still get confused about some simple grammars . Since you are quite good at it , do you have any suggestions ? En , first you should be concentrated on what the teacher said in class . Second , I suggest you to take an additional course in some training center . Is the training center helpful ? I think so . Because I've taken one to improve my oral English during summer vacation . I'm glad we live in a small town . Why ? Because the houses look so nice at Christmas time . Yes , they do . Do you have a Christmas tree this year ? Yes , we have a big tree this year . I bought the decorations at the five-and-tencent store yesterday . Do you want to come and see it ? I can't now because I have to buy a present for my mother . When can you come ? I don't know when I can come . I'll let you know later . You know , smoking does do harm to your health . Yes , you're right . Why don't you try to give it up ? I've tried to give up smoking several times , but it's no good . Smoking relaxes me . Have you ever thought of just cutting down ? You could do it gradually . Yes , maybe I should have another try . Hello , Jim . What was the film like ? Awful . It was a complete waste of time . Why ? What was it about ? It was about a married couple . They had to live with the wife's mother , because they didn't have enough money to buy a house of their own . A lot of young people have to do that . Yes . but the husband had to work overtime three times a week , so he was always tired . lt sounds like the story of my life . Yes , it does , doesn't it ? But this man was always over-tired , and he couldn't sleep.So he used to take two sleeping pill every night . I take sleeping pills sometimes . Yes , but not two every night . Anyway , the strain was too much for him . He had nervous breakdown and had to go to hospital . It sounds a very depressing film . Not really . His wife was able to find a good job as an interpreter , because she could speak French and German fluently . After a few months ' work , she had a better job than her husband . So in the end , I don't know . My wife used to speak French . I must tell her to brush it up . Would you like to stretch your legs ? Sure . Let's get a soft drink . Do we have enough time ? It's a fifteen-minute intermission . The seats are excellent . We're right in the center . It's a new concert hall and the acoustics are great . I can't agree more . Is this your first time to come to a symphony concert ? In the United States , yes . But back in China , I went to concerts a couple of times with my parents . Do you have large concert halls in your city ? We have two . One is like this one . The other is a little smaller . That's great . Well , we'd better get back to our seats . It's about to start . May I help you ? What time will the library be closing ? It closes at six . Does it always close at six ? No , not every day . Will the library be open on Saturday ? Absolutely . What are your hours on Saturday ? Saturday ’ s hours are from nine in the morning to six-thirty at night . All right . Thank you . What else can I help you with ? That ’ s it . Thank you . Whose part do you think is best played ? That of the old man . You're absolutely right ! That's the very figure I like best . Some of the scenes moved me into tears . Vince , I think one of your programmers is spying on us for WebTracker . Pardon ? I won't say who , because I'm not sure yet . But I'll know soon . Zina , I hope you're not scheming to make Elvin look bad . It isn't Elvin . Dave then ? Dave is a spy for WebTracker ? You can't be serious . Loan me that tape recorder you have . And don't say anything to anyone until I come back . Hello , Zhang lin ! Fancy meeting you here ! Hi , Lin Tao . I have't seen you for some time . How's life going , Zhang Lin ? Yes , the same as ever , thanks . What about you ? Pretty good , thanks . I'm going to see my uncle . Good bye then , and keep in touch . Good bye . Fixing computer isn ’ t my cup of tea . You can leave this job to Jason . Yeah , he has a good commend of computer skills . But ... But what ? But he is always talking big . What a great weekend that was ! My feelings exactly . I really enjoy the beach in the summer . I couldn't agree with you more . We should come here more often . You are absolutely right . I'd like to come back next weekend . That's exactly the way I feel . Aren ’ t you going to swim ? Are you kidding ? Don't you know I can't swim ? You are not telling me that we drove 50 miles to come here for just sunbath , are you ? Hey , don't shout . Come here ! Sit closer . Now , Jim , we ’ Ve had a lovely day . Don't spoil it now . What about your beautiful bathing suit ? We shopped all day . Don't you want to show it off ? Everybody who walks past me sees it . Besides , it's a good sunbathing suit . All right . Suit yourself . I am going swimming . Jim ! Yes ? Can you get me a beach umbrella and a deck chair ? I am really tired of lying in thousand . I've got a better idea . Why don ’ t we hire a boat and go for a ride ? What do you think ? Are you serious ? That will be wonderful ! How dare you accuse me of stealing your computer ? I'm sorry , but you were the only one who had access to it . The flood will come on the heels of the heavy rain . I wonder if the municipal government will take some preventive measures . I ’ m sure they will . Adam , could you show me around the school ? No problem . What's the tallest building ? You mean the white building near the playground ? Yes . That is the library . And it has more than 1,000 , 000 books . What's the building to the south of the library ? You know , our school is divided into two parts , the junior high school and the senior high school . That is the new classroom building for our senior high school . Is there a swimming pool in your school ? Yes . There is a large swimming pool , but it is only available in summer . I do envy you . And I hope I can enter your school one day . I believe that you can make your dream come true . Television is undoubtedly a great invention , but one of the main criticisms of it is that people just aren't selective enough . Lesley , got a television . how do you pick out the sorts ofprogrammes you want to watch ? I try and look at the programmes that are on to decide which particular ones interest me , rather than you turning it on a seven o'clock and you leaving it on until half-past eleven when the programmes finish . Do you think of television though as a great time-waster ? Un ... I think it can be a time-waster and it depends on how particular people are about what they want to see ... Mm , it can just be a sort total amusement for someone and totally consuming without reallyconsidering what it is they're watching . Aha , but how do you prevent it coming into your life and taking oversour evenings and at the same time perhaps get . . . get out of thetelevision some of the sort of best things ... best programmes that ... that undoubtedly are on television ? Well , I suppose one of the problems is ... will depend on what a person's life style is , and that if he has other outside interests which are equally important to him as television , he will then , you know , hmm . be more careful about which programme she wants to watch because he has time which he wants to use for other things . Do you think though that ... that in . . . in a sense television skilled people's own er ... sort of , creativity or their ability entertain themselves because if they're bored all they do is justturn on the television ? Yes , I think that is a danger , and I think that . . in fact is what mishappening to a lot of people who use it as their ... their main ... um field of amusement and ... because they don't have other outside interests and even when people come round they'll leave the television and not be , you know , particularly interested in talking to them , you Know the television will be the main thing in the room . Don't be shy . Have some more chicken . Thanks . I feel pity for the old man . I feel the same way . It must be dreadful to grow old . Yeah . He has no one to count on . I'm going to see the doctor this weekend . What's your trouble ? I think I need a thorough check-up . I got it . Professor , I am going to need to leave class early today . What is the problem ? I need to go to the airport to pick up a relative . Are you planning on having someone take notes for you ? Yes , I've got that part covered . When , exactly do you need to leave ? I don't need to leave until the very end of class . Fine , but next time try and not have to miss class again . Thanks , Professor . See you later ! See you later ! Drive carefully . I'm going to try sky diving this weekend . I wouldn't do it if I were you . It's sounds like fun . It's very dangerous , you know . I want to try something exciting . It's an easy way to get hurt , let me tell you . I'll tell you all about it next Monday . Well , take care of yourself , and don't say I didn't warn you . Does he know that he has already at his wits ' end ? I think he has realized that . But he is still whistling in the dark by putting up an act . He might be driven up a wall . You should not handle your relation with him with kid gloves . But when I noticed that he was left in the cold , I could not help wanting to help him to get out of the situation . I visited the famous variety show host , Dennis . What's he like ? Oh , he's a very serious person . You must feel very uneasy at his home . Hi ! My name is Mike . Hi ! I'm Nancy . Nice to meet you . Nice to meet you , too . Where are you from ? I'm from Shanghai . And you ? I'm from Chicago . Why do you go fishing so often ? It's fun . Hi , Cindy . I thought I ’ d missed you . Oh , I am very sorry , Hans . Thank you for waiting for me . You must have been here a long time already . It ’ s all right . I was caught in the heavy rain , or I would have come earlier . I am sorry I kept you waiting . I was in a comfortable place , so really , it ’ s no problem . I am happy to see you . Did the rain hold you up long ? Yes . When I came out of the subway , it was raining cats and dogs . And I forgot my umbrella . So I had to wait for the rain to let up . I totally understand . Good morning , Jim ! Good morning , Emma ! A lovely day , isn't it ? Yes , it is . The sun is shining . There is no wind , only a pleasant breeze . It is the best season for a picnic right now . Have you decided the place for your picnic ? We have decided to go to the park this Sunday . Would you like to go with us if you have not decided yet ? What did the whetherman say ? He ’ s predicting clear skies . Well , I will think it over . Come in , come in , what can I do for you ? Professor Donald , are you giving your advanced geology course again next semester ? Yes , I am applying on it . I wonder if I could enroll in it . I know it is a graduate course and I ' m a junior , but ... Aren't you a bit young ? I have a lot of qualified seniors to take the course and they usually have a hard time keeping up . I know , but the geology of the American west is my major interest and I have done a large reading in the field . Well , if you think you are ready , I'll let you enroll . Oh , thanks , professor Donald . This is really very nice of you . Management is going through a big turnover these days . With Bill's retirement , and department realignment , we have lost about 1/3 of our managerial staff . They've been dropping like flies ... Isn't that a good thing ? Having fewer bosses means having less stress , don't you think ? Actually , I don't think so . Supervisors are really important to make sure everything goes smoothly in the workplace . They are necessary for divvying up work and disciplining employees . If there is no one to keep an eye on us , no one would get any work done . You know what they say , when the cat's away , the mice play . You're right , we do need leadership . But what we don't need is too many people to lead us . You know what they say about too many chiefs and not enough Indians ... Alright ... I get your point . How do you like your job here , Linda ? It's interesting , I like being an editor . Why ? I like talking to writers , I get to meet a lot of interesting people . I'm happy to hear that , but publishing is more than just talking to writers . it involves a lot of work , patience and responsibility . Most of the work is boring . I don't feel bored at all . I'm getting along with my colleagues . I will enjoy working with them . People are great in this industry . Do you have any complaints ? No , I have no complaints . I hear there are many opportunities to move up in this company . is that true ? Yes , you have many opportunities to grow in this company as long as you do well . That's perfect . I will definitely do well . I don't think we've met . No , I don't think we have . My name is Dick Brown . How do you do ? Mr . Brown . I am Susan Heywood . Mr . Smith often talked about you . Really ? I am glad to meet you . I'm honored to know you . Why don ’ t you sit down and relax , darling ? I don ’ t want to . Well , come and talk to me then . Certainly not . May I turn on the radio then ? Turn on the radio ? What for ? So that we can sit down together and listen to some music . Listen to some music ? And who ’ ll cook dinner ? Will you ? Ok , I will . But let ’ s go to a disco after dinner . To a disco ? Oh , no . You know I hate pop . David , why don't you clean your room ? I am not in the mood . Why are you feeling depress ? I was told my girlfriend was speaking ill of me . It's a real letdown . I don't think she would do such a thing . But she did and it made me disappointed . Oh , cheer up ! A girlfriend is not everything . But she means a lot to me . Then forgive her mistake . Oh , I just can't forget it . My sister was taken to the hospital yesterday What happened ? She was hit by a car . Luckily , she wasn't seriously hurt . Let's buy some flowers , and pay her a visit We'll have to hurry ; visiting hours will be over soon OK . Let's go What are the good sights to see in Beijing ? Well , I know you are interested in architecture , so you should't miss the Temple of Heaven , and the Great wall is a must too . Hello , let me introduce myself . I'm your new neighbor . My name is Andy . Hi , Andy . I'm Judy . It's nice meeting you . Nice meeting you , too . Come over and visit when you have time . Thanks for the invitation . I will ! What do you do when you are angry ? I usually calm down first and think about the reason that caused my anger . That ’ s smart . What do you usually do to relieve your anger ? Something like listening to music is a good idea . Oh , what kind of music do you listen to ? Classic . Something that could calm your mind . I think that might work for me as well . Working out is another good way to relieve anger . Like what ? Jogging , yoga , or even just taking a walk . I'm sorry , but I can't come to your party . What a shame ! Taylor , you're sweating up a storm ! Your boyfriend , Bryan , wanted to toss the football . I think he wore me out . Yeah , you look a little shaky . And pale . You seriously need some time in the sun . You're like the tenth person to say that . We're just worried about you , Taylor . Whatever . I wish people would just leave me alone ! She is so stupid . Who cares ? She is pretty . So what ? You're just jealous . Mrs.Smith , time has stood still with you ! Thank you.You ' re partial . I'm not flattering you.You ' re full of energy every day . It's nice to hear that anyway . What a police officer ! I ’ Ve never seem such a scene either except in films . It ’ s really unimaginable . The police officer screamed at the driver and used bad language , but the driver took it on the chin . In my wedding ceremony , where do my parents sit in the church ? The bride's parents ' seating arrangement is on the left side of the aisle and the groom's parents is on the right side . Do friends of the bride always sit on one side of the church and friends of the groom on the other ? They usually do . Hi , Mary ! You're here already . Where's Harry ? He isn't a punctual person . We may have to wait for a little while . That should give us time for a cup of coffee . I'll go and get some . Make it three cups . Here comes Harry . Why did the teacher criticise Myra in front of the whole class ? Because Myra was cheating on exams.and she spoke back rudely . I don't think that Myra should have spoken so rudely to the teacher . I know she was angry , but that's still no excuse for rudeness . Is your city a historical place ? Not rally . 200 years ago , it was just a small insignificant village . How did it grow into such a large place ? Large deposits of coal were found nearly and so many industries located themselves here . The village quickly grew into a key industrial centre . As the city grew , it must have absorbed many village nearby . Yes , it did . The names of those village survive as the names of parts of the city . I see . Are there any building more than 200 years old in your city ? Oh , yes . Several of the buildings from the villages still survive . Many of them were inns for travelers and today survive as pubs . There was a castle near one village , so our city has a castle too . Really ? So your city does have some old history after all . What is wrong with your face ? My brother did it . Why ? I laughed up my sleeves at him . He ’ s seen his girlfriend off at the airport and had lipstick on his face and did not know it . How's Jerry's new school ? Very nice . He gets along with his classmates very well . He's a team player . Yes , indeed . How many people are there in your family ? Five.My father , mother , brother , sister-in-law and me . Is your brother older or younger than you ? He is five years older than me , He got married last Sunday.My brother and my sister-in-law are the same age . What's the problem ? You don't look happy . I failed my oral test . How come ? I'm not practicing enough . Why don't you go to the English corner to talk to your classmates in English quite often ? When I talk to Chinese , I always want to speak Chinese . You should always keep in mind , the more you practice , the better English you can speak . It ’ s dangerous . I don ’ t dare to go . Come on . It ’ s quite safe . You really have no guts . Did you get the car you wanted ? No . Someone had stolen a march on me and bought it . What about the car over there ? It is marvelous , and the price is marvelous , as well . How may I help you ? I want to return this video . Is that all you need ? I also need to check this magazine out . You ’ re not allowed to do that . I don ’ t understand . It ’ s our policy . What can I check out ? Only books or videos . I need this magazine . You will have to read it here . That ’ s weird . Have you heard the news ? No . What happened ? Such bad luck , 200 yuan was stolen by a thief on the bus today . Don't be angry , you lose money just to avoid misfortune . Well , you can just comfort yourself like that . Ok , so who are we going to invite to our dinner party ? Well , we have the Thompsons , the Greens , and the Anderson , about twelve people total . Don't forget my friend Andy from the office . He has nothing to do on Friday , so I invited him over . But that makes thirteen people ! We can't have thirteen people for dinner on Friday ! Why can't we ? It's an old superstition . If we have thirteen people at the table , then it means bad luck . Can Andy bring a date ? I'm not sure . He just broke up with his girlfriend recently , and I don't think he's in the mood to start again so soon . But we can't have thirteen for dinner ! I think you're making a mountain out of a molehill . It's only a superstition . It really doesn't mean anything . Absolutely not ! I refuse to have thirteen people for dinner on Friday ! Ok , ok . I'll ask my sister to come . That way we'll have fourteen for dinner . That's better . Hello , 8520388 2 . Hi , this is Maria . Is that Shirley ? Hi , Maria , this is Shirley . Shirley , do you know today's homework from our economic law class ? I have written it on a piece of paper but I can't find it now . Hold on for a moment please . I'm fetching my textbook . OK . Oh , the homework is to explain what economic law is both in broad sense and in narrow sense . Explain the economic law ? An essay question again ? Yes . You can use your textbook for your reference . Are there any clear answers in the book to this question ? I don't think so , Maria , but I think you can look for information on the Internet . OK , thank you , Shirley . You are very helpful . I have another question . When does the Economic Law of China come into effect ? Oh , there isn't such a code called economic law . The Economic Law of China is a general concept for several laws . There isn't such a code ? Yes , it's a general name for several laws related to economics , like Commercial Law , and Law of Central Bank . Got it . Thank you , Shirley . I just dropped in to say goodbye . What time are you leaving ? I ’ ll leave at ten o ’ clock . Take care , and give my best to your parents . Thank you , I will . Hope to see you again next year . The performance is amazing . I'm curious about how they did it . I mean the way they sing . They must have practiced a lot . The perseverance has made them they are today . So cool . Someone gave me this flier at the exit . What's it about ? Let me have a look . Well , it lists some shows that will be on next week . Oh , tell me about it . Anything interesting ? Hmm ... Oh , this one , ' The Drunken Beauty ' . This is a real classic . ' The Drunken Beauty ' ? It's funny that we have ' Sleeping Beauty ' in my country . Anyway , what's it about ? Is the beauty a drunkard ? Of course not . She was said to be the most beautiful woman in her time and that made her become the queen . They play was famous for its singing and dancing . Sure , people do that when they are drunk . What about the actress ? She is an opera star in China . Her teacher's teacher is Mei Landfang . Oh , I've heard about him before . He even created a special dance of sleeve shaking . You are such an expert on it . I don't know that . You know , interest is the best teacher . So , want me to book the tickets again ? Please do that . I can't wait to come back again . The performance must be really amazing . We can do that if you like . Maybe next weekend . That will be great . That was heaven ! The sea water treatments are supposed to be really good for you . Really ? But the water has to be kept at 34 degrees so that the minerals can be absorbed by your body . Well , whatever it does , I feel transformed ! You got a letter in the mail . Give it to me . What is it ? It ’ s from NYU . What does it say ? I didn ’ t get accepted . You can ’ t be serious ! I ’ m serious . Are you all right ? NYU was my first choice . I ’ m sorry that you didn ’ t get in . I ’ ll just have to wait for UCLA . What are you going to do for one year abroad , Tom ? Study , study , study . I want to learn a lot . You are going to take courses ? Yes . I am going to take some university courses there . Sounds hard . Yes , but I think it's probably for the best . Won't you get lonely ? Hey , I am a pretty cool guy . I will make friends , and I'll have a lot of extracurricular activities too . You know , like fencing , or theater or something . I went shopping without my umbrella yesterday morning . Yesterday morning was beautiful i thought the sunning was going to continue . So did i . that's why i didn't take my umbrella . i got cold in the rain in the was raining cats and dogs . I know . i could not believe it when i got hit by that was pouring with rain all afternoon . We really have some miserable weather sometime . i wish i would live somewhere which were sunning all year round . If it was sunning all year round there would be probably would not like it either . I guess you are right . maybe i just wish the weather could be a little more predictable . The weather forecasters are not good at predicting the weather would be like.our weather is so changeable . Those guys work at the same company and go to the same bars . They do everything together . Birds of a feather flock together . What ’ s your new job like ? Oh , it ’ s fine . I ’ Ve got a very nice secretary and a large pleasant office . Um . And a company car . Very nice . Yes , it is . But I ’ Ve got a lot of work too . Well , that ’ s life , isn ’ t it ? What a surprise meeting you here , Landy . I ’ m here as a tourist . It ’ s a small world , isn ’ t it ? Yes , it ’ s a small world . We never know where we ’ ll meet someone we know . So you're traveling around the world , aren't you . That's right When did you arrive here ? Last night Did you have a good journey ? Yes , I enjoyed it very much . Where have you been on this trip ? Let me see . Ah , yes , I've been to England , France , Germany , Italy and now I've been in Spain Really ? How long will your holiday last ? Two weeks All these countries in two weeks ? That's right Please do excuse me for a moment . I've got diarrhea . It's easy to get loose bowels in summer . It may have something to do with the food I had last night You ’ Ve got to be careful on the food you eat . I will . Thank you . Hi Mary , how's it going ? Well , last night I had a big argument with Ann . Terrible . It must be something serious . You two are such close friends . Now that I look back at it , it wasn't that big a deal . I shouldn't have lost my temper . Really ? What happened ? It's just we've been planning to go the beach for a while , and we decided we could both make it this weekend . Then out of nowhere she called me up , said her boyfriend had made plans and that she need to cancel the trip . I was so angry when she told me that I said she didn't care about our friendship at all . That's pretty harsh . I know , but I was so upset . I mean , come on ! Does she have to do everything her boyfriend says ? You know she probably feels just as bad . Well , I think I was being a little selfish myself . I know they don't get to see each other very often . Well , in that case I guess maybe you can be more understanding . You shouldn't let a trivial thing like this stand in the way of your friendship . After all you can go to the beach anytime you want . Yeah , I'll call later to patch things up . I can't bear you anymore . I am sick of your drinking . I am divorcing you . Don't do that to me , honey . Give me a chance , please . I make a solemn promise never to drink alcohol again . How many chances should I give you ? I've given up on you ! Have a heart , honey . You know I am trying hard to quit drinking , don't you ? Just give me one more chance , please ! Finally the class is over . Be quick . Ben must have been waiting for long . Oh , I am so tired . My back is sore and my neck hurts . That's normal . You have been sitting for three hours , with your attention highly concentrated . You are wrong , Shirley . I was always absent-minded in the class . I meant to concentrate on the class , but I was just so tired . Maybe I am old . No . You are just burning yourself out these days . Have a good rest and you will feel energetic again . One of my friends took the Adult College Entrance Exam last year . He filled the school column with his name , and his score was relinquished . How could he make such a silly mistake ? He said he hadn't taken any exams for ten years , and couldn't get used to it immediately . He was extremely nervous then . He lost a very good chance to go to college , didn't he ? Yeah . The test was fairly easy and almost every test-taker could pass that exam . Adult College Entrance Exam is much easier than college entrance exam . And there are fewer subjects . That's a very good lesson . We must familiarize ourselves with the exam from now on . What did you do over the weekend ? I went a global warming rally . It was fantastic to be around so many people who care about the environment . Do you think there's anything we can do to reverse the damage that's been done already ? It might not be possible to fix the problems that we've created for ourselves , but there are lots of things we can do to prevent more damages from happening . Like what ? Well , we can use public transport instead of taking our cars for a start . What else can we do to protect the environment ? If you do have to drive , you should make sure that your car runs on unleaded petrol . Also , your home should use sources of renewable energy . How about recycling ? Does that actually help ? Yes . You should take your glass , paper , plastic , cardboard , and tin cans to a recycling center . What do you think the biggest worry for our future is ? I think that the issue of greatest concern is having enough sources of clean water for everyone . I had no idea you were such an environmentalist before ! To be honest , in order for the earth to continue to be a habitable place , we're all going to have to become more interested in the environment . Merry Christmas , Bill ! Merry Christmas . Steven ! What do you want to do to celebrate Christmas ? I'll have supper with my girlfriend and go shopping . What about you ? I'll go to church first and then go to a Christmas party . Would you like to come ? I'd love to . But I am going to meet my girlfriend right now . See you later . See you . So Emily , what do you like to do for fun ? I like to go to the movies . What do you do in your free time ? I also like going to the movies . Well that's great ! It's nice that we have something in common . Who broke the glass , Peter ? That cat . I was not born yesterday . It must be either you or Adam . It ’ s me , mum , I am sorry . Can you read what this says ? Yes , and you could too if your hair wasn't hanging down in your face . Don't dis my hair ! I like it like this . You like it , but it's getting to be a handicap for you . Hey , that's enough about my hair . I know a great hairdresser not far from here and she is cute too . I don't go to hairdressers because they're cute . Did I mention she's good at cutting hair too ? Hello , Tony . Fancy meeting you here . How are things going with you ? Not too bad , thanks . And you ? Pretty good ! How are your parents these days ? Oh , they are fine . They are enjoying their retirement . Oh , good . That's nice to hear . Well , I am going to a football match . I need to go . Say hi to your family for me . Thanks , I will , byebye ! Where should I sit ? Why don't you sit in the back with me ? Okay . By the way , what's your last name ? I forgot what it is . It's Lin . It's spelled L-I-N . R-I-N ? My pronunciation is not very good . It's L-I-N , Lin . I got it . Mary Lin . Lin is a common Chinese last name . You ’ re ready , right ? Ready for what ? Are you ready to transfer tomorrow ? Yes . I am ready . You ’ re not nervous ? Of course I ’ m nervous . What are you most nervous about ? I won ’ t know anybody at that school . You shouldn ’ t be nervous about that . Why not ? Meeting new people is a good thing . That ’ s a good way to think about it . What do you think of this one ? Eh , so so . And this one ? Too flashy ? Nah , not too flashy . Hug ! And this sweater from my aunt ? Isn ’ t it hideous ? I guess . Are you even listening ? I ’ m trying to have a conversation with you . And I ’ m trying to watch the game , but you ’ re yapping on about your new clothes ! Well I have to decide which gifts to keep and which to exchange for better ones when I go to the Boxing Day sales this afternoon ! Well could you do me the favor of making this quick ? It ’ s the third quarter and you ’ Ve been blabbering on since the first ! Oh , your precious game . You watch the same game every year , and each year your beloved hometown team loses by at least three goals ! Oh no you didn ’ t . You didn ’ t just insult the Sals-bury Seals , did you ? Why don ’ t you just . just go and return all of those stupid clothes and not come back until the sales are over ? I might just ! Enjoy your stupid game ! And Merry Christmas ! Merry Christmas ! Don ’ t be worried . Please sit down and take it easy . How could I feel easy ? I ’ m really pissed . But you should avoid finger-pointing when you haven ’ t got the real facts . Ok . I ’ ll try my best to calm down first . Hey , Mike . You've been surfing the Net for quite a while . What on earth are you searching for ? It's something relative hackers . I often hear people talking about them , but I don't know much about them . Well , roughly speaking , a hacker is a computer buff . You mean a guy using enthusiastic and knowledgeable about the computer ? You can say that . But why are people always having such a negative attitude towards them ? They must have mixed hackers with crackers . What is crackers then ? There is another group of people who loudly call themselves hackers , but they aren't . They break into computers and break the phone system . Real hackers call these people crackers , and want nothing to do with them . So they are two totally different concepts . Well , the real hackers mostly think crackers are lazy , irresponsible and not very bright , and feel that being able to break security does make you a hacker any more than being able to start cars without keys makes you an automotive engineer . Unfortunately , many journalists and writers have been fooled into using the word hacker to describe crackers . This irritates real hackers to no end . I see . Then the basic different is , hackers build things , crackers break them . You got it . Thanks a lot . You are welcome . I don't have my homework today . You usually are good about turning it in ; what happened ? I was really sick . But couldn't you have done it when you felt better ? Yes , I probably could . You have already missed one other assignment ; when can I expect the make-ups ? Next class meeting . That will be soon enough , but make sure you get next week's assignment in as well , all right ? That would work for me . Good . I know that you are capable of being an excellent student . What are you reading about in that science magazine ? There are several interesting articles on recent scientific breakthroughs . I just finished reading one about cloning . I ’ m not sure I like the idea of that . I don ’ t want people copying me or other people . It could be very confusing . According to the article , you have no real need to worry . Research nowadays is focussing on cloning parts of a human body to replace damaged or lost parts , not on recreating a whole human . In the future , that could be possible . In this article , scientists say that if you took the genes from someone and tried to create a copy of a person , there ’ s no guarantee that the copy would look or act like the original ! Really ? What else have you discovered ? I read about how scientists are using material from plants and animals to create new medicines . For example , an animal be immune to disease that affects human . So , scientists find out why it ’ s immune That ’ s great , because it uses natural materials rather than ones that scientists make themselves . I prefer natural remedies to man-made ones . Thanks for helping me up . Are you OK ? I didn't mean to put you in danger . I'm the hazardous one here . I made three people fall over ! That takes talent ... I'm so humiliated ! What's that man saying ? Everyone's laughing ! He said you obviously prefer Greek comedies to Greek tragedies . How was the party yesterday ? Did you enjoy it ? Oh , don't talk to me about yesterday ! It was the most awful evening I've ever had . Why ! what happened ? Well.John had promised to be my date , but he stood me up . I waited for a full hour in the cold wind . So how long did you stay ? I left after the opening dance . I couldn't wait to get out of there . What is the most unexpected thing you experienced in space ? I wasn't quite prepared for the view of the Earth as we left . It was just awe-inspiring . It emerged from just a slightly curved horizon to a whole Earth , where you could look across oceans and continents in a single glance . I wasn't quite prepared for that . It's inevitably etched in my memory . When viewing the Earth from space , do you feel detached from humanity or more a part of the totality of humankind ? Detached . You're literally detached from one planet , captured by another . Your only link to reality is the Earth out there ; fortunate - 1y , it stays in view the whole time . There're a lot of suspicions that the International Space Station is never going to become reality . Is it going to be some future project that never happens ? I believe it's certainly for real . It without question has suffered a lot of delays . But there's hardware sitting on the pad right now and it's due to go off in December . It is a reality . It has just taken longer to get literally off the ground . There were a lot of talks during the Bush administration about a not too distant future Mars mission . It seemed to fizzle out . Do you think that this Shuttle mission will reignite the public's passion for space and get us to Mars sooner ? I hope this flight is not just a one-time affair , that it does re-ignite people's interest to push on . But only time will tell . You had gone to the moon twice , orbited space around the Earth lots of times , and of course you have had the most amazing views that a human being can have . How long do we ordinary beings have to wait to feel the weightlessness ? I just can't wait . If I were the man making the decisions , you could get in line tomorrow . I strongly support ordinary people going into space . Unfortunately , I don't think it will be in the near future . Where did you go yesterday ? I went to play tennis in the public park . How often do you play tennis ? Twice a week . How about you ? I seldom play tennis . I prefer football and basketball . But it is very difficult to gather a team of players together . I usually play with my schoolmates . Do you like watching football matches ? Yes , I went to the Than He Sports Center for a football match last Sunday . Oh , I watched it on television . It was an exciting match . Where is your native place ? My native place is Shanghai , which is a very beautiful cosmopolitan city . So are you a local ? Yes , I am a local resident . What ’ re you doing now ? I ’ m watching TV . You ’ re supposed to clean your teeth before you go to bed . I will . And don ’ t ever forget it . How can I help you today , Alice ? Well , I came to talk to you because I want to apply for a scholarship . Oh , good . You're an excellent student . I'd be very willing to help you with that . Thanks . I really appreciate it.In fact , I do need a letter of recommendation for this scholarship . What kind of scholarship is it ? It's an undergraduate scholarship offered by the American Minority Students Scholarship Association . I'm eligible for it because I'm Asian American . Fine . I know about that scholarship.You have to be a student in your junior year , and you have to have a grade point average of 3.7 or higher . I'm a junior now , and my GPA is 3.92 . Excellent . So you'll have a good chance of getting it . Well , I hope so . The competition is probably pretty heavy.And they want a writing sample too . Do you have an essay you want to send them ? No , they want a special essay . I must write an essay on a particular question they pose . What is the question ? They give applicants a topic.The topic is , The Place of Ethnic Minorities in a Democratic Society.My essay must be three pages typed and double-spaced . That's a pretty short essay . Yes , but I need to write it by next week . Good luck . I'm sure you will do a good job . I came here today to talk to you because ... Well , I need to ask two favors . Sure . What are they ? First , I need a letter of recommendation . I'd be happy to write one for you . And second ... Well , I'm not sure if it's normal . What is it ? Do you want me to read your essay ? Yes , if you could . I mean , if you could read it to make sure there are no mistakes.Or maybe you'd have some suggestions . Of course I could read it . That's no problem . But you need to get it to me soon . I will . I want to write the first draft tonight.So I could bring it tomorrow morning . Alright . If you can bring it to me tomorrow morning , I can talk with you after class on Friday.So I'll have some feedback for you before the weekend . That would really help me a lot . I'm very grateful . Don't mention it . I'm always willing to help good students . Did you hear how cold it got last night ? I heard the radio announcer say it was 18 degrees below zero . It was so cold this morning . I could hardly start my car . My car didn't want to start either at first . Don't you have a garage ? Not in the new apartment . We have to leave the car in the parking lot . How much antifreeze did you put in your new car then ? You must have to keep it well below zero . I do . Right now I have it protected up to 30 below zero . Does it ever get that cold on here ? Not really . It sometimes gets to 20 below . Speaking of cold , how about going for a cup of coffee to warm up . What do you think of the new television channel ? Aren't the programs awful ? I quite agree with you . They are terrible . They are complete waste of time , but my wife disagrees with me . Actually , what bothers me is the violence . There are far too many detective and police shows . I couldn't agree with you more . There aren't enough educational programs , and even the news shows are not well done . You are absolutely right . They are too brief . They don't tell you anything . What's the matter with you , Paul ? I'm not feeling well . I think I'm having a cold . Looks like it.You need to drink a lot of water and take a good rest . Yeah , I will . You look pale today . I didn't wear make-up this morning . You should do sports to keep young . You're right.Make - up can only disguise my age , but exercise may delay it . Steven , have you any friend in London ? Yes , my old friend Hanson lives there Are you close ? Yes . He's one of my best friends . Our friendship formed at college . Why did you ask that ? I'm going to London on business next week . But I know nothing about it . I get it . You want to find a guide , don ’ t you ? Yes , Steven . You always know what I want . Don ’ t worry . I will call Hanson , and ask him to help you . Thank you ! My word , you do look ill ! I'm quite out of thoughts recently . You seem to have something on mind . Promise me , go to see the doctor right now . I'm worrying about my exam . A piece of cake . You'll be successful . Excuse me , you look familiar . Did you use to live in New York ? Yes . Did you use to work at NYU ? Yes , I did . Oh , did you know Hugh Young ? He was a music student . Hugh Young ? Didn ’ t he use to wear a funny yellow jacket all the time ? Yes . And he used to play the piano with a jazz group at the university . I remember Hugh . Most people thought he was a little ... uh ... peculiar . Do you know what he ’ s doing now ? Yes , he ’ s a millionaire in Houston now . A millionaire ? As a jazz musician ? Oh , no . He ’ s an executive for a large computer company . I saw an interview with him on TV yesterday . They were asking his opinion about future uses for computers . Well ! I guess people don ’ t find him so peculiar anymore . You look so happy , Anna . Any good news ? Yes . I ’ Ve won the first prize in the math contest . Really ? Congratulations ! Thank you , Paul . By the way , would you like to have dinner with me tomorrow evening ? Tomorrow is my birthday . Good , happy birthday to you ! Not so soon . It ’ s not my birthday today . Well , you ’ ll come , won ’ t you ? Sure , I will . Thank you for inviting me . My pleasure . Hello Gina ! We've spoken so many times on the phone but's it's so good to finally meet you in person ! Hello sir . Good to meet you , too . Oh , please don't call me sir . Just call me Jason . Ok , Jason . So how was the flight ? Pretty good . There was a bit of turbulence while we were over the Pacific Ocean but it wasn't too bad . The worst thing was the guy behind me . He snored all through the night ! Really ? But you were in first class ! Nobody woke that guy up ? The stewardess said it's not company policy to wake people up for any reason . That's terrible ! So you didn't get any sleep ? Not much ... but that's ok ... I'm a night owl anyway . So , aside from visiting our factory and offices , are there any other things you want to accomplish while you're in China ? I'd love to squeeze in a trip to the Great Wall . That's not a problem . We can have a company car take you there . It's only about a two hour drive . What are you going to do after you return from Washington ? I'm going to stay in the city . What will you do all day ? I'm going to work with my father at the store . In the evening , I'll read books.On weekends , I'll go to the beach with my family . Have you ever worked ? No , but I can learn . What are you going to do this summer ? I'm going to camp . I've gone to camp for four summers . I've never gone to camp . What do you do there ? We do many things . In the morning , we go swimming and boating . In the afternoon , we play basketball or tennis . We sit around a camp fire at night.We sing or tell stories . That sounds wonderful . It is wonderful . What's John going to do this summer ? I think he's going to the mountains with his parents . Well , so long , Mary . Have fun . You too , Peter . Give my regards to John . I'll see you in September . Can you tell the result ? It's love all . Now the score is in our favor . Can you tell which team seems to win ? Hard to say.Now the score is in our favor . Yes.Our guest team is really tough . They're still fighting hard.Let ' s wait and see . Maybe you'll get another chance at the statue . I don't think so . Did you ever go and look at your stamp ? And let them ruin my life ? Forget it ! But you've been looking for that stamp for years . It's not worth it . Besides , I have to save up to pay for some bills . Bummer . I guess we're both out of luck . Yeah . Well , I'll see you this weekend . Kate , what do you like to do tonight ? Do you often go to the movies ? Of course . I often go to the movies . There ’ s a good movie called Summer in Beijing . I heard it ’ s a very good movie . Let ’ s find out what time it starts . Let ’ s look at the newspaper . Here it is . It starts at 8 o'clock . Wonderful . I ’ m so excited . I feel confused by all the diet options out there . I don ’ t know which one actually works . Most of them are not so practical . It will be very bad for your health if you skip lunches or supers as the recommended . I think making an exercise plan can be more effective . Maybe you ’ re right . It is very expensive to go to a weight-loss center . I ’ d better join in a fitness club . You don ’ t need to lose weight , you are not fat . I bought an exercise dress yesterday and I found it was hard to dress it up . I visited the Polar Aquarium today . Is it like a zoo of polar animals ? Almost . There are a lot of polar animals sea birds , such as seals , whales and penguins , People don't get much chance of seeing them . It must have been fun seeing those unusual animals and birds . Absolutely . To be frank , I learned quite a lot about those animals and polar areas . I'm thinking of my kids there one of these days . Maybe you should let me know about your plan . I want to take my kids there some day . too . How time flies ! May and Danny have already grown up . I can still remember our first date . Look at that big tree over there . Yeah , oh my god ! It's still there . We have our first date right on there . Do you know that I fell in love with you at the first sight . You were dull at that time . But you agreed to go out with me at last . I can't believe this for it's been 20 years since we got married . I can ’ t wait to retire . And then what ? And then I ’ m moving to Florida where I can play golf all day , every day ! That sounds boring to me . What do you plan on doing after you retire ? Yes , I think I will do something new . I ’ Ve always wanted to be a teacher . I admire your energy , Ruth . You are young at heart . Let's get together this weekend , is that all right ? Sounds good , when ? When is it convenient for you ? Any time is fine . Could you and your wife be ready at nine o'clock ? Please wait for us even if we're a little late . Never mind . I'll be waiting for you . See you then . OK . Bye ! I wonder if I can ask you a question . Ask me a question ? What do you want to know ? Well ... er ... it is just ... just that I ... Just what ? Stop beating around the bush . Tell me what you want to know . I ... er ... I just want to know if you could lend me a few bucks . Lend you a few bucks ? No way ! Still remember the money you borrowed me last time ? Yeah . But I ... Hey , Mary , nice to see you again . I heard you're going back home to the U . S . Yes . I'm leaving tomorrow . I came here just because I want to say good-bye to you . You're so thoughtful . Wish you a good trip home . And we'll miss you . I'll miss you too , my friends . Lovely day , isn't it ? Oh , yes . Beautiful . You are not English , are you ? No , I am from France . Good afternoon , would you mind if I sat here ? Of course not . I ’ m Jack . What ’ s your name ? Laura . Do you like this place ? I don ’ t think it ’ s very nice . And my father doesn ’ t like it . But my mother likes it very much . So we often come here . How often ? Well , we come here almost every month . Who ’ s that ? It ’ s my mother . She ’ s fond of swimming . And the man beside her is my father . Do you like swimming ? No , I hate swimming . I prefer playing tennis . What ’ s the area of your country ? It ’ s not very big . It ’ s a little over half a million square kilometers . That sounds quite big ! How many people live there ? There are about 30 million people in my country . Most of them live in the north . What ’ s the average income ? That ’ s the really hard to say . I think most people earn about two thousand dollars a month , if you convert the money from our currency into dollars . So your country is fairly rich . I think we are richer than most countries , but not as rich as countries in western Europe . Our biggest problem at the moment is unemployment , which is roughly 8 % . It has doubled over the last four years . Unemployment in my country is a fraction of that . Look at this headline - Elvis Baby Born on Spacecraft . Where do these tabloids get such crazy stories ? I ’ Ve often wondered the same thing . I also wonder who reads them . Then I realize that I ’ m standing here reading them myself . It looks as though everyone in line reads them , or at least looks at the headlines . I think we picked the right line . This one seems to be moving more quickly than the others . Maybe our checker is faster at scanning the food . I ’ m glad . We have only about twenty things here , and I ’ m in a hurry to get home . The answer is zero ! What a let-down ! I really want to take him over my knee . No hard feelings . After all , he is a child . If you say so ! Hi . Hi , Mary , Hi , Ken I hate to bring this up , but that new stereo , system you got ... Yeah ? You were playing it very late last night . Yeah ? It kept me awake . Oh , I'm sorry . It kept me awake a couple of hours . I'm so sorry , I .. I didn't realize it was that loud . It was that loud , and it was pretty late , and check with Mary if you don't believe me . It's true.It was a bit loud . I'm very sorry . I didn't realize it . I promise I'll keep it down in the future . Oh , it's no problem.It ' s OK.You know , it only happened once . I am glad we've straightened everything out . My mother likes to split hairs . What do you mean by that ? She has keen to buy something which is much cheaper . Mothers like that . Hey Bob . Whatchy doing ? I'm at home painting . I didn't know you paint . What type of painting is it ? I enjoy oil painting . I learned it in one of my extra classes in college . That sounds so interesting . I wish I learned a hobby . Hobbies are never too late to learn . They offer a variety of classes at the local community college . You should look into it . I think I will . Thanks for the info . What does your friend Jim do ? He is a teacher , but he makes a little money on the side by repairing cars in his free time . He can repair cares ? I cannot believe it . Believe me , he is the first-class . Hey Jane . How are you doing these days ? Hi Martha . Everything is perfect . Are you enjoying married life ? It couldn't be better . My husband is so supportive with my work and he helps around the house so much . You're so lucky . I hope to get married to a guy like that . I'm so happy . Even though we are both working , we get to spend a lot of time with each other in the evening and on the weekends . Do you guys do anything special ? In the evening , we just sit and talk over dinner . But on the weekend , we try to go out to the beach or hit a nice restaurant , or go to a nice cafe . Sound like everything is great . David , why don't you clean your room ? I am not in the mood . Why are you feeling depress ? I was told my girlfriend was speaking ill of me . It's a real letdown . I don't think she would do such a thing . But she did and it made me disappointed . Oh , cheer up ! A girlfriend is not everything . But she means a lot to me . Then forgive her mistake . Oh , I just can't forget it . My brother joined the army last year . Oh , what does he look like ? Is he tall ? He's tall and strong . I can tell it from your build . Look , Forest Gump is on at six thirty . Really ? It was on in 1994 for the first time . And it is really a classic . Yeah , I am very impressed with Tom Hanks ' performance in the movie . I am also impressed with the lines in the movie . Life is like a box of chocolates , you never know what you're gonna get . That's my favorite . You know , it also won 6 Oscar awards in 1995 . Unbelievable ! It deserves . That film can give us a lot of inspiration . Yes , the Forrest's experience can encourage the people in trouble . All in all , it will never lose its appeal . Gucci , I have an idea . Do you want to see this movie together ? Sure . Now you are talking . I hate this kind of weather ! When I was a kid , there was a weather who said there is no such thing as bad weather . I think he had water on the brain . This is bad . He said there are only all kinds of good weather . Okay , Pollyanna , what's so good about this weather ? Well , for one , we have an excuse to stay home . We ' get ' to stay home ? Do you know something that I don't ? I know that there is hot chocolate in the kitchen and some new Cds just waiting for us . What day is it ? It's Monday , October 27 . Speaking of dates , when are you leaving ? I'm leaving on November 10th . Isn't it a Sunday ? No , it's a Monday . So you are leaving two weeks from now ? Right . What are you reading ? Oh , it ’ s the latest novel by ray blue . It ’ s a sic-fi thriller . I thought he usually wrote horror books . He does . He ’ s good at this genre too . It ’ s a captivating read . We ’ re going to the bookshop . Would you like to join us ? Yes , I would . I need to buy a textbook for my course and , as you know , I love browsing through the latest paperbacks . Me too . I need something to read on the flight to new york . I can never sleep on planes . Sarah wants to pick up some children ’ s books for her daughter . I want to look at nelson Mandela ’ s autobiography . This is sure to be a worthwhile read . Do you know what the BBS is ? Sure . Tell me then . BBS means Bulletin Board Service . Oh , I see , but what's it used for ? A lot of things ! Tell me in details . Okay . BBS , an online service , offers a wide variety of online games , files , one-on-one chat , message areas , private mail , and participate forums . Oh , that's great . I want to try later . Why not ? Any plans tonight ? Not really , do you ? Well , I am wondering if we took a hang-out for a drink or something . You know , I just came back from a really tough interview . I was quite nervous during the interview . I really want to have the job . Right now , I am still a little on the edge . I am not sure if I could convince them during the interview . Take it easy . It is all over now . How was it going , anyway ? I don ’ t know . I think I did well in the paper exams . I was prepared to answer a lot of questions , but they didn't ask those as I expected . To my surprise , the manager tried to talk about the Chinese poesy with me . That's strange . But probably , it is the new interview technique they call it ' Getting to know you more personally ' . What about your answers ? Just did my best . How may I help you ? I need to return these books . What happened to this one ? The cover came off . You ’ re going to need to pay for the damage . How much are you talking ? It ’ s going to be $ 5 . That ’ s not bad at all . It really isn ’ t . Here you go . Thank you very much . You ’ re welcome . Have a nice day . When it comes to select a fund , you will always read “ Past performance is not an indication of future results ” , can you believe that ? Maybe it is right since everything is possible . You know the market changes quickly these days . But I still have doubted those funds with bad stock performance . For me , his stock record is the very important criteria to decide which to buy . I really want to decrease the risk reach the minimum and achieve the maximum returns . But I still have doubted those funds with bad stock performance . For me , his stock record is the very important criteria to decide which to buy . I really want to decrease the risk reach the minimum and achieve the maximum returns . If you refuse to take risk , you can ’ t have better returns . I will think about it . I don't know why people are just mad about David Peckham . Is there really anything so fascinating with him ? He appeals to the fans thanks to two things You mean he plays well ? Yeah , he often scores by free kicks in crucial games . But a football match is by no means merely a show of taking free kicks . Certainly not . What really counts is to play as a team , passing the ball amongst each other , dodging defenders . Free kicks are a result of all the teammates ' collective efforts.However , a few free kicks often make everything different , especially scoring one such goal in the nick of time . In the case , maybe facial charm should be his leading card . After all , the majority of his fans are girls . Yes , his face looks are manly , with a straight nose and infinite eyes . As a man of medium height in the West , he keeps a powerful but elegant figure , looking neither lanky nor stout . And he is English ! He makes a model gentleman when he puts on a black suit and speaks with a typical British accent . Can you tell which team seems to win ? Hard to say . Now the score is in our favor . Yes . Our guest team is really tough . They're still fighting hard . Let's wait and see . May I have a word with you ? Certainly . When will you be free ? Come by any time . Shall I say around ten o'clock ? Yes , I'll be waiting for you in my home by 10:00 . Office software like Windows might be one of the best inventions in this information age . It saves us from so much work and makes the communication even around the world much easier . Fully agree . I do enjoy the convenience though I am still a beginner in using Excel . The latest office equipment is more type-functional . It combines fax machine , copy machine and printer in one . It saves a lot of place one machine instead of three . Yes , this machine is even smaller than those before . When will we get one of those ? You know our boss always trying to save the last penny . We have to use up the equipment first . Congratulations ! Mr . Stuart ! You won the city marathon . Thank you . I am very excited . We are all very proud of you . I am very happy , too . It was a big game and I won . I watched the race with my children . We saw you run to the finish line . We all screamed with excitement . It was really an exciting moment . I really dislike reading academic books . That may be so , but reading them is an important way to expand your knowledge . Are you ok , Chuck ? You look pale . I'm fine , Katherine . I just stayed up late last night working on my Chinese . Oh , poor you . You know what ? I found a new way to learn Chinese and it works very well . You did ? Do tell me . I've spent all these months trying to learn something new about it , but I've made little progress ! Sure . I'm learning Chinese through songs . So you're learning Chinese songs ? You can say that . I can actually sing some of them now . That's a real achievement . How did you do that ? I start by listening to the song a few times and after several times I am able to follow the singer . It makes sense . It does . I've learned some Chinese folk songs this way . They are clearly presented and easy to follow . Can Join you , Katherine ? I do want to have a try . Why not ? I downloaded a beautiful song the other day . We can learn it together now . Great . Do you think we need a Chinese dictionary ? Yes , just in case we run into me new characters . Ok . I will bring it with me . Where to , miss ? Hi ! Crenshaw and Hawthorne , at the Holiday Inn that is on that corner . Sure thing . So , where are you flying in from ? From China . Really ? You don ’ t look very Chinese to me , if you don ’ t mind me saying so . It ’ s fine . I am actually from Mexico . I was in China on a business trip , visiting some local companies that manufacture bathroom products . Wow sounds interesting ! Excuse me if I am being a bit nosy but , how old are you ? Don ’ t you know it ’ s rude to ask a lady her age ? Don ’ t get me wrong ! It ’ s just that you seem so young and already doing business overseas ! Well thank you ! In that case , I am 26 years old , and what about yourself ? I am 40 years old and was born and raised here in the good old U . S of A , although I have some Colombian heritage . Really ? That ’ s great ! Do you speak some Spanish ? Uh ... yeah .. of course ! Que bien ! Sentences poems habeas en espanol ! Oh , boy , I hate to say this , but I really have to leave now . That ’ s all right . I understand . I ’ m so sorry . That ’ s ok . Don ’ t be sorry . We ’ ll talk later . Have you thought of moving at all , Sarah ? We ’ Ve thought about it , but my husband and I can ’ t afford it right now . The only thing we could afford would be living in the slums , which is something I don ’ t want to do . Buying a house can be expensive , but there are ways to find cheaper houses . Like what ? Well , sometimes the city auctions offer houses to the community . You ’ d have to make a quick decision about the offer in a day , but you would definitely save money doing it that way . That ’ s a good idea . Do you know anyone who has done that before ? Sure , my sister-in-law and her husband just bought a house that way . They ’ re pretty satisfied with it . Is the house pretty run-down . Not at all . The woman , who owned it , took good care of it . But when she died , she had no family left and no will , so the government had to sell it for her . Was it a very old house ? It was about 75 years old . There were a few repairs that needed doing , but it didn ’ t take a lot of money or time . Is it in a good location ? The area can be a bit rough in the evenings , but the neighbors watch out for each other , so it ’ s ok . Do Mona and Jim need a new house ? No , they have a big new fancy house . Does Jim make a lot of money ? Yes , he does . He is a science fiction writer . Does Jim need to make more money ? Afraid so . The more the better . What do they need all that money for ? Well , they spend it pretty quick . New clothes , new computers and new cars every year . And they ’ Ve got a cook and housekeeper.Mona used to be an actress , she likes to spend a lot of money . Do they have any children ? No . They want children but no luck yet . What does Jim like to do ? Jim likes to travel around the world.That ' s expensive ! So he tries to make a lot of money . What does Mona like to do ? Oh , she enjoys spending money on fancy parties.Mona loves to wear sexy dresses , and she has quite a bit of jewelry . Wow ... She sounds like a high maintenance wife . I guess so . She is also interested in politics . She knows everyone in city government . Politics can be an expensive hobby . She is pretty serious about it . Her uncle is a mayor . She wants to follow in his footsteps . Politics is a hard game to play . She might do well . Everyone seems to like her . Are you alright , child ? Hey , I still know my name . What did the nurse say ? She said I have a fever but nothing major . In that case , you should go home and get plenty of rest . What if this small fever turns into a big fever ? Then I'll phone our family physician and make an appointment for you . Who was the best teacher that you ever had ? That would have to be Miss Baymler , my fourth grade teacher . What was she like ? She was patient , kind , fun , smart , caring , and yet strict , too . I really learned a lot from her . What kind of things did you learn ? She taught us that you can do anything that you want to do . Anything ? Do you really believe that we can do anything ? If you really want to do something and you work hard at it , I believe you can do it . You said she was strict . Did she have a lot of rules ? She had some rules that helped us to feel comfortable . For example , the students had to treat each other with respect , or they would be disciplined . I see . She sounds like she really cared about her students . Yes . She treated us all fairly . She don ’ t have any teacher ’ s pets . Really ? Doesn ’ t every teacher have a teacher ’ s pet ? Well . To be honest , I usually sucked up to teachers because I wanted them to give me good grades . However , Miss Baymler didn ’ t treat me any differently . She really didn ’ t have any teacher ’ s pets . Do you know what she is doing now ? As a matter of fact , I do . After she taught our class , she got married and moved to another city . Then , she started writing children ’ s book . Have you ever read one of the books ? Of course ! Both children and adults enjoy her books . Why don ’ t you recommend one to me ? ok ! I ’ ll bring one to you next time . Mum , this is for you . Oh , flowers ! What for , my dear ? Happy Mother's Day to you , Mum ! Oh , thank you.You are so sweet ! Did you like the party ? Not particularly . I was rather disappointed . Why ? What had you expected ? I ’ d expected it to be much more exciting . Look , daddy is on again . Don't you think he is handsome ? To some extent , he is . And what do you think we move to a better place ? I can't see him clearly from here . The seats in the middle of this stadium are great , but they're already occupied by somebody else . Oh , thank you for pointing that out . By the way , have you been following NBA for this season ? Of course , tomorrow evening there will be a most exciting game . Who plays who ? Rockets vs Lakers . Yao Ming , my idol , will appear in front of several hundred million of the worldwide audience . It's amazing . And when did he begin to play in the NBA ? In 2002 . And since then he has attracted more attention than ever . I can't consider you as a little kid any more . I know he is very tall . Oh , you know something . He is 2.26 meters tall . But he is also nimble and skillful . I also heard if a player has committed 5 fouls then he must be out of the game . Yes , what's worse is he can't take any further part in the game . That's really terrible . Oh , God , we forgot to cheer for Daddy . Never mind . After all he is not so attractive as Yao Ming , right ? You are always so naughty . Pretty ! Say beautiful rather . Can you imagine any thing nearer perfect beauty than she altogether-face and figure ? I do not know what I could imagine , but I confess that I have seldom seen a face or figure more pleasing to me than hers . Such an eye ! The true hazel eye-and so brilliant ! Regular features , open countenance , with a complexion , Oh ! What a bloom of full health , and such a pretty height and size ; such a firm and upright figure ! There is health , not merely in her bloom , but in her air , her head , her glance . One hears sometimes of a child being ' the picture of health ' ; now , she always gives me the idea of being the complete picture of grown-up health . She is loveliness itself . Is that Mr . Green ? This is him speaking . I am calling to inform you that we're happy to have you with us . Welcome aboard , I'm sure your friend would have given you a lot of information of our school and its motto , ways of teaching , etc . Yes . I am very glad to have the chance . I'm so nervous about this oral test . Just calm down . I'm sure you'll do well . I just want to get it over with . I hear you ’ re taking a music class . I didn ’ t know you ’ re interested in it . Oh , I ’ m not . I ’ Ve never had a music class before . In my opinion , you ’ ll make it . You ’ re having me on again . No , I ’ m serious . What ’ s the date today ? December the fifteenth . The day after tomorrow is little Tom ’ s birthday . Right . What present should we give him this time ? By the way , how old is he ? Thirteen today and tomorrow . Fourteen the day after tomorrow . How time flies ! He ’ s a big boy now . And don ’ t forget Mary , Tom ’ s twin sister . It ’ s her birthday , too . OK . Let ’ s invite all their little friends to come and celebrate . Peter and Mary broke up . Are you serious ? I had a wonderful evening . I did , too.Come and visit us again , will you ? I will . Do you know Sally ? Sally ? She is a bachelor girl . She is an excellent designer . Many of the company's advertisements are her child trains . Why is she still single ? She must have a face that would stop a clock . Oh , quite the other way round . She is a knock-out . She devotes much of her time to her career . Do you hear what happened to Sally ? No , what ? She had to go to the hospital . Why ? She passed out in class . Seems she hadn't eaten anything in days . Why on earth would she do that ? You mean that she intentionally did not eat any food for days ? That's crazy ! Yeah , but that's what she did . I can't believe that there are girls who are willing to do that to their bodies . And all for a certain look . Well , it's not just the girl ’ s fault . It's also society's fault - magazines and ads that show - thin models all saying , It's in to be thin . It's hard for them not to listen . True , but there are limits . Being thin is one thing ; starving oneself to death is another . No one forces them to do this . Have you ever thought about Tom ’ s attitude ? I ’ Ve cut it up and come to the conclusion that hi is actually sick of Jenny ’ s brother . But he likes Jenny . She is a big apple in his eye . Love me , love my dog . He ’ s a sensible kind man . That ’ s why many people look up to him . Have you found another job yet , Sally ? No , I haven't , but I've seen several interesting advertisements in the paper . What kind of job are you looking for ? Either something in the hotel business or something to do with travel . You haven't had any experience in either of those fields . I know.But I'd like to try.Look , here are some advertisements that I've cut out . Hi . Are you new in this class ? Yes , I am . I really don't know anyone . My name is Steven . What's your name ? My name is Bill . How are your lessons going ? Very well . And my favorite subject is Chinese . I prefer to learn English . In my opinion , English is easier than Chinese . I guess English has fewer characters . You are right . Robert , this is my friend , Mrs . Smith . Hi , Nice to meet you . Nice to meet you too . Mrs . Smith , what do you do for work ? I'm a doctor . Oh . Where do you work ? New York University hospital in New York City . What do you do ? I'm a teacher . What do you teach ? I teach English . Where ? At a high school in New Jersey . That's nice . How old are you ? I'm 32 . Hah ! For three hours while you threw up . And Femi dumped me for that . I really loved her . I'm so sorry , Taylor . Go talk to her . I'm sure she'd be happy to see you . She probably wouldn't even recognize me . She's probably married . Yi-jun said Femi was talking about you . So get out there , Tiger ! Was she really ? So you're telling me there's a chance ? Can't hurt to try . Carpe diem . Who can say if we'll be here tomorrow or not ? Oh , Ralph , I heard it is very dangerous traveling in space . Disasters have happened before . If the spaceship were out of order . . . You should be optimistic about this . Things have taken a good turn . You should remember that less than two centuries ago the dangers of train travel seemed similarly terrible . But is it possible that travelers could be hit by meteors ? It's once in blue moon . What do you think is the real danger man faced in space ? The main one is radiation . There are two sorts of radiation man must fear in space . The first is radiation from the sun , and this is particularly dangerous when the sun is very active and explosions are occurring on its surface . The second , less harmful , comes from the so-called Van Allen Belts . Hi , Mark , did you catch the game last night ? No , I was out . Was it worth watching ? You didn ’ t hear ? Spain won , two to zero . Oh , really ? So , Spain is through to the next round ? Yeah . The final is next week . You have to watch it . Get up as early as six o'clock only to be jammed at every crossroad and still late for work . What a life ! I've had enough of it . Cool down , man . Everyone is fed up with the rush-hour traffic . But life isn't really all that . You should take the initiative and make some changes first . What should I do then ? I recommend you ride a bike instead of commuting by bus . It may offer you many benefits . First , it's good for your health . I'm afraid it's not necessary for me to further elaborate . While lots of people spend time like an hour each morning exercising , a bike ride to work not only builds you up , but also makes full use of time . You might as well sleep out for a longer hour . I know cycling is always a more favorable choice than a bus . After all , it's a sport . But do you think it a pleasant experience to take in the dirty , polled air on the road ? Well , such things are just unavoidable in a great metropolis like Beijing . I think a still more desirable benefit is psychological . Bicycling home after work can help release your stress . Life in the offices is miserable . You just sit there in a daze , gazing at the monitor and dealing with files and documents . Why don't you give a full play to your energy after work ? Enjoy the speed on the road . Just think , you are flashing past the poles with your own energy . How great ! How many people are there in your family ? Five . Besides my parents and me , there are my brother and sister . That ’ s a big family . How old is your brother ? Eighteen . What about your sister ? She ’ s not quite twenty-five . Do you miss your family ? Yes . Do you often go home ? No . But I often send e-mail to them . And make a call to my parents regularly . How often do you call to them ? Once a week . I'm terribly nervous . Calm down ! What's wrong ? You don't like ancient Egypt ? Actually , I don't like history . Lately , these shows are always about the Pyramids . The Pyramids are amazing ! Millions of gigantic stones ... each one perfect ... And nobody knows who built them , right ? It's a total mystery ! You sound like the TV ! You're not going to tell me that aliens built the Pyramids , are you ? What's the problem , Nada ? You look down in the dumps . I don't know . My life is a big mess . Everything is so complicated . Come on , nothing can be that bad . But promise me , you'll keep it a secret . Ok , I promise . So what's troubling you so much ? I've fallen in love with my boss . Really ? Is he married ? Bo , of course not . He is still single . Then what's your problem ? I try to keep it to myself . But there is a lot of gossip about us . Oh , I see . Office romance tends to be the subject of gossip . Worse still , he is trying to avoid me these days . Office romance is very tricky . It gives me a lot of pressure and I feel depressed . Cheer up , Nada . You'll be fine . How may I help you ? I want to return this video . Is that all you need ? I also need to check these books out . Anything else ? That ’ s everything . I need your library card . I have it . Here you go . Do you need anything else ? That ’ s everything . Your books are due back two weeks from today . Thank you . Good night . Did you happen to bring that book that we were talking about yesterday ? I did . Let me go get it for you . Here you go . Thanks so much . I like the way that the gifts I get increasingly more lavish . I had no idea that there were specific things that should be given on different anniversaries . So what does it say you should give your wife this first anniversary ? It says that traditionally , give something made of paper . I can think of two things made of paper — stationery and money . I'm going to the park to play baseball with the guys . But you promised to play chess with me this afternoon . Yeah , but that was before the guys ask me to join the team . So what ? You know how much I want to be on the team , and now there is an opening for me.If I don't go to practise today.They ' ll get someone else and I'll miss my chance . I don't care about baseball.You know I need to practice for the chess championship and you promised to help with me if I washed the dishes for you last Sunday , and I did . I know , and I will . When ? After baseball practice . And then , it'll be dinner time , then homework , and then your Show is on.You are going to break your promise . No , I won't . I'm going to skip TV tonight and work on your chess game with you if that's ok with you . Well , I'd rather do it the way we set up.But if you promise to give me your best game , it's ok with me . No problem , I'll play as hard as I can and give you an extra game to say thanks . What stresses you out the most ? Probably my parents . How so ? Well , during school , they wanted good grades . Then after I got a job , they wanted me to get a better job . And finally , they want me to get married . You have to deal with a lot of pressure from your parents . Your parents are not like that ? Ever since I brought home some bad grades in elementary school , they never expected much . You're lucky . What do you do to deal with the stress ? Not much I can do . It's always there . I sometimes go out with some friends and drink , but that's only a temporary solution . The stress always returns in the morning . That sucks . You wanna go grab a beer ? Sure . Sounds great . Let's go . Tony looks very handsome in the suit . He prefers suits to jackets . Judge from his look , he's a very serious person . As a matter of fact , he is . Lily thinks that the job takes a back seat to the family after she is married . She must be a good wife . Not necessarily . This is only what she says , not what she does . I see . What's the weather like ? I don't know . I just woke up . Why don't you look outside ? Okay . It looks like rain . Why do you say that ? The sky is gray . Is it raining right now ? No . How do you know ? The street isn't wet . I have to go shopping today . You'd better take an umbrella . Hey there , you look a little lost . Are you new here ? Yeah how ’ d you know ? You can always spot the newbies . I can give you a few pointers if you want . Were you trying to use this machine here ? Yeah ! I just started my training today and I ’ m not really sure where to begin . It ’ s ok , I know how it is . This machine here will work out your upper body , mainly your triceps and biceps . Are you looking to develop strength or muscle tone and definition ? Well , I don ’ t want to be ripped like you ! I just want a good physique with weights and Carpio . In that case you want to work with less weight . You can start off by working ten to fifteen reps in four sets . Five kilo weights should be enough . Now it ’ s very important that you stretch before pumping iron or you might pull a muscle . Got it ! Wow is that the weight you are lifting ? My goodness that ’ s a lot of weight ! It ’ s not that much . Just watch ... I ’ m ok ... I don't know how John can put up with his son , who fools around without working . He's out of John's hands . Nothing he can do about such a black sheep . If I were him , I would give him a good talking-to . I would insist on his stopping fooling around like that . Do you like ice skating ? I have never tried it . Then you've got to try it . Let's go to the skating rink on Thursday . Sorry , I don't think I can . Friday then . How about it ? Friday is great . It's settled then . Gordon , you're ever so late . Yes , I am sorry . I missed the bus . But there's a bus every ten minutes , and you are over 1 hour late . Well , I missed several buses . How on earth can you miss several buses ? I , ah ... , I got have late . Oh , come on , Gordon , it's the afternoon now . Why were you late really ? Well , I ... I lost my wallet , and I ... Have you got it now ? Yes , I found it again . When ? This morning . I mean ... I am not convinced by your explanation . Let's have seafood tonight and then go see the new movie at Mall Cinema.Betsy told me it's a beautiful love story and I shouldn't miss it . Oh , Goodness , please not again.That ' s what we did last week . No , we didn't . Last week we went to see that movie about a man's struggle against mental illness . Right , it was a chick flick , just like this one , so what's the difference ? Besides , this is the last week for the third movie in Destroyer series and I want to see that on a big screen . Action movies need to be seen in a theater on a big screen . Oh , yeah , and I did promise to see it with you if we went to that movie last week.But you liked that movie , didn't you ? Oh , sure , it was great . I had popcorn for dinner and paid the price of a movie ticket to get a two-hour nap . It wasn't that bad , and you're the one that insisted on skipping dinner.We went to an excellent restaurant . That place doesn't have a single meat dish.Just fish and shellfish and you know I don't like fish that much . And I don't like meat that much.The only meat I eat is chicken . But when I pick the restaurant , we go to a place that has both chicken and fish . I always respect your food preferences . Well , I suppose that , to be fair , you should get to pick the movie and we can go to a restaurant that serves meat . Now you're talking , we can see that love story next time . How's your new job going ? Really well , thanks . How are you finding your new boss ? She's not bad . She's a bit bossy , but I'm sure I'll get used to her . Would you rather have her or your old boss back ? She's far better than my old boss . He didn't know how to express his opinion without putting at least one other person down . How about your new co-workers ? They are all pretty easy-going . It's a very friendly place to work . Do you miss your old co-workers ? Of course . I spent so much time at my old workplace that I got to know them all very well . They were like family to me . Do people in different departments get along with each other ? Sure . Since we work together in teams , we have to get along with each other . Do you like working in teams with people from different departments ? Yes , it helps everyone to understand what we're doing from different perspectives . Do you like working in teams ? I prefer it to working independently . I think most people do . Linda , John and I are going to get married next week . That's wonderful . Congratulations . Thank you , Linda . We would love you to come to our wedding . I'd love to . What date is it ? It's May 1st . What day is that ? It's Saturday . Could you make the time ? Yes , sure . What time will the wedding begin ? At nine sharp . Very good ! I'm looking forward to it . Please give my best regards to John . And I wish you best luck ! Thanks . So do you think you can get to the office alone ? Sure , I ’ ll catch the train . If I can ’ t catch the train , I ’ ll get a taxi . Do you think the taxi driver will understand you ? If he doesn ’ t understand me , I ’ ll show him the office address on my business card . Ok but how will we know if you are going to be late ? I ’ ll call you if I ’ m delayed . You and Bob have finished ? Yes . Are you going to be okay ? Yes , I'm used to being on my own . Tony looks very handsome in the suit . He prefers suits to jackets . Judge from his look , he's a very serious person . As a matter of fact , he is . You are friend of Janet , right ? I am Andrew , Andrew Smith . Nice to meet you , Andrew . I am Noirin , Noirin O'Neil . I'm sorry , I didn't quite catch that . Noirin , N-O-I-R-I-N , it's an Irish name . Wow ! It ’ s packed . The train station is indeed crowded . I think it ’ s hard for us to get on the train . it's getting cold . yes . I bought a scarf yesterday . It's really nice and warm . Have a look . Oh , it's made of wool . I like the striped pattern . yes , I adore simple fashions . How does it look on me ? it looks great , but you need something to go with it . It's too plain on its own . how about this blue sweater ? that's a good idea . When did you buy it ? Is it a name brand ? yes , but I bought it when it was on sale , 50 % off the original price . OK , what do you think ? that looks lovely . Just one more thing---you need a pair of earrings . I've got a pair of pearl earrings . Here it is . perfect ! you have good fashion sense , Karen . thanks . We should be ourselves . There are so many fashion victims out there . yes , but with our sense we'll always look good . Susan ? What brings you here today ? Well , I ’ Ve got some papers due . Really ? So what ’ s the news ? Not too good yet . Better than I was though . Hello , Mary . Hello , Brian . Here is my friend Bob . Hello , Bob . Are you free tonight ? Depends . Wanna chill out and watch cable ? Wow ! Besides The Cosby Show , I've never seen a black sitcom . What's this program ? It's a drama called Soul Food . This channel is BET-Black Entertainment Television . It has black shows , news and commercials . This show is like a black Friends . BET has black shows that are overlooked by mainstream white TV . That's cool . I've heard LA has an all-Asian channel on cable . My boss wore a real stupid tie to work today . Can you guess why ? He isn't a man of good taste for clothes , is he ? He is , but I didn't mean that . His daughter bought him a tie as a Father's Day gift , and he was very happy to wear it and show it off to us in the office . It must be hard being a father . No , it's great being a father , seeing your children growing up and loving you and admiring you . Maybe you'll only feel that way on Father's Day . So Alex , you ’ re off to the Olympic stadium then ? Yes , I should get there just in time for the women ’ s 400m relay . Wow , that should be really exciting , especially with so many famous athletes there . Yes , I ’ m also going to watch the triple jump and the high jump . Well have a good time . Get me some autographs if you can . Ok , I ’ ll try my best . Where did you go yesterday ? I went to play tennis in the public park . How often do you play tennis ? Twice a week . How about you ? I seldom play tennis . I prefer football and basketball . But it is very difficult to gather a team of players together . I usually play with my schoolmates . Do you like watching football matches ? Yes , I went to the Than He Sports Center for the football match last Sunday . ... And now , let ’ s go to Kenny Williams for today ’ s weather forecast . Thank you Bill , and good morning Salt Lake City ! What ’ s the weather looking like today , Kenny ? Well , it ’ s a bit of a mixed bag in Utah today . we ’ Ve got heavy cloud cover here in Northern Utah , and we ’ re calling for scattered showers throughout the day , with a day-time high of forty-five degrees.Now , if we move down to the south of the state , we can see that a cold front is moving in.We can expect clear skies , but it will be quite cold , with temperatures hovering around the thirty degree mark . It ’ s a chilly day folks , so don ’ t forget your coats ! What about tomorrow Kenny ? Do you have good news for us ? Well , it ’ ll be a rainy day for Northern Utah.we can expect some isolated downpours in the morning . Winds will be coming in from the North East , with gusts reaching twenty-three miles per hour . Salt Lake City can expect the rain to turn to sleet in the evening . Things are looking a bit better for the South.we ’ ll see cloudy skies with a chance of showers . Later in the day , we can expect partlycloudy skies , with a forecast high of thirty-eight degrees . You heard it folks ! It ’ s gonna be a cold one ! That ’ s right Bill . We will have more later on today on the six o ’ clock news . That ’ s the weather forecast for this morning . He's been compared to Rimbaud , you know . You mean as in Sylvester Stallone ? No , you idiot . I mean the poet , Arthur Rimbaud - R , I , M , B , A , U , D . I am having a hard time at my job . What's wrong , Julia ? My colleagues quickly get promotions , while I always get sidelined . I don't know what to do anymore . Don't give up so soon . But I don't know what else I can do . I am willing to work hard . Sometimes I make mistakes and the boss is not happy . Mistakes are just a lessons to learn from . Tell that to my boss . Do you know Abraham Lincoln ? Yes . He grew up poor in Kentucky and barely had a year of schooling , but he went on to become the President of United States . He was also assassinated because of his views . He is known as American's greatest president . Do you know why ? Because he fought against slavery and secession at a time in history where others were too afraid to do anything . He succeeded because of his ambition and generous spirit . Well , if he can become president , then I can at least get a promotion . That's the spirit . Never give up on your dream . Well , my particular interest is collecting stamps , especially the rare ones . What about you ? I ’ m afraid that ’ s not my cup of tea . I just find skin-diving attracting . So have you ever been to the stamp display of the town ? Hello ! Oh , hi ! Please allow me to introduce myself . My name is Tom . Pleased to meet you . My name is Alice . Did you just move in next door ? Yes , I did . Have you lived here long ? Me ? I guess so . I've lived here for about six years now . Have you lived in America very long ? No , not really . When I left Vietnam , I came to America and I lived with a cousin in Dallas for two years . Where do you work , Alice ? I teach mathematics at a college . What do you do ? I am an accountant at a company . Well , Tom . It's good to meet you . I have to go now . I am teaching a class this evening , and I need to get to the college . It's nice meeting you too , Alice . See you around ! Goodbye , Alice . Excuse me . I am interested in getting a library card . Sure , let me give you an application . You can fill it out right here at the counter . OK , here it is . Let me take a look at this for you . May I have your driver's license , please ? Here's my license and form . You seem to have filled the form out all right . Are you familiar with our rules and fines ? Yes , I know what to do . The hours and limitations are printed on the card and this handout . OK . Thank you for joining the library ; we look forward to serving you . Hey , Frank . I heard you got a new job . Yeah , Judy . I will be working for the Post Office . It ’ s not a bad job . Is it true that you have a heavy work schedule ? That ’ s right . I report to work at 5am everyday , and I only get 45 minutes for lunch . So , why did you apply for such a demanding job ? Well , the government offers its employees excellent health insurance benefits . Oh , I see . And can your family utilize 5 the health insurance , too ? Yeah , that ’ s the best part . All of my children can get free medical care . That ’ s a great employment benefit ! Now you know why I wanted to work for the Post Office ! He has come to life in the end . Oh , thank God . We all felt frightened by the bad new about him . Yes . Fortunately , an ambulance passed in the nick of time , and we got him away to hospital . Right . Unless , who know what will happen . Wish him to be healthy soon . Harry , do you like the opera ? No , not really . Why is that ? It is called real art . Well , it's very expensive and they're usually singing in another language . That kind of gets on my nerves . Yeah , that makes sense . Lisa wins the first prize in the English speech contest of her college . Really ? That's really wonderful . I'm so happy for her . But I always feel disappointed . I have many problems with English learning . Honey , cheer up . I feel confused about the grammars . I'm sure you'll do fine if you try your best . And my writing is not good . I feel so frustrated . Be confident , and never give up . I know that , mom . But sometimes I'm just sad . Keep your chin up . Remember ? Nothing is impossible to a willing heart . Yes , mom . You are right . Nothing is impossible to a willing heart . I will keep going . how did you do on your BELTS exam ? fantastic ! I got an overall score of eight . that's excellent ! Have you received your conditional offers yet ? yes . I'm just waiting until I officially get admitted to the university with a conditional offer to apply for my visa . do you know where the visa office is ? no . it's just near the Dong Si Shi Tiao subway stop . that's not too far away . Do you think I'll get a visa ? have you ever gone abroad before ? yes , I've been to Tailband , Egypt , and Japan . have you ever been denied a visa before ? never . that's good . Are you planning on immigrating to another country ? no , I want to come back to China after I graduate . that's exactly what the visa officers want to hear . Do you have enough money for tuition and room and board ? I've received a full scholarship , so I won't need any other money to live off while I'm studying . I think you have a very good chance of getting a visa . I can help you prepare for the visa interview if you want . that's be great . The more prepared I am , the better . Hi there , I'm Steve Saunders.What ' s your name ? I'm Patti Whitney.Isn ' t this convention great ? Yes it is , better than I expected it would be.The presenters have been first rate.Is this the first conference you've been to ? No , I've been coming for the last 3 years.Each year keeps getting better.Where are you from ? I'm from Long Island , New York.What about yourself ? I'm from the other side of the coast--Los Angeles . Wow . I really like California ... the weather there is much better than the East Coast . Have you been to California ? Just once.Quite a few years ago we took the kids to Disneyland on our vacation.They had a blast . How many kids do you have ? Two , a boy and a girl.They ’ re already grown now . Well , California ’ s changed over the last little while.You should come back out sometime . I dislike Susan . She is always above herself . Don ’ t you know that she was the only one who had received the invitation in the office ? What of it ? Sure . Does it bother you that your husband goes away on long business trips ? No.The time we have spent apart has been good for us.Absence makes the heart grow fonder . What can I do for you ? I ’ m returning these books . Let me have them . Here are all of them . These books are two weeks late . I didn ’ t have time to return them . You ’ re going to have to pay late fees . How much ? 25 cents a day . 25 cents a day ? That means 25 cents for each late book . That ’ s expensive . I hear you're entering the speech contest , Mike . That's right . I thought I'd give it a shot . Well , I wish you good luck ! What shall we do after the volleyball match ? How about going to the Olympic souvenir store to have a look ? I remember there is one in the gym . That's a good idea . I was thinking of buying some gifts for my family . Me , too . What did you have in mind ? I haven't decided yet , but I think the Olympic Mascots are a must . I agree . They're very lovely , especially Huanhuan Is that the red one ? That is my favorite , too . Do you know how much they are ? The five dolls are sold together as a set , and they're priced according to the size . The bigger they are the more expensive . Oh , I see . If I buy more than a set , can I get any discount ? I don't think so . All the souvenirs of the Olympic Games are very hot right now . Any other ideas ? There are lots of things , such as postcards , key chains , posters and various arts and crafts . It all sounds great . We can go there after the match . I can't wait to see what they have . It is time to butter him up . What do you have to do to grease the palm of him ? I don ’ t know . Let me see . You can go and ask your father . Cindy , I heard you got into that university . Congratulations ! Thanks ! I'm so happy . It's like a dream come true . Hello ? Hi Vicky . Are you there yet ? Yes . I just got off the subway . I'm almost there . Sorry I'm late . That's no problem . I just wanted to tell you I'm inside . Where are you ? On the second floor . Should I come to the second floor or do you want to come to the first floor ? Come upstairs . What ? Oh , Can you hear me OK ? I said , come to the second floor . Oh , OK . What are you doing there ? Just looking at some books on how to learn English . Do you want to get something to eat later ? No , I'm still full from dinner . What do you want to do ? I don't know for sure . When you get here we'll talk about it . OK , see you soon . Bye . Who's that old lady trimming the trees ? She's my grandma . She looks very healthy.How old is she ? 92 . What do you think are the main causes of war today ? I ’ d say the main reason is poverty . Countries and their people get frustrated because they have so little . If their neighbors have some resources , they try to steal them by military force . It seems that a lot of wars nowadays are really civil wars . People from different ethnic groups in the same country sometimes fight for power in that country . Several of those civil wars have been going on for years and years . It seems they will never end . How do you think they could be ended ? I don ’ t think that there is any easy way . The united nations could send peacekeepers into the country . At least then the warring parties could be forced to negotiate . The thing is to find the real problem form the war and solve that . So , if the cause is poverty , there should be a program to make the country richer . If the problem is resources , share them . It sounds easy when you say it like that . In reality , it ’ s harder to make peace between countries . Yes . It is . One way to stop countries fighting is to cut off their financial support . Wars are very expensive . The problem is that many poor people might suffer . Are you feeling better today , Bill ? Well , it's hard to say . I cough a lot in the evening . You'd better give up smoking . It's bad for your health . You're right , but you know , it's hard to give up an old habit . But you should make up your mind first . You know , I often have to work til late at night . I need something to keep me awake . Why don't you go to bed and get up early ? You'll have the same time for work . Thank you for your advice ! I'll try it . Well , I must be off now . I have an appointment at six . In that case , I won't keep you any longer . Drop in any time . Ok . Goodbye . See you later . Hello , Julia , I know a party that will begin at midnight . Would you love to go ? I'd love to , but my mother asks me to go home before 11:00 every night . She will worry if I get home late . What a pity ! The party is very interesting . I have no choice . My mother is always very strict with me . Don ’ t complain about it . She is concerned about your safety . You're right . Mother's love is the greatest love in the world . Steven , why are you so depressed ? I'm feeling very sad . I just read the newspaper . What's the news ? According to the newspaper , the town was razed by an earthquake and more than 10 thousand people died in the earthquake . It's horrible . Yeah , we have to do something to help the people in the stricken area . Yes . How about donating some money ? It's a good idea . But where can we donate money ? Just find the answer through Internet . Yes , let's do it now . I don ’ t know how to deal with Jack . He is indeed a trouble maker . He has louse up my business several times . You mean Lily ’ s boyfriend ? Yeah . Well , he is a hard case . Everyone would feel headache about him . Who's that over here ? That's the new teacher . What do you think of the teacher ? She's very nice . What does she teach ? English , of course . Is she your teacher ? Yes.She teaches our class three times a week . Can she speak Chinese to her students ? Not very much . It's a good thing you can speak English ! Judy , what is everybody talking about ? Haven ’ t you heard ? Richard was fired by our manager . You ’ re kidding . It can ’ t be true . Believe it or not . Everybody is talking about it in the company . Really ? I ’ m surprised . Me too . Hi , Mike . Haven't seen you for a while . How's Cathy ? We are not seeing each other any more . What happened ? Did you break up ? Yeah . I got sick and tired of her nagging all the time . Oh , I am sorry . Maybe you were just emotional at that moment . Do you think you guys can get back together ? I don't know . There ’ s plenty of fish out there in the sea ! Oh , you are such a dog ! They're very good friends , aren't they ? I wouldn't say that.They seem to be on good terms but actually they always speak ill of each other . Oh , it's unbelievable ! I went to Jessie's birthday party yesterday . It was very good . I didn't know about it . What did you do ? We ate a lot of things . We played games and gave gifts to Jessie . We had a lot of fun . You were really lucky . My birthday comes next month . I want to hold a birthday party , too . I hope I can go to your party . My friend finally dumped her boyfriend , and she's sworn she's going to abstain until she finds the right man to marry . After going through an episode like that I'm not surprised . How's her headspace ? She's doing great , she's getting her confidence back , and her self-esteem , has improved drastically.She ' s very happy . I'm proud of you for standing by her . I think you've helped make a big difference in her life . Do you have any plans for next Sunday evening ? No , why ? My friend , who had the mishap , wants to take us to dinner to show her gratitude for helping her . She doesn't need to do that , I didn't do anything . She feels you gave me the freedom to be able to assist her and she appreciates that . Come on , Let's indulge her . Hey , Tom , what to go for a run ? No thanks . I like to run in the morning . I ran a couple of miles when I woke up today . I try to do that , but I can ’ t get up early enough . I couldn ’ t either at first , but you get used to it . It ’ s so hot at lunchtime ; I ’ d rather run in the morning . Well , why don ’ t you come tomorrow ? I ’ ll stop by your house on my way out . I could try , but I can ’ t say for sure if I ’ ll get up in time . What time do you want to go ? I ’ ll give you a call around 6 o'clock and stop by around 6 thirty . O . K . , maybe if I have someone to go with , I ’ ll be able to get up in time for a jog . Great , I ’ ll see you then . See you . How's the weather today ? It's cloudy . Is it going to rain today ? I doubt it . But I heard it might rain . Well , the way you drive , Jen ... I still don't think that's a good idea . I really love this music . It's a compilation . I know . It's a mix of all the latest songs . And you got them off the Net ? No . I recorded these from your Cds . Well , thanks for asking for my permission ... Now hand it over and let me record ! I knew I shouldn't have shown you my new toy ... Um , which of them is the better typist ? Well , Mary types faster than Jones . But I think Jones types more carefully . Is there any difference in their short hand ? Jones can certainly take down letter more quickly , but Mary ’ s short hand is the best in her class . How about languages ? Both of them speak excellent French . But I think Mary speaks German more fluently than Jones does . Um . That doesn ’ t really matter . Because we have more French visitors than German . My friend George has been to Switzerland twice . Does he like that country ? Yes , he likes the people and the quietness there . Would you ask him to tell us more about the country ? Hello , Ann ! Is that you ? Yes , it is . Hi , Tom ! It's a real surprise to see you here . It's been a long time ! What's new ? Nothing much . What about you ? Is everything going well ? Not bad I guess . I just got back from Hawaii . How was it ? I had a good time . You seem to be in a hurry . Don't let me hold you up . Sorry , I've got a meeting in half an hour . Ok , I won't keep you then . Great ! It's good to see you . Goodbye ! Yes , stay in touch . Bye ! Give me your email , would you ? Sure ! It's . Ok ... I ’ ll talk to you later . Bye Carrie , are you ok ? You seem a bit down . I just got off the phone with my boyfriend . He is always getting upset and losing his temper over nothing . It ’ s so hard to talk to him at times . Maybe it ’ s just that he is stressed out from work or something . He does have a pretty nerve wracking job you know . Yeah but , he is always in a really foul mood . I try to find out what ’ s bothering him or get him to talk about his day but , he always shuts down and brushes me off . Men are like that you know.They can feel nervous , anxious or on edge and the only way they can express it is by trying to hide it through aggressiveness . I guess you are right . What do you think I should do ? He wasn ’ t always this grouchy you know ... Talk to him , try to cheer him up when he is down and if that doesn ’ t work , I say get rid of him and get a new one ! You are something else you know that ? Hi , my name ’ s Karl . My wife and I are moving in next door . Hello , Karl . I ’ m Chuck Jones . We ’ re going to be neighbors . I ’ m happy to meet you . It seems everyone in town is so friendly . This is a small town , and we like to be neighborly . We know everyone who lives around here . Well , I ’ m from Chicago . There few people take the time to get to know their neighbors . So , tell me , Karl , why did you come all the way to Minnesota to live ? We wanted to live in a more peaceful community and have more space . Another reason is , we can afford to buy a home here , but we can ’ t in Chicago ! Look ! It ’ s the start of the Olympic Games . So what ? You want to watch , don ’ t you ? Not really . I couldn ’ t careless about the Olympic Games . Please yourself . The question is easy for everybody.Don ' t you think so ? Yeah , it's very easy . But it's above Nick's head Why do you say so ? He's always confused by easy questions . I can ’ t believe it ! What ’ s wrong ? That was a great goal . Yes , but I bet $ 200 dollars on the Cougars ! Looks like you ’ re going to lose out on this game then . I can ’ t believe it ! I thought the Cougars were going to win for sure . What were the odds ? 20 to 1 , in favour of the Cougars ! Too bad . Jenny , I was wondering ... if you .. eh are you busy this Friday ? Yes , Friday I have a class , right after work . Oh , what about Saturday ? Are you free then ? Saturday my parents are coming to town . What ’ s up ? What about tonight ? Do you have plans tonight ? No , do you want to go and do something ? Yes , yes , I want to take you to dinner . Oh , that sounds great . How about 6 o ’ clock ? Excuse me ? Is this where I register ? I ’ d like to sign up for my courses for next semester . Yes , of course . I need your student ID please . Here you are . Okay , Susan . It says here that you are a business major and you are in your second year . Is this information correct ? Yes . I do want to take some additional credits this year to get a minor in psychology . Sure.That ’ s not a problem.Do you have the list of courses you want to taketh semester ? Yeah . Here ’ s my list . I ’ m not sure if the class schedule will allow me to take all of them though . Yeah , that ’ s perfect . What about the subjects for your minor ? Oh yeah ! Almost forgot ! I need to take fundamental linguistics , consumer psychology and neuroanatomy . Wow , you are going to be busy this semester ! Okay , here you go . You are registered now . you ’ ll have to make your first tuition payment before classes start . Is your city a historical place ? Not rally . 200 years ago , it was just a small insignificant village . How did it grow into such a large place ? Large deposits of coal were found nearly and so many industries located themselves here . The village quickly grew into a key industrial centre . As the city grew , it must have absorbed many village nearby . Yes , it did . The names of those village survive as the names of parts of the city . I see . Are there any building more than 200 years old in your city ? Oh , yes . Several of the buildings from the villages still survive . Many of them were inns for travelers and today survive as pubs . There was a castle near one village , so our city has a castle too . Really ? So your city does have some old history after all . Most of our customers are foreigners . How many foreign languages can you speak , Elizabeth ? Two . French and Spanish . And how well can you speak them ? Well , French was my best subject at school . I can read and write it pretty well . And how about your Spanish ? Well , it's not as good as my French . I can speak it reasonably well , but my written Spanish isn't very good . I see . Well , we have a lot of Spanish customers , but you wouldn't need to write any Spanish here . In that case , I'm fit for the position I think . Did you watch the old-fashioned wrestling game last night ? Yes , of course . And I'm amazed the those karate and judo boys were so helpless before the wrestlers . You bet . The wrestlers had got sound defences and they simply couldn't make it . Do you mind if I get a lift in your car , please ? I don ’ t see any problem , only the car is a bit old . Oh you ’ re so kind ! Get in . Fred , can you tell me how I can open my QQ Zone ? Click your right key of mouse and choose QQ Zone . Well , I have to provide some of my information , right ? Yep ! The nick name for your zone , address , gender and so on . Some of them are privacy , so you have the right to keep secret here . All information is filled in and now I can design my zone . You can choose one type to make it as your background , and then find a music player and put your favorite songs into it , so your visitors can enjoy the music after entering into your zone . Now everything is OK . I can write my blog , right ? Certainly . ( Half an hour , Janice begins shouting excitedly . ) What's the matter with you ? Look ! David gives his following-comment on my first blog . He is my first visitor . Do you remember Tina , my good friend ? Yes . She just broke up with her boyfriend . Well , that happens . I hope she is all right . But the problem is she and her ex-boyfriend are working in the same department . It is somehow embarrassing for them to see each other everyday . That is the down side of an office romance . I hope their work is not affected by the emotional stress . The boss must be very annoyed if that will be the case . Well , Tina says she would be able to handle it and concentrate on her own work , easier set them done . But working harder and concentrating only on the job might well helped to overcome the initial stress of the breakup . Hi Bill , I saw your grandma yesterday . Oh where was that ? I was running around the track at my college and there she was walking around the same track . Grannie always tries to stay fit and healthy . She is always making us kids eat the proper foods . Well , it pays off for her . How old is she anyway ? She will be 86 next month . That is truly amazing ! What time shall I pick you up ? How about 6:30 ? That'll be fine . See you soon . Hi , Zhengjun , what make you so happy . You know what , I've just got a new job with a computer company . Oh , congratulations ! Hi , Linda . I haven't seen you for ages . Yes . I miss you very much . So do I . Have you graduated from college ? Yes . I graduated last year and got a job in a press . Has the train come yet ? No , I ‘ Ve been waiting for ages . It ’ s so unreliable . I ’ Ve been late for my meetings all this week . Yes , me too . I think I ’ Ve lost some important clients recently because of this train ! Yes , my customers have started to complain too ! Oh look ! Here it comes now ! I've got some bad news about the bike you lent me . What's that ? I fell on the way to school , and your bike got scratched . I'm really sorry . Don't worry about it . It's not new , it already has a few scratches . Did you get hurt ? No , thank you . That's the most important thing . It's kind of you to say . I feel a little stupid . Forget about it . When you lent me the bike , it looked brand new , almost anyway . Maybe , but really I have fallen a couple of times and it's been hit once or twice as well . I appreciate that , thank you . Jenny is going to marry another man next month . Yes , I know . But , how can you be so calm . You loved her so much . At least I ’ m the one who rates with her . I ’ m glad we can still be friends . What's your favorite sport ? Basketball , I'm a basketball fan . Hello , Jane . What do you do in your spare time ? Well , nothing special , reading , watching TV , walking , and so on . Don't you have any hobbies , like stamp collecting or things like that ? No , I don't have any hobbies . How about you ? I like collecting antiques . It's expensive , but it's a lot of fun . Really ? How many collections do you have ? So far I have more than 500 collections . Among those collections , which is the most expensive ? A set of ancient china . It is really invaluable . It seems to me that everything is going digital nowadays . Yes . Speaking of digital wares , I bought a digital camera last week . Cool ! What brand A Sony . It's only one third the size of my old camera and looks rather smart . What about the quality ? Superb ! It's a 4 megapixel one and the photos it takes are very vivid and clear . It's four o'clock already . I hate to leave , but I think I must . Can you stay a little longer ? I'm sorry , but I can't . Can I see your parents some time tomorrow ? Sorry , they are too busy these days . How about this weekend ? Yes , I think so . Happy Thanksgiving ! You , too . Let's have pumpkin pie . It's my favorite . Are you going anywhere for your vacation ? Yes , we're making plans for a tour . That'll be lovely . Where are you going ? Well start out from Long Island this Friday . We've planned a four day drive to Salt Lake City , where we'll join my brother and his family on his fortieth birthday . Well , you've got to prepare a lot of food and enough sleeping bags then . Oh , we'll spend the nights in hotels and enjoy local food as we pass by . How does it sound , David ? It sounds good . You can do a lot of sightseeing , too . Yes , we'll take our time . And we'll go to Five-lake Strict and the Wall Street . So , you're going to have a really nice vacation . You can say that again . Would you like to book a table , sir ? Yes , would you arrange it for me the day after tomorrow ? Sure , when ? Six o'clock in the afternoon . For how many guests , please ? Six . How much would you like to spend ? We don't care about money . We'd like to have some good dishes of local specialties . OK . How many courses are there altogether , please ? Eight . Could you tell me some of entrees about the dinner ? Sure . The main courses are roast Beijing duck and fried eel slices . Very good . Did you watch TV last night , Rose ? Yeah . I saw a science program . It was quite interesting . What was it about ? Mars . Scientists say there might be water on it . If so , we may live there someday . I hope so . Did you know the US successfully sent two robotic explorers to Mars last month ? Sure . I heard about this on the TV . On January 3rd , 2004 , Explorer Spirit landed near the so-called Guser Crater . And three weeks later , Spirit's twin explorer , Opportunity , landed on Meridian Planum named by scientists . Yes . Both have sent back pictures of the planet . And the latter did a better job . How is your job search going , Janet ? I found the ideal position . I ’ m working for a plumbing company . Are you serious ? You studied mathematics at college for four years , and now you have a job working with your hands ! Plumbing work requires mathematics knowledge , and creativity . I love this job . I can see that . But I didn ’ t know you had experience in that line of work . I didn ’ t , but I applied for an apprenticeship , and since I studied math , AND I have a good attitude , my application was accepted . Congratulations ! You do have the right attitude . We are going to the concert this evening . Will you join us ? I'm very sorry I can't . Why not ? I've been snowed under with work since my boss was away on business . Well , if it isn't the teacher's pet ! Stop it . Teacher doesn't treat me any different than she does everyone else . You can't prove that by me . I saw the score on your report . Hey , I worked hard on that report and I deserve the grade I got . It just happened to be the highest grade in the class . You're just jealous because you didn't do as well as you thought you did . Admit it . I worked hard too . But she always gives me a lower grade . If you think that she is not fair with your work then you should talk to her in person instead of stewing over it . You won one million yuan in a lottery . What will you say ? I don't know . I'm too excited to say a word . I understand . It's too good to be true , isn't it ? Yes , too good to be true . I was supposed to meet with you at half past one . Yes , I see . What did you need to see me about ? There's a problem with my schedule . What's the problem ? Two of my classes occur at the same time . Well , I can see that's a problem . Is it at all possible for you to fix that error ? Yes , I can . Would you still like to have both of these classes ? I want to keep both of them , if that's possible . Well , let me find you one of these classes on a different day . Thanks a lot . I went bungee jumping yesterday . That sounds like fun . Hello , Tom , are you free next Sunday ? I think so . Why did you ask that ? I'm going to have my first baby , so I plan to hold a baby shower next Sunday . Congratulations ! Why do people hold parties before the baby is born ? It's the tradition . But baby showers as we know them today were not common until after World Warri . In any case , I like baby showers , because they allow friends and family to share the joy and excitement of welcoming a new life into the world . So you will come , won't you ? Of course . I will prepare a good gift for the new arrival . Thank you very much . What are you doing ? What am I doing ? What am I doing ? Don ’ t you know what day it is ? Mumm . no . It ’ s only the day when the world ’ s biggest sporting event is kicking off . What ? The World Cup ! The first match is today ! It ’ s Mexico vs . South Africa ! It ’ s going to be a really good match ! Both teams have a very strong offense and have skilled players . I think that South Africa will probably dominate the first half since they are the host country , and all . I have no idea what you ’ re talking about . The only sporting event we watch at home is the Super Bowl . This is bigger than the Super Bowl , man ! Teams from 32 countries compete against each other every four years and fight to win that trophy . They first start in a group stage with bigger groups , each group having 4 teams . The top 2 teams pass on to an elimination stage before going on to the quarter final sand semifinals . Sounds interesting , but soccer doesn ’ t really appeal to me . Are you kidding ? Over seven hundred million people watched the final match of the World Cup ! It ’ s a very exciting and nerve wracking sport ! Each nation is cheering on their team , hoping they will become the next champion . So far Brazil is the team with the most titles under their belt ; they ’ re really good ! All I know about soccer is that you can ’ t use your hands and that players are always falling down , trying to get a free kick or penalty kick . It seems like a sissy sport to me ! Whatever dude , I ’ m going to go watch the opening match . We have absolute proof that you committed the crime . That's absolutely ridiculous ! Where can I get the information , Kate ? Ask John . He is sure to know about it . Why ? He has a finger in the pie . That was a tough question . How did you get it right ? I just took a shot in the dark . There ’ s a letter here for you . Let me see it . What ’ s the letter about ? It ’ s a letter from NYU . Tell me what it says ! I didn ’ t get in . You ’ re lying . I ’ m not lying . Are you upset ? I had high hopes for NYU . I ’ m sorry you didn ’ t get accepted . Hopefully , I ’ ll get accepted to UCLA . The final examination will be held at the end of this month . Have you made good preparation ? Sure . I've reviewed all the lessons I have learned this academic year . Are you sure you can do well this year ? I am 100 % certain . According to what you did last time , I have my doubts . I am sure I can get a 95 this time . What ? How could you forget to reserve the concert tickets ? I'm sorry . I forget all about it . How could you ? I reminded you just this morning . It's leap my mind . I really feel terrible about it . I have been looking forward to this performance all month . I'm really sorry I let you down . I'll make it up to you somehow . Did you hear what happened to Mike last night ? No , what ? Well , apparently he had too much to drink and got into some kind of trouble . Typical , isn't it ? Oh , no . What kind of trouble ? Well , I don't know the details , but ... Did you hear ? The state is thinking of legalizing gambling in our city ! Soon we are gonna have amazing hotels and casinos here which will be good for our business ! Are you serious ? Gambling is a vice industry built on deception and fed by the intentional exploitation of human weakness for the sole purpose of monetary gain ! It disgusts me . What are you talking about ? How does it exploit people ? Well , to begin with , Gambling is addictive , ruins marriages , destroys families and bankrupts communities . Once you are addicted it is very difficult to stop . People have lost their houses , cars and been left out on the street after becoming addicted . Secondly , it exploits because men become addicted to gambling most often because of the action and risk . Women gamble to escape , and senior citizens will start gambling for the social interaction . Underage gamblers often start gambling on sports with friends and then illegal bookies . Geez ! Now that I think about it , maybe legalizing gambling isn ’ t such a good idea ! Although , I have been to Las Vegas , and I didn ’ t become addicted or anything like that . You cannot predict who will become addicted to gambling . Now excuse me , I have a protest rally to organize ! I'm tired of you always wearing my clothing ! Aren't you the pot calling the kettle black ? You're wearing my pants right now ! I ’ m sure it will be wet when we arrive . Yes . I dare say it will be . It will be Sunday so I expected everything will be closed . No . I don ’ t think that ’ s possible . Some places are sure to be open . But the bank should be closed so we shouldn't to be able to get any money . Mmm , you may be right . Do you think we ’ ll need our overcoats ? No . We couldn ’ t possibly . Why not ? It will be summer . So it will be hot . Is that very likely in England ? Yes . It could happen . Let's do something really nice for our family this Christmas . What did you have in mind ? I don't know yet . I just know I want to get out of the mindless gift trap . I know what you mean . I want to give a gift that is really meaningful . Or do something that shows we have spent time thinking about them . Or what only we are able to give them . Uh ... that's Greek to me . That means they have tapered legs . Well , mine are baggy . They're the kind of pants you can lounge around in . Mine are , too . So maybe we shouldn't go out after all . Yeah . Let's just lounge around ! Thanks . Sometimes talking with a friend is a great way to get over something . Do you mind if I vent a little bit ? Of course not . If you're feeling bad and want to let your emotions out , you can just say whatever you want to me . Great , because I am really mad at William . I mean , what kind of an idiot wouldn't be able to appreciate a smart , beautiful woman like me ? Anybody who would be friends with that guy has to be really dumb . Uh , A ... you know I'm friends with William . Oh right ... present company excluded , of course ! Mary is really a diligent girl . What do you mean ? She learns to speak Latin by osmosis within three months . She is really something . Hello , this is David . Hi David , this is Marge . Can you meet me after work for a few minutes ? Sure ! How about the coffee shop right across the street from my office ? That will work . Does five thirty work for you ? That will be fine . What I have to show you will only take a few minutes of your time . Is it the plans for my new house ? Yes . I just need to double check a few details with you . I feel like going for a drink , it's been a long day . Great idea ! Peter , I could use the drink . How about the new bar across road ? Sounds good . The food there is fantastic too . I agree , I had lunch there last week . Excellent ! That sounds like a plan . I have an idea for Christmas this year . What is it ? Let's not exchange any gifts at all . You big scrooge ! Hear me out . We can pool the money and give it to a family who could really use it ! But you may have some trouble convincing the kids . Actual 1y , it was their idea first . Now we know that they realize the real meaning of Christmas . Do you know anything about Dr . Miller's classes ? Yes . Are you in his class ? I'm thinking of taking his class next semester . He really knew his stuff , but he graded hard . Would that be OK ? Yes , I really need someone who is really good . I didn't find it overwhelming to earn a good grade if you work at it . Can you do that ? Maybe , but I'm not sure . Man , this guy was so funny when he was teaching . I like that , don't you ? No , that stuff isn't important to me . Did you know that he is a fairly new teacher and very current in his field ? I don't care about any of that . We all are looking for different things in an instructor . I hope I've helped you . Hey , Ben ... did you catch the game last night ? Uh ... what game ? Baltimore defeated Texas by 17 points ! Um ... and what sport are we talking about here ? Football of course ! Oh ... football . Football is cool . I usually try to catch the World Cup finals . No , I'm talking about American football . The World Cup is soccer . Oh , I understand . I can't say I'm a big fan . I'm from China , and football doesn't have a really big following over there . So Chinese people prefer soccer or basketball ? Yes , I think so . But to be perfectly honest , I'm not really a sports nut.When I was in high school I played on the school volleyball team . Are you a diehard football fan ? Oh , certainly . I wouldn't miss a game for the world . My girlfriend says I have an addiction . And actually , if I had to choose between her and my games ... I'd probably pick football . It seems Americans are very passionate about sports . Is this just a part of your culture ? Oh , yeah ! I think the love of sports starts when kids are very young . Americans come from many different backgrounds so I guess sports are something we can all enjoy together . Julia , what's the weather forecast for tomorrow ? It says a storm may come tomorrow . Oh ! I hate rainy days ! Me , too . I'm always in low spirits when it rains . Are you going out tomorrow ? Yes . I have to drive to Washington D . C . What bad luck ! Yeah ! But you know sometimes the weather forecast is not correct . Maybe tomorrow is a clear day . Who knows ? Yeah , maybe you are right ! Where would you like to have your dinner ? I don't care as long as it's a Chinese restaurant . You don't like Western food ? I really find Chinese dishes more to my taste . Thanks for offering to give me a lift . I'm looking forward to this party , but I didn't want to go alone . Don't mention it . It's my pleasure . Have you been to one of these large , sit-down dinner parties since you got to New Haven ? No , this is my first . Last week I went to a cookout 5 for new professors at Dean Barksdale's home . I took a taxi because I didn't want to be late . But I was the first one there . I'll bet you were a little embarrassed . You're right . The invitation said two to seven . I was there at two o'clock , but most people didn't arrive until three or four . They didn't start cooking until five o ’ clock . Cookouts often start slowly . A two o'clock start means you arrive any time after two . Thanks for telling me this . I was late getting back from the mall , but I'm hurrying . Why are you in such a hurry ? They said , Dinner at eight , and it's only seven-fifteen . I don't want to be the first one there again . Don't worry . We won't be the first . That ’ s really a let-down . Yeah . He really does let me down . But that should not be the reason for you to lose heart . I ’ m at the end of tether . I run out of ideas . Some people are always closing their handsets , so it's difficult to inform them . Why not send them short messages ? Can short messages reach them ? Short messages will be kept in the short messages center . Once they open the handsets they will receive them , which is better than you can't find them . Why haven't I thought of this skill ? I use short messages quite a lot . If it's not too complicated I will send a short message , which can save much phone charge . I am informed that many people used short messages to pay a New Year call , and only on the Spring Festival it amounted to 1 billion this year , didn't it ? I almost can't live without messages , from which I learn about weather forecasts and stock quotations . Hey , sorry to be late . What happened to you last night ? You didn ’ t show up . My mother was ill . I had to look after her . I ’ m so sorry to hear that . Hi ! How are you going ? Fine , thank you . How are you doing this morning ? Not bad . How about you ? Haven't seen you for a long time . Yes . I've been to New York . I got back only yesterday . Did you enjoy yourself ? Very much . New York is such a nice place . Shall I show you some photographs ? Thanks , I like looking at photographs . How nice ! Oh , I'm afraid I must be going now . I've got an appointment . Have a good day . You too . I hope to see you soon . Goodbye . Goodbye . My goodness ! What happened ? You have blood on your face . Oh , don't worry . I just killed a pigeon . How could you have the heart to kill it ? We only have one ! It spoiled my painting ! How annoying ! What's the matter ? Every time I try to start this program , the computer freezes . Maybe there's something wrong with the program . I heard that James was fired because he got a keep back of 20 thousands dollars from a vender . That ’ s open secret . But mine could be a lie for his job . How did you know that ? A little bird whispered to me . Keep that to yourself . Who did the stupid thing ? It must be Kate . No , I don't think you're right.Kate never does things like that.It must be a naughty boy who did it . Hello ? Hi Tina , It's Joe . Hi Joe . How's the weather there today ? It's really cold . It snowed all day and the schools closed early . What's the temperature ? It's 30 degrees now . It was even colder this morning . Have you heard what the weather is going to be like tomorrow ? I was watching the news a little earlier . They said it's probably going to snow tomorrow . I really don't like the winter . I wish it were summer . Me too . How's the weather where you are ? It's not too bad , but it's pretty cold here too . It was about 45 today and it rained this afternoon . I heard it's going to be a little warmer tomorrow . Mike promised to help us . Mike ? How can you trust him to help us ? Why not ? He is too unpredictable . He says anything that pops into his head . And then he forgets it all . Hello , Ann ! Is that you ? Yes , it is . Hi , Tom ! It's a real surprise to see you here . It's been a long time ! What's new ? Nothing much . What about you ? Is everything going well ? Not bad I guess . I just got back from Hawaii . How was it ? I had a good time . You seem to be in a hurry . Don't let me hold you up . Sorry , I've got a meeting in half an hour . Ok , I won't keep you then . Great ! It's good to see you . Goodbye ! Yes , stay in touch . Bye ! Give me your email , would you ? Sure ! It's . Tom , I've got good news for you . What is it ? Haven't you heard that your novel has won The Nobel Prize ? Really ? I can't believe it . It's like a dream come true . I never expected that I would win The Nobel Prize ! You did a good job . I'm extremely proud of you . Thanks for the compliment . You certainly deserve it . Let's celebrate ! Tom ! How are you ? We missed you at the party last night . Are you OK ? I don ’ t know . I didn ’ t really feel like going out . I guess I ’ m feeling a little homesick . Come on . We ’ Ve been through this already ! Look , I know the adjustment was hard when you first got here , but we agreed that you were gonna try and deal with it . I was . It ’ s just that the holidays are coming up and I won ’ t be able to home because I can ’ t afford the airfare . I ’ m just longing for some of the comforts of home , like my mom ’ s cooking and being around my family . Yeah , it can get pretty lonely over the holidays . When I first got here , I ’ d get depressed and nostalgic for anything that reminded me of home . I almost let it get to me , but then I started going out , keeping myself busy and before I knew it , I was used to to it . I see what you mean , but I ’ m still bummed out . OK . how does this sound , let ’ s get you suited up and hit the dance club tonight . I hear that an awesome DJ is playing and there will be a lot of pretty single girls there ! You know , I could really go for that . You don ’ t mind being my wingman for tonight ? Not at all ! It be fun ! It will be like a boys ’ night out ... well kinda ... Great ! I must warn you though , whatever happens , don ’ t let me go on a drinking binge . Trust me , it ’ s not a pretty picture ! There was something wrong with the plane last Thursday . Which flight ? Flight 198 . Fortunately , there were few passengers . How about the passengers ? Well , all the passengers and crew members landed on their feet finally . There are some things I miss . But I love Chinese food.And I think the people in Taiwan are really hospitable.Besides , I grew up in Los Angeles , so I'm used to living in crowded places.Why are you going to America ? I'm going to New York to visit my sister . She is in art school . I've never been to New York before . I'm kind of scared . Why ? Well , I know a lot of people have guns there . I think maybe it isn't too safe . Don't worry about it.Your sister lives there . She probably knows the places in town you shouldn't go.It ' s true there are some dangerous places in big American cities.But if your sister lives there , she must know the city pretty well already . Yes , I'm not really scared . Maybe only a little . Don't believe what you see on TV . You will have a good time in New York.What things do you want to see ? I want to see the museums , and I want to shop a lot . The museums are excellent . And the shopping ! Well ! I'm sure you'll spend a lot of money there . Hmm . I hope not . I'm thirsty . Pull over to that store , I'll buy some drinks . I'm afraid I can't . Parking is not allowed here . Oh , that's too bad , Where can you park around here ? There is a square in front of us . We can park the car there . Is a shop there ? I'm not sure , you know I'm not familiar with the city , too . Do you think I should ask Bob to help ? Will he come ? No problem . You know him . He ’ s the kind of guy that ’ s always willing to go the extra miles . That ’ s right . But I have bothered him several times . I bet he will come . Could you tell me what university you want to go to , John ? Pardon ? What university would you enter ? University ? Why ? You asked me last year . Oh , I forget.Sorry . I went to Harvard University . Did you ? And what course did you take there ? God save me ! Is there anything wrong with you ? Didn't I tell you ? I've not known.Perhaps , I've got a bad memory . I did a B . A . in economics.Remember ? Terrific ! B . A . , again and again-B . A . Did you have a good weekend ? Well I wanted to go for a picnic but it rained too much . Oh I see . So what did you do then ? I washed my car instead . Ahh . And how about on Sunday ? Did you watch the football ? No I didn ’ t . I worked in the morning then I played tennis with my husband . What do you want for your birthday from your parents ? I don't know . Maybe a pair of new shoes . Why don't you ask them to buy you a PC ? You will soon use it at college . That's a dandy idea . Thank you for reminding me . Your husband is very helpful , isn't he ? Willing to help , maybe , but not as helpful as you think . Really ? Last night he told the children acliff-hangerstory and both of them were scared out of sleep . Doesn't she have any friends ? If she has , they must be fair-weather friends . Such friends are even worse than enemies . She'd better keep away from them . Let me get last week's notes . Yeah , sure , you didn't come to class that day ? I couldn't come . Why not ? I wasn't feeling well . Here they are . Thanks a lot ; are these all the notes ? Oh , no , this is the rest . Thank you very much . It's no problem at all . I wonder if you agree that money is not happiness . I don't entirely agree with you . Then how do you explain so many rich people committing suicide ? Well , that's a thing . He has worked five years in that bank . He must be an experienced accountant . You said it.Let ' s ask him to work in our bank . Great minds think alike . Did you pass the test ? No , I didn't . I'm sorry to hear that . I'm really curious . What is it like doing housework all day for a living ? It's a little like being a mom , only I get paid for it ! I still think that it is a bitstrange that you like to do that kind of thing . Most women would rather hire a maid . That's exactly why my business is doing so well ! How Ay clients do you have already ? Well , I've been in business for one month now and I have ten clients . Wow . Too bad I don't have a clue about housework . If you ever need a job , let me know . I can always train you . Hey , check out this new game I bought today . Wow ! It's a trivia game all about the Academy Awards . I know you love the Oscars . This game has some great questions about all types of movies . Does it have questions about foreign language films ? There's hardly any American films worth watching . Yes . In fact , one of the categories is on foreign language films . Hi , Mr . James , what ’ s the rush ? The bank closes in 30 minutes and I need to cash a check . I can lend you some money . Thanks . But it ’ s necessary for me to buy a TV set . Can I help you in anyway ? You can take me to the bank if you want to . Sure . Let ’ s go . I am so sorry that I must be off now . My girlfriend told me I must arrive at her home in ten minutes or she will break up with me . She can cope with it . Don ’ t be such a wimp ! I ’ m sure that the boy will become nobody when he grows up . Be careful of what you say , or you ’ ll have to eat humble pie . Eat humble pie ? Impossible , I ’ Ve never been wrong in judging boys like him . I've got a complaint about the noise next door . Yes , it's most irritating . Some people aren't very considerate . We're going to do something about it . Yes , I think so . We can't put up with it any more . We'll play the CD loud , is that all right ? I don't think so . What should we do ? Why don't we call them ? Good idea . Jim , I heard you ’ Ve bought a new computer . Yes . Look , it is on my desk . Your office looks different with a computer . By the way , is it difficult to use a computer ? Not at all . It ’ s a piece of cake . A piece of cake ? Yes . It ’ s easy and convenient to use a computer . But it takes a long time to really master it . When I was at school , I was quite good at track and field events . I was on the school team for the long jump , 100 and 200 meter sprints and the javelin . Really ? I was quite good at the hurdles and the discus . I wish that I were good at the discus , but I could rarely throw it in the right direction ! I was awful . With the hurdles , I could never jump over them ! I thought you were good at the high jump ! No , I was good at the long jump . I liked the sprints best . Did you ever win any competitions ? I was regional champion for the 100 and 200 meters . I usually did well in the dong jump competitions , but I couldn ’ t compete with kids from other schools in the javelin . How about you ? I came second and third a few times in the regional championships , but I never won . Did you ever take part in the national championship for the sprinting events ? Yes , I did , but I didn ’ t do very well . I made the final in both events , but came last . At least I made the final . I was very pleased with that . May I have an appointment with you tonight ? Very sorry , I am occupied tonight . What about tomorrow night ? OK . where and when ? 7:00 in my staying hotel . OK , I am going to the hotel to pick you up . See you tomorrow night . Do you think people still have faith in the government ? I don ’ t think so . Why is that ? The government will never fulfill their promise . So it is no wonder people cannot keep faith with it . How do you feel about teaching my friend how to read ? How old is your friend and why doesn't he know how to read ? He's 78 and he's a new emigrant from South America and he's never been to school . Does he even know how to speak English ? No . But I thought that you could start with reading and then go from there . That was very thoughtful of you to volunteer me . Come on . You're great at teaching and I know you will love him . He's adorable ! Oh , all right . Have him come over here for dinner . But you get to make dinner ! I've just had an argument with Bob . Really , who started the argument ? He did and it's his entire fault . Did you know it takes two to tango ? Hi , Stephanie . I hear you have a new job . Yes , I'm teaching math at Lincoln High School . So how do you like it ? Well , the salary is a little low , but the students are nice . How are things with you ? Not bad . You know I'm an air traffic controller now . Now that's an exciting job ! ! ! Yes , but it's very stressful . Tom and Helen got married at last . How did you know that ? I heart Tom ’ s father didn ’ t agree with that . I was invited to attend their wedding . It ’ s great . Although his father didn ’ t agree with that , Tom went through with it . How moving love is . I'm better now . Want to play again ? I'll let you break the balls this time . Let's get all the balls out of the pockets . OK . How much do you want to bet on this game ? You are crazy . Gambling is against my principles . Give me a call tomorrow . Okay . I really need a new pair of trousers . Do you ? Yes , I do . This one is very old now . They look all right to me . They ’ re not all right . They ’ re uncomfortable and they look terrible . All right . All right . Would you mind if I ask you whether you are married or not ? To be frank , I was married once , and now I'm single . Do you mean you got a divorce ? Yes , my first marriage was a failure . what did you do over the weekend ? I went a global warming rally in London . It was fantastic to be around so many people who care about the environment . do you think there's anything we can do to reverse the damage that's been done already ? it might not be possible to fix the problems that we've created for ourselves , but there are lots of things we can do to prevent more damages from happening . like what ? well , we can use public transport instead of taking our cars for a start . what else can we do to protect the environment ? if you do have to drive , you should make sure that your car runs on unleaded petrol . Also , your home should use sources of renewable energy . how about recycling ? Does that actually help ? yes . You should take your glass , paper , plastic , cardboard , and tin cans to a recycling center . what do you think is the biggest worry for our future ? I think that the issue of greatest concern is having enough sources of clean water for everyone . I had no idea you were such as environmentalist before ! to be honest , in order for the earth to continue to be a habitable place , we're all going to have to become more interested in the environment . What a bother having to climb storeys home every day . But it's also a sort of exercise and it's good to your health . I don't care ! You're complaining again . What do people usually do on Saint Valentine's Day ? On that day , boys are supposed to give roses to their sweethearts . What will the girls do ? They give chocolate in return . Excuse me , are you Dr . Smith ? Yes I am . And you ... I'm David , Joanna's husband . She has to be at work late today . So she asked me to pick you up here . So nice to meet you , David . Call me Bill . It's very nice of you to come here . My pleasure . Hey , Ann . You don't have a pen , do you ? Sure , here you go . Thanks . I don't suppose you have some paper , too . Of course . There you are . Thanks so much . I owe you one . Please excuse me , but I really have to be going . Yes , of course . It was nice to see you . It was nice to see you , too . And please give my regards to Mrs.Robbins . Hey Mark . What are you doing ? Just watching some TV . Anything interesting on ? Not really . Just watching the sports highlight on ESPN . So I take it you're pretty bored too . Just killing time until I find something to do . What are you going to do ? It's Saturday and we are sitting at home doing nothing . What's wrong with us ? You wanna shoot some hoops ? I already tried to call up some of the guys , but they are all busy . Where's your girlfriend ? I thought you were going out with her today . She's out shopping with her friends . Let's go to Starbucks and think of something to do then . Aright . Do you have any cigarettes ? I only have a couple left . Why don't you pick some up on the way . Ok . See you there in about 30 minutes . Aright . See you there . Bob's sister will go to America . Why tell me ? She has nothing to do with me ! I thought you wanted to know more about her . No , I couldn't care less ! hey , Tom , did you enjoy your lunch ? oh , don't mention it . It was terrible . what ' the matter ? the food station was as crowded as usual . I waited for 20 minutes for my sandwich , and when I finally got it the chicken was underdone . I see . You simply can't blame the server for this . yes , I know . Fast food is so popular in this district . that's true . anyway , how was your such , Catherine ? it was good . I brough lunch from home today . you did ? I thought you must feel right at home here as we get as many fast food restaurants as you do in America . well , I personally don't like then because i don't believe they are healthy . i guess you're right . More often than not , people go there only for convenience . The foods may taste good , but generally speaking , they are high in calories , salt and fat . yes . I am wondering that you must believe fast food is your lifestyle , don't you ? you bet . Almost all top brands such as McDonald's and KFC are from America . well , actually two-thirds of Americans may avoid these places . seriously ? yeah , it's hard to believe but true . What's your favorite TV Program ? I like variety shows . I also like variety shows , but sometimes the host lacks a sense of humor . I prefer a variety show without a host . What's up ? You look low . It's my girlfriend . I guess she's playing the army game . How come ? I saw her dating with her ex-boyfriend again . I understand that . But I think maybe it's not a date . You are taking the matter too much to heart . Maybe . But it still gets on my nerves . Did you hear about car accident on Spring Road yesterday ? Yes , I did . I heard that they took both drivers to hospital . One needed surgery . Yes . I heard he had a few broken bones too , but that the doctors have set the fractures without any problems . The second driver was luckier . He had a concussion and needed some stitches for his head wound . Yes . He was released from hospital yesterday evening . The other man could be there for weeks . I understand that he ’ s connected to a heart monitor and breathing apparatus . His condition can ’ t be very good . The hospital announced this morning that his condition is poor but stable . What does that mean ? It means he ’ s really badly injured , but he will almost certainly survive . His family will be pleased to hear that . They must have been so worried . Happy New Year , Bill . Happy New Year , Steven . Do you have any plans for the New Year holiday ? My whole family are going to Hainan for visiting . What about you ? How happy you are ! I have to stay at home to prepare my final exam . Are you sure Lucy has it bad for you ? If she does , she will certainly bend over backwards for you . But if she doesn't , it would be a job to change her . I don't know whether she has it bad for me , but she enjoys being with me . And do you really love her ? I think I do . I don't think I can be happier with another girl . A friend of mine is now in the big house . He was caught red-handed for selling cocaine . That is a deadly risky business . He should have it coming on him . He must be regretting about having done the business . I bet he is . He domed his own life . I met Mark yesterday . He looked blue . He ’ s been on the gravy train these years , hasn ’ t he ? It belongs to the past . He lost his job the other day , and he ’ s up a tree now . It seems that nobody can always expect things to pan out well each time . Look , the aliens are sending a message to Mulder . This rocks ! Whoops . That's my pager . I had to get it for work . You have a pager ? ! That's a little high-tech for you , Stu . Are you sure you know how to use it ? Well , I know how to turn it off ! No , you don't ! It's still beeping ! Come on , hand it over and I'll turn it off for you . I want to meet you . Are you free this evening ? Well , actually , I'm not free today . Do you have anything urgent ? No , I just want to meet you . How about tomorrow instead . Hmm , that's all right . Shall we meet at the bar near the beach ? All right . See you then . Do you have any tissue , Eve ? I've used all mine . Here . Are you all right ? Thanks . I am all right . It's just my nose . It must be an allergy . Do you have any aspirin ? I have a terrible headache . I don't have an aspirin . Perhaps you should go to a doctor . No , no . I am okay . It's the weather . It was warm and sunny this morning and now it's chilly and raining . Really , John . I still think you should go to a doctor . You've been sneezing ever since you entered the office this morning . Why don't you take this afternoon off ? If you don't want to see a doctor , at least you can go home and have a good rest . I can't . I am already behind the schedule . Besides , you know Mr . White . He would think that I was putting him on . You didn't do anything but sneeze this morning , and you can't do anything this afternoon like this . Gee ! You've got a fever . Do I ? Oh , no . Listen to me . You go home now . I will call my doctor and have him go over . Ok ? What about Mr.White ? I'll handle him . Now go home . I'll call you after work . Thanks a lot , Eve . Goodbye . How about a movie on Sunday , Mum ? Well , I'm afraid your father's not interested in modern films . We could find a classical one . That sounds fine . You are in love with Mary , right ? You are pulling my legs ! I am not blind . Anyone can see that with half an eye . I'm going on a cruise this summer . No kidding ? My brother won a free trip and he's taking me . You can't beat that . Where do you spend the weekend ? We've a country house . That's nice . Join us , will you ? That'd be great ! Thank you . How's your work ? Good , thanks . How about you ? Not bad . But we have lost a few of staff lately . Why ? Because of the low salaries . But your company is huge . Can't they afford to pay the staff decent wages ? I don't know why . Why don't you give them a suggestion ? May be I can have a try . But I'm on vacation now . Good morning , Linda . How have you been ? Pretty bad . I ’ Ve had a bad cold for three days and still can ’ t get rid of it . I ’ m sorry to hear that . Is there anything else I can do ? No , thanks . Well , I hope you ’ ll feel better soon . Thank you for your concern . Are you going to watch the Indy Five Hundred on TV this weekend ? I'm not really into racecar driving . You were when we were in high school . That , and baseball . Yeah , well , times change . Look at you-you're a father now . You can't say that you haven't changed . True , but I still have to watch my baseball . The season's in full swing now . I mean , I know spring training's over , but I'm just not into all that . Hello ? Is the real Taylor in there ? How do you feel ? I'm nervous as can be . I can't believe it ! I lost . It looks like you have to buy tickets for us , Jason . And we're not going to see an action movie ! That's not fair , you got all the easy questions . I guess that's just the luck of the draw . I want a rematch . Let's play again . Sorry , not tonight ! do you need a hand ? no , I can handle it . Thanks anyway . are you sure you don't need any help ? well , maybe just a little . I can't seem to make it fit . I swear , the overhead compartments on these planes just keep getting smaller and smaller ! that's so true . thanks for your help . Are you in the aisle seat in this row ? yes . What about you ? I'm in the middle seat . oh , I guess I'll let you through then . thanks . sorry for making you get out of your seat again . that's alright . I notice you have a few newspapers there . Would you mind lending me one ? no , not at all . Which one would you like--the New York Times or the Guardian ? I prefer the British paper , but I'll read whatever one you aren't going to read right away . I was just going to do a little Sudoku while we wait for the plane to take off , so the Guardian is all yours . thanks a lot . That's really nice of you . Would you like a piece of gum ? that would be great . thanks . Are you listening to me , Dan ? I'm with you , Jane . What did I just say ? Well , uh ... I didn't catch the last part . Just what I thought ! Man , I ’ m freaking out ! You gotta help me ! Whoa , whoa , take it easy , relax . Geez , you ’ re sweating like a pig ! What ’ s going on ? I can ’ t go through with this ! I just can ’ t ! I ’ m not ready for marriage ! What was I thinking ? I ’ m only thirty five years old ! I ’ Ve got my entire life ahead of me , adventures waiting ! I can ’ t settle down yet ! What are you talking about ? It wasn ’ t more than a month ago that you were rambling on about how you are tired of living the life of a bachelor and how you envy your friends that have a family ! I know . I know ! Let ’ s think this through . First of all , you cannot leave Amy at the altar . Not only will she be humiliated and kill you , but she is the woman that you love and the woman of your dreams ! Why would you want to end that or jeopardize it like this ? Second of all , you are just getting cold feet . You know deep down inside that you want to marry her , so cut the crap and do it ! You ’ re right . I ’ m being crazy ! Ok , I ’ m ready , let ’ s do this ! Great ! Phew ! That was a close one ! You had me going there for a minute I thought I was gonna have to slap some sense into you . Hi , why do you look so depressed today , Mike ? I had a terrible quarrel with my neighbor yesterday . How come ? It is a long story . Basically , she thought I had laughed at her while I didn't . I know everyone suffers when he is misunderstood . But why not take it easy ? Yeah . It's so nice of you to comfort me . Who's that over here ? That's the new teacher . What do you think of the teacher ? She's very nice . What does she teach ? English , of course . Is she your teacher ? Yes . She teaches our class three times a week . Can she speak Chinese to her students ? Not very much . It's a good thing you can speak English ! The teacher just canceled the test . Are you kidding ? Hello ? Hi Steve . This is Mike . What are you doing ? Oh , hi . I was just watching TV . There's nothing to watch right now . I know . I was watching a re-run . I have nothing to do and I was bored . Me too . Let's get together and do something . I'd like to , but I have to meet my parents in an hour for dinner . How about tomorrow ? Yeah . Let's plan something tomorrow . Did you hear the weather forecast for tomorrow ? I think it is going to be the same as today . Clear and sunny . That's great . We can do something outdoors then . Are there any special events going on tomorrow ? Yeah . I think there's a live outdoor concert by the river tomorrow . Oh yeah . I heard about that too . Let's go check it out . Do you know what time it starts ? It starts at one PM . Let's meet for lunch at eleven thirty and afterwards , we can head over there . Perfect . I'll see you in front of the apartment at eleven thirty . Would you go to the bookstore with me ? It sounds a good idea . Let ’ s go . Do you know Jeffery has published his second detective novel ? Yes . I heard about that . And I know you want to buy it , but I ’ m not interested in detective novels . So what are you interested in ? Magazines about fashions , such as Cosmo Polian . I know that magazine . It ’ s very popular . Yes . I can lend you some . Thank you . But I ’ m not interested . When can we expect you for dinner ? Can you come tonight ? Not tonight . I promised to go to a concert with my sister . Well ... How about Friday then ? That sounds fine . Good . Shall we say seven o'clock ? I'll be there . You're still a fabulous cook , aren't you ? That'll be for you to decide . I've got a new dish that I want to try out on you . I'm ready . I'll look forward to it all Friday ! I don ’ t understand why you always look so happy , so energetic . It seems like you ’ Ve got good news everyday . Really ? Do I look happy all the time ? All I know is you look quite differently from other teachers . Oh , do you know why ? Actually , it ’ s easy . Because I always exercise . My exercise , I think , is very hard . I often feel very good after conquering these difficulties . I feel alive ! Oh , I know . I saw you doing pull-ups one time on the campus 5 and some students trying to imitate you . Yeah , they are doing it for fun . Seldom would people like my exercise . It ’ s difficult and boring . It ’ s true . Many students do the exercise when they have to . We have P . E . once a week . But I think Chinese students need to exercise more . Besides exercise will help them learn new things better . Don ’ t students want to have a good memory ? Of course . I didn ’ t know that . I only know exercise makes bodies stronger . I should take some exercise then . Do you have any suggestions ? Well , do what you like to do . It can be anything . Jogging , doing aerobics , going bicycling , and playing ping-pong . Absolutely anything . Doing three or more workouts a week is good for you . But remember to do some stretches first . Oh , I know . Thank you . Which kind of sport do you like to watch ? Basketball , football , table tennis . I will watch them on TV . So you must like NBA game . Yeah , it is my favorite . Many Chinese people including women and children would like to concern the game . I think they want to see the performance of coming and YiJianLian , the Chinese players in NBA . What kind of sport do you like to participate in ? I am good at tennis and skiing . What about you ? I prefer the indoor sports , such as bowling , badminton and squash . Moderate exercise is really important for health . ' Life lies in movement . ' How about playing tennis with me ? Good idea . I will take the racket . Good morning , Jerry.How ' s everything ? Fine , just fine.Thanks . Doing anything for lunch ? Well , as a matter of fact , I've got a lunch date with Bob Thomas . Excuse me . Can you tell me how to get started using these machines ? Of course . Are you a new member here ? Yes . Welcome . My name is Johnson . Nice to meet you . Do you have any experience using weights ? No , I don't . So I need some help . Well , first it is important to go through a good stretch.You must warm up properly so that you don't hurt yourself on the machines . Yes , I know that.Derek just led me through the warm up in the aerobics room.So I'm ready , I think . I can start using the machines . Alright . Great . Then we must get a card for you . What do you mean--a membership card ? I already have one . No . Not that . I mean a training card.The card allows you to keep track of how much weight you use on each machine.Here , let me show you . I'm ready . Now , you can see that on this card there are all the machines listed.So , when you go through the series of twelve machines , you enter in the number of repetitions you do.And you also enter in the weight at which you set the machine . I see . So this card helps me to keep track of my progress . Yes . And it also reminds you what is a suitable weight for each machine.Today , I will go through the machines with you one by one . I will show you how to use them.And we will determine what is a good starting weight for you . Alright . Great . So you write your name and member number at the top of the card.And then , after you exercise each time , you file the card here . Great . Why don't we start on the machines ? Are you alright ? Can you do more ? I'm sorry . I know there are still seven machines . But I'm exhausted . That's okay . Don't worry.It ' s important not to push yourself . Especially not at the beginning . What can I do though ? I don't know the proper settings for the rest of the machines . We can just go through them next time . It's no problem . Really.The most important thing is to know your limits.So if you feel burned out now , it is good to stop.Because if you strain a muscle or hurt your back , then you won't be able to exercise for a couple weeks . Right ? Yes . I suppose it's best to stop . Don't be afraid . Give it a try . Okay . what are you doing ? I'm just trying to complete today's crossword puzzle . Whenever I get the time , I like to do the crossword puzzles in the paper . you really like brains that make you think , don't you ? I guess you could say that . What kind of games do you like ? I guess the games I like the most are the ones that I'm good at ! Doesn't everyone ? Which games are those ? Well , I like to play darts . Whenever I go to a bar , I usually play for a few hours . Did you play a lot of games when you were little ? My parents used to love to play checkers and dominoes . We used to have family tournaments every weekend . Do you still like playing those games ? Not at all . I never really did , to be honest . What about you ? Did your family used to play games together ? Everyone in my family really enjoys playing card games . Some of my friends play cards on the internet . Have you ever tried that ? No , I prefer to play with people I know . How about mah-jong ? It's a popular game with some people , but I've never played it . I thought everyone in your country were experts at mah-jong ! I hate to disappoint you , but unlike what most people think , we aren't all exactly the same ! I didn't like my brother's batting around without doing anything useful . Maybe he is trying to find a job . When he finds one , everything will be settled . I hope so . They got a divorce at last . It's inevitable . Their love wasbuilt on the sand , and this is why their marriage has landed on the rocks . You said it . Love but on the sand will soon be on the rocks . That give us a good lesson . Do you like traveling , Kathy ? I like traveling for pleasure to get places for vacation for instance . But I don ’ t like traveling to work , waiting for buses , or ... Or getting stuck in traffic jams when you ’ re driving . Exactly . Can you believe that Susan got married ? Really ? I remember she said if she would remain single . Is the man very rich ? No . That ’ s what is surprising me . You means she didn ’ t marry a rich man . He ’ s a postman . I thought she would marry a fortune . What sort of things do you grow in your garden ? I grow a variety of things , so that something is in bloom all year round . When is your garden at its best ? It looks best in spring , when the plum and cherry blossoms are out . Good afternoon ! Good afternoon ! Sit down , please.How are you ? I'm very well , thank you.How are you ? Very well too , thank you very much.Isn ' t it a lovely day ? Yes , it's beautiful , but it's also very hot . Yes . What's the weather like in your country ? Mm ... It's quite warm now . Where do you live ? In London.Where do you live ? Here.Near this school . Oh , no ! Now I'll be late . Can I give you a hand ? Yes , I'd appreciate it if you could drive me downtown . Sure thing . I've got time . What a great weekend that was ! My feelings exactly . I really enjoy the beach in the summer . I couldn't agree with you more . We should come here more often . You are absolutely right . I'd like to come back next weekend . That's exactly the way I feel . What's this , I wonder ? I'm not sure.Let me have a look ... It could be a coffee grinder . A coffee grinder ? Yes , it must be used for grinding coffee beans . Oh , that would be very useful . We've got a new manager in our department . Oh ? You hoped to get that job , didn't you ? Yes , I did . I'm sorry . That's too bad . Who is it ? Who got the job , I mean ? Someone called Drexler . Carl Drexler . He's been with the company onlytwo years . I've been here longer . And I know more about the job , too Hmm . Why do you think they gave it to him and not to you ? Because I'm the wrong sex , of course ! You mean you didn't get the job because you're a woman ? Yes , that was probably it ! It isn't fair . What sort of clothes does he wear ? A dark suit . White shirt . A tie . Why ? Perhaps that had something to do with it . You mean you think I didn't get the job because I come to work in jeansand a sweater ? It's possible , isn't it ? Do you really think I should wear different clothes ? Well . . . perhaps you should think about it . Why should I wear a skirt ? Or a dress ? I'm not saying you should . I'm saying you should think about it . That's all ! Why should I do that ? I'm good at my job ! That's the only important thing ! Hmm . Perhaps it should be the only important thing . But it isn't . Not in this company . It's a sunny day , isn't it ? Yes , it is . I'm Jennifer . Nice to meet you . My name is David . Nice to meet you , too . Are you American ? No , I'm a Britisher . Where do you come from ? I come from America . Are you a freshman ? Yes . What about you ? Me , too . Great . Maybe we can study and play games together . I think we can be good friends . Yeah . Anytime . You keep bowling spares but no strike . I don't know why , but I think there's something wrong with my hands . I couldn't seem to be able to control it on the first ball . I don't think it was the problem with your hands , you did several excellent spares . You have no problem with your hands . Then why couldn't I get strike on the first ball ? The problem is you are too nervous . You want to have a strike so much , so you deliver the ball too hard . And when it comes to the I second roll , there's no pressure . That's why you could bowl all those spares . Really ? I will try again . Nice to see you , Patrick . Bob ! I hear your team won the match . Yeah . All of us tried our best . Congratulations ! Thanks . Are you free on the thirteenth in the afternoon ? No I'm afraid not . I'm meeting Ruth then . How about the fourteenth in the morning ? I'm sorry . I'm attending a meeting at the Hilton then . What about the next day ? No . I'm busy then too . I'm meeting Dorothy Heath at North Bridge Road . Are you free on Thursday afternoon ? Yes , I think I am . Let's meet for lunch at mouth restaurant . Good idea ! Is two o'clock okay ? That's fine . See you there ! Did you enjoy the movie ? Oh , it's really a drag . Sorry to hear that . I think it's even better than On the Golden pond . Hell with it ! Nobody will give it an Academy award ! Hi Jackie . You don't look too well . What's going on ? It's nothing . I'm just a little stressed out . Why ? What's stressing you out ? School . Since I was working part time , I had a difficult time keeping up with class . Now that we have exams coming up , I'm totally freaking out . The best thing to do is study as much as you can . I'm sure you'll do alright . I hope so . I guess I won't be sleeping for the next 3 days . That's what it'll take . I have to study for an exam too . Why don't we study together . We can encourage each other . That will be great . The new webpage design is much more effective than before . I feel confident it will rope in a lot more business because of its user-friendly format . Why do you think the new page is so much better than the old page ? I thought the old page wasn't half bad ... The old page was okay , alright , but there wasn't a big influence in our sales volume , because the site wasn't developed with an eye towards the marketing aspect . Now it's different . We got our marketing department team in on the action , and the results are smashing ... What changes were made from the old page to the new page ? First , the visitors to the site are encouraged to give their contact information . They can sign up for a free monthly drawing . Once we've got their info , it goes into a database for future marketing mailers and advertising targeting . Also , there are clear links to descriptions of our products and services , so as to give confidence to new customers . We also added a specific area for on-line customer service ... So far we've gotten a ton of positive feedback ... Great ! Did you know that drinking beer helps you sing better ? Are you sure ? How do you know ? Well , usually people think I'm a terrible singer , but after we all have a few beers , they say I sound a lot better ! Well , I heard that if you drink enough beer , you can speak foreign languages better ... Pardon me . Could you please pass me the tissue ? Sure , here you are . Thanks , I didn't expect the dish to be so spicy . Are you ok ? Yeah , I think the food is alright , it's not too spicy though it's a little salty for me . But you are Chinese , you should have known better . Well , not every Chinese can handle spicy food in the way people from Sichuan and Guizhou provinces can . Back where I come from , people don't eat a lot of papers and chilies . Oh , I see how this food can be really hard for you . I can sympathize with that . I stayed in Sichuan for a year . The food was difficult at the beginning . Every dish was so spicy . After a while though , I got used to the taste , and now I won't consider anything a real dish if it isn't spicy . Yeah , you can increase you tolerance for spicy food , but so far , I haven't had the need or the opportunity . Every time I try spicy food , it is a total disaster for my nose and eyes . I completely understand . I didn't intend on liking spicy food at first either , but when you have no other choices , you've got to adapt . Yeah , I guess that's a typical example of ' when in Rome , do as the Romans do . ' Exactly . Tom , Christmas Day is coming . Merry Christmas to you . Thank you . And a merry Christmas to you ! Could you lend your bike to me for several days ? How long would you like to keep it ? Till the end of the week . Yes , that'd be all right . Don't you feel a little strange taking the place of your old boss after he was demoted ? Yes , at first I felt very awkward . After Bill was demoted and then resigned , it was kind of like somebody died ! I mean the atmosphere in the office was like a funeral parlor or something . And then I was afraid people would look at me as a traitor for filling in his spot when the management asked me to ... Did they mutiny ? Thankful , no . I guess everyone understands the opportunity I had to step into a leadership role is so great for my career . I'm really moving up the ladder now that I'm considered a supervisor . After a couple weeks , it was like nothing happened . It is a really good chance for you to get more exposure at work . supervisors get to take the credit for all the hard work of the people under them . Yeah , and they also take the blame , that's what happened to my old boss ... How about a game of tennis ? Okay . Loser has to take out the trash for a month . It's a deal . See you in the court . Are you feeling better today , Bill ? Well , it's hard to say . I cough a lot in the evening . You'd better give up smoking . It's bad for your health . You're right , but you know , it's hard to give up an old habit . But you should make up your mind first . You know , I often have to work till late at night . I need something to keep me awake . Why don't you go to bed and get up early ? You'll have the same time for work . Thank you for your advice ! I'll try it . Hi , John , how was your vacation ? Awesome , we went to Australia and New Zealand . That must have been wonderful . Do anything interesting ? Well , we went bungee jumping when we were in Australia . Wow ! Isn ’ t that dangerous ? A little , but the rush was worth it . Tell me about it . We jumped off a bridge and fell 500 feet before the bungee cord caught us . 500 feet ! I would never be able to do that . Yeah , It was scary , but exhilarating . What did her boss say to you ? He asked me to beef up in the work . Yeah . You look so unhappy recently . What ’ s the matter . Nothing , thanks . I am just not in the mood these days . Hi , Tina , it's Joe . Hi , Joe . What's the weather like there today ? It's really cold . It snowed all day and the school closed early . What's the temperature ? It's 20 degrees below zero now . It was even colder this morning . Have you heard what the weather is going to be like tomorrow ? I was watching the news a little earlier . They said it's probably going to snow tomorrow . I really don't like the winter . I wish it were summer . Me too . How's the weather where you are ? It's not too bad , but it's pretty cold here too . I heard it's going to be a little warmer tomorrow . Mom , I just finished my paper . Can you proofread it before I hand it in ? Sure , let ’ s take a look . Sweetie , this is terrific . Your ideas are so original . Thanks . I can tell you worked hard on it . I really did ! I started thinking about what I wanted to say three weeks ago . Well , it was definitely worth all the time . Let ’ s just hope my teacher agrees . How about doing shopping this weekend ? What're you going to buy ? Sportshoes.Will you go with me ? OK . Merry Christmas ! Huh ? I said Merry Christmas ! Don't you know that Christmas is almost here ? It is ? Oh , that's nice . Huh ? Didn't you know ? Aren't you excited ? Actually , I'd forgotten about it . Forgotten about it ? How could you ? Because I'm not Christian , I'm Jewish . Oh , I'm sorry . I didn't know . It's all right . There are so many Christians in America that everybody takes it for granted that I'm Christian . I guess so . So what do you do around this time of year ? Well , I'll celebrate Hanukah soon , but that's not as important to us as Christmas is to you . Mainly I'll just enjoy the holiday break . Well , would you be horribly offended if I invited you to a Christmas party at my house ? Not at all . A party is a party . I'll be happy to come . It's all over . I'm bankrupt . Don't worry . Everything will be fine . Bill , Happy Halloween ! Happy Halloween ! What creature are you going to dress up as ? I will dress up as a vampire with big fangs . May I have a look at your costume ? Sure . Wait a moment . ( Several minutes later ) Here you are . I like your black clothes and your fangs are cool . I will bite many beautiful girls on the neck tonight . Maybe I will suck their blood . Haha . Wish you good luck . I think that ’ s settled . I'm tired of your cut-and-dried opinions . Who do you think you are ! How dare you speak to me like this . Why not ? Hey , Karen . Look like you got some sun this weekend . Yeah ? I guess so . I spent the weekend at beach . That ’ s great . Where did you stay ? Some friends of my parents live out there , and they invited me there . So , what did you do out there ? I mean besides bask in the sun , obviously . I jogged up and down the beach and played volleyball . You know I never realized how hard it is to run on sand . I couldn ’ t get through a whole game before I had to sit down . Not to mention cooler . Did you go swimming ? I wanted to , but the water is too cold , and I just wetted in up to my knees . It all sounds so relaxing . I wish I could get away to the beach like that . It looks like you could use it . Don ’ t tell me you spent the weekend in the library again . OK class , so today we are going to continue with our anatomy class , today we will review everything we have learned . Can anyone tell me what the first major organ is ? The brain ! That's right , the brain ! It serves as a control center for the body , handling the processes of the central nervous system as well as cognition . Then what major organ is in our chest ? The heart ! Very good ! It pumps blood throughout the body , using the circulatory system such as blood vessels and veins . Now let's not forget that our lungs provide oxygen to our heart and body to keep us alive ! Now what about the organs that help us digest food ? The stomach and intestines ! Very good ! Let's not forget that the stomach is the one that breaks down our food and our intestines process that food and then expel the waste . Are we forgetting anything ? Yeah ! Our kidneys , liver and bladder ! Oh yes , you are right . Very important organs indeed . So what do these organs do , teacher ? Well , mumm , they ... Time for a break ! We can talk about it when you get back . It's not good for business recently . Not good for business ? I don't see eye to eye with you.The new policy offers new opportunities . Too risky anyway.It ' s necessary to look before you leap . Do you know how to play go ? It's easy . All you have to do is to use your pieces to surround the opponent's pieces and then take over all of his territory . But I heard it is very difficult to play . It's easier said than done . When you actually play , it can be very frustrating . Linda ? Is that you ? I haven't seen you in ages ! Hi George ! It's good to see you ! What have you been up to ? I just opened up my own business not long ago . Good for you ! What are you doing ? I'm a professional party planner here in the city . I do catering and all that . I knew some day I would be able to profit from your love of fun ! Well , I don't know about the profit part yet . But I am really having fun ! So , what ’ s new in the kitchen ? That refrigerator is new , isn ’ t it ? Yes . I needed a large one . Before , I had a separate refrigerator and freezer , but this has both combined into one . That ’ s usual nowadays . You ’ Ve added a few shelves too . Yes . You know I ’ Ve been cooking more kind of food recently and I needed some extra space for spices and ingredients . Did you buy new cupboards too ? No , I didn ’ t . I gave them a really good clean , so they just look new . The worktop was in poor condition , so I had a new one added . I see that you have bought several new pots and pans and utensils . Yes , I have . I need them to help me with these new dished I ’ m trying to make . I need a little more practice before I invite guests over . Looking at the spice rack , I ’ d say you ’ Ve been learning how to make asian food . Yes . I ’ Ve always likes Indian and thai food , so I ’ Ve been trying to make dishes from those countries . I ’ m pretty good at making curries now , but I still need practice at making thai food . Both kinds of food are becoming popular.Nowadays , it ’ s very easy to pick up the ingredients at the supermarket . I hope you can stay for dinner . I need a guinea pig ! How do you like skiing , Pat ? I love it . All my life I wanted to learn to ski . Finally I took lessons last year . I suppose skiing is easy for you . No , quite the opposite . I thought I'd never stop falling down . Then all of a sudden I started skiing much better . I see . Do you ski often ? Every chance I get . On weekends I ski all day long . Sometimes I even ski at night . That sounds great . Oh , yes . The ski slopes are well lit . It's really nice to ski at night . Why don't you learn to ski ? Not on your life ! I know I'd break my leg Don't be so frightened . It's just a skill . Hi , Dave . This is Zina . Zina ? Zina the Snake ? I got your e-mail a couple of months back . Yeah ? Which one was that ? The one that said , You're a creep . From me you won't hear another peep . I hope you wreck your jeep . Right . That one . Did it work ? Hello , my name is Bill Martin and we have a reservation for party tonight . Yes , what can I do for you ? I need to cancel that . We have had a last minute change of plans . I see . Would you like me to reschedule you for another night ? OK , we will let you know as early as possible . By the way , will we be able to get a refund on this cancellation ? Certainly . Thank you very much . That's all right . I hope we can help you at some other time . Good-bye . Good-bye . Can I use your laptop for a while ? Sure , go ahead . Oh , isn't your computer Wi-Fi capable ? Yes , it is . You want go online ? there are no wi-fi hotspots around . Oh my , no internet access is killing me . Can't you wait till you get home ? then you can surf the internet using the broadband , wireless connection or whatever you like . No , I'm not feeling myself . I just want to check my emails , visit my favorite websites and chat with my friends . Now I see , you must be suffering from discomgoogolation . What does that mean ? there's nothing wrong with me . Well , the term ' discomgoogolation ' comes from ' discombobulate ' and ' google ' . Because floods of information are just a mouse click away , net users are very likely to become addicted to the web . That's alright . I just can't bear losing track of all the latest information . It almost drives me crazy . Then , you're probably addicted . Sally , I ’ m tired of this Western food . I really miss my mother ’ s Sichuan cooking . I ’ m sure you do miss that type of cooking . But can ’ t you try to get used to Western food ? I have tried . But Americans like butter , bread , sugar , and cream too much . I suppose you ’ re right , Lee . Maybe that ’ s why so many Westerners are overweight . It ’ s interesting that Americans work very hard at their jobs , do not take naps during the day , and yet they can be so heavy . You see , because we are often busy working , we eat too much fast food , and that food is very fattening . Tell me something about your Valentine's Day . Ok , on that day , boys usually give roses to the sweet hearts and girls give them chocolate to return . So romantic . Young people must have lot of fun . Yeah , that is the holiday is hot , isn't it ? What will happen to the children if you break up ? That's a relief for me and a misery for the children . Why don't you make up with John . It's too late . Have you ever been to Japan ? I'm going in the fall . Yeah , I've been there twice . Really ? Tell me about it . What's it like ? Oh , it's fantastic . Where did you go ? On my first trip I went to Tokyo , and on my second trip I visited Kyoto . What did you think of Tokyo ? Very big and exciting , but very crowded , too . Yeah . I've seen pictures of the crowds ! And the restaurant are excellent ... but they're kind of expensive . And how about Kyoto ? Kyoto is lovely . It's full of beautiful old temples and gardens.It ' s a very historic city . How was the weather ? I was in Tokyo in August , and it was really hot and humid . I went to Kyoto in October.It was hot and sunny , but there was no humidity . Sounds perfect . I can't wait ! Where do you live now ? I live in Haitian District where there are lot of universities . Which street do you live on ? I live at No . 50 Xingu Street . Who did the stupid thing ? Maybe it was Dick . I don't think so . Dick has been on the ball and never does things like that . Then it must be a naughty boy who did it . Can I help you ? Yes . I'd like to borrow these books . Just a second . I'll see if I can find them for you . Thanks . Here you are . You must return them within a month . What happens if I'm not finished with them in a month ? You can come in and renew them unless someone else has reserved them . OK.Thank you very much for your trouble . No trouble at all . So long . Hi Sam , would you like to come for a curry with us next Friday ? Sure , I love curry . Who else is coming ? Jane , Susan , Pete and two colleagues of mine from work . I have no plans for Friday , so curry would be great . Which restaurant do you have in mind ? Susan suggested the one on Main Street . She says it is very good . Which one is that ? You know , the one just on the corner with Oxford Street . There is a large pharmacy next door . Oh yes , I know which one you mean . I have never been there , but I looked at their menu once and it did look good . Okay then . I think we will all meet outside ? What time ? At 8 o'clock . I will make the reservation . That's good . See you on Friday . Did you have a part-time job when you were still in school ? No , I was way too busy studying all the time . How about you ? Yeah , I worked about twenty hours a week in a pizza restaurant . What was that like ? It was always very busy there . What did you do ? I stood behind the register and took pizza orders . Did you get any perks on the job ? Yeah , I got to eat as much pizza as I could for free . Did you like the play ? Not really . It's a dull one , and the production isn't satisfactory , either . You're absolutely right . The acting could be better . To be fair , though , both the costumes and scenery are marvelous . I need some books on hardware . There's many books here.What about these ? Great ! They're the very books I want.May I borrow two books ? Sure.But you can only keep them for a week . I see.Thank you . I don ’ t know why I married him . What is the matter ? He never see eye to eye with me . That is to say , love is blind . Why is the long face ? I'm getting sick of work man . I can't take the political bull in the company any more . Did you just get your review or something ? Yeah , but that's not why I am upset . I just found out another guy got a promotion . He doesn't know how to do anything . He sits there and kisses the managers butt all day long . That sucks . I'm just pissed that management can't see behind his smooth talking lies . Look on the bright side . At least you have a job . Yeah . I shouldn't stress about this anymore . It's not like I can do anything about it . Exactly . Instead , we should have some drinks tonight . How about a cold bottle of beer . Now you're talking . You're so witty ... So why is the face tilted to the right ? This watch is supposed to be worn on your left hand . So it's not as convenient for left-handed people ? It's better for right-handed people like me . See , I don't even have to move my arm to see the time . I'm left-handed . You bought that watch so that I won't borrow it ... Bingo ! Is there any ticket left for tonight's concert ? I am sorry , sir.All the tickets have been sold out . What a shame . Will there be the same performance tomorrow evening ? Sorry , sir . The only tickets of the same performance available are on 21st . That's fine . I want 2 tickets . Does Tom drink a lot ? Yes , he does . He of ten has had one to many . But I advised him not to drink too much , he just boasted that he had hollow legs and nobody had ever drunk him under the table . That's a problem . He has sort of Dutch courage and that will egg him on in doing anything . Do you offer a course in business management ? Yes , we do . How many nights a week is it ? It's 3 nights a week , Monday , Tuesday and Thursday . And how long does the course last ? It lasts for 9 months . When does it start ? The next beginning class starts on October 25th . What time is the class ? From 7 to 9 o'clock . How much does it cost ? It costs 125 dollars a month . Yes , that's all right . I want to enroll in the course . Thank you , please fill out this form for us . Do you want me to fill it out now ? Yes , please . We need a record of you education and your work experiences . How many passengers are there aboard the ship ? Seventy-six , I think . What ’ s your schedule like this year ? Pretty busy . I have to pick up a lot of credits this year . What ’ s your major ? I ’ m majoring in French literature . Oh , don ’ t you have to take that class on 18th century poetry ? It ’ s really difficult . I hear the students in that class have to write a paper 100 pages long . That ’ s right . We got the assignment last week . When is it due ? Next Monday ! Remind me never to sign up for that course ! Okay , next question . If Eric asked you out on a date , what would you say ? Duh ! I would say yes ! Eric is the most popular kid in school ! Okay , my turn . What would you do if you won the lottery ? Let ’ s see ... If I won the lottery , I would buy two tickets for a trip around the world . If you buy me a ticket I will go with you for sure ! My dad will freak out if I even mention a trip like that ! Alright this is a good one . What would your mom say if you told her you are going to get married ? If I told her that , she would faint and have me committed ! Something wrong ? Yes . My car is having problems . What's wrong ? It won't start . Do you want me to take a look ? No , thank you . I think I can handle it . Well , if you change your mind , let me know . I will . Thanks . That's sweet of you . No problem . I might need some tools though . Do you know where I can get some ? Sure . I have all kinds of tools . Just ask . I ’ ll be happy to get them for you . Thanks . That would be very helpful . Anything for you . Seriously , I don ’ t mind helping . OK . If you really insist , I could always use the company . I've been standing here since half past seven . Where on earth have you been ? I'm terribly sorry I'm late . I just couldn't help it . It's really very easy saying you're sorry . Look , just give me a chance . I can explain it . Dalian is a beautiful city . Do you agree ? I suppose I do . The climate here is pleasant . They use said it This city is really comfortable to living . It sure is No other city can match it . It's heaven . Well , if you live in other as long enough you love them just as much . Maybe . That's for sure . Do you know that Mary an Ben have already separated ? Yeah , I know . I didn ’ t know it until yesterday . I put my foot into it , and was even stupid enough to ask when they would get married . Alice , your father is amazing . He ’ s 90 years old and he lives alone in that big house . I know . He doesn ’ t like to ask anyone for help . My dad insists on paying his own bills and taking care of himself ! That sounds like my Grandmother . She was always stubbornly independent . It seems that folks like my father and your grandmother are determined to be on their own . They see their independence as a kind of character strength . Sometimes they are too independent . How are you making out ? I'm doing fine.Don ' t mind me.It ' s a wonderful birthday party.Everyone is enjoying himself . I hope so . Thank you again for your delightful gift . Don't mention it . Happy Birthday , Mary ! Thank you . Here is a gift for you . I hope you like it . What a lovely dog ! How did you know I love this ? I had my own ways of finding out . It's a secret . You look so beautiful today . Your new shirt goes well with your skirt . Maybe you don't believe it , but it was made by my grandmother . Really ? It looks so nice . Thank you . Please have a cup of tea . All right . How about some fish ? No , thanks . I've had enough . Now , Mary , before you blow out the birthday candles , you have to make a wish . After that , you may cut the cake . OK , let me make a wish ... Do you want a big piece of cake ? No , just a small one . Next let's sing ' Happy Birthday ' to Mary . It is very kind of you . I'm so moved by you . How did you meet your girlfriend ? I met Amanda through a friend . That's great . Did you start dating right after you met , or did you become friends first ? We started dating right away . Is there anything available for tonight ? There are some seats in the rear mezzanine . Isn't there anything else available ? No , the show is almost sold out . I haven't seen your father in like 5 years . How is he doing ? He's not doing too well . Why ? What's wrong ? About a year ago , he started feeling weak all the time . Is it due to old age or is he sick . Maybe a little of both . The doctor's can't point out anything specifically . I think it is because he didn't take care of himself during his youth . That makes sense . It's important to take care of your health early in life . That's what my father tells me almost everyday . Well , I hope he starts feeling better . Say hi to him for me . Thanks . I'll let him know . Wedding rings ! Oh , no ... Aren't they cool ? I like the settings . Jen , is there someone you're not telling me about ? No . I just like looking at wedding rings , OK ? Women are such dreamers . These are specially designed for the year 2000 ! Hurry up , get in . I ’ m in , let ’ s go ! OK , make a left here . . . no wait , I meant make a right . Come on , speed up ! Geez ! What ’ s the rush ? Don ’ t worry about it , just drive . Oh , no , the light is about to change . . . step on it ! Are you nuts ! I ’ m not going to run a red light ! Whatever . Just turn right here . . . . The freeway will be packed at this hour . . . . let ’ s take a side street.Go on ! Get out of our way ! Move , move ! What ’ s your problem ! Geez . Having a fit is not going to help ! Here , I know a short cut ... just go down here , and we ’ ll cut though Ashburn Heights . Let ’ s go , let ’ s go ! Watch out for that lady ! I ’ m going as fast as I can ! Yes ! We made it . 5:58 , just before the library closes . You ’ re such a geek ! I've heard so much about Japan . Is it a beautiful country ? Not everyone thinks Japan is beautiful , but to me its beauty is breathtaking.You feel the same way about France , don't you ? Yes , I do feel the same way about France . The swift rivers , the fertile valleys , the large cities-its scenery is beautiful . Will you describe the geography of Japan ? Well , it's made up of four large islands and many smaller islands located off the coast of the Asian main lands . France isn't an island , is it ? Oh , no , France isn't an island . It is located in the western part of the European continent . But France does have many fine harbors and port cities on its southern and western coasts . Does Japan have good harbors ? Good harbors ! Yokohama is one of the most famous port cities in the world , and Japan is the largest shipbuilding nation in the world . Also , there are long mountain ranges in the southern is hands . France isn't very mountainous , is it ? No , France isn't very mountainous . But it does contain the Pyrenees , a large mountain range with high peaks and deep canyons . What kind of Climate does Japan have ? The Japanese climate is warm and moist in the south , mild in the central part and cold in the north . Except for Hokkaido , we don't get much snowfall at all . France has a mild climate , doesn't it ? Yes , the climate of France rarely has severe winters . In southern France , one can live in comfort the whole year . Is Japan good for farming ? Yes , Japan is good for farming . Rice is the main crop , but Japan is also an industrial center . Fishing is very important , too . Rice isn't grown in France , is it ? No , rice isn't grown in France . But farming , fishing and industry are also very important in France . I'd like to go to Japan some day . Would you like to visit France ? Yes . I'd like to visit France . I'd like to travel all over the world . As you describe it , France seems to be very much like Japan . I would like to see it for myself . I don't know why Mark often comes to me and asks me for advice . I smell some rat in it . He is sly . He is actually angling for compliments . But he may have got the crush on you . Nonsense ! There's no indication that he's in love with me . Keep your fingers crossed . He may pop the question one of these days . Hi , why do you look so depressed today , Mike ? I had a terrible quarrel with my neighbor yesterday . How come ? It is a long story . Basically , she thought I had laughed at her while I didn't . I know everyone suffers when he is misunderstood . But why not take it easy ? Yeah . It's so nice of you to comfort me . Maybe we'd better go now . It's still early . Gosh , it's already 10.Stay here if you like . Since we're late , let's go to see a film . OK.Hurry up . My uncle passed away last night . My condolences . Diana , in your opinion , which is more important , IQ or EQ ? Why are you asking me the strange question , Jerry ? I watched the movie Forrest Gump last night . And the question just lined in my mind . Well . I think IQ matters more . But it won't work without EQ . Why ? You seem pretty sure about it . Because an intellectual mind can only be a beneficial thing in life . But IQ is decided at birth.One can't expect to make a lot of improvement in it . That's why people's achievement varies greatly . That ' s true , but what if one comes across some difficulties . He must rely on his EQ to deal with them . Yes , Jerry , can you share your understanding of EQ ? I think it is independent of IQ and plays a prominent role in deciding the way we live our lives . Quite right . Have you noticed that a high IQ is not a must for one's success ? Just as Forrest ? Yes , his IQ is high enough for him to embrace the success as long as he can manage his EQ . I got it . Come on ! It's time to go ! Wait a minute ! Just hold your horses ! What's your hurry , anyway ? Well , I've got to stop and get gas in the car , first . That won't take long . Well , it won't if there no line at the pump . Well , I'm not quite ready . I'll give you five more minutes , then I'm going on without you ! You wouldn't do a thing like that ! Oh , yes , I would ! How's business ? So so . Wow , that terrible movie is finally over . Next time I ’ m picking the film , because I don ’ t want to end up seeing a chick flick . Well you should have picked , in the end you always complain about everything . Not everything , just this film . Even the title is ridiculous . and it ’ s so long , those are the two and a half most wasted hours of my life , so much so that I ’ m thinking about asking them to give me my money back . I ’ m thinking of taking you back home . I thought we could have a nice evening , but you ’ re always so negative . I ’ m only complaining about a movie that I could have rented or bought and then thrown in the garbage . You see , that ’ s what I ’ m talking about , I can ’ t stand your sarcastic jokes anymore Next time , go with your gay friend who is more in touch with his feelings . Well he ’ s more of a man than you are ; at least he appreciates love stories . Love stories ? More like one-night-stands . Don ’ t criticize Mario or else I ’ ll start on those fat , drunk friends of yours ; they ’ re no saints . My friends ? Fat ? What about those whales you call friends ? You ’ re unbearable ; you can walk home , I ’ m leaving . Which language do you speak ? Well , I studied French at school , but I ’ Ve forgotten most of it . I learnt some Russian while I was studying there and now I study Spanish in evening classes . Do you speak Japanese at home with your parents ? Yes , I do . I ’ m learning Chinese now on the internet . How do you find studying a language on the internet ? It ’ s not easy , particularly with listening and speaking , because sometimes the connection isn ’ t too good . I bet you find the character difficult to write ! Actually , many of the characters are the same or very similar in both Chinese and Japanese , so they ’ re easy for me . So , you can read and write much better than you speak and understand other speakers , right ? Yes . How are the Spanish classes going ? In a way , it ’ s similar to your experience of learning Chinese . Some Spanish words are very similar to English ones . But I need to practise listening to native speakers and saying the words myself . Why didn't you tell me you had a girlfriend ? Sorry , I thought you knew . But you should tell me you were in love with her . Didn't I ? You know you didn't . Well , I am telling you now . Yes , but you might have told me before . I didn't think you would be interested . You can't be serious . How dare you not tell me you are going to marry her ? Sorry , I didn't think it mattered . Oh , you men ! You are all the same . So , did you go out with Richard ? Yeah . We went to a movie last Saturday . We saw Police Partners II . Did you like it ? Richard did , but I didn't . Of course , I told him I liked it . Yeah . So did you do anything else ? Well , we went to a dance club . Did you have fun there ? Yeah , we had a great time . And we're going to go there again next week ! Would you like to go to work or continue your studies after graduation ? I think I will continue my studies . Now it's not easy for a graduate with bachelor's degree to get a job since there are so many graduates with master's or doctor's degree . We are likely to lose in competing with them in the job market . So you will continue to study for a master's degree ? Well , I think so . But I am thinking of going aboard to get a master's and doctor's degree . If can get a Ph . D . abroad , it will be much easy for me to get a job at home . How can you finance your education abroad ? It is very expensive to study abroad . I think I will try to get the scholarship since I really don't have so much money to study abroad . Actually now I am preparing for the TEFL and GRE exams . If I can get high marks in the two exams and if I am lucky enough , I may get a scholarship . It could be pretty tough studying abroad . Being so far away from home ... It's hard to get tickets for the movie . Did you get any ? Yeah , two at the tenth rows . How much is the ticket ? 3.5 dollars each . What a great weekend that was ! My feeling's exactly . I really enjoy the beach in the summer . I couldn't agree with you more . We should come here more often . You are absolutely right . I'd like to come back next weekend . I think Andy's party will be fun . Yeah , I think so . Oh , by the way , I need to ask you something . What's that ? Could I get back the sweater you borrowed ? Sure . Oh , that reminds me . Could I borrow your black leather boots ? My boots ? Er ... Sure , ok . Hi , Mr . Smith . Are you enjoying the cookout ? You don't look too happy . I spent the morning at the cemetery . I put flowers on the graves of my old war buddies . Is that what people usually do on Memorial Day ? They should . This holiday is about remembering our war dead . But people these days think it's just a holiday for summer sales and cookouts ! I'm sorry to hear that . Thank you for telling me a little more about it . I went to Super Junior's concert last night . It was fantastic . Really ? Their songs are very popular all round Asia now . I am also a big fan of theirs . Yes , their new album just came out last week . It is number one on the billboard . I really love their dancing . They are all excellent dancers . The lyrics of the new song are beautiful , too . Can you sing ? Sure . I think you can hear the song everywhere you go now . Let's go buy their new album . Want to come with me ? Why not ? I am a little nervous about my presentation on Friday . If you would like me to , I could help you with that . Wouldn't that take you away from your project ? I have plenty of time to do this . I promise you it won't be a problem for me . Is there a good time for you to help me ? If we work on this tomorrow night , you could easily be ready by Friday . How about meeting in my office ? That would work out well . Bring any concerns that you might have . Sounds like you'll be able to help me a lot . Don't worry . Everything will go well . I promise ! If you can choose , will you marry a foreigner or a Chinese ? Why ? Did tom pop the question ? Not yet . But I wonder if I can get my parents ’ consent . Let me guess , your parents want you to marry a Chinese man , right ? You are right . It is giving me a real headache . I feel like I ’ m between a rock and a hard place . I used to have the same problem when I was with my ex . Oh , how did you deal with it ? I just let it go and continued dating with my Korean boyfriend . But finally we broke up . Oh , it ’ s a pity . What was the matter ? Simple . We had personality clashes and there were too many cultural differences . Like what ? He hoped to live in the Korean way and asked me to give up working and stay at home to take care of the family . Oh , I see . In their culture women should put family first . Yes , he said it would be better for me and for the whole family . But I simply can not quit working . So that's why it ’ s hard to have a happy marriage with a foreigner . Not really . There are many successful mixed marriage around us . Where is Tom ? He is in the bedroom and fallen asleep . What ? It ’ s only 9p . m . Now . Why today he went to bed so early ? He ran four miles and came back dead beat . Oh , I see . Hi , Ann . Hi . You look excited . What's happening ? I just heard that our school will hold a singing contest in 5 days . And you're planning to enter ? Of course . This is a great chance for me to show off my beautiful voice . Is there a prize ? I heard that the winner gets a Panda Radio . Do you think you have a chance ? A chance ? Not just a chance , I'm a hundred percent certain.Everyone says my voice is beautiful . But you haven't practised all that much . I still have 5 days to practise . It's in the bag ! Don't be too sure . You're still going to need some help . Yeah , maybe . I've got to go to bed . Have to work tomorrow . OK . Good night , then . Have a good sleep . Good night . See you tomorrow . I wonder if it is possible that we organize a dinner party for all the colleagues in our departments . They are working very hard these days . Maybe it is time for everybody to relax a little . That is a good idea , I love it . What time do you think is convenient ? Well , what about this Thursday evening after we finish the weekly meeting ? Ok , I will inform everybody when they come back from lunch . It has been a long time since we had the department dinner last time . I am sure they don ’ t want to miss it . I hope so . Let me know how many will come . Then I will book the restaurant . What day is today ? Today is Thursday . What's the date today ? Today is May first , 2003 . Oh , today's International Labour Day . Is it our working day ? Well , I don't think so . Can you take part in our picnic this Saturday ? That would be fine . Where are you going ? We plan to go to a forest in the suburb . There is a beautiful river there . We can do some fishing . Great . And don't forget your fishing tackle . Ok . I like fishing very much . Daniel , what are you doing here ? Aren't you supposed to be at school now ? The same question to you . Well , we shall make it a secret between us . Deal , Where is Gucci ? She is the cheer-leader . They are required to put on a performance . Look ! Here they come . Oh , look at her . She looks like one is the basketball babies in NBA . I want to be like her . Get real . Don't be so pathetic . Hey , young man ! I'm your sis . Don't talk to me like that . Oh , man , look at her , go ! She is amazing ! She should be my sis . Boy , you've got such a crush on her , haven't you ? Yes , I want to be her boyfriend . Just like in the movie . Are you out of your mind ? She told me she liked my new haircut . She thought it was cool . Go ahead , have a try and be a joke . You know John ? Which John ? Mr.Turnbow ’ s son ? Yes . I ’ Ve read news about him in today ’ s paper . And he ’ s bright and intelligent . I ’ m sure he can pass the university entrance exam . I wish he could too . How ’ s your boy , Jack ? He ’ s a bit tired , you know . It often takes him a couple of hours to brush up . Poor boys ! They work harder at school nowadays , don ’ t they ? Good luck to them . You have made a poor meal . Let me get you some more fish . No , thanks . I have had enough . What about some drink ? Please bring me a cup of coffee . Good morning . I want to apply for a library card . Give me 10 yuan , your ID card and a photo of you please . But I hear that the card is free . Yes , it is . But you must pay a deposit for the card . There will be a refund when I return the card , right ? Yes , if the card is well kept and has no dirt and scratches . OK , here you are . I am very proud of John . Me too . No one has expected he can really get somewhere with his business . But he has suffered a lot . What do you think of the plan for the new airport near here ? Perhaps they should give it a second thought . The residents are getting up in arms about it . I think they will . What do you think of that situation comedies showed every weekend ? To tell you the truth , I don't think much of them . You're becoming a real television watcher . A lot of people feel the same way . May I invite you for a dance ? With pleasure . You dance well . Do you breakdance ? Me , what brought that on ? There's a story about breakdancing in the paper . What does it say ? According to the story , it's some sort of modern dance style . Like disco ? Well , breakdancing is more a physical exercise than a dance . And disco a kind of nightclub . Right , a disco is a place where people dance according to nonstop recorded music ... So ... disco is what the music is called and a disco is a place where people go to dance to it.And breakdancing is a different sort of thing altogether . You are witty . Could we borrow the company van for a fundraiser this weekend ? That would be a possibility . Where is this fundraiser taking place ? It is in the hotel ballroom down the street . Do you need it for the whole weekend ? We will need it for both days . We will need to know who will be driving the van . The van will be driven by Mary and me . It needs to be back on Sunday night . Can you arrange for that ? Oh yeah , no problem . Would you mind if we borrowed a few of the chairs from the lunchroom . Just keep track of everything and get it all back where you took it from by Sunday evening . Guess who I saw yesterday ? I don't know . Who ? Avril Lavigen ! the Canadian rock singer ? But I heard you had a part-time job yesterday . How did you see her ? yeah , I worked as temporary staff in her concert . Look , her poster , a CD ... so you're a big fan , eh ? not really . But I like some of her songs . She's actually very talented . She's a song writer and fashion and fashion designer , too . and she was in a movie once again , right ? yes , though I don't think her acting skills are that great . what was your impression of her when you saw her in person ? she looked sweeter than her pictures . did you take a photo with her ? no , there were too many people . When she got out of the car , her fans were all screaming , trying to give her flowers and ger her autographs . crazy ! Can you lend me fifty bucks ? What ? Again ? Why do you keep running out of money ? I guess I don't earn enough . No , I think it's how you budget your life , that's the problem . That's my business , not yours . True enough , until the time comes that you need to take my money . I don't know where you're wasting your money but I think you need to take a look at what's really important . So how do you survive from pay day to pay day ? I don't just survive . I put money away as well . I know when I get paid where most of the cash will go , and I stick to my plan . If I follow a budget I don't have any nasty surprises . I'm not disciplined enough I guess . In a few months I'm planning to invest my money into some foreign companies . I think you need to reevaluate your spending habits . How do you think the transport system in our city could be improved ? I think that the public transport system could be made simpler . I never know where the bus routes actually go . The routes seem to twist and turn rather than going roughly in a straight line . I think we just need to build more roads . Then there would be more space for cars to drive and we ’ d have fewer traffic jams . If we built more roads , people would just fill them with cars again . I think we should discourage people from using their cars . How would you do that ? I think we should do a few things at once . Improving public transport would encourage people to use that . If we also charge people to use their cars in the city centre , they won ’ t use their cars as much . I don ’ t know . I think it ’ s unfair to make drivers pay more money . They already pay a lot of tax-petrol tax , for example . I think that they should pay more tax . Look at the damage they cause to the environment and people ’ s health by discharging all those exhaust fumes . The air would certainly be cleaner if there were fewer cars being used in the city . The problem is that people will see it as reducing their freedom . It well be unpopular . That ’ s a good point . Car owners will probably be against it , but people who use public transport will be in favor of it . What day is today ? Today is December twenty-third , two thousand and two . Oh , The day after tomorrow is Christmas . Merry Christmas to you . You ’ re new here , right ? Yes , I am . Will this be your first year ? No , I transferred here . What school did you come from ? I transferred from PCC . Why ’ d you transfer here ? I wanted to attend this school originally , but my grades out of high school weren ’ t good enough . Is PCC a good school ? PCC is great ! I hope you enjoy it here . Thank you very much . The bridegroom looks a bit nervous . On this occasion , most people do . Oh , they are playing the wedding March . Here they come . She is a beautiful bride . I am so happy for them . Are you crying ? Yes , I always cry at weddings . Harris and Anne are perfect for each other . Yes , they are . You and Tom also make a great couple . In fact , we are beginning to make preparations . For the wedding ? No , no , for the engagement . Try to catch this bouquet then . Jessica is going back to Holland next week . I've been thinking a lot about what to give her as a parting gift , but I still have no clue . is that the girl you spent almost every weekend with ? yeah , that's her . We had a lot of wonderful times together . She is really a special friend , and I want to get her something meaningful . I am not good at picking gifts . Maybe you can ask if there's anything she needs to make it easier ? I don't think so . That way it would lose all the charm . I want it to be a surprise . I want to show her that I care about her and I hope our friendship will last . yeah , that's nice . hmm , I think I've got an idea . Maybe I can get her an ever-green plant to take back home . a plant ? That's creative . I'm sure ever time she waters it she'll think of you . But there is a problem . Do you think it'll be able to go through the customs ? I hope so . I'll make sure to get a small one so she can put it into her suitcase . I hope it won't cause her trouble at the border . I don't know . I think the idea of a plant going across borders with a friend is really exciting but maybe seeds would be safer . You don't want to get her in trouble . Have you got your invitation yet ? My invitation ? No , I haven't . My invitation to what ? The house warming party . Whose house warming party is it ? Tom and Bill Smith . They are both working now you know ? And they've bought a new house . Oh , they have ? I didn't know . I haven't seen Tom lately . It's out in the suburbs . Have you seen the house ? Yes , I have . I went out with them last weekend . Is it nice ? Yes , it is . There are three bedrooms , a living room , a dining room , and a big kitchen . There's also a garden . Well , that does sound nice . Have they moved in yet ? They are moving today . Tom's taken the day off . He's rented a truck , and they should have all their furniture in the house tonight . When are they going to have the party ? Next Saturday night . You should get your invitation today or tomorrow . Wow , that would be something to look forward to . Have you ever been to Xi ’ an ? Yes , I ’ Ve been there several times on business trips . But I have never really seen the terra-cotta warriors as it is outside the city . I ’ Ve heard many people saying that it is a place worth touring . I really want to see the old walls and terra-cotta warriors one day . Of course I won ’ t miss the local food either . You know , the sites interests a food in scenery , food is a key factor when visiting a place . I agree . As long as the food is not too bizarre once I saw some people eating insects . That is frightening . Sure it is . Is it convenient to get there by plane ? Well , the airport is quite far from the downtown area , but it is still more convenient than taking the train . Tomorrow is Sunday . Let's go out and get some fresh air . I know there is a beautiful farm in the countryside near Taipei . Are you interested in going there ? why not ? I love animals and I love nature . You can see many cows and horses there . lf you are brave enough , you can try horseback riding . it is fun . sounds very interesting . I can't wait to go there . Wow ! It is huge and you can do many activities here . That is true . Some people go camping , some people pick fresh fruit , some people go boating and some people go grass skiing . I never knew there were so many fun things to do on a farm . Well , now you know . Let's go to the lake over there . Some people are fishing over there . I haven't had a chance to fish in a lake , I really want to try . I think we need to buy some baits and borrow some fish poles first . Yes . we can get what we need at the stands right by the lake . Who do you think will catch a big fish first ? Of course . I will . Wait and see . I want to try horseback riding after fishing . It looks very exciting and fun . It is . However , you will suffer from muscle pain for many days you are a first-time rider . No problem . It is always worth trying something new once in your life time . how are you doing ? I'm ok . I wish I could say the same for my friend . what happened to him ? he was arrested by the police for drinking and driving . was it his first offence ? unfortunately not . He was charged with a DUI when he was in university . what happened to him then ? not much ; it was a minor offence back then . He got away with a fine of $ 500 . did they take his license away ? no , they were really easy on him . The problem is that that was a long time ago . They are much tougher on crime now . what do you think will happen to him ? well , he'll definitely lose his license , pay a fine , and maybe even spend some time in jail . that doesn't sound too promising . Does he have a defence lawyer ? not yet . If we can't find a lawyer for him , then the state will appoint him with one . my sister is a lawyer . I can ask her if she can help him . that'd be great ! I know he'd appreciate your help . Well , sir , we are asking all our guests to wear a jacket and a tie in our restaurant . Is that so ? I didn't know it.Can I possible borrow a jacket and a tie ? I'm sorry you can't borrow a jacket and a tie . Then we return to the hotel and come back.Will you change the appointment ? Certainly.What time will you come back ? At seven , please . How many in your party ? A party of three . All right.We are waiting for you at seven . You know Ernie , it seems we both like the same artists . Yes , we do . I think we have the same musical tastes . But if we're going to start a band , we have to be able to sing and dance . Can you do that ? I'm not a very good singer , but I'm a really great dancer ! I love hip hop dancing . Great ! I'll sing , and you can dance in our band . I wish I had access to the public library . it's easy ! Just go and get a card . Are you ready ? Not yet . Is this your brother-in-law ? Yes , he married my sister ten years ago . From his looks , I'd say he's a man of character . Yes , my sister loves his personality . You seem to very busy these days . What are you doing ? I am swapped with work after 10 - day holiday . Where did you spend your holiday ? I went to Paris . Our team just scored a goal . That's more like it . Tell me about it . They might actually win the game . Want to meet for lunch this Saturday ? Sorry , I can ’ t . I ’ m busy . What are you doing ? I always do volunteer work on the first Saturday of every month . What kind of volunteer work ? I help out at the children ’ s hospital . I help plan activities . Oh , yeah ? Yeah . It ’ s exciting . This month we ’ re doing crossword puzzles . Tom , is Jenny crying ? Can you take he away from me ? I ’ m just coming for that . She kept on bothering me . She ’ s your sister.What she asked was only duck soup for you.Why can ’ t you be good to her ? But I am her brother , not her servant . You ’ re making my blood boil . Calm down . Madam . I'm about to explode ! You ’ Ve made a mess of this matter . I am very sorry to hear that you ’ Ve been having so many problems . Sorry isn ’ t good enough ! What can you do to help me ? I understand why you ’ re angry , Mrs . Wilson , and believe me , we are doing everything in our power to work this out . Well , obviously , what you ’ re doing is not good enough ! If you could just give us a few more days , we should be able to get this straightened out . Can you tell me something about financial aid ? What exactly ? How to apply for it ? In your first letter , that is , when you apply for admission , you should also tell them you need their financial aid . Then ... If the aid is available , they will give you two or more application forms , One is for admission , the others are for the aid . What if not ? They will tell you the aid is impossible . How was Mei ’ s party on Saturday ? Oh I didn ’ t go . I stayed at home with my family . Oh really ? What did you do ? We watched lots of television and films . I see . Anything else ? Yes , we ate a delicious meal and drank some very good wine . Well , it sounds like you really enjoyed yourself . What's the temperature today ? It's about 5 degrees centigrade . What's the weather forecast for tomorrow ? The weatherman says it's going to snow tomorrow . Are you used to the climate here ? I think I'll soon get used to it . What is the average temperature of Beijing ? lt's about 180C , but in winter the temperature may fall to 10-15 degrees below zero . And we have a long winter . Which season do you like best ? I prefer spring when little by little everything becomes green and the weather is almost always nice . I simply couldn ’ t help giving him the fish-eye when I knew all that . But Ben is not a bad man . I know him from A to Z . However , he disappointed us very much this time . I can understand that . But ... Kelly , the guys and I think you should run for senior class president . Me ? Why me ? Why not you ? We talked to our older brothers and sisters last night and got the scoop on what that job is all about . And you think I fit the qualifications ? Yes . Did you know that the senior class president works for the class for life ? The job doesn't stop when we graduate . Really ? What is there to do after we graduate ? Every class reunion is organized by the president and council and anything our class does for the school in later years is headed by the president . I'm honored that you think I would be qualified . But I would really have to think about this first . Wow ! You look like a drowned rat ! Didn't you know there is a thunder-storm today ? I knew there would be a shower , but I didn't realize it would rain cats and dogs today . Well . You'd better take a hot shower right now , or you will catch a cold . I know . I don't want to get sick , especially during finals week . Why are those people crying ? They must have just come back from tomb sweeping because today is Tomb Sweeping Day . Tomb Sweeping Day ? What is it ? Tomb Sweeping Day is a traditional festival in China , on which many Chinese mourn the dead . What do they do ? People go to the cemetery to pay their respects to the dead . Er ... Alison ? Ohm , hello , Marcia . I was ... I just wanted to congratulate you ! I mean , it was a good race and you deserve to win . Well ... thanks , Marcia.It ' s very nice of you to say so . I mean ... It was that final sprint ! You were great ! Really ! Do you really think so ? I mean , was I ? Er ... you ... must be disappointed . Why aren't you at work ? I called in sick . How is the college search going ? It's a huge headache . I have no idea what I want to do . But don't you want to study music ? Shouldn't it be easy ? It should be , but there are too many options . My grades are good enough that I have a lot of choices , but after that ... I know . You have to decide if you want to attend a school in a city or in the country , a big school or a small school , a public or private school ... Yup , you understand . And my parents are trying to pressure me into going to a Catholic college . They both attended one and think that it combines a good education with good discipline . And the tuition 3 is usually pretty low . I see . Well , don't forget to talk to the college counselor at the school . He usually gives good advice and can help point you in the right direction.He gave me some information , and next week I'm going to take a look at some of the colleges he recommended . Thanks for the information . And good luck in your college search . I ’ m trying to decide what school to apply for . Are you thinking about a public school or a private one ? I ’ m not sure . What ’ s the difference between them ? Public schools are usually state funded , whereas private schools usually get their funding elsewhere . Which is better ? One isn ’ t necessarily better than the other . It depends a lot on the school administration and the teachers . I hear you have to wear uniforms at private schools . Yeah , sometimes . Excuse me , Professor . I am going to miss next week's class . Is this something that you could schedule for another time ? No , I have to do this ; it's important ! Have you arranged for someone to take notes for you ? I've made arrangements with a friend to help me . You know that I only allow one absence per semester , don't you ? Yes , I know . Write down your name and the date on a piece of paper and give it to me . OK , I can do that . Well , have a good day off from class . It seems so strange to be here , burying you , but it's not you . Ashes to ashes and dust to dust ... This has been the worst and best day of my life , Taylor . They kept you in the hospital , and ... I'll tell you all about it another day . But you're OK ? It was nothing serious , was it ? You ladies look very elegant in black . But I don't want you to wear black in my honor for a long time yet to come ... The air quality in this city is horrendous . The pollution levels are so high that we are not supposed to go outside with a face mask again ! Exhaust fumes from vehicles cause a great deal of damage to the environment . On top of that , there are a few large chemical factories in the suburbs , which are contributing to the high pollution levels in the water and the air in this city . As much as I love this city , I think I'm going to find a greener city to live in . Living in a polluted city like this just can't be good for my health . I know what you mean . However , there are so few places left that have not been affected by global warming . If it's not the pollution , then it's the natural disasters , deforestation , or the greenhouse effect . What is the greenhouse effect exactly ? It's the gradual rise in the earth's temperature . I see , so it's similar to global warming ? They're related to one another , yes . I heard that some people in England are pleased with the fact that the climate is becoming warmer because it's making their towns a more pleasant place to live . People joke about the benefits of the increase in temperature , but it's not all good news . They've been experiencing a lot of deadly storms there as well . People always seem to make jokes as a way to deal with unfortunate situations . I think if everyone pitches in , the world will be a better place . What would you like to do tonight ? I'm not sure . What about going to a movie ? OK , let's go to the cinema to see what's on . Mary , be calm . It is impossible . You cheated on me . No , listen to me . I always regard you as my best friend . I admire you , and of course you've helped me so much . I should thank you . Shut up ! No , listen to me . Perhaps it's my fault that I treat everybody so well . Maybe in other people's eyes , I want you to be my girl-friend . but ... but ... But you have had lily already ? You should have told me about her , but you didn't . OK ... OK ... Anyway . I will treat you as my best friend . I hope you can do the same . Leave me ! Go away ! Would you mind doing something for me ? I would if I could . Would you please explain the meaning of the word ? Yes , With pleasure . Our maths teacher is rather humorous . On the contrary , I think he's very serious . No , not at all.His examples are really interesting . So they're easy to remember . Yeah , how about your maths teacher ? He's an old antique , very serious . Bad luck , Anne . Hey ! How about your history teacher ? She's another antique . I'm sorry to hear that . Hey , if you're not busy this weekend , would you like to go see a movie ? Sounds good . What should we see ? How about that European movie ? You mean the one starring John Travolta ? Yeah , that's the one I've heard the special effects and the plot are outstanding . Sounds like an interesting film . Let's meet at five o'clock on Saturday . Okay , see you then . Could you do me a favor ? What is it ? Could you possibly give me a lift home ? All right . Are you sure ? I don't want to inconvenience you . No problem . I'd be happy to . Thanks . I really appreciate it . Thanks so much . I have an appointment for half past one . What can I help you with ? Well , I have a problem with my class schedule . What is it ? It seems that I've been given two classes scheduled at the same time . I can understand the problem with that . Is there any way that you can fix my schedule ? No problem , do you want those classes still ? Yes , I do . Let me see if I can find one of these classes on another day . Thank you very much . It's said that the government will clamp down on the new policy . Are you sure of that ? I am not certain about that . They may have some difficulty in doing it . Did you hear that Mary ’ s marriage is on the rocks ? So I hear . Yesterday I met Mary , and she told me her husband often made pass at his secretary . After all the crises they have survived together , her husband should do such things . She must feel that she ’ s been stabbed in the back . Are there any interesting articles in today ’ s newspapers ? The headlines are all about the presidential election in the united states . Few other stories made the front pages . Is there anything of interest to us in the business sections ? There ’ s an interesting feature article in the chronicle about doing business in china and the daily news has printed a report about the special economic zone near pairs . We have a subsidiary company l Are the reports favorable ? Generally , the reporters take positive lines . They do point out a few problems that we need to be aware of , but there ’ s nothing worrying in the reports . In the classifieds , one of our competitors is a That ’ s interesting . They must be thinking of moving into that market . Are there any interesting editorials ? Not really . They all seem to focus on the election . There have been several letters printed in the chronicle regarding that controversial article on drugs that they printed last week . I ’ m not surprised . That article certainly added fuel to the debate . Ok . Thanks . Can you leave two articles and the advertisements with me ? I ’ d like to read them . Sure . There you are . Can you imagine a boat letting in the river ? That would be terrible . Sure thing . I have an experience like that . Oh , how were you saved finally ? I was in such a panic at that time . Fortunately another boat came along and I was saved from drowning . I am looking for some information about home stay . Well , I have been in a host home before . During my first year in the us , I stayed with a family . They are nice . How did you pay them ? Well , that depends . If you stay for a long time . They will offer a discount . He followed me all the way home ! That's about five blocks . And around corners too.So he was definitely following you . Yes , he was . I'm not imagining it.Finally , just when I got home , I turned around and looked at him.He was just standing there . He didn't smile . He just stood there . It was so obvious.What should I do ? I'm so scared . Can I call the police ? Actually , I don't think you can call the police . Not yet at least.He hasn't done anything . And probably the police will just ignore it.But if anything happens again , then maybe you should call . Why can't I call the police now ? He was definitely following me ! Of course you can call the police if you want . That's not what I mean . I'm just saying that they probably won't do anything . I suppose . What can they do ? I don't even know who he is . Listen , Carol . Don't let this bother you too much.Probably it's nothing . Just keep your eyes open when you go out.If you see him a third time , and if he follows you again , then I think we should go to the police.But for now , just try not to worry . Alright . And I won't go to that cafe for awhile . What's your favorite book ? It's Gone With the Wind . Why do you like it best ? I enjoy the various characters and the plot . Well . I like the Thorn Birds best . Is it very interesting ? Sure . I like the writer's language , too . If I have a chance , I'll enjoy the book . Would you like to go to the bookshop with me ? That's a good idea . Let's go ! May I help you ? I would like to check out these books . May I see your library card , please ? Yes . Here you go . Apparently , you have unpaid late fees . I do ? You owe some money . Exactly how much do I owe ? You owe $ 24.50 . I won ’ t be able to pay that right now . Until you pay it , you can ’ t check out books . I will pay it . Don ’ t worry . How did you choose courses when you were abroad ? That's a very good question . Choosing proper courses and effectively planning a college schedule is very important to the progress toward your educational goal . In order to do these wisely and effectively , you should consult with a Program Adviser or Academic Counselor . Wait a minute . There are some new terms for me . I can hardly follow you . Ok , I will go into more detail . A Program Adviser or an Academic Counselor is usually an experienced professor who is responsible for all the necessary academic counseling through graduation . You can discuss with him the program selection , changing or adding a program , the requirements for graduation , and other problems related to your study . You will choose some courses , and then discuss with the adviser whether your choice can meet the requirements for graduation . Everything is so new to me . I think I'll have to experience a very difficult period when I get there . Sure , very difficult . I am very grateful for your advice . It's my pleasure to talk with you . So it is hard to be a black student on campus ? Yes , in many ways it is . There are many stereotypes I have to deal with in my daily life . Stereotypes ? Like what ? Well , like since I'm black , I must like rap music , come from the inner city , or play basketball well . I do know you like rap music , but the other two are definitely false . I ’ Ve seen you play basketball . Hey ! But that's not the only problem . There's also the affirmative action stigma . You mean that people look down upon you because they think you're in school because of a quota ? That's not true at all , you're really a smart guy . I know that , but some people don't think like that . And I get problems from teachers as well . Teachers ? I didn't think that they would be racist at all . Racist ? Not exactly . It's how they look at me and ask for my opinion on a topic , as if I can speak for all black people and give them the black opinion on a subject . Suddenly I become the representative of the black race , as if we all had the same opinion . I see . It looks like there are still a lot of issues we need to work on in the US . Could you help me ? What do you need ? I can't seem to find my class . What building is it in ? It's in the C building . Oh , I know exactly where that is . Do you think you can tell me where it is ? Sure , what room number is it ? It's room number 261 . I have a class around there right now . Could you show me where it is ? No problem , come on . John , have you ever watched Beijing Opera ? Yes , I watched once . What do you think of it ? Well , honestly speaking , I went to watch it out of curiosity . I'd say it's really a special art form . I couldn't agree more . Actually , I'm a Beijing Opera fan . Really ? Good for you . Let ’ s play a game ! OK ! How about Scrabble ? No , no , a friend of mine taught me this really fun game . I ’ m going to describe someone ’ s face , and you guess who it is ! OK ! Let ’ s see . He has a roman nose , bushy eyebrows and dimples ! Our cousin Pete ! My turn ! She has a pointy nose , sunken eyes and a mole on her chin ! Aunt Rose ! That mole is so huge ! OK , my turn . He has a crooked nose and full lips . He has quite a few freckles and an oval face . Oh , he is also bald ! Your future husband ! Not funny . Hi Julie , how are things going ? Everything is great , Tad . How are you ? I'm doing really well . Tad , I'm pretty hungry right now . Want to walk over and check out the food table ? Julie , do you know who that woman is over there by the window ? That is Mary . I heard that she's just moved in with Lee . I thought that he was with Malia . Oh , that relationship is history . Malia hooked up with a guy she met on holiday . I bet that Lee wasn't too happy with that ! Actually , he was OK with it . They hadn't been getting along too well . You can take this car into consideration . It works well and its price is reasonable . I was not born yesterday . So , Emily , how was your day ? I don't think you really want to hear about it . It can't have been that bad . Go on and tell me about it . To be honest , it was horrible ! My manager is such a pain in the neck ! Why ? What happened ? Well , he made quite a few mistakes on the monthly report and when his supervisor found them , my manager blamed them on me ! That's not very fair . What did you do ? There wasn't really anything that I could do . There's always been a lot of bad blood between my manager and myself . If I had said anything , he would have fired for me for sure . Does he treat everyone in your department like this ? He treats everyone pretty poorly , but the way he treats me really takes the cake ! Do you have any idea why he treats you worse than the others ? I really have no idea . All I know is that the thought of him really curls my hair ! Is there anyone else you can talk to about it at you company ? Not really . I'm hoping to live with it for a while until I get a promotion . That's very sensible . It sounds like you have a good head on you shoulders . I try to be sensible about it , but it's not very easy . Sometimes you just have to grin and bear it . That's so true . When you have a taste for success , you can't let dishonest people like your manager get in the way . Can you speak English ? Yes I can . I speak it very well . Where did you learn it ? I lived in England when I was a child . What else can you speak ? Well , I know a little Italian . Hi , Maggy , Did you hear about David ? About David , No , I didn ’ t hear anything . You know , about David and new boss . Sorry , I don ’ t quite follow you . Well , I hear David have been fired . Oh , that is a shame . He is really hard working . How would you describe your relationship with our boss ? We have a fairly good working relationship , but there was also a rough spot . What do you think his strengths are ? Well , he has an amazing ability to analyze information and he is very good at making the right decision in tough situations . Which school is your children in ? She is now in a private school . Oh , it costs too much . It's more expensive than the public school . It's idea of my husband . He is always banging the drum for better schools . But the private school amount to better schools . I am very interested in a new apartment near the Taxing Plaza , but the price is very high , I really can't afford it . How much is it for each square meter ? How large is the apartment ? It's 7500 yuan per square meter , and I really like the one with three bedrooms and a large living room . Its total area is about 80 square meters . That surely will cost you a lot of money . Are you going to make a full payment ? Do you think I am rich enough to make it ? I am thinking about buying the apartment by installments . The real estate agency says if I pay a 25 % down payment , I can move in at once . If sounds so tempting . Why not go applying for a loan from the bank ? They charge very low interest , so you can choose whether to pay up the balance in 10 or 20 years . I really like the record you lent me the other day . I'm glad you like it . And thank you very much for letting me keep it so long . Not at all . I'm most grateful . Everyone in our class enjoyed it . I'm glad . Would you mind my keeping it for another week ? We'd like to have a look around your house ? Yes , of course , please follow me . Thank you . This is our courtyard . It's so spacious , about 40 square metres , right ? Yes , about 46 square metres . Are these corn ears hanging on the tree branch ? Yes . Very beautiful and very interesting . But why do you hang them in the tree ? They don't have enough time to peel it after they harvested them , so they hung them in the tree . Then in winter , they can peel corn ears in their leisure time . Very good idea . Sometimes such pictures can show the house's richness . So , where are you going to spend your winter vacation ? Oh , I ’ m going to meet my girlfriend in Thailand . You have a girlfriend in Thailand ? Interesting . How come I have never heard of that ? Actually it will be my first time to meet her . You mean you haven ’ t seen her before ? Then , how could she be your girlfriend ? Maybe you don ’ t even know her . That ’ s true . But we have known each other over the Internet for a few months now . Actually we are on an intimate level . We even plan to be engaged next month . Congratulations ! It ’ s good to follow your heart . But I just didn ’ t expect to be so fast . The Internet is making interaction much faster . People are getting to know each other much more quickly this way . Probably you ’ re right . Hi ! Susan ! I haven't seen you for ages ! I've been really busy . How is everything ? Oh , fine . Hey , why don't we grab a bite to eat and do some catching up ? Yeah , why not ? I've got a little free time on my hands . Where do you want to eat ? Oh , George , what a beautiful day it is today ! The sun is hot and there are just a few clouds scattered here and there ! What a perfect day to be at the beach ! The kids are going to have so much fun ! And we ’ ll be able to relax in the sun while they ’ re playing . It does seem like the perfect day ! I ’ m glad we chose to get out of the city and enjoy the nice weather ! This looks like the perfect spot ! Ok kids , put on your sunscreen while your mom and I set up camp . Here , Mary , help me lay down these beach towels . There we go . Can you help me with the umbrella ? Perfect . Ok kids , here ’ sa beach ball and a Frisbee , a pail and a shovel . I want to see an impressive sandcastle by the time we leave . Don ’ t stray too far . Wait ! Leave your sandals here or put on your wet shoes . And stay in the shallow area . I don ’ t want to see you go any farther than that sandbar ! It ’ s too deep out there and we didn ’ t bring your floatier . You ’ re back already ? The water was too cold , huh ? I ’ ll tell you a secret . Do you see that small pool of water over there ? It ’ ll be warmer in there . Go see if you can find some seashells or catch some minnows . What is that ? A jellyfish ? Jeremy , put that down right now ! It could sting you ! Ah ! Not on me ! Ow ! Hello Hi Angela , it's Dan . Hi B . How are you ? Good . I called you yesterday . Did you get my message ? Yes , I was taking a shower when you called . I saw that you called and I tried to call you back , but I think your phone was off . No problem . I wanted to remind you that my friend is getting married next week . You're still coming to the wedding with me , right ? Oh , is that next week ? Yes . Did you forget ? No , of course not . I already bought them a present . That's good . I want to invite Megan also . Next time you see her , can you tell her for me . Sure . Does she know your friend ? Yes , I think they might have gone to the same college or something like that . I'm not exactly sure how they know each other . Are we all going to drive together ? Yes . I'll pick you up first , and then we'll go get Megan . Hey , look at the offer I got in my e-mail . It says that I can get rich quickly while working at home ! Do you also believe in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy ? What do you mean ? I mean that you're gullible . You shouldn't believe everything you read , especially on the Internet . But it seems like a good idea . All I have to do is first send some money to the person who sent me the letter . After that he'll tell me how to earn much more money . Sounds like a pyramid scheme . Have you heard of those before ? Pyramid scheme ? What is that ? It's a scam 7 that's based on a hierarchy , like a pyramid . The person at the top asks the people below him for money , and then tells them to go and ask other people for money while sending some of it back to him . Sounds good to me . The guy at the top gets money and so do the people below him . Not exactly . The scam keeps on going , with the people at the bottom paying more and more money until they reach the very bottom . What happens then ? Nothing . The people at the bottom give their money to the people above them , and they get nothing . They end up losing . That's why it's a scam . I see . I guess I should be more careful about what I read , especially on the Internet where you have no idea who anybody is . We've been cramming for tomorrow's history exam since early this morning . What do you say we take a break and listen to some music , okay ? Now that you mention it , I'm getting a little bumed-out from studying nonstop , too . Listening to some music for a while would suit me just fine . While you're picking out a record to play , I'll grab a couple of beers out of the refrigerator . You sure have a lot of discs here . Yeah , I've got everything from rock n ' roll to the latest new - wave stuff . To tell you the truth , I'm strictly into classical music . You don't happen to have any Bach or Mozart , do you ? Sorry , my taste in music doesn't go back any further than the 1960 ' s . Music written before then is just history to me . Well , speaking of history , let's get back to the books.We ' Ve got an exam tomorrow , remember ? When can we expect you and your daughter for dinner ? Next Saturday ? Next Saturday ? I ’ m sorry . I ’ Ve promised to go to a Chinese Opera with my daughter . How about Sunday then ? Yes , Sunday sounds fine . What time ? Does 6,30 suit you ? It suits us fine . We ’ ll see you then . Thanks , goodbye . I was thinking of holding the company retreat in the mountains . I agree , I think that that would be perfect ! I was thinking it could take place sometime in January . That might be a little too cold for some people . Yes , you are right . What about April ? April has good weather that isn't too cold or too hot . Yes , that would work out better . You know , maybe we could take a survey to see how that works for everyone . Good idea ! We'll have to get right on it . Fine ! Well , I'll get right on it now ! How may I help you ? I need to check these books out . Do you have your library card ? Here it is . It appears that you have late fees . Really ? Yes , really . How much do I owe ? You owe $ 24.50 in late fees . I don ’ t have that much today . I ’ m sorry , but until you pay it , you won ’ t be able to check out any more books . I ’ ll pay it as soon as possible . Merry Christmas ! Huh ? I said Merry Christmas ! Don ’ t you know that Christmas is almost here ? It is ? Oh , that ’ s nice . Huh ? Didn ’ t you know ? Aren ’ t you excited ? Actually , I ’ d forgotten about it . Forgotten about it ? How could you ? Because I ’ m not Christian , I ’ m Jewish . Oh , I ’ m sorry . I didn ’ t know . It ’ s all right . There are so many Christians in America that everybody takes it for granted that I ’ m Christian . I guess so . So what do you do around this time of year ? Well , I ’ ll celebrate Hanukah soon , but that ’ s not as important to us as Christmas is to you . Mainly I ’ ll just enjoy the holiday break . Well , would you be horribly offended if I invited you to a Christmas party at my house ? Not at all . A party is a party . I ’ ll be happy to come . Do you want to go shopping with me ? That's a good idea.What time is good for you ? How about Saturday morning ? Sounds good . Welcome , young man . No offence , but I haven't seen you here before . Of course , this is my first time here . My Mom has a membership here . Here is the card . Okay then . You are the younger customer here ever . It's not so wise that you do not explore the children's market . It's the marketing's fault , I suppose.What do you want to do ? Well , I want to become just like Bruce Lee . What should I do ? That's a long way to go , I'm afraid . First of all , you gotta grow up . I am still young . And I'm growing every minute . Sure . Then what about trying the treadmill or the skipping rope . I love running . Anything else ? Please change your clothes first ! I'm perfect with my clothes . And I do not have anything else with me . Sorry , but no jeans here . Oh , that's the only place where jeans are not popular . I'd better just go home . I hear that the Students ' Union is going to take new members . Really ? Can I join it ? Of course you can if you like it . How can I join it ? There will be an information session about the Students ' Union this Tuesday . You can apply for it then . OK , thank you . Is that girl your girlfriend ? No , it's not . She doesn't look like our classmate . Don't mistake her as somebody . She ' s my older sister . Really , she's so pretty . What do you do in summer ? I love going out into the countryside for walks or bike ride . I love being out in the fresh summer air . How about you ? I don ’ t often go for walks , but I either play sports outside-you know , tennis or badminton-or just sit in the sunshine and read a good book . What do you do in winter ? Well , I play sports indoors quite often . If I ’ m feeling lazy , I just watch a film at home . I prefer summer to winter . I think most people do . I like wearing nice , colorful clothes in summer , you know , a nice dress or skirt . It ’ s too cold for those kinds of clothes in winter . Yes . I like wearing shorts in summer . My legs would freeze ! Do you think we ’ ll have a nice summer this year ? Thanks to global warming , it could be hotter than ever ! Happy new year ! Thank you . Same to you . Have you got any plans ? I've been invited over to a friend ’ s , and you ? My roommate ’ s having a party . Do you offer a course in business management ? Yes , we do . How many nights a week is it ? It's 3 nights a week , Monday , Tuesday and Thursday . And how long does the course last ? It lasts for 9 months . When does it start ? The next beginning class starts on October 25th . What time is the class ? From 7 to 9 o'clock . How much does it cost ? It costs 125 dollars a month . Yes , that's all right . I want to enroll in the course . Thank you , please fill out this form for us . Do you want me to fill it out now ? Yes , please . we need a record of you education and your work experiences . Which social problem do you think the government needs to concentrate on most ? I think housing is a big problem . There are thousands of homeless people on the streets . How would you solve the problem ? I have a good idea to solve it . The government could provide some money for homeless people to build their own homes . It would probably be very expensive . I think the government can afford it . Besides , there are many advantages . Homeless people would find it easier to get jobs if they had an address . They would learn some useful skill for finding jobs i It ’ s not a bad idea . I think education is the biggest problem at the moment . Schools don ’ t seem to have enough money to educate kids properly . If we are to invest more money to education , we will need to raise taxes . That wouldn ’ t be popular with voters . Most voters what everything both ways . They want the government to pay for lots of things , but without increasing taxes . The government should show that it is using money efficiently . Sometimes you hear about how the government has wasted money on a project . Yes . The government has limited funds and must show that it is using the money responsibly Do you keep any pets , such as cats , dogs ? No , I'm scared of cats . Oh , but why ? I feel they're dirty . Would you like to see our new shirts ? Sorry , but I ’ m not really that interested in those things . Well , they are very nice you know . Really ? And not expensive either . Oh , I don't care about that . Everybody is buying them . Are they ? Yes , they are very fashionable , you see . I am afraid I am not interested in fashion . I see . But thank you very much all the same . Sorry I couldn't help you . Come in , come in ! Hi , Gary , what happened ? I was waiting for you at the theater . Why didn ’ t you meet me there ? I thought we were supposed to meet HERE . Don ’ t you know our movie starts at seven ? And we were going to meet at the theater at five to seven . Then it doesn ’ t make sense to meet at the apartment . I ’ m sorry . We must have misunderstood each other . Why don ’ t you try to be clearer about your intentions ? You ’ re right . I am sorry . Let ’ s go and watch the movie . It ’ s okay . I don ’ t want to go now . We ’ Ve already missed ten minutes of the movie . I don ’ t want to see a movie without watching the beginning . how was school today , Dominic ? I hate school ! why ? What happened ? I messed up my mid-term exam so badly today ! it's just one exam . Can you re-take the exam ? yes , but it's so humiliating ! I don't want my friends to know I failed ! why didn't you do a good job ? I don't know . I sat down in my seat , looked at my paper , and then my mind just went totally blank . do you think you studied enough for the exam ? no ... what did you do last night ? I watched TV . did you study at all last night for your exam ? no , not really . I am sure if you had studied , you would have done well . When can you re-take your exam ? tomorrow . alright . Get out your books and I'll help you prepare . I haven't met the Smiths for a long time . They have moved to Chicago . Why ? Mr.Smith has changed his job . Did you hear about Joe ? She hasn't eaten for days . Why ? What's eating her ? Love sick . You know who she's in love with ? I don't have the slightest idea . Someone you're living with . What ? Not my Dad , I hope ! ? Come on , Mary , it's your brother , Jack . No kidding ! Jack is such a log ! He's never dated a girl . The problem with Joe is that she's too shy to tell him . And the problem with Jack is that he seems to have no interest in girls . He's putting his heart into his stamp collection . Well , if you want to help your friend , you should do something about it . Oh , they all went out ! Did you make a wish ? Yes , but I doubt if I get it . I've never got it . Better luck this time ! How do you like the food sold in this sidewalk snack booth ? At least , it is better than my boxed lunch at work . I'm so fed up with the bland food . Thank you for having lunch with me ! Any time . But I don't mind eating boxed lunch . The food sanitation is really good too . It's hard to believe that you like it . You are so easy to be satisfied . Hey , it's not that bad . The food is nutritious and it's really convenient . I don't want to spend too much time on eating stuff . Eating is important . You are what you eat . It's not only a daily routine . Well , will you just go back to work after lunch ? No . I'm going to pay the bill for the company's lunch . But you didn't eat anything today . Well , the bill is paid by month . That's probably the only thing that I like about a take-out restaurant . All right . I'm going to the McDonald's . For what ? I thought you didn't like western food . No , I never did . It's for my son . He loves it , and I made an agreement with him that he can eat it once a week . That's really smart . My son Daniel is the same with your son . I just don't get it , why all the kids prefer western food to traditional food . Me , either . But , it's for sure that the children market is a really big one . That's for sure . It's always hard for the parents to say no to their children . What can I do for you today ? I need to return a book . Can I do anything else for you ? I want to check these books out . Is that all ? That ’ s all . May I see your library card , please ? It ’ s right here . Will that be all for today ? Yes . That ’ s it . These are due back in two weeks . All right . Have a good night . Which sports are popular in your country ? Most people like football . More boys like football than girls . A few girls play it really well . Some people like playing basketball . Do many people like tennis ? More and more people like it now . fewer people play table tennis than before . Many people like swimming , because it is fun and keeps you fit . In my country , many people enjoy golf , but it is too expensive for some people . A few people like extreme sports , but I think the vast majority of people are afraid to try them . Extreme sports are only for a small minority of people . Several people from my university enjoy them , but most of us just watch . No one I know plays golf . I know loads of people who play it regularly . There are plenty of golf courses around the country . In the past , only a tiny number of people played . A great deal of people follow rugby in my country . There are plenty of rugby fans in my country too . Thank you for letting me borrow your portable CD player . Oh , you're welcome . You seem to be in the seventh heaven . What's put you on ? Sarah and I could see eye to eye with each other . Did she give up her decision to marry Dick ? No , I encourage her to go her own way , but she's now having a change of heart . I've come to say goodbye . When do you leave ? I'm catching the eleven o'clock train . Take care of yourself and don't forget to keep in touch . Goodbye . Hope to see you again next year . The weather is terrible . Yes . It was sunny and warm yesterday but the wind is really blowing hard now . I'm wearing my heavy jacket . I'm going to put on more clothes , too . Will it snow today ? I don't know . Do you like snowing ? Yes , when it snows , every where is white . It's very beautiful . You can read the newspaper . Maybe it will tell you whether it will snow or not . Good idea . This city is far too polluted . We should do something about it . I agree . We need to recycle our trash and use public transportation more often . I am looking for a comfortable convenient way to see the country . Have you heard of motor coaching ? It's one of the fastest-growing segments for the travel industry . No , I've not heard of it . Tell me about it . It's almost like going on an ocean cruise except that you go by land . Everything is planned for you from the moment you step on board a luxury coach . Is it just a bus ? Oh . no . The motor coach is air-conditioned , there is a galley for food preparation , movies or music are available for your entertainment and attendants are there to take care of your every need . Wow ! That sounds like pure luxury . Who's your favorite film star ? Tom Hanks is always my favorite film star . What films feature him ? Many ! My Chinese friends told me that the Spring Festival is coming soon . Can you tell me something about it ? Certainly . It ’ s actually the Chinese New Year and is regarded by the Chinese as the most important holiday of the year . What happens on the holiday ? Family members usually get together on the Eve of the New Year and have a special dinner to celebrate . Relatives and friends often visit each other during the holiday to wish each other a happy new year . Do people cook a lot of special dishes for the holiday ? Yes , just like Christmas in western countries , it is a time for eating lots of special food . Rachel has decided to quit smoking . Really ? Why ? You never guess she is going to have a baby . Oh , it's unbelievable . She is such a chain smoker . Yes , yes . She said she is going to stop drinking coffee too and quit all the unhealthy habits just for the baby . Oh , she is going to be a great mother . Do you know who ’ s just got married ? Old McDonald . Never ! He ’ s over 80 , isn ’ t he ? He ’ s nearly 90 . Good gracious ! Are you sure ? I am . What ’ s more , his wife is 84 . Is she really ? Yes , she is . And guess what , he is her sixth husband . Really ? Quite a woman , isn ’ t she ? It's almost midnight ! We are about to start a brand new year ! I know it's so exciting ! A new year is always like a clean slate . Fresh start to accomplish any dreams , objectives and goals . Do you have a New Year's resolution ? I was thinking about it , but I'm never able to keep my New Year's resolution . Last year for example I joined a gym and only went twice . Yeah I know what you mean . That's why this year I am keeping things more simple . Maybe like getting together with friends I haven't seen in a long time , or doing some volunteering work . That seems reasonable . We should get together and watch the ball drop in Times Square . Sure , as long as you don't try to kiss me at midnight ! Well , we can't break tradition ! It's bad luck ! Excuse me , are you Sara Wilson ? Yes , I am.You must be Tom.Nice to meet you . Nice to meet you too.Let me help you with your bags . Be careful , Tom.Those are pretty heavy . Wow , you're not kidding.Hold on a second.Hello , could you give us a hand , please ? Are you working or are you a student ? I'm a student . Which school are you studying at ? Tsinghua University . I'm really tired of my job in the bank . I'm thinking about changing it . Have you any definite idea ? Not yet , what's your opinion ? I think you'd better try an active job . Mike ! What's going on , man ! Long time no see ! Hey , Pat ! Yeah , I haven ’ t seen you in ages ! How is going ? Things doing great ! It ’ s funny running into you like this . Smell well , just last week I ran into Matt as well . Yeah ? How ’ s he doing ? He ’ s doing well . We went out for a couple of beers and the funniest thing happened . Oh yeah ? Well , we were talking and catching up on what we ’ Ve been doing , talking about work and family , when all of a sudden , Matt saw a mouse run under his chair and he completely lost it ! He started freaking out , and screaming ... Ha ha , really ? Yeah , and the funniest thing was , that he jumped on to his chair and started shrieking like a girl . You had to be there ! Everyone was staring and laughing ... it was hilarious ! Hey , Jack , where's your car ? I got rid of that clunker . This is my new one . Is that right ? It sure beats the old one ? Jump in , I'll give you a ride . Ok . Boy , this looks expensive . Yeah , it costed a bundle alright . Wow , this's sinking a hole . Yeah , this sucker is the fastest thing I've ever owned . I believe it . Hoo , this car corners like it's on rails . We are on the high way . I'm the * * . Wow , this car can really burn rubber . It's a great feeling . You made a perfect choice , Jack . Thanks , Daisy . What's your email address ? It's bulldog 123 . Bulldog 123 . Are you sure that's all ? Yes . No . That's incomplete . What do you mean ? What's your mailing address ? 456 Cherry Drive , Pasadena , CA 91170 . That's correct . So what's the problem ? Bulldog 123 is just the street . You have to give me the city , state , and ZIP code . Oh , I get it . My email address is . I'm here for my appointment . What can I do for you today ? I have an issue with my schedule . Tell me the problem . I have two classes on here that are at the same time . Oh , I see . Can you change that for me ? Do you still want both classes ? Yes , I would like to keep both classes . I'll try to change one to a different day . I would greatly appreciate that . I ’ d love to have my own farm . It would be very hard work . Are you sure ? I wouldn ’ t mind getting up early morning and the physical work would make me fit and healthy . Running a farm would be totally different to you current job . That ’ s one reason I ’ d like to try it . I ’ d really like to get away from working 9 to 5 in an office . You ’ d need a lot of training before becoming a farmer . It ’ s not something you can just walk into . My uncle owns a farm and I ’ Ve spent some time working with him . I love being in the countryside with farm animals and green fields . Well , I ‘ d certainly come and visit you . It would be great to take a working holiday on a farm . I ’ d love to get away from hustle and bustle of the city for a while . We still have one more day to go before we return home . What will we see tomorrow ? no idea . We've enjoyed both the natural scenery and the city sights . What else is there to see ? what about a factory tour ? you mean visit a factory ? yes . I heard there's a lager motor company nearby which open to the public every weekend . We can go to see how a car is manufactured and learn more about the automobile industry . good idea ! I've always been interested in that . How much is the entrance fee ? I'm not sure , but as far as I know , most factory tours are free . They are sponsored by the company providing the tour . really ? What do the companies do that for ? I believe most of them think of it as good public relations . They can promote their product and make their company better-known . oh , i see . So factory tours are good for companies as well as visitors . exactly . do we need an appointment beforehand ? I'll call the tourist information centre to check . Look , here're two coins named Kai Yuan Tong Bao — the sort of coin made in memory of the founding of a new dynasty . These two coins were made in different periods of the Tang Dynasty . How can you tell the difference ? From what I see , they look almost the same . The one made in the early Tang period is bigger and has more characters on it , while the one with smaller and elegant characters was made in late Tang period . Look carefully , and tell me if you see the difference now . Yes , they are different ! But it's too professional . What I need is just being able to tell the real from the fake . Do you know any method we can use to tell a fake ancient coin ? Various methods were used in history to produce fake coins . We usually send the coin to an authorized unit to have it tested by experts with special machines . We can judge it with naked eyes . I see . By the way , China was more than once ruled by foreign tribes in history . Did they issue their own coins in China ? Certainly , they did . Liao Coins and Song Coins , for example , coexisted in circulation during the Southern Song and Yuan period some 800 -1000 years ago . The Liao Coins look plain and bold in style , just like the characteristics of the Mongolian tribe . Let me look for one and show you . If you happen to find one , please bargain with the owner for it . I'd like to have one . It's interesting to see the integration of the Han and Mongolian cultures on this small piece of metal . There will be another sandstorm here tomorrow . It's the fourth one this year . Isn't it horrible . Yes . We should plant more trees and grass to stop the sand from spreading . It may take many years for the trees to grow . I hope people will stop cutting down trees . But we need the wood . But we can't destroy our forests to get the wood . What are you guys doing ? Just having a chat . What ’ s wrong with you , Mr . Polly ? What ’ s wrong ? I want a break from this horrible job . Then , buy a bottle of soft drink . Would you like to buy a bottle for me in the shop ? It ’ s a problem , because my boss is in that shop now . Ok , I will go there myself . Sorry , Mr . Polly . It doesn ’ t matter . Oh , God , I have only four dollars in my wallet . Is that possible for me to buy one ? Have a try . I'm bored and got nothing to do tonight . How about coming with me to meet my American friends ? Hey , that sounds great . Okay , I'll pick you up at eight o'clock . What ’ s the first thing you do when you go to the bathroom in the morning ? I look at myself in the mirror . Sometimes , it ’ s not a pleasant sight , especially if I have been out late the late before . Do you usually shower or take a bath ? I usually don ’ t have time for a bath in the mornings , so I just take a shower . Sometimes I need a cold shower to wake me up and sometimes I need a hot one , especially if it ’ s winter and I need to warm up . Do you shave every morning ? I shave every workday , but I only shave at weekends if I ’ m going out somewhere . If I ’ m staying at home , I don ’ t shave . Do you brush your teeth twice a day as dentists recommend ? Yes . I brush my teeth in the morning , just before I go to work . It ’ s actually the last thing I do before leaving . Then I brush again before bed . Your dentist must be proud of you ! Miss Wang , would you mind my asking you a personal question ? No , not at all.Go ahead . Are you married ? Yes.Is that so important ? Frankly yes.We like to employ married people.By the way , do you have any children ? Yes , I have a three-year-old son . I'm not satisfied with it . Why not ? What's wrong with it ? Sometimes it goes fast . And sometimes it goes slow . And the alarm doesn'twork , either . Would you like another one ? No . Can I have my money back ? Hmm ... have you got a receipt ? A receipt ? Yes . I must see your receipt . You can't have your money back without receipt . Oh , I'm not certain , but I think I've lost it . Morning , Tom . Hi , Mary . You seem to be in a hurry . Yes . I ’ Ve got a meeting in a minute . Okay . I won ’ t hold you up then . Right . I ’ ll see you later . See you later . Would you mind if I ask you whether you are married or not ? To be frank , I was married once , and now I'm single . Do you mean you got a divorce ? Yes , my first marriage was a failure . Let me clear away the broken glass . No , I can manage it myself.Just sit down , please . It's very careless of me to have broken your glass . Never mind . Have you followed the value of dollar lately ? How could I help but follow it ? The fluctuation of dollar is killing my company ! The exchange rates are eating into our profits , and we can't do anything about it . It's really frustrating , isn't it ? I have the same problem . I would feel a lot better if the currency was a little more stable . With the way the dollar plummeting lately , my securities have gone up in smoke . Every day I have less money ! I haven't spent anything , it is just melting away because of the shifts in exchange rate . What we really should be making investment in is the Euro . I've followed the Euro's progress over the last quarter , I think it's about time to buy in . What about the Yen ? Are you kidding ? The Yen is in worse shape than the Dollar ! What a lovely day . The sun is shinning and the sky is so blue . It's a perfect day to go to the beach and get a beautiful tan . Great idea . Unlike you , I just want to enjoy watching the sea and playing with the sand . I do not want to get a tan because I look good in pale skin . Come on . Getting a tan symbolizes health and wealth in western countries . While the pale color symbolizes beauty and elegance in most Asia countries . That is a really interesting fact . I will bring a big hat and apply a lot of sunscreen before setting off the beach . Just do whatever you feel like doing . ( At the beach ) My bag is so heavy . Let's put the stuff under the tree . Good idea . It is always cooler in a shade . I can't wait to play in the water . My feet are burning when I stand on the sand . What time is it , Tom ? Just a minute . It ’ s ten to nine by my watch . Is it ? I have no idea if I ’ m so late . I must be off now . What ’ s the hurry ? I must catch the nine-thirty Train . It ’ s plenty of time yet . The railway station is very close . It won ’ t take your twenty minutes to get there . Did you bring some lunch with you ? Yes , I packed it myself . Wow , that looks beautiful . It's my health-conscious lunch , good for my health and beauty . I might try it myself . Can you name some festivals of religious nature ? Yes , such as Christmas and Easter . What about historic festivals ? Thanksgiving Day , Independence Day . I wonder how Sarah and Mat are . Don't you know they've already broken up ? I'm not surprised . She's a plain Jane . And he's so handsome . Where's Bob ? It seems like he's not coming . Can you give him a call on his mobile ? Sure . excuse me ; is this seat taken ? no . It's all yours . thank you very much . My name is Ashlan . It's nice to meet you . Carson . It's nice to mee you , too . the weather is so warm for December , don't you think ? it is unusually warm . I blame it on global warming . global warming is wreaking havoc everywhere . so sure . Are you from around here ? no . I'm new here . I just moved here a few months ago . where are you from ? I'm from China . What about you ? I am from Texas . I was in China once , but it was a long time ago . did you enjoy it ? I did . I especially liked the food . What do you think about the food here ? it's very different from Chinese food , but I am getting used to it . Is that the Da Vinci Code that you've got there ? yes , have you read it ? no , but I saw the movie . What do you think about it ? well , to be honest , I've only gotten though 10 pages of it . So far , though , it's interesting . well , this is my stop . it was nice talking with you . likewise . Bye ! Would you like a cup of coffee ? Yes . That would be good . Oh , no . What's the matter ? This machine is out of order . You shouldn't have used the machine . Did you lose your money ? I sure did . You ought to complain . These machine are always out of order . Hello , Mary . Nice day , isn't it ? Yes , what a wonderful day ! The sky has cleared up in the end . I do feel like an outdoor exercise . After all , we haven't had such a beautiful day for a long time . How about taking a walk in the park ? OK . It's delightful to have a walk in the park with the air so fresh . ( After they entering the park ) Great , it's so quiet here . We have the park to ourselves , only you and me . Are you kidding ? Don't you see many people over there ? Just on your right . Oh , I see them . Beautiful weather should be shared by all the people . Ah , you changed so fast . How was the party last night ? Did you enjoy it ? Oh , don ’ t talk to me about last night ! It was the most awful evening I ’ Ve ever had . Why ? What happened ? Well . Mary had promised to be my date , but she stood me up . I waited for her for a full hour in the cold wind . What about the party ? It was boring . The music was too slow and the food was lousy and , above all , I was really sick of the same old crowd all the time . So how long did you stay ? I left after the opening dance . I couldn ’ t wait to get out of there . Do you think my briefcase is big enough to put in all these stuff ? Let me see . Laptop , flash disk , a ballpoint pen , a pencil , a notebook , a pair of glasses , cell phone , charger , moisture , notion , ... Oh , that is too much . You are not going to a business trip . I guess I need all of them . Actually , the company will provide you with all of these supplies . So , you can leave this very thick notebook at home . I know . But it is my lucky charm . I carry it all the time . Suit yourself . Don ’ t forget to set the alarm clock . Why do all girls appear feminine after sophomore year ? Because they are full-grown . Look at their curvy figures . I feel they all talk and behave in a different way . They suddenly become shy when they speak to boys . Some even do make-up slightly . Are you aware that previous ' small potato ' Ma Xiaoxiao becomes a piece of cheese cake recently ? She is certainly not my kind of girl . Stop preaching your dream love Marilyn Monroe to me . I know those sexy women are your tastes . You are so Platonic . Those naive girls will eventually grow into real women . They can't resist love , and men cannot resist their attraction either . I appreciate the saying ' Love consists in this , that two solitude protect , border and salute each other . ' This one looks great ! I love the seashore . So do I . The sun ... the sand ... the ocean ! And listen to this ! What do you think of sailing , swimming , windsurfing , and fishing ? Oh , Tom ! They sound fantastic . I really like all those things . Yeah ... me , too . Well , except fishing . To be honest , I hate fishing , but I love all the others . Hey ! Look at this ! We can stay in a big hotel or we can stay in a little cabin by the beach . You know . I really don't those big hotels . Neither do I . Let's stay in a cabin.It ' ll be much nicer right beside the ocean . May , look , what's that in the cage ? Don't you know that ? It's panda . Of course I know . I just can't see it very well . OK , then put on your glasses , and do you know what does the panda eat ? Of course , Bamboo ! That's right . I also know they are given to other countries as gifts for friendship . You sound quite knowledgeable . Not really , panda is my favorite animal . Actually , it likes milk too . Any way , in a word , panda is our friend . Do you know other famous animals in the world ? Yeah , let me think , the kangaroo and koala bear from Australia are very famous . That's right . OK , let's move on . You look fresh recently.How do you make it ? I attend an aerobic class three times a week . Aren't you tired ? No , I feel young , fresh and energetic . John , did you have a dream when you was a little boy ? Of course I did . I dreamed to be a pilot when I grow up . But unfortunately , I didn ’ t realize it . I had the same experience with you . When I was a little boy I dreamed to be a great scientist . But now you see , I'm just a common office clerk . Okay , forget about that . S , do you have some practical dreams at present ? I do . And now I'm working hard to learn English , and I want to be an interpreter some day . You're promising . Just follow your dream and never give up . Thanks , I will . Hi Joe . You've met my new assistant , right ? Emm ... yes . But I wasn't too impressed . I found her a little stuck up . You are kidding , but she's so helpful . Tom ... you are her boss , you down . Of course , she's helpful to you . Come on . She's like that with everyone . I don't think so actually . She never even says " hello " to me . Eric , how long will you be in China ? I don't know . Well , my contract here is for one year , and I don't know what I should do after that . Maybe going around for a while . Well , have you ever thought about learning some Chinese ? Actually , I am learning that now . But it's too hard for me . You know the four tones and the stuff . It really freaks me out . Don't worry . All things are difficult before they are easy . You hit the nail right on the head . Well , are you invested in some language-exchange program ? What is it ? It's where I teach you Chinese , and in exchange you teach me English . Awesome . I've been giving this a lot of thought . When can we do this ? How about this sunday ? Ok , cool . Good . I'll give you a call tonight . No problem . Bye . Great party , isn ’ t it ? Yeah , really . By the way , my name is Liu Wei . Hi , I ’ m Susan Marshall , You can call me Susan.Nice to meet you . What do you do , Susan ? Well , I ’ m a college student.How about you ? I work for the Bank of China , in the International Section . Happy Birthday ! This is for you , Kate ! Thanks.Miss Zhang . You know in China we usually don't open presents until the guests leave . Really ? I've already opened this one.Say , this is sweater , and it's just what I need to go with my new suit.Thank you ever so much . The May Day holiday is coming . Have you made any plan ? Are you going to stay here or go out for a traveling ? I haven ’ t decided yet . But I may go out . Where have you planned to go ? I want to go to Shanghai , but I also want to visit Hainan . Then which will be your first choice ? I don ’ t know . How about you ? are you staying here or somewhere . I have decided to go to Tasha . By train or by plane ? By plane . What a pin-up she is ! Can you imagine she's over forty ? That's incredible ! She has such a sharp figure . Absolutely.She ' s a teacher of aerobics . Do you have spare time tonight ? What's the matter ? There will be a live show of football tonight . What teams are playing tonight ? AC Milan versus Real Madrid . That will be a tough match , right ? Absolutely . What are we waiting for ? It's already 7 pm now . Let's buy some drinks and desserts now . Great idea ! Here we go ! I didn't expect to see you at this hour . You must have goofed off again . Goofed off ? Maybe , but I'm not a clock-watcher . I finished doing what I should do and then knock off an hour earlier . You'll be sorry if the boss finds it out . He may probably give you the bag . I'm sure of what I'm doing . Hey , Leo . How come you look so terrible ? What ’ s going ’ on ? You can say that again . Susan ’ brother dropped in from out of town , so I offered to put him up for a few days . But he ’ s driving me up a wall . This guy is bottomless pit . How gross ! I can ’ t handle people like that . Does he at least give you a hand around the house ? He doesn ’ t lift a finger ! I bend over backwards cleaning up all day and he sleeps in until noon . Man , what a freeloader . You better do something quick or he ’ ll never hit the road . After all , he ’ s got it made in the shade here . You think he might stay even longer ? ! Now , don ’ t go losing your temper . If you tolerated all you can , just kick him out ... but do it with gloves . I know ! Tell him a white lie like you ’ re getting the house fumigated ! That wouldn ’ t be a lie ! I've got an idea . Let's make this game even more interesting . How ? Do you want to play strip-trivia or something ? Well , if you want to ! Seriously , though , let's make a bet . Why don't we just make it a friendly game ? Don't be such a chicken ! Whoever loses has to treat everyone to a movie . What ’ s wrong with it ? It ’ s broken . I just bought it yesterday , you know , it costs me $ 556 . It sounds too bad . What will you do ? Mike suggests me to return it . That ’ s what I want to say . What do you think of the new television channel ? Aren't the programs awful ? I quite agree with you . They are terrible . They are complete waste of time , but my wife disagrees with me . Actually , what bothers me is the violence . There are far too many detective and police shows . I couldn't agree with you more . There aren't enough educational programs , and even the news shows are not well done . You are absolutely right . They are too brief . They don't tell you anything . I like your new skirt . Do you think it fits me ? Yes . It looks terrific ! I bought it at half price . You were lucky to find it . Do you like tea ? Yes , but I don't know much about it . Tea does good to people's health . There are many kinds of tea.Say , black tea , green tea , scented tea , brick tea , milk tea , Jas - mine tea , chrysanthemum tea and so on . My favourite is Jasmine tea . I like its aroma . Yeah , but scented tea is now in fashion . David , why didn ’ t you clean the room ? I ’ m not in the mood . Why are you feeling depressed ? I was told my girlfriend was speaking ill of me . That ’ s a real let-down . I don ’ t think she will do such a thing . But she did and made me disappointed . Oh , cheer up . A girlfriend is not everything . But she means a lot to me . Then forgive her mistake . This small town has many serious problems . What's the cause ? The mayor and high officials practice cronyism and a large number of guys who are good at nothing occupy many important positions . I see why it lags behind other towns . Do you love me ? I ’ m very fond of you . Yes , but do you love me ? why ? You mean a lot to me . why didn ’ t you answer my question ? what question ? Do you love me ? come on , I ’ m eager to hear . you know that I care for you . I---I ’ m proud of you . Don ’ t cherish your words , dear . I---I don ’ t feel like saying it . You missed the film.That ' s a shame . Is it stimulating ? Yes . I got very excited . I hope I still have chances . Hello , this is the admissions office . Can I help you ? Hi . I ’ m calling about your continuing education program . What would you like to know ? I want to become certified in computer programming . Do you offer any part-time courses for adult further education ? Yes , we offer both night and weekend courses in a number of different subjects . How do I sign up ? If you give me your address , I can mail you an information packet and the application forms . Great ! How nice of you to come ! It's been a long time , hasn't it ? How have you been ? Just fine , thanks.And you ? I've never been better , thanks . Marquet , do you think I should enroll in the science course ? Yes , I think so . If you want to graduated this year , you've got to take a science course . Right , I figure since you are doing premedical , you know about the very courses . Well , I have to take biology , chemistry , maps and physics . What you need is a good introductory course for non-science majors . Yes , I'm really weak in maps , I did poorly in high school . That's a problem . Earning extra income on the Internet is easier than you might think . After I started selling traditional craft items on the Internet last year , I have really been able to make bank doing something I love . Is that right ? I hear all these horror stories of internet business crashing because there is not enough of a customer base yet . How can you be sure your idea will cash in ? To run a successful internet business , it requires a little research and relatively small investment . You've got to have a good idea of some kind of product that is in demand or would be popular . That's marketing research ... But what about getting started once you have an idea ? After you have your great idea , then you can set up shop by registering a domain name , creating a website , an email address , and a hosting service . If you want to go all out on your website , you can put together shopping cart technology , but that can be pricey to start out with . Sounds like a lot of work ! Anything worth doing takes work . Money doesn't grow on trees ... Most of us have to work for it . You went out on a date last night , didn't you ? Yes , I did , but Linda stood me up . She didn't keep the date for the first time . How come ? I don't know . Why don't you phone her for a date again ? I did phone her this morning , but she hung up on me . I think she is going to walk out on me . Don't jump to conclusions . Look at the bright side , try to make another date again . I will . Thanks for your advice . Happy birthday , Aims ! Thank you , Lisa . Here is a present for you . I hope you like it . Oh , great ! I love it ! You know I've been expecting this for a long time . I'm very glad to hear that . Come here ; let me introduce some friends to you . Bill , do you know when did the Chinese begin to celebrate Teachers ' Day ? I know the Chinese teachers had their first festival in 1985 . So , it is the 27th Teachers ' Day . What will you do on Teachers ' Day ? I am going to send Mr . Li some flowers . What about you ? I intend to invite him to dinner . I hear scientists in the US have discovered a new AIDS vaccine . Does it work ? I don ’ t know . The report says it is better than the old vaccines . Don ’ t count on it . I think the best way to prevent AIDS is to keep yourself clean by having clean sex and keeping a regular sex partner . Right . That ’ s why doctor say AIDS prevention means cleanness . Harry was angry last night . That's because he's getting nervous . Anyway , this is the first time he's directed a play . But he used to be very relaxed and cheerful . It's not like Harry to do a thing like that . Yes , you're right . Maybe there's any other reason . Did you get any pizza ? When I got there , only small one was left . What a pity ! I got the short end of the stick . Hello , Kevin . I hate to do this , but I have to cancel our appointment . Oh , no ! Why ? I was looking forward to seeing you at my new place . Yeah , I really wanted to come , too . But something unexpected in Shanghai have come up . I have to fly out for a few days , but I'll be back soon . No problem . Call me when you get back . I should have some free time next week . Say , next Wednesday evening ? That's good for me , but do you think you'll be back by then ? I'd really like to see you . Yeah , I'm expecting to come back on Tuesday . Great ! That's settled then . OK . Hi , my name is Lean , and I'm from Russia . Nice to meet you , Lvan.My name is Alike . I'm from Japan . To me English is a difficult language . A second language is always difficult . True , but English is harder than most.It ' s a crazy language . A crazy language ? Why do you say that ? One letter can have several pronunciations and one word can have several meanings . No wonder you say English is a crazy language . May , is this the Hall of Ancient China ? Yes . Look at these historical relics here , amazing ! Why are they all in glass boxes ? For protection . Some relics will turn to dust if exposed to air . So there isn't air in the glass boxes ? No , there isn't . There is a vacuum in every box . I wonder how old these things are . Thousands of years ? Yeah , they all come from a very ancient time . Hey , look at the tripod . I've seen it on TV . It was made 4,000 years ago . It's priceless ! Honey come on ! We are going to be late ! Honestly , you take longer getting ready than I do ! I was drying my hair and ironing my shirt ! Can you come here for a sec ? I need your help . What is it ? Why are all these clothes on the bed ? I don ’ t know what to wear ! Ok , give me your opinion . Do you like the way this looks ? The striped short sleeved shirt with this checkered sweater and my lucky sandals . I like the cut and hemline of these shorts so I think I ’ ll wear these as well . Are you joking ? What am I going to do with you ? We are going to a dinner party not the beach ! Wear the shirt with the silk tie I bought you and these corduroy pants . It ’ s chilly outside so you can wear this coat . Thanks honey ! You have such great fashion sense.Now , what am I going to do with my hair ? How may I help you ? I need to return these books . Give them here . Here they are . It appears these books are two weeks late . I forgot they were due . You do realize you are going to have to pay late fees , right ? How much is the late fee ? The late fee is 25 cents a day . So I have to pay 25 cents for each day the books are late ? It ’ s 25 cents for each book . That ’ s a lot of money . So what kind of music turns you on ? Rock'n'Roll , I guess . You mean the kind of stuff like Nirvana ? Not really . That ’ s pretty heavy metal . Hi , Robert . What happened to your face ? It looks swollen . I had to go get a cavity filled today . Did it hurt ? I don't even wanna talk about it . It killed me ! How long were you in the chair ? It took quite a while , but the worst part was getting numbed . They had to give me 3 shoots . Well , I guess you've learned a good lesson , huh . You have to take good care of your teeth . No kidding . Not only can ’ t I stand the pain , but man ... dentists are expensive . The bill is going to be humungous ! Don't you have a dental insurance ? I do , but it still does not cover everything . Merry Christmas ! The same to you ! Are you doing anything special ? We're having some friends over.What are you doing ? Oh . I'm just going to take it easy . OK , guys . Here's the plan . Get the ball to the goal , and keep it away from Rich and Taylor ! Why ? Are they good ? They played ball at school . Here we go . Yi-jun , go out for a pass ! I'm ready ! Whoa , what a hard throw ! I can't get that ! Catch it , Yi-jun ! Run to the ball ! Uh-oh ! Slow down , you're going to hit ... Ummmph ! What are you doing ? I ’ m just looking at this map of the world . I ’ m preparing for a geography class . There are no countries marked on the map . No , there aren ’ t . this map just show the geographical features . Look at the Himalayan plateau with the highest peaks in the world . The thing that I find most surprising is that most of the world is covered with water . Compared to the oceans , most countries are tiny . I find it incredible how millions of years of volcanic activity have created mountains thousands of metres tall . Rivers have created deep valleys and canyons like the grand canyon . The oceans and landscapes all influence our climate . It ’ s all so interesting . I ’ ll have to find more information about it on the internet . Or perhaps I should try and attend your geography class . What are you up to tonight , Steve ? I'm going to a disco with my friends . That sounds like fun . Have a good time . Well , I can ’ t believe your uncle and aunt came to stay with us for a week , and they did not even call us in advance . John , they are old-fashioned people from the Chinese countryside . That ’ s their custom . I know , but it is hard for me to get used to your relatives coming to visit us , and without warning . Don ’ t your relatives visit other relatives ? Yes , but Americans never visit without calling in advance , and they almost never stay overnight . I think that maybe Chinese families are closer than your families . I think you ’ re right ! What is today ? Thursday . So the weekend is coming ! How about seeing a film ! I'd love to . Oh , George , what a beautiful day it is today ! The sun is hot and there are just a few clouds scattered here and there ! What a perfect day to be at the beach ! The kids are going to have so much fun ! A It does seem like the perfect day ! I ’ m glad we chose to get out of the city and enjoy the nice weather ! This looks like the perfect spot ! Ok kids , put on your sunscreen while your mom and I set up ca There we go . Can you help me with the umbrella ? Perfect . Ok kids , here ’ sa beach ball and a Frisbee , a pail and a shovel . I want to see an impressive sandcastle by the time we leave . Don ’ t stray too far . Wait ! Leave your sandals here or put on your wet shoes And stay in the shallow area . I don ’ t want to see you go any farther than that sandbar ! It ’ s too deep out there and we didn ’ t bring your floatier . You ’ re back already ? The water was too cold , huh ? I ’ ll tell you a secret . Do you see that small pool of water over there ? It ’ ll be warmer in there . Go see if you can find some seashells or catch some What is that ? A jellyfish ? Jeremy , put that down right now ! It could sting you ! Ah ! Not on me ! Ow ! What do you think about studying in the U . S . ? Well , for many international students , coming to the United States and living here and studying can be quite a daunting experience , especially when finding a house on campus or off campus . Do you have any advice ? I think first of all for first-time students , coming and living on campus in dormitories can provide a certain level of security . Anything else ? Uh , when you live off campus , there might be a certain amount of flexibility in choosing roommates that you might not have when living on campus . I will think over your advice . Well , of course , the choice is up to you . Good luck ! I really appreciate your help . Who is that guy ? It's Clive of course . Where did you come from ? Every girl knows Clive ! Really ? He is my type . He is everybody's type . What position does he play ? Shooting guard . The same as Michael Jordan ! Oh , I love Michael Jordan . He fills people's lives with great excitement . Used to . But now he is too old to play in a fierce game like this . But Kobe is the upcoming superstar now . Kobe is a good player but I heard he is a womanizer . That is not true . They are just jealous of him ! Jordan is a legend , anyway . An idol that no one can replace . I think Clive can make a good professional basketball player . He is not just about muscles he also plays smart . You know what , he is also an outstanding football player . He is surely to be a star of tomorrow . By the way , do you know if he has a girl friend ? You are so not here ! His girlfriend is one of the cheer leaders . Oh , My chance is slim then . Here are the leads from last week's exhibit as a trade show . There are about forty or so that are hot . You should contact them immediately , in the next twenty-four hours if you can . The rest are categorized according to potential and interest.You can see we've got our hot stack , our warm stack , our lukewarm , and our cold but not dead stack . Haha ... please don't tell me you've got a dead stack . I hate making cold calls ... Don't worry , most of the leads on mildly interested , if not strongly interested . We've just got to make sure the Hot ones are contacted right away . And even the contacts that for what ever reason aren't prepared to make an order now , they might be interested in the future . Please be conscanciouss about getting a hold of everyone of these leads . We've spent a big chunk of marketing budget to find these people . I don't want our investment to go down the drain . Don't worry , I've gotchy covered . Where's your hometown ? Shandong . I just got laid off . The awful business , you know . I ’ m very sorry to hear about that . So are you all right ? Yeah , I ’ m better after talking to you . Oh , you poor thing ! What will you do now ? Propose to her . Of course I won't chill out . Opportunity knocks only once . You should strike while the iron is hot . You're right . I will have a talk to her about that . How do you usually get to school ? I usually ride my bike . Which form of transport do you prefer to use ? I feel that I can see more when I pedal a bicycle , but when I feel lazy , I drive my car . I think we should discourage people from using their private cars . They produce too much pollution ! I agree , but I would find it difficult to stop using my car . It's just so convenient . Cars might be convenient , but they're so bad for the environment . Do you have a car ? No . I used to have one though . Once I started using my bicycle to get around , I found that I didn't really need it . Maybe if I sold my car now , I wouldn't be so tempted to use it . You could try . It would save you a lot of money . That's true . Every month , I spend hundreds of dollars on gas , insurance , and repairs . If you got to class by riding a bicycle every day instead of driving , you will get lots of exercise , too ! I could stand to lose a few pounds . Having a car has made me lazy . I never end up walking anywhere ! Let's go to a car dealership . I'll help you try to sell your car for a good price . Sounds good ! Let's go ! Bob is really handsome . That's why he's very popular among girls . I wish I were just as handsome . You are ! How's your new work , Carl ? A tough job . They even offer in-service training every Wednesday afternoon . Good for you . I don't like it . I am not used to this kind of 9 to 5 work hours . Above all , I hate talking to those poker faces everyday . Well , you have to take the bad with the good . I guess so . I am badly off and I need this job . What can I help you with today ? When does the library close ? The library closes at six o ’ clock . Does it close at that time every day ? Not always . Is the library open on Saturdays ? Yes . What time do you open and close on Saturday ? The hours are from 9 am - 6 Okay . Thank you very much . Do you need anything else ? No , that ’ s all . Thanks . I can't wait until my car is repaired . The commuting with public transportation is killing me . It can't be that bad . But it is ! Take this morning for example . The subway was so packed this morning , I got totally squished by about a hundred busy commuters on the way to work . At least the subway is better than the bus . It's faster for one thing . And usually less crowded . But the drawback is that the subway is more expensive than the bus . It adds up over time , if you take it every day . That's true . The bus is even worse . Just thinking about taking the bus every day makes me tired ! Hey , how do you get to work every day ? I ride my bike . I don't live too far away , so it's pretty convenient . it's only about a ten minute bike ride from my house to the office . I'll bet it's good exercise , too ... a good way to keep fit . Yes , not only a good way to keep in shape , but a good way to relieve stress as well . While you're stressed out by your commute , I'm releasing all the stress of the day with mine . Why are you so rude to your wife ? I didn't like her butting in where I didn't want her . She's a chatter box . But she means to help you , not to trouble you . I know . But I just can't stand her butting in when I was trying to emphasize a point . What he said disappointed me . What did he say ? He advised me to change to a more suitable course . Why ? He said that career in law was unsuitable for a women . It is stupid to say so . What do you think is harder , reading or writing ? Well , they ’ re completely different . Reading is passive , and writing is active . I don ’ t think I understand what you mean . Could you explain a little more ? In reading you need to recognize language by seeing the words on the page and knowing what they are . In writing you have to produce language , you have to create your own words on a blank page . Oh , now I see what you mean . When you ’ re reading , you are just looking , but when you are writing , you are actually doing something ! A reading knowledge of a language is larger and different from a writing knowledge . Don ’ t you think so ? I think I see what you mean . I can read Shakespeare but I definitely can ’ t write it . Exactly . So I have another question for you . What do you think is harder , speaking or understanding ? They ’ re both harder than reading or writing . In what way ? Because they are direct communication with another person , and there ’ s a time limit . This time limit is the most serious problem for foreigners , even for those who know lots of English . You are making me feel really discouraged . I ’ m not trying to discourage you . I ’ m trying to help you . You have to live with these difficulties . Isn ’ t it better to know about them ? The more you know about what you have to face , the better you ’ ll do . I promise ! You look happy . I am happy . I just bought a new car . Wow ! Is it a good car ? It ’ s a great car . It ’ s very comfortable and it goes really fast . Was it expensive ? Put it this way – it wasn ’ t cheap . What colour is it ? It ’ s red and black . Let's meet tonight at the Thai restaurant at about 5 . Fine , I'll take a taxi . Why don't you walk ? It's only about 20 minutes walking and it's a nice evening . Never thought about it , I sure you are right . It's quite a short walk . Ha-ha , see you then . Professor , do you have a few moments when I could meet with you ? I schedule my appointments from two to four on Saturday ; what works best for you ? Three would be a good time . Great , do you need directions to my office ? I'm not sure . Well , just make sure to go through the double doors , and I'll be on the right . OK , I'll find it . It's very easy to find . See you then . I will enjoy seeing you ; have a good week ! The boy threw up . That's disgusting . Bill . Bill ! You gotta help me ! What ’ s wrong ? Slow down or you are gonna give yourself a heart attack . Tomorrow is Christmas and I haven ’ t bought my mom anything ! I ’ m such a bad son ! Take it easy ! Let ’ s go to the mall , window shop a little and see if there is anything she might like . That ’ s just it ! I don ’ t know what to get her ! Last year I got her a ring that was two sizes too big and a pair of shoes five sizes too small ! I suck at getting presents for people . That ’ s where you ’ re making a big mistake ! You can ’ t just guess peoples ’ likes or sizes ! Especially with clothes or jewelry . On top of that , I think that you should get your mom something that shows how much you love her . At the same time you should show her that you took the time and effort to look for something that she would really like ! Yeah , you ’ re right . When it comes down to it , I can be pretty tacky . Yeah , tell me about it . I know ! Your mom is trying to learn Spanish , right ? Why don ’ t you get her a gift certificate for this great website I saw called SpanishPod . Now that ’ s a great idea ! Happy birthday , Ms . Lin . Here is a present for you . Oh , thank you ! It's very kind of you . Ah , it is a porcelain vase . I hope you like it . Yes , it is lovely . I have been expecting something like this for a long time . Thanks ever so much . I am glad you like it . Cheer ! Cheer ! So what time tomorrow ? Half past seven in the morning . Where to meet ? In the market . OK . Bottoms up . Bottoms up . It's on me . Thank you . This place is nice . Wow , Is winter always this cold in Taiwan ? Not really . It's much warmer usually . Your are not used to cold weather ? No , I am from south California . This is my first real winter . Well , You'd better get some more warm clothes . What's the temperature today anyway ? I would say it's about 5 degree Celsius . Good evening , Mr.Brown . Good evening , David.Good evening , Mary.It ' s so good of you both to come . It's nice of you to invite us . what are you listening to ? Is that Beethoven or Mozart ? it's Beethoven . Do you like it ? I think Beethoven's music is incredible . I've heard that listening to it can make you more intelligent , too . Do you believe that ? I don't know about that , but I do think that it helps people relax . what other kind of music do you listen to ? actually , I mostly just listen classical music . What about you ? to be honest , I think classical music is too complicated for me . what kind of music do you prefer then ? I like pop music . Do you ? not really . I don't think pop music has much depth . I see what you mean . I think that's way I like it so much . how long have you been in to pop music , then ? I've always been into it . Have you always liked classical music ? not really . When I was little , we didn't really listen to music at all . so , how did you become interested in it ? well , when I was about 10 years old , I started playing the piano . I think that's how it all started . do you still play piano ? yes , it's one of my hobbies . Want to join me for a midnight snack ? I need to grab something to eat . Fine with me , but no more chafing dish . Let's go to the food stall . There's a good one just around the corner . I'd love to try some snacks . ( Later .. ) Everything looks tempting . What do you want to have ? Kebabs and roast squid . Can I have a bite ? Help yourself . Super ! Can I help you , sir ? Yes , I've been sitting here for a few minutes . I'm waiting for someone to put gas in my car . I'm sorry , sir . But this is the self-service pump . Self-service ? Yes . You must fill up the car yourself . Are you serious ? Yes . Are you traveling here ? Yes , I'm from Taiwan . I never heard of a gas station where you fill up your own car . In America , most gas stations are like this . Do I really have to do it ? I don't know how . Well , since this is your first time , I will do it for you.But next time , if you want a full-service gas station , you should look at the sign . What sign ? Under the sign for the gas station , there will be a smaller sign that says Self-Serve or Full-Service.And some gas stations have both.But if they have both , some pumps will be self-serve and some will be full-serve.You have to look at the signs . I see . Oh , no . It looks like my computer really has caught a virus . Why ? Did you open an attachment ? Yes , something called “ George W . Bush . ” An hour later , all I see are pictures of George W . Bush in women's clothes . I kind of like it . He looks better that way , doesn't he ? More presidential . I preferred the forward with pictures of him side-by-side with monkeys . Yeah , their expressions were exactly the same ! John seems to be in high cotton . He may well become a big shot . I bet my button dollar that he won't . He is no more than a nine day's wonder . What is your idea ? Many people like him get a flying start but soon disappear . Millions of amateur investors like you , have to rely on a dizzying array of financial newspapers , magazines and commentators to get investment information . Yes.It ' s sometimes scary if you think of the tremendous amount of media we face every day . It's like information overload , not to mention the reliability of these papers and magazines . Which financial magazines and newspapers do you think do the best job of checking facts ? Well , for example , The Wall Street Journal is very , very good . Even though it's used on occasion ( as all news organizations are ) by Ces or bankers who leak their mergers in advance in order to get a positive spin . I like to read Fortune . Good . Fortune is usually ahead of the curve.And Business Week is very solid , too . Where does a broadcast company get most of their information ? I hope it's not just from press releases . A good broadcast company usually does far more than press releases.Their people go out and do real reporting , talking to people at the stock exchange , fund managers , analysts , etc . But sometimes when a flimsy report , or even a rumor gets on television , there's going to be a terrible ' echo chamber ' effect . You are right about that . Hi , Li Ming . You look upset . What's the matter ? There will be a parents ' meeting in our class this Saturday and I am worried about it . Why ? We can leave school earlier that day . I didn't do well in last exams . If my father knows it , he will beat me up . I can't believe it . My parents never beat me . You know that my father is irritable . You can ask the teacher for help . Good idea . Did your company go union ? I heard that many companies in out industry are being unionized , so It's getting harder and harder to compete on a level playing field . Yes , we're hopping on the bandwagon and signing up for the union . Mostly people are pretty happy about it ... I guess it depends on if you are in management or in the labor force . Management isn't looking on the labor unions too favorably , I'd guess . I don't blame them ... labor unions can really put the squeeze on the executives . Sure ... but it's probably better for the workers , because the union's whole purpose is to look out for the little guys . The only way that the little guys can take on the big bosses is if they unite . Labor unions are all about getting a voice for the underdog . I hope the host team loses . That all depends on how the visiting team shapes . According to the papers , the visiting side is a strong team in America . But two players of the team have been booked and one is out . Hi honey ! You ’ ll never guess what ! My friends Julie and Alex are getting married ! Wow that ’ s great news ! They ’ re a great couple ! I know ! Anyways I just talked to Alex ’ s best man and he is organizing the bachelor party It ’ s gonna be so much fun ! All the groomsmen are thinking up all the wacky and crazy things we are going to do that night . You aren ’ t going to a strip club , are you ? I don ’ t want you getting a lap dance from some stripper with the excuse that it ’ s your friends party . Aw come on ! It ’ s just some innocent fun ! You know how these things are ! We are gonna play drinking games , get him some gag gifts and just have a good time . Nothing too over the top . Well , I don ’ t know . Come on ! If one of your friends was getting married I wouldn ’ t mind you going to her bachelorette party ! Good , because my friend Wendy is getting married and I ’ m organizing her party ! Aren ’ t you interested in watching the Olympics ? There have been some excellent performances by athletes from all over the world . I just don ’ t find it very interesting . I think it ’ s wonderful to see people from all over the world taking part in such a great event . I think that for a lot of people , it ’ s just a way to try and show their country is better than other countries . I think the Olympics help to promote world peace . I ’ m not sure about that . We still have many wars in the world . I think that the idea behind the Olympics is a good one , but the reality is that during the Olympics countries compete . There ’ s no real spirit of cooperation and people are usually not very friendly to each other . You are so pessimistic ! The Olympics is a great opportunity for athletes to demonstrate their speed , skill , agility and strength . Most people hope to see someone from their country win , but I think that they are just happy to see good performances by any athlete . Well . I think that the most amazing performances are by athletes who participate in the Paralympics . Now there we are in agreement ! You have a lovely house , Jack . Thank you . But a number of things have been going wrong lately . That's too bad . What problems are you having . Oh , the whole house needs re-painting for starters . The carpet in the living room is worn out , and I'd like to put in new wall-to-wall carpeting . Last week , I had to call the plumber to fix the toilet . Anyway , all par for the course when you own a house , I guess . I think I am going to hire an interior decorator to look the place over . I ’ Ve studied home decoration as a hobby . Could I make some suggestions ? Go right ahead . Well , I think a crystal chandelier would look great in your living room , and maybe some new drapes for the windows . Also , a grandfather clock would look great in the den . Perhaps you could buy some potted plants for the dining room Well , you really do have a talent for this , Alice . Thanks for the suggestions . You are welcome , Jack . Glad to be of help . What are you hiding in your coat pocket ? It's a camera . You want to take pictures of the inside of your pocket ? Not even funny , Billy . This is my new snapshot sticker camera . What's that supposed to mean ? Well , there are adhesive strips on the backs . You can stick them anywhere . Sorry.What was that you said ? I'll meet you at the Gate round about seven . Where ? At the Gate . When , did you say ? Round about seven . Who's coming ? Peter.Peter Brown , you know.Don ' t forget to bring the letter . Sorry . I didn't quite catch what you said.There ' s a lot of noise outside . I told you not to forget to bring the letter . Loretta ? No , she can't come , she's busy . I broke my sister's mirror . I'm sure it'll get her back up . I really don't know how I can escape the punishment . You'd better tell your sister what happened and face the music . My accountant thinks she can save me lots of money on my taxes this year . That sounds great ! How's it going ? I'm in a good mood today , actually . How about you ? To be honest , I'm a bit fed up . What's wrong ? There's a girl in my company that I really like but I always get shy when she is around . I see ! Do you want to ask her out ? Sure , but how ? You can ask her out for drinks after work . But for what reasons ? She doesn't even know who I am . Then you've got a lot of work to do . You need to get her to notice you first . Easier said than done . You can start by meeting her at the bus stop and saying ' hello ' to her . But I always get tongue-tied when I see her . That's something you need to overcome . Men should make the first move as most girls prefer being chased . I see . I'll try . Good luck ! Excuse me . May I come in ? Sure . Come on in . i saw lily for the first time . and fell like i'v been struck by lightening.she is a girl of my dreams . i have a date with her on Friday , but i really can't decide what to do . what about taking her for a dinner or a movie ? not bad , any other ideas ? well , there is a play on campus this weekend . good idea . that ' s why i think i have culture . you have any other suggestions ? what's the matter with these ideas ? They are good , but i still need a few more . what about going on a picnic ? Cool , but what if the weather is not ideal ? you can also take her to the art museum or a cafe . Certainly , i must come up with something you can use . how do you like the ideas i am giving you ? they are all good . Hi , Sue . What's up ? Hey , Andrew . How's everything with work ? Ok , I guess . My boss has been on my back recently . Really ? What's he been doing ? You know , just giving me lots to do . I'm really busy right now . Are you ? What are you busy with ? Oh , lots of things . Mostly training new people . Hey , Karen . Look like you got some sun this weekend . Yeah ? I guess so . I spent the weekend at beach . That ’ s great . Where did you stay ? Some friends of my parents live out there , and they invited me there . So , what did you do out there ? I mean besides bask in the sun , obviously . I jogged up and down the beach and played volleyball . You know I never realized how hard it is to run on sand . I couldn ’ t get through a whole game before I had to sit down . Not to mention cooler . Did you go swimming ? I wanted to , but the water is too cold , and I just wetted in up to my knees . It all sounds so relaxing . I wish I could get away to the beach like that . It looks like you could use it . Don ’ t tell me you spent the weekend in the library again . Jenny , are you having fun here ? Yes , of course . This is really a nice party with wonderful people and lovely wines . I ’ m glad you ’ re enjoying it . Thank you for the invitation . It ’ s my pleasure . Would you like another glass of champagne ? Yes , please . Thank you for everything . Excuse me , do you know where the visa office is ? Yes , I do . I ’ ll walk you there . Thanks . Are you applying to study or work abroad ? I want to study abroad . What do you want to study ? I hope to study English Literature . Have you got your visa yet ? Not yet . I have an interview with a visa official today . I see.Is it your first interview ? No , I ’ Ve already been here for 3 interviews . Do you have a park in the city ? Yes , there is a lake in the park . It is very beautiful . That ’ s great . We can go boating on the lake in the afternoon . It ’ s a good idea . But I am afraid it ’ s too cold . It is very windy on the lake . Then we can take a walk and enjoy the scenery in the park . It is difficult for old people to do away with old ideas . So the reform can not be carried out well . The government is making efforts to change situation . Easier said than done . The sun is up ! Time for all the campers to rise . Time to get paddling . Oh , no ! No more paddling ! My arms are sore ! Do not worry . Today will be easier . Beth , what date is today ? Today is Saturday . What is the date today ? Today is July 4th . Oh , i almost forgot . Today is my mom's birthday . Call her on my cell phone . Wish her “ Happy Birthday ! ” Tell her you are out exploring the great American wilderness . Tell her I said she is lucky to be born on Independence Day . Thanks ! I will do that ! When is your birthday ? It is December 25th . Wow ! What a lucky girl ! Your birthday is on Christmas Day . Yes , I am lucky . I was born on Christ ’ s birthday . Maybe that is why I usually go to church on Sundays . When is your birthday ? April 2nd . I missed being a target of a lot of jokes by one day . I guess I am lucky , too ! That is true ! Here , have some Granola for breakfast . Thanks . After eating , we will take down our tent . Then we will pack everything into the canoe , We can shove off by 6 I guess so . How about going for swim around 10 That should work out great . You are miracle worker ! You have got me awake and motivated . Happy Independence Day ! Jane , what do think about this dinner ? Very good ! Chinese food rules ! I expect the next time . The band is pretty good . How do you like the music ? it's very nice . I haven't heard live music in a while . This is fun . well , then , may I invite you for the next dance ? of course . But I'm afraid I'm not much of a dancer ... don't worry . I'm not much of a dancer myself . you're dancing so well . you dance beautifully too . when did you learn to dance ? in college . But I don't dance very often . What's your favourite dance ? it's hard to say . It depends . But I love the waltz . how about tango ? oh , I like it . It's such a beautiful dance , but I can't do it well . What about you ? Tango is my favorite . Anything but hip-hop or the foxtrot . thank you for the dance . my pleasure . Let's go and have a drink . ok . Bang ? ! Bang ! Bang ! What are the Kings doing at seven o ’ clock on Sunday morning ? Well , Mr . King is singing . Yes , but what ’ s the banging noise ? He ’ s standing on a ladder and banging some nails into the wall with a hammer . Now he ’ s hanging some strong strings on the nails . And what ’ s Mrs . King doing ? She ’ s bringing something pink for Mr . King to drink . Now she ’ s putting it ... OK . What ’ s happening ? The ladder ’ s falling ? What ’ s Mr . King doing ? He ’ s hanging from the string . He ’ s holding onto the string with his fingers and shouting to Mrs . King . And is she helping him ? No , she ’ s running toward our house . That ’ s her ringing the bell . Well , I ’ m not going to answer it . I ’ m sleeping . Mr . Wilson , here's a present for you . Oh , you are so nice . What a lovely scarf . I hope you will like it . Of course , I like it very much . Thank you . Would you like to go to the theater with me tomorrow ? Yes , of course . Have you got the tickets ? That's coincidence , someone's just returned two tickets and I picked them . Matinee or evening ? Evening . Circle or stalls ? Stalls . Wonderful , I'll go with you . I need to find somewhere to park . Off campus or on campus ? I need to find a space on campus . Why don't you park in the parking structure for students ? Where is the parking structure at ? It's on the west side of the campus . Do you know if the parking structure is full or not ? It was empty last time I went up there . How long ago was that ? I went up there early this morning . Do you think it'll be full now ? It might be . You'll have to go see for yourself . Shall we go to cinema this evening ? The new blockbuster starring mel gibson is showing . It ’ s supposed to be really good . What kind of movie is it ? I don ’ t like many of his movies , actually . It ’ s a thriller . It has Julia Roberts playing the female lead . I like thrillers and I like Julia Roberts , so it might be interesting . I read a review today and the critic didn ’ t seem to be very impressed . What did the critic say ? He didn ’ t say it was bad , but he said that it wasn ’ t as good as it could have been , particularly as there were some good actors and actresses in it . The movie starts at eight o ’ clock , so we have plenty of time to eat and get ready . Good . Dinner is nearly ready and I ’ d like to watch the news before we go . The Oscars were last night and I want to see the results . I won ’ t spoil your enjoyment by telling you who won . There were a few surprises . this is tough to say , Jordan , but I think we should break up . are you serious ? yes , I mean it . but why ? Did I do anything wrong ? no , we are just too different . This isn ’ t working . hey , come on . It ’ s too early to say that . We can fix things . I have thought about it for a while . I think it ’ s time to move on for both of us . but I still love you . I ’ m sorry . I knew this would happen some day ... then why didn ’ t you talk to me ? well . It ’ s not all my fault , Anna ... I don't want to argue with you anymore . This is going to be tough , but Let ’ s try and be friends . I would like that Anna , but I think I ’ ll need a little space for a bit . I think we ’ ll be better off if we are apart . shall we keep Our friendship ? sure , let ’ s just be friends . Our company's wei-ya is tomorrow night ! It's your first Chinese New Year in Taiwan--you must be excited ! Excited ? What's there to be excited about ? It's just another company dinner , right ? You have no idea ! There's a banquet with prizes , performances ... you name it ! Really ? What kind of prizes ? Well , I heard that last year Vivian from accounting won a new car ! A new car ! You're kidding ! No , really ! And she told me the secret to winning , wear red underwear ! Wear red underwear ? ! Does that really work ? Are you going to try it ? Of course ! I'm not only going to wear red underwear , but I'm going to wear red socks and a red shirt , too ! Gee , I don't think I own any red underwear , but I can buy some ! Have you ever witnessed any crimes or accidents ? I don't quite remember . Why did you ask that ? I was taking a walk in the park early this morning when suddenly I heard someone calling " help " . I rushed over and saw a man beating a woman . Oh , my . What did you do ? I guess I was stunned for a moment , then I quickly ran away to get help . Did you call the police ? Yes . Fortunately , I had my cell with me this morning . I called the police as I was running to get people to come to help . I heard that you went to the concert the day before ? How did you like it ? It was terrific.The concert was really a hit.The symphony orchestra was so good that I was completely absorbed in their performance . Who was the conductor ? Oh , speaking of the conductor , he is indeed a genius.He did a perfect job.His name is Menuhin , a descendent of Russian American immigrants . Oh , I learned that he is also a legendary violinist . Absolutely right.He gave a performance of Felix Mendelssohn's violin concerto.That caused a sensation.The audience were stunned by his pure tone . Obviously you did enjoy the concert . Yes , I did . Have you heard about Alice and David ? No , have they had another fight ? No , they've got engaged . You must be joking . Those two ? Well , my dear , I didn't believe it either . But I got it straight from the horse's mouth . David called me this morning . So when did this all happen ? Last weekend , while they were on their ski trip . Well , I believe it now , and when are they are getting married ? Next June . I can hardly believe it . All the routine work really browns me off . Oh , come on.You ' Ve just started . I wish I hadn't chosen this job . Yuck . The carrots taste awful and salty . Hi sis , how do you like them ? I like them very much . They are delicious . Well , you can have all my carrots . Daniel , hold on for a minute . What are you trying to pull there ? Nothing . Just that I don't care for these carrots.Hi , sis . , I saw you buy some chocolate cakes . I am done with the main course . It's about time for some dessert . Oh , you want my chocolate cakes , so to speak ! No , no , I'm just thinking of some dessert . And I have had enough carrots . Daniel , carrots contain much Vitamin C . It is good for you . I know , but chocolate cake is even better . Oh , stop it ! You know you need vegetables . You will end up fat if you don't watch your diet , now . Well , actually , I don't mind eating carrots , but chocolate cakes are much better . You know I was born with a sweet tooth . Oh , no ! I ’ Ve been assigned to work with Jerry for our group project . Oh ! I heard that he loves to boss people around . Flowers for my favorite girl . How did you know that I love red roses ? That's a secret . Here , let me help you with your coat , and we'll be on our way . ( at the dance ) That band is playing good music . Shall we dance ? Fine , what do you call this ? Foxtrot . Oh . you're a good dancer . Really ? Thank you . I am thinking the same thing about you . I prefer the old style of dance because I enjoy holding a pretty girl like you closely . On Saturday night I ’ m going to have a small get-together . Good . Would you like to come ? Do you mean this Saturday ? Yes , this coming Saturday . Thanks for inviting me , Jack , but I ’ Ve already made plans for this weekend . I won ’ t be able to come , I ’ m afraid . I ’ m sorry to hear that . Yeah , that ’ s too bad . Well , perhaps , another time . Hey . I'm a visitor from China . I love your music . It's the best I've ever heard . Will you please spare a little bit of time for me ? Sure . Thank you for saying that . Actually , those songs were sung for the first time today . I wrote them in the past two months . Oh , you wrote them all by yourself . That's amazing ! Are you a regular singer here ? You can say that . But my band and I also sing regularly in several other places , too . Cool . Your guitar skills are very impressive . How did you learn to play like that ? I picked up guitar at an early age , maybe around 8 years old . Afterward , I taught myself by listening to some records of top players . Wow , that's unbelievable ! You play so well , but you've never been to a real teacher . You will definitely be famous in the near future . Could you come and spend the weekend with us ? Oh , I'm afraid I can't . I've had a date already . That's too bad ! Maybe some other time . Excuse me . I don't think we have met before . My name is Mary Jenson . Oh , hello . I'm Bias Chettri . Good to meet you , Mr Chettri . Pleased to meet you too , Ms Jenson . Welcome to our university ’ s fifties anniversary , Sir . Please have a seat . Thank you . Wow , your school has so many honors . Congratulations ! Thank you . Excuse me . I wonder see Dean Mr . Lee first . I was wondering if could you tell me where his office is ? Certainly . Mr . Lee ’ s office building at the south end of the campus , just beside the library . Excuse me ? Let me show you the way . Please follow me . Thank you very much . It ’ s very kind of you . My pleasure . This is it ? It ’ s up on the second floor . You have to use the stairs . The elevator isn ’ t working . Finding an excuse is obviously down your alley . And trying to avoid taking care of the children is what you are good at . Listen , Nancy . If I don't work hard , I will be laid off . You are passing the buck . I'll be hanged if I ask you to go to the park with us . Come on , Nancy . Play it cool . I go with you and burn the middle night oil tonight . Hi , Mr . Zhang . What ’ s wrong ? You don ’ t look so happy . How was your date ? I was turned down again . It ’ s frustrating . I guess you ’ Ve got to teach me some skills . Me ? I ’ m even less experienced than you are . At least you know what American women generally like in a man . Believe it or not , I guess American women like a man in good shape , which Chinese women may not care about so much . That ’ s my honest opinion . I know you have been trying very hard . American men are naturally taller than Chinese men . So even if I exercise , there aren ’ t many chances . No , that ’ s not true . I ’ Ve met two American women who were married to Chinese . But those Chinese look very strong and healthy . So if you exercise more often , I bet it will surely be easier for you to date American girls . How old is Jacky Chan ? He ’ s small and short . But I bet he can have any American woman he wants . You know , that ’ s going to be a tremendous change for me . Because I never exercise . Why don ’ t you try then ? Even if it doesn ’ t help you find an American girl , you could still have a stronger and healthier body . You won ’ t lose anything by doing that . Have you heard that new song by the Beastie Boys ? Why do you listen to rap ? It's not much different from that heavy metal music you like so much . Heavy metal music is a lot different from rap music.You can dance to heavy metal . Hey , you can dance to rap music ! I can't dance to it . And I know you can't either . Because I've seen you try . What's your new girlfriend like ? Katherine ? Well , she's good at languages . Does she know how to speak Spanish ? She knows how to speak Spanish and Japanese . Wow ! ! ! And she's good at sports , too . She knows how to play tennis and basketball . That's terrific ! But there's one thing she's not good at . What's that ? She's not good at remembering things . We have a date , and she's an hour late ! ! Are these your text books ? Biochemistry , General Ecology , Botany , Cell Genetics , Molecular Genetics ... Yes . I gotta review all of them for the final exam . It is just around the corner . Oh , right ! Do you have many exams at the end of each semester ? That depends . Some semesters have many , some don't . And some courses don't have exams but only ask for papers . That's easy . And when do you prepare for your final exam ? Honestly speaking , most students prepare it one month before the exam . Really ? You only review your lessons in one month ? Does it work ? Of course , it's useful . And it's very crucial to have the copies of teacher's notes , because most questions in the exam are based on them . Wow , and all the key points are included in them ? You're so smart ! But the exam is not as simple as you may imagine . We have to stay up late . Do you have the classrooms open for the whole night ? Yes , some people even pack up his bed quilt and sleep there . That's a little bit crazy . What's today's date ? It's January . You know , Mary , I feel we meet somewhere before . Where were you born ? I was born in Beijing , but I spent most of my childhood in London . What was your childhood like ? I had a pretty strict upbringing , and my parents taught at universities so they have extremely high expectations for me . Where did you go to university ? My parents wanted me to stay in Beijing , but I decided to go back to England . I graduated from University of Newcastle upon Tyne with a degree in Cross Culture Communication . What is your current occupation ? I am a journalist . I write for China Daily . Did you know that you wanted to be a journalist right after your graduation ? No , I didn ’ t . I started working at a university in London but as time went by , I found I did not really like my job . I decided to explore other fields . Journalism is great fit for me as well as a challenge . Do you like your current job ? Yes , I came to Beijing two years ago looking for new opportunities . I was lucky because my friend introduced me to my current company . Do you want a cigarette ? No , thank you . I've given up , you know . You don't mind if I have one . Well , all tight . But you know , smoking does do harm to your health . Yes , you are right . Why don't you try and give it up ? I've tried to give up smoking several times , but it's no use . Hey , Jordan , is that you ? Long time no see ! Oh , hey , no kidding ! I haven't seen you since orientation three months ago ! So how've you been ? Settling into college life OK ? Yeah , I think so ! I pledged Phi Iota Alpha , so I'm living at the frat house now . Oh , so you're a frat boy now , huh ? Yeah , yeah , I know , it's totally cliche , but really , I think it's been a good decision . I've got a lot of support and good suggestions from the guys . What about you ? What have you been up to ? Not much . I'm still living at home and commuting to school . I ended up dropping that metalworking class I was so excited about . It just wasn't as interesting as I'd hoped . The guidance counselor suggested that I focus on my prerequisite courses so that I can make sure the credits count . That sounds smart ... but kind of boring . Yeah , it is , a little bit . I joined the Great Outdoors Club , though , which has been a lot of fun . We've gone on two camping trips already , and I've made some good friends . That's cool . Hey , so have you decided on your major yet ? Definitely pre-med . What about you ? I still have no clue ... but we don't have to declare a major till our sophomore year , so I've got time ! Oops , I'm late for class . Gotta run ! OK , take care ! Hey , nice running into you ! Yeah , you too ! Whatever we do , we should do it above board . You are right . We shouldn't do anything under the table . Well , since you agree with me , we should put the issue above board instead of talking about it through other channels . How did you get into hip hop ? Well , all my friends listen to it , so I became a big fan too . Who is your favorite hip hop artist ? I'm a big fan of Snoop Dog . It ’ s over . What is over ? Our relationship . I mean my friend and I ... Any reasons ? The cause is another boy . Oh , that ’ s too bad . How did you do on your BELTS exam ? Fantastic ! I got an overall score of eight . That's excellent ! Have you received your conditional offers yet ? Yes . I'm just waiting until I officially get admitted to the university with a conditional offer to apply for my visa . Do you know where the visa office is ? No . It's just near the Dong Si Shi Tiao subway stop . We ’ Ve been over this a thousand times . The data is irrefutable ! Look , we ’ Ve done extensive research , built studies , and read the literature , and there is conclusive evidence to support my theory ! Horowitz , I beg to differ . Even in your most recent study , the investigative approach was flawed ! You know as well as I do that the collection of data was not systematic , and there is a large margin of error . To draw a definitive conclusion based on that data would be misleading That is preposterous ! You are trying to single-handedly solve one of the world ’ s greatest mysteries , and yet you are oblivious to the fact that you are wrong ! I am not wrong ! The chicken came first ! No ! The egg came first ! My husband goes out drinking with his friends every night . I'm fed up with it . Maybe you two should go see a marriage counselor . Charles , have you finished your homework ? Not yet , Grandma , What's the matter ? I want you to have a walk with me . I'll finish soon . Did you lock the doors ? All except the back door . I left that open for Tim . He took the dog for a walk . Well , I ’ m going on to bed . I ’ m beat . Ok , I ’ m going to stay up awhile . I ’ Ve got to go over the household budget , We ‘ re a little over-spend this month . Please told Tim to close the door to the basement . I don ’ t want dog down there tonight . Ok , Good night , see you at breakfast . Have you ever played Making ? Not really , but I know it is very popular a traditional Chinese gambling game . Yes , some friends play it all day , all night , and sometimes a whole weekend . I tried to read about some basic rules online , but it is hard to understand . So I went to watch people play yesterday only to find I was even more confused . I think I have to work hard on those rules and more learning by doing . Practice makes the master . Typical Francis , whether you are at work , or engaged in leisure time activities , you always show the same eagerness and curiosity to learn something new and improve yourself . It is important to keep your mind up-to-date and active . My German teacher thought it would be a good idea to have German pen friends to write to in German . What a great idea ! Now you have a friendly audience to practice with ! The only thing is that my pen friend will be writing in English . Oh , he wants to practice his language skills , too . That's right . And it's a B that I'll be writing too . Her name is Olga . Maybe Olga can introduce you to some of her friends who can write to you in German and you can do the same for her with your friends to write her in English . That's a great idea ! Why didn't I think of that ? I don't know , but you know how to surround yourself with great friends ! I just had a terrible week . What a shame ! I fell down and hurt my arm . That's too bad . Then my son drove into a tree I'm sorry to hear that . The dog bit the delivery boy . What a pity ! And a storm blew our roof away . Ho , no ! Hi , Jenny . You look like you are in a hurry to somewhere . Where are you going ? I am going to the bank . I need to cash some checks . That's great . We can go to the bank together . Why are you going there ? I will go to Japan on business for 5 days next Tuesday . I want to exchange some Japanese yen . I see . Will you bring a lot of money with you ? Not really . I plan to bring some cash and withdraw money at the ATM in Japan . Do you have the bank card in Japan ? Nope . You can use the credit card to withdraw the money in foreign countries . That sounds really convenient . Do you pay extra money to enjoy this service ? No . It is free of charge . Great ! I will apply for a credit card when I go to the bank later . I think we are running out of time . The bank is going to close soon . Does she make any sense to you ? No . It's all Greek to me . She's speaking French , not Greek . I know that . I mean I couldn't understand her at all . Me neither . All I have to do is study French hard . I wish you the best of luck . Do you love me ? I ’ m very fond of you . Yes , but do you love me ? Why ? You mean a lot to me . Why didn ’ t you answer my question ? What question ? Do you love me ? Come on , I ’ m eager to hear . You know that I care for you . I---I ’ m proud of you . Don ’ t cherish your words , dear . I---I don ’ t feel like saying it What do you do in your spare time ? I have many hobbies . I like almost all kinds of sports and I also like to listen to classical music . What kinds of sports do you like ? I like playing basketball . Basketball is a very exciting game because it keeps you alert and I also enjoy the team spirit of basketball . Who is your favorite author ? I like the novels of Dickens very much . I've read almost all of them in Chinese translation . Are you a music lover ? Yes , I like listening to Beethoven's works . What kinds of films do you enjoy ? I like all kinds as long as they are exciting . Do you have any hobbies ? What is it or what are they ? I am interested in watching TV or other relaxing games . How do you spend your spare time ? I usually read or entertain myself . What kind of books are you interested in ? My favorite books are those about detectives . Well , those books are really good . I like them too . How do you entertain yourself ? When it comes to the entertainment , I think I enjoy dancing . There is nothing I like more than modern dance . It depends on where you are and what position you are in . For instance , if you are in an elevator and you smile , you will make other takers uncomfortable . That ’ s an exception . But I am fed up with those who keep a straight face in front of me . I cannot see eye to eye with you here . You see , I am fed up with those who keep smiling to me . I mean , they smile for no reason at all . That means you don ’ t like them . If you hit it off with them , you will like to see their smiles . It's nice and bright today , isn't it ? Yeah.The autumn is marvelous here . How about winter ? That's a hard time.The air is cold and damp , and the road is often icy . It's boring , right ? Sure . Do you get much rain during the summer ? Plenty.We never worry about lack of rainwater in our area . So you should bring an umbrella often . That's right . I ’ m betting the New York Yankees win . How about you ? Well , I ’ m favor of the Red Sox . They ’ Ve had a good season . Sorry , guys . Could I just interrupt for a moment ? My money is on the Yankees ! That ’ s not a very good pick . I ’ m against the Yankees . Hey , Ken . Good luck if you already put your money on the Red Sox . Yeah , I ’ m with you on that . When in Rome , do as the Romans do , they say . What do the Romans do ? They live in Rome , of course , and go to work by car or bus . But sometimes it takes too long that way because of the traffic jams , so they walk . In other words , the Romans do what everyone else does . Yes , but they do it differently . Everything is different . What do you mean ? Well , the climate's different for a start . It doesn't rain so much as it does in England . The sun shines more often . I envy them the sun . I know . You hate the rain , don't you ? I certainly do . And a Roman really Ioves life . Eye knows how to enjoy himself . They always eat spaghetti and drink wine , don't they ? Not always . But they like a good meal . Lots of tourists go to Rome just for the food , you know . Really ? How much does it cost to fly to Rome ? I don't know exactly , but it costs a lot of money . What does your mother do , may I ask ? My mother works in a company as an accountant . Is she busy ? Not always , she's rather busy at the end of the year . Please fill out the form . All right . ... What's the date today , please ? It's August the thirteenth . Are you going to the cafeteria downstairs ? Yes . Could you please get me a takeaway ? I have some urgent work to finish . So I don ’ t have enough time to go out for lunch . No problem . What should I bring ? I am not picky on food . Just bring me the day menu . So , are you enjoying the performance so far ? Well , the costumes and the set are marvellous , but the acting is a bit stiff . What do you think ? I think you're being a little critical . The actor in the lead role is fantastic . I suppose the chorus could be a bit better , though . Do you know anyone in the play ? Actually , the woman playing Ophelia is a past classmate of mine . Really ? Is that why you wanted to come to the play ? That's only part of it . I absolutely adore this director . Every play he works on turns out great . So you've seen other plays that he's directed ? Quite a few actually . By the way , after the play , there's always a big party for the cast and their friends . My friend has invited us . Do you want to go ? Sure , I'd love to meet the cast ! Have you ever been in a play ? I've never had a part in a play before , but I used to be a part of the stage crew in high school . What did you do ? I helped build the sets and find props for the plays . What about you ? I once helped out with costumes , but I didn't enjoy it very much . Why not ? I spent over three weeks sewing sequins on a coat . That sounds kind of boring . Oh , look . They're dimming the lights . I think we should get back to our seats for the second half of the play . Many congratulations on your winning the game . That ’ s very kind of you , but it ’ s nothing special . You were doing great out there ! Well , actually it ’ s just about luck . That's good to know . We'll watch for crazy drivers . Hey , guys . Ready for a pick-up game of touch football ? Football ? Sounds dangerous . Maybe I'll just be a cheerleader . C'mon , Yi-jun . It's lots of fun . You've seen football played on TV . Uh , yeah . And I've seen guys in pads tackled . We have no pads . I don't want to be tackled . There's barely any contact in touch football . People just tag you to stop the play . OK , but they better tag lightly ! Hi , Cindy . I thought I ’ d missed you . Oh , I am very sorry , Hans . Thank you for waiting for me . You must have been here a long time already . It ’ s all right . I was caught in the heavy rain , or I would have come earlier . I am sorry I kept you waiting . I was in a comfortable place , so really , it ’ s no problem . I am happy to see you . Did the rain hold you up long ? Yes . When I came out of the subway , it was raining cats and dogs . And I forgot my umbrella . So I had to wait for the rain to let up . I totally understand . How's your thesis going ? Don't mention it . The thesis due date is coming , but my thesis isn't even close to being done . I've finished the first draft , but the professor said it's poorly written . I have to rewrite it . it's so depressing . Don't worry . Anyway , you are better than me . I am trying to decide what school to apply to ? Are you thinking about a public school or a private one ? I am not sure . What's the difference between them ? Public schools are usually state funded , whereas private schools usually get their funding elsewhere . Which is better ? One isn ’ t necessarily better than the other . It depends a lot on the school administration and the teachers . I hear you have to wear uniforms at private school . Yes , sometimes . You'll soon graduate from your university . Do you have any plans for the future ? I'm planning to go to graduate school , but I also want to find a job . Otherwise , I'll have nowhere to go if I fail the entrance exam . Do you have a clear career path to follow ? career path ? I'm not sure . what kind of job do you want after graduation ? I want to become a professor , a lawyer , an editor , a civil servant ... wait ! You can't do so many things at the same time . What exactly do you want ? I don't know . Do you have any advice for me ? yeah , you should first decide what kind of career you really want , plan your career path , and then try your best to achieve your goal . I think perhaps I need to buy a few years while I figure out about my career . no , you can't waste your time wandering around . If you want a job that requires a higher degree or diploma , you should focus on your graduate school entrance exam ; if you want a job that needs working thank you so much for your advice . I'll think it over . Look at these clothes designed by top fashion designer like Versacci , Calvin Klein , and Vivienne Westwood . What do you think of them ? Well , they look lovely , but they ’ re not very practical . I mean , would you wear that dress to the office or walking down the street ? I know what you mean . People would stare at you in amazement if you wore something like that in an everyday situation . I suppose only extravagant rich people wear them at cocktail parties . Maybe . I ’ m not sure why they have fashion shows like this . Hardly anyone will buy those clothes . The clothes you see are nothing like the ones that ordinary people wear . It seems like a waste of money . I think that the designers hold these fashion shows for a few reasons . First , it ’ s just like a big party . They can meet each other and network . The other thing is that it is great advertising . All the journalists and photographers are there . Thirdly , it give them a chance to show what they would like to see people wearing . You meant it ’ s an expression of their fantasies ? Yes . I think the designers are saying that these clothes are what they would like to see people wear if those people weren ’ t concerned with what other people might think . In a way , the designers are saying ‘ don ’ t worry about what others think . Wear what you like ! ’ . Very philosophical . I think they design these clothes more for publicity . They try to see who can be the most extreme and outrageous , but still stylish . Come on . All this fashion has reminded me that I want to buy some clothes . David , I ’ m going to China . Really ? How do you get the chance ? You know . I took part in the Chinese contest . I was the best and they gave me this reward . I don ’ t have to pay for my trip . Congratulations . How lucky you are ! Thank you . I ’ m leaving tomorrow morning . I ’ m sure you ’ ll enjoy the trip . China is such a beautiful country . I ’ m sure I will . Have a nice journey , Lily . Thank you , David . Dora , are you interested in going to the museum with me tomorrow ? I read the newspaper this morning . I know there is an art exhibition in Taipei Modern Art Museum . Sure . I am free tomorrow . It sounds interesting to me . Can we buy the ticket online ? I don't think so . I think we had better go there earlier , or we may have to spend a lot of time waiting . I guess that is the thing we can do with we really want to visit the museum . Look at the ticket booth in the center . There seems to be not as many people as we thought it would be . Yeah . We are lucky . Let's go buy the tickets first . We can have breakfast later . I am so hungry . Good idea . ( After the breakfast ) Which floor is the art exhibition we are going to ? I have no idea . Let me take a closer look at my museum map Sure , take your time . We have a whole day . It's on the 2nd floor . We are going to see some beautiful paintings about the history of ancient Greece . Look at the museum guide.It says there are also some sculptures and potteries in this area . Let's rent an audio guide . Good afternoon ! Good afternoon ! Sit down , please.How are you ? I'm very well , thank you.How are you ? Very well too , thank you very much.Isn ' t it a lovely day ? Yes , it's beautiful , but it's also very hot . Yes . What's the weather like in your country ? Mm ... It's quite warm now . Where do you live ? In London.Where do you live ? Here.Near this school . I've been looking forward to the new semester . I hope we can make great progress in this new semester . Hope so . I hear we'll have a new English teacher this semester . Really ? I hope we will do much better under her guidance . I am sure we will . Post office offer lots of services nowadays , don ’ t they ? Years age , you only really used the post office to send mail , save money , and send or collect money . Nowadays , they offer so many services , you hardly know which one to choose . Take mailing for example . Do you send something first class or second class or do you use EMS ? I save money in a post office saving account . There used to be just one kind of account , but now there are several . They each have different conditions and interest rates . You can buy things at post office that were never sold there before . You can buy sweets and chocolates , newspapers , birthday and Christmas cards ... Post offices are still the place to go to collect welfare benefits , like unemployment benefit and child support benefit . The queue are very long on the days when people collect those payment . My son likes going to the main post office . They have a philately counter where he can buy stamps for his collection . Do you think that the service at post offices has improved ? I think it ’ s better for some things , like sending and receiving money , but if you need to post something it sometimes takes longer than it used to . I like being able to buy newspapers and magazines at the post office . It means that I don ’ t need to go to two places She is really pretty , isn't she ? Her skin looks so baby-smooth ! Well , it's just that she put a lot of makeup on her face . Actually , natural beauty comes from within . Ah , I can smell jealousy in the air . She has nothing that deserves my jealousy . I don't have to put things on my face and I still look pretty . Don't you think so ? Yeah , right . But what did you put on your face last night ? Those little greenish things . They are cucumbers . They are natural skin soothers , natural healers of the skin.Haven ' t you heard them say on TV that ... eh ... they soften the skin , wipe out the roughness , counter irritation and build strength and resilience ? Yeah , yeah , yeah ! They wipe out tight , tired feelings and remove lines and age signs . Blah , blah ... See , I can even recite it . That's right . You have learned a lot , haven't you ? It sounds that you have a high opinion of him . He is an all-right guy . I have no bone to pick with him . Birds of feather flock together . But he is not a fine wether friend who could sell you down the river . You cannot judge a person that way . I have a hunch that he is a sly dog . Depends on with whom . He may be doing things on the sly , but he is honest with me . I trust him . You can never tell . He might do you in when he sees an angle in doing it . Welcome ! Welcome to Little Italy . We're the most Italian family here ! So I've heard . That's why I'm having such a great time . If I hadn't married an Italian man , I probably wouldn't be pregnant so often . And maybe I could raise pigs instead of bambinos ! Huh ? Um ... well , it's nice to see that some people still have big families . It is nice , but it would be nicer if my macho husband would get off his tush and help me . Ha-ha ... Have this . It's from Italy ! What was that noise ? It was the pilot putting the wheels down.We must be coming into land.Are you frightened ? Frightened ? You must be joking ! Two people were robbed last night near the park . Again ? The area around the park is too dark at night . There should be more lights there . I am afraid of the dark . I don ’ t feel safe in the dark . I feel someone is hiding in the dark to attack me . Your feelings might be right . You should never walk alone there at night . It is too dangerous . I Know . And you should be more careful , too . Well , that's it . 7 appointments in Paris at beginning of next week , and 4 in Frankfurt at the end of the week . It's certainly a tight schedule . Now it's a question of getting there . I need a flight to Paris on Sunday evening and a hotel in Paris for 3 nights . I have to be in Frankfurt by 11 on Thursday morning . And I will need a hotel for one night . I will head home on Friday . At what time ? My last appointment is at 3 , so I should be free by 5 at the very latest . I think I could get to the airport by 6 . Do you know how far you will be from the airport at 5 ? No , not really . So you are not sure how long it will take to get there ? No , but I am sure it won't take more than an hour . Don't forget it's Friday nighty . If Frankfurt's anything like London , everybody will be leaving for the weekend . It will be a rush hour and traffic might be moving very slowly . You are a pessimist . I am a realist . What is the best place to park ? What vehicle do you usually bring to school ? Is it an automobile or a motorbike ? I drive a motorcycle . OK . That means you can park in the student lot or on the street . Have you seen the handicapped spots ? I am not sure what a handicapped spot is . Look for the blue signs and blue marked spaces . Do you usually park in the daytime or the evening ? I park days and evenings . Be careful about the time limits on the streets . Have you seen the signs for time limits ? What signs ? As long as you are careful reading the signs , you will always know how long you can park and what days are OK to park there . Are you aware of the curb colors ? What curb colors ? If you can remember that red means absolutely no parking and white means that you can only load and unload , you are going to be OK . Would you like to play golf with me ? I would like to . but I'm not good at it . It doesn't matter . I will teach you . That's great ! When will we go ? Borrow morning . All right . What should I take ? Just take your golf club . I will pick you up Borrow . Thanks . I will wait you at my home . See you Borrow . Hi , Mike , what gives ? Hi , Bill , this is my new car . Hey , great set of wheels . You like it , huh ? Who wouldn't ? Wow , that's out of this world . It is special , isn't it ? Yeah , too cool . How much did they sold you for ? Lots . Looks like I'll have to moonlight for the next two years . I can imagine . Hey , let's go for a spin . You can try it out . I'd love to . Ok , let's go . Would you like to go to the natural history museum with me ? Have you ever been to it before ? Yes , lots of time . I was quite impressed by the wide variety of exhibitions they have . Let's go . It sounds interesting . Oh , my god ! My wallet is lost . What should I do ? It drives me bonkers . Dear , don ’ t worry . The police can help you . Good morning , Mr.Jones ! Good morning , Miss Bell ! Nice to see you again . Nice to see you too . It's been a long time . How is everything ? Just fine , and you ? Quite well , thank you . Did you drive yourself to the airport ? No , I was driven by my husband . Did someone meet you at the airport here ? Yes , thanks . Is this where we'll be holding the meeting ? No , the meeting will be held on the fourth floor . Is there a lot of snow in this region at this time of the year ? Yes , the snow is often falling thick and fast here . Well , I think I like it . I appreciate the snow very much . Yes , It's really so beautiful with all the things covered by snow . By the way , where can I go ski ? There are so many places around . Take a look at the advertisement . Hi , Sandra . how was your weekend ? Great ! I went hiking in the mountains on Saturday . Fantastic ! how was that ? Really good ! you should try it sometime . I might . what did you do yesterday ? Uh , nothing much , just went to bed early . I was still tired from Saturday . Do you know that scientists replicated a sheep into an identical clone . I heard about that . It was successful . It's a big jump in science . Maybe more like a leap . I should say , it stunned me . I can't imagine what they will think of next . She has contributed to a new school . Oh , I know . She is a famous woman and a focus of the newspaper now because of this thing . I hear the school is very modern . It has the best equipments . Yes . Do you know its name . She said she would name it after her father . Oh , I think she wants to do this thing in memory of her father . What are you doing over the weekend ? I'm planing to go bolling tonight.Tomorrow I was hoping to see a movie.What about you ? I want to go camping , you know , just get a way for the weekend . I'm not sure I'll be able to , though . Why not ? Well , I have a lot of work . I'll see how to goes . OK , Mr . Wu . You may come in . I'm Anne Smith and on my right , my colleague , Anna Duncan , and on my left , Angela Lamb . Do please sit down . Thank you . Good afternoon Mrs . Smith , Miss Duncan , Miss Lamb . Your English is fluent . Thank you . How do you think of the weather today ? I don't like the weather like this . Cold and rainy . Hope it become sunny as soon as possible . Hello , Betty , how are you ? Quite well , Tom.And you ? Just fine , thank you.How ' s your father today ? He's much better today . I'm glad to hear that.Bye . See you later . I am so happy to know that the promotion campaign for our new product is very successful . We just made a record sale this season . That is very encouraging news . I heard that the marketing department has done a three months research , they sent the feedback information to the research and development center by the end of every month . That is to say , the R & D center redesigned the product twice before it was launched into the market . It is not an easy job . How do you like the advertisement for the new product ? That is the best one I have seen . I am sure our target customers , young people will love it . Certainly . Mary , I think we should stop seeing each other . But , Bob , we were so good together . I'm sorry but it's for the best . I don't understand . We were getting along so well . Do you like jazz , Tom ? No , I don't like it very much . Do you ? Well , yes , I do . I'm a real fan of Wanton Marsalis . Oh , does he play the piano ? No , he doesn't ! ! ! He plays the trumpet . So , what kind of music do you like ? I like rock a lot . Who's your favorite group ? The Cranberries . I love their music . How about you ? Do you like them ? No , I don't . I can't stand them ! ! Ugh . Another advertisement . They ’ Ve added two hours of advertisements to a two hours movie . Yeah . We ’ re never going to get to the end of this one . Why are we watching it anyway ? Well , it does have a lot of girls in it . True . True . Do you think Bruce Willis just drank a Coke for his health ? Really ? Did Coke pay him for that ? Of course . You want something to drink ? Yeah , Got a Coke ? Sure . Hurry , the movie is coming back on . Good morning ! Good morning , Gav ! Did you sleep well last night ? I slept like a baby . I fell asleep right away last night , didn't wake up once , and didn't have any nightmares ! That's great news ! You look much more relaxed than you did yesterday . I feel much better , but I'm still worried about something . What's that ? Well , I have to drive to school for a meeting this morning , and I'm going to end up getting stuck in rush-hour traffic . That's annoying , but nothing to worry about . For me , traffic jams are quite stressful , because I'm pretty impatient . How can I prevent myself from getting stressed if I get stuck in a traffic jam ? Just breathe deeply when you feel yourself getting upset . Ok , I'll try that . Is there anything else bothering you ? Just one more thing . A school called me this morning to see if I could teach a few classes this weekend and I don't know what to do . Do you have any other plans this weekend ? I'm supposed to work on a paper that'd due on Monday . Try not to take on more than you can handle . You're right . I probably should just work on my paper . Thanks ! Speaking of classical music , we should never forget about the New Year's Concert of the Vienna Philharmonic . Of course not . People all over the world watch it on TV , or listen to it on the radio . Sure . It's one of the biggest classical music events . Have you ever been to the live show ? Yes , I went to the New Year ’ s Concert in 2010 . Wow , you're so lucky . I saw it on TV . But it must be so different to be there in the concert hall . That's for sure . You know , I had the greatest time ever . It seems to me that you are on very good terms with him . We actually met at a dance party . He fell for me . He must be all over you the first time he saw you . He said that I put all other girls in the shade . That means he was head over heels in love with you . Well , he indeed likes me . But I think he can't hold a candle to you . I don't think he has ever popped the question . No , he is the sort of man who likes to hide his candle under a bushel . How about the matter ? I heard it has been finally settled under the rose . It ’ s the only way to preserve her reputation . Yeah , fortunately it did not cause a disaster . can I see your passport , please ? is this line for non-residents ? yes it is . Residents can queen up in the lines to my right . Ok . Here's my passport . what's the expiration date on your passport ? I think it's soon , maybe in a few months . It was renewed in Beijing , so the new expiry date is on the last page . I see . Yes , you'll need to renew your passport in a few months . Make sure you don't let it expire while you are in the UK . I won't . do you have anything to declare ? no , I don't have anything to declare . how long will you be staying in the UK ? I'll be here for about a year . what is the purpose of your stay ? I'll be studying . I'm doing an MBA at Nottingham University . where will you be staying ? I have a housing contract with the university . I'll be in a dorm room on campus . how do you plan on paying for your living costs and tuition fees while you are here ? my father has already paid for that in advance . Here are the receipts . ok . Have a good day . Here's your passport and documents back . thank you very much . I can't even imagine you snorkeling ! Well , you'll see . With this new watch , I can go anywhere , do anything . OK , Bond . No , really . Look . It's got a double time zone setting . So you can always keep two times at once ? Yep . I just can't decide what two cities to choose ... The only two times you need are I'm late and I'm really late . Going to the cafeteria ? No , I am not eating there anymore . I have ordered my favorite food in the restaurant around the corner . The food served in the cafeteria is not my type . I am a total meat lover . But the cafeteria is doing its best to force me to be a vegetarian . They have been serving the Chinese cabbage and white gorse for three days . Haven ’ t you noticed that ? That ’ s fine with me . I don ’ t hate vegetables and I don ’ t eat much during lunch . Well , then the cafeteria suits you best . But anyway , if you like to have a lunch outside the company , feel free to join me anytime . I am going to give you an end-of-the-unit test this Friday . Please be prepared for it . Would you please tell us how to review our lessons ? Review all the lessons in this unit and see if you can understand the main idea of each lesson . Any other requirements ? Phrases and sentence patterns are also very important . You should know how to use them . Should we remember all the new words and expressions ? Certainly . Sorry , I don't quite understand some difficult points in this unit . I wonder if you could help us to solve the problems . Well . When you review your lessons , mark the places which you don't understand , then I will give you some coaching . When shall we have a coaching period ? How about tomorrow ? Ok . What do you think of smoking ? It's harmful . Not only for yourself but for others . What in your opinion can be done to stop smoking ? Stop producing cigarettes . But that'll affect the national economy . That's right.But I don't think there are better ways . How about printing a warning on each cigarette packet ? Maybe it can take effect . Are you ready ? Yes . Who can tell us something about the author's life ? Volunteer ? The author was a famous writer , and he was also a politician . He was born in 1911 and died in 1985 . Very good . Sit down , please . Susan , what's the general idea of the text ? Can I answer it in Chinese ? No , you can't . This is an English class , and you have to express yourself in English . Let me have a try . The author takes the characters peculiar to the British people as a topic to show that they are quite different from other nationalities . They are quiet , shy and reserved ... Excellent . Class is over . Let's have a break . wow ! You're going to Tibet ? yes , my brothe and I are going . We just finished making our itinerary . that's really cool ! I've always dreamed of going somewhere like Tibet , seeing something unique . great minds think alike . My brother and I have been thinking about going to Tibet for quite a long time . Do you have anything on your schedule ? nothing particular . why don't you join us ? We are leaving next week ; you'll still have a week to prepare . oh , Tibet sounds great , but I'm afraid it'll cost too much . Last time I traveled to India , and it cost me a fortune . come on ! We're traveling on our own . It won't cost too much . ok , then count me in . where will we stay ? the youth hotels are comfortable and cheap . then make sure that you book me a room , too . I'll take care of it . and check whether they accept credit cards . no problem . Excuse me , I ’ d like to apply for a library card . Certainly.Here ’ s an application form.Do you have proof of residence ? What sort of proof do you need ? A driver ’ s license or something showing that you live in this city . I ’ m a student from out of state , so I don ’ t have a local driver ’ s license . Do you have a current electricity or gas bill in your name ? The phone bill ’ s in my name . That ’ ll do.Bring the most recent one in with your completed application , and we ’ ll issue you a temporary library card right away . How long will it take to get the regular one ? It ’ ll be mailed to you within two weeks , but you can borrow books on the temporary card . Okay.Thanks for your help . See you later , alligator . In a while , crocodile . How did you meet your boyfriend , Cindy ? We were in the same science class last term . Who made the first move ? I did . Wow ! It was no big deal . What do your parents think of your dating a boy ? They're glad that I finally got a boyfriend . They're glad ? ! Hi , my name ’ s Karl . My wife and I are moving in next door . Hello , Karl . I ’ m Chuck Jones . We ’ re going to be neighbors . I ’ m happy to meet you . It seems everyone in town is so friendly . This is a small town , and we like to be neighborly . We know everyone who lives around here . Well , I ’ m from Chicago . There few people take the time to get to know their neighbors . So , tell me , Karl , hyoid you come all the way to Minnesota to live ? We wanted to live in a more peaceful community and have more space . Another reason is , we can afford to buy a home here , but we can ’ t in Chicago ! I hear that you are in love with Mike . You are kidding . Don't you hit it off ? Although we have many things in common , we'are not soul mates . Are you going to tell me about the stamp , or not ? 120 British pounds . But there are still three days left in the auction . If you want it , you'll have to bid . Do you have the guts ? I'm just asking . It's not like I'd actually make a bid . Just don't come looking to me for help . Don't worry . I won't . I'm signing off . Have fun getting ripped off ! Have you met John ? Yeah , he came back from America last week . Have you noticed how fluently he speaks English ? He has only lived in America for less than three months . He must have a good ear . What courses are you going to take next year ? Well , I am certainly going to take chemistry and physics , but I haven't decided on the other subjects yet . I ’ d like to take English . Why are you going to take English with chemistry and physics ? Because I want to study English literature . But I think chemistry is better for getting a job . Of course it depends on what you are going to do when you leave college . Have you decide what you are going to do when you graduated ? I am going to be a , well , I hope to be a research chemist . Does your wife work ? Yes , she does . She works at home . Oh , I understand . She cooks , cleans and takes care of children . Is that right ? Oh , no . Most of the time I do these things . She is a writer . You are really a hen-pecked husband . What kind of movies do you like , Sue ? I like all kinds of stuff . I admit I love romance . Just like my wife . So , what ’ s your favorite movie ? You mean my favorite movie of all time ? I guess I ’ d have to say pretty woman . Yeah , my wife likes that one , too . Personally , I prefer action movies . What are you thinking about ? About my boyfriend . Again ! You are really a wet blanket . Hello . Are you a friend of Helen's ? Actually , a friend of a friend . My name is Phil . What's yours ? Alecia . Have you tried these little ditties ? They are really good . Thanks . They look delicious . Can I get you some punch ? I was just going to go get myself some . That would be great . I would love some . I usually bowl with an eight ball . I like the control of a light ball . I can spin it more , so that the ball hooks . Well . I like them a little heavier . I don't have as much control , usually bowling straight , but the extra momentum compensates for that . Well , let's see which technique is better . I think I'll go up first ... Yes ! I hit a strike . I knocked them all down on my first bowl . Well done . You got them all . You get 10 points and your next two bowls are added to this frame's score . I'II dry my ball off and try to knock them all down as well . Good start . You knocked eight pins down . But you are left with a 7,10 split . Unless you can bowl a UFO-ball on this bowl , it is going to be impossible . I certainly can try ... No ! It went straight through the wickets . Mom , why do chinese people like to touch my head ? sometimes they even touch my cheeks . That is a part of chinese culture , if they think you are a lovely child , they touch your head and say , how cute you are . But i donor like it , not a bit , i am not a pet , i am a girl . Well , you get used to it , different countries have different manners . But i do not like anyone touch my head . They are just been in friendly , when you are in Roman , do as the Romans do , that means you need to adapt to your enviroment . What if everybody in the wheres goes crazy ? Then you might need to pretend to be a little crazy . Does this mean that if i might want those new European bitches , i am supposed to wonder run reget ? Do you think it is a ~ got give your brain , use it if you really cannot accept it people touch your head , keep distance from them , why not just wear your big flyby hat and ~ is anyone get close to you . That is my work , i will try it . can I use your laptop for a while ? sure , go ahead . oh , isn't your computer Wi-Fi capable ? yes , it is . You want go online ? there are no wi-fi hotspots around . oh my , no internet access is killing me . can't you wait till you get home ? then you can surf the internet using the broadband , wireless connection or whatever you like . no , I'm not feeling myself . I just want to check my emails , visit my favorite websites and chat with my friends . now I see , you must be suffering from discomgoogolation . what does that mean ? there's nothing wrong with me . well , the term " discomgoogolation " comes from " discombobulate " and " google " . Because floods of information are just a mouse click away , net users are very likely to become addicted to the web . that's alright . I just can't bear losing track of all the latest information . It almost drives me crazy . then , you're probably addicted . so , how's your course going ? Do you like it ? i like my professors and the classes , but it's a lot of work . what are you specializing in ? right now , I'm doing some research into the languages of different African tribes . that sounds really interesting . Can you speak Swahili ? yes , I learned how to speak it when I was little . really ? How did you do that ? well , I grew up in Africa , so I learned quite a few different languages . that's amazing . Are you doing well in your classes ? I don't know because I haven't received my test results yet . when did you take your exams ? about two weeks ago . how do you think you did ? I left feeling pretty confident about my score , but I heard that my professors are very strict graders , so I'm a bit nervous . I'm sure you'll do well . Did you study hard ? You know me ; I'm always studying ! don't worry . If you don't do well , no one can ! Thanks for the vote of confidence , Justin ! Ah ! No ! Damn it ! It's a blackout . Now I can't see Seinfeld . So what ? I just lost one hour's worth of work . Really ? How could you do that ? Don't you save every couple minutes ? No , I didn't save this time.Damn it ! And I'm sick of writing this paper . Now I have to write it all over again too . I've had that problem too many times . So I learned to save.When I'm writing something , I save every three sentences or so . I don't want to lose anything . I hate computers . Sometimes I think they cause more trouble than they're worth . What are we going to do now ? I don't know . I feel like going out . I wonder how much of the city is down . It doesn't matter . I still can go out and buy a beer . Maybe . But if there's a blackout , probably the pubs are closed.And besides , I know you have a political science exam tomorrow . I thought you had a lot of reading to do . Yes , that's true . Damn ! I just lost half my paper , and now I can't even do my homework.This is a bad time for this to happen . I have a flashlight in my closet . If you want to use that to read , you can . Mr . Brown , are your children always kicking up a row like this ? I cannot concentrate on my paper . Sorry , Mr . Black . I ’ m trying to make them quiet . I ’ m afraid if the noise goes on , I shall have no alternative but to leave . Sorry , sir . Believe me , everything will be all right . You mustn't touch the wet paint , Bill . I'm sorry . I won't do it again . Try to be more careful in future . I shall . I wasn't as careless as John Sampson . He walked across that wet cement over there . The workmen oughtn't to leave it without a no tice . The headmaster asked them not to do so . Then why isn't there a notice ? They went to their stores to get one . Here they come with it now ! But look at them ! They've forgotten about the wet cement and they're walking across it to put up the notice ! you don't look too well . Maybe you should take the day off from work . I couldn't do that . I have an important meeting to go to today . do you feel ok ? not really . After a 12 - hour flight , I've got jetlag , and on top of that , I think I've also got the flu . why don't you call your secretary and tell her to reschedule the meeting ? You should really get some seat or you'll end up feeling even worse than you do now . could you feel my forehead and check to see if I have a fever ? you're really hot . Let me get you some Tylenol to bring the fever down . ok . I'll stay home this morning and rest , but if I feel better in the afternoon , I'm going to the meeting . Zach , what's that on your arm ? I don't know . It looks a bit red , but I'm sure it's nothing . it looks like you have a red rash all over you ! Are you allergic to anything ? just cats , but I don't think I was near any cats in the last couple of weeks . I completely forgot about your cat allergy . I took care of a cat for my friend here a few days ago . Oh no . we'd better go to the doctor to get some medicine . Let's go . shouldn't we make an appointment first ? we would , but let's just go and see if there's an opening now before it gets worse . whatever you say . I just want to get to my meeting ! Craig , what do you do for work ? I'm still a student . What school do you go to ? Boston University . That's a good school . What do you study ? I'm studying English , math , and history . My major is English . How long have you been studying English ? More than six years . That's a long time . Yeah , I started to learn English when I was in high school . No wonder your English is so good . Actually , it's not that good . I can read but I can't speak very well . I haven't had a lot of chance to practice . I see . Talking with other people is very important . Yes , but I still don't have many friends here yet . I'm having a party tonight at my apartment . You should come . Oh thanks for inviting me . I'd love to come . Hello , Jason , there is going to be a screening of Final Destination 3 at our campus cinema tomorrow . I plan to go to see it . Is it a horror movie ? Yeah , I love horror movies . Would you like to go with me tomorrow ? No way . I will be scared out of my wits . That's funny , I didn't know a big fellow like you could be so soft and timid on the inside . Hey , how would you like to taste my fist ? Alright , all joking aside , what kinds of moves do you like ? Um , let me see , romance , comedy . documentary , action , science fiction , animated and so on . That is to say , you like all genres except for horror movies . Yeah . It seems like we don't speak the same language as far as movies are concerned . Not quite . I also greatly enjoy romance and comedy . The Notebook is this type of movie . Really ? I haven't heard of it . Well then , this could be a nice opportunity to enjoy it together . I bet you'd love it . Ok . I can't wait to see it . Let's go ! Wow , there are so many lanterns to appreciate . Now , I can see why it's called the Lantern Festival . It deserves its name . Yeah . People always enjoy the lighted lanterns and the gala performances . What are they doing over there ? People keep on gathering there . Did you notice the characters on the lanterns ? Sure . But you know that I can't read any Chinese characters . What do they say ? They are puzzles . It's a tradition to solve the puzzles on the lanterns during the Lantern Festival . Very interesting . But I'm afraid we'd better do something else . Hey , look ! There is a huge lantern there . Let's get close to it . It's really eye-catching . It's the biggest dragon lantern I've ever seen in all my life . Really ? Then I'm really lucky . Oh , it's spewing fireworks from its huge mouth . Very impressive . It's made of glass which makes it even brighter . There are many Chinese characters on its body , too . What are they about ? Puzzles ? Let me have a look . Oh , no . They are Chinese poems which describe this happy scene . He is so kind . I couldn ’ t believe he murdered his wife . Of course not . I believe he ’ s innocent . I don ’ t understand . He nursed a viper in his bosom . His best friend Tony foamed him in . Tony first seduced his wife and then trapped him . You always stick to your PC recently . Are you still fascinated by chatting on line ? For me , the times of chatting online has gone . What the hell are you doing now ? I opened my blog today . In order to have more visitors , I have to land on others ' blogs and leave my messages for their blogs . What's new with you ? Do you still remember Justin ? Of course , he was our monitor in college . How is him now ? He seemed to be dumped by his girlfriend . I found his blogs were a little sad . Let me see . What a moving poem ! Will you be okay when you immigrate to America ? Sure , I'm looking forward to it . What about your parents ? I'll get used to not seeing my parents . So , how's your work ? Good . How about you ? I am going to resign . A few of the new staff have already left . Obviously , a lot of similar jobs pay much better salaries . But your company is huge . Can't they afford to pay the staff decent wages . But we have a policy of paying according to seniority in the company , so new employees get quite low salary , no matter how excellent they have done . That's shortsighted . By the time the workers are experienced and contributing . They are likely to go . That's why I am going to leave . But you have already worked there for five years . I am worried about my future . I can't believe that our company is as big as it is . The company can only continue to grow by taking care of its staff . Well . The management doesn't seem to think that way . Anyways , you have to think twice before you act . Thank you . I will . I ’ m so excited , mother . Oh , a new baby ! My first grandchild . And my first nephew . He looks a lot like you , mum . He does . Do you think so ? Well , I guess . He does look a lot like me . Oh , he ’ s got Richard ’ s eyes though . Yes , he does have Richard ’ s eyes . The baby even looks like you than Richard does . Well , children usually resemble their parents . It ’ s true . Michelle is a lot like Henry in so many ways . And she is shy with new people just like he is . You often like comparing children with their parents . You ’ re right . Hello . Hello.May I speak to Mark , please ? Sure , just a minute.Mark , you're wanted on the phone . Hello , this is Mark speaking . Hi ! This is Jill.How come you didn't come in today ? Oh , we had a birthday party for David last night . As a matter of fact I woke up with a terrible hangover . That's too bad.You ' ll have to be more careful nest time . Anything new at the office ? No , nothing special.Oh , yes , you know Bill , The guy with the moustache.His wife had a baby girl last night and he passed out cigars to everyone today , He said his wife and daughter are doing fine.The baby is their first child . That's wonderful ! We've got to celebrate ! Yes , we have to.Do you think you can make it tomorrow ? Sure . I ought to be ready for some more drinks by then.Thank you for calling . You're welcome.Bye . what kind of music do you like listening to ? I like music that has a fast beat and is lively , like dance music . You know , I go to a disco almost every week . Sometimes it ’ s too loud though . You prefer classical music , don ’ t you ? yes , I do . I find it very relaxing . I often listen to Mozart or Bach in the evening after a hard day at work . I must admit that I like several pieces of classical music . It ’ s certainly more sophisticated that modern dance music . classical music is supposed to be good for you brain . Research suggest that it makes your brain more active . Students who listen to classical music while studying perform better . really ? Perhaps I should listen to classical music often . I heard that listening to classical music is helpful in reducing stress . yes . That ’ s why I listen to it in the evenings . I usually play it as background music while I ’ m cooking or doing other housework . I ’ Ve got a few classical music CD ’ s . I should follow your lead and increase my brain power . you can find plenty of recording on the internet too . You can listen to samples and then buy them very cheaply if you like them . that ’ s a good idea . You should do the same with some music . You might find something you like . Classical music might make you clever , but dance might make you livelier and happier . that ’ s true . There ’ s clear evidence that people who listen to lively music are lively people . Music can influence a person ’ s feeling and character . Hi ! Wang Mei.Come and have a look at my new dress . Oh ! What a beautiful dress ! It fits you so well.You look so charming in the dress . Thank you for saying so . Where did you buy it ? I bought it in a store near my school . How much is it ? It's only thirty yuan . It's so cheap . I'll buy one , too . I'll go together with you . Yeah , I ’ Ve just moved here , and I ’ d like to activate my cell phone , and I ’ m not sure if I should go with a prepaid plan , or a monthly rate plan . I see . Well , can I have a look at your phone ? Unfortunately , this phone can ’ t be used in the US , it ’ s not compatible with our 3G network . What ? Really ? I don ’ t really want to have to buy a new phone . Well , you ’ re in luck ! You see , if you sign up for our three-year plan , we ’ ll throw in a handset for free . Really ? What ’ s the catch ? There ’ s no catch ! You just choose a plan , sign a three-year contract and , that ’ s it ! Actually , we ’ re running a special promotion right now , and we ’ re giving away a Blackberry Curve with our special Mega Value forty dollar plan . So what does this plan include ? Well , you get nine hundred anytime minutes , and you can also enjoy free mobile to mobile calling to other Tel-Mobile clients , one thousand text messages per month , and unlimited evening and weekend minutes . Oh , and we also offer a rollover option . Wow , all this for forty dollars per month ? That ’ s right , plus the activation fee , the emergency services fee , the monthly service fee , oh , and any charges for extra minutes , and ... Excuse me , Professor , I have a problem and need to leave class early . Why do you have to leave early ? I am not feeling well . Could you make it up by attending my other section this week ? Yes , it's all taken care of . Are you leaving right away or can you stay for a few more minutes ? I can stay a few more minutes . OK , but please make sure that you get all of your make-up work completed . Thanks , Professor . I've got it covered ! Go do what you have to do , but make sure it doesn't happen again . When he told me I had to work overtime , that was it . The last straw , huh ? Yes , he's really pushed me too far . I know what you mean . Paul sends you his regards . How nice of him ! Do you think I still fashionable in this dress ? I think so . Blue is still very fashionable at the moment . This style came out last year , though . I like the dress , but I ’ m not sure whether last year ’ s fashions will be same this year . I think this kind of dress will stay in fashion for a few more years . People don ’ t change fashions every year . It would be too expensive . Yes . Only the top designer try to tell people to change fashion every year , but only rich people can do it . There are some real fashion victims who just have to keep totally up-to-date with expensive clothes . I wish I could be one of those people , but my budget simply doesn ’ t stretch that far . I have to limit the amount of money I spend on clothes otherwise I would go on a shopping frenzy . I know what you mean . The situation will be worse if we marry our boyfriends and have children . The we ’ ll have even less money to spend on fashionable clothes ! He has a girlfriend already . You are kidding ! He just broke up with Ann . His new girlfriend is a far cry from Ann . She is like a breath of fresh air . I hope I will meet her soon . Why , Tom ? It's five to six already and you are still writing here . So what ? Are we going anywhere ? Yes , have you forgotten ? We have arranged to go to Mary's to watch some videos tonight . Oh , I'm sorry I forgot all about it.Well , can I take a rain check ? What's the matter with you ? You are the one that persuaded all of us to go there . I'm terribly sorry , Rose.But I have to finish this paper by tomorrow or professor Martin will kill me . Oh ... I am really worried about the exam . I have no idea what will be on it . Why ? Just read your notes.You can see what the professor stressed in the lectures.Probably the exam will ask about things he stressed . Yes , but my notes are all nonsense . I can't figure out what is important . Let me see them.Are these all the notes you have ? Yes . But Laurie , how can you do well in school if you don't take more notes ? What do you mean ? You think I don't write enough . I'm sure you don't write enough.Look at this . Here you wrote , Russian Revolution . 1917 . Bolsheviks . Real revolution , or coup ? And that's all ? I remember he lectured for a half hour about that question.And you didn't write any of it ! I know , but I listened . Yes , but did you remember ? You need good notes to help you remember . I suppose you're right . But what can I do ? I don't know what to write down . There are different things you can do.For one , the university offers a special free course on note-taking.You should go to the course . Also , I am pretty good at taking notes . I can help you on this exam . I will photocopy all my notes , and you can compare them to your notes.Then maybe you will see what kinds of things to write down . That would really help me , Sue . I appreciate it . All this makes me feel like an idiot . Don't feel that way . I know you are very smart.Note - taking is a special skill . All students need to learn it.Some people are very smart , but they just haven't learned how to take notes yet . I'm lucky because I had a good English teacher in high school.She taught me how to take good notes . It's not hard . Alright . University and high school seem very different to me . I suppose I just need to learn how to manage lecture classes . Then I will do better . What are you grinning about ? Stephany said she would go out with me . I thought mom said no dating till you are 16 . That ’ s in one month , and besides , this is a group date with all of our friends . All of your friends , what are you planning to do ? We ’ re going fishing . What a party ! I hope you don ’ t expect the girls to fish . These girls are different , they are not wimpy . This is my friend Jenny . What's her last name ? It's Snow . What color are her eyes ? They're blue . What color is her hair ? It's brown . How old is she ? She's 42 . Are you ok ? You seem a bit anxious . Yeah , I'm OK , I have been having a lot of mood swings lately . I think it has to do with the pills my doctor prescribed that are causing chaos on my hormones . So you mean you feel ecstatic one minute and then blue the next ? Yeah , it's weird . For example just this morning I was feeling detached and lonely , even though there was really no reason to feel that way . Well , maybe your mood will swing positively and you will feel confident , brave and hopeful ! I hope you are right . Look ! This picture of Mom in her cap and gown . Isn't it lovely ! That's when she got her Master's Degree from Miami University . Yes , we are very proud of her . Oh , that's a nice one of all of you together . Do you have the negative ? May I have a copy ? Surely , I'll have one made for you . You want a print ? No . I'd like a slide , I have a new projector . I'd like to see that myself . Have a wallet size print made for me , too . Certainly . Michael Jackson's coming to town . I Couldn't care less . What do you like to do with your free time ? Study English . You mean you like to study English ? Why ? It gives me great satisfaction . Studying English wouldn't give me any satisfaction . It's hard work . I don't mind the work . I think it's worthwhile . David , would you like something to eat ? No , I'm full . Do you want something to drink ? Yes , I'd like some coffee . Sorry , I don't have any coffee . That's OK . I'll have a glass of water . A small glass , or a big one ? Small please . Here you are . Thanks . You're welcome . How long have you been in this company ? I came two years ago after I graduated from college . This is my first job . You must have found much difference between working in company and studying in college . Of course ! Everyday , there is a deadline to meet . Bosses watching and testing me all the time , not liking in college , handed in paper months later and tested on schedule . It is so busy . But anyway , I have trying my best to be a good employee . Well , you ’ Ve adapted yourself very well . Everyone in our office thinks you ’ Ve made a great progress in the past two years . What is your secret ? It is so encouraging to hear this remark . The secret is to make plans . Write down your goals , short-term and long-term and make detail plans for a week or a month . Then just work hard . Are you there , Mary ? I'm back . My bid on the Buddha is still the highest ! How much is my stamp ? Don't you want to hear more about my statue ? Don't get ahead of yourself . Fat boy isn't yours yet . His name is not fat boy ! You can be so rude sometimes . What did you say ? I said he was nothing but a yeoman . Then he become angry with you ? Yes . Professor Wang looks so handsome today . He is wearing a light brown suit and a pink tie . He always wears an extremely becoming suit with tie . He ’ s quite particular about what he wears , especially about his ties . He gets different tie each day . A light brown suit and a pink tie today , and a light blue shirt and a blue tie yesterday . A perfect match ! The tie is necessary for man . It makes you look so attractive in a super tie . Match is important ; well , the way of tying is also important . My father dose not know how to tie a tie , for he often wears a cravat . My father wears a tie every day , but he can ’ t do it himself . My mother helps him with his tie every morning . You mother is not only a patient mother but also a gentle wife . There is a tornado warning on . My mother just told me she heard it on the radio . What is a tornado warning ? It means that a tornado has been seen somewhere in the area . Really ? In New Berlin ? No . Not necessarily in town . But in southern Wisconsin somewhere . A tornado has been spotted . They have two stages here.This is what is called a " tornado watch . " That means that the weather conditions are perfect for a tornado . I understand . They think a tornado might come . Yes . People should look out , because maybe there will be tornadoes coming.So it's called a " watch . " And the second stage is called a " tornado warning " . Yes . If a tornado has been spotted , they announce a " tornado warning " . So if there's a tornado warning on , it means a tornado is out there somewhere . It's scary . Well . Tornadoes can be dangerous , it's true.If we hear something like a loud train coming , then we have to go in the basement . What do you mean " a loud train " ? That is what tornadoes sound like . They sound like trains . They're very loud . But if you hear them coming , isn't it already too late ? Maybe . It depends on the tornado.Some can move across the ground at 200 miles an hour.That is very fast . Others aren't so fast . Have you seen a lot of them ? I've only seen one in my life . I was looking out the window . It was around two miles away . It was very interesting to watch.But it was heading toward my friend's house . So I quickly called them on the phone . Did it hit their house ? No , it didn't . But they are glad I called them . What were they doing when you called ? They were all sitting in the living room watching TV.They had no idea a tornado was coming toward their house.If it had hit them , they could have all been killed . That's terrible . Do many people die in tornadoes ? Not so many really . But a lot of houses are destroyed sometimes . Actually the general manager is regarded as a baby doll . He has much sympathy . That's right . And his wife is a baby doll , too . She used to have many followers . Were you one of them ? Nothing of the sort . I can't hold a candle to her . You know that this afternoon's meeting is cancelled , right ? Why am I always the last to know these things ? I sent out a notice . You've stopped checking your e-mail ? No , but Bean did send me like a hundred forwards today . My mailbox must have been overflowing . How obnoxious ! I heard he was sending you dirty jokes . He not only sent me nasty e-mail , but he's so bored , he even asked me to search the Net for even more forwards for him ! Stop running around in front of the TV , will you ? Why don ’ t you just sit and watch ? I've tried , but I can't stand the bald man talking so loudly in the program . Then stay away . Nobody's keeping you from doing that . Don't be so irritable . I just don't understand the program , that's all . All right , I will explain it to you later on . Now scram . Ok . I will wait until you have had your fun , if that's what you want . That's exactly what I want , thank you . How did your interview go ? Pretty well . I don't know if I'll get the promotion or not , but I feel good about it . If you get the promotion , what will your new title be ? If I get the promotion , I will be a senior engineer instead of an assistant engineer . Will you get a pay-raise , too ? Whenever you are given added responsibilities , you should get a promotion . That makes sense . Who interviewed you ? My boss . What kinds of questions did she ask you ? She asked me about my ability to work in a team and what I thought a good boss should be . The second one sounds rather difficult to answer . What did you tell her ? I told her that I'm an excellent team player and that a good boss should treat male and female employees equally . Those are good answers . How did she react ? She told me that even when I become a senior engineer , I'll have to work with the assistant engineers as a team . What do you think about her as a boss ? She's pretty easy to get along with . She listens to her employees and treats everyone equally . You're lucky . Not everyone has such a great boss ! That's true . She's highly esteemed among everyone at my company . When you find out you get the promotion or not , let me know . I will do . What's this then ? It's my geography , sir . The Map of Africa you set us . But this should have been handed in last Thursday . Yes , I know , sir . I'm sorry . Well , what's your excuse then ? My mother's been ill and I had to stay at home . Oh , Yes ? It's true , sir . Our unit is participating in a fundraiser this weekend and would like to borrow the van , if possible . I would need to check on that . Where is the fundraiser ? It will be at the beach by the pier . What day will you need it for ? We will only be needing it for Sunday . Maybe that could work . I need to know who will be driving it . The only two drivers will be Mary and I . If I give you the keys to the garage , could you bring it back on Sunday evening ? Sure . We also would like to use the chairs from the lunchroom . Would that be OK ? OK , but make sure that everything is back by Sunday night at the latest . Hi , what ’ re you reading ? Oh , it ’ s Death on the Nile . Have you read it ? No , not that one . But I saw the movie . Could I borrow it when you finished . Sure . I didn ’ t know you liked mysteries . Oh , I ’ m crazy about them . Who are those guys ? Kobi Bryant and Shaquille O ’ Neal , they are the Los Angeles Lakers ’ star players . Oh . Wait a second . He shoots , he scores ! All right ! Here comes Jordan , though . Wow , Michael Jordan ’ s slam-dunks are beautiful things to watch . Yeah . He ’ s older , so he doesn ’ t slam , as much as he did when he was younger , but when he does , it ’ s still amazing . Which team do you think will win ? The Lakers . Jordan is the only good player Washington has . How are your parents these days ? Oh , they're fine , still very active and enjoying their retirement . Oh , good . That's nice to hear . Please give my best regards to them when you're home . Sure , thank you . Those are the headlines for today , and now for the international weather report with Mike Sanderson . Thank you , Bob ! This past week has been the beginning of Armageddon for many , a series of unprecedented meteorological events occurred around the world . In Switzerland , a major avalanche was reported in the Alps . Fortunately , no one was injured . Due to to the extreme cold this winter , a blizzard has struck the US Midwest , causing classes in schools and universities to be temporarily canceled . Moving to to Latin American , Ecuador has suffered a six month drought that has not only affected farming , but has also forced the closure of the hydroelectric power plant that provides electricity for the entire country . In Chile , a major earthquake that registered seven point five on the Richter scale struck the southern region . Losses are reported to be in the billions . Authorities have not yet released an official statement . Not a great week for the world ! Any good news ? I ’ m afraid not , Bob . One of the major volcanoes in Mexico has erupted , causing major floods and landslides in the region . Meanwhile , Mexico ’ s coast has been hit by hurricane Liliana and officials say that all the seismic activity leads them to believe that a tsunami may hit Central America , affecting Honduras , Guatemala and Panama . That ’ s all the news we have for today , but stay tuned for updates on the six o ’ clock news . Back to you Bob . Happy Anniversary , honey . I thought you had forgotten . After the trouble I got into last year , no way . Thank you honey , it means a lot to me . I am fed up with Jack . He is so weak in dealing with other people and always eats dirt . So he is . But , why not try to help him to become stronger ? How do you know that I didn ’ t try ? I just couldn ’ t manage it . My friend Jane is very beautiful . What's her figure ? Perfect . And I like her charming eyes , too . What's the color of her eyes ? Dark blue . how old is she ? Twenty . Excuse me . Is anyone in that seat next to you ? No , I don't think so . Do you mind if I put my jacket there ? No . It's no problem.Are you American ? Yes . And you ? No . I'm from Taiwan . Can't you see ? Well , there are many Chinese Americans , you know.And your English is very good . You sound like an American . I don't think so . You are flattering me . No , really . I can only hear a little accent . Are you flying home ? Well , yes . Actually , I'm going back to visit . You were visiting Taiwan ? No , I'm going back to America to visit . I'm from America , but I don't live there now . I live in Taichung . Really ! You live in Taiwan ! Yes . Why not ? May I ask what your job is in Taiwan ? Sure . I teach history in a university . Have you heard of Dong-Hai University ? Of course . It's a good school . How long have you lived in Taichung ? I have lived in Taichung for two years now.So this is the second time I am going back to states . I go back once a year to visit my family . It must be strange for you to live in Taiwan . No , it isn't strange at all.Many people from Taiwan move to America too , you know.Do you think it is strange for them ? No . Well , I don't know.But Taiwan is so crowded . Don't you miss life in America ? Are you new here ? This is my first day here . Are you a freshman in college ? I started school somewhere else . What school did you transfer from ? I started at PCC . What made you transfer ? My grades weren ’ t good enough to go here . Did you like PCC ? I loved PCC . Good luck here . I ’ m excited to be here . The band is pretty good . How do you like the music ? It's very nice . I haven't heard live music in a while . This is fun . Well , then , may I invite you for the next dance ? Of course . But I'm afraid I'm not much of a dancer ... Don't worry . I'm not much of a dancer myself . You're dancing so well . You dance beautifully too . When did you learn to dance ? In college . But I don't dance very often . What's your favourite dance ? It's hard to say . It depends . But I love the waltz . Li Lei , can you tell me what the origin of Easter is ? The Bible says that Jesus Christ was resurrected three days after he was crucified . People commemorate that at a festival called Easter . Oh , then when do you celebrate Easter ? We celebrate it on the first Sunday after a full moon on or after the 21st of March . How do you celebrate it ? We make a lot of Easter eggs and then paint some designs on them . We'll also go to church and pray . That sounds interesting . Morning , Bob . Fancy meeting you here ! Morning , Jenny . Haven't seen you for ages ! Well , I thought I'd come to see you , so here I am . You did give me a surprise . How have you been ? Fine , just fine . And you ? Not so well . I've come down with the flu . I'm sorry to hear that . Take care of yourself . It's really great to see you again . How about a drink tonight ? Sounds wonderful . When shall we make it ? How about seven ? OK . I'll pick you up . Thank you . My son came home from three years in the navy . It was a real red letter day for you . Yeah . We rolled out the red carpet to welcome him home . What are your hobbies ? Sports . Like what ? Basketball and swimming . it's a lovely day , isn't it ? yeah , and most excitingly , I met the girl living under me today . She's really nice . is she American ? yeah , and most importantly , she's single ! Man , I could tell from the moment I saw her , she's the girl of my dreams ! so I take it you two are hitting it off ? I know it's very convenient to be in a relationship with your neighbor , but what if you break up ? I don't know . I am not really worried about that . I don't wanna lose before even starting . Besides I think the other two American guys have also fallen for her . sounds like you've got some competition . You made a move already ? not yet . But I am thinking of inviting her to dinner sometime . I know some good restaurants nearby . that's nice . Having been here a little while surely gives you the advantage , eh ? you bet . Now that you mentioned it , I think I'll call her now and see if she is available tonight . good luck ! thanks ! Hi ! I'm Hong lei . What's your name ? Hello , Hong Lei . My name's Ricky . Hi Ricky . Are you a new student here ? Yes , I had my first lesson this morning . Are you a new student too ? No , I've been here for six months . Six months . That's a long time . It's not so long really . What class are you in ? Intermediate or ... ? Intermediate Three . And what about you ? I'm in Advanced One . Who's your teacher ? I can't remember her name , but she's got curly red hair . Ah ! Does she wear glasses ? Yes , I think so . That's probably Anne Wallis . Yes that's right . Do you know her ? Is she your teacher too ? No . But she taught me last term . How long have you been here ? Only a week . Wow , not long . Where do you live ? With a family ? Well , I'm staying at the YMCA at the moment . I'm looking for somewhere more permanent . Do you know of any good places ? Yes . Actually my friend has a spare room in here apartment and she's looking for a flatmate . Would you like her phone number ? That would be great ! Thanks for your help . Can I buy you coffee ? Guess what ? I've got great news ! What is it ? Well , you know how I've been working at the Economist as a proof-reader , right ? Yes . Well , the editor-in-chief heard that I had experience as an editor at another magadize and asked me if I was interested in becoming an assistant editor for him . Really ? That's fantastic ! Will you get a chance to do any writing ? She said that the columnist for the literary criticism column would be going on pregnancy leave soon and that I could be in charge of the column until she came back . Wow ! That's really great news . How often does the magazine come out ? It's a monthly magazine , but my column will be shared with another columnist so my articles will be due fortnightly . Are you looking forward to doing more editing work ? Yes , but I'm even more excited about getting my thoughts published again ! Do you have any order forms here so that I can get a subscription to the magazine ? I don't have any with me , but I think I could manage to bring a free copy home for you . I'm really looking forward to reading your column . Me , too . Do you want to go out to celebrate my good news ? Sure , where would you like to go ? Perhaps we could go to the library festival that's going on at the local bookshop . I don't think the teacher had a right to say that.The teacher was wrong to have accused her in front of the whole class . You've got to be joking ! It's the teacher's right to say anything wants , and if she saw Myra cheating , she certainly had the right to say so . I agree she had the right to say something , but I feel she should have done it privately . You're right.If I were the teacher , I wouldn't have done that . Welcome ! Sophia told us you were coming ! Um ... It's wonderful to be here . Uh ... this place looks really cozy . Thank you ! Your cheeks are as red as a tomato ! Are you shy ? Maybe ... Some of my grappa will cure your shyness . Is that a kind of alcohol ? It's a clear spirit we drink any time of the day . You will love it ! Great . My face will turn even redder ! Who wants to go first ? Allen ? Uh ... I mostly just like to listen . You're the groom . Why don't you go first ? OK . Put on something by the Backstreet Boys ! How about As long as You Love Me ! You can pretend you're singing it to your fiancee Brooke ! I'd better not . Brooke hates the Backstreet Boys ! Are you free tonight ? Yes , I am . What's wrong ? Would you please go to a dancing party with me ? OK . No problem . As a matter of fact , I haven't danced for a long time . But it's said that you dance wonderfully well . Thanks for flattering me . I think you dance a lot , right ? No . Just occasionally . What are your favourite dances ? I love rumba and waltz . How about samba ? To tell the truth , I don't like it . It's too fast . Then I'll see you at six . Is that all right ? OK . See you then . See you then . I would like to watch the Oscars on Tv tonight . How about you ? Yes , I'd love to . It ’ s interesting to see who is considered the best in their field and which film are thought to be particularly good . I like watching it for the fashion . I like to see what the ladies are wearing . Of course , the men nearly always just wear the traditional tuxedo . Sometimes the men wear flamboyant colours . Which films do you think will win awards this year ? I'm really not sure . Usually just one or two films look set to sweep the awards ceremony , but this year there are several contenders . You ’ re right . This year should be much more exciting than usual . What ’ s you favourite award category ? You might think this strange , but I like the category for “ best foreign language film " . It ’ s nice to see foreign language films making a little impact on Hollywood . I like the “ best actor and actress ” . You won ’ t believe who ’ s been elected to do overtime on the Baker account ! Me ! I ’ Ve already logged in 20 hours of overtime ! Wow ! Why so much ? I thought they were getting you an assistant . They were supposed to , but so far nobody ’ s turned up , and I ’ m left on my own to do the work . This is the first break I ’ Ve had all day . They ’ re really running you into the ground . Why don ’ t you ask for some time off ? You could take a long weekend and go away somewhere . You won ’ t believe who ’ s been elected to do overtime on the Baker account ! Me ! I ’ Ve already logged in 20 hours of overtime ! Wow ! Why so much ? I thought they were getting you an assistant . They were supposed to , but so far nobody ’ s turned up , and I ’ m left on my own to do the work . This is the first break I ’ Ve had all day . They ’ re really running you into the ground . Why don ’ t you ask for some time off ? You could take a long weekend and go away somewhere . You won ’ t believe who ’ s been elected to do overtime on the Baker account ! Me ! I ’ Ve already logged in 20 hours of overtime ! Wow ! Why so much ? I thought they were getting you an assistant . They were supposed to , but so far nobody ’ s turned up , and I ’ m left on my own to do the work . This is the first break I ’ Ve had all day . They ’ re really running you into the ground . Why don ’ t you ask for some time off ? You could take a long weekend and go away somewhere . Jimmy , I ’ d like to wear this robe for tonight cocktail party . What do you think of it ? Don ’ t dress like that . You ’ ll make fool yourself . You look stupid in that robe . What ? But it is my favorite piece of clothing . Maybe it is . But it ’ s out of fashion . What am I going to do ? Let ’ s go downtown and pick up some fashionable clothes for you . Would you like to come out with me tonight ? Sorry , I can ’ t . Tomorrow night , then ? I ’ d like to . But I ’ m afraid I can ’ t . I was wondering if you like to go to the theatre then . That sounds great . Ok . How about give me a ring , then ? No . I ’ d better not . Why not ? Because I don ’ t think my husband would like it . Thank you for inviting me anyway . I don't know what to do , if I can't find the money . Don't worry yourself too much . It's a large sum of money . I can't afford to lose it . Too ... your face is really oily ... perfect ! Why ? Are you planning to stir-fry my face ? Nope . I'm going to tell your fortune . So ... the oilier , the better . You've gone bonkers , Jen . It's facial paper , and it fits into the rings of my binder ! It's magical . OK . Let's see . Give me a sheet . Have you finished your work ? Not because I ’ m keeping an eye on the baby . Where is the baby ’ s mother ? She is at the supermarket downstairs . She said she would be back in about half an hour . Bob , how about joining the boxing club this summer vacation ? What a good idea ! So let's get registered tomorrow . OK . I'm sure he was off-side . But the ref didn't whistle . I think he favors the host team . Anyway , the host team seems to fight for the gold . What do you think of the former champ ? There were some bad misses in his defence , so he lost it . No champion can remain at the top for ever . I suppose he's not in top form . I want to say goodbye to everyone . You ’ re leaving so soon . When are you off ? I ’ m catching the 9 fifteen train tomorrow morning . How about I come and see you off ? You really don ’ t need to . Ok . I ’ ll miss you . I hope we can see each other again soon . I hope so , too . Thank you , Lily . Thank you for everything . You ’ re welcome . Please say goodbye to the rest of the family for me . Ok . Take care . I hope you have a good journey . Thank you . Remember to look me up if you ’ re ever in Washington . Of course . I will . Goodbye , then . Thanks again for everything . How ’ s your father ? He ’ s fine . He retired last week . It ’ s turning point in his life . Now he can relax and enjoy his retirement . He can spend more time with his grandchildren . Oh , I don ’ t think he wants to . He wants to travel to several different countries around the world . So , he wants to have a more active retirement . Good idea ! How do you want to spend your old age ? In the same way , probably . You're not looking happy.What ' s the matter ? Oh , nothing special . I'm just a bit tired . With the job ? With everything , with everybody , with all this ! A good suggestion for you.You need a holiday . It wasn't always like this , you know . What do you mean ? Well , I mean.We always do the same thing.There ' s no variety in our lives . You need a holiday.That ' s what's the matter . Certainly , perhaps . Delicious ! Did you make this chocolate cake yourself , Fred ? Yes . I did . It's really good . Let's take a coffee break . Why not ? The Canada Day is on the 1st of July . What is its national anthem ? The national anthem of Canada is ' O Canada ' . Can you sing the song ? Yes , I could sing it when I was very young . Beautiful day , isn't it ? Yes , it's not like what the radio said at all . I wish it would stay this way for the weekend . As long as it doesn't snow ! You must be pretty excited about your trip to Europe . When is it that you are leaving ? In just three weeks , and I am excited . But there are still a few things I need to do before I go . Like what ? Like renewing my passport , going to the travel agency to buy my plane ticket and figuring out what to do with my apartment while I'm gone . You are not going to give it up , are you ? No way . I'll never find another apartment around here . But I don't like the idea of paying three months ' rent on an empty apartment , either . I don't blame you . Perhaps you could sublet it . Yes , but whom to ? Mmm ... let me think . Oh , I know just a person . An old colleague of mine , Jim Thomas , is coming here to do some research this summer , from June to August . That's exactly when I'll be away . It sounds ideal , as long as the landlord agrees . Tell you what , I'll be calling Jim late this week anyway , so I'll mention it to him then . Well , thanks , Bill . Let me know what happens . That extra money will really come in handy . How is your new car ? Perfect . Couldn't be better . Why do you say so ? Can I see your new car ? Of course you can . ( Lead Carl to his garage . ) Wow , this new car is dynamite ! It is a shiny , beautiful car . My car is simply a daisy . It drives smoothly . The car has very sleek lines . I love it . I am glad to hear that . I'm really pleased with it . You made a good choice . Could you tell me the right time , please ? Well , my watch says five past two , but it's no use relying on it , because it has been gaining and losing these last few days . You'll have to get it fixed . Yes , I will . How's your business ? Everything seems to be getting worse . I don't know what to do with it . Things are tough all over . You should never give up ! But how can I prevent a deficit ? I think you should make a thorough market investigation now . OK , OK . I ’ ll do my best . I always consider you are such a guy who never gives up . I know life is not all roses , and I believe I will pull this through . Yeah , you can make it . How are you , Sue ? Pretty good . I ’ Ve just had my new poems published . Congratulations on your success . Thank you . And how ’ s your brother ? He is fine . He ’ s going to be sent to Britain to study , really ? Yes . He ’ s already got the passport and visa . Fantastic ! Please send him my congratulations . Thank you . He ’ s very lucky indeed . Mike , I can't catch up with our Chinese teacher very well . I advise you to take an additional course in some Chinese schools . What is that ? This kind of school is good at helping people to improve their Chinese . Will they recommend me the class that suits me ? Sure . You can review the lessons you have learned at school and learn something new there . That's great . I'll tell my mother about it . It's raining outside , Catherine , it's too bad.What ' s the weather like in your hometown ? It's very hot , the temperature is often over 40C . Do you like the weather in Seattle ? Not really.But I like it in spring and fall . I don't like it in winter . Why ? The winter is very rainy , I don't like the rainy day . What about the weather in Boston ? I lived there for three years . I like summer but I don't like winter . Is it very cold in winter ? Yes , it is.But it's nice in spring and fall . God , I didn ’ t realize . I didn ’ t , I didn ’ t know ... ... Who you were with ? I didn ’ t know whom you were with . Excuse me ? Sorry , it ’ s from the Godfather . It ’ s when the , when the movie producer realizes Tom Higgins had emissary of Vito Corleone , it ’ s just before the horse ’ s head ends up in the bed with all the bloody sheets , you know , wakes up , and AAAL ! Never mind . You were spying on me , weren ’ t you ? You probably rented those children . Why would I spy on you ? Because I am your competition which you know perfectly well , or you would not put up that sign just around the corner . The entrance to our store is around the corner . And there ’ s no other way of saying that . It ’ s not the name of our store . It ’ s where it is . And you do not own the phrase around the corner . What is that ? What are you doing ? You ’ re taking all the caviar ! That caviar is a garnish ? Look , the reason I came into your store is because I was spending the day with Annabell and matt . And I was buying them presents . I ’ m the type of guy who likes to buy his way into the hearts of children who are his relative . And there ’ s only one place to find a children ’ s book in the neighborhood . That will not always be the case . And it was yours . And it is a charming little bookstore . You probably sell what 350,000 worth of books in a year . Hi , do you know what ’ s for dinner ? I ’ m starving . We ’ re on our own tonight , dad ’ s taking mom out . Out ? What do you mean out ? You know on a date , they are going to dinner . Dad and mom ? Yeah , they said they ’ re reviving the old tradition . You mean this is going to be a regular thing ? That ’ s right , once a week . Do you want to order some pizza ? Have you been in America long , Hellen ? No . Only for a couple of weeks . Where are you going to study ? I am going to register at Harvard next month . What are you going to major in ? I am going to major in tourism . What about you ? How long have you been here ? For nearly four years . Well . You should be able to give me some advice on where to stay . At the moment , I am staying in a hotel which is far away from the school . That's right . And I'm going to be Vice President of Marketing . Way to go , Mary . A lot has happened during the last few months , hasn't it ? You can say that again ! What's up with Vince and Elvin ? They work for Zina now . And they're happy with that ? They're in awe of her . After they saw how she crushed WebTracker ... but I guess you know all about that . Why don't you have dinner with me tonight ? I'd love to . Let's say about 6:00 ? That's OK with me . Did everyone fill out their entry permits ? Yes . The videographer has already started filming my parents trying to speak English with the flight attendants . Speaking of flight attendants , they keep smiling at me . I wonder why ... It'll be the year 2000 ! The flight attendants are coming over here . They're carrying bottles of champagne ! That's because it's time . Time for what ? It's time to make our wedding wish come true ... You mean get married now ? On the plane ? Why not ? I've got the rings ready . I don't know what to say , Jack ! Hopefully , you'll say " yes " ... May I help you ? I would like to return this book . May I do anything else for you ? I would also like to check out these books . Will that be all ? That ’ s it . Do you have your library card ? Oh , yeah . Here you go . Will that be all for today ? That ’ ll be all . These books are due back in two weeks . Thanks . Have a good one . Suit wrote me a letter . What did she say ? She got a master degree , and now she is going for her doctor . Really ? I can't believe it . It's not a surprise , is it ? She has always been a hard working student . But I think a master degree is good enough for a girl . I am sorry . I ’ Ve left my disk at home . Thank you all the same . Let ’ s go to the seashore on Saturday . Yes ! Let ’ s go sailing and water skiing . That ’ s so exciting . It ’ s expensive , too . Let ’ s just sit in the sun and go swimming instead . Yes . Let ’ s sleep on the sand . That ’ s most exciting ! Dou you think I should join a basketball team , Mary ? Why not . If I were you , I certainly would . But I'm afraid it will take too much of my time . As the saying goes , work value work , play value play . All work and no play make a jucky-dull boy , you know . Em , you ’ re right . Titanic made a hit ! It was so touching . But I see things rather differently.The heroin is not attractive and her acting is just so-so . The heroin may not be attractive . I like the story , though . Congratulations ! You've just won a car ! It's too good to be true . How are your wedding plans going ? Very well . We started organizing everything early to avoid a last minute rush to get things done . When will your wedding take place ? At ten o'clock on the morning of next Sunday . We have invited all our relatives to the wedding . It will be a large church one . Is your wedding dress ready ? Yes , its design is very elaborate and the designer took many weeks to make it . You will be very beautiful on your wedding day . Thank you ! Which hotel will the reception be held at ? The Palace Hotel . It's excellent . A friend of mine had her wedding reception there and said it was perfect , though very expensive . It will be expensive , but we think it will be worth . I think you made the right decision . Please come in ! Hi . Steven . I just drop in and want to have a chat with you . Oh , so nice of you to come here . Have a seat . Please make yourself at home . OK . ( Sit on the sofa ) Wow ! Your house was decorated so beautiful . Thank you . My wife would be very happy to hear this . She must have done a lot of work on it . You bet . Hey ! What's up ? Hi , John ! I haven't seen you for ages . Yeah , I've been out of town . So how have you been ? Great ! Work is really busy now , but it's fun . We must set 1000 dollars aside each month . Why ? We are going to buy our own house . Really ? Congratulations . Hey , Jeff , where's your stereo ? I needed some money , so I hocked it last week . You must have been really hurting for cash to have done that . I had just enough money to make ends meet until payday . Then last Wednesday I received a phone bill to the tune of $ 195.00 . I hit the ceiling when I saw that . It sounds like you weren't expecting that . I'd forgotten that my brother had used my phone earlier this month to call his girlfriend . He forgot to mention that she happened to be in New York at the time 3000 miles away . Well , if you need some money to tide you over until payday , I can loan you some . Thanks , but tomorrow's payday I can make until then . Thanks any-way . So what are you doing for Thanksgiving ? Not much really . It's more of an American tradition , so back home we don't really celebrate it . In fact , I am not even sure of what exactly is being celebrated ! Well you know , it's a time to get together with all your family and be thankful for everything ! Yeah but , how did this holiday come to be ? Well , the first settlers of Massachusetts arrived there because of religious persecution from England and King James . Once in the New World , they befriended an native named Squanto , who taught them how to harvest food from the area such as corn . And then what did happen ? Well , they had enough harvests for the next winter and celebration 。 They decided to have a big feast for the natives , giving thanks the land , and everyone for the foods , healthy and new lives . Interesting ! I am amazed how big and delicious thanksgiving dinners are ! Come to my house for Thanksgiving ! We are having turkey , pumpkin pie , mashed potatoes with gravy , and lots of stuffing ! Count me in ! Cheers ! To our first night in our new apartment . It's so quiet . I'm not really used to it . All you hear is the crickets and the breeze . It's a little eerie . I'm sure the silence will begin to grow on me . Well , I think it's fabulous . And the neighbors don't even seem to exist . That is a relief . It's a good thing we moved . Ms . : Do you have a question , Mary ? No . That's not why I raised my hand . I need to go to the ladies ' room . Ms . : Let me give you a hall pass for it . What's a hall pass ? Ms . : With a hall pass , you can go to the ladies ' room or wherever you need to go during class time . I see . Ms . : If a teacher stops you in the hallway , just show him or her the pass . Or else I'll get into trouble . Ms . : That's right . What do you think of the speech the man delivered just now ? Don't believe him . He's a liar . We cannot expect politics to be true anyway . Exactly . So , you friend ’ s getting married on Saturday . What have you bought her as a wedding gift . I find is so hard to choose the right gift . My friend and her fiance had a really good idea . They have cut out pictures from catalogues and pasted them in a notebook . The picture are of things they want . People sign their name by the item they will buy . That ’ s clever ! Then everyone knows that they are buying something the couple really want and there ’ s no chance of two people buying the same gift . What things were in the notebook ? Most of the things were household appliance . You know , everything from an iron through a vacuum cleaner to a cooker . I think it ’ s an excellent way for everyone who knows the couple to help them set up home . So , what did you get them ? I bought a sewing machine . I know that my friend likes making her own clothes , but her current sewing machine is quite old and has some problems . What ’ s wrong with it ? She says that after several years of use , it ’ s not working properly . When she uses it , it makes a funny noise . Household appliance don ’ t seem to last for a long time nowadays . I think it ’ s because the manufactures are constantly bringing out new models . Because they know that we will buy the new models , the appliances don ’ t need to last more than five or ten years at most . hey , Jimmy , you've been sitting in front of the TV all day . Anything interesting on TV ? not really . Quite boring right now , actually . Mostly infomercials and public service announcements . why don't you turn off the TV and get outside ? You need to get some fresh air . I know , I know.But my favorite show is on in a couple of minutes . It's the series finals , and I wouldn't miss it for the world ! Really ? What's the series about ? well , it's about how an immigrant girl achieve her dream in America . It's a sitcom but really quite smart and really funny . I think you'd like it . it sounds interesting , but I am not a big fan of TV shows . They're time consuming and don't have much depth . I believe some shows are quite informative and interesting . Take this show for example , it examines American xenophobia and how it might conflict with the American dream , with hilarious results . really ? that's interesting ! yeah.Oh , here it comes ! why don't we watch it together ? they are going to have a court debate in this episode . It should be good . OK , I'll give it a go . I ’ Ve had it ! I ’ m done working for a company that is taking me nowhere ! So what are you gonna do ? Just quit ? That ’ s exactly what I am going to do ! I ’ Ve decided to create my own company ! I ’ m going to write up a business plan , get some investors and start working for myself ! Have you ever written up a business plan before ? Well , can ’ t be that hard ! I mean , all you have to do is explain your business , how you are going to do things and that ’ s it , right ? You couldn ’ t be more wrong ! A well written business plan will include an executive summary which highlights the idea of the business in two pages or less . Then you need to describe your company with information such as what type of legal structure it has , history , etc . Well , that seems easy enough . Wait , there ’ s more ! Then you need to introduce and describe your goods or services . What they are and how they are different from competitors ’ ? Then comes the hard part , a market analysis . You need to investigate and analyze hundreds of variables ! You need to take into consideration socioeconomic factors from GDP per capita to how many children on average the population has ! All this information is useful so that you can move on to your strategy and implementation stage , where you will describe in detail how you will actually execute your idea . Geez . Is that all ? Almost , the most important piece of information for your investors will be the financial analysis . Here you will calculate and estimate sales , cash flow and profits . After all , people will want to know when they will begin to see a return on their investment ! Umm . I think I ’ ll just stick to my old job and save myself all the hassle of trying to start up a business ! Are you a blogger ? Sure I am . I've been writing a blog for almost three years . Oh , it seems that I'm the only one who never blogs . When did you get started ? I began blogging when I first went to the US for my graduate strides . What do you usually write about ? At first , I'll write about my life there . Like interesting things on the campus , travel stories , special English words that I come across . Sometimes , I'll post my pictures on my blog so my friends and family can get to know how everything's going . That's interesting . How often do you write a blog ? It's random . If there happen to be a lot of things going on , I may add several new entries in a week , and if I've got nothing to share , I may leave my blog untouched for weeks . Got it . Are you still updating your blog ? Sure , since I came back from the US , I've been keeping the habit of blogging , simply to share my personal insights on any topic I like . Good for you . I know many people just leave their blogs alone after the first few months . What are you doing this Saturday ? Not much . Do you want to go see a movie ? That sounds good . What's playing at the Century Fox ? Candlelight in the Window Should we go see it ? I'd rather not . I don't like horror movies . How about ‘ Run of the Mill ? ’ No . I heard that's really boring . Why don't we go to a concert instead ? Great idea ! Hello , My name is Candy Brown . May I have your name ? Hello , Candy . My name is Jim White . Nice to meet you . Nice to meet you , too . Where are you from ? I'm from New Orleans . What about you ? I was born here . Really ? This is a beautiful town . It's nice talking to you . But I have to go . OK . Can I have your phone number ? OK . It's 15066688866 . Call me ! Bye-bye , then . I will . Bye . It's a lovely day , isn't it ? Yes , the weather sure is nice today . I love it when the weather is like this.Why don't we sit down outside and have our lunch ? That sounds like a good idea.The sky is clear , the sun is shining and there's a nice cool breeze , so it is not too hot . I really miss the change of seasons like we have in Colorado ; but I must admit , this sure is a nice spring day . Hey , this spot in the shade looks really comfortable . Okay.Hey , is that a dark cloud over there ? Do you think it will rain after all ? I don't think so . I say the weather report last night , and it said the weather should be fine all day . If the weather stays nice perhaps we can go to the beach this weekend.It ' s been a while since I've not really gotten some sun . I hear that you have been promoted . Congratulations on your promotion ! Thank you , but I hate having to leave here and working abroad . When are you going ? Sometime next month . I need your help , Bob . What's the matter ? I'm really confused by these annoying abbreviations . Just relax . That's because you're new to chat . Let me take a look . A / S / L , IGP , H & K , and ZZZ . What the hell do they mean ? ZZZ means'sleepy or tired or bored ' , A / S / L is tricky , which is often used at first encounter . It's a three-word question , ' age , / sex / location ? ' Interesting . Then what does H & K refer to ? The city of Hong Kong ? Wrong . lt's not a place name , but a passionate act . Really ? What kind ? A girl left this word to me , and I thought she was in Hong Kong . Ahahah ... you miss her point for sure . H & K actually is an acronym for ' hug and kiss ' . Hug and kiss ? ! How is it possible ? Oh , it's really bad to Miun - Verstand her meaning . Yeah , seems that you have a lot to learn and memorize . why are you in such a good mood today ? well , yesterday , I decided to face my fear of heights . I didn't know you were scared of heights ! Was it really bad ? let me put it this way . I've never seen a professional sorts game in a stadium because I could never get myself to walk to the top of the stairs to sit down . so what did you do about it yesterday ? I went sky-diving ! you're kidding me ! that sounds really scary ! It was scary , but it felt great , too . weren't you scared ? of course I was scared . But I had an instructor that went with me and that helped . so have you cured your fear of heights ? I think so . After I jumped out of the plane , I realized that I should just enjoy life . Worrying about it or not doing things out of fear is just plain silly . I'm impressed . are you scared of anything ? well , sometimes I get scared when I'm in my apartment all by myself . what do you think is going to happen ? I always worry that the door is unlocked or that a window is open and that a stranger will come in and steal my things . it sounds like you just need to be more careful . Look out ! What's it ? You must have rolled over something just now . What you said gives me the creeps ! Mr . Green , I ’ d like to introduce you to Mr . Brown . How do you do , Mr . Brown ? It ’ s a pleasure to get to know you . My pleasure , Mr . Green . I look forward to an excellent relationship with your company . I propose a toast to the health of everyone here and to the success of our negotiation . Okay , let ’ s make a toast . So who does he think he is , anyway , I can't believe the way that my boss has been ordering everyone around lately , I mean , it's now like he is the CEO , or anything . Um ... Actually I am guessing you didn't get the MEMO . Your boss was selected to fill the vacancy in the CEO slot . He actually is the CEO now , or will be , as soon as the official press releases and hoopla is done with . Yikes ! you are joking , right ? I can't believe it . No wonder he is so stressed and bossy lately . I thought he was just being ostentatious by giving orders to people and all the different departments . What big shoes to fill ! No kidding ! When the last CEO left , we were worried about the future of the company . What does a CEO do anyway ? I know the CEO makes the most money in the company , but what does he actually do ? He is responsible to the board of directors for everything that happens in the company . He or she must give leadership to all company officers , as CEO is also responsible for providing the guidance of philosophy of the company , and acting as official representative , or face of the company . Must be one smart guy . Okay , can I ask you something direct ? Ha ! It's not like you've ever been one to beat around the bush . Fair enough . Give it to me straight . Did she bully you into this ? No , seriously . . . I really want this . I tell ya , when I got the invite , it really threw me for a loop . You've done a complete 180 . I know . But things have changed . I guess I've settled down . I guess so . Have you ever been in an earthquake ? Yes , I experienced one when I was in Tokyo once . The tremors only lasted a few seconds though and then it was over . Do you know where it measured on the Richter scale ? I don't remember , but it wasn't very serious . Have you ever been in an earthquake ? No , but I was in quite a few tornados when I was younger . Where are you from ? I'm from the plains of the Midwest . It's a prime location for tornadoes . Did your house ever get damaged from the winds ? Most of the time we were lucky , but once a tree from our front yard was ripped out by its roots and ended up in our living room . Wow , that must have really been scary . Actually , some of my fon best memories of my childhood were of spending time with my family in the basement waiting for the tornados to pass . Have you ever experiences a flood ? No , but my father's car was destroyed in a flood once . It actually happened the day after he bought the car ! That sure didn't last long ! There is a tornado warning on . My mother just told me she heard it on the radio . What is a tornado warning ? It means that a tornado has been seen somewhere in the area . Really ? In New Berlin ? No . Not necessarily in town . But in southern Wisconsin somewhere . A tornado has been spotted . They have two stages here.This is what is called a tornado watch . That means that the weather conditions are perfect for a tornado . I understand . They think a tornado might come . Yes . People should look out , because maybe there will be tornadoes coming.So it's called a watch . And the second stage is called a tornado warning . Yes . If a tornado has been spotted , they announce a tornado warning.So if there's a tornado warning on , it means a tornado is out there somewhere . It's scary . Well . Tornadoes can be dangerous , it's true.If we hear something like a loud train coming , then we have to go in the basement . What do you mean a loud train ? That is what tornadoes sound like . They sound like trains . They're very loud . But if you hear them coming , isn't it already too late ? Maybe . It depends on the tornado.Some can move across the ground at 200 miles an hour.That is very fast . Others aren't so fast . Have you seen a lot of them ? I've only seen one in my life . I was looking out the window . It was around two miles away . It was very interesting to watch.But it was heading toward my friend's house . So I quickly called them on the phone . Did it hit their house ? No , it didn't . But they are glad I called them . What were they doing when you called ? They were all sitting in the living room watching TV.They had no idea a tornado was coming toward their house.If it had hit them , they could have all been killed . That's terrible . Do many people die in tornadoes ? Not so many really . But a lot of houses are destroyed sometimes . Is this your brother-in-law ? Yes , he married my sister ten years ago . From his looks , I'd say he's a man of character . Yes , my sister loves his personality . What about you , Ernie ? How did you get into pop music ? Well I always hear it on the radio , so I started to get into it . Yeah , if something is on the radio it must be really good . I totally agree ! Hello , Mary . Why are you standing here in the cold wind ? I ’ m waiting for a bus and going for a walk in the park . Going for a walk in such a cold weather ? I always like to go for a walk before a supper . I see . Can you tell Bob from Tom ? How can I ? They're as alike as two peas in a pod . Don't you notice that Bob has a mole on his face , but Tom does not . You really have keen eyes . I have a problem . What's the problem ? My mattress was supposed to be delivered today . Is there a problem ? The delivery people showed up four hours late . I apologize for their tardiness . I was late for work because of them . Again , I do apologize for the inconvenience . I want my money back for the delivery . Seeing as they were late , that won't be a problem . It shouldn't be a problem . I'm going to refund your money right now . Hi , my name is Pete . You are Ann . Isn't that right ? Hi Pete , how do you know my name ? Do you see that girl in the red top ? She told me who you were . Oh Andrea , the Spanish girl ? Yes , that's her . I met her last week at a party . Anyway , you must be from the United States ? Actually I live in London , but my family lives in Seattle . Oh , I am from London as well . Where in London do you live ? In Wimbledon - quite close to the tennis courts actually . Which is very nice because I love tennis . I play tennis there every week . Shall we have a game one day ? That would be lovely . But now let's go and get a drink . Every year , the South has the floods . It is an act of God . Do you really think so ? Yeah , you have some other ideas ? Think , in some way it is an act of God , but in another way , it just is caused by us . For example ? We didn't pay attention to the environment , cut down trees and polluted the air . Oh , I see . Fortunately government has taken some action to prevent such things . John got a heart attack last night . Oh really ? Is he all right ? Not so good , though his nephew took him to hospital in time . Poor old John ! I am ever so sorry . Watch out ! You're too close to the fire place . Don't worry , but my clothes are made of leathers . Really ? That's wonderful ! Thank you for your warning . Not at all . Be careful of yourself . You talked like the Terminator for two months ? Wow , I think you liked that movie even more than I liked ' Titanic . ' Why did you like ' Terminator ' so much ? Well , ' Terminator ' is a really great action movie , and I like action movies because they're exciting . Isn't ' Terminator ' really violent ? I usually don't like gory movies because they gross me out . It is pretty violent , but since it's just robots fighting one another , it isn't very bloody and so it won't gross you out . Hmm ... I don't know . Even though it may not be gory , I think it would still totally freak me out . So do you believe in palmistry ? Palmistry ? What is that ? It's when someone takes a look at another person's palm 4 to tell the future . Oh , you mean palm reading 5 . I've seen that before , but I don't believe in it . Are you sure ? I've read a lot about palmistry and I've been able to tell a lot of accurate things about a person from his palm . Do you want me to take a look at your hand ? Really ? You've read books about it ? Ok , then . But only if you want to . Ok , let's see , well , you've got a long life line , which is good , and the love line is strong ... What else do you see ? Will I be successful ? Will I make a lot of money ? Hmm , hard to say , wait , yes , it looks like you will do well in business , and your ambition will help you a lot , but ... What ? What is it ? What's the matter ? You seem to have a large gullibility line . You believe everything that you're told . Hey ! I heard through the grapevine that Michael probably become the new sales manager . How did you get wind of the rumor ? I am not a rumor monger . Let ’ s stop gossiping and get back to work . Melissa ? I ’ d like to invite you to my wife ’ s birthday party . Thanks , Frank . I ’ d love to come . When is it ? Her birthday is on the 9th . We ’ re going to have dinner at a Mexican restaurant , and then maybe go out dancing . Sounds like fun . You can count me in ! Just give me directions to the restaurant . Hello , Janet . Good morning , Pete . And what is this ? Ah , this is my daughter's birthday present . Her birthday is next week . And when is your son's birthday ? That is not for a while . His birthday is only in August . But Mark's birthday is in April so I need to think about his present soon . And when is your birthday ? Oh , my birthday is in December just before Xmas so of course nobody remembers . My birthday is in June , when we are always on holiday . So my family often forgets my birthday too . Thank you very much for everything you have done for me during my stay in China . And I must thank you again for your generous help . The help is mutual . I must thank you to see me off . My wife and I will be looking forward to seeing you . You will come to see us , won't you ? I promise I will take the first chance to call on you . Please send your wife with my best regards . How do you usually spend your leisure time ? I mean , do you have any special interests out of your job ? Of course . You see , almost everyone has some kind of hobby Yeah , you ’ re quite right and what ’ s your hobby ? I like taking photos out of door . Oh , photography , It ’ s really a good hobby . Yes , I usually develop and print all my own photos . You yourself have a photo studio ? Yes , simple as it is . t does work . Can I help you ? Yes , can I return this article , please ? May I know the reason , madam ? You see , I bought it for my husband , but he doesn't like it . When did you buy it ? Last Saturday . Can I see the receipt ? Yes , here you are . Well , if there is no damage , you can return it . hey , Lily , what are you doing ? waiting for someone . you mean the boy you met on MSN ? you're right . He is so funny and I think I'm in love with him . you must be joking . You can't fall in love with someone you've never met ! I know , but I keep thinking of him every day . And I get really depressed when he's not online . I think it's just a crush . You can't be serious . well , this might be silly . But I just can't get him off my mind . And I can't help missing him . did you tell him ? yes . He said I'm his dream girl . you shouldn't take it too seriously . It might be a lie . I know . I can't tell whether he's serious or not so I need your advice . I think you should enlarge your circle of real life friends , and then the right person will come along . hi , Natasha , how's life ? great . My family came to visit me . oh , you must be very happy . How many people are there in your family ? my immediate family is very large . It's my mother , my father , my two older brothers , my younger sister and me . I have a small family . They are my parents , my younger brother and me . I thought you were the only child in the family . Didn't China practice the only-child policy in the early 1980s ? yes , it did . But my parents are ethnic minority people . It's a preferential policy for an ethnic minority family to have two children . interesting . What do you think about families with only one child ? the child must feel very longly . My younger brother is 10 years younger than me . Before he was born , I used to be the only child and always dreamed that I would have a younger sister or brother one da do you get along well with each other ? yes , we are very close . He is 12 years old and very smart . He always makes us laugh a lot . you are very lucky to have such a nice family . thank you . Is there a city where it's always warm ? Yes , there are many cities where it's almost always warm.San Diego , for example . Are there any other cities where it's always hot ? Many.Most of the cities in the southern part of the United States are hot all year . But why do so many people live there ? Most people grow accustomed to the climate , but there are many others who complain about it all the time . Are there any cities where it rains a lot ? Several.Two good examples are Seattle , in the state of Washington , and Portland , Oregon . Tell us about some cold cities . In the north there are many cities which are very cold in the winter.Boston and Chicago are two of them . Is it always cold in Chicago and Boston ? Oh , no.On the contrary , there are many beautiful days , especially in the spring and fall . Did you read this ? It says that the number one new years resolution make is to spend more time with friends and family . Why would that be funny ? Well , think about it . We are a society that is always on the go , not because we have to , but because we want to . Why ? We work hard and spend less time at home because we are trying to provide for our family with goods and services that are usually unnecessary . I don ’ t agree , but anyways , I think you should start thinking of a new year ’ s resolution yourself . What ’ s the point ? We always make a new year ’ s resolution and by February we will have forgotten about it . It ’ s pointless . Well then maybe you should resolve to sticking to your goals and objectives . What about you ? Your gym bag is gathering dust and you still have brand new running shoes that are yet to be jogged in . Well , I would go if you kept your promise of going to the gym with me everyday ! Yeah , yeah , whatever . You don ’ t look like enjoying this workout . I ’ m not crazy about it at all . You don ’ t like this sort of exercise ? I ’ m not interested in it . Are you keen on it ? Yes , that ’ s funny . I thought you liked it . I hate it . Never mind . It ’ ll be over in 10 minutes . It ’ s the worst thing I ’ Ve ever tried . Bye . Take care . You too . I'm afraid I've had a terrible row with my boss . What shall I do ? I think you'd better apologize . Oh , but I can't . It wasn't my fault . Maybe not , but I advice you to say it was your fault . Jack , what are you doing ? I am reading . I can see that . But why are you reading advertisements for houses for sale ? Are you buying a house ? No , not yet . But I like to see what is available . Can I have a look as well ? Of course , have a seat . Oh , this one looks really good . And look at the garden . So beautiful . Yes , nice . But I prefer this wooden house with a garden fence and a sloping roof . Yes , but my house has large windows and so gets lots of sun . And it has a small balcony at the top . Well , you can't compare a small balcony to this large veranda . This is perfect for having a barbecue in summer . Talking about a barbecue , didn't you say you are organizing one next week ? Yes , next Saturday . I hope you can make it . John , do you mind helping me prepare for the picnic ? Sure . Have you checked the weather report ? Yes . It says it will be sunny all day . No sign of rain at all . I'd like some toast and chicken wings . Okay . Please take some fruit salad and crackers for me . Done . Oh , don't forget to take napkins , disposable plates , cups and picnic blanket . That's great . We can also take the dragon kite with us . After the picnic , we can fly it . Cool , we can take shuttlecock and badminton racket . Okay , it sounds good . How ’ s your trip going ? Oh I ’ m enjoying myself but it ’ s so hot here Isn ’ t London hot in the summer ? Well it can be but Shanghai is much warmer than London . I see . What about transport ? How does Shanghai compare to London ? Actually I think the buses and trains here are more modern . And what about the number of people on the streets ? Oh , I think Shanghai is much more crowded than London . Mom , can you talk about the philosophy of life with me ? You got me on that one . Do you like the Harry potter books and movies ? Not really ! Why not ? They are very fun and exiting . Maybe , but I think they are just for kids . No , that ’ s not true . Many adults like the Harry potter books too . Maybe they don ’ t agree with my taste . Hi , Anna . I haven ’ t seen you for ages . Where have you been ? I ’ Ve been away on holidays for sometime . No wonder I haven ’ t seen you recently . Where did you spend your holidays ? I went with my husband . Our first stop was Bangkok . We stayed there for 5 days . Then we flew to Hong Kong , stopover for 3 days . Our last stop was China . We visited the Great Wall . You must have a wonderful time . Yes . We enjoyed ourselves very much . Have you traveled much , Luke ? No , my wife doesn ’ t like traveling . We haven ’ t been traveling for more than ten years . The first time we traveled together was in 1978 when we just got married . We spent our honeymoon in the Alps . Oh , I see . Yeah . Some people like traveling , some don ’ t . My husband didn ’ t like traveling at first , either . He said what ’ s the use of traveling ? A waste of money and a waste of time.At last I got him on the move . After all , he loved me . We went to Bali , Indonesia , one of the most beautiful places in the world . That trip left a very deep impression on him . Since then whenever we have holidays and money , we ’ d like to patronize the travel agency . Isn ’ t it a bit dull to shut yourself at one place all your life ? Hey , the pool's open now ! As of today it is . Memorial Day marks the end of the school year and the beginning of summer . So it's time for the kids to get outdoors ... ... and for us to get tans in our new bikinis . Not this Taiwanese girl . We don't like to get suntans . That's smart these days with all the news on skin cancer . Hey , there's everybody ! We made it ! Donna , you really shocked everyone at the party last night ! You mean with my performance ? Yes ! We have all assumed that you were the quiet , shy type . I guess everyone has a few secrets up their sleeve . Where did you learn to sing like that ? I was part of a band in school . You ? Wow . And why don't you ever dress like that at work ? Come on ! This is work . Don't you think that would be a little weird ? Would you like to join the drama club ? Sure . Why do you want to join it ? It's very exciting . I think . Hey man ! How ’ s it hanging ? Hey man ! Everything is just groovy baby ! Did you go to the roller rink on Saturday ? I heard it was far out , man ! I wanted to , but I ran into this foxy lady that just moved to my block ! I was chatting her up a bit and then we mellowed out at her place . Right on , right on ! Well , Jim went to the rink with Sherry and he said it was dy-no-mite ! He was low on bread , but Sherry paid for everything . Gravy ! Jim is such a jive turkey man . He is always hitting me up for cash . Anyway , you wanna book and go grab some grub ? Yeah man , I ’ m starving ! Did you do anything fun over the weekend ? I didn't want to go out last weekend , so I decided to stay at home and watch a movie . Why didn't you want to go out ? I was very tired after working all week . Sometimes on the weekend I don't have enough energy to go out to a movie theater . Did you download a movie or rent it at the store ? I downloaded it so that I didn't have to remember to return it . I'm not a VIP . You're too humble . Is there a lot of crime in your city ? There ’ s some , but I don ’ t think it ’ s a big problem . A lot of it is petty crime , burglary and car theft . There ’ s very little major crime . It ’ s the same in my city . We also have a lot of drug addicts . A lot of the crime is committed by drug addicts who need money for drugs . That happens in many places . In my city , there is a very good drug rehabilitation program . The police and courts are also tough on people who commit crimes , but I don ’ t know if that ’ s the reason for our relatively low crime rate . Some people believe that a tough approach is better . Other prefer a more lenient approach . I think that the best way to reduce crime is to spread wealth more evenly . If most people have similar amounts of money , they will not think of stealing from others . That ’ s possible , but I ’ m not sure it would really happen like that . I really should be on my way . Oh , don ’ t go yet . Let ’ s at least have one more . No , thank you . I can ’ t . It ’ s too bad that you have to leave so early . Thank you very much . I had a really good time . Thanks for coming ! We should meet again sometime soon . That would be great ! Actually , can I get your phone number , Ella ? That ’ s assuming you don ’ t mind if I call you sometime . Anytime . You can reach me 5558929 . ok , got it . I ’ ll call you sometime next week . Fine . It ’ s time to go and I hope we can get together again soon . I hope so , too . Bye ! Ben . He said he will get married by the end of this month . Big talk , I ’ d say . He does not have a girlfriend yet . Who knows . After all , he is handsome and rich . My son closed his ear to what I said . I don ’ t know what I should do . You can twist his arm in order to have a control of him . I cannot have the heart to do that . I got a raise . I'm glad to hear that . I would love to be famous and have thousands of adoring fans . Really ? I ’ m not sure that I would like all the attention . There have been numerous cases of paparazzi interfering with star ’ s private live in recent years . I love being photographed ! If I were famous , I ’ d do interviews for all the top magazines , like cosmo and elle . I wouldn ’ t mind having my photo taken a few times or being interviewed once or twice , but it would get tedious after a while . Imagine the things the gossip columnists would write about you . no-one really believes gossip columnists . I think you ’ ll find that many people believe what they read in gossip columns . You ’ d also have to be very careful about every word you said . If you appeared on a chat show and said something silly , it would be reported in all the newspapers and magazines . I think you ’ re right about that . I ’ d need a good manager to be my spokesperson . I could do a lot of charity work , which would help a lot of people . That ’ s a great idea . Which charities would you support ? I love children , as you know , so probably a children ’ s charity . You ’ d have to remember that anything you said or did might reflect on the charity , so you ’ d really need to be very careful . Anyway , I ’ d be the first to buy your posters and I ’ d attend your first book-singing when you wrote your autobiography . Thanks , but actually I was hoping I could ask you to write my biography . Have you ever thought about Tom ’ s attitude ? I ’ Ve cut it upland come to the conclusion that hi is actually sick of Jenny ’ s brother . But he likes Jenny . She is a big apple in his eye . Love me , love my dog . He ’ s a sensible kind man . That ’ s why many people look up to him . What do you think of the new television channel ? Aren't the programs awful ? I quite agree with you . They are terrible . They are complete waste of time , but my wife disagrees with me . Actually , what bothers me is the violence . There are far too many detective and police shows . I couldn't agree with you more . There aren't enough educational programs , and even the news shows are not well done . You are absolutely right . They are too brief . They don't tell you anything . do you mind if I sit here ? no , of course not . Go ahead . don't I know you ? yes , now that you mention it , I think we had a chemistry class together in high school . you're right ! How are you ? It's been a long time ! What did you do after high school ? I went straight to university afterwards . What about you ? I took a year off to go travelling . that sounds exciting . Where did you go ? I went all over the world . It was the best year of my life . Where did you go to school ? I went to a small school in Connecticut . It has a very good reputation for its languages department . Oh , did you study a foreign language ? yes , I got a grant to study Chinese . that's a very difficult language to learn , isn't it ? it is , but it's very rewarding . so you can speak Chinese ? I can , but not as well as I'd like to . I'll be studying Chinese until the day I die ! I think most languages take a lifetime to learn well . Hi , Mary , I didn't see you at work this morning . Are you all right ? Oh , I feel miserable . I've got a bad cold , My head is dizzy and my nose is running . Oh , I'm so sorry to hear that . Have you seen a doctor or taken any medicines ? As a matter of fact I have , The doctor said it'll go away after a day or two.He ' s prescribed me some tablets . Are you feeling better ? Yes , it helps me but I just have to wait and let my system do the work . Do you need anything , grocery ? Oh , no , I'm fine.My refrigerator is piled up with food.But if it's not too much trouble for you . I'd like something to read . Sure , I'll get it for you.Books or magazines ? I'd like both . Sally , I ’ m tired of this Western food . I really miss my mother ’ s Sichuan cooking . I ’ m sure you do miss that type of cooking . But can ’ t you try to get used to Western food ? I have tried . But Americans like butter , bread , sugar , and cream too much . I suppose you ’ re right , Lee . Maybe that ’ s why so many Westerners are overweight . It ’ s interesting that Americans work very hard at their jobs , do not take naps during the day , and yet they can be so heavy . You see , because we are often busy working , we eat too much fast food , and that food is very fattening . I was thinking about applying for the new position . Do you think that is a good idea ? It seems like a good idea but I am not really sure . What are your main concerns ? Well , it would give me a chance to grow , but I am wondering if I would like the job . I know what you mean , I've thought about that myself . I am also thinking about the pay . Could you take a slight pay decrease for a chance to move forward ? Yes , it might be worth it . I am not certain . I think I'm convinced that trying for this position is the best choice for you . The murderer was sentenced to life imprisonment . It ’ s severe punishment , I think . Yeah , because he just killed a man in cold blood . No wonder . David , what have you been up to lately ? I went on a trip with my family last week . Really ? Where did you go ? We went to Europe . What cities did you go to ? London , Paris and a few other cities . Did you go to Berlin ? No , We didn't go there . I'd like to go there next time . I think this summer is a good time to visit Berlin . It's a beautiful place and the people there are very nice . That's what I've heard . I went there last year . If you want , I can give you some information I have about the city . Thanks . Look at this survey conducted by a website . A quarter of the employees will spend an average of 10 minutes everyday online doing personal things . Hi , Francis , what about you ? Well , I just spend 15 minutes as so checking my stock bonds and booking an air ticket for my mother . Anyway , I have done all my work and it is about the time to leave . Though our company doesn ’ t have a return policy , limiting the personal use of internet , I don ’ t think the boss will like us to do that . Certainly , work always comes first . But it is lucky for us . The company computers don ’ t have software keeping tracks of websites we visit . I have shopped too often online these days . Well , keep a low profile . Have you started your report yet ? I'm having a hard time getting the information . It's easy . You only have to search the internet in order to get the information you're looking for . Oh , I didn't think of that . The principal just announced that Dr . Smith is going to take over as dean of our department . Oh . Why are you so calm ? Are you not surprised to hear this ? No , I knew it all along . He was the obvious choice . Do you think he can do well ? A new broom sweeps clean anyway . Where are you from , Laura ? Well , my whole family is in the United States now , but we're from Costa Rica originally . Oh , so you're from South America . Actually , Costa Rica isn't in South America . It's in Central America . Oh , right . My geography isn't very good ! Flight BE407 to Rome is delayed . Will passengers please wait in the lounge . Oh , How annoying ! The time of departure will be announced as soon as possible . It ’ s infuriating . I have to be in Rome by five . After you . No , after you . Ladies first . That's very kind of you . Hi , Tina , I've got good news . I have successfully passed the first two rounds of interview with ABC Company . They informed me to go to the final round next Monday . It looks very promising . That is awesome . Congratulations ! I know you can make it . Thanks . Let's go for a celebration this evening . Are you free ? Yes . Wait for me at the cafe down my office building . Say 5 PM , ok ? No problem . See you ! See you ! Are you going to leave school at the end of the term ? Yes , I am . What are you going to do ? I'm going to be a clerk . What does a clerk do ? He works in an office . He writes letters and reports , and he types . I want to be a vet . A-what ? A vet-a veterinary surgeon . Good gracious ! What's that ? A vet's a man who takes care of sick animals . He's an animal doctor . I once read a story about a person who talked to animals . It was very interesting . Hello Michael . Hello Todd . We're going to talk about Australia . Or your going to talk about Australia . So first of all how any people live in Australia ? Australia ? Oh , there's about twenty million people in Australia right now . A little bit under , but close to twenty . OK . What are the biggest cities ? The biggest city ? The biggest city is Sydney , then it's followed by Melbourne and then Brisbane and then I think it's Perth . But most of the big cities are on the East Coast of Australia . And Perth is on the west coast , but sort of of out there by itself . OK . Um , if you had to live in one place where would you live ? I like Brisbane . I had my teenage years in Brisbane , growing up in Brisbane , um or maybe Sidney because it is a big city , but Brisbane has got the gold coast and the sunshine . Oh , nice . Actually , what is the capital city of Australia ? Ah , Canberra is the capital city . But is not the biggest city . Sydney is the biggest city . Canberra was made sort of by the politicians so Sydney wouldn't get to crowded . It's a separate territory . Jim was late again . It's not like him to be late . Can you tell me what the date and time of our field trip is ? We are leaving on our science field trip at 8 a . m . next Monday . Do you have something to write that down on ? Yes , I can write that on my calendar . That will be on the second of December . Be there half an hour early to get your bags on the bus . Do you understand ? Yes , I understand . The bus will bring you back 6 days later on December 8th . Is someone coming to get you ? No , I don't have a ride yet . We will be leaving the campground at 5 in the evening and arrive at our campus at 8 p.m.Any more questions . How much will the trip cost ? I put all of that information in the packet . I'll give you another copy if you need one . See you on Monday ! I've just been a little depressed lately . What's wrong ? Nothing really . Then just keep your chin up . You know , Mary , I feel we meet somewhere before . Where were you born ? I was born in Beijing , but I spent most of my childhood in London . What was your childhood like ? I had a pretty strict upbringing , and my parents taught at an university so they have extremely high expectations for me . Where did you go to university ? My parents wanted me to stay in Beijing , but I decided to go back to England . I graduated from University of Newcastle upon Tyne with a degree in Cross Culture Communication . What is your current occupation ? I am a journalist . I write for China Daily . Hi Amy , you look very happy . Yes , I'm very pleased . I've just got two tickets to see the Olympic opening ceremony . Wow . You must be very excited . I certainly am . I would have been very disappointed if I hadn ’ t got them . Shall we go to a restaurant to celebrate ? What a good idea . I'm quite hungry . Me too . I feel very thirsty as well . Let ’ s go then . I don't think the lecture is very interesting . The lecturer is dull , too . I feel he's like a talking machine . I feel the same way . Steven , I need badly your help . What's the matter ? My wife has found that I have an affair with my secretary , and now she is going to divorce me . How could you cheat on your wife ? You have been married for ten years . Yes , I know I'm wrong . But I swear that the affair lasts only for two months . And I still love my wife . I couldn't live without her . I will try my best to persuade her to reconsider the divorce . But are you sure that from now on you will be faithful to her forever ? Yes , I swear . Mary has really gotten under my skin . I know what love it . When I was young , I felt the same way . I think I ’ m crazy about her . You are , why not ask for a date ? finally we're on board ! yes . It was so crowded . I'm worn-out . Let's find our seats . are they window seats or aisle seats ? let me see ... yes , one window seat and one aisle seat . ok . But can I trade my seat with you ? I prefer the one near the window . I'm a terrible flyer . I always get airsick and can never relax until after I've landed . that's fine . I'd like to be on the aisle anyway . It's easier to get in and out . thanks . Where shall we put our luggage ? I think the smaller carry-on bag can go in the overhead compartment , and the others can go under the seat . good idea . don't forget to keep the seat belt on . ok . Hope it's a pleasant trip . yes ! and no hijackers . oh , you have too wild of an imagination . I want to have a complete relaxation this weekend . You mean you want to stay at home ? Yes , exactly . I thought maybe you were interested in an outing . I like football best of all . Do you ? It's a very good game . Do you watch it or do you still play it ? I only watch now . hi , my name's Abby . What's your name ? I'm colin . It's nice to meet you . What do you do ? I'm a freelance English teacher . How about you ? I'm in between jobs at the moment . what kind of job are you looking for ? I'd like to find a job with flexible hours in the IT field . have you ever thought about becoming a freelance IT consultant ? no . Is it difficult to find such a job ? not if you are good at net-working . Do you like to meet new people ? yes . I'm pretty out-going and friendly . do you have experience in the IT field ? I have some . I worked in the IT department at a language school for four years in Spain . do you speak Spanish ? yes , but not fluently . that's OK . Have you sent your CV out to anyone yet ? I've sent my CV to dozens of companies but nobody has got back to me . did you write a clear objective in your resume ? no , because I didn't know what I wanted to do . I think you need to update your CV . Bring it over to my office tomorrow and I'll help you with it . thanks , I will . I'll see you tomorrow then ! Who's that over here ? That's the new teacher . What do you think of the teacher ? She's very nice . What does she teach ? English , of course . Is she your teacher ? Yes.She teaches our class three times a week . Can she speak Chinese to her students ? Not very much . It's a good thing you can speak English ! The Phoenix team overpowered its counterpart 86 to 50 . They're absolutely right to get a replacement for 21 . If the Phoenix beats the Rocket , it will enter the final . No way , if it still has 21 . Julie , is that you ? Yes . And you're Paul , right ? Paul Hill ? Yes , it's me . And you're Julie Ashley . How are you ? I'm fine . After ten years , you still look great ! So do you ! How are you doing ? Not bad . Let's find a table and sit down . We have a lot to talk about . Okay , let's sit over there . Marquet , do you think I should enroll in the science course ? Yes , I think so , If you want to graduated this year , you've got to take a science course . Right , I figure since you are doing premedical , you know about the very courses . Well , I have to take biology , chemistry , maps and physics . What you need is a good introductory course for non-science majors . Yes , I really weak in maps , I did poorly in high school . That's a problem . Do you like traveling ? Yes . I ’ Ve just come back from Scotland . Where did you visit ? I only had time to visit Edinburgh . How did you like it ? It ’ s fantastic . Where did you go there . I went to there on business . And do you have friend there ? Yes , a lot of friends . You must enjoy yourself . Yes . And I took many pictures . Hello , Chandler ! How are you ? Fine . And you ? Just so so . I am too tired . My company has been holding too many training sessions lately . That's good . Not Evey company provides employees with training opportunity . It seems that your company wants to further develop their employees and encouragelifelong learning . Good ? ! For them but not to me . So , what's the problem ? We have to participate in training after a busy day and during the weekend . You know , after work all you want to do is throw yourself onto your bed . And during the Weekend , you just want to stay at home and enjoy a family dinner . Yes , you are right . But one should keep learning daily to maintain our keen mental power expand our intellectual capacity . Constant learning drive us to Sharp our power of reasoning , analysis and judgement . Yes , I agree with you on the point but couldn't the training be held during the working day instead of weekend ? Yes , you are right . I think weekend is the time for family gathering and rest Maybe you could make that suggestion to your boss . The company is selecting three employees to attend the marketing seminar next month . Did you put your name in for it ? No , I don't really care too much for seminars ... I find them to be either boring ot useless . I mean , how much can you really learn in one afternoon ? It's not just about the things that you learn , you know ... seminars are a really great opportunity to mingle and network with professionals in our industry from all over the nation . You can learn a few things , but more importantly , you rub shoulders with the business leaders and make contacts that could lead to potential sales or partnerships in the future . The social mixers are always more important than the seminars anyway . I'm still not too jazzed about going ... I feel kind of awkward in those cocktail party situations . Well , what if I told you the seminar is going to be held in Hawaii ? Does that perk your interest ? Now you're talking . I think I'll write a book . What about ? All of the time tested healthy habits from around the world . You have done a lot of traveling . I'll bet you've learned quite a bit . The interesting thing is to see what really works and what's just hype . Because you can see the results with the general public ? That's right . I think we all have much we can learn from each other . I would buy that kind of book ! I heard that you went to the concert the day before ? How did you like it ? It was terrific.The concert was really a hit.The symphony orchestra was so good that I was completely absorbed in their performance . Who was the conductor ? Oh , speaking of the conductor , he is indeed a genius.He did a perfect job.His name is Menuhin , a descendent of Russian American immigrants . Oh , I learned that he is also a legendary violinist . Absolutely right.He gave a performance of Felix Mendelssohn's violin concerto.That caused a sensation.The audience were stunned by his pure tone . Obviously you did enjoy the concert . Yes , I did . Hi , Daniel , how are you holding up ? I am greatly sorry for your loss . Thank you , I ’ m doing much better . I ’ Ve begun organizing everything for the funeral . How ’ s that going ? It ’ s a lot harder than I imagined . There are many things that you have to to arrange . I booked a time and date with the funeral home , but I still have a lot of things to do . Have you bought a burial plot and a casket ? No . Wendy is being cremated . She always talked about how she didn ’ t want to be buried . I already chose a cremation urn and we plan to spread the ashes in the ocean . I see , that sounds like something she would have really liked . I am sure the memorial service will be tasteful . You are doing a great job . Thanks , it hasn ’ t been easy , but luckily we have life insurance and Wendy left behind a detailed will that will sort out any other legal matters . Hey , guys ! Hi ! Nicole ! How's business ? Great . We can't keep up with the demand . Wow ! I'm impressed ! How about you ? I quit my job as a food critic . Then let me take you out to dinner to celebrate . You can't beat me at tennis . Do you want to bet ? Song , I hate to say goodbye , but I have to . Nice meeting you , Kevin . I hope to see you again . Let's keep in touch . Sure , let's . Goodbye , then . Shakespeare was born in 1867 . No , it sounds wrong . He was born in the 16th century . Are you sure ? Can you make it more exact ? 1564 . How is he ? Not very well . He was white about the gills . Did he see the doctor ? Yeah , but he refused to take the medicine . Why ? I don't know the reason . When will our party be held ? Next Wednesday . Have you sent out invitations by our party ? Yes , I have . When ? Ten days ago . Could Dr.Cole like to attend the party ? Yes , he will . That's fine . What's the score ? The Ukraine team took the lead by 3 to 1 at the end of the first half . The Russian team needs to tie the Ukraine to get the pass for the final . It doesn't seem to be so easy . what are you looking for ? I want to buy a new camcorder for my trip this summer . do you know what camcorder options are available ? not really . I thought I'd just have a look today . would you like to look at the new digital camcorders that have just come in ? sure . I'd like to see the smallest camcorder that you have first . ok . This Sony model is their newest and our most popular camcorder . Why don't you see if you like the way it feel ? it's very light . That would be good . How is the battery life ? it's got an above-average battery life . It lasts up tp 12 hours and can be charged in 30 minutes . can you also take still photos with this ? yes , that is an option . how about night vision ? Can you use it in the dark ? yes . I can show you examples of some footages that was taken with this camera in the dark . that's not bad at all . How's the microphone ? Does it pick up much sound ? It can record any sound that's within about 8 feet of the camera . how does that compare with other models ? there are models that can pick up more sound than this one , but they're much bigger and heavier than this one . I guess you can't have everything , can you ? Do you think what I did to Elvin was out of line ? You could have tried to explain to him about the new programmers . Elvin doesn't want any programming help . He wants all the glory for himself . You might be right . He does think pretty highly of himself . Did you hear the names he was calling me ? I heard . But did you have to tear out his nose ring ? Are things still going badly with your house guest ? It ’ s getting worse . Now he ’ s eating me out of house and home . I ’ Ve tried talking to him but it all goes in one ear and out the other . He makes himself at home , which is fine . But what really gets me is that yesterday he walked into the living room in the raw and I had company over ! That was the last straw . leo , I really think you ’ re beating around the bush with this guy . I know he used to be your best friend in college , but I really think it ’ s time to lay down the law . You ’ re right . Everything is probably going to come to a head tonight . I ’ ll keep you informed . Why don't you come round for a meal one evening next week ? I'd love to . Which day would suit you ? Any day except Tuesday . How about Thursday ? Yes , Thursday would be fine . What time shall I come ? Oh , about 6:00 . Will that be OK ? Yes , of course . Thank you very much . See you on Thursday , then . Bob , I'm really upset with you . I'm sorry , I didn't mean to forget our wedding anniversary . You forgot it last year as well . I know , I'm sorry . Belinda , I ’ m going to a party tonight . What shall I wear ? Is it formal or informal ? I guess it ’ s formal . Then , you should dress well . That ’ s right . I think a white shirt with a blue tie looks nice on you . You are smart . Of course , the sports shoes don ’ t go with the formal occasions . You are right . What kind of shoes should I wear ? The brown leather shoes go well with your trousers . Good idea . Oh , by the way , would you please pick me up after the party , honey ? It ’ ll be too late ; you ’ d better take a taxi . OK . What's his job ? He used to be a policeman . But Mrs.Smith hired him to find her lost son . Yeah . He's a private eye now . Let ' s got out tomorrow night . We can go to a bar and try to find you a girlfriend . I don ' t think that ' s a good idea . I am just not good with approaching someone and starting up a conversation . Maybe you just need a few pick-up lines , you know , break the ice . Pick-up lines don ' t work ! Come on ! You can just walk up to a girl and say “ If you were a booger I \ ' d pick you first . ” What ? Come on ! That ’ s just lame ! No girl would fall for that ! Fine , then you can say , “ So there you are ! I ' Ve been looking all over for YOU , the woman of my dreams ! ” That ' s a good one ! I think that ' s pretty funny . Yeah , so you make her laugh , you make a fool of yourself a little bit and then you buy her a drink . Ok , how does this sound , “ I was so enchanted by your beauty that I ran into that wall over there . So I am going to need your name and number for insurance purposes . ” Nice ! Let ' s go ! At their last meeting , the stockholders voted unanimously to block the merger of our company with Blycore . All the executive committee was in favor of the merger ... I don't understand how the stockholders could have so much power to throw a wrench in the plans ... If they all unite on a certain issue , it's the stockholders who have the final say . You'd think it might be our CEO or the workers , but in fact , the stockholders control the money so they have the most power . Is it really that simple ? It doesn't seem very efficient to run things that way ... It might not be the most efficient , but if you think about it , it makes pretty good sense . The stockholders are our investors . They own the capital in our company , so they should have say about what is done with the company . I guess I'd buy that ... Did you go to the concert last weekend ? No , I didn't . And you ? Was it good ? Yes , I did . I enjoyed it a lot.There was a folk singer , a violinist and a pianist . How much was the ticket ? I only paid two dollars for mine . Great ! I landed on Classic Movies . I didn't know you liked old movies . I love them , especially the all-time greats like Gone With the Wind . You're so right ! Today's movies are just too commercial ! Sometimes I think Oscars are only awarded to movies that make a lot of money . Why are you asking me about my boyfriend ? Well , Brad from school asked me out just today . Brad Bush ? Good for you ! But I don't know what to do . You mean you've never had a boyfriend ? My mom says no boyfriend until I'm in college . Until college ? Actually , that's what a lot of parents in Taiwan say to their kids . Now that it ’ s the new year , I ’ Ve decided to turn over a new leaf . Yeah ? You finally decided to wipe the slate clean ? You got it ! I have a new job , I ’ m living in a new city , with new friends ! This is my opportunity to make some small changes in the way I live my life . So what are you going to do ? Take up an art class or something ? Well , first of all , I ’ Ve decided to stop smoking . It ’ s not that I ’ m pinching pennies or anything , it ’ s just that I ’ Ve been smoking since I was sixteen , and I think it ’ s time to stop . I ’ m with you on that one . Anything else you ’ re planning on doing ? One last thing , I ’ Ve decided to come out of the closet . It ’ s about time ! Why are you in such a hurry ? I should finish it as soon as possible . Don't worry , do it step by step Why can I learn it ? Don't worry , do it step by step . I feel I really stupid . Hey , Frank , there is that Janet chick . Wow , what a great burd ! She sure knows how to strut her stuff . She's a real turn-on , alright ? And look out she's dressed . Yeah , I noticed . She must be really loaded . No way . Her old man is rich . He buys her anything she wants . Lucky her . Anyway , I think that is just as beautiful . I think you've lost it . Well , that's my opinion . I admit that she is much prettier than Kate . Oh , there is no comparison . Now we are talking but ugly . At least we agree on that . Let's go and get a drink . Do you like swimming ? Yes . Swimming is one of my most favorite sports , indoors or out-doors . Me too . Swimming is a very good exercise for health . It combines water , bath , sunbath , and air bath together . It promotes the growth and haleness of muscles , bone , viscera and nerve systems . I have never thought that swimming can bring us so many benefits . I only know that swimming in great waves and deep running water can train people's spirits , and enable people to be fearless of the hardships , dangers and difficulties and become brave and staunch . Have you ever swum in a river or a lake ? Yes , but not always . However , I won't let it go if I have a chance . You should have seen the T . V . show that was on last night , the topic it covered was really interesting , animal rights . Do you really believe in that ? If they are going to focus on something , they should do it on civil rights . Yes , but we can ’ t deny that animals are vulnerable , defenseless , and are completely at the mercy of human beings . I understand your point , but we continue to have transgressions against human rights . If so much attention weren ’ t devoted to the topic of animals , we would then concentrate more on saving a human being instead of protecting a koala . You can ’ t compare apples and oranges . I believe that both topics are important and that we can ’ t ignore them , the mistreatment of animals can cause a great environmental imbalance . I believe that governments should prohibit activities like poaching . Well , you are right on that point . This is the reason that I don ’ t buy leather and I try to buy synthetic products . At least you ’ re doing your part . My contribution is to have a pet in the house that I treat like a member of the family . As long as you don ’ t treat it better than your wife , it ’ s fine . So it looks like we start selling in the U . S . next year . Did Mr . Lin put you in charge of marketing ? He's still not sure whether he wants to put me in charge , or whether he wants to hire an American.But even if he hires an American , I'll probably be transferred to our American office . Where will it be ? We aren't sure yet . Maybe L . A . I think L . A . would be the best idea . Is it because of trade negotiations that we can start selling in the U . S . ? Yes , the recent agreements between the two governments have changed everything.Now we have the right to sell in America at a much lower tariff.It ' s going to be good . We can compete more directly with them . Great . Our computers have a high level of quality now.We can demonstrate it . And our prices will be good.So I think it will really be worthwhile . You seem excited about it . Well , you know I studied marketing in America.So maybe the thought of going back there to promote our brand is kind of exciting to me . I'd love to be part of the team . Do you honestly think we can compete though ? All the computer giants are there . Yes , I do . I think we can compete . I think we can make a name for ourselves.It will be hard at first . But if we develop a good advertising campaign , I think we can break into the market . The company will have to choose a good advertising firm.And then there's the problem of quality.How do we convince American buyers that our quality is good ? It takes some time.Because even if the quality is high , people won't accept a high tech product unless they recognize the name.Name recognition is crucial . Well , I hope it all works out , John . I think if you're part of the team , things will go well.But you know we'd all miss you here . So I won't say I'm happy to think that you're leaving . That's very nice of you to say.But if we set up an office there in the States , maybe you could try to become part of it . Me ? No way . I'm dedicated to the company , but I'm not going to leave Taiwan . I'm happy here . How are the children doing at sport ? I ’ m very pleased with their performances . Timmy can cover the 100 meters in 12 seconds . That ’ s very fast for a kid his age . He ’ s not very good at the long jump though , is he ? He ’ s not bad . He can jump a distance of over four meters . I think he just prefers running to jumping . Jimmy ’ s very good at the high jump . He can jump over two meters . Again , that ’ s fine for someone hi Two meters ? That means that the high jump bar is above his head ! Are any of them good at long-distance running ? The longest race we run is the 1500 meters . A few of the boys and one girls can do it in less than five minutes . How are they at swimming ? They ’ re ok . I ask them to swim 500 meters each day . That ’ s 20 lengths of the swimming pool . They ’ re not very fast , but that ’ s ok . I just want them to build their strength up and keep in shape . Kate is very good at diving from a height of 10 meters . I ’ d be afraid to jump from that height ! I think that these kinds haven ’ t learnt to be afraid yet . She started diving from a lower height , but she soon wanted to go higher . It seems that they really enjoy to go faster , higher and further . How many people are there in your family ? Five . Besides my parents and me , there are my brother and sister . That is a big family . How old is your sister ? 15 . What about your brother ? He ’ s not quite 25 . Do you miss your family ? Yes . Do you often go home ? No . But I write to them often . How often do you write to them ? Once a month . Wow , American football is more exciting than I thought . You ’ re in America now , my British friend . We just call it football . Oh , right . So , I can ’ t quite follow what ’ s going on ... who ’ s winning ? The Giants are up by three points because of the field goal they kicked , but the Redskins have the ball and there pretty close to the end zone . Wow ! What a hit ! Yeah , he tackled him so hard his helmet came off . Is he ok ? It looks like it , he ’ s getting up . I guess he hit him too hard ; the referee just called a penalty on the home team . The Giants ? Yeah . Well , here we go again . What happened ? Why did everyone get so quiet ? The Redskin ’ s quarterback just threw a touchdown pass for seven points . We ’ re losing again . Who stands out in your mind as a man or woman of sound character ? If I think of famous people , I think of Abraham Lincoln . He's the US president , who walked five miles just to give a lady her change , isn't he ? That's the one . He also was famous for never giving up on his goals . That's right . He ran for office quite a few times before he was finally elected . And I also admire him for his courage in fighting for equal rights . He had great vision , didn't he ? And humility . I would have liked to meet him personally . What ’ s your working day like ? I have a typical 9 to 5 job . Actually , I work a little longer than 9 to 5 most days . Do you get paid onetime ? No , I don ’ t . I get a bonus each month , depending on the value of the contracts I sign with clients . Do you have any breaks ? We have an hour-long lunch break from 12 to 1 . we can take coffee breaks during the day . My boss doesn ’ t mind , as long as we get out work done on time . My boss gets annoyed if we take coffee breaks . I suppose your job involves a lot paperwork , doesn ’ t it ? There ’ s some paperwork , but most of the time we put any information onto computers . Then we can send information to each other by email or across the network . Do you work in a cubicle ? Yes , I do . I don ’ t like it very much . I work in a cubicle too , but I I don ’ t mind it . Freeze ! Don't shoot . I give up . You know that ? Dan got a divorce . Really ? I thought he loved his wife very much . Yeah . But his relation with Sallycome to a sticky end and was found by his wife . He deserved it . Hello , is Jack there ? Speaking . Jack ! It ’ s Rose here . Hi , Rose . How ’ s everything ? Fine , thanks . I ’ m having several friends over for dinner this Saturday . And I was wondering if you have the time to join us . Sounds good . What time do you want me to come ? Is six o ’ clock okay ? Joanne , let ’ s not make this divorce any more acrimonious than it already is , okay ? Let ’ s just get down to business and start dividing this stuff up fairly , so we can go our separate ways , alright ? Fine with me . I just want to get this over with . It ’ s important we make a clean break . I should have signed a pre-nup . What was that ? Nothing ! Anyway , you ’ re right , there ’ s no reason this has to be nasty . My lawyer tells me you ’ Ve accepted our alimony proposal and the division of property , as well as the custody agreement-I keep the cat and you get the dog . So that ’ s done ... finally . Let ’ s not go there , Joanne ! Ok , so let ’ s start with the record collection , I ’ ll take the albums I contributed and you can have your cheesy disco albums back . Fine , but I ’ m keeping the antique gramophone as my grandfather gave it to me . I believe that was a wedding present to both of us , Joanne . And you hardly ever use it ! He ’ s my grandfather , and he never really liked you anyway ! Whatever ! Alright , I ’ ll concede the silly gramophone , if you ’ ll agree that I get the silver tea set . How typical , when are you ever going to use a silver tea set ? Fine ! I don ’ t want to drag this out any longer than necessary . What ’ s next ? What about these old photographs ? Which ones ? Let me have a look . Wow , look at that ! That brings back memories ... That ? Our trip to Italy ! I remember that day . We were going to visit the Trev fountain , and we got caught in the rain ... ... and you looked so adorable with your hair all wet . I had to take a picture of you standing there in that little alley , smiling and laughing in the rain ... Oh , we really did have fun back then , didn ’ t we ? Oh , Joanne , are we making a big mistake ? I know our relationship has been on the rocks for sometime but are you sure we can ’ t reconcile and try again ? I still love you . Oh Jeff ! I love you too ! I ’ m so glad we didn ’ t have to decide who keeps the motorcycle . The motorcycle ? But that ’ s mine ! What's the time now ? Sorry , I don't know , there's something wrong with my watch . You've simply forgotten to wind it up , have you ? When do you usually wind it up ? In the coming , before going to work . You got up so late today . You have , I think . Turn on the TV and set your watch by it . OK . I'll turn it on . All right . It's just four o'clock . Well , I'm setting my watch at four . Thank you . You are welcome . Going to the gym tonight , Mary ? Yes , Sally . I want to do some sit-ups and perhaps get in a game of singsong . That sounds like fun.Would you mind some company ? I'd love it.Working out is more fun with a friend . I'll get my things and meet you there . Good.If you happen to see Jim and Bob on the way see if they would like a game of singsong . Whose part do you think is best played ? That of the old man . You're absolutely right ! That's the very figure I like best . Some of the scenes moved me into tears . We're having a tailgate party I before the game . Would you like to join us ? Okay . But what is a tailgate party ? Someone brings a truck to the game and we have a barbecue right there in the parking lot out of the back of the truck ! How fun ! Can I bring something ? Don't worry about it ! Just come at five . I make a mean potato salad ! Well , if you insist , you are welcome to bring a potato salad ! Then I'll see you in the parking lot at five ! Thank you ! What may I do for you ? I need to get a passport . You will need to apply for one . When will I be able to do that ? You can do it right now , if you ’ d like . That ’ s fine . Please fill out this application . Then what do I do ? I just need to take your picture . How long will it take for my passport to be ready ? You will get it in a few weeks . That ’ s perfect . I ’ Ve got this really neat idea , you can hire a car and drive straight there . Are you nuts ? What would my friends think if they see me in a hired car ? But that ’ s the quickest way to make your plans work . Oh this is hard ! Well , I ’ ll see what I can do . Would you please put that cigarette out ? I get sick on it . You do ? OK , fine with me . Thank you SO much . But I also want ya to do me a favor . What ? You gotta have some better deodorant . I ’ m sorry ? ! I really hate to say this , but don't go away mad , just go away . I knew this would happen some day . Then , why didn't you try to prevent it in the beginning ? Well . It's not all my fault , Anna . You are responsible , too . I don't want to argue anymore . Please get out of my life ! I think we can still talk . No way ! Please don't follow me around . Talk it easy , Anna . You really don't hate me . do you ? Yes , I do . Leave me alone ! It's a fine day today , isn't it ? Yes , it is.It ' s wonderful after the downpour . How nice seeing the sun back again ! The air is so fresh . I hope it stays nice like this for a long period of time . Well , the weather is so unpredictable this time of year . You're right.We don't know what is going to be like tomorrow . Look ! It looks as if it is going to rain . The weatherman predicts a fine day today . The weather is often quite different from the weather forecast . When can we expect you and your daughter for dinner ? Next Saturday ? Next Saturday ? I ’ m sorry . I ’ Ve promised to go to a Chinese Opera with my daughter . How about Sunday then ? Yes , Sunday sounds fine . What time ? Does 6 thirty suit you ? It suits us fine . We ’ ll see you then . Thanks , goodbye . Hey , look ! They ’ re playing reruns of the 1996 Olympics . Isn ’ t that Michael Johnson ? I think he set a world record in this race . He completed the first 200 / 400 double in Olympic history ! Are you sure ? What about Carl Lewis ? He won four golds , didn ’ t he ? Carl won the gold in the 100 , 200 , long jump , and 4x100 relay in 1984 . I like the way Carl runs . He looks more graceful . Will you have time this Saturday evening to go to the cinema with me ? Saturday ? Oh , I have a previous engagement . What a pity ! Then how about Sunday ? I've already got plans , too . Then when do you think we could go out together ? How about Friday ? Only in that day can I arrange it . OK . Any time on Friday will be OK with me . That's settled then . I'll contact you later . Come on , fellows.Let ' s enjoy my wife's cooking ! Em , it's delicious ! Thank you ! My wife likes cooking very much . You're lucky . Guess what ! What ? I am going to the mountains with my family this weekend . That sounds like fun . Does Mr . Schmidt know he's going to become a father ? No , and I have no way of getting ahold of him ! There's no phone where he's at ! Well , he has a surprise waiting for him when he gets back , doesn't he ! My older sister Judy will be here soon to help . She already has a boy and a girl of her own ... I just saw a red van pulling into the driveway . Is that her ? B , what's in your hand ? Sunday papers . I usually read them after coming back home from our company . Why do you read them ? As you know , I am a sports fan . And these papers are famous for their sports section . So I will feel relaxed after grasping some information I am interested in . I got your meaning . Reading is your own solution to solve pressure from busy tasks . Correct ! What about you , Fred ? I often go to the bar near our dorm when I am overtired . I am crazy for drinking wines with special taste . Don't overdo it . Shall we have a drink someday ? I get drunk easily . What a lovely day , isn't it ? Yes , it's nice and bright . I hope it stays like this . I hope so too . Is the weather usually like this here ? It's usually a bit hotter than today . What's the weather like in winter ? It's pretty cold and it often snows . I wonder what it ’ s going to be like tomorrow . Let's hear the weather report later . What's the weather like in your hometown ? Neither too cold , nor too hot . That's quite a lovely weather . Yes , especially in spring . Have you ever seen a hurricane ? Once , when I was a child . Do they often happen in your country ? Now and then . Oh , it's time for the weather reporter . Let's turn on the TV . Are you travelling in America ? No , I am on business . I will spend half a month for the business . What do you do ? I am currently working in a foreign company as a salesman . I know all the tricks of the trade . It is quite tiring and difficult to be promoted . Maybe . But it provides much wider space for me to improve the skills and increase the experience . What about you ? I am a reporter at a TV station . Do you like your job ? Yes , I have good working conditions and I would require a salary at least 15 , 000 $ a year . Which kind of news do you catch ? I report the social news which means I always interview the citizens of various professions and trades . Are you feel tired ? Sometimes . News happened out of expectation . Sometimes I have to get up in the early morning while I can't sleep for editing and interviewing . You have to experience this if you want to be an extraordinary reporter . That's right . I am still wet behind the ears . What a charming room ! It faces south , and there's such a lovely view of the city . I'm glad you like it.The bell is on the bedside.Just ring if you want anything.The room attendant speaks a little English.So I don't think you'll have any trouble . No , I shouldn't think so.By the way , is there a socket for my razor ? I think so.Here it is.It ' s by the basin . Is it a two-pin socket ? Yes , it is . Good , I ' Ve get a two-pin plug . You're my hero . Aw , shucks , ma'am . That's brilliant ! We can name the grades of motor oil by where they come from . Mr . Mechanic , I'd like a nice Venezuelan blend this morning . I think the Saudi Arabian will hit the spot today . But really , maybe this can work . Everyone loves coffee , and everyone needs motor oil . A match made in heaven . What ’ s your city like ? It ’ s quite an interesting place to live . The best thing to do in my city is go shopping . There are several indoor and outdoor markets , department stores and shopping malls . Is the traffic bad in the city centre ? Not really . Cars are not permitted in several parts of city centre , especially in the main shopping areas . The public transport system is pretty good . What about restaurants and entertainment ? There are restaurants with food from all over the world . We have a small china-town near the city centre . There are many Indian , thai , and Italian restaurants all over the city centre . There are many s Is there a lot of nightlife in your city ? There are several good clubs near the city centre . Many people in my city prefer something more cultural , so we several theatres and venues for classical music concerts and operas . It sounds like a really exciting city to live in . It is . I hope you ’ ll have time to come for a visit soon . You really should come during the summer , when the weather is better and there ’ s more happening outdoors . Bob ! Your eyes look bloodshot . Did you not sleep well ? I had a drop too much last night . I attended a banquet given by a Chinese colleague of mine . And it was startling for me to find that people are forced to drink against their will on a Chinese table . you have it right . Alcohol is a medium for communicating emotion in China . Drinking with business partners or would-be friends is a way of solidifying friendship , especially in Northern China . I just felt embarrassed if I refused to drink when people toasted to me . But if I keep gulping down one cup after another , I'm afraid I would feel unfit or sick . you lose face by refusing to drink , and the host might think you refuse to give him face . The right thing to do seems to be drinking yourself into incoherence until you throw up . This will endear you a few guys even threw a drunken fit last night , crying hoarsely and bawling whole heaps of nonsense that I never understood . then he must be opening his heart to the friends . In a word , as long as you demonstrate a readiness to drink more in spite of already suffering extreme discomfort , no one will jeer at you . I got you . Next time . I'll preface a toast with a statement like ' I can't drink any more ' and then drink anyway . When ’ re you getting married ? We planned our wedding for next May . Why so late ? Didn ’ t she want to get married this October ? Yeah , I did . But my fiancee has an important project . That ’ s really a shame . By the way , who will be the bridesmaid ? Julie ’ s friend , Mary . And John will be the best man . Wow ! I ’ m very excited about your ceremony . Good afternoon , Mrs . Brown . I've come to see Mr . Brown . Good afternoon , Mr . Green . Is he in ? I'm sorry , but he's not in , he's gone out on business . Oh ! I just drop in on him for a chat . Please come in for a cup of coffee . No , thank you . Please tell him to phone me when he comes back . I heard the film was after the novel The Godfather . Who wrote it ? Mario Puku . Who're the producer , the director , the stars , heroine and the hero ? I'm always interested in how , but seldom pay much attention to who . Going to the gym tonight , Mary ? Yes , Sally . I want to do some sit-ups and perhaps get in a game of singsong . That sounds like fun . Would you mind some company ? I'd love it . Working out is more fun with a friend . I'll get my things and meet you there . Good . If you happen to see Jim and Bob on the way see if they would like a game of singsong . You didn't show up to my performance last night ! Some kind of friend you are ! Give me a chance to explain . I was no my way and I had an accident . Sure . You look like you're all black and blue . I am fine . In fact , I don't have a scratch on me or my vehicle . But the other guy is in critical condition . You're serious ? Yes , I'm serious . I'm really sorry about missing your concert . I guess I misjudged you . I hope you can forgive me . Of course I forgive you . What are friends for ? Now , what am I going to do for that other guy ? The whether in Beijing is just beautiful . Autumn is the best season in Beijing you know ? Yes . I can see . The summer heat is over . And the winter cold is still far away . What is the whether like in Washington at this time of this year ? Autumn is also very nice In Washington . Is it very cold in winter there ? No . it isn ’ t . But sometimes it slows a lot in winter . Does it rain a lot in summer there ? Oh . Yes . Sometimes it rains very heavily How about here in Beijing ? There ’ s a lot of rain in summer . But it seldom rains in autumn I feel it ’ s rather dry here That ’ s true . many people from the south don ’ t like the whether here . Are you from south ? No . I ’ m from the north . I was born in Beijing actually . I see . So this is your hometown ? Tom set the whole country by the ears with his discovery . He is really terrific ! He was very clever when he was a boy . My friend Jane is very beautiful . What's her figure ? Perfect . And I like her charming eyes , too . What's the color of her eyes ? Dark blue . how old is she ? Twenty . Nice day , isn't it ? Sure it is . Why don't we go to a park ? Good idea ! Look how fast that car can accelerate ! I've never seen anything like it . Hi , how are you doing ? I'm fine . How about yourself ? I'm pretty good . Thanks for asking . No problem . So how have you been ? I've been great . What about you ? I've been good . I'm in school right now . What school do you go to ? I go to PCC . Do you like it there ? It's okay . It's a really big campus . Good luck with school . Thank you very much . My brother joined the army last year . Oh , what does he look like ? Is he tall ? He's tall and strong . I can tell it from your build . You seemed to be fed up with Mary . Yeah . I get sick of her . She always bends my ear about what she thinks . She is a barking dog . But she means well . But I don ’ t like anyone who would drive me crazy by telling me what to do . You are unfair to her . She is a very nice girl . I have lots of friends . Really ? How many do you have ? I don't know , maybe one hundred . That is a lot of friends . Do you have a best friend ? Of course . I have lots of best friends . How many best friends do you have ? I think about twenty-five . Hmm . I have only one best friend . I feel sorry for you . I have only a few friends . You must be lonely . I will share my friends with you . That's very nice of you . I have talked a lot about your restaurant business and your friends with my friends . One of my friends seems to be on good terms with Sue . Is he beating Mark ’ s time ? She is indeed well . But she would not give anyone a tumble , you bet . Give me your hand . ( takes Rose's hand ) Close your eyes . Go on . ( Rose closes her eyes ) Step up . Now hold on to the rail . Keep your eyes closed ; don't peek . I'm not . Step up onto the rail . Hold on . Keep your eyes closed . Trust me ? I trust you . All right , open your eyes . ( Rose opens her eyes . She stretches her arms , and Jack stands behind her , arms around her . ) I'm fling , Jack . ( singing ) Come , Josephine , in my flying machine . Up she goes , and up she goes ... My uncle passed away last night . My condolences . Man , they take a lot of our paycheck . Yeah , the government really takes a bit , doesn't it ? Seriously . The only tax I don't mind them taking is social security . It's only a few dollars every paycheck . Yeah , I don't mind it either . We ’ ll both end up rich slobs and not need it , but what if we do , you know ? Yeah . It won't be much , but at least we ’ ll have a monthly check when we get old . Yeah , my grandmother gets by on social security and the money my grandfather invested when he was alive . Let's just hope the politicians don't figure out a way to spend it . Really ? No , they couldn't . None of them would have jobs if they did . Nick ! How ’ s it going ? Oh , hey ... What are you doing in this neighbourhood ? Do you live around here ? Actually , my office is right around the corner . It was great to meet you last week at the conference . I really enjoyed our conversation about foreign investment . Yeah , yeah , it was really interesting . You know , I'm in a bit of a hurry , but here ’ s my card . We should definitely meet up again and continue our discussion . Sure , you still have my contact details , right ? You know what , this is really embarrassing , but your name has just slipped my mind . Can you remind me ? Sure , my name is Ana Ferris . Don ’ t worry about it , it happens to me all the time . I ’ m terrible with names too . Can I borrow one of your pens , Amy ? Take your pick , Julie . Hey , Sandy , what's new ? Interested in a movie tonight ? I wish I could , but I'm busy . I'm going to work at a soup kitchen tonight . Soup kitchen ? Is that a new restaurant or something ? Nah , it's a place where homelesspeople go to eat . How did you get involved in something like that ? Well , the minister at my church told us about it , and it seemed interesting . I thought I'd try it once , and if I didn't like it I'd stop . So what do you do there ? It's simple . All we do is prepare some food , usually sandwiches and some fruit , and give it out to them at the soup kitchen . Yeah , it sounds easy . How long does it take ? Only about two hours , for a couple of days a month . Why don't you give it a try ? I don't know . I mean , I like helping the community and all that , but I don't know if I have the time ... Come on , it's easy , and it'll make you feel good . Why don't you come with me tonight ? Wang , I'd like you to meet my friend . Dou , this is Wang . Hello Wang . I'm Dou . Pleased to meet you . Pleased meet you , too , Mr . Dou . Just call me Miao Dou , Please . And we got a 50 thousand dollar ticket for construction workers peeing off the roof . That ’ s great . Is the electrician here today ? See , I just told you he hit a deer . Man , I knew you weren ’ t listening to me . You ’ re right . I wasn ’ t . I hear nothing . Nothing ? Not a sound on the city streets , just the beat of my own heart , I think that ’ s how it goes , something like that . You and Patricia got engaged , didn ’ t you ? You can tell me . Engaged ? Come on . Are you crazy ? What ? I thought you liked Patricia . I'll come see you tomorrow . Promise ? Have you got any plans for the coming holiday ? Yes , I have a very special one . I will be doing volunteer work in a zoo for two weeks . A friend of mine working there told me the other day that they were in need of some volunteer keepers . I was very interested . So I asked him to get me the application form . Lucky , my application was approved by the manager very soon . Volunteer in a zoo ? What specific things will you do ? I will help to prepare food , feed animals and clean up . I ’ m very excited about it now . It must be a unique experience . I ’ m looking forward to share your story when you come back . Ok , I will bring you photos as many as possible . Oh , honey . You came . I'm so glad ! Why are you wearing a bonnet ? Uh , just for fun . Happy Easter , Mom . We got you these Easter lilies . They're beautiful . Taylor , you're so pale and skinny ! Of course I'm pale . It's just now the beginning of spring . I don't have my summer tan yet . I guess . Are you sure you're taking care of yourself ? I'm fine , Mom . Remember Holly ? This is her roommate , Yi-jun .. Is everything ready for Billy ’ s birthday party ? Yes . I ’ Ve finished making the birthday cake and I ’ Ve put all the things on the table . Did you find the party hats ? Yes , I did . I ’ Ve put one on the table for each child . I put up the big “ happy birthday ” sign too . Thanks . Do you think we have enough for the kids to eat and drink ? I ’ m sure of that . There ’ s enough food here to feed an army ! That birthday cake looks wonderful , but you haven ’ t put any candles on it yet . Thanks for reminding me . I ’ Ve prepared some party games for the children too . I ’ Ve brought a tape with lots of children ’ s songs on it . Hopefully , that will keep everyone happy . Are you doing anything tonight ? No , nothing . Why ? Do you like western music ? Yes , I do , very much . There ’ s a concert tonight . Would you like to go and listen to it ? Oh , yes . I ’ d love to . Mum , can I finish my homework later ? Sorry . You know the rules . But I want to watch TV now . That ’ s out of the question . Please . Not a chance . Not even for an hour ? Sorry , it ’ s impossible . Table-tennis is our national game . Yes , I like ping-pong very much , but I can't play well . I can't , either . I like watching . Listen to this . Mary got married . Is she really ? I can ’ t believe it ! Yes . Yesterday . Good gracious . That ’ s incredible ! She married Jerrod . You ’ re kidding . She ’ s going to live in Paris . Really ? I ’ m surprised . It was great meeting you . Me too . Maybe we can meet again sometime ? Of course , but I'll have to go now . What's your favorite hobby ? I'd like reading books best . What kinds of books do you like to read ? Literature and economy . By the way , would you like to see movies ? That's OK . What do you do in your spare time ? I like to play golf , play badminton or crack jokes . I just like to sleep like a lazy cat . That's a bad habit . Are you sure you heard right ? Yes , he is running for class president . I don't believe you . Take my word for it . There is a new restaurant opening up in town next month . What kind of food will they be serving ? My favorite , Mexican . And I've heard that the head chef is from San Paulo . It sounds like this is going to be authentic Mexican food . I can hardly wait ! Do you know the day they plan to open ? I'll double check the announcement . Maybe we can make reservations ahead of time ? I am thinking about inviting you to a dinner . When would you have time ? And what kind of food do you fancy ? That would be great . I am really in the mood for a spicy hotpot . Any special reason for the invitation ? To thank you for helping me at work last week . If you would not have been so kind , I would not have been able to pick my parents from the airport . You really did me a big favor . Thank you so much . It was my pleasure . How about this evening ? I feel very hungry now . Fine , I know a good hotpot place in the downtown area , food there is pretty spicy too . Shall we try that one ? Ok with me . You are the boss . I will meet you downstairs after work . Charlotte , have you had your supper ? No , I don ’ t want to eat anything . Why ? Don't you feel well ? I ’ m down in spirits . What's up ? My manager jumped on me for my mistake today . You must not feel depressed about such a trivial thing . I think I'm too clumsy . I can do nothing well . You'd better shape up if you want to get the job done . But I doubt myself . Cheer up ! Don't let me down . We all make mistakes , and that is life . I'm afraid I can't go to the pictures with you tomorrow . Busy with your work again ? Not really . I'm expected to attend a meeting . I'm not at all convinced . Tomorrow is Saturday ! Mum , I have something for you today . What for ? Don't you remember ? Today is March 8th . It's Women's Day . Oh . I've really forgotten it . Now , close your eyes . ( Mum closes her eyes and Steven puts the present in her hand . ) A silk scarf . I love it . Thank you very much . My lovely son . Happy Women's Day . I love you forever , Mum . What do you think of your teacher ? He's very strict with us . And I hear he gives very good lectures . Indeed.He ' s strict with himself , too.We can see every lecture of his is well-prepared . I'm so glad to meet you . How is everything going on ? Fine . You look prettier than before . Really ? Thank you . You must be annoyed about your boyfriend ’ s leaving you , huh ? Don ’ t ever mention him . I ’ m getting over it . It ’ s a sad thing . I ’ m ever so sorry ... Are you done ? Hello , Rebecca , fancy meeting you here ! Hi , Paul . I haven't seen you for a long time . How have you been ? Fine , thank you , and you ? Pretty good . What brings you here ? I came to see my uncle . He lives in the next block . What courses are you going to take next year ? Well , I am certainly going to take chemistry and physics , but I haven't decided on the other subjects yet . I'd like to take English . Why are you going to take english with chemistry and physics ? Because I want to study english literature . but I think chemistry is better for getting a job . Of course it depends on what you are going to do when you leave college . Have you beside what you are going to do when you graduated ? I am going to be a , well , I hope to be a research chemist . Hi , chary , are you busy this evening ? sorry , I'm afraid that I've got plans tonight . what are you doing ? I'm going to my parents ' house for my father's birthday . how old is he today ? it's his 50th birthday . well , wish him a happy birthday for me . sure thing . What are your plans for the evening ? I was just thinking of going to a movie tonight . well , if you can wait until tomorrow night , I'll go with you then . sorry , I've got people coming over tomorrow night . sounds like this weekend just isn't going to work out for us . sounds that way . Maybe some other time then ? sure.Hey , I'm sorry , but I've got to get going . yeah , me , too . It's about time I made a move . say hello to your friends for me . likewise . See you later . Bye ! Good afternoon ! Hi , how are you doing ? Fine , thanks . I am Wang Lin . Glad to meet you , Wang Lin . I am Mary . Is this your first time in Beijing ? Yes . My company has an office here , and I have just been transferred . Here is my phone number . If you need anyone to show you around , call me . Great . I would like that . Hey Michelle , jump in quick . It's pouring out there ! Oh , hi Melissa . Are you going to the conference too ? I was planning to pick up Mr . Campbell . Yes , he told me . We need to pick him up at his hotel and then go to the conference . Oh I see , okay . So I heard you got married . Congratulations ! Ah thank you ! I'm very excited . We were going to get married next year , but then we decided to get married on holiday instead . It was wonderful . That sounds so romantic ! Jack and I were hoping to get married in Europe next year , but we had to postpone our plans . We just don't have the money ! I know what you mean . I think Shanghai is getting more and more expensive , don't you ? I sure do . In my opinion , it's actually becoming more expensive than back home . Definitely . Oh , there's Mr . Campbell . Driver , can you stop here please ? What's that , a new video game ? Nope ! It's the latest generation of PAD ! You won't believe what it can do . For instance ? It has a built-in camera unit that takes digital color stills . It also plays MP3 files , which I can save on media cards and then transfer to the hard drive of my computer . Wow ! Anything else ? This one comes with its own folding keyboard . It has a pre-installed handwriting recognition program . I can use the stylus to write on the screen . What if I want to use CD-ROMs or floppies ? Just plug in a peripheral CD or floppy drive and you're ready to go ! Hey , what's up ? Oh , nothing . What were you writing ? ( Laugh ) All right . You caught me in the act . I finally worked up the nerve to ask Diana out . I was just writing a note to put on her desk . You mean you're going to ask her out in a note ? You big chicken ! I admit it . I'm a wuss . I just can't do it in person . But , you work with her everyday . That's different . When I'm working , I'm in a different frame of mind . But , when I even think about asking her out , I get tongue-tied . At least in a note , I can get the words out without turning beet red . You've dated a lot . What's so different about Diana ? Well , for one thing , she's gorgeous . She's so upbeat and sweet . Who doesn't like her ? Oh , I don't know . All I do know is that I think we have great chemistry together . But , what if I'm wrong . Maybe she's just been nice to me out of courtesy and doesn't think of me that way . Oh ... forget it . This was a bad idea . Well , I guess you don't want this note , then . What note ? I was looking for you to deliver this note from Diana . She wants to know if you want to go to the office party with her tomorrow night . You're kidding ! I can't believe you've been standing this entire time and didn't say anything . Sorry . What can I say ? Now , do you want the note or what ? Yeah , I want the note . Have a great time tomorrow night . Thanks . I plan on it . So , what happened ? He never came . He stood you up . I wouldn ’ t exactly characterize it in that way . I think something happened . Something terrible and unexpected that made it impossible for him to ... what if he showed up , took one look at me and left ? Not possible . Maybe , there was a subway accident . Absolutely . A train got trapped underground with him inside . And no phone . And you know , how those express trains create suction . Mary , how was your date with john ? It's OK . It seems we have a lot in common . Oh , really ? That is great news . What does he look like ? He is tall and slim , fair-haired . Sounds like he is pretty cute . What do you think of him ? He is a nice guy and very considerate . I am impressed with how smart he is and he has a great sense of humor . Oh , it's love at first sight . When will you see each other again ? He didn't say , but he said he would call me . Maybe he is busy with his work . Just wait and try not to think about it too much ! Oh , David . Stop it ! I am a bit nervous ! What should I do if he doesn't call me ? Come on , Mary , you're a total catch . I bet he will call you . Don't worry . Thank you , David . You're always so encouraging . That's what friends are for . I feel terrible , but I've just broken your ashtray . It's nothing to get upset about . I don't know what to say . I'd like to replace it . No . It's out of the question . I'm so angry at Bob for buying a new bike . What's the big deal ? The hotel is full tonight . we will need to find a new place to stay . Maybe it's just a blessing in disguise . I've been wanting to try a new place anyway . Do you know much about computers ? Not a great deal . I've just been reading an article about them.they ' ll be used for all sorts of things now . For accounting system and things like that , you mean ? Yes , but they are used for other things , too.Do you remember when we went to buy a ticket for the flight to Paris . Yes ? The man asked where we want to go , then he type out the information on the form and waited for a reply . A few moment later , he gave us two tickets . Of course , his machine must have been connected to a computer . That's right . How happy you are ! Next Monday is your wedding day . Congratulations ! Thank you ! Fred is really a good guy . And he loves you so much . Yeah . I'm lucky to be his wife . He's after your own heart , it is important . So he will make a perfect husband . Make sure you will be here next Monday . I promise ! Many happy returns of the day , darling ? Thank you very much . And here is your birthday present . A gold watch ! Do you like it ? I love it ! Darling , you ’ re kind . I didn't expect to see you at this hour . You must have goofed off again . Goofed off ? Maybe , but I'm not a clock-watcher . I finished doing what I should do and then knock off an hour earlier . You'll be sorry if the boss finds it out . He may probably give you the bag . I'm sure of what I'm doing . Hi Jane , you look great . You too . Have you lost some weight ? Yes , I took off 4 kilos . I am glad you notice it . Not some crazy diet fat I hope . No no , I just changed my eating habits . I eat a balance meal . and I eat less than before . Good for you , keep it up . On balance , dress designing appeals to me most . Yes , it's to my liking , too . Say , how would you like to be a dress designer ? It's my dream . Hi , Sue . What's up ? Hey , Andrew . How's everything with work ? Ok , I guess . My boss has been on my back recently . Really ? What's he been doing ? You know , just giving me lots to do . I'm really busy right now . Are you ? What are you busy with ? Oh , lots of things . Mostly training new people . OK , that ’ s fine . Bye . What happened ? That ’ s it , my lease is up . I have to move . What ? Why ? Can ’ t you renew it ? The owner apparently is selling this place to make way for the construction of a parking lot Well , I can help you pack . We should start looking for a new place for you ASAP . I think I might move in with my parents for a couple of months until I can find something . You know how hard it is to find a decent place around here . I ’ m gonna have to put most of my stuff in storage for a while . Well , let me know if there ’ s anything I can do to help out . Actually , would you mind looking after my pet tarantula and snake for a couple of weeks ? Hehe .. sure Which social problem do you think the government needs to concentrate on most ? I think housing is a big problem . There are thousands of homeless people on the streets . How would you solve the problem ? I have a good idea to solve it . The government could provide some money for homeless people to build their own homes . It would probably be very expensive . I think the government can afford it . Besides , there are many advantages . Homeless people would find it easier to get jobs if they had an address . They would learn some useful skill for finding jobs in the construction industry or home improvement . It ’ s not a bad idea . I think education is the biggest problem at the moment . Schools don ’ t seem to have enough money to educate kids properly . If we are to invest more money to education , we will need to raise taxes . That wouldn ’ t be popular with voters . Most voters what everything bout ways . They want the government to pay for lots of things , but without increasing taxes . The government should show that it is using money efficiently . Sometimes you hear about how the government has wasted money on a project . Yes . The government has limited funds and must show that it is using the money responsibly . The sun is shining . But there're some mare's tails . That's the sign of wind . Oh , really , I thought it was a sign of rain . Hello , Joanna . You are looking very charming in the new dress . Thanks . Does it suit me ? Yes , it suits you very well . It certainly is unique . I don ’ t think I ’ Ve seen anything like it before . I know . That ’ s why I bought it . I hate wearing the same styles like everybody else is wearing . And the necklace , it matches your dress marvelously . It ’ s very nice of you to say so . I should say you are glamorous yourself , as a matter of fact . Thank you for saying so . Welcome back ! How was your vacation ? It was fantastic , but I'm glad to be back ! Being a tourist is really tiring ! Where did you end up going ? Because it's off-season , we got a really good package deal to Paris , so we went there . I've always wanted to go to Paris . The Eiffel Tower is one of the most famous tourist attractions in the world ! Did you go to the top ? That was the first thing we did . I have a few pictures . Do you want to see them ? Sure . What's this one a picture of ? Oh , that's a picture of me on our fourth day of travelling . I'm standing next to a famous foundation in the centre of the city . You don't look very happy in that picture . No , by that time , I was sick of sightseeing . I had had enough of art galleries , cathedrals , fountains , statues , and palaces ! So what did you do ? We spent that afternoon walking around a flea market . We had a few coffees , watched a movie , and went for a swim in the pool at the hotel . My travel agent always reminds me to plan a day of relaxing for every 3 days of sightseeing . Did you go to the Louvre ? Of course ! You can't go to Paris without going to their famous art gallery ! I was surprised by how small the Mona Lisa was though . That's what everyone says ! I can't wait to see it for myself some day . Your ring is very beautiful . Thank you . It has been handed down in my family for three generations . Oh , it is precious . It surely is . Our major is from a bigger city . He ’ s doing fine . A new broom sweeps clean . He brings with him some talented people from his former city . I think we ’ ll benefit a lot . Hey , where's Cindy ? She told me that she's got tennis practice today . You're Mary , right ? How did you know ? Cindy told me about you in our gym class . I see . Do you live in this neighborhood , too ? My house is next door to yours . Oh , Cindy did mention you before . You're Alexander Newman . Just call me Alex . Alex and Alexander are the same thing . What's the score ? The Ukraine team took the lead by 3 to 1 at the end of the first half . The Russian team needs to tie the Ukraine to get the pass for the final . It doesn't seem to be so easy . I hear that there is a festival called Duanwu in China . Yes . It is also called Dragon Boat Festival . Why are you celebrating this festival ? We celebrate it to commemorate a great patriotic poet of China — Qu Yuan . What do you do on that day ? We'll have rice dumplings . What's more , there are also dragon boat matches in some places of southern China . I see . Hey , there's Leo . I wonder why he's walking arm in arm with that young woman . It's as plain as the nose on your face . They're dating each other . You're pulling my leg ! She must be thirty years younger than Leo . Talk about robbing the cradle ! Well , you can bet this relationship's going to be a flash in the pan . It must have been love at first sight because I know he didn't have a girlfriend last week . I think you are absolutely right . Actually , my father proposed to my mother after knowing her only two weeks . They got married a month later . How many credits are you taking this semester ? I have to have at least eighteen to keep my scholarships and grant . But so far , I only have fifteen . What's the matter , are the classes you want full ? Yes . And now I'm down to either taking a class I'm not going to need or considering a double major . If you were to take on a double major , what would be your first choice ? I think with International Business a language would be appropriate . Have you even thought that far ahead ? I mean what country would you like to do business with ? As a matter of fact , I would like to work in South America . So some Latin language like Spanish or Portuguese would work . What part did you get in the play this time ? I got a character part — some old lady who shows up in a few scenes . I wish I had a character part . Those are my favorite . Are you kidding ? You got the leading role . I know , but I've done that so Ay times . It's getting old . The leading guy is always the same macho A . I would trade you if I could but I don't think I'd be a very convincing macho A . Next time . You are going to love your part . I've seen the script . I do a good old lady . I wouldn't mind being the damsel in distress once in a while . Are you free on Friday evening because we were wondering if you would like to come round for dinner ? Oh , thank you very much . I ’ d like to come , but I ’ m afraid I ’ m busy that evening . That ’ s a pity ! Then when would it be a good time for you ? Well , I ’ m not too sure , actually . I ’ Ve got a lot going on the next couple of weeks . Why don ’ t I call you later ? Okay , that ’ s fine . Which season do you like best ? I like spring best . It is neither too cold nor too hot . Freezing days make me lazy and stuffy days make me lazier . How about you ? I prefer summer , especially the summer evenings . When the sun comes down , it is so nice to take a walk and breathe . After a rain shower , the smell of the air is refreshing . It is also a best reason for ice-cream . How do you get through the stuffy daytime ? Well , I have to hide in the air-conditioned rooms . Anyway , it is all worth , just think about the cool evening time . Great party , isn't it ? Yeah , really , jane and ted always have great parties . This is my first , I only met jane last week . she and I teach at the same school . Oh , so you're a teacher . Yeah , history , what about you ? I'm in the car business . Salesman ? Yes , that's right . Oh , I see , by the way , my name's Mary . Nice to meet you , I'm jim taylor . Remember that old man who used to beg for money on the street across from our house ? Yeah . Whatever became of him ? He got a job and now he owns a small grocery in town . That's great . We should visit him some time . Sorry . I've got to run . OK . See you . Hello , this is the International Student Office . My name is Leah . How may I help you ? I'd like to speak to the Ms . Collins , please . Ok . Can I ask who is calling , please ? This is Nathaniel Brown . And what is your call regarding ? I'd like to talk to her about my accommodation situation . Ok , I'll try and put you through . Please hold . Ok . ... Sorry , her line is busy at the moment . Can I take a message ? Sure . Can you have her call me back on my cell phone number ? Ok . What's your number ? It's 0-7- 7-8- 7-3- 6-7- 6-8- 8 . Let me repeat that back to you . That's zero , double seven , eight , seven , three , six , seven , double six , double eight . No , there's no double six at the end of the number . It's just zero , double seven , eight , seven , three , six , seven , six , double eight . I got it . When should I have her call you back ? Anytime before 6 pm tonight . Ok , Nathaniel . I'll have Ms . Collins call you back sometime tonight before 6 pm . Thank you ! Bye ! bye ! Dan , Dan , dude . You have to come over to my house right now ! Is everything OK ? Just get over here ! Come in ! Quickly ! So , since when is your house a bank ? What do you mean ? I mean , what ’ s up with the locks and iron bars on your windows . Security , Dan , security ! You can never be too safe you know ! A lot of sickos out there . Just the other day they caught that peeping tom red handed ! Had a high power telescope and binoculars by his window . What ’ s the matter with you ? Why are you acting all paranoid ? Paranoid ? I ’ m not paranoid ! I ’ m cautious ! You see Dan , we have to be on guard at all time ! People just invade your privacy as if they knew you ! Telemarketers , solicitors , even your bank ! They have way too much information ! I like to keep everything on a need to know basis . OK , well , what did you want to see me about ? You are being watched ! Be careful Dan ! Be careful ! You didn't ring me last night.You said you would . I'm sorry to have made you disappointed . That's all right . But why were you so rude to me at lunch . Was I ? Sorry , I didn'y mean to be . I do apologize . And why are you yarning now ? Are you bored ? Forgive me darling . I'm very tired . Hey ! What's up ? Hi , John ! I haven't seen you for ages . Yeah , I've been out of town . So how have you been ? Great ! Work is really busy now , but it's fun . Hey , let's go to the night market after work tonight . That's a good idea . I haven't been in a while and I need to get a new backpack . The old one is hanging on by a thread ! That reminds me I should buy some new socks to go hiking this weekend . Reciting texts really bores me to death . Do you have to remember every text ? Yes , the teacher says recitation is real good . Good Lord ! Look at that man . Yes ? He's swimming in the cold sea . He must be very strong . Sure he is . Winter swimming does good to health , I hear . How about a movie tonight ? It doesn't matter to me . Does 7 o'clock suit you ? Either way . I don't care . How about a snack after work ? I couldn't careless . Would you rather stay home ? Whatever you say . Are you really interested in doing something ? I don't mind if you want to . Have you bought another handset No , it is the original one . This is silver gray , while I remember your handset was black . I have changed a case for it . Can a handset case be changed ? Of course . That's why I bought this type . I can change its case frequently , so it is novel to use it . How many cases are accessible ? There are two more , one is orange and the other is pink . I have bought them all . It's really going to be fresh all the time . Would you mind going to dinner with me tonight ? I'd love to go out with you , but I'm sorry I'm busy tonight , but I'd like a rain check . OK . I want to change my job . Why ? Well , I want to earn more . I see . Not only that . The job I ’ m doing now is the most boring job you can imagine . It's very cold tonight ! Can I get you another blanket ? 0h , that would be nice of you . I'll turn the heat up . Yes , please do that . Do bullfights interest you much ? Absolutely ! Everything that ’ s thrilling turns me on . So I ’ Ve got two tickets to the latest show but I need a little favor from you . What is it ? There is a wonderful opera today . I'd like to see it . I do not like the play with complicated plot . What's on today ? ' The sound of music ' . This music is known by everybody and is suitable for all ages . It is about a happy family without sex , violence or bad language . I know that . I have seen the film as the same title . Andrews gives a performance to be remembered for a lifetime from Maria to a cheerful governess . Yes , you are right . I like the song in the movie , edelweiss , do you remember it ? Of course , it is a nice song that can make audience calm and pleasant . Those young actors play the roles perfectly . I hope the opera will be more stupendous than the movie . Have you bought the tickets ? No , I am asking you whether you will go to see it . Let's go . We'd better buy the tickets earlier and have dinner in restaurant . Would you like to come out with me tonight ? Sorry , I can ’ t . Tomorrow night , then ? I ’ d like to . But I ’ m afraid I can ’ t . I ’ m wondering if you like to go to the theatre then . That ’ s sounds great . Ok . How about give me a ring , then ? No . I ’ d better not . Why not ? Because I don ’ t think my husband would like it . Thank you for inviting me anyway . You look like a basket case . I'm not surprised . What's the problem ? My brother in-law just dropped in from the states . Yeah , and ? I decided to put him up while he's here , big mistake ! Why ? He's lazy . I tried being a good host , but if you give him an inch , he'll take a mile . I guess you think twice next time he comes . You can say that again . So how long has he here for ? Two weeks . If he thinks I'll put up with his attitude that long he's got another thing coming . Well , I know you do the right thing . Hi , Mrs . Henderson . Hi , Steven . Do you have time and chat with me ? Of course I have plenty of time . What's new ? The new couple next door divorced . Have you heard about it ? No . The Hills ? Who filed for divorce first ? I guess it Is Mrs Hill . She sued for divorce on the grounds of her husband's misconduct with his secretary . Oh , maybe not . It's just your guess . Do not give currency to idle gossip . OK . I close my mouth . What's up , buddy ? You look so upset . I just broke up with a girl . Why didn't she understand that I loved her ? I'm sorry to hear that . What's your conflict ? I don't know . She always said I didn't love her , but I did . Did you think about talking to her again ? Maybe she is waiting for your call . I have asked for a talk again , but she refused and said she wanted to be quiet . Come on , guy . Maybe she isn't your right person . I like your sweater . It suits you very well . Thank you for saying that . It's a present from my girlfriend . She certainly has the taste . Mr . : There are two things that you'll need to know . What are they ? Mr . : The school has three lunch periods , and the kids are divided into three groups to go to lunch . Wow ! Mr . : Furthermore , when you are dismissed in the afternoon , you will be divided into two waves . Two waves ? Mr . : The school parking lot is not big enough for all the school buses to come in at one time . So only half the buses come in first to pick up the first wave's students . And the other half come in later to pick up the second wave . Oh , my God ! I've been cheated ! What ? What did you buy ? It's a brick ! I can't believe how stupid I was . Damn it ! What is it ? Why did you buy a brick ? There was a guy on the sidewalk.He had three new boxes , Panasonic video camera boxes.He said he had to get rid of them quick . And ? So he said he'd sell me one for twenty dollars . A four-hundred-dollar camera for twenty bucks . And it's a brick ? Yes . I can't believe how stupid you are . Why didn't you open the box ? I wanted to . But he said , no , the box is still in its plastic wrap from the store.If it's opened , other people won't believe it's new . So he had the boxes wrapped in plastic . Yes , it was the kind of perfect plastic wrap that comes with new products.Look , it even had a bar-code price sticker on it ! It looked brand new . But why would a guy be selling new video cameras for twenty dollars ? He said he had to get rid of them . They were stolen . Aha ! Now I understand.You were trying to buy stolen goods on the sidewalk.So , what I think is , you deserve to get cheated ! C'mon , don't blame me ! I thought it was a new camera . We could use it.We were even thinking about buying a camera . I don't understand how he could have such a perfect-looking box . That's no problem.He just has a friend who works in a shop that can do plastic wrap . That's easy.And probably it's the same shop he got the boxes from.Maybe his friend works in an electronics store . They sell video cameras there . Probably they had a couple video camera boxes lying around.So they get the idea of wrapping bricks to sell to fools like you.Twenty dollars a brick . That's a good profit if they can sell enough bricks . You're right , Sarah . I was a fool . I can't believe it . How could I fall for such a trick ? I'm sorry for being late . You're supposed to stand here quietly until the flag - raising ceremony is over . About what time can I go to my own class ? When everything is over . Now that it is all over . can I go now ? Not yet . You should stand still for another few minutes . Late-comers must be recorded . That's too bad ! Are you looking forward to seeing that big concert next week ? You bet . I'm really excited . Hey Joanne . What are you up to ? I'm just watching some television . I'm so bored . I don't know what I'm going to do today and it is only ten in the morning . Me too . Do you think we are boring people ? I don't think we are boring . It's just that we don't have any hobbies . That's right . What do you think we should do as a hobby ? That all depends on what you like to do . For example , I like to doodle on the notepad , so I'm thinking about doing some real drawings . I like to play the piano for fun . Yeah . That can be a good hobby . Hobbies are great . I'm going to make a list of all the things I like to do . That's a great idea . I'm going to do the same . Have you had any kind of punishment in your college ? Yes , but it was many years ago . What was it for ? I was a naughty boy and I played hooky . So the school gave me a punishment to clear the classroom for a week . How do you like my new sports car ? It's cool . If I won the Pools , I'd go round the world . Would you ? I wouldn't . What would you do ? Oh , I don't know . I'd buy a big house with a garden for my wife and kids , I suppose . But it's difficult to imagine having a lot of money . One thing's certain . If I had a lot of money , I wouldn't work any more . Wouldn't you ? What would you do with all that spare time ? As I said , I'd go round the world . What would you do after that ? Oh , I don't know . It'd take me a long time to go round the world . It doesn't sound very exciting . Anyway , we haven't won the Pools , and we're not likely to win them . So there isn't much point in talking about it , is there ? I'd be happy if I got a rise . And my wife would be happy if I bought her a mink coat . Well , I'm not likely to get a rise and you haven't the money for a mink coat , so let's come down to earth and have another drink . What'll you have ? I'll have a pint of the best . I'd have a Scotch if I were you . We deserve it . All right . Make it a double , will you ? do you like animals ? I really like dogs . so do i . I don ’ t like cats . why ? I think cats are ok . I can ’ t bear being near cats . They don ’ t seem to like me either . I like wild animals . I don ’ t like spiders and snakes . I think spiders and snakes are disgusting . I ’ m fond of snakes . I think they ’ re great . I agree with you about spiders though . I think spiders are horrible . I think it ’ s because they have so many legs . I think bears are wonderful . Pandas are fantastic . I low the people who kill them for their fur . I agree . I ’ m carry about mice . I think they ’ re so cute ! really ? I don ’ t see the attraction . I ’ m afraid of mice . I hear your sister has had an accident , is it true ? Yeah , it happened a week ago . That's a crying shame . It really is ! Fortunately , she's not seriously injured . Good evening , I'm so happy you could come . Thank you for inviting me . What would you like to drink ? A glass of white wine would be fine , thank you . My son is alway complaining that I dump on him . He was very rude and told me to mind my own business . I cannot put up with that . What does his dad say ? John is a peacemaker.He simply doesn ’ t bother.He says he should give him a free hand . Do you think children watch too much Tv ? I only allow my child to watch up to an hour a day . I don ’ t think that tv is bad for kids . I think that kids should be active and not become couch potatoes . Perhaps I should impose a limit on how much Tv my kids can watch . They don ’ t do much else in their free time . At least they always do their homework first . If you decide to put a limit on the amount of tv they can watch , remember to have something else for them to do . If you don ’ t , they ’ ll get bored and misbehave . They could go out and play with their friends . Sure . You could talk to other parents in your neighbourhood and plan it so that all the kids are free at the same time . Perhaps I could ask my husband to teach them foot ball or some thing . He watches too much Tv too . That ’ s a good idea . Remember that if the parents watch too much Tv , the kids will probably follow suit . Did you meet the new girl in our sales department . She is taking the place of Maggie during her alternative leave . Did they finally fill that post , how come I haven't seen her ? She must have not been inducted yet . I guess not , They haven't officially introduced her to the whole staff yet , she barely started yesterday . Is she just working temporarily ? What are they going to do when Maggie comes back from leave . If the new girl is competent , maybe they will promote her when that time comes . what's up ? not much . I'm just trying to hook up to the internet . I'm having a few problems though . what's wrong ? I've got all the cords plugged in , but it appears that I'm offline . Are you using dial-up or broadband ? actually , I've got a wireless connection . In that case , you need to turn on your airport . I hook up to the Internet every day . I can't believe I didn't do that . do you like ever chat online ? No , but I'd like to . Do you have to pay to do instant messaging ? Oh , no . You can register for free . Just go to the yahoo website and it will tell you how to do it . what do you do if people want to talk to you online but you don't want to talk to them ? well , you can always block them . When I don't feel like talking to certain people online , that's what I do . what's your email address ? I'll add you to my contacts list . it's . cool . We can meet up in a chat room sometime or just chat online using messenger.thanks for your help . don't mention it . I ran into a glass door yesterday . What a bone head ! Be careful next time . You have been here for how long ? Four months now ? Yeah , about . Do you know Chinese better now ? Oh , definitely . I remember , when I first arrived in Guangzhou , my girlfriend was haggling with a sales clerk over the price of a mobile phone . Oh , yeah . Many Chinese like to bargain . It happens almost everywhere . I mean , I understand that . But the speed of the conversation got faster and faster , until it seemed to me that they would fight . My perception of the tone was that it was a violent shouting match . The truth was that it was a perfectly normal conversation . A shouting match ? You ’ re so funny . You must be exaggerating . I don ’ t believe it . I am not exaggerating at all . I ’ m telling you the truth . That was how I felt at that time . Yes , perhaps . Chinese usually don ’ t notice that sort of thing . Maybe it ’ s quite natural to us . Yes , absolutely true . That guy's manner really turns me off . Yeah.He never stops asking questions . Maybe he's abnormal . Do you like our new history teacher ? I'm fed up with his endless talking . You can't say that ! He's a very knowledgeable person . I can't see it . Have you seen Harry ? No . As far as I can remember he was supposed to be on a business trip to Lisbon . Yes , but he was supposed to be back by now . Maybe you'll call his home . You spoken English is pretty good . Please tell me your experience in learning English . Uh , I don't know what to say . What do you want to know ? What's your method of learning ? Let me think a minute . I think I always try to take every chance to practice . What if there is no chance ? I mean what if you don't have a partner , what will you do ? Well , I talk to myself . That is , I play one role first , than the other . That's a good idea . You are really creative . How's your new car ? Perfect.Couldn ' t be better ! You made a good choice , then ? It's just what I wanted . No regrets ? I'm really pleased with it.Thanks . I'm glad you're so happy . It's super . Now that you'recommending such enormous fees , producers , directors , movie-makers must see you in a completely different light . Yeah . Then the standard that you set yourself originally must have changed . Well , if that's the case , I don't mind breaking the image that they might have or the standards that they have . I can only do what I know , and live how I've lived all my life , because I'm a fairly stubborn person . It seems to me that now you're famous . You've got to go out and be seen at the right places and go to the right parties . I don't go to parties . The parties I go to are the barbecues I have in my house . Being seen in the right places is something that I don't believe in . I don't believe in going to events just for the sake I of being seen . Then fans don't see you much in public places . Yes . I have a very low-key life ; I have a great life . I love what I do and I love how I spend my time , which isn't in a public place . A lot of people compare you to Julia Roberts . I wondered if there was anyone that you compare yourself to in Hollywood , that you've watched and thought , ' Well , they've got something I could use a little bit or could learn a little bit about . ' I've never had one person that I'd idolized . The comparisons to Jul-ia Roberts are incredibly flattering . I don't really know who I would compare myself to . I'd like to be a combination of a lot of people . A little bit of everything , really . I haven't quite figured out where my strengths are yet , and I've definitely found my weaknesses . When do children start school in your country ? Normally at six . Before that , they spend several years in the kindergarten or pre-school education center . But thats only in the cities , isnt it ? Right . In the countryside , things are more complicated . Can kids in the countryside get equally good benefits and education like those in the cities ? It depends . In some poor , underdeveloped areas , children's education is a problem . Many kids cannot afford to go to school . The baby is crying again . Leave him alone , he ’ ll soon stop . How can you do so ? Perhaps something is wrong with him . Let ’ s go and see him . OK . Nothing serious . He just wants us to be with him . Oh that ’ s a lovely necklace . Thank you . My husband gave it to me . Oh I didn ’ t know you were married . Yes I am . I got married five years ago . Oh I see . That ’ s nice . Did you meet your husband at work ? No , we met at university . Hi ! Is that the new laptop you brought last week ? It looks very nice . Yes , it is . Thanks . I ’ m just surfing on the internet . Here ? In this cafe ? How can you do that ? This cafe offers a wireless internet connection . That means I can get on the net for free while I ’ m here . Of course , I have to buy a cup of coffee ! That ’ s great . Can you do it anywhere ? No . you can only do it when the cafe offers a wireless connection . There are only about 10 or 12 places that offer it in this city . So , what programs do you have on your laptop ? I ’ Ve got all the usual ones for word processing and then I have a few for creating and editing photographs . I know you are keen on photography . It ’ s very useful for you to be able to download photos from your digital camera . Then you attach the picture files to emails and send them to anyone , anywhere , at anytime ! It ’ s wonderful , isn ’ t it ? Would you like to see some photos that I look recently ? Nice and warm again , isn ’ t it ? Oh , it ’ s lovely . Think of the nasty weather we had last week . How are you these days ? Fine , thank you . And you ? Fine today , though a bit under the weather last week . What's happening in your life ? Can you believe I'm going to America ? That sounds great . Yes , I'm really excited . My wife is really a chatter box . It ’ s so boring . I have an idea . What is it ? You just turn a deaf ear when she talks . You ’ re a wonderful person , Kathleen . So are you . And I ’ m so honored that you would want to be with me because you would never be with anyone who wasn ’ t truly worthy . I feel exactly the same way as you . Don ’ t , don ’ t , don ’ t , don ’ t say that . That , that makes it worse . What ? You don ’ t love me ? Me , either . You don ’ t love me ? No . But we ’ re so right for each other . I know , I know . Well , is there some , is there someone else ? Oh , that woman on television , Sydney Ann . My elder aunt feels like vomiting , she is pregnant . She'd better drink plenty of hot water and lie in bed . But she feels like having no appetite at all if she stays at home all day . Don't worry . She will be all right . Is this your umbrella , miss ? Oh , yes , it is . Thank you . I was looking for it just now . You look a bit familiar to me . I wonder if I have seen you somewhere before . Have you ? May I ask where you live ? Just two blocks away , in that tall building . That ’ s it . I live there , too . I live on the sixth floor . My family move in just two weeks ago . We live on the fourth floor . It ’ s a small world ! May I know your name , miss ? I ’ m Chen Ming . How do you do , Miss Chen ? I ’ m Song Mei . I ’ m glad to meet you , Mr . Song . Are you going to your office now , Miss Chen ? No , I ’ m going to the airport to meet some friends from Beijing . It's very thoughtful of you to invite me to your wedding . How can I forget my old friend ? My best wishes to you and the bride ! Thank you very much . I have a sweet tooth . I can not help but think about having something sweet between meals . A new candy shop just opened around the corner last week . They have a variety of candies and it is always full of people . That sounds really attractive . Let's go to that candy shop now . Are you serious ? It is always crowded with many people . why not ? I would like to buy some candies . Since there are so many people , I think they must have delicious candy . Look at the candy bar over there . It is so colorful and tasty . They have lollypops , chocolate drops , fruit candy , mints , pearbrittles and toffee . They are in different colors and flavors . I want to get a big bag and buy a little of everything . Me too . I finally understand why a small shop like this can always befilmed with dozens of people . To be honest , I care only about whether I can have some delicious candy eat . I couldn't care less about whether the shop is popular or not . You are a candy terminator . Be careful or you'll get a lot of cavities . That is true . Speaking of cavities , I am starting to feel something is wrong with my teeth now . Let's get more strawberry chocolate drops before we go home . You really can't live without candy . Who do you think will win the championship ? I really can't say . Both teams this year seem really good . There's a game on tonight . You want to watch it with me ? That sounds great ! Good morning miss . Wang Good morning Mr . Li It ’ s a beautiful morning isn ’ t it ? Oh . It ’ s a nice day indeed I hope it won ’ t be too hot , I can ’ t stand the heat Really . For me too . You are very late , but I was on pins and needles the whole time . Oh , I ’ m sorry . Look at these newlyweds . They seem as if they are on top of the world . Yes , they do . It's great for them to tie the knot and get married . People who have just got married feel that the world is right before them . Nothing seems to be happier for them . What would you say if I told you I was going to quit school ? I ’ d say , think twice about it . Well , you are not going to quit school , are you ? I don't know . I failed my exam . What did you get ? A B plus . That's not bad . But I should have aced it . I mean I finished the paper so quickly , thinking it's a piece of cake . But when I knew my result , I was like what ? That can't be true ! Listen , John . I understand that you are such an excellent student and I know you must have lots of stress , but you really want to give up ? No , I don't . I just don't know how to handle this . This is my first time , you know . I know . Don't worry . Do you know what you should do ? What ? You need to blow off some steam . The world is not on your shoulder . How ? Forget about school and exams . Come over to my house and have fun . I have some really good DVDs . Thanks . But I really don't feel like watching movies tonight . I have to get an early start in the morning . Then go to bed and have a good sleep . I guess that's what I need . Thanks . You're being a really good friend . Of course I am . Well , pleasant dreams ! Thanks , bye . You are too picky . No , I'm not.Hey , look at that guy over there . Which guy ? The guy in the blue shirt at the table by the window . I can't see him . Where ? Right there . Oh , I see him now . Wait ! That's ... Yes , it's Mel Gibson . Oh , wow ! It's really him ! Who is that woman he's with ? I don't know . Why don't you go ask for his autograph ? I can't do that . Why not ? Do you have a family tradition at Christmas time ? We have so Ay ! But my favorite happens at Christmas Eve . What is it ? Well , all the brothers and sisters get together and fill the Christmas stockings for the litt 1e kids . That's it ? That's the tradition ? Well , in fact it's fun for us to just be together that night and do this one thing . I guess the spirit of it is what really makes any tradition fun . You should be there some Christmas Eve . Karen , do you have a minute ? I'd like to ask you about something . Sure . What is it ? I think you can give me some advice.You have worked here longer , and I just want to know what you think . I'm glad to help you . But what is it you want to ask about ? I am worried about the meeting this morning . Why ? I think the meeting went well . Really ? Yes . But what are you worried about ? I'm afraid I was too rude . Rude ? You weren't rude at all , Annie . Why do you think you were rude ? Well , I maybe talked to Mr . Drummond too directly . I thought I maybe said too much . I don't want him to be angry . I understand . But really you weren't rude at all.You said what you thought . I think he appreciates that . Really ? Yes . But I am new here , and I'm not sure he is used to that . You mean because you are a woman ? Yes . And he is the president of the company . Listen , Annie . You shouldn't worry about Mr . Drummond.He is a very good man to work for . He is not sexist at all.He appreciates people for their ideas.And he is willing to take suggestions from men or women . I am very happy to hear that , Karen.It ' s good to know I'm working in such a company . I agree with you on that , Annie . I've worked for Derek Drummond for nine years now . I feel he appreciates his employees for their work , not their gender . I would never change jobs . Good . Thank you for telling me this . Any time . If you have a good idea , don't be afraid to speak up.This is a company that appreciates initiative . I really admire you , Diana . why , Jerry ? Your words just came out of the blue . you are really happy and able to achieve high scores at school . I work very hard and that's it , you know , practice makes perfect . isn't there anything else ? I have no idea . you must have a high IQ score . well , Jerry , let me tell you a secret . go ahead . my IQ score is slightly above average . seriously ? But you are such a genius . maybe I've got a higher EQ . I'm not sure . well , perhaps you're right . Sometimes EQ matters more than IQ . you can say that again , Jerry . And I'm sure you're high in both of them . With a little more time cracking the books , you can also get high marks . oh , thank you . I'm going to the library , are you coming ? let's go ! Hey Sarah . Why are you limping ? Oh . Hi Matt . I went snowboarding yesterday and my whole body aches . Was it your first time ? Yeah . And I never want to go again . I remember the first time I went . My back was sore , I couldn't sit down because it hurt my butt , and my legs would cramp if I walked too fast . That's exactly how I feel now . It's only like that the first couple of times . Ha . There won't be a next time . You gotta give it a chance . It's fun after awhile . I'll think about it after I start feeling better . Right now , I don't even want to hear the word snowboarding . Hi Mark . Oh , hi Stacy . How was your summer vacation ? I worked over the summer at a restaurant . Have to make tuition money , right ? What did you do ? I took summer school . I withdrew from two of my classes last year so I wanted to make them up . So are you officially a junior now ? Yeah . And I have 5 credits to spare . I only needed to take 10 credits over the summer , but I took 15 because the price was the same . That makes sense . So where is Nicole ? She dropped out of school completely . Really ? Why ? She worked at a startup company as an intern and since the business did well , they asked her if she wanted to work full time . Wow . She's so lucky . She doesn't have a degree and she already has a job . It sounds good now , but I'm traditional . I want the degree , so I wouldn't have accepted the offer . Do you know how much they are paying her ? I don't know . But I bet it must have been a good offer , or she wouldn't have accepted it . What is up ? Look at the dishes ! I have told you three times to put away these dishes . But now ... Oh , don ’ t be angry . I just thought you might need them sometime . I have told you that I don ’ t need them any more . The thing that really annoys me is that you played dumb with me . Are you a smoker ? Yes , I ’ m afraid I am . My husband is a smoker too . Would you describe yourself as being a heavy smoker ? No . But my husband smokes 20 or more a day . When did you begin to smoke ? I had my first cigarette when I was 17 . Might I ask if you have tried to give up smoking ? Yes . Twice . Hey , look at my new shirt . What do you think about it ? Just so-so . Where did you get it ? I bought it on a street market . A real bargain ! I'd much rather buy expensive but good quality clothing , because it is not only nice but lasts a long time . Jenny , you look terrible . What's eating you ? Don't brother me ! Hey , chill out , I'm just trying to help . Sorry , Sally , it's not your fault . So , what's the problem ? I drew a blank on the algebra test . No kidding ! Didn't you study for it ? Yeah , but nothing was clear during the test . That's too bad , anyway , I'm sure things will turn around next semester . I'm thinking of dropping out . You can't do that , Jenny ! I'm dead serious about this , Sally . Come on , let's talk about it . Lisa , I'm home . How was your day ? Pretty good . I've made a few friends already . Anybody I know ? Well , Pam Franklin lives next door to us . By the way , can I go to her house this Saturday ? Of course . You didn't have to ask me . That's what Pam said . Just don't stay out too late . It's nice and bright today , isn't it ? Yeah . The autumn is marvelous here . How about winter ? That's a hard time . The air is cold and damp , and the road is often icy . It's boring , right ? Sure . Do you get much rain during the summer ? Plenty . We never worry about lack of rainwater in our area . So you should bring an umbrella often . That's right . Thank you for coming to see me off . Not at all . If have time , I'll come again . You're welcome at any time . Thank you for your hospitality . I hope I didn't cause you too much trouble during my stay . You're most welcome . I'm afraid I have to go now . The plane will take off soon . Call us as soon as you get home . May I invite you to dance with me ? Sorry , I can't dance . Never mind , I can teach you . Is it difficult to learn ? No , it is easy . How should I do ? You just follow me . All right . By the way , do you often dance ? Yup , because dance can relax myself . It seems a good way . Hmm , what should I wear today ? Come on , you think about what to wear almost every day . There are thousands of clothes in your wardrobe . Well , haven't you ever heard people say that there is always one piece of clothes missing from a woman's wardrobe ? I have and I can prove that is 100 % true for you . Loving to look beautiful is women's nature . In fact , I am thinking about going to my favorite clothing shop today . No kidding ! Again ? ! You just went shopping yesterday . You really are a shopaholic . Well , I need to change the shoes I bought from Nasi . They are too small . I want to ask them whether they come in a larger size . OK . Do you have the receipt with you ? I think they will ask you to show them the receipt first . I'm feeling hungry . Isn't it time for dinner ? Yes , let's get something to eat . How about Mac Donald's ? What do you think of the way people use and treat animals ? I think most people treat animals well , but we are often cruel to animals . When we raise animals for food , the conditions they live in are often poor . Perhaps people should stop eating animals . We could grow more crops . What would you do with all the animals ? You couldn ’ t just let them go . Besides , some people would still hunt them . Meat has become an integral part of our diet . We could provide them with better conditions anyway . We should certainly try to improve the conditions at zoos . We should try to recreate the natural conditions as much as possible . That ’ s true . I think zoo are a good idea , because they allow people to get close to animals . I think it ’ s good for kids to see wild animals . I agree . I ’ m an adult and I love going to the zoo . I don ’ t like animals experiments though . I believe that we can do tests in other ways . I read that the number of animals being used in experiments is falling dramatically as new techniques are being introduced . That ’ s good news . The good thing is that most people treat their pets well . Sometimes you read about people who have been cruel to pets or other animals , but those stories are rare . Have you every given money to any of the charities that take care of animals . Yes , I have . They do an excellent job . I'll be seeing you around . OK.Take care . Did Bean send these dirty jokes to you , too ? Look ! What a creep ! Phony good luck e-mails are one thing , but sexual harassment is crossing the line . No wonder he asked for my address first-he just wants to harass me ! You could try using a spam filter to reject stuff that's obviously pornographic or anything else you don't want . Do you object to drinking black tea , Mr.Zhang ? Yes , that is why I never drink it . Do you drink green tea , then ? Very seldom , because tea has tannin which may be harmful to one's health . But if the tea is good and well prepared , it will do much good . What good is it for ? Not only can it appease one's thirst , but it can also refresh one when tired . That's true , but it must not be allowed to stand long . Why is it so ? Because if you drink a kind of tea which has been prepared for some time before , it will do you harm . I just heard your boy had taken the first place in the history test . He is super cool . You flatter me . Jennifer , would you like to have dinner with me ? Yes . That would be nice . When do you want to go ? Is today OK ? Sorry , I can't go today . How about tomorrow night ? Ok . What time ? Is 9:00 PM all right ? I think that's too late . Is 6:00 PM OK ? Yes , that's good . Where would you like to go ? The Italian restaurant on 5th street . Oh , I don't like that Restaurant . I don't want to go there . How about the Korean restaurant next to it ? OK , I like that place . Hi , long time no see . How have you been ? Oh , I've been fine , but I'm having some trouble with my son . Tell me all about it . Oh , he's 14 and in the past few months , he's become quieter and a bit secretive . He locks himself in his room and I think he's running around with the wrong crowd . Oh , I see . What makes you think that ? Well , he's become friends with a couple of older boys who are in a band . And one night last weekend , he came home really late , way past his curfew . Really ? What happened ? He told me that his friend's car broke down and they had to walk home . I see what you mean . I understand why you're concerned . Have you tried talking to your son about it ? I haven't yet . I just keep hoping it's just a phase he's going through . You may be right , but it doesn't hurt to find out more about what's going on in his life . You're right . I should talk to him . Sometimes , it's not easy being a parent . Thanks . It helps to get it off my chest . You're always so easy to talk to . I don't know about that , but my door is always open . Stop by anytime . Hello , Tom ! Do you have plans for this evening ? Nothing special . How about having dinner with me ? That's great . I would love to . And when ? Let ’ s fix it at seven o'clock , OK ? No problem . However , maybe I should come early to help you prepare the dinner . Don ’ t worry . I will arrange everything . All right , see you tonight . See you . Hello Mei , How about going for a meal this evening ? Good idea ! I finish work at five . Why don ’ t we meet at six ? Ok that sounds good . Where shall I meet you ? Let ’ s meet in front of the train station . Ok great , I ’ ll see you at six . Ok , see you tonight ! Don ’ t be late ! I'd like to meet you again sometime . That would be great . Actually , can I get your phone number , Ella ? That's assuming you don't mind if I call you sometime . Anytime . You can reach me at 5558929 . Ok , got it . I will call you sometime next week . Fine . It's time to go . Bye , Ella . Hope to see you soon Bye , Jason . Lisa , I'm so glad to see you . How are you doing ? Fine . I miss you so much , uncle Benjamin . Me too . We haven't seen each other for years . It's been 3 years now . How time flies ! Now you are a college student out of a little girl . How is aunty Shirley ? Couldn't be better . How has May been ? She's been good . She is in grade one in Joy Chain high school . And she dreams to be a volunteer in 2008 . When she told me that she would marry no man but Dick , my heart was almost in my mouth . You were scared , too ? I dared not tell you my feeling when I heard that . I almost got fainted . I could not and can ’ t make out the reason why she would set her heart on a man like Dick . He plays the field with many girls . But Sarah says she does not care , so long as he loves her . Excuse me . May I take a picture of you and your little boy ? What ’ s it for ? It ’ s for a book . Oh , that ’ s a nice idea . Well , it ’ s fine if you take our picture . Thank you . I appreciate your help . Hey , That's a really nice outfit you have on . Why , thank you . I wasn't sure if it looked okay or not . I can't believe all the words the salesgirl said . Oh , you look stunning . Your dress really goes well with your shoes . I'm glad that you think so . I thought it might be a bit too revealing . No , not at all . It looks really classy on you . Where did you pick that up ? I got it on sale down at the department store . When did you go there ? I was just there a couple of days ago . You know , you should go down there too . They have a lot of stylish clothes on sale . I might just do that . What style of clothes do they have ? Anything you want . They have both casual and formal styles . I was hoping to get a few new ties for my collection . That's a good idea . Some of your ties are pretty outdated . Well , I spent a lot of money on getting my shirts tailor-made , so I couldn't afford to buy any new ties . Anyways , are you going to the party tonight ? Yes , I am . Say , are you going to wear that outfit to the party ? I don't think so . It is a little too formal . I'm probably going to wear something more laid back . Me too . I will probably go dressed in a T-shirt and jeans . I guess that you will really be dressing down . That's my style when I'm not in the office . Good point . I suppose that we all have our own individual styles . Hello , John . How are you ? I'm fine , thanks . And you ? Very well , thanks . Nice to see you again . I haven't seen you for a long time . What have you been doing lately ? Oh , nothing much really . And how is everything with you ? Fine , thanks . I've been busy lately . What have you been doing ? I've been studying for my exams . My school exams will begin next month . Really ? Good luck for them . Thanks . And how are your parents ? They're both very well , thanks . Where are you going now ? I'm going to do some shopping.Why don't you come with me ? I can't . I have to meet someone . It's been nice talking to you . Good-bye . See you again sometime . Mom , look , that cake looks delicious . My mouth is watering . OK , boy . I will buy it for you . What a pin-up she is ! Can you imagine she's over forty ? That's incredible ! She has such a sharp figure . Absolutely . She's a teacher of aerobics . What's the date today Mr.Brown ? I don't have a calendar . Today is Tuesday , 25th September , 2001 . 25th Sep ? Oh , I have an appointment tonight . What time is your appointment ? It is at 8 o'clock . What time is now ? Do you have the correct time ? I don't know what time it is . It must be about 6 o'clock . I have to go now . I don't want to be late . You won't be late . It's still early . Hi , Michelle . Do you need to use the photocopier ? Oh , hi Jeremy . No please , go ahead . So how are you , Jeremy ? I was talking to Linda about you only last week . Oh , I'm fine , thanks . I'm super busy with work actually . Did you hear about the Lawson contract ? No , tell me more . Well , I was discussing the contract with Bill and he said that they met the head of Lawsons last week . And . And hopefully they are going to confirm the deal on Wednesday , fingers crossed . That's great news , Jeremy . Congratulations ! Anyway , I must get back , but give my regards to your wife Monica . I will , Michelle . Speak to you soon . What's your favorite kind of music ? Do you like pop music ? I like almost all kinds of music . But I like country music best . There was a concert country music last week . I wish I had been there ! I like it , too . But sometimes I enjoy jazz and classical music . You have good taste in music . What can I do for you ? I am returning these books . What did you do to this book ? I accidentally ripped the cover . You will need to pay for the damage . How much do I need to pay ? I ’ m going to need $ 5.00 . That ’ s not too expensive . It isn ’ t . Here ’ s the $ 5.00 . Thank you . No problem . Have a good one . Hello ? Hi , Randy . What are you going to do this weekend ? I ’ Ve no idea . Nothing really . How about going hunting with me ? Wonderful . Okay . I ’ ll pick you up around 6 I ’ ll be ready . How is your business on the Internet , Steven ? Don't mention it . I lost a bunch of money on it this year . I think it is on the brink of bankruptcy . I am sorry to hear that . It shows that you should buy companies , not ideas . I changed my strategy around too . I am investing in good companies now . Yes , I agree with you . I am going to find a good company and invest in it soon . It's a good idea . But please be careful when you invest this time . Yes , I will . I should learn more from you . After all I am green hand on it . If you have any question , you can ask me . OK . My wife sent me a message and asked me to go home just now . I am leaving . All right . Let's chat next time . Bye-bye . Bye . Where do you have to go . To New York . When do you have to be there . Tomorrow morning . How long do you have to be there ? Three days . When will you be back ? On Friday . I ’ Ve got a new boss . Oh , what ’ s he like ? Well , he ’ s got dark hair and brown eyes . Yes . And a white sports car . Um , that ’ s good . Yes , but he ’ s got a wife and 3 children as well . Now I understand . But I don't smoke or drink.So what am I supposed to buy in here ? You can buy some of these nice butterflies . No , I'm sorry . I don't think it is nice to have butterflies mounted in boxes.It is kind of disgusting . What ? You feel sorry for the butterflies ? Yes . I think they should just let them fly free , and not try to sell them to foreigners . It is a kind of destruction of nature . Well , I agree with you . I'd rather think that the butterflies are flying around in the mountains . I just wonder if they really catch so many that it affects the butterfly population . Who knows ? Hey , I like these jade bears here . How much are they ? This one is 2300 dollars.Maybe I should buy it for my mother . What do you think ? If you want . Didn't you buy her a small vase already ? Yes , but she would like this a lot . She likes to collect little things like this . Alright . Buy it then . I won't buy anything . Well , maybe I'll buy some Cognac . Maybe I could buy some Cognac for my brother . He always drinks it . Let's go ask about it . What's new ? Nothing much . Hi , Monica , I got big news . You got a raise ? Not really , just take a wild guess . You got promoted ? Well , it is not going to happen so soon , I guess . You won a lottery ? Don ’ t beat around the bush , just tell me , please . Ok , I lost 5 pounds . I'm frustrated . What's the problem ? I can't work out this problem . Let me take a look . Maybe I can figure it out . Thanks . I really appreciate it . You ’ re a big fan of Andy Lau , aren ’ t you ? Yes , I ’ Ve been got all his albums and most of his films on DVD . I adore him . He ’ s my idol . How come you don ’ t have all of his films on DVD ? Some of his early films are hard to find nowadays , especially the ones where he only played a bit part . I see . I ’ m sure you ’ ll find them one day . I see you also have several poster of him . Yes . These posters are new . I bought them last week and put them up on my bedroom walls yesterday . Are you a member of his fan club ? I was , but then I discovered you can find out everything for free on the internet , so I ’ m not a member now . Did you see the interview with Andy Lau in cosmopolitan magazine last month ? Of course ! I bought two copies . Two copies ? One to keep and one to cut the pictures out of , right ? What would you like to have in your breakfast , bread , egg or sandwiches ? Bread . And milk or orange juice ? Orange juice . What would you like for lunch , pork , mutton or beef ? I think mutton is best . What kind of drink do you like most , red wine , beer or champagne ? I like champagne . And among apples , oranges and bananas , which is your favorite ? Banana of course . Do you always have meals outside or in your house ? I always have meals outside , because I ’ m not good at cooking . The art critic from the daily chronicle doesn ’ t think much of the max oreo exhibition . He says that the artwork is uninspiring and old fashioned . Really ? I thought the exhibition showed that he had real talent . What did you think of it ? I liked it . I didn ’ t think his works were masterpieces , but the certainly weren ’ t uninspiring , in my opinion . I don ’ t think I ’ Ve ever read a good review of an exhibition by that critic . He doesn ’ t seem to like anything . Which kinds of paintings do you prefer ? I like landscapes and still life . You prefer abstract paintings , don ’ t you ? Yes , I do . I like painters who use will rather than watercolors . The colors appear richer . What do you think ? I agree . I prefer oils too . I collect landscapes , but I only have a small collection . You have a small collection of abstract art , don ’ t you ? Yes . Good artwork is very expensive nowadays . When I was in china , I bought some calligraphy by famous artists . You should come and see it sometime . That would be nice . Can you read the characters ? I know what the characters on the paintings mean . I think Chinese characters look very artistic . It ’ s said that the way they are written can give insight into the artist ’ s character . I think that ’ s true with any of the fine arts . Jenny , are you having fun here ? Yes , of course . This is really a nice party with wonderful people and lovely wines . I ’ m glad you ’ re enjoying it . Thank you for the invitation . It ’ s my pleasure . Would you like another glass of champagne ? Yes , please . Thank you for everything . What do you think of the play showed last night ? I think there's too much violence and it did no good to my little boy . Yes , I turned it off when the fight got heated in it . It's really hard to avoid such bad influence anyway . Hey , Tom , I want to learn how to play golf . You're really sporty ! I want to do everything I can . Do you have clubs ? No . Can I rent clubs ? There are clubs for beginners . It's cheaper to buy those rather than rent them a few times . What kinds of clubs ? Like the seven-piece set . It's only $ 120 . I'll buy a set . But you have to teach me . Okay . You are married to a foreigner , aren't you ? So what's it like ? Well , in the first year of our marriage , we had great difficulties in getting along . The things that are important to me are not important to him . We had a lot of conflicts . Yeah , I know what you mean . The first year of any marriage is difficult for all couples , not to mention two people from different cultures . Now we have a two-year-old boy . We're very happy that he's healthy and smart . Oh , so he's half Chinese and half American . That's unusual . What languages does he speak , then ? Right now he speaks mostly English , and he can say a few Chinese words . But he will learn in the future . What does he look like ? Can people tell ? Yes , people surely can . He's whiter than the Chinese kids , and his hair is a little blonde . My husband says his eyes are very Chinese though . What do you mean his grandmothers are already dead ? Wait a minute , you don't think he's avoiding me , do you ? Well you know , claiming that your grandmother is sick is the classic excuse used to get out of doing something . Oh man , I hate rejection . It really makes you feel terrible , especially when you really liked the person . Is there anything I can do to help ? Just remember that I'm there for you if you want to talk about it . How do you do , Mr.Smith ? This is Lili . I'm calling to thank you for the wonderful dinner we had yesterday . I enjoyed it very much . You're welcome . I'd like you to join us for dinner again sometime . Thank you , Mr.Smith . I'm returning to China today . Today ? Yes . I appreciate all help and in particular , all the time that you've spent on my account during my stay here . Don't mention it . I am pleased to help you . If there's anything that I can help you in the future , please let me know . I'll do that.Thank you.Have a safe trip home . Do you buy that newspaper every day ? Yes , I do . I find it very informative.It always has plenty of articles from correspondents all over the world and the business section is very useful too . Is there a Sunday edition of that newspaper ? Yes . There is . it has several sections , so it ’ s quite a read ! It usually takes me a few hours to read it on Sunday morning . What section does it have ? Let me see . There ’ s the news section , the entertainment section , sports , business , and world affairs . What ’ s in that section ? World affairs ? They look at the most important stories in more detail . I find it fascinating . Do you buy a daily paper ? I buy a national newspaper sometimes , buy I nearly always buy a local evening newspaper . I find the local news more interesting than national or international news . You must like negotiating a lot . People are saying , you are a super negotiator . Ha , I am flattered . Actually , when it comes to negotiate , you don ’ t need to like it . You just need to understand how it works . I am not good at it by any means . Give me some advice . Well , generally speaking , if you want to change someone ’ s mind or understand his position , you have to put yourself in his shoes . Understand his need and the cost for his need . And then you work together to find a solution . Sounds easy . But how can I apply to practice ? I am thinking about applying for more reimbursement for my mobile bill . But I am afraid our boss will turn me down . Ok , as John after Kennedy put it , let us never negotiate out of fear , but let us never fear to negotiate . Hey , Shirley . The party has been wonderful . My husband and my children have enjoyed it very much , and me too . I've said you will enjoy your life here ! I surely will . By the way , is the party like this held every weekend in our neighborhood ? Oh , I've forgotten to tell you . The party is held every other week . And every family gives their own performance each time . My children would like that ; they like dancing very much . That's good ! Look ! Who is that guy on the stage ? Oh , my God ! That's my husband , Benjamin . Really ? He likes American Idol very much , and he always imitates the contestant at home . I can't believe he got on the stage himself . He performs very well . He is so funny ! OK , just ignore him . I've noticed there are lots of exercise facilities in our community . After dinner you can go there for a walk with your family ! OK , that's perfect ! By the way , is there any playground in our neighborhood ? Yes , there is one behind our building . And you can play tennis there . But if you want to play tennis there , they will change you 30 Yuan per hour . OK , got it ! Thank you so much . You have helped me a lot ! You are welcome ! We are neighbors ! You look pale , you must have poor health . Yeah . You said it . Why not go to see the doctor ? I ’ Ve done that . The doctor advised me to cut out smoking and drinking . How is Tom now ? He's out of the hospital and up and about again at last . Let's congratulate him on Sunday . You said you like classical music very much . Then who is your favorite opera star ? There are three of them , the Three Tenors . Oh , you mean Pavarotti , Domingo and Carreras . Have you been to their live shows ? Yeah , it's really a unique experience . It's a solo concert by Pavarotti . He put on the performance in the Forbidden City in Beijing . I've heard of that one . It was also his swan song . Besides , speaking of classical music , we should never forget about the New Year's Concert . Of course not . People all over the world watch it on TV , or listen to it on the radio . Sure . It's undoubtedly one of the biggest classical music events . Have you ever been to the live show ? Yes , I went to the New Year's Concert in 2005 . Wow , you are so lucky . I saw that one on TV . But it must be so different to be there in the concert hall . That's for sure . You know , it's really amazing to be in the best concert hall , listening to the performance by the best orchestra . I had the greatest time ever . Who was the conductor at that event ? Lorin Maazel . He did an amazing job . Moreover , he just celebrated his 75th birthday . So cool . I wish I can go to the live New Year's Concert someday in the future . The right opportunity for you would come along soon . You know , music is transnational . I believe in that . Well , the performance is about to begin . Let's be quiet . I really need to find a parking spot . Are you looking for a space on or off campus ? Do you know any spaces on campus ? You can park in the student parking structure . Where is it located ? You'll find the parking structure on the west side of the campus . Do you have any idea if the parking structure has any spaces left ? Last time I checked , it was pretty empty . What time was it when you went up there ? That was earlier this morning . It wouldn't be full right now , would it ? I have no idea . Ok . Let ’ s look at our short presentation on China . What do we need to include ? We need to talk about the size of the country and its population . Ok . China is about the same size as Canada and the united states and it has a population of about 1.3 billion , making it the latest country in the world by population . It says here that most of the people are han Chinese , but there are 55 minorities that make up almost 10 % of the population . We need to say something about the geography and climate of china . Is there any way to divide the country into sections ? We could divide into five parts . There ’ s the northeast , which is mild in summer and very cold in winter . Then there is the northwest , which is largely desert . Tillet is famous for its mountainous climate . The rest of the country can be roughly divided into two parts . One is temperate-mild in winter and warm in summer . Then , in the south it is hot most of the year . That sounds very general . It is , buy remember that we only have a few minutes to make our presentation . We can select cities from each part and give data for each one . One from each part ? Lhasa , Urumqi , Harbin , shanghai , and hongkong . The capital city is Beijing , right ? Yes . The other large cities are Chengdu , Dalian , Wuhan , tianjin , shenyang , Chongqing . Hongkong and Guangzhou . We should take a large map and highlight those cities . What is each of them famous for ? I learned of the railway accident only this morning . A really dreadful accident and many people were killed . Is that true ? Yeah , well , I fill you in one the details later . Thanks . Who is responsible for the accident ? Is it Tony ’ s fault ? No . I don ’ t suppose he ’ s to blame . The man in the other car made a big mistake . You mean Tony is the victim ? No , I don ’ t think so . He ’ s equally responsible because he tried to overtake you . Yeah . I think everyone should go easy on driving . Did you hear who won the English speech contest ? No , who won ? It's George . Really ? I'm surprised . I didn't know his English was that good . He's honest , hardworking and responsible . I simply can't find any shortcoming of his as an employee . I rather doubt it.You ' re cheated by his appearance , I think . Don't be so jealous . He never speaks ill of you before me . Paul , let's go and see Grandpa this afternoon . But Grandpa will be working . It's Saturday . I almost forget . I have made up my mind . I am getting a tattoo . Really ? Are you sure ? Yeah ! Why not ? They are trendy and look great ! I want to get a dragon on my arm or maybe a tiger on my back . Yeah but , it is something that you will have forever ! They use indelible ink that can only be removed with laser treatment . On top of all that , I have heard it hurts a lot ! Really ? Of course ! They use this machine with a needle that pokes your skin and inserts the ink . Oh , I didn ’ t know that ! I thought they just paint it on your skin or something . I think you should reconsider and do some more research about tattoos . Also , find out where the nearest tattoo parlor is and make sure they used sterilized needles , and that the place is hygienic . Maybe I should just get a tongue piercing ! our company is going to do some cutbacks soon . really ? Where did you hear that ? I met with the supervisor just this morning . I don't know , but I am a little worried . Who do you think will get sacked ? I'm not sure ... well , first , it couldn't be George . He is such a kiss-ass . He'd wash the boss's dog if he asked . no , it's not going to be George . I don't think it's Andy either . He is involved with the boss's sister in-law . And you know how whipped our boss is . that's true . What about Lisa ? I bet there's nobody who could do a worse job than her . Lisa ? No way . I've heard a rumor that she and the boss were having an affair . You know rumors can't come out from nowhere . well , okay . Then there is still Michael . But he's pet after having the best sales record for three months in a row . It definitely won't be Michael . no , that would be crazy . But then who will it be ? Oh dear , it must be me . I should have known it ! Why else would he have talked to me alone about the downsizing . What should I do ? I've got a family t well , it could be me too . But I am not too worried . This place is suffocating me with this boss being such a hard-ass and colleagues who barely know how to get dressed in the morning . It would almost b Do you often surf the Internet ? Yeah . I do it once a week . Is it very interesting ? Sure . I get a lot of information and make many friends . Oh , I'll have a try . I want to say ... Say it ! What is it ? That I can't go on any longer without you . You know you shouldn't say that at a time like this . Nancy , I made up my mind you were the only woman for me at the first sight . Too sudden ! I'm not ready for it . Forgive me for startling you with the impetuosity of my sentiments . Stop it . No more of that talk . I really love you . No , I shall faint . And I hope so . This is what you were meant for . Say you love me , say yes , say yes . Yes . Do you think Tom will be elected president ? No , I think Harry will get it . Let's make a bet on who gets it . OK , loser buys pizza tomorrow night . Your knowledge of English is really surprising . Oh , it's nothing to speak of . No , seriously . I am impressed . Thank you . I appreciate the compliment . Your knowledge of English is really surprising . Oh , it's nothing to speak of . No , seriously . I am impressed . Thank you . I appreciate the compliment . Have you noticed the Mexican restaurant on the other side of this street ? You mean the one with the yellow bricks ? But last time I saw it , it wasn ’ t really in business yet . I saw some people inside furnishing the rooms . Is it open now ? Yes , someone give me a pamphlet introducing the restaurant and its business hours when I passed by this morning.So , let ’ s have a try . My treat . Great , I like the idea of trying some new food . Good for you . Today we have more chances to try some new food because there are now many new form restaurants in our city coming from places all over the world . Also some traditional Chinese food , like noodles and dumpling are marketed in modern ways with improved food quality . I heard this year , the government has imposed very stringent inspection on the hygiene conditions restaurants and suppliers of food are also under tighter control . For sure all the customers will benefit from this . You were right . It's raining again . I told you so . Hi . What's up ? Nothing much . What's new with you ? Not too much . I've been pretty busy . Me too . Seems like all I do is eat and sleep . Gotta go . Call me tonight . Okay . Check you later . What's all this noise about ? They're discussing whether they should replace Miss Smith , the Music teacher . Why ? Because she's not responsible enough . How many people are there in your family ? My immediate family is quite small . It ’ s just my older step-brother , my mom , my step-dad and me . how about you ? I have a large family . I have three older sisters , my twin sister , a younger brother , and parents . I didn ’ t know you were a twin ! Are you identical or fraternal ? We ’ re identical . I mean , we look exactly the same , but we are complete opposites when it comes to everything else . Interesting . It must be great having a twin sister . Are you best friends , too ? We used to be really close , but that all changed once she moved to Shanghai . How about your family ? You didn ’ t mention to your biological father . I don ’ t know much about him . He died when I was just a baby . Even though I don ’ t have a blood relationship with my step-father and step-brother , I consider them to be my real family . What about your step-brother ’ s mother ? Does he keep in touch with her ? No , she also died when my step-brother was little . My mother and my step-father met each other shortly after my father died and became good friends . They ended up getting married a few years later . Sounds like it was meant to be . It's awfully quiet around here . Yeah . There's nobody in sight . I have a feeling that we're not supposed to be in here . I think you're right . Let's go . Mike's going to have a self-driving traveling across the country . Really ? He is so great . You don't want to join him ? Surely I want . It's quite popular nowadays . Yes , and I want to have a try . Where are you going ? I'm going to Bill's house . What are you going to do there ? I'm going to help him . What's he doing ? He's fixing his roof . Are you going to the movie theater with me tonight ? Is there anything good playing ? Titanic is playing tonight . It's a blockbuster . Really ? I want to go , too . OK , let's meet at the movie theater entrance tonight . Don ’ t be late . No problem . ( After watching the movie . ) Are you crying ? I get a lump in my throat whenever I see a tragic movie . Tragic movie ? I think it's a love story . But their love is touching ! Ah , you're just too emotional . I am not ! Many people play sports in China , don't they ? Yes . Table tennis is probably the most popular . I expect all Chinese can play table tennis . Most anyway . Do you like playing table tennis ? Yes , I like . But I can't play it well . Are indoor sports popular ? Basketball and swimming are very popular . Really ? I like playing basketball , too . We can play together if you are free . That's great . I couldn't look at you , and say you aren't beautiful ! You are pretending ! No , Miss Anna , you must let me say how lovely you are ! What's wrong with that ? It's wrong because---it isn't true . You know that everybody notices how beautiful you are , don't you ? Well , no-that is , I've heard Linda say they do , but ... Thank you . But please don't speak to me again . Oh , Miss Anna ! That's too hard ! I won't be here long . Both our countries are quite small . How would you describe the landscape in your country ? My country is well know for being very flat . There are some hills in the southeast of the country . Is it really completely flat ? Pretty much . The land rises and falls only a few meters . The southeast , the hills rise to a height of a few hundred meters . There are mountains over 1000 meters high in your country . Yes , there are . They are not very big compared with the mountains in other countries . The coast of your country is very varied . The coast of my country is just made up of sandy beaches . That doesn ’ t sound too bad . Great for sunbathing ! The coast of my country changes even within a few kilometers . There are cliffs , then sandy beaches . Then rocks . There are lots of caves in the cliffs . There are also many small islands off the coast , but few people lives on them . There are many lakes and rivers in your country too . We also have many rivers , but only a few lakes . We also have waterfalls in the mountains . They make the landscapes look very scenic . The landscape has been shapes by millions of years of erosion , especially by water . Do you speak only English in the class , or does your teacher explain everything to you in Spanish ? Oh , we never speak Spanish in class ! Miss.Parker speaks to us only in English . I suppose she's right.Does she speak English very slowly ? Not always.Sometimes we don't understand her.Then she has to repeat what she said . It must be interesting to study English . Mario and I are the best students in the class.Miss.Parker says that my pronunciation is very good . Is English pronunciation easy or difficult ? Sometimes it's difficult.Some words look different from the way one pronounces them . We have a class outing today . Have fun . Excuse me , Professor . I have to talk to you about why my homework didn't get done . What happened that you didn't get it done ? I had to watch a football game instead . Well , you had more than one day ; couldn't you have fit it in on another day ? Yes , I think so . Either way , I only allow one missed assignment per semester . When will you be turning the make-up in ? I'll make it up next week . Fine , but it cannot happen again if you want an “ A ” in the class . OK , I can do that . Remember that you are in college now , not high school . Will you be done doing my hair soon ? Give me a little while longer . How much time do you need ? There you go . How do you like it ? I think it looks gorgeous . You think it looks nice ? I honestly think it looks great . Thanks . I'm glad that I did a good job . How much is it for my hair ? Just give me $ 55 . Thanks for doing such a good job . No problem , girl friend . I'll see you next time . Why do you look so gloomy ? What are you looking for ? My dissertation . I put it somewhere last night and I can't find it now . Did you finish typing yesterday ? Yes , I kept on typing it until midnight , but it is lost . Don't worry about it . It must be somewhere in your room . Let's see where you put it . Have you searched your drawers and the desk ? Yes , but there is nothing inside the drawers or on the desk . How about the shelf ? I've searched everywhere . Where on earth did I put it ? Don't get upset over it . At least you have another week to go . I have been working on it for a whole month and it's too late to write another . Just think of all my hard work that goes for nothing . How could I do such a thing ? Cheer up ! What I meant was that you can find it sometime during a week . There is no need to write a new one . Oh , what's this ? Is this your dissertation ? Let me see . Yes , that's it . Where did you find it ? You ’ Ve put it among these journals . My poor memory . Thank you very much . how come you're still up ? Shouldn't you be asleep by now ? I've been having a hard time sleeping lately . as far as I know , insomnia is usually caused by stress . Are you stressed at all ? well , I'm really worried about my grades . I didn't think this course would be so stressful . you're a good student . I'm sure you can do well . What you need to do is to relax . you're probably right . I just wish it were that simple . How can I stop feeling so anxious all the time ? taking a yoga class or learning some relaxation techniques can help you cope with your stress . I don't really have time to learn anything new . I need to spend my time studying ! you need to take some breaks throughout the day . Studying all day isn ’ t very usually effective . you ’ re right . I usually end up starting at my computer or checking my email instead of doing my work for class . besides , it ’ s not difficult to learn yoga . In fact , I can teach you a move that ’ s supposed to help you fall asleep ! You just have to sit down like this , bend over and breath in deeply . that ’ s fantastic . I ’ m going to go try that out in my room now . good night ! good night , sleep tight ; don ’ t let the bed bugs bite ! Before we begin eating , I'd like to present everyone with a gift from Taiwan . What is it ? It's a Taiwanese puppet doll . It's huge ! Yeah . They're usually this big . The craftsmanship is excellent . All the parts work . Thank you so much . Don't mention it . Can I still get tickets for tonight's performance ? The balcony is still available . Aren't there any other seats ? No , I'm afraid that's it . It seems to me that you fall for good-looking guys . Yeah . Why don't you date up a handsome guy and spend time together ? I have found myself a date mate . You must have a lot in common and a barrel of fun . A barrel of fun , of course . He often says that I'm a date bait . Would you like some coffee , Tom ? Yes , thank you . Here's some sugar . Thanks . Espresso is made with a machine that forces steam and boiling water through finely ground coffee . It's strong . OK , OK , this is good . Keep talking . What about cappuccino and all those other drinks ? Cappuccino is one-third espresso and two-thirds a mixture of steamed milk and froth . Froth ? If you want something manly , stick with the espresso . Thanks , Hugh . I owe you one . What do you think of the speech the man delivered just now ? Don't believe him.He ' s a liar . We cannot expect politics to be true anyway . Another weekend is coming ! And we're going to have summer vacation . Yes.What will you do this weekend ? I'll plan for the vacation . Hello , Tom . How do you find the dinner of yesterday ? Very good . That may be the most delicious food I have ever eaten . It's nice of you to say so . I really appreciate you for having invited me . Don't mention it . You know , we ’ re old friends . Anyway , I owe you one . Are you free tonight ? Yes . Why ? I want to invite you to enjoy the food I cook . That ’ s great . I'd love to . Thank you for your letter . Is your waist any better ? Yes , I ’ m feeling very well these days . I ’ m glad you are getting better . And I was glad to receive your letter . Then when will you be back again ? I will be back again next Wednesday . I hope to see you at that time again . Bye . Bye . When I was a little boy , I had a dream of becoming a lawyer . Your dream comes true now . Yes , I knew I would make it . You are really confident . This is my uncle , Charles . He looks strong.What does he do ? He's a captain . He must be very brave . Exactly ! How's your brother doing ? As a matter of fact , he hasn't been feeling too well . I'm sorry to hear that . What's the matter ? Tell him I hope he's better soon . I'll tell him . Thanks for asking about him . Are you a soccer fan ? Yes , I am . I like to watch soccer games on TV , but I don ’ t play . I watched every game of the 2002 World Cup . Which team is your favorite ? Italian . They played very well , but they were not very lucky . I like the Brazilians . They are the real champions . What are you doing , awake ? I can't sleep ... But it's almost midnight ! Exactly . I'm too excited for Christmas morning . Also , I thought I heard Santa . Really ? How do you know it was Santa ? Well , I heard that naughty boys and girls get coal in their stockings , so I thought I'd be nice and make Santa cookies . I even left out some milk . I heard someone in the kitchen eating the cookies , so I came downstairs ! Hmm ... well I know that Santa won't come down the chimney with you hiding behind the tree , spying on him ! Really ? Really ! Let's go back upstairs and get back to bed . That way , we can let Santa do his job . Then when you wake up , it will be Christmas already ! O-K ... Hey , honey ! Is that you ? Don't eat all the cookies — I want some , too ! Hey Eve , how are you ? I ’ m fine , Celia . And you ? I ’ m ok . I ’ m so busy ! Do you have a lot of homework ? Yes . Don ’ t you ? Of course I do ! Which class are you working on right now ? I ’ m studying for my chemistry exam tomorrow . Are you in Mrs Green ’ s class ? Yes . Are you ? Yes . We must have the same exam tomorrow ! Do you want to study together ? Sure . This library is too quiet though . Do you want to go to and empty classroom ? That sounds good . Ok . Let ’ s go ! Are you ready to go the concert ? Yes . Should we go there by bus so we aren't late ? Actually , why don't we go there by bike ? We could get stuck in traffic if we travel by bus in rush hour . That's true . Cycling is good for our environment , too . Let me just get my helmet then . Is your helmet comfortable ? Not really , but I liked the design , so I got it . Maybe you should think about getting a round helmet ; they're better . I'll think about it . Is that your new bicycle ? Yes , my father gave it to me for my birthday . Do you like it ? It's the newest 10 speed cycling mountain bike . These are really expensive ! Nothing but the best from my dad . I like everything about it except for the brakes . They are a bit sticky . I can fix those for you . Is there anything else wrong with it ? Well , my saddle is too low for me . Do you know how to change the height ? That's easy . It's important to have the saddle high enough so that your legs can extend fully when you are on your bicycle . Is that why my knees have felt sore after every time I've ridden my bike ? It's possible . Give me a minute and I can fix these for you and then we can go . Oh , God . It ’ s late . I ’ m afraid I have to leave . But you just got here . Can ’ t you stay a little longer and have some tea ? That ’ s very kind of you . But if I don ’ t go now I ’ ll miss the last bus . That ’ s too bad . Thank you for your hospitality . Thanks for coming . How about next time we meet at my place ? And I ’ ll treat you to Chinese food . I know how much you like it . We can order in and watch video too . Anything you like , I promise . Great idea . I ’ m looking forward to it . See you then . Well . I really do have to go . Good night then . See you tomorrow . I'm going for a walk , Yi-jun . I need some time to myself . Don't you want to go to the visiting hours ? This sheet says they are tonight . I just can't right now . Everyone will be talking about Taylor and ... ... and maybe that's what we both need . I need to come to grips with his death first . And I also need to prepare a eulogy in case I'm asked to speak tomorrow . OK , but don't forget I'm here for you , and I know how you feel . It's my loss , too . You're going to get into a lot of trouble if you do that . What makes you say that ? I don't see anything wrong with what we're doing ! That's just the problem . In these kind of things , the trouble doesn't always appear at first . But everything has been so easy . Everything has gone as smooth as clockwork . Just like we planned ! That may be true , but if you were to do it , you would have trouble on the horizon . You always say that . Yeah , you never look at the positive side of things . Okay . Have it your way , but don't say I didn't warn you . Write down your name here in ink . But I don ’ t have a pen with me . May I use a pencil ? I ’ m afraid a pencil won ’ t do . Wait a moment , I ’ ll find you one . this party rocks ! you said it . Good beer , good music , and on top of that , there are so many hot girls here ! I'm with you on that . Check out that one over there . I think I'm in love ! well , she's alright , but not really my cup of tea . What about the blond with the red dress ? oh , that's Janice . She's just new in town . You have a thing for blonds , eh ? yeah ! She could do anything she wants to me ! I bet . Why not go over and talk to her ? She's really nice . I don't think so . I get so nervous talking to girls . I always put my foot in my mouth , scare her off , and end up looking like a real fool . Besides , she is way out of my league . come on ! Man up ! You'll never know until you try . okay okay , just let me have another cup of beers to get my head in the game . all right . But I think you ought to move soon . why ? I can see five other guys eying her up . okay , here I go ! good luck ! Do you watch a lot of TV ? Not really . I could take it or leave it . Not me . I have to have my TV and watch whatever comes on . How can you do that ? I am certain I am going to fail my English test . Why are you so pessimistic ? Because it's impossible to improve listening level within a week . Only for this reason ? Yes , I think my vocabulary and reading comprehension are not very bad . Don't worry about it . Practice makes perfect . I will lend you some listening materials , so that you can practise more before the exam . I believe you can pass the exam with good preparation . Oh , thank you . That's very nice of you . Hello ! So you are leaving today . Hello . Thank you for seeing me off . You actually don't need to bother . It is my pleasure to see you off . Thanks a lot . I hope to see you again . I hope so , too . Thanks again for everything you have done for me . You're welcome . Have a nice trip ! Did you see the way that Brian came to work yesterday ? Ever since he came back from that conference in Silicon Valley , he's been coming to work dressed in jeans and sweatshirts . It's like he's decided to make himself at home in his office . I don't know how long it'll take before the management talks to him about it . He was really influenced by the way they do things on the west coast . I guess the working atmosphere is a lot more relaxed and casual in California . It comes from the information technology industry .. there isn't such a large division between home and office , so people want to work in the clothes they feel more relaxed in . Maybe so , but it seems kind of strange , which the rest of us in white shirts , dark suites , and ties . It's not as bad as that ... We are allowed to wear more casual jackets and trousers . Besides , didn't you hear what Brian found on his desk this morning ? What's that ? Management decided to give him four brand new white shirts . That's their way of telling him that his new style of dressing down is not quite acceptable . I go to the fitness center every weekend . What for ? To lose some weight . Why , you look pretty all right . Uh-oh . I'm in trouble . Why ? What's wrong ? I just remembered that I've got to give a speech in class today and I forgot to prepare for it . I guess you'll have to wing it . I heard you received a prize for you book . yes , I did . I won a prize for best local history book at the annual book awards . congratulations ! You must be very proud of your achievement . actually , I was happy just to get the book published . Winning the prize was an added bonus . what was the prize ? I won $ 200 to spend on any books of my choice . that ’ s a great prize for a person who writes books ! Have you ever won a prize before ? I shared a prize with some friends last week . We won a bottle of whisky at a pub quiz . I won $ 10 in the lottery last month . Perhaps next time , I ’ ll be luckier and win the jackpot ! To be frank , I find philosophy rather boring . To tell you the truth , it's the most tedious course i have ever had . How could you manage to pass the exam ? It is still a mystery to me . What date is it today ? Why ? Look at the girls in the street . They all have a bunch of flowers.Is it Valentine's Day ? Oh , yes ! I completely forgot about it . Did you have a fight with Jack ? No , but now he'll be in trouble . What's a boyfriend for ? To forget about Valentine's Day ? Come on , dear ! You forgot it , too . You know , it's OK for a girl to forget these " big days " , but for a guy , to do that is unforgivable . Is that your phone ? Oh , it's Jack . Excuse me . Wow ! Good timing . He asked me out to a dinner tonight . How about joining us ? Come on ! Three's a crowd ! So what ? Just go ! It's Valentine's Day ! I heard that your previous manager was very capable , he is a good manger . That ’ s a matter of opinion . What do you mean ? I worked with him for two years . That was the worst time in my career . And lots of " Dear Abby " sob stories ... Hey ! I learn a lot from the psychologists who give advice in those columns ! No wonder you're such a wacko ... Whatever ... Smell ! Perfume samples ! Nice . Hey , I like the layout of this page ... You mean , you like the pictures of the beautiful models ... Hello ? How many cleaning ladies does your company hire ? We have two cleaning ladies . But both of them have received little education . Most cleaning ladies are illiterate . But some of them do a very nice job . But I actually dislike another lady . She is more capable and seems to have ideas of her own . But the trouble is she Isa backseat driver with some of us . She would tell you what to do and where to put things . I find that every employee here respects that manager very much . Yes . He carries a lot of weight . Everyone here is willing to follow his orders . What's your favorite book ? It's Gone With the Wind . Why do you like it best ? I enjoy the various characters and the plot . Well . I like the Thom Birds best . Is it very interesting ? Sure . I like the writer's language , too . If I have a chance , I'll enjoy the book . Would you like to go to the bookshop with me ? That's a good idea.Let ' s go ! It ’ s a beautiful day here in New Zealand at the Men ’ s Volleyball world championship . My name is Rick Fields and I ’ m joined by the man with the plan , Bob Copeland . Thank you , Rick . We ’ Ve got a very exciting encounter ahead of us today as two powerhouse teams , Brazil and China , face off against each other and try to qualify for the next round . Without a doubt , both teams are in top shape and this will prove to be a competitive match . The ref signals the start of the game and here we go . Ribero serves and China quickly receives the ball . Chen bumps it to the setter , and ... a very nice set by Chen ! Xu spikes it ! Wow , what a great hit ! The Brazilian blockers anticipated the play and tried to block him but he managed to get the ball in ! It ’ s China ’ s service now . What a superb jump serve by Li , oh , and we have a let serve . The ball was coming in fast and almost made it over the net . Brazil calls for a time out and we ’ ll be right back , after a short commercial break . Hello , Grace . That's a beautiful skirt you have on . Where are you going ? I am going to attend an interview . What kind of job are you applying for ? My major is English . Of course I'll apply for an English teacher . Oh . That dress doesn't exactly match the job . Why ? You said my skirt was beautiful just now . Yes , your skirt is really beautiful , but you are applying for a teaching position . You see , your skirt is very short , and your make up is too thick . What's more , the color of your lipstick doesn't match your skin . As a teacher , you should be a little more sedate . Then what should I do ? Some of my friends tell me that being a teacher , the most important is the beauty of mind . You shouldn't pay too much attention to your appearance . You should appear frugal and prudent . Your experience and knowledge will gain the appreciation of your interviewer . I don't know how John can put up with his son , who fools around without working . He's out of John's hands . Nothing he can do about such a black sheep . If I were him , I would give him a good talking-to . I would insist on his stopping fooling around like that . London is such a historical city ! There ’ s history everywhere you look . There ’ s nelson ’ s column , built as a monument to one of the Britain ’ s great admirals and his important victory . He won the battle of Trafalgar in 1805 . I ’ m looking forward to seeing Westminster abbey , where many historical figures are buried , like Isaac Newton , the great mathematician and Winston Churchill , the great wartime leader . Nearby , on the banks of the thames , there ’ s the statue of Boadicea . She fought the Romans when they invaded Britain . Women have often played an important role in British history . Queen Elizabeth I built a navy strong enough to fight off the Spanish armada in 1588 . more recently , Margaret thatcher transformed british society in the 1980 ’ s . She was a very controversial leader . Are we going to visit the famous tower of London later ? There ’ s a lot to see there . Perhaps we should go tomorrow . I ’ m looking forward to seeing the famous castle and prison . Many historic figures were imprisoned there in the past . I really want to see the crown jewels too . I ’ Ve seen them before . They ’ re quite incredible . If you want to see historical figures in London , there ’ s one place you have to go . Where ’ s that ? Oh , I know ! Madame Tussaud ’ s the waxworks museum . There you can see british leaders , entertainers , criminals , and royalty . Sometimes , it ’ s hard to know who belongs in each section of the museum ! so , how should we go to the theatre ? let's take the bus . I hate the bus system in London ! The bus drivers are rude , the buses are never on time , and there are few people around who can help you . it's not that bad . You probably just had a bad experience once . it wasn't just once . Every single time I take the bus , something bad happens to me or to someone else on the bus . we could take the subway , but we'd have to go three stops along one line and then change trains twice . train fares are twice as expensive as the bus fare , too . if we don't hurry up , we'll miss the show . Should we take the bus ? we're already late , so I think we had better take a taxi . I don't think we'll be able to find a taxi very easily during hush hours . Let's just take the bus . fine . Have a look at the timetable to find out when the next one arrives . it looks like it should be here in just a few minutes . don't worry . Nothing bad will happen . I'll even buy your ticket for you . thanks , that was nice of you . see , now something good has happened to you on a bus trip ! Mary , please go to the door . I hear the bell . It's the mailman , Mother . Here's a letter from Uncle George . Give it to me ... How wonderful ! He's coming to visit us . When's he coming ? He's coming by car on the twenty-fourth . He's staying from thetwenty-fourth to the twenty-sixth . Let me look at the calendar . Good ! The twenty-fourth is a Saturday . Is he coming alone ? No , he's coming with Aunt Cynthia and the girls . Mother , I don't remember the girls . How old are they ? Your cousin Fay is fifteen . Rosemary is older than Fay . She's seventeen . Are they going to stay here with us ? Of course . The girls can stay in your room with you . Mother , may we have a party ? If you like , but now we have to think about meals and many other things . Prepare the list , Mother . I can go shopping . I can go to the small stores.Everyone knows me there . What's your little caper ? Come home so late ! We are all worried about you . Oh , I am terribly sorry . But I was so captivated with the singer at the subway exit . So I forgot the time . Singing ? At the subway exit ? Oh , it sounds like someone needs some money . Oh , no , the guy was a musician who just sang . He played the guitar and sang so many cool pop songs . Many people were drawn to his music and there was no hat on the floor . He sang for appreciation , but not for money . It is just pop song , you could have sung there too if you want it . Oh , no , it was a kind of pop art . I like it but I couldn't do it that well . Honey , just do it next time . Have you heard of the real art in the subway station in Russia ? No , but tell me some . I am interested . Many oil painting exhibitions are there . That is a kind of Museum Exhibition . Are there many people there ? Do you think people actually like them ? I am sure you will . There are some works , and some students who major in painting interpret the meaning for visitors . And people can enjoy the paintings while waiting for the train . But I still prefer the pop music in the subway . Both the pop music and the oil painting ate arts , but with different aesthetic values . Dad , you talk well , but can you appreciate that kind of art ? Not well enough , but I'm learning . It's wonderful to be in the mountains after a hustle bustle week . Indeed . I love the smell of the grass and trees . They certainly refresh my mind . Can we stop here for a while ? My backpack is very heavy . Sure . Did you hear anything ? Look ! An eagle is hovering in the sky . Let me see . It's not an eagle . I think it's a vulture . Yes . Will it hurt us ? I don't think so . Let's walk by the stream . I am sure we can find the waterfall on the map . OK . I have a good pair of hiking boots . It should not be a big problem . I also brought a bottle of water and some provisions . If you are hungry , you can let me know . You are kind . Look there is a big tree over there , it looks like a thousand-year-old tree . Well , it is a birch tree.It is not as old as you think . How do you know ? Because its trunk is not thick enough to be like a thousand-year-old tree . Can we talk ? Sure , honey , we ’ re talking now , aren ’ t we ? You know what I mean . Yeah . I know . I want to know where this relationship is going . I ’ m in love with you and I need to know ... You know , I think you ’ re awesome . I ’ m awesome . Well , I guess that ’ s my answer , isn ’ t it . Honey ... Look , if you don ’ t love me , it ’ s not a thing , alright , we ’ Ve had our laughs , but I don ’ t appreciate ... maybe it ’ s just time we ... Baby , I love you so much . You do ? I love you . And I think you ’ re awesome . Oh , I love you too ! Come on . Put the gun down . Oh baby , I ’ m so sorry . Would you like to come over for dinner tonight ? Sure , but I have to tell you that I've become a vegetarian . I don't eat any kind of meat . When did you decide to become a vegetarian ? I saw a program a few months ago about how animals are raised for human consumption . I haven't been able to eat a single piece of meat since . That's great . Do you find that you eat a lot more fruit and vegetables now ? Definitely . I've also been buying organic fruit and vegetables , which is more expensive , but much better for you because they don't have any pesticides on them . You've really turned into a health nut , haven't you ? I guess you could say that . Eating fruit and vegetables helps keep you healthy . I've lost 5 pounds and I feel great ! How do you get enough protein in your diet ? Well , I eat a lot more tofu , beans , nuts and some fish . Well , don't worry about dinner . I'll only make vegetarian dishes for you . Do you like sushi ? I prefer cooked fish to raw fish , but if you really like it , make it . How about a spicy tofu and vegetable stir-fry ? That sounds great . What time should I come over ? Dinner will be ready at about 7:30 pm , so you can come over at 7 p . m . Sounds good . See you there ! How old is Keith ? He ’ s 21 . how old is James ? He ’ s a year older than Keith , but he looks younger . How ’ s your father ? He ’ s fine . He retired last week . It ’ s turning going in his life . Now he can relax and enjoy his retirement . He can spend more time with his grandchildren . Oh , I don ’ t think he wants to . He wants to travel to several different countries around the world . So , he wants to have a more active retirement . Good idea ! How do you want to spend your old age ? In the same way , probably . Is this seat taken ? No . Please sit down . Thanks . Are you also going to Beijing ? Yes , on a business trip . How about Yuu ? I'm taking a vacation to visit a friend there . Have you ever been there before ? Yes , I Went there once last summer . Really ? What did you think ? I think it is amazing . You can enjoy both the traditional Chinese culture as well as the vitality of a modern cosmopolitan city . The only thing I didn't enjoy was the subway . Was it that crowded ? Yes.These were always so many people.After taking the subway during the rush hour , you'll envy sardines in their cans . Oh , maybe I can take the bus or even rent a car . That's a good idea . Wish you a great vacation ! Thank you very much ! I love ice cream . Really ? Me , too . What's your favorite flavor ? I like both strawberry and coffee ice cream . Chocolate is mine . Would you like to go skiing with me ? I heard the new ski area is great . They have safe tracks , especially for the beginners and provide free training . I think it suits you best . Sounds not bad ! You know , the only thing I worried about is the safety . I ’ m not an active exerciser and my muscle may be not strong enough for such an intense sport . Well , Then you can go to the three-day-long training camp first . There ’ re some professional teachers and they can guide you to do certain necessary exercise . I will think about it . Come on ! It is really a fun game . Do you like watching the Winter Olympic Games ? Of course . It's the tradition game in winter , and with good reason . Don't you like watching it ? Of course I do . I love it . All the games are exciting and the competitors are respectable . That's true . For various reasons , it takes more to hold a fierce game for Winter Olympics than it does for Summer Olympics . You know , the low temperature may cause many problems . Yeah . What's the difference between the Winter Olympics and the Summer Olympics ? When the Olympic Games started in modern times , only summer events were included . When it grew popular , there came the Winter Olympic Games , which includes a variety of winter sports . I see . Then , what's your favorite winter sport ? Figure skating . In my eye , nothing beats it . Then you must know Shen Due and Hao Hongbo . Oh , I didn't expect you to know them . But yes , I love them not only because of many medals they've won , but also because of their spirits . You should go to talk with May . She is a big fan of them too . Sure . What about you ? What do you like about the Olympics ? For me , the Olympics for the disabled always catches my heart . It makes me understand that perseverance makes the impossible possible . Hey , young man , you are so deep today . I always am . You just didn't notice . It is difficult for old people to do away with old ideas . So the reform cannot be carried out well . Government is making efforts to change situation . Easier said than done . Does she make any sense to you ? No . It's all Greek to me . She's speaking French , not Greek . I know that . I mean I couldn't understand her at all . Me neither . All I have to do is study French hard . I wish you the best of luck . How are you going all these days ? Fine , thanks . But you look depressed . I have some problem with my work . Is it serious ? I can solve it , thanks . How about your family ? Everything is Okay . And as soon as I see my son at home , all my worries vanish into the blue . So what do you feel like doing this evening ? How about going to the cinema ? Ah , that's a good idea . But I heard the film club of our school would show a film for free . Maybe we don't need to go to the cinema . That's good ! I've also heard there will be a party held by the Students ' Union tomorrow evening . Would you like to go with me tomorrow night ? I'd like to , but I'm afraid I can't . Why ? Do you have to prepare for your examination ? Oh , come on , girl , relaxation is also very important . That's not the reason . I have to go to the English Corner tomorrow evening . You know , I've been going there every week . Oh , God , I've forgotten it . You said you wanted to improve your English , so how about coming with me tomorrow ? I can also introduce some friends to you . Oh , no , I don't want to know any more geeks like you . They are not geeks . They are also interested in singing , dancing , and so on . They are excellent , and they can always help me a lot . Really ? Is there a foreign teacher for every class ? It depends . If they are not busy , they will come to join us , and talk with us . So you just talk all the time ? Of course not . The foreign teachers also teach us English songs , and play games with us . That sounds interesting . I'll go with you tomorrow evening . You won't be disappointed . You ’ re going to set up your own law office , aren ’ t you ? Yes . After so many years of hard work , I ’ d rather I had an office of my own . If you need help , don ’ t hesitate to ask me . I ’ ll be very glad if you would help . I ’ d like to wish you every success in your new venture . Thank you . I wish I would . Good luck to you . Wow , is that your sports car ? Yes , do you like it ? I love it ! I used to always want to drive a green jaguar . Is it in good condition ? Yt looks good on the outside , but the inside is a different story . It needs a lot of servicing before it can go out on the roads again . What's wrong with it ? Well , first of all , it needs a new engine , which is extremely expensive . When's the last time you had it serviced ? It must have been a few years ago now . I thought all cars needed regular servicing on a yearly basis . They do . Once my son was born , there was no reason to drive this car anymore . It's only a two-seater , you know ! What else is wrong with it ? The heating controls don't work anymore , so it always feels like it's about 100 degrees in the car — even in the summer ! Anything else ? The brakes don't really work that well anymore either . Why don't you get it all fixed ? It costs more than you think to run a car---especially when there are so many things wrong with it ! Well , let me know when you can get it fixed . I ’ d love to go for a ride in it ! Can you play baseball with me today ? No , I can't . I'm sorry . I have to help my mother . We're going to move tomorrow . Where's the new house ? Is it far from here ? No , it's not far . It's near our old house . Can I help you pack ? Sure . Thanks . I think I need a new notebook . Why ? Is there some new , cool computer out on the market ? You bet there is . Feast your eyes on this puppy ! That's a notebook ? Believe it ! It looks more like a toy , or a cool briefcase ! Dalian is a beautiful city . Do you agree ? I suppose I do . The climate here is pleasant . You said it . This city is really comfortable to live in . It sure is . No other city can match it . It's heaven . Well , if you live in other cities as long as enough , you will love them just as much . Maybe . That's for sure . Ah , Michelle , hi . I was hoping to see you . How have you been ? How's the family ? Oh , hello , Mr . Campbell . I'm fine and Jack's doing well . How are you ? I'm fine thanks . I got your report this morning . Thank's for that . Are you joining the conference today ? Yes , I'm leaving at four pm . Good , well we can discuss this more then , but I think the figures are looking very good for this quarter . Yes , me too . I'm planning to discuss the advertising budget at the conference . I don't think we should continue with the TV advertising . Have you read all these crazy things that are going on around the world ? What do you mean ? I was reading about how some people get tricked or drugged in their hotel rooms and have their organs removed ! Then they are sold on the black market . Don't tell me you actually believe all that ? Don't be so gullible , they are just urban legends . They are just stories people make up to scare you . Well , I was also reading about how some popular songs have subliminal or even satanic messages if you play them backwards ! Can you believe that ? You really think an artist or song writer is going to go through the trouble of putting subliminal or satanic messages in a song ? Don't be so naive ! Well maybe you are right , but how about the story of how KFC has rows of headless chickens which are super grown in order to get bigger chickens faster ! Sounds a bit too far fetched to be true , don't you think ? Hi Bob , this is my friend Mary . I am very pleased to meet you . Bob is in advertising . That sounds an interesting job , Bob . Wow ! I can ’ t believe I ’ m standing here ! What are you so excited about ? I ’ m standing in front of an exquisite work of art ! What ’ s the big deal ? It ’ s just a picture of some woman . I ’ Ve seen it so many times in books , but I never imagined I ’ d get to see it in person . There are tons of other paintings that I think are better . Maybe so , but do you have any idea how much this one is worth ? No , how much is it worth ? About 80 million dollars . Whoa . Lady , you look unhappy . What ’ s the beef ? A man stepped on my feet when I was waiting for the taxi . When were you Bron may I ask ? On 20th May 1963 . Do you know what it was according to the lunar calendar ? 27th day of the fourth month . By the way , could you tell me when the film will begin ? It will begin at 5 thirty . I am frigid I can't be there on time . You can see it tomorrow . I don't want to miss it today . See you . See you . Did you see the 2005 Grammy Awards on TV last night . Yeah . I was so happy , because my favorite singer , Ricky Martin won ' Best Latin Pop Performance ' . He seems to win awards everywhere . He is really great . He has sold millions of records worldwide . He is especially known for his rocking performance at the football World Cup song-the Cup of World . I heard one observer even said ' It was a song sung in Spanish for international football , and he made it so popular that even the Americans loved it . ' That's right . His voice ranges from the smooth sound of ballads to the highpowered rhythms of the Spanish Caribbean where he grew up . He has fan clubs across the world , from America to Russia , from England to Taiwan , from Norway to Australia . Ben cancelled his trip . How come ? Because General , his dog , got sick . He's such a mother hen . Hi Jane , you look great . You too . Have you lost some weight ? Yes , I took off 4 kilos . I am glad you notice it . Not some crazy diet fat I hope . No no , I just changed my eating habits . I eat a balance meal . and I eat less than before . Good for you , keep it up . It may comfort you to know that many people attended his viewing . How did they hear ? No one called . In times of loss , it is often hard to pick up the phone . But his whole family was here . His mom and dad must be destroyed . He was their only son . And he was so young , with so much life to look forward to . Yes ... thank you for understanding . We have to go now . This sheet tells the visiting hours and funeral time and location . OK . Steven , you're looking at a picture . Please describe what you see ! Uh , I can see a red double decker bus . It's the kind of bus you'll see very often in London . In fact I know this bus is from London because I can see the names , Chelsea , Sloan Square , Victoria , Herring Cross . These are all areas in London . Um , so obviously the bus is in London . OK . Have you ever been on a double decker bus ? Yeah , yeah , yeah . many times . Many times . When I was younger , you used to get double-decker all over England but now you only tend to see them in the big cities . Oh , really . Mm ! How much is the fare ? Well , it depends on the journey . It's .. I guess it's not too expensive , but the minimum price you would pay is , for a short journey , is about a pound . Mm , yeah , who can you see on the bus ? Can you pick out anyone on the bus who looks interesting ? Hmm , yeah , well this girl here at the back , that's leaning on the door , um , she looks really bored , actually . Maybe she is going to work or something and she doesn't want to go ! Is that how you feel on the bus ? Uh , well , no , not really , because I haven't worked in England for a long time , so I haven't taken a bus for a long time . So , so you're British , do you missing them ? Um , yes , sometimes . Sometimes . Is the view going to be ok ? Don ’ t worry , you did a good job and it should be fine . I ’ ll do my best . That ’ s the way to go . I got a promotion . Lunch is on me . It ’ s great . You can keep these books for only half a month . May I renew them if I haven't finished reading them ? Of course , you can . Bob , you look pale . What happened ? I didn't sleep a wink last night . Did you have something on your mind ? You look so concerned ! Maybe I can help you . Well , I'm under a lot of pressure . My boss is very pushy . He assigned me two projects . Now the deadlines are near and I still haven't finish one of them . Is there anything I can do for you ? Well , I guess no one can help me but myself . For the moment , I just need someone to talk to so that I can relieve my stress . I know your feeling . Take it easy . Which team won ? The Spur . What was the score ? They managed a 99:80 victory . You know ... I did very poorly on that test . Cheer up ! It's not the only chance in life to do well on a test . There'll be many more . Well , you know how I am about exams . I'm a perfectionist . Don't worry about it . All in all , you've done very well in school . What happened to Nancy ? She is all sweetness and light today . She is going to get married . No wonder ! Who is the bridegroom ? I don ’ t know . I think Bill Clinton is a good president . But he has the sex scandal . Well . Maybe he isn't a good husband , but he is a successful president . I agree . He is also an excellent speaker . Yes , he is . Of course he makes mistakes , but who doesn ’ t . yeah , it ’ s fair to say so . What good sunshine ! Let's go and get a suntan on the balcony . I've had enough of it while working under the sun in the day . I don't need any more sun-tan . It's different in my case . I work in the office , so only rarely do I get the chance to get any sun . It might be good to you . But please keep in mind that too much tanning damages the skin rather than does any good to you . You might end up with skin cancer . Would you like to stretch your legs ? Why not ? Let's get a soft drink . Do we have enough time ? Yes , we do . The performance is excellent . It's a new concert hall and the acoustics are great . I couldn't agree more . Is this your first time to come to a symphony concert ? Yes , it is . Do you have concert halls in your city ? Yes , but it's much smaller . Well , we'd better get back to our seats . It's about to start . OK . Wake up sleepyhead.The sun is beginning to shine . What a lovely summer day ! Yeah , clearly blue sky.But it is a bit too hot for me . I don't like heat and humidity . It's not that hot . It's cooler than yesterday . Let's go swimming ! That's a thought . It's still early , and the beach isn't crowded at this time of the day . If we don't stay too long , we won't get sunburned . Yeah , sounds like fun . I can wear my new pink bikini . There won't be anyone there to appreciate how cute you are . Who cares ! Well , the smart guys get there early . That's the kind of guy I want to meet . Let's go ! If you are going to husband hunting in a bikini , then I want to wear one , too . Ok , you could borrow one of mine . Thanks , how about the green and black one ? No problem . Here it is . It's a beautiful day , isn't it ? Yes , isn't it . Do you now the temperature today ? It's beautiful 75 degrees . How nice . I hope the weather will stay like this for the whole week . I'm going on the canoe trip this weekend . Not a good plan . The TV weather forecast says the hurricane is coming this weekend , and the temperature will also drop to 66 degrees . What a nuisance ! Every time I plan to go canoeing or camping , a storm comes along . The sky gets dark , the wind starts to howl and the temperature drops.Well , I'd better stay home . I never make any definite weekend plan until Friday morning . Then after listening to the weather temperature , I make my plans . That's smart . I'm going to start doing the same thing . are you ready to go the concert ? yes . Should we go there by bus so we aren't late ? actually , why don't we go there by bike ? We could get stuck in traffic if we travel by bus in such hour . that's true . Cycling is good for our environment , too . Let me just get my helmet then . is your helmet comfortable ? not really , but I liked the design , so I got it . maybe you should think about getting a round helmet ; they're better . I'll think about it . is that your new bicycle ? yes , my father gave it to me for my birthday . Do you like it ? it's the newest 10 speed cycling mountain bike . These are really expensive ! nothing but the best from my dad . I like everything about it except for the brakes . They are a bit sticky . I can fix those for you . Is there anything else wrong with it ? well , my saddle is too low for me . Do you know how to change the height ? that's easy . It's important to have the saddle high enough so that your legs can extend fully when you are on your bicycle . is that why my knees have felt sore after every time I've ridden my bike ? it's possible . Give me a minute and I can fix these for you and then we can go . Next please ! Hello sir , may I see your passport please ? Yes , here you go . Will you be checking any bags today . Yes , I ’ d like to check three pieces . I ’ m sorry , sir . Airline policy allows only two pieces of checked luggage , at twenty kilograms each , plus one piece of carry-on luggage . I will have to charge you extra for the additional suitcase . What ? Why ! I am taking an intercontinental flight ! I ’ m flying sixteen thousand CMS ! How am I supposed to only take two , twenty kilo bags ? That ’ s absurd ! I am sorry , sir , there ’ s nothing I can do . You cannot board the flight with that large bag either.Carry - on bags must fit in the over-head compartment or under your seat . That bag is clearly too big . Now I see . You charge next to nothing for an international ticket , but when it comes to charging for any other small thing , you charge an arm and a leg ! So tell me , miss , how much will I have to pay for all of this . Let ’ s see ... six hundred and twenty-five US dollars . That ’ s more than my round-trip ticket ! Do you feel like going to see a movie tonight ? I'd like that very much . How does 7:30 sound ? Fine . See you later . How are you ? Fine . I haven ’ t seen you for several days . Oh , I have been with my uncle for a week . What ’ s he doing ? He is an accountant . I have been helping him for a week . He must be happy . Yeah . How are you these days ? Fine too . So what kind of music turns you on ? Rock ' n'Roll , I guess . You mean the kind of stuff like Nirvana ? Not really . That ’ s pretty heavy metal . Dick , I ’ Ve decided not to rent that house . But yesterday you said you would rent it . I ’ Ve changed my mind . Why is that ? Well , I think maybe I should find a house that is closer to where I work . Maybe you ’ re right . Hi ! How are you going ? Fine , thank you.How are you doing this morning ? Not bad.How about you ? Haven't seen you for a long time . Yes . I've been to New York . I got back only yesterday . Did you enjoy yourself ? Very much.New York is such a nice place.Shall I show you some photographs ? Thanks , I like looking at photographs.How nice ! Oh , I'm afraid I must be going now . I've got an appointment . Have a good day . You too . I hope to see you soon.Goodbye . Goodbye . You ready ? Am I ready for what ? Are you ready to transfer to a new school tomorrow ? Oh . Yes , I ’ m ready to transfer . You ’ re not nervous , are you ? I ’ m very nervous . Why are you nervous ? I ’ m not going to know anybody there . That ’ s not a problem . That makes me nervous . It ’ s fun meeting new people . I didn ’ t think about it that way . Did you see Victor on Wednesday , Wendy ? Yes . We went for a walk in the woods near the highway . Wasn ’ t it cold on Wednesday ? Yes . It was very cold and windy . We wore heavy wool sweaters and walked quickly to keep warm . It ’ s so nice and quiet in the woods . Yes . Farther away from the highway it was very quiet and there were birds and squirrels everywhere . We counted over twenty squirrels . It sounds wonderful . Did you take lunch with you ? Yes , we bought veal sandwiches . We stopped around twelve , and we ate and watched the squirrels , but it was too windy to sit long . It was a very nice walk , anyway . Wow ! That ’ s a pretty dress , but it ’ s too expensive . Yeah , it is ! Why is it so expensive ? It ’ s because of good quality and the fine design . I don ’ t think it ’ s worth that money . Anyhow , this dress is really elegant . How is your business going ? Business couldn't be better . Really ? Maybe I should work for you . Welcome . I could use the help . Hey , what's the matter ? It doesn't matter . I just feel a little dizzy . Are you sure that this has nothing to do with sleep ? I don't know . I've been told that you are a very successful businessman abroad . I wonder how you managed to achieve such success ? Oh , through a lot of hard work , of course . I suppose that in a foreign country it was difficult at first , wasn't it ? Surely it was , especially when you only knew few people and little English . You mean you didn ’ t know much English then ? Right . I only knew a few English sentences . That's incredible . Could you tell me what you did to make a start ? First , I worked as a servant . Really ? I wish you could tell me more about your experience . I'd like to , but I must run to a meeting . What's the news on our website ? How effective do you think it is from a marketing standpoint ? We've been able to survey and track some of the information of our website users through some cookie technology , and it's surprising to see the results . What kinds of hits are we getting on our company's website ? From the numbers , it seems nearly half of the visitors who stumble onto our page pick up the link not from network browsers or search engines , but from our circular insert . That means our consumers are purposefully and actively seeking information about our products and services through the web format . Based on these findings , I am completely convinced the internet is the marketing power of the future ! You really think that many people turn to the internet to find product information.What about the old standbys of word mouth and print media ? Well , these mediums are still important ... they aren't a thing of the past ... But I think they might be less important now than in the past . The technology age has arrived ! What do you know about Julia Roberts ? Her acting is OK . I mean her personality . I'm afraid I know less than you do.Tell me more about her , will you ? I've never seen a machine like this before and need some help . Sure , no problem . What are you trying to get ? I want to buy a drink . OK . This machine needs you to use that change machine first to get correct change . I've got the correct change already . First you put your money in the dollar slot or the coin slot . The dollars have to be smooth . OK , what next ? Just know that sometimes the money doesn't go in perfectly the first time and you have to try again . OK , next ? Choose what you want and push the button . Sometimes it takes a couple of tries . I agree with you . Hope that works for you ! Honey , wait ! I've sprained my ankle . Oh , my god , are you OK ? Of course not ! Come on , sit down , and let me have a look . The pain is killing me . I told you to wear running shoes . But you don't listen . I thought leather shoes will do just as well . Hold on , don't move , I will take care of that . What are you going to do ? I will get some ice , and put it on your ankle.How does that feel ? God ! It's freezing ! Be brave . Don't worry . You will be able to walk soon . So Chris , I've heard that you're from a big family . How many people ? Nine total . Seven children and my parents . Seven children ? That's a lot . Why did your parents have so many ? Well , my mother came from a big family , and wanted to have one of her own . My father was an only child , and didn't really care about having a large family , but my mother talked him into it . Jeez , seven children . That must have a lot of problems . We have four children in my family and my grandparents can never get our names right . It can be hard , and there are certain sacrifices you have to make . Like what ? I assume that there's no privacy . That's one . Another is the lack of personal property . Everything you have , from toys to clothes , is used by your brothers and sisters . Especially clothes . Three quarters of my wardrobe are hand-me-downs . And the age gap is also annoying . There's a ten-year difference between my younger brother and me . We have nothing in common . Same problem here . There's an 18 - year gap between the oldest and youngest child in my family . The last child was born just as the oldest was going to college . Well , at least going to college won't be too bad . Since both of your parents are college professors , they must give you reduced tuition at the college . They do , but it doesn't help too much . Having seven children means that the money situation in my home is always pretty tight . That was a nice funeral . Yes , dad , it was . The son gave a nice speech about his father . It was long , too . I think it was about 45 minutes long . But it went by fast . It was interesting . I liked it . I'll give you a speech like that , too . Do you think anyone will come to my funeral ? Of course . I think only the family will be there . You have lots of friends . They will be there , too ! Hello ? Hi , Randy . What are you doing right now ? Nothing . Just watching TV . I ’ Ve got two tickets for a newly released film . Would you like to see it with me ? Sure . What time ? The film will start at 2 Sounds good . Where and when will we meet ? In my parking lot , at 2pm . All right . See you then . How do you think TaiWan's economy is doing ? Not too good actually , people are not spending as much as before ! Do you know why that is ? Lots of reasons I guess , unemployment is pretty high these days . Does your child still believe in Santa Claus ? Yes . She believes everything about him . How sweet . Yes . If she doesn't believe it , Christmas won't be so exciting to her . When are you going to tell her that Santa Claus doesn't exist ? I'm not going to tell her . She will find out and understand when she grows older . I am kind of nervous . Nervous ? Why ? I don't know . I never went to a church before . I was not raised as a Christian , so I don't know what to do . Don't worry . You don't have to do anything.All you have to do is listen . You will enjoy it . Maybe . I know I agreed to go with you , but now I don't feel right about it . Listen , Ryan.Catholics welcome people who aren't Catholics to visit the church.You don't have to pretend to be Catholic . It's okay if you just come to listen . Really ? Yes . We are kind and welcoming people.It is not a secret society or something like that . Alright . But will we sing ? Yes , but you don't even have to sing . If you want to sing along , you can . I don't know the words . There is a songbook . All the words are in the songbook.Many people have to read the words . And will I go up to the front to have the bread and wine ? No . That is something only true Catholics do.So if you come to the church as a visitor , you only listen to the service.But you shouldn't go up to the altar for the bread and wine.Only after someone joins the church , then they go up for the Eucharist . Eu-char-ist ? What is that ? That is the special word for the ritual of the bread and wine.The Catholics call it the Eucharist . It doesn't sound like an English word . It's not . It's an ancient Greek word . It means gratitude . Alright . Well , I feel more comfortable now.Now I understand I am welcome as a visitor . Of course you are . I wouldn't ask you otherwise . Hey Jack . How were your classes this semester ? They were not too bad . I really liked my poli-sci class . Would you consider it your favorite class ? I don't know if I would call it my favorite , but it ranks up there . What class was your favorite then ? I took a business communication class last year and it was terrific . I never took that yet . If that was your favorite , I think I will check it out . What are you reading ? It ’ s an article about language . It talks about the idea of having a single global language . It seems that English already is the main global language . Does the article suggest that there should be an artificial language like Esperanto as the world language . Actually , it suggest English . The main argument is that English is already being studied as a second language in most countries-china , India , mexico , Nigeria , Pakistan , and japan . So beginning again with a language like Esperanto would be wasteful . The second argument is that English is used in modern technology far more that any other language . Most emails are sent in English and the vast majority of website use English . Does the article say anything about other language ? How will they survive in an English-speaking world ? The article points out that many languages have been lost and will be lost , but others will continue to be used for generation , even if English continues to be the dominant language . Right . All the people who speak Chinese . Hindi , French and Spanish aren ’ t suddenly going to stop using those languages . Exactly . The article suggests that those languages will be used , but that they will only rarely be used in international communication between non-native speakers . In that case , I shall continue to learning a few basic phrases in other languages . Are you have a hand in locking into the case ? Yes . How do you feel about it ? It is really a hard nut to crack . The problem is that the crime was done without leaving any trace . Ahh ... What a fine day ! I do feel like an outdoor exercise . How about taking a walk in the park ? OK.It ' s delightful to have a walk in the park with the air so fresh . Oh , it's so quiet here.We have the park to ourselves , only you and me ! Don't you see many people over there ? Just on your left . Oh , I see them.Some are doing Taijiquan , some are performing swordplay , some are practising the Chinese Wushu . A growing keep-fit fever is sweeping over China . Another glass of beer , will you ? Thanks , I'm enough . At least one for your trip . I'll have it if you insist . Have you seen that house ? Yes , it looks interesting . You're right . I love it very much . It must be old . At least more than 100 years old . Let's enter it ! I can't open the door . It must be locked . Let me ask the old woman in that reception office . She can't answer you . She must be deaf . It must be a haunted house.Are you frightened ? Frightened ? You must be joking . Good morning . Phyllis Seymour speaking . Hi , Ms . Seymour ? It ’ s Allan Parker . I ’ Ve been waiting to call you and thank you for all your help last week . Thank you very much , Mr . Parker . But , that is my job . Well , I want to let your boss know that she ’ d better hold on to you ! You ’ re a hard worker ! It's raining outside , Catherine , it's too bad.What ' s the weather like in your hometown ? It's very hot , the temperature is often over 40 ° C . Do you like the weather in Seattle ? Not really.But I like it in spring and fall . I don't like it in winter . Why ? The winter is very rainy , I don't like the rainy day . What about the weather in Boston ? I lived there for three years . I like summer but I don't like winter . Is it very cold in winter ? Yes , it is.But it's nice in spring and fall . Wei , you look really tired . Yes , I didn ’ t finish work until 9:00 pm . 9:00 ! Yes , I have too much work to do at the moment . Why ’ s that ? Because too many people in the office are on holiday . I've heard you're going to America tomorrow . I want to see you off at the airport . Oh , thanks a lot . What time are you leaving ? 1:30 P . m . But I've got to check in at 12:30 P . m . What airline and what flight ? Pan American Airlines . Flight 282 . I'll see you at the airport at 12:30 P . m . Ok . See you tomorrow . He was hauled up last week for the second time . You mean he had been put in prison before . Of course , he is a man with a history . Oh , he had fooled me . Hello . Can I sit here ? Yes . By the way , I'm Robin . Hi . My name is Jessica . Nice to meet you . Pleased to meet you too . And where are you from , Robin ? I'm from Kathmandu . What about you ? I'm from New York . Oh , this is my stop . Bye , Robin . Bye . See you . Well , I've never downloaded music before . How does it work ? You haven't ? If you've never tried it I can show you how . Alright . But why is downloading music better than buying Cds at the store ? Downloading music is really fast and convenient , and you can preview all the songs before you buy them . Hi ! How are you doing ? Good , thanks . How about you ? Pretty good . Say , where are you living this semester ? In No . 4 Dorm . I like dorm life . You will meet a lot of people and you don't have to cook . What about you ? Oh , I am looking for an apartment . I prefer living off campus . I can study better . I hope you will find a place . Listen , I'd better go . I am going to be late for class . Okay , see you around . Take care . I think modern painting means nothing . I think so too . It's just pointless . Then why are so many crazy about it I don't know.Maybe they are really crazy . Maybe . I heard you are going to move . Yes , I found a better house near my office . I ’ m very satisfied with it . But I ’ m worrying . What are you worried about ? I ’ m worrying about how to move all of my household stuff . You know , I have a lot of stuff . You can call a mover . How much dose that cost ? Around 200 RIB for a truck . I think it ’ s a little expensive . But think about it , you just need to pack your stuff and leave everything for the movers , how much trouble you will save . That ’ s right . I know a mover which has a very good reputation for their service . I ’ ll leave you their phone number . Wonderful . It ’ s 8357688 8 . Okay , thanks a lot . You did me a great favor just now . You ’ re welcome . I saw your car outside , so I stooped by . Yeah , I come here every now and then . I just meant that she's got different taste . What kind of girl is she ? She's pretty conservative . Is her fiance Taiwanese ? Yes . How old is he ? About 30 . He's really outgoing . But why do you ask ? How have you been ? Fine , thank you . And how's everyone in your family ? Very well , thank you . I'm meeting my wife and daughter for lunch at twelve.Would you care to join us ? I'd love to , but I'm afraid I can't . That girl looks very attractive , doesn ’ t she ? Do you think so ? I don ’ t like girls who look like that . I like girls who aren ’ t too slim . If you like her , go and talk to her . I ’ d like to , but there ’ s her boyfriend . He ’ s very broad-shouldered . He ’ s huge ! He must go to the gym to have a well-built body like that . Do you prefer tall girls or short ones ? I don ’ t mind , but I like girls with long hair . We have different tastes . I like girls with short hair . I like tall girls - probably because I ’ m so tall myself . Have you ever dated a girl taller than you ? No , never . I don ’ t think I ’ Ve ever met a girl taller than me ! Have you gained weight recently ? Yes , I have . Perhaps I should go to the gym , like that girl ’ s boyfriend . I'm getting a bit plump myself . Perhaps I ’ ll go with you . Good morning , Linda . How have you been ? Pretty bad . I ’ Ve had a bad cold for three days and still can ’ t get rid of it . I ’ m sorry to hear that . Is there anything else I can do ? No , thanks . Well , I hope you ’ ll feel better soon . Thank you for your concern . Do you have a copy of our service contract with Telecoms ? I'm not happy with their response time and I'd like to check the terms and conditions of the contract . Sure . I've got a copy here . It's due for renewal at the end of next month . We've still got time to look for another supplier if you're not happy . Um , which of them is the better typist ? Well , Mary types faster than Jones . But I think Jones types more carefully . Is there any difference in their short hand ? Jones can certainly take down letter more quickly , but Mary ’ s short hand is the best in her class . How about languages ? Both of them speak excellent French . But I think Mary speaks German more fluently than Jones does . Um . That doesn ’ t really matter . Because we have more French visitors than German . Today is your birthday . First of all , happy birthday to you ! Thank you for coming . We will have dinner outside . Eat up ! Excuse me . Is anyone sitting here ? No , nobody . You don ’ t mind if I smoke , do you ? Well , to be frank , yes , I do . Oh , I ’ m sorry . But this isn ’ t a no-smoker , isn ’ t it ? I mean would you mind if I smoke here ? Actually it is . Perhaps you haven ’ t noticed the sign . Sign ? What ’ s sign ? There , on the window . Oh , sorry . I didn ’ t notice it . Sorry . That ’ s all right . I don't know whether or not to believe him . You can trust him . He always tells the truth . But it's really too important to me . I said you can trust him . You just have to believe it . I feel pity for the old man . I feel the same way . It must be dreadful to grow old . It sure is.He has no one to turn to , very miserable indeed . Excuse me , sir . Could you spare a minute ? Uh , yes . Do you go to work by train every day . Yes . I commute five days a week by train . And would you mind telling us what you think of the rail service ? It ’ s really very good . Why do you say that ? Well , trains are frequent and come on time . Which train do you catch in the evening ? I usually take the five thirty home . And can you get a seat ? No , I usually have to stand . Would you agree that the service is fast ? Yes , it ’ s reasonably fast but it certainly isn ’ t cheap . Fares have gone up 25 present . So , how'd everyone do ? Well , there's this clock I was ... MY vintage clock ! How do you have my clock ? ? Your vintage clock ? ! I just paid sixty-five dollars for it . Sixty-five ? What the ... ? How did you bargain him down , Wei ? You've never even been to a flea market before ! It must be my special touch . I think bargaining is in my blood ! Never underestimate a woman when it comes to bargaining ! You are studying here , aren ’ t you ? Yes . I have been here for three years . Do you like this campus ? Well . I ’ m rather disappointed with it . How come ? It ’ s too old . And it isn ’ t as specious as I expected . Oh . It ’ s awful , but it can ’ t be helped . I ’ ll just have to put up with it . Would you mind if I smoked ? I'd rather you didn't . How do you feel about the TV series ? Oh , to be frank , I think it's sheer waste of time to watch it . Yes , I agree , but still a lot of people watch it . But I don't think much of it . I've brought some potato chips . Would you like some , Jack ? Yes . I'd like to swap some of my peanuts for your chips . That'll be fine . Thanks . Do you have any ketchup ? I forgot to bring it , but maybe Mary has some . Let's go and ask her . Harry is a hen-pecked husband . No , he isn ’ t . Then why does he let himself be lead by the nose ? He is afraid of his father-in-law . Have you ever found yourself in a situation when you have to lie to people who trust you ? Do you mean lying to people for their good ? Yes . Is it wrong to lie to them even if it is for their good ? It's hard to say . I mean , how can you judge what's good for them ? Maybe it is best to tell them the truth no matter what it is . But sometimes it is so hard to tell the truth . I know . If you're sure the truth will do harm , maybe you can choose not to tell it . Hi , Julie . I was in your neighborhood and I'd like to drop by . Come on in . Would you care for a drink ? That sounds refreshing . Thanks ! May , is the university a terrible place ? Surely not . Life in the university is fun . Why did you ask ? Because you study day in and day out for the entrance exam . So I figure you would study even harder after you ’ Ve got in . Studying in the university is not easy , but it's not as arduous as you think . How do you know that ? You haven't got in yet . Of course I know . I once attended Lisa's class , sitting quietly at the back of the classroom . Oh , really ? Were you not caught ? Of course not . You are allowed to attend any lecture , only if there are empty seats for you and you don't disturb the class . In universities , you study in a free and creative environment . What do you want to study in the university ? Have you thought about it ? This question has really been bothering me . I like Chinese literature , you know . But economics is really hot now , and it has a very good career prospect . I will choose what I like . You don't know what a torture it is for me to study English , because I don't like English . Though I like Chinese literature very much , I'm also interested in economics . It's a tough choice to make . You can decide later . You will have choices before you submit your university application form . Right . I have lots of time to think carefully before I make my final decision . Who is your favorite NBA star ? Kobe Bryant , of course . Kobe ? I know him , the key guy of the Lakers , a heck of a NBA player . He is on fire when he breaks through enemy defense . He is competent both in driving the lane and shooting jumpers , but what really makes him formidable is his ability to switch up and dribble with his left hand . Maybe he is not good at rebounding ? Indeed , no man can be perfect . He is just so-so in crashing the boards . Usually he plays shooting guard . Rebounding might not be his strong suit . Kobe came to Beijing during this summer's Olympics . Did you go to the match between China and USA ? Who wouldn't ! My friend Lee went so far as to get an autograph from him . Well then , what are your spoils ? Well , nothing more than a jumble of photographs . May I help you ? I would like to find this book . Is there a problem ? I don ’ t think you guys have it . You should look it up on our computer . I did that . What came up ? It should be on the shelf , but I didn ’ t see it . I can try to get the book from a different library . I didn ’ t know you could do that . I will call you when I find it . I appreciate your help . What happened ? It was just a misunderstanding . I hear little Bob has recovered . That's a great relief . I was worried about him . The operation was very successful . His parents must feel very happy . Are you in favor of having a trip during the spring break ? This is just what I have in mind.Where are you planning to go ? How about the Yellow Mountains ? Good idea ! Did you go to the movie yesterday ? Yes , I did . What did you think of it ? I don't think much of the film . I think it is the worst one I have ever seen . Oh , I'm not sure I agree with you . It was not a good one , but it was not the worst one . Actually , it wasn't too bad . I can't think the same . What's more , some scenes were good , much fit for the children . I couldn't agree with you . Thanks for offering to give me a lift . I ’ m looking forward to this party , but I didn ’ t want to go alone . Don ’ t mention it . It ’ s my pleasure . Have you been to one of these large , sit-down dinner parties since you got to New Haven ? No , this is my first.Last week I went to a cookout for new professors at Dean Barksdale ’ s home . I took a taxi because I didn ’ t want to be late.But I was the first one Cookouts often start slowly . A two o ’ clock start means you arrive any time after two . Thanks for telling me this . I was late getting back from the mall , but I ’ m hurrying . Why are you in such a hurry ? They said , Dinner at eight , and it ’ s only seven-fifteen . I don ’ t want to be the first one there again . Don ’ t worry . We won ’ t be the first . How did you do in the last quiz ? I doubt if I can pass it . Don't be so worried , You know Professor Robert is not too strict . But I often skip his classes , and he doesn't like me . I hope you'll do better in the final . I must , if I want to pass the course . I am so bored all day . Why ? Jack borrowed a large sum of money from me and didn ’ t pay me back . Don ’ t make a mountain out of molehill . I am sure he will do that on his payday . Mike has changed much after marriage . Yeah . He ’ s almost become a slave , his wife is leading him by the nose . It ’ s unbelievable . He used to be such a rough guy . Say , Anna , what are you doing tonight ? Would you like to go out ? Oh , sorry , I can't . I'm going to work late tonight . I have to finish this report . Well , how about tomorrow night ? Are you doing anything then ? No , I'm not . What are you planning to do ? I'm going to see a musical . Would you like to come ? Sure , I'd love to ! But let me pay for the tickets this time . It's my turn . All right ! Thanks ! Sorry , I overslept . My alarm clock didn't go off this morning . Again ? That's right , even though I did set the alarm last night . Your clock never works . Perhaps you should buy a new one . Well . If it breaks down again tomorrow , I'll definitely buy a new one . Maybe by then it will be too late . What do you mean too late ? By that time , you will be fired . Do you often go to watch sports games ? I go occasionally when there's a game on near home , but usually I watch it on TV . Can you recall the games ? Sometimes . But I'll never forget the game in which our Chinese Women's Volleyball Team won the World Cup . It is the most thrilling and exciting game I have ever seen . How do you like your work ? The work is rather hard , but it's interesting . What do you do ? I work in a publishing house . How about you ? Mine isn't hard , but it's not interesting . What do you do then ? I'm a clerk in a shop . May I help you ? I can ’ t find the book I want . Why don ’ t you try looking at the database ? I checked it already . Do we have it available ? It wasn ’ t there . I guess it is lost . Will you be getting another copy ? Yes , we will . Could you reserve a copy for me ? I can do that . That ’ s great . Thanks a lot . Can you help me figure out how to use this vending machine ? Yes , I would be happy to help . What do you want to buy ? I want to buy that candy . OK . So this machine will make change if you need it . Do you have your dollars ready ? Yeah , so far , so good . Next , you feed your dollars into the machine in the slot . Make sure they are smooth . Yeah , I already knew that . I'm sure you know that if the dollar gets stuck , you might have to re-feed it . OK , let's move on ! Now you just make your selection and pray . If nothing comes out , try again or call the number on the side of the machine . I hope it works ! Well , good luck ! What was your wedding ceremony like , Abigail ? My husband and I got married in a registry office with just two friends there as witnesses . But then we had three parties to celebrate . Three parties ? That's quite a lot . That must have been expensive ! Well , since my husband and I are from two different countries , and we live in a third country , we decided to have one in each country . It wasn't actually that expensive . Were your parents upset that they weren't there to see you get married ? I would have liked them to be there , but they couldn ’ t afford to fly out to see us , and we couldn't afford to fly out to see them , so they understood . Did your husband's family get to meet your family ? My husband's parents flew out to meet my family when we got married in my hometown , so that was great . Some people spend ridiculous amounts of money on extravagant wedding receptions , but we agreed that the wedding party should be less about money and more about family . That makes sense . Did you go on a honeymoon ? We waited until our one-year anniversary to go on our honeymoon to Africa . You really didn't have a very traditional wedding , did you ? Not at all , but we don ’ t have a very traditional marriage either , so it suited us perfectly ! Did you read this ? It says that the number one new years resolution make is to spend more time with friends and family . Why would that be funny ? Well , think about it . We are a society that is always on the go , not because we have to , but because we want to . Why ? We work hard and spend less time at home because we are trying to provide for our family with goods and services that are usually unnecessary . I don ’ t agree , but anyways , I think you should start thinking of a new year ’ s resolution yourself . What ’ s the point ? We always make a new year ’ s resolution and by February we will have forgotten about it . It ’ s pointless . Well then maybe you should resolve to sticking to your goals and objectives . What about you ? Your gym bag is gathering dust and you still have brand new running shoes that are yet to be jogged in . Well , I would go if you kept your promise of going to the gym with me everyday ! Yeah , yeah , whatever . How did your vacation go ? I traveled the Three Gorges . What about the trip ? Do you enjoy yourself ? Yes , we had a good time . The trip was terrific . We toured the Three Gorges by boat . Its realty exciting ! Did your boat float down the river ? Yes . There are many places where the gorge is very narrow , with steep cliffs on both sides . Sounds dangerous . Yes , but we have life jackets . And we got a real kick out of that . What a thrilling trip ! What do you think of his behaviour yesterday ? He's a sad dog . He came to the wedding in jeans ! I don't think so . He only had no common sense . They promised us a sea view . Well , you can just see the sea . Between the factory chimneys . Isn't it awful ? I can't bear to look at it . I don't think I can stand this place for two weeks . Well , it can't be helped . We'll just have to put up with it . Hello , Mike , long time no see . How's everything going ? Not bad . Thank you . You look great today . And how is your husband ? He caught a cold yesterday , but he feels much better now . Well , I'm glad to hear that . Please give my regards to him . I sure will . Thanks . Hello ! How are you . Not too well ! I ’ m just to the doctor . I haven ’ t been feeling too well over the last few days . What have you got ? A cough ? A cold ? That ’ s the funny thing . I don ’ t what ’ s wrong with me . I just feel exhausted . Perhaps you ’ Ve been working too hard . You do have a high-pressure job . Maybe . I haven ’ t been able to keep my food down either . That ’ s unusual . Well . I ’ m sure the doctor will be able to prescribe something to make you well again . Dr . Jameson is very good . Yes , he is . I ’ Ve make an appointment for 10 o ’ clock , so I ’ d better move along . OK . Hope you feel better soon . You should take it easy . I ’ m sure the doctor will prescribe rest , you know . If you go out recently you will find some people riding scooters in high streets and back lanes . Yes . The German engineer would never dreamed that the hand - supported scooter he invented several years ago to solve his traffic problems would become so fashionable in the Occident within a few years and even spread to Japan and China . Looking at the ' five sense organs ' of a scooter , it can be said as delicate and agile . To pull the T-shaped pole and make it vertical with the flat board and then pull it vertically , adjust its height suitable to you and you may use it . Small and exquisite in size , easy to operate , foldable and easy to carry are its charms . Your two hands hold the pole , stand on the board , the other foot steps back against the ground and controls well the balance of the body , then you can ride in the air . It has a feeling of surfing . You need not let other people teach you . Your fear will disappear quickly . Hi , dear , do you know what the important day is today ? I don ’ t know . Please think it over . Oh , I see . Come on , dear . I know you mustn ’ t forget it . It ’ s Saturday , a great weekend . Ur , you really let me down . Don ’ t be angry with me . I have a bad memory . No , you haven ’ t . You just don ’ t care about me . You ’ re an indifferent husband . What day is it on earth ? It ’ s an anniversary of our weeding . Hi , dear , do you know what the important day is today ? I don ’ t know . Please think it over . Oh , I see . Come on , dear . I know you mustn ’ t forget it . It ’ s Saturday , a great weekend . Ur , you really let me down . Don ’ t be angry with me . I have a bad memory . No , you haven ’ t . You just don ’ t care about me . You ’ re an indifferent husband . What day is it on earth ? It ’ s the anniversary of our weeding . Let ’ s call it a day . It ’ s nice to go home earlier once in a while . But it ’ s the evening rush . It ’ s hard to commute a long way . Sure it is . I really hate to get caught in a traffic jam . How was your trip to America ? We had a fantastic time . Did you go to the Magic Kingdom ? No , but we went to the Kennedy Center . How do you like these dishes ? Fine , they are colorful and tasty . Did you enjoy your dinner ? Yes , I did . I have never tasted anything like this . Would you like some more rice ? No , thanks . I'm full . Another piece of meat pie ? No , thanks . I'm on diet . How about the dessert ? Ice cream , please . What was the movie you saw last night ? It was a foreign film called ' Gone with the wind ' . Really ? I've seen that movie , too . How did you like the movie ? I thought it was pretty good . I can't say I agree . You're kidding . The storyline and acting were outstanding . I guess I expected too much from the movie , so I was a bit disappointed . It might be . Tom , aren ’ t you a little too old to be trick-or - treating ? What are you talking about ? Where is your Halloween spirit ? Didn ’ t you ever dress up in a costume and go around the neighborhood trick-or-treating with your friends ? Of course , I did , but when I was ten ! Trick - or-treating is for kids , plus , I ’ m sure people will think you ’ re a kidnapper or something , running around with kids NCP at night . Whatever , I ’ m going next door I heard Mrs . Robinson is giving out big bags of M & Ms ! I hear Yolanda has been studying every night this week for the exam . That's good , but I think it's too late . She hasn't studied all semester , and I doubt she can catch up in one week . Hello . I'm Jason . Hi . My name is Dolma . Nice to meet you , Dolma . Good to meet you too . When and where were you born ? I was born in Beijing in 1965 . You look so young . Really ? Thank you . How about the hiking ? It was freezing yesterday , are you all ok ? Can ’ t be better , it was wonderful . We had a lot of fun there . There was so much joy and walk and breathe the winter air . We arrived at the park at 9 o ’ clock in the morning and didn ’ t leave till 3 o ’ clock in the afternoon . You had been walking for 6 hours , isn ’ t that boring ? Of course not ! We built a snowman , some snow dogs and one big snow fort . We went sliding on the nice hill . It was a real work out . At noon , we had the most special winter picnic outside . Fortunately , we got it all on a video tape . You must come with us next time . I bet you will love it . Well . You know I hate walking , but I can ’ t wait to see your guys ’ video . Do you believe in horoscope fortune-telling ? I used to be an atheist . But in recent months , I couldn't but form a more favorable opinion of horoscope . That sounds interesting . Have you been involved in any mystery ? Not exactly , except that I find horoscope predictions increasingly accurate . I came upon a website which sends me an up-dated message by e-mail each day forecasting my experience in detail . It is amazing to find these forecasts largely in line with my daily life . What did it say about you then ? For example , the message for the day before yesterday notified me that I , as a Leo guy , was to have some " unusual experience in food and drink . And as it turned out , the reality matched this prediction well . Lasi night , I was treated to a dinner party by Mr . Lee . But it must have been only a coincidence . That's the only way superstition wins over science . Oh , no . You can never tell whether such-and-such is science or sheer fraud.If horoscope is really something deceptive , how come quite a size of proportion of young people think highly of it . For fun . It serves as a shared topic to them.While they claim to consult the predictions constantly and marvel at their " accuracy ' . they do not necessarily take them seriously . When it that these predictions are matched by their real-life experiences , they delight in spreading the thrill with friends . But if there isn't any correlation between reality and predictions , they just grin , forget about them , and go on living as usual . Don't have some relation with him . You know , he is not a kind man . Yeah . Sometimes I just cannot accept his behavior . If you attack him , be sure you ’ ll get a Roland for an Oliver . OK , it ’ s better to be far away from him . It's nice and bright today , isn't it ? Yeah.The autumn is marvelous here . How about winter ? That's a hard time.The air is cold and damp , and the road is often icy . It's boring , right ? Sure . Do you get much rain during the summer ? Plenty.We never worry about lack of rainwater in our area . So you should bring an umbrella often . That's right . You don ’ t look like enjoying this workout . I ’ m not crazy about it at all . You don ’ t like this sort of exercise ? I ’ m not interested in it . Are you keen on it ? Yes , that ’ s funny . I thought you liked it . I hate it . Never mind . It ’ ll be over in 10 minutes . It ’ s the worst thing I ’ Ve ever tried . Hi , Jenny . Are you going to school now ? Yup . I have English at 9 in the morning . Got any plans after the class ? Not really . What about you ? We will have our midterm exams next month . I plan to look for some important books and study at the library . Do you want to join me ? Sure . I need to return some books . They are due today . Besides , I can also read some weekly publications , magazines and newspapers . Great . We can go to the swimming pool in the gymnasium after that . That sounds like a good idea . We can chill out a little in such a hot summer . Are you good at swimming ? Well , that's a good question . I haven't swum for almost two years . I think I need more practice . Oh , it's almost 9 . I need to hurry . I am running late now . See you after class in front of the library then . Bye ! See you then . Linda , would you care for some candies or cookies ? No , don't try to tempt me . I'm becoming chubby , and I have to slender down . You are not really chubby . You are actually thin enough . I don't think so . I know I've put on weight this winter . So you are watching your weight , aren't you ? Yes , to tell you the truth . I am on the diet . Did you listen to the weather forecast ? No . Why ? There's a typhoon coming . No way ! Yep , it should be here by tomorrow night . ... I knew it . I always knew you were a lesbian ! She's my roommate , not my date . The D-man , as in dork . Haha . Still got that great sense of humor , I see . Here's my card . I sell used cars . A car from us is a car you can trust ! Alrighty then . Didn't you use to date Sheryl ? Sweet little lassie . Yep , broke her heart when the D-man told her he couldn't be a one-woman guy . Oh ? I heard she dumped you . Anyway , she's right over there . Oh , Sheryl ! Which team do you think will emerge with the last laugh in this World Cup ? I wish it could be Germany . But it seems they are not in a very good conditions . No , they aren't . They had a hard time in the group stage and only sealed a sit in the eighth-finals with Wallack ' s header in the final three minutes . Just think , group A consists of Austria , China , and Saudi Arabia , all of which are minnows . It seems they've been out of luck since the beginning of the event . Their shots hit the woodwork as many as six times . Oh . my goodness ! I'm afraid the team is under a spell . Well , at least the Germans have demonstrated a very good ability to control the midfield . They recorded a total of 62 tackles in the match against Austria . And they to be endowed with perfect positional sense . I think that will give rise to scoring chances sooner or later . I agree . Eeven though German attackers are not good at dribbling past opposing defenders , they breach the defensive line through quick movements to the right attacking positions and through accurate , well-timed passes . That's why I still have very high hopes for the team . Now that the tournament has proceeded into the knock-out stage , the Germans will probably make it through to the finals . Yes . They have a good reputation for their tenacity and discipline , especially in vital , decisive encounters . The woman was beaten again . Why didn ’ t she call the police . Because it was her husband who beat her . It is incredible . She said that she didn ’ t want to foul her own nest . Are you feeling better today , Bill ? Well , it's hard to say . I cough a lot in the evening . You'd better give up smoking . It's bad for your health . You're right , but you know , it's hard to give up an old habit . But you should make up your mind first . You know , I often have to work till late at night . I need something to keep me awake . Why don't you go to bed and get up early ? You'll have the same time for work . Thank you for your advice ! I'll try it . I don't know why people are just mad about David Peckham . Is there really anything so fascinating with him ? He appeals to the fans thanks to two things you mean he plays well ? Yeah , he often scores by free kicks in crucial games . But a football match is by no means merely a show of taking free kicks . Certainly not . What really counts is to play as a team , passing the ball amongst each other , dodging defenders . Free kicks are a result of all the teammates ' collective efforts . However , a few free k In the case , maybe facial charm should be his leading card . After all , the majority of his fans are girls . yes , his face looks are manly , with a straight nose and infinite eyes . As a man of medium height in the West , he keeps a powerful but elegant figure , looking neither lanky nor stout . and he is English ! He makes a model gentleman when he puts on a black suit and speaks with a typical British accent . What are you reading ? You've had your nose buried in that book since last night . This book is so good . I just can't put it down ! It's called ' The Power of One ' . I haven't read a book like that for as long as I can remember . Me either . From the very first page , this author just pulled me right in ! Can I read it when you're finished ? Yes . I'm in the last chapter now and it is just gripping . Don't tell me anything about it . I want to read it for myself . Okay . But be prepared for an all-nighter ! I doubt you will want to put it down either . Did you have a part-time job when you were still in school ? No . I was way too busy studying all the time . How about you ? Yeah . I worked about 20 hours a week in a pizza restaurant . What was that like ? It was always very busy there . What did you do ? I stood behind the register and took pizza orders . Did you get any perks on the job ? Yeah . I got to eat as much pizza as I could for free . May I introduce myself ? I am steven smith . Glad to meet you mr smith my name is jenny . Don ’ t be worried . Please sit down and take it easy . How could I feel easy ? I ’ m really pissed . But you should avoid finger-pointing when you haven ’ t got the real facts . Ok . I ’ ll try my best to calm down first . That looks like an interesting book . It is . It ’ s got pictures of interesting building from all over the world , with brief descriptions of how they were build , their purpose , and so on . There are the pyramids . It ’ s easy to see how they got that name ! they don ’ t have smooth sides though . They don ’ t now , but most of them did originally . There ’ s picture of the pentagon in the united states . It ’ s very distinctive with its five sides . Look at that cylindrical office building . I ’ Ve never been seen one that shape before . Yes . Usually only TV towers are cylindrical in shape . TV towers are usually thicker at the bottom than at the top . They ’ re not perfectly cylindrical . This is the world ’ s largest sports stadium . It ’ s a massive oval . What sports do they play there ? It says here that it ’ s m mainly used for big football matches and athletics meetings . Is that building a perfect cube ? According to the book , it is . I ’ Ve never seen a building that is a perfect cube . Look at the building . From the air , it looks like a square with a semi-circle attached to each of its four sides . What Is says here that it ’ s a war memorial . Now , there ’ s a distinctive structure-the stomium in Brussels . See ? It consists of several connected by cylinders . I believe you can go up and down inside it . Hey Bobby . What's going on ? Just taking a smoke break . I forgot my cigarette today . Do you have another one ? Sure . Here you go . Thanks . I didn't know you smoked . Really ? I've been smoking for over a year now . Oh . You're new to smoking still . I've been smoking for 7 years . You ever tried to quit ? Many times . I'm really addicted . It's harder to stop than you think . Yeah . I tried to quit last month , and I thought it was going to be easy , but it turns out that I'm still smoking . I highly recommend you quit soon . The longer you smoke , the harder it becomes to quit . I think you're right . Aright . Gotta go to class . Thanks for the cigarette . I'll talk to you later . No problem . I'll talk to you later . Do you know who ’ s just got married ? Old Mc Donald . Never ! He ’ s over 80 , isn ’ t he ? He ’ s nearly 90 . Good gracious ! Are you sure ? I am . Whatsmore , his wife is 84 . Is she really ? Yes , she is . And guess what , he is her sixth husband . Really ? Quite a woman , isn ’ t she ? What did you do last night ? I just stayed at home and watched TV . Did you watch the Barcelona versus Madrid game ? Yes , it was a very evenly matched game . What were the results of the game ? It ended in a tie . What was the actual score ? It was three all . Really ? I thought Barcelona was going to win . They are a much better team than Madrid . If Barcelona had played as they normally do , they should have won . What happened ? Their goalkeepers got injured after the first goal , but he kept on playing anyway . That explains it . How many more games are left this season ? That was the last game before the playoffs . When do the playoffs start ? In a few weeks . Are you planning on watching them ? Of course ! I really love watching football games on TV . Me , too ! Do you want to come over and watch the next game at my place ? I'm planning on having a few people over to watch it together . Sure , that would be great . Ok , it's a date then ! The acting of this film is marvelous.In spite of the thin plot , the acting , the music and the scene have won the Academy Award of this year . I'm sorry for hero . I dont think there's any excuse for his acting in some parts . Don't be too critical.We can't expect it to be perfect . Last weekend I didn't want to go out either , so I stayed at home and played video games by myself . It was really fun ! Oh yeah , that sounds pretty cool , I guess ... Yeah , I'm really into video games . In fact , all my friends are on the Internet . I've never met any of them in the real world . Oh really ... well you must be very popular on the Internet . But it's true that it's nice to do some things in the comfort of your own home . Hello , Pam . I'm glad that you can make it . It looks like there are a lot of people inside . Yeah . I've invited a lot of friends besides you . Should I take my shoes off ? We all keep our shoes on indoors . Where are your parents ? They've gone out so that we could have the house to ourselves . That's great ! Will you go with us this Sunday ? What for ? Let's go and play volleyball . Sorry , I don't feel like playing . I have too much homework . I think it's about time that we had to go . What ? Won't you have more drinks ? I'd love to , but I have to get up early tomorrow and get to the office on time . Oh ! I'm sorry , but I wish you could stay . Thank you for a very enjoyable evening and your hospitality . Don't mention it . You can come whenever You are free . Wow , Is winter always this cold in Taiwan ? Not really . It's much warmer usually . Your are not used to cold weather ? No , I am from south California . This is my first real winter . Well , You'd better get some more warm clothes . What's the temperature today anyway ? I would say it's about 5 degree Celsius . When is your birthday ? August 1st . Do you usually have a birthday party ? Yes , we do.My parents prepare dinner for me . What would you do at the party ? We sing " Happy Birthday " at the party and have birthday cakes . Do you know when people began to sing the song " Happy Birthday " ? Well , I don't know . Let me tell you the story.In 1892 , Patty Smith Hill and Mildred Hill wrote a song called " Good Morning to you " . But later someone added the words " Happy Birthday " to their tune . So the " Happy Birthday " song has been popular since then ? Yes , actually , the song has been sung since its publication in 1932.People all over the world have sung it in many different languages . What do you think of your teacher ? He's very strict with us . And I hear he gives very good lectures . Indeed . He's strict with himself , too . We can see every lecture of his is well-prepared . I ’ Ve got a new boss . Oh , what ’ s he like ? Well , he ’ s got dark hair and brown eyes . Yes . And a white sports car . Um , that ’ s good . Yes , but he ’ s got a wife and 3 children as well . I'm very grateful for what you have done to my son , doctor . That's all tight , Mr.Smith.That ' s my job . I'm very glad he recovered so soon . I know he has brought great trouble to you . A million thanks . No trouble at all . He's very cute and brave . By the way , do remember to keep him away from sea food for at least two weeks . I will . It's most thoughtful of you . Would you like to have dinner with me tonight ? Oh , that sounds great ! I ’ ll pick you up at ... say , seven thirty ? Yes , that would be perfect . See you tonight then . Yes . Thank you for inviting me . Excuse me , could you tell me where you have got that music book ? Certainly . Let me see . Oh , it's on that self . It's too high . I can't reach it . Could you help me ? Of course . Here you are . Thank you very much . Thank you so much . I can't take this . She will insist . It's a rosary . She has millions of them . Take it . What did she mean just now about raising pigs ? Oh ! My grandmother used to say “ raising pigs , raising kids ... at least you can eat the pigs . ” Ha-ha . I get it . That's funny . Your cousin's a real sarcastic lady . She likes to complain about her macho husband and her “ bambinos ” , but she loves them all dearly . I ’ m hungry , let ’ s grab a bite to eat . Sure ! How about we go home and prepare a couple of sandwiches ? Nah ! Let ’ s go get a burger and fries . All you ever do is have unhealthy fast food Pizza , fries , burgers and hot dogs ! You have to start eating better ! What are you talking about ? I have salads some times . Yeah right ! I ’ m serious ! You should also cut down on your sugar intake as well . You drink carbonated drinks that are high in fructose syrup ! It ’ s really not healthy ! Fine ! I ’ ll start drinking and having home cooked meals that are low in fat . Are you happy now ? It ’ s a start , but I ’ ll be happy when I see you stick to your promise ! I hear you and James are engaged at last . Yes , we are . When are you getting married ? In the spring . Oh , lovely . Where's the wedding going to be ? Well .. we're not sure yet , probably in St.Albans . Oh , yes , your parents live there , don't they ? Yes , that's right . Where are you going to live after you're married ? We're going to buy a flat or a small house somewhere in South London . Are you going to give up your job ? Yes , probably but I may look for another one when we're settled in . Daddy , I want to buy a ten-speed-sportsman . How much is it ? Is three hundred dollars enough ? No , I'm not asking for money . I'm asking for your advice . Oh , you've already grown up , son . I feel pity for the old man . I feel the same way . It must be dreadful to grow old . Yeah . He has no one to count on . What a nice photo you ’ Ve taken ! I ’ m flattered , but really anyone else could do it . You have a real talent , Ellen ! I ’ m thinking of making an album , you know . I don ’ t dare to look after the children now . Why ? The children always make themselves in danger . I always have my heart in my mouth with them . It is because your children have grown up , and you haven ’ t lived with a child for a long time . Is there anything I can do for you ? Yes , the fried chicken is too hard to eat . I suggest you bring me another one free of charge . Well , I think you should go for our manger . I will call him here . OK . I will talk to him direcly . Why did Tom quit the job ? He said his present job seemed to be a blind alley . If he doesn't change his attitude toward his work , I don't think a new job can make any difference . I want to buy a gift for my father . Will you go with me to choose one for him ? Sure . Is it your father's birthday ? Don't you know ? Tomorrow is Father's Day . Oh ! How could I forget such an important holiday ? You also need to choose a gift for your father , right ? Yes , let's go . Jane is going to quit her job in the bank . You must be joking . The job is nice and she is well paid . It's true , but she says she is tired of counting others ' money . How long have you been in China ? A few months . How do you think of living here ? Great ! I'm having a great time . Let's go see pandas ! The news said that two pandas arrived at the zoo last week . Great ! I would like to see cute pandas , too . How can we get there ? We can take the MET and get off at the Zoo Station . OK ! Let's go . ( At the zoo ) Wow ! This zoo is really huge . Yes , you can find hundreds of various animals here . It is the biggest zoo in Taiwan . Look at the map . It has different areas , such as marine lives , mammals , polar animals and insects . Where can find the pandas ? I think we are here to see the pandas . We have to go to the mammal area . We are at the gate right now . We need to go straight from here and turn left and go along to the end and make anotherleft turn . It should take at least 20 minutes to get there . Are there any shuttle buses running place to place around the whole zoo ? Finding an excuse is obviously down your alley . And trying to avoid taking care of the children is what you are good at . Listen , Nancy . If I don't work hard , I will be laid off . You are passing the buck . I'll be hanged if I ask you to go to the park with us . Come on , Nancy . Play it cool . I go with you and burn the middle night oil tonight . Thank you for showing me your offices , Mr . Becker . I can see why Washington bureaucrats enjoy their jobs . Why do you say that ? The city is beautiful , the off ... , the offices are modern and comfortable , and the work is so interesting . Many people work for the federal government their entire adult lives . Government service can be a rewarding and secure career . Do you mean financially rewarding ? Well , many positions pay salaries that are comparable to those in private industries . I've always thought that most bureaucrats are lazy . Sometimes that's true , but not usually . Most feds are honest , hard-working professionals . It ’ s hard to keep highly trained people , so the pay and working conditions have to be attractive . How much do you make ? I'm a GS - 15 . That's high on the scale of workers , but even a GS - 1 is paid a living wage . I just got fired . You asked for it . Hello ? Hi , Kathy . Have you had lunch ? Not yet . And I ’ m really hungry now . I ’ m starving , too . There is a new Chinese restaurant close by . Do you want to go there for lunch ? Why not ? It ’ s my treat this time . Thanks . I could eat a cow . Would you like to see our new shirts ? Sorry , but I ’ m not really interested in those things . But they ’ re very nice , you know . Really . And not expensive either . Oh , I don ’ t care about that . Everybody is buying them . Are they ? Yes , they ’ re very fashionable , you see . I ’ m afraid I ’ m not interested in fashion . I see . But thank you very much all the same . Sorry , I couldn ’ t help you . Hi . What's up ? Nothing much . What's new with you ? Not too much . I've been pretty busy . Me too . Seems like all I do is eat and sleep . Gotta go . Call me tonight . Okay . Check you later . Hey , what sort of drinks do you want ? Gatorade or water ? Gatorade . It ’ s rich in Vitamin and it gives us energy and vitality . Yes , that ’ s the exact thing we need . One for each . What should we do , now with Jack out of the game ? We should choose from the backups . That ’ s right . Spraining the ankle and breaking the leg are the common things during the match . That ’ s why we should learn to protect ourselves . Otherwise , the game is not worth the candle . That ’ s for sure . During the back court , we should change the position we played . Yes , I played shooting guard , I like shooting and you ’ ll play inside , OK ? I agree with you . I think we ’ ll play much better than before . Wow , the cheer-section is coming . The music is so fantastic . Yeah , look how passionate they are ! Are they professional ? Well , you should ask your friend . You know I ’ m not the boss . Just kidding . Oops ! I almost forget about it . Do you see the girl in the middle of the first line ? Yeah , what ’ s up ? Don ’ t you think she looks like your daughter ? I also have a doubt . Oh , kill me softly , she is May . Welcome to my birthday party , I am so happy you can come . Thanks for inviting me . Here is the gift for you . Happy birthday , Francis ! Many more happy and healthy years for you ! Thank you , shall I open it now ? Yes , please do . Wow , a remote car model and my favorite brand . I really like it . That is so nice of you . Yeah , I was really struggling whether I should give you this nice little car . It was the last one they had and I really like it so much myself . Typical you , always wanting to keep the best things for yourself . The more I appreciate the gift now . Hi , Mark ! Long time no see ! Hi , Alex ! Where have you been ? I just got back from London . How was your flight ? It was OK . There was a lot of turbulence , though . That ’ s too bad . How long was the flight ? It was 10 hours . Did you have a layover ? Yes , in Paris , France . Did you buy anything in the duty-free stores ? Yes . I bought two boxed of chocolate – one for me and one for you ! Oh , you didn ’ t have to ... It was nothing . I wish our competition will quit poaching our people , when Susan resigned last week to work for the Sunburst , she was our fourth employee to leave us for them . Have you ever considered that perhaps we have a morale problem among our employees ? If everyone is discontent with their work , of course they won't stick arround . Well , those do leave will soon find out the grass isn't as green on the other side of sense as they thought it was , I know Sunburst is suffering from inbreeding . Inbreeding is a big drawback from snitching most of their employers from one or two companies . With Susan leaving , we should probably look to someone new on board . Our human resource department is working on it , it's not easy to recruit new employees every few month , it's hard to find qualified people . Maybe we should start shopping around the competitors people . Do you have a bf ? Yes , I had a bf before . Why you say bf before ? We parted from each other last month . Have you got a new one ? Mmmm , no . How about you ? I am single , I have no real of , only an E-gf , that is you . Haha , so you are my E-bf . I like you . Do you agree to be my of ? Mmmm . .. OK , let's try to be . Wow ! Blablablabla . . . Hey ! What is it ? I am flying like a bird . LL I am so happy . I want to drink a cup of champagne . I have no champagne right now . How about this ? It's OK , so I send you this . Is it made of chocolate ? It's my heart ; it's made of what you like . Oh , I will have a sweet dream . Are you sleepy ? A little bit . I have to go to sleep though I don't want to . Yes , I do not want to see ur sleeping in the office . Thx.Bye for now . Kisssssssssss . C U here , honey . Hello , Kevin . Oh , hi , Lee . You look great . Thanks . You too . What's the weather forecast for today ? Cloudy in the morning , overcast in the afternoon . Any rain ? No , but I wouldn't be surprised if it rained tomorrow . I wouldn't either . It's been looking like rain for several days . Which do you like better , orange or lemon ? I like orange better . Why ? Because orange is much more to my taste . You hurt Ben's feelings . So ? have you ever seen Bill Gate's home on the internet ? no . what's it like ? it's got its own library , theatre , swimming pool , and a guest house . The house itself has about ten different rooms that are all hooked up to computers so you can get things done in each room through would you want to live there ? I think his house is fantastic , but I wouldn't want to live there . You would have to hire one or two people to clean all the rooms in the house , plus a few people to take care of the gardens , and pro what's your dreamhole like then ? my dream home is actually just a small cottage in a quite village in England . would you want to buy an old cottage or build a new one yourself ? old homes are great because they've got character . I think that's important . it that why you wear second-hand cloths as well ? Because they've got character ? no , that's just because I don't have enough money to buy new cloths all the time ! I see . If you lived in an old house , would it be decorated in a modern way ? no , I'd definitely try to restore it to its original state . I love to imagine what it'd be like to live in another time in history and living in a house decorated like it would have been 200 years a When I quarrel with my husband . He didn't even try to cool me out . It takes two to make a quarrel and it takes two to mend fences . I was so angry that I could not keep cool . What I need is just an apology . You're just left school , haven't you , Emily ? Yes , I finished last Friday . You sound relieved . Well , yes . I don't mind admitting that I am . I enjoyed school , but I did object to having to go in every day once we've done all our exams . Well , what are you going to do now ? Have you made any plans ? Yes , I intend to go to university.That ' ll be in September.But it all depends on my A level results . You mean getting into university actually depends on your passing your A level subjects ? Oh , yes . That was a great dinner . I didn't know that you knew how yo cook . I'm glad you liked it . Are you ready for dessert ? I don't know . I'm pretty full . What are we having ? I made strawberry shortcake . Ooh , that's my favorite . Maybe I'll have a small slice . Great . Would you like coffee or tea with that ? I'll have a cup of tea . Do you take cream or sugar with your tea ? Actually , could I have some milk with that ? Definitely . Would you like skim or whole milk ? Skim , please . That'd be very nice . Thanks ... oh no . Janna , I'm so sorry , but I've got to go . What happened ? I just got a message from my sister saying that she's been in a car accident . I need to go pick her up . I'll go with you . Where is she ? She's on the M40 , near Reading . Is she alright ? I don't know , she didn't say . I'm so sorry about this . Don't worry . Family comes first . Come on , let's go . Actually , I've only got a two-seater . I'll have to go on my own . Ok . Just call me if you need anything then . I will . Thanks a lot . You look upset , is there anything wrong ? Yes , to tell you the truth , there is . What is it ? Well , I've lost my wallet and my ID card . Oh , that's too bad ! I am sorry to hear that ! Forget it , there is no use crying over the spilled milk . Diana , do you like the perfume I gave you ? It ’ s good . But to tell you the truth , I don ’ t wear perfume . I ’ m sorry . I didn ’ t know that . That ’ s all right . Thank you all the same . Are there any interesting stories in the newspaper today ? There are a few stories about natural disasters . There is a massive forest fire in Australia . It covers several square kilometers of land has destroyed many more square kilometers . Was it caused accidentally or naturally ? Sometimes it gets so hot that fires begin naturally in Australia and Africa . Nobody knows at the moment , but it has been very hot there recently . The drought in Africa is causing starvation . Millions of people have migrated to try and find food . What is the international community doing to help ? The European union has sent several plants with relief supplies . Several countries have sent soldiers to distribute food and medical supplies . Refugee camps have been set up across the region . How many countries have been affected ? Six have been seriously affected , but the refugees are also migrating to several surrounding countries . I saw on the tv yesterday that there has been another earthquake in Iran . Yes . There have been a few there recently . They say that this one was not a big quake . The Iranians are dealing with it on their own . They have purchased some special equipment to find people buried under rubble . Does the newspaper say anything about casualties ? So far , less than 20 people have died , but over 100 are in hospital . Where are you going for your trip ? I think Hebes is a good place . But I heard the north of China are experiencing severe sandstorms ! Really ? Yes , it's said that Hebes was experiencing six degree strong winds . How do these storms affect the people who live in these areas ? The report said the number of people with respiratory tract infections tended to rise after sandstorms . The sand gets into people's noses and throats and creates irritation . It sounds that sandstorms are trouble for everybody ! You are quite right . hi , how are you doing ? everything's great . And you ? same here . Have you seen any new films recently ? no , I haven't had a chance to . But I've been watching a Chinese TV series called Chinese-Style Divorce . oh , really ? I saw it two years ago . It's worth seeing and it's thought-provoking . yeah . I found it is so close to our life . it reflects some of our difficulties in this ever-changing world . you said it . You know , the divorce rate has been on the rise in recent years . well , it's said that a lot of young people favor getting married quickly which tend end quickly too . I know a couple who divorced a week after getting married . oh , that's too short-lived . that's true . It's said the short-lived marriage is typical of the post - 80s generation . I can't agree more . The only-child generation in China tends to know little about marriage . definitely . They don't take relationships and marriages very seriously . in their mind , love is nothing but passion and marriage is over once the passion is gone . I think , as the saying goes as the saying goes haste makes waste , it is the same thing with marriage . We should keep Frank at arm's length . Yeah . He's known as a sly dog . He's done many people in . He hits below the belt . And he may cash in on people whenever chances are provided . Did you read the letter in the paper about smoking ? The person who wrote that must be crazy . I don't think so . I think the government should do everything it can to discourage people from smoking . Maybe so . But a law banning cigarettes would do no good . No.You can't suddenly make smoking illegal . But the government could prohibit smoking in public places like cinemas and theaters . So Beth , what kind of music do you listen to ? I listen to a lot of hip hop . What about you ? I mostly listen to pop music , but I like a lot of different stuff . Yes , me too . I mostly listen to hip hop , but there are many genres of music I like . Tomorrow's Carl's birthday ? Yes.Let ' s hold a birthday party for him , shall we ? Good idea ! Let's make ready , then . I know I'm a blabbermouth , but what do you think she should do , John ? Honey , we're in the museum now . We're not here to discuss your coworker's love life . We're here to enjoy the great paintings by Picasso ! I know ! But it's really important to her ! Her whole life could be ruined by this man ! You're making a federal case out of it . One unhealthy love affair can't ruin anything . It could even make your life more interesting . Are you serious , John ? All I'm trying to say is that life is ... like ... er ... this painting . Don ’ t you think it would be an idea to name the ship Dolphin ? All right , if that would make you happy . So you ’ Ve got something on your mind , I guess . Well , nothing really serious . Have you decided what you are going to take next semester ? Well , I'm an English major , you know.So I came here to make sure I'm taking the right things . Good . I think it's a good idea . Our department should require meetings like this . I want to finish my degree in four years.So I don't want to forget to take classes I need . I have a friend who has to stay in college another year.She didn't know until recently . There were some classes she needed to take to graduate.She didn't know about them . Yes , that happens . I brought my transcript from my first year.Here . And here is the list of courses I plan to take in the fall . Alright . Good . I see you've already taken six credits of your breadth requirements.You have one botany class and one chemistry class . And political science.So that's nine credits . Did you take English Composition 201 ? No , I don't need to . I took Advanced Placement English in high school.So I'm not required to take composition . Excellent . I see you have the 18th century poetry class for next semester.And the modern novel class . You haven't taken a Shakespeare class yet . No , I thought I would take it later . Actually , I recommend you take Shakespeare sooner rather than later . Well , I suppose I could cross out the 18th century poetry class . I have to see when the Shakespeare class meets . Let me look at the timetable.Shakespeare meets Monday , Wednesday and Friday at 11 I can take it then . I have that time slot free . Good . I recommend it . Shakespeare is of course enormously important.We want our students to take the class as soon as they can.And Professor Friedman is an excellent teacher . I'll take it then . Tell me , Lisa , what made you decide to be an English major ? I want to be an English professor in the future . I love studying literature , and I want to teach it . Really ? That's great to know . That's the reason I want to finish my B . A . in four years.Because I know I will be in school a long time . I want to start the M . A . and Ph . D . program as soon as possible . hey , Lucas , how was your trip to Paris ? it was wonderful , but I was so tired . did you go to the top of the Eiffel Tower ? yes , that was the first thing we did . We went all the way to the top . There were visitors from all over the world taking photos there . what else did you see ? art galleries , cathedrals , statues , fountains , palaces , bistros , there's really too much to say . you must have had a great time . yes , at the beginning we were all excited and had lots of fun . However , on the third day of traveling in the city , I felt sick . I think I had something bad to eat , but it passed by the evening . yes , you need to be careful with what you eat when you're abroad . Sometimes new food might disagree with you . on the fouth day , we went to taste the French cuisine . That was really fantastic ! And no stomach problems . that is great . Everyone says French food is wonderful . you'll have to try for yourself some day . Excuse me . Yes , Miss , what can I do for you ? I ordered my dish about a half an hour ago , but it hasn't arrived yet . I'm sorry for that , I'm going to check with the chef right now . Miss , I just checked with the kitchen , and they said your order will be coming right up next . Oh , here comes . Thank you . Miss , I'm very sorry for the delay , please enjoy this . Free a glass of wine for inconvenience . Again I'm terribly sorry to make you wait so long . It doesn't matter . How do you like this waltz ? It's very nice , I like it very much . Well , then , may I invite you for the first dance ? My pleasure . But I'm afraid I'm not much of a dancer , and I suppose you dance often . Me ? Oh , no . In fact , I took up dancing quite recently . Oh , really ? But you're doing the waltz wonderfully well . I'm glad you say so , you dance beautifully too . It's lucky that I got a partner . Thank you for your compliments.It ' s just that you are a good leader . Do you like the fox-trot and tango ? Yes . And what dances do you do best ? Disco is my favorite . I like it better than any other dances because it can release one's pent-up feelings , and is a healthy exercise . But I don't do the rock and roll and the break dance . Oh , well , the music has stopped . Thank you for the dance . My pleasure . Let's go and have a drink . Fine . What's the Mountaineering Club doing this weekend ? We are going to climb a cliff on the Yangtze River . How hard is the climb ? It is a very difficult climb , because there are not many places to put your hands and feet . What did you do last week ? We rappelled down the side of a 300 - foot cliff . It's very exciting . Wow . That sounds like a lot of fun . I am sorry I missed it . Well , you should come this weekend . I think you could do the climb . Yeah , I will . See you then ! Ok , see you . How many people are there in your family ? There are 15 people in my family . What did you say ? How many ? 15 people . Wow . That is a very big family . Do you all live together ? Of course we do ! My father's parents , Mum , Dad , three unmarried aunts , two uncles , my two brothers , my three sisters and me . But you don't live at home anymore . Right , but that's where my heart is . But you're right , now there are only 14 living at home . My goodness ! Your family must live in a huge house . Yes . My family lives in rural Korea , near Pusan . We have a huge house.The first floor of the house is a part-time private school.In the afternoon , students come for special tutoring in biology , Englis Wow ! you grew up in a school ! No wonder your English is excellent ! My aunts and uncles are all teachers . You are so lucky ! I guess so . While growing up , I read hundreds of interesting English storybooks every year . That's what i did in America . I was reading all the time . I was never a big TV watcher . TV wastes time . I agree . Reading for fun is why all the English students at our family school have excellent English . All the students read 800 easy storybooks during their second year of studying English . 800 books ? I'm impressed ! My aunts studied in the American universities.They say that extensive reading for fun is the most effective way to improve your English.That ' s what they learn here in America . ... Now that we have been over the gory details of our disastrous first quarter , Ed ! Give us some good news . How are things looking for us in terms sales this month ? Uh well ... would you like the bad news first or the really bad news ? What ? Ed , don ’ t tell me you only have bad news ! Well sir , our sales have dropped , no plunged , fifty percent in the past month alone . We are currently overstocked and overstaffed and our profits refalling fast . The market is in recession and we have no way of moving our inventory , or getting rid of our staff . If we consider redundancies , it would cost us a fortune because of the new regulations governing compensation packages . It ’ s a real mess . For crying out loud ... How fast are we losing money ? Um ... how can I put this ? Let ’ s just say that at this pace , we will be filing for Chapter eleven in less than three months . What ! Geez ! How could this have happened ? So what ’ s the bad news ? Oh , that ’ s the really bad news . Our supplier suffered QC problems and , well , half of our production is faulty . We ’ re going to have to recall all itemssold in the last quarter . And the worst part ? We ’ re going to have to shoulder this cost . Are you joking ? Get the supplier on the line now ! They have to assume the costs of this mess ! We tried that , sir . The factory has gone under and the owner apparently has fled the country . We ’ re doomed ! There is some really good news though ! Really ? What ! I got offered a new job ! So Vicky , how long have you held your present position ? I ’ Ve been a secretary for two years , before that I was at university . And how do you like working for IBM ? It ’ s challenging , I feel I have learned a lot . What ’ s strength do you bring to the job ? I get along well with people , and I enjoy working with others . That ’ s good . We always need team players here . I'm exhausted . My new exercise class is so hard , I think it is easy . I could work in your class with no problem . You thing so ? Oh , without a doubt . When is the next class ? Tomorrow morning . Try it . No problem . Are you going to this class this morning ? Of course , easy . No sweat . You're no able to move after this class . Are you kidding me ? It's going to be up a piece of cake . You want to bet ? Yeah , what't the bet ? I bet I can go one hour in your class this morning and not feel a thing . Johnny , you did badly on the test . I think you haven't been studying enough . Am I right ? Yes , Ms . Jones . Well , you'd better start studying harder if you want to pass this class . Professor , where's Canada ? Canada is north of here . Can you show me on the map ? Sure . Look here . Canada is north of the United States . Oh , I see . Where's Mexico ? Mexico is south of the United States . How about Connecticut ? Where's that ? Connecticut is east of New York . What state is west of Pennsylvania ? Ohio . OK , Where's Los Angeles ? Los Angeles is in California . It's southeast of San Francisco . Where's Boston . Boston is in the northeast part of the country . Where is Las Vegas ? Las Vegas is in the southwest . What kind of books do you like ? I like reading novels about early America . Really ? Me too . Which one do you like best ? I prefer the novels by Hemingway , such as The Old Man and the Sea . I like the simple words in his novels . Yup . Though the words he used are simple , but the spirit he has conveyed is great . Absolutely ! Doesn't she have any friends ? If she has , they must be fair-weather friends . Such friends are even worse than enemies . She'd better keep away from them . Is that true ? I guess so . Now Anna's got four kids and another on the way . Wow . She looks good for having had that many kids . She's pregnant and wearing Prada ! That's Anna for you . She keeps up the image of the stylish Italian woman . Here she comes . She's glowing . It must be the pregnancy . Yeah , or the expensive Italian facial treatments . Hi , Jenny . Are still working ? Hi , Nancy . Come in please . I'm just putting away on my books . So , you are leaving , aren't you ? Yes , I ’ m going to take a holiday tomorrow . How nice ! I can see you are busying packing . I'm sorry to interrupt you . That's all right . I'm almost finished . Do you need my help ? Yes , could you please go over this for me ? And see if there is any mistake in it ? Oh . All right I'll read it soon . Excuse me for taking your time . It's nothing Nancy . Why do you look so gloomy ? What are you looking for ? My dissertation . I put it somewhere last night and I can't find it now . Did you finish typing it yesterday ? Yes , I kept on typing it until midnight , but it is lost . Don't worry about it . It must be somewhere in your room . Let's see where you put it . Have you searched your drawers and the desk ? Yes , but there is nothing inside the drawers or on the desk . How about the shelf ? I've searched everywhere . Where on earth did I put it ? Don't get upset over it . At least you have another week to go . I have been working on it for a whole month and it's too late to write another . Just think of all my hard work that goes for nothing . How could I do such a thing ? Cheer up ! What I meant was that you can find it sometime during a week . There is no need to write a new one . Oh , what's this ? Is this your dissertation ? Let me see . Yes , that's it . Where did you find it ? You ’ Ve put it among these journals . My poor memory . Thank you very much . Crazy ! He locked himself in the room . I think he was locked in it . But you can see the key in his hand through the window ! What a strange guy ! Where's Bill ? The ambassador is already here . The meeting is set to start at 9 am . He's late again . Traffic is probably holding him up . You know , he commutes from the suburbs . It's not easy commuting every day . We should cut him some slack . Even though the traffic is bumper-to-bumper out there , I don't think it's heavy traffic that makes Bill late . He takes the train , remember ? Oh , that's right . Well , the train shouldn't be late . That means there is only one explanation ... Bill must have overslept . Well , to be fare , since he's coming all the way from Lancaster , he's got to get up much earlier than the rest of us . He must get start on his commute about six thirty , no telling what time he actually gets up . That's right , because he's got to get to the train station from his house , then take the blue line into the city , then switch trains to the red line . In all , the trip's got to take more than 2 hours . Why doesn't he just drive to work ? It's too difficult to park your car in the city . Also , the traffic coming in from the suburbs is a nightmare . What can I do ? Take the books out of the bookcase . Put them in this box . Well , the books are in the box . What can I do now ? Take the magazines out of the bookcase . Put them in that box . All right . Peter ! Pack them . Don't read them . These magazines are interesting . May I borrow one ? Of course . Thanks , John . This is great , isn't it ? It's the most fun I've had in years . We should do this more often . Yes , we should . What do you think of his behaviour yesterday ? He's a sad dog . He came to the wedding in jeans ! I don't think so . He only had no common sense . Have we sold out all the newspapers for today ? Yes . What a good job we have done ! Why are so many extra gifts left here ? Many customers didn't want them . How about giving them to that old man ? Good idea . By the way , do you think it's a good idea to give free gifts to attract customers ? I'm not sure , but still it did attract a large crowds today . I think it should be more useful to hand out some fliers which is also cheaper . But people can just throw them into the trash can as they turn around . That's true . Anyway , let's just finish out job and get back home . Okay . How tiring the job is ! I'm afraid of the darkness . Don't worry . I'll drive you back . Thank you . What's your number ? I'm number seven . What about you ? Five . Hah hah ! You have to go before me . You think it's funny . I'm terrified . Don't worry . It's safe . But I've never jumped off anything in my life . The highest thing I've jumped off is my bed . I'm scared . You are the one who wanted to come here , Sandy . You should enjoy it . I guess I'm adventuresome , but then I'm scared too . I'm not too scared . But I've done sky diving before . I think modern painting means nothing . I think so too . It's just pointless . Then why are so many guys so crazy about it ? I don't know . Maybe they're really crazy . Maybe . Hi ! Dick . Where are you going ? You're in such a hurry . Playground . We're having sports for today's outside class activities . All my classmates have already got there . What are you going to play ? Some of us will play basketball and some volleyball . Enjoy yourself . Yesterday I had a deal with a vice manager . He acts like the point man . I always meet people like him . Wow , the view from the peak is so grand ! Look , most of the maple leaves have turned red . Did you ever see this kind of beautiful scene ? Of course , my father used to take me to Kiang Shan or somewhere like that as a child . But my father did not . He didn't have much time . Honey , I'm sorry . I promise you , this summer vacation , I will take you to Huang-Shan Mountains . It is more beautiful and magnificent . Really ? It's a deal . Have you ever been there ? Yes , I went there five years ago . You were still a baby at that time . It really gets me interested . Is it higher than Kiang Shan ? Surely . You can enjoy the beauty of numerous streams and waterfalls . The sea of clouds has a fairy tale beauty . Can I see the rainbow ? That depends . If you are lucky , you can see a vivid rainbow across over two peaks . Tom has grown six inches within a year . He has reached puberty . His mind and body both will change a lot . Yeah , do you see his Adam's apple ? It becomes bigger . Time is flying . I still remember everything when he was a child . For our lunch meeting with the investors , do we have to make a reservation at the restaurant or do we just show up ? Usually for lunch , we don't have to reserve a table , they should allow walk-ins . But to be on the safe side , I'll order a table for half-past twelve . Will that suit your schedule ? I've arranged to meet them at the restaurant at twelve . Can you make the reservation a little earlier ? If we start earlier , it will give us more time for a longer lunch . Are you planning on treating the investors to a full-course meal ? Yes , we'll start with appetizers , follow with a soup and salad course , then main dishes of prime rib or cordon bleu chicken , and finish up with a delicious rich dessert of some sort . That'll be pretty heavy for a mid-day meal , don't you think ? As along as we stay away from anything alcoholic , we should be okay . With your prime rib and chicken choices , you'd better hope nobody's vegetarian . We can make some special arrangement if we need to . After all , it's the company who is footing the bill . Too much , Harry . Don't blame her anymore . But it was her that makes us so embarrassed . I know . But there's no point in making her feel worse , isn't there ? I don't care . Hi Jane , can you let me know the best way to get to your house this evening ? Certainly , where will you be coming from ? I need to be in the city centre this afternoon so I will be coming straight from there . Ok . Take the Underground ( the Circle line ) to High Street Kensington . Make sure you take the High Street Kensington exit . Got that . Ok - when you leave the Underground , cross the road and you should see Horntown Street . Was up that street to the crossroads . As you was you should see a fast food place on your right . Hold on , I am looking at the map now . Ok , I can see Horntown Road . Do I go straight at the intersection ? No , you need to turn left into Philimore Was and take the next right . Ok , I can see that road . That's fine . You will not miss it because it's just next to the Kensington centra Library . Good , I can see the library on the map . Ok , we live in the third building on your left . Will we see you around 7 pm ? That's great , see you at seven . Guess what came in the mail today ? What ? My acceptance letter to Yale ! Wow ! Congratulation ! When do classes start ? Freshman orientation is the last week of august , but I want to go two weeks before that to get settled in . You ’ re so lucky ! Do you have to do many things before you leave ? Yes . I ’ ll be very busy ! I have to get a visa , buy a plane ticket , and pack my things . But first , I want to register for classes . When can you do that ? Well , they sent me their prospectus , so I can start looking now . do you want to help me decide which classed to take ? Sure . What can you choose from ? Well , I have to take all the fundamental course , plus a few from my major . What is your major ? I hope to major in English literature , but the admissions counselor told me that many people change their major many times in their first year , so we ’ ll see . What are the fundamental course ? In order to graduate , every student must take a certain amount of classes in history , math , English , philosophy , science and art . Interesting . That ’ s very different from the Chinese education system . Yes , it is . It ’ s also very different from the British education system . Really ? oh , sure . In British , students don ’ t have to take the foundation course . why not ? maybe because they think they know everything already ! ha ha . Hey John , nice skates . Are they new ? Yeah , I just got them . I started playing ice hockey in a community league . So , I finally got myself new skates . What position do you play ? I ’ m a defender . It ’ s a lot of fun . You don ’ t have to be able to skate as fast on defense . Yeah , you ’ re a pretty big guy . I play goalie , myself . Oh , yeah ? Which team ? The Rockets . Really ? I think we play you guys next week . Well , I have to go to practice . See you later . All right , see you later . Do you offer a course in business management ? Yes , we do . How many nights a week is it ? It's 3 nights a week , Monday , Tuesday and Thursday . And how long does the course last ? It lasts for 9 months . When does it start ? The next beginning class starts on October 25th . What time is the class ? From 7 to 9 o'clock . How much does it cost ? It costs 125 dollars a month . Yes , that's all right . I want to enroll in the course . Thank you , please fill out this form for us . Do you want me to fill it out now ? Yes , please.we need a record of you education and your work experiences . Would you like to drink some coffee ? No , thanks . I have some trouble with my heart , my doctor recommend I to drink less . Would you like to try some watermelon juice ? It tastes good . All right Excuse me . Is there any body here ? Yes . I've finished up all my water . I would kill for a sip of water . Sure , come on in . Thank you very much . Are you here alone ? My father and sister are out to photographing . What about you ? I'm a back-packer from America . What is a back-packer ? It means a hiker who loves traveling around the world . Cool . You must have been to a lot of places . Yes , actually almost half of all the countries over the world . I love traveling places . So cool . I want to be a back-packer when I grow up . You can do it . But do work hard on your English to make it easier . I'll try my best . OK , Dead Man . If this doesn't start your engine , nothing will . Thank you . Hey , do you know how espresso got its name ? No , I don't . It's because of the way the steam and boiling water are pressed through the coffee . Es-PRESS-o , get it ? Uh , are you sure about that ? I thought espresso was an Italian word . Hello ! Oh , hi ! Please allow me to introduce myself . My name is Tom . Pleased to meet you . My name is Alice . Did you just move in next door ? Yes , I did . Have you lived here long ? Me ? I guess so . I've lived here for about six years now . Have you lived in America very long ? No , not really . When I left Vietnam , I came to America and I lived with a cousin in Dallas for two years . Where do you work , Alice ? I teach mathematics at a college . What do you do ? I am an accountant at a company Well , Tom . It's good to meet you . I have to go now . I am teaching a class this evening , and I need to get to the college . It's nice meeting you too , Alice . See you around ! Goodbye , Alice . Good morning , Mei ! How are you ? Hi Tom ! I'm fine , and you ? Not bad thanks . Good . See you ! Bye ! You like movies ? Yeah , I think it's the best way to relax . What type do you like the best ? Really it depends on my mood . When I am sad or depressed , I like comedies . If I'm feeling good , I'll watch almost anything . I see . I generally like movies to help calm me down . I think a sign of a good movie is the ability to bring you into the story as if you were part of it . Yeah , unfortunately , nowadays directors are often more interested in making money than making a good film . True . The movie industry is becoming more and more commercial . You see a lot of expensive movies with little artistic value . I generally think those made in the forties are of higher quality on the average than movies today . You can name a lot of classics from that decade . Yeah , many of my all-time-favorites were made in the forties . They've already stood the test of time and will stay with us for a long time . I'm totally with you on that . What a washing machine ! It ’ s getting worse today . Look ! Now it doesn ’ t work at all . I think I need a new one . Here ’ s an ad . about a big sale of washing machine . Do you want to see it ? Of course ! Let ’ s have a look . Great ! In my frame of mind , I ’ d like to buy one today . Hey , your Chinese is coming along ! You think ? Yeah . It ’ s a lot better than mine . But I still get stuck on the different tones.It drives me crazy . Hang in there . It ’ ll all come together one of these days . I can ’ t wait to retire . And then what ? And then I ’ m moving to Florida where I can play golf all day , every day ! That sounds boring to me . What do you plan on doing after you retire ? Yes , I think I will do something new . I ’ Ve always wanted to be a teacher . I ’ m willing to begin studying to teach . I admire your energy , Ruth . You are young at heart . What colour is her hair ? Oh , blonde , she's very blonde ... quite short hair ... What , curly ? No , not at all . Very straight . Her hair comes down like this ... just over the ears . Does she wear glasses ? No ... no . I think you're thinking of someone else . No . I'm sure I know her . Er ... what else can I tell you ? Er ... she's got ... er a ... round face , a very round face , and a very big mouth , sort of wide mouth , when she laughs , her face is all mouth . Ah ... No , I can't place her . Charles , do you have any children ? Yes . How many children do you have ? I have two kids . A boy and a girl . What are their names ? Jack and Stephanie . How old are they ? Stephanie is 18 and Jack is 24 . Are they in school ? Stephanie is . She goes to college in Washington and Jack works in Florida . What does Stephanie study ? She studies English . Is she here now ? No , she's at school . I can't believe the weather is so gorgeous for your wedding . Yes . It's perfect . And all of the flowers are in bloom . I couldn't have asked for more . I was looking at my test score and think that it should be higher . Is the math wrong or the way the answer was marked ? I think an answer got marked wrong that should have been marked right . These things can happen ; let's double-check the answers first to be sure , all right ? That would be great ! Look at the answer sheet and compare it to your answers . Do you see any place where I made a mistake in grading ? This one right here should be right . Yeah , I see the same thing ; now we can do the math and check that , right ? Yeah , let's do the math . I count all of the correct answers , total them , and divide by the total . Does this look right to you ? Looks pretty good . Thank you for caring enough to check on your scores ; keep studying ! Susan , I haven't seen you in the pub for a long time . I have a part-time job now , so I work in the evenings . That explains it . Mrs . Schmidt ! What's happening ! You'll never guess what happened today ! I went to the doctor after work and the doctor told me ... And the doctor told you to start listening to Bach ? No ... He told me I'm pregnant ! Congratulations ! And so I bought all these books on having kids and ... And they said you should play classical music ? How did you know ! They say listening to classical music can make your baby smarter ! Guess what ! I know something you don't know ! What's that ? How many planets are there in the solar system ? That's easy . Everyone knows that there are nine . Not anymore ! Can you believe it ? They've decided that Pluto is not a planet anymore ! Nice try . I wasn't born yesterday , you know . I'm dead serious . They've decided that it's too small to be a planet , but actually they haven't yet agreed on how big something has to be in order to be a planet anymore . That sounds crazy . But they can't just change their mind about things like that . Yes , they can . If you remember correctly , people used to believe that the world was flat . I suppose you're right . They also used to think that they were so important that the sun revolved around them , not the other way around . We actually know relatively little about space and the cosmos . Do you think that we'll one day be able to travel to another planet for a vacation ? I suppose we could actually live on a planet outside of the milky way . Do you think we'll ever get to meet an alien from outer space ? I hope not . I think they would be a threat to those of us that lived on the Earth . You're so old-fashioned . That's what people used to think about people from another country ! Point taken . Hopefully one day , we'll live in an interplanetary society . You're just left school , haven't you , Emily ? Yes , I finished last Friday . You sound relieved . Well , yes . I don't mind admitting that I am . I enjoyed school , but I did object to having to go in every day once we've done all our exams . Well , what are you going to do now ? Have you made any plans ? Yes , I intend to go to university . That'll be in September . But it all depends on my A level results . You mean getting into university actually depends on your passing your A level subjects ? Oh , yes . I noticed your absence in class this morning . I'm sorry , I overslept . Hello , Jack here . Hello , Jack . It's Mary . What are you doing in your office ? I am working . I often work late on Thursdays . I am busy this week . Would you like to come and have dinner with us on Friday ? Tomorrow ? No , I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to . I'm going out of the town on business . What about Saturday ? Sorry , I never go out on Saturday evening . I always watch football on Saturday evening . Will you come round next Tuesday ? Next Tuesday ? Just a moment ! It will be the 21st of May . Oh , dear . Arm ... I promised my aunt I would be at her birthday party . What do you say to next Wednesday then ? Let me see . Yes , Mary . Let's make it next Wednesday . Ok . Bye . Bye . It's snowing outside . Oh , how could it be ? Let's go out and have a look . OK . Wait a minute . Look at the snow , it's so beautiful . Yes . It's really snowing . I love winter , I love snow . But don't you think it's a little too cold ? But I like cold more than hot . You are so interesting . How often do you have English lessons ? I have a lesson once a week but I try to practice every day . How do you practice ? I usually look at English language websites every day and go to my local English Corner twice a week . Do you ever speak to native speakers of English ? Sadly , I hardly ever speak to English people . I usually practice with my Chinese friends . What happened to that girl you were seeing ? Oh Jackie ? We broke up last week . That was a short relationship . You only started dating 2 months ago . It was actually a long two months . She was a psycho . What do you mean ? She would be laughing one moment , and if I said something insensitive , she would start crying . I didn't want to deal with that . She sounds very emotional . She was a psycho , man . One time we were suppose to get together . I was waiting for her call , and when she finally called , she was screaming why I wasn't at her place . Were you suppose to be there ? I thought she was going to call when she was done shopping . It was a misunderstanding . She was literally screaming on the phone over this . Ok . You're right . She's a psycho . I'm just glad it's over . Adam . I ’ m sorry . Where have you been , Alice , you're over an hour late . Yes , But I couldn ’ t help it . I was late getting off work for a start and then I miss the bus . The bus I did catch that stuck in the traffic jam . It was one thing after another . why ere you getting off work so late ? The office close at six , doesn ’ t it ? Yes . But those are the rush in that moment . And my boss ask me to do some urgent letters . Didn ’ t you tell him you have an appointment ? Well , no . I thought I ‘ Ve finish in five minutes . and I didn ’ t want to be difficult about just few minutes , if I hadn ’ t been missing the bus and in the traffic I wouldn ’ t have been so late . I ’ m sorry . Well . You ’ re here . How was the movie last night ? I didn't really like it . Mary said that she was really pleased with the photography . I found it very disappointing . She liked the acting , too , because that's what she wanted to see . I wasn't happy with it . Nothing is to your satisfaction . I'm busy year in and year out , but now I've done nothing . You've done a lot , my darling ! I may have done a lot , but none is to my satisfaction . You're too strict with yourself . Perhaps . I'm dead tired . Would you like to come to our party ? I'd like to . But I'm not myself today . What happened ? You look so pale . It's the end of the world for me . What makes you say that ? Today , I'm told I failed three courses . Oh , that's too bad . Work harder next term . B :: I'm such a fool that duplication of effort is only a waste time to me . Don't lose heart . Everything will be fine . I hope so . What do you think of the lawyer's speech ? He has a glib tongue . Few people can argue him down . Don't believe him . He's liar . We cannot expect a man like him to speak the truth . hey , the new SOHO . How's everything going ? everything's great . I've just returned from my office . your office ? Aren't you a freelancer ? sure I am . I work for myself , but I've rented a virtual office at an office building in the downtown area . a virtual office ? yeah , an office that runs efficiently by using nothing other than online communication technologies . I pay the rent and share office services with others in the same building . what kind of services do they offer ? a separated office , internet access , phone services , fax services , mail & courier services , and almost everything you have in a conventional office . sounds fun.what else ? I get a business address at an expensive location , and I can share the receptionist and secretary with other offices in the same floor . oh , that helps a lot to promote your corporate image . you bet it ! I just love your hair that way . Thanks . Where did you have it done ? My sister did it . When did you get yours cut ? Just yesterday . I'm still getting used to it . Well , it looks very nice . Thanks . That was a great party . Thanks for staying behind to help me clear up . It certainly was a great party . It ’ s a pity that a glass and a plate got broken and someone spilled a drink over here . I expected that something might get broken . That doesn ’ t bother me . That spilled drink won ’ t leave a stain , will it ? I doubt it , I'll deal with it right away . Luckily it wasn ’ t a glass of red wine , I ’ ll just get a bowl of water and a cloth . I ’ m going to put all the rubbish into this big plastic bag . Afterwards , we can do the washing up together . Everything will be finished within an hour . Your friend Keith is really funny . I liked his magic tricks . Yes , he ’ s very good .. isn ’ t he ? He told some funny stories too . Amanda told some very funny jokes . At the beginning of the party , she was being very serious . I think that she had a litter too much of the punch . What did you put in that punch ? It tasted great , but was quite strong . That ’ s my little secret . Did you like the snacks that I prepared ? Very much . The birthday cake was delicious , wasn ’ t it ? Emily told me that she and karen made it themselves . That cake tasted so good ! It disappeared within minutes , so I think everyone liked it a lot . How ’ s that stain ? All cleaned up . Are you ready to start on the washing up ? Mom , this is your third bowl of rice ! I know but I have no choice . My stomach just keeps crying for more and more . Why ? I never saw you eat so much before . I've been going to the gym these days . The exercise makes me hungry all the time . So your stomach is the one that actually gets a lot of work-out . Don't pull my leg . This way you'll probably put on more weight . Will you give up ? Surely not . I can feel the results . I'm starting to feel different now . Then how are you gonna deal with the problem of getting extra weight ? I'm planning to meet my personal trainer to have the work-out plan fixed . Oh , I've got an idea . Why don't you ask Dad to go with you ? He badly needs some exercise . Your father is a bit too timid . He even doesn't know how to introduce himself . He can just say , I'm Benjamin . I'm new and shy . Girl , don't make fun of your Daddy . But I can introduce him to my personal trainer . Maybe one day he will be a fitness freak instead of a cough potato . Who knows ! Look , Bob . This is a photograph I took during my trip to Australia . Let me see it , can I ? This is a good photograph . Who are these people ? They ’ re people I met during the trip . That ’ s the ship we traveled on . What a beautiful ship ! Who ’ s this ? That ’ s the man I told you about . Remember ? Ah yes . The one who offered you a job in Australia . That ’ s right . Who ’ s this ? Guess ! It ’ s not you , is it ? That ’ s right . I grew a beard during the trip , but I shaved it off when I came home . Why did you shave it off ? My wife didn ’ t like it ! Hey , Jack ! Is Jenny coming with us ? Yes . Why ? Nothing . I am just asking . Just asking ? ! Why is your face burning like mad ? Ah-huh , someone has a crush on Jenny , doesn't he ? Who has a crush ? Come on , Ted ! Don't be such a chicken . If you like her , you ’ Ve got to tell her . Maybe she likes you . Well , I don't have the guts to ask her out . What are you so afraid of ? Just tell her what you are feeling about her . I ’ d totally die if she turned me down . But that's better than keeping everything to yourself . You ’ Ve got to let her know . Come on ! You ’ Ve got to take a chance . Even though you are rejected , it ’ s not the end of the world . There ’ s nothing to lose , is there ? I don't know .. Well , maybe you are right , but how am I gonna tell her ? Susan has got the cancer of stomach . How terrible ! This is quite unexpected ! Yesterday when I went to hospital to see her , you cannot imagine how greatly surprised when I saw her . What happened ? Because of atomic cocktail and other medicines , all of them have the side effect . she has lost all her hair . Shall I punch out for you , Ross ? I am leaving now . No , thanks . I have got to work overtime . But today is Friday . You are not going to work overtime on Friday evening , are you ? Well , I am . I'll have to finish this report for next Monday's meeting . Is Tom coming to pick you up ? No . We ’ ll meet at my house . He invited my family to spend the weekend with his family at their villa . That's nice . Where is his villa ? It's not his villa , but his father's . I think it's somewhere in Florida . I am not sure myself . Sometimes I envy you a lot . Tom is a good guy . Come on . You just haven ’ t met the right person and I think that you work too much . You should learn how to entertain yourself and enjoy life . I know , but I am a work maniac . Well , suit yourself . I've got to run now . Have a nice weekend . You too . Oh , I forgot to tell you one thing . A girl called this afternoon . She said she was your ex-girlfriend . She wanted you to call her back . Did she mention anything else ? No , nothing else . See you Monday . See you . Are we going to have gym class tomorrow ? Are you crazy ? Tomorrow's Saturday . Sometimes I forget that we don't have school on Saturdays . Americans also don't go to work on Saturdays . So there are only five working days in a week ? Right . What are you going to do tonight ? I'm going to study . On a Friday night ? Well , I need to polish up my English . Thanks a million . Don't mention it . Jacob , are you interested in helping me out and going on a blind date with a friend of mine ? That depends . What does she look like ? Well , she's got a beautiful face and long curly red hair . How tall is she ? She's fairly tall , maybe 2 inches taller than me . Is she chubby ? Not at all . She's actually very athletic . It sounds like she's pretty good-looking . Does she wear glasses ? No , but she does wear contact lenses . How's her skin ? She's got a gorgeous complexion with a few freckles on her nose . Does she have any piercings or tattoos ? I think she has her ears pierced and she definitely has a few tattoos , one on her lower back , one on her neck , and one on her left foot . What's the tattoo on her foot like ? It's a butterfly---everyone in her family has one . Even her mother ? Yes , even her mother . What's her personality like ? She's a lot like me . So there is something wrong with her ! It was beginning to sound like she was too good to be true ! Good morning , Jason . How did you sleep ? Pretty well , thanks . Still feeling the effects of jet lag a bit , but last night I got at lease six hours of rest . Great ! So , are you ready for a full day of shopping ? Yep . Let's do it . I'm pretty excited ! I know a place that should be perfect . It's called the China Friendship Shopping Center and it's pretty much like an American mall - except with more variety . You can even buy a live chicken there if you want . Live chicken ? Thanks , but no thanks . So ... tell me about bargaining . How can I do it like a local ? Well . I'll be honest and say you'll never be as good at bargaining as a local person . You're a foreigner and the sellers can see that . But ... if you're smart , you can get bargains that are not too far away from the local price . Cool ! Teach me ! For starters , you want to do a lot of scouting first . You've got to know what things cost . Someone told me to go to a convenience store and see how much a soft drink or a tube of toothpaste costs . The idea is that by comparing the prices of those items , you can figure out the relative prices of everything else . That could be helpful . But when you go into a shopping center ... prices become very flexible . You have to be able to read the market . I ’ m so relieved that your ankle wasn ’ t broken ! I feel just awful about this whole thing . I wanna make it up to you . Let me take you out to dinner tonight . My treat . That sounds great ! I ’ d love to ! Here is my address . Pick me up at eight ? Perfect ! Thank you for such a lovely evening ! The food was amazing , and I had a great time . Me too.You look so beautiful tonight ! I wish this night would never end.There ’ s something I have to tell you ... What is it ? I woke up today thinking this would be just like any other ordinary day , but I was wrong . A twist of fate brought us together . I crashed into your life and you into mine , and this may sound crazy , but I ’ m falling in love with you , Veronica . Hey , you ’ re early ! Where ’ s everyone ? Well ... I told them not to come . I made a reservation just for the two of us . I thought we could have an quiet evening all to ourselves . Oh ... why ? Jennifer , there ’ s something I wanna ask you . Sure . What is it ? Hmm ... okay , here ’ s the thing . I ’ Ve always seen you as more than just a friend , and I can ’ t take it any more . I know you better than anyone , I know the pros and cons of your personality , I even know what side of the bed is yours ! I think we would be great together , don ’ t you ? Are you serious ? We ’ Ve been friends for years ! We can ’ t just change that overnight ! I know ! I never had the guts to tell you ... until today . So , what do you say ? Are you willing to give me a shot ? I ... I ... How do you usually spend your time , now that you ’ Ve retired ? Well , I nearly always get up at dawn . I don ’ t like sleeping in late . The days are longer in summer than in winter , so I get up in summer . I usually do some exercise when I get up . What do you have for breakfast ? I usually have cereal , but sometimes I cook a traditional English breakfast . that sounds nice . How do you spend your mornings ? I usually do housework in mornings . I go shopping occasionally . I like to do all my shopping in one bag trip to the supermarket . I always drive to the big supermarket in the city center . It takes about 20 minutes to drive there . How do you spend your afternoons ? I usually meet some friends and we play sports together or I might spend some time alone on my hobbies . I spend winter evening watching tv , but I spend summer evening at cultural events if I have time . What do you think of being a secretary ? I'm not at all keen on that sort of job.It makes me crazy . How come ? You have to type all day . Hey . Steven . You have a large chunk of money , but why do you still live in the old flat , instead of buying a new villa ? I like to live here and enjoy my neighbors ' company . And I don't think I should waste money just because I have much of it . But I found you always hate to part with your money . Look at the car you drive ; it's such a junker ! Oh , the car is old but still in good condition . I just think we should be thrifty , whether you are rich or not . But ... But ... But what ? Just remember that thrift is not only a great virtue , but also a great revenue . Maybe you are right . Judy , have you ever made out how much money shall we spend ? Oh , yeah . The total amount is no less than 13,000 RIB , according to our itinerary . What ? That's too much . Sit down . I'll show you the list of our financial budget . First of all , it is nearly 4,000 RIB that we should spend in transportation . Ah , the transportation fee always takes a great part in the budget . Then we must pay a large amount of money for the hotel . But if we want to save money , we can choose a hotel which is not so good . Hmm , what I'm fearful of is that the accommodation will also deteriorate once we choose a cheaper hotel . In that case , we can choose the Youth Hotel . It's a good choice , clean and economic . Julia , what do you think of the network ? Network is omnipresent nowadays . It's quite convenient for people . You see , we can download music and information from the Internet ; I can study from it , too . And the most of all , we can compose , send , and receive e-mails . Yeah , you are right . Internet makes our lives easier . But it's a two-blade sword . What do you mean ? I mean Internet brings benefit a lot , but also some disadvantages . For example , many youngsters are addicted to the games and they neglect their study ; or some bad guys steal people's money online , etc . I agree . But I think although it has some negative effects , on the whole Internet does more good to us than harm . Yeah , you are right . But we have to know how to make good use of it . I'm tired . Well , you've been working on this assignment for five hours . Yeah , I need to take a break . Where are you going ? I'll accompany my wife to the hospital . What's wrong with her . She is expecting . Congratulations to you . Thank you . Hi , I ’ m Susan.What ’ s your name , please ? My name is Zhang Ming.Nice to meet you , Susan . Where do you come from ? I come from China.Are you American ? Yeah , that ’ s right.SO what are you studying ? Business management That sounds interesting . Hi , Alex . How are you doing ? Just fine , Karen . I ’ m just taking a breather from all this paper work ! I know the feeling . I ’ m calling to let you know about this new Italian place I found . It ’ s right around the corner . I ’ ll have to try it . You know how I am about Italian food ! What ’ s the name ? Have you figured out where you want to transfer to ? I can ’ t think of where to go . Where would you like to go to school ? I really don ’ t know . You can ’ t think of anything ? I really like where I ’ m at now . So , why don ’ t you just stay here ? That may be what I ’ m going to do . It ’ s a perfectly good school . You ’ re absolutely right . Do you know what you ’ re going to do now ? I ’ m just going to stay at PCC . Those guys thought they would never lose . But we finally beat them . And look at them crying now . The bigger they are , the harder they fall . I can ’ t believe the cost of apartments in New York City . Oh , you didn ’ t know that apartments here are considered valuable , even if they are small and crowded ? Of course I had heard about that , but now I know how expensive it is to rent a place here . I don ’ t mind paying high rent to live in New York . Why ? You pay so much for such a tiny space to live . Yeah , but so what ! I ’ m proud to live in the world ’ s most exciting city . And , the salaries here are the highest in the nation , too . You see that chick over there ? The one in the red shirt ? Yeah . Isn't she hot ? She's alright . Just alright ? ! ? She's hot ! Why don't you go talk to her ? You think she's out of my league ? Hell no ! You're just a chicken that's all . C'mon . I get nervous when I talk to girls . Why don't you go stand next to her for a while and if an opportunity comes up , strike a conversation . What do I talk about ? It doesn't matter . You gotta find what she's interested in and go with that . I don't know ... Do you want me to go talk to her ? No . Stay away from her . If you don't do anything , I'll bet somebody else will . Ok already . I'll try . How about a movie tonight ? It doesn ’ t matter to me . Does 7 o'clock suit you ? Either way . I don ’ t care . How about a snack after work ? I couldn ’ t careless . Would you rather stay home ? Whatever you say . Are you really interested in doing something ? I don ’ t mind if you want to . Have you ever played Making ? Not really , but I know it is very popular a traditional Chinese gambling game . Yes , some friends play it all day , all night , and sometimes a whole weekend . I tried to read about some basic rules online , but it is hard to understand . So I went to watch people play yesterday only to find I was even more confused . I think I have to work hard on those rules and more learning by doing . Practice makes the master . Typical Francis , whether you are at work , or engaged in leisure time activities , you always show the same eagerness and curiosity to learn something new and improve yourself . It is important to keep your mind up-to-date and active . Thank you for showing me your offices , Mr . Becker . I can see why Washington bureaucrats enjoy their jobs . Why do you say that ? The city is beautiful , the off ... , the offices are modern and comfortable , and the work is so interesting . Many people work for the federal government their entire adult lives . Government service can be a rewarding and secure career . Do you mean financially rewarding ? Well , many positions pay salaries that are comparable to those in private industries . I ’ Ve always thought that most bureaucrats are lazy . Sometimes that ’ s true , but not usually . Most feds are honest , hard-working professionals . It ’ s hard to keep highly trained people , so the pay and working conditions have to be attractive . How much do you make ? I ’ m a GS - 15 . That ’ s high on the scale of workers , but even a GS - 1 is paid a living wage . Do you have any idea for this vacation ? Why don't we spend this vacation earning our tuition ? Oh , yeah , let's try to find some jobs . OK . Is this Mr.Smith ' s residence ? Yes , it is . My name is Paul.Is Mr.Smith in ? Yes , he is . Mary , how was your date with John ? It ’ s OK . It seems we have a lot in common . Oh , really ? That is great news . What does he look like ? He is tall and slim , fair-haired . Sounds like he is pretty cute . What do you think of him ? He is a nice guy and very considerate . I am impressed with how smart and humorous . Oh , it ’ s love at first sight . So click here , then up to the top . Er ... Hum ... Got it . Then open that window.Yeah , that one . Right ! And that's it . You're done . I see what you mean . That was pretty easy after all . Sam , we are hard up for the everyday expenses . When can you find a job . I'm looking for it , but you see , the market shard for jobs , too . You liar , I saw you again in the inn . I bet you don't want to work at all . I immigrated here last year . What do you do ? I am an engineer in a mechanized farm . I really should be on my way . Oh , not yet . At least have one for the road . No , thanks all the same . Well , I am sorry you have to leave so early . Thank you very much . We really had a good time . Well . Thank you for coming . So see you . Bye . I hear your daughter graduated from high school as the valedictorian . Thank you . Where is she going to college ? She has been admitted to Yale with a scholarship . Really ? That's the icing on the cake . Congratulation again ! Thank you . Hey Jackie . What are you doing ? Nothing much . I'm just relaxing today . Why ? What's going on ? I was thinking about heading to the mall . Do you want to go ? Are they having a sale ? Yeah . Both Bon and Nordstrom's is having there annual sale . It's a great time to buy some clothes you've been holding out on . That sounds great . Where should we meet ? I'll meet you in front of Nordstrom's in 30 minutes . Sounds good . See you there . What do you think about these shoes ? They're cute . But do you think you'll wear them much ? No . Not really . This sweater is so pretty . I love the low neck design . I bet it's expensive . It's on sale for $ 80 . What do you think ? Should I try it on ? For 80 bucks it looks great . Go try it on . It ’ s so relaxing , taking a walk in the country . The air is so fresh and clean . Would you like to live in the country ? I ’ m not sure I ’ d like it . I can see a lot of advantage and disadvantage . The problem is that , for me , each advantage has its own disadvantage . What do you mean ? Well , I hate the noise in the city , but I love being around lost of people . The problem is that you can ’ t have lots of people and have peace and quiet . The tow just don ’ t go together . I see what you mean . I love being far away from a city , but I hate being so far away department stores and sports facilities . People can ’ t have it both ways . If you live in the country , it is often less convenient . If you live in a city , it is noisy , buy there ’ s more to do . I would love to be surrounded by hills and streams . They ’ re so much better to look at than concrete , rows of parked cars and tall buildings . I would love to hear the birds singing and feel the fresh breeze on my face . When the wind blows in the city , you get dust in your mouth and in your eyes . The view from the hill is so beautiful and relaxing . There ’ s so sign of pollution . The village looks so peaceful . Just remember that in that village there ’ s nothing to do . There ’ s not even a pub or restaurant . There ’ s just one small shop with a poor selection of goods . You ’ re right . I would have to travel to the city at least once a week to go shopping and see friends . I would hate living in the country ! I want to leave the motorbike outdoors . Fine , just don't do it at night . Why not ? The cold weather will damage the engine . You want to go with him ? Yes ? Then you must be off your head . He is a real bastard . how's it going ? I'm in a really good mood , actually . How about you ? to be honest , I'm a bit fed up . what's wrong ? well , my boyfriend was supposed to call me last night , but he never did . that's too bad . I'm sure there's a logical explanation for it . Don't be too upset about it . the thing is , this isn't the first time he's promised to do something and then didn't . I see how that can get a bit annoying . a bit ? I'm extremely annoyed that he didn't phone me when he promised me that he would ! He's such a liar . so what are you going to do about it ? I don't know . I've got mixed feelings about it . On the one hand , I really want to end it with him , but on the other hand , I don't want to be without him . what do you think would make you happier ? in the long run , I think breaking up with him would make me much happier , but I know that I'll be depressed about it for a few weeks first . relationships can be confusing sometimes . what would you do if you were me ? I'd call him and dump him now ! You deserve better than him ! Our philosophy teacher is very humorous . I usually have the wrong notion that he's very serious . No , not at all.The examples he gives are very interesting . No wonder when I pass your room , I always hear your laughter . Bonjour ! What ? I said , Bonjour ! What ’ s wrong with you , Ted ? I ’ m speaking French . Don ’ t you know anything ? What ’ s wrong with speaking English ? Well , I just got back from my language school . We have to speak French all day there . No English allowed ! What are you doing that for ? I ’ m trying to learn new skills . It makes me more qualified for a good job . Good for you . What have you been up to , Johnny ? You know-sweeping , scrubbing , washing , drying , waxing , polishing ... Wow , your grandma's really having a field day with you , huh ? You got that right ... and my mom's still mad about what we did with the dishes . You have all the fun , don't you ? Listen , I'd better get back to the grindstone . Sure thing , Johnny . Watch out for dishpan hands there , kid ! I'm scared that she might not come back . No , I don't think she's that strong-minded . But she took her luggage away with her . She will be back soon.You can wait and see . What time do you have ? A quarter past five . I must be off now . I'm pressed for time . See you . I really enjoyed tonight's party . Thank you , Sarah . You're welcome , Bob . It was nice meeting you . Nice meeting you , too . My eyes water continuously . Why ? Perhaps because of the dirty air . What is there in the air ? Some poisonous gas . I can't believe that the air in this city is so dirty . Yes . I think I won't come here again next time . So do I . We waste a vacation . Maybe you are right . Who did the stupid thing ? Maybe it was Dick . I don't think so . Dick has been on the ball and he never does things like that . Then it must be a naughty boy who did it . Rose , the weekend is coming . Let's discuss what we will do . What about going to the zoo on Saturday and to the park on Sunday ? Sounds good . But on Saturday there's a football final . Then , what shall we do on Sunday . Let me see . We can visit the country . We haven't done that for such a long time . Good idea . I'll go shopping in one of the department stores nearby . We'll go to the zoo and the park another time . After all , we can put that off . OK . I haven ’ t met Bob for years . How is he ? He has been keeping bach after divorce . He would have recovered from the stress and got married again . Once bitten , twice shy . He said he would rather keep bach than to live in disgust . Daniel , have you ever heard about the wildlife sanctuary ? Is that different from this kind of zoo ? Yes , of course . So tell me about it ! There are a lot of wild animals in that place , and also some special rules while visiting . Special rules ? There , you only have two ways for visiting . Details ? On their bus or in your own cars , and you won't be allowed to get off the bus until you reach the special region . Why not ? Because it is dangerous to get out of the car or bus . You can just imagine how fierce the wild animals can be . That makes sense . But that sounds interesting . Is there one in Beijing too ? Yes . I prefer to go there next time . Yeah , sure , you won't be disappointed . What subject do you like best ? English is my favorite . No wonder your English is so good . Thank you . Has the chief accepted our plan ? Not yet . I guess we should send Jim along to talk to the chief since he is such an apple polisher . I am sure he can help . Let ’ s have a try . What are you doing there with your mobile phone ? I'm moblogging ! Moblogging ? what does that mean ? Oh , moblogging is a combination of the word ' mobile ' and ' blogging ' . It's another form of blogging . Users can publish blog entries to the web from a mobile phone or other mobile devices . Sounds interesting ! That must be very convenient . Yes , you're right . I can blog wherever and whenever I'm on the move . It's especially good when I'm on a business trip and my laptop happens to be away from me . How can you do that ? Well , if I simply want to write a few words , I'll send it by email or edit it all from the cell phone browser . What if you want to publish some photos ? Then I'll shoot some pictures , re-size the images and upload them with text descriptions to my blog . I see . Moblogging must have done a great favor for habitual bloggers like you . You bet it ! Wow . Look how polite your son has become . Yes . We had a big talk with him , and he has really turned over a new leaf . I don't think much of the film . But I think it wasn't too bad . Really ? Do you like the story ? It's sheer nonsense ! It's exaggerated . Actually this sort of thing happens to everyone . Excuse me , can you suggest a good book for me to read ? Yes , they are all on the shelf . Do you have an English-Chinese dictionary ? Yes . Here you are . So , Karen , what do you do in your free time ? Well , I like to play the piano . Really ? How long have you been playing piano ? About 18 years , I started learning when I was a kid . That ’ s really interesting . you have to play for me some time . Sure , so , what about you ? Do you have any hobbies ? Well , I collect beer mats . I ’ m not sure that counts , though . Why are you laughing ? I can't help it . Well , how was your honeymoon ? It was fantastic ! We had such a good time . The only problem was that because it was their high season , we spent hours queuing . Peak periods always entail hours of queuing . At least you got a nice tan though ! Yes , Florida had great weather while we were there . You look tan , too . Did you go somewhere ? My friends and I just got back from Bali . Wow ! Bali Islands have some of the best beaches in the world , don't they ? Yes , we were lucky . My friend's father owns a resort on one of the islands , so we were able to stay for free . Did you go diving while you were there ? I took a few diving classes , but I didn't really like it , so I did snorkeling instead ! Did you take any pictures in the ocean ? I've got quite a few pictures of all different kinds of fish . I'll show them to you next time I see you . Have you started planning your christmas vacation yet ? We're planning on going skiing in Switzerland . Do you ski ? No , but I do like snowboarding . Would you like to go skiing with us for christmas ? I'll talk to my husband about it ; I'm sure he'll say yes ! He loves Switzerland ! It is Europe's spotless land of lakes and mountains ! Let me know as soon as you can so we can get a discount . I guess I'd better go now . I've got to be going now too . In that case , I'll be seeing you . See you later . I ’ Ve just take out an insurance policy . Are you insured ? Yes , I am . I have life insurance and my home and its contents are also insured . I took out a life insurance policy and make my wife beneficiary . That ’ s a good idea . You are a fireman and it can be a dangerous job . I need to make sure that my wife will be financially secure if I die . I can terminate my life insurance policy when I retire and use the money as a pension . That ’ s one of the conditions of my policy too . It covers you if you die before you retire and when you retire . Did you have to take a medical before you could take out the policy ? Yes , I did . It was one of the conditions of the insurance policy . The insurance company need to assess the risk . You look pale , Paul.What ' s wrong ? I've got a headache . I'm sorry to hear that.Anything I can do for you ? No , thank you . I'll take an aspirin and see how it goes . I can't decide whether to go to university or to get a job . Well , if I were you , I'd go on studying . But I don't even know what to study . If I had chance again , I'd major in English . You're good at language . That's what my parents want me to do . You should take their advice . They know what's best for you . But my friends will have jobs and lots of fun , while I spend all my time doing reading and writing . But if you go to university , you'll still have time for fun . Hm , what you say makes sense . But you know , I still have to ask my parents for pocket money , and I hate to do so at this age . And if you try to find a part-time job , you'll have some money too . You're right . Thank you for the advice . Let's program your courses , since you have had English literature , you should take American literature and American prose and fiction . You transcript indicate that your english background is strong , so I don't think you have any problem with it . How many credits for each course ? Three , you also should take two three-credit-course in education department . Thank you , sir , I'm sure I will . You mean it shuts off to save energy ? Yep . And it breathes , see ! It's not breathing ! Yes , it is . Look at the little light ! It blinks off and on . Jen , it's not alive ... but it does look user-friendly . I would look so cool carrying this around ! The art critic from the daily chronicle doesn ’ t think much of the max oreo exhibition . He says that the artwork is uninspiring and old fashioned . Really ? I thought the exhibition showed that he had real talent . What did you think of it ? I liked it . I didn ’ t think his works were masterpieces , but the certainly weren ’ t uninspiring , in my opinion . I don ’ t think I ’ Ve ever read a good review of an exhibition by that critic . He doesn ’ t seem to like anything . Which kinds of paintings do you prefer ? I like landscapes and still life . You prefer abstract paintings , don ’ t you ? Yes , I do . I like painters who use rather than watercolors . The colors appear richer . What do you think ? I agree . I prefer oils too . I collect landscapes , but I only have a small collection . You have a small collection of abstract art , don ’ t you ? Yes . Good artwork is very expensive nowadays . When I was in china , I bought some calligraphy by famous artists . You should come and see it sometime . That would be nice . Can you read the characters ? I know what the characters on the paintings mean . I think Chinese characters look very artistic . It ’ s said that the way they are written can give insight into the artist ’ s character . I think that ’ s true with any of the fine arts . What do you like to do in your spare time ? I like taking photos . Really ? Yes , look at the photos I took . They are beautiful . You did a good job . Thank you for saying so . As a matter of fact , you are really a terrific photographer . It's quite cold this early morning , isn't it ? Yeah . It's already December , you know . Time sure flies , doesn't it ? How did you know ? It was a kind of sixth sense . Does it happen often ? No . Paul failed again . He'll never do well in mathematics . How can we help him ? Well , I can't help . Hi , Elvin . How are the new programmers I got for you ? Stay away from me . Are you still mad about your nose ? How is it ? I'm serious , Zina . Back off . I have a bottle of pepper spray in my pocket . That won't be necessary , Elvin . Look , I want to apologize for your nose . I'm sorry . Why are you being so nice to me ? Don't think for a second that I trust you . I'm afraid I've got to go . I have another appointment at five . Do you ? By the way , could you mail this letter for me as you go through the lobby ? No problem . Thank you . Come back to my office at the same time tomorrow . I'll have the pictures ready by then . I will . Are you a smoker ? Yes , I'm afraid I am . My husband is a smoker too . Would you describe yourself as being a heavy smoker ? No , but my husband smokes twenty or more a day . When did you begin to smoke ? I had my first cigarette when I was seventeen . Might I ask if you have tried to give up smoking ? Yes , twice . Hey man ! How ’ s it hanging ? Hey man ! Everything is just groovy baby ! Did you go to the roller rink on Saturday ? I heard it was far out , man ! I wanted to , but I ran into this foxy lady that just moved to my block ! I was chatting her up a bit and then we mellowed out at her place . Right on , right on ! Well , Jim went to the rink with Sherry and he said it was dy-no-mite ! He was low on bread , but Sherry paid for everything . Gravy ! Jim is such a jive turkey man . He is always hitting me up for cash . Anyway , you wanna book and go grab some grub ? Yeah man , I ’ m starving ! Are you a newcomer ? Yeah , this is my first visit here . You speak good English , though . Thanks , but I speak English with a strong German accent . But let me tell you , you're doing just fine . I couldn't do half as well as you do when I was learning German.By the way , how long have you been learning English ? On and off , for quite a few years . That's a very nice pair of glasses . Does it really look OK ? Yes , and I like the color too . It matches your eyes . And I got it on sale . That's incredible ! I want to take Shield on a date but I don't have much money . What does she like to do ? She likes to golf , dance , and eat foreign food . Hmm . Sounds like she has pretty pricey tastes . Well , I really like being with her . Have you thought about going Dutch ? Dutch , where's that ? Not where , what . Dutch means you both pay your own way . Oh . I wonder if she'll go for that . Do you know his sister ? Her name is Laura , isn't it ? That's right . How old is she ? Um ... let me see now , is it 18 or 19 , I can never remember ... 18 ... 19 next birthday . Tthat's it . What does she look like ? Well ... Pretty , is she ? Yes ... quite pretty . Are you free tomorrow , Sam ? Yeah , what's up ? I'm going to go hiking . Do you want to join me ? I like to stay here . Why ? People are very kind down your way . You ’ re lucky . Yes , do you always gather to welcome new comers ? Never . Really ? Yeah . People down our way hardly speak to each other . You are studying here , aren ’ t you ? Yes . I have been here for three years . Do you like this campus ? Well . I ’ m rather disappointed with it . How come ? It ’ s too old . And it isn ’ t as specious as I expected . Oh.It ’ s awful , but it can ’ t be helped . I ’ ll just have to put up with it . Why don't you go out with Jack ? He makes me sick . Wow ! What happened to you ? You look sad . I just lost my job . My boss just told me . That's unbelievable . Why did this happen ? I don't understand of myself . It seems they have to save money . I cant't believe it . You've worked here for years . How can I lose weight , doctor ? I seem to get fatter even when I just look at food ? Well , Jim . It is a combination of how much you eat , the type of food you eat , and when you eat your meals . I never eat breakfast though . That's a big mistake , you should always have a good breakfast . You will not run your car without fuel , and yet you won't expect your body to work without food . I never thought about it that way . I bet you eat a large evening meal , then sit and watch TV or read a book . Then instead of burning off your energy , your body stores it as fat . Oh doctor , I feel so foolish . Well control is really using common sense when you plan your eating habits . I know doctor , thank you so much . I think the biggest environment problem in my country is air pollution . Yes , I agree . The air here is much more polluted than in my country . That's because your country is more agricultural and has much less industry . Yeah , you are right . We have reduced emission of air pollutants in recent years , but cars are still a major source of them . Factories have become cleaner as stricter environment pollution laws have been introduced . The problem is now on a truly global scale . I don't believe that any single country can do anything about it . I think you're right . An international response to this problem is needed . Excuse me , can you tell me where I can take a taxi ? This is the first time I have been in England , so I don't know where I can do at all . Of course.Don ' t worry . I'll call one for you . Thank you very much , by the way , is it quite expensive to take a taxi ? Yes , besides it versa according to the distance . All right . I only hope to get a skillful driver , and drive me to my stop safe way . No problem . Thanks a lot , bye bye . You are welcome , bye . Whose handset sounds so beautiful Mine . It's My Heart Will Go On , the theme song of Titanic . Isn't it of strong character ? Are you able to compose music ? No , not yet . Who composed it for your ? You needn't ask anyone . You can get on line to search for one . Can I get on line to search one , too ? Yeah . Web sites provide many melodies for handsets like my ERICSSON . What about my SIEMENS ? Numerous . It's time that everybody is particular about personality.Find one and change yours . I don't know what to do about the people who live in the flat above me ! Why ? What are they like ? They're incredibly selfish . They ' re always up until the wee hours of the night playing their music so loudly that I have to wear earplugs in order to fall asleep ! Have you ever talked to them about it ? I tried to introduce myself to them when they moved in , but they were so arrogant that I didin't want to ever talk to them again ! What did they say ? They both just talk about how great they are all the time . They soud like the neighbours from hell ! They are ! Besides being loud and arrogant , they're also terrible gossips . They're always talking about everybody else in the apartment . I thought you didn't talk to them much . I don't , but they talk so loudly that I can hear what they're talking about from my bedroom - and it's not very nice . What do the other people in your apartment think about them ? Most of my other neighbours are scared of them . Maybe you should think about moving . I can't afford to move right now . Well , perhaps you should have a party and try to get to know them better . Maybe once you get to know them , they'll turn out to be more sensitive . I think you're being a bit optimistic . If you met them , you'd understand . Well , I don't know what else you could do then . Do you think bribing them with chocolate would work ? It's nice and bright today , isn't it ? Yes , the autumn is marvelous here . Tomorrow will be fine too , I think . I hope so . Susan , I am inviting you and Frank to our house warming party this weekend . A house warming party ? Yes , Deborah and I are going to buy a new home in Woodlawn . Congratulations ! That ’ s wonderful . I bet both of you are quite happy . Well , we have always dreamed of owning our own home , but real estate in this area is extremely expensive . I understand . That ’ s why Christopher and I want to find a place in a small town , far from the city . That ’ s a good idea if you can find employment nearby . I agree . That ’ s why Christopher is already looking for a job in Maine , or Wisconsin . Tell me something about your Valentine's Day . Ok , on that day , boys usually give roses to the sweet hearts and girls give them chocolate in return . So romantic.young people must have lot of fun . Yeah , that is what the holiday is for , isn't it ? How are you doing , Andrew ? Not well . I ’ Ve been feeling pretty lonely lately . But you have so many friends ! How could you be lonely ? You know what they say'a friend to all is a friend to none ' . I don ’ t feel like I really know any of my friends . In fact , I should probably call them acquaintances , not friends . What about me ? I ’ m your friend . I know you are , you are my girlfriend . I wish I had a guy friend to hang out with sometimes . I know what you mean . I find it difficult to make new friends , too . It ’ s not as easy as it was when we were young , is it ? Not at all . I ’ Ve made a lot of new friends since I started learning English . Maybe you could join a club or take a class to make some new friends . That ’ s a good idea . What kind of qualities do you look for in a friend ? I ’ m not sure . I guess I ’ d like to meet some people who have a positive attitude and want to have a good time . People who play ultimate Frisbee have a positive attitude ; maybe you should join the ultimate Frisbee club . That ’ s a possibility . Thanks ! He dresses in plain clothes and drives an old car . Who would know he is the richest man in town ? You can't judge a book by its cover . Oh , I must have been sitting in the same position too long . My legs have fallen asleep . Shift it a little before you get up . And I need to stretch my legs now . Hey Susan , what are you coming as this year ? Coming as ? Yeah ... for Halloween ! We have a big office party tomorrow evening . There's a prize for best costume ! Um ... I have to confess , I haven't given it much thought . I'm from China and Halloween really isn't celebrated there . Really ! You don't have some kind of Chinese ghost festival ? Oh ... Sure . We have an entire month ! In traditional Chinese culture , Ghost Month is a period when the door between this world and beyond opens up and ghosts come back to earth for a visit . Cool ! A whole month ! What do you do during that month ? Well , people sometimes set off firecrackers , some people burn paper money as an offering and many people go to a temple to burn incense.Mainly though , you need to feed the ghosts because they're hungry . Feed them ? Yeah ... we set up tables with food , fruit and drinks and offer that to the hungry ghosts . And then later everyone eats the food ? Yes ! How did you guess that ? It makes sense , right ? Who else is going to eat it ? Good Point ! But no dressing up like ghosts , right ? No ! So ... is Halloween essentially the same thing as ghost month ? Hey Annie , who is this picture of ? Oh , that's my great , great , great , great , great , great , great grandfather . I think you can say your seventh great grandfather ! Cutie ! What's his name ? Peter Madsen . A great A if I do say so myself . Nice pun . What is it you active about him most ? He loved his family and his countrymen and his freedom . He looks like a very personable man . He was . He was friendly toward and showed concern for everyone he met . Does Tom drink a lot ? Yes , he does . He often has had one to many . But I advised him not to drink too much , he just boasted that he had hollow legs and nobody had ever drunk him under the table . That's a problem . He has sort of Dutch courage and that will egg him on in doing anything . Did you hear ? The state is thinking of legalizing gambling in our city ! Soon we are gonna have amazing hotels and casinos here which will be good for our business ! Are you serious ? Gambling is a vice industry built on deception and fed by the intentional exploitation of human weakness for the sole purpose of monetary gain ! It disgusts me . What are you talking about ? How does it exploit people ? Well , to begin with , Gambling is addictive , ruins marriages , destroys families and bankrupts communities . Once you are addicted it is very difficult to stop . People have lost their houses , cars and been left out on the street after becoming addicted . Secondly , it exploits because men become addicted to gambling most often because of the action and risk . Women gamble to escape , and senior citizens will start gambling for the social interaction . Underage gamblers often start gambling on sports with friends and then illegal bookies . Geez ! Now that I think about it , maybe legalizing gambling isn ’ t such a good idea ! Although , I have been to Las Vegas , and I didn ’ t become addicted or anything like that . You cannot predict who will become addicted to gambling . Now excuse me , I have a protest rally to organize ! Mr . Rogers ? Mr . : Yes ? I'm not feeling too well . Mr . : Would you like to go to the nurse's ? Yes , I would . Mr . : Here's a hall pass for it . Do you need someone to walk you there ? I can manage on my own . Thanks . Mr . : I'll drop by later to check on you . Can you give me a ride back home ? Sure Come on in . I am so glad you are here . We have been expecting you . Am I late for the party ? Looks everyone is already here . Hope I didn ’ t miss something interesting . No , you are just on time . We haven ’ t really started yet . Great , here are some flowers for you . I hope you like them . I was not sure if the color will suit your new apartment . Thank you , they ’ re beautiful . You can hang your coat over there . Try this new couch , it is so comfortable . You will love it . Want something to drink , tea , coffee , juice or Cola ? Don ’ t bother . I will help myself . Make yourself at home . It is such a nice place . Well , I don ’ t mean to boast but all the designs are done by myself and some colleagues are already trying to copy some of them for their new apartments . Look , they are making photos now of my designed kitchen . Have you got any plans for the coming holiday ? Yes , I have a very special one . I will be doing volunteer work in a zoo for two weeks . A friend of mine working there told me the other day that they were in need of some volunteer keepers . I was very interested . So I asked him to get me the application form . Lucky , my application was approved by the manager very soon . Volunteer in a zoo ? What specific things will you do ? I will help to prepare food , feed animals and clean up . I ’ m very excited about it now . It must be a unique experience . I ’ m looking forward to share your story when you come back . Ok , I will bring you photos as many as possible . He is planning again . Yeah . But whatever the planes are , he always has an eye to money . That is him . Happy birthday , Alice , here is a little something for you . Thank you very much , David . It's an excellent birthday gift . Mike , did you win the lottery or something ? Why the big smile ? I'm so relieved . I just passed the bar exam . You did ? That's great ! You must be very happy now ? That's an understatement . I'm on cloud nine . I couldn't be any happier . Did you tell your parents yet ? Not yet . I didn't get a hold of them . I'll try to call them again tonight . They're probably going to be so happy . I think so . It's turning out to be a great day . Where should I park ? Do you have a car or motorbike ? I drive a scooter In that case , you can park either in a student lot or on the street . Are you aware of the marked handicapped spots ? No , I haven't seen those spots . The handicapped logo with blue means that you are not to park there unless you have a handicapped permit . Will you mostly be parking during the day or the night ? I park in the daytime . Make sure you pay special attention to the street signs with time limits . Have you noticed those signs ? No , I have not seen the signs . Pay attention to what the signs tell you in terms of time limits and what days you can park there . Do you know what the curb colors mean ? No , I don't know what the curb colors mean . Just remember that red means absolutely no parking and white means loading and unloading only . I think you'll be good to go ! As we know , mobile phones bring people great convenience and shorten the distance among friends and relatives . It bears a great many of advantages , but also some weak points . Is it ? I've never thought of any disadvantages of the mobile phone . For instance , the mobile phone seriously distracts the attention of people from work and study . That's true . Some people pay too much attention to their mobile phones . Actually , it's not the fault of the mobile phone . But people should have a proper attitude towards it . Mobile phone is a tool serving people , not the fetters restricting them . We'll miss you while you're studying in the United States . Yeah . I'll miss all of you , too . But I'll keep in touch . The dinner was really good . It knocked my socks off . That's very kind of you to say so . Let's try some after-dinner wines . Great . Sweet wines are my favorite . They always make a great finish to a decisions meal . Do you prefer brandy or ports . Port , please . Excellent choice . I love its smooth flavor . The port is quite exquisite . It must have spent years aging in barrels . Am I right ? Yes . You always have a good nose for wines . Next time we are about to dinner we should try some Canadian ice wine . Oh , what's that ? It's made from naturally frozen grapes . Why not ? It sounds great . OK , here's to your health . Thanks . Cheers . Cheers . You seem to be unhappy . What happened ? My mother is ill in the hospital . What does the doctor say ? The disease fails to respond to drugs . Good evening , sir . What can I do for you ? Bourbon , please . How would you like your Bourbon , straight or on the rock ? With iced water , please . Here you are , sir . Bourbon with iced water . Thank you . Now how much do I owe you ? The bourbon is 15 dollars plus 10 % service charge . So the total is 16.5 dollars . That is OK . Here is 20 dollars and you can keep the change . Thanks a lot . Jack's been looking unhappy lately . His girlfriend broke up with him . No wonder ! I'd be unhappy , too . I've just got the examination results . I am afraid you haven't passed . Oh , no ! I can't have failed . surely ? I am afraid so . I am terribly sorry ! Whatever am i going to tell me parents . Don't worry about that , I am sure they will understand . After all , it was a very difficult exam . What am I to do ? You can always take it again . Three other people started to bid . One called himself Buddhabuyer , so I knew he meant business . I raised my bid twice , but it kept going up . How high did the price go ? I don't know . I dropped out at $ 250 . You didn't watch the end of the auction ? No . It wasn't the super bargain I thought it was . more and more Chinese are marrying foreigners . that's true . But I have a low opinion of those women who go out with foreigners . oh , why ? I think some Chinese wone marry foreigners for money while others just want to live abroad . There is no true love between them . I wouldn't say that's totally true . I've met many happy intercultural couples . well , then why aren't there many East-West couples where the man is a Chinese and the woman is a Westerner ? I guess it's because the Chinese women are more attractive to Western men . or because they are less attractive to to Chinese men . what do you mean ? you know , usually the woman is in her thirties and she is a left girl . a left girl ? What's that ? they're called that because they're left behind on the shelf . They're also known by their three H's---high diploma , high salary , and high degree . and they're also known as the three S's — single , you have a point here , but I believe some mixed marriages are based on true love . that ' for sure but very few . Our maths teacher is rather humorous . On the contrary , I think he's very serious . No , not at all . His examples are really interesting . So they're easy to remember . Yeah , how about your maths teacher ? He's an old antique , very serious . Bad luck , Anne . Hey ! How about your history teacher ? She's another antique . I'm sorry to hear that . I enjoy watching Channel 5.They always have films from all over the world . How about the languages . I can read the subtitles.My set is a huge-screen one . That's more convenient . Happy birthday , Ann . Many happy returns of the day ! Here is a present for you . Thank you , Peter . Come into the dining room . We are going to cut the cake soon . Ok , who is that girl ? That's Cathy . She is pretty , isn't she ? She likes dancing . Ask her to dance . Well , I don't know . Don't be afraid . She isn't going to bite you . Who is afraid ? I am not afraid . How about having a cup of tea with us ? All right.That ’ s very nice of you . Would you like to go to the cinema with me ? I ’ m sorry I can ’ t make it.Thank you anyhow . Excuse me , could you tell me where you have got that music book ? Certainly . Let me see.Oh , it's on that shelf . It's too high . I can't reach it.Could you help me ? Of course.Here you are . Thank you very much . Let's skip The X-files tonight , Fran . Okay ? Just this once ? Let me guess . You want to watch the History Channel again ! How did you know ! There's a program on ancient Egypt tonight . Well , I guess I could tape The X-files and watch it later ... Look , it's starting ! Mysteries of the Pyramids . Didn't we watch this program last week ? Do you feel like going to see Paul and Claire tonight ? I'd like that very much . How does 7:30 sound ? Fine . See you later . David , have you watched the 82nd Oscar Awards Ceremony ? Avatar got the Award of Visual Effect . The movie sounds great ! You are so old-fashioned . I have already watched it last week in cinema . How was it ? Its 3D animation is attractive and its colorful scenes are also unforgettable . It is said that The Hurt Locker got the Award of Best Picture . What do you think about this ? Well , its theme is moving and profound , so from the academic aspect , this is its advantage to win the award . Wow ! That's a fantastic movie ! Yes . I love it , too . Who was the director ? I'm not sure , but I think it must be directed by Zhang You . That's typical of him . the May holiday is coming up soon . Are you planning on going on vacation ? I am . I just went to the travel agent ’ s and picked up these brochures . where are you planning on going ? I fancy going to Tibet for a few days . Have you ever been there ? I went a long time ago , before they built the new train that can take you there . would you recommend going there for a few days ? personally , I think it ’ d be better to go when you have more time . A few days isn ’ t really enough to get acclimatize yourself and to go on a few excursions outside of the capital . you ’ re probably right . What do you think about Yangshao ? it ’ s a beautiful city , but I think it ’ s become too touristy . How about going to a cosmopolitan city like Shanghai or Hong Kong ? I ’ d like to get away from the big city life . maybe you should consider going to a hot springs resort outside of Beijing . I heard they are very relaxing . I guess if I only have a few days , I should probably think about going somewhere that isn ’ t far away . since the May holiday is the high season , you should probably call ahead to reserve a room . Here ’ s the phone number . thanks ; I ’ ll give them a call later . What are you worrying about ? I am worrying about my husband . Where is he ? Is he in danger ? You know , he is a taxi driver . He has to have his eyes peeled all the time when he drives , especially during the rush hour . Guess who I saw yesterday ? Who ? My cousin Monk . Have you seen her lately ? Not for a couple of years . What happened to her ? Nothing exactly . She's grown into a very attractive young lady . Oh , she is . You know , her long lovely blond hair and beautiful blue eyes really make her stand out from others . Not surprising . I bet she's very tall and slim . Yean . Around five feet five inches tall . I'd like to talk with you again about what happened . Oh , come on . Let's not beat a dead horse . What type of movies do you like ? I like all sorts of movies , primarily drama and science fiction . That's an interesting combination . How about western movies ? Western and horror are the two types of movies I don't care for . Why don't you like horror ? They're entertaining . Some are entertaining , but I find most of them stupid and childish . For example , I don't understand why a person always goes into the house alone when something is suspicious . Ha ha . I know what you mean . But it's just a movie . They need for the characters to do that . Well , you seem to enjoy speaking English . You can't help learning when you're using it all day . You'll see . A few weeks'study in the school will have a similar effect on you . I hope so . You see , at the moment I find it difficult to get used to the teacher's speed and accent . I'm awfully worried , I can't reply as quickly as she seems to expect . Oh , she likes keeping us on our toes by getting us use English throughout the class . She doesn't mind your making mistakes , though . You know , speaking in class is a very good chance to put your English to practical use . Hey , your Chinese is coming along ! You think ? Yeah . It ’ s a lot better than mine . But I still get stuck on the different tones . It drives me crazy . Hang in there . It ’ ll all come together one of these days . Tom , you're my good friend , right ? Sure . What's the matter with you ? The exam ! The terrible exam ! I'm not ready yet . Can you tell me how to get good marks ? Don't be so nervous ! Relax ! First , sleep early at night . Second , study two hours a day after school . Third , don't tire yourself out , but don't be lazy . Will that help ? Yes , thank you . Alison , would you like to have some more ? No thanks . I've had enough . Actually you haven't had much . To tell you the truth , I am on the diet . That sounds ridiculous . Why ? Well , I am gaining weight these days , and I have to watch my calories . I feel that Bob ’ s father-in-law is a hard nut to crack . You have taken words out of my mouth . He is a tough customer . But his daughter is a very nice girl . Look ! There are playing The Matrix today . You are right , look at the crowd . Do you think we will be able to get tickets ? I don't know . If we can't , we can buy from ticket scalpers . No way . I'd rather go to another movie house . Come on . We are already here . Besides , I really wanna see this picture . All right . Let's see when the next movie is playing ? Seven thirty . There is only 10 minutes left and look at the long line ! Shall we take a chance ? Yeah , let's do so . It's moving so slow . What can you expect with this crowd ? I am praying that no one will cut in the line . I don't think anyone will . I hope not . We are getting closer .. two more ... one more ... it's our turn . Don't cover up your sadness . Let it go . I'm sorry . It isn't your fault . No one will blame you . You are so thoughtful . I've been told that you are a very successful businessman abroad . I wonder how you managed to achieve such success ? Oh , through a lot of hard work , of course . I suppose that in a foreign country it was difficult at first , wasn't it ? Surely it was , especially when you only knew few people and little English . You mean you didn't know much English then ? Right . I only knew a few English sentences . That's incredible . Could you tell me what you did to make a start ? First , I worked as a servant . Really ? I wish you could tell me more about your experience . I'd like to , but I must run to a meeting . Hey , Mike . Can I ask you something ? Sure , what's up ? I'm going to gamble on the world cup tonight . Who do you think will win ? Good question . I have to think about it . My husband is betting on France . France ? Is he crazy ? What do you mean ? Well , how can I put this ? France is a terrible team . Good afternoon , sir . You are really a regular customer here . May I ask you why you come here so often ? I'm a newspaper columnist . I write comments for a living . I enjoy working in a coffeehouse . I see . But isn't it a bit too noisy ? I don't mind . By contrast , I quite like the circumstances , as I can see a variety of people here , who can always give me tremendous inspiration . And the most important thing is coffee as it is my life . I can see that . Then what is your favorite coffee ? Irish coffee is my favorite . But I can drink any other . I'm not particular on it . All right . Would you make coffee yourself when you are at home ? Not very often . Making coffee is a bit troublesome . Most of the time , I just buy takeout at Starbucks . And also , I quite like instant coffee . I think instant coffee is becoming more and more popular . Though its taste is not perfect , it's really cheap and convenient . Exactly . Nescafe is the world's favorite coffee . People love it all over the world ? Which country makes the best coffee in the world ? Many people think Brazil makes the best coffee . Brazil exports a lot of coffee . But I love Irish coffee . So it's hard to say . Just depends on your taste . I agree . I heard in the western countries , almost everyone likes coffee . Is that true ? Yes . No doubt about that . For us , coffee is more a living style rather than a simple drink . I heard Chinese people don't drink that much coffee . No , we don't , especially the old people . But more and more young people fall for coffee . I suppose so . That's probably why there are so many wonderful coffeehouses in China now . Why are there still so many people overweight despite the current fitness craze ? Well , there are certain factors that effect people's size and weight . What are they ? One study said that low-income groups have a higher percentage of over-weight people than higher income families . Why ? The survey said that the low , income groups eat more junk food on a daily basis . That makes sense . Probably less time to make dinner and the junk food is cheaper . And junk food contains lots of fat and oil . There is one final reason why so many people are fat . What's that ? Nobody exercises any more-not even kids ! The average American home has the TV on for 6 hours a day ! Wow ! No wonder people are so fat . Say , Carl , looks like you could be doing a bit more exercising . Yeah , I guess so . You should consider eating healthier food and getting some more exercise . Hey , I started a diet and lost 10 pounds . So what happened ? Well , I quit and gained it back plus 5 pounds . You should have kept trying . Merry Christmas , Lily . The same to you , Joey . This is your first Christmas in the US . Here is the gift for you . It's very thoughtful of you . Wow , it is so beautiful . Could you tell me how American people celebrate Christmas ? Ok . People decorate their houses , place a Christmas tree in the room and maybe sing a Christmas carol together . Hey , Cindy , I'm so sorry about yesterday . I shouldn't have yelled at you in front of everyone . Don't worry about it . I don't know what happened to me . I just lost it . I think you just need to get more sleep . Yeah , you're right . Good night . Jack and Mary broke up . it ’ s so sad . They had been together for only two months . Do you know what the matter was ? Mary said Jack was cheating on her . Jack was seeing a girl from his hometown . One day , Mary saw them holding hands and ended the relationship immediately . really ? I ’ m very surprised . He doesn ’ t look like a guy who ’ d ever do that sort of thing , right ? no , he doesn ’ t . Anyway , she found out that he had been two-timing her for a long time . maybe it is for the best . They are not suitable for each other because they have nothing in common and are completely different people . how so ? he is an extrovert while she is an introvert . He likes parties while she hates them . poor Mary ! She really liked him . anyway , she was right to end things and she deserves better . do you think they ’ ll get back together ? no , I don ’ t think so . I know Mary . Once she makes a decision , she won ’ t change her mind . I hope she ’ ll recover soon . so do I . Look , my clothes are wet . Mine are wet , too . Unexpectedly , a girl threw a bucket of water on me . She wished good luck to you . The Dai people are enthusiastic . Yes . Did you hear about Bob and Mary ? No , what happened ? They had an argument and split up . Really , what's going to happen now ? Nick ! How ’ s it going ? Oh , hey ... What are you doing in this neighbourhood ? Do you live around here ? Actually , my office is right around the corner . It was great to meet you last week at the conference . I really enjoyed our conversation about foreign investment . Yeah , yeah , it was really interesting . You know , I'm in a bit of a hurry , but here ’ s my card . We should definitely meet up again and continue our discussion . Sure , you still have my contact details , right ? You know what , this is really embarrassing , but your name has just slipped my mind . Can you remind me ? Sure , my name is Ana Ferris . Don ’ t worry about it . it happens to me all the time . I ’ m terrible with names too . Hello everyone ! I ’ m Rick Fields , and here with me is Bob Copeland . Howdy folks , and welcome to today ’ s game ! You know , Rick , today is a key game between Russia and Canada . As you know , the winner will move on to the finals . That ’ s right , and it looks like we ’ re just about ready to start the match . The ref is calling the players for the face-off ... and here we go ! The Russians win possession and immediately set up their attack ! Federal gets checked hard into the boards ! Maurice Richard has the puck now , and passes it to the center . He shoots ! Wow what a save by the goalie ! Alright , the puck is back in play now . Pavel Bure is on a breakaway ! He is flying down the ice ! The defenders can ’ t keep up ! Slap shot ! He scores What an amazing goal ! What's the matter , Lisa ? You don't look too good . I just found out that my husband is cheating on me . You mean Mark ? He seems like such an honest guy . That's what I thought . It seems that he's been seeing someone else for about two months . Two months ? How did you find out ? I asked for leave and was at home when the telephone rang . I picked it up and a girl asked to talk to Mark . She then asked if I was his sister , and I said no , I was his wife . She hung up immediately . So you asked him about the girl who called ? Yeah , he first said it was someone from work . He gave me a lame excuse , and so I pressed him on it . What'd he do ? He kept trying to make stupid excuses , and then broke down and admitted to a small indiscretion . What channel did you watch last night ? Channel 24.It shows some cable networks and no commercial interruptions . You did ? How do you like the fashion show ? It was very good . I followed it right to the end . Sorry to interrupt . Can I have a word with you ? Certainly.Go ahead . What are you doing ? I'm surfing the Net . Would you travel around the world if you had the money ? At the drop of a hat . Hello baseball fans , and welcome back to today ’ s game ! My name is Rick Fields and of course , I am here , once again , with the man that seals the deal , Bob Copeland . It ’ s a beautiful day to see two world class teams face each other and fight for their right to be called champions . Well , the national anthem has just been sung , and the umpire has started the game . It ’ s time to play ball ! Roger Vargas is up at bat . The pitcher winds up and strike one ! A very nice curve ball by the pitcher . The catcher gives him the sign , he winds up and Vargas gets a line drive ! The players are scrambling to get the ball . Vargas gets to first base and he ’ s still going ! The outfielder throws it to second ! Vargas slides ! He ’ s safe ! Great play ! We have a runner on third and up at bat is Brian Okapi ! There ’ s the pitch , he hits it ! It ’ s going , going , that ball is gone ! Home run by Okapi ! That puts this team ahead by two as we are at the bottom of the fifth inning here at Richie Stadium ! So , this is the worst story I ’ Ve heard this month . You have my real sympathy , Tim . You know , all I was trying to do was tell the truth but they obviously didn ’ t take it that way . I understand how you feel , but you ’ Ve gotta learn to move on . Yeah , I ’ m dealing with it . Anyway . Thank you , Mike . I told you that she is no fool . I know she is quite an article , but I was not sure of her ability to cope with a boss . She cannot get in Dutch with him . He is her boss , you know . But most bosses are fools for woman . Hey , Ann , I am really sorry about last night . I shouldn't have said those things to you . I am sorry too . I know we've been talking about this beach trip for a while . I should have told Bob I was busy this weekend . don't be silly . You guys should spend as much time together as you can . Besides we can go to the beach anytime . thanks for understanding . well that's what being friends is about , isn't it ? hey , what if the three of us go to the beach together ? Besides , you and Bob haven't seen each other for a while . I don't want my best friend and my boyfriend to be complete strangers . Nah , I wouldn't worry about that . But I don't want to be the third wheel . You two should have some quiet time to yourselves . I know Bob won't mind . You can bring a date , like that guy from the bar you keep talking about . maybe ... I'll think about it . Hello , Jill . Tom , You're back , come in please.How are you ? Fine , only a little tired . You'll recover after a good night's sleep . Thank you very much for looking after my house in my absence . That's all right.Would you have a cup of coffee ? Yes , Please.It ' s very kind of you . Don't mention it . The rooms are very tidy and the flowers grew very well.You are very helpful . I want to thank you for everything you've done for me . It's my pleasure . I bought you some books on literature , I don't know if you would like them . Thank you.Thank you for the trouble you've taken . Not at all . Jack and Mary broke up . It ’ s so sad . They had been together for only two months . Do you know what the matter was ? Mary said Jack was cheating on her . Jack was seeing a girl from his hometown . One day , May saw them holding hands and ended the relationship immediately . Really ? I ’ m very surprised . He doesn ’ t look like a guy who ’ d ever do that sort of thing , right ? No , he doesn ’ t . Anyway , she found out that he had been two-timing her for a long time . Maybe it is for the best . They are not suitable for each other because they have nothing in common and are completely different people . How so ? He is an extrovert while she is an introvert . He likes parties while she hates them . Poor Mary ! She really liked him . Anyway , she was right to end things and she deserves better . Do you think they ’ ll get back together ? No , I don ’ t think so . I know Mary . Once she makes a decision , she won ’ t change her mind . I hope she ’ ll recover soon . So do I . I wish you wouldn't play the TV so loud . Sorry . Were you trying to sleep ? Yes , please ask when you want to borrow my records next time . I'm sorry . You're right . I should have asked . So , Karen , what do you do in your free time ? Well , I like to play the piano . Really ? How long have you been playing piano ? About 18 years , I started learning when I was a kid . That ’ s really interesting , you have to play for me some time . Sure , so , what about you ? Do you have any hobbies ? Well , I collect beer mats . I ’ m not sure that counts , though . What do you do in your spare time ? In summer I go hiking , and in winter I ski . Do you mind if I come along sometime ? No , not at all . Glad to have you . Hi , Craig ! How are you ? Not so good . I have a terrible cold . Really ? That's too bad ! You should be at home in bed . It's really important to get a lot of rest . Yeah , you're right . And have you taken anything for it ? No , I haven't . Well , it's helpful to chop up some garlic and cook it in chicken stock . Then drink a cup every half hour . It really works ! Ugh ! She is , like , mega-intense , isn't she ? Ha , she is unstoppable . I'm learning so much from her . What's it like to work with her ? She's demanding . But I like that . I mean , I know our timeline is tight . Tell me about it . You guys are working around the clock , I know . That guy Dave next to Zina never leaves . Vince wants us to have everything debugged and ready to go by the end of the month . I have a suggestion . Why don't we go to a ETV and sing ? A ETV ? Are you serious ? ETV ? Yes , why not ? Don ’ t you like ETV ? I don't know . I never went to one . Never ? Really ? I'm surprised . Many Americans have never gone to a ETV . It ’ s not an American thing to do . But there are a lot of Kts in this town . There's one just two blocks from here . OK , let's go . I'll see you in Sterlet , then . Where did you say ? Sterlet . It's spelt 0 , S , T , E , R , L , E , Y . Right . Listen to this . Mary got married . Is she really ? I can ’ t believe it ! Yes . Yesterday . Good gracious . That ’ s incredible ! She married Jerrod . You ’ re kidding . She ’ s going to live in Paris . Really ? I ’ m surprised . I am trying to decide what school to apply to ? Are you thinking about a public school or a private one ? I am not sure . What's the difference between them ? Public schools are usually state funded , whereas private schools usually get their funding elsewhere . Which is better ? One isn't necessarily better than the other . It depends a lot on the school administration and the teachers . I hear you have to wear uniforms at private schools . Yes , sometimes . Let's program your courses , since you have had English literature , you should take American literature and American prose and fiction.You transcript indicate that your english background is strong , so I don't think you have any problem with it . How many credits for each course ? Three , you also should take two three-credit-course in education department . Thank you , sir , I'm sure I will . I'm not comfortable about this , Sandy . I don't understand most of these games . That's okay . I can explain a little . I don't want to lose all my money . Don't worry . You can't lose all your money.because you won't gamble all your money . I guess you're right . Of course I'm right . I already told you the rule for Las Vegas . Remember ? Yes , I remember.You must decide how much money you will gamble before you start to play . That's right . That's the best way to have control over yourself.You say to yourself . Tonight I will gamble fifty dollars . Only fifty dollars . No more.If you follow the rule , you can't lose more than fifty dollars . I know it's true , Sandy . But still some people lose control.They start to gamble , and they can't stop . But I won't let you do that . I will watch you . Okay . So how much do you want to gamble ? Maybe 500 dollars . 500 dollars ! That's too much ! You just said you are afraid to lose your money.If you're afraid , why do you want to gamble 500 dollars ? I don't want people to think I'm stingy . That is a bad attitude to have , Karen ! If you think that way , Las Vegas will be really dangerous for you . I feel very miserable . I took the death of my wife very hard , you know . Cheer up ! Let bygones be bygones . I ’ Ve tried it , not a chance . It seems you have to take time . Mary , it was wrong of you to be so late . Mother ’ s very worried . I ’ m so sorry I ’ m late . But Henry ’ s car broke down . I don ’ t really like Henry . I like my Rose . I don ’ t like your Rose . And I do love Henry . And I ’ m going to marry him . But my Rose is great . Your Rose is a fool . Really , Mary , you ’ re horrible . Why don ’ t you marry Rose , then ? Mr . : Please open your books to page 10 . ( To Mary ) Can I help you ? I'm sorry that I'm late . I couldn't find the room . Mr . : That's alright . It's the first day of school , after all . What are we doing ? Mr . : I'm asking the class to read page 10 to themselves . Then I'm going to ask some questions about the passage . May I have a book ? Mr . : Here . Write your name inside the front cover . Remember that you must return the textbook to me at the end of the semester , so keep it in good condition . Hi , Bob ! How are you doing ? Fine ! How are you ? I'm fine too , thank you . I've come to tell you I'm going to the concert this evening.Will you come with me ? I've two complimentary tickets . With the greatest pleasure.Where is the concert this evening ? It will be held at the Music Hall . What's on the program ? It's a piano recital . I'm fond of piano , you know . I couldn't wait to meet you in person . Me , too . I've heard so much about you . Same here . I was looking forward to your arrival . John , have you ever watched Beijing Opera ? Yes , I watched once . What do you think of it ? Well , honestly speaking , I went to watch it out of curiosity . I ’ d say it ’ s really a special art form . I couldn ’ t agree more . Actually , I ’ m a Beijing Opera fan . Really ? Good for you . Hello , I need to register for a class . What class are you trying to take ? I want to take a Psychology class . Well , there are only two classes open . Can you tell me what days the classes are on ? One class is on Tuesday and Thursday from 2 p . m . to 4 . And the other class ? That class is from ten to twelve on Monday and Wednesday . Are you sure these are the only open classes ? Yes , I am sure . Okay , sign me up for the class on Monday and Wednesday . Very well then . Hi , Martin . I ’ Ve been looking for you all morning . What ’ s up ? I want to say goodbye . I ’ m leaving for America tomorrow . America ? Did you get admit to MIT ? Yes . Congratulations ! Susan . I ’ m so happy for you . Thank you . Really going to miss you . Me too . I ’ ll write to you once I get settled . But I have so much to do . You might have to wait a while . But I really will write to you . I love to write letters . I think it ’ s more meaning than the emails even than the phone call . Ok . Take care . Have a nice journey . Thank you . Look after yourself . Bye . Bye . Have you ever run into a person who tries to bleed you white ? I am always on the look out for such girls . I hear that some guys splash all their money about on them . Mark is one of them . He has trouble with a girl who turned out to be a dead beat . I ’ m sure it will be wet when we arrive . Yes . I dare say it will be . It will be Sunday so I expected everything will be closed . No . I don ’ t think that ’ s possible . Some places are sure to be open . But the bank should be closed so we shouldn't to be able to get some money . Mmm , you may be right . Do you think we ’ ll need our overcoats ? No . We couldn ’ t possibly . Why not ? It will be summer . So it will be hot . Is that very likely in England ? Yes . It could happen . My disposable contact lenses . They're great for camping ! Cool ! Each contact comes in its own saline solution ? Yep . They're prescription contacts with UV protection . Wow ! How high-class ... a new pair for each day ... You just pop'em in in the morning , take them out at night , and then throw them away . No cleaning ! Cool . So are you near-sighted or far-sighted ? Near sighted . hey , Mary , what's up ? not much . Last night I met this great guy at the bar and we had such a wonderful time that we decided to meet again tonight . oh , that's exciting . What's this guy like ? Is he hot ? well , I didn't think so at first . But as we started talking , I found his extremely funny and witty . I couldn't stop laughing at his jokes ! We have so much in common . We like the same teams , music , a it seems you two are a good match . What qualities do you look for in a friend ? there's nothing definite I think . I don't have a list or anything , but when I first meet somebody , I can usually tell whether or not that person is going to be a good friend . It seems I have radar h well , that's something I've never heard of . But if you as me what I value most in a friend , I would have to say honesty . I agree . You can't expect a close relationship with a dishonest person . Those are the people that will turn their back on you when you are in need . yeah , I know . A friend in need is a friend indeed . I don't need fair-weather friends either . Are you studying here ? Yes , I am studying in Eastern Asian language department . What are you major in ? I major in Japanese . What do you think of the literature course . It's very helpful.the course has let me into a world of literature . i read so many great literatures . Look at the cloud . It's going to rain . Let's go quickly . you haven't spent much time with Sophia lately . Are you speaking to each other at the moment ? no , we're not . We've been drifting apart for a while . but you two used to do everything together . I thought you really enjoyed each other's company . we did , but since she started her new job , all she does is hang out with her new friends from work . can't you hang out with them , too ? I could , but all they ever talk about is work , so I always end up feeling left out . maybe you should invite her over for dinner , so it's just the two of you . I tried that a few weeks ago and she ended bringing a pal from work with her ! She's so busy these days that it's just impossible to hang out with her . it can't be that bad . She was always a really good friend to you . you're right . She would never talk about me behind my back or hold a grudge . But she just doesn't seem very interested in our friendship anymore . she's probably just excited about her new job . You should give her some time . It would be a shame to lose such a good friend . I've given her enough time . I'm over it now . I still think you two should try to patch things up . I think I just have to accept the fact that it's time for us to go our separate ways . Do you like flowers ? Of course , I like flowers . What's your favorite flower ? I like peach blossom , because I like spring . Peach blossom is really beautiful . Yes . How about you ? I like lotus . You have a perfect taste ! But there aren't any lotus now . Yes . It's snowing outside . Let's enjoy the plum blossoms . That's not bad . Let's go . Where are you from ? I'm from Canada . There's a double feature at the cinema this Saturday . Do you want to go with me ? What are the movies that are playing ? There's an action movie with Harrison Ford and a chick flick with Susan Abandon . I've never seen a movie I don't like that had Harrison Ford in it . So , is that a yes ? Yes . What time does it start and do you want to meet me there ? It starts at one and yea , let's meet there . It's the cinema on the corner of Lincoln and Main . Great ! I have a coupon for free popcorn at that theater ! Did you hear what's going on downtown today ? All the orders from the factory are staging a demonstration in the streets . Not one of the two thousand employees showed up for work today , and they have gathered outside the city hall to demand better working conditions for all factory employees . Wow , sounds chaotic ... two thousand people in the streets carrying picket signs and shouting slogans . What gave them the motivation to finally organize and call management on the substandard working conditions ? I think they gained courage after the mayor's speech last week on equality and opportunity for all town citizens . Anyway , the sentiments have been brewing for quite some time . I mean , we all know the working conditions at the factory are quite horrendous . So what kind of demands do they have ? What are they asking for specifically ? They want raises and medical insurance , and I think they want to clean up the factory's safety hazards . That's probably the most important issue . Hi , Peter . I ’ m afraid I can ’ t make it to dinner tomorrow night . Oh , why not ? It ’ s just I ’ m not feeling well . I think I ’ m coming down with a cold or something . Oh , I ’ m sorry to hear that . Hey , don ’ t worry about the dinner . We ’ ll do it some other time . But you take care of yourself . Thanks . I will . Why do you want to spend your summer days in a mountain village ? I think a mountain village is splendid ! I don't agree with you . It's too small to live . It has fresh air , and it is nicer than a big town . I disagree , a big town is more lively . But I like the small mountain village . The big town is noisy . How charming it is when walking along the hill ! Well , alright , I agree with you about that , but I still prefer a big town . It's getting late , and I have to go now . We're sorry you have to leave . Please excuse me , won't you ? Certainly . Come back soon . what's your opinion about childless couples ? Will you choose to have no kids ? to be honest , I wouldn't . why ? Do you have to make a choice now ? not really . But it has puzzled me for a long time . what's the puzzle ? my husband and I prefer to have no kids , but my mother-in-law is very traditional and wants grandkids . oh , I see . I think the older generation tend to think in a different way . yes . It seems she can never accept a childless marriage . We had a fight last night . oh , really ? Maybe she is just eager to see her grandchildren . but it's absolutely our own business to have a child or not . definitely . you know , I often overhear our neighbor , the young couple , fighting about how to raise their kid and I really don't want kids to spoil our happiness . don't worry . I think in most cases , children are the glue that keeps a family together . I guess you're right . But I still prefer to have no child . sure . You can fully enjoy your time together . I've had enough of that ! Why , this is the most interesting film ! I hate the hero.He ' s too cruel . But it's only a film . How much did you bid ? Eighty-five dollars . If my bid is the highest after three more days , I win ! It's fun ! We'll see how much fun it is after they take all your money ! ! But they won't ! I checked the seller's history , and he got good reviews from other buyers . What if he had his friends fake the reviews ? You are so paranoid ! Not everybody is a crook , you know . It's taking you forever to do my hair . Give me a minute . You should've been done already . There you go . I don't think that you're done . What's wrong ? My hair looks hideous . What's so bad about it ? It doesn't look good at all . Sorry about that . I really hope that you didn't expect me to pay you for this . Well , let me talk to my manager , okay ? Excuse me ! I don't have time to waste . I've been here almost one full hour ! Sorry , madam . You have to wait your turn . The parking lot is full . Unbelievable ! Parking in this city is such a nightmare ! Madam , patience is a virtue . Oh , gosh ! I have to go to the restroom so bad ! I can't bear it anymore ! I'm sure a spot will open up soon . Oh , look ! There's a spot open next to the public restroom ! Can I take it ? What are we going to do ? I can't get the car out of this ditch . I'm stuck ! I'm worried , Tom . I haven't seen any other cars for almost an hour . I know . This is terrible . What can we do ? This snow doesn't stop falling ! I told you we should have stayed in town today.The weather report said 100 percent chance of snow.Why did you want to come up here ? I wanted to show you the cabin . We only had another half-hour to go . Well , now we're stuck . What can we do ? I don't know . I've heard that when this happens , it's important to save energy . What do you mean ? We're stranded here , Tom . We may be here a long time.We need to conserve the gas in the car . The car's energy is what will keep us warm . I have plenty of gas . Yes , but the gas and the battery both have to stay working.We can't just let the car run and run.If we do , it will die soon . Then we'll freeze . So what can we do ? Turn the lights off.Then , run the car and the heater only about fifteen minutes every hour.That will conserve the heat as long as possible . Alright . That's a good idea . I wish we hadn't come up here . Now we'll probably be here for days . Days ? Yes , it happens.That is what happens in big snowstorms . People get stranded for days . Oh , my God ! It's good we have food . Probably we'll survive.But turn the car off for about forty-five minutes . Then we'll turn it on again . Okay , I'll follow your advice . let's go out for a walk . I don't really feel like a walk . Well , shall we go to the cinema ? All right.That sounds more interesting . Mr . Bellow , have you anything in mind as to what to drink or may I make a few suggestions ? I have had enough gin fizz and bloody mary . But I have no idea about Chinese cocktails . Would you prefer our cocktail — Shanghai cocktail ? It's a mixture of real Chinese ingredients . That ’ s good . ( The waiter makes the cocktail for Mr . Bellow and hands into him . ) Here is your Shanghai cocktail , Mr . Bellow . Thank you . Oh , it tastes excellent . Jack I hear you have a chance to go to college without taking a test . Is that right ? The news goes so fast . Ah , yes , I haven't decided yet . Don't hesitate . That's a very famous university which a lot of students are longing to attain . Maybe you are right . But the major is not fit for me . I like architecture more than computers . But this chance is really precious . Well , I know . So I am thinking now . I hope you can make a clever choice . Anyway , the opportunities around you are not that By . Thank you for your kindness . I will think about it carefully . Hi , Janice . Our first weekend after being employed is coming . Show me your plan . My mom phoned me this morning , and asked me to go back home to have housework chores . What are you assigned to do ? God knows . Speaking of chores , I would rather do some washing than cooking . For me , I think I will iron my shirt and trousers . Actually , weekends tend to be the most hectic day in the whole week . I really hope that I could sleep like a log all through two nights . But ... Some one said that weekends are a bit like rainbows ; they look good from a distance but disappear before we get up close to them . I couldn't agree more . Hurry up . We're going to be late . I am hurrying . What are you doing ? I can't figure out which dress to wear . So , did I tell you about my New Year ’ s resolution ? I ’ Ve decided to go on a diet . And you ’ re going to completely transform your eating habits , right ? Exactly ! I ’ m going to cut out all that junk I eat . no more chips , no more soda , no more fried food . I ’ Ve heard this one before . But this time I ’ m going to stick to it . I really mean it ! Trust me , Carol , I ’ m going to be a new man in one year ’ s time ! Well , I guess we ’ ll just have to wait and see . Thanks , honey , that was a great meal . I ’ m stuffed . Do we have any chips left ? Will you be joining Billy and I at the Bar ? Which one will you be going to ? We are going to try the new one that opened up on 17th Street . Sure , I've been meaning to visit that place myself . I want to stop off at my apartment to get changed so I should be there by 9 pm . OK , can I bring a date with me ? Certainly . But if there are going to be four of us , I had better make reservations . Yes . that is a very good idea . It would be a shame if we could not find a place to sit . Then I'II make reservations for 9 pm for a party of four . I'll be there . Oh , is there a cover charge at the bar ? Not that I know of . Why do you ask ? I want to make sure I bring enough money for my date and I . I hear the drinks and food there are moderately priced.You should be fine . One last question.Is there a dress code there ? No , its very casual there . Leave your jacket and tie at home . Perfect . I wanted to have a casual evening tonight . I'll see you there at 9pm . Okay . See you then . What's the most popular sport in your country ? Table tennis . Do you play table tennis ? Not really , but I like watching . I've really enjoyed your party , Lisa . Not at all , Sam . I wish I could stay longer , but I must be going . It's snowing heavily . It is very common in the winter in Ottawa . The snow is so beautiful . Give me Scotch , please . What brand ? Black Rose . Soda or water ? Just plain water with plenty of ice rock . All right . Please wait for a minute . Have you ever seen Bill Gate's home on the internet ? No . what's it like ? It's got its own library , theatre , swimming pool , and a guest house . The house itself has about ten different rooms that are all hooked up to computers so you can get things done in each room through a remote control . It's also located near the sea , so he can park his boats next to his house . It's absolutely amazing ! Would you want to live there ? I think his house is fantastic , but I wouldn't want to live there . You would have to hire one or two people to clean all the rooms in the house , plus a few people to take care of the gardens , and probably an au pair or two to take care of the children . It's just too big of a place to take care of on your own . What's your dreamhole like then ? My dream home is actually just a small cottage in a quiet village in England . Would you want to buy an old cottage or build a new one yourself ? Old homes are great because they've got character . I think that's important . Is that why you wear second-hand clothes as well ? Because they've got character ? No , that's just because I don't have enough money to buy new cloths all the time ! I see . If you lived in an old house , would it be decorated in a modern way ? No , I'd definitely try to restore it to its original state . I love to imagine what it'd be like to live in another time in history and living in a house decorated like it would have been 200 years ago would be a great way to feed my imagination even more ! Rachel , do you like music ? Of course . I can't live without it , so I always bring my CD with me no matter where I go . What kind of music do you like best ? Light music and classic music . Really ? I can't believe this . I am also keen on classic music . And do you know there is a concert of classic music tomorrow evening ? But I didn't get the ticket . And it is said that they were sold out yesterday . I got two . We can go there together . Amazing ! I can imagine the feeling when I hear the smooth tune around my ears . Look at what you have done . All thumbs . I ’ m so sorry , and I will pay much attention to it later . What is your hobby ? I spend most of my spare time reading . And I subscribe to various newspapers , magazines and periodicals . What kind of reading materials do you like best ? I am interested in science fiction . You look great ! Thanks to you . I'm totally pumped up . So you are happy that you made the decision to join us . I surely am . But still there is one single problem . What's that ? I eat more and more these days . And it puts even more weight on me . It's not good to start with too much work-out at the beginning . What about trying something else ? I'd love to do that . What do you recommend ? More and more people are warm up to Yoga these days . Do you want to have a try ? Do you think it's a good option for health and relaxation ? Absolutely . But it takes great perseverance to master . I can so that . Here is a free class going on right over there . Go and join them . How did it go ? Everything was okay when it started , but the music made me drowsy . So I think I may have dozed off for a minute over there . Do you have to leave soon ? No . Actually I can stay longer . Dave called to say that there is a beautiful Chinese girl who ’ s going to pick me up at the school gate tonight at ten thirty instead of eight thirty . Oh , that ’ s better . So you don ’ t have to rush . Yeah . You know what Dave just said ? What ? He said I should put on something very nice , because this girl will be my next target . He knows you very well . He always makes fun of me . He always says things like that . You know the new coming teacher , a Chinese Canadian . He said she would really be my chance . I ’ m sure you have chances everywhere . You ’ re handsome , talkative , and got a sense of humor . You must be very popular . No , you ’ re kidding . I ’ m not taking it seriously . This small town has many serious problems . What's the cause ? The mayor and high official practice crony is mand a large number of guys who are good at nothing occupy many important positions . I see why it lags behind other towns . Do you see the woman ? Is she a teacher ? Yes , she is . Does she teach Chinese ? No , she is an English teacher . And who ’ s the man in the green beside her ? You mean the man wearing jeans ? He ’ s her little brother . which countries have you been to ? I ’ Ve been to most of the countries in Europe , several countries in asia , china , Japan , korea , and Thailand , and to the united states and Canada . I thought you had been to Australia too . no , but I ’ m planning on visiting Australia and New Zealand soon . I ’ Ve heard that they are beautiful countries . Which is the most beautiful country you ’ Ve been to ? I think I'd say Norway . It has many pictures as fjords , waterfalls , and mountains . isn ’ t it really cold there ? well , the north of Norway is almost always cold , but further south it can be fairly warm in summer . It ’ s a wet country , so there ’ s snow almost everywhere in winter . I ’ Ve been to other Scandinavian countries , but not to Norway . Perhaps I should go and do some winter sports there . What's bothering that guy ? Nothing . He's just got a chip on the shoulder . Jane , I was wondering if you you had any plans for saturday afternoon . A friend and I are planing to go out , why ? what's up ? There is a special exhibition of french sculptures at the museum , I was hoping you ' d like to come with me . I am afraid I can't I am going to be out all day . What about sunday ? I wish I could , but it's my mums birthday . Maybe next week . Much as I ' d like to , I am afraid i wont be free next week , I have a lot of work . Sorry to hear that , I was really looking forward to spending some more time with you , I really enjoyed our last chat . I am really sorry too , maybe I can give you a call sometime . Hello , Mrs Turnbull . How are you ? Fine , thanks . How's your boy , Jack ? He's a bit tired . You know , he goes to school at eight o'clock every morning.He doesn't get home till after four . then he does his homework after tea . It often takes him a couple of hours to finish Poor boy . They work hard at school nowadays , don't they ? Does he like it ? School , you mean ? Yes , he does . He likes his teachers , and that always makes difference . Yes , it does . Does he go to school by bus ? No , he walks . He likes walking . He meets some of his friends at the corner another go together . What does he do when it rains ? My husband takes him in the car . He passes the school on the way to the office . Are you an American ? Yeah . Why don't you speak English ? Oh , my mother is a German , so I can speak German . Oh , do you like Chinese ? Yeah , I'm eager to learn Chinese , but it is too difficult for me . I want to study German . Can we exchange lessons ? Very Good . I'd like to do that . When will we begin ? How about tomorrow night ? That's all right . Your muscles are a spectacle ! Thank you.That ' s the result of exercise.By the way , do you work out ? No , but I am starting working out from now on . Fine . You are an eager beaver . Thank you . I just consider working as part of my life . I visited the famous variety show host , Dennis . What's he like ? Oh , he's a very serious person . You must feel very uneasy at his home . Lily , do you know Lizzy ? Lizzy who ? Lizzy smith . Of course I do . Then , Do you know her younger sister ? You mean Mary ? Yes . Sure . I know her elder sister Sue and younger sister Mary . Oh , not bad . Then do you know her mother ? Yes , certainly . I know her mother and father , and brother and sisters , too . That sounds terrific . Why do you ask me these questions ? I just want to visit the family some day . This place serves good breakfasts , don't you think ? Yes . But I'm not used to eating American-style breakfast . What are you planning to do today ? I saw yesterday that they rent windsurfers at the beach . I want to rent one . Have you done windsurfing before ? No , but it looks fun . I always wanted to try it . Can you take a little advice from a friend ? Sure . What ? Don't waste your money . Windsurfing is very hard . And it will be windy today.They will charge you fifty dollars for a half-hour , and you won't be able to windsurf.You will fall and fall and fall . But I always wanted to try it . Yes , but it takes a long time to learn.You would spend a thousand dollars to learn it on a rental windsurfer . Well , I will see . How was your day at the office ? I don ’ t know what I ’ m going to do ! It ’ s going to be impossible to make ends meet if I lose my job ! Don ’ t worry . I don't think you ’ re going to lose your job over one mistake . It was a rather big mistake . When you work as an investment adviser , one small mistake can cost the company millions . But it wasn ’ t just you who was involved , right ? You were only doing what your supervisor told you to do . That ’ s true , but my supervisor is very dishonest . There ’ s no reason he needs to tell our boss the truth . I ’ m sure he will tell our boss that it was all my fault , and there ’ s nothing I can do about that . My boss won ’ t believe me if I tell him the truth . Let ’ s think realistically about what might happen . How much money do you have in your savings ? I have enough to live off of for about 3 months . But I really don't want to spend my life savings on just living ! I ’ d rather invest my money somehow . Well , you can't have everything . Let's just figure out what you will do if you lose your job . When is your contract up on your apartment ? Next month . So I can either move out then or renew my contract for another year . Well , that ’ s good . If you lose your job , you can just move in with me until you find another job . That will save you plenty of money . That ’ s very generous of you . I guess that would work . If you lose your job , you just have to go for a few months without buying all the junk you usually buy . If you live frugally , you ’ ll save plenty of money . I guess working with so much money has made me rather greedy . Maybe losing my job would be a good thing ! Excuse me , I need your assistance . Sure , what's up ? I have no idea where my class is . Tell me which building it's in . My class is in the C building . I know where the C building is . Do you mind telling me where it is ? Of course , which room number is it ? Number 261 . I actually have a class right around there . Can you please show me ? I can do that . I'm more worried about snipers . Snipers ? Sniping is when someone makes a bid at the very last minute to steal something for a bargain price . So you're afraid someone is going to snipe your Buddha ? I heard about a software program called turbid . It automatically submits a bid with just a few seconds to go in an auction . Count me out . I can do without shills and snipers and turbo-bidders . So , Fred , what are your plans for after graduation ? Well , I ’ Ve already got a job waiting for me back in my hometown . That ’ s cool . Have you already found an apartment to live in ? I ’ m planning on living with my parents . Won ’ t you ? I couldn ’ t even if I wanted to . My parents told me that if I went home , then ’ d have to find my own place . You mean they ’ re kicking you out ? Not really , they just don ’ t want me living at home . My older sister did that , and she lived at home for seven years . Once she started living at home , it got harder and harder for her to move out . Well , it ’ s not like my parents want me to live at home the rest of my life . They said that it ’ s ok if I move back home to begin with , but they want me to find a place of my own after a year or so . My parents just didn ’ t handle my older sister very well , and because of that , they want me to be more independent . They think that it ’ s important that I should learn how to live on my own . I know I need to learn that myself , but I just don ’ t have the money for it at the moment . Living at home allows me to save up some money before I started finding a place . Hi , Mel , would you like to come and have a cup of coffee this afternoon ? I ’ d love to , but you know I ’ Ve got another appointment . I ’ m really sorry . I see . Then what about tomorrow , at Starbucks ? I ’ m afraid not , George . You gotta know something , I ’ m not available any more . but I know Becky has a crush on ya . Are you kidding me ? Becky ? She ’ s a real bitch . Ok , so who are we going to invite to our dinner party ? Well , we have the Thompsons , the Greens , and the Anderson , about twelve people total . Don't forget my friend Andy from the office . He has nothing to do on Friday , so I invited him over . But that makes thirteen people ! We can't have thirteen people for dinner on Friday ! Why can't we ? It's an old superstition . If we have thirteen people at the table , then it means bad luck . Can Andy bring a date ? I'm not sure . He just broke up with his girlfriend recently , and I don't think he's in the mood to start again so soon . But we can't have thirteen for dinner ! I think you're making a mountain out of a molehill . It's only a superstition . It really doesn't mean anything . Absolutely not ! I refuse to have thirteen people for dinner on Friday ! Ok , ok . I'll ask my sister to come . That way we'll have fourteen for dinner . That's better . I can't believe it , I had faith in Bob and he let me down . I know what you mean . Really ? Yes , he did the same to me . Hello , Alice . Would you like to go to the temple fair with me ? Temple fair ? Yes . The ancient custom of holding temple fairs is to offer sacrifices to the god of the earth , and they have developed into a festival filled with food , performances and games now . Sounds interesting ! Absolutely , I love temple fairs . Beijing has several temple fairs recently . They are different from each other to some extent , but also have a lot in common . I just can't wait to see them . Which one do you choose today ? What about Tianqiao Temple Fair ? A variety of opera performances , acrobatics shows , and food will dazzle you . Great ! Do you know how to get there ? Of course . Couldn't be better . Excuse me , Supen . I hope nothing is wrong . Please forgive me , but I have to leave . I feel terrible . but ... What's the matter ? My daughter isn't feeling well . Oh , no . Is it serious ? I don't know . Will you forgive me ? Of course . I'm sorry for your daughter . Thank you . It's our first date . I hope it's not too offensive . Not at all . Hello . Can I help you ? Yes , I hope so . I would like to register for Comp Lit 287 . I'm sorry , but that class is already full.And also , students are supposed to register through the touch-tone registration system . I know . I already tried to register for it by phone , but the computer won't let me . That's because it's full . But I'm a new student here . I thought maybe there was some way I could get into the class . I thought I should come and talk to you in the department office . Well , I could put you on a waiting list.But that doesn't guarantee you will get into the class . What is your name ? My name is Karen Huang . That's spelled H - U - A - N - G . Alright . And what is your major ? I'm a comparative literature major . Wait a minute . You're a Comp Lit major ? Yes , that's right . Why didn't you tell me ? I didn't know you were one of our students . That's why I'm trying to get into Comp Lit 287 . I know it's a required class.And Professor Cohen told me I need to take it . The university computer system saves extra places , in class 287 for comp lit students . I can give you a special code.When you register by phone , you can use the code to get into the class . Even if the class is full ? That's right . Oh , I didn't know that . Sure . Here is the code number , with information on how to use it . Thank you . So you think I will be able to get in with this ? Sure . Just call the touch-tone registration system again.Then , follow the directions on the sheet . You will get in no problem . Thanks . Next time you come in here , I will recognize you . Who's that man over there talking to James ? Where ? Oh , that's Henry . He's very handsome , isn't he ? What's he like ? He's very nice , actually , but rather eccentric . Really ? I love eccentric people . Yes , but he may be too eccentric even for you . Why ? What do you mean by that ? Well , haven't you heard ? Heard what ? No one ever tells me anything . Well , apparently , he's been having an affair with his secretary . Really ! How fascinating . According to Mary , he's divorcing his wife and there's a big fight going on about the children . I thought everyone knew . Well , what can I say ? I didn't know . Oh , I meant to tell you earlier , your blouse doesn't really match your skirt . Those colors don't really suit you either . Oh . Thanks . Look , I must just go and say hello to someone . I'll be right back . How did you first meet Jack each other ? That is a heavy raining afternoon . I was standing under the eaves of a shop to evade the heavy rain . It's getting dark . And then ? I was trembling in the wind when he ran to me with an umbrella in his hand and asked , ' Where is your home ? ' Then he sent you to your home ? Yeah . It's a romantic meeting . I can say that a hero saves a beauty . He joked later that I was so poor that he had a kind of impulse to protect an ant . He is so humorous . Where are you from ? I'm from Germany . So you speak German , don't you ? Yeah , but I can speak English , too . Oh , I see . What other languages can you speak ? A little French . Good . What are you reading ? Gee ! You scared me ! Aha , Fitness Consultant . Very good , Don't you know about the rules in this office ? Yes , Ma'am . No magazines during the office hours . I'm sorry . Well , don't do this again next time . What is it about , anyway ? It is about sports for white-collar workers , people like you and me . What kind of sports ? Aerobic sports , for example , jogging , yoga , skating ... Interesting . What were you reading just now ? Stretching exercise after sitting a long time . Really ? That sounds interesting ! Can I have my magazine back now ? No . It's confiscated for now . And I will return it to you after I finish reading it . I like NBA very much . Did you watch NBA games before you came to the U . S . ? No , I didn't . What a pity ! Do you like NBA ? Yes , of course . Who do you like best of the NBA players ? Kobe . So do I . Let's go to watch an NBA game tonight , shall we ? That's fine . Hi , could you help me find a place where I could buy some lunch ? Sure ! What kind of food would you like ? I was thinking of pizza or something else Italian , maybe . I know the perfect place ! Good ! Where is it ? It's right past that last building on the left . Do you want me to go with you ? That would be great . Glad you asked me to join you . This will be fun ! I'm reading an interesting report on Mars . Oh , what does it say ? Does it say water could still exist under the surface of Mars ? Absolutely ! It says there is water on Mars buried beneath the surface . It's just a matter of how deep it is . Then could the soil on Mars somehow be fertile enough to Groh simple plants ? The soil would need quite a bit of fertilizer to grow anything . And it would need to be protected from the UV radiation . Actually , we are doing a project in school that involves landing a ship and staying on Mars for an extended period of time . Does NASA have any type of portable habitats that could be used to stay on the planet ? I'm not sure NASA has built any portable habitats for extended stays on Mars , but they have looked at various designs . One of the most exciting things about Mars is that there could have bean life on it . What are your personal opinions on the life on Mars theory ? Well , I'm not really an expert in this area , but my understanding is that anything is possible . It's just that it is so hard to determine what went on 4.5 billion years ago . But maybe there is a chance of gradually improving the surface and atmosphere of Mars so it may be inhabitable by humans . I'm skeptical . Mars is made of rocks containing silicon , iron , and various minerals . It also has an atmosphere of carbon dioxide . It is so different from what we have on earth , you know . I'd still like to hope that some day we could set up a human colony there . But there are still other big problems we need to solve such as prolonged weightlessness , food storage , and a series of physiological effects . Would you like to go sightseeing tomorrow ? Not a bad idea . What would you like to see in Beijing ? Well , let ’ s see . I ’ d like to go to see the Summer Palace . I ’ ll pick you up here tomorrow . When are we leaving for our field trip ? Our science field trip is next Monday at 8 a . m . in the morning . Can you mark that on your calendar ? Yes , I will write that down . That will be Monday , December 2nd . We need to start loading the buses half an hour early , so plan to arrive at 7 . Yes , I will be there on time . We will return 6 days later on December 8th . Will someone be picking you up ? Yes , someone is coming to get me . The return bus will leave the campground at 5 p . m . and return to campus 3 hours later at 8 p . m . What should we bring with us ? I am going to post all of that information on the geology club web page . Check it out when you get a chance . See you Monday ! Mr . : Hello , Mary . Hi . Mr . : I'm Mr . Taylor , and I'm your counselor . I'm going to show you around the school . OK . Mr . : Right here is the cafeteria . It's huge ! Mr . : But not big enough . And here is our computer room . There must be about 50 computers in here . Mr . : And over here is our gymnasium . Do I have to take gym ? Mr . : Just like everyone else . Oh , my ! It's really hot . I've never seen such scorching weather in my life . Tell me about it ! It's like the whole world is broiling . Oh , look at the thermometer ! The temperature has hit 98 . I hope it's not gonna break into three digits But it's already awfully close . Well , I just hope it'll level off . I guess you can ’ t do anything until after dark then . I guess so . What else can we do ? You can ’ t stay in the heat for long . In the discus throw , you scored 30 meters at the final throw . How did you make it ? Well , I've been practising for 5 weeks . Is this your best score ? No , once I did 32 . Hi , where have you been ? I was away for my vacation . Oh , how was it ? Good . I wish I could have another vacation . do you want to go out for dinner tonight ? sure . Have you got anywhere in mind ? I'm starving , so maybe we could go somewhere with large portions . that Italian restaurant in the city centre always has large portions . Do you want to go there ? I'm not really in the mood for Italian , actually . I was thinking of something a bit spicy . if you want spicy food , then I'd recommend going to a Thai , Indian or Chinese restaurant . How about that Chinese buffet on Cowley Road ? I really like that restaurant ; you get a lot for your money there . But , they've westernized their food , so it's not actually that spicy . you're right . Most of their dishes have sweet sauces . We could try that Indian restaurant just down the road from us . the Taj ? They're a bit expensive , but they do serve large portions of very hot food . the Taj it is then . shall we bring our own bottle of wine to save some money ? they'll still charge us a corkage fee . that's right . It'll probably work out to be about the same then anyway . don't worry about money . I'll treat you tonight . are you sure ? We could go Dutch . no , I'll pay . It's my turn anyway . You paid last time . I won't argue with that ! Let's go ! Robin , what are you going to do tomorrow ? Bob and I plan to play hockey in the morning . And later ? Well , in the afternoon , after a long nap , we ’ ll go yachting with Nora . It seems that you will have a nice day tomorrow . How about you ? What are you going to do tomorrow ? I have a lot of work in the office and a lot of chores in the house.How I envy you , Robin ! So do you think I can take it ? I ’ d stay over there , if I were in your shoes . I know , but things are getting a bit out of hand and I just can ’ t do nothing . See your problem ? You get so restless when it ’ s time to calm down . You ’ re right . You married Joe , didn't you ? Joe ? I don't know what you mean . I remember you are in love . Oh , I took a shine to him when we met for the first time . But it comes and goes . It's Greek to me . Watch out , Patrick ! Whew ! Thanks , Karen . That car almost hit me . Well , humans could never make something like that . Those poor Egyptians slaves worked so hard and you want to give aliens all the credit ! Be a little more open-minded , Stu ! Don't believe everything you read in your history books ! OK , but don't believe everything you see on The X-files , either ! Speaking of The X-files , it's on right now ! Hi . are you new here ? Yes . I moved here last week . I'm Steven , your neighbour . I'm Charlie . Nice to meet you . Nice to meet you , too . Since we live in the same neighbourhood , maybe we can help each other from now on . I guess so . I live next door but one , and hope you'll drop in now and then . Thank you . I will . The winter in Ottawa is freezing . From mid-November , snow started to pile up in Ottawa . I think I will be adapted to it . Although the weather here is very cold , the people are warm . Yes , that's the reason why I remain here . The summers are so great here ! Not hot at all . I love the cooling breezes , the clear air , all the greenery . This really has been a wonderful holiday for us . Shall we take a walk around the pond or into those woods for a while ? Let's do both ! Are we in a rush or anything No , not really . I had thought we'd stay in Hamburg tonight , but we can't unless we rush it . Let's stay in Bremen instead . Tomorrow we can have lunch in Hamburg , then check into a hostel in Copenhagen and have dinner there . Sounds fine to me . Whatever , let's enjoy this pond first . Sure . We can walk around to that path that leads into the woods there . Hey , look ! There are some wild ducks over there in the reeds . I see them ! Wow ! How do you know they're wild ? I used to go hunting with my uncle , that's how . They're neat . Now Let's take that path into the woods and see what we can see ... Wow . She can be really nasty , can't she ? No . She was right . I was too nervous . I kept thinking , What if we blow it ? Well , I guess Zina figured you couldn't blow it if you were in the hotel room . She even stayed at a different hotel . She said I might be contagious . Well , at least we have . That'll be great publicity . Hi , Bob , this is Mary . Hello , Mary , where do you work ? I work for an Internet company . Is the pay good ? Hey Jack . What's going on ? Hey Matt . I'm going to ask Martha to marry me ? Really ? When did you decide this ? I always knew she was the one , but I decided to pop the big question about 2 weeks ago . I'm just debating on how to do it . That's exciting , man . So how did you propose ? You shouldn't use my example . It wasn't special . I kind of wish I made it more special but it's too late now . What do you think I should do ? There are a lot of options . You can surprise her over dinner , or ask her in a public area , or if you have the balls , ask her father in front of her . I never thought about that . Thought about what ? Asking her father in front of her . How do you think she will react ? I don't know . You should know how she's going to react . She is your girlfriend . I think that's the idea I was looking for . Thanks , man . Don't mention it . Good luck . You're going to need it . The bridegroom looks a bit nervous . On this occasion , most people do . Oh , they are playing the wedding March . Here they come . She is a beautiful bride . I am so happy for them . Are you crying ? Yes , I always cry at weddings . Harris and Anne are perfect for each other . Yes , they are . You and Tom also make a great couple . In fact , we are beginning to make preparations . For the wedding ? No , no , for the engagement . Try to catch this bouquet then . What's this , I wonder ? I'm not sure.Let me have a look ... It could be a coffee grinder . A coffee grinder ? Yes , it must be used for grinding coffee beans . Oh , that would be very useful . Hi , Jack . Long time no see ! Yeah . How's everything going ? Not bad . At least I am still alive . Just alive ? I guess you are some lucky guy . I heard you are going out with Jane . Where did you get that idea ? Oh , come on . Jane is a very nice girl , someone you meet only once till lifetime . You are right . I am not boasting , but she is really as beautiful as she is intelligent . Well , I really envy you for finding such a nice girl . Here's your drink , sir . No , that's not right . I didn't order a coffee . I ordered a cola . Oh , I'm terribly sorry , sir . I'll go and get you cola right away . Waiter ! Yes , sir . I'll bring your drink right away . It's not that . There's an animal in my soup . Is there , sir ? I'm very sorry . I'll change it straight away . I've never been to such a dirty restaurant , and never seen such slow service . I'm really sorry . Dalian is a beautiful city . Do you agree ? I suppose I do . The climate here is pleasant . You said it . This city is really comfortable to living . It sure is . No other city can match it . It's heaven . Well , If you live in other as long enough you love them just as much . Maybe . Well , I ’ d better get back to work . I ’ Ve got a ton of stuff on my desk ! Me too . I ’ ll see you after work , huh ? Yeah , definitely . I was hoping to catch a ride with you . Sure . Meet me at five . Where will you go in your vacation ? Oh , I'm hoping to take courses in my vacation . You're so industrious . you are dressed to kill . You look gorgeous , Alexander . thanks . This is my power suit . I have a dinner date tonight . how did you meet each other ? she's a friend of Amy . We met at Amy's birthday party . is this your first date ? yes . I hope it pans out . Cross your fingers , Lily . sure it will . Oh , no , it's seven fifteen already . I'm going to be late for my date . oh ... so you buried the hatchet with Steven ? absolutely not ! He's a cheater . I will never talk to him again . I'm over with him . He's history ! then who will you meet tonight ? a guy I met on the internet three month ago . really ? Are you sure this is a good idea ? please don't be so fussy ! I didn't just meet him yesterday . I know , but remember to meet in a public place and don't give out your personal information . I can ’ t believe that Anthony is finally getting married ! Yeah well it ’ s about time ! He ’ s been living with his parents for 40 years ! Don ’ t be mean . Look here come the bridesmaids ! Their dresses look beautiful ! Who are those kids walking down the aisle ? That ’ s the flower girl and the ring bearer . I ’ m pretty sure they ’ re the groom ’ s niece and nephew . Oh , they look so cute ! I just hope the priest makes it quick . I ’ m starving . I hope the food ’ s good at the reception . That ’ s all you ever think about , food ! Oh , I think the bride ’ s coming now ! She looks gorgeous . Wait , what ’ s she doing ? Where ’ s she going ? Oh great ! Does this mean that the reception is canceled ? I've just got the examination results . I am afraid you haven't passed . Oh , no ! I can't have failed . surely ? I am afraid so . I am terribly sorry ! Whatever am i going to tell me parents . Don't worry about that , I am sure they will understand . After all , it was a very difficult exam . What am I to do ? You can always take it again . hi , Meally , do you know that guy over there ? The tall one ? Sure , that's Drive , he works with Lily . He is cute . What dose he do ? I'm not sure , he is a manager I think . Really ? Are you going to introduce us ? Well , he has already taken you know , that's his wife right there . Hello , I'm Lance . Hello , my name is Paula . Nice to meet you ! Nice to meet you , too . It seldom rains this summer . Yeah , some places are very short of water . Because of pollution and other things , our environment has become worse and worse . You see , . This time I traveled to the West . When I looked out of the windows of the rain , all the lands that I could see are as dry as a bone . It is serious . These things are always oooo boring . Heard any gossip ? Anybody making the big bucks ? Rich struck it rich in advertising . And he and Cath got married and just had a child . That's no news . Those two were high school sweethearts anyway . Teresa Jones got a boob job . Uh , I can see that . And Erica Falls has lost a lot of weight . I've got something . You saw Taylor Smith ? Looks terrible , doesn't he ? I heard he ... How are your Chinese lessons going ? Oh I ’ m learning very slowly . I think Chinese is more difficult than English . Well I guess you have fewer characters but I think Chinese grammar is easier . Maybe , but I think people usually learn English more quickly than Chinese . Yes , I guess basic speaking in the English is easier . Maybe that ’ s why your English is much better than my Chinese . Let me hold the door for you , miss . Thank you . You're very kind . Can we talk ? Sure , honey , we ’ re talking now , aren ’ t we ? You know what I mean . Yeah . I know . I want to know where this relationship is going . I ’ m in love with you and I need to know ... You know , I think you ’ re awesome . I ’ m awesome . Well , I guess that ’ s my answer , isn ’ t it . Honey ... Look , if you don ’ t love me , it ’ s not a thing , alright , we ’ Ve had our laughs , but I don ’ t appreciate ... maybe it ’ s just time we ... Baby , I love you so much . You do ? I love you . And I think you ’ re awesome . Oh , I love you too ! Come on . Put the gun down . Oh baby , I ’ m so sorry . How do you do ? I ’ m Parker . How do you do ? Mr . Barker . Parker . Oh , Parker with a P ? Yes , with a P . Er ... I ’ m Barker . Barker ? With a B . Of course . Yes , with a B . Won ’ t you come in , Mr . Barker ? Thank you , Mr . Parker . Let ’ s go to WAngFuJing by bus . Better take the subway . It ’ s faster and more convenient . Okay . It will be a new experience for me . We have a rather comprehensive subway system here . we can get almost anywhere rather quickly on the subway . Especially at this time of a day when the traffic is heavy . where do we pay the fare ? Just give the man standing there three yuan and he'll give you a token . Then you slip it into slot at the turnstile and push the turnstile to get in . Let me pay for it . Where can I get the subway Madam ? Ask the worker who sells token to give you one . It ’ s free of charge . Actually maps showing subway routes are posted at most stations . Do I have to pay additional fare to change train ? No , you don ’ t have to . Here comes the train . I've heard The Hitchhiker would be on next week . I want to see it . Is it horror movie ? Yeah , I love horror movies the most . Would you like to go with me next weekend ? No way . I will be scared out of my wits . Well , What kind of movies do you like ? Er , let me see . Romance , comedy , documentary , action , science fiction , cartoon and so on . In a word , you like all the movies except for the horror movies . Yeah , It seems like we don't talk the same language as far as movies are concerned . Not quite . I also like romance and comedy movies very much . The Terminal is a movie of this type . So we can relax now . Yeah , I could hardly wait to see it . Excuse me , sir . Could you spare a minute ? Uh , yes . Do you go to work by train every day ? Yes . I commute five days a week by train . And would you mind telling us what you think of the rail service ? It ’ s really very good . Why do you say that ? Well , trains are frequent and come on time . Which train do you catch in the evening ? I usually take the 5 thirty home . And can you get a seat ? No , I usually have to stand . Would you agree that the service is fast ? Yes , it ’ s reasonably fast but it certainly isn ’ t cheap . Fares have gone up25 % . Hi , Kate . Hi , Don . What a surprise ! Yeah , I saw someone walking like you , but I wasn ’ t sure . We haven ’ t seen each other for how long ? Almost three months ? But you look quite different now . Have you noticed what has changed ? Oh , you look quite slender and more vivacious . What have you been taking ? Are you on a diet ? Yes . I ’ m on a diet , but I ’ Ve not taken anything . I just eat less and exercise more . And it really worked in the past three months . I ’ Ve lost twelve pounds . Wow ! That ’ s great . I sincerely want to achieve my weight loss goals , but it ’ s difficult for me to keep up the exercise . Also you know , old habits are hard to break . What kind of exercise do you think I do ? I just go to dance everyday after work . I ’ m taking an amateur dance class . I dance two hours everyday . Dance ? You only go dancing ? That ’ s not hard . I can do that . Sure . Join my class next week . How do you usually sell your products now ? I'm doing business through Internet now . Oh , really ? Is it a good way ? Yes , very good . What advantages does it have ? It is very convenient . You know you can browse the website and send e-mails to your customers at any time . Yes , if we do business through other ways , it will cost a lot of time . Also it has low cost , and you know you only need to pay the fee of Internet , which is very cheap . Yes , going abroad to join the exhibition will cost much . But does it have any disadvantages ? To be frank , sometimes it is not so safe as doing business through traditional ways . You mean there may be credit problems ? Yes , but if you choose some good B2B websites , such problems can be avoided . Will you give some suggestion ? Of course , such as the Alabama , which is a famous website . Thanks . Maybe I will do business through Internet in the future . Alright everyone settle down . Let ’ s get started.As you know , an important aspect of becoming a good citizen is understanding the genesis of our legal system . It is not enough to simply memorize our laws , it is necessary that we comprehend why and how they were formed . This brings me to our topic for today . Does anyone know what we celebrate on May first ? Cinct de mayo ? No , that ’ s May fifth in Spanish , James , no wonder you are failing my Spanish class . No , May first is International Workers ’ Day . Do we get a day off from school then ? No ! It is not considered to be a national holiday here in the US , but in other countries it is . Www , man ! In the nineteenth century , working conditions were appalling , with workers being forced to work ten , twelve , and fourteen hours a day . Support for the eight-hour work day movement was growing rapidly , despite the indifference and hostility of many union leaders , and by April 1886 , 250,000 workers were involved in the May Day movement . Previous legislative attempts to improve working conditions had failed , so labor organizers took drastic measures . They passed a resolution stating that eight hours would constitute a legal day ’ s work . And , on May First 1886 , the resolution took effect . Cool ! Is that why we only work eight hours now ? Yes ! But the happy ending came at a high price.On May third , 1886 , police fired into a crowd of strikers at the McCormick Reaper Works Factory , killing four and wounding many . A mass meeting was called for the next day to protest the brutality . And then what happened ? Well , as we say , the rest is history ... Did your wife give birth yet ? Yeah . She's a healthy beautiful girl . Congratulations . How is your wife doing ? She is tired , but getting a lot of rest now . That's good to hear . I'm just glad there were no complications . If your wife and baby are both happy , what more can you ask for ? It's been a week , and I haven't slept that well . That's normal for anyone with a newborn . Yeah , but it's so hard . I have to work , and then go home and take care of my wife and the baby . I'm going to get sick at this rate . You'll get used to it . After everything stabilizes , you can regain your health . That's true . I should make sure my wife and baby stay healthy during this time . Irene ! I heard you were on a date last night ! So , how how did it go ? I want all the juicy details ! Um ... well , actually , we had a fantastic time last night . He was ... amazing ! Okay , now you really have to fill me in . What ’ s he like ? He ’ s really good looking . he ’ s quite tall , around 61 , he ’ s in his early thirties , and he ’ s got the most beautiful dark brown eyes ... He sounds hot ! What does he do for a living ? You know what , this is the best part . David is a junior investment banker at Fortune Bank , so he ’ s got a great career path ahead of him ! Hold on a sec , his name is David ? Yeah ? That ’ s my brother ! Hi , Lucy . What are you going to do this weekend ? I have no idea yet . Do you have any suggestions ? Would you like to play tennis with me ? I'd like to . Be sure to get to the sports hall at nine o'clock on Sunday morning . OK , will do ! I heard that Jim lost 100 yuan . Do you know that ? I don't know . Really ? Yes . But some classmates said you took the money . It is not true . Look at my eyes . Well , I confess . I did it , because I urgently need money to buy some medicine for my mother for she is badly ill . I'm ashamed that I did that . Return the money to Jim and make an apology . I think he will forgive you . I will . Howdy ! Nice car ! What seems to be the problem ? I don ’ t know ! This stupid old car started spewing white smoke and it just died on me . Luckily , I managed to start it up and drive it here . What do you think it is ? Not sure yet.How about you pop the hood and we can take a look . Mmmm , it doesn ’ t look good . What do you mean ? My daddy gave me this car for my birthday last month . It ’ s brand new ! Well missy , the white smoke that you saw is steam from the radiator . You overheated your engine so now the pistons are busted and so is your transmission . You should have called us and we could have towed you over here when your car died . Ugh ... So how long is this going to take ? An hour ? I ’ m afraid a bit more than that . We need to order the spare parts , take apart your electrical system , fuel pump and engine and then put it back together again . You are going to have to leave it here for at least two weeks . What ! How am I supposed to get to school or go shopping ? This is not happening ! I like this kind of weather . Yes , a little breeze and a lovely moon . And it's calm . I like the peace . Me , too . A friend of mine is now in the big house . He was caught red-handed for selling cocaine . That is a deadly risky business . He should have it coming on him . He must be regretting about having done the business . I bet he is . He domed his own life . Do you like climbing ? Yes , I like it very much . How about climbing up the Fragrant Mountain tomorrow ? Where is it ? It is located at the east foot of Western Mountain of Beijing , in a park with the same name . There are some huge stones within the mountain which look like the censer , so it is called ' Fragrant Mountain ' . Have you visited it before ? Many times . Except climbing , there are many attractions worth visiting . Like what ? It is the best season to view red leaves from the Mid-October to the first ten days of November . During the period , thousands of hectares of maples on the sloping field are so red that you would recognize them as fallen petals by mistake if looking from a further area . The bright red , pink , scarlet , and peach-puff leaves are distributed in different layout , with some green pines and cypresses dotted in between . Sounds marvelous . You can take a bird-eye view at the glorious picture when you arrive at the top of the mountain . Great . I will prepare some clothes and food for the climbing . What had make you so upset ? Frank has gone out with Lucy again . What ’ s wrong with that ? Lucy is known as a social butterfly . She has taken many rich men for a ride , you know . To be frank , I find philosophy rather boring . To tell you the truth , it's the most tedious course I'ever had . How could you manage to pass the exam ? It is still a mystery to me . That one looks pretty big . Are you going to keep it ? Of course . I always keep what I catch . Not me . I like to throw back what I catch . If it's within the legal limit , I prefer to keep it . Lester , you are really fantastic at automobile repair . Thanks , June . But I think I need to be certified as a mechanic before I ’ m allowed to repair cars for a living . That ’ s not a big problem . There are many small schools for adults like you who can study to be certified . I guess I never thought of that before . And you can easily get a student loan from a vocational school , or from the government . Wow , you ’ Ve inspired me to do something ! Hey , Ted . What are you up to this Friday ? Well , I have the day off from work . That ’ s great ! Do you have any plans ? Well , I ’ Ve been working so hard lately , so I ’ ll probably just take it easy . Sounds nice . Yeah , I ’ ll probably just stay in and relax . Maybe watch a few movies . Can I stop by ? Sure . Any time . Judy , what is everybody talking about ? Haven ’ t you heard ? Richard was fired by our manager . You ’ re kidding . It can ’ t be true . Believe it or not . Everybody is talking about it in the company . Really ? I ’ m surprised . Me too . How do you like waltz ? It's very nice , I like it very much . May I invite you for the first dance ? My pleasure . But I'm afraid I'm not much of a dancer . In fact , I took up dancing quite recently , too . Oh , really ? But you're doing the tango wonderfully well . I'm glad you say so , you dance beautifully too . It's lucky that I got a partner . Thank you for your compliments . It's just that you are a good leader . Do you like the samba and waltz ? Yes . And what dances do you like best ? Waltz is my favorite . I like it better than any other dances . Oh , the music has stopped . Thank you for the dance . My pleasure . Let's go and have a drink . Fine . What can I do for you today ? I need to return a book . Can I do anything else for you ? I want to check this magazine out . We don ’ t allow people to check out magazines . Why not ? It ’ s just a policy of ours . So what am I allowed to check out ? You may check out books or videos . I need to check out this magazine . You will have to just read it in the library . That doesn ’ t make any sense . Happy Valentine's Day ! That's nice of you . Could I treat you to dinner tonight ? Wonderful . Wow ! Look at the time . lt's about 11 0 ' clock . Really ? I didn't realize it was so late . I've got to catch the last bus . See you later . Where are you going this weekend ? I have no idea . Maybe I will sleep for the whole day . So boring ! Shall we go out for a picnic with my friends ? Sounds interesting . Who are the other people ? Fred and David , my college class mates and Rachel . Gorgeous ! What should I bring on that day ? Your tent and enough food and water . You mean , we can do many other things after the picnic , right ? We can go fishing , chatting and camping . What are we waiting for ? Come on ! Don't hurry . Wait for my call . so ... what kind of things do you do in your free time ? I'm really into watching foreign films . what about you ? I like to do just about anything outdoors . Do you enjoy camping ? camping for an evening is ok , but I couldn't do it for much longer than one night ! have you ever been camping in the Boundary Waters ? no , but I've always wanted to do that . I've heard it's a beautiful place to go . it's fantastic . My family and I are very fond of the place . do you have any photos of any of your camping trips there ? sure , would you like to see them ? that'd be great . What kind of camera do you have ? I have a Canon SLR . so , you must be pretty interested in photography then . I'd call it one of my hobbies . Do you know much about photography ? actually , I do . I took quite a few photography classes at University . have you heard about the photography exhibit that's going on at the art gallery this weekend ? yes , I was planning on going . Are you ? yes.In fact , maybe we could go together . that'd be great . what time should I meet you there ? how about at 11:00 ? sounds great . see you then . So Janet , do you do any sports ? Well , I go to the gym a lot . I am a member of a gym nearby . Yeah , how often do you go ? About three times a week if I can . Not bad ! Do you do any other sports ? Not really . I ’ d really like to try golf , though . Guess what ? I won the speech contest at my school . Wow , that's great ! Oh , hi Pam . When did you get back from Canada ? How was it ? The day before yesterday . I only visited Montreal and Ottawa , but I had a great time . Which city did you like better ? That's hard to say ... I think Ottawa is prettier.It has better sightseeing , too . A lot of museums and galleries . And what's Montreal like ? What did you think of it ? Montreal is more exciting . It has better shopping.The stores are cheaper and more interesting . Which one has better nightlife ? Oh , Montreal of sure . It has more restaurants and clubs.They say Montreal is the most exciting city in Canada . Well , I've always wanted to see Vancouver . I've heard it has the most beautiful views . Well , you seem to enjoy speaking English . You can't help learning when you're using it all day . You'll see . A few weeks ' study in the school will have a similar effect on you . I hope so.You see , at the moment I find it difficult to get used to the teacher's speed and accent . I'm awfully worried , I can't reply as quickly as she seems to expect . Oh , she likes keeping us on our toes by getting us use English throughout the class . She doesn't mind your making mistakes , though . You know , speaking in class is a very good chance to put your English to practical use . What happened to my cup ? I accidentally knocked it off the table and it broke . I'm really sorry . Don't worry about it . I've got another one I can use . Are you going out , Jack ? I'll be right back . I just need to mail this package . Which language do you speak ? Well , I studied French at school , but I ’ Ve forgotten most of it . I learnt some Russian while I was studying there and now I study Spanish in evening classes . Do you speak Japanese at home with your pa Yes , I do . I ’ m learning Chinese now on the internet . How do you find studying a language on the internet ? It ’ s not easy , particularly with listening and speaking , because sometimes the connection isn ’ t too good . I bet you find the character difficult to write ! Actually , many of the characters are the same or very similar in both Chinese and Japanese , so they ’ re easy for me . So , you can read and write much better than you speak and understand other speakers , right ? Yes . How are the Spanish classes going ? In a way , it ’ s similar to your experience of learning Chinese . Some Spanish words are very similar to English ones . But I need to practise listening to native speakers and saying the words myself . What happened to John ? He quit Professor , I will not be here for our next class meeting . Is this absolutely necessary ? I tried to work something out , but I really do have to miss one class . Will you be able to make up the work you missed ? I'm going to be doing a lot of extra reading . Remember that I will only let you miss one class meeting per semester . Yes , I remember . Could you e-mail me this week as a reminder ? Sure , no problem . Make good use of that day off ; you'll only have one this semester ! Ms.Green , are the schools more or less similar everywhere throughout the United States , or do they differ in various sections ? The system of public schools is fairly uniform everywhere throughout the United States . Do most students in the United States attend private schools or public schools ? Most public schools in the United States are very good , and the majority of students attend the public schools . Which students go to private schools , then ? Children needing special instruction . Children whose parents can afford to send them to private schools , and children whose parents want them to receive a religious education . But are the public schools good everywhere ? No , public schools can be very different . Even in the same city . Dose it cost anything to attend the public schools ? Are there any restrictions as to who may and may not attend ? The public schools in the United States are free to everyone and there is no cost to the student . In most states , even the textbooks are free . There are no restrictions as to color , race , or religion.Any student wishing to attend the public schools may do so . We thought you might like to participate in our rehearsal . I ’ m afraid I ’ m already booked up for next Sunday . But thank you just the same . That ’ s a pity . We can arrange another time hopefully . Have you seen this ? What ? They killed another hostage . Oh , how awful . What a terrible thing to do . I agree completely . I just don't understand what's wrong with them . Don't they have any humanity ? Well , maybe they've got a point . I mean , I suspect that they think the same about us . Yes , but that doesn't make them right , does it ? Just because they think so ? I guess not . My view is that we should give in to their demands , so that innocent people can stop getting killed . Come on , you can't be serious ! We should never give in to terrorist's demands , otherwise where would we be ? Well , that's probably true , but I don't think we should be dogmatic about it . A colleague of mine was kidnapped once , so perhaps I have a different view of things . Really ? What happened ? Well , it was in the Balkans during the war . He was only held for three days , and then they simply released him . It was a case of mistaken identity , and they just let him go when they found out he was no use to them . It was lucky they didn't kill him . Oh , sure . How have you been ? Fine , thank you . And how ’ s everyone in your family ? Very well , thank you . I ’ m meeting my wife and daughter for lunch at 12 , would you care to join us ? I ’ d love to but I ’ m afraid I can ’ t . I ’ Ve already got a lunch engagement . Where did you get your mobile ? It's really cute . Oh , this ? I got it in Singapore . Here , do you want to take a look ? Thanks . Gee , it's really light ! Yes , it is , isn't it ? A bit too light , really . What make have you got ? I've got an old Ericsson . Here . Take a look . Wow , that's really old . Yes , I like collecting antiques . Why don't you get a new one ? I don't know . I like this one , and I don't have any need for all the bells and whistles you get on the new ones . Really , what makes you say that ? Well , I just need to make and receive calls , and it's quite reliable . I find that the more fancy stuff they put into these things , the more likely they are to break bown or go wrong , you know ? I mean , this camera function , for instance-how often do you use it ? Sometimes , but I guess not very often . It's more for fun . Sometimes when I'm on a trip , for example , I can take a picture and send it to my kids . Or I can send a picture of a sample back to my office and get it costed up immediately . Well , that's nice I guess . So how many kids do you have ? Three . Two boys and a girl . I ’ m sorry , but I can ’ t find the book that you lend me . Oh , that ’ s alright . I must apologize . I ’ ll buy you a new one tomorrow . No . Please don ’ t . I couldn ’ t let you do that . How did Jim get the money ? He borrowed it from Nick . He must be mad ! Nick is a loan shark . He was too desperate to find some other way . Are your ready to go to the supermarket ? Yes , are you ? I've got my money and my keys , so I'm ready . You do know that it's absolutely freezing out , don't you ? I'd put a coat on if I were you . It wasn't cold out this morning . Well , it's started raining since then . Look out the window ! It's pouring rain out there ! Have a look outside for me . Does that look like hail to you ? It does , actually . Maybe we should wait for it to clear up before we go shopping . That's a good idea . But maybe we should move the car so that the hail doesn't dent it . Ok . I'll go move the car if you turn the heat on . It's a bit chilly in here . How long do you think this hailstorm is supposed to last ? I don't know . The weatherman didn't say anything about this in his weather report last night . Maybe we should turn on the news in case it's supposed to get worse . I don't think we have anything to worry about . Do you want to put on a cup of tea as well ? Good idea . That will help us to warm up . If I'm not back in ten minutes , come and find me . Alright . I'll have a cup of tea waiting for you . Is everything ready for the Christmas party ? Almost . I ’ Ve put up the decorations , and we ’ Ve decorated the Christmas tree with plenty of tinsel and baubles . I like the big star on the top of the tree . I ’ ll put the presents under the tree later , how ’ s the food . I ’ Ve prepared most of it already and we ’ Ve got plenty of snack foods-you know , crisps , biscuits , and things . Are you going to make the punch ? Yes . I ’ Ve bought all the things to go in it . It won ’ t take long to make . How many people are coming to the party ? I think everyone will be coming . Dave don ’ t come because he has to go to his parent ’ s home and they live in Scotland . Do we have Christmas pudding ? Yes , we do . I hope we have enough for everyone . Did you send out all your Christmas cards in time ? Yes , I did . I send most of them a week ago . I ’ Ve brought some with me to the party to give to people in person . I did the same . I spent hours yesterday evening wrapping presents . I hope I didn ’ t forget to buy anyone something ! I hope you didn ’ t forget mine ! Today is the old couple ’ s golden wedding . That must be a long love story . Yeah . They promised to stick together forever when they were young . They have made it . Will our love last 50 years ? I don ’ t know . Do you think you could keep the noise down ? I'm sorry . Am I keeping you awake ? Yes . And another thing , would you mind not making long distance calls ? I'm sorry . I thought you wouldn't mind . Hey , Brad . How was your day ? Pretty good . Where are you going ? I'm going home . Wait . We have to return to our homeroom and wait to be dismissed . Is that right ? Our homeroom teacher has to take attendance again to make sure that we're all here . So he takes attendance once in the morning and once in the afternoon . Yeah . I'm going to my locker to get my jacket . Catch you later . Mary and I decided to ring the curtain down on our love affair . What ? You have been in love for six years , haven ’ t you ? Don ’ t make a fuss . Many people divorce after having living together for many years . What a pity . Did you enjoy the movie ? Oh , it's really a drag . Sorry to hear that . I think it's even better than On the Golden pond . Hell with it ! Nobody will give it an Academy award ! I have some photos here taken by myself . Would you like to see them ? Sure . Speaking of photos , what type of film will be the best ? You know , I'm planning a tour to Jiuzhaigou Valley . I would get Fuji 200 film for taking photos of natural beauty . Thank you so much . You're an expert . How about you , Chuck ? Where did you grow up ? Well , I was born in Ohio , but I grew up in Texas . And when did you come to Los Angeles ? In 1978 . I went to college here . Oh . What was your major ? Drama . I was an actor for five years after college . That's interesting . So why did you become a hairdresser ? Because I needed the money . And because I was good at it . Look ! What do you think ? How are your wedding plans going ? Very well . We ’ Ve got everything taken care of already . Are you going to get married in the church ? Neither of us is very religious , so we decided not to get married there . Have you booked the hotel for the reception ? Yes . The Palace Hotel . You have to be there . No problem . Look ! The girl is so beautiful and she is smiling at me . She is lovely . I can't agree with you . She's pretty , but she always blows hot and cold . What makes you think so ? She's my sister , you know . What's the matter with you ? You don't look well . Nothing . Maybe it is just the weather . Rainy days often make me feel a little sad . Really ? I like rainy days . The moisture in the air is good for my skin . Sure . But it is too cold today . I have to put on warm clothes and look stupid . Me , too . At this time of the year , I often miss my home in the warm south . Philip , I was really glad to hear about your award . Congratulations ! Thanks , Denise . Actually , I was really surprised . I mean , there were a lot of qualified people out there . Sure . But the work you did was really exceptional ! You definitely deserved it ! Thanks a lot . I expect to see your name nominated pretty soon , too . You ’ Ve been doing some great work ! Hi ! I see you are having fun with your new computer and internet connection . There ’ s so much I want to do . I ’ Ve just finished sending lots of emails to friends and family all over the world . I just ran a search for music to download . I can give you the name of a few useful website to visit . Thanks . That would be very helpful . I ’ Ve discovered that it can take a long time to find exactly what you want . There ’ s too much information on the net . When you sent your emails , did you attach any files to them ? Yes , I did . There ’ s an anti-virus program with my email account that scans all attachments , so I ’ m sure I haven ’ t sent anything nasty to anyone . When you use the internet , be careful not to give out your email address very often . If you do , you might get a lot of spam-unwanted email from companies trying to sell you things . That ’ s good advice . I should also be careful about giving out confidential information about myself , such as my password and credit car number . That ’ s right . Another thing to remember when you are surfing is that you can add a web page to your list of favourites . Your computer will remember the page and you can return there quickly next time you want to visit . How do I do that ? Take this web page for example . Press the keys “ control ” and “ d ” together . Click on “ favourites ” at the top of the screen . There you are . It has been added to you favourites list . If you click it , you will automatically go to that web page again . That ’ s useful to know . Thanks . I ’ ll just log off and shout down my computer and we can go for a coffee . If you fall in love like him , you will go soft in the head , as well . Come off it . You want a bet ? Why not ? Is there any more vodka in that bottle ? Hum , I think there's enough for one more , yes . Marvelous . Pass it over . My name's George , by the way . Nice to meet you , George . I'm Irene . So Irene , what do you do ? I'm in computing . I work for Macrohard . Macrohard , eh ? What do you do ? I have my own company that designs computer systems . Are you still busy today ? It seems to be . How about you today ? Fine , honey . Rome couldn't be built with in one day . OK , I'll find the time to relax soon . Take care , honey . I am always expecting you . How are you feeling , champ ? Ready to go ? You know , if I can keep up my workouts , I think I have a chance in 2004 . In what ? In gymnastics . I'm pretty flexible . Look ! I can even touch my toes ! Can you do the vault ? I do back flips at the pool all the time . I've come to say good-bye . When are you off ? I'm flying home on Sunday afternoon . Well , good-bye . See you soon . Please don't forget to say good-bye to the rest of the family for me . Have you ever noticed that serious pollution in modern cities goes from bad to worse ? You said it . We ’ er breathing poisonous air every day . I think it ’ s time for the government to take strong action . And people should try to protect environment . I absolutely agree with you . When will you be able to come here ? I can't come until next week . Okay , I'll have everything prepared for you when you get here . Thanks , I'll see you around Wednesday then . Who's that tall guy over there ? Oh , that's George . He looks very drunk . What's he like normally ? Oh , he's really reserved , normally . But , from what I hear , he's got lots of problems . Really ? What kind of problems ? Well , off the record , of course , but I hear that he's got terrible debts . He has his own company , and it's not going very well . Really ? Well , I hate to say this , but I'm not surprised . Really ? What makes you say that ? Well , he doesn't look very honest . I know , that's the problem . He can't find any customers . It's a pity , really , because his products are very good . Oh , that reminds me . Did I tell you about my new laptop ? Oh , don't talk to me about laptops . Mine crashed on Friday and I lost everything . I hate them . Oh , really ? Look , I need another drink . Do you want one ? Yes , I'll have another cocktail . Vodka martini ? Absolutely . I'll be back in a sec . OK . I'll wait here for you . John passed away . When ? I saw him well last month . Yesterday . He suffered from a serious disease . When he saw the red light , it was too late . How terrible ! Peter is a bag lady now . That black sheep . It serves him right . He was so rich in the past . Maybe he ’ s regretting his past mistakes now . It ’ s too late . Hello . Is this Ann ? Yes , it is . Kelly ? Yes , it's me . Do you have a cold ? No . Worse than that . I have a flu . I'm in bed with a fever . Oh , no ! What about your presentation today ? I'd like to do it , of course . But I just can't . I'm afraid I'd fall down in the middle of it . I understand . What should I tell Mr . Morley ? Why not just tell him I'm sick ? I'll ring him myself this afternoon . Alright . Have you been to see a doctor ? Not yet . I feel too lousy to go out.Anyway , I have a flu . I know what it is . I don't need a doctor to tell me that . Do you think you'll be able to come in tomorrow ? Or should I call off your appointments for tomorrow too ? I'm not sure yet.Maybe this will all be gone in a day.So it's probably better if you don't call off my appointments . I will call you later this afternoon and tell you what I think . It's rainy weather today . Maybe it's better if you just stay inside.Make yourself some chicken soup and sleep . Yes , that's what I plan to do . Except I won't make the chicken soup.Right now I don't think I could swallow more than a spoonful of it . That bad , huh ? Yeah , I'm very nauseous.It ' s mostly nausea and a fever . Well , I'll cancel your appointments for today . And I'll tell Mr . Morley . Thanks , Ann . Talk to you this afternoon . Hope you feel better . Susan , good evening . Why are you so dressed up ? I am on my way out to a New Year ’ s banquet . How do I look ? Is my make-up OK ? You look great . Your make-up is perfect . Do you think I should wear a different dress ? No , the one you have on looks fabulous , especially with your hair like that . Thanks for saying . Do you have any ideas which necklace I should wear ? With that dress I'd say your white diamond necklace would look perfect . Thanks for helping out . Now that I ’ m ready , what are you doing tonight ? Not much , just a house party with some friends . Sounds fun . Anyone I know ? Yeah , most of the people are from our office . Sounds Like I'm missing out on a good time . Oh , well , there is always next year . I ’ m sure you ’ ll have fun no matter where you go . Remember to take your bag . Is it true that rice is the staple food in most of Southeast Asia ? I'm not an expert , but that's the impression I have . Is rice your staple food , too ? Needless to say , as a Westerner , it's bread . What do you like to do with your free time ? Study English . You mean you like to study English ? Why ? It gives me great satisfaction . Studying English wouldn't give me any satisfaction . It's hard work . I don't mind the work . I think it's worthwhile . Hi Bob , how ’ s business ? Just okay . Okay , enough small talk . Let ’ s get down to business . Good idea . Since we ’ re good friends , you don't have to pay me . No , I can ’ t accept it . Business is business . What a coincidence seeing you here . ! It is , isn't it ? We used to be very friendly , but it seems now that my daughter ’ s marriage has taken its toll of our relationship . What do you mean ? I don ’ t like her husband , that bad egg , but my daughter insists on marrying him . She is a grow-up . She can make her own decision . I wish she wouldn ’ t regret for her decision . How wonderful it is to be in love ! It's love at first sight ! Oh . he's my Romeo ! Hey , Julie . How's it going ? Oh , Mary . You've surprised me ! Who were you talking to ? Um — I was just thinking aloud . You look so happy . I see a twinkle in your eyes . Come off it , Mary . Oh , you have a crush on someone , don't you ? Maybe those are wedding bells in your eyes ! You certainly do like teasing me , Mary . Well I'm in love with someone . The question is , how do I get his attention ? Well , that's easy . Walk up to him and kiss him . I guess I asked the wrong person . Are you ready for the big competition today , Todd ? The winner gets two tickets to the Sydney Olympics ! Steve , I was born ready ! I ’ m going to blow you guys off the treadmill today . We ’ Ve still got a lot of time before we have to start running . Let ’ s hit the whirlpool for a bit . It ’ ll help me loosen up . You bet . I used to take a whirlpool almost every night back home . John's very late.Do you think he's coming ? Well , it doesn't seem like it.He must have forgotten . I suppose you're right.He can't have remembered . I've come to apologize for what I said yesterday . Don ’ t think any more about it . I must make an apology for losing my temper . It ’ s really not necessary . I know your intention was good . I ’ m relieved to hear that . Anyway , it ’ s my fault . You are saying he will be promoted to the general manager ? Yeah . Are you sure ? Yes . I bet my bottom dollar that he will get promoted . Just because he gets on well with everybody ? Partly , and he's also a hardworking man . Would you like to come by and play bridge ? Well , let's see.Why don't we go dancing for a change ? We haven't done that for a long time . Well , to tell the truth , I don't really feel like it tonight . I had a pretty hard day and I'm sort of tired . Hmm.Well , in that case , we could go to the movies . Oh , we always go to the movies.Can ' t we do something different ? Well , do you have any suggestions ? Let's see.How do you feel about playing bridge ? It's OK with me , but we don't have any beer and things . Well , shall I call Janet and ask her and Tom to come over , and I'll go to the store and buy some stuff . OK . Hello , Janet.It ' s me ... Oh , fine.Just fine.Say , Janet , I was wondering if you and Tom were doing anything tonight ... No ? Well.would you like to come by our place and play a few hands of bridge ? Hello , Tom . I'm really glad to meet you here . I'm glad too . Steven , I want to tell you that I'm going to divorce my wife . I'm so surprised , B . Why did you decide to end your marriage suddenly ? We don't get along well with each other and fight a lot . I didn't know that . I thought that you were happy together . That isn't true . Actually , we have been separated for six months . I can't believe it . But if you both determine to divorce , I hope you will have an amicable split . Thank you , Steven . I accept your advice . Hello , Tom . I'm really glad to meet you here . I'm glad too . Steven , I want to tell you that I'm going to divorce my wife . I'm so surprised , B . Why did you decide to end your marriage suddenly ? We don't get along well with each other and fight a lot . I didn't know that . I thought that you were happy together . That isn't true . Actually , we have been separated for six months . I can't believe it . But if you both determine to divorce , I hope you will have an amicable split . Thank you , Steven . I accept your advice . Dad , I want to learn how to drive this summer vacation . That's a good idea . You'd better hurry up before they've filled all classes . Many people are learning how to drive now . I will get registered now at once . Do you know any training schools ? I am not sure . You can search for them on the Internet . OK . look , I've typed driver schools , and there are so many results coming out . Let me see . teetee Training School , summer program , 3,000 Yuan , learn how to drive within one month , and get driver's license within three months . 3,000 Yuan is a little bit steep . I think so . Let's see the next one , 3,500 Yuan , summer program . Forget it . I've heard that the Ideal Life School is famous . They offer many programs and there are many classes available . The charge is also fair . Search on the Internet then , see if we can find something more about it . Ah , got it . Ideal Life School , programs Don't worry . Let's check out some other schools . Did you have any hobbies ? Yes , reading is my hobby . What kind of books do you like to read most ? Many kinds of books . When I was a child in elementary school , I enjoyed reading fables and science fiction . When I became to a teenager at middle school , I was interested in detective mystery stories . Now I like reading romance stories . Are you in love ? Why ? People say only those that are in love like to read romance stories . Well , maybe . I want take shell on a date , but I don ’ t have much money . What does she like to do ? She likes to golf , dance and eat foreign food . Sounds like she has pretty pricy tastes . Well , I really like being with her . Have you thought about going in Dutch ? Dutch , where is that ? Not where , what . Dutch means you both pay your own way . Oh , I wonder if she ’ ll go for that . Hi Rose , what are you busy with right now ? Hi Jack , I'm working on these documents . The manager wants them for half an hour . Well , Rose , Is there something you need ? Are your free this weekend ? Yes , I have nothing to do . Great , Is it convenient if i visit you this weekend ? I beg your pardon ? I'd like to call on you this weekend . I just want to a drop in for a chat . Really ? well , ok , you're welcome . Is 5 PM . a good time for you ? Hmm , how about seven ? I can treat you to dinner . Sure , that would be great . I'll bring the wine . OK.Then I'll be expecting you . I'll be there on time . you're rather energetic today . What's going on ? nothing really . I think I've had a few too many coffees . free coffee is one of the perks at this place , isn't it ? it's the only perk of this job ! How's your day going ? not that well . I've got that Monday morning feeling today . why is that ? my boss has been breathing down my neck all day . I can't wait for the weekend ! your boss is a real salve-driver , isn't he ? you can say that again ! He won't even let us check our personal email at work ! that's not just your boss . No one is allowed to send personal emails from the office . really ? I didn't know that it was against company policy . maybe your boss isn't so horrible after all ! no , he is . Some bosses will bend the rules a bit sometimes , but not my boss . He always follows the rules to a T . try not to let it bother you too much . thanks . I better get back to my work before my boss yells at me again ! ok , I'll see you in a bit . alright . See you later ! Hi , Mr . James , what's the rush ? The bank closes in 30 minutes and I need to cash a check . I can lend you some money . Thanks . But it's necessary for me to buy a TV set . Can I help in anyway ? You can take me to the bank if you want to . Sure . Let ’ s go . He came to work late every day that week . Then on Friday , he didn't show up at all . That was the straw that broke the camel's back . Bob , you're so lucky that you've come at the right time-the 2005 International Tourism Festival is around the corner . We've heard about that festival before . It would be quite helpful if you could give us some highlights of the festival . My pleasure . Well , the festival is going to start on the third Saturday of October , and covers over one hundred diverse programs in one month . What do you think we can see during the festival ? I don't know what to suggest . There're so many attractions , and they all sound interesting . One exciting program might be the Ten Thousand People Cycling round the Town . You can choose from the five routes that lead to different destinations . I'd like to take the one that goes to the Wild Animal Park . Then you can take Route No . 5 . Next I would suggest the International Dragon Boat Race where you can watch Lion Dance , Dragon Boat racing , and many other water shows . Wow , must be interesting to watch dragon boats compete a-gainst one another on the city river . How do you know ? I thought Taiwanese people didn't have garage sales . You're right . We're not really into used stuff . Well , I've grown to like second-hand things . I wouldn't have gotten through university without them ! There aren't many places that sell used things in Taiwan , besides auction websites . I use those sites . Hey ! Let's go check out a flea market later . Great ! I can teach you men a thing or two about shopping ! What do you think of AC milan and the team of Argentine ? They aren't evenly matched . Yes , I think AC Milan's foot work is much better on the whole . Yet the Argentine attacker is worth a bet . Did you move into your new apartment ? Yes , but I ’ m afraid it ’ s still a mess . I haven ’ t put anything away yet . Don ’ t worry . It ’ ll probably take you about three weeks to get everything organized . Don ’ t say that . It looks like a dump now . I can ’ t stand it . Have you taken a walk around your neighborhood yet ? Unfortunately , yes . What do you mean by that ? I took a long walk through the neighborhood this morning on my way to the train station . It took me 20 minutes . Yes , but you only pay 800 dollars a month . Emm , it ’ s hard to decide which is better , shorter commuting time or lower rent . I thought paying a lower rent would be better , but now I ’ m not sure . Is there a supermarket nearby ? Yes , if you consider 7-11 is a supermarket . Sounds like you better buy a bicycle . That ’ s right , or I ’ m going to spend a lot of time walking . I want to buy a parking permit , please . Are you a full-time student or do you attend part-time in the evenings ? I attend both day and evening classes . Will you be riding a motorcycle or do you drive a car ? I ride a motorcycle . That permit will run twenty-five dollars ; will that be cash or credit card ? I'll use a credit card , thank you . Do you need a second permit for a car ? No , just the motorcycle permit . Fine , here it is and have a great semester ! What is that you have there ? Aah ! Close your eyes . You aren't supposed to see this . Ah ha ! I caught you . Just let me peek . I won't tell anyone . You can't peek ! This is a surprise . How about one little hint ? Here's one little hint . If you don't go out right now , this won't be under the tree . That's a very good hint . And please shut the door and lock it behind you ! Here's 30 yuan for my ticket . Keep it . I'm buying tonight . No , you can't do that . Sure I can , my treat . How are you doing with your English Language studies ? I think I'm making good progress . Is it harder than you thought ? At first it was , but now I've got the basics.It ' s fun . I am told that you dance like an animal . Why don ’ t you give a show in the front stage ? Thank you . But I ’ m sorry I ’ m in a bad mood at the moment . Did you enjoy that new movie ? That movie's just a lot of noise , same as Simon . Oh , what happened , Carole ? I had to go by myself , he couldn't make it . What ? I met him just before I took off from Kitty's , he said he was coming . Kitty's ? He sure gets around , doesn't he ? Looks like it . So how did he handle it to ? His excuse was familiar . He said his car died again . I think that's a bunch of nonsense . It seemed ok to me . I know . Last week he gave me a lie about being too busy . Doesn't sound promising . Well , I think it's the time to pull the plug . If you want I'll let him know if I run into him . Thanks anyway , but I'll do it , Rebecca . Let's get to class . Have you run into your cousin Jimmy lately ? As a matter of fact , I have . I ran into him just the other day . How's he doing ? Not too well . He had to have four teeth pulled last week . He did ? That's too bad ! I think so , too . Next time you see him , please tell him I'm thinking of him . I'll be sure to do that . Oh , my god ! What ! That's the cutest little doll I've ever seen in my life ! Chill out . It's just Kenny from South Park . What park ? You found a doll in a park ? Gross ! South Park is a popular cartoon . You're so out of it , Jen Well , don't blame me ! I never get a chance to watch TV . Wait for me 。 Okay . Take your time . Can you believe the headlines ? What are you reading ? I'm reading about Michael Milliken , the Bond King . Didn't he sell worthless stocks to people or something ? He got arrested for that , didn't he ? He got arrested all right . If I remember , he got off with a light sentence . Something like three years in a minimum-security prison . Yup , that's him . He made millions of dollars selling bonds to people and ended up with a pile of cash when they became useless . I think the government fined him a small amount , and he kept the rest in his foreign bank accounts . He's still a millionaire . That's the kind of thing in America that gets me mad . Some guy pulls off a stock scheme and makes millions while spending the bare minimum sentence in jail . I know . And some poor guy that robs a liquor store makes $ 500 at most and ends up in jail for five to ten years . Yup , you got it . Criminals in America do a lot better if they're white-collar thieves . So what's Michael Milliken up to these days ? He's giving lectures on business at colleges . He was once a poor man but now he is a man of means . How did he make a fortune ? He didn't make any effort . His aunt died and left him a fortune . I didn't see you at Mr . Johnson's class today . Yeah , I quit . Why ? I'm fed up with his boring lectures . Why don't we Chinese have our own Valentine's Day ? Of course we have . It's on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month . Oh ? Why is that day ? It is said that the Cowherd and the Spinster , the lover stars in heaven , can only meet on the seventh Eve , so this day has become the Lover's Day . The idea about Friday the Thirteenth is totally ridiculous . I don't believe it at all . Maybe you can't be so sure . Why not ? The whole idea is superstitious . But some people use this occasion to create trouble . Have you heard of the Black Friday Virus on the computer ? It is designed to break out on every Friday the Thirteenth . I know that . But that has nothing to do with being unlucky . Those who created the virus are deliberately making fun of people . I am not sure what to do during the holidays , any suggestions ? Well , going to a cinema , visiting the galleries , exhibitions and museums , finding and meeting old friends , exercising in the health club or mountain biking . There are so many good choices . The problem is that I find all of them are full of fun . I just don ’ t know what to do first . Why not start with the most interesting one ? Actually , I ’ m interested in all of them . The more choices we have , the harder to make a decision . Toss a coin to decide then . Hello , Jack ! Fancy meeting you here ! Yes , it's really a surprise . How are you ? Fine . How is Jim ? Oh , he is all right . But busy as usual . Well , why don't we have a good chat at a bar ? It's been long time since we met each other last time . Good idea ! Jenny , are you having a good time ? Yes , of course . This is a really wonderful party with interesting people and great food . I ’ m glad you are enjoying yourself . Thank you for the invitation . It ’ s my pleasure . Can I get you another glass of champagne ? Yes , I ’ d love another glass . You ’ re a wonderful host . Thank you for everything . It ’ s my pleasure having you here . I was wondering if I could borrow the company van for a fundraiser this weekend . Sure , I think that would be possible . Where is the fundraiser ? It is in the park downtown . Would you need it for both Saturday and Sunday ? We will need it for Saturday only . I think that would be OK . Who will be driving it ? Mary and I will be driving the van . Could you drop it off on Sunday night ? Yes , we can do that . Can we borrow the chairs from the lunchroom also ? Yes , that would be fine . Just make sure that everything is returned by Sunday night . Good morning , Kevin . Morning , Lee . How are you ? Very well , thank you . I ’ d like to take this opportunity to thank you for everything you did for me . It ’ s my pleasure . I enjoyed working with you . I wouldn ’ t be able to make it without your help . Then keep up the good work . Hi , dear , do you know what the important day is today ? I don ’ t know . Please think it over . Oh , I see . Come on , dear . I know you mustn ’ t forget it . It ’ s Saturday , a great weekend . Ur , you really let me down . Don ’ t be angry with me . I have a bad memory . No , you haven ’ t . You just don ’ t care about me . You ’ re an indifferent husband . What day is it on earth ? It ’ s an anniversary of our weeding . What can I do for you ? Would you recommend some materials on the World War Two ? Have you found a particular item from the card catalogue ? Yes , but I don't think they are enough for me . Oh , maybe you can find something from the New York Times , or the Washington Post during that period . That's a good idea . Thanks a lot . You are welcome . Some people pile on their agonise and try to seek other ’ s sympathy by telling them how miserable they are . Yeah . They take the advantage of other people's hospitality and generosity . I was fooled once . A lady told me she needed some money to keep the pot boiling . So I gave her some money and bailed her out of the situation . But later I learned that she had lied to me . You are still wet behind the ears . You should have seen through her . Nothing rang a bell . Hi , Celia ! How was your trip to the United States ? It was terrific . I really enjoyed it . Great . How long were you away ? I was there for about three weeks . That's a long time ! Was the weather OK ? Yes , most of the time . But it snowed a lot in Chicago . So , what was the best thing about your trip ? Oh , that's difficult to say . But I guess I liked Nashville the best . I am really impressed with your presentation skills . Thank you . I have been working on it for several years . Well , your time has been well spent ! It also helps that I have strong team members , such as yourself . You really know your stuff ! Thanks , but I have to admit I am really good at bluffing ! welcome back ! How was your vacation ? it was fantastic , but I'm glad to be back ! Being a tourist is really tiring ! where did you end up going ? because it's off-season , we got a really good package deal to Paris , so we went there . I've always wanted to go to Paris . The Eiffel Tower is one of the most famous tourist attractions in the world ! Did you go to the top ? that was the first thing we did . I have a few pictures . Do you want to see them ? sure . What's this one a picture of ? oh , that's a picture of me on our fourth day of travelling . I'm standing next to a famous foundation in the centre of the city . you don't look very happy in that picture . no , by that time , I was sick of sightseeing . I had had enough of art galleries , cathedrals , fountains , statues , and palaces ! so what did you do ? we spent that afternoon walking around a flea market . We had a few coffees , watched a movie , and went for a swim in the pool at the hotel . my travel agent always reminds me to plan a day of relaxing for every 3 days of sightseeing . Did you go to the Louvre ? of course ! You can't go to Paris without going to their famous art gallery ! I was surprised by how small the Mona Lisa was though . that's what everyone says ! I can't wait to see it for myself some day . What does she do ? She works as a teller in a bank . Does she go to night school ? Yes . She goes three times a week . Why ? What does she want to be ? She wants to be a manager . What classes does she take ? She takes classes in accounting and business . I'm afraid I've spilt ink all over the table-cloth . Oh , never mind about that . I'm terribly sorry . Won't you let me pay for it ? No , I won't hear of it . Hi , Mike . We're having a party tonight , wanna come join us ? You can bring your girlfriend . Well . I am breaking up with Cathy . What happened ? Did you have a fight ? No . She is really a very nice girl ... Yeah , she is . She is pretty , caring , getting easy-going and she is a great cook . She is a gem . Well , you are right . But sometimes she is too caring . Well , no ... she ’ s just possessive and I kind of want a break ... you know ... for some room for myself . Oh ? ! Did you talk with her about it ? I've tried , but it didn't work . So , when are you going to tell her ? Maybe tonight . I don't know . I don't know how to tell her . I know she ’ s head over heels in love with you . She will be badly hurt ! I know ... You saved my life yesterday , Rachel . I can't believe I forgot to bring my wallet when we went to lunch with those clients . It was a good thing I had enough on me . Let me buy you lunch today to pay you back . Jenny , what's wrong with you ? Why do you keep weeping like that ? Mary told me that she had seen you with John last night . I got to know the fact that you are playing the field . Honey , cross my heart , I'v never looked at another woman since the first day I set my eyes on you ! Believe me , that's the truth . How delicious ! Tender and crisp ! This is the specialty of our restaurant , sir . Yes , it's really savory . Thank you for appreciating it . I am tired of everything in my life . What ? How happy you life is ! I do envy you . You don ’ t know that I have been over-protected by my mother these years . I am really about to leave the family and spread my wings . Maybe you are right . What's all the security check about , Jimmy ? Does it mean the bar may be a dangerous place ? No , of course not . Just in case . Nothing to worry about . Don't you also do this in China ? I don't know . Maybe the same . Actually , this is my first time being in a bar . Oh , then it's my honor to be here with you . I can see now why you've been so curious about the bar . You like this place ? Sure . I love this place , especially the decoration . So tasteful ! Yeah . Other than that , the real feature is the excellent drinks . Can I have your ticket ? Here it is . But , what for ? We're already in . Well , with the ticket , you can get a free drink . What would you like ? Orange juice ? Yes , orange juice will be fine for me . But how can you get the drink ? It's so crowded there around the counter . You can barely move . I'll show you how . The bar tenders know whose turn it is . And also , I can snap my fingers to catch his attention . Cool . Thanks . ( Jimmy brings May a glass of orange juice . ) Oh , fresh juice , I love it . Well , I heard American people love hanging out in bars . Is that true ? Not everyone . But a lot of people do , especially the young . It's a fine place to spend an evening with friends or to make some new friends . Interesting . Hey , look over there . The dance floor is already packed with people . Oh , the girl in red dances great . Yeah , a dancing queen . Wanna go and join them ? Maybe later . I wanna take some photos first . OK . Let me help you to hold the drink . Thank you . Hey , Mary , nice to see you again . I heard you're going back home to the U . S .. Yes . I'm leaving tomorrow . I came here just because I want to say good-bye to you . You're so thoughtful . Wish you a good trip home . And we'll miss you . I'll miss you too , my friends . You know that ? Dan got a divorce . Really ? I thought he loved his wife very much . Yeah . But his relation with Sally come to a sticky end and was found by his wife . He deserved it . Mr.Ben , What do you think of the book ? It's an excellent one . I like it very much . Why ? It includes a lot of useful words and phrases . I agree with you . Come and sit down . Would you like a drink ? Oh , yes please ! I'd love a gin and tonic . Do you like olives ? Or would you prefer crisps ? Oh , just olives please . What music is this ? Do you like it ? It's Irish music . It's great ! Where did you get the CD ? Arm - I think it was in the CD shop in the Mall . Have you been there ? Yes . I buy a lot of stuff from there . It's a good shop , isn't it ? Yes . Hey , I've got some photos of our holiday in Ireland . Would you like to see them ? Why not ? I'd love to ! Anita , I ’ Ve been here only three days and you ’ re leaving already . Just for a few weeks . I need this vacation . You ’ ll be all right . You know the project we ’ re working on , and you ’ re a good scientist . Don ’ t worry . I ’ ll be back as soon as I spend or gamble all my money . Gambling ? Where ? Las Vegas . I find gambling relaxing . I don ’ t take it seriously , the way some people do . Besides , I love the shows and the all-night atmosphere of the town . The casinos never close , you know . If you gamble all night , you ’ ll run out of money in a few days . What ’ s the Mountaineering Club doing this weekend ? We are going to climb a cliff on the Colorado River . How hard is the climb ? It is a very difficult climb because there are not many places to put your hands and feet . What did you do last week ? We rappelled down the side of 300 - foot cliff . It was very exciting . Wow ! That sounds like a lot of fun . I ’ m sorry I missed it . Well , you should come this weekend . I think you could do the climb . Yeah , I will . See you then ! O . K . See you . Lucy , what are your priorities when buying a car ? I guess the first thing is the price , the second is the size , and of course the color will play a role too . But I have to be honest . It is our today ’ s responsibility to take care about our environment . Therefore , I will also pay attention to the fuel consumption of the car . You know , the rise in gasoline prices is huge . So I would rather to consider a smaller car with smaller engine . For which I can also save some tax . Last of the list , I also consider the safety . What about the environmental factors ? Well , I do prefer the lower emission cars as long as it doesn ’ t cost much . Some environmentally-friendly cars are really expensive . Sure they are . Some hi-tech devices are built in to make sure they pollute less . Some of these green cars have not become standard . So the production costs are still high . But anyway , we should make efforts to start with . I don ’ t think I can take another semester of this dorm food . I know what you mean , it leaves a lot to be desired . Sure , like taste , variety , nutritional value , what I should do is move into an apartment off campus where I can cook for myself . Have you found anything yet ? You know how hard it is to find a decent place at this time of year ? You should be able to find something comfortable in town , though that would be kind of far from school . I got a car , so the distance wouldn ’ t really be a problem . But the parking might be . You bet ! Richard , why didn't you come to school today ? I'm sick . I think I've got the flu . Well , take care of yourself . Thanks for everything . Don't mention it . You look pale , you must have poor health . Yeah . You said it . Why not go to see the doctor ? I ’ Ve done that . The doctor advised me to cut out smoking and drinking . William , do you like studying English ? I like studying English , and I can read well , but speaking can be difficult . It's not that bad . If you talk to your American friends every day , you'll learn quickly . Can I ask you a question ? Sure , what do you want to know ? I have my book from class here . How do you say this word ? Laptop . Sorry , I don't understand . What does that mean ? A laptop is a type of computer that you can carry with you . Do you understand ? Yes , I think so . Can you say it again ? Laptop . Laptop . Did I pronounce that correctly ? Yes , that's right . That's very good . Thanks . And this word ? How do you pronounce this ? That word is pronounced kitchen . Thanks so much . You're a good teacher . Thanks . I can see you've got some color back in your cheeks . Yes , I find jogging does good to me , so I keep on doing it . You've formed a sound habit . I think so , too . I ’ m not a Christian . I just want to know why Americans believe that sort of thing . Believe what ? You know ... like , say God is the creator of the universe , the Bible , and Jesus Christ ... You don ’ t believe that ? Everyone interprets the Bible in a different way . To some people , the Gospel 5 is a source of much comfort . What do you believe , John ? Are you Christian ? To tell you the truth , I don ’ t know if I ’ m a Christian or not . Christians don ’ t often share the same belief . But I believe that we all possess , by the grace of God , the potential to create fantastic changes on this earth . Do you believe that one religion is better than another ? No , all religions are essentially based on the same ideals , so no one is really better . Do you go to church regularly ? When I ’ m home in the States , I go , but not in China . I ’ Ve decided to go to the cinema alone this evening . What has caused you to make such a decision ? Didn ’ t you used to go with Helen ? Helen is nice but she talks a lot . Oh . That ’ s really annoying when seeing a film . It sure is . Hello everyone ! I ’ m Rick Fields , and here with me is Bob Copeland . Howdy folks , and welcome to today ’ s game ! You know , Rick , today is a key game between Russia and Canada . As you know , the winner will move on to the finals . That ’ s right , and it looks like we ’ re just about ready to start the match . The ref is calling the players for the face-off ... and here we go ! The Russians win possession and immediately set up their attack ! Federal gets checked hard into the boards ! Maurice Richard has the puck now , and passes it to the center . He shoots ! Wow what a save by the goalie ! Alright , the puck is back in play now . Pavel Bure is on a breakaway ! He is flying down the ice ! The defenders can ’ t keep up ! Slap shot ! He scores . What an amazing goal ! Well , Mike , nowadays there's much talk about nanometer . But what on earth is it ? Nanometer is a length scale . It's one billionth of a meter , roughly ten times the size of an individual atom . Hmm ... it's hard to figure out the exact size , I'm afraid . Well , let's make it this way . For comparison , 10 NM is 1000 times smaller than the diameter of a human hair . There are as many nanometers in an inch as there are inches in 400 miles . I see.Thank you . What are you doing for Christmas this year ? All my relatives are getting together at my house . That's great . M OST of my family is coming home too . Who can't make it in your family ? My sister.She is going to her in-law's house this year . That's too bad . So , what did you ask for Christmas this year ? I asked Santa to bring me a new sweater and some computer games . I want some computer games also . I gave my parents a really long Christmas list . I hope that I get what I asked for . So what does your family do on Christmas Day ? We wake up early and go to church.Then we come back home and open our gifts together . How about you ? Our family is a little different . We go to church on Christmas Eve instead . Matthew ? Hi ! Steve ! Haven't seen you in ages ! How long's it been ? it's got to be almost a year now . how have you been ? I'm pretty good . I've been looking for a place to live recently . My lease runs out next month and I don't want to renew it . yeah , I remember the neighborhood . Have you found a place yet ? not yet . I am still looking through the classifieds . Wish me luck . well , maybe I can help . Remember my neighbor ? Mrs . Thou ? yes , her daughter's having a baby , so she's moving in with her to help out . I think if you are interested , you can come over and have a look . great . It's a lovely neighborhood . And it would be nice to be neighbors again . It would be just like the old days ! I'll ask Mrs . Thou when she's available to show the apartment and let you know . Has your number changed ? Hey , How's it going ? Not good . I lost my wallet . Oh , that's too bad . Was it stolen ? No , I think it came out of my pocket when I was in the taxi . Is there anything I can do ? Can I borrow some money ? Sure , how much do you need ? About 50 dollars . That's no problem . Thanks . I'll pay you back on Friday . That'll be fine . Here you are . What are you going to do now ? I'm going to buy some books and then I'm going to the gas station . If you wait a minute I can go with you . OK . I'll wait for you . Well , Jeff , that was a very productive meeting , I thought . You had some really great ideas in there ! Really ? Well , thanks for saying so . No , I mean it . Look , are you hungry ? Shall we go get something to eat ? Sure . Why not ? OK , well , let me just get my coat and we'll go to the diner around the corner . OK . Sometimes you look like brains , and sometimes you are simple a Barbie Doll . I don ’ t know whether I am a Barbie Doll or you are one . Maybe I am a Barbie Doll , but I won ’ t do Barbie Doll things . Well , I am not going to flog a dead horse . Let get down to our brass tasks and tidy these things up . I heard you were on a date last night ! So , how did it go ? I want all the juicy details ! Um ... well , actually , we had a fantastic time last night . He was ... amazing ! Okay , now you really have to fill me in . What ’ s he like ? He ’ s really good looking , he ’ s quite tall , around 6 ’ 1 ” , he ’ s in his early thirties , and he ’ s got the most beautiful dark brown eyes ... He sounds hot ! What does he do for a living ? You know what , this is the best part . David is a junior investment banker at Fortune Bank , so he ’ s got a great career path ahead of him ! Hold on a sec , his name is David ? Yeah ? That ’ s my brother ! Hi , Steven ! What do you like to do during the weekend ? I love swimming and cycling . On Saturday morning I usually ride my bike around the city or the country road for almost two hours . That ’ s great ! I think they do you a lot of good . Sure , they do . But why do you choose cycling at first ? Because it is convenient and good for environmental protection . You are really a good citizen . That ’ s what I can do . Matthew , do you know much about body language in countries around the world ? Sure , I've picked up a few things from travelling around for work . Why ? Well , I had a meeting today with a woman from Japan and she wouldn't stop bowing ! I didn't know what to do ! Did you bow back ? No , I tried to shake her hand , but her hand was so limp I was a bit offended . Well , Japanese businessmen and women typically bow to greet each other in Japan . She might have been offended by your strong handshake . But she was in America ! Shouldn't she have known that strong handshakes in America signify confidence and respect ? Things are different in Japan . You know , in some countries , making eye contact with others is considered rude . Is that why she wouldn ’ t look at me in the meeting ? I think it's highly possible , yes . The meeting really didn ’ t go down well at all . I think I need to read up about intercultural communication before I have another meeting with someone from another country . That's a good idea . When you don ’ t know much about other cultures , the simplest thing can offend someone . That's so true . It's great that we see eye to eye on this . It's raining . Oh , no ! Not again . How was your trip to Brazil ? Did you learn anything ? I had no idea how seriously that country takes soccer ! Tell me about it . Okay . In the middle of their streets there are parks , big soccer fields as far as you can see . Really ? That's not all . They use them ! Every night men , women , children all out there till 3 and 4 a . m . Are you serious ? I don't know how they function the next day ! It's like they eat and breathe soccer ! What courses did you major in ? I took more than 10 subjects including Theoretical Economics , Political Economics , Western Economics , Statistics and so on . In addition to the courses of my major , I took minor courses too . What courses did you minor in ? I took computer science and English courses as my minor subjects . Do you know what E-commerce is ? Well , I'm not sure . Maybe it means we can buy something through the Internet . That's right It must be very convenient and pretty quick . Sure , but you must have access to the Internet . Michael Johnson doesn ’ t look graceful , but he sure is powerful . If I were on as many steroids as he was , I think I ’ d be powerful , too . What are you talking about ? ! He ’ s passed every drug test he ’ s taken ! Those drug tests don ’ t mean anything ! He probably took some other drugs to mask the steroids . Just because Ben Johnson was juiced up doesn ’ t mean all athletes are . OK , OK . I ’ m feeling a little dehydrated . Let ’ s get something to drink . Hi Wei , what are you going to do this weekend ? I think I ’ ll stay in on Saturday and rest . Oh right ... How about Sunday ? Ah , I ’ m going to the pub to watch the football . Oh really ? I ’ ll come along with you if that ’ s ok . Sure , you ’ re more than welcome . I ’ m meeting everyone at three o ’ clock . Oh great , I ’ ll see you there ! Will we drive to the seaside ? Yes , it will take about four hours . We can leave about noon and get there by supper time . Let me help pay for gas . All right . There will be three of us going so we will each pay a third . What other expenses will we have ? There won't be many other expenses expect food . Who's singing in your home , Jim ? It's Ellie and her friends . Who's Ellie ? She's my little niece.It ' s her birthday.They ' re singing " Happy Birthday " . Oh , I old is she ? She's ten . I suppose they're playing games . Oh , yes.Ellie was playing games all day yesterday.By the way , Alice , when's your birthday ? Today . Today ? Yes . Well , imagine that ! How old are you ? Eighteen.Some friends are having a birthday party for me tonight.Do you want to come ? Very much.What time ? About 6 . I'll be at your house at about five thirty.Happy birthday . You say he was around average height . Yes , that's right , around five nine five ten . Weight ? I'm not sure . Medium I suppose . Maybe a little on the heavy side . Any marks on his face ? No , I don't think so . Glasses ? No . What about his hair ? Black or dark brown . Long or short ? Straight ? Curly ? Straight , I think , and about average length Boy , this sure doesn't help us much . It could be anybody . How about his cloth ? What was he wearing ? I'm feeling wonderful . Are you crazy ? The papers make everybody listless . I don't think you are the exception I'm no exception , and that's why I spent a whole afternoon in the swimming pool . I'd better exercise my body too.My limbs are rusty now . I'm going to the store downtown this afternoon to try on my wedding dresses . Oh my gosh , how exciting ! Will you come with me and help me choose ? Sure , I will . How can I miss that ? Good . I think I'll get too nervous to look at myself in the mirror ! Oh , don't . I'm sure you'll be the loveliest bride ever ! Tom , did you see the film last night ? Yes , I did , I thought it was a failure . Do you really think so ? I don't think so . It wasn't that bad film at all . Didn't you hear the applause of the audience ? Well , maybe so . But I still think everyone has their rights of their own opinion . Well , i don't see the point of arguing this . Do you surf online regularly , Joe ? Of course . I stay online for four hours at least every day . Are you crazy ? What are you doing four hours online ? Millions of things . I surf the Net , check my e-mail , and most importantly , I chat with my friends . Online chat ? Aren't you afraid of meeting bad people who pretend to be what they are not ? No , I am not . And I love to meet new people in the chat rooms who share a lot in common with me . It sounds interesting . Let's take a coffee break , shall we ? I wish I could , but I can't . What keeps you so busy ? You've been sitting there for hours . You've got to walk around.You just can't stay on the computer forever . Well , I am up to my neck in work . I've got to finish this report . Sarah needs it by noon . I don't want to be scolded if I can ’ t finish my work by the deadline . I understand that , but you'd feel better if you took a break , even for just a short while . Are there many idioms in English ? There are hundreds and hundreds . English is particularly rich in idiomatic expressions . Can you give us an example ? I'll look up the rate . To look up doesn't mean to look high into the sky or to look at the roof . It means to search for and find some information . What about the expression Goodbye ? Is that an idiom ? That is just a natural , grammatical English expression . It has a direct translation in other languages . This is interesting , Ms.Parker . Have you ever thought of going to Africa ? No , it might be dangerous there . Would you like to go with me ? I'd like to , but I'm tied up with my paper . Are you a wrestler or a boxer ? No.Why ? Your muscular shoulders and chest impress me so . Oh , really ? I go to the rye every day . Merry Christmas ! The same to you ! Are you doing anything special ? We're having some friends over.What are you doing ? Oh . I'm just going to take it easy . So Kim , have you ever had anything stolen ? Stolen ? No , why ? My uncle just had his motorcycle stolen a few nights ago . I was just thinking about how clever criminals are these days . Criminals are clever ? They're only successful when people are careless . I don't know . The ones who stole my uncle's motorcycle were pretty good . If your uncle had an alarm system , then it wouldn't have happened . He did . It was one of the best ones available . But that didn't stop them from disabling 11 it . And on a crowded street too . Didn't anyone stop them ? You would think that people would be smart enough to stop something like that . No one knew his motorcycle was being stolen . The thieves came in a truck and convinced everybody that my uncle was parked illegally and they were there to tow it away . Wow , they were good . I guess criminals aren't that dumb after all . That's not the end . They were so good that they convinced a bystander to help them lift the motorcycle and put it in the truck . He has a long head , I bet he will do well in his business . He does , he started five years ago and now ends up the richest among us . When we were students , he was no good in any subject . It seemed to be useless to study well when we were young if we examine his case . Charles , have you finished your homework ? Not yet , Grandma , What's the matter ? I want you to have a walk with me . I'll finish soon . Look ! There's even a built-in handle to carry it with . But it's so thin . There's no way that it comes with a CD-ROM . Oh , yes , it does . Look , here it says that the CD-ROM is built-in ! What other features are listed ? It says that it comes in teal and tangerine . Totally cool colors ! And it says that it sleeps . Actually I have a passion for Chinese literature . You do ? Yeah , those classics from the great writers . But I find Japanese ones better . How is grandpa doing recently ? Not good . The doctor told him not to smoke again , but it just rolls off him like water off the duck ’ s back ! Maybe I would talk with him someday . I hope it will be of some use . How is everything going with your girlfriend ? Didn ’ t I tell you ? It ’ s over ! Oh , I am sorry to hear that . I did ’ t know that you had split up . What happened ? It was a few things . The first thing that happened was that we were supposed to go out for a romantic dinner for our one year anniversary , but she stood me up ! Really ! Did she tell you why she didn ’ t show up ? No , but I ended up finding out later that night when I saw her with another man at a club near my home ! What was she thinking ? Did you confront her about it when you saw her ? I wanted to , but I knew that if I spoke to her , I'd just blow up at her , so I decided to just go home . I called her later that night , but she didn't answer the phone . I can ’ t believe she would do that to you . It ’ s so dishonest---and rude ! I know . I still haven ’ t heard from her . The good thing is that I ’ m so angry with her that I don ’ t feel sad about not having her around . I bet you she regrets what she ’ s done . You were such a good catch ! She really lost out , didn ’ t she ? I guess so . It would be nice to know why she did this though . I know . It ’ s always nice to have some closure , but I don ’ t think you ’ ll have a problem finding another girlfriend . Eric , how long will you be in China ? I don't know . Well , my contract here is for one year , and I don't know what I should do after that . Maybe going around for a while . Well , have you ever thought about learning some Chinese ? Actually , I am learning that now . But it's too hard for me . You know the four tones and the stuff . It really freaks me out . Don't worry . All things are difficult before they are easy . You hit the nail right on the head . Well , are you invested in some language-exchange program ? What is it ? It's where I teach you Chinese , and in exchange you teach me English . Awesome . I've been giving this a lot of thought . When can we do this ? How about this sunday ? Ok , cool . Good . I'll give you a call tonight . No problem . Bye . Doris , I'm glad you're home . I'm terrified . I don't know what to do ! What is it ? What happened ? I think someone is stalking me . No , it can't be . Really ? Who ? I don't know . I saw him the first time Tuesday . He was at the cafe . I noticed he was looking at me a lot . Not just the usual looking , but staring.He just kept staring at me . He didn't stop . What did you do ? I didn't do anything . Finally , he left.But then I saw him again today . Outside the shoe store . Near the cafe . I went into a CD store and pretended I was looking at CD's . But then he came in too . Did he leave when you left ? Yes . Then I noticed he was on the sidewalk behind me . He was following me . What did you do ? He followed me all the way home ! That's about five blocks . And around corners too.So he was definitely following you . Yes , he was . I'm not imagining it.Finally , just when I got home , I turned around and looked at him.He was just standing there . He didn't smile . He just stood there . It was so obvious.What should I do ? I'm so scared . Can I call the police ? Actually , I don't think you can call the police . Not yet at least.He hasn't done anything . And probably the police will just ignore it.But if anything happens again , then maybe you should call . Why can't I call the police now ? He was definitely following me ! Of course you can call the police if you want . That's not what I mean . I'm just saying that they probably won't do anything . I suppose . What can they do ? I don't even know who he is . Listen , Carol . Don't let this bother you too much.Probably it's nothing . Just keep your eyes open when you go out.If you see him a third time , and if he follows you again , then I think we should go to the police.But for now , just try not to worry . Alright . And I won't go to that cafe for awhile . Hello , Mrs . Taylor . I'm here to pick up Diane . Hi , Ben . Come in . Diane's not ready yet , so you'll have to wait a few minutes . Hi , Lucy ! Hi.It ' s a wonderful wedding , isn't it ? Yes , It's very great . Mary's father is a rich man , isn't he ? You are right , Mary's father is responsible for the entire wedding-arrangement , costs , etc . I think he must spend much money . Will Mary and her husband be ready to leave for their honeymoon ? Yes.Look ! Mary is going to throw the bride bouquet . Oh , I'll try to catch it . What dressing would you like on the salad ? French dressing , please . I beg your pardon ? Oh , French dressing . Sorry , it's not available now . Anything else ? We still prefer French dressing . Will you say it again ? Who's your manager ? Tell me ! Would you ? I ’ ll be away for a moment . Yes ? Anything I can do for you ? Look ! I ’ v been watching that man down in the street . He keeps peeping into the shop . Keep your eyes skinned for that guy , will you ? Ok . Is there something wrong ? You look so sad . My house was robbed last night and the thieves stole all my furniture . No wonder you look so upset . Have you called the police ? Yes , I have . But I have to wait . Hi , Doris . You look a little bit down . What's the matter ? Well , I'm leaving Japan and I'm going back to London , tomorrow . Really ! Yeah . How do you feel about that ? Well , I do feel quite down because I am going to miss Japan after being here for 9 months , in Japan . I am going to miss it so much , cause I've had a great time here . Mm , so what are you going to miss about Japan ? Oh , I am going to miss the people , the food , the night life . Especially the nightlife . What especially about the night life are you going to miss ? Well , I really like dancing . And I enjoy going out to night clubs and to restaurants and eating Japanese food also and I'm really going to miss that because it's very different to London . How are the clubs different in Japan than in London ? Well , here there are many different clubs you can get into , for free , you don't have to pay , some of them . In London it's really expensive for drinks and an entry fee . Ahh ... What a fine day ! I do feel like an outdoor exercise . How about taking a walk in the park ? OK . It's delightful to have a walk in the park with the air so fresh . Oh , it's so quiet here . We have the park to ourselves , only you and me ! Don't you see many people over there ? Just on your left . Oh , I see them . Some are doing Taijiquan , some are performing swordplay , some are practising the Chinese Wushu . A growing keep-fit fever is sweeping over China . You are late again , Maria . The teacher is about to come . I know . I have to prepare the supper for the whole family before I leave . Oh , Ben has been cooking for us since I started attending this evening class . The good thing is , he has made great progress in cooking . The housework is really a big problem for me . My husband is on a business trip to the U . S . now and I have to take care of everything myself . How about your one-year-old baby ? I've asked my parents to live with us for a while , so they can look after her for me while I am at work or in the class . How sweet of them ! I have to work in the day time , study at night , and do housework during my spare time . I really hope I have eight arms and legs , like an octopus . Me too . Sometimes I do want to give it up . I can't deal with so many things at a time . When is your Adult College Entrance Exam ? It's close coming up at the end of this month . That will be no more than 15 days from now on . Oh , my Adult College Entrance Exam is also around then . I don't know if I can pass it . Why don't you take the CPA exam ? You are already a good accountant , having so many years of experience . I just want to study in a college , majoring in economics . I've had this dream for a long time . Steve , when are you going back to America ? Next week . Wow , so soon ! I'm going to miss you . what's the matter with you ? You look so upset and tired . My father failed in business . Oh , that's really tough . Maybe it is the most difficult period of my family have experienced . I can understand . By the way , is there anyway I can help ? No , not now . I have found a part-time job . So perhaps I can help my family to come over the difficulties . Oh , that's so great , bless you ! if you need me , I'll always be there . Thank you . How did you two meet ? To tell you the truth , it was completely accidental . Have we met ? I don't think so . Michael . Hello , Michael . My name's Shirley . Pleased to meet you . Pleased to meet you , too , Shirley . So , what do you do ? I work in marketing . I'm a regional marketing manager for an IT company . Normally , I work out of Beijing , but I'm here on business . My friend Judy over there , she lives here and she invited me to this party . And you ? How about you ? I live here . I was invited by George-he's the tall guy over there . He looks a bit drunk , actually ... Well , what a nice day ! Yeah , the air is really fresh . But it was not at all so fine yesterday . Because it rained last night . Did it ? It sure did . It was a heavy storm , with lots of thunder . I was fast asleep , and didn't hear a thing . Well , it may rain again later today . Maybe . I see some dark clouds moving in . There may also be a strong wind coming in . It'll be dusty , too , I guess . Maybe not . Dust is no longer a big problem in Beijing . Why is that ? We've been planting trees for many years . I see . The fall in Beijing is really beautiful . But the summer isn't . It's scorching in the summer . Then what about spring ? Spring is warm and short in Beijing . It must be cold in the winter , though . You got it . Oh , by the way , it may be really cool in the evening around this time of the year . Don't forget to put on more clothes , or you might catch a cold . Thanks for reminding me . You're welcome . I hear you're being sent to Madrid for the annual conference . Is that right ? Yes , it would be my first trip overseas . Actually , it's going to be my first time leaving the country . Are you serious ? You haven't even been anywhere on vacation ? No , I have never vacationed anywhere exotic . But even if I don't get a chance to travel on my personal time , at least I can travel on company time ! Well , being able to go to the conference sounds like such a great opportunity . Have you applied at the embassy for a visa yet ? Yes , it wasn't too hard to get . All I had to do was fill out the paperwork and pay the application fee . You leave next Tuesday , right ? What time is your flight ? My flight departs at 7 am . I have everything except for my luggage ready . If your flight is leaving so early , I can take you to the airport and see you off . I'll still be able to make it into the office by 9 . That would be great ! Thanks a lot ! I've been thinking of taking I've been thinking of taking a Crazy English course.Do you think it's a good idea Sure ! You should do anything you can to improve your English . Really ? Do you think English is that important ? Of course it is.In fact , I'll even take the course with you if you want . Great ! It's always better to do things with a friend . Do you have the phone number ? I need to call for registration . No , I left it at home.Sorry ! That's OK . I can get it from you later . So , do you want to go somewhere for dinner and practice our English together tonight ? All right . I know a great restaurant near here.But , it's a little expensive and I don't have much money with me . No problem . I just got paid.It ' s my treat . Thank you ! I'll be sure to return the favor after our first class , OK ? Forget it ! That's what friends are for ! Besides , I have a VIP card for a discount . Good job ! This is going to be a great night ! I think so too.Let ' s go ! What are you and Corey doing for Valentine ’ s Day this Friday ? Probably nothing . You have to do something romantic . Romantic ? I can't remember what that word means . Well , you have three kids , so you knew what it meant once upon a time ! Ha , ha ! Those days are long gone . Do you take a bus to and from work ? Yeah , everyday . And there ’ s only one choice.All the other buses are going the other direction . Hmm . I have the same problem . When I leave work , it ’ s always rush hour.So the buses are always crowded . Oh , yeah , it ’ s terrible . I will tell you the funniest thing I have seen in China . It ’ s when so many people try to get onto one city bus , and the last guy is squeezed in so tight that the door is tightly pressed against his butt . That sounds terrible the way you describe it . But you know , not long ago I really suffered on the bus . What happened ? Were you having a hard time getting on a bus ? You just can ’ t imagine ! I waited for the first bus but it was too full , so I waited for the second , and it was still very crowded . Then I decided not to wait for the next one , and got on the second bus . It was so full that I had to stand on one foot ! No kidding ! Hmm . Good exercise , uh ? Yeah , absolutely ! And it ’ s so much fun . One day , the bodies were so tightly packed that some girl ’ s behind was pressed against my front . I was afraid to put my hands down for fear of accidentally groping her . You were so happy , weren ’ t you ? What do you think ? I ’ m a good boy . I think it's high time we had lunch . Of course . I can eat a horse now . I am sorry for that . I was so attracted by the beautiful scenery . Where shall we go now ? A Chinese restaurant or a local one ? I suppose the local one . Are you busy with your work ? Yes . What about you ? Yes , I'm very busy , too . Sometimes I work overtime . Then your salary must be high . Just so so . But we can travel twice every year . Is this time one of them ? Yes , we won't travel again until October . Really ? We have only one chance every year . What a beautiful sweater ! Do you think it looks good on me ? Yes , and it goes beautifully with your pants . You won't believe it , but it was really cheap . I wish I could find one just like it . Let's go for a drink after work . Nothing doing . What kind of sport do you often do ? I go jogging , how about you ? I used to swim a lot , but now I'm taking gym classes . Oh , that's fantastic ! I can't believe the boss was absent from today's meeting . Neither can I . Any chance of using your telephone ? You ’ Ve been using it for two weeks without paying . Well , I thought it was not that serious . Hey Jack . How's it going ? I'm falling in love . What ! With who ? That girl in my econ class . She is so hot . Did you guys go on a date already ? No . I didn't even talk to her yet . But I think I'm in love . Does she have a boyfriend ? I don't think so . I've been following her around campus and I haven't seen another guy . Dude , you're a stalker man . Just ask her on a date . I plan on running into her in the cafeteria when she's alone . I think I'll ask her then . So why do you think you're in love ? She's the only thing I can think of all day long . That's called blind love . Well , I gotta run . Tell me how it goes next week . Aright . I'll talk to you later . Your husband is very helpful , isn't he ? Willing to help , maybe , but not as helpful as you think . Really ? Last night he told the children a cliff-hanger story and both of them were scared out of sleep . Henry married Rose only after her father's money , didn't he ? Yeah . But he soon feel regretted for it . But he seems to be very happy with Rose . He is more nice than wise . Hey , David . Where did you get the sofa ? It's so beautiful . Look at the color , I really love this yellow , so bright ! It must be very expensive . Not really . To be honest , it's very cheap . I only spent $ 100 . Are you kidding ? $ 100 for this big leather sofa ? Yes . I bought it in Johnson thrift store . Is it a used one ? Yes , it is . Oh , I don't think I will buy a used sofa even it looks so attractive . I am tired of everything in my life . What ? How happy you life is ! I do envy you . You don ’ t know that I have been over-protected by my mother these years . I am really about to leave the family and spread my wings . Maybe you are right . Would you mind going to dinner with me tonight ? I'd love to go out with you , but I'm sorry I'm busy tonight , but I'd like a rain check . OK . Ikebana , it's an art of flowers and it's quite different from Western style flower arrangement because in Ikebana's theory you can decorate one flower , only with one flower . What's another Japanese art ? Japanese art ? Mm , Ikebana ! Tea Ceremony ! Tea Ceremony ! Tell me about Tea Ceremony . Tea Ceremony ! It's , there's a certain way you have to make tea , not only make tea , there's a certain way to for example wipe a bowl . I see . Yes , with one piece of cloth , and you need to learn how to fold the cloth so that you you use each part of the cloth only once to wipe the bowl How do you learn that ? Is that something that your mother would teach you ? How do people learn that ? There's some professionals for both flower arrangement and tea ceremony . So you need to go to a school , yes , and learn from your teacher and their hierarchy and the organization and you need to pass each test to go , climb up the ladder in the hierarchy . So , you finally got your doctorate in genetics . Well done ! Thanks . Now , I have to find a job . What are you thinking of doing ? I ’ d like to conduct some scientific research into genes . It would be wonderful to make a medical breakthrough . There must be several private companies that are interested in employing someone like you . You could do some research for a university . There ’ s a lot of discussion about genetics nowadays . Someone wit Many companies and universities investing resources in genetics , because there are so many possibilities . Few people know where next discoveries will be made . Well , I hope scientists don ’ t decode to make a clone of me in the future ! I wouldn ’ t like to be the subject of an experiment . What newspaper are you reading ? New York Times . I read it everyday . Why don't you read the local newspaper ? It's too biased . I just don't agree with their one-sided reporting . New York Times is better ? Yes , they have a good reputation for fairness . Don't be too sad . If you really think that you have no feeling with him , then , in my opinion , getting divorced maybe is the best way to solve the problem . I know clearly at the bottom of my heart . I just can't set my mind at rest because of the child . She's little . She cannot understand us and accept such truth . Yeah , child is the matter . Don't tell Jenny the truth , only tell her the white lie . When she grows up , you find the suitable opportunity to tell her . I see . OK . Mark . Where have you been ? I ’ Ve been calling you all morning . I ’ Ve been playing computer games . What ? So you blew me off yesterday and today over a stupid video game ? What game is so important that you have no time for me anymore ? What are you playing ? It ’ s called Counter Strike . It ’ s a first person shooter game . It ’ s awesome . It ’ s a multi player game where you can go online and compete against players from all over the world . You ’ Ve been wasting your time on this ? I can ’ t believe it ! It doesn ’ t even look fun or challenging ! My laptop is on my bed . If you think it ’ s so easy then get on line and try to beat me . Fine ! Damp it ! How are you killing me with a single shot ? It ’ s not fair ! I don ’ t want to play anymore ! Let ’ s go get something to eat . Can you bring me something ? I am totally hooked on this game ! Hey , that ’ s a very nice hairdo you ’ re wearing ! Oh you ’ re exaggerating . I ’ m never really good at making hairdo . You did it yourself ? Wow , you are good ! Thanks for saying so , but my husband thinks otherwise . He ’ s just got no idea of how good you are . Hey , Lily ! You won't believe what happened in class today ! What ? A man sent Miss Smith flowers , and Bryan got kicked out of class ! Cool ! I wish I could have been there ! Me , too . I miss you . Are you any better ? Yes . But if I have any more soup , I think I'll die . Does your wife work ? Yes , she does . She works at home . Oh , I understand . She cooks , cleans and takes care of children . Is that right ? Oh , no . Most of the time I do these things . She is a writer . You are really a hen-pecked husband . What kinds of Tv programs do you enjoy watching ? I like current affairs programs and documentaries , especially wildlife ones . How about you ? I like those kinds of programs too . They ’ re very informative . I think that many people underrate the education value of Tv . I agree . People often criticize Tv for showing too much sex and violence . Yeah . And that ’ s so funny because most people prefer watching sex and violence to watching something more educational ! Right . You can ’ t blame the tv stations for showing popular kinds of programs . They need to make money from advertisements shown during and between programs . In my country , there ’ s a time limit on the advertisements that can be shown . I think it ’ s about six minutes per hour . That ’ s great idea . But don ’ t the Tv station lose a lot of money because of that ? No . they don ’ t . they simply charge higher prices at peak times . Is there no limit on the amount of advertisements that can be shown on Tv in your country ? Not as far as I know . We have so many advertisements . the interruptions are unbearable sometimes ! That ’ s one reason that many people prefer satellite or cable Tv , where you pay a fixed amount each month . Some people have satellite and cable Tv in my country , but people don ’ t seem to keen to pay for their Tv programs . Besides , the terrestrial channels offer a good range of programs . Well , there ’ s a wildlife documentary on Tv in a few minutes . Shall we ? Hi , Ann . I was wondering if you are free tomorrow night ? Well , George . I guess I am . Why do you ask ? I've just gotten a pair of pre-sale Star Wars movie tickets from a friend and was thinking of inviting you along for the opening premiere . Are you interested ? Yeah , definitely ! Thanks for inviting me . My pleasure . I really wanted to watch the Star Wars on the opening day , but the pre-sale tickets were sold out . How did you manage to get hold of them ? A friend of mine works at the corporate headquarters of Pepsi , which is a major sponsor of the movie . He was able to get the tickets for free , and then he sold two more for me for 50 dollars a piece . You paid 50 dollars for each ticket ? That's a huge premium over the regular price . Not really . Considering the fact that other people were willing to pay as much as 200 dollars each on the black market . Besides , I knew you were really looking forward to watching Star Wars on the opening day . Wow ! I am really honored you went through all this trouble just for my sake . I really appreciate that . So , what time are we going ? Well , let's see . The movie stars at 10 . We should be there at least 1 hour earlier , because there is a big line . I could pick you up at your house at 8 , if that's ok with you . 8 pm , that's fine with me . Okay . So I'll see you tomorrow then at 8 . Yeah , that's great . I'll see you tomorrow night . Ok , George . Bye ! Bye , Ann ! Hurry up ! Mom , I can't wait any more . Look out , honey . Let's come to the shoal waters . Follow me ! OK , Mom . Can I swim now ? I want to learn butterfly stroke . Honey , listen to me . First , you should learn how to breathe in and breathe out . Mom , it's so terrible . Water went down into my throat and I almost got drowned . Do be patient , Honey . Let's do it slowly and correctly . Oh , Mom , I think I'm not the right person for swimming . Come on , sweetie , you've done very well . It is the first step that is tough . Right , I'll make up my mind . Please correct me if any of my movements go wrong . Yes , well done . That's the way to go . How clever you are ! You've got it . Really ? I can't believe it . Everything is possible to a willing heart . Exactly , next , you should hold your legs together and extend your arms above your head . Yes , like a dolphin . Am I on the right track ? That's the way to go . Now , you are flying , my boy . Hi.Ed , what's up ? Nothing . Doesn't look like it to me . Just get out of my face ! Woo , easy . Leave me alone ! What are you so ticked off about ? I don't want to talk about it . Maybe I could help . I blew the finally exam . You've got be joking . No , I'm not . Well , don't get bend on a ship about it . Do you like playing table tennis ? Certainly . When did you start it ? Several years ago . Don't just stand outside . Come on in . Yeah . This is Alex . Remember ? This is Sean . Nice to meet you guys . Over there are Stacy and Rebecca . We're all on the school's tennis team . Who's that guy who's handing out beer to everyone ? That's my boyfriend Matt . Isn't he cute ? He sure is ! Come on . I'll introduce you two . Don ’ t you think that ’ s good idea to hold a party outside ? I don ’ t think so . How about going to a concert ? That ’ s should be fun . Hello , Jack here . Hello , Jack . It ’ s Mary . What are you doing in your office ? I ’ m working . I often work late on Thursday . I ’ m busy this week . Would you like to come and have dinner with us on Friday ? Tomorrow ? No , I am afraid I won ’ t be able to . I ’ m going on business to Birmingham . What about Saturday ? Sorry , I never go out on Saturday evening . I always watch football on Saturday evening . Will you come round next Tuesday ? Next Tuesday ? Just a moment . It will be the twenty-first of May ? Oh , dear . Hum , I promised my aunt I ’ ll be at her birthday party . What do you say next Wednesday then ? Let me see . Yes , Mary . Let ’ s make it next Wednesday . Okay . Bye . Bye . I lost all my lottery winnings playing the stock market . Easy come , easy go . I hear you're moving to New York . Yes , I found a very good job down there . Well , we'll certainly miss you in Boston . I'm going to miss you folks , too . Let's keep in touch . OK . I'll drop you a line as soon as I get there . What's a good place for sightseeing ? Don't ask me . we are going out for dinner tonight . Are you coming , Betty ? I'm not sure . I have to check my schedule . Where are you going ? oh , Jake made a reservation at Friday's . Jack ? yes , the one with the R $ D team . Is that a problem ? I will never go out with him anymore . why did you say so ? last time when we had dinner at the Smith's , it was a horrible experience . He had no manners at all ! oh , really ? he made a lot of noises while eating . He talked with his mouth full and sipped loudly . are you kidding me ? How could he behave like that ? it is true . Everyone kept looking at him . It was so embarrassing as I was sitting right next to him . what a shame ! Didn't he realized that ? I have no idea . He seemed to enjoy the dinner very much . maybe he should really something about eating etiquette . oh , he really should . Hey Matt . I just got a job at a consulting firm . Congratulations . That's great ! I'm so happy . I don't have to worry about finding a job and interviewing anymore . When do you start ? I start next Monday . You're going to have to put in a lot of hours you know . I know . I'm a little nervous , but it's pretty exciting . I bet . You must be stoked . Yeah . I'm going to celebrate tonight . Wanna hang out ? Sure . It's on you right ? Of course . How about Toby ? Should we call him ? I don't know . He's a little depressed . He's having a hard time finding a job right now . I should still tell him . In the least , I can refer him to my company . It might help . That sounds like a good idea . So , did I tell you about my New Year ’ s resolution ? I ’ Ve decided to go on a diet . And you ’ re going to completely transform your eating habits , right ? Exactly ! I ’ m going to cut out all that junk I eat , no more chips , no more soda , no more fried food . I ’ Ve heard this one before . But this time I ’ m going to stick to it . I really mean it ! Trust me , Carol , I ’ m going to be a new man in one year ’ s time ! Well , I guess we ’ ll just have to wait and see . Thanks , honey , that was a great meal . I ’ m stuffed . Do we have any chips left ? Can I help you ? Yes . I am a bit confused . My sociology class is supposed to read a chapter in a book called Sociology and the Modern Age . According to the syllabus , the book is in the library , but I haven't been able to find it . Do you have your syllabus with you ? May I see it ? Yes , uh ... I put it in the front of my sociology notebook . Oh , here it is . Let me see . Oh yes . Your professor has placed this book on reserve . That means you cannot find it on the shelves in its usual place . You need to go to a special room called the reserve room . It's down the hall and to the right . I'm sorry - I still don't understand . You see , your professor wants every one in the class to read the chapter . If one student removes the book from the library , it is likely that none of the other students will have the opportunity to read it . So , your professor has insured that all students have the opportunity to read it by placing it on reserve . So , will I be able to find this book ? Yes , when a book is on reserve , a student can go to the reserve room and ask the reserve librarian for the book . The student can have the book for a few hours , and he or she MUST read it in the library during that time . That way , the book stays in the library , and all students have a chance to read it . Okay . Thank you . I understand now . Will there be anything else ? No ! I am on my way to the reserve room . Thanks again ! The government has to face a lot of social problems now . I think it is unemployment that gives rise to such social problems . But it is very difficult for any government to handle it efficiently . You are right . How time flies ! Bill and Betty have already grown up . I can still remember our first date . Look at that big tree over there . Yeah , oh my god ! It ’ s still there . We have our first date right on there . Do you know that I fell in love with you at the first sight then ? You seemed to be dull at that time . But you agreed to go out with me at last . ( Smile ) I can ’ t believe this for it ’ s been 20 years since we got married . So do you feel happy now ? I couldn ’ t have been any happier ! Of course , we are the happiest family in the world . Good morning Mike ! Morning Sally ! What's up ? you seem many hurry ! I am having an exam at 9 o'clock , It's already 8 thirty . Don't worry , I'll drive you . Thank you very much ! How are your cases coming along ? Very well , thanks , I will probably finish next week , but this is still a lot of work , I have been worked on in for six months , and i ' m so closed to end . I can fill in . Wow , Good for you . It sounds like a lot of work . I'm proud of you ! Is this the red of building ? Yes , It's only 8 forty . Thanks so much ! You're welcome . Good luck , bye ! Have a nice day , bye ! Merry Christmas , Mr . Wang . I would like to give you the book I specially chose as my appreciation for your sincere help to me in the past few days . Thanks , Mr . White . That's very kind of you . I hope it will be of some use to you . I am sure it will . It'll be of great help in carrying on the work I have done so far . That will be great . Excuse me , could you tell me how much is the ticket ? It is free on weekend . That's great ! Here is a guiding plan . I would back him up to the hilt anyway . Why are you so kind to him ? He's my brother . So that's how it is ! Now he ’ s in trouble , but I belive he will rise to his own feet again . Thanks for your belief . What can I do for you ? I need a passport . You can apply for one here . When can I do that ? If you like , you can apply right now . That would be great . I ’ m going to need you to complete this application . What else do I have to do ? Then I will take your picture for your passport . How long will it take ? Your passport will be ready in a few weeks . Thank you . That ’ s perfect timing . Her dress looks funny . I wouldn't say that . It looks fine to me . Are you kidding She is behind the times . That style went out last year . Oh , come on , as long as it looks good on her . Well , you ’ re really as out-dated as she is . You ’ re darn right . I am out of style . So what What's the point of keeping yourself in style No wonder you never buy me a new dress . Hey , Sandy . Do you want to go to the ETV with us ? I'd love to , but I'm broke . Maybe after payday . What date is today ? Why ? Didn't you notice the roses everywhere ? I hear it's Chinese Valentine's Day ! Don't you know ? Oh , God . I just forgot it . I should have brought roses for my girlfriend . It's not too late . Go to buy some now . What's your favorite sport ? It's hard to say . Perhaps swimming is my favorite . I like swimming because it helps improve my lung capacity . In the scorching summer days , there's nothing like a cool swim . Currently , I go to the pool twice every week . Is the entrance charge expensive ? Well , it costs an arm and a leg — 30 yuan per person . What a costly sport ! That is why I have to refrain from even thinking about it . And I find jogging a very agreeable substitute . Haha , jogging ? Perhaps it might be a bit too boring ? You know what ? You won't get a rush from it until you fully understand it . It is a simple sport and doesn't require skills of any sort . This leaves room for me to enjoy the beautiful suburban scenery while jogging . Fresh air caresses my face and blows into my chest , which translates into inspirations . Inspirations are really good stuff for a writer like me . Sometimes , I even come up with a verse or two . You are really a man who knows how to enjoy being alone . I'll need a parking permit for next semester . Do you attend school during the day or only at night ? I only attend class part-time in the evenings . Do you drive a motorcycle or an automobile ? I have both , but I usually use my car to get to school . Great , the price for that permit is thirty dollars ; cash , check , or credit card ? I'll pay cash . Do you need to buy a duplicate permit for a second vehicle ? No , thank you . OK , here is your permit ; enjoy the next semester . Thanks for lunch . It was delicious . It's OK . Next time lunch is on me . Don't be silly . I'm serious . All right . Next time you will treat . It's a deal . Guess , what I ’ Ve bought for you . Oh . it ‘ s a case flowers . It ’ s very kind of you . I hope you like it . I love flowers you know . Thank you very much . that ’ s all right . What a terrible house ! I'm sick of it , too . The door bell doesn't work , the sink is leaking , there's no hot water , and the building is falling apart ! It's no use complaining.If we had got enough money , we wouldn't put up with it ! Oh , no . It looks like we're late . Let's just sit in the back . We can still hear the service from here . There're so many people here . Where are Rich and Cath and Taylor's parents ? They're probably up front . The preacher's about to speak . Let's listen . That was such a touching speech . He must have really known Taylor well . Oh , how I wish this all wasn't happening ! Mary , Pam and I are going to the mall later to buy some new clothes . Do you want to come ? Can you say it again slowly ? Pam and I are wondering if you'd like to go to the mall with us . Oh , I see . I'll have to sink about it . Sink ? Oops . I meant , " think " Mary , you're going to have to work on your pronunciation . I know . But give yourself some time . You just got here . ... The rings please . May this ring be blessed so he who gives it and she who wears it may abide in peace , and continue in love until life ’ s end . With this ring I thee wed . Wear it as a symbol of our love and commitment . Honey , that ’ s my pinkie . The ring goes on the ring finger ! This one ? That ’ s my index finger ! Oh , right . This one , right ? Umm ... that ’ s the thumb , Nick . Okay , Okay , I got it ! This is the ring finger ! That ’ s my middle finger , Nick . This is my ring finger ! Have you heard about Michael's new home ? It's in one of the poshest areas in this area . Is he living in the new housing estate in Killington ? No , he's living in an old house in Warton . Do you mean the one near the health centre on Old Slate Road ? That's the one . His house must be worth millions ! That is one of the most beautiful areas in Oxford . The surrounding area is really peaceful , and getting into the city centre from there is very convenient . How can he afford that place ? He didn't buy it . His grandfather died recently and left him loads of money . Did he know that his grandfather was so wealthy ? No one in the family expected to get a dime from him . It was quite a surprise . What a lucky man . He still has a complaint though . What's that ? He wanted to live right on a bus line , but he doesn't . so , if he wants to take a bus anywhere , he has to walk 1/4 mile to get to a bus stop . The poor thing . It must be difficult being him . You can say that again . It's said that the government will clamp down on the new policy . Are you sure of that ? I am not certain about that . They may have some difficulty in doing it . I couldn ’ t believe you should crack such a joke to them . What was wrong ? You carried it too far . You obviously offended someone . I didn ’ t mean to hurt anyone . I know , I know . But someone took offence . hello . Where are you headed today ? I'm off to Barcelona for a week . do you have your passport with you ? yes , here you go . I don't need a visa to go to Spain , do I ? fortunately for you , you don't . Next time , if you have any questions about visas , you should try to find out before you get to the airport . that's good advice . would you like a window seat or an aisle seat ? are there any seats available by the emergency exits ? let me see here ... yes , there's one left . ok . I'll take that one then . alright . How many pieces of luggage are you checking in ? I like to travel light so I just have this one . if that's your only piece of luggage , it is small enough to carry on with you . Would you like to do that so you don't have to wait in luggage reclaim once you arrive ? yes , please . That's a fantastic idea . Which gate do I need to go to ? you're here a bit early , so check the departure screens in the waiting area in about a half hour . Here's your boarding pass . Enjoy your flight ! I think it's important that all people have the ability to read . I agree with you , but that's easier said than done . Hey , Cindy , I ’ m so sorry about yesterday . I shouldn ’ t have yelled at you in front of everyone . Don ’ t worry about it . I don ’ t know what happened to me . I just lost it . I think you just need to get more sleep . Yes , you ’ re right . Good night . We can't wait any longer ... I'm terribly sorry to be so late . I had an article ... You'll knock yourself out the way you've worked.Why don't you slow down ? I can't afford to . All right.Now that everybody's here . Shall we be getting started ? Miss Lin , are you ready ? Yes , thanks.Before I start , I'd like to thank Professor Smith for all his help in giving me unlimited access to his research materials . Excuse me , Miss Lin.Would you mind speaking up , please ? I can't hear you very well . Sorry , I'll try to speak louder . Mark , you've been coming home late these days . What are you busy doing ? Nothing important . I've been working overtime lately . How many hours do you work each day now ? 12 hours , including 5 hours overtime . That's tough indeed ! Do you think your health can afford ? I don't care . I need money . Surely you'll be paid extra for overtime , but do you think it's really worth ? Yes , I think so . When I work overtime I'm paid time and a half . Oh , yes . Money comes faster in that way than otherwise . But jobs with a lot of overtime are quite limited . Employers usually don't like to pay for overtime if they can manage . That's true . Which sports are popular in your country ? Most people like football . More boys like football than girls . A few girls play it really well . Some people like playing basketball . Do many people like tennis ? More and more people like it now . fewer people play table tennis than before . Many people like swimming , because it is fun and keeps you fit . In my country , many people enjoy golf , but it is too expensive for some people . A few people like extreme sports , but I think the vast majority of people are afraid to try them . Extreme sports are only for a small minority of people . Several people from my university enjoy them , but most of us just watch . No one I know plays golf . I know loads of people who play it regularly . There are plenty of golf courses around the country . In the past , only a tiny number of people played . A great deal of people follow rugby in my country . There are plenty of rugby fans in my country too . Trina , will you marry me ? Yes ! Yes ! And yes ! Jared , of course I ’ ll marry you ! Oh , Babe , I can ’ t wait to spend the rest of my life with you ! I can ’ t wait for all the adventures we ’ re going to have , for all the fights and the laughter . I can ’ t wait to grow old and wrinkly with you . Oh , Jared ! I can ’ t wait for our wedding ! I hope you don ’ t mind , but I ’ Ve already chosen a date ! Six months from now in the summer ! Melissa saw you buying the ring last month so I ’ Ve had plenty of time to start planning ! She what ? Oh don ’ t worry , sweetie , I didn ’ t know when you were going to propose . It was still a nice surprise ! As I was saying , I ’ Ve got it all planned out . There ’ s almost nothing left to do ! I wrote up our guest list and we will have roughly four hundred guests attending . Four hundred ? No need to sweat it . My parents agreed to pay for most of the wedding , which is going to be low-budget anyway . So roughly four hundred people , which means that the hall at Northwoods Heights will be our reception venue . I thought it would be nice if we had the wedding at your parents ’ church and my uncle of course would be officiating . We ’ ll meet with him soon for some pre-wedding counseling . The music for the wedding ceremony was a no-brainer . My step-sister and her string quartet will take care of that . My cousin will be the official photographer . I thought it would also be nice if his daughter could sing a solo . Did you know that she ’ s going to be a professional opera singer ? Ah ... And then of course the ladies at the church would love to be our caterers for the banquet and we ’ ll get the Youth Group to serve us . I was thinking that your friend ’ s band could be our entertainment for the night . though they might have to tone it down a bit . Or we could hire a DJ . Your sister ’ s husband could get us a discount with that company that does the decor at weddings . what ’ s their name again ? I was thinking that we could have an island paradise-themed wedding and our theme color would be a soothing blue like Aquamarine . And there will be a huge seashell on the wall behind the podium where we ’ ll make our toasts ! What do you think of small packages of drink mixes for our wedding favors ? Who else am I missing ? Oh , your uncle could be our florist and his wife could make our wedding cake ! Wow . See ? It ’ s going to be wonderful ! Oh this wedding is going to be everything I ever dreamed of . If I survive the next six months . No . 164 in lane 3 achieved 11 ' 16 in the 100 meter dash . Isn't that something ? Yeah . He's the most experienced athlete in the field . He won the first place ! Good boy ! When is your vacation going to start ? I'll be leaving on the fifth of August for the vacation Oh , that's only a few days from now ! How many weeks are you going to be taking ? I'm taking two weeks now . but I want to save the other week and take it sometime during the winter . Where are you going now . To the beach Have you made your hotel reservation yet ? Oh , I don't need to do that . I'll be staying with friends You're lucky . It's hard to find a place to stay at the beach in August Just think , in a few days , I'll be swimming and lying in the sun and just taking it easy . What a hot day ! Yes , summer is coming . Where are you going this summer vacation ? I'd like to go to Tianjin . Do you want to go to the beach there ? Yes , of course . And what's your plan ? The same to you . That's great . I don't think I'm getting better . Believe me , you really look much better than before . I'm still not sure whether I can recover from it . Hey John . I have some great news . What happened ? I got a job offer from Dell . That's great . I thought you said you didn't get the job . I thought I did bad on the interview , but I guess I was wrong . I'm so happy right now . I bet . That's great news . I'm very happy for you . Thanks . I feel like celebrating . Let's go have a beer . It's on me . Sounds good . What would you like to drink ? Tea or coffee ? Coffee , please . So , you also like Coffee ? Yes , of course . I can't go through a day without coffee in the morning . Me too , but I think we shouldn't drink too much of it , as it's not very healthy . I totally disagree . The other day I read in a book that a number of recent studies suggest that it can be a highly beneficial drink . Researchers have found strong evidence that coffee reduces the risk of several serious aimed 3 ' including diabetes , heart disease and cirrhosis of the liver . But I also heard that coffee and its caffeine content , serve as a drug on the human body that negatively affects the central nervous system , as well as other organs , and leads to addiction I don't think so . Coffee helps me wake up , keep alert , and improve my short term memory . Well , I adjust going to have to disagree with you . A healthy body wakes up without caffeine ! Maybe you are right to some extent . You may try to have some alternatives and see how you feel . Maybe I could have a try . May I have two tickets for Tiny Times ? OK . What time ? 2:30 , please . It's 60 yuan , please . Sorry , we have student cards . We can get discounts with these , can't we ? Sure . That'll be 40 yuan , please . Here is 50 yuan . Whoa . Now I'm awake ! Zina has a secret admirer . I really do not have time to deal with some lovesick computer geek . I know what you mean . I can't stand computer geeks . Sorry , Dave , I didn't mean you . I am just not in the mood for this . I have work to do . Who do you think it is ? Do you have brothers and sisters ? No , I am the only child in my family . Oh , I have an elder sister . She is married .. Her husband is a businessman . Do they live with you and your parents ? No , they live alone . I don't know how to deal with Jack . He is indeed a trouble maker . He has loused up my business several times . You mean Lily's boyfriend ? Yeah . Well , he is a hard case . Everyone would feel headache about him . Mike , what are you doing tonight ? Nothing special . I just want to get plastered . I don't feel like drinking tonight . I'm gonna hang out at YY's . YY's ? That place is boring . How about Xara's ? It's real classy , and they keep the place spin and span . Yeah , but it's expensive . Nah , I'm going to YY's . On second thought , I think I'll join you . They ' Ve just renovated the place . You may be surprised . Wow , they really went to town on this place ! Quite a difference , huh ? Sure is . Waiter , bring us two drafts , please . Ah hah.Thought you were't drinking . When in Rome , do as the Romans do . Hey , Rose , how are you feeling ? Much better today . Oh , Look at the baby.It ' s so beautiful.Is it a boy or a girl ? It's a girl . Can I hold it for a moment ? Sure.She is a peaceful child . Oh , how adorable ! She's got your eyes . So they say . When are you returning home ? Well.The doctor said I have to remain here for at least two more days because I'm rather weak after childbirth . You can use some time off.You ' Ve been working too hard anyway . Mom , have we got any cookies ? Cookies ? You just ate an hour ago . I know , but I'm hungry . Well , why don't you have some fruit instead ? Aw , Mom . I don't want fruit , Aren't there any chocolate chips ? Are you cold ? Yes , a little . I wonder if we can change the temperature . I tried before . There are no buttons on the air conditioning . There must be buttons . How do they turn it on and off ? I think it is centrally controlled . They control it at the main desk . Well , they have it too cold in here . I want to be warmer . I won't be able to sleep . I'm going downstairs for more drinking water . I will ask them . What did they say about the air conditioning ? They said it is centrally controlled.All the rooms are the same . They can't change it . That's stupid . How can I sleep in this ? You can wear more clothes . hello ! How are you today ? hi . I ’ m feeling very nervous . I just had a test and I ’ m not sure how well or how badly I did . it ’ s not use worrying about it now . you ’ Ve done test and you can ’ t change any of your answers . that ’ s true . I really should go home and prepare for the next test , but I ’ m feeling tired . let ’ s go and get a coffee together . That will help you to wake up again ! ok . I feel like sitting down and having a chat . How have you been recently ? oh , you know me . I ’ m always happy ! If I think I ’ m getting into a bad mood , I call some friends and socialize or have a chat . that ’ s a good idea . I usually just sit at home alone and get increasingly moody . I hate spending too much time at home . I get bored of it really quickly . I ’ m always excited about going out to party or other social event and meeting people . perhaps I ’ m being too shy . I should go out more too and not spend time worrying about tests ! Hey , Lily , what are you doing ? Waiting for someone . You mean the boy you met on MSN ? You're right . He is so funny and I think I'm in love with him . You must be joking . You can't fall in love with someone you've never met ! I know , but I keep thinking of him every day . And I get really depressed when he's not online . I think it's just a crush . You can't be serious . Well , this might be silly . But I just can't get him off my mind . And I can't help missing him . Did you tell him ? Yes . He said I'm his dream girl . You shouldn't take it too seriously . It might be a lie . I know . I can't tell whether he's serious or not so I need your advice . I think you should enlarge your circle of real life friends , and then the right person will come along . The new computer software is driving me crazy ! I really need a break ! I know what you mean , Carol . I ’ Ve had nothing but trouble with it . They say it ’ s supposed to be easy ! That ’ s what I ’ Ve heard . But as far as I ’ m concerned , it takes a genius to figure it out . Can you pass the sugar , please ? Sure . Why don ’ t you sit down for a minute ? You haven ’ t taken a rest all morning . So , Is this your first time to TAIWAN ? No , I first came here 1995 . Oh , really ? And you are from the State , right ? Well , I am from Canada . Actually . Oh , I am so sorry . That ' ok . That's happens all the time . Susan is going to get a divorce . How do you know that ? She told me that peter and she has a quarrel last nigh , and she left this morning , bag and baggage . Oh , I see . But I think you are making a fuss . They will make it up . Bet it . Tomorrow will be my first day at work , what do you think I should be wearing ? Well , if you want to look professional , serious and more conservative , a blue dress , white shirt and not-too-high shoes would be the best choice . But sometimes , very formal clothes will keep you at a distance from your colleagues . It depends on the company ’ s dress code . Indeed , I found most of the employees dress casually when I went to the interview . Only the manager was in suit and tie and he just came back from a ceremony . It seems that their dress code is not that formal . Probably , I should put on car key and simple shirt . Whatever you choose , make sure they are neat and clean . Ye Ting , who are these people in the picture ? They're my family So you have two brothers ? Yes , I'm the third child . Are you going out again ? Yes , I'm going to the cinema , dad . You mustn't go to bed very late . Can you be home before nine . Oh , I won't be back so early . The film will be over at nine . Can I have the key to the bicycle ? No . I won't let you ride a bicycle late at night . Oh , dad , I'm not a child . I'm 17 already . I'll come back as soon as the film is over . OK . Here's the key . Take care . I will . Thank you , dad . Hello . Could I speak to Justin , please ? Speaking . Oh , hi Justin . This is Karen Hepburn.We met at Chris and Jim's party . Of course . How're you ? Great . Uh , Justin , would you like to see Otis Lesley on Thursday night ? He's at the Kangaroo Club . I'm sorry , Karen , but I can't . I have to work late this Thursday . Oh ... that's too bad . Yeah . I really like Lesley . Actually , are you doing anything on Friday or Saturday ? He's playing those two nights as well . Well , I can't make it on Friday either , but I'm free on Saturday night . What time does it start ? At eight sharp.How about meeting in front of the club at about a quarter after seven ? That sounds perfect.And let's go out for coffee after the show . Sure ! See you at seven fifteen , Saturday . OK . I'll take your bet , as long as the winner gets to pick the movie . What about you , Nick ? Sure . Do you want to go first , Sally ? Why not ! I rolled a five . The category is Best Pictures . OK , here's your question What movie won the 1996 Oscar for Best Picture ? I know that , it's The English Patient . It was one of the only good American movies of the 90s . Well , along with Jurassic Park ! Nice going , you got the right answer . I often go to a place of leisure . Really ? I very much like to go to a cafe and doze in the afternoon sunshine . Sounds great . The coffee , books , music and sunshine are just beautiful there . How nice . I may take you there some day . Good . So Jen , what did you think of William ? Did you guys have a nice time on your first date ? Oh yeah , it was great ! He took me to an Italian restaurant and we had an amazing conversation . I told him about how many kids I want , and how my parents will be so excited to meet him . You said all that on the first date ? Alright ... Well are you two going out again ? Yeah ! I called him after I got home to arrange our next date , but unfortunately his grandma is sick so he has been busy every night visiting her in the hospital . I think Andy's party will be fun . Yeah , I think so . Oh , by the way , I need to ask you something . What's that ? Could I get back the sweater you borrowed ? Sure . Oh , that reminds me . Could I borrow your black leather boots ? My boots ? Er ... Sure , ok . That sounds pretty good . But isn't downloading music illegal ? Not if you pay for it . For example , if you download from iTunes and pay with your credit card , it's legal . OK , I'm going to get iTunes and download some Vanilla Ice songs . Awesome . You'll see that they are really catchy . Do you believe in god ? Not at all . I ’ m an agnostic . Do you ? I ’ m not sure . Why don ’ t you believe there is a god ? I think everything has a scientific explanation rather than a theological one . I basically believe in science over theology . I mean , I believe in evolution for example . However , there are many things that science hasn ’ t explained yet . I ’ m sure that science will explain everything eventually . I think that the strangest thing about religion is that so many religions people act in ways that their religion claims are wrong . For example ? Religions preach tolerance , but many wars are caused by intolerant religious fanatics . Yes . Such people don ’ t appear to be acting in accordance with their religious beliefs . Cindy , I have this room to myself ? It's all yours . It's twice as big as my room in Taiwan ! Well , I hope it's comfortable enough for you . I think I'm going to like it here . You have a phone on the bedside table that you can use . Wow , I have my own bathroom ! Kind of . It leads to my bedroom . We share the same bathroom , in other words . Joe , how are you doing ? Pretty good . Mary , I was wondering if you would like to come to a party on Friday night ? I am free that night , and a party sounds good . Fine . It will be at my house . Do you know how to get there ? I kind of know where you live , but could you e-mail me your address ? I can do that . Do you have anyone that you would like to bring with you to the party ? I would really like to bring my friend Jake , if that would be OK . Oh yeah , I remember Jake . That would be fine . Would you like some help with the food ? Just bring along whatever it is that you and Jake would like to drink . Come on in . Make yourself at home . Thanks a lot . Are you Elvin ? Elvin Dixon . Who are you ? I'm Mary . I want to say I really admire the software you're designed . Easy stuff . But thanks . And the admiration is mutual . It is ? You're selling invoking subscriptions like nobody's business . And we don't even have a working demo yet . I can't take the credit for that . I'm just Zina's assistant . She's the pro . I wish you would not be so selfish . Selfishness is one human beings instincts . It is very difficult to get it out root and branch . But you should at least consider your son's future . His mother , not me , should do this . We ’ re going to the movies . Will you join us ? I ’ m very sorry I can ’ t . Why not ? I ’ m afraid I have some business to attend to . Then would you like to have lunch with us ? I ’ d love to but I have to help John with his math problems right now . Would you like me to give you a lift ? No , thanks . His home is not far and I can walk there . Come on . It ’ s no trouble at all . Ok , thank you . Way to go ! It seems beautiful and very delicious . Thank you.Thanks to the baker , I benefit a lot from him . Is this the A housing office ? Yes , it is . Are you looking for housing for this semester ? I was hoping to get into something on campus , but my friend told me that everything is full . It is , but I can put you on a waiting list , if you would like . Please . And in the mean time , can I look at apartments available in the area from this office ? Yes , here is a catalog that is put out every year with locations that meet campus requirements for As . Who do I talk to if I want I to see some of them ? The individual landlord's numbers are next to each entry . You can call them with any questions you may have . Hello , let me introduce myself . I'm your neighbor . My name is Shirley . Hi , Shirley . I'm Sophie . It's nice to meet you . Nice to meet you , too . Please come in . Here is a little gift for your family . It's a calendar with all the community events on it . I hope it can be helpful . I really appreciate it . Since we are neighbors , if you need any help or anything , please come to me . I will . Actually , I am worried so much about the security of this community because my house has been burgled twice before . Oh , don't worry about that here . There are security guards on duty 24 hours a day and they patrol all over the neighborhood . You know , they are all very strong . Really ? That's good . Is there any supermarket in our neighborhood ? Of course . There is a Carrefour near the neighborhood . I'll show you there if you want to . That's terrific ! By the way , a party will be held for new neighbors the day after tomorrow . I hope I can see you there . Yeah , and we can get to know each other at the party . Dave , wake up . Which ? Zina ? What time is it ? It's seven-thirty . I want to know who left this note on my desk . What note ? I can't see . I just pulled an all-nighter . It's a little green post-it note , stuck right in the middle of my computer screen . And ? What does it say ? Isn't there a name ? It says , Zina , I like how you rhumba . An admirer . I know I ’ m going to bite the dust going down this hill . I almost got killed on the chair lift ! This is going to be so embarrassing . Don ’ t worry . Everyone knows you ’ re getting your feet wet . I ’ ll show you how . I bet you ’ ll be proficient at this in five minutes . This is only your second time skiing . This is definitely a case of the blind leading the blind . Relax . I can hold my own . Now , point your skis toward the bottom of the hill . Easy does it ! I don ’ t think I can get up enough nerve to do this . Here . I ’ ll just give you a little push ... No ! ! ! There . Now , wasn ’ t that fun ? As soon as you get a second burst of energy , we ’ ll ... Don ’ t hold your breath ! Are you busy next Saturday ? No , why ? I need to get a costume for a fancy dress party , and I reply don't know what to get . Will you come shopping with me ? Sure I like shopping . Who is organizing the party ? One of the girls in my office . What's the occasion ? There is no specie occasion . She just likes to organize parties from time to time . This time it is a country theme . That's easy , how about a cowgirl ? Oh I know even better , a Canadian Mountie . Well where am I going to get that sort of costume ? Leave it to me . I know exactly where to find it . Oh good . Excellent , come over at ten o'clock and we will start at the shopping center , the one around the corner from my house . They have just the shop we need . What do you think of when you're praying ? I try to picture the Lord's face in my mind . Does that help you faith ? Yes . Tom ! How are you ? We missed you at the party last night . Are you OK ? I don ’ t know . I didn ’ t really feel like going out . I guess I ’ m feeling a little homesick . Come on.We ’ Ve been through this already ! Look , I know the adjustment was hard when you first got here , but we agreed that you were gonna try and deal with it . I was . It ’ s just that the holidays are coming up and I won ’ t be able to home because I can ’ t afford the airfare . I ’ m just longing for some of the comforts of home , like my mom ’ s cooking and being around my family . Yeah , it can get pretty lonely over the holidays . When I first got here , I ’ d get depressed and nostalgic for anything that reminded me of home . I almost let it get to me , but then I started going out , keeping myself busy and before I knew it , I was used to to it . I see what you mean , but I ’ m still bummed out . OK . how does this sound . let ’ s get you suited up and hit the dance club tonight . I hear that an awesome DJ is playing and there will be a lot of pretty single girls there ! You know , I could really go for that . You don ’ t mind being my wingman for tonight ? Not at all ! It be fun ! It will be like a boys ’ night out ... well kinda ... Great ! I must warn you though , whatever happens , don ’ t let me go on a drinking binge . Trust me , it ’ s not a pretty picture ! Excuse me ? Is this where I register ? I ’ d like to sign up for my courses for next semester . Yes , of course . I need your student ID please . Here you are . Okay , Susan . It says here that you are a business major and you are in your second year . Is this information correct ? Yes . I do want to take some additional credits this year to get a minor in psychology . Sure . That ’ s not a problem . Do you have the list of courses you want to take this semester ? Yeah . Here ’ s my list . I ’ m not sure if the class schedule will allow me to take all of them though . Yeah , that ’ s perfect . What about the subjects for your minor ? Oh yeah ! Almost forgot ! I need to take fundamental linguistics , consumer psychology and neuroanatomy . Wow , you are going to be busy this semester ! Okay , here you go . You are registered now , you ’ ll have to make your first tuition payment before classes start . I used to be down on the sales people until I saw her in action . She means business , for sure . Most salespeople seem like half-brains . Zina's definitely an exception . We'd better get back to work . Yeah , I'm not too worried about Vince , but I'd hate to face Zina if we don't deliver ... It seems like it rains every time we plan a picnic . Well , that's life . You are late . What ’ s the deal ? Sorry , I was delayed by something and stuck in traffic . Has Alan shown up yet ? Nope . I guess something might have come up . I wonder what happened . I don't know . I hope it's nothing serious . Last week his sister was admitted to the hospital . Oh ? What happened ? His sister had a car accident last week . Is she fine now ? She is still in a coma . Oh , poor Alan ! His sister is the only one he has left since his parents died last year . This cake is excellent . Where did you buy it ? Actually , my mother made it from scratch . Excuse me . Mr . Li . May I ask you some questions ? Sure . Take a seat , please . What would you like to know ? Can you tell me how many credits would be enough for a Bachelor's degree ? A Bachelor is awarded to a student who successfully completes over 120 units , including general and specific requirements , for his or her undergraduate major and elective courses . How long does it take to earn a Bachelor's degree ? Normally it can be completed in four years . I would much rather see her once or twice and not do anything about it — — what could I about it anyway ? Don ’ t say things like this . Please be confident . I think you still have the chance to win her love , unless you don ’ t love her anymore . Don ’ t you think she is a bit out of my way ? In some way , she is more modern . If I do try to do anything , I ’ d only be sent off with a flea in my ear . If you really think so , in my opinion you should give up this feeling completely . Excuse me . Have you got the time ? My watch says half past five . Does your watch keep good time ? Oh yeah . It loses only a few seconds in the whole month . Thanks a lot . Thanks for the loan . Think nothing of it . I haven't danced for a long time . Neither have I . We must go to a dance soon , or we'll forget how to dance . Yes , we must . What have you been doing since I last saw you ? I've been studying hard for my examinations . And you ? I've been learning Japanese every evening . Why have you been learning Japanese ? Why not English ? I hope to visit Japan next year . Well , we'll both have to start learning all the new dances . Yes , let's go into the dance-hall and ask if we can take dancing-lessons . A good idea . They can teach elephants to dance nowadays perhaps there's hope for us ! Come in and have some coffee , Anna . The kids have just gone out to the mall to hang out with their friends . I saw a lot of teenagers when Alan and I were there yesterday . They spend hours there , especially on weekends . Speaking of that trip , Alan bought a shirt at a department store , but the sleeves are too long . Do you know a seamstress or tailor who can shorten them ? I know several . But wouldn ’ t it be easier to take the shirt back and exchange it for the right size ? Isn ’ t that complicated ? No , it ’ s easy . We ’ ll just take the shirt back to the men ’ s department and show them the sales slip . They ’ ll exchange it for the correct size or give you a refund . We ? Do you want to go with me ? Sure . I love going to the mall . What do you do there ... hang around , like the kids ? Come on , you must tell me everything about him . Well , he's very tall and handsome . Hmm ... He has big blue eyes and long blonde hair . Oh , how long ? Down to his shoulders . It's beautiful , like gold . OK . OK . You'd better tell me what he does . He's a very creative painter . His paintings sell well . Really ? He's quite a patient teacher , too . Fine . You're going to like him . Everybody says he's a nice guy . My wife gave birth to our first child today . Wow ! I'm so happy for you . Man , I ’ m freaking out ! You gotta help me ! Whoa , whoa , take it easy , relax . Geez , you ’ re sweating like a pig ! What ’ s going on ? I can ’ t go through with this ! I just can ’ t ! I ’ m not ready for marriage ! What was I thinking ? I ’ m only thirty five years old ! I ’ Ve got my entire life ahead of me , adventures waiting ! I can ’ t settle down yet ! What are you talking about ? It wasn ’ t more than a month ago that you were rambling on about how you are tired of living the life of a bachelor and how you envy your friends that have a family ! I know . I know ! Let ’ s think this through . First of all , you cannot leave Amy at the altar . Not only will she be humiliated and kill you , but she is the woman that you love and the woman of your dreams ! Why would you want to end that or jeopardize it like this ? Second of all , you are just getting cold feet . You know deep down inside that you want to marry her , so cut the crap and do it ! You ’ re right . I ’ m being crazy ! Ok , I ’ m ready , let ’ s do this ! Great ! Phew ! That was a close one ! You had me going there for a minute I thought I was gonna have to slap some sense into you . Yesterday was April the first . Was it quite special ? Not for the others , but for me . I was in the library going over my lessons when suddenly one of my roommates came in . He told me that I was wanted on the phone in my dormitory , and that person would call me again several minutes later . Did you hurry back to the bedroom ? Yes . I went back to the dorm only to find my roommates laughing and shouting " April Fool , April Fool " . Oh , your classmates took you in . Only then did I realize it was April Fools ' Day . You look great today . And so beautiful . I love your elegant haircut . Thanks . Wendy . There will be an important dinner party tonight . So I must make me the focus of my friends . Hey Jack . Are you excited about starting work ? Yeah . I'm really looking forward to it . What was more exciting , starting college or starting work ? They're pretty similar , but in different ways . I really can't decide . How about you ? For me , I think starting school was more exciting . Does that mean work isn't that great ? It's different for everyone , but because I knew school was going to be so much fun , I really got excited about it . But work is a huge portion of our lives . I'm looking forward to making it fun . That's a great attitude to have . I don't think you'll have any problems in the workforce . I hope you're right . So did you get in touch with your brother ? No , not yet . I'm really worried . Well , it'd be foolish to call the police . He probably just went away overnight . Maybe you're right . But I'm still worried . Hi , Mark , did you catch the game last night ? No , I was out . Was it worth watching ? You didn ’ t hear ? Spain won , two to zero . Oh , really ? So , Spain is through to the next round ? Yeah . The final is next week . You have to watch it . How were things in the Tokyo branch when you were there ? Good ! They have expanded and are doing better than they were last quarter . It's nice to see some improvement for a change . Do you see the trend continuing over the next few months ? Yes , especially with so many of our executives going back and forth from here to Japan . The only problem is , they may have trouble when they go to open up business here . Why would you say that ? They aren't too familiar with doing business outside of Japan . There are a lot of cultural differences to account for . I'll say ! Sometimes they just do things really differently . But one thing I can say , they are really hospitable . Have you ever been to Japan ? Sure ! I just got back yesterday . I'm still suffering from jet lag . Morning . Hi there Mr . Anderson ! How are you on this fine morning ? Fine , thank you . It sure is cold this morning , isn ’ t it ? I barely even get out of bed ! Yeah . It ’ s pretty cold , alright . Did you catch the news this morning ? I heard that there was a fire on Byron Street . No , I didn ’ t hear about that . Did you happen to watch the football game last night ? The Patriots scored in the last minute ! No , I don ’ t like football . Oh . . . By the way , I saw you with your daughter at the office Christmas party . She is really beautiful ! She ’ s my wife ! Oh , here ’ s my floor ! Nice talking to you . Goodbye . Sir this is the 56th floor ! We are on the 70th ! That ’ s okay , I ’ ll take the stairs ! You look hot and tired . Jack , have you been exercising ? Yes . We just had a basketball match with Class Two . Who won ? They did . What was the score ? Seventy to sixty-seven . You'll have to take a make-up exam in logic . Oh , I thought I did a good job . Sorry to say you failed . Anyway , I have to face the music this time . May I help you ? I ’ m returning a book . Do you need anything else ? I also need to check out this video . This is all you want to check out ? Just the video . I ’ m going to need your library card . I have it right here . You ’ ll need to take care of the video . I will . We will fine you if you damage it . I get it . Thank you . Hi , how are you doing ? Everything's great . And you ? Same here.Have you seen any new films recently ? No , I haven't had a chance to . But I have been watching a Chinese TV scries called " Chinese-Style Divorce " . Oh . really ? I saw it two years ago . It's worth seeing and it's thought-provoking . Yeah . I found it is so close to our life . It reflects some of our difficulties in this ever-changing world . You said it . You know , the divorce rate has been on the rise in recent year . Well , it's said that a lot of young people favor getting married quickly which tend to end quickly too . I know a couple who divorced a week after getting married . Oh , that's too short-lived . That's true . It's said the short-lived marriage is typical of the post - 80s ' generation . II can't agree more . The only-child-generation in China tends to know little about marriage . Definitely.They don't take relationships and marriages very seriously . In their mind , love is nothing but passion and marriage is over once the passion is gone . I think , as the saying goes haste makes waste , it is the same with marriage . Which is your preference , tea or coffee ? My choice would always be tea . When did you form this hobby ? Last year when I visited China . How do you get paid ? If you don't mind my asking . Not cash . But if our launch goes well , my stock options will pay off , big time . And in the meantime , how do you pay the rent ? I don't have to worry about rent . I live right here . What ? In your cubicle ? Right here . Me and my PC . Home sweet home . Excuse me . Have you forgotten our drinks ? Sorry , I'll bring them to you right away . Why is it taking so long ? We are short of staff today . There is something wrong with this dish . What's wrong ? I don't think this is fresh . They were delivered this morning . Would you please ask the manager to come over ? I've been looking forward to the new semester . I hope we can make great progress in this new semester . Hope so . I hear we ’ ll have a new English teacher this semester . Really ? I hope we will do much better under her guidance . I am sure we will . I am considering going for the new job that was posted yesterday . Are you certain that that is what you want to do ? It may not be the best choice for me , but I am considering it . Why do you think that this would be a good move ? I believe that this job would allow me to move up but might be a little boring for me . Yes , there are always pros and cons to making a career change . Also , the matter of pay is also a consideration . I think the slight pay decrease might be worth it . The benefits are much better . Yes , sometimes giving up a little to move forward is the best choice . I think you should definitely apply for the position . What do you do ? I'm a teacher . How much do you make a month ? Mind your own business . I wish I could unsay the sharp words to him . He must hate me very much . He doesn't mind . As a matter of fact , he's very pleased . Really ? Oh , thank Goodness ! I don't know . I think you might be over the hill . Well , if not gymnastics , then mountain biking . Mountain biking is an Olympic sport ? Since 1996 it has been . And I bet I'd be pretty good at it . I ride my mountain bike to work almost every day . What ’ s your city like ? It ’ s quite an interesting place to live . The best thing to do in my city is go shopping . There are several indoor and outdoor markets , department stores and shopping malls . Is the traffic bad in the city centre ? Not really . Cars are not permitted in several parts of city centre , especially in the main shopping areas . The public transport system is pretty good . What about restaurants and entertainment ? There are restaurants with food from all over the world . We have a small china-town near the city centre . There are many Indian , Thai , and Italian restaurants all over the city centre . There are many sports events in my city . We have several sports venues for football , rugby , and cricket-even ice-skating and ice hockey . Is there a lot of nightlife in your city ? There are several good clubs near the city centre . Many people in my city prefer something more ’ cultural ” , so we several theatres and venues for classical music concerts and operas . It sounds like a really exciting city to live in . It is . I hope you ’ ll have time to come for a visit soon . You really should come during the summer , when the weather is better and there ’ s more happening outdoors . When do you celebrate Thanksgiving ? On the fourth Thursday of November . What do you eat on that day ? People cook turkeys for Thanksgiving dinner . Anything else ? Besides the turkeys , we'll also have other delicious food . Such as pumpkin pies , puddings , mashed potatoes , bread , a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables . I'm almost hungry . Great party , isn ’ t it ? Yeah , really . By the way , my name is Liu Wei . Hi , I ’ m Susan Marshall.You can call me Susan.Nice to meet you . What do you do , Susan ? Well , I ’ m a college student.How about you ? I work for the Bank of China , in the International Section . I work for the Bank of China , in the International Section . Oh , please ! Don't be so old-fashioned ! It's totally safe . I sure hope you didn't trust anyone with your credit card number . All I did so far was make a bid on the Buddha . It was easy ! Easy ? Ha ! ! It was easy for them to cheat you ! ! Oh , come on ! I just gave them my e-mail , my address and my phone number . And my name , of course . I think that ’ s settled . I'm tired of your cut-and-dried opinions . Who do you think you are ! How dare you speak to me like this . Why not ? Honey , I ’ ll be right back ! Where are you going ? I told you already ! I ’ m going to get my nails done . Again ? You just went last week ! You spend more time at the nail salon than you do here at home ! Honestly , why do you need a manicure every week ? Well , first of all , I like to pamper myself , and my nails look great . You should come with me ! Why ? I don ’ t want to have nail polish or anything like that ! They don ’ t only paint my nails ! The manicurist will remove my cuticles , file my nails , and apply at least nails coats of nail polish ! Yeah , sounds like something I should definitely do . Excuse me . Do you have a minute ? I'd like to tell you about the Bucky Card . Well ... alright . I guess I have a minute . Do you know about the Bucky Card ? I've heard about it , but I don't really know about it . The Bucky Card is a great way for you to save money while you have a good time here at school.It gives you discounts on all kinds of things . Movies , pizza , clothing , school supplies . What about beer ? The Card doesn't actually give you discounts on beer.But it will give you discounts on certain club cover charges.So if you want to see your favorite band at Amy's or Cosmo's Club , you get a discount on the entrance fee . That's pretty cool . How much of a discount ? Usually it's two dollars off the cover price . And all these other things , pizza and movies for instance--how much of a discount do I get on that stuff ? This pamphlet shows you what restaurants and movie theaters have discounts.And twice every semester we will send you a new issue of the pamphlet.The Bucky Card has just started.Every couple months we have new businesses joining our program.It ' s a great way for students to save money ! Alright , alright . Let me look at that pamphlet.Hmm . Alessio's Pizza Parlor . That's cool . I go there all the time.And Cosmo's Club . And 4 - D records . Alright . How much does it cost ? It costs only 19 dollars a year for a card . Whoa ! That's expensive ! It should be cheaper . But think of how much money you'll save ! You can use it for a year . Yeah , maybe . Alright . Give me an application form . who are you writing a letter to ? I'm just responding to Sue's letter . Do you want to help ? OK . I guess I could add something . Tell them that I send my love . that's kind of boring . Don't you want to tell them anything else ? well , maybe you could tell them about my promotion . you've been promoted ? when did that happen ? just today . I guess I forgot to mention it . congratulations ! That's really exciting ! Let's get out a bottle of wine to celebrate ! shouldn't we finish writing this letter first ? ah . That can wait . Your promotion is the best news I've heard in a long time ! it is good news , but it looked like you were almost finished . We might as well just sign off . ok , you're right . I'll just tell them how round I am of you for getting a promotion and then I'll thank Sue for her kind letter . I guess you can write that I'm looking forward to seeing them in June . that's thoughtful of you . and also thank them from the bottom of my heart for the Christmas package they sent us . that's right ! I almost forgot about that . what would you do without me ? we do balance each other out well . I guess we were really made for each other ! May I help you with something ? I would like to return these books . What happened to this book ? I dropped it , and the cover tore off . I ’ m going to have to charge you for the damage . How much ? It ’ s only $ 5 . That ’ s not too bad . I know it ’ s not . Here ’ s the money for the book . Thank you for your payment . You are very welcome . He is penny wise and pound-foolish . Why do you say so ? The trash of the world he sets high price upon , but the heavenly things he shamefully undervalues . Maybe all of us are the same . Hey , Tom . You look tired . Are you all right ? I didn't sleep much last night . How come ? You know Miao Li-my roommate , he bought a computer last month . He has turned his computer into an electronic playground . He plays football , rides horses , drives racing cars , and does a whole bunch of other games . Every night he keeps me up . Don't you like games I usually get a lot of information on the computer and use E-mail to send messages to my friends . Me too . Recently , I've made many friends on the net . Every day I talk to them and share many interesting things with them . Don't you think it's a sheer waste of both time and money ? I'm afraid not . To me getting in touch with each other has more fun than the coolest computer games or the hottest information . Yes . What's the weather like in your city ? In the summer it gets very hot.the temperature is often between 37 and 40 centigrade.when it is hot we often get rains.the winters are drier . The summer temperature usually often reaches about 20 or25 in my city.the rain falls mostly in the winter.and we often get snow . What are the temperatures in winter ? in my city it is about 15 or 20 degrees . In winter temperature often falls to zero at night temperature can be below that.the streets are often icing in the morning.with high such temperatures you must get some thunderstorms . Yeah , we do . in the middle of summer there can be thunderstorms every day usually in the afternoon . i heard your city has a lot of fog , is that true ? We do have a few foggy days in winter.but i would not say we have a lot of fogs.the sky are usually clearly over your city , are they ? Yes , they are . like i said we have thunderstorms.but each one usually only last a few hours.then the skys are clear again . Have you ever had snow in your city ? My grandmother said there was snow once when she was a child.but my parents and i only see it outside of our city . The river in my city sometime freeze over.people go ice-skating on it.on summer people go boating on the river.but few people go swimming because it is not very clean . As you know , my city is on the coast.the water is also not clean.but people still go swimming all year around . i prefer to sand bath on the beach when the weather is hot in sunny . I used to think that Americans had so much money they didn ’ t know what to do with it . You did ? Yes . But now I ’ Ve learned differently . Now I have a more realistic opinion . What do you think now ? There are lots of jobs , and almost everybody works . There is a high standard of living . People earn a lot , but they spend a lot to live . So there isn ’ t so much money after all . But I still say Americans spend a lot more money on useless things than we Chinese do . That ’ s true . But Americans work hard for their money like we do . I don ’ t know why our spending habits are so different . I am exhausted . I need some sleep . Didn ’ t you sleep well last night ? I twisted and turned all night , and couldn ’ t sleep . I was worried about my mother ’ s health . Don ’ t worry . It ’ s only a cold . Fairly warm this morning , isn't it ? You're right.The air is so warm and everything looks so fresh and green . Say , how about a walk along the river ? Marvelous idea ? How do you like other films starring Charlie Chaplin ? Well , I like others very much , but I really don't think much of this one . You don't like the performance , do you ? Yes , but I don't like the story . Lots of elderly people want peace and quiet in their old age , but young people want an unconstrained life . It would be good for both if they lived separately . My parents want to live apart from us . What if old people are in poor health and need to be looked after ? Young people ought to carry out their responsibilities . If it's needed , they would live with their parents . When I ’ m old , I ’ ll also be like that . You need a child first , and that's your duty , too . I know that's what I must do . I went to visit a customer in IVS Company the other day . Their offices were very impressive , especially their company Logo which is all over the place . There are Logo models in metal , copper , clove , paper . They are even printed on the wall paper and the balls of the table-lights . It is really decorated identity . It is just too much . Don ’ t you feel it is an exaggerating style to decorate offices in that way ? Not at all ! I like the design so much . The designer must have thought really hard to come out with such a brilliant concept . Wow , I doubt that . Oh , Linda . You must be so excited about going to study in America . Oh yes I am . I have always wanted to go to the States . I love meeting new people and making new friends . Well , I am sure you will . Well , there is one thing . What is the matter ? I am a little worried about my host family . You know , in the agreement , I have to do some cooking for them . Yes ? Well , I am just afraid they won't like my Chinese way of cooking . Oh , listen , you'll soon learn , and I am sure they will explain to you how they like to get prepared . Oh , let's hope so . So what did you think about the movie ? Well , I think this Star Wars episode is an excellent piece of work , but not as good as the previous ones . Really ? I don't agree . This Star Wars episode was incredible ! Why do you think so ? Well , one of the most spectacular things about this one was the special effects . State of the art special effects are the main reason for the success of previous episodes , so audiences have high expectations for this one , and I don't think they will be disappointed . You are right . The special effects were amazing . And I like the fact that they created so many fantastic settings and otherworldly costumes , weapons and creatures . It's kind of cool that they are still using the same Star Wars theme song for this movie . Yeah ! It reminds me of the previous Star Wars scenes . I know exactly what you mean . Hearing that song gives me a nostalgic feeling . I thought the overall plot of the movie was very interesting , but I don't think the character development was that strong . Do you think that they had anything to do with the casting of the movie ? No , the casting is great and the actors were excellent . They just didn ’ t have a lot of funny or meaningful dialogues . The writing was also a little weak . Well , maybe . But I like the little kid who played Manakin Skywalker . I can't imagine anyone else playing that role . I liked him too . He is so cute ! You know , even though I was slightly disappointed , I can't wait for the next episode . I wonder when they ’ re going to start making it and when it ’ s scheduled for release ? I've no idea . But looking at the success of Star Wars episode , I've a strong feeling production for the next episode will be selling pretty soon . I hope It will be even better than this one . I hope so , too . Well , I think we should go now . It's getting pretty late . Okay , let's go ! Well , you know what , don ’ t do it , ‘ cause the minute you do , they lose all respect for you . Well , it ’ s not like that . We just e-mail , it ’ s really nothing . On top of which I am definitely thinking about stopping because it ’ s getting ... Out of hand . Confusing . But not , because it ’ s nothing . Where ’ d you meet him ? Oh , listen , I can ’ t even remember . Ok , on my birthday , I wandered into over 30 rooms , for a joke , sort of and he was there , and we started chatting ... About what ? Oh , books , and music , how much we both love New York . Harmless , harmless , meaningless . Bouquets of sharpened pencils . Oh . Excuse me ? Forget it . We don ’ t talk about anything personal , so I don ’ t know his name or what he does or where he lives exactly . So it ’ ll be really easy for me to stop seeing him , because I ’ m not ... What's so special today ? Why ? Didn't you notice all the roses ? It's July 7th . Chinese Valentine's Day ! Oh , God . I just forget it . I thought you had trouble with Clive ! No . But now he will be in bigger trouble ! What's a boyfriend for ? Forget about Valentine's Day ? Poor guy ! It's not fair . You forgot it too . Oh , it's Clive . Wow ! Good timing . Excuse me for a while.Clive asked me out to a movie ! Do you want to join us ? Come on . Two is company . So what ? It's Valentine's Day . Come on . Just go . John , I ’ d like you to meet Charles Brown , our new manager at the airport . Yes , certainly . How can I recognize him ? He is short , well-built , and he ’ s got light blond hair . Is there anything else ? He has a mustache , if I remember correctly , and a light complexion . How old is he ? He is in his late thirties . Well . I shouldn ’ t have any trouble recognizing him . What time does his flight arrive ? At two thirty . Hi , Tony . You look unhappy . What's wrong ? Oh , Steven , I made a big mistake . What happened ? I really wish I hadn ’ t done it . What on earth are you talking about ? I got caught cheating . I feel so ashamed . The teacher saw me and told me I failed . What were you thinking ? You know my father . If I fail , he'll kill me . I have to do well . But what you should do is study hard . I know ... I know ... it's all my fault . I feel awful that I didn ’ t study , and I cheated , and I got caught . So long as you learn from your mistakes . Hello , John . How are you ? I'm fine , thanks . And you ? Very well , thanks . Nice to see you again . I haven't seen you for a long time . What have you been doing lately ? Oh , nothing much really . And how is everything with you ? Fine , thanks . I've been busy lately . What have you been doing ? I've been studying for my exams . My school exams will begin next month . Really ? Good luck for them . Thanks . And how are your parents ? They're both very well , thanks . Where are you going now ? I'm going to do some shopping . Why don't you come with me ? I can't . I have to meet someone . It's been nice talking to you . Good-bye . See you again sometime . Good evening . Welcome to our program . Thank you . Good evening , Mr.Dean . Would you tell us your name , please ? I'm Helen Baker . Glad to meet you , Ms.Baker . Glad to meet you , too . Where are you from , Ms.Baker ? I'm from New Zealand . What do you do for a living ? I'm a teacher . Thank you for coming , Ms.baker . I ’ m tired , Larry . Can we have a break ? What ? You ’ re tired ? But we just started about twenty minutes ago . I know , but I ’ m really tired . My stomach feels funny . What ’ s the matter ? Didn ’ t you sleep well last night ? I was too excited to sleep last night . I didn ’ t go to sleep until quite late . Then when did you go to sleep ? About 2 o ’ clock in the morning . When ? About 2 o ’ clock . Oh , Susie . Didn ’ t I tell you over and over again that you wouldn ’ t be able to climb the mountain unless you got enough sleep ? You did , but I can ’ t help it . This is a one-day trip . We ’ ll have to keep going and try to reach the top by noon or give up right now and go home . Which one do you choose ? Which one do I choose ? I don ’ t want to give up , but I really feel tired . So , make up your mind quickly . Whether to keep going or give up . Let me think about it . What should I do ? I think I will not give up . Man , that sunset is beautiful . I ’ Ve never seen one so red . Yeah , it ’ s pretty nice , but its so red because of air pollution . Really ? Yeah , the smog from all these cars gets into the air and turns the sunlight red . I never knew that . Yeah , more people need to take public transportation or carpool . Well , we ’ Ve already done our part . Yeah , it ’ s your turn to drive next week . Don ’ t be late picking me up . Don ’ t worry . I ’ m getting more sleep these days . The baby ’ s finally growing up a little more . Well , give me a call if you can ’ t make it for some reason . Happy New Year , Jim ! Thank you , same to you ! Lee , have you got any plans ? Yeah , I'm going to the Temple Fair with my family . How nice ! Have fun ! Henry , don ’ t get out of doing housework . It ’ s none of my business . You mean that is my business . I don ’ t say that . But it seems to me the housewife should do that . I ’ m your wife , not a housewife . I have my own work . Hum ... Darling , I have news for you . Bobby and his wife , Evelyn , are going to have a baby soon . Really ? I thought his wife couldn ’ t have a baby . Actually they ’ re expecting the baby to come on my birthday . Oh , what a coincidence ! I bet Bobby must be very happy about it . He likes children and always wants a child of his own . In fact , they ’ re both very excited about the coming baby . Evelyn imagines what their baby would be look like , since one parent is American and the other one is Chinese . Oh , right . Now I know why they would want to see our boy . It ’ s hard to imagine the wonder ! Are they expecting a boy or a girl ? It ’ s still a mystery . Because Evelyn is only three-month pregnant . But she begins to take her maternity leave now . Oh ! You mean she doesn ’ t have to work now ? It ’ s hard for young parents not to overreact , isn ’ t it ? I want to know how to buy something from this machine . Yeah , the new ones can be tricky . What are you trying to buy ? I want to buy one of those snack things . Are you ready to go ? I'm clear so far . The money goes in the slot over there . It has to be smooth to go in . It won't go in ! Just remember that you might have to feed the money in a couple of times to get it to work . Yes , next step . Make your selection and hope for the best . Vending machines aren't all that reliable . They're totally unreliable . You seem to have it down . Have a good day ! Hello , Lily . Hello , Mr . Clark . You ’ re early for lunch . It ’ s only eleven o ’ clock . When I come late , there ’ s usually nothing left . What would you like today ? I ’ ll have the leg of lamb . And would you like salad ? The salad plate today is lettuce , tomatoes , and black olives . How may I help you ? I couldn ’ t find the book I was looking for . Have you checked the database ? I checked . Was it on the shelf ? It should have been , but it wasn ’ t . Maybe someone took it . Will you be getting another copy anytime soon ? I ’ m sure we will . Would you be able to reserve it for me ? I sure will . Thank you very much . do you have internet in your room ? sure , I am a total internet junkie , I can't survive without internet . really ? What do you usually do online ? well , there are a lot of things , like reading news , email , shopping , etc . but mostly I chat online . You could say I'm addicted to online chatting . I never chatted online before . What's it like . well , basically it's similar to face-to-face chat , but you type instead of talk . You should try it at least once . really ? Who do you chat with ? to people all over the world ! I have a lot of net pals . See , the magic of internet is that it connects people from all over the world . You can chat with someone thousands of miles away as if they were that's amazing . I will install an online messenger program when I get home . well , my suggestion for a newbie like you is that don't get lost in the cyberspace . You know internet won't do the filtration for you , so you still need to use your judgement . There are a lot of per don't worry . What are you doing now , Steven ? I am reading a book about money management . Oh , my God . Do you want to be a millionaire ? I can see you are very crazy about money . Everyone wants to earn a lot of money . Don't you think so ? What's more , I am interested in money management . No , you are wrong . Money can't buy happiness and health . I won't sacrifice my health in order to get money . In other words , I don't want to be a millionaire and I want to have more free time to enjoy life . Oh , I see . But a proverb says " Money makes the mare go . " I think it will be better if you have more money . Maybe you are right . Please take care of yourself when you make money . Anyway health is the most important thing . Thank you for your caring . I will . No thanks . It's the 17th week now , isn't it ? Yes , it is . Oh , the final exam is coming soon . I feel a little bit nervous . Take it easy . There is still one more week left before the exam begins . Have you prepared for it well ? No , I haven't began my preparations . Then shall we make preparations together ? Great . You can help me a lot with English . All right . But I am very poor at math . Would you like to help me with my math ? No problem . Have you ever been to any other country ? Pity I haven't . If I can afford it , I'll certainly take a trip abroad . That's also my dream . How about going to italy next summer vacation ? Why not ? You are blue in the face , arn't you ? The cat has eaten my fish , I'll kill it . But supposing your son killed like the fish , what do you think then ? I'll beat him . So beat the cat , but don't kill it . You ’ re all set now ? Oh , thank you so much . Really , it was nothing . I really appreciated it . I was happy to help . It was so kind of you . Don ’ t mention it . You ’ re a real friend in need . Let's get together this weekend . Sounds good . What time is it , Tom ? Just a minute . It's ten to nine by my watch . Is it ? I had no idea it was so late . I must be off now . What's the hurry ? I must catch the nine-thirty train . You've plenty of time yet . The railway station is very close . It won't take more than twenty minutes to get there . Are you still at that work ? Yes , I'm still working there . But I really find my job boring . I'd like to change my job . What sort of job do you have in mind ? I think I'm quite fit for a driver . But it's very tired . I don't care . What's your parents ' opinion ? I haven't told them . Maybe I'll make them know after the vacation . is this seat taken ? no . please sit down . thanks . are you also going to Beijing ? yes , on a business trip . How about you ? I'm taking a vacation to visit a friend there . Have you ever been there before ? yes , I went there once last summer . really ? What did you think ? I think it is amazing . You can enjoy both the traditional Chinese culture as well as the vitality of a modern cosmopolitan city . The only thing I didn't enjoy was the subway . was it that crowded ? yes . There were always so many people . After taking the subway during the rush hour , you ’ ll envy sardines in their cans . oh , maybe I can take the bus or even rent a car . that's a good idea . Wish you a great vacation ! thank you very much ! Do you like watching TV ? Yes I do , usually . What do you exactly mean by usually ? I don't like spending time on commercials.There ' re too many commercials on TV . We're forming a study group to prepare for the finals . Do you want to join us ? But the semester just started ? Why the rush ? After you try it once this way , I don't think you'll ever put off studying till the end again . How often do you meet ? We plan to get together once a week . What days , do you know ? We were talking about Wednesday evenings at the library , from seven to eight . Okay , count me in . What is wrong with Peter ? He sure looks unhappy . His girlfriend dumped him , and he is tearing his heart out over her . How foolish he is . The girl is inviting . She often makes a pass at boys . Love is blind , you know . Can you lend me your car ? Nothing ' doing . Peter , which club do you want to join ? I haven't decided yet . What about you , Andy ? I am a member of the basketball club . Do you want to join us ? But I don't know how to play basketball . It's OK . Don't worry about it . Our school coach will train us to play basketball . You ’ re all set now ? Oh , thank you so much . Really , it was nothing . I really appreciated it . I was happy to help . It was so kind of you . Don ’ t mention it . You ’ re a real friend in need . Hi , Jason ! Hi , Linda . I have two concert complimentary tickets . Will you go with me tonight ? With the greatest pleasure ! Where is the concert held this evening ? It will be held at the Central Music Hall . What is on the program ? It ’ s a piano solo . I'm fond of piano , you know . Hah ! OK . Let ’ s go together ! Let ’ s meet at the park at 6:00 . See you then . I'm tired of this job . So am I . Good afternoon , would you mind if I sit here ? Of course not . I ’ m Jack . What ’ s your name ? Laura . Do you like this place ? I don ’ t think it ’ s very nice . And my father doesn ’ t like it . But my mother likes it very much . So we often come here . How often ? Well , we come here almost every month . Who ’ s that ? It ’ s my mother . She ’ s fond of swimming . And the man beside her is my father . Do you like swimming ? No , I hate swimming . I prefer playing tennis . What shall I call him ? Oh , you may call him Uncle , or Henry . What's he doing ? He's checking bags.He ' s an official in the customs . Hi , John ! How was your vacation ? We went to Malaysia and Thailand . That must have been wonderful . Do anything interesting ? Well . We went bungee jumping when we were in Malaysia . Wow , isn't that dangerous ? A little , but the rush was worth it . Tell me about it . We jumped off a bridge and fell 500 feet before the bungee cord caught us . 500 feet ! I would never be able to do that . Yeah , It was scary but exhilarating . It's a lovely day , isn't it ? Yes , the weather sure is nice today . I love it when the weather is like this.Why don't we sit down outside and have our lunch ? That sounds like a good idea.The sky is clear , the sun is shining and there's a nice cool breeze , so it is not too hot . I really miss the change of seasons like we have in Colorado ; but I must admit , this sure is a nice spring day . Hey , this spot in the shade looks really comfortable . Okay.Hey , is that a dark cloud over there ? Do you think it will rain after all ? I don't think so . I say the weather report last night , and it said the weather should be fine all day . If the weather stays nice perhaps we can go to the beach this weekend.It ' s been a while since I've not really gotten some sun . Did you go to the movie yesterday ? Yes , I did . What did you think of it ? I don't think much of the film . I think it is the worst one I have ever seen . Oh , I'm not sure I agree with you . It was not a good one , but it was not the worst one . Actually , it wasn't too bad . I can't think the same . What's more , some scenes were good , much fit for the children . I couldn't agree with you . There has been talk at school about canceling the concert . Really ? Who did you hear that from ? Just word of mouth . Do you have the notes from last week's class ? Did you come late ? I couldn't make it . Why is that ? I was sick . Oh , okay . Well , here you go . Are these all of them ? Oh , wait , here are the rest . Thanks a bunch . Don't mention it . Excuse me , Professor . I think there might be an error in my test score . Sure . Do you think that the total is wrong or that you got something marked wrong that should have been marked right ? I think that the percentage is incorrect . Let's just go over all of it to double-check . Sure , let's do it . Here is the answer sheet . Do you see a place where I marked something wrong that should have been right ? I don't see any mistakes . OK , now that we've gotten those straightened out , let's total the score . Yes , let's total it . Well , if I total that like this and divide by this number , I get this total . Do you agree ? Yes , you're right . Well then , we are all straight . Have a good day and thanks for bringing that to my attention . A new film is on.Have you ever seen it ? What kind of movie is it ? It's a feature film . Oh , I've no interest in such films . Mary , I heard you moved again . Yeah . I could not stand living here . There is always much noise in the neighborhood . You mean noise ? How could it be ? You know , on weekends when we wanted to have late rise in the morning , our neighbour started to raise Cain . What do you think of your teacher ? He's very strict with us . And I hear he gives very good lectures . Indeed . He's strict with himself too . We can see every lecture of his is well-prepared . What do you want to do tomorrow night ? What--is tomorrow night something special ? It's Friday . We should go party . I don't need to drink every weekend . I could be happy just staying home , you know . Okay . Stay home Sunday . But Friday we should go out dancing . Do you feel like dancing ? Yes ? Why not ? Alright.At least that's better than sitting in a bar with your alcoholic friends . They aren't alcoholic ! No , maybe they're not . But they're close . So where should we go ? Let's go to the Latin Club . I think they will have a Brazilian band there this weekend . Maybe it's Friday night . You always want to go to the Latin Club . I don't know those dance steps . I'd rather go to the New Bar . The New Bar is all techno music on Friday night.You really want to dance to that ? It's not all techno music . It's not a special techno night . No . But they play techno all the time . It drives me crazy after forty minutes.And anyhow , if we go to the Latin Club you could actually learn some Latin dance steps.At the New Bar you'll just shake yourself around for an hour.And then you'll get sick of stand you'll want to go get drunk somewhere where the drinks are cheaper . I know you . It's fine with me if we go to the Latin Club . I like Latin Music.The only thing I never want to do again is listen to country rock.What was that bar called ? Oh . You mean Jerry's , over on the east side.That wasn't my idea going there . No . It was that friend of yours , Melissa.Her and all her lousy country music Cds . Yecch ! It's true . I would never go there again either.Country music is a nightmare . So is it the Latin Club ? Yes . You have to teach me the samba , and the tango , and whatever else they do . Well , it seems you'll have to learn some Spanish too , won't you ? Maybe . David , do you think we are lucky to have the weekend ? Definitely . I need to have enough time to have a rest on this weekend . We worked like bees in the whole working days . I agree with you . What do you want to do , except sleeping ? Let me think . Oh , awful ! I still have not finished the chart which was assigned by Mr . Wharton on Friday . So that task will make my busy . I am better . I will go out to have a visit to my aunt . Why don't we have fun on weekend ? So what ? And what's your vision ? 20/350 . Mine's 20/20 . Life just isn't fair , is it ? Oh , yes , it is . What do you mean ? You'll find out when we're in the woods and you have to go to the bathroom ... They don't have toilets at the campground ? Let's just say I'll have it easy ... A funny thing happened to me the other day . Oh , yes ? I was just thinking about someone I went to school with , this boy I was quite friendly with in third grade . We used to hang out together - he lived next door - but then my parents moved and I changed schools and never saw him again . Mmm . Well , I was walking down Nan Jing Dong Lu ( Nan-Jing E . Rd . ) during my lunch break thinking about this boy-I have no idea why I was thinking about him . Really ? Yes . And suddenly I heard someone call my name . I turned around and there was this man looking at me . I didn't recognize him at all , but he obviously knew who I was . Oh , yeah , that's embarrassing when that happens . You got it . Well , he walked up to me and said my name again and then I realized it was the boy I had been thinking about , the one from third grade ! You look tired . Did you sleep well last night ? I stayed up all night writing a report . Go easy . Overwork is bad for your health . Hi , how ’ re you doing ? Terrible . Oh , what ’ s the matter ? I ’ Ve got a fever and really a bad headache . Oh , that ’ s too bad . Why don ’ t you take some aspirin ? I ’ Ve already tried some but it didn ’ t help . Well , it ’ s necessary for you to see a doctor . Yeah , I guess I should . Well , you ’ d better get some rest . Thank you very much . Bye . Did you hear the news ? Two of our major suppliers , Murphy Music and U-Tunes are merging ! If they are conglomerated into one company into one company , it would have some serious affects on our market strategy . Are you sure ? Who told you that ? I highly doubt that they would take the step to merge into one company ... They're supposed to be bitter enemies , the strictest of competitors.It must be a rumor.It can't be true . I read it myself on the financial page.They ' re really going to join together . U-Tunes was bought out by Murphy's , they will take over the company as of next month . The competition must have been too stiff for U-Tunes.Otherwise why would they allow themselves to be taken over by their sworn enemy ? I guess they must have figured it would be easier to merge than to keep up the cutthroat competition.If you can't beat'em , join'em . Daniel , would you like to have a look at my dorm ? Of course , I'd like to . It is a small room , just for 4 people . What is in it ? It only has 4 beds and 4 writing desks , but it is spacious and bright . Do you get along with your roommates ? Of course . They are very friendly . Which floor are you on ? We are on the 5th floor , and there's a very nice view from the balcony . Oh , you can climb the stairs as a workout . Yes , that's a good idea . Wow , your roommates are cleaning the room . Let's give them a hand . I like hitchhiking.will you go with me ? Oh , no . I don't think I'm in that good form . It's a pity.Say , how about a place near enough ? To where exactly ? New England . That's still too far for me . Excuse me . Nature calls . If you gotta go , you gotta go . Julia , will you be my wife ? I'm sorry , Steven . Please , Julia , I have made proposal to you five times . I really want to share the rest of my life with you . I know . But I ’ m not ready for married life yet . Julia , I really love you . I hope I can stay with you no matter you are happy or sad in future . Your way does touch my heart . So , will you marry me ? I want to think of it for some time . Yeah , it's really cute . But why a monkey suit ? Is Hello Kitty having an identity complex ? No , she's wearing my Chinese zodiac sign . You were born in the year of the monkey ? Yeah , are you surprised ? Not at all ! That explains everything ! What's the time ? My watch has stopped . Let me see . It's five minutes to eleven . Is your watch right ? I think so . I see it by the radio this morning . How long will it take to learn English ? Will I be able to take other courses next semester or will English take up all of my time ? It ’ s hard to say . Language isn ’ t like other studies . You mean I could finish this course and still not know English ? You ’ Ve got to be kidding ! I ’ m not kidding . Learning a language is a question of forming language habits and that takes time . So do we have to stay in this English class forever ? No . You just have to stay here long enough to get some orientation . Then you go on practicing and learning outside . A lot of learning depends on your personal motivation . So it ’ s really the same story . Practice , practice , practice and more practice is the only way to learn a language . You said it . How nice it is here You can say that again . The sunny shining and there ’ s pleasant raise . it ’ s so lovely I ’ Ve heard the whether here is ideal , just like spring most of the year That ’ s correct . we have four seasons of spring You're going to get into a lot of trouble if you do that . What makes you say that ? I don't see anything wrong with what we're doing ! That's just the problem . In these kind of things , the trouble doesn't always appear at first . But everything has been so easy . Everything has gone as smooth as clockwork . Just like we planned ! That may be true , but if you were to do it , you would have trouble on the horizon . You always say that . Yeah , you never look at the positive side of things . Okay . Have it your way , but don't say I didn't warn you . Excuse me , is this seat taken ? Er ... no , go ahead . You work upstair , right ? I think I have seen you before . I'm Karren , Karren Brown . Nice to meet you , Karren . I'm Tim Wang . Happy to know you , Tim . I can bet the farm that you will regret about your decision . You cannot find a better one . How can you be so sure ? You haven ’ t been together with her , have you ? No . But I ’ m sure she is a good girl . My sixth sense tells me so . Then try it yourself . Betty , would you please read this letter of application I've just written ? I'd like to have your opinion . I'd be glad to tell you what I think . Good ! I'm interested in your advice . If I were you , I would change the beginning . You should write about your education first because we like to judge a man by his abilities . Good idea , Betty . What would you think about the second part ? I think it's too short . You'd better say something about your work experience . You're right , I'll change it . How about the last part ? Very good . But you should talk about your family , too . I agree . I appreciate your helping me . I see you have bought the latest copy of beauty and fashion . Are there any interesting articles in it ? There ’ s an interesting interview with a top fashion designer about the latest fashions . I enjoyed reading her thought . The which ? section is very interesting this month . They tested facial cleaners . T I like to take the tests that they print in this magazine . Which tests do you mean ? You know . Tests like how jealous are you ? and are you a fashion victim ? Oh , I see . I like to do those tests , too , but I don ’ t take them seriously . Of course not , but sometimes the results make you think about yourself and what you do . According to the jealousy test , I ’ m quite a jealous type of person . Perhaps I need to control my jealousy . You ’ re right . It ’ s sometimes hard to tell which pages are advertisement and which ones are articles . If I can improve my vertical jump a few more inches , I think beach volleyball might be my ticket . But whenever we play , you just sit on the sand , drink beer , and watch the girls ! It's a beautiful sport , isn't it ? To be honest , I don't think you could even win a gold in hopscotch ! OK , OK . Enough already . We'd better hustle . The contest starts in five minutes . Will it be all right to visit you this evening ? I'm sorry , but I have an appointment this evening.How about tomorrow evening ? It's fine with me . How is night life in Beijing ? Very interesting ! What do you suggest then ? How about going to dance ? There is a very good nightclub nearby . That's a great idea . Let's go ... Oh , the dance hall looks very nice and the music is wonderful . I'm glad you like it.The band is called " Four and One " . They are especially good at playing rock and roll . That's great ! I love to dance to fast music . Then you must be interested in disco dancing , aren't you ? Yes , disco dancing is my favorite.It ' s great fun and good exercise as well . OK . Let's disco . Now the band is playing a slow dance . That's a waltz . Would you like to try it ? Sorry , I think I'Il sit out the next dance . All right . Let me get you something to drink . Just remember . The main thing right now is to make sure is happy . Right . You're right . But she's just evil . Someone should drive a stake through her heart . Elvin , please . Can I count on you to keep your cool for a week , or not ? I'm OK . I'll be fine . I'v cool . I'm cold . I'm like ice . She won't know what hit her . By the way , how's the nose ? Boy , that must have hurt . What do you need ? I would like to check out a book . I ’ m going to need your library card . I don ’ t have a library card . Why don ’ t you apply for one right now ? Sure . That would be great . Please fill out this application . Okay . Here you go . Now , sign your name on the back of the card . Here you go . Here ’ s your library card . Thanks . Now I ’ d like to check out this book . I can ’ t believe my English teacher is making me read pride and prejudice ! Why not ! It ’ s a classic ; in fact , it ’ s one of my favorite novels . But it ’ s so old . Don ’ t judge a book by its cover . Do you Kwon what it ’ s about ? No , not at all . First of all , it ’ s a romance novel , set in the early 19th century . I didn ’ t realize it was a romance novel . What ’ s the main storyline ? It ’ s basically about a father who tried to marry off one of his five girls . Why does he want to do that ? Since he doesn ’ t have a son , he hopes that one of the girls will marry a wealthy man . That way , all of his daughters will be cared for . Won ’ t they get his inheritance ? No , that ’ s the problem . Though they are well-off , once he dies , his house will go to his cousin . So , when he dies , the girls will have nothing . I see . This sounds interesting ! Maybe my teacher isn ’ t so horrible after all . So , are you going to read the novel or watch the movie ? There ’ s movie ? My teacher didn ’ t tell me that ! That ’ s probably because she wants you to read the book first . It would take a lot less time .. How about this . When you finish the book . I ’ ll get the movie and watch it with you . Ok . That sounds like a deal . What is the matter with him ? I don't know , what's wrong ? I feel he is as cold as charity to me . Maybe you should ask him openly . Are there many idioms in English ? There are hundreds and hundreds . English is particularly rich in idiomatic expressions . Can you give us an example ? I'll look up the rate . To look up doesn't mean to look high into the sky or to look at the roof . It means to search for and find some information . What about the expression " goodbye " ? Is that an idiom ? That is just a natural , grammatical English expression . It has a direct translation in other languages . This is interesting , Ms.Parker . Good morning , Mr.Black . I am the new secretary . Good morning , Miss White . You are half an hour early . I don't want to make a bad impression . Come on over . This is your desk , and this is your time card . Be sure to clock in and out before and after you work . I will . One more thing , keep your desk neat . It's the rule . There is no exception , even the art designers have to keep their desks neat . I'll keep that in mind . Does everything on the desk belong to me ? Not belong . You can use them as long as you work here . When you quit , you ’ ll have to return them to the company . What's the extension number for my phone ? The operator will put all your calls through . You don't have to worry about that . Can I make personal phone calls during my office hours ? Of course you can . Every one has his personal matters to deal with more or less , but don't chat over the phone . What's more , don't let it hinder your work and the company's business . I understand . When you settle down , I'll show you around and introduce you to the department managers . Oh ! I just want to drop in on him for a chat . Please come in , Mr.Jackson . No , thank you.Please tell him to phone me when he comes back . When in Rome , do as the Romans do , they say . What do you mean ? Roman is living in Rome , of course . And go to work by car , or bus , or on foot . I think the Romans do what everyone else does . Certainly . And Roman really loves life . He knows how to enjoy himself . Not always . But they like good meal . Really ? How can I go there to have a taste ? By air of course . it seems the department still has some money left in the budget . Do you have any suggestions how to use it before the budget is renewed ? what about renting a restaurant and treating the employees to a nice dinner ? but we've done that many times . We want something fresh this time . okay , let me think . What about a party-and-movie night ? We can rearrange our reference room , invite a band to play some music , order in some food and watch a movie later . sounds like a good idea , but a band sounds too expensive . well , we can ask people to make small contributions . I don ' t think so . I don't think people are going to like it if they have to pay to come . But we certainly can cut costs in other ways , such as make the party BYOB . BYOB ? What's that ? bring your own beverage . We can provide food , but people have to bring their own drinks . so we're just going to have a party where they bring their own drinks and we just give them some snacks ? I don't know how well that will go over . maybe you have a point . How about having a party on a Friday afternoon ? We'll stop early , order some pizza , and serve drinks . There'll be music but no band . Having the party in the office will make oh , that sounds like fun ! just don't understand why we have to take the subway . Look at this place . It's modern enough . But it's far from lively . It's convenient . People in network go everywhere by subway if they don't drive . This isn't network , Frida . We are in San Francisco . What's the difference ? We haven't come here in business but for pleasure . We should go out exciting . What can you see in the subway ? Nothing ! What can you see from a tram or a double-decker ? I can see people who are walking on the sidewalk . I can see cars driving on the streets . I can see the sun shining and beautiful flowers dancing in the wind . I can even smell the scent of flowers and the freshness of the air . But they are not as convenient as the subway . You miss the point ! We are not in a hurry to go anywhere . Well , maybe you are right . We'll be more amused in a tram or a double-decker than on the subway . I'm so glad you can finally see things in my way . Can we leave this dull place now ? What about the tickets ? I've already bought them . Just throw them away ! It is really exciting news . What news ? You don ’ t know ? The company is going to replace these old computers with the latest ones . You know what we will get ? We will all get a docking station on our own desk from which you can remove your laptop easily . And if you come back to office , you just reconnect your laptop with docking station . What docking station ? This is a kind of socket mounted to your desk . The socket has all the wire connections of the company line and all the other office automation equipments , like fax , copier , a screen , printer and scanner , and it will be very convenient . Another big step forward in saving on our office equipment , I don ’ t need a desktop anymore . A laptop is enough . Mary , I have something to tell you . Go ahead . I ’ m afraid you ’ ll become angry . But I think I must tell you . Come on . Don ’ t hesitate . John made out with other girls at the party yesterday . I'd like to talk to you about my grades . Sure ! What exactly do you have questions about ? I am worried that I messed up on a test . Well , let me take a look at my grade book . How do YOU think you are doing ? I think I am doing great , except for that one test ! Well , your scores show that you could do a little better . What do you think you could improve on ? I think that I could study a little harder for tests . Fine ! Please remember that regular attendance is the most important way to begin . Yes , I know . I'm sure you'll do fine . Sandra is actually blue chipper . I don't think she could realize that she has married a fool for women . That's fate . I feel sorry for her . Maybe this is God's will . good morning ! good morning , Gav ! Did you sleep well last night ? I slept like a baby . I fell asleep right away last night , didn't wake up once , and didn't have nay nightmares ! that's great news ! You look much more relaxed than you did yesterday . I feel much better , but I'm still worried about something . what's that ? well , I have to drive to school for a meeting this morning , and I'm going to end up getting stuck in rush-hour traffic . that's annoying , but nothing to worry about . for me , traffic jams are quite stressful , because I'm pretty impatient . How can I prevent myself from getting stressed if I get stuck in a traffic jam ? just breathe deeply when you feel yourself getting upset . Ok , I'll try that . is there anything else bothering you ? just one more thing . A school called me this morning to see if I could teach a few classes this weekend and I don't know what to do . do you have any other plans this weekend ? I'm supposed to work on a paper that'd due on Monday . try not to take on more than you can handle . you're right . I probably should just work on my paper . Thanks ! Do you want to hear a funny joke ? OK . Are you sure it's funny , though ? Well , you'll see . OK . OK , an Englishman , a Scotsman , and an Irishman were going on a trip across the desert , and they could only take one thing with them . I see . So they met up at the start of the journey and showed each other their equipment . Oh , that's funny ! Hang on , I haven't finished yet . Oh , sorry . Well , as I was saying , they showed each other what they had decided to bring . The Englishman had brought some water . " If we get thirsty , we'll have something to drink , " he said . The Scotsman brought a map . " If we get lost , we'll be able to find our way . " The Irishman had brought a car door . A car door ? You mean just one car door ? Yep . A car door . " Why the door ? " the others asked him . " Well , " he said , “ If it gets hot , we can open the window . " Do you get it ? Well ... Have you ever run into a person who tries bleed you white ? I am always on the look out for such girls . I hear that some guys splash all their money about on them . Mark is one of them . He has trouble with a girl who turned out to be a dead beat . I ’ m sorry , Sam . I don ’ t want to foc-concert . How about going to the theatre ? I don ’ t like going to the theatre . Well , what do you like doing ? traveling , swimming , going to the cinema . And you ? I like painting , sailing , watching football and talking to you . I like talking to you too . Do you want to go to an Exhibition ? There ’ s one of xinghai exhibitions hall tomorrow . That ’ s a good idea . I find Beijing Opera is quite a bore . Young people enjoy pop songs more . It's just like listening to a language which you know nothing at all . But you don't have such a problem as to pop songs . You are married to a foreigner , huh ? So what ’ s it like ? Well , the first year of our marriage , we had great difficulty getting along . The things that are important to me are not important to him . We had a lot of conflicts . Yeah , I know what you mean . The first year of any marriage is difficult for all couples , not to mention two people from different cultures . And now we have a two-year-old boy . We ’ re very happy that he ’ s healthy and smart . Oh , so he ’ s half Chinese and half American . That ’ s unusual . What languages does he speak , then ? Right now he speaks mostly Chinese , and he can say a few English words . But he will learn . What does he look like ? Can people tell ? Yes , people surely can . He ’ s whiter than the Chinese kids , and his hair is a little blonde . My husband says his eyes are very Chinese though . Congratulations ! I heard that you are going to take a two-week training course in the headquarter . Thank you . I am very happy to have this opportunity to learn something new . You know information and knowledge in this field update very fast . Sure it is . This is a changing world . Does the training course cover the new law and regulation issued last month ? They are very useful for us . Yes , according to the agenda , there will be a seminar on these issues at the very beginning of the training course . Well , good for you . I hope you can get what you want from the training . I will do my best . Hi ! Tom . Fancy seeing you here It's a nice party isn't it ? Yeah . Well it's quite some days since we were together last summer.How is everything going ? Quite well . I got my MA degree two weeks ago . Congratulations ! When will the ceremony begin ? The ceremony will begin at 9 0 ' clock . After the ceremony , there's a reception . By the way , do you know why they have chosen September 9th for their wedding ceremony ? No idea . As in English , Chinese also has some lucky numbers . The number 9 stands for perpetuity in Chinese . Hi , Francis . Oh , Mike . How are you doing ? Not bad . It seems you are super yogurt lover . You have so many in your cart . Well , I prefer yogurt to all the other drinks . Have you ever tried a kind of yogurt with old milk in it ? It tastes great and very healthy too . Oh , I haven ’ t noticed that before . Maybe I will try next time . Why don ’ t you go ahead of me ? I have more items than you . Thank you . In fact , I am in a hurry . My wife is waiting for me at the parking lot . You ’ re welcome . It was good seeing you again . Me too . Have a great day . Does your country export a lot of natural resources ? We export some coal to European countries , but our biggest exports is copper , which we export to Europe , north America , and China . Which resources do you have to import ? We import a little oil from Venezuela , but we are fairly self-sufficient . We import some iron and a lot of aluminium from neighbouring countries . I heard that you country recently discovered deposits of precious stone . Yes , that ’ s right . So far , only small deposits have been found . Engineers in my country are focusing on drilling for oil . The government is keen to exploit our natural resources to get money to improve our country . If your government invests in your country ’ s infrastructure , it will be money well spent . Yes . We need to put the money into long-term projects rather than wasting it on short-term ones . Have you seen any good movies lately ? It's ages since I went to see a film . Why ? You were a real movie buff when you were a student . But now I would stay at home watching TV . Mandy , Would you like to come for dinner tonight ? Dinner ? Where ? At the new Five Spices restaurant in Chaoyang . What kind of food do they serve ? It ’ s Asian fusion . I heard it ’ s delicious . Oh really ! That sounds lovely . Bob is really disturbed these days . We'd better have a heart-to-heart talk with him . But we cannot talk like elders . Of course not . Let's talk to him in a very friendly way . How was the movie last night ? I didn't really like it . Mary said that she was really pleased with the photography . I found it very disappointing . She liked the acting , too , because that's what she wanted to see . I wasn't happy with it . Nothing is to your satisfaction . What's the matter with you then ? You look miserable . It's us . What do you mean by us ? Well , you always say you're busy . That's right . And you often go back to live with your parents and leave our son in the room by himself . I ... I ... I miss my parents , also they miss me . Oh I remember , I cut terrible calls , and you didn't say anything about it . You mean I am groaned a few words ? Totally not . Perhaps it's about our marriage . Everybody , I'd like to propose a toast to Mary Johnson , Teacher of the Year . She worked hard all year . She really deserved the honor . Yes , we're all proud of her ! Here's to you , Mary ! Cheers ! He thought he could take Jimmy in , but you know , Jimmy is no fool . So ? So Jimmy just took him in instead and it cost him an arm and a leg . You mean finally Henry bought the broken car himself . Exactly . Herry is almost broken now . Do you have any plans for tomorrow night ? Not really . I wasn thinking of maybe going to a movie . Do you want to go with me ? Sure . What movies were you thinking about going to ? Have you heard of Hot Fuzz ? Yes . Isn't the director of that movie the same guy who directed Shaun of the Dead ? That's the one . It's an actioncomedy . What do you think ? To be honest , I didn't really like Shaun of the Dead . Besides , I like movies with a happy ending best . What do you have in mind ? I was thinking of seeing You , Me and Dupree . It's a typical Hollywood blockbuster . Isn't that the chick flick with Kate Hudson and Owen Wilson ? Yeah , I suppose you wouldn't want to see that , huh ? Not really . Do you like biographical / drama films ? It depends on who the film is about . Which movie did you have in mind ? Anne Hathaway is in a new movie called Becoming Jane which is based on a true story about Jane Austen . That sounds fantastic ! What time is it playing ? It's on at 8 pm at the Phoenix Theatres . I have a membership there , so I can book the tickets ahead of time . Great . Shall I meet you there around 7 forty-five tomorrow night ? Sounds good . I'll see you then ! Didn't Joe feel it a shame to live on his parents since he has graduated from college ? He has no sense . If I were him , I wouldn'tbrazen it outby asking my parents for money . But Joe won't you . Hey , Ray , what are you doing right now ? Not much . Joann . Do you want to hang out ? Yes , I do . I ’ m at home myself right now with nothing much to do . Me , too . What would you like to do ? Well , we could go to a movie . Have you see Shrek 2 ? I have , actually . How about the movie , Million Dollar Baby with Clint Eastwood ? Hmm ... I ’ Ve seen that , too . We could go for a walk in the park . We could , but it looks like it ’ s going to rain soon . I guess that ’ s out . Why don ’ t we go shopping ? I ’ d really rather not . I ’ ll be too tempted to buy something that I can ’ t afford ! Ok . I guess we ’ d be not do that , either , then . What do you want to do ? I don ’ t know . Do you want to go bowling at the new bowling alley on 1st street ? I would like to , but I injured my wrist last weekend . Let ’ s see . Do you want to go to a bar and sing some karaoke ? That sounds interesting , but I can ’ t drink alcohol with the medicine I ’ m taking . Doesn ’ t sound like that ’ s be fun , then . Do you want to come here ? I don ’ t have a car . Goodness , we ’ re not having much luck here , are we ? No . do you have a car ? No , but I could take the bus . Oh , good . Why don ’ t you take the bus to mine and we could play Mah Tiang ? That sounds great ! Have you eaten ? Not yet . I ’ ll cook dinner and have it ready by the time you get here . Perfect . Are you prepared to give me all your money ? Huh ? We are going to play for money , aren ’ t we ? Oh , right . I suppose so . As long as you promise to lose ! Hey ... as long as I ’ m not alone on a Saturday night , I don ’ t really care what I do ! See you soon . Bye ! Is this your new teacher ? Yes , it is . Is she short ? No , she ’ s average . What color are her eyes ? They ’ re dark gray . What color is her hair ? It ’ s blond . And how old is she ? I don ’ t know . What's the matter with you ? You look so upset and tired . My father failed in business . Oh , that's really tough . Maybe it is the most difficult period of my family have experienced . I can understand . By the way , is there anyway I can help ? No , not now . I have found a part-time job . So perhaps I can help my family to come over the difficulties . Oh , that's so great , bless you ! if you need me , I'll always be there . Thank you . I hear your daughter graduated from high school as the valedictorian . Thank you . Where is she going to college ? She has been admitted to Yale with a scholarship . Really ? That's the icing on the cake . Congratulation again ! Thank you . Where are you going for your holidays , Charles ? To Australia . I'm going to visit my uncle in Brisbane for three weeks . Good gracious ! You certainly are lucky . How are you going there ? By air , of course . It takes over two weeks to go by sea . I once went to Singapore by air . It was very exciting-but never again . Why ? Did you feel frightened ? For a short time . One of the engines caught fire . What did the pilot do ? He put it out and flew back to the airport . Then he asked the people at the airport where the emergency runway was . Did you land safely ? Yes , we did . But I shall never fly again . I heard you are going out with John ? Yes . To be frank , I really love him to death . You are so lucky . Why do you say that ? Why ? Are you kidding me ? A guy like that is hard to find . Few boys are so caring , so patient , and did I mention he is hottie ? You really think so ? Totally . I am saying it from the bottom of my heart ! And it's obvious that he ’ s head over heels in love with you , too . I sure hope so . I heard a rumor this morning ... It seems Trusten Tools is going out of business.Another competitor is going bankrupt.That could be good news for us . I think you must have heard wrong.The truth is we are going to be taken over by Trusten.We are being bought out , and our company will be merging with our largest competitor.It ' s not good news at all ... What ? We are merging with Trusten ? I never thought that would happen.Will we be getting new owners ? Will it affect our jobs ? Probably.The new owners will be coming to start alignment meetings nextweek.One of the big question is what to call the new conglomerate company . Wow , with such a big change.We won't have the same name ? It's not only the name of our company that will change ... I expect that after this acquisition , there'll be a ton of things up in the air . Well , I'm thinking of going to see the ballet Swan Lake by the famous Russian National Ballet Troupe this evening at Beijing Grand Theater . Why don't you join me ? I'd like to , but I've got to write a term paper . It will be due by this Thursday . You always work too hard , Jim . As the saying goes , all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy . You should spare some time for a rest . I know it is no good for my health if I am staying in the classroom all day . But how about my paper ? Just take it easy . Come on with me . I'm terribly sorry I can't go with you . Shall we find some other time ? Is your father in the habit of having naps ? Yes , all of us have naps . Don't you feel dizzy when you have to get up ? No , not at all . so nice to see you again , Louise . How are you doing ? Pretty good . How's your business going , Kevin ? Not too bad . What do you think of this suit ? Do I look good or what ? You look great ! However , I think you are a little over dressed for dinner . Didn't they say we're going to the Ritz ? Yes , but not the Ritz Carlton , the " Ritz " is a pizza place with peanut shells on the floor . In that case , let me make a quick change into my street clothes . I'll wait right here for you Superman . Ta da ! Let's go to the Ritz ! Can we go to the Carlton next time and can you wear that fabulous suit ? One family skeleton of my family was that my younger brother has an axe to grind . What did he aim at ? He began to be interested in finance because he thought he would be able to inherit the family ’ s fortune . How could he have such an ill intention ? I think your father can see that through . Did you hear peter just retired ? Are you sure ? He is quite young , isn't he ? He is not young as he looks . I think he's almost sixty . Really ? He looks so young . You really look familiar . Really ? My name is Gretchen Hammer . What is your name ? My name is Phillip Hammer . I think we are related . Who is your dad ? Jacob Hammer . He is originally from Holland . That's my uncle . You're my cousin ! Hi cousin ! It's really a small world , isn't it ! The Hammer family isn't very big . It really is . Do you have time to eat dinner and catch up ? I always make time for family . I plan to buy a car this year . How do you pay for it ? I'm going to work in holidays and pay by installments . Tell me if you need help . It's very dark in here.Will you turn on the light ? Okay.But our baby has fallen sleep . Then , turn on the lamp , please . But where's the switch ? It's there by the window . London is such a historic city ! There ’ s history everywhere you look . There ’ s nelson ’ s column , built as a monument to one of the Britain ’ s great admirals and his important victory . He won the battle of I ’ m looking forward to seeing Westminster abbey , where many historic figures are buried , like Isaac Newton , the great mathematician and Winston Churchill , the great wartime leader . Nearby , on the banks of the thames , there ’ s the statue of Boadicea . She fought the Romans when they invaded Britain . Women have often played an important role in british history . Queen Elizabeth I built a navy strong enough to fight off the Spanish armada in 1588 . more recently , Margaret thatcher transformed british She was a very controversial leader . Are we going to visit the famous tower of London later ? There ’ s a lot to see there . Perhaps we should go tomorrow . I ’ m looking forward to seeing the famous castle and prison . Many historic figures were imprisoned there in the past . I really want to see the crown jewels too . I ’ Ve seen them before . They ’ re quite incredible . If you want to see historical figures in London , there ’ s one place you have to go . Where ’ s that ? Oh , I know ! Madame Tussaud ’ s the waxworks museum . There you can see british leaders , entertainers , criminals , and royalty . Sometimes , it ’ s hard to know who belongs in each section of the museum ! Where is my contract ? It ’ s all my faults . I forget where I put it . I hear Jean married a business tycoon . That's true . Her husband is a fat cat . But I don't think she really loves him . She is only after his money . If I were her , I wouldn't marry a man I don't really love . But many girls nowaday do want to marry a man filthy with dough . There's a concert in Capital Theatre this Sunday . So what ? Look , I have two tickets.Will you go with me ? Wow , I like concerts . Have you heard about Anlesen David ? No , have they have another fight ? No , they got engaged . You must be joking.Those two . Well , my dear . I didn't believe either.But got it straight form the horse's mouth.Davi called me this morning . So when did this happen ? Last weekend , while they were on the Sik trip . Well , I believe it now , and when are they are getting marry ? Next june . I can hardly believe it . Ted is so scared by dogs that he shakes in his shoes whenever he sees one . The reason is that he once was bitten by a dog . No wonder . I think the government needs a radical plan to improve things . The government just talks , but in the long run , nothing is done to improve the economy . That's right . They always talk about a need for new , progressive tactics , but they haven't done anything to stimulate new jobs . Well , income taxes were decreased last year in hope to give the economy a boost , but I think it's backfired . The immediate effect of the tax reduction was to cause inflation to rise . The worst part is that the inflation hurts the poor more than the rich . It also leads to more unemployment in the long run . I don't know what a good solution would be to make the economy more vibrant again ... I have a good solution ... We need some new blood ! We should get rid of this president and boat in some new leaders ! You have a nice apartment . Thank you . My wife would be very happy to hear this . She must have done a lot of work on it . You bet . I tried to ask the bank teller why it changed , but she didn't speak English well enough.So I decided to go to the magazine shop . The one around the corner.And I bought an American newspaper . What happened ? It seems that yesterday the Mexican government declared wouldn't pay back the loans it got from the World Bank.The government declared a default on the loans . That's serious . I know . The economy here is having serious problems.But because the government declared a default , the currency value went way down . So now Mexican pesos are worth about half as much . Yes , it's an amazing drop . Wow . I feel sorry for the Mexicans . But it's good for us . Yes , it's very good . We suddenly have twice as much money to spend here.Our hotel is now half as expensive as when we got here ! Isn't that strange ? Yes , and you know what ? What ? I don't really like this hotel that much.So tonight , now that we are so rich , tonight why don't we stay in the most expensive hotel in town ? Why not ? We should do it . Because now we can afford it . You are starting to learn English ? Yeah . I like it , Dad . You ’ re lucky you start to learn it so easily . I learned English very late , and learned it all by myself . At that time we didn ’ t have a good English studying environment . I have to keep my dictionary on hand . Really ? I spend all my time looking after my baby . I'm so tired . Why don't you ask your husband to help you with it ? I've tried it , but he would have none of it . I ’ m itching for moving ! What ’ s the matter ? What annoy you ? It ’ s so wet and dark , I ’ m just fed up . I understand your feeling . When someone is feeling at loose ends , we may show mercy on him . This is what we call the " milk of human kindness " . That's right . But feeling sorry for someone is one thing , and sticking to our principles is another . We must make a clear cut between them . You've take the words out of my mouth . I ’ m so excited about Chinese New Year ! When do I get to visit Grandma ? Grandma makes the best dumplings in the world ! Ha ha , right . Sounds to me like you ’ re more excited about the dumplings than seeing your Grandma . Of course I miss Grandma , too . I bet she ’ s gonna teach me how to play Mahjong ! Hey , Dad , are you going to buy me firecrackers this year ? We ’ re going to have the best fireworks ! I ’ m really looking forward to lighting them ! Son , firecrackers aren ’ t toys.they ’ re dangerous ! No , fireworks are awesome ! Whoa , don ’ t you remember ? Last year when I set off the firecrackers , you covered both your ears and hid behind your mother ? I was scared because ... because I saw a bug . That ’ s all . Ahahah ... really ? Oh , and I can ’ t wait to watch the dragon dance ! Dad , can I sit on your shoulders this time ? Hey , I offered last year ... Well , I ... anyways , I was just thinking of the red envelopes . I wanna make a list of all the things I ’ m gonna buy with my red envelope money ! I can ’ t wait ! I ’ m gonna have so much money ! Mom , can I get a pen and a piece of paper ? I want a new transformer , no , two transformers ... the Optimums Prime , and ... maybe the wheeljack ? I ’ ll get a PSP game , ahahah , and I ’ ll buy the entire class lunch at MacDonald ’ s ... Hi , Tom . You forgot to put on your sports shoes ! It's Games Day today ! Well , I have them in my bag . I'Il put them on right away ! Let me give you a hand . You are carrying so many books . Thanks ! Have you forgotten the cheers ? No , I haven't . I've tried hard to remember and I'm quite sure I've memorized the rhythm correctly . That's good ! What a brilliant smile ! That's my cousin Hubert . He likes smiling . He must be very easy-going . Sure , he's ready to be friendly with anyone . My goodness.She is thirty seconds faster than the world records in five thousand meters race . Excuse me.What did you say ? A chinese girl have broken the world record in the Olympic Games That's incredible . I cann't believe it . You have to . It's sure . How amazing ! What's the matter ? You don't look well . I am worried . What about ? My exam . Oh , is that all ? I feel very nervous about it . Don't worry about it . Try to look on the bright sight of things . What do you think of the way people use and treat animals ? I think most people treat animals well , but we are often cruel to animals . When we raise animals for food , the conditions they live in are often poor . Perhaps people should stop eating animals . We could grow more crops . What would you do with all the animals ? You couldn ’ t just let them go . Besides , some people would still hunt them . Meat has become an integral part of our diet . We could provide them with better conditions anyway . We should certainly try to improve the conditions at zoos . We should try to recreate the natural conditions as much as possible . That ’ s true . I think zoo are a good idea , because they allow people to get close to animals . I think it ’ s good for kids to see wild animals . I agree . I ’ m an adult and I love going to the zoo . I don ’ t like animals experiments though . I believe that we can do tests in other ways . I read that the number of animals being used in experiments is falling dramatically as new techniques are being introduced . That ’ s good news . The good thing is that most people treat their pets well . Sometimes you read about people who have been cruel to pets or other animals , but those stories are rare . Have you every given money to any of the charities that take care of animals . Yes , I have . They do an excellent job . It's said you will go abroad to pursue your graduate studies . Yes , I've been thinking about visiting you . I hope to get some advice from you . Which country do you want to go to ? My field is electronic engineering . Which country do you think I should go ? Were I in your position , I ’ d go to America . Which university should I apply to ? There are many universities for you to choose from . Some famous universities such as Harvard , Yale , the University of Michigan , and Massachusetts Institute of Technology are really wonderful places to study , but they are very competitive and expensive . Some smaller universities or institutes are also very nice but much cheaper . Oh , I see . Thank you very much . How's it going ? Great ! So how long have you know Jack ? We go way back.We ' Ve known each other since we were toddlers . Really ? You guys must be really tight . Yeah , We're buddy-buddy still . He seems sincere , and trustworthy . Well , he is , but he can be conniving at times . What do you mean ? Well , I know that he would never stab me in the back.But I've seen him double cross other people . Oh , my ! Really ? I never thought he would be like that . Don't get me wrong , I'm not saying he's like that all the time . So , can I trust him or what ? Well , I think you should decide for yourself . But I need someone that I can count on for this job . Okay , Okay.You can trust him . I was just trying to give you a hard time . Come on you're confusing me.Give it to me straight . Actually , he's the most dependable person I know , and he would never turn on anyone . Are you free this Saturday evening ? Oh , it seems there is nothing that evening . Would you like to go to the concert with me ? I'd like to , where ? At our club . When ? At 7:30 p . m . I'll go in time , thank you . I'm so pleased that you can go . Can I help you ? Yes . I'd like to borrow these books . Just a second . I'll see if I can find them for you . Thanks . Here you are . You must return them within a month . What happens if I'm not finished with them in a month ? You can come in and renew them unless someone else has reserved them . OK . Thank you very much for your trouble . No trouble at all . So long . You look tired . Yeah , I've been working so much overtime lately . Really ? How come ? My boss gave me a big project . I had to have it finished by this morning . It was so difficult . You shouldn't work so hard . I know , but hard work pays off . You know . What do you mean ? Maybe now I'll get that promotion I was hoping for . How do you like Korea ? I like it . It's a beautiful country . What part of the visit excited you most ? The best island of Korea-Jizhou island . Why ? Attractive scenery , pleasant climate , these make it charming . Yes , I think so . But there is also something terrible . What do you mean ? Sometimes the traffic is too busy . Yes , you are right . How should I dress for the party ? Dress casually . I love her so much , you know . I want to be alone . Please keep quiet . I am just casting pearls before swine . Are you saying you saw an eagle ? There are no eagles here . Yes , I saw one . Believe me . You must have seen some other kind of bird . I haven't met the Smiths for a long time . They have moved to Chicago . Why ? Mr.Smith has changed his job . Did you go camping last Saturday ? We went to the coast . It's really a nice place for camping , really good time around the fire singing and dancing . How many members were in your party in all ? There were six of us . Did you get caught in the bad storm ? Yes , we got wet through . But we still enjoyed ourselves . Thanks for the advice , Mr . Macmillan . I'll keep it in mind . I had better head off though . I ’ m meeting my husband for dinner . Sure , I'm heading out myself . Enjoy your evening . Thanks , sir . You too . Drive safely , I hear there ’ s a lot ice on the roads . Thanks for the warning ! See you tomorrow ! Tomorrow I'll take you to some places that I'm sure you will have interest in . Where else haven't we been to yet ? They are the Folk Antique Handicrafts and Collectibles Exhibition Halls . Sounds great ! How many kinds of folk collections do they have ? Well . there're actually over 200 kinds of folk collections in this city . That's half the collections of antique objects in China . There's one exhibition half for multiple collection , and several individual display rooms for private collectors . Private collectors ! They must have excellent collections . I'II go and see each of them . What kinds of collections can I see ? Come on , don't keep me in suspense ! No hurry ! I'II tell you now , The collections include ancient cases and caskets , tea sets , abacuses , precious sea shells and conches , drama costumes , agates , ancient coins , fans , mini-musical instruments , root-carving , rare stones and rocks , model ships , model cars ... Enough ! I can't wait anymore . The show will be starting in a few minutes . We'd better go in and find our seats . Number 7 and 9 of the Row 11 in the stalls , aren't they ? That's right . This entrance is for even numbers . That entrance over there is for odd numbers . Let's go over there . What a nice theatre ! I guess it can seat hundreds of people . Maybe you are right . Look . It's begin . Well , how did you like the show ? It's so interesting , I like it very much . Now , you are to board the plane.We ' re sorry that we haven't done much to help you when you stayed in China . I appreciate what you have done for me.Everything I have seen here has left a deep impression on me . I really don't know how to express my thanks to you . We are ready to help you . Will you be kind to say " Thank you " to Mr.Zhang and other friends for me ? I'd like to . I'm sure your visit will help to promote the friendship and understanding between both of us.Welcome to China again . Of course , I will.Well , it's time for me to say goodbye.The plane will take off soon.Hope some day you will come to America for a visit . Thank you . I will if I have chance.Goodbye and happy landing ! Goodbye ! Is the lake very polluted ? Well , I wouldn't swim in it - but the water is much cleaner than it was a few years ago . Are local factories allowed to discharge waste water into the lake ? Yes , but it must be treated in an effluent treatment plant first . Isn ’ t this great ? I always wanted to own a farm , live out in the country , grow my own food ! This is very beautiful . Though I have to confess , I don ’ t know the first thing about farming ! That ’ s fine ! Don ’ t worry about it ! What was that ? Relax , it was just a goat ! And that ? It ’ s just the cows that are grazing over there . We can milk them later . What was that ? Honey , seriously , It ’ s just a sheep . Relax ! Relax , that was just the horses and donkeys that are in the stable . You know what ? I don ’ t think I can hack it here out in the countryside . I ’ m going back to the city ! Well , thank you.Mr.Parry , for all your information.Just one more question . Yes , sir ? Do you play any sports or games ? I used to play football regularly when I was at university.And I used to do athletics in the summer . And what athletics did you play ? Can you remember ? I was a runner_a long-distance runner . And now ? No . I'm afraid I haven't had time since I got married . Well , thank you again for coming to see us.But just remember that we like people who join the company to play in the company sports teams . Certainly , sir . Hey , that's a really nice outfit you have on . Thank you . I wasn't sure if it looked okay or not . Oh , you look stunning . Your dress really goes well with your shoes . I'm glad that you think so . I thought it might be a bit too revealing . No , not at all . It looks really classy on you . Where did you pick that up ? I got it on sale down at the department store . When did you go there ? I was just there a couple of days ago . You know , you should go down there too . They have a lot of stylish clothes on sale . I might just do that . What style of clothes do they have ? Anything you want . They have both casual and formal styles . I was hoping to get a few new ties for my collection . That's a good idea . The poor girl is up to the eyes in study all the day . Yeah , she has a lot of homework . Today's children have not the chance to play , to make fun of them . Right . So in some way we are happier . Yeah , at least when we are children , we have not so much homework to do . Could you just hold this for me ? What are you doing ? Is anything wrong ? Yes , but I've nearly fixed it . Just take it , will you ? Oh , yes , of course . I'm sorry-I wasn't thinking ... Sometimes I think television is too biased . None of them are completely objective . That's unavoidable , but think , How would you keep up to date without television ? Newspapers or the radio I guess . I just wish TV was more objective . Look , you can still learn a lot from watching television , you just need to be smart when you're watching . Filter the information and decide if you believe what you are hearing or not . The internet's a lot worse . Really ? Why ? There's no one moderating it . Anyone around the world can put information onto the net for anyone else to see . The information on the internet is mostly unsubstantiated and you can never know who has written it , or why . A lot of people get conned online . Again , you need to think carefully . If you don't trust others online , have nothing to do with them . I went to the doctor yesterday . I beg your pardon ? I said I had been to the doctor the day before . What did he say ? He said I ' d got the flu . Oh dear ! What did he tell you to do ? He told me to stay in bed for ten days . Ten days ? Would you please repeat it again ? Yes , ten days . How nice it is here . You can say that again.The sun is shining and there is a pleasant breeze.It ' s so lovely . I've heard the weather here is ideal , just like spring most of the year . That's correct . We have four seasons of spring . What did you think of the teambuiding session this morning ? Do you think it did much good ? Well , a lot of the games were pretty silly . I don't know how much it helped us to be a better team , but i think everyone had a good time . I think that's an important part of it all ... we've got to be able to see another side of our co-workers and boss ... We can see what they're like as real human beings , working together on some project , for fun . I really think it helped our team jell together better . Yeah , I guess you're right . I think the trust game was my favorite . I think in order to have a strong team , we've all got to learn how to trust each other more . The trust game was your favorite , huh ? My favorite part was the personality tests . I think to know more about what kind of personality type you are will tell you a lot about how you can fit into a team.Also , when you know the personality strengths of your colleagues , it helps you understand them better . Beautiful weather , isn ’ t it ? Yes , it is . Are you here on business ? No , I ’ m on a vacation to see the famous Three Gorges . I ’ m going there for a tour , too . Is this your first trip to China ? Yes , it is . Why don ’ t we go together ? I can show you around . I think you ’ ll have a better time . I couldn ’ t agree more . Great , let ’ s go ! Tiffany , why are more and more people turning to the Web to find a mate ? I think that , as more people use the Internet for both work and pleasure , it makes more sense as a tool to connect with people , and the stigma of meeting someone online is reduced . There are actually special sites for people looking to date within their specific ethnic group and age group . But how should you screen potential mates ? Do you suggest talking to them on the phone right away or communicating via e-mail ? I would say do not make the e-mail exchange too long . A lot of times a connection via e-mail creates almost a false sense of intimacy . Quickly make sure there is a connection in the physical world . Can you give us any other safety tips for people pursuing relationships on the Net ? I'd suggest you not give out too much personal information , like your home address , until after several dates . Just keep up the same guards you would keep up if you were meeting any stranger . Besides the growth of these matchmaker sites , do you have any stats on success rates ? Are people out there finding true and lasting love through the Internet Well , for a site like , since their debut in Valentine's Day in 1999 , of the 1.5 million people who have joined , 300000 have actually matched . Do you have any successful stories to share ? Yes , the couple that I highlighted at today's show met on and they're getting married this summer . Isabelle , you know I'm not interested in fame . Well , you don't seem to be interested in getting a real job , either . You know I'm interested in teaching . I'm looking for jazz students ... Yeah , and every high school student in town is banging on your door , right ? I know they're out there . I'll find them . You're such a dreamer ! You think that you can spread the word of jazz in an underpass ? I think your speech was excellent . Was it ? Sure it was . Thank you.It was really a challenge to speak before such a large audience , you know . But you did it and did it well ! Smith is always careless , it is his Achilles ’ s heel . He would get very angry if anyone criticized him . He will burn his fingers . If only he knew it . Here's some dancing . See those guys stomping , clapping and shouting ? They're practicing step-dancing . It sounds cool . The rhythms look really difficult . They basically turn their bodies into drums . There's a national step competition every year . Well , black people are supposed to be great dancers . Wen ! That's only a stereotype . Like all Asians are supposed to be math geniuses . I'm not a great dancer , and you said you failed calculus . Ha-ha ! You got me there ! This is the end , Jane . I don't want a girlfriend who goes out with other guys all the time . I won't do it again . Please forgive me . No way . I've given you too many chances already . What's the bonus like at your company ? Well , it's OK , I suppose . We get about the equivalent of six months ' salary . Six months ' salary ? Are you serious ? That's incredible ! Maybe . But you'd be amazed at how little's left after the credit companies have deducted their share from my account . Hey , I know what that's like . I bought a BMW on my Visa card . Now the payments really hurt . Well , you're lucky that you're still able to make your payments . I missed a credit payment last month . Now my bank account's overdrawn , and the company is threatening to take back my purchases . What did you buy ? A new home health monitor . Health Monitor ? I read an article about that racket.They ' re overpriced to begin with ! Listen , if I were you , I'd let them take back their monitor and spend my money on something more practical . You're kidding ! No joke ! That's something else ! Maybe I'll return it to them . OK , Ann , you spent quite a bit of time in Australia recently so why don't you talk about that ? I really liked living in Australia . I was an international student and I studied education at the university of Sydney . And living in Sydney was fantasticbecuase I could go to the beach anytime I wanted and there was a great nightlife in Sydney . There are lots of great clubs . And people were very , very friendly and easy-going and I met a lot of international people in living Sydney . Mm-hm . How long were you there ? I was there for almost a year . Oh , OK . And I travelled a little bit in Australia . I went up the east coast . Up to Frasier Island . Which is a world heritage site . And I saw dingo running along the beach and sharks in the water . We climbed cliffs and went through a rain forest and went camping and then we went up to the ... , which is a but north . And the further north you go in Australia , the hotter it gets . So we were able to go swimming in the ocean and I went diving for the first time but it was a little bit risky cause I didn't have a diving license , so I went on an introductory dive and I saw a giant clam that had a really purple spongy inside that I was able to touch and then the clam closed up really quickly . So , did you , did you lose your finger ? Almost . Almost . Ah , you're lucky . Um , it's funny , you go in the water and you worry about sharks , but not clams . Exactly . Will you be going back to Australia soon ? I'd like to go and live there for at least another year . Probably I'll go back to Sydney or maybe I'll go down to Melbourne because it's a really interesting cultural city . They have lot of museums and parks . Tom did me many favors . For example ? I have just had my new paper published . You have done excellent work . I'm going to Britain . Really ? How did you get the chance ? I have been accepted by Oxford University on PhD . My warmest congratulations on your entering the Oxford University . I really appreciate your kind words . Happy birthday ! This is for you , Kate . Thanks , Miss . Wang . You know in China we usually don't open presents until the guests leave . Really ? I've already opened it . Great ! And it is exactly after my fancy . Thank you very much . Guess who I saw yesterday ? I don't know . Who ? Avril Lavigen ! The Canadian rock singer ? But I heard you had a part-time job yesterday . How did you see her ? Yeah , I worked as temporary staff in her concert . Look , her poster , a CD ... So you're a big fan , eh ? Not really . But I like some of her songs . She's actually very talented . She's a song writer and fashion designer , too . And she was in a movie once again , right ? Yeah , though I don't think her acting skills are that great . What was your impression of her when you saw her in person ? She looked sweeter than her pictures . Did you take a photo with her ? No , there were too many people . When she got out of the car , her fans were all screaming , trying to give her flowers and to get her autographs . Crazy ! I have to go home now , Jenny . Thanks for inviting me to your party . I'm glad you came . I hope you enjoyed it . I had a wonderful time . I was wondering how you are going to calculate our final grades . Grades are based on many things What counts the most ? Actually I look at all of it and let's not forget class participation . Do you grade on a curve or use percentages ? Homework , attendance , and quizzes are sixty percent ; the mid-term and final are worth twenty percent each . What if we miss something ? I will allow one unexcused absence ; after that you need to contact me ahead of time . Will you tell us if we are failing during the year ? You will be able to track your progress during the year . Okay , show me your card hand . Here's mine . I have three Kings and a pair of Aces . How did you get that ? No need to show you my hand , I lose.This is not as much fun as the music concert we just saw . Thanks again for buying the tickets . That was the most exciting live concert I've ever seen . That silver electric guitar was really cool . They're quite popular now . Wasn't her voice good ? That , My Heart Will Go On . It warms my heart . you know , JanetJackson , Shanna Twain and Celine Dion are so very different . Janet Jackson is more pop music.Shania sings country music . Celine just seems to hit all the right notes . Have you heard Maria Carey ? Yes , l have two of her Cds , l'II lend them to you if you like . Excellent . You can borrow my Janet Jackson's CD . It's her new one . I hope you have a good stereo . Why ? Because you have to hear it really loud to get the full concert effect . Sarah . You look terrible . What's wrong ? My grandmother just passed away . I'm so sorry to hear that . When did this happen ? A couple of days ago . I just go back from the funeral . Is there anything I can do ? No ... not really . The sad thing is that I wasn't there when she died . I really wanted to be there one last time . I'm sure she knew you loved her . Did she pass away in the hospital ? Yeah . She died in her sleep . I'm sorry she's gone . At least she didn't suffer . I think your grandmother would want you to think of all the good times you spent together . I know . But I miss her . When my grandmother passed away , I frequently visited her in the cemetery . I always talked to her . Even though she wasn't there , I somehow knew she heard what I said . Yeah ? That's what I was thinking too . Thanks . It looks like you haven't eaten anything all day . We should get you something to eat . You're right ... I should eat something . Let's go . It will do you good to go out for entertainment at weekends.What kind of movie do you like best ? It's hard to say , I like interesting and significant ones . I don't care whether they're blockbusters or not . Shall we go downtown for a movie this Friday evening ? Very good , What's on ? I'm not sure . Let me give a call to find out . Let's go eat . 0kay . Dinner's on me . I can't seem to progress up the career ladder no matter how hard I try and I have been here for 2 years already ! Well , have you thought of getting an MBA ? I heard it does wonders in getting you to the top . An MBA , hey . . . well my degree wasn't in business , the business schools won't be interested in me . Nonsense ! The business schools measure your ability through a test called GMAT . GMAT ? What does that stand for and what will the test contain ? Graduate Management Admission Test , it contains three parts Okay , this sounds a little tough , how am I supposed to practice for this ? Up to you , you could have a one on one session with a tutor or group sessions , you can also use free or private computer software . Going to church might help as well ! No matter what I do , I'm going to ace this test and go on to become a corporate fat cat ! Umm . . . That's the spirit ! hello , Kate ! How are you doing ? fine , thanks . How are you ? fine . How are your term papers ? oh , my lord . I haven't really started them . how could it be ? They are due two weeks later . I know but I was busy with my part-time job the last few days . Kate , you know , I am thinking of getting a part-time job next year because I really need more money and I don't want to ask my parents for any more . But I'm so busy ! How am I going to work and study to be honest with you , Jason , I don't think I'm doing a very good job of balancing my schoolwork with my job . I'm always two steps behind . I've got to get back to the dorm and continue writing tha my advisor ? This is the good life ! We have it good don ’ t you think ? Yeah of course ! Although , don ’ t you ever wonder what could have been ? What do you mean ? Well , sometimes I think of how things could have turned out if I had done things a little differently . For example ? Like for example , if I hadn ’ t studied architecture , I would have become an artist like I wanted to . I see . Yeah now that I think of it , I wouldn ’ t have gotten married if I hadn ’ t moved to this town and met Sally . You see ! Everything happens for a reason ! We wouldn ’ t even have met if I hadn ’ t been in that car accident ten years ago ! Well , I have no regrets ! I ’ ll drink to that ! Would you like to go to the movies tonight ? Well , I just saw a horror movie last night . It almost frightened me to death . Well , we could see something different like a detective film . I don't care for a detective film . It also makes me nervous . How about a comedy ? No , I don't think comedies today are natural or cheerful . How about a love story then ? No , romance is boring . What's you opinion ? Let's go to see a war movie , shall we ? Really ? Certainly . Is there anything wrong ? No , but I can't imagine that a girl like you would wonder to see a war movie . Hi . Bob ! We've been working hard at our lessons for a fortnight . So why don't we take it easy this weekend ? Okay ! What do you suggest ? How about seeing a play ? I hear Hamlet is on at the National Theater . Is that so ? Why not ? ( looking at a newspaper ) Oh , dear me ! There's no performance at the National theater this weekend . So we have to go to cinema instead . What's on ? Let me see .. um . Gone With the Wind . It is on at six cinemas on Saturday night . That sounds interesting . Which is the nearest ? Ah . The Royal , I think . What time does it start ? Why don't we go to the 7:30 show ? It is convenient to us , I think . But we won't have enough time for dinner . Do you want to go to the earlier or the later show ? Ah ... I fancy going to the later show . Then , there's a 9:30 show . That's Okay , I think . All right . Her ex-boyfriend was terrible , but this new one is even worse ! Out of the frying pan and into the fire . The man behind your mother must be your elder brother . Yes , he was 29 then . He looked his age . Well , I've got to go . See you later . See you . Have a nice day ! Thanks , you too . What did you say ? Are you deaf or what ? Who's your favorite singer ? Coco Lee . Hey , Ann . You don't have a pen , do you ? Sure , here you go . Thanks . I don't suppose you have some paper , too . Of course . There you are . Thanks so much . I owe you one . Are you ready , honey ? Sorry , not yet ! can you help me to select the dress ? i don , t what i should wear to fit thinner party . Just dress formal . How about transom ? It is too loud , we ’ ll handle some official business first before the dinner . Oh , i nearly forget it . You can put on your white shoes , it fits every occasion . What's the matter with you , then ? You look miserable . It's us . What do you mean by us ? Well , we used to talk to each other before we were married.Remember ? What do you mean ? We're talking now , aren't we ? Oh , yes , but we used to do so much together . Yes . I remember.But we never used to argue.You used to think I was wonderful.Where are you going ? Back to live with my parents.That ' s something else I used to do before we were married.Remember ? I think it is time to study . Our chemistry exam is coming . Oh , I know . When is it ? December 1st . What's on the test ? It seems to be from chapter six to chapter ten . Well . I think I'm going to fail my chemistry exam . Why are you so pessimistic ? I'm not being pessimistic . I'm being realistic . My chemistry is so bad . I believe you can pass the exam with good preparation . Don't lose your heart . Thank you . That's very nice of you . Are you new here ? Yes , I am . Is this your first year in college ? I actually transferred here from another school . Which school ? I transferred from PCC . How do you like it here compared to PCC ? I love it here . Do you like it better here or at PCC ? Don ’ t get me wrong . I like it here , but PCC is better . So , why did you leave PCC ? Because I got my AA and now I am going towards my bachelor degree . I don't know what I can do now . I'm down and out . You are not the gray train , I guess . But bite the bullet and you'll soon be in the chips again . I hope so . But I'm always caught short . But the darkest hour is the nearest dawn . I bet you'll soon turn the table . I was just about to go to bed when the telephone rang last night . Who was it ? Kate . She said she was too excited to go to sleep . She never cares about others . It ’ s true . Guess what we were talking about last night . Her new boyfriend , right ? Yeah , how do you know about that ? I was also interrupted by her last week because of such a thing . if you can choose , will you marry a foreigner or a Chinese ? why ? Did tom pop the question ? not yet . But I wonder if I can get my parents ’ consent . let me guess , your parents want you to marry a Chinese man , right ? you are right . It is giving me a real headache . I feel like I ’ m between a rock and a hard place . I used to have the same problem when I was with my ex . oh , how did you deal with it ? I just let it go and continued dating with my Korean boyfriend . But finally we broke up . oh , it ’ s a pity . What was the matter ? simple . We had personality clashes and there were too many cultural differences . like what ? he hoped to live in the Korean way and asked me to give up working and stay at home to take care of the family . Oh , I see . In their culture women should put family first . yes , he said it would be batter for me and for the whole family . But I simply can not quit working . so that's why it ’ s hard to have a happy marriage with a foreigner . not really . There are many successful mixed marriage around us . I don't know how to adjust my life . Would you give me a piece of advice ? You look a bit pale , don't you ? Yes , I can't sleep well every night . You should get plenty of sleep . I drink a lot of wine . If I were you , I wouldn't drink too much . I often feel so tired . You better do some exercise every morning . I sometimes find the shadow of death in front of me . Why do you worry about your future ? You're very young , and you'll make great contribution to the world . I hope you take my advice . Hi Joe . You met my new assistant , right ? Emm ... yes . But I wasn't too impressed . I found her a little stuck up . You are kidding , but she's so helpful . Tom ... you are her boss , you kown.Of course , she's helpful to you . Come on . She's like that with everyone . I don't think so actually . She never even says " hello " to me . Hey , you , pick up that piece of garbage ! Huh ? Me ? Yeah , you . I just saw you throw a piece of garbage on the ground . Can't you read the No Littering sign ? It's a $ 500 penalty for littering , so go pick it up and put it in the garbage can over there . Why should I do that ? It's only a piece of garbage . Why should you care ? Because this is a public place , and I want to spend my time here without having to look at your garbage . Listen , I really don't know why you're making this into such a big issue . It's only a small piece of garbage in a large space . It's not like there's garbage everywhere . Besides , someone will come along to clean it up at some time or another . It's not the cleaner's responsibility to pick up after lazy people . It's part of your responsibility to make sure that the place is neat for other people . If everyone thought like you , there'd be garbage everywhere ! The cleaners can't be everywhere ! Ok , whatever . See , I'm putting it in the garbage can . Hold on , that's an item . You should put that in the recycle bin next to the trashcan . What are you doing this weekend ? I don't have any plans . If ever you ’ re in Chicago , please do look me up . Well , yes , I ’ d like to , if it ’ s not too much trouble . No trouble at all . I think maybe you will meet some of my friends here as well . That ’ d be fine . How do you feel about wearing name logos or slogans on your clothing ? I've never really thought about it before . I guess it doesn't bother me . Do you think advertising has an influence on the choices you make when you're shopping ? I guess so . I usually buy name-brand clothing , shoes , and electronic goods . How about you ? I actually try to avoid name-brand items . I can't stand it when big companies advertise their products all over the place ! I know that advertisers are experts at persuading people to spend their money , I think brilliant items are usually higher quality than ~ grounds . I think is sensible to buy products that is high quality than others when you want to buy something that's going to last a long time , but I don't think it always makes sense . Do you have a brand preference for anything ? I do for shower items like shower gel and shampoo , but I don't for higher-end items . What do you think about the " impossible is nothing " billboard on the high street ? It's just a slogan for a famous company ; there's nothing really special about it . I think it's a brilliant advert ! It really grabs my attention ! To each their own ! Did you see the fashion awards last night ? I sat through about half of it but they lost me after that . Not interested ? Not really , to be honest . Some of what they call fashion looks terrible to me . But they are showing what will be all the rage next year . All the rage with whom ? I never see anyone wearing these designs on the street . Did you know that fashion is cyclical ? What , it keeps coming back ? Precisely ! For example , Flares were popular for a while , then went out of fashion . Now we can start to see them coming back in again . Flares ? They're also known as bell-bottoms . They are a type of trousers . It's too complicated . I'll just stick to the plain clothes . That's fine , but then you'll always look plain . Our national economy is increasing hand over fist . That ’ s really a good phenomenon to see . I hope it ’ ll continue for a long time . Betty was in hospital . I know that . I met her last week , and she looked as pale as death . She suffers from cancer . That ’ s too bad . She ’ s been so kind to us all . Do you have any plan on your mind ? I want to see all places of renown in Suzhou . How are we going there , by bike or by bus ? By bike , of course.You don't want to miss the beautiful scenery , do you ? Maybe we all will be all things to all men . How terrible ! But for the life , we'll be changed by this society . I really don't want to go into the world , I feel afraid of it . Don't be silly . We have reached the age to take the responsibility by ourselves . I know . You're late . I know I'm late . I'm sorry . I tried to call you to tell you , but your phone seems to be disconnected . My phone ? Yes . An automatic message says your phone is not in service . Really ? I had no idea . Let me check.Yes , it's dead . There's no dial tone . So I couldn't get through . I knew I'd be late because my car wouldn't start.It was too cold I had to warm it up in the garage with a heater . That's why I'm late . But this is terrible . I'm expecting important calls . About what ? You know what.The theater guild is supposed to call me and discuss a contract for my play.They are supposed to call me this evening.If I don't have a phone . Oh , what can I do ? Well , the only thing you can do is tell the phone company and hope they fix it fast . Do you have a cell phone ? No . I hate cell phones.But you could go to a neighbor's house and use their phone . Can you drive me ? I will go to Ann's house . It isn't far . I can call the theater guild from there and give them her number.She will let us wait in her living room . Yes , of course I can drive you.So you don't want to get your phone fixed right away ? Yes , I do.At Ann's house I will call the phone company and have them check my line.If they can fix it right away without coming to my house , then we'll just return here.But if not , I need to wait at Ann's house to talk with the theater guild.It ' s very important to me . Alright , let's go . Yes , let's go . Would you like to go to a concert tonight ? I'd like to very much . All right , then.There is one at the new concert hall . Who's playing ? It's the Powell orchestra . Do you know what they are playing ? They're doing a seventeenth-century program . And who is directing ? Well , I'm not sure of his name , but I know it's going to be his farewell performance . I am unsure how to add a class and need help . I have an opening . Do you have an add sheet for me to sign ? Yes , I have an add sheet . After I sign it , you must take it to the Admissions and Records Office to add the class . Do you know where that is ? No , I'm not sure . When you cross the quad , the office is right in front of you . Go inside and follow the signs to the correct line . Thanks . I understand what to do now . It should be easy to find . After you add the class , check with me in a few weeks to make sure that you are on my roll sheet . That sounds good . Good , just make sure that you do the same thing if you ever need to drop a class . Good luck ! I found out when Jim's birthday is . It's this Friday . Let's plan a surprise party for him ! Can you spread the word and ask everyone to bring some kind of snack food ? That's easy . Anything else ? Will you call his wife and let her know so that if she is available , she can come too ? Won't he be surprised ! I don't know how old he is though . That's O . K . Maybe his wife will spill the beans ! In spring , people are feeling refreshed . They take off their heavy winter clothes and walk with a straight back and light steps . They feel they are full of spirits and energy . Women in particular . They are anxious to get rid of those thick and clumsy winter suits and put on their new fashionable spring dress . Well , when summer comes , the weather is hot and the leaves turn darkgreen ; the sun is blazing and the air is threatening . No one would like to stay in the open air for long . That's true . In summer , the first place people want to go is a spacious room with air-conditioning or a quiet river or swimming pool . I myself like very much to listen to the singing of some of the insects , especially the singing of cicadas . In autumn , almost all fruits are ripe and all crops are waiting to be harvested . And you can hear singing and laughing everywhere ! People are happy in autumn because autumn brings them harvest and richness and prosperity ! Well , winter is a season for relaxation , do you agree with me ? Well , it's hard to say . For the fields and rivers , winter is a relaxing season , but for farmers , I think they might take a rest physically , but mentally they are still busy thinking , planning and calculating for the working of the next year . Maybe you are right . Hey Sarah , are you all right ? You look upset . As a matter of fact , I am a bit upset . I just came out of a meeting and it didn't go very well . What happened ? No one would listen to any of my suggestions . Instead , they just kept arguing with each other . Who was chairing the meeting ? Bob . Well , I can tell you from experience that Bob might come off a little strong sometimes . That's exactly what happened ! He kept interrupting everyone with his own suggestions and did not want to hear what others had to say . Then he expected everyone to agree with him . What was the meeting about ? We were trying to come up with ideas to streamline the office's workflow to make it more efficient . It's ironic that the meeting was anything but efficient . Exactly . I had tons of ideas that I wanted to share , but they just wouldn't let me finish . What should I have done to get my point across ? You have to keep things short and sweet . When you get a chance to speak , try not to get into too many unnecessary details . Short and sweet ? But what if I have to explain something complicated ? You can always bring up the main points during the meeting and speak to those who are directly involved after the meeting . Not everyone needs to know all that information . That's a good idea , I think I will try that at the next meeting . Let's go to the cinema tonight , shall we ? Good idea . Is there a good movie on ? What about ' Farewell My Concubine ' ? I've been wanting to see it for a long time . All right . But it'll be difficult to buy tickets I suppose . My brother has offered me two tickets for this evening . What time does it begin ? At eight thirty . I'll come for you at about eight . OK , I'll be waiting . I ’ d love to have my own farm . It would be very hard work . Are you sure ? I wouldn ’ t mind getting up early morning and the physical work would make me fit and healthy . Running a farm would be totally different to you current job . That ’ s one reason I ’ d like to try it . I ’ d really like to get away from working 9 to 5 in an office . You ’ d need a lot of training before becoming a farmer . It ’ s not something you can just walk into . My uncle owns a farm and I ’ Ve spent some time working with him . I love being in the countryside with farm animals and green fields . Well , I ‘ d certainly come and visit you . It would be great to take a working holiday on a farm . I ’ d love to get away from hustle and bustle of the city for a while . Good afternoon , everyone . The experiment is to start at 3 . Have you gone through the instructions ? Yes , sir . Ok , now some points for attention . First of all , pay attention to safety ... Now , sign your names on the lab record , and after that you can start . If there is any question , just let me know . Excuse me , sir . This air compressor doesn't work . Have you turned it on ? Yes , I have . Ok , I will get you another one . Thank you . Guess what ? Paul and Susan are engaged . Really ? When did that happen ? A week ago ? They met last summer and now just sink . They will be married soon . Have they set a date for the wedding ? No , not yet . But Susan says they ’ d like to get married in November or December . Then they ’ ll go to Hawaii for their honeymoon . Oh man ! I ’ Ve been starving myself for days now and I haven ’ t lost an ounce ! Are you trying to lose weight ? Yeah , my friend is getting married next month and I ’ m supposed to be a bridesmaid . I have to fit into my dress and look nice for her wedding , but I haven ’ t lost any weight ! Look at these love handles . You don ’ t have to starve yourself to lose weight . I think that ’ s where you ’ re going wrong . Why ? If I eat less , then my body will start eating away at my fat reserves , right ? Not really . You should try to not eat foods high in calories , salts or saturated fats . Stay away from oily food and artificial flavors . So you are saying that I should eat , but I should just watch what I eat ? Yes ! You can also try to reduce your intake of carbohydrates and foods that are high in cholesterol . You can have steamed veggies or increase your protein intake found in chicken or fish . If I do all this do you think I can lose twenty pounds in four weeks ? Don ’ t count on it . Do you know that song ? Which song ? The song you hear now . No , I've never heard of this song before . It's beautiful ! Who sing it ? Elvis Presley . Don't you recognize his voice ? No . How about going to karaoke tonight ? Good idea . How are you ? Fine . I haven ’ t seen you for several days . Oh , I have been with my uncle for a week . What ’ s he doing ? He is an accountant . I have been helping him for a week . He must be happy . Yeah . How are you these days ? Fine too . What did you do this weekend , Kate ? Oh , Diane and I went for a drive in the country on Saturday . That sounds nice . Where did you go ? We drove to the lake and had a picnic . We had a great time ! How about you ? Did you do anything special ? Not really . I just worked on my car all day . That old thing ! Why don't you just buy a new one ? But then what would I do every weekend ? I ’ d better be going . So soon . Why don ’ t you stay a little longer ? I wish I could , but It ’ s already late . Oh . It ’ s pity you have to leave . thank you for wonderful meat . I'm glad you enjoy it . Did you remember to bring back that software I lent to you ? Oh , I ’ m sorry . It completely slipped my mind . That ’ s ok . If you could just bring it in tomorrow , I would appreciate it . Definitely , I ’ m really sorry . Well , known , Jim , I'm ... I'm pretty much in favour of computers , I think computers teach kids to think , because they require logical thought . But I ... I don't agree with that , because computers weaken kids ' ability to think , because kids don't learn basic skills . What do you mean ? They can't spell , they can't add , they can't subtract , they even don't remember any more.that ' s because they rely on gadgets . That's not the gadgets.Creating programmes is stimulate thoughts . All right . But these are black and I don ’ t like black shoes . They ’ re dull . Well , black is a better color than pink . Pink ’ s for girls . Then why are you wearing black shoes ? Because ... oh , all right . You win . Let ’ s pay for them and go . Hey , thanks , mum . Hey , Mike . Can I ask you something ? Sure , what's up ? I'm going to gamble on the world cup tonight . Who do you think will win ? Good question . I have to think about it . My husband is betting on France . France ? Is he crazy ? What do you mean ? Well , how do I put this ? France is a terrible team . How do you do . I ’ m Mark Rancor . Nice to meet you . May I know your name , please ? I ’ m Rose Teller . I think I ’ Ve seen you somewhere before ? Ah , yes . I remember now . Were you Mr . John ’ s dinner partner last month ? Yes , I was . You work for 3M , right ? I did but now I ’ m for Microsoft . How are things with you ? Good . May I know what you do ? I ’ m a fashion designer . Next month , I have a fashion show . I ’ d love it if come . I can get you a couple of tickets . So you can bring a friend if you like . Sure . That would be great . Good luck . Thank you . What's the name of the series just showed ? Doctor Butcher . What a horrible name ! Is it full of suspense ? No , not at ' s about how to keep fit . What ’ s “ pi ” ? That ’ s the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter , I think . I see . What is that ratio exactly ? It ’ s approximately 3.14 , but the number continues forever . What ’ s the diameter of your circle ? It ’ s 10 centimeters , so the circumference should be 31.4 centimeters . Ok . My next problem is to convert 10000 british pounds into us dollars . What ’ s the exchange rate at the moment ? According to the newspaper , the exchange rate is 1.85 dollars to the pound . That means that 10.000 pounds will buy me 18.500 dollars . What ’ s the next question . Fractions . What ’ s a quarter and an eighth ? That ’ s three-eights . Easy . The next question is “ what are prime numbers ? ” . I can help you there . Those are numbers that cannot be created by multiplying two whole numbers , apart from the number itself and 1 , together . So , 1,2 and 3 are prime numbers , but 4 isn ’ t because 2 * 2 = 4 . Exactly . Anything else ? How many seconds in an hour ? 60 seconds multiplied by 60 minutes equals 3600 seconds altogether . You ’ ll be a mathematician one day . How's your new car ? Perfect . Couldn't be better ! You made a good choice , then ? It's just what I wanted . No regrets ? I'm really pleased with it . Thanks . I'm glad you're so happy . It's super . Thank you.Steven.That was the most magnificent meal I've had abroad.You ' ll have to let me reciprocate the next time you're in Beijing . Don't worry about it , Lin.That ' s no big deal.You know , Americans appreciate China's rich culinary culture . Just excuse me for a second while I check the number here and figure out how much to give the waiter.Hmm , by the way , what do you do about tipping in China ? We don't . No tipping ? Now that's what I call a civilized system . At hotels and some restaurants they add a service charge to the bill , but other than that , tipping isn't customary . What about cab drivers and porters ? In a cab you just pay what it says on the meter . I generally tip hotel porters 10 yuan per bag , but in first-class hotels they're instructed not to accept gratuities . You'd have a revolution on your hands if you tried to introduce that sort of system here . Morning , Mary . I haven't seen you in a long time . What's up ? Oh , I took up a new hobby . So you don't travel a lot now ? No , Frank . I'm much more interested in collecting stamps now . It's certainly a popular hobby . I know a lot of people love stamps . It certainly is . It's so much fun . I believe collecting stamps has something similar to traveling right ? Absolutely . Through all kinds of stamps I am able to learn about the world . Well , every stamp has a story to tell . You're right . And I also meet many new friends while collecting stamps . Good . Sometimes we even spend hours discussing our collections . There's a lot to share when you have a common interest . Yes , it's really amazing . I got to go now . I'm meeting with some other collectors . Ok , good luck . See you See you , Frank . I am in hot water now , all the things seem to be blown up . Don't be scared.Bite the bullet and everything will be right again . Thank you for encouraging me . There are problems cropping up here and there . But I will over come them one by one . What a beautiful view , my sweetheart ! It sure is.The Grand Canyon is truly masterpiece . No man could ever make anything like this . What is that below ? It is the Colorado River . You will go down the river in a boat if you wish . No , thank you.It looks a bit too dangerous for me . There is a beautiful state park here . I can see why so many people come out here to camp . Yes , there is this beautiful view . you may go fishing , camping and also enjoy this beautiful clean air . It definitely is a nice change from the polluted and crowded city . You are so romantic , my sweetheart . Our neighbour ’ s tape recorder is so loud that it annoys us to death . I ’ Ve made up my mind to cut the electricity off . What ? That would be to cut off your nose to spite your face . Then what shall I do ? Call the police . David , what's new with you ? You are not in the mood . Can you tell me ? After six months , my college life will come to the end . The following trouble will be the job-hunting . That's really a headache . Do not take things so seriously , my pal ! Every one of us will face the trouble and job-hunting is inevitable . Take it easy ! Believe in yourself and some day you will be successful . It sounds reasonable . Maybe I should look on the bright side . What's the matter ? You don't look well . I am worried . What about ? My exam . Oh , is that all ? I feel very nervous about it . Don't worry about it . Try to look on the bright sight of things . What's wrong , Frank ? I didn't make the soccer team . Cheer up ! It's not the end of the world . Jenny , you look terrible . What's eating you ? Don't brother me ! Hey , Chillon , I'm just trying to help . Sorry , Sally , it's not your fault . So , what's the problem ? I drew a blank on ~ about the test . No kidding ! Didn't you study for it ? Yeah , but nothing was clear during the test . That's too bad , anyway , I'm sure things will turn around next master . I'm thinking of dropping out . You can't do that , Jenny ! I'm dead serious about this , Sally . Come on , let's talk about it . She's pretty and meek . No , I can't agree with you . She's one but not the other . What makes you think so ? She's my wife , you know . Hey , did you hear the news ? No , what's up ? Miss Yang is dating the manager who's married . You're joking ! No joke ! That's why she hasn't married yet . David , why didn ’ t you clean the room ? I ’ m not in the mood . Why are you feeling depressed ? I was told my girlfriend was speaking ill of me . That ’ s a real let-down . I don ’ t think she will do such a thing . But she did and made me disappointed . Oh , cheer up . A girlfriend is not everything . But she means a lot to me . Then forgive her mistake . Oh . I just can ’ t forget it . Betty , would you please read this letter of application I've just written ? I'd like to have your opinion . I'd be glad to tell you what I think . Good ! I'm interested in your advice . If I were you , I would change the beginning . You should write about your education first because we like to judge a man by his abilities . Good idea , Betty . What would you think about the second part ? I think it's too short . You'd better say something about your work experience . You're right , I'll change it . How about the last part ? Very good . But you should talk about your family , too . I agree . I appreciate your helping me . Well , everything is packed and ready to go . It's hard to believe that we're really leaving . The past two weeks was like a dream . Yes . Just think the blue sky , sunshine , mouth-watering food , centuries-old castles - - And the people were so friendly ! Yeah , we would have been lost without the help of the locals . Do you still remember the small restaurant at the corner of the street ? Of course . That was the best pasta I've ever had . I ate so much that I wasn't hungry until afternoon the next day . If only we could eat there once more ! Maybe we can come here again next summer . Hope the restaurant is still there . Hey , what's the time ? Oh , my god ! Only two hours left before the plane takes off . We need to be at the airport now . Don't worry . We can call a cab . It'll be alright . Do you live with your parents ? No , they live in Shanghai , my hometown . How often do you go back to visit them ? Once a year . Did you watch the live telecast of the World Cup last night ? I missed it . I watch a live show of a concert . What's the band called ? Love Music Woman Here comes the birthday cake . Wow , what a lovely cake . Be sure to blow out all the candles in one puff . Oh , they all went out ! Did you make a wish ? Yes , but I doubt if I get it . I've never get it . Better luck this time . Lisa , I ’ Ve been thinking of something . What is it ? Well . I ’ Ve done a lot of business for my company . And now I feel like going into business for myself . Do you mean you want to sell up your company of your own ? There ’ s a possibility . What do you say ? That ’ s not a bad idea . Bet after all you should get some sound financial guarantee . What are the seasons like in your city ? Summers is hot and usually lasts a long time . Winters are short , but cold , wet , and windy . I love the summers in my city , but I hate the wintertime . Does it ever rain in summer ? We usually get a big thunderstorm every two weeks , but apart from that , summers are dry . Thunderstorms make the air fresh again , so most people don ’ t mind then . What are spring and autumn like ? I like spring because flowers bloom and trees grow leaves again . In spring , the weather is very changeable-sometimes cold , sometimes warm . It ’ s usually windy with some rain . Autumn is usually sunny an Well , I live in the southern hemisphere , so our summertime is your wintertime , and vice versa . We get some rain in every season , but most is in winter . In winter , it sometimes gets cold , but our wine Do you usually go on a summer holiday ? No , I don ’ t . I go on a winter holiday instead . I go somewhere warm . I usually go on holiday during the spring or the autumn . I try to go somewhere where the weather is more reliable than in my city . I have some good news for you . We've decided we'd like to send you to Shanghai on a business trip this weekend . oh . don't you think that it'd be a good thing for you to get out of the office for a couple of days ? sure . I thought you'd be a bit more excited about this . Everything will be paid for and I'll send my assistant with you to take care of everything for you . All you have to do it get on the train tonight a the train ? Will I be flying back then ? oh , no . We've brought your return ticket for you . I think you'll find it comfortable . will the train be very crowded ? oh no . the train hasn't been crowded at all recently . Besides , you're in first-class , so you'll be fine . when is the first meeting then ? they've scheduled the negotiation meeting for 9:00 tomorrow morning . That should give you enough time to have a quick shower . where will I be staying ? we've booked you a room in the same hotel as your meetings , so you won't need to deal much with the transportation system . that's very sensible . Would it be alright if I left early today to prepare for the trip ? that's not a problem . Have a nap if you can . You don't know how tight the schedule is for this business trip . what ? How could you forget to reserve the concert tickets ? I'm sorry . I forget all about it . How could you ? I reminded you just this morning . It's leap my mind . I really feel terrible about it . I have been looking forward to this performance all month . I'm really sorry I let you down . I'll make it up to you somehow . Say , Jim , how about going for a few beers after dinner ? You know that is tempting but is really not good for our fitness . What do you mean ? It will help us to relax . Do you really think so ? I don't . It will just make us fat and act silly . Remember last time ? I guess you are right . But what shall we do ? I don't feel like sitting at home . I suggest a walk over to the gym where we can play singsong and meet some of our friends . That's a good idea . I hear Mary and Sally often go there to play singsong . Perhaps we can make a foursome with them . Sounds great to me ! If they are willing , we could ask them to go dancing with us . That is excellent exercise and fun , too . Good . Let's go now . All right . Have you heard anything about Markweed Inc . ? They have called me back for interview , and I'm considering taking a job with them . Well , to start with , Markweed Inc . has a reputation for being one of the best employers in the field . The best ... huh ? With so many companies out there , how did they establish themselves in such a solid position on top ? First of all , they have an excellent benefits package for all employees , even the maintenance staff have health and dental coverage . Really ? What about the pay rate ? Are the wages pretty high ? From what I hear , they are very reasonable . A lot of the prestige the company has built is because they have attacked some high profile employees with their incentives . Well , what about the work environment ? Not every one is motivated solely by money . It's a great place to work . They give you fair pay and benefits , and a lot of room to grow . I think if they off you a job , you should definitely take it . Terrible . How about people's lives ? Fortunately , there is no person died . That's great . It seems that Typhoon is not as bad as earthquake . Yeah . Earthquake is one of the most badly natural disasters in the world . That's why many people died in the earthquake . Well , China is located on the Eurasia plate , where earthquakes happen frequently due to the earth's plates knocking against each other . Oh , China does have been plagued by numerous destructive earthquakes during its long history . Yeah , we've experienced the 8.0 magnitude earthquake in Wenchman . We're all familiar with natural disasters . but we still feel weak when we face Wenchman earthquake . Right . But people at that time only know two words , " save " and " assistance " , they will never don't lift a finger . Life is the most important compared with anything else . That's the point . Love among human beings is not limited by geography . Do I have to take these books here if I want to renew them ? You can renew the books over the computer . That's so convenient . I always feel I ’ m left high and dry with nobody to rely on . Don ’ t be fool . I ’ ll always side with you . I appreciate your kindness . Did you play football yesterday ? Yes , I played with Tony and John . What did you do after you'd played football ? We all went swimming . Are you going swimming again this afternoon ? No , we aren't . We're going to help Mr Smith to plant some flowers . Are you helping him all afternoon ? Yes , we are . We can neither play football nor do our homework today . You're , going to be very busy . Yes , we certainly are . But Mr Smith is going to pay us for all the work we'll do . Welcome , Ron , come on in ! Hi , Malia ! What a nice home ! We enjoy it too ! How long have you lived here ? About four years now . Well , it is very beautiful . Ron , have a seat and I'll get us something to drink . Good ! I am really thirsty . You know it really is hot outside ! I have lemonade , iced tea , and mango juice . Mango juice would be perfect . Thank you ! Is there a lot of oil and coal in your country ? There is some , but my country is not amongst the leading producers . The oil and coal deposits are in the north of my country . Your country is a big oil producer , isn ’ t it ? Yes , it is . My country is famous for having that natural resources . We also have a lot of natural gas . We have some too . Do you have a lot of coal ? No coal has been discovered in my country , but there may be undiscovered deposits . We don ’ t have many metal deposits . There are a few in my country . We have deposit of gold , but they are very small . When I traveled around your country , I bought some jewellery made from gold from your country . The jewellery told me that there are few gold mines in your country . The gold was found in mountain steams . That ’ s right . A few people go panning for gold in rivers . You have many trees in your country . That ’ s another natural resources . It ’ s a natural resources that we hardly use . Government policy is to conserve those forests . I see . That ’ s probably a good idea . Too many forest are being destroyed . Is your country ’ s environment being damaged by the oil industry ? We have some inspections , but it is very hard to avoid pollution when extracting oil . There has been some damage , but it is under control . Don't you have too much to do with him . Why not ? His father is a prisoner . So what ? His father is in prison , not he . ORG ! It must be so late where you are . What time is it ? just after 2 am . what's wrong ? Can't sleep ? nope , actually I was waiting for you . I have something big to tell you . really ? What is it ? I have an offer to work for a company in your city today ? I can't believe it ! Is it real ? You're moving here ? I haven't accepted the position yet and with the upcoming holiday I think it's the perfect chance to visit the city and take a good look at the company before deciding . If you have time I think we c just give me the dates and I'll make sure I'm free . You know after all these chatting online , it will be great to meet you in real life . I look forward to seeing you soon ! me too . But I think I am going to bed now . my head is getting heavy . Have a nice day there ! thanks . This is so exciting . Sleep tight and sweet dreams ! talk to you later . You really should stop smoking , you know . I know . I know . I don ’ t smoke too much , though . How many cigarettes do you smoke a day ? About a pack , more if I drink . Wow . You ’ re really a heavy smoker . No , I ’ m not . My father smoked two packs a day for forty years . He died of lung cancer , right ? Yeah ... you ’ re right . I really should stop smoking . Why are you so rude to your wife ? I didn't like her butting in where I didn't want her . She's a chatter box . But she means to help you , not to trouble you . I know . But I just can't stand her butting in when I was trying to emphasize a point . OK , Hello ! Hello ! Hi , what's your name ? Yeah , my name is Nandu . Nandu . Nandu , how do you spell you name ? Yeah , my name is like N-A-N-J-U . Oh , OK . That's a nice name , Nandu . And where are you from ? I'm from Madras . Be quiet , Will you ? I'm sorry . I have to miss school next week . Isn't there some way you could work your schedule out to be here ? Unfortunately , this is what I have to do . How are you going to catch up ? I've got it all covered . If you miss this class , you will have used up your quota for the semester . Don't worry , this will be the last class I miss . Make sure to remind me right before you are absent . I'll remember . Enjoy your day off and don't forget to study ! There will be a party in my company ; what shall I wear ? Is it formal or informal ? I guess it is a formal one because the general director will give a speech there , and most of the staff will take part in . In that case , formal suit with a nice tie will be better . You are right . What about shoes ? The brown leather shoes are OK . Thanks a lot . Don ’ t mention it . How do you think about our boss ? He's the nicest boss I've had . Yes , I think he's the most relaxing person in management . What's more , he said I was the hardest working person in the office ! That's good . Maybe you'll get promoted . I hope so . Well , no one could survive without water , but you see pollution has been making more and more water unable for drinking . Yeah . Water pollution has for a long time been a major concern among the environmental issues . But what are the sources of water pollution ? They could generally be divided into two categories , direct and indirect contaminant sources . Well , direct ones are the pollution directly from factories , refineries waste treatment plants etc . , aren ’ t they ? Yeah . They are emitted directly into urban water supplies . But what about the indirect ones ? Indirect sources include contaminants that enter the water supply from soils or groundwater systems and from the atmosphere via rainwater . I see . For the sake of us all , we should be an active participator in the prevention of it . Sure . It's an issue asking for everyone's participation . I'm tired of dancing . But to me it's really enjoyable . Maybe it's because you always have pretty girls as your partners . Maybe so . I ’ m sick of my job , I always have to work late at night , and the company keeps me working in the office . Why don ’ t you find a new career where you can do what you enjoy , being outside working during the day ? What do you suggest ? I can ’ t afford to quit my job until I get a new one . Maybe you have two choices . You could attend school during the day , or you could get a position that provides training . I just dropped in to say good-bye . What time are you leaving ? I'm going to try to leave by ten . Take care and give my best to your parents . Good-bye . Hope to see you soon again next year . Don't forget to call us if you're in Tokyo . David , recently I established a travelling forum , and now I want to make a plan to hold the first activity . Where can we go for this time ? How many members are there in your forum ? a dozen . I think we can visit West Lake . The landscapes are attractive . It is said that just as there is paradise in heaven , there are Su Thou and Hang Thou on earth . It's surely worth going to . There are ten famous spots there . What can we do next after locating the place ? Inform my members to prepare for the travelling . And then we can discuss about the travelling costs . My mom is three years older than my dad , and they are like night and day.My mom is 5 footsweet and very nice , and very caring , and very cute , everybody tells her how young she looks , and how she resembles my sister , perhaps.My father is very much completely opposite that.He is a very bi 4 , on a good day , 5 foot 2 , I think in real life , and she is very nice . When is the last time you talked to you parents ? I talked to them probably about two weeks ago . Yeah , everything is going well . Are you going to see them soon ? I am going to go home after the holidays and we're going to have a Christmas kind of in January or February . Yeah , depending on when my brother can come in . OK . And who are you more like , your mother or your father ? I think I have traits of both , actually . I look more like my mother . We have to pick up Conrad before the party . Alright , no problem . We're supposed to meet him at Cal's Bar at 10 Wait a minute . Cal's bar ? Yes . That's a gay bar . Yes , it is . Conrad is gay . Didn't you know ? I thought he was maybe gay , but I wasn't sure.Anyhow , you don't expect me to go into a gay bar , do you ? Why not ? We're supposed to meet him there . Why doesn't he meet us outside ? Why should he do that ? It isn't illegal for us to go in . Yeah , but who wants to go in ? I'm not gay , you know . Why should I go in a gay bar ? You sound like you're afraid . I just wouldn't be comfortable . You've never been in a gay bar before ? No , never . But it's just a bar . There's no danger.You shouldn't be so homophobic . Well ... Listen . If you refuse to go in , Conrad will be offended.You don't hate gay people , do you ? No , I don't . But I never went into a gay bar before . Don't worry about it . There is nothing strange about it.If Conrad's there , we'll leave for the party.If he's not , we'll sit down and have a drink . Okay . I will try it . I suppose it isn't reasonable for me to refuse to go in.After all , gay people aren't afraid to go into normal bars . I'm glad you feel that way.We ' ll leave in about ten minutes , alright ? Fine . Are these your triplets ? They ’ re beautiful ! I ’ Ve seen other babies who were nothing but skin and bones at their age . You know , they ’ re absolutely identical of you and John ! Are you planning on having any more ? Bite your tongue ! I ’ m already at the end of my rope . Some nights I don ’ t sleep at all . John manages to sleep like a log even when the babies are screaming at the top of their lungs . Well , tell me . How was the labor and delivery ? I wouldn ’ t say that I had the time of my life but at least everything went without a hitch . Well , hang in there . In twenty years , you ’ ll fell it was well worth it ! Is everything ready for the big family barbecue tomorrow ? Yep . The steaks and chicken are marinated and I also bought hamburger buns . We should also cook a couple dozen hot dogs and kebabs . Yeah , good idea.We can put some lawn furniture outside next to the grill . I also set up the tent outside so we can hide from the sun if it gets too hot . Great ! I asked Grace to bring cups and serviettes as she is also bringing two big coolers for the beers . This is gonna be a great barbecue ! How is Rose now ? It ’ s still touch and go . We don ’ t see how she can make it . I ’ m sorry to hear about that . It's a fine day today , isn't it ? Yes , it is.It ' s wonderful after the downpour . How nice seeing the sun back again ! The air is so fresh . I hope it stays nice like this for a long period of time . Well , the weather is so unpredictable this time of year . You're right.We don't know what is going to be like tomorrow . Look ! It looks as if it is going to rain . The weatherman predicts a fine day today . The weather is often quite different from the weather forecast . Good morning . Mrs.Smith . Good morning ! Can you help me , please ? I'm looking for some books for my mother . Well , what kind of books does she like ? She's very fond of detective stories ? I see . Has she read any detective stories ? Oh , yes ! Do you know if she's read this one ? I'm not sure , but she probably won't remember if she has ! She's very forgetful ! Ah ! She has a bad memory . How old is she ? She's eighty-seven . I suggest you take this book . It's very exciting . Thank you . That's a good idea.she likes exciting books . Can you suggest another one ? Do I have to write the invitation cards ? No , you don ’ t have to . But I think you ought to . Oh , well . If I must , I must . How many people are in your family ? As you know , China has a single-child policy . Therefore , there ’ s just my husband , my daughter and I . What about in your family ? I have one daughter and one son . Then there ’ s my husband and I . What about your parents ? Do they live with your family ? Not anymore . They live with my brother now . and yours ? My parents live by themselves now . when they get older , they ’ ll probably go to a retirement home . Do you just have one brother ? No , I have two older brothers and one younger sister . What about you ? I also grew up in a big family . I have one older brother and three younger sisters . How long have you been married ? About seven years now . and you ? I've been married for about five years . What do you think about divorce ? It ’ s becoming more and more common . However , I don ’ t ever want to get divorced myself ! What about you ? If my husband cheated on me or treated me badly , I would get a divorce . If that happens , maybe you could marry my brother and we could become in-laws ! ( ha ha ) I ’ ll keep that in mind , but don ’ t tell my husband . Of course not ! I hear that you are going to participate in the dinner party tonight.Seen from what you are dressing , you really look like a fox . Yeah , I think it will be wonderful . I was just watching a documentary on tv about people use dogs for various purpose . It was very interesting . I love dogs . They have been used as guards for centuries . Nowadays , they are often used to find illegal drugs and bombs by the police and customs officers . The documentary also pointed out that they are used by shepherds to round up sheep and by rescue workers to find people trapped under rubble or snow . Horses are useful to people too . We use them for sports and recreation . Don ’ t forget that horses are still used in many countries to pull ploughs and carts . Can you ride a horse ? Yes , I can . I don ’ t ride regularly though . How about you ? I can ride too . Perhaps we could go horse riding together at the weekend ? What a good idea ! How's it going ? I'm in a good mood today , actually . How about you ? To be honest , I'm a bit fed up . What's wrong ? There's a girl in my company that I really like but I always get shy when she is around . I see ! Do you want to ask her out ? Sure , but how ? You can ask her out for drink after work . But for what reasons ? She doesn't even know who I am . Then you've got a lot of homework to do . You need to get her notice first . Easier said than done . You can start by meeting her at the bus stop and saying hello to her . But I always get tongue-tied when I see her . That's something you need to overcome . Men should make the first move as most of girls prefer being chased . I see . I'll try . Good luck . It's too hot to read . We'd better go out for a walk . Which season do you like best ? Spring . How about summer ? I dislike it most . Why ? Because the hottest season is summer in a year . But sometimes summer is more charming than the other seasons . Where did you go yesterday ? I went to Croydon . Did you go shopping ? No , I went for an interview . Oh , did you get a job ? Yes , I got a job as a Management Trainee . Fantastic . John hasn't got married up to now . Don't you know that he has been carrying a torch for Mary for years ? Really ? Does Mary know that ? Of course not . How silly John is . Mom , you know that Andrea and I sometimes worry about you . Really ? Why would you worry about me ? I ’ m just fine . You ’ re almost 70 years old , Mom ! Don ’ t you think it would be better for you if you moved in with us ? No way ! I like my apartment , and I like to be independent . Do you ever get lonely living alone ? Not at all . I see you and your family twice a week , and I enjoy seeing my own friends . I ’ m too busy to feel lonely ! Tom , you look thoughtful and unhappy recently . What's wrong with you ? Lily broke up with me last week . In fact , she dumped me . Why ? I mean , why did she part company with you after seven years together ? She said it was because we had very different ideas about life . Do you believe her excuse ? Of course not . I knew she had fallen in love with another guy . It is difficult to see her move on so quickly . Come on , buddy , cheer up . Why not do some sports with me ? Violent exercise might help to shake you out of your disappointment in love . Thank you , Steven . You are really a good friend . Do you like singing ? Yes , I do . Let's go to a ETV tonight . But I can't sing it well . It doesn't matter . No one will laugh at you . OK , I'Il go with you . When shall we go ? What about six ? It's too early . Let's make it seven , OK ? OK . Let's make it . You're being childish . Your nose will heal . And so will your pride , if you let it . I'll have us ready for by the end of next week . After that , I don't know . Don't know what ? Let's just say there could be some big changes around here . Is that right ? Like what kind of changes ? You'll see . Oh , yeah , you'll see . Come on , grow up . Have you seen Vince around ? It ’ s really terrible ! What are you talking about ? Don ’ t you see many parents are forcing there children ’ s hands to learn something they think important to their children . But the children are not interested in it at all . You said it . Many parents just don ’ t understand know how to educate their children . Hello , this is Helen speaking . Hello , Helen . This is John . How are you ? Fine , thank you . And you ? Fine , thanks . I ’ ll have a party next Sunday at home . I ’ m calling to ask whether you can come or not . Oh , how wonderful . I ’ ll be glad to . Okay , now you are a famous star . Hum , don ’ t say that . Maybe you can do something useful for me . What ’ s wrong with you ? I ’ ll tell you at the party . Okay . Don't you think we ' d leave for the concert now ? What time dose it start ? In about 25 minutes . Then we'd better get started . This is my admission card , and these are the books . OK , a moment , please . By the way , can I renew the borrowing ? For which one ? Sense and Sensibility , English version . Yes , of course . Can I just do it here ? Sorry . No . You should go to the other counter . OK , thanks . Sorry , this biography is over the deadline . You should pay extra for it . I was thinking of buying this from the bookstore when my father got this from the library ... anyway , how much should I pay ? 3 Yuan , please . Here you are . Thanks . You are welcome . See you next time . Hi , Mary , it ’ s been a long time Hello , my old friend . Long time no see . How are you doing ? Well , I ’ m doing okay . And how about yourself ? Not so well . To be honest with you , I broke up with Tom . Oh . I ’ m sorry to hear that . What happened ? hi , come on in . Can I take your coat ? sure , thanks . I brought you a bottle of wine as well . you're the first guest to arrive . I'll just put your coat away and then I'll get you something to drink . should I take my shoes off ? whatever you prefer . this is a very nice place . How long have you been living here now ? just over three weeks . Would you like a drink ? sure , what do you have ? I've got white wine , red wine , gin and tonics , ginger ale , lemonade , orange juice , and sprite . I'll have a glass of red wine please . one glass of red wine coming up ! so how many people are coming for the dinner tonight ? there's just going to be 6 of us tonight . oh , I thought there were going to be eight . who isn't coming ? Marcia and Paul called to cancel at the last moment . Paul was running late and Marcia wasn't feeling well . that's too bad.They ' re such good company . I think there's someone at the door . excuse me while I go and get that . Do you mind if I come over to use your computer ? No , but I have to type my paper tonight . Does that mean I can't use it tonight ? You got it ! Do you like plum blossoms ? Certainly . I prefer the winter and I love plum blossoms much more . It's snowing heavily . What about taking a walk ? Seeking plum blossoms with stepping on the snow ? That's a good idea . Let's go ! What a heavy snow ! Take care ! Don't slip down to the ground . I've got it . I like the sound of stepping on the snow very much . Yes . Very wonderful . Do you smell the sweet scent ? Yes . It should be the fragrance of plum blossoms . The fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the hard coldness . I hate working on Christmas Eve ! Whoa ! Get a load of this guy ! Come in central , I think we ’ Ve got ourselves a situation here . License and registration please . Have you been drinking tonight , sir ? I had one or two glasses of eggnog , but nothing else . Step out of the vehicle , please . Sir , what do you have in the back ? Just a few Christmas gifts , ’ tis the season , after all ! Don ’ t take that tone with me . Do you have an invoice for these items ? Umm ... no ... I make these in my workshop in the North Pole ! You are under arrest , sir . You have the right to remain silent . You better not pout , you better not cry . Anything you say can and will be used against you . You have the right to an attorney . if you cannot afford one , the state will appoint one for you understand the arrest to you ? You can ’ t take me to jail ! What about my sleigh ? It ’ s Christmas Eve ! I have presents to deliver ! Rudolph ! Prancer ! Dancer ! Get help ! I hear you're going to Tainan to visit your uncle . That's correct . Well , say hello to him for me . What would you reckon the taxing increases ? Well , the state will benefit a lot , I suppose . But what do most people think about it ? Ah , it ’ s hard to say . How's your father been ? He's been out of work for a couple of days . What's wrong with him ? He has a bad cold . Well , tell him to take it easy and that I hope he feels better . Thanks . I'll tell him . Can you help me buy my textbooks ? There will probably be a book list in the bookstore . Do you have your class schedule handy ? No , I don't have that . To get started , take that list over to the bookstore . Do you know where the bookstore is ? I am not sure where the bookstore is . When you pass the gym , it'll be the first door on the left . Do you know how to sell your old textbooks for money ? Yes , I knew I could do that . Exactly how do I go about selling them ? If you give your used textbooks to the person at the booth outside the door , he will reimburse you . Can you go over there today ? I think maybe I could be there . I am free at 1 Maybe that would work . I'll catch you later then . Have a wonderful morning . Hey , John . Nice car . Thanks . I finally got rid of that old Nissan that got me through college . What is this , the new Ford ? No , it ’ s last year ’ s model . True . How much did you pay ? $ 14,500 . It only has 10,000 miles on it , so it ’ s like a new car . Does that mean you ’ re not going to take the train to work anymore ? Well , sometimes , I think it ’ ll be nice to drive to work instead . We ’ ll see . Want to go for a ride ? Yeah , sure . Come on . What are your plans for this weekend ? I'd like to hire a bike . I think it would be a good idea to do some cycling on Sunday . If the weather's fine . I am sure it will be . It's been good so far this weekend . I know a good place to hire bikes if you want . Thanks . That would be really helpful . But remember , be careful when you ride a bike . The traffic in Beijing can be dangerous . I wish the teacher wouldn't make us read this book . Yeah . It's boring . I'd rather read something more exciting . Mr . Brown is in hospital again . Is he ? He ’ s never been healthy . When I went to see him yesterday , he looked rather pale . I ’ m afraid he won ’ t make old bones . Someone ’ s told me behind closed door that he is very hot-tempered . I ’ m afraid what you were told is not quite right , if you could meet him in person , and you ’ ll know he ’ s very agreeable and capable . Really ? I hope to meet him soon . Do you like playing tennis ? I don't find it very exciting . Maybe you haven't found the magic . I can't wait ! How old are you ? Nine ... but I'll be ten on May 1st.When is your birthday ? I'm older than you ! I'll be ten on April 14th . Are you going to have a birthday party ? Maybe . I'll have to ask my mother . Come in , come in , what can I do for you ? Professor Donald , are you giving your advanced geology course again next semester ? Yes , I am applying on it . I wonder if I could enroll in it . I know it is a graduate course and I ' m a junior , but ... Aren't you a bit young ? I have a lot of qualified seniors to take the course and they usually have a hard time keeping up . I know , but geology of the American west is my major interest and I have done a large reading in the field . Well , if you think you are ready , I'll let you enroll . Oh , thanks , professor Donald.this is very nice of you . Good evening , John . Good evening , Mary . How are you doing ? I'm doing fine , thanks.What ' s new with you ? Nothing special . I'm wondering whether you could come over for a pizza sometime next week ? Sounds good.Sorry , here comes my bus.You call me , or I'll call you to make a date . I'll call you . All right.Gotta go , bye , keep in touch . Have a great day , take care , bye . How'd you like to go on a bungee jump this weekend ? I'm not sure . I promised to help my sister move Saturday . How about Sunday , then ? We could start in the morning . I might be able to do that . But I don't think I can do it well . Don't worry . It is a test of physical endurance , intelligence . Just to finish it is considered a victory for most . OK . I'll talk to you later . I must apologize for having delayed the work . No , that ’ s not all your fault . But you will miss your good chance . I ’ m So sorry There ’ s no need to apologize.Forget about it . Oh dear , my weight has gone up again . I am not surprised , you eat too much . And I suppose sitting at the desk all day in the office doesn't help . No , I wouldn't think so . I do wish I could lose weight . Well , why don't you go on the diet ? I've tried diets before but they've never worked . Perhaps you should excercise more . Why don't you go to an exercise class . Yes , maybe I should . Hi , Larry , how was your weekend ? Not bad . We had a get-together with friends from college . I haven't seen many of them since graduation . How about you ? Great . I hung out with Jo all day shopping , and the went out for dinner together . Sounds a good weekend . You know it always amazes me that two people as different as you and Jo can become such close friends . Yeah , I never thought we could be good friends either . We have our differences . She's more outgoing and active while I am more quiet and reversed , but we still get along extremely well . We can talk for hours about anything . That's great . I know people who can't stand each other for even five minutes . When Jo and I are together , we argue a lot , but that's also part of the fun . Besides , I know she will always be there for me when I need her , and she knows I'll be there for her . It seems you two bring out the best of one another . Exactly . Having Jo as my friend is one of the best things that's ever happened to me . Yeah , you are so lucky to have found each other . Thanks , I think so too . What ’ s the matter , Sally ? You look so unhappy . I had a bad day yesterday . What happened ? I went to the library and lost my bag . Your bag ? Did you get it back ? I went back for it . But it was already gone . That ’ s too bad . I ’ m sorry to hear that . Are you free this evening , Li ? I ’ m afraid I ’ m busy tonight . I ’ m having dinner with friends . What a pity . I wanted to go for a drink with you . What about tomorrow ? Are you doing anything tomorrow ? No , I haven ’ t got any plans . Shall we go out tomorrow then ? Why not ? Sounds good to me . Do you like a package tour or to travel alone ? I prefer a package tour , and we don't have to worry about accommodation , meals or that sort of trivial demanding things . I prefer travel alone . I'll have a lot of time lingering at one place . Here , Let me get the door for you . Thanks . Do you need a hand with that ? Actually , I could you some help . Thank you so much . Don't worry about it . Sam , what shall I do with my stocks ? Will I lose money ? There ’ s a possibility . What do you mean by that ? I mean if you don ’ t sell your shares now , it ’ s quite likely that you ’ ll end up losing your shirt . Is that so ? Absolutely . Take my word for it . You should have seen the line at the housing office.It took me an hour to make my dormitory deposit for next year . Have you made yours yet ? No , I ’ m not sure I ’ m going to . Why not ? There ’ s not much time left . Are you short of cash ? No , thanks . I am okay . You ’ d better hurry up if you wanna a dorm room next September ... Well , actually , I am thinking about living off campus . Do you have any idea how much that would cost ? I know it would be more expensive . I think I could handle it though . It ’ s that this dorm is so noisy that I can ’ t get anything done . You should study in the library the way I do . Think of the money you ’ d save . I ’ Ve got to think it over some more . I hope you will have second thoughts . What a wonderful party ! I had a good time . How about you ? I enjoyed myself , too . Shall I give you a ride home ? Yes , if it's not too much of a trouble . It's no trouble at all because your house is on the way to my place . That's great . Let's go ! Hello , my name is Xu Hua . I'm from Beijing . Hello , Xu Hua . I'm Paula . I'm American . Welcome to China , Paula . Thank you . Have you heard that Mel Gibson was arrested by the police last week ? No , not yet . Why ? For suspicion of driving under influence . Oh . I am not his fan . You've met her before , haven't you ? I don't recall . Excuse me , Sir , do you know what time it is ? Oh , it ’ s almost eleven twenty . Thank you . You ’ re welcome . The rain is quite heavy , isn ’ t it ? Yeah . I was in a hurry and I forgot my umbrella today . I have one . We could share it . Which way are you going ? Oh , that ’ s very kind of you . I am going to the Garden Hotel . I am going there , too . We can walk together . Sure . We'd like to invite you over for dinner this Friday evening . Can you come ? This Friday evening ? Yes . We hope you'll be able to join us . Thank you for the invitation . I'll be very happy to go . Good ! What time should I arrive ? How about 6:00 ? Fine . See you then . Isn't this lovely weather ? Will you help me water the flowers , Jack ? Well , do you think I have to ? I do.We haven't watered them for quite a few days . Please look at the sky.Don ' t you see the dark clouds ? It's going to rain soon . Good.So we don't have to work.How nice ! But I don't think it's so nice . Why ? The weather report says it's going to rain for a whole week . Oh , I'm afraid all the flowers will die in the rain . Can you speak English ? Yes I can . I speak it very well . Where did you learn it ? I lived in England when I was a child . What else can you speak ? Well , I know a little Italian . What ’ s the difference between football and rugby ? Those tow games are quite different . First , there ’ s the size of the teams . In football , a team has 11 players . In rugby there are 15 players on each team . The biggest difference is that in football , only the goalkeeper can use his hands . In rugby , the ball is usually carried forward by players , though kicking is permitted . In rugby , players pass the ball by throwing it to team mates , don ’ t they ? That ’ s right . However , players can only pass the ball backwards . They cannot pass the ball forwards to their team mates . That ’ s a foul . I know how goals are scored in football , but how about in rugby ? If a team carries the ball over the goal line , they score points . A team can also score points by kicking the ball between two tall posts at each end of the pitch . There ’ s a lot more physical contact in rugby , isn ’ t there ? Yes . Players usually need to bring a player down to stop him from moving forward with the ball . This is called ” tackling ” , as in football . The ball is a different shape in rugby , isn ’ t it ? Yes . It ’ s not perfectly round like a football . A rugby ball is oval in shape . There ’ s a match on TV this afternoon . Why don ’ t you watch it with me ? I ’ ll try to explain the rules and tactics while we ’ re watching . Ok . What do you say to eating out , Maggie ? Yeah , why not ? We haven't been out for dinner for quite a long time . A new French restaurant has just opened in our neighborhood . We can go there . Do we need to book a table in advance ? No need for that . It's not usually busy on weekdays . What time shall we go ? Why not now ? I'm hungry . How do you like other films starring Charlie Chaplin ? Well , I like others very much , but I really don't think much of this one . You don't like the performance , do you ? Yes , but I don't like the story . Who's that striking woman over there ? Hm ? Oh , that's Alice . She's totally mad . Don't get yourself in a room alone with her . Really ? Why not ? She looks great . Yes , I know , but she's dangerous . Really ? Tell me more . Well , I'm not one to gossip , as you know , but rumor has it that she sued her former boss for sexual harassment . Wow , crikey . So what happened ? Well , this is just between ourselves , of course , but he was her lover and he wanted to leave her , so she got revenge . I heard him say she was a dangerous woman . Wow . Oh , while we're on the subject , what happened to you and your secretary ? I have no idea what you're talking about . Oh , come on . Everybody knows . Could you excuse me a moment ? I have to make a phone call Oh , sure . What is the movie you saw last night ? It is a new film , ' Transformer ' . How do you like it ? I expected too high from that movie , but I was a bit disappointed about it . But I heard the box office rose up to 15 million in the first week . Box office can't explain everything . I do not think it is cheerful or well-made . The plot is old and the female character is not pretty . My sister has given me two tickets for tonight . It is called ' The life of Rose ' , a French movie . What's it about ? It tells the lifetime of a lady singer from a beggar in the street to a famous singer in the world . It is a kind of tragedy . I prefer the tragedy . It is moving and makes me ponder about my life . Let's go . The time is coming . We can buy the popcorn before entering the cinema . Hi ! Peter . How are you ? Fine ! How about you ? Pretty good . I cannot ignore her suggestion . In fact I always value her suggestion . I know . Maybe you will get the air if you go against her . Well , it takes two to to make a happy marriage . And it takes two to make an agreement too . You have no guts , I am afraid . Who ’ s that ? It ’ me . Susan Taylor Oh , please come in . nice to see you . On , what ’ re you doing ? You look as busy as a bee . Yeah , I ’ m trying to decorate my house . Really , that ’ s cool . Let me see what you ’ Ve done . But actually it ’ s not done yet . I ’ m going to get a special pendent lamp . That ’ s all right . Let me see , oh , that lace looks so unique , and it ’ s so creative to make a picture display here . How did you get that idea ? It ’ s just a simple decorating . I just want to add my personality to my living space . Do you like music ? Well , it depends . Do you think the music is well-matched ? No , I think the music is too fast . How about the words of the song ? It sounds nice . I like it . Naturally it can arouse your feelings . Yes , I think so . It's very emotional . Of course , and I also like the rhythms . Full of energy and hope . Really . It's worth listening to and enjoying . Certainly it is . It's worth an Academy Award . Hey , Wen ! Welcome to D . C . ! Glad you came out to visit ! Thanks for inviting me . Actually , I've never been anywhere with so many black people before . It's different . Howard is eighty percent black . But there are whites , and even Asians here . Thankfully , it's also coed . Great ! Is your , too ? Sorry , nope . But the Alpha Phi Alpha's are throwing a party tonight . That's a black fraternity , right ? So we should see some dancing ! How could you handle living in such a big family ? Does everyone get along ? Sure . We love each other and take care of each other . In such a big family , there must be a head . Who's the head of your family ? My grandpa . He has the final word about almost everything . My grandpa is “ President , ” and Grandma is “ Vice-President . ” My parents , uncles and aunts try to arrive at a consensus on important questions . Is a family like yours common in South Korea ? No . Not anymore.Mine is highly educated but traditional family . Most South Korea families today are a lot smaller . In traditional families , the old people are well respected and taken good care of . Ho My family setup is a bit different . In New York city , there're only three people , my mother , my stepfather and me . During this summertime , I fly out to California and live with my dad . Dad's getting Of course there'll be a room for you ! To be blunt , maybe I won't be able to get along with his new wife or her kids . Yours is a modern family . I'm sure your dad loves you and would want you to stay for the summer . You just need to try your best to get along with your new stepmother and her boys . But four boys ! It will be a new experience , and you might as well learn to adjust to changes . You are right , I guess.The world keeps changing , and so do families . But I like a small-sized or medium-sized family where everybody is equal to everybody else . That's what I want . It is good to have goals in life . If California doesn't work out , come and visit me in Korea , OK ? That's a great idea ! We could share a room ! It would be fun . And we could do some traveling around Korea . You could see for yourself what life in a big family is like ! That sounds like an excellent offer . I might take you up on that . Thank you for the wonderful invitation . Hello , Kate . Hi , Peter . I didn't see you last night . Where did you go ? I was almost on line the whole night . Did you play network games the whole night ? No , I listened to the music , too . What are you going to do now ? I'm tired . I need a rest . I'm going to have some people over for dinner Saturday night.Would you like to join us ? Oh , I'm afraid I'll be busy tomorrow evening . Some other time then ? OK.Thanks for asking me . Ma , I really don't know how to thank you . I'm glad I was able to help . It's most kind of you . Don't mention it . It was the least I could do . If there's ever anything I can do for you , Don't hesitate to let me know . Thank you . I'm most grateful . It was a pleasure . You're acting weird tonight . I'm just in the mood to act goofy . What brought this on ? I guess I'm glad exams are over . Hey , Mary , can you cut that out ? Cut what out I ’ m not doing anything . The tapping of your pen on your desk . It ’ s driving me crazy . Fine ! By the way would you mind not slurping your coffee every time you have a cup ! I don ’ t slurp my coffee . And plus , how can you hear it when you ’ re shouting into your phone all the time ? You ’ Ve got to be kidding me ! You ’ re complaining about me talking on the phone when you go out for a cigarette break ten times a day to shoot the breeze ? Look , we have a lot of accumulated anger from working in these conditions , and it ’ s probably okay to let off steam once in a while . But , it ’ s probably not a good idea to keep it up I ’ m willing to forgive and forget and if you are . Fine . Let's call a truce . I'll try to more considerate and to keep the noise down . Yeah , I ’ ll try to do the same.So , I was wondering you wanna go out to dinner Friday night ? what do you think about all the different diets people go on ? I don't think dieting is good for you . It's much better to eat a balanced diet and to never get overweight to begin with ! but what do you think about people who are obese ? What should they do to lose weight ? they need to eat healthy foods , but they also have to increase the amount of exercise they do every day . They don't have to cut out fattening foods altogether , though . so you think it's ok for people who are dieting to eat chocolate ? sure , they can eat some chocolate . As long as they are exercising and eating mostly healthy foods , there's nothing wrong with having a small desert . how about drinking soda ? many people gain weight by drinking far too much soda . Soda should be a treat ; there's simply no nutritional value in it whatsoever . If you want to lose weight and you can't stop drinking soda , try that's good advice . Have you ever tried taking vitamins ? my mother used to make me take vitamins every day , but I don't take them anymore . Vitamins are good as a supplement , but they don't do much good if you don't have a well-balanced diet to start . how do you know so much about food and dieting ? you might not believe this , but I used to be twice the size than I am now ! Bill , I have received the admission letter from Cambridge University ! Congratulations ! How about you ? Have you got any news from university ? No . But I am going to apply for some vocational schools . I like fashion design and want to study it . I am glad you can study something you really like ! John , if you don't mind , I'd like to ask you a personal question . I don't mind at all . All right . Are you married ? To tell you the truth , I'm not married . I'm still single . Then , when do you plan to get married ? I don't know . It's still up in the air . Bob , put on your shoes , your feet are really smelly . No foot gives out scent . But don't forget you are in a cafe . Never mind , the odour of my feet will quicken their eating speed . I simply can't bear your barbaric behavior . Don ’ t pretend you are a good God . You should feel shameful for your behavior . I've never experienced such a kind of feeling . I'm really sick of you . What are you doing over the weekend , Sara ? I'm planing to go bowling tonight . Tomorrow I was hoping to see a movie . What about you ? I want to go camping , you know , just get a way for the weekend . I'm not sure I'll be able to , though . Why not ? Well , I have a lot of work . I'll see how it goes . She is kind of player who never hides how she's feeling . Once look at her and you know if she's winning or losing . She wears her heart on her sleeve . Good afternoon , Johnson . Good afternoon , Mary . How's business ? Not bad , thanks . hey Ayden , I was wondering if you could do me a favor . that depends . What is it ? it's kind of a big favor . I'm absolutely flat broke , and I owe my landlady $ 200 . she's given me until Friday to give it to her , but I don't get paid until next Monday . Do you think you could loans I'd love to help you out , but I'm a bit short on cash this month as well . I had to get a new engine put into my car , and that ate up my savings . if you can't give me the full amount , a fraction of it would still help . I'll pay you back on Monday . I promise . let's see , I've got about $ 50 to get me through the weekend . I can only spare about $ 20 . I would give you more if I had it , I just don't have much money to my name right now . thanks a lot Ayden . Every little bit will help . Tell you what , if you aren't doing anything tonight , why don't you come over and have dinner at my place . that'd be great . Thanks ! What time should I come over ? how about at 6 pm ? see you then ! You don't have to play that record so loud , do you ? I'm sorry . Has it been bothering you ? Yes . And please ask me the next time you want to use something . I'm sorry . I meant to ask you . I'm going over to the gym . I want to do some running . Why don't you run outside ? Are you kidding ? Do you know how cold it is today ? Yeah , I suppose . I guess it isn't healthy to run in this weather . No , it's not . Not at all . I'd probably freeze my lungs . Wait for me a minute . I'll go over to the gym too . You ? Yes , why not ? Just let me get my gym clothes together . I didn't know you could exercise . What do you mean by that ? Everyone can exercise ! Yeah , I know . But you ? I always thought you were only good at lifting beer bottles to your mouth . No , not at all . I was on the swimming team in high school.And I'd like to do some weight training . They have decent equipment at that gym . You're going to lift weights ? Hah ! Are you laughing at me ? I'm sorry . I just can't imagine you lifting weights . Maybe not . But I want to start . I need to get in shape . I feel these past couple months that my energy is low . It's true . If a person doesn't exercise , they get sluggish.That ' s why I keep running . Even in the winter . So I need to do something too . But lifting weights isn't the best thing.You should do some kind of aerobic exercise . I know . But I want to start today with a little weight lifting.Then I'm going to buy a new swimming suit and goggles , and every other day I'm going to go swim laps in the pool . How does that sound ? It sounds like a good plan to me . I'm still ... I mean ... What ? I'm still just surprised you really want to do it.It doesn't seem to go with your character . The boss is mad at you . Who cares ? Bob , what are you thinking about ? I'm looking forward to going to America . When do you go ? Next week . I have never seen so many flavors of ice cream in one place ! There certainly are a lot . Can you choose a favorite ? Vanilla with toppings is my favorite . Is there anything as good as a hot fudge sundae ? No way ! Do you have a flavors you don't like ? I don't like ice cream with too many different flavors in it . I agree with that , it just doesn't work for me . I saw garlic ice cream on the menu once . I think that would be horrible ! I think I'll stick with a more traditional choice today ! I heard that ben is forming his own band . it will be a rock and roll band probably . He ’ s a very good guitarist . can you play a musical instrument ? If you can , he might ask you to join the band . I can play drums , but I haven ’ t played for a while . I ’ m not sure I ’ d be good enough to play in a band . I wish I could play a musical instrument . I love music . nowadays , you can be a DJ . You can mix dance music . You don ’ t need to be able to play musical instrument or sing . I'd love to try it.but the equipment is expensive and it was still take a lot of practice . you know , you could probably get a computer program that would help you . You already have a computer , so you could use that to help you mix some music . that ’ s a great idea . I ’ ll search for some information on the internet . If it ’ s possible to do , the internet will have some information about it . Hey , Frank , there is that Janet Check . Wow , what a great burd ! She sure knows how to strut her stuff . She's a real turn-on our rights . And look out she's dressed . Yeah , I noticed . She must be really loaded . No way . Her old man is rich . He buys her anything she wants . Lucky her . Anyway , I think that is just as beautiful . I think you've lost it . Well , that's my opinion . I admit that she is much prettier than Kate . Oh , there is no comparison . Now we are talking but ugly . At least we agree on that . Let's go and get a drink . I'm going to America . Any idea when you'll leave ? I hope before the end of the month . Let me know when you find out . Who is Cindy ’ s husband ? Cindy ’ s husband is Ron . How many children do Cindy and Ron have ? They have two children-one son and one daughter-as well as one daughter-in-law and one son-in-law . Do they have any grandchildren ? Yes , they have three grandchildren-one girl and two boys . Does their daughters get along well with her in-laws ? Yes , she gets along with them quite well . Do they have a large family ? Their family is very similar to Cindy and Ron ’ s family . What do you think of doctor Thompson ? I feel confident of his ability to cure my daughter's disease . How can you be so sure ? I can tell from the way he spoke to us . Never believe his words . Where do you live , Kim ? I live in an apartment downtown . Oh , that's convenient , but ... how much crime is there ? Not much . But there is a lot of traffic . I can't stand the noise sometimes ! Where do you live ? . I have a house in the suburbs . Oh , I bet it's really quiet . But is there much to do there ? No , not much . In fact , nothing ever really happens . That's the trouble . Hey . Let's trade places one weekend ! OK . Great idea ! I must be going now . Really ? Can ’ t you stay a little longer ? No , I really must go now . My family are expecting me home soon . Be seeing you then . See you . Good morning , Jerry . How's everything ? Fine , just fine . Thanks . Doing anything for lunch ? Well , as a matter of fact , I've got a lunch date with Bob Thomas . It's awfully hot . You can say that again . It seems a glorious day today . I agree ... It's beginning to spot . Just now we both thought it would be fine . I don't think I'm getting better . Believe me , you really look much better than before . I'm still not sure whether I can recover from it . did you get my email ? I certainly did . Do you want to come in and give me some feedback about your weekend ? sure . how did the business trip go ? well , to be honest , nothing is more stressful than going on a business trip with our boss . I understand . The last time I went on a business trip with the boss , I didn't even have enough to eat ! I also think the company is pretty cheap with travel expenses . I spent half of the weekend on a train ! Surely they could have afforded to buy a few plane tickets ! our company is quite conscious of the environmental problems that frequent flying causes . I see . Well , then perhaps they could give me a few days off after a business trip . It was really tiring for me . I can ask the boss about giving you the day off today . thank you . I can't imagine getting much done today . I'm just too exhausted ! no problem . Did you bring any gifts back for your department ? no , should I have ? Hello ! Is that the box-office ? Yes . I'd like to book two tickets for the film ' Jane Eyre ' for this evening , please . Just a minute please . Oh , I'm sorry , all the tickets for tonight have been sold out . What a pity ! How about tomorrow evening ? Oh , you're lucky , there are just two tickets left . Do you want to take them ? Wonderful , I'll take them . OK , your name and telephone number please . Wang Min . Telephone number is 13811658 . Can I pick the tickets this afternoon ? Yes , of course . Thank you very much . I really like the book you lent me the other day . I'm glad you like it . And thank you very much for letting me keep it so long . Not at all . Everyone in our class enjoyed it too.It ' s very interesting . Oh , I'm glad . Would you mind me keeping it for another three days ? No problem . I've got to go home and study . For what ? The test tomorrow . If you don't know it by now , you might as well not bother studying . How did you first meet ? My roommate invited both of us to dinner . Was it love at first sight ? Did you fall in love with her the first time you met her ? Yes ! The first time I saw her I knew we would fall in love . What is the correct time , please ? It ’ s exactly twelve minutes past seven . When will you lecture begin ? Begin at 9 o ’ clock sharp . You ’ re a wonderful person , Kathleen . So you are . And I ’ m so honored that you would want to be with me because you would never be with anyone who wasn ’ t truly worthy . I feel exactly the same way with you . Don ’ t , don ’ t , don ’ t , don ’ t say that . That , that makes it worse . What ? You don ’ t love me ? Me , either . You don ’ t love me ? No . But we ’ re so right for each other . I know , I know . Well , is there some , is there someone else ? Oh , that woman on television , Sydney Ann . Mary , can you help me set the table ? Sure . This is usually my chore . I don't mind helping . We need to set the table for four . So that's four plates , four forks , four knives , and four spoons ? That's right . Mom didn't know where to buy chopsticks for you . Don't be silly ! I know how to use knives and forks . Excuse me . would you lend me some wreckers Until when ? Until Monday or Tuesday next week . No problem . Shall we go to cinema this evening ? The new blockbuster starring mel gibson is showing . It ’ s supposed to be really good . What kind of movie is it ? I don ’ t like many of his movies , actually . It ’ s a thriller . It has Julia Roberts playing the female lead . I like thrillers and I like Julia Roberts , so it might be interesting . I read a review today and the critic didn ’ t seem to be very impressed . What did the critic say ? He didn ’ t say it was bad , but he said that it wasn ’ t as good as it could have been , particularly as there were some good actors and actresses in it . The movie starts at eight o ’ clock , so we have plenty of time to eat and get ready . Good . Dinner is nearly ready and I ’ d like to watch the news before we go . The Oscars were last night and I want to see the results . I won ’ t spoil your enjoyment by telling you who won . There were a few surprises . Do you have the five dollars I lent you yesterday ? Oh I forgot ! I'll run home real quickly and bring you the money . You don't have to go right away . I'd hate for you to think I was lazy in returning your money . What are your hobbies , Mr . Green ? I like collecting stamps . But it's an expensive hobby , isn't it ? Yes , you're right . What do you like to do in your spare time ? I usually play chess with my friends . But I like playing basketball best . Do you play basketball well ? No , I'm not very good at it . I play just for the fun of it . Shall we have a game together some day ? OK , that'd be very nice . Are you satisfied with the dishes ? Great , the lamb stew tastes incredible . I like it , too . I like the fish especially . It's so fresh , and the flavoury is kind of like for a fresh water fish . Yes , the food here deserves its reputation . Chinese food is one of my favorites 。 If you like , I'll take you to a new restaurant next time , I just heard about it from my friend , and he was just raving about it . It's such a great Sichuan cuisine . Would you like to try that ? Sure , I'd love to . I heard Sichuan cuisine is very hot , I think I definitely love it . Great , I love hot food too . Well , let's finish this great dinner first . You said it . Hey Michelle . Good to see you . Are you at lunch ? Oh hi Jim . No I just got back . I thought you were on vacation now . No , I wish I was ! I just got back from Spain actually . Oh wonderful ! Have you been there before or was it your first time ? My first time . I've traveled around Europe a lot , but this was my first time to Spain . It was amazing , and the weather was just beautiful ! No rain , and just sun , sun , sun ... I'm so jealous of you . I've never been anywhere in Europe . I've always dreamed of traveling around and seeing the sights . Well , I really recommend Spain . You really should go . Anyway , it's been great to catch up , but I must be going , this is my floor . Speak again soon I hope . That looks like an interesting book . It is . It ’ s got pictures of interesting building from all over the world , with brief descriptions of how they were build , their purpose , and so on . There are the pymeids . It ’ s easy to see how they got that name ! they don ’ t have smooth sides though . They don ’ t now , but most of them did originally . There ’ s picture of the pentagon in the United States . It ’ s very distinctive with its five sides . Look at that cylindrical office building . I ’ Ve never been seen one that shape before . Yes . Usually only towers are cylindrical in shape . Tv towers are usually thicker at the bottom than at the top . They ’ re not perfectly cylindrical . This is the world ’ s largest sports stadium . It ’ s a massive oval . What sports do they play there ? It says here that it ’ s mainly used for big football matches and athletics meetings . Is that building a perfect cube ? According to the book , it is . I ’ Ve never seen a building that is a perfect cube . Look at the building . From the air , it looks like a square with a semi-circle attached to each of its four sides . What kind of building is it ? Is says here that it ’ s a war memorial . Now , there ’ s a distinctive structure-the stomium in Brussels . See ? It consists of several connected by cylinders . I believe you can go up and down inside it . Yes , sir ? I hate to complain , but this soup is too salty . I'm very sorry.sir . I'll ask the manager to take care of this . Are the galaxies in the universe moving through space ? No , the galaxies sit more or less passively in the space around them . But not too much . As the space between galaxies expands , it carries the galaxies further apart - like raisins in an expanding dough . But I heard that our Milky way galaxy may one day collide with a neighboring galaxy . If galaxies are moving apart from each other , how can they collide ? Well , the universe is a chaotic place , and the gravity from one galaxy , or from a group of galaxies , may disturb the motion of its near neighbors , causing them to collide . However , on average , when you compare two large enough chunks of space , the galaxies in one are moving away from the galaxies in the other . Wow , you're really informative . Thanks a lot . You're welcome . Isn ’ t he the best instructor ? I think * he ’ s so hot . Wow ! I really feel energized , don ’ t you ? I swear , I ’ m going to kill you for this . What ’ s wrong ? Didn ’ t you think it was fun ? ! Oh , yeah ! I had a blast ! I love sweating like a pig with a bunch of pot bellies who all smell bad . Sorry , I ’ m just not into this health kick . Oh , no , get off it . It wasn ’ t such a killer class . You just have to get into it . Like they say , no pain , no gain . I am wiped out . Thank you . Look , next time get yourself some comfy shoes . You ’ re gonna come back again with me , aren ’ t you ? Never ! But thank you for inviting me . Come on . You ’ ll feel better after we hit the showers . I like the design of the coat . But I like its color . Anyway , it's my ideal coat . I'll take it . I'll take one , too . Do you have any hobbies ? Yes . I like gardening . Oh , that's interesting . Do you have a garden ? Yes , follow me . Here it is . Your garden is really lovely . Thank you . Do you take care of them everyday ? Yes , I do . Don't you feel dull ? I don't . I like the work . What ? You golden watch is lost ? Yeah . I just can't find it anywhere . It's an open book that it was stolen by the man in black . Let's get it back . Good morning , Miss . Morning . Can I help you ? Yes . I'd like to know how to use the library . You know , I'm a new student here . All you need is your student identification card to check out books . Do you have much experience with kids ? Yes . I have three sons . Actually I also have a grandson . To tell you the truth , sometimes I regret having a baby so early . I have been making so many sacrifices just because my husband insisted on keeping the baby . I understand . I was in your position before . At that time I couldn ’ t depend on anyone taking care of the children for me . My husband seldom stayed at home . What about your mother ? Did she help you ? Yes , she did a little . But you see , Americans are different from Chinese . You can ’ t depend on your own mother to be a full-time babysitter . She could baby-sit only once or twice a week . That ’ s it . I had to care for them most of the time . I see . So if my little family goes to America , I would end up taking care of my child all the time . My husband would have to make the bread for us . I just don ’ t know how I would get some education and be able to get a job some day . Don ’ t worry . You can take night classes . I did that when I had kids . And soon your child will be old enough to attend kindergarten . Then you could find a job and work . Sounds not so easy to me . When that happens , I will be too old to learn . No . You see , I went back to school to get my Master ’ s Degree when I was in my thirties . You won ’ t be older than that . Hey , Daniel , how's it going ? Hey , Daddy , today I had really a fantastic history class . Wow , it's so strange for you to say things like that . What had happened ? We've learnt the story of Zheg He Sailing to West Ocean . He is a real great navigator . Did your teacher tell you the route he took ? Yeah , he , with his fleet , came across the Indian Ocean , and arrived at the east coast of Africa . Great , do you still remember when he started his voyage ? Of course , that is from 1405 to 1433 , which is in Ming dynasty . Good , by the way , do you finish reading the book Robinson Crusoe I've bought for you ? Not yet , you know I have a lot of homework to do . You should speed up , because the story of Robinson can give you a better understanding about what you learned today . OK , great Daddy , after supper , I'll embark on it . That's my boy ! Wait , Daniel , when is Pirates of the Caribbean on ? Is it about Captain Jack Sparrow , who wants to find the treasure on the sea ? Exactly , now , tell me the time . I won't tell you , unless you promise to let me watch it with you . Most of our customers are foreigners . How many foreign languages can you speak , Elizabeth ? Two . French and Spanish . And how well can you speak them ? Well , French was my best subject at school . I can read and write it pretty well . And how about your Spanish ? Well , it's not as good as my French . I can speak it reasonably well , but my written Spanish isn't very good . I see . Well , we have a lot of Spanish customers , but you wouldn't need to write any Spanish here . In that case , I'm fit for the position I think . This historian is famous in the field of Tang Dynasty . So he always sits above the salt when there is a seminar about it . Right , to be famous to be respectable in some way . You got it . He has lots of hobbies . And he ’ s always busy with his pictures and roses . He ’ s won a dozen prizes for his pictures and roses . But as for his business in the city ... He lets his cousins look after his business . He sounds more like an artist than a businessman . Good morning , Miss Li . Morning , Mike . I ’ m sorry that I was absent yesterday . I ’ Ve already got your certificate for sick-leave . How do you feel today ? I feel much better now . Have you received the reading material handed out yesterday ? I ’ Ve already got it . Thanks . I will explain it in detail in the next class . Could you preview it ? I will . We'd better leave now . I beg your pardon ? Where are we headed now ? To a historic coffeehouse . It's got a little Mafia story to it . Awesome . Was someone killed there ? Oh , yeah , while he was eating , and he was a pretty famous Don . Cool ! Is it safe for us to eat there though ? Sure . In fact , nowadays , you'll see more tourists there than Italians . There are Mafia tours nowadays that go there to eat . How is everything going with your girlfriend ? Didn't I tell you ? It's over ! Oh , I am sorry to hear that . I did't know that you had split up . What happened ? It was a few things . The first thing that happened was that we were supposed to go out for a romantic dinner for our one year anniversary , but she stood me up ! Really ! Did she tell you why she didn't show up ? No , but I ended up finding out later that night when I saw her drinking with another man at a club near my home ! What was she thinking ? Did you confront her about it when you saw her ? I wanted to , but I knew that if I spoke to her , I'd just blow up at her , so I decided to just go home . I called her later that the night , but she didn't answer the phone . I can't believe she would do that to you . It's so dishonest-and rude ! I know . I still haven't heard from her . The good thing is that I'm so angry with her that I don't feel sad about not having her around . I bet you that she regrets what she's done . You are such a good catch ! She really lost out , didn't she ? I guess so . So I don't think you'll have a problem finding another girlfriend . There are plenty of fish in the sea ! How do you usually spend your leisure time ? I mean , do you have any special interests out of your job ? Of course . You see , almost everyone has some kind of hobby . Yeah , you ’ re quite right and what ’ s your hobby ? I like taking photos out of doors . Oh , photography , It ’ s really a good hobby . Yes , I usually develop and print all my own photos . You yourself have a photo studio ? Yes , simple as it is . It does work . Have we handed out all the water ? Yes . So what else to do now ? Nothing . The teacher said the only thing left was to get back all the disposable cups later . I see . How do you like the game ? Terrific . There is one girl said , It is the best game I've ever watched . Who do you think do better ? Clive was really outstanding . Not only he put on a big show himself , but also he inspired the whole team . Exactly . He is unbelievable . On the other hand , I think the other team won everyone's respect . The leader said they could have crumpled at the beginning , but they just carried on and never lost their cool . They were really tough . The thing I like most about them is that they did not play with a heavy heart even though at that time the odds seemed to be against them . I can't agree more . Okay , time is up . Let's do the last thing . I'd like to reserve two seats for tomorrow night . Would you like orchestra seats ? Isn't there anything less expensive ? Not unless you want the matinee . Let's do something different today . Like how ? I would like you to give me a different hair style . What did you have in mind ? Give me a short haircut . Do you know how short you want your hair to be ? I want you to cut it to a few inches long . That's pretty short . Are you sure about this ? I've had this idea for some time now . I'm going to do it , but you have to be sure you really want me to . This is what I want . Fine then . Let's get started . We can go to the cinema or say at home watching TV , what's it to be ? As far as I'm concerned , staying at home is more comfortable than going to the movies . Thanks , dear . I feel so tired after a whole day's work . I am thinking about resigning from my current job . Have you thought about it seriously ? Yes , I have been thinking about it for quite a while . Now I finally make up my mind to leave . I have given my resignation letter to our boss last Friday . Ok , did you find a new company ? Yes , I will move on to XYZ Company . Good for you , but your leaving will be a great loss to us . It is so nice to work with you . Thanks . I had learned so much from you and our colleagues . Hi , Francis . Oh , Mike . How are you doing ? Not bad . It seems you are super yogurt lover . You have so many in your cart . Well , I prefer yogurt to all the other drinks . Have you ever tried a kind of yogurt with old milk in it ? It tastes great and very healthy too . Oh , I haven ’ t noticed that before . Maybe I will try next time . Why don ’ t you go ahead of me ? I have more items than you . Thank you . In fact , I am in a hurry . My wife is waiting for me at the parking lot . You ’ re welcome . It was good seeing you again . Me too . Have a great day . Hi ! What are you watching ? It ’ s a program about islam . It ’ s very interesting . Wow ! So many people ! Where are they and what are they doing ? They are muslims on a pilgrimage to mecca . Muslims call this pilgrimage “ haj ” . Why do they go there ? Muslims believe that every man who is able should go on a haj at least once in his life . Mecca is the spiritual centre of the muslim faith . When muslims pray , they face towards mecca . That ’ s right . Unfortunately , so many people go on the haj each year that there are often stamped and people get killed . I heard about that . The pilgrims must walk around a large , sacred black stone . That ’ s right . That ’ s when accidents often happen . The Saudi government tries to limit the number of pilgrims , to reduce the chances of accidents . Pilgrimages are common in many faiths . Yes . In England , Christian pilgrims might go to Canterbury and many Christians go to the Vatican on pilgrimages . Isn ’ t there a place in france where people go to get healed ? I think that place is Lourdes . There are many stories of people being healed after visiting there . Do you think that there is something magical about that place ? Personally . I think that people believe they will be healed and that faith causes a change in their mind that cures them . I don ’ t think place is magical in any way . Why do you want to go to the U . S . ? I want to enrich my knowledge in management . The United States is an ideal place for me . What will you do when you come home ? Before I work in the office , I was a teacher . So if possible , I'd like to come back to some school to pass on my new knowledge to more people . Do you feel your English is good enough for the course ? Yes . You know , English is my present working language . Besides , I scored very high in TOEFL . Who will be your supporter during your stay in the States ? I will support myself . In recent years , I have saved enough money for my study in the U . S . How long do you expect to stay there ? I will be there for three years . I don't know what to say . This can't be happening . Here's the obituary . It's really there ? This all seems so surreal-like it's all one big nightmare . But it explains why Taylor isn't answering and Femi took time off from work . Poor Femi . Taylor's death must have made her realize that she still cared for him . This says the viewing is at Myers Funeral Home today until five . It's already half past four . We should go and pay our respects . Taylor's family will be there . Dear Anna . I really love you . I love you , too . I want to take care of you forever . Will you marry me ? Oh . My God ! Are you serious ? Am I too abrupt ? Did I scare you ? Or you don't want ... No ! I have been expecting this moment for a long time . I mean my answer is ' yes ' . Oh , I'm so happy . I will try my best to love you and protect you . I promise . I trust you . We'll be happy . Let me wear you this diamond ring . It's so beautiful . Balista , pull me a ristretto . What ? You're suddenly some kind of coffee snob now ? What's a ristretto anyway ? It's basically a very strong espresso . Half the water pulled through the same amount of beans . Pure coffee essence . Sounds like it must be just full of caffeine . I want one of those instead ! You fiend . It's about the flavor , not the fix . Why don't you just crush some caffeine pills and start doing lines ? The Spring Festival is drawing close . By then we will have five days off . I am expecting it . Can you tell me something about the Spring Festival ? Just like you celebrate Christmas , we celebrate our lunar New Year's Day , the Spring Festival . It is a time for the family members and relatives to have a get-together . Christmas is also a special time for us to have the family reunion and to express our best wishes to those we love and those who love us in the coming new year . Christmas has more religious nature , while our Spring Festival is a more traditional holiday . On the New Year's Eve , we have a big dinner called ' Family Reunion Dinner ' . One of the traditional food to eat at the dinner is dumplings . After that , the adults usually sit chatting , watching TV , or playing cards . What are the children doing ? They usually go outside to play firecrackers and fireworks . I heard one of the purposes to do it is to frighten the devils so they will not come to do any harm to people in the next year . Perhaps it is like what people told you . At 24 hours midnight , the time when the New Year really comes , we exchange ' Happy New Year ' to each other , and parents and grandparents will take out small packages wrapped with red paper , in them are some what we call ' Lucky Money . Who will get the money ? Of course the children . We ’ re going to the movies . Will you join us ? I ’ m very sorry I can ’ t . Why not ? I ’ m afraid I have some business to attend to . Then would you like to have lunch with us ? I ’ d love to but I have to help John with his math problems right now . Would you like me to give you a lift ? No , thanks . His home is not far and I can walk there . Come on . It ’ s no trouble at all . Ok , thank you . Bob refused all his classmates ' invitation . I really couldn't understand him . He is surely a hard nut , nobody likes approaching him . We'd better leave him alone . Are your ready to go to the supermarket ? Yes , are you ? I've got my money and my keys , so I'm ready . You do know that it's absolutely freezing out , don't you ? I'd put a coat on if I were you . It wasn't cold out this morning . Well , it's started raining since then . Look out the window ! It's pouring rain out there ! Well , I guess we'd better grab our umbrellas then , as well . Have a look outside for me . Does that look like hail to you ? It does , actually . Maybe we should wait for it to clear up before we go shopping . That's a good idea . But maybe we should move the car so that the hail doesn't dent it . Ok . I'll go move the car if you turn the heat on . It's a bit chilly in here . How long do you think this hailstorm is supposed to last ? I don't know . The weatherman didn't say anything about this in his weather report last night . Maybe we should turn on the news in case it's supposed to get worse . I don't think we have anything to worry about . Do you want to put on a cup of tea as well ? Good idea . That will help us to warm up . If I'm not back in ten minutes , come and find me . Alright . I'll have a cup of tea waiting for you . At the Beijing Olympics , all four table tennis events were all-Chinese finals . A clean sweep again ! Yes . All international ping-pong tournaments have become a demonstration of Chinese supremacy in the sport . Do you know any secrets to China's success ? In the first place , I think the whole nation is just fond of the game . It is well grounded with the mass . With huge numbers of people playing ping-pong , we can always spot a handful of potential world champions . So , the national ping-pong team must be a highly competitive membership . Sure . There is a careful mechanism for selecting players from provincial teams , and those lucky dogs have to observe strict rules . For example ? They are subject to hard training . And you know what , for a player on the national team , personal affairs are supposed to take a back seat to training and competitions . They are not even allowed to talk relationships with each other . Oh , dear ! It's an encroachment on individual rights ! Well , ping-pong is our national sport , and we just have to keep winning one honor after another . That's why many people think such rules acceptable . After all , they are funded out of taxpayers'money . I can ’ t believe my English teacher is making me read pride and prejudice ! Why not ! It ’ s a classic . In fact , it ’ s one of my favorite novels . But it ’ s so old . Don ’ t judge a book by its cover . Do you Kwon what it ’ s about ? No , not at all . First of all , it ’ s a romance novel , set in the early 19th century . I didn ’ t realize it was a romance novel . What ’ s the main storyline ? It ’ s basically about a father who tried to marry off one of his five girls . Why does he want to do that ? Since he doesn ’ t have a son , he hopes that one of the girls will marry a wealthy man . That way , all of his daughters will be cared for . Won ’ t they get his inheritance ? No , that ’ s the problem . Though they are well-off , once he dies , his house will go to his cousin . So , when he dies , the girls will have nothing . I see . This sounds interesting ! Maybe my teacher isn ’ t so horrible after all . So , are you going to read the novel or watch the movie ? There ’ s movie ? My teacher didn ’ t tell me that ! That ’ s probably because she wants you to read the book first . It would take a lot less time ... How about this . When you finish the book . I ’ ll get the movie and watch it with you . Ok . That sounds like a deal . Hello ! Hi , Jenny ! Jason here . It's great to hear your voice again . Hi , Jason ! Long time no see . How's the hotel ? It's pretty nice , but I'm going to start looking for an apartment soon . Hotel living is not for me . I know what you mean . How about you ? When are you leaving for Berkeley ? I am leaving in two weeks . So soon ! Well , I'd really like to see you again before you leave . Would you like to go out with me on Friday ? I'd like to take you to dinner and maybe a movie or something afterwards . Oh , I am sorry , Jason . I've already got plans for Friday evening . How about Saturday ? Saturday is fine . I'll make dinner reservations for 7 o ’ clock . Is that ok ? 7 is fine with me . Great . I'll pick you up at six thirty . I'll be waiting . When do you want to have the open house party ? How about next Friday ? Friday sounds good . How do you feel about hiring that clown to come and entertain the kids ? I like that . Then the adults will be more free to mingle and relax . That's what I was thinking . I'm so excited . Finally , a yard of my own . Do you feel like a king in your castle ? Dad , I'm scared . Take it easy , honey . It's just raining cats and dogs . But , dad , it's stormy outside . Honey , it's just windy and raining outside . Ar ! Dad , the power went out . I'm so glad that the spring festival is near at hand . me . too i like the festival best of all . Think of the big face down the eve , hmm . And special TV programs , fire crackers and the games to play . Hey , do you know any mystery belief serve the festival ? Such as ... You know why fire crackers are set off in festival . Why ? to welcome the new year of course . And also to frighten away evil spirits . Really ? And my parents say the whole year will be as good or as bad as new year day itself and bad or rude words on the day will bring a bad year . Oh , that's why my parents never scold me that day . they always try to avoid tears and quarrels . Mary likes mountain climbing . What ? No kidding ! Yes , she's a professional climber . I can't believe it ! You must be feeling terrible for Mary . Yes , she's been like this for two weeks . I'm worried that she can't catch up with her class . So am I.The doctor says she'll get over in a month . You wouldn't believe what I got in the mail today ! what's that ? it's a letter from Ray and Sue in Shanghai ! have you read it yet ? no , I thought I'd wait until you got home . go on , read it out loud . ok . It says , " Dear Jessica . It was so good to receive you letter . I sounds like you and Riley are settling into your new home with ease ... " when did you send her a letter ? just a few weeks ago . Sue and I send letters to each other often . I didn't know anyone did that any more . Ok , go on . ok ... I'm going to have to skip over this section . It's girl-talk . that's fine with me . oh . It's actually all rather personal . well , skip over all of that and read me the rest . ok , it just says , ball , blah , blah ... " Ray and I look forward to seeing you in June . Write soon . With love , Sue . " are we going to see them in June or are they coming to see us ? didn't I tell you ? We're going to Shanghai to stay with them in June . oh , I guess I missed that . men ! Jack , what do you think about the election ? I think the campaign is a blockbuster . How many people have flung their hats into the ring ? Finally 100 candidates ran for one seat . Who do you think will be elected ? It's hard to say . They all had an active campaign to round up the votes . I think Mr . White would be elected , you know he has spent millions in this campaign and he blasted the opposition in his campaign speech . Maybe . Who knows ? May doesn't get along very well with her mother-in-law . Yeah . That's just what is troubling John . Poor John ! He is bettering bother sides of this bread . This situation isn't easy to handle . Can you tell me the time ? I've got an appointment at 8: 30 . It's 8 sharp by my watch . Gee ! There's only thirty minutes to go . Holly , I just heard some terrible news . Me , too . I overheard someone say Taylor has a brain tumor . What ? No , I heard that he has stomach cancer . His ex-girlfriend said it . That could explain all his stomachaches . He's trying to hide it from us . Maybe that's why he didn't show up at the potluck . Have you seen him ? No , but someone said he was in the men's room puking . Follow me ! Hi , Kate . Hi , Don . What a surprise ! Yeah , I saw someone walking like you , but I wasn ’ t sure . We haven ’ t seen each other for how long ? Almost three months ? But you look quite different now . Have you noticed what has changed ? Oh , you look quite slender and more vivacious . What have you been taking ? Are you on a diet ? Yes . I ’ m on a diet , but I ’ Ve not taken anything . I just eat less and exercise more . And it really worked in the past three months . I ’ Ve lost twelve pounds . Wow ! That ’ s great . I sincerely want to achieve my weight loss goals , but it ’ s difficult for me to keep up the exercise . Also you know , old habits are hard to break . What kind of exercise do you think I do ? I just go to dance everyday after work . I ’ m taking an amateur dance class . I dance two hours everyday . Dance ? You only go dancing ? That ’ s not hard . I can do that . Sure . Join my class next week . What food do you fancy ? I feel like something good to eat . How about going to Joe's Restaurant . Hey , that sounds a good idea . Hello , Jack.It ' s good of you to come . The pleasure is mine.Happy birthday and many happy returns of the day ! Thank you , Jack.To be frank , I'd rather forget my birthday . Don't be silly . Sam , we are hard up for the everyday expenses . When can you find a job . I'm looking for it , but you see , the market is hard up for jobs , too . You liar , I saw you again in the inn . I bet you don't want to work at all . I'm sorry , but I can't find the book you lent me . I guess I have lost it . Don't worry about it . I really feel bad about it . Let me buy you a new one . No . Don't be silly . I wouldn't dream of letting you do that . What's your favorite magazine ? Off hand , I'd say the Reader's Digests is my favorite . What kind of magazine is it ? It's instructive and inspiring . Really ? It is a weekly , isn't it ? No , it's a semimonthly . Does it enjoy popularity among the young generation ? Yes , it's so popular that it's sold out as soon as it reaches the bookstores . Oh , I think I should try to read one . Hello ? Is that Mark ? How are you ? I haven't heard from you in ages . I've been overseas , So have you been busy lately ? Pretty busy.So are you back for good ? Yes , I was just wondering when you'd have time to go fishing . Well , I'm not working on the weekend , so we could grab some beer , ice and our fishing rods , and head out to the river . That sounds good . I've missed you my friend . Same here . Thanks for inviting me to your friend ’ s wedding . I was surprised to hear the bride and groom talking to each other that way during the marriage ceremony . Is that common ? Well , some people use a standard set of words , but many couples today write their own wedding vows . Your tradition of throwing rice as they got into their car was interesting , but it didn't look like real rice to me . It wasn't . It was birdseed . We don't throw rice anymore because someone discovered that birds come along and eat the rice and have trouble digesting it . Oh , I didn't think of that . Well , this reception reminds me of weddingparties back in China . Plenty of food and drink , music and dancing , and interesting traditions . Wait until you see what happens next ! The bride is getting ready to throw her bouquet . Let's go over and watch . She ’ s got quite a crowd around her . Oh , look ! That little girl caught it ! She ’ s my friend ’ s ten-year-old niece . I guess there won ’ t be another wedding in this family for a long time . We are doing ' Secret Santa ' at the office again this year . Whose name did you pick ? I got Jacob . Any ideas what to get him ? Booze ! Yeah , you ’ re right . Can ’ t go wrong with that . So , Monica , what do you feel like doing this afternoon ? Actually , I had a perfect plan for this afternoon , but it is totally ruined by the sand storm . I woke up this morning and found it was sunny . So I called Lucy and asked her to go shopping with me . We were going to look for a new purse . Now it turned out to be like this . Neither of us wants to go to outside anymore . That ’ s too bad . I hate sand storms too . It can be worse than any kind of bad weather . What ’ s wrong with climate ? Anyway , I think the sand storm happens more frequently these days than the years before . Can ’ t people do something to stop it ? It is not an easy job . The government is working on it . Lots of trees have been planted in the north of the capital . Also , methods of generating rain are being used by the government to fight against the drought . But of course , it will not work overnight . So , have you come out with a new plan for today ? My new plan is to wait for the end of the sand storm and clean my apartment . Hey ! What's up ? Hi , John ! I haven't seen you for ages . Yeah , I've been out of town . So how have you been ? Great ! Work is really busy now , but it's fun . Bob refused all his classmates ' invitations . I really couldn't understand him . He is surely a hard nut , nobody likes approaching him . We'd better also leave him alone . Hey , Paul , why the long face ? It's difficult to explain . Try me . Well , I had a terrible day of work , I'm thinking of quiting my job . Take it easy , maybe tomorrow will be different . I don't know , I can't stand my job these days . Cheer up , I hope you'll feel better soon . I give up ! I simply can't learn French ! Why do you say that ? I think you're making a lot of progress . No , I'm not . I try and try and I still can't speak it very well . Learning any language takes a lot of effort . But don't give up . Why don't we practise those dialogues together ? Good idea . That might help . Would you like to go to a party tonight ? That sounds like a good idea . Would 7:00 be OK ? That's fine . I'm looking forward to it . Hello , I'm Jack . Are you Christina ? Yes I am . Nice to meet you , Jack . Are you from Italy , Christina ? No , I am German . I live in Munich . Really , I went to Munich last week . And did you like it ? Oh , yes . It is a fantastic city . And I like German food as well . And where are you from , Jack ? I am from California in the United States . But I am now studying in England . What are you studying ? I am studying languages . This year I am doing German and Italian . Oh , excellent . Why don't we talk in German for a while then ? hi , Charlie ! What are you reading ? hi , bob . I ’ m reading a biography ? who ’ s it about ? it ’ s about bob Dylan . who is he ? he ’ s a famous American musician . who ’ s the author ? it was written by Howard sounds . what do you think about it ? it ’ s great ! I ’ Ve learned a lot form reading it . can I read it when you ’ re done ? sure , bob ! I ’ m on chapter 12 now , so I ’ m almost finished . how many chapters does the book have ? there are 15 chapters in total . when do you think you ’ ll have finished reading it ? I should be done by Friday . I ’ ll give it to you in class then . thanks . Charlie ! no problem . Bob . Whip me if I get below 80 marks out of 100 ! Take it easy , Jim . Your mother didn't mean it ! Need any help ? Yes . Can you help me remember how to spell ' beautiful ' ? Where are you planning on transferring to ? I can ’ t seem to make a decision . Where do you want to go ? I honestly have no idea . You haven ’ t thought about it ? I like it here at PCC . Why don ’ t you just continue going to PCC ? I like that idea . It ’ s a great school . I completely agree . So , have you made your decision yet ? I ’ m staying right where I ’ m at . Any plans tonight ? Not really , do you ? Well , I am wondering if we took a hang-out for a drink or something . You know , I just came back from a really tough interview . I was quite nervous during the interview . I really want to have the job . Right now , I am still a little on the edge . I am not sure if I could convince them during the interview . Take it easy . It is all over now . How was it going , anyway ? I don ’ t know . I think I did well in the paper exams . I was prepared to answer a lot of questions , but they didn ’ t ask those as I expected . To my surprise , the manager tried to talk about the Chinese poesy with me . That ’ s strange . But probably , it is the new interview technique they call it “ Getting to know you more personally ” . What about your answers ? Just did my best . Mary , how was your date with john ? It's ok . It seems we have a lot in common . Oh , really . That is great news . What does he look like ? He is tall and slim , fair-haired . Sounds like he is pretty cute . What do you think of him ? He is a nice guy and very considerate . I was impressed with how smart he was and he has a great sense of humor . Oh , it's love at first sight . When will you see each other again ? He didn't say , but he said he would call me . Maybe he is busy with his work . Just wait and try not to think about it too much ! Oh , steve . Stop it ! I am a bit nervous ! What if he doesn't call ? Come on , Mary , you're a total catch . I bet he will call you . Don't worry . Thank you , Steve . You're always so encouraging . That's what friends are for . In my opinions , someone else has caused the fire of this house . Who do you think that has the motive ? I ’ m not sure now . In any case , let ’ s first make some careful investigations . OK , murder will out ! Yeah . So Dick , how about getting some coffee for tonight ? Coffee ? I don ’ t honestly like that kind of stuff . Come on , you can at least try a little , besides your cigarette . What ’ s wrong with that ? Cigarette is the thing I go crazy for . Not for me , Dick . Thank you for your hospitality , Leon . I had a wonderful time ! You're welcome , Diane . I hope you can visit us again soon . David , why didn ’ t you clean the room ? I ’ m not in the mood . Why are you feeling depressed ? I was told my girlfriend was speaking ill of me . That ’ s a real let-down . I don ’ t think she will do such a thing . But she did and made me disappointed . Oh , cheer up . A girlfriend is not everything . But she means a lot to me . Then forgive her mistake . Oh . I just can ’ t forget it . Which university did you graduate from ? I graduated from Songhua University . When did you graduate ? I graduated from it in 2002 . You are friend of Janet , right ? I am Andrew , Andrew Smith . Nice to meet you , Andrew . I am Noirin , Noirin O'Neil . I'm sorry , I didn't quite catch that . Noirin , N-O-I-R-I-N , it's an Irish name . Would you like a cigarette ? No , thanks . I've decided to give up smoking . Really ? Why ? Well , it's just that I think if you don't enjoy doing something any more , you should stop doing it . I see . You mean you don't enjoy smoking any more ? That's right . You should give it up , too . It's bad for your health . Stop talking like my mother . That's what she keeps saying . But it's true . It's a nasty habit . I can't think why I ever started . Anyway , it's obviously got you in its grip ! What do you mean ? What are you talking about ? I mean you couldn't give it up ! Who ? Me ? Could't give up smoking ? Nonsense ! Of course I could ! I know I could ! How do you know ? Because I've already proved it . Smoking's the easiest thing in the world to give up . I've done it hundreds of times ! Do you think Mr . Johnson is a good worker ? Just between you and me , I think he's lazy . Haven't you ever seen him working late ? No , I haven't . What do you think of smoking ? It ’ s harmful not only for yourself but for others . What in your opinion can be done to stop smoking ? Stop producing cigarettes . But that ’ ll affect the national economy . That ’ s right . But I don ’ t think there are better ways . How about painting a warning on each cigarette packet ? Maybe it can take effect . I'm here to express my congratulations to you on your birthday . And I wish you many happy returns of the day . Here is a birthday present for you . Many thanks for your presence . How did you spend the weekend ? I went to a movie with my boyfriend . Really ? How was it ? It was great . The director took a lot of care while framing . They say be has good chance at winning the Oscar for best director . Also I like the actors , some really great new young actors . Oh , yeah ? What's it about ? Well , it's the classic love story between two people from conflicting backgrounds . But besides a beautiful story , the cinematography is great . There is some really dramatic footage . It's really quite a visual feast . And the soundtrack is moving . Sounds pretty good . Is it a tragedy ? The ending is a bit of a surprise . I don't want to ruin it for you . Oh , I like movies with surprise endings , although , sometimes they can be frustrating . Maybe I should invite my girlfriend to go next weekend . It would be a really good choice . The movie is very suitable for lovers to see together . I'm sure you won't regret it . Would you like to come out with me tonight ? Sorry , I can ’ t . Tomorrow night , then ? I ’ d like to . But I ’ m afraid I can ’ t . I ’ m wondering if you like to go to the theatre then . That ’ s sounds great . Ok . How about give me a ring , then ? No . I ’ d better not . Why not ? Because I don ’ t think my husband would like it . Thank you for inviting me anyway . My goodness ! You ’ re kidding ! No . I ’ m serious . I ’ m going to quit my job . That ’ s amazing ! You got a good pay here , didn ’ t you ? It ’ s true . But I can ’ t show my abilities . Come on ! Don ’ t be silly ! Your present job is something better . Why do you change ? Well . How do you know ? All of my friends are going out to the lake tonight and I'm going too ! Over my dead body you are ! Hello , Anna speaking ! Hey , Anna , this is Jason . Jason , where have you been hiding lately ? You know it's been a long time since your last call . Have you been good ? Yes . How are you , Anna ? I am fine . What have you been doing ? Working . I've been really busy these days . I got a promotion . That's great , congratulations ! Thanks . I am feeling pretty good about myself too . You know , bigger office , a raise and even an assistant . That's good . So I guess I'll have to make an appointment to see you . You are kidding . How long have you been working there ? A bit over two years . This is a fast-moving company , and seniority isn ’ t the only factor in deciding promotions . How do you like your new boss ? She is very nice and open-minded . Much better than the last one , huh ? Yeah . He was a real slave driver . He probably would have loved it if we were robots . Forget about him . Come over to my house tonight . Let's get drunk . Good . Tonight 8 o'clock . 8 it is . See you then . Bye . Shall we go to a movie tonight ? That's a good idea.What ' s on ? Gone with the Wind . What's it about ? Sorry , I've no idea . I never understand why these shops have so much liquor . What do you mean ? It's because it's much cheaper to buy liquor duty-free . But why ? Why don't people like to buy shirts duty-free ? Or shoes ? I just don't understand why it's always liquor . Well , it's because in most countries liquor has a higher tax on it . You mean liquor has a higher tax than other things ? Yes , of course . Didn't you know that ? No , I didn't . How high is the tax ? Well , it is different in different countries.But it's because of the high tax that buying liquor duty-free is such a good deal . Why would the government want to tax liquor so much ? Liquor is considered a luxury item.And also , it is considered as something that isn't very healthy.So if people want to buy it , the government thinks it has the right to tax it . That's why a lot of people buy cigarettes here too , isn't it ? Of course . Cigarettes are also taxed very heavily . What do you plan to do on Sunday morning ? Nothing special . How about going to English corner with me ? Oh , I'd rather not . Why not ? You know , I am poor at English , especially spoken English . That's why you should go there , If you don't dare to speak English owing to the fact that you are afraid of making mistakes , you simply will never learn English . Why are you walking to and fro in the room ? I ’ m worrying about the children . After all this is the first time they have been out without us . Don ’ t worry . They are grown-ups . I know . But I couldn ’ t help . Mary , why don't you come to my house this Saturday ? I don't know . I'll have to ask my host mom . Come on , Mary . This is America . You make your own decisions here . But I still have to tell her . Of course . Tell you what , give me your phone number . It's 555-4321 . Got it . I'll call you later tonight and we can talk about what to do on Saturday . They must be your parents , what do they do ? My mother is a professor and my father is a manager . Do they often take you out ? No , usually they're very busy . I went to the doctor yesterday . I beg your pardon ? I said I had been to the doctor the day before . What did he say ? He said I ' d got the flu . Oh dear ! What did he tell you to do ? He told me to stay in bed for ten days . Ten days ? Would you please repeat it again ? Yes , ten days . Have a nice weekend . Same to you . It seems to be clearing up . It's such a nice change . I really don't think this weather will last . Let's just hope it doesn't get cold again . There's a new play tonight . What's its name ? ' Romeo and Juliet ' . What is it about ? It's about their great love . Sounds interesting . Of course . Do you want to see it ? Yes , do you have tickets ? No , I don't . Let's go to the theater and buy two tickets now , shall we ? Good idea . Let's goa OK . Let's go . Wow ! What happened to you ? You look sad . I just lost my job . My boss just told me . That's unbelievable . Why did this happen ? I don't understand of myself . It seems they have to save money . I cant't believe it . You've worked here for years . Your father looks much younger in the picture . He was 20 years old then . How old is he now ? He's over sixty . Hello ! Let me introduce myself . My name is Nancy . Nice to meet you , I'am Simon . I don't think I ' Ve seen you around before . No , I just started working here at IBM , I am in the sale department . What do you do there ? I main market reasearch , and you ? I ' Ve beaning worked IBM for years . I am vested personnel file system , He is the after sale survise director . he such a nice boss , I like working for him . Really ? I don't believe I would met him , is he here now ? Yes , That's him over there - the taller , handsome one . Would you let me introduce you ? Thanks , that's would be lovely.You ' r right , he is kind and nice looking . Hey John , did you register for classes yet ? I register this Friday . What classes do you plan on taking ? I really want to take the communication class , but I don't know if it will be available . Is that class really that popular ? Yeah . I tried to get in last semester , but it was full by the time I registered . What other classes are you going to take ? I still need to take English 201 , but I really don't like writing . I took that class already . There is a lot of writing , but it's not that bad . Oh really ? Who was the instructor ? There are like 4 different instructors to choose from . I had Professor Mahoney . Is he an easy grader ? I'm not sure if he is or not , but I thought he was definitely fair . Do you mind if I ask you what you got ? Not at all . I got a 3.8 . Well , what did you get in English 101 last year ? I got a 4.0 in that class . Well , I can't compare to you . I got a 3.1 in English 101 . That means if you got a lower grade in English 201 , it must be harder . It's not what it appears . I actually tried harder in the 101 class . If I put as much effort into the 201 class , I would have received the same grade . Oh . That helps . Thanks . Mr . Smith is really a thorough drag . What is it ? He's endless talking about stocks almost bores me to death . Don't you like to know anything about stocks ? I'm not at all keen on this subject . Hello , Green here . Oh , Mr Green , my name is Jianshan . You don't know me , but I'm a friend of David Smith . Oh , yes . When I told David I was coming here to live , he give me your number , and suggest that I give your a ring . I was wondering if you could give me some advices . I'll be please to if I can . What can I do for you ? Well , I'm looking for a place to live . David thought as you are a @ agent . you might know something is suitable . Yes , I think I can help you . Why not you come around and see me ? Do you know my office ? Yes , I've got the address . Good , where are you now ? I'm at the post office . oh , well , that's just a few minutes walk to my office , come around and see me now . Thank you very much , Mr Green . Not at all . Like to come over to our fancy dress party ? Oh shame ! I have a class tomorrow . Well , then join us some other time . Yeah . Thanks . And have fun ! What are your plans for today ? Nothing special . Would you like to have dinner with me at King Hotel at 7pm ? I'd like to . See you then . Could you do me a favour ? I don ’ t understand this French document . Oh , this is over my head . It ’ s too professional . School has added several new courses to our grade this semester . I have more homework to do now . What's your favorite course , Daniel ? I like science most . Science ? That's a surprise . Surprise ? I thought you would like PE . I do like PE , but I am interested in science . Are you interested in science ? I can't believe it . Through this course , I can learn more about the world around us clearly . Your parents would be happy if they knew that . Because you are always a naughty boy . Naughty ? I'm naughty ? I'm just clever . So I only do the things I am interested in . Hope so . Hi , Tony . Haven ’ t seen you for a long time . How have you been ? OK , I ’ Ve been looking for a job for days , and I haven ’ t found one yet . It's so hard finding work these days . Have you had any luck ? Yes , I've got a job , a waiter's job in a restaurant . Are you well paid ? Well , $ 10 per hour , but I can keep the tips . That comes to roughly $ 80 every evening Not bad . Actually , there's still another opening . If you are interested , you ’ ll surely get it . That ’ s great ! I ’ ll go there right now and speak with the boss . There ’ s no rush . You can see him tomorrow . I ’ Ve told him about you . He promised to give you the job . That was nice of you , Susan . Thanks a lot . Think nothing of it , Tony . I ’ m sure you ’ d do the same for me . Could you tell me a bit more about the work there ? I mean , those dos and don'ts . I am a green hand , you know . First of all , you must be punctual . You should be there before 6 p . m . so that you will have half an hour for preparation changing clothes and things like that . Then , remember you should smile . Smile to your customers all the time . Never pull a long face even If you feel awful that day . Anything else ? Oh , yes . Never argue with your boss . Learn to say ' Yes , sir . ' Be a yes-man , you mean ? You may put it that way if you like . Don ’ t worry . You ’ ll have no problem . I hope not . Hi , Tim , any news about your job interview ? Yeah , I didn't get the job in the end . Oh , what a pity ! It's ok , that's life . Hello , Kith , can you and Alice come around this evening ? We prefer your coming . I think we would be able to make it.What time shall we come ? About 7 o'clock . Shall we bring any thing ? Some wine ? No , not really.Just bring yourselves . We would like to your presence . Tom , I married Julia last month . Have you already known it ? No , I haven't . I'm so surprised at the news . Indeed , we got married too soon . Congratulations . But have you heard the proverb that if one gets married too hurriedly one may regret it for a long time ? Yes . However , I believe that marriage comes by destiny . I knew I would marry Julia when I met her at the first time . How's your married life ? We're happy together now . I have to say you're a well-matched couple . Thank you ! What did you learn at the workshop you went to yesterday ? Do you think it was worth the investment to go ? Yeah , I really got a lot of the session . The workshop topic was resolving personal problems . It was led by a professional human resources director . The teacher had a lot of experience , and I think we were all given a really good base to start with . The workshop was only one afternoon long , do you really think you can learn that much in only a couple of hours ? It depends on the topic , the teacher , and the way the course is set up . Yesterday , even though we only had a short time to discuss the issues , the workshop got us all thinking . We learned some very basic , but very useful methods of dealing with personnel issues . Sounds like you really learned a lot . I did ... I just hope I can implement all these great ideas that we shared . Every teacher likes him . They say he can sum up like winking . How he manages to do that is always a mystery to me . Maybe he's gifted in that . There's just one catch . Zina asked me to let you know . What ? She promised that we'd be ready to start tracking the web site by the end of next week . What ! ? It'll be a miracle if we're ready by the end of the month ! Is she crazy ? Yes , I think she is just a little bit crazy . Crazy is too kind . Insane is more like it . Nuts ! Wacko ! Psycho ! Would you like to have some more wine ? Sure.thanks . Say when . I ’ m terribly sorry to cause you so much trouble . That ’ s alright . Do you know where Helen is ? She's gone to a flower shop . Today is her husband's birthday . That reminds me . My wedding anniversary is tomorrow . What sport do you like the most ? I like baseball the best . Me too . Did you play when you were a kid ? Yeah . I played until I graduated from high school . What position did you play ? I think I tried every position , but the last few years , I played third base . I hate third base . It's scary when the ball is coming at you so fast . It was scary at first , but after awhile , I got used to it . If you have fast reflexes , then it's not really a problem . What position did you play ? I played outfield . I hated the infield because I never figured out all the bounces . I wish I could play again , but there isn't much opportunities around here . I'm on a softball league . It's not fast pitch , but it's still fun . You wanna join our group ? When do you guys play ? We play either Tuesdays or Thursdays . Sounds pretty fun . I'll come out and join you next time . Jane's mother always wants her to marry a big shot . J That is just wishful thinking . The cost of higher education has increased in recent years , faster than the cost of living . So she wants Jane's brother to go on studying and earn his doctorate by means of it . But it's unfair for Jane . I'm back . What have you done ? Going shopping . It tires me too much . Why don't you go shopping online ? Can I ? Why not ? Let me recommend a website . OK . What does it sell ? It sells almost everything you can see in the department . That's great . Hey Nick , what are you up to ? Not much , just heading over to the shooting range . You wanna come ? Seriously ? You mean to fire a real weapon ? I don ’ t know man . Yeah , it will be fun ! I have a 9mm pistol that is really easy to shoot . I also have a revolver that ’ s really fun too ! They have big targets at the range that we could use to practice and improve you Yeah that would be cool ! Maybe I can also have a try at other weapons like a machine gun or a shotgun ! Maybe even a rocket launcher or an anti tank missile ! Or what about a flame thrower ! Whoa , take it easy there Rambo . Don ’ t get carried away . These weapons are not toys , and you must first learn how to handle them properly . There are basic rules that you must abide by in order to be Wow , I didn ’ t know ! It always looks so cool and easy in the movies ! The reality is different you know , running and firing a weapon is a lot harder than in the movies ! So are you ready ? Let ’ s do it ! I went out with Leo last night . It was really exciting . Really ? You are a lucky dog . You know , many girls dream of dating him . Yes , I know . He's really on the A-list . What kind of note are you taking there . That looks like doodle to me . It's picture association of the concept that the professor taught today . Does that actually work for you ? I don't really know for sure yet . I'll tell you after the test on Friday . I like to use shorthand note taking . I was told once that the more time you spend writing , the less you are paying attention and so you miss stuff . Hmm . I never thought about it that way . One time I tried just listening , no notes , no pictures . I think I really learned more that day . I heard that ben is forming his own band . It will be a rock and roll band probably . He ’ s a very good guitarist . Can you play a musical instrument ? If you can , he might ask you to join the band . I can play drums , but I haven ’ t played for a while . I ’ m not sure I ’ d be good enough to play in a band . I wish I could play a musical instrument . I love music . Nowadays , you can be a DJ . You can mix dance music . You don't need to be able to play music instrument or thing . I love to try it , but the instrument is expensive and it was still need to take a lot of practice . You know , you could probably get a computer program that would help you . You already have a computer , so you could use that to help you mix some music . That ’ s a great idea . I ’ ll search for some information on the internet . If it ’ s possible to do , the internet will have some information about it . It's one of the highlights of the match . What ? The wonderful passing Melaena did . Too bad I missed it . Susan has been down recently . I saw her this morning , she looked terrible ! You have any idea why ? She broke up with her boyfriend . I heard her boyfriend is married . She still loves him . That's why she feels upset . Her love is always hard and confusing ... Then what about you ? How are you getting on with your boyfriend ? He sometimes really drives me crazy . Your tree looks beautiful . Do you decorate it this way every year ? Yes , it's a family tradition dating back to my childhood . We use the same lights and ornaments , but of course we have a new tree each year.The children made some of these decorations . Here , you can hang this on one of those high branches . Well , everything seems to be just about ready . Now all we need is snow.Do you exchange the presents in the morning ? Oh , yes . The kids are too excited to wait . After we clean up the mess all the empty boxes and the wrapping paper we have a big breakfast . Then the kids have the whole day to play with their new toys . And we'll have a great turkey dinner at around four o'clock . My brother and his family will be joining us . I look forward to meeting them . Well , it's late , so I'll say good night . I'll see you early tomorrow , so I can share your Christmas morning.Good night ! Has your family lived here for long ? Five and a half years . We moved here on the first of November . You have a fantastic view . Yes . I love living here . Look ! You can see the village way down in the valley . Yes . It ’ s a lovely view . Hi , Mary . I haven't seen you in ages ! I heard that you and Daniel are getting married on August 8th , the opening day of the 2008 Olympic Games . Is it true ? yes , it is . We've been dating for over 7 years . We have decided to get married on a special day and we think August 8th , 2008 is a red-letter day . good for you ! It sounds like you've done a lot of planning in a very short time . yes , there is a lot of to be taken care of---wedding photos , wedding dress , catering , transport , hotel , etc ... is everything ready now ? almost . The only thing that isn't ready is the hotel . As a lot of people have chosen that day to get married , it is hard to find a hotel that isn't too expensive . have you tried The Peninsula Palace Beijing ? My wedding reception was held there and they did an excellent job . yes , we called , but it is booked up . The only choice is the Regent Beijing but we haven't made up our minds yet . it's an excellent hotel . A friend of mine had her wedding reception there and said it was perfect , though very expensive . that's why we want to have a look at other hotels . We don ’ t want to spend too much on an extravagant wedding reception . I guess you're right . I can help you ask other hotels . I am sure there are probably some available . thank you . my pleasure . Are you doing something on Saturday evening ? If not , welcome to my new apartment . You moved to a new place ? Yes , I have been busy emptying the packing boxes and cleaning up the mats . Right now , it looks like a home . I would like to have a small celebration party . Please do come . Thank you for inviting me . Sounds lovely ! I would like to come . Where is your new apartment ? It is in the DX community , Room 306 , No . 2 building . It is very easy to find . Just ask the guard at the entrance . Who else will come ? I invited all the colleagues in our department and also my former neighbor , Paul . He is a very good person . You should meet him . Ok , I will be there around 6 . Is that ok for you ? Yes , great . I am happy you are coming . What are you doing over the weekend , Sara ? I'm planing to go balling tonight . Tomorrow I was hoping to see a movie . What about you ? I want to go camping , you know , just get a way for the weekend . I'm not sure I'll be able to , though . Why not ? Well , I have a lot of work . I'll see how to goes . What brings you to Beijing ? I'm here on business . I've heard that you've made a new strange friend recently , Sophie . Yes . He is an old man with a great sense of humour . Not only can he play the piano , he also draws pictures very well . So you can learn a lot from him . Yeah , he has no children , so he sometimes feel s very lonely . I often go to his house to play and talk with him . That makes him feel very happy . Happy new year ! Thank you . Same to you . Have you got any plans ? I've been invited over to a friend's , and you ? My roommate's having a party . I can't wait to go skiing tomorrow . I know . It's going to be so much fun . I always get excited the day before . I used to be like that . But I go skiing so often that I don't get excited anymore . I only go skiing twice a year , so it's a real treat for me . That makes sense . What things make you excited ? Whenever I go to Vegas , I get really excited . Oh ... that makes me excited too ! Looks like anything fun makes you excited . I heard you are busy with your new house now ? Yeah , I want my own house very much , so I decide to buy one . Let meet this right — — do you want to buy the house ? Yeah . This is a big house with a garden . I like it very much . But it is far from downtown . Living here is very inconvenient . It is very quiet and peaceful . This is what I want . What can I do for you ? I was looking for a book , but I couldn ’ t find it . Did you check our database to see if it was on the shelf ? I already did . Is it on the shelf ? I didn ’ t see it . Apparently somebody took that book out of the library . Will you ever get another copy ? We will definitely be getting another . Could you please reserve it for me ? That won ’ t be a problem . Thanks . I really appreciate that . When can we expect you and your daughter for dinner ? Next Saturday ? Next Saturday ? I ’ m sorry . I ’ Ve promised to go to a Chinese Opera with my daughter . How about Sunday then ? Yes , Sunday sounds fine . What time ? Does six thirty suit you ? It suits us fine . We ’ ll see you then . Thanks , goodbye . Do you mind helping me ? What can I help you with ? I'm not sure how to find my next class . Do you know what building that it's in ? The C building , I think . Well , that's not far away . Could you point me in that direction ? Do you know what the room number is ? It's C261 . My next class is around there . Can you show it to me ? Sure , let's go . Could we go over some things , because I think my test score is wrong . What do you think is wrong , the math or the way your answer was scored ? Both . I am willing to take a second look because teachers make mistakes , too . Will that work for you ? Yeah , I'm ready . Check your answers against the ones on the answer sheet and let me know where you see the mistake . These look strange . Yes , I agree ; let's move on to the calculating of the score . Would that be OK ? OK , let's do the calculation . We add all of these up and divide by this and that gives us this percentage . I see . Anytime you have a question , please feel free to ask ! How can I live without Helen ? Get a hold of yourself , Bruce . You'll get over her eventually . Did you hear peter just retired ? Are you sure ? He is quite young , isn't he ? He is not young as he looks . I think he's almost sixty . Really ? He looks so young . Lodge , You must come around sometime , You have to check out my mew stereo . Sure , When is good time for you ? Can you make it on Tuesday ? What time do you want me there ? Anytime after six will be fine . All right , It's a date . How long have you been living in New York ? Oh , about two years now . Where do your parents live ? They still live in Shanghai where I was born . Do you write or call them very much ? Yes , I try to keep in touch with them . I don't dare ask Jane for a date . You've got no guts ! Excuse me , what's your name ? My name is Jessica . What's yours ? John . You speak English very well . Thank you . Do you know what time it is ? Sure . It's 5:10 PM . What did you say ? I said it's 5:10 PM . Thanks . You're welcome . Japanese is easy to learn . You're mistaken about it . As a matter of fact , it's very hard . I don't think so.There ' re so many familiar characters and they sound just like Chinese . You're quite right.But many Japanese learners begin with smiles on their faces and end up with tears in their eyes . Today people are hearing about information superhighways and the intermet . Is this change going to be beneficial for theindividuals like you and me . Yes , I think so . My friend once used it mostly to play chess , but now he has learnt how to do other things on the Internet . There's no doubt the Internet will be a powerful commercial medium . It'll connect hundreds of millions of customers and open up huge markets for all kinds of products and services . That's true . I can imagine companies sending advertisements directly to customers over the net . Customers , in turn , can examine and compare whatever goods they want to buy and tell their computers to find them at the best price offered . Yeah . It'll be a shoppers heaven . That's the use of net in E-commerce . What ’ s the problem ? Things are getting out of hand . You keep sticking your nose where it doesn ’ t belong . What do you mean ? Now , I am responsible for training new staff , but you keep overriding my authority by trying to pose your methods . I know you are a hotshot college graduate with something to prove . But I don ’ t like your way . How was your holiday to Cyprus ? It was so fantastic I didn ’ t really want to come home . Did you happen to meet someone ? How did you know ? You always act like this when you ’ Ve fallen in love . Who is he ? How did you meet ? His name is Tony and we met my first night in Pathos . He works with my sister who lives there . Was it love at first sight ? Not really . I wasn ’ t looking for a holiday romance , but my sister told me that she had promised him that she ’ d set him up on blind date with me . I didn ’ t think I ’ d have anything to lose , so I went . And ? Let ’ s just say that by the third date , we both realized that we had fallen in love . That happened quickly ! Are you going to see him again ? Luckily , his company has a position available here , so he ’ s going to see if he can get relocated . It sounds like he is madly in love with you . Are you ready for such a serious relationship ? Well , I ’ m not really a spring chicken anymore . We don ’ t know what will happen . Are you a smoker ? Yes , I ’ m afraid I am . My husband is a smoker too . Would you describe yourself as being a heavy smoker ? No . But my husband smokes 20 or more a day . When did you begin to smoke ? I had my first cigarette when I was 17 . Might I ask if you have tried to give up smoking ? Yes . Twice . what do you hope to do when you finish university ? I ’ d like to go into management . I ’ Ve applied for several jobs already and I ’ m hopeful that I ’ ll get some job offers . How about you ? after I graduate , I have to do some more studies to pass exams to become a lawyer . I think I ’ Ve got a good chance of passing . There ’ s a possibility of getting a job with a law firm in London , provide we both have to overcome several obstacles if we are to achieve our ambitions . if life were easy , then we ’ d achieve our ambition quickly and then get bored . unfortunately , it ’ s inevitable that some people are going to work hard yet not succeed . that ’ s why ambition need to be realistic . You can ’ t achieve something that ’ s totally unrealistic . as long as you plan carefully , most thing are possible . It ’ s always good to have a backup plan in case things go wrong . I think it ’ s important to be successful in a field you are truly interested in , not something that other people force you to be interested it . my father wanted me to become a doctor , but I knew it would be impossible for me to be successful in that field . I hope my parents don ’ t try to interfere in my choice of career . Hey , Susie , what health club do you belong to ? Total Fitness , why ? Well , I ’ Ve been going to Athletic Express , but I don ’ t like it there . Really ? Why not ? I hear it ’ s pretty good . The people don ’ t really work out there . They just stand around and talk all the time . Oh , it ’ s one of those places . Yeah , is your club different ? Well , they have different rooms . I lift weights by the pool where there aren ’ t so many people . Do they have a lot of equipment ? Yeah , they have all the machines , a pool , and a steam room and sauna . Sounds nice . What about classes ? The usual . Aerobics , kickboxing , yoga . They just started a Tai Chi class too . Wow , that sounds great . Well , I have a guest pass . Why don ’ t you come with me tonight ? Really ? Thanks . I ’ ll stop by when I get off work . Perfect . See you later . O . K . , see you . Do you like traveling ? Yes , I've just come back from Scotland . Where did you visit ? I only had time to visit Edinburgh . How did you like it ? It's fantastic . Why did you go there ? I went there on business . And do you have friends there ? Yes , a lot of friends . You must have enjoyed yourself . Yes , and I look many pictures . Susan , Did you know the four ugliest women in ancient China ? No , I only know four great beauties of China . There were some famous ugly women in history . Yeah ? Were they famous because of the ugliness ? Though they were ugly , they had great virtue . Then who were they ? Mo Mu , Thong Lichen , Meng Gang and Ran Nv . They were well respected . It seems that the inner beauty is also important . Sometimes the inner beauty is more beautiful . I wonder how Sarah and Mat are . Don't you know they've already broken up ? I'm not surprised . She's a plain Jane . And he's so handsome . What's up ? You look depressed . I just had a quarrel with him . Would you rather I taught him a lesson for you ? No , thanks . Nowadays , ships and boats are no longer so important in transportation as they used to be . True . With the extension of railways and highways , and the improvement of safety and capacity of airplanes , ships and boats have been giving place to trains , planes and automobiles . I read in the newspapers that the passenger liners from Shanghai to Ningpo and Dalian have been out of business ; and the liners up and down the Yangtze River have been reduced by 70 % . The pace of life of people is now getting faster and faster , so the speed of ships and boats seems to be so slow . I think it may be the reason why people don't like to travel by boat . But the most of the transoceanic cargo transportation is still carried by boat . I always think everybody looks down on me Don't be that negative . How can you be optimistic ? You can see it in their eyes . I find it there is no meaning in living this world . Don't be that negative . Really , life is so boring . Good afternoon , sir . May I help you ? I booked a table yesterday . What's your name , please ? Smith . A minute , please . ... Yes , this way , please . I'm so glad that the Spring Festival is near at hand . Me too . I like the festival best of all . Think of the big face down the eve , hmm . And special TV programs , fire crackers and the games to play . Hey , do you know any mystery belief serve the festival ? Such as ? You know why fire crackers are set off in festival . Why ? To welcome the new year of course ? And also to frighten away evil spirits . Really ? And my parents say the whole year will be as good or as bad as new year day itself and bad or rude words on the day will bring a bad year . Oh , that's why my parents never scold me that day . They always try to avoid tears and quarrels . Mom , did you feel the earthquake this afternoon ? Oh , that scared me . The breaking news just reported some houses were destroyed by the earthquake . Oh , dear ! How ruthless ! Do you think we can donate some clothes and food for the victims ? Why not ? That's a good idea to help them . It's really late but I'm starving . Hey , that coffee shop's lights are still on . Maybe they have some good pie . I would love a really sticky cinnamon bun . There was a coffee shop by my house when I was a kid that served cinnamon hot chocolate . Mmmm . That sounds like something I had in Mexico once . Good stuff ... Oh , no . The door is locked . Ohhhhh ! And I just got all my juices going ! How have you been ? Fine , thank you . And how ’ s everyone in your family ? Very well , thank you . I ’ m meeting my wife and daughter for lunch at 12:00 , would you care to join us ? I ’ d love to but I ’ m afraid I can ’ t . I ’ Ve already got a lunch engagement . How was your first date , David ? Are you satisfied with Jane ? It was all right . She , tall and attractive , has stable job and source of income . Yes , so I think she is suitable for you . But , well ... what I want to say is ... Stop acting like this . Say away ! Her standard for selecting life partner is a little higher . I can not accept that . What did she say ? She said she want a man with large house , luxurious car and healthy parents . Give her up . I wonder what he looks like . Oh , I can't wait to see him ! His email said he'd be wearing a white hat . ( looking around for him ) oh , there he is . hey , Isabelle ... Logan ! Why on earth are you hiding here ? White hat ! Come on ! Don't tell me you're the guy ! It can't be true . yes , I am the guy . what a bummer ! You set me up ? let me explain . I didn't mean to hurt you ... how dare you ! hang on a second . Hear me out , just this once , Isabella ! why did you lie to me in the email ? I didn't lie . You just didn't ask me my real name . I should have known it was you . No wonder all the 20 questions were answered correctly . I thought I might have found the one for me . I'm sorry . It was cruel of me . But I promise it will never happen again ? Look , there's a nice restaurant . Let me take you to dinner and we can talk things over . How beautiful the flower is ! Really , it's so beautiful . You like it . Well , I'll gather in for you . You mustn't pick it in this place . Where it is ? It's a private garden . I love that vase . Do you really like it ? Yes , it looks perfect . It wasn't very expensive either . That's amazing ! In my country , we go to school from 8 o'clock in the morning until five in the afternoon . Five days a week , too ? Actually , five and a half . On Saturday , we have classes only in the morning . Gosh ! That's too much for us really . Where are you going now ? I'm going to try to find out where the school is located . When do you start school ? I'm going to register right now . That's good . Which is more interesting to you , flying kites or going roller-skating ? Well , flying kites is more fun to me . I've got no kite . Do you have one ? Let's go and buy one . I heard that Ann had divorced . I suspect it's unavoidable . Poor Ann . She did not love her husband at all . Yeah . She married him at her mother's bidding . how do you usually spend your day , now that you ’ Ve retired ? well , I nearly always get up at dawn . I don ’ t like sleeping in late . The days are longer in summer that in winter , so I get up in summer . I usually do some exercise when I get up . what do you have for breakfast ? I usually have cereal , but sometimes I cook a traditional English breakfast . that sounds nice . How do you spend your mornings ? I usually do housework in mornings . I go shopping occasionally . I like to do all my shopping in one bag trip to the supermarket . I always drive to the big supermarket in the city center . It takes about how do you spend your afternoons ? I usually meet some friends and we play sports together or I might spend some time alone on my hobbies . I spend winter evening watching tv , but I spend summer evening at cultural events if I have time Hi , my name is Ted , what ’ s yours ? What ? I said , I ’ m Ted , who are you ? Huh ? Oh , my name is Laura . Do you somewhere often , Laura ? Huh ? I can ’ t hear you , the music ’ s too loud . Let ’ s go outside and talk . So Laura , do you come here often ? Hold on , my ears are still ringing from the music ... what was it you asked me ? I asked if you come here often . Sometimes , usually once every few weeks . Do you ? No , this is my first time here . I usually come with a group of friends . We dance a little , have a few drinks , and just have a good time . Yeah , that ’ s why I ’ m here . My friends dragged me here , because they think I spend too much time studying . That ’ s good . It ’ s good to hit the books , but you need to get out once in a while . I guess so . But the music is too loud . I don ’ t mind getting out and meeting people , but next time I ’ ll do it in a park . People are funny . They sure are . Did you hear about the pilot ? The one that stole a small plane ? Yes , he stole a plane in Canada and flew into the U . S . Did they catch him ? Yes . After two U . S . fighter jets followed him for an hour , he landed on a highway . Did he crash ? No , he just landed the plane and walked to a restaurant . Did the cops find out why he flew into the U . S . ? His life sucked . He was hoping a fighter jet would shoot him down . Poor guy . When he told me I had to work overtime , that was it . The last straw , huh ? Yes , he's really pushed me too far . I know what you mean . You're going to Shanghai tomorrow , are you ? That's right . Do you think it'll be cold ? It might be . You'd better take a heavy sweater with you.The nights are usually quite cold at this time of year . Do you think I'll need a cotton coat ? Not for now , I think , But I believe there'll be rain , so take your raincoat with you . Did you watch the Premiership last night ? Yes , I watched United play Chelsea . What a fierce battle ! allay were engaged in intensive pressing and tackling in midfield . Well , it was not like a normal English League match . No , it wasn't . Rather , it looked like a Bundesliga match , where physical contact is so frequent . English League teams are apt to pass the midfield quickly with long passes . It seems to me English soccer players are very gentlemanly . As Diego Maradona spoke teasingly , they often knew only chasing hard after the ball , but forgot to steal it . Haha . That's probably why slide tackle and fouls are less common , and offsides more frequent in English League matches than those on the Continent . And the ball is often kept flying overhead , drawing beautiful curves in the sky . Such games are quite pleasing to the eye . Which team do you back then ? I'm a firm United supporter . I like their playing style . The Reds always have several excellent wing-backs , Like Riggs , Peckham and Gary Neville . They often make wonderful crosses when they assist in attacking . But the Reds keep a weak midfield . I think Juventas of Italian Series A have always maintained a very formidable midfield . It is the main source of its strength . I'd like to purchase a parking permit for next semester . Are you a daytime student or do you just come in the evenings ? I am a daytime student . Will you be driving a motorcycle or a car ? I will be driving my car . OK , that will be twenty-five dollars . How would you like to pay for it ? I'll pay for it with a check . Would you like to pay for any extra permits for another vehicle ? No , thanks ; I'm fine . Here you go then . Have a great school year ! What's your major in college ? I take architecture as my major . What research are you dealing with now ? I am dealing with the study of the architecture style of ancient Chinese buildings . Would you like to go to a concert with me ? I'd love to . Good morning , Miss Li . Morning , Mike . I'm sorry that I was absent yesterday . I've already got your certificate for sick leave . How do you feel today ? I feel much better now . Have you received the reading material handed out yesterday ? I've already got it . Thanks . I will explain it in detail in the next class , could you preview it ? I will . They promised us a sea view . Well , you can just see the sea . Between the factory chimneys . Isn't it awful ? I can't bear to look at it . I don't think I can stand this place for two weeks . Well , it can't be helped . We'll just have to put up with it . You are saying he will be promoted to the general manager ? Yeah . Are you sure ? Yes . I bet my bottom dollar that he will get promoted . Just because he gets on well with everybody ? Partly , and he's also a hard working man . What's Beijing like ? It ’ s big and exciting but noisy . What can I see in Beijing ? You can see the Forbidden City . What ’ s it like ? It ’ s beautiful but crowded . Would you talk to me about taking one of Dr . Miller's classes ? Yes . Have you ever been in one of his classes ? I'm thinking about taking his class next semester . He was a very easy teacher . Are you thinking of taking a class with him ? I'm not sure because I really need to learn something , but I also worry about grades . Grades are important , but don't you think that gaining the knowledge is important , too ? I really need to learn this stuff . He made everything so interesting that the time just flew by . Do you know what I mean ? Yes , that sounds right for me . Did you know that he came here last year after 10 years in the military ? Yeah , I already knew that . That could be a good thing . I think you know that you have to make the best decision for you . Enjoy your year ! How was my singing ? Not bad at all . Hello . I was wondering if Taylor Smith has checked out yet ? Just one moment . I'll check with the cancer ward desk . The cancer ward ! ? Oh , my . It's worse than we thought . Ma'am , I'm sorry . The cancer ward said Mr . Smith passed away two days ago . That's impossible ! I'm talking about Mister Taylor Smith . Yes , ma'am . He died from complications of stomach cancer . I'm very sorry . I'm really sick ! I have something really cool to tell you about ! Do you know anything about online auctions ? Not really . They're awesome ! I was browsing through the eBay auction today , and I found the cutest fat little copper Buddha ! It's over a hundred years old . Please don't tell me you bought it . Why not ? If you did , you probably got ripped off . Excuse me . May I ask you some questions ? Sure . What do you want to know ? Could you please tell me how many credits would be required for a bachelor's degree ? Well , you have to get 166 credits , including required courses and optional courses . OK . And how long does it take to get a bachelor's degree ? It can be completed in four years normally . I see . Thank you very much . You're welcome . I have failed in my final examination . What can I do now ? You have asked me several times about it . You are driving me up the wall . Would you like to go to a concert tonight ? I'd like to very much . All right , then.There is one at the new concert hall . Who's playing ? It's the Powell orchestra . Do you know what they are playing ? They're doing a seventeenth-century program . And who is directing ? Well , I'm not sure of his name , but I know it's going to be his farewell performance . Your 3.5 percent share is going to be worth at least a million . I need to be motivated , Vince.Multi - motivated . As in multi-million . What if I said no ? Ever hear of WebTracker ? You wouldn't ! If you leave , you'll make nothing . I might make nothing even if I stay . For that kind of risk , I want to get rich . OK . If you sign the account before WebTracker does , we'll talk next week . Shall I get you another cup of coffee ? Yes , please . That is very kind of you . Shall I make more sandwiches ? No , thanks . I ’ Ve had plenty . We're in big trouble , Jason . Nick is beating us by a long shot . Impossible ! Well , I'm not giving up yet . It's not over till the fat lady sings ! OK , comeback kid . Here's you last question.How many times did Robin Williams win the Oscar for Best Actor ? Hmm . Let's see ... there was Good Morning , Vietnam , Dead Poet's Society , The Fisher King ... Three , right ? Nope , sorry ! Actually , Robin Williams has never won an Oscar for Best Actor--only for Best Supporting Actor ! I'm so busy . I don't know how will get this done . You're not the only one with a lot to do . We are all in the same boat . Helen , did you hear I ’ m having a party ? Next Saturday in my place . I may have something on that day , but thanks for inviting me . Well , drop by if you can . I will , do you want me to bring anything ? No , just bring yourself . I hope to see you there . Please help yourself to whatever you like , don't be shy . Yes , thank you . I ’ Ve already been helping myself . This dish tastes terrific . Would you like to try a little ? It is a little hot , but very good . I like hot food , especially Sichuan cuisine . Would you like another beer ? I'II have another cup of beer insist . I know I don't like to drink alone , especially there are someone sitting there next to me . Come on , it's the weekend . Let's taste and enjoy this meal . Cheers ! Bottom's up , and you're right . This meal is incredible . I wish I had known this restaurant before . Thanks for bringing me here . I know I'll be back soon . Hi , Bob , everything okay ? more or less . There's just one thing bothering me . oh ? What's that ? well , you know I have some students studying for their master's degree . One of them tried to give me a gift that kind made me uneasy . what gift ? it's an Egyptian carpet . The student came to my office the other day and brought the carpet to show his gratitude . Seeing what gift was , I was really uncomfortable . I mean it's too expensive a gift you refused the gift ? That's terrible . I know , but I really can't accept such an expensive gift . I explained to him why , but he seemed really upset about it . I think he might have taken it the wrong way . perhaps . He probably thinks you considered the gift a bribe for a higher grade . that's what I am worried about . I do understand the respect attached with the gift and I am honored . But I really don't think it's proper for a student to spend a fortune on a gift for a professor . It is so quiet here . I like the place . Me too . I can't stand the loud noise in the city . Yes , sometimes I can hardly get asleep at night . I hope I can stay here longer . When will your vacation end ? The day after tomorrow . You will go back tomorrow , right ? Yes , you are right . Who do you think is going to get the Oscar for best actor ? I have no idea . To be honest , I couldn't care less . I finally went out to dinner with him last night . Just the two of you ? Yup . Where did you go ? True , a sea food restaurant . True ? The food is terrible . I didn't notice . I don't really even know what I ate . Really ? ( Before Christmas Party ) Are you ready for the Christmas party tonight Almost . I have to get dressed . It's a formal party and I have special party make up ! Use this lipstick and it will make your lips shine ! Great ! Uh , remember that there's a gift exchange , too . We all have to bring a gift . I've already got mine . ( At the Party ) It's Christmas Eve ! Time to open presents ! Here ! Open mine first . Wow ! It's just what I wanted ! Hey ! Why don't I have any presents ! Hi , Mike , what gives ? Hi , Bill , this is my new car . Hey , great set of wheels . You like it , huh ? Who wouldn't ? Wow , that's out of this world . It is special , isn't it ? Yeah , too cool . How much did they sold you for ? Lots . Looks like I'll have to moonlight for the next two years . I can imagine . Hey , let's go for a spin . You can try it out . I'd love to . Ok , let's go . Good afternoon . My goodness ! It ’ s the afternoon ? Doesn ’ t the time fly ! Do come in and sit down . Thank you . What ’ s the time ? My watch has stopped . It ’ s half past twelve . When do you have lunch ? From one to two . What do you normally eat ? We usually go to the cafeteria . Oh , it ’ s time to have lunch now . let ’ s go together . Thank you for coming to see me off . Not at all . If I have time , I will come again . You are welcome at any time . Thank you for your hospitality . I hope I didn ’ t cause you too much trouble during my stay . You are most welcome . I ’ m afraid I have to go now . The plane will take off soon . Call us as soon as you got home . We have mild wines and strong liquors . Which kind do you prefer ? I've no idea . I'd like to listen to your suggestion . It's my pleasure . Actually , it's really hard to say as individual tastes are different . As for myself , I'd like to recommend gin and tonic . Well , I'll try gin and tonic . We'll get a big bonus this year , won't we ? Don't count on it . My Buddha ! ! It's beautiful ! But I thought you were afraid ? Actually , I was watching your auction all along . I saw you drop out at $ 250 . You sneak ! I watched Buddha buyer go up to $ 315 . I waited until the very last minute and then I jumped in at $ 325 ! I sniped him ! But that's a lot of money ! Honey ! Do you mind if I borrow the notes from last week ? Were you here last week ? I was unable to make it . How come ? I was sick that day , and couldn't make it . Well , here are the notes . Are there any more ? Sorry , here you go . Thanks a lot . No problem . Do you have any habits such as smoking ? No , I rarely smoke . I don't drink , either . I only drink with my family on celebrations or with close friends . What kind of winter sport do you like best ? My favorite winter sport is skiing . In addition , I am keen on basketball . What do you like doing in your spare time ? I like doing aerobics in my spare time . It's good for my health . Do you have any hobbies ? Yes , I have . I collect stamps , Chinese stamps as well as those from other countries . I wonder if it is possible that we organize a dinner party for all the colleagues in our departments . They are working very hard these days . Maybe it is time for everybody to relax a little . That is a good idea , I love it . What time do you think is convenient ? Well , what about this Thursday evening after we finish the weekly meeting ? Ok , I will inform everybody when they come back from lunch . It has been a long time since we had the department dinner last time . I am sure they don ’ t want to miss it . I hope so . Let me know how many will come . Then I will book the restaurant . You must be new . As a matter of fact , I am . Have you just started college ? No . I transferred here from a different school . What school ? I transferred here from PCC . Do you like it here ? I really like it here so far . Do you like it better here or at PCC ? I like PCC better . If that ’ s the case , then why did you leave ? I graduated and I'am working towards my next degree . Are you coming or not ? I haven't decided yet . Well , make up your mind . We need to know . Ok , count me in . Hey , Bob . Are you getting the feeling you've been here before ? Yes , I'm sure I've been here before . Maybe we're walking in circles . Yes , there's that bar we passed an hour ago . I am thinking about inviting you to a dinner . When would you have time ? And what kind of food do you fancy ? That would be great . I am really in the mood for a spicy hotpot . Any special reason for the invitation ? To thank you for helping me at work last week . If you would not have been so kind , I would not have been able to pick my parents from the airport . You really did me a big favor . Thank you so much . It was my pleasure . How about this evening ? I feel very hungry now . Fine , I know a good hotpot place in the downtown area , food there is pretty spicy too . Shall we try that one ? Ok with me . You are the boss . I will meet you downstairs after work . I have been working 70 hours this week . I am totally maxed out . 70 hours ? I would be dead if I worked hard like that . What a beautiful day ! It is really gorgeous out today . I remembered the weatherman said it is supposed to rain . I heard that it's supposed to get up to 90 degrees Fahrenheit today . Really ? That's unusual for October , isn't it ? Well , you could never tell about the weather here in New York . Yes , that's true . Still , it's hard to believe . Yesterday our high was only 50 degrees Fahrenheit . I have no idea about what to do next . Maybe you can pick Mary ’ s brains now . She knows a lot about stocks . Let me have a try . Hello , is it necessary to do warm-up exercise ? I can't wait to dive into the water . I'm sorry . Every customer coming here must do the warm-up exercise before getting down to swimming . That's out regulation . Yeah , I see . You are just doing your job . But I wanna know what the advantages it has . OK , lovely boy . Try to be patient . Do you know the danger of swimming without warm-up ? As far as I know , people will be weak if they swim too long . That's right . But the most dangerous thing is that their legs may spasm out of control when swimming . Is it very dangerous ? I'm a little scared . Do you offer the lifebuoy for us ? Yes , besides that , we also provide our customers with goggles , swimming suit and something like that . Do you have the workers to save me if anything should happen ? Of course , all the workers here are able to swim , and they will come to your aid quickly . Do you feel better ? Much better . My heart sank when Mary told me that she wanted to leave me . Don ’ t be sad . Everything will be fine . Thanks a lot . You are so kind . Do you have the time ? It's ten thirty . It's a perfect day for swimming . I am going to the beech . How about coming with me ? Great ! I love swimming . Besides , I need a tan for Hill ’ s party .. Don't forget the sun block lotion . You don't want a sunburn , do you ? No . Thanks for reminding me . Can you vouch for me that I was with you yesterday ? Why do I need to do that ? My character is in question . Someone was robbed at work and unless I have an alibi , I'm a suspect . Oh , my goodness . Who do I need to talk to ? My employer . Can you come in to the office tomorrow ? Absolutely . I think I still have the boarding passes from our flight here somewhere . That would be the real proof . Didn't we have to show ID to get on the plane ? Since 911 I think every airline requires that the passengers show ID to board . Which team has won ? Neither.The game ended in two all . But I still think AC milan's defence seems better organized . But the Brazilian is tougher . What dances do you like ? I love to dance the fast music . Then you must be interested in disco . Yes , it's my favorite . Oh , it's a disco . Let's dance . You're a good dancer . Thank you . Now they are playing a rumba . Would you have a try ? Sorry . I feel like sitting out the next dance . OK . Let's get something to drink . Good idea . What day is today ? Tuesday ? Yeah . I bet you did forget everything . What's the date today , do you know ? I bet it's May 5th . I heard that Kevin got divorced . Is that true ? Not so bad , but Kevin does have problems with his wife . What ? His wife always complained that Kevin's salary was too low and got no promotion . Poor Kevin , we should do something for him . He is a nice guy and does his job well . Yeah , I agree with you . But you know , it ’ s just one of those things . Good morning , Miss Wu ! Can I ask you something ? Certainly . You are more welcome to do . What is it ? Tomorrow is my wife's birthday . We both love spicy Chinese dishes . I am wondering if you could recommend a good local restaurant where I can find some good spicy dishes . Well , if spicy local dishes are what you are looking for , In Hua Restaurant is the best place to go . The restaurant serves very good and spicy local dishes . You might want to try there . How far is it from here ? It is near the university . Five minutes ' walk from your flat , I think . Great . We'll go and have a try . Thank you very much . You're welcome . May you have a good time . Please give my regards to your wife . I wish her a happy birthday tomorrow . Thank you . The same to you . Is this seat taken ? No . Have a seat . Why don ’ t we go the cinema tonight ? That sounds good but I don ’ t know what ’ s on . I think there ’ s a very romantic new film starring Hugh Grant . Let ’ s go and see that . Ok , that ’ s a good idea . Where shall we meet ? Well how about meeting at my place ? That sounds good . I ’ ll call you once I arrive . Show us our itineraries , please . We'll first go to Mount Tai , then we'll go to Sichuan by air , after that we'll be leaving for Tibet . How long will the trip take ? At least 20 days . Tom , aren ’ t you a little too old to be trick-or-treating ? What are you talking about ? Where is your Halloween spirit ? Didn ’ t you ever dress up in a costume and go around the neighborhood trick-or-treating with your friends ? Of course , I did , but when I was ten ! Trick - or-treating is for kids , plus , I ’ m sure people will think you ’ re a kidnapper or something , running around with kids NCP at night . Whatever , I ’ m going next door I heard Mrs . Robinson is giving out big bags of M & Ms ! I really want to switch things up . What were you thinking ? I think I want to try a new style . What would you like me to do ? I want you to cut my hair shorter . How short ? I want my hair to be only a few inches long . Do you really want it that short ? Yes , I've been wanting it short for a while now . If you really want me to , then I'll do it . I'm absolutely sure that this is what I want . Let's do it . I hear you and James are engaged at last . Yes , we are . When are you getting married ? In the spring . Oh , lovely.Where ' s the wedding going to be ? Well .. we're not sure yet , probably in St.Albans . Oh , yes , your parents live there , don't they ? Yes , that's right . Where are you going to live after you're married ? We're going to buy a flat or a small house somewhere in South London . Are you going to give up your job ? Yes , probably but I may look for another one when we're settled in . Welcome , Li Mei . Please give me your coat and hat . Thank you , Peter . Oh , let's come in and enjoy yourself . Happy birthday , Peter , and many happy returns of the day . Here's a present for you . Thank you , Li Mei . Come into the dining room . I'm going to cut the cake soon . What wish do you make ? It's a secret . Which service offered by your bank do you use most ? I use several services . Of course , I deposit and withdraw money quite often . I often use my ATM card to take money out of my current account . I use my bank to exchange money from once currency to another . I often travel abroad , you see . Do you ever ask you bank for traveller ’ s cheques ? They are much safer than carrying lots of cash around . I sometimes use traveller ’ s cheques , but sometimes I travel to countries where they are hard to exchange for cash . Do you use your bank to pay your utility bills ? I use direct debit . Yes , I do . It save me a lot of time . I also have standing orders for my subscriptions to magazines . That ’ s good idea . You don ’ t need to worry about missing an issue of a magazine if you do that . I suppose you have a mortgage too . Yes . My bank offers very good terms and conditions on mortgage . There ’ s a lot of competition between banks nowadays . Each one is trying to offer better conditions and services than the others . I have a deposit account with my bank . There are some restrictions on withdrawing money , but the interest rate is much higher . I don ’ t have one . I prefer to buy shares . My bank also provides a share trading service . It ’ s cheap and easy to use . That ’ s great . But I prefer to put my money somewhere where the returns are more certain . I am not sure what to do during the holidays , any suggestions ? Well , going to a cinema , visiting the galleries , exhibitions and museums , finding and meeting old friends , exercising in the health club or mountain biking . There are so many good choices . The problem is that I find all of them are full of fun . I just don ’ t know what to do first . Why not start with the most interesting one ? Actually , I ’ m interested in all of them . The more choices we have , the harder to make a decision . Toss a coin to decide then . You know John ? Which John ? Mr.Turnbow ’ s son ? Yes . I ’ Ve read news about him in today ’ s paper . And he ’ s bright and intelligent . I ’ m sure he can pass the university entrance exam . I wish he could too . How ’ s your boy , Jack ? He ’ s a bit tired , you know . It often takes him a couple of hours to brush up . Poor boys ! They work harder at school nowadays , don ’ t they ? Good luck to them . You're from New York , aren't you ? Yes , that's right . What do you suggest I should see in New York ? Well , how about the Museum of Modern Art ? No , I don't like museums.They ' re boring . Why don't you go to see the Empire State Building ? Ah ! That sounds interesting . So , Jack , do you believe in ghosts ? No , not really . Why do you ask ? Because I want to tell you about the time that I saw a ghost . You saw a ghost ? When ? It was many years ago , when I was a little child . It was the middle of the night , and I went to get a drink of water from the kitchen . I walked out of my room and was at the top of the stairs , when ... So that's where you saw the ghost ? In your house ? What did it look like ? Was it hideous ? It was a big , green thing that looked like a person . It was in the kitchen , and it slowly moved towards the stairs ... So what did you do ? I hid so that it couldn't see me . Slowly it got closer and closer , until ... Until what ? What happened ? Did you see it clearly ? Did it attack you ? It moved slowly up the stairs , step by step , and I could hear its approaching footsteps . When it finally got to the top of the stairs , I realized that it was my father in his green pajamas . He had gone to get a late night snack . Are you getting overtime ? Yes , but it's not so appetizing . Have you thought about another job ? That's what's hanging on my mind recently . I bought it . I got a watch , too . The company that sells this car has a car club . Where you can buy lots of paraphernalia ? Yeah , and meet other drivers of the same car ! Cool ! I know girls love this kind of car . Look , it's got a sunroof ! Imagine ... a cool , starry night ... So , you're going to use Sarah's car to go cruising for chicks ? No . I borrowed it to go shopping . Quite a few people are laid off these days . Yeah . It is not easy for them to find another job . University graduates have difficulty finding a job too . There seems to be more and more competition in the job market It is strange that some people are quitting their jobs in order to find a better one . What do you think ? Do you want to quit your job ? No . Not now . I think I'll try to keep this one . Hello , Ms . Barkley . How are you ? Fine , thank you , sir . It ’ s nice to see you again . Good to see you again , too . How ’ s you family ? Very well , thank you , Mr . Parker . Mike's really angry . I wonder Why . Oh my god ! It's 10:00 pm . I have to go . Can ’ t you stay a little longer ? I am afraid not . Say hi to your parents for me . I hope to see them soon . Thank you . Well , if you ever pass my home , please drop in . Yes , I will . Take care , then . Yes , sure . Have a sweet dream ! Why you are so crazy about Beijing Opera ? It's so boring . But I think it's fantastic and charming . Well , you have your opinion and I have mine . Maybe you're right . But I just still can't understand ... Come on . I don't see any point in arguing about this . Everyone has a right to his own opinion . Your garden is looking very beautiful this summer . The flowers are really colorful . Thank you . I have roses , tulips , and daffodils . Do you like the rockery with the smaller flowers ? Yes , I do . Those are violets , aren ’ t they ? Yes , they are . This afternoon , I ’ m going to prune the hedge . The lower branches on that tree are hanging very low . Would you like me to cut them off for you ? Thank you ! That would be very kind of you . I have a saw in the garden shed . When the lower branches are removed , you ’ ll be able to sit under the tree . Tomorrow , I ’ ll cut the grass . Then the garden will look perfect . Just make sure children don ’ t play in the flower beds and destroy the flowers . Listen to this . Mary got married . Is she really ? I can ’ t believe it ! Yes . Yesterday . Good gracious . That ’ s incredible ! She married Jerrod . You ’ re kidding . She ’ s going to live in Paris . Really ? I ’ m surprised . I've been accepted by the university , and they've offered me a position on the basketball team ! That's wonderful ! Icing on the cake . Do you feel all right ? You look Pale . All my joints seem to hurt and I have a terrible headache . Have you taken your temperature ? No , not yet , but I do feel a little feverish . How long have you been feeling this way ? Only since this morning . Oh , probably you've been working too hard . Maybe you are right . What a terrible house ! I'm sick of it , too . The door bell doesn't work , there's no hot water , and the building is falling apart . It's no use complaining . If we had got enough money , we couldn't put up with it , and would have moved out . Sure . What kind of jobs are becoming popular in your country ? As in many countries , there ’ s been a big growth in anything related to computers . Young people are attracted to that field in particular . There ’ s also been a big growth in education . There ’ s been a growth in that field in my country too . A lot of people want to learn practical and professional skills . The interesting thing is that many of the teachers are not actually trained teachers . They are usually professionals who are taking a break from their jobs to pass on skills to others . I noticed that too . What are the people learning ? In my country , they are usually studying something business-related , such as marketing , management techniques , and human resource management . I think that jobs in the leisure industry will become more popular in the future . That trend has already begun in my country . In particular , there ’ s a big demand for people to work in fitness centers . Which kinds of jobs are less in demand ? Those in traditional fields , such as agriculture and heavy industry . Younger people are not interested in doing those jobs and other countries have industries that can produce things much cheaper . Yes . My country is certainly expanding in the service and hi-tech sectors , but contracting in the heavy industry and primary industry sectors . However , our car and aircraft manufacturers are doing very well . They are well known for high quality , that ’ s why . Hi , Ben . Here are the top ten of this week's top chart . Oh , great ! Which is your favorite in this ten ? I like No . 4 . You mean Sweet Heart . Yes . In fact , I think it's much better than this week's No . 1 . What do you think about Cold Wind ? I like it as well , but I don't think it's as good as Sweet Heart . So No . 4 is your favorite . Which one don't you like ? Well . I don't like Your Lips very much . Why ? I think it's too slow makes me sleepy . In fact , it's the worst in this week ’ s top ten , if you ask me . Really ? But it's my favorite . are you good at making decisions ? not really . Sometimes , I even let other people make key decision for me . what kinds of decisions do you leave to other people ? there are basic decisions like which restaurant to go to . I can never seem to choose . I let my parents make big decisions for me . They chose my university and my course . I ended up studying something your parents will be choosing your girlfriend if you aren ’ t careful ! Why don ’ t you try being more decisive ? Start with some basic ones . When your friends are discussing which restaurant to eat at , mak that ’ s a good idea . You ’ re very decisive , I ’ Ve noticed . So , which bar are we going to this evening ? I can ’ t make a decision . You ’ ll have to put forward an idea . ok , i choose luckies . you see ? You ’ re becoming more decisive already ! Old Dyson looks as if he maybe kick the bucket any day . Why do you say that ? I ’ Ve ever seen a living being looked so thin . Really ? In my eyes it ’ s normal , as an old man , to be thin is better than to be fat . Maybe you are right . I've got to put together a sales pitch to give to our clients in the morning . You always give such amazing presentations , I was hoping you could give me some advice about how to win them over tomorrow . Sure , it's easy . First of all , the secret to a successful oral presentation is to keep things simple . People are listening and they usually don't have a long attention spans . Stick to about three or four points , give an overview of the points , then present them one by one , and then summarize at the end . Be straightforward and organized and you're sure to be remembered . What kind of visuals should I use to support the presentation ? Do you think I should use PowerPoint ? You should consider the size and interests of your audience . In other words , who is listening , and what do they want to hear ... you can put together a PPT with some graphics and animations that will catch people's attention , but be careful not to go overboard . I think I can put something together , no problem . But when it comes to tomorrow , I'll just be a bundle of nerves ! How can I get over my fear of speaking in public ? You know , stage fright is very normal , most people get nervous before they have to speak in front of large groups . Just prepare well , rehearse beforehand , and trust that you will be great ... and you will be ! Hey , Shirley ! Want to join me for lunch ... my treat ! Wow ! Sure ! I must confess I have an ulterior motive for asking you to lunch . Oh ... that's OK ... as long as you're buying ! I really want to pick your brain about something I've been thinking a lot about . I'd love to help if I can . Well , as you know , I have a Bachelor's degree in English literature and that's served me well so far , but I've always wanted to do some post-graduate work ... maybe even get a Doctorate ! Wow ! Just the idea of going back to school fills my head with pain . But you have a Master's degree ... hasn't that helped your career ? Yeah , I'd have to say it has . But I'm still paying for it , you know . I know education is expensive , but it's been my lifelong dream . Call me crazy , but I've always wanted to have that PhD at the end of my name . Well , getting a Doctorate degree would mean close to a decade of school . Can you afford that ? Can you survive that ? I certainly can't afford it , but I'm sure I could find some good student loans . I think you need to separate the dream of having a PhD from the reality of years of more schooling . It's not as romantic as you might think . Yeah ... I keep thinking about what I'll do with a Master's or Doctorate . I love language but I don't think there are a lot of well-paying jobs out there for experts on Shakespeare . Uh huh , that's for sure . You might find that your only career choice is teaching other graduate students . Do you mind if we call on you this evening ? Of course not , we'd be happy if you could come.What time will you be able to come ? How about seven o'clock ? Fine.We ' ll be expecting you . Hey , May , how are you doing ? Oh , I'm a little busy these days . Why is that ? Don ’ t you know Christmas is coming ? I have a lot of things to get ready . But you ’ re in China . Are you planning on going home for Christmas ? Yeah , so I have to buy presents for everyone before I leave . Why not just give them money in red envelopes ? That would be much easier . Americans don ’ t like giving money , they prefer presents you buy for them . So I have to figure out what to buy for all of my family and friends . I've got it . I won ’ t bother you any more . You ’ d better hurry to do it , Christmas is just around the corner . I will . Merry Christmas . Peter really is a remarkable expert ! There is very little he doesn ’ t know . I have exactly the same feeling . This afternoon he explained the ins and outs of the stock market to me . He knows a lot about investments . How big is your family ? My family is not big , there are only 3 of us-my parents and I . Who supports the family ? My father supports the family , and he is the sole breadwinner . My mother is a housewife . Do you live with your family ? Yes , we live a happy life together . This is the good life ! We have it good don ’ t you think ? Yeah of course ! Although , don ’ t you ever wonder what “ could have been ” ? What do you mean ? Well , sometimes I think of how things could have turned out if I had done things a little differently . For example ? Like for example , if I hadn ’ t studied architecture , I would have become an artist like I wanted to . I see . Yeah now that I think of it , I wouldn ’ t have gotten married if I hadn ’ t moved to this town and met Sally . You see ! Everything happens for a reason ! We wouldn ’ t even have met if I hadn ’ t been in that car accident ten years ago ! Well , I have no regrets ! I ’ ll drink to that ! Excuse me ? I didn't hear what you said . I asked you if you wanted some help . I am new to this school and not familiar with this library . Can you help me ? Certainly . What's your topic ? I'm looking for information on tropical fish . All right . You can use the computer over there , enter ' tropical fish'under subject . If you know the title of the book , enter it under ' title ' Great , thank you . You are welcome . I hate landing in the sand trap ! Now I'm probably going to waste strokes getting it out . At least you haven't landed in the water yet . I've done that on the last two holes . Could you hand me my wedge ? I'll try ... Here you go . I'll wait for you to get on the green before I putt . No . you go ahead and putt it out . Then I'Il go . No way , Mary . I'm going to let you go first . I don't want the pressure of putting first . excuse me , is this the way to the Greta Wall ? oh , it is really far from here . You ’ re going in the wrong direction actually . I must have taken a wrong turn . it doesn ’ t matter . Go back the way you came . After about five kilometers , you ’ ll see a hotel on the side of the road . It ’ s a big one . You can ’ t miss it . and then ? take the next right . Drive about one click further , and you ’ ll see the entrance of the highway to the Great Wall . thanks a lot . you ’ re welcome . by the way , how long does it take ? without traffic , it takes about an hour . I heard the Great Wall closes early in the afternoon . Do you think I can make it before closing ? yes , I think so . It doesn ’ t close until 5 o ’ clock . You still have plenty of time . great ! Thank you ! my pleasure , and have a good time ! Hello , Deva , how are you ? Can't complain . What about you ? Not bad . Have you heard Wendy divorced her husband ? I've heard . She looks quite depressed . Yes . They used to be joined at the hip . I heard they were just married for 5 months . Yes , she said they couldn't communicate well with each other and they often argued over trivial things . Yeah . Mixed marriage is tempting but crisis-ridden . You said it . You know , they fall in love at first sight and quickly jumped into marriage . Maybe they were just attracted to each other but too different to be married . Yeah . We Chinese have quite different lifestyles and values from foreigners . Definitely . That's why many cross-cultural marriages end in divorce . We've heard so much about Chinese film stars divorcing foreigners . That's true.Just hope Wendy can recover from the pain of divorce soon . hi , betty ! hi , Andy , how are you finding your new job ? pretty good . My colleagues seem alright . So far everything is great . that's nice . What do they have you doing over there ? well , I work in the marketing department . The corporate culture is totally different from my last employer . Before , when I was assigned a task , I was totally on my own but here most of the work is don that ' s really good . It's very important to feel like you are part of the team at work . indeed . Team work is highly valued in this new company . I like our boss too . He is easy to get along with treats everybody with respect and appreciation . He's highly respected by all his employees . that's great , that's good for a positive work environment and helps motivate employees . I wish my boss was like that . true , take my former supervisor as an example . He was extremely controlling and overbearing . He always had to micromanage everything . well , now you don't have to worry about that . This new place sounds really good . yeah it is . I heard you're getting married , James . Congratulations ! Thank you , Wendy . I hope you'll be able to make it to the wedding . I'm looking forward to it . What lovely weather ! It's so pleasant after the bad weather we've been having . Let's go out and enjoy the fresh air . All right.Let ' s go . Do you keep any pets , such as cats , dogs ? No , I'm scared of cats . Oh , but why ? I feel they're dirty . I would love to be famous and have thousands of adoring fans . Really ? I ’ m not sure that I would like all the attention . There have been numerous cases of paparazzi interfering with star ’ s private live in recent years . I love being photographed ! If I were famous , I ’ d do interviews for all the top magazines , like cosmo and elle . I wouldn ’ t mind having my photo taken a few times or being interviewed once or twice , but it would get tedious after a while . Imagine the things the gossip columnists would write about you . No-one really believes gossip columnists . I think you ’ ll find that many people believe what they read in gossip columns . You ’ d also have to be very careful about every word you said . If you appeared on a chat show and said something silly , it I think you ’ re right about that . I ’ d need a good manager to be my spokesperson . I could do a lot of charity work , which would help a lot of people . That ’ s a great idea . Which charities would you support ? I love children , as you know , so probably a children ’ s charity . You ’ d have to remember that anything you said or did might reflect on the charity , so you ’ d really need to be very careful . Anyway , I ’ d be the first to buy your posters and I ’ d attend your first book - Thanks , but actually I was hoping I could ask you to write my biography . It's terrible how things have changed.You remember there used to be trees on all these hills . Really ? There aren't many left now . No , they've all been cut down and now all the soil is washing away . Were there any animals in the forest ? Yes , I can remember it very well that there used to be all sorts of animals and birds.But nowadays you just don't see the birds that you used to see around here . Henry , do you know how much we spent this month ? No , I'm not clear . we've spent $ 1,000 . Don't make a fuss.The price is rising Where are you living ? I live in the southern part of this city . I rent a house . Do you move a lot ? No , I don't . Hey , Gucci . I didn't know it would be a charity show . You can see there are many collecting boxes at the entrance . Oh , I forgot to tell you this . The show is to collect money for children in need . And all the money from ticket selling will go to the Red Cross . That's really a good thing . Let's do our part . Good idea . Who will sing in the show ? A lot of stars , including Andy , Justin , Mendy ... Mendy ? Are you sure ? I love her songs ! Me too . She is so young and talented . She is not only a singer but also a great composer herself . Yeah . Though she was so popular , I heard she managed to maintain a low profile . She is a real star . Not a onetime thing . But I also heard some people didn't like her music . I don't understand why . She is so amazing ! Well , I suppose people have different tastes on music . Moreover , here stuff is really strong and creative . It takes time for people to accept new things . You are right . Anyway , things will be different as the days go on . She can get it . I have faith in her . Sure . That makes a good fan . Do you know what songs she is gonna sing tonight ? Here is the programme . Check it out yourself ! OK . What's your hobby ? Photograph . What's the make of your camera ? Olympus . Do you own your own darkroom ? No , usually I get my films developed at a photo studio , but I make my own enlargements . Why ? Because I can make many different kinds of pictures from one negative . That's more , but that saves money . Lester , you are really fantastic at automobile repair . Thanks , June . But I think I need to be certified as a mechanic 5 before I ’ m allowed to repair cars for a living . That ’ s not a big problem . There are many small schools for adults like you who can study to be certified . I guess I never thought of that before . And you can easily get a student loan from a vocational school , or from the government . Wow , you ’ Ve inspired me to do something ! How is the college search going ? It's a huge headache . I have no idea what I want to do . But don't you want to study music ? Shouldn't it be easy ? It should be , but there are too many options . My grades are good enough that I have a lot of choices , but after that ... I know . You have to decide if you want to attend a school in a city or in the country , a big school or a small school , a public or private school ... Yup , you understand . And my parents are trying to pressure me into going to a Catholic college . They both attended one and think that it combines a good education with good discipline . And the tuition is usually pretty low . I see . Well , don't forget to talk to the college counselor at the school . He usually gives good advice and can help point you in the right direction . He gave me some information , and next week I'm going to take a look at some of the colleges he recommended . Thanks for the information . And good luck in your college search . I seldom heard the quarreling of her children . Why do you say that ? Because her children have been the age when they seem to quarrel all day long . Oh , I see . She told me that she had learned very quickly how to pour oil on troubled waters , but not to pour oil on the flame . She is a clever mother . I haven't met you at the gym for a long time . yeah , I quit my job , and started working from home . Recently I've got a project to deal with and don't have much time to work out . why ? You have a decent salary , lots of promotion opportunities and a regular life of going to the office at 9 o ' clock and coming back home at 5 in the evening . it's not about pay raise or promotion . You know , I hate getting up early in the morning and coming back home late at night . then SOHO is your ideal work style . yeah , as long as I have a computer and internet access , I can start working . I recently enjoy working in my own place and at my own pace . and you don't have to work under that much pressure and control . absolutely . I can decide when and what to do all by myself . sounds great . Are there many business opportunity ? yeah , I can find enough online . it's good to have business around . But you should also do some exercise to keep fit . thank you for reminding me . I'll continue to exercise as soon as I finish this project . What did you say when she told you the news ? I calmed up . And finally , I asked her to chew the cud for such an important decision . I could not have the heart to disappoint her with a blunt refusal . But I put my foot down and insisted on her forgetting that . How could have the heart to do that ? She needs warmth and help . Can I borrow some money from you ? No way ! How do your spend your time after work or in vacation ? In my spare time , I am fond of traveling and I always take a trip with my family . But traveling is an expensive hobby , isn't it ? You are deadly right . I really have a good time here.Thank you very much . Keep in touch ! I promise . Where is Pamela ? Is she coming ? She told me she'd be here . They are announcing your flight . You'd better board the plane . Are you rushing me ? I am just reminding you about the time . You don't want to miss the plane , do you ? I know what I am doing . Don't worry . Can you do me a favor ? Name it and I'll do it for you . Take care of Pamela when I am away . She is a nice girl . I don't want her to get hurt or anything . I've got it . Thank you . Now I see that you are my true friend . Most of my so-called friends left me at the moment my company went bankrupt . You are the only one who has stood by me the whole time . I am just doing what I think I should do . Thank you for being a friend of mine . This isn't like you ... Well , I hope you will have a nice flight and a successful start in business . Thank you . I have to leave now . If you see Pamela , tell her I'll write to her . What's the weather today ? It's fine today . What was the weather like yesterday ? It rained all day yesterday . The weather was awful last week . What will the weather be like tomorrow ? It's going to be sunny tomorrow . Tom's new business will do well . I don't think so . There's too much competition . Hi , Charlie ! What are you reading ? Hi , bob . I ’ m reading a biography ? Who ’ s it about ? It ’ s about Bob Dylan . Who is he ? He ’ s a famous American musician . Who ’ s the author ? It was written by Howard Sounds . What do you think about it ? It ’ s great ! I ’ Ve learned a lot from reading it . Can I read it when you ’ re done ? Sure , bob ! I ’ m on chapter 12 now , so I ’ m almost finished . How many chapters does the book have ? There are 15 chapters in total . When do you think you ’ ll have finished reading it ? I should be done by Friday . I ’ ll give it to you in class then . Thanks . Charlie ! No problem . Bob . How are you getting along with your wife now ? What can you expect ? Not that good . What are you going to do then ? Just let it go . How are your work now ? Not bad , just let it go . I've been thinking about getting my hair cut . I thought you were going to let it grow out long . I said that , didn't I ? But I just don't know what to do with it . You're in one of those in-between stages , aren't you . Yes , it's not short enough to be wash-and-go and not long enough to do anything fancy . Have you thought about wearing a hat ? Everywhere I go ? Well , it's one way to get through the in-betweens if you really want to grow it out ! Didn't you say you were planning a trip to China ? I heard the northwest and north of China are experiencing severe sandstorms ! I was planning to go to Beijing first and then go to northwest China ! Looks like I'm in trouble . Definitely . I heard Beijing was experiencing seven degree strong winds ! That is nearly a record high ! No way ! I don't think I've ever encountered winds that strong ! Are the storms affecting land and air transportation ? Absolutely ! I don't think any planes are going anywhere . The sand being blown around has cut visibility in Beijing to less than 100 meters . But inseems Gansu Province is being hit the hardest . That's exactly where I was planning to go ! Well , this storm originated in the plateaus in northwest China . At the moment , that area is calmer . Hey , Jenny . Would you like to go to dinner with me ? I don't know . You know what they say about office romances . No , I don't . What do they say about office romances ? They say you shouldn't mix love and work . That's silly . What I do on my own time is no one else ’ s business . Besides , it's pretty hard to meet people outside of the office when we spend long hours here . You ’ Ve got a point . Once I dated one of my supervisors and all of my co-workers accused him of favoritism . Then when the relationship went bad , he fired me . People fall in love with people they work with . That's a fact . That may be true , but I don't want an inter-office relationship to affect my productivity . If it does , it will only make you more productive , because we can support each other . You are sounding like we are already married . Good grief . All I did was ask you out . I am sorry . Well , I don't feel right about it . I am talking about dinner tonight , not a lifetime . Most starts with dinner , but then it gets out of hand . Besides , haven't you asked out every woman in the entire office ? I like company . Company ? I heard about you from Linda . She said you were an octopus ! What can I say ? I am a passionate guy . Well , I hope you can find something else to be passionate about . You want to go out with me and you know it . In your dreams . Now if you don't mind , I've got some work to do . Ok , I get the message . Hey , do you have any sisters ? I ’ m looking forward to relaxing this coming weekend . I hope that I can finally find free time too . I ’ Ve been so busy at work recently . How might you spend the weekend . I hope to do a little gardening . I find it very relaxing . I might do that too . I hope the weather is nice . I could go and play some golf . I heard that the weather should be good . There ’ s a possibility of a shower , but it ’ s not very likely . Hopefully , we ’ ll both have relaxing weekends . Of course , something could come up and stop that wish coming true . Unfortunately , there ’ s always the possibility of some urgent work requiring our attention . Do you drink the Robust Milk every day ? Not every day , but occasionally . It will make you as fit as a fiddle . I don't believe ads.What ' s more , I'm already in perfect health . In my country , we go to school from 8 o'clock in the morning until five in the afternoon . Five days a week , too ? Actually , five and a half.On Saturday , we have classes only in the morning . Gosh ! That's too much for us really . Where are you going now ? I'm going to try to find out where the school is located . When do you start school ? I'm going to register right now . That's good . Well , what about it ? As it happens I've got two tickets for next thursday evening . I thought perhaps . Well , thanks all the same , Denise . But no I don't think.Sorry , I'm sure you would enjoy it . I'd like to Denise , but I'm busy on friday this week and next week too . But I said thursday.The tickets are for thursday evening . Thursday ? Oh , sorry . I meant thursday too . I mean I busy then too . I see.Oh , well some other time perhaps . Yes . some other time perhaps.Thanks again . Where were you last night , at exactly nine twenty PM ? nine twenty pm , I couldn't say . I cann't remember . Are you sure you cann't remember ? I've absolutely certain . Were you in or out ? Can you remember that ? I'm not quite positive . I think I went out at about half pass nine . Did you see anyone come into the block flats ? No , I didn't . Sure ? Quite sure . Jim is a genius . He gets along well with everybody and he can always get the work done . A boss likes him a lot . He says Jim is a good team player . Everybody would like to have Jim on their team . Because he is funny and helpful and he can contribute a lot to the team he belongs to . Maybe we all should learn something from him . Right . John , my father isn't there at all . Are you kidding ? Poor , fellow , what's the date today , buddy ? It's ... oh it's the 1st April , April Fool's Day . You forgot all of about it , didn't you ? Happy birthday ! Many happy returns ( of the day ) . Thanks . Hey , Joe ! Where have you been these past few days ? I ’ Ve been busy with a first aid course that I started about a week ago at the Red Cross . Cool ! I ’ Ve always wanted to do something like that ! Have you learned anything useful ? For sure ! I mean we ’ Ve learned how to apply pressure to stop bleeding , how to check for a pulse , and even how to apply CPR ! Have you treated any real emergencies ? Well , they took us along with some paramedics.There was this guy who fell off his motorcycle and suffered a concussion as well as a couple of compound fractures . His wounds were pretty serious so they had to rush him to the hospital . It was intense ! I can imagine ! I tend to faint when I see blood , so I think I won ’ t be taking up a course like that anytime soon ! Hello ? Good morning , Nathaniel . This is Leah calling from the International Student Office . Good morning . The reason I'm calling is because Ms . Collins will not be able to call you back until next week . Oh . I had hoped she would have called me back yesterday . She's terribly sorry about that . She had to leave the office suddenly and won't be able to return until next week . She hopes you understand . Is there someone else I can talk to ? She asked me to call you to book an appointment with someone else today . When are you free today ? Any time after 2 pm today would be good for me . Mr . Liu is available at 2:15 today . Will that work for you ? I'd prefer to speak with Ms . Fonda . I'm afraid she isn't available this afternoon . She has an opening at 11:30 this morning . Will that work for you ? That will be fine . Ok , we'll be expecting you at 11:30 then . See you then . I work so hard that I do not have the energy to exercise . That is just an excuse . You can always find some time to exercise . But I work hard all the time for long hours . Often I have no time for lunch . Yet , I am still getting fatter . Bill , you know that work is not the same as exercise as it is stressful but not relaxing . And skipping meals will not help you lose weight . In fact your body will only store fat if you miss meals . I know you're right , but what can I do ? How about going for a walk instead of sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper after dinner every night ? But I'll miss the news . It's important in my business to keep up with events in China . I know , I know . Have you got a portable radio ? You can listen to the news and get healthy at the same time . That's a good idea ! I'll always remember my college days . Oh yeah ? It was one of the best times in my life . It was tough , but I made it . I became a college graduate . How did you feel when you graduated ? It was a round day for me . My family attend the graduation ceremony . I was so nervous . I couldn't find my cap and gown , but all worked out in the end . What did you do after graduation ? I was planning to attend gradate school , but then I was offered a good job doing marketing , so I changed my mind . Sounds like you're happy with your decision . I sure am . So what about you ? How did you feel when you graduated ? It was also a proud day for me , but I also felt like a kind of loss that day . How could it be ? While seeing others going to work or continue their study , I didn't know what I would do . You didn't have an offer ? I had one , but I didn't like the job very much . I wanted to attend graduate school , but I was afraid it would be too tough . I think you lack in the power of decision . Once you make your decision , don't be overtaken by misgivings and fear . Just go full steam ahead ! John's father got married again . Married whom ? If I tell you . , you must be completely taken aback . Come on . Tell me what happened . He married a girl who is only eighteen ! Is that true ? But anyhow , it's none of our business , isn't it ? Have a nice weekend ! Thanks.You too ! Do you have any plans ? Well , my family's away and I can't afford to do much.What about you ? Oh , I haven't decided what I'm going to do yet . How many languages can you speak ? I can speak French and German . How well can you speak them ? I can speak German quite well , but I can't speak French very well . Can you help me to translate these sentences into German now ? No , but I'll be able to tomorrow . There are so many record players here.That is hard to choose . Look at this one.It has a radio and cassette player and built in speakers . I'd rather get one with separated speakers.They give a clear sound . Yes , but we shouldn't get any thing too big.Remember it has to fit in with our living room furniture . That's right.Now this one looks alright ? It's a detached or do you prefer this one ? It's Sony . Let's have the salesmen for a demonstration . Can ’ t you remember the days when you had the hots for me ? You tried to seduce me . I fell for you . By the way , are you going to the concert tomorrow ? I am just thinking of it . Maybe I ’ ll go . I think that show biz stars have a really easy life . They have lots of money , so they can buy almost anything they want . They ’ re famous , so everyone loves them . I think they must have horrible lives . All the paparazzi take photos of them wherever they go and whatever they do . They must get sick of it . I bet they love it really . Sure , they complain about it , but that just gets them more publicity , doesn ’ t it ? I think that few of the show biz stars want any publicity for themselves . They only want it for their films . No way ! They want publicity for themselves , so that they get invited to make more films , go to lots of cocktail parties , and even make albums ! They have such an easy life . They don ’ t even pay for Drin Show biz stars have plenty of expenses . That ’ s why they need so much money . They need million of dollars to buy big , seclude houses and wonderful dresses . I bet most show biz stars would prefer to Wea I don ’ t understand how you can have any sympathy for show biz stars . They ’ re overpaid , over-ambitious , and over-adored . I think you should give them some credit . They ’ re very talented people and they deserve all the money they earn . They even donate money to charity to help people who are less fortunate than themselves Come on ! They only do that to get even more publicity for their films and themselves . What's the matter , Lisa ? You don't look too good . I just found out that my husband is cheating on me . You mean Mark ? He seems like such an honest guy . That's what I thought . It seems that he's been seeing someone else for about two months . Two months ? How did you find out ? I asked for leave and was at home when the telephone rang . I picked it up and a girl asked to talk to Mark . She then asked if I was his sister , and I said no , I was his wife . She hung up immediately . So you asked him about the girl who called ? Yeah , he first said it was someone from work . He gave me a lame excuse , and so I pressed him on it . What'd he do ? He kept trying to make stupid excuses , and then broke down and admitted to a small indiscretion . Indiscretion ? How can an indiscretion last two months ? I mean , you two have been married for two years ! How can he do that to you ? I told him I would divorce him if he wouldn ’ t tell me the truth or end the relationship with her . Good . I totally agree with what you did . So do you believe in palmistry ? Palmistry ? What is that ? It's when someone takes a look at another person's palm to tell the future . Oh , you mean palm reading . I've seen that before , but I don't believe in it . Are you sure ? I've read a lot about palmistry and I've been able to tell a lot of accurate things about a person from his palm . Do you want me to take a look at your hand ? Really ? You've read books about it ? Ok , then . But only if you want to . Ok , let's see , well , you've got a long life line , which is good , and the love line is strong ... What else do you see ? Will I be successful ? Will I make a lot of money ? Hmm , hard to say , wait , yes , it looks like you will do well in business , and your ambition will help you a lot , but ... What ? What is it ? What's the matter ? You seem to have a large gullibility line . You believe everything that you're told . Welcome back movie lovers to another Premier Movie Review . My name is Richard Clarke and I am joined today by the very erudite DavidWatson . Thank you Dick . Today we are going to talk about the movie Lion King . Tell me Dave , what is your impression of this film ? Well , I think this film is simply a fable , depicting man ’ s eternal greed for power , and in my opinion , it ’ s a very fine film . Even despite the accusations of plagiarism traditional folk tales from other countries.The musical score was amazing , the animation was very well done , and the story was simply enchanting . I think otherwise . Even though the animation was technically strong , and as you say , the score and songs performed by Elton John were great , the film lacks a certain originality ; it lacked heart . And I would dare to say , it was too predictable . Predictable ! How ! Come on Dick , It ’ s a G-rated movie ! It ’ s for the kids ! It ’ s not a thriller ! Well , that ’ s just it . It did have some very dramatic and intense scenes For example when Mufasal dies , or the dark , grim portrayal of Scar . Even so , the film is linear . Mufasal dies , Simba runs away thinking it ’ s his fault . Falls in love and returns to retake what is rightfully his . It ’ s just too cliche . How can it be cliche ? It ’ s a fable ! It ’ s telling a time-honoured story ! The movie make a point of how the hunger for power leads to corruption , and teaches children the value of respect , life and love . You have always been so soft , Dave ! Open your heart Dick . Don ’ t shut us out . Anyway ... That ’ s all for today folks ! Join us next time as we talk about & quot , How to lose a guy in 10 days & quot , I ’ m sure you ’ ll love that one Dave ! Hi , Walter ! Hi , Sterling ! What do you think of our new teacher ? Professor Wood ? I think he's a brilliant scientist . You're got a point there . But do you think he's a little absent-minded ? I guess so . It gives me great pleasure to introduce Mr ... eh Mr ... Miss ! Yeah ! May I introduce Mis ... eh ... Miss ... My name is Jane Brown ! Oh yeah ! Would you please welcome ... Miss Jan Brown . I stayed online chatting with friends all night . It was great fun . I don't understand . You don't even know the ' friends ' you are ' talking ' to ! It is better I don't know them . So I can say anything I want . Do you believe what they say ? Who cares ? It's just online . It's not real . Do you want to join me tonight ? Thanks , but I'm a lousy typist . We scored six goals . I don't believe it . And I score three of them . You are not serious ? We had extra time of course . I can believe that . This is tough to say , Jordan , but I think we should break up . Are you serious ? Yes , I mean it . But why ? Did I do anything wrong ? No , we are just too different . This isn ’ t working . Hey , come on . It ’ s too early to say that . We can fix things . I have thought about it for a while . I think it ’ s time to move on for both of us . But I still love you . I ’ m sorry . I knew this would happen some day ... Then why didn ’ t you talk to me ? Well . It ’ s not all my fault , Anna ... I don't want to argue with you anymore . This is going to be tough , but Let ’ s try and be friends . I would like that Anna , but I think I ’ ll need a little space for a bit . I think we ’ ll be better off if we are apart . Shall we keep pur friendship ? Sure , let ’ s just be friends . Who's that ? Saint Jude-he's the saint of lost causes . Like my cousin , Anna , who can't stop getting pregnant . She's a lost cause . Is that your cousin in the back ? Yep . She's always got a bun in the oven . She was pregnant before marriage-a real sin in the Catholic Church . What about birth control pills ? Don't they work on Italians ? Ha-ha . Birth control and abortion are four-letter words in my family . And I heard that Italian men have very active libidos . Hi , Lander . What's wrong ? I can hardly make ends meet these days . Same here . I have't brought any new clothes for three months . My income remains the same but prices just continue to rise . True . The news says that there is a general increase in the price of daily necessities . Definitely . I have to spend 300 yuan more on food every month . You look a bit dull today . What's up ? Well , my mum lost her job yesterday . I'm sorry to hear that . Well , I heard that registered urban unemployment rate reached 4 percent this year , with more than half being women . The supply outstrips the demand in the job market and women are in a disadvantageous position as a whole . Yeah , it's true . What is she going to do ? Well , she is thinking of doing some household cleaning or baby sitting in the community . That's not bad . It could be a short-term alternative . Your mum can look for another one when the market improves . Things will work out eventually . Thank you . I just hope she won't feel pressed . You don't look too well . What's going on ? I just lost my job . I'm just worried about how I'm going to pay the bills . I'm sorry to hear that . Have you been looking for another job ? I just started , but the job market is very bad right now . I'm not optimistic about it . That's tough . What does your wife think about this ? She's trying to be supportive , but I can tell she is very worried about our financial situation as well . I have some friends who might be able to help you find a job . I'll see what they can do . I really appreciate your help . No problem . In the meantime , don't try to worry so much . You'll get through this . Let me tell you what happened to my homework . OK , go ahead--what is the excuse THIS time ? Actually , I did it , but then it got lost . Could you have gotten it done at another time ? Yes , I could . You have never missed an assignment before--when will you be making this one up ? I'll make it up early next week . That would work , but don't let it happen again . I'll try . That will solve it then . Let's work hard to not let it happen again . Do you want to try your hand at tennis ? Certainly I do . It seems you're very fond of it . I'd be happy to do something new . This is how a holiday should be . Relaxing on the beach with a nice cool drink . Isn ’ t it wonderful here ? The kids are enjoying themselves in the swimming pool . I hope it ’ s safe . Don ’ t worry about them . They ’ re very responsible . Besides , there are many people there and there ’ s lifeguard employed by the hotel . Waiter ! Could I have another drink pleas ? Thank you . So , what shall we do this evening ? The kids said that they wanted to go to a party at the hotel . There ’ s a special one just for kids . So , we could try that restaurant that was recommended in the guidebook . Then we could go to a club . We haven ’ t been to one for ages . That ’ s a great idea . We can really enjoy ourselves without worrying about the kids . Now , how about going for a swim in the sea ? We shouldn ’ t sunbathe all day . Hi , Nancy.How are you doing ? Hi , Tom.Want a cup of coffee ? Not right now . I've got to get another car and my old one is blown up . Oh , hey , did you look in the classified ads ? You mean used car ? No , Ah ... single sellers . Well , yeah , but I'd be getting somebody else's problem . Uh huh.How about a used car ? They've got good ones now . It's the same kind of deal though , you know , you never know what you're going to get . Oh , hey , how about a new car ? They've got easy loans now.You ' d feel so good driving a new car . Let's look at them all.Have you got a paper there ? Oh my God ! I can't find my first period American literature class . You look lost . Can I help you ? Aren't you the guy who sat in front of me in our homeroom ? Yeah . I'm Brad . I'm Mary . I can't find my American literature class . What room is it ? It's 112 . It's on the first floor by the nurse's office . Thanks a lot , Brad . I've got to go before the bell rings . I heard that Ann had divorced . I suspect it's unavoidable . Poor Ann . She did not love her husband at all . Yeah . She married him at her mother's bidding . Awful ! My cell phone is out of service again . Fred , can you lend me some money ? How much do you want ? 200yuan . I bought a computer online , so I have to pay the mortgage . I am so sorry to hear that . Is that enough ? It's so nice of you . You really make my day . Forget it ! We seemingly need to gather money little by little . What you said is absolutely right . I will pay you back as soon as I get back on my feet . No rush . You can give it back whenever you have it . How do Mark and Jones compare , in your opinion ? Generally speaking , Mark's personality is much more agreeable than Jones May I venture to ask if you've decided to employ Mark ? Possibly . Mary , today is a great day for you . How nice of you to remember ! Oh , here's a little token of my affection . You're so thoughtful.Thank you . I am sorry , but I can't stay until the end of class . Where do you need to be that is more important than school ? I have an appointment . Do you have a plan to make up your missed work ? No , but I'll make sure someone helps me out this week with my missed work . Are you going to go right away ? I am leaving right now . All right , but please remember that it is your responsibility to catch up . Thanks , Professor . I'll make sure everything gets taken care of . Goodbye , and try not to miss any more school . An interesting meeting , isn't it ? Yes , very . I thought the last speaker was especially good . Let me introduce myself , by the way . My name's Thomas Bradley . How do you do ? I'm Ted Nugent . Sorry , what was your last name again ? It's Nugent , N-U-G-E-N-T , but just call me Ted . Ok , I'm Tom . Glad to meet you . And what do you do , Ted ? Me ? I'm in the car business . Salesman ? Yes , that's right . And how about you ? I work for American Airlines . Oh , really ? What do you do there exactly ? I'm in the Personnel Department . It's terrible how things have changed . You remember there used to be trees on all these hills . Really ? There aren't many left now . No , they've all been cut down and now all the soil is washing away . Were there any animals in the forest ? Yes , I can remember it very well that there used to be all sorts of animals and birds . But nowadays you just don't see the birds that you used to see around here . My son is alway complaining that I dump on him . He was very rude and told me to mind my own business . I cannot put up with that . What does his dad say ? John is a peacemaker . He simply doesn ’ t bother . He says he should give him a free hand . You are married to a foreigner , huh ? So what ’ s it like ? Well , the first year of our marriage , we had great difficulty getting along . The things that are important to me are not important to him . We had a lot of conflicts . Yeah , I know what you mean . The first year of any marriage is difficult for all couples , not to mention two people from different cultures . And now we have a two-year-old boy . We ’ re very happy that he ’ s healthy and smart . Oh , so he ’ s half Chinese and half American . That ’ s unusual . What languages does he speak , then ? Right now he speaks mostly Chinese , and he can say a few English words . But he will learn . What does he look like ? Can people tell ? Yes , people surely can . He ’ s whiter than the Chinese kids , and his hair is a little blonde . My husband says his eyes are very Chinese though . Would you like to go to a concert tonight ? I'd like to very much . All right , then.There is one at the new concert hall . Who's playing ? It's the Powell orchestra . Do you know what they are playing ? They're doing a seventeenth-century program . And who is directing ? Well , I'm not sure of his name , but I know it's going to be his farewell performance . Here ’ s your hot dog and beer . What happened ? Did I miss anything ? Yeah , Cal Ripen just hit a home run . What ’ s the score ? Well it was 3 to 4 , but Ripen ’ s home run made it 5 to 4 since another player was on first base . So Baltimore is winning ? Right . This is a really great place to watch a baseball game . Yeah , there isn ’ t a bad seat in the place . The fans are great here , too . Not like in Philadelphia . It was a great idea to spend a day watching a game . Yeah , it reminds you why they say baseball is America ’ s favorite pastime . Well , it ’ s really too late . I have to go now . Could you stay a little longer ? Sorry , I can ’ t.My mother doesn ’ t want me to be late . I really have to go . In that case , I won ’ t keep you.Remember to give me a call . Thank you for your delicious meal . Tell me why you saw the movie twice . I think it's the most successful film in scene-setting and music . You bet it . Did you get a nice tree ? Sure did . It's a beauty . Where do you want it ? Let's put it over there . Let's go to work . We want to have the tree ready to light up by evening . Let's string the lights first.Then we won't have to mess up the decorations . Hand me some globes and paper flowers , I'll put them on these top branches . There , ... we're about done . Let's switch the lights on . OK . Here goes . Well , I guess we're all set for another merry Christmas . Have the aerobic classes any effect on you ? Sure , great effect.My weight has dropped from 150 pounds to 120 . Congratulations ! That's really something beyond my imagination . Our house is too small . We had better have a big one . How could we ever manage to buy a big house when we are always living beyond our means ? Shut up . You should think how to make fortunes , not look for a squabble . Can we have dinner together sometime this weekend ? Ok , you name the day . How about the second of March ? What day is that ? It's Friday . Good . Where shall we meet ? I cannot stay here any more minutes . What is wrong with you ? Tom is making so much noise . I have not a bit of peace and quiet all evening . You can talk with him . What does she do ? She works as a teller in a bank . Does she go to night school ? Yes . She goes three times a week . Why ? What does she want to be ? She wants to be a manager . What classes does she take ? She takes classes in accounting and business . You must be Wily . It's nice to meet you . Nice to meet you , Mr . Wilson . Tim , please . Please be seated . Thank you . So , Wily , you have been with IBM for two years ready for change ? Well , I think I'm ready for new challenges . What about you , Emily ? Have you dated anyone recently ? I started to date someone recently , but it didn't work out . That's too bad . What happened ? Well ... that's a long story . Daniel , you can't spit the gum everywhere . Come on , just a little piece . Do you know how many people chew gum everyday ? I have no idea . Just in Beijing , people consume 300,000 pieces of gum every day . That's amazing . If all the people spit out the gum like you , the whole world would become a big trash can . Come on , you are making too big deal out of this . I just want to remind you to behave yourself . OK , dear sister , I see . This kind of thing will not happen again . Is my hair done yet ? Yeah , I just need to make the final touches . How long until you're finished ? I'm finished . What do you think ? I like my hair so much . Do you really ? It's beautiful . Well , thank you very much . How much is it for my hair ? You owe me $ 55 . Thanks for everything . You are very welcome . Come back again . Listen , Karen , I need your help . I don't know anyone here yet . I'm glad to help you . What's wrong ? My mother-in-law just went into the hospital in L.A.Hank and I will be flying there tonight . I'm sorry to hear it . What's wrong with her ? Doctors aren't sure yet.But the real problem is Suzy . She has a bad cold , and we don't want to take her with us . But we don't know who can stay with her . You need a babysitter . Yes , I'd ask Jill , the girl I've had before , but I need someone overnight.Maybe even for two nights . I could have Suzy stay at my place . I don't want to do that to you , Karen . Why not ? Your own kids would get Suzy's cold . I think it would be better to have a good babysitter here . But I don't know who to ask . I need someone more mature than Jill . It might even be for two or three days . I know who we can ask . There is a girl I know , Sara Ralston.She is 17 , and she will usually take this kind of job . I know her from my church , and I trust her completely . I'd like to talk with her.This is short notice , I know . But Hank and I are leaving tonight . I'll get you her number . I hope she can do it . She is very responsible . I'm glad you know someone . I knew you would be the best person to ask about this . I don't want to insult Jill or her mother . I think Jill maybe could do it.But I'd rather have someone a little older . I'll go home and get Sara's number . I'll call her first myself . Great . Then call me and let me know if she's free . Did you hear what happened in the Scott case ? Some of the sensitive material were leaked to the press . Now every newspapers is all over it . Oh ... I bet the firm is fuming . Do they know who spilled the beans ? I'm sure they have their suspicions ; there were only a few of the senior level layers who were privy to the case details . What kind of repercussions will there be for the people who are held responsible ? I'm sure there'll be canned ! And there also might be some legal consequences . Why would the person who told have problems with the law ? Because whoever let the cat out of the bag was breaking client confidentiality . I didn't think about that . That's pretty serious . Are there investigators working on finding out who it was ? I'm sure management is on top of it . You are not being a good sport about this . That's because you cheated . I never cheat . Yes , you do . Hi , I'm Lucas , I just moved in next door . Oh , hi Lucas , come on in . I'm Barbara . Nice to meet you . Nice to meet you too . Would you like something to drink ? I've got tea and some grape juice . Thanks . Some tea would be nice . Chinese tea is great . I really like your tea set . Where did you get it ? Oh , there is a supermarket not far from here . But there is also a tea house around the corner , where you can get tea , taste tea and get a tea set as well . Oh yeah , I saw the tea house the other day . I think I might go and have a look sometime . It's a nice neighborhood here . You are right about that . It's quiet and very convenient . You can get to the bus and the subway stations within ten minutes ' walk . There's a grocery store , a book store , a gym , and many restaurants along the street . There's a gym nearby ? That's exciting ! I really want to start to go to gym as soon as possible . I've been lazy this summer holiday and have put on some weight . Well , if you want we can go together sometime . Actually I was thinking of going this afternoon , if you like , you can join me and I can show you the neighborhood along the way . That would be wonderful . Thanks ! What ’ s your favourite ball sport ? I like basketball . I really enjoy watching the NBA games on TV . Who ’ s your favourite player ? I don ’ t really have one but I support Huston . Do they have a good team ? I think they do , but I ’ m biased . They have a good manager and a great coach . I can ’ t keep up with the game . The players play so quickly that I can hardly see what they are doing . I have the same problem . The players are really very skilful . I wish I could play that well . You play for an amateur team , don ’ t you ? Yes , I do . We ’ re doing pretty well this season . We ’ Ve won most of our games , but we ’ re not top of the league table . How many more games are there this season ? We ’ Ve got four more games . I hope we can win all of them . I'm sorry , but I can't go . Why not ? I have to see my daughter . When poyou have to see her ? I have an appointment at one fifteen . I like the kid.He ' s so lovely . How old is he ? Twelve.He ' s very sensible for his age . Time flies ! You're telling me . How are you , Kim ? I haven ’ t seen you around for a few days . Oh , I was out sick most of last week . I ’ m still not completely over it . You ’ d better not get too close ! I ’ m sorry to hear about that . Why don ’ t you join me for a hot cup of tea ? It ’ ll be good for you ! Sure , why not ? I could use a rest . Hello , Mr . Brown , long time no see . Where have you been ? Oh , I went on a holiday in the city of Chende . Great . What do you think of it ? The city is small , not very modern , but there are many mountains with lots of trees around the city , so the air there is pretty fresh . Did you go to the Summer Mountain Resort ? Certainly ! The most attractive place is that , it's very large ; it is 8 times the size of Forbidden City and 16 times the size of Summer Palace . The art of gardens is perfectly represented in it . It sounds great , and is it really cool there ? Yes , I think the reason is that there is a big lake , and many trees in the Resort . What is the special local product ? The main product of Chende is various kinds of ferine mushroom and the almond . The mushroom tastes really good , and it is very different from the common mushrooms , and the snack made of almond is delicious . I hope to go there someday . Gino , do you really need to go ? Yeah , it's must for me . But don't forget to give me a ring . I won't , mom . Take care of yourself . I will . Bye , mom . Bye , my boy . John got a heart attack last night . Oh really ? Is he all right ? Not so good , though his nephew took him to hospital in time . Poor old John ! I am ever so sorry . Why are you always staring at Melissa ? Do you like her or something ? Mind your own business . Have you heard about the new iPhone ? yes , I heard it's supposed to come out in June . Are you thinking about getting one ? I'd like to . It's a cell phone , camera , PAD and mp3 player all in one . if I had enough money , I'd buy one , but I don't even have enough to buy one of their shuffle spods . how big is a shuffle iPod ? the first generation iPod shuffle is about the size of a park of gum and the second generation iPod shuffle is about half the size of the first . how many gigs of music can it hold ? I think it's either one or two gigs . I can't remember . how much do they cost ? not much at all . I think it's about 100 dollars . you're right , that's not bad at all . do you have an iPod ? I got one for my birthday when they first came out , but after the battery died out , I never brought another one . why didn't you just buy another battery for it so you could use it ? that's one of the problems with having an iPod . Though an iPod might have an above average battery life , once the battery is dead , so is your iPod . You seem to like her very much , don't you ? I can't deny that . She is so beautiful that I fell in love with her at the first sight . I wish I knew more about her . But I heard that she had a three-year-old girl . I can not belive that . It must be cooked up by someone . Do you need help with something ? I ’ m looking for this book . Is there something wrong ? I don ’ t see it on the shelf . Did you check the computer ? I already looked . Did it say anything ? It said that the book is on the shelf , but it isn ’ t . I ’ m sure I can get it from another library . Could you do that ? I ’ ll let you know when I get the book in . That ’ s great . Thank you so much . Hello Bill , what's new ? Bob and Mary are back together . I'm glad to hear it . Me too , they're such a nice couple . Hey , Robert , what are you doing this weekend ? I didn't have any big plans . We are putting together a birthday party for Mary . That sounds like fun . Where will it be ? We thought it would be fun to have a pool party at Jay's house . Oh good ! Can I bring anything ? We will be providing hot dogs , hamburgers , and cake , but people can bring side dishes . I am assuming that the dress is casual . Dress casually and bring your bathing suit ! Wonderful . Just e-mail me the time and date and I'll be there . Jessica is going back to Holland next week . I've been thinking a lot about what to give her as a parting gift , but I still have no clue . Is that the girl you spent almost every weekend with ? Yeah , that's her . We had a lot of wonderful times together . She is really a special friend , and I want to get her something meaningful . I am not good at picking gifts . Maybe you can ask if there's anything she needs to make it easier ? I don't think so . That way it would lose all the charm . I want it to be a surprise . I want to show her that I care about her and I hope our friendship will last . Yeah , that's nice . Hmm , I think I've got an idea . Maybe I can get her an ever-green plant to take back home . A plant ? That's creative . I'm sure ever time she waters it she'll think of you . But there is a problem . Do you think it'll be able to get through the customs ? I hope so . I'll make sure to get a small one so she can put it into her suitcase . I hope it won't cause her trouble at the border . I don't know . I think the idea of a plant going across borders with a friend is really exciting but maybe seeds would be safer . You don't want to get her in trouble . Do you have any hobbies ? Yes , I like collecting things . Oh , that ’ s interesting , and but what kind of things ? Several things , for example , Various coins , stamps , stones and so on . Stones ? I know many people collecting coins and stamps but stones ? Yes , stones . well , I can ’ t just image it . We're going dancing tonight . Count me out . Good morning Mike ! Morning Sally ! What's up ? you seem in a hurry ! I am having an exam at nine , It's already eight thirty . Don't worry , I'll drive you . Thank you very much ! How are your cases coming along ? Very well , thanks , I will probably finish next week , but this is still a lot of work , I have been worked on in for six months , and i ' m so closed to end . I can feel it . Wow , Good for you.It sounds like a lot of work . I'm proud of you ! Is this the right building ? Yes , It's only eight forty . Thanks so much ! You're welcome.Good luck , bye ! Have a nice day , bye ! Oh , Mary , come in , please . I'm so happy to see you . Happy birthday , George . Many happy returns of the day . Here's a present for you . Oh , thank you , Mary . You're so nice . I hope you like it . Oh , have the other guys arrived ? They're all waiting for you . Let's join them . I'm going to cut the cake soon . Let's go . When shooting a gun , accuracy is very important . You only need to tell me that once . John , why don ’ t you go and do some gardening ? The lawn needs weeding . Because I ’ m not in the mood , that ’ s why . Well , don ’ t just sit there , do something . Come and help me in the kitchen . Help you in the kitchen , I don ’ t feel like it . Would you like to clear the table then ? Really ? Do I have to do it ? Not , if you don ’ t want to . Well , isn ’ t there anything you want ? Yes , I want to go out . Would you like to come ? No , why should I ? I don ’ t feel like it . Besides , I ’ m in such a bad mood . I just heard that you won the long-distance race . Congratulations on your victory . Thank you . So it is really worth your great effort . And hope you can keep the record you've made today . I will try my best . Oh , what a beautiful garden ! These are my roses . The roses have been in flower for a week . The garden looks lovely when the roses are in bloom . You must have a lot of pleasure in planting flowers . Yes , you are right . I love flowers and hence have taken to growing them . I take care of my flowers every day as if they are my good friends . You did a good job . But I got tired of working in the garden . Oh , I see . People who don't understand the nature of flowers won't be able to grow them well . I can help you learn more if you want to plant flowers one day . In this way you need not be afraid of your own sweet flower-garden's being neglected . Yes . Thanks . Julia , why have you prepared a candlelight dinner ? Anything special to celebrate ? Did you get a promotion ? Honey , don't tell me that you forgot our anniversary , did you ? Oh , my dear , how can I forget such an important day ? I was just kidding . Look at this box . What's in it ? Have a guess . A necklace ? No . I have no idea . Open it now . Oh , my god . A diamond brooch . It's so beautiful . You're so kind to me , A . Thank you ! You're welcome , honey . I hope we will celebrate our golden wedding anniversary in future . What do you say we stop in at that Burger King over there and grab a bite ? Forget it ! If you think I ’ d ever set foot that inferior restaurant again , you gotta be nuts . Last time I ate that food , almost vomited . The service in there is terrible . It was the first time I ever stiffed a waiter Yeah , not seeing a single person anywhere informed me . Hey ! How about that one over there ? Oh , give me a break ! That place is too lavish for us . Easy . It ’ s on me . In that case , I ’ m right behind you . what did you do over the weekend ? I went a global warming rally in London . It was fantastic to be around so many people who care about the environment . do you think there's anything we can do to reverse the damage that's been done already ? it might not be possible to fix the problems that we've created for ourselves , but there are lots of things we can do to prevent more damages from happening . like what ? well , we can use public transport instead of taking our cars for a start . what else can we do to protect the environment ? if you do have to drive , you should make sure that your car runs on unleaded petrol . Also , your home should use sources of renewable energy . how about recycling ? Does that actually help ? yes . You should take your glass , paper , plastic , cardboard , and tin cans to a recycling center . what do you think is the biggest worry for our future ? I think that the issue of greatest concern is having enough sources of clean water for everyone . I had no idea you were such as environmentalist before ! to be honest , in order for the earth to continue to be a habitable place , we're all going to have to become more interested in the environment . Why are you going out with Andy ? Because I like him . Me , too . I think he ’ s really a shoulder to cry on . Hi , Mikel . What's with you ? You look angry . No , I just check my weight , I'm getting fatter . True , you are getting a really pot belly , aren't you ? I'll get you for that comments , George . Just kidding , Mikel . Why don't you come work out with me ? ah , I don't know a fit works . Last time , all I saw the gym were bunch of lidos , like me . It works if you keep at it . Come on , let's go ! All right . But so help me it's a better work . This feels great . I'm all reed up . I can keep going all night . Not me . I'm too hot and I'm too tired . Exercise has no benefit unless you sweat like a pig . Well , that's not for me . Thanks for coming , it was a real blessed . It wasn't as good as you think . You'll get used to it , Mikel , trust me . Good morning , Miss Wang . How beautiful you look today ! Thank you . I'm wearing make-up . Who taught you to put on make-up ? It's me . I have studied make-up at a beauty shop . Can you teach me how to do make-up ? Of course . First , use eye shadow to heighten your eyes . What eye shadow do you think is the most fit for me ? I think pink eye shadow is popular among Chinese girls . How do you protect yourself from chapped lips ? I suggest you use lipstick , which also accentuates your lips . How did you grow such long nails ? You have to pay attention to trimming them from time to time . Oh Gush ! The first day of my career is over . I can not breathe now after dealing with so many documents . But I heard the notice that our company will hold two-week staff training . Stop fussing ! It is said that the training is important for our newcomers . And my company also informs me to attend the training next week . But for me , the training is waste of my precious time . I disagree with you . Companies usually make a workable and reasonable plan for the trainings , so as to improve new comers ' understanding of the company and its rules in short time . Through the training , we get to know many things , such as the corporate culture and spirit . Our newcomers can really grasp the essence of the company You look like being on cloud nine . I am . What has made you so happy ? I think I'm in love . Are you ? Who's the lucky girl ? Her name is Jenny . How did you meet her ? We are in the same math class . Our teacher sat us next to each other . What do you like best about her ? She's very funny . She makes me laugh all the time . I guess it was fate working to bring you together . Whatever brought us together , I'm happy . How will you spend this lovely weekend ? I have no idea , any suggestions ? We haven't played chess for a long time . How about playing chess ? It must be fun . But you know , I am not good at chess . I never won since I've learnt to play chess . Don ’ t worry , I will teach you how to win . OK , settled then . See you tomorrow . See you ! Alright everyone settle down . Let ’ s get started.As you know , an important aspect of becoming a good citizen is understanding the genesis of our legal system . It is not enough to simply memorize our laws , it is necessary that we comprehend why and how they were formed . This brings me to our topic for today . Does anyone know what we celebrate on May first ? Cinct de mayo ? No , that ’ s May fifth in Spanish , James , no wonder you are failing my Spanish class . No , May first is International Workers ’ Day . Do we get a day off from school then ? No ! It is not considered to be a national holiday here in the US , but in other countries it is . Www , man ! In the nineteenth century , working conditions were appalling , with workers being forced to work ten , twelve , and fourteen hours a day . Support for the eight-hour work day movement was growing rapidly , despite the indifference and hostility of many union leaders , and by April 1886 , 250,000 workers were involved in the May Day movement.Previous legislative attempts to improve working conditions had failed , so labor organizers took drastic measures . They passed a resolution stating that eight hours would constitute a legal day ’ s work . And , on May First 1886 , the resolution took effect . Cool ! Is that why we only work eight hours now ? Yes ! But the happy ending came at a high price.On May third , 1886 , police fired into a crowd of strikers at the McCormick Reaper Works Factory , killing four and wounding many . A mass meeting was called for the next day to protest the brutality . And then what happened ? Well , as we say , the rest is history ... What's that book you have under your arm ? It's the best seller everyone's been talking about for the last six months . How in the world did you get a copy ? I've put a hold on it at the public library for weeks and I'm still waiting my turn . I checked it out of the rental library . It only costs five cents a day . Is it really worth paying for ? I can't tell yet . I haven't got beyond the first chapter . If it's any good , I'll buy a copy when it comes out in the pocket edition . Hey Lucas , how was your trip to Paris ? It was wonderful , but I was so tired . Did you go to the top of the Eiffel Tower . Yes , that was the first thing we did . We went all the way to the top . There were visitorsfrom all over the world taking photos there . What else did you see ? Art galleries , cathedrals , statues , fountains , palaces , bistros , there's really too much to say . You must have had a great time . Yes , at the beginning we were all excited and had lots of fun . However , on the third day of travelling in the city , I felt sick I think I had something bad to eat but it passed by the evening . Yes . you need to be careful with what you eat when you're abroad.sometimes new food might disagree with you . On the fourth day , we went to taste the French cuisine . That was really fantastic . And no stomach problems . That is great . Everyone says French food is wonderful . You'll have to try for yourself some day . You have your ducks in a row . Thank you very much . I will devote all my efforts to my work . Were you born in the U . S . , Melissa ? No , I wasn't . I came here in 1992 . How old were you ? I was seventeen . So , did you go to college right away ? No , because my English wasn't very good . I studied English for two years first . Wow , your English is really fluent now . Thanks . Your English is pretty good , too . Yeah , but I was born here ! ! Can I help you ? Yes , would you like to tell me what's playing for tonight ? Sure . There is a folk concert tonight . Are there any good seats left ? Sorry . There are only some seats in the back . Well , what time does it begin ? It begins at 7 p . m .. OK . I see . How many tickets do you want ? Just two . OK . Fifty yuan for each . Here is the money . We have a live show of a football match this Friday night . What're the teams ? Brazilian against AC Millan . I bet AC Milan will lose . How time flies ! Why I always feel haven't enough time to work and study ? Yes , I also felt that . I'm always busy , and have no time for rest . I don ’ t know how to make use of time . Maybe we should make a plan and list what we should do next , and follow it . That's a good idea . And in this way we will know how we spend our time and spare a lot of time to do other things . You are right . Let ’ s stop idling around and do something . Yeah , time is money . We really need to make good use of it . Hi dude , you look upset , what's up ? haven't been sleeping well recently . what's the problem ? every night my roommates watch the Korean soap operas till mid-night . I am not a big fan of Korean shows and I don't know how to tell them to stop without hurting their feelings . well , you can simply tell them you want to sleep , or make an arrangement for a time when the room should quiet down . yeah , I know , but I find these sorts of things hard to say . They won't like it if I tell them to turn off the TV . Now I just hope the show will end soon . I understand . I used to live in a dorm with four people . I was great in some aspects . We always went out and and had fun together . But on the other hand , when I wanted some quiet time , and people kept yeah , I crave my own space . i just so tired of having people around me all time . I'd better be going . So soon ? Why don't you stay a little longer ? I wish I could , but it's already late . Oh , it's a pity that you have to leave . Thank you for a wonderful meal . I'm glad you enjoyed it . Are you an American ? Yeah . Why don't you speak English ? Oh , my mother is a German , so I can speak German . Oh , do you like Chinese ? Yeah , I'm eager to learn Chinese , but it is too difficult for me . I want to study German . Can we exchange lessons ? Very Good . I'd like to do that . When will we begin ? How about tomorrow night ? That's all right . You seem depressed these days . What's the matter ? I went bankrupt and I'm flat broke now . If I can do anything for you , don't hesitate to let me know . Thank you . You ’ re all set now ? Oh , thank you so much . Really , it was nothing . I really appreciated it . I was happy to help . It was so kind of you . Don ’ t mention it . You ’ re a real friend in need . Haven't seen you for a long time I've been away on a vacation . I bet you had a wonderful time Yeah , beautiful sunshine , pleasant scenery and many new friends Sounds great I hear you have just shown your hand first to Lin Ping . Yes . If I were in your position , I wouldn't give up an inch . I regret to say I can't accept your suggestion . Have any plans for the weekend , Tom ? Yes . I am going for a hike around the Qinghai Lake . Oh , do you go hiking often ? I go as much as I can . I love hiking , because you can really get in touch with nature . It would be nice to get out of the city . Do you want some company ? Sure . But it will be a long hike 30 miles in three days . Have you been hiking before ? Yeah , I go a lot too . I saw a bear and a lion on my last hike . Wow . You must have been pretty far away from the city . Yeah , my friend and I hiked in a very wild part of the national forest . Well , bring him along to . We will have a great time this weekend . Thanks . I will ask him . Has the game started yet ? Yeah , about 5 minutes ago . Who's winning ? The Bulls , of course ! What ! That wasn't a foul ! C ’ mon , ref ! Don ’ t worry , Shan always screws up free throws . You were right ! He didn ’ t make the shot ! That was a great shot ! A three pointer , yeah ! Did you see that ? He traveled and the ref didn ’ t call it ! This ref needs glasses . Hey ref , open your eyes ! I can ’ t believe he didn ’ t see that ! Okay ... end of the first quarter ... Alright , I ’ m gonna make a beer run . I heard that Kevin got divorced . Is that true ? Not so bad , but Kevin does have problems with his wife . What ? His wife always complained that Kevin's salary was too low and got no promotion . Poor Kevin , we should do something for him . He is a nice guy and does his job well . Yeah , I agree with you . But you know , it's just one of those things . Honey , do you know what color the carrot is ? Mom , it's orange ? Wow , my son is so clever . Mom , that's a stupid question . Really ? I am not a child at all . I know more . Oh , my son looks like a grown-up . Sure . Mom , I can take care of you . No kidding . So tell me what's your favorite color ? I like blue . You see , that's the color of the sky . I wanna be a superman . Why ? I hope I can fly to any place like superman . So I can touch the sky . OK , superman . Put on your cape , we are going to fly home . Thanks for inviting me to work out with you , Joan . Don't mention it , let's go in . Yeah , this place looks great . Wow , look at her , she can certainly get down , can't she ? She sure can . Are you jealous , Leslie ? A little , I wish I could do that . You can ! With a little practice . Look at him , he's buff . I think he's hot too . How do they all get in such tiptop shape ? Exercised over and over . Exercise is a key . That's it . I decided to turn over a new leaf . I'm going to exercise every single day . Good for you , Leslie ! wow , it that your sports car ? yes , do you like it ? I love it ! I used to always want to drive a green jaguar . Is it in good condition ? it looks good on the outside , but the inside is a different story . It needs a lot of servicing before it can go out on the roads again . what's wrong with it ? well , first of all , it needs a new engine , which is extremely expensive . when's the last time you had it serviced ? it must have been a few years ago now . I thought all cars needed regular servicing on a yearly basis . they do . Once my son was born , there was no reason to drive this car anymore . It's only a two-seater , you know ! what else is wrong with it ? the heating controls don't work anymore , so it always feels like it's about 100 degrees in the car — even in the summer ! anything else ? the brakes don't really work that well anymore either . why don't you get it all fixed ? it costs more than you think to run a car , especially when there are so many things wrong with it ! well , let me know when you can get it fixed . I ’ d love to go for a ride in it ! Hello , Kith , can you and Alice come around this evening ? We prefer your coming . I think we would be able to make it . What time shall we come ? About 7 o'clock . Shall we bring any thing ? Some wine ? No , not really . Just bring yourselves . We would like to your presence . Hello . May I speak to Mary , please ? Speaking . Who's calling , please ? Hi , Mary . This is Tom . Oh , hi , Tom . How've you been ? Just fine . I say . Aren't you busy tomorrow evening ? Let me see . Uh-huh ... no , I guess I'll be free . Well , uh ... why not dine out together and go to the movies ? Sounds like a good idea . Okay . I'll pick you up at 6:00 . Thank you for inviting me . See you then . Bye , Tom . Well , my particular interest is collecting stamps , especially the rare ones . What about you ? I ’ m afraid that ’ s not my cup of tea . I just find skin-diving attracting . So have you ever been to the stamp display of the town ? There are so many flavors of ice cream to choose from ! Yes , there must be about a hundred . Do you have a favorite ? I love fruit flavored ices the best . I know , fresh fruit flavored is the best ever . What is your least favorite ice cream ? I don't like peppermint ice cream . Yeah , I know what you mean . One time , I tried garlic ice cream . That could be interesting . That doesn't sound like a good choice for today though . Let's order ! I don't want to do the damn dishes . Watch your language or you'll be spending the weekend in your room . Good morning , Paul ! Hi , good morning , you are so early today . Yes , traffic wasn't much today , so I made it to the office earlier . I see . How long does it take you to reach the office every day ? Well , about an hour or so . Wow , that ’ s quite a long journey . Do you drive a car ? No . I take public transportation . It's safer . You are right ! But I get up a little late . That gives me no other option but to travel by motorcycle . Well , both have advantages and disadvantages . I usually get a lot of information on the computer and use E-mail to send messages to my friends . Me too.Recently , I'm fascinated with net-chat . I've made many friends on the net.Every day I talk to them and share many interesting things with them . I really enjoy it . Don't you think it ' s a sheer waste of both time and money ? I'm afraid not . Every coin has two sides . I think using internet has a great deal to do with human interaction . Do you believe in UFO's ? Sure . A UFO is just a space vehicle from another planet . If you think about it , our space shuttles are UFOs . I've never thought about it like that before . I've seen photos of UFOs in America before , but they've all looked doctored up . Do you think that there's life on other planets ? I think there must be . Why is that ? I don't't think it would make sense if we were the only beings in this whole world . The world is just far too big for that . Do you think that there's intelligent life trying to contact us ? No , but we're trying to contact them . I suppose you're right . I think that countries are working hard to find a planet that we can live on in the future so that when global warming destroys this planet , humankind will not become extinct . Do you really think that global warming Wil destroy Earth some day ? There's a lot of evidence that suggest it will , but I don't think it's going to happen any time soon . What do you think of shopping ? I don't mind shopping for food and other daily needs . What do you think of big department store ? It's fun walking around them , but their displays are so good I'm tempted to buy things I don't really need . Nice and warm again , isn ’ t it ? Oh , it ’ s lovely . Think of the nasty weather we had last week . How are you these days ? Fine , thank you . And you ? Fine today , though a bit under the weather last week . Martha . What's wrong ? Why are you crying ? Jake just broke up with me . I'm sorry . When did this happen ? Yesterday . I didn't even know it was coming . He just told me he found someone else . What a jerk . He doesn't deserve you . But it still hurts . I thought I loved him . He didn't treat you that well either . Maybe you don't want to hear this , but I think you can do better . Better or worse , it doesn't matter . I had a lot of feelings for him . I really liked him It must be really painful . I remember when Josh and I broke up . I was crying for a week . I know . I'll get over him . My first break up was painful because I was naive . Exactly . You'll find someone again . You should get your mind off of this . Let's go shopping . Maybe tomorrow . I don't feel like it tonight . How about coffee down the street ? Sure . I got a ninety-five on my test . So what ? I got a ninety-nine . How can you keep in touch with your aunt in America ? Oh , I make a phone call once a month . It's very expensive , right ? Yeah . Why not send E-mail through the Internet ? Is it convenient and cheap ? Sure . You can send E-mail to each other every day through the internet . In addition , you can make a phone call through the internet , too . Really ? I'm so glad to hear that.But I don't know how to get access to the Internet.Could you show me ? No problem . I'll tell you . I'll appreciate it very much . Can I help you ? Yes , I need to apply for a parking permit . Are you a professor ? What ? Are you kidding ? I'm only 22 years old ! Yes , I am kidding.But don't you know only professors and students with disabilitiescan apply for parking permits ? Yes , I know . I have a disability.My hip was broken last year . And I can't walk well . Oh , I'm sorry . I didn't know . It's alright . You didn't see me walk to the desk . Here is the application form . I also need to see your student ID and your permission letter from the university . My permission letter ? Yes , the letter that certifies you have a disability.And it must certify your disability entitles you to a parking place . I was told I should have the letter sent directly to your office . Yes . Or you can bring it yourself . But I asked them to send it to you directly . Let me look in the file then . Maybe we received it . My name is Derek Schneider , S - C - H - N - E - I - D - E - R . Yes , here it is.Alright . Then I just need your completed application form , and I will be able to process your request . Good . I will sit over there and fill out the form . I will give it to you in a few minutes.Oh , by the way , can I apply for any parking lot I want ? The form has a map on the back . You may specify your top four choices.We will give a spot in the lot that has an opening . I see . Thank you . You're very welcome . It's too hot to read . We'd better go out for a walk . Which season do you like best ? Spring . How about summer ? I dislike it most . Why ? Because the hottest season is summer in a year . But sometimes summer is more charming than the other seasons . Will you be at the family reunion next year ? Yes , we'll be there , come hell or high water ! I watched a very interesting documentary about plants yesterday evening . It was called “ unusual plants ” and looked at several species of plants from around the world which have unusual features . Really ? Tell me about some of the plants they showed . Well . There was one type of plant that catches insects and eats them . Is that type of plant found in this country ? No , it isn ’ t . it ’ s a pity , because I ’ d like to see it in action . So would I . what other unusual plants did they show ? They showed flowers that only provide their nectar to one type of butterfly or bee . The insect has to be the exact size to get the nectar . Other insects cannot get it . Of course , when the insect collects the nectar , it also takes some pollen from one flower to another . That ’ s very specialized . So , the insects and the flowers rely on each other . If one became extinct , the other would too . That ’ s right . That ’ s one reason why it ’ s so important to protect every species . I see . The plants that fascinate me most are cacti . I find it amazing that they can survive in such dry desert conditions . According to the documentary , they have an incredible ability to find water supplies , however small , and then store them without losing much through evaporation . That ’ s why they often have long roots to find water spines instead of leaves , to reduce water loss . I have some good news for you . What's that ? Jenny is getting married . Great ! Who's the bridegroom ? Tom , that lucky guy . The guy always hands the girls in a line . When did he propose ? Last week , It said that he fell in love with Jenny at Mrs.Whit ' s party last Monday as soon as he saw her . My gosh ! How romantic ! When's the big day ? July 4 , the National Holiday . Will it be a church wedding or a civil ceremony ? Jenny plans to hold it in church . Who is the best man ? Guess ! Nobody is OK , but you ! You know , Tom is my best friend and he asked me to be his best man . Did you promise him ? Yes , I did . Ben , what are you doing ? Well , I would say that I ’ m just drifting - - here , in the pool . Why ? Well , it ’ s very comfortable just to drift here . Have you thought about graduate school ? No . Would you mind telling me then — what were those four years of college for ? What was the point of all that hard work ? You got me . Now listen , Ben . Look , I think it ’ s a very good thing that a young man — after he ’ s done some very good work — should have a chance to relax and enjoy himself , and lie around , and drink beer and so on . But after a few weeks I believe that person should want to take some stock in himself and his situation and start to think about getting off his ass . Peter , have you finished your English composition ? No . But I ’ m working on it . Class starts in twenty minutes . You have to turn it in at the beginning of class today . I know . I know ! Do you think you can finish it on time ? Don ’ t worry . I ’ ll get it done very soon . I ’ m almost finished . You ’ d better hurry ! Well , it would be a lot easier to finish if you stopped talking to me . Sorry ! How many orders do we still need to pack , Gale ? We've been packing all day . We still have to do about ten more . Well . I am really tired from packing all of the stuff all day . And it's about time to clock out . I know . Maybe we can finish it tomorrow . Why not ! These orders are not urgent . We could do it first thing tomorrow morning All right . Let's call it quits and go home . See . Great minds think alike . Tom , did you see the film last night ? Yes , I did , I thought it was a failure . Do you really think so ? I don't think so . It wasn't that bad film at all . Didn't you hear the applause of the audience ? Well , maybe so . But I still think everyone has their rights of their own opinion . Well , I don't see the point of arguing this . Are you OK ? Yeah . Why not ? Because ... I heard John got married yesterday . Oh , you went to the wedding ? No , he didn't tell me about it . Don't feel bad . I'm OK . I promise . Maybe you don't know that I have done with him for a long time . How do I apply to an American university ? You should go to the library to find some information about American universities , and write to the Admission Office . Then the Admission Office will send you application forms and other related materials . From experience , many applicants write to several universities instead of just one . I was told that it took a lot of time and effort to apply . That is true . I'll list for you the requirements of almost all the universities . First of all , you need official transcripts of your undergraduate work , three letters of recommendation from your professors who know your competence , and the official TOEFL ( Test of English as a Foreign Language ) score ( It's usually 550 ) . Then you need a financial guarantee , and an application fee of 25 dollars . What's to come next ? If they agree to enroll you , they will send you a TAP - 66 Form . With TAP - 66 , you can apply for a passport from our government , and then apply for a visa from the US Embassy in Beijing . How long will it take to go over all the procedures ? From 3 to 6 months if everything goes well . Thank you . I appreciate all your help . You are welcome . Please feel free to ask if you have any more questions . Well , speak of the devil . What do you mean ? I was just thinking about you the other day . You were ? Mom , you know that Andrea and I sometimes worry about you . Really ? Why would you worry about me ? I ’ m just fine . You ’ re almost 70 years old , Mom ! Don ’ t you think it would be better for you if you moved in with us ? No way ! I like my apartment , and I like to be independent . Do you ever get lonely living alone ? Not at all . I see you and your family twice a week , and I enjoy seeing my own friends . I ’ m too busy to feel lonely ! Do you have any plans for Veteran ’ s Day ? You mean Armistice Day . Well , as you know , on November 11th the allies signed a peace treaty with the Germans , also known as the Armistice Treaty . This marked the end of WWI and many countries around the world commemorate this date under names such as Remembers ’ Day . In Poland it ’ s their independence day ! There ’ s a lot going on around the world on this day . Wow , I didn ’ t know ! Probably because I flunked history in school . Are you sure you heard right ? Yes , he is running for class president . I don't believe you . Take my word for it . These days my son has turned his computer into an electronic playground . He plays football , rides horses , drives racing cars , and does a whole bunch of other things on the computer . The funny thing about it is that , no matter what he plays , he always wins first place . I wonder if he'll be able to cope with a defeat in real life . Don't worry . He'll cross that bridge when he comes to it . My son reads a lot on his computer and uses e-mail to send messages to his friends almost every day . He's really absorbed by the discussions . That's exactly like my wife . She spends at least two hours a day on the computers discussing things ranging from stock prices to soft-ware standards . I guess using a computer has a great deal to do with human interaction . Getting in touch with each other must be more fun to your wife and my son than the coolest computer games or the hottest information . I'll participate in a quiz about the 29th Olympic Games in Beijing . It will be held tonight . Will you come ? Sure . What do you know about the Olympic Games on the past ? For example , do you know where and when the first Olympic Games were held in the ancient times ? It was held in 776 B . C . at Olympia . It also has a long history of more than 2700 years . Haven't the Olympics been stopped for a long time ? Yes , there were no games in 1916 , 1940 and 1944 , because of World War I and World War II . I see . Look , do you know what that emblem means ? I've seen it so many times , but I don't know what it stands for . Oh , it's the Beijing 2008 Olympics ' Emblem . It's a Chinese seal , meaning that Chinese people warmly welcome the friends from all over the world . I see . I believe there will be lots of foreigners coming to Beijing to watch the Games . Sure . I plan to buy a car this year . How do you pay for it ? I'm going to work in holidays and pay by installments . Tell me if you need help . What's your favorite season ? I like the freedom of summer with no school . Yeah , and all those fun summer sports and activities . And I like the festivities of winter with Thanksgiving , Christmas and New Year . Oh , me too ! All the family getting together ... And I really like the smells and colors of spring . I like the feeling then that school is almost over ! But I must say , if it were only for the weather , I like autumn most ! One of my students told me she was very depressed today . Why ? Her father is dying . Oh , that ’ s very sad . Yeah , she ’ s broken up about it , poor kid . What did you do ? I talked to her for a while , but she ’ s really depressed . So , I made an appointment with the school counselor for her . That ’ s a good idea . The counselor is a psychologist . He ’ s better trained to handle these sorts of things . Yeah , that ’ s what I told her . I ’ m glad she ’ s reaching out for help , instead of trying to deal with this on her own . Yeah , me too . It ’ s rather cold . Isn ’ t it Oh . Yes . It is Shall I light the stove ? That ’ s a good idea Well . What ’ s the climate like in your country ? It ’ s mild . but it ’ s not always pleasant . Which season do you like best ? I like spring . The days are long and the nights are short . The flowers in blew . We go on picnics Good afternoon , Sam . Good afternoon , Tina . What are you going to do tomorrow ? I'm not sure yet . And you ? I would like to go skating . Feel like going with me ? Is skating interesting ? I think so . Fresh air , white snow . It's so comfortable . But I can't skate well . It doesn't matter , I can teach you . It's very kind of you . Can you play tennis ? Yes , I can . It is interesting , isn't it ? Yes , it's very interesting . Can you teach me ? Sure . Take the tennis racket . Now , throw the ball up , and hit it with the racket . Like this . Let me try . Oh , I missed ! Throw the ball up high . High ? Yes , very high . Over your head . Then you will have time to hit the ball . Oh ! I hit it . Well done ! Thank you . I think I like playing it . What was the party like last night , Jean ? Not bad at all , thanks . There were one or two interesting people there.Why couldn't you come ? Well , I couldn't get away from work early . And when . I got home I had a headache , so I had to go straight to bed . But I was over-tired , because I wasn't able to get to sleep for hours . What a shame . Why didn't you take a sleeping pill ? I don't like them . I used to take them when I had to work overtime , you know . How many did you use to take ? Three every night . Good heavens . Why did you take so many ? Because I was under a terrible strain . The doctor saidthey weren't very strong . Anyway , I used to feel awful the next morning . I'm sure you did . The doctor said I had to be careful . He was quite right . So I stopped drinking coffee late at night instead . What a beautiful view . It sure is . The Grand Canyon is truly a masterpiece . No man could ever make anything like this . What is that below ? It is the Colorado River . You can go down the river in a boat if you wish . No . Thank you . It looks a bit too dangerous for me . There is a beautiful state park here . I can see why so many people come out here to camp . Yes , there is beautiful view . You can go fishing , camping and also enjoy this beautiful clean air . It definitely is a nice change from the polluted and crowded city . That's true . I would like you to meet my family . Can you come to dinner next week at my parents ' place ? Yeuks ! Do they know anything about me ? Actually , I've told them a lot about you . They are excited to meet you . I'm a little nervous ! I think you'll like them . My family is pretty laid back . How Ay people will be there at dinner ? Let's see . there's my mom and dad and my two brothers and one of my sisters . That's good , I'm usually more comfortable in bigger families . Are you studying any languages here ? Yes , I'm studying in the Foreign Languages Department . What are you majoring in ? I'm majoring in English . Is it difficult to learn ? Yes.The language is hard to learn , but it's interesting . Do you know anything about Britain and America ? I'm reading a lot of books about the two countries . I like the culture . Right.It ' s important to learn the culture of a nation if you want to learn the language well . You're right . Judy , your husband has a really nice car . Thanks . It's a lot better than mine , and it's new . Where are you going ? We're going to visit my sister in the city . I didn't know your sister lives in the city , when did she move there ? About a year ago . She lives in an apartment on 3rd street , across from the public library . I see . It's almost 5:00 PM now , don't you think there will be a lot of traffic ? Oh , we're not driving . We're going to take the subway . The subway only takes about 20 minutes . Yes , but it can be very crowded around this time . I always feel uncomfortable taking the subway . I take the subway to work everyday , so I'm used to it now . Doesn't your mother live in the city ? Yes , she's lived there for about ten years . I remember when she moved there . Apartments were a lot cheaper then . I know what you mean . It's hard to find anything that's reasonable now . Have a good time . Next time you're free , give me a call and we'll go play poker . See you later . The time has come to say goodbye . So soon . It seems as if you just got here . I feel that way , too . But all good things must come to an end , as they say . It certainly has been a pleasure seeing you again and renewing old memories . I've had a great time and thank you for your spending so much time showing me around . It was fun for me , too . It gave me a chance to get away from my routine . You'll be out to see me next year , as you promised ? Oh , yes . I should be there some time next spring . I'll be expecting you then . I don't think the lecture is very interesting . The lecturer is dull , too . I feel he's like a talking machine . I feel the same way . And lightweight , too . It'll play for 20 hours on two AA batteries ! Cool ! The sound is great . These earphones are awesome ! And they're really safe . They'll protect your ear from sound damage . You certainly need that . You always pump the volume up way too high . I know . And you can also hear outside noises while you listen to music . You're right ! So I can listen to music while riding my motorbike ! You're spending a very long time on my hair . I'm almost done . I needed you to be done and finished an hour ago . I'm all done now . Are you sure you're finished ? I don't understand . You did a horrible job on my hair . What's wrong with it ? I don't like anything about it . I apologize . That's fine , but I'm not paying for it . Excuse me ? Let's try to work this out , okay ? Excuse me . Have you got the time ? My watch says half past five . Does your watch keep good time ? Oh yeah . It loses only a few seconds in the whole month . Thanks a lot . Do you think discrimination against women in the work force is still prevalent even today ? From my own experience as a career woman , I would have to say that while things are getting better now than they used to be , it is still a widespread problem . Society is changing , but there is still a glass ceiling for women in many career tracks . do you think the glass ceiling phenomena is because of traditional social customs ? Or are there more issues coming into play ? I think it's a very complicated issue . A part of the difficulties women have advancing in the work force are due to few opportunities and many male managers . Don't underestimate the good ole ' boy system . Men have power , so it's easier for them to stay in power . What about affirmative action ? Hasn't legislation changed a lot of the make hierarchy ? Affirmative action has given us management quotas and bans sexual discrimination , but it's still a man's world . Emily , what kind of report is this ? What do you mean , Mr . Smith ? You said to make it brief . Don't get smart with me . Here , do it again , but do it right this time . Would you like some more rice ? No , thanks . I'm full . He has to deliver letters every day . Poor man , he must be terribly fed up with it . Oh , no , he likes the job . Oh , Really ? Good morning golf aficionados ! My name is Rick Fields , and you guessed it , I am here with my main man , Bob Copeland . Thank you , Rick ! As you can see , ladies and gentleman , we are here in beautiful Pebble Beach where the top golfers in the world are trying to win the grand prize of one million dollars ! Whoa , that ’ s a lot of cash ! Let ’ s go to the course and see how Tiger Woods is doing . All right , we are here at the eighth hole . It ’ s a par four , and has some very difficult hazards which many golfers find difficult to avoid . Although , I did see Jack Nicklaus hit a hole in one on this very same hole ! Tiger Woods is about to tee off , and let ’ s see if he has the same luck as Jack . Tiger is asking his caddie for his driver and , he seems to be very nervous . Oh no ! Not a good swing at all ! It ’ s definitely not his day today . On the seventh hole he got a bogey and before that he barely made par . He will definitely not get a birdie on this shot . It seems that his ball has flown somewhere deep in the trees . He is having a hard time finding it and even his caddie has climbed a tree to try and spot it . Oh no ! A bear ! Run , Tiger , run ! Somebody call animal control ! I haven't seen Bill lately . How is he ? He's still pretty sick . That's too bad . What does he have ? We don't know , but he's going to the doctor tomorrow . Let me know if there's anything I can do . Thanks a lot . I'll tell him . Professor , I'm concerned about my grades . Do you have a minute ? Of course , how can I help you ? I want to know if I am doing OK . Let's pull out your scores so far . Do you think you are doing OK ? I am afraid that I might not be doing all that well . I'm seeing that you are doing OK in some areas , but not so well in others . I think I could take better notes and read a little more . You can greatly improve your grades by always reflecting on what you can improve on . I'm working on it ! Just do your best and I am sure that you will see improvement . Lisa , I am told you did very well in your exam . I was the only one who got a strait A in my class . Congratulations on your success . Thank you . Good morning , madam . I'd like to apply for a library card . Can you help me ? Yes . Please give me your ID card , a photo . OK . Here you are . Then you have to give me 15 dollars for the deposit . The library card is free . OK . Here is the money . And If I return the card , can I get the refund ? Of course , as long as the card is well kept . OK . I see . Thank you . You are welcome . Mr . Clinton , it's nice to see you again . Nice to see you again , too . Peter . How's your family ? Very well . How's Mrs . Clinton ? Not bad . But she's as busy as before . how did your interview go ? pretty well . I don't know if I'll get the promotion or not , but I feel good about it . if you get the promotion , what will your new title be ? if I get the promotion , I will be a senior engineer instead of an assistant engineer . will you get a pay-raise , too ? whenever you are given added responsibilities , you should get a promotion . that makes sense . Who interviewed you ? my boss . what kinds of questions did she ask you ? she asked me about my ability to work in a team and what I thought a good boss should be . the second one sounds rather difficult to answer . What did you tell her ? I told her that I'm an excellent team player and that a good boss should treat male and female employees equally . those are good answers . How did she react ? she told me that even when I become a senior engineer , I'll have to work with the assistant engineers as a team . what do you think about her as a boss ? she's pretty easy to get along with . She listens to her employees and treats everyone equally . you're lucky . Not everyone has such a great boss ! that's true . She's highly esteemed among everyone at my company . when you find out you get the promotion or not , let me know . I will do . Has the game started yet ? Yeah , about 5 minutes ago . Who's winning ? The Bulls , of course ! What ! That wasn't a foul ! C ’ mon , ref ! Don ’ t worry , Shan always screws up free throws . You were right ! He didn ’ t make the shot ! That was a great shot ! A three pointer , yeah ! Did you see that ? He traveled and the ref didn ’ t call it ! This ref needs glasses . Hey ref , open your eyes ! I can ’ t believe he didn ’ t see that ! Okay ... end of the first quarter ... Alright , I ’ m gonna make a beer run . Are you ready to go shopping ? Not yet . I'm not finished with my research yet . What research ? Reading my fashion magazines ! How do you think I know so much about all the latest trends ? But they're just ads ... Duh ... That's the point . The people in the ads are wearing what's in . Plus , there are articles on new trends ... I hear that Tom got divorced , and I don ’ t know how he is now . Out of sight , out of mind . Who do you mean ? Don ’ t you know they have had little affection for each other ? What's the name of the singer who sings this song ? I can't remember . It's on the tip of my tongue . I think it starts with a ' B ' . Hi , Bill . Are you going to the commencement ? Yes . Do you want to go with me ? OK . ( Several minutes later . ) Let's go into the school auditorium . Now that take this seat . Do you see those piles of red diplomas on the desks on the stage ? Yes . I find my heart is now rising and falling like waves , all sorts of feelings welling up in my heart . That's true . Four years ' trails and hardships , joys and sorrows of life are gushing out to my mind all together . I can hardly tell whether I am joyful or gloomy at the moment when I am about to leave the campus and to start a new stage of my life . How time flies . Look , the president of the college has come onto the stage . He's going to make the opening speech . Hi , I'm Benjamin . Nice to meet you here . You look great . Thank you . Nice to meet you too . I'm John . Is this your first time to take a long-distance trip on plane . No , this is the second time . But I also feel bad because of the lower pressure and the jet lag . Oh , I am sorry to hear that . Take it easy . It will be OK soon . You see , I take this long-hour plane frequently , but the jet lag still makes me uneasy . Oh , that's too bad . Do you get a good knowledge of China ? Yes , whenever I think about China , I'd see the Tian'an Men Square . China is a very beautiful country . And I've seen many landmarks in China but I like the Great Wall most . All of the Chinese are proud of the Great Wall . And it was built before the In dynasty near Shan Haiguan-the First Pass in the World . Was it built before the In dynasty ? I thought it was in the Ming dynasty . No , before the In dynasty . Oh , yeah . Thought I am an American , I know quite a lot about China and I like Chinese tea very well . Both the green tea and the black tea are good for our health . And I usually refresh myself with a cup of tea . Oh . Have you finished listing your study preferences ? Yes , I have . Good . So , which is your top choice ? Medicine . In my country , that certainly has great prestige . I see . Which subject did you put last then ? Oh.history . That's interesting . Could you give any reasons for your choice ? Can you explainwhy do you put medicine first ? Well , doctors are such an important job . I mean your health is the most imponent thing you've got , isn't it ? I want to be important and help people . Yes . I suppose so . Hello , Mr . Black , I'm calling to say goodbye . You're leaving so soon ? I wish you stayed a little longer . I wish I could stay a little longer , but a lot of things to do back home . Have you got the ticket ? Yes , I did . What time are you going ? At 11:00 o'clock . I'll pick you up by nine o'clock and take you straight to the airport . No , I'll go by myself , thanks . OK , goodbye . Mark is parade his knowledge again . Yeah ! He ’ s very good at showing off his knowledge . A well-learned person never does that . They are professors and government officials . Where are they from ? Most of them are from America and Europe . What are they doing in Beijing ? They are attending an international conference here . Which hotel are they staying at ? They are staying at the Hilton Hotel . Do you need a ticket ? Surely , I do . It's hard to come by , isn't it ? Yes , it is . Can you get it ? You can be assured of it . Where to , miss ? Hi ! Crenshaw and Hawthorne , at the Holiday Inn that is on that corner . Sure thing . So , where are you flying in from ? From China . Really ? You don ’ t look very Chinese to me , if you don ’ t mind me saying so . It ’ s fine . I am actually from Mexico . I was in China on a business trip , visiting some local companies that manufacture bathroom products . Wow sounds interesting ! Excuse me if I am being a bit nosy but , how old are you ? Don ’ t you know it ’ s rude to ask a lady her age ? Don ’ t get me wrong ! It ’ s just that you seem so young and already doing business overseas ! Well thank you ! In that case , I am 26 years old , and what about yourself ? I am 40 years old and was born and raised here in the good old U . S of A , although I have some Colombian heritage . Really ? That ’ s great ! Do you speak some Spanish ? Uh ... yeah .. of course ! Did you see that ? No , I missed it . How could you miss that ? Someone was in the way . Hello , Is this EYE computers ? Yeas , It is.Sewen Jes speaking.How can I help ? Actually , I'm calling to complain about your service . The computer I bought last week is faulty . Oh , I'm sorry to hear that , sir.What exactly is problem ? Well , easily , It doesn't work . It doesn't even start probably . Oh , dear ! I'll do well I can . Look what you've done ! I'm very sorry , sir . I'll bring you a cloth immediately . Yes , and hurry up ! I'd like to apologize for my carelessness . May I clean it up for you ? No , I'll do it myself . Here is my card , sir . Could you send me the cleaning bill and I will refund the cost to you ? I should think so , too ! I'm very sorry to have caused you this trouble . Yes , and please be more careful in the future ! I will , sir . I'm really very sorry . That's OK . Did you tell others that we are getting married soon ? You have such a big mouth ! I am so sorry about that . It was just a slip of the tongue . I really don't know how to break this to you , but it ’ s eating me alive ! Just tell the truth . I won ’ t take it personally . Well ... hum . You are sure you won ’ t lose control of yourself ? Sometimes it's wise to be direct with people . Come on , just tell me . Don't beat around the bush , please ! Well . Since you ’ d like an honest answer , I will tell you the truth . Alright . What is that you want to tell me ? We ’ Ve won two free tickets to Hawaii for a seven-day vacation ! What ? Are you serious ? Oh , my gosh ! There will be guys everywhere . I'm the coolest high-tech stud around ... Why ? Do you have a robot girlfriend ? Not yet ... I got an MP3 player and a set of stereo headphones . So you can download MP3 music from the Net and record it onto the MP3 chip ? Yep ! And take it with me anywhere ! And the music is free ! Let me see it ! It's so small ! Don't you ever cheat on me . Why would I do that ? Because men like to cheat . Some men do , but not me . I'm watching you . I'm an open book . Watch me all you want . If I catch you , you'll be sorry . You won't catch me , because I love you . I'm not a cheater . I will poke your eyes out . I don't want any other woman . I will chop your toes off , one by one . Honey , please . You're the only woman for me , forever . I swear it . Hi , Lilly , it ’ s so nice to see you again . Hum , me too . This winter holiday was especially long . What have you done ? Nothing special . I had a get-together with some schoolmates at the high school , visited the Internet and read a couple of books which I had been longing for . How about yours ? You know , I like traveling . I made good use of this long vacation and enjoyed myself . Well now that I know what kind of movies you like , tell me , what's your least favorite kind of movie ? I don't really like sci-fi movies because they're always really weird . I know ! I don't get them at all . But wait , isn't ' Terminator ' a sci-fi movie ? Hmm ... you're right . Well , I guess ' Terminator ' is an exception to the rule . There are advertisements everywhere here in hong kong . The city is so bright at night , with all the neon signs . I like it . It makes the city feel alive . I like all the different colors and I like the billboards with eye-catching pictures and slogans . I think that there are too many of them . I think that companies spend far too much money on advertising . They should have lower prices instead . Then they would see more . I see your point , but if companies didn ’ t spend money on advertising , no one would hear about their products . I agree that some form of advertising can be annoying . I don ’ t like it when people try to give you leaflets with information about products you have no intention of buying . I really hate receiving spam . I also dislike having to listen to advertisements and jingles when they are broadcast in stores or on the subway . Yes , that annoys me too . With billboards , you can look away , but with broadcasts , you can ’ t avoid them . I like the way that advertising agencies use comedy in their campaign . I like that too . I don ’ t like the way that advertising campaign often tell you if you don ’ t buy a certain product , you ’ re not cool or modern or efficient or something . That kind of advertising seems to be very common with brand name products . They are always trying to maintain brand loyalty . do you have any plans for Friday night ? I don't think so . Why ? well , my hosue-mates and I are having a house-warming party . Would you like to come ? sure . Would it be alright if I brought a few friends ? the more , the merrier ! will there be a lot of people there ? I sure hope so . We've each invited about 10 people . who else is going to be there ? I'm inviting my friends from work , you , my sister , and a few friends from school . I know your sister . She's very nice . don't worry.You won't be sitting there by yourself . what time is it going to start ? most people are working Friday night , so it's going to start around 9 pm . should I bring anything ? we'll have beer and snacks , but if you want to bring a bottle of wine , that'd be great . I could also bring some music if you want . I've got loads of songs on my new iPod . that'd be great . I'll see you then ! So , Jack , do you believe in ghosts ? No , not really . Why do you ask ? Because I want to tell you about the time that I saw a ghost . You saw a ghost ? When ? It was many years ago , when I was a little child . It was the middle of the night , and I went to get a drink of water from the kitchen . I walked out of my room and was at the top of the stairs , when ... So that's where you saw the ghost ? In your house ? What did it look like ? Was it hideous ? It was a big , green thing that looked like a person . It was in the kitchen , and it slowly moved towards the stairs ... So what did you do ? I hid so that it couldn't see me . Slowly it got closer and closer , until ... Until what ? What happened ? Did you see it clearly ? Did it attack you ? It moved slowly up the stairs , step by step , and I could hear its approaching footsteps . When it finally got to the top of the stairs , I realized that it was my father in his green pajamas . He had gone to get a late night snack . What did the doctor say ? He said that I have been eating too much . Did he give you any advice ? Yes , he asked me to clean up my diet by cutting red meat . Yes , you must put yourself on a diet . I don't know about you , but I am famished . Are you interested in getting a bite to eat ? That sounds great . I'm absolutely starving ! What kind of food are you in the mood for ? I'd love something spicy . Maybe we could get some Sichuan hotpot . You are a woman after my own heart . I don't know many people who can handle spicy food . Are you sure you are up for hot pot ? Sure . If I could , I would eat hot pot every day ! Ok , you are really all eyes when it comes to talking about food , aren't you ? Well , let's stop dragging our feet and find a Sichuan hot pot restaurant for dinner ! Let me think about it for a minute . Let's see ... oh the name of the restaurant is on the tip of my tongue ! Give me a second and it'll come to me . Well ... ? Have you thought of it yet ? No ... Never mind . There's an authentic tasting hot pot restaurant not far from the China World Trade Towers on Chang An Street . Have you been there ? That's it ! That ’ s the one I was thinking of ! I told you I'd remember it ! You really have a big head , don't you . Excuse me . Where is Q-Duck ? I remember it was around the second intersection of this street . Q-Duck ? Do you mean the famous roast-duck store ? Yes , definitely . They have moved to some other places long time ago . Wow , this place is quite different from ten years ago when I first came to China . Yeah , a lot of changes have happened here . This street used to have few stores . But now , you can see supermarkets , shopping malls and department stores everywhere . Yeah , they are my wife's heaven , but not mine . I always get lost in the supermarket . Me too ! I was lost three times ten years ago . There were no English directions then . Is that better now ? Yeah , there are many English signs , and wrong spellings as many as them . You ’ re new here , right ? Yes , I am new . Is this your first semester ? I just transferred from another school . What school did you transfer from ? I came here from PCC . Do you like it here so far ? I am really enjoying it here so far . Which is better , here or PCC ? I think PCC is a lot better than here . Why didn ’ t you just stay at PCC ? I graduated and now want to get a BA . My hair stood on end when I saw the bloody scene . What scene ? A kitten being run over by a truck . Adam , I'm sorry ! But where have you been , Alice ? You're over an hour late . Yes , but I couldn't help it . I was late getting off work for a start , and then I missed the bus . The bus I did catch got caught in a traffic jam . It was one thing after another . But why were you getting off work so late ? The office close at six , doesn't it ? Yes , but there's a rush on at the moment , and my boss asked me to do some urgent letters . But didn't you tell him you had an appointment ? Well , no . I thought I'd finish in about five minutes , and I didn't want to be difficult about just a few minutes . If it hadn't been for missing the bus and the traffic , I wouldn't have been so late . I'm sorry . Well , you're here . And that's the main thing . Remember that writing contest I entered ? Well , I won first prize . Great ! This calls for a celebration . Can you imagine having a million dollars ? Yes , and I know a few things I'd spend the money on . Yeah , me too . A new car for a start . David , what do you want to do after graduation ? I suppose I should choose one from the ' Best Career List ' , to be a public officer , what do you think ? That sounds like a hot job , right ? But in my opinion , you ought not to choose one career from that so-called list , and you need to take your interests , values , and skills into account . It beats me ! I never thought about it before and maybe I thought finding a career is a simple thing . You'd better ask for suggestions from a career counselor , and then make a decision . The mosquitos are biting me ! Me , too , I can ’ t stop scratching . They are everywhere ! Sneaky little jerks . Do you have any bug spray ? No , I forgot to buy some . Then we ’ ll have to put up with it . We can cover ourselves with beer ! That way if they bite us , they ’ ll get drunk and fall asleep . That ’ s without a doubt , the best idea you ’ Ve had ! Let ’ s do it ! Run ! They are thirsty for more ! How come you're still up ? Shouldn't you be asleep by now ? I've been having a hard time sleeping lately . As far as I know , insomnia is usually caused by stress . Are you stressed at all ? Well , I'm really worried about my grades . I didn't think this course would be so stressful . You're a good student . I'm sure you can do well . What you need to do is to relax . You're probably right . I just wish it were that simple . How can I stop feeling so anxious all the time ? Taking a yoga class or learning some relaxation techniques can help you cope with your stress . I don't really have time to learn anything new . I need to spend my time studying ! You need to take some breaks throughout the day . Studying all day isn ’ t very usually effective . You ’ re right . I usually end up staring at my computer or checking my email instead of doing my work for class . Besides , it ’ s not difficult to learn yoga . In fact , I can teach you a move that ’ s supposed to help you fall asleep ! You just have to sit down like this , bend over and breath in deeply . That ’ s fantastic . I ’ m going to go try that out in my room now . good night ! Good night , sleep tight ; don ’ t let the bed bugs bite ! Hey , Teresa , meet the new neighbors yet ? Actually , i popped in them last night . OK , let's cut to the chase . what are they like ? Well , they're really beautiful people . I'll say , she is really stacked , isn't she ? Yeah , she is a neck-off for sure . And he looks like a typical jog . He is a professional football player . Ah-ha , I thought so . Anyway , that is not what I meant by beautiful . What did you mean ? I meant that they're very simple , easy to talk to . That's right . Yeah . I think things are worked out just fine . Did you get your grades yet ? Yeah . My whole GPA is screwed up now . Why ? What happened ? Well , I bombed my econ final and ended up with a 1.7 . Ouch . You must be very disappointed . Well , it's my fault because I didn't study as much as I should have . Why don't you re-take the class next year ? That's what I plan on doing unless I keep screwing up . How did you do this semester ? I didn't do that well either . I ended up with a 3.2 this semester . That drops my total GPA to 3.45 . My GPA is pretty similar to yours . I have a 3.1 now because of the stupid econ class . What was your GPA before this semester ? I was sitting happy with a 3.4 . Why did it go down so much ? Let's just say I screwed up more than my econ class . What happened to you ? I started playing starcraft and ended up wasting a lot of time . You better stop slacking off . You're right . I'm not going to play games during school anymore . So Emily , do you still want to see a movie together this weekend ? Well , what do you want to see ? I don't think there are many good movies out right now . Mmmm ... I know ! We can go to a really bad sci-fi movie and sit in the back of the theater and make fun of it . What do you think ? Now that's a great plan . It's a date ! Do you think that climate change is responsible for the recent floods ? It could be . There are floods in this country almost every year , but in recent years they have been more widespread and more frequent . It seems that the climate in this country is changing . The summers are hotter . The last three summers have been the hottest for the past 200 years . There have also been stronger winds . I think that the changing climate is a sign that we are causing too much damage to the environment . I think you ’ re right . Climate change naturally over time , but I think that human activities are speeding up the change . I wish that government would join together and try to resolve the problem . Me too . If we don ’ t do something soon , It might be too late . Are you almost finished with my hair ? I'm almost finished . How much longer is it going to be ? I'm done now . Do you like it ? I absolutely love it . You really like it ? Yes , I truly do . I'm glad you like it . How much do I owe you ? It's going to be $ 55 . Here you go , thanks for everything . Make sure and come back in a couple of weeks . Oh , hi , Lily . When did you get back from Canada ? Just last week . How was it ? Oh , I loved it . I only visited a couple of cities , you know . But I had a great time . Well , tell me . What are they like ? They ’ re nice . And lots of Dear Abby sob stories ... Hey ! I learn a lot from the psychologists who give advice in those columns ! No wonder you're such a wacko ... Whatever ... Smell ! Perfume samples ! Nice . Hey , I like the layout of this page ... You mean , you like the pictures of the beautiful models ... Hello ? I'd be a basket case if you think of me that way . I need your understanding . I know , I know . But you always bat around without doing things useful . Can ’ t you be more considerate ? I need your encouragement . All right . Do what you can do now instead of twiddling your thumbs . Driving during the rush hours can be a bit of a bind . Yeah . I think so.You have to be patient and careful . So I'd rather walk or run to work . You must be joking ! What do you think of smoking ? It ’ s harmful not only for yourself but for others . What in your opinion can be done to stop smoking ? Stop producing cigarettes . But that ’ ll affect the national economy . That ’ s right . But I don ’ t think there are better ways . How about painting a warning on each cigarette packet ? Maybe it can take effect . Hey Rachael , what's up ? How is your day ? Not bad.We have had a big meeting today , remember ? Oh , yea . I forgot.So how did it go ? Pretty well . I think the boss liked my ideas . Great , so what happens now ? Well , I have to write the proposal . I'm pretty excited about it . Hello , Bobby , It seems that I can't arrive at your home by 12 o'clock . What happened ? We're all expecting you , Hans , Dick , Archie ... I'm so sorry , I've been held up by the damn traffic jam for half an hour . I'd have arrived but for that . I see . Where are you now , Li ? Thirty meters ahead is the Waterloo Bridge . It's not far away from home , It's - let me see – about 20 minutes'walk , Can you walk here ? I've thought of that , but what can I do with my car ? If only I had taken a taxi ! That's too bad , But don't worry.We ' ll put off dinner till one o'clock . I'm so terribly sorry to keep you waiting . It doesn't matter.Bye . Bye . This is our first day of class.It ' s better for us to introduce ourselves to each other . Who would like to begin first ? Any volunteers ? I'd like to introduce myself first . Yes , please . My name is Gavin White . I was born and raised in London . After high school , I went to Edinburgh University . I worked for one year to pay for my tuition and then got my Bachelor ’ s degree there . Now I've come here to get my Master ’ s degree . I am glad to meet all of you and I hope we will become good friends . Sheila , what time should we meet tomorrow ? The usual time . Half past two in the afternoon . What place ? The usual place . In front of the treasure house . And what should I wear ? Your usual shirt and shoes . What are you going to wear ? Nothing unusual , I ’ m afraid . Sheila , how about that fashionable blue dress ? Good . That ’ s something unusual . What did you think of the movie ? I didn't like it . Not a bit . I couldn't stand the music . Besides the story was so boring that it put me to sleep . I noticed that , it was not exciting as I expected , but the music was great . I'm always found Jazz . And that movie had a lot of Jazz . I know . However , Jazz always annoys me . I really don't enjoy music in a movie . I'm sorry to hear that.What kind of movie do you like ? Anything with a lot of action , I like thrillers and chillers . Oh , I see . Well , I enjoy the popcorn and being with you.You ' re more important than the movie . Thanks for the sweet words . Any time . Hi Amanda , how are you ? I've missed working with you and the whole gang since my transfer last week . We've missed you too . The office just isn't the same without you . How is your new job ? It's great . I really get to focus on what I like to do and everyone has been very nice and welcoming . However , I'm having a small problem with my new colleagues . What happened ? Well , three people are celebrating their birthdays this month and the policy here is for everyone to contribute ten dollars to a card and cake for each person . Wow , so you'll be out thirty dollars on your first week at work ! I know . It is a lot of money and I haven't gotten to know any of the people celebrating their birthdays well enough yet . At our old department , it was only three dollars for each birthday and there were only ten of us . Well , every department is different . You wouldn't want your new co-workers to think you're a Grinch , right ? What is that ? A Grinch is a person who spoils the mood at a happy occasion by being selfish or unenthusiastic . You know - a party proper . I definitely don't want to be that ! But , I still think it's unreasonable for them to ask me for such a big sum of money when we don't know each other very well . What should I do ? Then I must go-you have said it yourself . No , you must stay ! I swear it , and the oath shall be kept . I tell you I must go ! Where ? I have spoken my mind , and can go anywhere now . I ask you to pass through life at my side-to be my second self and best earthly companion . I'll never again come to your side ; I am turn away now and can't return . Merry Christmas ! Mary ! Merry Christmas ! Mr Bean . Will you come to join us at dinner this evening ? My family will be happy to see you . And father misses you very much . Well , I would be glad to , but I have promised Tom to see his Christmas tree , and play the piano for his song tonight . Hello , Kate ! How are you doing ? Fine , thanks . How are you ? Fine . How are your term papers ? Oh my lord . I haven't really started them . How could it be ? They are due two weeks later . I know but I was busy with my part-time job the last few days . Kate , you know , I am thinking of getting a part-time job next year because I really need more money and I don't want to ask my parents for any more . But I'm so busy ! How am I going to work and study ? How do you do it ? Do you have some good tips on budgeting time ? To be honest with you , Jason , I don't think I'm doing a very good job of balancing my schoolwork with my job . I'm always two steps behind . I've got to get back to the dorm and continue writing that paper . Say ! Why don ’ t you talk to your advisor ? And let me know ! My advisor ? Jack , I hear you got promoted.Is that true ? Yes . I think I'm lucky . Oh , Jack , you deserve it.You ' Ve been working so hard . Thank you for saying that . Why did she do that ? I have no idea . It was completely out of the blue . Hurry up ! Time is money ! Don't build a fire under me . I know the importance of time . But you are too slow to follow them . Don't you see I'm trying my best ? Why is little Billy crying ? He got a scolding . I'm going to work in a multi-national enterprise after graduation . but you said your dream was to be an entrepreneur , to be your own boss . I'll do it someday . But it's not the right time now . I have to learn a lot by working as an employee . it sounds like you've got a perfect plan . you could say so . I'll work hard in that company and try to understand as much as possible about how to run an enterprise . it can save you lots of time and effort to simply copy a successful business model . yeah , the success stories of that company might be useful for me . And their customers may become the potential ones for my own company . that's right . You should establish good relationships with them . what else are you planning to do while working for that company ? well , I'll come up with a detailed business plan to attract the investors . sounds perfect . I think with all that you have in mind , you'll become a successful businessman . By then , perhaps , I'll join in as a partner of your company . Rob lost his bike . What an idiot ! I heard Betty lost her tennis match this morning , so she's out of the tournament . Really ? What a shame ! I thought she was going to win this one . Me , too . I'm sure she'll do better in the next tournament . Can you believe the headlines ? What are you reading ? I ’ m reading about Michael Milliken , the Bond King . Didn ’ t he sell worthless stocks to people or something ? He got arrested for that , didn ’ t he ? He got arrested all right . If I remember , he got off with a light sentence . Something like three years in a minimum-security prison . Yup , that ’ s him . He made millions of dollars selling bonds to people and ended up with a pile of cash when they became useless . I think the government fined him a small amount , and he kept the rest in his foreign bank accounts . He ’ s still a millionaire . That ’ s the kind of thing in America that gets me mad . Some guy pulls off a stock scheme and makes millions while spending the bare minimum sentence in jail . I know . And some poor guy that robs a liquor store makes $ 500 at most and ends up in jail for five to ten years . do you believe in UFO's ? sure . A UFO is just a space vehicle from another planet . If you think about it , our space shuttles are UFOs . I've never thought about it like that before . I've seen photos of UFOs in America before , but they've all looked doctored up . do you think that there's life on other planets ? I think there must be . why is that ? I don't't think it would make sense if we were the only beings in this whole world . The world is just far too big for that . do you think that there's intelligent life trying to contact us ? no , but we're trying to contact them . I suppose you're right . I think that countries are working hard to find a planet that we can live on in the future so that when global warming destroys this planet , humankind will not become extinct . do you really think that global warming Wil destroy Earth some day ? there's a lot of evidence that suggest it will , but I don't think it's going to happen any time soon . It's said you will go abroad to pursue your graduate studies . Yes , I've been thinking about visiting you . I hope to get some advice from you . Which country do you want to go to ? My field is electronic engineering . Which country do you think I should go ? Were I in your position , I'd go to America . Which university should I apply to ? There are many universities for you to choose from . Some famous universities such as Harvard , Yale , the University of Michigan , and Massachusetts Institute of Technology are really wonderful places to study , but they are very competitive and expensive . Some smaller universities or institutes are also very nice but much cheaper . Oh , I see . Thank you very much . It rumored that Jean is fooling around with another woman's husband . You gossip ! What's the basis of your opinion ? Someone declared that he saw it . I don't believe it . Jean is such a kind lady . How could she do this ? Who knows ? You can't judge a book by its cover . Maybe ! Do you have cold medicine ? Yes , but do you have a prescription with you ? No , I don't . I'm afraid you can't buy any medicine without a prescription from a doctor . I have a headache . Is there anything I can buy without a prescription ? Then you can buy Aspirin . I will take the Aspirin then . And have you a small first-aid kit ? Yes , here this is . I'll take it too . Thank you and take care . It's rather cold , isn't it ? Oh , yes , it is . Shall I light the stove ? That's a good idea . Well , what's the climate like in your country ? It's mild , but it's not always pleasant . Which season do you like best ? I like spring . The days are long and the night are short . The flowers are in bloom.We go on picnics . Where do you work , Andrea ? I work for Thomas Cook Travel . Oh , really ? What do you do there ? I'm a guide . I take people on tours to countries in South America , like Peru . That sounds interesting ! Yes , it's a great job . I love it . And what do you do ? I'm a student , and I have a part-time job , too . Oh ? Where do you work ? In a fast-food restaurant . Which restaurant ? Hamburger Heaven . Yeah . Just pull on this strip . Then peel off the back . You might make a few enemies this way . If they don't think this is fun , they're not meant to be our friends . You mean your friends . I think it's cruel . Yeah . But it's fun . Look at those two ugly old ladies ... or are they men ? Hurry ! Get a shot ! ... Hand it over ! I knew you'd come around ... When ’ re you getting married ? We planned our wedding for next May . Why so late ? Didn ’ t she want to get married this October ? Yeah , I did . But my fiancee has an important project . That ’ s really a shame . By the way , who will be the bridesmaid ? Julie ’ s friend , Mary . And John will be the best man . Wow ! I ’ m very excited about your ceremony . Hey ! Fred , you are five minutes earlier than me today . Usually , you don't . Hurry ! It is time for me to steal something . What's your meaning ? I am stealing vegetables at the Happy Farm . You are a thief ? No , no . I mean stealing vegetables on Internet is very popular now . Many white collars join in this game and have a lot of fun by stealing others ' vegetables . You mean it is a still virtual game . Your friends steal your vegetables time and time again , and you take theirs as well , right ? You got what I meant . Perhaps , what I steal are not vegetables , but loneliness . Don't be addicted to the game . It's not good for your job . Bill , your work is too messy . I'll pay attention to my handwriting next time . Is this a promise ? Yes , I'm serious this time . Our maths teacher is rather humorous . On the contrary , I think he's very serious . No , not at all.His examples are really interesting . So they're easy to remember . Yeah , how about your maths teacher ? He's an old antique , very serious . Bad luck , Anne . Hey ! How about your history teacher ? She's another antique . I'm sorry to hear that . Your family must be busy shopping for Christmas , now . Oh yeah and decorating the house too was colored paper and pictures . they will put a Christmas tree just inside the front door , pained toys and colored electric lights along the branches and plays all the gift packages under it . Woo , your home will beautiful on Christmas . Sure our thing . I do wish your christmas and happy new year . Thanks . Jenny , do you want to go to see a movie ? What's on tonight ? I want to see ' Click . ' Who is in this movie ? I don't know . My friend told me it was a touching movie . How long have you been in Taiwan ? About 3 years , so I came here 2000 . So , where did you grow up ? Providence , Rhode Island . do you know it ? I am not sure , where exactly is it ? Well , not so far from New York . So what about you ? Did you grow up here ? No , I was born in Gaoxiong , I only moved to Taipei after I graduated . I am in hot water now , all the things seem to be blown up . Don't be scared . Bite the bullet and everything will be right again . Thanks for encouraging me . There are problems cropping up here and there . But I will overcome them one by one . What's your schedule like this year ? Pretty busy . I have to pick up a lot of credits this year . What's your major ? I ’ m majoring in French literature . Oh , don't you have to take that class on 18th century poetry ? It's really difficult . I hear the students in that class have to write a paper a hundred pages long . That's right . We got the assignment last week . When is it due ? Next Monday . Remind me never to sign up for that course . Did you check the internet for next week's weather forecast ? I sure did . You're in luck ! It's supposed to snow all week in the mountains ! Yes ! Somebody up there loves me ! I knew it wasn't too late for snow . It is kind of strange though , to have snow in April , and so much of it . There have been so many dry winters lately that it's about time , don't you think ? When you put it that way , I guess the skies can't hold out on us forever . This will be the best ski trip I've ever taken . I can't wait to use my new hoard . It will be the best as long as the weatherman is right . Are you going to the beach this saturday afternoon ? It depends on the weather . The radio says it'll be fine . That'll be great . Are you studying here ? Yes , I am studying in Eastern Asian language department . What are you major in ? I major in Japanese . What do you think of the literature course . Its very helpful . The course has let me into a world of literature . I read so many great literatures . Did you say you saw lily alone ? Yes , nobody was with her . Where did you say she was ? In Thailand . I must say I think that is very odd . Are you absolutely certain it was her ? Yes . yes , I am sure . Because I don't want any , er , do you understand ? But you are quite sure , are you ? Quite sure . I mean that hair of hers and the voice of hers . When I quarrel with my husband . He didn't even try to cool me out . It takes two to make a quarrel and it takes two to mend fences . I was so angry that I could not keep cool . What I need is just an apology . Is that you , Dave ? Oh , my gosh ! The backstabber who left us to work for the evil WebTracker ! Yeah , yeah , yeah . Hi , Mary . How are you ? I'm filthy rich ! Haven't you heard about the MicroPower deal ? Yeah , I guess I did . They're going to buy invoking ? That's right . For seventy-five million . So how are you ? I'm getting by OK . I heard MicroPower was going to make Zina president of their new invoking Internet division . The summer vacation is coming . Have you any plans ? I haven't made up my mind . Maybe I will go to the US . What about you ? I am going on a hiking trip . It's good exercise as well as fun . I think so . So why not come and join us ? Lee will come as well . That's great . I will go hiking with you . It seems that something is praying heavy on you.What ’ s the matter ? I got my father ’ s goat last night . What did you do to get his goat ? When I asked him to treat me like he does to my sisters , he jumped down my throat . So I took it out on him by telling him what I thought . We need to elect club officials before the summer starts . I guess we should start with nominees first . Let's make it the first item of business in our next meeting . We should probably let everyone know ahead of time so they will be prepared . Can you take care of sending out a bulletin by e-mail to all the club members ? Yes , I can do that this afternoon . Let's schedule the actual election times the week after the nominations . Doesn't that seem logical ? Yes , let me put it on the calendar . How's business ? Couldn't be better . are you looking for a course ? yes , but I'm not sure which one to sign up for . what kind of program are you looking for ? Full-time or part-time ? I have to work during the day , so I want to find a part-time course that I can do in the evenings . what kind of course are you looking for ? I need to improve my English . do you want a one-to-one private tutor or a group class ? I think a one-to-one course will be too expensive for me , so a group class would be fine . have you ever considered taking one of our online courses ? I think I prefer face-to-face instruction better . that's fine . If you want , you can sign up for a pre-sessional interview . what's that for ? one of our qualified teachers will interview you so that they can find a class that suits you best . do you have a brochure about the course that I can take home to read ? sure . Here's a brochure about out English classes that meet in the evenings . thanks . I'll read through it tonight and get back to you tomorrow to sign up for a course . Hi , Mr . Zhang . What ’ s wrong ? You don ’ t look so happy . How was your date ? I was turned down again . It ’ s frustrating . I guess you ’ Ve got to teach me some skills . Me ? I ’ m even less experienced than you are . At least you know what American women generally like in a man . Believe it or not , I guess American women like a man in good shape , which Chinese women may not care about so much . That ’ s my honest opinion . I know you have been trying very hard . American men are naturally taller than Chinese men . So even if I exercise , there aren ’ t many chances . No , that ’ s not true . I ’ Ve met two American women who were married to Chinese . But those Chinese look very strong and healthy . So if you exercise more often , I bet it will surely be easier for you to date American girls . How old is Jacky Chan ? He ’ s small and short . But I bet he can have any American woman he wants . You know , that ’ s going to be a tremendous change for me . Because I never exercise . Why don ’ t you try then ? Even if it doesn ’ t help you find an American girl , you could still have a stronger and healthier body . You won ’ t lose anything by doing that . Who is it ? Open the door . It's me . I can't find the key . You're always so careless . Oh , thank you . I am exhausted . Will you bring me a cup of tea ? Okay , but I haven't prepare supper . So let's eat out . What do you want to eat ? Noodles . How about you ? Dumplings . Recently , there prevails ' Net Love ' ! What's Net Love ? Two people chat on the Net and step by step fall into love ! It's Net Love . Ridiculous ! They haven't met ! Maybe they're the same sex ! Maybe yesterday you've received a man's woos . He's called ' Beast ' ? How could you know ? I watched the screen display ! Do you know ' He ' is Ms . Rebecca ! It's typical Net Love , and a typical lesbians ' homosex ! HA ! Impossible ! What shall we do tonight ? How about the cinema ? That's a good idea.We haven't been there for ages . What would you suggest to see ? Oh , I don't know.It depends . I want to have Mexican food for dinner . I'm tired of Mexican food . Besides , you picked the restaurant last week . OK , you win . You pick the restaurant this time . Tom's dating your sister . Are you sure ? It's almost 6:00 . I'd better be going . Can you stay for dinner ? We'd love to have you join us . It's really nice of you . Thanks ! I'm calling about our appointment . I can't call on you this evening.My wife is terribly ill . Sorry to hear that . How about next week ? Fine , we'll be expecting you then . You honestly believe the world ’ s improving every year ? Yes , I do . I think that science is making us wiser . What do you think ? I don ’ t think you ’ re right there . I believe industry is making us wealthier . I don ’ t believe that . And in my opinion , medicine is making us healthier . I agree with you in the sense . But we ’ re all more miserable than ever , aren ’ t we ? I don ’ t agree with you . I maintain that we ’ re healthier , wealthier and wiser than we were a hundred years ago . That ’ s your opinion not mine . How was your date recently ? Not too bad . It is seemingly too hard for me to find a place for our date . I guess so . Going to watch a movie and having dinner at a restaurant are usual . She said she wanted to go Dutch in dating . Yes , now many girls want to be independent , so it is a little popular , especially among white collars . But I am still traditional , so I felt weird when she paid for herself . Forget about it ! Are you satisfied with your girlfriend ? It will be a long story . We have many differences , for example , she usually puts all her clothes into washing machine . That is the sort of thing I can not bear . You ’ re going to set up your own law office , aren ’ t you ? Yes . After so many years of hard work , I ’ d rather I had an office of my own . If you need help , don ’ t hesitate to ask me . I ’ ll be very glad if you would help . I ’ d like to wish you every success in your new venture . Thank you . I wish I would . Good luck to you . Do you know who Ammo Hung is ? Of course . He is now 50 years old . And he started out studying alembics , singing , dancing and martial arts at the age of nine , and has tarred in 140 kung fu films . He has also become an independent producer and director . You know only one aspect of him . Do you know what he would do in the kitchen ? I have no idea . Tell me . In the kitchen , with his wife by his side he still puts on quite a dinner time show . What does he do there ? Imagine a chef chopping vegetables on fast forward . Picture a man making a stir-fry , tossing the mixture up in the air , and then catching it , every last bit , in his work . And his culinary motto is ' Enjoy the moment . ' If you want to know hey theycook , visit for the recipe . Wasn't that a great flick ? I was on the edge of my seat through the whole movie . I would say it was a typical run-of-the-mill Hollywood thriller . Well , I'm no movie expert , but those special effects were impressive by any standards . Special effects ? Baloney ! That movie was made on a shoestring budget . They've been using trick photography like that for years Okay . But you have to admit that it was an exciting story , especially with that surprise ending . You should read the book . The original story is much better and has a different twist at the end . Oh , really ? How does the book end ? Read it yourself and find out ! Do you know the highest mountain in the world ? Yes . It is Everest , also called Zhumulangma in China . It is 8,844 . 43 meters above the sea level . Wow ! That must be really awesome to stand on the top of the mountain to overlook the earth . Actually , it is impossible because the mountain is covered with snow all year around . And is has heavy fog for most of the time . Have people set foot on its peak ? Yes , it has been conquered by many people in history . I have been feeling sick for three days . I'm most upset to hear that.Are you better now ? Not much better.Thank you . I'm feeling down . Come on . Cheer up ! Alice , I never knew you had such a lovely voice . You really can sing , can't you ? Thanks , Mark . I used to be a member of the school choir . No wonder you can control your voice so well . You are a professional singer . Well , you are flattering me . I wouldn't say I am a professional , but I did receive some training at school . My music teacher used to be a professional singer . Well , a good teacher makes good students . You are quite right . Mr.Keller , may I call at your home sometime the week ? Oh , certainly.When would you like to come ? Well , when will it be convenient for you ? This weekend would be OK with me . I Don't know how they do it ! Our competitors have undercut us by 10 % percent on the price of our latest model . There is no way will be able to compete against that . We're barely breaking even with the present prices . These price wars are disastrous for our bottom line . If they're charging 10 % less than we are , we've got to find a way to lower our price while keeping our profit . Profits are almost nonexistent now , we can't beat their price . How do they keep their price so low ? We can try to lower our cost of production then . We need a price that we can compete with , something comparable with the competition . You really think we can make it ? I don't have much faith in our ability to lower the price again . We're no match for them , the competition will beat us hands down . Did you know Carl is almost fifty ? Are you sure ? He doesn't look that old . He told me so himself . The city has got a traffic problem . That means it's developing very fast . You said it . Problems are inevitable . Well , you seem to enjoy speaking English . You can't help learning when you're using it all day.You ' ll see . A few weeks ' study in the school will have a similar effect on you . I hope so.You see , at the moment I find it difficult to get used to the teacher's speed and accent . I'm awfully worried , I can't reply as quickly as she seems to expect . Oh , she likes keeping us on our toes by getting us use English throughout the class.She doesn't mind your making mistakes , though . You know , speaking in class is a very good chance to put your English to practical use . What ? You want to leave early ? Yes . Can I ? Do you really need to ? Yes . Is it OK with you ? Is it important ? Yes . Do you mind ? You really have to ? Yes . Will you let me ? I guess so . What sort of things do you grow in your garden ? I grow a variety of things , so that something is in bloom all year round . When is your garden at its best ? It looks best in spring , when the plum and cherry blossoms are out . Hi Kevin , how was your year at college ? It was great ! How was your year ? It was good . Do you have a girlfriend at school ? Yes , I'm dating someone . Her name is Amanda . Your tie is handsome . Oh , thank you . Your skirt looks beautiful , too . Did you say that Ted was at your mercy ? Sort of yes . But he is not someone who can be led by the nose . But I am not that someone . I can easily talk him into doing whatever I want him to do . I failed the exam because I didn't study . Serves you right . Good morning . Sanyu Restaurant . May I help you ? What time do you open this evening ? We open at 6:30 , sir . I see . I'd like to reserve a table for two . Yes , sir . What time would you like your table , sir ? I'm not sure , perhaps around 8 pm . Fine ! I'll reserve a table for two at 8 pm , sir . May I have your name , please ? Davis . Thank you , Mr . Davis . Oh , any chance of a table by the window ? My wife loves the bird's eye view . As it's her birthday , I want it to be a celebration . I see . We have already received many bookings and though I can't guarantee anything , please be assured that we'll try our best , Mr . Davis . I hope you'll understand . I do , but I would appreciate you , if it could be arranged . We'll try our best . Thank you . Wow , this is drop-dead gorgeous . So no more regret now ? Don't remind me of that . This would be the last time I cut any classes for a basketball game . Come on . Don't be so hard on yourself . Enjoy your life . I just can't help it . Oh , look at Clive , he is really a big hit . They are definitely gonna win . It's only seven minutes into the game , too early to cheer up . Come on , 18 points already , they are never gonna catch up . Who knows ! It's a long game . Look ! That was a really nice shot ! Thay are coming back to narrow the gap . Wait , that guy , I know him . He is just a bench warmer . A secret weapon . They'd better set up the defense now . Clive is ready to explode . Keep your eyes open . Oh , man ! I can't believe it . A slam dunk ! Good that he resembled his old , quick self . Look at that pretty girl . Wow ! She's gorgeous . What are the seasons like in your city ? Summers are hot and usually lasts a long time . Winters are short , but cold , wet , and windy . I love the summers in my city , but I hate the wintertime . Does it ever rain in summer ? We usually get a big thunderstorm every two weeks , but apart from that , summers are dry . Thunderstorms make the air fresh again , so most people don ’ t mind then . What are spring and autumn like ? I like spring because flowers bloom and trees grow leaves again . In spring , the weather is very changeable-sometimes cold , sometimes warm . It ’ s usually windy with some rain . Autumn is usually sunny and dry , but it ’ s gradually gets colder as winter arrives . What are the seasons like in you city ? Well , I live in the southern hemisphere , so our summertime is your wintertime , and vice versa . We get some rain in every season , but most is in winter . In winter , it sometimes gets cold , but our winters are usually quite mild . Summers are warm , but not hot . Spring and autumn are both very short-sometimes just a few weeks each . The weather is very changeable then-just like spring in your city . Do you usually go on a summer holiday ? No , I don ’ t . I go on a winter holiday instead . I go somewhere warm . I usually go on holiday during the spring or the autumn . I try to go somewhere where the weather is more reliable than in my city . How do you think people get their personalities ? I think it ’ s mainly from the environment a person lives in . Don ’ t you think people get their personalities from their parents ? No , but parents control a lot of the environment that kids grow up in , so they certainly influence their kids ' personalities a lot . So why do you think many kids have personalities that are so different from their parents . Maybe when they become teenagers , they want to be completely different to their parents . You might be right . I guess most parents want their kids to be like them , but kids today grow up in a different environment . You know , they know much more about the world from the internet , newspapers , and tv . Do you think that teenagers get a lot of their bad behaviour from tv and movies ? Maybe some of it . I think a lot of people blame TV and movies when the real problem is that the parents aren ’ t bringing their child up correctly . Parents have a difficult job . They have to bring up their children and usually have to work too . Yes , that ’ s true . Your son is doing well at school , isn ’ t he ? Yes , he is . He ’ s very hardworking when he ’ s at school . Then he comes home from school and does homework before dinner . After dinner , he goes out with his friends . So , he ’ s not a bookworm ? It ’ s good that he has an outgoing personality . Some kids are very quiet and introverted . You wonder they ’ ll survive in the real world without their parents to support them . Are you an art aficionado ? Not really . I like going to an art exhibition once or twice a year . I hardly know anything about art or sculpture . You are a true art lover , aren ’ t you ? I love going to art galleries , particularly when one is holding an exhibition of abstract art . I never understand the meaning of those painting . They are too abstract for me . I didn ’ t pay much attention in art class at school . Art isn ’ t for everyone . I ’ m going to an exhibition tomorrow at the national gallery . It ’ s an exhibition of greek and roman sculpture . I like sculpture , especially that form ancient rome or Greece . What time are you thinking of going ? I ’ d love to go with you . I thought I ’ d have an early lunch and go immediately afterwards . Does that sound ok to you ? Bus 51 goes directly there . That sounds fine . What time shall we meet at the bus stop ? Let ’ s meet at 12:30 . it will probably take us there or four hours to see all of the exhibits . your daughter will be back soon . I'm going to start making dinner . You can just watch some TV in TV room if you like . We just bought a new TV with a LCD screen . The remote control is on the coffee ta would you mind if I helped out in the kitchen instead ? I do enjoy cooking . this is supposed to be your vacation ; we'd like you to just relax . cooking makes me feel relaxed . So , what are we cooking ? ok , well , we're going to make a pan of lasagne , a salad , and some garlic bread . Here's the recipe . Do you want to get the ingredients we need out of the cupboard ? sure . We should probably pre-heat the oven right away , too . that's a good idea . Can you set the oven to 200 degrees Celsius ? that's a bit high for lasagne . I'll just set it at 180 degree and we can take it from there . fine . I'll just get out the casserole dish , the saucepan , the salad bowl , and the baking sheet . you know , I could do this myself . Why don't you go get the screwdriver and the pliers and go fix the vacuum cleaner so it works better ? I don't think it's broken . well , if it's not broken , then you need to learn how to vacuum better , because it doesn't look like you've vacuumed for ages ! fine . I'll go vacuum . Let me know if you need any other help . It's very kind of you to come and see us off . My pleasure.What a pity you have to leave so soon ! We would stay longer . but I've got to attend a meeting tomorrow morning . Thank you for your warm hospitality . You're welcome . Maybe next time we'll come to see you . My wife and I will look forward to it . I promise the next holiday I have we're coming to visit . Oh , what's your flight number ? lt's Flight No . 302 , Northwest Orient Airlines . They just announced the boarding call . Then we've got to get going . OK . Bon voyage and a safe landing . Thank you again for all your help . Bye . Labor is an abundant resource here . One of many abundant resources , I'd like to point out . I'm afraid I've had a terrible row with my boss . What shall I do ? I think you'd better apologize . Oh , but I can't . It wasn't my fault . Maybe not , but I advice you to say it was your fault . What's the matter with you ? You look so upset and tired . My father failed in business . Oh , that's really tough . Maybe it is the most difficult period of my family have experienced . I can understand . By the way , is there anyway I can help ? No , not now . I have found a part-time job.So perhaps I can help my family to come over the difficulties . Oh , that's so great , bless you ! if you need me , I'll always be there . Thank you . Come in . It's nice to see you again . It's nice to be here . Would you care for a drink ? Just a club soda for me , please . What can I do for you ? I want to check out these books . I need your library card . I have it right here . It seems you have late fees . Are you sure ? Yes , I ’ m sure . How much ? Your late fees come to $ 24.50 . I don ’ t have that right now . You have to pay it off before you can check out more books . I ’ ll do that soon . Hi Sarah , how are you ? Fine , how are you doing ? OK . What do you want to do ? I'm hungry . I'd like to eat something . Where do you want to go ? I'd like to go to an Italian restaurant . What kind of Italian food do you like ? I like spaghetti . Do you like spaghetti ? No , I don't , but I like pizza . How was your date with Betty ? Let's change the subject . The Johnson are on their way back . You remember them , don't you ? Johnson ? I can't place them . We met them in Bermuda last May . They've completely slipped my mind . The couple with the dogs-think back . No , I don't recall a thing about them . Well , I've invited them for brunch . Hmm , I must be getting absent-minded . Good to see you . Come on in . Thank you . Here's a present for you . Oh , you shouldn't . But thank you very much . I have never experienced a roller coaster . I want you to sit beside me . Wait a moment , I want to go to the toilet . You try to put on a brave face . It seems that you are an optimistic man who doesn't dismay easily . That is what a good salesman needs . Good luck . Thank you . I guess we have covered all the stuff that we need to discuss and it's time to say goodbye . Yes , goodbye and keep in touch . What are you going to do for your year abroad , Tim ? Study study study ! I want to learn a lot . You ’ re going to take courses ? Yes , I ’ m going to take some university courses there . Sounds hard . Yes , but I think it ’ s probably for the best . Won ’ t you get lonely ? Hey , I ’ m a pretty cool guy ; I ’ ll make friends . And I ’ ll have a lot of extra-curricular activities too . You know , like fencing or theater or something . You're from New York , aren't you ? Yes , that's right . What do you suggest I should see in New York ? Well , how about the Museum of Modern Art ? No , I don't like museums.They ' re boring . Why don't you go to see the Empire State Building ? Ah ! That sounds interesting . I ’ ll sing you a song . Yes , sing a song . But don ’ t sing a sad song . Most of my songs are sad , sorry . Well , please sing one that ’ s not sad . OK , I ’ ll sing San Francisco then . Is this Zhang Lin's home ? Yes.Oh , it's you , Linda . I haven't seen you for a long time.Well , come in and sit down.How about something to drink ? Yes , please . I'm a little thirsty , actually . Would you like tea or coffee ? Coffee , please . Here you are . Would you like to talk over a drink ? That sounds good . How are you doing , Linda ? Just fine.Are you busy now ? No . I'm just killing time . Shall we visit our math teacher tomorrow ? Yes . I haven't been in his house for several weeks.When shall we start ? How about eight o'clock tomorrow morning ? All right . See you tomorrow . I am going to celebrate my birthday with you all in a night club this year , what do you say ? Fantastic ! I enjoy clubbing , especially those clubs with live bands . The only fly in the ointment is that the air is bad , full of smoke , and the music is too loud , so conversations are not really possible . Once I nearly got burnt by a cigarette . How did that happen ? A wild dancer dropped it on my left foot and said nothing about it . If I had drunk enough and I would have had the bold to punch him in the face . Sounds cool ! But that is not what a lady should do . People are easy to lose head in a night club and being drunk . How's your mother doing ? She is so pretty sick . That's too bad . I wish your mother can recover soon . Thank you . The trouble is not that . It is that he may suddenly remember something I promised him a couple of weeks ago , out of a clear blue sky . Then he complains that I have gone back on my words . Does he do that with his Dad ? I mean , does he complain things to his father ? He never does , and in fact , he seldom communicates with him . But didn ’ t you say that his Dad takes him under his wings ? Yes , I did . He only takes side with him . He seldom asks what Dick is doing . Do you know where you want to transfer to ? I don ’ t have the slightest clue . What school would you like to go to ? I ’ m not sure . You honestly have no idea ? PCC is perfectly fine for me . You might as well stay here . That ’ s not a bad idea . PCC is a wonderful institution . You have a point . So , what are you going to do ? I ’ m just going to keep going to PCC . Hi , Walter ! Hi , Sterling ! What do you think of our new teacher ? Professor Wood ? I think he's a brilliant scientist . You're got a point there.But do you think he's a little absent-minded ? I guess so . Hello , Bob , this is Frank . I know , we've met . I didn't know you knew Frank . Yes , we met last year at a conference . Aren't you staying for the party ? No . I'm tired and I've got to work tomorrow . I don't blame you for getting some rest . Yeah . I need to . What ? What happened with that guy at the cafe ? nothing But you ’ re crazy about him ? Yes , I am . Why don ’ t you run off with him ? What are you waiting for ? I don ’ t actually know him . Really ? I only know him through the ... you are not gonna believe this . Oh , let me guess . Through the internet ? Yes . Hmm . You ’ Ve got mail . How do you like Tom ? I like him very much . He ’ s a gay dog . Are you ready to welcome him ? I am all set . He can come anytime . What kind of job have you ever had ? I used to work as a teacher . How did you like your job ? Oh , if I hadn't moved here I would never thought of changing it . It ’ s a wonderful party , Joan , The food , the drink , the atmosphere ... Everyone is enjoying himself . Thanks to your help.To our friendship . Bottoms up ! By the way what kind of entertainment are we gonna have ? Dancing . The boys from the Campus Band have promised to play music for us . Oh , how wonderful ! Every girl on the campus has a crush on those handsome guys . I'll surely make introductions for them . This is the first time for me to have a Chinese guest . I hope you like western cooking . Yes . I like it very much . Cooking is a hobby with me . I'm always trying to think up new recipes . I hope you like the soup . It's kind of a specialty of mine , so I hope you enjoy it . It's excellent . Thank you for your compliment . Won't you try this fish with white sauce ? I'm rather round of it . It's delicious . What sort of western food do you like best ? I like beefsteak very much . Have you tried Chinese dishes ? I find the Chinese dishes wonderful . Well , it's getting late . I have to get up early tomorrow . So I must say good night . It's still early . To be a revolutionary needs great courage ! He must be courageous enough to fly in the face of established authorities . Galileo is one of them . So are Copernicus and many others . I think Andy's party will be fun . Yeah , I think so . Oh , by the way , I need to ask you something . What's that ? Could I get back the sweater you borrowed ? Sure . Oh , that reminds me . Could I borrow your black leather boots ? My boots ? Er ... Sure , ok . Hot in here , isn't it ? Yeah , really . Is it Ok if I sit here ? Of course . Suit yourself . Thanks . My name's Bill Peters , by the way . Hi , I'm Susan Jackson . Nice to meet you . And what do you do , Susan ? I'm a student at UCLA . Oh , are you ? And what are you studying ? Medicine . Really ? Yes , I want to be a doctor one of these days . What about you ? I'm an engineer , I work for Boeing . Say , would you like a drink ? Sure . Thanks . So , Fred , what are your plans for after graduation ? Well , I've already got a job waiting for me back in my hometown . That's cool . Have you already found an apartment to live in ? I ’ m planning on living with my parents . Won't you ? I couldn't even if I wanted to . My parents told me that if I went home , then I'd have to find my own place . You mean they're kicking you out ? Not really , they just don't want me living at home . My older sister did that , and she lived at home for seven years . Once she started living at home , it got harder and harder for her to move out . Well , it's not like my parents want me to live at home the rest of my life . They said that it's ok if I move back home to begin with , but they want me to find a place of my own after a year or so . My parents just didn't handle my older sister very well , and because of that , they want me to be more independent . They think that it's important that I should learn how to live on my own . I know I need to learn that myself , but I just don't have the money for it at the moment . Living at home allows me to save up some money before I started finding a place . I'd love to continue this conversation , but I really need to go now . I have to get back to the office . Well , let's get together soon . Okay . Would you like to have lunch some day next week ? Sure . How about Monday ? Hmm . I'm afraid I can't make it on Monday . I've got to fly to Chicago on business . Well unfortunately , I'm tied up on Tuesday . I'm supposed to have lunch with an important visitor from out of town , and I don't think there's any way I can get out of it.Are you free on Wednesday ? Wednesday ? Let me see . Hmm . Somehow I think I've already got something scheduled for Wednesday . Oh , yes ! I've got an appointment with my dentist to have my teeth cleaned , and it's essential that I keep it . Well , I'm afraid Thursday is out for me . I'm expected to attend a meeting of our personnel committee , and it's very important for me to be there . So that leaves Friday . I don't have any obligations or commitments on Friday.How about you ? Friday sounds good . Where should we meet ? You know , I really must be going now or I'll be very late . Can you give me a call tomorrow an we'll decide ? Where are you going ? It ’ s Tuesday today . I always go to my class on Tuesday night . I didn ’ t know you were taking any kind of class . Tell me about it . Well , I ’ m learning how to use math in the business environment . What for ? The job market is so competitive nowadays . I want to develop some useful skills . I really admire you for that . How is it going ? It ’ s going all right . I ’ m learning some things for the first time , but I ’ m also brushing up on some things that I already know . May I ask what the name is the girl ? Which one ? The tallest one . She is Miao Li . She's come here to see her brother . Oh , it's so . She looks very lovely . Could you give me some else information on her ? OK . She's a costume designer and works in a garment mill . How do you think about her ? She looks very beautiful . She is a nice girl . I'm wondering if she has boyfriend . No , she hasn't . Great ! Thank you very much . How may I help you ? I want to get a passport . You need to apply for a passport . When can I apply for it ? You can apply right now . I ’ d like to do that . Fill this out , please . What ’ s next ? I will need to take your passport picture . When will my passport be ready ? It will take about three weeks . That ’ s great . Thank you . What are you thinking about ? About my boyfriend . Again ! You are really a wet blanket . Mr . : For tomorrow , read pages 12 to 20 . Then do exercises one through ten on page 21 . Do we have to type out our homework ? Mr . : No . You only do that when you write reports . Is there anything else ? Mr . : For those of you who don't have a calculator , get one . We are allowed to use a calculator in class ? Mr . : Yes . By the way , review today's notes this evening . We may have a small quiz tomorrow . Lucy , come here ! I can see the lake which is in the center of park . It is beautiful ! Look , there are so many birds around it . It is a great place for a relaxing vacation . Listen to the sound of nature ! It's like music . Yeah , I agree . It makes you feel really good . What are those ? Do you mean the red things ? They are roses . I'm going to take more pictures today . Me , too . So , is L . A . all it's cracked up to be ? Well , the stereotype in the movies is that L . A . is a frivolous town with a lot of flaky people . I guess , in the back of my mind , that's what I expected . And , is it what you found ? Well , it is and it's not . The city of L . A . is much bigger and more diverse than I had expected . There are people here from all over the country and all over world , like New York . I've heard people say that in L . A . , everyone is from somewhere else . Tha's partly true . So , I've met all kinds of people here . What I'm realizing is that the picture of L . A . that's in movies only represents a small segment of the city . You're right . Life isn't always like the movies . Good morning , Miss . Morning . Can I help you ? Yes , I'd like to know how to use the library . You know , I'm a new student here . All you need is your student identification card to check out books . Yes . Here's my identification . That's all you need . Thank you very much . By the way , how many books am I allowed to check out ? You can check out two books at a time . But you can't check out newspapers , magazines and periodicals , they have to be read within library . How long can I keep the books ? For two weeks . After that you must renew the book if you wish to keep them longer . I want a book on physics . Could you show me where I can find it ? Yes , over there to your left . What a wonderful game ! Yes , the weather is wonderful , the game is wonderful and the players are wonderful . I think John is the best player on the field . He certainly is . He is the Peckham in our collage . Maybe he shouldn ’ t come to collage , he should become a football star . Thank you for organizing this great baby shower for me ! I ’ Ve always been to baby showers but never actually had one held for me ! Let ’ s get started ! Ok , let ’ s start opening some presents ! Oh look ! What a great little bib for the baby ! This will definitely come in handy ! Oh wow , you also got me a stroller ! That ’ s so great ! Thank you ! This next one is from Betty . A highchair and car seat ! Wow Betty , thank you so much ! I really appreciate it ! One more from Carla . A playpen and crib ! Thanks Carla ! This is just what I needed ! OK , that ’ s all of them.No more gifts . Now who wants to guess when the baby is due ? Umm . I think my water just broke ! Get me to a hospital ! By the way , how many books am I allowed to check out ? You can check out two books at a time . How long can I keep the books ? For two weeks . After that you must renew the books if you wish to keep them longer . Susan ? What brings you here today ? Well , I ’ Ve got some papers due . Really ? So what ’ s the news ? Not too good yet . Better than I was though . I'm going on a guided tour in the mountain . You'll see the world-famous magnificent waterfall . I like the sight and the sound . It worked on me like a magic when I was a child Your dream will come true . It's really breathtaking I work so hard that I do not have the energy to exercise . That is just an excuse.You can always find some time to exercise . But I work hard all the time for long hours . Often I have no time for lunch . Yet , I am still getting fatter . Bill , you know that work is not the same as exercise as it is stressful but not relaxing.And skipping meals will not help you lose weight.In fact your body will only store fat if you miss meals . I know you're right , but what can I do ? How about going for a walk instead of sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper after dinner every night ? But I'll miss the news.It ' s important in my business to keep up with events in China . I know , I know.Have you got a portable radio ? You can listen to the news and get healthy at the same time . That's a good idea ! Excuse me , how can I fill in this blank ? What does marital status mean ? Are you married ? No , I'm still single . Then , you put S in this blank . Good morning , you look very tired . Yes , I nearly didn't sleep last night . Did you hold a party or something else yesterday ? No , I just watched Supergirl , and it began too late in the night . I was too excited to get asleep after one o'clock . I don't like this program , because there are too many constant arguments between the judges . The contestants are different . These girls perform in free styles . Do you have much time watching TV ? I think less than 3 hours . This year I didn't watch any entertainment programs . Too many ads between the programs . I prefer listening to the radio . I don't like ads , either . But ads could bring big profits to the TV station . If they could make beautiful ads , I could bear . You should draw a picture of a fancy kingdom of animals in forty minutes . All right . But how ? Just imagine , if a horse can fly , if a bird can swim ... and things like that . I see . But could you give me another piece of paper ? OK . Here you are . Anybody who wants help , please come to me . Thank you so much , Mr Addison . Mom , I've got something to tell you . So , please ! Aunt Jane buys a new bike for Tom . He is putting on grand airs . I bought you a new one last year . Isn't it handsome ? It is great . But Tom's bike is so much better than mine . Frankly , he is more well-behaved than you . Nothing of that sort ! Why hasn't the bus come yet ? Every morning we have to wait for so long . Mom , it's OK . I will buy a big car one day . It is faster than the bus . Really ? I am looking forward to that . What about the traffic ? Let me see.Yes . I will buy a plane for you . There is no traffic up there . Hey Steve . When's the next time you're going to play golf ? I'm going out this Saturday . Do you already have a foursome ? Unfortunately , we do . Let's plan for something together for Wednesday . We can go right after work . That sounds good . Where do you want to play ? We won't have much time , so let's play somewhere close to work . How about Bellevue ? It's pretty close . How much does it cost over there ? Twilight rates are 21 dollars . That's pretty good . Let's do it . Aright . I'll get a tee time for Wednesday at about 4 Make it 4 Ok . I'll call you later when I get a tee time . Sounds good . I'll see you on Wednesday then . Aright . Have fun on Saturday . Will do . What's the weather like in your hometown ? Um , very nice . It's warm in spring and cool in autumn . Is it hot in summer ? Yes , it is , but not as hot as in Beijing . He told the police that Ted was the murderer . He is playing hob with the fact . Why do you say so ? Because he stayed with me all the time that night . Hey , let's arm wrestle ! Not now . Chicken ! You're afraid I'll beat you . Are you kidding ? I just feel tired right now . Oh , God . It ’ s late . I ’ m afraid I have to leave . But you just got here . Can ’ t you stay a little longer and have some tea ? That ’ s very kind of you . But if I don ’ t go now I ’ ll miss the last bus . That ’ s too bad . Thank you for your hospitality . Thanks for coming . How about next time we meet at my place ? And I ’ ll treat you to Chinese food . I know how much you like it . We can order in and watch video too . Anything you like , I promise . Great idea . I ’ m looking forward to it . See you then . Well . I really do have to go . Good night then . See you tomorrow . isn't it wonderful walking here ? what do you mean ? I mean look at all these magnificent tall buildings around us . yes , look over there . That's the Empire State Building . My book says it's 102 stories tall . it's quite famous but don't you think it looks a bit old-fashioned ? you're right , but when it was built in 1930 it was a marvel of technology and engineering . what other important buildings are we going to see on Fifth Avenue ? quite a number . Actually every skyscraper has a history . A few blocks ahead we'll see St.Patrick ' s Cathedral and just across the street will be the world-renowed Rockefeller Center . It's a landmark what's there after that ? well then , there's a Central Park . Facing the park on Fifth Avenue is probably some of the most expensive properties in the world . what are all they for ? most of them are office buildings , huge department stores , and hotels but some are just private homes . New York is one of the financial centers of the words so there are lots of very expensive places . Hi , Daisy ! Hi Simon . Nice to meet you again I hope you are Settling in at school ! I am ! I've made lots of friends and I really enjoy my courses . Good ! Me too ! By the way . you didn't tell me what you are studying here . Didn't I ? I'm doing business studies . Really ? That's great . You hope to join a company after graduating ? Maybe . My parents moved to Canada the year when I was born . We are living in Toronto . Suppose I might get a job in Toronto when I graduate . It's too soon to say really . What about your friend Zoe She's from Australia . She lives in Sydney . Her father runs a hotel business there and she is doing a degree in accountancy . Accountancy ? Really ? She must be very good at figures . I guess so . What about you , Simon ? I'm studying law . Great ! So I'll know who to call if I ever need a lawyer . Sure , welcome anytime Emily , are you getting rushed by a sorority ? More than one . I think the count is now three , if I remember correctly . Wow . I'm getting rushed too , but just one . Are you thinking of joining any of them ? I don't know . I know there are advantages to joining , but I'm not much into group stuff . The guys I've talked to say that the activities that go on in a frat house can be a little distracting depending on the group . I think I'm going to decline . I just prefer to do my own thing . Were your parents involved in that kind of thing at all when they went to school ? My dad was , but not my mom . Are you studying any languages here ? Yes , I'm studying in the Foreign Languages Department . What are you majoring in ? I'm majoring in English . Is it difficult to learn ? Yes . The language is hard to learn , but it's interesting . Do you know anything about Britain and America ? I'm reading a lot of books about the two countries . I like the culture . Right.It ' s important to learn the culture of a nation if you want to learn the language well . You're right . How are you ? I'm fine thanks . How about you ? I'm okay . What are you doing these days ? Not a lot , actually . Busy at work of course - we've got a big project coming up in Malaysia . I may have to go to KL in a few weeks . That's great . When are you starting ? Probably in a week or two . I'll let you know . Mary is such a cautious girl ! What do you mean by cautious ? She never puts words into her mouth , she only repeats the opinions of others . Thats a clever way to escape responsibility . He has a girlfriend already . You are kidding ! He just broke up with Ann . Her new girlfriend is a far cry from Ann . She is like a breath of fresh air . I hope I will meet her soon . Let ’ s cross here . You ’ re kidding . We ’ ll never make it across in one piece ! Let ’ s cross at the light . Now we have to walk all the way down to the end of the street . If you want to cross here , be my guest . I don ’ t feel like dodging cars and scooters ! Jenny , are you having fun here ? Yes , of course . This is really a nice party with wonderful people and lovely wines . I ’ m glad you ’ re enjoying it . Thank you for the invitation . It ’ s my pleasure . Would you like another glass of champagne ? Yes , please . Thank you for everything . Steven , have you ever met Hanson ever since he went back to London ? No , but we still stay in touch . What's the way you keep in contact ? We contact through email . Email is not always the best form . I think QQ is way better . Your words sound a bit reasonable . But don ’ t forget the time difference . You're right . Joanna , I will go to the outlet center . You wanna go with me ? It's so faraway . I saw Emily yesterday evening . She was wearing a CD evening gown . She told me she bought it in the outlet center and she saved $ 120 ! $ 120 ? ! Then I should go and see what I can get ... Hello Mike ! Would you like a drink ? No , thank you . I had too much to drink yesterday evening . I had a bad hangover this morning . My head felt terrible . Were you celebrating something ? Yes . It was a friend ’ s birthday party . We drank all kinds of things-beer , wine and spirits . After midnight , we were even drinking cocktails ! It ’ s a bad idea to drink a combination of alcoholic drinks . You should stick with one for the whole evening . I know , but it was a celebration , you Kwon ? I don ’ t think I ’ Ve see you drunk . I usually only drink beer and I rarely drink more than a few pints . You are a sensible drinker . Anyway , I ’ m not going to drink any alcohol this evening . I don ’ t ’ want another bad hangover . Let me buy you a soft drink then . How about a coke ? Yeah . That ’ s a good idea . I heard that coke was first used as a medicine . Rally ? ... barman ! ... a large coke with ice and lemon , please ... thanks . Here ’ s the money . Are you going to the wine tasting tomorrow ? Yes . I thought it might be interesting to learn a little about wine ... ... and taste a few ! There will be wines from several countries and an expert to give advice on which wines are good and which ones are not . Yes . I ’ m looking forward to it . Excuse me , do you know where the visa office is ? Yes , I do . I ’ ll walk you there . Thanks ! Are you applying to study or work abroad ? I want to study abroad . What do you want to study ? I hope to study English literature . Have you got your visa yet ? Not yet . I have an interview with the visa official today . I see . Is it your first interview ? No , I've already been to here for three interviews . What happened ? I was denied a visa ? Why ? Like most students . I want to work in America after graduation . I see . Well , good luck ! He's only interested in harassing you . How can he expect us to have so much time to waste ? I almost want to send him a virus to shut his stupid computer down . As obnoxious as Bean is , we should still try to finish this case . True-well , do you have any forwards for me to send him ? Yeah ! Remember that one about putting light bulbs in your mouth ? What does your sister look like , Mike ? Well , she ’ s tall and pretty . Is she like you ? I suppose so . We ’ re both friendly and easy-going . Is she as clever as you ? No , she ’ s not as clever as me . Big head ! When were you born may I ask ? On 20th May 1963 . Do you know what it was according to the lunar calendar ? 27th day of the fourth month . By the way , could you tell me when the film will begin ? It will begin at five thirty . I am frigid I can't be there on time . You can see it tomorrow . I don't want to miss it today . See you . See you . Honey , do you have a second ? Sure ! Are you okay ? You seem a bit worried.What ’ s on your mind ? We need to talk . Okay ... I ’ Ve been thinking , and well , I think we need to start seeing other people . What ? Why ? I mean , we ’ Ve had our ups and downs , and we have the occasional disagreement , but we ’ re happy together , aren ’ t we ? That ’ s just it , I ’ m not happy anymore , Tim . It ’ s not you , it ’ s me . I know that I can be hard to deal with , and you are a great guy ! You are the type of guythat any woman would kill for ! So , what are you saying ? You ’ re breaking up with me because I ’ m perfect ? Tim , you are too good for me . You deserve someone who can make you smile and make you happy the way that you made me happy . Oh , I could say that I ’ ll be all you need , but that would be a lie . I know I ’ d only hurt you , I know I ’ d only make you cry . Baby , come on . Don ’ t do this to me ! Whatever it is , we can work it out . Just give me another chance ! I know that we can get through this , but we gotta stick together ! Don ’ t leave me . I can ’ t , Tim . I hope someday you can find some way to understand I ’ m only doing this for you . I don ’ t really wanna go but , deep in my heart I know this is the kindest thing to do . Laura ... Here are your keys . I ’ ll send my sister to pick up the rest of my things next week . I ’ m sorry , Tim . I wish you all the best , and I hope that one day we can meet again . I ’ ll always love you . Goodbye . Did you hear what happened to Mike in Accounts ? No . What ? He got arrested on Friday night and spent the night in jail . No . Really , what happened ? Well , it was all a big mistake , actually . He got home on Friday night really late , and apparently he'd been out drinking with some clients , so he was really drunk . Was he out with the guys from the bank ? Yes , I think so . Oh , yeah , they always get really drunk . Well , anyway , he'd somehow lost his wallet and his house keys , so he couldn't get in . He lives alone , you know . Oh , really . I thought he lived with his wife . No , she left him last year . Oh , really ? Do you know why ? Hang on , let me finish telling you what happened . Where was I ? He lost his wallet and keys . Oh yes , well , he tried to climb in through the bathroom window , but apparently he slipped and broke the glass with his foot . The neighbors heard him and thought a robbery was in progress , so they called the police . Oh , no . Yes . So when the cops arrived , they didn't believe his story So then what happened ? Well , when he sobered up , he called someone from work to come and bail him out . Well , that's a bit of a tricky situation . Yes , I know . What's your opinion about childless couples ? Will you choose to have no kids ? To be honest , I wouldn't . Why ? Do you have to make a choice now ? Not really . But it has puzzled me for a long time . What's the puzzle ? My husband and I prefer to have no kids , but my mother-in-law is very traditional and wants grandkids . Oh , I see . I think the older generation tend to think in a different way . Yes . It seems she can never accept a childless marriage . We had a fight last night . Oh , really ? Maybe she is just eager to see her grandchildren . But it's absolutely our own business to have a child or not . Definitely . You know , I often overhear our neighbor , the young couple , fighting about how to raise their kid and I really don't want kids to spoil our happiness . Don't worry . I think in most cases , children are the glue that keeps a family together . I guess you're right . But I still prefer to have no child . Sure . You can fully enjoy your time together . Hi , Jim and Wendy . Where're you going ? We're going to that new restaurant for lunch . Would you like to join us ? You ’ re a big fan of Andy Lau , aren ’ t you ? Yes , I ’ Ve been got all his albums and most of his films on DVD . I adore him . He ’ s my idol . How come you don ’ t have all of his films on DVD ? Some of his early films are hard to find nowadays , especially the ones where he only played a bit part . I see . I ’ m sure you ’ ll find them one day . I see you also have several poster of him . Yes . These posters are new . I bought them last week and put them up on my bedroom walls yesterday . Are you a member of his fan club ? I was , but then I discovered you can find out everything for free on the internet , so I ’ m not a member now . Did you see the interview with Andy Lau in cosmopolitan magazine last month ? Of course ! I bought two copies . Two copies ? One to keep and one to cut the pictures out of , right ? How did you enjoy your family party at “ ginger ’ s ” ? I hear that they have a lovely menu and buffet . Oh , it was great . We had seafood buffet . They do one every Friday . The waiters and waitresses are very good . They are very attentive , but don ’ t hang around the table . I like the buffets they have , but if often order a la carte , because I don ’ t feel extremely hungry . I like the wine list there too . Yes , so do I . they have wines from all over the world . There is a good range of prices to suit every pocket . We ordered some Australian red wine , which tasted delicious and wasn ’ t expensive . Some restaurants allow you to take your own wine and just charge you corkage , but the don ’ t do that at “ ginger ’ s ” . what was included in the seafood buffet ? They had almost every kind of seafood . There were oyster , shrimp , prawns , crabs , and fish . I ate a lot of smoked salmon . Did they have lobster ? No , they didn ’ t . you could order it from the menu . I think that lobster is too expensive to be included in the buffet . Yes , it probably is . I don ’ t like ordering oysters in restaurants . You never know whether they are fresh . I know . I didn ’ t eat any , but a few people in our group did and no one got sick . When you eat out , do you usually eat from the buffet ? Not usually . I usually just order a main course and have a dessert if I ’ m still hungry afterwards . Oh , you don ’ t usually have a starter ? No , I might have a soup if it ’ s a cold winter day . Harry , do you like the opera ? No , not really . Why is that ? It is called real art . Well , it's very expensive and they're usually singing in another language . That kind of gets on my nerves . Yeah , that makes sense . Hello there ! Come on in ! Don ’ t just stand there ! Come and take a seat ! Um , okay . Well , I just want a trim . Nothing too fancy . Oh my gosh ! Your hair is amazing ! So silky , so shiny ! I am going to work my magic on your hair ! You hear me ? You are going to look like a million bucks ! Okay . Um ... can you make sure my sideburns are even and you just take a little off the top . Don ’ t you worry , I ’ ll take care of everything ! Oh my god ! I just love your curly hair ! It ’ s so fluffy and cute ! You should totally let it grow out . An afro would look great on you ! Um ... no . Okay , but you are going to be my masterpiece ! May doesn't get along very well with her mother-in-law . Yeah . That's just what is troubling John . Poor John ! He is bothering both sides of this bread . This situation isn't easy to handle . what do you think about this store ? I heard it ’ s a posh store that ’ s only got branches in big cities . I love this store . The only problem is that it ’ s extremely expensive . don ’ t worry . I ’ Ve decided that for your birthday I ’ m going to take you shopping for a new dress . really ? I thought you hated shopping ? I do , that ’ s why you should appreciate this gift ! sure . That ’ s really nice of you . Let ’ s go in and try some things on . how about this red dress ? I think it would really suit you . that ’ s gorgeous ! Do they have it in a size 8 ? here you go.On any other day , it would cost me a fortune , but it ’ s on special offer today . I think this color isn ’ t quite right for me . Do they have the same dress in white ? let me look . Let ’ s see ... they ’ Ve got one in blue , green , pink , black ... and white . Here you are . this is perfect ! What do you think ? I think you look fantastic . Happy Birthday ! I ’ m so lucky . You only get a chance like this once in a blue moon ! Thanks honey ! Judy , what is everybody talking about ? Haven ’ t you heard ? Richard was fired by our manager . You ’ re kidding . It can ’ t be true . Believe it or not . Everybody is talking about it in the company . Really ? I ’ m surprised . Me too . Do you think that climate change is responsible for the recent floods ? It could be . There are floods in this country almost every year , but in recent years they have been more widespread and more frequent . It seems that the climate in this country is changing . The summers are hotter . The last three summers have been the hottest for the past 200 years . There have also been stronger winds . I think that the changing climate is a sign that we are causing too much damage to the environment . I think you ’ re right . Climate change naturally over time , but I think that human activities are speeding up the change . I wish that government would join together and try to resolve the problem . Me too . If we don ’ t do something soon , It might be too late . I remember you said that you like China because it has cheap beers . Yes , unbelievably cheap . Carlsborg is less than $ 1 . Why do you drink ? I mean , where does drinking get you ? It's fashionable . Come on , you don't even know that blinds following is a sign of immaturity . Mary , it's not about the blind following . What matter is I enjoy in drinking . It's like when you get off of work . You're so tired . You need to get relaxed . You can't just turn on the TV and keep watch the programs until you fall asleep . You need to make your after work time more fun . How ? By drinking ? Drinking is just part of it . I mean , you have a bunch of friends coming by and having fun . You drink and talk . And the more you drink , the more you talk . It makes me so relaxed . When did you begin to drink ? It's a long time ago . When I first went to a bar to pick up girls there , I saw the most beautiful girl sitting and sipping a coke . Then I went up to her and said ' can I buy you a drink ? ' And then ? Then I talked to her and got her number . You know what ? When you don't know what to say ? Just drink . So you get drunk every day ? What is your favorite pastime ? Fishing . It's great fun . Is it ? Mine is climbing mountains on Sunday mornings . No wonder you always look so active . hello , Deva , how are you ? can't complain . What about you ? not bad . Have you heard Wendy divorced her husband ? I've heard . She looks quite depressed . Yes . They used to be joined at the hip . I heard they were just married for 5 months . yes , she said they couldn't communicate well with each other and they often argued over trivial things . yeah . Mixed marriage is tempting but crisis-ridden . you said it . You know , they fall in love at first sight and quickly jumped into marriage . maybe they were just attracted to each other but too different to be married . yeah . We Chinese have quite different lifestyles and values from foreigners . definitely . That's why many cross-cultural marriages end in divorce . we've heard so much about Chinese film stars divorcing foreigners . that's true.Just hope Wendy can recover from the pain of divorce soon . Here's Copellini's , my cousin's store . Sounds like an Italian name with an “ i ” at the end . Admit it . You just think of Mussolini . No , I'm an art lover , so I think more of Bellini and Botticelli ! Ah , yes . The Italians do love the sensual forms of the human body . Don't we all ... hey ! Your cousin sells gift items ? Yeah-all from Italy . See all the saints ? They're important to Roman Catholics . Thanks for the pizza . It was delicious . It's okay . Next time , it's on me . Don't be silly . I'm serious . Alright . Next time , we can try some other flavors . Certainly . The vegetarian pizza looks pretty good . It must be very delicious . Definitely . I really like Italian food . I really admire you , Diana . Why , Jerry ? Your words just came out of the blue . You are always happy and able to achieve high scores at school . I work very hard and that's it , you know , practice makes perfect . Isn't there anything else ? I have no idea . You must have a high IQ score . Well , Jerry , let me tell you a secret . Go ahead . My IQ score is slightly above average . Seriously ? But you are such a genius . Maybe I've got a higher EQ . I'm not sure . Well , perhaps you're right . Sometimes EQ matters more than IQ . You can say that again , Jerry . And I'm sure you're high in both of them . With a little more time cracking the books , you can also get high marks . OK , thank you . I'm going to the library , are you coming ? Let's go ! The academy is an important part of the education system . I couldn't agree with you more . What does this have to do with me ? You know all about coffee . I need your advice , so I won't look stupid when I order . Order tea . Isn't that what you like to drink ? Come on , Hugh ! Tea is for wimps ! Please , I need your help . If you want to be macho , order a double shot of espresso . Now you're talking . That sounds good . What is it ? Your father looks much younger in the picture . He was 20 years old then . How old is he now ? He's over sixty . Hey , Mike , is Jenny coming with us ? Yes . Why ? Nothing . I'm just asking . Just asking ? But why is your face burning like mad ? Ah-huh , someone has a crush on Jenny , doesn't he ? Who has a crush ? ! Come on , Ted , don't be such a chicken . If you like her , you've got to tell her . Maybe she likes you . Well , I don't have the guts to ask her out . What're you so afraid of ? Just tell her what you're feeling about her . I'd totally die if she turned me down . But that's better than keeping everything to yourself . You've got to let her know . Come on ! You've got to take a chance ! Even though you are rejected , it's not the end of the world ! There's nothing to lose , is there ? I don't know ... Well , maybe , you're right , but how am I going to tell her ? It looks like it's going to be sunny . Yes , it's much better than yesterday . They say we're going to get some rain later . Oh , let's just hope it stays warm . Does anyone need a drink ? I'll take one . How's the cooler situation ? It's still stocked , and there's plenty of ice . Here you are-cheers ! Cheers . You guys didn't drive , did you ? No , we walked . Why , do you need us to carry some stuff home later ? No , it's just that it's a holiday . With everyone out partying , there's a lot of drunk driving . Thanks a million . My pleasure . ( It was my pleasure . ) Would you honor us with a visit ? I'd love to . Thanks . When will you be convenient ? Any time will suit me . Are you doing anything tomorrow ? I'm free tomorrow . I'll pick you up at about nine o'clock , will it do ? All right , see you then . Would you mind if I use your tape-recorder ? I don't mind . Go ahead . I'll give it back to you in a couple of days . OK . You can keep it as long as you need . What are you doing this weekend ? I am not sure . What are you doing ? I was thinking of maybe taking a drive to the beach . That sounds like a great idea ! Would you be interested in joining me ? Sure , I would love to go with you . When would you be leaving ? I thought that we could leave around 8 That would give us plenty of time to explore . Did you know that there is a music festival on the beach in Santa Barbara ? That was part of my plan . Well then , I'll see you on Saturday . Thanks for asking me to go with you . Congratulations on your success in the competition . That is quite something . Thank you . I was lucky this time . I think luck played a very small part in your victory . It is solely due to your hard work and efforts . That brings honor to you and joy to us . I am flattered . It is real word . Thank you very much . Oh ! You're engaged ! What a beautiful engagement ring ! Who to ? Of course Mike . Who else ? We fell in love at first sight . When's the wedding going to be ? We haven't decided yet . There are a lot of things to sort out , you know . Are you having a big wedding ? Yes , I've always dream of having a big wedding . But what do you say about that ? I don't really enjoy big occasions , but I think I ’ ll come round to the idea in the end , It only happens once in a lifetime . Perhaps I'll agree with Mike . I couldn't stand a big wedding with many relatives and friends of my parents or my wife whom I'd never met before . Who ’ s this ? your girl-friend ? No , it ’ s my sister . How old is she ? She ’ s 18 . She is tall ? Yes , she is . And she is thin , isn ’ t she ? Well , just a little thin . How ’ re you today ? Pretty good , thanks . And you ? What ’ s the main idea in this essay ? The United Nations should have more authority . Hi , Walter ! Hi , Sterling ! What do you think of our new teacher ? Professor Wood ? I think he's a brilliant scientist . You're got a point there.But do you think he's a little absent-minded ? I guess so . I don't understand why some parents keep beefing and complaining about their daughters not being able to follow suit . Yeah . Li Na's mother has been building a fire under her since her neighbour's daughter got married with a Canadian . She's almost driving Li Na crazy . If I were Li Na , I would ask her if she had done that . She a as meek as a lamb . She never goes against anyone or anything . She's as good as gold , you know ? Those are today ’ s top stories . Now let ’ s go to John for the weather . John , what does the forecast look like for our weekend travelers ? I ’ m afraid we ’ re in for a rough weekend , Mary . There is a storm system moving through the East Coast . It will be drizzling all day today , and there ’ s a 60 percent chance of thunderstorms this eve That ’ s pretty chilly for the summer ! Will it rain on Saturday ? Unfortunately , yes . It will be clear early Saturday morning but there is a high chance of showers and thunderstorms later in the day . There is a severe thunderstorm warning for some parts of the Sout That certainly sounds like a dreary Saturday . It gets better on Sunday , though . The storm systems move east and the skies will clear up at night . It will still be rather cool , with highs in the low 50s . The West Coast will be experiencing some May I know how old you are ? I am 24 . What is your date of birth ? I was born on April 15 , 1986 . What was the last movie you saw ? A Korean film called Friends , starring Sang Dong-gun . Really ? I've seen that movie , too . How did you like the movie ? I thought it was pretty good . Really ? I can't say I agree . You're kidding . The story and acting were outstanding . I guess I expected too much from the movie , so I was a bit disappointed . I guess it could happen . Now the coals are just right . I can start grilling . Here you go . I made up the burger patties for you . Thanks . Smell the hickory chips ? They give the meat a nice , smoky flavor . I'll take over for a while to give you a break . Sorry . This is a one-man job . I've got the grill just how I like it , and I've made up my own special sauce . Then I'll tell folks the food's ready . Come and get it ! I've always wanted to say that ! Jimmy , I ’ d like to wear this robe for tonight cocktail party . What do you think of it ? Don ’ t dress like that . You ’ ll make fool yourself . You look stupid in that robe . What ? But it is my favorite piece of clothing . Maybe it is . But it ’ s out of fashion . What am I going to do ? Let ’ s go downtown and pick up some fashionable clothes for you . Would you mind if I make a suggestion ? Of course not , go ahead . Maybe you should try to quit smoking . You know it is very bad for your health . Well , sure it is . Actually , I have been cutting down the amount since two months ago . I used to smoke a pack of cigarettes for a single day . Now I limit it to 6 cigarettes a day . You have made a big progress . Quitting smoking is not an easy job . But it will be rewarding in the long run . Thank you for your suggestion . You ’ re welcome . What's your favorite sport ? Swimming . What about you ? Indoors activities , such as chess and gymnastics . The Blacks got divorced . Really ? Why ? Mr . Black has been getting a little on the side . Really ? I am surprised . He doesn't look like a guy who'd ever cheat on his wife , does he ? No , he doesn't . Anyway , his wife found out that he has been two-timing for a long time . Well , I am really surprised . By the way , have you done anything behind my back ? No . The only thing I've ever done behind your back is zipping you up . I like that joke , but I hope it's true . You are freaking me out . You don ’ t like the dog ? I promise I will never bring it with me ! I heard that janet has got a new job . She ’ s working for the united investment group . I hear that they pay very well . I heard that too . She must be making a pocket . Well , good for her . now , she ’ ll be able to save up for that holiday in the united states . yes , she will . At the moment , the exchange rate is very favorable , so she should try to go as soon as possible , while it ’ s cheaper . you ’ re right . By the way , did you hear that tom inherited some money recently ? really ? I thought his parents had died several years ago . they did . He inherited the money form an uncle . I hope he doesn ’ t lose a lot of it in taxed to the government . dying can be very expensive nowadays ! What ’ s he going to do with it ? he said that he would probably invest most of it . He ’ s got a well-paid job , so he doesn ’ t need the money to cover day-to day expenses . He just wants some extra money available for when he retires . I had some good financial news yesterday too . really ? Have you won a fortune in the lottery ? no , but I got a pay rise of 5 % and a hours for all the hard work I ’ Ve put in recently . I think it was very nice for my boss to show his appreciation in that way . It certainly was ! So , what are you going to do with your windfall ? You haven't spent much time with Sophia lately . Are you speaking to each other at the moment ? No , we're not . We've been drifting apart for a while . But you two used to do everything together . I thought you really enjoyed each other's company . We did , but since she started her new job , all she does is hang out with her new friends from work . Can't you hang out with them , too ? I could , but all they ever talk about is work , so I always end up feeling left out . Maybe you should invite her over for dinner , so it's just the two of you . I tried that a few weeks ago and she ended bringing a pal from work with her ! She's so busy these days that it's just impossible to hang out with her . It can't be that bad . She was always a really good friend to you . You're right . She would never talk about me behind my back or hold a grudge . But she just doesn't seem very interested in our friendship anymore . She's probably just excited about her new job . You should give her some time . It would be a shame to lose such a good friend . I've given her enough time . I'm over it now . I still think you two should try to patch things up . I think I just have to accept the fact that it's time for us to go our separate ways . Do you love me ? I ’ m very fond of you . Yes , but do you love me ? Why ? You mean a lot to me . Why didn ’ t you answer my question ? What question ? Do you love me ? come on , I ’ m eager to hear . You know that I care for you . I .. I ’ m proud of you . Don ’ t cherish your words , dear . I .. I don ’ t feel like saying it . Thanks for inviting me . And happy birthday , Julia . Many thanks for your present . I'm so glad you are able to come . How may I help you today ? I need to make some copies . The copier is right over there . Does it cost to use it ? We do charge to use the machine . How much does it cost ? We charge ten cents a copy . How many copies am I allowed to make ? There is no limit to how many copies you can make . Would you mind showing me how to use it ? Please read the instructions on the copier . Oh , okay . Thanks . Hello , Mary . What ’ s the matter with you ? You look upset . My friend and I was argued with each other . For this , I ’ m very sad . Because I don ’ t want to lose this friend . Oh , I ’ m sorry to hear that . I know how you feel . Please don ’ t be sad . Thank you , but I really want to relax myself . I ’ m very sorry . OK . Don ’ t let it get to you . Goodbye . Hi , I haven't seen you in a while . Yes , it has been a long time ! How long has it been since we last saw each other ? I think that we last saw each other two years ago . What have you been doing for the past two years ? I have been going to graduate school at USC . What are you majoring in ? I am studying international communications . You should easily be able to find a job with that major . I am counting on being able to get a good job . Here you are at last ! You're half an hour late , you know . I'm awfully sorry to have kept you waiting for so long . What happened ? My watch stopped and I didn't know . I certainly need to buy a better one . I'm sorry for spilling my drink on your rug . There's no need to apologize . But I ruined your rug . Forget it . It was an accident . Hey ! How was your first day of class ? I ’ m in level two and I ’ m loving my class this semester ! It ’ s great being in a class of international students ! Mine was ok , except that no one in my class speaks English . I guess it will force me to converse in Chinese more in class so at least I should improve a lot this semester . That ’ s both fortunate and unfortunate . It ’ s the United Nations in my class ! We have people from all over the world ! There are three Germans , a Pole , a Scottish , two French , an American , a Brazilian , a Chilean , a New Zealander , though he prefers to call himself a Kiwi . Who else do we have ? Oh , we also have a Moroccan , a Togolese , a Pakistani , and two Indonesians ! That ’ s quite the array of nationalities . Everyone in my class is from Asia , except me . There are a few South Koreans , several Japanese , Malaysian , Thai , Singaporean , Filipino , Kazakhstan , and one Russian . Well , I think you ’ re pretty lucky actually . You ’ ll have the opportunity to learn so much about Asian culture . I guess so , but I think it ’ s going to be hard to relate to my classmates , especially with the language barrier . I think I might change classes . Don ’ t ! Stay the course ! Your spoken Chinese will be eternally grateful . I bet you it will even surpass mine with all that practice . I highly doubt it . Your girlfriend is Chinese . Well , there is that , yes . Currently we are looking for business opportunities in northeast China . What kind of business do you do ? We send analysts to companies that run into financial difficulties . What kind of clients do you prefer ? Smaller local companies . We specialize in trade & shipping industry . I used to work for a shipping company for six years , and I am quite familiar with some managers . Would your like to meet them ? Bob ! Anne ! I haven't seen you for ages . How've you been ? Fine , just fine . And you ? Not bad . It really is great to see you again . W here have you been ? Guangzhou . I've got a cousin there . I didn't like my brother's batting around without doing anything useful . Maybe he is trying to find a job . When he finds one , everything will be settled . I hope so . May I have your attention please ? Would you please be quiet , Ladies and Gentlemen ? Well , my speech isn't very long . Would you please ... Quiet everybody ! Excuse me , are you Miss Green ? Yes . May I help you ? May I introduce myself ? Yes . I ’ m a new student in the school . My name ’ s John . Nice to meet you , John . It ’ s a pleasure to meet you , Miss Green . So , have you seen all three The Lord of the Rings movies ? Yes , but I didn't really like the third one at all . That's the Return of the King , right ? Yeah . Even though the customs were brilliant , I didn't think it was as good as the first two . What did you think ? I thought the special effects were amazing , but I got a bit confused . The plot was too complicated for me . Did you read the books before you watched the movies ? No . did you ? Yes , I've read them many times . I think it's much easier to follow for people who were already familiar with all the characters . Yes , trying to keep track of all the characters was quite confusing for me . I also think that it was much better in the theatre than at home . Most movies are . Another problem for me was the film was dubbed in German with English subtitles . That happens a lot in non-English speaking countries . I heard that The Return of the King was nominated for 11 Oscars . Actually , they not only had 11 nominations , but they won 11 Oscars , too ! Jill , how do you like your new job ? I like it . But how did you know about my new job ? I wanted to surprise you . I just heard through the grapevine something about you landing a job with some travel agency down town . You can still fill me in on tile details . Well , two weeks ago I got a tip about a possible job opening at Ace Travel Agency over on Franklin Avenue . Sure , I think I know the place . Well , anyway , I made a beeline over to their office , had an interview with the manager , and was told to start work the next day . That ’ s really great , jill . So , what do you do there exactly ? Right now I ’ m basically just a secretary , but if I ’ m given the chance , I want to become a travel agent there . Don ’ t tell me your ’ re already bucking for a promotion . No , of course not . I ’ Ve got a lot to learn yet . In the meantime , I just want to be a good secretary and not step on anyone ’ s toes . Well I wish you luck . Hey , Jack , where's your car ? I got rid of that clunker . This is my new one . Is that right ? This sure beats the old one ? Hop in , I'll give you a ride . Ok . Boy , this looks expensive . Yeah , it costed a bundle , alright ? Wow , this thing can haul . Yeah , this sucker is the fastest thing I've ever owned . I believe it . Hoo , this car corners like it's on rails . We are on the high way . Find the pound shade .. Wow , this car can really burn rubber . It's a great feeling . You made a perfect choice , Jack . Thanks , Daisy . Woo hoo ! This just might be the start of the rest of my life ! What happened ? I ’ m in the market for a job ! I went on a website with hundreds of job listings in the area and browsed through them until I got the names of a few employers I would like to work for . I have the resume I wrote for English class last month and a cover letter will be a piece of cake to write . I ’ Ve even done my research and found the names of the managers so I can address the letters personally . And you know I can be charming in interviews . Goodbye my penniless days ! Hello salary and a career ! Ben , we ’ re fifteen . What kind of job are you looking for ? Oh , just for a position as a gas station attendant . You know , starting at a simple lowly job , just like all the greats before they made it big in the world . Uh-huh . But I ’ m just in it for the money , right ? How else am I going to be able to afford to keep taking Angela to the movies ? Besides , I love the smell of gasoline , don ’ t you ? Hello , Ellen . Hello , Helen , have you heard the news ? There ’ s been a horrible accident . Oh , no ! What happened ? Hilda Harris husband , Henry had an accident on his way home from work . How awful ! Was he hurt ? Yes . He was taken to the hospital in an ambulance . How did it happen ? His car was hit by an express train . It happened at the crossing just behind his house . How horrible ! He ’ s having an operation in the hospital now . Poor Hilda ! You can imagine how unhappy she is . I hope he ’ ll be all right . I hope so , too . My son has really taken it out of me . He never keeps out of mischief . After all , he is a baby . Yeah . Anyway he is driving me mad . Alright , we need to have a plan here . First of all , which bed do you want ? Well , everybody wants the bottom bunk . Why don't we flip a coin for it ? Alright . Do you have a coin ? Yes . Here's a quarter . I flip it , you call it in the air . Heads . Sorry , it's tails . You lose . Oh , well . So you get the bottom bunk . What about our stereos ? It looks like we both brought our stereos . Probably we only have room for one . Your stereo is better than mine . Do you mind if we use yours ? No , I don't mind . I just don't know where we can put the speakers in this tiny room . Probably we can put one on that counter . And we can put one on the floor by the bed . Over there . Alright . That's a good plan . What about the desks ? We have two desks , one by the window and one by the door ? Which one do you want ? Well , the desk by the window is nicer , of course . Don't you think ? Yes , I agree . So since I got the bottom bunk , why don't you get the desk by the window ? That would be more fair . Alright . I mean , we could flip a coin for it , but I would probably win again . I'm incredibly lucky you know . Especially with girls . Is that right ? Yes , that's right . Well , I hope you let me hang out with you then . Maybe I can learn from you . Oh , certainly . Certainly . I'm always willing to help beginners.Just call me Big Brother Dave . Are all lucky people so stuck up ? C'mon , don't take it seriously ! I'm just kidding . Anyway , I get the desk by the window , you get the bottom bunk . That's it . Why don't we start unpacking these boxes ? I will go get something to eat . You unpack first.Then , when I come back , I'll unpack . Alright . See you later . let's go swimming . But , we just finished eating lunch . I know , but I'm really hot . I'd strongly recommend that you wait for a while before going swimming . Why are you so late ? I've been through a lot today . I forgot to set my alarm clock last night , so I woke up late this morning . And what is worse , I missed the school bus . That's enough . Sit down . I think we should accept his plan . I'm afraid I can't agree with you . Why ? Simply because it's not practical at all . Not a single email until now ? it's already twelve o'clock . I can't believe it ! Can't bear it , right ? I've been there before . I'll feel uncomfortable if no one calls me or sends me text messages , like there is something missing . Yeah , that's right . If no one sends me text messages , I'll go crazy . Actually , this is a kind of addiction called ' infomania ' or ' information overload ' . Addiction ? checking emails and text messages often can be called an addiction ? no way ! Yes , it is . Do you consider a frequent check of your in-coming emails to be an integral part of your working day ? Absolutely . Do you have your cell phone with you wherever you go and check text messages and phone calls from time to time ? Yeah , it's a must . Otherwise , I may miss important phone calls and text messages . Do you open all your IM tools whenever you're using a computer ? Yes . MSN , QQ , Skype , Google Talk , Ali wangwang , everything , so that I'll be in touch with all friends and relatives . Now I can tell you're definitely addicted to the overflow of information Do you like chocolates ? It depends . Do you like coffee ? Um . It ’ s delicious . And do you like English food ? Not all of it . It's getting late . Yeah , I'd better head for home . There must be something weighing on your mind . What is it ? Dad , I lost mum's necklace . I'm afraid she will scold me . Don ’ t worry . I'll buy a new necklace as same as the old one . It is so kind of you , Dad . Could you tell me the time ? Pardon ? What time is it , please ? It's 9:30 . Wow , that terrible movie is finally over . Next time I ’ m picking the film , because I don ’ t want to end up seeing a chick flick . Well you should have picked , in the end you always complain about everything . Not everything , just this film . Even the title is ridiculous , and it ’ s so long , those are the two and a half most wasted hours of my life , so much so that I ’ m thinking about asking them to give me my money back . I ’ m thinking of taking you back home . I thought we could have a nice evening , but you ’ re always so negative . I ’ m only complaining about a movie that I could have rented or bought and then thrown in the garbage . You see , that ’ s what I ’ m talking about , I can ’ t stand your sarcastic jokes anymore . Next time , go with your gay friend who is more in touch with his feelings . Well he ’ s more of a man than you are ; at least he appreciates love stories . Love stories ? More like one-night-stands . Don ’ t criticize Mario or else I ’ ll start on those fat , drunk friends of yours , they ’ re no saints . My friends ? Fat ? What about those whales you call friends ? You ’ re unbearable , you can walk home , I ’ m leaving . How about going swimming ? Ok . Where should we go ? Why don ’ t we down to the pool ? It ’ s not too far from here . Fine . I ’ ll be ready in a minute . I want to go to china for sight-seeing.What do you think of it , Mum ? Why not ? China is a wonderful country . Will you go with me , too ? No , I'm afraid not now . I'm too busy . Mr . : Are you Mary Lin ? Yes . Mr . : I'm Mr . Rogers , your homeroom teacher . Where should I sit ? Mr . : Why don't you sit behind Brad ? Who's Brad ? Mr . : He's that guy in the blue shirt . When does the first period begin , by the way ? Mr . : As soon as the bell rings after the morning announcement . Welcome to our university ’ s fifties anniversary , Sir . Please have a seat . Thank you . Wow , your school has so many honors . Congratulations ! Thank you . Excuse me . I wonder see Dean Mr . Lee first . I was wondering if could you tell me where his office is ? Certainly . Mr . Lee ’ s office building at the south end of the campus , just beside the library . Excuse me ? Let me show you the way . Please follow me . Thank you very much . It ’ s very kind of you . My pleasure . This is it ? It ’ s up on the second floor . You have to use the stairs . The elevator isn ’ t working . Excuse me , miss . I'm Bob . I'm Amy . How do you do ? I'm very glad to meet you . May I have this dance with you ? Certainly ! I suppose you dance often . No , I don't often dance . Isn't this a wonderful party ? Yes , I'm glad I have come . How do you like fox-trot ? I like it very much . You dance beautifully . Thank you . It's lucky that I have got a good partner . Thank you . I ’ m going to the beauty parlor . Do you want to come too ? Sure . Let ’ s go . What are you going to have done ? I want to have a foot massage and haircut . A foot massage sounds like a great idea . They are very relaxing . I ’ d also like to have a mudpack on my face . It ’ s supposed to help with your complexion . Good idea . We should also pedicures and manicures . This could become a very expensive trip to be beauty parlour ! I think it ’ s a good idea to pamper yourself occasionally . Don ’ t you agree ? Oh , I agree . We both work hard and a little beauty treatment can relieve stress . Maybe we should try a thai massage too . What ’ s special about a thai massage ? That ’ s when the masseuse walk on your back and massage you with her feet . Sounds painful ! I just love your hair that way . Thanks . Where did you have it done ? My sister did it . When did you get yours cut ? Just yesterday . I'm still getting used to it . Well , it looks very nice . Thanks . What's the matter ? I'm feeling a little under the weather . Is Jack still staying idle everyday ? No , he has mended his way . After his father died , he set his hand to the job of putting his business affairs in order . Really ? He is so competent now . You can ’ t imagine what he is like now . Sandra is actually a blue chipper . I don't think she could realize that she has married a fool for women . That's fate . I feel sorry for her . Maybe this is God's will . Paul , what kind of music do you like to listen to ? All kinds , but mostly Pop , rock and classical . Why ? I have tickets to a show . Do you want to go with me ? What kind of music is it ? Pop . It's Maria Carey . When is it ? At 8P M tomorrow night . Yeah , I'd like to go . Do you think we should have dinner first ? Yes , that's a good idea . Let's eat at the restaurant across the street from my apartment . Oh , I think I know the place you mean . We ate there last month , right ? Yes , that's right . You have a good memory . Hello , ladies . I'm firing up the grill . We can eat in an hour or so . Chips , finger foods , desserts , baked beans . Where're the pork and beef strips ? Yi-jun , we're in the States . Here it's all burgers , steaks , and dogs . Ah ... hence the buns and condiments we bought . And this is Holly's potato salad . You can put stuff on the picnic table . Back to work . The grill is calling me ... Let me know if I can help . Is Water Shrinking Festival official ? No , most of the traditional festivals of the minority nationalities are not official . Don't you think these festivals are more interesting ! What an idea ! Hey man , what do you have on tap ? Heineken and Budweiser . We have a two-for-one happy hour special . Cool , give me a pint of Heineken and half a pint of Bud . Okay ... A pint of Heineken and and half a pint of bud for table six ! And what about some appetizers ? Sure ! Let ’ s have some nachos and mozzarella sticks . Okay . That ’ ll be 80 bucks . Wait ... What ! So you are green with envy at your neighbor ? Well , he ’ s really lucky . It seems that he could win the bet at every turn . But I don ’ t envy those who are filthy with dough . That ’ s not the whole life . I know what you mean . I ’ m not only after bucks . There ’ s something more in life . Now that it ’ s the new year , I ’ Ve decided to turn over a new leaf . Yeah ? You finally decided to wipe the slate clean ? You got it ! I have a new job , I ’ m living in a new city , with new friends ! This is my opportunity to make some small changes in the way I live my life . So what are you going to do ? Take up an art class or something ? Well , first of all , I ’ Ve decided to stop smoking . It ’ s not that I ’ m pinching pennies or anything , it ’ s just that I ’ Ve been smoking since I was sixteen , and I think it ’ s time to stop . I ’ m with you on that one . Anything else you ’ re planning on doing ? One last thing , I ’ Ve decided to come out of the closet . It ’ s about time ! Are you doing something on Saturday evening ? If not , welcome to my new apartment . You moved to a new place ? Yes , I have been busy emptying the packing boxes and cleaning up the mats . Right now , it looks like a home . I would like to have a small celebration party . Please do come . Thank you for inviting me . Sounds lovely ! I would like to come . Where is your new apartment ? It is in the DX community , Room 306 , No . 2 building . It is very easy to find . Just ask the guard at the entrance . Who else will come ? I invited all the colleagues in our department and also my former neighbor , Paul . He is a very good person . You should meet him . Ok , I will be there around 6 . Is that ok for you ? Yes , great . I am happy you are coming . Did you remember to bring back that software I lent to you ? Oh , I ’ m sorry . It completely slipped my mind . That ’ s ok . If you could just bring it in tomorrow , I would appreciate it . Definitely , I ’ m really sorry . I wouldn't dare go bungee jumping . Chicken ! Hello , could you arrange a dinner for us ? Sure , what time ? Eight o'clock tomorrow evening . For how many people ? Ten . Western food or Chinese food ? Chinese food . Do you want an expensive meal ? No , not too lavish . How much would you like to spend for each person ? What is the usual thing here ? Forty to eighty RIB Yuan a plate . Let's say sixty Yuan then . OK . Is there anything special you'd like to have on the menu ? We'd like to have typical Chinese food . Anything you'd rather not have ? No snakes , please . How about drinks ? Mao Tai and Qingdao Beer . Well . Dinner for ten at sixty Yuan a plate , drink's extra , at 8 o'clock tomorrow evening . Is that all right ? Right , thanks . My pleasure , see you tomorrow evening . See you then . You're going to abandon me , just like that ? I'm sorry , but I've got an important job to do . Why are you so crazy about bird-watching ? What do you get out of it ? Looking at the beautiful creatures and listening to their songs are such wonderful experiences . I feel as if I'm in direct contact with nature . Really ? You bet . You should try it yourself . How was your vacation in Paris ? It was exciting ! When in Rome , do as the Romans do , they say . What do you mean ? Roman is living in Rome , of course . And go to work by car , or bus , or on foot . I think the Romans do what everyone else does . Certainly . And Roman really loves life . He knows how to enjoy himself . Not always . But they like good meal . Really ? How can I go there to have a taste ? By air of course . Hey , Joshua ! Is Anny coming with us ? Yes , why ? Nothing . I'm just asking . Just asking ? But why is your face burning like mad ? Aha , someone has a crush on Anny , doesn't he ? Who has a crush ? Come on , Josh , don't be such a chicken . If you like her , you've got to tell her . Maybe she likes you . I'd totally die if she turned me down . You've got to let her know . Come on ! You've got to take a chance ! What's that book you have under your arm ? It's the best seller everyone's been talking about for the last six months . How in the world did you get a copy ? I've put a hold on it at the public library for weeks and I'm still waiting my turn . I checked it out of the rental library . It only costs five cents a day . Is it really worth paying for ? I can't tell yet . I haven't got beyond the first chapter . If it's any good , I'll buy a copy when it comes out in the pocket edition . Do you know anyone who ’ s had plastic surgery ? You mean like a breast enlargement ? I don't think that's really necessary . That's not the way a woman should stay attractive . Why not ? Why can't we go back to the way things were ? Because ... I don't know . But , Connie , you wouldn't do that , would you ? Darned right I would ! Maybe make-up would be enough ? Come on , Liz . Be open-minded ! Look at my eyes , they are puffy . And my eye bags , they are dark and loose and full of lines and circles . I really hope surgery can wipe out the tired feelings . But what would other people think ? I don't care what other people think . I am ready for a lift . I heard Rose is pregnant . I hope it'll be a boy this time . I hope so , too.Rose and her husband have been wanting a boy so much . After three baby girls in a row , Rose is under a lot of pressure from her in-laws.They want a boy in the worst way now . But baby girls are just as good and just as fun as baby boys . I agree with you , but you know how old-fashioned the elders are . I have two finals this week and one oral presentation and I'm not ready for any of them ! Sounds like you will be doing some serious cramming till Friday ! I hate this part of school . Why did you put it off until the last minute ? I didn't mean to . Things just kept taking up all of my time . Maybe you got your plate too full this semester ? You can change that next semester . I think I'd better . I have twenty four credits this time around . That might be a bit much . I'll say . The regular eighteen is just about all I can handle myself . I went bungee jumping yesterday . It was so exciting . Do you really enjoy such dangerous sports ? Yes , They are great fun and very challenging , too . Some day I'll want to try deep-sea diving and rock-climbing , too . You are a real fan of extreme sports . Yes . I love facing danger and overcoming it . It has become part of my life . Honey , would you marry me ? I want to think about it for some time . Please , honey , I have made proposals to you fifteen times . I know . But your way doesn't touch my heart . Oh , god , please tell me how . I can't tell you . OK , I want you to be happy when we are together , and when you are sad , I would always stay with you . When I am angry and want to beat someone , you stand there and let me do what I want . Would you ? Yes , I would . Thanks for being in my life . Don't be so happy , it is just one of my tests ! My old man always harps on me . So does my father . I'm already used to it . But I can't bear it , John . How dare you say that ? What they do is just for our good . Yeah , but he really puts blame on me . What are you doing tomorrow ? Nothing really . Let's watch a movie or something . What's on these days ? I think they're playing Lord of the Rings That sounds pretty good . Let's watch that . Where should we meet ? How about at the subway entrance . Aright . I'll meet you there at one o'clock . Jenny , I want to go on a picnic . Could you come too ? I'd be glad to . I love picnicking . Then , put on your casual clothes and pack some food and beverages . Can I bring my camera with me ? Sure . Bring enough films , please . I sure will . Ok ... I ’ ll talk to you later . Bye Carrie , are you ok ? You seem a bit down . I just got off the phone with my boyfriend . He is always getting upset and losing his temper over nothing . It ’ s so hard to talk to him at times . Maybe it ’ s just that he is stressed out from work or something . He does have a pretty nerve wracking job you know . Yeah but , he is always in a really foul mood . I try to find out what ’ s bothering him or get him to talk about his day but , he always shuts down and brushes me off . Men are like that you know.They can feel nervous , anxious or on edge and the only way they can express it is by trying to hide it through aggressiveness . I guess you are right . What do you think I should do ? He wasn ’ t always this grouchy you know ... Talk to him , try to cheer him up when he is down and if that doesn ’ t work , I say get rid of him and get a new one ! You are something else you know that ? Is it going to rain today ? It's supposed to rain . I really hate this weather . Well , it won't last long . Would you like something to eat ? Thank you . No . I ’ m late for dinner at my house . I really have to go . Would you like to call home ? I ’ d appreciate that . Please use the phone . Thanks . You didn't come to work yesterday.What happened ? I had to look after my son at home . What's wrong with him ? He has a fever . Is he getting better now ? I think so.Thank you . How are you doing , Christopher ? To be honest , I'm really fed up with work at the moment . I need a break ! Are you doing anything this weekend ? I have to work on Saturday all day ! I really hate my job ! Are you available on Sunday ? Yes , that's my only day off until Thursday . Ok , well , my friends and I are planning on going to the beach on Sunday . We tend to leave around noon whenever we go anywhere , so you could still sleep in . Do you want to come with us ? That'd be fantastic ! Which beach are you going to ? It's a quiet beach just about an hour outside of the city . What should I bring with me ? We've got plenty of inflatables , but if you want to sit on a chair , you'll have to bring your own sunlounger . I can just use my beach towel . I love lazing around in the sun . Do you like surfing ? I've actually never tried . Do you have a surfboard ? We've got a few . I can teach you how to surf on Sunday . It'll be fun ! I can't wait ! It sounds like we're going to have a great time . How much money should I bring ? You'll just need roughly $ 10 for food and gas money . My friend is driving , so we usually all chip in a few dollars for gas money . Ok , where and when should I meet you ? We'll pick you up at your place at noon . Be there or be square ! Are you sure this is the right restaurant 。 Positive 。 You don't think you could be wrong ? I'am absolutely sure I'm right . I don't know . It looks a little wrong down . This is right . There is no doubt in my mind . You're hundred percent sure you want to eat here ? Check and double check . Could you help me prepare for my presentation on Friday ? I would love to help you prepare for your presentation . I hate to ask you to do something like that . This will not interfere with my work . I promise you that . When could we get together ? I could easily give you some time tomorrow night . Would you like to meet me at the coffee house next door ? Yes , and could you write down anything you might be having trouble with ? I'll come prepared . Goodbye until then . I promise you that you'll do well after we meet . But his wife has wide relations . You may ask her for advice . Stop talking about her . She gives me goose bumps . I never wish to be in her sight . She is pretty . Many men praise her highly . Many people , many tastes . She looks pretty , but the way she speaks gives you goose bumps . I feel sick of it . I heard you were teaching English over there.Tell me about it . Did you like it ? Oh , yes , it was very interesting . What were the schools like ? Oh , I didn't actually teach in the schools . I taught after school . I taught in English institutes . But you taught children , yes ? Yes . That's right.But children in Taiwan are very different from children in America.At least as far as studying is concerned.Many children in Taiwan go to special institutes after school . They actually study after school ? That's right.After their school day is over , they go to a special institute to study math or English.They are very serious about learning over there . Hmm . That sounds pretty oppressive for the kids . Don't they ever relax ? Of course they do.You know , Eliza , before I went over there I thought the same thing . I thought that maybe kids in Taiwan study too much.But now that I've worked there , and taught them , I feel it is a good thing.Their parents are very concerned about their education . More than American parents are . And that is good . American kids don't study enough . Asian cultures value learning very much . I know that . So it was interesting for me to see parents very concerned about education.They would come to me after the class and ask how their son or daughter was doing . I don't think that's a bad thing . I think it's a good thing.In America , too many parents don't pay attention . But aren't the kids tired out ? I mean , they go to school all day , and then they go to school in the evening too . As an English teacher , I tried to make the lessons as fun as possible . I tried to have a good time with my classes . The students often enjoyed it.And if the students enjoyed it , they learned more . So it was a good experience . Are the kids in Taiwan very obedient ? That's a stereotype we Americans have.We think that Asian kids are very obedient and quiet.But it's not true . There are plenty of naughty kids too . Hmm . I know you taught in Costa Rica also.Which did you like better--Costa Rica or Taiwan ? I don't know . In Costa Rica , I taught adults.So it was a very different thing . So I really can't compare . the dinner was really good . It knocked my socks off . that's very kind of you to say so . Let's try some after-dinner wines . great . Sweet wines are my favorite . They always make a great finish to a decisions meal . do you prefer brandy or ports . port , please . excellent choice . I love its smooth flavor . the port is exquisite . It must have spent years aging in barrels . Am I right ? yes . You always have a good nose for wines . next time we are about to dinner we should try some Canadian ice wine . oh , what's that ? it's made from naturally frozen grapes . why not ? It sounds great . oh , here's to your health . thanks . Cheers . cheers . Hey Mike . What are you doing tonight ? Nothing planned . How about you ? Work is kicking my ass . I'm so stressed . Let's go grab a drink . I'm always up for a drink . To tell you the truth , it's been quite stressful here too . I say we get drunk tonight . I don't want to think about all this stuff . But we have to work tomorrow . We won't stay out too late . I just need to forget about work . I hear ya . Let's do it . My wife and I didn't used to spend this much money . What's changed ? My wife has been pregnant for 7 months . I see . I guess diapers and baby food are expensive.Bringing up children is not easy . My wife will be going back to work soon . You should have more money then . Yes.We will need milk powder and bassinet . We came too early . There're still three hours before the performance starts . I know . Sorry , I shouldn't have rushed you , but I just couldn't stay at home and wait . Never mind . What about taking a look around the theater ? Why not ? I'd love to do that . Here we go . There is a museum of the Beijing Opera art . ( They come to the museum of the Beijing Opera art . ) Wow . Look at this . So delicate and beautiful . Did ancient Chinese people really wear them ? Not really . They are just opera costumes . Do you like the embroidery ? I surely do . They must have had advanced machines in ancient China to do that . No , no , no . They are all handmade , girl . You know , the ancient Chinese women were supposed to be good at needlework . Unbelievable ! I could never do that . Very few can . That's why these clothes only appear in the museum . Listen ! Some people are singing outside . Is it the opera ? Oh , yes . I heard there was an opera fans club . They are probably practicing now . Wanna have a look ? Yes , let's do it . Follow me . Make sure not to interrupt them . Of course not . We don't do that . I'm worried sick that she might leave me one day . I'll teach you how to keep her . Tell me , please . After you've solved this problem for me . Anna , that outfit looks wonderful on you ! The color goes with your trousers perfectly . Thanks , Carla . That's quite a compliment coming from you . You always dress so tastefully . Well , that dress certainly shows your good taste . It must have cost a lot . No , not much . I got it on sale at the mall - 60 % off . Really ? You're an amazing bargain hunter ! Next time there's a sale , promise you'll let me tag along with you . It's a promise . Well , how did you enjoy your seaside trip ? It was fun , I tell you . Tell me about it , will you ? Well , we drove through the valley on our way there in the morning . It was a magnificent sight ! Did you stop at the Fall for some pictures ? Sure , we wouldn't miss that for anything . After that , we took a short cut to the park . There was very little traffic , so we got there in less than an hour . You were lucky then . Yeah , we spent the whole morning under the tall trees . We had our picnic there , too . What did you do after that ? We went for a swim in the sea . That was the biggest part of the day . Just look at my nice tan ! So you must have had a busy and enjoyable day yesterday . Yes , you are right . And I was so tired out that I fell asleep on the way back . My muscles are still stiff from the swim yesterday . Where can I buy textbooks ? First , you need to have the list of books for your class . Do you have that ? Yes , I have that . Well , when you have that , you can take it over to the bookstore . Can you find it ? No , I don't know where the bookstore is . Just pass the gym and it's the first door on your left . Were you aware that you can also turn in your old textbooks for money ? Really ? How can I do that ? Take your used textbooks with you and give them to the representative near the entrance . He will pay you for them . Are you going today ? No , I can't make it today . I could help you with buying your books if you meet me there at 1 No , thanks . I'm good . I'll see you later then . Have a great day ! I don't like the merry-go-round . But , I want to ride it , Daddy . Ok , I guess it's worthy of two yuan . Great . Let's go . Hey Lydia , what are you reading ? I ’ m looking at my horoscope for this month ! My outlook is very positive . It says that I should take a vacation to someplace exotic , and that I will have a passionate summer fling ! What are you talking about ? Let me see that ... What are horoscopes ? It ’ s a prediction of your month , based on your zodiac sign . You have a different sign for the month and date you were born in . I was born on April 15th , so I ’ m an Aries . When were you born ? January 5th . Let ’ s see . . . you ’ re a Capricorn . It says that you will be feeling stress at work , but you could see new , exciting developments in your love life . Looks like we ’ ll both have interesting summers ! That ’ s bogus . I don ’ t feel any stress at work , and my love life is practically nonexistent . This zodiac stuff is all a bunch of nonsense . No , it ’ s not , your astrology sign can tell you a lot about your personality . See ? It says that an Aries is energetic and loves to socialize . Well , you certainly match those criteria , but they ’ re so broad they could apply to anyone . What does it say about me ? A Capricorn is serious-minded and practical . She likes to do things in conventional ways . That sounds just like you ! Oh , my god . How can you stand living in such a messy dorm ? Our place is spotlessly clean , compared with others . Have you even tried to clean it once since you moved in at the beginning of the semester ? In fact , I just swept the floor three days ago . I think we need to restart the dormitory sanitation inspection system . I bet nobody will care about it . Then I'll take them . How much ? $ 120.The small gift box is complementary . Here is $ 150.Keep the change . Thank you ! Have a nice day ! You too.Bye . You shouldn't have told her the truth.What can we do now ? I'm sorry , It's all my fault . You are always like this . I've told you many times not to tell her . Sorry , I had no intention . It's too late to say sorry now.Oh , what am I going to do ? I know I was an idiot , But if there is anything I can do to make up , Please do tell me . Are you alright , Ethan ? You don't seem to be as cheerful as you normally are . To be honest , Ava , I've just had a really bad day . What happened ? First , I slept through my alarm and ended up two hours late to work . What did your boss say ? He told me that if I showed up late one more time , he'd fire me . He's so mean ! That's horrible . Was that the first time you'd shown up late to work ? That was my second time . The first time , I was in a car accident . Is your boss Chinese ? No , he's from Australia . Before I met him , I thought Australians were supposed to be relaxed and easy-going . I had no idea he'd be so fussy about things . What are you going to do ? I think I'm going to look for another job . I need to find a boss that is a bit more sensitive and optimistic than my current boss . That sounds like a sensible plan . Do you want me to help you with your job search ? That's very generous of you . Thanks for the offer . Don't mention it . That's what friends are for ! Victoria , you are back from vacation ! How was it ? To tell the truth , I feel tired . How come ? I had to visit all my relatives . Hello , Dora , I haven't seen you for a long time . Where have you been ? I didn ’ t go anywhere . I stayed at home . What's up ? You look unhappy . Nothing . I just feel very lonely in this city . I miss my family . Oh , I know . Sometimes I have the same feeling with you . But you'd better not be so emotional . Can you stay and accompany me for a while ? Sure , no problem . You can call me any time you are alone from now on . Thank you so much . You are so sweet . Not at all . We are friends . So you said you and Amanda met through a mutual friend . How did it happen ? Well , my roommate was friends with Amanda , so he introduced us . Did he tell you what she was like first ? Yes , he described her to me , and she sounded like my type . Sorry , sir . I came late because I had to send for the doctor for my grandfather . I do sympathize with you , I assure you . Thank you , sir . I hope your grandfather will recover soon . I heard many stories about your brother . He's a hero in our town . What does he look like ? Is he handsome ? Yes , indeed , People say he's the smartest young man . I've never met anyone like Clyde before . He's such a buppie-a black yuppie . Black people come in all shapes and sizes . Just check out the party . Wow ! There are so many different people here . I expected mostly athletes and rappers . You'll find some of those here , too . But not if you don't shake it up ! There's an African saying , “ If you can talk , you can sing ! If you can walk , you can dance ! ” Then I'll just shut up and sit down ! What book is that ? I just bought a new atlas . I ’ m looking this map of the world . Look at Russia ! That ’ s a vast country . Canada , china , and the use are huge too . There are several tiny countries in the world too . Countries like Monaco are smaller than many cities . Those small countries are microscopic compared to Russia . European countries are relatively small . France looks quite big in Europe , but compared to many countries in other continents , it ’ s not very l Britain is half the size of france , but great Britain is still one of the largest islands in the world . The thing with large countries is that often they have vast areas of land that are useless or hardly used . Russia and Canada have enormous areas of ice and forest . It ’ s going to a volleyball match between the economic department and foreign language department this afternoon . Are any of you keen on volleyball ? Sorry , I ’ m not a volleyball-fun . I ’ d rather play football . How about you , Mr . Wang . ? Are you interested in volleyball ? I ’ m afraid not . My favorite is boots-running . I don ’ t care about games . Tonight is a party night ! What drinks do you think we need ? Well , not everyone wants to drink beer . Make sure there are some soft drinks and juice . Nothing's as refreshing as iced drinks on a hot day . I don't think we need too much in the way of soft drinks , Two super bottles of Cola should cover everyone . What about wine ? Just buy a cask of wine . Have you bought ice yet ? No , once I fill the tub with beer , I'll get the ice . The beer will be cool if you put the tub under the ice . The cooler , the better . I think a bottle of champagne would be a good idea . It's appetizing and tasty . Well , if you say so . Personally speaking , I'd rather die of thirst than drink champagne . Hi , John ! I haven ’ t seen you for ages . Hi ! Yes , it ’ s been a long time . I ’ m really glad to see you . I ’ m glad to see you , too . How ’ Ve you been ? Just fine . How is everything with you ? Not bad . I finally bought a house . It ’ s an old one , but built really solid . It is close to here . Do you want to come over for lunch ? I ’ d like that , but I ’ m flying home this afternoon , and I told my parents I ’ d meet them at the airport for lunch . OK , next time you ’ re here . That ’ s a deal . I heard that you moved to Florida . Yes , I ’ m in Titusville . The space shuttle is launched from near there . I ’ Ve seen a lot of space shuttle launches . Tell me more . The shuttle launches are beautiful . I saw one that took off at midnight . The whole sky got bright . Sounds great ! I ’ m pretty happy living there . I want to see Disney World , Sea World , Universal Studios , and Weeki-Watchee Springs . I ’ Ve been to all of them . I ’ m jealous . I ’ Ve never been to Florida . The Sunshine State certainly is worth visiting . Come down for a vacation sometime . I ’ ll take you to Disney World . That sounds great ! I ’ ll take you up on that invitation . I hope you do . And keep in touch , OK ? I sure will . Here ’ s my business card . Send me an email once in a while . Count on it . And here ’ s my card . Don ’ t hesitate to call me anytime . Thank you . I ’ d better get going . I don ’ t want to be late for lunch . Mom would worry . Well , I ’ m really glad we bumped into each other . Have a good trip . Take good care of yourself , Mary . I will . Good-bye . Bye-bye ! I can't decide what I should do . What's the problem ? Should I date Tom or should I date Harry ? That's easy . If I were you , I'd date me ! I'll tell you something that's good about action movies . The special effects are great ! But they are so silly ! They're not art ! That's just your personal prejudice . Do you know who was the director of the movie Titanic ? James Cameron , of course . Well , did you know he was also the director of The Terminator ? Well , nobody's perfect ! Can I help you ? Yes . I am interested in applying for graduate school in America . We have some catalogues from U . S . universities . You may check in the reference stacks over there . Can you recommend some universities with good graduate schools ? Well , generally in the U . S . each university has its own outstanding fields . But the graduate school accepts no applications after January 29th . Oh , no . It's already February 5th . So you have to apply to begin the first semester next year . I will think about it . Can you be serious for a moment , we've been dating for 6 months now , I really like you . I'd like to take a relationship to the next level . So what are you trying to say to me ? It feels like you are not dedicate to our relationship . It seems like you treat it as a just casual dating . How should I say it ? I don't want to be like this . I think we should get step further . It has only been 6 months , our relationship hasn't had a chance to maturate . We are still have some hurdle we have to jump over . Like what ? Last week I saw Brain kissing you on the cheek . It was only the cheek . That is ok , then ? Starts on the cheek ? pretty soon you french kiss in the back on his car . Oh , that is ridiculous . So is it ok if I kiss other women on the cheek ? Definitely not . You see , we still have hurdle . How did you get around over there ? Did you rent cars ? No , that would be too expensive . We used the train system.We bought a special pass called a Enrail pass . It lets people use the train wherever they want , as often as they want . I've heard about Enrail passes.So those Europeans really depend on trains a lot . Yes , they do . I wish we Americans had a better train system . I know . Our train system is lousy.And besides , Americans love their cars too much . I agree . And probably the automobile companies are too powerful.They never allowed the government to develop trains . It's too bad for the environment . So much pollution from cars . Americans love cars for different reasons , I think.One reason is that we are very individualistic.And cars are a very individual way of getting around.Americans like the freedom of driving around by themselves.They don't want to ride in a train or bus with a group of people . Yes , I agree . I think it is a cultural characteristic.It would be very hard to get us Americans to change this.But you know what ? Probably , in the future , Americans will have to change . Why do you say " have to " ? Because the earth's environment can't tolerate cars forever . I think cars are already causing global warming.When the problem gets more serious , world governments will have to start limiting car use . Maybe you're right . They will have to develop alternative transportation.But it will be hard in America . Too many people are used to cars.Even in our movies cars are very important . Wow ! I didn't notice the time.It ' s almost noon . I have to get home . Do you want me to give you a ride ? No , no problem . I have my car in the parking ramp around the corner . Alright.Well , I'll stay here and have another coffee . Nice running into you . See you around . It's raining outside , Catherine , it's too bad.What ' s the weather like in your hometown ? It's very hot , the temperature is often over 40C . Do you like the weather in Seattle ? Not really.But I like it in spring and fall . I don't like it in winter . Why ? The winter is very rainy , I don't like the rainy day . What about the weather in Boston ? I lived there for three years . I like summer but I don't like winter . Is it very cold in winter ? Yes , it is.But it's nice in spring and fall . I'll help you with your homework . I appreciate that . That's a cool jacket . Where did you get it ? I bought it when I was on vacation in Nepal . I want to say goodbye to everyone . You ’ re leaving so soon . When are you off ? I ’ m catching the nine fifteen train tomorrow morning . how about I come and see you off ? You really don ’ t need to . Ok . I ’ ll miss you . I hope we can see each other again soon . I hope so , too . Thank you , Lily . Thank you for everything . You ’ re welcome . Please say goodbye to the rest of the family for me . Ok . Take care . I hope you have a good journey . Thank you . Remember to look me up if you ’ re ever in Washington . Of course . I will . Goodbye , then . Thanks again for everything . Herman , why are you so excited ? I have met a beautiful girl . Have you fallen in love ? Yes . At first sight . Can you describe the situation at that time ? At that time her back was ramrod straight as she sailed by , her tone is best , neither over-passionate , nor too cold . What's her outlook ? She was pretty , her hair was the color of rich dark chocolate , waving gently to her shoulders . Her complexion was clear and golden . Where is Tom ? He is in the bedroom and fallen asleep . What ? It ’ s only 9 p . m . Now . Why today he went to bed so early ? He ran four miles and came back dead beat . Oh , I see . What an attractive blouse , You look so pretty in this blue dress ! Really ? Thank you . I bought it in Spring Street yesterday . It's very nice.It goes well with your skirt . Thank you.It ' s very nice of you to say so . Not at all.This dress certainly shows your good taste . That's quite a compliment coming from you . What college are you attending ? I am in Nanjing University . I am a junior . Why did you choose to attend that college ? Because it enjoys great reputation and it is located in my favorite city Nanjing . What kind of college is it ? Ii is distinguished for the strength of law and foreign languages studies .. How do you like the play ? It is very dull , and the production isn't very satisfactory , either . You're absolutely right . I think the acting could be better . To be fair , both the costumes and scenery are marvelous . Maybe you're right . But I really don't like it . Well , we'd better go to a musical comedy next time . I think the one we saw last month was very good . Yes , they had constant changes of scene , and I love variety . Me , too . I hate to sit there and look at the same stage scenery one scene after another . Which team has won ? Neither . The game ended in two all . But I still think AC milan's defence seems better organized . But the Brazilian is tougher . I am really tired of Terry . Oh , but I suppose he has lots of talents . He is a bootlicker . I suppose that is because he is quick on the uptake . What are you studying all day long for ? It ’ s summer vacation ! I know ! I hate it ! But I ’ m taking this crash course in math . Why ? I have to take my exams for getting into the university , so I need to prepare . Do you think it will help ? It has to ! I ’ Ve been studying every day , eight hours a day ! I don ’ t know , but the school has a great success record . Hmm ... Maybe I should sign up too . I ’ ll pick up an application form for you at school tomorrow . Have you seen the new Hannibal Letter movie ? Oh , yes . You ? Yes . What did you think of it ? I thought it was better than the others-I really liked it.What did you think of it ? I liked it , too . It was scary , but not disgusting . I always enjoy watching Anthony Hopkins . He's brilliant . Mmm . That's what I thought , too . And I always enjoy watching Anthony Hopkins . Oh , yes , he is brilliant . What's the name of the young actor ? Hum , Edward Norton , or something like that . Yes . He was excellent . They worked well together . Mary seems depressed . What ’ s the matter ? She didn ’ t expect to get a kick in the teeth after a day ’ s hard work . Poor girl ! Hi charles , I want you know that i finally found an apartment in haitian . You did ? that is great ! Yeah , I am having a party this saturday night , a sort of house warming , and i want to invite you . are you busy ? No i am free , i will be there , what time the thing starting ? Around seven . Ok , great , should i bring anything ? No , but thanks for offering , actually could you bring some fold-up chairs for people if you have any ? I am afraid not everyone's going to have a seat , do you have any ? sure , I will be happy to bring a few , what is the address ? Don't worry , I will come to pick you up at about six thirty . Got it . Did you watch the Oscars on Sunday night ? No , but I heard about that Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt didn't attend . Yes , that was surprising . I heard that they got into a fight and then decided not to go . They must be the most famous celebrity couple in Hollywood . They're also one of the richest couples . They have so much money and they can buy almost anything they want . I also heard that Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes made an appearance at the Oscars . Did either one of them win an Oscar this year ? I think Tom might have been nominated for one of his films , but I don't think he won anything . Tom Cruise may be handsome , but I think he's a bit crazy , don't you ? Yes , his marriage to Katie is actually quite scandalous . I still think that they only got married to get more publicity for their movies and themselves . People in show biz can have such an easy life ; I don't know why they have to make it so complicated . I would never want to be a celebrity because the paparazzi would also be after you . That's true . I guess it would be difficult to have people taking pictures of you everywhere you go . Thank goodness we're not rich and famous ! Being famous , I can do without , but I wouldn't mind being rich . Oh , my God ! I've been cheated ! What ? What did you buy ? It's a brick ! I can't believe how stupid I was . Damn it ! What is it ? Why did you buy a brick ? There was a guy on the sidewalk.He had three new boxes , Panasonic video camera boxes.He said he had to get rid of them quick . And ? So he said he'd sell me one for twenty dollars . A four-hundred-dollar camera for twenty bucks . And it's a brick ? Yes . I can't believe how stupid you are . Why didn't you open the box ? I wanted to . But he said , no , the box is still in its plastic wrap from the store.If it's opened , other people won't believe it's new . So he had the boxes wrapped in plastic . Yes , it was the kind of perfect plastic wrap that comes with new products.Look , it even had a bar-code price sticker on it ! It looked brand new . But why would a guy be selling new video cameras for twenty dollars ? He said he had to get rid of them . They were stolen . Aha ! Now I understand.You were trying to buy stolen goods on the sidewalk.So , what I think is , you deserve to get cheated ! C'mon , don't blame me ! I thought it was a new camera . We could use it.We were even thinking about buying a camera . I don't understand how he could have such a perfect-looking box . That's no problem.He just has a friend who works in a shop that can do plastic wrap . That's easy.And probably it's the same shop he got the boxes from.Maybe his friend works in an electronics store . They sell video cameras there . Probably they had a couple video camera boxes lying around.So they get the idea of wrapping bricks to sell to fools like you.Twenty dollars a brick . That's a good profit if they can sell enough bricks . You're right , Sarah . I was a fool . I can't believe it . How could I fall for such a trick ? What do you like to do in your spare time ? I am a girl of many interests . I like dance , chess , collecting stamps , travelling and taking photos . What kind of dance do you like ? I like rumba and tango . Great . I am not interested in Chinese chess . It is too difficult for me . You can learn Chinese checkers or military chess . Both of them are much easier . OK , I will try . As for stamp , don't you think it is an expensive hobby ? Yes , it is . But it is full of fun and knowledge . What about you , what do you like to do as hobby ? I like gardening . I take care of them everyday . I like those flowers and the swing in my garden . If the weather is nice , I would like to lie on the lawn . Sounds pleasant . I've heard of ground-level ozone but can you explain what it is exactly ? Yes , it's one of the main air pollutants . Factories don't emit it directly into the air . It's actually formed when nitrogen oxides and VOC emissions come into contact with heat and sunlight . Sorry ? What does VOC stand for ? Oh , Vous are ' volatile organic compounds ' . That's a technical term for solvents or other chemicals found in things like paint . So , what damage does ozone do to the environment ? Well , it can cause smog , which can affect people's health - especially people with breathing difficulties . I heard Tom was caught stealing something again in the supermarket . Really ? He deserves it ! They should teach him a good lesson . But the word is his brother would go bail for him . Last time it ’ s his father who went bail for him . Then he is really lucky . Do you have the day off today ? How come you're not at work now ? I don't have the day off . Our labor union is staging a nationwide strike today , all of the workers in our department are supporting the labor union by participating and not going in to work this week . Are you serious ? Why would they have to go to such extreme measures like a strike ? Doesn't your company have a pretty good corporate image ? I'll bet the folks at headquarters are going nuts over something as serious as a strike ... It happens quite often , actually.Whenever there arises a dispute between the union and the executive group , the first thing they do is to call a strike . Usually it only lasts a day or two before both sides can come to an agreement and we start work again . Anyhow , it's a nice , unanticipated holiday ... Are you going to take the job ? I'll have to sleep on it . We ’ re going to the movies . Will you join us ? I ’ m very sorry I can ’ t . Why not ? I ’ m afraid I have some business to attend to . Then would you like to have lunch with us ? I ’ d love to but I have to help John with his math problems right now . Would you like me to give you a lift ? No , thanks . His home is not far and I can walk there . Come on . It ’ s no trouble at all . Ok , thank you . What sports do you think women excel at most ? I think women excel in every sport except the ones that are taboo for us to join in , like football . I mean which ones are they better at than men ? Why do you care ? Women and men are different all around . I don't think they can be compared . That's a good point . Let me change my question . What sports do women like best ? Well , I know some women who love golf and I know others who love contact sports . Are you saying that women can't be generally categorized ? Are you suggesting that anyone can be ? I am going on my first date tonight . Can you give me some suggestions about what to wear ? Well , I think you look very pretty in your polka dot purple dress with your hair piled at the rear . That makes you very graceful and mysterious . Yeah , that's a good idea . Let me try it . Remember to match it with your glittering star-shaped necklace . Very attractive on formal occasions . Do I look more mature in the highheel shoes ? Sure , more elegant and taller . I shall wear light make-up instead of heavy . The face powder will lighten my skin color . If I were your date , I would be so charmed by you . Thank you . How's your new car ? Perfect ! Couldn't be better . You made a good choice , then ? It's just what I want . No regrets . I am really pleased with it . I am glad you are happy . It's super . Hey , let's eat out tonight . What's the occasion ? You won the lottery ? No . Just want to relax a little bit . You don't have to win the lottery to relax , do you ? Well , I am kind of broke . Come on . It's on me . Really ? It's very nice of you . Don't be silly . I'll take you anywhere you wanna go . Wonderful ! You know what ? I wish you wanted to relax everyday . Dream on ! Do you mind retiring earlier ? No , I don't mind in the least . I want to do something of my own . What about you ? I do . I don't know what to do after I retire . I'd like to work till I drop . who is your favorite NBA star ? Kobe Bryant , of course . Kobe ? I know him , the key guy of the Lakers , a heck of a NBA player . He is on fire when he breaks through enemy defense . He is competent both in driving the lane and shooting jumpers , but what really makes him formidable is his ability to switch up and dribble with his left hand . Maybe he is not good ay rebounding ? indeed , no man can be perfect . He is just so-so in crashing the boards . Usually he plays shooting guard . Rebounding might not be his strong suit . Kobe came to Beijing during this summer's Olympics . Did you go to the match between China and USA ? who wouldn't ! My friend Lee went so far as to get an autograph from him . well then , what are your spoils ? well , nothing more than a jumble of photographs . Can I help you ? Have you got the latest ONXIU magazine ? Yes , but it's checked out . What a pity ! I missed it again . It's popular you know . You want to reserve it ? Yes , please . Fill out this form and we will send you a note when we get the book . Thank you . What shall I do when I check out these books ? Take the card , and fill in your name and library card number . Thank you so much . What do you like to do with your free time ? Study English . You mean you like to study English ? Why ? It gives me great satisfaction . Studying English wouldn't give me any satisfaction.It ' s hard work . I don't mind the work . I think it's worthwhile . Good news ! What is it ? The state of economy is starting to go up in our country . That ’ s just the short in the arm we need . Mary ? Are you still there ? Yes . What do you want ? Did your bid win ? What do you care , dork ? Hey ! I'm trying to be nice , and you still want to fight ! Did you get the statue or not ? You mean fat boy ? Sorry . I take that back . I mean the copper Buddha you wanted . Do you mind if I sit here ? Of course not , help yourself . What are you studying ? I have a test tomorrow . The final examination will be held at the end of this month . Have you made good preparation ? Sure . I've reviewed all the lessons I have learned this academic year . Are you sure you can do well this year ? I am 100 % certain . According to what you did last time , I have my doubts . I am sure I can get a 95 this time . He always likes to say something as if all his geese are swans . I know this characteristic of him . So I never think seriously of his words . Yeah . This is a clever way to be in contact with such a person . It seems that you don't like him . You like to communicate with him ? Can we have two tickets for seven thirty ? Yes , and would you like to have seats in the front or at the back ? In the front , please . That's 35 yuan each . Thank you . And what's on tomorrow ? Tarzan . Can we get tickets now ? I am afraid not . Tomorrow is premiere . That radio's pretty loud . Could you turn it down , please ? Sorry . Was I disturbing you ? Yes . And something else , please don't borrow my clothes without asking . Sorry . I guess I wasn't thinking . I won't do it again . Does bullfight interest you much ? Absolutely ! Everything that ’ s thrilling turns me on . So I ’ Ve got two tickets to the latest show but I need a little favor from you . What is it ? I'm afraid I spilled coffee on the tablecloth . Oh , never mind . I am just going to do the laundry today . I want to apologize . Is there anything can do for you ? It really doesn't matter at all . I never did like it anyway . I ’ m glad to have had the opportunity to meet you here . I trust you ’ re keeping well ? I ’ m doing great , thank you . So we can get down to business . Whoa , look at all those ice cream choices ! Yes , that is a lot of choices . What is your favorite ? I love anything with chocolate the best . I like chocolate myself . Is there any kind of ice cream you don't like ? I really don't like any ice cream with nuts in it . I haven't ever cared for that myself . Have you ever had garlic ice cream ? That sounds absolutely disgusting ! It was . Let's stick with the regular choices today , though . Hi Colin . How are you feeling today ? Oh , I feel ok but I ’ m still very tired . It's probably jet lag . I think so . One minute I feel quite awake , and the next I feel very tired . Do you want to visit any tourist spots in the city ? Oh yes , I'm very interested in Chinese history so I ’ d like to visit the Summer Palace . Good idea . I ’ d be very happy to go there . Stephanie ! Did you just get to school ? But you were up and about when I left the dorm this morning ! That was about an hour and a half ago . This happens all the time ! Why do you always take so long It ’ s a skill . What can I say ? I don ’ t know why , I just have a long routine . Please explain because it makes no sense to me . How can a girl ’ s routine be so complicated ? You get up , you shower , you get dressed , you brush your teeth , you ’ re out the door . Half an hour , tops . Jacob , you have the luxury of having a haircut that rarely needs styling . I don ’ t . I have to set aside about an hour and a half to get ready in the mornings . Every day , I wake up and head straight for the shower . Every second day , I wash my hair . If it ’ s a hair-washing day , I frequently need to wash my hair twice because it gets really oily . Then I usually put in a conditioner and have to rinse that out too . Because my hair is so long , I seldom manage to take a shower in under twenty minutes . Afterwards , I often put on a pot of coffee and get dressed while I wait for it to brew . I take a long time to get dressed in the morning . Every now and then I remember to choose my outfit the night before , but usually I do it in the morning . In all , getting dressed takes about half an hour , at which time my hair is now semi-dry so then I have to style my hair . From time to time I ’ ll put my hair up , butoften times I bloody it straight . And then , because of the texture of my hair , I regularly have to flat-iron it to keep it from frizzing . That ’ s another twenty minutes or so . After that , I have my daily makeup routine . True , I hardly ever see you without your hair done and your makeup on , even when you show up to class in sweatpants . Tell me , how long does it take you to choose that outfit in the morning ? Not funny . Did it take you a long time to quit smoking ? No . I just went cold turkey , and I never smoked again . How do you do . I ’ m Mark Rancor . Nice to meet you . May I know your name , please ? I ’ m Rose Teller . I think I ’ Ve seen you somewhere before ? Ah , yes . I remember now.Were you Mr . John ’ s dinner partner last month ? Yes , I was.You work for 3M , right ? I did but now I ’ m for Microsoft.How are things with you ? Good . May I know what you do ? I ’ m a fashion designer.Next month , I have a fashion show . I ’ d love it if come . I can get you a couple of tickets.So you can bring a friend if you like . Sure.That would be great.Good luck . Thank you . You like Titanic ? That movie is so cheesy . It's not cheesy ! It's romantic . When it first came out , I saw it in the theaters five times in one week . Really ? Well the special effects might have been good in 1997 , but when you watch it today they make the film seem really cheesy . Alright , maybe it's a little bit cheesy . But come on , isn't it fun to go to a cheap flick once in a while ? Actually , I have to admit that you're right . I like some pretty cheesy movies too . I love Arnold Schwarzenegger action flicks , especially " Terminator . " Haha , that's definitely a cheesy movie too . Did you watch it over and over again ? Well ... I saw it only once , but for the next two months when I talked to people , I pretended I was the Terminator . I see that there are Olympic mascots in your car . Yes . I am very interested in the Olympic Games , and I'm especially excited about 2008 Beijing Olympics . Me , too . I want to be a volunteer for 2008 Beijing Olympics . That's cool . Care for a little quiz on that ? No problem . I'm an ' Olympic expert ' . Wow , you've talked the talk . Now it's time to walk the walk . Here we go . First , can you tell me something about the ancient Olympics ? The ancient Olympics originated in ancient Greece . Good . Why do people name it Olympics ? They name it after the place where it was first held . Who started the modern Olympics ? This question is a piece of cake . A Frenchman named Baron de Coubertin . What did people call him ? Of course he was called ' the father of the Olympics ' . What did he do for restoring the Olympics ? He once made a speech on the ‘ Renaissance of the Olympics ' . Well , that's for all . Excellent ! I've told you I'm an expert . Can we go to the beach on foot ? Oh , it's too far to walk there.We can take a bus . Is the bus station close by ? Yeah , it's a block away down the street . I really should be on my way . Oh , don ’ t go yet . Let ’ s at least have one more . No , thank you . I can ’ t . It ’ s too bad that you have to leave so early . Thank you very much . I had a really good time . Thanks for coming ! We should meet again sometime soon . That would be great ! Actually , can I get your phone number , Ella ? That ’ s assuming you don ’ t mind if I call you sometime . Anytime . You can reach me 5558929 . ok , got it . I ’ ll call you sometime next week . Fine . It ’ s time to go and I hope we can get together again soon . I hope so , too . Bye ! Ben . May , could you bring this note to Professor Li for me today ? Sure , no problem . Asking for leave again ? You have been absent from class five times this semester . I know . But attending Miss Li's class is just waste of time . No more than one third of her students will go to her class . I agree that Miss Li doesn't teach so well . Most students either sleep or do other things in her class . Yeah , my boyfriend plays the video game every time in class with me . Or I chat with my friends through text messages . Fortunately her class is just an elective course , not as important as compulsory courses . Right , so we must spare some time to attend selective courses . But isn't it too impolite to be absent ? What can I do ? I have things to do in Students ' Government . Oh , I thought you just gave an excuse on this note . Sometimes I will try various excuses . But this is my last time asking for leave . Or I will have a bad record . Yeah , besides , your credit will be deducted . That is kind of serious . I have been absented from many classes this semester just because of my work in the Students ' Government . You can't write with one hand and draw with the other . I am thinking about quitting my job in the student government . But before that , I must do my job . Bye . Don't forget about that note . You can count on me . Do you know that working overtime in some companies is a regular thing ? How regular ? An average ten hours or more a day according to a survey , the worst thing is that the employees get no pay for that . You are kidding me ? It is against the labor law . They should be aware of their rights . But these people say nothing about that . They are worried about losing their job because there is surplus in labor force these days . That ’ s not right , somebody should do something . Can we have two tickets for the 7:30 showing of ' Beautiful Mind ' . Sorry , we have sold out the tickets . What's on tomorrow at that time ? ' Beautiful Mind ' will be playing again . And there's also ' Titanic ' . Terrific , that's a wonderful movie , I like it very much . Can I get tickets now for tomorrow ? Yes , 20 yuan for each . Two tickets , please . OK . Here you are . What would you like to be in the future ? A teacher . But if I were you , I would be a singer . You've got such a beautiful voice . I wouldn't like to be a singer , but I'd like to become a music teacher to teach children to sing , That dream developed in my mind when I was a child . Are you sure about that ? I'm quite sure . I've always loved working with children . Didn't Joe feel it a shame to live on his parents since he has graduated from college ? He has no sense . If I were him , I wouldn't brazen it out by asking my parents for money . But Joe won't you . My goodness ! She is thirty seconds faster than the world record in 5000 metres race . Excuse me , what did you say ? A Chinese girl has broken the world record in the Olympic Games . That's incredible . I can't believe it . You have to . It is sure . How amazing ! I like small towns . But many roads are very narrow . Not always , and there're also few cars ! Yes , because of fewer people . Veronica ! Veronica ! Veronica ! Are you OK ? Steven ! What ’ s going on ! Who were those guys ? I didn ’ t know you have a gun ! What ’ s going on ! I will come clean as soon as we get to safety , OK ? For now , you have to trust me , please ! I would never do anything to hurt you . Steven , I ... I haven ’ t been completely honest with you Veronica , I ’ m sorry . I ’ m not a fireman . I ’ m not even from the United States . I ’ m a spy for the Indian government . What ? Why didn ’ t you tell me before ? What are you doing here ? When I was a young boy , I used to play cricket my father back in my hometown of Hyderabad . It was a peaceful town , and my father was a renowned chemist . One day , he was approached by members of the CIA , claiming that my father had made the discovery of the millennium in his small lab back at the university where he taught bio-chemistry . I never saw him again . I vowed to discover the whereabouts of my father and consequently joined the Indian Intelligence Bureau . What does that have to do with those men shooting at us ? Most importantly , why did you lie to me ! I ’ m sorry , I wasn ’ t supposed to meet you . I wasn ’ t supposed to fall in love with you , but you have to believe me when I tell you that what I feel for you is real . I can ’ t believe this ! Why are all these things happening to me ! I can ’ t take it anymore ! Let me out of the car ! Veronica , wait ! Hey , May . How about getting together for a movie tonight ? Sure . What's playing ? Well , Let me check the newspaper . What about The Terminal ? Wow , it stars Catherine Zeta-Jones , my favorite actress . Well , birds of a feather flock together . I like her too . She was in a lot of dramas . She is so beautiful and elegant . And she is famous for her fine acting . What's more , she doesn't have scandals . And she likes to take part in the charitable activities . Who is the director ? Steven Spielberg . Another superstar . Yes , a legend , also . I still remember , his movies , Jurassic Park and Schindler's List got him nine Oscar awards in 1994 . Can you introduce the story of The Terminal briefly ? It tells a romantic and humorous love story . This is really exciting movie . Lets go to this one . He's too young for the job . Give him a chance . Happy New Year ! Thank you ! The same to you . Have you got any plans ? I've been invited over to a friend's . And you ? My roommate's having a party . What musical instrument do you play ? I can play the piano a bit . Then we can have one more program at our party ? No , no . My playing isn't good enough for me to perform in public . Just make yourself at home . Thank you . You are cooking up a storm . Wouldn't you like some more chicken ? No , thank you . I'm afraid I can't take in anymore . Oh you look awful ! What ’ s the matter ? Oh ! I feel really under the weather . I ’ Ve got a sore throat and a bad cough . Oh dear . Maybe you ’ Ve caught a cold . Yes , I ’ Ve had lots of overtime to do recently and I haven ’ t slept much at all . Well then , you should get some rest this weekend and don ’ t go out drinking . Yes , I think you ’ re right ! Hi , Fanny . Hi , Andy . Are you feeling OK ? You sound a little tired this morning . I did not sleep much last night . I really feel bad . It was a crazy night . What happened ? I had a bad dream . I was walking alone in the graveyard , and suddenly all the ghosts jumped out of their graves . They began to chase me through the graveyard and shouted that they wanted my blood . Oh , what a nightmare ! Then what happened ? My mother woke me up . She had heard me crying out for help . You have got a great mother . I felt embarrased . After all , I am 18 years old . Mom gave me some chocolate cookies and a glass of milk . That sounds good ! Yeah , but i was afraid to fall back asleep . I am worrying about getting into the University of Michigan . Me too . But I tell myself that if they don ’ t accept me , another school will . Hey ! That food was terrific . I can't eat another bite . Are you sure you don't want another dish ? No , I'm full . My stomach isn't growling at me any more . I know what you mean . I'm so full that I can burst . Shall we go then ? I'm all set . Thank you for the dinner , Jack . You are welcome . Hey , Maris , are you a part-timer ? Part-timer ? Is that a new buzzword ? Oh , it ’ s pretty popular among my classmates these days . So are you ? Sure , I have a part-time job as a bartender . Cool ! It must be amazing to work at a bar ! Yeah , but I ’ m not there for fun . I have to remain professional and if I get distracted , the manager would be pretty upset . That ’ s true . I ’ m wondering did you learn anything from the job ? Of course . There ’ s always much to learn . I got to know more about the real world . You mean you got working experience , right ? Not just working experience . I would say the biggest lesson I learned is how to deal with people from all walks of life . It must be very demanding . Sometimes it is . But after working for a few weeks , it ’ s easy to figure out . Really ? It sounds interesting . Maybe you can come to the bar one day and I ’ ll show you around . Great . I ’ m looking forward to it . Did you set your clock forward for daylight savings time ? What ? Why do we have to do that ? Well , at the start of the spring we usually have more daylight in the mornings and less in the afternoon . This is basically due to our position on the planet and the rotation of the earth . In any case , to take better advantage of the daylight available , we compensate by moving our clocks forward one hour . I see . That ’ s convenient ! I never understood things like this , such as GMT . I never know what time zone we are in or when to change my clock ! That just stands for Greenwich Mean Time . Here in California , we are in Pacific Standard Time , that is eight time zones west of Greenwich . Remember when we were in Beijing ? Well , then we were in China Standard Time , and that ’ s eight time zones east of Greenwich ! That ’ s why it was so weird traveling from Beijing to LA ! Because of the huge time difference , even though we left Beijing at noon and flew for more than eight hours , we still arrived in LA the same day at noon ! It ’ s like we went back in time ! You wouldn't believe what happened to me today . What ? The teacher asked me to make a speech in English class and I wasn't prepared . He punished me by making me stand in front of the whole class . It was so embarrassing . Does your girl friend like swimming ? Yes , she does . She is good at backstroke and free style . Then you can help her with the breaststroke and sidestroke . But she wants to learn the butterfly stroke Really ? Then just ask her to follow me . I heard you are now practicing underwater swimming , aren't you ? Yes . But I still have some difficulties it breathing . Say , kid , keep on practicing , you're sure to be a first-class swimmer . To tell you the truth , I have never thought of being a swimmer . I swim just for fun . That's good . He was once a poor man but now he is a man of means . How did he make a fortune ? He didn't make any effort . His aunt died and left him a fortune . what do you think of studying abroad ? I think it's a great idea . Studying abroad will offer you plenty of new opportunities . Are you planning on going abroad ? yes , I hope so . I am studying for my BELTS right now . which country do you want to go to ? I'd like to study in the UK , but it's really expensive . have you applied to any schools there ? yes , I received a conditional offer from Oxford University a few days ago . congratulations ! That's excellent news ? What do you have to do to get an unconditional offer ? I have to get an BELTS score of 7.5 overall . Do you think I can do that ? if you study hard , I don't see why you wouldn't . Have you received any other offers ? I was also accepted into Yale University , and Sydney University . if you're worried about money , the cost of living is lowest in America . However , if you go to Oxford University , you'll probably be able to get any job you want in the future . I just can't decide where to go . It's not an easy decision to make . if I were you , I'd apply for some scholarships and grants before you decide . Whatever you do , I know you'll succeed . You have drank dozens of cups . You are bound to get a bay window . Thank you , but I am in a terrible mood indeed . Mr . Lin , what are you interested in ? I enjoy camping . Really ? I'm not much of an outdoor person . What do you like about it ? I love the fresh air , the scenery the exercise , and the time to think . Do you hike or fish on your trips ? Yes , both . Last trip I fished a little and hiked five miles . Did you catch anything ? Yes , but I threw them back . How about Joining our summer camp next week ? Great ! I can't wait . Hey , Jim . I didn ’ t know you biked to work . Yeah , it helps keep me fit and helps the environment , too . One less car on the road means less pollution . Right . Since my work is near a park , it ’ s a really nice ride , too . How far is it ? Oh , about 10 miles . It takes me about an hour . That doesn ’ t sound too bad . I wish I could do it , but I work in the city . So I take the train . You ’ re doing your part for the environment by using public transportation , too . True . Well , see you tomorrow . See you . Did you hear about Neil ? No , what ? I hear that he's quitting . You're kidding ! I'm afraid not ! Now this is just between you and me . I wonder if I could possibly borrow two bikes from the shop tomorrow ? I ’ ll take actual care of them . I promise you . Well . All right , Mark . Just this once . But you have to pick them up yourself . I ’ m a very busy man . Oh , that ’ s all right . It ’ s very kind of you . Can I come around now ? I ’ d rather you didn ’ t come immediately as I said I ’ m very busy at the moment . Come after lunch , Mark . Yeah . You don't need to rub it in . And then she made the deal with MicroPower . Vince wanted to sell for fifteen million ... Fifteen ? And Zina pushed them up to seventy-five ? That's right . Vince still stops by her office every day to thank her . Anyway , I'm still happy I left . I'm working as a freelancer now . You really should have stayed with us , Dave . I feel I work harder when I am under pressure . Me too . I get much more done when I am under the gun . You spoken English is pretty good . Please tell me your experience in learning English . Uh , I don't know what to say . What do you want to know ? What's your method of learning ? Let me think a minute . I think I always try to take every chance to practice . What if there is no chance ? I mean what if you don't have a partner , what will you do ? Well , I talk to myself . That is , I play one role first , then the other . That's a good idea . You are really creative . I am not convinced by your explanation . Could you explain it ? Sorry , I really can't do that . There's little time left for us . I can't accept your excuse . It's five o'clock . Yeah . But I have an appointment with Ann . Ok , sounds good . But I think it's your trick . Hello , Tom ! Hello , Steven ! How are you doing ? Not bad . What about you ? I'm just a little tired . Why ? I have a lot of work to do in the company recently . How is your family ? Pretty fine , thanks . Where are you going now ? I am going to buy a new air conditioner for my parents . Oh , it ’ s two o ’ clock . I must go now . OK , see you next time . See you . Hi , John . What brings you to town ? Hi , Mary . Lily wanted me to buy her some things for the party . What do you think of the traffic today ? It ’ s pretty bad . Yeah . You can say that again . It ’ s noisy too . I am glad I did not drive a car . Which season do you like best ? I like spring . Why ? Oh , everything comes back to life in spring and the weather gets warmer . I like spring , too.We can go for a walk and enjoy the fresh air . Bill , how can you hear so happy today ? Aha . I've read of my roommate . I made a move today . Really ? What was the matter ? You knew Brain Locker ? Brain Locker ? No , I don't think so . What does he look like ? Well , he's thin and tall . He has brown hair , a holt nose , green eyes and wearing glasses . Mm . I've seen him a couple of times , I think . How are you doing today ? Good . Thanks for asking . What may I do for you ? I need help with something . What do you need help with ? I am looking for a newspaper article . Have you looked in the periodicals ? I didn ’ t even think about that . I can show you where they are . That would be a lot of help . Follow me , please . Thank you so much . What do you usually do in your work time ? Some routine job . Files , documents , faxes and so on . Are you usually busy ? It depends . Sometimes I am very busy . What depends ? Oh , that means I can't make sure for my own . Oh , I see . Thanks for inviting me to your friend ’ s wedding . I was surprised to hear the bride and groom talking to each other that way during the marriage ceremony . Is that common ? Well , some people use a standard set of words , but many couples today write their own wedding vows . Your tradition of throwing rice as they got into their car was interesting , but it didn't look like real rice to me . It wasn't . It was birdseed . We don't throw rice anymore because someone discovered that birds come along and eat the rice and have trouble digesting it . Oh , I didn't think of that . Well , this reception reminds me of weddingparties back in China . Plenty of food and drink , music and dancing , and interesting traditions . Wait until you see what happens next ! The bride is getting ready to throw her bouquet . Let's go over and watch . She ’ s got quite a crowd around her . Oh , look ! That little girl caught it ! She ’ s my friend ’ s ten-year-old niece . I guess there won ’ t be another wedding in this family for a long time . You look run down , Brian . I've been feeling under the weather recently . I caught a bad cold last week , and I still haven't got over it . Well , you wanna take a sick leave ? All you need now is a good , long rest . I guess so . Even though I seem to be over the worst of it . I don't want to give the bug to anyone in the office . Good idea . You seem to be in the seventh heaven . What's put you on ? Sarah and I could see eye to eye with each other . Did she give up her decision to marry Dick ? No , I encourage her to go her own way , but she's now having a change of heart . Excuse me . Can you tell me how to find some books on social science ? Sure . You see all these little drawers here and all the way around the walls ? Yes . These drawers contain cards describing every book in our library . Together they constitute the library's " card catalog " . You can see that each drawer runs from one part of the alphabet to another . Fox example , this drawer goes from SCA to SCM . So if I'm looking for a look called A History of Western Society , I'd just look under ' A ' . No . You'd look under ' W ' . The articles ' a ' and ' the ' don't count in our alphabetization , and cards are generally omitted for extremely common words and phrases such as ' history of ' , ' introduction to ' , ' story of ' and so forth . What if I don't know the title of the book ? Well , you can look under the author's name . Could you give me an example ? Suppose you want to find a book by your professor , William Smith . You'd look under SMITH and then WILLIAM . Since that's very common name , you may have to go through several ' William Smith ' until you come to the one who wrote book on the subject you are interested in . Julia , are you free tonight ? What's up ? I want to invite you to go to the movies . Are you asking me for a date ? Yes . I don ’ t like to go to the movies on a date . It's noisy there . Where do you want to meet ? Let's go to the coffee shop then . It's quiet there . What time should we meet ? How about seven ? All right . Hello , Catherine . Would you like to go out tomorrow ? Tomorrow ? Yeah , I was thinking we could get a bite to eat and catch a movie . That sounds great . Yes . We can do something else if you like . OK . Dinner and a movie will be perfect . Well . What time would you like me to pick you up ? How about 7 o'clock ? Good . I will see you then . OK . Bye . Bye . Hey , there ’ s Leo . I wonder why he ’ s walking arm in arm with that young woman . It ’ s as plain as the nose on your face . They ’ re dating each other . You ’ re pulling my leg ! She must be thirty years younger than Leo . Talk about robbing the cradle ! Well , you can bet this relationship ’ s going to be a flash in the pan . It must have been love at first sight because I know he didn ’ t have a girlfriend last week . I think you are absolutely right . Actually , my father proposed to my mother after knowing her only two weeks . They got married a month later . Do you think maybe it would be better to just talk to Vince ? Explain the situation ? No way . I want the satisfaction of squishing this bug myself . Plus , what if it's Vince ? I don't think so . Your admirer seems kind of sweet . Aren't you even a little curious about him ? He's just a distraction , like a mosquito buzzing in my ear . I want no distractions . A little distraction might do you some good , Zina . You didn't ring me last night . You said you would . I'm sorry to have made you disappointed . That's all right . But why were you so rude to me at lunch . Was I ? Sorry , I didn't mean to be . I do apologize . And why are you yarning now ? Are you bored ? Forgive me darling . I'm very tired . Hi , how is it going ? Pretty good , Sam . Only the awful weather , you know . That ’ s right . I ’ Ve never really liked it since I got here . Me either , but I ’ m dealing with it anyway . Would you like to go skiing with me ? I heard the new ski area is great . They have safe tracks , especially for the beginners and provide free training . I think it suits you best . Sounds not bad ! You know , the only thing I worried about is the safety . I ’ m not an active exerciser and my muscle may be not strong enough for such an intense sport . Then you can go to the three-day-long training camp first . There ’ re some professional teachers and they can guide you to do certain necessary exercise . I will think about it . Come on ! It is really a fun game . What's that ? It's my new pendant . Do you like it ? Is that Hello Kitty ? Yes , in a monkey suit . It's adorable ! Is it real gold ? Yeah . Two-toned , white and yellow . what date is it today ? why ? look at the girls in the street . They all have bunch of flowers.Is it Valentine's Day ? Oh , yes ! I completely forgot about it . did you have a fight with Jack ? no , but now he'll be in trouble . What's a boyfriend for ? To forget about Valentine's Day ? come on , dear ! You forgot it , too . you know , it's OK for a girl to forget these " big days " , but for a guy , to do that is unforgivable . is that your phone ? oh , it's Jack . Excuse me . wow ! good timing . he asked me out to a dinner tonight . How about joining us ? come on ! three's a crowd ! so what ? just go ! it's Valentine's Day ! We ’ re going to the Dragon Boat Festival tomorrow . Feel like coming along ? Sure . I ’ Ve never seen a dragon boat race . Really ? I think you ’ ll love it . As long as I don ’ t have to row . I must admit I'm not at all interested in math . I'm sure you'll soon begin to like it.It ' s such an interesting subject . But I don't think I'll ever show my liking to math . Hi , Ellen ! How is it going ? Can ’ t be better ! Bob , aren ’ t you glad the semester is over ? Yep ! Are you going to the rock concert Friday night ? I didn ’ t think much of it . Are you ? Sure . Would you like go with me ? Sounds like fun . You ’ ll have to buy your own ticket though . Are you broke again ? Let me treat you . Wow ! When did you come into so much cash ? You know , I am a waitress at the student center . Anyway now those final exams are almost over . I ’ d love a night out . not a single email until now ? it's already twelve o'clock . I can't believe it ! can't bear it , right ? I've been there before . I'll feel comfortable if no one calls me or sends me text messages , like there is something missing . yeah , that's right . If no one sends me test messages , I'll go crazy . actually , this is a kind of addiction called " infomania " or " information overload " . addiction ? checking emails and text messages often can be called an addiction ? no way ! yes , it is . Do you consider a frequent check of your income emails to be an integral part of your working day ? absolutely . do you have your cell phone with you wherever you go and check text messages and phone calls from time to time ? yeah , it's a must . Otherwise , I may miss important phone calls and text messages . do you open all your IM tools whenever you're using a computer ? yes . MSN , QQ , Skype , Google Talk , Ali wangwang , everything , so that I'll be in touch with all friends and relatives . now I can tell you're definitely addicted to the overflow of information . Mark . Where have you been ? I ’ Ve been calling you all morning . I ’ Ve been playing computer games . What ? So you blew me off yesterday and today over a stupid video game ? What game is so important that you have no time for me anymore ? What are you playing ? It ’ s called Counter Strike.It ’ s a first person shooter game.It ’ s awesome.It ’ s a multi player game where you can go online and compete against players from all over the world . You ’ Ve been wasting your time on this ? I can ’ t believe it ! It doesn ’ t even look fun or challenging ! My laptop is on my bed . If you think it ’ s so easy then get on line and try to beat me . Fine ! Damp it ! How are you killing me with a single shot ? It ’ s not fair ! I don ’ t want to play anymore ! Let ’ s go get something to eat . Can you bring me something ? I am totally hooked on this game ! Why did Tom quit his job ? He said his present job seemed to be a blind alley . If he doesn't change his attitude toward work , I don't think a new job can make any difference . What did he say ? He said he would tell us the secret of becoming a successful man . It ’ s too good to be true ! If I were there , I would ask him if he himself was a successful man . Nobody would drive him up a wall by asking him such a question , you know . Nice dress . How do I look ? Be honest . Hmm ... you look too dressed up . How about this purple top and these jeans ? Well , that top is a little too tight , and those jeans aren ’ t dressy enough . And I don ’ t feel comfortable with that . What do you think , Vicky ? You ’ Ve been very quiet up to now . Be confident . Wear styles you ’ re going to be comfortable in . You had better get a grab instead of getting upset about little things . I know . But my life seems super stressful . I really don ’ t know how to get a better grab on things . I think as long as you try your best and don ’ t think of anything too much , everything will be all right . Here ’ s a letter for you . Let me see it . Who ’ s the letter from ? It ’ s a letter from UCLA about my acceptance . Read it ! UCLA accepted me ! Really ? I ’ m not joking . I got accepted ! I ’ m so happy for you ! UCLA was my second choice , but I ’ m happy knowing I ’ Ve been accepted . I am really proud of you . You have no idea how proud I am of myself . Do you think the weather will be good this weekend ? I heard it might rain . Oh . That ’ s a pity . I thought that we might go hiking in the hills . Mmm ... Well we could go to that new art gallery instead . Yes that might be a better idea . Maybe we ’ ll meet some of the artists too . Ok - let ’ s do that then ! On balance , dress designing appeals to me most . Yes , it's to my liking , too . Say , how would you like to be a dress designer ? It's my dream . How often do you use the internet ? I use it almost every day , but I usually only use it to check my email . I don ’ t often surf the net . You use the internet a lot , don ’ t you ? Yes . I use it to find products and components at the lowest price for my company . It can be frustrating when the connection is poor . So , you ’ re online eight hours a day . Yes , I like the job though . Sometimes , I help other people in the office if they ’ re having trouble online . How useful do you think the internet is as a source of information ? I think it ’ s fairly useful , but there are two big problems . First , a lot of the information you find online is false . Second , when you buy something online , you don ’ t see it until you actually get it . How do you solve the website problems when you ’ re buying something online ? What I do is find the website of shops . Then someone from our company visits the shop and buys when they ’ re seen that the products are genuine and suitable . Today more and more families have personal computers . People have wider range of choice to communicate with the outside world . Right . With the establishment of Internet and a lot of web companies , people are getting more and more dependent on the web . One of the common uses of PC is that people can buy goods through it without going out to the physical stores . Can you tell me how it is done ? If a customer is interested in some certain goods , he can ask the web company to have the specimen of the goods shown on the color screen , and then the customer can place an order online to the sales company . And then the goods you want will be delivered to your home . The service is perfect and the delivery is free of charge . I see . So great . Hi , Bob ! How are you doing ? Fine ! How are you ? I'm fine too , thank you . I've come to tell you I'm going to the concert this evening.Will you come with me ? I've two complimentary tickets . With the greatest pleasure.Where is the concert this evening ? It will be held at the Music Hall . What's on the program ? It's a piano recital . I'm fond of piano , you know . What a good day ! Yes . It's really wonderful here The grass is greener and the air is fresher than those in the city . Right . Let's go out and enjoy the beautiful natural scenery . Great , let's go . Wow , what a beautiful lake ! The green hills and clear water really provide magnificent scenery . En , it's so beautiful that I don't want to move my eyes from it . I feel as if I'm living in a different world , honey . The same to me . All the things here make me happy , the mountain , the water , the grass , the birds , the sunshine ... I think we should go out more frequently . The natural scenery can do us good . That's the point . We should walk into the nature and enjoy its beauty whenever we have time . Right . The city life has made us tired and out of energy , while the natural world can bring us quite new feelings . My mother and my wife are always holding different ideas . If you are really in love with your wife , you should be in support of her . You can ’ t have it both ways , of course . You mean I should please her by following her suggestion . Yeah . Love me , and love my dog . Get changed ! What for ? what a nice uniform ! thanks ; do you like it ? not really . I was being sarcastic . Does it come with the job ? yes , everyone on the sales floor has to wear one . They're supposed to make us look more professional . they're not actually that bad . They could be worse . What do you think about it ? I don't mind it , actually . I don't have to worry about what I'm going to wear every day . so are you enjoying your new job ? it's much better than my old one . My new boss is great . how do you like working in sales ? I like the fact that I get to work with people . It makes the day go by much faster . that's good . Have you met Jane yet ? She's the intern in the international travel department . yeah , I've met her . She's a genius saleswoman ! I know ! She could sell fridges to Eskimos ! how do you know her ? she's my cousin . why didn't you tell me about that before ? I don't know . I didn't think it was that interesting . well , now that I know that , maybe we should all go out for dinner sometime . that's a good idea . Let's discuss after work . Isn ’ t this great ? I always wanted to own a farm , live out in the country , grow my own food ! This is very beautiful . Though I have to confess , I don ’ t know the first thing about farming ! That ’ s fine ! Don ’ t worry about it ! What was that ? Relax , it was just a goat ! And that ? It ’ s just the cows that are grazing over there . We can milk them later . What was that ? Honey , seriously , It ’ s just a sheep . Relax ! Relax , that was just the horses and donkeys that are in the stable . You know what ? I don ’ t think I can hack it here out in the countryside . I ’ m going back to the city ! What do you base our grades on ? All of your coursework is important , including everything from attendance and homework to all of your test results for the semester . Does the final count the most ? All of it is important ; please just do your best at all times . How do you total our scores ? The final and mid-term are twenty percent each ; homework , attendance , and quizzes are the rest . What if we are out sick ? Make sure you contact me as I only allow one unexcused absence . How can we know if we are doing OK during the year ? Your grade will not be a surprise ; you will know what you need to work on . I watched a very interesting documentary about plants yesterday evening . It was called unusual plants and looked at several species of plants from around the world which have unusual features . Really ? Tell me about some of the plants they showed . Well . There was one type of plant that catches insects and eats them . Is that type of plant found in this country ? No , it isn ’ t . it ’ s a pity , because I ’ d like to see it in action . So would i . what other unusual plants did they show ? They showed flowers that only provide their nectar to one type of butterfly or bee . The insect has to be the exact size to get the nectar . Other insects cannot get it . Of course , when the insect molle That ’ s very specialized . So , the insects and the flowers rely on each other . If one became extinct , the other would too . That ’ s right . That ’ s one reason why it ’ s so important to protect every species . I see . The plants that fascinate me most are cacti . I find it amazing that they can survive in such dry desert conditions . According to the documentary , they have an incredible ability to find water supplies , however small , and then store them without losing much through evaporation . That ’ s why they often have long roots to find water spines instead of leaves , to reduce water loss . I got the job you recommended me for last week . That's great ! Congratulations . I really don't know how I can thank you enough . Oh , it's my pleasure . After all , you are very qualified for the position . Thank you very much indeed.You helped me rebuild my self-confidence . Don't mention it.You ' re always been good.What do you say we go out to celebrate ? That would be great . The Great Wall is a great attraction for visitors . It's a man-made wonder . I've seen it many times in textbooks and it's part of my dream to visit it . Someone claimed it was one of the two man-made wonders that could be seen on the moon . That's true . I can ’ t believe it ! What ’ s wrong ? That was a great goal . Yes , but I bet $ 200 dollars on the Cougars ! Looks like you ’ re going to lose out on this game then . I can ’ t believe it ! I thought the Cougars were going to win for sure . What were the odds ? 20 to 1 , in favour of the Cougars ! Too bad . Hey , let's go out and grab a couple of beers tonight ! Sorry , I can't . I have to work late at the laboratory . Nigel , you sure lead a dog's life , what's up with that ? My boss wants me to finish this project tonight . What do you think of your teacher ? He's very strict with us . And I hear he gives very good lectures . Indeed.He ' s strict with himself too . Ernie , I'm really excited about starting this band together . We're going to be the two coolest students on campus . I know ! It's gonna be great . But what kind of music do you think we should play ? That's a good question . You know I love hip hop , so maybe we can play some Vanilla Ice songs . Hmm ... Vanilla Ice ? I know his most famous song , " Ice Ice Baby , " but I don't know his other songs . That's OK . You can buy his songs on iTunes and listen to them . What's taking you so long ? Don't worry . I'm almost finished . I need you to hurry up . All right . I'm finished . I think there's more you need to do . What do you mean by that ? My hair looks awful . What don't you like about it ? I just don't like my hair . I'm sorry that you don't like it . I won't be paying you for this . I'm sure we can work something out . Honey , why are you so angry ? Can you tell me ? You don ’ t love me , Roy . Why do you say such words ? I love you very much . No , you used to be . But not now . You are in love with someone else . You are in love with my friend , Janet . You appreciate her very much . You think she is beautiful and fun to be with and you think I ’ m dumb and uninteresting . Susan , just one last week I went out to have a lunch with her . There is nothing for you to be jealous about . I like your company much better than Janet ’ s . I envy her and also I hate her at the same time . Honey , you should know that I love you so deeply . Oh , shut up , Roy . But honey , I think you ’ re terrific . There is nothing ... Oh , SHUT UP ! what kinds of tv programmes do you enjoy watching ? I like current affairs programmes and documentaries , especially wildlife ones . How about you ? I like those kinds of programmes too . They ’ re very informative . I think that many people underrate the education value of tv . I agree . People often criticize tv for showing too much sex and violence . yeah . And that ’ s so funny because most people prefer watching sex and violence to watching something more educational ! right . You can ’ t blame the tv stations for showing popular kinds of programmes . They need to make money from advertisements shown during and between programmes . in my country , there ’ s a time limit on the advertisements that can be shown . I think it ’ s about six minutes per hour . that ’ s great idea . But don ’ t the tv station lose a lot of money because of that ? no . they don ’ t . they simply charge higher prices at peak times . Is there no limit on the amount of advertisements that can be shown on tv in your country ? not as far as I know . We have so many advertisements . the interruptions are unbearable sometimes ! That ’ s one reason that many people prefer satellite or cable tv , where you pay a fixed amount each mo some people have satellite and cable tv in my country , but people don ’ t seem to keen to pay for their tv programmes . Besides , the terrestrial channels offer a good range of programmes . well , there ’ s a wildlife documentary on tv in a few minutes . Shall we ? Bon voyage ! Goodbye . Can you believe me ? Sure . Please count on my love . I will . I'll be yours through endless time . I see . And I'll always be devoted to you . Thank you . I know I've nothing to offer you , but I'll never give you reason to cry . I'll never hurt you ; I'll never lie . My love will grow , like a river to flow . It can't be dry , and can't die . I don't know whether we are in a dream . Aha , Aha ... Hi , Sara , what are you reading ? Hi , John , I am trying to find a carpenter . Why ? Well , I want to build a deck in my back yard . What for ? So I can have a special place to hang out with friends , and also do some barbecuing on weekends . That sounds cool . Do you mind if I recommend myself for the job ? You ? Do you have a carpenter's license ? Yes , of course . But I only freelance on weekends with my uncle . Wow ! That's cool . So , let me give you some details about the deck I want . Please go ahead , I am listening . I'd like my deck to be at the same level as the back door . Is your back door higher than the ground level ? Yes , the back door is about four or five steps higher than the ground . Okay , then you need a deck with a guardrail . I don't like things to be fancy . Don't worry . I will build your deck with a simple but classic look . Hmm , that's good . Can you use cedar or redwood to build it ? Cedar is a good choice . Well , let's take the measurements right now . Are you tired ? Not really . It's late.It ' s high time I left.Thank you for a most wonderful evening . Don't mention it . Good night then ! Good night ! I'm going to try sky diving this weekend . I wouldn't do it if I were you . It's sounds like fun . It's very dangerous , you know . I want to try something exciting . It's an easy way to get hurt , let me tell you . I'll tell you all about it next Monday . Well , take care of yourself , and don't say I didn't warn you . Joan is a thorough drag ! What is it ? She keeps talking when I'm reading . There must be something wrong with her . The results of the poll show Bill Clinton's approval rating has gone up in his second term . Do you find that interesting ? Well , I think Clinton deserves high marks for doing his job generally , but he may get low marks for his honesty and personal image . That is exactly what the poll shows . Although the stating of Clinton as a person has gone down in the last two years of his term , his approval rating is as high as 66 percent . I don't find this surprising . The poll data sound quite right . He is a good president . But the poll says only 15 percent say he will be remembered as an outstanding president . What courses are you taking ? Chinese , maths , English , chemistry , physics , biology and so on . What do you think about the teachers ? To be honest , I like most of them , except for my Chinese teacher . She is quite young , but her class is too boring ! That's too bad . Do you have any foreign teachers ? Yes , my oral English teacher is an American . He is from a small town in California . What is he like ? He is great . He always tells us not to study for exams , and to pay more attention to communication rather than just memorizing . Are you able to follow him ? Not everything , but nearly . He speaks very clearly . Oh , that's good ! He sounds like a good teacher . Absolutely ! If you come to our class , I am sure you will like him . How do I apply to an American university ? You should go to the library to find some information about American universities , and write to the Admission Office . Then the Admission Office will send you application forms and other related materials . From experience , many applicants write to several universities instead of just one . I was told that it took a lot of time and effort to apply . That is true . I ’ ll list for you the requirements of almost all the universities . First of all , you need official transcripts of your undergraduate work , three letters of recommendation from your professors who know your competence , and the official TOEFL ( Test of English as a Foreign Language ) score ( It ’ s usually 550 ) . Then you need a financial guarantee , and an application fee of 25 dollars . What's to come next ? If they agree to enroll you , they will send you a TAP - 66 Form . With TAP - 66 , you can apply for a passport from our government , and then apply for a visa from the US . Embassy in Beijing . How long will it take to go over all the procedures ? From 3 to 6 months if everything goes well . Thank you . I appreciate your help . You are welcome . Please feel free to ask if you have any more questions . Good morning . I ’ m from the new york book review . Could I ask you some question about your latest book ? Sure . Take a seat ... what would you like to know ? First , I ’ Ve heard that your latest book is based on a true story . That ’ s correct . It ’ s a murder mystery based on actual murders that book place in florida several years ago . The main character-the police invesigator-is based on the man who investigated the case . How do you research your books ? I always visit the places that I use as setting for stories . Readers like things to be as factually correct as possible-even in fiction ! I usually base my characters on people I have met . Most charact I really like your books . I ’ Ve just finished this one . I read it from cover to cover in a single day . Congratulation on making the bestseller list yet again ! Thank you . Let met sign it for you ... there you go . Oh ! Thank you very much . I heard that you are currently writing a collection of short stories . What are the stories about ? There ’ s a real mix of stories in the book . I haven ’ t finished all of them yet , though . Many of them are short detective stories , but there are also horror stories and sci-fi ones . If you give me your Thanks very much . I ’ m sure it will sell well . I can ’ t wait to read it . Here ’ s my card . Thank you for you time . This is my friend Jenny . What's her last name ? It's Snow . What color are her eyes ? They're blue . What color is her hair ? It's brown . How old is she ? She's 42 . I like watching comedies , like ' Boat ' . Do you like watching comedies too ? Not really , I like watching horror movies , like ' The Unborn . ' You like horror movies ? I don't like them because they're too scary ! I like comedies because I love to laugh . I like horror movies because I like to be scared . Good morning . Is this where I can get a library card issued to me ? No problem , we have a short form right here ; just hand it to me when you are done . I'm done . That looks great , but I will also need your driver's license or other form of I . D . Sure , here it is . Well , this looks nice . Do you know how to use it ? I am pretty sure how to use it , but can you remind me ? Of course , just remember that all of the needed information is on the card . I see . Well , I hope you have a wonderful time on your library visits ! When did you and Amanda meet each other ? I met her about one year ago . So you met her right after you got to school ? That's right . We've been dating since last September . Do you like snakes ? Of course not . I'm afraid of them . I mean , do you like snake meat ? I'm afraid I'll feel sick at the sight of it . What do you do in your spare time ? During the weekend I often take the family out on short trips . That sounds interesting . Yes , it helps me to relax . Do you have any hobbies ? I like to paint .  What kind of things do you paint ? Mainly seascapes . What kinds of sports do you like ? I like almost all sports , and I enjoy both playing and watching . I especially like tennis and mountain climbing . I was in the climbing club all through school . Hi , Mary , it ’ s been a long time . Hello , my old friend . Long time no see . How are you doing ? Well , I ’ m doing okay . And how about yourself ? Not so well . To be honest with you , I broke up with Tom . Oh . I ’ m sorry to hear that . What happened ? What can I help you with today ? I need to check out this book . Do you have your library card ? I don ’ t have one . Would you like to apply for one right now ? That ’ s fine . I ’ m going to need you to fill out the application . All right . All done . All right , now please sign the back of the card . Okay . I ’ Ve signed it . That ’ s all there is to it . Great . Now can I check out this book ? How's your time spent in the United States ? Well , pretty good . I'm glad to hear that . What impressed you most ? Well , the cultural differences impressed me most . You mean we Chinese think differently from the Americans ? That's right , quite different . One day one of my American friend looked pale , so I asked him whether he was sick or not . But he was reluctant to answer my question . That's weird . And what's more , when he told me he had caught a cold for several days , I suggested him to go to the hospital as soon as possible . You really cared about your friend . Sure I am . But he responded by saying'what do you mean ? ' . I'm confused . Why did he say that ? I felt the same at first . Later he told me that I'd better not give him any suggestions when he was sick . Offering unsolicited help or advice is like showing sympathy to the weak or the poor . But back in China , helping others is always regarded being kind . Absolutely . Now I understand why he responded that way . He has so many friends supporting him . And he himself is very diligent . Considering all these , I think he has the ball at his feet . But he has to stick to it and to it long enough . It's time to leave the office for the night . Firstly I log off my computer , then I set the electronic security system . That's pretty advanced . Now I'll quickly send a short message to my wife and take the elevator down to the basement . Is that where you park ? Yes , the car park is under constant video surveillance , so my car is quite safe . Please get in . Thank you . Where is your key ? There's no need , I have keyless entry , and the steering wheel recognizes my finger prints before starting the car . Now , we can look at the navigation system to find the best route home . That's amazing , it even shows all the roads that are congested at the moment . Using GPS I can rely on this to direct me home . Now I just need to find my E-Card to automatically open the gate and we can drive out . Pretty soon cars will be driving themselves . Maybe , but in the meantime why not help me find the remote control for my garage door ? Here it is , and here we are . When I turn off my home alarm , the house will automatically tum on the lights and set the climate to a comfortable level . I have to get home , but I don't need all of this fancy technology , I think I'll just walk . Have any plans for the weekend , Tom ? Yeah , I ’ m going for a hike in the southern Rocky Mountains . Oh , do you go hiking often ? I go as much as I can . I love hiking because you can really get in touch with nature . It would be nice to get out of the city . Do you want some company ? Sure . But , it will be a long hike , 30 miles in three days . Have you been hiking before ? Yeah , I go a lot too . I saw a bear and a mountain lion on my last hike . Wow ! You must have been pretty far away from the city . Yeah , my friend and I hiked in a very wild part of the national forest . Well , bring him along too . We ’ ll have a great time this weekend . Thanks , I ’ ll ask him . Miss Wang , would you mind my asking you a personal question ? No , not at all . Go ahead . Are you married ? Yes . Is that so important ? Frankly yes . We like to employ married people . By the way , do you have any children ? Yes , I have a three-year-old son . Hello . Mark , this is Lucy . What's up ? I have a friend . He is my best friend and he wants to learn English . He would pay about 100 yuan per hour . Are you interested ? I don't know . So I take it you are not interested . No , Lucy . Don't get me wrong . I mean school will be open on Sept . 2nd , and I will have a very tight schedule by then . Don't worry . My friend says he can always arrange his schedule around your schedule . That will be fine . When can I see him ? Let's do it this way . I'll take him to your place this Saturday . Then you two can make a schedule . Make sure you come here before noon . I will be picking up my friend at the airport in the afternoon . How are you going to get there ? By bus , of course . I am sure my friend can give you a ride . Great . By the way , what does your friend do ? He is a lawyer . Ok , see you then . See you . He ’ s got laid off again . I do feel sorry for him . Do you really ? What do you mean ? Well , I just think he deserves it . Could you tell me something about the Mid-Autumn Festival ? I find it also very interesting . OK . It falls on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month . It is said that there is a beautiful goddess Chang'E on the moon who had eaten some sort of elixir and had to depart her husband . She is always expecting to see her husband again . So , later we have the traditional idea that when there is the full moon , it is time for the family members to come together . So , I understand why people eat moon cakes on that day . You are right . In China , ' round ' is an auspicious word . The moon cakes are in round shape . Is it official ? It was not in the past . But from 2008 , we can enjoy a three-day holiday for this festival . Good morning , Miss . Morning . Can I help you ? Yes , I'd like to know how to use the library . You know , I'm a new student here . All you need is your student identification card to check out books . Yes.Here ' s my identification . That's all you need . Thank you very much . By the way , how many books am I allowed to check out ? You can check out two books at a time . But you can't check out newspapers , magazines and periodicals ; they have to be read within library . How long can I keep the books ? For two weeks . After that you must renew the books if you wish to keep them longer . I want a book on physics . Could you show me where I can find it ? Yes , over there to your left . I think this one will do . I'm sorry . I don't think so . Why ? What's wrong with it ? It's much too hard for his age . Have you heard that we will have reorganization ? No , really ? Yes , flexible , aggressive and creative people are urgently needed in the marketing department . Who will be there ? James is going to be packed off there . That is good . He can leave you alone this time . Mrs . Smith , you are always worried about your children . They are my own flesh and blood . It ’ s hard for me to see them suffering . That ’ s human nature . Happy birthday , Lillian . Here's a little present I bought for you . Thank you , Paul . Hi Isabel ! You wanted to see me ? Yes Anthony , come on in . Have a seat . Is everything okay ? You seem a bit preoccupied . Well , Anthony , this is not going to be an easy conversation.The company has made some decisions which will have a direct impact on your employment . Okay ... I don ’ t want to beat around the bush so I ’ m just gonna come out with it . We are going to have to let you go . What ? Why ? I mean ... just like that ? I ’ m fired ? I ’ m sorry but , to be honest , you are a terrible employee ! What ! I resent that ! Anthony , you were caught making international calls from the office phone , you called in sick in eight times this month and you smell like alcohol ! Have you heard about Anlesen David ? No , have they have another fight ? No , they got engaged . You must be joking . Those two ? Well , my dear . I didn't believe either . But got it straight form the horse's mouth . David called me this morning . So when did all this happen ? Last weekend , while they were on the Sik trip . Well , I believe it now , and when are they are getting married ? Next June . I can hardly believe it . How about going to dance this evening , Jane ? You will find that the night life of this city is very interesting ! Good idea . There is a good nightclub nearby , isn't it ? Yes , the dance hall is nice with various styles of music . ( In the club ) Look at those people in the dance floor , they are so crazy . That's rock and roll with fast tempo . I like the slow dance . I am good at rumba and waltz . Take it easy . The time for slow dance is the middle part of the party . Let's find a quiet seat and sit down for beverage . OK , follow me . Listen , it is waltz . I like the elegant step of the old styles . May I ? Sure . ( When they are dancing ) You dance gracefully ! Tom , you promised to cut the lung . You won't forget , will you ? No , I assure you . And you'll repair the television , won't you ? Ok . Do you promise ? Of course . And Tom , you will help Johnny with his homework , won't you ? I'll see . I will if I can but I won't promise . But you'll promise not to be late for dinner tonight , won't you ? Yes . But only if you ask me nicely . Tom , darling . You'll try not to be late for dinner tonight , won't you ? Please ! Ok . I'll keep my promise . How did Jim get the money ? He borrowed it from Nick . He must be mad ! Nick is a loan shark . He was too desperate to find some other way . Too much , Harry . Don't blame her anymore . But it was her that makes us so embarrassed . I know . But there's no point in making her feel worse , isn't there ? I don't care . My goodness ! You ’ re kidding ! No . I ’ m serious . I ’ m going to quit my job . That ’ s amazing ! You got a good pay here , didn ’ t you ? It ’ s true . But I can ’ t show my abilities . Come on ! Don ’ t be silly ! Your present job is something better . Why do you change ? Well . How do you know ? But Sue is indeed beaut . Men can hardly resist such a knock-out . Birds of feather flock together . You must be one of these men . I know little of her . I only think she ’ s pretty and intelligent . Of course , she ’ s diligent , too . That ’ s enough for you to worship the ground she treats on . I wish I knew who had moved our flower pots . It was me . I am so sorry . What did you think you were doing ? I had to move it , so that I can get my bike through . How dare you be so inconsiderate ? That's wrong . I am awfully sorry . I didn't think you would mind so much . Never do that again . I promise . She is so beautiful , isn't she ? Who ? Julia Roberts . Yeah , she is so charming . I like her , too . It's said that her new movie is going to come out . What's the movie about ? I'm not sure . Isn't it silly to see a movie that you know nothing about ? I already told you , because Julia Roberts is in it . I like her because she is not only a great actor but also is very generous to give a lot to many kinds of charities . Yeah , she is great . I also admire her for her concern about society . I hope the teacher decides to curve our test grades . I wouldn't count on it . She did last time . Yes , but I'll bet she won't again . Could you tell me how to use the library ? Sure . All you need is your student ID card or admission card to check out books and read journals or magazines in the library . How many books am I allowed to check out at a time ? Two books at a time . Except magazines or journals , they have to be read within library . How long can I keep the books ? For one month . If you can ’ t return the books in time , you'll be fined . But if you renew them , you can keep them longer . I see . Now I want to check out two books on spoken English . Can you show me where I can find them ? Yes , just over there to your right . Thank you very much . You ’ re welcome . How did you do that ? It was a piece of cake . That new Sony camcorder you've got is just beautiful . Yeah.It is the very latest in digital video cameras . I can see digital video products are quickly going mainstream with their plunging price . Getting cheaper is not the only reason for their popularity.They come with a lot of inviting functions . Such as ? They offer clearer and sharper images . Many of them also have up to 20x optical zoom lenses , a photo mode and fast-action mode . They are very compact and are designed to be used with one hand . Right ! Anyway , the basic difference between a digital camcorder and its traditional counterpart is that it speaks digital . What does this mean ? This means digital camcorders can be connected with the digital equipments you have at home , like your digital TV or your computer . I can transfer my home video clips from my camcorder to my computer for editing . Sure ! And without any conversion process or loss of quality ! You quickly find , cut , and record video segments and create slide shows . Some camcorders even offer editing software for adding titles and special effects . What special effects ? Like creating a sepia tone look and some special effects such as fades and dissolves . That's great ! With the development of the broad band Internet , you can easily upload your video files to websites or e-mail them to relatives or business partners . So everybody's getting video mail . Hi , David ! What are you doing ? Oh , just looking at these club notices . I'm thinking of joining one . Hey-why don't we join a club together ? How about the Tennis Club ? Actually , I'm not good at tennis at all ... Neither am I . It's just that the best-looking girls are in that club . Oh , come on . That's no reason to do something you're not interested in . Well ... What are you interested in ? How about the Classical Music Club ? Joanna , give me a break . Hey-how about the Cinema Club ? Sounds OK to me . I like movies . Hey , Joanna , look - there are a lot of decent-looking guys here . And the club jackets - they're really hot ! I think we made the right choice ! Either we'll be millionaires , or we won't ... won't have a dime . And it's all coming down to the next three weeks . The only person who seems confident the software will be done on time is Zina . Yeah , she is some kind of Superwoman , isn't she ? Failure just isn't an option for her . I'm glad she's on our team . So , Monica , what do you feel like doing this afternoon ? Actually , I had a perfect plan for this afternoon , but it is totally ruined by the sand storm . I woke up this morning and found it was sunny . So I called Lucy and asked her to go shopping with me . We were going to look for a new purse . Now it turned out to be like this . Neither of us wants to go to outside anymore . That ’ s too bad . I hate sand storms too . It can be worse than any kind of bad weather . What ’ s wrong with climate ? Anyway , I think the sand storm happens more frequently these days than the years before . Can ’ t people do something to stop it ? It is not an easy job . The government is working on it . Lots of trees have been planted in the north of the capital . Also , methods of generating rain are being used by the government to fight against the drought . But of course , it will not work overnight . So , have you come out with a new plan for today ? My new plan is to wait for the end of the sand storm and clean my apartment . May I help you ? I would like to return this book . May I do anything else for you ? I would also like to check out this magazine . I can ’ t let you do that . Why is that ? Our policy doesn ’ t allow anyone to check out the magazines . What things am I allowed to check out ? You are only allowed to check out books or videos . I really need to check out this magazine . I ’ m sorry , but that ’ s our policy . That ’ s stupid . I've heard that Tom is going to move . What ? Are you sure about that ? Yeah , he is going to move next month . Where is he going ? He is going to Canada and to live with his son . What a pity ! Why did you say that ? It's a good thing for him to live with his son . I know that . But it's pity for us to lose such a good neighbour . You know I always appreciate Tom's company . Me too . But anyway we hope he lives happily in the future . Have a nice Thanksgiving ! The same to you ! Are you going anywhere ? I thought about going to my sister's . How about you ? Oh , I'll probably just stay at home . Have you noticed the Mexican restaurant on the other side of this street ? You mean the one with the yellow bricks ? But last time I saw it , it wasn ’ t really in business yet . I saw some people inside furnishing the rooms . Is it open now ? Yes , someone give me a pamphlet introducing the restaurant and its business hours when I passed by this morning . So , let ’ s have a try . My treat . Great , I like the idea of trying some new food . Good for you . Today we have more chances to try some new food because there are now many new form restaurants in our city coming from places all over the world . Also some traditional Chinese food , like noodles and dumpling are marketed in modern ways with improved food quality . I heard this year , the government has imposed very stringent inspection on the hi-gene conditions restaurants and suppliers of food are also under tighter control . For sure all the customers will benefit from this . Steve . Is that you ? Yeah . What's going on ? Not much . What a surprise to see you here . Yeah . It's been a couple of months since I saw you . What have you been up to ? I just started working out . Really ? Where do you work out at ? I joined the Samsung Health Club last month . What do you mostly do during your workout ? I concentrate mostly on my legs , chest , arms and stomach . I should start exercising more . It's hard work while exercising , but it is a great feeling when I get done . I have a running machine at home . I used to use it , but I already got sick of it . Exercising at home is hard . The environment is not suited for exercising . If I want to exercise , I will need to join a gym . I have a couple of guest passes . You want to check out my health club ? That's a good idea . Let's go over the weekend . Great . I'll call you Saturday morning . Aright . I'll talk to you later . Ok . Bye . Anything interesting in this city ? We have a beautiful natural park . It's worth the time . Come on.Let ' s walk there . Is there anything wrong ? I ’ m worried about my daughter . She can ’ t decide about college . Don ’ t worry . That ’ s just a part of being a teenager . I don ’ t mind that . But she disagrees with me about everything . You should encourage her to make up her mind by herself . You shouldn ’ t affect her decision . But I just want to give her some tips . Oh , she can make her own decisions . Merry Christmas , Lily . The same to you , Joey . This is your first Christmas in the US . Here is the gift for you . It's very thoughtful of you . Wow , it is so beautiful . Could you tell me how American people celebrate Christmas ? Ok . People decorate their houses , place a Christmas tree in the room and maybe sing a Christmas carol together . The teacher should give us more time to complete this assignment . You're right . Let's ask her to give us one more week . Good evening . I've come to see Miss Morrison Oh ! Good evening . I'm sorry , but she is not in . She's gone out to the theatre Oh ! I've just come back from Canada and I've brought a parcel from her parents Please come in But you're busy , aren't you ? I was preparing my supper but I've finished now . I can leave the parcel with you , can't I ? Oh ! yes Brad , wait ! What ? How come you have a locker but I don't ? Mr . Rogers probably forgot to assign a locker to you . I had to carry my backpack with me all day . Remind him to give you a locker tomorrow . Does it have a lock ? No . You have to buy your own . You'll have to go to a hardware store to pick one up . You didn't tell me she was married ! I tried . You were preoccupied . I got carried away . I made such a fool of myself . They were both laughing at me ! You got drunk , and you were hilarious . Lighten up . That guy was definitely a Don . So now you can say you had a mafia experience . Ha-ha . Yeah . If I leave Little Italy alive ... Are you kidding ? Don had fun scaring you . He'd probably buy you dinner if we go back . Who is this on the water buffalo ? That's my grand-father . He was a farmer . When he was young , he had to take the water buffalo to graze in the field . Oh yes , that was the best job in most farm families . That's where many of them learned to play the flute . My grandfather did that too . He used the time to study instead . That's interesting . Go on ! My grand grandfather was a merchant who ran a small business . He couldn't afford to send my grand father to school . So he became a self-taught man ? Right . Later he was a soldier and a fireman in the village . When he was middle aged , he became a great man , quite famous . In what field ? As a leader of police officers in charge of the whole country . Is he still in that that type of work . No . He retired from that . He is a senator now . Would you want to be a senator ? Well , maybe when I get old . But first I'll be a lawyer . I am not certain , but I think I might ask to be considered for the new job . Why are you considering trying for it ? I think that I might like it , but I am still thinking about it . What is it about this job that appeals to you ? I think that I would enjoy the position but there isn't a lot of creativity involved . Yes , you could be right . There is a lot to consider . I am also wondering about the pay . Would a slight decrease in pay be worth it for a new opportunity for growth ? I am thinking that might be the case . I think you should give it a shot . What do you have to lose ? You can always change your mind . I was just thinking to call you , then the phone rang and it was you calling me . Great minds think alike . Hello , Kevin . I hate to do this , but I have to cancel our appointment . Oh , no ! Why ? I was looking forward to seeing you at my new place . Yeah , I really wanted to come , too . But something unexpected in shanghai have come up . I have to fly out for a few days , but I'll be back soon . No problem.Call me when you get back . I should have some free time next week . Say , next Wednesday evening ? That's good for me , but do you think you'll be back by then ? I'd really like to see you . Yeah , I'm expecting to come back on Tuesday . Great ! That's settled then . OK . Look at this , A Brief Introduction of Hollywood . Hackneyed theme ! What ? How much do you know Hollywood ? Nearly everything . You are full of boasts . I can examine you by question and answer . What is Hollywood ? Where is it ? What is the function of it ? Too easy questions . Listen carefully . Hollywood is the movie capital of the world.It is located in southern California . Many films have been made there , and the kinds have changed often . Not bad . What kind of film did it produce from the ready to mid 1930 ' s Gangster movies . Movie-goers at that time could get a look at the people involved in crime and their violent activities by watching it . Mm . What came after that ? After all that violence , people needed to laugh , so from the mid-to-late l940 ' s , many detective movies about policemen who solved crimes were made . Then came musicals . Pretty good . Please continue . Right . By the mid - 50 ' s , this light-hearted genre was competing with films about more serious subjects . There was one kind that could be found throughout all of these years , and that was the , mm , the . . . The western films about America's cowboys , Indians and early settlers . Come on . Since the early 1960 ' s , there are horror movies about people who encounter frightening , unnatural situations , and serious films such as documentarist about events that actually happened , and science fiction movies about possible friture and future worlds . Some people have also enjoyed watching psycho-dramas about the everyday problems that people have . Any more ? Of course , no list of film would be complete without animated movies . These are especially popular among children . Hi , Bob . Can I have the book back I lent to you last month ? Oh ! I forgot all about it . Of course you can have it back , John . I'm sorry about the delay . Well , it doesn't matter . I almost forgot it too if it is not for Peter who asked me about it this coming . Excuse me . May I use the phone first ? Are you in a hurry ? You bet . I was supposed to call my mother an hour ago . In that case , here , you go first . Oh , it's getting late . I've got to run.It was nice talking to you , karren . Thanks , Tim.Nice meeting you , too . I guess we'll see just around . Ye , I hope so.well.Take it easy . You too . How good are you at sports , Bill ? Are you kidding ? I ’ m terrible ! But I love to watch sports . I go to football or baseball games a lot . And I read sports magazines every week . Wow ! Do you like sports , Janice ? Oh , yes . I like to exercise . But I don ’ t watch sports or buy sports magazines . I don ’ t have much time to do those things . Oh , I see . You know , we spend time doing different sports . How much time do you spend exercising ? Well , I guess I exercise about two hours a day . I do aerobics three times a week , and the other days I play badminton 1 with my husband . I always feel good afterward . That ’ s great ! I ’ Ve heard people say that before . Well , why don ’ t you try to get some exercise ? It ’ s difficult , but very rewarding . Oh , I ’ m too lazy to play sports , and I ’ m not good at anything either . It hardly excites me . Alice , your father is amazing . He ’ s 90 years old and he lives alone in that big house . I know . He doesn ’ t like to ask anyone for help . My dad insists on paying his own bills and taking care of himself ! That sounds like my Grandmother . She was always stubbornly independent . It seems that folks like my father and your grandmother are determined to be on their own . They see their independence as a kind of character strength . Sometimes they are too independent . This little wooden stick is called a tee . What do you do with it ? For the first drive , put the golf ball on the tee , and push the tee into the ground . Okay . Pick up a wood and hold it like this , interlocking your fingers . OK . Position yourself , swinging the club , watch the ball and hit it as hard as you can . Hey ! Not too bad . The goal is to get the ball into the hole with as few hits as possible . Got it . Excuse me . Is anyone sitting here ? No , nobody . You don ’ t mind if I smoke , do you ? Well , to be frank , yes , I do . Oh , I ’ m sorry . But this isn ’ t a no-smoker , is it ? I mean would you mind if I smoke here ? Actually it is . Perhaps you haven ’ t noticed the sign . Sign ? What ’ s sign ? There , on the window . Oh , sorry . I didn ’ t notice it . Sorry . That ’ s all right . Are the ceremony and reception held in the same place ? No , not usually . Most people are married in a church , and then the wedding party and guests go to another place for the reception . Sometimes , however , they hold the reception in a big room in the church . Where do they go ? Either they go to a public place such as a hotel , a restaurant , or a club , or to the home of the brid They go to the home of the bride ? Why do you ask ? The Chinese custom is to go to the groom's home-just the opposite . Oh ! In our country the bride's family is responsible for the entire wedding-arrangement , costs , etc . So the reception is held at her home . That's very expensive for the family of the bride . Many American furthers joke that they would rather hold the ladder for their daughter to climb down and elope than pay for a wedding . Tell me something about the bridal bouquet . Isn't it the custom to throw it ? Yes . When the bride and groom are ready to leave on their honeymoon all the single girls gather in one place . The bride stands with her back to them and throws her bouquet over her shoulder and they each try to catch it . The one who does will be the next one married . Maybe I'll be the one . Guess what I just heard ? What ? The boss is planning to sell the company . You must be joking ! And the cover is great ! The colors are brilliant ! Give me a break . You don't care about the colors . You just like the hot babe on the cover . OK , you got me . So , do you have a subscription ? Of course . I'm currently the subscriber of 10 different fashion magazines . So what do you do with all the out-dated issues ? I guess I'm lending them to you ... I've moved . Where to ? We're going out to dinner and then to the movies . Hold on ! I can't afford to pay for both . Don't worry . I've got money . It's my treat . Gee , that's really nice of you . Hi , Kenji . Hi , Debbie . Have a seat . How's it going ? I'm OK . How are you doing ? Pretty good . Listen ... have you heard about the new Thai restaurant over on University Avenue ? Do you mean The Bangkok ? That's the one . A bunch of us are going there for dinner tomorrow night.How about coming with us ? Sure , I'd love to . Great . I'll call and make reservations . Any time after 6 o'clock is good for me.Oh ! I'm late ! I have a class . All right . I'll call you tonight and tell you the time . Great . Talk to you then . Mr . Lee , I was wondering if you and your wife had plans for next Friday night ? Yes , I think we might be free . What did you have in mind ? I've mailed a formal written invitation to your home inviting you to a dinner party at my home . That sounds great . Is it casual ? Actually , we thought it would be fun to have a formal sit-down dinner for the holidays . That sounds good . It will give my wife a chance to dress up . Yes , we've invited four other couples , so it should be a good mix of people . That sounds wonderful . Will there be anyone there that I know ? Oh yes , everyone we are inviting is from our company . Great ! I'll look forward to it . We'll make sure and check the mail for our invitation . Do you know who that tall man is ? I don ’ t know . But he must be a big shot . Why ? Because everyone is trying to butter him up . You are blue in the face , arn't you ? The cat has eaten my fish , I'll kill it . But supposing your son killed like the fish , what do you think then ? I'll beat him . So beat the cat , but don't kill it . Did you go to see Michael last night ? Yes , He had just bought a new motorcycle . Did he let you ride it ? Yes , I tried it and I quite liked it . Weren ’ t you frightened ? Sure . But I still liked it . Would you like to buy a motorcycle yourself ? No . Although motorcycle is nice , I ’ d like to buy a bicycle . But why ? Since you like it so much . Because bicycles are safer . I passed history test . Really ? That ’ s marvelous ! And then you ’ re old man won ’ t be beaten this time . I ’ Ve made up my mind not to be beaten again . Mr.Ben , What do you think of the book ? It's an excellent one . I like it very much . Why ? It includes a lot of useful words and phrases . I agree with you . How do I buy my textbooks ? Do you have your book list for your class ? Yes , I have my list . Fine . Once you have it , you can go to the bookstore . Do you know where that is ? Yes , I know where the bookstore is . OK , so once you pass the gym , it's the first door on your left . Do you know you can also sell your used textbooks there ? No , I didn't know I could do that . You just take them with you and trade them with the used textbook man just outside the door . Do you think you will be going there today ? Yes , I am going today . Well , if you decide to go , I could meet you over there at 1 Yes , thank you . That would be great . Well , then , I'll talk to you later . Have a good day ! Is there anything wrong with your food this evening , Miss ? Sorry to trouble you . But I don't think this fish is fresh . It actually tastes a bit off . Sorry , Miss . I'll place it immediately , can I get you another drink , or you wait ? No , please don't do that . I'd just like to return it . I'm sorry , Miss , but I'm afraid we can't do that . You'll order something else instead . I'd love to suggest the steak , it's the special today , and quite tasty . Ok , then please bring me the steak mediun-rare , thank you . Ok , Miss . I hope you enjoy the rest of your dinner . Bill . Bill ! You gotta help me ! What ’ s wrong ? Slow down or you are gonna give yourself a heart attack . Tomorrow is Christmas and I haven ’ t bought my mom anything ! I ’ m such a bad son ! Take it easy ! Let ’ s go to the mall , window shop a little and see if there is anything she might like . That ’ s just it ! I don ’ t know what to get her ! Last year I got her a ring that was two sizes too big and a pair of shoes five sizes too small ! I suck at getting presents for people . That ’ s where you ’ re making a big mistake ! You can ’ t just guess peoples ’ likes or sizes ! Especially with clothes or jewelry . On top of that , I think that you should get your mom something that shows how much you love her . At the same time you should show her that you took the time and effort to look for something that she would really like ! Yeah , you ’ re right . When it comes down to it , I can be pretty tacky . Yeah , tell me about it . I know ! Your mom is trying to learn Spanish , right ? Why don ’ t you get her a gift certificate for this great website I saw called SpanishPod . Now that ’ s a great idea ! Do you do morning exercises ? Yes . I do one set of shadow-boxing every morning after I get up . Shadow-boxing ? How interesting ! Do you think it really helpful for your health ? Definitely . It not only keeps me fit but also helps me concentrate on my soul . He loves that blonde girl . Yes , he once gave her seven roses . Did she accept it ? No way to know . Would you recommend some places for sightseeing ? How about Great Canyon ? Is it worth seeing ? Of course ! It's the most wonderful natural works . I just got a telegram from Margaret and Greg . Are they coming to Chicago again ? Yes . They ’ re coming the beginning of August . Oh , good ! We can all get together again . I ’ m glad they ’ re coming in August . Maybe Greg and I can play some golf or get tickets to a baseball game . And Margaret and I can take the dog and go jogging in the park . Remember the garden party they gave when we were in England ? Oh , yes . We all sat on the grass , and Margaret played the guitar and sang Greek songs . I had a great time . It ’ ll be good to see them again . Did you punch in ? Yes . By the way , you are having a great make-up today . I like the color of your lipstick . So adorable ! Really ? It took me really a while to find the color . I am happy you like it . Well , girls like us are happy to spend our time on those kinds of things . Actually , do we still have a meeting this afternoon ? Sure , when those never ending meetings . I like the kid . He's so lovely . How old is he ? Twelve . He's very sensible for his age . John seems to be in high cotton . He may well become a big shot . I bet my button dollar that he won't . He is no more than a nine day's wonder . What is your idea ? Many people like him get a flying start but soon disappear . Hey . Owen ! Have you gone on your family vacation yet ? Oh , yes . I got so tired . My son began to cry the moment we got on the train . It was very embarrassing because we took the over-night train and the noise made it difficult for other people in the cabin to sleep . Didn't you bring his favorite toy ? Yes , we did . Fortunately we put his Teddy Bear in the bag , and finally he fell asleep at mid-night with it in his arms . Where did you go ? You've got a beautiful tan . My wife didn't like to go to amusement parks , so we compromised and finally went to the seaside . I think vacation in summer is not good . You must have had a great time . Most children love to play in the sand on the beach and go swimming . Yes , he was every excited to see the blue sea and picked up many seashells to give as gift for his classmates in kindergarten . His friends will be very happy to get the little souvenir . And I taught him how to swim in the sea . It was fun and made him braver than before . After we returned home , he wasn't afraid to sleep alone in his bedroom . This is going to surprise you , but I'm happy . I think you're making the right move . You do ? Look , maybe I shouldn't tell you this , but I'v going over to WebTracker , too . No way ! That's great ! Then we'll still be together ! Actually , I'm already working for WebTracker . Vince never wanted to give me what I was worth , so I figured , what the heck . No kidding ! I can't believe this . You devil ! It's kind of cool , isn't it ? I'm sort of like a secret agent . Life's so boring . Well , most of the time it is , I guess . What do you think will make you happy ? I think money will make me happy . You heard people say that money doesn't guarantee happiness . It will for me . Then I can do all the things I want to do . You'll get bored eventually . Then I can find something new to do . If I don't have to worry about money , then I don't have to work . That's true , I guess . If I didn't have to work , I think I would be happy . You see ... money doesn't equal happiness , but it takes away a lot of responsibilities . Have you signed up to join the company ’ s Christmas party ? Sure , I have . Will you join ? I will . You know , as a newcomer , I think it might be a good opportunity to get to know people from the other departments of our company in a more relaxed atmosphere . You are right . Our company ’ s Christmas party has always been an amazing occasion for everybody to relax and get to know each other better . It is also a time to make new friends and do some networking . I hope that it is not a formal one when the boss is there . No , it will not be formal at all . It is a fun time . You will love the game show . Please dress casually . Usually there is an over abandon of drinks , so be careful with that . Don ’ t worry , I can handle that . And I know if the boss is there , even it is an informal evening , it does not make a good impression to get totally drunk in front of him . My father ’ s angry face always makes my blood run cold . You mean that he is bad-tempered and often gets angry with you . Not often . Just when I make mistakes . I have never you mention this friend . Are you on very good terms with him or her ? We have been on good terms . She is a very nice girl . But she got in Dutch with her boss . I don ’ t have the heart to see her pounding the pavements . You must be stuck on her , or you would not use your elbow grease . Well , we hit it off with each other . Nothing more , nothing much . Crossed cousin marriage is not allowed in China . It it true of many countries . You know why ? Sure . If people are near in blood , they might pass on some genetic disease to the next generation . Hello , Susan , it ’ s me , An . Hi , An . How are you ? I am fine . I am going swimming this afternoon . Are you coming with me ? I am afraid I can ’ t this afternoon . I take my daughter to her tennis class at the club on Wednesday afternoons . Maybe I can meet you at the club and we can play tennis together . Ok , I'll meet you at the club at two thirty . Do you have girlfriend ? Yes , why ? Well , I came to know a girl three weeks ago . We have so much in common . So ? So I think I may fall in love with her . That sounds great . But how do you know that's a crush or a real love ? Then what's the difference between having a crush and falling in real love ? That's a big question . Well , if you're in love , maybe you will take every opportunity to talk to her or telephone her for no reason at all . That's what I do . And you think about her all the time ? Yes . And maybe you suddenly have new interests . I mean you suddenly begin to do things you used to avoid . For instance , you used to sleep in every morning , but because she jogs every morning then you begin to like jogging . That's it . She likes dogs so much now , and I begin to love dogs . Oh , congratulations . Sounds like you've found your soul mate . Thanks , but I know falling in love is one thing while staying in love is another . Yes , that's right . If you find this person becomes more and more important to you and you can totally trust her , then you can stay in love . Yeah , falling in love is so good . What book is that ? I just bought a new atlas . I ’ m looking this map of the world . Look at Russia ! That ’ s a vast country . Canada , China , and the USA are huge too . There are several tiny countries in the world too . Countries like Monaco are smaller than many cities . Those small countries are microscopic compared to Russia . European countries are relatively small . France looks quite big in Europe , but compared to many countries in other continents , it ’ s not very large at all . Britain is half the size of france , but great Britain is still one of the largest islands in the world . The thing with large countries is that often they have vast areas of land that are useless or hardly used . Russia and Canada have enormous areas of ice and forest . So Peter , do you have a favorite comedy ? Well , that's hard to say because there are so many good ones . I don't think I could pick a favorite . You know what comedy I really like ? " Ace Ventura , Pet Detective . " I think Jim Carry is really funny . Oh yeah , that's one of my favorite flicks . I think Jim Carry is one of the funniest comedians ever . I agree . But even though I like comedies , I usually prefer more serious films . My favorite movie is " Titanic . " How about a movie tonight ? It doesn ’ t matter to me . Does 7 o'clock suit you ? Either way . I don ’ t care . How about a snack after work ? I couldn ’ t careless . Would you rather stay home ? Whatever you say . Are you really interested in doing something ? I don ’ t mind if you want to . I'm going shopping . Do you have enough money to buy that dress ? No . I need to borrow $ 50 . Sure , here you go . Do you have any siblings ? Yes , I do . I am the oldest child . I have a sister and a brother . My sister is in college and my brother in high school . How do you get along with them ? We get alone very well . What do you think of the test ? Rather difficult . How about you ? It wasn't too bad . Were you nervous ? Rather . I'm afraid I didn't do very well . Oh , I wouldn't worry about it . That's because you did well . No , I wouldn't worry about you . Why ? It seems to me that you always do better than you say . I think that the company retreat should be in the mountains this year . What a great idea ! January would be a good month for a mountain retreat . I like the mountain idea , but I am not so sure about the month of January . You know , now that I think about it , you might be right . April might be nice . It is far enough away to make the necessary arrangements . That is a good suggestion . We could ask everyone what would be the best time for them . Yeah , that would let us know what would work best . I'll put the survey online this afternoon . I think he won't remember White Day . Silly , you should make sure he does . Uh-huh . How about you ? He ’ s buying me a handbag , and then dinner at a gorgeous restaurant . You got a big return for a small gift . You ’ ll never guess what ! My friends Julie and Alex are getting married ! Wow that ’ s great news ! They ’ re a great couple ! I know ! Anyways I just talked to Alex ’ s best man and he is organizing the bachelor party It ’ s gonna be so much fun ! All the groomsmen are thinking up all the wacky and crazy things we are going to do that night . You aren ’ t going to a strip club , are you ? I don ’ t want you getting a lap dance from some stripper with the excuse that it ’ s your friends party . Aw come on ! It ’ s just some innocent fun ! You know how these things are ! We are gonna play drinking games , get him some gag gifts and just have a good time . Nothing too over the top . Well , I don ’ t know . Come on ! If one of your friends was getting married I wouldn ’ t mind you going to her bachelorette party ! Good , because my friend Wendy is getting married and I ’ m organizing her party ! What ! Hi , what ’ re you reading ? Oh , it ’ s Death on the Nile . Have you read it ? No , not that one . But I saw the movie . Could I borrow it when you finished ? Sure . I didn ’ t know you like mysteries . Oh , I ’ m crazy about them . Our son is gone and my heart is gone too . I don ’ t know how to spend the rest of my years . Oh , darling , we must stand shoulder to shoulder and face the music . I know you can pull yourself together . I feel life is meaningless without him . Cheer up . You have got me at least . Hey , guys ! Did you see that sign ? No . What did it say ? There's a garage sale around the corner . A garage sale ... that's where people check out cars , right ? What ? Cars ? Are you serious ? I'm pulling your leg , Paul . I'm a shopping queen , remember ? So of course I know what a garage sale is all about ! It's amazing to me how international business has become . Take my store for example . On any given day , you will find imported items from more than 20 different countries on our shelves . How many different varieties of products do you import from China ? China provides the bulk of our product inventory , for sure . We import more than 40 different items from China . Most of the imports that come out of China are low-grade plastics or toys . Japan produces many electronic exports , Germany produces excellent mechanical exports . Do you import any food items ? Generally speaking , food items are difficult to import . Food with the short shelf life is liable to spoil in the time it takes to ship from one place to another . The only food items we import are specialty canned or preserved foods . The shelf life is longer for these products . We still have one more day to go before we return home . What will we see tomorrow ? No idea . We've enjoyed both the natural scenery and the city sights . What else is there to see ? What about a factory tour ? You mean visit a factory ? Yes . I heard there's a lager motor company nearby which is open to the public every weekend . We can go to see how a car is manufactured and learn more about the automobile industry . Good idea ! I've always been interested in that . How much is the entrance fee ? I'm not sure , but as far as I know , most factory tours are free . They are sponsored by the company providing the tour . Really ? What do the companies do that for ? I believe most of them think it as good public relations . They can promote their product and make their company better-known . Oh , ISEE . So factory tours are good for companies as well as visitors . Exactly . Do we need an appointment beforehand ? I'll call the tourist information centre to check . Here , Let me get the door for you . Thanks . Do you need a hand with that ? Actually , i could you some help.Thank you so much . Don't worry about it . Are you still on your summer vacation ? Yes . When will school start ? It'll start on lst September . I just had a terrible week . what a shame ! I fell down and hurt my arm . That's too bad . Then my son drove into a tree . I am sorry to hear that . The dog bit the delivery boy . What a pity ! And a storm blew our roof away . Ho , no ! Good evening , Mr . Wu . Good evening , Mr . Smith . Have you met my wife , Mary ? No . I haven ’ t had the pleasure . Mary , this is Mr . Wu , my new Chinese friend . How do you do , Mr . Wu ? Welcome . How do you do ? Have a glass of wine , Mr . Wu ? And let me introduce you to some of my guests . This is my house.Let me show you around it . How beautiful the detached house is ! Follow me to the back-yard . It's marvelous ! The lawn looks like a green carpet , and the garden with so many lovely flowers . We had the grass cut and the flowers trimmed this morning . No wonder it smells fragrant . Here is the swimming pool and we can swim later . It's fantastic ! You mean it shuts off to save energy ? Yep . And it breathes , see ! It's not breathing ! Yes , it is . Look at the little light ! It blinks off and on . Jen , it's not alive ... but it does look user-friendly . I would look so cool carrying this around ! And you'd look so cool ! Are you studying here ? Yes , I am studying in Eastern Asian language department . What are you majoring in ? I major in Japanese . What do you think of the literature course ? It's very helpful . The course has let me into a new world of literature . I read so many great literatures . Some people are easily flimflammed . Maybe they are still wet behind ears . They are blind with bucks . Blind people are more easily conned , fo course . Sure . Many people , including men and women , and be easily ripped off . Okay , let's begin . Hello , everyone . My name's Karl Roberts , and I'll be your teacher for this class , Intercultural Communication . ( quietly ) I don't understand what the teacher is saying . Uh , to begin with , please take a look at the syllabus in front of you . As you all should know by now , this class meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:15 to 4:50 . That's terrible . He speaks too fast . How can I catch his meaning ? Again , as you see on your course outline , grading is determined by your performance on a midterm and a final test , periodic quizzes , and classroom participation . I'm not sure whether I can pass the course or not . I heard that Janet has got a new job . She ’ s working for the united investment group . I heard that they pay very well . I heard that too . She must be making a pocket . Well , good for her . Now , she ’ ll be able to save up for that holiday in the united states . Yes , she will . At the moment , the exchange rate is very favorable , so she should try to go as soon as possible , while it ’ s cheaper . You ’ re right . By the way , did you hear that Tom inherited some money recently ? Really ? I thought his parents had died several years ago . They did . He inherited the money from an uncle . I hope he doesn ’ t lose a lot of it in taxed to the government . Dying can be very expensive nowadays ! What ’ s he going to do with it ? He said that he would probably invest most of it . He ’ s got a well-paid job , so he doesn ’ t need the money to cover day-to day expenses . He just wants some extra money available for when he retires . I had some good financial news yesterday too . Really ? Have you won a fortune in the lottery ? No , but I got a pay rise of 5 % and a bonus for all the hard work I ’ Ve put in recently . I think it was very nice for my boss to show his appreciation in that way . It certainly was ! So , what are you going to do with your windfall ? Julia , I saw two men fighting beside our door this morning . I know them . They are the two brothers living next door . Brothers ? Do you know why they quarreled ? It's said that the father's will caused the dissension among the two brothers . Is there anybody acting as mediator in the dispute ? No , everyone keeps in mind that ' Don't intrude in a family dispute ' . I think I'm going to go home . Why ? We just got here . I know , but it's 12 12 Three or four o'clock ? Yes . I never stay out that late . That's too late . But why is it too late ? It's Saturday night.You have nothing to do tomorrow . Why not stay out and drink with us ? Were you so wild when you were still in Taipei , Sharon ? Yes , I was . And I like living here.People know how to party here . In Taipei , some people know how to party.But here , everyone does . What is that they're doing on the couch ? They're smoking pot . Don't worry about it . Pot ? Isn't that marijuana ? Yes , it is . But , Sharon , that's illegal ! The police could come , and we could go to jail . Don't worry about it . It is true that pot is illegal in America.But the laws aren't as strict as in Taiwan.If people are arrested , and they have a little pot in their possession , they don't go to jail . They just have to pay a fine . Really ? Yes . I didn't know you had such wild friends . Do you smoke marijuana too ? I tried it a couple times . But I don't like it . I like alcohol better.Don ' t worry about them , though . If you don't want to smoke pot , you don't have to . I don't want to . That's alright . But you really should have another drink.People will probably start dancing soon . I don't know if I can drink more . I already had two drinks . You had two drinks at nine o'clock . C'mon , Ann , you are in an American university now ! You have to learn how to drink . I thought a university was for studying . It is . We study hard all week.And then , on the weekend , we party hard . That's the best way to live . Alright . I'll have another drink . Hi , Michael , how's it going ? Well , things are all right . I heard you got a new roommate . What's he like ? Yeah , Bob moved in last week . He is a nice guy and so far everything is cool except this girlfriend . Oh ? What's wrong with his girlfriend ? She came over last weekend . She is a nice girl but there's something about her voice that really creeps me out . I tried to smile and be polite , but the whole time all I could think was " what's wrong with your voice ? " Well , I guess it might take some time to get used to . I doubt it . Last time was an oral train wreck . Listening to her talk is like chewing tin foil . Oh come on , it's not that bad . No , it's so much worse . And tonight they invited me out to dinner . I really have no idea how I'm going to pull it off . Rough . Maybe you can do the most of the talking . That's the plan . Good luck . Hey . Why did you take that money ? You are such a cheater ! I should send you to jail ! I am not cheating . When you pass go , you collect $ 200 , Everyone knows that ! Well you can ’ t just take the money . You have to ask the bank for money . And I ’ m the banker . Banker ? Yes ... Can I have my $ 200 please ? Sure . Here you are , $ 200 , Thank you , please come again ! Now it ’ s my turn to roll the dice . Hello , is that Cathy speaking ? Yes , is that you , Allen ? Yes , how are you doing ? Not bad . Say I've got two tickets for the concert this evening.Would you like to come with me ? Sure.Thank you very much . Then I ' ll pick you up at six thirty.OK ? Ok , see you . See you . David , do you think which team will get the champion tonight ? It is hard to guess now . Both of the teams chose the excellent players this time . I guess the game will end in a tie . They are equally matched . I am so nervous now . What a terrific game ! Which side are you on ? It's hard to say , because each team has my idols . Wow ! AC wins . It is a close shave , you know . I will never forget this match . The angle is so terrible and so correct . What a good goal ! There are lots of new teachers in our class this semester . Yeah , so what do you think about the teachers ? To be honest , I like all of them , except for the math teacher . Though he must be quite young , he seems like an old person . He's so boring . I think so too . I don't like him either . Well , who do you like best ? It might be the English teacher . What about you ? Me , too . She speaks very clearly and doesn't use very complicated words so that it is easy for us to understand her . She is a pretty good teacher ! With her help I think I can make great progress in English . Yeah , I like her way of teaching . She told us not to cram for exams , and to pay more attention to communicating than memorizing . I think it's a good way to develop our language ability . Actually , our new math teacher is a good person . He just can't find an appropriate way to teach us . Don't cover up your sadness . Let it go . I'm sorry . It isn't your fault . No one will blame you . You are so thoughtful . Can you recommend a resort to me ? What about the Yellowstone National Park ? Have you ever been there ? Yes . The scenery is so breathtaking . What is especially impressive ? There are thousands of hot springs and fountains . The park is known for them . Is there a waterfall ? Yes . The well-known Yellowstone Waterfall is formed when the Yellowstone Lake falls down into the Yellowstone Canyon . What an attractive place ! How can I get there ? You can take No . 2 bus . Bobby ! Come here , look what I got you ! What is that ? A chess board ! Daddy is going to teach you how to play ! Cool ! Ok , each player gets 16 pieces . You can be the white ones and I ’ ll play with the black pieces . Now in the front , you set up the pawns . Those are the least valuable pieces and can only move one space forward . When you are about to capture another piece , it can move one space diagonally . What about all these other pieces ? See this one that looks like a tower ? It ’ s called the rook . The one with the tall hat is called the bishop . See this little horsey ? This is called the knight , it ’ s a very important piece so it ’ s best to not let your opponent capture it . And these two ? They are husband and wife ? That ’ s right ! That ’ s the queen and that ’ s the king . If the other player captures your king , he will say Check Mate and the game is over ! Doesn ’ t this sound fun ? Nah ! This is boring ! I ’ m gonna go play Killer Zombies on my PlayStation ! Hello , Elitherbeth How are you ? Fine , thanks . Are you sure you ’ re alright . You look a bit worry today ? Is anything wrong ? Well , Yes . There are something wrong actually . Perhaps you can give me some advice . of course if I can . Well , Last night when I returned from thetheatre I found I lost my wallet . Oh dear . That ’ s terrible . What was in your wallet ? Well , some money of course , a vise , all my identity cards and some photos . Well , If I were you , I would go to the police station straight away and calling . Yes , I have already done that and they already look for it . I ’ ll leaving soon and I need my vise and identity cards badly . Oh dear . What a pity . Are you sure you lost your wallet in theatre ? Yes , quite sure . I think you should put an advertisement in china daily . Things where you lasted . But that takes too long . Wait a minute , My uncle lives in Beijing and he lives very close to theatre . I ’ Ve telephone here and ask him to go to theatre to require it . We ’ d better have breakfast now . and meet him later . Well , it's too bad that we like different kinds of movies . Maybe we're just different kinds of people . Yeah it's too bad ... but actually I think I know what to do . What's that ? We can go to a horror movie , and I'll hold your hand so you don't get scared . You mean ... like on a second date ? Of course ! Or are you still too scared ! No way ! That sounds great ! Oh , it's getting late . I've got to run . It was nice talking to you , karren . Thanks , Tim . Nice meeting you , too . I guess we'll see each other around . Yeah , I hope so . Well , take it easy . You too . Jared , I just heard about your father . How is he doing ? He's in the hospital resting . The doctor's didn't give a clear answer yet . I'm so sorry to hear that . But this is a good hospital . I'm sure they will do whatever they can . I hope so . You must feel really worried right now . But you know your dad is a fighter . Yeah . I think my mom is the most worried . I'm basically worried about how she is doing . Where is she right now ? She's in the hospital with my dad . I have to go back tonight . Hey , I'll go with you . You don't have to . It's really no problem . Ok . Let's go right after dinner . All right . But these are black and I don ’ t like black shoes . They ’ re dull . Well , black is a better color than pink . Pink ’ s for girls . Then why are you wearing black shoes ? Because ... oh , all right . You win . Let ’ s pay for them and go . Hey , thanks , mum . I'm really sorry , Bob . I accidentally damaged your bike . Uh-oh . It'll probably cost a lot to fix it . I'll make it up to you . Let me know how much it costs and I'll give you the money . Tell me about your brother and sister , Sue . Well , my sister is a lawyer . Really ? Does she live here in Seattle ? Yes , she does . But she's working in Washington , D . C . , right now . Her job is top secret . Wow ! ! And what does your brother do ? He's a painter . He's working in Argentina this month . He has an exhibition there . What an interesting family ! What do you do now ? I'm out of work at the moment . Why ? I was fired last week . I'm sorry to hear that . It doesn't matter . What's your plan now ? After the tour I'll have a rest . And then go to find a new job . Best wishes for you . Thank you . Your face is so red , you must running a temperature . I have a severe headache now . Please go to see a doctor . Would you like to go with me ? I ’ m afraid of the hospital . He got the scholarship to Harvard . You're kidding ! It's true . He is a hard worker . I know he really deserves this . What happened to you yesterday ? Oh I fell over on the way to work . Oh I see . So that ’ s why you didn ’ t come in ? Yes and I broke my phone too so I couldn ’ t call you . Oh dear , that sounds terrible . It was ! But the worst thing was I tore my best shirt . Oh dear . Well , get well soon and try to be more careful in future . Hey , David . Would you like some drinks ? OK . Shall we go to a bar ? Good idea . I like hanging out in bars at night . Why ? For killing time and making new friends . Don't you think it ’ s too noisy here ? The rock music ! I can hardly bear it . Calm down ! My little guy ! You'll get used to that after you come here several times . Well , I'll try . Then what would you like to drink ? It's on me . I'd like a gin and tonic . What ? What happened with that guy at the cafe ? nothing . But you ’ re crazy about him . Yes , I am . Why don ’ t you run off with him ? What are you waiting for ? I don ’ t actually know him . Really ? I only know him through the ... you are not gonna believe this . Oh , let me guess . Through the internet ? Yes . Hmm . ' You ’ Ve got mail . ' Happy Birthday ! This is for you , Kate ! Thanks.Miss Zhang . You know in China we usually don't open presents until the guests leave . Really ? I've already opened this one.Say , this is sweet , and it's just what I need to go with my new suit.Thank you ever so much . This place is so quiet and peaceful . It ’ s really different from my pad at city . Sure , do you think you could live out here ? You know , back to nature at all ? I don ’ t know . I don ’ t mind coming out here for a while , but that will get old pretty soon . That ’ s what I was thinking . I mean can you imagine Friday night instead of going out with your friends you ’ d have to stay in your tree house and talk to birds and squirrels . I think I ’ d go lonely if I do like that . And where would you get a cup of cappuccino ? Now that would be hard to live without . We city folks are pretty spoiled . Maybe . But I ‘ d rather be spoiled than turn into a crazy guy with a long period to talk to the birds . I don't stand a chance of passing the exam . Come on , Brenda ! Never say die . Have you ever been to Britain ? Oh yes , I ’ Ve been to Britain many times . I go there on business . Really ? How often do you go there ? Usually , I go to London twice a year but sometimes I go three or four times a year . Do you always go on business or do you sometimes go for a holiday ? I ’ m afraid I never go for a holiday . It ’ s always business . I plan to emigrate to Canada . Have you found a suitable job ? No . But it is said the welfare in Canada is very good . But as to me finding a good job is the most important thing . Maybe you are right , so I will try my best to find a suitable job . Mary , would you like to get something to eat with me ? OK . When ? At 10 o'clock . 10 in the morning ? No , at night . Sorry , that's too late . I usually go to bed around 10:00 PM . OK , how about 1:30 PM ? No , that's too early . I'll still be at work then . How about 5:00 PM ? That's fine . OK , see you then . Alright . Bye . Have you been to Shanghai before ? Yes I have . I ’ Ve been there three times in the past year . That sounds great . Have you been to the top of the Pearl Tower ? No I haven ’ t . I haven ’ t visited the Bund either . I ’ Ve always had too much work to do . So you haven ’ t done much then , in Shanghai ? Actually , I ’ Ve eaten soup dumplings in a lovely restaurant on Nanjing Lu . They were delicious ! Are you enjoying your trip to New Orleans ? Oh , yes . I really like it here . Would you like to do something tonight ? Sure . I'd love to . Let's see . Have you been to a jazz club yet ? Yes . I've already been to several clubs here . OK . What about an evening riverboat tour ? Uh , actually , I've gone twice this week . So , what do you want to do ? Well , I haven't been to the theater in a long time . Oh , OK . I hear there's a terrific show at the Sanger Theater . Great ! Let's make a reservation . what sort of music do you like ? I love just about anything by Prince . so , you're into 80s music then ? well , I like all kinds of music , but he is one of my favorites . How about you ? I like alternative music . do you have a favorite band ? to be honest , no . I'm always in search of new music to listen to . do you often go to concerts ? I usually go to see a live band about twice a month . What about you ? I love going to live gigs . Are there any good local bands playing around here that you'd recommend ? there's an open mic night at the pub down the road every Thursday night where my favorite local band usually plays . You should come along next week with me . I'd love to , but I have a night class on Thursdays . that's too bad . Maybe another time . let me know if you hear about any good bands playing on the weekends . I have more free time then . I'll let you know . Did you want to watch some TV ? sure , what's on ? there's a reality TV show about a group of people who are trying to lose weight . that sounds dreadful ! I want to try something different today . What do you mean ? I want a different hair style . What style do you want ? Can you make my hair short ? Exactly how short do you want it ? Make it a few inches long . Are you sure you want me to cut it that short ? I've been thinking about this for a while now . Okay . I'll do it if you're positive that this is what you want . I honestly want my hair that short . All right , then let's begin . Would you please tell me something about the agriculture and industry of New Zealand ? The agriculture in New Zealand is highly mechanized . The industry mainly focuses on the manufacture of agriculture and stockbreeding products . I see . If you need any further information , please don't hesitate to ask me . OK , I will . How are you , Sue ? Pretty good . I ’ Ve just had my new poems published . Congratulations on your success . Thank you . And how ’ s your brother ? He is fine . He ’ s going to be sent to Britain to study , really ? Yes . He ’ s already got the passport and visa . Fantastic ! Please send him my congratulations . Thank you . He ’ s very lucky indeed . How long have you been in Taiwan ? About 3 years , so I came here 2000 . So , where did you grow up ? Providence , Rhode Island . do you know it ? I am not sure , where exactly is it ? Well , not so far from New York . So what about you ? Did you grow up here ? No , I was born in Gaoxiong , I only moved to Taipei after I graduated . What are you doing ? Look at me . I look so old ! I look as if I were thirty . Come on ! Stop being so vain . You look great ! You are beautiful ! Yes , I am , but I think it ’ s time for some plastic surgery I ’ m tired of these wrinkles and sagging skin . See ? I don ’ t see any wrinkles or sagging skin ! You are stop beings ridiculous . Besides , I think that people who get Boto , have facelifts , or tummy tucks look weird.It doesn ’ t look natural . Whatever , I think I ’ m gonna get liposuction and a nose job and some breast implants as well . I think you need to get brain surgery . I honestly don ’ t think you need cosmetic surgery.You look amazing . I thought you were my friend and would support me on this ! I just want to feel better about myself and feel more attractive . You don ’ t need plastic surgery to do that . You are fine the way you are and you have guys drooling all over you ! Plus , plastic surgery hurts ! Really ? Yeah ! When I got my nose job I was black and blue for a week ! What time is it by your watch ? I'm sorry , my watch has stopped . It's 2:42 by my watch . But it moves a bit fast . Let's ask someone else . So how much should I gamble ? Why not fifty or one-hundred dollars ? Okay . One-hundred then . Do you think I will lose it ? I don't know . You have to be smart , but you have to be lucky too.Some games are all luck . With some , you need to be smart . I want games that are all luck . I knew you would say that ! Then you should play the slot machines . Slot machines ? No , I don't want that ! That's too boring . I want a game with cards or dice . So what do you want to play then ? Blackjack.We can play blackjack . And I will gamble one-hundred , or maybe two-hundred dollars . Huh ? You are breaking our rule already ! And we didn't even start to play yet ! Oh , don't be so strict ! We are in Las Vegas . Yes , and if I stay with you , we will have to walk back home to New York.Because we will lose all our money and our plane tickets too ! I just won the lottery . You're kidding ! I didn't expect to see you at this hour . You must have goofed off again . Goofed off ? Maybe , but I'm not a clock-watcher . I finished doing what I should do and then knock off an hour earlier . You'll be sorry if you the boss finds it out . He may probably give you the bag . I'm sure of what I'm doing . Professor , I've handed in my paper . Did you read it ? Yes . You've done a good job . But there's one thing . You should narrow down your topic . What about water pollution instead of pollution ? Well done ! Look , it's all water over the dam now . Let's leave it behind us . Yeah , I know , but it's too hard to do . Our eyes should look into the future . We could not live in the past . Only sometimes when I think about it , I feel very sad . It's normal . Time will change everything . Many people say it's a good story.But I think it's boring ! I don't think I share your view there.The writer is writing about history , society , human nature and so on.It ' s too hard to understand . How good are you at sports , Bill ? Are you kidding ? I ’ m terrible ! But I love to watch sports . I go to football or baseball games a lot . And I read sports magazines every week . Wow ! Do you like sports , Janice ? Oh , yes . I like to exercise . But I don ’ t watch sports or buy sports magazines . I don ’ t have much time to do those things . Oh , I see . You know , we spend time doing different sports . How much time do you spend exercising ? Well , I guess I exercise about two hours a day . I do aerobics three times a week , and the other days I play badminton with my husband . I always feel good afterward . That ’ s great ! I ’ Ve heard people say that before . Well , why don ’ t you try to get some exercise ? It ’ s difficult , but very rewarding . Oh , I ’ m too lazy to play sports , and I ’ m not good at anything either . It hardly excites me . I had broken up with him , how painful I feel . I ’ m going to drown my sorrows . I see . But Jane . He ’ s not worth your sorrow and you should restart your new life . My brother started investing money when he was 16 years old . The early bird catches the worm . What can I do for you ? I would like to use the copy machine . The machine is over there . Do I have to pay to use the machine ? Yes , you will have to pay to use it . How much ? It costs ten cents a copy . Am I limited to a certain number of copies ? You can copy as much as you ’ d like . Could you show me how to use the copier ? The instructions for the copier are posted on it . That ’ s fabulous . Thank you . Mom , happy Mother's Day ! A necklace for you . What a surprise ! This is the best present I've ever received . Thank you for your love and care over the years . I love you so much . I love you , too . How about a dinner tonight ? My treat . Actually , I prefer to eat at home , and then we'll have more time to have a chat . All right . Let me prepare the supper . What do you know about Julia Roberts ? Her acting is OK . I mean her personality . I'm afraid I know less than you do.Tell me more about her , will you ? How's the weather today ? It's hot . I really don't think this weather will last . Let's just hope it doesn't get hotter . Nice day today , isn't it ? Yes , it's beautiful weather we're having . We can't complain about the weather recently . Yes , the sun shines day after day . It's neither too hot nor too cold . I wonder how long this weather can last . I hope it will stay fine tomorrow . I'm going to have a picnic with my family . Excuse me . Do you study Chinese at the university here ? Yes , I do . But my characters are very bad . It takes a long time to learn Chinese writing . Are you Chinese ? Yes , I am . I am from Taiwan . I came here to study political science . How do you like it ? I like it so far . But my English still needs work . I want to study Mandarin and international relations . Does the Chinese department here teach regular characters or simplified characters ? They teach regular characters . I see . I'm from Taiwan , so I know regular characters better than simplified . You just said your English needs work , yes ? Yes , that's true . Especially my writing . I think my papers aren't good enough . I make too many grammatical mistakes . Well , I am very serious about learning Chinese.But for me the hard part now is pronunciation.You have the four tones in Chinese . It is very hard . Maybe , if you have time , maybe we could do a language exchange . You mean you and I ? Yes , why not ? I mean , if you come to this cafe often , maybe we could meet here and practice Chinese and English . That sounds like a good idea . How often would you like to do it ? Let's see ... My schedule right now is quite busy.But I think I could spend 90 minutes a week in language exchange . How would we manage it though ? How would we spend the 90 minutes ? First , we could spend 45 minutes working on your English writing.If you want , I could help you edit your papers.Or we could do English conversation . Whatever you want.And then the next 45 minutes you would help me with my Chinese . Would I help you with writing ? No . For me right now , the important thing is spoken Chinese . I need practice . So you could tutor me in speaking.We could use my textbook , and you could ask me questions.Then you could correct my mistakes . I think it sounds like a good system . But when is it convenient to meet ? Well , today is Monday.Actually , for me Monday at this time would be the best . I am free from now until 11 Me too . In fact , I'm free until 1 So if you want to meet at 10 It sounds good . I will bring the papers I'm working on . And I will bring my textbook and a tape recorder . I would like to record some things so I can practice on my own . Let me give you my phone number . Sure . I'll give you mine too . Then we can call if we have to cancel for some reason . could we possibly discuss my salary some time ? sure . first of all , I want you to know that I really like working for this company . Do you think I'm doing a good job here ? well , you are a very hard-worker . I try very hard . The problem is , my salary just isn't enough to live on . Now that I have a wife and a child to support , we hardly have enough money for food and rent . there are trying times for everyone . What do you propose ? I could really use a 5 % rise . that's quite a bit . If I give you a raise , I'm going to have to give everyone a raise . listen , if you give me a raise , I'll take on extra responsibilities . that sounds reasonable . How about this , from now on , you can be responsible for scheduling . That means that if you can't find someone to cover a shift , then you'll have to do it . that's fine . Do I get over-time for any extra hours that I work ? of course . It's be against the law if we didn't . that sounds good to me . I really appreciate it . you are welcome . Come in early tomorrow and I'll show you how to do the scheduling . Your knowledge of English is really surprising . Oh , it's nothing to speak of . No , seriously . I'm impressed . Thank you . I appreciate the compliment . Are you watching the soccer match tonight ? It must be the most exciting one in this season . Well , of course I can ’ t miss it . Which team are you for ? Manchester United . What about you ? Me too . Do you think they are going to get the championship this time ? I have confidence in them . Where are you going to spend your holidays this year , Tom ? We may go abroad , my wife wants to go to Egypt , and I'd like to go there too . We haven't made up our mind yet . Will you travel by sea or by air ? We may travel by sea . It's cheaper . I'm sure you'll enjoy yourselves . David , I ’ m going to China . Really ? How do you get the chance ? You know . I took part in the Chinese contest . I was the best and they gave me this reward . I don ’ t have to pay for my trip . Congratulations . How lucky you are ! Thank you . I ’ m leaving tomorrow morning . I ’ m sure you ’ ll enjoy the trip . China is such a beautiful country . I ’ m sure I will . Have a nice journey , Lily . Thank you , David . Your search on this project has been excellent . Thank you . I couldn ’ t have done it without the help of a strong team . The final report is exceptionally thorough and well done . I think that you have been come up with some interesting recommendations for the client . Well , I hope the client feels the same way ! I am sure they will be pleased . I'm exhausted . My new exercise is so hard . I think it is easy . I could work in your class with no problem . You thing so ? Oh , without doubt.When is the next class ? Tomorrow morning.Try it . No problem . Are you going to this class this morning ? Of course , easy.No sweat . You're no able to move after this class . Are you kidding me ? It's going to be up a piece of cake . You want to bet ? Yeah , what't the bet ? I bet I can go one hour in your class this morning and not feel a thing . Happy Birthday , Mary ! Thank you . Here is a gift for you . I hope you like it . What a lovely dog ! How did you know I love things like this ? I had my own ways of finding out.It ' s a secret . You look so beautiful today . Your new shirt goes well with your skirt . Maybe you won't believe this , but it was made by my grandmother . Really ? It looks so nice . Thank you , Please have a cup of tea . All right . How about some fish ? No , thanks . I've had enough.Now , Mary , before you blow out the birthday candles , you have to make a wish.After that , you may cut the cake . OK.Let me make a wish ... Do you want a big piece of cake ? No , just a small one.Next Let's sing " Happy Birthday " to Mary . It is so very kind of you . I'm so moved by you . Does anyone mind me turning on the air conditioning ? It's hot in here . Actually , I prefer if you didn't . Air conditioning makes me sneeze . All right . I'm opening the window , though , is that OK ? Oh , sure . It's very stuffy in here . More and more women don ’ t want to stay at home and keep house now . This is the result of women ’ s liberation . Now , many people think that women ’ s liberation is a kind of civilization , but children are getting less love from their mother because of that . What is your opinion ? I have no idea . Thank you so much for coming tonight . Everybody really enjoyed your performance . I'm glad I could help . Here's the check . I included a little extra for you . You didn't have to do that ! I know , but you deserve it . Graham , why are you always on the phone with Jane ? Because we are partners in our science lab . Why are you so jealous ? The other night when you came home there was lipstick on your right cheek . How do you explain that ? My aunt Mary just flew in from Cleveland and she laid one right on my right cheek . Are you sure ? Of course I am . I only love you , Amy . Okay , I'm sorry . I believe you . Why do you always accuse me like that ? Because you are the most handsome boy at the university and I love you so much ! I guess I just go crazy sometimes . That's all . Oh , Amy . I am the luckiest guy in the world . Why ? Because I am loved by the most beautiful girl in the world ! Oh . Graham . I love you so much and I really believe in our love . What are you doing this weekend ? Nothing much . I ’ m going to the cinema on Friday night but that ’ s all I have planned . So you ’ re free on Saturday night ? That ’ s right . Would you like to have dinner with me ? Oh , that would be lovely . Shall we say seven o ’ clock ? Perfect . I ’ ll pick you up then . And so , that concludes my outline for our marketing strategy next year . Thank you very much for your time . Hey , that was quite the presentation ! Honestly , I was completely blown away by your strategy outline . I've gotta say , Alex , you really wowed me today . Aw , come on , it was nothing . I'm just doing my job . No , I think you deserve some recognition here ; I mean , if I look back on your previous presentations , this is a huge improvement . Well , Kristin did give me a hand with the slides.She ' s a real wiz on PowerPoint . And I saw that you took on board my feedback about pricing strategies . I really appreciate you taking the time to think though my suggestions . Yeah , well , that was some good advice . You made some really good points . Well , I just wanted to say well done . Really you did a great job . What are you listening now , Fred ? What ? Hey ! Man , put your earphone out . I said which song you are listening to . Jay Chou's title song in his new album . What's your comment on his new album ? Gorgeous ! There is another song combining Chinese and western music styles . I am crazy for it , so I hear it over and again . And I plan to make it as the ringbone of my mobile . Let me enjoy it . I suppose this song can be the No . 1 on the top chart . I cann't wait for buying his CD now . Are you sure that this is the place to wait for our school bus ? Yeah . Look , other kids are coming this way . But it doesn't look like a real bus stop . That's because regular buses don't stop here . How much is it going to cost ? Nothing . It's free . Is that yellow bus it ? Let's go sit in the back . All the cool kids do . How is Jim recently ? He has lost his job , and his wife died from cancer not long before . Poor guy ! It will take him a long time to get back on his feet . She lives a happy life after marriage . We all know that . Her husband always make a fuss of her . Lucky her . Excuse me , are you American ? No . Do you speak English ? A little , but not very well . How long have you been here ? 2 months . What do you do for work ? I'm a student . How about you ? I'm a student too . Excuse me , I bought this sweater yesterday . But when I got home and tried it on , I found it ’ s too small . Do you have the receipt with you ? Yes , here you are . Thank you . Do you want your money back ? No , can I exchange it for a bigger one ? I am afraid this is the biggest size we have . Oh , that's too bad . Maybe you would like to try this one with the willow pattern . The price is the same and it's bigger . Did you enjoy that new movie ? That movie's just a lot of noise , same as Simon . Oh , what happened , Carole ? I had to go by myself , he couldn't make it . What ? I met him just before I took off from Kitty's , he said he was coming . Kitty's ? He sure gets around , doesn't he ? Looks like it . So how did he handle it to ? His excuse was familiar . He said his car died again . I think that's a bunch of nonsense . It seemed ok to me . I know . Last week he gave me a lie about being too busy . Doesn't sound promising . Well , I think it's the time to pull the plug . If you want I'll let him know if I run into him . Thanks anyway , but I'll do it , Rebecca . Let's get the class . Hi , it is a pleasant surprise ! Yeah , it ’ s been ages ! So how have you been ? Couldn ’ t be better . And you ? Just as usual , you know . How do you celebrate Thanksgiving in the US ? Well , Thanksgiving is family event.So on Thanksgiving , family members will get together and enjoy a big Thanksgiving dinner . Kids will have lot of fun . Do you say prayers before dinner ? Yes , we do . It is an exciting moment . What is the biggest fun for you on Thanksgiving ? For me ? The football games of course , I love football games . You seem really ticked off . What's up ? Just get out of my face , would you ? Chill out ! What's eating you , anyway ? Sorry . I'm just that I think I blew the final and now my parents are going to get all bent out of shape . I like totally drew a blank on everything ! Well , now you're really going to freak out when I tell you who aced it ... what's-her-face ... the one who always kisses up to the teacher . Jennifer Davies ? Give me a break ! I can't stand her . She's such a dweeb ! How could she possibly ace it when she keeps cutting class all the time ? She's the teacher's pet , that's why . Besides , he's so laid back he lets her get away with it . She just really rubs me the wrong way . And you know what ? I think she's got the hots for him , too . Get out of here ! I'm dead serious . Yesterday , before class starts , she walks up to Mr - Edward's desk and goes , ‘ Good morning , Jim . ’ Oh , gag me ! She's totally gross ! Is the Chinese team taking the lead ? No , it's the Japanese team . Japanese teams always play a dark horse . Well , their team work is well worth learning . You are quite busy every day . Yes . Work starts at eight and I arrive home after six . So you have to work all day . I can take a break at lunch time , but it is only 30 minutes . I see you sometimes work on weekends , too . Yes , I really don't like it . Hi Mary , how's it going ? well , last night I had a big argument with Ann . terrible . It must be something serious . You two are such close friends . now that I look back at it , it wawsn't that big a deal . I shouldn't have lost my temper . really ? What happened ? it's just we've been planning to go the beach for a while , and we decided we could both make it this weekend . Then out of nowhere she called me up , said her boyfriend had made plans and that she nee that's pretty harsh . I know , but I was so upset . I mean , come on ! Does she have to do everything her boyfriend says ? you know she probably feels just as bad . well , I think I was being a little selfish myself . I know they don't get to see each other very often . well , in that case I guess maybe you can be more understanding . You shouldn't let a trivial thing like this stand in the way of your friendship . After all you can go to the beach anytime you want . yeah , I'll call her later to patch things up . Henry , I want to ask you something . Say what you want to say . You see . The wage is not paid yet , I am wondering if you could possibly lend me some money . I am sorry . But I do not have any money to lend to you . OK , Devon , I've been putting on a few pounds and you're quite a lean fit guy . Well , thank you . What do you recommend ? What can I do to lose weight ? Well , I exercise a lot . I go running at least three times a week . But more than that I enjoy playing sports and so different sports use different muscles and all of it helps to lose that weight that you might have gained . Yeah , well , actually , one of the problems is that I actually exercise a lot . Do ya ? Yeah , so maybe it's my diet . It could be and so in that case you might want to eat something perhaps more nutritious or maybe even less of what you do eat . Maybe , I eat three meals a day and I try not to snack in between . No potato chips . No popcorn . No candy bars . That's pretty tough ! I don't think the manager will get mad at you for being late . I don't know about that . I hear you are moving to Dalian . Yes . I found a very good job down here . Well , we'll certainly miss you here . I am going to miss you , too . Let's keep in touch . OK . I will write to you as soon as I get there . Nice weather , honey ! The days are getting longer ! May and Daniel often like this kind of weather . Yeah , they can enjoy themselves in the day time and it is not so hot . Honey , how about taking them to the beach this weekend ? That's great ! Since last time we've climbed the mountain , we haven't gone out for a long time . And this kind of weather is rare for the season either . Yes , I remember last year this time , the weather is so hot . So we must seize this chance to go the beach . Daniel loves the beach very much ! He will enjoy himself this weekend . Have you met John recently ? I saw him last week . It seems he was a bit queer in the head . Yes , he has been like that since his accident . What a pity ! What are you doing tonight ? I have to run to the grocery store . Don't you hate fighting the crowds on the weekends ? Yes , but I am out of food and milk . What store do you shop at ? The small one , just down the street . I like their generic brand . I have been using the store across town for years . I hear they have very nice stuff . They do , but they're a little expensive on certain items . Well , you should try my store . The prices are good . I will sometime . Thanks for the advice . I'm happy to see you again . Me too . We should do this more often . Okay , I'll give you a ring next week . What will happen to the children if you break up ? That's a relief for me and a misery for the children . Why don't you make up with John . It's too late . What upsets you ? My parents called . As usual , they reminded me again that I should have a plan to marry by my late 20s.Easier set than done . Who should I marry ? I have no time to go on a date . It is not your mother finding one for you ? I will find one myself , of course . I ’ m a modern girl . Perhaps you can try the three minutes date , the latest type . You mean dozens of the opposite sex meet each other for three minutes in a dimly bar serving alcohol , I hate that idea . No , there is an updated version , three minutes video date . I know an online dating website providing such service with a microphone and webcam , you can sigh for it . You can be face-to-face with a guy talking for maximum three minutes . I don ’ t think it makes sense . Three minutes is such a short time . I think you can find out if there is a possibility of romance within the first second of meeting someone , so-called love at first sight . Anyway , I don ’ t want to post my face up for sale on the internet like that . Don ’ t worry . There are many other options using the internet as dating methods . Some sites operate at international standard even have got certifications . Of course , for these sites , you have to pay a membership fee . But all in all , it is more serious and professional . The chance of meeting a good and serious person who does not play games is higher . I don ’ t want to post my personal information on the internet . I ’ m not knowing who is reading it . Hi , dear , I've got your voice at last . Hi , darling , I am thinking it is the time of your calling . Are you OK today ? Quite good except thinking of you so much . So do I . You are a beautiful flower in my mind . It's called love is blind , I think . Did you watch the movie program on Channel 6 last night ? Yes , I did . It is a horrible movie . I wonder why TV programs often show much violence . Actually , more and more people have realized that violence on TV may lead to the increase of crime rates among teenagers . They are especially harmful to teenagers . But anyhow there are many worthwhile programs . I hate to see the abuse of animals . It makes me sick . Hi ! Bob , are you having problems with that ? Yes , how should I set up my new computer ? It's easy , let me help you . Great , thanks a lot . Good morning , Mr.Jones ! Good morning , Miss Bell ! Nice to see you again . Nice to see you too.It ' s been a long time . How is everything ? Just fine , and you ? Quite well , thank you . Did you drive yourself to the airport ? No , I was driven by my husband . Did someone meet you at the airport here ? Yes , thanks . Is this where we'll be holding the meeting ? No , the meeting will be held on the fourth floor . What should we do this Saturday ? Rocky six is suppose to come out this Friday . Yeah , but I don't know if it is going to be any good . The only reason I want to see it is because I have seen the previous five . True . Ok . Let's see it this Saturday . How about we hook up for lunch at 12:00 , and then go see the movie afterwards . Sounds like a plan . Let's meet in front of Tower Records at 12:00 . It's almost Christmas . What are you doing this weekend ? Nothing special , just working . Why do you ask ? Well , I still haven't finished my Christmas shopping . Do you want to go shopping with me this weekend ? I'd like to , but I'm not sure if I can . Work has been really busy lately . Why don't we go on Friday instead ? Friday's not good . I think the stores will be very crowded and I have to work . OK , then let's try to go this weekend . I should know if I can go by Friday . Is it OK if I call you then ? Yeah , that's fine . What's your number ? 233-331-8828 . Let me give you my email address too . It's OK , I'll talk to you soon . OK . Can I borrow these magazines ? Fill in the slip , then take it to the circulation desk . They will get you what you want . Are we allowed to go into the stacks to look for books ? Sorry , the stacks are closed to undergraduate students . I never watch foreign films . They're too boring . Jason , you have no taste . You think First Blood is a good movie . Hey , it is ! A lot of people like that movie ! I'm sorry , but it's a bad movie . The plot is stupid , and the script is poorly written . Face it , you don't like action movies because you're a snob . No , I don't like action movies because I'm cultured ! This is tough to say , John , but I think we should break up . Are you serious ? Yes , I mean it . But why ? Did I do anything wrong ? No , we are just too different . This relationship isn't going anywhere . Hey , come on . It's too early to say that . We can fix things . I have thought about it for a long time . I think it's time to move on for both of us . But I still love you . I'm sorry . I knew this would happen some day ... Then why didn't you talk to me ? Well . It's not all my fault , Anna ... I don't want to argue with you anymore . This is going to be tough , but let's try to forget that and be friends . Have you made the decision yet ? I think we'll be better off if we are apart . Then shall we keep pure friendship ? Sure , let's just be friends . Hi , charlie , are you busy this evening ? Sorry , I'm afraid that I've got plans tonight . What are you doing ? I'm going to my parents ' house for my father's birthday . How old is he today ? It's his 50th birthday . Well , wish him a happy birthday for me . Sure thing . What are your plans for the evening ? I was just thinking of going to a movie tonight . Well , if you can wait until tomorrow night , I'll go with you then . Sorry , I've got people coming over tomorrow night . Sounds like this weekend just isn't going to work out for us . Sounds that way . Maybe some other time then ? Sure.Hey , I'm sorry , but I've got to get going . Yeah , me , too . It's about time I made a move . Say hello to your friends for me . Likewise . See you later . Bye ! I was wondering if you could help me to get a library card . Of course , just fill out this form and let me know when you are finished . I'm finished . I will also need your driver's license ; hand me the filled-out form , please . OK , the form is all filled out . Perfect ! Do you know the hours and rules for the library ? No , I have no idea what they are . Everything you need to know is printed on the card and handout . Yes , right . Great ! You are all set to enjoy the library . What did the boss say to you ? He asked me to beef up in the work . Yeah . You look so unhappy recently . What ’ s the matter . Nothing , thanks . I am just not in the mood these days . Hey Joanne . What are you up to ? I'm just watching some television . I'm so bored . I don't know what I'm going to do today and it is only ten in the morning . Me too . Do you think we are boring people ? I don't think we are boring . It's just that we don't have any hobbies . That's right . What do you think we should do as a hobby ? That all depends on what you like to do . For example , I like to doodle on the notepad , so I'm thinking about doing some real drawings . I like to play the piano for fun . Yeah . That can be a good hobby . Hobbies are great . I'm going to make a list of all the things I like to do . That's a great idea . I'm going to do the same . Jack , what's wrong ? You ! What are you talking about ? What did I do ? You told Martha that I was on a date ? What was that all about ? No ... that's not what I meant . I didn't mean that . She asked me where you were and I jokingly said that you were on a date with Sara . I thought Martha knew that you and Sara were just friends . She started feeling suspicious after you said that . I'm sorry man . I didn't know . I didn't mean to screw anything up . Martha gets jealous easily and it took a while to convince her that Sara was just a friend . Now , I have to explain to Sara that I can't hang around her because of you . Look . I really didn't mean to , and next time I see Martha , I'll really tell her that you and Sara are really just friends . Don't bother . Shall we for go out for a meal this evening ? I don ’ t really mind . We can go to that new Chinese restaurant . I suppose I could . Come on , let ’ s try it . All right . If you really want to . Mr.Martin , we're on arrival . It's nice of you to see my off at the airport . Thank you very much . We'll miss you . I hope we'll keep in touch . Sure . You've given a great help to me in the past days . It's my pleasure . We hope you'll visit Beijing again . Certainly . I'll be glad to . It's almost time to get aboard . Yes , we should go . Thank you very much . Goodbye ! Bye bye ! Have a pleasant journey ! People say that you never have a real winter in the South China , but I don't think so . Why ? I did experience a winter with snow in Kunming , the Spring City . With snow in Kunming ? That's crazy ! Can you tell me where I can park ? Are you driving a motorcycle or an automobile ? I drive an automobile . Fine . You can either park in the student lot or on the street . Do you know what a handicapped space is ? Yes , I have seen those spots . Well , when you see the blue spots with the handicapped logo , do not park there unless you have a special permit . Are you going to be parking in the daytime or the evening ? I park in the evenings . Then you also need to be aware of the time limits on the street signs . Have you seen those signs ? Yes , I have seen those signs . The signs always tell you how long you can park there and on what days . Do you know how to read the curb colors ? Yes , I know what the curb colors mean . Well , just as long as you realize that red means no parking and white means loading and unloading , I think you know what you need to know . How long have you been in America ? For more than five years . Do you think it's easy for a Chinese to get accustomed to the western culture ? It's no picnic . There are things that are actually even smaller than atoms . What are those ? They are the things that make up the atom , such as electrons and protons . Is there anything that is smaller than electrons and protons ? Of course there is . Things can be divided and broken down into indefinitely small parts if we can . I really don't want to know about this . Physics gives me a headache . Guess what I've brought for you . Oh , a bouquet of flowers . It's very kind of you . I hope you like it . I love flowers , you know . Thank you very much . That's all right . Who is it ? Supervisor . Open the door . Wait a sec . What are you doing here ? We're watching a football match . What's the matter ? Your neighbors complained that you were so noisy that they can't sleep . I'm sorry about this . Please turn down the TV . And not another shout or I'll have to report you to the school administration . You can rest assured that we won't disturb others anymore . So Kevin , what is your type ? I like girls who like to have fun , and aren't too serious . I agree . I like guys that can make me laugh . That's true . Having a very serious boyfriend or girlfriend can be boring . Are you free tonight ? I think so . I can ’ t decide what to do today . Well . Let ’ s go swimming . Don ’ t you think it ’ s a bit cold for that ? Then why don ’ t we go for a walk in the hills . It ’ d be very good for us you know . Car trouble center . How may I help you ? My car won ’ t start ! Stupid old car ! Hold on , before you kick your car let ’ s go through some possible problems . Fine . OK , first of all , can you turn the key in the ignition ? Yeah ! I am here with my friend and he thinks it may be the spark plug or the starter motor . Those are possible problems , but tell me , when you turn the key , do you hear the starter motor crank ? Yeah , it sounds like it usually does when I start the car , but nothing else happens . The engine won ’ t start . Should I maybe press the accelerator ? No . If you step on the accelerator pedal you can flood the carburetor and your car will never start . So what do you think it is ? I know this may seem like a silly question , but does your car have gasoline ? Umm . yeah ! Right ! I got the car started ! Thanks for your help ! I told you to fill the tank ! I quit my job . You can't be serious . Do you have a copy of today ’ s newspaper ? I want to check the results from the world athletics championship . Yes , I ‘ m just reading them myself . It ’ s been a great competition . We got gold medals in three events . Yes , we won the men ’ s 110 metres hurdles . I watched that on TV . What other events did we win ? We won the men ’ s high jump and the women ’ s 1500 meters . That ’ s great . Those athletes must train for years to get into peak physical condition . They must be terribly disappointed if they don ’ t win . The woman who won the 1500 meters also broke the world record by 2 seconds . That ’ s amazing ! Were any other records broken ? A Russian man broke the discus record by a centimeters . Out best athlete broke his personal best in the long jump , but it only got him third place . Did you see the final of the men ’ s 100 metres ? It was very exciting . One competitor made two false starts . Was he disqualified ? Yes , he was . I imagine he must be very angry with himself for that . Hi , Ellen . That outfit looks terrific ! Thanks , Jim . I didn ’ t think guys paid attention to stuff like that . No , we just don ’ t usually admit it ! Well , thanks for the compliment anyway ! Hey , Mike . Can I ask you something ? Sure , what's up ? I'm going to gamble on the world cup tonight . Who do you think will win ? Good question . I have to think about it . My husband is betting on France . France ? Is he crazy ? What do you mean ? Well , how can I put this ? France is a terrible team . Is there something wrong ? You look so sad . My house was robbed last night and the thieves stole all my furniture . No wonder you look so upset . Have you called the police ? Yes , I have . But I have to wait . How are you feeling , John ? Oh , not too bad , but I've got to stay in bed . Do more exercises after you are healthy . Ok , I will . You have said that many times . Are you hungry ? Do you want me to buy something for you to eat ? No , there ’ s no need . Thank you all the same . did you go to university ? yes , I graduated with a BA in English from Qingdao University . when did you graduate ? just a few years ago . What about you ? I just graduated from high school . are you planning on going to university ? I'd like to get a BA , but I don't know where I should go . have you applied anywhere yet ? yes , I've applied to four universities and have been accepted into all of them . congratulations ! Which one is the cheapest ? the tuition is the same for all of them . which one has the most interesting course ? I think the course at Leeds University is interesting , but I think the one at Manchester University would be more practical . where would you like to be located ? I'd really like to be in London , but it's the most expensive city in England to live in , so I don't know if I can afford to live there . have you applied for grants or financial aid of some sort ? not yet . I think you should do that soon . It will help you make a decision about the school you go to . that's a good idea . good luck ! Excuse me , could you spare me a few minutes ? Yes , certainly.How can I help you ? Do you know if train 10 is on time to be here ? Sorry , I don ’ t know . I ’ m a passengers ’ m waiting for my train .. Do you mind if I read your newspaper for a while ? Certainly not.Here it is . Thanks a lot Would you like a cup of coffee ? Yes.That would be good . Oh , no . What's the matter ? This machine is out of order . You shouldn't have used the machine.Did you lose your money ? I sure did . You ought to complain.These machine are always out of order . You seem to like her very much , don't you ? I can't deny that . She is so beautiful that I fell in love with her at the first sight . I wish I knew more about her . But I heard that she had a three-year-old girl . I cannot belive that . It must be cooked up by someone . There are so many environment problems in the world today . Do you think we can really solve them all or will destroy the world ? I hope that world leaders can get together and agree on a plan of action , but I doubt it ’ ll happen before it ’ s too late . We need to solve the problem of air pollution before we destroy the atmosphere . There ’ s lots of clean , modern technology , but companies in developed countries say it ’ s expensive . Developing countries Everyone is looking at the issue in the short term , rather than the long term . It ’ s the same with the destruction of the rainforests . Countries and companies just want the wood . They ’ re not thinking a In other parts of the world , especially in Africa , there is a problem with desertification . Climate change and over-farming are causing farmland to turn into desert . In means that people cannot grow e It also means that people sometimes fight over the farmland that remains . Damaging the environment actually leads to conflict between people . Have you ever thought about joining an organization committed to protecting the environment ? You could get involved with projects to improve the environment . I think I ’ d like to do that . I could take the things I learn here back to my country when I have finished my studies . Going to the cafeteria ? No , I am not eating there anymore . I have ordered my favorite food in the restaurant around the corner . The food served in the cafeteria is not my type . I am a total meat lover . But the cafeteria is doing its best to force me to be a vegetarian . They have been serving the Chinese cabbage and white gorse for three days . Haven ’ t you noticed that ? That ’ s fine with me . I don ’ t hate vegetables and I don ’ t eat much during lunch . Well , then the cafeteria suits you best . But anyway , if you like to have a lunch outside the company , feel free to join me anytime . How old are you ? That's a secret . I've brought a little dog for Alice , girls usually like looking after pets . Thank you , but Alice is only a visitor here . I don't know if she'll keep it . To tell you the truth , the dog isn't my real reason for coming . I want to ask Alice if she'd like to be my girlfriend . Really ? hi , I'm Lucas , I just moved in next door . oh , hi Lucas , come on in . I'm Barbara . Nice to meet you . nice to meet you too . would you like something to drink ? I've got tea and some grape juice . thanks . Some tea would be nice . Chinese tea is great . I really like your tea set . Where did you get it ? oh , there is a supermarket not far from here . But there is also a tea house around the corner , where you can get tea and a tea set as well . oh yeah , I saw the tea house the other day . I think I might go and have a look sometime . It's a nice neighborhood here . you are right about that . It's quiet and very convenient . You can get to the bus and the subway stations within ten minutes'walk . There's a grocery store , a book store , a gym , and many restaurants there's a gym nearby ? That's exciting ! I really want to start to go to gym as soon as possible . I've been lazy this summer holiday and have put on some weight . well , if you want we can go together sometime . Actually I was thinking of going this afternoon , if you like , you can join me and I can show you the neighborhood along the way . that would be wonderful . Thanks ! I am totally fed up with my boss . He has crossed the line one too many times with his sexist comments . This time I am really going to report him for sexual harassment . What happened ? Did your boss say something to offend you at work ? He constantly lets inappropriate things slip out , referring to the women employees as girls or calling us sweetheart or darling . I doubt any of my male colleagues would stand for such treatment . Don ’ t you think you are overreacting a little ? Calling you by nicknames shouldn ’ t be so bad ... You ’ re missing the point . It ’ s about respect . He treats us with such a patronizing attitude , as if we are not equal or not as serious as our male co-workers . It ’ s his attitude that needs to be changed , not just his words . That ’ s what you get for working in a male-dominated field . I think you ’ ll find that most male bosses in your industry are already conditioned to treat females in this way . You probably won ’ t be able to change him . Is your lady beautiful ? Since I came here from the country , I've not seen her close . Tell me , is she beautiful ? Thomas , if I could write with the beauty in her eyes , I was born to look in them and know myself . And , her lips ? Her lips ? The early morning rose would wither on the branch if it could feel envy . And her voice like a lark's song ? Deeper , softer , none of your twittering larks . I would banish nightingales from her garden before they interrupted her song . Oh , she sings too ? Constantly . Without doubt , and plays the lute . She has a natural ear . Would you like to have dinner with me tonight ? Sorry , I have to work overtime . You are really career minded . My boss promised to pay me double time . It's going to strike 12 o'clock . Let's get the firecrackers ready , Rose . Aren't firecrackers forbidden in the city ? Well yes , but they are not allowed only in downtown areas . It's OK here . It would be difficult to ban customs that have thousands of years of tradition . The habit does bring kids joy and excitement so long as precautions are taken . Let's go out and set off firecrackers out there . Fantastic ! The whole city is echoing with crackling sounds ! What other activities will you have tomorrow ? Quite a lot . The celebration of the New Year has just started . The first day we southerners have sweet rice cakes for breakfast , and people in the North have Jiaozi . Afterward , we will make New Year calls on family relatives , husband's side on the first day and wife's side on the second . Do you bring some gifts along ? That's for sure . Fruit , cream cakes , medical tonics are often for parents and aged relatives , and cash enclosed in a red envelope for the kids . All this , of course , should be well prepared beforehand . Is it the same practice for all families ? Not all the same nowadays I must say . Many families , especially those of newly married couples , choose to make an overseas trip to escape the routines . Rose and I had a tour to Singapore , Malaysia , Thailand and Hong Kong last year . We stayed there for two weeks until the last day of the holiday . I really appreciate the way you Chinese people exchange feelings . The holiday's long enough for you to relax . Well , for city dwellers , the Spring Festival is a holiday of seven days . While in the country where traditions are still heavily emphasized , the festival lasts ten days . You seem to be very hesitant about doing things . I don't know why I cannot take a step forward . You are meeting trouble halfway , I guess . Many things are troubling me . I don't know whether I should come and go . That's where the shoe pinches . How's your new apartment ? I thought it was in a quiet neighborhood , but it isn't . What's wrong ? One of my neighbors has a dog . Does it make a lot of noise ? It barks all night long . Dad , I ’ d like to borrow some money . Sure , Johnny , how much do you need ? five bucks ? Come on , Dad , I need thirty thousand . I wanna get into the market . You know , I ’ m tired of hearing all this news about the economic downturn , the inevitable recession , people stuffing their money in their mattresses . I look at this as an opportunity . This is a chance for me to get a jump start on building my nest egg . I don ’ t know about that ; with all the uncertainty in the markets right now , it would be a very unwise decision to invest . I don ’ t know if you ’ re aware son , but there has been a lot of turmoil in the markets recently . There have already been half a million layoffs in the last few months , and we have no idea how the proposed stimulus package will impact the economy . There ’ s just too much instability . I wouldn ’ t feel comfortable investing in this climate . But look at it this way , every challenge is an opportunity . And anyway , I ’ m not talking about investing in the domestic market . There are emerging markets that promise great returns . Look at China , for example , they have 1.4 billion people , half a billion of whom have recently entered the middle class . Here alone the aggregate demand for consumer goods represents an amazing wealth generating opportunity . Come on , son , you ’ re looking at this too naively , the Chinese market has exhibited a great deal of instability , and their currency has been devalued by almost a whole percentage point . Fine , then ! If that ’ s the way you feel , so be it . But you ’ re losing out on a great opportunity here . I ’ m going to go hit up Mum for the cash . What do you think of smoking ? It ’ s harmful not only for yourself but for others . What in your opinion can be done to stop smoking ? Stop producing cigarettes . But that ’ ll affect the national economy . That ’ s right . But I don ’ t think there are better ways . How about printing a warning on each cigarette packet ? Maybe it can take effect . do you like playing games ? I like playing computer games , but I'm not really into board games . how about individual games like the Rubik's cube or solitaire ? the Rubik's cube is so difficult to solve that I think it should be banned ! if I taught you how to do it , I'm sure you could solve it . how did you figure out how to slove the Rubik's cube ? I didn't really have to figure it out . I just followed the instructions ! I had no idea there were a set of instructions . I thought everyone who could solve it were all geniuses ! hints are really important when you're solving puzzles . If you give me some hints about playing that PS2 game , I ’ ll show you how to solve the Rubik's cube . it's a deal . do you remember , years ago , when everybody at the New Year's party had yo-yos ? yeah . That was a strange party . Can you still do any of those yo-yo tricks ? I don't know . I haven't tried yo-yo since that party ! I could never figure out how to use my yo-yo . if you don't start when you're young , it's hard to get the hang of it . let's get started with this game then . ok . A beautiful center ! And good shot ! A goal ! Mary , there's one more thing that you must do for me before you leave . What is it ? You have to take the math and English evaluation tests . Why ? Because you're from a foreign country . The school needs to find out how good you are at both basic skills . It's so that I can be put into the right math and English classes , right ? You are a smart girl ! This is going to take more time than I thought . I have a bone to pick with you . Okay . Let ’ s clear the air . What are you getting at ? You always have a chip on your shoulder . I ’ m sorry . But I don ’ t meant to get your goat . OK , Nick . Here's the question , What movie and its sequel both won an Oscar for Best Picture ? The Godfather and The Godfather II , of course . They were both directed by Francis Ford Coppola . Whew ! I'm impressed ! You really know your stuff ! Only about old movies , really ... It is obvious that their government is nursing the hope of having all other countries over a barrel and bring them completely under their control . It ’ s a typical of them to do so . What can we do ? We must keep developing our economy and unite with other developing countries to fight against it . This is today ’ s schedule . At eight thirty , conference with the department managers . At 9 o ’ clock , live for the workshop where you ’ ll award prizes to the stafffor preventatives . That ’ s great . What are the prizes ? 3000 RIB as bonus for each person . To encourage the staff increases . Ok . Next thing is laying the corner-stone for the new plant at 10 AM . At 12 AM , back here for lunch . What about the afternoon ? At 2 PM , give a presentation here with the press . At four o ’ clock sharp , have dinner with Mr . Smith , manager of NCC . How do you get along with your co-workers ? I get along pretty well with most of them.It seems there are always a few rotten apples in the bunch , though , Like Margaret . I don't know why management hasn't fired her yet.She ' s a terrible gossip . Do you think management should fire someone just because they gossip ? It's not only that she gossips , but she also tries to start problems among other employees by spreading rumors and telling lies about her co-workers.She ' s not trustworthy , and in my opinion , I think she's nuts . So how do you develop good relationships in the office ? I think one of the important things is just to be considerate of your co-workers'feelings and needs.If you are aware of other people and do your part to make a good working environment , you should be able to get along with most of the people you work with . I think you're right , but it does seem that there are always a few co — workers that are harder to work with than others . Thanks a lot for having us . We had a good time . I'm glad you came . You're welcome anytime . Thanks . By the way , tell your wife she throws a great party . I will . See you later . So how did you meet Bill ? I met him through a computer bulletin board . Oh , really ? Which bulletin board ? It was one I used down at the local coffee house called the San Francisco Net . It's been around since around 1991 . I've heard about that , but I've never tried it . You ought to . One dollar buys you 15 minutes of computer time . A Chat session links you with cappuccino sippers in other cafes and also to home computers on the network . I have no desire to talk on a network with a bunch of strangers . That's the whole point . All your inhibitions disappear because you can ’ t see the other person . This network allows you to talk to people whom you normally wouldn ’ t talk to . I just want a private conversation with one other person . You can do that . A private session lets two people talk alone . This techno-chat program lets you talk about anything with everybody , without prejudice because you can ’ t see them . Well , maybe I'll tag along and watch how you talk . That's fine with me , but we'll have to get there early . Because after 8 pm , there is always a long line . It ’ s that popular ? It sure is . Have you seen that house ? Yes , it looks interesting . You're right . I love it very much . It must be old . At least more than 100 years old . Let's enter it ! I can't open the door . It must be locked . Let me ask the old woman in that reception office . She can't answer you . She must be deaf . It must be a haunted house . Are you frightened ? Frightened ? You must be joking . Have a nice weekend ! Thanks.You too ! Do you have any plans ? Well , my family's away and I can't afford to do much.What about you ? Oh , I haven't decided what I'm going to do yet . What did you major in ? I major in Chemistry . What is your specialty ? Organic Chemistry is my specialty . The National Day is coming . What are you going to do during the holiday ? I have no idea . Why don't you go sightseeing ? It isn't a good time because there must be many tourists in the scenic spots . What about your plans ? I intend to stay at home for the whole seven days and have a good rest . Good morning , John . Have you finished reading the novel by Dickens borrowed from the library ? No . I caught a cold two days ago . I only finish reading half of it . I'm sorry to hear that . How are you feeling now ? I'm feeling better today . How many days do you plan to finish reading it ? About more three days , I think . OK . After three days , I will come to you for it . No problem . Ouch ! Are you all right ? Yeah , I just bumped into the table . Hi , Lilly , it ’ s so nice to see you again . Hum , me too . This winter holiday was especially long . What have you done ? Nothing special . I had a get-together with some schoolmates at the high school , visited the Internet and read a couple of books which I had been longing for . How about yours ? You know , I like traveling . I made good use of this long vacation and enjoyed myself . You know , I really don ’ t think Americans are very romantic . Where did you get that idea ? That ’ s the impression I get from the movies , and from looking around . Men and women seem very business-like in their relations with each other . Well , I ’ m still not sure what you ’ re asking me . Is it true or isn ’ t it ? Do you want to know something about the American character ? I just think you ’ re trying to change the subject . But go ahead . No , this will help answer your question . In American society boys and girls are raised together . They ’ re not segregated in their activities ! Boys and girls go out together from an early age . OK , go on . After being raised together , men and women can be business-like in each other ’ s company . It really doesn ’ t have anything to do with the way a man and woman behave toward each other when they are in love . Does that answer your question ? Not exactly , but I see your point . I think Americans are pretty romantic when they are in a relationship and a lot of flirting goes on in every office . After you ’ Ve been in America for a while , you will probably see what I mean . It's a lovely day , isn't it ? Yes , the weather sure is nice today . I love it when the weather is like this.Why don't we sit down outside and have our lunch ? That sounds like a good idea.The sky is clear , the sun is shining and there's a nice cool breeze , so it is not too hot . I really miss the change of seasons like we have in Colorado.but I must admit , this sure is a nice spring day . Hey , this spot in the shade looks really comfortable . Okay.Hey , is that a dark cloud over there ? Do you think it will rain after all ? I don't think so . I say the weather report last night , and it said the weather should be fine all day . If the weather stays nice perhaps we can go to the beach this weekend.It ' s been a while since I've not really gotten some sun . Are you going to the cafeteria downstairs ? Yes . Could you please get me a takeaway ? I have some urgent work to finish . So I don ’ t have enough time to go out for lunch . No problem . What should I bring ? I am not picky on food . Just bring me the day menu . What's your weight ? 150 pounds . Do put yourself on a diet , otherwise you'll be too fat . I can't bear eating less . Did you ever take History 231 ? Yeah . Last semester . Who was the professor ? It was Professor Johnson . I have him this semester . What do you think about him ? He's a terrible instructor and demands a lot , but fortunately , he's an easy grader . What did you end up getting ? I got an A - . Sounds good , but none of my test scores were that high , so I don't know how I got a decent grade . That's probably because he grades on a curve . Are you enjoying the class so far ? I hate it and I was about to withdrawal . But after hearing your experience , I think I will tough it out . Yes . Definitely stay in the class . You will get a better grade than your test scores . He does that deliberately to make all the students study a lot . Thanks for letting me know . I feel relieved now . So how long have you known Mary ? Only four days . Only four days ! That's so short , and you seem so crazy about her . I know . I can't help thinking about her . She's always on my mind . Hi , happy new year ! Hey , the same to you ! Time flies ! One year has already been a history ! Definitely , it's time to say bye-bye to the last year and to say hello to the new year ! Yeah . Have you made any good resolutions for this new year ? Some resolutions ? That's a wonderful idea , but I have no idea yet . How about you ? I want to be healthier this year , so I think I should take more exercise . That will be a good one ! Anything else ? Maybe I should make a plan about learning my biochemistry , which is a mess ! Sounds great ! It's weekend again , I'm glad I can arrange for my personal matters . What do you mean by that ? Oh , that means I can do whatever I like without few interruptions . You've been always active and versatile . It seems that you are interested in everything . Oh , really ? I just have lots of hobbies in my spare time ; such as going to the concert , painting , handwriting , reading novels and reading fashion magazines . What about yours ? I have fewer hobbies than yours . That's why I find campus life a bit dull and uninteresting . Oh , you can't think like that . We young people should try our best to learn new things and accept new ideas . You like taking photos and going to photography shows , why not practise the technique and catch something unforgeable ? That's a good suggestion . It's fine today . Maybe I can take photos on the scenery of the lake at sunset . It must be fantastic . I quite agree with you . With our hobbies , our life can be more colorful and exciting . And I can concentrate on my study after the relaxation over the weekend . Yes , it's a good habit to have a life-long hobby . Those who practise calligraphy and Qigong always live longer . Hey , Jane ... are you familiar with our company's insurance policies ? Umm ... I think so . What's up ? I've never really paid attention to the fine print of our insurance policies ... but it looks like I'm going to need to make a claim . Really ? Are you OK ? I have a slipped disc in my lower back and the doctor says surgery is probably the best option . Does our worker insurance cover this kind of thing ? If the injury is workplace related I'm sure it's completely covered . Hummum ... I think I'll have to talk to the doctor again about that.Anyway ... now that I'm going to have to make some claims , I think I'd better try and understand how the system works . Would you mind breaking it down for me ? Sure . Basically we have two insurance policies for employees ... workman's compensation and medical insurance . The company pays the premiums for workman's compensation , and for a significant part of the medical coverage , but you pay part of that premium , too . That's the charge for insurance I see on my pay slip each month , right ? Yep . Every country in the world has a different system , but here we buy insurance from a private provider . So workman's compensation is if I slip and break my arm while working in the office or on the job , right ? That's right . The company pays for all your medical bills and there is also some financial compensation if you have to take days off to see doctors or spend time recuperating . I decided to go for this kind of life . Try to keep cool . It's not an easy take . I know . I always hope for the best and prepare for the worst . Then you will be in line for a doom . How are you ? I ’ m great . Thanks . Did you need something ? I need your help . How may I help you ? I need to find this newspaper article . Have you checked the periodicals section yet ? I forgot about that section . If you ’ d like , I can show you were to find it . Could you do that ? Follow me . Thank you for all your help . Wow , American football is more exciting than I thought . You ’ re in America now , my British friend . We just call it football . Oh , right . So , I can ’ t quite follow what ’ s going on ... who ’ s winning ? The Giants are up by three points because of the field goal they kicked , but the Redskins have the ball and there pretty close to the end zone . Wow ! What a hit ! Yeah , he tackled him so hard his helmet came off . Is he ok ? It looks like it , he ’ s getting up . I guess he hit him too hard ; the referee just called a penalty on the home team . The Giants ? Yeah . Well , here we go again . What happened ? Why did everyone get so quiet ? The Redskin ’ s quarterback just threw a touchdown pass for seven points . We ’ re losing again . Jack ! Do you want to see a picture of my new puppy ? Sure . I thought people only showed off pictures of their new babies , not new pets ! Well , this is my new baby . He ’ s just as much trouble . That ’ s for sure ! But , he ’ s a lot of fun ! I see what you mean . He ’ s really cute . How old is he ? I'm going to Ireland this summer . Are you going to take your children along ? No , I'd like to go alone . Have a nice holiday ! A new film is on . Have you ever seen it ? What kind of movie is it ? It's a feature film . Oh , I've no interest in such films . How old are you , Su ? I am seven . I see , you have seven candles on the cake . Yes , I am seven . I am a big girl now . We will have a party here , right ? Yes , come on , and we will have fun . I've had enough of that ! Why , this is the most interesting film ! I hate the hero.He ' s too cruel . But it's only a film . Honey , I've got good news for you . What is it ? You are going to be a father . What ? Do you mean that you are pregnant ? Is it true ? Yes . We'll have our baby soon . Oh , dear , I'm so happy . Me , too . Hi . You enjoying the party ? Yes , actually . I don't really know anyone , but it's a nice place . Are you having a good time ? Yes . The drinks are very good ! I'm Paul , by the way . Hello Paul . I'm Jane . So what do you do ? I'm in finance . You ? Really ? Me , too . I work for an accountancy company , T & D . Maybe you've heard of them . T & D ? Oh , yes , sure . How long have you worked there ? About two years . And you ? Are you based here ? No . Actually , I'm based in Shanghai . I'm just here for the conference . So , T & D eh ... Are you still working day and night ? Not anymore . Now I work nine hours a day , and I get a good sleep almost every night . No more burning the candle at both ends . The stepmother was very wicked . She couldn't stand a happy smile on the boy's face . And ? And she did her best to pull out the thorn in her flesh and the boy lost whatever made him happy . Poor child ! Excuse me , are you Sara Wilson ? Yes , I am . You must be Tom . Nice to meet you . Nice to meet you too . Let me help you with your bags . Be careful , Tom . Those are pretty heavy . Wow , you're not kidding . Hold on a second . Hello , could you give us a hand , please ? Would you mind taking your feet off the table , Mike ? Not at all . But I've found satisfaction in it ! Do you put your feet on your own table ? No , I never do that . Why not ? I don't want to mark my table , of course . Well , will you please put them down ? I'm sorry . I thought you wouldn't come back so early . I forgot something on the table . Oh , you've got a good memory . May I help you ? Could I check out this book ? Let me see your library card . I need to get one . You can apply for one right now , if you ’ d like . Okay . Let me do that right now . Could you fill out this application ? I ’ m finished . Here you go . Could you please sign the back of the card ? All right . That ’ s it . Now may I check this book out ? But the auction is a blast ! And I haven't even told you the best part yet ! I don't care what the best part is . Whatever you say won't change my mind . I'm not buying anything ! That stamp you've been looking for is for sale . The 1879 Large Dragon ? Are you serious ? How much ? Hey ! I thought you weren't interested ! Sorry , I've gotta go ! I'm going to switch over to eBay and see if my bid is still the highest . I'm so excited ! We have two weeks off ! What are you going to do ? I'm not sure . I guess I'll just stay at home . Maybe I'll catch up on my reading . What about you ? Any plans ? Well , my parents have rented a condominium in Florida . I'm going to take long walks along the beach every day and do lots of swimming . Sounds great ! Say , why don't you come with us ? We have plenty of room . Do you mean it ? I'd love to ! I can't stand the stupid guy any longer.It ' s unbelievable ! Oh , my dear lady.Take it easy.You should forgive a green hand like him . He does everything so mindlessly that he is going to drive me crazy . I suggest you talk with him and teach him how to deal with the problems . I have told him how to do it several times , but he's never listened to me . Maybe you should communicate with him like a friend and not a boss . Oh , I always have difficulty in getting along with the staff . Just take them for your good friends and have a talk with them as we do , make sure you don't lose your temper . I think that's a bad idea . I'd hate anyone here to think of me as a friend.How would they ever respect me as they can do whatever they want ? I disagree . All you have to do is respect the staff and their opinions . Did you sign up for the picnic party ? Yes , of course . I love the picnic party . It ’ s really family fun time . This time you can bring your daughter with you . Right , she is so excited and simply can ’ t wait . There are times of games planned , should have a grand time . Frank , I want your advice on something . Some scientists I met at the conference 6 this afternoon have invited me to a party . Actually , they called it an informal get-together . And what ’ s the problem ? When I asked how people were going to dress , Dr . Lite said it was casual . And you want to know what to wear ? Well , last night I went out with some journalists for a casual party , but I was overdressed . I wore what I consider casual - - an outfit of skirt , blouse , scarf , and medium heels ... you know . That sounds just right to me . What was wrong with it ? Everyone else there was wearing blue jeans . Several of the women had on running shoes . I felt out of place . So I have no idea what to wear tonight . My guess is you can safely wear last night ’ s outfit to tonight ’ s party . T he nineteenth of June is my birthday . I'm planning to have a small party . Could you come ? Happy birthday to you ! I'd really love to come , but I'm not sure right now . I'll try to make it.Thank you for your invitation . Who got ripped off ? Big time ! A hacker broke into the company's files and got all her personal information . You really think it's completely safe ? Well , maybe not 100 percent . I did hear about some tricks people use . Now we're getting to the truth . There are shills . A shill is someone who bids up the price of their own sale . See ? And I bet that's easy to do online . Everybody's anonymous . How many courses do you have for this semester ? Eight altogether . How are they proportioned ? Six are compulsory , two optional . I ’ Ve always wondered , what ’ s the difference between English for Chinese students and English for native students ? I don ’ t know . What do you think ? I think a Chinese student concentrates on written English , and uses it as a basis for communicating . From start to finish he ’ s learning vocabulary and fundamentals of grammar . This is a very difficult way to learn . What do natives get ? They get higher level English , which is more formal than everyday spoken English . They also deal with matters of style and creativity . Do you mean that a native doesn ’ t make any mistakes in grammar ? Absolutely not ! Native speakers make a lot of grammar mistakes , especially if they come from a home where nonstandard English is spoken . I suppose that only a small percentage of college students don ’ t know standard English in American universities . Actually there are more non-native speakers than you think . That ’ s why it ’ s so important to quit worrying about making mistakes . Just talk to everyone every chance you get . Do I need a visa ? No , I shouldn ’ t think so . But you must take your passport of course . Yes , I know . I must get my traveler ’ s check and some foreign currency . Yes , you need the traveler ’ s check but you needn ’ t get any foreign currency . You can have my US Dollars , I don ’ t need them . Really ? That ’ s very good of you , Helen . But I must get a new suitcase , my old one needs repairing . You needn ’ t buy one . You can have mine . That ’ s very kind of you , Helen . I hope you don ’ t mind my leaving you like this . I need a holiday . It won ’ t be long . Don ’ t be silly , John . I ’ m going with you . It ’ s necessary for me to have a holiday too . Is that your phone ? yes , it's my new business phone . Do you like it ? it's very impressive . Can you use the Internet on your phone ? yes , it's got wireless Internet access . that's really convenient . Does it have the Bluetooth ? yes , but I don't really use it that often . Have you ever used it ? no , but I think it'd be really great for people like you who are always on the go . yes , I guess I should try to use it . does it have a camera ? of course it does . Doesn't every new phone include a camera these days ? I guess so . Would you mind if I checked my email quickly ? I'm supposed to be getting an important email this evening from a client . sure . Here you go . have you checked your voicemail recently ? no , why ? I think this icon means that you have a voicemail message . oh , yeah . Probably . I don't really know how to use this phone yet . do you want to listen to your messages first ? no , it's ok . Check your email first ; I'll check my unbox later . I'm surprised you don't use more of the features on your phone . I'm surprised you know so much about it . Where's your phone ? it quit working last week and I haven't had a chance to buy a new one yet . how have you been living without a cell phone for a week ? hasn't it been driving you carry being without a phone ? it's not that bad . It kind of feels like I'm on vacation , not having to answer my phone all the time ! let's go shopping . You can't depend on public phones in this day and age ! Are you feeling better today , Bill ? Well , it ’ s hard to say . I coughed a lot in the evening . You ’ d better give up smoking . It ’ s bad for your health . You ’ re right . But you know it ’ s so hard to give up the old habit like smoking . But you should make up your mind first . You know I often have to work far into the night . I need smoking to keep me awake . Why don ’ t you go to bed early and get up early ? You ’ ll have the same time for work . Thank you for your advice . I ’ ll try it . What are your weekend arrangements ? There're many things I can do on weekends . What sort of things are you interested in ? I'm keen on talking short trips to nearby scenic spots . More often than not , I go with some of my friends . By the way , what are your favorites ? I love swimming and cycling . On Sunday morning I have swimming practice for an hour . In the afternoon , I just ride my bike around the city or along the country roads for almost two hours . That's great ! I think they do you a lot of good . Where do you swim ? Mostly in the city's swimming pool . But on occasion , I go to the beach with friends . Well , what do you do at leisure ? I'm fond of dancing . Good.You really know how to enjoy yourself . Why did the boss come down on Joe like a ton of bricks . He spoke evil behind his back . How did he know that he had bad mouthed him ? Someone told Joe off . He is then in a very difficult situation . Sure . He ’ ll get the bag , I think . I'm sorry for spilling my drink on your rug . There's no need to apologize . But I ruined your rug . Forget it . It was an accident . Why are you cut up recently , Nancy ? I ’ Ve just parted with my boyfriend . Oh , cheer up . A boyfriend is not everything . But I cannot forget him . We'd like a half-day package . We offer many different sea water treatments . How many can we choose ? The aquamedic pool is included . You can choose three . We'll do the seaweed wrap , the jet bath , and the foot massage . OK . Here are your robes . You can go shower first . Are you going to Helen ’ s birthday party on Friday evening ? I wouldn ’ t miss it for the world ! It ’ s sure to be fun . She ’ s invited a lot of people . Do you think everyone will be able to get into her house ? If everyone turned up , it would be a squeeze , but a few people said that they couldn ’ t go , so I think it should be ok ? Are you taking anything ? I ’ Ve got her a birthday present and I ’ ll take a bottle fo wine too . That ’ s a good idea . She told me that she had bought plenty of food and snacks . I think it ’ s going to be a noisy party . I hope her neighbours don ’ t mind too much . Helen gets on very well with her neighbours . I wouldn ’ t be surprised if they went to the party too . I ’ m ready looking forward to it . This party is going to be a blast ! Well , don ’ t be late . I ’ ll see you on Friday at Helen ’ s . I hated the hand-me-downs to wear when I was a kid . That ’ s understandable . Every kid likes new clothes . It was not just that . I didn ’ t like them because they never fitted me . Shall we have two tickets for for seven thirty ? Yes , Would you like to have the seats in the front or at the back ? In the front , please . What did you do last vacation ? I learned to drive and I got a driving license . What will you do this vacation ? Travel . Do you like Barry ? No , not very much . He ’ s too ambitious and dishonest . I agree . I like his brother , Paul . They are not alike . Yes . They are completely different . Paul is very sociable and much more honest than his brother . What kind of person do you consider yourself to be ? I think I ’ m polite , careful , relaxed and shy . Oh , I don ’ t think you ’ re shy ! You are always chatting with new people when we go to a party . Well , yes , but those people always start talking to me . I never talk to them first . Perhaps I ’ m not as shy as I think . Anyway , you ’ re certainly not shy ! You ’ re right . I love going out and making new friends . So , you ’ ll be at my birthday party on Friday ? Of course ! Hello 。 this is Susan . Hello , I ’ m Mark . I ’ m just wondering if you are free this weekend . Yes , I think So . Good . I was thinking that I ’ d like to invite you to watch a movie . I can meet you at the cinema gate . What ’ s the time ? Six thirty , tonight . Oh , I ’ m sorry I can ’ t.because I have to do some housework.You can ask Jenny to go with you . All right.Maybe next time I can go with you.Bye ! Good bye ! Congratulations ! Is it a boy or a girl ? It's a boy . What do you think are the most important things to do when running a business ? Well , there are several things . Of course , you must do everything you can to keep costs down and revenues high . So , do you think workers should be paid as little as possible ? No . if you do that , the workers won ’ t like their jobs . They will be less efficient and you will get a high staff turnover . Those things will increase you costs . How can a business maximise revenues ? You need to invest in some good advertising . You have to know where your potential customers are and target them . It ’ s no good trying to sell computer games to older people . The market is too small . What else do you suggest ? Find out what other companies charge for the same products or services . Price yourself near the low end . Don ’ t be much cheaper than everyone else , because many customers distrust very cheap things . They think that is must be poor quality if it ’ s that cheap . This paper absorbs water so quickly ! Yes , it's great for cleaning up spills . John has some trouble in his life . I hear that his father died . Yeah . He ’ s been having an easy time since he was a boy , and now he doesn ’ t know how to face the music . He is out of luck . Welcome back , soccer fans . My name is Rick Fields and , as always , I am joined by my commentating wingman , Bob Copeland . And we ’ re on the brink of soccer history today , as Ecuador and Brazil are tied one-one as we begin the second half of the 2022 World Cup ! The ref calls the players for the kick off , and here we go ! Ecuador quickly passes the ball to the midfield , but , oath , it ’ s out of bounds . That will be a throw in for Brazil . Adriano has the ball and makes a long pass to Robin , and the ref has called him offside . No question about it . He was offside by a mile ! We have a goal kick for Ecuador . Edison Mendez heads it to Valencia , he shoots ! Deflected by the defender and we have a corner kick . Delgado takes the corner . We have a foul ! Oh no , Did , the goalkeeper , has fouled the Ecuadorian player ! He gets a yellow card and that will be a penalty kick ! This is the perfect opportunity for Ecuador to get ahead in this match and become World Champions ! He gets ready for the kick . He shoots ! and he ... Hi , I'm Jake . I'm new to the choir . What's your name ? Hello , there , my name is Tonia . Do you sing alto ? Actually , I can do both soprano and alto but the director asked me to sing alto for the next perforate . What about you . Looks like we both float back and forth . I'm baritone . Our bass section is really good . You're going to love singing with them . I heard them warming up earlier . You're right . It's good to have you in the group . We can always use a good baritone ! How happy you are ! Next Monday is your wedding day . Congratulations ! Thank you ! Fred is really a good guy . And he loves you so much . Yeah . I'm lucky to be his wife . He's after your own heart , it is important . So he will make a perfect husband . Make sure you will be here next Monday . I promise ! Hey , buddy . Are the fish biting today ? They sure are . They are practically jumping in the boat . Is that so ? Well , what kind of bait are you using ? We're catching most of our fish with lures . Lures ? We're using live bait over here . What kind of live bait are you using ? Worms or minnows ? We're using worms . Are you having any luck with the worms ? No , we haven't even gotten a nibble today . That's too bad . Why don't you try using lures instead ? I would , but I don't have any in my tackle box . That's too bad . Well , where are you fishing ? I'm just fishing from the shore . How about you ? We went out in our boat . I have a favorite fishing hole out there . Sweet.Can you tell me where it is ? Oh no , I can't tell you . It's a secret . Say , why don't you go over by the lily pads and try fishing there ? Do you think that's a good spot ? Sure , I used to catch my legal limit of bass there all the time . Thanks . I think I'll go check that out now . Good luck . I hope you each some fish . So John , have you ever been to China before ? No , I haven ’ t . This is the first time I have been to China . Have you travelled to many other countries ? To be honest , I have never been to an Asian country before but I have visited many countries in Europe . What about America ? Have you ever been to the United States ? Actually , I haven ’ t been to the states but I have been to Canada . What kind of movies do you like , Sue ? I like all kinds of stuff . I admit I love romance . Just like my wife . So , what ’ s your favorite movie ? You mean my favorite movie of all time ? I guess I ’ d have to say “ pretty woman ” . Yeah , my wife likes that one , too . Personally , I prefer action movies . By the way , could you tell me what day it is today ? Well , it's Thursday today . And the date , please . The 5th . What will you do now ? Propose to her . Of course I won't chill out . Opportunity knocks only once . You should strike while the iron is hot . You're right . I will have a talk to her about that . Would you allow me to drive your car ? No problem , but you've got to be careful . Surely I will . Here's the key then . I could get along fine without all the office politics . What's going on ? There is a position I've had my eye on for several months now and I had good reason to believe that it was mine for the asking . So what happened ? We were awarded government funding last year and in order to keep it we have to hire so Ay new employees . So what does that have to do with this position ? Someone in the main office has a nephew who he thinks can slide right into the Management position I wanted . All under the precept of keeping the funding ? That stinks . Hello , Hanson . Today I come to say goodbye to you , for I'm going back to London tomorrow . No , not so soon . Couldn ’ t I persuade you to stay a couple of days more ? Much as I wish to but I really can ’ t . I've already booked the flight . I hope this won ’ t be our last meeting . Of course not . You can come to London to visit me in future . And I also will come here if I have a chance . I will miss you . I will miss you , too . You're really a good friend . It's a pity that I'm too busy to see you off tomorrow . It doesn't matter . Take care of yourself and remember to keep in touch . I will . Goodbye and have a good flight . Thankyou . Goodbye ! What are you reading ? It ’ s an article about language . It talks about the idea of having a single global language . It seems that English already is the main global language . Does the article suggest that there should be an artificial language like Esperanto as the world language . Actually , it suggest English . The main argument is that English is already being studied as a second language in most countries-china , India , mexico , Nigeria , Pakistan , and japan – so beginning again Does the article say anything about other language ? How will they survive in an English-speaking world ? The article points out that many languages have been lost and will be lost , but others will continue to be used for generation , even if English continues to be the dominant language . Hello ? Hi , Shelley . Have you had lunch ? Not yet . So shall we have lunch together ? I ’ d like to take you this time . I ’ d like to , but I can ’ t . How come ? I ’ Ve a lot of paper work to do right now . I ’ m behind schedule . All right . Can we make it another time ? Sure , thanks . I ’ ll call you later . Bye . Bye . Our neighbour ’ s tape recorder is so loud that it annoys us to death . I ’ Ve made up my mind to cut the electricity off . What ? That would be to cut off your nose to spite your face . Then what shall we do ? Call the police . Welcome to our school . If you need any help , please come to me . You are so kind . Thank you very much . What do you think about violence in movies ? Personally , I'm not for it . I feel it's bad for kids to watch . But kids like watching things like that . It's just for fun , would't you say ? If you ask me , I have to disagree . Something shouldn't be watched for fun . I know you are a good dancer . What dances do you like ? I like the old styles of dance . Such as fox-trot , waltz , rumba , tango and so on . They're all graceful . Why do you like old styles of dance ? Why not ? Do you think I should like modern dance ? I think so , because most young people like modern dances , such as rock and roll . Oh , sorry . I don't like them . Why not ask Lily . She likes modern dance . OK , I will.Thank you . Can you help me do an internet search ? Sure . What do you want to find ? I want to find information on World War Two . Well , can you be more specific ? There are a lot of websites about that . Yes , I want to know about the Normandy Landing . Ok . Well , go to , and type in Normandy Landing . Oh , wow ! There are lot of sites . Here , try this one . It's a good site about Normandy Landing . Thanks . For detailed information , however , you should read a history book . Thanks . If I am interested , I'll go to the library . I want to redo this poster , but John and Mary think it's good enough as it is . I'm on your side . It needs to be done over . We're lucky today . Yes , there aren't any clouds in the sky and we've got such a beautiful view here . Look ! This is St James Park . And there's Buckingham Palace Where's Hyde Park ? It's on the other side of the Palace . That's the place where people make speeches on Sundays , isn't it ? Yes , you're right . Politicians of all kinds , religious people , and one or two madmen . Well , are we going there today ? I want to take shots there . Sure . I can see you're enjoying your trip today . Of course . Everything's so striking and fascinating . Hi , John , how was your vacation ? Awesome , we went to Australia and New Zealand . That must have been wonderful . Do anything interesting ? Well , we went bungee jumping when we were in Australia . Wow ! Isn ’ t that dangerous ? A little , but the rush was worth it . Tell me about it . We jumped off a bridge and fell 500 feet before the bungee cord caught us . 500 feet ! I would never be able to do that . Yeah , it was scary , but exhilarating . How ’ s the food ? It ’ s pretty good . Well I don ’ t think so . I don ’ t like it at all ! I ’ m afraid you ’ re being too particular about your food . I eat dog food when my parents are out . We ’ re in the same boat ! I ’ Ve eaten fast food the whole week . I hate it now . Poor us ! All this junk food lacks nutrition ! Let ’ s dine out tonight for a change ! Good idea ! I'm afraid we can't increase salary this year , money is just too title . I'm not sure I can't agree , dan . Why not ? Surely , there are other ways to save money . What are you talking about , we tried everything ! I ’ m sure you never dare to go against your wife . Why should I go against her ? She always seems to have better ideas . Have you ever got the goods on her for wrong doings ? Get the goods on her ? She never allows me to go to her office . And she is a good woman . She has been faithful all these years . Well , it ’ s nice to have a husband like you . I'm calling to say good-bye . When do you leave ? I'm catching the eleven o'clock train . Take care of yourself and don't forget to keep in touch . Goodbye . Thanks again for everything . Can we have two tickets for this evening's film ? Sure.Which one ? Titanic . Where do you want to sit ? Front , please . Are these seats all right ? They're in the second rows . Do you have seats in the fourth or fifth rows ? Sorry.We ' Ve nothing further back . All right.We ' ll take the second row.By the way , how much is it ? Thirty yuan . Fairly expensive . Hi , come on in . Can I take your coat ? Sure , thanks . I brought you a bottle of wine as well . You're the first guest to arrive . I'll just put your coat away and then I'll get you something to drink . Should I take my shoes off ? Whatever you prefer . This is a very nice place . How long have you been living here now ? Just over three weeks . Would you like a drink ? Sure , what do you have ? I've got white wine , red wine , gin and tonics , ginger ale , lemonade , orange juice , and sprite . I'll have a glass of red wine please . One glass of red wine coming up ! So how many people are coming for the dinner tonight ? There's just going to be 6 of us tonight . Oh , I thought there were going to be eight . who isn't coming ? Marcia and Paul called to cancel at the last moment . Paul was running late and Marcia wasn't feeling well . That's too bad.They ' re such good company . I think there's someone at the door . Excuse me while I go and get that . The weather is really miserable . It has been raining hard all day long . Yes , it's so cold . Do you think the rain is going to let up soon ? Yes , I think so . The rainy season will be over soon . How long does the rainy season last ? About two months . I can hardly stand these wet and cold days . It seems that it doesn't bother you very much . I'm used to this kind of days . But I prefer warm weather . Spring will come soon . And we will have some pleasant weather then . I hope so . Would you like to go skating with me this afternoon ? Oh , I'd love to . But we're going to clean our dormitory . I can't be absent . Maybe another time . People say that boys ' dormitories are in a mess , is it true ? In fact , our dormitory is much worse than they can be described . It's hard for me to imagine . How can you stand that ? You'll get used to it gradually . Oh my God , don't you know that such living environment is not healthy ? Yes , we do . That's why we have a cleaning every three months . Three months ? Incredible ! How long can I keep these books ? A month . Don't forget to return them by the due date . What if I can't finish them by then ? Bring them back to the circulation desk and renew them . Any terrible fines ? Sure . Are you excited about your trip next month ? Yes and no . I can ' t wait to go to Europe , but at the same time I am terrified . Why ? Well , I have acrophobia . I have a chronic fear of flying . Oh really ? I have an uncle who is also terrified of flying . It ' s not that bad though , I mean , it is pretty scary to be in this big machine flying through the air at seven hundred miles per hour . I actually have arachnophobia . You ' re scared of spiders ? I actually have two more phobias . Acrophobia and glossophobia . I guess that explains why you are afraid of flying , but public speaking is not that bad . Are you kidding ? When I get on stage , my palms start to sweat , I get really nervous and I can hardly speak . Well , I must confess I am a bit claustrophobic . I hate being in an elevator for more than 5 seconds . We are such weirdos right ? Hello , Rachel . It's glad to see you here . Hi , Ross . Glad to see you , too . I'm going to throw a party tomorrow night . Would you like to come ? A party ? Yes . I'd love to . Thank you for inviting me . Will Monica come ? Of course . That's great ! What time will it start at ? At 6 o'clock . OK . I'll come . See you then . See you . How could you have done that without asking me first ? I didn't realize you felt so strongly about it . Well , you should have thought . I'm sorry . I'll ask next time . Would you like to have dinner with me tonight ? Oh , that sounds great ! I ’ ll pick you up at ... say , 7,30 ? Yes , that would be perfect . See you tonight then . Yes . Thank you for inviting me . How are you getting along with your paper ? I haven't finished it . It is very difficult . You should hand it in before next Sunday . Oh , I know . I will try my best . I believe you can do a good job . Would you like to come to our party ? I'd like to . But I'm not myself today . what happened ? You look so pale . It's the end of the world for me . What makes you say that ? Today , I'm told I failed three courses . Oh , that's too bad . Work harder next term . I'm such a fool that duplication of effort is only a waste of time to me . Don't loose heart . Everything will be fine . I hope so . I had a terrible journey back from Bangkok last week . Really ? Why ? What happened ? Well , first of all , the taxi that was taking me from the client's office to the airport broke down on the freeway . Oh , no . Yes , and the driver didn't speak any English or Chinese and he didn't have a phone on him-can you believe it ? - and his radio didn't work . So there was no way he could get in touch with the office to get them to send another taxi . So what did you do ? Well , I actually thumbed a lift . You what ? Yes , I stood on the side of the freeway and stuck my thumb out , and a passing truck stopped and took me to the airport . Wow , good for you . Yes , except he drove really slowly , and I missed my flight . Oh , no ! Yes , so I had to wait three hours for the next one . I didn't get home till four in the morning , and when I got home I realized I'd left my house keys in my hotel in Bangkok . You really have bad luck , don't you ? Seems like it . Do you have change for a hundred ? Sure . Have you read the new rules about using cell phone at work ? Yes , not bad . Like turn your cell phone ringer off and find a private place to make calls which it ’ s showing your respect to your co-workers . Well , but for this one , don ’ t bring your cell phone to meetings , I think it is not reasonable . What if there are some important calls ? Well , this one is not compulsory . It is just suggestion . I didn ’ t pay attention to that . Do you know about All Fools ' Day ? On that day , people play all kinds of tricks on others , and the one easily taken in is called April fool . April fool ! April the first is coming.Be careful ! Daniel , I can't catch up with the English teacher very well . What's the problem ? You are quite good at English , can you help me with it . That's OK . But you'd better take an additional course in some English schools . English school ? What is that ? This kind of school is good at helping people to improve their English . Is that different from our school's English course ? Yes , before you start your training , they will test you on your English first . Have you ever seen coco ? I've seen her on TV but not in the flesh . I'm so familiar with her songs , but I don't know what kind of person she is in real life . Joseph , who is that woman ? That's Susan . What does she do for work ? She's a lawyer . Is she American ? No , but she speaks English fluently . She's really tall . Do you know her ? Yes , I know her . We're friends . Who's that man standing next to her ? Which man ? That short guy on her right . What's his name ? Oh , that's Matt . He's really good looking . Yeah . Do you know him ? I don't know him , but I think my sister does . Is he married ? Yes , he's married . I remember now . I met him before . I ’ Ve gotta hand it to you , you really did a good job ! So glad that you think so ! I think you deserve a promotion . Oh , really ? Thanks a lot ... well , I still have a lot to learn , I guess . Are you going abroad to study ? I'll have to think about it . Billy , you are late again . I'm sorry I'm late . I overslept . Is the manager here today ? Yes he ' s in his office . Oh , I hope he didn't notice me . Don't take any chances . It'd be best if you told him and promised not to be late again . He's already mad at you for last 2 times . Any more and he might fire you . You said it . It won't happen again . Do you really think he'd fire me ? I think he might . You'd better go to his office . You are probably right . I'll go right now and apologize . I try hard not to be late but it is difficult with Beijing traffic . Good luck ! Sam , what shall I do with my stocks ? Will I lose money ? There ’ s a possibility . What do you mean by that ? I mean if you don ’ t sell your shares now , it ’ s quite likely that you ’ ll end up losing your shirt . Is that so ? Absolutely . Take my word for it . Ann invited us to dinner this saturday afternoon . What should we take ? How about a china vase ? Good idea ! Which of the two do you think is better ? I mean , what's the difference between them ? Well ... this one costs more , but it has a much better sound.This part of it is made of wood , not plastic . And there's a tone control , too . I only want it for the kitchen . I like to listen to the news at breakfast time . Hmm ... well , the other one is good for the money . It's much cheaper . We sell clot of them and all our customers are satisfied with them . Hmm ... I'd like the cheaper one , please . Can I pay hy cheque ? Certainly . Did you have a good weekend ? Yes , thanks . Did you ? Not bad . What did you do ? I went to Tamshui . You ? I wasn't feeling too well , so I stayed at home . What do you do for a living ? I ’ m a doctor . Really ? Do you like it ? Yes , I do . It ’ s very interesting . What ’ s your job ? I ’ m a bus driver . Oh , do you enjoy it ? No , I don ’ t really like it . It ’ s boring . I'm sorry , Sam . I don't want to go to the folk concert . How about going to the theatre ? I don't like going to the theatre . Well , what do you like doing ? Travelling , swimming , going to the cinema . And you ? I like painting , sailing , watching football and talking to you . I like talking to you , too . Do you want to go to an exhibition ? There is one at the Xinghai Exhibition Hall tomorrow . That's a good idea . You want to go to the movies tonight ? Sure ! What ' s playing ? The new Twilight movie ! Twilight ? As in the vampire movies ? No way , I am watching that , but I don ' t understand why everyone is so excited about these films about vampires . It doesn ' t make sense . Of course it does . It ' s like a modern tale of Romeo and Juliet . You can see a couple who are in love but can ' t be together because they are so different . And in the fact that immortality and super human strengthen this really sexy and there you have it ! Plus the cast is hip , young people that make the movie even more enticing . I don ' t buy into that . I think it ' s just a fad . Pretty soon this will pass and everyone will be into wear-wolves or zombies ! What kind of person do you consider yourself to be ? I think I'm polite , careful , relaxed and shy . Oh , I don't think you're shy ! You are always chatting with new people when we go to a party . Well . Yes , but those people always start talking to me . I never talk to them first . Perhaps I'm not as shy as I think . Anyway , you're certainly not shy ! You're right . I love going out and making new friends . So , you'll be at my birthday party on Friday ? Of course ! Let's invite Bobbie and John to our party , OK ? You can never do that . Why ? There's been bad blood between them since Bobbie took away John's girlfriend . You look really wiped out ? I had meetings back to back all morning . And phone rang off the hook from the minute I walked into the office . Not a good day . I hate to tell you that Mr . Thomas wants to see the profit ’ s statement for new project tomorrow morning . I can ’ t believe it . I guess I ’ ll be here until 10 again tonight . Is this a photo of your family ? Yes , it is.It was taken just before I was leaving for college . You look so lovely . How time flies ! I'll not see twenty again . Can you speak Japanese ? Yes , I can , but not very well . Where did you learn it ? At school . And I'm still learning it now . How long have you been learning it ? About three years . Can you speak any other languages ? I'm afraid not . Mary , do you remember when we met ? I won't ever forget it ! I was sitting in the cafeteria all by myself ... And I came up and asked to sit by you ... Oh , it seems like it was just yesterday . May , we are fools to hang out at noon . It's dying hot today . My skin is too weak to be exposed under the summer sun . Do you have any sunscreen lotion ? You know , honey , I used it all on the way over . I think I'm getting a heart stroke . The heat is driving crazy and I hate my new hat . Why ? It's brand new , and it's perfect on you . But I bought it to get rid of the heat . Now it does nothing but burning my head . Beauty costs , honey . Laugh all you want , whatever . We need to get out of the heat . Walking under the sun is certainly not the way . Give me a break . It's not funny . Right . Sorry . Anyway , the radio said that it'll rain later today . Hope so ! Good thing is that autumn is just around the corner . Do you know much about computers ? Not a great deal . I've just been reading an article about them . They'll be used for all sorts of things now . For accounting system and things like that , you mean ? Yes , but they are used for other things , too . Do you remember when we went to buy a ticket for the flight to Paris . Yes ? The man asked where we want to go , then he type out the information on the form and waited for a reply . A few moment later , he gave us two tickets . Of course , his machine must have been connected to a computer . That's right . It ’ s time for me to go now . Would you like me to go with you ? I ’ d rather you stayed in the office and did these things . Do you want to type that letter ? I ’ d rather you typed it . Do you want to tell her ? I ’ d rather you told her . Which season do you like best ? I like spring . Why ? Oh , everything comes back to life in spring and the weather gets warmer . I like spring , too.We can go for a walk and enjoy the fresh air . John , my father isn't there at all . Are you kidding ? Poor fellow ! What's the date today , buddy ? It's ... OH , it's the first of April , April Fools ' Day . You forgot all about it , didn't you ? I've booked an air ticket to Venice . How long will you be there ? I'd like to stay there for a week . So you'll have a tour of the famous city . Certainly . Oh , the ink is spilled on the desk . Did it spill on your clothes ? No , but the table cloth was dirty . That's OK . I'm afraid it's too hard to wash off the stain . It's no big deal . I really feel great shame . Let me buy a new one for you . Don't be silly , forget about it . Are you a happy married man ? Yes , I am . My wife and I understand each other . You are a lucky man . How about Mr . Smith . I don't know . But they say that Mrs . Smith wears the pants in the house . You mean she bosses her husband around ? That's right . She is pretty , but she wants to control everything in his life . The country is strong only in appearance . Don ’ t you think so ? Yes . In fact there are quite a large number of people who have no food to eat and no place to live in . You can say that again . The government must open it ’ s eyes to the fact . Elaine ’ s back from school . I think it might be a nice gesture if you asked her out . I suppose she ’ s not good enough for you , is that it ? Look , Elaine Robinson and I do not get along . How do you know ? You haven ’ t seen her since high school . I guess your evenings , whatever you do with them , are just too valuable . That has nothing to do with it ... I guess I ’ ll just have to tell Mr . Robinson that you ’ re too busy every evening – doing God knows what ... God don ’ t go on like this . If you absolutely refuse to take her out ... I do . Then I will simply have to invite all the Robinson ’ s over for dinner on Thursday . It smells like an ashtray in here ! Hi honey ! What ’ s wrong ? Why do you have that look on your face ? What ’ s wrong ? I thought we agreed that you were gonna quit smoking . No ! I said I was going to cut down which is very different . You can ’ t just expect me to go cold turkey overnight ! Look , there are other ways to quit . You can try the nicotine patch , or nicotine chewing gum . We spend a fortune on cigarettes every month and now laws are cracking down and not allowing smoking in any public place . It ’ s not like you can just light up like before . I know , I know . I am really trying , but I don ’ t have the willpower to just quit . I can ’ t fight with the urge to reach for my pack of smokes in the morning with coffee or after lunch ! Please understand ? Fine ! I want a divorce ! Jack , could you check your calendar ? Sure , what's going on ? We're planning a weekend camping trip , and we want to know which weekend is best for everyone . Let me see ... The weekend after next looks pretty good.Otherwise , I'm all booked up . It is reported that the temperature is going to drop dramatically tonight . Really ? Yes . So you'd better dress warmly before you go out . I will . Thanks for telling me . What's wrong , Dave ? You look down today . I didn't pass the English exam . How to learn English well ? Can you give me some suggestions ? Well , English is a " paper tiger " . Its natural enemy is adequate practice . I have done a lot of reading comprehension exercises , and I also spend much time in memorizing English words . I suggest you read English texts aloud every day , and try to speak more . That will be beneficial to cultivate your sense of the language . Really ? I'll have a try . Maybe I will get high marks next time . The answer for number 6 is C , 7 is B , 8 is A ... Ms . Lee , could you tell me what number 7 is again ? I didn't catch you . Sure . 7 is B . Any others ? No , thank you . Look ! That man who is baking bread is so handsome . Watch his bread , it seems to be delicious . He had a lot on the ball . Oh , my god ! He ’ s so perfect . I don't know what I'm going to do . I need to find a job . If I don't , I won't be able to stay here next semester . Have you tried university part-time jobs ? What do you mean ? I mean in the library , or in some information center.Often the university hires foreign students for part-time positions . Yes , I know . I tried that.They don't have anything now . So what can I do ? Well , since you're a foreign student , it's hard.That ' s because it's actually illegal for you to work in America . I know that . You don't have to tell me that . That's my problem . I know I have the right to work for the university . That's legal.But they don't have a job for me . And it's illegal for me to get a job elsewhere . Anyway , there must be some solution.You know there are many people working illegally in New York . But I need a pretty decent job . I need to make enough to pay my rent at least . I have an idea . What ? Since you're Chinese , maybe you can find part-time work in Chinatown . I already had that idea . Well , why don't you go and look down there ? But I don't know what I would do . It may be part-time work as a waitress or something.It would be illegal , but sometimes waitresses make a good salary . Maybe . I don't know . I will ask my friends for you.Maybe someone knows a company that needs part-time people.That ' s another thing you should do . Ask all your friends to ask around for you.You might find something . I have to find something.Otherwise I have to go back to Taiwan . I'll be broke in two months . I have some photos here taken by myself . Would you like to see them ? Sure . Speaking of photos , what type of film will be the best ? You know , I'm planning a tour to Jiuzhaigou Valley . I would get Fuji 200 film for taking photos of natural beauty . Thank you so much . You're an expert . Excuse me , Professor , is there a time when I could meet with you ? I could meet with you tomorrow anywhere from two until four ; what time works out best ? I would like to come in at three o'clock . I am glad that that works out ; can you find my office ? Yes , I can . Just follow the walkway to the outside and climb the stairs to the third floor . I got it . If you do get lost , just ask someone in the building to point the way . Thank you , I'll be there . If you need to cancel your appointment , please give me a call ! At what age do children start school in your country ? At five . Do boys and girls go to school together ? Yes , they do . Do you think this is a good idea ? Yes , I do . Do some children go on to university ? Yes , they do . What examinations do they take first ? O levels and A levels . How long do you usually stay at university ? Three or four years . Are you okay , man ? You don ’ t look very well . Ugh , I feel terrible . I went out last night with Trevor , and things got a little out of hand . Nice ! So , where did you guys go ? We hit a couple of local bars , and met up with some friends . Everything was cool until Mike came along , and it turned out that it was his birthday yesterday ! Oh no ! Mike ’ s birthday is a drinkfest for sure ! Tell me about it ! We drank everything in the bar ! Is that why you missed work today ? Yeah . I woke up this morning feeling really nauseous . I threw up like five times . Www ! I was so dehydrated that I drank like a gallon of water , and my head has been pounding all day . I swear , I ’ m never gonna drink again ! Too bad man , tonight is Tracy ’ s going away party and she asked if you were gonna go . Oh , yeah . I ’ m there ! Hey Claire , you've been really quiet these last few days . Is something wrong ? I've been really stressed . It's the end of the year and I've got so much stuff to do ! I feel like I'm drowning in work . Well , stress is a real thing . It's not an imaginary condition . It's seriously affecting my life ! I can't sleep , I don't have much of an appetite and my husband says I've been kind of short tempered . Other people seem to handle stress okay ... why am I so weak ? You're not weak ... you're stressed out ! Stress has been a part of the human condition for millions of years . Back when we still lived in the trees we had to watch out for predators ... and as you might imagine , that was pretty stressful . Yeah , but I don't see any tigers or leopards roaming around our office . My stress is just about silly paperwork ! But you're actually having the same reaction as our tree-dwelling ancestors ! It's called the flight or fight response . Each time you feel like something's threatening you , your body decides whether to run away or fight ... it causes all sorts of chemical reactions in the body . So a deadline will cause that same reaction ? It could . Modern humans actually have more flight or fight responses than our ancestors did . They just had a couple of close calls every day , but today , we have dozens or even hundreds ! So the life of a cave woman was less stressful than my life ? Hey , Mary , what's up ? Not much . Last night I met this great guy at the bar and we had such a wonderful time that we decided to meet again tonight . Oh , that's exciting . What's this guy like ? Is he hot ? Well , I ddin't think so at first . But as we started talking , I found him extremely funny and witty . I couldn't stop laughing at his jokes ! We have so much in common . We like the same teams , music , and most amazingly , we both love Chinese food ! I have the feeling that we are going to be great friends . It seems you two are a good match . What qualities do you look for in a friend ? There's nothing definite I think . I don't have a list or anything , but when I first meet somebody , I can usually tell whether or not that person is going to be a good friend . It seems I have a radar helping me spot new friends . Well , that's something I've never heard of . But if you ask me what I value most in a friend , I would have to say honesty . I agree . You can't expect a close relationship with a dishonest person . Those are the people that will turn their back on you when you are in need . Yeah , I know . A friend in need is a friend indeed . I don't need fair-weather friends either . I must be going now . Really ? Can't you stay a little longer ? No , I really must go now.My family are expecting me home soon . Be seeing you then ! See you ! When you are in a restaurant you want the waiter to bring the bill , what do you do to attract his attention ? I just make eye contact with him and nod my head . Then I tell him when he comes over to the table . Why do you ask ? I went out with my girlfriend to a nice restaurant last night and I noticed that many people shouted for the bill . That seems a little impolite in such a restaurant . That ’ s what I thought . I just thought I ’ d ask you and see what you thought of it . Anyway , what did you do yesterday evening ? Well , it was a warm evening , so I stretched my legs . I walked along the canal for a couple of miles . Actually , several other people had the same idea . I saw Bill . Did you ? How is he these days ? He seemed ok . We didn ’ t stop and chat because we were on opposite banks of the canal . We just waved at each other . I need to move some furniture . Could you help me to lift it ? Of course . What do you want to move first ? Let ’ s move the sofa . Can you get a grip on the bottom at that end ? I ’ ll lift this end . I want to move it sideways in that direction . Guess what ? What ? I don't like this movie . It's a bomb . Look , I've already paid for the tickets , so whether you like it or not we're going to finish watching it . Well , give me the Walkman . I'll listen to the music then . Come on . Give it a chance . The movie just started . Excuse me , Miss . Yes . May I help you ? I'm a graduate student here in mathematics . I've just come from China and I've never used a western library before . I'll be here for five years , so I'd like to learn to use the library as efficiently as possible . I wonder if someone might have time to show me around . I'd be very glad to show you around , but I'm very busy right now . Could you come back about 3 thirty ? Sure . 3 thirty this afternoon . Good . See you later . Thank you . Good-bye . Don't open any of my forwards ! I got a virus ! Don't tell me you got the dreaded Bush virus . I've heard that that bug is threatening to infect the world . Yes , that's exactly the bug I got . Though , I do kind of like the pictures . Those clothes do suit him better . Wait a second-are these pictures copyrighted ? Probably not . It's off the Internet . What difference does it make ? Say , do you go to see your grandparents often ? Of course , my grandpa is generous and kind.My grandma cooks the most delicious Chinese dishes in the world . You are very lucky . I need some flowers for my girlfriend . No problem . Would you like some artificial carnations ? Oh , no . Carnations are not very elegant.Artificial flowers have no passion . How much did you want to spend ? Money is no object . Our most elegant flower is Golden Lily . I will take ten . Do you want to add some baby ’ s breath for that ? They are equally popular now . Of course . Can I have it delivered to my girlfriend's house this afternoon ? Yes , but there is a five dollars delivery charge . That's ok . Here is the address . Julie , what's on the tube ? nothing but bench of commercials . These days the amount of commercials is amazing . yeah . Maybe we can change to another channel . what about the sports channel ? Let's see if there's a game on . okay . Nope , it's a replay of yesterday's soccer match between Brazil and Spain . it was a good game , but not good enough to watch again . Keep surfing . alright . Hmm , this movie is a rerun ... I don't know how many times I've seen this show ... Commercial again ... and a replay of the talk show ... oh no , this show is terrible , you don't wanna watch it . oh , what is it ? it's a total rip-off of an American reality show , but the imitation is unbearably clumsy . oh , I know this kind of shows . Sometimes they really piss me off . If I wanted reality , I'd go outside . yeah ... it seems what we have on TV now are either repeats , or commercials , or low-quality shows . There's really nothing to watch . I don't get it . We have more than 100 channels and there's still nothing good on ! Maybe we should just turn off the TV , get outside , and do something real . cool . That woman is a thorough drag ! What is it ? She keeps spitting on the ground . Maybe there's something wrong with her . To be a revolutionary needs great courage ! He must be courageous enough to fly in the face of established authorities . Galileo is one of them . So are Copernicus and many others . Did you go to the bank to withdraw money ? Today is so hot , besides I had so much housework to do . My friend came for a visit and stayed for two hours . I didn ’ t forget , but I had no time at all . So you didn ’ t . Is that right ? Yes . I ’ m sorry . Why didn ’ t you just answer my question directly ? Why would Chinese answer questions this way ? I simply asked if you did it or not . It ’ s a very simple question . And Chinese often give the reason before they would give a direct answer . Yes , I ’ m sorry . I know it bothers you very much . But I don ’ t know why Chinese sometimes would do this . You know , today I asked a student if he brought his dictionary with him . It ’ s a rule I made for the class that everyone brings a bilingual dictionary with them because sometimes they don ’ t understand me . The funniest thing is that this student gave me a lot of reasons and no direct answer . But you know if he brought it or not , right ? Yeah , after all the explanations like , it ’ s too heavy , I was in a hurry ... whatever . Uncle , have a heart , please lend your new car to me . Only once . Where are you going ? I have a big date tonight . You have got a car , haven ’ t you ? Oh , please . Only once lend your new car to me . Betty and I will throw a dinner party this weekend , we ’ d like you to come . That would be very nice . Only that I ’ ll be a little late . Is that OK ? Sure . We ’ ll be looking forward to that day . So will I . Thank you . I think it's going to be a nice day . It's certainly a big improvement over yesterday . But it'supposed to get cloudy and windy again this afternoon . Well , the worst of the winter should be over . David , I heard you lost your job . Yeah , you remember that assignment I wanted ? When I heard the manager had given it to someone else , I blew my top . So the manager fired me . Well , that'll teach you to control your temper . You look very professional in the suit . The company regulates that men should wear a suit and tie in business meeting . Company policy is not negotiable . I appreciate it . It is related to company image . Do you know Mark ? Yeah ! He is a nice guy . He is very helpful and always bends over backward to help those who are in need of help . Can you introduce him to me ? Sure . Did you tip the bellboy ? Yes , but I don ’ t think it was enough . He looked disappointed . I gave him three dollars . That sounds about right to me , fifty cents a bag . If they think you don ’ t know better , they ’ ll try to get more . It ’ s the same in Balloon . But I definitely think we over-tipped the cab driver . The fare was twenty dollars , and you gave him a five-dollar tip . That ’ s twenty-five percent of the total ! Too much ! I disagree . He was polite and informative , and he drove smoothly . One should reward good service . I ’ ll sign for dinner and charge it to our room.Let ’ s see.The bill is one hundred dollars . That seems reasonable . How much tip should I leave ? Remember last month when we were in Europe ? Maybe Californians use that same system they add the waiter or waitress into the bill , so you don ’ t have to leave anything extra . Thomas , would you be so kind as to lay the table for me ? I'm busy in the kitchen . Of course ! Where are the things ? They're all here . Right ! I'll do it straight away . Thanks a lot . I'm most grateful . William told you that his grandmother is sick , huh ? What exactly did he say ? He said his grandmother got cancer and has only a few weeks to live . It's really so sad ! But when I talked to him on the phone , it sounded like he was holding up really well . It didn't sound like he was too upset , huh ? What did you tell him ? I asked if there was anything I could do to help his family , and I told him that I could be a shoulder for him to cry on . Well I hate to tell you this Jen , but both of William's grandmothers passed away more than five years ago . The boss announces the pay raise today , right ? How much do you think we'll get ? No idea . Your guess is as good as mine . It better be more than last year . Well , anything is better than nothing . Wait and see . Do you like to dance ? Sometimes , if there's music playing . What kind of dancing do you like ? It all depends . If it's rock music I'll do disco , and if it's romantic music I'll do ballet . Mom , what are you doing ? I'm clipping coupons . Still clipping coupons ? It's a good way to save money . Saving money ? How much money can you save by those 1 or 2 dollar discount coupons ? How much ? Last week I save $ 10 on food . Sorry ! Excuse me ! I got your message . Taylor ? Taylor ! Is this a joke ? Is it really you ? But ... but ... everyone said you were dead ! That's OK . Just let it out . I'm OK ! I was out of town with ... Femi . Oh , Taylor ! I'm so ... so happy . But then ... who's that ? Taylor Smith . But not me . The pallbearers are carrying out the casket . It would be rude to just leave . Let's follow . Okay , next question . If Eric asked you out on a date , what would you say ? Duh ! I would say yes ! Eric is the most popular kid in school ! Okay , my turn . What would you do if you won the lottery ? Let ’ s see ... If I won the lottery , I would buy two tickets for a trip around the world . If you buy me a ticket I will go with you for sure ! My dad will freak out if I even mention a trip like that ! Alright this is a good one . What would your mom say if you told her you are going to get married ? If I told her that , she would faint and have me committed ! Wow , there are so many lanterns to appreciate . Now . you can see why it's called the Lantern Festival . Yes , it deserves its name . Did you notice the characters on the lanterns ? Sure . But you know that I can't read any Chinese characters . What do they say ? They are puzzles . It's a tradition to solve the puzzles on the lanterns during the Lantern Festival . It's interesting and I want to buy one home . Do you have s second ? Sure . What do you want ? I want to tell you I've put in my notice . Really ? Why ? I've been thinking about this for several months , well before the Spring Festival holidays . And the holidays provided you a chance to think over all this and make a decision ? Yeah , after receiving my yearly bouns , I want to search out better opportunities in the spring job market . I've been working in the company for nearly a year and a half and I still haven't received a pay rise . It's unfair . Absolutely . With your expertise and experience , you're clearly working below your pay grade . That's exactly why I decided to quit the job and find a new one . Hi Joe . You met my new assistant , right ? Emm ... yes . But I wasn't too impressed . I found her a little stuck up . You are kidding , but she's so helpful . Tom ... you are her boss , you down . Of course , she's helpful to you . Come on . She's like that with everyone . I don't think so actually . She never even says " hello " to me . What a boring film ! The acting of the heroine is too artificial . And the plot is so simple . So , John , what do you do for a living ? I ’ m a sales manager in a publishing company . Oh , really ? That sounds interesting , what kinds of book do you publish ? Oh , mostly fiction , lots of romance , science fiction , biography , stuff like that . Oh , What a cool job ! How long have you worked there ? About two years now . Are you planning on studying abroad ? I'd like to , but I'm not sure if I'll have enough money . I feel pity for the old man . I feel the same way . It must be dreadful to grow old . It sure is.He has no one to turn to , very miserable indeed . Dad , you keep talking about family in New Zealand . Who are they ? Well , that's your uncle Bill , his wife and two of their daughters . Is uncle Bill your brother ? No , your uncle Jack is my brother , Bill is my brother-in-law , your mom's brother . So his two daughters are my cousins ? That's right , Sarah and Jane are both your cousins although they are step-sisters . What are step-sisters ? Sarah is your uncle Bill's older daughter . When she was young , Bill's first wife , Sarah's mom died . Three years later Bill married again . So uncle Bill's wife is Jane's mother but not Sarah's mother . Right ? Yes . She is Sarah's step-mother . And when are they coming to visit us ? They want to travel to Europe next year , and will visit us at the same Ae . I'm worried sick that she will leave me tomorrow . It's no use arguing the toss . Maybe I'll have to face the music . I like pop music very much . What ? I said I like pop music very much.It ' s so lovely . Is it ? I'll help you , Lucy . Look at what I've got here . In this small bottle , there's a magic love potion . A magic love potion ? Yes . If you put a few drops on someone's eyelids while he's asleep , he'll fall in love with the first person he sees when he wakes up . It can't be true . Take my word for it . So what am I going to do ? Just come to our house and stay over . You'll sit by his bed and greet him like a beautiful red rose , ' Good morning ! ' That sounds like a blue rose ! My sitting by his bed ? Don't be so shy , Lucy . All right , let's see who's ruining my TV time . What are you going to do ? Call my boss and chew him out ? Is your boss named Vic ? Your pager says , This is Vic . Here I come ! Impossible . My pager is really old . It doesn't display messages . Here , see for yourself . That's really strange ! It's almost the same as when I ... Gosh , you're right ! It's from some guy named Vic . I wonder who he is ... I'd like to say good-bye to everyone . What time are you going ? My plane leaves at seven twenty-five . Well , good-bye and have a good trip ! Good-bye . Remember to look me up if you're ever in Washington . Well , what brings you here ? I came to see my aunt . Does she live nearby ? Yes . She lives on the next block . Don't talk too much , Tom . We are on duty today , we should hurry up . OK . Tom , your task is to clean the blackboard . How about yourself ? I'm going to sweep the floor first . Daniel , I am not tall enough to reach the of the blackboard . Stand on the chair , Pig Tom . Use your brain . OK , I've finished cleaning the blackboard . How about the podium ? Oh , I forgot about it . I'll get it . Be quick , please . Our teacher and classmates will come soon . I will be done before they come . I think he deserved his gold . Did you see his last dive . Yes , it's perfect ! He's diving for the gold . Jim , I heard you took a trip to San Diego . Is that right ? Yeah , I just got back this morning . That sounds really nice . What did you do there ? Well , we were only there for three days , so we didn't do too much . We went shopping and went out to dinner a few times . And at night we walked around the city with some friends . Did you take any pictures ? Yes , I have them with me . Do you want to look at them ? Sure , I love looking at photos . This one is of my wife and me on the beach , and this one is our daughter Emily standing next to my wife . Your daughter looks like her mother . I know , they look very similar . Where was this picture taken ? That was taken at the train station before we left . Did you have time to go to the zoo ? No , not this time . We went there last time . It looks like you all had a nice time . Yeah , it was a lot of fun . Are you interested in history ? Yes , I am . I enjoyed studying it at school , though I had trouble remembering all the dates , so my teacher never gave me good marks . I love history , but I ’ Ve always thought that learning the reasons behind events is more important than remembering exactly when they happened . I wish you had been my history teacher ! I might have got better marks ! Some people say that history repeats itself . What does that mean ? The same events never happen twice , do they ? The idea is that the people and dates change , but the reason why things happen stay the same . I see . I think I ’ d agree with that statement . People often seem to make the same mistakes over and over again . Nice day today , isn't it ? Yes , beautiful weather we're having . We can't complain about the weather recently . Yes , the sun shines day after day . It's neither too hot nor too cold . I wonder how long this weather can last . I hope it will last fine Sorrow . I'm going to have a picnic with my family . Excuse me , Sir , May I have the time , please ? Beg your pardon ? Er ... I'd like to know what time it is now . Oh , Let me see ... It's three forty-five . Er ... wait , My watch is five minutes fast . So it should be three forty Thank you . By the way , what day is today ? Today is Friday . Are you new in Beijing ? Yes , I've just come from the States , yesterday in fact . I'm still a bit confused about the time . Welcome to Beijing . This is my business card . I'm an engineer . If you need any help in Beijing , just give me a call . Oh , that's very nice of you . I don't want to sound pushy , but I still l have one more question . Go ahead . What's the date today ? It's October the 1st , our National Day . I'd like to talk some more , but I've got to get going now . It was nice talking to you , though . Yeah , it was nice to meet you . Hope I run into you again sometime . I really enjoyed that film ! What about you ? So did I . At first , I thought it was going to be boring , but then it turned to be good . What part of the film do you like best ? Well , the scene of the hero's struggle with enemies impressed me the most . I loved it , too . To tell you the truth , I even dropped tears . Actually , tears also came to my eyes . It has got this year's Oscar Award . It deserves it . The film gave us a lot of inspiration . I just got a letter from an old high school buddy . Really ? That's nice . He usually keeps me posted . I've been completely out of touch with my old friends . It's hard to keep up contact when people move around so much . Yes , people just seem to drift apart . What did you think of the film ? I liked it . I thought it was great . Yes , I liked it , too . Did you like the acting ? Yes . I thought it was excellent . Didn't you ? Not really . I thought it was disappointing . It's a nice cinema , isn't it ? Do you think so ? I don't like it very much . I found it rather uncomfortable . John's very late.Do you think he's coming ? Well , it doesn't seem like it.He must have forgotten . I suppose you're right.He can't have remembered . I don ’ t know why bucks have such a great charm that a great many people are after nothing else . They want to be filthy with dough and think it the only source of their happiness . But many rich guys don ’ t think they are truly happy . There is always some empty feeling deep inside them . What are you using for bait today ? We are fishing with worms . The fish seem to like them . Is that so ? We're using lures , and the fish are biting those too . Looks like a lucky day for everyone . How is your ankle ? My what ? Oh , that , right as a trivet . Please be careful next time . I will , thank you . Do you know something about Mount Tai ? Yes . But not too much . It is considered as the head of five sacred mountains in China . Five sacred mountains ? Why people call them so ? Because in history , the Chinese emperors used to climb onto these mountains and pay tribute to their ancestors and pray for good harvest and prosperity for the whole nation . Got it . Can we see any things left by them ? Definitely . There are many wall paintings and inscriptions on the huge rocks on the mountain . I want to see them . How can I go there ? That is easy . You can go directly to Tai'an city and buy a ticket to Mount Tai . Mary , this is your homeroom . It's 213 . Remember that . What's a homeroom ? You sit in there , listen to the morning announcement with other kids , and then you go to your classes . Cindy , I'm scared . But I have to go to my homeroom . Do we have the same classes today ? No . Do you think the school can put us in the same homeroom ? Stop worrying , Mary . You'll do just fine . Helen , you must be excited at going to America to study . Yeah , I've been looking forward to it for ages . What do your classmates think of it ? They give me a lot of congratulations . How long will you study there . Oh , maybe three years . I will study and get the master degree first . Then I will decide whether I will stay there or come back . Which university will you go to ? Chicago University . My major is Economics . Good luck ! Thank you ! Look ! Someone is celebrating his birthday . This must be his 21st birthday . No doubt about it . Why ? Do you know that guy ? No . Well , in America , 21 is the age when you're allowed to drink . So , many guys celebrate it in bars . That's interesting . But it would be really expensive , I suppose . Just think about all the drinks . No . If it's your birthday , then you don't need to pay a cent . Just blow out the candles and open the gifts . That makes the birthday a special day . Your friends will take care of everything . Wow . That's wonderful . What about in China ? What'd you do to celebrate your birthday ? Nowadays , it's no difference from America . But in old times , we have traditional ways to celebrate it . have you adapted to the lifestyle in China ? yeah , almost . But there is one thing . what ? I still wonder what privacy meant for Chinese people . I don't mean to say that there's no privacy in China , but ... what is it ? some of my Chinese colleagues just share their personal stories in front of others . that makes you feel uncomfortable ? yeah . we never do that in a public office . perhaps that's because we hold different ideas about privacy . i have felt that . One day when i was in a queue , reading a newspaper story , the man behind me peered through my shoulder and stared at the newspaper I was holding . well , that's not rare . I've seen people reading at others ' newspaper while taking a metro or a bus . just stare at the newspaper holding in the hands of the one next to him ? yeah . Oh , I'm shocked . Excuse me , Miss . Yes . May I help you ? I'm a graduate student here in mathematics . I've just come from China and I've never used a western library before . I'll be here for five years , so I'd like to learn to use the library as efficiently as possible . I wonder if someone might have time to show me around . I'd be very glad to show you around , but I'm very busy right now.Could you come back about 3,30 ? Sure . 3:30 this afternoon . Good . See you later . Thank you . Good-bye . what's your apartment like ? it's furnished two bedroom flat in a three-story building on campus . what is it like living in on-campus housing ? it's not as bad as I thought it would be . The freshmen that live nearby are really loud , especially on the weekends . But , the rent is much cheaper than private housing , so it's worth it . did you have to pay a deposit ? no , but we do have to pay 9 months rent in 6 months , so for the first months we pay 1/2 month's rent each month . do you have to pay utilities on top of your monthly rent ? no , it's all included . Besides , students don't have to pay council tax , so we're saving quite bit of money by living here . how long is your contract for ? that's the bad thing---the contract ends in June , so we'll have to find a new apartment soon . have you started looking again yet ? not yet . I'm hoping we'll be able to find something cheap once all the students leave the city for the summer . Good luck ! Have you seen the news that there is a serious flood in the South ? Yes . I've got to cancel my traveling plan . What a pity ! I know you've been longing for it these months . The only thing I can do now is waiting for another chance . You should have seen the T . V . show that was on last night , the topic it covered was really interesting , animal rights . Do you really believe in that ? If they are going to focus on something , they should do it on civil rights . Yes , but we can ’ t deny that animals are vulnerable , defenseless , and are completely at the mercy of human beings . I understand your point , but we continue to have transgressions against human rights . If so much attention weren ’ t devoted to the topic of animals , we would then concentrate more on saving a human being instead of protecting a koala . You can ’ t compare apples and oranges . I believe that both topics are important and that we can ’ t ignore them , the mistreatment of animals can cause a great environmental imbalance . I believe that governments should prohibit activities like poaching . Well , you are right on that point . This is the reason that I don ’ t buy leather and I try to buy synthetic products . As long as you don ’ t treat it better than your wife , it ’ s fine . Excuse me . May I take a picture of you and your little boy ? What ’ s it for ? It ’ s for a book . Oh , that ’ s a nice idea . Well , it ’ s fine if you take our picture . Thank you . I appreciate your help . Just dab it all over your face and then take a look at the symbols that appear . Yeah ... hearts , stars and some weird looking things . Those are money bags , and they represent your financial situation . So decode this for me , Madame Psycho . That's Madame Psychic to you . I'm waiting ... Well , you have three hearts — lucky in love tonight . Dress up and go on a date ! Mary , how was your date with john ? it's ok . It seems we have a lot in common . oh , really . That is great news . What does he look like ? he is tall and slim , fair-haired . sounds like he is pretty cute . What do you think of him ? he is a nice guy and very considerate . I was impressed with how smart he was and he has a great sense of humor . Did you go to the concert last weekend ? No , I didn't . And you ? Was it good ? Yes , I did . I enjoyed it a lot.There was a folk singer , a violinist and a pianist . How much was the ticket ? I only paid two dollars for mine . Hi , nice to hear from you , when does your plane leave ? It leaves in 20 minutes . Good . Can you pick me up from the airport ? Will you help me take these things to the car ? OK , which car do you want me to put them in ? Bring them to my wife's car . Which one is hers ? The blue SUV in front of the Honda . What should I take first ? That chair over there , but please be careful with it . It was a gift from my mother-in-law . Don't worry , I won't drop it . Wow , it's really heavy . I don't think I can move it by myself . Let me help you with that . I don't want you to hurt your back . Where are you taking all this stuff ? Didn't I tell you ? We're moving to Florida ? You're moving now ? I knew you were moving , but I thought you said you were moving next month . Yes , that's true , but my wife found a new apartment on the Internet the other day and she wants to move right away . Have you received your TOWEL test results yet ? Yes , I did . I passed ! Congratulations ! I knew you could do it . Well , I certainly couldn't have done it without your help . You are the best tutor I've ever had . Thank you , but it was your hard work that did it . You deserve credit , too . I've learned so much from You . You didn't come to work yesterday.What happened ? I had to look after my son at home . What's wrong with him ? He has a fever . Is he getting better now ? I think so.Thank you . It sure is hot today . That's for sure . I feel like I'm melting . how's it going ? I'm in a good mood today , actually . How about you ? to be honest , I'm a bit fed up . what's wrong ? there's a girl in my company that I really like but I always get shy when she is around . I see ! Do you want to ask her out ? sure , but how ? you can ask her out for drink after work . but for what reasons ? She doesn't even know who I am . then you've got a lot of homework to do . You need to get her notice first . easier said than done . you can start by meeting her at the bus stop and saying hello to her . but I always get tongue-tied when I see her . that's something you need to overcome . Men should make the first move as most of girls prefer being chased . I see . I'll try . good luck ! It's getting late . I'm afraid I have to leave.Thank you for a most wonderful evening . Don't mention it.Don ' t forget to take your daughter along next time . OK . Lisa , would you like to go to the library with me ? OK . Do you think we can go buy a newspaper first ? Sure . First we'll go buy a newspaper and then we'll go to the library . Are we going to walk or drive ? The weather is really nice today . Let's walk . The weather is good now , but I think it's suppose to rain this afternoon . Alright , then let's take an umbrella . Is your brother coming with us ? No , he's still sleeping . Wow , it's already 10:00 AM . He must have been up late last night . Yeah , he didn't come home until 12:00 AM . I hope he can come later . I hope so too . I'll give him a call when we get there . How do we get to the library from here ? It's straight down this road on the left , next to the museum . It takes about 10 minutes . Hi , Lucy , you are very popular with people around you , what are your tricks ? Thank you for saying so . I don ’ t know , probably because I like sharing my experience and knowledge with them . I think this kind of communication helps to improve our work efficiency and also helps to get along with colleagues . Sharing knowledge can be very settled and some second stances . People may think you are telling them how to do their work . If they take it personally , they feel angry at you and even become reluctant to support you at work . That is true . Some people will misunderstand your intention and lets you do it in the long threatening way . For example , it is not sensible at all to arguing with the others or correcting someone in front of other people . To show your friendliness and willingness to share is much more important than to show off . You are quite right . Thank you for sharing your experience with me . I learned a lot . You ’ re welcome . how was your education going on in Australia ? I'm going to graduate this summer . where are you going to work then , in Australia or back in China ? I'm planning to return to China after graduation . why are you choosing to leave a foreign country ? Many people are reluctant to leave the superior living environment abroad . well , I think personal development is much more important than simply having a superior living environment . yeah , China's developing so fast and development opportunities can be found almost in every corner of the country . absolutely , many Chinese enterprises are going global , and they are in great need of excellent returnees to help them with their overseas business . the rapidly expanding economy has encouraged many students to pack their bags AMD head for home . that's right . Most of the Chinese students pursuing higher education in Australia intend to return to China . How do you like this dress ? It's nice . But what kind of dress are you looking for ? Something attractive and dressy . Maybe a little sexy too . New Year's Eve is a special occasion and it only happens once a year , right ? Of course . It's common too that we wear something special for our Chinese New Year . People here always wear the best clothes they have . Many people go out and buy clothes especially for New Year's Eve . Any other common customs of your New Year ? Before the New Year , we always send greeting cards to our relatives and friends to wish them a happy year . On the street and in stores people usually greet others with a ' Happy New Year ' . It's also common for people to make a New Year's resolution . What's that ? It's when people quit a bad habit or do something they find hard to do . Many people resolve to quit smoking , lose weight , or stop nagging their wife , etc . However , it usually lasts only for a few days ! By the way , where are you going on New Year's Eve ? We're going to a night club for dinner and dancing , then we'll go down to the city square for the big celebration . There's always a fireworks display put on by the local government . We all want you to come too . Thanks a lot . My name's McDonald . Is that spelt M , A , C or M , C ? It's M , C , capital D . Hey , you wanna see a movie tomorrow ? Sounds like a good plan . What do you want to see ? How about Legally Blonde . Ah , my girlfriend wanted to see that movie . I have to take her later so I don't want to watch it ahead of time . How about The Cube ? Isn't that a scary movie ? How scary can it be ? Come on , it'll be fun . Ok . I'll give it a try . That's the spirit . I'll see you tomorrow after class . Ok . See you tomorrow . Could you help me to register for a class ? Do you know what class you want to take ? Are there any Psychology classes available ? I believe there are still two Psychology classes open . On what days are the classes ? There is one class on Tuesday and Thursday from 2 to 4 . Can you tell me about the other class ? It's from 10-12 on Monday and Wednesday . You're positive that these are the only classes left ? These two are the only ones . The class on Monday and Wednesday will be fine . Very good . Which season do you like best ? Autumn . Autumn is the best season in Beijing . I like autumn , too . Where I'm from , Autumn is the best time of year . How would you like your hair cut ? I want it short . Then , I'll just trim it . It will do . Lucy , you ’ re back . How was your first day of school ? It was great . I had a really good time . What classes did you have ? Well , I had English from 9 o'clock to 11 o'clock , art from 12 o'clock to 2 o'clock , and math from 2 o'clock to 4 o'clock . What do you think about the teachers ? To be honest , I liked all of them , except for the math teacher . Though he must be quite young , he seem like an old person . He ’ s so boring ! That ’ s too bad . How was your English teacher ? She was great . In today ’ s class , she gave us a lecture on how to be a good student . She told us not to arm for exams , and to pay more attention on communicating than memorizing . Where is she from ? She said that she ’ s from a small town in the middle of America . Were you able to understand everything that she said ? Not everything , but nearly . She speaks very clearly and doesn ’ t use very complex words so that it is easy for us to understand her . She sounds like a good teacher . Do you think you ’ ll pass her class ? Yes ... with flying colors ! What does that mean ? It ’ s a new phrase that she taught us today . It means that I will not only pass the class , but I will do extremely well ! If you like the class this much already , I ’ m sure you will . I hope so . did she give you any homework ? not today . She said she wanted us to relax tonight instead of doing homework , no wonder you like the class so much . I know you're sleepy and I hate to bother you , but I think you're late for work . Oh , no . I forgot to turn the alarm clock on ! Don't worry . I can give you a lift . Thank you . You save me . Annie , what is troubling you ? You look unhappy . A man is pursuing me . He was my schoolmate in college , and he has been carrying a torch for me for three years . Do you like him ? Yes , I do like him . Then why are you hesitating ? You know that I have had a series of miserable relationships . Last summer , I fell in love with John . But the romance blossomed for six or seven weeks , and then wilted . One love drives out another . You shouldn't be afraid to start a new relationship . Maybe you are right . How's work ? The same as usual . The police need our help finding a robber . How do you know ? The TV news is reporting a bank robbery . Do they know what the robber looks like ? Yes , he's 6 feet tall , 200 pounds , black hair , and about 30 years old . What race is he ? They didn't say . The TV news doesn't tell us the race anymore . Of course not . That would be racist . But how can we identify someone if we don't know their race ? Don't ask me . Then they also shouldn't tell us if the robber is male or female , because that is sexist . What are the pop groups that you like ? Oh , there are so many good ones ! I loved the Spice Girls . They were so cool ! I agree ! I cried for a week when they broke up . I was really sad too , but at least I can still listen to their Cds . David , imagine meeting you here ! Janice , I found you stole my vegetables at four o'clock this morning . Is that true ? All right ! I stayed up yesterday and waited for your vegetables . I stole your peaches and flowers . It is so hard to prevent them from being stolen . I also got something this morning . How many vegetables do you steal today ? I stole many from Fred's farm , and from yours . I planned to have a dog on farm . So funny . By stealing , I forgot all my sorrows and pressure from work . I could not agree with you more . For us , there are so many unhappy things and I am so bored ; however , I got lots of fun from stealing . I really want to be far away from the reality now . But we still need to go back to it . Don't overdo it . Mom ? Mm ? Can my friend , Tom Mitchum , come home with me for lunch tomorrow ? Of course , Jim . Have I met Tom before ? Mm — hmm . You met him last summer . He is small and very smart . Oh , yes . I remember Tom . His family comes from Maine , right ? Yes . Do you know who ’ s just got married ? Old Mc Donald . Never ! He ’ s over 80 , isn ’ t he ? He ’ s nearly 90 . Good gracious ! Are you sure ? I am . Whatsmore , his wife is 84 . Is she really ? Yes , she is . And guess what , he is her sixth husband . Really ? Quite a woman , isn ’ t she ? I wanna register for this mathematics course . I ’ m sorry registration has closed . Closed ? The clerk told me I could come back and register any time during the first week of classes . Well , that ’ s not possible . The computer ’ s official student account has already been sent to the state . And that ’ s what our budget is based on . Who told you that anyway ? Some woman in here when I tried to register three weeks ago . She said I just had to pay a late fee . She must have been a part-time worker . They didn ’ t have much training . Why didn ’ t you register then ? She said I couldn ’ t until I had my birth certificate . Here it is . Huh , that is no reason to demand a birth certificate . We only need to establish residency , you know , a phone bill with your name and address on it would have been fine . Serious ? Only the proof of my address . Yes , I am afraid she gave you the wrong information . But it ’ s unfair . Well , I sympathize with your problem , but , to be honest , I don ’ t think there is any thing anyone can do for you . You were trapped in the system.If you want , you can talk to the director . She will help you if she can . Great . Don ’ t get your hopes up . Why didn't you tell me you had a girlfriend ? Sorry , I thought you knew . But you should have told me you were in love with her . Didn't I ? You know you didn't . Well , I'm telling you now . Yes , but you might have told me before . I didn't think you'd be interested . You can't be serious . How dare you not tell me you were going to marry her ? Sorry , I didn't think it mattered . Oh , you men ! You're all the same . Will you give your friends a buzz and put out a feeler to see if they like to offer me a loan ? Give them a buzz ? What can I say to them ? Say that you want a loan ? I just want to make sure that there is possibility of giving us a loan . And they , too , want to make sure their loan is worthwhile . Hello , Jim . Where are you going ? To the cinema . What about coming with me ? No , thanks . I'm going home . My wife's expecting me . What a pity . I believe it's a very good film . Do you go to the cinema a lot ? Once a week . Most nights I sit at home and watch telly Do you know what's on tonight by any chance ? No , I'm sorry I don't . I never read the papers till I get home . Oh , I see . By the way , where are you going for your holidays this year ? I don't know yet . My wife's going to her mother's for a couple of weeks . She Livesay the sea , you know . Oh , does she ? That's convenient . Yes , but I want to go to the country . Don't you like the sea ? Yes , very much . But I need peace and quiet when I'm on holiday . What are coughing to do ? I'm going to stay at home . Aren't you going to have a holiday abroad this year ? No , I want to buy a car , and that's going to take every penny I've got . Hi charles , I want you know that I finally found an apartment in Haitian . You did ? that is great ! Yeah , I am having a party this saturday night , a sort of house warming , and i want to invite you . are you busy ? No I am free , I will be there , what time the thing starting ? Around seven . Ok , great , should I bring anything ? No , but thanks for offering , actually could you bring some fold-up chairs for people if you have any ? I am afraid not everyone's going to have a seat , do you have any ? sure , I will be happy to bring a few , what is the address ? Don't worry , I will come to pick you up at about 6 thirty . Got it . Hey , Dora ! What kind of books do you like to read ? I read everything I can get my hands on but I like love stories best . What do you think about the love stories ? I hate to tell you this , but they are nothing but sob stories . I don't think so . I like them . Then what's your favorite book ? I'm fond of history books . Oh , the history books are dull to me . What ? I don't get it ... Many of the slower dances are danced to the lyrics of tragedies . He meant that you turned it into a comedy . Well , I'm glad I made everyone happy . He meant it in a good way . You added a little spice to the performance . I'm glad you guys all have such a good sense of humor . Ha-ha ... Of course ! That's why I always say , Eat , drink and be Greek ! Is anybody in ? How can I help you ? I have a headache . Let me take your temperature with a thermometer . OK . I think you have a small fever . I thought so . I felt dizzy this morning . You should've called in sick ! Next time , have either of your parents call the school office . Can you tell me a little about Paris ? Sure . What do you expect to know ? I want to see some of the famous places like Eiffel Tower , the Seine River ... And you shouldn't miss the Louvre Museum . You can stay there for at least a whole day . That's a good idea . I almost forget it.What else ? The night life there . It's so romantic ! Oh , wonderful ! How is the weather ? I went there in August , and it was hot . But I was told autumn is the best season . Sounds exciting . I can't wait . This shirt you gave me is not my favorite brand . Don't look a gift horse in the mouth ! That was the best they had . Which film shall we see ? There is nothing good at the moment.Let ' s do something different.Would you like to go to a concert ? Yes , I'd love to.Here is a good one , Mozart and Beethoven.It ' s on the Festival Hall.Shall we go there ? Fine ! Do you want anything to eat now ? No , I'm not hungry . Well , let's go and have something to drink instead . I know a good place . It's a little expensive , but it's fun . Did you take my money from the table ? Absolutely not ! I'm not a thief . Both our countries are quite small . How would you describe the landscape in your country ? My country is well know for being very flat . There are some hills in the southeast of the country . Is it really completely flat ? Pretty much . The land rises and falls only a few meters . The southeast , the hills rise to a height of a few hundred meters . There are mountains over 1000 meters high in your country . Yes , there are . They are not very big compared with the mountains in other countries . The coast of your country is very varied . The coast of my country is just made up of sandy beaches . That doesn ’ t sound too bad . Great for sunbathing ! The coast of my country changes even within a few kilometers . There are cliffs , then sandy beaches . Then rocks . There are lots of caves in the cliffs . There are many lakes and rivers in your country too . We also have many rivers , but only a few lakes . We also have waterfalls in the mountains . They make the landscapes look very scenic . The landscape has been shapes by millions of years of erosion , especially by water . Any idea about James ? He ’ s a pain in the neck . Guess what ? He has just got the sack . Oh , is that so ? Exactly . Is this your new teacher ? Yes , it is . Is she short ? No , she ’ s average . What color are her eyes ? They ’ re dark gray . What color is her hair ? It ’ s blond . And how old is she ? I don ’ t know . Do you know that Mary ’ s marriage is on the rocks ? Really ? I ’ Ve never heard of it ! I saw her husband have it out with her yesterday . I think Mary must be sad , because she loves her husband very much . I don ’ t understand why you always look so happy , so energetic . It seems like you ’ Ve got good news everyday . Really ? Do I look happy all the time ? All I know is you look quite differently from other teachers . Oh , do you know why ? Actually , it ’ s easy . Because I always exercise . My exercise , I think , is very hard . I often feel very good after conquering these difficulties . I feel alive ! Oh , I know . I saw you doing pull-ups one time on the campus and some students trying to imitate you . Yeah , they are doing it for fun . Seldom would people like my exercise . It ’ s difficult and boring . It ’ s true . Many students do the exercise when they have to . We have P . E . once a week . But I think Chinese students need to exercise more . Besides exercise will help them learn new things better . Don ’ t students want to have a good memory ? Of course . I didn ’ t know that . I only know exercise makes bodies stronger . I should take some exercise then . Do you have any suggestions ? Well , do what you like to do . It can be anything . Jogging , doing aerobics , going bicycling , and playing ping-pong . Absolutely anything . Doing three or more workouts a week is good for you . But remember to do some stretches first . Oh , I know . Thank you . The woman was beaten again . Why didn ’ t she call the police . Because it was her husband who beat her . It is incredible . She said that she didn ’ t want to foul her own nest . Now let's begin the class . Who is on duty today ? I am , sir . Please come to the front to have five minutes ’ free talk in English . Very well ! Whose turn is it to have a free talk ? It's me , sir . But I am sorry I have forgotten to prepare for it . Well . Don't forget to perform your duty next time , ok ? Now , let's start our lesson . How was your job at the state-owned enterprise ? Oh , I no longer work there . I'm working with a multi-national corporation . You changed jobs again ? Why do you move so frequently ? I want to try different things before I find the one I really like . Why don't you stick with one job for a bit longer ? I could handle everything pretty well in the old position , so I decided to move around and learn something new . How's your current job going ? I'm pretty satisfied with it . I can broaden my experience , learn lots of new things , and have more development opportunities . Do you have a boyfriend ? Yes . Why ? Well , I came to know a girl 3 weeks ago and we have so much in common . So ? So I think I may fall in love with her . You are attracted to her . That sounds great , but how do you know that it is a crush or it's real love ? Then what's the difference between having a crush and falling in love ? That's a big question . Well , if you are in love , maybe you ’ ll take every opportunity to talk to her or telephone her for no reason at all . That's what I did . And you think about her all the time ? Yes . And maybe you suddenly have new interests . I mean you suddenly begin to do things you used to avoid , ie.You used to sleep in every morning , but because she jogs every morning , then you begin to like jogging . That's it . She likes dogs so much now , and I begin to love dogs . Oh , congratulations ! Sounds like you ’ Ve found your soul mate . Thanks . But I know falling in love is one thing , while staying in love is another . Yeah , that's right . If you find this person is more and more important to you and you can totally trust her , then you can stay in love . Yeah . Falling in love is so good ! While staying in love is even better . If you wanna keep healthy , you must give up smoking . It's extremely bad for your health , you know . I know it's not good for me , but the problem is I just can't help it . Well , I've got an idea , put the label cancer sticks on each pack of cigarettes , and read it before you smoke . It may give you a feeling to reduce it . I'll try . What happened ? I don't know . Let's stop and have a look . Don't waste time . I'm curious about that . But it's none of our business . It ’ s very kind of you to invite me to dinner . Please sit down and make yourself at home . Please don ’ t stand on ceremony . This dish is really delicious . I ’ m glad that you like it . This is only the first time that I made it . You ’ re great . Could you say it in Chinese ? Sure , we call it doubt . Wake up , Erik , time to rise and shine . Huh , oh , hi , Jane . I must have fallen asleep while I was reading . You and everyone else . It looks more like a camp-ground than a library . Well , the dorm ’ s too noisy to study in , and I guess this place is too quiet . Have you had any luck finding a topic for your paper ? No . Prof . Grant told us to write about anything in cultural anthropology . For once I wish she hadn ’ t given us so much of a choice . Well , why not write about the ancient civilizations of Mexico . You seem to be interested in that part of the world . I am , but there is too much material to cover . I ’ ll be writing forever , and Grant only wants five to seven pages . So they limit it to one region of Mexico . Say the Yucatan . You ’ Ve been there and you said it ’ s got lots of interesting relics . That ’ s not a bad idea . I brought many plenty of books and things back with me last summer . That would be great resource material . Now if I can only remember where I put them . I really like my debate class . Do you think you'll be interested in studying law later ? I've entertained the idea . But I'm I leaning more toward politics . You want to be a politician ? Yuck . That's not like you to generalize . Sorry , you're right . I think you'll be a good politician . I think I can do a lot of good for our country . You're right . We need more people like you in politics . I dare you to talk to that girl . Okay , I will . Hey , what's the matter ? It doesn't matter . I just feel a little dizzy . Are you sure that this has nothing to do with sleep ? I don't know . Excuse me . My name is David Walker . Haven't we met before ? Well , let me see ... Do you work at IBM Corporation ? Yes , I do . Now I remember . We met at a conference in Tokyo last year . The last thing I want to see is to lose face before my friends . That ’ s really unbearable . But you know , things cannot always go as you expect . So get prepared for everything . Have you ever thought about having children , Kaitlyn ? My husband and I have thought about it , but we ’ Ve decided not to have any . They are just too expensive . Besides , with all the news about global warming on the news lately , who knows what kind of world we ’ ll have in the future . What about you ? Well , I ’ Ve always wanted to have lots of children . Growing up with only one brother , I always felt a bit lonely . What do you think about families with only one child ? For me , growing up in a big family always made me yearn for attention . I always wanted to be an only child so that I could always do what I wanted and so that I wouldn ’ t ever have to share . Don ’ t you think you would miss having other people around ? No way ! I spent 20 years of my life with relatives around me 24-7 . you know , I don ’ t think I ’ Ve ever actually spent any time by myself in my parents ’ home . What do you think of the one-child policy in China ? If China didn ’ t have such a policy , can you imagine how many people there would be in China now ? That ’ s true . But as a woman , I ’ m glad that even though I don ’ t want any children , I at least have a choice in how many children I have . On the other hand , I can ’ t imagine what China would be like if there weren ’ t a one-child policy ! Do you think most families with many children envy or feel sorry for other families with only one child ? I don ’ t know what other people think , but I , for one , envy only children ! I'm sorry I'm late . Oh , that's all right . I just wondered what was keeping you . The bus I took . What do you mean ? I took the wrong bus . Oh , did you ? That's very easy to do . Hi , Anna . I haven ’ t seen you for ages . Where have you been ? I ’ Ve been away on holidays for sometime . No wonder I haven ’ t seen you recently . Where did you spend your holidays ? I went with my husband . Our first stop was Bangkok . We stayed there for 5 days . Then we flew to Hong Kong , stopover for 3 days . Our last stop was China . We visited the Great Wall . You must have a wonderful time . Yes . We enjoyed ourselves very much . Have you traveled much , Luke ? No , my wife doesn ’ t like traveling . We haven ’ t been traveling for more than ten years . The first time we traveled together was in 1978 when we just got married . We spent our honeymoon in the Alps . I think I need a new notebook ... Why ? Is there some new , cool computer out on the market ? You bet there is . Feast your eyes on this puppy ! That's a notebook ? Believe it ! It looks more like a toy , or a cool briefcase ! Is there a lot of crime in your city ? There ’ s some , but I don ’ t think it ’ s a big problem . A lot of it is petty crime , burglary and car theft . There ’ s very little major crime . It ’ s the same in my city . We also have a lot of drug addicts . A lot of the crime is committed by drug addicts who need money for drugs . That happens in many places . In my city , there is a very good drug rehabilitation programme . The police and courts are also tough on people who commit crimes , but I don ’ t know if that ’ s the reason for Some people believe that a tough approach is better . Other prefer a more lenient approach . I think that the best way to reduce crime is to spread wealth more evenly . If most people have similar amounts of money , they will not think of stealing from others . That ’ s possible , but I ’ m not sure it would really happen like that . Why do you like this computer ? It's user friendly . What can I do for you today ? I need to return a book . Can I do anything else for you ? I would also like to check out this video . Is that all ? Yes , just the video . May I see your library card ? Here you go . You have to take care of this video . Oh , I will . You will be fined if you damage it . I understand . Thank you very much . Good game ? Not bad . But too hot for me today . Yes , I know . Kind of hard to concentrate , isn't it ? Absolutely . Who were you playing with ? Oh , just on my own . I just joined , so I don't really have any partners . Really ? Oh , well , in that case we should play together some time . What's your handicap ? 16 . Yours ? No kidding ! I'm 16 , too . We should definitely play together some time . My name's Bob . Jane . Nice to meet you . Me too . So , do you like the course ? Yes , it's fine . However , I personally think the fairways between the greens are a bit too long , especially for such a hot climate . Don't they have carts ? Well , they used to , but they got rid of them because of environmental concerns . Oh , that's good . I guess the caddies were pleased . Actually , in my opinion , the carts were better because you don't have to tip them . Yes , but look at it this way , getting rid of the carts probably gives more work to local people , which is a good thing , right ? Possibly , but I still miss them ! What bothers me is that the heat makes the caddies ' life quite hard . One member's caddy fainted last week ! How awful , poor guy . Right . Luckily it was on the eighteen hole , quite near the clubhouse , so he didn't have far to carry him . Oh , my God , you're kidding me ! He carried him back ? Yup . Can I get you something to drink ? No , that's okay , I already have a coke.Why don't you have a seat , you look like you've been on your feet all day . I guess I could take a break.So , how do you like Denver ? It's great ! The mountains here are beautiful and the skiing is spectacular.Have you been here for a long time ? About six years ... What do you do for a living ? I manage one of the ski lodges.It ' s a great job , I can spend a lot of my time outdoors , and I also get to ski for free all season . Wow , talk about job perks ! That's great . I would like to do something exciting like that.But I am only an accountant.Not too much excitement there.huh ? That's okay.If it weren't for you accountants , nobody would have the money to go skiing ! What are you doing ? I ’ m just looking at this map of the world . I ’ m preparing for a geography class . There are no countries marked on the map . No , there aren ’ t . this map just show the geographical features . Look at the Himalayan plateau with the highest peaks in the world . The thing that I find most surprising is that most of the world is covered with water . Compared to the oceans , most countries are tiny . I find it incredible how millions of years of volcanic activity have created mountains thousands of metres tall . Rivers have created deep valleys and canyons like the grand can you . The oceans and landscapes all influence our climate . It ’ s all so interesting . I ’ ll have to find more information about it on the internet . Or perhaps I should try and attend your geography class . I'm sorry , I'm having a little trouble understanding your accent . I'll try to speak more clearly . What's your favourite steps ? It's hard to say . But I do love waltz very much . How about rumba ? To tell the truth , I don't like it . Really ? You must like tango , right ? Oh , it's really beautiful , but I just can't dance it well . Don't be so modest . I'm sure you can dance it very well . Let's dance it now . OK . I'll have a try . Oh , you dance it so well . Thank you for your compliment . I think I'm your lucky fellow . I heard many stories about your brother . He's a hero in our town . What does he look like ? Is he handsome ? Yes , indeed , People say he's the smartest young man . Do you know that Jack got divorced last month . For what reason . Jack always lives by his wits and he cannot support his family . He had better make a change . Why do you look so sad ? I ’ m in pretty bad shape . I am having an allergy all the time . Why not go and see a doctor ? I never trust those stupid doctors . I'll always remember my college days . oh yeah ? It was one of the best times in my life . It was tough , but I made it . I became a college graduate . how did you feel when you graduated ? it was a round day for me . My family attend the graduation ceremony . I was so nervous . I couldn't find my cap and gown , but all worked out in the end . what did you do after graduation ? I was planning to attend gradate school , but then I was offered a good job doing marketing , so I changed my mind . sounds like you're happy with your decision . I sure am . So what about you ? How did you feel when you graduated ? it was also a proud day for me , but I also felt like a kind of loss that day . how could it be ? while seeing others going to work or continue their study , I didn't know what I would do . you didn't have an offer ? I had one , but I didn't like the job very much . I wanted to attend graduate school , but I was afraid it would be too tough . I think you lack in the power of decision . Once you make your decision , don't be overtaken by misgivings and fear . Just go full steam ahead ! Ashley , what a great dinner party ! Thank you , Joe . What would you like to drink with your meal ? I can offer you wine , mango juice , or water . Just water would be fine . Excellent choice . Can I dish you up some chicken ? Yes , the chicken looks wonderful ! How about some salad to go with your chicken ? Sure , I love salad ! Would you like to have rice with your chicken ? Yes , I think that rice will go perfectly with my chicken ! Good ! Julie , if you could pass this plate down to Joe , I think we are all set . How many days do you take off for Easter ? Usually we have a month off . What will you do for this Easter ? I'll stay at home and have a complete rest . Mary didn't pass the final exam in physics . She must be very sad . Her parents scolded her severely and she's very depressed now . At a time like this , what she needs is a pat on the back rather than a blame . John dates her seven times a week . Really ? That's a straws in the wind . I think so . Maybe he's fallen for her . Yeah . They suit each other . A perfect match between a man and a girl . My uncle gave me this bicycle as a birthday present . Look ! So cool ! Can I get a load of it ? I love your bracelet . When did you get it ? I got it a while ago , but I haven't worn it much . You really like it ? Yeah . It's beautiful . Is it white gold or silver ? It's white gold . Where did you buy it ? My boyfriend took me to the Shane Co . and he let me pick it out . That's so sweet . What was the occasion ? That's the best part . It wasn't for anything special . He just wanted to buy me something . You're so lucky . If he bought you something for no special day , I wonder what he would buy you for your birthday . My birthday is coming up . We'll find out pretty soon . What do you want ? I wouldn't mind a necklace . I was at the jewelry shop looking around , and they have a couple of beautiful necklaces I want . Why not a ring ? I don't think I'm ready for a ring from him yet . But you're ready for everything else ? Akha . Do you like traveling , Kathy ? I like traveling for pleasure to get places for vacation for instance . But I don ’ t like traveling to work , waiting for buses , or ... Or getting stuck in traffic jams when you ’ re driving . Exactly . Hello , Jane ! Hi , Tom . How have you been ? Pretty good . Actually , I'm quite busy with work . By the way , say ' hello ' to your husband . What are you doing ? What am I doing ? What am I doing ? Don ’ t you know what day it is ? Mumm . no . It ’ s only the day when the world ’ s biggest sporting event is kicking off . What ? The World Cup ! The first match is today ! It ’ s Mexico vs . South Africa ! It ’ s going to be a really good match ! Both teams have a very strong offense and have skilled players . I think that South Africa I have no idea what you ’ re talking about . The only sporting event we watch at home is the Super Bowl . This is bigger than the Super Bowl , man ! Teams from 32 countries compete against each other every four years and fight to win that trophy . They first start in a group stage with bigger groups , each g Sounds interesting , but soccer doesn ’ t really appeal to me . Are you kidding ? Over seven hundred million people watched the final match of the World Cup ! It ’ s a very exciting and nerve wracking sport ! Each nation is cheering on their team , hoping they will bec All I know about soccer is that you can ’ t use your hands and that players are always falling down , trying to get a free kick or penalty kick . It seems like a sissy sport to me ! Whatever , I ’ m going to go watch the opening match . Do you often do exercise ? Certainly . OK , and what kind of sports do you usually play ? I often play badminton with my parents . You ? Play badminton ? That's unbelievable ! You are shorter than a racket . Hey , I'm good at playing it . Says who ? My parents . Oh , I see . How about you , Daniel ? I'm a real man , and I like football . Well , who is your favorite football player ? I like Renaldo the most . Professor , can you help me add your class ? You have to bring me an add sheet to sign . Do you have one ? No , I will have to get an add sheet . You must take the signed add slip to the Admissions and Records Office to add the class . Do you know where that is ? No , I don't know where that is . The office is in front of you as you cross the quad . The signs in the hallway will tell you where you need to be . I think I can find it . You'll find it easily . Make sure you add the class and then we will look at the roll sheet later to make sure that you were added on . Thank you for letting me add your class . To drop a class , you need to do the same thing with a drop slip . Good luck ! Hi , Alice , what are you doing this sunday . Nothing really , why , what ' s up ? If you are free , maybe you can get having for my birthday party , it should be fun . Sounds great , i ' d very much like having something thanks , when ? Around six pm . Do you need help setting up or anything ? I don't mind . I like to do that kind of thing . It's fun and I have a good eye for decorating . No . thank you . I can handle it , but thanks for the offer . Ok , I will see you again . Great . I have a good day , thanks again for the offer . Did you understand question number three ? Not at all , I was totally in the dark . Excuse me , I wonder if you could help me ? Of course , what can I do for you ? Well , I hate to have to say this , but I'm not happy with my room . Oh , what exactly is problem ? Well , the traffic is very loud . I got no sleep last night . Oh , I'm so sorry , Sir . I'll see what I can do about that . What's the weather like in your city ? In the summer it gets very hot . The temperature is between often 37 and 40 centigrade . When it is hot we often get rains . The winters are drier . The summer temperature usually often reaches about 20 or25 in my city . The rain falls mostly in the winter . And we often get snow . What are the temperatures in winter ? In my city it is about 15 or 20 degrees . In winter temperature often falls to zero at night temperature can be below that . The streets are often icing in the morning . With high such temperatures you must get some thunderstorms . Yeah , we do . In the middle of summer there can be found storms every day usually in the afternoon . I heard your city has a lot of fog , is that true ? We do have a few fog days in winter . But I would not say we have a lot of fogs . The sky are usually clearly in your city , are they ? Yes , they are like I said we have thunderstorms . But each one usually last a few hours . Then the skys are clear again . Have you ever had snow in your city ? My grandmother said there was snow once when she was a child . But my parents and I never see it outside of my city . The river in my city sometime freeze over . People go ice-skating on it . In summer people go boating on the river . But few people go swimming because it is not very clean . As you know , my city is on the coast.the water is also not clean . But people still go swimming all year around . I prefer to sand bath on the beach when the weather is hot and sunning . Look ! It's clearing up . I can see the sun now . I like summer as long as it's bright like this . Anyway , I dislike summer here.There ' s too much rainfall . Hello ! Let me introduce myself . My name is Nancy . Nice to meet you , I'am Seven . I don't think I ' Ve seen you around before . No , I just started working here at IBM , I am assigned sale department . What do you do there ? I main market reasearch , and you ? I ' Ve beaning worked IBM for years . I am vested personnel file system , He is the after sale survise director . he such a nice boss , I like working for him . Really ? I don't believe I would met him , is he here now ? Yes , That's him over there-the taller , handsome one . Would you let me introduce you ? Thanks , that's would be lovely . You'r right , he is kind and nice looking . How do you think should I handle this problem ? You'd just let sleeping dogs lie . But I'm already in a lot of trouble with my boss . Anything you say or do might make it worse . Just try to ride out the storm for a while . She's always bothering me . What should I do ? You'd better leave her alone . But she always harps on me . Just tell her off . Yes , great ! Well , no one could survive without water , but you see pollution has been making more and more water unable for drinking . Yeah . Water pollution has for a long time been a major concern among the environmental issues . But what are the sources of water pollution ? They could generally be divided into two categories Well , direct ones are the pollution directly from factories , refineries waste treatment plants etc . , aren ’ t they ? Yeah . They are emitted directly into urban water supplies . But what about the indirect ones ? Indirect sources include contaminants that enter the water supply from soils or groundwater systems and from the atmosphere via rainwater . I see . For the sake of us all , we should be an active participator in the prevention of it . Sure . It's an issue asking for everyone's participation . Hi , Bill . I saw you yesterday with a pretty girl . Yes , she is my favorite girl . I've decided to go steady with her . Are you sure she is the right girl ? Sure . She is the ideal girl , the one I had dreamed of . What type of girl is she ? She is the mature , stable , feminine type . I hope one day I can marry her . Oh , that's great . You're serious this time . You're right--Italian ! Ha ! Ha ! I was trying to trick you , but you didn't fall for it ! I almost did ! Actually , I don't know that much about coffee , even though I sell it . I could give you a few pointers if you want . I know a lot about coffee . Thanks . Maybe if things slow down later I'll stop by your table . I'm Robert , at your service . Rita . Nice to meet you . Do you use an anti-virus program to protect your computer ? Yes , I do . I also use an anti-spyware program and a firewall . There are so many nasties on the internet and so many people who are trying to use the internet to hurt other users . You have to be very careful and keep you computer clean . How often do you run your anti-virus program ? I usually run it every few days . It finds a virus about half the time . Which anti-virus program would you recommend ? How you tried this one ? It ’ s very good and you can download it for free on the internet . You can also download updates for free . That sounds very good . Which website should I visit to download it ? Just a minute ... go to this one . I ’ ll send you an email with the line in it . It only takes a few minutes to download . Then you have to go through the set up procedures . But they are not complicated . What do you use your computer for ? I use it for several things-surfing the net , word processing and creating presentations . I don ’ t play many games on my computer , but I do a lot of work with photographs . Using c computer program , you can edit and resize photographs . You can also make them brighter or darker and cut pieces from different photographs to create new ones . Computers are great , aren ’ t they ? I should download some program and learn how to use them . I like pop music very much . What ? I said I like pop music very much.It ' s so lovely . Is it ? John , you look pale . What happened ? I stayed up last night . Did you have something on your mind ? You look so concerned ! Maybe I can help you ! Will , I'm under a lot of pressure . My manager is very pushy . He assigned me two projects . Now the deadlines are near but I have finished neither of them . Is there anything I can do for you ? Well , I guess no one can help me but myself . For the moment , I just need someone to talk to so that I can relieve my stress . I know your feeling . Take it easy and say something to me if you like . Oh , buddy , you are so kind . Thank you ! Not at all ! You don't look very well . I'm not feeling too well . I've caught a cold . Is it because of the bad weather ? It's been really miserable for the past tew days . Hasn't it ! It's been cold and windy recently.Do you like the weather here ? Not really , but I've got used to it now . Oh , I'm going for a trip to New York this autumn . What's the weather like in New York ? Not quite good . It's windy and dry . We have got continental climate there . It's dry all the year round . Usually autumn is the best season of the year In New York . Is it cold in autumn there ? Should I take any warm clothes with me ? No , it isn't very cold at that time . You'll only need some light wool clothing with somejackets and shirts . You seem to have all the jitters about Jane . Yeah . I am on edge since she was out to the match . Keep your fingers crossed . She'll bring home the bacon . I do have the confidence , but I still worry about her . Thanks for your help . No problem , anytime . Let me know if I can do anything for you . Okay , thank you . They are a nice middle-aged couple , just like us . If they are just like us , they are not middle-aged . Of course they are . Middle-aged means in the middle , Ethel , middle of life . People don't live to a hundred and fifty . Oh , we are the part on the edge of middle . That's all . Oh , you know , we are not middle-aged . You're old , and I'm aging . Oh , fool ! You're nearly seventy and I'm in the low sixties . Would you like to spend the rest of the afternoon squabbling about this ? I can if you like . How should we commemorate the centenary of the founding of the university ? We have been given quite a large budget to pay for some events . We should certainly hold a big party for the professors and students . We could have a firework display . Do you think that we should invite alumni and former professors ? If we do , too many people might attend . Perhaps we should invited all of them , but make a small charge to attend . Good idea . We should also hold a series of presentations . We could have presentations on the history of the university , the courses we offer , and our links with other universities . Good idea ! I think we could also have presentations by former students on how their experience here helped them in their lives . We could have another on the successes of graduates from here . I think that we could also produce some merchandise for the centenary-you know , T-shirts , mugs , plates , pens , and things like that . That ’ s an excellent idea . Hopefully , we would be able to make a profit ! A few professors and students are writing a book on the history of the university . I ’ m looking forward to reading that . We could have book signings by famous professors an alumni . A group of students from the art and music faculty are producing a short film . I ’ m sure that will be very popular .. OK , let ’ s think about how we can put these ideas into practice . Your knowledge of English is really surprising . Oh , it's nothing to speak of . No , seriously . I'm impressed . Thank you . I appreciate the compliment . What's your name ? My name is Sam . How are you , Sam ? I'm fine . Thank you . Where are you from , Sam ? I'm from England . What is your job ? I'm a bank manager . Excuse me , are you Miss Green ? Yes . May I help you ? May I introduce myself ? Yes . I ’ m a new student in the school . My name ’ s John . Nice to meet you , John . It ’ s a pleasure to meet you , Miss Green . Have you considered upgrading your system ? Yes , but I'm not sure what exactly I would need . You could consider adding a painting program to your software . It would allow you to make up your own flyers and banners for advertising . That would be a definite bonus . You might also want to upgrade your hardware because it is pretty outdated now . How can we do that ? You'd probably need a faster processor , to begin with . And you also need a more powerful hard disc , more memory and a faster modem . Do you have a CD-ROM drive ? No . Then you might want to add a CD-ROM drive too , because most new software programs are coming out on Cds . That sounds great . Thanks . Hoo , I'm getting tired , Jeanine , been a long day . I'm not quitting yet . You know my favourite slogan , don't you ? Yeah , I know . Shop till you drop . Right ! I'm getting a little short on cash . Let's just window shop a little . Ok . Hey , Jeanine , get a load of that . It's beautiful . Ahahah , and I thought you were tired . You know .. I have a weakness for long dresses . It sure looks special , looks expensive too . Sure does . Hey , can I sponge a little cash of you ? Don't worry , Mary , I've got you covered . Thanks , Jeanine , you are a real pal . Let's go in . Now darling , I know that we've bought this house together , but it's just going to be far too expensive to decorate it . I think we should sell it . Oh , no , Nathan , I ... I really think we've bought this flat at the right time , you know . Market prices are going to go up , and I think you'll find in a year or two it will be worth a lot more . But we're going to spend so much money in furnishing and decorating . I think we could get a much cheaper place that's already furnished . But don't you like this place ? I remember when we came to see it we thought it would be lovely . Well , only you liked it really , darling . Oh , why didn't you say so then ? But I still think we've made a good buy . I am not sure what to do during the holidays , any suggestions ? Well , going to a cinema , visiting the galleries , exhibitions and museums , finding and meeting old friends , exercising in the health club or mountain biking . There are so many good choices . The problem is that I find all of them are full of fun . I just don ’ t know what to do first . Why not start with the most interesting one ? Actually , I ’ m interested in all of them . The more choices we have , the harder to make a decision . Toss a coin to decide then . There is too much traffic in Taipei these days , I think cars should be banned . I'm not sure about that . How would people get to work ? Well , why not use buses or the MET ? Well , it may not be that simple . Not everyone likes public transport . Why not ? There is nothing wrong with our buses and trains . Well , I don't often use them , I wouldn't really know . I want to try my hand at the stocks . It is very hard , you know . Don ’ t worry . I know there are no pennies from heaven . I will work hard . Good luck ! What do you think of the new mayor ? No comment . Hello , is this People's Theater ? Yes , it is . May I help you ? Yes , are advance tickets for ' Nut croakers ' still available ? What date , sir ? October 16th . Let me see . Yes , we still have some tickets left . Which performance ? 7:30 p . m . performance , please . OK , we have tickets at 100 yuan and 50 yuan . I'd like to reserve two seats at 100 yuan , please . All right . May I have you name , please ? Du Kun . When would you like to collect the tickets ? Tomorrow . We can hold them until one day before the show . How do we cancel , just in case ? Just telephone us , and let us know in advance . We don't charge for cancellation . All right , thank you very much . Good bye . You are welcome . Goodbye . Excuse me . In this museum , you are not supposed to take pictures . Is that right ? I didn't know it . Will you give me your camera ? We have to confiscate your film . Will you forgive me . Could you return my camera ? We will keep and return it later . Oh , I see . Then , can I buy slides and picture postcards somewhere ? You can buy them at the souvenir shop near the exit . Mary , I've some bad news for you . I have already known that . I didn't get the scholarship , right ? Yes . The board was favorably impressed with your application , but the competition was very fierce . Can you help me ? You know I do need the scholarship . I'm afraid I can't I advise you to try again next year . Thank you . I will . How can I lose weight , doctor ? I seem to get fatter even when I just look at food ? Well , Jim . It is a combination of how much you eat , the type of food you eat , and when you eat your meals . I never eat breakfast though . That's a big mistake , you should always have a good breakfast . You will not run your car without fuel , and as well you won't expect your body to work without food . I never thought about it that way . I bet you eat a large evening meal , then sit and watch TV or read a book . Then instead of burning off your energy , your body stores it as fat . Oh doctor , I feel so foolish . Well control is really using common sense when you plan your eating habits . I know doctor , thank you so much . I am confused . How could a golfer need so many clubs ? Seems to me , 14 altogether , right I should say , a a ' set ' of golf clubs is restricted to no more than 14 clubs . Then what makes a ' set ' of clubs ? In general , a set of golf clubs 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , PW ; Woods : 1 , 3 , 5 and a putter . So many ? This is not to say you have to carry all of these clubs . It depends on your preferences . Have you heard of Tiger Woods ? Of course even people who don't know anything about golf know his name . Do you remember John from head office ? Yes . Have you heard what happened to him ? No , what ? He had his car stolen . Actually he was kidnapped while he was in the car . What do you mean ? Well , apparently , he was just getting into his car-he'd parked it in one of those underground multi-story things-he was just getting in and suddenly three guys with guns opened the back doors of the car and got in . Crikey . Where did this happen ? In Taichung , I think . Oh , right , I hear they have a lot of this kind of problem down there . Really ? Well , anyway , they pointed their guns at him and said , you know , keep calm and drive out . ... we don't want to hurt you ... we just want your car . So what happened ? Well , he drove out , and when he got to the booth to pay the attendant , he pretended to have an epileptic fit , you know , to scare the thieves away . The attendant was no help at all , even though the guys were holding guns in plain view , he did nothing . That's terrible . Yes , makes you think , doesn't it ? So what happened next ? Well , he kept on pretending to have a fit , so they freaked out and just ran away . Well , he sure was lucky . I'll say . Are you a newcomer ? Yeah , this is my first visit here . You speak good English , though . Thanks , but I speak English with a strong German accent . But let me tell you , you're doing just fine . I couldn't do half as well as you do when I was learning German . By the way , how long have you been learning English ? On and off , for quite a few years . Do you still see the people we went to school with ? I did for a while , I suppose , until I left university , but after that not really . Yeah , I've lost touch with most people as well , but I still see Rose occasionally . Oh yes , how's she getting on ? OK , I suppose , but she's had a rough time in the last few years , She got divorced . What , from Peter ? Oh , of course . I hear that Helen does not relate very well to her husband . Unbelievable ! I remember her husband is her former classmate . They fell in love with each other in college . So what ? Things have changed . At last ! The weekend comes again ! Yes . What will you do these two days ? After five days ' hard work , I'm surely going to have some fun . But I'd prefer to stay at home and have a good rest . Bill , I must tell you the truth . You failed the English exam again . Ah ? Really ? That stinks ! Haha . April Fool's ! Did you forget what day it is today ? Wow , you were pulling my leg all along . I was really fooled . Alright , now let's be serious . Actually , you get high marks in the exam . Did you have a good holiday ? Yes and no . How are you doing ? I'm doing great . What movies have you seen lately ? I saw Forrest Gump the other day . What type of movie is that ? The movie type is drama . I can't believe you are watching movies . The weather is great . You should be outside . I hate the hot weather . I'd rather stay indoors with the air conditioner . What else do you like to do besides watching movies ? I like to play computer games , read books , go shopping , and play pool . Out of those what is your favorite ? My favorite is to play computer games . What is your favorite computer game ? My favorite is Diablo . It used to be Star Craft , but it is getting a little old . If you like to play so much , when do you ever exercise ? Although I hate to exercise , I go jogging at least twice a week . That's pretty good . By the way , what are you doing next Saturday ? I am going to go to the bookstore . I am having a party Saturday night at my house . If you have time , you should come . That sounds like fun . Great . I'll see you on Saturday . Ok . See you later . Thanks a lot for having us . We had a good time . I'm glad you came . You're welcome anytime . Thanks . By the way , tell your wife she throws a great party . I will . See you later . Mike , these flowers are just gorgeous . I ’ m glad you like them . Happy birthday ! I can ’ t thank you enough . I ’ m really touched . I don ’ t know what to say . Forget it . It ’ s my pleasure . You mean a lot to me . You ’ re the best ! Shall we sing with a karaoke ? Great idea ! I do it every so often . For us , karaoke is becoming a popular entertainment . Yep . If you are a good singer , your audience will feel comfortable , right ? I can not agree with you more . And if you are an awful one , that will be funny . I remembered Tom is always out of tune . We burst into laughter . Is that true ? Shall we invite him to join with us ? So tricky ! I'm afraid I can't complete my paper on time . What happened ? I keep on meeting with difficulties in the experiment . I can hardly go on . Where there are difficulties , there are ways to get over them . Hold on ! Have you heard Jenny divorced her French husband ? Oh , really ? No wonder that she looks quite depressed recently . Yes . They used to be joined at the hip . I heard they were just married for half a year . That ’ s true . She said they often argued over nickel-and-dime things . Yeah . Mixed marriage is tempting but full of culture shock . You said it . You know , they fell in love at the first sight and quickly jumped into marriage . Maybe they were just attracted to each other but too different to be married . Definitely . Just hope Jenny can recover from the pain of divorce soon . Where do you usually do your shopping , Mrs . Lane ? I usually go to the supermarket , near the station . How do you find the prices there ? I think they are quite reasonable , and the vegetables are very fresh . I see you have bought some coffee . Would you mind telling me how much you paid for it ? Only 2 dollars and 25 cents . Hello , what can I do for you ? I am looking for a host home . How long will you stay with the host family ? Well , at least half a year . Do I have to do my own grocery shopping ? Usually the host family prepares at least two meals a day for you . That is fine . I cannot understand why she always helps and supports her brother . Why do you say so ? Because he is often in trouble . She has promised her mother that she would be with him through thick and thin . Oh , I see . Did you find what you were looking for ? I tried when you had gone , but I had no luck . Okay , let's both look for it now . Okay . I think I'm going to China this vacation.How about you ? Me ? I prefer France . I went to France last summer . Oh , really ? I went to China last winter ! Jenny , I was wondering if you , um ... are you busy this Friday ? Yes , Friday I have a class right after work . Oh . What about Saturday ? Are you free then ? Saturday my parents are coming to town . What's up ? What about tonight ? Do you have plans tonight ? No . Did you want to go do something ? Yes ! Yes ! I want to take you to dinner . Oh ! That sounds great ! How about six o'clock ? There's a typhoon coming . Is that right ? That's what the weatherman said last night . Do you want to go out for dinner tonight ? Sure . Have you got anywhere in mind ? I'm starving , so maybe we could go somewhere with large portions . That Italian restaurant in the city centre always has large portions . Do you want to go there ? I'm not really in the mood for Italian , actually . I was thinking of something a bit spicy . If you want spicy food , then I'd recommend going to a Thai , Indian or Chinese restaurant . How about that Chinese buffet on Cowley Road ? I really like that restaurant ; you get a lot for your money there . But , they've westernized their food , so it's not actually that spicy . You're right . Most of their dishes have sweet sauces . We could try that Indian restaurant just down the road from us . The Taj ? They're a bit expensive , but they do serve large portions of very hot food . The Taj it is then . Shall we bring our own bottle of wine to save some money ? They'll still charge us a corkage fee . That's right . It'll probably work out to be about the same then anyway . Don't worry about money . I'll treat you tonight . Are you sure ? We could go Dutch . No , I'll pay . It's my turn anyway . You paid last time . I won't argue with that ! Let's go ! Hello Martin . Have you been to any events yet ? Yes I have . I went to the table tennis yesterday . Oh wow . How was it ? Oh . It was great . I love Ma Lin . He ’ s my favourite table tennis player . Have you seen anything yet ? Oh I still haven ’ t managed to get any tickets . I ’ d love to see something though . Well , let ’ s go to the marathon tomorrow then ! We can just stand by the side of the road . What a great idea . Hi ! Dear ! I'm waiting for you . I know that . You know , although we've chatted twice , I've been thinking of you already . Me too . I want to know more about you , eg , what's your real name and what do you look like ... & you ? Look , I am playing the piano for you . Oh , thanks . I wanna see the real you . Sorry , I have no photo in my computer . And I have no scanner . I will show you later . OK ! Before that I'll take this one as you . Ha ! She is too little . Cute , like you . I want to tell you that I like you Me too . Send you a kiss ... Thx . Hello . Hi . How are you ? I'm good . How are you ? Good . Do you speak English ? A little . Are you American ? Yes . Where are you from ? I'm from California . Nice to meet you . Nice to meet you too . Did you hear what she said to me ? I heard it . What do you think I should do about it ? Just let it be . Her rudeness will come back to haunt her . How many persons are there in your family ? There are three , my parents and I . Do you live together ? No , I live alone in a flat near my work place . Do you often go back to see your parents . Yes , almost once a week . Ben always appears rude to the people around him . But he's really kind at heart . That's true . We can not judge people by appearance . I'm glad to have had the opportunity to meet you here . I trust you ’ re keeping well ? I'm doing great , thank you . So we can get down to business . What do you think of the Olympic motto ' Higher , faster and stronger ' ? Well , it's better than ' Friendship first , competition second ' . Why ? In my opinion , it doesn't matter whether you won or not . The most important thing is participation . I still think nobody plays for nothing . So Chris , I've heard that you're from a big family . How many people ? Nine total . Seven children and my parents . Seven children ? That's a lot . Why did your parents have so many ? Well , my mother came from a big family , and wanted to have one of her own . My father was an only child , and didn't really care about having a large family , but my mother talked him into it . Jeez , seven children . That must have a lot of problems . We have four children in my family and my grandparents can never get our names right . It can be hard , and there are certain sacrifices you have to make . Like what ? I assume that there's no privacy . That's one . Another is the lack of personal property . Everything you have , from toys to clothes , is used by your brothers and sisters . Especially clothes . Three quarters of my wardrobe are hand-me-downs . And the age gap is also annoying . There's a ten-year difference between my younger brother and me . We have nothing in common . Same problem here . There's an 18 - year gap between the oldest and youngest child in my family . The last child was born just as the oldest was going to college . John , if you don't mind , I'd like to ask you a personal question . I don't mind at all . All right.Are you married ? To tell you the truth , I'm not married . I'm still single . Then , when do you plan to get married ? I don't know.It ' s still up in tha air . Miss Fallen , can you tell me why you want to get a visa to the States ? To study . I am going to the University of Tampa to do a postgraduate course for three years . And do you have the Letter of Acceptance from the University with you ? Yes , here it is . Thank you very much . And do you have any proof of the financial support for the three years ? I've got a letter from my bank here . It shows I am able to support myself during these three years of studies . Could I see that , please ? Yes , here it is . Thanks very much . Well , I'll be able to give you a visa for one year , a student visa , that is . Oh , but mine is a three-year program . Yes , it is a three-year , but you can renew the visa each year in the States . It is our usual procedure . Okay , thank you . It's a lovely day out today , isn't it ? It's beautiful . Enjoy it while it lasts . It's supposed to get cold tomorrow . What's the weather forecast for tomorrow ? It's supposed to snow early tomorrow morning and then tomorrow afternoon there's a chance of freezing rain . That doesn't sound pretty . Do you have any plans for tomorrow ? Well , I was going to drive to Birmingham to see some friends . You might want to change your plans . With the cold and wet weather that we're supposed to have tomorrow , the roads are going to be rather slippery . I suppose I should . I don't like driving in dangerous weather conditions . Do you have any plans for tomorrow ? I just have to go to class tomorrow afternoon . If you're lucky , it'll get cancelled and you can have a snow day ! If that happens , then I'll invite you over and we can drink hot cocoa and watch movies . That sounds like fun . Hey , look outside ! It's started to drizzle ! English weather is even more predictable than I had previously thought . Is there a city where it's always warm ? Yes , there are many cities where it's almost always warm.San Diego , for example . Are there any other cities where it's always hot ? Many.Most of the cities in the southern part of the United States are hot all year . But why do so many people live there ? Most people grow accustomed to the climate , but there are many others who complain about it all the time . Are there any cities where it rains a lot ? Several.Two good examples are Seattle , in the state of Washington , and Portland , Oregon . Tell us about some cold cities . In the north there are many cities which are very cold in the winter.Boston and Chicago are two of them . Is it always cold in Chicago and Boston ? Oh , no.On the contrary , there are many beautiful days , especially in the spring and fall . Mark , you are not telling me the truth . Now why ? Promise you are not going to be angry ? Yes , all right . So why ? Go on then . Say it . Oh , really , Mark . I promise I'm not going to be angry . Now why were you late ? I forgot . You forgot ? You ... Ah , ah , you promised , and remember ? Long time no see ! Yes . It has been a long time since the last time we met . It's nice to see you again . Have you changed jobs ? No . I've been visiting relatives recently . That's nice . Where have you been ? I went to visit an uncle in San Francisco . Are you busy now ? No . Why ? How about a coffee in that cafe ? Great . Let's talk over coffee . I'm really fed up with Larry ! He's the biggest airhead I've ever met.He always makes careless mistakes , and he's a pain to work with . You shouldn't be so negative.You ' ll always have some co-workers that are harder to work with than others.But if you are negative and start name-calling in the office , it will make a bad working environment for everybody . You only say that because you don't have to work with him.The people in your department seem so capable and nice to be around.Take Mary for example.She ' s smart and enthusiastic . I've never met anyone as cheery as she is . Everybody has their strengths and weaknesses.Even Larry.He might be a pain to be around , but he's also very good at staying in budget on projects.Mary , on the other hand , spends our project money like there's no tomorrow.Also , she's never willing to stay a little later at the office.She always leaves at 5pm sharp . Isn't there anyone in the office that is a perfect co-worker ? What about Bob ? Everybody loves Bob.Even though he's flesh out of college and still a bit green , he is a great co-worker . You're right.He ' s a hard worker , easy to get along with , honest , and he never steals the credit on projects.The only thing he's lacking in is experience . Maybe that's why he's so nice ! You look pale recently . Yeah . I have got much pressure in the company . I have to be wrapped up in my work . Take good care of yourself . Thank you . I will . Watch your step . There's a hole in the sidewalk . Oh , I see.Thank you . I hear little Bob has recovered . That's a great relief . I was worried about him . The operation was very successful . His parents must feel very happy . I can ’ t believe that Anthony is finally getting married ! Yeah well it ’ s about time ! He ’ s been living with his parents for 40 years ! Don ’ t be mean . Look here come the bridesmaids ! Their dresses look beautiful ! Who are those kids walking down the aisle ? That ’ s the flower girl and the ring bearer . I ’ m pretty sure they ’ re the groom ’ s niece and nephew.Oh , they look so cute ! I just hope the priest makes it quick . I ’ m starving . I hope the food ’ s good at the reception . That ’ s all you ever think about , food ! Oh , I think the bride ’ s coming now ! She looks gorgeous.Wait , what ’ s she doing ? Where ’ s she going ? Oh great ! Does this mean that the reception is canceled ? Hello everyone , and welcome to our CPR for beginners course.First of all , does anyone know what CPR stands for ? Cardiopulmonary resuscitation ! That ’ s right ! We apply CPR in the case of cardiac arrest or pulmonary arrest . What does that mean ? Well , basically if your heart stops pumping blood , or your lungs stop pumping air , then we need to get them going again ! That ’ s when we have to apply this procedure . Let ’ s begin ! I need a volunteer . Me ! Me ! Alright , come here and lay flat on your back . Let ’ s suppose this young woman has stopped breathing . We must lift the person ’ s chin so that we clear a pathway for air to get into the lungs . Then we place our mouth over the other person ’ s mouth and blow air two or three times , like this . Wait , what are you doing ? I ’ m a married woman ! You can ’ t just try to kiss me like this ! Madam I ’ m not trying to kiss you ! I am trying to demonstrate how to apply CPR in the case of an emergency . Well , OK . But no French kissing ! As I was saying , we blow air through the mouth in this manner . Once this is done , we must try to get the heart going again . To do this , we place our hands over the person ’ s chest , and press down firmly two or three times . Wait , what are you doing ! You can ’ t just kiss me then go for second base ! You ’ re not going to believe what happened today . You ’ Ve got to promise to keep it to yourself . Sure , what gives ? Today Mr . Leo threw Sally out of class ! On the level ? I ’ ll say . I knew Sally would finally show her true colors . When she got her final test results back from Mr . Leo , she started yelling at him . You should have heard her . I ’ Ve never seen anyone get so upset before . To make a long story short , it seems that Mr . Leo failed her because he caught her cheating . That ’ s no laughing matter . That means she ’ ll have to take the whole course again . I can ’ t believe she ’ s going to have to start from the beginning . It serves her right ! This is my uncle , Charles . He looks strong.What does he do ? He's a captain . He must be very brave . Exactly ! OH , This is the famous Emperor Palace building . It ’ s huge . Would you like to go to the top ? Yes , of course . The view is breath-taking . I really should be on my way . Oh , not yet . At least have one for the road . No , thanks all the same . Well , I am sorry you have to leave so early . Thank you very much . I really had a good time . Well , thank you for coming . So see you . Bye . Hi , how ’ re you doing ? Terrible . Oh , what ’ s the matter ? I ’ Ve got a fever and really a bad headache . Oh , that ’ s too bad . Why don ’ t you take some aspirin ? I ’ Ve already tried some but it didn ’ t help . Well , it ’ s necessary for you to see a doctor . Yeah , I guess I should . Well , you ’ d better get some rest . Thank you very much . Bye . Valerie ! Hi ! Wow how have you been ? It ’ s been such a long time ! Darlene ! Indeed , it ’ s been a while ! How have you been ? Wow , you look amazing ! I love what you ’ Ve done with your hair ! Really ? Thanks ! I went to that hair salon that you told me about , but enough about me ! Look at you ! You haven ’ t aged a day since the last time I saw you ! What is your secret ! Ha ha , come on ! Well , I ’ Ve been watching what I eat , and working out three times a week . By the way , I heard your son recently graduated ! Yes , my little Paul is finally a doctor . They grow up so fast you know . He is such a handsome guy . He gets his looks from his mother of course ! Thank you ! What about your daughter , Pamela ? I heard she has passed the bar exam and married recently . Oh yes . She had a beautiful wedding in Cozumel Mexico and we all attended . Such a lovely girl . I hope my Paul is lucky enough to find a girl like that someday ! But of course ! Well , it ’ s been great talking to you , but I have to get going . Same here ! We will catch up soon , maybe over coffee ! That would be great ! Give me a call ! See you soon ! Bye ! Egg ... I can ’ t stand that woman or her obnoxious daughter . I need help preparing for my presentation on Friday . I could help you with that . Are you sure you have the time ? I promise you that I have the time to do this . If I didn't , I wouldn't offer to help . What would be the best time for you to help me ? Tomorrow night would work for me . Should we just meet here ? OK , and I'll bring some information that helped me with my presentation . I'll see you then . See you tomorrow night . I'm so angry . I feel like killing someone . Calm down . Let me see . How much should I pay for you ? Don ’ t think about it ! No , this will not do . Let me see . You pay for the taxi and dinner , then to even things up . Good ideas . Do you know that John isn't going to come back to our school ? Really ? Why ? He had moved and held a party on July 1st . It's a pity that I was traveling around Europe at that time . Even he's not coming back to school anymore , you still can call him and meet him on weekends . You're right ! I will call him this weekend and meet him . I went to Rotes ’ , you know , Edith Roth is the author of a book about moths . Is she ? I thought she was a mathematician . I ’ m so thirsty . Are you ? I thought you had something to drink at her home . No . Edith didn ’ t give anything to drink . I ’ ll buy you a drink . Oh ! Thank you . How long will it take us to drive to London ? I think it ’ s a distance of 180 kilometers from here to London , so it should be a two-hour drive on the motorway . That ’ s unless there is a traffic jam . It could take three hours . You ’ re right . We will be able to travel at high speeds at the beginning and end of the journey , because we will be in built-up area . So , shall we allow three hours to cover the distance ? Ok . You haven ’ t seen my company car , have you ? No . let me take a look ... It ’ s longer than my car . I think it ’ s over five meters long . I can ’ t remember exactly . It has a maximum speed of over 200 kilometers an hour . Wow ! That ’ s fast ! I don ’ t think we will be traveling that fast on the motorway . We can ’ t . if we went that fast , we would break the speed limit . I ’ m Miss Sherman . What seems to be the problem ? Well , apparently I ’ Ve run up quite a bill . I was under the impression that the Junior Executive Holiday Package only cost 250 dollars per night . I ’ Ve just been informed that it ’ s actually 500 do That ’ s true . For the Junior Executive Room ... three nights ... yes , your bill should be $ 1,500 But I definitely was led to believe that a three-night stay would be $ 750 . The advertised rate is based on double occupancy . When I booked the room , your staff didn ’ t mention this . And the brochure and your promotional mailings do not mention that . Are you quite sure ? Yes . Have a look . I see . I had no idea our advertising was so misleading . It is here , but it ’ s in the fine print on the last page . Perhaps you could arrange to provide me with a new bill that reflects the advertised rate . Normally I couldn ’ t do that . But under the circumstances , I ’ ll see what I can arrange.Customer satisfaction is our primary aim . Thank you . I wish I knew who had moved our flower pots . It was me . I am so sorry . What did you think you were doing ? I had to move it , so that I can get my bike through . How dare you be so inconsiderate ? That's wrong . I am awfully sorry . I didn't think you would mind so much . Never do that again . I promise . Is anything the matter , sir ? Yes , it's my steak . What's wrong with it , sir ? It's too raw . I wanted mine well done , but this one here is almost medium . I am sorry you didn't enjoy it , sir . I will return it to the kitchen and bring you one that is well cooked . How is your steak this time , sir ? Very good . It's done just right this time , thank you . I am glad you enjoy it . I will tell this to the chef . Would you like some more beer ? Yes , please give me another Calsberg . Can I bring you some dessert ? No , thank you . I've had enough . How about some coffee or tea then ? Yes , I will have a cup of coffee . Joanne , let ’ s not make this divorce any more acrimonious than it already is , okay ? Let ’ s just get down to business and start dividing this stuff up fairly , so we can go our separate ways , alright ? Fine with me . I just want to get this over with . It ’ s important we make a clean break . I should have signed a pre-nup . What was that ? Nothing ! Anyway , you ’ re right , there ’ s no reason this has to be nasty.My lawyer tells me you ’ Ve accepted our alimony proposal and the division of property , as well as the custody agreement - I keep the cat and you get the dog . So that ’ s done ... finally . Let ’ s not go there , Joanne ! Ok , so let ’ s start with the record collection , I ’ ll take the albums I contributed and you can have your cheesy disco albums back . Fine , but I ’ m keeping the antique gramophone as my grandfather gave it to me . I believe that was a wedding present to both of us , Joanne . And you hardly ever use it ! He ’ s my grandfather , and he never really liked you anyway ! Whatever ! Alright , I ’ ll concede the silly gramophone , if you ’ ll agree that I get the silver tea set . How typical , when are you ever going to use a silver tea set ? Fine ! I don ’ t want to drag this out any longer than necessary . What ’ s next ? What about these old photographs ? Which ones ? Let me have a look.Wow , look at that ! That brings back memories ... That ? Our trip to Italy ! I remember that day . We were going to visit the Trev fountain , and we got caught in the rain ... ... and you looked so adorable with your hair all wet . I had to take a picture of you standing there in that little alley , smiling and laughing in the rain ... Oh , we really did have fun back then , didn ’ t we ? Oh , Joanne , are we making a big mistake ? I know our relationship has been on the rocks for sometime but are you sure we can ’ t reconcile and try again ? I still love you . Oh Jeff ! I love you too ! I ’ m so glad we didn ’ t have to decide who keeps the motorcycle . The motorcycle ? But that ’ s mine ! Hi ! Ed , what's up ? Nothing . Doesn't look like it to me . Just get out of my face ! Woo , easy . Leave me alone ! What are you so ticked off about ? I don't want to talk about it . Maybe I can help . I blew the finally exam . You've got to be joking . No , I'm not . Well , don't get bend on a ship about it . Can I help you ? Yes , I ’ m doing some research on Roman civilization . Do you have any books on the subject ? These books over here are about ancient history . They might be helpful . Can I check this one out ? I ’ m sorry . It ’ s for reference only , so it must stay in the library . But you ’ re welcome to look through it . Ok . And I ’ d like to check these books out . All right . They ’ re due back next Wednesday . Thanks for your help . Do you think you will ever work at that company again ? When pigs fly ! Are there any seats left for Saturday night ? I still have five seats in the mezzanine . I suppose there's nothing cheaper , is there ? No . Nothing . I'm sorry . Hi , do you have any tickets for the show tonight ? Sorry , it ’ s all sold out . Well , do you have any for tomorrow ? We have tickets for the matinee . It starts at 3p . m . Ok . I ’ ll take it . Where would you like to sit ? Do you have anything in the middle section ? I want a good view , but sitting too close hurts my eyes . Certainly . Jenny , I want to go on a picnic . Could you come too ? I'd be glad to . I love picnicking . Then , put on your casual clothes and pack some food and beverages . Can I bring my camera with me ? Sure . Bring enough films , please . I sure will . You ’ re going to set up your own law office , aren ’ t you ? Yes . After so many years of hard work , I ’ d rather I had an office of my own . If you need help , don ’ t hesitate to ask me . I ’ ll be very glad if you would help . I ’ d like to wish you every success in your new venture . Thank you . I wish I would . Good luck to you . I can look anybody in the face because I ’ Ve done nothing to make me feel guilty or something . There are not so many people like you . You are flattering me . Can I help you ? Yes , I ’ m doing some research on Roman civilization . Do you have any books on the subject ? These books over here are about ancient history . They might be helpful . Can I check this one out ? I ’ m sorry . It ’ s for reference only , so it must stay in the library . But you ’ re welcome to look through it . Ok . And I ’ d like to check these books out . All right . They ’ re due back next Wednesday . Thanks for your help . Do you have much experience with kids ? Yes . I have three sons . Actually I also have a grandson . To tell you the truth , sometimes I regret having a baby so early . I have been making so many sacrifices just because my husband insisted on keeping the baby . I understand . I was in your position before . At that time I couldn ’ t depend on anyone taking care of the children for me . My husband seldom stayed at home . What about your mother ? Did she help you ? Yes , she did a little . But you see , Americans are different from Chinese . You can ’ t depend on your own mother to be a full-time babysitter . She could baby-sit only once or twice a week . That ’ s it . I had to care for them most of the time . I see . So if my little family goes to America , I would end up taking care of my child all the time . My husband would have to make the bread for us . I just don ’ t know how I would get some education and be able to get a job some day . Don ’ t worry . You can take night classes . I did that when I had kids . And soon your child will be old enough to attend kindergarten . Then you could find a job and work . Sounds not so easy to me . When that happens , I will be too old to learn . No . You see , I went back to school to get my Master ’ s Degree when I was in my thirties . You won ’ t be older than that . Now I know why I split up with Mike . We found we were simply not good for each other . In what ways ? Well , he is a typical Sagittarius guy , while I am a Cancer . We aren't really compatible Ha-ha , so you believe in astrology ? What's strange about that ! As a person born under the sign of Cancer , I am home-loving and wish for a peaceful family life . But according to astrology , Sagittarius guys are too adventurous and risk-taking.They seldom think of leading a settled and peaceful life . Is that so ? I'm afraid it is too narrow-minded to judge people using astrology . It's all stereotypes ! But in my case , the fact matches the theory . Mike is humorous , energetic , always as fresh as a daisy , but probably too ambitious . It frightens me ! But as far as I remember , you two caught on like a house on fire when you first met . Exactly . But later on , he cares more about his career than love . Work seems to be the better all , and all for him-so much that he doesn't even grudge sparing a day out with me . What does your father do ? He is a worker . What about your mother ? She is a nurse . When is your birthday ? August 1st . Do you usually have a birthday party ? Yes , we do.My parents prepare dinner for me . What would you do at the party ? We sing " Happy Birthday " at the party and have birthday cakes . Do you know when people began to sing the song " Happy Birthday " ? Well , I don't know . Let me tell you the story.In 1892 , Patty Smith Hill and Mildred Hill wrote a song called ' Good Morning to you ' . But later someone added the words ' Happy Birthday ' to their tune . So the ' Happy Birthday ' song has been popular since then ? Yes , actually , the song has been sung since its publication in 1932.People all over the world have sung it in many different languages . Wow ! Look at all these books ! I bet I can find a book about anything here ! Shih ! ! Please keep your voice down . There are people reading and studying here . Ok , I'm sorry . Are you the librarian ? Maybe you can help me , I am looking for a book . Yes I am . You can check our online catalog to search the book you want based on the genre , title or if you know the author , I can point you towards the right direction . I am looking for a book that has nursery rhymes . That would be in our children's section . That book shelf there on the right . Ok , I would like to check out these books . Do you have a library card ? No . How do I get one ? I just need to see your drivers license or utility bill to prove that you a resident of this state . Here you go . So you are all set . You can have these books for two weeks . If you need to have them longer , you can bring them here to renew them . If you don't , you get charged ten cents a day for each book . Ok , thanks ! So will you come to work with us ? Can I use my green pad again to write you admiring notes ? We'll have to negotiate that . It's a possibility . You miss me , don't you ? Don't push your luck , Dave . OK , I'm in . When do I start ? As soon as you can get here . We'll be waiting for you . Kim ! I'm here ! I brought all my old maternity clothes plus Dave and Alice's baby clothes ! It's a little early for those , isn't it ? I still have eight months to go ... Believe me , the time will fly by ! Before you know it , you'll be changing diapers ! You have to start preparing ! I thought we could turn the upstairs study into a baby room . What do you think about lavender ? I'll be back tomorrow with my work clothes and a gallon of lavender paint ! You just sit back and relax ! You got a letter in the mail . Give it to me . What is it ? It ’ s my acceptance letter from UCLA . What does it say ? I ’ Ve been accepted ! Are you serious ? I ’ m serious . Good for you ! NYU was my first choice , but UCLA is just fine . I ’ m so proud of you . Thanks . I ’ m proud of myself , too . DO you have any plan for your future ? I'd prefer to go abroad , if possible . Many people are striving for going abroad nowadays.It seems to be a trend . I'm one of them . Too bad you missed Jane's performance . How's it ? It was so perfect that it won a unanimous 10 . I went shopping without my umbrella yesterday morning . Yesterday morning was beautiful I thought the sunning was going to continue . So did I . that's why I didn't take my umbrella . I got cold in the rain in the afternoon . It was raining cats and dogs . I know . I could not believe it when I got hit by that storm . It was pouring with rain all afternoon . We really have some movable weather sometime . I wish I would live somewhere which were sunning all year round . If it was sunning all year round there would be drought . You probably would not like it either . I guess you are right . Maybe I just wish the weather could be a little more predictable . The weather forecasters are not good at predicting the weather would be like . Our weather is so changeable . Your garden is looking beautiful this summer . The flowers are really colorful . Thank you . I have roses , tulips , and daffodils . Do you like the rockery with the smaller flowers ? Yes , I do . Those are violets , aren ’ t they ? Yes , they are . This afternoon , I ’ m going to prune the hedge . The lower branches on that tree are hanging very low . Would you like me to cut them off for you ? Thank you ! That would be very kind of you . I have a saw in the garden shed . When the lower branches are removed , you ’ ll be able to sit under the tree . Tomorrow , I ’ ll cut the grass . Then the garden will lock perfect . Just make sure children don ’ t play in the flower beds and destroy the flowers . You're late . I know I'm late . I'm sorry . I tried to call you to tell you , but your phone seems to be disconnected . My phone ? Yes . An automatic message says your phone is not in service . Really ? I had no idea . Let me check.Yes , it's dead . There's no dial tone . So I couldn't get through . I knew I'd be late because my car wouldn't start.It was too cold I had to warm it up in the garage with a heater . That's why I'm late . But this is terrible . I'm expecting important calls . About what ? You know what.The theater guild is supposed to call me and discuss a contract for my play.They are supposed to call me this evening.If I don't have a phone . Oh , what can I do ? Well , the only thing you can do is tell the phone company and hope they fix it fast . Do you have a cell phone ? No . I hate cell phones.But you could go to a neighbor's house and use their phone . Can you drive me ? I will go to Ann's house . It isn't far . I can call the theater guild from there and give them her number.She will let us wait in her living room . Yes , of course I can drive you.So you don't want to get your phone fixed right away ? Yes , I do.At Ann's house I will call the phone company and have them check my line.If they can fix it right away without coming to my house , then we'll just return here.But if not , I need to wait at Ann's house to talk with the theater guild.It ' s very important to me . Alright , let's go . Yes , let's go . Linda , would you care for some candies or cookies ? No , don't try to tend me . I'm becoming chubby , and I have to slender down . You are not really chubby . You are actually thin enough . I don't think so . I know I've put on weight this winter . So you are watching your weight , aren't you ? Yes , to tell you the truth . I am on the diet . I've come to say goodbye . When do you leave ? I'm catching the 11:00 train . Take care of yourself and don't forget to keep in touch . Goodbye . Hope to see you again next year . I wonder if we can change to Channel 26 . Why ? I'd like to see what's on that channel . A lecture on how to make stir-fried ginger beef , not the boxing you like . I prefer boxing to beef . What happened to your brother ? It seems that he has gone ape over the girl . Your parents must be worrying about him . Yes , he ’ s been like this for two weeks . We don ’ t know what to do . Have you talked to him ? Yeah . But he just didn ’ t listen . Are you having a good time ? Oh , yes . It's a great party . There are some people I don't know , though . Really ? Come on , I'll introduce them to you . That would be great . This is the first time for me to have a Chinese guest . I hope you like western cooking . Yes . I like it very much . Cooking is a hobby with me . I'm always trying to think up new recipes . I hope you like the soup . It's kind of a specialty of mine , so I hope you enjoy it . It's excellent . Thank you for your compliment.Won ' t you try this fish with white sauce ? I'm rather round of it . It's delicious . What sort of western food do you like best ? I like beefsteak very much . Have you tried Chinese dishes ? I find the Chinese dishes wonderful . Well , it's getting late . I have to get up early tomorrow . So I must say good night . It's still early . I am not sure how to add a class . Do you have an add sheet for me to sign ? I'll bring one next time . When you get the signed add slip , you must take it to the Admissions and Records Office or you will not be added . Can you find the office ? I think I know where it is . Across the courtyard on the right is the office . Follow the signs to the correct line . Is that clear ? Thank you for your directions . It's clear . You can't miss it . Add the class and then come back . We'll check later to make sure you are on the roll sheet . That's great . Thank you so much . Do the same thing with a drop slip if you ever need to drop a class . Good luck ! Is the environment a big issues in your country ? It is in mine . It is in mine too . The biggest issue is water . The climate is dry and so water conservation is very important . What methods do you use to conserve water ? Water is rationed . We can only use a certain amount each month . It means that we cannot use some modern household items , like washing machines . They use too much water . I see . I think the biggest environment problem in my country is air pollution . Yes , I agree . The air here is much more polluted than in my country . Of course , my country is more agricultural and has much less industry . We have reduced emission of air pollutants in recent years , but cars are still a major source of them . Factories have become cleaner as stricter environment pollution law have been introduced . The problem is now on a truly global scale . I don ’ t believe that any single country can do anything about it . I think you ’ re right . There needs to be an international response to this problem . Ms Anderson , my name is Mike . I am Division Chief of ABC Company . Welcome to Toronto . Thank you . It's a pleasure to meet you . A pleasure meeting you as well , the flowers are for you . Thank you , they are beautiful . hello , Jason , there is going to be a screening of Final Destination 3 at our campus cinema tomorrow . I plan to go to see it . is it a horror movie ? yeah , I love horror movies . Would you like to go with me tomorrow ? no way . I will be scared out of my wits . that's funny , I didn't know a big fellow like you could be so soft and timid on the inside . Hey , how could you like to taste my fist ? alright , all joking aside , what kinds of moves do you like ? Um , let me see , romance , comedy . documentary , action , science fiction , animated and so on . that is to say , you like all genres except for horror movies . yeah . It seems like we don't speak the same language as far as movies are concerned . not quite . I also greatly enjoy romance and comedy . the Notebook is this type of movie . really ? I haven't heard of it . well then , this could be a nice opportunity to enjoy it together . I bet you'd love it . Ok . I can't wait to see it . Let's go ! Good evening.Welcome to our program . Thank you.Good evening , Mr.Dean . Would you tell us your name , please ? I'm Helen Baker . Glad to meet you , Ms.Baker . Glad to meet you , too . Where are you from , Ms.Baker ? I'm from New Zealand . What do you do for a living ? I'm a teacher . Thank you for coming , Ms.baker . Congratulations on the new house ! Thanks ! We love it . Well , you guys worked hard for it . It's really beautiful . I'm just not looking forward to cleaning it ! You married Joe , didn't you ? Joe ? I don't know what you mean . I remember you are in love . Oh , I took a shine to him when we met for the first time . But it comes and goes . It's Greek to me . Looks like a good party , I probably know about half the people . Who ’ s that boy ? Where ? The one next to the telephone . I don ’ t know . Never saw him before . Why ? I think he ’ s the boy who just moved into my apartment building . All the soldiers in that country are armed to the teeth . What's happening in that country ? The neighboring country is threatening their sovereignty with its nuclear bombs . What ’ s the matter , BOB ? I think it ’ s my ankle . What happened ? One of my snow-shoes that cause on rocks . Can you stand ? I don ’ t think so . It ’ s kind of sore . what I have to give you a hospital for an ex-treat . It ’ s that really necessary ? It maybe worse than it seems . What a brilliant smile ! That's my cousin Hubert.He likes smiling . He must be very easy-going . Sure , he's ready to be friendly with anyone . Which season do you like best ? I like spring best . It is neither too cold nor too hot . Freezing days make me lazy and stuffy days make me lazier . How about you ? I prefer summer , especially the summer evenings . When the sun comes down , it is so nice to take a walk and breathe . After a rain shower , the smell of the air is refreshing . It is also a best reason for ice-cream . How do you get through the stuffy daytime ? Well , I have to hide in the air-conditioned rooms . Anyway , it is all worth , just think about the cool evening time . Hi , Betty ! Where's your boyfriend ? I have no idea . Guess what ? Paul and Susan are engaged . Really ? When did that happen ? A week ago ? They met last summer and now just sink . They will be married soon . Have they set a date for the wedding ? No , not yet . But Susan says they ’ d like to get married in November or December . Then they ’ ll go to Hawaii for their honeymoon . Hello , Mary . How are you ? Not bad . How about you , John ? Fine . Thank you . When were you born may I ask ? On 20th May 1963 . Do you know what it was according to the lunar calendar ? 27th day of the fourth month . By the way , could you tell me when the film will begin ? It will begin at 5:30 . I am afraid I can't be there on time . You can see it tomorrow . I don't want to miss it today . When the rain stops , you ’ ll see how beautiful the beach is . But the rain has been pouring down for two days . We ’ Ve both caught colds . And this bedroom is too big and damp . But it ’ s better than a tent . How unlucky ! Let ’ s pack our bags and go home . Hi , Sue . What's up ? Hey , Andrew . How's everything with work ? Ok , I guess . My boss has been on my back recently . Really ? What's he been doing ? You know , just giving me lots to do . I'm really busy right now . Are you ? What are you busy with ? Oh , lots of things . Mostly training new people . So Kim , have you ever had anything stolen ? Stolen ? No , why ? My uncle just had his motorcycle stolen a few nights ago . I was just thinking about how clever criminals are these days . Criminals are clever ? They ’ re only successful when people are careless . I don ’ t know . The ones who stole my uncle ’ s motorcycle were pretty good . If your uncle had an alarm system , then it wouldn ’ t have happened . He did . It was one of the best ones available . But that didn ’ t stop them from disabling it . And on a crowded street too . Didn ’ t anyone stop them ? You would think that people would be smart enough to stop something like that . No one knew his motorcycle was being stolen . The thieves came in a truck and convinced everybody that my uncle was parked illegally and they were there to tow it away . Wow , they were good . I guess criminals aren ’ t that dumb after all . That ’ s not the end . They were so good that they convinced a bystander to help them lift the motorcycle and put it in the truck . Would you and your wife care to come to our place and have tea with us some afternoon ? Why , that's very kind of you , Mrs . Johnson . I'm sure my wife will be glad to . How about tomorrow afternoon ? Tomorrow afternoon would be fine . A friend of mine has been taking an online career planning course these days . He told me the other day he has learned a lot from it . He recommended me to subscribe to it . What do you say ? I think it is good if we know enough about career planning . We will make wiser choices . What else did he tell you about it ? Well , just something in general , like several key steps in planning career and how to set specific and tenable goals . Sounds practical ! To be honest , sometimes I feel puzzled about my future career . I am not sure if this job suits me the best though I work very hard on it and enjoy being a hard worker . I have always wanted to try something else and learn some new skills . Making a decision to start over is not an easy thing to do . It seems that you need this course more than I do . I love my current job . If I take this course , I hope to learn some tricks to get myself more organized at work . If they can give suggestions about how to boost work relationships , that will be great . I need these to improve my current work performance . Ok , then we can sign up for it together . Would you like any toast , dear ? Um ? Toast , dear ? As you like . Would you like any tea , dear ? It doesn ’ t make any difference to me . Oh , you ’ re not listening to me . Leave me alone . May I help you ? I need to copy some pages in my book . The copier is right over there , in the corner . Do I need to pay to use it ? You have to pay to use the copier . How much do you charge ? You need to pay ten cents for every copy . Is there a maximum number of copies I can make ? You can make as many copies as you want . I ’ m going to need you to show me how to use the machine . There are instructions posted on the copier . Thank you for your help . You seem to be very tired . Yes , I have been working for eight hours . Why don't you join us to go out for a walk ? No , really . I'm not in the mood for it . Simon , may I introduce you to Linda ? You don ’ t know each other , do you ? No . I ’ Ve not had the pleasure of meeting her yet . How do you do ? I ’ m pleased to meet you . How do you do ? Please sit down . Help yourself just like you are at home . What would you like to drink ? A cup of coffee , please . So , what do you think ? How do you like New York ? I'm having a great time . I love it . I'm glad we came . Yeah . I really like the stores and the shopping . I love the museums , too . But the traffic is pretty bad . Yeah . I hate all this traffic . It's really noisy . Listen , it's almost dinnertime.There are lots of restaurant around here.What do you want to try ? Italian ? Greek ? Japanese ? Thai ? I can't stand making decisions . You choose ! OK . Let's go American . Where's the nearest McDonald's ? I have been very busy this year , working late , often taking work home and taking no vacation . I feel exhausted . You should ask for a holiday and relax yourself for a little bit . You worked so hard . You are right . For the past few weeks , I had no appetite and couldn ’ t sleep well . What ’ s worse my back started aching this Monday . It is time for me to take a vacation . What's that ? It's a surprise ! For me ? Yes . Let's go inside and you can open it up . Wow ! It's big ! What could it be ? I'll give you two clues . First , it cost more than $ 250 . And second , it's not big , but fat . What does that mean , not big but fat ? You didn't buy ... What would you like to drink ? I'll just have water . You seem depressed these days . What's the matter ? I went bankrupt and I'm flat broke now . If I can do anything for you , don't hesitate to let me know . Thank you . Good luck . I've got class in a few minutes . Me too . I'll talk to you later . OK . See you later . Hi , Natasha , how's life ? Great . My family came to visit me . Oh , you must be very happy . How many people are there in your family ? My immediate family is very large . It's my mother , my father , my two older brothers , my younger sister and me . I have a small family . They are my parents , my younger brother and me . I thought you were the only child in the family . Didn't China practice the only-child policy in the early 1980s ? Yes , it did . But my parents are ethnic minority people . It's a preferential policy for an ethnic minority family to have two children . Interesting . What do you think about families with only one child ? The child must feel very longly . My younger brother is 10 years younger than me . Before he was born , I used to be the only child and always dreamed that I would have a younger sister or brother one day . Do you get along well with each other ? Yes , we are very close . He is 12 years old now and very smart . He always makes us laugh a lot . You are very lucky to have such a nice family . Thank you . Don't you think it might be a good idea to hold the party outside ? I don't think so . How about going to a concert ? That suits me fine . Every year , the South has the floods . It is an act of God . Do you really think so ? Yeah , you have some other ideas ? I think , in some way it is an act of God , but in another way , it just is caused by us . For example ? We didn't pay attention to the environment , cut down trees and polluted the air . Oh , I see . Fortunately government has taken some action to prevent such things . Good morning , Mary ! Good morning , John ! I want to have a few friends over for a dinner party to celebrate my birthday . Would you be able to come the next weekend on Saturday ? I'd be delighted to , John . Saturday did you say ? Yes , if that's all right for you . I'm pretty sure I'll be all right . In fact , I'd be delighted to come over and celebrate your birthday with you.What time are you planning to start ? Oh , good . If you could come around six thirty or seven o'clock , that would give us some time to chat a whit over a glass of wine before dinner . That sounds fine . I'll be there around seven . Bye , mom ! Wait , Jimmy , it ’ s cold outside . Put a hat on ! OK . Bye ! No , wait , you will be too cold without mittens . Alright . See ya ! Hold on , with that wind , you ’ re going to catch a cold . Wear this scarf . Ok , see you after school ... Oh ... and ear muffs ! Put these on ... here we go . Mom ? Yes , honey ... I ... I can ’ t breathe . Jane , pleases come with us . I cannot dance , you know . I have't such a talent . Just for fun , not for showing . What do you worry about ? Nothing . I have told you before that I won't go to the party and that's flat . But ... OK . Who is your favorite music composer ? I don't have one single favorite , but these days I listen to a lot of Chopin . Then you must despise such modern music as rock ? Without doubt , rock is trash . It's a lovely day , isn't it ? Yeah , and most excitingly , I met the girl living under me today . She's really nice . Is she American ? Yeah , and most importantly , she's single ! Man , I could tell from the moment I saw her , she's the girl of my dreams ! So I take it you two are hitting it off ? I know it's very convenient to be in a relationship with your neighbor , but what if you break up ? I don't know . I am not really worried about that . I don't wanna lose before even starting . Besides I think the other two American guys have also fallen for her . Sounds like you've got some competition . You made a move already ? Not yet . But I am thinking of inviting her to dinner sometime . I know some good restaurants nearby . That's nice . Having been here a little while surely gives you the advantage , eh ? You bet . Now that you mentioned it , I think I'll call her now and see if she is available tonight . Good luck ! Thanks ! Do you think you'll get the project ? It's a chance in a million . I hear John is interested in it . I see.After all , he's boss's son . But anyway , I'll have a try . Are you feeling better today , Bill ? Well , it ’ s hard to say . I coughed a lot in the evening . You ’ d better give up smoking . It ’ s bad for your health . You ’ re right . But you know it ’ s so hard to give up the old habit like smoking . But you should make up your mind first . You know I often have to work far into the night . I need smoking to keep me awake . Why don ’ t you go to bed early and get up early ? You ’ ll have the same time for work . Thank you for your advice . I ’ ll try it . Oh ! What fools we were ! To think of it ! All my old silver ! It meant so much to me . And my new car . To think that he simply drove off with everything in my car . That's what hurts me most . What's so terrible too , is the fools we've made of ourselves . I hardly dare call the police . They'll just laugh at us . I'll never get over it . Oh , Harry , it was all so unnecessary . That man ! ! How could he do this to us after we'd put him up ? And his story didn't even hold together . I feel such an idiot . I just saw Something About Mary last night . It was hilarious . David took me to it last week . I thought it was a little sick . What do you mean sick ? It was really funny , don't you think ? It was entertaining in some ways . But in general I didn't like it . Why not ? I just think the humor was too gross . There were too many disgusting things in it . I don't think a comedy has to have so much smut to be funny . It wasn't a dirty movie . There wasn't even any nudity . No , you're right . But nudity doesn't bother me . What bothered me were all the jokes about masturbation , stuff like that . It was too sick . Oh , you are too conservative . It's just realistic . I don't think it's realistic . I thought it was sick . Why does a movie have to use that kind of humor ? People think it's funny . Do you know how to go to the Fragrant Hills in Beijing ? I heard that they are very famous in China . Yes . Especially in autumn , the red leaves of the maple trees make the whole mountain red . That must be very beautiful . Yes , it can make people feel as if they were in the land of fairies . Really ? Have you ever been there ? A couple of times . Can you go there with me ? I'd like someone who is familiar with that area to go with me . Sure . I'd be very glad to be your tour guide . Have you heard that Tom and his wife divorced ? I didn't hear that . But I can deduce the reason . Really ? Say it ! Tom is a kind guy , but addicted to gambling . He spends all his time gambling in the casino . And his wife can't put up with his incessant gambling any longer , so she divorced him . Is that right ? Yeah , quite right . Gambling broke up a happy family . Yeah ! Gambling is often a curse . By gambling we lose time and treasure , two things most precious to a man . Besides that , many people took to gambling and got in over their heads , and gradually ruined themselves . In a word , gambling is a vice . We should be away from it . Professor , could I make an appointment with you ? I am free tomorrow afternoon between two and four ; do you have a particular time in mind ? Two o'clock would be the best time . Fine , do you know where my office is ? No , I'm not sure . Remember , it is in the E building on the third floor . I see . Don't worry , it will work out fine once you get there . I'll see you then . I'll see you then . Looking forward to meeting with you ! Have you gone bowling before ? No . Could you tell me something more about it ? I want to play well . There are 10 frames in a bowling game . Each player is allowed to bowl two balls in each frame . You just said 10 rounds . ' Round ' and ' frame ' are two different terms . Perhaps you can tell me a little more about this . Hey , slow down . I'll tell you more while playing . I'm told Cold Blood just finished its last cut . Yeah , it'll make a hit , I think.When will it be on , do you know ? Sure , it'll be on next Monday . Hectic . It's always hectic . But how was your windsurfing ? I tried it for a half-hour.It was interesting , but ... well ... I couldn't really do it . See ? I told you . It's very hard . I couldn't even stand on it and hold the sail . I probably fell down fifty times . Fifty times ? Yes , it was really stupid . And how much did it cost to rent it ? It was fifty dollars for a half-hour . Well , that's not too bad then . What do you mean ? It's expensive ! Yes , but you have to calculate a little.You paid fifty dollars and you fell down fifty times.So you only spent one dollar per fall . That's cheap . How's your girlfriend ? We broke up . How are you tonight , sir ? Oh , not too bad . I'm just glad the weekend's finally here . I know what you mean . What can I get for you ? Give me a screwdriver on the rocks . One screwdriver , coming right up . ( He mixes the drink . ) Here you are , sir . Thanks . I think you should look over these figures again . There are some calculations that are a bit off . I apologize . This should not have to be this way . Apology is accepted . Try to do better next time . Of course , I should have been more careful . I ’ m sorry . You didn ’ t show up in the morning meeting . What ’ s up ? Well , I just came in . I worked overtime yesterday . Some statistics and very important documents seemed to be inaccurate . So I stayed to double check them . The boss was aware of my very late work of last night . So before he left office , he told me I could come one hour later this morning . But you still look a little bit tired . What time did you leave ? It was around one thirty in the morning . I guess I didn ’ t fall asleep till 3 because those numbers were involving in my mind . I just couldn ’ t stop thinking about them . That ’ s normal after a tense work evening . Working overtime is not always a pleasant experience for me either . Once , I worked overtime everyday for a whole week including the weekend . That really broke my rhythm and I got a little sick later . Working at weekend is something I hate to do most . But if the company asks , what else can we do ? Hi ! It's still seven o'clock . Are you crazy ? I got the information that there is a killer sale at the shopping mall near our block . Get up and I will wait for you at the gate of our flat . Every time when you glimpse some stylish clothes , you change into another person . Stop complaining , OK ? No wonder you are named shopaholic . No , I am not a shopaholic , but a super shopaholic . And I really enjoy smelling the gorgeous clothes and new bags . Wait a moment . And you can check where other sales are . What's wrong , Bob ? I was wondering if you could company me to the Ball ? Of course , I will . That's great . I'll pick you up at eight . How do I look in this new dress ? You ’ d better change it . It ’ s ugly . How about this one ? It ’ s really elegant and it fits you really well . They must be your parents , what do they do ? My mother is a professor and my father is a manager . Do they often take you out ? No , usually they're very busy . You did well on the math test . Of course . Don ’ t you always fail in the math tests ? Things were different this time . I sat by a math genius . Huh ? You mean you snuck a peek at his test ? B :: Come on ! I just took a glance . Are you crazy ? You were cheating . I can't decide whether to go to university or to get a job . Well , if I were you , I'd go on studying . But I don't even know what to study . If I had chance again , I'd major in English . You're good at language . That's what my parents want me to do . You should take their advice . They know what's best for you.But my friends will have jobs and lots of fun , while I spend all my time doing reading and writing . But if you go to university , you'll still have time for fun . Hm , what you say makes sense . But you know , I still have to ask my parents for pocket money , and I hate to do so at this age . And if you try to find a part-time job , you'll have some money too . You're right . Thank you for the advice . Well , I can ’ t believe your uncle and aunt came to stay with us for a week , and they did not even call us in advance . John , they are old-fashioned people from the Chinese countryside . That ’ s their custom . I know , but it is hard for me to get used to your relatives coming to visit us , and without warning . Don ’ t your relatives visit other relatives ? Yes , but Americans never visit without calling in advance , and they almost never stay overnight . I think that maybe Chinese families are closer than your families . I think you ’ re right ! I want to buy two tickets for tonight's concert . Sure . How do you like your seats ? Ordinary one , please . Ok , here are your tickets in Row 13 . I think they are too far from the stage . I want two in row 6 . That's fine . But you have to pay another $ 10 . Is this watch yours ? No , it isn't mine . I blundered upon it under the sofa . Do you know whose watch it is ? Let me have a look . It's mine . I have been looking for it , but just cannot find it . It's present from my father . Well , here you are . Remember to put it in a proper place . Who are we going to play with today ? We are playing against Hainan . Oh , the basketball team from No . 1 College ? I know they're a tough team . Sure they are . Who's winning ? We are , 27 to 26 . Really ? I thought that they'd been killing us by now . How can it be ? We are a tough team as well . Are you a smoker ? Yes , I ’ m afraid I am . My husband is a smoker too . Would you describe yourself as being a heavy smoker ? No . But my husband smokes 20 or more a day . When did you begin to smoke ? I had my first cigarette when I was 17 . Might I ask if you have tried to give up smoking ? Yes . Twice . How about the hiking ? It was freezing yesterday , are you all ok ? Can ’ t be better , it was wonderful . We had a lot of fun there . There was so much joy and walk and breathe the winter air . We arrived at the park at 9 o ’ clock in the morning and didn ’ t leave till 3 o ’ clock in the afternoon . You had been walking for 6 hours , isn ’ t that boring ? Of course not ! We built a snowman , some snow dogs and one big snow fort . We went sliding on the nice hill . It was a real work out . At noon , we had the most special winter picnic outside . Fortunately , we got it all on a video tape . You must come with us next time . I bet you will love it . Well . You know I hate walking , but I can ’ t wait to see your guys ’ video . You know them ? No , but those guys like to hit on me . Here we are , Ryan ! This is where we're going to celebrate ! It's a ETV palace ! I'm glad I brought my platinum card . You won't need it . Stanley , my best man , is going to treat everybody ! Where is Stanley ? It was his idea to have the bachelor's party at a ETV , wasn't it ? If it were up to Stanley , we'd have the wedding in the ETV ! He loves to sing . Then I bet he's really good ! Well , uh , I'll let you decide that for yourself . He'll be here a little later . Here's our room ! What a nice dress , Jean.You look marvelous ! You , too . Where did you get your new hat ? From the Crown's . Oh , what lovely earrings you have ! Are they diamond ? Yes . It's a birthday present from my husband ! Well , you are lucky to have such a considerate husband . Mine hasn't brought me a single rose since we married . He'll come out with surprises . Just wait and see . Look at that woman , with the white chiffon ! She's chic , isn't she ? Yes . I like the dress . It must be the latest fashion . Look , the hem has lowered , and the waist narrowed . It makes me feel rather shabby . That woman has a good taste in dressing , I would say . Yes . She dressed with an individual flair . I rather envy her . Most women follow fashion like sheep.They don't know any better than imitate . I quite agree with you.See the woman there ? I dare say she hasn't got any eyes . How could she match the mauve gown with the green handbag ? And all that jewelry ! The gown is quite expensive , believe me . So what ? It only makes her look cheap and vulgar . You know those upstarts . They're all show-offs ! I think I'd better have a diet ; otherwise I'd look like a ballon soon . You're quite slim . In fact , if you were one of those starlets , the movie company would say you have a fabulous figure . Thanks . I'm flattered . Oh , my shoes pinch me . Let's find a seat and sit a while . Whoa , whoa , what ’ s going on ? Watch out ! Hey , watch where you ’ re going ! Oh , no ! I ’ m so sorry ! Are you all right ? Oh ... I don ’ t know . I feel terrible , I really didn ’ t mean to knock you over . My tire , just exploded , and I lost control of my bike . Really , it was an accident . Please accept my apologies . Oh , wait a second , you seem really familiar , I think I know you from somewhere . Yeah , I think we have met somewhere before . That ’ s right ! We met at Aaron ’ s place last weekend ! What a coincidence ! But anyway , I ’ m glad to see that you ’ re not too badly hurt , and I should probably get going . I have a nine o ’ clock meeting . Ouch ! My ankle ! I think it ’ s broken ! You can ’ t just leave me like this ! Are you calling an ambulance ? Nope , I ’ m canceling my appointment so that I can stay here with you . Hello , james . Come in . go through to the living room . Hi Kate ... thanks ... wow ! Look at all the furniture . You must spent a fortune on it ! I love your new three-pieces suite . I told you that I had been saving up money to buy some new furniture and do some redecorating . I finally saved enough and did everything at once . Good for you ! You ’ Ve got new curtains too . That ’ s a very nice shade of blue . This sofa is very comfortable . I could sit on it all day ! Do you like my carpet ? Be honest ! Tell me what you really think . To be honest , it looks like your old carpet . Is it really new or did you just have your old cleaned ? Well spotted ! I actually had it cleaned twice , because it was so dirty . The rug is new . You remember my trip to china ? Well , I bought is there . Oh , you are out of breath ! What ’ s happened ? A gang of bastards are wildly shooting on the next street . We must leave this place the soonest . That it easy.They get caught before they come here . Stop your nonsense ! Quick . Let ’ s leave the place ! People of different races are fit for quite different sports . For instance , Asians are especially good fattable tennis , badminton , diving and shooting . They seem to have been born with certain natural endowments in technical sports , in which flexibility , agility and quick reflexes are favorable . And a typical example has been the Chinese athletes at the Beijing Olympics , right ? Yes , in all these four sports . the Chinese Olympic dream teams led the way . They swept the floor against their opponents in table tennis and diving . Then what are the Westerners fit for ? I think they are in a better position in those sports that demand a high degree of intensity , speed and explosive force like swimming , field games , etc . Where do you think the edge is for black athletes ? It's common sense that African athletes always make a clean sweep in track events , middle or long distance races , relays , hurdles , barriers , and marathon . I got you . Their competitive edge lies mainly in endurance and stamina . They are creatures from the savannah , and take to running like antelopes . This man looks very handsome.Is he married ? Sure.He has already married , a father of two boys . Oh , I can't believe it.He looks very young . He took the picture when he was only 21 years old . I see . We seem to be lost here . Possibly . I suggest that we go and ask for help from the policeman . Not a bit . It's crunch time , isn't it ? I wasn't nervous before the meeting , but now I am . No kidding . Time is running out . It would help to bring in a couple more troubleshooters . Vince says he can't afford anybody else . We're got to come through . Do you think we'll make it ? I guess we'll either make it , or we won't . Here is the song list . Do you have any English songs ? Yes , here you are . Let me have a look . Everything I do I do it for you 、 Unchained melody 、 My heart will go on . Oh , and I ’ d like to try Everything I do I do it for you . Let me play it for you . Is it easy to locate it ? It's very easy . Here it is . Ready ? Excellent ! You are a good singer . You sing the bass so well . I used to be a better singer . I haven't sung in the Karaoke for a long time . It's your turn . I'll sing a Chinese folk song Love song of Hanging , first in Chinese then in English . That's really my pleasure to listen to a Chinese song . What ’ s the plot of your new movie ? It ’ s a story about a policemen who is investigating a series of strange murders . I play the part of the detective . He has to catch the killer , but there ’ s very little evidence . It ’ s a psychological thriller with some frightening scenes , but I hope audience won ’ t be too scared to go to the movie theatres ! Did you enjoy making the movie ? We heard stories of disagreement with other actors and with the director . I have had disagreement with every director . I ’ Ve worked with . We ’ Ve always disagreed in a friendly way and we have always resolved our differences . It was the same when I made this movie . I don ’ t know where rumours of my disagreement with Rachel Kelly come from . We got on very well and I hope to work with her again . I enjoyed making the movie very much . Critics are not very happy with the movies that you ’ Ve made recently . Does that bother you ? Not at all . The feedback from audience has been great . I care about what they think more than what the critics think . Did you do you own stunts in the movie ? I wanted to , but my insurance company wouldn ’ t let me . All of my stunts were done by a stuntman . As you know , I used to do my own stunts , but I ’ ll leave that to the experts in future . Thank you very much for doing this interview . My pleasure . Have you seen the movie yet ? Yes . I have . I liked it very much . Like you , I was very impressed with Rachel ’ s performance in the movie . She ’ s going to be a star . It looks like our company trip will have to be canceled because of the typhoon . That's disappointing . I was really looking forward to it . I'd like to meet you again sometime . That would be great . Actually , can I get your phone number , Ella ? That's assuming you don't mind if I call you sometime . Anytime . You can reach me at 5558929 . Ok , got it . I will call you sometime next week . Fine . It's time to go . Bye , Ella . Hope to see you soon . Bye , Jason . Do you mind if I ask you to practice speaking English with me ? No . Of course not . But what for ? Well , I'm meeting some American friends next weekend . I see . But I'm busy now . How about tomorrow ? have you ever thought about your ideal home ? I have , actually ; I ’ Ve always wanted to build my dream home myself . what would it be like ? well , it would be spacious and located next to a park , because a nice view is important to me . how many rooms would it have ? I ’ d want it to have three bedrooms on a second floor with balconies on each , and one main bedroom on the main floor with an attached en suite . I ’ d also want a large living room and kitchen connected t how many bedrooms would your dream home have ? I ’ d have one guest bathroom in the basement , one attached to the main bedroom , and one upstairs , so a total of three . how would you decorate your house ? I don ’ t like a lot of clutter , so I wouldn ’ t have lots of things out . I would have a few vases on the mantel piece and some pictures of my family on the walls , but other than that , most things would b how many TVs would your dream home have ? I think TV is a great waste of time , so I would only have one small TV in the kitchen to watch the news in the morning . Have you ever made any plan for your future ? Of course I have . I'd like to marry a handsome man and have two children if possible . Not me . I'd like to be a bachelor forever . I don't believe you can make it when you meet your Mrs . Right . The Mountains would be a great place for the company retreat . That's a wonderful choice . I have chosen January as the month for this retreat . January is a little too close to the Christmas holidays . Yes , maybe another choice might be better . I think that April would work . Spring is a lovely time to be in the mountains . Thank you for thinking of that . Maybe if we asked around we could see what people would prefer . That is a good idea . I'll take care of taking the survey and get back to you with the answers . Susan has got married . Really ? How do you know that ? Her marriage was a hole and corner affair . Why ? That ’ s good news , but no one knows it ? I have no idea . Maybe she didn ’ t want to let us ... , so ... I'd love that . I'm so glad I quit . It's time for a change . Does that mean you're going to take my advice ? Yes . I'm looking for a position as a chef . I might be able to help ... I'm sure you have great connections . We'd like to open another restaurant ... with you as the head chef and manager ... Really ? You have that much faith in me ? And Giovanni agreed to it ? Does he know who I am ? Yes . But you know him . He's just worried that you're not Italian ... He's prejudiced , isn't he ? No . He's afraid that no one will cook as good as his mother did . Ah ! I know a way to convince him that Americans can make good Italian food ! How's that ? You'll see next week . I'll come by one day at lunchtime . I just got sacked . I'm sorry to hear that . What do you do in your spare time ? I listen to music and read . What kind of music do you like ? I think I like classical music better . Actually me , too . Hi , how is it going ? Pretty good , Sam . Only the awful weather , you know . That ’ s right . I ’ Ve never really liked it since I got here . Me either , but I ’ m dealing with it anyway . What a surprise meeting you here , Landy . I ’ m here as a tourist . It ’ s a small world , isn ’ t it ? Yes , it ’ s a small world . We never know where we ’ ll meet someone we know . Can we sit on the grass , darling ? No , you can't , darling . The grass is wet . Look , darling ! I can see a bench near that tree . No , you can't . The bench is wet , too . It's not raining , darling . The bench isn't wet . Can't you see a notice on the bench ? Yes , I can . What does the notice say ? It says ' Wet paint ! ' Do you have any year-end benefits ? I don ’ t know till now . I just saw a piece of news , that a group of white color workers hold a flour war in the office because of dissatisfaction of the year-end benefits . Why they hold a flour war ? They got rice , flour and oil as presents , while the leadership got 1000 yuan shopping card . They are not feeling satisfied ? It is said that the presents they got value less than 200 yuan , and it is no use for them at all , because they don't cook by themselves . But how guilty to waste food ! Now , David , can I get you a drink ? What will you have ? Coffee , please . What about you , Mary ? Coke is fine.Thank you . Hey ! I have a surprise for you . What is it ? Open this card and read . A trip to China for summer vacation . Wow ! What a wonderful surprise ! Thank you . This is the best surprise I've ever had . Have you heard we'll have a pay rise ? Oh , it has nothing to do with me . It's a pity , but why ? I came here only a month ago . Shall we go for a drive today ? It feels like there's going to be rain later . Maybe you're right . We'll go tomorrow . How do you like this waltz ? It's very nice . I like it very much . Well , then , may I invite you for the first dance ? My pleasure . But I'm afraid I'm not much of a dancer , and I suppose you dance often . Me ? Oh , no . In fact , I only took up dancing quite recently . Oh , really ? But you're doing the waltz wonderfully well . I'm glad you say so . You dance beautifully too . It's lucky that I got you as a partner . Thank you for your compliments . It's just you are a good leader . Do you like the foxtrot and tango ? Yes . And what dances do you like best ? Disco is my favorite . I like it better than any other dances because it can release one's hidden feelings , and is a healthy exercise . But I don't do the rock and roll nor break-dancing . Oh , well , the music has stopped . Thank you for the dance . My pleasure . Are you sure it was him ? I used to date him . Of course it was him . You're a nurse at New York General Hospital ? Yes , on the cancer ward . And Taylor was there . He walked right by me and didn't even see me . Maybe he was just visiting someone . But you saw how skinny and pale he looks . He has " cancer patient " written all over his face . Jason , it's your turn . I hope I get an easy question like you did . You rolled a four . Let's see ... you landed on Foreign Films . Oh , great . That's just my luck ! I hate those arty movies . Well , too bad . So , what foreign film won an Oscar in 1993 ? Oh , please ! I have no idea . The answer is Belle Opaque . It's a Spanish movie , and the title means The Age of Beauty in English . I'm leaving now , mum . Take care , sonny ! I will.Bye - bye ! Bye ! You hoo , anybody here ? Over here , Betty ! Hi , Rock Sam ! Hey , I am surprised to see you doing so well . Haha . Don ’ t worry , Betty . So tell me , what ’ s the latest gossip ? Unless you want to keep it to yourself . No way . Alisan Darling just got hitched in Vagas . No kidding ! What happened to Ad ? Darling found out he was having a fling , and one new girl found out about Darling she dumped him too . Was , talk about a double whammy . Ya . And now I can break this to you . Fanny is moving . Oh , right . What a load off my mind . I really don ’ t like her . Well I have to go , Rock Sam . You take it easy , OK . Thanks for the visit , Betty . When do we get off the bus ? I think we have a while longer . I feel like we've been on this bus forever . That's true . Are you sure we weren't supposed to get off already ? I don't know . I thought you knew where we get off at . I wasn't really paying attention . I think we missed our stop . Seriously ? Yeah , we definitely missed our stop . That's the last time I get on a bus with you . My bad.sorry ! I'm afraid it's a bad news for you . There are some problems in your supervised goods . Oh , no ! How did this happen . Are you sure ? I overheard this information when I passed Arden's office . We got some complaints from consumers yesterday . I am terribly sorry for that . My God ! I actually checked them one by one . How could this be ? Calm down ! It is useless to act like that . Can we find some solutions ? What kind of solution can I have now ? I nearly go crazy now . But we still have to find one . Can we find Arden to check whether this is true or not ? It seems that I have nothing to do , except this . Face the reality . Maybe we can find the way to make up the loss . Then I'll have to borrow it . Sure you can . But I'm only gonna keep it for a month . Why ? It's in mint condition ! That's why I can profit from it ! You're going to re-sell it on eBay Taiwan ? You bet . eBay Taiwan doesn't have it ! And bidding will start at two thousand NT . This baby's worth about six thousand to real tennis fans ... I've created a monster ... you're a better bayer than me ! Hello , ABC Company . Can I help you ? Yes , of course . I am calling to apply for a job as an accountant . Can you name some courses you completed ? Sure . The main courses I took included commercial accounting , cost accounting , industrial accounting , electronic accounting , and so on . Am I allowed to check out at 14:00 ? Certainly . Will there be any late charge ? No.sir . If only you check out before 15:00 Thank you . There's going to be a highway here . That's better . The traffic problem will soon be eased . I think so . Excuse me , sir ? Yes ? I'm afraid you can't smoke here . Why not ? Can't you see the notes here ? I'm sorry . I can't . What does the note say . It says ' No smoking ' . Sorry , I'm very near sighted . Fred , have you made the plan for April 28th ? Yes , sir . Shall I explain the details of the plan now ? You go ! According to your schedule , you will visit the Times Company , including its office building , workshops and stores , in the morning from 8: 30 to 11 Is there anything after the meeting ? In that case , would you add one plan ? I want to visit our guest Mr . Ross after the meeting . Can you arrange it for me ? I would suggest roast beef , sir . All right , roast beef , please.And I'd like to start with soup . We have clear and cream soup at your choice.Which one do you prefer ? Clear soup , please . Good . There is the information desk . How do we get to seventieth street , please ? The northern line is what you want . How much is it ? It ’ s two yuan . Which way do we go for the northern line ? Just go through the number eight to ticket barrier over there . A train will be in directly . I appreciate it , thank you . That ’ s all right . How do I set up an email account ? Oh , that ’ s easy . Go to . Now , click on the link with the picture of an envelope . Which link ? That one , the one that says , “ Mail . ” Oh , no . What did I do ? It ’ s asking me for a password . Don ’ t worry . See where it says , “ New User ” ? Yes . Click on that . Oh , I see . Yeah , just fill out this form and choose a password . The computer will do the rest . Excuse me . But are you Mrs . Smith from America ? That's it . I am Maria Smith . You must be Zhang Lin from Tianjin Sports Facility Co.Ltd . Yes . Nice to meet you , Mrs Smith . Nice to meet you too , Mr . Zhang . Do you have any particular conditions that you would like our firm to take into consideration ? Yes . My house is far away from here . May I ask for an apartment ? No problem . We can offer you a flat with two bedrooms and a living room . That ’ s great . If you don ’ t mind my asking , does your company give bonuses ? You ’ ll get bonuses at the end of each year according to your achievements . Besides , we offer you 1 % commission on all your sales . Oh , just one more thing , could you give me some idea about holidays ? You can have Saturdays and Sundays off . In addition , you may have a paid month vacation every year . But when it is necessary , we do expect you to work overtime . Does it suit you ? No problem . If you are satisfied with the conditions here , please sign this contract and give it to me . OK . And how will you be paying for your room , Ms White ? By credit card . Both rooms on the same card ? Yes . Your card number please ? 4434 1234 5678 9902 . Double one , zero two ? No , double nine zero two . 4434 1234 5678 9902 ? That's right . And the expiry date ? Eleven , ... Could you repeat that please ? November this year . Thank you . I've booked two rooms for Ms White and Mr Webber from Wednesday the 25th to Saturday the 28th of September . Thank you . You're welcome . We'll see you on the 25th , Ms White . Thanks a lot . Goodbye . Goodbye . Hello , room service . Can I help you ? I ordered dinner about forty minutes ago . It hasn ’ t been delivery yet . We are sorry for the delay , ma ’ am . Could you hold the line , please ? I ’ ll check your order . Okay . Your order is ready . It ’ s on the way to your room . We ’ re very sorry to have you waiting , Ma ’ am . That ’ s okay . May I help you ? No , thank you . I'm just looking . Maybe later I might need your help . I hope you will ! Take your time . We have a lot more upstairs . Oh , you do ? You certainly have a large selection . Come here ! I can see the tall camphor trees from here . Yes , we can also see some yew trees . This is a great botanical garden in the city . Listen to the sound of nature ! It's like music . Yeah , I agree.It makes you feel really good . What are those . Miss Liu ? Do you mean the red flowers ? They are peony flowers ? The red and yellow peony flowers are so beautiful . Yes , you like them very much . right ? Sure . I'm going to take more pictures today . I can help you with it You are so kind . Thanks . Good evening , Mr . Frank . Bourbon on the rocks ? No . This time I'll try Chinese wine . What about Mao Tai , one of the most famous liquors in China ? It's good indeed . It never goes to the head . Do people here drink a lot of liquors ? Some do , some don't . Many people in the North are fond of liquors . I think it has something to do with the climate . Yes , it has . Some Mexicans are crazy . They drink a lot of liquors even on hot days . Have you ever heard of " Tequila Sauta " ? Yes , it's a very well-known kind of spirits in Mexico . People drink it with salt and lemon . Right . It's very strong , just like alcohol . ( Frank sips Mao Tai . ) Yes , besides Mao Tai , we have Wu Liang Ye , Fen Jim and so on . They say that Showing wine tastes quite good . What's it ? It's rice wine , a kind of still wine , somewhat like Japanese Sake . Showing is a city in China . I see . By the way , we also have some good red wine and white wine , such as Great Wall White Wine . Thank you for telling me so much , I'll try them next time . I'm always at your service . I would like to make a reservation for tomorrow . I'm sorry but we are fully booked . Well , how about 4th ? That's fine , but we have only a single room , is that OK ? Yes . Please help me reserve it . Hello , this is Francis from XYZ Company . I would like to discuss with you about a new project some time next week . Do you have time to meet ? Well , I am not sure . Lets me check my agenda Ok . I am free on Tuesday afternoon from 2 PM to 4 PM , is it convenient for you ? It is ok with me . So I will be arriving at your office around two fifteen PM . Yes , there is . See you then . A woman after my own heart ... OK , Mr . Coffee Connoisseur , so what's the next step in the coffee-making process ? Well , step two is grinding the coffee beans . I've roasted three different types of beans . Let me guess , Mocha , Mandheling , and Santos ! Yep , my own special blend ! You can tell by just smelling them ? No , I just read the names off the packages ... Ha ! Morning , Mom . I made a doctor's appointment for you . No , I'm fine . I don't need to see a doctor . Then I guess you're healthy enough to clean your room before school . OK . I'll go see the doctor . Bundle up . It's wet and rainy out there . Here's some soup . Chicken soup again ? Soup does the body good , sweetie . It's what you need when you're under the weather . Would you please make a skirt for me with this material please ? What kind of style do you want ? I like miniskirt . Now let me take your measurements . When can I get it ? Three days later . Thank you , see you then . Bye-bye . Hey , Jim . Wake up ! Do I have to get up now ? You'd better get up or you'll be late . What are you talking about ? The alarm hasn't even gone off yet . Yes , It has . It went off 30 minutes ago . I must have slept right through it . Rise and shine , sleepyhead . Just let me sleep five more minutes . May I have my bill , please ? That's $ 20 in all . Well , I am afraid you have made a mistake . Would you check it again , please ? Let me see . I am terribly sorry , sir . That should be $ 18 . It doesn't matter . Mm ... How do I get this ticket machine to work ? Well first put your money in . Ok , I ’ Ve done that . Then just press this button . Oh it ’ s printed the ticket already . Thank you very much . You ’ re welcome . So how long do you plan to live here ? We'd like to sign a year-long contract , if that's OK . Fine by me . Do you know how to read this kind of contract ? Yes . We've signed them before . We even brought our chops . Great . When in Rome , you guys know what to do . We'll sign our signatures , too . And give you our passport numbers along with our ARC numbers . That about does it . See you in a week . After probation , you'll find that our silk products feels more comfortable than others . How about this product selling from last month on ? It's selling like hot cakes , and we have lots of regulars now . Would you like to place a trial order ? Am . Well , can I have a try of the sample free of charge ? Yes , we have the free samples for customers . And you can have a try . Thank you . We'll order once we try the sample . Please wait a moment and fill out the order form . And we'll send you our sample . OK . Is this watch yours ? No , it isn't mine . I blundered upon it under the sofa . Do youknow whose watch it is ? Let me have a look . It's mine . I have been looking for it , but just cannot find it . It's present from my father . Well , here you are . Remember to put it in a proper place . What would you like for your main course ? Steak , please . How would you like your steak ? Rare , medium-rare or well-done ? Well-done , please . Shall we have some soup first ? No , thank you . I don't like soup . I'd rather have some fruit juice to start with . Ok , and what about the main course ? Which would you rather have fish or meat ? Meat , I think . Don't you like fish then ? I do , but I want meat . Shall we have some white wine then ? Yes , but I prefer red wine with meat . What would you like for dessert ? I just want to have a coffee , I think . Fine , and after dinner , shall we go to a disco ? No , thanks . I'd like to go straight home . I'm very tired . I'm calling to ask about your apartment you advertised . Yes , we've got great apartments with charming environment and nice scenery.And they are all newly renovated . That sounds fantastic ! But I am looking for something closer to downtown , as I spend most of my time at the office . No problem . We have a nice apartment located near the Oriental Square . It's perfect for people busy with office work . It is fully furnished with a service staff taking care of the trivial details . I'm sure they are wonderful , but I need an unfurnished apartment with relatively lower cost . Ah ! I get your point . We have just what you need . Our Jinyuan apartments have several floor plans . The one bedroom apartments are very economical , but their layout makes great use of a small amount of space . I think you can find a very apartment there . Great ! I'll arrange a viewing after work tomorrow afternoon . Could you tell me the detailed dress ? Of course . It's just at 19 Lingual Road . You can phone me again if you can't find the right place . OK . Thank you . Mom , I want to get a motorcycle . Is that all right with you ? You mean a murder cycle ? Did you know more cyclists die in accidents than motorists ? Mom ! I'll wear a helmet and I'll drive sane . I promise . I'll tell you what . You can get a motorcycle on one condition . What's that ? You spend two weeks with dad in his ambulance as an EMT trainee and volunteer at the emergency room for one month . And after that ? After that , we'll let you decide if you still want a murder , I mean motorcycle . Hello , John . How are you ? I'm fine , thanks . And you ? Very well , thanks . Nice to see you again . I haven't seen you for a long time . What have you been doing lately ? Oh , nothing much really . And how is everything with you ? Fine , thanks . I've been busy lately . What have you been doing ? I've been studying for my exams . My school exams will begin next month . Really ? Good luck for them . Thanks . And how are your parents ? They're both very well , thanks . Where are you going now ? I'm going to do some shopping . Why don't you come with me ? I can't . I have to meet someone . It's been nice talking to you . Good-bye . See you again sometime . Good morning . I'd like to check out right now . May I have your room number 。 Sir ? Room 103 . Just a minute , Sir.Are you Mr Wang from China ? Yes.Wang Bin . Mr Wang , did you sign any bill in the last two hours in our hotel ? No . Have you used any hotel services this morning ? No , I have not . Here is your bill.It totals 3250 dollars . All right . Can I pay with credit cards ? What kind of card ? American Express . Yes , we do . Here is your bill and receipt . Oh , my god . I am so heavy now . I gain 10 kilos . I am going to the gym . Do you want to come with me ? I think I should go . I really need to lose some weight . Then , I'll wait for you at the car park in 20 minutes . 0K.See you then . Do you have your member card with you ? Nope , I do not have a membership yet . Well I have a guest ticket . You can use it . That is so nice of you . If I like the service and the training equipment , I think I well join the club . Can you tell me the best way to see the city ? Sure , I advise the sightseeing buses . Travel by the buses ? That sounds interesting . Yes of course.You can see the whole city on the bus . It's cheap as well as efficient . Oh , there comes the bus . I'm so hungry . Shall we go eat now , Rick ? sure . Where do you want to go ? Are you in the mood for anything in particular ? how about some dumplings ? I just can't get enough of them . dumplings again ? ! Oh , Amy , let's try something new ! well , what do you have in mind ? how about the Mongolian hot pot ? oh , it's too spicy for me . Don't you remember last time when I tasted the lamb ? It was so spicy my eyes teared up ! maybe we can try Yuanyang pot this time . You can choose the non-spicy soup base . sounds great . Do they serve noodles ? I am in the mood for some tasty noodles as well . yes . The sliced noodles they offer are among the most authentic Shanti cuisines . great . Let's go ! wait a minute . Let me throw on a sweater . Good morning . Could I speak to Frans Smith please ? Frans Smith ? I think you may have the wrong number . Is this Taiwan 8234342 2 , DS engineering ? It is . But there is no Frans Smith here . Do you know which department he works in ? The accounts department , I think . The accounts department , no problem . I'm just putting you through now . What do you want to do in this company after five years ? I want to be in a higher managerial position in the field of international marketing . I ’ m very interested in the European market hopefully , in Brussels . Why do you think so ? It ’ s truly exciting to work in newly emerging unified market . Brussels will be center of the new market in the continent . What are you looking for in your next job ? My experience in my last job showed that I have the talent to motivate people . It could be seen from the low absentee rate in my team . I want to continue that kind of contribution and to further develop this potential . What is your career objective ? I want to apply my knowledge and experience to a challenging position and finally move on to management level . What do you consider important when looking for a job ? I think the most important thing is the nature of the job . One should never do anything one is not interested in . To me , pleasant working conditions with co-operative staff are also important . Hey ! Ask your mom for more old pictures , OK ? Can't it wait ? She's still angry that we sent e-mail wedding invitations . But we saved your parents so much money ... I know . And they're spending enough on the plane tickets to Texas ! Speaking of plane tickets , don't forget to check on the reservations ! OK . How much will it be all together ? $ 200 , please . Can I pay by check ? I'm afraid you can't , ma'am . We accept only traveler's checks and credit cards . OK . How about this card then ? We can take it . Just a moment ... Please sign here . Excuse me . My bag was stolen , will you help me ? When did it happen ? Just about half an hour ago . Tell me where it happened and how . Yes , it was just when I was walking in the park . I saw some children with a newspaper . That happens often these days . Well , please fill in this Report of Theft . I want to get in touch with the Chinese Embassy because my passport was in the stolen bag . I know in your resume that you have worked in your present company for 3 years , can you tell me why you want to leave your present job and join us ? Because the job I am doing in my present company is of no challenge , but I like challenge.Your firm is a young organisation with many innovative ideas . It has been very successful in an expanding market since its establishment 10 years ago . Working for you would be exactly the sort of challenge I am looking for . Why do you think you are qualified for this position ? I have excellent communication skills and I am familiar with the procedures for the last company I worked for . Besides , I am a team player and have great interpersonal skills . So , tell me about you new house . How is it different to your old one ? Well , first of all , it ’ s much bigger . It has the same number of rooms , but each room is larger . We also have a larger garden , which our dog loves , of course ! So , it ’ s a three-bedrooms detached house ? Yes . One bedroom is for my wife and I . there ’ s another for our daughter . My wife wants to use the third one as a guest room , but I ’ d like to make it into a study . Our daughter is also keen on making it a study , so that ’ s probably what will happen . What ’ s the kitchen like ? I know both you and your wife like to cook . That ’ s one of the main reason we chose that particular house . The kitchen and dining room are together . It ’ s really large . Are the rooms nice and bright ? Yes , they are . That ’ s very important to us . We like to live in a home with plenty of natural light . Each room has large windows . Do you have a balcony ? No , we don ’ t . We wish we had one . That ’ s the only thing we wanted , but don ’ t have . The area is very nice and the neighbours seem friendly . You ’ re right on the edge of the city , aren ’ t you ? There can ’ t be much noise or traffic there . Is it easy to get into city centre ? It ’ s a very quiet neighbourhood . There ’ s some traffic , but not much . It ’ s not very difficult to get to the city centre , but you must remember to turn left and right at the right places or you ’ ll get lost . So when are you going to drop by ? Come on , darling . We haven't got much time . All right . I'm nearly ready . What time does the bus leave ? Half past six ... and it's half past six already . Oh , we've got plenty of time . We haven't . Hurry up ! All right . Let's go . And about time too ! I'd like to remit 5000 dollars to my friend . Please show me your ID card and tell me the receiver's address . Room 20 , Suzie Building , Beijing Road , Shenzhen , China . Ok , that's all . Would it be all right if I went home next weekend ? For What ? Well , I want to surprise my brother showing up for his birthday . Well , that sounds like it would be OK . Just be careful . Which kinds of meat are most popular in your country ? We eat a lot of chicken , pork and beef . You eat those meat a lot in your country too , don ’ t you ? Yes , we do . We also eat a lot of lamb . yes . I ’ Ve heard that people in your country like to eat lamb chops . That ’ s right . They tastes so good ! We eat them with mint sauce . Have you every tried them ? Yes , I have . I tried them when I visited your country last year . I thought they were very tasty . Can you cook them ? I certainly can . If I can get some from the butcher ’ s , I ’ ll cook them for you . That sounds great . I'll bring a bottle of wine . Do you have any idea what time it is ? My bad . I didn't realize that it was so late . Do you really think that that excuses your tardiness ? Of course not . I really did lose track of time . Didn't I tell you to call when you're running late ? Yeah , you did . I just forgot to call . It doesn't matter , you should have called and let me know . That's true . My bad for not calling . If you do this again , don't even bother coming home . You're going to kick me out over this ? Exactly , maybe that'll teach you to respect my rules . Well , if I'm not living here anymore , then I won't have to listen to your rules . And so , that concludes my outline for our marketing strategy next year . Thank you very much for your time . Hey , that was quite the presentation ! Honestly , I was completely blown away by your strategy outline . I've gotta say , Alex , you really wowed me today . Aw , come on ; it was nothing . I'm just doing my job . No , I think you deserve some recognition here ; I mean , if I look back on your previous presentations , this is a huge improvement . Well , Kristin did give me a hand with the slides.She ' s a real wiz on PowerPoint . And I saw that you took on board my feedback about pricing strategies . I really appreciate you taking the time to think though my suggestions . Yeah , well , that was some good advice . You made some really good points . Well , I just wanted to say well done . Really you did a great job . As you know I ’ Ve been thinking about moving my career in a new direction . I am hoping that you will be able to provide me with a reference to help me jump-start my future . I realize that I ’ m not in a position to offer you the kind of promotion you deserve I'll gladly do what I can to help . Thank you . I ’ Ve really enjoyed my time here . I've grown both personally and professionally with this company . And , as well as being a pleasure to work with , you ’ Ve been instrumental in helping us complete many key projects . It will be hard to say good-bye . This office has become like a second home to me . My feelings are mixed on the issue too . By helping you I ’ m losing a valuable and trusted employee . However I think you are taking a step in the right direction . Well , Peter , you have to do better than that next time , won ’ t you ? Have I really got to do those exams again , Dad ? Of course , you have . You must try harder this time . And must I go back to school ? No , you needn ’ t do that . You ’ d better get a part-time job somewhere and go to evening classes . But Dad , I should be working full-time at my age . I ’ m nearly 17 . You ought to have worked harder then you wouldn ’ t have failed your exams . You have to take a job and study . What else I ’ Ve got to do ? Join the army ? Who knows ! That might come to later . How do you use an ATM card , billy ? It's easy grandpa . Insert you card into the machine here . Then wait a moment . Ok . Now you enter your PIN . It should have four numbers . Oh yes . I've got it written down here . Just a minute . You really shouldn ’ t write it down . You should memorize it . You can change it to a more convenient number if you like . Ok , I've entered my PIN . There are several options on the screen . I guess I just choose which service I want , don't I ? Yes . Choose the service you need to use . If you choose to withdraw money , the machine will ask you how much you want . I can just enter the amount using the keys , right ? That's right . Give the machine a moment to process you request . Then take your money . These machines aren't very difficult to use . In fact , I quite like them . They are much faster than dealing with a band clerk . How can I lose weight , doctor ? I seem to get fatter even when I just look at food ? Well , Jim . It is a combination of how much you eat , the type of food you eat , and when you eat your meals . I never eat breakfast though . That's a big mistake , you should always have a good breakfast . You will not run your car without fuel , and yet you expect your body to work without food . I never thought about it that way . I bet you eat a large evening meal , then sit and watch TV or read a book . Then instead of burning off your energy , your body stores it as fat . Oh doctor , I feel so foolish . Way to control is really using common sense when you plan your eating habits . I know doctor , thank you so much . Hello , this is Francis . Hi , this is Monica . I was wondering when we can work on this financial report . Today , I am busy all day long . Shall I see you on Friday morning ? That ’ s not good for me at all . It ’ ll have to be another time . We must find some time to read report . I know . I am available from 1 PM to 4 PM on Friday afternoon . That ’ s all right . Then see you on Friday afternoon . See you . Shall I take a photo of you ? Could you ? Thank you . You ’ re welcome . What brings you to China ? I ’ m actually here on business . I see and what do you do for a living ? I ’ m an IT salesman . That sounds like a good job . It ’ s very interesting actually . Ok , well enjoy the rest of your stay here . Thank you very much . Bye . What can I do for you ? I need some medicine . For whom ? My younger brother . He suffers from a bad cold . What symptoms does he have ? Fever and a bad cough . I got it . Don't worry , just a common cold . What kind of medicine does he need ? Patulin will do . How many pills for each time ? Six per day , and two after each meal . Thank you very much . My pleasure . Is this the class to prepare for interviews ? This is the right place . Please join us . I have an interview tomorrow , so I hope I can learn everything quickly . We are all going to have great interviews . What are some things that we need to remember in an interview ? I think that we should make sure that our looks are the best they can be . Right , and what about our friendliness and attitude ? Yes , and being friendly and having a good attitude also help me relax . Did you know that they pay as much attention to what you ask as to what you say in an interview ? No , I didn ’ t . What else should I keep in mind ? Just relax , listen carefully to the questions , and be honest in your responses . Has Mien sold his house yet ? Yes , he has . He sold it last week . Has he moved to his new house yet ? No , not yet . He's still here . He's going to move tomorrow . When ? Tomorrow morning ? No . Tomorrow afternoon . I'll miss him . He has always been a good neighbour . He's a very nice person . We will all miss him . When will the new people move into this house ? I think that they will move in the day after tomorrow . Will you see Mien today , Janey ? Yes , I will . Please give him my regards . Poor Mien ! He didn't want to leave this house . No , he didn't want to leave , but his wife did ! Being a diabetic , you're not allowed to eat certain foods . Am I allowed to eat spicy food ? I'm afraid not . Really , because spicy food is my favorite . Good evening , can I get you a drink ? Sure , I would like a Coke . Would you like to order anything off the appetizer menu ? Let's see , can I get some fried zucchini , please ? Would you like to order anything else ? No , that's it , thank you . No problem , call me when you're ready to place the rest of your order . I would like to order my food now . What did you want to order ? Can I get a cheeseburger and some fries ? Can I get you anything else ? That's all , thank you . This skirt is too tight . I would like to return it please . Do I need to go to the customer's service desk ? I can help you with that . Do you still have your receipt ? No , I receive this as a birthday present , but the price tag is still on the skirt though . Will that be OK ? Oh , yes , that will help me a lot . Do you have any more skirts in this style ? I would like to find a size larger . I'm sorry . I think we're out of this skirt in this color . Do you want me to call another one of our store to see if it's available there ? No , that's all right . I'll just look for something else . Well , your refund total is 50 dollars . Isn't it a nice day ? It really is . It seems that it may rain today . Hopefully it will . How come ? I like how clear the sky gets after it rains . I feel the same way . It smells so good after it rains . I especially love the night air when it rains . Really ? Why ? The stars look so much closer after it rains . I really want it to rain today . Yeah , so do I . Boy , come here ! Yes , sir ! What can I do for you ? Bring me a cup of coffee , please . Will you have it strong or weak ? I prefer strong . The car isn't running smoothly . I'd like to have a look at it . What's the matter with it ? I'm not sure . It could be the tires . Let's stop here . How about the tires ? Nothing serious . The right one needs some air . I can ’ t decide what to do today . Well . Let ’ s go swimming . Don ’ t you think it ’ s a bit cold for that ? Then why don ’ t we go for a walk in the hills . It ’ d be very good for us you know . Excuse me ! Are you Bart Simpson from Western Electronics ? Yes , I am . I am Steven . I am here to meet you . Thank you for meeting me at the airport , Steven . You must be tired after the long flight . Let me carry the bags for you . Thanks . Where is our car ? Our car is in the parking lot . We've booked a room for you . I will take you to the hotel soon . Let's go . OK . Let's go . Hello . May I help you ? Hi . Last month , our company , Turner Interiors of Beijing , ordered some documents under our new L / C . What I want to do is check and see if the documents have arrived yet . Let me find that on my screen ... yes , the L / C is right here . I'm sorry ; the documents don't seem to be here yet . Oh , dear . When do you think they will arrive ? It should be around 5 working days , but different cases take different times . Sorry I can't be more precise . Excuse me , where is the Beijing Railway Station ? You can take the subway to get there . How long will it take to get there ? It takes only ten minutes . May I take a bus or a taxi to get there ? You can take No . I bus or a taxi . Excuse me , sir . Where is the No . 1 bus stop ? Please turn right at the traffic lights . Thank you very much . Excuse me , sir . Can I help you ? I'd be glad to have your help . Could you make the air-conditioner cooler ? I'm sorry . We can not regulate the air-conditioner . As soon as the plane takes off we'll be able to get better ventilation , and the temperature here will drop . Let me get a wet towel for you at the moment . Good idea . Your wet towel , sir . Thank you . Could I have something cold to drink ? Yes . We have mineral water , orange juice , coke , which do you prefer ? Orange juice , please . Would you like some ice in your drink ? Yes . How much would you like ? One or two cubes will be OK . Here you are , sir . I'm awfully sorry to have bothered you . It's my pleasure . Please accept this tip . Did you make it to school today ? I always do . Did you go to school today ? No , I didn't . You should have , but have you seen any movies lately ? That was an odd change of subject . Maybe it was , but answer the question . No , not recently . I want to go to see a movie this weekend . What's stopping you then ? I don't want to go alone . So , will you be at school tomorrow ? No , I want to go to the movies instead . You have the right to remain silent . Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law . You have the right to have an attorney present during questioning . If you cannot afford an attorney , one will be appointed for you.Do you understand ? Yes . What's your name ? My name is James . What's your nationality ? American . What's your relationship with the victim ? I don't know him . Why did you attack the victim ? Because he beat me first when I tried to stop him from grabbing my bag and running away . How many times did you stab the victim ? I stabbed his belly three times . Did you know hat your actions might cause serous injuries or death ? I knew , but I couldn't myself . Was it your intention to kill the victim ? No . I didn't kill him on purpose , madam . It's him who caused the incident . I need to see my attorney . OK.Give me his number and we'll contact him . Well , Peter . I'm sorry you're ill . What's the matter with you ? I don't know , Doctor . I'm ill . I have a headache and a stomachache . Show me your torgue.What did you eat yesterday ? Well , Doctor , I . . . Did you eat any cake ? Yes , I ate some cake . Did you eat any ice cream ? Well , yes , I did . I ate some ice cream . Did you eat any candy ? Well , yes , I did . I ate some candy . Young man , tell me everything you ate yesterday evening . weki , Doctor . I went to a birthday party . I see ! How many pieces of cake did you eat ? Three , Doctor . How many plates of ice ream did you eat , young man ? Gosh , Doctor . I had only three plates of ice cream.John had four . Excuse me . Can I ask you a question ? Sure . What is it ? I don't know how to say it in English . We call this a ' parking meter ' . Oh , Thank you . But how do you spell it ? P-a-r-k-i-n-g m-e-t-e-r . Excuse me . Yes ? How do I get to the Olympic Stadium , please ? It ’ s not far . Go straight on then turn right at the end of the road . Thanks . You ’ re welcome . Have you ever thought about your ideal home ? I have , actually ; I ’ Ve always wanted to build my dream home myself . What would it be like ? Well , it would be spacious and located next to a park , because a nice view is important to me . How many rooms would it have ? I ’ d want it to have three bedrooms on a second floor with balconies on each , and one main bedroom on the main floor with an attached en suite . I ’ d also want a large living room and kitchen connected to each other so that there would be one large open space for people to spend time with each other . How many bathrooms would your dream home have ? I ’ d have one guest bathroom in the basement , one attached to the main bedroom , and one upstairs , so a total of three . How would you decorate your house ? I don ’ t like a lot of clutter , so I wouldn ’ t have lots of things out . I would have a few vases on the mantel piece and some pictures of my family on the walls , but other than that , most things would be kept in closets . How many TVs would your dream home have ? I think TV is a great waste of time , so I would only have one small TV in the kitchen to watch the news in the morning . We have a variety of trousers . Which one do you like best ? I want to buy one to match my shirt.Can you give me some advice ? What about this one ? Yes , they seem to be my size and go with my shirt quite well . I will take it . Where is the bus ? I think it's running late . It should've been here 30 minutes ago . It should be coming soon . It better , because I'm already late for work . I can't stand riding the bus . Me too , it's so unreliable . That is true . It's also horrible having to be at a bus stop in any kind of weather . Exactly.That ' s the worst part . I think it's time we started driving . Yes , I agree . I don ’ t know what activity my son should take part in ? Many children are learning drawing , dancing , swimming and so on in their spare time . You can follow suit . But each children has his own interest . Well , you should talk with your son and let him make his own decision . Hello , this is Lin Tao . I am calling to inquire about my interview result last week . Hi , I am sorry to say that your experience doesn't fit the job at all . Sorry to hear that , but could you inform me why I failed ? I have to say your education and experience are very outstanding , but it seems that you are not good at working in a team which we attach great importance to . What is your major ? My major is Business Administration , I am especially interested in Marketing . Which university are you attending ? I attended Suzhou University . Have you received any degrees ? Yes . I received my Bachelor degree in Business Administration . What course did you like best ? Project Management . I was very interested in this course when I was a student . And I think it's very useful for my present work . Do you feel that you have received a good general training ? Yes , I have studied in an English training program and a computer training program since I graduated from university . I am currently studying Finance at a training school . English and computer skills are comparatively important to this post , especially in the starting period . Wharfs your ability in these two fields ? I passed college English Test Band - 4 , with good skill in listening , speaking , reading and writing . I haven't got any certificate of computer skills , because I don ’ t think certificates are necessary if what's needed is merely operating a computer . I think , to know how to use a computer is more important . And I'm quite familiar with Microsoft Office Excuse me , what's the price of a single room ? That's $ 50 for a single night . Are meals included ? Yes , of course . Can I make a reservation for you ? Fine , I want to book one for overnight . When can you get the finished product to me ? We should have it put together by the end of next week . Great ! That'll be ahead of schedule ! Good work . Well , as the saying goes – we aim to please ! I like double-breasted garment with no belt.Could you show me some ? Here you are.Which size do you wear ? Medium.May I try it on ? Of course.You look terrific in it ! Hello ? Hello ? Can I speak to Li Hong , please ? Speaking . Hi , Li Hong.This is Alice . Hi , Alice.How are you ? Not bad.Li Hong , I am sorry that I can ’ t go to see Mrs.Brown with you tomorrow morning.My mother is ill . I must take care of her . I ’ m sorry to hear that.You ’ d better stay at home.After all , we can visit Mrs.Brown later OK.Bye - bye . Bye . Excuse me , is this the office of the Textile Corporation ? Yes , What can I do for you ? I'm from CTC Trade Company . Here is my card . Welcome to our corporation . I'm in charge of the export business . I'm glad to meet you here . You're Ms . ... I'm In Hui . Do sit down , won't you ? Thank you , Ms . In . I'm here to discuss the possibility of establishing business relations with your corporation . We'd be very glad to do so . Have you seen the exhibits displayed in the hall ? Yes , I had a look around yesterday . I wish I could have them all . Can you give me a price list with specifications ? Yes , of course . If you make an inquiry , we can make you a firm offer . Thank you very much . Please show me that hat , please . This one ? No , the one next to it . The mirror is behind you , sir . Is this a furry hat ? No , sir . It's a genuine bonnet . Are you sure ? Yes , sir . Anna , Would you like to dance ? I ’ d love to , but I ’ m a terrible dancer . I ’ m afraid I may step on your toes . Don ’ t worry about it . I ’ ll show you how . It ’ s a piece of cake . Thank you . I ’ ll try my best . Mary ! I haven ’ t seen you since our dinner with Mr . Lee last week . Where have you been hiding yourself lately ? Oh , hi Mike . I ’ Ve been out of town the last few days . What did you need ? Really , nothing big . I just heard about your ideas on employee motivation and I wanted chat with you about a few things going on in my department . Well , feel free to drop by my office any time . The door ’ s always open . Actually , I was hoping to mix business with pleasure . Would you be interested in joining me for dinner some time this week ? I thought we might try out the new Italian restaurant everyone ’ s been Sure , Mike , I ’ d love to . Is this evening too soon ? No , that ’ s perfect . We can leave directly from here . Hi , Lucy , you are very popular with people around you , what are your tricks ? Thank you for saying so . I don ’ t know , probably because I like sharing my experience and knowledge with them . I think this kind of communication helps to improve our work efficiency and also helps to get along with colleagues . Sharing knowledge can be very settled and some second stances . People may think you are telling them how to do their work . If they take it personally , they feel angry at you and even become reluctant to support you at work . That is true . Some people will misunderstand your intention and lets you do it in the long threatening way . For example , it is not sensible at all to arguing with the others or correcting someone in front of other people . To show your friendliness and willingness to share is much more important than to show off . You are quite right . Thank you for sharing your experience with me . I learned a lot . You ’ re welcome . Is there anything I can do for you ? I want to have a trip to Sydney . Sure . How long is your vacation ? 3 weeks Well , how do you like this one ? You will stay there for 17 days . It's good . By the way , what kind of clothes do I have to bring with me ? It's summer in Sydney so you have to bring your summer wear . The new computer software is driving me crazy ! I really need a break ! I know what you mean , Carol . I ’ Ve had nothing but trouble with it . They say it ’ s supposed to be easy ! That ’ s what I ’ Ve heard . But as far as I ’ m concerned , it takes a genius to figure it out . Can you pass the sugar , please ? Sure . Why don ’ t you sit down for a minute ? You haven ’ t taken a rest all morning . Hi , I am afraid that the fax machine in my room won ’ t be working till tomorrow . A technician has just come and checked it . He will bring me a new one tomorrow . It seems there is a big problem with mine and it will take some days for repairing . Can I use the one in your office ? Of course you can . I am sure this one works very well . I just sent dozens of pages . How many pages are you sending ? Are you familiar with my fax machine ? Yes , I think you have the same model as I have . Does your fax machine print out immediately a transmission protocol ? Yes , it will print immediately . I'm looking for a white purse as a gift . Could you show what you have in stock ? You are in luck . We just receive a shipment of several different styles of white purses . They must be popular again this season . Yes , I believe they are . Here are something that might interest you . Wow . this is nice . I'll take this one . I guess if she doesn't like it she can return it , right ? Sure . Let me ring this up for you at the register . If you would like , this can be gift-wrapped for free . Just take it to the customer service department . Do you mind if I get a lift in your car , please ? I don ’ t see any problem ; only the car is a bit old . Oh you ’ re so kind ! Get in . Hello , I'd like to subscribe to a magazine . What magazine do you want to subscribe for ? Fitness Consultant . OK , Fitness Consultant . How many subscriptions do you want ? Only one , please . How long do you want the subscription for ? For six months , please . Your name , please ? Shirley , that's my wife's name . I subscribe to this magazine for her . I see . Please put your address here then . OK . How much is the subscription ? 650 Yuan . 650 Yuan ! You must be kidding ! I can subscribe for evening newspapers for ten years with that much ! Oh . It looks like Jack is going to make his annual speech . Couldn't he wait until we're finished eating ? Yeah . I'm still hungry , but I guess it's kind of rude to keep eating while he's talking , huh ? Can you even hear what he's saying ? No . He's so far away I can hardly see him ! Let's keep eating ! Can you turn the lazy Susan for me ? I want some more chicken . All that's left is a leg . I gave the head to Tim ! Will they send me a form telling me that I have been granted unemployment ? A Notice of Unemployment Insurance Award letter will be sent to you . What information will be in that letter ? The Award Letter will inform you as to how much you will receive . What other forms will I need to turn in ? Every two weeks you will receive a Continued Claim Form that you must turn in . What will they be asking me on that form ? You must show that you were available and that you looked for work . What else will they ask me ? One of the questions they ask you is if you were well enough to work . Mr . Smith , I have been doing some industry research and was shocked to learn that the average salary for a position that is similar to mine pays on average $ 2,000 more per year than I am c What are you basing this information on ? First and secondary research . I hope that you can address this concern immediately as i find it very disturbing . Yes , I will.We are very happy with your performance and want to continue our woodworking relationship . I wish the same . As such , I hope you will seriously consider a pay increase . Let me take this up with the Director and get back to you immediately . What can I do for you ? Yes . There is something wrong with my watch . It stopped several hours ago . Let me have a look . Oh , the watch ’ s battery is worn down . How much is a battery ? $ 50 . How long will it last ? About 2 years . Here is the money . when are you going to give me those brochures ? What ’ s the rush ? You ’ re not leaving for another week . I know , but I want to make reservations this week . Okay . I ’ ll bring them in tomorrow for sure . Julia , I would like to have a word with you . Have a seat . Thank you . According to your performance , I decided to give you a salary increase . From next month , there will be a 2,000 yuan raise to your salary . Although your first raise might not sound considerable , the company believes that with your ability , sooner or later you'll get a better raise . Thank you very much . Mr . George . As a newcomer , I understand that you have your consideration and I am satisfied with the raise . I think you deserved this . Thank you again . I'll keep doing my best . Albert and I need a lot of things to furnish our house.But I don't know where the best place to shop is . Can you give me some advice ? Sure , Carolyn . I'm happy to help you.What kinds of things do you need right now ? Well , we have most of the furniture already.We mostly need kitchen utensils , bathroom accessories , cleaning and laundry accessories--things like that.And Albert wants to set up a little off Well , as for Albert , he should go to an office supply store.There ' s a very good one called Office Depot . They have everything he will need.And their prices are good too . It's very convey Can I write that down ? Sure , it's spelled Office and then D - E - P - O - T.It ' s in the Yellow Pages . Thanks . And as for the kitchen things , do you want very high quality ? What do you mean ? I mean , do you want the best quality , or do you want good prices ? Probably good prices . You know we will only be in America for about a year . Then I suggest you go to K-Mart or Wal-Mart . What are those stores ? They are very large , discount department stores.That means their prices are very good.And you can find everything you need for the kitchen or bathroom . Even silverware ? Yes , everything.They don't have the most expensive brands , but their quality is usually decent.The main thing is , they have good prices , and they are very convenient . I have a friend that said something about a place called Price Club.Do you know about that ? I have never shopped there , but I think Price Club is a kind of membership store . What does that mean ? That means you have to pay a membership fee to shop there . I have heard they have very good prices on electronics . Electronics ? Yes . Like stereos and televisions . How much is the membership fee ? I'm not sure.But if you are only going to stay a year , I don't think Price Club is good to join.They have great deals occasionally.They are very good for people who like to buy new things all I see . Thanks for these tips . We really need to buy a lot of little things . I know how it is . Moving is very troublesome . it ’ s such a nice day outside . Let ’ s take a walk into town and do some window-shopping . you know I hate shopping more than anything else in this world . I know . But we could get some exercise in , and we could get some errands run , too . Window-shopping won ’ t cost you anything . what kind of errands do we need to run ? well , we could go to the newsagent ’ s to pick up the Sunday paper , go to the butcher ’ s to pick up a chicken for a roast dinner , and to the chemist ’ s to pick up your prescription from the doctor . I ’ ll only go if we can stop at the office-license to pick up something to drink for tonight . fine , we ’ ll do that on the way home , so we don ’ t have to carry it the whole time . sounds good . You have to promise not go into any of the stores in the mall though . I know how you like to try things on in the fitting rooms , especially if the stores have special offers . I promise . We ’ re only going for a walk to get some exercise and to get some things done that we haven ’ t had time for . ok , let ’ s go then ! do you have any money ? for what ? for our errands , and maybe a little extra for something from a vendor on the street . you said you were only going to window shop ! I agreed to not go into the mall , but I can still look at things in the market ! I should have known ... Is there a daily passenger ship to Dalian ? Yes . How many days does it take to Dalian ? About one day . It arrives in Dalian at 10:00 a . m . tomorrow . How many ports do we call at on our passage to Qingdao ? Four ports . The ship is going very fast . Perhaps she makes about 25 knots an hour . The sea is calm and peaceful . A sea trip is always enjoyable in fine weather like this . Yes . I hope it will remain fine all the way . Dad , can I have a pet ? I did what you said and passed all of my exams . Then I guess you get to have a pet . Do you know what you want ? I want a dog . My friend Mindy's dog just had puppies and she said I can have one . You know who will be responsible for feeding and cleaning and all of that stuff ? I know , I know . I will do it all by myself . Have you figured out the costs involved with feeding and caring for it ? Yes . It will cost me about $ 50 a month . And I make a little more than that already . Sounds like you've done your homework . I think you're ready for this . This place is great . I'm surprised there are so many things here . Yes , but it takes a while to find things . It's not organized as carefully as a regular store . What's the difference between an outlet and a regular store ? Usually a clothes company will send their overstock to an outlet . The prices are very low . But you may find faulty products here too . Faulty products ? Yes . Sometimes the fault is very small ; if you have a needle and thread , you can fix it yourself . So it's a good deal to buy it . Oh , that's easy for me . I think it's really a good deal . Yes . You can save a lot of money in this way . That's great for me . Look , children's clothes ! I'd like to buy some winter clothes for my son and daughter . Why not buy the sweater ? It only costs 30 Yuan . Yes , I'll take it . Are there any jeans ? Xiaohui's jeans are always dirty . I also need four pairs of slippers . How many do you want to buy ? I ought to make the most of it while I'm here , don't you think ? You're right . What is your great struck ? I think I ’ m very good at planning . I manage my time perfectly , so that I can always get things done on time . Why do you think you be a good fit or this job ? Because I ’ m very competent in this area . Can you working under pressure ? Yes , I work well under pressure and find it dimly . However , I believe planning and probable management of my time can reduce tight deadlines . Are you more a follower or a leader ? I don ’ t try to go ahead of people and lead them , I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody else and get the job done by working together . Ouch , it ’ s unbearable . Please keep calm . I know the pain isn ’ t what flesh and blood can stand . But be brave . All right , doctor . But it really hurts . Have you obtained any certificate of technical qualifications or license ? Yes , I have received an Engineers Qualification Certificate and a drivers license . How many years have you had the drivers license ? I have two years driving experience . That ’ s good . What special skills do you have , can you tell me ? I have experience in computer operation , proficiency in Microsoft Windows , Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel . What computer languages have you learned ? Visual C + + , C and Delphi . Have you gotten any special training in programming ? No , but I have database programming experience and network knowledge . Hi , how are you doing ? I'm fine . How about yourself ? I'm pretty good . Thanks for asking . No problem . So how have you been ? I've been great . What about you ? I've been good . I'm in school right now . What school do you go to ? I go to PCC . Do you like it there ? It's okay . It's a really big campus . Good luck with school . Thank you very much . How many languages can you speak ? Besides Chinese , I can speak English and French . You mean you can read and write both of them ? No , I can only carry on a simple conversation in French . Can you read and write English well ? I can speak the language better than I read and write . Do you speak the language well enough to communicate with people of English-speaking countries ? I think so . I used to be an interpreter . Do you think your English is good enough to do desk work ? The amount of English I know enables me to do general desk work . I believe what I know is sufficient to work in an American firm . So , Lauren , I just wanted to talk to you quickly about our new customer support representative , Jason Huntley . Sure , what ’ s up ? Basically , I ’ Ve got a few concerns about him , and the bottom line is , I don ’ t think he ’ s a good fit for our company . Okay ... what makes you say that ? I thought you were pleased with his overall performance . Didn ’ t you just tell me last week how impressed you were with his attitude ? Yeah , his attitude is great , but he ’ s really unreliable . Sometimes he ’ s really productive , but then other times ... take last Tuesday for instance , he was forty-five minutes late for our morning meeting ! Well , I ’ m sure he had a perfectly good reason ... But that ’ s not the only thing ... you know , he really doesn ’ t have the best work ethic , I ’ m constantly catching him on MSN and Facebook when he should be talking to clients . Yeah , but come on , Geoff , as if you don ’ t check Facebook at work . Look , you hired this guy , we ’ Ve invested a lot of time and money in his training , so now it ’ s up to you to coach him . Make it work , Geoff ! Hello , reservation desk . How can I help you ? I ’ d like to book a room . What kind of room would you like , Ma ’ am ? We got single rooms , double rooms , standard rooms , suites and deluxe suites . What ’ s the rate for a standard room ? $ 79 a night . I ’ d like a standard room . What date would you check in , Ma ’ am ? December 23rd , please . How long do you plan to stay ? 4 days . Could you give me your name and phone number ? Nancy Brown . My phone number ’ s 709 678 5634 . Nancy Brown 。 Thanks . What time will you arrive ? Around 3pm . Very good . Your reservation confirmation number is NB13579 . Thank you for booking in our hotel . Can I help you with anything else today ? No , that ’ s it . Thank you very much . Tyler residence . Is this Naomi ? No , this is her sister , Nancy . You sure sound like Naomi . Oh . Can I take a message ? Sure . Please tell her that Andy called . Okay . I'll give her the message . Thanks . Bye . Hello , I've got a letter here that I'd like to post . Yes , where's it to , madam ? Well , the letter is going to a friend of mine in America and it's quite urgent . It really needs to be posted today , so here you are . You want to send it airmail , madam ? I do want to send it airmail , yes . Excuse me . I've been waiting here for 15 mins . Do you know how often does No . 3 run ? Oh , it runs every 20 mins . You must have missed it , when you came here . It should be here any minute now . It seems that you have got here at a good time . Do you have a bus schedule ? Yes , I do . You can go to the Transport Department to get yourself a bus schedule and a bus route map . I see , thank you . Excuse me . Where can I buy some cigarettes ? There is a shop on the ground floor . It sells both Chinese and foreign cigarettes . Can I also get some souvenirs there ? Yes , sir . There is a counter selling all kinds of souvenirs By the way , where is the men's room ? There is one at the end of the corridor . Thank you . You are welcome . Well , that's all for the interview . Thank you for your interest in this job . You are welcome . Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to interview me . May I call you about our final decision ? Yes , please . My telephone number is 2974-5328 , and you can call me at any time in the daytime . We will get in touch with you by the end of next week . Great . I will look forward to hearing from you . And do I need the second interview ? We'll notify you if necessary . Goodbye . Goodbye . Would you like to go sightseeing tomorrow ? Not a bad idea ! What would you like to see in Beijing ? Well , let me see . I'd like to go to the Great Wall , the Summer Palace , the Forbidden City and the Temple of Heaven . OK . I'll pick you up here tomorrow . You ’ re home late today , David . How was school ? Not bad . There ’ s a new English teacher . Oh , what ’ s she like ? She is beautiful . Is she old or young ? She is quite young and her hair is blond . Is she strict ? Not really . Her eyes are blue . Can she speak Chinese ? Not much . She is very tall and slim . David , stop dreaming . It ’ s time to do your homework . Can I take this bus to city center ? Can you tell me the exact place ? The Empire Hotel . Yes . But this one is full , you have to wait for the next one . Well . I think I will wait . Good afternoon , madam . May I help you ? Do you have some new perfume ? I am sorry , madam . I didn't hear you . It's too noisy here . Could you please say it again ? Well , I wanna buy some new perfume . Would you please wait a minute ? I will get one for you at once . That's all right . Here you are . Can I open it ? Yes , certainly , madam . It smells sweet . Yes , it is . This perfume just arrived yesterday , and it's the latest products of Chanel . Really ? How much is it ? 55 dollars , madam . Ok , I will take two bottles . Thank you . Do you need something else ? No , thanks . Excuse me . Could you tell me how to get to the post office ? Of course . Turn right at the next intersection and go straight . The post office will be on your left ( side ) . Will you look at this form ? Are you having problems with it ? I don't understand some things . Let me help you . What does MI mean ? MI stands for Middle Initial . What does MM / DD / YY mean ? That means Month / Day / Year . Use numbers . I don't understand . For example , if your birth date is January 12 , 1987 , write 01/12 /8 7 . Oh . That's simple enough . Always print clearly , and fill in the bubbles completely . How much is the video camera ? $ 250 . It's Sony made in Japan . It is cute . I will take it . Please make out the receipt . OK , sir . Here you are . There is a one-year warranty . Is breakfast served here ? Yes.That ' s from 6:30 to 9:00 in the dinning room . Do I have to pay extra money for it ? No , it's already included in your room fare . Thank you . Good afternoon , sir . Would you like a tea ? I'd rather have a cup of coffee . Of course sir , would you like milk and sugar with that ? Yes , please . Milk and two sugar . Mom , I hate eating vegetables ! You don ’ t have to eat them . I don ’ t mind . Thanks , Mom.Can I have dessert now ? I love chocolate cake . No dessert for you unless you eat all of your vegetables . But I don ’ t like them.It ’ s not fair . You can have some fruits for dessert.If you eat an apple and a banana , I might let you have a small piece of chocolate cake . Ok , actually I don ’ t mind eating peas and carrots.But I hate broccoli and cauliflower . I'll remember that for next time.You ’ ll get extra peas and carrots , but no broccoli or cauliflower , ok ? Thanks , Mom ! We're sorry , but we cannot allow your claim . Why not ? The material was not damaged by us . We'll have to talk this over some more . Hello , can I help you ? Yes , please . I'd like to make a reservation from Hong Kong to Tampa with a stopover in Houston . When to leave ? I would like to leave Hong Kong September the first and leave Houston for Tampa on September the 12th . Ok . Can I have your name , please ? Lily Smith . And your telephone number ? Hong Kong side 3854295 . OK . Right then . Thank you . Why do you stop me ? You have gone against the traffic rules . I'm sorry . Do you know this is a Onaway street ? I don't know . You have to pay a fine . Good evening , ma'am . May I help you ? Yes . I'd like to use a safety deposit box . Will the object fit into this size of box ? Let me see . I think it's OK . Could you fill out this form , please , ma'am ? Here you are . Thank you , ma'am . Would you like to use it until May 20th ? Yes . This way , please . Your box number is 522 . Thank you . If you would like to use the contents during the period of use , please come here in person . After confirming your signature , we will open the box . I see . Thank you . Where are you going ? I have to go to work . Going to work where ? I ’ m working at the polling place . I didn ’ t know you were working there this year . I work at the polling place every year . How did you get that job ? I signed up for it online . That ’ s really cool . It ’ s a very cool job . Do they pay you a lot ? They pay well enough . I'd like to check in , PLS . Awfully sorry , sir . There are no rooms available now . But I ’ Ve reserved a room the day before yesterday . Sorry , may I have your name ? Tony Bush . Pls wait a minute , let me check . Excuse me , but I can't seem to find your name on our list . Are you sure you have a reservation for tonight ? Of course , I did it myself . I am terribly sorry . There must have been some mistakes . Let me check it again . Oh , yes , there is a name listed as Tommy Bush . It must be the fault of the clerk who registered your name . I apologize . Don't worry about that . According to the records , your reservation is for a single room with shower and air conditioners for two nights . The room rate will be 110 dollars per night , including 10 % tax and 4 % service charge . Is this right ? Yes , that's right . I'd like to pay my bill by credit card . May I make a copy of your card ? Here you are . Ok , now could you fill out this registration form ? All right . Your room number is 707 . Here is your key . The bellhop will help you carry the suitcases to your room . Have a nice evening ! How do you do ? I need your help in selecting a foreign market to invest ! Fine . I have your letter and I've made some notes . How can I find out what countries to invest ? We have quite a lot of import and export information and can give you figures on population , consumption , production , and foreign exchange reserves . Great . I want to get an idea for the purchasing ability in various countries . But you're also going to have to give some attention to trade restrictions . You can get much information about environment of investment . Let's see if we can reach some sort of agreement over your curfew . Okay . Everyone else's parents let them stay out until two or three in the morning . Well . I'm not everyone else's father . I think you need to be in the house by ten o'clock . That's absurd . I know some junior high kids who can stay out later than that . I'll be worried if you stay out late . Okay , how about a midnight curfew ? And I'll let you know where I am . Darling , can't you stay for a few more days ? I can't . I've got to attend a meeting in London . I'm really going to miss you.Take care of yourself . I will . Excuse me . Do you happen to have a gym here ? Yes , sir . I think you'll find our gym quite satisfactory . So , where do I go to exercise ? It's only one flight down , sir . Just take the elevator or the stairs . Am I going to be charged extra for using the gym ? Sir , you can use the gym for free . All you need is your room key . Great ! Now tell me , what are the hours of this gym ? Sir , our gym is open around the clock , every day of the week . Okay . Do you have a trainer to help me work out ? I'm sorry , sir , but we have no trainer . Ten sheets of rice paper , 25 brushes , two boxes of oil color and two boxes of water color . All these come up to $ 35.50 , sir . Ok , here is $ 50 . Oh , can you make out an invoice for me ? Sure , just a minute . Are you an artist , sir ? No , I am a teacher . I teach art . That must be a very interesting job . It is . You must be new here . I do my shopping here regularly , once a week . Do you ? Nice to meet you ! And here is the invoice and your change . Thank you . Nice to meet you , too . Excuse me . Is this the right way to the museum ? I'm afraid you're going in the opposite direction . Go back the way you came , and take the second turn on the left . The museum is straight ahead , right in front of you . Will it take me long to get there ? Well , it's about fifteen minutes ' walk . Which bus goes there ? You may take a No . 34 bus . And the subway can also take you there . Thank you very much . My pleasure . What kind of food do you like ? I like Chinese food . But your American ? We have a lot of Chinese restaurants in America . I've typed the report . Well done . And I've filed the letters . Excellent job . And I've checked the orders . I'm very impressed . And I've ordered the supplies . Congratulations . You should be very proud of yourself . Are you sure that this bus will take us to Santa Anita mall ? Yes , it will . You know that for a fact ? Yeah , I take this bus all the time . Is it a very long bus ride ? It's about thirty minutes long . Do you know where we get off at ? There's a bus stop right behind Macy's . Really , there's a bus stop right by the mall ? There's a bus stop in the mall parking lot . That's convenient . Absolutely . Hi , Jone , how are you ? Terrible . What's wrong ? Someone robbed my apartment last week . The robber took $ 550 . Oh , no ! Did you call the police ? No . Why not ? My English isn't very good . I didn't know what to say to them . I'm going to give you some advice , Jone.If this happens again , you should call the police immediately . You should try to remember everything . You should explain everything to the police . This is our main service area . We do all the routine services here and have two full-time mechanics . How often do you service the vans ? They're serviced regularly . We give them a basic service every 10,000 km or so and a main service once a year , or every 100,000 km . I see . What does the service involve ? Well , the same as for private vehicles really , but we do it more often because they get a lot of wear and tear . Can you carry out major repairs here ? Yes , we've got all the necessary equipment . We can give the engines a major overhaul . If there's a serious problem , we strip down the engine and find the faulty component . Would you like to look around ? Do you know which stop we get off at ? We still have more to go , I think . We've been on this bus for a while now . You're right . Should we have gotten off the bus already ? I don't think so . I thought you knew . Maybe we did miss our stop . Really ? I'm positive that we missed our stop . I'm never catching the bus with you again . My mistake . Well , Peter , you have to do better than that next time , won't you ? Have I really got to do those exams again , Dad ? Of course , you have . You must try harder this time . And must I go back to school ? No , you needn't do that . You'd better get a part-time job somewhere and go to evening classes . But Dad , I should be working full-time at my age . I'm nearly 17 . You ought to have worked harder then you wouldn't have failed your exams . You have to take a job and study . What else I've got to do ? Join the army ? Who knows ! That might come to later . Could I order dinner ? Of course . What would you like ? I want a bottle of champagne , lobster tail , and filet mignon , medium rare . I'm so sorry . We ran out of filet mignon . May I suggest the porterhouse instead ? That's too bad , but the porterhouse will be okay . May I be so bold as to suggest chocolate-covered strawberries with the champagne ? Not tonight , thank you . No strawberries . We'll charge your amenities account , if that's okay . Charge it to whatever account you like . Your meal will be delivered as soon as it's all ready . Enjoy ! So what did you get ? It's all in the bag . What's this ? Essential oil ? Wow ! This stuff is expensive . I need that to relax . I'm going to put a few drops in my bath water . How is oil supposed to make you relax ? They all have essence of flowers in them . Mmmm . They smell nice . I was wondering if this is where the Resume Writing Workshop is being held . You are in the right place . Please come on in ! It ’ s been a long time since I ’ Ve had to look for work and put a resume together . It ’ s going to come together just fine . Trust me ! Where do we begin ? We start at the top with our name and contact information . Make sure the information is current . Then what do we do ? Put your job experience first , if that is more impressive than your education . What about listing my interests and affiliations next ? Yes , that would make a good ending for your resume . What ’ s the matter , dear ? Something awful happened . We went to the Portobello Road , and someone stole my handbag . Oh , dear . Did you lose a lot of money ? No . Only a few pounds . But my passport was in the bag . That ’ what I ’ m really worry about . You must tell the embassy about it . And I think they ’ ll issue you with a new one . I ’ d better go tomorrow . No . But you mustn ’ t leave it too long . Did you report it the police ? No . I couldn ’ t find a policeman . Well . You must report that it ’ s been stolen . And give the police description of your bag . You ’ d better go to the local police station tomorrow morning . Yes . I ’ ll do it tomorrow . And Lisa . Yes ? Don't be too upset . It ’ s not the end of the world . Hello ! Do you have a place where I can exercise ? Yes , sir . We have a fine exercise facility . I'm happy to hear that . Now , would you tell me where it is ? You're actually standing above it . Just take the elevator or stairs down one level . Is the hotel going to charge me a dollar a minute for gym use ? No , sir . There's no extra charge . All you need is your room key to open the door . And the gym hours are ? Sir , you'll be pleased to know that our gym never closes . One more question , Do you have a trainer ? We might be getting one in the near future . But at the present time , no . Daddy , how are you going to spend your weekends ? I need to finish my research paper . Could you go with me to climb Kiang Shan ? Honey , I am sorry I have no time . Oh , Daddy , you should do more exercise . You are getting a little heavy . I am afraid you are right . Recently , even going upstairs makes me out of breath . Then go climbing with me , Daddy . Mountain climbing can build your muscles like Popeyes . Terrific ! It is also a good exercise to keep me fit . I give you my word , you must feel refreshed after mountain climbing . OK , I'll go . That's a deal . Sure . I think we should home school our children when we decide to have kids . What ? Why ? Well , our public schools here are not very good and private school are just too expensive . I have been reading up on home schooling and it has a lot of advantages . Like what ? I think that by doing something like that we would be isolating our children from social interaction . Well , first of all , I would be able to teach them everything they learn in school in a more relaxed and fun way . I also think that having a one-on-one class is much better since you can focus more on his or her strengths or weaknesses . I think neither your parents or mine would agree to such an idea . I will bring it up over Sunday brunch . Good luck with that ! Hey , you have been promoted to president of the department . All this is thanks to the efforts of my superiors and colleagues . You are so smart . Your efforts in the success of the plan were outstanding . I just did what I should have done . You ’ Ve got a great personality . Thank you for your compliments . I will try even harder to repay the company and your support . I believe you will . I ’ m very pleased with your work . Your promotion will contribute to the development of the company . Thanks for saying so . May I speak to Mr . Smith ? He is at the warehouse this morning . What time do you expect him back ? Sorry , I have no idea . You can call him there if you like . Ok , I have the number . Bye ! Tom , you promised to cut the lung . You won't forget , will you ? No , I assure you . And you'll repair the television , won't you ? Ok . Do you promise ? Of course . And Tom , you will help Johnny with his homework , won't you ? I'll see . I will if I can but I won't promise . But you'll promise not to be late for dinner tonight , won't you ? Yes . But only if you ask me nicely . Tom , darling . You'll try not to be late for dinner tonight , won't you ? Please ! Ok . I'll keep my promise . Hi , buddy ! How do you deal with your salary ? I usually put them into my bank account . I think that is a little secure , though the interest rate is low now . Look ! This stock is rising now . I am researching it , and planning to buy some shares . Have you invested in the stock market before ? No . This is my first time to buy some . You can see that its historical price data is rising now . But that is a little risky , you know . Hey ! Do you still remember our teacher of economics , Mr . Locker ? Of course ! I remember he has a part-time job as a stock analyst . I can ask for some advice from him . Hello , Helen . Hi , Steven . How are you today ? I ’ m very well , Thank you . And you ? I ’ m fine , thanks . How is Tony ? He ’ s fine , Thanks . How ’ s Emma ? She ’ s very well , too , Helen . Goodbye , Helen . Nice to see you . Nice to see you , too , Steven . Goodbye . Julia , Julia , Julia . My daring Julia , what's wrong with you ? Steven , are you talking to me ? Yes , I have called you three times . What makes you in a daze ? I was thinking about the accident I saw in the morning . I was petrified when two cars collided . I witnessed the traffic accident . Did someone get hurt ? A driver died instantly . The other one was badly hurt . A poor boy called Peter was killed in the accident too . What a terrible accident ! Who should be responsible for this traffic accident ? I think both . They drove too fast . What's worse , one of them was drunk . Why do some guys like to drive so fast when they are drunk ? I don ’ t understand . Maybe they feel they are okay and driving fast seems very cool . Good morning ! My name is John White , import manager of the Garden Trading Company of New York . Oh , how do you to Mr . White ? My name is Li Ming , here is my card . Nice to meet you Mr.Li . We have learned about that you specialize in the export business of electronic products . As you enjoy the highest reputation in the commercial circle , we'd be please to enter into business relations with your firm . We share the same desire . Have you seen the display of our products in the exhibition hall downstairs ? Yes , I had a look just now , I feel we can do a lot of business in this line . Sure , we can . You know , we are been in the line for more than twenty years , and I think our price are competitive comparing with those in the world market . Our company enjoys a history of more than twenty years , we have wide connection with wholesalers and retailers all over the America , and we have good reputation in the commercial circle . Thank you for your information , we can hold more talks later on business details . Sure . Miss Wang , how do you do ? I ’ m Allan James , the director of human recourse department of this company . How do you do , Mr . James ? Thank you for asking me to come in . Not at all . Please sit down , then we can begin . Thank you . As you know , Miss Wang , we are looking for an executive secretary with business background and good English skills . We looked into your resume and thought you might be a good candidate . Thank you . Today ’ s interview is for us to get to know a little about you . And the interview will last a little bit longer . So , if you ’ re comfortable , I want to ask you some questions . Well , I've got a date . Now I need to find a restaurant . Can you help me ? No problem , of course ! How much would you like to spend to impress the lady ? Nothing but the best for a pretty woman ! Sir , the restaurant you seek is right here . This hotel has a three-star restaurant . Well , I sort of suggested that we would go out on the town . Do you have another suggestion ? Gramercy Tavern is at least as good as our own hotel restaurant . Plus , they have live jazz . Gramercy Tavern , eh ? I think I've heard of that before . Call to get us a table , okay ? Right away , sir . She will be impressed with your local knowledge . I'd like to reserve a room . Which date would that be ? For the night of April 18th , for one night . I'm afraid our hotel is fully booked on that night . Is it possible for you to change your reservation date ? No , I'm afraid not . We might have cancellations . Could you call us again some other day ? Sure , but if you do have any cancellations , could you let me know as soon as possible ? I'm very sorry , sir , but we are unable to do that . We would appreciate it very much if you could call us instead . OK , thanks . Good morning , Mr . Smith . Would you like to see around the factory ? Yes , I would like to . This is our office block . We have all the administrative department here , Sales , Accounts , Personnel , Market Research and so on . Hi , sir . Come and have a look here . We have all kinds of sweaters . I ’ m looking for a sweater for my wife . Tomorrow is her birthday . And I know she needs a woolen sweater . How do you like this grey one ? It ’ s pure wool , one hundred percent of Xinjiang wool . It feels good . Are there cowl-neck pullovers with the same color ? My wife prefers a turtleneck to a V-shaped collar . Yes , we do . What size do you want ? Size one . By the way , what if I bring home this sweater and my wife doesn ’ t like it ? Well , you can always bring it back to us for a full refund . All right . Could I have it gift-wrapped , please ? Yes , just a moment , please . Why do you want to be a stewardess ? I have always enjoyed flying . And I am good with people . Could you handle flying for 24 hours straight ? Yes , I can adjust to anything . That's good . I am also calm under pressure and trained in first aid . You should very qualified . Thank you . It has always been my dream to be a stewardess . Rebecca Johnson speaking . I'd like to speak to someone in your Accounts Department , please . Just a moment ... I'm afraid there's nobody there right now . Could I take a message ? Yes , please . My name's Michael Caxton from one of your customers — Rosedale Investments . Sorry , just a moment . The name is Caxton ... No , it's Caxton . Fine , I've got that . And your company is ... Rosedale Investments . Could you spell that , please ? It's R , O , S , E , D , A , L , E . Thank you . And the message ? It's about an invoice which is wrong . Have you got the number there ? Um ... yes ... it's 856674 / ros . 856674 . That's right . OK , I'll get someone to phone you first thing in the morning . Thank you very much . This blouse is a special offer today . You can have it at 10 % off the regular price . It's nice , but still too expensive . Can you give me a 20 % discount ? No . 10 % is my last word . Come on . Let's split the difference , 15 % . Who's in charge of the construction project ? We've taken on a civil engineer on a nine-month temporary contract . He'll oversee the whole project . In fact we're having a project meeting at 3 p . m this afternoon allocate responsibilities and finalise the time schedule . Why don't you join us ? I can ’ t I'm afraid . I've got another meeting scheduled for 2:30 p . m . Oh , no . It seems that I've lost my train ticket . Are you kidding ? The train leaves in an hour . Where did you put it ? It was in my pocket , but now I can't find it . Is it in the other pocket ? No , it is not here . Damn it ! I'm going to have to buy another ticket . Let's go to the inquiry desk first to check whether anyone has got it and turned it in . OK . Can you tell me about a nice restaurant to go to ? Of course ! How much would you like to spend on your meal ? My date is quite sophisticated . She would expect nothing less than the best . Well , how about our own hotel restaurant ? It's conveniently located and has a three-star rating . That's a good idea , except I want to go out , not stay in . Something else , maybe ? Well , how about Gramercy Tavern ? It's a very popular tourist spot , with great food and music . That sounds good ! Could you call them to see if I can get a reservation ? Of course , sir . You've made a good choice . I'll talk to you later . What's the rush ? I have to get off the phone now . I'm not ready to get off the phone with you . There are other things I need to take care of . What is it that you need to do ? Please don't be nosey . I'm not being nosey , it's just a question . You don't need to worry about that . That was mean to say . I am very sorry , but I must go . I guess . Lucy , I ’ d like to fix the light in the corridor , it keeps flashing , which drives me crazy . Would you like to help me with the ladder ? Monica , wait a moment . I think we ’ d better call the repairman to do it . I think I can handle it by myself . I ’ d like you to have a look at the safety manual of our company . I see . If I got hurt when fixing the light , even during office hours , I wouldn ’ t get compensation from our company since repairing is not my responsibility . Other company rules also need your attention . Like this one ? Never wear loose clothes or hair when operating the shredder . Yeah , thank you for telling me . Don ’ t mention it . Will you be checking in any baggage today ? Yes , I have two large suitcases and one box . If you need baggage tags , they are found in the box on your right . No , thank you.They are already tagged with my name and address . You are allowed an additional two carry-on items . Good , I have my backpack and my camera tripod . I see . All carry-on items must be able to fit under the seat or in the overhead bin . Both my items will fit under the seat or in the overhead bin . You will need to send the tripod as luggage because it is too long to fit in our gauge box for carry-on items . I cannot let anything happen to that tripod.Can you guarantee it will not be damaged if I check it in ? No , I can't . Perhaps your stewardess will help you to find a place to store it . Good idea . I will ask the stewardess to help me store my tripod . I'm afraid I have lost my air ticket while I was shopping . I'm sorry to hear that.Did you check your shoulder bag carefully ? Yes , I checked again and again , but I can't find it . By the day after tomorrow , can I have the ticket reissued ? I'm afraid you can't . I talked with the manager over the phone and he told me I can have it reissued because I have a copy of my lost ticket . Oh , I see . I'll call the manager , then . I can't finish this steak . That's all right . Look , the printer isn ’ t functioning well . I ’ Ve pushed the start button . It is suppose to be working now but it remains like a log . What ’ s going on ? Let me check . It has a paper jam . I didn ’ t pay attention to that . I will try to get the paper out . Be careful , the cartridge can be very hot . Good morning , sir . Do you have a reservation ? Yes . My name is Charles . I see . We have a window table reserved for you . It's very kind of you . Would you like to order now or wait for a while ? Bring me the menu , please . Can you help me pick out a gift for my daughter ? She might like a laptop computer . Yes , that sounds like a good idea . Might I suggest a Mac ? Okay . How much ? Well , a 15 - inch Pro is $ 2,100 . Oh , that sounds great . I'll take it . Great . How would you like to pay for it ? Here's my VISA . Let me ring you up . Okay , sign here , please . Everything I need is in this box ? It'll take her only a few minutes to get online . Thank you for your help . So long . Thank you for shopping here . Excuse me , are cameras allowed here ? Sorry , sir , in order to protect these paintings , taking photos are strictly forbidden here . I see . What a pity . I have to appreciate it carefully . I am really sorry for that . Hi , John Phillips ? I ’ m Rose Green . I ’ Ve been asked to handle your training and introduce a little bit of the company to you . It ’ s nice to meet you . It ’ s nice to meet you , too , Ms . Green . This company seems so big right now ; I don ’ t know how I ’ ll ever get used to it . After a week , you ’ ll be running around here like a pro . Let me give you this list of departments first , next to each department is its location and the name of the manager . Great – That ’ ll be big help . Have you bought a lot of new clothes for your vacation ? No , I haven't . I've decided I ' m going to travel very light this time . What does travel light mean ? Oh ! It means that I'm going to take only a few clothes , so I didn't have to carry a heavy suitcase . I'm afraid we can't increase salary this year , money is just too tight . I'm not sure . I can't agree , dan . Why not ? Surely , there are other ways to save money . What are you talking about , we've tried everything ! Is there anything I can do ? Yes . I am thinking of a tour to Australia . May I recommend the popular route ? It's a seven days ' trip and cost $ 500 . That's really cheap . What are the fees included ? Everything , sir , including the air tickets , accommodation and gate tickets . OK , I will take the tour . Could I speak to the apartment manager ? I am the apartment manager . How can I help you ? I wanted to know if that apartment on Main Street is still for rent . I haven't rented it out yet . Would you like to see it ? Yes , I want to see it . How about today at 6 p . m . ? That time is okay with me . Very good . We'll meet at 6 . Do you need directions ? No , thank you . I go by there on my way to work . If you're interested , you can fill out an application form . That's a good idea . Do I need to bring anything myself ? No . The only thing I need to see is your driver's license . I don ’ t know what I ’ m going to do ! It ’ s going to be impossible to make ends meet if I lose my job ! don ’ t worry . I don't think you ’ re going to lose your job over one mistake . it was a rather big mistake . When you work as an investment adviser , ONC small mistake can cost the company millions . but it wasn ’ t just you who was involved , right ? You were only doing what your supervisor told you to do . that ’ s true , but my supervisor is very dishonest . There ’ s no reason he needs to tell our boss the truth . I ’ m sure he will tell our boss that it was all my fault , and there ’ s nothing I can do about tha let ’ s think realistically about what might happen . How much money do you have in your savings ? I have enough to live off of for about 3 months . But I really don't want to spend my life savings on just living ! I ’ d rather invest my money somehow . well , that ’ s good . If you lose your job , you can just move in with me until you find another job . That will save you plenty of money . that ’ s very generous of you . I guess that would work . if you lose your job , you just have to go for a few months without buying all the junk you usually buy . If you live frugally , you ’ ll save plenty of money . I guess working with so much money has made me rather greedy . Maybe losing my job would be a good thing ! Yo baby , are you satisfied with the costume show in the street ? It ’ s hard to say.Just so-so . Let's start to study how to use computers , Paubler.It ' s good to know that a computer has two major parts , the hardware and the software . What's the hardware ? The hardware of computer is basically all the concrete things you can touch with your hands and see with your eyes . That's seems obvious enough.then what about the software ? The software of computer is all the programmes inside the computer that allow you to use the computer to do things . I see , actually the hardware is the easy part , I do want to study how to use the software . Right you are , Paler , and since what you want to learn is how to use software , we should also learn to refer to the computer menus . Ever since I saw computer can do your project , I wanted to have a computer . Hello . Hi , Lucy , are you free to talk ? Not really , I ’ m in a meeting . Can I call you back in ... say ... 15 minutes ? Sure , speak to you later . It isn ’ t urgent . Maybe it is easier if I send you an e-mail . Ok , I ’ ll look out for it . Sorry , I can ’ t talk now . Hello , this is Li King . Can I talk to your manager ? Sorry , he has just gone out now . Can I take a message for you ? Yes . Would you please kindly tell him I want to apply for a proof-reader in your newspaper ? OK , I got it . Hello . What can we do for you today ? I've just had some money sent from Germany , in Euros . OK , could you give me your details and I'll see if it has cleared . We need your banking details and some ID . A passport or something like that ? I have my passport right here , and here are the account details . The name , number ... Mr Jurgen , yes , the remittance has been successful . That was quick ! I didn't expect it to come through so quickly . Yes , that is good news . The full amount should be 20,000 Euros , is that right ? I'd like to withdraw 5,000 Euros worth of local currency , if that's possible . Not a problem , Sir . Please fill in this exchange form and show me your passport . Get up , it's time for you to get ready . Let me just get five more minutes of sleep . I would , but you need to start getting ready for school . I understand , but all I want is five more minutes of sleep . If I let you go back to sleep , I know that you won't get up in five minutes . Trust me . I'm going to wake up . You have a lot to get done this morning . I already know , and I'll take care of all that when I wake up . I want you to be on time for school today . I'll make it to school on time . Don't worry . Okay , I'll let you sleep for a little while longer . I really appreciate that . How many rooms are you looking for ? Oh , four or five . How much is the rent for this apartment ? 150 a month . 150 ? No , I'm not really interested in this place . It isn't big enough . It isn't near enough to my office . My mascara's waterproof ! Oh , how high class ! So you just wear it forever ? No . There's makeup remover for waterproof mascara . Is it dry yet ? Yep . See how long and curly my lashes are ? They look fake . Thanks ! Tom ? Oh , it's been a while since we've talked to each other . Nice to hear you again . Same here . Hey , did you know Susan is going to get married . She invited me to her wedding and she wants you to attend also . Really ? Definitely . I'm calling to tell you this . Why didn't she call me ? She tried , but the line is always busy . Well , I may have stayed on the phone too long . Can you give me her number ? I'll call her later . Of course . It's 555-4653 . Thanks . So how are things with you ? Pretty good . I've just bought a new house . Wow ! Great ! Where ? In the suburb . How are you and Carol ? Still living in town ? Yeah , it's really convenient . The theater and Shopping Mall are within walking distance . Well , I got to go . I'll get in touch with you soon . Okay . Don't forget to call Susan . Don't worry . Bye . Are you okay ? No . What's wrong ? I got robbed ! By who ? Some guy on the street just mugged me . Are you hurt ? No , he just stole all of my things . That's crazy . I need to go to the police station . Do you want me to take you ? That would be great . Thank you . Repairman.May I come in ? Come in please . What's the matter , sir ? The toilet doesn't flush . Let me see.En .. it's right now.You can try it . Wonderfull.Thanks a lot . You are welcome . Come in , young man . ( while shaking hands ) I am Zhang Wei , nice to meet you , sir . I am Smith , the personnel director . Please have a seat , son . Thank you . Have you received my resume ? Actually , I haven ’ t had time to look it over . Did you bring another copy with you ? Of course , here you are , sir . Call me Mr . Smith . Certainly , it would be my pleasure , Mr . Smith . Mom ! How can I help with the washing up ? You peel the onions and wash them , then chop them . OK ! Then what can I do after I finish it ? Let me see . Wash the cabbage over there . OK , got it . What is your father doing now ? Reading newspaper on the couch . How about Daniel ? Staying with Ultraman , of course . You know he likes it very much . Be careful of the peeler . Don't cut your fingers . I will . OK , we've finished . Can you get your father and brother ? OK ! How do you like your work ? The work is rather hard , but it's interesting . What do you do ? I work in a publishing house . How about you ? Mine isn't hard , but it's not interesting . What do you do then ? I'm a clerk in a shop . Hi . I can't get going on my computer until I get a broadband hookup . Just plug the Ethernet cable into your computer , and you'll be off and running . That would be okay if I had an Ethernet port . Unfortunately , my laptop uses wireless only . In that case , let me tell you about some alternatives . Anything to get me up and running . For starters , we have a computer lab . Fantastic ! What do I have to pay per hour ? The lab is completely free . But you do have to pay a dime a page for printing . That's fine . Now tell me about the other alternatives . Just bring your laptop down here to the lobby . We're set up for wireless right here . Great ! I like that suggestion , but what if I need to print something there ? Unfortunately , you'll have to go to the computer lab for your printing needs . I'm not sure , is this our stop ? Yeah , get off the bus . Do you have any idea where we are ? I'm really not sure . This can't be the right stop . I don't think this is right . We got off too early , didn't we ? Yeah , we did get off too early . I should've just stayed on the bus . I messed up . Great , we have to walk now . You want to wait for the next bus ? Is this the Friendship Hospital ? Please send an ambulance to 68 Hu Nan Road . Is it urgent ? Our ambulances are not enough to meet every call . Of course . It's urgent . I think the partie nt is suffering from acute appendicitis . He may die if not treated in time . All right , we'll come right away . ( after a while ... ) Where's the patient ? He's there in the room . He's very ill . Don't worry . We'll put him in the stretcher . You are coming with us ? Step in please . Carry him into the emergency ward . Here we are . Help the patient bathe and change his clothes , nurse . Then bring him into the operating room . ( after a while ... ) I'm his guide . What's the trouble with him , doctor He had appendicitis , but is all right now that it was removed . He'll have to rest for a few weeks to recover . May I send food for him ? No , outside food is not permitted . Can I come round to see him tomorrow ? Yes . But first you must observe the visiting hours , It's from 2 to 5 p . m . By the way , consult the nurse before you enter the ward . Yes . Thank you . By the way , you can bring some flowers . OK . Don't worry about him . When could I take care of him ? Our nurse can take good care of him . good afternoon ! Can I help you ? could you show me where the Chinese-style clothing is located ? I want to buy a silk coat . this way , please . Here they are . They're all handmade . oh , they look nice . May I try that back one on ? of course . The fitting room is right over there . do you have a medium in the same color ? This one is a little tight . I'm sorry . All the back of that size are sold out . Would you like a red one ? ok , let me try it on . what do you think ? oh , that suits you very well . Besides it is believed in China that the red color brings happiness and good luck . really ? I'll take it , and I'm leaving here tomorrow . Is it possible for you to send one in black to me by mail when you gte it in ? our pleasure . Please fill out this form , leaving your address and telephone number . thanks . Who much would that come to ? let me see ... Are you interested in going sightseeing , Mr . Simpson ? I think you are here not only for the negotiation but also for sightseeing . I heard that there are some beauty spots and places of historical interest in this city . Shall we go to the Tiananmen Square first ? That's great . I trouble you so much . Thank you very much . It's my pleasure . Shall we go there on foot ? It's very near . OK , let ’ s go . Welcome back racing fans ! My name is Rick Fields and , as always , I am joined by my partner in crime , Bob Copeland . We ’ re in the last stretch of this very exciting race , and Kimmi Rikknen is leading the pack with only four laps to go ! They are heading to turn three and Lewis Hamilton tries to pass Rikknen ! It ’ s a close one and , oh no ! Hamilton hits the wall ! He came in too fast , jammed on the breaks and spun out . We have a yellow flag and the pace car is making its way onto the track . The cleanup crew is towing the heavily damaged car and the green flag drops ! Rikknen is still in the lead with only two laps to go ! Smoke is coming out of his car ! He seems to be having engine trouble ! He makes his way into the pit , and Fernando Alonso takes the lead ! How unlucky for Rikknen , and this race is over ladies and gentlemen , Alonso takes the checkered flag ! Hello , do you remember me ? I bought some vases from you yesterday . eyes , you sent them to New York , right ? That's right . I thought I'd come back to buy a few more souvenirs . What did you have in mind ? Well , first , I'd like to buy a few postcards . My sister used to always send a postcard to herself whenever she went anywhere . I want to do that , too . We have plenty of postcards to choose from here . The same designs can be found on these posters . Posters are difficult to travel with . I think I'll just buy the postcards . I heard that you might also have some of the masks that are made in Venice . Yes , we do . They're on the wall behind you . How much do they cost ? The prices are clearly marked on the back of each mask . Would you like me to get one down for you to look at ? Yes , I think I'd like the green mask in the middle . Here you go . I'll take it , I'd also like to buy some chocolate . Are you looking for some homemade chocolate as a gift ? Yes , it's my girlfriend's birthday today and she loves chocolate . We've got plenty to choose from here . They look delicious . I think she'll be pleased . Good morning , Madam . Is everything OK ? Is there something I can assist you with ? Thank you , yes . I'm not sure how to use this ATM , I usually go to a clerk and use my Bank Book . But today , I thought I'd try something new . I want to take some money out . Welcome to the electronic age ! I can run you through it ; it's what I'm here for . Thanks so much . Right , I've put my card in . What now ? Just look at the screen here . It'll give you prompts , you see ? Now you need to enter your PIN number , then press ' enter ' to confirm it . Then it'll give me my money ? Not right away , you need to decide what it is you want to do . The next thing is to select the service . Here we are ' withdrawal ' , so I just press here ? Yes , then enter the amount you want . Oh , as simple as that ! I shall never wait for a real person again , these machines are wonderful . The road ahead is blocked . There might have been an accident . Are there many accidents in the city every day ? Not really , but they are on the rise . Please drive slowly , we've got lots of time . Safety first . Operator , can you give me any information on the call I just received ? I don ’ t know who placed the call . However , the call was from Toronto . Can you tell me the calling number , please ? Sure . 416-790-1256 . Thank you . You ’ re welcome . Was there an accident on the freeway today ? You haven't heard about it ? No , don't you know what happened ? This truck flipped over on the 210 . Are you serious ? I'm telling you the truth . Did anyone get hurt ? Two people were injured . Are they going to be okay ? I think so . Well , that's a miracle that no one was killed . Yes , they were lucky . Steven , can you give us a summary about your work ? What do you get from your work ? I have accumulated a wealth of practical experience in work as a chief advertisement designer . Moreover , I realized teamwork is the key to success . Why do you think so ? I think building team spirit among the coworkers is very important . I believe we can accomplish a miracle if we stick together . Very good . Anything else ? My advantage is that I have strong sense of responsibility . But I lack patience . I must praise you for your modesty and diligence . What's your plan next ? I will listen and learn more when I start my new job . I plan to become more professional in my field . I've got to commend you ; you really did a good job . Thanks for your compliment , but there is still plenty more to learn . Good afternoon . May I help you ? Yes , I'd like to rent a car . What kind of car do you have in mind ? An automatic sedan . I see . How long will you need it ? About a week . Just a moment , please . Hello , do you know anywhere that sells cheap cashmere sweaters ? Outlets have cheap cashmere sweaters . What a splendid idea ! Outlets usually give you great deals . Thanks for helping me . You're welcome . would you like to learn to tango Donar ? right now ? i am offering you my services . for your church . what do you say ? i think i'll be a little afraid . of what ? afraid of making a mistake . no mistakes in a tango Donar.not like life , simple , that will make the tango so great . if you make a mistake , you'll get all tango done . just tango along . why don't you try ? will you try it . all right . i'll give it a try . I hate working on Christmas Eve ! Whoa ! Get a load of this guy ! Come in central , I think we ’ Ve got ourselves a situation here . License and registration please . Have you been drinking tonight , sir ? I had one or two glasses of eggnog , but nothing else . Step out of the vehicle , please . Sir , what do you have in the back ? Just a few Christmas gifts , to this season , after all ! Don ’ t take that tone with me . Do you have an invoice for these items ? Umm ... no ... I make these in my workshop in the North Pole ! You are under arrest , sir . You have the right to remain silent . You better not pout , you better not cry . Anything you say can and will be used against you . You have the right to an attorney , if you cannot afford one , the state will appoint one for you . You can ’ t take me to jail ! What about my sleigh ? It ’ s Christmas Eve ! I have presents to deliver ! Rudolph ! Prancer ! Dancer ! Get help ! What should I get Uncle Teddy ? You could get him a tie . Are you kidding ? That's the stupidest gift one can buy . I don't want to get a tie . Why not ? Everybody gets men ties for Christmas . It's too boring . Everybody buys either ties or sweaters . I want a more unique gift . Well , you can buy him a pet iguana then . That's a cool idea . At least it would be a surprise.But I'm afraid he wouldn't take care of it . He would think you were crazy , Caroline . Yes . An iguana is too strange for a gift , and a tie is too normal.So I have to find something halfway between . How much do you want to spend ? Well , he was very good to me.He helped me edit my essay for the scholarship contest.So I want to spend at least 75 dollars . Alright , I have an idea.You know he carries that conservative-looking briefcase every day . Yes . Well , he isn't a lawyer , so I don't think he needs to have a briefcase like that . What should he have then ? I think he would appreciate having a very fine leather bag.But more like a workbag or shoulder bag.You know , not so hard and square like a briefcase . I think that's a great idea . Men look great with that kind of bag.Where can we buy one ? I don't think this mall has a leather goods store.So we have to go to State Street . Alright . We can go later then . We can buy something for Mom and Dad here , and then go buy Uncle Teddy's gift on State Street . Good plan . What should we get for Mom though ? She said she wants one of those automatic foot massagers . I think they sell them at Sears . Alright . We can go check at Sears and see if they have them.And what about Dad ? How about the iguana ? I think it would be a great joke.But I know we'd have to take the iguana back . And the pet store might not let us.So why don't we get him something else ? Some clothes maybe . A tie ? Oh , shut up about ties ! Forget about ties , why not ? I was just kidding . The language used in this multinational company is mainly about English ; do you think you can manage to handle that ? Yes . I am sure I can . I was an English major in college . What about your second foreign language since you were an English major ? Russian is my second foreign language and I excelled the rest of my class in Russian because my father is a Russian . Anne , would you please come in for a while ? Please also bring along the minutes of yesterday's management meeting . Of course , sir ... Here's the minutes of the meeting . How long did the meeting last ? The meeting was delayed by thirty minutes and it lasted for two and a half hours . Did the chairman ask for me ? Yes , I told him that you were very ill and couldn't attend . All right . Have you handed in my report to him ? Yes , I did . Besides , here are all the reports and materials handed out in the meeting . I think you'll have to do some replies . Thank you , Anne . You've done an excellent job . Did they mention the date for the next meeting ? No , they didn't . The chairman said he would send a memo to all managers by the end of this week informing them of the date of the next meeting . Hello , I'm sorry for calling this late . May I speak to Peter ? I'm sorry . He's not in right now . When is he coming back ? He should be back in ten minutes . Could 1 you call back later ? I'll call again in thirty minutes . What a mess , Jack ! I ’ m playing with my toys , Dad . You ’ d better tidy up the room now , or you ’ ll get your mum ’ s back up . so , your friend ’ s getting married on Saturday . What have you bought her as a wedding gift . I find is so hard to choose the right gift . my friend and her fiance had a really good idea . They have cut out pictures from catalogues and pasted them in a notebook . The picture are of things they want . People sign their name b that ’ s clever ! Then everyone knows that they are buying something the couple really want and there ’ s no chance of two people buying the same gift . What things were in the notebook ? most of the things were household appliance . You know , everything from an iron through a vacuum cleaner to a cooker . I think it ’ s an excellent way for everyone who knows the couple to help so , what did you get them ? I bought a sewing machine . I know that my friend likes making her own clothes , but her current sewing machine is quite old and has some problems . what ’ s wrong with is ? she says that after several years of use , it ’ s not working properly . When she uses it , it makes a funny noise . household appliance don ’ t seem to last for a long time nowadays . I think it ’ s because the manufactures are constantly bringing out new models . Because they know that we will buy the new models , the appliances don ’ t need to last more than five or ten year Hello , are you interested in this Honda ? Hi , I am just looking . It's a good car . What year is it ? 1999 . How about the mileage ? 6,000 miles , all highway mileage . What do you mean 7B Highway miles are not as bad as local miles . They do not hurt car as much . Oh , why such a high mileage ? The owner was commuting everyday crossing the state line . Okay . Does this car have a warranty ? One month . How do I make sure I am not buying a junk ? You'll check it out anyway you want . You can take it to a garage . How much is it ? $ 5,900 . I'll have to think about it . Leave your phone number , and I will give you a call if the price gets reduced . Okay . It's very nice of you to invite me . I'm very glad you could come , Mr . Liu . Will you take a seat at the head of the table ? It's an informal dinner , please don't stand on ceremony ... Mr . Liu , would you like to have some chicken ? Thank you . This is my first time to come to a Chinese restaurant . Could you tell me the different features of Chinese food ? Generally speaking , Cantonese food is a bit light ; Shanghai food is rather oily ; and Hunan dishes are very spicy , having a strong and hot taste . Chinese dishes are exquisitely prepared , delicious , and very palatable . They are very good in colour , flavour , and taste . Mr . Liu , would you care for another helping ? No more , thank you . I'm quite full . Did you enjoy the meal ? It's the most delicious dinner I've had for a long time . It's such a rich dinner . I'm so glad you like it . Thank you very much for your hospitality . The demographic reports are in ... From the looks of it , we're going to have to re-evaluate some of the content for our promotional events in different venues . Why , what's the lowdown ? According to the report , our Boston crowd is quite different make-up from our Chicago folks . Our Boston consumers are mostly from mid-level to upper-class income levels , university or postgraduates , married no children , white collar ... You know the kind . Chicago on the other hand is mostly mid to low income levels , single parent homes , blue collar ... I think we're talking about two totally different target groups . I have no idea there was that great of deviation between the two venues ... To make our products sell , we have to take the target audience into account . No kidding . We've got to come up with two completely different sales pitches to suit the needs of each groups . Excuse me , could you lend me some of your records ? Until when ? Until Monday or Tuesday next week . No problem . May I help you ? Yes , I'm going to Europe on business and I need to purchase some Traveller's Cheques . That's no problem . Which currency would you like to buy ? I think Euros will be the best , as I'll only be in Mainland Europe . Of course . Do you have your passport with you ? How much would you like to purchase ? 5,000 Euros will be sufficient , thanks . Please fill in this form . How would you like it ? In 100 Euro cheques ? That would be perfect , thank you . Have you always been on this site ? No , we used to be on an industrial estate on the outskirts of York . Why did you move ? We needed larger premises so we moved to this greenfield site last year . It's nearer the motorway so it's better for transportation . I want to open an account . What kind of account do you want to open ? I want to open a checking account . Do you know the minimum balance you ’ re required to keep ? How much is that ? You have to maintain a minimum balance of $ 100 . Really ? Yes , really . What if I can ’ t meet that requirement ? You will be fined . How much is the fine ? It ’ s going to cost you $ 25 . I'm so hungry ! Can you buy me a burrito ? I don't have any money to buy you a burrito . Please ? I haven't eaten anything all day . Look , I only have money to buy myself a burrito . I'm so hungry , I could eat a whole cow ! If you're so hungry , why don't you ask someone else for money ? I get paid on Friday , I'll pay you back then . Well , I guess on Friday , then you can eat . That's pretty messed up . Why don't you just go home and eat ? I don't want to go all the way home just to eat . Well , I guess you're out of luck . Good coming . room service.What can I do for you ? I'd like a hamburger and a cup of coffee.My room number is 402 . OK.sir . We will bring it to you as soon as possible . Thank you . can I get you something to drink ? sure , but I don't drink much . So I don't know what to order . so how about an aperitif ? it sounds good . I'd like to start with a Compare . stirred or shaken ? stirred will be fine . here you are . thanks . Does the bar have a signature drink ? sure . All of our mixed drinks are excellent . You can also try a delicious non-alcoholic cocktail . can you recommend one ? try a Singer . It has lime juice and grenadine over ice . it sounds interesting . I'll take one . here we go . it tastes great . enjoy yourself . yeah . Kevin ? Hi , it ’ s Elizabeth . I have a big favor to ask you . How big , Elizabeth ? Last time you said that , I ended up working overtime 3 nights in a row ! Well , I ’ Ve got a huge load of typing and Mr . Blake has insisted I get it done by tomorrow afternoon . All right , Elizabeth . But this is the last time . I'm checking out now . Can I have my bill , please ? Sure . What's your room number , sir ? It's 8736 . Here is my key card . A minute , please . It's 6212 yuan all together . Tax included . Can I pay with traveler's check ? Sure . Can I have your passport , please ? Here you are . Thanks . Are you satisfied with your stay here with us , sir ? Very much . The room is cozy and the service is jolly good . By the way , could you deliver my luggage to the airport in advance ? Sure . It will be taken care of , sir . Which flight do you take ? Flight 17 . And my luggage should be delivered there by 4 o'clock . Got it , sir . It'd be great to see you again , sir . Thank you . My computer isn ’ t running at the same speed it used to be , it is testing my patience everyday . Can you tell me how to make it run faster ? If you want to speed up your system , you ’ Ve got to clean it up first . How ? You need to free your disk space . The simplest way is to use a Disk-Cleanup tool to remove temporary files and in store programs that you no longer use . Things should be fine next time you start . You also need to control what starts up . There is a program calls Start-up Delayer , It can help to set after how much time programs should be loaded after Windows boosts . For example , you can choose to set your Fox Mail program to load 30 seconds after Windows starts up . Very useful advice , I will try them right now . This suit looks nice.Can I try it on ? Yes , of course.The dressing room is over there . how was your day ? let ’ s start with you . How was yours ? it was really busy . I had to work straight through my lunch break . did you get to leave early then ? my boss told me that I could either go home early or take a long lunch break another day , so I decided to wait and take a long lunch break another time . it was nice of your boss to give you an option . My boss would never do that . let ’ s get back to you . How was your day ? it was horrible ! It was just one thing after another . you look pretty upset . Are you ok ? I ’ m fine . But I have bad news . what ’ s that ? I got sacked today . you ’ re kidding ! How did that happen ? well , I was late to work today . It was the third time I was late this week . how late were you ? only about 5 minutes . you got fired for being a few minutes late ? my boss is really picky about that . He never arrives late , usually works over-time , and always gets his work done on time . oh well . You never really liked your boss anyway , did you ? I can see by your resume here that you studied business administration . That's right . So I wonder why you want to work for a newspaper . I did reporting for the university newspaper in my school.And I always be very interested in journalism . But journalism , it is a very different profession from administration.You know a lot about administration.Why don't you choose to work for a company looking for managers ? I study the administration.Yes.But I'm more attracted to writing articles . I want to use my knowledge of business to write financial news . A new reporter must expect to work many hours . I know that starting reporters work many hours . I'm very willing to take on the challenge . I have an issue . What ’ s going on ? There is a leaking pipe in my wall . Is there any water damage ? There is mildew . I ’ ll go to your apartment tomorrow to fix the pipe . Why can ’ t I call someone to fix it today ? I ’ ll just do it myself . I need it done today . You ’ re right about that . Are you okay with me calling a plumber ? That ’ s fine . I'll have to go now . Drop in if you're free.Bye for now ! See you . Excuse me , I don't feel good right now . What can I do for you ? Do you have any pills for airsickness ? Here you are . Take one at a time . Please fetch me a glass of water . Thanks . You are welcome . What's wrong ? I have a headache . These past few days I've been living off painkillers . Man , I feel like my head is going to explode . You should get acupuncture treatment . My mom was always having headache issues and it was acupuncture that cured her . The results are too slow . On top of that , just the thought of smoking needles poking into my flesh frightens me . They don't just randomly stick you , they find your pressure points . The heat allows the body to immediately respond to the treatment , restoring the body's " chi " . But I get scared the moment I see a needle . How could I stand having needles in my body for hours on end ? The needles are very thin , and as long as the doctor's technique is good , and the patient himself is relaxed , it won't hurt-on the contrary it will actually alleviate pain . Now there are high-tech needles that are micro thin ; they don't hurt at all . However , if you are really scared of acupuncture , scraping or cupping are also options . Scraping is too terrifying . When they finish scrapping , your body is all red , as if you were just tortured . Cupping is the same , your body ends up with red circles all over . It looks like someone beat you up . This only signifies that the toxins have left the body . Actually , there is only discomfort during the treatment process . Once it's over you feel very comfortable . Chinese medicine is strange . The patients are already ill , and then the doctor makes them suffer more . This is the only way to get at the problem . Anyway , if you want to relieve the pain , you are just going to have to be tough and do it . Forget it . I don't want to inflict any more pain on myself . In a little while I'll go and buy some more painkillers and take a nap . I like this shirt.How much is it ? $ 135 . Wow , that's sheer robbery.Shall I make an offer ? I'm sorry , sir.The price is fixed . Good morning . Your ticket and passport , please ? Here you are . Do you have any baggage to check in ? Yes , one box . Would you please put it on the scale ? OK . By the way , can you tell me how many kilos of free baggage each passenger is allowed ? The baggage allowance is different according to the class of your ticket . What class are you travelling ? First-class . For a first-class passenger , the free baggage allowance is forty kilos . How many pieces of baggage can I carry on to the plane ? Passengers holding first class tickets may carry 2 pieces within the total weight of 5 kg onto the plane . If my baggage exceeds the allowance , what should I do ? If the checked baggage is over the allowance , we will charge you for the overweight . I see . Thank you very much for your information . You're welcome . Your boarding pass and baggage check , please . Goodbye ! Could you do me a favor ? It depends . Is that room service ? Yes.What can I do for you ? The maid has just delivered some laundry to my room.But it's not mine at all . I am sorry.sir.We will send someone immediately . Tell me something about yourself and your past . I was born and grew up in hebes Province . I moved to Beijing , where I started taking courses for my MBA . When I completed my degree , I was offered an opportunity working for a financial services company . I've worked there for eight years . What was the most significant project you've worked on ? I was assigned a project to design a 360 - degree performance system . It was a challenge for a person with a finance background . I met with the technical people and discussed the possibilities and obstacles . Based on that information , I selected a team and created a spreadsheet to manage the project . We got the project done on schedule . I was rewarded for outstanding results and was able to share the honors with the team . What finance experience makes you qualified for this position ? For the past eight years , I have been working in the banking industry . I have a solid understanding of accounting concepts , an analytical mind and a strong attention to detail . I've had a lot of customer service training and experience , and I have been told that I excel in this area . How would your coworkers evaluate you ? They'd say I was a handworker and a real team player . What are your salary expectations ? I really need more information about the job before we start to discuss salary . I'd like to postpone that decision until later . Sorry , I have to rush off and catch the 9 o'clock train to Paris . Then you must hurry up.There ' s only ten minutes left . Until we meet again . What are you doing to your house ? We're redecorating our living room . What are you going to do to it ? First , we're going to change the curtains , then we're going to paint the walls . What colour are you going to paint them ? Pale yellow . What else are you going to do ? We're going to put in some new furniture . I'm calling to cancel a reservation I made earlier in the week . To cancel your reservation , I need your name , phone number , and date of trip , please . Rudy Randolph , 818-555-1234 . My reservation begins on the second Monday of April . I see your reservation on my computer . Let me just cancel it , and you'll be all set ! Thanks . I'll call again when things get better at home . You're welcome . Do you really like this straw hat , dear ? Yes , of course . I'll take it . But it costs an arm and leg . I like it . I am calling to tell you that you are hired by our company . I really appreciate your offer , but I have to decline it , because I have already taken another job which I prefer to work in . You are welcome , Please call me if you change your mind . I will . Thank you . Let's decide what to order . I'll have a hamburger . The works ? No , just tomatoes , please . And large fries . Anything to drink ? A small cola . I'll have a sandwich and small fries . Would you like to have some desserts ? Apple pie is my favorite dessert . I'd like to have an ice cream Would you please teach me how to use the computer ? Sure , let's take a look at the menu first . Do I have to turn on the computer ? yes , we can look at the computer and computer menu at the same time . And this will help us understand both better . What should I learn first ? Right now I'll teach you to open files , save files and copy files . Are you ready ? I am ready I am going to get , let's start ! This is where we sing ? These booths are so comfortable , I think I could fall asleep ! Let's order something to eat . What are you in the mood for ? I'll have whatever you're having . OK . How about some fried spring rolls and squid balls , some pork skins , and some beer ! Well ... the beer sounds good ! Excuse me , sir , Is this the road to the peace Store ? You could get there this way , but it'd be faster to go along the Wort Street . Where's Wort Street , please ? Turn right at the third intersection , you'll see the street and then walk along the street to the south . How far is it from the Wort Street ? Just walk for a few minutes , you'll find it . Thank you very much . Have you had a chance to look over the contract ? Yes . I've read it carefully . And do you have any questions ? No . But the contract stipulates that I will teach 22 hours a week.Will you have thatmany classes for me right away ? No , probably not . For the first two weeks you may teach 10 or 15 hours . But my salary will be 1100 dollars a month.Will you pay me that much for the first month ? Because , I mean , I won't be working so many hours . I understand . That's why I didn't write the date on the contract.For the first two weeks , we will pay you according to the hours you teach.When you have 22 hours of classes , then the contract will take effect.Is that alright with you ? Oh , so I don't sign the contract today . Is that right ? I don't want you to misunderstand , Miss Briggs.We are very serious about hiring you . We want you to teach for us.We usually do contracts this way because it is more convenient . I can accept that . Good . And your benefits will begin immediately . Even my health insurance ? Yes . We will apply for your health insurance tomorrow.And your free membership in the club starts today if you like . I have a few questions about the free membership . What would you like to know ? Is my membership the same as paying club members ? I mean , can I get discounts at club hotels ? Absolutely . The only difference is in the restaurant and bar vouchers . What are bar vouchers ? Paying club members get around 300 dollars a year in restaurant vouchers.The vouchers can be used in the restaurant or the lounge.But we don't offer vouchers to employees . But according to the contract , employees get a discount in the restaurant . That's right . So in a way , it is cheaper for you than for the members.You get more benefits than they do . So , for now , you want me to keep a copy of the contract.But we won't sign it yet . That right ? Yes . I've prepared the contract just so that you understand everything.So that you understand the terms . I understand.And according to the terms on the contract , I am happy to accept this job . I look forward to it . I'm very pleased . We look forward to having you here , Miss Briggs . Welcome to our shop . It seems you are interested in this dress . Yes . But I am afraid it is too thick to wear in summer . That's no problem . It is made of linen , so you won't feel hot in it . I can assure you it is of superior quality . What is more , it is very popular with young women . How much is it ? 88 Yuan . OK , that is reasonable . I will take it . Hi , I am looking for a woman named Mia . I think I am who you are looking for . You have got to be Rubin . That would be me ! Rubin ! Karen and Mike have spoken about you so often that I feel like I've met you before . I hope that what they had to say was mostly good ! They only said wonderful things about you . You did a good job of finding me . Finding the beautiful woman in a red dress next to the fountain wasn't all that hard . Yes , I guess it was a choice of me or the pigeons ! I was hoping that we could take a walk down the street to my favorite cafe . Lunch sounds great ! Let's head on out ! Excuse me , how do I get to the Forbidden City ? Follow this road and turn right at the second intersection . It'll be right there . Is it far ? No , it should only take you about 15 minutes by foot . Thank you . You're going to have coffee , aren't you ? Yes . I could use a cup of coffee . Are you going to have anything to eat ? French toast sounds good . What are you going to order ? I'll have that too . Let ’ s move out of here . This apartment is too small . I agree . I ’ ll look in the paper . A house would be great . I could plant a garden . And you could use the garage for a workshop . Here ’ s an interesting ad How much is the rent ? The ad says $ 325 plus deposit . When is the place available ? It ’ s available now , and it ’ s got a very good location . You won ’ t be far from work . I am very nervous about signing my escrow papers . Escrow involves a lot of paperwork , but I will explain all of the steps to you as we go along . What should I have brought with me ? The only thing I will need to see is your driver ’ s license , as I will be notarizing these papers . I feel a little overwhelmed by so many papers . Don ’ t worry about how many papers there are . We are going to look at them one at a time . My boyfriend is an attorney and told me that I could fax him anything if I had a question . Please get any outside help that you need in understanding your escrow documents . Is this the last thing that I will need to do before the house becomes mine ? At the close of escrow , the house will be yours ! I want a doggy bag , waiter . Sure . How do you like your meal today ? Quite good . It was the most wonderful dinner I have ever had . I am glad you like it . Welcome next time . Hello , IMPF Bank , how can I help you ? I need to report a missing Bank Card and Book . OK Sir . Could you tell me the account holder's name , the account number , the amount in the account and your PIN number , please ? Well , the account's in my name . Patrick Dean , that's D-E-A-N . The account number is 15273478841 . There was about 20,000 RIB inside . OK , Sir . Almost there , I just need your PIN number . When we issue you with a new card and book we would recommend that you change your PIN number . It's a very simple procedure . OK , it's 672910 . Excuse me , could I ask a favour ? Sure , go ahead . Could you tell me where the canteen is ? Sure , I can take you there actually . Oh , I don't want to trouble you . It's fine . I was heading there anyway . Do you take in students ? Yes.If you don ’ t mind sharing room , there ’ s one available . How much is it ? $ 30.00 a week . Do you think I could have a look at it , please . I ’ m on my way out now.Could you come back in an hour ? Can I take your order , sir ? I ’ ll have the kung PAO chicken , please . Certainly sir , would you like some rice or noodles with that ? Just some fried rice please . Ok , would you like some soup as well ? No , thanks . Thank you very much . Your food will be ready soon . Hello . Can I help you , ma'am ? Yes . Could you tell me how to send some money to someone with an account with a bank in Germany ? Well , you can pay by mail , telegraphic or SWIFT transfer . Or you can have a banker's draft and mail it yourself to the beneficiary . Which is the best way ? It depends on the amount and how fast you want that person to receive the money . A SWIFT transfer is the fastest method but a banker's draft is usually the cheapest . How much do you wanna send ? $ 800 . Why don't you send it by mail payment order ? How long does it take ? About a week . I don't know . Can I send it more quickly ? Sure . You can have a Telegraphic or a SWIFT transfer . And how long do those take ? Both a Telegraphic Transfer and a SWIFT transfer will normally be credited to the payee's account within three or four working days , depending on whether the beneficiary's bank is among our correspondent banks or we have to route the transfer through a third bank . I see . How can I pay by Telegraphic Transfer ? You have to fill out this form , ma'am . I can ’ t attend the meeting in Washington . I ’ Ve proposed you as the most able substitute . But I ’ Ve never been on a business trip before ! It ’ s easy enough . Just make sure you keep track of all your expenses . The accounting department will reimburse you for all your meals and travel expenses . So the company will pay for everything ? Yes , but when you send in your expense report , you also have to file a report summarizing your trip . It ’ s not just a big vacation , you know . That sounds good . But what do you want me to do there ? I ’ Ve already paved the way . You just have to give a presentation on what our products are . I will do the follow-up and close the sale . Hey , Gary , great to see you again . Please have a seat . So tell me , what seems to be the problem ? Thanks , doc . I ’ Ve got a really bad toothache ! I can ’ t eat anything , and look , my face is all swollen . I think it might be my wisdom tooth . Well , let ’ s have a look . Open wide . Hmm ... this doesn ’ t look good . Well , it looks like you have a cavity and your crown is loose . We ’ ll need to put in a filling before it gets any worse , and the crown probably needs to be refitted . I ’ m going to order some x-rays . Is it gonna hurt ? No , not at all ! Just lay back and relax . Ok , spit . Excuse me . Do you think I can get there in time to catch the 11:30 train ? Well , let me see . Now it's 11:00 sharp . It's a long way to go.If I take the shortest route , we may come across a traffic jam.If I take a less heavy route , it will save us 10 or more minutes , but you'll have to pay more . Which do you prefer ? Are you sure that I can get there in time if we take the less heavy route ? Generally speaking , we can if we go at this speed and nothing unexpected happens . How much more do I have to pay ? Compared to the shortest route , you may pay around 5 Euro more . That's acceptable . No one wants to miss a train . OK ... Here we are . We'll turn left at this cross . To go straight ahead is the shortest route . Thank you ! I've been learning to play go recently . It's an amazing game ! Weigh ? It must be a greatest Chinese invention . I've tried hard to learn it . Its rules can't be any simpler , but I've never won a game of Go . Well , it's all Greek to me ! At least you have obtained a very basic understanding of the game , haven't you ? I think it is perfect for boosting intelligence , cultivating personality and flexible learning . Every intellectual wishing to gain any insight into Chinese culture should learn to play Go . I heard it is included in the four major arts of China , is it ? Sure . It was considered desirable that a well-educated ancient Chinese scholar could be well versed in zither , weigh , calligraphy and painting . I think weigh is the most fantastic of them . It embodies ancient Chinese wisdom and cultural profoundness . I know it is quite different from Western chess . Yes . Playing chess is a very aggressive experience . All the pieces are supposed to capture their opponents . Whenever I start a chess game , I can't help but imagine a concrete battle in which all fighters stand ready to kill . But isn't it the same with wiki ? Certainly not . The object of weigh is to surround a larger area than the opponent . In other words , each side is struggling for a greater living space by mapping out a territory on the board . Hence , chess aims to kill , while weigh is most concerned with howso survive . Now I'm sure we'll never get all our things back . They're so clever these criminals . What's the point of collecting beautiful things for other people to steal ? I only wish it were this time yesterday . Think how happy we were . Now this.Things always go wrong . Perhaps we ought to get dressed and have breakfast . We'd feel better . I don't feel like breakfast . I don't feel like anything . Why are we so unlucky ? It's as if there were a jinx on us . Perhaps I'd better ring the police ... Yes . Of course . But what good will it do ? That man's miles away from here by now . In our car . Good evening , sir . Welcome to our restaurant . Thank you . Do you have a reservation ? Yes , I do . May I have your name , please ? Yes , it's Mr . Brown . Mr . Brown . We were expecting you . This way , please . Will this table be fine ? Oh , this is just fine . Please take a seat . Thank you . Here is the menu . Nice to meet you . Nice to meet you , too . You are a graduate , right ? I recently graduated from college as an English major . So you don't have much related work experience . Admittedly , I don't . But I still beg you to give me an opportunity , and I'm willing to learn with my best effort . Well , did you get any honors or rewards in college ? I have got a Business English Certificate and a Certificate of TEM 8 . What about your computer skills ? I got professional training in this field , and I believe I can fit the position well . And anything else ? I have taken some courses in college , such as translation , business English , and so on . So I have a good mastery of both spoken and written English I see . Your approval would be my honor . It's such a nice day outside . Let ’ s take a walk into town and do some window-shopping . You know I hate shopping more than anything else in this world . I know . But we could get some exercise in , and we could get some errands run , too . Window-shopping won ’ t cost you anything . What kind of errands do we need to run ? Well , we could go to the newsagent's to pick up the Sunday paper , go to the butcher's to pick up a chicken for a roast dinner , and to the chemist's to pick up your prescription from the doctor . I'll only go if we can stop at the office-license to pick up something to drink for tonight . Fine , we'll do that on the way home , so we don ’ t have to carry it the whole time . Sounds good . You have to promise not go into any of the stores in the mall though . I know how you like to try things on in the fitting rooms , especially if the stores have special offers . I promise . We're only going for a walk to get some exercise and to get some things done that we haven ’ t had time for . Ok , let's go then ! Do you have any money ? For what ? For our errands , and maybe a little extra for something from a vendor on the street . You said you were only going to window shop ! I agreed to not go into the mall , but I can still look at things in the market ! I should have known ... Even with volume sales our costs for the Exec User won't go down much . Just what are you proposing ? We could take a cut on the price . But 25 % would reduce much our profit margin . We suggest a compromise 10 % . That's a big change from 25 % ! 10 % is beyond my negotiating limit . Any other ideas ? I don't think I can change it right now . Why don't we talk again tomorrow ? Sure . I have to talk to my office anyway . I hope we can find some common ground on this . Robert , I have been instructed to reject the numbers you proposed , but we can try to come up with something else . I hope so , Dana . My instructions are to negotiate hard on this deal , but I'm trying very hard to reach some middle ground . I understand . We propose a structured deal . For the first six months , we get a discount of 20 % and the next six months we get 15 % . Dana . I can't bring those numbers back to my office , they'll turn it down flat . Then you'll have to think of something better , Robert . Hello . What can I do for you ? Hello . I'm here to get my salary . I see . Do you have your Current All-in-one Passbook with you ? I'll need your password for this transaction . No problem . And how much of your salary would you like ? I think just 3,000 RIB will be enough . Good morning , sir . Here is the hotel's sauna room . What can I do for you ? Yes . This is the first time I've come here . Could you please tell me something about it ? Sure Those who have heart disease or high blood pressure are not allowed to take sauna , for their sake . Thank you for telling me about this . What should I do here ? First , change your shoes to slippers . Then walk up to the changing room to get prepared for a shower . OK . How about after the shower ? After the shower , step into the washroom with birch switches , dip them in the warm water and briskly whisk them over your skin . That sounds comfortable . Yes , then enter the bathroom , There is a stove tired with wood in the room , and on the top of the stove , there is a pile of stones , which keep the heat . Throw some water on the stones , and dry steam is given off . What can I do for you ? Can I have a look at your handworks ? All right . This way , please . You have quite a range , haven't you ? Yes , sir . They are all produced in China , aren't they ? Yes , they are all distinctive Chinese . Could you please select me one ? How do you like this one ? It's very beautiful . Oh , I like it very much . How much does it cost ? 350 yuan . OK . I'll take it . Rachel ? This is John Emory speaking . Yes , Mr . Emory ? I ’ Ve got some bad news . All the plans sent over to the McGrath Corporation have been rejected . We ’ re going to have to start from scratch . I thought they had already agreed to everything . That ’ s going to take weeks to rework . Forest Restaurant . What can I do for you ? May I make a reservation ? Of course . At what time ? The four of us will be there at 7:00 this evening . OK , sir . We are looking forward to your arrival . It looks delicious . I will order it . I am sorry , sir , it's for 4 persons to have . I think it's too large for you . Would you please make it for a single person ? Sorry , sir . We have never done that before . Hello . I have left my key in my room . But I can't get in now . May I have your name and room number ? I am Molopo and my room is 5022 . OK.sir . Please go upstairs . Someone will open the door for you . Thanks a lot . Hi , I ’ m testify chen , the tour guide for the Ged Agency . We have a reservation of twenty room for tonight . Please to meet you Mrs Chen . My name is Joy . Welcome to the hotel . Here is the keys , registration slips and breakfast description . Breakfast will be served from seven tomorrow morning . Is there any change of your schedule ? No . Our check out time is still be eight thirty tomorrow . And we arrange a morning call at seven thirty . Is that be fine ? That ’ s alright . Please put your luggage outside your room by eight . The bail-boy will pick them up . Thank you . Thank you very much . I hope you enjoy your stay . Last trip was very terrible . I hope everything will be fine this time . Don ’ t blow it . Trust me . Everything will go well . Good morning . I ’ m Mickey Huang , I have an appointment with Mr wilson . Is this about the Sales Assistant position ? That's right . My appointment is for 11 o'clock . Mr wilson is on the line right now . Please have a seat . He'll be right with you . Thank you . Can I get you something , coffee , tea ? No , I'm fine . Thank you . What's going on ? Nothing really . How about you ? A lot , like the party I'm having on Friday . Well , that's cool . Will you be able to make it ? I'm busy this Friday . I'm sorry . What do you have to do ? I'm having dinner with my family Maybe you can come next time . I'll make sure and come to your next party . I'll look for you at my next party . I'll be there . Do you have anything to wash ? Yes . Here you are . OK . They will be ready by 7:00 By the way , please have these suits pressed . Of course , sir . We will press all the clothes when they are cleaned . You really do a good job . Excuse me , I'm a little lost . Which bus do I take to get to Shi Da ? Let's see . From here , you have to take the 278bus . Oh ok , where do I get off ? You should get off at the first Shi Da stop . Ok , thanks ... You're new at this , huh ? No , is it difficult ? No , it's quite simple . When you get on , just ask the bus driver when to pay the fare and where you want to get off . How much does it cost ? Only 15 NT per section . Oh look , that is your bus . Wow , I can't thank you enough . Don't mention it . Is there a bookstore near here ? Yes , it's straight ahead around the corner . Thank you very much . Take care , Peter . Don't run so fast.Are you tired ? Oh , yes . May I sit on the grass ? No , you mustn't sit on the grass.Don ' t you see the notes ? Yes , I can see it.But what's on it ? It says Keep off the grass ! Well , there's a bench under the tree.We can sit there . Be careful.You can't smoke here . Why not ? Can't you see the notes there ? It says No smoking here . May I help you ? Yes , I would like to check in . Do you have a reservation ? Yes , my name is Carol Tiang . That's spelled J - I - A - N - G . I'm sorry , Ma'am . I can't find anything under that name.Do you have your confirmation number ? No , I don't have it with me.But I know I have a reservation . My husband made it for me last month . Well , let me look again . How do you spell your first name , Ma'am ? C - A - R - O - L . Carol . I don't find a Carol in the computer for today . I have a Carol Larson here . But that reservation is for next Monday . No , that's not me . My name is Tiang , not Larson . My husband reserved for me . Are you sure he used your name , Ma'am ? Maybe he reserved under his name . His name is Lin , L - I - N . I'm sorry . I have nothing here . Miss , I know he made this reservation for me . How is your appetite today ? I'm rather hungry now . What would you like to have ? Please give me a piece of pie first . Which would you rather have , beef or chicken ? Beef , please . How about drinks ? Coffee or tea ? Coffee , please . Do you want to take milk and sugar ? Only black coffee . So , Casey , how are things going with the photos for the press kit ? Yeah , I ’ Ve been meaning to talk to you about that . I might need to ask for an extension on that deadline . You ’ Ve had over a month to get this finalized ! Why are things delayed ? Well , the thing is , we ran into a lot of problems . . . I ’ m not looking for excuses here . I just want to get this finished on time ! I know , and I apologize for the delay . But some things were just beyond my control . I had trouble booking the photographer , and then Michael was sick for three weeks , so I couldn ’ t include him in the photos , and the design team lost all the files , so I had to re-do the pictures . I ’ m not going to put this off any longer , Casey ! I want those photos ASAP ! Hello . Is Bob there , please ? Hold on a second please . I'm sorry . He has gone out . Oh . This is Paul . When will he be back ? He will be back at about seven o'clock . Can I leave a message please ? Yes , certainly . Please tell him I'll call him at the office tomorrow afternoon . All right . I'll tell him when he comes back . Thank you very much . Can I help you ? Yes , I'd like to change some money to cover my expenses here . What's today's rate of US dollar against the RIB yuan ? Let me see , the buying rate is RIB 808 per $ 100 . How much would you like to change ? $ 200 altogether . Would you mind showing me your passport ? Here it is . And how much RIB shall I get ? Let me see . $ 200 makes RIB 1,616 . Here is the cash and exchange memo . Please check it . That's correct . Thank you very much . Give me enough for a skirt , will you ? Here you are.It ' s 90 yuan , miss . Can you give me a discount ? 20 percent is the best discount I can offer . That will came to 72yuan . OK . 72 yuan . Thanks , Miss . I want you to see our new stock of brocade satin , a splendid line , just came in . No , Thanks.Not today . I'll just have this all wrapped up for you . What do you charge for the sports shoes ? $ 60 . Well , that's a bit stiff . Do you have some cheaper ones ? Yes , the shoes on that shelf are on sale now . They are much cheaper . May I help you ? Have you any package tour to Italy ? Yes , of course . Here are all the tour routes we have to Italy . How long does the route No . 5 last ? 2 weeks . Is that OK ? We have just 10 days for the vacation . Can I help you , sir ? I wish to buy a diamond ring . How many carats would you like it to be ? I want five carats . Is this one suitable for you ? No , it seems too old-fashioned to my fiancee . What about this ? It seems too small for me , haven't you got any larger ones ? Then you can buy this one . It's very nice and latest in style . Oh , this one is perfect . Do you give me a bonus ? Yes . We don ’ t give bonus every month , but we offer semi-annual bonuses . Do you allow any commission ? Yes . Commission will be given on the basis of your sales revenue . And the percentage will be 2 % of your total revenue . Hello , this is United Airlines . Hello , I want confirm my flight . My name is Jesse . When is your flight ? June loth . One first class seat on flight YW132 , is that right ? Yes , thanks . By the way , what time do I have to start check-in ? You are supposed to check in at least one hour beforehand . Hello , have you made a reservation ? No , are there any vacant beds for us ? Of course.How do you like your room ? Just an ordinary one , six people living in a room . OK , how long are you staying ? 3 days . How many do you intend to order for our shirts ? What's the minimum quantity of an order for your goods ? We are not interested in small orders . I suggest you order at least 2 000 dozen . No problem . We want a minimum of 1,000 dozen of men's shirts and a minimum of 3,000 dozen of embroidered shirts . Can you guarantee continuous production and adequate supply ? Yes , of course . We have enough productivity . You can rest assured . And for such a big quantity , you should give us a discount . Sure , we can reduce our price by ten percent . That's great . I want to change rooms immediately , plus a refund for tonight . I'm sorry , sir . Exactly what is the problem ? I'm knee-deep in cockroaches ! I'm so sorry , sir . We'll give you a new room immediately , and give you a refund also . Thank you . I'm glad that this hotel strives to keep its reputation intact . Sir , we always try to please our guests . We've got a problem ... it looks like we'll need more spotlights on the exhibition booth . The client thinks it's too dark , and they want to add halogen lighting . We've already got 3 sets of track lighting from you guys , do you think you could help us out and throw in some halogens ? Oh ... Um ... I don't think so . you know the halogen lighting is much more expensive than your track lighting system . Plus I'm going to have to call in some guys to install it for you . That's not going to come cheap . But it would only be adding to the existing structure . We're not talking about anything new here ... It doesn't matter because we will still have to call the electrician out , and they are union labor . It'll cost you a pretty penny ... How much do you think it would cost ? Mumm , I estimate it'll run in the neighborhood of ... $ 500 per light . $ 500per light ? ! That's ridiculous ! It can't possibly be that expansive ! It is , I'll tell you why . We'll have to call in the electrician , he's going to charge overtime now because it's already 5PM , and it will probably take him an hour a light . Plus , the halogen lights take more electricity , so your electrical cost is going to be higher as well . Can't you give me a break on this ? We've already spent so much money on lighting , I hate to have to blow so much more on halogens . No , that's the cost , and that's what it's going to cost us . We can't go in the hole with this . I am giving you my best price , so take it , or leave it . What a charming room ! It faces south , and there's such a lovely view of the city . I'm glad you like it . The bell is on the bedside . Just ring if you want anything . The room attendant speaks a little English . So I don't think you'll have any trouble . No , I shouldn't think so . By the way , is there a socket for my razor ? I think so . Here it is . It's by the basin . Is it a two-pin socket ? Yes , it is . Good , I ' Ve get a two-pin plug . I really don ’ t understand my parents . They always make light of my worries . They think you are just a child . But the child has his own feeling . Maybe you are right . Well , you can talk with them . I believe you ordered the Grand Slam breakfast . Oh , good ! You know , I am looking at my plate and I ordered scrambled eggs , not fried . Oh , I just noticed that I accidentally brought you your friend's breakfast . I can just trade with him , thank you . And pancakes for you , sir . I am sorry , but I think I ordered waffles . I am sorry that I misheard you . Just please take my pancakes to trade for waffles . While I am waiting , I will eat my bacon and eggs . I will get straight back to you with your waffles . I would appreciate that . Hi , Sir . What can I do for you ? Hello , there . I'd like to know about Clean Collection . My company in the US is going to send me a cheque . It's for my wages , but I'm not too sure about how to cash it here . Right . If the cheque is coming from the US , into a local currency account it will take 7 working days to clear . Is there any way we can speed it up ? There is , actually . If you can get your company to apply for a cheque from a bank in Shanghai , that'll speed things up no end . Do I check in for the train D8 08 to Shanghai here ? Yes , show me your tickets please . Here you are . By the way , when does the train leave ? The train is driving after ten minutes . Thanks . Where is my seat ? It's over there . Have a good trip . Thank you . Are you looking for an apartment ? Yes , I am interested in finding a one-bedroom apartment near Washington Square . I think I have just a right apartment for you . Oh , good . Can you describe it ? Yes . It has one bedroom , a large living space and 4 kitchens . So is there a refrigerator ? Yes , it ’ s brand-new . It sounds great . How much is the rent ? It ’ s $ 8.50 a month . When can I see it ? We can take a see by there now if you like . The landlord left me a set of keys with me . Ok , that would be great . Good afternoon , how can I help ? Hi there . I'd like to draw some cash from my Fund Account at the Securities Company . Could I check my balance before I withdraw anything ? Of course . Your balance is 92,320 RIB in your Securities Account . How much would you like to withdraw ? I'd like 20,000 RIB , please . If that's possible . No problem . Please fill in this transfer form that will authorise us to send the amount from the Securities Company to your account . Good morning , Doctor ! Good morning , Miss Mandy . How are you today ? I am not feeling very well . I've got a bad cold . Have you got a sore throat , too ? No , but I've got a headache . Yes , I see . Go home to bed and take one of these pills every three hours . Thank you very much . Melanie , can you help me with something ? We need to finalize the account with the Mexican Embassy and , I need some advice on phrasing this letter correctly in English . Sure Tracy , let me just get my laptop . Okay , so ... To Whom It May Concern , I am writing . Um , Tracy ? I think that ' s a little too formal . I know you want to be polite but you've already made contact with them , so in English you can be more relaxed in the opening ... Okay , more relaxed . Got it . Hey , Sally , what ' s up ? It's Tracy here , just . Okay Tracy , now it's too relaxed ! You've still got to show some respect . How about starting with " Dear Ms . Cooper , I'm writing to confirm ... ? Great , okay . " Dear Miss Cooper , I'm writing to confirm the final quotation for the full page back cover color advertisement you requested for the spring issue of Voila magazine " . That's great ... " The final costing , including advert design and production , comes to forty-five thousand six hundred RIB . We want payment ten working days before publication or we will cancel the ad . Thanks for ... " Woo , okay , back up a second , Tracy . That's too direct . Can I suggest you say , please note that final payment is due two working weeks before publication ? You don't want to offend her . Oops , okay . You are right . Then I can just end with " All the best , Tracy " . Mmmm , maybe , but I'd play it safe and just finish with " Yours Sincerely " . That's more professional . Oh , Melanie , you are a life saver , thank you ! Bruno's . Hi , I'm calling from Nika Corporation . We would like to hold a business lunch at the restaurant . Oh , certainly . I'm Linda , the Manager . I can help you with that . How many will there be in your party ? There will be about 18 people . Okay . For a party that size , we have a separate banquet room in the back . Is there an extra charge to reserve the room ? No , as long as you can guarantee at least 15 guests , there is no extra charge . That's great . I'd like to go ahead and reserve the room , then , for Friday , December 2 , at around noon . This is a retirement party and we'd like to bring a cake for the guest of honor and some bottles of champagne . Will that be acceptable ? The cake is no problem at all , but we do charge a corkage fee of $ 15 a bottle for any alcohol not purchased from the restaurant . Oh , that's fine . Great . I have the banquet room reserved for a lunch on for Nika Corporation on the 2nd of December . May I have your name and contact information ? Sure . I'm J McQuillin and my number is 323-555-6840 , extension 42 . Thanks , Mr . McQuillin . I'll give you a call a week in advance to confirm the arrangements . Sounds good . Thanks for your help . Thank you for choosing Bruno's . We look forward to seeing you on the 2nd . Excuse me , miss.Should I check in here for taking MS121 to Florence ? Yes , show me your ticket and passport please . Here you are . Can I have a seat in the back of the plane ? No problem . Wish you a nice trip . Have you anything to declare ? One bottle of perfume and a watch . Where did you buy it ? In Boston . Do you travel a lot ? Oh ... I go to see my sister twice a year or so . Twice a year ? How long has your sister lived in Boston ? Nearly ten years . I see , that's a long time . How much was the watch ? I can't remember , but I've got the receipt somewhere . Would you like to see it ? Yes , I'd like to see the receipt . Oh ! I see you bough the watch last week . Yes . Does that mean I'll have to pay duty on it ? Yes , I'm afraid you will . Altogether on the watch and the perfume you owe me seven pounds . Ok . Here you are . Is that all right now ? Yes , that's fine . I hope you enjoyed your stay in Boston ? Yes , I did . I had a fine time . Good morning and welcome . How can I help you ? Could you tell me something about safety deposit box rental , please ? I need somewhere safe to keep some insurance documents ; I just simply don't feel comfortable keeping them at home or in the office . We have 3 different types of boxes . We usually rent for 1 year and the fee depends on the size and location of the box . I think I'll go for the smallest , as it's just for documents . Will I be the only key holder ? I'd perhaps feel a little nervous if I knew someone else could have access to it at any time . You can have more than 1 key if you'd like , but we must have signature cards for each box . That's great ; I can give an extra key to my wife . I feel perfectly comfortable with her having a key . Thanks for your help . If you have your ID and are willing to pay a year in advance , we can do that for you today , there is no need to wait . OK , I'll take a small , for 1 year , in this branch , please . Rachel ? I ’ m not sure how you want to handle this account . I think there are a few things to be sorted out . I agree , Toni . I think the biggest problem we ’ re facing is how to bring it in under budget . That ’ s true . But even beyond that , there ’ s the question of meeting the deadlines they ’ Ve set . Right . Look , why don ’ t we make a list of the problems we ’ re dealing with . It ’ ll be easier to work through them that way . Why have you decided to change jobs ? I hope to change because my current job is not within my chosen field.Since my major was international banking , I really hope to work at a bank . Then , why do you want to work for our bank since it's a new establishment in Shanghai ? Because your bank is a new one , I think I'll be given more opportunities , and the working conditions and surroundings are so excellent here . It certainly is . But the work is also hard here . You need to put a lot of hard hours on the job to succeed in this field . I expect to work hard , madam . Do you mind going on frequent business traps ? No , I enjoy travelling . Excuse me.sir . Can I have look at the timetable please ? Surely of course.Here you are . Is flight ZW203 a direct one ? No , it stopped at Honolulu.Would you like to book one ? No . Is there any direct flight to New York ? Let me see . I am sorry . ZW203 is the only one to New York . I am looking for a pan . No problem . What size would you like ? A big one would be nice . How about this one ? It's our biggest — 16 ' in diameter . Oh , yes , I like that one , but it's too heavy . Okay , try this one . It's made of aluminum . Oh , yes ! This is much better . But it has an aluminum handle . Here you go . Same pan , but with a state-of-the-art , heat-resistant plastic handle . Yes . That's perfect . I'll take it . Great . Will that be cash or charge ? Oh , wait a minute . What about a lid for the pan ? I'm sorry . I forgot to show you the lid . It comes with the pan . Do you rent cameras here ? Of course . Which one do you like best ? I want one that is easy to handle . Try this one . You can get a picture by simply pressing the shutter . That's good . What's the fee ? Oh great ! This stupid computer froze again ! That's the third time today ! Hey Samuel , can you come take a look at my PC ? It's acting again . It must have a virus or something . Just give me a second . I'll be right up . I ran a virus scan on your computer , and it turns out that you have a lot of infected files ! But I'm quite careful when I'm browsing theinternet , I have no idea how I could have picked up a virus . Well , you have to make sure that your anti-virus software is updated regularly , yours wasn't up to date , that ’ s probably what was causing your problems . Ok . Anything else ? Yeah , try not to kick or hit the computer ! Um yeah . Sorry about that . I really need to lose some weight . I should go on a diet . I think you should work out more too . Wow ! You are much skinnier since the last time I saw you . I have lost about five kilos . How did you do it ? I was on a diet and exercised daily . I hate working out . You can try a low-impact workout schedule . Why don't you go to a gym ? Good idea . Then the trainer will help me to make a fitness plan . Besides that , what's your secret ? The secret is persistence . Let's see now . Cut the potatoes into small cubes . Yes , but don't cut them yet . Wait until they cool . Where is the big plastic bowl ? On the bottom shelf in the cupboard under the sink . What's Donna like , by the way ? Donna ? Well . She is about 20 . She is very lovely and I think you will like her . What about Paul ? Oh , Paul is very easy-going and friendly . Could you get me the pepper from the cupboard ? Yes , sure . Which cupboard is it in ? It's in the small one beside the cooker . There is no pepper here . Oh , there Isn't ? Oh , no . Hello . Excuse me . Do you know if there's a Commercial Bank around here ? Yes , go straight along Beijing Road and turn right . Straight on , and turn right . Is it far ? No , it's just a couple of minutes . Thanks very much . You're welcome . Hello . Is Becky there , please ? Just a moment , please . I ’ ll see if she ’ s free . Thanks . Sorry , Becky can ’ t come to the phone right now . That ’ s okay . I ’ ll call back later . Good afternoon , may I help you ? I have booked a table for 3 this evening . I would like to cancel it . May I have your name , please ? Sure . Brown and we have reserved a table next to the door . Yes , I see . We will cancel your order . If I wanted to rent a van , how much would it cost ? Let's see . That would be ¥ 160 a day a mile . That sounds OK . I'll need it from the 10th to the 14th . Do you have a valid license ? Yeah . Here . Fine . Now complete this form and sign your name at the bottom . Good morning , sir . May I help you ? Good morning . I'd like to pay my bill . OK . In cash or by credit ? In cash . How much is the total charge ? Five hundred and thirty yuan altogether including charges for service . Here you are . Thanks for your wonderful service . Not at all . Welcome again . Have you heard the news ? I haven't heard anything . Deborah had her baby last week . Nobody told me . I thought you heard . I really wasn't told anything . She was a cute 8 pounds 6 ounces . Wow , how exciting . I know , you should really go and see her and the baby . Of course I will . I just wanted to let you know what happened . I appreciate that . I'm afraid it's bad news for you . You haven't got the position . Oh , no ! I can't have failed . Are you sure ? I'm afraid so . I'm terribly sorry . It sucks . But Arden told me he's satisfied with my qualifications and experience . He's the only one of the several to decide this . How am I going to face the fellows in our office ? They thought I would be promoted . They must be waiting for my good news . I don't think the thing can be that serious . You should face the result . Besides , I don't think the position is the best for you . But I lost the chance . Keep working hard , and then you will get another chance of promotion someday . Come on.Plenty of room upstairs.Fares please ! One to the beach . How much is it ? One dollar ... I'm short of change this morning . Sorry . I can wait a moment . Good , here's your ticket and four dollars change . Thank you . Can you recognize that woman , Millie ? I think I can , Kate . It must be Karen Marsh , the actress . I thought so . Who ’ s that beside her ? That must be Conrad Reeves . Conrad Reeves , the actor ? It can ’ t be . Let me have another look . I think you ’ re right ! Isn ’ t he her third husband ? No , He must be her fourth or fifth . Doesn ’ t Karen Marsh look old ! She does , doesn ’ t she ! I read she ’ s twenty-nine , but she must be at least forty . I ’ m sure she is . She was a famous actress when I was still a schoolgirl . That was a long time ago , wasn ’ t it ? Not that long ago ! I ’ m not more than twenty-nine myself . Shall we buy ? It really depends on you . But if you were me ? If I were you , I'd buy . Hello . This is Doctor Bell ’ s Office . Can I help you ? Hi . This is Taylor Wright calling . I ’ Ve got an appointment with Doctor Bell at 9.00 tomorrow morning . I ’ Ve got to cancel this appointment . My father-in-law passed away suddenly last night . I ’ m sorry to hear that . Cancelling the appointment is no problem . Thank you for your call . Thanks a lot . Good bye . Excuse me , which one is of the highest quality here ? This one . It is of the best quality and excellently tailored as well . You may try it on . That is nice . But I don't quite like the collar . The collar ? It is just the collar that is popular with young people in Shanghai . I don't care what others wear . How much is it ? 250 Yuan . Really ? Too expensive . I don't think I can afford it . But it is really worthwhile . OK , anyway , let me have it . Here you are . Thank you . It's time for you to wake up . Give me five more minutes . I'm really tired this morning . I'm sorry , but it's time for you to get ready for school . I get that , but let me just sleep for a little bit longer . You're not going to get up in five minutes if I let you fall back asleep . Believe me . I will get up and get ready in five minutes . There's a lot that you need to do this morning . I understand , and it will get done after I wake up in five minutes . I would like for you to not be late for school . I'm going to be on time today . Go back to sleep then , but only five more minutes . Thanks a lot . May I ask you how much this position pays per year ? This job pays sixty-five thousand dollars per year . What kind of benefits does this job have ? This job provides full medical , dental , and disability . What type of vacation time do we get ? You get 3 weeks paid vacation that you may use as you wish . Do we have a 401K ? We offer a 401K with some matching funds available depending on length of service . What type of professional development do you offer ? We provide up-to-date training on state of the art equipment . Where do I sign up for my benefits package ? Down the hall . I'll show you when the interview is over . Oh dear , my weight has gone up again . I am not surprised , you eat too much . And I suppose sitting at the desk all day at the office doesn't help . No , I wouldn't think so . I do wish I could lose weight . Well , why don't you go on a diet ? I've tried diets before but they've never worked . Perhaps you should excercise more . Why don't you go to an exercise class . Yes , maybe I should . Do you have a reservation , sir ? No , I am afraid we don't . I'm sorry . The restaurant is full now . You have to wait for about half an hour . Would you care to have a drink at the lounge until a table is available ? No , thanks . We'll come back later . May I reserve a table for two ? Yes , of course . May I have your name , sir ? Bruce . By the way . Can we have a table by the window ? We'll try to arrange it but I can't guarantee , sir . That's fine . What is your most preferred training method ? Well , I prefer active rather than passive training . For example , I like the training offered by a financial software company from which we bought the newest updated virgin . They sent the programmers to demonstrate how to do and then ask us to practice . All employees receiving this training were in the same meeting room , so we could communicate with each other . We had a lot of fun learning together . It helps to build up the work relation among colleagues . Well , that is also very efficient , right ? Of course , it is much better than just giving us some reading materials or information via the internet . That ’ s boring . Once we were asked to watch a video on how to operate the punches , all of us seemed to fall into sleep by the end of the video . what are you watching on the telly ? there's a great sitcom on Channel 3 that stars in about three minutes . which one is that ? the office . Have you watched it ? I've seen the British version and loved it , but have never seen the American version . it's almost exactly the same . I think it's a hilarious show . what are you watching now ? they're just showing highlights of American Idol from last night right now . I can't stand American Idol ! I think it's really over-rated . I couldn't agree with you more . have you got satellite , cable , or digital TV ? we have digital TV . It's amazing though---even with 100 channels , there's often nothing on that I'd want to watch ! do you watch a lot of TV then ? I guess so . I'm bit of a couch potato . How about you ? I don't have a TV at home , so I rarely watch anything . Is there anything worth watching after the office ? there's actually a documentary on the history channel later on that I'd like to watch . Do you want to stay and watch it with me ? why not ? I don't have anything better to do ! Good afternoon , ma'am . Can I help you find anything ? No , thanks . I'm just looking . We have a special on these skirts this week . Would you like to try one on ? No , thank you . I don't need any skirts . How about a blouse ? This one here is the latest fashion . No , thank you . Why not try on this lovely pair of shorts ? I'm sure they'd look fabulous on you . No doubt . Look , I'm just browsing . If I need your help , I'll let you know . Take a look at this dress ! Don't you think it's perfect for you , ma'am ? Uh , where are you going , ma'am ? Ma'am ? You say your products are aimed at the green consumer . In what ways are they environmentally-friendly ? We produce household cleaning products - detergents and so on . They are all phosphate-free , which minimises damage to the environment . What about the packaging ? We try to use as little packaging as possible . Also , all our bottles are made of recyclable plastic and we use recycled fibre in our boxes . That's what our customers want . Excuse me , Alex ? What can I do for you , Kim ? I was wondering if you could get together with me to go over the payroll . Sure , anytime . I don't know about you , but I'm famished . Are you interested in getting a bite to eat ? That sounds great . I'm absolutely starving ! What kind of food are you in the mood for ? I'd love something spicy . Maybe we could get some Sichuan Hotpot . You're a woman after my own heart . I don't know many people who can handle spicy food . Are you sure you are up for hotpot . Sure . If I could , I would eat hotpot every day ! Ok , you're really all eyes when it comes to talking about food , aren't you ? Well , let's stop dragging our feet and find a Sichuan Hotpot restaurant for dinner ! Let me think about it for a minute . Let's see ... oh the name of the restaurant is on the tip of my tongue ! Give me a second and it'll come to me . Well ... ? Have you thought of it yet ? No ... Never mind . There's an authentic tasting hotpot restaurant not far from the China World Trade Towers on Chang An Street . Have you been there ? That's it ! That's the one I was thinking of ! I told you I'd remember it ! You really have a bid head , don't you ! I lost my wallet . I'm sorry , that's bad luck . Can you suggest a few exercise to help me get fit and stretch my muscles a little ? Sure . If you want to stretch your legs , a good exercise is to lift your knee in front of your body , like this . It ’ s a very simple exercise , but very effective . I need to excise my arms too . How can I do that ? One good way is to do push-ups . Another way is to use weights . Make sure you grip the weights firmly . You don ’ t want to drop them on your feet ! When I do push-ups , should I bend my elbows so that my nose touches the ground ? You don ’ t need to bend your elbows that much . Bend them so that your arms are at a 90 degree angle . The most important think is to remember to keep your body straight . Many people bend their bodies at the waist , which reduces the effectiveness of the exercise . What ’ s a good exercise for my chest muscles ? One that I recommend is that you lie on your back . You should have a weight in each hand and stretch your arms out either side of your body . So I need plenty of space for this exercise . Yes , you do . Lift the weight up , keeping your arms straight all the time . Great . Thanks for you advice ! May I help you ? Yes , could you cash these travaler's check for me , please ? Sure.Please sign your name here ... and here . Ok , here you are . Thanks.How would you like them ? It doesn't matter . Room reservations . Can I help you ? Hello , is there a room available ? What kind of room do you have in mind ? A twin room , please . Hold on , please . ... I'm afraid we're fully booked.The only room available at the moment is a suite . Oh , I see . Thank you anyway . Look , who's here , Peter ! Oh , Tom ! I thought you were in Paris . Just got back.Good to see you ! Good to see you too ! Are you going to the annual party ? I can give you a ride if you need one . Thanks a lot . That's the favor I was going to ask you for . The pleasure is mine . Tristan , could you stay a few extra minutes to discuss your project with me ? Sure . We're on a pretty tight schedule , but we should be able to finish it just on time . Are all of your team members on schedule ? A few of the graphic designers are a bit behind in their work because of computer problems . How have they decided to deal with that ? They've agreed to work over-time until it's finished . They've even decided to come in on the weekend . That's true dedication . I'm impressed . When is it due ? We agreed that the deadline was next Friday . Right . Well , given that your colleagues are working so hard on this project , I suppose we could change that deadline to Monday morning , I won't have time to look over it on the weekend anyway . That'd be very helpful . An extra weekend is all they really need . Thanks . That's alright . Make sure everyone knows that we must stick to the new deadline . I will . I know you have a tight schedule , so I won't take up more of your time . Have a good evening . You , too ! See you tomorrow . Hello , this is Chen Kun . I am booked on flight LJ88 for Barcelona on Jan . 19th . Hold on please ... Yes , you are booked already . Now I am afraid I can't get to the airport on that day . I want to change my flight for the 21st.Is that all right ? I am sorry.Flight LJ88 0n that day is full . What about 22 ? Fine.Thank you so much . Good afternoon . I am Mr . Brown , the Import manager of Atlantic Industries Ltd , Sidney , Australia . This is my card . Good afternoon , Mr . Brown . My name is Mrs . Anderson , manager of the sales department . Nice to see you , Mrs . Anderson . Nice to see you too , Mr . Brown . Won ’ t you sit down ? Thank you . What would you like , tea or coffee ? I ’ d prefer coffee if you don ’ t mind . Is it your first trip to the Fair , Mr . Brown ? No , it ’ s the fourth time . Good . Is there anything you find changed about the Fair ? Yes , a great deal . The business scope has been broadened , and there are more visitors than ever before . Really , Mr . Brown ? Did you find anything interesting ? Oh , yes . Quite a bit . But we are especially interested in your products . We are glad to hear that . What items are you particularly interested in ? Women ’ s dresses . They are fashionable and suit Australian women well , too . If they are of high quality and the prices are reasonable , we ’ ll purchase large quantities of them . Will you please quote us a price ? All right . Hello , there . What can we do for you today ? I received some leaflets in the post from you , one of them talked about a new service you have where you can transfer money between this bank and securities companies . Is that right ? Yes , that's right . We have just introduced the program , but it's very popular already . I also read that if the customer is a stock investor , which I am , it's possible to get additional benefits ? Right again . We can provide a tailored consultation service for you , giving you the latest quotes from the Stock Exchange and help you to plan what exactly you do with your investments . What if I don't want to come in to the branch , can I use the consultation service over the phone ? Certainly , Sir . Via phone or Internet , any time , any place . Hi , Carlos . What are you doing this afternoon ? Working . Why ? Well . I was just wondering if you would come by and give me a hand with the fliers for next week ’ s party . I ’ m sorry , Melissa . I really can ’ t today . I ’ Ve just got too much going on . Maybe tomorrow . Well , tell me something of yourself . What would you like to know , Mr . Green ? What working experience have you got ? In 2004 , I got a job in the sales department of a trading company near Guangzhou . I started a sales representative . A year later , I was promoted to the position of sales manager . I had that job ever since , which is just over a year now . Oh , good . Irene , can you tell me why you plan to quit being a sales manager to work here as my assistant ? Don't you like your present job ? Frankly , some part of it I enjoy very much , but I prefer something more professional . It happens that I have a friend working here in this company . She told me the export department was to recruit an assistant . I felt very excited at this news . That's why I'm here . Is that room service ? Yes.what can I do for you ? May I ask for a wake-up call tomorrow morning ? Fine , what time do you want to get up ? 6:30 . My room number is 305 . Hello , I've got to get up early tomorrow , so please give me a wake-up call . Of course . We can give you a call anytime you like . Actually , I need two calls , one at 7 and the other at 7 fifteen . Your wish is our command . Expect a call at 7 , and another one at 7 fifteen . Wait a minute ! I don't like 7 fifteen , now that I think about it . Change it to 7 thirty . The second call is now changed to 7 thirty . Is there anything else we can help you with ? Nothing that I can think of right now . If something comes up , though , I'll call you . We're here all night long if you need anything . I just received a phone call for an interview next week . Congratulations ! This is your first interview ever . thank you , but I'm nervous . I don't know what to do.Could you tell me what should I do before an interview ? sure , you should prepare so that you can give proper response when you're being interviewed . yeah , besides my personal introduction , what else should I prepare ? you should collect as much information about the company and the position you're applying for as you can . It is important to show that you've done some research into the company . The interviewers Wil then what should I do when I'm being interviewed ? smile at the interviewers and look them in their eyes while trying to persuade them to select you . Try to act natural , let your personality , ability and interpersonal skills shine through the interview are there any other things I should pay attention to ? yeah , wear formal clothes to your interview and do be punctual . That'll leave your interviewers with a good first impression . Excuse me , sir . Is there anything I can do for you ? Yes . I'd like to change some money , please . All right . How much would you like to change ? Let me see . I think maybe 600 USD at least . Pardon ? Six hundred US dollars . I'm sorry , sir , after 7 But I am badly in need of the amount . Might I ask you to make an exception for me ? I'm afraid we cannot help you , sir , because that would be violating the regulations . I owe an apology for doing nothing about it . It's just too bad . I have to leave it as it is , and thank you just the same . Where to , sir . To this place , please . Star Hotel . OK . How long does it take to get to the hotel ? About 20 minutes . Here's the hotel . How much is the fare ? That's 10 dollars . Excuse me . We ordered too much . May we take the food home ? Yes , surely . Do I have to pay extra charge for that ? No , you don't . It is free of charge . Well , then , will you put this and that into doggie bags ? Certainly , would you wait for a few minutes ? Thanks . Would you give me another favor ? Yes , what is it ? Some more Chinese tea for us , please . Sure , I'll be back in a minute . What's your ideal boss ? I have had an incredible boss , who was my direct supervisor during the last year of my coop work experience . A-bout two months after I began working for her , she really let me spread my wings . She encouraged me to work independently , because she said she had come to trust my judgment and commitment . So I was able to move forward on projects without having to check in with her every day . Of course , I made certain that she knew what I had accomplished on a daily and weekly basis because I gave her summary reports , although she didn't specifically ask me to . Without her support and encouragement , I don't think I would have felt confident enough to have written up a proposal suggesting that the department change a process that had been in place for a long time . But she was open to suggestions , so long as employees could back them up with research and facts . When I submitted my suggestion , she reviewed it and told me where she thought it needed more work . She then took my revised proposal to her boss . He was a more conservative type , but she lobbied him to try It for several weeks . He did , and it was so successful that it was instituted as a permanent change . I've also worked for some very difficult bosses in summer and part-time jobs . And while I'd certainly prefer to work for one like I've just described , I'm the kind of person who can get along with just about anyone . Hello . I'm leaving . Here is my key . Just one second , sir , and I'll give you your receipt . Here you go . Thank you very much . Sir , did you enjoy your stay here ? Well , most of my time here was pleasant . And New York itself is fantastic . I'm glad you enjoyed the city , anyway . But please don't think too unkindly of us . Wow ! What ’ s the hold up ? It ’ s probably just people trying to get an early start out of the city for the weekend . Nobody sticks around in the summer . Really ? Then , I guess I won ’ t have a hard time finding a room or getting a cab ? Actually , you might because there ’ s a big convention in town this weekend . I ’ m not too worried about it . I always seem to find something . What do you think a job means to you ? It is a way to make a living , but beyond this it's a way of fulfilling one's development . It can prove your ability . May I ask you why you left the job ? I left the job because of expiry of my employment contract . Besides I have accumulated a lot of experience in this sort of job . I want to seek better jobs . Excuse me , but I'm looking for a gift for my friend . Is it a Chinese New Year's gift or a birthday gift ? Well , it's a wedding gift . Oh , I see . Let me guess ... something sexy for the new bride on her first night of marriage ? Basically . But I have no idea what to get ! She's American and kind of ... Well-endowed ? Don't worry . I have some bras with bigger cup sizes in the back . Why did you stay home today ? I'm off today . Good evening ! I don't believe we've met before . May I introduce myself ? My name is Jack . It's a pleasure to meet you . My name is Lucy . I'm very happy to meet you . You're from the United States , aren't you ? Yes , I'm from Salt Lake City . I've been to Salt Lake City a few times . I really like your city . I'm glad to hear that . I think it's the nicest city in the United States . Here's the dress you wanted to be made . Oh , dear ! What's the matter ? It's not what I asked for . What's wrong with it ? It's not the right material . Or the right color . I can't possibly accept it . This is a pity ! Good morning , sir . Welcome to Flower Hotel . Thank you . How many pieces of baggage do you have ? Three . Would you please help us take them to the hall ? Surely , of course . How can I help you ? Yes , I am James Mason from Anderson and Associates Limited . I would like to see Mr . Smith . Do you have an appointment ? Yes , he knows I'm coming . Our meeting is set for 2 o'clock . I wonder if Mr . Smith forgot your meeting . I am afraid he left this office this morning and is not expected back until 4 p . m . Let me find out if he made arrangements for someone else to meet with you in his place . Will you please have a seat ? Sure . Yes , Mr . Mason . I just checked with our office manager , Ms . Terry . She said Mr . Smith briefed her on your project . She is just finishing up a meeting now . She should be with you shortly . Would you like me to show you around while you are waiting ? That would be very nice . Thank you . Right this way , Mr . Mason . We can start with our front office . When Ms . Terry is ready , you may take the elevator at the front to the 6th floor.There is a conference room already prepared . Good day . Welcome to IBA , what can I assist you with today ? Hello , yes , I'm a stock investor and I'm looking at opening a new account with you . Perhaps your new compound savings one ? I already have a Current Account with you . That's no trouble , Sir . I'm mostly interested in the personalized services you offer , with stock market news , etc . It sounds just perfect for me , as I'm too busy to be constantly at the computer checking the performance . Yes , that's just one of the services we offer in our Personal Financing Program . What I need to know is how I can keep track of what's going on . I mean , some days I buy and sell quite a lot . Some days , there's no activity at all . For every transaction you make , a statement will be drawn up and can be posted to you or sent via e-mail , or if you want to be double sure we can do both . That's just what I need , sometimes I'm pretty forgetful . There are something wrong with my computer . Really , what's wrong with it ? The computer doesn't work when I push the power cotton . Oh , do you use your computer often ? Yes , I don't know why it doesn't work this time . Don't worry . Have you got receipt with you ? Yeah ! We'll go to your house and repair it on Tuesday . Ok ? OK , I'll expected you around 2 o'clock ? See you then . Hello , could you tell me my test results ? Your results are posted on the website . Just put in your password and you can see the exact numbers . Are you saying that all my results were normal ? We always contact you by phone to come in if there is a need for follow-up . How will I know what the results mean on the website ? The purpose of each test is given on the site . Will the numbers mean anything to me ? The website will give you your results and then tell you what the normal range is . Can I see all of my test results at once ? Yes , you can see every test for the past five years . You can compare them . What do you want to eat today ? I feel like having some dumplings . Let's go out to eat . No need ! I know how to make dumplings . Let's do it from scratch . Can you give me a hand in the kitchen ? I don't think I can finish everything by myself . Of course . What do you want me to do ? Just trim vegetables for cooking . I will cut up the meat . I can do that . And I would like to make dumplings later . Yeah , you are my good helper , Steven . Absolutely . What would you like to order ? I would like to have a hamburger . Did you want it with cheese ? I don't want cheese on it . Did you want anything to drink ? I think I'm going to get a soda today . What kind of soda can I get you ? A Sprite sounds good . What else would you like ? Let me get a bag of chips too . Anything else ? That's all . What are you working on ? I'm figuring out my budget . What budget ? I'm making a shopping budget , so that I don't spend too much money . How much money can you spend ? I can only spend $ 300 a month . Why only $ 300 ? I need to save the rest . For what ? I need to pay my bills . Your budget is a good idea . I know . It's going to save me a lot of money , I hope . Hello , Dana Okro . Hello , Dana , this is Kevin Abrahams from Eureka Corp . I don't know if you'll remember me but we met last week at the Chamber of Commerce luncheon . Oh , yes . Hi , how are you ? Great . Do you have a few minutes right now for me to tell you a little bit more about the data management tools our company has to offer ? It won't take long . Actually , I'm really swamped right now and I'll be going into a meeting in a few minutes . Is there any literature you can send me ? Oh , sure , I understand . I'd be happy to send you a promotional packet about the programs that I think might best suit a company of your size . Would it be okay if I called again to see if you have any questions ? Let's do this . Since I'm not sure when I'll get a chance to read the material , why don't I give you a call if I have any questions . Now , I'm really sorry , but I have to get going to this meeting . No problem at all . I won't keep you any longer . I'll put a package to you in the mail and we'll go from there . Sounds good . Thanks for your time . No problem . Bye , bye . Susan , Is the manager in this office ? Yes . But he is meeting a client . Oh , that's too bad . I just got a phone call saying that my wife is now in the hospital . She is going to deliver a baby . I must take the day off to go to the hospital . May I talk to him to ask for leave ? I am afraid not , but I think I could convey your leave to him after the client goes . Oh , that's very kind of you . Thank you very much . I've got to go . Good morning . I'd like to buy 2 tickets . Have you brought your student card ? I didn't know you have student tickets so I left them in my bag . In that case , you have to buy two full fare tickets . Here is the money . Hi , how are you ? I'm fine , thanks . Just trying to get adjusted . It's hard to keep track of everything around here . That's for sure . You're new , too , huh ? Yeah . I just got here a couple of days ago . How about you ? My dear , it's five flights up ! That's all right.We ' ll get used to it.Besides , it is quiet up there . We're little further away from the street and traffic noise And there's no one living over us . Is the place well-furnished ? Yes , it's pretty bright in there and big enough for our children to play . What about the kitchen ? The stove and refrigerator are in good working order , And I don't see any loose electric wiring that could cause fires . Are the plumbing all right ? The plumbing seems OK , too . The toilet flushes and the shower has hot and cold water And the sinks don't seem to leak . The place is OK . Let's go there and have a look at it again . How was Elvin ? Hey , look . My admirer has struck again . Another note ? But how ? I didn't see anyone ! It's an e-mail . It says , We need to meet . I'll give you a sweet treat . It's not what you think . Uh-oh . He's heating up . What are you going to do now ? You know what , I think I know who my admirer is . You do ? Who ? Honey , how is by you ? Just so so.There are no exciting things for me . Why aren't you doing your homework ? I'll do it later , Dad . I must prepare the concert on Saturday . Oh , is it ? You'll be making records next , will you ? We hope so . You'd better get on with your homework ! You can practice on Sunday . Oh dad . You don't understand at all . I certainly could . You'll get exams next month . I don't need it to play the guitar . Oh , don't you ? God save me ! I'm sorry . Good morning . Er , good morning , yes , er ... I'm phoning about the job that was in the paper last night . Oh , yes . Arm , well , could you tell me your name , please ? Oh , Candida Fawcett . Oh , yes . Arm , well , what exactly is it that interests you about the job ? Well , I just thought that it was right up my street you know . Really , mmmm . Arm , well , could you perhaps tell me a little about yourself ? Yes , arm , I'm 23 . I've been working abroad , I'm um ... Where exactly have you been working , please ? You ’ re free to leave . I ’ m so excited . What are you planning on doing now ? I ’ m going back to college . What are you going to major in ? I haven ’ t thought about it yet . I don ’ t want to see you back here . You won ’ t see me here again . I don ’ t think this place is for you . I know . I wish you luck . Thanks . I know things are going to be better . Good morning . Ah , hello . Do you have a service for buying Traveller's Cheques ? Yes , we do . How can I help ? I can give you a simple introduction , if you'd like ? That would be wonderful . We usually recommend our clients buy US Dollar Traveller's Cheques , as they can be exchanged for local currency all over the world . They are certainly the most versatile . But what if something happened to them ? What would happen to my money ? As soon as you purchase your Traveller's Cheques from us , you are covered . No matter if you lose them or they are stolen , we will replace them promptly . All we ask is for you to write down the reference number of each cheque and keep it in a safe place away from the actual cheques . We will need that number if you need to make a claim . OK , I'd like to purchase 500 US dollars worth of Traveller's Cheques , please . What are you and Corey doing for Valentine ’ s Day this Friday ? Probably nothing . You have to do something romantic . Romantic ? I can ’ t remember what that word means . Well , you have three kids , so you knew what it meant once upon a time ! Ha , ha ! Those days are long gone . Now please tell me something about your past work achievements . All right , madam . When I was sales manager at the Beijing Friendship Store . I succeeded in raising the yearly sales volume by 25 percent and profit margins from 50 percent to 80 percent . That is quite an achievement ! Do you consider it your most rewarding work experience ? I don't think so . I'll create further achievement in the future . Have you received any honors ? Yes . I got the title of Advance Worker in 2006 . Do you have any publications ? Yes . I wrote a thesis entitled On Interpersonal Relations in the Socialist Market Economy and it was published in China Daily . I believe that you called me ? Oh , hi . Thanks for getting back to me quickly . Why did you call me ? I was calling about your son . Did he do something wrong ? Your son was acting up in class . What do you mean ? He was talking and causing a disturbance during class . That's really not like him . If you could just talk to him , I would greatly appreciate it . I apologize , and I'll make sure he doesn't do that again . Don't worry about it , but thank you very much . Catherine , have you ever seen the movie Fast Food Nation ? Yes , I remember it was inspired by a New York Times best-seller of the same name . It's very thought-provoking , isn't it ? Exactly . It reveals the dark side of the all-American meal . So what do you think of the American fast food culture ? I think America really deserves the name of " fast food nation - as people can find McDonald ' s , KFC and Pizza Hut almost all over the States . And everyone knows that Americans ' favorite food is the hamburger , isn't it ? Sure . You see , Tom , fast food is a lifestyle that craves convenience . People just don't care whether it is healthy or not . But I think some healthy menu options are also served at fast food restaurants .. What are they ? Such as fat-free milk , whole-wheat rolls and fish sandwich . They're much better But I'm not sure if they're well-rcceived . That's the point . People usually don't have much time to think about it when they have a on-the-go meal . Well , Americans may need to find a way to make the most of their fast foods . I suppose so . You ran into my car . That was my fault . I'm sorry . You messed up my car . I don't see any damage . My rear bumper is messed up . I don't see anything wrong with it . It's smashed in . That's not my fault . The same thing is wrong with your bumper . I'll take care of everything . I just need your phone number and insurance . I need your information too . Here you go . Good morning . How can I help you ? I want to apply for a passport here . OK . Please fill in these forms and take them back when you are done . ( 10 minutes later . ) Hi . Here are completed forms . OK . Can I have your original ID card and tw0 2 - inch photos ? Here you are , But I forgot my photos . That is OK . We have photo taking service here . You may pay your fee , take a photo there and take it back here . OK . I am going right now . Hello , I bought the pendant in your shop , just before . Yes.Thank you very much . Now I come back to the hotel and try to show it to my friend , the pendant is broken , I'm afraid . Oh , is it ? Would you change it to a new one ? Yes , certainly.You have the receipt ? Yes , I do . Then would you kindly come to our shop with the receipt by 10 o'clock ? We will replace it . Thank you so much . Hello , may I help you ? Yes , I need some more cash for my visit in China . May I cash a traveler ’ s check here ? Of course . We would be happy to cash it for you . I was going to cash it at the hotel , but one of my friends said that banks always give better exchange rates . Well , any bank will cash it at our present traveler's check buying rate , for which we ’ re somewhere cheaper than hotels because of the service charge . You see , hotels really aren ’ t in the money exchange business although they will cash traveler ’ s check for their guest . You mean there is really not that much of a difference . No , madam . Not very much . Well , may I cash these three checks for 100 dollars each ? I think that will be enough . Yes , I'll be happy to cash these for you . Would you please countersign them here ? Ok . Hello . Hello , Claire . This is Mick . Mick ! Nice to hear from you again . How are you ? Fine , thanks . And you ? Oh , not so bad . I've been very busy , but I'm going away on holiday soon . Good . Listen . I'm phoning because I want to invite you to a party . At our Newhouse . And . . New house ? Really ? Yes . We've moved . That's why we're giving the party . Can you come ? Well , that depends . When is it ? This Saturday evening . Well . . . I'm going away on Sunday morning . Very early . Will the party go Convery late ? Until two in the morning . But you don't have to stay that long.Well ? What about it ? All right . I'll come . But I'd like to bring a present Something for your new house.What would you like ? Nothing . I mean , don't bring anything . It isn't necessary . But I'd still like ... Just bring yourself ! I'm looking forward to seeingyou again . It's been a long time ! Yes , it has . I'm looking forward to seeing you . too . and your new house . Uh . . . when does the party start ? Come any time after eight . All right ? . Yes . Oh . by the W .. Bye ! See you on Saturday evening . Wait a moment , Mick . You haven't . . . Mick ? Are you still there ? You haven'tgiven me your new address . Hello ? Mick ? Hello ? Which services offered by your band do you use most ? I use several services . Of course , I deposit and withdraw money quite often . I often use my ATM card to take money out of my current account . I use my bank to exchange money form once currency t Do you ever ask you bank for traveller's cheques ? They are much safer than carrying lots of cash around . I sometimes use traveller's cheques , but sometimes I travel to countries where they are hard to exchange for cash . Do you use your bank to pay your utility bills ? I use direct debit . Yes , I do . It saves me a lot of time . I also have standing orders for my subscriptions to magazines . That ’ s good idea . You don ’ t need to worry about missing an issue of a magazine if you do that . I suppose you have a mortgage too . Yes . My bank offers very good terms and conditions on mortgage . There ’ s a lot of competition between banks nowadays . Each one is trying to offer better conditions and services than the others . I have a deposit account with my bank . There are some restrictions on withdrawing money , but the interest rate is much higher . I don ’ t have one . I prefer to buy shares . My bank also provides a share trading service . It ’ s cheap and easy to use . That ’ s great . But I prefer to put my money somewhere where the returns are more certain . Rose , is this you ? Yes , what is up ? This is Susan . Would you mind taking charge of decorating the office for our Christmas party ? Sure . You can get your supplies upstairs from Mrs . Horn . Will I be getting any help ? You can ask Frank and Cathy to help you . Where are you going , Tony ? It's none of your business . Mom said you couldn't go out . I'm going out anyway . Get out of my way . I would like to buy some beef . What kind do you want ? I need to get ground beef . How many pounds would you like me to get you ? I need about four pounds . Exactly what type of ground beef do you want ? Extra lean . I'll get that for you right now . I appreciate that . Don't mention it , I'll just wrap this up for you . Thanks for your help . Excuse me , sir , the toilet in my room doesn't flush . I am sorry , sir . Can you tell me your room number ? 812 . Is there anything else I can do for you ? The tap is always driving . I can't sleep well . OK , we will send a repairman to your room right now . It's so earlier this morning , Mr . Li ! You just came back yesterday , you should have rest much more . I'd like to have rest , but I have many things to do . How about this post-trip ? It's very good , and the result isn't too bad . Really ? Of course . I will write a report about this post-trip , and then you'd better type it at the moment , OK ? OK , it's no problem . ( Afternoon ) Miss Liu . Are you typing my report ? Yes , what can I do for you ? Nothing . I just tell you take care of it when you type , especially the address and telephone number of those new guests . You should make sure that it's no mistaken . OK , please don't worry about it . You should set your mind at rest . Ha , I know you are great secretary . Thanks your flatter . I'm pleased to meet you again , Mrs . King . Pleased to see you , too , Mr . Brown . You've had a good trip , I hope . Yes , a very pleasant journey , thank you . It's been a full two years since we last saw each other . So it is , I've come again to renew our sole agency agreement for another 2 years . We shall be pleased to talk the matter over with you . You've done very well in fulfilling the agreement . I'm glad you're satisfied with our work . I can assure you we've spared no effort and spent quite a sum of money in pushing the sales of your products . Yes , we appreciate your efforts in pushing the sales of our pianos . We can see you are experienced in this particular line . Thank you . But I think the annual sale of 300 pianos for a sole distributorship in Canada is rather conservative . After all , you sold around 400 pieces there last year . You can sell more this year according to the marketing conditions at your end . That is the result of our hard work . Well , what annual quantity would you suggest for the new agreement then ? 500 pieces . No , no . That's too big a number to be acceptable . Let's put it at 450 pieces . And we'll strive to sell more , of course . We wish to add another clause . For every 50 pieces sold in excess of the quota , we'll get 1 % more in commission for our efforts . All right , let's fix it at 450 pieces then . And for every additional 50 pianos sold , we'll give you 1 % higher commission . I suppose all the other terms remain unchanged . We would like to make a specific mention of one more point . As our sole distributor , you will neither handle the same or similar products of other origins nor re-export our goods to any other area outside your own . No , certainly not . That's a reasonable restriction . Another thing is that every six months we would like to receive from you a detailed report on current market conditions and the users comments on our products . Yes , we've already prepared one . I've brought it with me . I'll put it forward when we talk with the manufacturers tomorrow . Good , that's all then . Good . I think we have had a very pleasant conversation , haven't we ? Yes , I think so too . Do you have any other questions ? Let me think ... I want to know if the company can provide free accommodation for a new employee . I'm sorry we can't now . I really hope that your company could provide living places ; otherwise I have to rent a house to live . Maybe the company will build dormitory for the employees in the future . That would work too . Anything else ? Some companies will pay part of the phone bills for the employees . Will this company do so ? I'm sorry we won't do so for a new employee . We only provide this benefit to employees who have made significant contributions to the company . I understand . Will the company provide training ? Yes , we will , and the staff will have a chance to travel every year . That's great . Thank you very much . Can I help you , sir ? I'd like a table for two , please . Do you have a reservation , sir ? No , I'm afraid not . Can I sit over there ? There's a table free by the window . Sorry , sir . That table has been reserved . This way , please . How about this one , sir ? Fine . I'll sit here . Would you like some drinks ? I'll have a double whiskey on the rocks . What ? What ’ s up ? Our softball team is in the finals ! We ’ re playing the McGrath office on Saturday . Fantastic ! I ’ ll be there ! What are the branches of Operations ? Operations is made up of Manufacturing , Materials , Shipping and Distribution etc . It seems that it is a key department for providing materials and transportation . Yes , it is . So , Emily , how was your day ? I don't think you really want to hear about it . It can't have been that bad . Go on and tell me about it . To be honest , it was horrible ! My manager is such a pain in the neck ! Why ? What happened ? Well , he made quite a few mistakes on the monthly report and when his supervisor found them , my manager blamed them on me ! That's not very fair . What did you do ? There wasn't really anything that I could do . There's always been a lot of bad blood between my manager and myself . If I had said anything , he would have fired me for sure . Does he treat everyone in your department like this ? He treats everyone pretty badly , but the way he treats me really takes the cake ! Do you have any idea why he treats you worse than the others ? I really have no idea . All I know is that the thought of him really curls my hair ! Is there anyone else you can talk to about it at your company ? Not really . I'm hoping to live with it for a while until I get a promotion . That's very sensible . It sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders . I try to be sensible about it , but it's not very easy . Sometimes you just have to grin and bear it . That's so true . When you have a taste for success , you can't let dishonest people like your manager get in the way . I was wondering if someone in your office could help me with a question I have about my payment . I would be happy to answer any questions you might have . My paycheck seems to be smaller than the one I received last week . What about income ? Did you make any money during that period ? My old employer gave us a couple days of work during that period . When you filled out your Continued Claim Form , did you show that income ? Of course I wrote down the work that I had done on the Continued Claim Form . What happens is , when you make money , we take part of your benefits away . I am not going to show any income from now on then . I wouldn ’ t do that if I were you . There is a severe penalty if you get caught making false statements . Jane ! What an enchanting skirt you have on ! Thank you ! Guess how much it costs . Bright colors , smooth material , exquisite craftsmanship , soft lines ... Darling , it looks elegant on you ! It can't be any cheap stuff . Something around two hundred , I guess . Your offer is way off the mark . It set me back only sixty-five . Then you got a windfall ! Was sixty-five the original price , or did you get a special discount ? Neither . I drove a hard bargain with the vendor before I got the price down . How much did she ask for ? Three hundred ! That's daylight robbery . How dare she play tricks on an old hand like me ? Without hesitation , I gave my offer---no more than fifty . She must be fuming with anger at such a bid , wasn't she ? Not at all ! She's really been around , and seemed quite accustomed to bargaining like this . That's the trade . She only demanded a higher bid , saying the purchase price was even higher than seventy . She was lying ! Then I inquired , ' May I have it at sixty ? ' she waved her head . Then you pretended to go without buying it ? Yeah . I turned around and started to move out . Just then , she yelped behind my back , ' all right , all right ! I may sacrifice a little . Let's fix it sixty-five ! Can't be cheaper . ' How can we avoid the jam ? Let's take a roundabout way . OK . Look , traffic jam again ! Thank you for joining us this evening at Chez Attitude . I am Mr . Foster , and we have a 7:00 dinner reservation tonight for four people . Welcome , Mr . Foster , if you would have a seat in the lounge area , our hostess will be ready to seat you in just a moment . We are going to have a drink while we are waiting . Please let the hostess know that she can find us there . She will come and let you know when your table is prepared . Those patio tables are new , aren't they ? Would it be possible to be seated out there ? An outside table is available right now if you would like to be seated immediately . We would love to sit outside . Thanks for your help ! Here is your table , and now may I take your drink order while you are considering what to have for dinner ? Yes , could you please bring us a pitcher of margaritas and four glasses while we are figuring out our dinner order ? I'll put your drink order in and be right back to get your dinner order . We'll be ready to order by the time you get back ! Hello , is this Professor Clark ? Yes , I am Professor Clark . Hello , Professor , this is Kalina , and I am in your literature class on Monday mornings . Yes , how are you doing ? I was partying hard over the weekend , fell down the stairs , and need time to recuperate . That sounds painful . Are you going to be OK ? I sprained my wrist , but the doctor says it will be fine . How many days will you be out of school ? The doctor said I should be good enough to return next week . I am glad you let me know that you will be missing class . Get well ! I need to find a new place to live . Yeah ? Why ? Don ’ t you like living with me ? Oh , it ’ s not you . I just want my own place . Well , check the newspaper . Jeez ... I didn ’ t realize a single bedroom apartment went for so much these days . Yeah , prices have really gone up the past couple of years . Oh , here ’ s one . It ’ s looks like its in this neighborhood , $ 600 a month . That ’ s not to bad . No , it ’ s pretty good . Why not give the landlord a call ? Hello . I ’ m calling about the one bedroom in Lincoln Park . Could I take a look at it ? Yes . Tonight at six is fine . Thanks . You should not have criticize your son in front of his friends . Why ? He did something wrong . I know . But at that time your blame is rubbing salt into his wounds . I only wanted to help him . But it is not the right time . Reservation , may I help you ? Yes , I would like to make a reservation for May 3rd . For how many people ? Only one . May I have your name ? John . Can you help me ? This fitting has come loose and I need something to tighten it up . Let's have a look . Oh yes , you need a 10 mm ring spanner . Here you are . Just leave it on the workbench when you finish . Thanks for your help . No problem . You must be Mr.Sellers . I'm Steven . I am here to see the apartment you advertised . Oh , nice to see you . The apartment is on the tenth floor . The previous tenant just moved out yesterday . Could I have a look at it first ? Sure . Let me show you the way . Here we are . Apartment 1008 . ( They enter . ) This is the living room dining room combination . Here's the kitchen . It's small , but fully equipped . The refrigerator is new , and the stove and the microwave oven are less than a year old . It's nice . So this is the bathroom . And that must be the bedroom . Yes . And there's a walk-in closet . Is there air conditioning ? Yes , there's central air conditioning and heating . The thermostat is in the living room 。 What's the house rent ? When is the rent due ? And how much security deposit do you require ? It's 600 yuan per month.The rent is due no later than the tenth of the month . We ask that you leave a month's rent as a deposit . It will be returned to you at the end of your lease . I like the apartment , Mr.Sellers . You can show me the lease . Why do you want to be a teacher ? It's a job I've been dreaming of since I was very little . I firmly believe that teaching is one of the most honorable jobs in the world . In what department do you wish to work if we hire you ? I want to work in the English Department , as I am an English major . I think if I ’ m going to find a job , I ’ ll look over the job board . Well , there ’ s no doubt that lots of people have found employment in the help wanted section . Right , so I picked up a copy of the Sunday Globe this morning . Did you get a copy of the Herald too ? No , why should I ? The Globe ’ s help wanted section is the best . That ’ s true , but still the Herald lists some jobs the Globe doesn ’ t have . Not enough to worry about . Why do I waste the money buying two papers ? It's only a couple of dollars more . For that much money you can afford to risk it . I guess you ’ re right . I'll get a Herald as soon as I finish looking over the Globe . Good idea . Mary , today a man from an intermediary gave me a call . What did he say ? He said he saw my job-seeking information on the Internet , and could offer me an appropriate job . What kind of intermediary is it ? It's a recruiting agency which specializes in introducing talented people to companies and businesses . What job did he recommend to you ? It's on telemarketing . Does he ask you to pay some fees ? No , he said the employers will pay for it . Then what do you think about it ? I feel it is OK and I want to give it a try . Sure , but you must verify that first and don't easily make a promise . Of course , I will . Good luck ! I have a parking ticket to pay for . Did you bring your ticket ? Yes , I remembered to bring my ticket with me today . Did you bring your ID ? I didn't bring my ID . You're going to need your ID to pay the ticket . What do you need my ID for ? We have to know that this ticket is really yours . All right , I see what you mean . Next time you come back , bring your ID . Will everything be cleared from my record ? Yes , everything will be cleared . Here's the dress you wanted it to be made . Oh , dear ! What's the matter ? It's not what I asked for . What's wrong with it ? It's not the right material . Or the right color . I can't possibly accept it . This is a pity ! Can I help you , sir ? Yes , please . I'm picking out some presents for my children and wife . What kind of presents do you want ? Actually , I don't know exactly . Do you have anything recommended ? OK . How about some very cool sneakers for your children ? Anyway , it won't cost you much . It's only around $ 59.95 for each pair . It might be cheaper than that in America . Hey , How did you know I came from America ? Just a hunch , sir . How much again ? $ 59.95 . That's really cheap for shoes like those . OK , I'll take 5 pairs . Sorry , sir . Why not ? Because in this duty-free shop , your total expenditure cannot be over $ 300 and you also have one more present to buy for your wife . Oh , my God . I've totally forgotten about that . Anyway , I think she would like a bottle of perfume . That's good . And I can also recommend you a good one . It's the brand of DENY . DENY ? That's very expensive in America . It costs nearly $ 70 for only 50ml.DKNY ? It's $ 60 here . That's very unbelievable . Is it fake ? Of course not , sir . OK , I'll take one . Ouch , it ’ s unbearable . Please keep calm . I know the pain isn ’ t what flesh and blood can stand . But be brave . All right , doctor . But it really hurts . Your office called and said that the owners had made a counter-offer to my offer to purchase their house . To your offer of three hundred and twenty thousand dollars , the owners have counter-offered three hundred and thirty-five thousand dollars . I think that maybe I should accept their offer . You , of course , have two ways of responding . You can say yes or come up with another offer . I want to make another offer , but I am afraid that they will decline and I will lose this house . There is always a chance that someone could outbid you , but you could try one more offer if you like . I would now like to offer three hundred and thirty thousand dollars as a counter-offer . After the owners get home from work tonight , I will approach them with your offer . Can you tell me how long it will take them to get back to me ? I don ’ t think that it will take as long as the response to the first offer . You heard who won the election , right ? Who was elected ? McCain won the election . That can ’ t be true ! I ’ m upset , too . I can ’ t believe people voted for him . People must want him as our President . That doesn ’ t make any sense . I have more bad news . How could the news get any worse ? I was only kidding , because Obama won the election . That ’ s great news ! When could we meet to discuss the project ? I will be available on Monday or Tuesday . Choose which day is best for you . I prefer Monday . Good . Can you come in the morning or would afternoon be best ? Either one is OK . Great ! When I check with the others , I will send you an exact time . When you come , be prepared to do your presentation . I will be prepared to do my presentation . Who would you like to see there ? Just the sub-committee or should we ask the whole committee ? Everyone needs to be there . That will probably be best . Do you need help with directions ? I think I know where it is . Maybe you could send me directions just to make sure . OK . We will e-mail you all the information you need tomorrow . Have a good day ! May I help you , ma'ma ? Please , where do I catch the plane for New York ? First you must check in at Counter No . 4 . That one there ? That's right . Then you will follow the signs to Gate 85 . Thank you . You ' Ve been very helpful . My stay is over . Here's the key to my room . Thank you . And here's your receipt , sir . Many thanks . I hope your stay here was satisfactory , sir . This could be a great hotel , once you get rid of the insects . The city itself is great . I'm glad that the little problem didn't ruin your visit . Please have a pleasant trip home . What reason do you have for missing school ? I was sick . How were you sick ? I had a stomachache . Did it get any better ? I'm still feeling under the weather . Would you like anything for your stomach ? I took something earlier . Get better . Thanks a lot . Do you want some dessert ? No thanks . We just need our check . Have you seen the waitress ? Where is our waitress anyway ? Yes , the service hasn't been the best . Is that our waitress over there ? I'll walk over and get the bill , since I don't think the waitress is coming over here any time soon . Good idea . Just bring it back and we'll figure it out together . So the bill is $ 36.00 . How much do you think we should leave for a tip ? My first inclination is to leave nothing for a tip . I agree , but we don't really know the whole story . There may have been problems in the kitchen beyond her control . Let's leave 10 % , so that we at least leave something for the service . I agree . We will leave $ 3.60 for the tip . Hello ? Hello ? Mr . Bernie . My name is Lisa . I hope I ’ m not disturbing you . I just heard about your daughter . I wanted to call you and tell you how much we ’ ll miss her . I ’ m sorry . I think you are calling the wrong person . My name is not Mr . Bernie . What ? That ’ s odd . I ’ m so sorry if I ’ Ve bothered you . No problem . Can you please give me a hand ? I can ’ t carry the heavy box . I ’ m afraid not . Don ’ t you see I ’ m looking up a word in the dictionary ? I think you are flicking through it . Well , wait a minute . Are you introverted or extroverted ? I wouldn't call myself introverted . Sometimes I enjoy being by myself very much . But other times I like sharing activities with others too . What kind of personality do you think you have ? Well , I approach things very enthusiastically , I think , and I don ’ t like to leave something half-done . It makes me nervous . I can ’ t concentrate on something else until the first thing is finished . What do you think is the most important thing for you to be happy ? For me , this would be having good relationships with my family members . My family has always been very close knit , and we still spend a lot of time together . What basic principles do you apply to your life ? Working hard and being frugal are both virtues . I strive to practise these two virtues in my life . You look really wiped out ? I had meetings back to back all morning . And phone rang off the hook from the minute I walked into the office . Not a good day . I hate to tell you that Mr . Thomas wants to see the profit ’ s statement for new project tomorrow morning . I can ’ t believe it . I guess I ’ ll be here until 10 again tonight . I'm having problems with my computer . What's wrong with it ? For some reason it won't turn on . Have you checked the connections on your computer ? What connections ? There are cords that connect your computer to a power outlet . Will the cords keep it from turning on ? It won't turn on if the cords aren't connected . I didn't think of that . Try it and see if it works . I think that I will , thanks . It should work , but let me know if it doesn't . So , how are you feeling today ? I ’ m pretty tired . I haven ’ t been sleeping well . Do you have enough time to get the right amount of sleep ? I have enough time . I just can ’ t seem to fall asleep and stay asleep . What time do you usually go to bed ? I don ’ t have one time in particular . I just go to sleep whenever I feel tired . Have you been under a lot of stress lately ? I just lost my job , and I am unsure about being able to find another one . Have you ever tried doing relaxation exercises before you go to bed ? I haven ’ t ever tried that , but it sounds like a good idea . So how was your interview ? I haven't gone to the interview yet . It's tomorrow . I am so nervous . Don't worry . You should do fine . You have the experience . I hope so . Remember , they want someone who works well with people . You've got to show them how easy-going and personable you are . Thanks , I'll keep that in mind . How are you doing ? I'm pretty good , you ? I'm awesome . How long have you been on the bus ? I've been on here for like , 15 minutes . Do you catch this bus a lot ? Not much , I have a car . So , you have your own car ? I sure do . Then , why are you on the bus with me ? I'm waiting till our President gets out of office , and the gas prices go down . That's good thinking . Good afternoon.Swiss Airline.Miss Grown speaking . Can I help you ? Yes . I'd like to make a reservation to Los Angeles on Sep . 19th . Just a moment , please . Let me check for you . ( A moment later ) Thank you for waiting . I am sorry but our flights are fully booked on that day.The next available flight leaves at 4:00 pm on 20th . Shall I reserve you a seat on it ? Yes , please , thank you . Hello ! How do I restock my minibar ? You've drunk everything , sir ? I finished it all . Do you want the whole minibar , or just certain items ? Send me up three bottles each of Perrier and Jim Beam . That's three Jim Beams and three Perriers . Anything else , sir ? The apples in my room were delicious . Bring me a few more , please . Okay . Are you sure there isn't anything else ? You know , some grape juice would be really nice , too . Be patient for just a few minutes , sir , and someone will be at your door . Could I see the manager please ? I have a complaint to make . Yes , I ’ m the manager here . What can I do for you , Madam ? Did you have the room checked before we move in ? Which room are you in ? 1808 . The toilet doesn ’ t work properly . The water doesn ’ t run in the shower . I ’ m awfully sorry to hear that . ( After checking ) I ’ ll turn to it right away . I do apologize . We ’ ll change your room to 2002 . That ’ s not bad . Thanks for your help . It ’ s my pleasure , Madam . Who's better at chess , Bill or Fred ? Both are superb in their skills.Anyhow , Fred is one up on Bill from my point of view . You said it . May I take your order ? What's the specialty of the house ? The baked fish in tomato sauce is pretty good . I like fish . Please bring me an order of that . Do you want some dessert ? Apple pie , please . Single or double ? Make it two . Good morning , Sir . Hello . I'm here today to pay in some foreign currency . Is that possible at this counter ? Of course , Sir . What kind of currency would you like to deposit ? And what is the amount you would like to pay in ? 10,000 Japanese yen . OK , Sir . Would that be Fixed or Current Deposit ? Fixed . And how long are you depositing for ? For one year , that's what I usually do . Better interest , you know . Well , Mr . Brooks . I ’ m sorry , again , for the delay , but we should have everything completed by the time you get back . I certainly hope so . Can we arrange to meet on the 27th ? That should give you enough time . Yes , sir . That ’ s more than enough time . I do appreciate your understanding . Why don ’ t we say 10:00 o ’ clock on the 27th ? Fine , Mr . Tan . I ’ ll see you then . Would you like me to fill out the form ? I suppose so , but don't rush . I've got to tell you how to do it . That's very kind of you . Hello , is this housekeeper ? Yes ma'am , may I help you ? This is room eleven-seven and we have just checked in . Yes ? Our room hasn't been cleaned up yet.So would you send one of your housekeepers to clean up our room ? Oh , yes , ma'am . We'll come right away then.Your room number and your name , please . Our room number is eleven-seven and my name is Terry Chen . Thank you.Would you hang up and wait ? How do you put this seat back ? I know there is a lever somewhere . What are you doing ? I'm getting dressed , what does it look like ? It looks like you are about to get dressed . Did you forget we are in a car on the road ? I'm good at this . Nobody will see anything . Are you kidding ? You're going to cause an accident just from people gawking ! All right , pull over at that service station and I'll dress in the ladies ' room . That will be my pleasure . can you help me pick out some fabric for a suit ? I'm going to get one made for a friend's wedding . sure . What kind of material do you want for the suit to be made from ? it depends on the price , but I was thinking of getting a wool / cashmere blend . that will probably be quite expensive , but the more you pay for the fabric , the longer it'll last and the better it'll look . What color do you want the suit to be ? I was thinking of a brown pin-striped suit . brown , huh ? Isn't that a bit dull ? haven't you heard ? Brown is the new black . why don't you just get black ? Black suits are always fashionable and can be worn for anything — a funeral , a wedding , a job interview — anything ! that may be true , but black is so boring . Anyway , I already have three black suits . I might as well get a suit that stands out from the rest . here are two different shades of brown . Which one do you prefer ? I like the one on the left , but I don't like the pattern on it . It's too much . I want a pattern that's a bit subtler . how about this one ? I think that will do . Let's go talk to the tailor about getting it made . ok , let's go . What do you think of your personality ? I am quite alive and energetic . I am a curious person , and I like to learn new things . Do you think you are introverted or extroverted ? I am quite outgoing , I think . How do you get along with people whose characters are different from your own ? I try to adapt myself . Ok , I ’ Ve got an up-to-day map . Let ’ s check the route from here to the airport . Where are we ? Oh , here we are . So we drive to the A120 and turn left . No , we turn right . Remember that we are coming from this direction . Oh yes ! Sorry ! Then we drive to the M11 motorway . How far is that ? It ’ s only seven miles . We turn left to join the motorway and drive south . According to the map , we get off the M11 at the second junction and join the M25 . That ’ s the motorway that goes around the edge of London . That ’ s another 15 miles , so that ’ s 22 miles total so far . Then we drive west on the M25 . we must be careful to turn in the right direction ! Then we drive on the M25 . it turns south . When we reach exit 15 , we turn left and go west along the M4 . Then we take the first Heathrow Airport . What ’ s the total distance ? The journey around the M25 is 33 miles and then 3 extra miles to get to the airport . So how many miles is that together ? 22 miles to the M25 , 33 miles on the M25 , and 3 after that . That ’ s a total of 58 miles , isn ’ t it ? It shouldn ’ t take us very long to cover that distance . Remember that we can go quite fast on the motor way . We can only go fast on the motor ways if there isn ’ t much traffic . I think we should allow ourselves plenty of time to get there . Being early is much better than being late . May I order , please ? Of course . I would like sirloin steak and tomato salad . Do you take dressing on your salad ? Yes , blue Cheese please . How about your grades of study ? I have been doing quite well . As reach 90 % and Bs reach 100 % . And I ’ Ve been awarded Zu Jingle Scholarship two times . Besides your major , do you know some in other fields ? Yes . To develop my knowledge , I studied Economics , Business Administration and Accounting through self-study . Nowadays , I have passed three courses on CPA . Have you ever been a student leader ? Yes , I used to be the monitor of my class . Did it affect you much ? It ’ s a very important experience for me . First , it improved my organizing ability , and let me understand how to resolve a problem in the overall perspective instead of my own perspective . Second , it let me know how to cooperate in harmony with people who I like or dislike . Where did you work in the past ? For the past 5 years , I have been in an Ericsson ( China ) Communication Co , Ltd . What's your title in the company ? My title was Project Manager . There were almost 100 people under my supervision . I am checking out . Here is the key to my room . Thank you . I'll just print out your receipt , and then you're free to go . Here you go ! Thanks . If you don't mind me asking , how did you enjoy your stay at New York Hotel ? This hotel could use some insecticide , but my time in New York was thoroughly delightful . That's very honest of you . Rest assured that this hotel will have no insects next time . do you have s second ? sure . What do you want ? I want to tell you I've put in my notice . really ? Why ? I've been thinking about this for several months , well before the Spring Festival holidays . and the holidays provided you a chance to think over all this and make a decision ? yeah , after receiving my yearly bouns , I want to search out better opportunities in the spring job market . I've been working in the company for nearly a year and a half and I still haven't received absolutely . With your expertise and experience , you're clearly working below your pay grade . that's exactly why I decided to quit the job and find a new one . this way , you'll earn more at the new work place . that's right . I am not the only one who has done this . Job hopping is quite common in the IT industry . that is to say , most IT professionals can get a pay rise more easily by changing a job than waiting for a rise . I'm wondering why IT companies are always willing to pay more to new employees instead I want to take a photograph . All right.Which kind do you prefer ? I like one taken half length . That's fine . I ’ d like to have this cashed , please . Please put your name and address here . May I see your passport . Yes . How would you like it ? Ten hundreds and Ten Twenties and the rest of small changes please . Ok , here you are . Cathy , I'd like to introduce the new microwave stove of mine to you , because it is easy to use . OK , it so happened I want to buy one . This microwave stove has many functions . Let me show you . For example , if you want to cook meat , you just need to put meat in it , and press the button with a picture of meat , that ’ s OK . After several minutes , you can eat the delicious meat . I think it ’ s good , and it suits me , because I'm not good at cooking . Is it expensive ? Oh , it is not so expensive . It only costs me 280 dollars . We're supposed to check in at the Air China's counter 30 minutes before take-off , Joe . Yes , I know . The boarding time on the ticket says 17:05 , and now it's 16:15 . I guess we have plenty of time . Do we need to show our ID cards when checking in ? Yes.It ' s essential . What about our luggage ? We can check it and hand carry the small bags . And we have to open each for inspection . Are they going to frisk all the passengers ? I think so.We certainly don't want a hijack to happen on the plane today . I need some flowers for my wife . It's her birthday . Very well . We have some fresh red roses . How much are the roses ? $ 20 per dozen . That sounds like a good deal . Yes , they're on sale today . I'll take a dozen . Splendid . Will there be anything else ? No , the roses will be fine . I'm sure your wife will love them . Mom , I'm starving . Here are some biscuits . Why are you back so early today ? My teacher had a sudden stomachache , so the class was cut shot . You ? Me what ? You are cooking at least two hours earlier than the usual . It's not for us . Then it's for Dad , isn't it ? It's so unfair ! Don't be a smarty-pants . It's for Grandma Wang . What was that again ? It's for Grandma Wang . She is sick and her only daughter went abroad weeks ago . So she needs our help . I'm sorry , I didn't know that . But I wanna help . Umm , let me think for a moment . We can meet her together after I finish cooking . I'll get knee to knee with her . Good boy . I can only imagine how happy she will be to see you . I'm glad we came here . This is really delicious ! I was worried you would think it was too far to drive . Well , it's true I've never driven two hours just to get lunch.But really , I think it's worth it . I think if you try some more authentic Chinese food , you might understand how we students from Taiwan suffer . How do you mean " suffer " ? I mean , in Milwaukee there is no good Chinese food.So we miss the food in Taiwan too much.Sometimes we just have to drive down here to Chicago to find something better . Even in the winter ? Yes , even in the winter . And even if it takes two hours , huh ? Why not ? I've been craving good food for three weeks now . I'm too sick of hamburgers and pizza ! Well , this really is delicious , I have to admit . I can understand better now why you and your friends are always whining . Don't tease me ! Good food is really important to Chinese ! I know . I can see that . This is what is called " dim sum , " right ? Yes , all these dishes are different " dim sum " dishes.You can't find this kind of thing except for in a few cities in America . So when you Chinese think of Chinatown , you mostly think of food . Is that right ? Of course . I will try to buy some things at the Asian grocery down the block too.Then I can do a little cooking in my apartment . And maybe we can go to a good Italian restaurant for dinner , after the museum.Chicago has some great Italian restaurants . No way ! What do you mean ? We're going up to the " new " Chinatown for dinner . I already know where we're going to go . Alright , alright . I am happy to try more Chinese food.Will it be dim sum again ? No , dim sum is usually eaten around lunch time , or sometimes closer to breakfast.We ' ll try more Taiwanese style up at the " new " Chinatown . Taiwanese style ? Isn't dim sum Taiwanese style ? No , dim sum is more Cantonese style.But of course you can buy it in Taiwan . I wonder if you can cook things this good . I'm a great cook actually . You will see . Pam , where's the closest ATM ? It's not that far . Do you see that Yellow building over there ? The big one or the small one ? The big one . Yes . It's right next to it , on the right . Do you know if there's a convenience store around here ? I don't think there's one around here . The closest one is on 3rd street , but that's probably closed now . I really need to get some things before I leave . Well , you could go down to 22nd street . There are lot of stores down there that are open 24 hours a day . Can I take the subway to get there ? Yes , but that'll probably take about half an hour . You should just take a cab . Won't that be expensive ? No , from here I think it's only about 5 dollars . Jane , we are going to have a board meeting next Friday . Will you please arrange it for me ? Certainly , Mr . Robert . But can I have your plan ? Sure . Actually it's a routine board meeting . The things to be discussed are all written here . Very good . May I keep it ? I need it to draw up a notice of the meeting and the agenda . Go ahead . It's for your reference . While you are at it , make me a special agenda and don't forget to have enough room at the side for notes . You mean you need a more detailed agenda for yourself ? Exactly . As I am supposed to the chair of the meeting , I don't want it to get out of control . I see . Ok , then where do you think we will have the meeting ? The conference room on the second floor , is that ok ? Yes , I will see that the room is ready by Friday . And I will check there are enough chairs , and the lighting and air-conditioning are all right . Good , and please get some water , glasses and ash tray ready as well . Sure , I will . What about the minutes ? Do you think I am responsible for that too ? Definitely . The minutes have to be taken accurately . But I am not familiar with the members of the board . Oh , that's easy . I will write you a list of their names . You can make a seating plan with the names and give each one a number . That's a good idea . All right , I ’ ll withdraw and get down to it if you don't mind . Please tell us the exact time when the big fire broke out . The exact time ? Let me think . You know , it happened at night . But we need the exact time . What time ? Oh , I remember . It was about 10 o'clock . When I was about to go to bed , suddenly I heard help outside . Do you have any sales experience ? Yes , I worked in a fashion shop as a part time salesgirl . What kind of work are you doing now ? I'm working as an export sales staff member for a trade company . Where are you working ? I work at Yangshi Trade Company Ltd . I have been working there since 1997 . Hi , I need broadband for my computer . No problem . Just plug the Ethernet cable into your computer , and you're good to go . That's a problem . My laptop has no Ethernet port , it's wireless only . Hmm . Well , we have some alternatives , if you're interested . Go ahead . I'm all ears . We have a computer lab on the first floor . That's great ! How much is it ? It's absolutely free to guests . Except for printing , of course . Okay . What about the other alternatives ? You could use your wireless right here in our lobby . Yes , that's the ticket ! And if I need to print something there ? Well , we don't have a printer in the lobby yet . You'll have to use the lab . I really want to take a nap . I feel very sleepy today . What ’ s the matter ? Didn ’ t you get enough sleep last night ? I fell asleep very late . It was almost two o ’ clock in the morning when I finally fell asleep . Are you worried about something ? Why couldn ’ t you sleep ? You know how it is when you ’ re in a strange country . Everything is new , and you get tired and nervous sometimes . Then you worry about your family , about conditions back home , about your courses , about your money , about everything . I tried to fall asleep but I just had too much on my mind . Well , take it easy . Things will look better tomorrow . Maybe you should try exercising or a hot bath to help you relax . Anything is worth a try . But right now I really just want to find a quiet place to take a nap . Mr . Li , the report has been finished . So fast ! Thank you . You're welcome . This is my duty . Anything else ? Yes , you'd print out the address and telephone number of those guests from your computer , and then send those materials to each business worker . OK , I'll do it right now . By the way , to tell them try to persuade those new guests to cooperate with us . Because I found a biggest opponent from this post-trip . Yes , I get it . OK , it's no anything . Do what you should do . Dad , do you know where Mom is ? I think she is in her room putting a little something together for you to take to school with you . She'd better not start crying like she usually does . I know , but she is going to miss you something awful . Have I told you how proud I am of you ? Dad , now don't you go getting mush on me . I mean it . You have really shown us that you are prepared to take on the adult world . That means a lot to me Dad . Thanks . We have great confidence in you . Well , sir . We are asking all our guests to wear a jacket and a tie in our restaurant . Is that so ? I didn't know it . can I possibly borrow a jacket and a tie ? I am sorry ; you can't borrow a jacket and a tie . Then we'll return to the hotel and come back , will you change the appointment ? Certainly , what time will you come back ? At 7 , please . How many in your party ? A party of 13 . Alright , we are waiting for you at 7 . Stand back from the door , please . Let the passengers off . You can't get on until the other passengers get off . How much is the fare , please ? One dollar . Drop it in the box . Move to the rear of the bus . There are plenty of seats in the rear . Wait . I want to ask you if this bus goes down Fifth Avenue as far as Greenwich Village . That's right.Move along , please.There are more people waiting to get on.Move to the rear . I thought this bus Went down Park Avenue . No , that's the number l that goes down Park Avenue.This is the number 2 . But I thought this was the right bus to go to Washington Square Park . It is.Get in.please.You ' re holding everyone up.You can't miss Washington Square Park . Would you tell me when we get there ? It would be better if you watched out for yourself . I might forget . How do you spend your free time ? I read or go swimming , go shopping , usually . I run or play tennis or do something else like those to get some exercises to keep fit . Are you introverted or extroverted ? I wouldn't call myself extroverted . Sometimes , I enjoy being by myself very much . But other times , I like sharing activities with others too , especially during these last few years . What kinds of sports do you like ? I like almost all sports , and I enjoy both playing and watching . I especially like tennis and mountain climbing . What kind of personality do you think you have ? Well , I approach things very enthusiastically , I think , and I don't like to leave something half-done . It makes me nervous-I can't concentrate on something else until the first thing is finished . I need to eat something . You just ate . I know , but I'm hungry again . There's no food left from dinner . I think I'm going to go make myself a snack . Do you know what kind of snack that you want ? I'm not exactly sure . Why don't you make yourself a sandwich or something ? I have no idea what kind of sandwich I want to make . A PB & J is pretty easy to make . I'm going to do that . Knock yourself out . Waiter , bring me the menu , will you ? Just a moment , I'm coming . ( ten minutes later ) . Now , what would you like ? I'd like to see the menu . Would you get me one , please ? Yes , certainly . Here you are . Thank you . Ah ! But this is in French . Would you mind giving me the English menu ? It's written in English too , in smaller print . There . Thanks . I'll need a while to choose . Could you come back in a minute ? Right . ( five minutes later ) Now , what are you having ? I'm sorry , I haven't decided yet . Do you mind giving me a couple of minutes ? All right , but would you be so kind as to make up your mind soon ? We're very busy just now as you can see , sir . May I help you ? Hi , this is Sharon in Mr . Reynolds ’ s office . One of your delivery men picked up a package here about an hour ago . Yes , is there a problem ? Ma ’ am ? Well , it still hasn ’ t reached its destination . I wonder if you could track it down for us . Mr . Reynolds is a bit concerned . You know we went great lengths to promote the sales of your products . Through our continuous effort , consumers tend to accept your product . So , there will be a potential market for your product in this area , and would you let us act as your agent ? We appreciate your efforts in promoting the sale of our clothes in the market of this city . But according to our record , your annual turnover is not too big , so I think it is premature for us to discuss the question of agency . If that's the case , we can talk about it first . What's your concept of a big amount ? I mean to double the amount for your sales this year at least . I'm afraid that's too much for us . We know you have done a good job in building up these exports for us . However , our company has the regulation for the agency . All right , we accept the challenge . What about the commission ? You know , we usually get a 20 % commission of the amount on every deal . I am sorry to say that it's a little higher . Our agents in other areas usually get a 3 % to 6 % commission . You may have known that we have competitors from South Korea and other countries . At the beginning of our campaign , there is sales resistance to overcome , we must send out salesmen to have the market investigation and spend a considerable amount of money on advertising in newspaper and TV programs . A 20 % commission will not leave us much . Our price is worked out according to the costing . A 20 % commission means an increase in our price . So , I'm afraid we have to decline your proposal of acting as our sole agent . Oh , that's pitiful . We ’ Ve got a lot of work to do now , but take your time over this project . We don ’ t want to make any mistakes . Ok . I should have it finished by Friday afternoon . Then I can check those account over the weekend . We need to have them finished by Monday , right ? That ’ s right . We ’ ll finish them just in time . The Macy project can wait for the time being . We need to spend several days on that project , but it isn ’ t due to be finished until the end of the month , so we have plenty of time to get it done . Some next week on , we should be in less of a rush . I ’ m going to give everyone on the team an extra day off . Everyone deserves it . Don ’ t say that yet . A new project could suddenly appear . That ’ s true . Right . I ’ m going back to the meeting . It ’ s been going on for hours and there ’ s no indication that it ’ ll end soon . Carol said that she would spend some time checking that everyone is up-to-date with their work . Good . I have to go right now . I really hope this meeting doesn ’ t last too long . They usually go on for ages . I ’ ll stop by if I have time later . Make sure everyone knows that we must stick to the deadlines . I will . Enjoy your meeting ! Where did you get assigned to go this time around ? They asked me to go to Paris to check on the new office that was just established there . And you ? Hong Kong again . I would like to go somewhere different for a change . Teach me Cantonese and I'll pull some strings to get a trade with you next time around . If you really want to learn , remind me when you get back from your business trip . You're on . When do you leave ? I'm scheduled to fly out on the tenth . What bus can I catch to get to the Gold Line ? Tell me where you live . I live in Altadena . You can catch the 264 . It goes to the Gold Line ? Yes , it does . What street do I go to to catch it ? You can catch it on Altadena Drive . I had no idea that bus went to the station . Yes , it does . I'm glad you told me . You're welcome . Can you skillfully operate the computer ? Yes , I can . I have three years experience in operating computers . What kind of software can you use ? I can skillfully use Dos , Windows . Do you have any certificates on computer ? Yes , I have ACRE certificate , rank 2 . Any other certificates ? Yes , I have a Cambridge Business English Certificate and Lawyer ’ s Qualification Certificate . Do you have any other special skills ? I like photography very much . I used to be awarded second prize in a photography contest at our university . Hello everyone , and welcome to our CPR for beginners course . First of all , does anyone know what CPR stands for ? Cardiopulmonary resuscitation ! That ’ s right ! We apply CPR in the case of cardiac arrest or pulmonary arrest . What does that mean ? Well , basically if your heart stops pumping blood , or your lungs stop pumping air , then we need to get them going again ! That ’ s when we have to apply this procedure . Let ’ s begin ! I need a volunteer . Me ! Me ! Alright , come here and lay flat on your back . Let ’ s suppose this young woman has stopped breathing . We must lift the person ’ s chin so that we clear a pathway for air to get into the lungs . Then we place our mouth over the other person ’ s mouth and blow air two or three times , like this . Wait , what are you doing ? I ’ m a married woman ! You can ’ t just try to kiss me like this ! Madam I ’ m not trying to kiss you ! I am trying to demonstrate how to apply CPR in the case of an emergency . Well , OK . But no French kissing ! As I was saying , we blow air through the mouth in this manner . Once this is done , we must try to get the heart going again . To do this , we place our hands over the person ’ s chest , and press down firmly two or three times . Wait , what are you doing ! You can ’ t just kiss me then go for second base ! Hello ? Hi , David . You are very difficult to reach . I called several times . But I kept getting a busy signal . Is your phone out of order ? No , not out of order . But we seem to have a bad connection on the phone line . I can ’ t hear you clearly . Ok . Let me call you later . Is that okay ? Sure . Thanks . Excuse me , can I have a look at the green coat ? Certainly . Here you are . It's a new arrival . Yes , I like the style.Can I try this on ? Sure . The fitting room is in the corner . Excuse me . I need to refill this prescription . It says on the bottle here that you can have two refills . Yes , I need to refill it today . Alright . I'm sorry , Miss . According to our file , this prescription has already been refilled twice . I was worried about that . I couldn't remember if I had it refilled twice yet or not . Well , it looks like you have.You will need to see your doctor to get a new prescription . Listen . This is an emergency . I tried to call my doctor , but he is out of town . So I can't see him in time . I need this medicine . It is for skin condition . I've run out.Can you just refill it once more ? I'm sorry , Miss . We can't do it . We must follow the prescription.And this prescription has run out . But I need it . Please . Refill it for me just this once . I can go to the doctor around ten days from now . Then I'll have another prescription . Miss , I understand your problem.But it is against the law for us to sell certain medicines without a prescription.It ' s the law . I can't do anything about it.We never sell medicine unless we have a proper prescription . Never . But I have a prescription . I just need more of it . A prescription must be valid . It cannot be an expired prescription . I'm sorry , Miss . It's the law.You will have to find another doctor who will prescribe this for you . Oh , it will be so expensive ! I have a special medical plan , and I can only see one doctor.It will cost me a lot of money to see another doctor . Miss , I just can't help you on this . I'm a pharmacist , not a doctor . And there are other customers I need to help now . I know it is frustrating when this happens.But there is nothing I can do about it . I'm sorry . This is ridiculous ! In Taiwan , it is much easier to get medicine when I need it . Maybe that's true . I don't know.But I'm sure in Taiwan you have prescriptions too . Why don't you sit down and relax , darling ? I don't want to . Well , come over and talk to me then . Certainly not . May I turn on the TV then ? Turn on the TV , for what ? So that we can sit down together and listen to some music . Listen to the music ? And who will cook dinner , will you ? I will , but let's go to the disco after dinner . To a disco ? Oh , no . You know I hate it . Can I help you ? I'd like to buy some Chinese-style cakes . Could you recommend me some ? Certainly . What about moon cake ? It's typical Chinese food . Moon cakes ? What is that ? The moon cake is round and looks like the full moon . That's why it's called the moon cake and the moon cake symbolizes family reunion and harmony . Sounds very interesting . I'll buy some to family people . All the moon cakes are generally classified into two styles , Cantonese style and Suzhou style . What's the difference between these two styles ? The skin of Cantonese style cakes is soft and puffy with heavy stuffing while the skin of Suzhou style cakes is puffy filled with fragrant nuts . Get me some of each . OK , here you are . How would you comment on the paper ? The paper editorials always stick to the quick . Don't you think it's a bit conservative ? After all , I'm somewhat conservative . That's unfair , Mom . What's up ? Honey ! Dad is bigger than you , but how come I'm smaller than May . Honey , it doesn't matter . The key to play volleyball is to cooperate with each other . What should I do ? You go figure it out yourself . Got it , Mom . OK , Ben and May , here we go . Be careful , Danny , the ball is coming . That is the green one . Mom , don't worry about me , I can do it . Danny , back to your position . Move ! OK . Bingo ! We win . Give me five , Mom . What's the matter ? Which subway should I take to get to the East Side ? Oh , you have to take the shuttle to Grand Central . Which train is that ? Which platform does it leave from ? It's not on this platform . These trains are uptown and downtown , not crosstown . You have to go up these stairs over there . Hi ! Does this hotel have an exercise facility ? But of course ! We have a great exercise facility . Good . Now exactly where is it ? It's located right under our lobby . Just take the elevator or the stairs one flight down . Is this going to cost me anything ? No , sir . The gym is absolutely free . However , be sure to take your room key with you . When does the gym open and close ? The hours couldn't be better , 24/7 . Very good . Now , is there a trainer down there ? I wish I could tell you yes , but no , there isn't . Can I help you ? I'd like to buy a new mobile phone please . Ok , would you like a phone with camera and MP3 player ? Yes please . And I ’ d like to be able to make video calls too . I guess you should know that you need to be hospitalized . Of course I know . Now you can go to the in-patient department to go through the admission procedures . OK . I'll go right now . By the way , do you think I ’ ll have to stay in the hospital for long ? It's hard to say . It depends on your recovery condition . But you need to stay for at least one day for observation . Thank you , Doctor . I will go now . Bye-bye . Bye ! Sir , I am very glad to tell that we have successfully registered the trademark for our new product . It is the time to think of some effective promoting strategies . We are beginning to get more attention from overseas . Well done , Fred . Do you know something useful for our promotion for our I-series ? OK , Let me see . I suppose we must strengthen our promotion , because our brand is still new to some consumers . Maybe we should start our advertising program with our local and overseas distributors simultaneously , because they stand on a better position for selecting the best ways to advertise in market places . Besides , the advertisement fund can encourage them to spend more attention on advertising our products . That is a good idea to start with . I also think the mass media is also a good approach for advertising . Yes , the mass media has wider influence . One of my classmates works in an advertisement company . I can get help and inspiration from him . And we can also try some less expensive approaches of advertising , such as on-line sales . Personally , I prefer to the on-line sales , for it is cheaper , faster and wider . Waiter , come here please . Could we have a doggie bag ? Sure . Wait a moment . Hi , may I speak to Ryan , please ? This is Ryan you are speaking with . What can I do for you ? Hi , Ryan , this is Malia , and I will not be coming to work today . What is wrong with you ? I have really bad poison oak and can ’ t stop itching . How long have you had it ? I ’ Ve had it a few days , but the rash really got bad last night . How have you been treating it ? I have some lotion that the doctor gave me , as well as an antihistamine . That should work . I ’ ll see you tomorrow when you return to work . Excuse me , you look lost.Can I help you ? Oh , Thank you . I'm looking for the train station . Right.Let me see.You go straight down here and turn right . Right ? OK , got it . Then take the next left then the next right.Are you with me ? Next left then right ? OK . I would like to talk to you , if you have time . What ’ s going on ? I want to discuss some things about my lease . What aren ’ t you too sure about ? Can you tell me when my lease is up ? Your lease is for three years . If I ever decide to leave before the three years , will there be a problem ? If you do , I will keep your deductible . Why is that ? If you break the contract , then you will not receive your deductible . Oh , I see . All right . I ’ m glad I could clarify things for you . Can I have my money back on this skirt ? Anything wrong with it ? Yes , this is defective . See ? I didn't notice this hole when I bought it . Oh , I'm very sorry about that . You can change it for another one if you prefer . If you have exactly the same one-same color , same design , and same size , of course . This one is the same size and color . But the design is different . Hey , Philip ! You won ’ t believe this ! What ? What ’ s the good news ? My son , Harvey just got into Harvard ! He starts next September . That ’ s wonderful ! You must be really proud of him ! Good morning . How are you ? I'm very worried , doctor Oh ? What are you worried about ? I'm afraid that I'm very ill . I'm sorry to hear that . Why do you think so ? Because I feel tired all the time , even when I wake up in the morning . I find very difficult to do any work . I have no appetite . My wife cooks me delicious meals but I can only eat a little . How do you sleep ? Very badly , doctor . Do you find it difficult to get to sleep , or do you wake up early ? Both , doctor . I never get to sleep until two o'clock and I always wake up at five . Are you worried about anything ? Well , yes , I am . I'm worried about my work . I've just taken a new job . I earn a lot of money but it's difficult work . I'm always afraid of making a mistake . I see . please take off your shirt and lie down on the couch . Yes , doctor . ( The doctor examines the patient ) Well , there's nothing very much wrong with you , I'm glad to say.You ' re working too hard and worrying too much.Do you take much exercise ? No , doctor . I never have enough time for exercise . I start work very early in the morning and finish late in the evening . Then I can't get to sleep . Can you give me some medicine to help me to sleep ? I can , but I'm not going to . You don't need medicine . You need advice . Don't work so hard . Too much work is bad for you . Don't worry about your work.It ' s silly to worry . Take regular exercise . But I may lose my job , doctor ! It's hard to get a job like mine . Then get an easier one , even if you earn less money . Which would you rather have , health or wealth ? You're right , doctor . It's more important to be healthy than wealthy . I'll change my job . I'm grateful for your advice . Come and see me again in a month's time . I think you'll be a different man ! Could you call Mr . Jacob for me , Sara ? I need to go over some stuff with him . Of course , Mr . Roberts . But , could you tell me his extension number again ? I haven ’ t got all the numbers down yet . Sure , it ’ s 4-8- 7-2 . Don ’ t worry . You ’ re doing a fine job . Thank you very much . Mr . Roberts . Well , Randy , I'd say you've got a bad case of the flu . The main thing to do is get plenty of rest and drink lots of liquids . I'll prescribe something for that throat . Thanks , doctor . Is there anything I can take for this headache ? Some aspirin or Panadol should help . You can pick some up at the pharmacy when you go to fill your prescription . Okay . Goodbye , Randy . Take care . Is there anything I can do for you ? Yes , what are your hours ? We open at lo Thanks lot . OK , now let's go on to talk about initial deposits . Good idea . How much do I need to deposit ? For Agreement Savings , we ask for 100,000 RIB . And how do I withdraw if I need to ? You can use a Type A Agreement Savings Account the same was as a Settlement Account . I'm sorry , refresh my mind . What's different about a Type B Account ? With a Type B Account , it cannot be directly involved in any transaction and it cannot be applied to any external withdrawal service . May I help you ? My daughter . She is missing . I don ’ t know where she is . What dose she look like ? She has blond hair and blue eyes . What was she wearing ? She has a yellow dress on and red sneakers . When did you last see her ? I just saw her down the street . I don ’ t know where she is . I don ’ t know ... How long has it been ? Oh , it ’ s been uh ... fifteen minutes . Good morning , Mr . Huang . It's a pleasure to meet you again . Pleased to see you . Welcome to our company . I hope you have a good day . Thank you . Can I meet my colleagues ? Sure , come with me . Hello , Michael , this is Steven . He will be part of your team . Hi , Steven , welcome to join us ! I ’ Ve been looking forward to meeting you . I am new to the working world and would appreciate your guidance . That ’ s right . Just call me if you need anything . That's great . Well , as the other guys are still not in , I ’ ll introduce you to them later . All right . You are late . I'm sorry , it was too cold , and my car couldn't start . I had one to the garage with the heater . I tried to call you , but you couldn't get connection . Couldn't get connection ? Yes , your number is out of service . Really ? I didn't know . Let me check . You're right . So I couldn't get through . It's a serious problem . I make expecting an important call . The theater is guilty . It supposed to call me this evening , and discuss my play . What were happened if they can't reach me ? Well , the only thing you can do is pay the fee to recover your service . What did you cook ? Well , as you know I was in Thailand last month , and I took a cooking class ! So I prepared some of my favorite dishes . Great idea ! As long as I don't get food poisoning ! So what is on the menu tonight ? Ok , for starters we have Tom Yam soup . It's a bit spicy , but really good ! This is delicious ! The ginger and lemongrass really gives it a nice taste ! Now this next dish is one of the most famous . Foreigners call it papaya salad but the proper name is Tom Sam . It is a spicy salad made from a mix of fresh vegetables including shredded unripened papaya and tomato . This is delicious ! The combination of sour and spicy is really interesting ! I could have this everyday ! Ok , now for the last and best dish in my opinion . This is called Pad Thai . It's stir-fried noodles with eggs , fish sauce , tamarind juice , red chili pepper plus bean sprouts , shrimp and tofu and garnished with crushed peanuts and coriander . It's practically Thailand's national dish ! Wow , this is great ! I never knew Thai food was so creative and delicious ! Want some more ? I'm stuffed ! Hey Michael . Where are you going ? No where special . I was just taking a walk . What for ? To get a little exercise . I'm so out of shape . Hey , I play basketball with a bunch of friends twice a week . It's great exercise and it's fun too . Why don't you come out and play with us ? That sounds great . Give me a call next time you guys play . I have a problem . What's the problem ? My mattress was supposed to be delivered today . Is there a problem ? The delivery people showed up four hours late . I apologize for their tardiness . I was late for work because of them . Again , I do apologize for the inconvenience . I want my money back for the delivery . Seeing as they were late , that won't be a problem . It shouldn't be a problem . I'm going to refund your money right now . Oh , I think I broke my leg . Here , sir . Sit down in this wheel chair . Thanks . The doctor will be with you in a moment . I just need to ask you a few questions . All right . Name , age and date of birth , please ? James Taylor , 23 , March 30,1982 . Health insurance company and policy No ? I don't have it . What ? I don't have health insurance . Well , this is going to be a very expensive broken leg , Mr . Taylor . Oh ! I'm terrible sorry . I seem to have mislaid your MP4 . Don't worry about that . Very sorry that I have caused you so much trouble . No trouble at all . Won't you let me buy a new one tomorrow ? No , that's quite out of the question . Please accept my deep apology . I never did like this MP4 anyway . I won't hear of it . How would you describe your relationship with our boss ? We have a fairly good working relationship , but there was also a rough spot . What do you think his strengths are ? Well , he has an amazing ability to analyze information and he is very good at making the right decision in tough situations . It ’ s time to get up . I just went to bed . You shouldn ’ t stay up so late watching TV . I told you we had to get an early start . I know , but that movie was just too good to leave . I guess I ’ ll just have to pay the price anti-sleepy . Do you want to eat breakfast here ? No . why don ’ t we describe and buy at the coffee shop next door ? Ok by me . Hi ! Someone has reported a fault on one of your copiers . That's right . I'm glad you're here . It hasn't been working properly for the last few days . When was it serviced ? Just a couple of weeks ago . It's usually very reliable . What's actually wrong with it ? Well , it's making a strange noise when we try to change paper trays . I'm sure it's nothing serious , probably just a minor fault . I'll have a look at it . I don't know , but he gives me the creeps . Just take it easy . If he starts to bother you , let me know and I'll call security . But what if he knows my name , where I live ... Don't get all worked up over him . He's probably harmless . Actually , he's really good-looking . Too bad he's a weirdo . You never know . Maybe he's just an innocent , lonely guy ... Now he's looking over here ! He's coming ! OK ! I'll call security . All right , Mr . Crane , when will you be arriving in the city ? I should be coming in on the 11:30 mooring flight . How far is the office from the airport ? Only 25 minutes or so . We ’ ll send somebody to meet you . That ’ s 11:30 a . m . Friday the 15th ? That ’ s right . I ’ ll be in the baggage area . Excuse me , I'm looking for your casual short-sleeved shirts . Can you tell me where those are ? Right over here , sir . What size do you wear ? Medium . These here are all mediums . Thank you . I think I'll take this one , and these pants as well . They're a present for a friend . Shall I gift-wrap them for you , sir ? Yes , please . Hello , Doctor . Well , What seems to be the trouble , Mr . Williams ? It's nothing serious actually , doctor . It ’ s ... Well , I get tired very easily recently , and I often doze off during meetings , office hours and sometimes even while I'm dining . How long has this been going on ? About two months . I didn't pay much attention to it in the beginning , but you see , I got fired this morning . I dozed off while we were having an important meeting , right in front of the boss . I was very embarrassed . How was your appetite ? Pretty good , I'd say . You haven't lost any weight , have you ? No , doctor . I've actually put on two pounds . Unbutton your shirt , please . Well , doctor ? You'll have to have some laboratory examinations to know for sure . What examinations ? A blood test and during test . You can come back next week , say 4 pm to see the results . Good afternoon , you look a little stuck . Can I help ? The thing is , I've got all of this information here , all of these leaflets , but I can't make head nor tail of them ! I see . What is it exactly that you are interested in ? I'm not sure which would be better for me ; buying some insurance or putting my money in a Savings Deposit . Well , that all depends on how much you want to invest . I was thinking of around 10,000 RIB . That's a nice round figure to deal with ! OK , if you were to buy this insurance policy , your yearly fixed income from it would be 94.35 RIB . And for the Savings Deposit ? For the Savings Deposit you could actually get more . You see , in time deposit , the interest rate is 1.58 % after the 20 % interest tax . So , technically you could get more than a third more . Wow ! A third more ? Very good . Name and examination number , please . My name is Han Ran , number is 050920 . What part of the country do you come from ? I ’ m from Living , Yunnan Province . Where is it ? It's a very beautiful place in Southwest China . Do you have a big family at your hometown ? Not very big . There are five of us — grandmother , father , mother , sister and I . Are you married ? No . I'm still single . Something's wrong with my computer . Exactly what ? All I get is a black screen . What's the matter ? I think I know , because this happened before . What happened before ? My hard drive crashed . Oh , no . That's bad news . It sure is , but I'm going to call HP first , just to make sure . Will you lose all your files ? No , I always back up my files . You're smart . Hey , Taxi . Over here ! Did you call for a car service Yes , are you engaged Not at the moment . Where would you like me to take you I am going to the airport , and I have to catch the 930 flight to New York . Well , it's a long way and there is roadwork near Broadway . I am not sure I can snake it in half an hour . But I can't miss the flight . It's an important meeting and it ’ s waiting for me . All right , I will try my best . If there aren ’ t any holdups , I think we can get there in time . That's great . How much is it to the airport About $ 25 , tips not included . Fine . Will you please help me with the luggage Oh , yes , sure . Let me put it in the boot . Thanks very much . Not at all . Bang the door , please . Ok , let's hurry . You are in luck . The traffic is not heavy today . What is the highest goal of your company ? The supreme goal of ours is to be in the leadership in marketing . Well , it is a really high target . Yes . We can make great efforts to make it become true as long as we have a clear goal . Do you have any idea why I pulled you over today ? I'm not sure . One of your brake lights is out . Really ? I'm sorry . I did not know that . I'm going to give you a ticket . Why can't you just let me off with a warning ? It's just a ticket . How much is the fine ? The judge will let you know . I have to be at court ? Of course . All right . Just give me the ticket . Hi , did you call for an exterminator ? Yes ! Thank goodness you ’ re here.These bugs are driving us crazy ! What sort of pest are we dealing with ? We just bought this house and it is infected with just about everything . We have termites in the wood , cockroaches all over the place , and last night I saw a huge rat out in the backyard ! Well , there ’ s nothing we can ’ t handle . I ’ ll spray the floorboards and walls to get rid of the cockroaches , but the termites will be harder to get rid of . We will have to cover the entire house and fu No problem , just get rid of the bugs ! do you remember where you were for the terrorist attacks on 9-11 ? yes , I was in my apartment in Beijing . Where were you ? I was at home with my parents in New York City . really ? Did you see the hijacked planes crash into and destroy the twin towers ? I didn't see the crash itself , but I did see the smoke and everything afterwards from my parents ' apartment building . that must have been horrible . Did you go out at all that day to see what was going on ? no , we decided to stay in our apartment . With all the buses out of service and the underground trains at a halt , many people had no choice but to walk home . It was utter chaos . did you know anyone who worked in the World Trade Center ? yes , my uncle's firm had an office in one of the towers . did he survive ? unfortunately , he wasn't able to evacuate in time . He ended up dying in the tower . I'm sorry . That must have really been a nightmarish day for you and your family . it was . The hijackers didn't have any respect for human life not even their own . terrorist acts are deliberate and deadly and can affect every walk of life . Is English acceptable for you ? Yes . What's your name ? Jenny Madison . What ’ s your nationality ? Nigerian . What is your date of birth ? 15th of April , 1969 . And your occupation ? I am a painter . What's your passport No . ? 7834623464 3367 . Where do you live in China ? In the Golden Mountain Hotel in Beijing . You are suspected of smuggling . Do you understand your rights ? Yes . Ok , sign here . Greg . I want to speak to you for a minute . Yes . Ms . Gray . Is there something wrong ? I ’ m afraid there is , Greg . I don ’ t mind you taking a break . But you ’ Ve been away from your desk for twenty-five minutes already . I ’ m sorry , Ms . Gray . I must have lost track of the time . I ’ ll get back to work , now . Excuse me . I'm looking for an old music box . Any particular decade ? Something made in the ' 20s would be nice . We had seven , but we sold one this morning . Are dancing figures a part of any of the boxes ? You're in luck . Two of them have dancing figures . Oh , these are great . I think I'll take this one . Yes , that one is very nice . Now , does this come with a warranty ? I'm sorry , but you just have to take your chances . That doesn't surprise me . Even if it doesn't work , it's a beautiful collectible . Why not go to the supermarket today , the coupon will be past due in three days . Sure . Can we use it in Today Supermarket ? Let me check . Yes , we can . I really don't know what to buy . I've read your report , and I'm not sure I agree with you.You think you can get attendance improved by requiring salaried employees to take their all of their sick days ? That's right . I know it must sound crazy to you , but we believe there will be fewer absences this way . We give them 10 or 15 sick days per year . Surely requiring people to take them couldn't possibly help . It sounds like a counter - productive policy change to me . Right now , we have incentives encouraging employees to come to work as often as possible.But employees with colds and the flu are coming to work and infecting their colleagues . I see . So our current policies are encouraging sick people to come to work , resulting in more sick employees . That's right . If sick days were mandatory , sick people would stay home . We wouldn't have these company-wide epidemics . Let's give it a shot ! Can you loan me fifty dollars until pay day ? I'm sorry I've already gone through my paycheck for the week . Thank you just the same . Mommy , can I stay up until eleven o'clock ? No . Go to bed right now . Have you been served , sir ? I am just looking , thank you ... Excuse me . Can you tell me where I can buy a pair of shoes ? It's on the fourth floor . Thank you . Would you mind if I ask your health status ? I just had a complete physical examination and passed with flying colors . That is good . We hope each of our future employees will be healthy and happy . I understand that . This website offers very convenient air tickets booking service . It is quick and accurate . Yes , I once booked there . They give the immediate confirm information and flight information to both your mobile phone and e-mail . You can conveniently pay by credit card , so the whole transaction only takes a couple of minutes . They also provide e-tickets , meaning you don ’ t need to go to any office to pick an air ticket . You go to the airport directly and check in with your ID card . So it has attracted more and more customers these days . Yes , therefore they are expanding the scope of their service . For example , hotels can be booked through the same site as well . Where can I park my car ? You need to get a car tag first . There's a one hundred Yuan deposit for the car tag . Okay . Here you are . Thank you . We'll bring the receipt up to your room when we get it . Good morning , Miss Cai . Congratulations ! You ’ Ve passed the interview . Good morning , Mr . Yang . Thank you very much . Can I work now ? Oh . Take it easy . As I ’ Ve said in the interview , once you are employed , we ’ ll give you a probation period of three months . And now we need to sign a draft agreement for the probation period . I am sorry , I am just too excited and forget it . Can I look it through ? Of course , here you are . And you can ask me any question . Well , I am sorry that I have a question . There is no remuneration item in this agreement . Can you tell me something about it ? Well , according to the principle of our company , employees like you have no remuneration during the probation period . But you didn ’ t tell me in the interview . I am sorry , it ’ s not decided by me but by the company . Okay , I can ’ t decide whether sign or not now . Can you give me some time to think it over ? Okay . Can you give me a reply tomorrow ? Yes . Thank you very much . Mr . Yang . Hi , taxi.Could you take me to the financial street , please Pardon , where to , sir ? I want to go to the financial stree . All right . Hop in , please . Excuse me , how long does it take to get there ? It usually takes about half an hour . Oh , does it really a long way to go . Yes . Moreover , since the street is heavy with traffic this time of day . I'm not sure we can make it . By the way , are you pressed for the time ? No , I'm can just drive slowly and carefully . OK . You are very skillful driver . Thank you . By the way , is the fair the same for any distance ? No . It versa according to the distance , you can read from the meter . Oh , I see . ok , so what have you got in store for me tonight ? I'm really sorry , Ethan . I tried so hard , but I'm afraid I could't find a Dutch restaurant in town . The best I could do was a German one about 15 minutes from here . what ? I don't understand . I though you said you wanted to have Dutch food ? Oh ! Ha-ha ! That's not what I mean when I said ' go Dutch ' ! Huh ? What were you talking about , then ? ' going Dutch ' means to split the bill , silly ! oath ... that makes so much more sense ! Ha-ha . Well , great , I don't like German food anyway ! I'm famished ! Let's get some grub ! I'm in the mood for some chips and salsa . Me , too ! The chips here are so light and crispy . And they have tangy , freshly-made salsa , too . My mouth is watering already ! I'll go get the chips . What do you want to drink ? Surprise me . Hey Michael . Where are you going ? No where special . I was just taking a walk . What for ? To get a little exercise . I'm so out of shape . Hey , I play basketball with a bunch of friends twice a week . It's great exercise and it's fun too . Why don't you come out and play with us ? That sounds great . Give me a call next time you guys play . Excuse me , but could you give me some change ? Let me see . Are dimes and quarters OK ? I want to make a long distance phone call . Then you'll need small change . Hello , Is this EYE computers ? Yeas , It is . Sewen Jes speaking . How can I help ? Actually , I'm calling to complain about your service . The computer I bought last week is faulty . Oh , I'm sorry to hear that , sir . What exactly is problem ? Well , easily , It doesn't work . It doesn't even start probably . Oh , dear ! I'll do whatever I can . I would like to open an account today . What kind ? I want to open a checking account . You need to keep a minimum balance . How much is it ? You need at least $ 100 in your account . Is that all ? Yes . That ’ s the minimum . What happens if I don ’ t meet that requirement ? You will get a fine . How much ? It ’ s going to be $ 25 . Who is the next one ? It's Peter's turn . Give the mike to him . OK . Be quiet . He is singing . I thought he only liked to listen ! So did I . He has a really good voice ! Yes , he sings wonderfully . Hello Mr Janus . What can we do for you today ? Hello , Miao Ping . It's that time again ; I want to convert my salary . You know , it's so annoying . I wish my company could just pay me in RIB . Haha ! I actually think that many locals would disagree with you ; they are all dying to be paid in US dollars . Yes , I guess you are right . So , do you need my passport ? Thanks , Mr Janus . Of course I trust you , but regulations are regulations . Here you go . Thanks . And of course , could you fill in the exchange form ? Hello , this is Francis . Hi , this is Monica . I was wondering when we can work on this financial report . Today , I am busy all day long . Shall I see you on Friday morning ? That ’ s not good for me at all.It ’ ll have to be another time . We must find some time to read report . I know . I am available from 1 PM to 4 PM on Friday afternoon . That ’ s all right . Then see you on Friday afternoon . See you . Would you like to travel ? Oh , yes . I often went on business trips in the past six years . How many languages can you speak in addition to your mother tongue ? I speak English and French in addition to my mother tongue , Chinese . That's fine . What salary do you get at your present position ? My present monthly salary is $ 1,500 . We'll start you off with a base salary of $ 20,000 a year , with bonuses that can add up to $ 40,000 . A company car , and a company pension scheme . Is that acceptable to you ? I think so . Excellent . Well , thank you very much , Mr . B , and you'll be hearing from us in the next few days , either way . Thank you . Mr . A , and I certainly hope the answer will be favorable . Goodbye . I heard there is a big yard sale at weeks this saturday morning , i will go there to see if there is some nice clothes , do you want to go with me ? Well , i want to go to the university flea market , they got times of books , DVDs , and a lot of nice clothing , too . How about we go to the yard sale first and then to the university flea market ? Good idea , let's shop to we drop ! Is there a train leaving for Philadelphia ? Yeah . There's an express that leaves in twenty minutes . May I buy a ticket here at the station ? Sure . Where ? Go to window number eleven . Thanks . Could you have a taxi pick me up and take me to the airport before 1 p . m . ? What's your address , sir ? I live at 323 Park Street . Ok , someone will be there by 12:15 . What are your rates ? It's 2 dollars initially and 35 cents for each quarter mile . I have four very large suitcases . Will those fit in the taxi ? No , I'll send a larger vehicle to pick you up . What kind of permanent would you like to have ? What kinds do you have ? Oh , we have quite a regular , cold perm , straight perm , pin curl and foam . Last time I tried a pin curl perm and a foam permanent . Set the wave a little looser than usual , please . Hi , I am afraid that the fax machine in my room won ’ t be working till tomorrow . A technician has just come and checked it . He will bring me a new one tomorrow . It seems there is a big problem with mine and it will take some days for repairing . Can I use the one in your office ? Of course you can . I am sure this one works very well . I just sent dozens of pages . How many pages are you sending ? Are you familiar with my fax machine ? Yes , I think you have the same model as I have . Does your fax machine print out immediately a transmission protocol ? Yes , it will print immediately . Could you tell me how to use the washer and dryer ? What do you need help with ? Do you know how to turn them on ? Do you have any change ? I need change for the machines ? You need to put 50 cents into the washer machine and a dollar into the dryer . So what do I need to do ? The machines will turn on once you put the quarters into the slot . That's really all I have to do ? That's everything . Thanks for all your help . I'm here if you need any more help . What can I do for you ? I wish to buy a diamond ring . How many carats diamond do you want ? Two carats . Is this one suit for you ? No , it seems too old-fashioned . What about this ? Let me try it on , it's too small for me , haven't you got any larger ones ? Yes , try this one please . This fits me well , how much is it ? 3,500 yuan . It's reasonable . Here you are . I am here to tell you that the clothes are very much to taste of our market and the customers are quite satisfied with the excellent quality . We are very glad to hear that . We are sure that there will be a bigger market for our products in this country . Well , we have an extensive sales organization and a thorough knowledge of Asian market . Your products would sell very well here . We are prepared to do more business with you . We are also interested in handing a sole agent for you . We really appreciate your efforts . Before we go to the core of matter , can you give us some idea of them on which you would be willing to operate as our agent ? No problem . I ’ m thinking about redecorating my bedroom . I bought this magazine in order to get some ideas . What do you think of this ? That looks good . The room in the picture is bigger than your bedroom , so you wouldn ’ t be able to have all that furniture in your room . I ’ d like to have the bed and the wardrobe . You would fit both of them in your bedroom . Perhaps you could also get the dressing table . I think that one would look good in your bedroom . Yes , it would . It ’ s very expensive though . Everything in this magazine seems expensive . You could probably find something similar in a discount store . Yes . I ’ m sure I could find something similar at one . I ’ d also like to get a new carpet for my bedroom . You can get cheap carpets easily . Another idea is to buy a rug . That would cover a lot of the carpet and you wouldn ’ t have to replace the carpet . It would save you a lot of work . That ’ s a good idea . I ’ m really looking forward to redoing my bedroom . How much does it cost to hire a motorbike ? For 3 days $ 300 , for 7 days $ 600 . Good . I think I'll hire one for 7 days . Okay . I'll write up the paperwork . Good afternoon , sir . May I help you ? Yes , I'd like a cheeseburger and a large order of French fries . Would you like anything to drink with that ? Yes , a medium Coke . Will that be all ? Yes . For here or to go ? To go , please . ( The attendant hands the customer his order . ) That'll be $ 4.25 ... ( The customer gives her a 5 dollar bill . ) ... out of five . Here is your change , sir . Have a nice day . Tonight is a party night ! What drinks do you think we need ? Well , not everyone wants to drink beer . Make sure there are some soft drinks and juice . Nothing ’ s as refreshing as iced drinks on a hot day . I don ’ t think we need too much in the way of soft drinks . Two super bottles of Cola should cover everyone . What about wine ? Just buy a cask of wine . Have you bought ice yet ? No , once I fill the tub with beer , I ’ ll get the ice . The beer will be cool if you put the tub under the ice . The cooler , the better . I think a bottle of champagne would be a good idea . It ’ s appetizing and tasty . Well , if you say so . Personally speaking , I ’ d rather die of thirst than drink champagne . You have any ideas as to what you want to do this weekend ? I'm going to the movie theater with my friend . What are you going to do ? I'm not quite sure yet . How about you see a movie with me and my friend ? What movie are you and your friend planning on watching ? Not sure . Is there a movie out that catches your eye ? No good movies come to mind . Have you decided whether or not you would like to go ? No , thanks . Maybe another time . For sure another day . There ’ s a big sale on clothes and sporting goods at Riverside Mall . Sporting goods ? Is that bike Tim wanted on sale ? Yeah , it ’ s 30 percent off the regular price . Well , maybe we could get it now and hide it until his birthday . Yeah , it ’ s a couple weeks away , and we don ’ t have anything yet . Don ’ t buy him underwear again . He hates that . I know , I know , but if I didn ’ t buy it for him , he ’ d never buy it . See anything else we need there ? Well , all shoes are 20 percent off . Shoes ? You already have a closet full of shoes . I know , but another pair can ’ t hurt . Oh , all right . I need some new shirts , too . Let ’ s go after breakfast . Hello , Mr . Brown . Hello . Can you help me ? Yes , I'm here to fix your pipes . Oh good , come in , please . You are going to be really jealous when you find out where I ’ m headed for the holidays ! Don ’ t tell me ! I ’ m sure it ’ s someplace warm and sunny with great beaches ! You got it ! I ’ m going to spend two fabulous weeks in Hawaii ! You are so lucky ! Send me a postcard ! Good morning , Japan Airline domestic reservations . Can I help you ? Yes . I Would like make a reservation to Huston for tomorrow . The flight to Huston takes off daily every two hours from 6:00 to 11:00 pm . So you don't need a reservation . Seats are available on a ' first come , first served ' basis . Oh , that's quite convenient . Thank you . Now that we know what kind of music we will play , we have to decide what each of us will do . Well , I love hip hop dancing , so I should probably dance . Do you know how to rap ? Oh yeah ! I'm a great rapper . And I know all the Vanilla Ice lyrics by heart . Excellent . I'll start practicing my dance moves . How are you ? I ’ m great . Thank you for asking . What can I do for you ? Do I owe any fees ? You sure do . Could you tell me how much I owe ? You owe $ 235.13 in fees . I can ’ t believe that . When will you be paying these fees off ? I ’ ll pay them off right now . Cash or check ? I will pay with cash . Hello , this is Sunshine Trading Company . Can I help you ? Yes . I want to apply for the accountant in your corporation and I think it is not beyond attainment . Great . Could you tell me something about cash control ? Yes , of course . In accounting , cash means all items that are acceptable for depositing in a bank . I'm quite upset ! I want a new room and a refund for tonight . Forgive me , sir , I haven't been told what the problem is . I'm about to be swept away by millions of cockroaches ! My apologies , sir . We'll transfer you to a new room at once and give you a full refund . Thank you . I didn't want to have to take this to court . Sir , we never want a guest to stay here mad or unhappy . Where do you see yourself three years from now ? Working for your company ! As the top administrative assistant in your firm ! Good answer , Miss Zhang-good answer ! Seriously , though , are you interested in staying in a staff-level position , or would you hope to move into management someday ? Well , I haven't thought much about this . I think it's too early to tell . What is the most important for me now is to do the best possible job for the company and learn and develop my skills as much as possible . If the company is happy with my work , then , I think I would like to consider other positions in the company . Fine . What kind of relationship do you think should exist between a boss and his or her employees ? Well , a working relationship . I think a company is a place to get work done . Certainly friendly , open relationships among all company employees is important . But I think an employee should be serious about his or her work responsibilities and have a working relationship with the boss . That man's really a bore to me . Which one do you mean ? The man with his hair cropped . Hello , Lucy , I heard you did a good deal in interview . It's OK . What did you do in the interview ? I observed the interviewer's manner , mien and gesture carefully besides paying attention to mine . Are all these helpful for the interview ? Of course . The manner of shaking hands can show a man ’ s character . For example , the interviewer who shakes your hand lightly , is a easygoing man although he looks cool . Anything else ? You can discover interviewer's eyes because they can show his thoughts , and can judge whether he is interested in your words by his gesture and mien . what are your strong points ? well , I ’ m very good with people . I ’ m honorable . I work hard . I work well under pressure . And I ’ m patient . what kind of people do you like to work with ? I like a person who works hard . I don ’ t like lazy people . what ’ s your greatest strength ? well , this is a challenging question . I suppose I would say that I ’ m a quick learner . so , you ’ re smart . I think so . I think that I am good at what I do . what do you consider your weakness ? I ’ m not good at speaking in public . I feel uncomfortable when I speak in public . that ’ s not a problem . It ’ s unnecessary for this position . Couldn't you extend the delivery period by two weeks ? That would make things much easier for us . Well , you know the time of shipment means a lot to us . I can understand , but our company is fully committed at the moment , and hundreds of clients are placing orders for delivery these days . I see.OK , that's agreed then . What is your favorite coffee ? Irish coffee is my favorite . But I'm not particular on it . All right . Would you make coffee yourself when you are at home ? Not very often . Making coffee is a bit troublesome . Most of the time , I just buy takeout at Starbucks . And also , I quite like instant coffee . I think instant coffee is becoming more and more popular . Though its taste is not perfect , it's really cheap and convenient . Exactly . Nescafe is the world's favorite coffee . People love it all over the world . I agree . I heard that in the western countries , almost everyone likes coffee . Is that true ? Yes . No doubt about that . For us , coffee is more a living style rather than a simple drink . I heard Chinese people don't drink that much coffee . No , we don't , especially the elder people . But more and more young people fall for coffee nowadays . I suppose so . That's probably why there are so many wonderful coffee houses in China now . I really want to get something to eat . What are you going to get ? I don't know what I want to eat . Well , do you want burgers , Chinese food , or Mexican food ? Chinese food sounds good . Where are you going to get it from ? I haven't the slightest idea . I usually get my Chinese food from Panda Express . You like Panda Express ? The food there is actually pretty good . Maybe I'll go there then . You should . I know you'll like it . Ann , stop bugging Jess and help me order something new . Lattes are so passe these days . Why don't you try an Americano ? Espresso with water . Sounds a little weak . Go with a hammerhead then-espresso mixed with drip coffee . Sounds better , but I hope it doesn't inspire me to take a hammer to the client's head . Don't worry , James . We'll get this case worked out in no time . when do most children start school in your country ? In America , most children start primary school at the age of five . How much time do primary school students usually spend at school every day ? Kindergarten students usually only go to school for about four hours every day , but after that , they spend about eight hours in school every day . do they have to go to school on Saturdays ? no , most children in America only go to school Monday through Friday . how many subjects do they have to study ? In most schools , they study about nine subjects . do students have to wear uniforms in schools in America ? some private schools require their students to wear uniforms , but public schools don't . did you go to a public school or a private school ? I went to a private school for elementary school and university , but went to a public school for high school . What about you ? I went to a boarding school from nursery school to senior high school . did you have to wear uniforms ? yes , they were horrible . We had to wear green every day ! at least you didn't waste time thinking about what you were going to wear every day ! that's true ! ... Now , that's all I want to say about world coal reserves . So let's move on to the next topic , renewable resources . There are three things we have to consider when talking about renewable resources . First , sustainability ; second , marketability ; lastly , the reality factor . Let's talk about each point in more detail ... John , would you like to take it from here ? Certainly . As my colleague just mentioned , sustainability is a major concern when examining the potential output of a resource . Of course , as you can see from the content of our presentation today , with renewable resource , there is a much larger sustainability than with non-renewable resource . Have you got anything for diarrhea ? Yes , here you are . These tablets are very effective . How should I take this medicine ? Take two tablets every six hours . I see . I'll follow your instructions . And take a good rest for a few days . Thank you . Hello , sir . Is there anything I can help you find ? Um ... Uh ... I'm just looking , thanks . Need a gift for your girlfriend or wife ? No , no , no . I'm just browsing . Thanks anyway . Well , if you need anything , just ask . Um ... well , where's the men's shoe department ? It's on the third floor . Turn left when you get off the escalator . I absolutely love what you're wearing today . You do ? I just bought this outfit a couple days ago . Seriously , it looks really nice on you . Where did you buy it from ? I bought it from the Macy's at the Santa Anita mall . I really like that outfit . Thanks . I think you look nice today , too . Thank you . I just bought these new shoes earlier today . Those are nice . What are they ? These are some Chucks . Those are great . How much were they ? I got them for forty . I think I might go and find me my own pair of Chucks . This is a great meal ! Thank you . I am glad that everything turned out so well . Who taught you how to cook this well ? I took a cooking class at the Culinary Institute . Wow , what is in this chicken dish ? Isn't that great ? That is coconut ginger chicken with rice . Is the soup a shrimp soup ? Yes , there is shrimp in there along with sea vegetables and lemon grass . I think I got lucky in choosing a wine that blends with this meal . I appreciate you bringing the wine . It goes well with the chicken . Have you any tour route to Budapest ? Yes , I have , sir . How long are you going on vacation ? About 2 weeks . I recommend you this route . We call it golden routes for the sightseeing spots . Well , will you offer me any reduction since it's a out-of-season tour ? Of course , we will , sir . We have a holiday next week , don't we ? Yes , on Monday . What're you going to do ? I'm probably going to spend the day looking at cars . At cars ! You aren't thinking about buying a car , are you ? Yes , I am . I'd like to be able to get around a little more . But it will be expensive to have a car in the city , won't it ? Oh , I don't know.Of course , gasoline costs a lot these days . But what about parking ? You can't park on the street , can you ? A lot of people do . I'll try it for a while anyway , but I certainly don't want to pay a lot of parking tickets . Ah , Oh ! Are you hurt ? I don't think so . I'm just shaken up a little . Maybe I'd better call an ambulance . No , don't bother . I think I'm OK . Are you sure ? Yes , it's OK . Hello . Holiday Inn . How can I help you ? Yes . I booked a single room in your hotel for this Friday . But I ’ m sorry to say that I have to cancel it . My wife is very sick now . I don ’ t think she ’ ll be able to travel by this Friday . Oh , I ’ m sorry to hear that . Thank you . Can I cancel my reservation ? Certainly . May I have your name , please ? My name is Tom Smith . Okay . I have canceled your reservation , Mr . Smith . Thank you very much . You ’ re welcome . I hope your wife is feeling better soon . Good evening Ms . Jackson . Fancy meeting ’ you here . Hi , Clyde . This is my friend , Wen . She's visiting from UCLA . Clyde Smith . Pleasure to meet you . May I treat you ladies to dinner ? OK ! I was just tellin ’ Wen about African-American food . You weren't going to tell her about chitterlings and hog maws , were you ? Well , my Creole ancestors never ate that stuff . We have refined French tastes . Hey ! That “ stuff ” is my grandma's cooking , and it's good ! Hello ! Can I help you ? Well , I am looking for some winter clothes for my fiancee . Oh , it's the high time for you purchasing in our clothes shop . We are now having a preseason sale on all our winter apparel . Really ? What's that ? Every thing for winter is 20 % off . I think my fiancee may favor the sweater in the shop window . Would you like to help me look for any skirts that go with this sweater ? Sure , we have both skirts and trousers that would look well with the sweater . Look at this section . I especially like this flowery skirts . My fiancee will look very elegant in this . You have a good taste . It's very much in style this year . I don't think the green one fits her complexion . Do you have any skirts in light color or tan ? Look on the rack to the right . Oh , yes . I'll take this one . Can I pay by traveler ’ s check ? It's ok . Good afternoon , passport and arrival card please . Here you are . Where are you coming from ? China . Is this your country of birth or residence . I just work there . What is the purpose of your visit to the United States ? I'm here on vacation . How long do you plan to stay in the United States ? Almost three weeks . Sir , you didn't fill out the information on your arrival card of where you will be staying . Oh , I'm sorry , but there are a couple of different places I will travel to within the United States , so I wasn't sure what to put . You must specify an address of the place where you will spend most of your time . Ok , here you are . Do you have enough means to support yourself while you are here ? Yes . I have some travellers cheques and two credit cards . Very good . Do you have anything to declare ? Nope . I only have my clothes and camera ! Very well sir , welcome to the United States , enjoy your visit . Hello , what can I do for you ? Hello , I come to pay my water and electricity fees . Give me your water and electricity bills , please . Here they are . You should pay 160 yuan for the electricity fee and 80 yuan for the water fee . Do you mean that I should pay 240 yuan in total ? Yes . Will you pay by cash or credit card ? Cash , please . Here is the money . I get 250 yuan from you , and this is the change , 10 yuan . OK . Thank you . Bye-bye . Bye . Can I help you , Madam ? Yes , I'd like to exchange some US dollars into RIB . How much would you like to exchange ? What's the exchange rate for RIB ? It's US 100 for RIB 802 today . I'd like to exchange 3,000 . Fill out this exchange memo , please . Yes . Here you are . Wait a second , please ... These are 24,060 RIB and the receipt , please check them . All right , thank you so much , good-bye . Good-bye . Why don't we get you some shirts ? I want to leave . We've already been here two hours . But we should get you some shirts while we're here . You need summer shirts . I would rather buy them somewhere else . Why ? They have everything here . I don't like shopping in malls . I like shopping on the street . There is more variety . Let's just look and see what they have . Alright . What about these shirts ? Do you see anything you like ? The styles here are too boring for me . I told you . I like street shopping . Oh , come on ! Don't be so sour . These are beautiful shirts . I know if we don't buy some today , you will never go shopping by yourself . Sure I would . Here . Look at this shirt . Try it on . Do they have it in LARGE . I don't know . Let me look on the rack . Here is one . LARGE . Try it on . Where is the fitting room ? I don't see it . The fitting rooms are over there . Okay , I will try it on . It looks good on you . I look like a nerd . No , it looks great.Why are you always like this when you're shopping ? You know it looks good . Well , I don't think it's the best style for me . I think we'll buy this one . And I want you to try on this one too . Alright . Alright . You should be happy I want you to look good.If I let you shop for yourself , you would never buy anything . Yes , maybe . But I like street shopping . There is more variety . I'm sorry . I just don't like malls . I need to know why I'm being charged $ 10 for a movie that I never ordered . Hmm . Your file shows that you watched ' Titanic ' Monday night . Monday night ? Monday night I was at a great concert . Well , as they say , garbage in , garbage out . Let me correct this error , please . Thank you . It's very nice when problems can be solved quickly . When I deleted the $ 10 , the computer automatically added a $ 2 service charge . Are you crazy ? You made the mistake and now you're charging me for your mistake ? Sir , if it makes you feel any better , the $ 2 service fee used to be $ 5 . Why don't you just stick a gun in my ribs and take everything I have ? Unfortunately , sir , you'll have to pay the $ 2 , whether you like it or not . Good morning . I've come here to inquire whether I can get a visa to your country ? What do you want to go to US for ? I have been invited to teach Chinese at the University of Hawaii for two years . Can I have a look at your letter of acceptance ? Of course . Here you are . That's OK . We'll contact you the moment we hear from home . Good morning , may I help you ? We'd like to take a tour to Florence . That's a beautiful city . When do you want to go there ? We have got a 2 weeks ' vocation and we plan to leave on Thursday . Then please have a look at the table , there are so many plans . I have a problem with my credit card . What's wrong with it ? There is a charge on my card that I didn't make . Can you tell me what the charge was ? It's for a purse that cost $ 350 . Are you positive that you didn't buy the purse ? I can't even afford a purse that expensive . I'm very sorry . When was this purchase made ? I was at work , but the purchase was made at 3 We're going to investigate this claim . OK.Do I have to pay for this charge ? You won't have to pay for anything . Could you explain the paper-making process to us - in very simple terms - please ? Well , the pulp falls from a box onto the first part of the paper machine , which is basically a wire bed with large holes in it , where most of the water is extracted . So , is it actually paper at this stage ? Yes , it is . But we need to take out more water . So it then passes through a series of rollers , where more water is squeezed out . After that it goes through the dryers , which are at a very high temperature . The paper is then coated . And finally it's wound onto reels and cut down into smaller lengths . I need to get some business cards printed up . Do you know how many you need ? I think I can get by with 2,000 . We can get started as soon as you fill out this form . I hope you can make the new cards just like my old cards . You won't be able to tell the difference with a magnifying glass . ... Okay , I'm through . Here's the form and my old card . Very good . You can pick up your order in one week . Now that I think of it , three days is better than seven . We can do that , but you'll have to pay a little extra . Hello , I want to make a reservation for a Qingdao cruise . When will you set out ? Next week . OK . There is one on Wednesday . Good ! How much does the sea view stateroom cost for per person ? Eight hundred yuan . I see . Does that include fees for shore excursions ? No . It doesn't . But it includes all other on board activities . Thanks a lot . Give me one ticket , please . Have you made a reservation ? Yes , I have booked a table for four . My name is Liu Fan . We have had a window table reserved for you . This way , please . Thanks . You're welcome . Can we see the menu , please ? I'll bring it over . Anything good for this evening ? We have squirrel shaped mandarin fish , seeds prawn , etc . Very good , we'll take them all . Hello , Mr Kowalski ? I'm here , hello . Which city are you staying in right now ? And the name of your hotel ? I'm in Beijing , at the Weston Hotel . Do you have your passport with you ? Or do you by any chance know the number ? I don't have it to hand , but I know the number . It's 16211469 9 . Can you do anything , like stop the card for example ? Let me repeat that back to you , 16211469 9 . That's just what I've done , Mr Kowalski , I've stopped your card temporarily . But , what do I do if I need cash ? You can go to any branch of IBA and request the Emergency Assistance Service . Everything will be taken care of , there's no need to worry . Thank you so much . I'll find the nearest branch and come in tomorrow . Thanks again for all of your help . I enjoyed talking to you . I enjoyed talking to you too . We should hang out some time . I think that would be nice . Is there anything you would like to do next time ? Do you want to go out to eat ? I'd like that . So I'll see you next time . I'm going to call you soon . I'll talk to you later . See you soon . Goodbye . I love Chinese food . What's your favorite dish or dishes ? Well , I always order fried spring rolls when I go to Chinatown . But a Chinese person would never order that . Really ? But they're delicious ! Alex , you don't know what to order . Let's go to a Chinese restaurant together next time . That sounds great . Get ready for the best meal of your life ! How much are these apples ? Let me weigh them for you . 1.5 $ . Do you accept coupons ? Yes . Here are my coupons . Is that enough ? You have to pay $ 0.5 more . Hi . I'm looking for some good deals on produce . You might want to try the mangoes . Can you describe a mango to me ? It's a fruit a little smaller than a grapefruit . It has a big seed in it . Do I eat the seed ? Maybe some animals eat the seed , but humans don't . You'd have to soak it for 10 years . What's the price of these mangoes ? Today you get a 50 - percent discount . They're only $ 1 each . Tell me what they taste like . Their flesh is soft and juicy . It has a citrus taste . It's sweet . Do I need to buy them ripe , or will they ripen at home ? Just press into it gently with your thumb . If it feels soft , it's ready to eat . Where do mangoes come from ? These are from Guatemala , but we're going to start getting mangoes from India . Mom , are those tattoos on your brows ? Uh , yes , they are . Moooooommmmm ! You're so in ! Anything else you've been keeping from me ? What ? Any body piercing ? Stick out your tongue ! Oh , for Pete's sake . This is cosmetic . My brows are falling out . I did this for convenience . Come on mom . I'm your A ! Wait till the guys hear about this ! Mike , don't even think about it ! Can I see the paper when you're through , Sally ? OK . I just want to read the comics . Take your time . Office software like Windows might be one of the best inventions in this information age . It saves us from so much work and makes the communication even around the world much easier . Fully agree . I do enjoy the convenience though I am still a beginner in using Excel . The latest office equipment is more type-functional . It combines fax machine , copy machine and printer in one . It saves a lot of place , one machine instead of three . Yes , this machine is even smaller than those before . When will we get one of those ? You know our boss always trying to save the last penny . We have to use up the equipment first . Excuse me . What time does the next bus for Boston leave ? It leaves at 8: 30 . I see . Are there any seats available ? Just a moment , please . Yes , you can have a seat . Good . How much is a one-way ticket ? It's 38 dollars . All right . Here's 40 dollars . Here's your ticket and change . Thank you . Which gate should I go to for the bus ? Go to gate number 2 , please . Thank you very much . Don't mention it . Are you free next thursday ? Yeah , why , is there something going on Thursday ? A bunch of us in the office are planning a retiring party for Bob , he's been with the office for ages , so everyone was really surprised to hear he took early retirement . Bob is retiring , wow ... that's news to me , I had no idea Bob was that old , retirement's still sixty-five , right ? Retirement age is still 65 , but I think more and more people are retiring earlier , I think Bob's in upper fifties already , he just looks pretty young . Wow ... I thought he was early forty stops , why would he want to retire so soon ? Well , I think you prepare it well and capture good savings , retiring early can give you a lot more time for travel and other activities , you should get out and enjoy the life you still can't , don't you think ? May I help you find something , or are you just looking ? I'm just looking . Then take your time , please . Thank you . How do you like the food here ? I don't like it very much.But every-body likes their own food best . There are many things I miss . You can't get the ingredients here . Are you sure ? All the big cities have specialty shops , which sell all sorts of ethnic foods . Perhaps . i just haven't had time to find them yet . Where can I get a good novel ? There's a bookstore just across the street . What are in this folder ? They are reports of our company . Are they filed alphabetically ? No , they are filed according to dates . Can you find last month ’ s report for me , please ? No problem , here you are . Will you bring our bill , please ? Yes , certainly . I'll be back in a minute . Here you are Thanks.Let me see . I think there's a mistake on the bill here.Would you mind checking , please ? Of course , not.Let me check.Oh , you seem bo be correct . How about tax and service charge ? Only ten percent tax is included in the bill . Then one hundred U . S . dollars covers everything , doesn't it ? It sure does . What's going on here ? You mean , what's happening ? Well , constable , I'm trying to get out of the windowand Fred here is helping me . Why are you climbing through the window and not leaving by the front door ? Well , you see I can't find the key and I'm in a hurry . Come on , Fred , We're wasting time . Just a minute you two . I don't think you're telling me the truth . This isn't poorhouse , is it ? No , it's my brother's . I'm staying with him for a while . Is he at home ? I'm afraid not . He's in jail for house-breaking at the moment . What's Ron Marston like , Pauline ? He's awful ! He telephoned me four times yesterday , and three times the day before yesterday . He telephoned the office yesterday morning and yesterday afternoon . My boss answered the telephone . What did your boss say to him ? He said , Pauline is typing letters . She can't speak to you now ! " Then I arrived home at six o'clock yesterday evening . He telephoned again . But I didn ’ t answer the phone ! Did he telephone again last night ? Yes , he did . He telephoned at nine o'clock . What did you say to him ? I said , This is Pauline's mother . Please don ’ t telephone my daughter again ! Did he telephone again ? No , he didn't ! Does this bus really go to the mall ? It goes all the way there . Are you sure ? I know it does . I catch this bus a lot . How long does it take for the bus to get there ? The bus ride is only thirty minutes or so . Where do we get off the bus ? Right behind Macy's is a bus stop . The stop is really at the mall ? It's in the middle of the parking lot . That's perfect . I know it is . I really need to find a bus that goes by PCC . Where do you need to catch this bus at ? All the way up on Las Flores Drive and Fair Oaks . I can tell you what bus to catch , but you have to walk a little bit . Walking isn't a problem for me . The 267 stops at Altadena Drive and Fair Oaks . Which direction do I want ? Get on the bus heading west . Do you know where I get off at ? Del Mar and Hill . Thanks for letting me know , home-girl . No problem . Mr . Chandler will be our new partner , so his visit this time will be extremely important for our cooperation in future , because it may decide whether Mr . Chandler sign the trade contract with us or not . Do you have some idea ? I suppose we can bring him to visit our company , as well as our display room . In this way , he can know more about our company and our potential power . In my opinion , visiting the factory will help him learn our manufacturing process very much . En , you are right , and he will trust us and maybe the contract will be signed soon . But remember to keep some skills of our manufacturing secret . On one hand , show his our best side ; on the other hand , do not show too much to protect our own business secrets . Well , I understand . Please make a detailed schedule on the visit this afternoon . Are you making what I think you're making ? Nothing but the best , Cinnamon toast . What a nostalgic food ! Why the drama ? Have you been watching soap operas ? No . Just the smell of bread toasting to a perfect golden brown ... Brings back memories ? This is a nice place , but you need to get some furniture . I had planned to . I can bring some from my place . And there's some more at my parents ' . Do you have a bed ? Of course , I have . There is one in my old house . And I have another one from college at my parents ' house . That's good . You can put one in this room and put the other one in that room . Yeah , it is a good idea . You can stay in my house for the night if you would like to . Yeah . By the way , can I take a shower ? Sure , but I don't have hot water , yet . Really ? No , they're coming tomorrow morning to turn the gas on . My phone should be working then , too . Well , do you want to go outside for dinner ? Yeah , I can't cook anything until tomorrow , anyway . Let's go to the restaurant nearby . It's my treat . OK . Let's go . Please tell us the exact time when the big fire broke out . The exact time ? Let me think . You know , it happened at night . But we need the exact time . What time ? Oh , I remember . It was about 10 o'clock . When I was about to go to bed , suddenly I heard help outside . Where's the nearest bank ? It's just around the corner Broadway Mall is having a big sale this weekend . You wanna go ? Don't feel like it . I'm broke . Well , we can still do some window shopping , can't we ? Just look around ? Ah , that's boring . I'll go myself then . Boris , look at this sentence . " Healthy eating is not about strict nutrition philosophies , staying unrealistically thin , or depriving yourself of foods you love . " It's interesting , isn't it ? I'd rather say it's confusing . what are those " strict nutrition philosophies " about ? I believe they are careful calculations on proteins , vitamins and calories . Probably , Iris . That must be the job of nutritionists . Healthy eating is not about depriving oneself of the foods one loves . So we are free to have whatever foods we love . It is unbelievable . Oh , believe it or not , I came across an article the other day , saying that pizza is a healthy food . Seriously ? Yes , I felt exactly the same way as you did just now . Scientists must be crazy in saying so . Maybe nowadays people hold different opinions on healthy diet . Absolutely . I myself sometimes believe that healthy eating is just about feeling great . As long as I have enough energy , it's fine . But one must have some basic ideas about nutrition and find the best way for it to work out for the body . Who wants to go first ? Lily ? Oh ... I mostly just like to listen . You're the groom . Why don't you go first ? OK.Put on something by the Backstreet Boys ! How about As Long as You Love Me ? You can pretend you're singing it to your fiancee Brooke ! I'd better not . Brooke hates the Backstreet Boys ! John , you have done a good job . Our new series computer is appreciated by the guests . They intend to sign contracts with our company . You really did a good job . Thank you . I can't imagine the design of the new computer is so popular among computer users . Hah , as the sale department director of our team , you are the best . I am flattered . But I am not sure whether the manager is satisfied with it . She asked me to her office . Why not ? You've done so well for the company . She should give you a prize . I feel nervous when I face her . She looks so serious when we have a conversation all the time . Come on ! What are you nervous about ? It is said that the sales for the new computer did not meet the expectation . But the sale number is close to the predicted amount . I'm still nervous . I don't know what to say to the manager . I always feel ill at ease in that kind of place . Take it easy . Be confident . I'm sure you can do it . Can I help you , Miss ? Yes . I have just got lost with my firiend.Can you page my friend for me ? OK , tell me your friend's name . Here is his passport.Thank you very much . I am not sure what to do to get ready for my job interview . Make sure that you understand the company . Do you understand what it is that they do ? No , I probably need to do some more research . When you've finished your research it will help you figure out whether your company is rigid in philosophy or kind of more relaxed . Does that make sense ? I think that their attitude is rather casual . So all of that information will help you to pick out what to wear . Do you have something to wear ? I have absolutely nothing so far . You know I could go shopping with you sometime if you need it , but can we talk about other basics ? Yes , where should we go from here ? Focus on being relaxed and open , don't forget to smile and shake hands and be genuinely interested in what their company is about . I'm sure you'll do well . What can I do for you , madam ? I'd like to buy a toy car for my son . How about this one ? It looks nice.How much is it ? They're three hundred dollars . Oh , I'm afraid it's too expensive.Can you show me something cheaper ? OK , This one is one hundred and twenty.It ' s the cheapest here . OK , I'll take it.Here ' s the money . Thank you very much . Good morning . Could I speak to Frans Smith please ? Frans Smith ? I think you may have the wrong number . Is this Taiwan 8234342 2 , DS engineering ? It is . But there is no Frans Smith here . Do you know which department he works in ? The accounts department , I think . The accounts department , no problem . I'm just putting you through now . How did you get it ? I found it a garage sale once . What a find ! So , how much does it cost ? Well , because I like you ... ninety bucks . Ninety dollars is pretty steep . I'll take it for sixty bucks . What can I do for you ? I'm looking for the cameras . They're in Aisle Two . Hey , Jack , I'd better go now . Is your boss coming by ? Right ! And I have to finish the report by 5:30 p . m . Okay . Get back to your work , and call me back this evening . Okay , no problem . Bye ! Bye ! I think we have everything in the contract . Shall we sign it ? Wait a minute . I think we have missed an important point . We should include an arbitration clause in the contract . I believe we can solve disputes through an amicable negotiation . I hope so . too . But I still think the provision of arbitration is of great importance to both of us . All right . I agree with you . But where do we hold arbitration ? I suggest the arbitration be held in a third country . It sounds reasonable . The clause should be like this - any disputes arising from the execution of this contract shall be settled in a friendly way . If no settlement can be reached through consul - nation and conciliation , the disputes shall be submitted for arbitration by a mutually nominated arbitrator . The arbitrator's decision on the dispute is final and binding on the both parties . Ok . Here we are , Ryan ! This is where we're going to celebrate ! It's a ETV palace ! I'm glad I brought my platinum card . You won't need it . Stanley , my best man , is going to treat everybody ! Where is Stanley ? It was his idea to have the bachelor's party at a ETV , wasn't it ? If it were up to Stanley , we'd have the wedding in the ETV ! He loves to sing . Then I bet he's really good ! Well , uh , I'll let you decide that for yourself . He'll be here a little later . Here's our room ! How nice these sunglasses are ! Yes , they are the latest designs . Would you like to try them on ? I want to try on this pair . The round shape pair ? That's right . I think it suits you well . I agree , how much ? 120 yuan . It's not expensive . OK . I'll take them . I am Liu Yi , from China XYZ Company . I ’ d like to see Mr . Thomas , please . Do you have an appointment , Mr . Liu ? No , I am afraid not . I just arrive in town today . Mr . Thomas is quite busy , I ’ m afraid he won ’ t be able to see you today . Would you please ask when he will be free ? Have a seat please while I call . Hi , Bob . How did you do on your driving test ? Passed . That's great and it was your first try . Freeze ! Police ! Put your hands over your head ! What did I do ? I haven't done anything . You're under arrest for concealing illegal drugs . What do you mean ? You are suspected of hiding illegal drugs . So we are taking you into custody . I didn't do anything . We've found some heroin at your house . No , I didn't . I'm innocent . Those aren't mine . Whatever you found is someone else's stuff . You can't prove anything . I wasn't there when you went in , and you can't prove it's my stuff . That may be , but you're still under arrest . And you'd better stop talking . I don't need your help , jerk . Whatever you say . I know that you are interested in our washers . Yes , we are thinking of placing an order . However we would like to know what kinds of machines are available for export and in addition your sales terms , including mode of payment , discount and possible date of delivery . We supply washers of all types and sizes . We have years of experience in the manufacture of washers . We have read about this in your sales literature . Could you give us some idea of your prices ? Our prices compare favorably with those offered by other manufactures either in Europe or anywhere else . Here are our latest price lists . You will see that our prices are very attractive . Do you take special orders ? That is , do you make machines according to the specific requirements from clients ? Sure , we do . How long does it usually take you to make delivery ? As a rule , we deliver all our orders within three months after receipt of relevant L / C . It takes longer , of course , for special orders . In no case would it take longer than six months . Good . One more thing , we'd like you to quote us on CIF basis . Okay . No problem . How much is it ? 6 500 yuan . You will get it on the price tag . It s a little overpriced . Is there any discount on this laptop ? Its already very cheap . Let's make it 6 000 yuan . I ’ d buy this if it were cheaper . How about 5 000 yuan ? Hum ... I say 5 500 yuan . That's as cheap as it can get . Is it the final price ? I'm sorry , this is our rock bottom price . Alright , I ’ ll buy this one . Hi , excuse me . I am sorry to bug you , but do you know where the Royal Hotel is ? Just a minute . I am as busy as a bee right now ... Ok , I am done . What can I do for you ? Well , I seem to be a little bit lost here . I am worried that I ’ ll never find my way . What's worse . I forgot my glasses and as blind as a bat now . Well , keep you chin up ! I ’ ll try to help you . Where are you going ? I am trying to get to the Royal Hotel . Do you know where that is ? Yes , no problem . You walk down this street . You turn left at the first intersection . Walk along that road , turn right at the corner . After that , you make a left-hand turn at the first traffic light . The Royal Hotel is on your right side . Great . Are there any landmarks nearby ? Yeah , I think so . I think the hotel is right across the street from a post office . It is as plain as the hump on a camel . You can't miss it . Oh , that's good . I should be able to find it pretty easily then . Is that far from here ? Yeah , it ’ s gonna take you a while if you go by foot . I ’ d say it's about a 30 - minute uphill walk . You have to be as strong as a lion to make it . Oh , that will take too long and I am kind of in a hurry . Can I take a bus there ? Well , you could take a bus there , but you would have to transfer buses twice . A taxi would probably be a lot quicker . All right . I guess I'll take a taxi then . How long will it take by taxi ? Not too long . It should take about ten mins by taxi . Cool , thanks . You are welcome . Are you ready to order , sir ? Yes . Can you show me the menu , please ? Of course . Here you are . Then , what's special tonight ? Our seafood is fresh . I recommend shrimp with garlic . All right . We'll have some seafood and vegetables . Mr . Emory ? I ’ d appreciate it if you would look over these letters before you leave today . I ’ d be glad to . Just leave them on my desk . I didn ’ t expect you to finish so soon . Thank you , sir . I ’ ll leave them here . If there are no problems , I ’ ll mail them out this afternoon . Great . Good work . Hang out the clothes . But it's raining . we'd like to rent a flat near the university . are you looking for somewhere for two people ? yes , we are . obviously , we'd like something as cheap as possible . we've heard that there are places for 80 to 100 pounds a month . yes , there are several place available in that price range near the university . do you have any other requirements ? net really , no . we'd preferably like to live in a quiet street . how many rooms do you need in the flat ? we'll need two bedrooms . the kitchen and dining room can be separate or combined . ok . i've got a list of place that fit your requirements . let's just go through them . the first on the list costs 80 pounds a month , but it's on a noisy street and it's a little far from t how far away is it from the campus ? it's about two miles away . that might be a little far to walk . here's one that's about half a mile from the campus . the cost is 100 pounds a month and it's on a small street , just off a that sounds ideal . can we go to have a look at it ? we'd like to see it before making a final decision . of course . i'm not very busy at the moment . if you can wait for about 15 or 20 minutes . i can take you there . thank you . that would be great . I'm getting so paunchy that I'm afraid I have to buy a new belt to-morrow , and I think I must go on a diet . You are just a little bit chubby , not paunchy . You know , I'm a compulsive overeater . I got to watch what I eat . More physical exercise may help to keep your weight down . You said it . May I speak to Mr . Thomas ? Unfortunately , he has left for the day . I hate to trouble of you . But it is urgent . Please leave this message into him I ’ ll make sure he gets the message . Did you even bother to go to school today ? Yeah , I went . Did you go ? No , I didn't feel like it . That's nice , have you been to the movies lately ? No , but that was a random change of subject . It may have been random , but have you ? I haven't lately . I would love to catch a movie this weekend . So then , why don't you just go ? I don't want to see a movie by myself . Okay , so are you going to school tomorrow ? I think I might just go to the movies . The bartender just gave the last call . Let's order another round , okay ? Sure , but let's get a pitcher this time . We should be able to down it before they close . That sounds good . You order the beer while I go to the bathroom . Where is the can in this place ? It's all the way to the back . See that yellow door ? Yeah . I think I can find it . You're back already . That sure was quick . That's because I just took one step inside and turned right around . That bathroom is too gross for me . Well , the bartender wouldn't give me the pitcher of beer.Anyway.He said it was too close to closing time . Let's leave then . I could take some fresh air , anyway . Okay , let's go ! May I have the menu , please ? Oh . I am sorry , here you are . May I suggest our lunch special ? Could I have a few more minutes ? Of course . I will be here minutes later . Oh great ! This stupid computer froze again ! That's the third time today ! Hey Samuel , can you come take a look at my PC ? It's acting again . It must have a virus or something . I ran a virus scan on your computer , and it turns out that you have a lot of infected files ! But I'm quite careful when I'm browsing the internet , I have no idea how I could have picked a virus . Well , you have to make sure that your anti-virus software is updated regularly.yours wasn't up to date , that ’ s probably what was causing your problems . Ok . Anything else ? Yeah , try not to kick or hit the computer ! Um yeah.Sorry about that . I want to reserve a VIP room at 7:00 this evening . OK , sir . How many people are there in your party ? 8 . Is your VIP room big enough for 8 persons ? Of course . May , look at this mess ! You threw waste everywhere . It ’ s not my fault . Daniel always sends things flying . Do you have any experience working with a computer ? Yes . I have been a data entry operator for three years . What kind of software can you use ? I have working knowledge of Windows and Dos . Actually , I'm quite familiar with both Java and C + + Programming Languages . Do you have any other computer qualifications ? Yes , I have an ACRE certificate , Bank 2 . Do you know how to use a PC to process the management information ? I'm sorry to say I'm not familiar with processing management information , but I'm sure I could learn quite quickly . It can't be too difficult , and I've got a quick mind . I can handle any problem you give me . Can you believe her ? She is not even a hundred pounds and she is going off on how she wants to go on a diet . Tell me about it . If I was as small as her , I wouldn't think about going on a diet . Me too . But what are we going to do ? I have been on 4 different diets and I can't seem to lose weight . That's because you don't exercise . If you were more active , you wouldn't have a dieting problem . What do you know ? You are over weight too . I'm not on a diet though . I know . But I don't have someone to diet with . If we help each other and motivate each other , then I think we can lose some weight . I like ice cream too much though . C'mon . You'll feel better and look better and as a reward you can eat a little bit of ice cream here and there . It does sound appealing . It's a great idea . I can't believe I didn't think of this earlier . Going on a diet with a friend to back you up is a great way to succeed . Okay . I'm in . Let's do it . Great . I'll get our plan started right away . Can we start tomorrow though ? Excuse me , is this the right counter for express mail ? Yes , it is . What can I do for you ? I want to send some important documents to Canada for my postgraduate admission . Are they urgent , please ? Yes , the deadline for applying is 1st Feb , so I hope they will arrive in 3 days . Well , DHL is famous for its speed and reliability . It is the fastest international postal service available . The document will arrive in two or three days . Really ? But can you guarantee the safety ? Yes , I promise . Your document won't be broken or lost . All the items are handled by special staff and carried by a courier . It is reliable . OK . I will send them now . Please write the address and remittee on the express order and make sure there is no mistake on them . All right . Here you are . This is your receipt which you have to keep until the remittee receives the express . You can also check your post on our web . The post number is on the top of the receipt . Thank you . I have got quite clear idea of it . Excuse me , sir . What's the matter ? I heard that we will call at some ports on the way . Is that true ? Yes . Where will we call at ? Dalian . Dalian is my hometown . Really ? Can I get off the ship and walk around ? Sorry . I'm afraid you couldn't . Jodi , I must get a hold of Jim today , but I forgot his address and phone number . Don ’ t worry about it . I have his pager number right here . Really ? You ’ Ve helped me a lot . Thank you . Forget it . It ’ s nothing . Does this TV work well ? Yes , it is almost new here . Is it a color TV or a black and white TV ? It is a color TV . You know , the rich people like the digital one now . So they have no room for them . I came in response to your advertisement for a salesperson . OK , please be seated . May I have your name , please ? My name is Woody . OK , Woody . Why are you interested in this job ? Because I admire your company . Yours is one of the most effective and respectable companies in this city . Have you worked anywhere else before ? Yes , five years ago . I began to work in a fashion company in Shanghai . Two years ago , I came to Beijing , and worked in a department store as a salesman . OK , your work experience is impressive , and I think you sound right for this position , but I do have 3 other people to interview , so you'll be hearing from us within a week . Thanks . You should save some money on parking here . Yeah , I don ’ t have to pay for a space on the street . Really ? How long did it take you to find a spot yesterday ? Well , last night it took me half an hour to find a spot when I came home from work . You get home late , don ’ t you ? Yeah , around seven . Most of the street parking is gone by then . Ah , well . You can ’ t have everything . Yeah . I can live with it . It ’ s great to be living alone . How about this opera given by the famous musician ? Fair to middling . A little hard to appreciate . Foreign Currency Deposits Counter , yes . What can I do for you ? You see , I have these Euros , and of course they are of no use to me at the moment . So I'd like to save them in my account , but I'm not sure how to go about it . OK . We offer 2 types of saving systems , Time Savings and Demand Savings . With Time Savings your money cannot be withdrawn for a certain period of time , but with Demand Savings your money is ' on demand ' , you can withdraw at any time . I see . What's the interest like on those ? There's quite a large difference . I mean , if you were to use demand deposit we could give you 0.13 % interest , but for a time deposit , of say , 1 year we would offer 0.82 % . Yes , I couldn't agree with you more . A 1 year time deposit it is ! Thanks for inviting me over for dinner this evening . You're welcome . It looks delicious . Well here . Help yourself to some shrimp . It's fresh . We wish to express our desire to trade with you in leather shoes . We are interested in this field . Please inform us of your decision as soon as possible . Good morning , Mr Wang . Good morning . What time is it now ? It's just nine o'clock . I'm on time today Yes , you're on time . Are you often late ? Yes , quite often . You must leave home earlier today . No , I left home at 6:30 as usual . Why are you so early today ? Because the traffic is not crowded . What can I do for you ? I need to make a deposit . Are you depositing cash or a check ? I ’ m depositing a check . Please sign the back of the check . There you go . Do you want cash back ? Yes , please . How much cash would you like ? I want $ 150 . Here ’ s your $ 150 . Thank you , and have a nice day . When do you plan to deliver the goods ? This weekend . Please pay close attention to the safety of the shipment . Don't worry about that.We have experience . May I ask you a few questions about insurance ? Yes . Now we've given a CIF Shanghai price for some steel plates . What insurance rate do you suggest we should get ? Well . Obviously , you won ’ t want All Risks cover . Why not ? Because they aren ’ t delicate goods and won ’ t likely be damaged on the voyage . FPA will be good enough . Then am I right in understanding that FPA doesn't cover partial loss for the nature of particular average . That's right . On the other hand , a WA policy covers you against partial loss in all cases . Are there any other clauses in marine policies ? Oh , lots of them . For instance , War Risks , TEND and SICC . Well , thank you very much for all that information . Could you give me a quotation for my consignment now ? Are you going to make an offer today ? Yes . My customer is in urgent need of the steel plates . Ok , I'll get this rate right away . Thank you . Would you show me some table-cloths ? Certainly . ( Take a table-cloth to her ) How much is it ? A table-cloth of this size and style is 15 Yuan . That ’ s reasonable . If you take good care of it , it will last you quite a number of years . Really ? I ’ ll take it then . I need help finding a gift for my daughter . Would she like a laptop ? That sounds like a good idea . A Mac is a very popular brand . She mentioned a Mac . How much is it ? A 15 - inch Pro model is $ 2,100 plus tax . That sounds like a great price . I'll take one . This is a gift she'll cherish for years . How do you want to pay ? I'll use my VISA . We're almost through . Just sign here , please . Just take it home and plug it in ? She'll be online 20 minutes after she opens the box . She's going to be so pleased with this . Remember us for all your computer needs . Hi there ! My name ’ s Terry Graham . You ’ re new around here , huh ? Yes . My name ’ s Mark Benson . I just started a couple of weeks ago . Well , if there ’ s anything I can do for you , let me know . Thanks , I appreciate that ! Union Bank . How can I be of service ? I need to know how much money is in my account . I'll need your name and account number . Certainly . You look upset.What ' s wrong ? Nothing . It's just one of those days . Everyone at the office is sick and I'm getting blamed for work not being done . Maybe you need a vacation or something , or maybe a bonus . I'm sick of doing other people's job and getting blamed for not doing it right . Why don't you talk to your boss about it ? If you talk to him , he will surely understand . I wish he could understand . You know what , if this goes on , I think I will get stick like everybody else . What type do you have in your mind ? A compact please . What's the daily rate for that car ? Thirty dollars a day . Does the rate include the cost of gas ? No , you have to pay it by yourself . Doctor , I feel much better now . Will I be albe to go home some time this week ? That's good to hear . You've had an ideal recovery from your operation . We're going to send you home tomorrow . Do you think I can get back to work very soon ? Don't be in such a hurry . I'm confident that you'll be completely recovered in 4 to 6 weeks . Is there anything I should do ? You'd better have a good rest for a week . Be sure to have regular meals . Stay away from alcohol . Give up smoking at least a little while . Should I take some medicine ? Yes . I'm going to give you some . Take one tablet of this medicine three times a day before meals . For that one , two tablets . And remember to come to the outpatient department for a consultation in two weeks , please . It's very kind of you . You're welcome . We wish you a speedy recovery . Goodbye . Hello , Jason . Are you free this Saturday evening ? Yes . I have no plans . Would you like to Come to our barbecue ? Yes , that sounds wonderful . OK . See you then . But wait , wait , will there be food that is not meat ? You know . I'm a vegetarian Hey ! I didn't know that ! When did you become a vegetarian ? The other day , I decided that I needed to loose more weight so I am going to try to be a vegetarian . And you know what ? I don't miss the taste of meat . Relly ? That's amazing . Yes , it really is . After having vegetarian diet . I have much more energy , I need less sleep , I feel calmer . I can maintain an ideal body weight without worrying about how much I eat and I can think more clearly . Are you kidding ? I really don't think that you think less clearly on non-vegetarian diet . Yes , maybe . But I feel better since becoming a vegetarian . Maybe you could also have a try . Maybe I'll also have a try some day , but I'm afraid that it would be difficult for me to refuse meat . Maybe you would change your mind after having a vegetarian diet . We'll see . Anyway , I'll prepare some vegetarian food for the barbecue . See you then ! Do you know that I'm checking out in about 30 minutes ? Just say the word , sir . Excellent ! Now , as you know , the day has barely begun . I agree . The dew is still on the grass . I want to hit a few more places in the city , but I need a place to put my luggage . We do have a storage space for your bags . There's a small charge , plus a deposit . Leave a deposit ? Isn't leaving the luggage enough of a deposit ? Regrettably , no . But simply present your VISA to cover your deposit . Hmm . I'll have to think about this for a second . Okay , sir , but don't think too long . Your checkout is only 30 minutes away . Hi , waiting for the bus ? Where are you going ? China Hotel . Why don't you take a taxi ? It'll get you there much faster . Well , I think I'll take the bus this time just for a change . I'm checking out tomorrow . What time must I vacate the room ? Before 12 a . m . I see . Thank you . May I ask whether we are allowed to wear casual clothes in the office ? Sure , company rules are not very strict at this point . Thank you for telling me that . But remind you , there are some forbidden activities . What are they ? I ’ ll be careful . Don ’ t use office phones for personal matters . I got it . Never ever come to work drunk , also smoking in the office is not allowed . I see . Hey , Mom , look what I found ! Good heavens ! Don't bring that frog in the house . Are you doing the football pools , Brian ? Yes , I ’ Ve nearly finished , June . I ’ m sure we will win something this week . You always say that , but we never win anything ! What will you do if you win a lot of money ? If I win a lot of money , I shall buy you a mink coat . I don ’ t want a mink coat ! I want to see the world . All right . If we win a lot of money , we shall travel around the world and we shall stay at the best hotels . Then we will return home and buy a big house in the country . We will have a beautiful But if we spend all that money we shall be poor again . What will we do then ? If we spend all the money , we will try and win the football pools again . It ’ s a pleasant dream , but everything depends on if ! Waiter , bring me the menu , will you ? Just a moment , I'm coming . ( ten minutes later ) . Now , what would you like ? I'd like to see the menu.Would you get me one , please ? Yes , certainly.Here you are . Thank you.Ah ! But this is in French.Would you mind giving me the English menu ? It's written in English too , in smaller print.There . Thanks . I'll need a while to choose.Could you come back in a minute ? Right . ( five minutes later ) Now , what are you having ? I'm sorry , I haven't decided yet.Do you mind giving me a couple of minutes ? All right , but would you be so kind as to make up your mind soon ? We're very busy just now as you can see , sir . Good morning , sir . What can I do for you ? I want to check in . Have you made a reservation ? No , I want a double room . By the way , is there any discount for children ? Yes , children are half price . Ok , please have me arrange one . What do you feel like eating this morning ? I usually just have a bowl of cereal . The most important meal of the day is breakfast . Yeah , but I don't usually have time to eat a big breakfast . You can always make an easy breakfast . What do you make ? All I make is oatmeal , toast , and some orange juice . That sounds pretty good . I like it , and it's a fast meal . That is a very quick meal to make . I can make it for you if you like . Oatmeal and toast sounds good to me . Hi , Yang Tang . Come in ! Pretty hot out there , isn't it ? Did you have trouble finding us ? Sit ! Sit ! Hello , Mr . Jones , its ... Yang Tang , just call me Fred ! Everyone does . Ei , OK , er .. Fred . Thank you for seeing me today . No problem . No problem at all . Say , it says here in your resume you studied in California . Great place , isn ’ t it ? I studied in California myself . I really enjoyed it . What did you like most about California ? Well , I ... I guess the weather . And the people . They were all very friendly to me . Yeah , the people are quite relaxed ... Those were some great times I spent there . Well , thanks for stopping by . Are you from King Dao , Yang Tang ? Yes , I am . I was born here , and still live with my parents in the same house . Is that right ? Wonderful , wonderful . I've been in King Dao for two years now . A great place . Nice people and great beer ! Well , I guess we ’ d better get started . Good morning , Maintenance Department . Hello . I'm having a problem with my air conditioner . Which air conditioner ? The one in the bedroom . What seems to be the problem ? There's no cold air coming out . May I have your room number , please ? 512 . OK , we'll send someone up to check it . I'm going out right now . But that's all right , you can come when I've gone . Fine . The housekeeper will open the door and stay in the room with the repairmen . May I help you ? Yes , I'm looking for Bob . He's in a meeting with Phil . No problem , I can wait . Excuse me , Mr . Macmillan ? Yes , Ms . Ross ? What do you need ? I was hoping you would write a letter of recommendation . I want to enter a Master ’ s program in marketing . It ’ s all on weekends and evenings . Good news ! I ’ ll be glad to . When do you need it ? Welcome to Galant . How can I help you ? Hi . I would like to get an internet plan for my house . Of course . We have three different plans with different prices you can choose from . The first one is the cheapest but most basic plan which is thirty dollars a month . This is for broadband internet with a download speed of five hundred and twelve kbps . I have no idea what kbps means . I just want to be able to get online , play games and chat with my friends . Oh , and watch movies online as well . Well , this connection might be a bit too slow for your needs . I suggest you get the premium package for fifty dollars a month which includes a connection speed of two megabytes . That way you can play games online without any lag . This package also includes a wireless router and a personal firewall absolutely free ! Do I have to pay an installation fee ? Lucky for you , this month we aren ’ t charging our normal installation fee . You are saving yourself 100 bucks right there ! And we ’ ll throw in this pen drive ! Awesome ! Mr . Crane ’ s office . Sandy speaking . May I help you ? Hi , Sandy . It ’ s Walter Knight . I need to book some time with Mr . Crane . Certainly , Mr . Knight . When would you like to meet with him ? Can you see what his schedule is like on Wednesday ? Tell me about yourself and your past experience . For the past 3 years , I have been working in China East Airlines Corporation Limited . I'm very tolerant of people and have been told that this is one of my strengths . I feel I have a lot to offer as a team member . Why are you interested in this occupation ? It's always been my dream to be a stewardess . And I like travelling to different places . What do you think is the chief characteristic for a stewardess ? Well , a stewardess should be friendly , courteous , patient and treat passengers kindly and politely . Do you get angry easily ? No , I know how to control my temper . If a passenger had a accident , what would you do ? I would give him or her basic first aid and ask my partner to call for assistance at the same time . If you are hired , when can you start work ? I can begin to work right away because I am out of work now . What are your salary expectations ? I really need more information about the job before we start to discuss salary . I'd like to postpone that discussion until later . Maybe you could tell me what is budgeted for the position and how your commission structure works . I love your little Lulu dolls.How much for a batch of 6,000 ? For a batch of 6,000 we would charge two dollars a doll . your total cost would be $ 12,000 . That ’ s a little steep for our company.Do you offer any discounts ? Well , we ’ d like to work with you . If you ordered a larger quantity we could drop the price a little . Can you increase your order to 15,000 ? Hmmm.It wouldn ’ t be easy , but if the discount makes it worthwhile , we can consider it.How much of a discount would that give us ? For order of 12,000 or more we charge only $ 1.5 a doll . your total cost would be $ 18,000 . So , for an additional 6,000 dollars , we get twice as many dolls ? That still might be a little hard.Couldn ’ t you discount it further ? We ’ Ve been pricing other suppliers , and this discount might We do value your business . I think I can offer a further discount – say 5 % ? I think we can handle that . Let me confirm with my boss and touch base with you again tomorrow . I'm here to open a Current Account with your bank . That's no problem at all , but could you fill in this and I'll need to see some ID . Here you go . Is there a minimum amount I need to pay in ? Yes , there needs to be at least 1 RIB paid in to open a new account . Also , you will need to choose a secret identity code to ensure no one else can enter your account . OK , how long does it need to be ? I'm not very good with remembering long numbers . Just 6 digits . Hello , so how are we feeling today ? Things are going well for me , Dr . Smith . Am I correct in thinking that you are here for your annual physical ? Yes , I am applying for new health insurance , and I need a physical examination to qualify . Your basic physical exam will include lungs , heart , blood levels , and eyes , ears , and nose . I ’ Ve been having a little trouble breathing . Would you look into that , please ? We can do an allergy test , and later I can send you for an asthma test . I would appreciate it . When you give me a blood test , what are you looking for ? I am going to check your cholesterol , blood sugar , and white blood cell count . I am expecting the tests to go well . I have been taking good care of myself . Is anybody here ? Coming . What do you want today ? Quite a lot . I need one pound of potatoes , three pints of milk , a dozen eggs and one pound of tomatoes . Our fruit is very fresh today . Do you want some ? How much are the lemons ? Three for ten cents . Give me a dozen lemons . Anything else ? No , thanks . How much in total ? Twenty eight dollars . I am glad to meet you , Mr.Joey . Hello , Mr . lie . I would like to discuss with you the feasibilities of establishing a joint venture with your company . That is excellent , your investment proposal is a wise decision . May I have some idea of your suggestion ? I suggest that we set up a board of directors for the management of the company and share rights and obligations as equal . That is very important . Excuse me , do you know the shortcut to the Lincoln park ? Well , there does have one . Walk along the road and turn left when you come to a bystreet . It will lead you to the back gate of the park . Thank you very much . Is the back gate open now ? I don't think so . Can you show me some jade , please ? Yes , of course . Do you like a jade necklace ? No , but I do like jade bracelets . Here are all kinds of jades . Choose whatever you like , please . Thank you . ( A moment later ) Oh , this one is quite impressive . I'll take it . By the way , do you sell pearl earrings ? Yes . Natural pearls or cultured pearls ? We have both kinds . I wonder which looks more lustrous . Well , natural pearls are of higher value , but the cultured pearls have equal lustre and are just as beautiful . Oh , I see . I think I prefer a natural one . I hope we could offer the most favorable terms . I am sure you will find our prices are most competitive . Here is our offer . All the prices on the list are firm . If your order is a sizeable one , we could reconsider our prices . Good . Is there any commission included ? We are commission agents . As a rule , we don't allow any commission . However , as an encouragement for businesses , we will allow you a 3 % commission . Ok . How about the earliest possible shipment ? By the coming September . Could you make an offer on FOB basis ? Certainly ! I want to check in now . Here is my ticket . Don't you have any luggage to check in ? No , sir . Do you have a seat preference ? I'd like an aisle seat . I feel terrible near the window . Here is your boarding pass . Have a nice day . I ’ d like to post this letter to Korea . Is it urgent ? Would you like the express service ? No thank you . I ’ d like to send it just by normal post . Hello . I want to reconfirm our flight to London . Yes , sir . Did you call the airline ? Yes , I did . But I couldn't communicate with them in English.They speak only Spanish.So I need your help . Certainly , sir . What is the flight number and when are you leaving ? We are taking IB 385 to London tomorrow at 1 p . m . Oh , I see , sir . We have the airline office inside the hotel . They have an English-speaking staff . Just dial 35 , please . Mary , it seems that your family and friends have been calling you recently , am I right ? Yes , they have been concerned about me finding a job . What do they say ? They want to recommend some jobs to me . Really ? What jobs are they ? My father wants me to work as a trainee in his company . It's great ! My aunt says her company is in need of an assistant now , and she wants me to give it a try . This is a good opportunity . One of my friends tells me that his company is hiring in a large scale and he wants me to go for an interview . You can give it a try ! May be you will succeed . I know . Let me think it over . If you have any good jobs , keep an eye for me ! I will . Daddy , I love this Happy Farmhouse . It's really fun . Great . But no talking , now . Don't forget that you are on a ladder . Take care ! But you are holding it for me . Nothing to worry about . I trust you . Oops , what's that ? Don't touch it with your stick . It's a bumble bees ' hive . Get down the ladder . Be quick . What would happen if they started attacking you ? You can get killed . No kidding . Remember , never stir up a hive . I see . Why do people come all the way here to pick apples by themselves and take them home ? Isn't it easier for them to buy the apples in the supermarket ? It's for fun . And also , the apples here are Green Food . Come on , daddy . You can see that people only pick the red ones . Silly boy . Green Food means the plants grown without using any chemicals , fertilizers , and pesticides . Oh , then what would happen if there were pests ? I heard they used ultraviolet lamp to kill pests . Cool ! Well , let's go over there to join mom . I want to tell her all about the special pests-killing method . May I see your airplane ticket , passport and health certificate please ? Here you are . Will you please put your luggage on the scale ? I want to check these three pieces and I'll carry this overnight bag by myself . Sir , your bags are 30 pounds over weight . You are allowed only 45 pounds of baggage . Well , then , how much do I owe you ? That comes to H . K . $ 120 . Can your dog do any tricks ? Sure he can . He can shake hands , roll over , and even play dead . I wish I had a dog . My cat can't do any tricks . Yeah , but sometimes Bingo wants to play with me , but I don't have time . So who takes care of him then ? My little brother likes to play with him . He even gives him a bath every week . I can't do that with my cat . She hates water . You know , you're right . Maybe you should get a dog . Mm , they taste delicious . Let's settle the bill . Yes . Let's go Dutch . No . It's on me this time . You are always so hospitable . Have you a garment ? Yes , what style do you prefer ? Show me the black one , my size . OK , here you are . Well , I don't think it matches my jeans.Can you give me some advice ? Hi , I would like to send this package to China , and these postcards as well . Very well . You will need some stamps for the postcards and I need to weigh that package , too . Great . How much is this going to cost ? Well , it depends . Do you want to send it via priority , express or standard mail ? What ’ s the difference ? Well , standard mail can take up to fifteen working days . Priority is a bit faster and will arrive in about five to eight working days . Express is the fastest , but it ’ s also the most expensive . It only takes three days and you can track your package online . I see . Well , there ’ s no rush . Please send it via priority mail . Please be extra careful , the contents of the package are fragile . May I ask who's the manager ? I am . What can I do for you ? I've something urgent to tell you . Come on in , please . Lily ! Why aren't you up and ready for school ? I don't feel so good , Mom . Lily , if you're acting sick just because you want to play hooky ... No , Mom . I'm really sick . Oh , that's a nasty cough . Let me feel your head . You're on fire ! Would you mind waiting a while ? Well , how long will it be ? I'm not sure . But I'll get a table ready as fast as I can . OK . We'll wait . I'm so hungry . Shall we go eat now , Rick ? Sure . Where do you want to go ? Are you in the mood for anything in particular ? How about some dumplings ? I just can't get enough of them . Dumplings again ? ! Oh , Amy , let's try something new ! Well , what do you have in mind ? How about the Mongolian hot pot ? Oh , it's too spicy for me . Don't you remember last time when I tasted the lamb ? It Was so spicy my eyes teared up ! Maybe we can try ' Yuanyang pot ' this time . You can choose the non-spicy soup base . Sounds great . Do they serve noodles ? I am in the mood for some tasty noodles as well . Yes . The sliced noodles they offer are among the most authentic Shanti cuisines . Great . Let's go ! Wait a minute . Let me throw on a sweater . What kind of films do you like best ? I like feature films best . How about you ? I don't like feature films . I think sometimes it loses contact with reality . I like to see some documentary films . What kind of feature films do you like best ? I always like to see the oldies , like The Sound of Music , Gone with the Wind . They are realty the best - in the acting , the scene and the plot . You are sort of romantic . Excuse me . What's the time difference between Beijing and San Francisco ? 16 hours . Beijing is 16 hours ahead . Are we losing or gaining a day on the way to America ? We are gaining a day . So does it mean we're arriving on the same day ? That's right . Hey Mel ! Are you up for some tennis today ? Sorry , I can ’ t ! I have to go to work , pick up Jake and Maddie from school , and make them an afternoon snack , then take Jake to soccer practice and Maddie to dance class . You sound exhausted . Maybe you should hire a nanny to help you out ! She can pick the kids up and take them to their after-school activities . She can also help you do some household chores , and run some errands . Oh , I don ’ t know ... it ’ s hard to find the right nanny . You have to consider her previous work experience , the responsibilities you give her , and how she interacts with the kids . I would love to have someone to help me out , though . I think you should definitely consider it ! This way you won ’ t have to juggle such a busy schedule , and you ’ ll still get to spend time with the kids in the evenings . I can refer you this great nanny Amy . She used to work for my neighbors , before they moved away . She ’ s very responsible , a good cook , and great with kids . Oh , that ’ s great . Thanks Grace . Can you give me her number ? I ’ ll talk it over with Dan and give her a call tomorrow . Maybe this way I won ’ t be so tired every day , and Dan and I might even get to go on a date once in a while . Have you had enough time to look over the menu ? Yes , we are almost ready to order . Let me remind you of the specials of the day , which are posted on the board . Oh , that all sounds so good ! Can we get the sauce on the side ? Yes , we would be happy to prepare the food to meet your special needs . I was wondering if you have any vegetarian choices . Yes , the roasted vegetable salad is good , and the portabella mushroom burger is also a good choice . I think that I would like to order the broccoli noodles , please . That is an excellent choice , and I could bring you your salads now or bring them with your dinner . Please bring our salads to us now . We are hungry ! Can I talk to you for a moment , manager ? Yes , of course . What is it ? I've decided to leave . Leave ? Why ? I've worked here for two years . And I want to do something different . What do you mean by something different ? I want to live abroad and learn to speak a different language . I'm really sorry . But I understand . Thank you , manager . Hi , is that Mr . Wu ? Yes . What can I do for you ? I am calling to query about some of your information . We've got a bad line . Can you repeat that please ? I said I want to ask about some of your information . Sorry , the connection is terrible . I'll call you back because I can't hear anything . Mr Edgar , hello ! How's business ? Still booming ? What can we do for you today ? Well , I'm here to get some help from you . I was hoping to have someone who we can deal with exclusively . On a long-term basis , if that's possible . What we can do is to assign you a customer manager , that way you can just deal with him . You don't need to deal with anyone else . That sounds perfect . I want to rent a formal suit here.Do you have a purple dress here ? Yes . What size are you ? I am a size 6 . Try this on please . This is just my size . How much is the rent The rent is 400 yuan a day . Can I help you ? I want to buy a hat . Come here , please . Is this one fit for you ? It is nice . I don't like the style . How about this one ? Black is not my favorite colour . You must like this pink one , don't you ? It's pretty . How much is it ? Fifty yuan . It's too expensive . Can you come down a little ? How about forty-five ? I'll buy it if forty . OK . Can I get you any dessert ? Yes , I'd like to try the blueberry pie . Excellent choice . ( He brings her the pie . After she finishes , the waiter comes back . ) Would you like anything else ? No , I'm stuffed . I'm ready for the check . Here you are . Thank you and have a nice evening . Thank you . If you like you can try it on.The fitting room is in the corner . OK . What do you think of it ? I think it fits you . It flatters your figure . I think so . But can I try another one ? I don't like the color . Here's the picture of my family . Can you point out your mother for me ? OK.She ' s near-sighted , with a pair of glasses on her nose.She is the only one wearing glasses in my family . What ’ s wrong with you ? Why are you scratching so much ? I feel itchy ! I can ’ t stand it anymore ! I think I may be coming down with something . I feel lightheaded and weak . Let me have a look . Whoa ! Get away from me ! What ’ s wrong ? I think you have chicken pox ! You are contagious ! Get away ! Don ’ t breathe on me ! Maybe it ’ s just a rash or an allergy ! We can ’ t be sure until I see a doctor . Well in the meantime you are a biohazard ! I didn ’ t get it when I was a kid and I ’ Ve heard that you can even die if you get it as an adult ! Are you serious ? You always blow things out of proportion . In any case , I think I ’ ll go take an oatmeal bath . Thank you for your visit to our company . I'd like to make an introduction for you . Is there anything in particular you'd like to know ? Your company has a very good reputation , and I have been planning to visit it for a long time . What's the advantage of your factory over other plastics ones ? Our production speed is almost twice the industry-wide average . And we've already expanded the factory this year . Could you tell me the cost of production per unit ? I'm not familiar with that part . Let me call someone in charge . Mr . Smith , how was your flight ? Rather nice . What was the weather like in New York ? It was raining when I left New York . What a wonderful dinner ! Thank you . I am glad that you are enjoying it . Where did you get your fantastic recipes ? I grew up cooking . My mother shared her recipes with me . I especially like the wonderful chicken dish . That is a special coconut ginger chicken with rice dish . Is that shrimp in the soup ? Yes , do you like it ? I added a little extra lemon grass and some sea vegetables . I am happy that the wine I brought for you works well with this meal . Yes , thank you for bringing the wine . It really complements the meal . First of all , thank you for accepting this job . It ’ s my pleasure . What are your salary expectations ? Would you please tell me about your pay skill first ? We ’ ll offer you a monthly salary to begin with , in addition , we offer one percent commission and all your sales . You also enjoy life insurance and health insurance . What ’ s starting salary would you expect here ? They sum my skills and experience . I ’ d like to start it with 4000 yuan a month . That sounds reasonable . Do I have paid vacation ? Yes , you have 2 weeks paid vacation a year , and you get it additional week after 4 years , and then again , after 9 years if you decide to stay that long , we promote from within based on performance , so there is an excellent chance that you could become a sales manager or even a regional manager . Good morning . What can I do for you ? Good morning . Would you like to tell me something about the computer ? I've never seen this brand before . What is your superior brand ? This is our new brand . I can make sure our computer board is one of the best boards . Can you tell me the specialty of your computer board ? With pleasure . It's easy to have a memory expansion on board capacity and fulfill your needs for a computer . Besides , there is more space for extra cards to expand later on . What's the memory capacity of the computer ? The hard drive has 260 G and the RAM is 4 G . Can you give me a wholesale list ? Yes . The price differs depending on how many you want . Is the price negotiable ? Yes . It depends . If you have a large order , we will give you a discount . What's wrong with you ? My head hurts badly . How long has it been like this ? Since last night . Do you have a sleeping problem ? Yes , I even can't fall asleep these days . I think you'd better have a further exam , and before the result comes out , try to relax yourself and take the medicine before you sleep . It will help you to kill the pain and make you sleep well . Is it serious , Doctor ? When the result comes out , I will tell you about it . Remember , never be afraid or be too tired . OK , thank you , Doctor . A friend told me I might find a room here . Yes . I ’ ll have a room free next week . What do you charge ? 25.00 dollars a week , but you can't have visitors . Fine.Would it be OK to look at the room ? Could you come back later ? We ’ re right in the middle of dinner . Chris , where are you going ? I'm going to the store . Really ? I need to go to the store too . Would you like to come with me ? Yeah , let's go together . Would you like to go now or later ? Now . What ? Now would be better . OK , let's go . Should we walk ? No , it's too far . Let's drive . Can I pay my bill here ? Yes , sir . How much is the charge ? Let me see ... it's $ 50 . Do you receive checks ? Sorry , sir . We receive credit card and cash only . Here is my card . Excuse me , we have book table 6 . Would you please come and tidy the table ? OK , sir . We will be there right now ... sir , your table is ready . Thank you . Could we have the menu , please ? Sure , here you are . What's going on ? Not much . This Friday , I'm throwing a party . Oh really ? I didn't know that . Are you serious ? I haven't heard anything about it . Can you make it ? What time does it start ? The party starts at 8 . Yeah , I think I'll go . Am I going to see you there ? You will . When the interview finally comes to an end , the interviewee will probably breathe a sigh of relief . Still , you should not let down your guard . Some details should be paid attention to . At this moment you can thank the interviewer again for the opportunity of the interview . You can also ask the interviewer about your performance today . Don't forget to ask when you can receive a reply . And it's best to ask about the second interview if necessary . You should state politely that you will wait for the results patiently . You can ask questions about the position you are applying for . In this case , you should remember to give thanks for the reply you get . Of course . Just say goodbye to the interviewer before you leave . Besides , remember to make acknowledgments through an E-mail or a call . Excuse me . When is breakfast time ? From 6:00 to 9:00 . Well , I would like to order breakfast for tomorrow coming . Certainly , Sir . What would you like to have ? Please give me two fried eggs , two orders of toast and a cup of coffee . Fine.Have a nice stay here . Excuse me , Ma ' am . I would like to mail this package door to door via airmail to London . It is a very important package and has to be sent within 3 days . No problem . But , the postage is much higher than the regular package . That's fine with me . I am willing to pay for it as long as you can guarantee me the package can arrive in time . OK . All the registered airmail packages can be received in 5 working days . I see . How much do I need to pay in total for this package ? It's 500 dollars . Can I have the receipt ? Just in case I can trace it if something goes wrong . Sure ! Please just fill in your I . D . number and ways to contact you here . Do I need to include my zip code in the address ? You had better include that because it is easier for the mailmen to find the correct mailing address . Thank you very much . Here is 500 dollars . Here is your receipt . Contact us if your friend still doesn't receive the package after 5 work days . Good day , Madam . What service do you require today ? I'd like some info about your Payroll Services , please . It's possible to sign an agreement with us , and then we can pay your staff directly . That is called an Entrustment Agreement . I see . How is it paid ? I mean , what payment methods are possible ? We can transfer the funds each month , at your request , into each employee's account . It is possible to pay in cash or to pay directly to the employee's savings account , no matter which bank they do business with . That sounds pretty good . Tell me , must we use the same payment method for all of our employees ? Not at all . We can adjust the payment methods depending on the requirement of each employee . That sounds just perfect . I'll talk things over with some colleagues and get back to you . Thank you very much for the information . I ’ d like to make a collect call to Beijing China , please . What ’ s the number you are calling , please ? The number I am calling is 86-10- 4016-9988 What ’ s the name of the person you are calling ? Marty Smith . M-A-R-T-Y , S-M-I-T-H Thanks . What ’ s your name and phone number , please ? My name is Jennifer Smith . My phone number is 610-934-9901 . Thank you . I ’ ll put the call through for you . Hold on the line , please . Your daughter will be back soon . I'm going to start making dinner . You can just watch some TV in TV room if you like . We just bought a new TV with a LCD screen . The remote control is on the coffee table next to the armchair . Would you mind if I helped out in the kitchen instead ? I do enjoy cooking . This is supposed to be your vacation ; we'd like you to just relax . Cooking makes me feel relaxed . So , what are we cooking ? Ok , well , we're going to make a pan of lasagne , a salad , and some garlic bread . Here's the recipe . Do you want to get the ingredients we need out of the cupboard ? Sure . We should probably pre-heat the oven right away , too . That's a good idea . Can you set the oven to 200 degrees Celsius ? That's a bit high for lasagne . I'll just set it at 180 degree and we can take it from there . Fine . I'll just get out the casserole dish , the saucepan , the salad bowl , and the baking sheet . You know , I could do this myself . Why don't you go get the screwdriver and the pliers and go fix the vacuum cleaner so it works better ? I don't think it's broken . Well , if it's not broken , then you need to learn how to vacuum better , because it doesn't look like you've vacuumed for ages ! Fine . I'll go vacuum . Let me know if you need any other help . Have you taken your temperature ? Yes , and it is 37 ° C . Well , open your mouth and let me have a look . It is nothing serious . You haven't got a fever . But you should take the medicine and need have more rest recently . When you feel well , you could take more exercises , or play sports like basketball , running , and swimming . And eating healthy food , having more fruits and vegetable and drinking milk are good for your heath . Yes , I see . Thanks a lot . Good morning , welcome to Bank of the USA . How may I help you today ? Hi , I need to transfer some money to another account . It ’ s urgent . Okay , have you made a wire transfer at our bank before ? No . I ’ Ve never made a transfer before . It ’ s alright , I will take you through the procedure . Are you transferring funds to a company or an individual account ? A company account . I need to pay a bill . Okay , I ’ ll need the name of the company and their bank routing number as well as their bank ’ s address and phone number . I have all the information in this folder . Well . You ’ Ve come prepared.You have all the necessary materials so we can go ahead and make the transfer right now . It ’ s a simple transaction , and we can process it today . Oh , that ’ s such a relief . I didn ’ t want the payment to be overdue . Thank you so much . It ’ s my pleasure . Waiter , show me the menu , please . Yes , here you are . Would you care to order now , Sir ? I'll have the baked salmon . Any vegetable ? I'd rather have broccoli . OK . Can I serve you anything else ? Yes , I'd like another cup of coffee . All right . I ’ m really glad I got a chance to talk to you before you left , Mary . Have a safe trip ! Thanks . Try not to work too hard while I ’ m away ! Yeah , I ’ ll try not to ! See you after Christmas . Okay-bye ! Have a nice Christmas . If I remember correctly , time of delivery is another point on wich we differ . That's right . Let's go into the details . Ok . I hope you can have these goods delivered before the end of Sep . We'd like them to be there in time for our Christmas sales . Christmas doesn't come until almost the end of the year , right ? But in the United States the Christmas season begins about a month before Dec . 25 . Well . I am afraid it will be difficult for us to advance the time of shipment . Our manufacturers are fully committed at the moment . I hope you'll try to get them to step up production . As new orders keep pouring in , the workers are working three shifts to step up production . If that's the case , there is nothing more to be said . I am sorry . What's your last word as to the date then ? I said by the middle of Oct . This is the best we can promise . All right . I'll take you at your word . Good . Let's call it a deal . We will do our best to advance the shipment , but your L / C should be opened early Sep . I promise . This way , please . We've got a nice private for you . That's good . Thank you . Here we are . I hope you will like it . It's good . It's a nice room . And here is the menu . I'll come back soon . Thank you . If we employ you , what starting salary would you expect ? I'd like to start at 3000 yuan a month . I think your background and experience are worth the compensation . Does it include bonuses ? No , there are annual bonuses , one week paid vacation a year , and health insurance . Very good . Shall we discuss the packing ? You know , a well-designed package helps sell the goods , so the products must not only be superior in quality , but also attractive in appearance . I'd like to see the sample of packing . We have made a lot of improvement in packing . You are welcome to see the sample in the showroom . I think you will find the new packing beautiful and quite well-done . Quite good . The beautiful design and bright color are just the European taste . How are you gonna pack these blouses ? We are going to pack them in boxes with a colored picture of the blouse on it . Inside we ’ ll use a transparent poly bag for the blouse ready for the window show . You'll see that the blouses will appeal to the eye as well as to the purse . Wonderful . Can you help me set up my voicemail message ? I just got this service and I am not really sure what I am supposed to say . Sure ! You just basically gotta let the caller know who they called , and ask them for their contact information so you can call them back . Ok , so can I say , " This is Abby's voicemail . I will call you later , so leave me your name and number " . That's more or less the idea , but try something that sounds more friendly . Ok , so how about this , " This is Abby and I am really happy you called ! I promise I will give you a ring as soon as I can , so please leave me your name and number . Talk to you soon ! " . A little too friendly Abby . Just say this , " Hi , you have reached Abby . I am unable to answer your call right now , but if you leave me your name and phone number , I will get back to you as soon as possible . Thanks " . That's perfect ! Can you say that again and record it for me ? Is that the latest issue of Reader you're reading ? Yes , it is . It has some really good articles in it . I know . I have been a subscriber for the past two years . I didn't know that . How much does it cost to subscribe ? I'm not exactly sure , but it's not that expensive at all . I used to subscribe to it , but I cancelled my subscription last year . Why did you do that ? I was the only person in my family reading it . Everyone in my family just likes to read Fashion . It's the same in my family . The coffee table in my living room is covered with copies of Fashion . I think I should join a fitness centre . I am getting a little fat and I'm totally out of shape . Even a quick walk of a few hundred metres leaves me out of breath . I'm afraid you are beginning to look a little overweight . You really need to stop smoking . That's the main reason you're unhealthy . I guess you're right . I've tried stopping , but I just can't seem to quit . Why don't you try smoking one cigarette less each day ? How many do you smoke each day now ? I smoke around 30 each day . Ok . So for one month , reduce the number you smoke by one a day . At the end of the month , you'll have quit . You should also buy a tracksuit and go jogging every morning . You don't need to jog far . If I do a few exercises at home , like crunches , I'll soon deal with this waistline . Be careful when you go jogging . Don't put yourself under too much stress . You're still a smoker shouldn't do too much exercises in your condition . I'll join a fitness centre . I'm sure they'll be able to give me more advice . There's one near my office , so I can go before and after work . I don't want to go jogging in the street , so I'll use a treadmill . Good idea . Remember to eat healthily too . The trainers at the fitness centre will be able to advise you on your diet . How are you doing ? Great . Thanks . May I help you with something ? I would like to transfer some money . Where would you like to transfer money from ? Take it from my savings account . Where would you like the money transferred ? I want it transferred into my checking account . How much would you like to transfer ? I would like to transfer $ 200 . Will that be all today ? That ’ s it for today . Thank you . I'm hungry . Do we have anything to eat ? Just a few cookies . That's fine with me . Excuse me , I want to know the price of your CPU . Glad to tell you . The price of CPU is 300 dollars . It's rather too high . If you can make it cheaper , we will be able to place large orders continuously . If you order a large amount , we can give you a discount . Well , can you explain it to me ? The price of CPU is 260 dollars above 1,000 Units . Can you reduce more ? I'm sorry , but to be frank , considering exploiting the market in your country , we have already supplied you at very low preferential price . In that case , we have to stop ordering if a reduction can't be made . Please reconsider . It is so hard to deal with . If you can give us a more reduction , We'd be able to give you an order on the spot . This price is the best we can make . Can I help you , sir ? Yes , I want to buy some grapes . What kind of grapes do you want ? People say grapes from XinJiang are much sweeter than other kinds . Please give me a kilo of that . Ok , wait a moment please . Make sure they are fresh . Trust me . How's the building work going ? Well , I'm afraid we've had a slight delay . What's the problem ? We really can't have any delays at this stage . We're working to a really tight schedule and we're already over budget . The cement arrived late but don't worry , I'm confident we can still meet the deadline . The crew is on stand-by and as soon as the concrete has set we can get started again . OK . Keep me informed . Jt must be ready on time . Yes , sir ? I hate to complain , but this soup is too salty . I'm very sorry , sir . I'll ask the manager to take care of this . What do you expect of the position ? I hope to apply my knowledge and experience on the job and make further improvement . What do you think about occupational planning ? It is quite important for all of us . Without clear goals , one may lose direction and cannot pave the way for their future . Tell me something about your goals . As a graduate , it may be more important to develop myself effectively in my future work . And whatever job I may take , I will make the best efforts . If confronted with difficult task , what will you do ? I will make full use of the chance and get myself ready for the challenges all the time . Would you care much about your salary ? Salary is , admittedly , important , but I will care more about what I can learn from the job . If you were assigned some work which you are not so interested , would you take it or not ? I would take it . After all , interest is not the only thing one should care about . I think it is easier to buy a car than to maintain it . What ’ s worse , I just don ’ t trust those vehicle maintenance shops . Sometimes , they overcharge or don ’ t build those parts I have been paying for . Last week , they even tried to persuade me to buy new parts which really need not to be changed . You know , my car is just half a year old and also good brand . I was just wondering about all these . There are such shops living on selling parts . I don ’ t like their service either . All they want is your money . But in the long run , they will be losing costumers . Anyway , car service business is new in China . We all have to control what they are doing . Otherwise , they will not improve . Is it possible to make a compliant call to some organization what it ’ s someone gets rip-off . Yes , there is . Those organizations exist . You always can call a lawyer if you need legal help . Hello . I am Bili and I made an appointment with you to see the house . Glad to meet you . This way , please . The house is a little too old . But it's quite convenient for you to go to any part of the city . The subway is nearby . Yes . That's why I like the house . What companies are stockholders in this company , do you know ? Yes , the main stockholder is International Business Machines Corporation , namely , IBM for short . What section would you like to work in if you enter this company ? I wish to work in the planning department . What type of work will you expect to do at first ? I expect to operate computers . What are your plans for the future ? I wish to move up to higher positions with acquisition of more experience in the future . How long does it take to get here from your home ? It's a twenty-minute bus ride . How long do you think that we can depend on your working here ? I ’ ll work here as long as you expect me to . You are single now , but what will you do when you get married ? I ’ Ve thought about that a lot . I know that many women take a job , planning to make a career of it , and then they change their mind . But I am hoping to make it my lifetime work . So if I get married , I will find some ways that I can continue my work . Do you think you will want to continue working here even after you ’ Ve had a child ? I think so . What ideas do you have if we employ you ? Ever since I was a young girl , I ’ Ve been clever with my hands . I ’ Ve always enjoyed doing detailed work . If I could use that ability to make your products a little better and to benefit the company , I would be happy . Do you have any particular conditions that you would like the company to take into consideration ? No , nothing in particular . If you are employed by us , how are you going to do your part of the work ? I'll first get further information about our goals , ways , counterparts and management , etc . . Then I ’ ll make my plan . And then I ’ ll go with all my effort to see it is realized . If you fail to do your work well , what are you going to do ? I ’ ll report it honestly . I ’ ll give a correct analysis . I may quit the job - and pay compensation . But I have my way to judge whether I fail . What do you think if you do not have much spare time on this job ? People are supposed to work hard within regular work time , especially when it is an important work that is highly paid for . I don ’ t mind work over spare time if it is paid for . What are your expectations from working on this job ? Getting more experience with a widely-known company like yours . Using my speciality in marketing and management . And getting advancement in salary and position . Show my enterprise , confidence and character in passing . If you were choosing a person for this job , what kind of individual would you select ? I would select the individual that has the most qualifications among all the applicants . He doesn ’ t have to be the person if we have to fill the vacancy . But he has to be the best , even if we have to pay him higher . If we do not employ you , what are you going to do ? I will feel it is a pity . But I will not feel so bad . I will go for other interviews until I am employed satisfactorily . Hopefully before I find another position , you will call me back . We ’ re having a department meeting at 10 o ’ clock , ok ? That ’ s fine ... I need to pick up some stationary-you know , a stapler , scissors , files , who should I see about that ? See Julie , the receptionist . She knows where all that stuff is kept . You might like a calendar for you desk . She can give you one of those too . Thanks . I need to make a few photocopies . The photocopier is near my office . Come on , I ’ ll show you where it is . Do you enjoy working in this office ? Yes , I do . Everyone ’ s really friendly . Sometimes , I wish I worked outdoors more , especially during the summer . What ’ s usually discussed at the department meetings ? We usually tell each other where we are with various clients and potential clients . The boss assigns extra duties to people who she thinks can best deal with them . It ’ s also a chance to put forward su You must like to dance , right . I'd love to . Do you often come here to dance ? Yes , I like the old style dance , such as waltz 、 rumba and so on . They are quite graceful . You are waltzing quite wonderfully . It's great to dance with a experience and talent partner . Thank you for saying . I think you are light on your toes too . Oh , the music starts again , would you like to have another dance , miss ? Ok , that would be great . Do you like modern dance ? I don't care for it . Neither do I . I don't like any kind of modern dances all . I'm going to paint the house today . Are you sure there is enough paint for the house ? Maybe not . Could you buy some while you're out ? No problems . What color ? I had a job interview this morning . Really ? How did it go ? Pretty well , I think . Room service.What can I do for you ? I have just checked in this afternoon . I am wondering what shall I do if I want to have some clothes washed . There is a laundry form in your room ars well as a bag.Fill out the form and put them together with the laundry in the bag.The maid will come and pick it up . That's convenient.Thank you . May I help you ? Yes , I'm looking for a job as a clerk typist in English . I'm Mary Kelly . May I ask your name ? My name is B . How are you , Miss Kelly ? I'm glad to meet you , Mr . Zhuang . Sit down , please . Thank you , Miss Kelly . What are your qualifications for being a clerk typist ? I can type 120 words a minute and I take shorthand at 80 words a minute . Would you be willing to take a typing and shorthand test ? Yes , I would . ( After testing ) Your typing and stenography are pretty good . Would you be interested in applying for the job ? Yes , I'd like to give it a try . All right . You need to have an interview with our manager , Mr . McBride . Let's go to his office . Hi ! This is John Li , is my car fixed yet ? Let me run and check . Excuse me , where can I find a guide ? You can find one at the ticket office . Thanks a lot . Have a nice day . You are welcome . Bobby ! Come here , look what I got you ! What is that ? A chess board ! Daddy is going to teach you how to play ! Cool ! Ok , each player gets 16 pieces . You can be the white ones and I ’ ll play with the black pieces . Now in the front , you set up the pawns . Those are the least valuable pieces and can only move one space forward . When you are about to capture another piece , it can move one space diagonally . What about all these other pieces ? See this one that looks like a tower ? It ’ s called the rook . The one with the tall hat is called the bishop . See this little horsey ? This is called the knight , it ’ s a very important piece so it ’ s best to not let your opponent capture it . And these two ? They are husband and wife ? That ’ s right ! That ’ s the queen and that ’ s the king . If the other player captures your king , he will say ” Check Mate ” and the game is over ! Doesn ’ t this sound fun ? Nah ! This is boring ! I ’ m gonna go play Killer Zombies on my PlayStation ! I came to this lab to have my blood drawn . You are in the right place . Roll up your left sleeve and have a seat . What am I being tested for ? Your doctor wants to know what your white blood cell count is . What does my white blood cell count tell him ? Usually if your white count is off , the doctor suspects an infection . How much will it hurt ? It is only a pin prick . I have to put this tourniquet on your arm to make the vein easier to find . Is that my blood going into that tube ? That blood that just filled the tube is all that I needed . Thanks for coming in ! Good afternoon . Can I help you ? Is it possible for me to buy some RIB at this counter ? Of course , that's no problem at all . That's a relief ! I was a little worried about it ; I left England in a bit of a hurry . How much would you like to change ? Well , I'm only here for 3 days , so I think 500 GAP should be plenty . Please fill in this exchange form , and I'll need to see your passport , and sign here . That's the money and your passport back . Of course , if you don't spend all of it , you can come back and we'd be happy to buy the local currency back from you . I'm looking for a pan I can use in my kitchen . What size pan were you thinking of ? I've already got a small pan . I need a big one . Well , this one might work for you . Oh , no , that's way too heavy a pan for me . Here , lift this aluminum pan . It's the same size . Yes , it's very lightweight . But I don't want this aluminum handle . Here's a similar aluminum pan . But it has a heat-resistant handle . Oh , this feels very nice . It's perfect . I'll take it . I knew we'd find the right pan sooner or later . How would you like to pay ? Cash . But first , I need a lid for this pan . Oh , no problem . Here's the lid that comes with the pan . I found a great school for Junior ! Don't you think it's a little early to be looking for schools ? We haven't even had the baby yet ! We can't be too cautious about these things . You are going to be such an adorable father ! Tell me about this school . There is a huge slide on the playground and lots of trees and even a little brook ! What about inside the school ? There is a library right inside the front door . I think our child is going to love it ! How much is the postage for this postcard to China ? How would you like to send it ? By airmail . Sixty cents please . Here you are . Please write down the zip code in the mailing address . Oh , one more thing , I want to send the card by registered mail too . OK . please give me twenty cents . Here it is . and thank you very much . You're welcome . Daniel , you know ? Lisa has invited us to have dinner this afternoon . Really ? Let ’ s hit the road . If I remember correctly , time of delivery is another point in which we differ . That's right . Let's go into details of it . Ok . I hope you can have these goods delivered before the end of September . We'd like them to be ready in time for our Christmas sales . Christmas doesn't come until the end of the year , does it ? No . But in the United States , the Christmas season begins about a month before December 25 . Well , I'm afraid a little bit difficult for us to advanced the time of shipment . Our manufacturers are fully committed at the moment . I hope you can try to get them to step up production . They are already working three shifts a day to step up production as new orders keep pouring in . If that's the case , there's nothing to be done about it . I'm sorry . What's your last word as to the delivery date then ? By the middle of October . This is the best we can do . All right . I'll take your words at that . Good . Let's call it a deal . And we'll do our best to advance the shipment , but your letter of credit should be opened early September . I promise . Yes , sir . What'll it be for you ? Two hamburgers and French fries . Is there anything else ? Give me two cokes also , please . Is this to go or to eat here ? We'll eat here . Here you are . That's eight fifty . And can I have some ketchup , please ? It's on the service counter over there . Welcome to Lincoln Bank . What can we do for you today ? Hello . I called earlier in the week and spoke to someone in the personal loans department about an overseas study loan . She said to come in as soon as I had the chance , as this must be done in person . I'd like to apply today . OK , that's absolutely fine . I will need to see some credentials before we can get started . Do you have the notification of admission letter from your university , your passport and your visa with you ? Yes , yes . It's all here . There you go . I'm not sure if I need any other proof or guarantee to get this loan , do I ? You do , I'm afraid . There are 3 ways to do this . You can choose , mortgage , pledge or guarantee mode . Yes , I read about all of these in the brochure and decided which would be more suitable for me . I'd like to go for the guarantee mode , please . Right , that's no problem . I see you are already well informed . If you choose that one , you can borrow up to 70 % of the total tuition and miscellaneous fees . OK , that's perfect , 70 % is excellent , it'll be a big help . Thanks . Excuse me , sir ? I just need a little bit more information . Could you tell me your telephone number and mailing address ? Sure . My number is 545-8897 , and I live at 908 Mulbury Street . That ’ s 545-8897 and your mailing address is 908 Mulbury Street . The zip code is 20310 , right ? That ’ s right . Excuse me , Ms . Montgomery ? I ’ m sorry , Jeff . Please don ’ t interrupt me right now . I ’ m in the middle of a conversation . Oh , I ’ m sorry , Ms . Montgomery . I ’ ll come back later . That ’ s all right . I ’ ll be finished in a little while . Are you feeling OK ? My stomach is bothering me . What have you been eating ? I had a ham sandwich with mayonnaise for lunch . Maybe the food had something wrong with it . It could be bad food , but I didn ’ t feel so well yesterday , either . Have you been under a lot of pressure lately ? I haven ’ t been under any more stress than usual . Perhaps you have caught that bug that is going around . I feel like maybe I am coming down with the flu . Where will it be ? Take me to the railroad station . Can you put my baggage in the trunk ? OK . But let me park my car in a better position . All right , miss . Where are the bags ? Over there . That's a lot . What did you bring with you ? They're just gifts I bought . Don't worry . They are not heavy . Beth , would you like me to help you carry it ? Thanks , but I don't want to put you into any trouble . Don't be silly . It's no trouble at all . What are you doing ? I ’ m just looking for a nice pillow on Ebay . You are shopping for a pillow online ? That ’ s absurd ! Why ? I don ’ t have to leave the house or browse a dozen stores to find what I ’ m looking for . This way , I just search for it online quick and easy . I see , but how do you pay for it ? How do you know you aren ’ t going to be ripped off by the seller ? Well , the website handles a point system where if the seller does something wrong , people comment negatively and then you know that he or she may not be trustworthy . Wow , that sounds pretty safe . So how do you pay ? Do you need a credit card ? You can use a credit card or your debit card . They also let you use the Paypal system which is really safe and fast . I have never had any problems with someone hacking my information or anything . Do you think I can find a sweater for my dog online ? You can find anything ! Are you sure you want to start shopping online though ? Once you step into this world , there is no turning back ! Let ’ s do it ! Mom ! ? ? ? I know , sweetie . Just open wide . Don't talk . Mmm ... Oh , you've got a fever . One-oh-one ... time to break out the children's Tylenol . I have the chills . Can you turn on the heater ? We're not turning on the heater in May ! You need to take a bath . We'll heat you up and see if you can sweat this thing out . I would like to place an order . Alright , Ma'am . What items would you like to order today ? I have your catalog here . Do you want me to tell you the item numbers , or the names ? You may tell me both , Ma'am . Alright . I want to order the satin sheets on page 28 . The Merriman satin sheets ? Yes , that's right . And what size would you like ? I need one full set of sheets in King-size . Alright , Ma'am . And what color did you want ? Ivory , please So that is product number MS2119 , Size Yes , I think so . Can I ask you something ? Certainly . I'm a foreigner here . My English isn't perfect . Can you tell me what satin is ? Satin is like silk , Ma'am . It feels like silk . But it's a different material . I see . That's what I thought . Anything else today ? No , I just need the sheets . Alright . With shipping charges , your total will be 68 dollars . Will you be paying with credit ? Yes . Visa , Master Card , or American Express ? Visa . Card number ? 8825 1127 4235 9869 . Expiration date ? July , 2006 . All right , Ma'am . I will run that charge for you . And then I will get your address in a moment Thank you . Who will meet you at the airport ? No one . Oh , then I will arrange one of my staff to meet you at the airport . Do you have wool socks ? Yes . We have socks made of various materials . These socks are of imported wool . Can you guarantee the quality ? Yes , absolutely . Where are the panty-hose ? Here . We have black , white and transparent panty-hose here . Mr . Carmichael , this is Ellen Bower calling again . You had said I should call this week to schedule an interview with you . That's right , Ms . Bower . How are you ? I'm not sure if I ’ ll be able to fit you in this week , I ’ m afraid . I understand , Mr . Carmichael . I'd be glad to make it some time next week . All right , then . Why don't we say next Tuesday at 11:30 a . m . ? Mark ! I was wondering if you finished that presentation you were working on last week ? Just about . It should be done in the next couple of days . Why ? Mr . Rodriguez was asking me about it yesterday . I ’ ll give him a call . Here you are . How is Danny ? Better now . We are just back from the hospital . We were lucky to meet a well-known doctor . What did the doctor say ? He said that he had a really bad cold . Shall we go back home now ? The dispensary closed . Here is the given prescription . I bought some advanced medicine . Is there anything you need ? Probably not . Some medicine we need is ethical drug which you can't buy without a prescription . Now what ? I'll go back home with Danny . You go to the pharmacy again . Okay , this is the third time . What ? How come ? The third time ? You don't have to know . Bye for now . Be careful . I'm thirsty . Pull over to that store , I'll buy some drinks . I'm afraid I can't . Parking is not allowed here . Oh , that's too bad . Where can you park around here ? There is a square in front of us , we can park the car there . Is a shop there ? I'm not sure , you know I'm not familiar with the city , too . Just stop here for a moment . The police will not notice . No , that's too risky . All right . Let's go to the square to have a look . Is there anything I can do for you ? I'm planning a trip to Europe . Have you decided which city you want to go ? Well , what's the price of this route ? That's $ 400 and we will visit 4 cities . What about a medication to help me with my problem ? There are several types of medications that we can try for your high blood pressure . What types of medications would be best ? For water retention , I am going to start you on Hydrochlorothiazide , which is a diuretic . What are the side effects from taking that drug , You need to stay hydrated on this drug , but most people experience little side effects . Will that one medication take care of all of my problems ? For now I want you to take a second drug , Lisinopril , an ACE inhibitor . Am I going to experience any complications with that drug ? The most you will experience will be a dry cough but you probably won ’ t experience anything negative . Where are you going for lunch ? I have no idea . I have no appetite . I know of a restaurant . I'm sure you'll like it . Let's go there then . Is it a Chinese restaurant ? serves excellent Sichuan food . Spicy food may improve your appetite . I hope so . Fair-Priced Fares , how may I help you ? How much is a round-trip ticket to London ? When did you plan to go , sir ? In the second week of September . The second week of September is still in the high-season , so the cheapest tickets are $ 650 . The high season lasts until the 15th , so fares after that date are cheaper . In that case , I'll go after the 15th . How much are the off-season fares ? Our cheapest ticket is $ 550 on American Airlines . Okay , I'll take it . ( to be continued ) I would like to get a bus pass . Do you know what kind of pass you want ? Can you tell me my options ? There are passes for a day , month , and week , and there are student passes . I would like the student pass . Let me see your student ID . Here you go . Thank you very much . How much will it be for the pass ? The monthly sticker is $ 24 , but the actual pass is free . That'll be fine . We appreciate your business . Day , I'm home . Do you have any homework today ? I'll do it later . Go and do it now . Can I have some cookies first , please ? Good idea ! I've heard that the Expo is doing pretty well now , and ads are seen everywhere in the country on all means of media , newspapers , TV , street signs , etc . Yeah , it's the last world-wide horti-cultural exposition in the century , and one of the grand festivities of cross-century significance held by the China's tourism industry . what's interesting to see there ? Oh , there's plenty . Flowers and plants from all over the world , of course . Besides , gardening techniques are demonstrated , modern facilities displayed , academic exchanges and seminars organized , and folk performances of different nations shown almost every day . I visited the First International Flower Festival in the city last year , and was impressed with so many beautiful flowers ! Oh , can't compare with the Kunming Expo at all ! The Kunming Expo covers an area of 218 hectares , and more than 9000 flower enterprises from over 100 countries and regions are invited to participate in the Expo . It would be a rare occasion to be able to appreciate so many fine species of Chinese and foreign flowers fully blooming in one park ! Far more than that , I dare to say ! Inland provinces and cities , Hong Kong and Macao , as well as many countries and regions in the world have an exhibition area of their own to display their unique flowers and plants . Each month there's a special day for a particular country or region , and folk performances are given . You will feel it a great pity if you missile Kunming Expo . Have you ever sung with a karaoke ? Yes , I do it quite often . Karaoke has become a major entertainment . I wonder why . Simple , it's fun . How much fun is there in singing in front of other people , especially if you don't sing well ? Ah , that's the biggest fun of all . You see , even though you're not a good singer , people will listen to you . I wouldn't do that . But I like the feeling . Can I take your order please ? Can I get a burger and a large fries ? Sure . Anything to drink with that ? A large coke , please . Eating here or to go ? Eating here , please . That's 7 dollars and 25 cents . You can get free refills with your coke . Both Bob and carl will become somebody in the future.Don ' t you think so ? Yeah.But Bob's talent can't to be named on the same day with Carl's . But Bob is more generous and ready to help . We cannot judge a man totally by that . Why don't we get ourselves a new car ? The old one's falling apart . What a good idea ! What kind shall we get ? We could go to more places this time , if you liked . Yes , fine . When shall we go and look ? Why not sometime next week ? No , let's go on Saturday . OK . Where shall we go ? There's a car dealer down the road . How about going there ? No , I don't like that place . Why don't we try the garage Martin recommended ? Fine , We'll do that . What's your name ? My name is Wang Lin . My English name is Linda . A nice name , isn't it ? Yeah , like it very much . My name has become a part of me . Where do you live ? I live in the Haitian District . Oh , It's really far from here . May I ask how old you are ? Yes , I ’ m 38 years old . You look very young . Thanks . Where is your birthplace ? My birthplace is Yentai . What is the matter with you ? I've got a sore throat and my chest hurts . How long have you been like this ? It has been two or three days . I think you've got a flu.Take this prescription to the chemist's and then go back and sleep . Thank you very much . Don't worry about your flu . You will be OK soon . Thank you . Do you have any questions ? Tell me about fees . What fees are you referring to ? I want to know about overdraft fees . We charge a small fee every time you overdraft . How much ? For each time you overdraft , you have to pay $ 25 . That ’ s not a small fee . You shouldn ’ t overdraft . That ’ s for sure . Do you need help with anything else ? That ’ s all I needed to know . Thanks . Taxi ! Taxi ! Where to , sir ? I ’ d like to go to the railway station please . Please hop in . Is it a long run to the station ? It ’ ll take about 20 minutes . The streets are heavy with traffic at this time of a day , are they ? Yes , they are . Is it the rush hour now ? Yes , it is . Are you in a hurry sir ? No , I ’ m not . Would you please drive slowly and carefully ? Yes , sir . It's very kind of you to show me around . Not at all . What would you like to see first ? I really don't know . Let's walk around the lake first , shall we ? Yes , that would be lovely . Have you been here before ? No , it's the first time I've been here . I will take you to Li River after walking around here . That's wonderful ! I have heard the scene of Li River is beautiful ! Yes , you'll be in a different world there . How would you like this order shipped ? Send it by the fastest way . Are you going to ship this by air ? That might cost a little more . How much ? I'll check the costs and call you back . OK . I've run out of steam . To be honest , I want to be in a different environment . Is that so ? Yes . I don't want to be stuck in a rut . I want to move on . Have you decided ? Yes , I want to get a better job . Could you tell me why you want to quit ? I'm quitting because of the lousy salary and all the difficulties I have in getting along with my colleagues . Oh , that sounds terrible . Would you be happier with higher pay here ? I'm sure something can be worked out . I'm afraid not . I've promised my girlfriend . We're going to travel south to find jobs that offer higher pay . OK . I'd like to say that I've really enjoyed working with you.However , I think you should work harder at your new job and then you can ask for higher pay . Good evening . Welcome to our restaurant . Good evening . We want a dinning room with a table for eight . I'm sorry , sir . The rooms are not available now . But would you like to have your dinner in the dinning hall ? I can find a table by the window for you . No , thanks . We have made a reservation before . Can I have your name , please ? My name is James . I'll ask waitress to show you the way . Thanks . Is there anything I can do for you ? I would like to go to Europe for a visit ? Can you recommend me an interesting city ? Why not go to Paris ? It's famous for Arch of Triumph , Eiffel , versailles and place de la Concorde . Do you have a package tour to Paris ? Of course , we have . I had a busy morning . What did you do ? I watered all the plants . You have a lot of plants . Then I did my laundry . That takes some time . I took the dog for a walk . I'll bet he enjoyed his walk . I vacuumed the entire house . That's a lot of work . And then I made lunch . I'll bet you were hungry ! Mom ! What are you doing ? I'm playing with my new jump rope ! Watch this ! You are sick , young lady . Get back in bed ! I called you in sick today , so you're going to lie down and fight that flu ! But I feel better . Then maybe you should go to school . If you're feeling so much better , you'll ace that English test , right ? OK . I get it . I'm getting back into bed ... How are you feeling , Flora ? Much better , thanks . I have been resting all day . Only with television as my companion.In fact , in the whole week the only thing I feel like doing was watching TV . What did you watch today ? I started with game show this morning , I really enjoy them , and even answered the most of questions correctly . And next ? At 2 o'clock , I switched to the Channel 6 , and watched a terrific movie without commercials . I know what you mean , there wasn't old action movie next . I think you won't like it . I want to watch it , but I was already tired by the time it came on . I had a rest instead , then I watched the news at Channel 11 . Anything important happened ? A bank was robbed this afternoon . A reporter on the scene covered the event , the live coverage reproduce the robbery to the live . Hello . Manchester 6739792 . Hello . Is that Nicholas ? Nicholas ? Nicholas Nickleby ? No . He doesn't live here any more . He's moved to Morecambe . Never ! Do you know his new number ? Yes . I've got it somewhere . Let me see . Where did I put it ? Ah - I remember , it's on the memo . Here it is . Do you have a pen to write it down ? Yes , I do . Go on . His number's 4945939 . 4945939 . Marvellous ! Thanks for your help . Then , Mary . We need 10 more loose-leaf binders , five pounds of heavy duty white paper , and what else did I say ? Two boxes of transparencies for the over-head machines . Right . And I ’ d like one of those new electric pencil sharpeners . All right , Mr . Jones . Do you think we ’ ll need anything else ? What type of music do you like to listen to ? I like listening to different kinds of music . Like what , for instance ? I enjoy Rock and R & B . Why is that ? I like the different instruments that they use . That's a good reason to like something . Yeah , I think so too . Did you vote yesterday ? I sure did ! What candidate did you vote for ? I voted for Obama . I ’ m shocked he actually won . I knew he would win . How ’ d you know ? He was the best candidate this year . What about him being black ? I guess America is finally maturing . I think you have a point . Do you have cruise tours ? Yes , sir . We have the all-inclusive luxury cruise . Maybe you would like to look at the itinerary . Sure . That's really amazing . However I don't have so much time . Do you have a full day cruise ? Yes . What about this one ? Pete's Pizza , may I help you ? Yes , I have one of your buy one , get one free coupons , and I'd like to order two large pizzas . Will that be for pick-up or delivery ? Delivery , please . Can I get your phone number ? Sure . It's 2331-7600 . And your address ? 2244 Forest Drive . This is your room . What do you think of it ? It ’ s quiet and clean . I love the color scheme . We have the room color designed for our guest . I really like it here . Let's begin by having you tell me about yourself and your background . I have been working as a paralegal for the last 10 months through an agency that specializes in the legal field . My experience has been supporting attorneys in the field of labor law , where I have been able to apply my paralegal education . I was commended on my ability to take information and break it down into usable facts . I really love research and analyzing facts . My major in college was English , and as a result , my writing skills are my major strength . I am looking for a position where my research and writing skills can be used . What do you think are the key qualities needed to succeed in the paralegal profession ? Flexibility would certainly rank high in this type of job . In my last position , I supported four lawyers , and it was not unusual for them all to give me high-priority items to do in the same day or week . There were days when I had to stop and prioritize my work just to get a handle on everything . I would discuss the urgency of their work with each of them so I didn't drop the ball . At the same time , I made sure each of them felt like his or her project was important on my agenda . I think communication is probably the next key quality . It really worked well when I talked with each of them , explained my situation , and got their input . Can you give me an example of a time when you had to work above and beyond your job description ? There was a very important project that had to be researched and completed by the end of the week . Even though I worked extra hours every night for almost two weeks , my boss and I stayed until 2 a . m . for two nights before the final wrap up . It was very rewarding to have put so much effort into a project and see the really great results . My boss gave me a bonus for my extra effort . Tell me about a time when you had to research a case and encountered some obstacles you had to overcome . I remember a case that was filled with obstacles . The first thing I did was research through documents and past cases that had similar circumstances . I assembled the facts and then tried to put them together and analyze the next step . I was able to get some input from another lawyer I happened to see at lunch . Through some hard work and fact digging , I was able to find a way to overcome most of the obstacles . I took my findings to my boss and made some recommendations , which she and I discussed and eventually resolved.My boss was impressed with the work I had done . What are your strengths and weaknesses ? My strengths are my caring about getting the job done . I am very results-driven and have been able to meet all my deadlines in past jobs . As far as weaknesses , I really enjoy my work , and sometimes I put in too much time . But I am aware of my tendency to overwork and have learned to pace myself more . Tell me about a time when you had a confrontation with a coworker or boss . I did have an issue with someone who was getting on my nerves . I asked her if I could talk with her one day , and we had a good discussion . It turned out she was not aware of the impact of her actions and that she really needed an explanation of the procedure . I took the time to explain the procedures , and there haven't been any problems since that day . When do you find a job satisfying ? My biggest satisfaction is when I experience growth in a job . When I first started as a paralegal , I had a lot to learn . But through hard work , advice from some good mentors and continuing education , I have come a long way . I've learned to be flexible when possible and to deal with difficult people in a positive manner . How would your coworkers describe you ? First , they'll say I have a lot of energy and enthusiasm . I really enjoy working with people . Secondly , they'll say I had great customer service skills . I put the customer first . And thirdly , they'll say that I know the law . I put a lot of effort into my education as a paralegal and take it seriously . Do you have any questions ? Yes , I do . On a scale of one to 10 , what would you say morale was in this company ? Where do you want to go ? I am going to the Capital Hotel . Get in . I will take you there . About how much it will cost ? $ 50 . On the meter ? Ye , of course . OK.let ' s go . I see by your resume that you have just graduated from college . I assume you haven't had any working experience . Is that right ? That's right . I've only had some part-time jobs working in department stores . Well , experience is not important in this job . We are looking for a man we can train to be a teller . By the way , do you like to work with figures ? Yes , I liked math in school . We are more interested in finding someone who is alert and quick at figures . Do you like meeting the public ? Yes , I enjoy working with people . We have very pleasant working conditions and I think we have a fine staff to work with . You would be assigned an experienced employee to help you . He would be responsible for training you . Have you studied English conversation ? Yes , I had an American tutor for two years . I had two lessons under her every week . Would I be using English every day is this job ? Yes , many of our customers are Americans , so you would be speaking English with most of them . Do you know anything about various kinds of savings and checking accounts ? No , I'm afraid I don't . I'd be glad to learn . That's good answer . I appreciate your being frank . Would you mind doing something for me ? I would if I could . Will you please explain the meaning of this word ? Yes , with pleasure . What games do you like ? I like word games . How about a game of bridge ? I don't like it at all . What about guessing games ? I'm not one for the games . Let's play other game . What about playing go ? OK . Excuse me . Could you tell me where the post office is ? Sure . If you get on this road and turn left at the second intersection , you'll see it on your right-hand side . Thank you so much for your assistance ! You are welcome . Your English has really improved in the two months you've been here , too . Do you have to work late at the computer company again tonight ? No , I'm going to leave the office early today . My annual medical check-up is this afternoon . How much longer will Mr . Schmidt be up in the mountains ? He's on a weeklong meditation retreat and won't be back until this weekend . Can you work over tonight ? Sorry , I'm supposed to be with my son . Okay , I'll ask Bob to cover it . Thanks . I appreciate it . What do we need for the barbecue ? Well , I ’ Ve bought a lot of meat . I ’ Ve got pork chops , small steaks , chicken wings , and plenty of hot sausages and hamburger patties . I can ’ t wait to start cooking ! I ’ Ve bought the grill and charcoal . Do you have enough plates and utensils ? I think so . I bought some paper plates and cups for people to use . It will save on the washing up ! And if people drop them , they won ’ t break . We ’ ll need to buy some buns to make hot dogs and hamburgers . They sell them at the shop around the corner . We can go and get some in a few minutes . I brought some cheese to make cheeseburgers and some onions for the hot dogs . We ’ ll need some tomato ketchup and some barbecue sauce . I have the sauce , but remind me to get some ketchup at the shop . How long does it take to cook meat on a barbecue ? It only takes a few minutes . Some people like their meat well done . Others like it rare . The great thing about a barbecue is that everyone can choose how they want their meat cooked . They can cook it themselves to make sure it ’ s exactly how they like it . I hope you haven ’ t invited any vegetarians ! How would you describe your ideal job ? I think the job should make use of the professional experience I have obtained , and offer me opportunity for advancement . Why do you think you might like to work for our company ? I feel my background and experience are a good fit for this position and I am very interested.What ' s more , your company is outstanding in this field . What makes you think you would be a success in this position ? My graduate school training combined with my experience as an intern should qualify me for this particular job . I am sure I will be successful . How do you know about this company ? Your company is very reputed in this city . I heard much praise to your company . Why are you leaving your present job ? I ’ m not so satisfied with it . Why do you plan to change your job ? I'm now a secretary in my present work unit . My work is not interesting . I have to type , make copies , book tickets and so on . Everyday I follow the routine . Furthermore , I have studied English for four years at university , but I can ’ t use it there . They are the reasons I plan to change my job . Why are you interested in working with this company ? One of my relatives told me that your company needs someone who can speak English . That's just the job that I have been looking for Where are you from ? I'm from Germany . So you speak German , don't you ? Yeah , but I can speak English , too . Oh , I see . What other languages can you speak ? A little French . Good . Did I do well on my test ? Do you want to know the honest answer ? Why wouldn't I want to know ? You had pretty bad scores . Exactly what do you mean by bad ? You failed . How'd I fail it ? There are a couple of reasons why you didn't pass . What did I do wrong ? To sum it all up , you really just don't know how to drive . Thanks.Will I be able to take a retest ? Sure you can , in about two and a half weeks . Does it look like a good fit ? It's definitely your size . Yes , it is very nice . I'll take it . How do you prefer to pay ? Let me use my credit card . Now , if you'll just sign here . No problem . I hope you enjoy your purchase . Good-bye . Did you get my email ? I certainly did . Do you want to come in and give me some feedback about your weekend ? Sure . How did the business trip go ? Well , to be honest , nothing is more stressful than going on a business trip with our boss . I understand . The last time I went on a business trip with the boss , I didn't even have enough to eat ! I also think the company is pretty cheap with travel expenses . I spent half of the weekend on a train ! Surely they could have afforded to buy a few plane tickets ! Our company is quite conscious of the environmental problems that frequent flying causes . I see . Well , then perhaps they could give me a few days off after a business trip . It was really tiring for me . I can ask the boss about giving you the day off today . Thank you . I can't imagine getting much done today . I'm just too exhausted ! No problem . Did you bring any gifts back for your department ? No , should I have ? To which gate do I need to go to catch connecting flight 707 to New York City ? Go to Gate 56 , the plane is now boarding , you must hurry . Show me the fastest way to get there . Instead of walking you can take this shuttle to get you there faster . Do you think the plane will leave without me ? No , I will call the attendants at the gate . I'll tell them you are on your way . Thank you so much , I would really appreciate that . You're welcome , have a safe trip . Would you cash these travelers ' checks , please ? How would you like them ? In ten dollar bill , please . Is there anything else ? Yes , I'd like to know how to send money to France . Good morning , everybody . Welcome to IAM Technology . I'm very pleased so many of you could make it here today . My name's Sam Weiss . I'm the Production Manager . I'd like to show you the layout of the factory before we go and visit it . As you can see from this diagram , everything is under one roof . We've designed it this way to help the flow of materials and to avoid bottlenecks . This area here is where we keep our raw materials . The main production area - our machine hall - is situated next to it . Maintenance is situated between the stores and the production area . Just to the right of Maintenance , there are steps up to the Lab and the Admin Section . Process Control is also on the upper level . It's located above the factory floor so that the operators can monitor everything that is going on below . Excuse me , driver , where is the main area for restaurants ? It's near the Wall Street , a bit far from there . Why not get on the car OK . Is there a Chinese restaurant ? Of course . More than that , you have Italy pizza , English steak , kimchi and local specialties . Woo , I can't help being there . Hi , welcome to Hal's Computer World . Can I help you with anything ? Yes , I'd like to buy a new computer , but I don't really know much about them . Can you give me any suggestions ? No problem . First of all , do you want to get a home computer or a laptop ? Laptops are more expensive , right ? Yes , they generally cost a little more . I'll just get a regular home computer then . I don't think I'll need to lug my computer around with me . Hello , how are you today . Here for your six month check-up ? I'm fine , Dr . Beecham . Yes , just a cleaning and check-up today . Oh , fine . Let's take a look . ( She probed my teeth and checked my gums . ) Well , it looks like you have a cavity and your crown is loose . We need to fill that cavity before it gets any worse and the crown needs to be refitted . Make an appointment for next week and I'll take care of them . Okay , I'll do that , but my crown was just put on last year . Will my dental insurance cover the work ? Since you had that done here , we'll take care of it . There won't be a charge . And , your insurance should cover the work on the cavity . Now , I'm going to have the hygienist do your cleaning and I'll see you soon for the other work . Thanks , doctor . Why didn't you sign the contract ? Because that company's behavior is not in accordance with international law . Well , Miss Li , it's time for us to say good-bye to each other . Yes , I suppose we must . I have enjoyed all these days that you have spent with me , and I'll always remember them . I've learned a lot from you . Thank you for all your kindness . I'm glad you could come to see us off . I have enjoyed your interpreting . You have done a wonderful job . I hope you be my interpreter again next time I'm here . I hope so , too . It's hard to tear myself away from your friendly people and your ancient country , but nothing lasts for ever . I have to go back home this time , but I'm sure I'll return very soon . I'm really glad to hear that Good-bye . Miss Li , say hello to your husband and your son for me . See you soon . Good-bye , Mr White . A happy journey home , and hope to see you again soon . Hong , I really need to call back to the UK but I can ’ t afford to pay for the roaming charges . Well , why don ’ t you use a local SIM card ? Can I do that ? Yes . Just go to the convenience store and ask for a SIM card . Then insert it into your phone . I see . How much will that cost ? Well it ’ s 100 RIB for the SIM card then it will cost you about 10 RIB per minute to call the UK . Wow , that is cheap . Thank you very much . Hello Mary . I haven ’ t seen you for ages . Are you still seeing Paul ? No . We broke up last month . I ’ m taking a break from dating for a while . Did you break up amicably ? Sometimes couples row a lot before splitting up . We just decided to stop seeing each other . It was all very amicable . Are you still going out with mike ? Yes , I am . We ’ re thinking about getting engaged . We ’ Ve been dating for over a year now . Good for you ! Have you seen Kelly recently ? Is she still dating nick ? I havn't seen her for a while.She stopped seeing nick because he was cheating on her.He was seeing a girl form his office.One day , she saw them holding hands and ended the relationship immediately . She was right to do that . I heard the Neil and Tina getting married soon . Really ? They ’ Ve been together for a long time . When are they getting married ? I think it ’ s 26th September . I ’ ll check and make sure that Tina remembers to invite you to the hen night . Thanks . Hey , look at that guy over there . I think he fancies you . He certainly looks interested , doesn ’ t he ? Shall we invite him over to our table ? We did a survey on your job performance . How did I do ? Not so good . Lots of complains . Really ? I thought I was doing well . Your performance so far is not quite in line with what we expect for our executives . I hope I ’ Ve made my point . Hi Mike . What have you been up to ? Not much . I started exercising . Trying to get in shape ? Yeah , and I need to start improving my health . Me too . What are you doing besides exercising ? That's about all . I think if you eat better , it will help tremendously . Sleep is good too . I heard people who sleep an average of eight hours a day have less health problems . Looks like there are a lot of things to do to stay healthy . True . But I think it is worth it . When you get old , you want to be healthy and active . I am keen on a coat on . But it requires having an online banking account . Is it necessary ? Indeed . Online banking enables you to make on-line shopping . Do you know how to get the bank account ? Bring your ID card and fill out a form . That will be fine . So easy . I think online banking can change your money habits and it is quicker than ATM processing speed . My shopping life will be more convenient . Is there a doctor here ? No . Can you call an Ambulance ? Sure , what's happened ? Please forgive me for rushing into your room forgetting to knock at the door . Never mind . I'm so sorry to disturb you so early . It doesn't matter . I'm dreadfully sorry . I forgot to book the tickets yesterday . Oh , it's nothing . I let you down . I'll make it up to you somehow . Not a bit of it , don't blame yourself . Can you help me for a minute ? Sure , what I can do for you ? I'm try to write a letter to one of our clients , But I just don't know exactly what to say , I don't even know how to get started , I know I should write dear Mr . Mrs . or Ms . , but the problem is I don't know the name of contact person . You can just put Dear Sir or Madam , officialese not personal , you can write to whom may concerned . OK , So I first thanks them for their business , I can say something like we are very grateful for your continue support , How is that ? Good ! But also , write off the bed you want to tell them the reason of your writing , give them more reference . Like Regarding our new product line , we would like to announce a special price discount Right , do you need them to respond ? Yes , the letter would have a survey inside , and they should complete it and return to our office . How should I write that ? You can tell them " Please finding the enclosed customer service survey , else also , you can say Attach a customer survey . If you need resource it right away , you can tell them the urgent by saying Please return the survey without dely as soon as possible . Maye it more polite with this as early as convenience . What can I help you with ? I need to hire you . What do you need me for ? I need you for my court date . What kind of case do you have ? I ’ m being charged with a felony . I can help you with that . What is your price ? I charge $ 150 an hour . I can ’ t afford that . That ’ s my rate . That ’ s expensive , but I need you . How much do you pay wholesale for your products ? We have a few different wholesale vendors , so our cost varies a bit over the fiscal year . But the difference is miniscule , a fluctuation of about 0.2 % . That must impact your bottom line at least a little bit , doesn't it ? After all , your sticker price is pretty much set in stone . How much do they go for retail ? Retail price is 29.95 per unit . We take into consideration changes in supply cost when figuring this price . Is that including tax ? No , that's the price before tax . The tax rate is varies from different marketing areas , so it is difficult for us to figure in . How much is your profit margin then ? Our profit margin is in the neighborhood of 20 % . Have you any idea of the prices of ruby and diamond ? I'm not very sure.but I know ruby is less valuable than diamond . How do you know that ? I got it from an encyclopedia . Hoo , I'm getting tired , Jeanine , been a long day . I'm not quitting yet . You know my favourite slogan , don't you ? Yeah , I know . Shop till you drop . Right ! I'm getting a little short on cash . Let's just window shop a little . Ok . Hey , Jeanine , get a load of that . It's beautiful . Ahahah , and I thought you were tired . You know .. I have a weakness for long dresses . It sure looks special , looks expensive too . Sure does . Hey , can I sponge a little cash of you ? Don't worry , Marian , I've got you covered . Thanks , Jeanine , you are a real pal . Let's go in . Hey , what are you doing here ? I'm just shopping . What are you shopping for ? Some new clothes . How about you ? Same here . Have you found anything nice yet ? I found a few pairs of pants . Where'd you get those ? I found them at Pennies . Those are really cute . Do you want me to show you where I found them ? I would like that . Thank you . have you thought of moving at all Sarah ? we ’ Ve thought about it , but my husband and I can ’ t afford it right now . The only thing we could afford would be living in the slums , which is something I don ’ t want to do . buying a house can be expensive , but there are ways to find cheaper houses . like what ? well , sometimes the city auctions off houses to the community . You ’ d have to make a quick decision about the offer in a day , but you would definitely save money doing it that way . that ’ s a good idea . Do you know anyone who has done that before ? sure , my sister-in-law and her husband just bought a house that way . They ’ re pretty satisfied with it . is the house pretty run-down . not at all . The woman , who owned it , took good care of it . But when she died , she had no family left and no will , so the government had to sell it for her . was it very old house ? it was about 75 years old . There were a few repairs that needed doing , but it didn ’ t take a lot of money or time . is it in a good location ? the area can be a bit rough in the evenings , but the neighbors watch out for each other , so it ’ s ok . Welcome to Super Stereos . What can I do for you ? I'd like to look at your stereo systems . Do you have anything on sale ? Yes , this system over here is on sale for $ 1,000 . As you can see , all of the components are brand-name . But it doesn't have a turntable . I have a fair number of vinyl records , so I need something to play them on . Our selection of stereo systems with turntables is somewhat limited , but we do have this system over here . I was wondering if I could collect unemployment benefits . Did you get laid off ? I am still working for now , but I might get laid off . You may collect unemployment if you are working fewer hours or got laid off . Does everyone who gets laid off get to collect unemployment ? No , some jobs are exempt from paying into unemployment . How can I find out if I can collect ? Your employer can tell you if you have been paying into unemployment and now qualify to collect . How will I know how much I can collect on unemployment ? It depends on how much you earned . When you file , they will determine the amount . You look tired . Yeah , I ’ Ve been working so much overtime lately . Really ? How come ? My boss gave me a big project . I had to have it finished it by this morning . It was so difficult ! You shouldn ’ t work so hard . I know . But hard work pays off , you know . What do you mean ? Maybe now I ’ ll get that promotion I was hoping for . Good afternoon , Mr . Anderson . Good afternoon , Miss Li . How nice to see you again ! Nice to see you , too . It's been a long time , hasn't it ? How are you ? Fine , thank you . And you ? Very well too , is there anything I can do for you ? Yes . Could you guide me to where I can change money ? Sure , Mr . Anderson , please come along with me . Thank you . My pleasure . What kind of music do you like ? I like popular music best . Me too . Who is your favorite singer ? Qi In is . Do you know this song ? Yes , I like it very much . Let's sing it together , shall we ? No problem . When would you like me to send those plans over to your office , Mr . Montgomery ? It would be good if you could get them to me by Thursday afternoon , Ms . Barkley . That shouldn ’ t be a problem . What is the exact address , again ? 7880 Crofton Avenue , Building 40A , Room 304 . I'd like to order broadband internet for my laptop . Just plug the Ethernet cable into your computer , and a prompt will tell you the payment options . Well , I don't have an Ethernet port . My computer runs entirely on wireless service . That's too bad . But there are several alternatives , if you want to hear them . Yes , please ! Tell me about the alternatives . We run a fully equipped computer lab on the first floor . Very good . How much does that cost ? The service is free to hotel patrons . However , printing costs ten cents per page . I see . And the other alternatives ? Alternatively , we do offer wireless in our lobby . You can bring your laptop down here . Great ! What if I need to print something in the lobby ? You would have to use the computer lab . I'm sorry for the inconvenience . Well , I'm glad you're finally back . I was wondering what happened . I feel kind of stupid . Why ? We got lost coming back . I guess I don't really know this town yet . You got lost . You're kidding ! No . We took a wrong turn somewhere.And Joseph doesn't know the town at all . So I started giving him directions.But I didn't really know where we were . So we got seriously lost . You could have called . I know I could have . But finally we asked someone where we were . You've been gone for two hours . How could you get lost for so long ? Guess where we ended up . I don't know . Where ? When we finally decided to ask someone , they told us we were in Grangerfield . Grangerfield ! You were in Grangerfield ? That's a completely different town ! How could you drive to a completely different town ? I don't know.The person we asked had to give us directions to the highway to get back here . Grangerfield is like a dozen miles away from here . I know it is . I don't know how it happened . Hmm , maybe I do . What ? Maybe I have an idea how it happened . How ? You were too busy looking at Joseph , and you weren't paying attention to the road . Oh , that's what you think , huh ? Yes , that's what I think.Maybe the next time you go out with him to buy groceries , you'll get lost for even longer.Maybe six hours or so . You know what , Trish ? What ? I hope so . I really hope so . Hah , hah ! See ? I guessed right . You weren't watching the road at all . No , I wasn't . It's kind of hard to watch the road when Joseph is behind the wheel . What do you think is the role teacher should play in the classroom ? Teachers are just directors who give scope to the students ' initiative and creativeness , instead of taking their rights away from speaking . What did you do to put it into practice ? I divided students into groups and asked them to generate their own ideas actively . It can help develop the problem-solving ability of the students . Why did your parents make you stay at home ? They wanted to go out , and so they made me look after my baby brother . Didn't you mind doing it ? No , I didn't . My brother was very good and I did quite a lot of homework . Didn't you even want to go to the cinema ? Not really . I watched television for an hour . What was on television last night ? Boxing . It was excellent . Oh . I enjoy watching boxing on television , too.What a pity I missed it last night ! What did you do last night ? I went to a boxing match in the sports stadium . Hello sir , may I help you ? Yeah , I accidentally dropped my phone in the toilet . I see . Well , you have come to the right place . We have over one hundred models of more than twenty leading mobile phone manufacturers . Sounds good . I don ’ t want it to be too expensive , maybe something mid-range . We have this new ETC smart phone.It comes with the Android OS so you can download applications . It also has a built-in camera , mp3 player and touch screen . It works on the 3G network so you have fast access to the internet wherever you are . What about Wi-fi ? Of course ! You can access the internet from any hotspot as well as from home . One last thing . Is it waterproof ? Can you change American dollars into French francs ? Yes . How much do you want ? Fifty dollars . What is the exchange rate today ? One dollar to five francs . Is that all right ? Yes , please . And you can cash my traveler's check , can't you ? Of course , we can . I want to be here tomorrow . What are your business hours ? 10 o'clock in the morning to 2 o'clock in the afternoon . Thank you . Not at all . We like your product , and are interested in placing an order with you as soon as possible . Well , we can proceed with the order until after the Christmas holidays . Our factories will be closed for another week . That's all right . We will send you a purchase order in one week . I hope you will be able to take care of it . No problem . Once we get your purchase order , we will begin the execution of the order right away . Thanks . We need the products in less than one month , because we have a big deal with another company . By the way , will payment against delivery be OK ? That will be fine . And I can promise you that you'll get the goods about two weeks after we get your purchase order . Hello . May I speak to David ? Who ? David Bush . There ’ s nobody here by that name . Sorry , I dialed the wrong number . What would you like to order , sir ? I'd like to try some Chinese food . We serve different styles of Chinese food here . But I'm not sure which one do you prefer . I have no idea . Could you recommend some to me ? Well . Cantonese food is rather light , Beijing food is heavy , and Sichuan food is usually hot and spicy . Oh , I see . I'd like to have hot food . If so , I suggest you have a taste for Sichuan food . Most Sichuan dishes are spicy and hot , but they have different tastes . Really ? So do you have some specialties ? Yes . Roasted Crispy Chicken and Spicy Beef are our specialties . All right . I'll have them . Hi , Dave . You're early . So you knew it was me ? I had an idea . Look , before we get into the secret admirer thing , I want to talk to you about WebTracker . I'm sorry . I know you feel betrayed . So you're really planning to quit invoking and switch over to WebTracker ? My mind is made up . Want to send out for some Chinese ? Some what ? Some Chinese food . I ’ m hungry , and there ’ s a take-out restaurant near here . We can have them deliver and then watch the news on TV while we eat . No , I ’ d rather go out . The Chinese food here is rather different from what I had at home . Maybe we can try some other food today ... What about that all-you-can-eat place we passed the other day , the one over in the shopping center ? Okay . I could go for that . It ’ s called Al ’ s Steakhouse . They also have great fried fish , and I love their salad bar . You can go back to refill 1 your plate as often as you like . Is that the place that serves such large portions of meat ? Yes , their steaks are enormous . Sometimes I can ’ t finish what I ’ Ve ordered . What if that happens to me ? I hate to let food go to waste . Don ’ t worry . We ’ ll just get a doggie bag . We're leaving now . Here's your bill . Right . And would you please forward our mail to this address ? Certainly . Thank you . Goodbye . Goodbye . Hope to see you again . Good afternoon , sir , is there anything I can do for you ? Yes . I can't find my sweater . I have my laundry sent to you yesterday but when the washing is done . I find my swatter missing . Well , it's our fault.We are sorry for that.Would you please fill out the form ? We will pay for you . That's fine . Maybe you should be more careful . What should I prepare for the recruitment fair ? You should wear a formal dress and be confident . What application materials should I take ? You should take several resumes and some copies of your graduate diploma . Who finances the magazine ? I don't know exactly . I only hear it's financed by a famous film star . Does it have a large circulation ? Yes , so it really doesn't matter who offers the money.The paper itself is profitable . I'll have sole , then . All right.How about other guests ? The rest of us will have this today's special , please . OK . I'm sorry but I ordered sole , not the same as the others.Will you change it ? I'm afraid we have no more sole . Then , I'll have this pork cute instead . Certainly.Just a moment , sir . You will never guess where my family is going for summer vacation . Let me try . It has to be somewhere amazing , and far away ... Egypt ? How in the world did you guess that ? Did someone tell you already ? Yes . I overheard your mom and my mom talking in the grocery store . I want to ride a camel and definitely see the pyramids ! I wish our family took outrageous summer vacations like yours . It helps that my dad is an archaeologist . We'll get to go fishing at the river . I hate fish . I would appreciate it if you could go to the store for me . No problem . What do you want me to get ? Here's a list with a few things that I need you to get . Did you forget to put anything on the list ? I don't think I forgot anything . Would you like me to go anywhere else for you ? If you don't mind , I would appreciate it if you would pick up my prescription . Has your prescription been filled yet ? Someone at the pharmacy called and told me it was ready . Sure , I'll go get it for you . Thank you . Anything for you . Hello . I would like to make a reservation at 8: 00 . OK , sir . How many are coming ? 4 . By the way , what's your dress code ? We require a jacket and tie . I see . Thank you . Let me ask some questions . Do you know what people need to get entry into China ? Yes . An passport and a visa are necessary for entry into China . What materials do they need in order to apply the passport ? They should fill in an application form , hand in the copies of Identification Card and household register . Do you think we should travel by bus or by train ? It ’ s a difficult choice . The train is a litter faster , but much more expensive . We could face delays if we travel by bus , thanks to traffic jams . Buses are more cramped and you can ’ t walk around . That ’ s true , but I feel that I see more when I travel by bus . Really ? I think you see more traveling by train . So , which form of transport do you prefer to use ? I prefer going by train , ever though it costs more . Ok them . We ’ ll go by train . I ’ m sure we ’ ll have a good journey . Shall we go to the station and buy the tickets ? The train aren ’ t usually full . We can get them on the day we travel . We should buy return ticket because they are much cheaper than getting two singles . We should take a packed lunch on the journey . The food they sell on the trains is always expensive . From reviewing your resume I can see that you have ample experience for this position.What I want to know is why you think you ’ re right for the job . Well I ’ m impressed with what the company has done in the past and I think by hiring me the company ’ s future can only be brighter . I find that my personal goals and ideas about business operation So you ’ Ve acquainted yourself with the company . It ’ s refreshing to interview someone who ’ s sure of what they want . Yes , I believe that it ’ s crucial for me to know if a company is right for me , not just if I ’ m right for the company . I ’ Ve only been impressed by what I ’ Ve read and heard and I see myself having Commitment to the company and the team is very important to us here . Well I ’ m definitely a team player as well as being highly self-motivated . I believe this company can fulfill my long-term goals and offer me great upward mobility . Therefore you will find in me Can I ask for leave this afternoon ? What is the problem ? I had a headache this morning . I didn ’ t pay attention to it . I thought probably it is because I didn ’ t sleep well . But now it is getting worse and worse . I feel quite dizzy now and my eyes are somehow very light-sensitive . Maybe it is the migrated . It is ok . You look really pale and red eyes . I suggest you go home immediately and have a good rest . Thank you very much . I am sure good rest will do indeed . I don ’ t have this too often . Did you see the woman that just left my office ? Yes . She's another applicant , and a leading contender , but I didn ’ t want to hire her . She ’ s qualified , but she doesn ’ t quite fit the profile . We ’ re looking for an accountant , and part of the job requires interacting with clients . Well , our clients want conservative people to handle their money . And green hair with ripped jeans doesn ’ t exactly fill them with trust . But it's the style now . I realize that , but our business is serving clients and giving them what they want . Of course . Well , they don ’ t want to deal with people who look like that . They want people who look more like yourself . Why is that ? Well , they ’ re older , and they don ’ t understand today's fashions . When they see someone dressed like that , warning bells go off . They don ’ t like that style at all , and they don ’ t like dealing with people who dress like that at work . Oh , I see . We used to have a woman here who dressed like that and she was good , very good . But , the clients reacted very negatively when they saw her . Some asked that their account be given to someone who dressed more conservatively . What happened to her ? Well , she was a very good employee and we wanted to keep her , so her supervisor called her in for a chat and laid it on the line for her . She got the idea and now she saves the trendy styles for evenings and weekends . I see . Excuse me ? Do you have anything for a carsickness ? Yes , but you look fine . Oh , it's for my brother . The little boy over there . He is getting a carsickness . Poor boy ! But don't worry . Here are two pills made in Germany . It's really effective . He will be just fine . Thank you so much . Take some with you next time , just in case . Sorry to interrupt , but my brother is still sleeping . You mean the boy who felt carsick just now ? Yes . It's so strange that he slept all the time after taking the pills . Oh , sorry , maybe I gave you the wrong medicine . What ? It's just sleeping pills made in America which is also very good . But don't worry . It has no undesirable side-effects . I see . Good evening . How many people of your party ? Three . Two adults and one kid . For buffet ? Yes . How much do you charge for it ? Thirty for each adult , twenty each kid . I see . Where can I get the food ? Please go to the tables over there for cold dishes and vegetables . The hot dishes are on the other side . Do I need to pay extra charges for drinks like cola and juice ? Not for soft drinks . But we charge ten yuan for each alcohol order . Could you give me a taxi to pick me up and take me to the airport before 1:00 p . m . ? What is your address , sir ? I live in room 1106 of the Friendship Hotel . OK , someone will be there by 12:15 . What do you think about half day kindergarten for Stacey ? We could try it for the first few weeks and see if she likes it . I just think it will be a little difficult for her to be away from home for so long right off the bat . You have a good point . She hasn't really ever been away from home for longer than a few hours . I think she is really going to like her teacher though . Yes , they seemed to click at the meeting the other day . Did you happen to notice if she was interested in any of the other kids ? No , but I did notice that she was very interested in the art supplies ! I need to buy a bus pass . What kind of bus pass would you like to buy ? What are the different kinds ? You can get a day , weekly , monthly , or student pass . Could I get a student pass , please ? Sure , can I see your student ID ? Sure , here it is . Very good . How much for the pass ? It's free , but the monthly sticker is $ 24 . Okay , I'll take it . Thank you for your purchase . You are welcome . I really want to make a salad . Do you know what kind of salad that you want ? I'm not sure what kind that I want . I usually make a Caesar salad . Those taste really good . Which kind of salad are you going to make ? I want a chicken salad . I enjoy chicken salads . I like salads with croutons , almonds , and shredded cheese . I really like how that sounds . Why don't you make a salad like that ? I'm going to do that then . Good morning , and welcome to our bank . What can I do for you today ? I need some advice about my fixed deposits . What seems to be the problem ? No , no problem . It's just that one of them is due and I'm not sure how to deal with it . I see . Well , you have two choices ; you can renew it or redeem it . Which would you prefer ? Mmmm ... well , I am happy with your service so far , so I'd like to renew it , please . Not a problem . But may I just inform you that we have introduced a new service called Account Renewing upon Maturity ? Yes ... You see , that means when anything is up for renewal , we do it automatically and you don't have to physically come here to sort it out . All you need to do is sign here and we'll set it all up for you . That's just perfect for me . I live pretty far from the centre and it can be a chore getting in . My shirt needs ironing . Could you please help me with that , Mary ? No way . Do it yourself . Please , I promise this is the last time . OK , I'll iron your shirt for you , but only if you make me a cup of coffee . Tell me something about your work experience . Well , I have been in the computer engineering field for 6 years now . I am familiar with both hardware and software and with hands-on experience in system development including system analysis and design . What systems have you worked on ? I have worked on about every system that is out right now . Do you feel comfortable with the new system by microcosm ? I am not as familiar with it as I am with some of the older systems . But I am a fast learner and I can master it in a short time . What do you consider your strengths ? I am knowledgeable and levelheaded . Jane , the meeting is scheduled from 1:00 this afternoon . Have you made the necessary arrangements ? Yes , Mr . Miller . We'll use the conference room on the third floor for the meeting . That's right . The meeting is very important . Where shall the guests be received before the meeting begins ? In the dining room . It's spacious there . We'll have several foreign guests to attend the meeting . I've arranged for an interpreter to be present . But it is said these foreigners could speak English . Really ? I'll also try to speak slowly . How would you arrange the guests ' seats , Jane ? We've prepared name cards to be put on the conference table for guests to sit by . What time would you like refreshments served , Mr . Miller ? Well , after my report , there will be an interval for rest and refreshments . All right , I see . Excuse me . Could you tell me the way to the Star Hotel ? Yes . Go down the main road . You can't miss it . How long will it take me to get there ? It's only about a five-minute walk . Thank you very much . You're welcome . I need a haircut . Do you have an appointment ? No , I don't . You look pretty busy today . Do you have an opening for me ? Yes , we do . I can cut your hair right now if you like.Do you need a shampoo too , or just a haircut ? Just a haircut . I washed my hair this morning . Alright . I will have an assistant wet your hair . Then I can cut it.Please step over there.How would you like your hair cut today ? Well , I last had a haircut eight weeks ago . So my hair is pretty long.But I want the same style . I recommend you leave it a little long on top.But we should take in the back and sides a bit more . That's more fashionable now . Alright . You are the expert . I'm happy to have your recommendation . So I will cut the sides just above the ear . Is that good ? Fine . And do you usually part your hair along here ? Yes . Alright , I know just what to do.Your hair seems quite dry , you know . And I see some split ends . Yes , I know my hair is quite thin.It runs in my family . Everybody has very thin hair . The problem is the split ends . They make your hair look even more frizzy . I don't know what to do about it . Well , there are two things you can do.First , don't blow-dry your hair for so long after you shower . Let it dry naturally.That is easier on the hair , so you won't get split ends.Second , buy a g Do you sell conditioner here ? Of course . I have one I can suggest . Great . I would be happy to try it . I know my hair doesn't look good now . It's too weak . The problem is the split ends . Do you have desserts ? Yes , we have many kinds of pies and puddings . Can you give us more information ? Sure . We have lemon pies , apple pies , coffee rum pies and ice cream . I would like to have the coffee rum pies . Can you help me pick out a gift for my niece ? Most normal little girls go wild over Barbie dolls . That sounds good . Let me see one . Here's the latest model — Digital Barbie . Oh , she's nice . How much is she ? Why , she's only $ 29.95 . Well , that's reasonable . I'll take it . Excellent . Would you like anything else ? No , thank you . The total will be $ 32.42 . Will that be cash ? Oh , cash will be fine . Here's your change . Thank you for shopping with us . Come in , please . Good afternoon , Mrs Smith . Good afternoon . Have a seat , please . You are Mr . Sun ? Thank you . Yes , I am Dunlin . I have read your resume . I know you have worked for 3 years . Why did you choose to major in mechanical engineering ? Many factors led me to major in mechanical engineering . The most important factor is I like tinkering with machines . What are you primarily interested in about mechanical engineering ? I like designing products , and one of my designs received an award . Moreover , I am familiar with CAD . But I can do any mechanic well if I am employed . Why did you decide to apply for this position ? Your company has a very good reputation , and I am very interested in the field your company is in . What do you think determines an employee's progress in a company such as ours ? Interpersonal and technical skills . We have several applicants for this position . Why do you think you are the person we should choose ? I have the abilities , qualities and experience that you requested in your job advert , for example I have three years experience in designing products and I got leadership experience while serving the college student union as president . That sounds very good . How do you see your career development ? After a few years of gaining experience in the company and furthering my professional qualifications I'd like to put my experience and skills to use in management . I want to become a supervisor in your R & D department . Have you anything to ask about the job ? Yes . Do you offer any opportunities for further study ? Yes . If you undertake additional courses , provided these are approved , and you complete them successfully , you can claim back part , quite a large part , 75 % of the costs you incurred . Not just the fees , - traveling and other expenses too . That's fine . Anything else ? No . Well , thank you very much , Mr . Sun . I'll let you know the result of the interview as soon as possible . Goodbye . Thank you , Mrs . Smith . I do hope the answer will be favorable . Goodbye . I've just got a new printer . How often do I need to replace the print heads ? Well , under normal conditions each head lasts about 5 000 copies or so . It depends on the user , but about once a month is average . So if I don't print out very much , it could last a lot longer ? That's right . It could last six months or more . This model's designed for heavy use . Don't worry - you'll get an error message telling you when to change the head . Give these sales figures a look . It's pretty depressing . We're way in the red this year . We can't afford to keep going like this for much longer . You're right , we need to start making money soon , or at least manage to break even . But I think that the market is slowly beginning to heat up--sales are bound to pick up any time now . Deman is dropping . The problem is our competition . They are monopolizing the market ! Maybe we should rethink our marketing strategy to include the possibility that our new line of cosmetics could be a big seller . It's really too early to tell , but a lot is riding on the new products . If we don't do better after the product launch , we may have to go bankrupt . Do you think it's that serious ? Look at this numbers and see for yourself . Read'sm and weep . My goodness , I didn't realize it was that bad . Mary , set your alarm clock for seven tomorrow morning . Why ? I'm going to take you to your school to register for classes . That's right . I haven't done that yet . You can choose classes that you like at the school office . Really ? Well , there are core courses and electives . What do they mean ? Core courses are ones that you must take . Elective courses are ones that you get to choose for yourself . Can I help you , madam ? Yes , I'm looking for a new winter coat . Have you any particular color in mind ? I don't know really . What's the fashional color this year ? Red is very popular . Good . Red suits me very well . It's a cheerful color , isn't it ? Yes , madam , I agree . What size are you ? Well , I used to be size fourteen , but I've put on a bit of weight recently , so may be sixteen . Here you are , madam . All these are sixteens . I quite like this one . How much is it ? It's $ 180 . Oh , that's too expensive . Aren't there any cheaper ones ? These are our cheapest coats , madam . Yes , I see . I'll take it . Here's $ 200 . Here's your change . Thank you . The order is so urgently required that we have to ask you to speed up shipment . If shipment is too late , we'll have to turn to other suppliers . I am sorry , but we can't advance shipment . The manufacturers are fully committed . They have no stock on hand . Can you find some way for an earlier delivery ? How's this then ? We propose partial shipment . We can ship whatever is ready to meet your urgent need instead of waiting for the whole lot to get ready . Sounds like a good idea . We propose to deliver 50 % in June and the balance in Aug . I agree with your proposal . How can I help you today ? I want to sign up for some funds units . How do I go about it ? Have you got some ID and your cash card ? Yes . I've already got a fund account with you too . How many more fund units would you like to purchase today ? I'm not quite sure . You see , I already have more than 5,000 RIB in my cash card , but I really don't know how much I should get . The usual minimum purchase is 5,000 RIB . That settles it then . 5,000 RIB it is , thanks . I'm afraid I have to return this sweater . May I ask if there's anything wrong with it ? You see , there is a run at the neck . Oh , sorry.But do you want to change it for another one ? No , thank you . Paul , you were also a parent of young kids before . So , can you tell me what you did when your kids didn ’ t behave very well ? I know Mark is your only child . You may do it differently from what I did . Sometimes I would tap their hands when they made troubles . I do it , too . You know , sometimes when we eat , my child would pull a dish towards him and grab it with his hands and eat . And if it were something he doesn ’ t like , he would spit it out and throw it into other dishes . He does it very often . I really get mad . I can ’ t help spank him sometimes . And what does your husband do ? My husband is an American . He criticizes me when I do that . He says that I can ’ t change a child ’ s behavior by using force . He is learning what I am doing now . But spoiling a child is not going to do him good either ! You ’ Ve got to have patience with him and teach him . It ’ s not easy , I know . It ’ s hard . Yeah . I ’ m still learning how to control his behavior and my temper . My child is almost two years old , and I ’ Ve learnt the distraction technique when he cries for something . Hello , is everything alright ? Can I help ? I have a Promissory Note , but it's not called that . It's a Bill of Exchange . Similar to a Promissory Note , yes . I can deal with that for you right here . The difference between a Promissory Note and a Bill of Exchange is that this product is transferable and can bind one party to pay a third party that was not involved in its creation . So , even if someone wasn't directly involved , they can become involved ? Like the bank you cash it in ? That's right . We didn't issue it to you , but technically we are buying it from you . So , we become involved . I see . Sorry about this , I'm new in this job and I've never even seen one of these before ! My boss just told me to come here and sort it out . As long as you have all of the documentation we require you have nothing to worry about . Why are you handing me a plastic cup ? Your doctor wants to test your urine and needs a sample . How am I supposed to do that ? We need you to urinate like you normally would , and then stop and finish into the cup . What am I supposed to do with the cup when I am done ? Leave the cup in the cubby in the restroom . Just close the cubby door and walk away . What kind of test is this ? He wants to know if you have bacteria in your urine , which could signal an infection . How long will it take to get the results ? We will send your doctor the results , and he will contact you . Hello . I need to disconnect my phone , please . All right . Where do you live , sir ? At 345 Lincoln Avenue . Oklahoma City . Very well . Why do you want to disconnect your phone , sir ? I ’ m moving to a new home . O . K . May I have your name please ? John Smith . Thank you . Mr . Smith . What ’ s your telephone number ? 555-7658 Thank you . Where should I send your final phone bill ? 623 West Side Drive . New York , New York . Thank you , Mr . Smith . Your phone will be disconnected after this phone call . Have a nice day . Thank you , you too . As an experienced interviewer , could you tell me what kind of behavior the interviewer hates most ? Rudeness . You are not expected to sit down before being invited , and you shouldn ’ t throw yourself into the chair like you ’ re loading heavy baggage . And we should have good sitting posture . That ’ s right . The ideal posture for women is to put their legs together and lean to one side . This is especially important in summer . Where should I put my overcoat and briefcase after entering the office ? Put it beside you . Don ’ t pile your purses , briefcase and other belongings on the employer ’ s desk . You've got long hair . Don ’ t touch it while talking to the interviewer . It gives people the feeling that you cannot concentrate on your work . I think that ’ s the reason why Princess Diana ’ s hair style became so popular . Also , if you are asked to sit beside the employer's desk , neither lean on it nor look at the documents there . I ought to respect other people ’ s privacy , as most Westerners do . As the saying goes , when in Rome , do as the Romans do . Good day to you . How can I be of service today ? Hello . I'd like to open a Foreign Currency Account . I see . Well , this bank offers many different accounts of this nature . There are 7 to choose from Oh dear . I wanted AUD . Is that not possible ? Well , you could change your Australian dollars into , say British pounds and then open an account . How does that sound ? Maybe I'll go for the US dollar account . Welcome aboard . Excuse me , Miss . Can you show me my seat ? Let me have a look at your boarding pass . It's E - 6 , the sixth seat by the aisle . Thanks a lot . Okay , I want to change 22,000 . Could you please fill out this form ? Okay , here you are . ( She hands the completed form and the money to the clerk . ) Here's your $ 200 . Thank you very much . Thank you . Miss Gray , would you please type this report for me ? Of course , Mr . Green . Can you print it out before 12 o'clock ? I need it this afternoon . No problem . I will do it immediately . Please double space it and print it out on the laser printer so I can read it easily . OK . Would you like this report done in a formal or informal style ? Please type it in a formal style . I see . Anything else ? No , thanks . What are you looking for ? I lost one of my contact lenses , and I ’ m searching high and low for it . Where did you lose it ? Maybe I can help you to find it . Thank you very much . I think I lost it near the window . Mister , I have an account now . Now , how would you like this check cashed , madam ? Six tens will be fine . Here you are . Thanks . Er , mister , if I want to deposit checks next time . what should I do ? Just make out a deposit slip and come here during bank hours . That's from 9 a . m . to 3 p . m . Lately I've felt that company morale is at an all-time low what can your firm do to help get my business back on track ? You definitely made the right move by calling . Our primary business is creating , conducting and customizing fully interactive human resources workshops for companies just like yours . It seems that my employees are having trouble working as a team . Not to mention serious lapses in service , sales and leadership skills . Well as we know nothing comes out of a can . We have years of experience tailoring workshops to the specific needs of your company . We can hone in on your problem areas and have your employe What a relief ! I was beginning to think it was no way to get my business rolling again . That's what we're here for , the human resources help you need , when and how you need it . It ’ s freezing in here ! Can I turn up the heat ? Don ’ t touch that thermostat ! You don ’ t pay the bills around here ! Dad ! Are you serious ? What ’ s the point of having central heating if we can ’ t use it ! Look , I can see my breath ! Put on a sweater ! I ’ m not gonna let you run up my heating bill just because it ’ s a bit chilly . Dad ! I ’ m gonna catch a cold ! When I was your age , my parents didn ’ t have central heating like you do ! We had a furnace in the center of the living room and that was it . We used it to cook , heat the house and even dry our clothes ! We never caught a cold . You should be grateful ! May I have your order now ? Yes , we'd have your regular dinner . What courses are there , please ? The courses for our regular dinner are , appetizer , soup , beef steak , dessert and coffee . All right , we'll have it . What kind of dessert do you want ? Do you have some chocolate cakes ? Yes , we have . OK , we will choose it . Wait for a moment , I'll come back soon . Is everything ready for the big family barbecue tomorrow ? Yep . The steaks and chicken are marinated and I also bought hamburger buns . We should also cook a couple dozen hot dogs and kebabs . Yeah , good idea.We can put some lawn furniture outside next to the grill . I also set up the tent outside so we can hide from the sun if it gets too hot . Great ! I asked Grace to bring cups and serviettes as she is also bringing two big coolers for the beers . This is gonna be a great barbecue ! In my opinion , it may be necessary to charge for participation . I'm not sure if that would be wise . Then what is your opinion ? Well , maybe we'll go to ask Mr . Johnson . He has the final say . Let's see if we forget anything . Oh , we need an umbrella . The weather is so changeable in that area . Yes , let's go . Lock the door , please . All right . Hey , what's up ? Nothing really . I'm throwing a party on Friday . I didn't realize that . You didn't ? Nobody has told me anything about your party . Did you want to go ? When does it start ? At 8 I'll be there . I'd better see you there . Of course . Welcome to the International Business Department . How can I help you ? Hello . I'm Ms Dawson from Lexington Software . I need to send these documents to Vietnam via L / C . No problem , I can do that for you right now . Have you checked the documents ? I have , but I have never done this before so would it be possible for you to double check them ? Of course , that's all part of the service . Thank you . I don't think there should be any problems , but just to be sure ... Don't worry ; I'm sure it will be fine . If I do have any queries I'll call you , OK ? That's fine . Thank you again . Okay Rebecca , well I think you ’ Ve given me a clear impression of your positive qualities , but let ’ s talk a little bit about your weaknesses . Okay , well it ’ s always more difficult to describe them isn ’ t it ? Definitely , but if you had to pinpoint one weakness what would it be ? Well as I mentioned before , I do tend to get frustrated if I don ’ t see progress in my work or career . I suppose I ’ m quite a restless character . My father always taught me to be a high achiever . So would you say if things don ’ t go your way at work it could easily get you down ? Well , in a way yes . But I must say that even if I ’ m not completely happy in my work I always give 110 % I would never shirk my responsibilities . I suppose sometimes I expect too much too soon . Well , you know journalism is a highly competitive world , so you do need to keep pushing yourself it ’ s true . Okay , well let ’ s move on to talk about the job position here , shall we ? Yes , please . Lisa , can I call Taiwan ? Are you homesick ? I miss my parents . Don't worry about the bill . Just call . Can you show me how to make an overseas call ? Of course . First dial the code 011 to get an international line . Then you dial Taiwan's country code That's 886 . Now you should know the rest . Don't forget to dial Taipei's city code . Do you have any vacancies ? Yes , we have a nice room on the sixth floor . How much is it ? 200 yuan a night . OK . Dose it include breakfast ? Yes . And could I have your name ? Kate Green . How long do you want to stay ? 5 days . And could you send a bellboy to pick up my luggage ? Sure . We'll be there in a few minutes . Could you keep my valuables ? We'd like to . You may call the attendant if you need any help . Thomas , could you do me a favor ? What's up ? Could you pick up Mrs . David from Ford Company at the Capital Airport ? Why don't you go ? I'm supposed to do it , but the general manager called me last night . He said he couldn ’ t come back to Beijing as scheduled , so he asked me to attend the meeting for him . I see . I'll do it for you . Thanks a lot . It ’ s very kind of you . Why did you choose Applied Sociology as your major ? I think Applied Sociology is a practical subject that can be widely applied to research on soci-ety and man . Hence , I chose it as my major . Have you taken the course in Public Relations when you are in college ? I am sorry to say I haven't , but I have taken many other courses that concerns the PR , such as Social Psychology , Public Affairs and Mass Communication . Reservation Center , Air China . Can I help you ? Yes . I'm coming to confirm my ticket . May I have your name , please ? My name is Zu Ping . In fact , I have a reservation on Flight No . 125 for Zhenjiang , leaving Beijing at 2:00 p . m . tomorrow . Now I'd like to make a change of my travel schedule . Is it possible to change my booking to the day after tomorrow ? Certainly . Do you have a seat available on the same flight the day after tomorrow ? Yes . You are reconfirmed on Flight No . 125 for Zhenjiang , leaving Beijing at 2:00 p . m . on January 15th . Thanks a lot . You are welcome . Excuse me . Do you know where I can find a pay phone ? There is one around the corner . Can I make an international call from that pay phone ? Yes , but you have to get a phone card first . Where can I get a phone card ? You can get one in the grocery store over there . Oh , I see it . Thank you . It's the Cygnet Trust . Could you spell that please ? Of course . C , Y , G , N , E , T . Cygnet . OK , I've got that . Gross ! What are you doing to yourself ? Chill ! I'm just curling my eyelashes . It looks like some kind of primitive form of torture . You're such a wimp ! You're afraid of an eyelash curler . Well , you might pinch your eyelid ! Or lose an eyeball ! It just makes my eyelashes curl upwards . What for ? Sandy . Do you have a minute ? Yes , John . I ’ m on my break . What ’ s going on ? Not much . I just wanted to see how you were . How ’ s married life treating you ? Great , except for my mother-in-law ! Sometimes I think I married her instead of my husband ! How about you ? Have you bought War Craft 2 yet ? Yeah ! I bought it the day it was released . How do you like it ? It's a great game . There are a lot of new characters . Did it cost very much It cost about thirty . Most games cost about that much . Mechwarrior is such a good game . The graphics are awesome ! Oh , I know what you mean . I'm addicted to that game . My roommate always wants to play it . But I told her to buy her own game . Yeah , my roommate likes to watch me play . He says it's like watching a movie . I've never seen such good graphics . And I've never heard such good sound in a game . We've got very good workshop facilities here . We do all our own servicing and most repairs . We have separate areas for welding , grinding and sawing . Is there anything you don't do in-house ? Yes . If we don't have the facilities to deal with it here , we send it out for maintenance . Is that more expensive ? It depends on the job . It's actually more cost-effective than buying specialist equipment that we don't use very often . Do you think it's time to sign the contract , Mr . Simpson ? I'd like to look it over before I sign it . OK , no problem . I hope there are no questions about the terms . I am fully satisfied with the terms of this contract . Shall we sign this contract now ? OK . Where do you want me to sign ? Just sign at the bottom . OK . ( Sign ) Once a contract is signed , it has legal effect . You're right . Thank you for your cooperation . It's my pleasure . What are you doing here ? How about your resume now ? I still have no idea what to do now . Don't act like this . Please have good thoughts in your mind . What's behind you ? I could not agree with you more . But I feel worried about what to do next as soon as I begin to write my resume . There is no need to do like this . We can surf the net and find some templates for resume . Sounds good . I will do it in a jiffy . OK ! Let's put our heads together . You said it . We can also find some helpful advice from some experts . Terrific ! Do you want to rent a car ? Yes , I want one with automatic transmission . I think that one fits you . Do you need insurance ? Full insurance , please . OK , by the way , fill the gas tank when you return the car . Nurse , I am sure to die soon . They just don't tell me the truth , I know . But I don't think so . No one has ever said a word that you are to die , only yourself . That means you are not willing to die , right ? Actually , you are recovering and what you imagine as your worry is slowing down the treatment . Many cases worse than yours turned out to be hopeful and successful . You must be confident . Your condition is much better physically , but a little bi difficult mentally . The most important thing for you now is cooperation with us . Is what you said really true ? Of course . I am a nurse and a nurse tells the truth . Thank you . Mmm . Nice and crunchy . And they leave a space uncovered for you to hold ... They're so much fun to eat . You can suck all the coating off first ... Or just stuff the whole thing in your mouth at once ! But that way you're not savoring it . Whatever . Give me another pack . Hey ! The movie hasn't even started and they're almost gone ! Good afternoon . I believe that this house is for sale . That's right . May I have a look at it please ? Yes , of course . Come in . How long have you lived here ? I have lived here for twenty years . Twenty years ! That's a long time . Yes , I have been here since 1976 . Then why do you want to sell it ? Because I have just retired . I want to buy a small house in the country . How much does this house cost ? 6850 pound . That's a lot of money ! It's worth every penny of it . Well , I like the house , but I can't decide yet . My wife must see it first . Women always have the last word . Did you working in a similar position before ? Yes . I have been with ABC Insurance Company for four years , and before that , I worked with the Pacific surveyor company as claim officer . Could you tell me the usual procedures to handle such a case ? Yes , on the shipper's side , when the cargos arrives , all relevant documents will be forwarded to the consignee.Among other things , this party has to check carefully the content of the packing list and weight list.When cargos are found to be damaged of short landed , this party has to call for a joint survey by representatives of the shipping company and the insurance agent.Based on the survey report , they will lodge a clam for compensation . If you act as our representative what would you do to safeguard our interest ? I think , first of all , I would ask the consignee to produce survey report on loading , if they can't produce that I would suggest them to refer the case to their shipper . Meanwhile , bad weather could be agood excuse to refuse the responsibility . Are you able to operate the telex ? Yes , I used to dispatch telex to shippers and the consignee to inform them of changes of our schedule and other information . Now can you tell me if you have a good command of both written and spoken English ? When I was college , I passed Band Six of College English Test.All the foreign business men I've dealt with say my English is quite good . If you are selected for the position , you must prepare to travel overseas frequently . No problem , I love it.Thank you for granting me the interview . Don't you think it's nice out ? Yes , I think so too . I think that it's going to rain . I hope that it does rain . You like the rain ? The sky looks so clean after it rains . I love it . I understand . Rain does make it smell cleaner . I love most how it is at night after it rains . How come ? You can see the stars so much more clearly after it rains . I would love for it to rain today . I would too . Hello , there . Welcome , and what can we assist you with ? Good morning . I have a Bill of Exchange against Bank Acceptance here . I'd like to discount it . Is that possible here ? Yes , we can do that . We require the original Trading Contract and also the VAT Invoice and the Commodity Delivery Documents . They all need to be in duplicate . Yes , I've got all that here . Do you have a copy of the ID card of the person who took care of the legal aspects of this ? The Legal Rep , I mean ? We also need the Loan Certificate as well . Do you have that ? A copy or the original ? I guess you need the original , right ? OK , I'll return shortly . What's wrong with you ? I have a sore throat and headache . Do you feel tired ? Yes , my whole body feels weak . And I really feel terrible . I'm sorry to hear that . I'll have to examine you . Ok , go ahead . Open your mouth and show me your tongue . Say ah ... You have a bad cold . So you must stay in bed for a week . What seems to be the problem ? Your secretary seems to think she is being harassed . What ? You've got to be kidding me ! I wish I were , but i am deadly serious . She said you invited her to dinner last week . Of course I did . As recognition for a job well done . Once a month I invite the most productive employee to dinner . Well , there is no problem there . But she seemed to think that you were angry when she refused , and that your motives are personal and not professional . I think she's misinterpreted my intentions . What happens now ? Our harassment policy requires that we have a meeting with the HR manager and Miss Brown . It's quite serious . You could be reprimanded , or even fired if we find evidence that you were pressuring I understand that . But I hope that we can get to the bottom fo this and show Miss Brown that she misunderstood my reaction . That's the purpose of the meeting . Sometimes a mediated conversation will straighten things out , and a little discussion and apology can calm the waters . Good morning . I ’ m looking for a one-bedroom apartment downtown . Certainly , sir . How much rent did you want to pay ? Well , I didn ’ t want to pay more than $ 520 a month . $ 520 a month ? We don ’ t often have apartments as inexpensive as that.We have one apartment for $ 599 a month , on Seventh Avenue . It ’ s near the station . Is it furnished ? No . it ’ s unfurnished . It has a kitchen , but no oven.There ’ s a garden in the back , but the tenants can ’ t use it.The landlord lives downstairs.Friends are forbidden in the apartment after midnight . No noise and no television after 11 No , thank you ! I want an apartment , not a prison . They must have got in through the kitchen window . If only we'd remember to close it . I am afraid your diamond bracelet has gone , darling ! I wish I'd put it in the bank . Look ! they've taken your fur coat too . I know , I am sorry I ever bought it . I noticed they've taken our radio and left the television . It's a pity they didn't take the tele . We need a new one . Anyway we can claim for all this from the insurance company . I wish we could , but we can't , you see , we are not insured . are you ready to go to the bank ? sure , what do you need to do there ? there ’ s problem with my bank statement . There ’ s a mistake on it . I also need to withdraw some money form the ATM . I have to exchange some money . that ’ s right . You ’ re going away next week . I also want to see if my salary has been paid into my bank account . There was a problem last week . I have to pay my credit bill too . If I don ’ t pay it soon , the credit card company will charge me interest . their interest rates are usually quite high . It ’ s a good idea to pay off your credit card debts before they attract interest . Taxi ! Taxi ! Where to , sir ? I ’ d like to go to the railway station please . Please hop in . Is it a long run to the station ? It ’ ll take about 20 minutes . The streets are heavy with traffic at this time of a day , are they ? Yes , they are . Is it the rush hour now ? Yes , it is . Are you in a hurry sir ? No , I ’ m not . Would you please drive slowly and carefully ? Yes , sir . You'd like coffee , wouldn't you ? I think I'd rather have tea this morning . What else are you going to have ? Just an English muffin . What are you going to have ? That sounds good . I'm going to order the same thing . Could you pass me the jacket with wide lapels ? you are . What do you think of it ? Very smart ! Is this Mr David Richton ? Yes . Hello , Mr David Richton , this is Min Wang calling from network , i am calling about the reporter position you advertised on the internet . Oh , yes , Mr Wang , i look at your resume you emailed , very impressive , are you a P . M . ~ meet someone like you , i was thinking of calling you this afternoon , and having a telephone interview . That is wonderful . This is the last of the milk . I know . I intent to go to the store today . Would you get some that new cereal we saw advertise on TV . Which one ? You know . The one with the silly art about how advisements have jump up and down . Oh , you mean kikois . Yeah , That ’ s the one . Well . I ’ ll see , sometimes the store don't have some one of new kinds of cereal . Come on in.Let me show you the house.Isn ' t it something ? Spacious , bright and clean.And the walls were newly painted.Have you ever seen such a nice house ? Not really . This is the kitchen.Every - thing's new . It's great ! Are you an outgoing person , or more reserved ? I wouldn't call myself outgoing . I used to be very shy when I was little , and it seems that I get a little more relaxed a-round people year after year , and have more fun in groups . Are you more of a follower or a leader ? I don't try to get in front of people and lead them , particularly . I'd rather cooperate with everybody else , and get the job done by working together . What basic principles do you apply to your life ? Not to put off till tomorrow what you can do today . I've found out that time and money get away very easily — you think you have them , and they're gone ! Putting things off just makes it worse later , so even if it's hard at the time , I try to get things done that day and not let them go . I need order in the court ! I am ready to make my plea . What do you plead ? I plead not guilty . All the evidence indicates that you are guilty . I realize that , but I am not guilty . Is that right ? I had nothing to do with the crime that was committed . Who is the guilty party ? I ’ ll tell you if you let me go . I ’ d be glad to make a deal with you . I am willing to tell you that information . this bloody computer ! what seems to be the problem ? my computer just crashed again for the third time today ! what were you doing when it crashed ? i was just opening up an attachment in an email about winning the lottery . I think that might have been a virus . oh , no ! I thought it seemed a bit strange . what kind of computer do you have , a Mac or a PC ? it's a PC . doesn't everyone have a PC in this office ? no , some people have Macs now , too . what's the difference ? PCs often crash from virus , but it's nearly impossible to get a virus from a Mac . I didn't know that . has your computer turned back on yet ? yes . did you end up losing any of your work ? fortunately , I saved my work right before it crashed , so it should be OK . you should probably call the IT department and have them check your computer for virus . that's a good idea . I'll call them now . Thanks for your help ! Hey Ted , I saw this ad in the paper . You should take a look . What is it ? It ’ s for a job . It looks perfect for you . Let ’ s see ... ' Wanted , manager for up-and-coming firm . Must have good organizational skills . Experience a plus . Please contact Betty Sue . ' Oh , I don ’ t know ... Come on , what have you got to lose ? What about my resume ? Here , I'll help you type one up . Thanks , Mary . You ’ re a real pal . I'll call now to set up an interview . How many people does your company employ ? We have over sixty employees . We have about forty factory workers and technical people and the rest are admin and sales staff . We started off with only ten people , so our workforce has grown a lot . What's your annual turnover ? It was just over two million euros last year . Can I help you sir , what do you need ? I need a packet of cigarettes please . Of course sir , no problem . Thanks . Oh , the food here really is bad . My soup was cold and meat , ur ... it was like leather . Yes . And they don ’ t give you very much either . I ’ m still hungry . I ’ m sure this one is especially bad . And the word is so unpleasant . Don ’ t do this ! Don ’ t do that ! You mustn ’ t do this ! You can ’ t do that ! Well , I ’ m going to write a letter of complaint . And we ’ ll all help you . Why did you buy that painting ? I think it's beautiful . I want to hang it in the living room . It looks like some kind of mistake . That's the beauty of it — the imperfection . Oh . Who is the artist ? Your daughter . She sold it at the school auction . Oh ! How about we hang it over here where everyone can see it ? I guess you see the value in it , too . Room service . Can I help you ? Yes , tomorrow is my friend's birthday.Could I arrange a birthday party for him through you ? Certainly . I want to order a large birthday cake , several kinds of cold dishes , pastries and fruits . Any drinks ? I've got whiskey and brandy but I need some beer and soda.That ' s all . I've heard that you provide very good service , so when I need a mover , I call you guys first . Thanks a lot for calling us . Could you tell me more about what you need us to do ? Oh , you see , we are on the 8th floor , and moving into the 6th floor in another building . It is about 15 kilometers to get there . OK , the cost depends on the floor to move to , the distance between two places and the amount of the furniture to move . How much will it cost in that case ? Oh , let me see . It fits the second standard rates . Have a look at the contract , please . Your charge is divided into two parts , the Payment in Advance and the rest . I thought that I should pay all of it before moving . No , firstly we sign the contract ; you pay 50 % of what it costs , and the rest when we finish moving . The damage and compensation item confuses me . Could you give some explanation ? OK . If any of the articles was damaged during moving , you may make a claim for compensation with our department . How about your present pay ? Basically I get 5,000 RIB every month . It is a well-paid job with satisfying working hours . What are your salary expectations ? I require 6,500 RIB per month as a start . This is my bottom line , the minimum salary I can accept . Help ! Help ! What's the trouble , ma'am ? I was taking a walk when a young man came at me from nowhere and snatched the bag off my hands and ran away . What did the young man look like ? Well , he's young , tall and thin . To which direction did he run ? Let me see ... my right arm ... oh , to the east . Good morning ! I am a rookie in our office . Good morning ! Welcome to our office ! Nice to meet you ! My name is Peter Smith . Nice to meet you too ! I am George Williams . This is my first day at work ! Well , hope you will enjoy your first day ! I am new to the work and I will appreciate your guidance ! I will try my best to assist you if you need any help . Thank you . It is very kind of you . You are welcome . Something wrong ? Yes . My car is having problems . What's wrong ? It won't start . Do you want me to take a look ? No , thank you . I think I can handle it . Well , if you change your mind , let me know . I will . Thanks . That's sweet of you . No problem . I might need some tools though . Do you know where I can get some ? Sure . I have all kinds of tools . Just ask . I ’ ll be happy to get them for you . Thanks . That would be very helpful . Anything for you . Seriously , I don ’ t mind helping . OK . If you really insist , I could always use the company . This sucks . I hate buying lingerie . Okay , just find something and get out of here . Alright , these are fine . Oh , no , don ’ t come over here , don ’ t come over here . You look a little lost , can I help you ? Um , I ’ m just having a look around . It ’ s my girlfriend ’ s birthday tomorrow . I'm trying to find her something . Well , you can ’ t give her granny panties . Have you thought about getting her some sleepwear ? We ’ Ve got these lovely , silky nighties . Or , how about a nice panty-and and-bra set . Look , here ’ s a nice satin push-up bra , and you can choose a few different styles of undies to go with it . Sure that ’ s fine . This is so awkward ... what ones do I pick ? What size is she ? Well , do you want a thong , some bikini briefs , maybe this nice pair of lacy boy shorts ? Just pick something and get the hell out of here . Um , I'll go with these two . This is mortifying . I just want to get this over with . She better thank me for this ... Here you are , sir . I ’ m sure she ’ ll enjoy them . Finally ! I ’ m sorry , sir . I ’ m going to have to take a look inside your bag . What is your case against the police ? They arrested me for nothing . What do you mean ? They weren ’ t supposed to arrest me . Didn ’ t they let you go ? They didn ’ t let me go until the next morning . So they kept you at the station ? They sure did . Did they tell you why they arrested you ? I matched the description of a robbery suspect . I understand . I want to take them to court . Is there anything I can do for you ? I want to have a two-day trip around the city . Would you please have a look at the table ? I think this one fits you . It's interesting . I think I will take the bus tour . By the way , what about the lodging ? We will lodge at the indigenes ' houses . It's interesting . I think it is easier to buy a car than to maintain it . What ’ s worse , I just don ’ t trust those vehicle maintenance shops . Sometimes , they overcharge or don ’ t build those parts I have been paying for . Last week , they even tried to persuade me to buy new parts which really need not to be changed . You know , my car is just half a year old and also good brand . I was just wondering about all these . There are such shops living on selling parts . I don ’ t like their service either . All they want is your money . But in the long run , they will be losing costumers . Anyway , car service business is new in China . We all have to control what they are doing . Otherwise , they will not improve . Is it possible to make a compliant call to some organization what it ’ s someone gets rip-off . Yes , there is . Those organizations exist . You always can call a lawyer if you need legal help . I would like to have a continental breakfast . OK , here you are . Well , could I have coffee instead of orange juice ? Of course , you can . Wait a moment . Welcome to Lincoln Bank . Which service do you require today ? I'm here to ask about a loan . We have many loans on offer . May I ask what the purpose of the loan is ? I got married not long ago and we are expecting our first child . I'd like to buy a car for the family . I see . What you need is one of our Petty Consumer Loans . Could you tell me what the requirements are for that , please ? Certainly . It's quite simple really . Do you hold a resident's permit ? Yes , I do . I was born and bred here . That's great . We'll also need details of your occupation . I have all of that with me . I've also banked here for a number of years . I want to open a saving account , sir . What's the proper procedure ? First , you fill out the application form and then we'll issue you a passbook . Is there any minimum for the first deposit ? No , Even a dollar is all right . Here's your passbook , sir , just sign your name on it . What is the annual interest rate ? It varies from time to time . At present it is 6 % . By the way , can I open a checking account too ? By all means . But you have to deposit enough money before you can write out your checks . I decided to give it a go ! Good for you . What items did you bid on ? A DENY shirt and one of Serena Williams ' used tennis rackets ! Your idol ! Wow ! You're even better at finding stuff than me ! Yep . I placed a bid for the shirt . The minimum was ten so I bet fifty ! That's not how this game works . Well , there was a sign that said “ Buy now for seventy . ” How many bids had been placed before you ? There are thousands of magazines published in the world to meet the needs of different readers . But only a few of them are influential world-wide . You have hit the point . It's really hard for a magazine to be well known to people of various ages and educational backgrounds . But I think Digest is supposed to be the top one . Its subscribers or buyers are from all social classes , perhaps , a majority of them from the educated group . It's quite strange that the readers love it after reading it . To my mind , the success of Digest is in the clever selection of its articles in each issue . Well , how was the interview ? Not too bad , I suppose . What did the woman ask you ? Oh , she asked me all sorts of questions . She asked if I smoked , and whether I played sports , she asked me where I went to school , and what subjects I took , and she asked me if I like to meeting people . Did she ask you any questions about your family ? Well , she asked me if my parents wanted me to be a steward . Did she tell you whether you would get the job ? No , but she told me to telephone her next week . Dad , where is the Book Building ? I'm looking . Can you still remember what the conductor said ? She said that when we get off the bus , the Book Building is right by the bus stop . But I don't see it . Oh , Dad , look at the sign , please ! Oh , my god ! We get off at the wrong stop . I'm so sorry , honey . OK , Dad , it happens . It's my fault . So what can we do now ? Walk ? Come on , I'm too tired ! OK , you promise don't tell your mother about it , we'll take a taxi . Sure , I promise . If you keep your promise , I will also let you watch Ultraman this evening . What can I do for you , Ma'am ? I want to buy a cell phone for my daughter . How old is she ? She is 17 . It's for her birthday . We have a new-fashioned cell phone especially designed for young girls . The brand name is Nokia . Thanks , but I want to have a look at the Motorola's products . Sure . This is the one I will not hesitate to recommend . Its color and style is so attractive and also the quality is really reliable . Sounds perfect . I'll take the pink one . Can you pack it for me ? Sure . By the way , here are some free adornments . Would you like one ? Why not ? The Sweetheart pendant matches the cell phone well . I'd take this one . Have a seat over there . I'll pack it up for you right away . Thanks . I don't make idle threats . I guess not . I hope you're not turning into a sissy on me , Dave . Look , I want to succeed just as much as you do . Well , maybe not quite that much . If we let Vince and Elvin continue to run things , invoking is going to fail . What are you trying to say ? I'm saying this ship needs a new captain . Are you with me , or aren't you ? Honey , can you set the table ? Um , sure . What are we having for dinner ? Do I need to put out anything in particular ? Well , make sure to put out the pepper and salt shakers . I don ’ t know if your brother is coming tonight so set an extra place mat just in case . Ok , should I use the fancy silverware ? Yeah go ahead , forks , spoons and knives . I roasted some meat so be sure to put out some steak knives as well . I ’ ll also set some cups and saucers for some coffee after dinner . Honey ? Have you seen our soup bowls ? They are in the cupboard where you keep the gravy boat and serving dishes . Just be careful because the wine glasses are also there . Oops ! Are you being served , sir ? I'd like to buy a tapestry to decorate my new room . Artistic tapestry is the highest expression form of the rug weaving art . How about these ones ? These are beautiful ! Is this the marvelous landscape in Guiling ? Yes , sir . How fine the needlework is ! What's the price ? Ninety dollars . It's too expensive . But considering the fine craftsmanship it is worth much more . You're right . Would you please show me some embroidery ? I also want to buy some embroidered tablecloths to match the tapestry . Please wait a minute , sir . Good morning . May I help you , sir ? Yes . I want to make a remittance to New Delhi . Do you want an international money order or a banker's draft ? I'd like a banker's draft please . It's not really urgent . Could you show me where the ice cream is located ? Just go to the end of the store . And it will be on your right . We have all the ice creams and frozen foods back there in the freezers . This is my first time here . Please notice all of our aisles are numbered and classified by signs on the ceiling . That might help you . I'm glad I asked you . So this is aisle 6 where I can find all the canned fruits and vegetables . That ’ s correct . Have you made a reservation , sir ? Yes , I reserved a table for six people . Your name , please ? Michael donsie . I see.We had a table reserved for you.This way , please . Good morning . I understand that you ’ Ve got a problem with your washing machine . I ’ m from the repair company . Excellent . Come in please . The washing machine is in the bathroom upstairs . It keeps breaking down . When did it first break down ? About ten days ago . I ’ Ve tried to use it since then . Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn ’ t . it ’ s very frustrating . Is it still under warranty . If it is and I can ’ t fix it , it would be quicker and easier to exchange it for a new one . Yes , it ’ s still under warranty . Over the last few weeks , it ’ s also been making a high-pitch noise when it ’ s in use . Ok . I ’ ll start by looking at the motor . I ’ ll just unplug it and take a look inside the machine ... oh , yes . There ’ s the problem . It ’ s quite simple . I ’ ll sort it out in a few minutes . What ’ s wrong with it ? Part of the motor is loose . I can put it back in place quite easily . That ’ s great . Thanks very much . Would you like a cup of tea or coffee ? Let me take care of the check today . Why ? It's unfair . How about going dutch ? You paid the last time , because I didn't have any money , remember ? Oh , come on , I almost forgot . Don't worry about it . I didn't mind picking up the tab last time . But you really should let me treat one time , I feel like I own you one if I didn't . Ok , but it's only for this time . What's the damage ? It's 12 dollars 80 cents all together . But don't forget the tip , it usually 15 % . Check , please . Do you think I should turn down his offer ? Yes , it's the correct thing to do . But we may not get another partner . Even so , we can't do business with him.he ' s not reliable . ABC Company , my name is Lucy . How can I help you ? Hello , Lucy , this is Monica . I ’ m calling for the accountant position . I saw the information about the vacancy on your company ’ s website . Is it still available ? Thank you for your interest . The position is still available . Have you already sent your CV to us ? No , not yet . First , I want to check about the availability and see if you could give more information . It is quite urgent for us to fill this position now and I would like to stress that English is a must because of the international contacts and most likely traveling abroad very soon . If all these is not problem for you , I recommend you to mention these in your cover letter and send it to me directly . The notification period of my current job is not that long and I ’ m quite profession to English and I am happy with the traveling abroad as I ’ m good dealing with the people from other cultures . It makes the whole job even more interesting . I will send my resume to you still this week . Please switch work shifts with me . I would if I could . Why can't you ? Because I have other obligations . Well , we've settled the question of price , quality and quantity . Now what about the terms of payment ? We only accept payment by irrevocable letter of credit payable against shipping documents . I see . Could you make an exception and accept D / A or D / P ? I'm afraid not . We insist on a letter of credit . To tell you the truth , a letter of credit would increase the cost of my import . When I open a letter of credit with a bank , I have to pay a deposit . That'll tie up my money and increase my cost . Consult your bank and see if they will reduce the required deposit to a minimum . Still , there will be bank charges in connection with the credit . It would help me greatly if you would accept D / A or D / P . You can draw on me just as if there were a letter of credit . It makes no great difference to you , but it does to me . Well , Mrs . Wang , you must be aware that an irrevocable letter of cred it gives the exporter the additional protection of the bank er's guarantee . We always require L / C for our exports . And the other way round , we pay by L / C for our imports . To meet you half way , what do you say if 50 % by L / C and the balance by D / P ? I'm very sorry , Mrs . Wang . But I'm afraid I can't promise you even that . As I've said , we require payment by L / C . Thank you very much for your invitation . It's a great honor to have you here , Mr.Brown . I'd like to say goodbye to you . I look forward to seeing you soon.Goodbye ! Do you have anything in particular that you would like our firm to take into account ? Yes , my house is far away from here . May I ask for an apartment ? No problem . We will offer you a room with one bedroom and a kitchen .. That's great . Thank you so much . what do you do when you see a homeless person on the streets begging for money ? I never really give them money because I don't want to contribute to their addictions . homeless youth can easily become involved with drugs and prostitution . Do you do anything to help them ? I usually ask them if they want some food and then give them something to eat . I figure that if they're homeless , they're probably hungry . that's a good idea . Do they usually accept the food ? almost always . However , sometimes they get mad at me for not giving them any cash . it's sad how more and more young people are sleeping on the streets in London now . the cost of living in London is just too high for most people . it's true . The economy is in a bit of mess at the moment . did you know that few people can pay the rent on minimum wage , let alone pay for food and other living costs ? there just isn't enough affordable housing to go around . If only the housing cost would drop , fewer people would be in financial trouble . added to that is the high unemployment rate right now . something's got to change---and it's got to happen soon . politicians like to ignore the problems of the working class . They like to focus on making life easier for the upper class . I can only hope that one day they will change . Have you been having any problems lately ? No , but the nurse at school says that I should have my blood pressure checked . Do you have a history of high blood pressure ? No , I have never been told that I have high blood pressure . High blood pressure is called the silent killer because it hardly ever has symptoms . How do you check for high blood pressure ? We are going to use this cuff here , and it will give me a reading . What do the numbers mean ? They tell me how much your heart is working at rest and when pumping blood . Good . That will help me know how I am doing . Can you tell me what bus to catch from Altadena to downtown LA ? You can catch the 486 . That bus goes all the way to LA ? I believe so . Is the bus ride long ? It only takes 45 minutes to an hour . That's all ? It's a pretty short trip . Is there always a lot of people on that bus ? It only gets crowded once it gets to LA . Oh okay , thank you . No problem . Steven , what are you thinking about ? Oh , you know , tomorrow is Vicky's birthday . I am thinking what gift to give her . That's easy . A girl at her age must like beautiful ornaments . How about a hair pin ? It's a bad idea . Vicky has short hair . Well , what about a brooch ? Only old women like that . Maybe you should ask her what she wants for her birthday . OK . That's what I can do . Hello . This is Soft , may I speak to Lamely ? This is Lamely . Hello , Lamley.Are you free tomorrow ? Yes . Would you like to go to an activation with me ? I'd like to.see you tomorrow . See you . Could I have my hair dyed ? Certainly , which color do you want to dye it ? I want the latest fashion , can you make some suggestions ? Right now , many girls are dyeing there hair blond . I don't think that was suit me very well , blond is kind of erratic . What do you think about pink ? Oh , no . I think it's better to be a natural chinese , with natural chinese hair.Have you got good brand of hair dye ? Yes , we have several brands , which one do you prefer ? I want the best one . First , you need a shampoo , it makes it easier for your hair to be dyed . Let's down your hair in the water , you hair will be fairly clean that way . After this dye job , it feels I look younger . You hair is definitely fresh and shiner looking . Could I speak to you for a minute ? What do you want to speak to me about ? I want to talk about this year ’ s election . Oh , you do ? I am volunteering for the campaign . What made you decide to volunteer ? I want to be a part of history . Good for you . Do you plan on voting ? I will be voting . You should try and make it early to your polling place . Thanks for letting me know . Hello , this is my claim tag . Can I get my baggage ? Let me see . En . Here is your baggage . Thank you . And where can I get a pushcart ? Walk ahead a little further . There are plenty of them . Since China was open to the outside world , its trade forms have become much more flexible . One of these commonly used forms is co-production . Would you please do a bit explanation of it , Mr . Walker ? Well , under this arrangement two parties cooperate to manufacture a product or a category of products , for example , machine tools for export . Each party produces and supplies a part of the components and parts ; one party is a Chinese enterprise , the other , an overseas firm . Most probably , the foreign counterpart contributes technology and equipment , and sometimes , parts and components , while the Chinese enterprises factory building , labor and other resources to the cooperative production . They join hands and fulfill orders together by an agreement or a contract . I suppose that the assembling of these components and parts , particularly the marketing of the finished products should take place in China . Not necessarily . It depends on the contract stipulations . They may be marketed in the foreign country where the other party is located , or even in a third country . I think the principle of co-production is to expand export trade . It's a reciprocal business , isn't it ? Yes , you are right . Either party is not well-equipped to produce the final products single-handedly , but they can enter into an agreement . In such case , each side contributes different resources to make the manufacture of a certain product or a category of products possible . What are your terms of payment ? Our terms are net 30 . What if we purchase an increased quantity ? Can you give us better terms ? You would have to order in excess of 10,000 units to be eligible . We do not have the space in our warehouse to store over 5,000 units . An option we can offer is two separate shipments.We will house the inventory until you are ready for us to ship it to you . Hi , I'd like to return this radio . All right . Do you have the receipt ? Here it is . May I ask why you're returning the radio ? It does not work very well . Would you like to exchange it ? No . I'd just like a refund . Certainly . This will take only a few seconds . May I help you ? This dress is beautiful . May I try it on ? I'm afraid you can't . What is the material of this dress ? It's 100 % cotton . That's good . Can you give me a reduction ? It's already reduced 20 % . Do you have any cheaper ones ? Yes . Please come this way . May I help you ? Yes , can I cash my traveler's check here ? Of course , we'd be happy to cash it for you . What's the cashing rate ? Well , it's listed on the electronic board on the left . We cash it at present traveler's check buying rate . Oh , I see . How much it the service charge ? The service charge is 1 % of the total amount of the check . Well , I'd like to cash these four checks for $ 100 each . Would you please countersign them here ? OK , there you are . And your passport please . Oh , I forgot to bring it . It is in my hotel room . Sorry , sir . We can't cash the checks for you without your passport . Well , thanks . I will come again this afternoon , then . Hi , I was wondering if you have my test results in . I didn ’ t see anything out of the ordinary , but I want you to log onto our website for a printout of all of the details . So , basically , I am OK ? If there were any major problems , I would always notify you by phone to come in . What will I learn when I see the results on the website ? A description of each test is given on the site . What will the numbers tell me ? The website will give you a normal range and then tell you what your results are . Are all of my test results on that site ? Your entire test history is on the site . You can compare your results from other years . Mr . Tang , we have decided to hire you . How much do you expect to get a month ? I'm making three thousand yuan a month at my present work . I should not , of course , make a change for less . Could you provide me with a monthly salary of four thousand yuan ? I don ’ t think we can give you that much as the starting salary . You know , Mr . Allen , Nowadays this starting salary is not high based on my skills and experience . Maybe , but there are many fringe benefits here . What are they ? Additional to medical benefits , we also offer a rent free house and the use of a car . But I have my own car and my own house . OK , 4000 yuan a month . Thank you very much . Not at all , it's reasonable . A table for two , please . All right . How about this one by the window ? Thank you . It's fine . May I take your order now , sir ? What do you recommend ? We'd like some of your local specialities . Our restaurant is famous for its seafood . One cream of fish soup and two portions of prawns . Shrimp salad is our speciality , took No , I think it's enough . What would you like to drink ? A juice and a coke . Daddy , what's next ? What else do we do now ? There is a man-made fishing pond nearby . So , What do you think of going fishing there ? Great . Let's go . Where is it ? Patience , boy . A watched pot never boils . We shall get out fishing stuff first and make some baits , too . We have many cookies left here . Can we use them as baits ? I don't think fish would like them . Instead , they love earth worms . So let's go and catch earth worms ! OK . I think that's enough for today . Let's go . Daddy , do you think we're gonna catch any fish today ? We've been fishing here for more than two hours , and we get nothing . That's because you're talking to me all the time . Be patient , or there will be no chance to have sashimi for dinner today . I love sashimi . Did mom bring any soy sauce for that ? I suppose she did . Be quiet . There is a fish on the hook . Here it is . Look , a big one . Cool . Hey , I've got an idea . Why don't we cook it separately ? Half for sashimi , and the other half for grill . Great idea . But the fact is we have no barbecue with us . Moreover , the sashimi will be great . So why do we bother to waste time on barbecuing the fish ? Well , all right . There is nothing to complain about . What a busy week ! Really ! I've never seen so much work . Right.How are you going to spend your weekend ? I don't know . I have no idea . Would you like to play some tennis with me before going home ? I'm not good at sports , I have never played tennis , and I know I would be terrible . You should try it.It ' s a great game . Come on , let me help you . I'm a good player , and a good teacher , too.What do you say ? OK , but don't say I didn't warn you . That was a pretty good shot , Mary . Thanks.This is fun ! Let me help you with your serve . No one has ever tried to show me how to play a sport before.Maybe I should learn to do something . Of course , you can.All you need is a little help and a lot of practice . Do you really think I can be a good player ? Well , maybe not a Michael Zhang , but better than the average . Person would you like to play again Wednesday ? Yes . This has been fun . Is there anything I can do for you ? Yes . I've received this Remittance Advice from the bank . Could I take a look at it , please ? Let me just check these details ... right . Mr CK Chen contacted me this morning and asked me to come in for the remittance . I've got the details here . 10,000 RIB sent by Mr CK Chen from Guangzhou . Could I see some ID ? You passport , for example ? Here you go . Can I deposit some into my account and take some in cash ? I need 1,000 RIB for my expenses , you see . That's no problem . Could you please sign here ? Here's the 1,000 RIB in cash , your passport back , and the remaining balance has been deposited in your account . I've never been to a restaurant like this before . It's really different , isn't it ? That's a good word to describe it . I hope you're hungry because the pizza here is huge as well as to die for . I am hungry . I think I could eat a large by myself . Well , let's order one for starters . I'm in the mood for a Californian . That happens to be my favorite . Waiter , I think we're ready to order . Are you ready to order now , sir ? Yes . Would you like an appetizer ? Yes . I'd like a crab cocktail . Would you like some soup first ? Very well . What kind of soup would you like ? I want egg soup . Have you decided on anything ? I'd like to have some meat . How about stewed-fried steamed pork ? No , thank you . Are you interested in today's special ? What is it ? Twice cooked spicy pork slices . OK . Let me try it . Anything else ? No , thank you excuse me ? How can I get to the nearest branch of the national bank ? there ’ s branch on new street . Walk up this street until you get to the first set of traffic lights . Then turn right at the traffic lights . how far up the street are the traffic lights ? not far . About 150 meters perhaps . ok . So I turn right at the traffic lights . Then ? then keep walking until you reach the war memorial . It ’ s a big statue of a soldier . You can ’ t miss it . ok . Where do I go then ? you ’ ll see the national bank near the war memorial . It ’ s a big building and you ’ ll see a big sign on the front of the building . got it . Thank you very much . Want to join me for a midnight snack ? I need to grab something to eat . Fine with me , but no more chafing dish . Let's go the food stall . There's a good one just around the corner . I'd love to try some snacks . ( Later ) Everything looks tempting . What do you want to have ? Kebabs and roast squid . Can I have a bite ? Help yourself . Supper ! May's birthday is coming . Shall we buy her a birthday present or let her choose one for herself ? I think a surprise party may be better . But I forget when her birthday is . You are such a good father . It's next Sunday . Sorry . What shall we get for her ? What about a cell phone ? She is old enough to have one . Good idea . Shall we search on line to find an appropriate one or go to a phone store ? Maybe we can try shopping on line . Sure . Okay , here is the website . I'm sure that May would love the pink one . Probably . People's consumptive habit is changing rapidly because of the internet . Totally . Computers bring with them convenience.Oh , what's wrong ? The computer went frozen . Oh , it's such a pain . We'd better go to a store later . I need to open an account . Do you know what kind you want to open ? I want a checking account . Do you know what the minimum balance is ? What is that ? You need to keep it at $ 100 . That ’ s it ? That ’ s the least amount you can have . What ’ ll happen if I don ’ t maintain that ? We will fine you . How much will I be fined ? You will be fined $ 25 . Hello , I am Richard from the Brooks Head-hunter company . Can I have a private talk with you ? Er ? I am driving right now . Can you call back in 30 minutes ? Sure . Hi , Monica , Richard again . Have you ever heard about our company ? It is an international one with good reputation . We have a lot of successful cases . If you ’ re trying advance your career , I would love to help you . XYZ Company is one of our clients . They ’ re in need of the talent like you . Would you be interested in taking part in an interview ? It is scheduled some time within this week . Thank you for calling . I really appreciate your kindness . But right now , I ’ m very busy preparing for an interview of another company . I don ’ t think I am available for this opportunity . Ok , I see . Good luck to you . You have my number . Call me when you change your mind . I can send you more detailed information about company and jobs you might be interested in if you give me your private e-mail address . Well , I will text to you . Thank you , bye for now . You ’ re welcome . Bye . Shut up ... Billy ... BILLY ! What ! Wow ! What's that ? It's my new radio earphone . It's so small that I didn't notice it . What were you screaming at me for ? Do you have shoes here ? Yes . What do you want to buy ? I want to buy a pair of shoes for an interview . What size do you wear ? My feet is size 37 . Excuse me , do you have any English songs ? Yes , we do . They are all in this book . Great , thanks . No problem . Just give us a few minutes more to pull them up , though . We don ’ t get that many English singers ! Oh , I see . What do you think this flat ? It's not really all that good.The bedroom is a little small for us . Small ? But it should be enough for our needs , I think . But there's no hot water after 10 at night.Sometimes I like to have a hot shower before bed , especially in the winter , it feels good . That's true , but I love the living room , it's huge and filled with sunshine . True , and I like the kitchen.It ' s new and well equipped . It has a great balcony with an incredible view of the park . You are right.The view is spectacular.But that bedroom is so small.We ' d never be able to fit all of our stuff in there . May be we could get some new furniture , better stuff . I haven't thought of that . Well , that was an interesting documentary ! For sure ! I didn ’ t really understand some of the technical jargon they used in the film when they talked about social security in the US . Like what ? Well , they mentioned how people put away money in something called a 401K ? Yeah , I know it sounds weird , but a 401k is a type of retirement plan that allows employees to save and invest for their own retirement . Through a 401K , you can authorize your employer to deduct a certain amount of money from your paycheck and invest it in the plan . Everyone tries to contribute as much as possible so that when you retire , you can rest peacefully on your nest egg . That ’ s interesting and logical I guess . In my country , we also have to contribute to a government-run retirement fund , but most people don ’ t really trust it so they just invest in properties or things like that . That seems a bit unstable don ’ t you think ? Yeah , but corrupt governments in the past have created distrust among banks and financial institutions , so now people prefer to have money hidden in a jar or a piggy bank . I ’ Ve been thinking of doing that lately ! I don ’ t want some banker to run off with my money ! I don't think we come here at a right time . What's wrong ? The museum doesn't open today . What a pity ! Where shall we go now ? Why not have a visit to the zoo ? Wait a moment , I would like to take some snapshots here . Is that OK ? It's so beautiful here . I want to stay longer . Well , I think we'd better go now . We have to follow the guide . That's all right . What experience do you have with office machinery ? I know how to use the telex machine , the photocopier , and the word processor . By the way , I took a computer course in university . Where do you want to be in five years ? I want to be a manager . Very good . Any questions ? Nothing . I think I'll take the job . I really like what you have . But the price for this product is much higher than we expected . I am absolutely not a buyer at that price . I know it is not the cheapest on the market . But if you take the quality factor into consideration , you will find your company will benefit in the long term . This device is built in with the most advanced technology . Every aspect has reached the international standard . It is a worthwhile investment . I understand that . If you can lower the price by 10 percent , we have a deal right now . Well , the best I can do is to lower the price by 5 percent if you are willing to pay 90 % cash of front and 10 % on delivery . That is our best offer . Err , well , I can ’ t decide right now . Do you mind if I have a small internal discussion on this first ? I will tell you our decision this afternoon . Sure , no problem . I need some more amenities , please . I'm not sure I'm following you , sir . Specifically , I'm talking about the little things , like soap and shampoo . Oh , now I understand ! So , you've already used up all your amenities ? No , I'm not even halfway through my supply . I'm losing you , sir . What's the problem ? What's the use of going to a hotel if you don't take home souvenirs ? Okay , I got it . You're collecting souvenirs ! There you go . My friends expect me to bring home souvenirs . Have you visited our souvenir shop , sir ? It's loaded with all kinds of items . I've never paid for a hotel souvenir in my life , and I don't intend to start now . Sir , housekeeping will bring you a basketful of amenities momentarily . Oh , what a pleasant surprise ! Don't you remember me ? Mr.Black , if I'm not mistaken . Right ! Glad to see you here . Pleased to see you.too . Why don't we get ourselves a new car ? The old one's falling apart . What a good idea ! What kind shall we get ? We could go to more places this time , if you liked . Yes , fine . When shall we go and look ? Why not sometime next week ? No , let's go on Saturday . OK . Where shall we go ? There's a car dealer down the road.How about going there ? No , I don't like that place.Why don't we try the garage Martin recommended ? Fine , We'll do that . Are you ready to order , sir ? What's the special here ? We have steamed chicken , braised pork and Beijing roast duck and so on . Here's the menu . What would you like to have ? Well , let's try some braised pork , sweet and sour fish and some fried beans . Would you like anything to drink ? Just some soft drinks and only a bottle of beer . All right . Wait for a moment , please . Hello . Overseas operator . May I help you ? Yes . I'd like to make a collect call to Japan . Your name , please ? It's Helen Kent . Who would you like to talk to ? I'd like to talk to Mr . Edna Kent . Is that Mr . Edna Kent ? That's right . What number are you calling from , please ? From code 513 , 432-6748 . And the number in Japan , please ? Country code is 81 , area code 138 , and the number is 846-8972 . Hold the line , please . I'll put your call through . How long would you stay , sir ? Two nights . Would you please fill in this registration form ? I've finished . Okay , I ’ ll take it . By the way , do you have delivery service ? You don ’ t need to carry the furniture home because we have delivery service . Do you charge for delivery ? Wo will deliver the goods to you for free . Very good . Could you deliver it to this address ? Sure . Please write down your name and your phone number . OK . Can you tell me the delivery time ? No later than tomorrow . Thanks . Hello , is that Mr . Li ? Yes , speaking . What can I do for you ? I am calling to check your information before the interview . What position did you apply ? I am applying for the waiter in your pub . Excuse me . Could you slow down a little ? I couldn't catch you . Sure . I will try my best to slow down . I need help in ordering my office supplies . You can print out a copy of the Order Supply Form from our company web site and turn in into me . What will you be needing ? I need ink cartridges , staples , and Post-its . Will you need all of them right away or can some wait ? Some of these can wait but there are a few things that I need right away . You can only buy supplies that you have a budget for . Do you know what your budget is ? We have plenty of money for office supplies . You can pick these supplies up or they can be delivered to your building . Which would you prefer ? I want to pick them up . Well , just finish the request and we will contact you when the supplies come in . Have a good day ! You too ! Will I get notification that I qualify for unemployment ? The Employment Development Office will send you a Notice of Unemployment Insurance Award letter . What is contained in that letter ? In addition to telling you how much you will receive , the beginning and ending dates of your claim will be included . Will the Award Letter tell me what I need to fill out next ? You will receive a Continued Claim Form and every two weeks , you must turn it in . When I fill out the Continued Claim Form , what will I need to tell them ? You must show where and when you tried to look for work . If you earned any money , you need to tell them about it . What other information does the form ask for ? You have to tell them if you were too sick to work on any of the days that you should have been looking for work . Do you know Yahoo Greetings , Edgar ? Sure . It's a popular e-card website . Can you tell me how to send one on it ? Okay . Did you get the Yahoo ID ? ID ? What's that ? I mean , you must register first before you send a card . Oh . I see . But I have done it . Ok . Choose the card which you like best , and fill in the following blanks with both your and your friend's names and e-mail addresses . Is that all ? Don't forget to send . Oh . I see . Thanks . Can I help you ? I'm looking for a Sharp DVD Player . Sure . Any particular model ? Yes . The DS102 series . Oh , I'm afraid we've sold out of those . They were really popular . Will you be getting more in . Yes . But not for about 2 weeks . Good evening , sir . What can I do for you ? Good evening . Would you please offer a table far from the entrance for us ? Yes , of course . This way , please . Let me get the keys and we ’ ll go to look at it . Okay . It ’ s the one you like . Wow ! It ’ s really good for me , especially the living room . It is big enough to put all my stuff there . It ’ s a deal ! I ’ ll rent this one . Okay . Now we need you to fill a form with your personal information . We need information like social insurance number ( Social security number in the US ) , your address , phone number , etc . We also need a security deposit of $ 200 . And you have to pay two months ’ rent in advance for renting the first time . If there ’ s nothing damaged , we ’ ll give you back one month ’ s rent when you move out . You ’ ll be responsible for all the utilities . Do you want to sign a lease today ? Sure ! Oh , one more thing I forgot . You must let us know two months in advance if you want to stop renting within the contract . Otherwise , you can ’ t get your deposit back . Okay . Thank you for your reminder . You ’ re welcome . Be sure to get the keys one day before you move in . Thank you again . Excuse me , do you have A tale of Two Cities ? I'd like a copy of it . Who is the author ? Charles Dickens . Sorry , we ' re sold out right now.Please come back next week . Ok , Thanks . Can you go to the store for me ? Sure , I can go to the store for you . What do you need ? Just a couple things , here's a list . Is there anything else that you want me to pick up ? No , I think that's all that I need . Is there any other place you would like me to go to for you ? If you can , could you pick up my prescription for me ? Sure , no problem . Is your prescription ready ? I think so . It should be . Okay , I'll pick it up for you . Thank you so much . You're welcome . So are you going to get a new swimsuit ? Yeah , I think I'll get this one-piece . Why don't you get a bikini ? I'm too fat for a bikini . You aren't fat . I'll bet you'd look great in a bikini . How about this thong bikini ? I'll wear that if you'll wear these Speedos . I guess that one-piece isn't too bad , either . ( to be continued ) Mr . Blake ? Mr . Foster ’ s on the phone . He ’ d like to know if you can send over those training manuals ? Oh , tell him I ’ ll leave them at his office tomorrow afternoon . He was hoping that you could drop them off this afternoon . I ’ m afraid that I can ’ t do that . They ’ re at the printer ’ s being copied . They ’ ll be back tomorrow before 1 o ’ clock . Hello . Can I speak to Kevin , please ? This is Kevin . My name is Joan Harris . I ’ m calling from St . Johns Hospital . Are you still interested in a job as a service technician ? Yes . I have good news for you.You ’ Ve got an interview . Can you come to the Human Resources Office on Thursday at 9 30 am ? wow ! That ’ s great . Sure , I can . Where is the Human Resources Office ? 345 Stony Creek Avenue . Thank you very much . I ’ ll be there on time . Excellent . I ’ ll see you on Thursday at 9 30 . What do you expect to be doing five years from now ? What are your medium-term career goals ? I would like to be in a managerial role , ideally working do6ely with external clients . I have worked in client-facing roles for more than two years and I enjoy the challenge of keeping the customer satisfied . I think Ifs something I ’ m good at . Finally , I ’ d like to be on the right career path towards eventually becoming a senior manger within the company . I ’ m very aware that these are ambitious goals , however I fell through hard work and dedication they achievable . This is a precious opportunity for us and our company . You are right . We ’ re hoping that this is a long-term opportunity , and just a flash in the pan . What are you eating ? Rice . Why ? Because it's supposed to be good for you . I'd like to start by talking about prices . I'd be glad to answer any questions you may have . Your products are very good , but the price you ask is much too high . If you consider our high research costs and excellent quality , the price we are asking is only reasonable . I know , but we want 1000 pieces . This is a very large order . So , can you give us a 25 percent discount ? Do you like that vintage clock ? It's almost fifty years old . Really ? It almost looks brand new . And the color designs are so retro . Well , in the fifties , that clock used to be inside a drive-in burger joint . No way ! My parents used to hang out at those places . This is one of my favorite items . How did you get it ? Hi , I was wondering how I'd go about getting a credit card . Certainly , Sir . You do have a Current Account with us right ? Oh , no , I'm afraid I don't . Is that necessary ? Yes , Sir . In order to get a credit card with us , you'll need to open a Current Account here . Could you please fill out this form with your relevant details ? That's done . Do you need to see any credentials ? Yes , a passport will be fine . I don't have my passport on me at the moment . I'll just pop back to my office and pick it up . That's fine , Sir . We'll see you again a little later . What did you do at the office today ? I had a really busy day . I had to work a little overtime . In the morning an important client called to place a large order . I had to check some things with my colleagues before confirming the order . What kind of things did you need to check ? The most important thing was to check that we had the goods in stock . If the goods are in stock , we can deliver them immediately . I also had to check the price . This customer is very important , so they get special prices . I see . Did anything else happen ? I received a lot of emails from potential clients that I had to answer . Each time , I had to check files to see what we had agreed at earlier meetings . Each client has different conditions and requirements . It must be difficult to remember the details for each individual client . Yes . That ’ s why we have everything on computer files . We don ’ t use much paper at our office . After lunch , I had to deal with a complaint from a client . I hate dealing with complaints . Was it a legitimate complaint ? Yes , it was . I managed to sort out the problem , but I was tied up with the matter for over an hour . You certainly had a busy day . That ’ s not all ! I also had to finish writing a sales report for my boss . In the end , I finished everything . I wonder what will be waiting for me tomorrow morning . Can I help you ? Yes , I'd like to have a look at the 2 - piece suit . What size do you wear ? Middle size Then please look at this suit . Does this suit come in other color ? Yes , we have some in blue , green , black and brown . How much is the brown one ? US $ 138 . Then I'll take it . Tom , we are in the restaurant now ! May I take your order ? I'd like to see the menu , please . OK , here you are . Thanks . I am starving . Tom , what are you getting ? I have no idea . First time here . Let me see ... What's this , shrimp rolls ? Oh , it's rice rolls with fried shrimp inside . Twenty five yuan is a little expensive . There are twenty rolls in a bowl . You can get another bowl for free if there aren't enough rolls . Sounds nice . We will take this , two bowls of shrimp rolls . OK , shrimp rolls . Do you want anything else ? We will have this one first and order something else later . OK , wait a moment please . You know , I'm a pretty laid-back person . I don't like to have lots of arguments or worry about lots of things . For example , I like to keep the apartment clean too , but if it gets a little dirty once in a while , that's not a big deal . I totally agree . I really like my lifestyle to be drama-free , and I don't want to argue about cleaning the apartment . My last roommate was a drama queen . Every time I forgot to take my shoes off , she got really mad and made a big deal out of it . Yeah , I really don't want a lot of drama in the apartment . It's important that we don't get on each other's nerves . That's right . We should try to be laid back and not do lots of things to bother one another . What post have you held before ? I have been a salesman . How many places have you worked altogether ? Would you make me a dust coat out of this serge ? Sure.Let me measure for you . What's the charge ? $ 200 . The delivery time is 2 weeks . OK.thank you . Hello , this is Lucy from ABC Company . Is this Monica ? Yes , it is . I am calling to inform you that we have arranged an interview for this accountant position at 2 PM this Thursday afternoon . Please come on time . Ok , thank you . By the way , could you please tell me how I can get there from A community ? Oh , you can take the subway , get off at B stop and walk north for several minutes . You will find a building . It will take about 40 minutes in total . I got it . Thank you so much . You ’ re welcome . Excuse me , sir.You are not supposed to smoke here . I beg your pardon ? Your seat is in the non-smoking section.So , please refrain from smoking . Oh , I see.Since I'm a heavy smoker , may I change my seat ? Then , I'll try to find a seat in the smoking section.One moment , please . Thank you for waiting . I found a seat in the smoking section for you . Oh , did you ? Thanks a lot . Hi , sorry to have kept you waiting . That's all right . How are you ? Fine , and you ? Hello , Sir , may I help you ? Yes . I would like some information for requesting a loan . Very well , here are the general terms of our loan policies . We pride ourselves in having the lowest interest rate in the country for personal loans . I see . So let me get this straight . If I borrow let ’ s say , ten thousand dollars , how much will I have to pay each month ? It depends on how long you take to pay it back . If we lend you ten thousand dollars at an annual interest rate of ten percent for forty eight months , you would have to pay each month a portion of the loan which is called the principal and another small portion of the annual interest rate . This of course is considering that you don ’ t default on a payment ! It sounds good but , there is just one problem . I have a terrible credit score . That is a very serious problem you see , the bank must assess your personal information , past loans , assets and any other relevant information such as your credit score in order to approve your loan . You know what ? I don ’ t really need the money . Thanks anyways ! You have got a problem , haven't you ? Yes . I am getting fat . What should I do ? Eat less and exercise more . Do not eat too much sweet food . Good morning , can I help you ? We'd like to buy some furniture for our new house . Here are several sets of furniture , including sofa , dressing table , wardrobe , and sideboard . How about this one ? We like a larger wardrobe . What do you think ? It looks great . I would like to purchase it . Will this be cash or charge ? Here , take my credit card . Just sign here , please . Sure . Here you go . Here's your receipt . Have a nice day . Steven , what's your idea of price ? The best we can do is $ 120 per case . I'm afraid that's impossible . You can't expect us to reduce it to that extent . I think you are well informed about the prevailing market.Some Spanish firms are offering the same at much lower prices . Price can't be separated from quality . A comparison of the quality of our products with that of rival goods will show you that ours is far superior . It's true yours are of better quality . But your price is still on the high side even if we take quality into consideration . How about meeting each other half way ? Well , I'll have to think about it and get back to you in about 30 minutes . Take your time , please . Why are you quitting ? I've had enough . Excuse me , would you mind taking a picture for us ? Of course not . Just tell me how to operate it . It's simple . Just press the button , like this . I know . Hold your position and say cheese . Thank you . What's that ? These drawings on the wall are process sheets . Oh . They describe how each process goes on to the next . Grandpa , this restaurant looks really old ! How long ago was it built ? I'm not sure when it started . But I know it's older than me . As a young boy , I used to eat here a lot . Oh , it's interesting . Dad told me you brought him here when he was young , too . Now , it's my turn . Yeah . We are the VIP customers here . So , what do you want to eat today ? I'd like to eat a hamburger and a bottle of coca-cola . Hey , kid , that's wrong . It's a Chinese restaurant . Let's eat something traditional . Then there is nothing particular I'd like to eat . Grandpa , what's your favorite here ? The Chinese rice pudding . Your father loves it , too . You wanna try ? Sure . Is it sweet ? Yes , of course . But I think they can make you a salty one , too . Great , I want it spicy . Come on . Don's go too far . I want it to be special . And you know that I always like hot food . OK then . We shall ask them to put some red chilli on it . Is the girl in red your girlfriend ? No , she isn't . My girlfriend hates red . Who's she then ? A classmate of mine . I'm looking for the produce section , please . All of the produce is in aisle A . Are bananas on sale today ? Here you go . Look in this flyer , or check with the produce person . Here ' s my passport . I'm a visiting scholar . Do you have anything to declare ? No , these are all my personal effects . What's in the bag ? Would you mind opening the bag ? Not at all . I don't know what's dutiable.Do I have to pay duty on things for my own use ? No.You don't have to pay duty on personal belongings . Thank you . Did you listen to the weather forecast ? No.Why ? There ’ s a typhoon coming . No way ! Yep , it should be here by tomorrow night . May I speak to Mrs . Liu , please ? This is Liu Fang speaking . Oh , good morning , Mrs . Liu . I'm calling to see if you have received my resume that I sent to you by Email . May I have your name , please ? My name is Steven . May I ask whether I can have an interview ? Of course . In my opinion , you are the strongest candidate for the job . When is it most convenient for me to visit you to talk about the position ? I want to set up an interview for you at 9 a . m . next Monday in our company's conference room . Thank you very much . See you then . Good morning , may I help you ? Hello , I want to remit one thousand Yuan to Magnolia Company . Please fill out this form , please . OK ... Do I put on Magnolia Company for the receiver ? Yes . You must put on its name and full address . OK , I see . Here you are . Is that OK now ? Let me check . Yes . Your one thousand remittance , please . Here you are . What is the rate ? This rate is one percent . That will be 10 Yuan . OK , when will this remittance arrive ? Generally it will arrive within a week . That's good . Is there anything else ? No . That's all . You have to take good care of this copy of this transfer order . Thanks , I will . have you bought a present for jim ’ s birthday yet ? no , I haven ’ t . I can ’ t think of anything to get him . I ’ m having the same problem . I want to get something really special . Jim always seem to know exactly what to get people as gifts . I know . He bought me that beautiful sweater for my birthday . It was exactly what I wanted . And it fit me perfectly ! he bought me an iron . that doesn ’ t sound like a great present . maybe not , but my iron was getting old . In fact , it stopped working the week after jim bought me the new one . It ’ s as if he knew that my old iron would soon stop working ! let ’ s think . He loves football , doesn ’ t he ? I saw signed photographs of famous footballers in a shop near hear . Let ’ s go and have a look . You know which team he supports , don ’ t you ? yes , I do . Let ’ s go . We should be able to find something suitable . We should get him something old ... something historic . it ’ ll be an expensive present , but we can share the cost . I ’ ll be happy to get him something special , even if it coasts a little extra . yes . He always get us special gift . We should repay his kindness . I want to buy some meat . What kind would you like ? I want one pound of ground beef . That's going to be about $ 2.48 . That will be fine . What else can I get for you ? Let me also have three pounds of chicken breasts . That's going to be $ 4.05 a pound . Can you tell me the total cost of the chicken breasts ? That will be $ 12.15 . That's all I'm going to get today . That's fine . Let me get your meat . Oh , dear . My weight has gone up again . I'm not surprised . You eat too much . And I suppose sitting at a desk all day at the office doesn't help . Yes , I think so . I do wish I could lose weight Well , why don't you go on a diet ? I've tried diets before but they've never worked . Perhaps you should exercise more . Why don't you go to an exercise class ? Yes , maybe I should . What is your policy on returns ? If you bring them back with your receipt within seven days , you'll get a full refund . Also , if you need alterations to the pants , just bring them in and we'll do them for free . Sounds good . That'll be $ 70 , please . Will you be paying by cash or charge ? Charge . Here's my card . Okay , sir , here you are . Thank you very much . Thank you . We have reservations for two at your restaurant tonight . Yes , What can I do for you , sir ? I'm calling to see if I can request a specific table . I can try to arrange that for you . I proposed to my wife in your restaurant and I would like the same table if I can . Can you describe for me , where you were sitting ? It was a little table by the bay windows overlooking the wharf . You're in luck . We still have that little table . OK , so this is our newest machine . It was only installed last year . What's the running speed of the machine ? About 1,500 metres per minute . It's one of the fastest in the world . We had a few problems with it after start-up but it's running very well now . And what's the maximum output ? If we're running at full capacity , it's 160,000 tonnes per annum . This is 911 . Send an ambulance fast ! My husband is having a heart attack ! Slow down and tell me your address . I live on 1177 Oak lane in Smithfield . Oh , hurry , I don't know what to do ! An ambulance is on its way right now . They should be there any minute . Are you close to him right now ? yes , yes , he's right here by me . Is he breathing ? Yes , he's breathing , but he's not conscious ! Oh , please hurry ! what kind of qualities do you look for in your friends ? I like people who are open and friendly . Those people are usually more active and fun to be with . I like spending time with my friends . We go to bars together or play sports together . I don ’ t like to make friends with people who aren ’ t honest . Honesty is very important to me . I think it ’ s important to most people . The problem is that you can usually only find out if someone is honest by getting to know them . you can find out from their friends . if you know any of their friends . You can ’ t rely on your friends to introduce people to you all the time . You have to go out and make the first move sometimes . I also like funny people . oh , I don ’ t . they don ’ t seem to take anything seriously . You never know when they are joking and when they are being serious . sometimes it can be hard to tell , but if you know the person fairly well , you can usually see from their expression what they are really thinking . it seems that we generally like different kinds of people . How is it that we are such good friends ? maybe people don ’ t like to have friends that are all the same . Most people like a little variety in their lives-including a variety of characteristics in their friends . Excuse me , what do you want for this bag ? Let me see . That one goes for $ 17 . Would you take $ 12 ? No , I can ’ t give it to you , let you have it for 12 . How about 14 ? 13.50 ? Sorry , $ 14 is the lowest I can go . I need to get some business cards printed up . Do you know how many you need ? I think I can get by with 2,000 . We can get started as soon as you fill out this form . I hope you can make the new cards just like my old cards . You won't be able to tell the difference with a magnifying glass . ... Okay , I'm through . Here's the form and my old card . Very good . You can pick up your order in one week . Now that I think of it , three days is better than seven . We can do that , but you'll have to pay a little extra . I'm so hungry ! I haven't late eaten all day ! Take your mind off it . Look , Crys.This magazine is on China's top ten beauties ! They're all so thin ! Her cheekbones are great . She doesn't have an ounce of fat on her face . The mag says she's 165 centimeters tall and 38 kilos . If only we could be that thin then ... Not even drinking milk for one month would get us like that . Oh , bathroom blues . Look at this girl's gray dress . I went to try it on yesterday , but it only came in extra small . Last time I wore extra small was when I was in fifth grade . ( Weigh herself ) Hey , I lost a kilo in a week with my all-fruit diet . If I keep going , I can wear that dress next month . So why are you dieting this time anyway ? Another guy ? Dieting . It's the price we pay to make men notice us . The girls in this magazine are so slender . They're also way younger than us . True.You know , I First started dieting when I was ten . You never worked out ? Oh , no . Too much work . I hate to sweat . It's so gross . Excuse me . Could you give me some directions ? What are you looking for ? A gas station . My car ran out of gas two blocks back . Walk straight ahead until you come to the second traffic light . Then turn right . Do you know the name of the street ? I can't remember , but it's the second light . By the way , do you know the price of the gas now ? I'm afraid I don't . But I do know the price has gone up . Thanks a lot . I'm looking for a gift for my daughter . How about a laptop ? Yes , she needs something to help her at school . How about a Mac ? That sounds good . How much is one ? Our newest 15 - inch Pro is only $ 2,100 . Only $ 2,100 ? Okay , let me have one . That's great . Will that be cash , check , or credit card ? Let me dig my VISA out of my purse . Okay , if you'll just sign here , please . Do I need to buy anything else ? All she has to do is open the box and follow the instructions . Thank you so much . Thank you . If you have any problems , just call . What can I do for you ? I want to get a package of cigarette . Have you a taste for this kind ? No , this kind of cigarette is too strong for me , I desire a mild one . What about this ? It suits my taste , I'll take it . Do you have lighters ? I have a lot of them . Show me the one made of plastic . OK , here you are . Thank you . Brian , a company called me for an interview . That's great ! You need to prepare for it . How ? Get your hair done at a good hair saloon . Tell them you are going for a job interview . Okay . Buy an expensive suit . How expensive ? The more expensive , the better . I can ’ t afford too expensive , maybe $ 50 to $ 70 ? That'll do it . The best way is to find the dressing color code of the company . How ? If you know somebody at the company , ask them . If not , dark color will be fine . Is a white blouse okay ? Yeah , fine . And dressing shoes . Black ? Black is good . White pantyhose ? No . Dark or skin colored . Jewelry ? Necklace , ring , and earrings are all fine . But don ’ t wear too many pieces of jewelry . How about make up ? Not much make up . Perfume ? Yes , some . But be aware that different people may like different scents . Hi , Monica , congratulations ! Your presentation at the meeting was very successful and everyone was impressed by your speech . And it was so persuasive and I bet our clients will be convinced to invest their money in this project . You really made a big contribution to our company . Thank you , I just tried my best . I am very happy to know you like it . You must have been prepared for a long time . Some statistics in this presentation are not easy to find , right ? Well , yes . Several colleagues from different departments helped me with that . They are very supportive . I consulted an economic expert last week . He was very kind to give valuable suggestions . Now , the effort pays off . You have accomplished something . Come on , don ’ t flatter me anymore . I took the job because I love being challenged . But I can ’ t get this turned around without the support from you people . Hello . I'm answering the ad in the paper about your car.And I wonder if it is still available ? Yes , it's still available . Good.Can you give me some information about it ... uh .. mileage and the tires and things like that ? Well , it has got low mileage.The tires are in perfect condition and it's in excellent shape . I would like to have this laundry done . Please fill out the form first . OK . By the way , I would like to have this sweater washed by hand in cold water . It might shrink otherwise . By hand in cold water . Got it . Where can I enjoy the best local food ? Well ! You like sea food ? Yes , I do . Then I'd like to suggest you try Anchor Inn on Seaside Drive . Is it very far from here ? No , you can walk from here . Good morning . Welcome to Time After Time Watches . I'd like to buy a watch . Well , you've come to the right place . What kind of watch are you looking for ? Well , I'm not sure . Let's see . How much is this one ? Hmm ... This Rolex ? $ 1,000 . Oh . I don't think I can afford that . How about this one ? This one is $ 500 . Wow . That's too much for me . Don't you have anything cheaper ? Did you enjoy your weekend at the highland hotel ? I heard it ’ s and excellent place to stay and has good facilities . I had a wonderful time . The rooms are not very big , but they are well furnished . The restaurant is excellent and reasonably priced . There ’ s a sauna and a Jacuzzi . Do they have a swimming pool ? No , they don ’ t . they have a beauty parlor , but I didn ’ t go there . What ’ s the service like ? It ’ s very good . Check in and check out at the reception only took a few minutes . The wait staff is very good . A waiter recommended their baked fish , which tasted wonderful . The hotel was quite full , so I ’ d suggest making a reservation if you intend to go there . The hotel offers a discount at the weekends . It sounds perfect . Did you have any complaints at all ? There was a problem with the internet access , so I couldn ’ t check my email , but I didn ’ t complain about it to the management . I suppose you were happy to forget about the outside world . Yes , I was . Here ’ s their business card . Thanks . Was there a mina bar in the room ? No , there wasn ’ t . There is a bar on the ground floor and of course you can buy drinks in the restaurant to go with your meal . One of the things I dislike about hotels is that everyone expects tips . I know . At the inland hotel , they have an interesting policy . When you check out , you put some money in a special box at reception . Each evening , the money in the box is shared equally by the hotel staff . My mother bought me a new video game . What's it like ? Well , the hero is a Super Warrior . He has to fight the bad guys to find the treasure . Who are the bad guys ? There are a lot ! Two really bad ones are Giant Monster and Human Spider . Wow ! Where's the treasure ? It's in a dungeon , under a castle . How do you find it ? It's not easy to find . Anyway , you can come to my home after school today and try . Great ! Good evening , sir . What's your pleasure this evening ? Your usual ? Yes . I'm going to stay with the same , a beer . Certainly , a beer . Here you are , sir . Oh , darn . Look what I've done . ( Spill the drink ) Don't worry . I'll make you another on the house . Have you ever gotten a parking ticket ? I've gotten a few . How many is a few ? I've gotten about six . Have you paid all your tickets off ? Yes , I've paid all of them off . How much is the fine ? It's like $ 130 each ticket . That's not cheap at all . I got a parking ticket the other day . Pay it off , and they'll clear your record . I'm going to do that as soon as possible . Do you like shopping at flea markets ? l love it . There is always something fascinating to discover . The antiques market here in Paris is very famous . It's called Le marche aux puces de Saint-Ouen . That's not very easy to say . It's also known as Les Puces , which means ‘ The Fleas ' . Can you find many bargains there ? Well , it really depends . Because you are a tourist , it might be harder for you to get really good prices . Would you like a piece of birthday cake ? No , thanks , I'll pass . It looks very tempting though . I thought strawberry cake with cream cheese frosting was your favorite ? It is . I'm on a diet and strawberry cream cheese cake is not on it . A diet ? What for ? You are in great shape . I went to the doctor the other day . My cholesterol is up . Oooo . This sounds serious . Not too serious . But he gave me a strict diet to help bring it down . This is Mary . I just want to let you know that we made an offer to you . The salary is 3,000 yuan a month , I e-mailed the offer to you as well . You can let me know within a week if you accept the offer . Thank you . I'll go through it and tell you . We hope you get on board with us , Please let me know as soon as possible . I will . Thank you for all . I'm here to conduct the annual census of foreigners living in Beijing . This is my service ID card . OK.What do you want to know ? We only need to verify your information against our records . OK . Please show me your passport and Residence Permit . Here you are . How long have you been living here ? Two years . May I know your occupation ? I'm a professor at a university . Is that right ? Which university , if you don't mind my asking ? I teach at Beijing Normal University , English composition and some conversational classes . Everything appears to be in order . Thank you for your time . Good afternoon . What can I do for you today , Madam ? It's a little sensitive , actually . I need to get hold of some money , and quickly . OK , Madam . We are here to help . I already have some Time Deposits with you , but unfortunately , they haven't matured yet . I really don't want to cash those just yet . I understand completely . There are other options , such as a Personal Pledge Loan . I've not heard of that , could you tell me more , please ? The procedure is really simple and convenient . All you need to do is fill in this Loan Application form . Right ... anything else ? Of course , we'll need some documentation from you . Like your resident permit , proof of salary and your USD Deposit Certificate , to use as collateral . And then I just sign here ? You're right ! It certainly is simple and extremely convenient . Have you got any specific proposal about the terms of payment ? I wonder if we can make payment for this order by documentary collection . I'm sorry to say the only term of payment we can accept is 100 % irrevocable letter of credit payable against shipping documents . But our order this time is very large . To open an L / C for such a large amount at a bank is costly . Can you be a bit more flexible and bend the rule a little ? I'm afraid not . We insist on a letter of credit , because as seller , we also have the problem of funds being tied up . To be frank , a letter of credit would increase the cost of my import . When I open a letter of credit with a bank , I have to pay a deposit . That will tie up my money and add to my cost . Consult your bank and see if they will reduce the required deposit to a minimum . What kind of personality do you think you have ? I am quite active and energetic . I approach things enthusiastically and I don't like leaving things half done . Do you think you are introverted or extroverted ? I am quite outgoing , I think . I enjoy mixing and doing things with others . What do you think is the most important thing for you to be happy ? I maintain that the most important thing is having good friends . A person can't live alt by himself , I think . A friend in need is a friend indeed . So the more really close friends I have , the better . What kind of people do you like to work with ? People who are honest , dedicate to their work and have integrity . What kind of people do you find difficult to work with ? Slacker and those who violate working procedures and ignoring deadlines . Plaza Hotel , good morning . Leo speaking . Ah yes , I'd like to book two rooms for myself and my father . Could you tell me the cost of a single room per night ? Certainly . A single room is 120 dollars American , per night . Fine . And when would you like the rooms ? From the 25th to the 28tri of September . Arriving the 25th of September and leaving on the 28th ? Three nights ? That's right . Just a minute please . Yes , we have rooms available then . You require two single rooms ? Yes , thank you . Can l have your name please ? My name is Mona White . And your father's name , Ms White ? Jack Webber . Could you spell the surname please ? Sure . W-E-double B-E-R . Double P for Papa ? No , double B for Bravo Could you please cover for me two hours this morning ? Sure . Any specific reason I should know about in case people ask where you are . I have to see the dentist . We have an appointment for this morning from 9 to 11 o ’ clock . So if there is any phone call , please pick up for me . If there is something urgent , tell them I will be back in two hours . No problem . Good luck . Yes , I will need it . Thanks . How may I help you ? I ’ m having a problem . What is it ? I apparently owe some fees , but I never got the bank statement . I do apologize for that . My fees went up , but I didn ’ t even know I had fees to pay . I see your problem . What are you going to do about it ? I will cancel the fees you owe . I don ’ t have to pay any fees ? You ’ ll only have to pay the initial fee . That ’ s fine . I appreciate your help . I fired Mr . Li today . That's terrible . Do I have to deposit my handbag at the checkroom ? No , you do not have to . The handbag can be taken with you . There is the cart at the entrance . Thank you . I'd tike to buy some milk powder for my baby . Is there anything that you can recommend for me ? Well , how old is your baby ? No more than three . The milk powder on the second level of the shelf is for the kids from 2 ages to 4 ages . I advice that you should buy the Wyeth brand , the source of milk is imported from New Zealand . How about its quality ? You can be assured of it . There are various nutritions which are beneficial for the growth of babies ' bone and cerebrum . OK , what is this ? It is feeding-bottle as the free gift . It is thoughtful . I will take it . You know that this job requires frequent business travel . Can you accept it ? Yes , I can . Mostly short business trips , but sometimes long ones are also needed . Then how about the expenses during the trips ? The company will pay all the expenses . Would you tell me where we often travel ? Usually Shanghai , Qingdao , Hong Kong and so on . It's great ! I like these places . And you need to go abroad once in a while . Can you ? Yes , I can . After the business trip , you could apply for reimbursement of all the expenses , such as passage money and accommodation charges and so on . I see . You can take a break for one or two weeks after you have a business trip every time , which depends on the circumstances . OK . Thank you very much for telling me all these things . We have a holiday next week , don't we ? Yes , on Monday . What're you going to do ? I'm probably going to spend the day looking at cars . At cars ! You aren't thinking about buying a car , are you ? Yes , I am . I'd like to be able to get around a little more . But it will be expensive to have a car in the city , won't it ? Oh , I don't know . Of course , gasoline costs a lot these days . But what about parking ? You can't park on the street , can you ? A lot of people do . I'll try it for a while anyway , but I certainly don't want to pay a lot of parking tickets . Farmington ? Would you take a look at these catalogue ads that Roger did ? I don ’ t think we can use them . Hmm . I see what you mean . Have you spoken with Roger ? He usually does better work than this . I know , Mr . Farmington . But , I ’ m not sure that I should bring this up with him . I think it would be better if you spoke to him . All right . Leave these ads with me . I ’ ll speak to him this morning . Is there anything I can dor you ? Yes . I am looking for a restaurant with a cheerful atmosphere . Why not go the youth restaurant ? You will have a happy lunch there . Well , thanks for your help . I need to get internet . Which kind of internet connection do you want to get ? What kind can I get ? There is dial-up or DEL . Which one do you feel is best ? I would get DEL if I were you . DEL is better than dial-up ? It's the best choice ; plus , it won't tie up your phone line . I'm not sure what that means . Dial-up is connected through your phone , unlike DEL . That'll make it impossible for me to use . Exactly . With DEL you don't have that problem . How many people are traveling with you today , miss ? Just me . I'm traveling alone . And how many bags do you have ? Just one carry-on and one that I want to check . You must be going to some island to relax in the sun where all you need is a swim suit and a toothbrush . That's right . Well , you have fun . I will have fun . Thank God , it's Friday ! Time for a drink ! Let's hit the bars ! OK . I don't mind going bar hopping with an expert like you . Should we start with beer or wine or go straight to the hard liquor ? I think I'll have a glass of wine . Let's see ... they have red wine , white wine and port . They even have sangria ! It's the happy hour special . Port's too sweet . It's a dessert wine . A dry red French wine would be nice with meat . A glass of chilled white German wine would be good with fish . But , we're not eating and it's hot out , so I think I'll have a tall glass of sangria with ice . Good choice ! But , what's your favorite kind of hard liquor ? I like to stick to the clean stuff , like vodka , gin , white rum and other clear spirits . Do you know how the national flag of Canada looks like ? I don't know . There is a maple leaf on the flag . What is the great trait in your personality ? I suppose my strong point is that I like developing new things and ideas . So you may like inventive jobs . Yes , I like inventive jobs and I am capable and responsible . What would you be doing in U . S . A ? Most of the time I'll be on a tour , enjoying the beautiful scenery there . What do you want to see particularly ? I'll go to the Yellow Stone Park , and Great Canyon . I'd like to have these shirts washed and ironed . Ok , do you want us to use starch ? Yes , heavy starch in the collar , please . Yes , sir . Your shirts will be ready by Thursday morning . Anything else ? I also have a suit to be dry-cleaned . Can I fetch it the day after tomorrow ? It's urgent . No problem , sir . Could you please tell me when your laundry opens and closes ? We remain open from 9am till 8p m . I see . Here is your laundry ticket , sir . Thank you . I'd like to get my laundry . Yes , sir . May I have your laundry ticket , please ? Here you are . Yes , they are ready to go . Can you sew on these buttons ? No problem . How much for the shirts ? 10 dollars . Here is the money , keep the change . Thank you , bye . Who's the champion in this picture ? Let me show you , the one with curly hair . He's very handsome , I think . are you ready for the meeting ? yes , come on in . how's your new job going ? it's challenging , but I'm enjoying it quite a bit . that's great . I knew you'd do a good job as a manager . thanks a lot . how's your assistant manager getting on ? well , that's part of the problem . His probation period is up tomorrow and I don't think he's ready to pass . what seems to be the problem ? well , he was supposed to be able to learn his job in 30 days , but he just doesn't seem to know what he's doing . if you gave him another 30 days , do you think he could figure it out by then ? to be honest , he has no authority . He's a hard-worker , but no one listens to him . I see . Not everyone is cut out to work in management . I know . It'd be great if we could transfer him to a department where he doesn't have to work with people . there's an opening in the creative design department . It involves working with computers . that's perfect . I'll let him know tomorrow . Thanks ! Waiter , bring me the menu , will you ? Just a moment , I'm coming.Now , what would you like ? I'd like to see the menu.Would you get me one , please ? Yes , certainly.Here you are . Thank you.Ah ! But this is in French.Would you mind giving me the English menu ? It's written in English too , in smaller print.There . Thanks . I'll need a while to choose.Could you come back in a minute ? Right.Now , what are you having ? I'm sorry , I haven't decided yet.Do you mind giving me a couple of minutes ? All right , but would you be so kind as to make up your mind soon ? We're very busy just now as you can see , sir . Lucy , where are you going ? I want to go to the supermarket . Wait a few minutes and I'll go there with you . Let's get a shopping cart . Good idea What are you going to buy ? Let's check out the fruit section first . OK . I'd like some oranges . But they don't look quite ripe yet . Look , nice fresh cherries ! They are ripe and soft . I'll take some . I'll take some , too . Let's go to the snacks section . I want some chocolate and sweets . OK . I'll go and buy some cakes . Do you want to buy something else ? No . Let's go over to the check-out stand . Please take a seat . Thanks . Now what can I do for you ? Well , I'm looking for a job . Fine , but first I need some information about you . What kind of information do you want ? Well , first of all , your name.What ' s your surname ? Wilson . And your other names ? Steven Michael . Have you got your e-mail address ? Yes , It's . How old are you ? Twenty-one . Where were you Bron ? In California . Room service.What can I do for you ? Excuse me . Can you tell me where l can buy a notebook and a pen ? I need them badly . Here is a shop in the hotel . It's on the 11th floor . That's quite convenient.Well , would you please buy me some ? I am so busy.My room number is 304 . Certainly . Excuse me . How much for one are these ? Un .. Those are 25 dollars each . OK . Say I was to buy four , could I get a discount ? Well , I could offer you maybe 10 percent off . Oh , I was hoping to get one free . Like four for 75 dollars . This one I'd better chat with the manager . Could you give me a second ? Good afternoon madam . What can I do for you ? Hi . I want to check out . My room is 1005 . OK . Please hold on a minute . So you checked in on Monday and stayed 3 nights in single room 1005 . Is that right ? Yes . Can I have a look at my bill ? OK . Here you are . If there are no questions , could we have your signature in the blank below ? OK . I would like to have my receipt report , please . Here it is . We are pleased to serve you here and we look forward to seeing you again . Wish you have a good day . Your resume mentioned that you had been the surveyor , which was a concurrent job , of a certain market survey company . What was your main work content ? My main duties include designing survey sheets , transferring them to the dispatchers , making telephone covering on blurred information and processing the data and doing the primary analysis . What had you gained mainly from this survey activity ? First , it was how to design survey sheets according to the subjects , because we had to prevent the questions from being too influential and we must make sure that every question was balanced and equitable . Secondly , it was how to get information through telephone covering in the fastest and most effectively way , because the person doing the survey usually doesn ’ t have the patience to wait for long feedback . So the way we put up questions must be clear and direct and only by this means can we get accurate data . Well , we've settled everything in connection with this transaction except the question of the mode of payment . Because this order is a comparatively big one , we would like to pay by time L / C , say , 60 days L / C . Payment by sight L / C is quite usual in international trade , and as a rule , we only accept payment by sight L / C . But we have only moderate mean at hand . If you can do us a special favor this time and allow us to delay payment , we'd really appreciate it . Accepting time L / C is unusual and I've never done it before , but we could consider your request . I'll phone our company to see what they say . Thank you for your consideration . When will you let me know your answer ? This afternoon . May I help you ? Yes , I'd like to buy these razors . Okay , that'll be $ 6.85 with tax . Excuse me , are you Sara Wilson ? Yes , I am . You must be Tom . Nice to meet you . Nice to meet you too . Let me help you with your bags . Be careful , Tom . Those are pretty heavy . Wow , you're not kidding . Hold on a second . Hello , could you give us a hand , please ? Good afternoon . I suppose you are Ms . Monica . My name is Mr . Thomas , the general manager of ABC Company . Here is my business card . Thank you very much . I am very impressed by your resume . Therefore , I am very interested to know why you ’ re willing to leave your current company . I am looking for a more challenging position . I can ’ t grow anymore in my current job . Ok , I understand . But why you choose us to work for ? I have studied carefully the information about your company on the internet and I have checked your company ’ s homepage . I am impressed by the company . And I like the products a lot . Since you ’ re growing steadily , I would be very eager to help you to improve your accounting system . How do you work with a team ? I work quite well with a team . I ’ m a good team player . I respect people , cooperate well with member ’ s team . And I will do my best to help team members . What ’ s your long term goal ? I ’ d like to bring to ABC Company not only my technical skills , ambition , enthusiasm , but also my loyalty . A sincere desire to become an administrative assistant is the heart of my career plans . Do you want to buy a sweater ? Yes . Which one is the latest ? The cowl-neck pullovers are new in . It sells like hot cakes . It's my style . Will it be resistance to balling ? Of course . The brand is Bird and it's famous for its quality . Do you take reservations ? Of course . Reservations aren't necessary , but we recommend them as our restaurant can get quite busy . I need a table for two for tonight . What time ? We'd like to be seated at 8p m . Smoking or non ? Non-smoking . What name is the reservation under ? My name is Paul . Ok . Please arrive at seven forty-five . We can only hold the table until 8,15 . I have a complaint to make . I've just been badly treated by a rude maid . Well , we are sorry to hear that.May I have your name and room number ? We will deal with the matter right now . 2012 . Mr . Ted , I have to apologize for that and I assure you it won't happy again . Hello , sir . Can I help you ? Yes . I want to apply for a job you posted on the Internet yesterday . What ’ s the job title ? Service Technician . How can I apply for this position ? You need to fill out an Application Form . Where is it ? It is on the desk over there . Be sure to fill out everything . Don ’ t leave any blank spaces . When you ’ re done bring the application to me . Okay . Thanks . Study hard , otherwise you'll fail . Yes , Mum . Don't render me lip-service , you'd better stay at home tonight . But it's Sunday , isn't it ? Hello , may I speak with the property manager , please ? Hello , this is the property manager . How may I help you ? During that horrible rainstorm last night , my roof began to leak . What room was the leak in ? It was in our bedroom . Are you on the top floor , or is there another apartment above you ? We are on the top floor . I will be sending someone out as soon as I can get hold of the roofer . Will you be home this morning ? Yes , we will be in . Fine . If you do end up going somewhere , we can just use our pass key . Your total comes to $ 36.78 . Put it on my VISA . There ’ s a problem with your card . What ’ s wrong with it ? I believe it was declined . You ’ re kidding me ! Do you have another card I could try ? I only have one card . Do you have cash , perhaps ? I don ’ t have any cash on me . You ’ re not going to be able to take these items today . I ’ ll be back tomorrow . May I take your order now , sir ? Yes , please . I'd like to start with a chef ’ s salad . Chef ’ s salad for starter . And what would you like to have for the main course ? I'll have steak . How would you like your steak done ? Medium . And what would you like to go with your steak ? Peas and carrots . Potatoes ? Boiled . Thank you . What seems to be the problem ? My stomach hurts , Doctor . Has this been a problem before ? Yes . For how long ? I have had it on and off for the past three years . It's just gotten much worse these past two weeks . Do you only feel this way when you stomach is empty ? After I've eaten , it goes away for a while . Do you feel nauseous ? Yes , occasionally . Do you have regular bowel movements ? I think so . Let me take a look at your abdomen . Lie down on your back and bend your knees up . OK . relax ... Alright , it seems like you have a duodenal ulcer , but we'll have to run some tests before I can be certain . You should get a good rest first and try not to strain your stomach too much . Is it serious ? Not too serious , but it'll take you some time to recover , so you'll need to be patient . I need to pay the fine on my ticket . Do you have the ticket with you ? Yes , I have my ticket with me . Let me see your ID . I forgot to bring that with me . You need it to pay your fine . Why can't I just give you the money for the fine ? Because , I need to see a photo ID in order to verify who you are . Okay , I think I understand . All right , come back and bring your ID . So once I pay this off , my record will be cleared ? Once you pay it , your record will be cleared . Switchboard . Which extension would you like ? Extension 1616 , please . I'm afraid the line is busy at the moment . Just hold on , please . Then , will you try extension 235 ? Certainty , sir . Laura , what are you going to do today ? I'm going shopping . What time are you leaving ? I'm going to leave around 4 O'clock . Will you buy a ham sandwich for me at the store ? OK . Do you have enough money ? I'm not sure . How much do you have ? 25 dollars . Do you think that's enough ? That's not very much . I think it's OK . I also have two credit cards . Let me give you another ten dollars . Thanks . See you later . Bye . Is there anything I can do for you ? Yes , I'd like to buy a color TV . We carry products from three large manufacturers and some imported ones , too . Do you have a specific model in mind ? No . Which one do you recommend ? This one from Sony gives a very sharp picture . Thank you , but I'd prefer to buy a China-made set . Which brand do you prefer ? Sky worth . OK . Come with me , please . Dodge Automobiles , may I help you ? Is this Susan ? No , I'm the operator . Oh well , do you know if the Susan Li is available ? One moment and I'll check . Can I help you ? Yes.When is the next train to New York City ? Let me see ... the train to New York City ... here it is ... daily except Sunday at ten thirty , twelve twenty and fifteen ten . Aren't there any trains before ten thirty ? Sorry , not before ten thirty . Then one to New York at ten thirty . One way or round trip ? One way . A soft seat or hard one ? How much is a soft ? 15 dollars.And for a hard one , only 6 dollars . Then one hard seat , please . OK.Here is your change.The train leaves on platform 8 . Honey , could you help me operate the VD player ? It can't play . Oh , are the connections correct ? I think so . Let me see . Look ! You confused the video frequency with the audio frequency . I'm too careless . Can it work now ? No . So what's the problem ? Maybe there is something wrong with the disk . It's a new disk . Give it to me . Here you are . Uh , the movie of Tom Hanks . I know why it can't play . This is a DVD disk . What did you buy at the market ? I bought some special local products . You seem to have bought the whole market ! Yes . I really wanted to do so . I love those handicrafts , especially the paper-cut . Paper-cuts are all hand-made . Let me see the paper-cuts you bought . They are all animals . Aren't animals the main content of Chinese paper-cuts ? All right . Animals , especially Chinese zodiac , are the most common theme in paper-cuts . But there are other themes . Then I will buy some tomorrow . Why do you want to buy so much ? Because I want to send them to my friends . I see . Hello , Sir . We haven't seen you for quite a while . So , what is it today that we can do for you ? I need a Deposit Certificate to handle some stuff in land . I see , yes , I can do that now . I'm sure you know , as I may have told you before , you should pay an extra 20 RIB handling fee for this service . Yes , I recalled you charging that before . And I thought it was extortionate ! Haha ! I can just take it from your account , you don't need to give me cash . OK ... so it'll come out of my account ? Well , that makes it much easier . Anything else you'll be needing today , Sir ? Nope . That's everything , thanks . Have you finished washing clothes ? I've finished my white clothes . I need to wash the rest . Well , when you do your darks , can you wash some of mine too ? I can do that . Is there a special way you want them washed ? They need to be washed on the gentle cycle . Do you have a lot of clothes that need to be washed ? There aren't many clothes , is your load big ? My load isn't that big . If it's a problem , you don't have to do it for me . I can do this for you . Don't worry . I greatly appreciate this . Don't mention it . Hello , Mr . Kramer . Could you spare a minute ? That ’ s about all I can spare , Karen . What do you need ? I need to talk to you about that new secretary you ’ Ve hired . I think I ’ m going to have some problems working with her . She seems to be quite qualified . If it ’ s a personal problem , I ’ d prefer it if you would work it out between yourselves . How much will it amount to ? Wait a minute . It's $ 80.5 . Do you receive traveler's checks ? Sorry , sir . We accept cash only . You may not remember me.My name is Joe Brown . Yes , of course . I'm Jimmy White . Nice to see you again . Same here . What color is your new dress ? It is green . Come upstairs and see it . Thanks you . Look ! Here it is ! That ’ s a nice dress . It ’ s very smart . My hat ’ s new , too . What color is it ? It ’ s the same color . It ’ s green , too . That ’ s a lovely hat . Good morning , Mr . Smith . Good morning , Jamie . What time is it now ? It is 9 o'clock now . I see . What is today's schedule ? You have two meetings today . One is at 10 am , and the other is at 2 pm . After the meeting , you will have dinner with Mr . Brown at the Chinese restaurant in Sister Hotel . OK . Can you prepare things for the meeting in the meeting room ? Make enough copies of the handouts . No problem . Do you need the OHP ? Yes . I am going to show them some slides in the meeting . Can you call Mr . Brown to remind him of the dinner this evening ? OK . Do you want to ask the receptionist to wait for our customers at the receptionist counter before the meeting ? That would be great ! You are really a good employee . What ? Your golden watch is lost ? Yeah . I just can't find it anywhere . It's an open book that it was stolen by the man in black . Let's get it back . Here we are , Ryan ! This is where we're going to celebrate ! lt's a TV palace ! I'm glad I brought my platinum card . You won't need it . Tom is going to treat everybody ! Where is Tom ? It was his idea to have the bachelor party at a ETV , wasn't it ? If it were up to Tom , we'd have the wedding in the ETV ? He loves to sing . Then I bet he's really good ! Well , uh , I'll let you decided that for you yourself . He'll be here a little later . Here's our room . This is where we sing ? These booths are so comfortable I think could fall asleep ! Let's order something to eat . What are you in the mood for ? It's up to you . OK . How about some spring rolls and squid balls , some pork skins , and some beer ! What else can I do for you today ? Well , I've been browsing online , but I ’ m not really sure what to do about payment . I would like to know what the most convenient way to do it is . We'll have our own Secure Internet Banking Service . What it is , is a sort of online financial service for enterprises and individuals , so you could get it . It's for doing all types of e-business . That does sound interesting . How can I get this service ? Easy as pie ! We can get everything set up for you right away . Then , you'll be shopping securely online in no time at all . Can I help you , sir ? You have so many antiques and Chinese paintings here . May I have a look first ? Of course . Are they genuine ? Some are genuine . But all our reproductions are clearly marked and priced . Excuse me , when is the next train to Los Angeles ? 10:15 a . m . Can I get the ticket here ? Sorry . You have to buy your ticket at the next counter . Thank you . Are you the loan officer of this bank ? I certainly am . What can I do for you ? I was wondering if I could ask you some questions about a loan I want to make . Sure . By all means please do . Please take a seat . Thank you . See , I ’ m planning to buy a car here and I ’ m planning to use my time deposit here as the collateral . Here I raise a question for you . Just imagine we will have a foreign guest from Japan . Can you tell me how I ought to be to the most comfortable and polite ? Firstly , we can provide our meeting agenda before he comes . And then on the day when he is coming , we wait for him at the gate of our company's gate . Well , that's right . How about on a formal occasion ? What should I say to show my gratitude ? It's an honor and a privilege to receive a visit from such a distinguished group . And then , what should we do next when you meet the guests ? Maybe we should send them to the reserved hotel for a short break , meanwhile we can also raise a question on what they want to have and know . That sounds good , Fred ! Mrs . Montgomery ? I ’ Ve been trying to figure out when we should have the New Year ’ s party . Could you take a book at these dates ? Sure . The twenty-ninth is out . I ’ ll be out of the office all day at a seminar . Either the twenty-eighth or the thirtieth is fine . Well , why don ’ t we make it the thirtieth ? We can set it up from three to five . That way , everybody can just go home afterwards . Sounds good to me . You make up the invitations , I ’ Ve got run . I ’ Ve got a meeting in five minutes . May I help you ? Yes , I would like to return these slacks . Alright . Do you have your receipt ? Yes . Here it is . I bought them last week . And why are you returning them ? I bought them to go with a blouse of mine . But they don't really match . I see . Oh , wait . Ma'am , I'm sorry . These slacks were on sale . Yes , they were thirty percent off . I'm sorry , but we don't allow returns on sale items . I know many stores have that policy . But I have returned sale items here before . I'm sorry , but we usually don't do it . It is our policy . I just bought these slacks a week ago . And I am a regular customer here . Can you make an exception this time ? Well . Let me talk to the manager for a moment . Madam , the manager says can do it this time . Good . I'm a regular customer here . I am glad you can make an exception for me . Please show me your receipt again . Here it is . I will have to give you store credit , Madam . If you can find something else you like in the store , you can use the credit . Store credit is okay with me . I'm sure I will find something I like . I shop here a lot . We appreciate your business , Madam . Good morning , my name is Martin . You've applied for the Laboratory Assistant's position , right ? Yes . When I saw the advertisement I thought it would really suit me . Can you tell me why you replied to our advertisement ? I think that I'll be really good at this kind of work . In fact I learn so fast that I'll be looking for promotion very shortly . Do you know exactly what you would be doing as a Laboratory Assistant ? A laboratory assistant helps to maintain scientific equipment , keep a check on the supplies in the store , and prepare the chemicals for experiments . What sort of student do you regard yourself as ? Did you enjoy studying while you were at school ? I suppose I'm a reasonable student . I passed all my tests and enjoyed studying subjects that interested me . What were your favorite subjects at school ? Maths and chemistry were my favorite subjects at school . I also enjoyed history . Do you have any plans for further study ? Well , I've thought about doing the part-time Chemistry Certificate course at Technical College . I think I would really benefit from doing that . Have you ever had a job before ? Yes . I have worked part-time at a take away food store-the one just round the corner . We have a lot of other applicants for this position . Why do you think that you deserve to get the job ? Well , I've found out a lot about this type of work and my research suggests that I would be quite capable of doing the work involved . I also think that I would be able to handle any training course reasonably well . I think I have asked you everything I wanted to . Thank you for coming along to the interview . Thank you . When will I know if I am successful ? We'll be in touch with you by telephone or by mail within a week . Well . Goodbye . Goodbye . Good morning ! Can I speak to Miss Cooper please ? Would you hold on a second , please ? Miss Cooper's extension is engaged . Engaged.Oh , dear ! Could you tell her it's a long-distance call ? I'm sorry , sir . I can't interrupt her . I'm sure she won't be very long . How long do you think she'll be ? I really can't say how long she'll be . Can I leave a message , please ? Yes , certainly . Can you tell her I'm waiting to speak to her ? Yes , sir . I'll ring her on an inside line if you like . Thank you very much . I want to buy some jewellery . What kind of jewellery do you like to have ? I should like to look at some bracelets . May I show you gold ones or platinum ones ? Gold ones . Pure gold or carats ? Pure gold ones , please . This is so beautiful . I'll take it . OK . How much is it ? 1336 yuan . Hi . Can I help you ? No , thanks . I ’ m just looking around . Okay . Please let me know if you need any help . Thanks a lot . Let's catch the waiter's eyes . We want to have a table for 4 . What about that one ? Well , it's too close to the door . Is that table reserved ? No , sir . You can sit where you like . Our current apartment is valued at RIB 700,000 . We can sell it and put that money towards buying the new apartment . Yeah , but we still need RIB 500,000 . Maybe we can use some of our savings to pay part of it . And we can take out a loan to pay the rest . Great , so we can afford the new apartment after all ! Uh huh ... but we're going to have to cut back on our shopping from now on . Hello , May I help you ? Yes , we're interested in seeing the rooms for rent . Oh , how nice ! there are bright rooms and the house is very quiet . That is exactly what we're looking for . Well , each room is 40 dollars a week . That sounds all right to us . When do you want to move in ? How about tomorrow afternoon ? Fine , I'll be expecting you . See you tomorrow . Is there a vacant table for two now ? Yes , sir , let me show you the table . This way please . Well , we would like to sit over there . Is that all right ? Of course . So , who do you work for ? I work for a large multinational company called DAK Group . We have five main area of business - construction , heavy industry , shipbuilding , motor vehicles and telecommunications . And which side of the business do you work in ? The motor vehicles division . I work in our Belgian factory . We manufacture components for our car production plants in Europe . Where are DAK headquarters ? In Seoul . But the company has operations in over fifty countries and thirty factories all over the world . Now , madam , here is the Hotel . What's the fare ? $ 15 . The fare is different from the meter . Well , madam , the meter was not on at all . You didn't tell me . But I thought it was . Anyway . I am in a hurry . Here is the money . I wonder if you can help me . I'm looking for a room . Yes . I've got a small room . How much is it ? 200 yuan a week , but smoking is not allowed . OK.Can I see the room now ? Would you mind waiting ? I'm on the telephone . IMPF Bank , Li Lan speaking , how may I help you ? Hello , Ms Li , this is Mr Peng . Hello , Mr Peng , how nice to hear from you again . What can I do for you today ? We'll be coming in tomorrow to make a rather large cash withdrawal , it's for payroll . I see . How much exactly ? 500,000 RIB . Do you need me to give you my account number ? No , that's OK . I've got all of your information here on the screen in front of me . The money will be ready and waiting for you tomorrow . Thanks very much for your help , Li Lan . See you tomorrow . Hello . Excuse me . Do you know if there's a Commercial Bank around here ? Yes , go straight along Beijing Road and turn right . Straight on , and turn right . Is it far ? No , it's just a couple of minutes . Thanks very much . You're welcome . Hello . I would like to buy some business cards . Excellent . How many would you like ? Two thousand would be fine . You need to fill out this form , please . All I want is the same thing on this card . That will be no problem , sir . ... Okay , I'm finished . Here's your form and my old card . Very good , sir . Your order will be ready in one week . Do you think you could finish it in three days ? No problem , sir . But it will cost you extra . Good evening , miss . Want some socks ? Yes.Do you sell stockings ? Yes.But I recommend you to buy pantyhose . The stockings are already out-dated . Sure . Are those pantyhose made of artificial silk ? I've something very unpleasant to talk with you . Upon the arrival of the first consignment , it was found that about 50 % of the sixty cases of pineapples were leaking . It's rather an unusual case . Have you found the cause of leaking ? It ’ s simply because the tins were damaged . It appears to be the only case to us , that the goods have been damaged on the way . I am sorry to say it's not on the way , but during loading . The tins inside the cases were broken evidently through rough handling . Could you offer us a certificate issued by your Health Department ? Certainly . Here you are . Our health authorities said they were no longer suitable for human consumption . I have to remind you that our terms are CIF Hamburg . I hope you would indemnify us for the loss , so it wouldn't be so heavy on us . Now we are prepared to settle the issue with you amicably . Hello , this is Dr Cook's clinic.May I speak to Mr.Smith ? This is he . Dr Cook won't be able to see you at the time suggested.Could you make it a quarter to two ? All right . I am rejoiced to tell you that you are employed . Thank you for hiring me . I'm very proud to be employed by your firm . You are expected to report for on-job training on the 15th of May . Will you be there ? Yes , I will . I hope I'll enjoy working with you . How can I get to Lakeside Park ? Take the No . 7 bus . There's a bus stop just over there . Will it take me straight there ? Yes . No need to change . Taxi . Get on , PLS . Where do you wanna go ? Thank you . Pls hurry , I am late . Can I get to the Battery Park before 4 ? All right , Miss . I think we will get there if there are no delays on the way . How exactly do you figure out the car fare ? According to the kilometer rate , the first five kilometers are 4 dollars and every kilometer extra costs 50 cents . Oh , I see . Here we are , Miss . Thank you . How much do I owe you ? You owe me 19 dollars . That's 20 dollars . Keep the change ! Thank you ! Which school are you attending ? I am attending Hebes University of Technology . When will you graduate from that university ? This coming July . What degree will you receive ? I will receive a Bachelor's degree . What is your major ? My major is Business Administration . How have you been getting on with your studies so far ? I have been doing quite well at college . According to the academic records I've achieved so far , I am confident that I will get my Bachelor of Business Administration this coming July . How do you think the education you've received will contribute to your work in this institution ? I have already learned a lot in the classroom and I hope to be able to make practical use of it in your company . My specialization at the university is just in line with the areas your institute deals with . I am sure I can apply what I have learned to the work in your institute . Excuse me , do you know where the Post Office is ? Yes , it's not very far from here . Follow this road until you get to the traffic lights . You will see a small restaurant at the corner . Is the restaurant on the right or on the left hand side of the road ? It is on the right . But it is on the other side of the lights . OK . Do I turn on the lights or do I go straight ? You go straight on at the lights , but just past the restaurant building there is a small road to your right . And do I take that road ? Yes , you need to turn right and follow that road for about four minutes . You will see the Post Office on your left . Is there a Post Office sign on the building ? Yes and it is quite a big building so you won't miss it . There is also a small supermarket next to it . Thank you very much . You're welcome . Can I help you , Madam ? Yes . I'd like to buy a sweater for my husband . Which style is the latest ? These are all the latest fashion . How do you like this white turtleneck one ? I like this style . But do you have any other colors ? I feel that this color doesn't suit his complexion . We also have it in grey . Great ! I will take it . And could you suggest a pair of trousers to match this sweater ? It's my pleasure . I think this pair of jeans will suit the sweater well . Let me see . Yes , they are perfectly matched ! Hello , Sara are you finished packing yet ? Do you need a hand ? Thanks . Dad , but I can manage it myself . Make sure you have your ID card . You will need it while you travel . Yes , I know . The problem is that I can't find it . Where did you put it ? All your important documents and certificates should be in the desk drawer . Oh , yes , here it is . Sara ? What's up ? Did you buy a map ? Traveling can be really inconvenient without one , and you could even wind up lost No . Dad . We have a tour guide . Also , take these pills in case you have any airsickness , and take some cold medicine , too . How about some band-aids ? No , I won't get sick . I promise . Ok . I've finished . Bye , Dad . See you ! Take care , dear ! Be careful ! Oh Sara , wait a minute ! You forget your raincoat and umbrella . Dad , that's all right . I don't think it will rain . And it doesn't make any sense to take that many things on a trip . Besides I like to travel light . Bye ! Excuse me , please.Could you tell me how to get to the No . 10 Middle School ? Walk down this road , take the fourth turn to the right.Then you'll see it . Is it far from here to there ? No . It's only about five minutes ' walk . Many thanks ! Not at all . What else , Ma'am ? No , thanks . My husband said , We'd like to pay now . Let me show you to the cashier's . It's 905 yuan in total . What ? Where does that five come from ? Oh , it's a service charge . But I only have 900 in cash here . Can you let it go for 900 yuan ? Sorry , but we can't do that . It's store's rule . My husband said he had a credit card . Do you accept credit card ? Yes . Great . Here it is . Here is the receipt . Wanna to have it wrapped , Ma'am ? Yes , please . Thank you very much . It'll be great to have you again . Thank you very much . Excuse me . Can you show me some nail-polish ? Yes . We have all kinds of colors for it . That's good . What's your favorite color ? In my opinion , orange is very nice . Sometimes pink is not bad , too . You're right . Well , just these two , please . Thank you . Anything else ? No , thanks . What was that ? Oh no . I broke your vase accidentally . How did it happen ? I bumped it by accident , but I didn't mean to do it . It was my favorite . I feel miserable . Can I give you money for it ? Maybe I shouldn't have put it here . Someone was bound to bump it eventually . First I was late for school this morning , and now I broke your vase . This isn't my day ! If one is rich , is the happy ? I don't think so.It ' s impossible to equate wealth and happiness . Could I understand what you said as the poorest is the happiest ? Of course not.Sometimes a poor man can be extremely miserable . Good morning . Can I help you ? Good morning . I would like to make a reservation to Hong Kong for August 2 . Just a moment , please . I am sorry , sir . There is no ticket available on that day . But we have flights for Hong Kong the next day . May I inquire about the departure time ? A 9:12 flight in the morning and a 14:00 flight in the afternoon . When will the plane reach Hong Kong for the morning flight ? At 10:20 OK . I would like to book a ticket for that one . All right , sir . Please reconfirm your ticket no later than 12 noon two days before the flight ; otherwise , your reservation will automatically be canceled . Yes , I know . What's the fare ? It's 500 dollars , not including ground transportation fares between the airport and downtown . I see . Will it be doubled for the round trip ? Right , sir . And please do not forget to bring a valid travel document with you when you buy the tickets . I won't . What kinds of meat are most popular in your country ? We usually eat chicken , pork and beef . You eat these meats a lot in your country too , don't you ? Yes , we do . We also eat mutton . I've heard that people in your country like mutton chops . That's right . Mutton chops taste so good . We eat them with sauce . Have you ever tried ? Yes , I have . I tried once when I visited your country last year . I think they were very tasty . Can you cook them ? Certainly I can . I'll buy some from the butcher's and cook for you next Sunday . That sounds great . I'll bring a bottle of wine then . Excuse me . Is anyone sitting here ? No , nobody . You don ’ t mind if I smoke , do you ? Well , to be frank , yes , I do . Oh , I ’ m sorry . But this isn ’ t a no-smoker , isn ’ t it ? I mean would you mind if I smoke here ? Actually it is . Perhaps you haven ’ t noticed the sign . Sign ? What ’ s sign ? There , on the window . Oh , sorry . I didn ’ t notice it . Sorry . That ’ s all right . Hi . I need a wake-up call tomorrow . What time would you like your wake-up call ? I need two calls , one at 7 and another at 7 fifteen . That is no problem at all , of course . You'll get a call at 7 o'colock and another at 7 fifteen . Then again , I think 7 fifteen is too early . Change 7 fifteen to 7 thirty , please . So , that'll be a call at 7 and another at 7 thirty.Do you have any other requests ? Not just now , but if I do think of something later , I'll give you a ring . Okay , sir . Sleep well . Hello , this is Lucy from ABC Company . Hello , Lucy . I'm calling to see if you have made your decision . You are the right person we are seeking for . Yes , I have decided to work with your company . Good news for us . When can you start to work ? It's my honor to be one member of your company . I'd like to begin to work any time as you like . Ok , please come to my office at 9 AM next Monday . I will introduce you to our boss . No problem . Thank you for calling me . You ’ re welcome . Mr . Anderson , the boss wants to see you . I'm on my way . Could you arrange me to see Doctor John tomorrow morning ? I ’ m afraid not . He will be not free until 11:30 . How about 1:30 ? Let me check . You have to finish your dinner before you leave the table . But , Mom , I can't eat anymore . I'm stuffed . What's the matter ? It doesn't taste good ? It's not that I don't like your cooking , but I ate some cookies before we had dinner . Welcome . How can we be of service today ? Hello . My aunt in the US has sent me $ 500 . She sent it yesterday , using the standard service . It's my birthday today , you see . Well , happy birthday . If it was sent yesterday using the usual service , it should be here already . You do have an account with us , right ? Yes . Here's my card . Do you need my ID ? Please . Just to double check all the details . There you go . Do you have this design with only one breast pocket ? Let me see.Oh , we have the design but not the same color as this one . It's a pity . I'm afraid that's too loud for me.Thank you . You're welcome . I'm glad I brought my jacket on this trip . Yes , I didn't know Washington , DC got so cold in winter . What would you like to do today ? I really think we should take a tour of the White House . I thought we could go to some of the museums.Don ' t you want to see the museums ? Of course . But today I feel like seeing the White House.We should see it first , because it's the most famous historical building here . I don't agree . I think the Capitol building is the most famous.But okay . If you want to see the White House , we'll go see it . I'm just afraid it will be boring . Boring ? How can it be boring ? It sounds very interesting to me . Can you assure the quality of this air conditioner ? Yes , ma'ma . There'll be no problem with the quality . What if there's something wrong with it ? You don't have to worry about it . We have a one year warranty . Are you sure ? Sure . We have a good after-sale service . Your satisfaction is guaranteed . So how far is the museum , dad ? It is about 10 minutes walk . Finish your hot chocolate and we will go . Are we going to come back here for lunch ? No , we will have lunch at the museum cafeteria . I have finished . We can go now . Let's go then . On the way we have to turn right and right again at the next junction . Let's stop at the newsagent , I would like to buy a newspaper . We can also buy postcards for your friends . Can you see a Post Office somewhere around here ? Yes it is down there , at the end of the road , next to the supermarket . Oh good we are almost there . The museum is round the corner from the Post Office . How much is this shirt , please ? It's 89 yuan . Do you have it in a larger size ? Let me check . Hello , Mr.Green . This is Lin Tong . How are you ? Hi , Mr.Lin . I am leaving tomorrow and I am just packing . Oh , sorry to interrupt you . But I am calling to say goodbye to you . I am awfully sorry to tell you that I am afraid I could not see you off at the airport tomorrow , because I will have to attend a very important meeting . It doesn't matter , Mr.Lin . I can understand . I know you are always very busy . Work must come first . Thanks a lot . You have been here for almost three weeks . How time flies ! Yes . And I would like to convey my thanks to you for your help during my stay here in Nanjing . It is our pleasure . It has been a great pleasure to work with you . Me too . I am looking forward to cooperating with you again . Really ? Great ! We will . Well , what's your flight number ? When are you leaving tomorrow ? It's Flight No . 104 , Northey Airlines , which leaves at ten O'dock tomorrow evening . OK , I will send someone to see you off . That is so thoughtful of you . My pleasure . Take care and have a nice trip . Thanks a lot . My wife and I will be welcoming and looking forward to your visit . Let's call it a deal . Hope to see you again soon . Keep in touch then . Byebye . Goodbye . Thanks again . Francis , what ’ s that ? Well , that is the chart showing our company ’ s organizational structure . Could you tell me something about it ? Ok . On the top , Mr . Thomas , the managing director , is responsible for running the company . How many departments do we have ? Four . They are production department , finance department , sales and marketing department and HR department . I directly report to Mr . White . He is on a business trip and is suppose to be back this morning . Probably you will be meeting him at lunch . Ok . Who should I report to ? Mr . White , too . Are you being served , madam ? No . Um , do you carry any padded coat ? Yes , what size is in your mind ? Small size . Any particular brand ? Whatever . You know , I ’ m thinking of a gift for my mother . It ’ s her 60 birthday next Friday . Could you give me some advice ? You are the expert . How about this one ? It ’ s the latest design , simple but elegant . Looks nice . How much do you charge ? $ 100 . That ’ s sheer robbery . I ’ m sure you can do better than that . How much would you say ? $ 80 . Have you any evening bus tour ? Yes , we have . The city is famous for its beautiful evening scenery . I have heard of that before . When shall we start ? It starts at 7:00 and lasts 3 hours . I booked a double room for tonight . My name is Ruth Joy . Just a moment , please , while I check . That's correct.You have a double room on the fifth floor . Plastic bags are widely used nowadays . But they're hard to be disposed of . In this aspect , I think , Pater bags have the edge on plastic bags . Room service . May I come in ? Come in please . Mr . Green ? Yes . Put them on there please . OK.If you need anything , just call the Room service . Thank you . By the way , what shall we do with the plates when we finish our meal ? Just leave them outside the door . We will take care of it . I see . Thanks a lot . Did you feed the puppies today ? Yes , I have . That's good ! Just make sure to bathe them later . No problem . I can do that for you . Thank you ! You know they have to go to the vet on Saturday ? I know . What time do they go ? Their appointment is at eleven o'clock in the morning . Okay , I won't forget . We ’ re trying to get donations . What are you getting donations for ? We ’ re getting donations for the campaigns . How much money are you looking to make ? As much as we can . Are you doing different fundraisers ? We ’ re just going door to door . You should do something else . Do you have any suggestions ? Try a car wash and selling candy . That is a good idea . You ’ ll make more money that way . Hi , Juliet , I'm treating Mr.Li and his team members from Galp to dinner tomorrow evening.Where do you think I should take them ? Well , Mr.Li has very good taste in wine , and Galp is one of the biggest clients . I suggest you take them to a decent French restaurant . Make sure you make a very good impression . That's a good idea . Which one do you recommend ? The Pairszone ? Or Lapis . They are both listed this year glory magazine for have most of frantic Fetch cuisine in town . But I heard Lapis has a better wine selection . We'll go to the place . Could you book a table for 4 at 7 PM ? Sure . So , are we all behind this new project ? I'm in favor of Maggie . Ditto , it doesn't look too expensive either . That's right , Nigel . I think we can keep cost down . I can't see a problem . Let's give it a try . Good afternoon . May I help you ? Yes , I ’ m here to see Joanna Stevens . I have an appointment at four . Certainly , may I take your name ? I ’ ll let her know you ’ Ve arrived . Sure , it ’ s Josh O ’ Neil . Ms . Stevens will be with you momentarily . Can I offer you something to drink ? Yes , a coffee would be nice , thank you . Here you are . Ms . Stevens is ready for you now . I ’ ll show you to her office , right this way . Hello . Mr . Rodriguez ? Yes . Is this Paula ? Yes , sir . I ’ Ve just dropped those slides off at the Winthrop office . Do you need anything else while I ’ m out ? No , that ’ s all right . Paula . Why don ’ t you get something to eat , and I ’ ll see you this afternoon . Have you any beef today ? Yes , we've got a very tender new shipment from the mainland . It is a weekend special . How much is it a pound ? One pound and fifty pence a pound . Good . I'll get three pounds of it . Here it is . Four pounds and fifty pence in all . The bracelet is so well suited to you . It looks very nice . Yeah , I cherish it . Because I have been working like a dog for two months to buy it . Are you ready to order , sir ? Yes , I'll have tomato soup and my friend will have mushroom soup . Do you want anything to go with soup ? Yes , bring us two steaks and two loads of bread , please . I need a suggestion for a restaurant here in Manhattan . Certainly ! How much are you planning to spend on dinner , sir ? My date's very sophisticated , so I'm sure she would expect nothing but the best . May I suggest our own hotel restaurant ? It got three stars in the latest restaurant review . No , thank you , I want to go out on the town . What other ideas do you have ? There's always Gramercy Tavern . They have live jazz . The food is delicious , but very expensive . That sounds like a good place to take a date . Can you make a reservation for me ? As you wish , sir . You'll have a wonderful time there . Hello , is this apartment management ? Can I help you ? Yes , this is the tenant of apartment ten . I guess my kitchen sink is clogging up again , and so is the bathtub . Alright . I'll send someone over tomorrow . Um , I'd really appreciate it if you send someone over to fix it today . It's really a bother . I can't cook or take a shower . Fine , I'll be up in a few minutes . Thanks , I appreciated it . Can I make preservation now ? Sure . At what time ? 9:45 , please . We want a table next to the window . I am sorry , sir . We are booked until 9:10 . In that case , please help us reserve a table for 4 at 9:00 . How many undergraduates are hired here each year ? Normally , about 60 people . But it may depend . I see . What kind of backgrounds does the staff have ? About 20 % of them come from other countries and the others are employed from domestic universities and colleges . Good morning , Madam , can I take your order now ? Yes , I'd like to have a roast chicken leg . Anything else ? No . How about drink ? No , enough . Please wait a moment . Waiter , come back . OK . What's up , Madam ? It's not too salty . OK . Waiter , come back again . Yes , anything wrong ? Not too rare . Yes , I see . Why do you come back again ? There's a question I want to ask you . What's that ? Which leg do you want to have , right leg or left one ? Thanks , thanks a lot and thanks a million . Why do you say so many thanks ? I can't forget about this when next time . How about overtime work ? Overtime work is very common in companies . I can work overtime if it's necessary , but I don ’ t think we will work overtime everyday . Do you like regular work ? No , I don ’ t like regular work . I am interested in different projects with new opportunities and new challenges , but I can do regular work if the company needs me to do so . How is your computer skill ? My familiarity to computer is great , and I use computer frequently in my daily life and work . What kind of software can you use skillfully ? I am competent in using Word , Excel , Windows and other commonly used softwares . What are the requirements to apply for the position ? Your major must be computer . Do you think my educational background suits this position ? Yes , I ’ m quite satisfied with your qualifications . Does this job require that new employees take any kind of training course ? Generally speaking , training new members is usually necessary . We offer our new employees a one-week training course . Could you tell something about the job ? Yes , of course . You will be responsible for the designing and developing new products and also be in charge of the evaluation of the software programs including complex software systems to ensure product features and operation complaints . Oh , I see . I believe I can do the job well . Good evening , sir , and welcome to Chez Attitude . We have a dinner reservation for four at 7:00 under the name of Foster . Yes , Mr . Foster , if you would please be seated over in the waiting area , our hostess will be with you in a moment . Thank you . Would it be OK if we have a cocktail while we are waiting ? Of course , I will tell her . I would really prefer an outside table . Would that be possible ? Sure , if you would like one of those tables , I could seat you right away . Sure , that would be great ! Thank you ! Here are your menus and the wine menu , and would you like to order your drinks now ? Yes , I would like a vodka gimlet , please . Sure , no problem , sir . Thank you very much . Mr . Smith , I would like to get right to the point here . First , we need to talk about how much each company will pay . Well , we want to have the largest share . Our company is much larger than yours , and we have been in business longer . Let's look at that another way . The major point is the value that we add , not who has been in business longer , or is bigger . What are you thinking about ? We do not want to place ourselves in an inferior position . We are a good , small company---that's why you are interested . Then , what would make you feel more comfortable ? If you take a 75 % position in the venture , we would take a back seat to you . Are you planning on voting ? Yes . What about you ? Yes , but this will be my first time voting . Really ? Yes , and I have no idea how to do it . Voting is simple . I don ’ t know any of the laws they ’ re trying to pass . That ’ s okay . They describe everything on the ballot . I didn ’ t know that . Don ’ t worry . You ’ ll be fine . That ’ s good to know . Congratulations on your first voting day . Would you like anything else , sir ? May I have some water , please ? Certainly . Would you like your coffee with your dinner or later ? With my dinner , please . And can you take my order for dessert later ? Of course . You are in the pink recently . How do you make it ? Well , I attend an aerobic class three times a week . Are you tired after class ? No . And on the contrary , I feel young , fresh and energetic . Excuse me , can you recommend some places for us to go tonight ? Since it's your first time to Vienna , I think you should go to the concert . Good idea . My wife has a fine ear for music . I am sure she would like it . Have a nice evening . May I please speak to Tom ? Tom has gone to lunch . I'll just try him again . Do you want me to have him give you a call ? No , but what time do you expect him back ? He should be back in about forty minutes . What in the world is that smell ? The aroma of roasting coffee beans . Smells like you're baking something . What are those ? Green beans . They pop and turn brown when you roast them . Cool ! But isn't that a hot air popcorn popper ? This machine roasts the beans just right . If you roast them too long , or the temperature is too hot ... The beans will burn . I know . I've tasted burnt coffee before ... yuck ! Bob , did you see our supervisor ? I need him to sign this paper . He is in his office , but you'd better choose your words carefully while talking to him . What's up ? Nothing . But he is in a bad mood today . Thanks for the warning . That's all right . I love breathing fresh air in the suburb places , while sitting in the morning sunshine . I can't agree more , honey . We need to get away from work from time to time . Yeah , just return to nature and feel the thrills of its beauty . We are nor alone here . So many other families ! Sure . The sunny days of spring are ideal for outdoor gatherings . Well , let's go over there and put a blanket on the lawn . OK , you go back to our car and fetch the picnic stuff . Oh , so heavy ! What have you put in here ? Nothing special . Food , drinks , and Daniel's kangaroo toys . Toys ? Why do we need toys for a picnic ? He said he would like to be our tour director and he lined up many things to do . Sure , then . May it really be a day of enjoyment . Other than that , we can also teach him something about science . Science ? What are you talking about ? Forget about your science , OK ? It's a picnic ! I mean we can inspire him for a deeper understanding of the natural world . I can't agree on that . Just cut it out . Give him a break and don't spoil the day . Well , OK . you are always right . Hey , Robert , that's a nice shirt you are wearing . Where did you get it ? Thanks , I like it too . I bought it at the nearby department store . That's nice . Do you know you can get one at the wholesale market near the zoo for a much lower price ? Yeah , I know that . But at those places . the prices they ask you are ridiculously high , and if you don't bargain hard , you will get ripped-off . True , learning how to haggle the price is one of the things people have to pick up when they come to China for the first time . Yeah , but personally I hate bargaining . If I bargain , I might come to a lower price . But I will never know the true price of what I am buying , and I'll always have the feeling that I am over charged at those places . Yeah , I have the same feeling . Also there is another thing that bothers me the quality . Things in a department store are usually quality-guaranteed . But at a wholesale market , you never know whether what you are buying are of good quality or not . That's why I like department stores more . Shopping at a wholesale market like the locals is one of the few things I am unable to grow accustomed to . I understand . While it's always good to follow the local customs , I guess there are exceptions . Would you mind if I ask the insurance policy of our company ? No , I don't . Please . I wonder whether I can enjoy the life insurance and health insurance . Of course . And 2 - week paid vacation a year , a 5 - day work week . Hello , I'm returning your phone call . I'm glad that you could get back to me so fast . No problem , but what were you calling about ? I needed to talk to you about your son . Is he messing up in school ? He was acting up in class one day last week . What was he doing ? He wouldn't stop talking throughout the class . I don't know what's gotten into him . If you could , would you please talk to him ? I will get right on that , and I am very sorry . I really appreciate your help . Are you from America ? No . I am Canadian . Are you Chinese ? Yes . Nice to meet you ! Nice to meet you , too . Let me show you around . Thanks , I will appreciate it . How long have you been here ? About two years , but it seems as if I got here yesterday . That's right . Once the contract with is final , we'll deal with Zina . I can't wait to see the expression on her face when we dump her . Don't jump the gun . She's in the driver's seat right now . You have to be patient . Don't worry . I'm patient , but vengeance will be mine . Settle down , Elvin . If you're not careful , you'll give our plan away . Zina's smart , you know . Hi . I'm looking for some good deals on produce . You might want to try the mangoes . Can you describe a mango to me ? It's a fruit a little smaller than a grapefruit . It has a big seed in it . Do I eat the seed ? Maybe some animals eat the seed , but humans don't . You'd have to soak it for 10 years . What's the price of these mangoes ? Today you get a 50 - percent discount . They're only $ 1 each . Tell me what they taste like . Their flesh is soft and juicy . It has a citrus taste . It's sweet . Do I need to buy them ripe , or will they ripen at home ? Just press into it gently with your thumb . If it feels soft , it's ready to eat . Where do mangoes come from ? These are from Guatemala , but we're going to start getting mangoes from India . Hello , can I speak to Alice , please ? Hold on , please . Thank you . Sorry , but she ’ s out . Could you tell her Tom Green called ? I ’ d be glad to . Well , let's have your firm order . Yes , here is our offer , 30,000 skirts at 200 yuan per skirt , FOB New York . You will find our price comes in line with the prevailing market . Your price is rather high . We cannot accept it . Can you bring the price down a little ? In fact , if it weren't for our good relations , we wouldn't consider making you a firm order at this price . I can't agree with you . We have quotation from other sources too . Their prices are lower than yours . But you know our design is superior to any other products from other companies . In fact , there is no room to negotiate the price now . You should be aware that the production cost alone has doubled in the past year . It doesn't seem very hopeful to close the deal on this price . Are you still coming to my place for dinner tomorrow night ? Of course . Is the dinner still on ? Yes , I was just wondering how you and your roommate were planning on coming to my place . We were planning on walking both ways since the weather is still nice . That's what I thought you would do . Listen , I live in a bit of a rough neighborhood . It's just down the street from all the bars . You probably don't want to be walking around after dark . It can't be that bad . I wish it wasn't , but there is actually a lot of crime and prostitution around here . Really ? I never would have guessed . The criminals must only come out in the evenings , because I've never noticed anything strange when I've been at your house in the daytime . Do me a favor , and take a taxi . It'd make me feel a lot better . Ok , we will . How do you get around in the evenings ? When I first moved in , I walked everywhere . But within a week , I had my purse stolen — just a block away from the police station ! Now , I always take public transportation . Has anything else happened to you ? Nothing else has happened to me , but I have seen quite a few fights on the streets after the bars close . Well , we'll be careful . Thanks for letting me know . Dad , I've finished my homework . Well , what game do you want to play ? Do you want to play poker ? Do you know how to play it ? I'll teach you . OK . Teach me how to play the game . Well , Betty . Since you ’ Ve done well during the probation period , we decided to employ you formally . And now we need to sign the formal agreement . Thank you very much , Mr . Smith . I am very happy that I ’ ll be a member of your team . May I see the agreement first ? Of course . If you have any questions , just bring them out . OK , thank you . Well , I find that the salary level in this agreement is not like what you have said in the interview . Can you give me some explanations ? Well , it ’ s like this , during your first year , you will enjoy this salary level , a year later , we ’ ll increase your salary by 20 % . Can we add up this item to the agreement ? Yes , maybe the personnel department made some mistakes in making the agreement . Do you have any other questions ? No , thank you . Shall we sign the agreement now ? Yes , welcome to our company . I hope we can cooperate happily . Thank you . I'll work hard . I ’ d like to open a current account . Certainly . May I see your social security and your ID Please . Here your are . I wonder how much interest can I earn for my current account . Oh . Current account don ’ t pay our interest . Why is that ? It ’ s primarily design for business transactions . That is write checks to pay the bills , buying things and sending money . We won ’ t expect a large amount of deposit in current account . I see . How do I draw money from my news then . May I bring you a salad ? Oh , yes.What do you recommend today ? Rose-petal salad . OK , I'll have it for change . Hello , Shogun Restaurant . Hi , I would like to make a dinner reservation . Of course , what evening will you be joining us on ? We will need the reservation for Tuesday night . What time would you like the reservation for ? We would prefer 7 For how many people There will be 4 of us . Fine , I can seat you at 7 Thank you . The last name is Foster . See you at 7 Thank you so much . I appreciate your help . Good afternoon . What can I help you with today ? I have a Time Deposit here and I'd like to get the money now . The maturity date isn't for another 10 weeks . Are you aware of that ? Yes , I know , but I need the money urgently for a family emergency , you see . I know I should apply in writing if I wish to withdraw , but I'm afraid there just isn't time . The regulations state that the interest is paid at the rate of a Current Deposit , so unfortunately you will lose some interest . Well , it can't be helped . I really must have that money . Thank you . May I take your order now ? Yes , I'll have a boiled egg with toast and orange juice , please . How would you like your eggs ? Hard-boiled , please . And your toast , light or dark ? Dark , please . Now or later ? Later will do . Will there be anything else ? No , that's all . Thanks . One hard-boiled egg with toast and orange juice to follow . That's right . Just a moment , please . Would you like to order now ? Yes , can you recommend some steak ? Sure . I think pepper steak is quite good . Many guests like it very much . OK I will try it . Do you have a small portion ? I am afraid I can't finish the large one . Yes madam . I will give you the small one . What else should we do now after the floors are done and after the furniture is in ? We need to redo the curtains and paint all the walls and ceilings . I'm the painter . You can be in charge of going to curtain shops to choose curtains . That will probably be pretty expensive too . Having good curtains made isn't cheap . You mean we can't just buy curtains already made ? Absolutely not . The windows must be measured , and then the curtains need to be made professionally . So that will take a while . Maybe a month or so . While the curtains are being made , I can start having people look at the kitchen . I can't stand that old kitchen . I won't be able to cook there . I don't want to use that electric stove . We need to find an interior decorating company to redecorate the kitchen . I believe in Portland there are shops that specialize in kitchen renovation . I will look in the Yellow Pages . I'd like a kitchen mostly in ivory and light green . I agree . The colors must be soft and pleasant . You should feel comfortable when you cook our dinners . Me ? Cook our dinners ? Hah ! You will be cooking , dear . You will cook . No , I don't think so . I'll be too busy having tea in our new tea room . Well , I suppose we'll have to hire a cook then . So you won't be able to afford any clothes next year . And you'll have to sell your motorcycle . And your cameras . Right ? Maybe I'll cook once or twice a week . How is that ? Four times might be enough . Not once or twice . We'd better cover the porcelain ware against All Risks . All right . Our insurance coverage is 110 % of the invoice value , up to the port of destination only . I'd like to have the insurance of the goods covered up to 130 % of the invoice amount . Ok , this premium for the difference between 130 % and 110 % of the invoice value should be borne by the buyer . That's understood . I'm afraid I forgot to lock the door . You're so careless , Billy . Sorry , Mum , I'll lock it right away . I've done it for you . Can I help you ? Yes , I want to buy a suit . What about the red one ? It's the best seller . Yeah , it's quite cute . I don't think it will fit me . I would prefer a darker color . Have you a black one ? Yes , We have . Excuse me . I would like to book a table at 13:00 . Sure , for how many ? Three seats , please . May I have your name ? Speed Airlines Reservation . May I help you ? Yes . Do you have any flight to Paris on 15th ? I want one leaving in the afternoon . Yes . Flight DP336 leaves at 15:16 . Is that all right ? Is it a direct flight ? No , Sir.It has an hour layover in London . Well , I don't think I want it . I feel like to wear my hair in this way . Oh , it's really popular these days . Do you think it's suitable for me ? Honestly speaking , I think the one next to it suits you better . Even though I really like it , it's just too modern for me . That's not true . Look over there ! That lady chose the same one and she is surely older than you . Okay then . And I also want to have my hair colored . Which color do you like ? Claret-red . Nice choice . How long will it take ? I hope it won't be too long . I hope not but it will take at least three hours . Now it's my son's turn to wait . Could you drive me to the bank ? Of course , ma'am , Tell me where to go . Go down this road and then turn left . All right.There we go . Can you believe that Obama is our new President ? I ’ m so happy about that . Did you vote for him ? I sure did . How about you ? I voted for him . I have complete confidence in our new President . Is that right ? I know he will help change America . I hope so , because America needs a change . I feel like things are already changing , because he was elected . I agree with you completely . I ’ m not worried about our country now that it ’ s in his hands . You know , you really ought to get a new pair of jeans . Those are falling to pieces . But this is how I like them , Mum . They ’ re just beginning to look right . Well , you ’ d better get another pair for work at least or you ’ re sacking on the spot . I think it might be a good idea to work as a guide . Where do you intend to go ? Three Gorges of the Yangtze River . That's beautiful . Good morning , Textile Import & Export Company . Hello , this is Miller . I'm calling about the appointment with Mr . Zhang for this afternoon . Something's just come up , I'm afraid the appointment will have to be rescheduled , I'm very sorry about the change . That's all right . Maybe we can make another arrangement . You're very kind to say so . Thank you . Do you think tomorrow morning would suit him ? I'm afraid there's a bit of a problem . In fact , he's booked up the whole week except tomorrow afternoon . Tomorrow afternoon , Um ... you see , I've made an appointment with Mr . Comet for tomorrow afternoon . In order to meet Mr . Zhang , I have to cancel the appointment with Mr . Comet , I'm afraid . I'm terribly sorry , Mr Miller , but Mr . Zhang is really busy this week . I understand . When do you think I can come and see him tomorrow afternoon ? Please let me check . Tomorrow afternoon - Yes , he'll be free from 2:00 tomorrow afternoon . Do you think it's convenient for you ? Yes , that's quite all right for me . Good afternoon , madam . Can I help you ? Yes , please . Have you any vacancies for tonight ? Do you have reservations with us ? No , I don't think so . Sorry , madam . We don't have vacancies at the moment . Amy , could you help me with this work ? Sorry , I'm busy . Why don't you ask Alice ? Okay . What'll it be today , sir ? Fill it up . Super Unleaded . Shall we check your oil and tires ? I just checked the oil myself , but you can check the tires . ( The attendants fill the tank , clean the windscreen , and add some air to the tires . ) All right , sir , that'll be $ 26.50 . I'll charge it . Here's my card . Northwest Airline . Hello , I'd like to reconfirm my flight . May I have your flight No . , PLS ? My flight No . is 102 leaving Baiyun Airport at fourteen twenty . Yes , that's our regular flight to Shanghai . What's your name , PLS ? I am Jason Armstrong . My first initial is J . One minute . Oh , yes , here we are . You are flying economy class , aren ’ t you ? Yes , that's right . Okay , you are all set , Mr . Armstrong . Enjoy your flight ! Thanks ! Excuse me , I want to go to Galion by ship . Is there a ship to Dalian ? Yes , there is . There is only one ship there every day . What time does it leave ? It leaves at 9:30 a . m .. Could you please tell me about the cabins ? Yes , all the cabins are fit for two . Then where can I catch it ? At Pier Five . Thank you . I think I need some iced water , too . Is there an extra charge for that ? Yes . We charge 50 cents for iced water . That's fine . Could you give me some more napkins , too ? Sure . Do you need anything else ? Yes . I would also like some sweet-and-sour sauce and pepper . I'll put all that into the bag for you . Do I owe you for the sauce , pepper and napkins ? No , there's no charge for those . May I help you , sir ? Yes , I have many things to buy . I would like to choose the cleaning milk first . All right . What is your type of skin ? Dry . That's my problem . You can use this . It has special effect for keeping your face moisturized . It has this lotion , as a gift attached . Sounds good . What about shampoo ? I would like to buy the product that prevents scurf . How about this one ? It is well-known for the effect of removing scurf . Is it a newcomer ? Yes , it is a new brand . I do not care the brand as long as it works well . Anything else ? I want to buy the toothpaste , the brand of Jiajieshi . Yes , here you are . Can I take your order ? I'll take two value meals . What kind of drink do you want with those meals ? One Coca Cola and the other a Sprite , please . You can super-size your meals for only three dollars extra . Yes , I'd like that , then . How about anything for dessert , like an apple pie or ice cream ? No , thanks . That will be it . Do you have any work experience in this field ? Yes . After my graduation from university , I worked as a Customer Service Coordinator in a foreign representative office , and then I transferred to a joint venture as a Market Development Manager . So I am familiar with the market in China . What have you learned from the jobs you have had ? I learned to be patient when dealing with customers complaints and try my best to solve them . In addition , I learned at my previous jobs how to cooperate with my colleagues . Does your current employer know you are looking for another job ? No , I haven't discussed my leaving plans with my current employer , but I am sure he will release me . What is your impression of your present company ? Very good . What would your current colleague say about you ? They would say I'm a dependable and hard worker . Good afternoon.madam.How can I help you ? Someone has stolen my cell phone . I am sorry to hear that.Would you mind coming with me to my office and tell me what exactly happened there ? OK . I left my cell phone in my room this morning before I want out.When I come back it was gone . I have looked every where in my room and I can't find it . Well , in that case . I will call the manger , you can talk directly with him . Open you suitcase , please . OK.Here you are . Do you have anything to declare ? No , I don't . Any cigarette , liquor ? Yes , I have two cartons of cigarettes , one bottle of whisky . What's this white powder ? Are they drugs ? No , this is the medicine for the stomach . May I open one of these ? Let me taste it . Yes , sir.Go ahead.Here you are . May I be of any help ? Yes . Show me the sweaters , please . What style ? Well , could you bring me all the styles of pullovers ? I am not quite sure which one I will buy . Ok . Here are the ones , turtleneck pullover , crewneck pullover , V-neck pullover and cowl-neck pullover . My parents are always saying I am not good enough . Really . What do they mean ? They say my hair is too long , my room is too dirty and I am not good enough at school . What do you think then ? I don ’ t think they are right . I have tried my best and that's enough . It is unfair that they are always saying these thing . Sometimes I even feel deeply hurt . How much do I have to pay ? $ 70 , madam . Here you are . Can you put the bread in a separate bag ? OK , here is your change . How come it is slow as a snail today ? You mean the network connection ? Yes , I wanted to look for some information on the company page just now . It took me almost one minute to open it . Then there is no response to any click . I have the same question . I can ’ t send out mails . We ’ d better call the IT department and ask them to check it immediately . Ok . Look , Jim . That man just fell down over there . We better see if he ’ s o . k . Sir ... sir ? Are you all right ? Sir ? He ’ s not answering . You ’ d better check his pulse and breathing . Oh , no . He ’ s not breathing , and there ’ s no pulse . Call 911 . Hello ? Yes . Someone has passed out at Connecticut Ave . and 1st St . He isn ’ t breathing and does not have a pulse . Yes . My friend is performing CPR . OK . Thank you . They ’ re sending an ambulance . Here , let me help . Welcome to China , Mr . Martin . Thank you so much . I have been expecting to come to China . I am very glad that you say so . We have prepared a typical Chinese dinner this evening . Oh , you needn't do that . My pleasure . I would like to make an appointment for a project meeting . Of course , I have Monday or Tuesday available . What day would be best for you ? I would like to meet on Monday . Very well then . Are mornings or afternoons best ? I want to come in the morning . I will have my assistant check my calendar and get back to you with the exact time . Can you bring me an outline of the project when you come ? Yes , I can bring the outline when I come to the meeting . Do you think that we should include the entire committee in the meeting or just our sub-committee ? I think that we should have just the sub-committee . OK then , I will make the arrangements for them to attend . Do you know how to get there ? No , I need directions , please . Fine , we will make sure that we send you all of the information that you need . See you there ! Hi , John . What brings you to town ? Hi , Mary . Lily wanted me to buy her some things for the party . What do you think of the traffic today ? It ’ s pretty bad . Yeah . You can say that again . It ’ s noisy too . I am glad I did not drive a car . Excuse me , miss . Can I have my dinner please ? I am so hungry . Sorry , sir . Dinners are available 20 minutes , drinks are served throughout the flight . Then please give me a cup of coffee . What's the most popular paper circulating in the community ? Atlanta Daily . Oh , thank you . I want one . Here you are . Do you sell washing machines ? Yes . We ’ re having a special sale on this machine here . Is that a Danish machine ? The name looks Danish . No . It ’ s Swedish . Would you like me to demonstrate it for you ? Sure . I ’ d like to see how it washes . How do I use the powder ? Please dissolve the powder in hot water . Soak your hand or foot in it for 20 minutes twice a day . How do I use the eye-drop and ointment ? Put the eye-drop into your right eye 4 - - 6 times a day , 1 - - 2 drops each time . Squeeze a bit of the ointment on your eyelid every night . Well , I see . Thanks . You're welcome . Housekeeping , may I come in ? Come in please . Good coming , sir . May I do your room now ? How long will it take ? Your room will be ready in half an hour . Well , would you please come back fifteen minutes later ? We are to visit the Tower . Of course , sir . Have a good day . You look upset , is there anything wrong ? Yes , to tell you the truth , there is . What is it ? Well , I've lost my wallet and my ID card . Oh , that's too bad ! I am sorry to hear that ! Forget it , there is no use crying over the spilled milk . What's the matter with my wife ? She had a sudden heart attack . I guess so . It was very terrible when she was at the onset of the illness . I am worried that I would lose her . Don ’ t worry . She is much better now . But you are not permitted to disturb her at the moment . I know . But is she out of danger now ? Yes , I think so . Thank you very much , Doctor . My pleasure . How large is the plant ? It covers an area of 75,000 square meters . It ’ s much larger than I expected . When was the plant set up ? In the early 70s . We ’ ll soon be celebrating the 30th anniversary . Congratulations ! Thank you . How many employees do you have in this plant ? 500 . We ’ re running on three shifts . Does the plant work with everything from the raw material to the finished product ? Our associates specializing in these fields make some access - ries . Well , here we ’ re at the production shop . Shall we start with the assembly line ? That ’ s fine . I ’ m sorry , dad . But you can ’ t do that . It ’ s for me to decide . Oh , I see . You ’ Ve already decided , have you ? Now , you listen to me , you ’ re only 19 . I didn ’ t say I ’ d already decided , dad . I said it was for me to decide . There is a difference . Oh . So you think you can just do whatever you want , do you ? I didn ’ t say that either . I was hoping we could discuss the matter together . I want your advice but I don ’ t want you to tell me what to do . I ’ Ve got to make decisions for myself , dad . Can you tell me the results of my home inspection ? Before I answer that , I want to make sure that you know what I was looking for . Are you clear on what I was looking for ? I never had a home inspection before . I inspect the home for problems that might not be all that apparent in a quick walk-through . I asked the owners , and they said that everything was great with the house . The owners might not be aware of everything wrong with the house . Some things are hidden , but might still be a problem for you in the future . I heard that the owners must fix all of the problems before the escrow closes . I inform you of the problems . If there are major problems , you can decline to buy the house or they may wish to fix any problems . What kinds of things did you discover in my home inspection ? I found some fairly major problems . A major support beam in the roof is broken , and the shower floor leaked and rotted out the second-floor joist . Hi , Mark ! Hi , do you have a minute ? Oh , I'm sorry , Nigel . I'm rushing to a meet right now . Sure , no problem . Can we fix a time to talk later ? Sure , but this week is crazy for me . Can we make it next Monday ? Ok , see you 10 o'clock next Monday ! That's fine . See you then . I can't find proper parking space . Let's just park here . No , there's no parking sign . Oh , the policeman's coming . Jack , you should have known in general the situation of our company now . Yes , and I am very satisfied with it . Do you have any other questions ? Would you please tell me about fringe benefits of the company ? OK , we will pay insurances for employees after the probationary period . What do they include ? Include endowment insurance , medical insurance , unemployment insurance , work-related injury insurance and maternity insurance . That sounds great . Employees will also have housing payment reserve funds . The fringe benefits in your company are excellent , and it's generous of you to offer five insurances and one fund Do you have other questions ? I want to know if the staff can get a vacation every year . The permanent staff can have a paid month-long vacation every year . Besides , they also get chances of free traveling . That's quite good . Thank you for telling me about those . Hey , daughter . Let me ask you something . Yes , Dad ? Do you have life insurance ? Well , no . It just seemed like another bill we ’ d have to pay . You have children now . What if something , god forbid , happens to you ? That's true . Well , how much do you think I should get ? A 10,000 dollar policy shouldn ’ t be too expensive . Here , call my agent . He will give you a good deal . Do you have any special skills ? I can write computer programs , I have a good command of secretarial skills . What qualifications have you got ? I have a doctor license and a driving license . Do you get special training in office skills ? I passed both the Cambridge Examinations ( First Certificate and the Certificate of Proficiency in English ); and studied for a year in London at the Lucas Secretarial College , ending with speeds of 120 words per minute in English shorthand and 50 words per minute in typing . I was also trained in office procedure . Please tell me about work you have done , which qualifies you for this job . I ’ Ve received some special training in typing , shorthand and operating a fax machine , etc .. I ’ m experienced in IBM-PC . I can operate familiarly a word-processor , a fax machine , a photo and other office equipment . Can I help you ? Yes , I'm looking for a house . To buy or to rent ? Oh , to rent . How much do you want to pay ? About 300 a month . Well , I've got one here . It's 260 a month . How big is it ? It's got a kitchen , a bathroom , and one bedroom . Well , actually I prefer something a bit bigger if that's possible . Yes , I think so . There is also an interesting one.It ' s opposite the park . How much is it ? It's 325 a month . It's the biggest we've got in this area . What's it like ? Well , There're two bedrooms , a sitting room , a kitchen and a bathroom . It sounds interesting . Can I go and see it ? Of course , Sir . I may go grocery shopping later . We need to get food ? I don't think we have any food . What are you going to buy ? What food are we out of ? Go and look in the kitchen . Could you look for me ? You should just get the basics . What would that be ? Get some eggs , milk , and bread . Would you please make a list for me ? Okay , I'll write it down for you . In case you didn't know , I'm checking out in half an hour . That won't be a problem , sir . That's good to hear . Now there's still a whole New York day ahead of me . You're right , sir . Your whole day is still ahead of you . I still have time to explore more of New York , but I need a place to secure my baggage . We have a storage place here , but you have to leave a deposit . A deposit , huh ? I would think my baggage would be enough of a deposit . Just present your VISA card , and there won't be any problems . That deposit bothers me . Give me a minute . Okay , sir , but remember how close it is to your checkout time . What can I do for you ? Hello , there . I've just started using your net banking and I'm looking for some information about my Commission Fund . I see . The Fund Trading System of our Net Banking deals with both trading and information . If you use this system , you can subscribe for and apply to buy other funds . You can also get lots of other useful information . Regarding what exactly ? Fund info , the fund code , fund net value per unit , fund public info , fund account balance , fund trading conformation , daily details and the history . With our Net Banking , anything is possible ! Good morning , is this Ryan ? You are speaking with Ryan . How can I help you ? Ryan , this is Malia , and I need to call in sick today . What seems to be the problem ? I went hiking and have terrible poison oak . When did you get that ? I think I got it on Saturday , but it just showed up today . What are you doing for it ? The doctor prescribed an ointment and gave me a shot . Good . You probably should be much better by tomorrow . Good morning , I am Monica . Are you Mr . White , the manager of finance department ? I am the newcomer and also working in the finance department . Yes , that is me . Nice to meet you , Monica . Welcome on board ! Thank you . I am very happy to have my own office now . I ’ Ve never had one before . It is very nice . Well , we have nicer things than that in this company . You will find out soon . Really ? What could that be ? Well , I bet you will love them too . If you need help , just ask me any time . I am in the next door . You can also reach me through the extension 508 . That is very kind of you . Thank you very much . He's going too slow . Pass him . Do you need help with something ? I need help finding a new refrigerator . Do you see anything that you like ? That Kenmore looks nice . That is a wonderful choice . What makes is so great ? It's very inexpensive , and it has all the appliances . What appliances are you talking about ? The fridge and freezer is very spacious , and it also has an ice maker and water dispenser . May I take a look inside ? Take a look inside . It's very nice . I'd like to purchase this refrigerator . Excuse me , do you have a vacancy ? Let me see . Yes , we still have four left . Well , I would like to book a single room . How long would you stay ? 5 days . From Feb . 13 to 18 . Are you going somewhere ? I ’ m on my way to work . Where do you work ? I work at the polling place . You didn ’ t tell me you were working there this year . I do this every year . How ’ d you get that job ? I applied online . That ’ s interesting . I enjoy working there every year . How much do they pay ? They pay just enough . I was anxious to find out what the sellers had to say about my counter-offer . I was able to contact them so , if you ’ ll step into my office , we ’ ll talk . Did they go with the proposed counter-offer ? They want you to pick up the cost of the home inspection , but they accepted your offer . Is a home inspection very expensive ? It can cost between five hundred and one thousand dollars . Do I get to choose who inspects the home ? Yes , you get to choose . I would spend a little more to get a really thorough inspection . Can you call the owners with my acceptance right away ? I am going to contact the sellers immediately . They were looking forward to your acceptance . Julia and Anne have both taken dance lessons.They want to be famous dancer , I think . Yet Julia is not a patch on Anne because she's not as diligent and clever as Anne . I don't see much difference , anyway . How much does this cost ? Sixty dollars . Excuse me , madam . May I see your ticket , please ? I'm afraid I have lost my ticket . Can I buy one again ? Where are you going ? I'm going to Nanchang . Where did you begin your journey ? At Huangshan . OK . Here you are . And by the way , what time shall we get to Nanchang ? We'll get there around 7:45 in the morning . Thanks . Mr . Smith , welcome to our factory . I've been looking forward to visiting your factory . You'll know our products better after this visit . Do you have some good ideas of losing weight ? First of all , you should pay attention to what you eat . Don't eat too much food with high calories , such as chocolate , ice cream and the like . Any more ? Stay away from fried foods . Fried foods are fried in oil or fat . Got it . Do not be a couch potato . You should do more exercise . Well , it seems that I should do some jogging from tomorrow on . What can I do for you , Miss ? I want to buy a bottle of perfume for myself . Well , here is a perfume kind for women . I don't like strong perfumes . How about this Isawell's flowery perfume ? I don't think it smells nice . Do you have green tea perfume ? Yes , here you are . May I have a look at this ? Sure . The bittersweet perfume has a calming effect on the nerves . I like this fragrance . How much is it ? 150 yuan . I'll take it . Excuse me . My name is Richard Davis of Magic Office Supplies . I'm here to see Mr.Chen . Yes . He's waiting for you in his office . This way , please . Thank you for calling ABC Company , may I help you ? I ’ m Liu Yi . I ’ d like to speak to Mr . Smith . Sorry , we have two Smiths , Robert Smith and James Smith , which one would you like to speak to ? I ’ d like to speak with Mr . Robert Smith . He is on the line . Excuse me . May I see that laptop for a moment ? Sure . You mean this one ? No , the one on the left . Yes , that ′ s the one . ... Thank you . It ′ s a state-of-the-art piece of equipment , sir . With a gigantic 16.1 USGA TFT screen , 2.8 Ghz mobile processor , generous 512 MB RAM , removable 80 GB hard drive , convenient CD-RW / DVD combo drive , stunning fast graphics board with 64 MB DDR DRAM , dual battery capability , integrated Fast Ethernet card , IEEE 1394 digital interface and eight USB ports , it has all the power of a desktop computer packed into an ultra-slim notebook ! That ′ s impressive ! What ′ s the sale price ? The regular price is $ 2980.00 , but until December the 31st it ′ s on sale for just $ 2,699 . 00 . I bought it . I got a watch , too . The company that sells this car has a car club . Where you can buy lots of paraphernalia ? Yeah , and meet other drivers of the same car ! Cool ! I know girls love this kind of car . Look , it's got a sunroof ! Imagine ... a cool , starry night ... So , you're going to use Sarah's car to go cruising for chicks ? No . I borrowed it to go shopping . Peter , I hope you will accept my quotation for the air freshener . I wish I could place a monthly order for a minimum of 50 cases , introducing your goods to my customers , but your price , $ 100 for a case , is too high in this highly competitive market . I have cut the price the minimum . You know our freshener is a patent product , different from other kinds of fresheners . We could not have quitted it at such a low price if it were not for your past large orders . This price , actually , leaves us with a very small profit . People here desire medium-priced air freshener only . Please carefully consider my proposal , which will lead to a larger business between us . The low price I'm offering you is as low as I can go . Then , I am sorry to say I must regretfully decline your offer and seek quotations for the other suppliers . I'm sorry , Peter . I hope you'll continue to approach us on other occasions if you cannot accept our offer now . Yes . I'll welcome other opportunities to do business with you . What did you say ? I said it ’ s a lovely day . Why don't we go for a walk ? Well , I feel a little tired . Come on ! Rest breads rust . Then can you wait a few minutes ? I want to finish writing this letter . I hope it won't be too long . It would be a shame not to take advantage of such lovely weather . It won't be long . No more than ten minutes . Why don't you go ahead and I'll meet you in the park ? OK ! See you later ! What ? Your diamond ring is lost ? Yeah , I just cannot find it anywhere . It must have been stolen by the few thieves . I ’ ll get it back for you . You are risking your neck . Don ’ t you know they have guns . Hello , may I speak to Mr.Baker , please ? Hold on a second , please . I'll see if he's in . I'm sorry , Mr.Baker had just gone out . Who's calling ? This is Jones . Can I leave a message ? Yes , certainly . What's that ? Please tell him to call Mr.Baker at the Grand Restaurant . It's urgent . OK , I'll have Mr.Baker call you as soon as he comes back . Thank you . You're welcome . Is this the first time you've come to our city , Mr . Ross ? Correct . I have expected to visit here for a long time . So fortunate for me , I can realize this expectation and meet you , Arden , and your kind-hearted staff in your company . I am so honored to hear that . Well , after staying here for several days , you must have some ideas about our company . We have been in the clothes field for many years , and yours brand is also well-known in the country . How about our cooperation ? That is one of reasons why I am here now . I am really willing to have some cooperation with your company . We intend to establish business relationship with your company on the basis of equality and mutual benefit . Good morning . I ’ m thinking about buying some new furniture for my living room . Could you help me ? Certainly . As you can see , we have several three-piece suites on sale . Feel free to sit down and test how comfortable they are . I came to your store yesterday and have come back today to make a final decision . I think I like the black leather suite . It's on sale , isn't it . Yes . The price has been reduced by 50 % . It ’ s a real bargain . I ’ ll take it . I also need to improve the lighting in my living room . Do you have any suggestions ? Those floor lamps are very nice and you can vary the brightness according to whether you ’ re reading or watching tv . How big is your living room ? It ’ s quite large . It ’ s about 40 square meters . I ’ d suggest you buy two . That allows you to change the brightness of the room better . OK . I like the design of this lamps . I also need some cushion covers . I ’ ll just browse through those ones over there . Steven , it's ten o'clock . I'm going to bed . I'm beat . Okay . I'm going to stay up a while . I've got to go over the household budget . We've sightly overspent this month . Oh , can't you do it tomorrow ? It's already past 10 . But I'm not sleepy , darling . I want to finish it today . Okay . Please close the door to the basement before you go to bed . I don't want the dog down there tonight . Okay . Good night . Have a good dream . Good night . A friend told me I might find a room here . Yes . I'll have a room free next week . What do you charge ? 12,000 a year , but you can't get visitors to live in . OK . Would it be all right to look at the room first ? Could you come back later ? We're right in the middle of dinner . What ’ s up ? You look so blue . Unfortunately , I missed a chance to see a classic movie . How do you like Chinese food ? It's my favorite . What other kind of food do you like ? I like Indian food as well . Well , we've settled the problems of price , quality and quantity . What mode of payment do you wish to employ ? Irrevocable letter of credit , of course . It's the normal terms of payment in international business . Could you adopt D / A or D / P ? You see I have to pay a deposit when I open a letter of credit . That will tie up my funds and add to the cost of my imports , especially for such a huge order . You might consult your bank and see if you could reduce the required deposit to a minimum . Anyhow , there would be certain bank charges . We've done business for years and you should have some faith in our credit . It would help me greatly , if you could accept D / A or D / P . It makes no difference to you , but it does to me . Well . As you understand , the irrevocable L / C gives the exports additional protection of the banker ’ s guarantee . We always ask for L / C for our exports , and the other way around , we pay by L / C for our imports . We only accept L / C for regular orders . Hi , I ’ m Mary Smith . Hello , I ’ m the landlord . John Taylor . Nice to meet you Mr . Taylor . Please , call me John . O . K . , John . Well , can I have a look at the place ? Sure . Come on it . We just finished rebuilding everything . Oh , it hasn ’ t been painted yet . No , we ’ re going to get that done next week . Well . It ’ s certainly nice . You ’ Ve done a great job . Thank you . The rent is $ 600 a month ? That ’ s right . Well , I think I ’ ll take it . Can I write you a check for the security deposit now ? $ 1200 ? Yeah . But why don ’ t you come by your office tomorrow to sign the lease ? That would be fine . Thank you . See you tomorrow . See you . Excuse me . Yes , sir . Can I help you ? Um , this steak , I asked for to be medium rare . Medium rare , that ’ s right , sir . I remember your order . Well , I ’ m afraid it isn ’ t . It ’ s a bit too well done and rather tough . Would you mind changing ? If it is not to your satisfaction , I ’ ll certainly bring you another . But I ’ m afraid you may have to wait for a few minutes . Yes , that ’ s all right . Thank you very much . What's this city famous for ? Tea and silk . Where can we have the famous tea ? Preferably at the big department stores . Thank you . Good morning , I am Monica . Are you Mr . White , the manager of finance department ? I am the newcomer and also working in the finance department . Yes , that is me . Nice to meet you , Monica . Welcome on board ! Thank you . I am very happy to have my own office now . I ’ Ve never had one before . It is very nice . Well , we have nicer things than that in this company . You will find out soon . Really ? What could that be ? Well , I bet you will love them too . If you need help , just ask me any time . I am in the next door . You can also reach me through the extension 508 . That is very kind of you . Thank you very much . What kind of document is an invoice ? It's a document from the seller to the buyer . It contains full particulars of the goods sold , such as quantity , quality , price , forwarding particulars , and terms of payment . How many kinds of foreign invoices are there ? Four . They are Loco invoice , FOB invoice , CIF invoice and Franco invoice . What does the price in different kinds of invoices include ? By Loco invoice , the price includes only the cost of goods at the warehouse of the seller . By FOB invoice , the price includes the cost before the cargo is delivered . By CIF invoice , the price includes all the expenses of cost freight and insurance . The price in Franco invoice includes all expenses to destination . Oh , I see . Good evening , sir . What can I do for you ? We are going to have a party tonight , would you please look after our baby tonight ? Well , we have baby-sitting service . We will take good care of your baby . That's good . Please fill out the table . I'd like to buy one of these refrigerators . Do I have to pay in cash ? No , we have an easy-payment plan . One-third down , and the balance in six months . Fine . Will you work out the details , please ? Certainly . Would you sit here please ? I'll call our credit manager . Thank you . It's just a formality , but for hire purchase we usually require references . What kind of references do you need ? Perhaps your employer could supply us with one . I'm sure he could , but I prefer not to bother him . Would my bank do ? Certainly . A simple letter from your bank would be quite satisfactory . With tomorrow being Labor Day and all , I think it would be a nice gesture to let all the members of laboring staff leave work an hour early . What do you say ? What ! That sounds perfectly ridiculous ! Labour Day is a holiday for everyone , not just laboring staff ... and we get a whole day off tomorrow anyway , so what's the point of an extra hour tonight ? Well , we all get Labour Day off as a holiday , the real purpose of the holiday is to remember all the people who do manual or other hard labor . It's to celebrate those who work doing what other people might not be willing to do . I think we ought to do something in honor of the common worker . So if we did allow the laboring force to go home early , how many people are we talking about ? In our company , the loborial force makes up 60 % of our workers . We'd just be letting slightly over half the folks out a little early . Hi , Paulo . How are things going ? Everything's going very well . The first phase of the project was finished three days ahead of schedule . We're on target to complete phase two by the beginning of week 40 . That's good news . What stage are you at now ? Well , we've just finished laying the cabling and we're waiting for the safety inspector to give us the go-ahead to continue . I'm just going to meet him . Do you want to come ? Good afternoon , Pan Am . May I help you ? Yes . I'd like to make a reservation to New York for 18th next month . Please wait a moment . Let me check for you.The flight is FW 711 and it arrives at 10:00 am . How long is that journey ? 14 hours . Thank you . Are you being served , madam ? Not yet . Sit here please.How would you like your hair done ? A trim and perm . Do you want a cold-wave or perm ? A cold-wave , please . Hello , and welcome to IBA . Which service do you require ? Hello , Shelly , is it ? I'm here on behalf of my company , so I'll need the Corporate Banking Services . That's no problem ; I can take care of that for you . I need to have a credit check done for my company . If it's this kind of consultancy service , I'll have to direct you to another department , I'm afraid . That's no problem . Do you offer any other consulting services ? There are many services you can choose from . Why don't you take a look at this leaflet while I find someone who can help you ? Great . I'll wait right here , thanks . This'd better be good . I'm about to fire you all and find another company . We've brought you a little something from the place down the street , Kitty Cafe-Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee beans ! Mmm , smells good . Sure better than my instant . But please don't tell me this is another coffee-themed pitch . I thought I told you ... ... yes , but this one has an all-new buzz . Peter , listen to the lyrics of this song . What's so special about this song ? It's from the musical that is so popular in New York right now . Do you like it ? Not very much . It sounds too emotional to me . That's why it is so popular . It was recorded by Barbara Tutin . I've heard that when she sang this song on stage the opening night , she created quite a sensation . I'm afraid my association with Broadway musicals is rather limited . Well , then , you need an introduction . The school drama club is putting on a musical production . How about going together ? I have a better idea . Let's go to a jazz concert and I'll give you an education in jazz . Is there anything I can do for you ? Yes . I have reserved a table for 2 at 7:30 . My name is Bob . Yes , sir . Is there anything wrong ? Three of our friends will join us so can you seat 5 people at that time ? No problem , sir . We will arrange you a table for 5 . Thank you . Good morning , sir . What can I do for you ? I'm Jack in Room 606 . Can you change the room for me ? It's too noisy . My friend was woken up several times by the noise from upstairs . He said it was too much for him . I'm awfully sorry , sir . I do apologize . A ten-year-old boy and a mother live upstairs . Maybe the boy is a little bit naughty . Anyway , I'd like to change our room . No problem , sir . We'll manage it . Good afternoon.can I be of any assistance to you ? Yes , I am looking for a suit . Here are the suits . Which one would you like ? Can I have a black one over there ? Mary , I will have an interview tomorrow . I am so excited ! Congratulations ! By the way , have you had all the things ready for the interview ? I only typed several copies of my resume . That's not enough . You have many other things to prepare . What are they ? Besides the resume , you also need the original and copies of your graduation certificate and your ID card . I see Also several copies of your one-inch color photos . Yes , I have those . You also need to prepare formal clothes for the interview ; a suit should be the best . I will get it soon . Have a briefcase ready with all your interview materials in it for easy carrying . Ok , I will remember . All these should be enough . Good luck ! Hello , thanks for calling 123 Tech Help , I ’ m Todd . How can I help you ? Hello ? Can you help me ? My computer ! Oh man ... It ’ s okay sir , calm down . What happened ? I turned on my laptop and it broke ! I mean , the monitor went black ! Ok , sir , it sounds like you might have a virus . I don ’ t feel sick , ... let me check ... Nope ! No fever , I ’ m fine . No , your computer might have a virus , I mean , it has a bad program on it . Maybe that ’ s why it crashed . I recommend that you run an antivirus program in order to safely remove any unwanted spyware or Trojans . Phew ! . . . Wait a minute , CRASH ? ? ! ! Spyware ? Trojans ! What ? where ? when ? ! Recently I have been getting headache and my eyes come to see focus properly . When did you last time have your eyes checked ? Two years ago . At that time I had no problems . Now I can ’ t even make out something ten meters away . Come over here . I will test your eyes . First cover your left eye like this , and when I point , please read the chart from the top , and go as far as you can telling me which way the “ E ” points . All right . Good . Now the other eye . Well , this one is worse . Never mind , just read as far as you can . I can only read the first three lines . I wonder if we can change to Channel 5 . Why ? I want to know what's on that channel . Oh , good . There is a football match . I prefer TV play to football . OK . Could you turn it down ? What are you going to do ? I'm going to listen to the radio . Maybe we can enjoy the TV play together . It's interesting . I am really interested in buying this television . That's great ! How much are you selling it for ? This TV is $ 2500 . You can't be serious . That's how much this t . v costs . That's too expensive for me . This television is of very high quality . You can't go down on the price ? By how much ? I'll buy it for $ 2000 . I'm sorry , but the price is final . What are you doing ? Look at me . I look so old ! I look as if I were thirty . Come on ! Stop being so vain . You look great ! You are beautiful ! Yes , I am , but I think it ’ s time for some plastic surgery I ’ m tired of these wrinkles and sagging skin . See ? I don ’ t see any wrinkles or sagging skin ! You are 25 , stop being ridiculous . Besides , I think that people who get Boto , have facelifts , or tummy tucks look weird . It doesn ’ t look natural . Whatever , I think I ’ m gonna get liposuction and a nose job and some breast implants as well . I think you need to get brain surgery . I honestly don ’ t think you need cosmetic surgery . You look amazing . I thought you were my friend and would support me on this ! I just want to feel better about myself and feel more attractive . You don ’ t need plastic surgery to do that . You are fine the way you are and you have guys drooling all over you ! Plus , plastic surgery hurts ! Really ? Yeah ! When I got my nose job I was black and blue for a week ! morning . Phyllis Seymour speaking . Hi , Ms . Seymour ? It ’ s Allan Parker . I ’ Ve been waiting to call you and thank you for all your help last week . Thank you very much , Mr . Parker . But , that is my job . Well , I want to let your boss know that she ’ d better hold on to you ! You ’ re a hard worker ! What time's your flight ? It's at 7:30 a . m . I'll try one of these on . ( The customer tries one of the shoes on . ) It's too big . It slides up and down my heel when I walk around . Well , let's try a size ten . ( He gets another pair and the customer tries a shoe on ) Looks like a perfect fit . Not really . It pinches my toes . I'm sure they'll be fine once you break them in . I don't know ... well , I guess I'll take them , since you don't seem to have anything better . Thank you , ma'am . It's been a pleasure doing business with you . I really need to go shopping . What do you need to buy ? I need to look for a new bedroom set . Where are you going to go look for one ? I have absolutely no idea . You don't know where you want to look for one ? No , I'm not sure where they sell nice bedroom sets . Do you want to know where I got mine from ? Yes , because I love yours . I purchased mine from IKEA . Is IKEA affordable ? Not at all , but you get what you pay for . Hello , could I make a reservation ? Sure . At what time ? 6 o'dock in the evening . Let me see ... Sorry , sir . We are fully booked tonight . Would you mind making a reservation some other time ? Do you offer mutton hot pot at noon ? Yes , sir . Then we will come here for lunch tomorrow . So how's everything going for Christmas ? I've got all the presents I need , and my family is working together to get all the food ready . That's easy , but I have another problem to deal with . What's that ? Don't tell me you've still got Christmas cards to write , it usually takes my wife a month to write all of ours . No , I did that a long time ago . It's about telling my son the truth about Santa Claus . He still doesn't know that Santa isn't real ? How old is he , eight ? Yes . He's never said anything so I never told him . But now that he's getting older ... You think it's better that he should be told ? Yes , he's too old to believe in that type of things . And I'd rather tell him before the kids at school do . That happened to my oldest girl . She became really upset when her classmates told her Santa wasn't real . I can understand . I was lucky with my oldest , she figured it out by herself and didn't tell my son . Well , when you tell him , be gentle . It's hard for kids to find out something like that . Hello , this is 5735647 5 . Hello , this is John . I wanna speak to Linda , please . This is Linda . Hi , Linda . I want to invite you to a dinner tomorrow evening . Really ? What time and which restaurant ? At seven thirty pm , Longing Chinese restaurant.And I'll go to your home and pick you up at 7 . Ok , I'll wait for you at 7pm at home . Anything else ? No , have a nice day ! Thank you . Bye . See you . What ’ s the matter , dear ? Something awful happened . We went to the Portobello Road , and someone stole my handbag . Oh , dear . Did you lose a lot of money ? No . Only a few pounds . But my passport was in the bag . That ’ what I ’ m really worry about . You must tell the embassy about it . And I think they ’ ll issue you with a new one . I ’ d better go tomorrow . No . But you mustn ’ t leave it too long . Did you report it the police ? Hello , May I help you ? Yes , we're interested in seeing the rooms for rent . Oh , how nice ! there are bright rooms and the house is very quiet . That is exactly what we're looking for . Well , each room is 40 dollars a week . That sounds all right to us . When do you want to move in ? How about tomorrow afternoon ? Fine , I'll be expecting you . See you tomorrow . Are you still hungry , Ryan ? How about some more squid balls ? Squid balls ? How about some more fruit ! Wow ! You really like fruit , huh ? You've already had 3 plates ! Yeah , it's funny . I usually don't ever eat fruit ... Well , whatever suits your fancy . I'll press the service button again . Mon and I got in another fight , Boris . oh , Iris ! what was it about this time ? it was over food . I simply wanted some fried chicken but she said no . I believe she was right . You must know that fried foods contain a lot of fat . oh , she keeps saying that . She never allows me to have them . I think you'd better take her advice since health is the greatest wealth . But , Boris , i am not a baby any more . well , that's true . how about your mother ? she also believes in healthy diet . And she requires us to have regular meals . poor you . It seems we are in the same boat . Oh , i am grateful for my mother on this point . her idea of healthy eating helps me a lot keeping fit . really ? so you don't have fried food at all . not really . I may have some occasionally for a chance . But I don't indulge myself too much . how do you manage it ? it's pretty simple , Iris . Just keep it in mind that you're what you eat . I think this spring is a good time for us to start looking . We should plan to move out of here before July . I'm tired of living in apartments . I know , dear . I am too . But we've just been too busy to look for a house . We need to find a good realtor . Not necessary . If we use a realtor to find a house , it will be more expensive . What do you mean ? Realtors always get a commission . If the realtor helps us find something , we have to pay him . But doesn't a realtor help with the contract ? I thought they take care of all the legal troubles . Yes , that's often true . But you have to pay them . I still think we should have a realtor . We're new in this country . We don't know all the laws of buying a house . And also , the realtor will inspect the house . He can tell us if the house has any problems . Of course we need a house inspector . But we can hire an inspector on our own . As for the legal problems , I have friends . They can help us . So how can we find a house if we don't have a realtor ? It takes a little more time . We have to check the ads in the paper . Probably also there are special real estate magazines with ads . Then we have to drive to the homes and look at them . And doesn't the person selling the house have a realtor ? Sometimes they do , sometimes they don't . It's best to find someone who is selling by themselves . Why ? That is because if the seller has a realtor , their price will be higher . He will have to pay a commission to the realtor . Hmm . It all sounds very complicated . It is . But buying a house is very important . So it takes time . That's why we haven't done it yet . It's very troublesome . I want to look in the papers today . Maybe we can see something we like . All right . I'll buy a newspaper when I go to the drugstore . So , got any more ideas for the website ? Well , since we're collecting gifts instead of red envelopes , I made a " for guests only " gift chat room . But we registered at Macy's . People can just buy gifts there . The Taiwanese won't have time to buy gifts in America . The chat room is more convenient . You're right . They can discuss what to get and avoid buying the same things . Or discuss what gifts they could buy together . Any other ideas ? We can also put a guest book on the website for people to sign and write comments . And we were going to make a collage for each of us using our baby pictures ... Yeah , that will be the best part . Jack hasn't seen yours yet , right ? No . He has no idea what a fat little pig I was ! I have a taste for something sweet . What are you thinking ? I want some kind of dessert . Well , what kind of dessert do you want ? I was thinking about ordering some kind of pie . Do you know what kind you want ? I honestly don't know . Did you want to know my favorite kind of pie ? What's your favorite kind ? My absolutely favorite kind of pie is apple . That sounds really good to me right now . I'm happy to help . Hi , Cole . What can I do for you ? if you have a few minutes , I'd like to talk to you about my future at this company . sure , have a seat . thanks . let me just grab your file . How long have you worked for us now ? I've worked here as a sales representative for about a year now . one year already ? It's amazing how time flies like that . Are you enjoying your job ? yes , but I'd like to have a chance at job advancement . I see . What job did you have in mind . well , I've noticed that is a position available as a sales manager . do you understand what duties that job would entail ? yes . I would be directly responsible for all of the sales representatives in my department . I assume there'd be more meetings , paperwork , and other responsibilities , too . that's right . Do you have any experience in management ? yes . In fact if you look at my resume , you can see that I was a manager before I started this job . well , I think you'd be the perfect candidate for the position . According to company policy , you'll still have to go through the formal application procedures though , so fill this application form in ok . Thanks for your support . Thanks for coming in today , did you have any trouble finding us ? Please take a seat . Thank you . So , let ’ s get started . tell me a bit about your educational background . Sure ! Well , I graduated with honors from Chesterton University with a major in Business Administration , with a specialization in Information Management , and I minored in psychology . I chose this course of study for two reasons . I wanted to gain some practical , marketable skills , which the information management track provided , and I also feel that interpersonal skills are essential for professional success , hence the minor in psychology . Interesting . And , your postgraduate studies ? Well , I am really passionate about consumer behavior , so I pursued a master ’ s in that area . I also strive to keep my professional skills current , so I continuously attend seminars and conferences related management and customer service . Very good . Now , tell me a little bit about your work experience . I see here that you previously worked at Oracle . Yeah , I worked as their customer support manager , which brought me a breadth of experience in both client care , and process management . I supervised and coordinated the customer support team as well as implemented new strategies to achieve better customer satisfaction . Interesting ... Yes , in this position I was able to make some pretty significant contributions to the overall success of the company . With the different initiatives that we implemented , we lowered our churn rate to about five percent , which had a direct impact on revenue . We still have an important attraction . What is that ? Melbourne Zoo . What's special about Melbourne Zoo ? The place is a must-see . This zoo was built in 1862 , and it's the oldest zoo in the world , and still among the best . There are more than 3,000 species of animals here , including the popular kangaroos , wallabies , koalas , and wombats . Are the animals caged ? Most animals are not locked up in tiny cages . Rather , they are set in almost natural surroundings or well-tended gardens . That's really special . Of course , I'm sure you will like it . Are you interested in mountaineering ? Yes . in some sense . I should say I like mountain climbing , you know , because I'm not so professional . How about you ? I'm the same with you , an amateur mountain climber . 1 went climbing in the Rocky Mountains with my friends last summer vacation . We spent two days in the mountains . How did you spend the night there ? We pitched a tent in the night , waiting for the sunrise . Wow ! It was too beautiful . I had a similar experience , but that was on the top of Tasha Mountain in my country . Tasha Mountain ? It's very famous in China , isn't it ? Yes.It IS one of the Five Mountains . I want to climb Tasha Mountain this summer vacation . Would you be my guide ? I'd love to . Bob ! Your eyes look bloodshot . Did you not sleep well ? I had a drop too much last night . I attended a banquet given by a Chinese colleague of mine . And it was startling for me to find that people are forced to drink against their will on a Chinese table . You have it right . Alcohol is a medium for communicating emotion in China . Drinking with business partners or would-be friends is a way of solidifying friendship , especially in Northern China . I just felt embarrassed if I refused to drink when people toasted to me . But if I keep gulping down one cup after another , I'm afraid I would feel unfit or sick . You lose face by refusing to drink , and the host might think you refuse to give him face . The right thing to do seems to be drinking yourself into incoherence until you throw up . This will endear you to your friends . A few guys even threw a drunken fit last night , crying hoarsely and bawling whole heaps of nonsense that I never understood . Then he must be opening his heart to the friends . In a word , as long as you demonstrate a readiness to drink more in spite of already suffering extreme discomfort , no one will jeer at you . I got you . Next time . I'll preface a toast with a statement like ' I can't drink any more ' and then drink anyway . May I help you , sir ? Yes , I'd like some information about the trains to Beijing . When do you want to go ? On July 7 , I have to be there well before twelve o ’ clock . There ’ s a train at 7 a . m . It'll get you there at 11 a . m . But there are many stops along the way . And I have to get up early , too . Are there any non-stop trains to Beijing ? Yes , there is one at 8: 30 a . m . That arrives at 11:35 a . m . Next please . I want to send this letter to the US by airmail . That'll be five yuan forty , please . Where do you work ? I work at a hospital . Are you a doctor ? No , I'm a nurse . Could you show me some scarves ? What kind of scarf shall I show you ? We have them in all sorts and sizes . Show me some of the latest fashion , please . At your service . Will this suit you ? Yes , it will ; this must be the foreign produce . This is Chinese made . Let me try it on . I think it really suits me . Can you give me some discount on it ? Yes , it ’ s already fifty yuan off the original price . But that still sounds expensive . Sorry , we can ’ t come down any more . I want to change rooms . In fact , I want a refund for tonight ! And the problem is , sir ? Cockroaches have taken over my room ! My apologies , sir . We'll give you a new room and refund the value of your current room . Thank you . I want to continue to be able to recommend this hotel to others . We always try to serve our guests in the most agreeable way possible . What sights are included on the tour ? Is the entire time spent in Paris ? All of the major sights are included . You'll visit the Louvre , the Eiffel Tower and all of the top museums . You'll also take a day trip out of Paris to Versailles . Can you fax a copy of the tour itinerary to me ? Of course . Just give me your fax number . It's 212-331-7600 . Okay . I'll fax the itinerary to you immediately . Are there other chores for us to do ? We also have to vacuum the house . You used to do this by yourself ? You'd better believe it . I'll do the second floor and you do the first floor . No . You're going to do the entire house . What about you ? I'm going to mow the lawn . Why is there no water coming out when you turn on the faucet ? Not even a single drop ? Well , it's just drip drip drip . But that's not water . I don't know . Since yesterday morning , the water pressure has dropped to a little more than a drip . Did you call the apartment management yet ? Yeah , I called and they said they'd send someone over . How long ago did you do that ? It was 36 hours ago . That's outrageous ! I just don't understand why they're not on top of this . Hello , Sir . What can we do for you today ? Hello . I've been asked to come and see about something called L / C ? What is it exactly ? L / C stands for ' letter of credit ' . This is necessary for trade between two countries . A Letter of Credit is quite literally that — a letter addressed by the buyer's bank to the seller's bank stating that they could vouch for their good customer , the buyer , and that they would pay the seller in case of the buyer's default . Nowadays , it's sometimes used for domestic trade too . So the other party could be across the world or just on the other side of the street ! Excuse me . Could you tell me how to get to the library ? Of course . It's on Memorial Avenue . On Memorial Avenue ? Right . You know where that is ? I'm afraid I don't . I'm quite new in town . Well , do you know where the post office is ? No , I don't . But I do know where the shopping mall is . That won't help us . Let me see now ... Why don't you follow this street , Elm , until , you get to the second stoplight . Well , thank you very much , I hope I can find it . Did you take the job ? No . Why not ? It involves a lot of travel . May I help you ? I ’ m not sure where to pick up my ballot . I can assist you . How are you going to help me ? I actually work here . Fabulous . Thanks . Do you have ID ? I have it right here . Here ’ s your ballot card . Now what am I supposed to do ? Just take it to a booth and begin voting . Sounds good . Thanks . Something's wrong with my air conditioning . Leave it to me . I'll fix it . Sir , your hair is done . Anything else I can do for you ? I'd like to have a shave . All right , sir . Would you lie back so that I can shave you ? Sure . But my beard is rough . Don't worry , sir . I've never cut a customer . Shall I trim your moustache ? Yes , please . Now , I've finished . How do you like it ? Wonderful . How much is the cost altogether ? 20 dollars . Here you are . Thank you , bye-bye ! Bye-bye . Welcome to come next time ! I would like to order a suit made to my own measure . I share the same opinion . You are over-weight so it's hard for you to buy clothes . Maybe I should try to lose weight . Here is one tailor's shop . Why not order one here ? How much do you expect to earn ? I think salary is closely related to the responsibilities of the job . Shall we discuss my responsibilities with your company first ? If you are hired , you are in charge of the design of toys that can meet the needs of the American market . I know it is a crucial position , but I can do it well . So I'm asking for 200,000 Yuan a year as a starting salary . Ok . Open your suitcase please . Ok , here you are . Do you have anything do declare ? No , I don't . Any cigarettes ? Baker ? Yes , I have two cotton of cigarettes one bottle of whisky . What is the white powder ? Are they drugs ? No , this is the medicine for the stomach . May I open one of those ? Let me taste it . Yes , Sir , go ahead , here you are . What would you like for dessert ? What do you have ? I have apple pie , ice cream , chocolate cake and fruit cocktail . Can I have apple pie with ice cream ? Of course . I made the apple pie this morning , so it ’ s lovely and fresh . I love your home-made apple pie.It ’ s delicious.Can I have another glass of lemonade as well ? Sure.Can you get it yourself , it ’ s in the refrigerator . Ok.Would you like a drink too ? Yes , I ’ ll have an ice tea.You see it next to the lemonade . Are you having any dessert ? I ’ ll have apple pie too , but without ice cream . I have to watch my weight . The central Hotel , please . I have to be there by 6:00 . We shouldn't have any trouble if the traffic isn't too heavy . Is this your first trip here ? Yes . I've never been here before . You haven't seen the sights yet , have you ? No , I'm open to suggestions . Why don't you visit the Great Wall first ? That's a good idea . Here we are . That will be seven yuan and seventy cents . Thanks a lot . Here's ten yuan . Keep the change . Yes , ma'ma . May I help you with your bags ? Oh , yes , if you like.The large one goes to Washington.The other one I will take with me . All right ? Flight 36 to Washington.It ' ll be on the plane for you . Oh , thank you . Thank you very much . What is your salary now ? My present pay is RIB 3 , 000 yuan each month . What's your expected salary ? What is important to me is the job and the people who I will be working with , so regarding salary , I leave it to you and I am sure that you will make me a fair offer . I can offer you 5 , 000 yuan per month . Raises are given after three months ' probation period according to your performance . Is this satisfactory ? Yes , it is quite satisfactory . I accept it . Any question about the work ? To whom should I report ? The general manager of your section . What are the benefits ? We'll offer that on holidays . I would like to know if there would be any opportunity to work abroad in the future ? Yes , we have inspection abroad . Thank you . Then I think it's time for us to sign a letter of intent . Okay . Wow ! What a beautiful scenic spot . It's so open . And just breathe that fresh air , you can almost taste its freshness . You can have a bird view of Chilin City from the top of the mountain . Wonderful ! I'll often come here for mountain climbing . You should . Many Guiliners , especially the old and the young , will climb mountains here in the coming . No wonder people say , Even the immortals would rather be Guiliners . ... Quick ! Pass me your binoculars . Look at that bird ... I've never seen one of those before . It's indigenous to Guiling , and an endangered species too . This is lucky . I didn't know you liked bird watching . I don't really . I just like wildlife , and you don't get to see too much of it in the city . This place is full of it . How about this floor lamp ? Fine , just get it ! We have been shopping for furniture for five hours ! I ’ m so tired ! We still need to find an armoire and a dresser . Fine ! I am going to go home and drop off this nightstand , coffee table and love seat while you look for the rest of the things . Great ! Pick me up in about an hour because I think I ’ ll also get a bean bag and a dining set . While you are at it can you pick out a nice recliner ? I really want one so I can watch TV . Recliner ? In my beautifully decorated living room ? I don ’ t think so ! I would like to have a custom-made skirt . May I take your size ? OK . I want it a bit close around the waist . No problem . How long will it take ? About a week . What ’ s the charge for the tailoring ? 20 yuan for a skirt . Hello ! You have reached the offices of Maddox and McKnight , can I help you ? Yes , my name is Max Richards . May I please speak to George Nelson ? I have already called several times . It seems I always catch him out of the office . Oh , I'm sorry . Mr . Nelson is away at the moment . I'm sorry that you keep missing him while he is out of the office . Would you like to leave a message ? I'm sorry , I didn't hear you clearly . Could you repeat that please ? Certainly . Mr . Nelson can not take your call at the moment because he is away . He stepped out of the office for the whole afternoon and is not expected back until tomorrow morning . His schedule is very unpredictable at times , so the best way to reach him is to first make an appointment by email or text messaging . Can I leave a message for him please ? Of course , can you leave your name and number ? I'm sure Mr . Nelson will return your call as soon as he is able . My name is Max Richards , my phone number is 898-3423 . Could you ask him to call me back as soon as he gets back , please ? I have a rather timely matter to discuss with him . Can you tell me what it's about ? I can make a note of it , so Mr . Nelson is aware and prepared when he returns your call . Yes , please let him know I would like to discuss the Girard case with him . I have a terrible toothache . Which tooth is it ? ( Pointing ) This one here . Ah , yes . There's big cavity . Can you fill it ? I'm afraid not . The tooth is too far gone . It'll have to be taken out . Then I might as well have it out now . You'd better wait . The gums are swollen . Take the medicine I prescribe and come back in three days . I've got a bone to pick with you over your last shipment to Dalian . A part of the goods were damaged in transit . I'm very sorry to hear that . Please handle future shipments with more care . We'll take great care . Mark , you are not telling me the truth . Now why ? Promise you are not going to be angry ? Yes , all right . So why ? Go on then . Say it . Oh , really , Mark . I promise I'm not going to be angry . Now why were you late ? I forgot . You forgot ? You ... Ah , ah , you promised , and remember ? Can I leave early today ? Sure . I don ’ t mind . And can I come in late tomorrow ? I don ’ t see why not . And may I take Friday off ? Go ahead . It ’ s OK with me . One more thing . Would you give me a ten-dollar raise ? No . Oath , I think I broke my leg . Here , sir , sit down in this wheelchair . Thanks . The doctor will be with you in a moment . I just need to ask you a few questions . All right . Name , age and date of birth , please . John Taylor , 32 , May 23 , 1970 . Health insurance company and policy number ? I don ’ t have it . What ? I don ’ t have health insurance . Well , this is going to be a very expensive broken leg , Mr . Taylor . Ohhhh ! Hi Steve , it's nice to meet you . I hear that you're looking for an apartment , and I just rented a two-bedroom downtown . I'm looking for a compatible roommate . Great , I'm looking for a place right in that area . Your apartment sounds ideal . Alright . So tell me , how would you describe yourself ? I'm pretty social and outgoing , and I like making new friends . But I'm not a party animal , and I like to keep the apartment clean . I'm like that too . I like to invite friends over sometimes , but I don't want to have lots of crazy parties at the apartment . Good afternoon . “ ginger ’ s restaurant ” . May I help you ? Yes . I ’ d like to book a table for Friday evening please . Certainly . For how many people ? We ’ ll be eight or nine people . Could we book a private room ? I ’ ll just check . At what time on Friday evening ? About 7 thirty . Yes . That ’ s fine . We can book you a private room for up to ten people at that time . Could you give me your name please ? My name is Jenkins . My phone number is 7539738 2 . that ’ s confirmed then . 7 thirty on Friday . Yes . Do you intend to order a Lacarne or will you be having our seafood buffet ? Oh , we ’ d like the buffet please . We ’ Ve heard it ’ s very good . Welcome to China , Mr . White . How do you do , Ms . Chi ? Welcome to this corporation , Mr . White . Won ’ t you please sit down ? Thank you . Our representative in your country faxed a letter that you showed an interest in some of our products on display at the Oct . Exhibition there . Now we'd like to know if you have any specific requirements in mind . Yes , we have . I ’ Ve brought with me a list of the quantity of your products we ’ d like to import for the second half of this year . Here is a copy of it . Good . Well , Mr . White , most of the items listed are available this year . I hope we can come to an agreement and sign the contracts soon to enable timely delivery . I hope so , too . Now I'd like some of your sales literature and a price list for all of your export articles . Here are our catalog and price list . The catalog lists all the commodities we export , and the price list gives indicative prices for all our export articles . Thank you , Ms Chi . What are your normal export terms ? We normally export CFR . What commission do you usually pay for your exports ? As you know , we import on commission basis . That can be discussed . All right . When can we meet again for more specific details , Ms Chi ? What about tomorrow morning at 9 ? I'll come over to your hotel . I'll be expecting you , then . Wow , it has a balcony . Yeah . Complete with nice of you . How many windows are there in the apartment ? Mm , let me see . I think there are 2 in the bedroom , and 1 each in the living room and kitchen . It ’ s just what I want . I think I am ready to sign . I call the landlord right now . Before you send the lease , do you have any questions ? Yes , does the renting include utilities ? It includes everything except cable TV , and telephone . How much is the cable ? It usually comes out about $ 40 a month . Also , are they allowing the apartment ? No , I am afraid the apartment isn ’ t permitted . I see . Do you love pets ? Sorry , that ’ s out of question . I don ’ t have a problem with it . But , unfortunately , the building doesn ’ t allow it . It ’ s a building regulation . Good afternoon , sales department.May I help you ? Could I speak to Mr Wood , please ? I'll see a piece available , who should I say is calling , please ? John eng Hold the line , please.Mr Wood is in the meeting with managing director at the moment I afraid.Can I help you ? Well , I want to discuss with them the new control we said last week . I don't think the meet will go on much longer , should I ask him to call you when he is free . Yes , that will be easiest . Could I have your name again , please ? Yes , It's John eng . And the number ? 01088256798 Ok , you will be hearing from Mr Wood later in the afternoon then , Mr John . thank you for help.good bye . You are welcome , goodbye . What are you doing tomorrow ? I'm going to work . What time will you be home ? Around 6 o'clock . We are going to need confirmation on these orders today , and delivery must be made before next Tuesday . Do you think you can handle that ? We are willing to work with you , but do you think it would be possible to extend your confirmation deadline ? We need to check the warehouse to make sure the products are in stock . The earliest I will be to get back to you is tomorrow morning . No , I must know today because we have to go to press for the advertisements . Is there anyway you can speed up the process of checking inventory ? We can do that , but it will cost ... If we have to check our inventory with all our guys on overtime , you're looking at an increased cost of , I'd say , maybe 10 % . Are you kidding ? No , and let me tell you why ... If I make my guys stay over to check the inventory , I'll have to pay them at an overtime rate , which is time and a half . I estimate it will probably take 3 guys two hours to finish , that will be an increase on your labor fee by at least 10 % ... if you need the numbers that urgently , I can have them do it . Otherwise , we can wait until tomorrow morning , and I'll call you with the numbers after they're done . It's your call ... I ’ m going to the beauty parlor . Do you want to come too ? Sure . Let ’ s go . What are you going to have done ? I want to have a foot massage and a haircut . A foot massage sounds like a great idea . They are very relaxing . I ’ d also like to have mudpack on my face . It ’ s supposed to help with your complexion . Good idea . We should also get pedicures and manicures . This could become a very expensive trip to the beauty parlor ! I think it ’ s a good idea to pamper yourself occasionally . Don ’ t you agree ? Oh , I agree . We both work hard and a little beauty treatment can relieve stress . Maybe we should try a thai massage too . What ’ s special about a thai massage ? That ’ s when the masseuse walks on your back and massages you with her feet . Sounds painful ! What are in this folder ? They are reports of our company . Are they filed alphabetically ? No , they are filed according to dates . Can you find last month ’ s report for me , please ? No problem , here you are . Miss Green , do you have life insurance right now ? No , I don't . I don't have a family , so I don't think I need it . This year our company is offering a new plan especially for single people like you . I think you might be interested . Thank you , but I've never thought about it before . It's OK . I'll leave the pamphlet here . If you need more information , you can call me any time . Mrs . Miller , you are an old friend of ours . In order to encourage future business and as a gesture of friendship , we are prepared to cut our price by 5 % . Will that satisfy you ? That's great . Thank you for making this concession . I accept . Now I repeat , 5,000 transistor sets , specifications as shown in our catalogue at $ 20 each C . I . F . Los Angeles . Good . Now that the price is decided on , we can discuss the packaging . As to packaging , we'll pack them two dozens to one carton , gross weight about 25 kilos a carton . Carton ? Yes , corrugated cardboard boxes . Could you use wooden cases instead ? Why use wooden cases ? I'm afraid the cardboard boxes are not strong enough for ocean transportation . Cartons are comparatively light , and there fore easy to handle . They'll not be stowed away with the heavy cargo . Besides , we'll reinforce the cartons with metal straps . All right . Carton or no carton , the packaging must be waterproof as well as strong enough to stand shock and rough handling . You needn't worry about that . Cartons are extensively used in our shipments to foreign countries and there have never been complaints from our clients . Now , as regards payment , we have agreed to use dollars , am I right ? That's right . As soon as I get home , I'll see about the opening of the letter of credit . Please open the letter of credit 15 to 30 days before the date of delivery so that we'll have enough time to make all the necessary arrangements . Another thing , the L / C should be valid until the 15th day after shipment . No problem . That can be done . I understand you'll ship the goods before the end of May ? Right . We'll ship the goods according to the agreed time schedule . Last , but not least , the inspection is to be carried out by Houston Commodities Inspection Bureau , which is final and binding on both parties . Yes , we agreed to that . We have great confidence in your inspection institution . Through years of dealing with you , we've convinced of your commercial integrity . Thank you . You can rest assured that we'll do everything possible to prevent de festive commodities from going abroad . However , if there should be any disputes , we wish to have them settled through friendly discussions . Exactly . That's what we have done in the past . Well , it seems we have covered everything . We'll have the contract ready in a couple of days . Can you speed it up and let me have it today ? I'm leaving tomorrow . I've been here for almost a month now , you see . My corporation is urging me to return . I've booked the ticket for tomorrow afternoon's flight at 3 . Let me see . If we can't get the contract ready by then , we'll send it to you by airmail for your signature . That's fine too . Excuse me , Is there a hotel nearby ? The nearest one is about ten minutes ' walk from here . how can I get there ? just walk down this road and you'll find it . it's on the right side . Amanda , how do you like this peaked cap ? Didn't you say you want to buy a top hat ? But I think this one fits me Well . Why don't you try on the sombrero in black ? I don't like caps at all . Excuse me . Is this seat taken ? No , it isn't . Am I on right bus to Chicago ? Oh , no . This is going in the opposite direction . Oh , my God ! I suggest you get off at the next stop and ask again at the station . I will . Thank you . Hi , I want to see the Terra Cotta Warriors in Xi'an . Could you please remind me when we are arriving at that stop ? Oh . You took the wrong bus . You need to take Bus 151 which goes the opposite direction . Oh , no ! What should I do now ? Don't worry . You can get off at the next stop and walk across the street and take the Bus 151 to the opposite direction . Ok . How many stops do I have to go ? About 15 stops . That is a long way to go . It is so kind of you to help me . Thank you very much . My pleasure . Do you like the apartment so far ? I see a problem . What ’ s the problem ? I noticed that the faucet in the kitchen is leaking . That ’ s no big deal . It ’ s going to be a problem when my water bill comes . What do you want me to do about it ? I would like you to fix the problem . I won ’ t be able to do that right now . Well , I won ’ t be able to rent the apartment until the problem is fixed . Fine , I ’ ll have it fixed for you . I ’ m happy that we ’ Ve come to an agreement . Excuse me , waiter , would you please give us a menu ? Sorry , sir , here you are . Well , do you have a menu in Chinese ? Please wait a moment , I will bring you one . How do I look ? I love these braids . They're fun ! They look great ! Hey , are you hungry ? I know a good Ethiopian restaurant-Meskerem . An Ethiopian restaurant ? Whoa ! I always think of starving people in Ethiopia . It's very “ in ” these days . Some of the places are really expensive . That's so ironic ! Well , what's it like ? Is it your traditional food ? No . Africans and African-Americans are different in many ways . Our food's different , too . I heard you were promoted to general manager of IBM ’ s China Head quarters . That ’ s true . I got the news yesterday . You did a good job for the company . So , this is your first day in the new position . How do you feel ? Not bad . I ’ m confident . And I like challenges . I believe you are cut out for this position . Thank you . I've run out of steam . To be honest , I want to be in a different environment . Is that so ? Yes . I don't want to be stuck in a rut . I want to move on . Have you decided ? Yes , I want to get a better job . Could you tell me why you want to quit ? I'm quitting because of the lousy salary and all the difficulties I have in getting along with my colleagues . Oh , that sounds terrible . Would you be happier with higher pay here ? I " m sure something can be worked out . I'm afraid not . I've promised my girlfriend . We're going to travel south to find jobs that offer higher pay . OK . I'd like to say that I've really enjoyed working with you . However , I think you should work harder at your new job and then you can ask for higher pay . Hello , there . How can I help ? Hello . I'm hoping to buy some Treasury Certificates today . Are they available ? Certainly , Visible Treasury Certificates . Then you can get a receipt from the savings office as proof of payment . Hence the ' visible ' , you can see it . Ah , right . How much do I need to spend ? The minimum is 100 RIB , and the maximum is 500,000 RIB . How about Bearer Certificates ? Are they different ? Yes , they are different because they are printed by the Ministry of Finance in set amounts . Just 100 RIB , 500 RIB and 1,000 RIB , you cannot choose from many amounts , you see . Could I change these pounds for dollars , please ? Do you want small bills or large ? It doesn't matter . Do you want anything else ? Yes , I'd like to know the exchange rate for yen . How are you ? I ’ m fabulous . What can I help you with ? I need to make a withdrawal . How much are you withdrawing today ? I need $ 300 . What account would you like to take this money from ? Take it from my checking account . Here ’ s your $ 300 . Thank you so much . Will you be needing anything else ? That ’ s it for today . Do you mind taking a photo for me ? Of course not . That's really kind of you . I'm afraid I don't know how to use your camera . Well , it's an automatic camera . You just press the button . I see . Thanks a lot . It's time to go to bed . But mum , we're watching this movie . I don't care , it's school in the morning . Just 10 more minutes . Mum , pass me some more please ! Tina , you should have more nutritious food.Don ' t eat these crisps any more . But the ads say they're most nutritious . Have you ever heard the ads say anything bad about their products ? Can I help you ? Yes , I need to buy a computer for this semester . I was told it is cheaper to buy computers here . Well , you heard right.You can get an excellent deal on a new computer here.We have great discounts for students . I don't know much about computers.But I know I want a desktop computer with a lot of memory . And I need a printer . Well , first let's consider your computer.Here , for example , is a system I highly recommend--the Power Macintosh G3.It comes with 64 megabytes of total memory . Is that a lot ? Sixty-four ? Yes , it is . It should be enough for any student needs you might have.What department are you in ? History . Well , so you will mostly be using word processing , for writing papers . I recommend the Corel Word Perfect program for word processing.We can talk about software later . Let's talk about your Thirty percent ? Yes . Wow . That's really good.And you think this is really a good system for a graduate student ? Yes . It's an excellent system . Hmm . Hey , wait . This has an Apple on it . Is this an Apple computer ? Yes , it's a Macintosh . It's Apple . Macintosh and Apple are the same thing . I don't want Macintosh . I want PC . I'm sorry , but our university computer center only sells Macintosh equipment . What ? Are you serious ? Yes . But nobody uses Macintosh ! That's not true.Most of the students and professors in the university here use Macintosh.They find it is better for writing and word-processing , and that is what students mostly do . Ma Yes , I'm from Taiwan . Well , I know that in most Asian countries Apple is not very popular.But here in America , especially in universities and publishing companies , Apple is very commonly used . But I need a computer that can handle writing in Chinese . There are several Chinese writing programs you can use with Macintosh.Chinese is no problem for Apple . Hmm . I think I should ask some of my friends for advice before I make a decision . I'm sorry . No , don't be sorry . It's reasonable to ask your friends.But believe me , most of the students here in the university--Asian students included--most of them use Apple . Well , thanks for your advice . I will probably come back later . You're very welcome . Here is my card , if you need any help . Good morning , Sir . Can I help you with something ? I hope so . I'm not actually a customer here , but I saw an advertisement in yesterday's newspaper about your new bank card . I see . Yes , the advertisement has proven very effective . Would you like to apply for a card with us ? Yes , please . But I suppose I'll have to open an account with you first , right ? That's right . But don't worry ; it's a very simple procedure . Could I open an account with you today ? Of course , it can be done right this minute . If you could just fill in this application form for me ? Do you have your ID card with you ? I'll need to see that . Yes , here you go . And sign here ? Yes , please . That's being processed now . As soon as the account is set up , we can issue you with a card . So quick and easy ! Thanks very much . Welcome to Credit Services . How can I help you ? Hello . I'm here to talk about my credit card . You see , I'm a corporate card holder and a personal card holder . I've had my personal credit card for ages , but my corporate one is new to me . Right . Well , the benefits are a little different . With our Corporate Card you can use it for agency collection and payment . Is there anything else ? There's quite a long list , actually ! You can use if for business trip expenses , medical expenses , any internal payments . And I suppose I can do that anywhere ? I do have to travel a lot for my job and it's such a hassle using cash and collecting all the separate receipts . If you put it on your card , you can get an overall statement that lists all of the transactions . In just one document ? That will definitely be a time saver . Can I help you ? Yes . When is the next train to New York City ? Let me see ... the train to New York City ... here it is ... daily except Sunday at 10 thirty , 12 twenty and 15 ten . Aren't there any trains before 10 thirty ? Sorry , not before 10 thirty . Then one to New York at 10 thirty . One way or round trip ? One way . A soft seat or hard one ? How much is a soft ? $ 15 . And for a hard one , only $ 6 . Then one hard seat , please . OK . Here is your change . The train leaves on platform 8 . IBA Bank , Business Banking Department . Ling Ming speaking . How may I help you ? Ms Ling ! It's Mr Gwent , from Montgomery Computers . Hello , Mr Gwent . What can I do for you today ? Some money has been sent from our Head Office in Berlin . Could you check whether you have received the remittance yet ? Of course . Do you know which bank it was sent through and the amount and currency ? Deutsche Bank . It was 25,000 US dollars . Yes , here it is . That's received and cleared , so it's available for withdrawal . Can you tell me the price for a bus pass ? It costs $ 65 to buy a monthly pass . Is there a cheaper bus pass ? There are student passes . For how much ? It doesn't cost anything for the pass . It's absolutely free ? The monthly sticker costs you . How much is that ? Each month it'll cost $ 24 for a new sticker . Let me get the student bus pass . Let me go get it for you . Wow , it all looks so good . I ’ m not sure what to choose . I can recommend the spare ribs . They are very tasty here . Actually , I ate too much pork yesterday . I fancy a change . Ok why don ’ t you order the braised fish then ? That sounds like a good idea . It looks very big though . Don ’ t worry . I ’ ll help you eat it . How's it going ? I'm doing well . How about you ? Never better , thanks . So how have you been lately ? I've actually been pretty good . You ? I'm actually in school right now . Which school do you attend ? I'm attending PCC right now . Are you enjoying it there ? It's not bad . There are a lot of people there . Good luck with that . Thanks . Are you a goal-oriented person ? Yes , I am . That's why I make plans before I do anything . How do you plan to do your present job ? I want to make more contact with extra clients and use my organizational skills in the future . Good morning , everyone . We will get to destination in only one hour . Oh , yes . I hope that you had good journey . Yes . Thank you . Make sure that your customs forms are with you . And ? Before disembarkation , please get ready . All right . By the way , don't forget your luggage on the ship . Thank you for your reminding . You will see the beautiful city . I can't wait to see it . Welcome , sir , what can I do for you ? I want to buy some records . Whose record do you want ? Are there the records of Michael Jackson ? His records have been sold out . The new copies will be available next week . Oh . it's too late . Maybe I should go to other video stores to have a look . I really want to go to the beach this weekend . That sounds like fun . What's the weather going to be like ? I heard that it's going to be warm this weekend . Is it going to be perfect beach weather ? I believe so . Good . I hope it doesn't cool off this weekend . I know . I really want to go to the beach . But you know that California weather is really unpredictable . You're right . One minute it's hot , and then the next minute it's cold . I really wish the weather would just stay the same . I do too . That way we can have our activities planned ahead of time . Yeah , that would make things a lot easier . What was that ? I said , " Is there anything I can do ? " If it's not too much trouble , I would like some help . It's no trouble at all . I'll carry this suitcase for you . Good day ! What can we do for you ? I'm considering buying a new car , the old one hasn't been running too well recently , and was wondering what kind of credit you can offer me . Buying a new car is a big expense ; we understand that , so we have a variety of loans to suit your needs . That's great . I'm looking to borrow quite a large sum , though . With our Personal Automobile Consumer Loan , the borrower can borrow up to 80 % of the purchase price . That's good news . The car I'm interested in is priced at 120,000 RIB , but I think I can get a bit of discount on that . I can afford to put up around 40,000 RIB myself . That's great . You will need to make an initial down payment of 20 % , and then we can get going with this . The funds are all ready to go in my personal account , so let's transfer it . Hi , I'm here to check in . Would you please fill out this registration 1 form ? Thank you ... Excuse me , sir . You forgot to fill in your visa number . Did I ? Let me see that ... Oh , sorry ... here you are . Room service.May I come in ? Come in please . This is your breakfast.Can I put it here ? Sure.How much is it ? That's $ 10 . Well , here is the money . Sir , you don't have to pay right now.Just sign here and we will charge it to your account . Fine . In the past half year , we made some schedules and objectives , do you still remember that ? Of course . I spent the whole week to know the general process for these plans . And since I was employed , I have been working on them . Madam , how am I doing ? Are you satisfied with my job ? How do you feel what you have done ? Did you meet our goals ? I suppose so . I tried my best to be familiar with all these appliances and office process . Certainly without my colleagues ' help , I could not do these things in such a short period . Yes . And you also overworked in last month , when Steven asked for leave . I have been very satisfied with your performance . And your dependability has been a great asset . Thanks for your praise , Madam . Let me suggest this one . It's an excellent watch , it looks good , and it's only $ 100 . Hmm . That's not too bad . Does it have a stopwatch ? Uh , no . Analog watches don't come with stopwatches . You'll have to get a digital if you want a stopwatch . Oh . I see . Where are your digital watches ? Right here . I don't like this kind as much . Never mind the stopwatch then . I'll take that other one . Do you take checks ? Yes . Make it out to Time After Time . Here you are . Thank you . Housekeeping . May I help you ? Yeah , the people in the next room are a little loud . Could you do something about it ? Of course . What room are you in , sir ? I'm in Room 215 . And do you know which room the noise is coming from ? I don't know the number , but it's definitely the room that's next to the stairs . Thank you . We'll take care of it . Please let us know if there's anything else we can do to make your stay more comfortable . OK , thanks . I really appreciate it . How do you usually part your hair ? To the right . ( The hair stylist cuts the customer's hair . ) Almost done . I just have to even things up a bit . ( She shows the customer the results . ) Will that do ? Looks good . Would you like a shave ? No , thanks . Okay , let me brush you off . Thank you very much for coming . Thank you . Good afternoon , San Felice Hotel . May I help you ? Yes . I'd like to book a room , please . Certainly . When for , madam ? March the 23rd . How long will you be staying ? Three nights . What kind of room would you like , madam ? Er ... double with bath . I'd appreciate it if you could give me a room with a view over the lake . Certainly , madam . I'll just check what we have available . . . Yes , we have a room on the 4th floor with a really splendid view . Fine . How much is the charge per night ? Would you like breakfast ? No , thanks . It's eighty four euro per night excluding VAT . That's fine . Who's the booking for , please , madam ? Mr and Mrs Ryefield , that's R-Y-E-F-I-E-L-D . Okay , let me make sure I got that Yes it is . Thank you . Let me give you your confirmation number . It's 7576385 . I'll repeat that , 7576385 . Thank you for choosing San Felice Hotel and have a nice day . Goodbye . Goodbye . Hi , I have a doctor ’ s appointment scheduled with Dr . Smith , and I need to change it . What day did you have it scheduled for ? My appointment was on Tuesday . What time was it scheduled for ? It was for two o ’ clock in the afternoon . I see your appointment . What day would you like to switch to ? I would like to switch it to next Friday . What time would you like ? I would like to come in at 10 Fine , I will pencil that in right now . We will see you then . Excuse me . You can't leave your car here . Oh , but I Just want to pick up a package . It won't take long . I'm afraid you'll have to find a parking meter . Can I park here just for a second ? No , sir . I'm sorry you can't . Ladies and gentlemen , welcome to tonight's fashion show . We see you are all dressed to the nines . How very appropriate , because tonight we have a most dazzling show for you ! Yes , this runway is going to sparkle with glamour and style ! Some of tonight's highlights are dressed in the latest straight from Shanghai . And others directly from New York . So , sit back and relax and get your order forms ready . Because you're going to love this show ! Hello , towing service . What ’ s your problem ? Yes . I need a tow truck . My car is broken down . Where are you now ? I ’ m on the Highway 401 , close to the Lipton Link . All right . I got it . What color is your car ? Black . And plate number . AKIM 400 . Okay . Just stay in your car . We ’ ll be there in five minutes . Thanks a lot . Good evening , I have a reservation under the name of Tomlinson . Ok I ’ Ve found it . Checking out on the 27th ? That ’ s right . Can I take a credit card for the deposit ? Yes , sure . Also , I ’ d like a non-smoking room please . Certainly madam . Here ’ s your key . Your room is on the 7th floor and on the left . Room 781 . Check out is at 12 noon . Can't you delay your return a little bit ? No , I can't . I've really got important business . Keep in touch then , OK ? OK . So , Lauren , I just wanted to talk to you quickly about our new customer support representative , Jason Huntley . Sure , what ’ s up ? Basically , I ’ Ve got a few concerns about him , and the bottom line is , I don ’ t think he ’ s a good fit for our company . Okay ... what makes you say that ? I thought you were pleased with his overall performance . Didn ’ t you just tell me last week how impressed you were with his attitude ? Yeah , his attitude is great , but he ’ s really unreliable.Sometimes he ’ s really productive , but then other times ... take last Tuesday for instance , he was forty-five minutes late for our morning meeting ! Well , I ’ m sure he had a perfectly good reason ... But that ’ s not the only thing ... you know , he really doesn ’ t have the best work ethic , I ’ m constantly catching him on MSN and Facebook when he should be talking to clients . Yeah , but come on , Geoff , as if you don ’ t check Facebook at work . Look , you hired this guy , we ’ Ve invested a lot of time and money in his training , so now it ’ s up to you to coach him . Make it work , Geoff ! Make it work , Geoff . You would say that , wouldn ’ t you , he is your cousin.what a jerk , make me hire your stupid , useless , cousin . Golden Taxi cabs , how may I help you ? Can you send a cab to pick me up ? Sure , where are you ? I'm on the corner of the Fifth and Mane . Tom , hi , this is Mary with Gold Star Mortgage . Yes , Mary ? We'd like you to come to work for us . Oh . I'm sorry but I just accepted another offer which I feel is better suited to my needs . I see . I really appreciate the offer , but I must decline it . Please call us if you change your mind . I will , good luck . May , my grandpa is ill . I will go to look after him . Catch you later ! OK . I will catch you later . Your request for compensation makes me surprised . What happened ? It is because of the quality . Could you tell me the particulars ? I told you that we want first-class goods . So the quality , specification and price are clarified in our contract . Do you remember those details ? Yes , I do . The re-examination results indicate that one-third of the goods are not up to standard . Really ? We began to load the goods after we made sure they were qualified . I told you the truth . According to the contract , if you fail to honor the contract , we are entitled to cancel it . Is this the foreign exchange department ? Yes , can I help you ? I need some US Dollars . What kind of currency have you got ? RIB . By the way , what is the exchange rate today ? One US Dollars in cash is equivalent t0 7.9 Yuan . And I want to change 4000 Yuan . Minus the fee . Here are your dollars . Please sign here . OK , thank you . What case do you have against the police ? I want to take them to court for arresting me . I don ’ t understand . There was no reason for them to arrest me . They let you go , didn ’ t they ? They released me the next morning . They detained you at the station ? That ’ s exactly what they did . Why did they arrest you ? They said I matched the description of a robber . I get it now . I ’ m definitely taking them to court . Right , that ends the third and final part of our presentation . I'd like to end by emphasizing the main points . I'll give you a brief summary . There are three potential areas for development in the future , domestic , overseas market , and the internet . Each of these markets have their own particular need for marketing strategy ... for domestic , we can rely on past research , for overseas markets we depend heavily on our cultural consultants , and for the internet , we need to redo our image to appeal to a young set of consumers . Our main issue here is that we need to be sensitive to the needs of different markets in order to continue to see success . Mark , did you have anything to add ? Yes , I want to restate one more time the importance of reinventing our company's image to appeal to different customer bases . I want to end with a true story that has to do exactly with what we've been talking about today ... Tell me , what do you enjoy doing in your spare time ? I enjoy drawing and painting . You know how to draw and paint ? Yes , I do . When did you learn how to do that ? I learned back in high school . Oh , so you took an art class ? Yeah , I loved that art class . I see that you're pretty talented . Thank you very much . I wish I had a talent like that . I'm sure you have a talent . It's just hidden . Hi , again . Can I get you some more fruit ? Actually , I don't think I can eat another bite ! OK . I'll go then . Actually , I think we want to pay our bill . If you give me your credit card , I can take care of it for you . Good morning , madam . What can I do for you ? ! I'd like a coffee please . Certainly , madam . What kind of coffee would you like ? What have you got ? Well , we have espresso , cappuccino , latte , skinny latte and Americano . Goodness me ! So many choices ! I think I'll have a cappuccino please . Here you are . You'll find the sugar just over there . Hello , Fife Computers . How can I help ? Hello , this is the Corporate Department of Lincoln Bank calling . We are calling to let you know that some documents have arrived for you at our bank . Oh , really ? Do you know which company they are from ? They're from Schnitt's of Rudesheim , Germany . Would you like us to check them ? What's the charge for that ? It's 150 RIB for the service . That seems pretty reasonable . Thanks . Hello , ma'am . Can I help you ? Yes , please . I'd like a gin and tonic . Sure , ma'am . Here you are . Thank you . How much is it ? 25 yuan . Here's 30 . Keep the change . Thank you very much , ma'am , but we don't take tips in China . How may I help you ? There ’ s a problem with my check . What problem ? My check for $ 100 bounced . Are you sure you have $ 100 in your checking account ? I thought I did . I ’ ll check for you . Thank you very much . It looks like you only have $ 57 left in your account . That can ’ t be right ! That ’ s what my computer is showing . All right . Thank you very much . Can I help you , sir ? Yes , I want to have a photo . Will you please pose for your picture ? Yes . I am ready . How is your house hunting going ? Not very well . I haven ’ t found anything within my price range yet . How much are you looking to spend ? I can only afford about 300 pounds a month . Looks like you ’ re not going to get more than a bedroom in a shared flat with that . Really ? That ’ s a lot of money to pay for one room . Well , if you want to live in London , you have to pay the price ! Do you know of anyone who needs a roommate ? I can ask around at work . Do you have a preference for makers or non-smokers ? I ’ d prefer non-smoking roommates , but I guess I ’ ll have to take what I can get ! How long do you want to sign a contract for ? I can sign a contract up to a year . I don ’ t know where I ’ ll be after that . Do you need a furnished or unfurnished apartment ? I don ’ t have any furniture , so it ’ d be great if it were furnished . You know that you ’ ll have to pay utilities on top of the rent , right ? No , I thought that would be included in the rent . It ’ s not usually included , so you ’ ll have to factor in about 100 pounds more each month for utilities . I don't think I can afford that . Don ’ t worry . Sometimes people will give you a discount if you promise to do the cleaning or take care of the children . That ’ s a good idea . I ’ ll look into finding something like that . Where is some fresh produce that's on sale ? Well , I think you'll like the mangoes . I've never had a mango . It's a fruit . It has a big stone in it . Can you eat the stone ? No . You would break all your teeth on it . How much are these mangoes ? The sale price today is $ 1 each . Can you describe their taste ? They usually taste sweet , but they remind me of an orange . How can I tell if they're ripe ? Don't cut into them until you can feel that they're soft on the outside . What country produces them ? They come from tropical countries . Where are you going ? Take me to the center station , please OK , here we go . Do you think you can get me there seven thirty ? We shouldn't have any trouble if we don't get stuck in the traffic jam . Hope we have good luck . Here we are , you still get plenty of time . That's 8.15 $ , please . Thank you very much . Here's 10 $ , keep the change , please . Hello and welcome . How may I be of service ? Hello . I want to buy some RIB , is it OK to use US dollars ? Yes , of course . What's the amount you'd like to change ? I think 250 dollars should be sufficient . Please fill out this exchange form and I'll need to see your passport . Don't forget to sign your name at the bottom . Oh , right , of course . Here you go . Here is your RIB , the exchange form and receipt and your passport . Please check the amount . It's correct . Is there any way I can change it back before I leave the country ? Yes , that can be done here . Just make sure you keep the exchange form and the receipt and you can come back at the end of your stay and we'll be only to happy to change it back into foreign currency . That's wonderful news , thanks for all your help . Excuse me . Yes ? Do you have any information about the city sights ? Sure . There ’ s a lot here in this pamphlet . Thank you . And what ’ s the best way to get downtown ? Take the subway . It ’ s $ 1.50 per ride . You can buy a metro card at the station . You ’ Ve been very helpful . My pleasure . Alice , it really was great . I think it was the most interesting thing here . You really should go in . No , I don't want to . Really . The special effects are fantastic.You shouldn't be scared . You would really enjoy it . Sam , I never like Haunted Houses.When I was a kid , I didn't like them . when I was in high school , I didn't like them.when I was in college , I didn't like them . So why should I like them now ? But this is maybe one of the best Haunted Houses in North America ! It's different . Why don't we go to the Epcot Center instead ? They have displays from many cultures around the world . I saw that in the guide.It looks like they have different restaurants and different kinds of architecture.Do you want to go ? Yes . That is something I will enjoy . Alright , let's go then . How many tickets do we have left ? We still have most of the tickets we bought.We can go on a lot of different rides if you like . I was only interested in the Haunted House and the roller coaster rides.The other rides are for kids . Let's start walking to the Epcot Center then.According to this map , it is up this pathway here . Alright , let's go . I am past my stop . Would you please let me get off ? I am sorry . It's not allowed . You have to wait till the next station . Well , that's OK . Can you please slow down ? I am not in a hurry . OK . Where is Pamela ? Is she coming ? She told me she'd be here . They are announcing your flight . You'd better board the plane . Are you rushing me ? I am just reminding you about the time . You don't want to miss the plane , do you ? I know what I am doing . Don't worry . Can you do me a favor ? Name it and I'll do it for you . Take care of Pamela when I am away . She is a nice girl . I don't want her to get hurt or anything . I've got it . Thank you . Now I see that you are my true friend . Most of my so-called friends left me at the moment my company went bankrupt . You are the only one who has stood by me the whole time . I am just doing what I think I should do . Thank you for being a friend of mine . This isn't like you ... Well , I hope you will have a nice flight and a successful start in business Thank you . I have to leave now . If you see Pamela , tell her I'll write to her . Excuse me , is this the Guyon Travel Agency ? Yes , sir . What can I do for you ? I want to travel to the ancient town in the south of China . Would you please tell me something about it ? Sure . There's network of canals . And there are white walls , black tiles , small bridges , flowing rivers , flagstones roads , blue sky and white clouds . Few places have preserved the past like this place . Walking on the ancient road makes us back to our sense . Wonderful . That's just what I expect , where is my first place if I go there ? Zhouzhuang . How long does the tour take ? It's about two days . what's the cost ? It's about 300 yuan . I know . Thank you very much . That's all right . May you have a good trip ! Thank you . My pleasure . Are there pets allowed in this apartment ? No dogs or cats or any other fur type animal , but other pets are allowed . What about a boa constrictor ? Well . . . is that a pet ? Isn't that something from the zoo ? If I had one , could I rent this apartment ? I was more thinking of nice little fish or frogs or turtles or a pet rock . What about a Gila monster ? I'll tell you what , if your pet can fit in this little box and doesn't have fur , it is welcome here . John , could you come to my office ? I need to talk to you . Sure . I'll be there as soon as I finish this document . No.Come here right now . OK . What's the matter ? I'm sorry to say that we have to let you go , John . Why ? I work very hard . Well , you're working very hard but not efficiently.And you don't work well with other employees . Well , some of those other guys are not the same kind I'd like to communicate with , but if that's important to you . I'll try to get along with them . I'm afraid it's too late . We are downsizing our workforce and you'll have to go . It's unfair . We can give you the option of residing rather than being fired , because it will look better on your resume when you apply for another job if you resign . OK . I need to think about that for a while . All right , but let me know your decision before the end of the day . Excuse me , ma ’ am ? Yes . What can I do for you ? I ’ m new here and I can ’ t seem to find the lunch room . Oh , it ’ s right downstairs . I ’ m going there myself . Just follow me . good afternoon . “ ginger ’ s restaurant ” . May I help you ? yes . I ’ d like to book a table for Friday evening please . certainly . For how many people ? we ’ ll be eight or nine people . Could we book a private room ? I ’ ll just check . At what time on Friday evening ? about 7:30 . yes . That ’ s fine . We can book you a private room for up to ten people at that time.Could you give me your name please ? my name is Jenkins . My phone number is 7539738 2 . that ’ s confirmed then . 7:30 on Friday . yes . Do you intend to order a la carte or will you be having our seafood buffet ? oh , we ’ d like the buffet please . We ’ Ve heard it ’ s very good . New York Airport.May I help you ? Yes . I am calling to make sure if flight CG877 will arrive on time ? Hold on a moment please ... Sorry , the flight from London has been delayed . It departed two hours later than scheduled.The whether in London was really bad . You mean it will arrive two hours later than usual ? So far we could only deduce this way.If you want further information , would you please call us 1 hour later ? OK , thank you . Where are we going to visit today ? We are going to the national park . Really ? I have heard there are many famous national park in the US , which one exactly ? The Yellow Rock National Park . That's wonderful . I will see the Old Faithful for myself . Man , they take a lot of our paycheck . Yeah , the government really takes a bite , doesn ’ t it ? Seriously . The only tax I don ’ t mind them taking is social security . It ’ s only a few dollars every paycheck . Yeah , I don ’ t mind it either . We ’ ll both end up rich slobs and not need it , but what if we do , you know ? Yeah . It won ’ t be much , but at least we ’ ll have a monthly check when we get old . Yeah . My grandmother gets by on social security and the money my grandfather invested when he was alive . Let ’ s just hope the politicians don ’ t figure out a way to spend it . Really ? No , they couldn ’ t . None of them would have jobs if they did . My brother gave me a baby cat yesterday . I can keep it as my pet . I don ’ t understand . Why do you want a cat ? Cats are beautiful and lovely , aren ’ t they ? No , cats are too dirty . They are lazy and cunning . I don ’ t like them at all . I don ’ t think so . I think cats are sweet . You can keep the cat , but you should keep it away from me . Can I help you , sir ? Yes , could you tell me if there is a laundry in this hotel ? yes , It ’ s on the third floor Thank you very much . You ’ re welcome I am sorry to say this , but I seem to have lost the key to the safe . Where do you think you lost it ? Outside the hotel ? Yes , I believe so.How should I compensate for this ? I'm afraid , ma'am , you have to pay U . S . $ 100 since you lost the key . What ! One hundred U . S . dollars.Is it covered by the insurance ? I'm afraid no.It is not covered by this insurance . I'm tired . Okay , let's call it a day . Hello , George ! Haven't seen you for some time.Where have you been ? I've been away in Paris for the last two month.Glad to see you again.How are you doing ? Very well.Thank you.Did you have a good time there ? Yes , I had a wonderful time . Did you see the letter I got from Bradford Films ? They sent it in response to your phone call last week . If they wanted to say something about my call last week , why didn ’ t they sand it to me ? I guess they must not have your contact information , so they sent it addressed in care of your department head . Anyhow , they wrote to confirm in writing what you discussed about the Milton contract . Can I see it for a second ? Sure , here it is ... Dear Mr . Clark , Further to our telephone call last Friday , I am writing to confirm our meeting on july 21 . As we discusses , our meeting is to review the contract details . Did they ask you to send the files beforehand ? Let ’ s see , ” we would e grateful if you could please send related materials to our office prior to our meeting . ” It looks like ... hey , was there anything else sent along with this letter ? I don't think so , why do you ask ? The letter reads , “ please find enclosed a copy of our agenda for your review . ” I don ’ t see anything else in the envelope ... Maybe they forgot to attach it to the letter . You should give them another call . I'm looking for a pan I can use in my kitchen . What size pan were you thinking of ? I've already got a small pan . I need a big one . Well , this one might work for you . Oh , no , that's way too heavy a pan for me . Here , lift this aluminum pan . It's the same size . Yes , it's very lightweight . But I don't want this aluminum handle . Here's a similar aluminum pan . But it has a heat-resistant handle . Oh , this feels very nice . It's perfect . I'll take it . I knew we'd find the right pan sooner or later . How would you like to pay ? Cash . But first , I need a lid for this pan . Oh , no problem . Here's the lid that comes with the pan . Is that boy standing there your brother ? No.My brother is playing football there . He's really a good player . Thank you for your compliments . I am thinking about resigning from my current job . Have you thought about it seriously ? Yes , I have been thinking about it for quite a while . Now I finally make up my mind to leave . I have given my resignation letter to our boss last Friday . Ok , did you find a new company ? Yes , I will move on to XYZ Company . Good for you , but your leaving will be a great loss to us . It is so nice to work with you . Thanks . I had learned so much from you and our colleagues . Who finances the magazine ? I don't know exactly . I only hear it's financed by a famous film star . Does it have a large circulation ? Yes , so it really doesn't matter who offers the money.The paper itself is profitable . Paul , can I set up a time with you to go over the training manual ? Sure . Let me just grab my calendar . All right . I ’ m free all day Tuesday and Thursday morning . Tuesday morning is good for me . How about 10:30 in my office ? Okay . Sounds good . See you then . Look , all you do is press that button and it ’ s ready to use . Then what about the wire ? Just make sure you never touch the wire . So I know . Thanks . May I take your order ? I'd like to see the menu , please . Oh , I'm so sorry . I thought you had one . Here you are . Don't you have any Chinese food ? I'm afraid we don't . But I'm sure you'll enjoy our lunch special . Did you see who the suspect was ? I got a perfect look at the suspect . Would you be able to pick him out of a line-up ? That'll be easy . Please take a careful look at these five men . Okay . Is the suspect in this line ? I see him . Which number is he ? The suspect is number four . Your cooperation is very much appreciated . I'm happy to be of assistance . And how would you describe yourself , Miss Tao ? What kind of person are you ? Well , as I mentioned before , I think I am easy-going . I enjoy working and talking with people and I'm a responsible person . Did you have any difficulty getting along with fellow students or teachers ? No . Not at all . I'm quite easy-going . What's your strong points ? Oh , I'm very responsible , I can make fast decisions , and I do not need much supervision . I enjoy completing challenging tasks . What do you dislike most about your job ? Probably routine , dull work . Oh , I am much more enthusiastic if I'm given a challenge and responsibility . What kind of relationship do you think should exist between a supervisor and employee ? A friendly one . I think an open , friendly , honest relationship should exist . An employee should feel she ( he ) can go to her ( his ) boss anytime with any kind of question . Sometimes working with a foreign company can be stressful . Foreigners tend to get excited or angry easily , and they show it . Are you sure you can handle this stress ? How do you deal with conflict in your present job ? Well , there's a lot of stress in a Chinese company also , although much of it is below the surface . I have confidence in my ability to handle conflict . If I have a problem with a co-worker , I do everything I can to work it out directly with that person . If I am unable to work it out , then I ask a supervisor to help out . If my boss shouts at me , I try not to take it personally . I try my best to understand the stress he is under . It's kind of like being in a family . Often family members say things in the heat of the moment , but don't mean what they say . A company is like a family , it has good times and bad times . How do you feel about overtime work ? That's no problem . I know that every company has busy periods . When this happens , I'm ready to put in as much time as necessary to get the job done . What is most important to you in a job ? I want to feel that I am making a real contribution to the company , so I would like my boss to trust me with important work . Do you think that you are introverted or extroverted ? I'm quite outspoken . I enjoy calling a spade a spade and hate talking in a roundabout way . So I'd call myself outgoing . Under what kind of circumstance will you lose your temper ? Seldom . But I hate someone's frequently being late or lazy . OK . What are your strong points ? Hmm . as I mentioned , I can work well under pressure and I enjoy work that challenges me . I think that my English ability is also a strong point . And your weaknesses ? I think I sometimes try to be over-organized . So I am learning how to let some things go and concentrate on the most important part of my job . Mom , can we get cable TV or a satellite dish ? It costs money , dear . What ’ s wrong with the regular television stations ? The shows are dull and they ’ re too many advertisements . Well , you already watch too much TV instead of doing your homework , anyway . There ’ re educational stations too . I could learn while I watched TV . Well , that ’ s true , but you ’ d probably only watch cartoons and action movies . No I wouldn ’ t ... can ’ t we get cable ? Everybody has cable . Well , if everybody jumped off a bridge , would you jump too ? Mom ! ! ! Please . All my friends have had it for years . Get new friends . Why are you always so mean ? Because you ’ d end up spoiled rotten if I wasn ’ t . I could help pay for it . Let ’ s see how your grades are this semester , and maybe I ’ ll talk to your father about it . O . K . Thanks , Mom ! Hi , good to see you . What can we assist you with today ? Going away on business again ? Yes , I'm off again at the beginning of next week . I need to get some Traveller's Cheques . We do always recommend people take Traveller's Cheques when travelling overseas . The world is a dangerous place nowadays , you never know . Sure . At least if I do get robbed , heaven forbid , I can get my money back using the traveller's cheques insurance . Once , when I was travelling in France , I was pick-pocketed and not only did you replace my Traveller's Cheques for free , you also did it extremely quickly and easily . My god , it's such a lovely lake ! The lake has a water surface of 56 square kilometers . No wonder it looks so huge . We are now walking on what is in fact an island . Here we get one of the 10 sceneries of the West Lake , Autumn Moon over the Calm Lake . Why is it called Autumn Moon over the Calm Lake ? It's so named because in the pavilion over there the great poet Bai Buyi of the Tang Dynasty would take a rest after drinking a little too much , and watch the moon over the lake . Very romantic . Now let's board the boat and have a ride on the lake . Sure ( They get on the boat ) . Wang , what's that building over there ? It looks like some sort of a huge pavilion . You are right . That's the Heart of Lake Pavilion , situated on an islet.It was built in 1552 and is the largest pavilion on the West Lake . Oh , here we are at the Little Yingzhou island . Let's get off the boat . Please watch your steps . Can I have this roll of film developed here ? Sure . Let's see it . Here you are . What size of prints would you like to have ? Regular will be fine . How long will it take ? Only four hours . Good . I'll come back in the evening . Excuse me , sir . I wonder if I could exchange the shoes for a larger one . No problem . May I see your receipt , please ? Here you are . That's right . Now try on this one . It's size 41 . Welcome , Mr . Sun . Thank you for your entertaining me . Today I'll invite you to enjoy the seafood.Please make yourself at home . Excuse me , what business are you looking after in Germany ? I am running Chinese arts and crafts . What arts and crafts are you interested in this time ? I hope to import some silk from Hangzhou to Germany . Can you help me ? Sure , I'll certainly help you do it . That's OK , Ben , just let it go . I thought you were just a little too much into it . I wasn't kidding before , OK , I'm fine now . Honey , have you ever heard that there are a lot of stray cats now . Yes . Now they are collected by some volunteers , and people can adopt them or make a donation for the shelters . What are you saying ? You are acting weird today . I want to adopt a cat , and it can be Barbie's boyfriend too . Haha , very funny , but it doesn't make any sense to me . That's all right . At least I got myself left . Seriously , if we will adopt any animals , we'd gotta to talk to Daniel . I hope that he would grant me with that . Hope so . This is frank speaking , may i ask who is calling ? This is Jane , I'd like to speak to Mr.Wang , please . I'm sorry , he is not here at the moment . He has gone to the International Business Center . When do you expect him back ? I'm not sure , he didn't say when he wound return . If you'd can leave him a message until he is back to you until the moment it's free . Yes , thank you . When he gets back , please just let him know that jane called . And i need him to call me back . Does he have your number ? Yes , he does . But i give it to you again . 5264453 6 That was 5264453 6 , right ? Yes , thank you very much . You are welcome . Good coming . Good coming . Are you through with the cleaning ? If not , we'll come back a little later . Never mind , come right in . I've almost finished . You always keep the room neat and tidy , I must say . It saves me a lot of work , but you should let me do it . It doesn't take much time . I ' m used to tidying up my room myself . It's very considerate of you to do so . Do you have any laundry today ? I have a suit that needs cleaning . Let me have it , please . I'm taking some laundry downstairs anyway . Hello . Can I talk to David ? One second , please . ( a few seconds later , the receiver comes back and says ) Hello ? Yes . I ’ m sorry . David is out to lunch right now . Okay . I ’ m his wife . Could you tell him to call me back when he returns ? Sure . Does he know where to call you ? Oh , thanks . Please tell him to call my cell-phone number . Ok , I will . Thank you very much . No problem . I can't decide whether to go to university or to get a job . Well , if I were you , I'd go on studying . But I don't even know what to study . If I had chance again , I'd major in English . You're good at language . That's what my parents want me to do . You should take their advice . They know what's best for you . But my friends will have jobs and lots of fun , while I spend all my time doing reading and writing . But if you go to university , you'll still have time for fun . Hum , what you say make sense . But you know , I still have to ask my parents for pocket money , and I hate to do so at this age . And if you try to find a part-time job , you'll have some money too . You're right . Thank you for the advice . David , I am going for an interview tomorrow . It's an American company . Can you give me an idea of what the interviewer will ask ? Well . They may ask you to tell them more about your educational background and your working background . But they can see my resume . It's all in there . I know , but sometimes interviewers just want to hear you say it . Then you may be asked for your viewpoint on why you feel you are qualified for the job , give them all your qualifications and how you think they will fit the position you are applying for . Questions like what sort of experience do you have and what are your goals ? are closely related to this . Ok . What else ? They may want to know how the company will benefit and why they should hire you ? I see . What about the salary ? Hm , they may ask you what kind of salary you have in mind , or simply tell you what the company is offering . I think the latter is more likely for a starting position , especially if you have little experience . And if they are seriously considering hiring you , they will probably want to know when you would be available to start work . And basically , that's about it . Ok , thanks , David . You ’ Ve helped me a lot . Anytime . Let me know how it works out . Do you enjoy going on dates ? Yes . I find dates to be a lot of fun . What's so fun about them ? They give me the opportunity to get to know someone better . So you always have fun on dates ? Not always . I don't always like the person I'm on the date with . Why not ? My date may not be my type . So then why would you ask them out in the first place ? I didn't realize until after our date that they weren't my type . Sounds like a huge waste of time to me . Now that I think about it , it really is sometimes . Hello , I would like to buy some business cards . Excellent . How many would you like ? Two thousand would be fine . You need to fill out this form , please . All I want is the same thing on this card . That will be no problem , sir . OK , I'm finished . Here's your form and my old card . Very good , sir . Your order will be ready in one week . Do you think you could finish it in three days ? No problem , sir . But it will cost you extra . Excuse me . Yeah ? I've never used this place before.Can you give me some idea what I need to do ? You just put quarters in the machines.It ' s easy . Yes , but ... well ... What ? How do I use the machines ? What do you mean ? These are the washing machines . Those big things over there are the dryers . I see . Do the machines have soap in them ? No , of course not . You have to put soap in . Did you bring your soap ? No . I don't have soap . Well , you can buy some from that vending machine over there . Thanks.Okay . I have my soap . My God ! You really bought a lot . Why do you need so much ? I don't know . I want my clothes to be clean . But you can't use so much.The machine won't be able to rinse the soap out . Oh . I guess I didn't know . I have never washed clothes before . What ? Did you say you never washed clothes before ? Yes . In your life ? Are you kidding ? Never ? No . Never . I can't believe it . How can that be ? How old are you ? I'm nineteen . But how can you live nineteen years without ever washing clothes ? My mother always did it . Yes , my mother washed my clothes too.But when I was twelve , I started to wash clothes myself . I know about this fact.American children are more independent . They do more for themselves.But I am from Taiwan . In Taiwan , children must study very hard.So the mother does everything for the kids.The mother wants her kids to get very good grades at school.So I've never washed clothes before . You shouldn't laugh at me for it . I'm not laughing at you . But let me ask you something ? What ? How are you going to survive here ? I mean , if you can't do anything for yourself.If you can't cook , if you can't wash clothes , if you can't clean house.How can you live on your own ? I don't know . It's hard . But I have to learn . Well , I'll help you learn how to use these machines . Thanks . My name's Nick . I'm Alice . I guess I'll have to be your mother for today . Thanks , Mom . Thanks . I passed all the tests , Mom . Well done ! Here is my ticket and seat assignment . Thank you . That way , PLS . May I have a pillow and blanket , PLS ? An attendant will pass them around after we take off . May I have headphones for the in-flight movie ? No problem . Here are your headphones . Do you want something to drink ? Thanks , a coke , PLS . May I come in ? Come in , please . I'm sorry to trouble you , but I'd like to ask when I will get a raise . In 3 months or so . You said the same thing three months ago . Did I ? Well , anyway , you will get your raise when the economy starts picking up . You mean that I won't get a raise until the recession ends ? Yes . I got the message . I'm quiting . Nah , don't be so fast . We like your work here , but this company is on hard times.and I can't be handing out raises for anyone . I've been here for 3 years , and I haven't had a raise in all that time.If you like my work , it should be reflected in my pay , and I feel it isn't . I hear what you're saying , and I wish there were something I could do . Very well , consider me gone . Hello . I'd like to get a seat to New York City on a flight leaving sometime before this Friday . I'm afraid Thera isn't any direct light before Friday . What about a non-direct one ? You have to make a change in Detroit . Well , in that case , that's fine . I want a first class ticket on Thursday . Would you like to pay in cash or by card ? Cash , please . How are you doing ? Everything ’ s fine with me . What can I do for you today ? Is it possible for me to view the apartment today ? Unfortunately , you will not be able to view it today . Why can ’ t I view it today ? You ’ ll need to make an appointment to view the apartment . I understand . May I make an appointment then ? How does this Friday sound ? Friday at 6 pm . would be perfect . That will be fine . Thanks for your help . Hi , is you , John ? Oh , Jane . What on earth have you been ? I've called you a thousand times . Sorry , John . I suddenly got a severe stomachache last night , and stayed in hospital the whole day . But I called your cell phone , and there was no answer . I know , I left it at home . Do you feel better now ? It's OK now . Don't worry , John . I need to purchase some business cards . No problem . How many are you thinking about ? I think 2,000 would be fine . If you'll just fill out this form , please . I want the new cards to be exactly like this card . We can do that very easily . ... Okay , I'm done . Here's the form and my old card . Great . Your order will take only one week . You know , I think it would be better if I could pick it up in three days . We can do that . It'll just cost you extra . Jim . I heard you got a promotion ! Yeah , I ’ m going to be running the Walker Avenue Branch . Congratulations , guy . Thanks . I appreciate it . Good morning . This is Dr . Mustn ’ s Office . Can I help you ? Yes . This is Janet Smith . I ’ d like to make an appointment with Dr . Mustn as soon as possible . Is it urgent ( an emergency ) ? Yes . I ’ Ve got an infected wound . How about this afternoon at 2:00 ? That ’ s fine . Don ’ t forget to bring your health card with you . I ’ ll bring the card . Thank you very much . You ’ re welcome . We will have a vacation next month . Why not have a tour ? Good idea . Where shall we go ? What about going to Xi'an ? Don't you think it is too far ? So what's your plan ? What about going to Beijing ? So we'll compromise . We'll hit the Huangshan in Anti . OK ! Would you like some cake ? I made it myself . Absolutely . Mm , this is really good . Thanks . Would you like to have one more slice ? I'd love to . Hi , United Airlines ? This is Elizabeth parks calling . I have a reservation on the 2:30 p . m . flight to Shanghai this afternoon . Yes , Miss Parks ? How may I help you ? Well , I ’ d like to reschedule my flight for the tomorrow morning one at 9:05 . Is that possible ? I ’ m very sorry , Miss Parks , but the 9:05 flight is completely booked . I can put you on a waiting list if you would like . Hello , Sir , may I help you ? Yes . I would like some information for requesting a loan . Very well , here are the general terms of our loan policies . We pride ourselves in having the lowest interest rate in the country for personal loans . I see . So let me get this straight . If I borrow let ’ s say , ten thousand dollars , how much will I have to pay each month ? It depends on how long you take to pay it back . If we lend you ten thousand dollars at an annual interest rate of ten percent for forty eight months , you would have to pay each month a portion of the loan which is called the principal and another small portion of the annual interest rate . This of course is considering that you don ’ t default on a payment ! It sounds good but , there is just one problem . I have a terrible credit score . That is a very serious problem you see , the bank must assess your personal information , past loans , assets and any other relevant information such as your credit score in order to approve your loan . You know what ? I don ’ t really need the money . Thanks anyways ! Excuse me , could you tell me how to get to the school clinic ? I've lost my way . Yes . Go straight ahead till you come to the traffic lights , turn left there and it's the first turning on the right . Straight ahead to the traffic lights , left and then right . That's it . It'll take you about five minutes . Thank you very much . Good morning , sir . Can I help you ? Good morning . I have a reservation for a single room with a bath here . May I have your name , please ? John Bradley . Just a moment , sir , while I look through our list . Yes , we do have a reservation for you , Mr . Bradley . Would you please fill out this form while I prepare your key card for you ? Yes , can I borrow your pen for a minute please ? Sure . Here you are . What should I fill in under the room number ? You can just skip that . I will put in the room number for you later on . Here you are . I think I have filled out everything correctly . Let me see , name , address , nationality , forwarding address , passport number , place of issue , signature and date of departure . Oh , here sir . You forgot to put that date of your departure . Here let me fill it in for you . Are you leaving in ... ? Oct 24th . Now everything is in order . Mr . Bradley , your room number is 6020 . It is on the sixth floor and the daily rate is 90 dollars per night . Here is your key card with all the information on your booking , the hotel services and the hotel rules and regulations on it . Please make sure that you have it with you all the time . You need to show it when you sign in for your meals and drinks in the restaurants and the bars . You also need to show it when you collect your key from the information desk . Ok , I will take good care of it . And now if you are ready Mr.Bradley , I will call the bellboy and he will take you to your room . Yes , I am ready . Thank you . I hope you enjoy your stay with us . I will try . What exactly is the problem with the latest lot ? We are faced with the problem that part of the consignment is unacceptable . We assume that damage occurred during the consignment was in your care . But we can't accept your damage claim . Why not ? You didn't note the damage on the bill of lading . Would you ring these up for me here ? I would be happy to . Did you find everything you needed ? Yes , I did , thanks . The total is 200 dollars . Would you like to put that on Sears card ? No , I'll pay for it in cash . What problems will exporters face in moving to the foreign market ? An exporter needs to know the social characteristics of people he is dealing with . Like what ? What do they like or dislike . What languages do they speak , what religions do they follow . Reasonable . Especially he needs to know their behavior , their habits , their way of life and the things they are used to . Sometimes people in different countries , or even in different parts of the same country have varying outlooks because of the tribe and culture . You know who won the election , right ? I ’ m still shocked that Obama was elected . I couldn ’ t believe it , either . He just made history . I hope you voted for him . Of course I did . Did you ? I made sure to vote for him . I am really excited about this . I know how you feel . Hopefully , he ’ ll change things in our nation . I know that he will . I trust him . Would you find any other available flight to Tokyo ? Sure . We try our best . Thank you . Mr.Chen , are you sure you're taking BA - 007 back to Tokyo ? Yes , of course . I think our travel agent would have made the reservation for us . I'm afraid this flight is all booked up . Are you sure ? We can't really take it ? I reconfirmed with Miss Peterson the other day . I'm afraid so except we have many no-show passengers . Mrcrabby , I ’ m pleased to see you . I ’ Ve looked over your resume , ms.Jane . I see you ’ Ve already have quite a lot of experience in secretary work , could you tell me something about your talent with that company ? Oh , yes , I worked there for two years , just graduated from college . En ? It was a good company to work for , I enjoyed my time with them . You like that work ? Yes , I like it very much , the work was not very demanding , and the people I work with were friendly . Why do you want to leave the company ? Because it is an age of challenges , I must accept the new challenge in my life . Do you have any seat preferences , sir ? Yes , could you put me in the non-smoking section ? Yes . Would you like a window seat ? If one's available , please . But not over the wing . I'm really happy that you came to visit me . I really missed you a lot . I've been missing you like crazy . I don't understand why you haven't come to visit me . Lately , I've been quite busy . Tell me what you've been up to . I've really been working a lot lately . I've been pretty busy myself . So what have you been up to ? I've just been working a lot . Whatever the reason may be , I'm glad you visited me . I'm glad I did too . How ’ s it going ? I ’ m fine , thank you . Did you need help with something ? If I could , I would like to view the apartment sometime today . That won ’ t be possible today . Why is that ? You can only view the apartment with an appointment . I would like to make one right now if I can . Are you available this Friday ? Can we do it at 6 o ’ clock ? Your appointment for Friday at 6 pm has been confirmed . All right . I ’ ll see you on Friday . Hi , Jim ! When did you get back ? Yesterday . I was really sorry to see it end . The skiing was terrific ! I ’ m really jealous ! I won ’ t be able to get any time off for at least another three or four months . Sorry to hear that ! But I would definitely recommend this place ! hi , Betty.what ' s up ? nothing special . how about you ? Are you used to the life here in the States ? everything has been fine for the past several months . great ! well , I wish someone could talk to me about Western table manners sounds interesting . Where did you get the idea ? as you know , table manners in China are quite different from those of Westerners . absolutely . that's because both of us have distinctive cultural features . for example , in China , it's okay to talk while eating . However , you may regard it as rude . yes . this must be a huge difference . can you think of anything else ? sure . We tend to think that the slower on eats , the more polite one seems . I didn't know that before . and we never sip or slurp the soup loudly . we quietly like little mouthfuls . i got it . i'll bear it in mind . don't worry . i'm sure our etiquette will become a natural part of your behavior as time goes by . I hope so . You just ran a red light . Did I ? If you are staying here for a few days , we ’ d be delighted to see you at our factory . It ’ s very kind of you to say so . My associate and I will be interested in visiting your factory . Let us know when you are free . We ’ ll arrange the tour for you . Thank you . I ’ ll give you a call this afternoon to set the time . There ’ s nothing like seeing things with one ’ s own eyes . That ’ s for sure . You ’ ll know our products better after the visit . I'd like to order room service to room 927 , please . How can I help you ? I'd like to two roast beef sandwiches and one fruit salad , please . Will that be all , sir ? No , could I also get some extra towels and soap too ? We went to the pool today and used up our two clean towels . I'll have someone bring that up right away . How would you like to pay for the dinner ? Just put it on with the rest of my hotel bill . All right , sir . You should receive your dinner in about ten minutes . So the apartment comes unfurnished ? This one is . I have another one that's furnished , but I'm not sure you'll like the furniture . We have tons of furniture . What we need are air conditioners . This building is only four years old . It was built with central air . Just like in the States ! That's perfect ! And I recently bought an American-style washer and dryer . Come and see . How was school today ? It was great . I made some friends . Really , that's good . But the lessons this semester are a little bit hard . They aren't hard . I am sure you can do it . S :: Welcome to Flash Foto.What can I do for you , ma ’ am ? C :: I ’ d like to have this roll of film developed . S :: What size prints would you like ? C :: Four by six will do . S :: All right , ma ’ am , they ’ ll be ready for you in an hour . Do I need a visa ? No , I shouldn't think so . But you must take your passport of course . Yes , I know . I must get my traveler's check and some foreign currency . Yes , you need the traveler's check but you needn't get any foreign currency . You can have my US Dollars , I don't need them . Really ? That's very good of you , Helen . But I must get a new suitcase , my old one needs repairing . You needn't buy one . You can have mine . That's very kind of you , Helen . I hope you don't mind my leaving you like this . I need a holiday . It won ’ t be long . Don't be silly , John . I'm going with you . It's necessary for me to have a holiday too . What places does the tour include ? You will visit the Hyde Park , Poet's Corner , Tower of London , Fleet Street and Tower Bridge . So many places I have been looking forward to . We will take part in the group . I think you will enjoy your journey . Can I trouble you for some change ? I'll see what I have got . What's it for ? I need some cigarettes . I can let you have some silvers if that is good . OK , thanks . Welcome to the company . We are conducting a survey of new employees to find out what influenced them to choose our company . Honestly , the flexible hours were the main attraction for me . The traditional working day doesn't fit in with me lifestyle ; I love being able to tailor my working hours . Yes , flextime has definitely been a good change for us . How do you feel about the pay ? At first it is going to be difficult . During the first three months , I'm on probation . So I won't get sales commissions until after that . But there is a big bonus for employees at the end of the probation period . Yes , I'm looking forward to that ! I just hope my first performance review is favorable . One thing you can be sure of your manager will be quite fair . If your job performance is up to par , you shouldn't be afraid of a performance review , Great ! Then I suppose I'm looking forward to my first promotion , too . Excuse me . Can I deposit valuables here ? Yes , you can . Please put your articles in this envelope and seal it . OK . How long would you like us to keep it ? Till next Monday when we check out . All right , ma'am . Do you have your own circle of friends ? Yes . I have friends even though I am a man of few words . Just like the old saying goes , " Actions speak louder than words " . I am a hard-working silent person . What you said was right , but we need to work as a team , how could you make adjustment to that ? Teamwork is ok to me , and I hope the team will be complementary in personality . OK , I got it . Excuse me , can you tell me which is Bob Rice's office ? Sure . It's the third office down this hall . Are you looking for Bob ? Yes . He told me to come by this morning . I'm sorry , but he's not in the office now . Do you have an appointment ? An appointment ? Yes . What time did he expect you ? He said I should come by this morning . He didn't give me a time.He said I could come any time before noon . I see . He's usually here on Tuesday mornings ... Today is Tuesday . I know . He's usually here , but today he went out to a site on the east side . That's too bad . I need to discuss these plans with him . Why don't you make an appointment for later in the week ? Alright . He's here on Tuesdays , Wednesdays and Fridays . What day did you want to see him ? Friday is good . Morning or afternoon ? Morning . I can put you down for ten o'clock . Is that alright ? Yes . My name is Laura Wills . Alright . I have you down for ten AM this Friday . Thank you . You are welcome . Nancy , please turn the TV down . Come on , John . This is my favorite show . I don't care . I have a headache . I'm sorry , I'm engaged at 2 p . m . If you don't mind , let's make it a little later.What about three or four ? Sorry , the whole afternoon is filled up here.Will tomorrow do ? All right . We should know by next month whom to hire . If your application is successful , we'll notify you by mail . How long would I wait ? We'll give you our decision in 7 days . Thank you . I hope to hear from you as soon as possible . Please send the next candidate in on your way out . OK , good-bye . Right Rebecca . Now I see that after graduating from University your first job was ... For a local paper in York called the York Herald . Actually , I started with them as an intern in the beginning . I was really keen on getting some experience in the journalistic world , and this seemed like a good first step . Certainly . And after your internship ? They seemed impressed , and offered me a position as a junior local news reporter . I ended up staying two years there actually . I was in charge of the sports news section of the newspaper . I really enjoyed it there , and it really helped me build my skills . Yes I see . But you decided to leave them in 2006 , right ? Yes , that ’ s right . My husband and I moved to London , and so I managed to find a position with a National newspaper based in London . The London Weekly right ? Yes , in some ways it was a step down from my previous job but it did offer me much better prospects for the future . morning , Mr . Winthrop . This is Sally Parker , Mr . Emory ’ s secretary . Mr . Emory has asked me to set up a meeting with you . Certainly , Miss Parker , Let me get my book . My secretary ’ s out and I can ’ t keep anything straight ! I understand . Would you like me to call you back ? No – That ’ s all right . How about the 30th at 4:00 p . m . ? – Is an hour enough ? Can I ask for leave this afternoon ? What is the problem ? I had a headache this morning . I didn ’ t pay attention to it . I thought probably it is because I didn ’ t sleep well . But now it is getting worse and worse . I feel quite dizzy now and my eyes are somehow very light-sensitive . Maybe it is the migrated . It is ok . You look really pale and red eyes . I suggest you go home immediately and have a good rest . Thank you very much . I am sure good rest will do indeed . I don ’ t have this too often . Michelle , Can you help me clean things up before we go ? Sure . Where should I put this cup ? Which cup ? The red one . Put it on the table . How about this fruit ? Oh , that goes in the refrigerator . And those pencils ? What should I do with them ? Bring those upstairs and put them in the bedroom . How about this pen ? Give it to me . I need to use it . What do you want me to do with that paper over there ? You can throw that away . I don't need it anymore . The trash is full . Alright , then please put it in a bag and take it outside . OK . Now what ? I think we're finished . Can you please turn off the lights and shut the door ? Sure . Good morning ! The Inland hotel . How may I help you ? Good morning . I ’ d like to book a room for Friday night and Saturday night . Certainly . What kind of room would you like ? A single room please . I hope you ’ re not fully booked . A single room ? That ’ s fine . In whose name shall I make the booking ? Jones . According to your website , the nightly rate is $ 50 , including breakfast . We offer a 20 % discount for guests staying of Friday and Saturday . The total cost will be $ 80 , including breakfast . Thank you very much . I look forward to seeing you on Friday . Could I just take your credit card number please ? I should mention that there is a cancellation charge of $ 20 . That ’ s fine . My credit card number is ... May I try on this dress ? By all means . (= Of course . ) What's the matter ? Which subway should I take to get to the East Side ? Oh , you have to take the shuttle to Grand Central . Which train is that ? Which platform does it leave from ? It's not on this platform.These trains are uptown and downtown , not crosstown.You have to go up these stairs over there . I have to use the ATM . Is there a problem ? I don ’ t know how to use it . What are you talking about ? I have never used an ATM before . I can show you how to use it . How do I use it ? You need to push your card into the machine . What ’ s next ? Enter your PIN . What else do I have to do ? Every option you can choose will appear on the screen . That ’ s about it . Mr . Emory ? I think it ’ s time to get a new computer . Why , Christine ? I think the one we have is fine . For the amount of work we do on the computer these days , the one we ’ re using is just too weak . We really need a higher model . Well , I ’ ll think about it . I don ’ t know whether accounting is going to agree to such a big purchase . What do you think ? It looks great . I would like to purchase it . Will this be cash or charge ? Here , take my credit card . Just sign here , please . Sure . Here you go . Here's your receipt . Have a nice day . What are you doing , karen ? I ’ m making a shopping-list , Tom . What do we need ? We need a lot of things this week . I must go to the grocer's . We haven't got much tea or coffee , and we haven't got any sugar or jam . What about vegetables ? I must go to the greengrocer's . We haven ; t got many tomatoes , but we've got a lot of potatoes . I must go to the butcher's , too . We need some meat . We haven't got any meat at all . Have we got any beer and wine ? No , we haven't . And I'm not going to get any ! I hope that you've got some money . I haven't got much . Well , I haven't got much either ! Mr Brown ! How nice to see you , can I help ? I'm not exactly sure if it's your department , but I'd like to ask some questions about qualifying for Comprehensive Credit Granting . I see . You are one of my favourite customers , Mr Brown . I'm more than happy to help . For Comprehensive Credit Granting , IBA will grant a promised quota for you , that is , if you qualify . Of course , your credit record , within you field of trade needs to be up to scratch . How long a period will you look at to determine this ? We will consider the first part of the year , in your particular field , and your credit rating can be no less than class A , during that period . That sounds simple enough . It's Friday today , I'll be back on Monday morning , first thing , with all of the relevant data . See you then , and enjoy your weekend . Hello , John , please invite all our clients to the conference next week . How should I get their contact info . Get the clients ' contact info from my Rolodex . Where should I put them up ? How about the Holiday Inn ? The clients like the Shangri-La Hotel more . Well , the client is always right . What else would I prepare , Sir ? Please print out the meeting agenda for me to look over . Certainly . And make sure to return my Rolodex to my desk when you are done with it . Of course . I'm on it Hello , this is Mr . Smith in Room 502 . Please send up a bellboy . I'm checking out . What time is checking out time ? Checking out time is twelve . Guests will avoid an additional days room charge by checking out on time . It's nearly 12:00 now . Will I be charged extra ? We won't charge any extra if you'd vacate the room by two o'clock . Thank you very much . May I leave my baggage here until Thursday ? Yes . We can put it in our storage room . Will there be any extra charge ? There will be no charge on baggage left by guests who have checked out . I see . Please prepare my bill and I will be right down to pay it . I want to buy a wallet . Here are all the wallets with various designs . How about this one ? It is quite fashionable . May I pick it up ? Of course . Do you have one of better quality ? This one is much better , but it is also much more expensive . There is no problem about the price . How much is it ? Two hundred and thirty-five yuan . OK , I'll take it . I am sorry to hear that you are not feeling well . How are you ? Thank you . I was operated on for gastric ulcer . Is that so ? But I think It shouldn't keep you long in bed . Yes . I hope so . Good afternoon , Mr . Dome ’ s office . This is Denise , Mr . Bruce ’ s Secretary . I was calling to confirm his meeting tomorrow with Mr . Dome at 4 o ’ clock . Yes , it ’ s confirmed for here in our office . Is your address still 1150 Lake Road ? Yes , that ’ s correct . Ok . Thank you . What's wrong , Jerry ? You look so upset . To be honest , I was just dumped . Oh , I'm sorry to hear that . You can go on a holiday cheer you up . No , thanks . I'm not in the mood for traveling . Come on . A trip will do you good . Are you doing anything this weekend ? I was planning on doing a lot of wallowing . Well , my friends and I are planning on going to Shangri-La on Saturday . Do you want to come with us ? Where is that ? Not very far from here . We'll fly . It's about one and a half hours . What's there to see ? There is a large canyon , vast grasslands , ancient forests and mountain lakes . Oh , sounds nice . Yes , the scenery there is breathtaking . I have some pictures at home . You can come over and take a look if you like Ok . Then I can make up my mind . How may I help you ? I would like to return an item . What are you returning ? I want to return this cellphone . Is there a problem ? It's broken . What exactly is wrong with it ? The phone turns off by itself . That's fine , but do you have your receipt with you ? Yes , here it is . I'll refund your money right now . Thank you so much . Dad , what are we doing tonight for fun ? We're going over to Mrs . Smith's place to help her with her yard work . Yard work ? I said ' what are we doing for fun ' , not work ! It will be fun . And besides , you'll be in the best company . Dad . You're so cute . What do I need to do to help get ready ? You could get the rakes and some shovels together and I'll put them in the car . Jeans and a tee shirt , right ? Yes and maybe a jacket in case it gets cool . Listen , Christine , you can not afford another day off . You ’ Ve called in sick five times in the last three weeks . I know , Mr . Douglas . But I am really sick . Well , I want a note from the doctor on this one . And , to be honest , if this continues , we may not be able to employ you here . I understand , sir . I ’ ll bring a doctor ’ s note in tomorrow . I am sorry , Mr . Douglas . I'm in 507 , and I have a big problem . I'm so sorry . Kindly tell me what the problem is , sir . Everywhere I look , I see cockroaches . Perhaps you could look again , sir , to double-check . The next cockroach I see will be number ten . Mr . Sandals , I've worked here five years without seeing one cockroach . I've already suffered enough without listening anymore to you ! You're right , sir . Please let me transfer you to my supervisor I just love your hair that way . Thanks . Where did you have it done ? My sister did it . When did you get yours cut ? Just yesterday . I'm still getting used to it . Well , it looks very nice . Thanks . How did you get the piano here ? It was hard work . You never did it on your own . It took three of us to move it . Would you mind helping us take a picture ? My pleasure . How do you want me to do it ? Just focus on us and press the button . Ready ? Say cheese . Where shall we go on vacation this summer ? Well , that depends . Tell me where you want to go ? Venice . I have great interests in the boats . That's interesting to travel by boat to see the whole city that is between the sea and sky . But personally I like Greek better . I like the country too . It's quite famous for its culture . Last night I looked for my Indian classmate Barbara . I found her sitting with her legs crossed and quietly practicing . Needless to say , it must be Indian Yoga . Mary , you say something about it . Tracing back , Yoga has a very long history . It was originated before India had approved Yoga and these documents were arranged and written according to the contents passed by mouth to mouth . In other words , Yoga is passed down from ancient times , which cannot be recalled . Excuse me , is there a table for 8 right now ? Let me see ... I am sorry the tables you want are booked . Well , since there are some small square tables , could we put two tables together ? No problem , sir . Let me help you . You shouldn't let the dirty dishes accumulate in the sink ! I know , I should wash them right away . Can I draw my tax back here ? Sure . Show me your receipt , please . Here you are . Wait a moment . Here is $ 10 you paid for duties . How can I help you ? I'd like to buy some perfume for my girlfriend . Do you know what kind of scent she usually wears ? She usually doesn't wear anything but a few drops of Chanel No . 5 . But I'd like to buy her a new Fragrance . OK , here are some of our most popular perfumes . Which one would you recommend ? Personally , I quite like the new perfume from Clinique . It's a subtle flowery scent . What do you think ? That smells great . I'll take one bottle , please . Would you like to buy any other cosmetics for your girlfriend ? We have a full range of products from cosmetics to skin cleansers and moisturizers . It's OK . She normally just wears a little foundation and some loose powder , and I don't know what shade to buy . How about some lipstick ? Every woman needs a nice tube of lipstick . She doesn't usually wear lipstick . She thinks it makes her nose look too big . How about some mascara ? That will make her eyes look bigger . No , thank you . She has big enough eyes as it is . I know what she would like-some whitening cream . No thanks . Western women usually try to make their skin darker , not lighter . Will that be all then ? That will be all . You've been very helpful , thanks . Are things still going badly with your houseguest ? Getting worse . Now he ’ s eating me out of house and home . I ’ Ve tried talking to him but it all goes in one ear and out the other . He makes himself at home , which is fine . But what really gets me is that yesterday he walked into the living room in the raw and I had company over ! That was the last straw . Leo , I really think you ’ re beating around the bush with this guy . I know he used to be your best friend in college , but I really think it ’ s time to lay down the law . You ’ re right . Everything is probably going to come to a head tonight . I ’ ll keep you informed . Good evening , madam . Did you ring for service ? Who can I do for you ? Yes . The light in this room is too dim . Please get me a brighter one . Certainly , madam . I'll be back right away . Do you mind if I move your things ? Oh , no . Go ahead . Thank you . How is the light now ? It's much better now . Thank you . You're welcome . And if you need any other things , please let us know . Ah , yes , the room is too cold for me . I feel rather cold when I sleep . Can you turn off the air-conditioning ? The air-conditioning is already off , madam . Maybe I'm getting a cold . Would you like an extra blanket ? OK . And would you please get me some hot water , too ? I think I need to take some medicine . Certainly , madam . I'll be right back . Here is a blanket and hot water for you . Anything else ? No , thanks . Good night , madam . May I help you ? Yes , I would like to return these slacks . Alright . Do you have your receipt ? Yes . Here it is . I bought them last week . And why are you returning them ? I bought them to go with a blouse of mine . But they don't really match . I see . Oh , wait . Ma'am , I'm sorry . These slacks were on sale . Yes , they were thirty percent off . I'm sorry , but we don't allow returns on sale items . I know many stores have that policy . But I have returned sale items here before . I'm sorry , but we usually don't do it . It is our policy . I just bought these slacks a week ago . And I am a regular customer here.Can you make an exception this time ? Well . Let me talk to the manager for a moment.Ma ' am , the manager says I can do it this time . Good . I'm a regular customer here . I am glad you can make an exception for me . Please show me your receipt again . Here it is . I will have to give you store credit , Ma'am . If you find something else you like in the store , you can use the credit . Store credit is okay with me . I'm sure I will find something I like . I shop here a lot . We appreciate your business , Ma'am . that was a great party . Thanks for saying behind to help me clear up . it certainly was a great party . It ’ s a pity that a glass and a plate got broken and someone spilled a drink over here . I expected that something might get broken . That doesn ’ t bother me . That spilled drink won ’ t leave a stain , will it ? I doubt it , I ‘ ll deal with it right away . Luckily it wasn ’ t a glass of red wine , I ’ ll just get a bowl of water and a cloth . I ’ m going to put all the rubbish into this big plastic bag . afterwards , we can do the washing up together . Everything will be finished within an hour . Your friend Keith is really funny . I liked his magic tricks . yes , he ’ s very good .. isn ’ t he ? He told some funny stories too . Amanda told some very funny jokes . At the beginning of the party , she was being ver serious . I think that she had a litter too much of the punch . what did you put in that punch ? It tasted great , but was quite strong . that ’ s my little secret . Did you like the snacks and I prepared ? very much . The birthday cake was delicious , wasn ’ t it ? Emily told me that she and karen made it themselves . that cake tasted so good ! It disappeared within minutes , so I think everyone liked it a lot . How ’ s that stain ? all cleaned up . Are you ready to start on the washing up . What sort of salary did you get at your previous job ? Well , I got $ 3,000 per month . I see . I am sure we can offer you $ 3 , 500 at the beginning . Would that be satisfactory ? Yes , I think so . That would be more than I have wished . Good . We also have health insurance , bonus and paid vacation . When can you begin to work ? What about early next week ? Good . Please come in on Monday . Working hours are from eight to four-thirty . Lunch is fifty-five minutes . Yes , sir . Tell me about how you work here . We work in teams . There are about four to six people in each team . I'm training to be a team leader . Each team member is responsible for the quality of the goods we produce . We are multi-skilled so we can rotate jobs . I like that . It stops the work getting boring . Sir , here is your curried beef . Well . I am afraid you have made a mistake . It's not the dish I ordered . Let me see , I am sorry . It's for table 11 . It doesn't matter . Would you please weight this letter for me ? Well , it's a bit overweight . You must pay extra for it . How much ? We demand a surcharge of 80 cents for it . Have you heard my good news ? You haven't told me anything yet . I got a promotion at work earlier this week . Is that right ? It's the truth . I am really happy . Congratulations on your promotion . Thank you very much . I am really excited for you . Are you really ? I'm serious . You deserved this promotion . Is that what you really think ? Yes , I do . How do you like this one ? It's nice and cheap It's only thirty-four dollars . Have you got anything cheaper ? Sorry . I think that's the cheapest May I try it on ? Yes . you can The fitting room is right over there . All right . I think I'll take it . What is my schedule for today , Miss Liu ? Yes , you are supposed to meet the president at ten fifteen this morning . Then , you have a lunch appointment with Mr . Clark . And this afternoon at three you are scheduled to speak before a group of seminar participants . Do you have the meeting report ready ? Certainly . Excuse me , can you do me a favor ? Sure . Where's the busiest street of this city ? I am a stranger here . You mean the seventy seventh ? It's not far from here . You can walk there . Well , we are so tired today . Can you tell me which bus I should take ? Bus No . 12 . Thank you so much . Where to , madam ? Grand Central Station , please . I want to catch a 6 p . m . train . I think you'll make it if we don't get stuck in a traffic jam . Here is the Grand Central Station . Thank you . How much is the fare ? The meter reads 9.15 dollars . Here you are . Keep the change . Thank you . May I see your passport please ? Yes . Here it is . Are you travelling for business or pleasure ? I'm going to visit some relatives here for several months . Do you have anything to declare ? Jewellery or cash ? The only things I brought were some cloths and my notebook computer . Did you bring any fruits , vegetables , fresh meats or plants into this country ? No , Sir , I did not . Why weren't you at school yesterday ? I wasn't feeling really well . What was wrong with you ? My stomach was upset . Do you feel better now ? I don't really feel too well yet . Do you want anything to make you feel better ? No , thanks . I already took some medicine . I hope you feel better . Thank you . You're going to have coffee , aren't you ? Yes . I could use a cup of coffee . Are you going to have anything to eat ? French toast sounds good . What are you going to order ? I'll have that too . Excuse me ... Yes , sir . How may I be of service ? I would like to return this item ... Are refunds allowed ? Certainly . The customer is always right , we are here to serve you . Is there a reason that you would like to return it ? Did you have problems with our product or services ? No , no ... It was just the wrong size . Would you be interested in an exchange as opposed to a refund ? I think I can help you to find the appropriate size . No . I would rather just return it . Sure , no problem . Do you happen to have the receipt ? Yeah , right here . Ok , just a moment , please . Here you are , I need you to sign here , please . And here is your refund . Is there anything else I can help you with ? No , thank you . You're welcome . Have a nice day ! We hope that our cooperation will continue . Of course . We both experienced a good cooperation . We do think so . I would like to return this pair of shoes . Do you have a sales slip ? Here it is . Sorry , things on sale are not allowed to be refunded or exchanged . Oh , but this pair of shoes are a bit too tight . Could I change them for something bigger ? All right . Wait a minute . Out of every movie that you've seen , which one is your favorite ? I'm going to have to say that Superbad is the best movie ever . You think so , how come ? Well , Superbad is super funny . You're not lying , I found that movie absolutely hilarious . I didn't know that you saw Superbad before . I made sure to be in line to see it the first day it came out . I couldn't keep from laughing throughout the whole movie . I was laughing hysterically the whole time ; my stomach muscles hurt afterwards . That's exactly how I felt . I got the movie when it came out on DVD , do you want to come over ? I would love to . Good evening , sir . May I have the key for Room 358 , please ? Certainly . Oh , you have a message here . Thank you . Is there any mail for me ? No , there isn't at the moment . Welcome to our restaurant , Chez Attitude ! Our reservation is under the name of Foster at 7:00 for four people . Yes , Mr . Foster , our hostess will be with you in just a moment . We would like to begin with a cocktail while we are waiting . Would you tell the hostess to please come and let us know when our table is ready ? I will let her know where you are . The patio tables look really nice . Could we be seated there , please ? I could seat you right away at an outside table if you would like . Thanks ! We'll sit out there then . We will just order our drinks out there . Well , can I start you off with some cocktails while you are looking over the menu ? Yes , why don't you bring us a bottle of the house Chablis with four glasses to start with ? I'll get on that right away ! We appreciate your help . Would you like this one ? I don't think that will do . How about the one at your back ? This one ? No , the other one ... yes . This one is especially built for hard , continuous play . And every detail of workmanship and material has been carefully checked to make it a dependable one for tournament use . It do look beautiful . Well . I think I'll take it.Now do you have any racket covers ? This cover comes with the racket . How much does it come up to ? The mark says six hundred yuan , plus tax , it's six hundred and eighty yuan . Do you accept credit cards ? Sure . If you'll just wait here , I'll be right with you in a minute . Which way is the dining car ? Two cars forward . What time will breakfast be served ? 7:00 , sir . It's a lot of work running a campaign , isn't it ! I had no idea when I volunteered to assist governor Brown with this campaign what I was getting myself into . Hang in there . The hardest part is just about over . How Ay years have you been working with him ? About 15 . I've seen him work hard for a lot of good changes . It's easier doing this kind hard work when I know that I trust the man behind the posters . Did you know we're trying to talk him into considering a presidential campaign ? He would be good . Hi , this is Quipu Corp . Is that Miss Zhang ? Yes . speaking . Is there anything I can do for you ? I am calling to tell you the items you are supposed to bring for the interview the day after tomorrow . What do I need to take with me ? You'd better bring the diploma , identification card and several copies of your resume . OK . I'd like to have everything gift-wrapped , please . I'll give you the boxes . You can then go to our gift-wrapping department . Is it on this floor ? It's on the first floor , to the right of the main entrance . Thank you . Have a nice holiday ! You , too . Thanks for your help . I learned of the railway accident only this morning . A really dreadful accident and many people were killed . Is that true ? Yeah , well , I fill you in one the details later . Thanks . Can I help you , ma'am . Yes , will you keep our bags until 6 p . m . ? Are you all our guests ? Yes , we checked out just now . Please fill in this form . Is this all right ? So you are leaving this evening.We keep your bags until 6 p . m . Here's your tag . Thanks a lot . What can I do for you ? I want my hair cut . How would you like your hair cut ? I'm not sure . What do you suggest ? Well , how about like this ? I don't like it . It's outdated . Okay . How about this style ? It seems a little too wild . Can you give me some idea of what you'd like ? I want a haircut just like that kind . OK , I see . How do you like you dishes today ? Not so delicious as before , but it's fine . The soup is tasty but the meat is a little tough . I am sorry for that . We will improve the dishes next time . I'd like to buy a house about 300m with a garden . Can you help me ? Sure . We've helped more than ten thousand people buy and sell houses . We're the No . 1 realtor in this community . I recommend this house ( He points at a picture ) . Where is it ? On a hill to the east of the Tarsus river . You have a good view of the beautiful sunrise and sunset . You can't find a better home to live in . How many rooms are there ? Eight rooms , a roomy kitchen , two modem bathrooms , a lovely dining room , a gorgeous living room and three sweet bedrooms . All are built with first-rate materials . How much is it ? 6 million . You needn't pay the whole price at one time . You just pay 50 % in cash . We'll process the legal documents for you and then you can borrow the other 50 % from a bank and repay it in installments . We ask for only 1 % as commission . OK . How much is the deposit ? Ten thousand . Excuse me . What time does the next train to London leave ? At 10:30 . Is it a direct train to London ? Yes , it is . OK . Two tickets to London , please . Single or return ? Single , please . How much in total ? 10 pounds . Here you are . Which platform should I go to wait for the train ? It's platform 5 . OK . Thank you . You are welcome . Brandy , I am supposed to participate in an interview tomorrow . That's great . You need to prepare for it . How ? Buy an expensive suit . Is a white shirt OK ? Yeah , fine . And dressing leather shoes . Uh ... that's Greek to me . That means they have tapered legs . Well , mine are baggy . They're the kind of pants you can lounge around in . Mine are , too . So maybe we shouldn't go out after all . Yeah . Let's just lounge around ! Hello , Pineapple Computer Company . This is Janice Shaw , the secretary of Nova . May I ask who is calling ? Good morning . This is Dan . Could I speak to Nova ? I feel so sorry that Nova has gone on her business trip . Really ? When will she come back ? Maybe next weekend . She only mentioned this before she left . Well , the reason why I am calling is to tell her that our appointment in next month will have to be postponed . And the exact time for this meeting will be discussed after she comes back . Wait a minute . I have to leave a memo here . Anything else ? The file for the meeting needs to be retyped and please send it to us as soon as possible . Dan , don't worry . I will tell her everything as soon as she comes back . Excuse me , I wonder if you can help me . Sure . What's up ? I'm completely lost . I'm looking for the Empire State Building . Oh , this's easy . You can take the subway to 34 street . You'll see it as you get out . Great . Thanks a lot . Don't do that . You are asking for trouble . I don't care . Good afternoon . Reservations . May I help you ? Yes , I'm calling from Tenga Company . I'd like to know if you have rooms available for the nights from October 8 to October 12 . We are going to have a business conference . May I ask how many people there will be in the party ? 20 persons . What kind of room would you like ? Double rooms with twin beds . A moment please , sir . Yes , I can confirm 10 rooms for those days . Thank you . Is there a special rate for a group reservation ? Yes , there is a 10 percent discount . That is fine . What's up , officer ? Are you aware that you ran through that stop sign ? There was a stop sign ? How could you not notice it ? If there really was a stop sign , I couldn't see it because of the overgrown bushes . You know.You ' re right . The bushes are covering the sign . If I saw the stop sign , I would've stopped for it . Now that I think about it , I can see how you missed it . Am I getting a ticket for this ? I'll let you off with a warning . Thank you , I really do appreciate that . Don't worry about it . I need to have something done about those bushes . Would you like to ask any questions ? I need to know about the fees . What kind of fees ? I ’ m asking about overdraft fees . You have to pay a small fee every time you overdraft . What ’ s the fee ? The fee is $ 25 every time you overdraft . How is that a small fee ? That fee should keep you from overdrafting . I ’ ll say . Do you have any more questions ? I don ’ t need to know anything else . Thank you . Could I ask the company for the housing ? Yes , but now we are fresh out of staff quarters . How will you solve the problem ? The company will assign you housing subsidies at 400 yuan a month . Hi , can I help you ? Yes , please . I'm looking for a sofa . What about this one ? May it be used as a sofa in the day and a bed during the night ? Oh , you want a convertible sofa . This way , please . Over there is the one you want . I would like to book a table for 2 . OK , sir . When will you be there ? 7:00 tonight and we'd like a smoking table . No problem , sir . We need to do a group report tomorrow . I need to go to the stationer to buy something for the posters . You need to make posters ? absolutely . Every time when we do the reports , we love making some beautiful posters to emphasize our theme ideas . I see . Then let's make a shoppinglIist first before we go there.othe rise , It may take us a whole day to search for the things you need . No problem . I need some markers , some color pencils , a pair of scissors , some highlighter , rulers .. Wow , it is like a maze , I think I might get lost soon . Don't worry.In fact , it is very easy to find what you want . Can you see the sign on top of every shelf . It clearly tells you what things are displayed on every shelf . Oh , yes . You are so smart . I see them . So I have to go to shelf number 3 first to get my markers , color pencils and highlighters and somebrushes . I also need some thumbtacks , whiteout and paper clips . Which shelf are they on ? I can't find the number . It's at the back . I think you are near-sighted . You had better get yourself a pair of nice glasses . Oh , you can rest assured that they'll be no problem . Why is that ? Your upstairs neighbors live in Canada and rarely come back to Taiwan . When they do , they're never home . And the downstairs neighbors ? Two flight attendants that are also in and out of town . When they're here , they're usually sleeping . And next door to you is me . I'm a quiet neighbor . Sounds ideal . We'll get back to you in a couple of days then . Susan , can you tell me in a nutshell what the retail market is like in China ? Well , as per capital income goes up and up , the growth sector seems to be in the high-end . Retail is going upscale here ? China is certainly growing more quickly than I had imagined . Yes . Things certainly have changed since I was a boy . We've developed very quickly . Do you think the trend will continue ? I don't see why not . We do have some problems , but we are still willing to work hard and wages aren't too high at this point . Everything I've seen so far is very impressive , very impressive indeed . What was the biggest turing point in your life ? I usee I would say that would be moving out of my parents ’ house for the first time . Really ? Why is that ? Till I moved out of my parents ’ home , I became a lot more independent . What would you say was the lowest point in your life ? That would definitely be getting a divorce . What went wrong ? We just weren't right for each other . How long were you married ? The marriage only lasted about a year . Have you remarried since then ? Yes , I got married to a man that I met shortly after I divorced my first husband . Do you think you'll ever get a divorce again ? Oh I hope not , my first marriage was a mistake , but this one isn ’ t . How long have you been married ? About 15 years now . Do you think you'll still love him when he is old and gray ? I think so , hopefully we ’ ll have a long and a happy life together . I ’ m sure you will . Would you please bring us the check ? Sure , here you are . It comes to $ 84 . Does that include the service charge ? No . sir , we charge separately . Here you are . Keep the change . Mom , what were movies like when you were a kid ? Everything about them was different , even the theaters . I'm really interested . Tell me about them . Well , where I grew up , we saw movies at a drive-in theater in our car with the whole family . That's cool . I bet you could bring your own food . We did . On hot days , we'd take a blanket and lay in the back of dad's old pickup to watch the movie . Why don't we do that anymore ? Well , the weather might have some influence , during bad weather the theater didn't make a whole lot . What can I do for you ? Do you have any blue shirts ? Yes . What's your size ? I'm not familiar with American size . All right . Let me see . I think you'd wear a size 8 . This shirt is size 8 . It's pretty . May I try it on ? Sure . The fitting room is over there . Thank you . Excuse me , I am Dunlin . I am here about your advertisement for a tourist guide . Are there still any vacancies ? Yes . One more is needed . Oh , I'm so lucky . I want to apply for it . But do you have any experience like that ? Yes . I have been a guide for two years . OK.Then I want to ask you some questions about the tourist guide.If there wasn accident , for example a tourist falls ill , what would you do ? I think I will call the office to send someone to meet us , and escort that person to the nearest hospital without interrupting our trip . If one of them forgot a camera in a restaurant , would you let the tourist bus go back ? No . In fact , prior to their boarding the bus and their getting off the bus , I will make an announcement to remind them that they should check their belongings . Well , it seems that you have all the practical experience to handle these cases . I am very glad to welcome you into our company . Thank you . It's my honor . Are you going to vote ? I am so excited to be voting . Do you know who you ’ re going to vote for ? I am so impressed with the candidate I ’ m going to vote for . What ’ s so great about him ? I feel that he is very intelligent . Oh , really ? Yes , and I agree with all his policies . That ’ s good to hear . I think this man is going to be the next President . I hope so . I ’ m going to make sure and get my vote in . Can you give me a hand ? Of course . Is there anything I can do for you ? Yes , I am looking for a skirt . What's in fashion now ? This one is the latest . How do you like it ? Well . Could I try it on ? Sure . ( A moment later ) It's cute.The color suits my complexion . I'd like to make an appointment with manager Mr.Wu . Would 10:00 a . m . tomorrow be all right ? I'm afraid not . He has a meeting tomorrow morning . Could I possibly make it early in the afternoon ? No , that's not good either . But give me your phone number and I'll call you if somebody cancels . Thank you very much . Doctor , I slipped and fell on my way to school . The ground is so slippery from the snow . It seems I can't move my left arm now . Let me see . Roll up your sleeve , please . Um ... it's swollen and red here . I'm afraid we'll need to take an X-ray to see if it's broken . What if it's broken ? Then we'll put you in a cast . What do you mean by a cast ? Well , we apply tape and plaster to from a solid enclosure to protect the bones from moving . In this way they will heal properly . Take it easy . It won't hurt you . Let me see . The X-ray picture indicates that your humerus is broken in two places . And you'll have to wear the cast for three weeks . You'll need to come back in two weeks , so I can have another look . I ’ Ve just looked over your resume and I must admit I am quite impressed . Thank you . I ’ Ve worked pretty hard to be able to list those accomplishments . You ’ Ve got plenty of training and experience . I wonder if you could tell me something about your goals . Where do you see yourself ten years from now ? To be honest , I don ’ t plan in that much detail . My goals tend to be general ; I define success according to the job at hand . I see myself advancing as I succeed , but I don ’ t necessarily dwell on interesting ! And how do you feel about decision-making ? Are you an independent thinker , or do you depend more on your superior for direction ? That depends a bit on the problem at hand . There are certain situations in which a manager can give a general directive , and expect his employees to know how to take the initiative on the detail Sounds good . Everyone is taking about teams these days . Can you describe your role as a member of a sales team ? I see myself as an encourager . Of course , sales can be quite competitive and sometimes people in this field have a secret desire for others to fail . In my last job , each representative handled So , your experience is as impressive in practice as it is on paper . What's holding us back on the plant expansion project ? We were supposed to see the specs on that ages ago.Why haven't I heard anything about it ? Did the whole project just vanish into thin air ? No , sir . The plant expansion project has been delayed.There was a snag up in the fling process to get the necessary construction permits.It seems that the property we were slated to build on is also habitat for some endangered indigenous species . You're joking , right ? No wonder we've been tied up with this project . I know the environmental impact statement will take forever to get approval if they've found anything endangered on the site . Are they positive there is evidence of endangered species actually living there ? The environmental review board has a team on it now.Hopefully we'll know more by the end of the week . Could I meet with you to discuss the project ? Good idea . We could meet on Monday or Tuesday . Which day would you prefer ? Tuesday would be good for me . OK . Do you think we should meet in the morning or in the afternoon ? I think the afternoon would be best . That will work out . I will e-mail the exact time tomorrow . I need you to bring your plans with you . Yes , I will bring my plans with me to the meeting . Should we invite the whole committee or should we just have the sub-committee there ? I feel that the whole committee needs to be there . Yes , I agree . We'll make sure that they get notified . Can you find the meeting place ? Yes , I know how to get there on my own . Great ! We will send you all the details later . Looking forward to meeting with you ! How many parking tickets have you gotten before ? I've gotten a few parking tickets before . How many ? Only about five or six . Have you paid off your parking tickets ? Yes , I paid my fines . How much do you have to pay for the ticket ? If I remember correctly , it's about $ 130 . That's a lot of money . I got one the other day . Well , you better make sure you pay it off . I may just go to the DMV today , so I can pay the fine . Good afternoon.Welcome to China.May I see your passport , customs and health declaration form ? Yes , here you are . Thank you.What ' s your occupation , Mr . Smith ? I'm the general manager of the Far-East Industry Corporation . You are here on business , aren't you ? Yes , I have been invited by the East Import & Export Corporation of China for business talks . I see.Do you have anything to declare ? Yes , I have some foreign currency to declare . Would you please fill out this currency declaration form ? It's a record of the foreign currency you have brough in . All right . Good evening . Good evening . My wife and I would like a room , please . Is there any room available ? We don't have a reservation . Let me see . Yes , we have one room left . You're lucky . It's the last one . Good . We're tired after driving all day , and we're looking forward to relaxing in a comfortable room . This room has two double beds . It's number 56 at the rear of the motel . It's quite a comfortable room . How much is it for one night ? We only need it for tonight . We're going to continue our trip in the morning . It's forty-five dollars a night for two . Is anyone else traveling with you ? No , it's just the two of us . Would you like to pay for the room in cash or with a credit card ? Credit card . We don't like to carry much cash with us on our trips . Please fill out this registration card . Here is your key . You can park your car in front of our room.Check - out time is noon . Thank you very much . Thank you , sir . Enjoy your stay with us . Is there anything I can do for you ? I want a chemise . You have really good taste . It's the best seller right now . Could I try it on ? Sure . Well . It's not my taste . Would you please bring me a short sleeve ? Hello , Is this room service ? Yes , May I help you ? This is the room 1425 , we asked for the room service an hour ago . we are very sorry to cause you a lot of inconvenience . What's the matter ? We're rather busy right now . It will take another 15minutes Is it really going to take that long , will you rush the order ? I'm afraid it will take 15 minutes at most . ha , well , we have no choice . I want some envelopes please . Do you want the large size , or the small size ? The large size please . Do Have you any writing-paper ? Yes , we do . I don't have any small pads . I only have large ones . Do you want a pad ? Yes , please . And I want some glue . A bottle of glue . And I want a large box of chalk , too . I only have small boxes . Do you want one ? No , thank you . Is that all ? That's all , thank you . What else do you want ? I want my change . Oh , sir . I lost my passport . Do you remember when and where you last saw it ? I remember I saw when I was dining in the Aidan Restaurant . When I paid the bill , I saw it in my handbag . Could you please tell me your passport number ? 3448-2691- 6429-34 . And what is the expiration date on your passport ? Five months later . I see . Please fill out this form . And you need to contact your embassy or consulate to report it as soon as possible . Mr . Wilson . I'm very glad we reached the agreement at last . Now I'd like to propose a toast to the further development of our cooperation . I'm very delighted too . I'm sure that we'll have a wider range of cooperation . So , let's drink to the signing of our contract . Bottoms up ! Cheers . Let's go to the cinema by bus . Better take the subway . It's far quicker and more convenient . OK , it will be a new experience for me . We have a rather comprehensive subway system here . You can get almost anywhere rather quickly on a subway , especially at this time of day when the traffic is heavy . Where do we pay the fare ? Just give the man sitting there three yuan and he'll give you a ticket . Do I have to pay an additional fare to change trains ? No , you don't have to . Here comes the train . Be careful ! Subway doors open and close automatically . What can I do for you , sir ? I'd like to choose one game for myself and one for my younger sister . What kind of games do you like ? Big games of course . I see , but games are played in different ways . I'm wondering what type of games do you like to play ? Type ? I don't know , what do you have ? Basically , there are 7 types of games Well , I am a beginner . I ... Don't worry . Most male customers choose first person shooting , real time strategy , action or sports , while female customers prefer simulating , action or role playing . Shooting , action and sports games require flexible movements and real time strategy usually needs overall consideration . I like first person shooting and action more than other types of games . If so , counter Strike and Might & Magic are good alternatives . Counter Strike is one of the hottest shooting games and Might & Magic series are popular among girls because the game has attractive plot and interesting scenes . Oh , thanks a lot . Then , I will take the two . Do you want the latest editions ? If your computer runs fast , I think the latest editions are better because although old editions are cheaper , they are less exciting and attractive . I will have the latest editions . Have some more tea , George . No , thanks . I've really got to go now . Have a nice day ! You , too . Excuse me , do you have a vacancy ? Let me see . Yes , we still have four left . Well , I would like to book a single room . How long would you stay ? 5 days . From Feb . 13 to 18 . May I take your order now ? Yes , please . What's special today ? Any special recommendations ? Certainly . I would recommend ' Songshuguiyu ' . The name sounds fascinating . What is it exactly ? Well , it is sweet and sour fried Mandarin fish . Sorry , I'm not interested in vinegar . Then , how about this one ? OK . I'll have that . Very good . Could I serve you anything else ? Thank you . That's enough . My pleasure . Just a little while , your order will be ready very soon . Please enjoy your lunch . Thanks . Front desk , can I help you ? Yes , I need a wake-up call tomorrow at seven thirty . Sure . Your room number , PLS ? Room 1019 . Room 1019 , tomorrow at seven thirty . Ok , we will give you a call in the morning . Is Stanley still singing that Elvis song ? He's really hogging the mike ! If I hear " Love Me Tender " one more time , I think I'm going to go crazy ! He sounds like a sick cow ! Can we adjust the pitch a little ? Maybe he'll sound better in a higher key . I already tried that . Nothing seems to help . Hey ! Where are you going ... ? We'll take the route No . 10 . Fine . How many people are there in your party ? Just two . How much does the trip cost ? $ 200 for double . Is there any chance of a lower price ? I am afraid not . Right now it's the tour season . Hello , what can I do for you ? Can you repair my shoes ? No problem . No matter what ’ s wrong with it , I can surely meet your satisfaction . Really ? Look at the toe of this shoe . It is worn out . Oh , here . I ’ m afraid it ’ ll be difficult to repair . Can you do it ? Yes , I can . To tell you the truth , I ’ m the best nearby . What are you calling about today ? I scheduled a delivery for tomorrow . Is there a problem ? I would like to reschedule . That shouldn't be a problem . Can I have it delivered the day after tomorrow ? So , you want it delivered the day after tomorrow ? Yes , will that be possible ? What time would you like us to deliver it ? Is 2:30 Okay ? Your delivery has been confirmed . Thank you , and I'm sorry for the change of plans . Hi , I'm here to look at the one-bedroom apartment you have for rent . Okay , come right this way . ( They walk over to the apartment . ) As you can see , it's large and completely furnished . What bills are included in the rent ? You have to pay the electricity bill yourself , but water is paid . Well , I guess for $ 400 a month I shouldn't expect an all bills paid apartment . I'm sorry to interrupt you . Please take care not to make a mess while you are selecting goods . If you don't want it , please replace it . Oh , I'm terribly sorry . but I couldn't find the yoghurt I saw here last time . What's the brand ? San Yuan . Oh , it's out of stock at the moment . Why don't you choose another brand instead ? I'm not used to other brands . You can have a try . Maybe you will like it . OK . I hope so . Did your eye doctor prescribe you contact lenses ? No , I ’ d like to know something about contact lenses . Oh , I see . We have both hard and soft contact lenses . They are very popular , but a little more expensive than ordinary glasses . I have found I ’ m short-sighted recently . I need to wear glasses . As a student , it ’ s better for me to wear ordinary glasses instead of contact lenses . We have many kinds of glasses here . Which frames do you like best ? I think the square-shaped ones will be the best for me . What about this pair ? They are the ' in ' things now in optical wear . Try them on . They fit me very well . I like them . Please go to receive optometry first over there . To which gate do I need to go to catch connecting flight 101 to New York City ? Go to gate 18 . The plane is now boarding . You must hurry . Show me the fastest way to get there . Instead of walking , you can take this shuttle to get you there faster . Do you think the plane will leave without me ? No , I ’ ll call the attendants at the gate . I will tell them you ’ re on your way . Thank you so much . I would really appreciate that . You are welcome . Have a safe trip . Will you be voting ? I will . Will you be voting ? Well , when is the election ? You don ’ t know that ? I just don ’ t know . It ’ s this Tuesday . You can ’ t be serious . Why would I joke ? Thanks for telling me . You should ’ Ve known already . I forgot . As long as you go vote , that ’ s all that matters . Elegance Hotel , is there anything I can do for you ? Hello , I would like to make a reservation for four nights next week , from Tuesday to Friday . All right , single or double room ? Single room with a bath room , please . I would like a room with a view of the whole city . All right . We have a single room available right now . What's the rate , please ? 578 yuan a night , plus VAT , including air-conditioner and TV . Does that include breakfast ? Can I make calls on outside line ? Yes , it includes English breakfast . For the phone , I am afraid you can not . OK , that's fine . Could you hold it for me ? Would you like to confirm the reservation ? Good morning . I ’ d like to ask some questions about your insurance policies . Of course . Please sit down . How can I help you ? I bought a house recently and would like to insure it and its content . I see . Here ’ s a pamphlet about our home insurance policy . We ’ Ve named our policy ” umbrella ” . May I ask how much you paid for your home and where you live ? These are the two main thing that decide how much your premiums are . I understand . I live in the Oakfield area and paid $ 100,000 for my home . Let me just check that on my computer . Oakfield is a low risk area , so your premiums will probably be around $ 100 a month . The other thing to take into account is deductibles . In this pamphlet it says that the minimum amount for deductibles is $ 2000 . what does that mean exactly ? It means That the first $ 2000 of any claim you make must be paid by you . The insurance policy covers any amount above that , up to the agreed limit . Oh , I see . That ’ s fine . What is the advantage of having higher deductibles ? If you have higher deductibles , your premium are lower , because you will pay more of the claim and we will pay less . It seems that I should do some calculations before deciding . I presume that the insurance period can be for as long as we agree . We initially sign one-year policies with our policyholders . These are renewable after the first year . If I have a claim , how long does it take to make a settlement ? I ’ Ve heard that with some insurance companies , it can take months . That is of great concern to out clients . We aim to satisfy all claims within a month , but we can ’ t guarantee that Come on , Jenny , we are heading our way to the Opera House . I am dead tired and I can't walk any further . Oh , I am sorry , I thought you were not . Why don't we stop and have a rest here ? Fine . Actually I am a little tired too . Want some water ? Hello ? This is Mike here . May I have a word with Grace ? She ’ s not at her desk at the moment . Is there any message I can give her ? Yes . Please tell her that tickets to Phantom of the Opera will be delivered in two days . My number is 6521684 0 , extension 236 . Ok . I ’ ll let her know as soon as possible . Thanks a lot . Bye . Hey , John ! What do you think are the main causes of war today ? It's hard to say ! But it seems that a lot of wars nowadays are civil wars . People from different ethnic groups in the same country sometimes fight for power in that country . Yeah , several of those civil wars have been going on for years and years . It seems they will never end . How do you think they could be ended ? I don't think that there is any easy way . I think one better way to stop it is to cut off their financial support . Yeah , you are right ! Excuse me . Do you know where I can find the nearest ICCC ? Yes , but it's quite a ways . Do I need to take a bus ? This bus doesn't take you directly there . You'd have to change buses twice . I suggest you walk . It'll take you less than 20 minutes . How do I get there on foot ? Go straight ahead through the intersection . Wait , let me write this down ... Alright , I'm ready . Keep walking till you pass the square , then turn right . Walk past two lights and turn left at the third . Square ... turn right ... traffic lights ... And then ? Keep walking and look for a tall building . Tall building ... Which side is the building on ? The right side . ICCC should be on the first floor . Thank you very much . You're welcome . Mary , why are you so tired ? I go to the personnel market every day , and put a lot of energy into it . Why don't you think about applying for a job on the Internet ? On the Internet ? I have never tried that way . Well , it's very convenient and very popular now . So how to apply for a job on the Internet ? Just get online and send your application through email to the employer . But how can I know which employer is hiring ? You could place your job hunting information on the Job Wanted channel on a recruitment website . Will the employers see my information ? Yes . If they think you are a fit , maybe they will contact you . Is it safe to job hunt on the Internet ? If you log in some formal websites , it must be very safe . I will give it a try at once . Stop burping . I can't help it . Welcome to IBA . What can we do for you ? It's a bit of a problem situation , actually ... you see , our company has a Corporate Account with you , but unfortunately , we've been experiencing cash flow problems recently . I'm sorry to hear that . We value all of our customers , regardless of circumstances . What can we do to help ? We are going to need a loan . I'm not sure what loan is suitable for us , though . If you think it will be very short-term , I would recommend you go with the 60 - day loan . Then it can be paid back quicker , so you won't have to consider it in the future . That seems like a good idea , it's for wages , you see . Acknowledgments play a necessary part in the interview . Sure . Kind acknowledgments can show one's good attainment . We often ignore the acknowledgments in our daily life , and consider them as disposable . Actually , that's not true . Acknowledgments can help you leave a good impression on others , especially in the public places . We should particularly pay attention to acknowledgments in the interview . In the beginning of the interview , it is best that you make acknowledgments for the opportunity of the interview . Don't forget to say " Thank you " when you take a seat . Make acknowledgments as well when the interviewer thinks highly of your dressing , experience , or words . You can win a good impression of the interviewer in this way . Acknowledgments can also help the job-hunters to show their good attainment . Finally , at the end of the interview , make acknowledgments to the interviewer again . Smiles and kind attitudes are the basics of acknowledgments . Sir , may I help you ? Would you have my baggage sent up , please ? Sure . It's my pleasure . The elevator is right there ; your room is on the fifth floor . Here is your room . Thank you very much . This is for your help . How can I get my driver's license ? Have you taken your driving test yet ? I have yet to take my driving test . Okay , first I'm going to need you to fill out the paperwork . When can I take my test ? You'll have to make an appointment for that . I would like to make one right now . How does Friday sound ? That would be great . What time would you like to take the test ? If I could do it in the morning , then that would be good . Eleven o'clock on Friday morning . See you then . Can I help you , madam ? Yes , can I see a few T-shirts , Please ? Certainly.Here you are.They ' re the very latest fashion . I'm not very particular about the design.But I want something of good quality . They're of good cotton and the color never fades . What's the weather forecast for today ? Cloudy in the morning , overcast in the afternoon . Any rain ? No , but I wouldn't be surprised if it rained tomorrow . I wouldn't either . It's been looking like rain for several days . When you smell them , they affect your nervous system . I thought you were supposed to put them in some kind of burner with a candle ... You can do that , too . Both methods have a healing effect . So what's your illness ... shopping fever , sale-itis ? Ha-ha ... I'm just fatigued . And tomorrow is a big day . What's tomorrow ? More sales ! Mom , Happy mother's Day ! Here's my card . What a surprise ! Thanks.It ' s beautiful . Thank you for your love and care over the years , I appreciate it , mom . This is the best card I ever received . Mom , what can I do for you today ? Nothing , son . I'm already very happy . How about dinner tonight ? My treat . Actually . I prefer we eat at home.We ' ll have more time to catch up that way . I'm sorry I haven't dropped in that much these past few years.Business kept me too busy , I apologize . Oh , don't mention it . I'm proud of you ! Thank you , mom . I love you so much ! Next , please . May I help you , sir ? Hello , yes , I ’ d like to open a bank account . Certainly , I can can help you with that . What type of account would you like to open ? A chequing or a savings account ? What features do they offer ? Well , if you just take a look here , see , with our chequing account , you can have unlimited daily transactions for a small monthly fee , and our savings account has a higher interest rate , but you must carry a minimum balance of $ 10,000 dollars . I see , well , I think I ’ m more interested in a chequing account . I like to have easy access to my money . Alright , then , with this chequing account you ’ ll be issued a debit card and a cheque book . Will you require overdraft protection ? There is an extra fee for that . No , that won ’ t be necessary . In that case , I ’ ll get you to fill out this paperwork . I ’ ll need your social insurance number , and two pieces of government ID . If you could just sign here , and here , and here we ’ ll be all set . Would you like to make a deposit today ? Yes , I ’ d like to deposit one billion dollars . Accounting , this is Mike . Mike , this is Leo in Sales . I was just calling to confirm our meeting tomorrow.Are we still on ? Goodness ! It ’ s been so long I actually forgot . Let me see ... yes , it is on my calendar . OK . See you at your office at 2:30 . Right , see you then ! Help ! I'm about to drop these books . I've got them . Thanks ! Let ’ s see if we can reach some sort of agreement over your curfew . Ok , every one asks their parents let them stay out until 2 or 3 in the morning . Well , I ’ m not everyone-else ’ s father . I think you need be in the house by ten o ’ clock . That ’ s absurd . I know some junior high kids who can stay out later than that . I ’ ll be worried if you stay out late . Ok , how about midnight curfew . and I'll let you know where I am . May I help you ? My daughter . She is missing . I don ’ t know where she is . What dose she look like ? She has blond hair and blue eyes . What was she wearing ? She has a yellow dress on and red sneakers . When did you last see her ? I just saw her down the street . I don ’ t know where she is . I don ’ t know ... How long has it been ? Oh , it ’ s been uh ... fifteen minutes . How do I know if I qualify for unemployment benefits ? Are you working fewer hours than you used to work ? I got laid off . You usually qualify if you got laid off or are working a lot fewer hours . Do all jobs provide unemployment ? Most jobs provide unemployment , but some don ’ t . Do you think that my job pays unemployment ? You can call your unemployment office , and they can check for you . Will I be able to collect a lot of money on unemployment ? There is a formula to determine the amount based on how much you earned . They will let you know when you file your claim . Darling , this dress is for you . I hope you like it . Oh , very beautiful . Thank you , Steven , I like it very much . Your birthday is coming , and I think this dress suits you . Why not try it now ? My birthday present ? I can't help telling you that I am a happy woman , darling . I will come back soon . ( Go to her bedroom and wear the new dress , then show it to Steven . ) It fits me exactly . How does it look like ? It displays your slender figure , darling . The most important thing is that you bought it for me . I am happy that you know my size and style . Because you are my dear wife . Where are you studying and what's your major ? I am studying at Beijing University . I major in Civil Law . Why did you choose Beijing University ? Because Beijing University is the best university in China and I'm sure I am one of the best students . What courses have you learned ? I have learned many courses , such as Civil Law , Economic Law , Commercial Law and Administration Law . Which one is your favorite ? Why ? Civil Law . Because it is broad and profound , and furthermore , it best reflects the spirits of fairness and equality . What was your minor subject ? Psychology . We are through . Why ? Why ? Isn't it obvious ? First you impose way too much on me , and I'm tired away . Second , you stood me up on the Valentine's Day . I'm very sorry for that , but I sent you several messages to explain , my mom was seriously ill , and I had to look afer her . But I ended up with finding out lady that night , that you were with other girl at cafe near your home . That girl was my cousin . You've got so many cousins . I called you later that night . But you didn't have the guts to answer the phone . I didn't take my cellphone with me at that time . I don't buy a story . I know you don't hear me right know , please calm down . Anyway , I don't wanna part . I'll drop by tomorrow . No , don't , I don't want to see you anymore . Don't ever call me again . Welcome to IBA . What can we assist you with today ? Hello . Yes , I've just read your leaflet about the new MoneyLink Card . I was wondering how I go about applying for one . This scheme has just started and you will be one of our first 100 customers , so if your application is accepted , you will receive some rather nice perks . That does sound good . I'm already an account holder , have been for many years . And I already have your existing card . That should make things perfectly simple , then . Actually , if you had waited a little while longer , we would have notified you by post . Perhaps your letter is already in the mail ! So , I can just upgrade automatically ? May I have your details , and I'll check for you . Certainly ... OK , so you are already a gold card holder , with a sound credit history . That means we can automatically upgrade you to our new platinum card . Wonderful ! And , you mentioned ' perks ' ? I do hope I'll be getting some of those . Can I have the menu , please ? Sure . Here you are . Is your turn , Sir . I ‘ m sorry that you have to wait . Saturday is busy day for us . I suppose so . Hair cut , please . How so you want to your hair cut ? Any particular way ? I ’ d just like to trim . Don ’ t cut too short . Yes , sir . How about the sideburns ? I think they need a little trimming . Can I use the clippers ? No , don ’ t use them , please . All right , Sir . Would you trim off a bit there , about the ear . Don ’ t you think it needs about a little taken off and talk to . oh , yes . That would be better . About like this ? No , not that much . And yes , that ’ fine . Shave also , Sir . Yes . How do you want to your mustache trimmed ? It doesn't look very nice outside today . You're right . I think it's going to rain later . In the middle of the summer , it shouldn't be raining . That wouldn't seem right . Considering that it's over ninety degrees outside , that would be weird . Exactly , it wouldn't be nice if it started raining . It's too hot . I know , you're absolutely right . I wish it would cool off one day . That's how I feel , I want winter to come soon . I enjoy the winter , but it gets really cold sometimes . I know what you mean , but I'd rather be cold than hot . That's exactly how I feel . Brian and Christina were mentioning that maybe it would be fun to go on vacation together this year , John . I thought that I already told you that I am going with Mark to Alaska . Are you kidding me ? You know what ? You and I had no plans , so I made plans with Mark . What's the problem ? We have been together for a year and usually , people who've been together a year , take their vacation together . I don't think that I ever heard of that rule before . Any more rules that you would like to tell me about ? Go on your vacation with Mark and when you come back , why don't you just move in with him as well ! I am really looking forward to getting away from you . Far away from you ! Is it all right for me to come in now . Mr . Sutcliffe ? Well ... I'm pretty busy . but ... all right . come in . What can I do for you ? Do you mind if I sit down ? Not at all . Take a seat . Now , what can I do for you ? I want to leave the department . Do you think I could put in for a transfer ? Yes , but why should you want to do that ? Do you mind if I speak frankly ? Not at all . Go ahead . Well , you see . I don't like the office . I don't like the staff and I'm afraid you and I don't get on . So may I put in for a transfer ? Yes . I'd delighted if you did . Is there any ticket for New York left ? I want to go coach . SW113 leaves at 13:25 . Would you want one ? Yes . What's the fare ? $ 88 for a single ticket . Well , I thought it was $ 83 . Yes . From October lst we have to charge every passenger $ 5 for the airport tax . see . Here is the money . Do you mind if I open the window ? If you don't mind , I'd rather you didn't . I have a cold and feel chilly . Oh , that's too bad . Should I call a doctor ? I'd appreciate it if you would . OK . Excuse me , madam . Is this seat taken ? No . Do you mind my sharing the same table with you ? Of course not.There are so many people here today . Yes . I can't even find a seat . Does this bus go to Fisherman's Wharf ? Yes . Oh , good . Transfer , please . Sure . Please let me know when we get there . It sounds like you're from out of town . As a matter of fact , I'm from Taiwan . I'm sure you'll like Fisherman's Wharf . It's a popular tourist spot . Be sure to try the seafood there . I will . Thanks . Could you introduce some whitening products for me ? Please forgive me just being frankly , madam . You don't need whitening products because you look pretty white . But you have freckles on your face . Then what kind of product can fade freckles ? I recommend Nisei products . This brand has a face cream which is effective on fading freckles . How much is it ? 419 yuan . It is too expensive for me . Do you have something cheaper ? I'm afraid there isn't . I was told that your company had been in the furniture industry for many years . What kinds of products do you generally handle ? We mostly handle office furniture . We supply first-class furniture . Here are our catalogue and the pattern books . You can see the material is superior and with all the latest styles . Can you give me some idea about what you're looking for ? You know , we want to totally furnish our new office building . This is a list of what we need . Could you give me a ballpark figure for everything on this list ? The price varies somewhat according to the size of your order . Would you tell us the quantity you want so that we can work out an offer ? If the furniture is pleasantly designed and high-quality stuff , we intend to buy several thousand sets . It's our pleasure to do business with you . We'll let you have the offer next Wednesday at the latest . I hope you will make us your best offer , CIF New York . That looks like a bad accident . Yeah , should we get out and help ? No , there ’ s a police car behind us . He ’ ll stop . Looks like the one guy lost control in all this rain , and the other one hit him . Yeah . It ’ s pretty bad , that car looks like a coke can . These accidents always cause traffic jams on rainy days . Yeah , it looks like we ’ re in for a long drive . Ah , well . Put on the news . I got up late and missed it . All right . Well , we didn't ask for this room service.It must be somebody else's , I'm sure . Oh , is it ? Let me check . Yes , please . I'm sorry to say that this room service charge is yours . We paid for the room service already in our room . Do you have any evidence ? No , we got no receipt , but we paid on the spot . Excuse me . Where are the rice and flour ? They are in aisle 5 . Thank you . Drive me to Kennedy Airport , please ? I'm sorry.My car's taken . Where is the next taxi stand ? Not far away.It ' s over there . Can I help you , sir ? Yes , I want to book a plane ticket from Beijing to Shanghai . OK . Which day do you want to book ? The day after tomorrow . Which flight do you want ? I'd prefer a morning flight . What about Flight 516 ? Book it for me , please . How much should I pay ? 1 500 yuan . How will you pay for this , sir ? Credit card . OK . Here's your ticket . Thank you . Okay , well I ’ m sure you have a number of questions to ask me regarding the position . Yes , well Miss Childs did give mean overview of the position over the phone , but there were some details I ’ d like to clarify . Well feel free to ask me anything , and I ’ ll try to fill in the details . Could I first ask about the remuneration package ? Yes , of course . That's quite an important point , isn ’ t it ? As a junior sub editor we offer a starting salary of 150,000 HK dollars per annum . This doesn ’ t include a generous housing allowance al I understand . And are there other bonuses included ? Well , apart from full health insurance we do offer a company staff bonus scheme linked to readership numbers . But we could go through all the details of that at a later date . Well , Mr . Parsons , I am flexible when it comes to salary . The opportunity to work in Hong Kong for you is the most important thing for me . Excellent.Well , what other questions do you have Rebecca ? Small world , isn't it ? Indeed , it is . I never imagined meeting you here . It's really a surprise . How are things with you ? I ’ m fine . Thank you . How may I help you ? I need to make a deposit . Will you be depositing cash or a check ? I will be depositing cash . How much would you like to deposit ? It ’ s going to be $ 300 . What account would you like to deposit that into ? Could you deposit that into my checking account , please ? Can I do anything else for you today ? That ’ ll be all . Thank you very much . Ladies and gentlemen , our flight will be delayed for one hour due to the congestion of the airport . Excuse me , Miss.What did the announcement say ? We'll be delayed for one hour , because the airport is very crowded . No kidding ! We'll miss the connecting flight . Oh , will you ? That's too bad.We ' re very sorry to cause you a lot of trouble . I really have to get to Paris by this evening.Would you please try to find any other available flight ? Hi , you said that you might need some help with preparing dinner.What would you like me to do ? Thanks for coming over to help . I really appreciate it.First , could you peel the vegetables ? I ’ Ve put them all in the sink and there is a peeler . Ok , I ’ ll peel the vegetables and you chop them . I ’ m terrible at chopping vegetables . I always seem to chop them into pieces that are either too big or too small.Wow , you can chop vegetables really quickly After you ’ Ve chopped the vegetables , could you fry the meat in a little oil ? Just use a very small amount of oil.Fry the meat until it is cooked , then we will add some spices to flavor it . Which spices are you going to add to the meat ? These ones here.The one on the left is very spicy , so we must be careful about how much we add . Yes , we don ’ t want everyone to burn their mouths and have a drink gallons.of water.Ok , I ’ m really to do the meat.Should I cook it over a low flame ? Cook it over a high flame , so that it will be ready quickly.Keep stirring the meat around the frying pan.Don ’ t let the meat stick to the bottom of the pan . Right.What are you doing over there ? I ’ m mixing the sauce.It ’ s my speciality . I make it according to my own secret recipe . Hello , Does my room have internet access ? Yes , it does , sir . How do I use it ? First connect your laptop to the cable in the desk . Then open up your web browser . Ok . You can buy credit on the hotel website or at the business centre . Ok , thank you . Well , I ’ Ve looked over your resume , Mr . Peepers . Please , call me Ted . Well , Ted , this is a very impressive resume . However , we do have several other applicants to finish interviewing before we can make a final decision . We ’ ll call you by Friday , if that ’ s all right . That ’ s no problem . Do you have any other questions ? Well , what kind of salary do you provide ? Salary is based on experience as well as time spent with our company . I see . Salary can be negotiated once we officially offer you the job . Sounds fine . Northward Airlines . Can I help you ? Hello . I'd like to reconfirm my flight , please . May I have your name and flight number , please ? My name is Daniel Adams and my flight number is 374 . When are you leaving ? On May 11th . And your destination ? Buenos Aires . Hold the line , please . ( ... ) All right . Your seat is confirmed , Mr . Adams . You'll be arriving in Buenos Aires at 4 o'clock p . m . local time . Thank you . Can I pick up my ticket when I check in ? Yes , but please check in at least one hour before departure time . Consumer Credit Department . How may I help you ? I need some info on car loans . Such as payment periods , interest rates , things like that , please . Certainly . Do you currently bank with us ? Yes , I do . I have a Current Account , a credit card and a mortgage with you already . That's excellent . Well , for our Personal Automobile Consumer Loan we offer some really competitive rates . The maximum repayment period for this type of loan is 5 years . I plan to repay it within 2 years . And the interest ? Of course , the interest rates depend on what is announced at the time , but at the moment , the interest for a 2 - year loan is 5.29 % So the rate is variable ? OK , that's fine . How about the frequency of repayment ? We usually set up a direct debit system taking installments directly from your bank account on a monthly basis . And since you are already a valued customer , there should be no trouble in processing you application for this loan . That's nice and easy . Thanks for your time . Hey , Ken ... I need to talk to you . Sure ... what's up ? Can we step into the conference room ? This is a more private conversation . Sure ... Ok ... I'm just going to lay it all out on the table , What do you think of Vincent's management style ? Well , Vincent has only been CEO for a couple of years and ... well ... um ... I don't want to put you on the spot . Here's what I'm getting at , I don't think Vincent is the man for the job . Really ? And what led you to this conclusion ? As I see it , he lacks the proper vision . His style is more about survival , and he's not taking the company anywhere.He ' s treading water instead of swimming . Well , I confess I've had my doubts about his abilities before . It seems he mainly got the job because his famous aunt pulled some strings . I've been with this firm for 26 years and I'd hate to see it go down the drain due to poor leadership skills . Me too . But what can we do ? This isn't a reality TV show ... we can't just vote him out . Yes and no ... We can't ask for a show of hands on who thinks he should be fired , but we can introduce a vote of no confidence at the next board meeting . Interesting idea . You might be on to something . I come to try my new suit . Here's the receipt . Yes , please wait a minute . I'll fetch it for you . Here it is . Please try it on and take a look at the mirror . How do you like it ? Aren't the trousers a little too long ? If you think so , we'll shorten the legs a bit . It'll take about twenty minutes . Very well . Thank you . You're welcome , sir . Good coming , sir . Good coming . What can I do for you ? I'd like a pair of shoes , please . You've come to the right place.We ' Ve got the best shoes in town . I think I may try to eat a little better . I changed my diet recently , and I eat a lot healthier now . What do you eat ? My diet consists mainly of fruits , veggies , and chicken . That's it ? Just about . How is that the only thing that you'll eat ? You know that fruits and vegetables are very healthy foods ? So , what about the chicken ? I bake chicken because it's a healthy way to eat it . That sounds delicious and nutritious . You should try it . You won't be disappointed . What forms should I fill out to collect unemployment ? You need to fill out a special form to apply for unemployment benefits . Where do I get the application form for unemployment benefits ? You can call the Employment Development Office and request a form . What information will I need to provide to apply for unemployment ? Be prepared to provide your employer ’ s name and address and what dates you worked . What else will the Employment Development Office need ? You need to be prepared to show that your unemployment is not your fault . If you have a termination notice , that would be great . What will happen next ? The Employment Development Office will call you for an interview . Front desk . May I help you ? I'm going to check out tomorrow but will be back in a week's time . Can I leave my luggage here ? Yes , sure . We do have a storage service . When will you be checking out tomorrow ? About nine-thirty in the morning . Then shall we arrange the bellboy to pick up your luggage at 9:00 ? Sure . May I have your room number , please ? 1218 . 1218 . We'll collect you luggage at 9:00 tomorrow . Would you then come to the Front Desk to get your storage receipt , please ? Thank you very much , bye ! You're welcome . Goodbye . Hi . I ’ m here for flight 513 to New York but I thought I heard the paging system announce that it is canceled . Is that true ? I ’ m terribly sorry , sir , but I ’ m afraid it is true . That flight has been canceled . Would you like to try to book tomorrow ’ s flight ? No way ! I worked very hard so that I could leave on today ’ s flight . Are there seats on another airline ? It ’ s possible . If you would like to book with another airline the line is right over there . You mean the line over there of about 200 people ? ! That ’ s the one . It seems that everyone is anxious to get to New York tonight . This is a rotten way to start a vacation . I HATE lines ! Can you book me on tomorrow ’ s flight ? Certainly . You will also be receiving a 50 % discount as our way of apologizing for the inconvenience . Good afternoon Miss.Are there plane tickets to San Francisco on the day after tomorrow ? Good afternoon Sir . I'll have a look at the time-table for you . I'm sorry but there aren't any direct flights available . Are there tickets for Saturday then ? Yes there are.How do you want to go , First class or coach ? I'll need a coach open return . What's the fare ? It is 260 dollars . What time will the flight put me there ? The flight will get you there at six Sunday morning . OK I'll take three . What's the flight number ? The flight number is 301 at Gate Two . Hi , there ’ s a problem with this stereo . I ’ d like to return it , please . What ’ s the problem ? The tape player doesn ’ t work . O . K . Do you have your receipt ? Yes , here you are . Thank you . Do you want your money back , or would you like to exchange it ? I think I ’ d like to just get another stereo , please . O . K . Here ’ s a receipt for store credit . Just take it back to the stereo section and one of our salesmen will help you . Thanks a lot . No problem . Thank you . I ’ d like to take this opportunity to thank you for everything you did for me . It ’ s my pleasure . I enjoyed working with you . I wouldn ’ t be able to make it without your help . Then keep up the good work . Have you got any certificate of technical qualification ? Yes , I have obtained an accountant's qualification and a driver's license . How long did it take you to get your driver's license ? I spent a year to get my license . I have been looking at this online catalog for over an hour and I still haven ’ t finished getting all the kitchen appliances that we need ! What are you getting ? Well , the first thing on my list is a new blender . I decided to also get a juicer and a new coffee maker . Don ’ t forget to also get a new mixer . I lent the old one to my brother and he broke it . Yeah I know . I also decided to throw away the old toaster and get a new one . I am also getting a rice cooker and steamer to make some nice steamed fish or veggies . I ’ m actually thinking of completely refurnishing the kitchen and getting a new stove , oven , dishwasher and trash compacter . That ’ s a good idea ! The kitchen will look amazing ! How may I help you ? I would like you to be my lawyer . What can I do for you ? I ’ m going on trial . What is your trial about ? It ’ s a felony charge . I ’ d be glad to help . How much do you charge ? My rate is $ 150 an hour . That ’ s highway robbery . I don ’ t know what to tell you . Okay . You ’ re hired . Sir , are you alright ? Just try to calm down , Sir . What's happened ? I've lost my Traveller's Cheques , all of them . OK , just take a deep breath , Sir . Everything is going to be fine . Here's a form to report missing Traveller's Cheques , whatever the reason . Please fill it in and we can get moving on this . I see . You need the reference numbers ? For each cheque ? Yes , Sir . Do you have that information with you ? At this bank , we always recommend our customers write down the reference number of each Traveller's Cheque and keep it in a safe place away from the Traveller's Cheques . Hello , Beijing Hotel . Hello ! Do you have any rooms available tomorrow night ? Sure.How many rooms do you need ? Just one . What kind of room ? I need a room with two double beds . Smoking or non-smoking ? Non . How many nights will you be staying ? Six nights . Ok . I just need your name and credit card number to hold the room . Although you spare no effort to complete the project . I think you have missed the boat . I will not miss the boat when there is another opportunity again next time . Welcome to Adventure Tours . How may I help you ? I want to book a tour with adventure sports . Excellent ! Our company has more than ten years of experience in the adventure tourism and sports field . Let me show you some options . This is our most popular choice , our river guides will take you on a whitewater rafting trip followed by a ride in a hot air balloon ! I don ’ t really think I ’ m ready to throw myself down a river full of jagged rocks in a rubber boat or go up in the air in a wicker basket held up by an oversize balloon . What else do you have ? Well , in that case , we can take you hang gliding with one of our experienced instructors . It ’ s the closest you can get to flying . What ? You mean strap myself to a flimsy kite ? No , thank you ! Next ! Mmm . OK . Well , why don ’ t you tell me a little bit more about what you would like ? We have everything from mountain biking , to rock climbing to street luge . I ’ m thinking something exciting but . safer . I have the perfect option , this package will take you on a hiking trip through the Himalayas for three days and afterwards there ’ s a dog sledding journey ! That ’ s more like it ! Excuse me , How do I get to the Grand hotel ? I am sorry , I didn ’ t catch what you said . Could you repeat it please ? The Grand hotel , is it far from here ? Sorry , my English isn ’ t so good . Could you speak a little slower ? What's the cheapest way to go there ? By subway . Oh , is that right ? Is there a subway station near here ? Yes , there is one on the other side of the building . Good.Can I walk through this building ? I'm afraid you can't . You'll have to go out there and walk around . I see.Thank you . It's my wife's birthday . I need to buy some flowers for her . Most women love red roses for their birthday . How much will the roses be ? You can get a dozen for only $ 20 . Now , that's a price that I like . You're in luck today because the roses are on sale . Okay , I'll take the roses . Very good . Perhaps you'd like something else to go with the roses ? No , the roses are good enough . Women love roses , so your wife will be very happy . I broke Mom's vase . She's going to kill you . How are you ? I ’ m fantastic ! What can I help you with ? I want to make a deposit today . Cash or check ? It will be cash today . How much do you want to deposit ? I need to deposit $ 300 . What account will you be depositing this money into ? Deposit it into my checking account . What else can I do for you today ? That ’ s all I need today . Thanks . Is that the Japanese Restaurant ? Speaking . May I help you ? What kind of food do you serve ? We serve a great variety of popular Japanese dishes in set courses , and also many meat dishes . I see . That sounds fine . Until what time are you open ? We are open until 10 but our last order for dinner is at 9:30 pm . Fine . Well be there before then . Thank you , sir . We look forward to welcoming you . I'd like to check in . May I have your ticket and passport please ? Here you are . I'd like a window seat . No problem . Put your baggage on the scale , please . All right . OK . Here's your ticket , boarding pass , passport and baggage claim tag . You'll be boarding at Gate 8 . The boarding time is 9 a . m . Thank you very much . Hi . I just lost my purse when I was shopping on the street . I guess somebody stole it from me . Sorry to hear that . Could you tell me what were in your purse ? My mobile phone , passport and some cash . When did you come to America ? Just a couple of days ago . Could you recall when and where you lost it ? I have no idea . OK . I have written it down . Who is your emergency contact person in America ? That is my friend Tim who lives nearby . OK . We will contact you as soon as we have any clues . You have worked in your present company for five years . Yes , I do . Why do you want to resign ? As you know I serve as a secretary in my present company , I really want to look for a more challenging opportunity . What kind of work are you interested in ? Just as you advertised in the newspaper . So you are interested in our company . Yes , what's more , your company is one of the largest and best trading companies in this line of business . How can I travel by air ? Have you traveled by air before ? No , this is the first time . Let me tell you . First you must buy a ticket . Yes , I know . Then you must go to the airport . Is that all ? Not Yet . Listen to me . Don't forget to take your ID card with you . What's an ID card ? Something like a passport . Can I board the plane now ? No , you also need a boarding pass . Thank you . Now I know how to travel by air . Excuse me ! May I help you ? Yes , I'd like to send this book to France . Let me weight it first . That'll be 14 dollars . Can it go in an envelop ? Of course , it's 4 dollars now . Do I need stamps ? No , you don't . We use computers now . When will it arrive ? In a month . Good morning ! May I help you ? Yes . My wife and I are interested in renting a house for the summer . Do you want a furnished house or an unfurnished one ? Furnished . Very well . How long do you want the house ? All summer ? No , not all summer . Just for six weeks . I'm afraid I can only rent it for two months . My holiday is only six weeks , but I think my brother and his family would take it for the other two weeks . Is the house in good condition ? Yes , it is . It was just painted and it has all the modern conveniences . Hello , Anna speaking ! Hey , Anna , this is Jason . Jason , where have you been hiding lately ? You know it's been a long time since your last call . Have you been good ? Yes . How are you , Anna ? I am fine . What have you been doing ? Working . I've been really busy these days . I got a promotion . That's great , congratulations ! Thanks . I am feeling pretty good about myself too . You know , bigger office , a raise and even an assistant . That's good . So I guess I'll have to make an appointment to see you . You are kidding . How long have you been working there ? A bit over two years . This is a fast-moving company , and seniority isn ’ t the only factor in deciding promotions . How do you like your new boss ? She is very nice and open-minded . Much better than the last one , huh ? Yeah . He was a real slave driver . He probably would have loved it if we were robots . Forget about him . Come over to my house tonight . Let's get drunk . Good . Tonight 8 o'clock . 8 it is . See you then . Bye . Are these all yours ? Yes , they are . Cash or credit card ? I want to use these coupons . Have they expired ? Not yet . Oh , Madam , this item is no longer on sale , and this goes on sale tomorrow . Will you take them ? Yes , could you use plastic bags ? Sure , it is 80 yuan in all and you have to give me another coupon . Could you charge it to my credit card ? Certainly . Here you are . Okay . Input your pin number , please . Sign here . Sure . Here's your receipt . Thank you . Room service . What can I do for you ? I would like to have an international call to Paris . Can you tell how to do it ? Yes . In that case , you should connect the operator and he will connect you with the one you want . Well , what is the operator's number ? 543210 . Fine . Thank you . What can I do for you today ? I have an issue . What is your problem ? There were charges on my debit card that I never made . Do you have a statement for your debit card ? I do . Which charges are you talking about ? It ’ s the last four charges . We ’ re going to have to do an investigation . Is that going to take long ? I ’ m not sure , but in the meantime we will freeze these charges . That ’ s wonderful . Thank you . Hello , Mr . Brown . How are you today ? I ’ m very well , thank you . that ’ s good to hear . Shall we get started ? I see from your application form that you ’ Ve worked as a maintenance man for over 7 years . yes , that ’ s true . what kind of work did you do ? I fixed many kinds of machine tools such as milling machines , grinders , welders , etc . I also repaired other things such as vacuums , toilets , locks , etc . I also did some electrical work . I took some courses about electrical systems . That ’ s good . What kind of electrical work did you do ? I took care of commercial and residential coolers and heaters . I fixed many kinds of power failure problems . Some co-workers and I even rewired part of a building . well , your work experience sounds good for the job we have open . Now tell me about the best job you ’ Ve ever had , please . the best job ? What do you mean ? like the job you feel the most proud of . I think my favorite job so far was when I worked for Linaria . It was hard work but the people on my job crew were great to work with . We really worked as a team . I enjoy working with those people . Tell me something about a time when you did something well , something you feel proud of . I fixed a big problem with a machine and saved a lot of money for the factory . I got bonus for it . that ’ s great . No wonder you feel proud of that . Now let me ask you another question . Go ahead , please . in all the jobs you ’ Ve had , what was it you disliked the most ? wow , this question is hard to answer . I don ’ t think I ’ Ve ever had a job that I really disliked . But I dislike work that is monotonous , always the same from day to day . I like to move around and do different things . all right . Do you have any questions ? no . I can ’ t think of any right now . you ’ ll hear from us by the end of this week . thank you very much . I ’ m looking forward to hearing from you about this job . Mark , can you dress the twins for me while I take a shower ? You don't know what you are asking ! Please ! You can do it . Their clothes are all laid out on the bed . Remember what happened last time ? Are you referring to KC getting her head stuck in the pant leg ? Yes . That was a bit terrifying for both of us . Don't worry ! Today they are wearing dresses ! Oh , in that case , sure ! Uh ... what are these long sock-looking things ? I am really excited ! Why are you so excited ? I just got done voting . This was your first time voting , wasn ’ t it ? I just turned 18 last month . That is so lucky of you . Why ? You turned 18 a month before the election . I didn ’ t think of it that way . Are you serious ? Seriously , but I ’ m excited that I did . Congratulations on being a part of history . Good morning . Miss Lee . My name is Alex Jones . I'm the new assistant in the office . Welcome and nice to meet you . I heard you were coming today . Is today your first day here in the company ? Yes , I'm looking forward to meeting everybody and getting started on my new job . First day is often exciting , isn't it ? Here , let me show you to your desk . You can have this computer and telephone and share the copy machine with us in the office . How do you like it ? This is wonderful . Thank you for doing all this for me , Miss Lee . You are welcome . And , please call me Betty . Are you paid on a commission or salary basis now ? I'm paid on a salary . What's your monthly salary ? At present I get 1,800 yuan per month . How much do you hope to get a month here ? That's not the problem I care about . You can decide on my capacity and experience . If we decide to hire you , we'd pay you two thousand and five hundred yuan a month at the start . You can have Saturdays and Sundays off . Besides , you may have a paid month holiday every year . How do you think about it ? Thank you , Mr . Brown . I really appreciate your assistance . What a terrible house ! I'm sick of it , too . The door bell doesn't work , the sink is leaking There's no hot water , and the building is falling apart ! It's no use complaining.If we had got enough money , we wouldn't put up with it ! What's on Channel 12 at 8: 00 ? If I remember correctly , there's a quiz show . Do you want to watch it ? Let's see what else is on first . Would you like any toast , dear ? Um ? Toast , dear ? As you like . Would you like any tea , dear ? It doesn ’ t make any difference to me . Oh , you ’ re not listening to me . Leave me alone . My name is Helen Levin . I'm the HR director of our company . Miss Levin . Nice to meet you . Nice to meet you , too . How long do you plan on staying ? I don't know ! Can I park my car now ? We are open from nine to nine . So be sure to be back by then . Fine ! I'll be back by nine then . Don't worry . Alright . There's a spot open at the far end of the lot . Here's your parking stub . Finally ! Please drive slowly . Have the owners come up with a counter-offer to my offer to buy their home yet ? The owners have counter-offered three hundred and thirty-five thousand dollars . Should I accept their offer ? There are two ways to respond . You can either come back with another offer or go with their counter-offer . What if I make another offer , and they don ’ t accept it ? No one else has made an offer , so you could make another offer if you want to do so . I think that I would like to offer three hundred and thirty thousand dollars as a counter-offer . OK , I will present your counter-offer to the owners tonight . How long before I find out what their decision is ? By now , the owners probably have a pretty good idea of what they will accept . It will go quickly . Room service.What can I do for you ? I find the sheet in my room is so stained.Would you please help us change it for a clean one ? I am sorry.sir . Someone will there in a moment . All right . Please be quick about it . Yes , sir . I assure you it would never happen again . I've got a reservation here . My name is John Sandals . Mr . Sandals , may I see your ID , please ? One second , please , while I dig it out . Here . Now , sir , do you have a credit card ? Yes , I do . Do you accept American Express ? I'm sorry , Mr . Sandals , but we accept only MasterCard or VISA . That's okay , I've got plenty of cards . Here's my VISA . Okay . You're in room 507 . It's a single queen-size bed , spacious , and nonsmoking . Is that suitable ? Yes , that's just what I wanted . Here's your key , sir . If you need anything , just dial 0 on your room phone . Can you send someone to fix my internet ? Are you having a problem with it ? My internet is having problems connecting . Can you tell me how long your internet has been messing up ? I've been having this problem for the last few days . Will the internet even pop up ? It'll pop up , but it won't connect to a webpage . Since the internet isn't broken , your connection must be messed up . Do you think you can send somebody over to fix it ? If you'd like , I can send someone to fix it right now . How long will it be till they get here ? It should be no longer than an hour . What are we going to do ? I can't get the car out of this ditch . I'm stuck ! I'm worried , Tom . I haven't seen any other cars for almost an hour . I know . This is terrible . What can we do ? This snow doesn't stop falling ! I told you we should have stayed in town today.The weather report said 100 percent chance of snow.Why did you want to come up here ? I wanted to show you the cabin . We only had another half-hour to go . Well , now we're stuck . What can we do ? I don't know . I've heard that when this happens , it's important to save energy . What do you mean ? We're stranded here , Tom . We may be here a long time.We need to conserve the gas in the car . The car's energy is what will keep us warm . I have plenty of gas . Yes , but the gas and the battery both have to stay working.We can't just let the car run and run.If we do , it will die soon . Then we'll freeze . So what can we do ? Turn the lights off.Then , run the car and the heater only about fifteen minutes every hour.That will conserve the heat as long as possible . Alright . That's a good idea . I wish we hadn't come up here . Now we'll probably be here for days . Days ? Yes , it happens.That is what happens in big snowstorms . People get stranded for days . Oh , my God ! It's good we have food . Probably we'll survive.But turn the car off for about forty-five minutes . Then we'll turn it on again . Okay , I'll follow your advice . I haven't seen this machine before . What's it used for ? It's a really useful piece of equipment . It's for smoothing rough edges . Here let me show you how it works . It's very simple to operate . Here we are on the train . Yes , we are travelling at rush hours . It could be very crowded in the morning and after 6 o'clock in the afternoon . I hear many people have cars . Yes , almost all the families have their own cars . Why don't they drive ? Isn't a car more convenient than the subway ? Well , it is hard to find a parking place in the city . Besides , parking is quite expensive in the downtown . I see . Mark ? I need that file you took yesterday . I ’ m sorry , Janet . I left it at home . I ’ ll bring it back in the morning . Mark , I told you yesterday afternoon that I would be using that file today . I know , Janet . I just walked out and forgot it completely . I ’ ll go home and get it at noon , all right ? You don ’ t look so good . I feel horrible . I think I picked up a bug . Do you know who you got it from ? A lot of people in my dorm are sick . Perhaps I picked it up there . Did you take any cold medication ? I ’ Ve been taking vitamin C and zinc and trying to get some rest . I think that rest and liquids are what doctors recommend for a cold . My grandmother swears by hot chicken soup for a cold . A pharmacist might be able to help you if your home remedies don ’ t work . Yes , if I get worse , I will definitely look for extra help with this . Of course ! Of course ! Here you are . Thank you so much . Are you looking for anything else ? Um , let me see . Hmm . This antique tea set here is gorgeous . That was a thirtieth birthday present . You can have it if you want . Really ? No , no , I couldn't ! You're too nice ! And these old Dutch candle holders would go nicely with the tea set . Have them . Gee ! I don't know what to say ! Thanks so much . As an existing banker , that will speed up the process . You said you had the documents with you ? That's right . Here you go . Before I verify those , I need you to fill in some forms . Then , as I said , I need to see valid credentials , your occupation and income details ... OK , as I expected . How much will you allow me to borrow ? I mean , I don't need a massive sum of money . You are authorized to borrow up to 20,000 RIB , with a repayment period of up to 1 year . That'll be enough , and the repayment period sounds good to me . We can also look at your current credit status and adjust the interest accordingly . How soon before this goes through ? If you sort out all of the paperwork today , you could have your loan by the end of the week . Perfect . So , I guess my next job is to go to the newsagent and buy some car magazines . Thanks for everything . Have you found a new job yet ? No , not yet . I ’ m still looking . I ’ Ve been doing some work through a temp-agency though . What kind of work ? I ’ m temping at a pharmaceutical company . What do you do there ? Mostly office work - filing and so on . How long is the assignment ? Till the end of the month . Linda , do you know Mr.Green ? No , I don't think so . Please meet him now . Thanks . Let ’ s move out of here . This apartment is too small . I agree . I ’ ll look in the paper . A house would be great . I could plant a garden . And you could use the garage for a workshop . Here ’ s an interesting ad , For rent . Two-bedroom , unfurnished house , fenced yard , one-car garage . Pets OK . How much is the rent ? The ad says $ 325 plus deposit . When is the place available ? It ’ s available now , and it ’ s got a very good location . You won ’ t be far from work . Is there something I can help you with ? No , I'm just browsing . Thanks anyway . Ok . Miss , where do you want to go ? Could you drop me off at the airport ? No problem . Do I need to pay any extra charge for my suitcases ? Yes , you are charged 50 cents a piece . All right . Hello , I want to order an Easy-own package . What would you recommend ? Which function do you use more , making calls or sending short messages ? About the same . But I'm looking for a job , so I have to answer the phone often . Then I recommend this package to you . You can receive all the calls free by paying just 10 yuan a month . That's good . How can I order it ? Sending a message ' KTCTWY ' to 10086 will do . Thank you . I'll have a try . You're welcome . May I see a hat , please ? What size do you take ? I'm sorry . I don't know . I'll measure you . . . You take size 6 . What colour hat would you like ? Brown , please . Here are some nice brown hats.Try this hat on.It ' s a very good one . Yes , I like this one.It goes very well with my coat . How much is it ? It's $ 9.95 . Do you want me to put it in a box ? Waiter , the dish is cold to eat . Could you please heat it up for me ? Sure . Wait a moment . By the way , I would like some chilli oil . OK . I'd like to have the film developed . For color prints ? Yes . When can I get it back ? I can't wait to see the photos . About three days . Fine , I'd like two enlargements from this negative . Here's your receipt . Good morning . Can I help you ? I want an American breakfast with fried eggs , sunny side up . What kind of juice do you prefer , sir ? Grapefruit juice and please make my coffee very strong . Yes , sir . American breakfast with fried eggs , sunny side up , grapefruit juice and a black coffee . Am I correct , sir ? Yes , that's right . Is there any thing else , sir ? No , that's all . Good morning , sir . I've brought the breakfast you ordered . Just put it on the table , please . Do you need anything else , sir ? No , thanks . Ah , yes ! Can I have some more juice for the minibar ? What kind of juice would you like , sir ? Tomato , orange and apple juice , please . Yes , sir . I'll get them for you right away . Would you please sign this bill first ? Thank you , sir . Were you around when the robbery happened ? Yes , I was . Could you explain what you saw ? I was in the bank at the time of the robbery . What did you see ? I saw a man come in with a gun . Did you see his face ? No . He had a mask on . Did he come in with anyone else ? He was by himself . Would you come down to the station for further questioning ? That shouldn't be a problem . Good morning . Elly company . Good morning . Could I speak to someone in the sales department , please ? Hold on , please . Thanks . Please send this memo out to all the managerial staff ... there will be training for all the department heads next week . Attendance for managerial staff is mandatory , except for the financial department . Financial officers may participate if their schedules allow . You would like me to send this to all managerial staff ? I'm sorry , sir , could you please clarify ? Who all is included in managerial staff ? Managerial staff is anyone who is in a position of authority or responsibility , or who has anyone working under them . It includes all supervisors and department heads . What about the senior account managers ? Do they count ? No , they are in a position of leadership and have more experience than normal account managers , but they do not directly supervise others . They are not members of the managerial staff and will not be included in our training . Hello . Is Vanessa there ? Yes . This is Vanessa . Hi , Vanessa . I ’ m Don . I ’ m calling from Seller ’ s Market . Are you still interested in a position as a cashier ? Yes . Is the position available now ? Yes , it is . Please come to see me tomorrow afternoon at 2 00 for a job interview . Thanks a lot . You ’ re welcome . I ’ ll see you tomorrow at 2 00 . I ’ ll see you then . Good bye . Whoa ! This is a massive flea market ! You're telling me ! There are thousands of people here . And hundreds of booths-all filled with different kinds of stuff . This is almost like a Taiwanese night market ! I can't believe it ! You can't buy much more , Wei ! You already have enough to fill two boxes to send back to Taiwan . Oh , yeah . OK . I'll just buy smallthings ! I ’ Ve just taken out an insurance policy . Are you insured ? Yes , I am . I have life insurance and my home and its contents are also insured . I took out a life insurance policy and made my wife the beneficiary . That ’ a good idea . You are a fireman and it can be dangerous job . I need to make sure that my wife will be financially secure if I die . I can terminate my life insurance policy when I retire and use the money as a pension . That ’ s one of the conditions of my police too . It covers you if you die before you retire and when you retire . Did you have to take a medical before you could take out the police ? Yes , I did . It was one of the conditions of the insurance police . The insurance companies need to assess the risk Miss Liu , have we received the fax from MS Company yet ? Let me check - - oh , here it is . It just arrived a few minutes ago . Excellent . I have been expecting it . Is it important ? You bet it is . It's about the new contract . Here it is , sir . Look out ! A small boy is rushing out blindly . Gee , how dangerous ! I've almost knocked him down . You stopped just in time . Good for you ! I braked as hard as I could . I'd like to make a reservation to Rome . When are you planning to go ? I'm supposed to be in Rome on the morning of the fourteenth , but I'd rather get there on the evening of the thirteenth . What time would you like to leave ? Late in the afternoon , after work . We have a flight at four thirty . That's too early . I don't get out of work until five . Do you have a later flight ? The next flight is at five fifteen and there's another at six thirty . I'd better take the six thirty . It takes quite a while to get to the airport . Yes , we have a seat available on that flight on the thirteenth . Oh , good . What time does the flight get to Rome ? The flight only takes an hour and a half . It arrives at eight o'clock . Hi Isabel ! You wanted to see me ? Yes Anthony , come on in . Have a seat . Is everything okay ? You seem a bit preoccupied . Well , Anthony , this is not going to be an easy conversation.The company has made some decisions which will have a direct impact on your employment . Okay ... I don ’ t want to beat around the bush so I ’ m just gonna come out with it . We are going to have to let you go . What ? Why ? I mean ... just like that ? I ’ m fired ? I ’ m sorry but , to be honest , you are a terrible employee ! What ! I resent that ! Anthony , you were caught making international calls from the office phone , you called in sick in eight times this month and you smell like alcohol ! Passport and Embarkation card please . Here you are , sir . Where are you from ? I am from China . Did you have anything to declare ? No , nothing . Would you open this suitcase , please ? Sure . Let me take a look at this bag . Can you open it ? Yup . Is this camera a gift for someone ? No , it's my camera for personal use . You have to pay tax for this camera . No , please don't . It's is for my personal use . You have a lot of gifts , so you have to pay for the camera . Almost all are for my friends in the States . Which job do you prefer , an accountant or a secretary ? Neither , I prefer an active job . Then how about a salesman ? That's better . I like travelling . Welcome home , Peter ! Thanks , honey . It's great to be back . So , how was your trip to Thailand ? Can I help you , sir ? I want to find a book called Gone with the Wind . But I can't find it . Let me give you a hand . The author is ... Margaret Mitchell . Oh , yes . Here it is . Thank you very much . I have been looking for it for a long time . Is this the latest edition ? Yes , we have both the paperback and hardcover . which would you want to buy ? How about the price of the hardcover ? It's $ 25 . A little bit expensive , but I will buy one . This is $ 25 , here you are . Thank you for calling ABC company , may I help you ? I'm Lui , I'd like to Speak to Mr . Smiths . Sorry , we have two Smiths , Robert Smith and Jim Smith , which one would you like to speak to ? I'd like to speak to Mr Robert Smith . He is on the line . What do you need me to do ? Will you please copy these diplomas tor me ? Sure . How many copies do you need ? 15 copies for each diploma . Hello , Mr.Benson , welcome to Beijing ! Is this your first time to visit china ? Oh , no , I'v already made several trips to Guangzhou , this is my first trip to Beijing though.It is a lot larger than I expected it would be . Yes , Beijing has been grown over the last few years , there are a lot of improvements and changes being made for the Olympics . What would you like to see changing be made for Olympic , what would you like to see when are you here ? I hope to have time to visit great wall when I am here , I always want to go there , I think it would be a real shame by came all the way in Beijing and didn't make out the wall , do you think I have a chance to see it ? I can pretty sure it can be arranged , the wall is a short distance from the city , but we could make arrangements for driver to take us out to visit the great wall during when our afternoon breaks , I also recommend you to visit Tian'an Men Square and city while you add it ! Yes , that would be nice , would I have a tour guide to tour completely visit these places ? Don't worry , I would be able to go along with you , over the next few days , if you have any questions or problems , I will be right here to help you out , I can be a translator and tour guide . Thank you very much . My pleasure , I hope your visit to Beijing is very enjoyable ! Let ’ s meet before next week ’ s meeting , Jane . I want to kick around some ideas with you . No problem . I ’ Ve got a really light week . Anytime ’ s fine by me . Well , let ’ s plan to get together next Monday afternoon , around three ? All right , I ’ ll put you in my book . Hello , can I speak to Mark Wyatt , please ? I am sorry . I can ’ t hear your very clearly . Could you say that again , please ? Does Mark Wyatt work there ? Mark Wyatt ? I am sorry . The line is terrible.Could you spell that for me , please ? W-Y-A-T-T , Mark Wyatt . W-Y-A-T-T , Got it . I haven ’ t heard of the name.Could you hold on the line when I check . No problem . Would you please mail these letters , Lucy ? Yes , Sir . These two are urgent letters and should be sent by registered express airmail . Others are ordinary letters . All right , who should I send them to ? It ’ s sent to Mr . Charles . I believe he is in London . Ok , home or office address ? Office address , please . He might be at work when they arrive . Should I enclose this commercial paper with these two letters ? Yes , it ’ s right . There is something wrong with my credit card . What's the problem ? There is a charge on here that I never made . What charge was made ? It was a charge for a $ 350 purse that I never bought . You didn't make this purchase ? I think I would remember if I made a purchase that large . Sorry . When was this purse purchased ? It was purchased on the 12th of November at 3 We'll do an investigation and get to the bottom of this . In the meantime , do I have to pay for this charge ? No . We'll take care of everything . how's your job search going ? I don't know . I only started looking for a job a few days ago . I see . Have you found anything that you're interested in ? I've only found a few openings in my field . what kind of job are you looking for ? I'm trying to find a job in sound engineering . there's not a very high demand for that kind of job , is there ? unfortunately not . If I can't find anything in the field , then I could also work in the tourism field . that's a good idea . You have plenty of experience in the tourism industry , don't you ? yes . by the way , I saw a job in the paper this morning that you might be interested in . really ? what is it ? it's a job at a recruitment agency . that's interesting . Do you think they'd hire me ? well , you have plenty of experience job hunting . I think you'd be the perfect person for the job ! that's true . I might as well call them up and see if I can get an interview . Do you have the details ? sure , it's the ad circled with a red pen in the middle of the classifieds . Good luck ! Help me organize these coins . That's a lot of money ! What did you do ? Break the piggy bank ? Yeah , I'm gonna go to the bank and change it for bills , but first I have to separate them into little piles . Ok , I'll find all the quarters and dimes while you sort the nickels and pennies . Great , then we can add everything up and take it to the bank . I found some coins that are not from here . Oh yeah , those are from my trip to London . I have a couple of different pence , but in all it won't add up to one pound . Are you sure the bank will change these coins for you ? Hopefully ! I'm sorry to tell you that I have to cancel our appointment . What's happened ? I must meet someone at the airport tomorrow afternoon . I'm sorry to hear that . May we meet the day after tomorrow ? OK . I'll be free from nine to eleven . I'll be there waiting for you . We'll discuss the contract in detail . Sure . I'm really sorry for the trouble I've made . Not at all . See you . So , are we all ready to go ? Yup , I think so . The car ’ s packed.we have munchies and music , and the map ’ s in the car . Did you get the camera ? Got it ! Did you fill up the tank ? Yup , it ’ s all set . You ’ re sure we ’ re not forgetting anything ? I ’ m sure ... we ’ Ve got all our bases covered . Well.let ’ s get going then ! I love road trips ! Um ... do you think we can make a pit stop ? But we ’ Ve only been on the road for ten minutes . I know , but I forgot to go to the bathroom before we left . Mary , my friend recommend me for a job to work in a company , and I feel it's great . Really ? Are you familiar with that company ? He has introduced the company details to me . What does the company mainly do ? The company deals in selling electronics . When was the company founded ? It was founded in 2002 , has been in business for 10 years . How many employees are there in total in the company ? More than 2000 now . What education background do the employees usually have ? The company deals in selling electronics . When was the company founded ? It was founded in 2002 , has been in business for 10 years . How many employees are there in total in the company ? More than 2000 now . What education background do the employees usually have ? More than half of the employees have bachelors ' degree . Are there many promotion chances in the company ? Three times every year . That's great . You can go take a look . Have you heard about the robbery ? I saw the whole thing happen . For real ? I was in the bank during the robbery . What went down ? Some dude came into the bank with a gun . Are you serious ? When he pulled out the gun , I got so scared . Tell me what else happened . He got the money and tried to leave . Did the cops get him ? The cops arrested him before he could even make it out the door . What's in the box ? Sandy , I think we made a mistake ... What do you mean ? It's a cute little teddy bear ! How sweet ! Maybe he was just a shy guy who had a crush on you ! And look what we did to him ! Hey ... he left me his business card . Wow ! Call him tonight ! You guys will really have an interesting love story to tell everyone ! Waiter , we'd like a menu first , please . Here you are . Well , we are waiting for two friends , so could we just have a look at the menu for a while ? Take your time . When you need anything , just call me . Do you have any certificate that has something to do with tourism ? Yes , I have the Tour Guide Certificate . Why do you choose our travel agency ? Because your travel agency has a good fame in this market ; what's more , all the staff here are working very hard . I like doing some challenging job . May I ask whether we are allowed to wear casual clothes in the office ? Sure , company rules are not very strict at this point . Thank you for telling me that . But remind you , there are some forbidden activities . What are they ? I ’ ll be careful . Don ’ t use office phones for personal matters . I got it . Never ever come to work drunk , also smoking in the office is not allowed . I see Does tea-serving follow any special etiquette in China ? Each time I dropped in at my Chinese friends ' homes , their parents would offer me a cup of hot , strong tea , though they never inquired of me about whether I want it . You've got a point there . It is a custom and good manners to serve tea to a guest who comes to pay a visit . There is no need to ask if he needs it or not , or if he wants something else . It might be an insult to the guest if he is left sitting there without being served tea . So the guest is presumed to be thirsty and in need of some drink after the trip . In that case , I guess , in return , the guest doesn't have to drink it if he wouldn't like it . It wouldn't be considered rude behavior if he doesn't even take a single drop . But he'd better receive the teacup with both hands and bow his thanks when the cup is brought before his face . When the host pours hot water into his cup , he may also choose to tap his index finger on the table , meaning " Thanks " . No matter if he likes it or not , it is impolite if he doesn't even lay a finger on the cup . So next time , I'd better take a few sips , to ' save face ' at least , right ? Sure . The guest is welcomed by being served tea . But if after chatting for a while , the host asks servants or family members to serve a new cup of tea , or add some hot water , he is giving another signal . What does that imply , then ? More often than not , the understatement is ' I'm afraid it's time you leave ' . Hello , Mr . Jones . Hello , Miss Wu . Long time no see . How is everything at home ? Pretty good , thank you . And you ? OK , thanks . Anything I can do for you ? I need to remit £ 500 to London . Yes , sir . Would you like to remit it by M / T or by T / T ? T / T , please . Very well , Mr . Jones . Hello ! I ’ m now trying to take a bath , but there are too many buttons , would tell me how to use them ? I see , we have an explanation left on the table . If you follow the direction , it ’ s quite simple . I read it , but I couldn ’ t understand it . Would you come to my room and tell me how to use them ? Oh , certainly . And also tell me how to use other switches . Hello . I'd like to change my reservation for March 19 . My name is Mary Chang . Ah , yes , Miss Chang . What seems to be the problem ? Well , I'd like to change the date to March 20 , and make that for two singles , not one . Very well . That can be arranged . To get around your difficulty , Mr Smith . I'd suggest that you reduce your order by half . You can send in an additional order later . Well , I'll consider the possibility . By the way , when do I have to open the L / C if I want the goods to be delivered in June . A month before the time you want the goods to be delivered . Could you possibly effect shipment more promptly ? Getting the goods ready , making out the documents and booking the shipping space , all this takes time you know . You cannot expect us to make delivery in less than a month . Very well , Mr Zhang . I'll not reduce my order . I'll take the full quantity you offer . And I'll arrange for the L / C to be opened in your favor as soon as I get home . When will that be ? Early next month . In the meantime , I should be very pleased if you would get everything ready . I hope that the goods can be dispatched promptly after you get my L / CB You can rest assured of that . I'd like to buy a fridge . What about the quality of higher products ? I strongly recommend it . As an international enterprise , it produces high quality household appliances . Is there a warranty ? Yes , all their products have warranties . How long is it ? The fridges is covered by a one-year warranty . Which model is the best seller of this year ? This one . How do you like it ? It's too big for me . Could you recommend something else ? Sure , this way please . Ten dollars ? Maybe there are a lot of them ... Seven dollars ! ! ! Incredible ! But I saw that the seller has kind of a bad rating . Was it a delivery problem or a problem with the products ? I read that someone called him a cheat and a liar ! And I noticed that he won't ship abroad . Some people get nasty on those comments . Maybe you should write him and ask nicely . OK . Wish me luck ! I am going on a business trip to Guangzhou next Monday morning . To visit our supplier ? Yes , as the New Year is coming , they ’ re organizing a party for all their customers . Well , I guess you will meet many people in this field . So don ’ t forget to pack enough business cards in your suitcase . Sure . By the way , do you know that our company just made some changes in the business trip policy ? No , no one has informed me of that so far , tell me . Ok , there is no cash advance anymore for short trips . You have to pay out of your own pocket , so save all the receipts from your business trip . And then attach them to your expense account . When you get back , our company will reimburse everything . I see . What about the maximum purdy and rate , any change ? I am not sure . You can check with the finance department . I will call them this afternoon , thanks . You ’ re welcome . Have a nice trip . Do you believe that classified ads in the newspaper are the most effective way to search for a job ? No , I don't think so . I think the Internet would be better . OK , but I am going to look at the want ads in this newspaper first . well , there is no doubt that many people have found jobs through the want ads in the newspaper . Excuse me . Could you tell me if the bus goes the national history museum ? No . It doesn ’ t . There ’ s no through bus to the national history museum Madam .. I see . Where do I have to change them ? You can transfer at Cuchan Men . How far is it ? Well , it ’ s only three stops from here . I see . Thanks a lot . You ’ re welcome . Which institute did you choose in university ? I chose the Institute of Foreign Language . How many departments were there in your university ? There were a number of them , such as Department of Literation , Department of Journalism and Communication , Department of Art Design , etc . Will you send the letter to the chairman of the committee ? I should be most delighted . Thank you , Mr . White . Delighted I was able to help . Good morning , sir . May I help you ? Good morning . I need a new identification card . Why ? My ID card is lost . OK , did you bring your household register or residence booklet ? I only have my household register . It doesn't matter , they are the same thing . Here you are , sir . What do I do next ? OK , I will register you in our database system . What's your name , please ? Benjamin . Please get a mug shot in the next room . I've brought with me some of old ones . But we need them taken with digital cameras . OK , what's next then ? That's all . Come here a week later and get your ID card . May I see your passport please ? Here is my passport . And this is the declaration form . What is the purpose of your visit to the United States ? Business . I have a trade convention I'm attending in Chicago . This visa is good for two weeks . Do you intend to stay longer than that ? No . I will fly back twelve days from now . And you will do some traveling while you are here ? Yes , I want to spend a couple days in New York . I have friends there I will visit . What do you have in the bag , Mr . Lee ? Just my cameras , my clothes , and some books . You're not carrying any food with you today ? No . Okay , Mr . Lee . This is just a routine check . Would you mind opening the bag for me ? Alright . I ’ m looking for a budget hotel in Orlando . Have you ever stayed at the Comfort Hotel ? Yes ... I wouldn ’ t recommend it . Why not ? Granted , it ’ s cheap , but the place is filthy , the beds are uncomfortable , there ’ s no A / C , the breakfast is pretty skimpy ... and the staff couldn ’ t care less about the guests . Oh . I guess you get what you pay for . How long did you stay there ? Just one night , when my flight was canceled due to bad weather . It ’ s bearable if you just need a place to crash , but you definitely don ’ t want to book a vacation there . Unless you enjoy sharing your room with cockroaches . Hmm , I ’ ll pass . Hopefully I can find a decent place that won ’ t cost a fortune . Excuse me , miss . Could I have something to drink , please ? Sure , what would you like ? Is it possible to get a beer ? Why don ’ t you have a water or juice instead , so you don ’ t get dehydrated ? You ’ re right . I ’ ll save the beer for when we land . One orange juice , please . So , what's on the menu for dinner tonight ? You tell me . You're not going to make anything to eat ? You never cook . I always do . I think you're a better cook than I am . Oh please , you need to cook tonight . So you're telling me that you want me to make dinner ? It was a hard day . Can you just do this for me tonight ? I'll cook dinner , don't worry . I'm going to go rest for a little bit . I'll come wake you when it's ready , okay ? Thanks . Be careful.The floor is slippery . Mom , there isn't any hot water Turn on the shower . It's getting cold . Ok . I'll check the heater . Dry yourself with the towel first . What do you think of this coffee table ? It's nice , but it doesn't match the color of our room . How about this one ? Oh no , this type gets dirty very easily and it's difficult to clean . Alright , let's look at some others . Look , this one matches our room and it's inexpensive . Moreover , it's easy to clean , right ? You are really lazy . I have never bought a house before and don ’ t know how to make an offer . The process of actually making the offer is something that I will take care of for you . What price were you considering offering ? I love this house and would be willing to pay the full asking price of three hundred and fifty thousand dollars . Let ’ s leave some room on this offer . I think that three hundred and twenty thousand dollars is a fair offer in this housing market . We could try that , but I really want this house ! It is common practice to offer and then have a counter-offer . How long will it take to find out if they are going to accept the offer ? The sellers are usually fairly quick to respond . They want to get things moving . Should I tell my bank that I have made an offer ? There really isn ’ t anything else to do right now except wait . You are already pre-qualified for your loan . Hello , how are you ? I am Jack . Hello , I am Amy . What brings you here ? I saw that your Corollas are on sale . Yes , it is really a good deal . $ 1,000 discount . I've never seen a sale as good as this one . Tell me about Corollas . Sure . It has 1.8 liter engine . This one comes with all power options , air condition , CD player , full size spare tire , automatic transmission and ABC . The window price is $ 17,000 , and I can give You for $ 16.000 . Sounds good . How about $ 15 , 000 ? You must be kidding ! You cannot get that price anywhere . I am serious . $ 15,000 . Can you put down a $ 2,000 deposit , and I'll talk to my manager , see what we can do . No . Just talk to your manager and let me know . Okay , I'll be right back ... Congratulations ! The manager approved the final price $ 15,000 . The price is fine if you give me free security system and free carpet mats . You are really tough . You got a deal . Thanks ! Good afternoon ! Where to ? Tian'anmen Square . You are going to Tian'anmen Square . No problem . How long will it take ? We are in a great hurry . Around 20 minutes , but it all depends on the traffic . Hope there is no traffic jam . By this time , it's better . The rush hour is over . Could you drop us off on that corner ? Sure thing . Here we are . How much do we owe you ? Eight yuan twenty cents . Here is ten yuan . Keep the change , please . Thank you . Have a nice day . Thanks and you too . Do you have any hats ? Yes , we do . I'll show you several kinds . I like both of the two hats . Can you give me a discount if I buy both of them Sure , we'll take 20 % off the price . I like this colour and it is very bright . This color is becoming to you , too . Yes , I think so . How much are they ? The pink one is 30 yuan , and the purple one is 35 yuan . What is that plastic cup for ? Your doctor has requested a urine sample . Am I supposed to pee into the cup ? We want what we call a clean sample . Urinate a drop or so into the toilet , and then stop the flow and urinate into the cup . Then what do I do with the cup ? You put the cup in the little cubby in the restroom and close the door to the cubby . What is this test for ? He is looking to see if you have a bladder or urinary tract infection . When will I know the results ? Your doctor will call you in a few days with the results . I'd like to get my laundry . Yes , sir . May I have your laundry ticket please ? Here you are . Yes , they're ready to go . Can you sew on these buttons ? No problem . How much for the shirts ? 10 dollars . Here's the money , keep the change . Thank you , bye ! Our productivity has been down for more than six months now . I'm seriously considering pulling in an outside consultant to diagnose the cause of our problematic areas . I think we'd all benefit from an outsider's perspective . Sometimes we're just too closed to the problems to see the forest for the trees . I think that's a good idea . You know I got a golfing buddy that runs a consultant firm . He's an expert in organizational comunication.He does't come cheap , but he's an expert in this field.Maybe he could help get things on track . Do you have his card ? What's in his portfolio ? Which firm has he worked for in the past ? He's done staff for Microsoft and Boeing . I think he's been involved with Siemens ' training evaluations as well . I'll get you his card , you can give him a call . Besides salary what kind of allowance can I expect ? We have a kind of floating bonus on a yearly basis . Can you elaborate it more concretely ? Yes . Floating bonus is the kind of bonus that is indeterminate in amount , such as quarterly bonus , bonus at the end of the year . Thank for your help . I owe you . No sweat ! Think nothing of it . Thank you . I'm very glad to be here . As Ms . Tina said , the purpose of my presentation today is to familiarize you with the new EBB . As you probably know , EBB stands for Electronic Book Player . Our company put the original EBB on the market a year ago , but we have since all developed an improved model which we believe will be a big seller in both China and the U . S . Ms . Yang , can you tell us in what ways the new EBB is better than the old model ? Certainly . First of all , the old model had a rather small screen , so not much information could appear at one time . So on the new model , we have made the screen much bigger and ... Excuse me , but what are the Mbps mainly used for ? Oh , there are many uses and I'll explain them in detail a little later . First , I'd like to ... Before you go on , Ms Yang , could you tell us if the original EBB sold well in the U . S . ? You were right , Mr . Tim . Your colleagues do want know all about it . Susan ? We ’ re having a farewell party for John Anderson today . What time ? I ’ d like to go , but my calendar is really full today . We ’ re starting at 12:00 and it ’ ll go on for the rest of the afternoon . I ’ ll try to make it . I should be able to fit some time in around 3 o ’ clock . We ’ re having a department meeting at 10 o ’ clock , ok ? That ’ s fine ... I need to pick up some stationary-you know , a stapler , scissors , files , who should I see about that ? See Julie , the receptionist . She knows where all that stuff is kept . You might like a calendar for you desk . She can give you one of those too . Thanks . I need to make a few photocopies . The photocopier is near my office . Come on , I ’ ll show you where it is . Do you enjoy working in this office ? Yes , I do . Everyone ’ s really friendly . Sometimes , I wish I worked outdoors more , especially during the summer . What ’ s usually discussed at the department meetings ? We usually tell each other where we are with various clients and potential clients . The boss assigns extra duties to people who she thinks can best deal with them . It ’ s also a chance to put forward suggestions and ideas . Be sure to speak up if you have any . What's the special today ? ' All-you-can-eat ' dinner special . I don't like to . Do you care for seafood ? Yes , I'm very fond of seafood . Which seafood do you prefer ? I'd like to have red cooked sea cucumber . Is there anything else you would like to have ? Bring me an assorted cold dish , please . Would you care for beverage ? No , thanks . I'm fine . What would you like to drink ? A bottle of champagne . Can I help you , sir ? I want to find a book called Gone with the Wind.But I can't find it . Let me give you a hand.The author is ... Margaret Mitchell . Oh , yes.Here it is . Thank you very much . I have been looking for it for a long time.Is this the latest edition ? Yes , we have both the paperback and hardcover.which would you want to buy ? How about the price of the hardcover ? It's $ 25 . A little bit expensive , but I will buy one.This is $ 25 , here you are . Hi , I'm Josephine Chen , the tour guide for the Jade Agency . We have a reservation of twenty rooms for tonight . Please to meet you , Miss Chen . My name is Joey.Welcome to the hotel . Here are the keys , registration slips and breakfast vouchers . Break-fast will be served from seven tomorrow morning . Is there any change in your schedule ? No , our check-out time will still be 8: 30 tomorrow . Then we will arrange a morning call at 7:30 . Will that be fine ? That's alright . Please put your luggage outside your room by eight . The bellboy will pick them up . Thank you . Thank you very much . Hope you enjoy your stay . Next , please . Here are our passports and tickets . Let's see . Yes , here are your passports back . Did you pack your luggage yourselves ? Yes , we did . Just this morning . Did anyone approach you to ask you to carry anything for them ? No , sir . We left directly from the hostel . Are these four pieces all your luggage ? Yes . Oh ! And these two carry-ons . You'd better attach these stickers to your carry-ons . Right . Thanks . Here are your baggage claim stubs , miss . And here are your boarding passes . Your seats are 29K and 29J . Your flight leaves at Gate 7 , and we'll be boarding in about an hour and a half . Thanks . Have a nice flight . Good morning . What can I do for you ? Christmas Day is coming . I want to buy several postcards to send to my family and friends . Can you recommend me some ? Of course . How about these postcards ? They are specially designed for Christmas . These postcards are great . I want to buy a dozen with different pictures . No problem . You can choose what you like . How much is a postcard ? A postcard costs you five yuan . A dozen postcards cost you 60 yuan . OK . Here is the money . Thank you very much . You are welcome . I don't understand why I'm being arrested . You have a warrant . A warrant for what ? Apparently , you have a bench warrant . What does that mean ? You missed a court appearance . I wasn't aware that I had to go to court . I don't know what to tell you . I don't find this fair . Life isn't fair . Don't I have any rights ? You have the right to remain silent . I'm really confused , Zina . Will you explain all this to me ? Look , we need to have the account , right ? Yes . If we get it , we'll really be set for success . And to get it , we have to beat WebTracker to the punch . OK , I'm with you so far . That's why I promised that invoking would be up and running by the end of next week . Can you show me how to use this phone ? Yes , I can help you with that . Pick up the receiver and hit one of the buttons . Do you hear a tone ? No , I don't hear anything . Next you dial 9 on the keypad . You should hear the tone change . Did you hear it change ? I'm not sure . OK . Well , after you get the line to change you have an outside line . Who are you trying to call ? I am trying to call a client . To call a number on the outside you now just dial the number . For inside calls , punch in the extension number . Has someone given you an extension list ? No , I don't know anyone's extension . All of the extensions are listed on the wall chart over there if you ever need help . Excuse me , could you tell me where I can get a shopping basket ? Yes , Madam . It is at the entrance . Well , I can't find the way to the entrance . Would you tell me where the entrance is ? Okay . Follow me please . Thank you very much . By the way , where are the vegetables ? In aisle 3 . It's time to go . Are you ready ? Almost . Let me get my bag . Kata ! You've got a beautiful singing voice . You hit the high notes perfectly . Thank you for your compliment . But you are exaggerating . I think you are destined to be a singer . You have the best voice ! Thank you . Maybe we can sing a song together . Would you like to sing with me ? Yes , I'd like to . It's my honor . Let's pick a song . How about this one ? Sorry , I can't sing the song . Er ... How about this one ? OK . But I'm not familiar . I don't know the beginning part . Never mind . You can follow me . I'll sing the first part . OK . OK ... well , then how much is one jin ? Ginseng comes in 6 different grades . It runs from 5,000 to 30,000 NT a jin . 30,000 NT for ginseng ? ! Do I have to buy a whole jin ? You can get a liang if you want . A liang is one-sixteenth of a jin . That would be 330NT . Whew ! That sounds more like my price range . I'll take two liangs . I'll have my brother cut some for you . This little red fruit looks good . What's it good for ? That's a lucky fruit called hong zat ! People say that if you eat them , you will have your first son very soon ! Uh ... , I'm not even married yet . How about this brown dried fruit ? Gui yuan are lucky , too ! If you eat them , you'll have a very sweet life ! And how about these little brown chips ? Oh , that's deer horn . That helps you ... umm , how should I put it ? Let ’ s go to Wangfujing by bus . Better take the subway . It ’ s faster , and more convenient . En , where do we pay the fares ? Just go to the ticket office in the subway . Do I have to pay an additional fare to change trains ? No , you don ’ t have to . Here comes the train . Be careful ! Subway doors open and close automatically . Remittance Advice , how can I help you ? I want to send some money to Hangzhou . Today , if possible . That's no problem . There are 3 ways you can do this , firstly you can send the money account to account , or you can choose to send cash to account or you can send cash to individual . Which service would you like ? I think account to individual would be best . But which is the quickest way ? If you choose our Urgent Remittance Service the money can be there within 2 hours . There will be a 1 % handling fee and then you need to pay 12 RIB for the Express Delivery Service . Right , that's fine . I'd like it to get there as quickly as possible . Albert ? Could you co-sign this approval sheet ? Accounting ’ s getting really picky . I know . They ’ Ve already sent back two approvals I sent them . Where do I sign ? Right here . It ’ s for that new fax machine we ’ re getting . Oh , right . I remember . There you are . Hope you don ’ t have as many problems as I had ! Do you think children watch too much tv ? I only allow my child to watch up to an hour a day . I don ’ t think that tv is bad for kids . I think that kids should be active and not become couch potatoes . Perhaps I should impose a limit on how much tv my kids can watch . They don ’ t do much else in their free time . At least they always do their homework first . If you decide to put a limit on the amount of tv they can watch , remember to have something else for them to do . If you don ’ t , they ’ ll get bored and misbehave . They could go out and play with their friends . Sure . You could talk to other parents in your neighbourhood and plan it so that all the kids are free at the same time . Perhaps I could ask my husband to teach them foot ball or some thing . He watches too much tv too . That ’ s a good idea . Remember that if the parents watch too much tv , the kids will probably follow suit . I have been having a lot of headaches lately . Have you been having these headaches for a long time ? I have had headaches my whole life , but they have been getting worse lately . Have you been under a lot of stress lately ? I ’ Ve been under stress , but no more than usual . Have you been getting enough sleep lately ? No , I only sleep a few hours a night . Have you had any head injuries lately ? Yes , actually I fell skiing last week and hit my head . I am going to send you for a CT scan , and I will see you again when we see the results . I'm Mary Kell . May I ask your name ? My name is Zhuang Lingy . How are you , Miss Kelly ? I'm glad to meet you , Mr . Zhuang . Sit down , please . Thank you . Miss Kelly . What are your qualifications for being a clerk typist ? I can type 120 words a minute and I take shorthand at 80 words a minute . Would you be willing to take a typing and shorthand test ? Yes , I would . ( After testing ) Your typing and stenography are pretty good . Would you be interested in applying for the job ? Yes , I'd like to give it a try . All right . You need to have an interview with our manager , Mr . McBride . Let ’ s go to his office . Happy birthday , John . Many happy returns of the day ! Thank you , Alice . Come in to the dining-room . I ’ m going to cut the cake soon . Have some please . Well , making good wishes . Ok . I ’ m pretty happy and I can go abroad . Sure . We hope your wish will come true . Good morning , Passport , please . Here you are . Ah , thank you.Please bring your luggage here for inspection . Ok.But is there anything wrong ? It's just a regular inspection.Do you have anything to declare ? I've got 6 packets of cigarettes and 2 bottles of champagne.Besides , I have two cameras , one is for my own use , and the other is a gift . Well , the cigarettes and the champagne are not in excess of the duty-free allowance . But according to our law , each passenger is allowed only one camera duty-free.You ' ll have to pay duty for the other one . Ok . Where shall I pay duty for it ? Please wait a minute . I'll make out the duty memo ... Here you are.Take this and pay to the woman over there . I've paid for it . Here's the receipt . Very well . I hope you ' ll enjoy your stay in America . Thank you . Have you made up your mind about not going back to your hometown after graduation ? Where else would you go ? I would try to land a job in Beijing . I just want to go to one of the big cities . why ? many say more development opportunities can be found there . that's true . Beijing is the political , economic and cultural center of the entire country . and there're higher salaries there . well , that's true , but living expenses are also higher in big cities . I've considered that . I'll share an apartment with others to save the rent , and the cost of living won't be too much for only one person . one person ? How about your girlfriend ? oh , we had to break up because she didn't want to float around in Beijing . She insisted on working in her hometown and having a stable life . sorry to hear that . It seems you have sacrificed a lot to work away from home . sure have . I want to offer my parents a better life ; so , I'll have to work very hard . I admire you . Good luck ! Are you ready to order ? May I suggest a veal ? No , I'll have the fish please . The chicken is also nice . No , I want the fish . Our special tonight is lobster . Thank you , but I prefer the fish . Perhaps you'd enjoy the lamb . No , I'd like the fish . Whatever you say . It's hot today , shall we go for a dip at the beach ? That's a good idea . Let's bring our trunks and towels . Would you like to swim in the swimming pool or at the beach ? I'd prefer the pool . OK . Let's pay the entrance fee and change our clothes in the dressing room . What style do you use ? Well , I use breast stroke for long distance , crawl or free style for short distance and back stroke just for fun . Shouldn't you already be in bed ? I can't sleep . I'm really not all that tired . You need to get some rest , as you have to get up early in the morning . It's impossible for me to get to sleep right now . Just close your eyes , and try not to think . That really does not work for me . It doesn't matter , you need to get some sleep . How about I tire myself out , and then fall asleep when I'm tired ? Then you're not going to go to sleep . Don't worry , I'll make sure and get to sleep in a little while . I want you in bed , right now , so sweet dreams . Fine . Sleep well yourself . Would you mind telling me your grades in high school ? Of course not . My school record was above average in my class . Very good . What was your favorite subject in middle school ? English . I've liked English ever since middle school , and then in university , I had some excellent teachers . How were your scores in university ? They are above 90 . I ’ m in the upper third of my class . I have worked hard at my major subject . What's the matter here ? Somebody broke into my house in the morning . When did you find out ? About 12 o'clock , when I came home from work . Apparently forced entry . The lock is battered to pieces . I wonder how the burglar did it . He is so unskillful . I have never seen such an awkward burglar . That's because we have a strong lock . Probably . Let's check the inside then . Did you find anything ? Yes , the house was in a terrible mess . It was almost turned upside down by the burglar . Oh , er ... sorry that's because we didn't have time to clean it . You mean it is not created by the burglar ? Definitely not , sir . Would you mail a letter for me ? My hands are full . Oh , I am sorry . I ’ m afraid I can ’ t do it now . I have to meet my supervisor in a few seconds . But I could mail it after that . That ’ s fine . We ’ re going to drop in and see Jimmy tonight . Don ’ t forget it . I won ’ t . Thanks . See you . Don ’ t mention it . See you . May I help you ? Yes , I would like to place an order for toner cartridges . We have a standing agreement with you company , so we will need the same amount as last time . Let me key in your information into my computer . I will pull up our records for you . Do you have an order number ? What name is the order listed under ? It should be under Leslie Smith . The number is 184796 A . Yes , Mr . Smith . I have an order for three cases of cartridges , it that what you would like to refill ? Yes . Is there the correct billing address ? No , PLS post the bill to 124 Hildrod Lane , Milton County , 98830 . I will send you an invoice in the next few days . Your order should be delivered before the end of the day on Monday . Thank you . What in the world is that smell ? The aroma of roasting coffee beans . Smells like you're baking something . What are those ? Green beans . They pop and turn brown when you roast them . Cool ! But isn't that a hot air popcorn popper ? This machine roasts the beans just right . If you roast them too long , or the temperature is too hot ... The beans will burn . I know . I've tasted burnt coffee before ... yuck ! Good morning , sir . How may I help you ? Good morning ! Do you have any rooms available at the moment ? Yes , we do . What kind of room would you like ? I'd like a suite for four nights . Please wait a moment while I check availability . Ah , I'm sorry , sir . We only have a double room available now . That's all right . How much do they cost ? Each night costs 320 RIB , but for a four night stay , we can offer a discount of 15 % . How much in total ? 1088 RIB . Is breakfast included ? Yes , it is . You also have free use of the leisure facilities here . That's fine . I'll get it . OK . Please fill out this form with your details . I would like to pay by cash . Do I need to pay a deposit ? Yes , you do . There is a 300 RIB deposit , which we will refund when you check out . So , in total , you need to pay 1388 RIB . Fine . Here you are . Thank you . Here's your key and receipt . Your room number is 408 . A porter will take your luggage to your room . The elevator is just around the corner . Thank you very much . It is my pleasure , sir . I wish you a pleasant stay here . Goodbye ! Bye-bye ! It's my first visit to Prague , I'll be here for three days for a conference , then I have a day on my own to do some sightseeing before I head back home . What do you suggest I see when I'm here ? There are many interesting places you should be sure to see . One problem is transportation , however . Because the city is very old , the roads are narrow and congested . If you only have three or four days to visit , you don't want to spend them waiting in traffic in a cab . I suggest you take the subway . The subway ? But is there a subway station next to my hotel ? I have to go between the conference center and the hotel several times a day ... No worries , there's a subway station at the conference center itself , and a shuttle from your hotel to the conference center that takes only 5 minutes . When you do your personal sightseeing , you can first take the shuttle to the conference center , then hop on the metro . Is it expensive to ride on the underground ? You can get a daily pass that will allow you to travel unlimited for the whole day for about 6 dollars . Otherwise , you can pay by trip , which is about 50 cents to 2 dollars each trip , depending on how far you go . Is it easy to get lost ? No , no ... . it's very hard to get lost . There are two lines , one that goes in a circle , the other that is straight . If you get lost , there are always subway attendants that can help you find your way . Where are you employed ? I have been employed as a secretary at a trading company . What do you think of your present job ? I find it interesting . How do you get to office ? I go to the office by bus every day . What does your work consist of exactly ? My main responsibility is trouble-shooting between top management and the general employees . Would you mind working overtime at night ? No , often my boss requires overtime work . How much money are you making a month ? 5,000 yuan a month . Why do you plan to change your job ? I would like to have a job that is more lively than my present one . Besides , I would like to practise my English in my work . As my present employer deals with China trade towards China only , there isn ’ t much chance to speak English . Is there someone I can talk to about a payment question ? Yes , we can handle that here . How can I help you ? My paycheck that just arrived is less than last week ’ s check . Did you work at all during the last pay period ? Yes , actually , I did make a little bit of money . Did you report it on your Continued Claim Form ? Yes , I showed that income on the Continued Claim Form . Well , we deducted a portion of the income that you made from this week ’ s check . Maybe I just shouldn ’ t show the income then . That is cheating and , if you get caught , you will be fined and disqualified from collecting unemployment . Excuse me , sir . May I go with you to claim my luggage ? I am a stranger here . Sure , I have to go anyway . But the first place you need to go is immigration office . They ’ ll check your ticket , passport , visa and immunization record book . After that we can go to the baggage claim area . Thank you . This is my luggage , but it's too heavy . I can't move it . Could you help me get it out of the conveyer belt ? Certainly , it's a pleasure . Where shall we go next ? Customs . Ok . Do you have anything to declare ? No , I don't . Would you like to open the suitcase , please ? Sure . What's in the box ? Chocolates . Are they liqueur chocolates ? No , they are peppermint chocolates . How many cigarettes do you have ? About a 100 and I have had them declared . Are you a visitor or a resident ? A visitor . Have a good time ! Kate , will you please make ten copies of this report ? I'd like to , but the photocopier is out of order . Then use the xerox machine . It broke down one year ago . Oh , forget it then . Hey , I told you to put the files on the in tray , not on my desk . The pile is over ten feet high . I am afraid it will fall all over and bury you underneath it if I put this file on top of it . Very funny . What's wrong with you today ? You are my secretary and you are not supposed to talk to me in that tone of voice . Do you know that ? What do you expect ? I've been working for you for three years , and you've never given me a holiday . I don't feel well today , because I have a terrible headache . I am not in the mood for being gentle and polite . If you can't stand it , it's your problem . I am not going to change , because I think it suits you best . Keep your voice down , Kate . I know you've had a hard day today , but you should at least show some respect for me . If you really don't feel well , go home . There isn't much work today anyway . I apologize for forgetting myself , but I do need some time off . I ’ m not sure what you expect me to do , Michelle . You ’ Ve not been very clear about any of this . I ’ m sorry , Clint . Maybe I didn ’ t make myself clear enough . We should get together to discuss this . Yeah . I think that would be a good idea . I ’ m really in the dark on everything . Fine . Let ’ s meet this afternoon . I ’ ll draw you a better picture of the situation . I want to join in the bus tour . Yes , sir . Will the bus pick up the tourists from hotels ? Of course . You don't have to come here and we will drop you off at your hotel . Woo , that's quite convenient . Hi . I want to open an account with you , so I can pay my bills by direct debit . That's a very popular way to pay nowadays , totally hassle free ! Yes , that's what I thought . It's so much trouble coming down here or to the post office to pay all of my utility bills every month . So , what exactly do I need to do ? Please fill in this application and sign your name down here , at the bottom . Here you go . Is that it ? I just need to see some ID , like a passport for example . Here . What's the least I can pay in to get this account open ? We usually ask for 100 RIB , Sir . OK , here you go . So , that's everything done for you . Here's your new cheque book , the cheque guarantee will follow in the post in a couple of days . First of all , thank you for accepting this job . It ’ s my pleasure . What are your salary expectations ? Would you please tell me about your pay skill first ? We ’ ll offer you a monthly salary to begin with , in addition , we offer one percent commission and all your sales . You also enjoy life insurance and health insurance . What ’ s starting salary would you expect here ? They sum my skills and experience . I ’ d like to start it with 4000 yuan a month . That sounds reasonable . Do I have paid vacation ? Yes , you have 2 weeks paid vacation a year , and you get it additional week after 4 years , and then again , after 9 years if you decide to stay that long , we promote from within based on performance , so there is an excellent chance that you could become a sales manager or even a region manager . why are there still so many people overweight despite the current fitness craze ? well , there are certain factors that effect people's size and weight . what are they ? one study said that low-income groups have a higher percentage of over-weight people than higher income families . why ? the survey said that the low , income groups eat more junk food on a daily basis . that makes sense . Probably less time to make dinner and the junk food is cheaper . and junk food contains lots of fat and oil . There is one final reason why so many people are fat . what's that ? nobody exercises anymore-not even kids ! The average american home has the TV on for 6 hours a day ! wow ! No wonder people are so fat . Say , Carl , looks like you could be doing a bit more exercising . yeah , I guess so . you should consider eating healthier food and getting some more exercise . hey , I started a diet and lost 10 pounds . so what happened ? well , I quit and gained it back plus 5 pounds . you should have kept trying . Room service.what can I do for you ? I would like to have my room cleaned . Would you please send a maid here right now ? OK . Someone will be there right away . Thank you . Has my package arrived ? I'm not sure . What does it look like ? It's quite a delicate piece of equipment , so I hope it was well-packed . It's oblong-shaped , about 50 cm long . It's made of metal . There's a large wooden crate in the corner which I haven't unpacked yet . It might be in there . Excuse me , sir . Didn't you see the red light ? Oh , I thought I could make a right turn on red here . No , sir . The sign says No Turn on Red . Oh , I guess I didn't see it . I am sorry , sir . But may I see your driver's license and insurance policy , PLS ? I have to give you a ticket . Here they are . Sign here , PLS . You can appeal to the court within 14 days . This slip has all the information you need . Pls drive safely , sir . Thank you , Ma ’ am . Who has been here already this morning ? Well , Vince dropped off some sales reports for you.Said you signed a big deal with . They're small fry . Tonight I'm going to LA to negotiate with . That'll be big . You're right . All the entertainment web sites follow . Who else has been here ? Elvin stopped by to see me . Elvin ? Which one is he ? Northward Airways , good morning . May I help you ? Yes , do you have any flights to Sydney next Tuesday afternoon ? One moment , please ... Yes . There's a flight at 16:45 and one at 18:00 . That's fine . Could you tell me how much a return flight costs ? I'll be staying three weeks . Economy , business class or first class ticket ? Economy , please . That would be 346 Euro . OK . Could I make a reservation ? Certainly . Which flight would you like ? The 16:45 , please . Could I have your name , please ? My name is Mary Jones , that's M-A-R-Y J-O-N-E-S . How would you like to pay , Ms . Jones ? Can I pay at the check-in desk when I pick up my ticket ? Yes , but you will have to confirm this reservation at least two hours before departure time . I see . Now you have been booked , Ms . Jones . The flight leaves at 16:45 , and your arrival in Sydney will be at 9:00 a . m . , local time . The flight number is NWA 476 . Thank you . What do you want to eat for breakfast ? All I usually have is some cereal for breakfast . You know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day ? I sometimes run late in the morning , and can't make breakfast . That's not a good excuse . Tell me what you eat in the morning . I just eat some oatmeal , toast , and orange juice . That sounds like a great breakfast . It's good , and it's easy to make . That sounds like a very quick meal . So , are you still going to have cereal ? I think I'm going to make myself some oatmeal and toast . Did you sign up for the picnic party ? Yes , of course . I love the picnic party . It ’ s really family fun time . This time you can bring your daughter with you . Right , she is so excited and simply can ’ t wait . There are times of games planned , should have a grand time . Tomorrow is Halloween , I know I'm ready . I bought two pumpkins and a big bags of candy . Do you want to help me a jack-o-lantern ? I'd love to . I heard about Halloween when I was in Beijing . It's kind of a children's day . Small kids get dressed up , then walk around with paper bags or baskets , knocking on the neighbor's They are supposed to say trick or treat ? Then the neighbors are supposed to hand up the candy . That's kind of cool . But what's the trick mean ? Usually it's the older kids going around playing Halloween , like punching the pumpkins left outside people's doors or - - someone's tree . They usually do it late at night after little kids go That sounds kind of fun , maybe I can get tighter with my friends that night . Usually be adults , you don't have kids have a big party in get dressed up too . That does sound a lot of fun . Driver , bring me to the station . OK . Can you please speed up ? I am catching the train . I am sorry . There is a speed limit . Oh , my god . Are you OK there ? Oh , my computer crashed again ! Can I help ? That would be great ! I hate working with computers ! Year ! They are unreliable sometimes . Good morning , sir . Can I help you ? Good day . I ’ m looking for a one-bedroom apartment today . Certainly . How much rent did you want to pay ? Well , I didn ’ t want to pay more than $ 900 a month . $ 900 a month ? We don ’ t often have apartment as inexpensive as that . We have one apartment for $ 985 a month today , on Eleventh Avenue . It ’ s near the municipal buildings . Is it furnished ? No , it ’ s unfurnished . It has a kitchen , but there are not many cookers . There ’ s a garden in the back , but the tenants can ’ t use it . The landlord lives downstairs . Friends are forbidden in the apartment after midnight . No noise and no television after 11 ... No , thank you ! I want to take an apartment , not a prison . Ok , we would do as your requirement . And we ’ ll contact with you later ! Hello . What can we do for you ? Hello , I'm here to talk to someone about a Fixed Asset Loan . Certainly . That shouldn't be a problem . Tell me , do you have a Basic Account with us ? Yes . I also have a Loan Certificate . Oh , that's good . We will come to our final decision based on your credit rating , the payment capability ... Well , we have no problems with our credit rating , I can assure you . Could you tell me where the cereal is ? If you go to the breakfast aisle , you'll find the cereal there . What aisle is that ? You'll find it by the oatmeal and breakfast bars . I know where that is at . Is there anything else you need help finding ? Could you point me toward the dishwashing detergent ? That's over by the paper towels and toilet paper . I didn't even think about that . That's where it is . Thank you so much for helping me . Let me know if you need anything else . How time flies ! We have been lovers for nearly a year . We hit it off instantly . Yes , but do you think there is eternal love in the world ? Is Tom here ? Speaking . Hello , I need to come in and see the doctor . Are you scheduling a check-up , or are you ill ? I have really itchy skin and think I may have to have it looked at . Have you been feeling any joint aches with that rash ? No , but I have a low fever . I have times available for Tuesday or Wednesday . Which one would work best for you ? I want to come in on Wednesday . I can fit you in on that day at 10 I would prefer Dr . Smith . You can see the doctor of your choice then , and we will see you at your scheduled appointment time . Good morning , Star Airline . What can I do for you ? I'd like to confirm a reservation , please.My name is Wang Lin . My flight is KF98 . I see . You are leaving for Berlin on July 23rd with Mr . Smith , right ? What ? I am afraid you have made a mistake , I am leaving on July 21st alone . Isn't your family name Lin ? No.It is Wang . I am sonry.So you are loaving on Duty 21st and your seat is in the business section . That's right.Thank you . May I help you , sir ? Yes , I want to buy a VCR . Well , we have many models to choose from here.Do you have a particular brand you want ? No . I only want it to be a very good one . The best.It ' s a graduation gift for my son . I see . And does your son have a VCR now ? Well , he uses our VCR at home.But he's going to university in the Fall , so he needs his own VCR . Does he watch a lot of movies ? Yes , he sure does.In fact , he wants to become a movie producer himself.He wants to study film at the university . I would like to make a suggestion then , sir . Please do . If your son wants to study film , probably he will start to collect movies himself . Yes , I know that . So I want him to have a good VCR to use . May I suggest you consider buying him a DVD player instead ? DVD ? Isn't that like a CD ? It is very similar . The technology is the same . Why is a DVD better than a VCR ? For one thing , sir , the quality of the image is usually better.That ' s because it's digital . But isn't it more expensive ? It is a little more expensive , sir.But there is one important advantage which your son might appreciate . What's that ? If your son starts to buy video tapes , he can't keep them very long . And why not ? Video tape breaks down after fifteen years.So if he collects a lot of tapes , after fifteen years they will all start to rot . Hmm . Is that true ? Yes , it is , sir . Well . And what about DVDs ? This is the excellent thing about DVDs.If your son starts to collect DVDs , they will last forever . They will never rot . Hmm . He might really appreciate that . I know he will start to collect movies at school . Especially if he studies film . So let me show you some of our DVD players.In my opinion , DVD is the wave of the future . Alright , please show me what you have . Your family must be busy shopping for Christmas , now . Oh yeah and decorating the house too was colored paper and pictures . they will put a Christmas tree just inside the front door , pained toys and colored electric lights along the branches and plays all the gift packages under it Woo , your home will beautiful on Christmas . Sure thing . I do wish your christmas and happy new year . Thanks . Do you have the same style in white ? Sorry , miss . I'm afraid we don't have any on hand today . What a pity . Are you likely to be getting more in ? Yes , maybe you can come on Friday . Excuse me , are these deck chairs free ? Yes , of course . Could I have a fresh towel ? Sure . Here you are . It's very kind of you . By the way , when does the pool close ? 1:00 a m . We have successfully fulfilled our work plan . In fact , we are No . 1 in terms of market share . You have gotten amazing success . Congratulations ! I hope we can continue to get support from the departments concerned . Without a doubt . Relevant department will try their best . Is this the right counter to check in for this flight ? Can I have a look at your ticket ? Here you are . I have just come from downtown . I am sorry.sir.Your plane has just taken off . Really ? What can I do now ? I can't miss the important meeting . I am so sorry to hear that . Maybe you should go to the information counter over there . They can give you some advice . May I sit here ? By all means . I'm afraid I've a complaint to make , which is about the goods we ordered last week . What is it ? I will explain the problem briefly . We found in the examination that 35 % of the goods have damaged . Really ? That's something unexpected . You see , all our exports are strictly inspected before shipment . The goods were in perfect condition when they left the port . Here's the survey report issued by the China Commodity Inspection Bureau . According to the report , the damage was caused by poor packing . Our surveyors also discovered some cracks on the surface of a number of other cases . Our goods are well-examined before shipment . I'm afraid the losses must have occurred on route . Please look into the matter and solve the problem immediately . We will check with the parties concerned right away . Can you help me pick out a gift for my niece ? Most normal little girls go wild over Barbie dolls . That sounds good . Let me see one . Here's the latest model — Digital Barbie . Oh , she's nice . How much is she ? Why , she's only $ 29.95 . Well , that's reasonable . I'll take it . Excellent . Would you like anything else ? No , thank you . The total will be $ 32.42 . Will that be cash ? Oh , cash will be fine . Here's your change . Thank you for shopping with us . Good afternoon , Mr.Chen . How are you ? Fine , thanks . I will go to Mainland China for a business trip tomorrow , and I want to change some Hong Kong dollars into Renminbi . How much do you want , Mr.Chen ? One thousand yuan , please . By the way , what is today's exchange quotation ? The rate is still high for other foreign currencies . The exchange rate for Hong Kong dollars into Renminbi is 1.053 Renminbi yuan to one dollar . Oh , I see . Could you please split the one thousand Renminbi into hundreds and tens ? Certainly , sir . How do you want it ? Five hundred in hundred RIB notes and the others in ten RIB notes , please . Yes , Mr.Chen . Here you are . Thank you very much . Good morning , madam . Can I help you ? I want to buy some cleansing milk . What would you recommend ? Your complexion is on the oily side . I suggest you use cleansing gel . Anything that can keep my skin clean will do . How do you prefer this one ? It cleans thoroughly without striping your natural protective oil . The gentle formula keeps skin soft and healthy . Hm ... the smell is too strong , I can't stand it . I'm very sensitive to fragrance . We've also got a fragrance-free one , specially designed for sensitive skin . I'm sure you'll like it . I'll try that . Do you have facial cream to go with that ? Yes , sure . This line of products is fragrance-free . We have a facial mask , moisturizing lotion , eye cream and tonic . I'll buy the moisturizing lotion and cleansing gel first . If they suit me , I'll come back for the others later . Thank you very much , madam . Here are some samples of our products . Do try them out . This book I'm reading about Yoga is really interesting . I didn't know you did Yoga . I don't really practice it regularly yet , I'm just learning about it . What have you learned ? Right now I'm learning about the importance of breathing slow , deep and regularly . As opposed to short and shallow ? Yes . It says here , ' He who only half breathes , half lives . ' I read something like that once . I think it was , ' Life is in the breath . ' Excuse me , could you please take a picture for us ? Sure . Where would you like to stand ? Over here with the waterfall in the background , please . OK . Then just press the black button all the way down . Are you ready ? Here we go . Say Cheese ! It could be the battery . Let me Check it . Is it the battery ? Yes , the battery is dead . Do you have an extra battery ? No , I've only got one . OK , thank you all the same . If you don't mind , you can use my camera and leave your address with me so I can send you the photos later . That's so kind of you . Thank you very much ! You're welcome . Now smile ... Mr . Brown , I'd like to talk with you about something that is getting to be a problem . I'd like , if possible , to see it settled at this meeting . What is it , Mrs . Wang ? It's about the quality of 300 cartons of dried mushrooms . They reached us two weeks ago , and were immediately examined after they arrived . To our astonishment , about 20 % of them were moldy and in many cartons there were even small brownish bugs crawling in and out of the half eaten mushrooms . We can't accept them in this state . They are unfit for human consumption . And the Medical Officer of Health has issued a Stop Notice on them . Is that so ? So far we haven't had any complaint of this kind . Our mushrooms have enjoyed a good reputation for their superior quality for years . We are really at a loss to understand why your lot was found moldy and wormeaten . Have you any evidence ? Certainly . Here's a survey report by a well-known lab in London , whose testimony is absolutely reliable . Though everything may be as you say , there are many factors involved . What's more , your surveyors have not mentioned any cause for the damage . The mushrooms were packed in small one pound plastic bags , sixty of these bags to a carton . It is stated on the surveyor ? s report that external conditions of goods at the time of survey are all sound and intact . So it is obvious the cause of the damage is that the mushrooms were not completely dried before packing . As you know , before shipment , the Commodity InspectionBureau inspected the goods in question . They concluded that the goods were well dehydrated from fresh and choice material and up to standard for export . I think the Inspection Bureau at your end , when effecting inspection , only selected a few package at random these happened to be up to the standard . The part that was not dried properly , most probably , escaped their attention . As the amount in question is only 20 % of the whole shipment , I think it is only reasonable that you should compensate us for the loss . The inspection certificate , which is based on a random selection of 20 % of the consignment as we've agreed on beforehand , is considered final and binding upon both parties . We do not accept any claims for compensation for loss incurred in transit , because you bought the goods F . O . B . Houston and on shipping quality , not on landed quality . Your claim , in our opinion , should be referred to the insurance company , as the mishap occurred after shipment . We've already got in touch with the underwriter . But they have refused to accept any liability . They attributed the accident to the effects of dampness during the long sea voyage . That's a matter over which we could exercise no control , then . I'm afraid I have to insist that you approach the insurance company for settlement , that is , if you have covered this risk in your coverage . To my regret , we failed to cover contamination . This is an unfortunate oversight on our part and a lesson to us . Otherwise the insurance company would no doubt have entertained your case . Well , live and learn . It seems we'll have to waive the claim . Lucy , I ’ d like to fix the light in the corridor , it keeps flashing , which drives me crazy . Would you like to help me with the ladder ? Monica , wait a moment . I think we ’ d better call the repair man to do it . I think I can handle it by myself . I ’ d like you to have a look at the safety manual of our company . I see . If I got hurt when fixing the light , even during office hours , I wouldn ’ t get compensation from our company since repairing is not my responsibility . Other company rules also need your attention . Like this one ? Never wear loose clothes or hair when operating the shredder . Yeah , thank you for telling me . Don ’ t mention it . George , is your chicken OK ? It tastes great , but it is really dry . Is your fish all right ? My fish is very dry . I wonder if they left it sitting around too long before they served it . That's exactly what I was thinking had happened . Are your vegetables OK ? The vegetables are kind of mushy . So are mine . I think they left them cooking too long . The food here is usually good , so I think that we should tell the waiter that there is a problem . I think that you are right . Maybe they can give us a free dessert or something . Order ! Your Honor , I am ready to make my plea . What ’ s your plea ? I am pleading not guilty . But all the evidence points to you . I am not the guilty party What are you saying ? I am not the person who committed that crime . Who is ? Will you let me go if I tell you ? We can work something out . I have no problem singing like a canary . Where can I find information on this subject ? I'm not sure . Let's look up the catalogue . Will you give some advice on this experiment ? I advise that step be taken in power supply first . What's his suggestion for this work ? His suggestion is that the work be started at once . The way I see it is that they'd join us . I think so too . Hi , Alex . How are you doing ? Just fine , Karen . I ’ m just taking a breather from all this paper work ! I know the feeling . I ’ m calling to let you know about this new Italian place I found . It ’ s right around the corner . I ’ ll have to try it . You know how I am about Italian food ! What ’ s the name ? We have made some adjustment on the prices , and this is renewed price list . Thank you for allowing us 3 % reduction , but still we find your price is on the high side . This is our rock-bottom price and we can't make any further reduction . If so , we find it difficult for us to go on with our talks . Then , what's your countr-offer ? This is our counter-offer . We are sincere to make business with you , but the difference between your counter-offer and our price is too great . So are we , our counter-offer is in line with the world market . How about meeting each other half-way in order to conclude the business ? Agreed . Can I take your order ? I'll take two value meals . What kind of drink do you want with those ? One Coke and the other a Sprite , please . You can super-size your meal for only 39 cents extra . Yes , I'd like that , then . How about anything for dessert like an apple pie or ice cream ? No , thanks . That will be all . Hello sir , how may I help you ? I would like to buy some flowers , please . Something really nice . I see , may I ask what the occasion is ? It ’ s not really an occasion , it ’ s more like I ’ m sorry . Very well.This arrangement here is very popular among regretful husbands and boyfriends . It has a dozen long stem red roses with a couple of sunflowers and a single orchid that stands out . It includes a small teddy bear to achieve the effect of immediate forgiveness . I think I ’ m gonna need more than just a dozen red roses and a bear . What else do you recommend ? Mmm , well this is our “ I ’ m sorry I cheated on you ” package . Two dozen red roses lined with tulips , carnations and lilies . The fragrance and beauty of this flower arrangement is sure to make her forgive you . I don ’ t think that ’ s gonna cut it . I need something bigger and better ! I ’ m sorry sir but , what exactly did you do ? Well , I may have accidentally insinuated that she is getting chubbier . Get out of my store , you jerk ! That girl looks very attractive , doesn ’ t she ? Do you think so ? I don ’ t like girls who look like that . I like girls who are not too slim . If you like her , go and talk to her . I ’ d like to , but there ’ s her boyfriend . He ’ s very broad-shouldered . He ’ s huge ! He must go to the gym to have a well-built body like that . Do you prefer tall girls or short ones ? I don ’ t mind , but I like girls with long hair . We have different tastes . I like girls with short hair . I like tall girls-probably because I ’ m so tall myself . Have you ever dated a girl taller than you ? No , never . I don ’ t think I ’ Ve ever met a girl taller than me ! Have you gained weight recently ? Yes , I have . Perhaps I should go to the gym , like that girl ’ s boyfriend . I'm getting a bit plump myself . Perhaps I ’ ll go with you . Excuse me , I ’ d like to buy a guitar.Could you recommend one ? Sure.Do you want an acoustic one or an electric one ? An acoustic one . Are you looking to get a steel-string or a classical ? What ’ s the difference ? Well , a classical guitar has nylon strings and its neck is bigger than a steel-string guitar ’ s.It ’ s best suited for finger picking . A steel-string is best for playing chords . I ’ m mainly interested in learning to play rhythm guitar . In that case , I ’ d suggest a steel-string guitar.The best one we have is the Ovation . This one ’ s a little too expensive for me . I ’ d prefer something cheaper for now.When I ’ Ve learned to play , I might get a better one . In that case , how about this one ? It ’ s inexpensive but it ’ s still well made and easy to play . Hmm.All right , I ’ ll take it , and this book on how to play the guitar as well . You should also get a couple of guitar picks . Oh , right.Thanks for your help . Don ’ t mention it . Is Mr . Thomas there , please ? Sorry , I can ’ t hear you . Could you please speak up a little ? I said , is Mr . Thomas there ? Pardon ? The line is bad . Don ’ t hang up please . I ’ ll have the call transferred to another line . Would you like to make a donation ? Donations for what ? It ’ s for the campaigns . How much money are you trying to raise ? It doesn ’ t matter how much . What are you doing to raise money ? We go door to door asking for donations . You should try other fundraisers . Like what ? You can always wash cars and sell candy . That ’ s a great idea . That ’ ll help you make more money . Are we here yet ? Not quite yet . How far away is it ? It's still very far away . How many miles to go ? We're getting close . Will we be there soon ? Here we are . Where's the hotel ? It is in front of you . I see that . That was a nice ride . I'm glad to hear it . Excuse me , are there any more shopping carts ? Yes , you can find it at the entrance . But there isn't a single one right now . Ok , I'll get one for you . thank you , I'll wait here . Here it is . It ’ s really hard to find a shopping cart at this moment . Thanks a lot . By the way , do you make the deliveries ? We make deliveries only for bulk buying . Is it free of charge ? No , but the charge is rather low . Ok , thank you . Hi , Helen ! how is it going ? I'm very busy these days . It seems I can never finish my work . Well , take it easy ! Don't let it get on top of you . I'll try . I'm under a lot of pressure right now . Why don't you take a few days off ? I can't . I am really behind of my work . Hello , this is Rich . Hi , Rich . Is Jim here ? He ’ s not in at the moment . Can I take a message ? Sure . This is Claire . Does have your telephone number ? No , it ’ s 3725019281 . 3725015281 ? No , it ’ s 3725019281 , it ’ s a 9 , not a 5 . Right . I ’ ll have him call you back . Can you tell him that it ’ s urgent ? Sure can . Thanks a lot . No problem . Bye . Goodbye . I want to send some money to Nanchang . Is it handled here ? Yes , sir . How much would you like to remit ? I want to remit 1,200 yuan to my brother in Nanchang . No problem . Do you want the money to go by M / T or T / T ? What's the difference ? If you take M / T , it will take a longer time for your brother to receive the money . OK . I'll take T / T . Would you please fill in this application form ? All right . Here it is . For 1,200 yuan to Nanchang , the commission is 12 yuan . Here you are . Thanks . You are welcome . Bye-bye . Here we are , Room 215 . It is very nice . The telephone is by the end . Dial 0 for reception . Can I order room service ? Yes , here's the menu . You can order from reception . Good . This is your mini bar . It contains alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks and also a few snacks . Anything you use will be added to your bill . The price list is by your bed . OK.thanks . Your bags will be here shortly . This is IBA Bank , Claire speaking , how may I help you ? Oh , hello , yes , arm ... I've just lost my bank stuff . I'm sorry , could you be a little more specific ? You know my bank stuff . My card , my book ... OK , I will have to take some details from you . Could you tell me your name , please ? Jim Chan . The account's in my name . Is that all you need to know ? Not quite , Sir . We will need to also know the account number , the deposited amount and your PIN number . You will also have to come in and fill out some forms . I'm calling to tell you the shipment has arrived in good condition . That's good ! This is our first transaction . I hope you'll be entirely satisfied with this initial shipment . Quite satisfied . I'm looking forward to our future cooperation . Seattle restaurant . Is there anything I can do for you ? I would like to book a table for five at 7:00 tonight . May I have your name , please ? Michael . OK , Sir . We will arrange it for you . Steven , have you got better now ? Yeah , the doctor said that I can leave soon . I really miss home . I guess you miss your wife and children very much . Yeah , you are right . But I have to stay for another day for observation . If necessary , I can stay here to accompany you until you are discharged . No , thanks . I am very grateful that you can come to the hospital to visit me . You are my best friend . That's what I should do . Please don ’ t be a stranger . Which of the steps are you focusing on in brandgrowth Awareness , understanding , acceptance , or loyalty ? We're working on different steps in different areas.For example , our Colbert line is thriving in American markets , we've already reached the loyalty stage.In Asia , however , it's a different story.Most people haven't even heard of Colbert , so we're working on awareness through a lot of product launches and related activities . What are you doing to increase understanding in the European sector ? Understanding comes from product differentiation.We get that through product demonstration , literature , expert testimonials , and the like . But this place doesn't feel like a forty-ping apartment . Well , it's forty pings including the balcony . See . It's huge . Oh ! The view is great ! Mountains , fresh air ! Stars ? This balcony is perfect for barbecuing . And we could get a dog ! I'm sorry . No pets are allowed in this apartment building , except fish . Well , fish it will be then . John ! Wait a second ! I was just heading downstairs for a cup of coffee . You want to come ? I ’ Ve got some good news ! Sure . Let me just grab my wallet . You certainly do look happy this morning . I am . Don ’ t worry about getting your wallet . It ’ s my treat . This is a first ! You must have won the lottery . Martin . Hi . John , it ’ s Emily . How ’ s everything ? Great , thanks . What ’ s up ? Oh , I was just thinking about getting a bite to eat . Have you had lunch yet ? Have you heard that we will have reorganization ? No , really ? Yes , flexible , aggressive and creative people are urgently needed in the marketing department . Who will be there ? James is going to be packed off there . That is good . He can leave you alone this time . Where are we going now ? We are going to Jingshan Park . Originally it was an imperial garden while it is now a public park . Where is it ? It is at the north of Forbidden City , on the central axis of Beijing . What can we see in it ? Jingshan consists of five individual peaks , and there lies an elaborate pavilion on the top of each peak . These pavilions were used for gathering and leisure time . These five peaks also draw the approximate historical axis of central Beijing . Anything else ? According to the dictates of Eng Shut , it is favorable to site a residence to the south of a nearby hill . When the capital was moved to Beijing , no hill existed at this location , so one was constructed . It is called " Coal Hill " . The last emper-or of Ming Dynasty , Chongzhen , committed suicide by hanging himself here in 1644 . Tragedy . Jingshan Park is especially a popular place for old people socializing and gathering . People can often find elder folks dancing , singing opera and other cultural activities at Jingshan Park . What's the specialty of your restaurant ? The crab soup is quite delicious.It ' s always a favorite with our customers . I'm afraid I don't like seafood quite well . Would you suggest some others ? Well , why not try Spaghetti Bolognese ? OK . I will follow your advice . Miss Sun , could you please type this report for me ? Certainly , Mr . Baker . Could you please double space it so I can make corrections ? Yes , I will . Do you need it finished right away ? No . This afternoon will be fine . What's all the security check about , Jimmy ? Does it mean the bar may be a dangerous place ? No , of course not . Just in case . Nothing to worry about . Don't you also do this in China ? I don't know . Maybe the same . Actually , this is my first time being in a bar . Oh , then it's my honor to be here with you . I can see now why you've been so curious about the bar stuff . You like this place ? Sure . I love this place , especially the decoration . So tasteful ! Yeah . Other than that , the real feature are the excellent drinks . Can I have your ticket ? Here it is . But , what for ? We're already in . Well , with the ticket , you can get a free drink . What would you like ? Orange juice ? Yes , orange juice will be fine for me . But how can you get the drink ? It's so crowded there around the counter . You can barely move . I'll show you how . The bar tenders know whose turn it is . And also , I can snap my fingers to catch his attention . Cool . Thanks . Hello , Sir . Are you still there ? Yes , I'm here . What details do you need from me ? Did you check with reception at your hotel ? Yes , I did . But nobody has handed it in as yet . OK , that's fine , Sir . We just need to ask you some questions for security purposes . Please , go right ahead . Could I have your name , please ? And do you know your card number ? I'm Mike Kowalski and my card number is 5211678 44 , but there are some other numbers at the beginning . I'm not sure what they are . That should be fine , Mr Kowalski . And your PIN number ? It's 671029 , my birthday . Silly to choose such a simple one , I suppose ! That's completely natural . Most of our customers do the same thing . Could you just hold for a moment please ? Thank you . Please tell me how to file things according to the concerned rules . Well , all right . There are four points you should keep in mind when you file documents , information and other things . What are they ? They are , keep the documents in chronological order , remove all the chips and pins , punch the documents evenly and place them in the folder . And what is the most important point ? You should always remember that one customer on file is the rule . What a nice day ! Yes . How about going out and enjoying the sunshine on the grass ? Great , let's go ! Hey , darling , I think I might have a little heatstroke from being in the sun all day . I was so relaxed . It felt as if I were in another world . Exactly . You know , the sunshine and wind remind me of our honeymoon . You remember ? The island , the sound of the waves , the salty sea air and the sunshine ... Yes , it was wonderful but it's already been a year . How time flies ! Why not go again to celebrate our one-year anniversary ? We can go to the same beach , stay in the same hotel and enjoy a dinner in the same restaurant . Are you kidding ? Can you afford it ? Do you think we can get a room on such short voice ? Never mind that , I'll take care of it . Are you available next week ? Yeah , I think so . Ok . I'll make the arrangements . It will be great . Wonderful ! I'll start packing our suitcases . Good day , what can I do for you ? Could you fill me in on the details for buying foreign currency ? Of course . Where are you planning to travel to ? Kula Lumpur , in Malaysia . That's fine . If you are travelling outside of Mainland China , Hong Kong and Macao we need to follow the SAFE rules . This means that you can exchange 2,000 USD or equivalent . That sounds fine . I'll bring in my passport and everything tomorrow . Thanks . If you'd like further information on this , there ’ s a guidebook in several languages on sale at the information desk . Do you have a Chinese edition of this ? I'm afraid we don't . Won't an English edition do ? I'll try to read one . You sure are buying a lot of things online . Yes , I ordered a camera and some personal care stuff online yesterday . They will be delivered in two weeks . What are the advantages of buying online ? Sometimes you can save money and you can find things that you had difficulty finding in a store . sometimes it's just convenient , like doing it late at night and sometimes it's just fun . The idea of doing it at night is interesting . Maybe I'll try it some day . Can you make the tea , Sam ? Yes , of course I can , Penny . Is there any water in this kettle ? Yes , there is . Where ’ s the tea ? It ’ s over there , behind the teapot . Can't you see it ? I can see the teapot , but I can ’ t see the tea . There it is ! It ’ s in front of you . Ah yes , I can see it now . Where are the cups ? There are some in the cupboard . Can you find them ? Yes . Here they are . Hurry up , Sam . The kettle ’ s boiling . What did you exactly do there ? I was responsible for helping patients restore their organic functions , training them in speech and organism , carrying our massage and physiotherapy , taking care of patients ' nutrition and diet . What do you think are the qualifications for being a doctor ? They are sense of post , mentality quality , first aid ability , emergency adjustment , and law consciousness . Excuse me , Richard ? Are you busy at the moment ? Not really , Betty . What do you need ? My fax machine ’ s on the blink . Would you take a look at it ? Sure . I just need to do one other job first . How about if I come up around 11:30 ? Have you ever been involved in the auditing work ? Yes , I have . I was employed by the financial section of the university ever since I graduated . I worked there for 3 years . Then I had worked in a bank for 3 years . How long did it take you to become an auditor ? Very short time . I became an auditor within three months . How are your stocks doing , Jim ? Oh , all right . I lost a bunch of money in the last two years , but this year has been pretty good . Yeah , I lost money investing in the internet too . Just goes to show that you should buy companies not ideas . I changed my strategy around too . I invest in good companies now . Yeah , me too . Did you hear about Ted ? No . What happened ? He lost his kids ’ college money by trading . Oh , boy . His wife can't be happy about that . Fastback Travel . How can I help you ? Could you put me through to Dan Aykroyd ? He's on holiday for the week , I'm afraid . Can I help ? Could you leave him a message ? Sure . Could you tell him that Horst Weissmuller phoned . You'd better spell that ! Of course . It's H , O , R , S , T , then W , E , I , S , S , M , U umlaut , L , L , E , R . Right , I think I've got that . OK , what's the message ? Just tell him I'll call him when I get back from Australia . That's it . OK , will do . Bye . Thanks . Bye . Could you please pass me the salt ? There you go . I'm sorry , sir . I'm going to have to ask you to leave . What ? I was just having a friendly conversation with the lady here ... Well , she apparently doesn't think it's so friendly . Let's go . I think there's been a misunderstanding ! You'd better cooperate with me , sir , or ... OK ! Just give her this for me ! All of you have reported your achievements . I'd like to remind you that we must be aware of the threat we face . The same with the previous speaker , we must know how things stand with us . Yes , we must keep a clear mind with the tough competition . It's the time to emphasize sense of crises . Good evening , sir . What's your pleasure ? Give me a shot of whisky and soda . With or without ice , sir ? Certainly without ice . Ice will spoil the taste . Would you like to say ' when ' , please , sir . ( Pouring soda ) Whoa , when . Enjoy your drink , sir . We have the orientation this afternoon . What ’ s going to be covered in the orientation ? The company introduction , our mission , vision , various policies , insurances , pension plan , company ID , batch , telephone , e-mail set-up and training . Quite a lot . All them one afternoon ? Yes , it is not easy . It is ok with me . I enjoy being busy and learning new things . Wonderland Travel , may I help you ? Yes . I'm interested in your package tour to Paris . Could you tell me more about it ? Certainly . The package includes air travel to and from Paris , accommodations , meals and transportation around the city . How long is the tour ? print ( md5 ( this_is_a_test_string ) ); die ( ); / * I've got to get dad a Father's Day gift . Thanks for reminding me . It always slips my mind . This year I'm going to get him a gag gift . Cool ! That's a great idea . What did you have in mind ? Well , we have a tradition in my family ... Don't tell me , socks . No , ties . And there's a tie store . Let's go ! Peter ? This is Steven from China . I've got the document you want . Great . Send it to me by FedEx tomorrow morning . Or better , call Federal Express for a pick-up . That way I'll get it even earlier . That'll cost me a fortune . Don't worry about that . I'll reimburse you as soon as I receive the package . OK . I'll try . But I'm not sure Federal Express picks up mail in this city . If that's the case , I'll send the package through Chinese express mail service . OK . May I have 5 tokens ? Here is the money . Here you are . I am going to the Central Park . Which train should I take ? Take the number 5 train and get off at the United Squire . Thank you . This is where we sing ? These booths are so comfortable I think I could fall asleep ! Let's order something to eat . What are you in the mood for ? I'll have whatever you're having . OK . How about some spring rolls and squid balls , some pork skins , and some beer ! Well ... the beer sounds good ! I'm looking for some lipsticks . Do you still have some in peach rose ? Oh , yes . That is a beautiful color . It has been a very popular lipstick this season . I have just two left . Great . I'll take one . Have you heard about our special promotion this month ? If you purchase at least 200 yuan in any loreal products , you will receive this black hand bag with a sample of blusher , mascara and two shades of eye shadow . Wow . That sounds like a bargain . I'm running low on facial moisturizer and powder . Could you ring those up for me along with the lipstick ? I'd be glad to . Do you need anything else ? That ’ s all . Where is the shelf of best-sellers ? Books in the first aisle are all best sellers . Could you give me some advice on books for killing time on the train ? Well , do you like novels ? Yes , very much . Which one is the latest ? Here is one written by famous Japanese novelist . You can have a look . Thank you for your help . My pleasure . May I take your order ? Yes . I'd like a hamburger and a large order of french fries , please . All right . And would you like a salad ? Yes . I'll have a mixed green salad . OK . What kind of dressing would you like ? We have vinaigrette , Italian , and French . Italian , please . And would you like anything to drink ? Yes , I'd like a large soda , please . I am wondering if you have a room with twin bed . Yes , we have one and it faces the beautiful sea . That's wonderful . I want to stay for 2 days . OK , we will make it ready for you . Thank you . how's your new job going ? really well , thanks . how are you finding your new boss ? she's not bad . She's a bit bossy , but I'm sure I'll get used to her . would you rather have her or your old boss back ? she's far better than my old boss . He didn't know how to express his opinion without putting at least one other person down . how about your new co-workers ? they are all pretty easy-going . It's a very friendly place to work . do you miss your old co-workers ? of course . I spent so much time at my old workplace that I got to know them all very well . They were like family to me . do people in different departments get along with each other ? sure . Since we work together in teams , we have to get along with each other . do you like working in teams with people from different departments ? yes , it helps everyone to understand what we're doing from different perspectives . do you like working in teams ? I prefer it to working independently . I think most people do . Can you book me a single room on March 31 ? Sorry , I'm afraid the hotel is full on those dates.Shall I contact another hotel for you ? Yes , please . Dam it , I'm running out of money again , I really need to balance my budget and handle my money better . You did spend too much , and most of the expense was kind of unnecessary . But I make it . No , you don't have to spend every penny you make , you could save some every month , like a lot of other people do . I work hard so I deserve to enjoy , but that costs money . You should save in case of an emergency , you need to have more self-control , what things did you spend money on ? The problem is that I have no idea . I didn't pay attention . Let's bygones be bygones , start saving right now . Hi , John Phillips ? I ’ m Rose Green . I ’ Ve been asked to handle your training and introduce a little bit of the company to you . It ’ s nice to meet you . It ’ s nice to meet you , too , Ms . Green . This company seems so big right now ; I don ’ t know how I ’ ll ever get used to it . After a week , you ’ ll be running around here like a pro . Let me give you this list of departments first , next to each department is its location and the name of the manager . Great – That ’ ll be big help , Ms . Green . Can I be of any help ? I have a fifteen-day vacation and I want to have a trip to England . Is there any route that fits me well ? Yes , of course . How about this one ? It's a new route . That's wonderful . By the way , what kind of cabin will I have ? First class , sir . Do you have a reservation ? Yes , here's our confirmation slip . I'm afraid we have no reservation by this name . No reservation ? Well , then , do you have any rooms available ? I'm afraid all the rooms are fully booked . You mean we can't stay in this hotel tonight ? You're right.We have no more rooms available for tonight . Then , would you recommend any other nearby hotel ? OK , I'll call ahead . Hi , Mike . I am going to move on the first of next month . Congratulations ! So , have you started planning your move ? Yes , I am trying to find good movers now . Do you know any ? Not really . What did you do for your last move ? Since I did not have much staff , I asked my cousin to help me out . Oh . that's very nice of him . Yeah , it was . But I still have some information that I collected last time , and if you want , I will give it to you . Yes , please . How do you do ? How do you do ? My name is Jane Greenwood.Glad to meet you . I'm Mary Smith.Nice to meet you , too . Hi , What's for lunch ? I don't know . What do you want to eat ? I was thinking of pizza . That's what I ate yesterday . Well , what do you want to eat ? I wouldn't mind a burger . I ate a burger just the other day . We're going to have to compromise . You could always get a burger , and I can get a pizza . Sounds good to me . Where can we go to get both ? We can get both at the cafeteria . You ’ Ve been a sales manager for three years . How do you like the job ? I like it very much . If I may ask , are you happy with your salary ? No , I don ’ t mind at all . I receive 3,000 RIB a month , after tax . Is there a bonus system or any other incentive plan in place ? I ’ m afraid there isn ’ t . My boss only pays lip service . What is your salary expectation for this position ? My expectation is in the 3800 to 4500 RIB range . That ’ s the take-home pay . What separates your product from the competition ? Our product features inventory tracking software , which continuously updates and tracks your inventory on a real-time basis . Is the software user-friendly ? Yes it is very easy to use and each system installation comes with a 3 - day employee training seminar . Is this training part of the package or will it cost extra ? Our quoted price includes the software system , installation , 3 day training seminar and ongoing troubleshooting.There are no hidden costs . Are you ready for your big interview tomorrow ? What ’ s to get ready ? Lots ! Have you done any research about the company ? Nope . Have you updated your CV ? Nope . what do we need to get from the supermarket ? we need lots of things . I ’ ll make a list . We need a bag of sugar , a loaf of bread and a crate of beer . a crate of beer ? Why do we need that ? just joking . I would like to get a few bottles of beer though . We also need a liter of cooking oil . we can buy a three-liter bottle . It works out cheaper per liter . We should buy a packet of butter and a few pints of milk too . I ’ d like to get a jar of strawberry jam and a bottle of tomato ketchup . Do we need any meat ? I think we should get half a kilo of minced beef and a few pork chops . ok . Let ’ s not forget fruit and vegetables . We need a bunch of bananas , a kilo of tomatoes and a bag of potatoes . we should also get a tube of toothpaste and a bar of soap . Let ’ s get a tub of ice cream too . We can treat ourselves . ok . We should get a few tins of tuna . Anything else ? I ’ d like a few cans of coke . We also need a dozen eggs and half a dozen sausages . let ’ s get a chunk of cheese too . Is that everything . I think so . I ’ Ve got the shopping list , so let ’ s go . You stink ! I'll go take a shower . Welcome to Lincoln Bank . What can I help you with , Sir ? I'm not sure if I'm at the right counter , but I need some advice on mortgages , can you help me ? Unfortunately , no , I can't . But our specialist can . Please take a seat and our Mortgage Adviser will come out to see you . A specialist ? That's excellent , thanks . No problem , Sir . He'll be with you in just a minute . Could I get you something to drink while you are waiting ? A black coffee with 2 sugars would be much appreciated , thanks . What a wonderful sight ! Yes . I've dreamed a thousand times that I could lie down here to relax . We are tired of jobs and competition . We need a quiet place . I'd like to stay here for all my life if possible . So would I . Look , it might be going to rain . I don't think it will spoil our trip . It will give us better feeling and atmosphere if it rains . Let's kick off our shoes to walk on the green flag stoned roads . That's a good idea ! Would you excuse me ? For what ? I ’ Ve got a business call that I really need to take . All right . I ’ ll call you back later . What do you think of this flat ? It's not really all that good . The bedroom is a little small for us . Small , but it should be enough for our needs . I think . But there's no hot water after 10 at night . Sometimes I like to have a hot shower before bed . especially in the winter . It feels good . That's true . But I love the living room ; it's huge and filled with sunshine . True , and I like the kitchen . It's new and well equipped . It has a great balcony with an incredible view of the park . You're right . The view is spectacular . But that bedroom is so small . We'd never be able to fit all of our stuff in there . Maybe we could get some new furniture . Better stuff . I haven't thought of that . Can I reserve a room from the 13th to the 18th ? Certainly . How do you like your room ? I'd like a suite . What's the rate ? $ 40 per night . What's the rate for a station wagon ? The daily rate is $ 22 per mile . Good . I'll take it right now , if possible . Can I see your license , please ? Of course . I have my own license and an international license . That's fine . Fill out this form and let me see your credit card , please . A friend told me might find a room here . Yes . I'll have a room free next week . What do you charge ? 12,000 yuan a year , but you can't have visitors live in it . OK . Would it be all right to look at the room first ? Could you come back later ? We're right in the middle of dinner . Fill it up with premium , please . Sure . Should I check your radiator ? No , that's OK . How much do I owe you ? That'll be ¥ 150 . Could I ask some questions regarding to the social benefits ? Go ahead , please . How long is my paid vacation every year ? You'll have 10 days paid vacation every year . What about the insurance and housing policies ? We will provide you with life insurance , health insurance , accident insurance , housing benefits , heating allowance and transportation allowance . How often is the bonus ? You ’ ll be paid a bonus at the end of every year . Do I have training opportunities ? We provide our employees with training opportunities at home and abroad . Well , I don ’ t have any other questions so far . I would like to think for a couple of days before I give you my final answer . Sure . I will ask Lucy to call you in two days . Ok , thank you for your time and patience . You ’ re welcome . Mom , my nose is bleeding . What happened , Peter ? Did you have a fight ? No , mom . I didn't . Did somebody hit you ? Or did you just fall ? Mom ! I was just picking my nose , and now it's bleeding . Excellent Cleaner ’ s.May I help you ? Yes.Will you check if my suit is ready to go , please ? Your name , please ? Bill Smith . I remember your name . Wait for a moment , please . I ’ ll check it for you . Is this black one yours ? No , it ’ s a dark brown suit . I see . Is this yours ? Right . It ’ s ready to go . Thanks . Good afternoon , ma'am . Can I help you find anything ? No , thanks . I'm just looking . We have a special on these skirts this week . Would you like to try one on ? No , thank you . I don't need any skirts . How about a blouse ? This one here is the latest fashion . No , thank you . Why not try on this lovely pair of shorts ? I'm sure they'd look fabulous on you . No doubt . Look , I'm just browsing . If I need your help , I'll let you know . Take a look at this dress . Don't you think it's perfect for you , ma'am ? Uh , where are you going , ma'am ? Ma'am ? Is Tom available please ? He's on the other line , can you hold for a minute ? Sure . He'll be right with you . We'd better have a brief talk about the loading port . We are always willing to choose the big ports as the loading ports . What's your unloading port , please ? As most of our clients are near Tianjin , we'd like to appoint Tangle as the unloading port . Hello , Fairbrook Consulting , how may I help you ? Yes , this is Julianne Horton , and I ’ m calling to arrange an appointment with Ms . McNeal . Certainly , what day were you thinking of ? How ’ s Thursday ? Does she have any time available then ? Um . . . let me double check . . . unfortunately , she ’ s booked solid on Thursday , how does next Monday work for you ? Actually , I ’ Ve got something scheduled on Monday.Can she do Tuesday ? Sure , Tuesday ’ s perfect . May I ask where you ’ re calling from ? Sure , Merton Financial Advisors . Oh , actually , Tuesday ’ s no good . Sorry about that . How do you think the report I wrote ? Not bad . But there is more room for improvement . I jumped the gun . There were some gaps in your report . Please be more sorrow . Yes , I overlooked some facts . I ’ ll be more sorrow . Have you ever done your shopping at Whole Foods market ? I haven't shopped there . How is the food ? The food there is wonderful . I go to Sons for my groceries . I prefer the food at Whole Foods . Is there something wrong with Sons ? Sons doesn't offer a lot of organic foods . Do they offer organic foods at Whole Foods ? Yes , that's the place to go to get healthier food . Maybe I'll try that store out . If you like Sons , then I'm sure you'll love Whole Foods . You're making me a believer . What's up , how are you ? I'm splendid . How about yourself ? Could be better . So , have you been on the bus very long ? I got on about fifteen minutes ago . How often do you ride the bus ? I usually just drive . You have your own vehicle ? Yes , I have my own car . So then , why don't you drive it ? I'm waiting for our President to lower the gas prices . Smart . What is your name , please ? My name is Sun lin . How old are you ? I am twenty-five years old . May I ask your birth date ? Yes , my birth date is September 22 , 1977 . Where do you live now ? I live at 606 Zhongguancun Road , Apt 802 , Beijing . Then tell me your birthplace . My birthplace is Nanjing . Ok , I know you are not a resident of Beijing . Where is your domicile place then ? My domicile place is Nanjing , too . That's the transfer completed . Can I do anything else for you today ? Yes . I want to deposit some money into my Savings Account , please . Could I have your Savings Book and the money , please . You are making a deposit of 800 RIB , is that correct ? Correct . Please enter your PIN number on the keypad . There we go . Thanks very much . Doctor , here's my report for my IVP examination . Let me have a look . Can you see there's a stone in your kidney ? Oh , yes , is it dangerous ? No , but it's painful . Do I have to have an operation ? No , it's not necessary since the stone is not big . Good , I can still attend the Olympic Games . Yes , you're lucky . But you should go to the Ultrasonic Department to disperse the stone . Meanwhile , I'll give you some herbal medicine . Oh , I've heard a lot about the Chinese herbal medicine . I believe it will work . Just whose fault is this damage ? The order was in good shape when it left out factory . It certainly didn't arrive here that way . We'll make it right with you , of course . How about taking the damaged portion at a lower price ? What kind of price did you want ? I was thinking of 30 % off . That will probably be Ok . I ’ m glad to have the opportunity of visiting your corporation . I hope to conclude some substantial business with you . It ’ s a great pleasure to meet you , Mr . Brown . I believe you have seen our exhibits in the showroom . May I know what particular items you ’ re interested in ? I ’ m interested in your hardware . I ’ Ve seen the exhibits and studied your catalogues . I think some of the items will find a ready market in Canada . Here is a list of my requirements , for which I ’ d like to have your lowest quotations , C . I . F . Vancouver . Thank you for your inquiry . Would you tell us the quantity you require so that we can work out the offers ? I ’ ll do that . Meanwhile , could you give me an indication of price ? Here are our F . O . B . price lists . All the prices in the lists are subject to our confirmation . What about the commission ? From European suppliers I usually get a 3 to 5 percent commission for my imports . It ’ s the general practice . As a rule we don ’ t allow any commission . But if the order is a substantial one , we ’ ll consider it . You see , but I do business on a commission basis . A commission on your prices would make it easier for me to promote sales . Even two or three percent would help . That ’ s something we can discuss later . What's the cost of the trousers ? $ 90 . Is there a price reduction ? Sorry , sir . The prices here are all fixed . I have a question about my payment and need someone to help me . Yes , I would be happy to answer a question about payment . What do you need help with ? I can ’ t figure out why my paycheck this week is smaller than last week ’ s . Did you generate any income during that time period ? I made a little bit of money , but not much . Did that income show up on your last Continued Claim Form ? I claimed the work I did on the last Continued Claim Form . When you are able to find work and get paid , we always take away part of your check . That being the case , I don ’ t think that I am going to show the income next time . Don ’ t do it ! If you get caught making false statements , you can have your claim closed . Hello ! We ’ Ve been waiting for our lunch order for over an hour . Did you forget our order ? I ’ m sorry , sir . Could you tell me your name and order again , please ? I ’ ll check on the delay . The name ’ s Stanley Morris and the order was for two chef ’ s salads . Thank you , Mr . Morris . Please wait one moment and let me check on the order . Would you like anything to drink , sir ? On the house . Excuse me , is this the parcel post counter ? No , it's at counter 1 , right over there . ( At counter 1 . ) Do you take parcels here ? Yes . I want to send this package to Los Angeles , please . Do you want to send it by air or by regular mail ? I'd like to send it by regular mail . I ’ ll have to weigh it first . 120 yuan , please . Here is 200 . Your change , please . Thank you . I'd like to make a reservation to Los Angels for next Monday . Just a second and I'll check the schedule . I'll need an economy ticket with an open return . American Airlines has a flight leaving at 9:25 a . m . I guess that's OK . What time should I check in ? You have to be there two hours before departure time . Could I ask you for a favor ? My laser printer is out of ink and I need to print out something urgent . If you don ’ t mind , I would like to send you these files . Could you then print these for me ? Sure , just send me through internal mail . Thanks , Vivian . No problem at all . Welcome . Cute ... Here . These beans are already ground . Now for step three So soon ? You have to brew the grinds while they're fresh and drink it immediately for the best flavor . OK ! Hurry , then ! Here's my cup . I can't wait for step four ! There is no step four ... Yes , there is , drinking your coffee ! This is the route I thought we could take on our hike on Saturday afternoon . How long is it altogether ? It ’ s about six or seven miles . That ’ s about ten kilometers . That sounds OK . So , we start here at the car park and walk along the path to the waterfall . Right . Then we turn left and walk up this small hill . The view from the top of the hill is worth the climb . We can eat a snack there . Then we will follow this path down the hill to the old church . We can spend a few minutes looking around the church . Then , we turn right and walk along this path . This path leads to the cave . Can we look inside the cave ? Yes , we can , but it isn ’ t very interesting . Then we turn south and come back to the car park along this path . That ’ s right . How long do you think it will take us to complete the walk ? I think it will take about four hours , including breaks . That ’ s fine . Are there signposts along the way , in case we get lost ? Yes , there are . They tell use which way to go and how far we have to walk . Bob returned from Japan last week . You know that ? Yeah . I met him yesterday.He ' s no longer the same young man as he was eight years ago . I think so , too . What does it cost to ride this bus ? The fare is $ 1.25 . Have you been driving buses a long time ? I haven't been driving for long — only for a few months . Do you like to drive the bus ? Not in the least bit . I would have never dreamed of ever becoming a bus driver . I never dreamed of doing this either . The only thing I like about it is the money . It was really fun chatting with you . It was really nice talking to you too . Have a good one . I'll have a good day once this day is over . Oh , my God ! What's this ? What ? Look ! This window is open . Did you open it before we left ? Are you kidding ? It's winter . Why would I open it ? I don't know . Wait . Is this yours ? No ! Oh , my God ! Someone has broken into the house . It looks that way . That's probably why the door wasn't locked when we came in . I locked it when I left though . Yes , but the robber broke in.Then , when he left , he left through the door . So it wasn't locked . I don't care about that , Allen ! What did he steal ? That's the question ! Look around . The TV's still here . And your stereo too . So what did he steal ? We have to go look upstairs . But what if someone's still up there ? I don't think there will be . He left through the door , remember ? Have you got any outdoor interests ? Yes . My only recreation is skateboarding . Oh , I know it . It is included in extreme sports . I think it's too dangerous for me . Maybe . But it emphasizes participation and a spirit of courage , and can give one the extreme sense of cheerfulness and success . I'm getting to like the game more and more . I ’ m deeply grateful for all you ’ Ve done . You ’ re welcome . I enjoyed helping you . I have a sweet tooth . Chocolate is my favorite . So how about you ? So do I . I can't stand being with you any more . I'm sick of your drinking . I swear I never drink again . Just give me another chance , please . How many chances have I given you , I've given up on you . You know how hard I try to quit , I've lost without you . I am mot let you go . It's not just for your drinking . But you are lacking sense of responsibility . I have to make money to support the family , so I have little time left to share with you . Even if I was seriously ill you couldn't spare a moment . I told you I happened to be more important meeting at that time . I just don't trust you any more . Room Reservations . May I help you ? I'd like to cancel a reservation . In whose name was the reservation made ? Jim White . What was the date of the reservation ? From November 21st for 4 nights . Excuse me , but is the reservation for yourself or for another party ? It's for myself . May I have your name and phone number , please ? Yes , it's Zheg In and my number is 3811658 . Thank you , sir . I will cancel Mr . White's reservation from November 21st for 4 nights . We look forward to another chance to serve you . May I take your order now ? Yes . Do you have any specials today ? I recommend the roast pork chops . I have never tasted that . I would like to have a try today . Hey , Doug ! How ’ d it go at that meeting yesterday ? I know you were pretty anxious about it . Fantastic ! I got the promotion ! Great ! When do you take over ? After the new year . Is the room ready for the meeting , Miss Chen ? Yes , Mr . Li . How about the microphone and speakers ? I also have done it . Good . Have you prepared some paper and pencils for the participants ? Yes . They have been laid by their name cards on the meeting table for each attendant . Sandrawu Chunk International . Hello , Miss Wu , This is Dan Robson calling from OTC limited . I'd like to check my last order . When exactly was it sent out ? I can check that for you right now . Would you mind holding ? Sure . No problem . Mr . Robson , I'm sorry . Our computer system is down . Could I call you back later ? Sure . Do you have my number ? Yes , I have it right here . I'm so sorry about this . No problem . I'll wait for your call . Excuse me . which way is to the post office ? The post office.Sorry . I ’ m not sure . Well . Thanks any way Crown Hotel . Reservation Desk . Can I help you ? Yes , I'd like to book a room at your hotel . What kind of room would you like , sir ? We have single rooms , double rooms , suites and deluxe suites in our hotel . I'd like to book a single room with a bath from the afternoon of October 2nd to the morning of October 6th . All right . What is the rate , please ? The current rate is $ 100 per night . What services come with that ? For $ 100 you'll have a radio , a color television , a telephone and a major international newspaper delivered to your room every day . That sounds not bad at all . I'll take it . Excuse me , sir . But please call an ambulance . My friend suddenly got a sharp pain in the stomach . Is he all right ? There's a big hospital just around the corner . Oh , is there ? Will you find someone to take us to the hospital then ? All right , sir . I'll have someone to take you there . By the way , is he insured ? Yes , he is . I'm glad to hear that . In case he's not insured , the hospital will never accepts any patient . Welcome to Al ’ s Garage . What seems to be the problem ? No problem at all ! I am taking a long road trip and I want to make sure my car is in good mechanical condition . Very wise decision . When was the last time you had a tune up ? Not that long ago , I think it was four months ago . We usually recommend that you bring your car in every five thousand kilometers . Why ? I mean , what exactly do you do to a car that you need to check it so often ? First of all , we change the motor oil and oil filter . If you don ’ t do this , it can cause your engine to wear faster and that means you would probably have to change the pistons and intake valves . I see . What else ? We also check your spark plugs , fuel filter , and other oil levels such as hydraulic fluid . We also check the clutch and brakes to determine when you will need new ones . Ok , well , when you put it that way , it doesn ’ t seem like a waste of time and money . Trust me , regular tune ups will keep your car running smoothly and avoid break downs . Which aisle has the produce ? Aisle A is where you'll find all the produce . Are cherries on sale today ? I don't know , but I'm sure the produce person can tell you . Welcome to IBA Consumer Credit . What can I assist you with ? My family really needs a car , we live quite far out of the town centre , but unfortunately we cannot afford to pay out such a large sum of money in one go . That's a problem facing many young families nowadays , and we are sympathetic to the problem . That's why we have just started a new scheme ; a Personal Automobile Consumer Loan . Great , I just hope I qualify ! Could you tell me some more ? Can I use the money to buy the car from anywhere ? What we usually do is find a suitable car dealer for you , who offer the type of car that you need . If it's a family car that you want , we have a very reliable dealer already contracted to us . Then I can go to this appointed dealer , see what they've got and then make a decision ? Yes . When you have decided exactly what you want and have a purchase price we can begin to process the loan . As long as you provide the proper documentation , of course . What do you require ? A correctly filled in application form , ID card , proof of residency , proof of income , the agreement from the agent and of course the 20 % down payment . That sounds fine . If you could give me the name and address of the dealer I'll go over there now and see what they've got . The operation in the lab is radioactive and dangerous , so work with care . Have you got ear muffs and gloves ? Do I have to wear ear muffs and gloves ? I am not used to working with them on . Yes , you have to . It is a safety rule of the company . You could not only lose your job but your hearing if you don't . OK . I'll go and get a pair of them . Can I help you ? How much is it ? Eight films and a bar of chocolate . That's $ 38 , sir . Can you accept a check ? Sorry sir.We can't . Cash only . Here's two twenties.Keep the change . Thank you.Have a nice day . Liz , do you have a minute ? Yes , of course . What is it ? I need you to help me set up for my presentation Thursday morning . Okay , what should I do ? Well , it isn't at this office . It's over at the Dayton Street office.Have you been there before ? Yes , of course . I have to go there every Tuesday . Good . So you will have no trouble finding it . What's the presentation about ? I will talk about developing sales through our website.All the branch heads will be there , and most of the staff . Will you need anything special for the presentation ? Well , I need the display monitor.But Tom can set that up for me on Wednesday . I will need you to help with everything else . I suppose you need the whiteboard set up . I've got some great news for you ! did you get the position you wanted ? yes , I'll be promoted to department manager . I'm glad to hear that . Congratulations ! thank you . Actually , I could not believe it at first . You know , there're so many outstanding people in our company . Many of them are qualified to fill that position . sure , but you really did great and outperformed the others . You deserved it ! thank you very much . you always have unique ideas and you're such a team leader . I appreciate it very much . You've been doing great . I expect to see you be promoted pretty soon . that's very nice of you to say so . I'll try my best . When will you start at the new position ? next week . so by then , you'll be in charge of the whole department . absolutely . I want to start a tradition of family vacations with our family right now before we have kids . You want to make sure it's good solid habit before anything else takes its place , like work ? Yes , so this year we are going to take our first family vacation , just you and I . And where are we going to go ? I don't know yet . Are we going all out or just starting with a mini family vacation ? I want to go all out if we can afford it . Well , I was looking in this magazine the other day and cruises are not very expensive at all . Take a look at this ! About my driving test , did I do well ? You did a fabulous job . Are you telling me that I passed the test ? That's what I'm telling you . What did I mess up on ? You did mess up a little on one thing . Tell me . You had a little trouble on your parallel parking . That's not easy for me . That's something that you really need to work on . Am I still going to get my license ? You're still going to get it . What do you think we need to do to get our new branch office running well ? First , I'd make sure that we have a good , local , corporate lawyer . He or she will know all the local laws and regulations . That ’ s very important . A friend recommended a good law firm to me . We ’ ll need someone to hire staff . I think that we should send one of our HR people to do that . I don ’ t think we should use an agency , because they won ’ t be familiar with the type of people we employ . Have we decide on the location of the branch office ? Yes . We have . We chose the location in the northeast of the city , not too far from the airport and on the edge of the CBD . Why didn ’ t we choose an office in the CBD ? The offices there were too expensive . Have we negotiated any contracts yet ? Yes . We ’ Ve signed two contracts with companies that we already do work for in other countries . We hope to sign another three this month . When will the branch office open ? Hopefully next month . Everything is a little rushed . We should be able to set up our branch office and expand our business quickly . Has and advertising campaign been prepared ? Yes , it has . We ’ re going to target the business community through business magazine . I made plenty of business contract on my last visit and through the embassy . We should be able to get plenty of customers . May I help you ? I'd like to cash this check , please . Do you have an account with us ? Yeah . Here's my identification card . Do you want large or small bills ? Actually , I want to buy some traveler's checks . What denomination ? Twenties would be fine . Do you want the whole amount in traveler's check ? Yes , please . I will take part in the finals soon . Come on . I stand behind you . Jim , what do you think of that first interviewee ? Well , he looked sharp and he came across as a very confident guy . Okay , what about the first woman ? She looked a little rough around the edges but had great skills . All right , and what about the older gentle ? He was very distinguished , maybe a bit over-qualified . Ohhhh . I hate this part of my job . Why don't you go over the resumes again ? They might help you decide who to hire . Could I trouble you for a minute , Mr . Graham ? Sure , Emily . How can I help you ? I would like to leave a few minutes early today . Would that be all right ? That ’ s fine , as long as you can get that report typed up before you leave . Maintenance Department . May I come in ? Come in , please . Did you call us ? Yes . The television is not working properly . What's the problem ? The remote control doesn't work . I turned on the television , but I can't change the channel . Let me have a look . I think the batteries should be changed . Let me replace them with new ones . Now , it's working . That's great . Is there anything else I can do for you ? No , thanks . If you have any problems , just call us . OK . Thank you . Melissa ? I ’ d like to invite you to my wife ’ s birthday party . Thanks , Frank . I ’ d love to come . When is it ? Her birthday is on the 9th . We ’ re going to have dinner at a Mexican restaurant , and then maybe go out dancing . Sounds like fun . You can count me in ! Just give me directions to the restaurant . Let's go to Burger Queen for lunch . They have good cheese burgers . OK . I am hungry , too . I like their milkshake . They're very creamy and tasty . Look at the long line , there are always a lot of people waiting in lines just for the cheese burger . It must be very delicious . Yup . But , this also means we have to wait to order our food . Come on . It is worth waiting . Their cheese burgers are really popular . Once you have it , you will love it . Well , sounds very attractive . I just tried their vanilla milkshake last time , and it was really delicious . Yup , they have good French fries as well . Not very thick , but crispy enough . You should try them with some mayonnaise sauce . That is the Belgium style . You will love it . OK , I think I know what to order for my lunch now . But , eating too much fried food really makes me fat . Come on . You just have it once in a while , not every day . It will not harm you . That's true . You can hear my tummy grumbling . I am really hungry ! Be patient . Good food never comes fast . Ok ! May I help you ? Give me six-piece chicken nuggets , a large fries , and a large coke . You will need to wait a few minutes for fries . They're still in the fryer . That's fine . Your total comes to 7 dollars . Here's 20 . Thank you . Your cash back is 13 dollars . Pull into a parking states , and we'll bring you your fries in two minutes . Thanks . have you read the feature article about Oprah Winfrey in this magazine ? no , what's it about ? apparently , she's being given an award for donating so much money to charity . she's very generous with her money . I think that's because she was poor when she was young . I heard that she's one of the wealthiest women in the world . I'd believe it . She owns magazines , television shows and she has a huge fan base . you know ; I heard that she was opening a school for underprivileged girls in Africa . did they mention that in the article ? yes , she's not only building the school , but is also using her own money for the upkeep of the school and to pay the teachers a fair salary . that's really commendable . I think more celebrities should use their money to help people like Oprah has . I agree . So many celebrities waste their money on sports cars , expensive clothing , and luxurious hotels . it's amazing how much money they can spend . I heard Britney Spears once spent $ 24,000 a night on a hotel room ! what a waste . It's good to see some stars that are more concerned with charity than status symbols . What kind of jobs have you had ? I worked as a personnel manager in a state-owned company , and then I transferred to a joint venture as a sales manager . So I am familiar with the exile market in China . How did your previous employers treat you ? They treated me very well . We cooperated harmoniously and respected each other . What have you learned from the jobs you have had ? I have learned some skills about how to deal with clients and how to behave myself as a personnel manager . When you worked in your previous company , which did you prefer , working with other people or by yourself ? I prefered working with other colleagues when I worked in my previous company . I think teamwork and cooperation are very important . No matter how competent he or she is in a company , he can't do without them . Excuse me , sir . Can you tell me where I can buy some chocolates ? Two rows up on the right . We have various kinds of chocolates . Thank you . How much is this kind of chocolate ? $ 10 a kilo . Hello . This is Lucy from ABC Company . Is this Monica ? Yes . I am calling to inform you that you have passed the first two rounds of interview . Could you please come for the final round ? It is scheduled on the morning of next Monday 10AM in the HR manager office . Thank you for calling me . I will be there on time . Ok , see you then , bye . Bye . Print shop . Seam speaking . Hi , Sean . It ’ s Mary in Mr . Emory ’ s office . I placed an order for 1,000 bound copies of a staff manual last week . It usually takes 2 to 3 weeks to complete a job like that . Well , I was hoping you would do me a big favor . That was supposed to be a rush order , I forgot to tell you . I ’ m getting a lot of flak from my boss . Good morning . Good morning . What's the problem ? I'm running a high fever and feeling terribly bad . How long have you had that problem ? Since last night . Then , you'd better go to the Medical Department . But first , you should fill in the registration card and the registration fee is one Yuan . Fine . But can you tell me how to get to the Medical Department , please ? Take the lift to the third floor and then go along until you see the sign on your right . Thanks a lot . You're welcome . Johnny , have you tidied up your room yet ? Not yet , Mom . Why are you on such a cleanliness kick anyway ? Do I have to remind you that your grandma is arriving tonight ? Oh , my God , I forgot grandma's coming ! Yes , so this place had better be clean . You know Grandma ... ... I know I'll be killed if I pee on the toilet seat . And Steve is going to look after you until we come back . Good morning , Madam . This is room service , may I help you ? Good morning . I'd like to reserve some rooms for a tourist party . All right . What kind of room would you like ? You see , we are tourists whose requests are different , so please tell me more about it , will you ? It's my pleasure . We have single rooms , double rooms , suites and luxury suites , ect . Well , here is an introduction to our hotel . That's great . I'd like to book four single rooms , five double rooms and three suites . All right , madam . For which dates do you want to book the rooms ? From tomorrow till January 8th . That's five days in all . I see . Now please fill out the form . Here you are . Is everything OK ? Just a minute , madam . You should pay a deposit of 500 yuan beforehand . OK . Here you are . Thank you . Please keep this receipt . Thank you . By the way , is there any preferential rate for the party ? Yes , there is a 15 percent discount . That's wonderful . Thank you . You're welcome . I hope all of you will have a good time here . Good afternoon , sir , is there anything I can help you with today ? umm ... yeah ! I ’ m looking for a nice gift to give my girlfriend . Our fifth anniversary ’ s next Friday . Well , I would be happy to assist you in choosing the perfect gift for her . Is there anything particular that you have in mind ? No , not really ... I ’ m completely at a loss . Well , you can give her a set of pearl earrings , or this beautiful heart-shaped pendant . What is her favorite gemstone ? That purple one . I ’ m sorry ... I ’ Ve never bought jewellery for anyone and I ’ m kind of nervous . Don ’ t worry , we specialize in providing our customers a relaxed , pressure-free shopping environment . That stone is an amethyst . We have a range of beautiful amethyst pieces . Take a look at this bracelet . It ’ s 18K rose-gold , studded with amethyst and blue topaz . It ’ s a great statement piece . Oh ... wow . That ’ s really pretty.Jess would love that . But ... I was thinking of something a little more delicate , perhaps a necklace ? We have this beautiful platinum pendant , or you could also get her a locket . You could also get her a timepiece — it ’ s both glamorous yet functional.If you tell me a little more about your girlfriend , maybe I can help you find something for her . Jess ? Well , she ’ s very smart , and has a great sense of humor . She ’ s very feminine ... Perhaps you could give her a ring ? Well ... actually ... I was thinking about asking Jess to marry me ... I ’ Ve just been so nervous . Well sir , I believe your fifth anniversary is a great time to propose ! Okay , I ’ Ve decided . I ’ m going to pop the question ! Fabulous ! We should look at engagement rings then ! Now that ’ s a whole other section . Hello , ABC Company . Hello , could I speak to Mr . Wang , please ? I am sorry . He's out in a meeting now . Could I ask who is calling ? This is Mr . Smith of XYZ Company . When will he be back ? He'll be back at about five in the afternoon . Could I take a message ? Yes , Please tell him I called and ask him to return my call as soon as possible . It's about the PPT contract . All right , Mr . Smith . I'll be sure he gets your message . Hi , are you busy ? Hi , I was just coming to see you.But since you made the trek to my office , you get to go first . Okay , I'm putting together a report on the Allied Marketing Co . failure , and I seem to have run into a stone wall . Can you help me out ? Well , I can try , what do you need ? You were there when the problem started . I was hoping you could fill me in on the details . Sure , no problem.But I need something from you . Name it . I'm supposed to have this package ready for mailing out tomorrow morning and I'm miles away from being ready.Can you edit this product study I wrote while I do these ? All right , I can do that , and as soon as we finish this , we can both work on my problem . That works for me . Give me the study . I'll start as soon as I get back to my office . Here's a print out of the study , and this is a disc with the full report on it.The file name is product study , this is and extra copy so you can do whatever you want with it . Good morning , I ’ d like to book a flight from Beijing to Shanghai , please . I see . When are you travelling ? I ’ d like to fly next Friday . Is that a return journey or just one-way ? One-way , please . I ’ m flying back to London from Shanghai . Ok . That will be 1400RMB please . How long is the flight ? It ’ s about three hours . Why did the boss come down on Joe like a ton of bricks . He spoke evil behind his back . How did he know that he had bad mouthed him ? Someone told joe off . He is then in a very difficult situation . Sure . He ’ ll get the bag . I think . What are you working on ? I'm figuring out my budget . What budget ? I'm making a shopping budget , so that I don't spend too much money . How much money can you spend ? I can only spend $ 300 a month . Why only $ 300 ? I need to save the rest . For what ? I need to pay my bills . Your budget is a good idea . I know . It's going to save me a lot of money , I hope . Could I speak to Mr . Wu , please ? Who ’ s calling , please ? This is Kevin . Hold on a second , please . Hello , excuse me ! Hello ! Is there anything I can help you with ? Yes . I wanna know where I can get on the bus going downtown . Go straight then turn right , and you will see a big bus station there . Ok , I see . Thank you ! You are welcome ! Evan , are you busy right now ? Not really . What ’ s up ? Well , I need a hand with the fax machine . My fax is not going through . I ’ m kind of useless in that area , but I ’ ll take a look at it . Ah , thanks . Good afternoon , Mr Meng ! It's nice to see you today . It's been a while , hasn't it ? Hello , Miao Ping . Yes , it has . I've been in Saudi Arabia for the last 6 weeks on business . I did have a little time to relax in Dubai , though . I envy you , Mr Meng ! What can I do for you today ? I need to effect a payment under my L / C . Not the old one , the new one my Assistant came in and dealt with last week . Right . Do you have the code for that one ? It's DG193445782100 . Can you find it ? Here it is . Have you got the advice slip with you ? You have sufficient funds in the account , so we can go ahead . What are you waiting for ? Get on that bus quickly . But where do I get a ticket ? On the bus . The driver collects the fares . You'll have to take your luggage on board . Oh , I wish I didn ’ t have so much to carry . I need somebody to come over and fix my internet . What's wrong with it ? For some reason it's just not connecting . How long have you been having this problem ? It hasn't been working the past few days . Does the internet come up at all ? It does , but it won't connect to anything . Well , the internet isn't down , so there must be something wrong with your connection . Could you send someone to fix it today ? I'll send somebody over right away to fix it . When will they be here ? They should be there in the next hour . What happens if we make a deal and thirty to sixty days after delivery the price goes down and you didn't get the best possible price ? How do I handle that ? Well , these things happens , I know that . You just have to stay straight with me . Right ! So how do I do that ? What will make you happy ? Well , I suggest you just keep me posted.That should do it.That way the burden is on me to decide when to buy , not you . Excuse me ? Yeah , it really is that simple.Every time there's a change in the items we do business on , you let me know . That's all you need to do . What kind of change , just in prices ? No , any change . I want you to keep me as informed as you are . I need to know as much as you do . If you hear about something that might happen , then tell me about it.Tell me it's rumor , what it's based on and your opinion on how likely it is . You mean on product availability , reliability and price ? No , everthing.Those things for sure , but also labor problems , raw materials , new subcontractors , mergers , in short , anything and everything.So I can make a fully informed decision . So it's like you want me to be your eyes and ears into the industry . I can do that , provided the company I'm working for isn't hurt . I think we'll get along fine . Let's eat out . Good idea . Welcome to Bill ’ s Fabric World . What can I do for you today ? I was wondering if you guys also tailor clothes ? Sure we do ! We have the best tailors in the country ! What is it that you need exactly ? Well , I ’ m looking to get a custom-made suit . Excellent ! We have the finest cashmeres at affordable prices.How about we get you measured ? Let ’ s start off by measuring the width of your shoulders . Now , let ’ s measure the length of your arms and this bit around your neck here . Can you make sure you leave a little extra space in the collar ? My neck gets easily irritated . No problem ! Now for your pants , let me just measure your waist and the inseam . You might also want to leave a little extra room in the waist area . I tend to gain a few pounds over the holidays . OK.Now you can pick your fabric and pattern design . Please follow me . Can you exchange this for US dollars , please ? Just fill out this form , will you ? OK . Here . How would you like it ? Five tens , five fives and the rest in ones , please . Here you are . Thank you . Welcome to Bill ’ s Fabric World . What can I do for you today ? I was wondering if you guys also tailor clothes ? Sure we do ! We have the best tailors in the country ! What is it that you need exactly ? Well , I ’ m looking to get a custom-made suit . Excellent ! We have the finest cashmeres at affordable prices.How about we get you measured ? Let ’ s start off by measuring the width of your shoulders . Now , let ’ s measure the length of your arms and this bit around your neck here . Can you make sure you leave a little extra space in the collar ? My neck gets easily irritated . No problem ! Now for your pants , let me just measure your waist and the inseam . You might also want to leave a little extra room in the waist area . I tend to gain a few pounds over the holidays . OK.Now you can pick your fabric and pattern design . Please follow me . Sorry , I need a trip to the bog . Please yourself . Good afternoon , Ma ’ am , My name is Mike and I am selling subscriptions to all sorts of periodicals . No , thank you , I am not interested . Please ma ’ am , if you could spare five minutes of your time , I am sure we could find something that interests you ! I wish I could , but I have to walk the dog and finish cooking so if you would excuse me . We have a great variety of magazines all about cooking ! This one for example , is a bi monthly publication with recipes from all over the world ! Wow , that would be kind of useful , do you have any other cooking magazines ? Sure do ! This one is a quarterly publication , but each issue has over 200 color pages of recipes and also many home decorating ideas ! Wow , this is nice ! Ok , sign me up for both publications . You mentioned you have a dog , most pet owners sign up for this weekly newsletter that has information on dog care , pet shops and even pet sitters ! That is exactly what I needed ! What else do you have ? Well , I also have ... Excuse me , could I have a menu please ? Here you are . I want to try the local specialty . Can you recommend me some ? Sure . I think filet steak will be a good choice . It's the best local food . Fine , bring us double . Why are you in court today ? I got a ticket , and I would like to fight it . Is the officer that pulled you over here today ? He's here . Tell me what happened . The officer says that I ran a red light , but I didn't . The officer wouldn't lie about that . He must've , because the signal had a camera on top of it . There was no picture taken of your license plate ? I don't believe it took my picture . I'm just going to let you go . I appreciate that . Is that a no-smoking sign ? Yes , it is . As you know , some of the materials we use are highly-flammable so we have a very strict non-smoking policy in the factory . What does that sign mean ? It means there must be no naked flames or sparks anywhere near flammable materials . If the materials ignite , it could cause a serious fire and the fumes they give off can be very dangerous if you inhale them . How much is the admission fee for a student ? We offer a reduction of 50 % and comes to $ 10 . Here you are . Where is the museum guide ? Well , here you are . Is it free ? Of course . To start with , may I know why you are interested in working for our company ? First of all , as far as I know , your company has had impressive records in business . Second , I want to enter the foreign trade field . What was your chief responsibility in your past work ? I am in charge of marketing activities in South-East Asia , for example , organizing trade conferences and arranging exhibitions . OK . Here's the final drawing ! It's for the trip ! And the winner is ... Vivian , again ! I don't believe it ! Our red underwear didn't do any good at all ! Well , there are still some consolation prizes . We can go up to the front and pick them up . So , what did you win ? A lousy desk lamp . And you ? A bar of soap ! Look at Vivian ! She thinks she's the cat's meow ! Why don't you go talk to her and find out what her secret was this year . hello , this is the International Student Office . My name is Leah . How may I help you ? I'd like to speak to the Ms . Collins , please . ok . Can I ask who is calling , please ? this is Nathaniel Brown . and what is your call regarding ? I'd like to talk to her about my accommodation situation . ok , I'll try and put you through . Please hold . ok . ... sorry , her line is busy at the moment . Can I take a message ? sure . Can you have her call me back on my cell phone number ? ok . What's your number ? it's 0-7- 7-8- 7-3- 6-7- 6-8- 8 . let me repeat that back to you . That's zero , double seven , eight , seven , three , six , seven , double six , double eight . no , there's no double six at the of the number . It's just zero , double seven , eight , seven , three , six , seven , six , double eight . I got it . When should I have her call you back ? anytime before 6 pm tonight . ok , Nathaniel . I'll have Ms . Collins call you back sometime tonight before 6 pm . thank you ! bye ! bye ! Hi , this is Tom Port . May I speak to Mr . Smith ? Mr . Smith is not in his office . I am afraid he will not be back before 3 pm . Would you care to speak to Mr . Brown who takes all the calls in his absence ? No . Thanks . Can I leave a message for Mr . Smith ? OK , I'll tell him that you called . IBA , Maria speaking . How can I help ? Hello , I called earlier regarding interest rates on loans . Sorry , I just have a couple more questions . I'm here to help . Tell me your questions and I'll do my best to answer them . What if I require a loan for a short period of time ? What repayment period were you thinking of ? Say , 6 months ? Or less in fact . I want to repay the loan ASAP ; I don't like debt hanging over my head . A wise decision . If you decide to take out a short-term loan with us , say for 6 months or less , the interest rate shall be for that of a 6 - month loan . What if I repay it early . Any perks ? Well , we could adjust the interest rate based on the original rate and the amount of days you actually borrowed the money for . So , the quicker I pay it back , the more I can save in interest ? That's excellent . Thanks so much for your information . I'll come in shortly to take the relevant steps for the loan . It's our pleasure . We are always happy to have another satisfied customer . Thanks for calling . Goodbye . Can I reserve a hotel room ? I assure you , that's not a problem . What is your full name , please ? My name's John Sandals . It's a pleasure to assist you . Please tell me when you'll be needing the room , sir . If my plans don't change , I'll need a room April 14 till April 17 . Sir , our room prices are slightly higher than you may have thought . Will that be okay ? Tell me how much it will be , and I can tell you if it's okay . Only $ 308 per night , before taxes , of course . $ 308 a night ? That's a fair price . Now , as for the room , sir , do you prefer smoking or nonsmoking ? Nonsmoking , please . Nonsmoking . Now , sir , does a single queen-size bed meet your approval ? I have absolutely no problem with that . Queen , nonsmoking . Okay , sir , your room is reserved . Now if you'll just give me your phone number . Not a problem . The number is 626-555-1739 . Thank you for making a reservation with us . We look forward to seeing you in April ! Hi , Mary , can I have a minute ? Sure , what's up ? Well , actually I want to tell you that I've put in notice . Really ? Why ? Many reasons . I've been here for too long . Next year will be my five-year anniversary . I want a change of setting . Besides , our company is downsizing . I don't want to stay on just to be let go . But they wouldn't lay you off ! You are the most experienced project manager in the company . Maybe . But that's not kept the new boss from breathing down my neck . To be honest , I've got a better offer from another company . Oh that's great , congratulations ! What's your new position ? Senior director of market research . In addition to a nice pay rise it has some nice perks , like a company car , one month paid vacation , and an apartment downtown . And it's an international company so I'll have lots of chances to travel and meet new people . I'm really looking forward to it . Sounds a great opportunity . I bet that made the decision to leave a lot easier . Indeed . But let's stay in touch . I'll let you know how things go . Sure . Hey ! A real cook gets down and dirty . Besides , I think I look good covered in baking mix ... What concoction are you making ? Well , your making cinnamon toast inspired me to go out and buy a waffle maker . Awesome ! I'm in heaven . Let me help . They're so easy . I know . You just add milk , eggs and a little oil to the baking mix and stir ... And then you just pour the batter into the waffle iron ... Allow me to introduce my self.My name is Jack Black , manager of the company . How do you do , Mr.Black ? Very happy to see you . Pleasure is mine.Here ' s my card . Thank you , This is mine . The May holiday is coming up soon . Are you planning on going on vacation ? I am . I just went to the travel agent ’ s and picked up these brochures . Where are you planning on going ? I fancy going to Tibet for a few days . Have you ever been there ? I went a long time ago , before they built the new train that can take you there . Would you recommend going there for a few days ? Personally , I think it ’ d be better to go when you have more time . A few days isn ’ t really enough to get acclimatize yourself and to go on a few excursions outside of the capital . You ’ re probably right . What do you think about Yangshao ? It ’ s a beautiful city , but I think it ’ s become too touristy . How about going to a cosmopolitan city like Shanghai or Hong Kong ? I ’ d like to get away from the big city life . Maybe you should consider going to a hot springs resort outside of Beijing . I heard they are very relaxing . I guess if I only have a few days , I should probably think about going somewhere that isn ’ t so far away . Since the May holiday is the high season , you should probably call ahead to reserve a room . Here ’ s the phone number . Thanks , I ’ ll give them a call later . Do you want to practice your driving right now ? No problem . We can do it right now . Are you buckled up ? All right . Now what do I do ? Start the car . Which way do you want me to go ? Take a left . How far do you want me to go ? I'll tell you when to stop . Just make sure to tell me beforehand . We're back now , so why don't you try parking ? Well , that was fun . Let's do it again soon . Jack , do say good-bye for me to the host . I've got to run . Why are you in such a hurry ? My old man does not allow me to go back later than 11 p . m . Bye ! Bye ! Oh , hey , Keri ! You cook , right ! You're a pretty good cook . I'm OK . OK . I want to make an omelet , so actually this is really silly , I've never made one before . How do you make an omelet ? OK , Well , I can teach you how I make them , which is the same way my father and grandmother make them , which is a little special . OK . Yeah ! Yeah ! First you take some eggs and crack them in a bowl , and whisk them up , quite , so they're quite high and fluffy , and in a hot pan , and you need a pan that's that's kind of small , that the sides go up at an angle . You put some oil and heat it up , so it's quite hot , and then you take your whipped up eggs , or whisked up eggs , and pour them into the pan , and as it's cooking , if you take a spatula , and push the bottom layer of the egg , to the side , to the sides , and then to the middle , so the uncooked egg gets to the bottom of the pan . Oh , OK . Wow ! OK . And keep doing that until most of the egg is cooked so you should have a nice thick omelet and then flip it over , you'll only have to cook that side lightly . Put your fillings on the top and fold it over and let it sit just long enough to melt the cheese . Wow . That sounds really good . Mm , it is . Wow . What fillings do you recommend ? Um , well , if you want to do a real simple one , you can just use some pre-made salsa and cheese , and that's easy , or you can do something like cut up some ham and cheese , onions , tomatoes , mushrooms , anything that you like . If you want to make a spinach omelet then you have to add the cooked spinach to the egg mixture . So it's actually cooked in it . It's inside bacon and sour cream is nice and Jack cheese . Hi there ! I am looking for a new car . I have this old Ford Pinto that I would like to trade in . I see . You are in luck this month because all of our models are on sale ! it is a perfect time to buy a new car since it ’ s the end of the year . Perfect ! I like this one . That is the Ford Focus . A very light but powerful vehicle . It comes with dual side airbags , power steering and power windows , tinted windows and your choice of either automatic or manual transmission . Sounds like a good car ! How many miles to the gallon ? It is a very fuel efficient vehicle giving you about 34 miles in the city and 40 on the highway . That is really convenient . Especially now that fuel prices are so high ! What ’ s under the hood ? A very powerful 2.5- liter turbocharged engine , Trust me , this car is fast ! Now for the most difficult question . What is the price tag for this lovely vehicle ? Very affordable sir . You can take it out of this lot today with 0 % down payment and no interest for the first year ! You can test drive it now and we can sign the papers when we get back . Great ! Let ’ s do it ! Hi , have you got the exact number of people who are going take part in this activity ? Yes , there are 62 in totals , and 2 of them still can't be sure . They always push the time . How many of them are over fifty ? 6 . So we should give them special attention . Some of them don't have a good health . OK , I see . As far as you think , how many buses should we get for them ? 2 should be enough , for each one has at least 30 seats . There will be some seats to spare . I'll call the bus charter later . And have you announced the itinerary of this journey to all of them ? Yes , most of them think it's good . But , some people have different opinions . They consider we should arrange some challenging activities . That's possible . At that time , they can choose any activity they like . That's good . I'll tell them later . And what kind of medicine we should be prepared ? Let me think ! Pills for carsick , traditional medicine for cold , some painkillers and something like that . OK , we should get them ready this afternoon . One more thing , have you got all people's phone numbers ? Oh , God . I've almost forgotten . I'll get it done right away . Could you baby-sit for me tonight ? I'd be glad to . Our dinner is ready . What do we have for the dinner now ? Potatoes , tomatoes and cucumber . Do you feed rabbits ? It is said that greens can improve our metabolism . In addition , I want to keep fit . Where is my favorite white bread ? Is it in refrigerator ? I didn't buy any of it at all . Most health food are good for you , but don't taste good . Do you prepare some dessert for me ? I am clear about your sweet tooth , so I made a mixed fruit dish for you . Are you trying to change our eating patterns ? Look , the printer isn ’ t functioning well . I ’ Ve pushed the start button . It is suppose to be working now but it remains like a log . What ’ s going on ? Let me check . It has a paper jam . I didn ’ t pay attention to that . I will try to get the paper out . Be careful , the cartridge can be very hot . Good afternoon , sir . Please sit here . A haircut and a shave , please . How would you like your hair cut , sir ? Short on both sides . Not so much off at the back . Very well , sir . Do you want me to trim your beard ? Yes , please . Now have a look , please . Is it all right ? Well . I would like my hair cut shorter on the temples . Is that satisfactory ? Yes , thanks . Do you want conditioner ? No , thanks . But I'd like a facial massage . Yes , sir . Now where should I pay the money ? You should go to the counter , just over there . How are you doing today ? How many in your book today ? Fine , thank you . There be five of us . The rest will be along shortly . Smoking or non ? Non-smoking is fine , thank you . Right , this way , please . Something to drink first ? Just water , please . Wold you like to see menu first or wait for your friends ? I wait , but please bring me some bread . Maybe I'd like to have some appetizer before they get here . Please give me the menu , and let me have a look . Certainly , sir . If you need anything else , please let me know , and I'll be happy to get it for you right away . I can promise you that , if you buy our product , you will be getting A-l quality . I've looked at your units , and am very happy with them . Your goods are all far above standard quality . We spend a lot of money to make sure that our quality is much better . We won't sacrifice quality for quick profits . Well , we're really interested in placing an order under negotiation . We can start the negotiations as soon as you want . Great , I'm glad we'll be able to do business together . I'll have some quotations ready for you by tomorrow morning . Fine . As well , would you mind if I asked to see the Loyd's surveyor report of your products ? I may have a few more questions about your quality analysis . sorry , Brad . But you are going to have to re-do this . What ’ s the problem , Ms . Murphy ? It ’ s badly organized . I can ’ t present this to the board . I ’ m sorry . Ms . Murphy . I ’ ll re-work it . Can I give it back to you this afternoon ? Hello , you seem a little lost . Can I help you ? I've got a Remittance Advice and I'd like to cash it . I can do that for you . Could I see the Remittance slip ? Here you are . I'm here on business and this is from my boss , it's for my expenses so I need cash . That's no problem . The amount is 2,000 RIB , is that correct ? Yes , that's right . I just need to see some identification before I hand over the cash . Here's my passport . Is that OK ? We'd like to welcome everyone to the Michelson Tools factory site , and thank everyone for being here today . My name is Paul Shafer , I'll be showing you around today . Please feel free to ask questions at any point during our tour , I'll be happy to answer questions for you . Is it really necessary to wear all this protective gear ? That's an excellent question . I'll bet your wondering why we ask you to wear hard hats and safety googles while you's in the plant . The reason is simple , we care about your safety and we want to ensure there are no injuries today . As you will see , to maintain a high level of safety , we also require all of our staff to wear similar protective gear . How long will the tour take ? It should take about twenty minutes to go through the main plant , and maybe another ten to take a look at the laboratory . All together our tour should last about half an hour . Okay ... Well , if you don't have any questions , shall we get started ? If you'll follow me , first I'll take you to the site of our semi-conductor system ... I can drink ten cups in fifteen minutes . I ’ m sure . You ? You are full of hot air . Did you promise me to get the bread ? Well , I remember walking pass the baker shop . But you forgot to get the bread . I'm afraid so . I don't remember you telling me about it . Well , I certainly did . What would you let me do now ? You are free . You can go now . Really ? You are so kind . I'll do with the cake . No . That's not enough . I've got some cereal . Can we talk about the working overtime issue ? What ’ s on your mind ? Yes , sure . To be honest , nobody would like to work overtime . However , we have to if it is necessary for our company . I would do that if it is the call of duty . Glad to hear that . Generally , it is 2 to 3 hours more than your working hours . OK , I completely understand . Hello , can I speak to Mr.Green ? Yes , speaking . This is Steven speaking . I'd like to buy a stock . What stock do you want to buy and how many ? I'd like to buy 1 000 shares of Duson . Let me get the asking price of the stock . Just a moment . Oh , now the asking price is $ 90 each share . By the way , what is the offering price ? Let me see . The offering price is near or at $ 88 . Then the difference between the asking price and the offering price is $ 2 . It's hard to take place today . Do you mean that I have to buy it at current price ? You can decide by yourself . I heard that this stock would go up . Hum , I will take it at current price . So , now I will buy you . Are you sure ? Yes , please . Credit Services , how can I help you ? I'd like to apply for a credit card with you . Would that be our standard card , our gold card , or our platinum card ? Oh , I'm not sure . What's the difference ? Well , the standard card has a lower credit limit , that's 20,000 RIB , whereas with the platinum card you can have a credit limit of 80,000 RIB . Why such a big difference ? It's all about credit rating and salary . If your credit rating and your salary are high enough , we can offer you the platinum card . My salary is pretty high and I've never had a problem with my credit rating in the past . Are there any perks of the platinum card ? Yes , we have contracts with various luxury shops and health clubs , where if you use the card to purchase items from them , you can get some healthy discounts . That's great ; my health club membership is about to expire . Can I help you ? Is This where I pay the airport tax ? Yes , sir . Just as the sign says . How many ? I'm sorry , but I've never done this before . How many what ? How many people are you paying the tax for ? My wife and me . The two of us . 100 yuan each , so you owe me 200 yuan . Oh , OK . Here's 200 yuan . Here are your two receipts . Thanks . What shall I do then ? Just give these receipts to the lady at the door to immigration . Don't worry , she'll ask for them from you . Oh , I guess I'm a little confused . We are all the same the first time we travel overseas . You guys have a nice trip . Thanks a lot . Hello ! So , you're back . Do you have everything with you ? I think so . We will need detailed information regarding the full name of the company , the company address ... Yes , yes . I've got all of that here . And also , the bank and branch name the company holds an account with and the account number . Check , check and check . What's the purpose for this check ? Would you like to know its repayment capacity ? Yes , that's one of the main things we are interested in . When do you think I can get hold of this report ? As it's confidential there is a certain amount of red tape , but it shouldn't take too long . There is , of course a service fee of 300 RIB to be paid . No problem , I'll settle that now . You can take it from my Business Account . Good morning , and welcome to Live Tech . It is my honor to make this presentation for you . Let me begin by explaining some of our digital cameras ' selling points . You will see immediately that they are very stylish , but what you can't see is the cutting-edge technology inside . All of our cameras are light , compact , and easy to use . Can I take a look at one of those ? Be my guest . Live Tech's digital cameras combine point-and-shoot simplicity with the ability to easily turn pictures into great-looking prints . Furthermore , it allows users to transfer pictures to a computer while the camera recharges . Can I take a picture of you ? Seeing is believing . Sure , Just push the button , like ... I think I can figure this out . Let's see if this works as advertised . Say ' cheese ! ' I think you will find these are the best digital cameras on the market today . I think the quality of the photos will speak for themselves . Excuse me . I am looking for a book called Little Women , but I can't find it anywhere . Let me see . I am sorry we just have sold it out . Will you have it later ? I think so . Could I have you name , telephone number ? If we get one , I will call you . That's terrific . Thank you . Mom , I'm ready for school . Let me feel your forehead . I'm so glad it wasn't strep throat . I don't have a fever , and I'm ready for my test . But I'm not sure you're strong enough yet . Here's some seafood rice soup I made . It's delicious . I'm fine , Mom . I feel so much better . I want to go to school . I'm missing out on all the fun . But the last two days were a weekend . Let me go to school , please ! I'm sick of medicine , sick of soup , and sick of being sick ! How can I get to Lakeside Park ? Take the No . 7 bus . There's a bus stop just over there . Will it take me straight there ? Yes . No need to change . Good morning . What can I do for you , sir ? I'd like to see some coats . Would you recommend me some of them ? Sure . Come to look at these styles . They sell very well . Which models do you sell the most ? How about these ? They are the current bestsellers . I like this style , but I don't like its color . Do you have this coat in yellow ? Yes , I will find one for you . Here you are . It's made of exceptionally good quality , pure wool , and is very soft . It looks nice . Yeah , this is the latest model.If you like it , you can try it on . good afternoon , madam . How can I help you ? well , I am a little bit out of shape . I think I should get some exercise to keep fit . what kind of service do you offer ? first of all , we'll tailor a work-out plan according to your physical conditions and your personal needs . how can you get that done ? well , we give each of our customers a qualified personal trainer . The trainer will give you a fitness assessment and then come up with the work-out plan . what else ? since everyone is different , your personal trainer will help you find out all the exercise equipments that are suitable for you fitness level . Then you'llbe taught all the necessary techniques to us sounds pretty good . How much do you charge ? that depends . We offer membership for one month , half a year and one year . perhaps one month . I'll just have a try at first . wise decision . that is 400 yuan . You'll find it's totally worth it . OK , I'll take it . Excuse me , sir , since my train leaves at 16:00 . Have you a 3 - hour tour ? You are lucky , sir . We are about to set out . It's a tour to the White House . Well , I have just missed the place . How long does the tour take ? 2 hours . You won't get late for your train . I hope so . I have found it quite different here from China since I came to the United States . What's the difference ? Some friends of mine took me to the mall to go shopping . It was so big . I think I could get lost if I went there alone . You must have bought many things in the mall ? Not really many . I was told that on weekends there were always the flea markets , so I decided to come to the flea market to buy a bargain . It's wise to do it . The Americans have the habit of selling their junk when they are moving to another place , so they usually display all the things they want to sell in their gardens at the weekend . And many things they are selling still look quite new and they are also very useful . I have heard about it while in China . it is called a " yard sale " . I didn't have any idea of that until today when I came here to the big " yard sale " . You must have got many useful things for your new apartment . Okay , here's the lease . Read it over before you sign it . As you can see , the deposit is $ 300 . Oh , okay . I can get it back when I move out , right ? Yes , assuming there's been no damage to the apartment . Before you move in , you can make a list of any marks , scratches , and so forth that are already there . All right . Here's the lease and the check for the deposit . Great . You can move in next Monday . Your first month's rent is due then . May I see that ivory horse ? Of course . It's genuine , I bet . It's made of genuine ivory , besides , it's of exquisite workmanship . The price is marked 200 yuan . I'll take it . Congratulations ! I heard that you are going to take a two-week training course in the headquarter . Thank you . I am very happy to have this opportunity to learn something new . You know information and knowledge in this field update very fast . Sure it is . This is a changing world . Does the training course cover the new law and regulation issued last month ? They are very useful for us . Yes , according to the agenda , there will be a seminar on these issues at the very beginning of the training course . Well , good for you . I hope you can get what you want from the training . I will do my best . George , did you remember to buy me the book ? Sorry , darling , I forgot . When will you buy it then ? I promise you'll have it tomorrow . What can I do for you ? I want to get my car washed . Would you like regular car wash package ? I don't know what you mean . Well , we will wash the exterior form top to bottom . We use a special shampoo , which gives the body that extra shine . Do you wash windows ? Of course . We wash the windows inside and out . What about the interior ? We use a vacuum cleaner that removes all the dirt , and we throw away all of the trash that we can find . Sounds good , regular car wash package will be OK . OK . I see . Have you been taken care of ? Not yet . I am looking for a black suitcase . Is there any special brand you'd like ? Yes . I would prefer Nike . The franchised store is on the second floor . Thank you . Do you want some dessert ? No thanks . We just need our check . Have you seen the waitress ? Oh , here comes our waitress with our check . The service here has been really great , don't you think ? Yes , the service was quite good . So , let's look at the check . The total is $ 36.00 . How much do you think we should leave for a tip ? Usually people leave 15 % , but this was exceptional service . I am thinking that maybe 20 % would be appropriate . I agree that 20 % would be just about right . OK , so that will bring her tip to $ 7.20 . Add it to the $ 36.00 and the total is $ 43.20 . Yes , what a nice dinner that was ! We'll have to make sure to come back here again real soon . Taxi ! Taxi ! Could you help me load these luggage in the trunk ? Let me just park my car in a better position . Alright , miss . Where ’ s the luggage ? Over there . where are you going , Jane ? I'm going to the hospital to see Susan . I saw her yesterday . She was a little better . Must I catch a number 7 bus to get there ? No , you needn't . A number 13 bus will also take you to the hospital . Number 13 buses run much more frequently , don't they ? Yes . I caught a number 7 bus yesterday , and they said I had taken a wrong bus . Thank you , Henry . I'll get a number 13 . But number 13 buses leave from the center of town . You'll have to walk two miles to catch one . Excuse me , Don ? I hate to bother you , but I need your help on something . Do you have time to brief me on the Martin account today ? Oh , that's right . You are supposed to deliver a brief on that account tomorrow . I know there are some things I need to share with you about that . But , gosh , I don't know ... Things are really busy for me today , the only time I can manage to squeeze out might be over lunch break ... I hate to make you work through your lunch break with how busy you are ... It's okay ... I've already had several days in a row working through lunch ... How about this ... We can make it a working lunch this afternoon , and I'll order some Chinese food for delivery . It'll be my treat . You don't have to do that ... I insist . I really appreciate you taking time to work with me in . What is your favorite fast food ? I'll cater to your taste . Actually I do like Chinese ... Let's make it a date for Chop Suey and the Martin account at about twelve thirty . Does that sound good ? Great . I'll bring the food . Can I make a reservation ? Yes , sir . For what time ? 7 o'clock tonight and there will be 5 persons . OK , sir . Five persons at 7:00 . Do you have a VIP room ? Sorry , sir . We have only tables in the main dinning room left . Please point out the painful place with your finger . Is there any relation between the pain and the weather ? Yes , the pain comes more intense when the weather is bad . And the pain comes intense when I walk too much . Have you ever had any trauma ? Yes , I have . Does the pian become more intense at night ? Yes , ti does . Just like a needle prick . Besides , the place that hurts often feels cold , too . Do you have the sensation of ants crawling over the painful part ? Yes , I do . I'd like to treat you with acupuncture if you agree . By the way , does acupuncture hurt ? Acupuncture may cause just a little pain , but it also causes a certain feeling of numbness and distension . We'll try it every day for seven days . Will that be all right ? Yes . Let's start today . Hello . This is Lucy from ABC Company . Is this Monica ? Yes . I am calling to inform you that you have passed the first two rounds of interview . Could you please come for the final round ? It is scheduled on the morning of next Monday 10AM in the HR manager office . Thank you for calling me . I will be there on time . Ok , see you then , bye . Bye . May I help you ? Yes . I would like to go to New York for my Christmas vacation . How long do you have ? 1 week . Would you recommend me scenic spots to see there ? New York is full of place of interest , such as Times Square , Broadway , Wall street and Ground Zero and Statue of Liberty . That's fantastic . Excuse me , could you tell me which bus I should take to go to the railway station ? I think you'd better take the No . 16 bus . It can take you right there . How often dose this bus go there ? Every fifteen minutes . I really can't wait that long . Are there any other buses that can take me there ? The No . 2 bus also goes to the railway station . You may take it . Where can I find the bus ? The bus stop is not far from here . Go straight on and you can easily find it . Thanks a lot . You are welcome . Hello , miss . Check out please . OK , may I have your key ? Sure , here you are . Was everything satisfactory ? Yes . I enjoy my stay here . You have stayed here for 3 nights , that's $ 230 . Here is the money . No , it hasn't . It's very dirty . Someone ought to clean it today . Mark should clean it . It's his turn . No , he cleaned it last time . It's your turn . No , it isn't . You always clean it after Mark . Oh dear , is it really my turn ? In that case , I'll clean tomorrow . Clean it now . Only lazy people say they'll work tomorrow . Then I'll clean it the day after tomorrow . You are lazy . You ought to be ashamed ? You should enjoy working . Good evening , ma'am . Table for one ? Yes , please . Will this table be all right ? Actually , I'd like a booth by the window if that's possible . Certainly . How about this one ? This will be fine , thanks . ( Handing her a menu ) Your waiter will be here in a minute to take your order . Thank you . You're right . Watching movies at home is way cheaper than going to the theater , too . I like downloading movies too because it's easy and fast . I agree . And it's very convenient . Have you ever heard of a movie rental company called Netflix ? They send the movies directly to your house in the mail . Really ? That's great ! I'm going to try that next time . Yeah , but I wish they delivered video games too . Then I would never leave my house ! Can you tell me what happened here ? Yes . I had a bad traffic accident.Look , my car looks like a squashed coke can . Did you see the car before it hit you ? No , I didn't . That car was too fast . Which lane were you in ? I don't remember . What was your speed then ? 40 miles per hour . Which direction were you coming from ? And which direction were you going ? Just straight . OK , please move your vehicle off to the side of the road . We will check on it . Do you feel like you need an ambulance , Miss ? No , I didn't get hurt . Thanks for your concern . No problem , Miss . Good morning , Mr . Chu . Would you like me to brief your schedule for today ? Yes . You are scheduled to meet Mr . Thompson of ABC Company at eleven this morning . Then , you have a lunch appointment with Mr . Li . And this afternoon at four you will attend a press conference . I am afraid I can't attend the press conference due to an urgent conference with the Board of Directors at half past four . All right . Do you want me to cancel the reservation for you ? Yes , thank you very much . In addition , do you have the marketing proposal ready ? The proposal is being repaired right now and I think it will be ready by tomorrow morning . This shirt is really nice . You have a very good taste , sir . Would you like to try it on ? OK . I'll try on a medium size . Here you are Where is the fitting room ? It's just around the comer . It's too big tor me . Do you have a smaller one ? Yes . One moment , please . Can I help you ? Yes , I need to buy a computer for this semester . I was told it is cheaper to buy computers here . Well , you heard right . You can get an excellent deal on a new computer here . We have great discounts for students . I don't know much about computers . But I know I want a desktop computer with a lot of memory . And I need a printer . Well , first let's consider your computer . Here , for example , is a system I highly recommend-the Power Macintosh G3 . it comes with 64 megabytes of total memory . Is that a lot ? Sixty-four ? Yes , it is . It should be enough for any student needs you might have . What department are you in ? History . Well , so you will mostly be using word processing , for writing papers . I recommend the Corel Word Perfect program for word processing . We can talk about software later . Let's talk about your hardware first . We have a special deal on right now . I should tell you about it , as it only goes until next Tuesday . If you buy one of these fifteen-inch color monitors with a Power Macintosh G3 , you can actually get 30 percent off the usual sale price . Thirty percent ? Yes . Wow . That's really good . And you think this is really a good system for a graduate student ? Yes . It's an excellent system . Hmm . Hey , wait . This has an Apple on it . Is this an Apple computer ? Yes , it's a Macintosh . It's Apple . Mcintosh and Apple are the same thing . I don't want Macintosh . I want PC . I'm sorry , but our university computer center only sells Macintosh equipment . What ? Are you serious ? Yes . But nobody uses Macintosh ! That's not true . Most of the students and professors in the university here use Macintosh . They find it is better for writing and word-processing , and that is what students mostly do . May I ask where you're from ? Yes , I'm from Taiwan . Well , I know that in most Asian countries Apple is not very popular . But here in America , especially in universities and publishing companies , Apple is very commonly used . But I need a computer that can handle writing in Chinese . There are several Chinese writing programs you can use with Macintosh . Chinese is no problem for Apple . Hmm . I think I should ask some of my friends for advice before I make a decision . I'm sorry . No , don't be sorry . It's reasonable to ask your friends . But believe me , most of the students here in the university-Asian students included-most of them use Apple . Well , thanks for your advice . I will probably come back later . You're very welcome . Here is my card , if you need any help . Did you find everything ok today ? Yes , I did . By the way , in case there is a flaw in this CD player , can I return it ? Yes . But you must return it within 30 days . Is there a charge for that . I know other stores have a restocking fee . There will be no charge at all . However you must show us the receipt . Could you sign it here , please ? Thank you . All right . Keep you receipt . If something comes up , you can show it to us and we will give you a refund . Thanks . I'll put it in a safe place . Excuse me , here is my claim tag , but I can't find my baggage . How many pieces of baggage have you lost ? Just one piece . Can you tell me the features of your baggage ? It's a big leather suitcase with my name ' Lily ' on it . Don't worry . We will look it for you right now . Thank you . What kind of jobs have you had ? I worked as a personnel manager in a state-owned company , and then I transferred to joint venture as a sales manager . So I am familiar with the food market in China . How did your previous employers treat you ? They treated me very well . We cooperated harmoniously and respected each other . What have you learned from the jobs your have had ? I have learned some skills about how to deal with clients and how to behave myself as a personnel manager . When you worked in your previous company , which did you prefer , working with other people or by yourself ? I preferred working with other colleagues when I worked in my previous company . I think teamwork and cooperation are very important . No matter how competent he or she is in a company , he can ’ t do without them . My name is Steven Smith and I'm calling to cancel my plane ticket . When was your reservation ? It ’ s 7 p . m . today . Would you mind telling me the reason ? I need to continue to deal with my business . I haven ’ t finished it yet . Oh , I see . Would you like me to reschedule you for another time ? No . Thank you . But you have to pay the fee for refund . OK . I will pay it by my bank card . Excuse me . Can I get a ticket on the next flight to Frankfurt ? Sure.It will depart 2 hours later . What's the fare for a single ticket ? That's $ 150 . Can you give me a special offer ? Of course.Right now it is the slack season , we will give you ten percent off . How about a round trip ? Could you offer us something more ? I am sorry , there is no difference . Hi . How can I help you ? I ’ m looking for a job . Are you hiring ? Yes , we are . What position are you looking for ? Superintendent . I ’ m sorry . The application for this position has closed . Do you have any other positions available ? We have only one position open . What is it ? Gas Meter Reader . This is a wonderful job for the right person , regular hours , no night shifts , no supervisor behind you , and good pay . Can I apply for it right now ? Sure . Did you hear about that accident on the 5 ? There was a sixty-two-car pile up . No kidding ! When did that happen ? Early this morning . Oh , no . Yeah . And a semi jack-knifed trying to miss a stalled car in the fast lane . You can imagine what happened after that . Sixty two cars . Oath . Do they know how many casualties yet ? The count is up to seven right now and several are in critical condition . That's amazingly low for such a huge accident ! Are you OK there ? Oh , my computer crashed again ! Can I help ? That would be great ! I hate working with computers ! Year ! They are unreliable sometimes . Ah ! It hurts . Don't touch it . What part hurts ? The shoulder . Well , maybe you broke it . But what I'm worried about is this cut . It's not a cut . It's a gash ! It's bigger than a cut ! Ah ! I need a doctor . C'mon . Just don't move . I'm bleeding too much . We don't have a decent First Aid Kit , do we ? Yes . My bike has one under the seat . Get it , quick ! There's some tape , iodine , and cloth bandages . I don't think the cloth bandages can stop the bleeding . What we need is a tourniquet . Wrap a few loops of the bandages around my upper arm , then twist.That will work as a tourniquet.After that , you can cut more of the bandages to cover the wound . Good plan . Let me put some iodine on the cut . No , forget that ! Do the tourniquet first . I'm losing too much blood . Alright , alright . How did you cut this so bad ? I ran it against that fence pole as I crashed . What do you think ? Damn , it hurts ! We'll have to get you to a hospital . I can ride you on the back of my bike . I'm lucky I wasn't killed . I must have been going around forty-five miles an hour.There was too much gravel on that corner . I slid out . Yes , I almost slid too.Alright . This tourniquet is tight . How does it feel ? Make it tighter . I want the blood stopped.Then wrap some bandages around the cut . Then we can go . Ouch ! I hope I can walk . Alright , I'm twisting it around . You tell me when to stop . There . Stop ! Excuse me sir.May I come in ? Mike , you're late again . I'm sorry , but my sister was ill , so I Do you think I believe the story like that ? But it's true . How can believe it if the same excuse was used twice within a week ? That's coincidence 。 Ok , hold it . Remember to be punctual next time 。 I promise I will . You'd better . What's combined transportation ? If the goods are to be transshipped from one means of transportation to another during the course of the entire voyage , it's called ' combined transportation ' . Why is it necessary ? It's simpler and cheaper to arrange multi-model combined transportation . So , tell me , what makes you think we should give you a raise ? I've got several good reasons . I've been here several years , my work has proven to be good , and I've noticed that people in comparable jobs get paid more than I do . Salaries are confidential , how do you know how much money these " other people " make ? Well , I've noticed all the new cars around here , for one thing . Those are company cars provided to the sales staff for their business trips . Also , some employees receive sales commissions . So good salesmen will naturally earn more . That's understandable . Well , rather than comparing my salary with someone else's , perhaps we could talk about my job performance . Surely you've noticed the extra hours I've put in recently ? I see your point . However , it might be hard to get a raise approved . Profits were down last quarter , and the whole company is tightening its belt , so anything that affects the annual budget That would be very good of you , Mr . White . Waiter , can you come here for a moment ? Yes , is there something wrong ? I'm afraid you've made a mistake . This isn't what I ordered . So sorry , I must have confused the orders . I'll check it . And also this soup is cold . I'm really sorry , I'll bring you a hot one right away . I have been looking at this online catalog for over an hour and I still haven ’ t finished getting all the kitchen appliances that we need ! What are you getting ? Well , the first thing on my list is a new blender . I decided to also get a juicer and a new coffee maker . Don ’ t forget to also get a new mixer . I lent the old one to my brother and he broke it . Yeah I know . I also decided to throw away the old toaster and get a new one . I am also getting a rice cooker and steamer to make some nice steamed fish or veggies . I ’ m actually thinking of completely refurnishing the kitchen and getting a new stove , oven , dishwasher and trash compacter . That ’ s a good idea ! The kitchen will look amazing ! Do you need any help ? I need some help catching up . Are you good at typing or could you help me xerox ? I like xeroxing . Thank you ! There are papers on the table to start with . OK , I will get right to that . I really appreciate the help . How many years have you been with the company ? I just started working here . I have a special assignment coming up . Would you be interested in helping me on it ? I'd like to , but I am very busy . I'll make sure that management keeps you in mind for special projects in the future . Thanks for the help ! Personal Loans , how may I help ? I'm going to be studying overseas next year and I'd like some info about suitable loans . To be honest , I'm not even sure if I can get a loan . Not a problem . We offer a Personal Loan for Studying Abroad for anyone who's studying overseas , regardless of the circumstances . Anyone is eligible to apply Would I have to get my parents to guarantor the loan ? Not exactly . Our policy states that the loange could be the person studying abroad , for example , you , or your direct relative or spouse . I see . What about age limitations ? There are no age limitations as such just that the loange should be below 55 years and of course , old enough to get a loan , meaning over 18 years of age . Got it ! I fit into that category very nicely . That's great ! I'll have a chat with my parents and come back . Thanks very much . Did you know that drinking beer helps you sing better ? Are you sure ? How do you know ? Well , usually people think I'm a terrible singer , but after we all have a few beers , they say I sound a lot better ! Well , I heard that if you drink enough beer , you can speak foreign languages better ... Then after a few beers , you'll be singing in Taiwanese ? Maybe ... Hello , how can I help ? Hello there . I need to buy some foreign currency for a business trip . How much can I exchange ? That does depend on where you plan to travel . If you are planning to travel to Hong Kong or Macao we can exchange up to 1,000 USD for you . If your destination is elsewhere , we can exchange up to 2,000 USD . OK , well , I'm going to Europe . I guess 1,000 USD will be sufficient for now . OK , I'll process that for you now . What ’ s wrong ? I got laid off today . Oh no ! That ’ s terrible ! Yeah . What happened ? My boss said I didn ’ t have enough skills to do the job well . What are you going to do ? I ’ m going to start taking classes at the local community college to try to improve my skills . Then I ’ ll start looking for a new position . Hello . miss . I am wondering if there is a meal served on this flight . Well , it's a short distance flight , so we don't serve meals . But there are some drinks . Well , I would like a glass of warm water . You have an unusual accent , Mr . Robbins . Where are you from originally ? If you don ’ t mind me asking . Not at all . I was born in Madrid , but I came to the States when I was a teenager . I guess that must be what I ’ m hearing , I really couldn ’ t place it . Do go back to Madrid often ? No , I haven ’ t been back for more than ten years . Good morning , Madam ! Can I help you ? Well , I'd like to buy a watch . Oh , look at these two watches , aren't they lovely ? Yeah . But I think I'd prefer ... How about this one ? It's graceful in style . Mm , yes , but I think I like that one better . It's made of gold , isn't it ? Sure . How much is it ? 500 dollars , Madam . I wonder if it keeps good time . Surely . As this is the latest model , and you can also set the alarm . How do I set it ? Just do like this.Very simple . All right . this suits my taste best . I'II take It . Excuse me , what time do you expect to land in Berlin ? We should be there by 5 this afternoon . Do you have any idea how long it will take to clean customs ? Well , it all depends on traffic from other arriving aircraft . Where did you work as a teacher before ? I taught English in a primary school in Beijing . What teaching experience have you had ? I am equipped with much experience in teaching for more than 30 years and I also edit teaching materials by myself . Do you have wake-up service ? Yes.You can use the computer to seta tima.Dial 10 and then time.For example.if you want to get up at 7:15 , you can dial 100715 . OK . I understand . Or we can call you tomorrow coming . Well , I would prefer you to call me up tomorrow at 6:30 No problem . Good night . Excuse me , Is this the bus I should take to get to the Central Park ? Yes . But you have to transfer to Bus No . 28 . Where should I change for the Park ? At Tinge Depot . But I don't know which stop is Tinge Depot . I will remind you to get off . Thank you . My pleasure . Front Desk , may I help you ? Yes , I'd like to move to another room . Is there anything uncomfortable in your room ? Yes . The air-conditioner in this room doesn't work . May I have your room number , sir ? Wang Wei . Room 1212 . OK . Mr . Wang , may I send a room attendant to check it for you first ? All right . ( 15 minutes later ) Mr . Wang , we are deeply sorry for the inconvenience . The maintenance might last for a long time , may I offer you another room ? Yes . No problem . Mary , you have found several companies that are hiring , right ? Yes , I have found three companies . Have you called to inquire about the positions ? Yes , but the results are not so satisfying . What's the matter ? I asked the first company about the vacancy , but they had already hired someone . What a pity ! The second one told me that the job information was released half a year ago , and had been overdue . It's frustrating ! The last company is still hiring , but not recent graduates . Wonder why they do that ! I feel terrible now . Don't be discouraged . Just keep trying and you will find a job eventually . Thanks for your support and care . Well , this is certainly a nice place , Mr . Taylor . What sort of public transportation is nearby ? Please , call my John . Well , there ’ s a subway stop and bus station just around the corner . Do you have children ? Yes , two . Well , in that case , the schools in this area are very good . We send our kids to private school , but that ’ s good to know too . Oh , well . As far as other conveniences in the neighborhood , there ’ s a grocery store just up the block , and there ’ s lots of little shops nearby . Great . Well , we ’ ll have to think about it , but the place looks great . Here ’ s my card , just give me a call if you ’ re interested . Can you deliver it , please ? It depends where you live , sir . In Camden Town . Yes , we deliver there . But it costs two pounds fifty . All right . But I'm only in on Saturday . Morning or afternoon ? Afternoon , please , if that's possible . Wow , this is the famous Empire State Building . It's huge . Would you like to go to the top ? Yes , of course . The view is breathtaking . Hmm . You have three cameras . Are you a photographer ? No , my company makes cameras.Well , I'm also a photographer , but two of these are for our display . I see . And what's in this bag ? Egg tarts . I thought you said you didn't have any food with you today . I thought you meant vegetables and meat when you asked me . Things like that . I don't have any vegetables . I'm sorry , Mr . Lee . Egg tarts are food too . We will have to confiscate these . Confiscate ? Yes , we will have to dispose of them . It's too bad . They are very delicious . I know . One out of every three travelers from Taiwan seems to be carrying them.They are being smuggled in by the thousands . Oh , well . Not by me . No , not today at least . Enjoy your visit to the United States , Mr . Lee . Thank you . Brooke , I have bad news . What ! I called the airlines to reconfirm the reservations today . Don't you dare tell me that ... I'm sorry . I didn't reconfirm in time and they gave away half of the seats . Well , they should have called you ! They said that they did . I've been so busy ... And you didn't think to leave them my cell phone ? I didn't think there would be a problem . It's the holidays ! Everybody knows how hard it is to get tickets ! I'm sorry . We're still going . I got reservations for all of us on the 31st . It will be OK . Trust me . Trust you ! You can't even handle simple plane reservations ! Brooke ! That way they look longer . Now what are you doing ? Putting on mascara . Nasty . You'd better not rub your eyes . I won't . And you'd better not cry or you'll have black streaks running down your face . Are you ready to go shopping ? Just a few minutes . I need to make a list of the things that we need . Good idea . Have you written down tea , eggs and potatoes ? I forgot about the potatoes . Oh , I almost forget that we need a microwave oven badly . What kind of tea do you prefer ? Green tea or flower tea ? Let's just get both . Do you bring enough money ? We don ’ t have enough cash , but I ’ ll take my credit card . Hi , Jane . How are you doing this morning ? I ’ m all right , thanks . Just a little tired . Late night ? Yeah , I got home around two . My car has broken down . Could someone come right away and check it ? Where are you now ? I am on Route 80 , a few miles east of the University of Utah . What does your car look like ? It is a red Audi . I am starving . Didn't you just eat ? I'm still hungry . We ate everything from dinner . I just need a snack . What are you going to make ? I don't have the slightest clue . Go make a sandwich . I'm not sure what kind I want . Why don't you make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich ? I think I will do that . Maybe you should . I've known from your resume that you are a college graduate . Yes , madam . I graduated from Tianjin College of Finance and Trade three years ago . What did you take as your major in college ? I took Accounting as my major . What kinds of work were you in charge of in the previous company ? I was in charge of cost price and sales revenue . All right , I see . Why do you want to work for a Sino-American joint venture enterprise now ? There are two reasons for me to do it . First , I'm sure that there will be more opportunities for advancement If I enter your enterprise . Secondly , I'd like to acquaint myself with American culture if possible . Well , Mr . Zhang , you must know , what we need is a capable accountant , and we won't have enough time to tell him some other things . Yes , madam . I know that I'll be expected , first of all , to work hard if I'm hired . Are you ready to order now , sir ? Yes , please . What would you like to have for your appetizer , sir ? I would like vegetable soup , please And what would you like to have for the main course Shrimp salad . And what kind of pie do you have ? Apple , banana and strawberry pie . Then a piece of apple pie , please . And what would you like for dessert ? Icecream , please . What flavor would you like ? orange Thank you . I'll bring your order right away . Waiter , the meat is overdone . I am sorry you don't like it , sir . But that's just the special point of the dish . Is it ? Yes , hope you can enjoy it . Welcome to our bar ! What kind of wine do you offer ? Here is the wine list . Thanks . What would you like ? What do you recommend ? What about cocktail ? I'd like to try something typically Chinese . I recommend Mao Tai , it's the best liquor in China . OK . Let me try it . Here you are , sir . Thank you . Johnny , are you just sitting around again ? I'm just taking a break between washing the windows and cleaning the toilet . I'd say all you've done is moved the dirt from the windows on to your face and hands . Disgraceful ! I'm doing my best , Grandma ... Your best isn't good enough . Back in my day , I'd clean a whole hospital with a toothbrush and spit , and it'd be twice as clean as this sty ! Uh-oh , here we go ... Have you been feeling OK lately ? My coach wants you to check my blood pressure . Has anyone ever told you that you had high blood pressure ? I don ’ t have any symptoms of high blood pressure . People with high blood pressure seldom know they have it , which is why we call it the silent killer . What test do you do for high blood pressure ? We will pump air into this cuff to get a reading . When you get the reading , what information does it give you ? It tells me how hard your heart pumps blood and how much your arteries relax at rest . I am hoping that this test goes well for me . Hello , sir . Can I help you ? Yes . I ’ m looking for a winter jacket . What size are you looking for ? A medium is fine for me . How about this one ? I don ’ t like the color . What color do you like ? Blue . How about that one ? Yes . It ’ s nice . Can I try it on ? Sure . There is a changing room behind you . Thank you . I ’ ll be right back . There isn't much rice , is there ? No , there isn't , but there are some vegetables . Are there any potatoes ? No , there aren't . I'm sorry . I'm very hungry , Donald . What can I eat ? There's a little bread and there are a few biscuits . But I want some rice and some meat . All right , I'll walk to the village and I'll get some meat . Good . By the way , who's going to cook the meat ? You'll cook it of course ! Have you read the new rules about using cell phone at work ? Yes , not bad . Like turn your cell phone ringer off and find a private place to make calls which it ’ s showing your respect to your co-workers . Well , but for this one , don ’ t bring your cell phone to meetings , I think it is not reasonable . What if there are some important calls ? Well , this one is not compulsory . It is just suggestion . I didn ’ t pay attention to that . What would you like for dessert , sir ? We have a choice of cake or ice cream . No , thank you . I don't need any . You see , I'm on a diet . oh , well , perhaps you'd like a cup of coffee or tea instead . Yes , coffee , please . I have been getting headaches almost every day lately . Have you just started getting a lot of headaches ? I never had very many headaches before , but the last few weeks I have been getting a lot of them . Have you had any unusually stressful situations in your life lately ? My mother just passed away last Tuesday . I ’ m sorry . How about sleep ? Are you getting enough rest ? I have been working really hard , and sleep has not been a priority . Have you bumped your head or fallen lately ? No , I haven ’ t hit my head . I am going to send you to a neurologist for a few tests . Daniel . Mind your eye ! I will , mom . Don ’ t worry . Can you help me with my timesheet ? Sure ! I can help you . Do you know where the timesheets are kept ? No , I don't know where to find one . Well , once you get one off the shelf over there , you first put your name on it . OK ? Yes , I can do that . Now you have to fill in the hours in the blanks and total the hours for the week . Do you know how to use military time ? No , I don't know what that is . OK , so we just start counting hours at midnight and record it . Show all minutes as a dot and then write how many minutes . OK ? Yes , I understand how to do this . After you total your hours , make sure you sign it and turn it in to your supervisor . That was easy ! Good luck and let me know if you need any help later on . May I help you , sir ? Fill it up with regular , please . Should I take a look at your battery ? No , thanks . I'm in a hurry . Your car is ready . Good ! How much is it ? 250 yuan , please ! That is expensive . You should know about the oil crisis . OK darling , I got some pizzas , potato chips , hot dogs and lots of cheese ! Oh John , I thought we said we would start eating right ! Remember ? Our new healthy lifestyle ? That ’ s all junk food ! Humph ! Right , so what did you get ? Well , healthy food , of course ! I got some whole wheat bread , skimmed milk , fresh fish and organic carrots ... Organic ? What ’ s organic ? Do we need organic carrots ... ? They were grown without using any chemicals that are harmful to our health . And yes , John , we need organic carrots ... Oh , so organic vegetables are the ‘ green ’ option , right ? Yup , better for the environment and better for us ! Wait a minute , what's that ? ... Doughnuts ? They organic doughnuts , Kelly ? I like doughnuts . Have you packed our passports ? Not yet . Do we need to take it with us ? Of course . Otherwise I cannot go abroad . Is that hard to get a passport ? Not at all . But we do need to keep it with us all the time . It is hard to believe this little thing is so valuable to us . Good morning , sir . Have a seat please . I would like to know the state of the residential property market right now because I have an apartment to sell . Sure , here is my business card . I'm James Wilson . Let me explain to you how things are . In recent months , the demand for residential properties has become extremely high . The price of residential properly has risen almost twenty percent . Really ? Since I have to go back to England within the next few months , I would like to sell my apartment as soon as possible . Don't worry , sir . I think it's a seller's market right now . Let me get down some information about your apartment first . what is your property's address ? Flat C . 15 / F , Tong House , Tai Koo Shing . What is the square footage of your property ? How many bedrooms and living rooms ? Its gross area is approximately nine hundred square feet . There's one living room , one dining room , one master bedroom and two other bedrooms . What is the orientation and view ? It faces south with a hillside view . The market price for Tong House is around five thousand Hong Kong dollars per square foot , but it also depends on the internal layout and condition of the house . I would like to ask for four point five million Hong Kong dollars . May I have your name and contact number , Sir ? Johnson , and my contact number is 2876543 2 . My office number is 2123456 7 . Thank you , Mr . Johnson . May I ask you one more question ? When will your property become available ? In about one month . Also , Mr . Johnson , I would like to remind you my company will charge a commission equivalent to one percent of the transaction price in the event of a successful selling of the property through our introduction . No problem . Thank you very much . I will introduce your property to our clients . When they want to see your property , I will give you a call . Thank you . Which movie is your favorite to watch ? I have to say , my favorite movie is Superbad . Is that right ? Why ? Honestly , it is one of the funniest movies I've seen in a long time . You're right . That movie is hilarious . I didn't think you saw that movie . I went to see it the day it came out . I was laughing through the whole movie . I couldn't help laughing , either . Same here . I bought the movie . Would you like to come to my house and watch it ? Of course . Have you been taken of , miss ? I am Looking for a T-shirt . We have quite a variety of shirts here . What kind of material is this ? Silk . You have a good taste . It's excellent for its handiness , elegance and beauty . Can I try it on ? Good morning . I want to apply for a job in A your company as an assistant . Could you tell me the company address , please ? OK . Do yon have a pen and a paper now ? Yes , please . Our company is in Pudding new area in Shanghai . Are you being served , Sir ? No , not yet . I just want to hair cut . Would you sit here , please ? How would you like it cut ? I want it short . What , your short already , sir . I mean very short . shorter than it ’ s now . Should I just trim it ? No . you can cut quite a bit off , I like it to be very short all over . You see what I mean . Oh , I see . You like Chinese style , don ’ t you ? Yes . And Chinese style . Would you like to have some shampoo , sir ? No , thank you . How about oil or spray ? No , Nothing will be kind . There , how ’ s that ? That ’ s very good . Are there any interesting articles in today ’ s newspapers ? The headlines are all about the presidential election in the united states . Few other stories made the front pages . Is there anything of interest to us in the business sections ? There ’ s an interesting feature article in the chronicle about doing business in china and the daily news has printed a report about the special economic zone near pairs . We have a subsidiary company located there . Are the reports favorable ? Generally , the reporters take positive lines . They do point out a few problems that we need to be aware of , but there ’ s nothing worrying in the reports . In the classifieds , one of our competitors is advertising for people who speak Japanese . That ’ s interesting . They must be thinking of moving into that market . Are there any interesting editorials ? Not really . They all seem to focus on the election . There have been several letters printed in the chronicle regarding that controversial article on drugs that they printed last week . I ’ m not surprised . That article certainly added fuel to the debate . Ok . Thanks . Can you leave two articles and the advertisements with me ? I ’ d like to read them . Sure . There you are . I want to get some cable . Do you know what package you want to get ? What packages do you have ? We have movie channel packages . What else have you got ? You can get the sports package . Is there a package with basic and movie channels ? We have that package . Let me get that package . Is there anything else you would like ? That's everything , but can I add channels later ? You will be able to add or get rid of channels another day . Would you please wait this letter to see with the postages ? Do you want to sent this letter by ordinary or registered mail ? By ordinary airmail please . Anything valuable in it ? A post order for four hundred dollars . In that case , you ’ d better have it registered . Will I be informed that my friend gets the letter ? Yes . When your friend gets it , he ’ ll sent the receipt which you send it by mail . then you can be sure he ’ s received . All right . I have a registered then . I think we should do the floors before we work on the curtains and walls . Why ? it doesn't make sense . If we do the floors first , and then paint the walls , we will get paint all over our new floor . Hmm Maybe you're right . But I can't stand all this green carpet here . And besides , I know how to paint . I will just cover everything with drop cloth . I won't get anything on the floor . Are you sure ? Yes , I'm sure I've done a lot of house painting in my life . And my mother was very picky . If I got even a tiny drop of paint on her furniture , she would get furious . So I learned to be very careful . Alright . Then maybe we can do the floor first . These wood floors under this carpet are beautiful . And me too — — I can't wait to get all this old carpet out of here . But how can we get it out ? Do we have to hire someone ? Absolutely not . We can remove the carpet ourselves . Carpet is held down with carpet nails . You just need to pull it hard and it will come up . Great . Then , after we remove the carpet , we need to redo all the wood floors . Right ? Yes . But we should hire someone for that . That will probably be expensive . And it has to be done right . And then , after the floors are done , we can start to move our furniture in . Sure . If we can get an appointment with someone to do the floors , we should probably be able to have the furniture in here after a week or so . I can get all the carpet out this weekend . What are we going to eat for dinner ? Whatever meal that you plan on making . I thought you were making dinner tonight . I do all the cooking . Your food tastes so much better than mine . Save it . If you want something to eat , then make it yourself . You really want me to cook tonight ? I had a long day today . I really am not in the mood to make anything . No problem . Thanks . I'm going to go take a nap . Would you like me to come get you when the food is done ? Thank you . Jim , could you do me a favor ? Sure , just ask . What can I do for you ? My car has a problem starting . Could you please take a look at it for me ? No sweat . It ’ s a piece of cake . Are you sure ? Absolutely . I ’ m a great mechanic . Thanks for helping me out . I really appreciate it . Anytime . Personal Finance Department , Lucie speaking , how may I help ? Hello there . I need some advice about personal finance . Could you help me please ? That's no problem . What exactly would you like to know ? Well , I've been very busy recently and I'm having trouble keeping up to date with everything , so I just wondered what exact service you offer . We have a wonderful new service which provides a wide range of banking services , 24/7 , wherever you are . That sounds perfect and just what I'm looking for . What would you like to drink ? I'd like a coke . Forget about the coke . Let's drink some wine , shall we ? Okay . What would you prefer ? Red wine or white ? Red . Excuse me , could you tell me how to get to the Cross Bakery building ? The Cross Bakery building ? Oh sure . You're actually walking in the opposite direction . Oh , you're kidding ! I thought I was heading east . No , east is the other direction . To get to the Bakery , you need to turn around and go three blocks to Broadway . When you get to the intersection of Broadway and Elm , you hang a left . Go straight down that street for half a block and then you'll see the building on your left . Okay , let me see if I've got that . I need to go down Elm until I hit Broadway , then I make a left and the building is on my left hand side . Is that right ? Yeah , you've got it . Do you want me to show you the way ? Thanks for the offer , but I think I've got it . Hopefully , I won't get lost again on my way there ! Could I speak to Mary , please ? This is Mary speaking . Who is that ? This is Bob . Where have you been , Mary ? I have been trying to get on to you for the last half hour . Don ’ t you leave your home at 7 Yes , I do , but today I went shopping and have only just come back . It is very nice to hear your voice , Bob . I didn ’ t know you were in New York . I arrived this morning . I would have rung you before but I have been terribly busy all day attending a conference . It has only just ended . Are you doing anything tonight , Mary ? Yes , I am going to meet a client . But that is terrible ! I am only here for one night ! I am sorry , Bob . If you had told me you were coming up , I would have kept tonight free . But you didn ’ t tell me . I didn ’ t know myself till this morning when my boss suddenly dashed into the office and told me to rush up here to attend the conference . I thought Henry usually did the conferences . Yes , he does but when he was driving up here last night he had an accident and was taken to hospital . So I am doing it instead . Mary , Must you go out tonight ? Couldn ’ t you get out of it ? I ’ m free tomorrow but I suppose that will be too late . No , I will stay another boss will get over it . Would you like to meet me for lunch tomorrow ? I ’ d like to . But Bob , are you sure it will be all right ? I would hate you to make your boss angry or even lose your job . It is all right . I will call the boss and tell him I am staying another day . I stayed an extra night in Boston last month and he didn ’ t seem to put about it . Why did you stay an extra night in Boston ? What happened ? I will tell you tomorrow . See you tomorrow , Mary . See you tomorrow . Evening , table for three , please . Do you have reservations ? Yes , I do . I have made reservations under the name of Wang . Very Wang sir , smoking or no smoking ? No smoking , please . Could we have table by the window ? Of course , this way please . What am I supposed to do with this plastic cup ? That cup is for a urine sample . How , exactly , does this work ? This particular test calls for you to urinate into the cup after you have urinated a little into the toilet . When I finish , what should I do then ? You need to leave the cup in the cubby in the restroom , and the lab tech will get it from the other side . What is my doctor testing me for ? If there are bacteria in your urine , it could mean an infection somewhere . Will I know the results right away ? Your doctor will be contacting you with the results . Hi , Mike , where are you going ? I ’ m going to down town . At this time ? Why don ’ t you go there tomorrow ? It is almost dark . My boy wants me to buy a toy , so I think I ’ d better satisfy him . But I have seen many toys in your home . There is none now because he likes to destroy toys . But if he always destroys toys and asks you to buy new ones , what will you do ? Yes , I am annoyed by this , too . And you still buy him new ones ? Yes , I think so . You will spoil him . How do you choose which companies to work with ? Well , there are lots of things to consider . Quality and delivery times are as important as price . We also take into consideration technical support and after-sales service . We look for companies with a good track record . We place a few trial orders and if everything goes well , we put them on our approved list . It's important to choose companies you feel you can work closely with . Do you think I could use your car tomorrow ? I ’ Ve got a date with this girl , see ? And ... I see . Well , now you can have it as long as you bring it back by nine thirty . Nine thirty ? That ’ s no good . Couldn ’ t I have it a bit longer ? Even if I fill up the tank ? I ’ m afraid not , Nick . That ’ s the best I can do . Welcome to Game World . What can I do for you ? I'd like to get a good RPG . Can you recommend any ? Sure . This one here just came out . It's got great 3D graphics and a cool story line . It's also got a multiplayer function so you can play against other people on the Internet . This one looks pretty good , but I'd like to see more before I make up my mind . Do you have any other suggestions ? This one is also really cool . It's a sci-fi game in which you have to stop an alien invasion . The graphics on this one are spectacular . Hmm , it's a tough choice , but I think I'll go with this one . Hello , this is Peter Dixon from NEZ news radio . May I speak to Mr . Wilson please ? Yes , speaking . Good morning , Mr . Wilson . I ’ m calling to confirm the date of the next interview program . Hold on a minute please . I ’ ll have my assistant check that part . Excuse me , I'm looking for your 3 - liter Pepsis , the ones that are on sale this week . There don't seem to be any in the soft drink section . We may be sold out of them . Let me check the back . ( The clerk goes to the storeroom , returning a few minutes later . ) I'm afraid we're out of stock . Would you like a rain check ? Yes , I would , thank you . Let me get the manager to sign one for you . Tom , this is Mary Bobbins . She ’ s just come over from sales . It ’ s nice to meet you ! Guess we ’ ll be working together . Yes , she ’ ll be working closely with you on the marketing end of things . Good . Well , welcome aboard , Ms , Robbins . I'd like to pick up my package . Here is the notice . Could you show me your ID , Please ? Sure , here you are . A moment , please . Please come in and sit down . I ’ m happy to finally meet you . Same here , Ms . Drake . I've been looking forward to this . I ’ m sorry I kept you waiting . No , no , no , not at all , you were right on time . I was early . I hope I didn ’ t rush you . I ’ m glad for the opportunity to interview with you . Thank you . Can I get you some coffee or a cup of tea ? I ’ m fine , thank you . Good , then let ’ s get to the interview . Great , that ’ s why I ’ m here . Dentale Associates . I'm afraid there's nobody available to answer your call . Please leave your name and telephone number and we'll call you back . Please speak clearly after the beep . ( beep ) This is Miriam Lavalle – that's spelt L , A , V , A , L , L , E . It's about an appointment I made with Simon Meredith . I'm afraid I'm going to have to change it . Can you call me ? The number is 01563 566 770 . Thank you . What sort of shift-system do you operate ? We have a three-shift system - that's three eight-hour shifts each weekday . We're shut at weekends . This week I'm on the early shift . Do you ever have to do the night shift ? Yes , sometimes . I don't like working nights I have problems sleeping during the day . Could you tell me which kind of payment you'll choose ? We're going to pay by check . Will you please have the check certified ? If you think it is necessary . It's just our policy . We would accept a certified check or a direct bank remittance . OK , no problem . Hi . Can I help you with anything ? Yeah . Can I look at this ring ? Sure . Let me get it out for you . What is your size ? I believe I am a six . Here you go . Would you have any necklace that would go well with this ? Actually , we have a few to choose from . They are over here . There's no price tag on this necklace . Oh . I'm sorry . I'll check the price for you . It is $ 199 . This necklace is a little short . Do you have one that is longer ? Yes . Why don't you try this one on . This one is much better . Can I try on the ring with this necklace ? Sure . Here you go . Let me think about it . Sure . Take your time . Thank you for all the help . No problem at all . Do you want an IBM-compatible PC or a Macintosh ? I'm not sure . What's the difference ? Well , what do you plan to use your computer for ? Mostly just to browse the Internet and send emails to friends . Then a PC should be enough . Macintoshes are better for graphics , but they also cost a bit more . What can I do for you , Madam ? I'd like to buy a pair of leather shoes . What size do you take ? Size 38 or 39 . How about this pair ? They're well-made . But they are a little tight , They Pinch . In fact , They'll stretch a bit later . I know.But can you show me a little larger size ? All right.Here you are . This pair fits me perfectly . I feel comfortable . Hey daddy ! You look great today . I like your tie ! By the way , I was wondering can I & NO ! I haven't even told you what it is yet ! Okay , okay , what do you want ? Do you think I could borrow the car ? I ’ m going to concert tonight . Um .. I don ’ t think so . I need the car tonight to pick up your mother . Egg ! I told you about it last week ! Smelly Toes is playing , and Eric asked if I would go with him ! Who's this Eric guy ? Duh ! He's like the hottest and most popular guy at school ! Come on , dad ! Please ! No can do ... sorry . Fine then ! Would you mind giving me 100 bucks ? No way ! That ’ s so unfair ! What ’ s up ? I guess there is some kind of virus seeking into my computer , I can ’ t send out this e-mail . Do you have the number of the text port ? Yes , . Do you mind I have a look at your computer ? Of course not , I appreciate that . Well , it has nothing to do with virus . The problem is your attachment is a bit larger . It has exceeded the e-mail capacity . I see . What can I do now ? You can send a compressed one . What's good today ? The salmon is good toady , it's very fresh . How is it done ? It's cooked with lemon and savored with rice . Sound nice , I will try it . You're meal also include soup and salad . What's the soup of the day ? French onion soup , sir , what dressing would you like for your salad ? Thousand Island , please . Don't throw paper on the floor , Bill . Where shall I put it , miss ? Put it in the waste-paper basket , please . But Peter and Tony put all their paper in the basket a few moments ago.Now it's full . In that case , take the basket outside and empty it . Yes , miss . Where did you empty the basket , Bill ? In the playground , miss . Silly boy ! The dustbin is at the back of the school . Now pick up the paperand put it in the dustbiri . Are you all right ? No , I'm not . What's going on ? I was just robbed ! Are you serious ? Someone just robbed me . Did he hurt you ? He took all my things , but he didn't hurt me . I can't believe that . I need to make a statement at the police station . I'll take you , if you'd like . Thanks . Excuse me , would you like to be our guide ? Of course . It's our first time to be here , so would you please arrange a schedule for us ? With pleasure . I think we should go to the palace first . When was the palace built ? Listen , Karen , I need your help . I don't know anyone here yet . I'm glad to help you . What's wrong ? My mother-in-law just went into the hospital in L.A.Hank and I will be flying there tonight . I'm sorry to hear it . What's wrong with her ? Doctors aren't sure yet.But the real problem is Suzy . She has a bad cold , and we don't want to take her with us . But we don't know who can stay with her . You need a babysitter . Yes , I'd ask Jill , the girl I've had before , but I need someone overnight.Maybe even for two nights . I could have Suzy stay at my place . I don't want to do that to you , Karen . Why not ? Your own kids would get Suzy's cold . I think it would be better to have a good babysitter here . But I don't know who to ask . I need someone more mature than Jill . It might even be for two or three days . I know who we can ask . There is a girl I know , Sara Ralston.She is 17 , and she will usually take this kind of job . I know her from my church , and I trust her completely . I'd like to talk with her.This is short notice , I know . But Hank and I are leaving tonight . I'll get you her number . I hope she can do it . She is very responsible . I'm glad you know someone . I knew you would be the best person to ask about this . I don't want to insult Jill or her mother . I think Jill maybe could do it.But I'd rather have someone a little older . I'll go home and get Sara's number . I'll call her first myself . Great . Then call me and let me know if she's free . So click here , then up to the top . Er ... Hum ... Got it . Then open that window . Yeah , that one . Right ! And that's it . You're done . I see what you mean . That was pretty easy after all . Hello , I set up my laundry yesterday , are they being ready ? They will be ready this afternoon . Oh , no . I ’ m leaving for Japan at eleven this morning . Is that right ? We are very sorry I thought it the same day service . Anyway , please do a hurry . I ’ m afraid ... be can returned by eleven o ’ clock . Well , then . Would you send to Japan , please ? Yes , we ’ ll do so . Excuse me . I lost my way . Could you tell me where the scholar cinema is , please ? The Scholar ? Let me see . Oh ... yes , Of course I know . It ’ s in the Lincoln Square . Is that near here ? Oh , yes . It ’ s just a few minutes walk . Turn left at the traffic light , and you ’ ll see it . Thank you very much . Good morning , sir . Can I help you ? Yes , I want to deposit 1000 Yuan in my bank account . Please fill out this deposit form , first . OK ... Here you are . Any problem on that ? No , that's fine . Do you bring your bankbook with you ? Yes , I do . Here it is , and the cash . Wait a moment , please . Sure . Is there anything else I can do for you ? Yes . Can you tell me what the interest rate is now ? The deposit rate is 0.8 % every month . Thanks . Excuse me , doc . I am not feeling well . Can you help me ? Yes , but not here . Have you got registered yet ? No , I haven't . Where do I go for that ? The registration office . Did you bring your records with you ? Yes . Is anybody here with you ? Parents or siblings ? No , I'm here all by myself . You are a brave kid . Go ahead to the registration office first , then to the doctors . But I don't know where the registration office is . It's in the hall on the first floor . Do I have to come back here after getting registered ? No , kid . This is the gynecology department . Gynecology ? Yeah , It's only for girls . I really appreciate your driving me around . It's no problem . I have time today , and I think it's important that you find a good place . It would be hard for just me to do it . I don't know the city at all . So what do you see in there ? This one sounds good.Efficiency with view of the lake.Utilities and parking included . Newly remodeled kitchen . $ 470 . Can you afford that much ? No , I guess not . But that's what I want , isn't it ? An efficiency . Yes , an efficiency is a small apartment.Usually one large room and a small bathroom.There is often a small kitchen too . So it's good for one person . How about this one ? Downtown efficiency . Furnished ... What does furnished mean ? That means the apartment has furniture in it . That's good . Sometimes it's good , sometimes it's bad . You have to like the furniture . Furnished . Parking included . $ 400 . It's still pretty expensive . Yes , but it's downtown . I would like to take look at this one . Alright . What's the phone number ? 256-7797 . Got it . What else do you see ? This one . Two male grad students seeking roommate.Must be quiet . Comfortable downtown apartment.Does this mean I have to share a room with them ? No . It probably means they have a large apartment.Probably a living room , kitchen and three bedrooms.They need someone for the empty bedroom . That sounds alright . Yes , it might be an advantage for you . You are a foreigner , after all.If they're alright roommates , you could learn a lot from them . Here's the number , 256-4367 . Got it.Let ' s call these two and see if we can make appointments to see the apartments . Sounds good to me . I really appreciate your help on this . Don't mention it , Larry . What are friends for anyway ? I have a sore throat and my chest hurts . How long have you been like this ? Two or three days now . I think you've got the flu . There's a lot of it going around . What do you think I ought to do ? Get this prescription filled and go straight to bed . I'm going crazy . What's the matter ? I've got a dozen things to do and they all have to be done immediately . Well , if there is anything I can do to help , let me know . Excuse me , Miss . I feel like vomiting . Can I bother you for some ice water , please ? Sure , sir . But can I suggest a cup of warm water instead , I think it may help settle your stomach down . Fine , please . You can find an airsick bag in the seat pocket in front of you . Thank you very much for your kindness . You are welcome . I'll be back with the warm water in a minute . Come to think of it , there is one rule in this house , Mary . What is it ? When you go out with friends , I don't want you to stay out too late . Okay . We maintain a curfew for Cindy because she's just 16 . How late can we stay out ? You can stay out till 10 p . m . But if we're going to be late ? Then you call me or Tom first . What is this for ? It's the key for the safety deposit box . Okay , thanks . You're welcome , glad to be of assistance . Could I be of any help to you ? I want to buy a skirt , but I have no idea which one to buy . Do you like miniskirt ? It's popular among young girls . The pleated skirt also sells well . I don't like to keep up with joneses . What about the divided skirt ? I think this suits me . Can I try it on ? Excuse me , professor . I need to go home now . Is everything OK ? I just feel funny . What exactly seems to be the matter ? I have a terrible headache . Do you think that you should go to the Student Health Center ? I already have some medicine at home if I could just get there . Do you need someone to drive you home ? Thank you , but the bus stops right at my house . Well , go home and rest up . Make sure you check the website for your assignments . so , have you seen all three The Lord of the Rings movies ? yes , but I didn't really like the third one at all . that's the Return of the King , right ? yeah . Even though the customs were brilliant , I didn't think it was as good as the first two . What did you think ? I thought the special effects were amazing , but I got a bit confused . The plot was too complicated for me . did you read the books before you watched the movies ? no . did you ? yes , I've read them many times . I think it's much easier to follow for people who were already familiar with all the characters . yes , trying to keep track of all the characters was quite confusing for me . I also think that it was much better in the theatre than at home . most movies are . Another problem for me was the film was dubbed in German with English subtitles . that happens a lot in non-English speaking countries . I heard that The Return of the King was nominated for 11 Oscars . actually , they not only had 11 nominations , but they won 11 Oscars , too ! How may I help you ? A double cheeseburger sounds good . Everything on it ? Yes , please . Would you like fries with that ? I would love large curly fries . Would you like anything to drink ? Yes , let me have a medium Pepsi . Will that be all ? Yeah , that's it . Thank you . Your total comes to $ 5.48 . Here you go . Thank you very much . Excuse me , sir ? I ’ m afraid this is a no-smoking area . What ’ s that ? I ’ m sorry , sir . Smoking is not permitted in this area . Oh , sorry . I ’ ll put it out . Ladies and gentlemen , we are heading towards the first spot of our trip-the Louvre . Wonderful . That's a place famous for its arts . Yes . There are so many famous paintings on show . I am sure it will be an unforgettable trip . Surely it will be . By the way , when will we get there ? Half an hours later . Hi ! What are you watching ? It ’ s a programme about islam . It ’ s very interesting . Wow ! So many people ! Where are they and what are they doing ? They are muslims on a pilgrimage to mecca . Muslims call this pilgrimage haj . Why do they go there ? Muslims believe that every man who is able should go on a haj at least once in his life . Mecca is the spiritual centre of the muslim faith . When muslims pray , they face towards mecca . That ’ s right . Unfortunately , so many people go on the haj each year that there are often stamped and people get killed . I heard about that . The pilgrims must walk around a large , sacred black stone . That ’ s right . That ’ s when accidents often happen . The Saudi government tries to limit the number of pilgrims , to reduce the chances of accidents . Pilgrimages are common in many faiths . Yes . In England , Christian pilgrims might go to Canterbury and many Christians go to the Vatican on pilgrimages . Isn ’ t there a place in france where people go to get healed ? I think that place is Lourdes . There are many stories of people being healed after visiting there . Do you think that there is something magical about that place ? Personally . I think that people believe they will be healed and that faith causes a change in their mind that cures them . I don ’ t think place is magical in any way . Very good . Now , I have a couple of final questions . I hope they ’ re not too hard ! Well , why should we hire you ? I think that I would be a perfect fit in this company . I have a unique combination of strong technical acumen , and outstanding soft skills . you know , I excel at building strong , long-term customer relationships . For example , when I headed the customer support department in my previous company , our team solved about seventy percent of our customers ’ problems . I decided that we needed better information and technical preparation on our products , so after I implemented a series of training sessions in coordination with our technical department , we were able to solve ninety percent of our customers ’ issues . Given the opportunity , I could bring this kind of success to this company . Impressive ! So , what would you consider to be your greatest weakness ? I struggle with organization and time management . Punctuality has never been a strength of mine . I find it hard to organize my time efficiently . I have actually addressed this weakness recently , by attending a workshop on efficient time management . It helped me a lot , by providing me with great insights on how to get organized and use my time efficiently , so I think I ’ m getting better now . Great ... Well , let me tell you that I am very pleased with this interview . We are short-listing our candidates this week , and next week we will inform our short listed candidates of the day and time for a second interview with our CEO . Great , thanks a lot ! I hope to hear from you ! Good bye . Wow . That girl who brings the fruit is really pretty ! I wish she wouldn't have rushed off so fast ... Hey , it's an English song ! Sing with us , Ryan ! " Tie a Yellow Ribbon on the Old Oak Tree " ? ! Where did you learn that song ? Everyone in Taiwan knows it . Come on ! Sing with us ! I'm sorry , but I can't ! That's something my grandmother would sing ! I'm concerned about your car . It will be fine . But I think I can help to fix it . No , don't give it another thought . I feel terribly bored . I'm going to take a job . Good . Then I can buy my own car . Splendid . And pay for my own clothes . That's an excellent idea . Excuse me , is this where I can catch a bus to the museum ? Yes , you're at the right stop . Thank you . Are you new here ? Yes . Have you got small change ? They require exact fare . Yes , I've got some coins . How much is the fare ? One yuan . When you get on the front of the bus , just drop your money into the box . I see . How often does this bus run at this time of day ? It runs every ten minutes . Oh , here comes the bus . Can I take a picture ? I am sorry , sir , it's not allowed . What a pity . Do you have reproductions of this paint ? Of course . You can get it at the entrance . Thank you . Welcome to our Colonial Tramcar Restaurant , ma'am . Where would you like to sit ? I'd like to sit in the rear . All right . Come with me , please . Here is your seat , ma'am . Would you like to order now ? Yes What would you like for a drink ? Wine , please . What kind ? Something real Australian . Would Chablis be all right ? Yes . That would be fine . What would you have for a la cane ? I'll have Chicken and Ginger Burger with Chilli Dressing . Can I help you , sir ? Yes , I'd like to look at some suits . Oh , this way please.What size do you wear ? Size 41 . I want something in dark flannel . How about this one ? It feels all right.But if it were a darker color , I'd like it better.This seems too light for winter.Do you think you could get me one ? All right . I'll show you something darker.Do you like this one ? It looks good.But can I try it on ? Of course.Let me help you . Thanks.It ' s comfortable.Well , how much is it , please ? $ 280 . Ok . I'll take it.Here ' s the money . What kind of jobs have you had ? I have been a Production Manager . How many years have you worked as a Production Manager ? 3 years . Would you like to tell me something about your outstanding achievements ? I had introduced an advanced product line , which increased the output and lessened the cost . Wonderful . Then how many employers have you worked for ? Frankly speaking , three . If your company employs me , it will be my fourth . Then have you received any award at your present company ? Yes . I was awarded the title of Advanced Worker last year . How would you evaluate the company you are with ? Although I could not say that everything is perfect there , I still very much appreciate what the company has given me , especial many chances . How would your colleagues evaluate you ? They would say I am a responsible friend and a capable colleague . Can you get recommendations from your present employers ? Yes , I have brought them with me . Here they are . Do you have any questions ? I think that you have covered all the important points already.But if I have any questions later I will contact you . This is our best product . How long will it take to make five hundred ? They'll be done before the end of the week . Good . Doctor , may I ask my mother ’ s condition ? Well , you'd better sit down for this . It has been terminal lung cancer . Oh my god . Please save her life . We ’ ll try our best , but you'd better prepare for the worst . I see , D . But I plead you to help her . I have said that we will try our best . You can trust us . But you know her situation . How long do you expect her to live ? About half a year . Well , It ’ s not as crowded as we excepted , is it ? No . But it will be soon . Look , there are two empty seats over there . Let ’ s get them before somebody else does . Yes , Let ’ s . Now , Let ’ s make ourselves comfortable since we have got quiet a long way to go . That ’ s a good idea . Excuse me , sir , could you please tell me the way to Aidan Bookstore ? Yes , of course.Would you like to walk there or take a bus ? Er ... Is it far from here ? It's just about ten minutes ' walk . Go along this street , on the third cross you'll find it on your left . Then I'll walk.Many thanks . Not at all . What are your terms of sale ? The price quoted is for CIF . My understanding is that CIF means the seller is responsible for prepaying shipping costs and arranging for the insurance policy . Yes , that is correct . We will arrange for the shipping costs and insurance policy . Is it possible to consider FOB ? That way , we will handle the insurance through our broker . Yes , we could also make this arrangement , , if you prefer . I ’ m thinking about redecorating my bedroom . I bought this magazine in order to get some ideas . What do you think of this ? That looks good . The room in the picture is bigger than your bedroom , so you wouldn ’ t be able to put all the furniture in your room . I ’ d like to have the bad and the wardrobe . You would fit both of them in your bedroom . Perhaps you could also get the dressing table . I think that one would look good in your bedroom . Yes , it would . It ’ s very expensive though . Everything in this magazine seems expensive . You could probably find something similar in a discount furniture store . Yes . I ’ m sure I could find something similar at one . I ’ d also like to get a new carpet for my bedroom . You can get cheap carpets easily . Another idea is to buy a rug . That would cover a lot of the carpet and you wouldn ’ t have to replace the carpet . It would save you a lot of work . That ’ s a good idea . I ’ m really looking forward to redoing my bedroom . Excuse me , can you tell me where the breakfast cereals are ? They're in aisle 2A , down that way . Are the snack foods in that area , too ? Yes , they're in ... let me think ... Aisle 3B , if I remember right . Okay , I'll go take a look . Thank you so much for your help . Don't mention it . How are you , Mr . Stone ? I m Farley . Pleased to meet you , Mr . Farley . Please have a seat . I know our employment officer has already given you information about your employee contract , but I'd like to go over the main details again before signing . First , you'llbe getting a monthly salary , with one month paid vacation after one year of employment . OK May I ask whether there is probation ? No probation is involved . Shall we have some soup first ? No , thank you . I don't like soup . I'd rather have some fruit juice to start with . Ok , and what about the main course ? Which would you rather have , fish or meat ? Meat , I think . Don't you like fish then ? I do , but I want meat . Shall we have some white wine then ? Yes , but I prefer red wine with meat . What would you like for dessert ? I just want to have a coffee , I think . Fine , and after dinner , shall we go to a disco ? No , thanks . I'd like to go straight home . I'm very tired . How long have we had the A3 printer in the sales department ? Just over a year I think . Why , what's the problem ? I'm not sure but there seems to be something wrong with it . Is it still under guarantee ? I think the guarantee's just run out . Let me check . Oh , it's OK . We took out an extended warranty , it runs until next March . Excuse me . I ’ m a stranger here and lost my way . Can I help you ? Sure . Can I get to the central department stall this way ? uh ... Yes . Turn right , then take the second turning on your left . Is it far ? It ’ s about fifteen minutes ’ walk . That ’ s all . And do you know where the national bank is ? Yes . It ’ s on this street . Keep walking for two blocks and it ’ s on the corner on the right . Thanks very much . You are welcome . Good luck . Thank you . I won ’ t miss it . Good morning , sir ! Please know some about our latest products . These are your products ? They are our products . Please come in and have a look . This is the catalogue for our products . May I have your name card ? I am always concerned about the newest computer . Of course , here you are . Thank you . Would you sit down and write down your name and address here ? OK ! Would you like to recommend some for our reference ? This is the latest design for our products . The design of I-series keeps the fashion in a close way . The sales volume of the new product is about 50,000 per month . And we received many orders from many clothes companies . New functions and attractive outlook are the key points for our products . Welcome to IBA . How can I help you ? You called yesterday to tell me that our funds under the L / C had arrived ? It's Ming Cha Legal Services . Oh , yes . I remember . You must be Mr Xie . It's nice to put a face to a voice . Yes , it sure is . The L / C number is JD185649000023 . JD185649000023 ? Yes , found it . 175,000 Euros , is that correct ? JD185649000023 ? Correct . Could I convert that into RIB ? Yes , you can . Just wait a moment and I'll do that for you now . That's fine , thanks . Were you able to get a look at the suspect's face ? Yes . I know exactly what he looks like . I must ask you to pick him out of a line-up . That won't be a problem . Look closely at the five men in this line-up . I am looking . Do you see the suspect ? Yes . He's in the line-up . What number is the suspect ? Number four . Thank you for all your help . It was no problem at all . Hurry up , will you ? What's the rush ? Good evening . Welcome to Mansion Hotel . I have a reservation . My name is Rodgers . Last name , Rodgers ? Yes . Very well . Welcome , Mr . Rodgers . Would you please fill out the registration card ? How are you doing today ? 0h , good . I have a long day and it's good to get here . Mr . Rodgers , how would you handle your account ? My credit card , please . I will check to see if there any messages for you ? Well , here is one message for you . Thank you . I have an 8 o ' clock appointment tomorrow morning , I would like a wake-up call . Certainly , I can take care of that for you . What time would you like the wake-up call ? 7 a . m . Mr . Rodgers , this is George . He will take care of your luggage and show you to your room . If there is anything I can do for you , please let me know . OK , I'll do that . Have a pleasant stay . Morning , Mum ! Morning , Meg . You look not well today ? Are you ill ? No , I am not ill . Then , What ’ s the matter with you my child ? Nothing . Oh , come on , baby . Tell me what happened . I ... I failed to pass the examination . How I wish I had studied hard . Oh . Take it easy . You can set your aim from today . Ok , Mum . I will not fail the examination next time . I'm going to the United Stated to attend my daughter's commencement . How nice ! Are you going to convert some RIB to US dollars ? Yes . But I will not take much cash with me I can ask the bank to give me the traveler's checks . So it will be safer . How can you cash them when you arrive in the United States ? I will go to the bank , give them my check , show them one piece of my identifications , and the most important thing is that I should sign my name to endorse the check . It sounds quite simple . Next time when I travel abroad , I will apply for this kind of check too . Is there anything I can do for you ? I'm trying to choose a gift . Did you have anything particular in mind ? No , but I'd like to get something typical in this region . Well , we have some handmade products . Let me show you some . They're quite nice . But I'm afraid they're quite a bit expensive . About how much were you planning to spend ? No more than one hundred yuan . Oh , in that case . This one is OK . Oh ! It's perfect . I think I'll take it . Would you wrap it , please ? OK . Wait for a moment , please . What are you doing this weekend ? I'm going to the movies with a friend . How about you ? I'm not sure yet . Well , did you want to go see a movie with me ? What movie are you going to see ? I'm not sure yet . Is there something you want to see ? There's nothing I can think of . So , did you want to go ? No , thanks , maybe another time . Okay , sounds good . Welcome to Lens Magic , ma ’ am.How can I help you ? I ’ d like to buy an inexpensive camera . Well , we ’ Ve got several point-and-shoot cameras.These are all 35mm compact cameras with auto-focus and a built-in flash.We also have these Polaroid cameras . I don ’ t think I ’ ll need a Polaroid.Does this 35mm camera have an automatic flash ? Yes , it does.But you can turn it off if you want . Okay , I ’ ll take this one.Does it come with batteries and a case ? Yes , it does.Here , I ’ ll box it up for you . Lili , let ’ s take a vacation ! George , how can we ? Vacations cost money . And this month we don ’ t have much money left after paying the rent . Well , Lili , we can visit different places in the state in our van . We are not going to take a plane or stay at a hotel this time . Trust me , it won ’ t cost much . Where will we sleep , then ? In the van . What about other expenses ? Let ’ s see . Gas , food , recreation , we won ’ t spend much . Come on . Don ’ t hesitate . We need to get out of the house once in a while . We have been working hard , haven ’ t we ? Maybe you ’ re right . When do you plan to go ? The sooner the better ! I can ’ t wait ! Oh , I don ’ t know where we ’ re going yet . As long as we ’ re going , you can decide where to go . I trust your judgments . I know you miss Chinese food , so we can eat at a Chinese restaurant this time . Let ’ s go to Chicago . We can have lunch in Chinatown . Then we can go to a ball game at Wrigley Field ! Hi . This is the Customer Service . How can I help you ? Hi . I bought one of your vacuums from spend-wart . It ’ s broken now . Is it under warranty ? I think so . I bought it four months ago . Yes , it is still covered by our warranty . Tell me the mode number of your vacuum , please . Okay . The model number is 6594 - c . What ’ s your address , your name and your phone number ? 906 Ottawa street . My name is David Yang . My phone number is 713-786-0234 . Okay . There are two Customer Service Offices in your area . The nearest one is Chadwick and Hacks Appliances . Could you tell me where the office is located ? Sure . 878 Fennel South . Oh , I know that place . It ’ s only two minutes drive . You have to call the office first . All right . Thank you very much for your help . My pleasure . Dear fellows . As you know , Mr . Ross will be leaving us very soon after his short but meaningful visit to our company . I really want to stay a little longer , but I still have a meeting to attend . All in all , I am so impressed by your hospitality and your warm welcome . Thank you for the trouble you have taken . Just as what I said in my welcome speech , Mr . Ross's visit to our company is meaningful for both our two companies . Thank you very much for your visiting . We will miss you all the time . During my trip here , I learned a lot and I get to know our choice of choosing your company as our partner is definitely right . I can feel and sense the potential of your company . And at last I wish our further cooperation will be sound and successful . That's our pleasure . Mr . Ross , your visit leaves gorgeous memory here . And I hope Mr.Halmiton , the president of your company can also have the chance to visit our company soon . Remember me to him , please . Of course , I will . What makes you think you are able to do the job ? My major is Automobile Designing and I have received my master's degree in science . I think I can do it well . What kind of work were you responsible for in the past employment ? I am a student engineer who mainly took charge of understanding of the mechanical strength and corrosion resistance of various materials . I call this meeting to order . Thank you all in attendance today , I know it's a busy day for you all . We have a lot of material to cover today . Did everyone get an agenda ? I need a copy of the agenda . Also , may I suggest something ? I know we have many points to review today , but would it be possible to limit our meeting time to finish before four o'clock ? Many of us still have a mountain of work to do before the day's end . We should be able to finish everything up before then . Let's run through the major points first , and see where we're at . The first matter of business is to approve the minutes of our last meeting . I propose we accept the minutes . Good . Do I have a second ? I second . motion carried . Now , next on our agenda is our budget review . Margaret , can you please fill us in on where the budget review stands ? I gave everyone a copy of the manual last week . We've had the review board going over everything , and they have come up with a final review . Here's a copy for everyone , and if you have any questions , you can talk to me after the meeting . Basically , the budget review has been completed , with maybe a few polishing details left . What kind of action is required ? If everyone could take a look at the final review handout , if there're any objections or corrections , let me know . Next week , we can cast the final approval . Let's speed up . We're going to be late again . If we hurry , can we get there in time ? I hope so . Everything's gone wrong . I know , it's not as I had planned . What are we going to do now ? I'll speak to Bob , he'll be able to help us . How do you feel about this restaurant ? I really liked it ! I really enjoyed the food . What did you enjoy the most ? I enjoyed the fish the most . The fish was pretty special , but I loved the dessert . The macadamia cake was out-of-this-world ! I really felt that the service was exceptionally good . Yes , the service really added to the experience . I am looking forward to returning to this restaurant . Ann , let's go , or we will be late . What time is it ? It is already 10:25 . Well , we still have about 15 minutes . What time did you say the train is leaving ? 12:05 . And it takes only 20 minutes to get to the station by bus . Yes , but what will happen if the bus is late ? Relax , those buses run every 10 minutes , so we have plenty of time . ( still on the bus . ) What time is it ? It is a quarter to twelve . Oh dear , we will miss our train . Good afternoon . Which service do you require . I need to increase the amount of my L / C . It's quite a new one ; I opened it 12 days ago . What you need to do is apply for an amendment on your existing L / C . How do I go about that ? You'll need to fill in this application form and there is a charge of 30 US dollars for this . OK , you can take that from my account . I'll fill in the form now . Thanks . Yes ... that's all in order . What we will do now is send the L / C amendment to the negotiating bank . As soon as we know anything , we'll contact you . : How are you , Mr . Ding ? I ’ m John Brown . Pleased to meet you , Mr . Brown . Please have a seat . I know our employment officer has already given you the information about your employee contract , but I ’ d like to go over the main details again before signing the contract . First , you ’ ll be getting a monthly salary , with one month paid vacation after one year of service . No probation is involved . That ’ s what I understand . You ’ ll be covered by our medical plan while on duty . Since you ’ ll be middle-anagement , you , re expected to be available up to one hour past normal working hours . Any approved overtime that will be paid at time , which you can take as salary or time off . Exactly my understanding . A reasonable number of sick days will be covered by the company . Any extended illness will be covered by insurance . Have you read the other terms of the contract ? Yes , I have . Do you have any questions ? Just one . I noticed an item about flextime . Is that a possibility for me ? Yes it is , but you ’ ll have to discuss the details with your manager . Good . Now , if you ’ ll just sign here , you can start work in 3 days . Excuse me . I have booked one ticket on BN118 for tomorrow.But now I've changed my plan.Can you help me refund the ticket ? Sure . Here is the ticket . OK.madam . I have refunded it.You have to pay $ 15 for it . I'm so glad we decided to go on a cruise for our vacation . Are you even glad that we get to buy new clothes too ? Ah , that's all part of the fun . What do you think of these shorts ? They look really good on you . They look comfortable too . They are . I think I'm going to get a hat too . Okay . I chose this swimming suit . Do you like it ? Wow . You look great . Great and white ! Which reminds me , let's pick up some heavy duty sunscreen ! Excuse me , sir . I can't find my baggage . Here is my claim tag . Don't worry , madam . Can you make a description of your baggage ? One is a small-size Nike in red and the other is a big one in black . The two are tied together . OK . We will make an announcement for you . Please leave your telephone number , we will call your as soon as we have your baggage . Hello . Can I talk to Miss Li , please ? I beg you pardon ? Miss who ? Miss Li . Li Lin . I'm sorry , but I don't know that name . You must have the wrong number . Come on . I know Li Lin is there . Let me talk to her . Sorry . There's no one named Li Lin here . Are you sure you have the right name ? Sure . What number are you trying to dial ? It's 423-6681 . Isn't it right ? No . It isn't . It's 423-6631 . I'm sorry to have bothered you . No problem . Can I try this dress on ? Sure.the fitting room is right behind you . Well , I like the styte , but I don't think the color fits me . Could you bring me a green one ? Sure , wait a moment . Excuse me , young man ? Yes , ma ’ am ? Could you point me in the direction of the bank ? I ’ Ve lost my way . Certainly , ma ’ am . Just take these stairs down to the first floor and turn left . You can ’ t miss it . Your luggage is over 8 kilograms . Really ? What can I do ? You have to pay the excess luggage charge , please . OK . Can you give me a fragile label ? Sure . Here you are.Attach the label to your luggage and put your bag here . You look bright-eyed and bushy-tailed . Of course , just five minutes ago I got the phone call from Future Clothes Company and I was told to start my trial period in that company next Monday . Congratulations ! Let's get together sometime . Great idea . Well , I am worried to death right now ! There is still no news from the company for me . Let it be ! Time will tell . Maybe they will send me e-mail to inform the result . Let me check my mail-box again . I would like the two clothes washed . No problem.madam.But I think the red sweater is not colorfast.Would you like to have it dry cleaned ? Thank you for your reminding.Yes , please have it dry cleaned . I will bring them to your room tomorrow afternoon . Mr Moon , how good to see you again . Hello , Miao Ping , I'm here to chat with you about Corporate Agreement Savings . What can you tell me ? Well , Corporate Agreement Savings will be based on the Agreement Deposit Contract signed by the customer and the bank together . So , this contract decides the terms and the line of basic deposit withheld while settling the account . So , if we look within the line of basic deposit , the interest should be counted at the rate of Current Deposit on the day of settlement or withdrawal . What if I exceed ? If it goes beyond the basic deposit , the agreement will be settled at the rate agreement savings which has been determined by the People's Bank of China on the day you wish to settle or withdraw . Right , I see . It all sounds pretty complicated to me . I think I'm going to need some more time to think about this and make a decision as to what I want to do . You have to help to the laundry today . Give me a break . Kenvir ? Hi , it's Alice . I'm very sorry that I have a big favor to ask you again . How big , Alice ? Last time you said that , I ended up working overtime 4 nights . Well , I've got a huge load of typing and Mr . Brown has insisted I get it done by tomorrow afternoon . Could you help me to type half of it ? All right , Alice . But this is the last time . I also have a lot of work to do . Thank you , Kenvir . You're so kind . I have to go up to London for a couple of days next week.Would you like to come ? That would be nice.How are you getting there ? Well , I prefer to go on the train , but I suppose you want me to take the car . Oh , I much prefer to go by car , then we don't need to get to the station with our luggage and ... And I've got to drive.You know I'm not fond of that . I found it much more relaxing to sit in the train . Which is more expensive ? But very much quicker.But I know we'll never agree on this subject.You prefer the car . I prefer the train . Now.Have you ever thought of going by express bus ? Hello , is that Susan who applied for an accountant in our company through the phone ? Yes , speaking . Can I help you ? I am the HR manager of the ABC Company . You are on the list of interviewees . Would you please come over to have an interview ? Sure , I'd love to . Thank you . It is enough for today . Do you have any last question ? If not , thank you for taking your time to come to our interview . You ’ re welcome . For the moment , I have no further questions . I got a good picture of the job and the company . All my questions have been answered . Thank you for your time . We will have an internal discussion and then we will contact to inform you of our decision on whether we continue with you or not . Ok , it was very nice to talk with you and I look forward to your decision at your earliest convenience . Bye . Goodbye . Good morning . This is Apple Corporation . May I speak to Ballam ? Speaking . I ’ m calling to offer you the position of computer engineer . May I ask how much I can get every month ? Your starting salary is 3 , 000 yuan a month , but if you work well we will put you on our regular staff after six months time and your salary will be raised to 5,000 yuan a month . I thought the starting salary is too low . What is the lowest salary you may consider ? I hope to make 4,000 yuan a month for supporting my family . That ’ s all right . We will pay you 4 , 000 yuan a month for supporting your family . Would you like to start on next Monday ? No problem . Thank you for hiring me , I am very proud to be employed by your company and I will come in at eight o ’ clock sharp Monday . Good morning ! Marquette General Hospital . Tia speaking . May I help you ? Hi , this is Emily Wang , I want to see a doctor today . Your medical card No . , please ? GRM 789051 Thanks . Do you have an appointment , Ms . Wang ? No . But it is urgent , and I need to see a doctor as soon as possible . I am really in bad shape . What is the matter ? I have a high fever and a bad headache . Have you taken your temperature ? Yes , I took my temperature last night . It was 102 degrees . But right now I feel my fevers is up to 103 degrees . Anything else bothering you ? I can not stop coughing , and I can not stop sneezing . I vomited blood last night . Sorry , I am coughing again . Well , you can come to a work-in clinic today . You do not need an appointment . What time should I come ? Any time between 8 a . m . to 9 p . m . Ok . Thank you very much . You are very welcome . Anything else I can do for you today ? No , thanks . Mr.Sun , would you mind if I ask you some questions , which may sound impolite ? Ah , never mind , please . Can you tell me how old you are ? I am 25 years old . Are you married ? No , I am still single . Can you tell me something about your family ? Ok.There are four persons in my family , my parents , my elder sister and me . Hello , Wendy speaking . Hi , Wendy . I ’ m Gerry . Hi , Gerry . How can I help you ? Is Marisa in ? Yes . But she is very busy right now . Can you call her later ? All right . I ’ ll call her later . Thanks , bye bye . Bye . Excuse me , would you mind changing seats with me ? Not at all . Thank you . That's very kind of you . You're welcome . Good morning , I ’ m Daniel . I ’ m applying for the positon of manager . Yes . Sit down , please . How did you learn about our company ? I got to know your company through such famous brands as LUX , LIPTON and WALLS . After making a customer survey , I was glad to find out how your products are appreciated by millions of Chinese . Why would you like to work with us ? It ’ s the job I ’ m interested in . And your company is the best-known . Although I don ’ t have much experience as a manager , the job description you sent to me was very interesting . It ’ s a job I ’ Ve been dreaming of and I feel suited to fill it . Oh , really ? Would you transfer to another company if it is not what you expected ? I don ’ t think so . As the saying goes , “ A great oak needs deep roots . ” I ’ m really interested in this job . That ’ s fine . Thanks for coming to see us . I hope to be able to let you know about the job within the week . Hello , Sir . What can we do for you today ? Bill payment , please . I'd like to pay my electricity bill . I heard there's a new way ; I'm sick and tired of all this queuing ! Now , you can do it via our Atms . It's convenient and easy to use . And we have 4 machines in this branch , so the queues are not usually very long . So , how do I use it ? You just simply follow the instructions on the screen . You can inquire about your account information and use the self-service payment function . Are we supposed to get off right here ? I think so ; hurry up and get off . Where are we ? I don't know . You said this was the right stop . I think I was wrong . Did we get off the bus too early ? I don't know ; it kind of looks like we did . Why did you tell me to get off ? I'm sorry . I thought this was our stop . I really don't feel like walking . We could always wait for the next bus to come . Have you got anything to declare , madam ? No , I haven't . Have you got any wine or spirits ? No , I don't drink . What about cigarettes or cigars ? I've got some cigars . How many , madam ? Two small boxes . Excuse me , sir ? Yes ? I'm afraid you can't smoke here . Why not ? Can't you see the notes here ? I'm sorry . I can't . What does the note say . It says No smoking . Sorry , I'm very near sighted . Hi , this is Ralph Simmons . With whom am I speaking ? This is Paula Blake , Mr . Simmons . How can I help you ? I ’ m hoping you can sort a few things out for me . Could you pull up my account ? Certainly , sir . Just tell me your account number please . OK.sir . Your room is done . Is there anything else I can do for you ? Would you please help me send these clothes to the laundry ? OK.sir . When will they be ready ? All the laundry will be ready by 5 That's fine.Thank you . 911 . What can I do for you ? I am reporting a break-in . When did it happen ? It happened last night . Where did it happen ? It happened at my house . What was taken ? I don't know . How do you know there was a break-in ? Someone busted my window . I will send a squad car to your house right now . Please do . Mom , I just finished my paper . Can you proofread it before I hand it in ? Sure , let's take a look . Sweetie , this is terrific . Your ideas are so original . Thanks . I can tell you worked hard on it . I really did ! I started thinking about what I wanted to say three weeks ago . Well , it was definitely worth all the time . Let's just hope my teacher agrees . I'd like to speak to Robert . Speaking . Hello , Robert . This is Frank . I'm coming to Guangzhou on the the 7th and I'd like to call in to discuss the project plan . All right . What time are you coming ? Well , my flight leaves at 8 a . m . , and I'll arrive at 10 a . m . Shall we say 11 o'clock ? Can we make it 11:30 ? A customer will come to the office at 11 . Oh , yes . That's fine with me . Maybe we can have lunch together . Great . I'll see you on the 7th . Hello , I'd like to see Mr . Baker for some business . What time would you like to see him ? Would 9:00 o'clock tomorrow morning be alright ? Just a moment , please . I'll check for you . I'd like to rent a car . May I see your driver's license , please ? Here is my international driver's license . What kinds of cars do you have ? We have Honda , Citroen and Toyota . Which make and model do you prefer ? I'll take the Citroen C2 . What is the rate for the car per day ? The price is 60 euro per day . Do you want insurance ? Full coverage , please . That's an extra 10 euro a day . Do I have to fill up when I check in ? Yes . Excuse me , driver . Let me off here , please . Well , it's not the supermarket you want . I have just changed my plan . OK . Here is the fare and keep the change please . Hello . Thank you for calling Spend Mart . Is this the Customer Service Desk ? Yes . How can I help you ? I bought a sweater from your store a week ago . It says size 12 . But actually , it is a size 10 . Can I exchange it ? Do you have the receipt with you ? Yes , I do . I like to apologize for the problem . Please come down with your receipt and sweater to exchange it for the size you want . Thank you very much . You ’ re welcome . Excuse me . Yes ? What can I do for you ? I just checked in , and there's a problem with my room . And what is the problem ? I asked for a non-smoking room , and I don't have one.My room smells like cigarette smoke . I can't stand it.Could you change my room , please ? Let me see ... I'm sorry , but we don't have any more non-smoking rooms.We won't charge you for your room tonight . Thank you . I'm very sorry about this . That's OK . Thanks for your help . You're having coffee , aren't you ? Yes , I always have coffee in the morning . What are you going to have to eat ? I'm going to order scrambled eggs and toast . What about you ? That sounds good to me . I'll have the same . I have to go up to London for a couple of days next week . Would you like to come ? That would be nice . How are you getting there ? Well , I prefer to go on the train , but I suppose you want me to take the car . Oh , I'd much prefer to go by car , then we don't need to get to the station with our luggage and ... And I've got to drive . You know I'm not fond of that . I found it much more relaxing to sit in the train . Which is more expensive ? But very much quicker . But I know we'll never agree on this subject . You prefer the car . I prefer the train . Now have you ever thought of going by express bus ? Hi , what're you reading ? An old book Death on the Nile.Have you read it ? Not yet , but I saw the movie.Could I borrow it when you finish reading ? Sure.But you need to be patient . Hello , may I speak to Mr . Robert the Human Resources Manager ? Wait a minute . I will get him here . Sorry , he is busy doing something . Why don't you give him a ring later ? OK , that's fine . Thank you . You are welcome . What's your expected salary ? I expect to be paid according to my abilities . How do you feel about an annual salary of 100,000 Yuan plus bonus . That's a little less than I expected . But to me , the most important thing is the job and the people I will work with . Moreover , I am sure I will get a raise quickly depending on my background and experience . That sounds very reasonable . By the way , how long is my probation ? Generally it is 6 months and during this period you are half-paid . Are utilities included in the rent ? Gas and water are included . Do I have to pay for electricity myself ? Yes , electricity is not included in the rent . Would you please explain for me what a business contract implies ? A contract is an agreement which is binding on both parties mutually . A contract might be formal or informal , oral or written . An implemented contract is one which has been fully executed by both sides ; an executive contract is one which is going to be performed . They are enforceable by laws and any party who defaults the contract may be sued and forced to make compensation . What are the purposes of contract ? In an ordinary contract , the objective of a contract might be relatively simple , indicating the description of commodity , price , quantity , terms of payment and etc . When we draft a contract , which points should we pay special attention to ? Well . First , make meaning clear by using concise forma language . Second , describe accurately the exact requirement . Finally , state clearly the permissible variation in quantity . What can I do for you ? Well , I'd like some legal advice . Jane and I are thinking of incorporating . So Want to find out what sort of legal procedure one follows in forming a corporation . You begin by applying for a corporate charter . And then stockholders hold a meeting to organize the corporation , an individual has limited liability and the right . I know . I have an idea that we get together to discuss this next week . OK . I will give a call . Are you through with your meal ? Yes , we are . Could we have the check please ? Here you go . I can take care of it here when you are already . Do you accept checks ? No , I'm sorry we don't . We accept credit cards and cash . Well , I don't have any cash with me , I'll have to put it on a credit . Thank you , I'll be right back . Do you need any to go boxes ? I'd be glad to bring you some when I come back . Yes , we do , thank you . How do you like the food ? It tastes really great . Did you cook it ? Yes . I made it this afternoon . Would you like some more ? OK , just a little though . I'm really full . Oh . Would you like some soup instead ? What kind is it ? Tomato and rice . Have you had that before ? No . This is my first time . How does it taste ? It's good , try it . What do you think ? Wow . It is good . Did you make that also ? Yes . You're a really good cook . Thanks , next time I'll make chicken soup for us . That sounds good . Did you study cooking in school ? No , I learned by myself . I have a good cook book that I read when I have time . Good afternoon . Can I help you ? Is Ms April Wang available at the moment ? I'm sorry , Sir . She's currently away at our sub-branch . Is there anything I can help you with ? I hope so . I'm in the process of applying for a credit card with you , and Ms Wang asked me to drop off these documents . Let me take a look ... ID , yes , form completed , yes , well , it looks in order , Sir . Do you need anything else from me ? We do require a deposit before we can issue you with a personal credit card . No problem . How much ? If I don't have enough on me , I'll pop over to the ATM and draw some . The minimum deposit is 1,500 RIB . But you will need to pay some small additional handling charges as well . I think I can manage that . Let's see ... yes , here we are . Madam , is everything set up for your trip ? Not yet . I seem to move my house to that place . You don't know how tight the schedule is for this trip . You will be busier , right ? Correct ! I have three-day visit to Shanghai on December 10th . That will be gorgeous ! I would like a single room with a bath for two nights . Can you help me to reserve a hotel room for me ? Yes , Madam . Hello , this is Wal-mart . Can I help you ? Hello . What time do you close , please ? We close at 10:00 every day . And we open at 9:00 in the morning . Oh . Ok . And are you open on the weekends ? Same hours as on the weekdays . Wow . You guys never take a break ! I want to come in and have a look at your sale . Your sale is still on , isn't it ? Yes , it runs till the end of the month . But things are clearing out fast . Ok , I'll come down tonight . Thanks . Thank you for calling . Good morning . Welcome to Time After Time Watches . I'd like to buy a watch . Well , you've come to the right place . What kind of watch are you looking for ? Well , I'm not sure . Let's see . How much is this one ? Hmm ... This Rolex ? $ 1,000 . Oh . I don't think I can afford that . How about this one ? This one is $ 500 . Wow . That's too much for me . Don't you have anything cheaper ? Stephen , can you work overtime tonight ? What's wrong ? We have been working overtime recently . The holiday is coming so we need to finish our task . Must we finish our task before the holiday ? Yes . The contract must be kept . OK . I know . But Bob wanted to change shifts with me tonight . Did he say why ? He said he would celebrate his girlfriend's birthday . Don't worry . I will tell him about that . It is convenient for me to work overtime tonight . Thank you for that . And I will double your pay . What are the best places to visit here please ? It depends If you are interested in the might like to tour it by car I can be your guide , We'll leave the afternoon free.You can do some shopping in the mall if you like . Great . What do you suggest we see ? I suggest we visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art first , Now let's go.look people are jogging along the river.Here we are . The exhibits are really special . I enjoy the paintings very much . So do I . This is Broadway.There are lots of theaters . This way leads to Times Square . Some places aren't good to go.But I can show you the right bus to take . It will be no problem . We want to see the Statue of Liberty too . I have never done that myself . But I hear it is very interesting . You two should go . You have never gone to the Statue of Liberty ? ! I can't believe it ! But you live here ! Yes , but I'm very busy with work.And you know how it is , sometimes people don't visit the tourist sites in their own country . I know . Are the subway trains easy to take here ? May I have your order , please ? Yes , I'd like to have a share of steak . OK . How do you like your steak , do you like it rare , medium or well done ? I like it well-done , please . Anything else ? One Whisky . It will be ready right away . Where is your dressing room ? Right over there . ( Person A comes out of the dressing room ) How did you like the sweater ? I loved it . I'll take it . Great . I can ring you up over here . It comes to $ 87.04 . Here you go ? Do you have a credit card with us ? No I don't . If you open up a card , you can save 10 % on all your purchases today . Not today . Thanks though . No problem . We always have this offer , so when ever you decide to , just let us know . Sure . Is there anything else I can help you with ? Yeah . I was looking at some of your pants , but they are all a bit too long . Do you have alteration services here ? Yes . It cost $ 7 , and it takes one day . Great . Thanks for your help . Thank you , and have a great day . Don ’ t be angry with them . After all , they are still children . But I am still worry about them . I ’ m afraid ... If I were you , I would not put crime in their doing these thing . We should encourage our children to do what they like , so long as they are not far off track . Well , I won ’ t put a crime into their doings . Hello , Mr . Macmillan . Hi , Susan . How are you feeling today ? Much better , thanks . Glad to hear it . Hey , The Cosby Show is on ! The Cosby Show ? Wasn't it over many years ago ? That's right . So how come it's still playing ? I'm watching reruns of it . Reruns ? That means our local TV station is showing old episodes . You can watch reruns of nearly every old sitcom . Did you call me ? Thank you for returning my call . What was your call about ? I wanted to have a talk with you about your son . What did he do ? He was messing around last week in class . Exactly what did he do ? Even though I asked him not to , he kept speaking out in class . I don't know what his problem is . I need you to talk to him , if you don't mind . That won't happen again , I'm sorry . Thank you . Hopefully I won't have to call about him again . You look really wiped out . I had meetings back to back all morning . Then the printer broke in the middle of putting together the Six Soap presentation , and the phone rang off the hook from the minute I walked into the office . Not a good day , I hate to tell you that Mr . Emory wants to see the designs for the Polish Paste Ad tomorrow morning . I can ’ t believe it ! I guess I ’ ll be here until ten again tonight ! What is the most enjoyable part about your job ? I think meeting people . There are people from all over the country , all over the world , all walks of life which is the most interesting part of my job . What do you find annoying ? Well , I work very long hours , ten hours a day is quite normal . And if something important comes up , I ’ m often in the office until 8 or 9 in the evening . Excuse me , can you tell me where I can go fishing ? I like fishing too . I usually fish near the lake . I want to go fishing today , but I have left my rod and fishing line at home . What a shame . Can you tell me about some good deals on produce ? The mangoes are on sale today . What exactly are mangoes ? They have yellowish red skin . It's a fruit with one big seed . Is the seed edible ? Maybe if you were a parrot . I wouldn't recommend it . How much does a mango cost ? Normally , they're $ 2 each . Today , they're only $ 1 each . Maybe I won't like the taste . It's hard to describe . They're sweet , but also sort of citrusy . How do I tell the difference between a ripe one and an unripe one ? They're similar to an avocado . When the outside feels soft , they're ripe . Where do most of them come from ? These are from Mexico . Professor , excuse me , but I need to leave early . What seems to be the problem ? I am not feeling well . What is bothering you ? I think I am beginning to have an asthma attack . Would you like someone to walk you over to the Student Health Center ? No , I think that I should just go home because I have some medicine there . Do you need a ride home ? I live in the dorms across the street , so I ’ ll be OK . OK , then , hope you feel better soon . Check your e-mail for missed assignments . Mr . Smith , while you're out , the sales department called and asked you to lunch next Wednesday . I'll put them in my schedule . Are there any other messages ? Oh , yes , Miss Chen informed that the monthly management meeting has been changed to July 11 and I've marked your diary accordingly . Thanks a lot . Here is the agenda for the meeting and that's all for the messages . we ’ Ve got a lot of work to do now , but take your time over this project . We don ’ t want to make any mistakes . ok . I should have it finished by Friday afternoon . Then I can check those account over the weekend . We need to have them finished by Monday , right ? that ’ s right . We ’ ll finish them just in time . The Macy project can wait for the time being . We need to spend several days on that project , but it isn ’ t due to be finished until the end of the month , s from next week on , we should be in less of a rush . I ’ m going to give everyone on the team an extra day off . Everyone deserves it . don ’ t say that yet . A new project could suddenly appear . that ’ s true . Right . I ’ m going back to the meeting . It ’ s been going on for hours and there ’ s no indication that it ’ ll end soon . carol said that she would spend some time checking that everyone is up-to-date with their work . good . I have to go right now . I really hope this meeting doesn ’ t last too long . they usually go on for ages . I ’ ll stop by if I have time later . Make sure everyone knows that we must stick to the deadlines . I will . Enjoy your meeting ! Hello . I need to reserve a room . Not a problem . May I have your name , please ? Of course . I'm John Sandals . Hi , sir . My name is Michelle . Could you tell me when you need the room ? Right now . I plan to be there in April from the 14th to the 17th . Perhaps you didn't know that we have new room rates . Do you find that acceptable , sir ? Maybe . How much is a room ? The price per night is $ 308 . That sounds fine to me . Fantastic ! Would you like a smoking or nonsmoking room ? I hate cigarettes ! Nonsmoking . That'll be nonsmoking . Now , do you approve of a single queen-size bed ? That'll be no problem . I'm happy to hear that , sir . Your reservation is all set except for your phone number . Sure ! My number is 626-555-1739 . 626-555-1739 . Thank you for doing business with us , Mr . Sandals . Good morning , madam . Good morning . May I help you ? Yes , I want to change some money . This way , please . Thank you . You're welcome . Hurry up , get in . I ’ m in , let ’ s go ! OK , make a left here . . . no wait , I meant make a right . Come on , speed up ! Geez ! What ’ s the rush ? Don ’ t worry about it , just drive . Oh , no , the light is about to change . . . step on it ! Are you nuts ! I ’ m not going to run a red light ! Whatever . Just turn right here . . . The freeway will be packed at this hour . . . let ’ s take a side street . Go on ! Get out of our way ! Move , move ! What ’ s your problem ! Geez . Having a fit is not going to help ! Here , I know a short cut ... just go down here , and we ’ ll cut though Ashburn Heights . Let ’ s go , let ’ s go ! Watch out for that lady ! I ’ m going as fast as I can ! Yes ! We made it . 5 fifty-eight , just before the library closes . You ’ re such a geek ! Did you vote ? Of course ! Who was your vote for President ? My vote was for Barack Obama . I didn ’ t expect him to win . I had no doubt in my mind that he would win . What made you think that ? Nobody could compete with him . I thought his race would have kept him from winning . Times are changing . That ’ s true . I support our new President 100 % . This computer isn't working properly . I told you so . I kept having problems with it yesterday . I don't know what's wrong . We need to get it fixed soon . Here . Keep the change . Oh , thank you very much . You're welcome . By the way , is there a pay phone near here ? Yes , there's one just on the other side of this building . Do you have any small change ? Yes , I do . Thank you . Caroline Menzies speaking . Could I speak to Diana Curzon ? I'm afraid she's in a meeting at the moment . Who's speaking ? This is John Laing from Dantons . Can I take a message , Mr Laing ? Yes , please . I'm actually returning her call . So perhaps you could tell her that I called . Certainly . Does she have your number ? She must have , but let me give it to you anyway . It's 01705 455623 . 01705 ... 455623 . 455623 . That's right . OK . I'll make sure she gets the message . Thank you . What're you doing now ? I'm watching TV . You're supposed to clean your teeth before you go to bed . I will . And don't ever forget it . So how did your end-of-the-year review go ? Oh , it was okay . I had my meeting with Mitch this morning and his bottom line is that he thinks I need to show more initiative . He thinks that I need to start being more creative . Did he actually say that ? Well , not in so many words . But I know that productivity is a big issue for him . Oh , he said the usual things like “ Keep up the good work ” and “ Thanks for your hard work , ” but he also said that he's thinking about bringing some employees into my department . That , to me , means he's not satisfied with what I've been doing . Are you sure you're not reading too much into what he said ? No , I Don't . Either I shape up or my job is on the line . Well , I think you may be overreacting . Mitch likes to give everybody constructive criticism and I think that's what he was doing . Do you really think so ? Yes , I do . If you ask around , other people will tell you the same thing . Maybe you're right . Thanks , Don . I feel better . I'm glad to hear it . What's going on ? Nothing really , you ? I'm throwing a party next Saturday . Is that right ? Yeah , are you going to come ? I'm sorry , I can't . Why not ? I don't really want to . Well , why don't you ? I hate going to parties . Well , that's okay . Yeah , sorry . What are your strengths and weaknesses ? As I said , I am diligent and industrious . On the other hand , I am too hard-working and I put myself under much pressure to make things perfect . What is your problem in working ? I am too introverted to let others become my friends . Hello again . Have you come to a decision ? I'm still not sure about these ' Visible ' Certificates . What's the real difference , except the amounts available ? Visible Certificates are registered and the holders of these can report any loss directly to the bank . Also , they can be cashed in advance , before the maturity is up . Right . How about the Bearer Certificates ? Can they be cashed before the maturity date ? Unfortunately , not . You see , because they are not registered , they can be bought and sold by anyone . They also can be cashed on maturity in any nationwide financial institution . So , if I was strapped for cash , I could transfer it to get some money ? Technically , yes . OK , I think I've got it . Hey Mei Hong , how are you getting to Xi ’ an next week ? I ’ m not sure yet . I may take the train but then again I might take the bus . Yeah but the bus takes a long time . You could fly - it ’ s not so expensive these days . Really ? Maybe I ’ ll do that then . Ok well , you let me know your schedule and I ’ ll book a ticket for you . Ok . Thanks for that ! Can I help you , sir ? Yes , please . I'm picking out some presents for my children and wife . What kind of presents do you want ? Actually , I don't know exactly . Do you have anything recommended ? OK . How about some very cool sneakers for your children ? Anyway , it won't cost you much . It's only around $ 59.95 for each pair . It might be cheaper than that in America . Hey , How did you know I came from America ? Just a hunch , sir . How much again ? $ 59.95 . That's really cheap for shoes like those . OK , I'll take 5 pairs . Sorry , sir . Why not ? Because in this duty-free shop , your total expenditure cannot be over $ 300 and you also have one more present to buy for your wife . Oh , my God . I've totally forgotten about that . Anyway , I think she would like a bottle of perfume . That's good . And I can also recommend you a good one . It's the brand of DENY . DENY ? That's very expensive in America . It costs nearly $ 70 for only 50ml . It's $ 60 here . That's very unbelievable . Is it fake ? Of course not , sir . OK , I'll take one . I see by your resume that you have been working ? Yes , I have worked for four years with a Canadian Company . Tell me what you know about our company , please . Well , Mark Smith , who was the first president , founded the company in Ottawa in 1955 . It has 1.5 billion dollars in employs 8,000 people , and it is the largest company in its field in Canada . What do you know about our major products and our share of the market ? Your company's products are mostly marketed in Canada and the United States , but particularly have sold very well here in China . So I think in the future you'll find China to be a profitable market as well . What made you decide to change your job ? Because I want to change my working environment and seek new challenges . Do you like this job ? Yes , I like it very much . What do you think is the most important qualification for a salesperson ? I think it is confidence in himself and his products . I agree with you . Do you have any questions to ask about this job ? Yes , I'd like to know something about the salary . I think the starting salary for a salesperson is between 1,500 - 2,000 Yuan . But the specific number will be determined according to your sales . When can I get the final decision ? We cannot reach a final decision until we have talked to all of the other five applicants . Anyhow , we'll contact you within this month . All right . Nice meeting you . Good-bye . Nice meeting you , too . Good-bye . Peter , it's time to eat breakfast . I am brushing my teeth . Alright , you'd better hurry , your bus is coming . Mom ~ the toothpaste dropped on my shorts . Oh , dear , go get another pair . I'll help you change your shorts . Okay , now I ’ d like to find out more about your last job . I see you spent almost four years at the London Weekly , is that right ? Yes , that ’ s right . To be honest , the first year was quite tough for me . I was really just treated more like an intern . I didn ’ t have many responsibilities and I found it quite frustrating . So , what changed ? Well slowly but surely I proved myself , and the new editor liked me so he promoted me to features writer . Wow , a real step up ! Yes , I was responsible for restaurant and food reviews mostly . I spent 3 years in that position , but to be honest it wasn ’ t an area of journalism I wanted to stay in long-term . I see , so why did you decide to leave finally ? I just felt that the paper couldn ’ t offer me any new opportunities . I really needed a more challenging role to be honest . Would you tell me how I should send this parcel to Shanghai , China ? It contains only books . You might send it as'Printed Matter ' . I wonder if I could have it insured here ? Of course . How much would you want to insure these books for ? Let me see ... I think I can have them insured for five hundred dollars . Five hundred dollars , so you pay ten dollars for the insurance , that's two percent of the total value of the article . Here's a check for ten dollars . What time does the next train to London leave ? At 16:35 , from platform 8 . Is it a direct train to London ? No , you have to change trains at Birmingham . I see . One ticket to London , please . Single or return , sir ? Single , please . 64 pounds , please . Here you are . Here's your ticket and change , sir . Hello there , welcome to Wine World . Let me know if I can help you out at all . Um , yes , please , I could really use some help . I'm going over to my boss'house for dinner tonight and don't know what kind of wine I should bring . OK , do you know what kind of food will be served ? Well , his wife is Japanese . He said she makes really good sushi . Hmm , that's a bit of a challenge . Sushi is notoriously difficult to pair with wine . Well , let's see . have to be a white wine , of course . Why ? Wouldn't a red wine go well with sushi ? No , I don't think so . Sushi is a very delicately flavored food , and red wine would be a jarring contrast . You need a white wine , which has more subtle flavors , to complement the fish . I see . So should I get a bottle of Chardonnay ? That's a white wine , right ? Yes , Chardonnay is a white wine , but I'm not sure it'd be your best bet . Chardonnay is one of the more fullbodied whites , and tends to be a bit oaky . I'd suggest that you go for something brighter , like this Sauvignon Blanc from New Zealand . Sauvignon Blanc ? What's that ? That's another varietal , or type of grape , just like Chardonnay . Let's see . The label says it's got " attractive citrus and grassy aromas that give way to crisp , mineral flavors and a bonedry finish . Serve chilled . " Oh , no , how long will it take to chill the wine ? I'm on my way to the dinner now . It's OK , don't worry , we'll just choose a wine from the cooler . We don't have quite as extensive a selection over here , but ... this Rhone Valley white would be lovely . All right . What varietal is that ? Well , this is a French wine , so they don't always specify the varietal on the label . The French believe that the soil a grape is grown in is one of the most important factors in the final flavor of the wine . This wine is probably a blend of a few different types of grapes , mostly Viognier , I'd guess . And you think this is a good wine ? Yes , this is one of our best-sellers . It's not quite as dry as the Sauvignon Blanc we were looking at earlier , which means it's more approachable . It's light and crisp , with a bit of a vanilla aroma . Perfect ! I'll take it ! You look really nice today . Thank you . I just got this outfit the other day . Really , where did you get it ? I got it from Macy's . It's really nice . Thanks again . You look nice today , too . Thank you . I just got these shoes today . Really ? What kind of shoes are they ? These are called All Star Chuck Taylors . I really like those . How much did they cost ? They were about forty dollars . I think I'm going to go buy myself a pair . Excuse me , but can you tell me the way to the Today Mall ? Yes , go down the fifth street . You won't miss it . How long will it take me to get there ? It's only about 10 minutes ' walk . Thank you very much . I was really glad to hear about your promotion . Congratulations ! Thanks , Jane . I was really surprised . I mean there were a lot of qualified people out there . Sure , but the work you did was really exceptional ! You definitely deserved it ! Thanks a lot . You are always responsible and careful . Jane , I appreciate it very much . I expect to see you get nominated pretty soon , too . You've been doing some great work ! Thank you . I'll try my best . By the way , when do you take over the new position ? Next month . So what are you responsible for ? I'm going to manage the whole accounts department . So you must get higher pay than before . Yes , the company will also give me a prize of 1,000 Yuan . 1,000 Yuan ? That's great ! So ... OK , I know what you mean . It's my treat . Really ? Can I order anything I want ? Of course . Let's go . Good afternoon , Miss Qi . Good afternoon.It ' s very nice to see you again . How are you feeling today ? I'm much better.The stomachache is gone , and the doctor is about to give me another endoscope examination to see whether the ulcer has healed . That's good.Well , these are for you . I hope you will like them . How beautiful they are ! Thank you so much . I've also brought some magazines for you . I hope they'll keep you from getting bored while you're in the hospital . You're so thoughtful ! It's time for me to leave . I hope you will recover soon.See you later . Thank you for coming.Good - bye . Where do you wish me to take you , sir ? Please take us to Harvard University . By the way , is it far from here ? It takes about half an hour to get there . ( Get here ) Here we are , sir . How much do I owe you ? It ’ s 35 dollars on the meter . Here ’ s 50 dollars . Keep the change . Thank you . Have a nice day . It's your turn , sir . I'm sorry that you had to wait . Saturday is a busy day for us . I suppose so . A haircut , please . How do you want your hair cut ? Any particular way ? I'd just like a trim , and don't cut it too short . Yes , sir . How about the sideburns ? I think they only need a little trimming . Can I use the clippers ? No , don't use them , please . Oh , all right , sir . Would you trim off a bit more there , above the ear ? Don't you think it needs a little taken off on top , too ? I guess that would be better . ( Raising a lock ) About like this ? No , not that much . Now , yes , that's fine . Shave also , s ir ? Yes . How do you want your moustache trimmed ? Do you mind if I smoke here ? Yes , I do . I ’ d prefer you didn ’ t . The AC ( air-conditioning ) is also on . Can I just turn off the AC for now and open the window and smoke indoors ? That ’ s not a very good idea . It ’ s quite hot outside . Why don ’ t you smoke outside ? It ’ s very hot and that ’ s why I ’ d like to smoke inside . Though the AC has the air-purifying function . I ’ d still rather have fresh air than smoke . Are you okay with that ? Oh , no problem . Would you like to know about benefits and so forth ? Please . Everyone enjoys hearing the benefits of something ! With this agreement we can bring over you many benefits . For example , head offices of your group companies can get really prompt integrated fund transfers and centralised allocations . This helps internal supervision and admin run smoothly . That is wonderful . We've been having serious problems in that area . Our internal accounts seem so messy at the moment , nothing is running smoothly and it's costing us time and money . Hopefully signing up for this Network Settlement Service will solve all of that . If you are sure , we can go ahead now , Sir . How does 10 am tomorrow sound , to get all of the paperwork out of the way ? I've enjoyed conversing with you . Is there a reason why you're trying to get off the phone so fast ? I've got to go . I wasn't done talking to you . I have to do some things , and besides , it's not polite to be nosey . I'm not being nosey . I'm just asking . I really don't think it's any of your business . That's not nice . I apologize , but I'm getting off the phone now . Okay . Hello , Fairbrook Consulting , how may I help you ? Yes , this is Julianne Horton , and I ’ m calling to arrange an appointment with Ms . McNeal . Certainly , what day were you thinking of ? How ’ s Thursday ? Does she have any time available then ? Um . . . let me double check . . . unfortunately , she ’ s booked solid on Thursday , how does next Monday work for you ? Actually , I ’ Ve got something scheduled on Monday . Can she do Tuesday ? Sure , Tuesday ’ s perfect . May I ask where you ’ re calling from ? Sure , Merton Financial Advisors . Oh , actually , Tuesday ’ s no good . Sorry about that . What's the chef's specialty ? It's fried sole . Bring me one and besides , I would like to have a chicken cream soup . Sure . Please wait for a moment . Hello sir , welcome to Pistolera restaurant . May I take your order ? Yes , I would like the chicken cheese enchiladas with a side of guacamole . I ' m sorry sir , but we ran out of chicken . May I suggest our delicious beef burritos or cheese quesadillas ? Both include a side of guacamole and jalapenos . Sure I ' ll have the burrito . Do you have nachos ? Of course sir . Our nachos come with melted cheese and chili . Sounds good . Would you like anything to drink ? Sure , I ' ll have a Corona . Excuse me , Mr . Graham ? I have something I need to discuss with you . I ’ m in a bit of a hurry , Louise . Can it wait ? I would really appreciate it if we could talk for a few minutes now . It ’ s about the overtime you ’ Ve asked me to put in . All right . Why don ’ t you have a seat ? What ’ s the problem ? Why are you up so early , Mary ? I'm still suffering from a little jetlag . What are you watching ? Saturday morning cartoons . At least five channels have morning cartoons on Saturdays . I think watching them is a great way to learn English . I agree . And some cartoons are entertaining even for adults . Yeah . Is Cindy up ? Are you kidding ? It's too early for her . Let me suggest this one . It's an excellent watch , it looks good , and it's only $ 100 . Hmm . That's not too bad . Does it have a stopwatch ? Uh , no . Analog watches don't come with stopwatches . You'll have to get a digital if you want a stopwatch . Oh . I see . Where are your digital watches ? Right here . I don't like this kind as much . Never mind the stopwatch then . I'll take that other one . Do you take checks ? Yes . Make it out to Time After Time . Here you are . Thank you . Dad , you've been driving for three hours . Why don't we have a switch ? There're a lot of chuckholes on this old highway . Driving on it is experience-demanding . Trust me . I've been driving for two years . Ok . You drive and do be careful . Do you have any special interests besides your job ? My chief interest is swimming and climbing with my friends . What do you think is the most important thing for you to be happy ? I think that the most important thing is you can ’ t live all by himself . It takes a lot of people working and cooperating together . The more really close friends I have , the better . There is a reason in what you say . Do you know which bus will take me from PHS to Sons ? Which Sons do you want to go to ? It's on Fair Oaks and Orange Grove . You actually need to catch two buses . Okay , which ones do I need to take ? The first bus you need to get on is the 268 . What do I do next ? Once you get to Fair Oaks and Washington , get off . Then what should I do ? You need to get on the 261 . It goes all the way to Sons . Is that it ? That's it . I have a little problem with room 507 . Problems are what we're here for , sir . Please tell me your problem . This room is filthy with cockroaches . Were you wearing your glasses when you noticed them , sir ? I've already seen nine of them and , as they say , eight is enough ! Sir , sometimes a fast elevator ride makes our guests see spots . You are not in a position to question my vision or my statement ! I'm very sorry , sir . Will you please hold while I transfer you to my supervisor ? Are there any beds vacant ? Yes , what kind of room do you want ? I prefer one facing the sea . Besides , it should have a shower . Sorry , right now we can only have you a room without shower . Well , that's fine . Miss , which is the movie channel ? I can't find it . Let me help you . OK , this is the one you want . Push this button to change the channel . We have 6 channels in all . Have a good day . Thanks so much . I would like to make an appointment to discuss the problems I keep having with my apartment . Are you having problems ? This is the first I ’ Ve heard of it . We gave you a list of problems last week . What kind of problems are you talking about ? Well , the garbage disposal doesn ’ t work , we have rats , and the toilet is backed up . Maybe I could get back to you in a few weeks . I am leaving on vacation this afternoon . These things are your responsibility , and you need to fix them immediately . Don ’ t tell me what to do ! I ’ ll get to it when I get around to it ! If these problems are not addressed immediately , I will be contacting the health department this Friday and you will not get a rent check . I ’ ll be right over ! Has someone already helped you ? No , not yet . I'd like to buy a teapot . Which do you like best ? That colored one is very beautiful . It may suit my furniture . How much do you ask for it ? 360 yuan . Show it to me , Please . Can you get me another ? It's scratched a little bit here . Sorry , sir . This is the last one we have in stock . I do like it . Can you come down a bit ? I can give you a 10 % discount . That's still too much . Can you lower the price further ? I'm afraid that's the best we can do . If so , I'd better try another store . Can you look after my son for me tonight ? I'd be glad to . He's really cute . We're now staying at the Holiday Inn . How do we get to the airport ? We have shuttle buses leaving for the airport from downtown every 20 minutes The bus stops at Holiday Inn as well . Be sure to get on the bus before 30 . What is the earliest one ? At 7 am . It takes about one hour to get to the airport . So it'll be right for your timing . OK , thank you . By the way , what can I do if I want to put off my flight ? Your tickets are valid for one year.If you want to change flight , you just go to the airline's ticketing office and have it reconfirmed . But you have to fly the same airlines . OK . What can I do if l want to cancel the ticket ? In that case . you can get a refund with a certain percentage of the original fare deducted as the service charge . That's reasonable . OK , thank you very much . Welcome . May I help you ? Use , I want a eye-shadow . We have different colours of eye-shadow . May I know what colour you usually wear ? Purple . But today , I'm thinking of buying one in a bright colour . Yes , I see . How do you like this one ? May I have a try ? Certainly . It's still too dark . Any brighter colours ? Not from this brand , I'm afraid . What about other brands ? How about this one ? Oh , that's the very thing I need . OK , so this is the main factory area . We're now walking past the printing machine . It's printing in four colours at the moment . What's going on over there ? They're setting up the machine for a new run . How long does that usually take ? About twenty minutes . What's happening at the far end ? That's the packing line . The goods are being wrapped and loaded onto pallets ready for transportation . I've found a nice place in this district.Three bedrooms , a large kitchen , high ceilings , a tile bath and a big drawing room . It sounds nice , but don't forget this is a seedy , run-down neighborhood . What about the one on the Yellow River Road ? It's a two-bedroom one , and renovated building with an eat-in kitchen . It's a bit small but looks nice.What ' s more , it's only ten minutes ' walk to the company . How long have you been washing clothes here ? I started washing here about three years ago . How come ? I can wash my clothes for less money here . This is my first time washing clothes here . What reason are you washing here today ? I can't wash at home because my machine is broken . Go and get it repaired . That'll cost too much . Are you going to continue washing your clothes here for a while ? I have no choice . Washing clothes at a Laundromat costs a lot less money . I would like to buy a ticket to New York please . When do you plan to travel ? I ’ d like to pack my bags and leave tonight . Are you aware that without two weeks advance notice prices will be very high ? Yes I know , but I just got the chance to leave and so I am going to take it no matter what . I understand . So that ’ s one ticket to New York , and you ’ ll be departing tonight . Will that be one-way or round trip ? I wish I could stay there , but unfortunately it will have to be a round trip ticket . When would you like to return ? My return date will be the 14th . OK . I have several seats available . Would you like a window seat or an aisle seat ? Anything but a center seat is fine with me . The middle seat drives me crazy ! OK Mr . Lee . I have you booked on flight 513 leaving on the 5th at 11:00 pm and arriving in New York on the 6th at 6 Will there be any layovers ? No , all flights are direct . Perfect ! I ’ m afraid to ask , but how much is it ? $ 800 dollars . The government is going to organize a folk-custom activity at the end of the month . And our community is supposed to put on a performance . What kind of performance ? A lion dance ? Stuff like that but I think the lion dance is a bit too difficult and dangerous . Sure , you'll be dancing with lions . What do you expect ? Then what about Range Dance which we did before . Good idea . Shall we get everyone in the community ? Maybe not . I think we should just focus on the retired people . I know that they already have a Range Dance team and then what we need is just to do some rehearsals . What about the costumes ? We can raise money in the community . You know each family 10 yuan maybe . Try something new . We can find a supporting agency . Great idea . There is a travel agency nearby who would love to be our sponsor . It's a perfect chance for them to promote ethnic tourism . Doctor , what are some things I can do to stay as healthy as I can be ? You need to eat healthy foods and avoid unhealthy foods . Sometimes I don ’ t know what the best foods are . Fresh fruits and vegetables are important , along with protein and whole grains . What things should I avoid ? You don ’ t want to eat food that is high in fat . You need to avoid caffeine and sugar . Beyond diet , what else can I do to be healthy ? Getting 30 minutes of exercise a day is important . If you smoke , you need to stop . How about having a beer on the weekend ? Less than a serving of alcohol a day can actually be good for you . Do not overdo it ! I feel terrible sick , miss . I wonder if I could change my seat to the front part . Please wait a moment .. I am sorry right now there is no vacant seat . I have to ask . Thank you . By the way , hold your bag in case you vomit . How many people are there in your family ? My immediate family is quite small . It's just my older step-brother , my mom , my step-dad and me . How about you ? I have a large family . I have three older sisters , my twin sister , a younger brother , and my parents . I didn't know you were a twin ! Are you identical or fraternal ? We're identical . I mean , we look exactly the same , but we complete opposites when it comes to everything else ! Interesting . It must be great having a twin sister . Are you best friends , too ? We used to be really close , but that all changed once she moved to Shanghai . How about your family ? You didn't mention to your biological father . I don't know much about him . He died when I was just a baby . Even though I don't have a blood relationship with my step-father and step-brother , I consider them to be my real family . What about your step-brother's mother ? Does he keep in touch with her ? No , she also died when my step-brother was little . My mother and my step-father met each other shortly after my father died and became good friends . They ended up getting married a few years later . Sounds like it was ment to be . Can you direct me to some fresh produce that's on sale ? Well , we've got some great mangoes on sale . Mangoes ? What are mangoes ? Well , it's a fruit with a big seed in it . Can you eat the seed ? No . Peel the skin with a sharp knife , and throw out the seed . Well , how much are they ? Well , they're on sale today for only $ 1 each . Can you describe their taste ? They usually taste sweet , but they remind me of an orange . How can I tell if they're ripe ? You can buy them either ripe or unripe . Unripe ones are hard . Where do they grow mangoes ? The ones that are on sale are from Central America . Slow down ! You can't exceed the speed limits . No , I cann't . I'm in a hurry ! No , you can not . It is dangerous . Shut up ! Now you are in my car , you should listen to me . Or you can get off . I've told you I'm in a hurry . I don't want to waste time on the road . No . You shouldn't drive like that . Look at this fair . This is my first chance to be involved in the fair . It is so gorgeous and amazing ! I felt dizzy when I stare at those shining lights . What should we do firstly ? Now we should design our booth . Do you know the number for our booth , B ? Let me see the notice . It is here . Our booth number is E108 . Good number . Lucky number . Find its location now . We can also consult some from these volunteers . Here it is . Well , remember to have our cards on to tell every visitor where we come from . Should we put our samples on this table ? Yes , they should be put in the most attractive place , and this can appeal to passers-by's attention . What did you usually do as a head nurse ? I allocate different patients with their consent to different nurses . And I supervise the primary nurses and help nurses carry out their work . How to maintain a high standard of nursing ? To maintain a high standard of nursing , we should take experience and education into consideration while considering a nurse's level of expertise in caring for various patients . May I help you ? Yes . I would like a ticket to Pakistan on CA . Is that a one-way or round trip ? Round trip , please . When would you want to leave ? I'd like to leave on Nov . 2nd and return on Nov . 21st . I am sorry . The flight on Nov . 21st is full.Do you mind if I put your name on the waiting list ? Yes , please . Thank you . Have you heard about Jessica's party on Saturday ? I've heard about it , but I'm still waiting for my invitation . Really ? I got mine from her this morning . I'm guessing that she's going to give me my invite today or tomorrow . You're probably right , do you intend on going to the party ? I want to . I heard it's going to be really fun . I know , it does sound pretty awesome . Well , when does the party start ? It's supposed to start at about eight . How many invitations has she given out ? I really don't know , but I don't think she gave out that many yet . I really want to go , so I hope that she gives me my invite soon . Excuse me , could you tell me how much is the lipstick ? It costs only 25 yuan . Oh , it's too expensive . Can't you make it any cheaper ? The price is reasonable because the quality is super . But the price is too high . How much would you like it to be , then ? What about 15 yuan ? Let's meet half way , 20 yuan , OK ? All right , I'll take it . I think you've got a real bargain . Thank you . Where are you going to spend your holidays this year , Harry ? We may go abroad . I ’ m not sure . My wife wants to go to Egypt . I ’ d like to go there , too . We can ’ t make up our minds . Will you travel by sea or by air ? We may travel by sea . It ’ s cheaper , isn ’ t it ? It may be cheaper , but it takes a long time . I ’ m sure you will enjoy yourselves . Don ’ t be so sure . We may not go anywhere . My wife always worries too much . Who ’ s going to look after the dog ? Who ’ s going to look after the house ? Who ’ s going to look after the garden ? We have t Are you Liu Yan ? That's right . Have you brought your credentials ? Yes , here you are . Let me have a look . OK . Your resume says you worked at DK Company for two years . What were you responsible for ? I was responsible for sales . Have you received any honorable title personally ? Yes , I was twice singled out as an ' Advanced Worker ' . Well , considering your qualifications , we believe you would be a suitable candidate . Good morning ! Can I help you ? Yes , let me see some of your hats , please . OK , come this way , please . How does this one fit you ? It's a little bit tight . Let me stretch it for you . How is that now ? Yes , it fits all right now . I'll take it . Please put it in a bag and I'll take along . OK . Here you are . How much is it ? Thirty-five yuan . Here is the money . Thanks . Nothing else , today ? Nothing else , thank you . Dad , can you buy a new camera ? My old one has gone west . What ? I gave it to you only 3 months ago . So , you didn ’ t buy a good one for me . This time how about a better one ? Ok , son . I think I ’ Ve go to tell you the truth . My company has gone out and I ’ m now out of job . If you want a new camera , go and earn money yourself . First , tell me about your education , please . All right . I graduated and got the degree of bachelor of economics from Nanjing University 4 years ago . My major is international trade . Can you name some terms of payment ? Of course . Irrevocable letter of credit , confirmed letter of credit , transferable and divisible letter of credit are common terms of payment in international trade . We'd like to rent a flat near the university . Are you looking for somewhere for two people ? Yes , we are . Obviously , we'd like something as cheap as possible . We've heard that there are places for 80 to 100 pounds a month . Yes , there are several place available in that price range near the university . Do you have any other requirements ? Not really , no . We'd preferably like to live in a quiet street . How many rooms do you need in the flat ? We'll need two bedrooms . The kitchen and dining room can be separate or combined . Ok . I've got a list of place that fit your requirements . Let's just go through them . The first on the list costs 80 pounds a month , but it's on a noisy street and it's a little far from the university . How far away is it from the campus ? It's about two miles away . that might be a little far to walk . Here's one that's about half a mile from the campus . The cost is 100 pounds a month and it's on a small street , just off a main street . That sounds ideal . Can we go to have a look at it ? we'd like to see it before making a final decision . Of course . I'm not very busy at the moment . If you can wait for about 15 or 20 minutes . I can take you there . Thank you . That would be great . Everyone wants to be financial lose kill . You must invest your savings if you planed to retire rich . I ’ m thinking about buying stocks . It can be a good investment if I can manage well . What do you say ? I partly agree with you . Buying stocks is not difficult , but making money consistently from buying stock is very difficult . Even professionals don ’ t find it easy , so be careful . Anyway , people like us need help with investing . Why not do some online research ? There are data , reports and discussion forums to educate people on how to invest . In addition , you need to visit an established website that offers stock charts . Wow , you sound very professional . I just watched the investment TV program last weekend . It has become a very hot topic these days . Actually I am not even a beginner . May I help you , Miss ? Yes , I'm excited to hear about your new product . OK . I'm sure you will love what this new automatic answering system can do for your business . Yes . I've heard a lot about it . Watch our computer demonstration , please . You'll be convinced that our product is superior . ( After the demonstration ) Yes , I would have to agree with you . It seems to offer more options than the others . But new product sometimes has a few troubles . How about yours ? Our systems are 100 % trouble-free . How do you ensure quality ? Any of our new products shall go through a 1-3 month testing period . Are your prices negotiable ? Yes , our prices are negotiable , but our quality is not . What happens if I am not satisfied with my purchases ? Your satisfaction is guaranteed , or we refund your money . I see . But I have to discuss it over with my boss before I make a decision . OK . I hope you will be in touch with me shortly . the bathroom looks lovely . Did you redecorate it yourself or did you get someone in to do it for you ? I did it myself . I went online and found a lot of website devoted to home improvement . Then I went to DIY shop and bought everything I needed . I ’ m sure I saved a lot of money by doing it mys so , let ’ s see . You have put new tiles on the floor and replaced a few tiles on the walls . You ’ Ve also added a small cupboard for toiletries . The bath , shower and waterbasin are the sam yes , they are . I gave them a good clean . They are in good condition and don ’ t need to be replaced . how long did it take you to do the tiling . as I hadn ’ t done it before , I had to keep referring to information I got from the internet . Doing the floor tiles took a whole day-from early morning to right through to the evening . The I think you ’ Ve done a very good job . As least as good as a professional would do . Perhaps I can convince you to redo my bathroom ? you ’ ll be lucky ! However , I ’ ll print out the information I got from the internet and you can do it yourself . Excuse me , could you do me a favor ? Of house , what's the matter ? We are busy in preparing for the train.Would you please buy us some fruit ? What kind of fruit do you want ? Apples and pears , one kilo for each af them , please . Sure , please give me $ 10 in advance . l Wil have them bought for you . I ’ m a bit worried about you going shopping by yourself this afternoon . Oh don ’ t worry , I ’ ll be fine . But what will you do if you need to know the price of something ? If I need to know the price , I ’ ll just look at the label . Ok , but what will you do if you want to check the size of the clothes ? I'll try them on . And what will you do if you don ’ t have enough cash ? Then I ’ ll just use my credit card . Mr . Simpson , if you are free , how about a lunch ? When do you have in mind ? How about Thursday ? That will be fine with me . I know of a place you'll like and you have got to be there . Good . I'll be there at 12:30 . OK , see you then . See you . What certificates of technical qualification have you got ? I have got a computer engineer's qualification certificate . Have you worked in a computer company before ? Oh , yes , I have . I worked part-time as a typewriter in a computer company when I was at college . Do you have any ideas on this work ? In my opinion , it has a broad prospect and it needs smart mind . Good ! Daddy , I am so glad you come out with us . Honey , I am sorry that I am too busy most of the time . It doesn't matter . But I really haven't gone for a picnic for a long time . What did you do last weekend ? It was boring . Just did my homework and practiced the piano . Did you play football with other children ? Ahh , I was not available last Sunday . I was too busy almost as much as you . Cool , we can take the football , shuttlecock and badminton racket to the park . Hooray ! I can play football with daddy . Mom and sister can play badminton . After that , we will have a picnic . That's great . We can also take the dragon kite with us . After the picnic , we can fly it . Okay , it sounds good . What can I do for you ? My wife and I want to see the places of interest in Shenzhen , Guangzhou and Zhuhai . Can you arrange a tour for us ? How long would you like to stay In these cities ? Well , three days . There is a three-day package tour . You will have 3 full days in the cities . It is a general tour of the cities . The itinerary includes the places of interest such as Window of the World , China Folk Culture Village . Chen Clan Academy , Southern Yue Tomb , and Gongbei Market . That sounds good . How much is the tour ? 200 yuan for each person . What does it include ? It includes your air fare , your hotel accommodations and the meals . Could we have you make all the necessary plane , hotel , and tour reservations ? Yes . we could do that for you . Where to , sir ? Beijing University . Do you know where it is located ? Yes , of course . I live near the university . Hop in please . Would you please help me with my luggage ? Okay , we'll put it in the trunk . Ah , it is so heavy . Yes , I packed my books in it . Thank you . You're welcome . Hello , how can I help you today ? I would like to open a Current Account , please . OK , please fill in a Deposit Slip . All you need to do is to write the amount here and your name over here , on this line . I'll take care of the rest . First , could I see some ID ? That's great , here you are . This is my passport . I'd like to help pitch in with dinner . Really ? You are joking ? No , I'd like to do something special for you on your birthday . I'd like that . Alright , put on this apron first . OK.Now how can I help , hon ? Hmm , let me see . Boil some water , and then whisk two eggs . Easy , I can do that with my eyes closed.Done . Not bad . OK , now take some meat and potatoes from the fridge . How many potatoes do you need ? Three . And bring four bell peppers . Gotcha , OK . Here they are . Now wash them , then dice the potatoes and bell peppers , then slice the meat . Where is the peeler ? It's in the cabinet . Adam , The gas cooker doesn't work . What ? Oh shit ! I cut my finger . Let me take a look at that . I can't stop the bleeding.We need to go to the hospital . I guess cooking is not as easy as I thought . Next is a ballet performance , but who is the dancer ? I'd swear that's Eddy from circulation . Since when did Eddy start doing ballet ? ! Not very long from the looks of it ! Look ! He has a partner ! He's dancing with Jack ! Gross ! The wei-ya is the one time a year you can make fun of the boss . But I think Eddy is going too far ! You're right . They are spinning pretty fast . Aren't they getting dizzy ? What if they fall ... Oh ! Ouch ! That must've hurt ! How embarrassing ! Hi , how are you . Is Alice there ? Speaking . What's up ? Why haven't you answered the phone ? My bad , I had chores to do . That's all right . What was the reason for your call ? I want to do something tomorrow with you . Sounds good . What did you have in mind ? I was thinking about seeing a movie . Okay , let's go see a movie . Until then . Talk to you later . I'm exhausted . Okay , let's go home . That's $ 60 in all . Here is my card . Can I have them delivered to this address ? Sure . You can go to the front desk to ask for more help . OK , thank you . What kind of car is best for me ? For you , I would recommend this one here . The compact ? Why do you think that one is better than the others ? This automobile is just right for your needs because not only is it compact for ease in city driving , but also , it has many safety features . I know that as a parent , you are concerned about safety in driving your kids to and from school . That's true . What kind of safety features are we talking about ? This model features anti-lock brakes , airbags on both driver and passenger sides , and impact collision design . But that's not all . This car isn't only safe but it's also very economical . You mean it has a cheaper price than similar models ? Yes , this price is very affordable , but driving this car you'll also notice a significant annual saving in gas consumption . The main attraction for this model is the fuel economy . With the cost of gasoline these days , that is a big plus . I think this model may be just what I'm looking for . Why don't you take it for a test drive , and think it over . I'd like to order dinner . What would you like ? I'd like to order a bottle of champagne , lobster tail , and filet mignon , medium rare . I'm sorry . We're currently out of filet mignon . May I suggest the porterhouse instead ? I'd prefer the filet , but the porterhouse will do . And may I suggest chocolate-covered strawberries with the champagne ? Normally , I would take you up on that suggestion , but just the champagne will do for tonight . Okay , no strawberries . Room service will be charged to your amenities account . Is that all right ? That's fine . It will be up shortly . Enjoy your food , sir . Good morning , sir.Can I help you ? Yes , I'd like to see the manager.Here ' s my card . Thank you , Mr.Wang.Do you have an appointment ? No , I'm afraid I don't . Is it possible for me to see him now ? I'm afraid Mr.Li is engaged at the moment . Would you mind waiting ? Well , how long will it be ? About half an hour . That's too bad . I can't wait that long . I have another appointment at ten . Can the Assistant Manager meet you instead ? No , I have discussed the details about sales of our new equipment with the manager on the telephone yesterday . Do you want to make another appointment ? Yes , I suppose that's the best thing I can do for now . I'll be here on Thursday morning at 10 o'clock . Is that all right ? Yes , I'll make a note of that and ask Mr.Li to confirm . Hello . Can I help you ? Yes . I ’ m here to apply for the job of director that your company posted yesterday . Is it still available ? Yes . We ’ ll close this position posting at the end of this month . Great . Where can I get an application form ? Go to the Human Resource Office , please . You can get it there . Where is the Human Resource Office ? It ’ s on the first floor , Room 120 . Thanks a lot . Good luck . I need it . Thank you . Hi Anna , come in . Wow , your apartment is a mess . I know , I didn't have time to put things away before you got here . Look ! Are those all your clothes on the couch ? Yes . Are they clean ? Actually most of them are dirty . I haven't done laundry in a while . I usually wait until I can do it at my parent's house . My sister and I usually go to the laundromat down the street . Why don't you go there ? I know I should , but that place isn't very convenient . You have to wait for a long time . Yes I know . I have to do it every week . Anyway , are you ready to go ? No I'm not ready yet . I still have to brush my teeth and wash my face . Can you wait for a few minutes ? OK , but please hurry . I think the restaurant is closing soon . Can I help you ? Could you show me the coat on the shelf ? Sure . Please come this way . May I try it on ? Of course . Here is the fitting room . It doesn't fit quite right . It feels a little tight in the waist . Do you have this in a larger size ? Yes , here it is . Well , how do I look in this one ? You look really beautiful in it . OK . I'll take it . How is your English ability ? Not bad . I ’ m proficient in both written and spoken English . Could you tell me something about your English education ? I studied English in junior and senior high school . And in college , I took English conversation lessons . They were given by foreign tutors . Have you passed College English Test Band 4 or Band 6 ? Band 6 . Great . Can you file in English ? I ’ m afraid I can ’ t , but I'd be glad to learn . You would be using a lot of English in this job . Can you manage English conversation ? Yes , I think I can . I often talk to foreigners at English corner held twice a week at my college . They say my English is pretty good . Excellent . How is your English ability in reading and writing ? I have been attending an evening course in English writing for 2 years and I often read novels , magazines and newspapers in English . Oh , I see . Welcome . Can I help you with anything ? Hi . I'm shopping for my boyfriend's birthday . Do you have any suggestions ? Let's see . How about a nice shirt and tie ? You can't go wrong there . Well . He doesn't wear ties that often . We have some nice pants . You can also get him a belt with it . That sounds good . Which one do you recommend ? These slacks are very popular . He can wear them to dress up a little or on a normal casual day . I like them . Do you have matching belts ? Yes . Right over here . How much are they ? The pants are on sale for $ 40 , and the belt is $ 25 . What is your return policy just in case he doesn't like them ? Just save the receipt and we will gladly return or exchange them for you . That sounds great . I'll take them . Reservation , may I help you ? Yes , I would like to make a reservation for May 3rd . For how many people ? Only one . May I have your name ? I'm coming to pick up my ticket . This is my reservation note . Your reservation is right . Please get a ticket booking form from there and fill it . Here you are . How much is the ticket ? $ 800 . Can I pay by card ? Surely of course . Give me your card please . Good evening , madam . May I help you ? I want a facial . But this is the first time I've come here , so can you tell me how you do it ? Sure . Most facials start with a thorough cleaning . Then we usually use a toner to invigorate the skin , followed by exfoliation treatment-a peeling mask or scrub that removes the dead cells that make the skin lock dull . After that , we'll massage your face and neck with oil or cream to improve the circulation and relieve the tension , followed by a mask to moisturize and soften the skin . That's exactly what I want . How long does it take ? We have half-hour and one-hour treatments . What's the regular price ? Well , the half-hour facial costs 50 yuan and the one-hour costs 80 yuan . If you want make-up , another 20 yuan will do . Good , I will take the one hour facial with make-up . That's fine , madam . By the way , could you give me a manicure ? Use a light nail-polish , please . Yes , madam . Hello , I'm looking for a shop that sells inexpensive cashmere sweaters . Have you tried an outlet ? Why didn't I think of that ? Many of my friends shop at outlets . Thanks . That is a good suggestion . I'm only too happy to help . My latte looks like that shoe polish we did an ad for last month . And this espresso looks like ... oil ! It still tastes fine , though . These days , I can't think of anything but motor oil . Even coffee makes me think of it . Wait a second ! There's the idea for this case ! “ Your motor oil should be as choice and fresh as your morning coffee . ” I ’ Ve just found a mouse in the house ! Ow ! Don ’ t shout so loud . Calm down . Please stop shouting and sit quietly down . I found a mouse in our house , a grown mouse running around the dinning room . Where is it now ? It ’ s under the couch . Now , move the couch around and turn it upside down . Ok , I don ’ t want a mouse in our house . We have the tidiest house in the town . Yes darling . You are quite right . Hello . floor service , can I help you ? Hello , this is Smith from 1308 , can you add something to my room ? No problem , what would you need , Mr . Smith ? 2 towels and l Turkish towel , please ? OK , I will send them to you soon . Thank you . Anything else , Mr . Smith ? No more , thank you very much . morning , Mary ? It ’ s John Kramer calling . You remember you handled my tax forms for me ? Of course , Mr . Kramer . How are things going these days ? Better than ever ! You won ’ t have to worry about “ finding ” extra money for me anymore ! We made nearly a quarter of million in profit last year ! Congratulations ! I ’ m really glad to hear it ! That should make balancing the books a lot easier ! I'm going on a guided tour in the mountain . You'll see the world-famous magnificent waterfall . I like the sight and the sound.It worked on me like a magic when I was a child . Your dream will come true.It ' s really breathtaking . My Goodness ! What a busy line so early in the morning ! Hello . Ruth ? Basil . Hi , Basil . Want a ride to the office ? Yes , by all means . I was just about to leave . Hold on . Just 5 minutes . I'll wait on the sidewalk . It's very kind of you . It's my pleasure . See you . Hi , Basil . Hi , Ruth . Hop in . Do you mind if I take some notes while we drive ? Of course I don't mind . For your report ? Yes , I finally have an inspiration . Good for you . No problem , I'll listen to the car radio I'm going to Bihai Park.Is this the right bus , please ? No , you're going the wrong way . You want a 103 from Beijing Zoo . How can I get it , please ? You get off at the next stop , cross the street , and you'll find the stop not far on the right hand side . Could I have a transfer please ? Here you are . Thank you . I would like to take this opportunity to welcome Monica to our company and introduce her to her department and colleagues . For all of you , we hired Monica because she is a very professional accountant and we are very happy to have her in the finance department . She has lots of working experiences as an accountant and I am sure everybody in the department can benefit from this . Hello , everybody . I am Monica and this is my first day at work . I am working in the finance department . I am very happy to meet everyone and I am looking forward to working well with all of you . I am very happy to be one of the team and I will do my best to get into the working situation as soon as possible . By the way , call me Monica . Everybody calls me so . Excuse me . I'm your new neighbor , Jack . I just moved in . Oh . Yes ? I'm looking for a grocery store . Are there any around here ? Yes , there are some on Pine Street . OK . And is there a laundromat near here ? Well , I think there's one across from the shopping center . Thank you . By the way , there's a barber shop in the shopping center , too . A barber shop ? ! I'm hungry . You already ate . It wasn't enough , because I'm hungry again . There's nothing left from dinner . I'm going to get a snack . What kind of snack are you going to make ? I don't know . You can always make a sandwich . I don't know what kind of sandwich I want . Just make yourself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich . I may just do that . Go right ahead . Why didn't you text me last night ? What ? I sent you three or four messages ! I didn't get any of them . I was waiting for you to text me the address of where the party was and I never got your message . Why didn't you just call ? I hate sending SMS messages . Well , because I didn't have any credit on my phone . I used it all up this month . I thought you had an unlimited SMS plan ? I do , but if I don't have any credit in my phone , it won't let me call or send messages . No wonder you didn't get my texts ! It's Chinese New Year ! That means it's time to eat hot pot ! Let's eat the kind that has both spicy and mild broth in one pot . You mean half-and-half ? Yep . That way I can satisfy my craving for spicy food and you can eat hot pot without burning into flames . Good idea . Two number 3s , please . All right . What would you like to drink ? Diet Coke . Regular or large ? Regular , please . OK . Anything else ? No , thanks . For here or to go ? For here . Well , that's why you'r here.My source for big TV sets overcharged me on the last shipment , so I need someone new . I wanted to meet you to see if we can work together . I think I agree . Fine , but before you agree , don't you need to know what you're agreeing to ? I guess you're right.But like you said , you called me here to check me out . I've been doing the same . Ha , ha , ha ! That's fair.How did I do ? Quite good , actually . I'm pretty sure you're demanding , but fair and honest . I feel we can work together . Good , well , here's what I need from you . Are you ready ? Shoot ! Well , I know you work for someone else , but as your client , please , we have to get this straight between us . I'm your client , not your company.As your client , I expect you to be square with me at all times . Can you do that ? I don't see a problem . Good ! Do you have any questions ? Are there any hobbies you do ? When I have time , I sometimes draw and paint . Oh , you actually do that ? Every so often , I do . Did you always know how to draw and paint ? I was taught in high school how to draw and paint . You had an art class ? Exactly , it was my favorite class . Well , it's good that you're so talented . I appreciate that . Talent is a great thing , I wish I had one . Everyone has a talent . They just need to find it . Ladies and gentlemen . It's about time to land in New York . Here are a couple of forms for you to fill out . What forms must we fill out , Miss ? They are E / D cards . All passengers except American citizens must complete these forms . I see . But why do we have to fill out these forms now ? It will save you much time when you clear customs . Do you drink much ? Depending on what you consider a lot . How frequently do you drink ? Couple times a week . How about you ? Only when I go out . I'm not a big drinker . How much can you drink ? I usually only have 2 beers . You're a light weight . How much can you drink ? I'm usually drinking all night long . At least 10 drinks . Don't you spend a lot of money then ? No . We usually go to places that have specials . Dante's over on the Ave has $ 5.00 pitchers on Mondays . So for ten , fifteen bucks , I can get a lot of drinks . That's true . If you don't like beer , have you tried mixed drinks ? Some of them are pretty good . I like beer , it's just that I get a headache when I drink more than 3 . You just have to build up a tolerance . I used to be like that . But your body gets used to it . It'll take awhile , but I'm working on it . Hey let's go out tomorrow night . The Ram Bar and Grill is having a special on pitchers . Alright . I really love this meal . Thanks . I was hoping that you would all enjoy this meal . Where did you learn to cook these amazing dishes ? I got a really wonderful cookbook for my birthday and decided to try out a few of the recipes . The chicken is out of this world ! I love that dish as well . It is coconut chicken with rice . I was wondering if there was shrimp in the soup . Yes , that soup has a shrimp base . I also added sea vegetables and lemon grass . It worked out well that the wine that I brought to share seems to blend well with this meal . I love this wine ! It goes very well with the chicken . Does your chicken taste all right ? The chicken tastes wonderful , but it is kind of dry . Is your fish OK ? My fish has good seasoning but is a little dry . It seems as if they got busy and left it sitting before it got to us . Yes , maybe they are short-handed in the kitchen tonight . Are your vegetables a little mushy ? The vegetables seem to not be very fresh . Mine aren't so good , either . I usually enjoy the meals here , so I think that we should tell the waiter that there is something wrong with this meal . I think that we should let someone know . They will probably want to fix the problem . I'm going to have to do some shopping today . Oh yeah ? What do you need to go shopping for ? I want to find a new bedroom set . Do you know where you're going to find your bedroom set ? I have no clue . There's no particular place that you want to look at ? I don't know where to go to find a nice bedroom set . I can tell you where I got mine , if you'd like . Please do . I bought mine from IKEA . Are the bedroom sets at IKEA affordable ? Not really , but you're paying for quality . Welcome to the KFC Just-in-Time . Can I help you ? I want a Special King size and some chips . Anything else , sir ? Green salad please . What do you want for your drink ? Cola , please . Your address , please . ... Ok . got it.That ' ll be $ 6.50 . Thank you for your will be there in 20 minutes . Thank you . What fruits are in season right now ? What about grapes and water melons ? Can I sample a grape ? Sure . It tastes good . How much are the grapes per kilo ? $ 2 . Hello , this is Sheila from Huawei Corp . Is that Li Lei ? Yes , speaking . I am glad to tell you that you are supposed to come for an interview tomorrow . Are you free tomorrow ? Can you speak a little louder ? You sound very indistinct with the hissing noise . Well , I can't hear you . Could you arrange an appointment with Mr . Smith ? Sorry , Mr . Smith agenda is full today . How about tomorrow afternoon ? I ’ m not sure , but I will arrange for you and inform you as well . I want to buy a shirt . What color do you like ? A white one , please . Maybe you could have a look at this one . What's the size ? Large . I think a medium one will do . Are you looking for something special ? Yes , where can I buy trousers ? Follow me , please . How do you like this one ? What mark is it ? Levis . It's the latest fashion . Room service . Can I help you ? This is room 1019 . I would like to order breakfast . What would you like , sir ? One orange juice , scrambled eggs with bacon , toast and coffee . It will take about 20 minutes , sir . Is that all right ? Yes , it is . Oh , by the way , could you also bring me today's paper ? Of course , sir . It's your turn , sir . I'm sorry that you've had to wait . That's all right.Show me the blue pen , please . OK , It's here , one of the best makes in China . I see.Thank you . Excuse me , can I order now , please ? OK , what would you like ? I'd like the lasagna , please . Sure and which one would you like ? I'll try the vegetarian , please . How much does it cost to rent a mid-size car ? I can give you one for $ 30 a day or $ 200 a week . Fine . I'd like to reserve one for next Tuesday . May I see your driver's license ? Yes . It's right here . OK . You'll have to use a credit card or leave a $ 100 deposit . I've just taken a spanner set from the stores . That's fine . Don't forget to update the inventory . Sorry , what do you mean ? When you take something out of the stores you need to update the stores database so we know when to reorder . Would you do me a favor ? I'd be glad to . What is it ? Excuse me . Do you mind if I ask some things about work for this company ? Not at all . Go ahead . I've heard that the company is very strict with its staff.Is that true ? Not really , so long as you follow all the regulations . If you make mistakes in your job , you'll be fired . Is that right ? No . Everyone has a chance to correct his or her mistakes . The most important thing is to be responsible for your work . Working here involves a busy schedule and overtime.Is that true ? Yes.That ' s true . We are always busy . The company attaches great importance to high efficiency . Sometimes we have to work overtime , but not always . And we have extra pay for extra work . It seems that working in a foreign enterprise is not the same as I expected . Thank you for your help . Red restaurant . Do you want to make a reservation ? Yes , I'd like to book a table for two this evening . At what time ? 7:30 . By tho way , I would like a table next to the window . No problem , sir . Hi , did you call for an exterminator ? Yes ! Thank goodness you ’ re here.These bugs are driving us crazy ! What sort of pest are we dealing with ? We just bought this house and it is infected with just about everything . We have termites in the wood , cockroaches all over the place , and last night I saw a huge rat out in the backyard ! Well , there ’ s nothing we can ’ t handle . I ’ ll spray the floorboards and walls to get rid of the cockroaches , but the termites will be harder to get rid of . We will have to cover the entire house and fumigate it . Unfortunately that means you will have to find a place to stay for the next three days . No problem , just get rid of the bugs ! John , it ’ s time to get up . It can ’ t be time to get up yet . It is . Hurry up ! You ’ ll be late for school . What ’ s the time ? It ’ s nearly half past seven . My watch says ten past . It ’ s slow . Hurry up ! The bus goes at twenty to eight . Are you sure half past seven ? Positive . I ’ ll put the radio on . It ’ s only seven o ’ clock . Your watch is fast . No , it isn ’ t . It ’ s stopped . I forgot to wind it up last night . I could have stayed in bed for another half hour . Are you sure this is the right restaurant ? Positive . You don't think you could be wrong ? I'm absolutely sure I'm right . I don't know . It looks a little wrong down . This is right . There is no doubt in my mind . You're a hundred percent sure you want to eat here ? Check and double check . Good morning , Oriental Electric Limited . Hello , this is Catherine . I am calling about the appointment with Mr . Liu for this afternoon . Something has just come up . I am afraid the appointment will have to be rescheduled . I am very sorry about the change . That is all right . Maybe we can make another arrangement . You are very kind to say so . Thank you . Do you think tomorrow morning would suit him ? I'm afraid there is a bit of a problem . in fact , he has booked up the whole week except tomorrow afternoon . Tomorrow afternoon . Um ... When do you think I can come and see him tomorrow afternoon ? Please let me check ... Tomorrow afternoon ... Yes , he'll be free from 3:00 tomorrow afternoon . Do you think it's convenient for you ? Yes , that's quite all right for me . Can we change it ? All right . Let's change it . Tomorrow afternoon at three . I am going to schedule it for that time and inform Mr.Liu about the change . Thank you very much . See you tomorrow afternoon . See you . Dad , how can we get to the zoo ? We can take a bus there . Does this bus go there ? I think so . Let's step in , Dad . No , it's too crowded . Dad . Here comes another bus . Fine . Let's get on . Oh , no , Judy ! Get off the bus quickly ! Why ? Dad ? We got on the wrong bus . How do we do timesheets here ? They are actually fairly straightforward . Do you know where the blanks are kept ? Yes , I already have one . OK , well after you take one out of that second drawer , you put your name on the top . Do you see ? I am kind of confused . Next you fill in all of your hours for each day and total them . Do you know how to show time on a 24 - hour clock ? I'm not quite sure . Midnight is zero and when you put the minutes in , make sure that you show them with a dot followed by the minutes . Do you understand ? No , I have no idea what you are talking about . It's easy , just write in the hours , total it , sign it , and put it in the box . Thanks for your help . Try it and if you can't do it , one of us can always help you later . I was really glad to hear about your award , congratulations ! Thanks . Actually , I was really surprised . I mean there were a lot of qualified people out there . You ’ Ve been working there for so long with so much sacrifice . You definitely deserve it . Thanks a lot . I expect to see your name nominated pretty soon too . You ’ Ve been doing some great work . Do you like the cookies ? I finished them in no time . Glad you like it . Mum , when will we have them again ? Is Betty Sue in her office ? I ’ m sorry . She ’ s in a meeting right now . I see . Can I give her a message for you ? Yes , please tell her I stopped by . And your name , please ? Ted . Oh , and could you give her this document for me ? Certainly . Excuse me , where am I on this map ? You're right here , bus station , we are in the center of the city . Which bus should I take to railway station ? You can take a No . 2 bus here . Where am I supposed to change ? At Longing Street . Where can I find a spare hose for the pump ? What size do you need ? 25 mm diameter . They're at the back of the stores , second shelf up on the right-hand side . Thanks . Have you got any light bulbs ? They're in the blue cupboard . Anything else ? Oh yes , some wire cutters . I ’ ll need to check . Sorry , we don ’ t have any in stock . But I can order some and send through the order today . How many do you need ? Just one pair . Fine . They should be here the day after tomorrow . What would you want , coffee or tea ? Bring me a cup of coffee , please . How do you like it ? I'd prefer a black one . May I help you , sir ? Yes . I would like a pair of black leather shoes in size 25 . Please try these on . The tip is rather narrow . I will bring you a larger size . Are you going home now ? No , I'm not . What are you going to do ? Are you going to work late ? No , I'm not . I'm going to look for an apartment . An apartment ? Why ? I'm going to try to find a place near the office . Where are you living now ? Out in the suburbs.It ' s a long trip to work every day . How are you going to find an apartment ? I'm going to buy a newspaper and check the classified ads . Apartments in the city are expensive . I know , but I'm going to enroll in a night school to take a course in business management . Excuse me , is there a swimming pool in your hotel ? Yes , the swimming pool is right behind the building . Walk out of the door and you will see it . What's the fare ? $ 10 per hour . Thank you . Well , we've finally put the finishing touches on the training programs for next year . Here's a report showing the projected costs as well as the expected return on investment . Return on investment ? How can you have a return on this kind of investment ? Can you really calculate the value of these training programs ? Sure ! It's not a real figure , of course . It's just an estimate based on rehiring costs , and the potential lost revenue that results from incompetence . Wow ! I'm impressed . So , what's in the cards for future training ? Will it be in-house or off-site ? A little of both . We'll have a few daylong sessions for things like business writing skills and software training . Those are available to everyone . We also have a variety of other programs Yes , I see that here ... continuing education for the IT department , a time management course for accounting , and team building for sales . Anything planned for HR ? A holiday , I hope ! No , really , we are looking into some courses on motivational techniques . We'll add them to the list when we choose a lecturer . I opened my mail , found this eviction notice , and don ’ t know what to do with it . Actually , it is a 30 - day notice to vacate the premises . Just for being a few days late ? This isn ’ t the first time you have been considerably late with the rent . I need to start the procedure to evict you . Are you taking my apartment away ? This is a notice to inform you that the sheriff will evict you in 30 days if you do not pay up on your rent . Can I keep the apartment if I pay my rent in full ? You can keep the apartment if you stay caught up on your rent . Otherwise , I need to find someone who can make the payments . I will go write a check right now . Thank you . I will need a cashier ’ s check or cash , please . How ’ s your little girl , Debbie ? Oh , she ’ s just fine . She ’ s so grown up now . How old is she ? Four and a half going on twelve ! What can I do for you , Miss ? Have you a bus tour ? I have one day left so I think the best way is to take a bus tour . That's right.The bus tour is really efficient and cheap . What time does the next bus leave ? 9 : OO . Don't worry , Miss , we have buses every 15 minutes . Egg , this bathroom is a pigsty ! Helen , why do you keep flushing the toilet ? What's wrong ? I just can't stand it . It's really gross in here ! There ' s a stain on the toilet seat , and the floor was wet and slippery . So I cleaned it ! You did what ? Helen , I know it's gross , but I ' Ve seen many public washrooms that are much worse . Why are you cleaning the counter top ? are you out of your mind ? I can't help myself ; it's just so disgusting in here ! Helen , this is not like your own bathroom . Just leave it to the cleaners , okay ? Hang on . I'm just gonna quickly wipe the sink and sweep the floor . You're such a neat freak ! I'm outta here ! What do you want to do tonight ? I don't know . What do you want to do ? I have no idea . Do you think we're in a rut ? What do you mean ? Well , we do the same things every weekend . We go to the same restaurants . We see the same friends . You know what I mean ? Yeah , I guess you're right . It's easy to get bogged down in the day to day , and forget to change things up once in a while . Let's break out and do something completely different tonight . Okay , I'll look in the events section of the paper to see what's going on tonight . Hmm , we could go to a concert . There is a good one tonight . I bet it's not sold out . But , we'll have to drive an hour to the venue . An hour ? That's a bit of a bummer . Let me take a peek and see what else there is . How about going dancing ? We haven't done that in a while . There's a club in Silver Lake that's supposed to be hopping on Friday nights . Eddie from work told me that they have a really good DJ and a big dance floor , and the cover charge isn't bad . I'm not really in the mood for dancing , actually . You know what ? I just feel like staying home tonight and vegging , after all . How about you ? Yeah , I was hoping you'd say that . It's nice to have the option to go out but I'd rather stay in . Maybe we can go out tomorrow night . Yeah , definitely , tomorrow night . This is Action 5 News reporter Sarah O ’ Connell reporting live from Washington , D . C . where a protest has broken out . Thousands of angry citizens are protesting against the proposed bailout of the auto manufacturing industry ! Sir , sir , Sarah O ’ Connell , Action 5 news . Can you tell us what ’ s happening ? Yeah , yeah , we ’ re here because we feel this is an injustice ! The financial irresponsibility of big business has to stop ! We ’ re there to show the government that we don ’ t like the way that they ’ re spending our tax dollars ! Sir but what exactly is making everyone so angry ? It ’ s an absolute outrage , Sarah , the US government wants to give 25 billion dollars of taxpayers ’ money to the auto industry . These are companies that have been mismanaged and are now nearly bankrupt . I see . But , many supporters of the bailout argue that it could help save the jobs of millions of hardworking Americans . That maybe true , and I for one don ’ t want to see anyone lose their job , but how can these Ces ask for a bailout when they ’ re making millions of dollars ? And then , they have the nerve to fly to Washington in private jets ! This costs hundreds of thousands of dollars ! And they ’ re asking for money ! That is just not right ! Good point . This is Sarah O ’ Connell reporting live from Washington D . C . , back to you , Tom . Mom , I want to move out . Hey , sounds great to me , kid . What kind of job did you find ? Job ? Yes , job . If you ’ re going to live on your own , you have to pay for rent and everything else . I thought I could just get you and Dad to pay for an apartment . I found a cheap one . When you move out , your father and I aren ’ t paying your rent , young man . Get a job . You ’ re right . If I ’ m going to live on my own , I have to be independent . Well , the newspaper is over there . Look in the want ads , but I don ’ t know what you ’ re going to find without a college degree . Would you please take a seat over there ? There are some interesting magazines on the coffee-table . Thank you . How long it take to get my son's hair cut ? It shouldn't be long . Thirty minutes , tops . Are you in a hurry ? No . I'm thinking that maybe I can get my hair shampooed . Good idea . Do you want a wash or a massage ? Massage is especially good when you are tired . How come ? Because it helps you speed up your circulation . Then I won't say no to that . How do you like it ? I feel totally refreshed . We have discount coupons . 100 Yuan for ten times . Would you like to have one ? This time included ? Of course . Then yes . Hello , May I help you ? Yes , we're interested in seeing the rooms for rent . Oh , how nice ! There are bright rooms and the house is very quiet . That is exactly what we're looking for . Well , each room is 40 dollars a week . That sounds all right to us . When do you want to move in ? How about tomorrow afternoon ? Fine , I'll be expecting you . See you tomorrow . I need to get my prescription filled . You may pick it up in twenty minutes . If I wanted to , could I have it mailed to me ? Yes , and you can renew this prescription by phone . Are there any special instructions about this medication ? Take it three times a day . Can I take it with food ? You should take this medicine with food and no alcohol . Are there any side effects with this medication ? You might get a little dizzy , but that is it . How much for a bus pass ? Well , for a monthly pass , it'll cost you $ 65 . Is there anything else that doesn't cost as much ? If you're a student , you can get a student bus pass . How much does a student pass cost ? That actual bus pass is free . It doesn't cost anything ? The only thing you'll have to pay for is the monthly sticker . Can you tell me how much that'll cost ? It's only $ 24 a month . Sounds good , let me get that . I'll get it for you right now . Excuse me , how many sightseeing spots are there in the park ? There are about 20 main spots and some other small spots . Do I have to buy extra ticket if I want to visit the main spots ? Yes , some of the spots charges separately . Well , do you have through tickets ? Yes , sir , it's $ 20 . Are you going grocery shopping today ? I am , as a matter of fact . Do you have any special requests ? Yes , please get some white bread , thick cut , some ham , not the processed stuff , some gouda cheese , some galla apples and . . . Wait . This is sounding like a major list . Why don't you just come with me ? I was wondering if you'd let me stay here for a few days . It really depends on when and how long . Until next weekend , if that's OK . Can I see some men's watches ? Of course . How about this one ? What functions does this watch have ? It's a luminous watch with a time-reminder function . Is it waterproof ? Yes , and it comes with a worldwide guarantee . I'll take it . Please set the watch for me . Excuse me . Can I change my seat with you ? I want to sit beside my friend . Where is your seat ? It's 9 - A in the middle part , a window seat too . OK , you mean the vacant one on the left ? Yes , it is . Thank you very much . Let me help you to carry your baggage there . No need . I have only this small handbag with me . Thanks . Have a nice trip . Excuse me . Where are you going ? Oh , I'm a tourist . May I go inside and look around ? I'm afraid you can't today . When can I go inside then ? Only on Saturday and Sunday from one to five p . m . Good evening , madam . May I help you ? Yes , do you have a table for five ? Yes , would you like smoking or non-smoking ? We'd like a non-smoking room , please . No problem . Follow me , please . Will you give me a hand , sir ? By all means . Thank you very much . You're welcome . I'll be glad when winter comes . Why is that ? Because I love the snow . Yes , the snow is fun . Last year we made a big snowman . How big was it ? It was seven feet tall . How long did it take ? It took us all day . Did you give him a nose ? Of course . We gave him a big carrot for a nose . Let me help you make one this year . I ’ d like to ask whether it is correct to partake in the firm ’ s insurance plan ? If you want my advice , you won ’ t invite yourself any risk . But people keep talking about the benefits from the plan . Have you a full-day trip ? Yes , of course . There are various forms of travel . Do I have to book the tour right now ? There is no need . We have the tour everyday . Are the expressions of sight draft , time draft , usance draft and letter of credit adequate terms to express the different methods of payment ? No . These terms need to be amplified . What if the sale is made on the basis of sight draft ? Then the shipping documents have to be attached . That way , both parties confirm the documents that will accompany the draft and constitute evidence of shipment in compliance with the contract terms . Therefore , we must be very careful in building up clear expressions and complete understanding on both sides of trade . Yes , that's very important . How have you been feeling lately ? I ’ Ve been feeling a little light-headed lately . Has your blood pressure been high before ? If I have high blood pressure , it is news to me . Usually people with high blood pressure have no symptoms , so we call it the silent killer . What do you use to check for high blood pressure ? I am going to put a cuff on you to get a reading . What does the reading tell you ? I get an idea of the pressure in your arteries when your heart is pumping blood versus at rest . I hope that the test results show me to be really healthy . Miss , may I help you ? Yes , I just wondered why the price between the ninth and tenth floor is so different . It's because of the view . Oh ! I see . Can you show me the location of Block I ? Sure . Please take a look at the model of the building . Nice Garden has a total of two blocks which are labeled Block I and Block II . Block I has a total of thirty-eighth floors . The thirty-seventh and thirty-eighth are penthouses . There are four units in one floor . The sizes of the units are one thousand square feet and one thousand and five hundred square feet . The size with one thousand square feet has three bedrooms and the biggest size has four bedrooms . How many elevators are there ? There are three elevators between one hundred and forty-eight units . How about the car-park space ? There are a total of one hundred and sixty parking spaces on the second and third floor , in which twelve are for visitors and the rest are for residents . Any other facilities ? Sure , on the fourth floor is a recreation quarter . There are two swimming pools . One is Olympic standard size and the other one is for children . Also , there is a gymnasium for resident members only . What is the completion date ? The completion date will be July 1st 2007 . How about the price and the bank mortgage ? Please check up the price list . The average unit price is five million Hong Kong dollars . There are eight different banks that will provide a seventy percent mortgage loan . Also , the developer will offer another ten percent mortgage to purchasers . How many payment methods are there ? It's all written on the brochure price list . I believe there will be one right for you . Please hurry up because almost half of units have already gone . Thank you . I think I have to talk to the bank representatives . Thank you for your help . You're welcome . You've got a beautiful singing voice ! It's this high-tech equipment that doctors my voice a little . Actually , i am tone-deaf . Come on , You hit the high notes perfectly ! Well , the echo and the stereo system helped a lot . And i know that song very well , so , i didn't need to pay attention to the subtitles which helped as well . You're too modest . Pass me the catalogue ! I'd like to see which song to choose.Wow , this place has a large selection of songs . I dont know which to choose ! Pick the one that you always sing in the shower . Funny.Oh , i like this song . It's by one of my favorite singers . Read me the index number ! 1021.It ' s a duet ! Come on , Pick the mic and sing along ! No . I need a rest ! Mom , I don't feel well . Are you sick ? I feel dizzy . Let me take your temperature . Mom , I don't want to go to see a doctor . Oh , honey , I think you've caught a cold , you should get a shot . Good afternoon , Mr . Yang . I'm Jill , Mr . Smith's secretary . Would you like to look around the factory first ? Yes , I would . Now this is our office block . We have all the administrative departments Sales , Accounting , Personnel , Market Research and so on . What's that building opposite us ? That's the warehouse where the larger items of medical instruments are stored . We keep a stock of the fast-moving items so that urgent orders can be met quickly from stock . ( in the workshop ) This is one of our three workshops . This is the delivery bay here . Oh , I see . The steel sheets and bars come in , as you see , in different sizes and are unloaded onto the delivery bay here . We buy them in from a steel works in Wales . This is the new conveyor belt we installed last year . We doubled our output in this department as a result . Oh , really ? I'll take you to the assembly shop ... I take care of the letters . I may read , sort out and organize incoming mails . So you have to open all the envelopes . Yes , except the personal mail . And I also need to prepare the materials for posting and check the e-mail box regularly . Do you need to file copies of the letters before sending them ? Yes , and I check all the e-mails for Mr . Thomas . How do you use an ATM card , Billy ? It ’ s easy , grandpa . Insert you card into the machine here . Then wait a moment . OK . Now you enter your PIN . It should have four numbers . Oh yes . I ’ Ve got it written down here . Just a minute . You really shouldn ’ t write it down . You should memorise it . You can change it to a more convenient number if you like . OK , I ’ Ve entered my PIN . There are several options on the screen . I guess I just choose which service I want , don't I ? Yes . Choose the service you need to use . If you choose to withdraw money , the machine will ask you how much you want . I can just enter the amount using the key , right ? That ’ s right . Give the machine a moment to process you request . Then take your money . These machines aren ’ t very difficult to use . In fact , I quite like them . They are much faster than dealing with a band clerk . How have you been doing ? I can ’ t sleep or eat . I have a really bad pain in my tooth ! How long have you had this toothache ? It bothers me off and on , but it ’ s gotten much worse these past few weeks . Is there anything that you ’ Ve done to your tooth that might have caused the pain ? My girlfriend told me that I grind my teeth a lot when I sleep . Maybe that is the problem . When you brush your teeth , what do you use ? I use a soft bristle toothbrush . Does it bother you when you have to chew a lot ? Absolutely . That set it off big time ! Hello , may I speak to Kevin , please ? Speaking . The doctor sent me over here to have my blood drawn . Certainly , please have a seat and roll up your left sleeve . What is this test for ? Well , today your doctor wants us to check your white blood cell count . What does that tell him ? Well , if it is elevated , you might have an infection . Will the blood test hurt ? It is only a little pin stick . I am going to put a tourniquet on your arm to puff your veins up . Ouch ! There we go ! I got the blood that I needed . Could you please cover for me two hours this morning ? Sure . Any specific reason I should know about in case people ask where you are . I have to see the dentist . We have an appointment for this morning from 9 to 11 o ’ clock . So if there is any phone call , please pick up for me . If there is something urgent , tell them I will be back in two hours . No problem . Good luck . Yes , I will need it . Thanks . What is your understanding of a job ? It provides breads and butter of your family . Besides , it simulates you to purse noble dreams , Why do you want to work for us ? Your company is well-known for its good corporate profile and rapid growing records . I want to work for a company that can display my abilities and talents . Hi , is that Li Ling ? Yes . What can I do for you ? I am glad to inform you that you are expected to come for an interview in our head office tomorrow . Could you please tell me the address ? Yes , sure . It is No . 50 in the Fifth Avenue where there is a fairground and a museum . Excuse me , how long is the flight to Phoenix ? It's about 14 hours . We are supposed to land there at 19:00 . Is that Phoenix time ? Of course . We are already out of our motherland . Mrs . Sue ? Yes ? Mr . Brown will have to call you back in a little while . All right . But tell him I will only be here until four o'clock . Excuse me , do you speak English ? Yes , do you need some help ? Actually , yes . Could you show me how to use my key card ? Yes , sure . You need to put your card in the slot . Ok , like this ? That ’ s right . Then wait for the green light and turn the handle . Oh , it ’ s open . Thank you very much . Anything else I can do for you ? I need ten 55 cents stamps and ten 32 cents stamps , please . OK , here you are.Anything else ? Yes , I need to send the payment to immigration for my aunt's citizenship application . They won't accept checks.How do I send the money ? You can buy a money order and mail mature immigration . Then I need a money order for 250 dollars . Please fill out the form for the money order.You also need to pay a one dollar fee . Thank youse much for all your help . You're welcome.Have a nice day . You , too . Is that you , Bob ? Sorry , he ’ s on another phone . Will you hold ? Oh I ’ m sorry . I think I ’ ll call later . Thank you . Well , we've been waiting for our luggage for about one hour . What kind of bag is it ? It's blue , Samsonite bag . What are your room number and your name , please ? This is room eleven-seven and my name is Terry Chen . Well , let me check . We delivered four bags to room 1106 , you friend's room about an hour ago . My friend's room ? Oh , I see . Thanks a lot . You're quite welcome . Oops ! What happened ? I overcooked the corn . That's okay . I like it better that way anyway . Hello , Matt ! Hello , Todd ! Matt , I'm going to ask you some questions about pet.First question , do you have a pet ? Yes , in fact , my mom's house we have three , three pets . two dogs and a cat . My family actually raises dogs for helping blind people . Wow , like how do they train the dogs ? How do they train the dogs ? Well , I mean , it's a long process , right ... we get them when they're puppies ... and so we train them basic ... you know , sit , come ... really basic things ... then , after they're about two year old , they go a different training school . Well , how many dogs do they train at a time ? Oh , just one ! We have our own dog , and then we have a dog that we have that we are training . Do you ever see the dogs you trained , like out on the street , or anything ? Sometimes we'll see them , they'll have like sort of conventions of reunions of the pets so , yeah , you get to see them once in awhile . Oh , wow , that's cool . Um , why do people keep pets ? I guess the most important thing is companionship , right ! So there is always somebody there for you that will like you no matter what . Yeah , that's true . OK , besides cats , dogs , and fish , what are some other pets people keep ? Well , I guess if you are Sigrid and Roy you can keep a tiger or lion . I guess all types of things don't they . I can't find my glasses and I can't see anything . Can you help me find a few things ? No problem . What are you looking for ? My laptop , do you see it ? Yes , your laptop is on the chair . Where's my book ? Which one ? The dictionary . It's under the table . Where's my pencil ? There's a pencil in front of the lamp . That's not a pencil . That's a pen . Oh , sorry . There is a pencil behind the cup . How about my backpack ? Do you know where that is ? It's in between the wall and the bed . Where are my shoes ? They're on the left side of the TV . I don't see them . Sorry , I made a mistake . They're on the right side of the TV . Thanks . Oh , and here are your glasses . They were next to your cell phone . Oh ! Is it too hot ? I'm sorry . Let's blow on it . OK ! Here you go . Yummy ! Yummy ! Eat more ! I don't know how to adjust my life . Would you give me a piece of advice ? You look a bit pale , don't you ? Yes , I can't sleep well every night . You should get plenty of sleep . I drink a lot of wine . If I were you , I wouldn't drink too much . I often feel so tired . You better do some exercise every morning . I sometimes find the shadow of death in front of me . Why do you worry about your future ? You're very young , and you'll make great contribution to the world . I hope you take my advice . What time does the train for Boston leave ? 9:25 on Platform 12 , Track B . When does it arrive ? It should be there at 11:45 , but it may be a little late . How much is a one-way ticket ? It's $ 32.00 . Are you going to come home late tonight ? Yes , I've got to work overtime . Excuse me , is this personnel division ? Yes . What can I do for you ? I came about your advertisement for a senior production planner . What ’ s your name ? My name is Li Jean . You have been in Peking University , hadn't you ? Yes , seven years . What degree do you have now ? : Master of Marketing Management . Do you have any experience in this field ? Yes . I worked at AB Company . Why are you interested in the position ? Because you need a senior production planner who is good at mathematics and fluent in English . I think I am fit for the position . All right . If we decide to hire you , we'd pay you 5,000 yuan a month at the start . How do you think about it ? That's very good . Hi , taxi . Get in , please . Where to , madam ? The international airport , please . I have to be there by 8 I can't promise anything , but I'll try my best . Oh , that's my stop . How much do I need to pay ? That'll be 10 dollars , please . Thanks a . What arrangement will you make about payment ? We shall open an irrevocable L / C to cover our shipment from Shanghai to Hamburg . Is it at sight or after sight ? At sight of course . Some customers demand that 80 % of the credit amount be paid at sight , and the rest be paid after the machines are proved satisfactory on trial . I am afraid that can't be done . We have never done business on such terms . But such terms are quite common in the machinery trade . Other suppliers are offering better terms . Some even allow payment 60days after sight . We ask for full payment at sight , because we guarantee 90 % mechanical efficiency for all our products . You don't have the same guarantee from other suppliers . The usual percentage is around 85 . That's true . I'm eager to know if you could send some fitters to ensure good operation . Yes . We usually send technicians abroad to offer after-sales service to our customers . If you send fitters along with the machines to ensure that all the machines run properly , and if you provide after-sales service , we agree to make the payment in full . Thank you . I am glad we have come to an agreement at last . Hey Lisa ... want to grab lunch with me ? Sure , Emily . We haven't done that in a while . Yeah ... actually , we haven't hung out at all recently . You seem sort of under the weather . Is there something going on ? Well , keep this under your hat , but I think I'm going to quit after New Year . Quit this company ? Oh ... wow . I know I should be pretty happy here , but I'm not finding the kind of job satisfaction I need . I'm a good graphic designer ... One of the best in the company . That's kind of you to say . But ... the stuff we do here hasn't really challenged me very much at all . Oh , I get it . Simply put , you're bored , huh ? That's one way of putting it . For me , a job needs to stimulate my brain , otherwise it becomes a daily drudgery . Taxi ! Where would you like to go ? Please rush me to the railway station Get in and close the door . Can you speed up a bit ? Sorry . The road is too crowded . But I have no time to lose . But I can't help it . Can you drop me off here ? Sorry . We mustn't stop here . I hear that you've got a chance to go to Europe for a half-year training program . Is it true ? Yes , I'm leaving on the 14th of next month . Congratulations ! How can you get such a good opportunity to be trained overseas ? Actually , it is a policy in my company . The human resources management department has connections overseas this year , so we can receive training there . How nice ! But will you have to pay for the training ? No . The company pays for everything . Doesn't this sound very attractive ? This is why our company can always get the best employees ! So awful ! I never fancy my salary is so little . Oh , don't be so sad . You can ask for a salary raise . Bingo ! I never thought about that before . I am working so hard and my accomplishment is significant , you know . So you suppose you deserve a salary raise . I know I deserve it , but I can not find a way to talk with boss about this . You ought to point out how valuable you are , and tell her those people who have the same situation also get the salary raise . That sounds reasonable . Remember it is the boss who hires you and tell her how much you have improved the office efficiency . That's a point . It seems a little complicated . I will think about this for a while . I owe you one . After all , you give me an inspiration . Forget it . Good luck . I hope you can make it . Welcome back , Sir . I trust the materials were helpful to you ? Indeed . I've decided to go for the Petty Consumer Loan . That is , if my credit rating is satisfactory . Your credit is fine , Sir . Now , tell me , what is it that you need the loan for ? I've just bought a second hand apartment and I'm looking to do some renovations . You know , a bit of decorating , some new furniture , nothing flashy . I see . And what loan amount are you expecting ? It says here that the maximum is 20,000 RIB . Is that flexible ? I'm sorry , Sir . The maximum we can lend you on this type of loan is 20,000 RIB , with no exceptions . Well , 20,000 RIB , it'll have to be then . I need some documentation from you . Such as your resident permit , your occupation and salary details and I already have your credit details here . Everything is right here . If that's all in order , just let me know where I sign . How do you spend your spare time ? Are you interested in sports ? I have many hobbies , I like almost all kinds of sports and I also like to listen to pop songs . Do you think you are introverted or extroverted ? I think I am extroverted . It is so wonderful that this transaction turned out to be the satisfaction of both parties . Yes . We're satisfied with the result . I hope that we can continue our cooperation . Good afternoon , Mr Meng . It's a little late for you , isn't it ? Hello , Miao Ping . Yes , I've been stuck in back to back meetings all day , but I really wanted to come and speak to you . What can I help you with ? I'm interested in putting some of my money into investment tools , you know , something other than stocks and such like . Do you have any ideas ? Mmmm ... yes , many investors don't seem to be into stocks at the moment . Too risky ! How about Open-Ended funds ? Yes , I've heard about that . Isn't it where many investors pool their money together ? Exactly . Then each individual has the chance to diversify their portfolio over many different areas , it doesn't have to be stocks . And , we provide a Professional Fund Manager , so you know your investment will be safe with us . How can you help me to decide which areas to invest in ? Our Investment Financing Service will help you choose where to put your funds and look at both the pros and cons of each . Is this the information here ? Well , let's take a look then ... Looking through your C . V . , I see that you graduated from Oklahoma State University . Can you tell me what training you have had that would specifically relate to the cable television Industry ? Well , I ’ Ve attended some conferences in this field . But the most relevant training I ’ Ve had was in computer design . I believe I could integrate that knowledge with my college degree to design I see . Did you have anything specific in mind ? Well , I notice that you currently provide an on-screen TV Guide . At the moment , it just scrolls the names of the programs in a repeated loop . If you have many channels , you have to wait a long t That ’ s impressive . How would you make that pay ? Tie it in with the pay-per-view services , and perhaps it could be a money-maker . I see you have several good ideas . Now , I just have a few questions about your C . V . I notice that there is a five-year gap between your last job and now . Yes , I took a break from work during that time . I had a baby , and as she was born with a handicap , I decided to suspend my career . But I have continued to keep up with the Industry through con So , you ’ re just starting back . Maybe you ’ d better tell me a little more about your experience . Excuse me , I ’ Ve been waiting here for fifteen minutes.Do you know why the traffic is so heavy ? A lorry overturned on the road and blocked it , so all the traffic was held up . Oh , what a terrible situation ! This traffic is unbearable . Yeah , traffic was brought to a standstill by the accident . If we had gone early we would miss the traffic . I agree with you . But now we have to wait . The sky is overcast , and it is very sultry . I fear a thunder storm is brewing . Don ’ t worry . The traffic jam is said to be over soon . Yes , I hope so . Thank you for telling me this . It ’ s my pleasure . Hello . Gail Willows speaking . Ms Willows , hello . This is Daniel calling from IBA Bank . Hello , Daniel . What can I do for you ? I'm calling to notify you that an Export L / C has arrived for you . Oh , really ? Do you know which company it's from ? Yes , it's from Satura Beds of Tokyo . Ah , great ! I'll send someone over to pick it up . Thanks for calling . Hello ! How can I help you , sir ? I want to take out a loan for school . What kind of interest rate do you offer ? Do you qualify for any of the Federal loan programs ? Yes , but I need to borrow some more money . Well . In that case we can offer you a private educational loan . What's the interest rate ? It's 7.2 % , fixed-rate loan . How do I go about taking it out ? Just fill out this application . We can let you know right away if you qualify . All right , thank you ! Honey , can you set the table ? Um , sure . What are we having for dinner ? Do I need to put out anything in particular ? Well , make sure to put out the pepper and salt shakers . I don ’ t know if your brother is coming tonight so set an extra place mat just in case . Ok , should I use the fancy silverware ? Yeah , go ahead , forks , spoons and knives . I roasted some meat so be sure to put out some steak knives as well . I ’ ll also set some cups and saucers for some coffee after dinner . Honey ? Have you seen our soup bowls ? They are in the cupboard where you keep the gravy boat and serving dishes . Just be careful because the wine glasses are also there . Would you like to see our new shirts ? Sorry , but I ’ m not really interested in those things . But they ’ re very nice , you know . Really . And not expensive either . Oh , I don ’ t care about that . Everybody is buying them . Are they ? Yes , they ’ re very fashionable , you see . I ’ m afraid I ’ m not interested in fashion . I see . But thank you very much all the same . Sorry , I couldn ’ t help you . Welcome to our International Business Counter . How can I help ? Hello . I'm trying to track down some documents due to arrive any day on our new L / C . Not a problem . Could you tell me you L / C number , please ? It's TH 15699324873 0 . OK , just checking for you ... yes , they have arrived . How would you like me to handle them ? Would it be possible to transfer them to IBA Bank ? That's fine . I'll get on with that for you right now . Hello , may I help you ? Yes.We ' re interested in seeing the rooms for rent . Oh , how nice.They ' re bright rooms and the house is very quiet . A nice quiet house is exactly what we're looking for . Well , gentleman.Each room is $ 40 a week if you think that's OK . That sounds just wonderful to us . When do you want to move in ? How about this afternoon ? Fine . I'll be expecting you around two . Who's the woman you talked to just now ? She's the one who saved the life of my son at the beach last year . Oh , no wonder you're so respectful to her . Dinner's ready ! Come and get it ! Coming ! Thank you for calling the Twin Theatre . What time does the next showing of Forrest Gump begin ? The next show is at two o'clock . What about the one after that ? Besides , yours don't have side pockets like mine . Cool ! They're big ! What have you got in there ? Just the necessities Are you planning a trip to the Outback ? No , but you never know when you'll need a flashlight . Well , my pants are very slimming . They're capris . Have you a wine list ? Yes , the wine list is at the end of the menu . Oh . I see . Don't you have Mao Tai ? Sorry , sir , but I recommend you Bacardi White . It's quite delitous . Well , that's fine . Bring us a bottle of that . Reservations . Can I help you ? I'd like to book a room , please . How long will you be staying , sir ? Four nights , from October 15th . What kind of room do you want ? A single room with a bath , if possible . A single room with a front view is 100 dollars per night , one with a rear is 80 dollars . I'll take a front one.My name is John Brown . J-O-H-N B-R-O-W-N . Do you have any plan to buy a house in this city ? Absolutely we need a house here . But what makes me upset is the prices in this city . Our monthly salary can not buy one square meter of the house here . It is depressing to hear the price goes higher and higher . More and more people need to buy houses , but the market can not meet the needs , so this caused the bubble in real estate industry . And the rich still wants to buy more , even though they have at least one house to live . Have you watched the TV series , Humble Abode ? Yes , it displays some social problems and interprets the values of our white-collars . I really , really want a house , even though it is small like a snail house . Good afternoon . Can I help you ? Yes , we have a reservation for three nights.Mona White . I called last week . One moment please , Ms White . Yes , that was for two single rooms , wasn't it ? I've reserved rooms 402 and 403 for you . Are they quiet rooms ? Well they are facing the street but there's a lovely view . We'd like quiet rooms thanks . Of course What's up ? Nothing , how about you ? Next Saturday , I'm going to have a party . Oh , really ? You are coming ? Probably not . Why is that ? I don't feel like going . Why not ? I really can't stand going to parties . I understand , I guess . Sorry about that . May I help you ? Yes , can you tell me where I can find a travel agency ? Take the right road and walk ten minutes . You will see the Star Travel Agency . Thank you . Do you think you can fix my computer ? I'll give it a try . You must know you've been scheduled to have an operation the day after Yes . But I don't know the exact time . The operation starts at 10 0 ' clock . But you'll get an injection of anaesthesia about 30 to 45 minutes in advance . If your family comes to see you before the operation , they should come before 8: 30 . Oh , I see . I will tell my wife . Thank you for telling me so much . It's nothing . Did your doctor explain to you about what operation you are going to have ? Yes , of course . I am going to have my appendix removed . OK . Have you signed the consent ? Yes . Here it is . I am sorry to say this but I seem to have lost the key to the safe . Where do you think you lost it ? Outside the hotel ? Yes , I believe so . How should I compensate for this ? I am afraid , Ma'am , you have to pay 100 US dollars since you lost the key . What ? 100 US dollars ? Is it covered by the insurance ? I am afraid no . It is not covered by this insurance . Our offer is RIB 300 per tape-recorder , F . O . B . Tianjin . We think the price is too high . That's the best price we can offer . We'll have to discuss it with my boss . We can give you a discount if you order for immediate shipment . Where are you going , Jane ? I'm going to the hospital to see Susan . I saw her yesterday . She was a little better . Must I catch a number 7 bus to get there ? No , you needn't . A number 13 bus will also take you to the hospital . Number 13 buses run much more frequently , don't they ? Yes . I caught a number 7 bus yesterday , and they said I had taken a wrong bus . Thank you , Henry . I'll get a number 13 . But number 13 buses leave from the center of town . You'll have to walk two miles to catch one . I think I may rent out this apartment that I found . Oh , really ? Where ’ d you find it ? I was looking through the ads today , and I found it in there . In the ads ? Are you serious ? Yeah , and it ’ s affordable too . I ’ d like to hear about this apartment . First of all , it ’ s absolutely gorgeous . What is the rent each month ? It ’ s only $ 725 a month . That ’ s amazing . The rent is very cheap . I know it is . It ’ s a good thing that you read that ad today . Good morning , sir . I am ready to check out now . OK , sir . Please wait a moment , we will check your room . May I have my bill now ? Sure . how would you like to pay ? Cash , please . Excuse me . Yes ? I'm in a hurry . How long will it take ? About half an hour , if there's no traffic jam . Do you think the traffic will be heavy ? I doubt it . It's not rush hour . That's a relief . Hi Benjamin . My name is Dr . Green . What seems to be the matter ? I've been feeling pretty ill for a few days now . What are your symptoms ? I feel chilly , I've got cramps , I keep throwing up , and I feel dizzy and tired . It sounds like you might be a bit dehydrated . Do you feel thirsty most of the day ? Yes . I can't seem to drink enough . Have you been drinking plenty of water ? No , just soda . Ok . Well , we'll have a nurse take some blood in a few minutes to see if you're dehydrated . First , let me feel your pulse . That seems to be a bit low , but that's not uncommon when you're ill . Is anyone else sick in your home ? No , but my girlfriend has mono . I see . I'll have the lab techs run some tests to check for mono as well then . The nurse will come in then to take your blood , we'll run some tests , and then you can go home . You should hear from us by this afternoon . Thanks . What is your temperature now ? My temperature is 39 degrees centigrade . How high was your temperature yesterday ? I didn't take my temperature but I felt feverish . Will you open your mouth ? Your throat is swollen . Doctor , I can't eat any foods because I had a sore throat . You seem to have a cold . I'll give your an injection and let me write down your prescription . Is there anything I can do for you ? Yes . I have my wallet stolen . When did you lose it ? I don't know the exact time . Maybe I lost it last night when I was traveling on the bus . Can you make a description of your wallet ? It's a black leather one.There are my credit card and ID and some money . What is the proper way to sit at a dinner table ? Ideal posture is to sit straight , but not stiff , against the back of the chair . Yes . Hands , when one is not actually eating , may be in the lap . Tipping one's chair is unforgivable . Are you ready to order ? Yes , I ’ ll have the Texas chili burger . Would you like fries with that ? A large , with tons of ketchup . And to drink ? I'll have a diet coke , please . Is this dine-in or take-out ? Take-out , please . Are you paying in cash or by credit card ? Cash . Here's your key , sir . Room number 1405.The bellboy will take your luggage to your room . Have a pleasant stay ! Thank you . What can I do ? The system crashed when I was surfing on the internet . Did you go to any illegal website ? No , But does that matter ? Yes , your computer can be easily infected by virus if you do that . I see . I'd better never try . That's wise . Do you know what's wrong with my PC ? One minute . Oh , yes , it was infected by a virus , and you had no antivirus software . Is anti-virus software necessary for a PC ? Of course . You'd better learn something about it . I'm afraid yes . But what about the data I stored in the computer ? Don't worry , it should have been protected automatically . And I take an anti-virus software with me . Do you want me to install it now ? Yes , please . I'll really appreciate that . What ’ s the postage on this letter to hongkong , please ? Oh , I have to check . Do you need anything else ? Yes , Five one dollar stamps , please . That will be fourteen dollars in all . Excuse me , could you tell me which line I ’ m supposed to stand in to buy bubble wrap and to post a package ? You can buy the bubble wrap here , but you ’ ll have to stand in line over here to post your package . That ’ s a really long line . How long do you think it ’ ll take to get through all those people ? It takes about 3 minutes per person , so it ’ ll probably be about an hour ’ s wait . Can I buy stamps here ? Sure . How many would you like ? I need 30 for my Christmas cards . Are you sending them abroad ? Twenty of them are going abroad to China and America . Do you have any going anywhere in the EU ? If you do , those are less expensive . No . Ok , here you go . That will be 18 pounds and seventy two pence . And the bubble wrap ? That ’ s another quid . Thanks a lot . You ’ Ve been very helpful . Good morning , Madam . Can I help you ? Yes , I ’ Ve come to inquire about a 6,000- dollar remittance from California . Has it arrived ? May I have your name , please ? My name is Jenny Clinton . I see . Wait for a moment please . I am sorry , Mrs . Clinton , but the remittance doesn't appear to have arrived yet . Really ? It should have arrived . It was sent a week ago . If the money was sent by cable , it would have taken about one or two days . But if it was sent by airmail , it would take at least one week . Well , then I'll come again the day after tomorrow . Or would you like us to phone you when the money arrives ? That would be very kind of you . Could you please tell me your phone number , so we'll give you a ring as soon as the remittance has arrived ? The phone number is 328 6765 extension 105 . Thank you . We'll inform you in time . Goodbye . Hi . Are you new in this class ? Yes , I am . I really don ’ t know anyone . Did you just arrive in this country ? You look a little nervous . No . I was here last semester , but I didn ’ t find out about this class in time . So I ’ m taking it this semester . I took this course last semester too . Now I am taking it again ! How is it ? Did you learn anything here ? Why are you taking it again ? Wow , you have a lot of questions ! I learned a lot . In fact , that ’ s why I am taking it again . I get lots of practice in speaking , and also in writing . I ’ m sure you ’ ll be glad you took this course . I ’ ll even help you study if you ’ d like . That ’ s just what I need . Thanks so much . You ’ Ve been a big help already . Welcome to our company Mr white . My name is Yan Hua , the secretary of Mr Wang . Nice to meet you ! Would you like to have a cup of tea or coffee ? Thank you . I'd like Chinese tea very much ! Glad you like it . By the way , is this your first time to China , Mr . White ? Yes , as a representative of IBM . I hope to conclude some business with you . We also hope to expand our business with you . This is our common desire . I think you probably know China has adopted a flexible policy in her foreign trade . Yes , I have read about it , but I would like to know more about it . Right . Seeing is believing . Sure . I have to talk to you ! What , Hilary ? I ’ m really in a hurry ! I know , Blake . But you ’ Ve been avoiding me all morning , and we have got to talk about this deal with the Mc Kinsey Food Company . I ’ Ve been busy , Hilary . We can set up a meeting to talk about the deal , but I still feel the same way . I don ’ t think it ’ s worth it . Do you have any direct flights to Toronto ? Sorry , we don't . But I think you can fly on Northwest Airlines to Berlin and then have a connecting flight on Canada Airline to Toronto . And it is the most economical flight , just 1,900 dollars . When does the flight depart ? At 8 am . By the way , it also makes a refueling stop . How long is the layover ? Less than one hour . And how long do I have to stay in Berlin for the connecting flight ? Not so long , just one hour . So the time for the total journey is about ... ? About 13 hours . Let me count . Ok , it works out for my schedule . Thanks a lot ! You are welcome ! I'm checking out now . Can I have my bill , please ? Sure . What's your room number , sir ? It's 876 . Here is my key card . A minute , please . It's 6215 yuan all together , tax included . Can I pay with traveler's check ? Sure . Can I have your passport , please ? Here you are . Good morning , sir . What can I do for you ? I am leaving at 10 , so I'd like to settle my account now . Yes , sir . May I have your room number ? My room number is 1010 and the name is Ted Black . Right , just wait a minute . I will get your bill ready for you right away . Thanks . Have you used your mini-bar since breakfast ? No , I haven't . Very good sir . Here is your bill . Please check and sign it . Ok . Excuse me , what's this charge for ? That's for the breakfast you ordered from the service . Oh , yes . It's on Wednesday morning . Sorry about that . That's all right . Well , it's all together $ 260 . Here you are . Thank you . Have a nice trip . Put all baggage on the conveyor belt.Walk through the detector gate one at a time , please . Excuse me , ma'ma . Could you walk back through the doorway again , please ? What for ? Airport security.Could you empty your pockets over here , please ? Really ? I'm in a hurry.All right . Ah , a set of keys . I'm embarrassed ! I forgot completely about them . I'm terribly sorry . That's all right.Enjoy your flight . Thank you . Lucy , take my picture here , OK ? Sure . Just a minute . Let me take my camera out . What's the matter ? I'm not sure . Is it broken ? I hope not ! Oh , I see . What is it ? The batteries are worn down . I need replace them . Where can we get batteries ? All photography shops carry them . OK . Let's take a walk and look for a shop that does . May I take your order ? I would like to have shelled shrimps with cashew nuts . Anything else ? Strawberry cake as dessert , please . By the way , could you serve my main course without garlic and put less ginger in it . No problem , sir . Let me help you with that . Thanks very much . You really shouldn't be lifting this by yourself . I know , but there was nobody else . Why are you reading the classifieds ? What do you need ? I ’ m looking for a bookcase , but I don ’ t want to buy a new one . Are you having any luck ? Not really . There aren ’ t any used bookcases listed . But there are a few rummage sales on Saturday . I think I ’ ll go to them . Do you mind if I go with you ? Not at all . These private sales are great places to bargain . And sometimes you can find terrific things among all the junk . I learned to negotiate 9 from my mother . I thought I was pretty good at bargaining , but I had a problem the other day at Kimble ’ s Department Store . What happened ? I wanted to buy a beautiful wool sweater for my girlfriend . It was priced at forty dollars , so I started by offering the salesclerk thirty . Yes , sir . Where would you like to go ? Silk market . Is it the one on Xi Shut Street ? Yes , That ’ s right . Well , how does it look ? It's a perfect fit . Let me pay for it now . Cash , credit card , or debit card ? I think I'll use my credit card . Your signature here , please , and we're finished . Here's my John Hancock . Bye-bye . Visit us again soon ! Hello , I need a wake-up call tomorrow morning . Of course . When would you like the call ? Actually , I need two calls , one at 7 and the other at 7 fifteen . No problem . We'll give you both calls . Do you know what , let's change the second call to 7 thirty . No problem . Anything else , sir ? Not at the moment , thank you . Let me know if you do need anything . You see , the bungee participants take a deep breath when they stand at the starting spot and then , like diving , their heads are over heels and they jump off into the realm of the combination of heaven and earth The wind roars at their ears and their bodies rapidly descend . They do not even have enough time to do several gymnastic movements and they are rebounded to the upper air by the cord . Entrusting life to the care of a rope indeed requires infinite courage . A young French fellow recalled his first bungee experience and said , When I fastened the cord and walked to the platform , I was extremely nervous . When I looked down , I was nervous even more.If the cord had broken , I would be knocked to bake meat . However , I knew my worries were unwanted . I was afraid if I retreated others might say something about me . I had to harden my heart and impose my head downward . I only felt wind wiring at my ears . My body rapidly descended . I thought that after only seven or eight seconds I was rebounded to upper air by the cord . In fact it was 30 seconds . Maybe because of my nervousness , I only felt seven or eight seconds . When rebounding to the high altitude , I felt a sudden sense of relief . I did not feel nervous very much , but very comfortable . It is hard to come by in life that you experience this kind of comfortable ! Hello , is that John ? Yes . What can I do for you ? I am calling to tell you some issues about the interview . The volume is too loud . Would you kindly turn it down a little bit ? Yes . I think it is now a moderate volume . Welcome . How can I help you ? We want to look at some of your products . This way please . We have a full range of products from cosmetics to skin cleansers . Could you commend me some moisturizers ? Your T-zone gets oily easily , but your cheeks are dry in winter . Am I right ? Yes , that's right . This " Cream of Olives " is our bestseller for combination skin . You can try it on your hand . Oh , very good . I will buy this one . All right . Anything else ? No . Thank you . My pleasure . Stephanie ! Did you just get to school ? But you were up and about when I left the dorm this morning ! That was about an hour and a half ago . This happens all the time ! Why do you always take so long to get ready the morning ? It ’ s a skill . What can I say ? I don ’ t know why , I just have a long routine . Please explain because it makes no sense to me . How can a girl ’ s routine be so complicated ? You get up , you shower , you get dressed , you brush your teeth , you ’ re out the door . Half an hour , tops . Jacob , you have the luxury of having a haircut that rarely needs styling . I don ’ t . I have to set aside about an hour and a half to get ready in the mornings . Every day , I wake up and head straight for the shower . Every second day , I wash my hair . If it ’ s a hair-washing day , I frequently need to wash my hair twice because it gets really oily . Then I usually put in a conditioner and have to rinse that out too . Because my hair is so long , I seldom manage to take a shower in under twenty minutes . Afterwards , I often put on a pot of coffee and get dressed while I wait for it to brew . I take a long time to get dressed in the morning . Every now and then I remember to choose my outfit the night before , but usually I do it in the morning . In all , getting dressed takes about half an hour , at which time my hair is now semi-dry so then I have to style my hair . From time to time I ’ ll put my hair up , but oftentimes I bloody it straight . And then , because of the texture of my hair , I regularly have to flat-iron it to keep it from frizzing . That ’ s another twenty minutes or so . After that , I have my daily makeup routine . True , I hardly ever see you without your hair done and your makeup on , even when you show up to class in sweatpants . Tell me , how long does it take you to choose that outfit in the morning ? Not funny . I have redecorated my bedroom . I decide to repaint the walls and change the pictures . I also bought a new pair of curtains . What do you think of it ? I think is looks great . I really like the light colors you have chosen . The pictures are nice too . Did you bought any new furniture ? I bought a new mattress and some fresh bedclothes . I also bought a new dressing table and a new bedside table . new furniture makes a room seem so fresh . I see that you also bought a new lamp for your bedside table . do you think that I should get a new wardrobe ? that wardrobe looks quite big . Is it full of clothes ? yes . I have so many clothes stuffed into it . Perhaps I should get rid of some of them . There are clothes in there that I never wear anymore . I like to get rid of clothes that I don ’ t wear rather than keeping them in a wardrobe . They take up too much space . There are several charity shops that you can give old clothes to . They will be that ’ s a good idea . After I get rid of the old clothes I no longer wear , I can see what new clothes I need to buy . I need to buy some new clothes for the summer too . Perhaps we can go together one day . ok . I ’ ll let you know when I ’ Ve sorted out my clothes . George speaks Japanese better than Frank . Yet in writing , George has nothing on Frank . Therefore , I hope they could help each other and learn from each other . My pal , you are so nervous recently . You don't need to be like that . I am worried about that Arden will display all my drawbacks in the performance review . That will be embarrassing . Just use your head . If you were definitely making some big mistakes , you would be informed . I had a nightmare last night and I dreamt Arden told me that my performance fell short of his expectation . I was terrified to wake up after hearing that . That is merely a dream . Remember , there is always room for us to have further improvement . I think we did the good job in the whole period . I know what you are talking about . The performance evaluation process starts from the day we're hired . There is no surprise during the actual review . Hello , Could I speak to Mary , please ? This is Mrs . Fort here . This is Mary speaking . Ah , Mary , good evening . Look , I was wondering if you like to come to a party we are having on Friday ? There are many coming from the office . Oh , that sounds nice . I ’ d love to . I have the chills and an upset stomach . How long have you felt like this ? For most of the week . It sounds as if you have a virus . What do you think I should do ? I'll give you something . I want you to take it easy and come back in a couple of days . Good Morning.What can I do for you ? Good Morning , I have a bad cough , and I want to see an internist . Do you have a registration card ? No , I don ’ t . I ' m a tourist . Then you need to register as a new patient.Can I have a look at you ID card ? I need your name , age , occupation , address and contacting number . Here you are . Thanks . Which kind of medicine do you prefer , western medicine or traditional Chinese medicine ? I ’ d like to try traditional Chinese medicine . I heard it really works quite well if you know what you're doing . All right . Yes , he does . The registration fee is 7 yuan , please . Hi , Andy . I am going to Isabel ’ s . Are you coming ? No . The things are too expensive there for me . I can't afford it . That is no problem at all . Isabel ’ s is having a clearance sale , and today is the last day . You don't want to miss such a good chance , do you ? Really ? That's wonderful . Can you wait a second ? I need to change . All right , but hurry up . It takes you hours to change . I will . Do you think we can get something really nice and cheap ? I mean this is the last day . I think so . They don't sell shoddy cloth for one thing . Should we ask Cindy to come along ? She saw the evening gown made of silk last month that she wanted to buy very much . She didn't buy it of course . It would cost her three months ’ salary . She already bought that evening gown . When ? Yesterday . She wore that gown last night , and showed it off to everybody at Mr . Mile ’ s party . Oh ? Isn't that like her . Hurry up , will you ? We ’ ll have to go to the gas station first . All right , all right . I am ready to go . Let's go ! Hey there ! I ’ Ve been hoping to run into you . Are you busy tomorrow morning ? Let me see ... Wednesday morning . Yes , I am booked solid all morning . What ’ s up ? I was hoping to talk to you about the sales projections for next year . I ’ m having a little trouble figuring out how to use the spreadsheet you set up for me . It has a lot of complicated form I can explain them to you . It ’ ll just take about a half an hour . How about Friday afternoon ? Ooh . Sorry , that ’ s not good for me . I am tied up all day Friday . We ’ ll have to do it next week . I am wide open then . OK . Shall we say next week , on Tuesday at 2:30 ? Sure , that ’ ll be fine for me . I ’ ll come to your office so you can show how you set up these macros . Next time you buy veggies or fruits , have them bagged and weighed before you come here . Sorry . I didn't know . The total comes to US $ 65.81 . How will you pay today ? I'm going to use my ATM card . Slide your card through the card ID pad and punch in your PIN . Done . One moment . Do you want to withdraw some cash while you're at it ? No , thanks . Paper or plastic ? Pardon me ? Do you want paper or plastic bags for your groceries ? Paper , please . May , do you mind helping me prepare for the picnic ? Sure . Have you checked the weather report ? Yes . It says it will be sunny all day . No sign of rain at all.This is your father's favorite sausage . Sandwiches for you and Daniel . No , thanks Mom . I'd like some toast and chicken wings . Okay . Please take some fruit salad and crackers for me . Done . Oh , don't forget to take napkins disposable plates , cups and picnic blanket . All set . May , can you help me take all these things to the living room ? Yes , madam . Ask Daniel to give you a hand ? No , mom , I can manage it by myself . His help just causes more trouble . Good morning , sir . Is there anything I can do for you ? I would like to buy two bottles of brandy . How about this one ? It's the special local product . Can I buy these tax free ? Yes . This is a duty-free shop . Hi , Deny . Are still working ? Hi , Navy . Come in please . I'm just putting away on my books . So , you are leaving , aren't you ? yes , I'm going to take a holiday tomorrow . How nice ! I can see you are busying packing . I'm sorry to interrupt you . That's all right . I'm almost finished . Do you need my help ? Yes , could you please go over this for me ? and see if there is any mistake in it ? All right I'll read it soon . Excuse me for taking your time . Oh . It's nothing Navy . Could you tell me something about your previous job ? Yes . I worked in a small machinery factory . My work was very simple and there was not much work to do . Didn't you like it ? No , I thought it was too dull . I'm capable of more responsibilities , so I decided to change my job . Why do you choose our company ? Yesterday I saw your company's advertisement . Your company is an important international company . Working for it , I believe it can improve my abilities . What do you know about our company ? Oh , the company is the fourth largest machine producer in the world . It was founded in the United States in 1980 . I know that the company has made good use of advanced technology . John , I was talking to the travel agent about where we might be taking our vacation this year . I am going fishing in Alaska with my friend , Mark . What are you talking about ? What's wrong with heading out with Mark for vacation ? You and I have been together for a whole year , and our vacation time should be about the two of us ! Really ? Who made that rule up ? With that attitude , I don't really think we have much more to discuss here . That works for me ! Which kinds of meat are most popular in your country ? We eat a lot of chicken , pork and beef.You eat those meat a lot in your country too , don ’ t you ? Yes , we do.We also eat a lot of lamb . Yes . I ’ Ve heard that people in your country like to eat lamb chops . That ’ s right.They taste so good.We eat them with mint sauce.Have you ever tried them ? Yes , I have . I tried them when I visited your country last year . I thought they were very tasty.Can you cook them ? I certainly can.If I can get some from the butchers , I ’ ll cook them for you . That sounds great . I ’ ll boring a bottle of wine . Have you found another job yet , Sally ? No , I haven't , but I've seen several interesting advertisements in the paper . What kind of job are you looking for ? Either something in the hotel business or something to do with travel . You haven't had any experience in either of those fields . I know . But I'd like to try . Look , here are some advertisements that I've cut out . Come on in . Let me show you around . Here ’ s the living room . Great . The view from this window is wonderful . This is the kitchen . It looks new . Yes . We just renovated a few month ago . I like it . Here ’ s the master bedroom . Wow , it ’ s nice . What did you say about the rent ? $ 900 a month . Does that include utilities ? Yes . It includes electricity , water , gas and cable , but the telephone is extra . When will it be available ? The end of this month . I like it a lot but I need to talk with my wife . Can you hold it for me for two days ? Sure . Thank you very much . I will let you know as soon as possible . Hello . Is everything OK ? Can I help you ? Oh , wonderful ! You speak English ! I need to exchange this foreign currency . That's no problem . Is it cash ? It's Traveller's Cheques , is that possible ? Of course . If you could sign your name on the bottom line here , and write your address here . And please sign and date the back of every cheque and of course I'll need to see your passport . Yes , right , certainly . Here you go . Would you please recommend a diamond for me ? OK . How about this diamond necklace ? I prefer a diamond mounted in a ring . Then . I'm sure you will like this one . Do you guarantee its quality ? Sure . This is the warranty . The cut , color , clarity , weight and the manufacturer of the diamond are all indicated in this document . Good morning , sir . May I help you ? Yes , thank you . I want to get a handbag . Do you want it for yourself or for your girlfriend ? No , I have no girlfriend . Please excuse me for what I said just now . What do you think of this one ? I am afraid it is too big . Sorry . It is the smallest size we have . Too bad . But , is there any other leather store nearby ? Oh , yes . There is a big one at the right corner of the street . Perhaps you will get one there . I hope so . Thanks . So people can go and root for their old school team ? Yep . And relive those good old high school days . You don't sound too excited about going to your reunion . I'm not . I get a stomachache just thinking about it . Are you nervous about meeting up with your ex , Femi ? Ouch , that hurts — did you have to mention her name ? Sorry , honey , something has cropped up again . I have to deal with it . Perhaps I will go to back home till very late . It's nothing . It's not the first time anyway . Oh , come on . I will be back as early as possible . I hope so . Excuse me . I was wondering how to order office supplies . We have a requisition form on the company web site . What type of supplies do you need ? I need paper , ink cartridges , and paper clips . How quickly will you need your supplies ? I need all of my supplies right away . We also will have to check your department budget . Do you know how much money you have for office supplies ? I will check to see what my budget is . Would you like these supplies delivered or would you like to pick them up ? Please deliver them to my office . Fine , well just send the form to us and we will let you know as soon as your supplies come in . Have a good day ! Thank you ! Beijing Hotel . May I help you ? Yes . I'd like to book a double room with bath . For what time , sir ? I plan to arrive on August fifth and leave on August eighth . From August fifth to eighth . Just a moment . Yes , we have a vacancy for that period . What's your name , please ? Li Gang . That's OK , Mr . Li , a double room with bath from the fifth of August to the eighth . That's right . By the way , how do you like to pay for it ? This hotel prefers cash . I see . When can I receive your confirmation ? Not until you have paid 10 percent margin . I'll log in to the Internet to know about you . I know your address . Thank you . Bye . Excuse me for being late to work . Where have you been ? My car broke down . That's too bad . Please try to fix it so that it doesn't happen again . Yes , I'll work on it . Thank you , have a seat . We are working on the new project Great ! Fill me in . Let's take a look at the Campbell Project . I don't understand the projected revenues . Let's take another look at it for those of you who don't understand . Hello , this is Steven . May I speak to Mr . Xu ? Yes , speaking . I need to make an appointment with you today . OK . What time is it ? 3 o'ctock this afternoon . I ’ m afraid I'll be tied up at 3 o ’ clock this afternoon . Could you make it 5 o'clock this afternoon ? Yes . That would be better . Fine . Good-bye . Good-bye . No . Just let me see a doctor . I'm worried about my arm . Be brave , sir . It won't be long . I will fill out the form for you . What is your name ? Steve Schliessman . S C H L I E S S M A N . Alright Steve . Your social security number ? 349-95- 8821 . Do you have medical insurance ? Yes , I do . Blue Cross . Do you have your insurance card with you ? No , I don't . Well , you can call it in later . You can phone us . Can I sit down now ? First I need to get your address . Try to move your arm as little as possible . I want to make dinner tonight . What are you thinking of making ? I don't have any idea what to cook . How about making a teriyaki bowl ? Can you tell me how to make it ? All it consists of is teriyaki beef and white rice . Okay , but what do I have to do to prepare it ? All you have to do is cook some white rice . What do I do after that ? Then cut up the beef and marinate it in teriyaki sauce . What else do I have to do ? All that's left is to cook it . Hello , Mr Trent . What can I do for you this afternoon ? Actually , Miao Ping , I'm here to close my account with you . I'm going home , the company is transferring me back to London . Oh , I see . When are you leaving ? Next week , so I thought it was better to get this all sorted out as soon as possible . Yes , of course . Well , let's get started . Would you show me your passport , please ? Here you are , Miao Ping . Don't laugh at the horrible photo today , OK ? Can I help you ? Yes , I'm looking for a house . To buy or to rent ? Oh , to rent . How much do you want to pay ? About 300 a month . Well , I've got one here . It's 260 a month . How big is it ? It's got a kitchen , a bathroom , and one bedroom . Well , actually I prefer something a bit bigger if that's possible . Yes , I think so . There is also an interesting one . It's opposite the park . How much is it ? It's 325 a month . It's the biggest we've got in this area . What's it like ? Well , There're two bedrooms , a sitting room , a kitchen and a bathroom . It sounds interesting . Can I go and see it ? Of course , Sir . What kind of personality do you think you have ? I'm easy to approach and friendly to everyone . Do you think you are introverted or extroverted ? I'm quite outgoing , I think . Are you more of a follower or a leader ? I don't agree with someone else's opinion if I think he's wrong , but when I understand his thinking and see he has some good ideas , then I'm very happy to go along with him . Hello ! I'm sorry to bother you . This is a complimentary fruit tray . Your food will be ready soon . Wow ! It's a fruit sculpture ! Your chef is a real artist ! Actually , uh , I made it myself ... You did ? Wow ! Where did you learn ... ? Sorry , but I've gotta run . Enjoy your food , and ring the service button if you need anything else ! Can I help you find something ? I would like to buy a new fridge . Is there one in particular that you like ? I was looking at this Kenmore refrigerator . Ah yes , that is a great refrigerator . What's so great about it ? It's both affordable and it comes with all the appliances . What appliances ? It comes with an ice maker , water dispenser , and there is a lot of room inside . May I see the inside for myself ? Be my guest . Wow ! You're right ! This refrigerator is great . I'll take it . Excuse me , does this bus go to the new bookstore ? No , you'll have to get off at the bank , and take a No . 50 . Thank you . How much is the fare to that stop ? One dollar . How many stops are there ? Two stops after this one . Could you please tell me when we get there ? Sure . By the way , do I need a transfer again after No . 50 ? No , a No . 50 will take you right there . There is a problem in my apartment . What is it ? A pipe broke in my wall , and water is leaking . Is the water causing any damage ? Yes , it ’ s creating mildew on the walls . I won ’ t be able to fix the pipe until tomorrow . I can call a plumber to fix it right now . I ’ ll do it for you . Well , you can ’ t do it until tomorrow , and I need it fixed now . That ’ s true . You ’ re okay with me calling someone ? I ’ m all right with that . What are you doing , Victor ? I ’ m making a list of food and drinks . What for ? What for ? For the party , of course . Party ? What party ? We ’ re having a Valentine ’ s Day Party . Oh , I forget . Who ’ s invited ? We ’ Ve invited all our sophomore friends from school . Can I help you get ready ? That ’ ll be a big help . Well , here ’ s a list of some of the food you could buy . Ok , just leave it to me . I ’ ll take care of it . Thanks . See you at five . Don ’ t forget to bring your valentine . What did you do at the office today ? I had a really busy day . I had to work a little overtime . In the morning an important client called to place a large order . I had to check some things with my colleagues before confirming the order . What kind of things did you need to check ? The most important thing was to check that we had the goods in stock . If the goods are in stock , we can deliver them immediately . I also had to check the price . This customer is very important , so the I see . Did anything else happen ? I received a lot of emails from potential clients that I had to answer . Each time , I had to check files to see what we had agreed at earlier meetings . Each client has different conditions and required It must be difficult to remember the details for each individual client . Yes . That ’ s why we have everything on computer files . We don ’ t use much paper at our office . After lunch , I had to deal with a complaint form a client . I hate dealing with complaints . Was it a legitimate complaint ? Yes , it was . I managed to sort out the problem , but I was tied up with the matter for over an hour . You certainly had a busy day . That ’ s not all ! I also had to finish writing a sales report for my boss . In the end , I finished everything . I wonder what will be waiting for me tomorrow morning . Good morning , sir . Is there anything I can do for you ? Yes , I would like to have a suit made to measure . Sure . How do you like your suit ? I want a single breasted suit . Here is the cloth . May I help you ? My daughter . She is missing . I don ’ t know where she is . What dose she look like ? She has blond hair and blue eyes . What was she wearing ? She has a yellow dress on and red sneakers . When did you last see her ? I just saw her down the street . I don ’ t know where she is . How long has it been ? Oh , it ’ s been uh ... fifteen minutes . This is my first trip to Hong Kong , and I'd like to see some of the city's sights . Will you be here long ? Only three days on business so I won't have a long time . There are many tourist attractions in Hong Kong . Do you have some information on these ? Let me give you some brochures to look over . Good afternoon , sir . May I help you ? I want to post this package to the United States . Do you want to mail it by air or by sea ? By sea . How are you doing today ? Great . Thank you . What can I do for you ? I need to withdraw some money . How much would you like to take out ? I need to withdraw $ 300 . Which account would you like to take the money from ? I want to take it from my checking account . Okay , here you go . Thank you very much . Can I do anything else for you ? No . That ’ ll be all . I can ’ t believe the cost of apartments in New York City . Oh , you didn ’ t know that apartments here are considered valuable , even if they are small and crowded ? Of course I had heard about that , but now I know how expensive it is to rent a place here . I don ’ t mind paying high rent to live in New York . Why ? You pay so much for such a tiny space to live . Yeah , but so what ! I ’ m proud to live in the world ’ s most exciting city . And , the salaries here are the highest in the nation , too . Would you like me to type it for you ? Yes , please . That would be a great help . Are you sure you don ’ t mind ? Not at all . I ’ ll be glad to do it . Thank you very much . Shall I right out again first ? No , there ’ s no need . Can I print it ? No , don ’ t bother . It ’ s all right as it is . Is this the right bus for San Francisco ? It sure is.Can I see your ticket ? OK , fine . When's the first stop ? About two hours out of Los Angeles . Give me the bags , I'll put'em on the bus . Here's your claim tag . Don't lose it.When you get off the bus , give it to me . Thank you . Is it all right to smoke on the bus ? Sure , but only in the rear , and only cigarettes . And alcohol is not allowed . I see . Thank you . What is the best way to find a job here ? There are different ways of conducting a job search . Do you know what you want to do ? I don't know . Can you work part-time or full-time ? It doesn't matter right now , either one would be OK . The binders have current local jobs listings and the computer jobs lists are good too . Understand ? OK , I'll go check it out . Schedule an appointment with a counselor and you can get more information . Would that work for you ? I am not sure . Everything that you need for a successful job search is here . Happy job searching ! Are you a visitor here ? No . I immigrated here three years ago . Have you been used to your new life ? Yes , I love my new life . Did you see the news today ? I haven't had a chance to see it . You know about the blackout last night , right ? The lights were out everywhere . A bunch of people went looting last night . They what ? They took full advantage of the lights being out . That's crazy . The news reported that four stores were broken into . Were the looters found ? The police don't know who did it . I hope this doesn't happen again . Who is on duty ? I am , sir . Your duty is to keep a check on those prisoners from now on . Yes , sir . Let's cross here . You're kidding . We'll never make it across in one piece ! Let's cross at the light . Now we have to walk all the way down to the end of the street . If you want to cross here , be my guest . I don't feel like dodging cars and scooters ! Sir , may I please see your license and registration ? Do you know how fast you were going ? No , I'm not sure . I think about 65 mph , right ? You're not sure ? You were going at 90 miles per hour ! That's 25 mph over the legal speed limit ! Have you been drinking ? No , Officer , not at all . Then how can you explain your behavior ? Well , I guess I just wasn't paying attention to the speedometer . Not paying attention to the speedometer ? Why not ? Um , because I was busy talking to my friend . On a cell phone ? Yes , I was using a cell phone . I just bought it , so I decided to give my friend a phone call to tell him about it . While I did that I also turned on the radio and was listening to one of my favorite songs , and eating some food I had bought at a fast food restaurant , and , um ... guess I had too many distractions . That's definitely true . I'm going to have to give you a ticket . Please remember to drive more carefully next time . Paul ? I need to work out a time to get together with your people . Does everybody need to be there ? Hilary and Jason are on vacation this week . It would be best if everybody could be there . How about next week sometime ? Let me take a look at the schedule . I ’ ll get back to you this afternoon , all right ? Can I help you , sir ? Yes , I'm checking out . Can I have your key and room number , please ? Room 1419 . Here's my key . Here's your bill , sir . Could you please check it ? It's all right . Please charge it to my credit card . Here you are , sir . You're all set . I hope you enjoyed your stay . And that next time you're in town , you will stay with us again . I will . Where can I leave my luggage ? I really want to leave after lunch . The bell captain will put it in the storage room . When you're ready to leave , you can claim your luggage from him . Thanks very much . And good-bye . I like the Honda Accord you showed me before . I think it's more practical for my needs . Alright , sir . You are making a good choice.Honda has made a lot of design improvements in the new Accord . What does it come with standard ? On all our new cars , the standards includeair conditioning , anti-lock brakes , air bags , and an AM / FM stereo with a CD player.But on the Accord , there is another standard item as well.The Accord com Cruise control ? I don't like that . Why not , sir ? I think it's dangerous . What if I can't turn it off ? Well , sir , I know some of our customers are concerned about cruise control.But Honda has never had a single cruise control malfunction that led to an accident . I wish it didn't have cruise control . My wife doesn't like it either . You know , sir , you don't have to use it.You can turn it on or off . If you don't want to use it , you just never turn it on . I suppose . And what about the sunroof ? Is that standard ? No , the sunroof is optional , sir . I see . Another important question is the time I can get this car . I need a new car rather soon . Well , I can say that the new models will be here in August.If you order one now , we will have it for you in August . That's good enough , I think . What colors does the new Accord come in ? We have this new model in red , white , black , or silver.These are the standard colors.Of course you could specially order from various other colors too . My brother has last year's Accord.And his car is a kind of soft purple color mixed with silver . I really like that color . I wonder if I can get that color on my Accord . I know the color you mean . Is this it , sir ? Yes , I think that's it . Can I get that on the Accord ? Yes , you can.That color is very popular with Honda buyers . So we've kept it available . Well , I think I want to order the new Accord then.It looks like an excellent car . You have made a good choice , sir . I drive an Accord myself . They are very solidly built machines , very reliable . Yes , I know . I think Honda is the most reliable car on the road . I would never change to anything else.The Honda I have now almost never has service problems . It runs smooth as silk . Alright , sir . I will get the paperwork ready for you . Just a moment . Good morning . sir . How may I serve you today ? I'd like a cup of mocha . Sure . Large or medium ? Medium , please . Anything else to go ? Yeah . give me a chocolate bar also . You've got it . Please have them wrapped . I'll take them away . Sure . It's seven eighty-nine . Here's eight dollars . Keep the change . Thank you , sir . Have a nice day . Could I help you on your new project ? I have a need for help with writing and also a need for help with the computer work . Which would you prefer ? I want to help with both . That would be wonderful . Sometimes we will be working together and sometimes independently . Would that be OK ? Most of the time that is what I prefer . We start on Monday . Can you be there ? I am not sure yet . I need your background information before the meeting . I will do that . I'll enjoy working with you . Have a great day ! To start with , may I know why you are interested in working for our company ? First , as far as I know , your company has had an impressive growth record . Second , I want to get into the foreign trade business . Now you are with Quandong Company . What is your chief responsibility there ? I'm in charge of marketing activities in South-East Asia , for example , organizing trade conferences and arranging exhibitions . Do you have any questions about the job ? Yes . Are there chances for employees to be transferred to overseas branches of the company ? Certainly . This is an international company , and ther're good chances for you to work overseas . That would be good . Ouch ! I just bit my tongue . Oh , that hurts . I think it's bleeding . Hello , miss . I would like to check out . Well , sir . If you want to check out now , we will charge you $ 200 as well . Why ? I have stayed for 3 nights . Well , the check out time is 12:00 o'clock everyday , if you checked out after 15:00 , we have to charge you for another day . Excuse me , do you serve breakfast here ? Sure , you want a continental one or an American one ? An American one , please . I am in a hurry . OK , sir , yours will be ready in a few seconds . What do you want , Essie ? A cup of coffee and an apple pie . How about you ? I don't want coffee . I'd like some orange juice . Why don't you drink coffee ? I don't like coffee in this cafe . It does taste weird . Most people think so . What's the problem , sir ? I bought this toy gun from your store two weeks ago . My son played with it only twice and it broke . Do you keep the receipt ? Yes , and I have the warranty , too . What do you want me to do about it ? I'd like you to replace this one without charge if you can . Alison , would you like to have some more ? No , thanks . I've had enough . Actually you haven't had much . To tell you the truth , I am on a diet . That sounds ridiculous . Why ? Well , I am gaining weight these days , and I have to watch my calories . Do you have any tables ? Yes . We've got plenty of tables in stock . Will you have a look at this one ? It's a nice color , and the style is not bad , but a bit too small . I'd like to get a slightly larger one . How about this one ? Mmm , I like it . How much is it ? Seventy US dollars . Here is the money . Could you deliver this to my house ? Of course . We are always at your service . Here is my name card . Thanks . You are welcome . Well , what did you think about the last candidate ? Do you think we should hire her ? She had a very impressive resume , but she seemed to lack the confidence that I think a good manager needs . What made you think that she wasn't very confident ? Did you notice the way that she avoided making eye contact with us while she talked ? She was a bit nervous , I guess . What else ? When she first walked into the room to greet us , she didn't shake our hands or introduce herself at all . I thought that was a bit unprofessional . you're right . If she walked into meetings with our clients like that , it would make our company look bad , wouldn't it ? It sure would . Did you also notice the way she slouched in her chair during most of the interview ? She had horrible posture ! I agree . I guess I was paying more attention to her answers than her body language . On top fo all of that , she didn't seem to have any sense about people's personal space . she didn't keep enough distance between us when during the meeting . That's true . I guess we'll have to keep looking for a manager then . Don't worry , we'll find someone eventually ! Fill it up with regular , please . All right . Should I take a look at your battery ? No , thanks . I'm in a hurry . How much is it ? ¥ 200 , please . My throat is really dry . Do you want to go get something to drink ? Yes , I'm parched . What did you want to drink ? I was thinking about getting a soda . Do you know that soda doesn't quench your thirst ? Why not ? Soda is really bad for you . I don't know what else to drink . You're supposed to drink water when you're dehydrated . I would like some water . That's what will keep you from being thirsty . I have a feeling you will get this job . Thanks . But I'm not so sure . Interviews stress me out . Just remember to be professional and polite . Oh , and don ’ t forget to smile . I ’ ll do my best , but sometimes I have trouble being myself in stressful situations . Have you updated your resume recently ? Yes ... ah ! I forgot to include my e-mail address . You ’ d better double-and-triple check it . You don ’ t want to have any embarrassing typos on your resume . Otherwise , you might shoot yourself in the foot . I ’ ll be sure and do that . I also need to pick out the right suit , shirt , and tie for this interview . Definitely . Oh , do you have a reference letter ? Sort of . I prepared a list of all the people who can vouch for my experience and good work ethic . I ’ m included on your list of references , right ? My praise of you could really make a difference . Sorry , you ’ re not on it . I don ’ t think using my brother as a reference would be very convincing ! Lindsay Tipping gave me your name as a reference . We are considering hiring her as an editor for our magazine . Lindsay , of course , I will be more than happy to recommend her to you . How long was she employed with your company ? She freelanced with us for 3 years . She was always consistent and punctual with her assignments and a pleasure to work with . Freelance , hmm . How do you think she will manage in an office environment ? She ’ s a consummate professional and a team-player . I have utmost confidence in her abilities . You can ’ t go wrong in hiring her . Hello . Do you have anything for a little girl ? Well , we have some new Barbie dolls . That's a great idea . Show me the Barbie dolls . Here's one — the new , beautiful Digital Barbie . This doll is hot ! How lovely ! How much is she ? It's only $ 29.95 . No problem . Let me have one . That's great . Anything else ? No , thank you . That's all I need at the moment . The grand total is $ 32.42 . How would you like to pay ? I'll give you cash . Thank you so much for shopping here . Here's your change and receipt . I'd like to have internet on my computer . Do you know what kind of internet you would like to get ? What are my options ? You can either get dial-up or DEL . Which one would you recommend ? DEL is the best choice . Why is DEL better ? It's a lot better because it doesn't tie up your phone line . What exactly does that mean ? Well , with dial-up your internet is connected by your phone line . That means that I can't use my phone and the internet at the same time , right ? That's right . You won't have that problem with DEL . So , now I need your help again , if you don't mind . I'm taking a date to a restaurant . I'd love to help you ! What is your budget for the dinner ? She strikes me as being very sophisticated . Only the best will do for her . Well , what do you think about our very own hotel restaurant ? It is very upscale , with a three-star rating . I don't want to be cooped up in my own hotel tonight . How about another restaurant ? The Gramercy Tavern is highly rated . It has great food and live jazz , but it's not cheap . Yes , that sounds like a winner . Would you please call them to reserve a table ? I'm already dialing , sir . Would you like a lift home ? That would be great . Thanks ! Can I get you any dessert ? Yes , I'd like to try the blueberry pie . Excellent choice . ( He brings her the pie . After she finishes , the waiter comes back . ) Would you like anything else ? No , I'm stuffed . I'm ready for the check . Here you are . Thank you and have a nice evening . Thank you . Do you like Barry ? No , not very much . He's too ambitious and dishonest . I agree . I like his brother Paul . They are not alike . Yes . They are completely different . Paul is very sociable and much more honest than his brother . What kind of person do you consider yourself to be ? I think I'm polite , careful , relaxed and shy . Oh , I don't think you're shy ! You are always chatting with new people when we go to a party . Well . Yes , but those people always start talking to me . I never talk to them first.Perhaps I'm not as shy as I think . Anyway , you're certainly not shy ! You're right . I love going out and making new friends . So , you'll be at my birthday party on Friday ? Of course ! Have you given the puppies anything to eat today ? I fed them earlier today . Great ! Could you please bathe them later ? Okay , I'll do that later . Thank you ! Remember that they go to the vet this Saturday . I know . What time is their appointment ? We need to have them there at 11 I got it . I will remember . Hi , is that Jason ? Yes . What can I do for you ? I am calling to let you know that you are expected to come for an interview in our branch . That's cool . What documents do I need to carry ? You can bring life photos , recommendation letters and certificates . I came here to get a chest X-ray . I will need you to take your clothes off from the waist up and put on the gown , leaving the opening in the back . What comes next ? I will need you to face this glass plate right over here . Should I do anything else ? Your arms need to be raised to shoulder height . Is this OK ? So far , so good . How come you are walking away ? I am not leaving . I just need you to take a really deep breath , hold it , and then let it out . Will I be finished then ? You will be able to put your clothes on as soon as I have checked the film . I'd like to check out . Have you settled the bill ? No . I'd like to do that now . OK , 400 Yuan please . Do you have a free moment ? Sure , what do you need ? I am having some trouble . How do you use this printer ? Well . First you have to turn this switch on . Silly me . Now press this button . Oh , and it's out of paper . Do you have any more ? Just a second . I'll go get some . I would like to buy one round trip plane ticket to Hong Kong , please . For what days , madam ? Leaving on September 5th and returning to New York City on October 9th . Do you prefer an aisle or a window seat ? I prefer to sit next to a window . How would like to pay ? I have a Master Card . I have booked you for one window seat on American airline flight No . 409 . Have a good trip ! Body language in the interview is closely related to the job-hunter's image . Surely it is . You should look the interviewer in the eye so as to show that you are carefully listening to him . You can nod or ask questions at the right time to show that you have already understood or you are quite interested in his words . When you are seated , bent forward a little with your hands crossed , to show you respect the interviewer . Don't move from time to time . It is very impolite and will make you nervous . Proper posture can show your confidence . The best would be you have a smile on your face in the interview to win a good impression of the interviewer . Pay attention to keeping eye contact as well . Throughout the interview you should maintain patience . In a word , you should keep decent manners in the interview . Only in this way can you leave the interviewer a good impression and achieve success . Hello , Elizabeth . How are you ? Fine , thanks . Are you sure you're all right ? You look a bit worried today . Is anything wrong ? Well , yes , there is something wrong actually . Perhaps you can give me some advice . Of course , if I can . Well , last night when I returned from the theatre , I found that I'd lost my wallet . Oh dear ! That's terrible ! What was in your wallet ? Well , some money . of course , my visa , all my identity cards and some photos . Well , if were you , I'd go to the police station straight away and report it . Yes , I've already done that , and they said they'd look for it . But we're leaving soon and I need my visa and identity cards badly . Oh dear ! What a pity ! Are you sure you lost the wallet in the theatre ? Yes , quite sure . I think you should put an advertisement in the China Daily , saying when and where you lost it . But that takes too long . Wait a minute ! My uncle lives in Beijing and he lives very close to the theatre . I'll telephone him and ask him to go there to inquire about it . You'd better have breakfast now and I'll meet you later . Good morning . Sales Division . Alex speaking . Alex . It ’ s Nancy over in Marketing . I ’ Ve got some good news for you . Oh yeah ? I could use some . What ’ s up ? Mr . Morris was so pleased with your sales work on his account that he went straight to the top with it . He wrote a letter about it to Mr . Macmillan ! Could you give me an expense report ? I would like to attach the invoices for my phone bill this season . Here you are . Do you need glue ? That is very kind of you . I ’ m just running out of glue . You ’ re welcome . Hi , Francis , morning ! How are you doing today ? I had a bad start of the day . I was stuck in a bad traffic jam on my way and I missed my morning meeting . Indeed , I agree that is not a good start . How about the meeting ? You missed anything important ? It is ok . My boss briefs me later on . Was he unhappy with you not attending the meeting ? Err , kind of . You know this traffic jam is really bad with so many new cars hitting the streets these days . is that your rabbit ? yes , I just adopted her from the humane society this weekend . that's good of you . why did you decide to get a rabbit . well , i wanted to get a pet that wouldn't disturb the neighbors . at the same time , I wanted a pet that would be affectionate . rabbits aren't usually that affectionate , are they ? if you cuddle them a lot when they are very young , they can be just as affectionate as dogs or cats . i didn't know that . Are rabbits difficult to take care of ? not really . I went to the veterinarian to get her vaccinated and she told me that all I needed to do was to make sure to trim its nails from time to time , to give her food and water , and to clean its that sounds pretty easy . Do rabbits make your house smell ? No , rabbits aren't very stinky . As long as your clean the cage on a regular basis , it's not too bad . can you train a rabbit to do things ? you can't train them like you can train dogs , but you can train them to do some things . For example , you can train them to go the bathroom in a special rabbit toilet . that's amazing ! Has she bitten you yet ? not yet . She's pretty tame . I think she must be used to being around lots of different people . Excuse me , but could you tell me if this bus goes to the National History Museum ? No , it doesn't . There's no through bus to the National History Museum , madam . I see . Where do I have to change then ? You can transfer Fuchengmen . How far is it ? Well , it's only three stops from here . I see . Thanks a lot . You're welcome . Excuse me , do you go to the Central Park ? Yes , this is the right bus . Could you please tell me when I get to the Central Park ? Don't worry . I'll call out the stops . ( A few minutes later . ) Should I get off at the next stop ? No , don't worry . I'll get you off when you get there . Is it a long ride ? No , not that long . Two more stops , and you'll get off , sir . OK . I know . Thank you . Not at all . Hi Steve . What do you think of the new supplier ? We haven't had any problems so far . They offer a 24 - hour technical back-up service . We've called them in three times this month . They always arrive within a couple of hours . That's good service . Do we have to pay extra for that ? No . There's no call-out fee . It's included in the annual service contract . Bill , where are we going to stay tonight ? What about a motel ? What's that ? It's a hotel but cheaper and offers free parking . Well , that sounds good , I have never lived in a motel . Then let's stay in a motel . I am sure you will like it . Oh , man . I had the best supper last night . My wife made a stir-fry and it was amazing ! I love stir fry crispy bitesize vegetables covered in a mixture of soy sauce and oyster sauce . Wilted greens and fresh bean sprouts . Throw in some onion and garlic and ginger ! Mmm ! Mmm ! It ’ s almost lunchtime . I would die for a plate of stir fry right now ! Well , you can keep the vegetables , I ’ ll take the meat . The stir fry my wife made was really hearty , with chunks of beef and slivers of bell peppers and onion ... What ? You call that a stir fry ? More meat than vegetables ? That ’ s the worst insult you could throw at a Chinese stir fry . What a disgrace to the wok she fried it in ! What you had is equivalent to a fajita without the wrap ! What do you plan on making as a side dish for dinner ? I was planning on making some kind of vegetable . Do you know what kind ? What kind of vegetable do you want ? I wouldn't mind eating some corn . How do you want it ? What do you mean ? I can boil it , grill it , or microwave it . You should throw some corn on the grill . Is that really what you want ? That sounds good . I guess I can do that . Do you mind if I smoke ? Go right ahead . I wonder if you could help me ? Of course , what's the problem ? Could you take a picture of me to my friend ? Sure thing . Where's the nearest tailor's ? There is one just around the corner . The jacket is tight in the shoulders and long in the sleeve . What about the price there ? The price is moderate , but their work is sometimes not satisfactory . Is there a better tailor's around here ? No , there is not , as far as I know . Where do you live ? I live in Beijing . What's your permanent address ? My permanent address is Apt . 401 , 238 Zhongshan Road , Beijing . Where is your birthplace ? My birthplace is Suzhou . Where is your domicile ? My domicile is Beijing . Give me your telephone number , please . ( My telephone number is ) 139xxxxx345 . I can't get into my room . I mean I left my room key inside . I see , sir.Those two ladies in front of your room did the same thing twenty minutes ago . Oh , did they ? Well , would you give us an extra key to the room ? I'm afraid we have no extra key.So I'll send somebody to your room . By the way , what should I do with the key when I go out ? Please drop it at the front desk when you leave tie hotel . This is my favourite restaurant . It looks very nice and the food looks delicious . Yes , there might be some food you have never eaten before . Really ? Oh yes . Like this , for example . Have you ever eaten jellyfish before ? No , I haven ’ t . I have never eaten jellyfish before . What about these ? Have you ever tried pig ’ s brains ? No , I have not and I ’ m not sure I want to try them now . Here is my boarding pass.Can you tell me where my seat is ? Follow me and I will lead you to your seat . Thank you . Can you please put my luggage in the overhead bin for me ? Of course . Thanks so much . Excuse me , How do I get to the Grand hotel ? I am sorry , I didn ’ t catch what you said . Could you repeat it please ? The Grand hotel , is it far from here ? Sorry , my English isn ’ t so good . Could you speak a little slower ? Well Mr . Black , I appreciate your interest in our company , but I doubt you can do this job properly . I ’ m sure I can do it well . I ’ Ve always wanted to be the best in whatever I did . Give me a chance . I wish I could . But you even don ’ t have a B . A , so I ’ m sorry to say there ’ s no chance . You ’ re questioning my ability ? I tell ya , I can make it ! I ’ ll talk to your boss . Mr . Black , I don ’ t think my boss will talk to you . It ’ s a Chinaman ’ s chance . You think so ? Let ’ s take a chance ! Can I go to my room , now ? Yes , just follow the porter , Mr.Wilson . Thank you , sir . How about the repair fee ? It's for free , because your computers are still in the period of guarantee--two years . Great ! When can your technicians come to our factory ? They are working in another factory to provide maintenance right now . Let me call them and see whether they have solved the problem . Please wait a moment . I've just contacted our technicians . They say they can go to your factory tomorrow afternoon . Can you tell me your factory's address , so they can find you easier ? That's wonderful . I appreciate your efficiency and cooperation . To provide the As excellent after-sales service is our motto . Please wait for our maintenance staff in your factory tomorrow afternoon . They will be there on time . Thank you again ! Can you drive ? Yes , I have a driving license . Are you willing to drive yourself if the job requires ? Sure . One more thing , if you are wanted in this position , you must prepare to travel aboard frequently . That's fine with me . Would you mind relocating ? As long as it isn't too far from this city , I don't mind . It ’ s quite far away , though it's located in another part of the city . Are you planning to find a boarding house nearby ? I think I can commute that far without any trouble . Good . Do you have any particular conditions that you want us to take into consideration ? No , nothing in particular . Thank you . Then you'll need to know it's a hard job . You'll often have to work overtime or even on weekends . Yes , but I don't mind working hard . Who's calling , please ? This is John . What is it , John ? I wonder if I can use your bike . I'm sorry , I've lost my tags and receipt . What can I do about it ? I see . What is your baggage ? And do you remember the tag's number or color ? It's a suitcase . Its colour is blue . Could you give me a description of your case ? It's like this , it's square with a leather cover . I'll check it for you . I've found it . Is this yours ? Yes , it is the right one Will you show me your key card , please ? Here it is . All right . Now you can take your case away Ann ! Don ’ t you see the children are making so much noise here ? Why don ’ t you keep them occupied and out their mother ’ s hair ? OK ! What about taking them outside and flying a kite . Good idea ! Well , Joan , I have something important to tell you . Ann , it's terrible ! What's up ? Look , this is a pimple ! Oh , I think it is . How come ? I think it's because of your bad habits ! I have no bad habit . I sleep eight hours a day , never eat spicy food , clean the face twice a day and so on . I have done a lot . I know you have done a lot , but you always sleep very late . Sleeping eight hours a day doesn't mean it is healthy . Sleeping after 12 is hurtful to our body , and I think this is your problem . I wasn't aware of that ! You should do better later . I am afraid the label is not quite suitable for this locality . Could you quote us for the order with neutral cases ? I am afraid not . We usually design the label ourselves . You know we should be responsible for the brand labels of our goods . In that case , we'd like you to make some changes in the labeling . What are they ? First , the languages on the label should be in both English and French . Second , the red color doesn't suit our national customs . Could you print the label in some light colors such as yellowish or bluish ? That can be easily done . Is there anything else ? The brand name and the nice artwork need not be changed , but the net weight must be placed on the lower part of the panel . We'll get the factory to meet your requirements . Thanks for your help . I am interested in buying a house and need some information . Yes , of course . What area are you interested in ? I am interested in Pasadena or Arcadia . What size house would you like ? We need a medium-sized house with at least 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms . Are you interested in being in a particular school district ? Yes , we want to stay in the ABC School District . Would you like a home near the lake or would you prefer a view ? I would love to have a home with a view . Fine , I will begin a search for the perfect home for you . I will call you in a few days . Can you hold the end of this tape measure ? Sure . What's this for ? I ' m taking some measurements for new curtains . What about measuring the floor for a new carpet , and the walls for new wallpaper ? I thought we'll just fix up the wood floor.and use some paint for the walls . Good idea . I was thinking the same myself . Tomorrow we'll go and pick out some curtains and paint . What should I do when I find a job ? There are a few considerations . Is this a part-time or full-time job ? Does it make a difference ? Basically , you really don ’ t need to do much of anything . On the Continued Claim Form , you will note that you now have a new job and also note what you are earning . If I get work for a few weeks , will I be terminated from EDD ? You will not mess up your job benefits by taking work . You can always come back and notify EDD that you are once again in need of assistance . I think mum should not take sides . After all , we are all her children . But our younger sister is the apple of her eye . It ’ s unfair . Well , we can do nothing about it . How can I help you ? I want to open another account . What kind would you like to open ? I would like to open a savings account . Do you already have an account with us ? I have another savings account open already . Do you want to transfer money from that account ? I would like to do that . How much ? I only want to transfer $ 100 . It ’ ll only take me a minute to complete your transaction . Great . Thank you very much . I'd like to speak Dr.Johnson . Sorry , but he's not in . May I take a message for you ? This is Robert Jordan.Would you ask him to call me back , please ? OK , I'll tell him . Is there a bus in Altadena that'll take me to downtown LA ? The 486 . The 486 really goes downtown ? Yes , it does . How long is the bus ride ? It's about forty-five minutes to an hour . Is that right ? Yeah , it's not that long of a trip . Is that a crowded bus ? It starts getting more crowded the closer you get to LA . Thank you very much . You're very welcome . Hello . My name ’ s Linda Brown . What can I do for you today ? Hi . I ’ m Tom Peterson . I ’ m looking for a one-bedroom apartment . Certainly . First , I would like to ask you some questions to identify your needs before I show you what we have . That ’ s fine . What price range are you interested in ? Well , between $ 350-400 a month . Okay . Do you have a special location in mind ? I ’ d like to live somewhere near the university , or at least on a bus line . When would you like to move in ? As soon as possible . How about the end of this month ? Fine . Are there any special features that you would like to have , such as , a dishwasher , a balcony , a swimming pool , central air conditionining , etc . ? I would like to have a dishwasher and central air conditioning . Okay . Here are the photos of the apartments that fit your preferences . Thank you . This one looks nice . Is it near the university ? Yes . It ’ s only 5 minutes walk from the campus . That ’ s good . I ’ d like to see it . Is there any way of ensuring we'll have enough time for our talks ? I am sure we do have . So our evenings will be quite full then ? If you want some changes , just tell me . Don't use a hair spray . I want my hair set and dried . Look into the mirror and see if it'll do . That's all right.Thank you . Welcome here again . Shall I take a picture of all of you ? Ok , thank you . All you have to do is focus it . All right . Say cheese ! Thank you very much . You ’ re welcome . I hope it'll come out well . I'm sure it will . Can I have a look at your international timetable ? Sorry.We don't have a printed one . Is there anything else I can do for you ? Yes . Do you have any direct flight to Tokyo ? Sorry , we don't . I don't think you can find any airline which offers a non-stop flight to Tokyo . What about a flight to Paris ? Yes . It is really a place of interest and we have the direct flight everyday . Excuse me . I wonder if you can help me . I'll try my best . I'm completely lost . I'm trying to find the way to my daughter's home . Please tell me where your daughter's home is . Her home is between the China hotel and Li Sheng Theater . Turn right at the second traffic light and you will see it on your left . I'm grateful to you . It's a pleasure . How is your job search 1 going , Janet ? I found the ideal position . I ’ m working for a plumbing company . Are you serious ? You studied mathematics at college for four years , and now you have a job working with your hands ! Plumbing work requires mathematics knowledge , and creativity . I love this job . I can see that . But I didn ’ t know you had experience in that line of work . I didn ’ t , but I applied for an apprenticeship , and since I studied math , AND I have a good attitude 4 , my application was accepted . Congratulations ! You do have the right attitude . Mom . I have to go school shopping . There's only one more week left . Do you need money or what ? I have this list of stuff that I need and I only have half the dough . Half the dough huh . Well . How would you like to earn the other half ? Do I have a choice ? Uh . That's a no . What can I do ? I thought you'd never ask . The lawn needs to be mowed and the garage deserves to be cleaned . What seems to be the problem , kid ? I've got a sore throat , a runny nose and a headache . Ah ... How long have you been like this ? I am not very sure . Maybe for three days . Do you have any stomachache ? I guess so . It comes and goes . Open your mouth and say ah ... God , you are suffering from the swelling of tonsils . Is that serious , doctor ? Yes , I am sure that you got the flu . You need a shot . Oh , doctor . Do I have to ? I am afraid of needles ! Yes , that's for sure . But it is not that bad . It's gonna be all right . Oh , doctor , please ... Be brave , young man . Only girls cry when given an injection . You are right . I won't cry anymore . Would you consider an offer of $ 56,000 per year ? What kind of benefits are we talking about ? Our standard package includes health insurance , two weeks vacation and a company car . Are these things negotiable ? Uh ... not normally . What do you have in mind ? Vacation time is important to me . I would be willing to give up these other items in order to receive more vacation days . What an interesting idea , Ms . Wilson . Would you also be willing to accept a cut in initial salary ? Possibly . What do you have in mind ? Now tell me , what's your problem ? I don't feel like eating . And I cannot sleep well . Do you have a fever ? Yes , a low fever . I feel terrible . Am I dying ? Certainly not . Take one of these white pills three times a day . Before the meals or after the meals ? After the meals . And do not forget to take two sleeping pills before going to bed . Hi Jane , you look great . You too . Have you lost some weight ? Yes , I took off 4 kilos . I am glad you notice it . Not some crazy diet fat I hope . No no , I just changed my eating habits . I eat a balanced meal . and I eat less than before . Good for you , keep it up . What a beautiful day ! The weather is so crazy . It rained cats and dogs last night , but cleared up in the morning . I was worried about canceling the climbing . Honey , wait for me . I am too tired to move a step further . What about taking the cable car ? Attaboy , that's just what I am thinking . Wow , What a long queue this is ! Honey , be patient . It's better to wait than to climb with my legs broken . Daddy , look ahead in the distance , the mountains there . They roll all the way up to the sky . Yeah , the scenery is beautiful . What's more , the air is fresh here ? So you wanna stay here ? Of course not , I have to watch my American Idol . What can I do to help you ? I have some extra help with my project . What would you prefer to help me with , typing or xeroxing ? I could do some typing for you . That is very kind of you to offer to do that . Can you start with the pages on the table ? Sure I will get to do that right now . I like your positive attitude . How many years have you been employed here ? I have worked here long time . We have a really interesting project coming up . Would you want to join us on it ? I'm not sure . Let me think about it . OK . I will mention how great you were about helping me today . I appreciate your help . Good morning , I ’ m Daniel . I ’ m applying for the positon of manager . Yes . Sit down , please . How did you learn about our company ? I got to know your company through such famous brands as LUX , LIPTON and WALLS . After making a customer survey , I was glad to find out how your products are appreciated by millions of Chinese . Why would you like to work with us ? It ’ s the job I ’ m interested in . And your company is the best-known . Although I don ’ t have much experience as a manager , the job description you sent to me was very interesting . It ’ s a job I ’ Ve been dreaming of and I feel suited to fill it . Oh , really ? Would you transfer to another company if it is not what you expected ? I don ’ t think so . As the saying goes , A great oak needs deep roots . I ’ m really interested in this job . That ’ s fine . Thanks for coming to see us . I hope to be able to let you know about the job within the week . Excuse me , can I order now , please ? OK , what would you like ? I ’ d like the lasagna , please . Sure and which one would you like ? I ’ ll try the vegetarian , please . What can I do for you ? I would like to buy two exquisite watches for me and my girlfriend . We have many pairs for couples . Look at this counter . This pair is Rolex , right ? You have a very good taste , this pair is the latest product . What function does this watch have ? Both of them are luminous with a time reminder function . They don't need battery , because they can absorb energy from the sun . Sounds good . In addition , they are waterproof and shockproof . How long is the guarantee ? We guarantee the quality of the product for 12 months . We also provide a worldwide warranty . How much does the pair cost ? 2,200 $ . It is a bit expensive . But it is worth buying one's favorite . I will take them . We look forward to your early reply and trust that through our mutual cooperation we shall be able to conclude this transaction with you in the near future . Thank you for your consideration . We will inform you of our intention as soon as possible . I hope you'll see that we are really doing our utmost . Hello , is there anything I can do for you ? Yes . I would like to check in . Have you made a reservation ? Yes . I am Belen . So your room number is 201 . Are you a member of our hotel ? No , what's the difference ? Well , we offer a 10 % charge for our members . I know why Mr . Fro didn't like our ad idea ! He doesn't know the first thing about coffee . True . I always see him drinking instant . Let's take him some of Kitty's best and make the pitch again . Do you think that will be enough to make him have a change of heart ? It's worth a shot . Can I help you , madam ? Yes , I'm looking for a cap.Size 16 . Would you like to try this one on ? Yes.It ' s a bit tight.Have you got a bigger one ? All right.How about this one ? Yes , that's fine . I'll take it.Can I pay by check ? Of course , madam . Hello ? Is this the Maintenance Department ? Yeah . That ’ s right . What can I do for you ? We ’ re having a lot of trouble with our printer . Could you come and take a look at it sometime this afternoon ? Let me see . Yeah , all right . I ’ ll be over about two . I'm sorry , Julia ! I can't get home early this evening . What ? But today is my birthday ! I know , darling . But I do have a lot of work to do , hope you can understand me . But Steven , why don't you ask for a leave ? ... Steven , why don't you speak ? Are you still there ? Hello , Julia ? I can't hear you clearly . I'm afraid the line is out of order . Okay , B , listen ! How about I hang up now and call you back later ? Okay ! Bye ! What can I help you with today ? My washing machine isn't working . What's the problem ? The water will not drain . Is there anything else wrong with it ? No , that's it . I can come down and fix that for you if you'd like . When will you be able to fix it ? How does this afternoon at 2:30 sound to you ? That would be perfect . Alright , so I'll see you then ? See you then . Room service.May I come in ? Come in , please . Sir , this is the coffee and bread you want.Can I put it here ? Yes.How much is that ? $ 6 . Would you please charge them on my bill ? Certainly.Please sign your name here . Excuse me , could you tell me whether there is a restaurant near here ? Yes , there is one at Sanyuan Bridge . It is a famous restaurant in the city . I'm afraid there must be a lot of people there . I think so . I think you'd better make a phone call to see whether there is a table available . But we don't know the telephone number . Here is a tourist guidebook . You can look it up in the book . You are so kind ! Thank you very much . It's a pleasure . Pardon me . Does your hotel have a fitness facility ? Yes , sir . We try to anticipate all our guests ' needs , including fitness . Great ! Where is it ? Sir , the gym is just below the lobby . You can take the elevator or the stairs . Do I have to pay extra ? No , sir . It's gratis . Just take your room key so you can get in . What are the gym hours ? You'll be happy to know that it's open 24/7 . Great ! Is a trainer available ? I'm sorry , but no . We used to have a trainer , but then he had an unfortunate accident . How do you think the report I wrote ? Not bad . But there is more room for improvement . I jumped the gun . There were some gaps in your report . Please be more sorrow . Yes , I overlooked some facts . I ’ ll be more sorrow . Excuse me . Do you know how to get to the mall ? Sure , I used to work there . Go straight for about a mile , then turn left at the light . The mall will be on the right . Do you know the address ? Yes , the address is 541 Main street . Can you write it down for me please ? No problem . Is it faster if I take Highland avenue ? No , that way is longer . There are more stop lights on that street . I think you're right . Thank you . Excuse me , sir . Can I help you ? Yes , I'm looking for a book on Chinese history . This is the house I want to rent . Could you tell me the advantages of it ? No problem . First , it's comfortable and cozy . Second , it has a lovely view of the city . Third , it has all kinds of electric appliances that we need , such as refrigerator , electric stove , heating apparatus , washing machine and dishwasher . Forth is the most important , the electricity is free of charge . Finally , it's located in the center of the city and the transportation is convenient . There is something in what you said , but what is the rent ? 200 dollars per week . In my opinion , the rent is far more expensive than that in other areas . It certainly is . But to tell you the truth , the room is so large that I can share it with someone else , and that will decrease the total amount of the rent . Your intention is good , but I still can't agree with you . If no one would like to share it with you , you have to pay it all by yourself . Don't you think I can save some bus fares since it ’ s easy to go anywhere from here and it ’ s near the place where I work ? I agree with you in this way . But how often do you go to work or shopping per week ? Twice a week for work and once for shopping . In my opinion , you have to go to the university every day , and the fare would cost you most of your living expenses if you live here far away from the university . That's true . Ok , I will think about it . You ran the stop sign . May I see your driver's licence , please ? Oh , I'm sorry . I didn't see the stop sign at the corner . I didn't mean it . That doesn't justify your violation . May I see your licence , please ? Oh , sorry , I don't have it on me . Honestly , I forgot it at the house . But I have the insurance policy with me . Here it is . Well , sir , your insurance looks good , but I still have to write you a ticket . I understand , officer . I guess it's just not my day today . I will accept the fine . Tell me , Mr . Han . What do you suggest if we establish long term business relations ? Surely it's a sound idea , Mr . Joey . But I have a few questions for you first . I am all ears . First , can I know something about your financial situations ? Sure . As for our financial situation , you can inquire about them in the national bank . They handle all our financial documents . Thank you . And how is your business in the clothing business circle ? A very good question . It's very honorable for me to tell you that our business relations cover all over the world and they all have very good business reputation . Then what do you deal with ? We deal with kid's clothing , women's clothing , and men's clothing . You name it we deal with it . That's nice . They provided us with convenient choice . As for the regular customers , we have some favorable terms for them . I'd like to hear that . For the substantial regular customers , we offer 5 % commissions . That sounds attractive , all right , how about that we sign a one year contract ? Fabulous . I will get the contract ready shortly . Excuse me . I'd like to cash the traveler's check . No problem . How would like your money ? In tens and fifties , please . Here you are . Please sign your name here . OK , thank you . Hi , I ’ m the superintendent of this building . What can I do for you ? Hi , I ’ m Paul . Could you show me the apartment on the first floor ? Sure . Let ’ s go . I like this one . How much is the rent ? $ 850 a month . Does the rent include utilities ? No . Utilities are extra . Where ’ s the laundry room ? It ’ s on the other side of this floor . What ’ s your rule about pets ? We allow one or two pets but you have to pay a $ 300 deposit . How come ? If your pet ruins the apartment walls or carpet we ’ ll keep your pet deposit . If not , we ’ ll return your deposit when you move out . But be careful , we don ’ t allow pet snakes in the apartment . who takes care of bug control ? We do . We will spray the apartments before you move in . Thank you very much for taking your time . I ’ m still deciding . I will call you tomorrow . Will you tell me the situation ? I was in my friend's room , talking for an hour or so . And then ? I came back to my room and found my suitcase was open and my camera and five hundred dollars in cash inside the wallet were gone . I'm afraid you must give up the cash . Are you insured ? Yes , this is my overseas travel accident insurance card . I'll make a report for you and please claim this to the insurance company with this report . Mr.Sellers ? It's Steven speaking , your tenant . We've just suffered a power failure.What should I do now ? All right , Steven . Do you have a flashlight ? Yes , I do . OK , now go down to the basement and find the circuit box . Open it and check if there are any fuses blown out . How do I know if it's blown out ? You'll see it's black and has burnt smell . Then what shall I do ? Unscrew the burnt fuses and replace them with the good ones . You can find them on the rack in the basement . OK , I'll try . I'll call you again if that doesn't work . Can I bring you anything else ? No , thank you . Just the check . Let me get this . No , it is my treat . Are you sure ? Yes , I owed you for last time . All right . If you insist . Next time it is on me , though . Verry sorry to have kept you waiting so long . What do you want , Madam ? I want haircut and perm . How long would you like your haircut today ? Just cut a little off . You wanna tight , medium or naturally curly perm ? I'd like to have medium . How about you hair style ? Can you tell me my choices ? Well , with perm we can do very kinds patterns such as bob , chocolate hairstyle or bang.Which do you prefer ? I want the chocolate one . I want to have it the big waves . It looks wonderful . Turn the chair I can see myself in the mirror . What do you think of it ? Beautifully done , many thanks . Is there anything I can do for you ? Do you have Chinese medicine here ? Yes.we have herb medicine and ready-made medicine . Can I have this prescription filled here ? Sorry , sir . The angelica is out of stock now . I want to check out today . My plane leaves at 3 p . m . Which room are you staying in now , sir ? I am in Room 205 . My name is Bill Smith . When shall I check out ? Usually if you are leaving today , you'd better check out before 12 noon , and leave the room . If you check out after 12 noon , we will count one day more . Oh , I didn't know that . Since your plane leaves at 3 p . m . it will be too early for you to leave the hotel at 12 0 ' clock . We can arrange you to stay in the room until 1 p . m . ; but first you should still check out before 12 noon . That's very considerate of you . May I have my bill ? Yes , sir . Here it is . How much is it ? Your bill comes to 60 dollars . How would you like it to be paid ? With cash or credit card ? I'd like it to be charged to my credit card . Would you please give to me , and will imprint it ? Show me your passport and declaration please . Here you are . Do you have anything to declare ? Yes , that's a video camera . Let me have a look at the receipt . I am calling to apply to work in your agency of entry . OK . Do you have any advantages to work in our entry agency ? Yes . I know many ambassadors in Chinese Embassy and British Embassy in China . Wonderful , I will give you a chance of interview . Good morning , Mrs . Smith . Good morning ! Can you help me , please ? I'm looking for some books for my mother . What kind of books does she like ? She's very fond of detective stories . Excuse me ! Yes . Can I help you ? We're ready to order . A cup of coffee for me , and a glass of oranges for her . Yes , how would you like your coffee ? Just black coffee . Do you serve anything else besides drinks , say cake . We also serve sandwiches and cakes . Give me two pieces of cake . I feel chilly and I've got a pain in my abdomen . How long have you had it ? Almost a week . I think you've got a cold . What should I do ? I'll give you some medicine , and you will be better in a couple of days . Thank you . Lisa , are there family rules in this house ? Well , I wouldn't call them rules , but there are some things that I expect my daughter to do . Like what ? Setting the table and doing the dishes . Is there anything else ? I also expect Cindy to tidy up her own room . Her room is very neat and clean . Yeah . She's a very responsible person . I will keep my room clean , too . That's a promise . Wangfujing Grand Hotels . How can I help you ? Do you have any rooms available next Saturday and Sunday night ? Could you hold the line , please ? I will check out our room availability for those days ... Yes . we have a few vacancies next weekend . We have double rooms , suites and deluxe suites in Japanese , Roman . French and presidential styles , which one do you like best ? A double room , please . OK . Could I have your name , please ? My name is Monica Cellar . OK , Ms . Monica . I've reserved a double room for you next Saturday and Sunday night . We will see you then ! Thank you . Calvin , how much money did you spend last weekend ? Lily , I ’ m not sure . Let me check , I think I spent $ 50 . Why don ’ t you help me save money ? You are always spending money . I know that I should learn how to save more , but I hope that we can spend a little on ourselves sometimes . I ’ m sorry . I guess I ’ m too extreme when it comes putting money in the bank . That ’ s okay . I ’ m sorry , too . It ’ s a good idea to prepare for the future possibilities . What did you say ? I said it's a lovely day . Why don't we go for a walk ? Well , I feel a little tired . Come on ! A little labor , much health . Then can you wait a few minutes ? I want to finish writing this letter . Don't take too long . It would be a shame not to take advantage of such lovely weather . I won't be long . No more than ten minutes . Why don't you go ahead and I'll meet you in the park ? Believe I will . Look for me near the lake . Hello , China Travel Agency . Can I help you ? Yes . I'd like to travel to London . So I want you to make a reservation for me on May 1st . Just a moment , please . I'm sorry but the flights are fully booked on that day . The next available flight is on May 2nd . They have two flights , one is at 9:30 a . m . and another at 2:00 p . m . Both flights have seats available . That's great ! I'd like to take the first available flight . I'll need an economy ticket One way trip or round trip ? One way trip . What's the fare , please ? Economy fare for one way trip is 2,300 yuan . I see . Is my ticket confirmed then ? Yes , I have confirmed your ticket . Here is 2,300 yuan . Thank you . Here is the ticket and receipt . Have a good time . Great Britain Airline , anything I can do for you ? Yes , are there any planes to Paris ? Hold on please , I will check for you . Flight GB152 takes off every day at 13 Yes , please . And I'll need an economy class open return . OK . Don't forget to get your ticket three days ahead . We can't go that way , the road is blocked for the next few days . Oh , that's right . They're filming a movie up there , aren't they ? Some high speed chase scene , I think . I wonder how all the businesses in the area feel about that . I think that they get a pretty good payoff . The movie company has to pay them ? I don't know about all of that , but think about it , their business gets free publicity ! Oh , yeah , they get to be in a movie for the whole world to see ! Can I help you ? Yes , do you have any rooms available ? A single ? No . I need a double and three triples . My family is waiting for me in the car . Please fill out this form , sir . Ok ... Here you are . Here are your keys . Check out time is noon . Is breakfast included ? No . Mr . Lee , all ready to check out ? We ’ Ve already prepared your bill , and housekeeping has done a quick check of the room . How will you be paying ? I ’ d like to use my Master Card , if I could . Hey , wait a minute ! This is a bit more than I expected . Why is it so high ? The bill is itemized , so take some time to look through it and make sure we ’ Ve charged you for the correct services . Most of your extra charges were for phone calls and room service . What ’ s this here – “ house stock ” ? That ’ s the mini-bar . Each day we check what ’ s missing and restock it . The items you consume are put on your bill . I had no idea – and look at these charges for movies ! Those are for pay-per-view movies . Each time you selected a movie , the entertainment system prompted you to confirm that you really wanted it , right ? Yes , that ’ s right . But I had no idea I would be charged for all this . Thank goodness my company will let me reimburse all this . Hello , Vicki . Hi , David . What a beautiful necklace ! Dude , I ’ Ve never seen anything like it . Well , you can have it for eleven hundred — as a friend . I think seven hundred is enough . What ? Seven hundred ? Well , eight hundred , then ? No , one thousand at least . Eight hundred and fifty . Come on . I have 4 kids , 3 dogs , and 2 husbands to feed ! You ’ re a thief , Vicki . But I guess , eight hundred and fifty is all right . Here you are , sucker ! Victory for me , I bought it for 30 bucks just yesterday ! There's so much to do and so little time . I know . Did your mom double check on the church reservations ? Yes . We're going to be married in my hometown church , the first minute of the new millennium ! OK ... and what about the buffet and the cake ? Did your mom call the caterer ? All set . And we're having a red bean cake and dim sum for the Taiwanese guests , just like your mom wanted . Great . She'll be so happy . Hi ! How are things going with you ? I am doing well . What ’ s up with you ? Believe it or not , the company I worked for closed down , so I ’ m out of a job . The same with me . Have you given much thought to what you want to do next ? I am not being all that particular right now because I just need to keep a roof over my head . How about interviews ? Have you been on any of those yet ? I wish that I could get the opportunity to be interviewed . How about the electrician program that they have listed over there ? I read about that , and the position sounded great ! Let ’ s go see how we can apply for those positions . how are you doing ? I'm ok . I wish I could say the same for my friend . what happened to him ? he was arrested by the police for drinking and driving . was it his first offence ? unfortunately not . He was charged with a DUI when he was in university . what happened to him then ? not much ; it was a minor offence back then . He got away with a fine of $ 500 . did they take his license away ? no , they were really easy on him . The problem is that that was a long time ago . They are much tougher on crime now . what do you think will happen to him ? well , he'll definitely lose his license , pay a fine , and maybe even spend some time in jail . that doesn't sound too promising . Does he have a defence lawyer ? not yet . If we can't find a lawyer for him , then the state will appoint him with one . my sister is a lawyer . I can ask her if she can help him . that'd be great ! I know he'd appreciate your help . Did you get a good look at the suspect ? I got a great look at him . Do you think you could pick him out of a line-up ? I can do that . Could you please look at the five men in this line-up ? All right . Do you recognize the suspect ? He's there . What number ? He's number four . Thank you very much for your cooperation . I'm glad to help . Hello , Green Trading Company . What can I do for you ? I'm Mr . Stephen's secretary . He has an appointment with Mr . Green today . Yes , it will be at three o ' clock this afternoon . I'm afraid we have to reschedule it . Didn't we make that appointment a long time ago ? I'm very sorry . But Mr . Stephen must leave for Hong Kong right away . How about Friday afternoon ? That will be fine . Did you hear the news ? What happened ? Our cousin went into labor and had her baby last week . She did ? Why didn't anyone tell me ? I would've thought that somebody would have told you . No , I had no idea . Well , she did , her baby was 8 pounds 6 ounces . Oh my God , that's great ! Are you going to go and visit her and the baby ? I think that I might . Good ! I just thought I'd let you know . Thanks for telling me . Didn ’ t you punch in this morning , Monica ? Sorry , I don ’ t know the rule about punching . That ’ s ok . I should have told you earlier . This is a company rule . Do we also need to punch out after work ? According to the company rule , we should punch in before 8 o ’ clock and punch out after 5 o ’ clock every work day . How about the lunch break , Lucy ? From 11:30 to 1 o ’ clock . May I ask whether we need to work overtime ? Sometimes , but not quite often . Could you give some information on your European tours ? Our pleasure . We have several package tours you may choose , from ten days to three weeks in Europe . I would be interested in a ten-day trip around Christmas time . I have one ten-day tour that is still available . It will depart from New York on December 24th . What is the cost ? The price for one person for a ten-day tour is only 1,099 US dollars , which includes round trip airfare . That sounds reasonable . Let me think it over . And I'll call your back to make reservation . Ok , but don't delay too long , or that trip will be all booked . Are you through with your meal ? Yes , we are . Could we have the check , please ? Here is your check , 86 dollars in all . Can I take care of it here when you are ready ? Do you accept checks ? No , I'm sorry we don't . We accept credit cards and cash . Well , I don't have any cash with me , so I ’ ll have to put it on credit . I'll be right back . Ok , please wait a minute . Can I have my food packaged ? I see . I'll bring some to-go boxes for you . Thank you . I'd like to see a tea set , please ? How about the Japanese ones ? They're OK , but I prefer chinese ones . Oh , I see . I'll show you some . Could you help me figure out how to look for a job ? We have lots of options , what type of job do you need ? I want to work in an office . Do you want to work part-time or full-time ? I want to work full-time . We have binders with local job listings or you can make use of the computers . OK ? I am confused a bit but I am sure that I can figure it out . If you make an appointment with a job counselor , they can also provide you with a lot of information . Do you want to see a counselor ? No , I don't think I need to do that . Well , you know that this job center is here for your use , so help yourself . Good luck ! So how ’ s everything going for Christmas ? I ’ Ve got all the presents I need , and my family is working together to get all the food ready . That ’ s easy ; but I have another problem to deal with . What ’ s that ? Don ’ t tell me you ’ Ve still got Christmas cards to write , it usually takes my wife a month to write all of ours . No , I did that a long time ago . It ’ s about telling my son the truth about Santa Claus . He still doesn ’ t know that Santa isn ’ t real ? How old is he , eight ? Yes . He ’ s never said anything so I never told him . But now that he ’ s getting older ... You think it ’ s better that he should be told ? Yes , he ’ s too old to believe in that type of things . And I ’ d rather tell him before the kids at school do . That happened to my oldest girl . She became really upset when her classmates told her Santa wasn ’ t real . I can understand . I was lucky with my oldest ; she figured it out by herself and didn ’ t tell my son . Well , when you tell him , be gentle . It ’ s hard for kids to find out something like that . I'd like to open a one-year time deposit account and a checking account . Okay , if you'll please fill out these forms ... ( She hands the forms to the customer . ) There's a minimum initial deposit of $ 100 for the checking account , and a minimum deposit of $ 500 for the savings account . Okay , here are the forms . Can I use traveler's checks to open the account ? Certainly . Just make them out to National Bank , and sign and date them . Okay , here you are . It ’ s a beautiful day here in New Zealand at the Men ’ s Volleyball world championship . My name is Rick Fields and I ’ m joined by the man with the plan , Bob Copeland . Thank you , Rick . We ’ Ve got a very exciting encounter ahead of us today as two powerhouse teams , Brazil and China , face off against each other and try to qualify for the next round . Without a doubt , both teams are in top shape and this will prove to be a competitive match . The ref signals the start of the game and here we go . Ribero serves and China quickly receives the ball . Chen bumps it to the setter , and ... a very nice set by Chen ! Xu spikes it ! Wow , what a great hit ! The Brazilian blockers anticipated the play and tried to block him but he managed to get the ball in ! Great play . It ’ s China ’ s service now . What a superb jump serve by Li , oh , and we have a let serve . The ball was coming in fast and almost made it over the net . Brazil calls for a time out and we ’ ll be right back , after a short commercial break . Oh , my God ! I feel nothing is going smooth . Take it easy . It ’ s no good worrying . You were on your last leg if you keep worrying in this way . Good afternoon , Chloe , I ’ m Doctor Evans.What seems to be the problem ? Hi , Dr Evans . Thanks for seeing me on such short notice . When I woke up this morning I had a really sore throat and a really bad cough . I think I am coming down with the flu . Ah I see , yes you do sound rather croaky.Well let ’ s have a look , shall we ? Could you please open your mouth and say ah . Ahhhhhhhh Good , yes , your tonsils are a little swollen and red . How are your ears , blocked at all ? A little actually . My sinuses are a little blocked up as well-I really feel terrible . Ok Chloe , can you please breathe in and out slowly for me while I listen to your chest ? You really are all bunged up , you don ’ t sound too good at all . Ok , I ’ m going to set you up with a bunch o Whoa ! So many drugs . . . I hate swallowing pills . Am I able to go to work ? Absolutely not ! You are highly contagious ! You don ’ t want to infect the rest of your co-workers do you ? I recommend staying in bed for at least three days and drinking plenty of fluids so yo Ok ! Would you mind writing me a doctor ’ s note for work , otherwise they may think I am faking it ! Ha-ha , sure not a problem ! Here you are.Now off you go and away to bed . If you have any questions just give me a call ! Feel better soon and take care . Thanks doc , bye ! Maria sings like a lark , doesn't she ? Yes , she's almost equal to Celine Dion when she sings . Maybe she'll make a famous singer in the future . You can bet on that . What did you say your stop was ? Fifth Avenue . Oh , then you should have gotten off at the last stop . I should have ? But don't worry . You can get off at the next stop and walk back . It's not far . In 1986 , a New Zealander Hackett popularized Bungee as a commercialized sport of mass entertainment . This sport is very challenging . It is a test of people's psychological ability of endurance . Especially when descending , as if they are watching a fast forward tape and when they bounce back , they sway around . The timid people will shrink back at the sight of it . Even if they jump off , they find it hard to avoid screaming with closed eyes . No wonder people give the title ' brave ' to anyone who jumps off . You see , the bungee participants take a deep breath when they stand at the starting spot and then , like diving , their heads are over heels and they jump off into the realm of the combination of heaven and earth . The wind roars at their ears and their bodies rapidly descend . They do not even have enough time to do several gymnastic movements and they are rebounded to the upper air by the cord . Entrusting life to the care of a rope indeed requires infinite courage . A young French fellow recalled his first bungee experience and said , " When I fastened the cord and walked to the platform , I was extremely nervous . When I looked down , I was nervous even more . If the cord had broken , I would be knocked to ' bakemeat ' . However , I knew my worries were unwanted . I was afraid if I retreated others might say something about me . I had to harden my heart and impose my head downward . I only felt wind wiring at my ears . My body rapidly descended . I thought that after only seven or eight seconds I was rebounded to upper air by the cord . In fact it was 30 seconds . Maybe because of my nervousness , I only felt seven or eight seconds . When rebounding to the high altitude , I felt a sudden sense of relief . I did not feel nervous very much , but very comfortable . " It is hard to come by in life that you experience this kind of ' comfortable ' Excuse me . What's the actual flying time from here to San Francisco ? It's about twelve hours . Can you tell me what time we're arriving ? Sure . Let me see ... at 6:15 a . m . local time tomorrow . I see . And that'll be 10:15 p . m . Taipei time . How many pieces of luggage do you want to check , sir ? I want to check these three pieces and I'll carry this carry-on bag with me on board . Ok.Is this your luggage properly labelled , sir ? Yes , it is . Ok.Would you please put all your luggage on the scales ? Sure.How about this carry-on bag ? Hand-baggage is not to be weighed , sir ... I'm sorry , sir , you're 25 kilos overweight . I'm afraid there'll be an excess luggage charge , sir . How much should I pay for the excess weight ? Ten yuan for each kilogram.You ' ll have to pay 250 yuan for the excess baggage . Would you like to introduce me to Mr.Johnson ? Yes . I'd like to . thanks a lot . Amy , you don't look so well . What happened ? Yes . I feel terrible . I have been coughing for the whole morning . Do you feel anything else ? Yes . I feel chilly and sluggish . Have you had similar feelings before ? No . This is my first Ae abroad . I am not sure what is wrong with me . Don't worry . I believe you are just not agreeing with the local climate . I will get you some medicine . You will be alright after a good rest . Thank you very much . Who wants to go first ? Allen ? Uh ... I mostly just like to listen . You're the groom . Why don't you go first ? OK . Put on something by the Backstreet Boys ! How about " As long as You Love Me " ! You can pretend you're singing it to your fiancee Brooke ! I'd better not . Brooke hates the Backstreet Boys ! Good day . Is this the Business Centre ? It is . What can I do for you ? I want to make a deposit . Would that be a Fixed Deposit or a Current Deposit ? A Current Deposit , please . We have various different types of Current Deposit , the Variable Term Deposit , a Notice Deposit and the Usual Current Deposit . Which would you like ? Arm ... just the usual , Current Deposit please . OK , just a moment . I'll find the relevant data and help you with that . Is there anything I can do for you ? Yes , I joined your group of bus tour this morning . You promised the journey will last 3 hours and we will visit 15 sightseeing spots . Yes , sir . We promised that . But have 2 - hour journey . Really ? I am sorry , sir . We will look into this matter . Would you please wait a moment here ? Good morning . Good morning . May I help you ? I want to place a long-distance call to London . Is this the right counter ? Yes . Here's a booking form . Please write down the number you wish to call , the name of the person you want to talk to , and your own name for our reference . All right . Can you tell me when I will be able to get through ? It's hard to say . It depends on how busy the lines are . Please take a seat over there . We'll try to put you through as soon as possible . Thank you . Have you given the puppies food yet ? Of course . I fed them today . Good job ! Please give them a bath later on today . Sure , I'll give them a bath . Thanks . But don't forget that they have a vet appointment this Saturday . I remember . What time do they need to be there ? They need to be there at eleven in the morning . All right . I'll make sure and remember . Which do you prefer , sour peppery soup or four-jewel soup ? Anything's all right with me . I'm not particular about soups . Then we'll have four-jewel soup . May I know your full name ? My full name is Zhang Yong . Zhang is the surname or family name . How do you spell your family name ? Zhang , Z , H , A , N , G . What is your present address ? My present address is No . 415 Green Street . This is also my permanent address . May I ask your telephone number ? My telephone number is 4837625 . Where are you from ? I'm from Guangdong . May I ask the date of your birth ? My birthday is June 14th , 1985 . This is a very good meeting , Liz . I am happy that we ’ Ve finally cleared up some problems . I think we have . Is there anything else to discuss ? No . That's all , I guess . Then let's call it a day , shall we ? All right . See you later . After a while . Hi , I am so glad to see you . Are you kidding me ? Why do you say so ? You know , I'm about to graduate and I have to look for a job as soon as possible . But I haven ’ t the faintest idea of how to go about finding a job . OK . Let me see where to start . I guess first I should prepare a resume , right ? Sure . You should include your name , address and phone number in your resume . Then what else should I put into my resume ? Your job objectives , of course . In other words , what kind of job are you searching for ? I got it . Then I should mention my educating background and working experience , should I ? Yes . And don't forget to list them by date . Besides , you should begin with the most recent and then move backward . I see . Is that all there is to it ? No , it's also necessary to list a few related interests that are in some way connected to the jobs you want to take . Oh , good point . You mean here I should show off my special skills and talents to impress the boss . You said it . At last you ’ d better attach a list of references to your resume . That's easy . And one more thing , smile widely . Would you like to order now , madam ? Yes , please . I'd like the steak and mushrooms . How would you like your steak , rare , medium , or well-done ? I'd like it well done , please . What kind of potatoes would like to go with that , mushed , boiled , or baked ? I think i have bake potatoes.And i now have a ice tea with lemon on the side , please . Good , and would you care for soup or salad to start with ? I'd like cream onion soup please . Will you have desert to be , madam ? I want to skip desert.That all , thank you . OK , I'll be with you in a moment . Did you get your bus pass ? I haven't gone to get it yet . Why haven't you got it ? I don't know where to go to get one . I know where to get them from . Where do I get it ? They sell them at the business office on campus . I had no idea . I'm sure you didn't . Thank you . Don't mention it . I'll buy it later on today . There're traffic jam everywhere this hour of the day ! I think something must be done . Yeah , we should have more roads built . This sucks . I hate buying lingerie . Okay , just find something and get out of here . Alright , these are fine . Oh , no , don ’ t come over here , don ’ t come over here . You look a little lost , can I help you ? Um , I ’ m just having a look around . It ’ s my girlfriend ’ s birthday tomorrow . I'm trying to find her something . Well , you can ’ t give her granny panties.Have you thought about getting her somesleepwear ? We ’ Ve got these lovely , silky nighties . Or , how about a nice panty-and and-bra set . Look , here ’ s a nice satin push-up bra , and you can choose a few different styles of undies to go with it . Sure that ’ s fine.This is so awkward ... what ones do I pick ? What size is she ? Well , do you want a thong , some bikini briefs , maybe this nice pair of lacy boy shorts ? Just pick something and get the hell out of here.Um , I'll go with these two.This is mortifying . I just want to get this over with.She better thank me for this ... Here you are , sir . I ’ m sure she ’ ll enjoy them . Finally ! I ’ m sorry , sir . I ’ m going to have to take a look inside your bag . OK , folks , let's get to work . We need to come up with some ideas for the new essentials perfume campaign . This is a really big contract and we are under a lot of pressure here to impress the client . Well , Let's get down to business ( shall we ? ) Now is probably a good time to start our discussion , the main purpose of this meeting is to talk about the benefits and disadvantages of our new project . The reason I have called this meeting is to review a proposal we have received from our international division in Hong Kong . The agenda for this meeting is as follows , first , a presentation of the new proposal by Mr . Black . Second , an analysis by Ms . Nielson . Finally , a discussion about whether or not to implement this proposal . Isn ’ t he the best instructor ? I think he ’ s so hot . Wow ! I really feel energized , don ’ t you ? I swear , I ’ m going to kill you for this . What ’ s wrong ? Didn ’ t you think it was fun ? ! Oh , yeah ! I had a blast ! I love sweating like a pig with a bunch of pot bellies who all smell bad . Sorry , I ’ m just not into this health kick . Oh , no , get off it . It wasn ’ t such a killer class . You just have to get into it . Like they say , no pain , no gain . I am wiped out . Thank you . Look , next time get yourself some comfy shoes . You ’ re gonna come back again with me , aren ’ t you ? Never ! But thank you for inviting me . Come on . You ’ ll feel better after we hit the showers . I found an apartment to rent . Where did you find this apartment ? I found it in today ’ s apartment ads . Really ? I can ’ t believe you actually found an apartment in the ads . I actually found it in the ads , and it ’ s not too expensive either . I want to hear more about this apartment . All you really need to know is that the apartment looks great . How much will you have to pay for rent ? Every month I ’ d only have to pay $ 725 . For where we live , that is really inexpensive . It is , isn ’ t it ? I ’ m glad to hear that you finally found an apartment . Please pull your vehicle over to the side of the road . Please roll down your window . What's the matter , sir ? Have you been drinking ? No , I haven't , sir . Really ? But I can smell alcohol on your breath . Blow to the breathalyzer , please . But sir , I didn't drink at all . If you refuse the blow , you'll receive a ticket and your vehicle will be impounded . OK , I will blow . Your BAC exceeds legal limit . But I ... I'll have to write you a ticket and impound your vehicle . Oh , no ! I want to subscribe to The New York Times.How do you feel about it ? It's one of the top papers in America . Yes , It's supposed to be outstanding . Excuse me , sir . I've made a tough decision and here is my resignation . I am sorry to hear that . Why do you want to quit ? I'm sorry to bring up my resignation at this moment , but I've decided to study abroad . All right . Welcome back anytime . Thank you , sir . I'd like to say that I ’ Ve really enjoyed working with you . However , I think it ’ s about time for me to leave . I am glad to work with you , too . Good luck ! Thank you . your muscles are a spectacle ! Thank you.That ' s the result of exercise . By the way , do you work out ? No , but I am starting working out from now on . Fine . I'll try one of these on . ( The customer tries one of the shoes on . ) It's too big . It slides up and down my heel when I walk around . Well , let's try a size ten . ( He gets another pair and the customer tries a shoe on . ) Looks like a perfect fit . Not really . It pinches my toes . I'm sure they'll be fine once you break them in . I don't know ... well , I guess I'll take them , since you don't seem to have anything better . Thank you , ma'am . It's been a pleasure doing business with you . Why have you stopped production ? We've had a few problems . One of the bolts has worked loose and a blade has snapped off . OK . Make sure the power is switched off then tighten up all the bolts on the unit and replace the broken blade . Why is there oil all over the floor ? I think the valve is faulty . I couldn't regulate the pressure and the seal burst . I tried opening the emergency valve but it was jammed . Clean up the mess first , then fit a new seal and check the valve . Could you drive me to the bank ? Of course , ma'am . Tell me where to go . Go down this road and then turn left . All right . There we go . I'm really glad that you came to see me . I had to . I was missing you a lot . I was missing you too . So , why haven't you visited me ? I've actually been busy lately . What have you been doing ? I've just been working really hard . I've also been busy . Tell me what you've been doing . Basically , I've been working too . Well whatever , I'm glad you came . So am I . Good coming . Good coming . Are you through with the cleaning ? If not , we'll come back a little later . Never mind , come right in . I've almost finished.You always keep the room neat and tidy , I must say.It saves me a lot of work , but you should let me do it . It doesn't take much time . I'm used to tidying up my room myself . It's very considerate of you to do so . Do you have any laundry today ? I have a suit that needs cleaning . Let me have it , please . I'm taking some laundry downstairs anyway . Excuse me , where is the nearest gas station ? Go along this street to the traffic lights . To the traffic lights ? That's right , and turn left at the lights . Left at the lights ? And then right at the bridge . Right at the bridge ? Yes . The gas station is on the left . And you can't miss it . Wow ! So many students crowded in . More than I excepted , we are lucky to arrive in hour earlier . Or else we definedly have problems to getting good seats . I learned my lesson from the last experience . I didn't arrive early enough . So I ended up with a terrible seat , All the way up in the front row . It was one of my worst movie experiences ever . Yeah , I hate sitting in the front row . By the way , it was really thoughtful if you to get me the ticket . I really appreciate it , I'll buy some popcorn , and drinks for us . That would be great . I'll be back as soon as possible . Oh , I almost forgot I'd better hold on to my ticket stop in case of they let me in . Ok . Can I help you ? Yes . I want to make a plane reservation to Shanghai , China . May I have your name , please ? Feynman Black . I want to leave on October 15th . OK . Let me see . Air China has a flight on October 15th at 10:00 in the morning . Well , I need an economy ticket . Single or return ? Single . How much ? Economy fare for single ticket from New York to Beijing is 400 dollars . OK . Here you are . Is my ticket confirmed then ? Yes . Please arrive at the airport one hour before departure . OK . Thank you . I would like to take my vacation next month . How long did you have in mind ? I would like to take my two weeks vacation time . Seeing as next month is our slow season , that should not be a problem . Great . I will make my reservations as necessary . Just make sure to turn in all the necessary paperwork to ensure there are no problems with the days you want to take off . Can you tell me what happened here ? Yes . I had a bad traffic accident.Look , my car looks like a squashed coke can . Did you see the car before it hit you ? No , I didn't . That car was too fast . Which lane were you in ? I don't remember . What was your speed then ? 40 miles per hour . Which direction were you coming from ? And which direction were you going ? Just straight . OK , please move your vehicle off to the side of the road . We will check on it . Do you feel like you need an ambulance , Miss ? No , I didn't get hurt . Thanks for your concern . No problem , Miss . Could you hold the elevator , please ? Thanks a lot . No problem . What floor ? I'm headed to the 18th floor , the top floor . Oh , so am I . Do you work there ? I have an interview today with Dale Mendoza . Do you know her ? Yeah , I know her pretty well . To tell you the truth , I'm really nervous . I had a dream last night that I was being interviewed by a three-headed monster that kept trying to bite my head off . Oh , wow , my palms are sweaty just thinking about it . I just hope Ms . Mendoza won't be able to hear my teeth chattering . I just hope I get through this in one piece . Do you have anything to declare ? Well , how many tax-free things can I bring with me ? You can take 100 cigarettes and 2 bottles of wine with you free of charge . I think I have nothing to declare . I have just brought a bottle of wine . Ms . Wang , this is Mr . Cooper , president of Ivy Publishing . It's nice to meet you , Mr . Cooper . Nice to meet you , Ms . Wang . You must be exhausted after your long trip from Canada . Yes , it was quite a long flight . I'm glad to finally be here . How do you like it ? It's quite good . I will take it . Sure . We can deliver it to your home . Well . I am a traveler from China . Would you please mail to China ? Of course . You have to fill out the form first . How much altogether ? $ 40 . Do you receive cash only ? We receive credit card as well . Here is my credit card . Excuse me , where is the nearest bank ? There is one next to the post office , round the corner . Thank you . Could you tell me your education background ? Sure . Where shall I begin ? Where did you go to university ? I went to the university of Ohio , in America . What degree did you get ? I got a bachelor ’ s degree . What was your major ? I majored in English and minored in Chinese . What was you G . P . A ? I graduated with honors . I had a 3.9 . Do you plan to pursue further education ? Yes . I ’ d like to obtain a master ’ s degree in international relations . When do you think you will do that ? After I have 3-4 years of work experience . I see . May I come in ? Come in , please . Hello , Mr . Liang . I've done with the work . My report is here so please give me new instructions . Oh , very good . I've been waiting for your report all week . Would you please have a look at my report ? I hope the project meets your demand . OK , I will see it soon . You can go back now . If you have any questions about it , please don't hesitate to tell me . I'll go . Bye . Bye . I ’ ll take this blouse and skirt please . How would you like to pay ? Can I pay by card ? Cash or card is fine . Ok , I ’ ll pay by card then . Do you have a United States R . N . license ( i . e . Registered Nurse license ) ? No , I haven't had a chance to take the exam as I have just arrived here . Could you tell me about your professional education ? B :: All right . I graduated from the nursing school of Beijing Medical University . The nursing school offered such courses as nursing science , nursing psychology , nursing ethics , internal medicine , surgery , pediatrics , and so on . What can I do for you ? I've got a suit , a woolen sweater and a white shirt to wash . OK , let me see . This white shirt can be washed in water with hands , but this suit and the woolen sweater should be dry-cleaned . That's OK . But that must be costly . Yes , the cost for dry-cleaning is three times of that for ordinary laundering . But for suits and sweaters , you can only take them to the dry cleaners ' . Oh , my wife just threw them into the washer . Did it ever shrink or fade ? Generally speaking , the dark-colored clothes always fade away gradually . I see . The woolen sweater shrunk in the wash . Never mind . You can leave them to me . Oh , thanks . You know , I know little about this , so please tell me something that I should pay more attention to when I do washing . It's very simple . Divide the clothes by the colors , and wash them in cold water . If you've got some special stains on them like sugar , coffee or something else please let the dry cleaner know . I'll keep that in mind . And how much is it altogether ? That will be 80 Yuan altogether . Here is your invoice . Good morning , Mr Croft . Good morning , nurse . I want to see the dentist , please . Do you have an appointment ? No , I don't . Is it urgent ? Yes , it is . It's very urgent . I feel awful . I have a terrible toothache . Can you come at 10 am on Monday , April 24th ? I must see the dentist now , nurse . The dentist is very busy at the moment . Can you come at 2 PM ? That's very late . Can the dentist see me now ? I'm afraid that he can't , Mr Croft . Can't you wait till this afternoon ? I can wait , but my toothache can't ! What are you guys doing over there ? What do you mean , Janice ? I ’ Ve been waiting for a response on the Blake Building design for nearly two weeks . I ’ m sorry , Janice . But we ’ Ve been waiting on the client . It ’ s out of our hands at the moment . How can I help you ? Yes , I would like to look at some of your products . Did you have anything specific in mind ? Well , to be honest , I mostly use Sarah Winter products now . But I'm not happy with them . So I would like to change companies . Well , you made a good choice . Coming to us , I mean . We have a full range of products from cosmetics to skin cleansers and moisturizers . What do you have in foundation ? Our foundation is very high quality , only the finest ingredients . It will moisturize your skin and it has a sun block rating of 8 . What colours do you have in foundation ? Let me show you . We have this rose colour . We also have different shoes of beige . The color I use now is rose . How much does this rose foundation cost ? The 100ml bottle . ln this size , we sell it for 53.95 . Wow ! That's expensive . What you're paying for , Ma'am , are the ingredients . It is a very high quality product . I understand . I'm going to New York for the first time , but I don't have a tour guide . Can you give me any suggestions ? There's a service called ' A friend in New York ' . It's a personal tour guide service . That's interesting . What does it do ? You give them your information by answering a questionnaire and they will create a perfect trip for you according to your budget . Good . Where can I get the questionnaire ? You can easily download it from their website . Can I order take-out here ? We only have spring rolls today for take-out . Then could I have four orders , please ? Of course , ma'am . Will it take long ? Not long . They'll be ready in a few minutes . Hi , may I get you anything to drink ? Yes , please . May I get a glass of lemonade ? Would you like an appetizer ? May I get an order of barbeque wings ? Sure , would you like anything else ? That'll be fine for now , thank you . Okay , tell me when you want to order the rest of your food . Excuse me . I'm ready to order . What would you like ? Let me have the baby-back ribs . Sure , will there be anything else that I can get you ? That will be it for now . I saw your ad in The New York Times . I am seriously considering one of the apartments listed in it . We are happy to help you . May I know which one it is ? The two-bedroom apartment on 38th east street . Oh , it is conveniently located , isn't it ? That's why I think it may suit my needs . I believe it will . It comes furnished . You can move in immediately after the lease is signed . The ad says the rent would be 840 dollars per month . Is it true ? Yes . But not including the utilities . Will it possible for me to rent the apartment on a month-by-month basis ? I believe that can be arranged . But there should be a refundable security deposit , you know . Oh , that's no problem . So click here , then up to the top . Er ... Hum ... Got it . Then open that window . Yeah , that one . Right ! And that's it . You're done . I see what you mean . That was pretty easy after all . How do you like your job here , Linda ? It's interesting , I like being an editor . Why ? I like talking to writers , I get to meet a lot of interesting people . I'm happy to hear that , but publishing is more than just talking to writers . it involves a lot of work , patience and responsibility . Most of the work is boring . I don't feel bored at all . I'm getting along with my colleagues . I will enjoy working with them . People are great in this industry . Do you have any complaints ? No , I have no complaints . I hear there are many opportunities to move up in this company . is that true ? Yes , you have many opportunities to grow in this company as long as you do well . That's perfect . I will definitely do well . Hello.This is room 1205.Our message lamp is flaming . Hold on a minute , please . Thank you . I'm sorry to have kept you waiting.Mr.Jones needs a telephone call from you . Would you bring the message to my room ? I'm afraid we have nobody available at the moment . Then I'll come down and pick up the message immediately . OK.We wait for you . What's the matter with you , Mary ? You look a bit pale . I'm afraid I've got a terrible cold . What should I do ? Have you taken any medicine ? Yes , but I'm not feeling very better now . Actually I'm feeling even worse . Well , if I were you , I'd go to see the doctor . That might help . And you'd better stay in bed today instead of going to work . Excuse me . When's the next bus ? The next bus will be here in four minutes . Oh , good . That'll be the number forty four ? No , it's the number fifty-eight . So when's the next forty-four ? Will it be here soon ? No , it won't . So when will it be here then ? Never . Never ? That's right . The number forty-four doesn't stop here any more . It's stop is round the corner . Excuse me , this is my first time on a plane . How do I check in ? May I see your ticket , please ? Yes . Here you are . You can get a boarding pass at that counter . Do you have anything to check in ? No , I only have a handbag . Then you could wait in the departure area after going through security . Is that all ? Yeah , I think so . It is very simple . I see . Thank you very much . Did you watch the finale last night ? My favorite singer won ! Oh , I love him too . He not only sings well but shows perseverance when he encounters difficulties in the contest . Yeah , he got booted after his initial performance in the audition , but he did not give up . He then tried at another two auditions . He had barely survived the third audition and finally got a chance to advance in the contest . Fortunately , in the third audition , he has won popularity among the audience . And that's when I started to notice him . Me too . Before he made the top three , I was so nervous . I just fear that he might be knocked out . Yeah , there're so many excellent candidates out there . Who knows which one will make it to the final ? Absolutely . That's why when he entered the finale , I was so excited . He really did a great job in the finale , especially in the PK round . He performed so well that the majority of the audience cast their votes for him . And the host announced that he won it all ! Can you change American dollars into French francs . Yes . How much do you want ? Fifty dollars . What is the exchange rate today ? One dollar to five franc . Is that alright ? Yes , please . and you can cash my travelers check . Can ’ t you ? Of course we can . I won ’ t to be here tomorrow . What are you business hours ? 10 o ’ clock in the morning to 2 o ’ clock in the afternoon . Thank you . Not at all . I'll be late because I have waited so long ! Don't worry.The bus will arrive soon . I'd better take a taxi . That's no use.This is morning rush hour . Does the material stand washing ? Sure.This material is not only washable but also unshrinkable , sun-resistant , crease-resistant , resilient . Is it drip-dry ? Yes , you have a good eye for materials . Hello , Mr . Smith , I am returning to Shanghai by the 10:00 plane . I am calling to thank you for all your help during my stay here . Don't mention it . It's been my pleasure . Next time you are in Shanghai , please let me know , and let me be of some assistance to you . OK . I will . Have a nice flight back , and take care . Thanks for your call . do you have any plans for dinner tonight ? no , I was thinking of putting a frozen pizza in the oven or something . How about you ? I was thinking maybe we could make dinner together tonight . What do you think ? I'm absolutely useless at cooking ! I could teach you how to cook something healthy . Frozen pizza are so bad for you ! I know they aren't good for me , but they are cheap , convenient , and fairly tasty . I recently saw a piece for spicy chicken curry in a magadize . Maybe we could try that ? yeah , why not . Do you have all the ingredients ? I bought all the ingredients this morning , so let's start ! what do we do first ? first , you need to wash the vegetables and then chop them into little pieces . ok . Should I heat the wok ? yes . Once it gets hot , put a little oil in it , add the vegetables and stir-fry them for a few minutes . what about the chicken ? that needs to be cut into thin strips about 3 cm long and then it can be stir-fried on its own until its cooked through . how about the rice ? I'll prepare it . Do you prefer white rice or brown rice ? white rice , please . None of that healthy brown stuff for me ! I'm going to need a taxi . You don't have to restrict yourself to a taxi . We can offer you a private vehicle . A private vehicle , huh ? No , a taxi is okay . Some people find a limo to be much more comfortable than a taxi . No , I wouldn't be caught dead in a limo . No upgrade of any kind . And where might you be going ? I'm headed to Rockefeller Center . When shall I tell the taxi to be here ? Right now . The taxi will be here immediately , sir . Good , I'm leaving my room in about one minute . You won't have to wait a second , sir . Good morning , I want a room tonight . Single or double ? Single , please . Do you have a reservation ? Yes . I made a reservation in shanghai . Then I believe you have a confirmation slip . Yeah . Let me see . Is this the one you want ? That ’ s it . What ’ s your name . please ? Wu Mei . That ’ s my name . Just a moment , please . Yes , you have a room reservation for you . Is this room with a bath room ? Yes , it ’ s . Can you give me a quiet room ? It ’ s a inside room on the eight floor . What ’ s the room rate ? Eighty dollars a day . How long do you plan to stay Mrs Wu ? Three nights I scheduled . Do you sign the register , please ? Is that right ? Thank you , Mrs Wu . Your room Number is 827 . The bail-boy will take your bags and show you to your room . Thanks . Good morning . Ru Via Hotel , Room Reservation . Can I help you ? Yes . This is Peter calling from New York , I have to change the date of reservation . How and in whose name has the reservation been made ? By telephone and in my name . Please wait a moment . I'll check it in the computer . Thanks for your waiting . You've booked 10 standard rooms for trade negotiation for March 5th , 6th and 7th , is it correct ? Right , but the negotiation has been postponed until 5th to 7th of April . Do you think it's possible for us to change the reservation ? Let me check the reservation list . Fortunately , we have just 10 standard rooms available for the three days . How much is an airmail letter to Japan ? I'll have to check . Can I help you with anything else ? I'd like a 20 - cent stamp , please . Here you are . When you are in a restaurant and you want the waiter to bring the bill , what do you do to attract his attention ? I just make eye contact with him and nod my head . Then I tell him when he comes over to the table . Why do you ask ? I went out with my girlfriend to a nice restaurant last night and I noticed that many people shouted for the bill . That seems a little impolite in such a restaurant . That ’ s what I thought . I just thought I ’ d ask you and see what you thought of it . Anyway , what did you do yesterday evening ? Well , it was a warm evening , so I stretched my legs . I walked along the canal for a couple of miles . Actually , several other people had the same idea . I saw Bill . Did you ? How is he these days ? He seemed ok . We didn ’ t stop and chat because we were on opposite banks of the canal . We just waved at each other . I need to move some furniture . Could you help me to lift it ? Of course . What do you want to move first ? Let ’ s move the sofa . Can you get a grip on the bottom at that end ? I ’ ll lift this end . I want to move it sideways in that direction . Can I ask you a question ? Sure , go ahead . How do you get along with the American students in your classes ? I don ’ t have much contact with them . Really ? Why not ? Don ’ t you go up and talk to them ? No , I don ’ t . I ’ m too afraid of making mistakes in English . I don ’ t want to be laughed at . You won ’ t get anywhere that way . You ’ re the one who needs to practice English , so you should make the first move . Besides , most American students are really friendly and outgoing . They will be glad to talk to you . Thanks for the advice . I guess you ’ re right . It ’ s just hard to overcome my shyness . I really will try from now on . I promise . Miss , please give something to drink . Excuse me , sir . What kind of drink do you want ? Do you have whisky ? Yes , but you have to pay for it . Well , in that case please give me some free drink . Wait a minute , I will bring you some juice . Hmm . Not bad . I think I look younger with shorter hair . Yes , you do . The Hot Cap is back here in the corner . I think we're ready to put the curlers in . What kind of perm would you like ? I just want a light wave . I look really silly if my hair is too curly . All right . What if we leave your bangs straight and just perm the sides and back ? Super . How long will I have to sit under the Hot Cap ? Around 30 minutes . Decent dressing and appearance , which contribute to a good first impression of the interviewer , are surely quite important . Of course . Generally speaking , dressing should be tidy and neat , and match well with your identity , age , and experience . Whatever you wear , it should perfectly reflect your confidence and vitality Professional suits may be the best choice . Gentlemen should wear western-style suits in the interview , which will help you look handsome . Ladies should wear professional suits , either classical style or free style . It would be appropriate to wear a little or no make-up . But those fashionable and shiny clothes should be avoided . Name brand is not necessary . Anything decent will be fine . You should present the best of yourself in order to achieve success in the interview . Only when you dressing keep in accordance with that of other people around can you feel harmonious and relaxed . In a word , dressing and appearance are indeed important , but it should never be all . In other words , too much emphasis on it is undoubtedly to neglect the essentials . There's a problem with my credit card . Tell me what the problem is . A charge came up on my bill that I didn't make . What was the charge for ? The charge was for a $ 350 purse , but I did not buy it . Are you sure that you didn't make that purchase ? I would know if I bought something that expensive . I apologize . What day was this purchase made ? It was bought on November 12th at 3 All right , we'll do an investigation . Until this investigation is finished , will I have to pay for the charge ? No , you don't . We'll take care of it . Good evening , welcome to Rainbow Restaurant . May I take your coat , please ? Yes , thank you so much . Have you booked already ? Yes , my table is for 7 and it's near the window . OK , sir . I will show you your table . I ’ d like to be fitted for a suit please . Certainly . Have you decided which material you would like the suit to be made from ? We have a selection of materials over here . Well , I thought that I would choose either this one or that one . I really want a dark blue suit . Which do you recommend . This material is a little more expensive , but is of much higher quality . Yes . I can feel the difference in material . There ’ s not much difference in price . Ok , I ’ ll take the more expensive one . Fine . I ’ ll measure you for the suit ... shoulder ... waist ... inside leg ... forearm ... upper arm ... thank you . I ’ ll prepare the suit for you tomorrow . Could you come again the day after tomorrow just to check that the su That ’ s fine . I would also like a few shirts and a jacket . I don ’ t need them specially made . Those shirts over there look very nice . Are they made of cotton ? Yes , they are . How many would you like and of which color ? I ’ ll take three light blue ones , please . Are you looking for a casual jacket or something formal ? Just a casual one - a sport jacket . This one looks nice . I ’ ll just try it on ... yes , that ’ s fine . I ’ ll take it . Here ’ s my credit card . Thank you very much , sir . I ’ ll put the shirts and jacket into a bag for you . Thank you very much . I ’ ll see you the day after tomorrow . I've been working hard for a whole year . I really need a break . That's true . You need to take some time off to relax . You said it . I'm looking forward to my annual vacation . When are you going to take your vacation ? Later this month . I can't wait ! I really envy you . You know I'm not taking my vacation until December . Can I help you ? I'd like to buy a tie to match this suit . We have various colors . How about this one ? Well , the color is all right . But it looks outdated.Can you show me that one ? You have a very good taste . It's our best seller . Really ? Sure ! Look , it suits you well . I can ’ t make out anything , the words are too light . I thought they have already changed the toner cartridge this month . It seems not or somebody has recently received a large fax . Ok , no problem . We do it ourselves . Do you know how to do it ? I am not so good at machine things . I will have somebody do it as soon as possible . Check with somebody from the IT department . They are anyway in charge of the office electronic equipment . How are your Chinese and English ? I can confidently say that my Chinese and English are pretty good . I won prizes in many speech contests in both Chinese and English . How would you consider your salary if you succeed in becoming a translator in our company ? I believe every company has its own salary criterion . And you will give me a satisfying salary according to my abilities and performances . Hi . Is there anything I can do for you ? Hello , yes , I opened an L / C with you recently . We opened it 7 days ago . If you could show me your details , please . What can I do ? We would like to amend it , please . We can amend it for you as long as your customer agrees to the amendment . It's all agreed , here's a letter to prove it . That's fine . All you need to do is fill in this form and state the amendment . Hello , Oriental Hotel . I ’ d like to speak to marked Baker , please . I ’ m sorry , Mr . Baker ’ s not in . May I take your message ? Yes , tell him Mr . Cook called and ask him to return my called as soon as he back . Alright . Mr . Cook , I have Mr . baker called you back as soon as he gets here . I ’ d like to talk to you for a second , please . Okay , Mark , What ’ s up ? I ’ d like to know why you ’ re always taking credit for work we ’ Ve done together like that line in the new Ice Cream ad ? That was my line , Mark . I know we worked on the ad together , but that was definitely my line . Taylor , you're looking a little pale . Are you sure you want to hand out nametags ? Do I have a choice ? You said the guy who was supposed to do it didn't show . True . Keep up the good work . Hello , welcome to the reunion of the Class of ' 93 . Just come over here , sir . First you need to sign in and get your photo nametag . And don't forget to put in an order for your reunion memory book . Would you like to donate to our alumni fund ? Would you like something to eat ? Thank you . No . I ’ m late for dinner at my house . I really have to go . Would you like to call home ? I ’ d appreciate that . Please use the phone . Thanks . Welcome , what would you like to order ? I would like to get a double cheeseburger . Would you like everything on it ? I would like everything on it , thank you . Do you want any fries ? Let me get some large curly fries . Can I get you anything to drink ? Sure , how about a medium Pepsi ? Is that everything ? That'll be all . Thanks . You're welcome , and your total is $ 5.48 . Thank you . Here you go . Mike , I'm afraid I can't come back home for dinner tonight . Not back home for dinner again ? That's the third time this week ! I'm sorry . Our company has just opened . There are always too many things to handle . You know that . You don't have to explain . Suit yourself . Please forgive me . You have my word . I'll spend some time with you on the weekend . I promise . We'll see . Thank you for understanding . I promise I'll make it up to you . I am fed up the ready-made suit . Can you recommend me some stuff for me to make one ? Sure . How about the tweed ? It feels good . Taxi . Yes , sir , where are you going ? I am going to the railway station . Get on , please . Thank you . Can we get there in half an hour ? I am not sure , sir . Generally we can , but look at the traffic . It's the rush hour . My train will leave at 3:00 , I'll have to arrive there before 2:50 . We are really in a hurry . Can't we go faster ? I'll do my best . What do you know about our company ? Well , as I know this company is one of the largest and best in this field of business . It mainly produces toys for children . It employs more than 10,000 people throughout the world . The president now is Mr . Jackson . The Shanghai branch was founded five years ago with a staff of more than 2,000 . Very good . If you enter this company , what department would you like to work in ? May I work in sales department ? OK . Oh , how much do you make at your current job , if you don ’ t mind my asking ? I ’ m paid 2,000 yuan per month plus some allowances and bonus as that come to about 3,000 yuan a month . How much will you pay me ? Well , the starting salary for a clerk in our company is 2,500 yuan monthly and after three months he would get a raise if his work is satisfactory . Do you have any fringe benefits ? Sure , we provide semi-annual bonus , a small bonus at Spring Festival , four weeks paid vacation a year . How about insurance and full health insurance ? We can buy that for you . That sounds good . Hello . In order to kill your time you can experience our facial massage for free . Really ? OK ! This way please . First , we should clean your face with our clarifying cream . And then we use the massage cream . Next do the massage . I hope that you can feel comfortable . Very comfortable . I think I will come next time . Maybe I will take some friends . Amazing ! Thank you . I need help picking out a lotion . It would be my pleasure to help you . What do you need help with ? I picked up some poison oak while hiking , and I can ’ t stop itching . We have Techne , and it is available in lotion or cream . Do you find that one works better than the other ? I have heard that the cream is longer lasting . Is there anything I can take that will help with the itching ? If you take an antihistamine , that would help a lot . Thank you for helping me figure out what to do with my poison oak . It was a pleasure . Come back anytime . I'm free on Sunday . I'd like to take a look in Beijing City , could you tell me where to go ? Sure , no problem . I'll ring to have a city tour.on sunday morning we can go to the Great Wall , then we can go to the summer palace in the afternoon . In the evening we can have typical dinner in restaurant in Beijing . Quanjude , a restaurant serving roast ducks . However if you don't like above trips , we can go some famous places outside of Beijing . Any place will be fine . you make the decision . What time shall we start ? I will pick you up at your hotel at eight in the morning . Ok , then see you in sunday morning . Linda , have you prepared fully for tomorrow's meeting ? Yes , Mr . Li . Everyone has been informed . Great , we don't expect any big problems to happen . I see . Thank you , 175 yuan . Here you go . Here is your change and your receipt.Do you have goods unpaid on you , sir No , I don't think so . I'm sorry I need to call the security to have a look . There must be a mistake . Sorry , sir , it's my job to make sure the goods are paid . Wait , can you check these sunglasses I bought it in the second floor . I think they forgot to demagnetize it . Sure . Ah ... That's the problem . Have you paid for it Of course I did . Here is the receipt . Let me see ... Oh , I am awfully sorry sir . That's all right . Paul , a company called me for an interview . That's great ! You need to prepare for it . How ? Get your hair done at a good hair saloon . Tell them you are going for a job interview . OK . Buy a decent suit . Is a white blouse OK ? Yeah , fine . And dressing shoes . How about make up ? Not much make up . What will you have ? I don't know anything about American food . What do you recommend ? Which do you prefer , meat or fish ? I'd rather have meat . Then why don't you try the Chef's Steak Special ? OK . Whatever you say . I am here to sign my escrow papers . I will tell you ahead of time , that there is a lot to sign here , but I will help you every step of the way . Should I have brought anything with me ? Basically , what I need from you now is your driver ’ s license or some ID that shows your residency status . Where do I start ? We will be going through these papers one by one . I will be explaining them all to you , and you can ask questions as we go . Can I make a phone call to a friend if I have a question ? We do not want you to sign any documents that you do not understand . You may get assistance with any questions that you have . Will the house be mine when we finish these documents ? This is the last thing you need to do , but it may take a while for the papers to be processed . Would you tell me how I send this parcel to shanghai , China ? It contains only books . You might send it as printed matter . I wonder if you could have ensured here . Of course . How much would you want to ensure this books for ? Let me see . I think I can have the ensured five hundred dollars . five hundred dollars , so you ’ ll pay ten dollars for the insurance . That ’ s two percent of the total value of the article . Here ‘ s the check for hen dollars What sort of accommodation can you supply for me ? We've got a beautiful two - double room with a bath an shower . Doctor Ruth's office , may I help you ? Yes , I'd like to make an appointment to see the doctor . My name is Randy Horn . Let's see , Mr . Horn ... The doctor's schedule is full today . Would tomorrow be all right ? Yeah , I guess I can survive until tomorrow . Would you prefer to come in in the morning or the afternoon ? In the morning , if possible . The doctor has an opening at 10:30 tomorrow . I'll put you down for then . That would be fine . Okay , Mr . Horn , see you tomorrow at 10:30 . Hello , Friendship Hotel . How can I help you ? I'd like to book a room for three nights . What are the dates , sir ? From July the seventh to the ninth . Good morning . I ’ m thinking about buying some new furniture for my living room . Could you help me ? Certainly . As you can see , we have several three-piece suites on sale . Feel free to sit down and test how comfortable they are . I came to your store yesterday and have come back today to make a final decision . I think I like the black leather suite . It ’ s on sale , isn't it ? Yes . The price has been reduced by 50 % . It ’ s a real bargain . I ’ ll take it . I also need to improve the lighting in my living room . Do you have any suggestions ? Those floor lamps are very nice and you can vary the brightness according to whether you ’ re reading or watching tv . How big is your living room ? It ’ s quite large . It ’ s about 40 square meters . I ’ d suggest you buy two . That allows you to change the brightness of the room better . OK . I like the design of this lamps . I also need some cushion covers . I ’ ll just browse through those ones over there . Well , good morning , Tom . I haven't seen you for a long time . I'd been feeling pretty well until just a few days ago . What seems to be the trouble now ? I feel run down , tired . I've been having headaches almost every day . And I'm not getting as much sleep as I usually do . Have you been eating properly ? Eating the right kind of food is important for your health , you know . Well , I haven't been eating well , I guess . I usually only have enough time to grab a sandwich and a cup of coffee for lunch . And what about dinner ? Sometimes I'm too tired to eat anything at all . That's not good . You don't have a well-balanced diet . Have you been taking vitamin pills ? I don't like to take any medicine at all without talking it over with a doctor first . I am starving . Let's go get something to eat . Is there somewhere you wanted to go eat at ? We can always go to the cafeteria and eat . I haven't eaten there before . The food there is pretty good . What kind of food do they serve ? You can get whatever you want at the cafeteria . I have a taste for Chinese food . They have really good chow mein . Okay , let's go to the cafeteria . It'll be fine . This is Manager Liang's office , what can I do for you ? This is Wang Miao from AB company speaking . Our CEO Mr . Green has an appointment with Mr . Liang tomorrow morning . But there is a minor change in tomorrow's schedule . Mr . Green has an abrupt urgent case tomorrow and he has to go abroad today . He wanted me to convey his apology to Mr . Wang . OK ! I'll tell him . And Mr . Green will make another appointment when Mr . Wang comes back . Ok ! Thanks for calling . Bye ! Bye ! I would like to withdraw my money and close my account please . May I see your passbook . Here you are . This is a sizable sum . Is there any reason you are closing your account with us Mr . Lee ? I will be leaving the city soon so I have no need for this account . I see . Well for this amount I will have to get my manager ’ s approval . No problem . I ’ ll wait over there . Thank you . This should only be a few minutes . If you would like , there is coffee by those sofas over there . No , thanks . Coffee makes me wired and I will be nervous enough carrying all that cash . Excuse me , is this the way to the Great Wall ? Oh , it is really far from here . You ’ re going in the wrong direction actually . I must have taken a wrong turn . It doesn ’ t matter . Go back the way you came . After about five kilometers , you ’ ll see a hotel on the side of the road . It ’ s a big one . You can ’ t miss it . And then ? Take the next right . Drive about one click further , and you ’ ll see the entrance of the highway to the Great Wall . Thanks a lot . You ’ re welcome . By the way , how long does it take ? Without traffic , it takes about an hour . I heard the Great Wall closes early in the afternoon . Do you think I can make it before closing ? Yes , I think so . It doesn ’ t close until 5 o ’ clock . You still have plenty of time . Great ! Thank you ! My pleasure , and have a good time ! Can I help you in any way ? I would like to see your summer suits . How do you like this pattern ? The pink suits you well . Will it wash well and the color won't fade ? It's of good quality . All the food smells tasty today and makes my mouth water . Let's line up here . This line seems a little shorter . What's on the menu today ? Fish , beef , pork , chicken , vegetables and beancurd . For staple food we have rice , steamed bread , stuffed buns and noodles . Oh , we're lucky today , aren't we ? I'd rather take stewed cabbage with beef . I think I'll take fried fish , because fish is one of my favorites . That's good , we can share what we have . Here we are . You go ahead . ( They get everything ready ) Here is a free table . Let's sit down . Help yourself to some fish please . Isn't it delicious and appetizing ? I'm sorry I don't like it's a little too salty . I see . You people from south prefer sweet , don't you ? Yes , I like the fish cooked in sweet and sour sauce best . Try some beef , please . Thank you . I'm through with one steamed bread and I'd like a second helping . Your appetite is good . I'm always feeling hungry . What would be a good day to finally move into the house ? You can pick up your keys on Tuesday night . When you actually move in is up to you . Will the electricity and water be on , or do we need to do something to get it turned on ? Make sure that you transfer the utilities to your name and tell them when you will be moving in . The carpet needs to be cleaned , and I want to paint the walls a different color . An empty house is easier to paint and clean . Take a few days to take care of those things before you start moving your furniture in . I want my appliances to be delivered as we are moving into the house . I think that will work out just fine . It will help when you move your groceries in and need to keep them cold . Would you be willing to help me do a few things on the day I move in ? My grandmother needs me to help her trim her roses that day . Is your website address ' www . zhilian . com . CN ' ? Not exactly . Our address is ' www . zhilian-zhaopin . com . CN ' . I am sorry , could you repeat it please ? Of course . The website is ' www . zhilian - zhaopin . com . CN ' . Waiter , I ’ m afraid you must have calculated my bill wrong . There ’ s a possibility . I ’ ll check it . Thank you . That ’ s all right . I ’ ll be right back . Hello . Is this Ann ? Yes , it is . Kelly ? Yes , it's me . Do you have a cold ? No . Worse than that . I have a flu . I'm in bed with a fever . Oh , no ! What about your presentation today ? I'd like to do it , of course . But I just can't . I'm afraid I'd fall down in the middle of it . I understand . What should I tell Mr . Morley ? Why not just tell him I'm sick ? I'll ring him myself this afternoon . Alright . Have you been to see a doctor ? Not yet . I feel too lousy to go out.Anyway , I have a flu . I know what it is . I don't need a doctor to tell me that . Do you think you'll be able to come in tomorrow ? Or should I call off your appointments for tomorrow too ? I'm not sure yet.Maybe this will all be gone in a day.So it's probably better if you don't call off my appointments . I will call you later this afternoon and tell you what I think . It's rainy weather today . Maybe it's better if you just stay inside.Make yourself some chicken soup and sleep . Yes , that's what I plan to do . Except I won't make the chicken soup.Right now I don't think I could swallow more than a spoonful of it . That bad , huh ? Yeah , I'm very nauseous . It's mostly nausea and a fever . Well , I'll cancel your appointments for today . And I'll tell Mr . Morley . Thanks , Ann . Talk to you this afternoon . Hope you feel better . Hello , Bob . Can you give me an update of the situation ? Mary's is handling it . Is everything under control ? Of course . Mary is our most experienced member . Do you know why I pulled you over ? I have no idea . Your left brake light is out . I was not aware of that . I'm going to have to write you a ticket . You can't give me a break ? I'm just doing my job . How much is the ticket for ? You will get that information in court . I have to go to court ? That's right . Fine . Give me the ticket . I'm looking for the produce section , please . All of the produce is in aisle A . Are bananas on sale today ? Here you go . Look in this flyer , or check with the produce person . Can you tell me a little bit about yourself ? I am a graduate of a technical university and have been employed as a technician with Company # for approximately 10 years . Please explain why you are interested in leaving your current position and please elaborate on your technical skills . I am looking for a growth opportunity , which I feel is not available at my current employer . In terms of skills , I am Microsoft certified in Windows XP and several other operating systems . Where do you see yourself five years from now ? I see myself in a management position . Ah , Hello . So , you are back ? Yes . I received everything in the post this morning . That's good . Could I please see the originals of everything ? What's the exchange rate today ? You're pretty lucky actually , today is higher than yesterday . It's 824 . 71 RIB for 100 USD . Great ! Do you need me to sign anything ? Yes . Please sign your name at the bottom of the Exchange Receipt . Thanks very much and here's your money . I'd like to buy a bottle of Centrum , a tooth brushes . Centrum ? We have bottles of thirty and one hundred tablets . Which kind do you want ? Give me one bottle of thirty tablets . And what kind of toothbrushes would you like ? Can I have a look at them ? Sure . This brand is supposed to be very good , but they're expensive . Those are new products . They come in several colors and sizes . There is also hard , soft , and medium . Are they cheaper ? This one is 5 % off . That one has no reduction , but you can get a free tube of toothpaste with six toothbrushes . What made you decide on this type of occupation ? Oh , to tell you the truth , I love the sky . When I was a child , I imagined flying into the blue sky some day . Now , I think the day has come . My dream will come true . And I like travelling very much and I enjoy working with people . Can you make yourself understood in English without too much difficulty ? Yes , I think I am quite fluent in English . I got the certificate of the Secondary English Training last month . Do you know what the responsibilities are for a stewardess ? The main responsibility of the stewardess is to make the passengers relaxed and happy during the flight . And good service is also important . Are you in good health ? I just had a complete physical examination and I am in top condition . Have you had any nursing experience ? Yes , I have two years of nursing experience , and now I am working as a nurse in a hospital . How tall are you ? What about your eyesight ? My height is one meter and sixty-eight centimeters . I've never had any vision problems . What would you say are your strengths and weaknesses ? One of my strengths is my friendliness and open-minded attitude and also I think I have a warm personality . But sometimes , I find it is hard to tell others when I don't like what they are doing . If a passenger can't understand what you say , what should you do ? I'll try to speak in another language or I'll try my best to use gestures and draw pictures . There are prescriptions . One second , please . All right , here are your painkillers . Thank you ! You are welcome ! Susan , we ’ re going to need those data before tomorrow . I know . I ’ m just waiting for confirmation on one of them . I can get them to you by tomorrow morning . Yeah ? All right . Thanks , Susan . That ’ s all right . Welcome to ABC electronics . First , let me go over what we do in the department during a typical workday . Ok . I understand that we basically work from 8 thirty to 5 thirty with an hour-long lunch break from 12 to 1 , right ? That ’ s right , although we do expect you to do a little overtime if there ’ s something important to do . The lunch break is flexible . You can go a little earlier or a little later if you prefer . That ’ s fine . Is it OK to have a coffee break during the working day ? Of course . The main thing is that all our work must be completed on schedule . We even allow our employee to go home early if they finish their work early . How often do you have meetings ? You should attend a department meeting every Monday morning . There are other meetings for people working together on certain projects . Department heads also attend an interdepartmental meeting each week . I ’ Ve met some of my colleagues already . I ’ m sure we ’ ll get on well together . You are entitled to a company car . Have you seen it yet ? I was told to take a look at it this afternoon and take care of all the paperwork . Ok . This is your cubicle . At first , you ’ ll be responsible to me . Later , you ’ ll be working more independently . That ’ s fine . I need to learn how you do things here first . Salaries are paid directly in to our bank account , aren ’ t they ? That ’ s right . Make sure you give the accounts department all your bank account details as soon as possible . May I help you , sir ? I want to try on this suit . Certainly . Here's a mirror . I'm afraid it's too narrow across the shoulders . Do you have a larger one ? Yes . This one must fit you . It's a bit loose . Do you have a middle size ? I'm afraid not , sir . What a pity ! Both of the two young ladies are the candidates for the position The question is we only need one . Right.The choice is yours , the tall one or the short one ? I should take the taller one for the choice . Are you Miss Thou Ping ? Yes . I am Thou Ping . How do you spell you first name ? Ping . P-I-N-G . Do you have an English name ? Yes , sir . It is Jane . It was given by my English professor when I was at the university . What ’ s your pen name ? My pen name is ' Dark Blue ' . How do you like your name ? I like it very much . My name has became part of me . I don ’ t want to change it . What ’ s your present ( permanent ) address ? My present address is No . 21 South Zhongshan Road , Apt . 19 , Shanghai . The post code is 220150 . You look very young . How old are you ? Actually , I ’ m thirty now . Where were you born ? I was born in Xinjiang . What is your nationality ? Han . It is enough for today . Do you have any last question ? If not , thank you for taking your time to come to our interview . You ’ re welcome . For the moment , I have no further questions . I got a good picture of the job and the company . All my questions have been answered . Thank you for your time . We will have an internal discussion and then we will contact to inform you of our decision on whether we continue with you or not . Ok , it was very nice to talk with you and I look forward to your decision at your earliest convenience . Bye . Goodbye . Hi , is this Steven ? No , ma ’ am . This is Sean . Steven ’ s out sick . Oh , sorry to hear that . Listen , I ’ Ve got a rush order . Can you help me out ? How do you do ? How do you do ? Do you mind if I introduce myself ? My name is Wang Li . My name is Jim Jones . Are you coming for the interview ? Yes , I am . My computer isn ’ t running at the same speed it used to be , it is testing my patience everyday . Can you tell me how to make it run faster ? If you want to speed up your system , you ’ Ve got to clean it up first . How ? You need to free your disk space . The simplest way is to use a Disk-Cleanup tool to remove temporary files and in store programs that you no longer use . Things should be fine next time you start . You also need to control what starts up . There is a program calls Start-up Delayer , It can help to set after how much time programs should be loaded after Windows boosts . For example , you can choose to set your Fox Mail program to load 30 seconds after Windows starts up . Very useful advice , I will try them right now . It's a beautiful day ! Let's play on those rides in the park . Sounds like a good idea . I love to play on the jungle gym . Me too . I love to play on the swing as well . Swing is my favorite . That's great . Then we won't fight over taking the same ride . Look at the flowers over there . What are they ? They are morning glories . They are cute , aren't they ? They are . We can find many different kinds of flowers and insects in the park . I think so . Last time I saw dandelions and ladybugs near the pond . If you come to the park in the morning , you can find squirrels running on the lawn . It's really healthy to do some exercise there . The air is fresher and it's romantic to watch the sunset with your lover . Well , off we go . I am sure we can have a great time . What are your career goals , Miss Li ? Let me see , I would like to work my way up to a senior management position with a company such as yours . Great ! It sounds like you might be a good fit . As you know , we ’ re one of the largest brokerage houses in the world . Our daily work is quite hectic , and we , re looking for an assistant who can keep us organized ... help keep the engines running smoothly , so to speak . Our hours are long , but the overtime pay is good ... sort of makes up for the long hours . What would a typical day be like for me here ? Well , that ’ s the problem . We never seem to have ' typical ' days , but you'd spend about 30 % of your time on the computer . There would also be a lot of telephone time , setting up appointment , and taking care of a lot of support work . Oh , yes , I do . My present job is similar in that respect , and I think I ’ m doing a good job . Last month , we only had 40 hits on our site . Our products and prices are good , but the problem is that no one knows about our website . If we want to get this internet business off the ground , we've got to do something fast . We need to maximize the chances that our site will be at the top of search engine lists , but I'm not sure how to do it . We've got to put more buzz words into the page text , so it will pop up when people search about our kind of products . Yeah , you're right . We've got to get the most popular phrases there ... How else can we boost site traffic ? I think one of the least costly ways to attract business is to ask some of our neighboring sites to offer links to our page inside of theirs . If they have related services , they may be willing to help us out . I guess we could also put out a few advertisements for our website inside of the search engine . I would like to find the most effective way to let people know about our site and our products . Look at these gorgeous paintings ! They are beautiful . Why not take a picture ? Of course . I will . Doctor , I slipped and fell on my way to school . The ground is so slippery from the snow . It seems I can't move my left arm now . Let me see . Roll up your sleeve , please . Um ... it's swollen and red here . I'm afraid we'll need to take an X-ray to see if it's broken . What if it's broken ? Then we'll put you in a cast . We were decorating and I ’ m going to ask some things . Well , I ’ ll be glad to help you out . We can deliver what you need to your office . Shall we need at one fifteen this Thursday ? We definitely need some new filing cabinets and at least one desk unit . Fine , I ’ ll bring both our office furniture and equipment catalogs on Thursday . Thank you for your interest in this job . You'll be hearing from us . Send the next applicant in on your way out , please . Thank you very much for offering me this opportunity . It has been pleasant talking with you . I have enjoyed talking with you too . Thank you . May I call you at your home about our final decision ? Yes , please . My telephone number is 367 - 1314 . You can call me between four and six in the afternoon . We'll get in touch with you by next Wednesday . Thank you for your interest in this job . Thank you for your interview . Hello , sir . What can we do for you today ? I'd like a trim . Would you like your hair washed as well ? No , thanks . Okay , have a seat over here . How do you want it cut ? Cut it short in the front , but leave it long in the back . Leave just a little over the ears . All right . Which bus should I take from PHS to Sons ? Can you tell me which Sons you want to go to ? I believe that it's on Fair Oaks and Orange Grove . You'll have to catch two different buses to get there . Do you know which buses I need to take ? The 268 is the first bus you need to catch . What do I do after I get on the 268 ? Get off when you get to Fair Oaks and Washington . Then what ? Catch the 261 and get off at Sons . That's all ? That's all you have to do . Would you be willing to meet the extra cost if we meet your additional requirements ? Well , if you can meet our deadline . That shouldn't be a problem , as long as we can make ends meet . I also hope your quality will meet our standard . We never fail to meet our client's expectation . Excellent . We will meet all your conditions if you can meet our demands . Do you know that working overtime in some companies is a regular thing ? How regular ? An average ten hours or more a day according to a survey , the worst thing is that the employees get no pay for that . You are kidding me ? It is against the labor law . They should be aware of their rights . But these people say nothing about that . They are worried about losing their job because there is surplus in labor force these days . That ’ s not right , somebody should do something . Did you have any publications ? Yes , I wrote a thesis entitled English Education in High School and it was published in the Education Magazine . Have you received any honors ? Yes , I was chosen as a Three Goods student many times in college . Excuse me , I want to know what's your price per dozen for exercise books ? 15 dollars per dozen Oh , it's rather too high . We have another offer for a similar one at a much lower price . However , the quality of our exercise books is better than others . I can assure you that our price is the most favorable . A trial will convince you of my words . If you can go a little lower , I'd be able to give you an order on the spot . This price of yours is out of the question . You must know that the cost of production has risen a great deal in recent years . I hope you'll give a second thought to it . We'll have to discuss the problem later . What about if we order a large amount of exercise books ? Could you give me an idea of how larger an amount you want ? About 300 dozens . Then , let me check . For the large quantity you ask , considering the cost of raw materials , I think 13 dollar is our bottom line . And I can assure you this is the lowest price in the market in nowadays . OK . That's a deal . Will you introduce me to the new colleague ? Haven't you met yet ? No , we haven't . I'll be glad to do it . Today , you need to pay 20 RIB in handling fees . Can't you just take it from my account ? I can't be bothered with cash dealings today . I must tell you that because your banking has been such a large amount , you need to wait until you leave the country to get any currency back . You mean , if there is any left over ? Yes , totally . It's nice to meet a customer who understands the system . Right , so the deposit , if I don't draw on it will be blocked after you get the Deposit Certification ? That's right . I know we have a complex system , but you have caught on so quickly . What do you like for dessert ? Do you have trifles ? Yes . Please bring me some trifles and apple pies . OK . I will bring it for you . A : Look at this survey conducted by a website . A quarter of the employees will spend an average of 10 minutes everyday online doing personal things . Hi , Francis , what about you ? Well , I just spend 15 minutes as so checking my stock bonds and booking an air ticket for my mother . Anyway , I have done all my work and it is about the time to leave . Though our company doesn ’ t have a return policy , limiting the personal use of internet , I don ’ t think the boss will like us to do that . Certainly , work always comes first . But it is lucky for us . The company computers don ’ t have software keeping tracks of websites we visit . I have shopped too often online these days . Well , keep a low profile . Hey Ayden , I was wondering if you could do me a favor . That depends . What is it ? It's kind of a big favor . I'm absolutely flat broke , and I owe my landlady $ 200 . she's given me until Friday to give it to her , but I don't get paid until next Monday . Do you think you could loan me some cash until I get paid ? I'd love to help you out , but I'm a bit short on cash this month as well . I had to get a new engine put into my car , and that ate up my savings . If you can't give me the full amount , a fraction of it would still help . I'll pay you back on Monday . I promise . Let's see , I've got about $ 50 to get me through the weekend . I can only spare about $ 20 . I would give you more if I had it , I just don't have much money to my name right now . Thanks a lot Ayden . Every little bit will help . Tell you what , if you aren't doing anything tonight , why don't you come over and have dinner at my place . That'd be great . Thanks ! What time should I come over ? How about at 6 pm ? See you then ! I would like high speed internet installed in my house . You have to make an appointment before we can come out and install it . I'd like to make an appointment right now . What day are you available ? I would like to have it done this Friday . Three o'clock is the only time we can come in . Is it possible for someone to come a little earlier ? I'm sorry , but that's our only available time . How about Saturday ? We're completely open on Saturday . Can you come over at 11 That'll be fine . What can I do for you ? I would like to have a roll developed . When do you need them , sir ? How about tomorrow morning ? No problem . Do you want 3 x 5 or 4 x 6 ? The 4 x6 will be OK . Thanks . And do you want the glossy or matted finish ? I prefer glossy . How much ? You pay when you pick them up . I don't need a deposit for just one roll of film . Thanks ! Where are you off to ? The movies . Can you finish your homework in ten minutes ? It will be a piece of cake . Sunshine Hotel . Have you got a single room for Monday evening , please ? With or without private bathroom ? With private room , please . Sorry , we haven't got any . But we have a room without private bath room . How much does it cost ? 160 yuan . Could you book it for me ? Of course yes . I had a great time on the last date . Me , too . What will you up to this weekend ? Nothing . would you like to go to skating ? I was thinking of going out to the - - Saturday . It's great up there . Would you like to go with me ? I'd love to , but I don't care for skating very much . Ok , there is a bunch of going bowling on Sunday . Would you like to go ? I like bowling , but I prefer to be along with you . Would you like to dancing tonight ? I don't feel like going out tonight , I am way too tired . I miss you , sweetheart . I miss you too . Tell me where you like to do the next day . How about the seaside ? Anything you say , honey . Are you busy on the 24th ? 24th ? I have time . But I can't wait that long , I'm dying to see you . Let's make another time . Ok . Hello . I have a room booked for tonight , the 15th . Alright and what is your name , please ? It ’ s Marcia Gleason . Ah , yes , here you are Ms . Gleason . You reserved a single , right ? Yes , a single , thanks . Do you mind being next to the elevator ? Actually , I ’ d prefer not to be . Excuse me . Can you direct me to the toy department , please ? It's on the 7th floor . As you get off the elevator , you'll see it on your left . Can you direct me to the elevator ? Sure . Go straight ahead and you'll walk into it . Thank you . You're welcome . I'm taking my date to a restaurant . Could you tell me about one or two good ones ? My pleasure ! How much would you like to spend on your date ? She will want an excellent restaurant , of course . You should know that our hotel chef was trained in Paris . The service and food are world-class . I wanted to go out somewhere , not stay here . Do you know of another good restaurant ? You can't go wrong with Gramercy Tavern . It's famous for its food , service , and live jazz . I like that ! Could you please call them to see if we can get in tonight ? At once , sir . You'll love this place , I assure you . I met a girl in elevator this morning . She works in a company upstairs . She said she envied the casual way we dress for work . She complained about the dress rule in her company . It requires everyone to wear formal clothes from Monday to Friday . Well , I was wondering where those people with professional attire come from . Now , I know the answer . You know , in a sense , a suits and ties are compulsory for male employees even in July , and no jewelry allowed for most of the female employees . Even the reasonable male leaf is returning the rule , isn ’ t that strict ? To some extent , it is . Anyway , whether they like it or not , they do give people a very good impression . But it is unjust to judge a book by its cover . If they ’ re not happy or comfortable with their clothes , they can be less productive . Hello . I am calling to apply for the job as an airlines staff . I'd like to check it . Is it part-time or a full-time job ? OK , the job is a full-time one . What does the job description say ? We need a person with ability and flexibility . Do you have a double room for tonight ? With an ocean view ? Without is fine . A double room without a view for just one night ? That's right . Yes , we do . By the way , what's the rate for a single room ? Excuse me may I know the name of your corporation ? China National Textiles Import and Export Corporation We found your samples very attractive.We ' re interested in buying your garments if your prices are reasonable Our products are of good quality.Since the prices of textiles have gone up in the world market we've had to increase them on some items by about ten percent.If you place a large order it is possible for us to cut down the prices by five percent Can I have a reduction of seven percent ? It depends on how much you order Can I use the FAS terms ? I'd rather use the CIF terms.You ' re welcome to come to talk about it in detail with your general manager and sign a contract . We are interested in your pure silk , but I'm wondering about the price . How much will you possibly offer us ? It's $ 120 per yard including a 5 % discount . That's much higher than I expected . Can you come down a bit ? But if you placed a larger order , we would increase the discount to 10 % . Supposing we agreed to your price , what payment terms could you offer us ? Maybe we would consider a longer credit period . That would be nice . Let's call it a deal . Excuse me . I get confused that the two phones on the booth are different , can you tell me how to use them ? Let me have a look . Oh , yes . This one is the IC phone and the other is the coin phone . If you have an IC card , you can insert it into this slot , wait for the dialing signal appearing on the small screen , and then dial the number of the person you are going to call . Well , I see . How to use the other one ? First , you pick up the receiver , wait for the dialing signal , dial the number , and then put the coin into the slot , press the ' speak ' button . Then everything is done . It seems quite easy . I will try both of them . I heard that EDD has special services to help me get a job . callous is a great Internet-based placement service that is available to you . I don ’ t have access to a computer . There is an area at the EDD Center that is set up with computers for you to make use of . Is there anything else at the EDD offices to help me with my job search ? We can provide you with information that will help you understand what is available . We also provide workshops . If I go to EDD in person , what type of workshops might I find there ? Our two most important workshops are Resume Writing and Interviewing . What are some other places where I might look for work ? Job fairs are popular places to look for work . Mr . White , I would like to give you notice that I will be leaving the company . It will be effective at the beginning of the next month . Jessica , I am very sorry to hear that . Why are you leaving ? I've been offered another job with higher salary . And it also gives me the opportunity of promotion . Oh . If you had talked to me first , we would have given you a raise . You are really a good employer , Mr . White and I am very lucky to have such a good boss like you . But this new job is more in my field of interest training . It's something I have always wanted . Ok , good luck , Jessica . By the way , if you ever need a letter of recommendation , I would be happy to write one for you . We cannot avoid being asked questions in the interview . Sometimes , my mind goes blank . It is so terrible to be caught unaware . Admittedly , you can get prepared in advance for the interview , but you cannot cover everything concerned . Sure . So you should know how to deal with the probable questions and then make flexible reply . Firstly , your answer should go straight to the point , and be clear and brief . State your opinion or argument first , and then go on with details . Never should you give an answer completely beside the point . If you indeed don't know how to answer , admit it frankly . Pretending to know when you do not know may expose yourself to ridicule . Confirm the question if you don't catch it clearly . Try to avoid the possible duplicate answer if you can . It can help you leave a deep impression on the interviewer . Could I pay for my parking ticket ? I need to see your ticket . Do you have it ? Here's my ticket right here . I'm going to need to see your ID . I don't have it . You can't pay your fine without your ID . I don't understand why I can't just pay you . We have to make sure that the person issued the ticket is the one paying it . I get it now . Just come back when you have your ID with you . Will my record be cleared after I pay the fine ? Only if you pay your fine . Can I help you , sir ? Yes . Fill it up , please . OK . What kind of gas do you want ? I don't really know . I have just bought this new car . And it's the first time I've gotten gas for it . We have regular , super , and premium gasoline . This is a new car , so I'd recommend premium . Premium , please . Thanks . Please fill it up . All right , sir . You will park at refueling 4 . OK , thanks . Your car's ready . Good . How much does it come to ? Ten gallons of premium . That's $ 18.56 , please . OK . Here you are . Thank you , sir . Have a nice drive ! Hello ! Hello ! Could I speak to Sheerly Lim please ? Sure , just a second.Who ' s calling ? This is Sue from work . Ok , sue , I will just go in get her . Hello , I am Richard from the Brooks Head-hunter company . Can I have a private talk with you ? Er ? I am driving right now . Can you call back in 30 minutes ? Sure . Hi , Monica , Richard again . Have you ever heard about our company ? It is an international one with good reputation . We have a lot of successful cases . If you ’ re trying advance your career , I would love to help you . XYZ Company is one of our clients . They ’ re in need of the talent like you . Would you be interested in taking part in an interview ? It is scheduled some time within this week . Thank you for calling . I really appreciate your kindness . But right now , I ’ m very busy preparing for an interview of another company . I don ’ t think I am available for this opportunity . Ok , I see . Good luck to you . You have my number . Call me when you change your mind . I can send you more detailed information about our company and jobs you might be interested in if you give me your private e-mail address . Well , I will text it to you . Thank you , bye for now . You ’ re welcome . Bye . I want to go to china for sight-seeing . What do you think of it , Mum ? Why not ? China is a wonderful country . Will you go with me , too ? No , I'm afraid not now . I'm too busy . Do you have a moment ? Sure . What do you need ? I'm having some trouble . I don't know how to use this printer . I've never seen this kind of office printer before . Is it a new brand ? Yes , we just got it and it is fabulous . Well , first you have to turn this switch on . Silly me ! Now press this button . Oh , it's out of paper . Do you have any more ? Just a second . I'll go get some . Then you need to send the file . Make sure you choose the right printer . We have a few here and you're hooked up to all of them . Which one is this ? It's the Canon . Good morning , sir . What can I do for you ? I want to buy a ticket to Sydney tomorrow . Right now fight BW159 is the only one available , it is a non-direct one . What's the exact information ? It departs at 4:40 pm tomorrow and arrives in Sydney at 10:20 am . the next morning by way of Melboume . How long is the layover in Melboume ? About 1 hour . Would you buy it ? Yes . I want a first class single ticket . Good evening , sir . can I help you ? I have a room registered in your hotel . My name is Charles Hill . Just a minute , please . Yes , a single room for March 28 . That's right . Please lend me some money . OK , do you want it urgently ? Yeah , I really want it . I am on my uppers . Right , here you are . Thanks . May I help you ? Yes , I ’ m here for an interview as requested . You are Miss Liu ? That ’ s right . Please take a seat . Thank you , madam . We have received your letter and resume , and we thought we would like to ask you to come here for an interview . It is a great pleasure for me to have this opportunity for interview . Have you brought your credentials ? Yes , here they are . This is my ID card . This is my diploma . And this is my certificate for nurse qualifications . Good morning . I'd like to buy tickets to Paris . How many of you ? Four . Two adults and two children . Is there any discount ? Yes . Babies under six months are free of charge . We offer 50 % discount to children under 7 . How old are your children ? One is 4 months and the other is years old . Altogether you have to pay $ 800 . Why's the plane shaking ? It's just some turbulence . I'm scared . Don't worry . The pilot knows what he's doing . Excuse me Miss , my friend is sick . Is he ? Yes . He looks pale , is there anything I can do for him ? Yes , please give him some water . Certainly . And do you have any medicine for air sickness ? Well , yes . I ’ ll give him the medicine too . I ’ ll appreciate your help Excuse me , is this taxi taken ? No.May I help you ? Would you please drive me to chinatown ? Oh , that's where I'm going . I am calling to ask the position of HR manager . Could you tell me more about it ? Yes . We are looking for someone who are well-educated and have all-round experience as a manager . I have a master's degree in HR management in Peking University . And I worked as a HR manager in a European enterprise for many years . I know it is not just some clerical issues , but more social work with reason and patience . Great . What about having a formal interview on Monday next week ? OK , thanks a lot . See you then . What kind of job do you think I should get ? It all depends on what you want to accomplish in your life . China is now a member of world trade organization . As a member of TO , China will have to make some changes in its economic policies so that it can follow the routines practiced by other TO members . Is it fair to China , do you think ? It's a hard question , but I'm sure the reexamination of China's economic policies in the past may lead us to a right answer to the question . After the establishment of new China , our government employed numerous economics policies to stimulate the growth of China's economy . These policies , however , favored our domestic enterprises and protected them from international competition and these policies have contributed a lot to the rapid growth of both China economy and our domestic enterprises . After China's entry into TO , Chinese domestic enterprises will have to compete with their foreign counterparts . This new situation entails some changes of Chinese economic policies . These changes will spur Chinese enterprises to strengthen their competitiveness in the long run . We can infer that the non-discrimination principle is one of the most important principles of TO agreement . This principle requires equal treatment of domestic and foreign enterprise . Does the principle also apply to domestic enterprise of different ownerships ? Yes , it does . Domestic enterprises of different ownerships enjoy equal rights for the non-discrimination principle grants equal rights to enterprises , regardless of their nationality and ownership . I have found that although changes of China's economic policies are numerous , these changes are largely based on the most important economic principle ot TO agreement-non-discrimination principle . Such an understanding of principle of the changes may help us not only to have a good insight into the changes but also to foresee the tendency of the new changes of China's economic policies . I need help . I think my arm is broken . Alright . Have you been to this hospital before ? No , I haven't . I need help quick . It hurts really badly . I understand . It's good you came to the emergency room . Let me see a doctor . I'm sorry , sir . You will need to wait at least a short time.We are very busy tonight . There was a big car accident on Highway 106 . I thought this was the emergency room . It is . But unless you are critically injured , you still need to wait.You aren't bleeding , are you ? No . Only a little . I fell off my porch . Oh , that's terrible . Is it your right arm or your left arm ? My left arm . Can you fill out this form then ? No , I can't . I'm left-handed . That's very inconvenient for you then.You ' ll probably have a cast on your left arm . Yes . But why do I have to fill out a form anyway ? This is the emergency room . Yes , it is . But even in emergency rooms there is some paperwork to be done.Have you ever been in an emergency room before ? I can see you've got some color back in your cheeks . Yes , I find jogging does good to me , so I keep on doing it . You've formed a sound habit . I think so , too . Good morning.May I help you ? Yes . I'm looking for an apartment . I'd like two bedrooms . All right . Have a seat , please.Let me ask you a few questions.First of all , may I have your name , please ? My name's Donald Eakins . How do you spell your last name , Mr.Eakins . It's E-A-K-I-N-S . E-A-K-I-N-S.First name , Donald.And what's your present address , Mr.Eakins ? It's 1446 Pine Street . 1446 Pine.That ' s in San Francisco , isn't it ? Yes , it is . All I do all day is work and watch TV . I really should start thinking about my health . I never thought about that , but you're right . What do you think we should do ? For starters , we should start doing more outdoor activities . That way we'll get some exercise . I was thinking about taking tennis lessons . I always have an hour to spare in the afternoon . What do you think about that ? That's not a bad idea . How much is it ? I heard it is only about one hundred twenty dollars a month for 8 lessons . Playing tennis twice a week will be a good start . Count me in . Do you need help with something ? I need help finding a new refrigerator . Do you see anything that you like ? That Kenmore looks nice . That is a wonderful choice . What makes is so great ? It's very inexpensive , and it has all the appliances . What appliances are you talking about ? The fridge and freezer is very spacious , and it also has an ice maker and water dispenser . May I take a look inside ? Take a look inside . It's very nice . I'd like to purchase this refrigerator . To which gate do I need to go to catch connection flight Ll 01 to Madrid ? Go to gate 18 . The plane is boarding now . You should hurry up . Show me the fastest way to get there . Instead of can take this shuttle to get you there faster . Do you think the plane will leave without me ? No , I'll call the attendants at the gate to tell them that you are on your way . Thank you so much . I really appreciate that . Come here at once , John . Will you ? Yes , mum . I'm coming . And bring you homework with you , please . Oh , must I ? Yes , you must . Good afternoon , sales department.May I help you ? Could I speak to Mr Wood , please ? I'll see a piece available , who should I say is calling , please ? John eng Hold the line , please.Mr Wood is in the meeting with managing director at the moment I afraid.Can I help you ? Well , I want to discuss with them the new control we said last week . I don't think the meet will go on much longer , should I ask him to call you when he is free . Yes , that will be easiest . Could I have your name again , please ? Yes , It's John eng . And the number ? 01088256798 Ok , you will be hearing from Mr Wood later in the afternoon then , Mr John . thank you for help.good bye . You are welcome , goodbye . I'd like to change some US dollars into euros and I'd like to know today's exchange rate . According to today's exchange rate , every US dollar in cash is equivalent to 0.75 euros . Is there any service charge ? We charge a 1 euro commission on each deal . How much would you like to change ? 400 US dollars . Here it is . Would you please give me small bills ? No problem . Why isn't the project done yet ? How should I know ? It's not my responsibility . I'm calling to confirm your booking . Good . You are booked on the A943 on 16/11 at 17:30 pm to Hong Kong with Cathy Pacific . That's excellent , thanks for all your help . Excuse me , Miss , can you tell me where the bank is ? Yes , the bus doesn ’ t go there directly.You have to take the No . 26 bus for five stops and then change to a No . 16 bus and get off at the third stop.When you get off , you can see the bank . How long will it take me to get there ? It ’ s about an hour . I see.Thank you . Not at all . Do you take in students ? I've been told you might have a vacant room . Yes . If you don't mind sharing room with someone else , there's one available . How much are you asking ? 800 Yuan a month . Could I have a look at it , please ? Sorry , but I'm on my way out now . Could you come back in an hour ? Waiter , get me rag , please . I have just spilled my wine . Let me help you . Thank you . Please bring me some paper napkins . Here you are . I think I should be more careful next time . There are many new kinds of newspapers . I find it hard to choose among them . Which is the most popular paper circulating in our city ? I'd recommend you the Morning Paper , it is true that the paper is a newly issued one , but its circulation is rising . Last month , it reached to three hundred thousand , which is a very good figure for a new paper . What's the reason that people prefer to read this one ? I think perhaps the news stories in it are truthful and accurate . It also has a special page about the stock market ; maybe this is the real reason for its popularity . Many people are now speculating in the stock market . I can predict it will have the largest circulation in one or two years . What can I do for you , sir ? Hmm , I want to change my traveler's cheque . Here is a traveler's cheque of 3,000 dollars . I would like to cash this cheque , please . No problem . May I see your identification ? Sure . How about my passport ? That's fine ! How would you like this cash back ? I want 20 hundred bills and the rest in fifties , please . Three thousand . Please check it , sir . Thank you and have a good day . Thank you and bye-bye ! May i help you ? I hope so , do you have a shopping skirts ? something i could wear working in a ban ? Sure , here you are . It is nice , may i try it on ? Yes , the fitting room is over there , it looks fantastic on you , this style color in sizes natural here and figure , perfectly . Does this fashion really fit my figure ? I think so , but the true thing is you look sharp in any style . Oh , thank you , just shows you what is going to max jemmy redate for all this body . Absolutely , i go to there to work three times a week , bend it for 6 month now . I thought you recognize she from there . Oh , you like the rolling machine . Yes , it is really good for my arms and shoulders , ok , i will take this one , do you have a blue in this size style ? i want one for my sister , she has a great figure and she loves blue . No problem , is this blue ok ? Oh , good , do you have a discount for two ? Yes , we do , there is a 90 percent for two . That is great , i will take this two , how much is that ? The total is 90 dollars including tax . Ok , 90 dollars , do you accept this card ? Yes , we do , debit or credit ? Debit card . Please keen your key number here , do you want to any extra cash back ? No , thanks . Have a good day . Thanks , you too , how see your maxes sometime . Great , take care . Thanks , byebye . Would you please teach me how to use the computer ? Sure , let's take a look at the menu first . Do I have to turn on the computer ? yes , we can look at the computer and computer menu at the same time.And this will help us understand both better . What should I learn first ? Right now I ' ll teach you to open files , save files and copy files . Are you ready ? I am ready I am going to get , let's start ! Do you have a free moment ? Sure . What do you need ? I ’ m having some trouble . How do you use this printer ? Well , first you have to turn this switch on . Silly me . Now press this button . Oh , and it ’ s out of paper . Do you have any more ? Just a second . I ’ ll go get some . I'm very worried , doctor . I'm afraid that I'm very ill . Why do you think so ? Because I feel tired all the time , even when I wake up in the morning . I find it very difficult to do any work . I have no appetite . How do you sleep ? Very badly , doctor . Are you worried about anything ? Well , yes , I am . I'm worried about my work . I've just taken a new job . I earn a lot of money but it's difficult work . I'm always afraid of making a mistake . Well , there's nothing much wrong with you . You're under too much pressure . How much should I pay ? Let me see . A roasted duck is $ 25 . A plate of pork is $ 6.50 . A bowl of beef is $ 7 . Two bottles of beer are $ 4 . That's a total of $ 42.50 . Here is $ 50 . Keep the change , please . Oh , sorry sir . We take no tips here . Thank you all the same . Are you ready to order ? Yes , I ’ ll have the Texas chili burger . Would you like fries with that ? A large , with tons of ketchup . And to drink ? I ’ ll have a diet coke , please . Is this dine-in or take-out ? Take-out , please . What is the scale of the company ? It is a large-scale business , which has more than two thousand staff . How many subsidiaries do you have ? There are over 20 subsidiaries around the world . Hi , I'm calling about the ad in the paper . Which ad would that be ? For the job . Good , which job is that ? We advertised several openings . Oh ! It was for a market sale manager . Is that still available ? Yes , it is . But we'll be making a decision on it pretty soon . Why don't you come in and fill out an application ? What company is this for ? I mean where's the opening ? We can discuss that when you come in and fill out the application . Well , I'm already in this field and know most of the companies . Before I come in to fill out an application , I need to know who it's with so I know whether or not I'm willing to work with them . I'm afraid I can't discuss that over the phone . So you're a headhunter . We're an Employment Agency . The road ahead is blocked . There might have been an accident . Are there many accidents in the city every day ? Not really , but they are on the rise . Please drive slowly , we've got lots of time . Safety first . Hello , welcome to prise star hotel . How may I do for you ? Hi , yes , I have a reservation . My secretary called and booked a room a couple of weeks ago , the reservation should be for a double bed , none smoking room . And what name of reservation made under ? It should be under Steve Johnson . Mmm , let me see , it seems there is no Johnson listed for a room for tonight , is there any other name that you reservation list under ? No , here is the confirmation number , would that help ? It is 898007 , I had the room booked with a visa cord card . Ah , yes , here it is , you have a standard double room , non smoking on the 3rd floor , I just need to see some identification and the credit card you booked the room with if you don ’ t mind . May I help you , madam ? Yes , where's the meat counter ? Follow me , please . Here it is . What do you want ? I need to buy some pork for the party . Give me about one kilogram . OK . Wait a second , please . I wonder if the chops are fresh . Yes , of course . One kilogram , too . Anything else ? No , thanks . May I help you ? Yes , please . Can I exchange money here ? Here we can exchange HAD , USD and Euros . Which do you require ? To be honest , I really wanted to exchange my GAP , but I suppose USD will be fine . I have some and I just need a little local currency for expenses . Could you tell me what the rate is like today ? At the moment it's 830.43 RIB for 100 USD , which is a pretty good rate . OK , that sounds fine . I think 200 USD worth of RIB should be plenty , thanks . Now , Miss Childs passed on your resume to me and I ’ Ve had the chance to look it over and I must say I ’ m quite impressed . Thank you very much . I ’ Ve tried to keep it short and clear.If there ’ s any questions please feel free to ask me . Well yes , I do have a number of questions , but perhaps first you could give me a brief overview I ’ d like to get a little bit of an idea of your background . Yes , of course . Well as you can see from the resume I ’ m 27 and grew up in Brooklyn , New York , although our family moved to London when I was quite young , at around 16 . Ah I see , so you were actually educated in Europe ? Yes precisely . Although I was born in the US , I would definitely call London home . But as you see I ’ Ve actually spent a lot of my life moving from country to country . My Father was in the oil business Very interesting . So it seems you had quite an adventurous childhood . Absolutely ! We were never still for too long . But now I ’ m really looking to settle down . I see . Okay , well let ’ s move on to discuss your education shall we ? Sure . Anything else ? Yes , one last thing . How much holiday time do you give your employees every year ? Our employees receive 15 days of paid vacation every year . If you don't use the full 15 days , they carry over to the following year . How about sick days ? You get 5 paid sick days . Any other benefits ? Yes , we have an excellent retirement plan and medical insurance as well . Great . Thanks so much for your time . We'll contact you soon , Tom . Thanks for coming in . Why do you want to eat western food so much today ? Anything special to celebrate ? Did you get a promotion ? Honey , you really forgot about it ? Think it over . It's a candlelight dinner . It's not your birthday , also not mine . Hey , come on . Just tell me . It's our wedding anniversary , honey . How can you forget about it ? My dear , tomorrow is our wedding anniversary . We've been together for 20 years . But you never change . Always so careless ! Do you remember the thing that happened on our wedding day ? Of course . I almost missed my own wedding . Yeah . Do you know that this restaurant used to be the teahouse where we first met ? Oh , really ! It looks so different . Our old place turns into a brand new place . Do you remember our first date ? I got a really special gift . I can never forget that . I bought you five candies , but I was so anxious that I forgot to give them to you . You didn't get them until we parted . Then they had already melted down for I held them the whole time . Yeah , it's really unforgettable . Thank you for making me happy all these years . You are the one I should thank . You've done really great job . I'm here to sign the agreement . I'm sorry . The agreement hasn't been fully prepared . It will be ready by tomorrow . Can you speed it up and let us have it today ? I will try my best . Here is the draft . Would you please go over it and see if any modifications are needed ? Let me have a look.Well , it contains basically all we have agreed upon . How about the terms concerning packing ? I don't think so . If you totally agree , I'll type the agreement this evening and have it duplicated for signatures . That's fine . Welcome to Perfect Getaway Tours . How can I help you ? I would like to plan a surprise getaway for me and my wife . Very well , we have a couple of different options such as beaches , the wilderness , the countryside or even going to a spa for the weekend . I think something in the countryside would be nice . Perfect ! This package includes round-trip flights to New Hampshire . A free airport pick-up is included . Our VIP limousine will pick you up and provide you with complimentary champagne and finger foods to soften the thirty-minute ride to the countryside . Sounds good ! What is the hotel that we will be staying at like ? That is the best part . Your hotel is actually an old country villa that has been restored and refurbished to accommodate a maximum of that is guests . You will enjoy an intimate and private time in this very spacious and warm N Included in the price is three meals a day , excluding beverages . You can choose to eat at the fabulous restaurant that offers a stunning view of the lush , green gardens . If you prefer , your own private butler can arrange your meal to be served in your room or outside on our terrace . Wow ! This sounds like something my wife would really enjoy ! Are there any outdoor activities we can take part in ? Of course ! The hotel has a stable with beautiful stallions for a very romantic horseback ride along the country trail . You can also go fishing to the nearby lake or visit the local vineyard . I ’ m sold ! I want to book this trip . I don ’ t care what it costs ! Money is no object ! Now let's use the weight machines . How about the rowing machine Great . They've all got built-in TVs . Cool ! We can watch Ally Mcneal ! But we could just stay there for 20 minutes . What exercises can I do to firm up my backside I would recommend doing some squats . Spread your feet about shoulder-length apart , toes facing forward , and slowly bend at your knees . Like this ? Keep your back straight and look forward . Good . Do about 3 sets of 20 . Hello , Bill.May I borrow your pen ? Sure , which one ? The red one or the blue one ? The blue one , please . You may keep it for the time being . I'm not using it now . Good morning sir , I come to fetch me suit . Sure . May I see your receipt ? Here you are . That's right . Try it on . Well , I think the waist is a little tight and the sleeves are too long . Really ? Let me see . I'm hungry , let's order up something to eat . Ok , maybe we can order a soup and a salad from the restaurant down the street . I was thinking of getting a hamburger , fries and a chocolate sundae . You eat too much junk food . That sort of stuff clogs up your arteries and is very high in cholesterol . Well I never seem to gain weight so I don't mind . It's not only about getting fat or not , it's about being healthy . You could really have some health problems later on . How about pizza or maybe some fried chicken ! Better yet , let's order some hot dogs ! You are a lost cause . What's wrong with you ? I'm trying to send the instruction book by E-mail , but I failed many , many times . And there is something wrong with the net maybe . It's so slow . Well , maybe the net is slow now . Try it again . I am used to editing with Word 2003 , and there are many pictures in the book . It's beyond question . You can save it the same as a document . I merely know how to send the direct letter . But I am not familiar with the attachment . It's the same as usual . The only difference lies in that you need to paste the book as an attachment . Can I mail the book if it is a large file ? There are limitations to the capacity of an E-mail . Commonly it's no more than 4 MB . What if it exceeds the capacity ? You can divide it into several documents to mail . Or you can download the mentioned software from the warning . What was your duty like in your previous job ? We have a team to make itineraries of the tour , evaluate the value of it for one tourist and recommend the routine for different tourists . Can you name a few examples ? Yes . There are selected itineraries for rich and high-tasted people , common routine for people who are on trade observation tour , and excursion routine for people who have limited time for sightseeing . I have no idea what to buy for Mary for her birthday . Me neither ! Would you like to go in and buy her a gift together ? Yes , that would be good ! We need to think about what she might like . What are her interests ? If I remember right , she likes music , skiing , and reading . You know , maybe we could get her some concert tickets . Who would know her favorite groups ? Her roommate , Malia , might know what her favorite groups are . Yeah , Malia would be able to help us choose a concert . Let's give Malia a call and ask her for her help right now . Good ! Maybe Malia would like to go in with us on this gift . When should I make my presence known ? Wait for my instructions and then proceed accordingly . Hello , Mr . Thomas . Could you spare a minute ? What do you need ? I need to talk to you about that new driver you ’ Ve hired . I think I am going to have some problems working with him . He seems to be quite qualified . If it is a personal problem I preferred if you would work out between yourselves . Excuse me , when is the next train to Los Angeles ? 10 fifteen a . m . Can I get the ticket here ? Sorry . You have to buy your ticket at the next counter . Thank you . Guess what , Gilly ? I won both bids . Good for you . Did you use Paypal ? Yeah . It was so easy and super-fast , once I figured it out . That's the beauty of it , and the danger . I should get the items within a week . But in the meantime I'm bidding on a digital video camera . How much ? Thirty U . S . dollars ... and it's only been used for six months . Mmmm , sounds like risky business . Good luck . Here's your roast chicken , ma'am . Thank you . Excuse me , waiter , could you bring me some barbecue sauce ? Certainly . ( He brings her the sauce ) Here you are . Can get you anything else ? I'm fine for now , thanks . Front Desk . Will you wake me up in the morning ? Yes , what time would you like a wake-up call ? At 7 am sharp . We've been discussing the project for two hours . Let's take a break . Sounds good . I want to go get some coffee . Sam , can we stop at this bicycle shop ? Do you want to buy a new bicycle ? Yes , and they have a sale on now . What happened to your old one ? I left it at my parent's house , but I need one here as well . I've been using Jim's old bike but he needs it back . Let's go then . Look at this mountain bike . It is only £ 330 . Do you like it ? I prefer something like this one - a touring bike , but it is more expensive . How much is it ? The price on the tag says £ 565 but maybe you can get a discount . OK , let's go and ask . May I see your boarding pass ? Here you go . 48C . It's on your left hand side . Thank you . Please fasten your seat belt , miss . Oops ! I forgot . Also , please place your carry-on luggage either under your seat or in the overhead compartment . I think I'll put my bag in the overhead compartment . Allow me to give you a hand . Yeah , I ’ Ve just moved here , and I ’ d like to activate my cell phone , and I ’ m not sure if I should go with a prepaid plan , or a monthly rate plan . I see . Well , can I have a look at your phone ? Unfortunately , this phone can ’ t be used in the US . it ’ s not compatible with our 3G network . What ? Really ? I don ’ t really want to have to buy a new phone . Well , you ’ re in luck ! You see , if you sign up for our three-year plan , we ’ ll throw in a handset for free . Really ? What ’ s the catch ? There ’ s no catch ! You just choose a plan , sign a three-year contract and , that ’ s it ! Actually , we ’ re running a special promotion right now , and we ’ regiving away a Blackberry Curve with our special Mega Value forty dollar plan . So what does this plan include ? Well , you get nine hundred anytime minutes , and you can also enjoy free mobile to mobile calling to other Tel-Mobile clients , one thousand text messages per month , and unlimited evening and weekend minutes . Oh , and we also offer a rollover option . Wow , all this for forty dollars per month ? That ’ s right , plus the activation fee , the emergency services fee , the monthly service fee , oh , and any charges for extra minutes , and ... Here we are this is my favorite place . How many times have you been here ? I've never counted . I would like to sit near the window . Please be seated . It's my treat today . Thank you . It's so busy here . Fast food restaurants are popular now . What would you like to eat ? I'd like to have a steak sandwich and a medium fry . Want something to drink ? Coke please . Oh , no , a cup of hot chocolate will be fine . My TV hasn't got a clear picture recently.How ' s yours ? It's OK . I can always get a clear picture on it . I think something is wrong with mine . You'd better have it fixed . What can I do for you , sir ? I want to have a bath . Do you want to have a tub bath , surfing bath or shower ? Shower , please . All right . The fitting room is over there . How much should I pay ? $ 100 . But we will charge you $ 200 as a deposit . Hey , Terry , have all the players got here ? Yeah , most of them have arrived . Don't worry . There are still 20 minutes left before the match . OK . By the way , the stadium is terrific . Of course . It's a newly-built one . We are lucky to play in a new stadium . Hurry up , Benjamin ! Pass the ball to me . I'm good at shooting . Look out . Catch the ball . You should dunk besides the three-point line . Oh , God ! I didn't touch anybody . How can I commit a foul ? Just calm down . It's just a turnover . Make up your mind and we can shoot well . Yes , I got it . Come on , Benjamin , don't let him get into the paint . No problem , I once played a 2 - meter-high player successfully . Really ? You must be ... But that game he dunked over me for 13 times . That's interesting . Let's hurry up , we should beat them in the first half . Oh , look , what's happened to Jack ? He sat down . He may be injured . Yes , come on , call the team doctor . May I help you , sir ? I need a hat . Would you show me some ? Certainly , here you are . I like the black one . May I try it on ? Of course . It fits you perfectly . Yes , I thinks so . How much is it ? It's forty-five yuan . Can you make it much cheaper ? Sorry , our prices are set . What's for dinner ? Leftovers . What ? Leftovers of what and from when ? From last night ! I took the left over turkey , mixed it with some diced peppers and onions , added a little bit of mayonnaise and made some sandwiches ! Isn't that dangerous though ? I mean bacteria and germs reproducing on food that was left out or re-heated ? Well , I didn't leave the turkey out at room temperature for more than a an hour and I refrigerated it soon after we finished eating . Also , when reheating , I put it in the oven for fifteen minutes at one hundred degrees Celsius . Well OK , I am just afraid of getting food poisoning . Don't worry about it ! Making a new meal out of leftovers is almost an art ! Not only do you save money , but you also get to be creative and have something different to eat ! Mrs . Phoebe , let's talk about the delivery arrangement for our goods . Sure . What's your date of delivery ? I informed my company and was told that the first five thousand by the end of this month . What about the balance of the order ? Can they also arrive at our company quickly ? We can deliver the balance at the price already quoted in 10 days . Can you deliver them earlier ? I am afraid we can not do that . Would you be willing to sign an annual contract on the basis we discussed ? Possibly , subject to quality and delivery guarantees . Of course . Well , in that case we could offer a 5 % discount for a confirmed monthly order for the next 12 months . I was looking forward to something a bit more substantial . As you know , we have long-time cooperation . I'm afraid that's as far as we could go . We'd already be stretching ourselves to the limit . Well , let's shake on that and draw up the details of the contract . Good afternoon , what can I do for you today ? I'd like to get some details about a Personal Housing Loan , please . That's no problem . We have many different ways to go about getting a mortgage and all with terms to suit you . You see , I've just got married and we are looking at getting on the property ladder with our first home . Well , congratulations ! It's lovely being a newly wed , but also so much pressure . Could you tell me what kind of property you are looking for ? Yes , just a simple apartment , nothing too big . Yes , I see . There are just the two of you at the moment . Please take a look through this brochure ; it's especially for first-time-buyers . I think it'll be very helpful . That's great , exactly what I need to know . Thanks . I really need to go shopping . What do you need to buy ? I need to look for a new bedroom set . Where are you going to go look for one ? I have absolutely no idea . You don't know where you want to look for one ? No , I'm not sure where they sell nice bedroom sets . Do you want to know where I got mine from ? Yes , because I love yours . I purchased mine from IKEA . Is IKEA affordable ? Not at all , but you get what you pay for . Welcome to the National Post . How may I help you ? Hi , I would like to send this package to China , and these postcards as well . Very well . You will need some stamps for the postcards and I need to weigh that package . How much is this going to cost ? Well , it depends . Do you want to send it via priority , express or standard mail ? What ’ s the difference ? Well , standard mail can take up to fifteen working days . Priority is a bit faster and will arrive in about five to eight working days . Express is the fastest , but it ’ s also the most expensive . It only takes three days and you can track your package online . I see . Well , there ’ s no rush . Please send it via priority mail . Please be extra careful , the contents of the package are fragile . Have you anything to declare ? One bottle of perfume and a watch . Where did you buy it ? In Boston . Do you travel a lot ? Oh ... I go to see my sister twice a year or so . Twice a year ? How long has your sister lived in Boston ? Nearly ten years . I see , that's a long time.How much was the watch ? I can't remember , but I've got the receipt somewhere.Would you like to see it ? Yes , I'd like to see the receipt.Oh ! I see you bough the watch last week . Yes.Does that mean I'll have to pay duty on it ? Yes , I'm afraid you will.Altogether on the watch and the perfume you owe me seven pounds . Ok.Here you are.Is that all right now ? Yes , that's fine . I hope you enjoyed your stay in Boston ? Yes , I did . I had a fine time . How ’ s it going ? I ’ m fine . Thanks for asking . What did you need ? I would like to make a withdrawal . How much money would you like to withdraw ? I want to take out $ 300 . Which account are you making this withdrawal from ? I want it taken from my checking account . All right , here is your $ 300 . Thanks a lot . Is there anything else that I can do for you today ? No . That ’ s everything . Thank you . Welcome to IBA . What can we do for you today ? Hello . I'm a Financial Manager in a local company and we'd like to open a Foreign Currency Account with you . I see . That shouldn't be a problem , Sir . Which currency would you require ? We have recently started doing a lot of business with British companies , so we'd like to open a GAP account . How should we go about this ? The first step is to fill in the Account Opening Application and the accompanying Seal Card , stamped with your company's seal . I mean , the business seal and the corporate seal . We also need your Business Licence and the Enterprise Standard Code Certificate . Then we can go on to the next step . That's great . Let's begin as soon as possible . Stewardess ! Yes , sir ? May I have a magazine or a newspaper please ? What kind of magazines would you like , fashion or sports ? I'd like sports , please . OK . I'll be right back with you . Oh ! I read this before . May I have another one instead please ? I can ’ t believe these skirts are so cheap . I know and they are really nice , too . I ’ ll have to get a couple in different colors . Me , too . Buy them now though , or they might not still be here tomorrow . Good idea , especially at this price . Betty , something is burning . Can you smell it ? You ’ re right . Look ! The iron is still on . I should have turned it off . I ’ ll turn it off now . Look at my nice blue shirt , there ’ s a big hole in it . I ’ m sorry , Jim . Never mind , dear . Can you put me through to May Flower Restaurant , please ? Just a second ... Sorry , the line is engaged . OK , I ’ ll try later . Thanks anyway . You ’ re welcome . What does your company do exactly ? We design and assemble a wide range of electric generators for hospitals , hotels anc small factories . We specialise in medium-sized generators but we're hoping to diversify into larger models next year . And who do you sell to ? We export to Eastern Europe and the Far East . The domestic market accounts for about 40 percent of our total sales . One Grand Slam breakfast for you ! Thanks . You know , I just noticed that these eggs are fried , and I ordered scrambled . Thank you for pointing that out . I mistakenly gave you your friend's breakfast . Not a problem . I can just trade my plate with his . A special order of banana pancakes for you ! Pancakes ? I don't like pancakes . I ordered waffles . I am so sorry , madam ! I can eat my bacon and eggs while you are exchanging my pancakes for waffles . I will go trade those pancakes for waffles right now . That would take care of it , thank you . Let's start the interview with some questions . Tell me about yourself and your past experience . I have 10 years financial industry experience , working for several companies . For the past two years , I have been working in an investment banking . In addition to my analytical mindset , I have a background of solid accounting principles . I am a team player and have great communication and interpersonal skills . I thrive on challenge and work well in high-stress environments . What finance experience have you had that qualifies you for this position ? My background and experience include working on a variety of projects and jobs in the financial industry . Most of my experience has been behind the scenes , doing the calculations . I want to work with clients and continue to grow and be challenged . Why did you leave your last position ? I'm not finding the work as challenging as I used to . I want to find a job that is stimulating , where I can grow . What are your strengths and weaknesses ? One of my strengths is my ability to be flexible . I've seen companies go through many changes in structure and management philosophy . I've had to adjust my style to the new environment several times . As far as weaknesses , I really enjoy my work , and sometimes I put in too much time . But by being aware of my tendency to overwork , I have learned to pace myself more and work less overtime . How would your boss describe you and your work style ? She'd say I have a lot of initiative , I see the big picture and I do what has to be done . Second , I always meet deadlines . If I say I'm going to do something , I do it . Lastly , I have the ability to focus on what I'm working on I am not easily distracted . What are your salary expectations ? I'm sure whatever you offer will be a fair amount for a person with my qualifications . Salary is not the most important factor to me . I'm looking for opportunity . Do you have any questions ? Yes , I do . What do you see as the future trends for the industry ? I beg your pardon ? I said , ' Do you need any help ? ' That's very nice of you . I guess I could use some help . Just tell me what you'd like me to do . Are you ready , Pa ? In a second . Have you got a torch ? No . Here it is . Let's go . In China at least , coffee is often associated with an exotic , well-to-do bourgeois lifestyle . Coffee is often considered a hobby of the well-educated , middle-class people . Maybe that's why some young chaps often spend a whole afternoon in a coffee bar , surfing the net or just typewriting something with laptop . While they are savoring a coffee at a leisured pace , they are actually showing off ! Yes . Behind a lifestyle , there is a culture . Young people easily become blind worshippers of a Westernized life . While they may not really like coffee , they think it desirable and enviable to be lavish with money in those high-consumption places . Then what about tea ? We need to bear in mind in the first place that tea , rather than coffee , has been the most popular drink for the Chinese people . Well . Tea represents another facet of popular culture . While a coffee bar is usually quiet and resonates with soft , elegant music , a teahouse is often a noisy , crowded , public space . People visit teahouses to associate with others , playing chess , chatting , or simply listening to operas . What a pity that the traditional teahouses , as depicted by Lao She , keep fading away so quickly in this metropolis . It is not easy to find an old-fashioned teahouse that suits the ordinary people's spending power either . Teahouses of today all feature a cozy , comfortable environment , and high-quality services , but can easily cost you a good deal — just like a coffee bar . Well , that's true . In a sense , it is not so much what you drink that really counts , as where and how you drink . How about we taking a tour to Hawaii ? I have a 2 - weeks ' vacation . That sounds fantabulous . I have dreamed of going there for months . Me , too . Why don't we get ready now ? Sure . I don't want to waste even a minute . Good afternoon . How can I help ? Hi there . I need to change some dollars into local currency . Can I do that here ? Yes , you can . Is that US dollars or HK dollars ? Both are available for exchange to RIB . How much would you like to exchange ? Well , that depends . What's the rate like today ? Today's rate is 821.32 USD to 100 RIB , which isn't bad . That sounds pretty good . OK , I'll change 500 USD today , thanks . Dad , when will you finish your cooking ? Several minutes . So what should I do now ? Then , pass me a bowl for the soup . Where's the bowl gone ? Look for it yourself , please ! Kinda busy here , Daniel ! Dad ? Check the drawer . OK , got it , but its shape is so strange . I don't like it . Can it hold soup ? Maybe . It smells sweet . Mom and May are gonna love it . Get them for dinner , Daniel ! Mommy , dinner , please ! Hello ! Where can I buy an inexpensive cashmere sweater ? Maybe you should look around for an outlet . That is a wonderful idea . Outlets have more reasonable prices . Thank you for your help . No problem . Good luck . This is what my boss is expecting , Sandy . He wants a detailed list of expenses and equipment costs . That ’ s going to take a while to put together , Paul . The sooner , the better , Sandy . I don ’ t think he ’ ll sign anything till he ’ s got that in his hands . I ’ ll get to work on it right away . Anything else ? OK , so now the last point on our agenda . Jill , let's go over the profit and loss statement . Great . Well , the main issue here , as you can see , is that our expenses are through the roof . Let ’ s see ... These numbers are off the charts ! What's going on here ! Well , um , sir , the company expenditures on entertainment and travel are out of control . Look at these bills for example . Just this month we ’ Ve paid over twenty thousand dollars for hotel charges ! OK , thank you . I ’ ll look into it . The list goes on and on . Here , this is a bill for five thousand dollars for spa treatments ! Thank you.that will be all . I ’ ll take care of it . Look at this one sir , eight thousand dollars were spent in one night at a place calledWild Things ? ! OK , I get it ! ! Thank you for your very thorough analysis ! Sorry to have smoked in your room . Don ’ t worry . I ’ ll open the window . It ’ s very kind of you . Smoking is harmful for your health . I know . I ’ ll try to give it up . I wonder what we should have for dinner this evening . Are you asking me ? Yes , I am . I really don't feel much like cooking , but the family must eat . Well , you know me . I can always eat pizza , or spaghetti . So I've noticed . You're putting on a little weight , aren't you ? I know . Don't remind me . I'm starting a new diet the day after tomorrow . It's about time . Show me the photos of the latest hair styles , will you ? Here you are . This one will suit me best.What do you think ? I'm sure you'll look grand when it's done.Would you like to have a shampoo after a while ? No , thank you . How about oil or spray ? No , nothing of the kind . Ow ! What's the matter , Andy ? I slipped and fell downstairs . Have you hurt yourself ? Yes , I have . I think that I've hurt my back . Try and stand up . Can you stand up ? Here . Let me help you . I'm sorry , Lucy . I'm afraid that I can't get up . I think that the doctor had better see you . I'll telephone Dr Carter . The doctor says that he will come at once . I'm sure that you need an X-ray , Andy . I really need to apply for a driving permit . Do you have your ID with you ? I may have left my ID in my car . Well , I need your ID and $ 27 . I'll go get it really quick . Please hurry . Here it is . Thank you very much . Please fill out this paperwork . I need to use a pen . Here you go . Thank you very much . Thank you . Now turn in your application at Window B . Good afternoon . Lotus Catering Company . Lilian speaking . May I help you ? Good afternoon . Lilian . This is Tom Baker over at Beck ’ s Trading company . We need to arrange a banquet for next Wednesday afternoon . I see , Mr . Baker . How many people are you planning to invite and how much would you like to spend per person ? Well . We ’ re expecting about twenty-five people and we ’ d like to spend no more than $ 20 a head . Hi , are you being helped ? No , I'm not . I am interested in some scarves . All our scarves are in this section . What do you think of this one here ? It's made of silk . Hm , It looks nice , but I ’ d like to have something warm for the winter . Maybe you would like a heavy wool scarves . How about this one ? I think that's what I want . How much is it ? It's 75 dollars plus tax . It's a little expensive . Do you think it's possible to get a discount ? Since you like it so much , how about a 10 % discount ? That's the best I can offer . That's good . Could you wrap it for me ? Sure . Is there anything else I can get for you ? No , that should be it . Thank you ! Hello ! Is your taxi engaged ? No , this taxi is free . Please take me to the Honging Hotel . OK . Please get in . I'm glad to serve you . Could you get there in twenty minutes ? It will take half an hour to get to the hotel . I am in a hurry . Please take a shortcut . I have a friend waiting for me . OK , I promise we'll get there in twenty minutes . Thanks . Hello , Cindy . Congratulations ! I hear you ’ re getting married . Yes , Mr . Emory . Thank you . When ’ s the big day ? We ’ re planning a June wedding , but we haven ’ t picked a date yet . Hello , my name is Clark . May I speak to Mr . Allen , please ? This is Rick Allen speaking . Can I help you ? Mr . Allen , I have just received your note which informs me that you have offered the accountant position to another candidate . May I ask why I was defeated ? We have thought of you very carefully , but the other candidate has more experience . Experience is indeed very important , but don ’ t you think capability is more important than it ? Of course , I think so . But how can you prove to me that you are more capable ? Maybe you could hire me on trial , if I ’ m not qualified for this position , you can let me go . That ’ s a good idea . Would you show me this brooch ? Yes , I would . What is this made of ? It's sapphire . We have only one brooch of this type . Will you try it on ? Yes , I will . But how much is it ? Only 700 yuan . It's expensive for me . How about this one ? This is 500 yuan and the same kind of material as that one . It is genuine , isn't it ? Oh , yes . Any kind of goods are dependable as our shop is well-known throughout the city . Bill , will you be free at noon ? Yes . What can I do for you ? We need a new filing cabinet in the office . Could you go downtown with me after lunch ? All right . Have you got an idea about what type to buy ? Yes , the same as the one we have . And we also need some small articles in the office , such as pens , clips , erasers and sticky notes . Can you remember them all ? Susan has already given me a list of all the stationery which we need to buy . Mum , pass me some more please ! Tina , you should have more nutritious food . Don't eat these crisps any more . But the ads say they're most nutritious . Have you ever heard the ads say anything bad about their products ? Have you got the medicine yet ? Yes , I've been given so much , that I simply don't know what to do with it all . Well , these are for internal use.You take a packet each time.Four times a day . What about these ? They're painkillers.You take one tablet when you feel a pain , but not more than once within four hours . I see.Thank you , doctor . Do you know our major business ? Yes , I know it is one of the leading industries in the petrochemical field . Do you have a long-term plan for your career ? Yes , I hope I will be a manager in 5 years . Hello , this is Julie from Google Corp . Is that Jin Lili ? Yes , this is Jin Lili . What can I do for you I am calling to impart the news that you are supposed to have an interview . There is too much static on the line . I said that you are supposed to have an interview . Pardon ? I can hardly hear you . I will call you later . I'd like to mail this letter to Taipei . Where ? Taiwan . That'll be 64 cents . Okay . Can I also have a sheet of 20 sixty-four-cent stamps ? Sure . The total comes to twelve dollars and eighty cents . By the way , how much does it cost to send a package to Taiwan ? That depends on the weight . I see . Excuse me , would you like a drink before your meal ? Pardon me ? Would you like a drink ? Oh , I see . I'll have a beer please Ok , here you are . Thank you . How much is it ? Well , all the drinks including beer are free of charge . Are you sure ? Then I'd love more beer please Don't worry . It would be back again a little later . Are you finished ? Yes , may I have some more beer ? Oh , sure . I'll be back in a minute . I think I may rent this apartment from you . That would be wonderful . Can you tell me how much I would have to pay for rent ? The rent is $ 1050 every month . That ’ s way too much . What is good for you ? I can afford about $ 800 a month for rent . That ’ s not high enough . How much more are you thinking ? I can let it go at $ 900 a month . That ’ s almost perfect . I can live with that too . Could you bring me some food , please ? Sure . What do you fancy ? Can I have a bottle of champagne , lobster tail , and filet mignon , medium rare ? Sir , the filet mignon was so popular tonight that we ran out . May I suggest the porterhouse ? Oh , no filet ? Okay , porterhouse will be fine then . Perhaps you would like chocolate-covered strawberries with the champagne ? Not tonight , but thank you for the suggestion . Okay . This will be charged to your amenities account , okay ? No problem . Your food will be brought to you momentarily . I hope you enjoy it . I'm worrying that she may be lost . Be relaxed . She is familiar with the area . After all , she is a five-year-old kid . Ok , I'll go out and look for her . Room service.What can I do for you ? This is room 504.The room is so cold . Have you turned on the air-conditioner ? Yes.of course . I turned it on half an hour ago . I don't think it work at all . I am sorry , sir.We will send our staff right now . Good afternoon , sir . Gan I help you ? Good afternoon , I want to pick up a new shaver since the old one has retired . Which brand are you interested in ? I'm still not sure . The type with top quality , I guess . Well , which one do you recommend ? Do you prefer imported ones or domestic ones ? It doesn't matter much . If it has high quality and reasonable price , it will be OK . How about Flymo ? It's selling well . Do you have a warranty on it ? Of course . The warranty period is one year . If there's something wrong with it in a week , can I come back to change it ? Sure . But you must show us the receipt . If something comes up , we'll change it for you . OK . I'll take one . Could I get some beef ? What kind of beef would you like to get ? Ground beef would be fine . How many pounds would you like ? Four pounds is enough . What kind of ground beef do you want ? I'm going to need extra lean ground beef . I can get that for you . Thanks so much . You're welcome , Let me go wrap the ground beef up for you . Thanks for everything . I want to change rooms . In fact , I want a refund for tonight ! If you tell me the exact problem , I can be more helpful . Cockroaches have declared war on my room ! Allow me to apologize . I'll give you another room right now , and a full refund for tonight . Thank you for not asking me to collect the roaches in a jar as evidence . Sir , only your mother wants to please you more than we do . We have some quality-control problems . Mr . Zhang . We need to go to the source to work them out . What problems are you having exactly ? The complaint rate for our new product line is very high , almost eight percent . That is high . Yes . We keep finding problems when testing the sound boards . But your promotional materials claim the broads are the least expensive of their types on the market . The least expensive , but still fully functional . And we think that your factory needs to take measures to improve quality-control . That will involve additional expenses for us , which we will have to pass on to you as a rate hike . I am afraid that is not acceptable . Your contract says that you will deliver a product with a reject rate of less than six percent . Well . I will tell you what , Mr . Li . I will review the contract and talk with management . Then we will get together and hash this out . Why don ’ t we go for Teppanyaki tonight ? Mmm ... to be honest , I ’ d rather go for a pizza . Actually , I haven ’ t had a pizza for a while . Let ’ s do that then . Ok , shall we go to Pizza Hut or Pizza Italia ? If it were up to me , I ’ d prefer to go to Pizza Hut . The toppings are much tastier . I think you ’ re absolutely right . Ok , that ’ s decided then ! See you tonight . Is this the right counter to check in for this flight ? Yes , it is . Please put your luggage on this scale . OK . Is the plane on schedule ? Yes , it is . How many pieces of hand luggage do you have ? Two . What happened ? That ’ s it , my lease is up . I have to move . What ? Why ? Can ’ t you renew it ? The owner apparently is selling this place to make way for the construction of a parking lot . Well , I can help you pack . We should start looking for a new place for you ASAP . I think I might move in with my parents for a couple of months until I can find something . You know how hard it is to find a decent place around here . I ’ m gonna have to put most of my stuff in storage for a while . Well , let me know if there ’ s anything I can do to help out . Actually , would you mind looking after my pet tarantula and snake for a couple of weeks ? Can you help me , please ? Is there a public restroom near here ? I'm sorry , but I don't think so . Oh , no ! ! My son needs a bathroom . Well , there's a department store on Grant Street . There are restrooms in the basement . Where on Grant Street ? Between Second and Third Streets . The store is across from the hotel . Thank you very much . You're welcome . How do I know when to tell EDD that have I started a new job ? Work is work , whether it ’ s a part-time or temporary job or a full-time gig . So I guess I have to report that I ’ Ve found a little bit of work . All you need to do is fill in the blanks correctly on the Continued Claim Form , and the EDD Office will take care of the rest . What about if I find a job that I know will only last for a couple of weeks ? Can I take it ? It is to your advantage to work as much as you can . I'm sorry . Is that bicycle yours ? Yes , it is . What about it ? I backed into it while I was trying to get into the parking lot . I see . I'm really sorry . I'll face the music . Where did you hit it ? Right here . See the scratch ? Oh , Yes , I see it now . I ’ d like to withdraw some money from my account . Can I see your passbook and with your draft please ? Sure ? Let me just make sure . You want to withdraw one thousand dollars . That ’ s right . Excuse me , ma'am , can I help you find anything ? Yes , I would like to buy a pair of dress shoes . What size do you wear ? Ten and a half . How about this pair ? No , I don't like black . What have you got in brown ? How about these ? Oh , Lord , no . Those are ugly . What else do you have ? Well , there's this pair . Hmm , they're not too bad . Which university did you graduate from ? I graduated from Hebes University . What subject did you major in at university ? I majored in Economics . Tell me about the courses of your major in university . I take more than 50 courses in university , including microeconomics , macroeconomics , marketing principles , sales management , statistics , and so on . How did you get on with your studies in university ? I did well in university . I was one of the top students in the class . What subject did you minor in ? I didn't minor in any subject when I was in university , but I attended English and computer courses . And I am currently studying finance in a training school . Janice , the president of our company , Mr Smith , will invite two programmers to give us a lecture this afternoon . Are all the members notified ? Yes . I have given all the designers notice of meeting by telephone . Is the room ready for the lecture now ? Yes , I have prepared . I have also prepared a meeting memo . Excellent . How about the microphone and speaker ? I have also got them ready for the lecture . Write up the official notice in duplicate . Do not forget to put name cards and pens on the tables for our guests . Sure . How would you seat them ? I have prepared name cards to be put on the conference table for everyone to sit by . What time would you like to provide the refreshment ? Well , after the half of the meeting , there will be an interval for rest and refreshment . What does a housing go for in south mountain district ? It depends on the type of the house you're looking for . We ’ re looking for a three-bedroom home . What ’ s your general price range ? Under 300,000 RIB , we suppose . Umm , I think I would be hard to find something in that range in this area . You know the environment in the south mountain district is the nicest . What about a two-bedroom house ? A two-bedroom house in this area is generally around 250,000 RIB . I see . I recommend you buy a two-bedroom house . It is very suitable for a couple , and some two-bedroom houses are large enough for a one-child family . Okay , I will take it into consideration . Look at the traffic . It ’ s terrible ! I know . There are too many cars on the roads these days . I agree . It makes it difficult to breathe . Yes , there ’ s too much pollution too ! Good morning , can I help you ? Yes , I'd like to check out . Yes , of course sir . What's your name and your room number , PLS ? Jack Remington , room 1408 . Ok , here is your bill , Mr . Remington . Which of these is my bill ? Oh , I am sorry sir . I forgot to explain that to you . This one is an allowance slip . We made a mistake in your bill and overcharged you 120 dollars . So we had to write up an allowance slip and deduct 120 dollars from your bill . I see . So this is the bill then and the total is ... ? Down here , 800 dollars . How do you wish to settle your account , sir , in cash or by credit card ? In cash . Is that US dollars ? Yes . Just a moment , PLS . I'll write out a receipt for you . What can I do for you , sir ? I am Tim Green in Room 1021 and I want a wake-up call at five thirty AM tomorrow . Yes , I see . five thirty AM Mr . Green , Room 1021 . I want to change my wake-up time . Ok , could you tell me your room number and your name ? Tim , in Room 1021 . And when would you want us call you this time ? At six thirty AM tomorrow . Ok , six thirty AM . We will call you exactly on that time . Merry Christmas ! Let ’ s paint the town red . Cheers ! What do you think of the apartment ? I like it , but there is one problem . What problem is that ? The faucet in the kitchen is leaking . I don ’ t understand what the big deal is . That leak is a problem for my water bill . What you would like me to do about it ? The leak must be fixed . I won ’ t be able to fix it at the moment . I will not rent the apartment with that leaking faucet . If that ’ s the case , then I will fix the faucet . Thanks for understanding . Hello , are you Muriel Douglas ? Yes , and you must be James . It's nice to meet you at long last . Yes , you too . Thanks for agreeing to meet with us about the new account . My associate , Susan Kim , should be here any minute . Would you like something to drink while we're waiting ? No , thanks . I'm fine . Did you have a nice holiday ? Yes , I did . My family and I went to Tahoe to ski and the weather was great . How about you ? I stayed in L . A . and it was sunny the entire weekend . We spent most of the time at home but we did go see King Kong on Christmas day . How did you like it ? It was better than I expected . But , you know , I think I would have enjoyed skiing in Tahoe even better . Do you go there often ? No , not much . My wife doesn't like to ski . She prefers vacationing where it's warmer , like Hawaii . I don't blame her . I really enjoyed it there when we went a few years ago . I'd like to go back sometime soon . Yes , me too . Oh , here's Susan now . Let me introduce you . Did you hear something ? Oh , it is my cell phone ringing . I set it in the vibration mode . It is a good habit to set your cell phone to vibrate . It is very annoying to hear the loud and sudden ring tone in quiet offices . You are right . Some ring tone is just terribly loud . You can hear it even in the next door . It is really a kind of distraction . Maybe we can write a report to the boss to see what can be done . Good idea . Good Morning , Mrs . Schmidt ! I see you're standing on your head again . Hi , Kathy ! I'm just doing my morning yoga ! You're up awfully early today . I have to finish preparing a paper for my Western Civilization class . How has school been going ? You come home so late every night ! You're really a hard worker ... Actually , I study a lot less here than I did in Taiwan ! My classes are great , though . Sociology is the perfect major for me . What are you going to have for breakfast ? I just have some cereal each morning . You're supposed to always have a hearty breakfast . I don't always have time to make breakfast . It's easy to make a quick breakfast . What do you have for breakfast ? When I need to make a quick breakfast , I just make some oatmeal , toast , and OJ . That's a good idea . It's not time consuming at all . It doesn't take much time to make ? Would you like me to make something ? Why don't you make me some oatmeal and toast ? I'm looking for some blush . Do you still have some in peach rose ? Oh , yes , that is a beautiful color . It has been very popular blush this season . I have two left . Great , I'll take one . Have you heard about our special promotion this month ? If you purchase at least 18 dollar 50 cents in any Elizabeth Arden products , you will receive this black poke with a sample of lipstick , mascara and two shades of white shadow . Wow , that sounds like a bargain . I'm running low on facial moisturizer and toner . Could you ring those up for me too along with the blush ? I'd be glad to . Do you need anything else ? Oh , I almost forgot . It's my mum's birthday Saturday . I need to get her some more Chanel . Could you get me the 1.7 ounce bottle of Chanel cologne ? That would be my pleasure . I'll wrap the perfume up in the gift box for you too . Hello , Mr Brown . I'm glad you came in today ; we've just opened a new service that you might be interested in . It's called Bank Securities Link . And what does that entail ? It's actually a Deposit Account that links to your Margin Account , the one you have with the Securities Company . You can transfer the money you have in your account into your Fund Account . How can I do that ? You can use your Deposit Book or your Credit Card . And of course , you can use our e-banking . Good , morning ! Can I help you ? Good morning . Could you tell me the times of trains to London , please ? Yes . there are trains at 7:59 , 9:18 , 10:32 and 11:55 What time does the 7:59 get to London ? At 9:36 . And the 9:18 gets to London at 9:55 , the 10:32 at 11:09 . What about coming back ? I'd like to come back about 7 p . m . There's one at 19:00 and the next is at 19:40 . Mmm , how much is it ? Single or return ? Return , please . If you get on before 4 p . m . or after 6 p . m . there is saver return which is $ 9.45 , an ordinary return is $ 16.45 . An ordinary return , please . Check out these wheels ! You bought a compact car ? No , I borrowed it . Let me guess , from Sarah . It looks like something she would drive . You guessed right . Besides , the color violet is a little girly for me ... I love it . It's so festive ! And where did you get that cup ? It's got the same logo as the car . Excuse me , what time is the next train to New York ? Half past 11 . Is it a through one ? No , it's an express . Well , please give me a first class ticket . Hello , back already ? That was quick ! Yes , luckily our office is just down the street . Great . I shall also need a copy of your own ID and the Warrant Letter , you can fill in one here . Oh , I see . Next time , you can get one from the counter over there . Or before you come in , you can download one from our website . It's really easy . Jenny , what are you going to do tomorrow morning ? I don't know yet . What's your idea , Dad ? I'm thinking of taking you and Peter swimming . What do you think ? Dad ! It's cold now ! But swimming in the winter is good for your body . Believe me . Welcome to ABC electronics . First , let me go over what we do in the department during a typical workday . Ok . I understand that we basically work form 8: 30 to 5:30 with an hour-long lunch break from 12 to 1 , right ? That ’ s right , although we do expect you to do a little overtime if there ’ s something important to do . The lunch break is flexible . You can go a little earlier or a little later if you prefer . That ’ s fine . Is it OK to have a coffee break during the working day ? Of course . The main thing is that all our work must be completed on schedule . We even allow our employee to go home early if they finish their work early . How often do you have meetings ? You should attend a department meeting every Monday morning . There are other meetings for people working together on certain projects.Department heads also attend an interdepartmental meeting each wee I ’ Ve met some of my colleagues already . I ’ m sure we ’ ll get on well together . You are entitled to a company car . Have you seen it yet ? I was told to take a look at it this afternoon and take care of all the paperwork . Ok . This is your cubicle . At first , you ’ ll be responsible to me . Later , you ’ ll be working more independently . That ’ s fine . I need to learn how you do things here first . Salaries are paid directly in to our bank account , aren ’ t they ? That ’ s right . Make sure you give the accounts department all your bank account details as soon as possible . Hello . Did you enjoy the tour of our new premises ? Yes , I did indeed . But , could you tell me what exactly the ' Priority Service Room ' is used for ? Of course . As we provide many different services for all of our valued customers , we like to give than a special place to do their business with us . I think of myself as a valued customer . What services can you offer me ? There are all kinds of deposit services and also the calculations of the interest . It's specific to different accounts and different circumstances . Right . Is there anything else that can be done there ? There's information on deposit or loan rates , exchange rates ... The list goes on and on ! Yes , it sure does . And with our new premises , we have new services . We can provide 24 - hour support for your Wealth Management . So , I can talk to my Personal Banker 24/7 . That's really thoughtful of you . And I have to say , I love the new look of the bank . Bob , look at this sentence . ' Healthy eating is not about strict nutrition philosophies , staying unrealistically thin , or depriving yourself of foods you love . ' It's interesting , isn't it ? I'd rather say it's confusing . what are those ' strict nutrition philosophies ' about ? I believe they are careful calculations on proteins , vitamins and calories . Probably , Rose . That must be the job of nutritionists . Healthy eating is not about depriving oneself of the foods one loves . So we are free to have whatever foods we love . It is unbelievable . Oh , believe it or not , I came across an article the other day , saying that pizza is a healthy food . Seriously ? Yes , I felt exactly the same way as you did just now . Scientists must be crazy in saying so . Maybe nowadays people hold different opinions on healthy diet . Absolutely right . I myself sometimes believe that healthy eating is just about feeling great . As long as I have enough energy , it's fine . But one must have some basic ideas about nutrition and find the best way for the nutrients to work out for the body . What do you think of the test ? Rather difficult . How about you ? It wasn't too bad . Were you nervous ? Rather . I'm afraid I didn't do very well . Oh , I wouldn't worry about it . That's because you did well . No , I wouldn't worry about you . Why ? It seems to me that you always do better than you say . Where to , ma'am ? The Grand Hotel . The Grand Hotel ? Yes . Do you know where it is ? No , Madam . I don't think I do . It's the 11th Avenue , Park Street . Oh , yes . I know where it is . Do you take in students ? Yes.If you don ’ t mind sharing room , there ’ s one available . How much is it ? 30.00 dollars a week . Do you think I could have a look at it , please . I ’ m on my way out now.Could you come back in an hour ? May I try this on ? Sure . The color is perfect for you . What material is it made of ? It's made of cotton . That's good.Cotton is soft and flexible . We can offer you a 5 % discount . Your price is rather out of line , much higher than we expected . We can't buy with your offer . Well , what do you suggest then ? How about 8 % ? When we say your prices are much too high , we don't mean the are higher only by 2 or 3 percent . If we are to place an order with you . I think a discount of about 15 % would be sufficient . What ? You want to drive me bankrupt ! You can't expect us to make such a large reduction . There's no point in making a counter offer because the gap is too great . How about lo % ? This price is already a little tight , our profit margin is not that large . Ok . I can settle for that . This is the Pan-American Club.May I help you ? Yes . I believe you have a luncheon meeting this coming Wednesday.Could you give me some more information about that ? Yes , of course.The guest speaker is Professor David of a University , and he'll be lecturing about The impact of the Oil Crisis on Latin America . Mmm , that sounds very interesting . Is our destination the amusement park ? Yes , I think even though we are adults , it's still a good place for us to relax . What are you going to enjoy ? I want some exciting . Which is more fun , the roller coaster or the ferris wheel ? I like neither . Come on . Here is for enjoying and exciting . OK , let me think . The roller coaster looks more fun . I like ferris wheel more . It doesn't matter . We can go to the ferris wheel later . OK , let's go . Oh ! ! ! I have a horrible toothache . I strongly urge you to change your diet.You shouldn't eat too many desserts . Nothing works with my toothache now . You should go to the dentist . I hate dentists . Well , suffer then . If you have a toothache , you have to go to the dentist . It always hurts . I hate going . Stop being such a baby . If it really hurts that much , just let them knock you out . OK , OK , I ’ ll go . Good . You will feel better after you do . I'm calling to ask about your apartment advertised . Yes , we've got great apartments with charming environment and nice scenery . And they are all newly renovated . That sounds fantastic ! But I am looking for something closer to the downtown , as I spend most of my time at the office . No problem . We have a nice apartment located near the Oriental Square . It's perfect for people busy with office work . It is fully furnished with a service staff taking care of the trivial details . I'm sure it is wonderful , but I need an unfurnished apartment with relatively lower cost . Ah ! I get your point . We have just what you need . Our Jinyuan apartments have several floor plans . The one bedroom apartments are very economical , but their layout makes great use of a small amount of space . I think you can find the right apartment there . Great ! I'll arrange a viewing after work tomorrow afternoon . Could you tell me the detailed address ? Of course . It's just at 19 Lingual Road . You can phone me again if you cann't find the right place . Ok . Thank you . Can you offer me something a little cheaper ? Well , let me see . What price range do you have in mind ? I want to stay under $ 20 . How about this one ? This is just $ 20 . It's worth every penny of it . How many foreign languages can you speak ? Only English . What do you think of your English ? I have passed CET - 6 and I am proficient in reading and translating foreign materials . I have rich translating experience because I used to be an English translator . Can you speak English fluently ? I have received an oral English training and I can communicate with others fluently . Did you take TOEFL or GRE ? Yes , I did . I got 600 in TOEFL and 2 , 300 in GRE . When did you begin to learn English ? I started to learn English when I was in primary school . Do you think your English is good enough to do office work ? The amount of English I know enables me to do general desk work . I believe the amount of English I know is sufficient to work in a South Korea firm . Here ' s my passport . I'm a visiting scholar . Do you have anything to declare ? No , these are all my personal effects . What's in the bag ? Would you mind opening the bag ? Not at all . I don't know what's dutiable.Do I have to pay duty on things for my own use ? NO.You don't have to pay duty on personal belongings . Thank you . Can I help you , sir ? Yes , what sort of warranty comes with this stereo ? Well , our store offers a 90 - Day return policy and the manufacturer offers a one-year warranty on any factory defects . What conditions are there on the store policy ? We ’ ll give you your money back as long as the stereo is returned in the original packaging and with a receipt . O . K . How do I get the manufacturer ’ s warranty ? Just send in the warranty card with a copy of your receipt . All right , those sound good . I ’ ll take it . Very well , I can ring you up over here , sir . Hurry up , guys ! The train is about to leave . We're coming . Can you make a suit for me to order ? Certainly . Come and choose the cloth . By the way , what's the charge for the tailoring ? $ 150 including the cloth . Hi , I ’ d like to have my phone turned on , please . At what address , sir ? 345 Lincoln Avenue . Oklahoma City . O . K . Your name please ? John Smith . One moment please . Very well , Mr . Smith . I need to ask you a few questions . Very well . The interview will take about 15 minutes , and your phone will be turned on in 24 hours . Fifteen minutes ? I ’ m sorry , but I ’ ll have to call back . I need to get back to work . O . K . Mr . Smith . Thanks for calling . Yes , ma'ma . May I help you with your bags ? Oh , yes , if you like.The large one goes to Washington.The other one I will take with me . All right ? Flight 36 to Washington.It ' ll be on the plane for you . Oh , thank you . Thank you very much . This is No . 1 bus , bound for Sihun . Excuse me . I will go to Wangfujing , where should I get off ? There are another six stops . We are arriving at Tiananmen . Please get ready for your arrival . Is it Wangfujing ? No , sir . The next stop is Wangfujing . OK . Please get ready . Thank you . We are arriving at Wangfujing . Please get ready . Is this where I get off ? Yes . Hello , may I help you ? I'd like to send a fax to Shanghai . Photograph or document ? Document . Show me your document , please . Here you are . Ah , it is clear enough to send . How long will it take to get to Shanghai . It'll only take a couple of minutes . Oh , excellent . How much does it cost ? Twenty yuan . I like to drive on freeway . Don't drive too fast . Don't worry.There ' re few cars now . Be careful.It ' s dangerous to drive fast . Are you free this afternoon ? I'm afraid I'm going to the gym for a workout . How long have you been there ? I began to went there last month . Is there any change ? Well , I think I'm in better condition now . Really ? Is it tiring ? It was at the beginning . You just need to keep it up . I want to go there , too . Can I ? Of course , yes . I am calling to thank you for giving me the interview for the Sales Manager position yesterday You are welcome , Mr . Sun . I really enjoyed meeting with you . You certainly made a good impression on me as well . I am very interested in this position . We'll be making the decision by the end of this week and we'll contact you as soon as possible . Honey , the house is such a mess ! I need you to help me tidy up a bit . My boss and her husband are coming over for dinner and the house needs to be spotless ! I ’ m in the middle of something right now . I ’ ll be there in a second . This can ’ t wait ! I need your help now ! Alright , alright . I ’ m coming . Ok , here ’ s a list of chores we need to get done . I'll do the dishes and get all the groceries for tonight.You can sweep and mop the floors . Oh , and the furniture needs to be dusted . You know what , I have to pick something up at the mall , so why don ’ t you clean the floors and I'll go to the supermarket and get all the groceries . Sure that ’ s fine . Here is the list of all the things you need to get . Don't forget anything ! And can you pick up a bottle of wine on your way home ? Hey , honey I ’ m back . Wow , the house looks really good ! Great ! Can you set the table ? Just a sec I ’ m just gonna vacuum this rug real fast . Wait ! Don ’ t turn it on ... I'd like to have a berth ticket to Shanghai . Which train do you want ? The 19:00 train . Sorry . There aren't any tickets available for the 19:00 train . When is the next train to Shanghai ? The next train will leave at 20 : O5 . How much is the ticket ? 180 yuan . Here is 200 yuan . Here are your ticket and change . Look , Bob hasn't made any progress on that project . I see what you mean . We should have a word with him . Let me handle it . Hello , this is Shogun Restaurant . Hello , I need to make a dinner reservation . Can you tell me what night you will be coming ? We will be coming to your restaurant on Tuesday night . What time will you be dining with us ? Our first choice would be 7 How many guests will be in your party ? Four of us will be coming . Please just give me your name , and at 7 Great ! Our last name is Foster . Thank you , Mr . Foster , see you this Tuesday at 7 I look forward to having dinner at your restaurant . Thank you for your help . How much can I change 100 dollars for ? What kind of currency do you want ? How much will it be in Chinese currency ? That's 680 Yuan . When can I get high speed internet installed ? You're going to have to make an appointment . Can I make one right now ? When would you like the installation to be done ? I'm off this Friday . The only time we can come on Friday is at 3 I'm going to need it installed earlier than that . I'm sorry , but we're booked up on Friday . Is Saturday any better ? Saturday is perfect . What time would you like ? Is 11 That's perfect . See you on Saturday . May I speak to Marry ? Marry is not in right now , she went shopping with her mum . Will it be too late if I call around ten this evening ? That's all right . We don't go to bed early . I want to leave home , mum . Why ? I am a grown-up , and I can stand on my own two feet . It is all up to you . I want a refund ! Yes , miss . What was the problem with your purchase ? These pajamas don't fit right . They're too long . Would you like to have them altered ? Or would you like a different size ? No . I want my money back . I'm sorry , but this was on sale , so I can only give you store credit . Fine . Here's my receipt . I'd better be able to use this anywhere in the store . Of course ... here you are . I'm sorry the pajamas didn't work out for you . Mr . Drake , I'm pleased to do business with your company . We're glad to be able to offer our services to your business , Mrs . Wayne . Your company is very well respected . About how long have you been in business ? Almost twenty years . We were the first total PR services company of our kind in California . And this is your company's head office ? Well , yes , but now we have six offices in California alone . That's wonderful . Isn't your company part of ARE Corporation ? That's right . We are their sole PR sector business . That's not bad . How long have you been in PR ? Not long actually . So I'm sure I will learn a lot from our cooperation . What do you want to be ? Dad , I haven't thought about it . I'm still young . Oh , honey , but you must know what your hobby is , right ? I like playing the piano . Yes , you play the piano well . You could be a good pianist . That's good . Can you help me ? The program is not responding and I don't know what to do . Look at the icon in the bottom corner of your screen . Is it flashing ? No . It isn't . OK . Try closing down all the files you're not using at the moment . But I can't move the cursor at all . My screen is frozen . What should I do ? Have you tried pressing the Escape key ? Yes , but nothing's happened . OK , you ’ ll need to reboot your machine . Press Control , Alt and Delete at the same time . I've never done that before . Will I lose all my files ? You might lose the file you were working on , but don't worry , the help desk can restore it . When did you last take a backup ? Who is the next ? I am . All right . Over here , sir . How are you today ? Fine , thanks . How do you want you hair cut ? Don't make it too short . I just want a trim . Yes , sir . I will use the scissors.Do you always part your hair on the left ? Yes , I do.That looks good . It's not too short.It ' s just right . How much do I owe you ? That will be 3.50 dollars . Here is 4 dollars , keep the change . Thank you very much . Come back to see us . Where do you think we should go on holiday this summer ? We , I ’ d like to go to Australia . I know it ’ s far to go , but I think it would be something different and special . I ’ d really like to go to the Caribbean . We can relax on the beached and enjoy the sunshine . There are beaches in Australia too , but I would prefer a more active holiday this year . We could visit Ayers rock and the great barrier reef . It would be so exciting . But would it be relaxing ? By summer . I ’ ll be quite tired from doing so much work . The last thing I need is to use more energy racing around Australia . I ’ d need another holiday to recover from the holiday ! Oh , come on ! A tour of Australia would be relaxing because you ’ d be doing something different and not working . Do you think so ? I ’ m not so sure . Anyway , tell me your plans for an Australian holiday . How long do you think we should spend there ? I think we should go for two weeks . We could spend a week in the bush and a week at the great barrier reef-including a few day on the beach for tired office workers ! That doesn ’ t sound too bad . I ’ d certainly like to go diving . That ’ s one reason I wanted to go to the Caribbean . We could hire a car and travel around the interior of Australia for several days . If we hire a car , we can go where we like . We ’ d have to plan our drive before we leave . Let ’ s get a good guidebook from the bookstore when we go shopping in town tomorrow . It looks like I might have convinced you to go to Australia ! Hello , is that the Peace Restaurant ? Yes . May I help you ? Yes . I'd like a table for six at 7:00 this evening . Can you arrange it for us ? Just a minute . I'll check if there is any availability . I'm sorry , sir . There isn't any table left for 7:00 , but we can give you one at 8: 00 . Would you like to make a reservation at that time ? Let me see . It seems a little late . Usually , the restaurant will be quieter at that time . OK . I'll change the time to 8: 00 . Very good , sir . A table for 6 at 8: 00 this evening . May I have your name , please ? It's John . Thank you very much . Bye . Hello . Is Becky there , please ? Just a moment , please . I ’ ll see if she ’ s free . Thanks . Sorry , Becky can ’ t come to the phone right now . That ’ s okay . I ’ ll call back later . Did you enjoy the restaurant ? I didn't really like it all that much . What do you think the problem was ? Well , they are pretty new . I just didn't feel that they were ready to open yet . How did you feel about the food ? The food wasn't all that exciting . I don't think that the service was good , either . Yes , the service certainly didn't add to the experience . Would you like to return to this restaurant ? Maybe we could try it again in a few months when things have settled down . Excuse me . Miss , what does the doctor say about me ? When can I be discharged ? The doctor has examined your current situation . Since you are recovering so well , you will be discharged tomorrow . Great , thanks . But how can I get discharged ? First please get the bill at the doctor's office , then pay it either with cash or by check . Even though you're discharged , you still need to take a rest at home . Don't hurry back to work until you have fully recovered . Yes , I will . Thanks for your care . What's it made of , could you tell me ? Linen.It ' s ideal for summer wear . Can it wear well and keep its shape ? Certainly.It has been specially treated . Bob , can I talk to you for a minute ? There have been some developments for the Stewart case that I really need to talk to you about . Yeah , what's the matter now ? We've had so much trouble with this case already . Don't tell me there's more bad news . Well , I'm afraid there is . I have some bad news for you about the results of the forensic tests ... there won't be any results . What ? What does that mean ? Why won't there be any results ? I hate to tell you this , but it seems that every shred of evidence that would help us to convict were destroyed in a laboratory fire . There's nothing left . I'm so sorry ... Oh , no , you can't be serious . I never expect anything like this would happened . What are we going to do ? There's nothing that can be done . Everything is gone . I wish I could tell you differently , but what has happened has happened . We will just have to figure out a way to move on . I'd like you to bring me some food . Just name it , sir . Please send up a bottle of champagne , lobster tail , and filet mignon , medium rare . Regrettably , we're currently out of filet mignon . May I suggest the porterhouse instead ? Sure , I love porterhouse , too . Would you be interested in chocolate-covered strawberries with the champagne ? I'd love to , but I'm allergic to strawberries . Okay , no strawberries tonight . The items will be charged to your amenities account . Go right ahead . Our staff will bring you your order in as short a time as possible . That dog has white long hair . It ’ s lovely . She is my dog . I like her very much . What ’ s her name ? Her name is Fluffy . She is a sweet dog . My dog has spots . He is very strong . But I don ’ t like big strong dogs . Thomas , would you be so kind as to lay the table for me ? I'm busy in the kitchen . Of course ! Where are the things ? They're all here . Right ! I'll do it straight away . Thanks a lot . I'm most grateful . Well , I ’ m glad I had a chance to see these samples , but I ’ m really not in a position to make a decision right now . Would you like me to leave the samples with you ? Yeah , why don ’ t you do that , and then you can give me a call sometime next week . Fine , Mr . Grant . Thanks for your time . I ’ ll talk to you next week . I will take the coat . Do you receive checks ? Yes , of course . Here you are . Please give me a receipt . Sorry , sir , you have to pay in the check-out counter . It's there . OK , please wrap it for me first . When should I come for work in the morning ? Generally speaking , you are supposed to come at 9:00 am . When does the job start in the afternoon ? You should start from 1:30 pm in the afternoon . Have you finished ? Yes , but dinner was excellent Would you like some of coffee ? No , thank you . Check please . Yes sir , one moment please . here is the check . Here is the two dollars , will you bring me the receipt ? Here is the change . Please keep the change . Thank you very much sir . good morning . What seems to be the problem ? good morning , doctor . I feel terrible . I ’ Ve got a cold and I have a rash here on my neck . I ’ m not sleeping well either . What do you think the problem could be ? I ’ d say you ’ Ve been working too hard or are under stress for some reason . Have you been taking anything for your cold ? yes , I bought some medicine at the chemist ’ s . I ’ Ve been taking it for three days . good . I ’ m going to prescribe something stronger . It will make you feel drowsy , so you certainly should rest . OK . I can afford to take a fell days off work . have you been working hard recently ? yes , I have . I had to get a project finished . It ’ s done now , so I can relax a little . good . Let ’ s take a look at that rash ... it looks worse than it is . I ’ m going to prescribe some ointment for it . If the rash doesn ’ t clear up in a few days , come back and see me . Do you have any other Sy I have a bad headache , but ... don ’ t worry about that . It ’ s probably of the stress you ’ Ve been under . Just take some aspirin . Combined with the stronger cough medicine , it will make you feel very tired . You shouldn ’ t work or use an thanks doctor . I ’ ll get these immediately . Goodbye . Excuse me . How much for a two liter bottle of Coke ? 87 cents . How come so cheap ? It ’ s on sale this week . I ’ ll take one . And here is a dollar . Here ’ s your change . Thank you very much . Have you ever climbed the mountain before ? Never . But I have been looking forward to it for quite a long time . Now your dream comes true . Do you know the altitude of the mountain ? It's 2065 meters . Come on . Let us keep up the pace . I just discovered that I owe $ 10 for a movie that I never ordered . Let me check , sir . You were charged for watching ' Titanic ' Monday night . That is absolutely incorrect ! I was out on the town Monday night . Okay , sir , bear with me a moment . Thank you for taking my word over the computer's word . One slight problem , sir . I need to charge you $ 2 to remove this error from your file . You can I feel your pain , sir . Absolutely unbelievable ! You people should be ashamed of yourselves . I agree with you , sir , but all I do is work here . To get around your difficulty , Mr . Brown , I'd suggest that you reduce your order by half . You can send in an Addi trional order later . Well , I'll consider the possibility . By the way , when do I open the L / C if I want the goods to be delivered in June ? A month before the time you want the goods to be delivered . Could you possibly effect shipment more promptly ? Getting the goods ready , making out the documents and booking the shipping space - - all this takes time , you know . You cannot expect us to make delivery in less than a month . Very well , Mrs.Wang . I'll not reduce my order . I'll take the full quantity you offer . And I'll arrange for the Letter of Credit to be opened in your favor as soon as I get home . When will that be ? Early next week . In the meantime , I should be very pleased if you would get everything ready . I hope that the goods can dispatched promptly after you get my Letter of Credit . You can rest assured of that . We'll book you order and inquire for the shipping space now , so that shipment can be effected within two or three weeks of receipt of your L / C . That'll be fine . I appreciate your cooperation . Very good . Well , thanks to your cooperation , our discussion has been very pleasant and fruitful . I sincerely hope that the volume of trade between us will be even greater in the future . By the way , Mrs . Wang , we have a mind to do joint participation with you on Japanese arts and crafts in our market . Would you entertain this proposal ? Well , this is something new . A few of our friends from Europe have also suggested that we participate in joint enterprise with them dealing in some of our goods . We think there are a lot of details to go into . If you feel our proposal is attractive , it is estimated that business to the extent of over twenty million marks can be done in this manner . Naturally , I appreciate your efforts in pushing the sale of Japanese arts and crafts . But I'm not in a position to discuss your proposal today . I must first talk to our director , and discuss it with you some other time . All right . Anyway , I'll be staying here for another two weeks . But I'm looking forward to having something done in this respect . We'll talk about it next time . Now that everything is settled , let's have a cup of tea , and take our minds off business for a change . Your PC is so amazing . Are you doing trade on internet ? Thank you for your compliment . I bought this PC with my first-month salary . I am getting to know the on-line trade . I'm wondering if you often trade with others on the internet . Yes , I often do business through internet now . Oh , really ? Is it a good way ? Yes , very gorgeous . Sometimes , I can deal with my business without stepping out of our house . What advantages does it have ? Firstly , it is convenient . And secondly , it has low cost , because you know you only need to pay the fee of internet service . I agree with you . It will cost too much when going abroad to join the exhibition . The most important is that it is very convenient . You know you can browse the website and send E-mails to your customers at any time . Even you can have e-contract with your regular customers . So cool , if we do business through other ways , it will cost a lot of time . Sure , but every coin has two sides . Doing business through the internet is not as safe as doing business through traditional ways . Will you give me some suggestion ? Of course , such as Alabama , which is a famous website . Thank you . Maybe I will do business through internet in the future . That'll be 12 dollars and 95 cents , please . Can you break a 100 dollar bill ? Oh , you don't have anything smaller ? No , I'm sorry . That's all I have . Unless you take a credit card . Oh , sure . Credit card is fine . Hi , Mary , I have decided to look for a job as a salesman . Good ! Have you got the recruitment information on marketing ? Yes . I have found some through different channels . Really ? That's great ! Tell me . OK . The first piece of job information I got was from the Internet , and it is about selling medicines . What do you think of this job ? I am not familiar with the medicine industry , and I don't think it fits me well . Then how about the others ? Another is about electronic commerce , and its products are mainly large machinery equipments . I have heard about electronic commerce , and many people say it has good prospects for development . I also feel it's nice . I want to give it a try . Come on ! I believe you will succeed . Thanks . You can also seek job information on the Internet . Good idea . I will think it over . Do you know how late it is ? My fault . I didn't realize what time it was . I hope you don't think that excuse lets you off the hook . Not really . I'm telling the truth . Haven't I asked you to call if you're going to be home late ? This is true , but it must've slipped my mind . Regardless , all you had to do was give a call . I know . I should've called . Come home late one more time , and you'll find your stuff outside . You want to throw me out over this ? That's right , maybe then you'll respect my rules . That's fine , because if I leave , then your rules won't matter . You heard who won the election , didn ’ t you ? Yeah . I am so excited that Obama won . I ’ m so happy that he did . That man just made history . Did you vote for him ? I sure did ! What about you ? Of course I did ! I am still in shock to know that he was elected . I am , too ! I pray that he actually makes things better in this country . I ’ m sure that he will . I know he will , too . I'm searching for an old music box . You came to the right place . Any particular decade ? If you had a box made in the ' 20s , that would be nice . We just got one in yesterday , so now we have six . Would any of them have dancing figures ? Yes , we still have two boxes left that have dancing figures . Oh , they're both so beautiful . Let me have this one , I think . That one truly is a beautiful piece of work , isn't it ? One last question Oh , no . Everything we sell here is ‘ as is . ' I guess I was asking for too much . If it breaks down , maybe you can find a repairman on the Internet . How about your study at college ? I was doing quite well at college . I completed my MBA degree in international trade with first-class honors . Why did you select your college ? I selected my college because it had an excellent academic reputation . What do you like doing in your spare time ? My favorite recreation is cooking . I learned to cook Chinese dishes and western style dishes as well . It keeps me busy and makes me happy . May I help you ? Miss ! Yes . I'd like to look at lipstick and eye shadow . What color set do you prefer ? Well , brown . We have a beautiful selection of eye shadows this fall . Look at the colors . Aren't they beautiful ? But they're purple . I prefer a brown set . If you insist , I can show you the brown sets . I'll have to warn you that they're very ordinary , though . Well , I'm not so sure . Most of my make-up is brown . Why don't you wear purple eye shadow for a change ? We also have lipstick to go with it . Can I try it ? Sure . Are you wearing any make-up ? No . Have a seat , please . Now , here is the mirror . How do you like it ? Not bad . Actually , it makes me look younger . I like it . Try the lipstick as well . See , how fresh and charming you look . You're right . I'll take them all . Excuse me , can I deposit valuables here ? Surely of course . Here is the bag . Is that free ? Yes . How long would you like us to keep it ? For two days . Look ! Allen has the mic ! I thought he only liked to listen ! That was before he heard Stanley sing ! I guess he couldn't stand it any more , so he decided to give it a try himself ! ( Sound of Allen singing ) Hey , Allen has a really good voice ! He sounds like Johnny Dean ! And he can move . too ! He dances like Ricky Martin ! Sorry to bother you . But I ’ m having a small problem I thought you might be able to help me with . Sure Paula , shoot ! Well , it is about Ms . Connors , the landlord of our rented house . Yeah , What happened ? The dishwasher broke down . I had the repair done and deducted the cost from the rent check . And so ... She is threatening to evict us for not paying the full rent . Hold on , Paula . It does sound pretty serious . But I ’ m sure you can work this out . Well , you are over at the law school . So I wondered if you would mind coming with me when we talk to Ms . Connors . We ’ re supposed to meet with her tomorrow night at eight . Sure , I ’ d be glad to help you straighten things out . Why don ’ t I stop by at about seven thirty ? Thanks a million , you are a lifesaver . It's Mrs Bardot , isn't it ? Yes , it is . But I'm afraid we haven't met before . I'm Greg Wu , Head of Consultancy . I see that you'd like a credit check done for your company . Is that right ? Hello Greg . Yes , that's correct . You see , we have just acquired a new partner , the transaction is huge . It's to be signed next month , and we would really like to have some clearer information about them . I see . So , it's not for your company , it's for the prospective partner ? That's right . I feel it's always better to go in with both eyes open , if you know what I mean . I couldn't agree more . If you have the company details with you I can get on with that right away . Is there anything else that you need from us today ? The lady at the desk , Shelly I think , told me you offer many other consultancy services . We do indeed . Such as making trade investments , financial consultancy , and of course the service you requested . That's good to know . Thanks for your help today , I'll leave you with the details and you can get started . Hello , Steven . We're thinking of appointing an agent for our products . I want you to find one for us . OK . What sort of agent , exactly ? The agent we are looking for will help us in Britain with publicity , advertising and so on . OK . I ’ ll make enquiries . What course did you like best ? Project Management . I was very interested in this course when I was a student . And I think it's very useful for my present work . Do you feel that you have received a good general training ? Yes , I have studied in an English training program and a computer training program since I graduated from university . I am currently studying Finance at a training school . Oh , no . We ’ re going to be late for the meeting . No . We ’ ll get a cab . It ’ s faster than taking the bus or the subway . Oh , good . How much will it cost ? Well , cabs are more expensive than the bus or the subway . It ’ ll probably cost around six dollars . Taxi ! ! ! I can ’ t find the business card . Do you know the address ? Yeah . I met with them back in March , remember ? Right . Driver , 1600 Pennsylvania Ave . , please . Please show me the menu , Miss . Of course . Here you are . Can I take your order now ? Yes . I'd like an Italian soup to start with and then some fried noodles . All right . Can I serve you anything else ? Yes , I'd like another cup of coffee afterwards . Make it hot , please . You've got it , sir . I really like what you have . But the price for this product is much higher than we expected . I am absolutely not a buyer at that price . I know it is not the cheapest on the market . But if you take the quality factor into consideration , you will find your company will benefit in the long term . This device is built in with the most advanced technology . Every aspect has reached the international standard . It is a worthwhile investment . I understand that . If you can lower the price by 10 percent , we have a deal right now . Well , the best I can do is to lower the price by 5 percent if you are willing to pay 90 % cash of front and 10 % on delivery . That is our best offer . Err , well , I can ’ t decide right now . Do you mind if I have a small internal discussion on this first ? I will tell you our decision this afternoon . Sure , no problem . I am sorry to tell you that you failed in the job interview in our company . It is tough to accept it , I mean . But can you tell me why ? It is hard to tell . Maybe it is because you're not resourceful enough to be a manager . I get it , and thank you for your honesty . Two burgers , please . For here or to go ? Could I have your name , please ? Kevin Belknap . How do you spell your last name ? B-E-L-K-N-A-P . Right . Thank you very much ! Wake up , it's time for school . I'm so tired . Let me sleep for five more minutes . You have to get up and get ready for school . I know , but just five more minutes . I can't let you go back to sleep , because you won't wake back up . I promise I'll wake up , in five minutes . You still need to eat breakfast , take a shower , and get dressed . I realize that , and I can do all that when I wake up in five minutes . I don't want you to be late for school today . I'm not going to be late today . Fine , five more minutes . Thank you . Ah ! No ! Damn it ! It's a blackout . Now I can't see Seinfeld . So what ? I just lost one hour's worth of work . Really ? How could you do that ? Don't you save every couple minutes ? No , I didn't save this time.Damn it ! And I'm sick of writing this paper . Now I have to write it all over again too . I've had that problem too many times . So I learned to save.When I'm writing something , I save every three sentences or so . I don't want to lose anything . I hate computers . Sometimes I think they cause more trouble than they're worth . What are we going to do now ? I don't know . I feel like going out . I wonder how much of the city is down . It doesn't matter . I still can go out and buy a beer . Maybe . But if there's a blackout , probably the pubs are closed.And besides , I know you have a political science exam tomorrow . I thought you had a lot of reading to do . Yes , that's true . Damn ! I just lost half my paper , and now I can't even do my homework.This is a bad time for this to happen . I have a flashlight in my closet . If you want to use that to read , you can . Thanks . I think I will try . Where are you going ? I like your idea of getting a beer . I think I'll go out myself . Maybe we can trade.Why don't you stay here and read for my exam , and I'll go drink beer ? No , it just won't work.If I read for your exam , you won't know the answers tomorrow . I will . So ? You can go to the class for me.Just write my name on the exam book and take the exam . Why not ? How many students are in the class ? About fourteen . So it won't work , old buddy . They'll see that I'm not you . Sorry . Damn ! How much will our order from your factory be ? I'll be happy to get back to you with an estimate in the next few days . I'm afraid I can't wait that long . Can your office at least provide me with a ballpark figure ? Well , I would need an idea of how large your order would be . About how many units would you need ? Just give me an estimated figure for an order of 100 units . Please give me a few minute to calculate ... Our asking price should be about $ 100 per unit with an order of 100 . Is that price acceptable to you ? Your estimated is seems a little high to me , we're willing to pay $ 80 per unit . Would an order of only 100 units , it'll be difficult to work within that kind of budget . Maybe if you were ordering 500 units or more units , we might be able to work something out . This is exciting ! Thank you so much ! My pleasure . Release the parking brake , and we're almost ready to go . Boy oh , boy ! This is so cool . Let's rock and roll ! OK . Relax . This car is an automatic , so you don't have to worry about a clutch . Which one of these is the gas pedal ? Is there anything I could help you with , sir ? Yes , could you show me to your coat section ? This way , please . Oh , These are exactly what I ’ m looking for . These are French coats , sir.They are quite fashionable these days . I'd like to try them on for size . How does that fit , sir ? This seems to be my size . It looks good on you . Do you really think so ? I'd get it myself if I could . Alright , I'll get it . Oh honey , I tell you good news . The apartment I looked at today was pretty decent , around 120 square meters . Great . What about the surrounding area ? Very quiet and safe . And it ’ s got a lot of trees and plants . That ’ s good . Is the location easily accessible ? Yep , it ’ s near a bus stop . Hmm . . . well , maybe we can buy this one then . Do you know anything about health food ? It is so popular among people to preserve health now , so I read some books about health food . Can you give me some examples ? Drinking warm and fresh water in the morning on wakening up is one of ways to keep healthy . Really ? Why we must have warm and fresh water ? Warm water can be good for your stomach , which is empty at that moment . And freshness can keep the water active to clean your digest system . Anything else ? Yogurt , because it has protein , vitamins and it is acidic . If you drink it everyday , your stomach will be more comfortable . I've read your resume and know a lot of things about your qualifications for this position . One thing you didn't mention is why you left your last job ? I know the company you worked for is a good company . yes , it's a good company . But the management changed last month . We didn ’ t get along , so I quit . I understand . Why would you like to join our company ? I'm qualified for this position . And I've heard a lot of good things about your company . Like what ? You take care of your employees . And your company offers good salaries and benefits . that's good to know . Why do you think you ’ re qualified for this position ? I've got over seven years ' experience working in this kind of position . I know I can do a good job in this position . Well , this is not quite the style I want . Have you any suit in fashion ? How is this one ? It's the latest , made of cashmere . Can I try it on ? Sure . This is much better . How much is it ? Do you play cards ? Of course and very well . What's the English for Hongtao , Leitao , Meihua and Fangpian ? Oh , very easy . They are heart , spade , club and diamond . Is this the Central Park to East Market bus ? This is the East Market to Central Park bus . Where do you want to go ? To the Municipal Government Hall . Take the same number bus going in the other direction . There's a stop right across the street . Thank you . I'd like to return this radio . Okay . Do you have your receipt ? I lost it . I am sorry , but you need a receipt for a refund . But I purchased it yesterday . Perhaps you would like to talk to customer service . Well , that's a start , I guess . They're right upstairs . That sounds good . I'll take the escalator . Good luck . I hope someone can help you . Can I help you , sir ? Yes , could you tell me if there is a laundry in this hotel ? Yes , It ’ s on the third floor . Thank you very much . You ’ re welcome . Here is your bill . It's $ 60 . What's this amount for ? It's for the drinks . I see . Can I pay by credit card ? Sure . May I come in ? Come in , please . I'm sorry to trouble you , but I'd like to ask when I will get a raise . In 3 months or so . You said the same thing three months ago . Did I ? Well , anyway , you will get your raise when the economy starts picking up . You mean that I won't get a raise until the recession ends ? Yes . I got the message . I'm quiting . Nah , don't be so fast . We like your work here , but this company is on hard times and I can't be handing out raises for anyone . I've been here for 3 years , and I haven't had a raise in all that time . If you like my work , it should be reflected in my pay , and I feel it isn't . I hear what you're saying , and I wish there were something I could do . Very well , consider me gone . So can you fix it ? I ’ m sorry sir . This computer is not broken or damaged . It ’ s simply just too old ! That ’ s why your programs and applications are running slow . There really isn ’ t much I can do . What do you mean ? I bought this computer just three years ago ! Yes , but technology is ever changing and technology is becoming obsolete faster and faster ! OK , I know where this is going . How much will it cost me to get a new computer ? Well , this desktop over here is our latest model . It has a four gigahertz processor with sixteen gigabytes in RAM and a hard disk with one terabyte . Of course , it includes a mouse , keyboard and desk speakers . I have no idea what you are talking about . I just want to know if it ’ s good and if I will be able to play solitaire without the computer crashing or freezing all the time ! This PC is top of the line and I guarantee it will never freeze ! If it does , we ’ ll give you your money back ! It's an ugly day today . I know . I think it may rain . It's the middle of summer , it shouldn't rain today . That would be weird . Yeah , especially since it's ninety degrees outside . I know , it would be horrible if it rained and it was hot outside . Yes , it would be . I really wish it wasn't so hot every day . Me too . I can't wait until winter . I like winter too , but sometimes it gets too cold . I'd rather be cold than hot . Me too . Welcome to Youth Travel Agency . Is there anything I can do for you ? We'd like to look around the town . Can you tell me the best sightseeing route to take ? Why not come here and have a look at the guidebook ? I think this route is quite interesting . How long does the tour last ? Let me see . It's a one day tour . We have the capital ready.Right now I am looking at three different companies to produce our products.And your company , Mr . Chen , seems to me to be the best for what we want . I appreciate your remarks . And we are always happy to do more business.But , you know , if we take on a contract to produce new products , we want to be confident the product is marketable . Because , to start producing new things requires a lot of preparation.It requires a lot of investment for us . You have some doubts about our products , I understand . I would like to offer you a good price.But I won't be able to do that if I think this is a one-shot deal.So I would like to have some confidence in your idea . Of course . Let me tell you in some detail about our idea.You know the popular Hello Kitty products . Yes , of course . Well , the products in themselves are very simple.It is the logo that is successful.So , Hello Kitty is successful because of the logo , but the products are very simple . And I would say the logo is successful mainly because it comes from Japan.It is the Japanese that have made it a fad . That might be true.But we have a logo concept that is great . It is really great . I think it will catch on in Taiwan at least . Young people will love it.It is because of our logo that our products will sell.We just need someone to produce the products for us.We have the backup and people to do the marketing . So what you are really trying to sell is a fad . Yes , we would like to make things like key chains , plastic pencil sharpeners , plastic rulers , watches , wallets , things like that.Little accessories for young people . But the reason these will sell is the logo.Just like Hello Kitty . I understand . But why won't you show me the logo ? Because it hasn't been copyrighted . We want to get some protection for it.But while we wait for copyright , we are investigating companies to produce the products . I see . The problem , however , is that I can't be confident in giving you a good priceless I am confident your product will last . I understand . For now , though , you could just give us an estimated price.We aren't going to sign a contract yet . We are just investigating . I only need to know that your company is capable of producing the products.And then , I only need a very rough idea of how much it might cost . Alright . I understand . Right now you just want estimates . Yes . Good morning . May I help you ? Good morning , I have an appointment with Mr . Wang Li . He's not in , I'm afraid . But Could you tell me when he will be back ? I am sorry , I don't know . well , do you think I could leave a message for him ? Certainly . Gongshan Development Co . , Ltd.may I help you ? I'd like to speak your export manager , please . May I ask who's calling , please ? This is Mrs Wang , from Jane coper . I'm sorry Mrs wang , but Mrs Fu is not in at the moment . When will he come back , do you know ? As suppose you reback at 10 May I leave message ? Of course . Please ask him to give me a call as soon as he return . he has my number . Ok , Mrs wang . I'll do that . thank you . goodbye . Tomorrow I will be the new owner of all dad's assets . It still feels really strange to me . I know . I miss him terribly . How does it feel to be in charge of so much money ? I thought I would feel like I was in the lap of Luxury . I guess you could choose that if you wanted . No , I think I will run things much the same way that Dad did . Dad really knew what he was doing when he chose you to take over for him when he was gone ! Good moming.sir . Here is your breakfast . Thank you.Just put it on the table . Is there anything I can do for you ? En , would you please give me some bread please ? I am hungry now . OK . I will get you some right now . Good morning , welcome to Bank of the USA . How may I help you today ? Hi , I need to transfer some money to another account . It ’ s urgent . Okay , have you made a wire transfer at our bank before ? No . I ’ Ve never made a transfer before . It ’ s alright , I will take you through the procedure . Are you transferring funds to a company or an individual account ? A company account . I need to pay a bill . Okay , I ’ ll need the name of the company and their bank routing number as well as their bank ’ s address and phone number . I have all the information in this folder . Well . You ’ Ve come prepared . I have all the necessary materials so we can go ahead and make the transfer right now . It ’ s a simple transaction , and we can process it today . Oh , that ’ s such a relief . I didn ’ t want the payment to be overdue . Thank you so much . It ’ s my pleasure . Excuse me , sir , this is the express check-out lane for people that have fifteen items or fewer . It looks like you have more than fifteen items there . Oh , come on ! I have sixteen items ! Cut me some slack , will ya ? Fine ! Please place your items on the belt and push your shopping cart through . Do you prefer paper or plastic ? Plastic . I also have a couple of coupons . No problem , I ’ ll take those . Sir , these coupons expired yesterday . Darn ! Oh , well . I guess it ’ s just not my day . Thanks anyway . Do you have a club card or will it be cash ? Yeah I got a club card . Here you go . Will this be debit or credit ? Debit please . Also , could I get cash back ? Fifty dollars would be great . Yeah , sure . Your total is seventy-eight dollars and thirty-three cents . Here is your receipt . Have a nice day . can you give me a hand with some things in the kitchen ? I don ’ t think I can finish everything in time . ok , what do you want me to do ? first of all , I need you to do the drying up . I ’ m almost finished the washing up . I ’ m going to clean the cooker when I finish . ok . I ’ ll put the plates and cutlery away as I dry them . Where is the tea towel ? Oh , here it is . we ’ ll have this finished in no time with two if us working on it . while you ’ re cleaning the cooker , I ’ ll wipe the worktop . That was a great meat , by the way . actually , it was just some leftovers from yesterday . I made far too much food to eat alone . I am glad you could come over to help me finish it . my pleasure ! This tea towel ’ s a little ragged . Do you have another one ? yes . Look in that drawer . I should throw the old one out . keep it and use it as rag . You can clean your bicycle with it . Are you looking for part time or full time employment ? To start with I would like something part time with the hope that it can develop into something full time . So you are interested in being with a company for the long term ? Yes , that's right . I like this city very much and would like to make my home here . Here is an application . Please fill it out to the best of your ability . Did you bring a resume and references ? Yes , I did . I have them here . Keep them until you ready to give me the application and you can turn them all in at once . Thank you very much . This should only take me a few minutes . I ’ d like to buy these shoes . O . K . Let me see . That will be $ 104.99 . The price tag says $ 99.99 . Yes , miss , but there is a five percent sales tax in Maryland . Oh , of course . How silly of me to forget . No problem . How would you like to pay for these ? I think I have the cash . Let me check . Yes , here you are . $ 110.00 , your change is $ 5.01 . Thanks very much . Thank you . Tom , how do you think of second-hand goods ? Why did you ask that ? Do you want to buy the used goods ? I'm considering buying a second-hand computer for I'm short of money now . You know the car I'm driving , which is still in good condition though it is second-hand . And it only cost me 300 dollars . It was so cheap . But do you really mean that the second - hand goods are just as good as the new ones ? It depends . So you must be careful buying second-hand goods . City Bank . This is Tom . May I help you ? Yes , I am expecting some money wired to my account from Taiwan . Would you please check if the money available yet ? Sure , may I have your name and account number please ? We're on the same team here , Elvin . I'm being nice because we need to get along together . I know you , Zina . You're only nice when you want something . If we want to beat WebTracker , we're going to have to work hand in hand . To be honest , I'm starting to wonder if it's worth it . You'd rather lose to WebTracker than do things my way ? You said it , not me . Mom , can I have more allowance ? What for ? I want to buy more books . Oh , yeah ? Are you joking ? Of course not ! I'm telling the truth . Honey , it's good if you spend money to buy more books . But $ 100 dollars a week is enough for you already . Steven , I am ready for breakfast . OK . But where is my favorite coffee ? It's in that pan there . Your boy Dean broke the silex yesterday , so I have to boil it in the pan . It tastes like crankcase oil , but delicious . That's good . You can make breakfast yourself if you don't like it . What is there besides coffee ? I warmed a couple of snails , and your eggs are in the frying pan . Oh , my God . It's nearly eight , I have no time to have breakfast now . My watch says seven fifty . Don't worry . It's only ten to seven . You must have forgotten to set your watch back . Yes , it was . The clock on the wall says eight to seven . Yeah . Keep on eating your breakfast . You can catch the early bus . Gee . I could have slept another hour . Is there any way we could get a better warranty on this product ? Well , I can't give you a better warranty , if you would be willing to agree to an annual contract . That might not be ideal because there would be some drawbacks to an annual contract situation that might make it difficult to sell to our buyers . What about free delivery ? If we make a large enough order , could you waive the deliver fee ? Yes , our delivery fee could be waived , if you make an order of 50 units or more . We would have to insist on the annual contract , however . I understand it's not the most convenient for you . Perhaps we could shorten it to a sixth month contract if you are willing to take a lower rebate . That would be fine . We could accept a lower rebate . Right Rebecca . Now I see that after graduating from University your first job was ... For a local paper in York called the York Herald . Actually , I started with them as an intern in the beginning . I was really keen on getting some experience in the journalism , and this seemed like a g Certainly . And after your internship ? They seemed impressed , and offered me a position as a junior local news reporter . I ended up staying two years there actually . I was in charge of the sports news section of the newspaper . I really Yes I see . But you decided to leave them in 2006 right . Yes , that ’ s right . My husband and I moved to London , and so I managed to find a position with a National newspaper based in London . The London Weekly right . Yes , in some ways it was a step down from my previous job but it did offer me much better prospects for the future . Wow , you ’ re up early today ! What ’ s for breakfast ? Well , I felt like baking , so I made some muffins . Smells good ! I ’ ll make some coffee . Do you want me to make you some eggs ? Sure , I'll take mine , sunny side up . Www , I don ’ t know how you can eat your eggs like that ! Ever since I was small , I ’ Ve had eggs and soldiers . You know , my dad had scrambled eggs every morning for twenty years . It drove my mom crazy ! You know what really drives me crazy ? When I ask for soft boiled eggs , and they overcook them , so they come out hard boiled ! How can you dip your toast into a hard boiled egg ? You ’ re so picky sometimes . Here you go , honey , fried eggs . I said sunny side up ! How many times do I have to tell you . Let me see your passport , please . Oh , here you are . You come from Germany , don't you ? Yes . And come here for tourism . How long will you be staying in China ? Twenty days . OK . Have you filled in the Declaration Form ? Yes , here is the form . Is this your luggage ? Yes , only one travel bag . What do you have in the luggage ? Nothing but several personal effects . That's all . Thank you for your co-operation . What is this big box at the front door ? Oh . I don't know what to do . I joined this club a long time ago and I didn't read the fine print . What did you get yourself into ? I didn't realize that I have to buy something from them every six months . So , what's in the box ? A fridge ? It's a curio cabinet . The only thing is I don't even own those kinds of little keepsakes . I guess you'll read the fine print next time , won't you ! Don't rub it in . Where am I going to put this huge thing ? Take me to this address , please . Yes , Ma'am . Here we are . How much do I owe you , sir ? 30 dollars , Ma'am . Are you kidding ? The meter says 15 dollars , doesn't it ? Yes , but we need some extra charge and some tip too . I don't get it . I'll go and have our doorman talk to you then . Ok , Ma'am . Calm down , 15 dollars will do . Dental clinic . This is Mr . Adams . Hi . My name's David Johnson . I'd like to make an appointment . All right , David . Is this for a checkup or a cleaning ? A checkup . I think I have a bad cavity . Half the side of my head hurts . What tooth is giving you pain ? One of the back ones . Let me see ... We can see you this afternoon if you can come in at four thirty . Shall we go out tonight ? Yeah , let's go Joe's Disco . We'd better ask dad first . Okay , but you ask him . Pardon me . I need an old music box . Exactly how old a box do you want ? Actually , I was thinking about something from the 1920s . We still have six left . Do any of the boxes have dancing figures ? Dancing figures are quite popular . Two of the boxes have them . I love the dancing figures . I'll take this music box . Yes , I think you'll be very satisfied with that one . I was wondering , does this come with any kind of warranty ? No . But if something goes wrong with it , I know someone who repairs these things . I was just hoping . It's amazing that these things still work as well as they do . I am a reporter from Channel 5 News . What ’ s up ? Could I ask you some questions ? Sure , you can . Did you vote today ? I sure did ! What candidate did you vote for ? I can ’ t disclose that information . Why is that ? My vote is my own private business . I understand . I voted for our next President . What sort of experience do you have ? I used to work as a mechanic and I was responsible for the maintenance of all the company vehicles . Where was your last job ? I worked in Hanson Paper Company . Why did you quit your last job ? Because the company is far away from home , and I have to study after work so I can't afford to waste time on the road everyday . You look a bit under the weather . I am not feeling all the great . I think I have that crud that is going around . I know that it ’ s going around the dorms . My boyfriend hasn ’ t been feeling so well . Maybe he passed it on to me . I have some cold tablets if you would like one . Mostly , I feel like I need some rest and hot soup . Drinking liquids and getting rest is a good idea with a cold . My grandmother thinks that honey and whiskey is a good cure for a cold . You could always go to the pharmacy if it gets worse and you want suggestions . If things don ’ t get better in a few days , I will look for some other solutions . I need to see if I qualify for a home loan . I can help you . How much money do you make per year ? I make around one hundred thousand dollars per year . How long have you been on your current job ? I have only worked at this job for 6 months , but I have a longer job history elsewhere . Do you have any other outside income from rental property or a trust ? No , I only receive my salary . Do you know your credit score ? I think that it is around 600 . By crunching the numbers and putting in your expenses , I estimate that you can afford a house of around five hundred thousand dollars . Sorry sir . But you can ’ t go into the OR . All right , but tell me what ’ s happening . Give it to me straight please . It was touching girl for a while . And now ? She will be OK . She is a tough cookie . That ’ s great news . In my opinion she will up about soon . That ’ s good to hear . She is usually full of vein and vigor . I believe it . Well , I ’ Ve got to go back in . Thanks for helping her , doctor . All right . Just relax , OK ? Go and got a cup of coffee . Thanks . I will . Everything is OK now , doctor . That was quick work . Let me have a look at it . Yeah , everything looks fine now . Thank you very much . You are welcome , doctor . How much do I owe you ? The total is 87 dollars . Here is the bill . Really ? You worked here for just half an hour . I consider the price very high . It sounds like Bob's getting out of bed . What time did he come in last night ? It was after 2 am . Who was he out with ? Is this the front desk ? Yes , sir . What can I do for you ? This is Room 705 . The air conditioner in my room doesn't work . I'll have that taken care of immediately . And may I have two more towels , please ? No problem . We'll bring you the towels in just a minute . Thanks . I've been waiting here in the conference room for ten minutes already . What time does our meeting start ? Where is everyone anyway ? Didn't you hear about that ? Our meeting was proponed until Friday . What ? The meeting was proponed ? No one told me anything about it . Didn't you get the memo ? What memo ? There haven't been any memos this whole week . I check my unbox every day , and I haven't seen anything . The memo went out three days ago . It should have made it to your in-box , but maybe it got lost in all the clutter on your desk . You know how things get piled up on my desk when I am busy — I know that sometimes I do misplace things , but I always read all the memos that go around . They go directly to my in-box . Are you sure it was sent to the whole office ? It should have gone around to everybody . They also posted a copy of the memo in the break-room . Don't you ever look at the messages posted on the bulletin board ? I'm usually too busy to take a bunch of coffee breaks and gossip by the water cooler . Anyway , I am sure the memo never got to my in-box . I'll have to talk to our secretary about it . That's right . You never know what you're missing out if you don't read the memos . Can you show me how to use chopsticks ? With pleasure . Oh , it is not easy to learn ! I think you are a quick learner . Well , I don't think I can manage with it . In that case , shall I ask the waiter to bring you a knife and fork ? That's good , thank you . I would love to rent out your apartment . That ’ s great . How much is the rent ? The rent each month is $ 1050 . That ’ s a lot of money . Did you have a better price in mind ? What about $ 800 ? That ’ s way too low . I can ’ t pay much more than that . How about $ 900 a month ? That would be fine . Great . It was a pleasure doing business with you . Hello , is this house keeper ? Yes , Madam , may I help you ? This room 117 , and we have just checked in . Yes ? Our room hasn't been cleaned up yet.So would you send one of your house keepers to clean up our room . Oh , yes . Madam , we'll come right away then . Your room number and your name , please ? Our room number is 117 and my name is Terry Chen . Thank you , would you hang up and wait ? I'm hungry . Let's go to the snack bar . ok , what unusual food do you want to try ? I am going to try Gado Gado . what's that ? it's a kind of rice ball that is made in Malaysia . What about you ? I don't know . I don't know what most of this food is ! do you want noodles , vegetables , rice , meat , seafood , beans , or dessert ? I'd like to have some vegetables first . have you ever tried tempura ? no , what is it ? it's deep fried vegetables , which is commonly eaten in Japan . what do you use to eat it ? most people eat tempura with chopsticks , but you can use a fork if you don't know how to use chopsticks . that sounds great . Do you know if there are any vegetable dishes that are spicy ? let me think . You could get an Indian or Thai vegetable curry , or you could get some Kimchi . I'll try all of those . How do you know so much about International food ? I used to buy lunch every day from the International food stall at school . Every day was an adventure ! Would you like to see our new shirts ? Sorry , but I'm not really that interested in those things . Well , they are very nice you know . Really ? And not expensive either . Oh , I don't care about that . Everybody is buying them . Are they ? Yes , they are very fashionable , you see . I am afraid I am not interested in fashion . I see . But thank you very much all the same . Sorry I couldn't help you . Going to the gym tonight , Mary ? Yes , Sally . I want to do some sit-ups and perhaps get in a game of singsong . That sounds like fun.Would you mind some company ? I'd love it.Working out is more fun with a friend . I'll get my things and meet you there . Good.If you happen to see Jim and Bob on the way see if they would like a game of singsong . How nice these frames are ! Yes , they are the latest designs . Would you like to try them on ? I want to try on this pair . The oval shape one ? That's right . I think it suits you well . I agree , but I like wire frames . How about this ? They're the same shape . The channel boats are quite fast , aren't they ? Yes , very . They make the trip in about an hour . I hope we shan't have a rough passage . No , I hope not . I want to have a deck chair and enjoy the crossing . That's a good idea . The sea seems quite calm , so there will be no fear of seasickness . Are you seasick ? Yes , unfortunately . I'm very much subject to it . I'm not a very good sailor , either . My mother is a dreadfully poor sailor . In fact , she never takes a voyage unless she has to . I am better than that , and even on the Pacific . after ten days of it , I can still find my sea legs . Well , happily we shall have a smooth passage today . Yes , this little boat gets up a fine speed , and I think we'll soon get to the land . Yeah , I am of the same opinion . May I help you ? Could I have a look at those pens ? Certainly . These are thirty yuan each and these are twenty-five . Have you got anything a bit cheaper ? How about these ? They are nine yuan each . No , they're not quite what I want . Sorry to trouble you . Not at all . Did you work in a charity organization ? Yeah , I had been in the charity organization for 2 months and I learned a lot from that experience , including love , sympathy , equality , and so on . In what way did those social activities have impact on your mind ? I think it had direct impact on my way of thinking . I learned to look at people and things from an overall perspective . In that case , I am not easy to be edgy . I need help figuring out how to use this phone . Sure . First you pick up the receiver and hit one of the first 3 buttons . Do you hear a tone ? Yes , I hear the tone . OK . Now you dial 9 on the keypad . Do you hear the tone change ? Yes , it changed . Well , when you hear it change , that means you have an outside line . Where are you trying to call ? I am trying to call home . OK . Well , to dial to the outside you just now dial the number . For a call inside the company just hit the extension number . Do you know the extensions ? Yes , I have a list of extensions . Well , if you ever need help with an extension , you can dial O . Can I help you ? I would like to check in . Here are my ticket and baggage . I am sorry , sir . Your baggage is 2kg overweight.You have to pay extra money for it . Well , can I put something in this handbag ? Sure . Now it's all right . Here is your boarding pass and label . Have a nice trip . I saw on TV that there is an entertainment item , bungee in Beijing Longtanhu Park . Except that the height is not exiting enough . You say how high can be exciting ? The highest bungee spot in the world is located in Mount Kikicama , South Africa , which is 216 meters high . A cable car in a scenic spot in Switzerland is 160 meters high . I know that Frenchmen installed the Bungee cord between two tall buildings . It is said that Bungee was originally a grown-up ceremony of the indigenous people of New Guinea . People stood on branches of the tree , which was over 30 meters high . Their feet were fastened with canes and they jumped off from where they stood . When they almost reached the ground , they suddenly stopped to prove their bravery and express that they were able to endure the hardships of life independently . Luckily there is no such kind of ' grown-up ceremony ' any more . Bill , please . Please wait a moment ... here is the bill . Please check it . Excuse me , what's this item for ? For three bottles of Tsingtao beer . But we've can canceled one bottle . Oh , I'm sorry . Let me go back to the cashier's to have it changed . ( a few minutes later , the waiter returns with the new bill . ) I'm sorry for the miscalculation . Here's the new bill . Would you mind checking it again ? That's all right . If you're staying at our hotel , you may sign the bill . How much is the fare ? Three yuan . Could you tell me how to use it ? You put it in the slot at the turnstile and then push the turnstile to get into the platform . Oh , I see . By the way , how can I get out of the platform after I get off the train ? That's very easy . The exit is always open . Thank you for your help . My pleasure . We're supposed to check in at the air-china ’ s counter . Thirty minutes before take off , Joe . Yes , I know . The boarding time on the ticket says 17 Do we need to show our ID cards when checking in . Yes , It ’ s essential . What about our luggage ? We can check it and hand carry small bags . And we have open each for inspection Are they going to frisk all the passengers ? I think so . we certainly don ’ t want a highjack to happen on our plane today . You look kind of green . I don ’ t feel so good . I am feeling sick to my stomach . Have you had anything to eat lately ? I had fried shrimp and clams for lunch . Perhaps the food was bad . Perhaps , but I haven ’ t felt well for a few days now . Has anything been upsetting you lately ? My stress level is pretty much what is usually is . Do you think that maybe you are getting the flu ? It seems to me like I may have caught a bug . Hello ! nice to see you here at the finest centre again . What exercises are you going to do today ? I'm going to do some jogging on the treadmill . Then I think I'll do some work with the dumbbless . Good idea . I'd suggest you do some crunches too . Thery're great for getting in shape . Make sure you do them correctly . Ok . I will . Could you help me with the treadmill ? I found it difficult to get the setting right last time . Sure . Is today only you second visit ? Yes , it is . I'll be coming here regularly . I think I need regular exercise to get in shape and then to stay in shape . The treadmill is excellent for helping you to build up stamina . Each time you use it , increase this distance . don't worry about your speed at first . You can increase that later . I was told that the first time I came heer . I was told not to put too much pressure on my body at first . I need to build up slowly . That's right . You don't want to injure yourself by exercising too much or in the wrong way . Now , this is how you make the settings for the treadmill ... Paul , you were also a parent of young kids before . So , can you tell me what you did when your kids didn ’ t behave very well ? I know Mark is your only child . You may do it differently from what I did . Sometimes I would tap their hands when they made troubles . I do it , too . You know , sometimes when we eat , my child would pull a dish towards him and grab it with his hands and eat . And if it were something he doesn ’ t like , he would spit it out and throw it into other dishes . He does it very often . I really get mad . I can ’ t help spank him sometimes . And what does your husband do ? My husband is an American . He criticizes me when I do that . He says that I can ’ t change a child ’ s behavior by using force . He is learning what I am doing now . But spoiling a child is not going to do him good either ! You ’ Ve got to have patience with him and teach him . It ’ s not easy , I know . It ’ s hard . Yeah . I ’ m still learning how to control his behavior and my temper . My child is almost two years old , and I ’ Ve learnt the distraction technique when he cries for something . I really do like this dining set.But I just don't know . I don't know if I can do a good job with it . It really isn't hard , sir . You just have to follow the instructions . What instructions ? We will give you a detailed instruction manual if you buy the table . I see . But can I understand the instructions ? I'm a foreigner , you know . Don't worry about that . Your English seems very good.And our instruction manuals are very clearly written . It's easy ! Could you tell me now some of the things I need to do ? Of course.First , you must sand the furniture . You sand it to make the wood smooth.You start with heavy-grade sandpaper . Then , you move to finer-grade sandpaper . Do I have to sand every inch of the table ? The better you sand it , the better the finish will be . Alright . Then , after you sand it , you use tack cloth to wipe off any dust or sawdust . Sawdust ? Yes , sawdust is the tiny particles of wood.You could call it wood dust . You must wipe it off.The wood should be very clean before you put the varnish on . That makes sense . Then you apply the varnish , which is very easy . It is like painting . And I can choose any color ? Yes , we have many colors to choose from , sir . And after the varnish ? After the varnish dries for 24 hours , you can put another coat of varnish on . Or you can put the finish on.The finish is hard and clear . It goes on top of the varnish . And then ? Well , when the finish is dry , the table is done . It all sounds very complicated . It only sounds complicated . It's really very easy . A lot of people here in America finish their own furniture.It ' s a good way to save some money . And a lot of people even enjoy it . Well , I will look around your shop some more . I need to think about it . Alright , sir . Good afternoon , Miss Tao . Please sit down . Good afternoon , Mr . Black . Thank you very much . I ’ Ve read your application materials with interest . Now I want to ask you a few questions , if you don ’ t mind . As you please . I ’ m ready . The first is why you choose our company ? I think yours is a well-known advertising company , so I ’ m sure to get opportunities to display my talent in advertisement . Why do you want to quit your present company ? Well , the company has some financial problems . People there are all thinking of quitting . Well , when do you think you can come over to work ? One week after I have submitted my resignation paper . When you start to work , I ’ ll give you $ 3,000 a month . Thank you , sir . Excuse me , what's the checking time for flight FA1187 ? Have you paid the airport fee ? Yes , and I have already gone through the safety inspection . In that case , please get your passport and boarding card ready . Just wait in the terminal for twenty more minutes.You will hear the announcement . Thank you . Excuse me . Where is the Beijing railway station ? You can take the subway to get there How long will I take it to get there ? It ’ s takes only about 10 minutes May I take a bus or a taxi to get there ? You can take No . 1 bus or taxi Excuse me . Sir . Where is the No . 1 bus stop ? Pleas turn right at the traffic lights . Thank you very much Do you like reading magazines ? No , I don't . Why ? Because I think it's boring No , you can learn a lot from them . Learn a lot ? Really ? Absolutely . And it's a good way to kill time during the tour . Do you have magazines now ? Yes , I do . Can you lend me one ? Sure . Here you are . Can you put me through to Mr . Lining ? Yes , speaking . Can I help you ? I am calling to let you know that you are selected to fill the position of Project Manager . I am happy to hear that and I'll accept that . By the way , are you married ? No , I am single . The air conditioning is not working ! We need to call a handyman before we start to fry in here ! Dan is on top of that . I think they are also getting the handyman to fix the bathroom toilet that keeps clogging up . That would be convenient . They might as well ask him to fix the electrical wiring . The circuit breakers keep going out all the time . It ’ s really annoying ! Yeah you are right . This office is falling apart ! Frank told me the other day that the gutters outside were clogged and that ’ s why the parking lot was flooded . I know ! I was in ankle deep water trying to get to my car that day ! The handyman definitely has his work cut out for him . How long have you been in this company ? I came two years ago after I graduated from college . This is my first job . You must have found much difference between working in company and studying in college . Of course ! Everyday , there is a deadline to meet . Bosses watching and testing me all the time , not liking in college , handed in paper months later and tested on schedule . It is so busy . But anyway , I have been trying my best to be a good employee . Well , you ’ Ve adapted yourself very well . Everyone in our office thinks you ’ Ve made a great progress in the past two years . What is your secret ? It is so encouraging to hear this remark . The secret is to make plans . Write down your goals , short-term and long-term and make detail plans for a week or a month . Then just work hard . How will you ship the order ? Air freight is the quickest and safest way , I think . But the freight cost will be higher and that will affect the retail price . Good afternoon , it's nice to see you again . Have you decided to go ahead and try for the Fixed Asset Loan ? I'm going to need some more info first . I was wondering about the repayments . How long would I have to pay back the loan ? That depends . Our repayment plans go from 1 year to 10 years . The Fixed Asset Loan is a long-term loan , you see . The loan can be paid in either monthly or quarterly instalments , to suit your needs . And how much is payable in each instalment ? You will need to pay part of the principle sum and part of the interest due . Well , as far as I can see , the advantages outweigh the disadvantages . You've sold me ! I'd like to go ahead . Would you be kind enough to lend me forty pounds ? I'd really like to help you out , but I am broke myself . That's all right . Good morning , sir . What can I do for you ? Good morning . I want to deposit a sum of money into my account . OK ! How much do you want to deposit ? Well , I want to deposit 2,000 yuan into my account . Would you please fill in a deposit form first ? Please write down your name , your account number and the amount you want to put in . OK . I wonder about the rate of interest of the account . Interest is paid at the rate of 1 % per annum at present . And it is added to your account every year . Thank you very much . My pleasure . How much is the voucher worth ? It is worth 100 yuan and your bill comes to 230 yuan . The difference is 130 , please . Here it is . Thank you , sir . Could you sign the voucher here , please ? OK . Here you are . Thank you , sir . Hope to see you again soon . Sorry , I'm late . It doesn't matter . Freeze ! Police ! Put your hands over your head ! What did I do ? I haven't done anything . You're under arrest for concealing illegal drugs . What do you mean ? You are suspected of hiding illegal drugs . So we are taking you into custody . I didn't do anything . We've found some heroin at your house . No , I didn't . I'm innocent . Those aren't mine . Whatever you found is someone else's stuff . You can't prove anything . I wasn't there when you went in , and you can't prove it's my stuff . That may be , but you're still under arrest . And you'd better stop talking . I don't need your help , jerk . Whatever you say . I think I'm going to go to the market today . Do we need food ? Yeah , I think so . What are you going to get ? I'm not sure what we need . Maybe you should go and look in the refrigerator . Could you do it for me , and write out a list of things that we need ? Just get the basics . Like what ? You know . Get some eggs , milk , and bread . Just go and make a list for me , please . Fine , I'll go do that for you . Jenny , Can you come and help me ? Mom , what should I do ? It's dusty everywhere in the house . Can you help me do the housecleaning ? OK . I will call Peter to clean it together . That's my good girl . The clothes need washing . I'll do the laundry . Mr . Phillips ? I have a request here from purchasing that needs your approval . Let me take a look . This is for a 486 computer with modem . Who ’ s it going to ? I believe it ’ s going to Ms . Wilson ’ s office . Get her on the phone , please . I need to clarify this . Excuse me , what material is it ? Rhaki.Do you want some ? No , where are the cotton cloths ? I will show you . What is the shrink rate after washing ? Less than 5 % . It's quite durable . Our supervisor Lester does . Actually , Lester is kind of like the kitchen god . The kitchen god ? What does he do ? He just stays in the kitchen and watches you . Before the Chinese New Year , the kitchen god tells his boss whether you were good or bad this year . Just like Lester does ! Oh , no ! I did a lot of bad things this year . I hope the kitchen god isn't like Lester--he blabs my mistakes to everybody ! Actually , there's a way to keep the kitchen god from telling the bad things you did . What is it ? Tell me ! Will it work for Lester , too ? I think so ! Just serve a lot of sweet dishes next week . That will make the kitchen god say sweet things about you ! Hmm . Are you sure that will work ? I already tried giving chocolate to Lester . And what happened ? His face broke out and he said it was my fault ! I need a taxi . We could easily provide you with a private vehicle , if you'd prefer . No , the taxi will do . Perhaps you'd like to take a beautiful limousine . No , thank you . Taxis and I get along just fine . No private vehicle , no limo . Got it . Where are you going ? I'm seeing a show at Rockefeller Center . What time should the taxi be here to pick you up ? I'm ready to go right now . I'll have a taxi for you momentarily , sir . Great ! As soon as I brush my teeth , I'll be downstairs . You'll enjoy our new , clean taxis , sir . Excuse me . Yes , sir . Can I help you ? Um , this steak , I asked for to be medium rare . Medium rare , that ’ s right , sir . I remember your order . Well , I ’ m afraid it isn ’ t . It ’ s a bit too well done and rather tough . Would you mind changing ? If it is not to your satisfaction , I ’ ll certainly bring you another . But I ’ m afraid you may have to wait for a few minutes . Yes , that ’ s all right . Thank you very much . Judy , what do you think of the new general manager ? He has extensive experience , although the guy ’ s really deep , sometimes , it scares me . I heard he's very clear about his likes and dislikes and he's not the type to just let things go , so don ’ t provoke him . I know , and that's why I'm always respectful and I keep my distance . It's safer that way . Me too , I don't know why , but every time I see the guy , I break into a cold sweat . It's in the eyes . They're the type that seems to look into your soul , making one really uneasy . Whatever we said , we must be more careful . Yes , I agree with you . I ’ m interested in all kinds of your products , but this time I would like to order some fireworks and mosquito coil incense . Please quote us C . I . F . Rangoon . Please let us know the quantity required so that we can work out the premium and freight charges . I ’ m going to place a trial order for 1,000 units of a dozen fireworks and 500 cartons of mosquito coil incense . All right . Here are our F . O . B . price lists . All the prices are subject to our final confirmation . Your price is reasonable but I wonder if you would give us a discount . You know for the products like yours we usually get 2 % or 3 % discount from European suppliers . We usually offer on a net basis only . Many of our clients have been doing very well on this quoted price . Discounts will more or less encourage us to make every effort to push sales of your products . The quantity you ordered is much smaller than those of others . If you can manage to boost it a bit , we ’ ll consider giving you a better discount . As far as a trial order is concerned , the quantity is by no means small . And generally speaking , we like to profit from a trial order . I hope you ’ ll be able to meet our requirements . Well , as this is the first deal between us , we agree to give you an one-percent discount as a special encouragement . 1 % ? That ’ s too low a rate . Could you see your way to increase it to 2 % ? . I ’ m afraid we have really made a great concession , and could not go any further . It seems this is the only proposal for me to accept . I ’ ll come again tomorrow to discuss it in detail . All right . See you tomorrow . Hello , can I help you ? Yes , my engine warning light is on . How long has it been on for ? Just since today . You can still drive , without problems . It runs fine . Let's check it out . There'll be a $ 45 charge to check it over . If you fix it with us , we'll include the $ 45 into your repair . Okay . Please write down your address and phone number , and sign here . Okay . It'll be about an hour . Are you going to wait ? No , you can give a call when you have done checking . No problem . Have you gone to school today ? I went to school today . Did you go to school ? I couldn't go to school today , I was sick . That's horrible . I'd be happy to give you the assignments from English class . Thank you very much , that's kind of you . Don't mention it . When you miss a day of school , I'll be happy to give you the English assignments . That is greatly appreciated and I hope you feel well enough to go to school tomorrow . Can I order something from the kitchen ? Just tell me what you'd like , please . A bottle of champagne , lobster tail , and filet mignon , medium rare would hit the spot . I hate to tell you this , but we have no more filet mignon . May I suggest the porterhouse instead ? Sure ! Right now , I would even eat hamburger ! Have you ever tried chocolate-covered strawberries with champagne ? Thank you , but I just finished eating some chocolate-covered cherries . That'll be a bottle of champagne , lobster tail , and porterhouse , all charged to your amenities account . Not a problem . Please call if you have any other requests . Your food will be delivered promptly . Sorry to trouble you . Can you tell me how to get to the City Bank ? It's about two or there blocks away from here . How long will it take if I walk ? It'll take you about 15 minutes . These three hours chatting with you have been very ... interesting . Could you please tell us why we're here ? I want a new brand image . Something creative , something strong . Make no mistake , something with ... resolve ! What is our time frame ? Let's meet on Friday to discuss your progress . Give me your e-mail address ... umm , I mean addresses ... We'll be in touch . May I take yor order now ? Yes , what do you have for appetizer ? We have caviar , foiegras , lox , cold beef , sour cucumber ... Well , please bring me the cold beef . OK , sir . Do you want some soups ? Are you voting tomorrow ? Of course . What about you ? You know that I am . Where is your polling place ? It ’ s at the park up the street . Oh , is that right ? Where ’ s your polling place ? I have no idea . How come you don ’ t know where it is ? Nothing came in the mail telling me my polling place . You should check online . Oh , really ? Thanks , I ’ m going to do that right now . Why aren ’ t they are aware of the gravity of the situation ? Because they are rednecks . Sir , I've finished your shaving . Wow , it takes years off you after having a shave . Really ? You've done a good job . Thank you . May I suggest you to trim your eyebrows ? I have never heard that men would trim their eyebrows . Are you kidding ? No , sir , I am serious . Haven't you heard that today men are becoming increasingly interested in having their eyebrows professionally groomed ? Do you mean that it is a trend for men to trim their eyebrows ? Absolutely . Several men have tried it in my A shop . Do you want to try ? Yeah , let me have a try . Can I stay out all night with my friends ? No way . But we'll be careful . It's out of the question . I'm sleepy . I can hardly keep my eyes open . Why don't you go to bed ? I think I will . Hello . Hi , my sweetheart . It ’ s Dad . Hi , Dad . Where are you ? I ’ m at work right now . You can reach me at 905 675 9870 . Please call this number if you need me . Thank you , Dad . I love you . I love you , too , Dad . She's a Persian . She has papers and everything . Not like a street dog . Cats chase mice , don't they ? And bugs . They can catch anything . Do you have to walk a cat ? No , they use litter boxes or go outside by themselves.Thev ' re so smart . But then you have to change the litter box . It's better than picking up dog poop . The washing machine isn't working again . It's not my fault . Now we arrive at the Cambridge University , it is one of the oldest universities in the world . I wish I had studied here . It's more than a university . In 2009 Cambridge will come to its eight hundredth anniversary . Woo . It has such a long history . I think I should take more photos of the university . What do you think of our price ? Your price has gone up sharply , hasn't it ? Yes , we regret we cannot maintain our original price . Since the prices of the raw materials have been raised , we have to adjust the price of our products accordingly . I agree with you there , but you price is unreasonable . I don't think so . You must compare our price with that it other export houses . I'm sure our offer is in line with the prevailing market price level . I don't think we will be able to pay the price . To have this business concluded , you need to lower your price at least by 3 % . I'm afraid that there is no room for any reduction in price . Don't you agree with me that in the long run moderate prices we bring about large sales and more profit ? We've already cut down our price to cost level . Is that all ? Yes this is the best we can do . I'm sorry , we can't handle the price you offered . A report says running red lights causes one thousand traffic accidents every year . It ’ s horrible . Why do drivers run a red light then ? Maybe they know they shouldn ’ t run a red light , but when they are driving they don ’ t pay enough attention to traffic lights . Talking on the cell phone while driving is very dangerous too . It increases the chance of accidents . I know . If a policeman catches you using the cell phone while driving , you will be fined . What are the requirements to apply for the position ? Your major must be computer . Do you think my educational background suits this position ? Yes , I ’ m quite satisfied with your qualifications . Does this job require that new employees take any kind of training course ? Generally speaking , training new members is usually necessary . We offer our new employees a one-week training course . Could you tell something about the job ? Yes , of course . You will be responsible for the designing and developing new products and also be in charge of the evaluation of the software programs including complex software systems to ensure product features and operation complaints . Oh , I see . I believe I can do the job well . Good morning , Miss.Are there boat tickets to Miami on the first of September Yes , there are . What cabin would you like ? I'd like the first-class cabin for two . What's the fare ? It is 150 dollars each . How long is the boat time-table effective ? The boat time-table is effective from the first of August till the first of November I want to know what port does our ship stop at ? The ship will stop at New York . How long will the trip take from here to New York ? It will take 5 days . Thank you . Did you order the cake ? Oh , I forgot . Get on the phone right now . It might not be too late . I ’ m so sorry ! OK , so you just want a simple message on it . Yeah . How about “ Happy Birthday Tony , from the gang . ” I ’ m on it ! What would you like to eat ? I'd like a hamburger with lettuce and tomato . How about something to drink ? A Coke , please . OK . I'll see if I can get waited on . Hey , Robert , that's a nice shirt you are wearing . Where did you get it ? thanks , I like it too . I bought it at the nearby department store . that's nice . Do you know you can get one at the wholesale market near the zoo for a much lower price ? yeah , I know that . But at those places . the prices they ask you are ridiculously high , and if you don't bargain hard , you will get ripped-off . true , learning how to haggle the price is one of the things people have to pick up when they come to China for the first time . yeah , but personally , I hate bargaining . If I bargain , I might come to a lower price , but I will never know the true price of what I am buying ; and I always have the feeling that I am overcharged at th yeah , I have the same feeling . Also there is another thing that bothers me the quality . Things in a department store are usually quality-guaranteed . But at a wholesale market , you never know whether w that's why I like department stores more . Shopping at a wholesale market like the locals is one of the few things I am unable to grow accustomed to . I understand . While it's always good to follow the local customs , I guess there are exceptions . When will the campus recruitment of L'Oreal being this year ? According to their scheme , it will begin on September 10th . It is really early , isn't it ? Yes , it is much earlier than past years . Dahua's Market . How can I help you ? Where is your store located ? We are on Nanjing Road , next to the theatre . Right , I'll be right over . Excuse me . Can you take me to the airport ? Which airport , ma'am ? Kennedy Airport . All right , ma'am . Need any help with your luggage ? Thank you , but I'd rather keep this case with me . What do you think a job is ? Well , a way to make a living , of course , but beyond that I think a job is a way of developing oneself as a person . Where do you see yourself three years from now ? I wouldn't like to hold a specific title . I just want to enjoy what I am doing . That sounds reasonable . It's the most important thing to me . Fine . What kind of relationship do you think should exist between a boss and his or her employees ? I think a company is a place to get work done . Certainly friendly , open relationships among all company employees is important , and I think an employee should be serious about his or her work responsibilities and have a professional relationship with the boss . You'll have a definite answer from us within a week . Goodbye . Goodbye . Oh , here comes a bus ! It's here at last ! How long have you waited ? Twenty minutes exactly . I am so busy today . Can I help you ? I ’ m not sure . Perhaps you could do the shopping . I ’ ll be glad to help . Or maybe make the beds . All you have to do is to ask for help . Thanks . That ’ s terrific ! I ’ m ready and willing to help . Do you like this dress , madam ? I like the colour very much . It's a lovely dress , but it's too small for me . What about this one ? It's a lovely dress . It's very smart . Short skirts are in fashion now . Would you like to try it ? All right . I'm afraid this green dress is too small for me as well . It's smaller than the blue one . I don't like the colour either . It doesn't suit me at all . I think the blue dress is prettier . Co I'm afraid I haven't got a larger dress . This is the largest dress in the shop . Can I help you ? Wait a minute , please . Have you made a reservation ? No , I'd like to book a single room with one double bed . How long will you be staying ? 2 nights , how much does it cost ? A single room costs you $ 85 / day . Does the charge include everything ? Yes . Do you require a deposit ? No , You can pay when you check out . What's the date today Mr.Brown . I don't have a calendar . Today is Tuesday , 25th September , 2001 . 25th Sep ? Oh , I have an appointment tonight . What time is your appointment ? It is at 8 o'clock . What time is now ? Do you have the correct time ? I don't know what time it is.It must be about 6 o'clock . I have to go now . I don't want to be late . You won't be late.It ' s still early . Excuse me ! How can I get to the post office , please ? Well , turn left at the first corner after the crossroad . It's near the corner . You can't miss it . Thank you very much . It's my pleasure ! Hello , stewardess . Could you bring me a blanket ? I feel so cold . Sure , anything else ? I'd like a pillow as Well . OK . Here you are . Have you started cleaning up your room yet ? I haven't gotten started on my room yet . When exactly do you plan on cleaning it ? I have every intention of cleaning my room later . I thought I asked you to clean your room earlier . I already told you that I'm going to do it . Remember to vacuum the floor and dust everything . I'll remember to do that . Make sure that you don't go anywhere until you clean your room . I'll clean my room before I leave . Do you think I should join the basketball team , Mary ? Why not ? If I were you , I certainly would . But I'm afraid it'll take up too much of my time . As the saying goes , work while you work , play while play . All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy , you know ? Hmm , you're right . Good morning , Sir . Are you here to get some advice about our new Personal Financing Program ? I am indeed . What can you tell me ? The account is a compound savings account , which is in RIB and Forex . Do I get a card ? Yes , you can have a Money Link card . You can also base the account on time deposits . The choice is yours . How about the interest ? I'm not really happy with the interest I'm receiving through my Current Account . The interest on this new account is higher than any of the accounts in our Personal Financing . That sounds better . Also , can I use the one card for several accounts ? Say , if I have two or three accounts and want to transfer money from one to the other ? Yes , you can have multi-accounts on the card , you can also make transfers from the account and securities companies and various other benefits . That's wonderful . Ladies and Gentlemen , this is the Statue of Liberty . It's one of the American symbol . It's really spectacular . The statue has for a century acted as a figurehead for the American Dream . I think we can climb to the top , can't we ? Of course you can . Good morning , can I help you ? I'd like to book a ticket to Singapore , please . When ? June 3rd . The flight number is Cz353 . it departs at 17:10 and arrives at 45 . Okay . I will book this flight . Your passport , please . Here you are . This house is very nice for me , but I can ’ t afford it in a lump sum . Don ’ t worry , you can pay in an installment , that is to say , you don ’ t have to pay the whole amount of money at once . That ’ s good . Will you tell me the details ? Certainly , you need to pay a deposit at first , and you will pay the rest monthly . How long will it take ? It depends . I need to talk it over with my wife . Certainly . Susan , can you give me a hand ? Sure , what's wrong ? I want to create a password for this document . Please tell me how to do it . It's easy . Press O and then P . Then it will ask you for your password . What do I do after I've typed in my password ? Just press ENTER and you've done . Where on earth are we going to borrow at 3 % ? We can borrow from a bank , the gross interest rate will be something like 7 % . With corporate tax at say 30 % . We are only paying on 50 % of this . There is still inflation to consider . You can knock off another 2 % for that . We can borrow as much as we can . Not quite , if we get too heavily in debt , the shares will tend to drop . How much loan capital can we safely raise then ? I would like to have notice of that question , I will give you an answer in a week . So you're going picnicking ? Yeah . I'm going with Jennie . Have a good day ! Thank you . I went to the doctor yesterday . I beg your pardon ? I said I had been to the doctor the day before . What did he say ? He said I ' d got the flu . Oh dear ! What did he tell you to do ? He told me to stay in bed for ten days . Ten days ? Would you please repeat it again ? Yes , ten days . Bob , What are you thinking about ? I'm thinking about that idea we talked about . Do you think it'll work ? I'm not sure . Room service . May I help you ? Yes , can you tell me how to use the phone in my room ? Certainly . If you want to make a local call , dial 10 first and then call the number you want . Thank you . Welcome to our company , My name is Jon Dahl Green . I'm in charge of the export department . Let me give you my business card . I'll give you mine too . How was your flight ? Not bad , but I'm a little tired . Here's your schedule . After this meeting , we will visit the factory and have another meeting with the production manager . And you'll be having dinner with our director . Could you arrange a meeting with your boss ? Of course . I've arranged it at 10 0 ' clock tomorrow morning . Well , shall we get down to business ' . Sure , did you receive the sample we sent last week ? Yes , we finished the evaluation of it . If the price is acceptable we would like to order now . I'm very glad to hear that . What's your best price for that item ? The unit price is $ 12.50 . I think the price is a little high , can't you reduce it I'm afraid we can't . $ 12.50 is our rock bottom price . If you purchase more than 10,000 units we can reduce it to $ 12.00 . Well , I'll accept the price and place an initial order of 10,000 units . Very good . It's been a pleasure to do business with you , Mr . Smith . The pleasure is ours . Can you deliver the goods by March 31 ? Of course . Excuse me , can you tell me where the post office is ? It's on the Fifth Avenue . I'm afraid I don't quite understand . I see.You ' re a stranger here.Walk two blocks ahead , then turn left . You can't miss it . What's the quickest way to get there ? If were you . I'd take a taxi . Can you tell me where the taxi stand is ? You will find a taxi stand the street corner . Thank you . You're welcome . Excuse me , can you help me ? I would like to change rooms if possible , I couldn ’ t sleep at all last night , because the people in the room next to mine were making a lot of noise , also if at all possible , I ’ d like a room that doesn ’ t overlook the street , between the noisy neighbors and the highway outside , I didn ’ t sleep a wink . I am so sorry to hear that sir , let me check and see what is available , what room are you in now ? I ’ m on the 6th floor , room 698 , I ’ v had many problems with that room , just this morning , I called someone up to fix the light fixture in the bathroom , it didn ’ t work , and it still doesn ’ t work . Oh , dear , well , it looks like we have a few rooms available , can I put you into a room on the 17th floor ? It has a balcony and it doesn ’ t face the highway . Ok , that would be very nice ! What do I need to do to transfer ? Let me check you out of your old room , you have to sign here , and acknowledge these changes and also the charges to your previous room . Then I can hook you right up to room 1780 . Mmm , I don ’ t think the charges are right , can you explain them please ? Now , if I look here I see that you completed a BA in English ? Yes , that ’ s right . After graduating from high school in New York I attended York University in the UK . My major was English , and my minor was business studies . I completed my BA in 2004 . Yes , I ’ m pleased to see that you also got a distinction . Yes that ’ s right . I ’ Ve always enjoyed studying . My friends say I ’ m a bit of a bookworm , but my father always pushed us to succeed school . Well , it looks like his encouragement paid off Rebecca . So how about extracurricular activities at University ? Well I ’ Ve always been keen on writing , so I became the editor for the University student newspaper , which I really loved . Also I volunteered for a group called Shelter , to help the homeless in York . What did that involve ? Providing warm meals and shelter , especially in the winter months . I found it really fulfilling to be part of that group . I ’ m sure . Okay , now let ’ s move on to your work experience , shall we ? Yes , okay . You owe $ 36.78 . Here ’ s my VISA card . I ’ m sorry , but your card isn ’ t working . What ’ s the problem ? The machine says your card was declined . It was ? Do you have another card ? That ’ s my only one . Maybe you can just pay in cash ? No cash today . I guess you won ’ t be able to purchase these items today . I ’ ll come tomorrow with cash . Marriott Street . How do you spell that ? M , A , double R , I , O , double T . Right . Got that . I would like to get my driver's license today . You will have to take your driving test . Have you taken it yet ? I haven't taken it yet . Could you fill these papers out , please ? Can I take my test right now ? You need an appointment . I would like to do that right now , if I could . Is Friday good for you ? That's perfect . Okay , so Friday at what time ? The morning would be nice . All right . Come in on Friday at 11 Have you moved into your new house yet , Michael ? We just moved in yesterday , actually . So , what do you think about the place ? Are you glad that you moved in ? It's great ! Unfortunately , we're going to spend a fortune doing everything up . How old is the house then ? It's about 200 years old . It has a lot of history ! Sounds fascinating . Where is your new house located ? It's just off of the ring road . Do you have a big yard ? It's bigger than our last one . I've got flowers in the front , and fruits , vegetables and a fish pond in the back . Is your house well-lit ? Oh , yes . Our windows let plenty of natural light in . They've also got wonderful views of the park behind our house . How many rooms does your house have ? Right now , there are three bedrooms , two barrooms , a kitchen , a sitting room , a dining room , and a living room . We're hoping to add on a green room and a guest bedroom . In fact , when the guest bedroom is ready , you should come and stay with us for a weekend . I'd be up for that ! Mary , we're going to the supermarket . Do you want to come ? Yeah . I need to get some stuff . Let's all go together then . Where's Lisa ? She's getting coupons from her desk . What are coupons ? They give you discounts on some stuff that you want to buy . Really ? Because there is a coupon for almost every product , we always bring coupons on our shopping trips . Wow , you ’ re up early today ! What ’ s for breakfast ? Well , I felt like baking , so I made some muffins . Smells good ! I ’ ll make some coffee . Do you want me to make you some eggs ? Sure , I'll take mine , sunny side up . Www , I don ’ t know how you can eat your eggs like that ! Ever since I was small , I ’ Ve had eggs and soldiers . You know , my dad had scrambled eggs every morning for twenty years . It drove my mom crazy ! You know what really drives me crazy ? When I ask for soft boiled eggs , and they overcook them , so they come out hard boiled ! How can you dipyour toast into a hard boiled egg ? You ’ re so picky sometimes . Here you go , honey , fried eggs . Dammit ! I asked for sunny side up ! How many times do I have to tell you . Hello , come in , I've been waiting for you . Than you , I'm not late , am I ? No , no , no , not at all.It ' s just that I've been looking forward to meeting you . Well , thank you , but it's not all that hard to do , you know . I've been calling your office and sending you proposals for about two years now , and you've never responded before . Ha , ha , ha ! Yes , I guess I deserved that . Let me explain , okay ? Please , I wish you would . Well , as you probably know I buy from a selected group of suppliers and don't , as a rule , deal with new people . Yes , I know that . It's why Ive been trying to become one of those suppliers . I hear you're a good man to do business with . I'm very old-fashioned . I believe in loyalty.Once I start a sales relationship with someone , I stay with him or her , and we so most of our business on the phone . I expect their absolute best price possible and don't haggle.But if I find out they screwed me over , then I find another supplier . That's pretty much what I heard . Well , those are my terms . As long as you honor them , we do business.If you break faith and try to take advantage , I'll find someone else to work with . Can you live with that ? No problem at all , Mike . Just give me the chance . Hi Ron , this is Kim at headquarters . Oh , hi Kim . How ’ s it going ? Great , thanks . I was calling to change our meeting next week . Ok , sure . When did you have in mind ? Well , I was hoping we could reschedule for early next month , Our trip has been postponed until the 2nd . Why don ’ t ’ we say the 3rd around 2:00 p . m . ? That works for me ! I will call you when I get into town to reconfirm . Great . Talk to you then . Watch out ! You'll hit that car if you're not careful . Oh no , I won't . But we will have an accident if you don't stop shouting . You see . I told you you'd hit him if you weren't careful . Oh , shut up , will you ? It was all your fault . If you'd kept quite this would never have happened . Oh , so it was my fault , was it ? If I hadn't warned you in time it would have been much worse . If you're observant you'll see rare birds , insects , butterflies , and a few reptiles . But you must look for them . There are also a few am-phibians in lower places . Well , let's move , I can see a rest area ahead.We can relax there , and see what wildlife is around ... Huh ! I am really out-of-shape , Why aren't you out-of-breath ? Because I come hiking every week . That's why I'm in good-shape . I think that I should bring you a walkingstick next time . How can you say that ? But , you could give me a piggyback the rest of the way . So , you want me to carry your backpack , your thermos flask , our picnic , and you as well . No problem , jump on . Hi , Steven , take a seat ! How are things at work ? It's coming along well , but it is a little delayed . Can you finish it on time ? I'm pressed for time and I am afraid I need someone to help me . OK , I will send Beker to help you . We need to get the brochures done and sent them to our clients on Friday without delay . OK , we promise to do it well . OK , I just want to brief you all on the travel market in Taiwan . To start with , generally speaking , the travel industry in Taiwan focuses mainly on tours . This segment of the industry is well developed . Sorry to interrupt , Doris , but can you tell me more about these tour groups , what kind of things they enjoy , and so on ? Yes , of course . Most of the time , when they travel , they prefer to do so in large groups accompanied by a guide , who usually takes care of everything , for instance , choosing the restaurants , the itinerary , the mode of transport , and things like that . Another thing is that most travelers to the UK tend to be middle aged , around 40 to 50 or so . This age group is less adventurous ; they like good hotels , and have money to spend . They kind of prefer to stay in the cities where they feel safer . They are not into mountain climbing in Wales or anything . I don ’ t mean to interrupt , but can you tell me what plans you have for growing the youth market ? Just a moment . I'll tell you about that in a minute . Where was I ? Oh yes . By way of illustration , let ’ s look at the top five destinations in the UK for this kind of traveler over the last five years . If you look at page ten you can see what I mean . In spite of these characteristics of the market , I still think there is room for growth in the youth sector . So how do you intend to do that ? OK , let me tell you what we ’ Ve been doing . We ’ Ve been in touch with the Wales and Scottish Tourist development offices here in Taiwan and they ’ re interested in working with us to promote their regions to the youth segment . We ’ Ve decided to implement an advertising campaign focusing on the excitement of the activities in those regions . May I interrupt you for a moment ? Go ahead . How much is it going to cost , and who is going to pay ? Well , at the moment we are trying to work out those details . We haven't managed to come up with a concrete plan yet , but we are working on it . I see . OK . So what ’ s next ? Well , our intention is to have some features about these regions in some youth magazines . We ’ re also going to run some ads on TV and put some flyers in places where young people go , like the gym and student organizations . We ’ re making arrangements to have some activities at big shopping malls and department stores around town . Where is the boss ? I need him to sign a few documents . I checked in his office , but he is not there . Is he out of the office now ? Yes . Today is Tuesday , so the boss went off to his MBA seminar class . He is out of the office every Tuesday and Thursday mornings , and he has classes all day Saturday and Sunday . What's he studying ? He is finishing up a special continue education program for executives . He can continue working , taking a few of classes here and there , and in 2 years he will complete his MBA . Sounds like a tiring schedule.He ’ s probably got a lot of homework too , eh ? The classes have him out of the office , so that is stressful for him . But as far as homework goes , it is a breeze for him . Why is that ? He just has his secretary do his homework for him . Hello , reservation desk . Can I help you ? Yes . I ’ d like to book a duplex suite . What day would you like to reserve the suite for , sir ? Next Friday . I ’ m sorry , sir . We can ’ t accept reservations for next Friday due to over booking . May I suggest another hotel , sir ? Oh , thank you very much . Please hold the line . I ’ ll see if there is a duplex suite available on that day . ( a minute later ) Sir ? Holiday Inn is available for your need . How do I contact them ? I ’ ll give you their phone number . It ’ s 601 789 5634 . Hello , I would like to speak with Ryan . This is Ryan . How may I help you ? Ryan , this is Malia , and I am afraid that I am feeling a bit under the weather . Do you know what the problem is ? I have a horrible rash from poison oak . Have you had it a long time ? The doctor said that I probably have had it a few days . Have you been using anything for it ? I bought some over-the-counter lotion , and I am taking an antihistamine . That will probably take care of your symptoms . I ’ ll see you tomorrow . Mmmm ... This apartment seems a little expensive . Do you have any cheap studios ? Actually , the one-bedroom is the only vacant apartment right now . Do you think any studios will open up soon ? No , not for a few months . Can I help you with something ? I need to cancel one of my accounts . Is there a problem with it ? I don ’ t need it anymore . What would you like to do with all the money in this account ? Just transfer it over to my remaining account . I can do that . That would be great . Do you want to take any money out ? Not today . It ’ s going to take a moment for me to cancel your account . That ’ s fine . Take your time . Hi , Nancy . How are you doing ? Hi , Tom . Want a cup of coffee ? Not right now . I've got to get another car and my old one is blown up . Oh , hey , did you look in the classified ads ? You mean used cars ? No , Ah ... single sellers . Well , yeah , but I'd be getting somebody else's problems . Uh huh . How about a used car ? They've got good ones now . It's the same kind of deal though , you know , you never know what you're going to get . Oh , hey , how about a new car ? They've got easy loans now . You'd feel so good driving a new car . Let's look at them all . Have you got a paper there ? What's wrong with you ? I have got a run . Can you tell me where is the restroom ? It's just around the comer.Would you need some pills ? No , thank you . I have brought some . Hi , Zina . Lots of people are looking for you . Like who ? Like Elvin . He isn't too happy about what you promised . I've got it under control . You do realize that it isn't humanly possible for us to finish by next week ? What if you had three more top-notch programmers to help you ? That would definitely make a difference . But Vince already said no . Good morning , how have you been doing ? I haven ’ t been able to take a deep breath lately , and I need to know why . Have you had any type of bug lately ? No , I ’ Ve been feeling fairly good most of the time . It just is hard to breathe . Has anyone ever told you that you have allergies ? No one has ever checked me for allergies . Does this happen more when you are under stress ? When the weather gets really cold , it gets worse . I am going to refer you to a pulmonary specialist who can run tests on you for asthma . Thank you for pursuing this . I appreciate your help . Let's go to Wangfujing by bus . Better take the subway . It's faster , and more convenient . OK , it will be a new experience for me . We have a rather comprehensive subway system here . You can get almost anywhere rather quickly on a subway , especially at this time of day when the traffic is heavy . Where do we pay the fare ? Just give the man standing there 3 yuan and he'll give you a token . Then , you slip it into the slot at the turnstile and push the turnstile to get in . Let me pay for it . Where can I get a subway map ? Ask the worker who sells tokens to give you one . It's free fo charge . Actually maps showing subway routes are posted at most stations . Do I have to pay an additional fare to change trains ? No , you don't have to . Here comes the train . What should I do if I notice a fire ? Raise the alarm by breaking the glass of the nearest fire alarm . Call Security , say ' Fire ' and give your name and exact location . At night you should phone the fire service from the nearest telephone . Should I try to put the fire out ? If you discover a small fire , you can try to put it out with a fire extinguisher but only do this if you have been trained . Make sure you use the right extinguisher . They are all colour-coded and contain different substances to put out the fire . Do you know the restrictions about the carry-on items for exiting ? Yes , you can take small sum of money and important items such as passport and keys and business documents and so on . What are the things that are forbidden to take in departure ? There is a long list of those things forbidden , including explosives , gum opium and precious cultural relies and so on . Hey , how are you doing ? Could you do me a favor ? Sure , whatever you need . Can you help me move this table ? How are you , Sue ? Pretty good . I ’ Ve just had my new poems published . Congratulations on your success . Thank you . And how ’ s your brother ? He is fine . He ’ s going to be sent to Britain to study , really ? Yes . He ’ s already got the passport and visa . Fantastic ! Please send him my congratulations . Thank you . He ’ s very lucky indeed . Excuse me , can I have your passport , your immigration form and your Customs Declaration Form , please ? OK . Here you are . How long will you be staying at Hotel in China ? About three weeks . And what's the purpose of your visit ? Sightseeing . And where will you be staying ? At the Friendship Hotel in Beijing . OK . Could you put your hand baggage on the counter , please ? Do you have any gifts , or food in here ? Yes , I have some fresh apples in my suitcase . I'm sorry , sir , you can't bring fresh fruit into China . I'm going to have to confiscate these . Oh , that's too bad . Well , Yuri , tell me about it . I'm sorry I can't bring better news , sir . The site is a disaster . That's what I was afraid of . It is not only the earthquake , sir . But the mudslides.Much of the north half of the site has been covered over by mud . Mud ? But Ivan told me there were no mudslides in that district . I thought all the mudslides were down in Chichitango . That's what we thought , sir . That's what the news reported.But there was one little mudslide in our district too . Right above our site . Oh , that's terrible ! What bad luck ! I wish we had never come to this country.But , if it isn't the strikes and the revolutionaries , it's the earthquakes.Our operations here are finished ! I'm sorry , sir . It's not your fault , Yuri.But tell me . When will Ivan be able to get out there ? Well , it took me about nine hours to get back here by car.If Ivan leaves tonight , I think he should be there by tomorrow lunch . Good . I want an estimate of damages as soon as possible . But sir ... Yes , Yuri ? I wouldn't recommend sending Ivan now.Especially not at night . The roads aren't safe . Has the earthquake damaged the bridges too ? No , sir . The bridges are fine.But I've heard rumors that the revolutionaries are coming down from the mountains.There has been fighting , sir . Are you serious ? Fighting ? But I didn't hear anything on the news . You know the government controls the press here , sir . They don't want it reported . Oh , this is terrible , Yuri . Terrible ! So we can't even assess the damages . How can we do business in this country ? Either we're buried under mud , or we're in danger of getting kidnapped.No , I can't believe this mess ! I'm sorry , sir . You don't have to keep saying that , Yuri . It's not your fault.But me--I'm the one who should be sorry.It was me who suggested operations here in the first place ! Oh , what can we do ? Would you like chicken or beef ? Chicken , please . Here you are . Thank you . Oh , can I have another drink ? Certainly . The service cart will be down the aisle again soon . Your dog is really cute . What's his name ? His name is Bingo . What kind of dog is he ? We're not sure because the neighbour gave him to us after they moved away . Well , he sure likes to run around a lot . Is he well behaved ? Oh yes , he is . When he was a puppy , he liked to chew my father's shoes , but he's okay now . That sounds like my cat . She likes to scratch the couch with her claws . I didn't know you had a cat . When did you get her ? About a year ago actually . You've probably never seen her though . Really ? Why is that ? She's not a house-cat . She stays outside most of the time . Bingo could never do that . He stays in the house except when we take him to the park . You are seemingly upset . What's behind you ? Arden wants to have a trademark for our new series of products registered . But I have no idea on the registering process . That's not as complicated as you suppose . Is it so easy ? I never experienced this . Can you tell me something about it ? It is known that there is a time limit for trademarks . And we should not have a similar trademark with the one in the same field . Based on what you said , does it mean that we can not have a trademark like ' genova ' , right ? Correct . And our country follows the priority of use principle . Can you tell something about the preparation for the register ? Some relative documents will be needed and the fee may be quite dear . So you need to learn more about the process and regulations about this issue . Hello sir , how can I help you ? Yes , I need this prescription please . Let ’ s see . Okay , so 50 mg of Prozac , would you prefer this in capsule or tablet ? Capsules are fine . Okay , you should take 1 capsule 3 times a day . Be sure not to take it on an empty stomach , and also , don ’ t ever mix it with alcohol ! Yes , I know . It ’ s not the first time I ’ m taking this ! Don ’ t worry , I won ’ t overdose ! Okay , anything else I can get you ? Oh , yes , I almost forgot ! Can I also get some eye drops and um , some condoms ? Sure . Darn condoms aren ’ t registered in our system . Oh , well that ’ s okay , I ’ ll get some later , thanks ... Really it ’ s no problem . Just hang on there a sec . Can I get a price check on ” Fun Times Ribbed Condoms ” please ! Good coming , sir . Good morning . Would you mind moving to the middle of the bus ? Of course not . But I don't know when to get off . Where are you going ? I'm going to Wangfujing . Don't worry . I'll let you know when we get there . Thank you very much . I will be accompanying you on your tour today to visit our company . This is the assembly line . These drawings on the wall are process sheets . They describe clearly how each process goes on to the next step . How many workers are there on the lines ? About 200 . They can assemble at least 3,000 computers every day . Oh , it's highly efficient . Yes , since I came to this company , I was told that high efficiency is essential for the further development . How do you control the quality of the products ? Well , all products have to go through five checks in the whole process . We believe that the quality is the soul of an enterprise . There fore , we always put quality as the first consideration . Yes , quality is even more than the quantity . Mr . Chandler , this way please . I will show you a five-minute multivision about the history of our company . Good evening , sir . I think we have reservations . Have you fixed them ? Let me see . Your name , please ? My name is Paul Harper . Sorry . What was that you said ? I'll meet you at the Gate round about seven . Where ? At the Gate . When , did you say ? Round about seven . Who's coming ? Peter . Peter Brown , you know . Don't forget to bring the letter . Sorry . I didn't quite catch what you said . There's a lot of noise outside . I told you not to forget to bring the letter . Loretta ? No , she can't come , she's busy . We ’ re asking for donations today . What are you collecting donations for ? We ’ re trying to raise money for the campaigns . How much are you planning on raising ? As much as possible . What kind of fundraisers are you doing ? We are going door to door . You should try actual fundraisers , too . What else can we do ? Try having a car wash or selling candy . I didn ’ t think of that . I know . It ’ ll also help you make more money . Oh . I just wanted you to shut up . You were off-key anyway . Let me see that ! OK ... just grab it right out of my hands ... What a cool see-through blue ! How do you wear this thing ? That piece fits on to your ear . It hooks right on . And you just put the other one in your other ear . How do I turn it on ? May I serve your dishes now ? No , I'm used to having tea first . With sugar ? No sugar , please . Excuse me . I bought this just now and here's a receipt . I'm afraid I was short-changed . Could you look into it ? Oh , really ? Just a moment ... You paid with a ten-dollar note and I gave you ... Oh , sorry , here's a five left . I'm terribly sorry . Excuse me.My bag was stolen.Will you help me ? When did it happen ? Just about half an hour ago . Tell me where it happened and how ? Yes.It was just when I was walking in the park . I saw some children with a newspaper . That happens often these days.Well , please fill in this " Report of Theft " . I want to get in touch with the Chinese Embassy , because my passport was in the stolen bag ! Do you eat a lot of fruit and vegetables in you country ? Yes , we do . The most popular vegetables are potatoes , carrots , peas , and cauliflower . The most popular fruit are apples , bananas , pears , peaches , grapes , and oranges . Do you like vegetables ? I like them very much . We also eat a lot of vegetables in my country , buy we eat different kinds . Which kinds of vegetables do people in your country usually eat ? We eat a lot of sweet corn , broccoli and eggplant . I love eggplant ! Unfortunately , it ’ s quite expensive in my country , so I don ’ t eat it often . Why is it relatively expensive ? Because we don ’ t grow it much in my country . We import a lot from other countries . I see . We grow a lot of fruit and vegetables in my country . We export a lot of melons , grapes , oranges and lemons . In your country , do you eat corn on the cob ? It's very popular in my country . We eat it in my country too , but I wouldn't say it ’ s very popular . Most people buy frozen sweet corn from their local supermarket . Do people usually buy frozen vegetables in your country , it ’ s very rare in mine . A lot of younger people like to buy large packets of mixed frozen vegetables . Peas and sweet corn have been sold frozen in my country for many years . I prefer to buy fresh vegetables . Yes , sir ? Could we have the bill , please ? That's 68 pounds altogether , please . That's alright . Here you are . What are the requirements that you need to do the job ? We want someone who can operate the common office equipments and have special skills in photography . I can handle that . I can operate word - processor , fax machine , photostat , and other office equipments . What do you think of your own qualification ? I have a master's degree and I meet all the needs you want , so I am confident of doing this job well . Mark ? What were you up to yesterday ? I called you , but there wasn ’ t anybody home . We went out to the stadium . Bob hadn ’ t been to a game for a few weeks . How ’ d it go ? Did we win ? Nope , lost again . But , it was a good game . Do you mind if I ask you a question ? If it ’ s too personal you can forget it . I don ’ t mind at all . You can ask me anything . We ’ re friends . Have you got a scholarship , or are you on your own ? I have a scholarship from my government for four years . How about you ? I have a tuition scholarship from the university . Otherwise I ’ m on my own . Do you mean that you ’ re self-supporting ? I didn ’ t even know you had a job ! Oh no . My family supports me . And believe me , changing foreign money into dollars is heart-breaking . You seem to get so little in return . Yeah , I really know the feeling . I can ’ t wait to graduate so I can get a good job and earn my own money . I am so busy today . Can I help you ? I ’ m not sure . Perhaps you could do the shopping . I ’ ll be glad to help . Or maybe make the beds . All you have to do is ask for help . Thanks . That ’ s terrific ! I ’ m ready and willing to help . Excuse me , where are the canned goods ? The counter is at the end of the aisle . They are kept in the ice chest . Thank you.And where can I buy some delicatessen ? The delicatessen department is on the second floor . Thanks a lot . Alpha Beta Courier Service ? This is Louise Walker calling from The Marketing Company . Good morning , Ms . Walker . What can I do for you ? We need to deliver some documents to our Monroe street branch . Can you come by and pick them up ? Of course , Ms . Walker . Could I have your account number , please ? And , when do these documents need to arrive ? May I help you ? Yes , I ’ Ve come in apply for the position as head of claim department . I ’ m Smith , the manager of Human Resources Department . May I ask your name ? My name is Zhang Due . Would you tell me what education background you have ? I graduated from Beijing College of Foreign Trade . My major was International Trade . Do you have any experience in this field ? Yes , I have been working in Lush Insurance Company for four years . OK . Do you think you are proficient in both written and spoken English ? Yes . OK . I will accept you for a three months-period of probation . Is this satisfactory ? Yes . Welcome to our factory . I've been looking forward to visiting your factory . Actually , you'll know our products better after the visit . I'll show you around and explain the operations as we go along . That'll be most helpful . Maybe we could start with the Design Department . And then we could look at the production line . How much do you spend on design development every year . About 10 % of the gross sales . That's fine . Are you here to make a deposit Mr Hayes ? No , Nancy , today I'm here to make a withdrawal . I made a formal request 7 days ago . You want to withdraw on your Time Deposit , right ? That's correct . But before I do , I was wondering if you could give me some advice . Of course , Mr Hayes . That's what I'm here for . What would you like to know ? Maybe I'm making a big mistake cashing in my Time Deposit before maturity . This bank charges you 6 months interest as a penalty if you withdraw before maturity . Would it be possible to take the money from your Current Account , for example ? No , not really . My Current Account is for cash flow and couldn't withstand having all of that money taken from it . You would be using mainly English in this job . Do you think you can make yourself understood in English with ease ? Yes , I think I speak English quite fluently . I've often explained historical places in Xi'an to foreign tourists in English . They say my English is quite good . How many years have you been learning English ? Oh , more than ten years . I started learning English when I was still in a primary school from a foreign teacher . Well , perhaps that's the reason why you are so fluent in it . Certainly . Hi , I'm Benjamin . Nice to meet you here . You look great . Thank you . Nice to meet you too . I'm John . Is this your first time to take a long-distance trip on plane ? No , this is the second time . But I also feel bad because of the lower pressure and the jet lag . Oh , I am sorry to hear that . Take it easy . It will be OK soon . You see , I take this long-hour plane frequently , but the jet lag still makes me uneasy . Oh , that's too bad . Do you get a good knowledge of China ? Yes , whenever I think about China , I'd see the Tian'an Men Square . China is a very beautiful country . And I've seen many landmarks in China but I like the Great Wall most . All of the Chinese are proud of the Great Wall . And it was built before the In dynasty near Shan Haiguan-the First Pass in the World . Was it built before the In dynasty ? I thought it was in the Ming dynasty . No , before the In dynasty . Oh , yeah . Thought I am an American , I know quite a lot about China and I like Chinese tea very well . Both the green tea and the black tea are good for our health . And I usually refresh myself with a cup of tea . Yeah , many of my friends like Chinese tea and whenever I go back to China , I'll take some Dragon-well green tea for them . Do you like the Chinese traditional silk ? I heard about it , but I don't have any clothes made from silk . Go and pick some stuff up . The price can always surprise foreign friends . Oh , I'm eager to have a try . Hi . What can I get for you ? I ’ d like a half a pound of ground beef , please . Good choice ! Our ground beef is extra lean , if you know what I mean . Could I also have half a dozen pork chops and two pounds of boneless chicken breasts ? No , no no no chicken breasts at the moment , but we have some nice chicken thighs . No , that won ’ t do . I ’ ll take this smoked ham you have here . Okay , is there anything else ? Is this salami and bologna you have here ? Yes ! It ’ s very fine meat ! Made it myself ... Sounds good . Okay , that ’ s it . Wait ! We have T-bone , rib eye , and sirloin steaks . They are very fresh ! Just came from the slaughter house ... Mmm ... No that ’ s okay , really . I think that ’ s all for today . Okay . That will be thirty-four dollars and fifty cents . I ’ m reporting from Channel 5 News . How are you doing ? I want to ask you a couple questions . Go for it . Have you voted yet ? I voted this morning . Who was your vote for President ? I can ’ t tell you that . Why can ’ t you tell me ? That is private information . I see . All I can tell you is our next President got my vote . Billy , you don ’ t look too well . Maybe you should take the day off school . But Mom ! Today we ’ re playing football ! I love football ! You ’ Ve god a fever and playing football isn ’ t a good idea for a boy with a fever . What ’ s that on your arm ? I don ’ t know . It was there when I woke up this morning . It ’ s a rash . I ’ d better take you to see the doctor . How did you get that bruise on your leg ? I bashed it against the chair in my room . Does it hurt ? A little , but not much . Here . Put this wet towel on your face to keep your temperature down . I ’ ll take you to the doctor ’ s after breakfast . If I ’ m better this afternoon , can I go to school ? If you are better , but I doubt you will be . It's time to graduate and it's time to find a job . Susan , why do we need to find a job ? We need to work is because we need money to live . We need money for food and clothes and to pay for our house . We need money for many different things , and only when we work , we can earn money . And work can also help us feel that we are useful . But you know it's hard for a new graduate to find a job right now . Yes , it is really hard . But you must believe that you will find a suitable job finally . When you work , you can accumulate a lot of experience . Besides , you need to learn a lot of things while you are working . I've been fed up with study . But whether you like it or not , there ’ s a trend of life-long study to make sure that we can keep ourselves up with the high developing society . And you need to accept this concept positively . Oh , my . Why there are still so many things to learn after graduation ? You have no choice , so you'd better adjust your thoughts to be ready to learn anything at any time . Excuse me ? Can you do me a favor , please ? It's my pleasure , what can I do for you ? I'm from England and I'm trying to make a travel plan for today . What brings you here ? I'm a flight attendant and I'm here on vacation . Where are you staying ? I live in the Holiday Inn Lido Hotel . Oh , it's not very far . And as far as I know it is a fancy place . Yes , it is . Do you know where I can get a town map ? We sell them , right here . Great , do you have any for foreigners ? I mean English version ? I called about that ad we saw in the paper . For the construction site manager ? That's the one . What happened ? You were right . It was from a headhunter . She wouldn't tell me anything without a contract . Well , no surprise there . No ! Not at all . But , I did find out they have more than one position with different clients , so at least one would probably work . Great , so are you going to sign a contract with them ? I'm going there tomorrow . Great . Good luck . Did you get a chance to speak with the sellers about my counter-offer ? Yes , and I think I have good news for you . Did they accept the counter-offer ? Yes , they accepted your counter-offer , but they want you to pay for the home inspection . How much will that cost ? It will cost you around five hundred to one thousand dollars for a home inspection . Can I choose the home inspector ? Yes , you are paying for it , so you get to choose . I would pick the best one . So , when are you going to inform the owners of my acceptance ? I will call the owners right now . They will be happy to hear the good news . This is our rock - bottom price , Mr . Li . We can't make any further concessions . If that's the case , there's not much point in further discussion . We might as well call the whole deal off . What I mean is that we'll never be able to come down to your price . The gap is too great . I think it unwise for either of us to insist on his own price . How about meeting each other half way so that business can be concluded ? What is your proposal ? Your unit price is 100 dollars higher than we can accept . When I suggested we meet each other half way , I meant it literally . Do you mean to suggest that we have to make a further reduction of 50 dollars in our price ? That's impossible . What would you suggest ? The best we can do will be a reduction of another 30 dollars . That'll definitely be rock bottom . That still leaves a gap of 20 dollars to be covered . Let's meet each other half way once more , then the gap will be closed and our business completed . You certainly have a way of talking me into it . All right , let's meet half way again . I'm glad we've come to an agreement on price . We'll go on to the other terms and conditions at our next meeting . Yes , there's one other point I wish to clear up . What is it ? My friends in business circles all seem to be of the opinion that the U . S . import and export corporations have become more flexible in doing business recently . Yes , they're right . In fact , we have either restored or adopted international practices in our foreign trade . I'm glad to hear that . With a view to expanding and further enhancing the bilateral relations between our two parties , and in particular , exchanging timely views on specific problems in the execution and enforcement of contracts , is it possible for us to have a representative that could stay permanently in Washing - ton D . C . ? Basically speaking , yes , we welcome the establishment of repry - tentative offices by foreign companies in Washington D . C . Of course , there are more details to be attended to . We cannot settle it in a few words . Yes , of course . I'll call my home office tonight and let them know about it . When do we meet again ? How about tomorrow morning at 9 ? Good . I'll come back tomorrow , and we can then discuss it more specifically . Good evening , may I help you ? Yes . I would like to book a table for 2 at 7:30 tomorrow evening . I am sorry , there are so many travelers that all our tables have been booked on that day . In that case , please put my name in your waiting list . We know you are quite a good restaurant . Thank you , sir . We will phone you as soon as we have a vacant table . Mr . Smith just called me back . So ? We got the contract ! All right ! What's wrong with you ? I feel so tired . I really recommend you go for a run in the morning . Why ? I'd just be dead tired for the rest of the day . On the contrary ! It really refreshes you and gets you ready to attack the day . Are you sure ? Yes , I often feel like a million dollars after work , like I can take on anything . OK . Let me try . Welcome ! Would you give me a bottle of beer , please ? With ice , sir ? No , ice will spoil the taste . Anything else , sir ? Yes . Something non-alcoholic , please . Fruit juice , milk or mineral water ? A glass of juice please . Coming up immediately . Hello , 35 .. Is this Ann ? Speaking . Ann , this is Sam . Look , Ann . I wanna see you again . How about a drink tonight ? I am sorry . I am very tired . I'm going to bed early . What about tomorrow evening ? No , I ’ m sorry . I'm going to meet some friends tomorrow evening . And I'm in a hurry now . But Ann .. How much do you have budgeted for our trip to Las Angeles ? In total , it should be about $ 5,000 for the week conference . Would you like to see the breakdown ? Yes , I want to know exactly where the money is going . Give me a detailed report . First we have the airline tickets , which are $ 500 per person ; with four of us going , that's t $ 2,000 . For our accommodations , we're spending $ 80 a night , per room , for five days . That's another $ 800 . Weren ’ t you able to find anything less expensive ? We're sharing rooms , right ? I have two people to a room . The $ 80 room rate is the lowest I could find . With the conference going on that week , all the hotels have inflated their prices , they're making a killing . So far we have $ 2,800 , what else ? I have budget $ 25 per Peron per day for food expenses . That totals another $ 800 . And for other incidentals , like take fees , and tips , I have estimated about $ 400 . Well , that's only $ 4000 . Didn't you tell me your budget was $ 5000 ? Where is the rest of the money ? That's my buffer ... I wanted to leave a little room in the budget , just in case---it's better to be safe than sorry . Could you please stop flipping the channels ? I ’ m very sorry . Good morning , room reservations . Can I help you ? Yes , my name is Peter . I have made a reservation for a single room from June 18th to June 21st . I'd like to make some changes . The reservation should only be to June 20th . A single room from June 18th to 20th . Is that correct ? Yes . OK . Do you need a limousine service ? That's exactly what I want . How much does it charge ? A hundred and eighty yuan for one way . We have a counter at the airport where our representative will lead you to the car . It sounds good . I'll take that . Thank you , sir . We look forward to serving you . Hello ! Hello ! Could I speak to Sheerly Lim please ? Sure , just a second . Who's calling ? This is Sue from work . Ok , sue , I will just go in get her . Gosh , another stop.It seems the cars ahead of us have to stop every two minutes , It's no quicker than a bus . That's true . During rush hours , taxis are just as quick as buses . It was silly of me to have taken a taxi . At least , it can free you from the crowd . By the way , do you come from China ? No , from New Zealand , sir . I visited New Zealand and saw lots of overseas people there . Wow , like America . It receives a great number of visitors every year . The more the world becomes open , the more people become international ! I have never done this before and don ’ t know where to begin as far as making an offer on this house . Leave the details of making the offer up to me . What were you thinking you should offer ? I absolutely must have this house and will pay three hundred and fifty thousand dollars or more . It is best to start a little low on the first bid to allow for a counter-offer . How about offering three hundred and twenty thousand dollars ? I hope that the owners aren ’ t insulted by that offer . Your offering price is not out-of-line . The owners will either take it or make a counter-offer . Does it usually take very long for the owners to get back to you with an acceptance ? It usually doesn ’ t take very long for owners to respond to an offer . Should I be in touch with my bank to tell them to get the loan papers ready ? The only thing you should do now is relax . You already are pre-qualified for your loan . Is there a swimming pool in this hotel ? We don't have a full-sized swimming pool , but we do have individual swim stations . What exactly does that mean ? Basically , a swim station is like a treadmill , except instead of running , you swim . That sounds really neat . Is there an extra charge for these swim stations ? If you're a registered guest , you have free access to our swim stations . Are the swim stations open 24 hours , like the rest of the gym ? To conserve electricity , the stations operate only from 7a . m . till 10 . I'll go down there as soon as I can ! I don't think you'll be disappointed . People really seem to like the swim stations . So that will be one teddy , two terry cloth robes , three pairs of satin slippers , and two pairs of pajamas . Does all that come to 10,000 NT ? Let me see ... yes , 15,880 NT . After the discount , your total comes to 12,704 NT . Here's your free teddy bear , free panties and your card application . Where do I sign ? Right here . And write your address . You'll get the card in the mail within a week . OK . I know your friend will like the gift set , especially the teddy bear . Well , the teddy bear is for me ! Remember to keep your receipt in case your friend needs to make any exchanges . There are no refunds on sale items . My name ’ s Terry Graham . You ’ re new around here , huh ? Yes . My name ’ s Mark Benson . I just started a couple of weeks ago . Well , if there ’ s anything I can do for you , let me know . Thanks , I appreciate that ! Welcome back . It's good to be home . Why do you want to be a teacher ? It's a job I have been dreaming of for many years . While it is difficult , I am convinced that there is nothing more noble and rewarding than this profession . Do you know about our school ? Yes , a little . I know your school is one of the best known in this town . There are about 200 children in the school . There's someone coming . It took them four minutes to get here . That was pretty fast . Yes , it's fast . But four minutes is enough to do fifty thousand dollars damage . I guess the fire wasn't in the tool shed after all.It looks like the back of the house was burning . I wonder if anyone can call the Ridleys about this . Do you know them well ? Not really . Do you know where they're vacationing ? I think they went to Mexico , but I'm not sure.It ' s a bad thing to return home to.They ' ll come home from their trip , and they'll see half their house burned . Yes , but at least this way no one gets hurt.It ' s better to have a fire in your house when you're not home . Don't you think ? Yes , I suppose . It's a dangerous thing if a fire starts when people are sleeping . Can I help you ? I'd like to buy a skirt . What style would you prefer ? I like one with flowers on its brim . Do you like this one ? It seems too short . What about this one ? It looks nice . How much is it ? 70 yuan . Is there any cheaper one ? This one is only 50 yuan . I think I'd better take that one you showed me just now . It is better than this one although this one is cheaper . All right . Here is the money . Thank you . Anything else ? No , thanks . Walter , did you email that document to Mr . Lin yesterday ? Yes , I did , Ms . Chen . That's strange . I have Mr . Lin on the phone right now , and he says that he didn't receive any email from us yesterday . Are you sure you sent it ? I'm positive , Ms . Chen . Here is an invitation for you . Oh , thank you . What is the occasion ? Tomorrow is the tooth anniversary of our company . Our general manager invites you to a dinner party . Do you think you can manage it ? Oh , yes , I'd very much like to go . That is great . Dinner starts at 6 I'll be there in time . All right . Bye . Bye . John Li's Office , this is Jenny , may I help you ? Is Mr Li in ? Yes , but let me check if he's available . Ok . your mp3 looks so cool . Where did you get it ? I bought it online . really ? Do you often shop online ? yes . I buy most of my daily necessities online . I've never tried E-shopping . Is it better than shopping at an actual store ? yes , much better . You can log in a website , browse through many items and categories comfortably at home , order the goods , pay by credit or debit card , and the goods will be delivered to your home . sounds good , and I don't have to queue up at the cashier . and you can still go " window shopping " just like in a real shopping mall . well , are there any other advantages ? yes , most of the shops are closed at 22 or even earlier , but the internet operates 24 hours a day , seven days a week , and can be accessed anywhere . are there many choices of online shopping ? sure . You can buy almost anything you can think of . perhaps I should have a try . I'll have a whole-wheat loaf , three white loaves , a baguette and ten rolls , please . How much is that ? The whole-wheat loaf is 45 cents , the white loaves are 35 cents each , the baguette is 27 cents and the rolls are eight cents each . That makes two dollars fifty-seven cents . There you go . Thank you , ma'am . Forty-three cents change . Have a nice day . I feel dizzy and I have a headache . How long have you been sick ? Since yesterday . I enjoy the folk song and dance show very much . I'm glad you appreciate our folk music . But a live performance is much more interesting . I can't wait anymore . When does the performance start ? The show starts at 7 and is over at around 10 o'clock p . m . ( After the show ) It's an excellent musical . The acting was very expressive and the songs and dancing were superb . I'm glad you enjoyed it . It's had long run , but the house has always been full . What do you think of the leading actors ? Personally I liked the main character . He was true to type . You are a better judge . I don't know the play well enough . Are you OK ? I'm fine . I'm just so touched by the sad story . So I can say now that you must have enjoyed the opera . Which scene is your favorite ? I love them all . But if I had to name one as the best , I would say it's the ending . What's it about ? You know , I couldn't help falling asleep . Did you ? I didn't notice that . But still you should know it , for you have seen it with Laura before . I guess I've done the same thing last time I was here with her , too . I mean falling asleep . For me , this one is not that attractive . Then I doubt if you like operas at all . Yes . I like Carmen very much . But I don't mind if you want to tell me about this one . OK , then . The man was old and he was visiting his wife's grave , with a rose in his hand . When he got there , he saw someone already put a rose on her grave . Very impressive . And I do like the leading actress who has an amazing voice . Me , too . There was always a good round of applause every time she sings . Yes , the applause ! That was what kept waking me up during the show . And it's been such a faultless performance with the perfect lighting , and music . Just amazing ! No doubt , it's not a simple thing to put on a ' phantom show ' . Exactly . I need a taxi to the airport . It is unnecessary . I'll see you off at the airport . Traffic rules are different among countries . For example ? People drive on the right in China . Oh , that's interesting ! Excuse me , would you tell me who that girl is ? She's Betty.She ' s Mr Goldman's niece . Would you love to introduce me to her ? Yes , I'll be glad to . What can I do for you , sir ? What have you got this morning ? Fruit juice , cakes and refreshments , and everything . I'd like to have a glass of tomato juice , please . Any cereal , sir ? Yes , a dish of cream of wheat . And eggs ? Yes , bacon and eggs with buttered toast . I like my bacon very crisp . How do you want your eggs ? Fried , please . Anything more , sir ? No , that's enough . T hank you . Excuse me , are you Mr Williams from America ? Yes , I am . I'm Li Ming from CITS . Glad to see you . Glad to see you too . Good afternoon , doctor . Good afternoon . What can I do for you ? I'm an athlete for the Olympic Games here . About half an hour ago I fell on the ground and hurt my leg . It bled a lot . Let me have a look . You're very lucky because the cut is not deep . First , I'll clean up the wound and then dress it . Must I stop all my training ? Will I be able to attend the games ? Take it easy . It's not serious . You should keep the wound very clean . Don't do strenuous exercises until your wound is healed . Thank you very much , doctor . Not at all . You'll be OK soon . Hi Sam . Hi Chris . I am glad to see you . Can you help me with my new computer ? When did you buy your new computer ? I bought it yesterday afternoon and they delivered it this morning at 10:45 . So what's the problem ? I am not sure . I just can't connect to the net . Can I have a look ? Of course , come in . Oh this is the new little EEE notebook from Asks . How much did you pay ? It was only 345 pounds . Very nice . I am sure we will sort out your Internet in no time . I am on my way to the doctor now , but I should be back in about 45 minutes . Can I come back at around 3:15 ? That will be perfect . I'm planning on going to the market soon . What are you buying ? I don't know what we need . I can check for you , if you'd like . I'll make a list . First , we need eggs , milk , and bread . OK ! Do we need any meat ? How about some chicken , ground beef , and some steak . What else do we need ? Get some snack foods , too , dude . Is there anything else that we need ? No , but if you can think of anything else , just get it . Are you being served , sir ? No , not yet . I just want a haircut . Will you sit here , please ? How would you like it cut ? I want it short . But it's short already , sir . I mean very short , shorter than it is now . Shall I just trim it ? No , You can cut quite a bit off . I like it to be very short all over . Do you see what I mean ? Oh , I see . You like the Chinese style , don't you ? Yes , in the Chinese style . Would you like to have a shampoo , sir ? No , thank you . How about oil or spray ? No , nothing of the kind . There ! How is that ? That's very good ! Hello . Do you like this jewelry ? I made most of these items myself . You really have talent . How did you learn to do this ? My mother taught me some tricks of the trade . I've always loved jewelry . Me , too . But I could never make bracelets like these . I've been making these designs for over ten years . You can have a bracelet for ten dollars . I'll take one right now for seven dollars . It's a deal ! Excuse me , sir ? Yes ? I'm afraid you can't smoke here . Why not ? Can't you see the notice here ? I'm sorry . I can't . What does the note say ? It says ' No smoking ' . Sorry , I'm very near sighted . I called about that ad we saw in the paper . For the bank manager ? That ’ s the one . What happened ? You were right , it was from a headhunter . He wouldn't tell me anything without a signed contract . Well , no surprise there . No ! Not at all . But I did find out they have more than one position with different clients , so at least one would probably work out . Great , so are you going to sign a contract with them ? I ’ m going there tomorrow . Great ! Good luck . And I think I'll look in on a few other Employment Agencies while I ’ m downtown , to see what they have . Good idea . The more people you ask , the better your chances are . Hello ! I'd like to get busy on my computer , but I need some broadband . There's an Ethernet cable in your room . Just plug it into the back of your laptop . Uh-oh ! I can't use Ethernet . My computer is wireless only . That's okay . I can tell you about some alternatives we have . Any alternative that works will be great . Well , there's our computer lab on the first floor . That sounds good . What's the charge ? The lab and the computers are no charge , but you have to pay for whatever you print . That sounds good . Now , how about the other alternatives ? Of course . Our lobby is set up for wireless , so just bring your computer down here . Use my laptop in the lobby ? That's great ! Now , if I need to print something there ? They plan to install a printer here . But until then , you'll have to use the lab . I have to do some shopping . What are you going to look for ? I'm trying to buy a new bedroom set . What store are you going to ? I'm not sure . You don't know ? I have no idea where to find one . Would you like me to tell you where I got mine . I would appreciate that . I went to get mine from IKEA . Is the furniture at IKEA cheap ? They're not cheap , but neither is their furniture . Hello ! How do I get online with my laptop ? Just plug the Ethernet cable into your computer , and you'll be online in a heartbeat . Well , I see the cable . But my computer runs on wireless only . No problem . I'll tell you about our alternatives . Yes , I'd love to hear what the alternatives are . Our state-of-the-art computer lab is on the first floor . Great ! But is it free ? Sir , the computers are free to guests , but you do have to pay a nominal printing fee . You said there were other alternatives ? Just use your computer here in the lobby . It's set up for wireless . Okay . That sounds like a winner . Now if I need to print something in the lobby ? We might have a printer here next month . But for now , you'll have to go to the lab . Why have you decided to change jobs ? I hope to change because my current job is not within my chosen field . Since my major was international banking , I really hope to work at a bank . Then , why do you want to work for our bank since it's a new establishment in Shanghai ? Because your bank is a new one , I think I'll be given more opportunities , and the working conditions and surroundings are so excellent here . It certainly is . But the work is also hard here . You need to put a lot of long hard hours on the job to succeed in this field . I expect to work hard , madam . Do you mind going on frequent business trips ? No , I enjoy travelling . One of my students told me she was very depressed today . Why ? Her father is dying . Oh , that ’ s very sad . Yeah , she ’ s broken up about it , poor kid . What did you do ? I talked to her for a while , but she ’ s really depressed . So , I made an appointment with the school counselor for her . That ’ s a good idea . The counselor is a psychologist . He ’ s better trained to handle these sorts of things . Yeah , that ’ s what I told her . I ’ m glad she ’ s reaching out for help , instead of trying to deal with this on her own . Yeah , me too . I'm very annoyed at your disobedience . But mum , I didn't mess it up . You should have asked for my opinion before you did it . Sorry , mum . I won't do it again . You'd better remember your promise . Thank you for purchasing your new mattress with us . No , thank you . Would you like us to deliver the mattress for you ? That would be great . When do you want it delivered ? I need it delivered tomorrow . Will that be possible ? What time exactly ? I need it delivered at 12 . We can have it to you at that time . That's not a problem ? We will deliver your mattress tomorrow at 12 o'clock . That's great ! Thank you very much . Your silk garments have aroused much interest in our country ever since our first order was put on the market . We have no doubt we can do better this year if you appoint us your sales agent . We appreciate your intention , but the amount of your orders last year was moderate . That's true . However at the Fair last March , people were so interested in Chinese garments that the demand this year will surely increase . Do you think it will help if we appoint a local agent ? I'm sure it will , if we are appointed your agent . Your garments are attractive , and we , a well-established importer with multiple sales channels , can boost the sales . Well , we'll consider your proposal . Hey , don ’ t walk on the lawn . Sorry , I ’ m looking for my wallet . You lost your wallet ? Anything important in it ? Yes . A lot of cash . Almost forty thousand pounds . Oh , I ’ m sorry to hear that . I think you ’ d better talk to the police officer walking there . It seems that is a better way . Thank you . You are welcome . I'm so tired ! I don't know how I'm going to make it through this lecture . the professor is a bit boring today . You need something to perk yourself up . How about a coffee ? I don't really like coffee , to be honest . It's too bitter for me . well , you need something to wake you up . How about a soda ? most some drinks have too much sugar in them . the diet sodas don't have any caffeic in them , which one would you like ? I like diet sprite . Does that have any caffeine in it ? unfortunately , it doesn't . how about some diet coke ? I don't care for coke . I heard that coke was first used as a medicine and I don't like medicine . What else has caffeine ? maybe you should try a cappuccino or a latte ; they taste much better than plain brewed coffee . maybe . How about a mochaccino ? Are they any good ? you'll love that . It's just a shot of espresso beans mixed with steam milk and some chocolate syrup . that's perfect ! Would you like one , too ? My treat . thanks , but I'll stick with some jasmine tea . I'm trying to watch my diet . Hey , let ’ s go to the night market after work tonight . That ’ s a good idea . I haven ’ t been in a while and I need to get a new backpack . The old one is hanging on by a thread ! That reminds me I should buy some new socks to go hiking this weekend . Shall we share a taxi ? Where are you heading now ? I want to go back to my college on the Huanghe road . It is very close to your house . Is that the university next to the Teachers ' College ? That's the one . You mean we'll share the taxi ? Yeah . If we share the cab , it'll be cheaper . Besides that your Chinese is better than mine . The drivers usually have difficulty understanding me even though I practice my pronunciation carefully . Well . Don't worry about it , I will be happy to share the taxi with you . Did you go to the basketball game on Friday ? No , I couldn't make it . You missed a really good game . Oh , really ? Who won ? Our school did . They played really well . Too bad I was busy . I really wanted to go . Yeah , you should have . It was really exciting . So what was the score ? The score was 101-98 . Man , that was a really close game . That's what made it so great . I'll make sure and make it to the next one . Hello , BCD Company , can I help you ? Hello , may I speak to Mrs Smith ? This is Mrs Smith , may I have your name ? This is Sun , and I interviewed with you yesterday . Hello , Mr . Sun . I am calling to thank you for giving me the interview for the Sales Manager position yesterday . You are welcome , Mr . Sun . I really enjoyed meeting with you . You certainly made a good impression on me , as well . I am very interested in this position . We'll be making the decision by the end of this week and we'll contact you as soon as possible . Well , thank you for your time and consideration again . You are welcome . Excuse me , miss . I don't think we need the MP4 any more . We would like to refund it . May I see your receipt ? Here you are . I am sorry , sir . You bought it 2 weeks ago , and you can only refund it in one week . Why aren't you doing your homework ? I'll do it later , Dad . I must prepare the concert on Saturday . Oh , is it ? You'll be making records next , will you ? We hope so . You'd better get on with your homework ! You can practice on Sunday . Oh dad . You don't understand at all . I certainly could.You ' ll get exams next month . I don't need it to play the guitar . Oh , don't you ? God save me ! I'm sorry . Good morning . What seems to be the problem ? Good morning , doctor . I feel terrible . I ’ Ve god a cold and I have a rash here on my neck . I ’ m not sleeping well either . What do you think the problem could be ? I ’ d say you ’ Ve been working too hard or are under stress for some reason . Have you been taking anything for your cold ? Yes , I bought some medicine at the chemist ’ s . I ’ Ve been taking it for three days . Good . I ’ m going to prescribe something stronger . It will make you feel drowsy , so you certainly should rest . OK . I can afford to take a few days off work . Have you been working hard recently ? Yes , I have . I had to get a project finished . It ’ s done now , so I can relax a little . Good . Let ’ s take a look at that rash ... it looks worse than it is . I ’ m going to prescribe some ointment for it . If the rash doesn ’ t clear up in a few days , come back and see me . Do you have any other symptoms ? I have a bad headache , but ... Don ’ t worry about that . It ’ s probably of the stress you ’ Ve been under . Just take some aspirin . Combined with the stronger cough medicine , it will make you feel very tired . You shouldn ’ t work or use any equipment which requires concentration . If I were you , I ’ d just sleep , read a book , or watch TV . Here is your prescription . Thanks doctor . I ’ ll get these immediately . Goodbye . I need to get my internet fixed . What's the problem with your internet ? It won't connect . How long has this been happening ? This problem has been happening for a few days now . The internet doesn't come up at all ? It just won't connect to a webpage , but it will pop up . There's obviously a problem with your connection . I'm going to need someone to come and fix it for me . I can send somebody right now to fix it . How long will it take for them to get here ? They'll be there in about an hour . That was delicious . There's still a lot left-have some more ! Thanks , but I couldn't eat another bite . I'm really full . What are my choices for lunch ? We have beef with rice and fish with noodles . Which would you like ? Fish with noodles , please . Would you care for coffee or tea ? Coffee , please . Excuse me , sir . Is this a duty-free shop ? Yes , you can draw your tax back at any customs in the EU . Well , I am afraid I don't bring my passport with me today . Can you save it for us until tomorrow ? No problem , sir . Hi , I'm John Sandals , and I have a reservation . Would you show me your ID , sir , please ? Here you go . Thank you very much . Now , sir , do you have a credit card ? Certainly ! Would you like my American Express card ? Regrettably , Mr . Sandals , we accept only MasterCard or VISA . I thought American Express was accepted everywhere . Never mind . Here's my VISA . Thanks . You're in room 507 , a big , nonsmoking room , with a queen bed . Is that okay , sir ? Yes , that's just fine . I'm happy to hear that . Here is your key . Just dial 0 if you need anything . I need a pan . Okay . Do you have a particular size in mind ? Well , the bigger the better , I think . Look at this one . It's our biggest pan . Yes , that is big enough , but it's too heavy for me . Okay , we have the same thing in aluminum . Oh , this is nice and light . But it has an aluminum handle . Try this one . Same aluminum pan , but with a heat-resistant bamboo handle . Oh , yes . This is very nice . I'll take this one . That's a good choice . How do you want to pay for it ? Cash . Oh , I almost forgot . I need a lid , too . I'm so sorry . A lid comes with the pan . Here it is . Good evening , Yanking Restaurant . Could I reserve a table for Saturday , September 16th at 8: 00 p . m . ? Certainly , sir . For how many people , please ? For two people . We would like a quiet table , please . Of course . May I have your name , please ? This is Mr . William . Can you spell that , please ? William . W-I-L-L-I-A-M . Thank you , Mr . William . Goodbye . Hello , Frank . Hi , Steven . What's new with you ? Not too much . I'm looking to rent an apartment . Why ? I dislike my roommate . He really turns me off . What happened ? Did you have a fight ? No . He likes to leave his things about and never cleans the room . I hate that , either . Did you tell him your feelings ? Yes . But he doesn't care . I really wouldn't want to move , but I simply can ’ t stand him . It's a problem . You'd better move . Good morning , sir . Can I see your boarding pass , please ? Here you are . Excuse me , sir . This is your passport . Really ? Ugh ... Is there any difference ? Yes . As a matter of fact , you can't board the plane without boarding pass . Gee . I must have left it in my hotel room . I'm sorry sir . I can't let you pass . But when does the plane take off ? Ugh , in about thirty minutes , sir . Oh , my God ! What do I do now ? Bone head . Calm down , sir . You are creating a commotion . Is that me ? Could be . Oh , thank God . Thank you , I'll be right back . Madam , I made a close study of the draft contract yesterday evening . I think there are something needs to modify . Which terms ? First , about the terms of payment . Your draft contract says that payment is to be made by D \ A . This is not our practice . We prefer to have the payment made by L \ C through a negotiating bank in America . Good . I will add this to the contract . The second thing I would like to point out , that is packaging . It's stipulated in the contract that all the computer parts should be packed in cardboard boxes . But I think the wooden cases are much safer . Well , you are right . Is there anything else ? As far as the contract stipulations are concerned , there is nothing more . Thank you very much . Well , we have agreed on all the major points . Can you shorten this pipe for me ? It's too long . Sure . I'll do it after lunch . What length do you need ? Can you take 15 mm of it ? Yes , no problem . It'll be ready by 2 p . m . What kinds of things do you like to do ? I've always liked to draw and paint . I didn't know you knew how to draw and paint . I do it every once in a while . How long have you known how to do that ? I first learned how to do it in high school . Did you take some sort of art class or something ? That was my favorite class . You have got to be talented . Thanks . If only I was talented . You have a talent . You just don't know what it is yet . Where do you come from ? I come from England . What's the climate like in your country ? It's mild , but it's not always pleasant.The weather's often cold in the North and windy in the East . It's often wet in the West and sometimes warm in the South . Which seasons do you like best ? I like spring and summer . The days are long and the nights are short . The sun rises early and sets late . I don't like autumn and winter . The days are short and the nights are long . The sun rises late Most people in Montreal speak French . Are there any people who speak English ? Only less than 20 percent of the citizens speak English . I had fun talking to you . It was really nice talking to you also . I think we should really do something sometime . That should be loads of fun . What do you want to do next time ? Would you like to go to dinner or something ? Yeah , let's do that . Okay , until next time then . I'll call you so we can set that up . Talk to you then . All right , see you . See you . Good evening . Where have you come from ? Bucharest , Romania . May I have your passport and form I - 94 , please ? Here you are . What's the nature of your visit ? Business or pleasure ? Pleasure . I'm visiting my relatives . How long are you going to stay in the United States ? Three weeks . What is your occupation ? I work as an accountant for a Romanian telecommunications company . Do you have a return ticket ? Yes , here it is . That's fine . Thanks . Enjoy your trip . Thank you . Where to , ma'am ? The Grand Hotel . The Grand Hotel ? Yes . Do you know where it is ? No , Madam . I don't think I do . It's the 11th Avenue , Park Street . Oh , yes . I know where it is . Have you found another job yet , Sally ? No , I haven't , but I've seen several interesting advertisements in the paper . What kind of job are you looking for ? Either something in the hotel business or something to do with travel . You haven't had any experience in either of those fields . I know . But I'd like to try . Look , here are some advertisements that I've cut out . Excuse me . Do you mind if I ask some things about work for this company ? Not at all . Go ahead . I've heard that the company is very strict with its staff . Is that true ? Not really , so long as you follow all the regulations . If you make mistakes in your job , you'll be fired . Is that right ? No . Everyone has a chance to correct his or her mistakes . The most important thing is to be responsible for your work . Working here involves a busy schedule and overtime . Is that true ? Yes . That's true . We are always busy . The company attaches great importance to high efficiency . Sometimes we have to work overtime , but not always . And we have extra pay for extra work . It seems that working in a foreign enterprise is not the same as I expected . Thank you for your help . What wrong with you ? You look pale ? I ’ m not sure . I feel hot and cold . When did the trouble start ? I was sick most of the night . It sounds like you ’ re coming down with the flu . Let me take your temperature . Have I got high fever ? Yes . Thirty-eight point seven . Do you have a headache , chestache or throat pain ? Yes , I have . Now , Let me have a look at you . I ’ d like to listen to your chest . Breathe then , deep breath , that ’ s it . Cough , now again . I want to exam your throat too . Open wide , say A . ah . Yes , It does look a bit sore.Let ’ s take your extra way of your chest and give you a few tests . All right , thanks . The tests showed nothing wrong . a slight by infection . What shall I do today ? I ’ m giving you some antibiotic and aspirin . Taking aspirin when you ’ Ve got a fever and take one antibiotic until four hours and go home lie in bed for two days . Take some water then you feel better . It's time to graduate and it's time to find a job . Susan , why do we need to find a job ? We need to work is because we need money to live . We need money for food and clothes and to pay for house . We need money for many different things , and only when we work , we can earn money . And work can also help us feel that we are useful . But you know it's hard for a new graduate to find a god job right now . Yes , it is really hard . But you must believe that you will find a suitable job finally . When you work , you can accumulate a lot of experience . Besides , you need to learn a lot of things while you are working . I've been fed up with study . But whether you like it or not , there ’ s a trend of life-long study to make sure that we can keep ourselves up with the high developing society . And you need to accept this concept positively . Oh , my . Why there are still so many things to learn after graduation ? You have no choice , so you'd better adjust your thoughts to be ready to learn anything at any time . How many ports do we call at on our passage ? Four ports . The ship is going very fast . Perhaps she makes about 25 knots an hour . You look pale . Are you seasick ? I don't feel very good . I have some tablets for seasickness . They give me no help at all . Then we'd better go back to our cabin . You have been so busy these months . What are you up to ? You know , next week , we ’ ll hold a football match . Our cheering squad is busy rehearsing the programmes for it What'll it be today , sir ? Fill it up . Super Unleaded . Shall we check your oil and tires ? I just checked the oil myself , but you can check the tires . ( The attendants fill the tank , clean the windscreen , and add some air to the tires . ) All right , sir , that'll be $ 26.50 . I'll charge it . Here's my card . Have you got some nice apples in stock today ? What about these ? They are very fresh and exceptionally juicy . Are they sweet ? Very sweet . How much are they ? These are a dollar each and those are 75 cents each . All right , I'll have a dozen of the dollar ones . OK . Anything else ? Do you have any tangerines ? I'd like to have two kilograms . Yes , we've just had some wonderful tangerines in from Tailband . Here they are . How much is it in all ? Thirty dollars . What kind of life do you prefer , city life or country life ? In comparison to city life , the country life is quiet and peaceful . But it doesn't have all the modern convenience offered by the city . Yeah , I agree.Every wall has two sides . What do you think about our company ? You are the leading company in the computer industry . Why do you think so ? First , your overwhelming share in the world market . Second , your superiority in sales and profits in addition to the amount of capital and the number of employees . Third , the diversity in your production line is second to none . In what business are you most interested in this organization ? In particular , I'm interested in marketing in the domestic field . Excuse me , do you have any English songs ? Yes , we do . They are all in this book . Great , thanks . No problem . Just give us a few minutes more to pull them up , though . We don ’ t get that many English singers ! Oh , I see . Hi , I have a reservation under the name of Sandals . Could I see your ID , please , sir ? Of course ! Let me take it out of my wallet . Thank you , sir . Now , do you have a credit card , sir ? Yes , of course . Is American Express okay ? I'm sorry , sir . Only VISA or MasterCard . In that case , here's my VISA . Thank you . Your room number is 507 , queen bed , nonsmoking . Is that agreeable to you , sir ? Yes , I'm easy to please . Very good . Here is your room key , sir . If you need anything at all , please dial 0 . Can I help you , Miss ? Do you have anything which can prevent wrinkles and freckles ? What is your skin type ? My skin is kind of oily . This nutrition cream is for anti-wrinkling and whitening which is a newcomer brand . How much is it ? $ 60.The price is reasonable for its large quantity . What's more , there are some gifts attaching for you . Sounds good . What are the gifts attaching ? You can take one tonic or hand cream . I will choose the tonic . No problem . You can try this kind of gel which can prevent freckle , the effect will be better if you use this powder foundation applied with it . That's the very thing I want . Is there any meat ? Yes , just tinned meat . Is it chicken ? No , it ’ s beef . Is it ready to eat ? Well , you ’ d better heat it before you eat it . May I help you ? Yes . I would like to cash my travelers ' check . Here you are . Sure . How do you like your money ? In tens and twenties , please . No problem . Here you are . Thanks a lot . May I know the definite date of delivery ? Let me check.Well , in October . Is there any possibility for you to ensure prompt shipment ? We assure you that shipment will be made no later than the first half of October . Good morning , Sir . Morning . Is this where I catch the bus for the zoo ? Yes . You can take No . 846 from here , but you have to get off at Nanchengmen stop and change to No . 106 . That ’ s a little troublesome . Actually , if you go to the bus stop in the next block , you can take No . 105 which will let you right off in front of the zoo gate . Maybe that ’ s what I'll do . Thanks a lot . You ’ re welcome . We agree to give you a break on the price , all together a discount of 6 % . Good news is , I talked to my boss , he confirmed that if you take care of the shipping costs , we'll throw in insurance . Great ! I'd love to get a little better discount than 6 % , but if your company provides the insurance , that will save us a few bucks ... Now , all this is available to you , as far as you make payment within a 30 day grace period . That shouldn't be a problem , right ? No ... We shouldn't have any problem with that . I know we talked about a possibility for 90 days , but we won't be needing that after your discounted price . So , if all this is agreeable to you , I'll put it all down on paper and fax a contract to you this afternoon . If you can get a signed version of the contract we've agreed upon back to me by tomorrow morning , we can go ahead and make arrangements to ship the product on Tuesday . Great ! Have you been to the Queen Street West ? No . What is that street charming for ? You can find the most fashionable restaurants there . And also you can see the galleries , antique shops and the ballrooms . Welcome to Jinyuan Shoe Town . What can I do for you ? I'm looking for a pair of white sports shoes to go with my jeans . White ? What make do you want ? Arid what size ? Adidas . Size 38 . Adidas ? They wear well . Try this pair , Size 38 , please . Yes . ( After trying ) A bit tight actually , they pinch my toes . Have you got a larger pair . Size 39 ? Okay . What about this one ? ( After trying ) Mm , this pair fits me well . I'll take it . How much is it ? You are so lucky . They are on sale today . It costs only 250 yuan . Pay at the counter over there . OK . Thank you . R :: Good morning . Room Reservations . May I help you ? Yes , I ’ d like to reserve a room . R :: Thank you , sir . For which date and how many guests will there be in your party ? From April 16th to 20th . Just my wife and myself . R :: From April 16th to 20th.And which kind of room would you prefer , sir ? A Twin , please . Could you hold the line please ? I ’ ll check our room availability . ( After a while ) Thank you for waiting , sir . We have a twin room at US $ 180 per night , will that be all right ? Ok , I ’ ll take it . Thank you , sir . May I have your name and phone number , please ? Sure . May name is Aaron Johnson , and my phone number is 3242-5827 . R :: Mr . Aaron Johnson , phone number is 3242-5827 . Excuse me , how do you spell your first name ? It ’ s double A , R , O , N . Double A , R , O , N . Thank you , Mr . Johnson . May I know your arrival time on April 16th ? Around 9 p . m . Mr . Johnson , for the unguaranteed reservation , we can only hold the room by 6 p . m . , because it is the peak season now . If you make a guaranteed reservation , we can hold the room overnight . Would you like to make a guaranteed reservation by credit card ? Fine . Do you accept American Express ? Yes . May I know the number ? It ’ s 134986 Thank you , Mr . Johnson . You ’ Ve made a guaranteed reservation at the Guangzhou xx Hotel , from April 16th to 20th for 5 nights . If you can ’ t arrive as schedule , please inform us before 6 p . m . on April . hank you for calling and we look forward to serving you Where do you want to go this weekend ? Let's go to the lake and camp on the south side . Do you want to take the jet ski ? Let's just rent one this time . The AC is broken in the truck , remember ? Oh , that's right . Renting is good ! Should we call the Olsen's and ask them if they want to join us ? Okay , you call them . Then you go out to the garage and check out the camping gear . Good afternoon , Chloe , I ’ m Doctor Evans.What seems to be the problem ? Hi , Dr Evans . Thanks for seeing me on such short notice . When I woke up this morning I had a really sore throat and a really bad cough . I think I am coming down with the flu . Ah I see , yes you do sound rather croaky . Well let ’ s have a look , shall we ? Could you please open your mouth and say ” ah ” . Ahhhhhhhh Good , yes , your tonsils are a little swollen and red . How are your ears , blocked at all ? A little actually . My sinuses are a little blocked up as well-I really feel terrible . Ok Chloe , can you please breathe in and out slowly for me while I listen to your chest ? You really are all bunged up , you don ’ t sound too good at all . Ok , I ’ m going to set you up with a bunch of antibiotics . You will need to take these orange pills twice a day and these blue pills every evening . You will also have to take this cough medicine three times a day after meals . Finally , I am giving you an inhaler to use every time you feel breathless . . . just to clear up your lungs ! Whoa ! So many drugs . . . I hate swallowing pills . Am I able to go to work ? Absolutely not ! You are highly contagious ! You don ’ t want to infect the rest of your co-workers do you ? I recommend staying in bed for at least three days and drinking plenty of fluids so you don ’ t get weak and dehydrated . You can catch up on all the latest TV shows and movies ! Ok ! Would you mind writing me a doctor ’ s note for work , otherwise they may think I am faking it ! Ha-ha , sure not a problem ! Here you are.Now off you go and away to bed . If you have any questions just give me a call ! Feel better soon and take care . Thanks doc , bye ! What schools have you attended ? I finished Young Primary School in 1998 , and entered Xi ’ an Middle School that same September . I graduated from there in July of 2004 , and that September I entered Wuhan University , where I'm studying now . How do you think the education you have received will contribute to your work in this company ? I think I have a good understanding of fundamentals in the areas your company deals with , and I can go on from here to build up the specific skills and knowledge I need to do my job well . Your graduation thesis was on Medical Application of Laser , right ? What were your conclusions ? Yes . I did some work on that , and I found out some really interesting things about the conductivity of liquid helium . I was sure I had a great discovery until my teacher told me the same discovery already made twenty years ago . I think the most important thing , I learnt though , was the importance of keeping good records . How much are you planning to buy ? Well , it's not how much , but what I'm going to buy that matters . I'm going ski shopping ! Cool ! Can I come ? No . The front seat folds down all the way so there's just enough space for the skis ... But not enough space for me ? Not unless you lose about 100 pounds ... Billy ... Excuse me . May I have a bus map , please ? You mean one for the city ? Yes , within New York . I'm afraid we don't have any . If I were you , I'd try one of the newspaper stands . Thank you . But you should be considerate to the kids , it ’ s their nature to play . What I cannot put up with is that they may even give me a back talk . Of course , it ’ s not polite of them , but sometimes you should put things the other way round and try to understand them . Excuse me , Mr . Graham ? I have something I need to discuss with you . I ’ m in a bit of a hurry , Louise . Can it wait ? I would really appreciate it if we could talk for a few minutes now . It ’ s about the overtime you ’ Ve asked me to put in . All right . Why don ’ t you have a seat ? What ’ s the problem ? Watch out ! Wow ! That car almost hit me . Here is the final draft of our contract . I'm glad that we have reached an agreement on almost every term in our trade . Yes , it seems to me we have come quite a long way . However , let me take a close look at the final draft . Do you have some points to bring up ? Well , everything we've discussed seems to be here . Yes , including a description of the shirts you want to purchase this time , the total amount of your order , the price for each piece , mode of payment , packaging , shipping time , insurance and compensation , claim and arbitration , and rights and duties for both sides . Are all the terms here satisfactory ? I'll need a few minutes to check over my notes again on every detail . What about the quality standard ? It is said that the sample 25 is the standard for others . It's complete . So would you like to sign the contract right now ? In order to extend our export business to your country , we wish to enter into direct business relations with you . It's our pleasure . Our hope is to establish mutual beneficial trading relations between us . I can't stand the stupid guy any longer . It's unbelievable . Oh , my dear lady , take it easy . You should forgive a green hand like him . He does everything so mindlessly that he is going to drive me crazy . I suggest you talk with him and teach him how to deal with the problems . I've told him how to do that several times , but he's never listened to me . Maybe you should communicate with him just like a friend , not a boss . Oh , I always have difficulty in getting along with the staff . Just take them for your good friends and have a talk with them as we do . Make sure you won't lose your temper ! Oh , so bad . I'm afraid I'll change the image of myself . No , it's unnecessary . Just respect the staff and their own opinions . But sometimes they offer some useless proposals , it's awfully useless . Oh , no one is perfect . That's right . I should speak to them in a polite way . We have the equal partnership in team . Thanks very much and you're very eloquent . Thanks for saying that . Hello . What can I do for you today ? I've got some documents here that go with the L / C our company opened 10 days ago . I think there is something wrong . Really ? Have you checked everything carefully ? Very carefully , that's when I found the problem . Ah , I see . The goods description is totally different from what you are expecting , right ? Yep , you've got it ! What should we do ? Usually , if the problem is insignificant I advise the customer to go ahead ; it's normally a translation problem or something like that . But this does seem a little more serious . I suggest you get back on to them right now and ask them about it . Hopefully you can sort it out over the phone . That's a great idea ; thanks for your help . How much is this ? You mean the large one or the small one ? The large one . They're on special this week . They've been reduced to five dollars . Is this the only kind you have ? No . We have some that are different in style but not in color . They're over there . Do you see the sign ? Oh , yes . I think I'll look at those over there before I decide . Very well . Just take your time . you're finally here ! What took so long ? I got stuck in traffic again . There was a terrible traffic jam near the Carrefour intersection . it's always rather congested down there during rush hour . Maybe you should try to find a different route to get home . I don't think it can be avoided , to be honest . perhaps it would be better if you started taking public transport system to work . I think it's something that I'll have to consider . The public transport system is pretty good . it would be better for the environment , too . I know . I feel bad about how much my car is adding to the pollution problem in this city . taking the subway would be a lot less stressful than driving as well . the only problem is that I'm going to really miss having the freedom that you have with a car . well , when it's nicer outside , you can start biking to work . That will give you just as much freedom as your car usually provides . that's true . I could certainly use the exercise ! so , are you going to quit driving to work then ? yes , it's not good for me or for the environment . May I show you to your room ? Ok . Here , let me help you with your bags . Thanks . Good morning . Venus Real Estate Agency . Good morning . I'm calling to ask if you have a vacant apartment . Do you have any particular type of apartment in mind ? I prefer a one-bedroom apartment . Are you renting it alone or with company ? I'll share it with one of my friends . What ’ s in a one-bedroom apartment ? A one-bedroom apartment has one bedroom , a living room , a kitchen and a bathroom . Is there any furniture ? No , but a fridge and a stove . It sounds wonderful . Do I have to sign a lease ? How much should I pay ? Yes , it ’ s a one-year lease . And $ 200 a week with one month refundable deposit . When can I come over ? Would Friday morning be alright ? OK . Good-bye . Good-bye . Operator . I wonder if you can help me . I'll be happy to try . Please wake me up at seven tomorrow morning . May I have your name and room number , please ? Mr . Lee in Room 1234 . I'd like to have steak and a beer . Would you like it rare , medium or well-done ? Well-done , please . May I have a reservation ? Yes , of course . I've got three guests today . We'd like a table next to the window . All right . Your name , please . I'm Chen Liang . Chen Liang , a table for four . And when are you coming ? We may come at 6:30 p . m . OK . We look forward to seeing you . Goodbye . Goodbye . Henry , do you know how much we spent this month ? No , I'm not clear . we've spent $ 1,000 . Don't make a fuss.The price is rising What kind of qualities should a secretary have ? First , she needs to be hard-working . Second , she has to be able to do a lot ot things on her own initiative . I am diligent and hard-working . Besides , I am good at both English and Italian . Great . We will give you a chance to have an interview in our company . When will we leave here ? I can ’ t give you a definite answer . Let ’ s play it by ear . Thank you for bringing me here Hong , this place looks great ! You ’ re welcome . Would you like some cold dishes ? Let me see . How about the lotus root ? Ok , and anything to drink ? Maybe some jasmine tea ? Oh , yes that would be nice . And for your main course ? I can recommend the sizzling beef . Actually , I ’ m vegetarian so I ’ d like to have the bean curd . Oh , that ’ s a good choice . Very healthy too . Excuse me , you look lost . Can I help you ? Oh , Thank you . I'm looking for the train station . Right . Let me see . You go straight down here and turn right . Right ? OK , got it . Then take the next left then the next right . Are you with me ? Next left then right ? OK . Have you had any experience with sales work ? Yes , I have . In fact , I had worked for a foreign trade company for nearly two years , where I established business ties with several firms . What exactly did you do at that company ? Visit customers , dispatch consignments and things like that . Did you like your work ? Yes , I did . But when and why did you leave the company ? I left it two months ago . I didn't think I could learn much there , and there were not many opportunities for self-development . I see . Why did you choose our company ? I've been informed that there are many opportunities to develop myself in your company . Besides , I grew up in a city in the Northeast . I have lots of acquaintances in the region , which might help to push sales . Aunt Cindy , do you shop online often ? Yes . It's very convenient and the price is even lower . Last week , I tried to buy some books online , but I didn't know how to pay for them ? You should open an account at the online bank first . After that , you can buy anything online . Are there many things online ? Sure . You can find everything all over the world . Let's check it out online ! Oh , what's this ? Second-hand cellphone store ? Yeah , this one is very famous with a good credit among on-line customers . It's like an open free market . If you want to change your cellphone for a new one , you can sell the old one here . Really ? How to do that ? Take some pictures of the thing you want to sell , then upload it onto line with a brief description about it and leave your connecting number . Then your stuff will be sold by auction . That's amazing . I'd love to try it later . Oh , an on-line virtual supermarket ? Let's click to check it out . Oh , I got it . It simulates the real supermarket , which makes it feel so real . Mom will love it . She loves shopping in supermarkets . No doubt about it . Shopping online will get more and more popular . It's a real revolution about people's consuming habits . Are there any disadvantages about it ? It takes some time for the stuff you buy online to arrive . But I think this problem will be solved soon . Are you ready to move ? Definitely . I Ve got the hell out of the company . Anything new ? Yes , but there is a chance that might be suitable for you . Really ? Are you willing to recommend me for the position ? I can't say , but let me make a call and see if I can help . I appreciate the effort , sir . This apartment is wonderful . I ’ m glad you like it . How much would I have to pay for rent ? The rent is $ 1050 each month . That ’ s way too much money . It isn ’ t too much . How about if I pay $ 850 ? I can ’ t take that . I can ’ t go any higher than $ 850 . I honestly don ’ t know what else to tell you . You can ’ t go any lower than that ? If you can ’ t afford $ 1050 , then we have no deal . Good.Now what kind of job do you want ? Mr.Wilson ? I don't mind really.Perhaps a job in a shop or a factory . Well , I know Brown's Biscuit Factory are looking for a porter.They pay $ 200 a week . That sounds all right . Good.Now here's the address of the factory.The manager's name is ... What do you think are the main causes of war today ? I ’ d say the main reason is poverty . Countries and their people get frustrated because they have so little . If their neighbors have some resources , they try to steal them by military force . It seems that a lot of wars nowadays are really civil wars . People from different ethnic groups in the same country sometimes fight for power in that country . several of those civil wars have been going on for years and years . It seems they will never end . How do you think they could be ended ? I don ’ t think that there is any easy way . The united nations could send peacekeepers into the country . At least then the warring parties could be forced to negotiate . The thing is to find the real pro So , if the cause is poverty , there should be a programme to make the country richer . If the problem is resources , share them . It sounds easy when you say it like that . In reality , it ’ s harder to make peace between countries . Yes . It is . One way to stop countries fighting is to cut off their financial support . Wars are very expensive . The problem is that many poor people might suffer . Hello , it's nice to meet you . I'm glad we're meeting today . Thank you . You're welcome . I would like to talk to you about your daughter . Is there a problem ? No , your daughter is great . That's great news . Your daughter is a wonderful student . She isn't messing up in class ? Of course not . Your daughter is smart and very well behaved . Well , I'm so glad to hear that she's doing well . It is my pleasure to have her in my class . Can you pass me the lighter ? Here . Catch ! Look ! Allen has the mike ! I thought he only liked to listen ? That was before he heard Stanley sing ! I guess he couldn't stand it anymore , so he decided to give it a try himself ! Allen has a really good voice ! He sounds like Enrique Iglesias ! And he can move , too ! He dances like Ricky Martin ! Do you have anything to declare ? No . I have nothing . Are these all your personal things ? Yes , they are . Please open the black case . OK . I think this suit displays your nice finger . Thank you . Could you change it for a purple one ? No problem . Will it shrink when washed ? Of course not , it is made of pure silk . Hi , boss . You have a call . I told you to hold my calls . I ’ m very busy at the moment . I know . But she said she had an important thing to tell you . Okay . Put her through . Thanks . I'm sorry to make you wait . What did you decide ? Well , I wasn't planning on spending that much money today , so ... Trust me , it's worth it . With the " Love , Amy Card " , you'll get a 20 percent discount on everything in the store , every time you shop ! Even if an item is on sale ? Yes ! And there are more bargains . See these pajamas ? If you buy a pair now , you get this teddy bear as a gift ! Oh ! It's so cute ! May I borrow your typewriter ? How long would you like to keep it ? Until the end of the week . Yes , that'd be all right . So Vicky , how long have you held your present position ? I ’ Ve been a secretary for two years , before that I was at university . And how do you like working for IBM ? It ’ s challenging , I feel I have learned a lot . What ’ s strength do you bring to the job ? I get along well with people , and I enjoy working with others . That ’ s good . We always need team players here . Hello . This is Hamilton ’ s Heating and cooling service . Can I help you ? Yes . My home freezer is not working properly . What ’ s the problem ? It keeps running all the time , never stopping . And it makes a strange sound . All the ice cream inside it melted . Maybe the compressor is going bad . Can you send the technician to check it out ? Sure . But there is a minimum charge of $ 60 for a service visit . If your freezer needs parts , there will be an additional charge . Okay . I ’ ll pay the charges . All right . let me check our technician ’ s schedules . I ’ ll call you back and let you know what time we can send a service technician to your house . What is your phone number ? My number is 627-555-1234 . Okay . I ’ ll call you right back . Thank you . Good bye . Bye . Excuse me , do the buses stop here ? Yes , they all stop at this corner . I want to go to Broadway and 82nd Street . Can I take any bus that comes along ? You can take any bus except the Number 9 . How often do the buses run ? They run about every five minutes . Fine.How long does it take to get to 82nd Street ? About fifteen minutes . It's not far.Are you a stranger in New York ? Yes , I am . I arrived only three days ago from Japan . How do you like New York city ? I like it very much , but it's a little confusing to me . You'll soon get accustomed to it . It's not difficult . Well , here's the bus.Fortunately , it's not full . Thank you for the information . Don't mention it . I ’ Ve decided to grow my own garden ! What ? You don ’ t know the first thing about gardening ! On the contrary , I have been reading a lot of books about the subject . Oh yeah ? Tell me then , smarty pants , how will you go about setting up your garden ? Well , first I need to buy some things , such as fertilizer , seeds and tools . What type of tools ? You know , the basics . A rake , shovel , spade and a hoe . Right . Well it seems like you have all your bases covered . What ’ s next ? I ’ ll till the soil and then sow the seeds . I ’ ll then add some fertilizer and voila ! Gardening all done ! Well , good luck with your garden , especially considering we are in the dry season and it won ’ t rain for the next three months ! Have you seen Bill recently ? Yes . He ’ s in hospital with a bad back . One morning , he just couldn ’ t get out of bed . His wife called an ambulance and they took him to hospital . He ’ s been there for a few days now . Daisy ’ s in hospital too . She god food poisoning last week . She thinks she got it from some bad seafood . You have to be very careful with seafood . It tastes lovely , but it often causes upset stomachs . Have you heard anything from Tom ? He ’ s fine , but he had a fever last week . He probably just had a cold . He might be allergic to pollen . My niece is allergic to pollen . It seems like she has a cold , but in fact it ’ s her allergy . I see . My niece just flew back from Australia to visit . She ’ s got jetlag now . she ’ s just resting today , but we ’ ll probably go out somewhere tomorrow . It ’ s nice that she ’ s back for a while . Thinking of all these ailments , I got a splinter the other day . It took a long time for me to get it out of my skin . Look . Oh , your hand is still sore . You should put some ointment on it to stop the swelling . That ’ s a good idea . You ’ Ve got a nasty bruise on your hand . Yes , I banged it against to cooker yesterday . It really hurt , but it ’ s OK now . the bruise will disappear soon . What do you feel your greatest achievement has been at your current job ? I think my greatest accomplishment has been acquiring the Hans account . That certainly is quite an accomplishment . Yes , it took a year and a lot of initiative to get that account . What's your sales record been like there ? The last two years we have seen an increase in sales of about 30 % to 40 % each year , so I ’ m very pleased . And our sales projections are quite good for the next two years . If things are going so well , why do you want to leave the firm now ? Hmm ... I think I am ready for a new challenge . I've put a good team together at my present company , and I think If I want to take the next step in my career , it's time for me to move on . Hi dude , you look upset , what's up ? Haven't been sleeping well recently . What's the problem ? Every night my roommates watch the Korean soap operas till mid-night . I am not a big fan of Korean shows and I don't know how to tell them to stop without hurting their feelings . Well , you can simply tell them you want to sleep , or make an agreement for a time when the room should quiet down . Yeah , I know , but I find these sorts of things hard to say . They won't like it if I tell them to turn off the TV . Now I just hope the show will end soon . I understand . I used to live in a dorm with four people . I was great in some aspects . We always went out and and had fun together . But on the other hand , when I wanted some quiet time , and people kept talking and laughing aloud , it was torturous . For me a room to myself , even a small one , is ideal . Though I don't mind sharing an apartment with somebody . Yeah , I crave my own space . I just get so tiredhaving people around me all the time . We all need our private space . But I also think interpersonal skills very important . Living in a dorm means you have to learn to be considerate of others , otherwise nobody is going to have a good time . Welcome to our factory . My name is Tiang Had and I'll show you around here.First we'll take a look at the workshop which produces food thermometers . Please , this way . Has all the work done by men been replaced by automatic computers ? Yes , it has . Excuse me , what is this ? This is a circuit board . Are the batteries in it made by your people ? No , they are from other factories . What kind of battery is it ? It is lithium which can be used for over three years . After you've thought it over , get back to me and we can go ahead . Miao Ping , if I do decide to go ahead , how will the interest if I exceed be counted ? It is higher than the rate of interest for Current Deposits and a little lower than the rate for the 6 - month time deposits . So , if I do decide to go ahead , how can my company open a Corporate Agreement Savings Plan with you ? First of all , you need to sign a Corporate Agreement Savings Contract with us . This means we can go ahead and open an account of agreement savings based on your settlement account . OK , let's get the ball rolling on this . I'm really sorry , but I seem to have misplaced your towel . Oh , that's all right . I'm very sorry . Can I get you another one ? No . Forget about it . It's not important . You're here today to argue your ticket ? I am . Plead your case . The police officer that pulled me over said I was speeding . Were you speeding when you got pulled over ? I was not speeding . How fast were you going ? In a 40 mph zone , I was only going about 35 . Well , seeing as the officer that pulled you over isn't here , I'll let you go . Do I still need to pay the fine ? No , you don't . I appreciate your understanding . Okay Rebecca , well I think you ’ Ve given me a clear impression of your positive qualities , but let ’ s talk a little bit about your weaknesses . Okay , well it ’ s always more difficult to describe them isn ’ t it ? Definitely , but if you had to pinpoint one weakness what would it be ? Well as I mentioned before , I do tend to get frustrated if I don ’ t see progress in my work or career . I suppose I ’ m quite a restless character . My father always taught me to be a high achiever so . So would you say if things don ’ t go your way at work it could easily get you down ? Well , in a way yes . But I must say that even if I ’ m not completely happy in my work I always give 110 % I would never shirk my responsibilities . I suppose sometimes I expect too much too soon . Well , you know journalism is a highly competitive world , so you do need to keep pushing yourself it ’ s true . Okay , well let ’ s move on to talk about the job position here , shall we ? Yes , please . How many people are in your family ? As you know , china has a single-child policy . Therefore , there ’ s just my husband , my daughter and I . What about in your family ? I have one daughter and one son . Then there ’ s my husband and I . What about your parents ? Do they live with your family ? Not anymore . They live with my brother now . and yours ? My parents live by themselves now . When they get older , they ’ ll probably go to a retirement home . Do you just have one brother ? No , I have two older brothers and one younger sister . What about you ? I also grew up in a big family . I have one older brother and three younger sisters . How long have you been married ? About seven years now . and you ? I ‘ Ve been married for about five years . What do you think about divorce ? It ’ s becoming more and more common . However , I don ’ t ever want to get divorced myself ! What about you ? If my husband cheated on me or treated me badly , I would get a divorce . If that happens , maybe you could marry my brother and we could become in-laws ! ( ha ha ) I ’ ll keep that in mind , but don ’ t tell my husband . Of course not ! I definitely want to meet with you , Mr . Parker . I just need to sort out my schedule . Well , I know you ’ re pretty booked up these days . But , we ’ Ve got to work fast on this . I realize that . We don ’ t have any time to waste . I can put you down for 9:20 . Could you make that , Mr . Parker ? Let me see . That ’ s no problem . I ’ ll see you then . What's the matter , sir ? You look pale . I feel dizzy and weak . And I'm having this pain in my ear . I think I am sick . Are you often traveling by plane ? No , this is the second time . That's right . It's normal if you don't often take the plane . Just relax a little bit . Why this happens to me when I am on the plane ? I feel bad . Don't worry , sir . It's just because of the lower pressure . What should I do about it ? You may feel much better if you chew some gum or peanuts . OK , thanks . Does it work really ? I'll give a try . Are you feeling better now ? Do you need some pills ? Much better . Thank you . I just feel tired but I can't fall asleep . So , you'd better wear this eyeshade and you will sleep well . I am not used to wearing that . Thanks . If you try to adapt yourself to your destination's local time , you'll feel more comfortable . So please try to sleep , and have meals according to Los Angeles's time . Thank you so much . You are welcome . Please press the button when you need any help . Did you hear that they are going to start an exercise class after work ? Oh really ? When is it going to start ? Next month . I think . Are you going to sign up ? Well , I ’ d like to , but I ’ m going to have to look at my schedule . This visit is over for me . Here's your room key . Thank you for that , and in return , here's your receipt . And thanks to you . I hope you'll visit us again , sir . I'd be willing to try this hotel again , if you can promise me no more cockroaches . I guarantee you that our little “ friends ” won't be back . I hope your trip home is pleasant . Hi I came in on flight 513 . Everyone else took their luggage off the conveyor belt , but mine didn ’ t seem to be there . Let me check the computer . Uh-oh , Looks like your luggage is on its way to Paris . You ’ re kidding . What am I going to do ? Well , we can give you this lovely shaving kit and call you the minute your luggage arrives here . Just leave us a contact number . You can reach me at 13661306917 . Thank you . I am terribly sorry about this . It very rarely happens . We do have a sophisticated tracking system , so I know we will find it soon . But we apologize for the inconvenience . That ’ s ok . There wasn ’ t anything important in there anyway . The shaving kit more than makes up for my lost luggage . Wow ! I have been working here for 15 years and you ’ re the first person to accept a lost luggage situation cheerfully . I ’ Ve had a lot worse problems than this traveling so it ’ s really no big deal . Come again ? What are you talking about ? Aren't we on the same team now ? Guess again , Dave . I have no intention of leaving invoking . Never did . What do you mean ? You didn't ? Oh , no ... No ! That's right , Dave . I tricked you into giving a confession . And I've recorded every word of it . But how ? So you knew all along I was with WebTracker ? How did you know ? I saw your green post-it notes . Nobody else has them . Have you find any job that you are interested in ? I ’ Ve only find a few openings in my field . There ’ s not a very high demand for that kind of job , isn ’ t there ? Unfortunately not . If I can ’ t find anything in that field , then I could also work in the marketing field . That ’ s a good idea . You have plenty of experience in marketing , don ’ t you ? Yes . By the way , I saw a job in the paper this morning that you might be interested in . Really ? What is it ? It is a job at an advertisement company . Do you think they'd hire me ? Anyway , it is worth trying . Hi , Bob , what time will you be home tonight ? I'll be back late tonight . Why ? What's the problem ? I have a meeting with my General Manager . Thank you for your application , Mr . Sweeney . Mr . Jacobs would like to set up an interview for early next week . Do you have time ? Yes , ma ’ am . I could come in any day next week , except for Friday morning . Fine . Let me take a look at his schedule . He ’ s free on Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 . Could you come in then ? Yes . That would be fine . Hello , I would like to make an appointment to look at houses . Sure , would you prefer looking in the morning or afternoon ? I would prefer mornings . Can you go during the week , or can you only go during the weekend ? Going to look at houses during the week is best for me . Where would you like me to pick you up ? I will meet you at the real estate office . I am thinking of looking at three houses , and it will take about two hours . That sounds good to me . Once I contact the owners and confirm the times , I will e-mail you a schedule . Something ’ s burning ? Oh , my bread ! Mm , I love burnt bread . Curse this oven ! Curse it ! But I prefer burnt bread . Curse the worst oven in the world . Wonderful ! A perfect piece of bread ! There are thirteen of them . Oh , have another . Have a third , if you like , have them all . I am looking for a blouse . Can you show me the way , please ? OK , what style do you want ? I have no idea . Could you recommend me one ? What about this one ? It fits you . Well , the style is quite good , but I think it's too showy . I would like to try on the lighter one . Is there a train leaving for Philadelphia ? Yeah . There's an express that leaves in twenty minutes . May I buy a ticket here at the station ? Sure . Where ? Go to window number eleven . Thanks . I'd like a refund on this sweater . May I have a look at your receipt ? Oh , here you are . All right . Wait a minute . What kind of job are you interested in ? I want a job in which I can use English , I would also like to be able to have some responsibility in my work . I really appreciate that I would expect my secretary to be able to work independently and take over some of my ordinary responsibilities , such as answering routine correspondence , taking phone calls for me and sometimes assisting me with personal affairs . Yes , I see . In my previous job , I did typing and filing everyday . Have you had any experience as a guide ? Well , not exactly , but I have shown some of my foreign friends around Beijing . Once in a while we have visitors from abroad and I would like to be able to ask my secretary to take them shopping and sightseeing . I think I would like that . Hi , Bill . It's Marsha Black at MPPD Ltd . How are you ? Hello , Marsha , I haven't heard from you in a long time . I'm great , and you ? Not too bad at all . Do you have a minute ? Sure , what can I do for you ? We're getting ready to place our Christmas orders and we need to know about how much it's going to run this year.You know , so we can have the funds put aside . I'm really busy right now . I got a lot on my plate.So this isn't an actual bid you want but just a ballpark figure ? Right , a ballpark figure is fine , and slant it a little high if you have to . Well , I can give you those figures now over the phone , is that okay ? Or do you need them in writing ? It's going to be shown to the Board so I need it in writing.Make all the prices subject to confirmation so you can't be held to them . How soon can I have it ? Is this another rush , dear ? Did you forget and wait until the last minute again ? Yeah , I'm afraid so . I really need your help here . Well , just because it's you . Tomorrow , say around noon . I played the video game at Mike's home yesterday . What's it like ? It's really fantastic . The hero , Super Warrior , is so brave that he can defeat any enemies he meets . He runs through tunnels , swims under water , and climbs over bridges . It's really exciting ! And then ? I borrowed it from Mike yesterday . Why not have a try ? That's neat ! Oh , this is Monica OK . Commodity inspection is really an important part of our trade contract . Yes . Let's first define the inspection right . Following the rules of world business , the exporters have the right to inspect the goods before the delivery , while the importers have the right to re-inspect the goods after their arrival . Would you tell me how the inspection is conducted before shipment and by which agency ? Inspection is to be done by the China Commodity Inspection and Testing Bureau . Usually inspection is conducted within five days before each shipment . And can you tell me about the re-inspection ? Yes . The re-inspection should be made within seven days upon the arrival , and if any discrepancy is found , the claim must be raised within one month . I see . How do they make testing and analysis of this item ? They always use the standard and method laid down in the contract . What if the results from the two inspections do not coincide with each other ? A seminar of technical specialists including the surveyors from both sides will be held to clarify which result is correct . Do you often buy magazines ? I buy a computer magazine every month . It keeps me up-to date with all the latest developments . Why don ’ t you find the information on the internet instead ? Sometimes it takes too long to find the exact information you are looking for . Besides , I like to read a magazine in a coffee bar sometimes . Do you have an online edition of that magazine ? Yes , they do . But you can only access all the articles if you have a subscription . Do you have a subscription ? Yes , I do . The magazine arrives by post at the beginning of each month . Do you every buy magazines ? I only buy them if they look particularly interesting . I don ’ t buy any regularly . Can I help you ? How much is this pen ? Ten Yuan . And how much is this pencil ? One Yuan . Here's fifteen Yuan . And here's your change . Please check if it is correct . OK , that's right . Welcome to come again . OK . Let ’ s play a little game . I ’ ll describe someone and you try to guess who it is . Ok . I ’ m really bored at the moment . Ok . This man is tall and slim . He ’ s got blue eyes and curly brown hair . Does he have a moustache or a beard ? Good question . Yes , he has a moustache , but no beard . Sounds like Mike , is it ? Yes , it is . You describe someone we both know . Right . She ’ s not very tall and she ’ s quite plump . She ’ s got blonder hair , but I don ’ t know what color her eyes are . Is she attractive ? I don ’ t think I know anyone like that . Well , I don't find her attractive , but I'm sure you will disagree . I like slim girls , so I doubt I would find a plump girl attractive . You ’ ll have to give me some more information . She ’ s got tiny feet and wears really unfashionable shoes . In fact , she wears unfashionable clothes too . This doesn ’ t sound like anyone I know . I give up . Teel me who she is . She ’ s your mother ! How embarrassing ! I don ’ t even recognize a description of my own mother ! How important do you think appearance is ? I think that unfortunately it ’ s more important than a person ’ s character . Advertising and stuff tells us that we have to be attractive . I think it ’ s wrong , but that ’ s the way the world is now . I ’ m afraid you ’ re right . I chose my girlfriend because she has a wonderful personality . Well , you certainly didn ’ t choose her because of her looks ! Hey , I was joking ! Don ’ t hit me ! Mark , you are not telling me the truth . Now why ? Promise you are not going to be angry ? Yes , all right . So why ? Go on then . Say it . Oh , really , Mark . I promise I'm not going to be angry . Now why were you late ? I forgot . You forgot ? You ... Ah , ah , you promised , and remember ? Excuse me , I got a parcel arrival notice yesterday . Would you show me your notice ? Here you are . Please endorse it first . Do you have identification ? Yes , here is my ID card . I put in two quarters for a coke , but nothing came out of the machine . Really ? Let me check it . I'm sure it's broken . No , ma'am . I ’ m afraid you put in only one quarter and one dime . What can I help you with today ? I would like to make a deposit . Will that be cash or check ? I ’ m depositing a check . Could you sign the back of the check , please ? All right . Here you go . Would you like any cash back ? That would be great . How much would you like ? I would like $ 150 . Here is your $ 150 . Thanks for everything . Tu Mao , I'm hungry , let's get something to eat . Me too . Is there a place nearby that we can get something to eat ? There's a Kentucky's not far ahead and there's a McDonald's in down street . Kentucky's ? Is that a chain restaurant ? Don't you know about Kentucky's ? I've heard about it , but never had one . They sell pieces of fried chicken , you've got to try one this time . OK . Let's go . I really hope to reach an agreement with you today that is suitable and beneficial for us both . I've thought through a lot of these details , and I hope we can have a chance to discuss them and resolve any differences this afternoon . Let's get start . What kinds of things do you have in mind ? If you let us know the requirements you have from the very beginning , we can work through each one until we can come to an agreement . Firstly , we'd like to discuss a discounted price . If you can give us a discount of 7 % on the high volumes orders , we can pay in 60 days . Huh ... I think 7 % is little high that might be hard to do . How about this ? We'll give you a discount of 4 % , but you can have 90 days credits . Well , that might be acceptable , if you handle the insurance fees . No , you have to take care of the insurance . But we are willing to pay the half transport . Can you accept that ? We cover the insurance and half the transport fee , and only have a discount of 4 % . But you'll have 90 days to pay your bill and I'll tell you what ... I'll also throw in the discount of 10 % on your up front deposit . Done ... Doctor Ruth's office , may I help you ? Yes , I'd like to make an appointment to see the doctor . My name is Randy Horn . Let's see , Mr . Horn ... The doctor's schedule is full today . Would tomorrow be all right ? Yeah , I guess I can survive until tomorrow . Would you prefer to come in in the morning or the afternoon ? In the morning , if possible . The doctor has an opening at 10:30 tomorrow . I'll put you down for then . That would be fine . Okay , Mr . Horn , see you tomorrow at 10:30 . The new year is coming . Is the final examination approaching . Oh , yeah . We will have winter holiday . How are you getting along with your studies ? Don ’ t worry , mum . I will study hard tomorrow . But your were playing video games all afternoon . You are skating on thin ice . Hey daddy ! You look great today . I like your tie ! By the way , I was wondering can I ... NO ! I haven't even told you what it is yet ! Okay , okay , what do you want ? Do you think I could borrow the car ? I ’ m going to a concert tonight . Um .. I don ’ t think so . I need the car tonight to pick up your mother . Egg ! I told you about it last week ! Smelly Toes is playing , and Eric asked if I would go with him ! Who's this Eric guy ? Duh ! He's like the hottest and most popular guy at school ! Come on , dad ! Please ! No can do ... sorry . Fine then ! Would you mind giving me 100 bucks ? No way ! That ’ s so unfair ! What's wrong with you ? I have had a low fever these days . Don't worry . I'll write you a prescription for a new medicine that works wonders . Thank you , doctor . When it comes to select a fund , you will always read Past performance is not an indication of future results , can you believe that ? Maybe it is right since everything is possible . You know the market changes quickly these days . But I still have doubted those funds with bad stock performance . For me , his stock record is the very important criteria to decide which to buy . I really want to decrease the risk reach the minimum and achieve the maximum returns . If you refuse to take risk , you can ’ t have better returns . I will think about it . Mr . Zhang , are you still there ? Yes . Can she call you back ? She is about to start a meeting . That will be fine . Hi , Alan . I feel very nervous because I am going to have a job interview next Monday . Could you please give me some suggestions ? Sure . Firstly , it is very important for you to be punctual . Interviewers usually don ’ t think much of a candidate who comes 5 or 10 minutes late only to explain that he could not find the place or he was stuck in traffic . Yeah , that is very important . Secondly , you need to create a good image in a limited time . I will try my best to make a good impression , but it is always easier said that done . I think you should make some preparations . For example , you should take care to appear well-groomed and modestly dressed . What ’ s more , try to avoid a too causal style . Can I wear T-shirt and jeans for the job interview ? You ’ d better not . Informal clothes like sports shirts , tom jeans or dirty sneakers convey the impression that you are not serious about the job , or that you may be casual about your work as you are about your clothes . I've got it . I think I will wear a white shirt with a tie . Thank you for your suggestions . OK , Mr . Wang . Thank you very much for coming to the airport to see us off . Your great country and your hospitality have left a very deep impression on all of us and your working attitude and your way of doing business have changed my opinions about Chinese people . Really ? I'm glad to hear that . That's true . And this trip has been a very productive one for us . Thank you again for your visit . We are looking forward to your reply . Believe me , Mr . Wang . I'll do my best to promote the transaction . We are happy that we have established business relations . I really hope that we'll have more business to do and more opportunities to meet each other . It ’ s very kind of you to say so . You are very nice and helpful . Hope to see you again . I think we will have opportunities to meet each other in the future . OK , I think it's time for you to check in . If you run into any difficulty , we'll be here to assist you immediately . Fine . Thank you very much . Bye-bye . Goodbye . Did you enjoy your meal ? Yes , we really enjoyed it . May I interest you in some dessert ? Yes , that sounds great . Well , we have chocolate mousse cake , homemade fresh strawberry shortcake , and a spicy rum apple crisp for our specials . The apple crisp sounds great . Since there are four of you , would you like to split a second dessert ? Good suggestion . Could you please bring us a chocolate mousse cake and four dessert forks , please ? Would you like coffee or tea with your dessert ? Let's have four coffees , please . OK . I will be right back with your desserts and drinks . Thank you ! We have really enjoyed our meal here . I come home for lunch . How long have you got ? Only 1 hour . Okay , I'll make you some food . Hi , I'd like two tickets to Providence , please . Sure , what time will you like to depart ? What time does the next train leave ? Actually , one just left ten minutes ago . The next one is at two forty-five , debates at five thirty-five . Ok , could you give me two tickets for that ? Sure , that will be thirty-two dollars please . Thank you very much for telling me all these things about the college . Don't mention it . It's my greatest pleasure to have met you.See you around . See you . Room service.May I come in ? Yes.please . Here is your laundry . I am sorry to tell you that one of your clothes has shrunk due to our fault . Oh , my god . We are terribly sorry for that.Could you please buy a new one and give us the receipt ? We will refund the cost of the laundry and the new sweater . I hope so . Would you please fill out the form ? But it's the White House . The president and his family live there.They won't let us see most of it . Probably we can only see a couple of rooms . No , that's not true.The White House is very big . And there are a lot of historical exhibits there.The tour will take us through many different rooms . I read about it in the guide . Hmm . If that's true , then the security there must be very good.Because it's strange to think they will let people walk around in the White House . I'm sure the security is very tight.Probably they will make us walk through metal detectors like at the airport . So I can't take my gun then . Don't always joke like that ! You don't have a gun . Yes , it's true I don't . You shouldn't say things like that . You could get arrested ! What ? Do you think someone will arrest me for making a joke ? Someone will arrest me here at the breakfast table ? No . But if you say something like that in the White House , they may take it seriously . Sometimes I think you joke too much . I'll be careful . Don't worry . I don't want to get arrested by the FBI.But how long does the White House tour last ? I'm not sure . I think it lasts about one hour . Alright . We should take a taxi over there right after breakfast . First I want to look in the travel guide.Maybe they don't have tours in the morning . That's a good idea . Do you want some more coffee ? No , I'm fine . I really want to go to China for vacation , but I can't find a cheap plane ticket . Have you tried the Internet ? No , not yet . Can you find a good price there ? Wow , you really live in the Stone Age , Mom . Well , you don't have to be mean . How do I do it ? Go to and click on Travel and tickets . There are about a billion sites to look at . Ok , thanks . I'll let you know what I find . All right . I ’ ll look for a ticket for you , too . Thanks ! You two are so health-conscious ! Well , we try ! Here , I just made some carrot juice . Would you like a glass ? Why not ! Before you know it , I'll be heading off to the mountains to stand on my head ! You don't have to go to the mountains ! I stand on my head during my yoga routine every morning ! Thanks for the carrot juice , Mrs . Schmidt . I've got to run to class ! Have a good day at school ! See you tonight ! I'd like to rent a car for several days . What kind of car do you want ? Well , what kinds do you have ? Mazda . Honda and Nissan . Honda is OK . Could I have a word with you , Madam ? Is that you , Janice ? Just speaking . I have to tell you that I can't be in today and tomorrow . So sorry to hear that . What's wrong with you ? I feel sick and coughed a lot at night . Is that serious ? You ought to see a doctor . Yes , I did this in the morning . And my doctor wanted me to have a rest these two days . That's good . Do you suppose you will be back at company the day after tomorrow ? I hope so . And I will definitely tell you if I can not . Well , take care of yourself . And hope you will be better as soon as possible . You voted , right ? You know I did . Who did you vote for ? I voted for Obama , of course ! Can you believe that he actually won ? I knew he would win . I didn ’ t think he would . He was the top candidate . I figured people wouldn ’ t vote for him because he ’ s African American . That just goes to show that America is finally turning over a new leaf . You ’ re absolutely right . I ’ m excited that Barack Obama is our President . Do you drive a car yourself ? Yes , I just bought new car , I drive to work everyday ! Great ! When you become new driver , you are better drive as carefully as possible ! Sure , I see safety is most important thing ! Accident is awful ! I will take your advice ! Besides , traffic signal in downtown area are very annoying , are they ? Yes , definitely ! You can't drive freely ! Now , we are out of the town , you can drive freely ! Compare with speaking , yes ! But things are not good as you expecting ! Why not ? Can you see that road side help ? Yes , We are going to across real road . That's right . We have to slow down again . If we haven't meet the passing tree , we have to stop a car away . What other signs what we see in road area like this ? There are a plenty of signs such as Watch for children ! Hello.Is this ABC Rent-a-car Company ? Yes , speaking.May I help you ? This morning we rented a car and we are on the way to Niagara Falls . I'm afraid we have a car accident near the border . That's too bad.What kind of accident is it ? Are you all right ? I'm all right , but my friend is seriously injured.Will you call an ambulance and the police ? OK . I'll do it right away , but tell me how it happened . I ran into the guardrail when I turned to the left . Good morning . I ’ m Liu Yi , from China XYZ Company . We have an appointment with Mr . Thomas . Welcome to ABC Company . We have been expecting you , please have a seat . I will call him . Thank you . Mr . Thomas will be here very soon . In the meantime , may I ask all of you to sign in so that I can issue your passes ? Should each of us write separately ? Yes , please . Please print your name and company name , and the person you are going to see . I need to get on another bus , but I have no more money . Where'd the rest of your money for the bus go ? I spent it on a bag of chips . Well , that was an intelligent thing to do . You don't have any spare change ? No , I don't . How am I going to get home ? You should just ask the bus driver for a transfer . How much does that cost ? It's free ; just go ask for one . Thanks for letting me know . No problem , just go ask . I haven't received my credit card bill yet . Which credit card are you speaking of ? My Master Card . We sent that bill out a couple of weeks ago . I never got it . Your bill was mailed already . What am I going to do since I haven't received the bill ? If you haven't gotten it yet , then you should probably take that up with your post office . Can I get an extension on my bill if it does happen to be the post office's fault ? If that's the case , you will need to provide proof of their mistake . Thanks for everything . Don't mention it . Call back if you have any more questions . Mr . Mass , here is a gift for you . Oh . Thanks a million . It's a souvenir I bought for you from Rome . How beautiful ! I love it at all . I'm glad you like it . It's very kind of you . I really don't know how I can thank you enough . Don't mention it . Just a little thing I did . I was wondering if you could go over the services available at EDD to help me get a job . The best opportunity is called callous , which is an Internet-based job placement service that you can make use of . Do I have to have a computer at home ? There are computers at our EDD offices for you to use in your job search . Do you have any other services available ? We have information available about the job market as well as workshops . What kinds of workshops are available at the EDD ? We have workshops in Resume Writing and Interviewing , to name a few . Are there other places , outside of EDD , that I may look for work ? College job placement services can help . Good morning , sir , can I help you ? Yes , I was wondering if you had the time to show me around this exhibition ? I'd be glad to , sir . But may I ask what line of business you are in ? I'm in the electrical appliances . I see . Would you be interested in seeing the audio-visual products ? They are made by our company . Thanks , they are rather attractive . But I think there is nothing better than seeing things In actual operation . Yes , of course . Would you like to make an inspection tour of some factories ? Yes , very much , if it wouldn't add inconvenience to you . First hand information is always more valuable than reading pamphlets . I'll make the arrangement and let you know the time tomorrow . That would be great . Hi , I ’ m Cindy , the office clerk . What can I do for you ? Hi , I ’ m Henry Wilson from number 37 . Hi Henry . How are you ? Is everything Okay in your apartment ? Yes . Everything is fine in the apartment . But I know nothing about this area . Could I ask you some questions ? Yes , please . Can you tell me the postal code for this building ? Yes , it ’ s L8V 4B7 . Thank you . Also , how can I get my mailbox key ? I ’ ll tell Peter to bring your key to your apartment right away . Who ’ s Peter ? He ’ s the superintendent of this building . Thanks a lot . I ’ Ve got one more question . No problem . Go ahead , please . Where can I change the address on my driver ’ s license ? The Department of Motor Vehicles office is at 212 Barton Street North . Can you give me directions to the office ? We are at 2368 King Street East . Yes . So , it ’ s easy to get to the office from here . From your apartment , just drive along King Street East for about one kilometer and you ’ ll see a three-story blue building on your right . That ’ s the Department of Motor Vehicles building where you can change your driver ’ s license . What floor is the office on ? It ’ s on the first floor . Thank you very much . You are very welcome . Hello , sir . How many in your party ? Just myself . What is the rate ? OK , a single fare is $ 50 per right . Fine . Do I have to show my passport ? No , it's not necessary . But you have to fill out this form . Sure . Have you decided on something ? Yes , please bring us two steaks . Sure . Anything else ? What vegetables come with the steaks ? Potato chips and French dressing . How could we advertise our celebrations to mark the centenary of the founding of the university ? I ’ m sure we could get one or two tv companies to come in . Perhaps the president could invite them and do an interview . That ’ s a good idea . We could put up some posters in and around the campus with a list of events . It would be quite cheap to do on the campus . It will be expensive to do outside the campus . Perhaps we could arrange for some sponsorship . We could contact alumni who work for large , well-know companies . They might be able to arrange cheap advertising in exchange for some free tickets . Good thinking ! We should also print some leaflets for students to distribute . We should put some information about it on the home page of our university website . When people visit the website , they ’ ll see the information . We could take out some advertisements to local newspapers . I checked the prices and they are reasonable . Ok . Let ’ s get to work on our advertising campaign . Hello , May I speak to Mary , please ? Speaking , Who ’ s calling please ? Hi Mary , This is Tom . Oh , Hi Tom , how have you been ? Just fine . I see . Aren ’ t you busying tomorrow evening ? Let me see . Akha . No , I guess I ’ ll be free . Well , why not dine out together and go to the moves . Sounds like a good idea . Ok . I ‘ l l pick you up at 6 o ’ clock . Thank you for your inviting me . See you then . Bye Tom . Excuse me , would you get me some paper napkins ? Sure , here you are . Could you recommend some dessert ? We have fruit cake , cream cake and chestnut cake . Don't you have cheese ? Of course , we do . So you've been attending night classes for a while now . Do you feel it's helping you ? Yes , furthering my education is already bringing about positive results in my workplace as it has boosted my confidence.As well the tutoring system my school employs offers courses uniquely suite Really ? That's great that you found a school that puts your need first . As well my company has been very supportive about my decision.They ' Ve cut back my working hours in order to accommodate my studies . That's great . They must really be committed to staff development . They are.We definitely see eye-to eye on my enhanced performance being a win-win situation for everyone involved . So , you know how to drive , right ? I'm pretty good . Do you think you can teach me ? Did you get your learner's permit yet ? I have it already . Do you have any experience driving a car ? I've only done it once . Do you know all the controls in the car ? Yes , I am aware of them . When do you want to start learning how to drive ? Whenever you have time . We can do it tomorrow ; just call me . Yo , G.How are you getting along with your classmates in the English training school ? Not bad . Everything goes well . The boat is ready to leave.Everyone come onto the ship , please . Excuse me , where is my cabin ? Can I see your ticket ? Of course . Here you are . Your seat is in cabin No . 5 , the upper deck . It ’ s near amid ship . Can you direct the place for me ? There ! ( Point out the direction . ) You can see a window there . I see . Thank you . You are welcome . Have a good trip ! Would you please wrap the shoes first ? I would like to buy a sweater . Sure . Take your time . How much does the green one cost ? $ 80 . OK . I will take it as well . How much in all ? I haven't got enough for prosecuting him . Why don't you find someone who is in the know . I'm just thinking about that , but the trouble is , I don't know who is well in the know . Did you ask his former sectary , Lora ? She knows a lot about him . Thanks for reminding me . She's the right person to help me . OK darling , got some pizzas , potato chips , hot dogs and lots of cheese ! Oh John , I thought we said we would start eating right ! Remember ? Our new healthy lifestyle ? That ’ s all junk food ! Humph ! Right , so what did you get ? Well , healthy food , of course ! I got some whole wheat bread , skimmed milk , fresh fish and organic carrots ... Organic ? What ’ s organic ? Do we need organic carrots ... ? They were grown without using any chemicals that are harmful to our health . And yes , John , we need organic carrots ... Oh , so organic vegetables are the green option , right ? Yup , better for the environment and better for us ! Wait a minute , that ? ... Doughnuts ? They organic doughnuts , Kelly ? I like doughnuts . Is there a bus that'll go all the way to Sons from PHS ? Where is this Sons located ? The Sons on Fair Oaks and Orange Grove . You're going to need to take two buses to get to that Sons . Which buses will I have to take ? First , you need to get on the 268 going west . Then what do I do ? You need to get off on Fair Oaks and Washington . What's next ? Get on the 261 , and it'll take you the rest of the way to Sons . There's nothing else ? That's all there is to it . I will have sole then . All right , how about the other guests . The rest of us will have this today's special , please . Ok . I am sorry but I ordered sole not the same as the others . Will you change it ? I'm afraid we have no more sole . Then I'll have the pork cutlet instead . Certainly , just a moment , sir . What's the latest fashion of evening gown ? The one on the manikin is in fashion now . I would like to try on one in violet . OK , here you are . You look really attractive in that gown . Thank you . Do you have some other colors ? Linda , this is Todd calling . Todd , I am so happy you called ! Linda , I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed our time together last Friday night . Boy , Todd , that was one great movie you picked out ! Thanks for asking me to go with you ! I had a great time too and was thinking that maybe you might want to join me for a hike to the waterfalls on Saturday . A hike would be great ! Let me pack us a nice picnic lunch , OK ? Linda , that would be a perfect addition . I'll take care of the lunch then , and you can take care of the other plans . What time would you like to pick me up ? I was hoping to leave by 9 o'clock so that it won \ ' t be too hot for the hike . Nine is a great time to get started . I'll see you on Saturday ! Cindy ! Are you getting take-out ? Yeah , do you want something ? Yeah , thanks . Could you pick me up a chicken salad sandwich , an order of fries , and a large diet coke ? No problem . Do you have any cash on you ? I don ’ t think I have enough . Excuse me , miss . Could I have something to drink , please ? Sure , what would you like ? Is it possible to get a beer ? Why don ’ t you have a water or juice instead , so you don ’ t get dehydrated ? You ’ re right . I ’ ll save the beer for when we land . One orange juice , please . This looks like a nice restaurant . Yeah , it is . I come here all the time . Let's sit over there . OK . Can you pass me a menu please . Sure . What are you going to have to drink ? I'm going to have a glass of beer . How about you ? I think I'll have a glass of wine . Do you want to order an appetizer first ? Not really , maybe we can just order some bread . OK . What are you going to have to eat ? I'm not sure . I haven't decided yet . Can you recommend something ? Sure , I've had the steak and the lobster before . They're both very good . I think I'll have the lobster . What are you going to have ? I'm not that hungry . I think I'm just going to have a salad . I'm gonna go to the bathroom . When the waitress comes back , will you order for me ? Sure . No problem . Good evening , sir . I understand that you have been robbed . I certainly have . When did this happen ? About two hours ago . Why didn't you report it before ? I couldn't . I was bound and gagged . Please tell me exactly what happened . I was sitting in this room watching television when someone knocked on the door . Without thinking , I opened it . That wasn't very wise , sir . I know . I was expecting my wife , you see , and thought it was her . You should never open a door without looking to see who it is . Yes , I know . I regret it very much . What happened ? Two men pushed into the flat . One of them threatened me with a knife while the other bound and gagged me . Did you get a good look at them ? I'm afraid not . They were both wearing stockings over their faces . What did they take ? My wallet , with $ 200 in it , my wrist watch.some of my wife's jewellery from our bedroom , and a silver photoframe . They don't seem to have done much damage to the flat . No . They had just begun to search when the dogs next door began to bark . Theran off then leaving me bound and gagged . It was some time before my wifereturned and released me . I phoned the police at o My men began searching the area as soon as we received your call . I can't promise you that we'll recover your property but we'll certainly do our best . What happened today on the freeway ? You don't know what happened ? What did happen ? There was a truck on the freeway , and it flipped over . Really ? I wouldn't lie about something like that . Were there any injuries ? I heard that a couple people got hurt . Are they all right ? The news said they should be fine . I'm glad to know that everyone made it out okay . Me too . And anything to drink ? Yes , a red wine and a cup of coffee . How do you like your coffee ? With milk but without sugar , please . Then how about the wine ? Is white wine OK ? Yes , please . Thanks for the advice , Mr . Macmillan . I ’ ll keep it in mind . I had better head off though . I ’ m meeting my husband for dinner . Sure , I ’ m heading out myself . Enjoy your evening . Thanks , sir . You too . Drive safely , I hear there ’ s a lot ice on the roads . Thanks for the warning ! See you tomorrow ! Excuse me , may I have the bill , please ? It comes to $ 100 . Can I pay by private check ? Sure . Here is your receipt and you can draw your tax paid for those goods at customs . Happy New Year , Rose . Happy New Year , Thomas . How many joys nice drinks with us , will you ? Thank you , I will . What are you up to today ? First , I am going to get ready for the parade , I have a great costume . Then later today , I am going to church . If you want , I can give you a costume , and you can be at parade too . It will be fun Sure , why not . Sounds like fun . Why are you going to church ? My father likes to go , and I told him I will go with him . What for ? Lots of people especially seniors like to go to church , and attend the evening service . They must have got in through the kitchen window . If only we'd remember to close it . I am afraid your diamond bracelet has gone , darling ! I wish I'd put it in the bank . look ! they've taken your fur coat too . I know , I am sorry I ever bought it . I noticed they've taken our radio and left the television . Do you have a good English-Chinese dictionary ? Sure . How about this one ? Is this the latest edition ? Yes . We have both the paperback and the hardcover . What's the difference ? The hardcover is more expensive . Oh ! I see . I'll have the paperback , please , How do I order the office supplies that I need ? Fill out this form with whatever you need . What do you need the most ? I need many things . I can get a few of them right away , but might have to order some . I can wait a few days for these items . Make sure that you have money allocated for these supplies . How much do you have for office supplies ? I don't think we have very much money for supplies , but we have a little . Would you like them delivered to you or can you come get them here ? I am not sure yet . When you finish completing the request form , we will order and let you know when the supplies are here . Have a great day ! Good-bye ! That dress is too expensive . But it ’ s so pretty . Yes , it is pretty , but it costs $ 200 . What about this one ? It ’ s almost the same , but it costs half as much . It ’ s not the same . It ’ s completely different . It ’ s just a little shorter . I really like this one . Well , it ’ s your money . You can spend it however you want . Do you really think it ’ s pretty ? Yeah . It ’ s pretty . Is it possible that I have a business trip abroad and work in American once in a while ? Yes . We are a foreign-invested company and there are many chances to go abroad . Is there any training program for the employees to make a further study ? Sure . We attach great importance to the all-round development of the staff , and the development of individuals will motivate them to work more diligently and efficiently . Bob was late for work this morning . Has he been late before ? Yes , once last week . Thanks for letting me know . Hello , Lucy . This is Monica again . I have a question . Please ask . I was wondering what kind of resume do you prefer , an e-resume or a paper one ? For this position we prefer e-resume at the very beginning . Please send it to our department ’ s e-mail box . Ok , thank you . You ’ re welcome . Can I try it on now ? Of course . I will show you the fitting room . The dress is slim in cut . Thank you for saying that . Why don't you begin by telling me something about yourself ? What do you want to know ? The usual , you know , something about your background and experience and anything personal that you feel is pertinent . Well , I was born in Shanghai and went to school there , right up through college . My father is a lawyer , and my mother is a teacher . Sounds as if you come from a professional family . That right . One of my sisters is a doctor and the other one teaches at a university . What made you decide to get into computers ? Oh , nothing in particular , I guess . I always liked mathematics and tinkering with machines . Now what about your experience ? How long have you been working with computers ? More than five years now . After I did my engineering degree , I began to specialize in computer technology and I even had my own company for a while . It certainly sounds impressive . Why don't you have your credentials sent to me and I'll show them to the board ? We'll probably get back to you in a week . Thanks very much . Hey , Gary , great to see you again . Please have a seat . So tell me , what seems to be the problem ? Thanks , doc . I ’ Ve got a really bad toothache ! I can ’ t eat anything , and look , my face is all swollen . I think it might be my wisdom tooth . Well , let ’ s have a look . Open wide . Hmm ... this doesn ’ t look good . Well , it looks like you have a cavity and your crown is loose . We ’ ll need to put in a filling before it gets any worse , and the crown probably needs to be refitted . I ’ m going to order some x-rays . Is it gonna hurt ? No , not at all ! Just lay back and relax . Should I go now ? Nice and easy . Just give it a little gas . Nothing is happening ! First you have to put the car into gear . Move this shifter so the arrow points at D for drive . What do these other letters mean ? R is for reverse , P is for park , and D1 and D2 are lower gears for going through snow , or up a steep hill . Let's sell our stocks now . Why ? They keep going up . I have a feeling they're about to go down in a few days . I'd like to go to Suzhou next week . Do you know how to get there by train ? First , you should check the schedule and see which trains go to Suzhou . Make sure which train you want to take and book a ticket . I see . Do you know how much the ticket is ? It depends on which train do you take . Is it far from here to Suzhou ? Yes , it stops more than ten times on the way to Suzhou . How long will it take to get there ? About fifteen hours . Hi , Alex . Would you come with me to supply ? I ’ Ve got to pick up a load of stuff and I ’ m afraid I can ’ t carry it all . Sure , Stacy . Let me just grab my coat . Thanks . I appreciate the hand . I ’ d have to make two or three trips on my own . Don ’ mention it . I ’ m glad to help . Can you please give me a hand ? I can ’ t carry the heavy box . I ’ m afraid not . Don ’ t you see I ’ m looking up a word in the dictionary ? I think you are flicking through it . Well , wait a minute . I want to settle my account . Wait for a moment . Mr . Bush.this is your bill , please sign your name here Well , I think something must be wrong with my bill . I didn't have any laundry . I am sorry , we will connect with the room service.Please Warta moment . Ok , so where do you think we can save more money ? Well , we could eat in more . That 300 dollars for entertainment is mostly going to restaurants . Yeah . That ’ s a good idea and you like to cook . What about the books ? No , I need my books . Come on . If we save more money , we can retire earlier and you ’ ll actually have time to read all those books you buy . Well , what about the 50 you spent on a shirt ? You could have gotten something for less . Ok . Let's compromise . If you agree to only spend 75 on books , I'll agree to only spend 40 for my next shirt . All right . That sounds fair . I often see some ' new age people ' show off their various skills to handle a skateboard , which makes me wonder in awe . Annie , you also know the ' new age people ' . I think these people must have undergone much sufferings of flesh in order to ride skillfully . Although it is easy to ride , the condition of the road surface should also be paid attention to , such as places being put together and full of gullies . If the condition permits , it is better to be equipped with helmet , eye shades , ankle shield , knee shield and elbow shield . The skateboard does not pollute the air , either . It can be used as a tool to ride instead of walk . Can I give you a lift home , Mrs . Word ? That is very kind of you , Mr Lee . Thank you . Could you hold my umbrella when I get my keys out , please ? Of course . It ’ s a terrible night , isn ’ t it ? Dreadful . There , the door is open now . Thank you . Um , which of them is the better typist ? Well , Mary types faster than Jones . But I think Jones types more carefully . Is there any difference in their short hand ? Jones can certainly take down letter more quickly , but Mary ’ s short hand is the best in her class . How about languages ? Both of them speak excellent French . But I think Mary speaks German more fluently than Jones does . Um . That doesn ’ t really matter . Because we have more French visitors than German . Hi , Kerry . Did your husband make cooking for you ? Oh , please do not mention it any more . Last night he did it for the first time . Really ? Was it delicious ? Forget it ! It was a bitter pill for me to swallow . It was the first time . You should not be so particular . Ha-ha . Last night , I only told him practice makes perfect . It ’ s true . Nowadays , men are spending more and more time in the kitchen . Yeah , it will become a wider trend . Excuse me , I ’ m sorry to trouble you . My name is Susan Ransom , and I have placed several orders with you company . Yes , Mr . Ransom ? This is Karl Miller . How may I help you ? Well , I wonder if you could track an order I placed with you last month . It hasn ’ t arrived yet . Certainly , Ms . Ransom . Do you have an order number ? This room is unacceptable . I want a new one , and I want a refund for tonight . Would you please tell me the exact problem , sir ? I'm being attacked by hordes of cockroaches ! Oh , my gosh , they're back ? Another room at once , sir , plus a full refund , of course . Thank you very much . This has been a most unsettling experience . Sir , our guests are our reason for being . Hello , Steven , what are you doing now ? I am preparing a birthday party for Julia . Can I be of any help to you ? Of course , could you help to blow up some balloons ? I hate balloons . Well , would you please clean the livingroom ? You know I'm too busy . No problem . Hey , Jim , it ’ s time to wake up and get out of bed . Do I have to get up now ? You ’ d better get up , or you ’ ll be late . What are you talking about ? My alarm hasn ’ t even gone off yet . Yes , it did . It went off 30 minutes ago . You slept right through it . You ’ re like a dead person while you sleep . I must have slept right through it . Rise and shine ! Sleepyhead ! Just let me sleep 5 more minutes . The early bird gets the worm . I know . I know . But I don ’ t want any worms . Ha ! Ha ! If you don ’ t make an effort now , later on it ’ ll be a lot tougher for you . How did I do ? Do you really want to know ? Yes , I do . You did pretty bad . Exactly how bad ? You didn't pass the test . I don't understand how I could've failed it . There are a few reasons why you failed . What are the reasons ? The main reason is the fact that you're a horrible driver . Can I take the test again ? You'll be able to take the test again in a couple weeks . That is what we are pursuing . We look forward to a further extension of our pleasant business relations . A meeting will be arranged to negotiate the relevant stuff . That will be good . Are you going to vote this Tuesday ? Yes , I am , and I am so excited . Have you figured out who you ’ re going to vote for ? I love my candidate . Why is that ? My candidate is probably the most intelligent . Is that right ? I also agree with all his policies . That ’ s great ! I know he ’ s going to be the next President . Hopefully , he will be . I can ’ t wait to vote . Have you met the new manager in customer service ? No , I haven ’ t gotten over there in a few weeks . How is he ? She . She seems to be doing a pretty good job . Of course , anything would be better than that last guy ! You said it ! I can't believe he lasted as long as he did . Excuse me . I lost my way . Could you tell me where the scholar cinema is , please ? The Scholar ? Let me see . Oh ... yes , Of course I know . It ’ s in the Lincoln Square . Is that near here ? Oh , yes . It ’ s just a few minutes block . Turn left at the traffic light , and you ’ ll see it . Thank you very much . Would you like me to type it for you ? Yes , please . That would be a great help . Are you sure you don ’ t mind ? Not at all . I ’ ll be glad to do it . Thank you very much . Shall I right out again first ? No , there ’ s no need . Can I print it ? No , don ’ t bother . It ’ s all right as it is . Is the new computerised stock system in operation ? Not quite . The software engineers are testing it just now . Have all the operators been trained on it ? Yes , most of them . We trained on a dummy system last month . A couple of people were away so we've organised two more training sessions on the live system for the whole team this week . What's the fare , please ? Twenty dollars and sixty cents . What ? You're overcharging me ! No way . Look . That's what the meter says . Then something must be wrong with the meter . Mom , I didn ’ t have breast . I could eat a horse . Dear , this bakery has introduced some new types of cake recently and you can eat as much as you can . You mustn't touch the wet paint , Bill . I'm sorry . I won't do it again . Try to be more careful in future . Look ! You ’ Ve damaged the sign . Is this the sign ? What does it say ? It says ' No smoking here ' . Now let me tell you your definite duties in this office and this is your desk . Please sit down . I see . Thank you . Sir , what kind of duties will I do ? B , your main duty is to answer phone calls and transfer files to the person who wants them . Is that difficult ? It's easy . Is there anything I can do for you , sir ? Well . I have nearly forgotten . Mr Green from ABC Company had an appointment with me , but I will be very busy at that time . If he calls , you can tell him the appointment will be changed to next week . I will leave a memo for you , sir . Can I ask a favor of you ? Sure . Would you mail this letter for me when you go to the post office ? No problem . DM210 is equivalent to 400 RIB . Don't you wish to employ RIB of ours ? US Dollars might be adopted . Are you afraid of losing money due to exchange rate fluctuations ? I will give you a definite answer on the price terms two days later . Mom , I finished . OK . Could you please help me to clean them ? Of course . Great . At first , you can put the chairs back . OK . Now I'll put the dishes in the sink . Thank you . I'll wash them . OK . Then I will clean the table . Good boy . Why are you so angry , darling ? Stop picking on me . I am going to be mad . How long has the company been in business ? For over forty years . The original company Davies Engineering - was founded in 1960 by the Davies brothers in a small workshop near Manchester . They closed down the workshop in 1980 and opened up a new factory in Leeds . When did it become CABS ? In 1997 - when it was bought by a German company . They set up two more business in the UK . What does CABS stand for ? International Air Braking Systems . Excuse me , I'd like to make a suit of this material . Well , sir . Can I take your measurements first ? Yes . Should I take off my coat ? That'll be helpful . All right , thank you . Please make a single-breasted . No , problem . If you'll wait one moment , I'll make out your receipt . How much does it cost ? Let me see , with padding and lining cloth , it comes to 357 dollars altogether . All right . When can I get it ? In two weeks . Thank you . My battery's flat in my mobile . Is that why you didn't return my call ? And I couldn't find another phone . That's okay . Good afternoon , Lincoln Corporate Services . Lina speaking , how may I help ? Hello , Lina . I'm calling about your new PIN scheme . I'm new to all of this , so some of my questions may sound a little ignorant ... That's not a problem , I'm more than happy to explain everything in laymen's terms . PIN stands for Personal Internet Banking . You can do all of your usual banking using the Internet , no need to call I see . How about buying and selling items ? We can take care of that for you , too . You can get all of your usual banking services plus some new extra ones . As this service is net bases , you can do it anywhere . That's good to know , because I do travel quite frequently . Welcome . What can I do for you this morning ? I'm here on holiday and I don't have a local debit card . Is it possible to withdraw money on my Visa credit card here ? Well , welcome to our country . I trust you are having a pleasant stay ? Oh , yes . It's amazing here . I don't think I ever want to go home again ! That's the opinion of most people . Do you have your passport with you ? I'll need to see that and you'll need to fill in this withdrawal form . Fine . Here you go . How much would you like to withdraw ? Is it OK to withdraw USD ? That's fine . OK , 200 USD , please . Here's your money , your card and your passport . Please double check the amount for me . Perfect . Thanks ! Mr . Smith , this is your schedule . OK . Let me see . Do you have any different ideas ? Excuse me , could you tell me where you have got that music book ? Certainly . Let me see . Oh , it's on that self . It's too high . I can't reach it . Could you help me ? Of course . Here you are . Thank you very much . Good afternoon . How can I help you ? Good afternoon . My name is Monica . I am here for the job interview at 2 PM . Ok , please first fill in the form and return it to me . You can do it in the next door . Done . Here is my paper . Everybody attention . I would like to make sure you all know the process . The interview consists of three parts . One , all of the interviewees will answer the questionnaire and it lasts for maximum one hour . Two , we will take a 30 - minute ’ s break . After the break , we all come back to this office and I will announce the successful candidates for the 2nd round . In which , you have a small interview with your future manager . What about the 3rd round ? Good question . But I will tell you when you pass the first two . Good morning , Mr . Zhang . Good morning . How are you ? How nice to see you again . How is everything going ? Very well . What about you ? Not bad , thanks ! Our company has sent me to pick you up here . That is so nice of you . I ’ m sorry to disturb you , Mr . Crane . Yes , what is it , William ? Could you please look over these resumes ? They ’ Ve just come in . All right , fine . Thank you , William . Can you tell me about some good deals on produce ? The mangoes are on sale today . What exactly are mangoes ? They have yellowish red skin . It's a fruit with one big seed . Is the seed edible ? Maybe if you were a parrot . I wouldn't recommend it . How much does a mango cost ? Normally , they're $ 2 each . Today , they're only $ 1 each . Maybe I won't like the taste . It's hard to describe . They're sweet , but also sort of acidity . How do I tell the difference between a ripe one and an unripe one ? They're similar to an avocado . When the outside feels soft , they're ripe . Where do most of them come from ? These are from Mexico . Car trouble center . How may I help you ? My car won ’ t start ! Stupid old car ! Hold on , before you kick your car let ’ s go through some possible problems . Fine . OK , first of all , can you turn the key in the ignition ? Yeah ! I am here with my friend and he thinks it may be the spark plug or the starter motor . Those are possible problems , but tell me , when you turn the key , do you hear the starter motor crank ? Yeah , it sounds like it usually does when I start the car , but nothing else happens . The engine won ’ t start . Should I maybe press the accelerator ? No . If you step on the accelerator pedal you can flood the carburetor and your car will never start . So what do you think it is ? I know this may seem like a silly question , but does your car have gasoline ? Umm . yeah ! Right ! I got the car started ! Thanks for your help ! I told you to fill the tank ! What are you doing this weekend ? My brother-in-law is having a small get-together at his house and he invited me . Is it a family thing or just friends ? A bit of both . Some cousins , aunts and uncles will be there , but also some friends from the neighborhood . Is your great uncle Rick going to be there ? He is really funny . Yeah he is going to be there with his step-son and his ex-wife . You mean your sister ? No , Rick is actually my great uncle , so he is my grandmother's brother . You lost me . I'll explain later , let's go . When can you start the job ? I'll go and quit my job in the ABC Company . Can you start on Monday ? I'm afraid not , but can you make it Thursday afternoon ? That's all right . When you come , ask for Smith , OK ? Yes . See you then . Morning , Tom ! What are you doing over there ? Learning to dance ? Can't you see ? I'm practicing tai chi ! Oh , my goodness . I'm sorry . But I don't think tai chi is to be practiced like that . I'm just a beginner . Did my poses make me the butt of jokes ? Well , they just look a bit funny . but far from making a laughing stock out of you . So , is there anything wrong with my strokes ? To begin with , you should keep your neck erect upward at any time . Like this ? Good ! And then , the entire body . Never incline your body forward or backward . Take care to regulate the point of balance . Place it at your waist . Did I do it right ? No ! You should avoid sticking out your belly . Keep your hip steady . Don't swing . What should I do with my legs then ? Oh , yes , things are quite different with the limbs . Keep your knees bent a little . Right , they should be rich in elasticity . Move slowly when you shift your centre of gravity from one leg to another . Fantastic ! I guess the same is true with the arms , right ? Exactly ! Move your arms in a relaxed manner . Well . don't stretch yourfingers stiffly . Just keep them in a natural shape . These are new arrivals . Let me have a look . Try them if you like . I like the fabric , but I don ’ t like the style . What about that one over there ? They are too bright . Hi , John , this is Mary , your tenant up in Lincoln Park . Oh , hi , Mary , what can I do for you ? I was wondering when trash collection day was . It ’ s on Tuesdays and Fridays . Great . You could save a couple of dollars by taking it to the dump yourself , though . Oh , o . k . Where ’ s that ? It ’ s at the corner of that street . Thanks . Who do I call for trash collection ? Just leave the stuff by the curb . The company ’ ll send a guy out next month to give you the bill . All right . Thanks a lot . No problem . We need to figure out how much money we've spent and what we've spent it on . Why ? Well , I think we should save more . If we save more money we can retire earlier and enjoy our life better . Really , well , OK . Get the receipts out . Let's see . We spent $ 700 for our home loan payment , $ 300 0n groceries , $ 75 0n utilities , $ 250 n gasoline , $ 100 on books , and $ 400 0n entertainment last month . That's $ 1 825 . We put $ 500 into the savings account , and $ 750 into our stock account . $ 3 075 . Our paychecks is $ 3 300 , combined . That means we don't have any receipts for $ 225 . Right . Stop thinking about it . Where do you think we can save more money ? Well , we could eat in more often . That $ 400 for entertainment is mostly going to restaurants . Yeah , that's a good idea , and you like to cook . All right . Flip it to channel 9 , will you , Janet ? There's a big basketball game on in a couple of minutes . Sorry , turkey . I have already got dibs on the TV for tonight , remember ? And I'm watching ' Disco Fever ' on channel 6 . Oh , yeah , smarty-pants ? Over my dead body . Now , don't be such a brat and ... Hey , what's wrong with the TV ? I don't know ! The picture went blank all of a sudden . It's probably the picture tube . Looks like the TV wins that argument . Yeah . Oh well , how about a game of cards instead ? Sure , why not ? My name is Mary , and I will be your server this evening . Hi Mary . We are really looking forward to a great meal here . Can I interest you in an appetizer to start out ? I would love an appetizer . Are they listed in the menu ? We have our daily appetizers listed on the board over there on the wall . I am thinking about the popcorn shrimp . How is that ? That would be a great choice ! I'll trust your taste and take one order of that . We have a special where you can order a second appetizer for half price . In that case , we'll take an order of onion rings with our first choice . This is awful ! It's like drinking saltwater ! It's like drowning in the ocean ! Don't be so dramatic . You're such a baby . Now sit down and finish your soup . OK , OK . And when we get back from the doctor's , you'll gargle again . Maybe I'll run away first . Well , the only free food on the streets is from a soup kitchen , and their soup isn't as tasty as mine ! What do you do in your spare times ? I have many hobbies . I like most all kind of sports , and I also like to listen to classic musics . What sports do you like best ? Football.It ' s a very exciting game , because it keeps you alert , and I also enjoying the team spirit of football . Do you like reading books ? Yes . I enjoying reading biographs , especially those of well-known statesmen , militarists , scientist and artists , I can learn a lot from their life histories . Who are you favourite authors ? I like the novels of Dickens very much , I have reading almost all of them in Chinese translation , I wish i can reading them in the original . George , I heard our eighth generation computer is appreciated by the guests . They intend to sign contract with our company . You have done a good job . We are so proud of you . Thank you . I never imagine that would happen . Hah , as the sales department director , you are the best . Thank you . But I am not sure whether the manager is settling for it . She asked me to go to her office . Why not ? You've done so well for the company . She should give you a prize . I feel nervous when I face Nova . Come on ! What are you nervous about ? You know the sales figure shows that the prediction has not achieved . But the sales number is close to the predicted amount . I'm still nervous . I don't know what to say to the manager . I always feel ill in that kind of place . Take it easy . Be confident of yourself . I'm sure you can do it . Were you engaged in any activities at college ? No , I had no interest in the activities in college and I spent most of my spare time reading in the library . What kind of activity would make you get involved ? None , I guess . My only passion is on reading . By the way , where's Jim ? He is out . I can't find my keys . Where did you See then last ? There was a serious disturbance in the street this morning . Is it kept in hand now ? Yes . The police have come . Did you put this morning's faxes on my desk ? I'm waiting for some urgent faxes from headquarters , I'm pretty sure they came in last night . Everything that came in off the fax machine last night is all on your desk . But I noticed that some of the faxes came through pretty blurred . Maybe you can take a look at them . If the copy is unreadable , I'll call them and ask them to relax . Yeah , you're going to have to call them and get them to be re-faxed . These copies are so dark , I can't make out any of the words . What about that one ? This one ? This one is so light I can barely read it . How can that be ? You know , I think the fax machine is out of toner , I can change the toner cartridge . That should solve the problem . Yes , but this one will have to be re-faxed as well . And look , there's about three pages missing ! It looks loke the fax machine ate half my important faxes , and the ones that made it through are so blurred or too light , they're unreadable ! I guess the fax machine is out of paper , too . Don't worry , I'll have someone look at it this afternoon , and in the meantime , I'll have your documents re-faxed to our other fax machine . How do I know if there is a vacancy in a company ? Easy . View the home page of the company , and see if they need staff . Many websites offer two-way service , such as job-hunting and talent hunting . Which websites are most popular ? 21st Talent Website , 51 Job , and are most popular . Is your application successful ? Yes , they notify me to work next week . Where on earth will you work in ? It is a pretty big mechanical company . I am assigned to work in the assembly shop . How long will you work a day ? My working hours aren ’ t fixed , sometimes I do the day shift , sometimes the night shift . In all , about 8 hours . That ’ s rather hard . But it matches my major . How will you get your pay ? My wage depends on production results . What sort of welfare facilities does your company provide ? The company provides labor insurance for all employees , as well as fine retirement policy . Is there a union ? There is the company union , but it really shares the same aims as the management . So you must consider dearly before you go to work . I will . Welcome to Lincoln Bank . How may we be of service ? Hi . We'd like to open a Foreign Currency Account , please . OK , do you have the relevant materials ? Yes , yes , we do . Right here . Right . You have a choice of account , we provide USD , HAD , JOY and GAP accounts . Which do you want to go for ? We will go for the US dollar account . OK , I'll begin the opening procedure now and we'll let you know when everything is sorted . Hi , Zina . I had a feeling you'd be stopping by . Then you've heard from Vital ? Yes . Look , Vince . I didn't mean to step on your toes , but we need to be decisive . I know it . WebTracker is playing for keeps . They'll go for our jugular if we give them the chance . This is awkward , I know . I know you're upset . But in two weeks you'll be thanking me . Maybe . Maybe I will . Somebody , please answer the phone . I've got it . What did the boss say ? He asked me if I'd like to be a newspaper salesperson ? You are still student so I don't think you should have time for that . Don't worry about that . He said I can do that at spare time . Anyway , it's just a part-time job . Okay , then . What kind of newspaper he wants you to sell ? It's a weekly newspaper named Olympic English . So I need to be here only on Sunday . Sounds interesting . Especially that we are Olympic Volunteers . That's exactly what I am thinking about , And also it's a good way to get social experiences . And a good way to get some pocket money . Let's do it together . I'll say yes . Wait a minute . I need an IC card . For what ? You have a telephone at home , don't you ? Yes , but I don't want my Mom to tap my phone when I call Clive . I have some good news for you . We've decided we'd like to send you to Shanghai on a business trip this weekend . Oh . Don't you think that it'd be a good thing for you to get out of the office foe a couple of days ? Sure . I thought you'd be a bit more excited about this . Everything will be paid for and I'll send my assistant with you to take care of everything for you . All you have to do is to get on the train tonight at 7 pm . The train ? Will I be flying back then ? Oh , no . We've bought your return ticket for you . I think you'll find it comfortable . Will the train be very crowded ? Oh no . the train hasn't been crowded at all recently . Besides , you're in first-class , so you'll be fine . When is the first meeting then ? They've scheduled the negotiation meeting for 9 Where will I be staying ? We've booked you a room in the same hotel as your meetings , so you won't need to deal much with the transportation system . That's very sensible . Would it be alright if I left early today to prepare for the trip ? That's not a problem . Have a nap if you can . You don't know how tight the schedule is for this business trip . Good evening , may I help you ? I would like to book a table for six tonight . Sorry , sir . We have only double tables left . What a pity . Can you recommend a nice restaurant near here ? Sure . In the middle part of the fifth street , there is a Phoenix Restaurant . Maybe you can go there . Honey . The cottages harmonize well with the landscape.That tourist resort is worth travelling to . I ’ m so sorry that I have got to go . I have a business appointment right now . Do you have any shoes like these ? What size ? Size five . What colour ? Black . I ’ m sorry . We don't haven any . But my sister bought this pair last month . Did she buy them here ? No , she bought them in the U . S . We had some shoes like those a month ago , but we don't have any now . Can you get a pair for me please ? I ’ m afraid that I can ’ t . They were in fashion last year and the year before last . But they ’ re not in fashion this year . These shoes are in fashion now . They look very uncomfortable . They are very uncomfortable . But women always wear uncomfortable shoes ! Can I collect unemployment benefits ? Are you still working ? My employer cut back on my hours . If you got laid off or are working a lot fewer hours , you may qualify . Do I definitely get to collect unemployment ? Not all jobs pay into unemployment insurance , so their employees cannot collect benefits . How do I check out my status to collect unemployment ? You should have noticed unemployment insurance being deducted from your paycheck . Check your pay stubs . How much will my unemployment check be ? The more money you made , the more you will earn on unemployment . They have a formula . I see you just graduated from college . What was your GPA ? It wasn't as high as I would have liked . It was 2.5 . Why do you think it wasn ’ t higher than that ? I participated in several extracurricular activities . And I worked 2 jobs to put myself through school . Wo , wo , that certainly is a lot for a young man to take on . Give me some glasses please , Jane . Which glasses ? These glasses . No , not those . The ones on the shelf . These ? Yes , please . Here you are . Thanks . We hope that partial shipment is allowed . Could you explain in detail ? Shipping the goods is to be made in three equal monthly installments . How about 60 % for the first load , then 20 % each ? The negotiation of the price has taken us a long time . I hope the following negotiation about quality will be quicker . I think so , too . Our only request is that the quality is in conformity with the contract stipulations . Don't worry . Our quality is based solely on our sales samples . But what will you do if the goods we receive are not standard ? We are sure to responsible to replace the defective ones . That's great . May I sit here ? I'm afraid this seat is taken . Oh , is it ? Thank you anyway . You're welcome . If you ask the conductor when he comes by , he should help you find one . Thank you . Are you going home now ? No , I'm not . What are you going to do ? Are you going to work late ? No , I'm not . I'm going to look for an apartment . An apartment ? Why ? I'm going to try to find a place near the office . Where are you living now ? Out in the suburbs . It's a long trip to work every day . How are you going to find an apartment ? I'm going to buy a newspaper and check the classified ads . Apartments in the city are expensive . I know , but I'm going to enroll in a night school to take a course in business management . Your dog is so much fun . He ’ s so playful . I wish our cat enjoyed being around people as much as your dog does . Cats are well know for being more independent than dogs . How old is your cat now ? you ’ Ve had her longer than we ’ Ve had our dog . She ’ s eight years old . She ’ s getting quite old . Your dog ’ s six , isn ’ t he ? Yes . He ’ s so energetic . We take him out to the park every morning and evening . I think he ’ d be happy to stay there all day ! I ’ m sure he would . We usually have to drag him home . Your cat spends most of the day outdoors ' , right ? Do you kino where she goes ? She spends less time outdoors and she used to . we have no idea where she goes . She ’ s very secretive . Occasionally , she brings back a dead mouse . Have you ever thought about having another pet ? The kids want a rabbit . I don ’ t think it would be a good idea to get a mouse or a fish ! That might be too tempting for our cat ! Why do you want to be a tour guide ? I like to travel and I also like meeting various kinds of people . What courses have you completed at college ? I have studied English , tourist culture , guiding methods and techniques and so on . Have you learned any other foreign languages ? Yes , I have learned Japanese as well . Do you know that is a hard job ? Yes , I know . But I don't mind working hard . Is there anything you want to ask about ? No . I only wish that you could give me a definite answer to my application as soon as possible . Liu , two days later , you will be in England . Don't you feel excited ? Yes , of course . I can't wait to be there . Have you got everything ready ? I think so . I won't forget anything important . As long as I have my passport , VISA card and airline ticket . It will be OK . By the way , have you double checked your flight time ? More than 100 times . The flight takes off at 12:00 . Hi , welcome to Rental Property Management . How can I help you ? Hi . I ’ m interested in renting a one-bedroom apartment . Okay . Our rental agent will be with you in a moment . Thank you . Right . Just take off your jacket and shirt . And lie down on that bed over there ... That's right ... Now , just hold up your right arm , will you ? ... Does this hurt ? No . And this ? Yes . . . a bit . . . ouch ! And do you feel anything when I do this ? Yes , that hurts quite a lot . And you don't feel any pain anywhere else ? In you legs , for example ? NO , nothing . Well , it's probably nothing serious.But I think we'd better have that shoulder X-rayed.We can't do the until the morning , though.So it'd be better if you stay in hospital for the night Where ’ s the wagon ? Where ’ s what wagon ? The water wagon . What water wagon ? The wagon with the water , of course . That ’ s my wagon . I need the water to water my flowers in the yard . No , you can ’ t do that . There isn ’ t much water in the wagon . And we need the water for drinking . Excuse me , can you tell me the way to Holton railway station ? Sure . It ’ s quite far from here . Don ’ t worry , though . It ’ s not difficult to get there . I think I ’ m going in the wrong direction , aren ’ t ? Yes . First , you need to turn around . Do you remember passing some traffic lights further up this road ? Yes , I do . They are about two miles away , right ? That ’ s right . Drive back to the traffic rights and turn right . Follow the road for about a mile , until you see the plaza hotel . It ’ s a really big hotel . You can ’ t miss it . Turn left at the hotel . So , right at the traffic lights two miles up the road , then left at the plaza hotel , a mile along that road . Got it . Then you just go straight on until you see the station ahead of you . Ok . Got it . Thanks for you help . No problem . Excuse me . Are you Mr . Smith ? No , I'm not . Oh , I'm so sorry . That ’ s all right . I'm going to the hospital to see Susan Green . I saw her yesterday . She was a little better . Must I catch a number 7 bus to get there ? No , you needn't . A number 13 bus will also take you to the hospital . Number 13 buses run much more frequently , don't they ? Yes . I caught a number 7 bus yesterday , and I had to wait for half an hour at the bus stop Thank you , Henry . I'll get a number 13 . But number 13 buses leave from the centre of town . You'll have to walk two miles to catch one . Would you like to come by and play bridge ? Well , let's see.Why don't we go dancing for a change ? We haven't done that for a long time . Well , to tell the truth , I don't really feel like it tonight . I had a pretty hard day and I'm sort of tired . Hmm.Well , in that case , we could go to the movies . Oh , we always go to the movies.Can ' t we do something different ? Well , do you have any suggestions ? Let's see.How do you feel about playing bridge ? It's OK with me , but we don't have any beer and things . Well , shall I call Janet and ask her and Tom to come over , and I'll go to the store and buy some stuff . OK . Ouch ! I'm hurt . Are you all right ? Yes . I'm OK . I just had a tumble . No big deal . Good . You scared me . Sorry . Can you please help me up ! I have trouble standing up by myself with the skis on . Sure . Is this your first time skiing ? Yes . I tried skiing on grass before . Not very good at it , though . Excuse me . May I take a picture of you ? What for ? I just want to show my children how an American policeman looks . OK . But I hope it won't take too long . Oh , no , it won't . Just stand there , please . Fill it up with unleaded and check the oil , please . Do you want me to check the tires ? No , that's all for now . What does it come to ? $ 10 . I am sorry I am so late to work . What was the problem ? I lost track of time . Things happen ; make sure it doesn't become a habit . OK , it won't happen again . All right , please take this message and call this client . OK , no problem . Now does everyone understand the diagram on the board ? Yes , I understand the numbers . I will explain it again ; especially for those of you who arrived late . What's the price for that suit ? It's $ 160 . Well , I like everything about it except the price . Sorry , sir , we are having a sale now . Excuse me , How do I get to the Grand hotel ? I am sorry , I didn ’ t catch what you said . Could you repeat it please ? The Grand hotel , is it far from here ? Sorry , my English isn ’ t so good . Could you speak a little slower ? Mr . Emory , I ’ d like to take this afternoon off if it's all right with you . But Steven , you've called in sick 3 times during the last three weeks . I know , Mr . Emory . I'm sorry . But I really need to see the doctor this afternoon . I feel dizzy and I can't concentrate on my work . All right , then . But don't forget to bring a doctors note tomorrow . OK , thank you ! Good afternoon , sir . What can I do for you ? I'd like to get this prescription filled . No problem . Please wait a minute . ( She goes to the back for a few minutes . ) Here is your medicine , sir . Take two tablets after each meal and once before bed . Thanks . Do you sell aspirin here ? Yes , our over-the-counter medicine is over there on that shelf . Oh , I see it . Do you have multi-vitamins ? Yes , right over here . ( The customer gets the aspirin and vitamins . ) That'll be $ 16.00 . Here's a twenty . Here's your change . Thank you . I made a reservation three days ago.My name is George Smith . Just a moment , please.Yes , I can let you have Room 560 with a view of the sea . That's very kind of you . Is his father a worker ? No , he isn't . He's an engineer , the most famous one in our company . No wonder his son is so clever . Laura told me today that she has a friend with a car for sale . Oh , she did ? Then it's a used car of course . Yes , it's used , but she said it was in very good shape . It's a small foreign car . What else did she tell you ? Did she tell you how many miles there are on it ? She thinks it has about twenty-five or thirty thousand miles . That's not bad . What about the price ? Did she tell you how much her friend wants for the car ? Three thousand dollars . Three thousand ! That's almost too good to be true . Did she say why her friend wants to sell it ? He lives in the city and you know how expensive it is to keep a car in the city . Well , we can see it for ourselves . Did she tell you when we can go and look at it ? No , but she gave me her friend's telephone number . I can call him and make an appointment . It's very dark in here . Will you turn on the light ? Okay . But our baby has fallen sleep . Then , turn on the lamp , please . But where's the switch ? It's there by the window . Peter , do you want to learn to play the piano ? No , mom . Piano is for girls . Well , there are many boys that can play the piano very well , like Jay Chou . No way , mom . I don't like piano . OK . But you have to promise me that you will study hard in your English class . All right , all right . I understand . How do you get along with your co-workers ? I get along pretty well with most of them . So how do you develop good relationships in the office ? I think the key point is to be considerate of your co-workers ' feelings and needs and make a good working environment . I think you ’ re right , but it does seem that there are always a few coworkers that are harder to work with than others . May I exchange this DVD player ? Certainly . Do you have your receipt ? Here you are . Now , why do you want to exchange it ? It won't play a DVD . I'm sorry . I'll get you a new player . At first , I thought it was me . Okay , here's a new one for you . This position requires a high level of English ability . How is your spoken and written English ? I have learned English for 10 years , and I have passed College English test level 4 and 6 . What other foreign languages do you speak ? I have taught myself Japanese in college , and I can carry on simple conversations in Japanese . Anything else ? I have a driver's license , and two years of driving experience . What special skills do you have ? I am very familiar with Windows operating system . Have you got any special training in programming ? No , but I have taken elective courses in computer in college . Do you have a good psychological resilience ? I think I can work well under pressure . Excuse me , I'm looking for the Alands Morrissette album Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie . Let's see . If we have it , it should be over there under M . ( He looks through the Cds . ) Hmm , it looks like we've sold out of that one , but we should be getting some more copies in soon . If you want , we can order it for you . That's okay , I'll just check back later . Do you have the new Sting album ? Yes , it's right over here . Great . One last question , where is your jazz section ? Back there against that wall . Oh , I see it . Thanks for your help . No problem . Mr . Smith . could you give me your quotation for your bicycle A5 , FOB Qingdao ? Can You tell me how many you want to buy ? 100 for immediate delivery , and 500 in two months time.that ' s by the end of July Well . then , 260 yuan each . Since this is a sizeable order , I was thinking you might give us a 5 % discount . I'm afraid we can't go as high as that . You know we usually don't give any discount . but considering the newly established business relationship between us , I could give you 3 % off the list price . Only 3 % ? That's not much . If you could make some concessions , we would probably buy some of your other products . OK . OK . I don't want to haggle with you . Let's say , how about 3.5 % ? I think I can accept that . Did you put the blue bin out on the street ? Oh , no . I forgot . Well , you'd better take it out front . What time does the recycle truck come by ? It usually gets here at noon on Tuesday , which is tomorrow . I'll just take it out to the street tomorrow morning . Oh , no , you don't . What do you mean ? Every morning you get up late and rush off to work late . Do you think I'll forget to do it ? You'll remember to do it , but you won't have time to do it . Okay , I'll take it out front right now . Good afternoon , need any help ? My name is Liu Wei . I have booked a ticket to Boston three days before . That's right and your flight number is CA621 . But now I want to make a change . Please cancel this flight and transfer me to flight GB105 . Excuse me , sir . Flight GB105 is one to Milan , are you sure of your change ? Yes . Don ’ t you have air-conditioning in your apartment ? It ’ s sweltering here ! Well , there is air-conditioning . Did you see that window air conditioner there ? The problem is that the window unit isn ’ t powerful enough . I guess not , huh . Well , I ’ m going to move out anyway . The new apartment has central air-conditioning . You should have moved out long , long ago . Well , I had to wait until the lease expired . So ... So how can you stand the heat ? Well , I open the windows and ... and I ’ Ve got an electric fan ere . It helps a little . It's been a long time , Mrs , Lee . Yes . I went to Hawaii on a vacation with my husband . When did you come back ? Did you have a good time ? We came back the day before yesterday . I enjoyed myself there very much . The beach is beautiful . You should go there some day . The sun was lovely , too . I will . How would you like your hair today ? The same style as usual ? I have a special party tonight , and I'd like to change my style . Actually , I ’ m thinking about a perm . My sister is getting married next month . I think that if I have a perm now , I'll look very natural by then . What do you say ? That's true . Here are some samples of hairstyles . What do you think about this one ? No , I don't like short hair . I like this one . The wave looks beautiful , and it fits my age too . Very well . You aren't in a hurry , are you ? No , you can take your time . Oh , I also want a manicure while I am having the perm . Ok . The manicurist will be right here . Thank you . How much will this cost ? It's 90 dollars in all . Steven , we are preparing a martial arts show for the New Year's party . Would you like to join us ? I'd love to ! But I have never learned martial arts , and there is only a month left before the New Year . That's OK . A month is enough for you to learn the basic movements . It would be great to have you with us on the show . Sounds great ! Shall I learn the actions that Jet Li did in the movies ? No . You know , there are many schools and styles of kung fu . What we will perform is a set of Chinese shadow boxing . Whatever ! I'm glad to learn something of Chinese kung fu . Thanks for asking me . Thank you for joining us ! Now let's see some pictures and know more about kung fu . Good ! Is there any way you can cut us a better deal on your wholesale price for this order ? We did the best that we could to give you a low price . Did you get our recent estimate ? Based on the estimate you gave us , by the time we figure in transportation and other expenses , our profit is short.With the offer you've given me , we're making next to nothing.Can ' t you do any better ? I've already given you a discount of 20 % off of our normally charge . If I go any lower , we'll have loss on this project . I really want to work with you on this . But we've already gone as low as we can go . I'll be honest with you , our budgeted cost can't exceed more than $ 150 per unit.That is our bottom line . If you can meet that price , you've got the deal.Otherwise ... I'll tell you what , I'll go over the number again with our financial team and see what I can do . I can't give you any guarantees . But we can try . This is the last of the milk . I know . I intend to go to the store today . Would you get some of that new cereal we saw advertised on TV ? Which one ? You know ... the one with the silly ad about how vitamins jump up and down . Oh , you mean ' KIKES ' ? Yeah . That's the one . Well , I'll see . Sometimes the stores don't have some of the new kinds of cereal . I want to ask you for a favor . I want to rent an apartment here in Beijing , but as a foreigner , I don't know the normal practice . Can you give me some advice ? First , why don't you tell me what you need , such as how big a room , where you want to live , whether you want to live downtown , and what you like to do . Then I can figure out which apartment is most suitable for you . I am a student and want to live in Haitian , so that I can live close to my school . I like to play soccer and I like a quiet apartment so I can study . I think that an apartment with two rooms and a kitchen would suit your needs . I can introduce you to a place for rent near your school . The apartment is on the 7th floor , so it is very quiet and suitable for studying . That sounds great ! You can also go to the school's sports field to play soccer , and if you're lucky you might make some Chinese friends there . It is right near the market and has comfortable facilities . Thank you so much . That's very kind of you . What is your policy on returns ? If you bring them back with your receipt within seven days , you'll get a full refund . Also , if you need alterations to the pants , just bring them in and we'll do them for free . Sounds good . That'll be $ 70 , please . Will you be paying by cash or charge ? Charge . Here's my card . Okay , sir , here you are . Thank you very much . Thank you . How's the chicken ? It's delicious . OK , so now the last point on our agenda . Jill , let's go over the profit and loss statement . Great . Well , the main issue here , as you can see is that our expenses are through the roof . Let ’ s see ... These numbers are off the charts ! What's going on here ! Well , um , sir , the company expenditures on entertainment and travel are out of control . Look at these bills for example . Just this month we ’ Ve paid over twenty thousand dollars for hotel charges ! OK , thank you . I ’ ll look into it . The list goes on and on . Here , this is a bill for five thousand dollars for spa treatments ! Thank you , that will be all . I ’ ll take care of it . Look at this one sir , eight thousand dollars were spent in one night at a place called ” Wild Things ” ? ! OK , I get it ! ! Thank you for your very thorough analysis ! Are you going somewhere ? Yes , I ’ m off to the department store . I must buy some furniture for my new flat . Really ? Well you ’ ll have to get there before 6pm because they close early today . Ok . Thanks for that information . Yeah and remember if you buy something you mustn ’ t carry it home otherwise your back will get worse . Ok , do they have a delivery service ? Yes , but it ’ s not free , you have to pay . Ok , I ’ ll see you later . Hi , Steven . You have finished a wonderful project recently . Oh , yeah , A . Thank you for approving my job . Don't be proud . You'll gain a lot in the following job . Yeah , I believe it , but I want to know if you will give me a raise . B , talking about salary is not smart . You are a new manager and you'd better learn more professional skills . You are right , boss , but I need specific confirm to keep the future work better . Okay , You are such a good talker . This is today ’ s schedule . At 8: 30AM , conference with the department managers . At 9 o ’ clock , live for the workshop where you ’ ll award prizes to the staff for preventatives . That ’ s great . What are the prizes ? 3000 RIB as bonus for each person . To encourage the staff increases . Ok . Next thing is laying the corner-stone for the new plant at 10 AM . At 12 AM , back here for lunch . What about the afternoon ? At 2 PM , give a presentation here with the press . At four o ’ clock sharp , have dinner with Mr . Smith , manager of NCC . Hello , I'd like to see Mr . Charles , the manager , please . You don't make any prior appointment , do you ? No . I haven't , but I'll take only a few minutes of his time . Please tell your name , company and the nature of your business . Yes . My name is Lin Tao , the director of Guangzhou Computer Corporation . I see . Wait a minute , please . ( 2 minutes later ) Mr . Lin , Mr . Charles can see you now . This way , please . Have you ever served in any international trading company ? Yes . I once worked in a small company for one year . Then why did you leave ? My reason for leaving is that I wish to get into the advertising business . What have you learnt from this short experience ? I've learnt a lot about business knowhow . I got to know what kind of knowledge was needed in my future work . What's the matter ? Which subway should I take to get to the East Side ? Oh , you have to take the shuttle to Grand Central . Which train is that ? Which platform does it leave from ? Mail room . Karen speaking . Hi , Karen . This is John Williams in the purchasing department . Can you check to see if there ’ s a package down there for me ? Certainly , Mr . Williams . Just one moment , please . Thanks , Karen . Hello , Mr . Smith , Wang Peng speaks . Hello ! Mr . Wang . this is Smith . I'm calling to thank you for the wonderful dinner I had yesterday . It's a pleasure . I'll come back to China tonight . I hope to see you again sometime . I hope so . I appreciate all help of you during my stay here . Don't mention it . Please let me know when you go to China and let me be of some assistance to you . Yes , I will . Have a nice flight back . Thanks , good-bye ! Good-bye ! how is your house hunting going ? not very well . I haven ’ t found anything within my price range yet . how much are you looking to spend ? I can only afford about 300 pounds a month . looks like you ’ re not going to get more than a bedroom in a shared flat with that . really ? That ’ s a lot of money to pay for one room . well , if you want to live in London , you have to pay the price ! do you know of anyone who needs a roommate ? I can ask around at work . Do you have a preference for makers or non-smokers ? I ’ d prefer non-smoking roommates , but I guess I ’ ll have to take what I can get ! how long do you want to sign a contract for ? I can sign a contract up to a year . I don ’ t know where I ’ ll be after that . do you need a furnished or unfurnished apartment ? I don ’ t have any furniture , so it ’ d be great if it were furnished . you know that you ’ ll have to pay utilities on top of the rent , right ? no , I thought that would be included in the rent . it ’ s not usually included , so you ’ ll have to factor in about 100 pounds more each month for utilities . I don't think I can afford that . don ’ t worry . Sometimes people will give you a discount if you promise to do the clearing or take care of the children . that's a good idea . I ’ ll look into finding something like that . Did your meal meet with your approval ? Our meal was absolutely perfect ! How about a dessert to top off that wonderful meal ? Dessert sounds perfect , but I would like to split something with my friends . On this evening's dessert list , we have chocolate mousse cake , homemade fresh strawberry shortcake , and a spicy rum apple crisp . I think that the apple crisp would be wonderful . One dessert will serve two , so would you like to split a second one ? We would also like a piece of chocolate mousse cake . Could you bring us four dessert forks , please ? How about some coffee and tea as well ? We are all tea drinkers . Please bring us four teas . I will prepare your desserts and have someone bring you your drinks right away . The hot drinks first would be great . Thanks ! What can I do for you ? I am looking for a pair of trousers . Do you have any good ideas ? What about jeans ? It's the fashion now . I don't like it . Actually I am looking slacks . Then , how about this ? It seems all right . Do you have pantaloons ? what can I do for you , sir ? What do we get this morning ? Fruit juice , cake and refreshments and everything . I ’ d like to a glass of tomato juice please . Any serial , sir ? Yes . A dish of cornmeal weight . And eggs ? Yes . Baked eggs and buttered toast . I like my baker very crazy . How do you want to your eggs ? Fried , please . Anything more , sir ? No , that ’ s enough , thank you . We will go to climb up the hill tomorrow . Let's go to supermarket to buy some food . Yes , we can have a picnic on the top of the hill . What should we buy ? Let me see . We should go to buy some fruit first . It is heavy and not convenient to take them to the top . How about taking a cantaloupe ? It is light and sweet . Children love it . Good idea . We can buy some candy and nuts for children . Yes . Look , cashew , peanuts , assorted biscuits , chocolate , canned goods , anything else ? That's enough for the kids . Get some drinks . Definitely beer . Two bottles . Right . We should buy some yoghurt for kids . Yes . Shall we buy some saucers ? It will be used during our picnic . OK . Four saucers . We can buy some custard tarts tomorrow morning . Let's go to queue up . There are so many people in the lines . I'd like to have a couple of complete sets of paper money and coins . Yeah . You can take them home and either use them as a gift or keep them as mementoes . Ah , where can I find old paper money and coins used before and after 1949 ? I'd suggest that you go to the Philately Store in Nanjing Road East , where the items are authentic and the prices are reasonable . Good . Sorry to have troubled you so much , Miss . You're always welcome . Anything else can I do for you , sir ? No , thanks . I did not notice it has been dark outside . I think it is time to dinner . I guess it is . The restaurant is on the second floor . Please enjoy your dinner , sir ! Hey there , how are you doing ? I am great . How are you ? Well , I got laid off , and I ’ m looking for work . Yeah , me too ! What are you thinking you would like to do ? Right now , I ’ ll take about anything that will pay the mortgage . Have you gone out on any interviews so far ? I went out on one interview , but I haven ’ t heard back from them . Did you see the posting for the electrician apprentice program ? You know , I saw that and it looks pretty good ! Let ’ s go check it out again ! Hi , I ’ d like a single room . Do you have a reservation ? No , I ’ m afraid not . Let me check if we have any vacancies ... You ’ re in luck.We have one single room available . How much is it ? $ 60 a night.No charge for local calls on the phone or for the TV , unless you decide to watch the pay-per-view channels . Okay , I ’ ll take it . Here ’ s your key.Check out time is 12 noon.If you want to stay until 6 p . m . , it ’ s another half day.After that you have to pay for another night . Okay.When is your restaurant open ? It ’ s open from 6:30 10 p.m.every day . Okay , thank you.Which way to the room ? It ’ s that way , on the second floor . Thanks . Hello . My name is John Sandals , and I've got a reservation . May I see some identification , sir , please ? Sure . Here you are . Thank you so much . Have you got a credit card , Mr . Sandals ? I sure do . How about American Express ? Unfortunately , at the present time we take only MasterCard or VISA . No American Express ? Okay , here's my VISA . Thank you , sir . You'll be in room 507 , nonsmoking , with a queen-size bed . Do you approve , sir ? Yeah , that'll be fine . That's great . This is your key , sir . If you need anything at all , anytime , just dial zero . I am really exhausted , you know , I have been working without the weekend for two weeks . My boss always asks us to work overtime . Does your boss pay you for the over-time work ? No . But he provides free meals and sometimes gives us some small gifts . Many of us get very tired of this , and we'd rather have weekends than stay in the office . He should know that this is against the Labor Law in our country . Legally , employees should get double pay if asked to do extra work during the weekend or on holidays . We all know about that , but we have no choice . The chairman of the trade union says he is going to negotiate with the management . I suggest that you go to the lawyers ' office to get some help . That's a good idea . I think we will soon come to a solution to the problem . Morgan , can I ask you a question ? sure , what is it ? I was just wondering if many Chinese people take their leftover food home from a restaurant . in most cities in China , doggie bags are quite uncommon . what happen to all the leftover food ? it usually goes to the dump . that seems like an awful waste ! Why don't people order fewer dishes so that they don't have to throw so much away at the end of the meal ? ordering a lot of food at restaurants is just a tradition in China . You know , in the past , people could not afford to eat out like they can today . I guess that makes sense . I just think it would make more sense to take the leftovers home . well , if you want , you can take the leftovers home . no , that's OK . You know what they say when in Rome ... I was impressed that you tried the pig's feet . I heard that many foreigners don't like to eat them . many people in my generation don't eat pig's feet , but my parents grew up eating them , so I think they are OK . did you like them ? You could take the last one home with you . that's OK . I'll try anything once , but sometimes , once is enough ! Is this the right counter to check in for this flight ? Yes , it is . Please put your luggage on the scale . Your luggage is overweight . The free allowance for luggage is 20 kilos . Oh , can I keep this little suitcase as hand-luggage ? OK , in this way it's just below the limit . Here's your ticket and your boarding card . All right . I will begin boarding soon . I like this apartment . Do you think we can afford the mortgage ? Yes . I think so . It ’ s not a very expensive apartment . It ’ s in the right area and it has everything that we are looking for . The rooms are quite large too . I love the balcony . We can sit outside and enjoy the sun in summer . We are on the 12th floor , so there ’ s very nice view from the balcony . The neighbourhood is nice too . There is a park nearby . Yes , and there are many houses nearby . I like it that the neighbourhood isn ’ t full of apartment blocks . It ’ s a pity we can ’ t afford a house . A garden would be so nice . Yes , it would . Don ’ t worry . There ’ s a lawn outside the building and there ’ s the park nearby . This place will be fine . The building is quite new and well constructed . I ’ m happy with the fittings too . Yes , everything has been well designed . Excuse me , sir , may I take your order now ? Could we order later ? We have five persons altogether and 2 of us are still on the way . OK , sir . Please call me when you are ready . Yes , thank you . Excuse me , sir . Can I look at your ticket ? Wait a minute . I am really sorry but I can't find it now . You must have left it somewhere . Maybe , what shall I do now ? Well , I think you should pay upon arrival . Well , I think that's the only thing I can do . Good afternoon . May I help you ? Yes , I'd like to make a deposit . Which type of deposit do you prefer , time deposit or current deposit ? I prefer time deposit . Okey . The interest rate for time deposit is higher . Could you tell me it's RIB deposit or currency deposit ? RIB deposit . Is it your first time to make a deposit here ? Yes . The term of time deposit ranges from three months to five years , including three months , six months , one year , two years , three years and five years . How long would you like to keep your deposit ? Six months . Fill in this slip in ink , please . Here you are . All right . Just a moment , please . Thank you . Can you tell me what the unit price of such carpet is ? Of course , here is the catalogue and the price list . You can have a look . We also have many other kinds of carpets . The price seems acceptable for me . But I want to check whether you can supply the carpets now if we order some ? Of course we can . We can provide the quantity you ask for . That's very good . Shall we sign a contract now ? No problem . Let's check the terms of contract . Hi , I'd like to get your store credit card . Here's the application form . I'm finished . Here's the form . Thank you . Now if you'll just give me a credit card . Here's my VISA . Thank you . Could you tell me where you put my book ? Which book ? Your cookbook ? No . A Walk in the Woods . Isn ’ t it on the bookshelf ? No . The bookshelf is full of fashion books . Then have you put it in the bedroom ? No . Now would you like to help me look for the book ? Ok . Look ! It ’ s just near your foot . Oh , very good . Hey , how's it going ? Good . How about you ? Not bad , thanks for asking . Have you been on the bus for a while ? Only about fifteen minutes . Do you ride this bus often ? Not really , I usually drive . You have a car ? Yes , I do . So why aren't you driving it ? Once our President lowers gas prices , I'll be driving again . That's smart thinking . I can't believe the way our landlord cheated us . I know how you feel . I had a similar problem with a landlord a few years ago . Fortunately , the one we have now is very nice . Long Distance . May I help you ? Yes . I'd like to place an overseas call to London . Can I dial direct ? No , sir . I'm afraid not . Oh , I see . How about the charges ? The charges vary according to the types of call you make . The cheapest is a station-to-stcrtion call , then a person-to-person call . The mini charge will apply for the first three minutes , then each additional minute will be charged . Oh , let me think of it ... Could you put through a collect cal for me ? Certainly . Who are you calling ? It's a Mrs . Peters , Marilyn Peters . And what's the number you are calling ? It's London , 9981-6432 . And your name and number ? My name's Ron Smith and the phone number is 356-2210 . Hang up and I'll call you back in a few minutes . Could I see that automatic camera ? Of course . This camera is easy to operate . Where is it made ? It's made in China . Is it expensive ? Not very expensive . I'll take this one . OK . Do you want any film ? Yes , give me two rolls of Kodak color film . Here you are . What degree have you received ? I received a bachelor's degree . When and where did you obtain your degree ? I received my bachelor's degree from Peking University in 2004 . We have the orientation this afternoon . What ’ s going to be covered in the orientation ? The company introduction , our mission , vision , various policies , insurances , pension plan , company ID , batch , telephone , e-mail set-up and training . Quite a lot . All them one afternoon ? Yes , it is not easy . It is ok with me . I enjoy being busy and learning new things . Is this the Law Firm of A & B ? Yes , can I help you ? I need to speak to an attorney regarding filing corporate govemance . You would need to speak to Ms.Stevens . Is she available ? One moment , please , and I will connect your call . Good afternoon Sir , may I please see your passport and reservation ? Here you go . I'm sorry sir , this flight has been cancelled due to some mechanical problems . Cancelled ! So what am I supposed to do now ? We apologize for any inconveniences that may be caused by this . If your flight is urgent , I can put you on a waiting list for another flight this evening , but it's on a first come first served basis , so there is no guarantee that you will be able to take that flight . What's my other option ? Well , If you can wait until tomorrow , we will put you up in a hotel for today and you can take scheduled flight for tomorrow morning . That's fine . I'll do that then . Thank you for your understanding sir . I will book your flight now . Excuse me , could you please show me the way to the human resource department ? Yes , but have you made an appointment ahead ? Yes , of course . I am Monica . I have made an appointment with your HR manager . Just a minute please . I ’ ll make a call to the HR office . Yes , they confirm your appointment . Please come in . It is on the 3rd floor , room 3106 . You can take the right elevator as the left on is in maintenance today . Thank you very much . You ’ re welcome . Your assistant said that it was time to come in and sign my escrow papers . Don ’ t be intimidated . There is a lot to sign , but I will explain everything to you very clearly . Do you need anything from me ? All the papers have been drawn up , but I will need to see your picture ID so we can notarize these papers . There are a lot of papers ! We are going to go through these bit by bit . You will have plenty of time to read the fine print . My dad is going to be here in a minute to help me go through this with you . We want you to get any outside help that you need . Do not ever sign documents that you don ’ t understand . Can I start moving in after I finish signing these documents ? When these papers get processed , the house will be yours ! I'll treat you dinner . Don't be silly . Let's go Dutch . My mp3 player is broken , so I want to change it for an mp4 player . Can you offer any advice about which brand and model to buy ? An mp4 player ? why don't you buy a new cell phone ? You can find an mp4 player inside any of the latest cell phones . mp4 ? Oh , that's a good idea . Perhaps I should have a try . Look at my cell phone . I can listen to music , watch movies , take pictures , play games , surf the web and download documents . It's just like a PAD . That's cool . I can use the computer and the internet pretty well , but I'm a little bit slow in the latest trends of digital products . That's Ok . you know , digital devices are becoming smaller and easier to carry , and they won't cost you too much . Yeah , if I buy a cell phone like this , I don't have to take a music player everywhere I go , and I can save the cost of buying an extra mp4 . That's right . what's the flash memory of your old mp3 ? 256MB . Then any cell phone can meet your need because they generally have memories of over 512MB . Hello . Hello . Is there anything I can do for you ? Yes , please . I'd like to open a savings account . Would you please give me some advice ? Certainly , I'll be very happy to help you . Usually we offer current or fixed accounts for individuals . What's the difference between the two ? If you open a fixed account , the interest rate is higher . Then how about the current account ? You may withdraw the money at any time . You just need to present your deposit book . Thank you for your help . I think I'll open a current account . OK . Do you have your ID card on you ? Yes . Good . Everything is done . Here is your deposit book and ID card . Thank you very much . It's my pleasure . Hi , Mikel . What's with you ? You look angry . Nah , I just check my weight , I'm getting fatter . True , you are getting a really pot belly , aren't you ? I'll get you for that comments , George . Just kidding , M . Why don't you come work out with me ? ah , I don't know a fit works . Last time , all I saw the gym were bunch of lidos , like me . It works if you keep at it . Come on , let's go ! All right . But so help me it better work . This feels great . I'm all reed up . I can keep going all night . Not me . I'm too hot and I'm too tired . Exercise has no benefit unless you sweat like a pig . Well , that's not for me . Thanks for coming , it was a real blessed . Get out of it ! It wasn't as good as you think . You'll get used to it , Mikel , trust me . Wow , the ferris wheel over there is so big . I'd like to take a ride on it . It is called Energy Collector . Look at your right-hand . Is it the zone of the Lost Maya Kingdom ? Maybe . Oh , I see the Jungle Flying Train . I once rode it . It was very exciting . I want to have a try later . Me too . Daniel , look at your left side . Can you see the Air Force Ants ? Wow , that's my favorite . It's like a superman shooting right up into the sky . Good , you can make your dream come true here . Of course . After this , I want to show you to the Haunted House . So you can prove you are a man . Bingo ! It's just you ! John ? I have to say I was bothered by the way you handled the meeting today . How so ? I thought it went fine . I think it would have been better if you had given us more of a chance to give our opinions . I ’ m sorry . I thought we were all pretty much in agreement . Hotel front desk . Hi , I'd like to leave a wake-up call . For what time ? Please wake me up at 6 am . What did you get for lunch today ? All I had was a sandwich , chips , and soda . Where'd you get your food from ? I went to the cafeteria and bought it . What sandwich did you order ? I ordered a ham sandwich , but they gave me a bologna sandwich instead . Was it any good ? I enjoyed it , even though I had not asked for it . I ordered a sandwich there before . Is that right ? Yeah , and they messed my order up too . That may be true , but I'm sure you enjoyed your sandwich . Do you like shopping ? Yeah . I go shopping once a week Why don't you do your shopping at home ? What do you mean ? I can't understand . I mean you can buy things through the Internet , that is E-commerce . Really ? That's unbelievable . Good afternoon , sir , is there anything I can help you with today ? umm ... yeah ! I ’ m looking for a nice gift to give my girlfriend . Our fifth anniversary ’ s next Friday . Well , I would be happy to assist you in choosing the perfect gift for her . Is there anything particular that you have in mind ? No , not really ... I ’ m completely at a loss . Well , you can give her a set of pearl earrings , or this beautiful heart-shaped pendant . What is her favorite gemstone ? That purple one . I ’ m sorry ... I ’ Ve never bought jewellery for anyone and I ’ m kind of nervous . Don ’ t worry , we specialize in providing our customers a relaxed , pressure-free shopping environment . That stone is an amethyst . We have a range of beautiful amethyst pieces . Take a look at this bracelet . It ’ s 18K rose-gold , studded with amethyst and blue topaz . It ’ s a great statement piece . Oh ... wow . That ’ s really pretty.Jess would love that . But ... I was thinking of something a little more delicate , perhaps a necklace ? We have this beautiful platinum pendant , or you could also get her a locket . You could also get her a timepiece — it ’ s both glamorous yet functional.If you tell me a little more about your girlfriend , maybe I can help you find something for her . Jess ? Well , she ’ s very smart , and has a great sense of humor . She ’ s very feminine ... Perhaps you could give her a ring ? Well ... actually ... I was thinking about asking Jess to marry me ... I ’ Ve just been so nervous . Well sir , I believe your fifth anniversary is a great time to propose ! Okay , I ’ Ve decided . I ’ m going to pop the question ! Fabulous ! We should look at engagement rings then ! Now that ’ s a whole other section . What are you doing , Janice ? I am reading the book on patent and I think it will be helpful for my work Patent ? Are you also learning something about patent ? Yep ! I heard that your company is registering a new trademark . You are well-informed . Can you tell me something about the Patent Law in our country from the book you are reading ? I just read this in the whole afternoon . Let me show you . So coincidental . Actually we can exchange some information on this problem . The purpose of the law is to protect and encourage inventions and to promote the development of science and technology . The law came into effect in 1984 , and it consists of 8 chapters with 69 articles . Is there any provision on applying for the patent for foreign company ? Foreign companies should appoint a patent agency , which is designated by our government to act as his patent agent . This task is usually taken by the Patent Agent Department . How long is the duration of patent right for an invention according to your Patent Law ? 15 years . Cheers ! Let ’ s tie one on . Right , drink as much as you can . Excuse me , could you tell me how to get to the school clinic ? I've lost my way . Yes . Go straight ahead till you come to the traffic lights , turn left there and it's the first turning on the right . Straight ahead to the traffic lights , left and then right . That's it . It'll take you about five minutes . Thank you very much . I really want to go to China for vacation , but I can ’ t find a cheap plane ticket . Have you tried the Internet ? No , not yet . Can you find a good price there ? Wow , you really live in the Stone Age , Mom . Well , you don ’ t have to be mean . How do I do it ? Go to and click on “ Travel ” and “ Tickets . ” They ’ ll be about a billion sites to look at . O . K . Thanks . I ’ ll let you know what I find . All right . I ’ ll look for a ticket for you , too . What kind of person do you think you are ? Well , I am always energetic and enthusiastic . That's my strongest personality . What are your strengths and weaknesses ? Em , as I have said , I'm diligent and industrious . On the other hand , sometimes I'm too hard-working and I put myself under too much pressure to make things perfect . What qualities would you expect of persons working as a team ? To work in a team , in my opinion , two characteristics are necessary for a person . That is , the person must be cooperative and aggressive . How do you spend your leisure time ? I like playing games and having sports . They are my favourite hobbies . So , what kind of sport do you like most ? Oh , it's hard to narrow it down to just one . I mean , I like all kinds of sports , basketball , swimming , bike riding and so on . Maybe it is just the reason why I am so energetic and vigorous . I'd like to have this cashed , please . Please put you name and address here . May I see your passport ? Yes . How would you like it ? Ten hundreds and ten twenties , and the rest in small change , please . OK . Here you are . I swear I will never shop at a street market in China . It's a terrible place full of excellent profiteers ! You have to keep an eye whenever it comes to paying for something . cool down , Harry ! What are you really mad about ? Did you get ripped off ? yes . Last Sunday I went to a nearby market . It was on open-air fair . I chanced upon this bag and bought it on the spot , without even trying to strike a bargain . I paid one hundred and twenty . And just now I was told by my Chinese colleagues I bought it overpriced . I could have talked my way to thirty . is that so ? I'm afraid people here will not take pity on unlucky guys like you . Bargaining has always been an indispensable procedure in business deals . It's the norm of free trade . The seller sets a preposterous price , and the buyer tries his best to bring it down , until a compromise is reached . Yet you ignored the process . No wonder you ended up easy prey . but don't you think it annoying to overcharge the customers by such a handsome margin ? of course , that's something really irritating . And the only way to avoid being trapped is to know in advance about the real worth of the stuff . I recommend you to consult the price tags in the supermarket first . And then you may negotiate for a fair deal . I'm looking for some black pumps to go with my evening gown . Could you show me what you have ? Sure , we have several different styles you may choose . How high of a heel do you want ? Not to high , maybe an inch or an inch in the half would be the best . In that case , I might have just the pair for you . Look at these , they were made in Italy , the leather is very soft , so your toes will not get pinched . You can tell just by looking at it that it was superbly made . Those are beautiful . Do you have any in a size six ? Yes , we do , we also have this same style in dark blue and red . No , thank you . I'm just looking for a black pair . Let me go to the back and get them . I'll be right back . Let's get this card for mom , it's funny . Brad , it's her birthday . Let's get her something really special . Do you mean girly ? I mean beautiful and heartfelt-something that will make her cry . Are you for real ? Women like that kind of thing , beautiful thoughts that are touching . I think we should each get our own card . Okay , you get your funny one and I'll get my beautiful one . Good morning , sir . Sorry to disturb you . May I make up your room now ? Yes , please . We ’ re on my way out . You can put up make up sign on . Could you bring us some towels and hangers . No problems , sir . Everything will be already when you come back . What would my new duties be ? Your main responsibility is trouble-shooting between top management and the general employees . Will I have the chance to take business trip abroad once in a while ? Yes , you definitely will . How many rooms are you looking for ? Oh , four or five . How much is the rent for this apartment ? 150 a month . 150 ? No , I'm not really interested in this place . It isn't big enough . It isn't near enough to my office . May I know how long will it take to get some more in from the factory ? About 3 weeks . When will you be able to deliver ? By the end of this month , at the latest . When can I have your firm C . I . F . prices , that is to say , the final offer , Mr . London ? We ’ ll have them worked out by this evening and let you have them tomorrow morning . Would you be free to come by then ? Yes . I ’ ll be here tomorrow morning at 10 . Perfect . Our offer remains open for 3 days . I don ’ t need that long to make up my mind . If your prices are agreeable and if I can get the commission I want , I can place the order right away . I ’ m sure you ’ ll find our price most favorable . Elsewhere prices for hardware have gone up tremendously in recent years . Our prices haven ’ t changed much . I ’ m glad to hear that . As I ’ Ve just said , I hope to conclude some substantial business with you . We shall be very pleased . Is there anything else I can do for you , Mrs . Anderson ? I ’ m buying for chain department stores in Canada . They are also interested in Egyptian carpets . Could you introduce me to the person in charge of this line ? Certainly , I ’ ll make an appointment for you with Mr . Jordan of the Egypt National Native Produce and Animal By-products Import and Export Corporation . Thank you very much . Have you been registered yet , sir ? No , I haven't been registered . Are you a medical or surgical case ? I'm a medical case . Do you have your medical history sheet with you ? Yes , here you are . Please fill in this admission card . Well , how long do you expect to stay in the hospital ? The doctor told me to stay about one month . But there're no beds available now . Two patients will be discharged this afternoon , so you'll have to wait until then . Well , when they leave the hospital , give me a call and I'll come back . Certainly . See you in the afternoon . Hey , Mr Brown . How are you ? Look at that smile on your face ! Recently it's been pretty good , actually . That's what we like to hear , a profitable business . Well , yes . Thanks , there's no trouble at the moment . So , what can I do for you today ? Are you needing to withdraw or transfer ? I'm going to need a Deposit Certification , to handle the affairs related to home . Oh , domestic things ? Yes , of course , we can help you with that . That was a really good meal , Gordon . It sure was . I couldn't eat another bite . Well , it is getting pretty late . I think we should go home . You're right . I have to get up early to go to work tomorrow . Let's see how much the bill is . Don't worry about it . Tonight is my treat . What are you talking about ? We'll split the bill . No , I insist . I kept telling you that I would treat you to dinner but I still haven't . No way , Gordon . I know that you are a little short on cash at the moment . There's no need for you to pay for the whole bill . Alright , if that's the way you are going to be , we'll split the bill . That's better . This way we will both have money to take a cab home , otherwise , you would probably have to walk . Just promise you will let me treat you to dinner next week , ok ? You've got a deal . Great . Bye . Bye . How can we get in touch with you ? Please call me or send e-mail . Could you please let me know when your organization can make a decision ? About one week . I really appreciate your time and help . See you then . Does your company have a large population ? No , It is a middle-sized private company . Do you have more than 200 employees in the company ? Yes , there are approximately three hundred people . Good morning . What can I do for you ? Well , I hate to disturb you , but I really can't stand it any more . Can you change my room for me ? It's too noisy . I was woken up several times by the noise the baggage elevator made . It was too much for me . I'm sorry to hear that . This room is at the end of the corridor . It's possible that the noise is heard early in the morning when everything is quiet . Anyhow , I'd like to change my room . I'm awfully sorry , Miss . I do apologize . We'll manage it , but we don't have any spare room today . Could you wait till tomorrow ? A tour company will be leaving tomorrow morning . There'll be some rooms for you to choose from . All right . I hope I'll be able to enjoy my stay in a quiet suite tomorrow evening and have a sound sleep . Be sure . And if there is anything more you need , please let us know . OK . Thank you . You're welcome . I hope you'll be more comfortable in your new room . Good afternoon , sir . May I help you ? Yes , I'd like a cheeseburger and a large order of French fries . Would you like anything to drink with that ? Yes , a medium Coke . Will that be all ? Yes . For here or to go ? To go , please . ( The attendant hands the customer his order . ) That'll be $ 4 . 25 ... ( The customer gives her a 5 dollar bill . ) ... out of five . Here is your change , sir . Have a nice day . Excuse me , could you tell me how to get to the school clinic ? I've lost my way . Yes . Go straight ahead till you come to the traffic lights , turn left there and it's the first turning on the right . Straight ahead to the traffic lights , left and then right . That's it . It'll take you about five minutes . Thank you very much . Good morning , this is Mary . Good morning , this is Jane . This is Apple Co . Ltd . Hello , Jane ! Is that the Human Resource Department ? Yes , this is . May I help you ? I had an interview with your company two weeks ago . I am calling to ask about the interview result . I hope you can give me a positive reply . Oh , the results have come out , and I can tell you ... Yes , I find your name . You are hired . Congratulations ! Thank you ! I am glad to hear that . When would it be convenient for me to start working ? Next Monday morning . What is the starting salary for me ? Your starting salary is 2500 yuan a month , and after you become a permanent employee , it will be higher . I appreciate the offer . I will come on time next Monday . See you then ! See you ! Good morning . May I help you ? I'd like to rent a car , please . Okay . Full-size , mid-size or compact , ma'am ? Full-size , please . What's the rate ? 78 dollars a day with unlimited mileage . And I'd like to have insurance just in case . Is there an additional driver ? No . If you want full coverage insurance , it will be 8 dollars per day . It includes collision damage waiver and personal accident insurance . All right . I'll take it . Here is our brochure , ma'am . Err ... full-size ... OK . Please choose a model in this section . How about this one ? All right . How many days would you like to use it ? Just one day . May I see your driver's license and credit card please ? Is the international driving licence fine ? Yes , it is . ( ... ) Thank you . Please fill in this form . Can you check this box , and put your initials here , and again here . Did you hear who won the election ? No , who was it ? McCain is our new President . You ’ re a liar ! I ’ m not happy about it , either . Who voted for him ? I guess the people wanted him as our new leader . That ’ s the dumbest thing that I ’ Ve ever heard . I have to tell you something else that you probably won ’ t like . What could be worse than what you just told me ? I wasn ’ t serious , because Obama got elected . That ’ s fantastic ! You really got me there . I just got a call from Mrs . Fitzgerald . See what your Willie has just done . My Willie ? Why has he suddenly become my Willie ? Because he takes after you , he's got into trouble again . What did he do this time ? I remember last time he was painting her fence to repay her for breaking it , and he accidentally painted her cat . That was last time . This time it's worse . Ok , tell me . Well , he was playing baseball with some friends ... And the ball went through her window ? That's not as bad as last time . True , but that's not all . The ball went through the window and hit the vase she has in her front window ... Ok , that's probably expensive , but not that bad . And then , ricocheted off her fish bowl . Mrs . Fitzgerald at the last minute dived and saved her fish . At least the fish were saved . If that's the end of the damages , then everything isn't that bad . Stop interrupting me . Finally , the ball flew through the air and knocked out Willie's school principal , who was having a cup of coffee with Mrs . Fitzgerald . Hmm , that is bad . Wow ! They've got everything here . All the world's famous brands . Aunt Cindy , what is your favorite brand ? I love all the fashionable things . But my favorite brand is Chanel . Oh , that's a very expensive brand , but with good reason . Yeah . Each style is specially designed by world's top designers . So they can always make you look amazing . I see . Come here . The high heels here look really attractive . But I wonder whether it's comfortable to wear any of them ? Not really , especially at the beginning , if you wear high heels all day long , your feet would hurt . But , no big deal . Women can always get used to that . It's not a simple thing to be beautiful . Sure . But everyone loves to be beautiful . Hey , do you think this pair of sunglasses matches the handbag well ? Yeah , very tasteful . And with them , you look even more fashionable . Oh , there are so many French perfumers . Oops , perfumes for guys ? So strange ! Come on . Fashion is not only for women . Men also share the equal right to chase fashion . It's the new fashion for men to wear perfumes , which is called cologne . Oh , really , that's really something new . I'm afraid not everyone can accept it . It takes time for that . But people's consuming attitudes are changing quickly . That's true . Well , it's obvious that fashion is not a cheap thing . So , do you spend all your money on it ? No . Fashion is just part of my life , which improves its quality . But also , I'm good at financing . I have a credit card , but I never overdraft . How is it that you are my mom's sis ? You two are so different . She always picks up bargains and spends more than she earns . You do so much better than her . I have to say that's just the result of difference of our consumptive habits . Is Bob home ? Hold on Would you please weigh this letter to see what the postage is ? Do you want to send it by ordinary or registered mail ? By ordinary air mail , please . Anything of value in it ? A postal order for four hundred dollars . In that case , you'd better have it registered . Will I be informed when my friend gets the letter ? Yes , when your friend gets it , he'll sign a receipt , which will be sent to you by mail . Then you can be sure it's been received . All right , I'll have it registered , then . Maybe you should have told me first ? Why ? Because we're partners . I realize that but I needed to make a decision . Excuse me . Yes , sir . Can I help you ? Um , this steak , I asked for to be medium rare . Medium rare , that ’ s right , sir . I remember your order . Well , I ’ m afraid it isn ’ t . It ’ s a bit too well done and rather tough . Would you mind changing ? If it is not to your satisfaction , I ’ ll certainly bring you another . But I ’ m afraid you may have to wait for a few minutes . Yes , that ’ s all right . Thank you very much . Employees in this company have to have a good command of English . Do you think you are proficient in both written and spoken English ? Yes , I think I am quite proficient in both written and spoken English . Well , then , please tell me about your English education . I have been studying English since junior high school . And I majored in English in college . I see , do you speak any other languages ? Yes , I speak a little French and Japanese . You must be very busy these days . I heard you are responsible for the meeting arrangements this time . It can be the most important meeting for our company this year . Sure it is . I am up to my ears as time expressed . Do we still use the conference room in the same hotel as last time ? You remember ? I like that one . If we were in the same conference room , I would not work late these days . That conference room has been booked out . This time our boss wants to hold the meeting in our company . So everything has to be rearranged and checked , like tables , chairs , mean tacks , podium , audio and visual equipments and even the lunch menu . Good preparation will improve the effectiveness of the meeting . I am sure that your hard work will pay off . ( Having lunch with Joseph ) Have you ever been invited to a Chinese feast ? Sure . Beijingers are distinguished for their warmth and hospitality . As far as you could see , is dining at a Chinese table a distinct experience ? To what extent does it differ from that in your homeland ? To begin with , I have to use chopsticks . But you look quite proficient in using them now . Certainly . After all , I've been here for two years . It's not much uphill work for a foreigner to get used to Chinese dinner utensils . Though , I do feel hazy about how to behave appropriately at a Chinese dinner table . Yes , table etiquette . There are a multitude of rules that foreigners might never know until they were told . Some practices even appear somewhat awkward or rude to Westerners , while they are the norm in China . Hey , your chopsticks , old silly ! You should not stab them vertically into the rice bow ! Anything strange about that ? Maybe you should have placed them horizontally over your bowl or plate . They resemble two incense sticks used at sacrifices . It's very inauspicious , and might enrage all present . Oh , sorry ! There's a long story even with a mere pair of sticks . Do you two know each other ? Yeah , we were classmates when I was in university . Can you help me , please ? Sure , if I can I want to send this small parcel to Canada . By airmail or seamail ? How different are these rates ? Your parcel weights 420 grams . So it is 21.3 dollars by air , or 6.9 dollars by sea . How long it will take by sea ? About a month . Then , by sea , please . Please fill out this form , and then take your parcel to the counter on my left-hand side . All right . Thank you very much . Not at all . We'd like some local-flavored pastry . Can you recommend some ? How about some Zongzi ? What is that ? Well , it's a pyramid-shaped dumpling made from glutinous rice wrapped in reed leaves . That sounds appealing . OK , we will have that . Do you want some stuffed bun ? It's delicious , too . OK . We will try some . Anything else ? No , it's enough . OK . Wait for a moment , please . I'll be back in a moment with the dishes . OK . Thank you . How much is the hat ? $ 10 . I have seen this cheaper in other places . Well , what about $ 8 ? Take it or leave it . Could you give us a detailed description of the properties of your product ? OK . The X2500 has the unique feature of providing better data flow with less input time . It will reduce your work load at the office . Could you tell me more about it ? Of course . One of the real pluses of this product is that it is of very high quality , and of compact size . No one can match us so far as quality is concerned . Can you introduce its price level to me ? We have this item in three price level . We need the best possible quality . That means this one . I see , that's what I will order . Hi , Susan ! Hi , Lily ! How is everything ? Not so well . I've come down with the flu . I ’ m sorry to hear that.Take care of yourself . Thank you . Tom , it's time for you to take a shower . Mom , I don't want to bathe today . Why ? You can't be always so lazy . Mom , I'm tired . I feel sleepy . I want to go to bed right now . Alright . But you promise this is the last time . OK . I promise . Thank you , Mom . What are you doing ? I'm watching TV . Are there any good programs on TV ? Tingling is on TV . Which Channel is it ? Channel 8 . It doesn't seem quite interesting . Would you change the channel ? Will you book a ticket to New York for me ? Yes , sir.When do you want to leave here ? This Saturday . Will , that'll be the sixth of September . That's right.Will you check what fights are available on the sixth of September ? I'll check it over.Oh , there're three flights available that at 2 p . m . , one at 5 p . m . and the other at 9p . m . I'll have the 5 o'clock one.What time do I check in ? 4 o'clock . Thank you . I heard there was an accident today . Nobody told you what happened ? Tell me the news . A truck turned over on the freeway . Are you kidding ? I am completely serious . Did anyone get hurt ? I believe that two people did get hurt . Were the injuries minor ? I believe so . That's great to hear . Yes , it is . Have you met Professor Smith ? No , I have't got the chance to meet the famous professor yet . Oh , he's my uncle.Come to my house at seven this evening . I'll introduce you to him . Thank you very much . How often do you service the pump ? We take very good care of this particular pump . It's a crucial part of our process . We clean it and flush it through at the end of every shift , We check the high pressure seals , recalibrate the gauges and lubricate all moving parts weekly . We replace the gaskets every month . How do you decide how often these things need to be done ? Well , from experience we can predict the lifespan of different components . We try to replace components before they fail or wear out . This prevents the equipment from breaking down . It also saves us a lot of trouble ! Hello , Mr . Jones . We need to have a meeting to discuss our deal . Shall I come to your office this afternoon ? That would be great ! How about 2:30 ? I beg your pardon for being late . Better late than never . So sorry , I don't mean to be . That's perfectly all right . Thanks for your forgiving . It's really of nothing . I'll work hard . That's quite all right . Have you ever worked as a tour guide ? I have a little experience . I guided a few foreign tourists around Beijing last year as a part-time job . I showed them to the Great Wall , the Imperial Palace , and the Summer Palace . Then you may know that it's hard work . Yes , I know . A friend of mine is a guide . He talked with me about his work , but I don't mind working hard . Have you applied with any other companies ? No , this is my first . Is there anything you want to ask about ? I'd like to be an overseas tour guide someday . Would there ever be any chance of that ? Certainly . There'll be a good chance of that if you work for this company . Not right away , of course , but in a few years , after you learn more about our business , you may go overseas with a tour group . Any questions ? Yes . When can I get the decision ? I hope you can give me a definite answer as soon as possible . If I'd turned down , I ll have to secure a position elsewhere . All right , then . We'll get in touch with you within a week . Thank you for coming today , Mr . Sun . Thank you . Good-bye . Good-bye . I think these patterns are quite good . Can you give me a price indication of these ? Of course , it's my pleasure . We'll quote you the lowest price prevailing . Thank you very much . If your price is suitable , then we can make further discussion of contract . Here is our price list , our terms are cash within three months of date of delivery , if you can pay it within one month . we'll give you a discount of 10 % . Very good . How many goods do you have ? Can you tell me how many goods you intend to order ? We want to order 900 dozen . The most we can offer you at present is 600 dozen . What are we going to eat for dinner ? Are you going to cook anything ? I didn't plan on cooking tonight . If you're hungry , then cook something . I don't know what to make . Tell me what you want to eat . I've been craving chicken and potatoes . I'd like that . Are you going to cook it tonight ? I'm really not going to cook tonight . Okay , I guess I'll cook . Why don't you start cooking then ? What ’ s your major weak point ? I haven ’ t been involved in international business , so I don ’ t have any experience . What are you greatest strength ? Honest , hardworking and responsible . Does your present employer know you are looking for another job ? No , I haven ’ t discussed my career plan with my present employer , but I am sure he will understand . Have you seen the news today ? Not yet . What happened ? Did you know there was a blackout last night ? Yes , I heard the lights were out all night . Well , some people decided to loot last night . I don't understand . They took advantage of the blackout . They really started looting ? Yes , apparently four stores were broken into . Did the looters get caught ? There was no evidence of who did it . Hopefully we won't have any more blackouts . How far is this address from here , please ? Let me see . Go straight on , then take the first turning on the left . So how long does it take ? Twenty minutes ’ walk at most . Hello ! Hello , is Doris available ? This is Doris . Who's calling please ? Hi , Doris , this is Mike calling from Parker's Dentistry . I'm calling to confirm your appointment for tomorrow morning at 9 am with Dr.Parker . Oh , I almost forgot . Thank you for calling to remind me . Actually . I do need to change the time of my appointment . I have a scheduling conflict . And I can't make it that early . If I put you in at a later spot , would that work out ? It would have to be after lunch . Do you have anything available about 2 o'clock ? Sorry ma'm , the only opening we have after lunch is one fifteen , but I might be able to work you in after 4 . would that be a better time ? That ’ s alright , . I think I should be able to make it at one fifteen . Can you put me down for that time slot ? No problem . I have you appointment changed from tomorrow morning to tomorrow afternoon at one fifteen . Wonderful . Thanks very much . How can I get to Lakeside Park ? Take the No . 7 bus . There's a bus stop just over there . Will it take me straight there ? Yes . No need to change . May I help you ? I want to file a complaint . What's the problem ? A man robbed me today . When ? I was robbed this morning . What did he take ? He took my phone and my wallet . Did you see his face ? I saw him perfectly . Could you pick him out of a line-up ? I could do that . Can I help you ? Yes , is there any vacant room for tomorrow ? I am sorry . We are full up for tomorrow . Well , is there any other hotel nearby ? Yes , the Sunset Hotel is three blocks away . Maybe you can ask them . Thank you . Is this the registration office ? Yes , it is . Which department for ? I don't know exactly . What's your problem then ? I've got a sore throat , a runny nose , and a headache . OK , I will register you with medical department . Medical department ? Are you sure ? Yes . Just go there ! Where is it ? It's on the second floor . Have you got your records ? Yes . Here you are . OK , here is your registration card . Are you going to vote tomorrow ? I sure am . How about you ? I am . Do you know where your polling place is ? My polling place is up the street at the park . Oh , really ? Where ’ s yours at ? I ’ m not sure . You should know that already . I didn ’ t receive my polling place in the mail . You do know that you can look online , right ? I didn ’ t know that . I ’ ll go look right now . Can you read and write English and French ? No , I'm proficient in both written and spoken English , but I can only carry on a simple conversation in French . Could you tell me something about your English education ? My mother is an English teacher in a college , so I began learning English when I could speak , and I took English as my minor subject at university . Good morning . Er , good morning , yes , er ... I'm phoning about the job that was in the paper last night . Oh , yes.Erm , well , could you tell me your name , please ? Oh , Candida Fawcett . Oh , yes.Erm , well , what exactly is it that interests you about the job ? Well , I just thought that it was right up my street you know . Really , hmmmm.Erm , well , could you perhaps tell me a little about yourself ? Yes , arm , I'm 23 . I've been working abroad , I'm um ... Where exactly have you been working , please ? May I see your ticket , please ? I'm afraid I lost my ticket . Can I buy one again now ? How far are you going ? I'm going to New York . Where did you begin your journey ? In Chicago . I see . Do you remember how much you paid for your ticket ? I'm afraid I don ’ t . You must be Mr White from Britain . Yes , may I know your name ? I'm Michael Smith from Eale Corporation.Pleased to meet you . The NASDAQ gained a few points today . Does it mean anything ? It's hard to say . The stock market is weird . You never know what will happen tomorrow . Why do you buy stocks , then ? It's a kind of investment . If I choose a good stock and hold it long enough , I can get good returns . There ’ re traffic jams everywhere . I think something must be done . Yeah . We should have more roads built . I agree with you . Only in this way can we ease the traffic problems . I want a pair of enameled leather shoes in size 30 . How about this one ? The heel is a little tight . It doesn't matter , sir . Shoes will stretch a bit with use . Really ? I will take it . Have you applied for you visa to go to study in the united states yet ? Yes , I have . I handed in my application form two weeks ago and I ’ m going for an interview next week . Good luck ! I ’ Ve heard it ’ s very difficult to get a visa to go to the united states . The application form are quite complicated . It took me a few hours to fill it out . The hardest thing was getting all the necessary documents . That took almost two weeks . What kind of documents did you need to present ? I had to show document relating to my financial status and of course my education , because I want a student visa . Why do you think so many people have their applications rejected ? I think that they don ’ t complete the forms correctly or they don ’ t include all the required documents . The embassy is very strict about it . You have to be quite careful . Why are they stricter with Chinese people than with other nationalities ? That ’ s simple . Many people break the rules regarding their visa conditions . hello . How was the marketing meeting ? hi . It was awful . I think I put forward some great ideas , but none of them were accepted . I ’ m surprised to hear that . I thought you had some very good suggestions . so did i . I ran the ideas by a few people before the meeting and their ideas seemed to have the supports of some people . so what happened in the meeting ? one or two people didn ’ t take to my ideas very well . That was to be expected . The worst thing was that the people who said the idea were good before the meeting didn ’ t support me during the meeting . I wonder why not . We could always revise the suggestions , to take into account any objections . that ’ s good advice , but I ’ m not confident that even revised proposals will be accepted . may I make a suggestion ? sure . I ’ m open to any reasonable suggestions . Is there a chance you could contact the client confidentially and see what they think ? If they like your ideas , perhaps they could put them forward as their own proposals . You won ’ t get credit for ide I ’ m not sure that ’ s a good idea . go on . Take a chance . You could just hint at your idea . The client should be smart enough to take a hint . that was a great dinner . I didn't know that you knew how yo cook . I'm glad you liked it . Are you ready for dessert ? I don't know . I'm pretty full . What are we having ? I made strawberry shortcake . ooh , that's my favorite . Maybe I'll have a small slice . Great . Would you like coffee or tea with that ? I'll have a cup of tea . do you take cream or sugar with your tea ? actually , could I have some milk with that ? definitely . Would you like skim or whole milk ? skim , please . That'd be very nice . Thanks ... oh no . Janna , I'm so sorry , but I've got to go . what happened ? I just got a message from my sister saying that she's been in a car accident . I need to go pick her up . I'll go with you . Where is she ? she's on the M40 , near Reading . is she alright ? I don't know , she didn't say . I'm so sorry about this . don't worry . Family comes first . Come on , let's go . actually , I've only got a two-seater . I'll have to go on my own . ok . Just call me if you need anything then . I will . Thanks a lot . Do you think chinese families have changed much in the last 50 years ? I think families everywhere have changed a lot in the last 5 decades . What do you think is the biggest change ? Well , in the past , three or four generations would live together under the same roof . Nowadays , living in the same city as one's relatives is becoming rare . That's true . You know , some husbands and wives don't even live in the same city any more . Would you consider having your parents live with you when they get older ? I guess I'm a bit old-fashioned . I'd rather have my parents live with me than live in a retirement room . That's very respectable , but I could never live with my parents . I usually only see them at our christmas celebration — and that's enough ! How about your other siblings ? Do they spend a lot of time with your parents ? Two of my sisters still live at home , even though they have already graduated from university and have good jobs . They enjoy spending their free time with my parents . I guess in that respect , I'm the black sheep of the family . I see . Do your parents ever ask you to come home to visit them more often ? They're always asking me to come home , but I think our relationship is better if we keep a distance from each other . Whenever we see each other , all we do is fight . Hello , is this the ABC Company ? Yes.May I help you ? We have just arrived from Tokyo and we've been looking for our reserved car of your company all over , but we cannot find it . What is your reservation number ? Our reservation number is J - 221 . Let me see.Oh , yes.We have your reservation number . You mean you haven't arranged any car . I'm sorry to say " No . " Here , I'll take a taxi instead.How do you refund us ? How much is this shirt ? 80 yuan . It's rather expensive , isn't it ? It's a bit . But I can give you a discount . How about 50 yuan ? No . I'm afraid the price is too low . Then let's split the difference and I'll give you 60 yuan , OK ? I'm sorry , but I think you should give me no less than 65 yuan . All right . Hi , how can I help ? I was told to come over to this window if I want to make a withdrawal . I'm not withdrawing from a Current Account , you see . I want to withdraw from my Certificate of Deposit . Unfortunately , if you wish to withdraw on your C / D before the pre-decided date , you must give notice . Oh , I see . Will I lose any money if I decide to withdraw on it now ? Yes , you will lose interest . I see that you have a 5 - year C / D with us . I'm sorry to tell you that would mean losing 6 months of interest as a penalty for withdrawing before maturity . Oh dear . Well , if it has to be done , then it has to be done . Hello . Beijing Restaurant . How can I help you ? Hi . I want to place an order , please . For pick - up or delivery ? Pick - up . What would you like to order ? I have a menu from your restaurant . I ’ ll order using the number of each meal from your menu . That ’ s fine . I ’ d like to order number 17 , no . 23 and no . 24 . What size ? Medium , please . When will you come to pick up your order ? I ’ ll be there in about an hour . That will be fine . We ’ ll have your meals ready when you arrive . Thank you for your order . Is there anything I can do for you ? I have just got lost with my friends . Would you please help me find them ? Sure . We will make a broadcast for you . May I have your name , please ? Shone . And one of my friends ' name is Jessie . OK , please wait for a moment . May I help you ? I have a problem . What ’ s your problem ? I owe fees , but a bank statement never came in the mail about it . I apologize for the inconvenience . I have no idea about the fee , so my fees went up . I understand your problem . Will you be able to solve my problem ? I ’ m going to cancel the fees you owe . So , I don ’ t have to pay any of it ? The initial fee still must be paid . That ’ s fabulous . Thank you very much . How do you want your eggs , Mary ? Cindy likes hers scrambled . Sunny-side up , please . The toaster is over there on the kitchen counter . Help yourself . What kind of bread do we have ? White and whole-wheat . I think I'll have two slices of whole wheat . Can you go wake up Cindy for me ? Sure . She's a late riser . Dan More's Office , how may I help you ? Is Dan in ? May I tell him who's calling ? Yes , this is Tom White . Just a minute please , Mr . White . Thank you . What's for dinner tonight ? It's whatever you're planning on cooking . You're not going to cook ? No , I always cook . Yeah , and I love your cooking . Don't give me that . If you're hungry , then cook dinner . You're being serious ? Look , I'm really tired tonight . I don't feel like cooking dinner . Okay , I'll make dinner tonight . Thank you . I'm going to bed . Do you want me to wake you up when dinner is ready ? Yes , please . I can promise you that , if you buy our product , you will be getting quality . I ’ Ve looked at your units , and I am very happy with them . Your goods are all far above standard quality . We spend a lot of money to make sure that our quality is much better . We don ’ t sacrifice quality for quick profits . Well , we ’ re really interested in placing an order under negotiation . We can start the negotiations as soon as you want . That ’ s great . I ’ m glad we ’ ll be able to do business together . I ’ ll have some quotes ready for you by tomorrow morning . Fine . Also , would you mind if I asked to see a surveyor ’ s report of your products ? I may have a few more questions about your quality analysis . Excuse me . Would you tell me where The People's Park is ? The People's Park is located on Nanjing Road , near Limbo road , just on the opposite side of the International Hotel . How long will it take me to get there ? Only about twenty minutes . I'm not going in the wrong direction , am I ? No , you aren't . Just go ahead , please . May I take a bus to get there ? You can take the No . 22 trolley bus to get there . OK . Thank you a lot . I wonder if you could help me find something for my daughter . Do you think she'd like a laptop ? I think that would be perfect . A Mac is something most people appreciate . In fact , she prefers Macs . How much is one ? Our 15 - inch Pro will cost you only $ 2,100 . She's going to be so happy . Let me have one . You've made a good decision . How would you like to pay ? I'll pay for it with my VISA . It's all yours after you sign here , please . Are there any extras that she needs ? This is good to go . If she wants accessories , just visit us again . You've been so helpful . Thank you . Have a nice day , and thank you for shopping here . Linda , it's really late . Let's call it a day . Good idea . We can finish this project the first thing tomorrow morning . Sure thing . Do you want me to give you a ride home ? That ’ s great . Thanks for the ride . I really appreciate 1 it . You know my car is still in the shop . Don't mention it . It ’ s my pleasure . It's very nice of you . That was really a nightmare ! Honey , what's up ? I was stuck between 15th and 16th floors in the elevator . Oh , really ? I know that telephone signal must have been shielded in the elevator shaft , so what did you do then ? I pressed the emergency button ! And then I stayed in the elevator waiting for the rescue . Did you panic at the time ? A little bit , but I know that the elevator isn't enclosed . at least I wouldn't be smothered there . Was there anyone else with you ? Of course , there are 6 other people in the elevator ; they were so scared that someone even started crying . So you mean that you were the only brave one there ? Yes . I have to call the property management . For what ? Complaining about what happened in the elevator ? Yes . They should check the elevator regularly . I have to give them something to remember about , and they should also equip fire extinguishers in the building . That was just an accident . you are worried too much about it . I think the property management will check the elevator and improve their service from now on . I know what you mean , but I'd better remind them again , and also remind them to repair the button in the elevator for the disabled people . That has brought the disabled people lots of inconvenience . Dear , can you drive me to the clinic ? I'm afraid I can't . Why ? Well , my car won't start . I don't know what's the matter with it . Could it be the battery ? No , I don't think it could be . I checked the battery two days ago . It must be other problems . Well , I suppose it could be the gas . No , there is plenty of gas . I filled it up yesterday . Perhaps it's the starter then ? Yes , that's possible . There's a big problem with my room . I'm in 507 . Would you tell me the nature of the problem , sir ? I have cockroaches crawling in my room . Perhaps you saw a silverfish , sir . I've seen nine more cockroaches than I wanted to see . Sir , you haven't been drinking by any chance , have you ? How dare you question my statement ! Forgive me . You're 100 percent correct . Allow me to transfer you to my supervisor . Hello ! Are you shopping here today ? Haven't I seen you in some flea markets and thrift shops a couple of times ? I'm just comparing prices . You should ! This thrift shop is really cheap , though , you have to pay cash here . But they don't let you have goods on approval . Hello , Mr . Compton ? This is Susan Miller . Hi , Susan . What can I do for you ? I ’ d like to take tomorrow off if that ’ s all right with you . Let me take a look . Just a second . That ’ s no problem , Susan . See you on Wednesday . Listen , you can not afford another day off . You ’ Ve called in sick five times in the last three weeks . I know , but I am really sick . Well . I want a note from the doctor this one and to be honest , if it continues , we may not be able to have you here . I understand , sir . I ’ ll bring a doctor ’ s note in tomorrow . I am sorry , Mr . Thomas Hi . Can I help you , sir ? Yes . I ’ m interested in a job your company posted on the Internet . We posted several positions . Which position are you looking for ? It is a position in your Maintenance Department . Is it available ? Yes . Applications will be accepted for this position until next Friday . I have no experience but I ’ m interested in it . If you ’ re interested in this position , please send me your resume . I don ’ t have my resume with me , but I will send you a copy immediately . Can I fill out the application form right now ? Sure . Thanks . You ’ re welcome . Hello , I need to get a cab . There is about a 15 - minute wait . That's fine . OK . Give me your address . Hi , Bob . I heard that you had passed your driving test . Is it true ? Yes . A few days ago I have no right to get a driving licence . But now I get it . Is the driving test difficult ? Yes , it can be quite tough . Many people fail to pass the test at the first time . What does the driving test require ? You should enroll in driving school and then take a road test and a written test . After you pass both tests , you'll get your licence . Oh , I see . I need more practice before I take the driving test . Don't worry about your driving test . I think you will pass the test and get the driver's licence very soon . Hopeful ! Thank you . Guess what ! I know something you don't know ! What's that ? How many planets are there in the solar system ? That's easy . Everyone knows that there are nice . Not anymore ! Can you believe it ? They've decided that Pluto is not a planet anymore ! Nice try . I wasn't born yesterday , you know . I'm dead serious . They've decided that it's too small to be a planet , but actually they haven't yet agreed on how big something has to be in order to be a planet anymore . That sounds crazy . They can't just change their mind about things like that . Yes , they can . If you remember correctly , people used to believe that the world was flat . I suppose you're right . They also used to think that they were so important that the sun revolved around them , not the other way around . We actually know relatively little about space and the cosmos . Do you think that we'll one day be able to travel to another planet for a vacation ? I suppose we could actually live on a planet outside of the milky way . Do you think we'll ever get to meet an alien from outer space ? I hope not . I think they would be a threat to those of us that lived on Earth . You're so old-fashioned . That's what people used to think about people from another country ! Point taken . Hopefully one day , we'll live in an interplanetary society . I'm planning on going to the market soon . What are you buying ? I don't know what we need . I can check for you , if you'd like . I'll make a list . First , we need eggs , milk , and bread . Okay , do we need any meat ? How about some chicken , ground beef , and some steak ? What else do we need ? Get some snack foods . What's the problem ? There was a stop sign back there that you didn't stop for . I really didn't see it . How'd you miss it ? I only saw bushes at the intersection . Those bushes are covering the stop sign . I really didn't mean to run it . I see why you didn't stop . Are you still going to write me a ticket ? No , I'm just going to let you go . Thanks for being so understanding . That's all right . Make sure to look closely next time . I think I'll get some new goggles . Good idea . I'll get some , too . We also need some sunscreen . What about beach towels ? Sure . We have to have something to lie on while we're catching some rays . I think I'll get a hat , too . No hat for me , but I'm getting this cool pair of shades . Okay , I guess that's it . Let's go pay for this stuff . Hello ? Hello , is this 4482098 7 ? I'd like to speak to Mr Doff . I am sorry . Mr . Doff is out right now . May I know when he will be back ? I don't know . But he will certainly be back for lunch . This is his wife speaking . Can I take a message for you ? Thanks , Mrs . Doff . Please tell him to be at the airport at three p . m . Very Good . I will let him know as soon as he comes back . But , may I have your name , please ? This is Lucy White . Thank you . Bye . Bye . I want to rent this car for 5 days . OK . It will make your stay more convenient . By the way , do I have to return the car here ? No , you can return it to any branch of our company . Let's eat out . Why not ? Do you buy that newspaper every day ? Yes , I do . I find it very informative . It always has plenty of articles from correspondents all over the world and the business section is very useful too . Is there a Sunday edition of that newspaper ? Yes . There is . it has several sections , so it ’ s quite a read ! It usually takes me a few hours to read it on Sunday morning . What section does it have ? Let me see . There ’ s the news section , the entertainment section , sports , business , and world affairs . What ’ s in that section ? World affairs ? They look at the most important stories in more detail . I find it fascinating . Do you buy a daily paper ? I buy a national newspaper sometimes , buy I nearly always buy a local evening newspaper . I find the local news more interesting than national or international news . My doctor says that I need a blood test . I can help you with that . Just have a seat and roll up your left sleeve . What are you taking my blood for ? Your doctor has requested a check of your white blood count . What information does that give him ? If your white blood cell count is off , it could signal an infection somewhere in your body . Is a blood test painful ? I am putting a tourniquet on your arm to plump up the vein . It will only feel like a little pin prick . Oh , my God , that hurts ! That was it ! Thank you for coming in today . Hello , JC Consulting PLC . Chris Edwards speaking . Mr Edwards , this is Kristy calling from IBA . Hi Kristy ! What's going on ? Do you remember coming in to do the L / C amendment last week ? Yes , I certainly do . The negotiating bank has just been in touch ... Oh , dear ! There isn't a problem , is there ? No , Mr Edwards , not at all . We are contacting you to let you know that everything has gone smoothly and the amendment has been accepted . Kristy , that's wonderful ! Thanks so much for contacting me personally . May I order some cable from you today ? Okay , what package would you like to order ? I'm not sure of what packages you offer . We offer packages with all the movie channels . Are there any other packages ? We also have packages with all the sports channels . I want a package that has the basic and movie channels . We have that available . I would like to get that . Would you like anything else with your package ? That's it , but will I be able to add more channels at another time ? Yes , you can add or get rid of channels later on if you would like . Welcome to Flash Foot , sir . How can I help you ? I'd like extra prints made of these photos . Do you have your negatives ? Yes . Here they are . I've marked how many prints I want on each shot . What size do you want the prints ? Four by six , except this one . I want a ten by thirteen print of this one . Okay , they'll be ready for you in an hour . I thought about what you said . And what did you decide ? I decided that you're right . I'm glad you saw the reason . Where do we get off at ? I think we have a little ways to go . This bus ride is taking forever . I know . Did we miss our stop ? I'm not sure . Didn't you say you knew where to get off the bus ? I don't know . We may have missed our stop . Are you serious ? Yeah , we did miss it . I can't catch the bus with you anymore . Sorry . You are still a student ? Yes , but I will graduate from the Shanghai Finance and Trade school next month . Are you sure you can be a successful cashier ? I'm sure . You know my major is statistics and I get excellent records in all of the courses I have taken . That's only for your theory foundation . I am afraid if you have ever handled large amounts of cash before ? Yes , my father runs a business so I have opportunity to work in the finance department every holiday . Good . I think you'll make a good cashier . Thank you . hello ! How are you . not too well ! I ’ m just to the doctor . I haven ’ t been feeling too well .. over the last few days . what have you got ? A cough ? A cold ? that ’ s the funny thing . I don ’ t what ’ s wrong with me . I just feel exhausted . perhaps you ’ Ve been working too hard . You do have a high-pressure job . maybe . I haven ’ t been able to keep my food down either . That ’ s unusual . well . I ’ m sure the doctor will be able to prescribe something to make you well again . Dr . Jameson is very good . yes , he is . I ’ Ve make an appointment for 10 o ’ clock , so I ’ d better move along . OK . Hope you feel better soon . You should take it easy . I ’ m sure the doctor will prescribe rest , you know . Do you like the food here ? Yes . The baked fish was out of this world . I am glad you like it . Can we have the bill now ? Sure . It's $ 100 . Do you have any job placement services at EDD ? The first thing that you should check out is callous , which is a great Internet-based placement service that you can use . What about people who don ’ t have a computer ? You can search for jobs on the computers at the EDD offices . What else is there at the EDD offices that can help me with my job search ? We can help you find local information about available jobs and workshops . What are the different workshops that are available at the EDD offices ? Resume Writing and Interviewing are our two most popular workshops . Can you think of some other places where I may look for work ? Many times there are special services available to certain groups like Women at Work or job help for non-English speakers . Doctor , my child is nine years old , and I recently found that he was constantly telling lies about how he is doing at school . Is he doing very well at school ? He is doing OK , but he pretends he is doing much better by telling lies . What's his problem ? This may be complicated . But I think he may need to build up his self-esteem . How can his he do that ? There are a lot of ways to help a kid build up self-esteem , but to begin with , you can try and give him more rewards . Rewards will help a chil improve his self-esteem . Good afternoon , Ma ’ am , My name is Mike and I am selling subscriptions to all sorts of periodicals . No , thank you , I am not interested . Please ma ’ am , if you could spare five minutes of your time , I am sure we could find something that interests you ! I wish I could , but I have to walk the dog and finish cooking so if you would excuse me . We have a great variety of magazines all about cooking ! This one for example , is a bi monthly publication with recipes from all over the world ! Wow , that would be kind of useful , do you have any other cooking magazines ? Sure do ! This one is a quarterly publication , but each issue has over 200 color pages of recipes and also many home decorating ideas ! Wow , this is nice ! Ok , sign me up for both publications . You mentioned you have a dog , most pet owners sign up for this weekly newsletter that has information on dog care , pet shops and even pet sitters ! That is exactly what I needed ! What else do you have ? Well , I also have ... Damn Scott . You got big . Yeah , I've been working out a lot . How long have you been lifting weights ? For a year and a half . Yeah . Last time I saw you , it was like 2 years ago . Has it been that long ? How often do you go to the gym ? I usually go every other day for about 3 hours . That's a lot . Yeah , I used to work out for an hour a day 4 times a week , and I saw no results . This is what you have to do to get noticeable results . I don't think I have the discipline for that . Just think of it as a hobby . Then it's actually fun . it ’ s so great to be here ! I ’ m so excited to help you and my daughter with your new home ! we ’ re glad that you ’ re here . Would you like a tour of the house ? that ’ d be great , but could I have a cup of tea first ? sure , I ’ ll just go put the kettle on . Why don ’ t you have a seat on the sofa and I ’ ll go take care of things in the kitchen . that would be lovely , thanks . do you take milk or sugar with your tea ? I ’ ll take a little milk , but no sugar , please . Make sure you let the tea steep a few minutes before you take the tea bag out of the cup . ok . What do you think about our living room ? well , I do like the mantelpiece and the coffee table , but I don ’ t really care for curtains . Did you get them at a yard sale ? They look ancient . my parents gave them to us as a house warming gift . oh dear . Well , I suppose they will do for now . do you ever dust in here ? It seems a bit dusty in here . your daughter usually does the dusting , and I do the vacuuming . I see . Well , I can help with the chores while I ’ m here . You two could probably use my help . that ’ s very nice of you to offer . Here ’ s your tea . Be careful , it ’ s still quite hot . Grant . How is everything ? Pretty well , thanks . We ’ Ve just been incredibly busy ! I need to set up a meeting for Mr . Graham . Sure . What ’ s it about ? He wants to go over the bonuses for this year . He ’ ll need to meet with Mr . Winthrop and Ms . Montgomery . Can you set it up for me ? Excuse me . I need some storybooks in easy English . Do you have anything like that ? Well , there are a lot of storybooks upstairs in our children's section . Some are written for young children , others for teens . Maybe some of them will suit your needs . I'll go take a look . Thanks for your help . You're welcome . We have one day to visit the big city , can you give us some advice ? Yes , you can take a limo , a tour bus or just walk . I don't think we can visit the city in one day just by walking . How much does the limo cost ? $ 50 a day . How do I get to the post office from school ? Turn right outside the school ; go along until you come to the main road ; turn left ; go straight ahead , straight on at the roundabout , down the hill , and turn left at the bottom . OK , I see . Thank you very much . You are welcome . Hope you can find it soon . How do you usually part your hair ? To the right . ( The hair stylist cuts the customer's hair . ) Almost done . I just have to even things up a bit . ( She shows the customer the results . ) Will that do ? Looks good . Would you like a shave ? No , thanks . Okay , let me brush you off . Thank you very much for coming . Thank you . Mr . McKenna , do you have a second ? I need to talk to you about something . Sure , Liv , what can I do for you ? Well , I was just wondering . . . you see , I know I ’ Ve used up all my vacation days this year , but my sister is getting married , and the wedding is overseas , and , well . . . You wanna take some time off , is that right ? Well , sir , I was just hoping that I might be able to take some unpaid leave this year . What dates are you planning on taking off ? I ’ ll need at least two months notice , so that I can plan for your absence . I was thinking of taking off from September first until the thirtieth . Would you be okay with that ? Well , I guess so . Did you need help ? Where do I go to pick up my ballot ? I ’ ll help you with that . How ’ s that ? I ’ m working here today . That ’ s wonderful . Thank you . Can I see your ID , please ? Here you go . I have your ballot card right here . What am I supposed to do now ? All you have to do now is vote . Okay . Wish me luck . Wish you have a blast . Thank you . See you . Oh , the clothes here are so expensive ! No wonder there are few people . Beauty costs , dear ! What do you think of this dress ? Do you think it suits me ? Yeah , it's lovely , but to be frank , it's not the most practical . You don't have many formal events in your calendar , do you ? Come on , you sound like my Mom.Look at it , it's beautiful ! When you buy clothes , you must think about the material , quality and price . Maybe you have a point . Make sure you buy what you need and your clothes can be worn for various occasions . All right . How about this black skirt ? It can be worn for anything---a party , a job interview and even a funeral ! That's true , but you already have two back coats and one black sweater . Oh ! Hey , look , that's the same shirt Britney wore in her concert . Exactly ! Oh , my god ! I love Britney ! I'm going to get it . Why not try it on ? It's just the right size--a perfect fit ! I'll take it . Oh , no , I'm a little short . Did you bring your credit card ? Yes . I promise I'll pay you back as soon as we get home . Look , Jimmy's report came today . Let's have a look . What is this ? Where are all the grades ? He's in the third grade Sam ! You see under each subject that he is being taught in school , he receives a mark from one to three . A one means his achievement or work is excellent . Here in Science for example he got a two , which means its satisfactory . What about here in physical education ? He got a three here which means it's unsatisfactory . We should work on that with him . So confusing ! In my day we got an A or B if we were doing well and if we failed an exam we would get an F ! Good morning.So this is the first day for you to work here , I hope you'll like your job . Good morning , Ms.Wilson . I've got a lot to learn from you . I think I'll enjoy working with you . I hope so.Now let me tell you your duties here.This is your desk.Please sit down . Thank you . Your main duty is to answer the phone calls and transfer them to the person wanted . I see.What if the person wanted is out ? In that case , you are supposed to ask the caller to leave a message . Is there anything else I should do ? Yes , you are responsible for keeping all files in order . All right . If you have any questions . I will help you . Thank you . Welcome to Flower Power , sir . What can I get for you ? I'd like a dozen long-stemmed roses . Would you like them delivered ? Yes , I'd like them sent to this address . Do you want to sign the card ? No , could you just write your secret admirer on it for me ? I don't want her to recognize my handwriting . Ah ... very well , sir . I'll have them delivered this afternoon . Hi , Mark ! I was wondering if you finished that presentation you were working on last week ? Just about . It should be done in the next couple of days . Why ? Mr . Rodriguez was asking me about it yesterday . I'll give him a call . Did you order the cake ? Oh , I forgot . Get on the phone right now . It might not be too late . I ’ m so sorry ! OK , so you just want a simple message on it . Yeah . How about ' Happy Birthday Tony , from the gang . ' I ’ m on it ! Hello , this is Mr . Simon . May I help you ? Hello , this is Wang Li . I want to know the status of the position . Sorry , I can't give you an immediate answer on the matter . It's pending now . When can I know whether I'm accepted or not ? In about 3 to 4 days . I have a sweet tooth . What exactly do you want ? I would love to get some dessert . What did you want to get ? I'd love to get a pie . What kind do you want to get ? I'm not sure . I can tell you what kind I like . What kind do you like ? Apple pie is my favorite . I love apple pie too . See , I helped you out . What will I earn per year in this job ? You can expect to earn sixty-five thousand dollars per year . Are we covered by a good benefits plan ? The job has a menu plan where you are given a fixed amount of money and you choose what you most need in terms of benefits . Can we take personal days off ? You get 2 weeks paid vacation and an additional 10 days of sick leave . What do you offer in terms of a retirement plan ? We do not currently offer any retirement plan . Do you reimburse for education that relates to my job ? We allow several weeks release time each year for our employees to attend job-related seminars and conferences . Do you have a benefits brochure ? Whoa ! Who said you got the job ? Good morning . I ’ m thinking about buying some new furniture for my living room . Could you help me ? Certainly . As you can see , we have several three-piece suites on sale . Feel free to sit down and test how comfortable they are . I came to your store yesterday and have come back today to make a final decision . I think I like the black leather suite . It ’ s on sale , isn't it ? Yes . The price has been reduced by 50 % . It ’ s a real bargain . I ’ ll take it . I also need to improve the lighting in my living room . Do you have any suggestions ? Those floor lamps are very nice and you can vary the brightness according to whether you ’ re reading or watching tv . How big is your living room ? It ’ s quite large . It ’ s about 40 square metres . I ’ d suggest you buy two . That allows you to change the brightness of the room better . Ok . I like the design of this lamps . I also need some cushion covers . I ’ ll just browse through those ones over there . Hello , three-five . Is that Anne ? I'm sorry , I'm very tired . I'm going to bed early . I didn't have good time , and I don't really want to see you again . What are you talking about ? We had a great time . We laughed and talked all night last time . It was hardly all night . And I recall it was you doing all the laughing at your own jokes . That's not fair . We had fun . Give me a second chance . Can we meet tomorrow night for drinks at the pub ? No , I ' m sorry . I'm going to meet some friends tomorrow evening . And I ' m too tired now . I have to go to sleep . Goodbye . But Anne ... How do you dispose of the waste in your factory ? We try to recycle as much as we can . What about the rest ? How do you get rid of it ? We have to send it to landfill . It's very expensive because the government recently introduced a landfill tax so we're planning to build a new incineration plant next year to burn our waste . But doesn't incineration produce carbon monoxide ? Yes , you're right , it does . But we believe it's less harmful to the environment than landfill Good afternoon . Is this the Roley Hotel ? Yes , madam . May I help you ? Yes . I ’ m calling from Westwood and Westwood Attorneys . I need to make a reservation for Mr . Alex Brent . Fine , madam . When will Mr . Brent be arriving , and how many nights will he be staying ? I wonder if the dentist could fit me in early tomorrow . I'm afraid there's nothing available before noon . How about 12:45 ? Sorry , but he's busy then too . Is there anything I can do for you ? I'm looking for a black , leather bag . How's this ? I'm just looking . If you need any help , let me know . Welcome to IBA . Do you need any assistance ? Yes , please . I'm hoping to get a mortgage from you and was wondering about your interest rates . I see . We offer Personal Housing Loans , or mortgages , at a rate of 0.42 % per month . That's pretty much the same as I've been quoted at other banks . We offer many different payment plans . Would you be looking at long-term or short-term ? Are you looking at a 10 - year repayment plan ? Definitely . I want to get my mortgage paid off as soon as I can . Then we can certainly help you with that . You see , for shorter term loans , we can offer an even more competitive interest rate . Mmmm ... that does sound interesting . Is there anyone available I can talk with about this in more detail ? I'll get our Mortgage Adviser for you . Please take a seat , I won't be a minute . Stupid girl , making me spend so much money , now I have to get it from the ATM ... Hello , welcome to Universal Bank . Please insert your card into the slot . I know where to put my card ! Stupid machine , talking to me like I ’ m an idiot ... Please input your 6 digit PIN code followed by the pound key . Thank you . Please select an option.Thank you . You have selected withdrawal . Yeah , yeah , I know what I selected . Just give me my money ! Please type the amount you would like to withdraw.Thank you , you want to transfer 10000 USD to the World Wildlife Foundation . If this is correct please press 1 . No , no ! Stupid machine , what are you doing ! No ! Confirmed . Thank you for using our bank ! Please remove your card from the slot . Goodbye ! I want to go try on these clothes . What did you find ? I found some jeans , and a new blouse . Go and try it on . What do you think ? I love that shirt on you . What about the jeans ? They don't really fit you right . I don't think so either . That blouse is absolutely wonderful on you . I'll just buy the shirt . That would be a good idea . I have a resume here . What's your name , please ? David , Chou . Oh , yes Mr.Chou . We have been looking forward to this . These are all my personal documents about my education and working experience you asked for . And I have to be off for an important meeting now . If you think I am right for the job , please keep me informed . Ok , I will call you if you give me your name card . I am sorry , but I don't have one with me right now . In that case , just tell me your phone number . It's 687 3452 . Here , Let me get the door for you . Thanks . Do you need a hand with that ? Actually , I could use some help . Thank you so much . Don't worry about it . I don't think I can manage this morning . I wonder if we could after the time of meeting to tomorrow afternoon . I'll look out for you about 2 tomorrow afternoon . All right.Thank you . Excuse me , sir . May I help you ? Yes . I have to change a room . What's wrong ? Next door is so noisy . I can't sleep at all . OK , I am sorry for that . We will arrange another one for you . are you good at cooking ? no , but I'm pretty good at eating ! do you prefer chinese food or Western food ? well , to be honest with you , Chinese food is really different from western food . are you used to the food here ? I'm not really used to it yet . what's your favorite Chinese dish ? like most foreigners , I really like Sweet and Sour Pork and Kung Pao Chicken . I eat them almost every day . have you tried traditional Chinese dumplings yet ? I tried once , but they are quite difficult to eat with chopsticks . you know , foreigners are not expected to use chopsticks proficiently . If you do , you'll give your Chinese friends quite an impression . that's good to know . I'd like to try more Chinese food , but since I can't read any of the menus in the restaurants near my home , it's difficult to try new food . if you want , I can introduce you to some typical Chinese dishes . that would be great . I really only want to taste real Chinese food , not just the food that foreigners like to eat ! if you haven't tried Beijing duck yet , I'd like to treat you to a meal at a famous duck restaurant near Qianmen . It would be a pity if you left without tasting it ! I heard you want to apply for the position as a foreign bank staff member , is it true ? Yes , it's true . What about the foreign bank ? It's a branch of the Bank of America in Beijing . What are the requirements ? The applicant must be alert and quick at figures , and like meeting the public . Would you be using English every day in this job ? Yes . Because the customers are mostly Americans . The pay must be good . Yes , starting salary is 6,000 yuan a month plus bonuses . I ’ m from Channel 5 News . How ’ s it going ? I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions . Ask away . First of all , did you vote today ? I already voted . Who did you vote for ? I ’ m not going to tell you . Why not ? My vote is personal . I apologize for invading your privacy . What I can tell you is that I voted for our next President of the United States . What do you think about the apartment so far ? It is beautiful . You don ’ t have any problems with how it looks ? Actually , there is a problem . Like what ? There are some stains that were left in the carpet . Those stains will be cleaned out of the carpet before you move in . Oh , is that right ? Yes . Now what other problems do you have ? That was the only problem that I saw . Well , I ’ m glad that everything else is to your liking . I honestly love it . Good afternoon , CCL press.Jennisse speaking , How can I help you ? Good afternoon , I'm looking for Mr . Alert Li . Oh , I'm sorry . Mr.Li is in a meeting right now . Can I take a message ? Sure . This is Nigel Smith his personal banker . Could you ask him to return my call ? Nigel Smith . Does he have your number , Mr . Smith ? It's 2781703 1 . 2781703 1 . Sure . I'll make sure he gets the message . Thanks so much , bye . Hello . Smith ’ s Resident . Hello . This is the operator . Can I speak to Mr . Smith , please ? This is Mr . Smith . I have a collect call for you from Jennifer . Will you accept the charges ? Yes , I ’ ll pay for the call . Put her through , please . Okay . Thanks . I need to cancel my reservation . I have personal matters that need fixing . That's not a problem . Just give me your name , phone number , and date of visit . Rudy Randolph , 818-555-1234 , April 9 through 15 . I see your info here on the screen . I'll hit just one button , sir , and you're cancelled . Thank you . I'm glad that wasn't too much of a bother . It's a pleasure . My computer isn't working . Tell me what the problem is . I'm trying to turn it on , but it won't work . Try checking the connections . Which ones are you referring to ? The cords that you see behind your CPU that plug into an outlet . Is that why it won't turn on ? If they're not connected right , that will keep it from turning on . I did not know that . You should check the connections . I'm going to do that . Tell me if it's still not working . Do you have any other questions ? Yes , may I ask something about the salary and benefits in your company ? According to our regulations , you will be on probation for the first three months . What is the salary while on probation ? In this period , you can only get the basic salary , 2,500 yuan per month . That sounds fine . The salary will be deposited into the bank on the 15th every month . Your salary will be raised every year in October , depending on your performance can get a bonus once a year.and it's normally in December . Are there paid holidays ? Yes , you may enjoy a seven-day paid holiday in the first year . After that , you can have two more days each year . Hi Barbara . Have you lost weight ? Hi Julie . Yeah . I've been on a diet for a couple of months now . Wow . You look great . Thanks for noticing . What type of diet were you on ? I joined a health club and my trainer gave me tips on eating . With a combination of eating better and exercising , I managed to lose 15 pounds in 2 months . That's amazing . What tips did your trainer give you ? Mostly on how to exercise , but the best advice I got was changing my eating habits . Instead of eating 3 times a day , she told me to eat 5 times a day . That doesn't make sense . If you eat more , than how do you lose weight ? Actually , I'm eating the same amount . I eat 5 smaller meals a day . Basically , it naturally speeds up the metabolism and helps to burn fat at a faster rate . That makes sense . I'm going to try that . You don't need to lose weight . I have a little gut I have been trying to get rid of . Ah ... but remember to incorporate a little exercise into your diet . Thanks for the advice . No problem . Well it ’ s my first night in Beijing . What should I eat ? Well you have to try Peking duck . Mm , I don ’ t really like duck to be honest with you . I fancy something light . Ok , you could try the Peking wonton then . That sounds like a good idea . Where should I go to eat that ? Actually , I know a great restaurant in Dongcheng . Ok then , I ’ ll follow you . Hello ! This is Air China Booking Office . Hello ! I'd like to reconfirm my flight reservation . May I know your flight number , please ? It's flight CA169 , which leaves Beijing at 8: 00 a . m . on January 20th . Oh , yes . That's our regular flight to Nanchang . Would you please tell me your name ? My name is Deng Li . Yes , here you are . You're flying in economy class . Is that right ? Oh , no . I'm sure I made a reservation for a first-class ticket . Let me check . Now , your ticket is in order . Thank you for calling to reconfirm . That's what I should do . And I don't want to lose it . Quite right . If you don't confirm , the reservation will be cancelled 72 hours before the departure time . In order not to miss your flight , I think you should pick up your ticket as early as possible . OK ! I shall . Good morning , is there anything I can do for you ? Can you enlarge the picture ? Yes , what size do you want ? I want it enlarged to 5 inches . No problem . Come and get your picture on Friday . Hey ! Taxi . Where are you heading , sir ? Capital Airport . What's your flight time ? At 7:50 . I guess we should get there no later than 7:00 . How long is the ride from here then ? Well , since it's rush hour , I'd say the ride would take about thirty minutes , more or less.Is that okay ? Yes , that'll be fine . How much is this going to cost ? Okay , now I ’ d like to find out more about your last job . I see you spent almost four years at the London Weekly , is that right ? Yes , that ’ s right . To be honest , the first year was quite tough for me . I was really just treated more like an intern . I didn ’ t have many responsibilities and I found it quite frustrating . So , what changed ? Well slowly but surely I proved myself , and the new editor liked me so he promoted me to features writer . Wow , a real step up ! Yes , I was responsible for restaurant and food reviews mostly . I spent restaurant years in that position , but to be honest it wasn ’ t an area of journalism I wanted to stay in long-term . I see , so why did you decide to leave finally ? I just felt that the paper couldn ’ t offer me any new opportunities . I really needed a more challenging role to be honest . Mom , look ! My first piggy bank and it still has money in it ! That is a blast from the past . Remember when I used to beg you to break it so I could go buy ice cream ? Yes . You sure have come a long way in valuing your hard earned dollars . Thanks for not giving in to my childhood tantrums , mom . But what are you going to do with that pig ? I think I'm going to keep it as a monument to what I've learned about money . Who knows , maybe one day he will sit on the desk of a top CEO in a major corporation ! I ’ m hungry , let ’ s grab a bite to eat . Sure ! How about we go home and prepare a couple of sandwiches ? Nah ! Let ’ s go get a burger and fries . All you ever do is have unhealthy fast food Pizza , fries , burgers and hot dogs ! You have to start eating better ! What are you talking about ? I have salads some times . Yeah right ! I ’ m serious ! You should also cut down on your sugar intake as well . You drink carbonated drinks that are high in fructose syrup ! It ’ s really not healthy ! Fine ! I ’ ll start drinking and having home cooked meals that are low in fat . Are you happy now ? It ’ s a start , but I ’ ll be happy when I see you stick to your promise ! What can I do for you , madam ? I'd like to buy a toy car for my son . How about this one ? It looks nice . How much is it ? They're three hundred dollars . Oh , I'm afraid it's too expensive . Can you show me something cheaper ? OK , This one is one hundred and twenty . It's the cheapest here . OK , I'll take it . Here's the money . Thank you very much . Good evening , sir . Good evening . I'll have a Scotch . Yes , sir . Straight or on the rocks ? On the rocks , please . Good morning , Janice . Our office will hold a welcoming party in the evening , so I will allocate you some assignment . Is that difficult ? Don't worry . I will find someone to assist you . That's all right . What can I do ? Firstly , you should go to the supermarket , which is nearest to our company , to buy some fruit , drinks , desserts and cakes . Here is the list of things you need to buy . Well . I can do it . And then ? The meeting room on the Fourth Floor needs to be swept . Jerry and Tom will help you at that time . Any questions ? Who will pay for these things ? Don't worry about that . I have already calculated the money about things you will buy . Remember to give me the receipt when you come back . OK . I will go in no time . I'd like to apply for a personal loan . How much would you like to borrow ? A thousand dollars . Let me check with our credit manager . ( later ) Our record shows that your credit rating is quite high . I don't think you'll have any problems . What's the current interest rate ? Our monthly interest is 1.5 % of the outstanding balance . Would you please fill out this application form ? Congratulations on the new house ! Thanks ! We love it . Well , you guys work hard for it . It ’ s really beautiful . I ’ m just not looking forward to cleaning it ! I think I found my Yankee's mug ... Oh , great . Where was it ? It fell out of the garbage bag . What was it doing there ? It was with all the other dishes from dinner . You mean Johnny threw out all the dinnerware ? I think our son was trying to pull a fast one on us . I ’ ll show you around and explain the operation as we go along . That ’ ll be most helpful . That is our office block . We have all the administrative depart - ments there . Down there is the research and development section . How much do you spend on development every year ? About 3-4 % of the gross sales . What ’ s that building opposite us ? That ’ s the warehouse . We keep a stock of the faster moving items so that urgent orders can be met quickly from stock . If I placed an order now , how long would it be before I got delivery ? It would largely depend on the size of the order and the items you want . Could you recommend something to drink ? Well , since you have order the roast chicken . I suggest you to order the red wine to go with the main course . It can help you digest the food . We would also like some alcohol before the main dish . I think whiskey will be a good choice . Do you have some questions ? Yes , I really want to know about the housing system in your company . If you join us , our company will provide you a single dormitory . If you make great achievements , our company will offer you a flat according to the related regulations . It all depends . I also want to know if there's a holiday at your company , for I must visit my parents every year . Besides the official holidays , our company offers a ten days paid holiday every year , which makes it possible for you to visit your parents . Any other questions ? No , thanks . You say he was around average hight . Yes , that's right , around five nine five ten . Weight ? I'm not sure . Medium , I suppose . Maybe a little on the heavy side . Any marks on his face ? No , I don't think so . Glasses ? No . what about his hair ? Black or dark brown . Long or short ? Straight ? Curly ? Straight , I think , and about average length . Boy , this surely doesn't help us much . It could be anybody . How about his cloth ? What was he wearing . Well , he had a jacked or a plage shirt . You know the kind of number jack wear . Ok , now we are getting some where . Pants ? Dark , maybe dark blue maybe black . I'm not sure . What kind of shoes ? Boots Cow while Boots . No , hiking boots . Brown ones . All right . That Nealy done a little . Now I want you to look some pictures . Come in , please . Good morning , Mrs Smith . Good morning . You are Mr . Sun , aren't you ? Take a seat , please . Yes , thank you . I've noticed from your resume that you majored in accounting at Peking University . Will you please tell me something about your related courses ? In the first academic year we learned Principles of Accounting , and in the following years we learned Cost Accounting , Commercial Accounting , Industrial Accounting , and Management Accounting . Have you taken Accounting for Decision-Making and Control ? No , we haven't taken such a course , but we have taken a more specialized course for decision making , by the name of Forecasting and Decision-Making . From your school report card , I can see you did well in every course . But our advertisement says we need an accountant with practical work experience . I forgot to include my experience as an accountant in my resume . In fact , I took a part-time job as an accountant at the Atlantic Trading Company during my second and third school year . I worked three evenings a week there and I did quite well . Here is the recommendation . You can speak English fluently but I wonder if you can deal with bookkeeping and accounting in English . No problem . The professional English course is just English for Accounting . Moreover , as you know , the Atlantic Trading Company is a Sino-Australian joint venture . When I served part-time there , I became well acquainted with accounting operated in English . That sounds fine . Why did you choose to apply to our company ? I have a relative working as a manager in your manufacturing department . Her name is Lilling . She told me a lot about your company and I became quite interested . I believe I can have a promising career with the development of this company . Do you know something about the payment we give to our employees ? No , can you tell me about it ? Of course . As for an entry-level accountant , we pay ¥ 1,500 a month in the first half year . We have a grading system to evaluate your work . If you have made progress , we will certainly raise your salary . For beginners with a CPA certificate , they can earn at least ¥ 2 , 000 a month . I have passed the five courses required by the Chinese CPA Association , but the certificate won't come to hand until next month . How about that ? I hope you can show me your CPA certificate before we reach a decision by the end of July . Thank you , Mrs Smith . It is really a pleasure talking with you . The same for me . We'll keep in touch with you . Thank you . Good-bye . What would you like to eat ? I'd like to eat a bowl of dumplings . Would you care for some soup ? Yes . But I prefer a bit salty soup . Do you like egg soup or mutton soup ? Egg soup is OK . Is there anything else ? I'd like a bottle of juice . I'll get them back right away . My goodness ! My silk dress is shrunk . How did you wash it ? It was washed by washing machine . It should be handwashed with cold water . It's a common sense . Don't you know it ? I'm so sorry . I have no idea of it . I washed silk dress the first time . I'll buy a new one for you or I'll give you money . That's all right . Please ask me if you don't know how to do something next time . You can keep the silk dress if you don't mind . I think it fits you . It's very nice of you . I'll try my best to do my job well . When do you go to bed usually ? I go to bed at ten and get up at six . That's helpful for your health . Sure . You are from Japan , aren't you ? Oh , yes ! I love Japan a lot . I am glad to hear that . Let's go to another place where my friend is working , let me pay here . Thank you , I ’ ll pay next then . Oh , I must be going now ; it was nice talking with you . Check , please . 500 US dollars . No kidding ! We have only 5 bottles of beer . You had champagne for the girl . Have you watched today's news ? No , I haven't . What's going on ? Did you hear about last night's blackout ? Yes . The lights were out all night . Some people went looting because of the blackout . What do you mean ? People decided to use the blackout to their advantage . People went out and looted ? I guess they broke into about four stores . Did the police find who did it ? There's no evidence of who it was . I hope we don't have any more blackouts . Would you please bring me the black suit ? I want to try it on . Here you are . I think this suit fits perfectly . Yes , I think so . The suit matches the trousers . It's fine . Please wrap it . Excuse me . Yes ? Could I have one more blanket ? I'm afraid there aren't any left at the moment . Gan you wait just a little while ? OK . I will . I'll bring you one as soon as I find one available . Would you , please ? Thank you . I think I've looked everywhere , but I haven't seen a swimming pool here . This hotel has no full-size pool , but we do have swim stations in our gym . Swim stations ? Whoever heard of such a thing ? You swim in a swim station just like you run on a treadmill . All that exercise in a little pool ! Do I have to pay anything ? The swim stations are available to all guests for no charge . Very good . Now can you tell me the hours of operation ? They're available anytime between 7 a . m . and 10 p . m . , seven days a week . Wow ! I can't wait to change into my trunks ! The swim stations are very popular , sir . I hope you don't find a line down there . Thank you . You do me a big favor . That was a cake walk.It ’ s nothing to speak of . Can you tell me what's the time in London ? It should be 3 Yes . I have to take a conference . Are you English ? That's right . Welcome to Great Britain . Do you know what time it is ? Um . Ten ? Get in this door young man . It ’ s midnight , you are two hours past curfew . I know , but it wasn ’ t my fault ! I told Jennifer she had to drop me off before ten , but she wouldn ’ t leave the party ! I don ’ t care ! You are grounded for life , mister ! Mom ! That is so unfair ! You know the rules and you broke them . No allowance and no TV for a week . I usually never ground you but this time I have to put my foot down ! What ! For being a couple of hours late ? You have to be kidding ! I don ’ t want to hear it ! Now go to your room ! See how many people are here ! Yeah ! Do all these people work in the company ? Everyone and their dog is here ! Other than the employees , our boss Jack invited some friends of the company . Can we just sit wherever we want ? Of course not ! We have to sit at our assigned seats . I think our table is over there in the back . Hmm . We don't exactly have the best seats in the house , do we ? Look who you get to sit next to--Tim from purchasing ! Www ! That weirdo ? ! He really gives me the creeps ! Don't worry . I'm also sitting next to you . I just hope he doesn't start bragging again ! I can't wait until we get our year-end bonus ! Me , either ! Who decides how much money we get ? You got our email with all the specifications for the project . We'll be accepting bids untill noon on Tuesday . If you have any questions between now and then , please let me know . Actually , I did have a question . We'd like to know what you had in mind for the budget on this project . We are hoping to put together a really competitive bid . But at the same time , we'd like to hit your target price , too . I understand . But unfortunately , it is our policy not to disclose our bottom line . You can be assured that price is a weighty consideration when we review the proposals . We also consider other elements , including design and practicality . We also give weight to the reputation of the submitting company . Do you have any price range ? Is there any way you can give me any idea of what direction to go or how high is too high ? We're just looking for a reasonable price according to the specifications in our project blueprint . That's all I can say . So , Monica , how do you like your new office ? Well , I love it . The room is special and clean with big windows and a lot of sunshine . There are plants along the corridor . Especially , I got my own desk with computer and telephone . Such a great place ! That ’ s very good . I once turn down a job offer just because the office is awful . What was so bad about it ? Small rooms , small window , a small desk shared by three people . I would have been interrupted all the time and for sure not be able to deliver good work . Sounds bad ! Lucky you ! You didn ’ t take that job . I think a good office environment is also important to work efficiently . Totally agree . By the way , the number of the telephone on your desk is extension 506 . You can pick up your office supplies from the supply room at the end of the corridor . John , do you have a minute ? Oh , hi , Leo . Sure , what ’ s up ? Well , I ’ Ve been meaning to talk to you about the situation in the office . But I ’ m not in there very often . It ’ s so noisy that I can ’ t work . That ’ s exactly what I ’ m getting at . We ’ re supposed to be able to do our preparation and marking in that office , but have you noticed ? Jack constantly has students coming in to get help with his course . A lot people are going in and out . Has anybody spoken to him about it ? No , not yet , but someone ’ s going to have to . We really can ’ t ask him to stop having students come in for help , can we ? No , of course not . But I ’ m not able to do my work and neither are you . How about recommending him to use the storage room down the hall ? Oh , that would be too small . With the cabinets taken out , it might be bigger than it looks . Come to think of it , you may be on to something . Let ’ s go have a look . Let's rock n ' roll . Ok , let ’ s go through this one more time . I don ’ t want anymore ruined or dyed blouses ! I know , I know . OK , so I have to separate the colors from the whites and put them in this strange looking contraption so called washing machine . Right . You have to turn it on and program it depending on what type of clothes you are washing . For example for delicates , you should set a shorter washing cycle . Also , be sure to use fabric softener and this detergent when washing . So complicated ! Ok , what about this red wine stain ? How do I get it out ? Since this is a white t-shirt , you can just pour a little bit of bleach on it and it will do the trick . Cool . Then I can just throw everything in the dryer for an hour and it ’ s all set right ? No ! Since you are washing delicates and cotton , you should set the dryer to medium heat and for twenty minutes . You know what ? I ’ ll just have everything dry cleaned . Why am I being arrested ? You have a warrant out for your arrest . I don't have a warrant . My computer shows that you have a bench warrant . I don't know what a bench warrant is . You apparently missed a court appearance . I was never told to go to court . There's nothing I can do about that . This isn't fair . That's life . What about my rights ? Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law . Alright , tell me what you think about this one . Don't you think it's a bit bright ? Yeah , maybe you're right . How about this outfit ? That dress looks lovely on you , but it's not very practical , is it ? No , I don't have any plans to go to a formal dance any time soon , but I love the way it looks . I just want to try it on ! What do you think about this ? It's casual , yet sophisticated . I like the jeans , but you need something to go with the top . It's too plain on its own . How about this scarf , these earrings , and an anklet ? That might be going overboard a bit . How about just that scarf with a bracelet ? That's a good idea . You have a lot of good fashion sense . Thanks . You'd be OK on your own . There are loads of fashion victims out there , and you are not one of them . Have you tried it on yet ? Yep . Here it is . What do you think ? That looks great . Just one more thing-you need some high heels with those jeans . Do you want a pair with a plain pattern or ones with a leopard print on them ? The leopard print sounds fabulous . OK , I'll take it . Who is Cindy ’ s husband ? Cindy ’ s husband is Ron . How many children do Cindy and Ron have ? They have two children-one son and one daughter-as well as one daughter-in-law and one son-in-law . Do they have any grandchildren ? Yes , they have three grandchildren-one girl and two boys . Does their daughter get along well with her in-laws ? Yes , she gets along with them quite well . Do they have a large family ? Their family is very similar to Cindy and Ron ’ s family . What do you think are the qualities a nurse should have ? They are responsibility , skill , patience , quietness , and so on . What kind of medicines does the doctor usually prescribe to children who get high fever ? Aspirin . I ’ d like to check in please . Certainly . Can I have the name please ? Mr Harold Smith . Ok , Are you checking out tomorrow ? Yes , I am . That ’ s right . Will you need a wake up call , sir ? Yes please . At 6.30 am . Ok then , your room is 502 on the fifth floor . Breakfast is served between 6.30 am and 9am . Enjoy your stay . Thank you . Hello , is John in ? No , he's not . May I take a message ? Yes , would you leave him a message to call me ? Yes , what's your name ? What can I do for you today ? It's a little embarrassing really ; you see I think I've got a counterfeit note . Do you remember where you got it ? No , I don't . Usually I'm very careful about checking the money I'm given , but for some reason this one slipped through . Counterfeit notes these days can be very sophisticated and difficult to spot with the naked eye . But I must warn you that if it does show to be a counterfeit I have no option but to confiscate it . I understand . To be honest , I'll be glad to get rid of it if it is a fake . The machine shows it to be counterfeit . You'll need to fill in this form and I'll give you a receipt to show the money has been confiscated . I want to lose some weight ! So do I ! I have a yoga class tomorrow . Do you want to come with me ? No , it's too expensive for me . I've decided to take some exercises on my own . What are you going to do ? Run around the track . In the morning I run for an hour , and in the afternoon I run around the building . Good , I am sure it will work if you can persist . I hope so . Would you like to join me ? Sounds good ! Yesterday I read hamlet.such a fantastic book ! You said it.No one can match Shakespeare in artistic talent . I do agree with you . So what brings you to my office today ? My tooth is killing me ! How long has your tooth been bothering you ? It just started hurting me last night . Have you injured your tooth in any way ? I think one of my fillings might be coming loose . Do you have a special kind of toothbrush that you like to use ? I have an electric toothbrush . Does it bother you when you eat something really sweet ? Oh yeah , when I do that , it hurts a lot more ! so , tell me about your new house . How is it different to your old one ? well , first of all , it ’ s much bigger . It has the same number of rooms , but each room is larger . We also have a larger garden , which our dog loves , of course ! so , it ’ s a three-bedrooms detached house ? yes . One bedroom is for my wife and i . there ’ s another for our daughter . My wife wants to use the third one as a guest room , but I ’ d like to make it into a study . Our daughter is also keen on what ’ s the kitchen like ? I know both you and your wife like to cook . that ’ s one of the main reason we chose that particular house . The kitchen and dining room are together . It ’ s really large . are the rooms nice and bright ? yes , they are . That ’ s very important to us . We like to live in a home with plenty of natural light . Each room has large windows . do you have a balcony ? no , we don ’ t . we wish we had one . That ’ s the only thing we wanted , but don ’ t have . The area is very nice and the neighbours seem friendly . you ’ re right on the edge of the city , aren ’ t you ? There can ’ t be much noise or traffic there . Is it easy to get into city centre ? it ’ s a very quiet neighbourhood . There ’ s some traffic , but not much . It ’ s not very difficult to get to the city centre , but you must remember to turn left and right at the right places or yo We were decorating and I ’ m going to ask some things . Well , I ’ ll be glad to help you out . We can deliver what you need to your office . Shall we need at one fifteen this Thursday ? We definitely need some new filing cabinets and at least one desk unit . Fine , I ’ ll bring both our office furniture and equipment catalogs on Thursday . I can't seem to find the cereal aisle . You'll find the cereal by the breakfast foods . What breakfast foods ? They're over by the oatmeal and the breakfast bars . Oh , I think I know what you're talking about . Can I help you with anything else ? Could you tell me where the dishwashing detergent is ? You'll find that by the paper towels . Oh , I didn't think of that . That's where it'll be . Well , thank you very much . If you need anything else , please feel free to ask me Excuse me , Mr . Li . I have something to discuss with you . I'm in a bit of a hurry , Miss Liu . Can you wait for a minute ? I would really appreciate it if we could talk for a few minutes now . It's about the overtime you've asked me to put in . All right . What's the problem ? I really can't work overtime . Because my husband has been ill recently , I must take care of him . I'm sorry to hear that . Take good care of your husband . I'll find another one to replace you . Waiter , can I have the bill please ? Wait a moment . It's $ 30 . We'd prefer separate checks . OK , one with the apple pie pays $ 18 and the other $ 12 . The dinner is really rich . Which dish do you like most ? I like the soy sauce chicken . Actually , it's the dish recommended by this restaurant specially . Hi , I Want a room , please . Good afternoon , sir . Welcome to our hotel.What kind of room would you like , sir ? A double room for my wife and me , please . Did you take the written test ? I haven't taken it yet . Make sure to study first . I study every night . I'm sure you're ready . Does it cost money ? No , it doesn't cost anything . Does the test cover everything in the manual ? It skips around . Did you pass the test your first try ? I thought it would be easy , but I didn't pass it . Wish me luck . Good evening ! This is Mr . Smith in room 609 . Good evening , Mr . Smith , What can I do for you ? I'm going to Shanghai early tomorrow morning . So I would like to request an early morning call . Yes , Mr . Smith , when would you like us to call you tomorrow morning ? I have to be at the conference room of the Garden Hotel in Shanghai by 10 o'clock . I think it will take me three hours to get there . It means that I'll have to be on the road before 7 o'clock at the latest . That's right . Well , in that case , I would like you to wake me up at 5:45 . OK . Good night , Mr . Smith , Have a good sleep . Good night . John ? Can you come over here for a second ? Certainly , Mr . Emory . What can I do for you ? I need you to take a look at these samples . I think there are a few problems . Sure . Let me look over them and I ’ ll bring them back this afternoon . What's the matter with me , Doctor ? I feel so tired these days . It's your blood pressure , I'm afraid . It's far too high . And what's the cause of that ? Overwork-amongst other things . You can't work 24 hours a day . You ' Ve got to slow down . But I can't just slow down . You've got to , I'm afraid . And look at this . You weigh 200 stones . That's too much for a man of your size . You mean I've got to lose weight ? Yes . You've got to cut down on bread and potatoes and take more exercise . Would you like me to type it for you ? Yes , please . That would be a great help . Are you sure you don ’ t mind ? Not at all . I ’ ll be glad to do it . Thank you very much . Shall I write out again first ? No , there ’ s no need . Can I print it ? No , don ’ t bother . It ’ s all right as it is . Hello . This is the Customer service . How can I help you ? Yes . I ’ Ve been getting harassing calls recently . Can I have my phone number changed ? Sure . What ’ s your favorite number ? How about 560 436 4040 . I ’ m sorry . This number has already been registered . How about 560-436-8976 ? This number is ok . It ’ s still available . When would you like your phone number changed ? As soon as possible . Can I have it right now ? Sure . Thanks . Good afternoon , madam . Can I help you ? Yes , I'd like to change these dollars , please ? OK . How do you like your money , madam ? In fifty yuan bills , please ? Just a moment , please . I'll check for you . Good morning , sir . Good morning . How do you want it , sir ? Just take a little off on the top and shorten the back . But please don't make it too short . How about your sideburns ? Just to the bottom of my ears . By the way , I'd like a shave , too . All right ... Tilt your head to the right , please . How much is it ? Exactly five dollars . Here you are . Thank you and goodbye . You are welcome , sir . Good-bye . Well , I'm glad I had a chance to see these samples , but I'm really not in a position to make a decision right now . Would you like me to leave the samples with you ? Yeah , why don't you do that , and then you can give me a call sometime next week . Fine , Mr . Grant . Thanks for your time . Hi ! Do you know what's for dinner ? I'm starving ! We're on our own tonight . Dad's taking mom out . Out ? What do you mean out ? You know , on a date . They're going to dinner . Dad and Mom ? Yep . They said they're reviving an old tradition . You mean this is going to be a regular thing ? That's right , once a week . Do you want to order a Pizza ? Has anyone told you about Jessica's party coming up ? I was told about it already . I'm just waiting for my invitation . Is that right ? I already got my invitation from her earlier . I believe that she will give me the invitation today . Are you even going to go ? Yeah , it sounds like it's going to be the best party of the year . Exactly , it seems like it's going to be loads of fun . When exactly does the party start ? The invitation says it starts at 8 Has she given out a lot of invitations yet ? I have no idea , she hasn't given out many though . I'm planning on going , but I really need her to give me my invitation . have you seen bill recently ? yes . He ’ s in hospital with a bad back . One morning , he just couldn ’ t get out of bed.His wife called an ambulance and they took him to hospital . He ’ s been there for a few days now . daisy ’ s in hospital too . she got food poisoning last week . She thinks she got it from some bad seafood . you have to be very careful with seafood . It tastes lovely , but it often causes upset stomachs . Have you heard anything from tom ? he ’ s fine , but he had a fever last week . He probably just had a cold . he might be allergic to pollen . My niece is allergic to pollen . It seems like she has a cold , but in fact it ’ s her allergy . I see . My niece just flew back from Australia to visit . She ’ s got jetlag now . she ’ s just resting today , but we ’ ll probably go out somewhere tomorrow . it ’ s nice that she ’ s back for a while . Thinking of all these ailments , I got a splinter the other day . It took a long time for me to get it out of my skin . Look . oh , your hand is still sore . You should put some ointment on it to stop the swelling . that ’ s a good idea . You ’ Ve got a nasty bruise on your hand . yes , I banged it against to cooker yesterday . It really hurt , but it ’ s OK now . the bruise will disappear soon . I would like to exchange Chinese money into German currency please . Certainly . How much will you be exchanging today ? How about 50,000 RIB . Would that be a problem ? That ’ s a hefty amount . But that should have no problem at all . You should be aware that there is a ten-percent service charge , though . Ten percent ! Now that ’ s hefty ! Wait a minute ... do you have an account with us ? Yes I do; here is my account number . For members , there is a small transaction charge , but it ’ s only 5 dollars per transaction . Any particular denomination ? 3,000 marks in hundreds and the rest in tens and twenty ’ s , please . Here you are Mr . Lee . Will there be anything else ? How was your self-help trip ? Excellent . As soon as we landed , we boarded a bus to Disneyland . I love Mickey Mouse . Janet and I spent the entire first day going on all of the rides . Didn't you feel any jet lag from the change in time zones ? I felt fine . I must have been too excited to notice . I've never been to Disneyland . I went to Universal Studios when I was fifteen . My parents took my brother Franco and I to Los Angeles and San Francisco.Wish you and Janet love each other more . Good morning , sir . May I help you ? It's our anniversary today . I am looking for the same flowers as the ones in her wedding bouquet . What do they look like ? White . How tall are they ? They are short , I guess . About the same height as those short flowers over there . Do they look like roses ? No , they look like little bells . Oh , lilies of the valley . No , I am sorry . We are all out of them right now . Oh , that's too bad . What about roses ? Ok . How many do you suggest ? As many as you like , sir . They are beautiful , aren't they ? Yes , they are . Good morning , welcome aboard . Good morning . Can I use my cellular phone during this time ? Yes , you can use your cell phone during the boarding process until the aircraft door is closed . Thank you . What should I do if I want to phone my family during the flight ? The aircraft is equipped with onboard phones . They do not interfere with the communication and navigation of the aircraft . So I can use the onboard phone during the flight ? Of course . They will be used at anytime before or during flight . Please tell me how to file things according to the concerned rules . Well , all right . There are four points you should keep in mind when you file documents , information and other things . What are they ? They are , keep the documents in chronological order , remove all the chips and pins , punch the documents evenly and place them in the folder . And what is the most important point ? You should always remember that one customer on file is the rule . We are happy to have you with us . When could you start working ? I'd like to begin to work any time you want . What about Next Monday ? No problem . See you next Monday . There's a car waiting for you just outside the door . Right this way , please . OK ! Let me put your cases into the trunk and please get in the back . Thanks ! How was your flight ? It's comfortable , but now I'm a little tired . We'll reach the Beijing hotel in another ten minutes . When we arrived there , you can go up and have a rest . The hotel has very good service , and it's considered as one of the best hotels here . Thank you ! I lived there when I came to Beijing last time . It's comfortable and beautiful . If it's convenient for you , Mr . Wu would like to invite you to the banquet in honor of you in the evening . Thank you ! I will . When and where will the dinner be ? At six o'clock in the International Hotel . We'll pick you up this afternoon . Besides , if you care for visiting , we'll arrange some sightseeing for you . Oh , that's nice . Thank you for arranging all of this . We are free this afternoon , aren't we , Mr John ? Yes , we are visiting the exhibition this afternoon , and look around Beijing city , wouldn't we ? It's very kind of you , Mr John.the sightseeing trip between our business talk will be sort of our work can be make for pleasure.what kind of exhibition we're going to see ? It's industrial exhibition , in origin show the results of new industrial products in the city . a lot of products there to meet the needs of home and export Could you give more detail information about some of the industries you just mentioned ? Yes.take the oil industry for know there are twenty oil resources in can see many chemical products in the exhibition.such as chemical fabrics as I dress . What the others ? There are chemical materials , medicines , rubber , plastics and so on , many products and meet the domestic markets , we are also trying to meet international markets . How about textile industry ? Textile is a traditional industry , which has completely catalogue , and solid basis and has developed in the past few years.the export is great , counting more than 25 % of export products That's surprising , three days ago when I went to yancheng store , I saw different kinds of textile goods . I've bought some for my wife , some for my friends.they seem very attractive . That's good . I think they must like recently years , light industry have be developing in Standley , and place a credible role in our industry sister.these industry including leather , bikes , household electric products , clocks , sporting goods and so on.many of them are very popular at home and abroad . I'm sure I'll enjoy seeing them.and will have more information of your city industry.what is more ? I'd like to visit if it is possible.the famous Goumi street in the city . No problem , this street is nearly built along the both sides of this street.there is stores , restaurant follow the style of tradition chinese building , the guest come there taste very traditional favorite dishes . I am sure I'll enjoy some real chinese food then . Let ’ s try to get out of the supermarket quickly . Yeah . I hate spending all day in there , too . What do we need ? Let ’ s make a list . We need milk , eggs , butter , coffee , vegetables , fruit , bread , cheese , and some snacks . I want some pickles , oh , and we ’ re out of flour . Put that on the list , too . Anything else ? Not that I can think of . Wait a second , we ’ re out of breakfast cereal . I think corn flakes are on sale . Get those . No , you get those . I ’ ll go and get the fruits , vegetables , milk , butter , and eggs , you get the rest . Please point out the painful place with your finger . Is there any relation between the pain and the weather ? Yes , the pain comes more intense when the weather is bad . And the pain comes more intense when I walk too much . Have you ever had any trauma ? Yes , I have . Does the pian become more intense at night ? Yes , it does . Just like a needle prick . Besides , the place that hurts often feels cold , too . Do you have the sensation of ants crawling over the painful part ? Yes , I do . I'd like to treat you with acupuncture if you agree . By the way , does acupuncture hurt ? Acupuncture may cause just a little pain , but it also causes a certain feeling of numbness and distension.We ' ll try it every day for seven days.Will that be all right ? Yes.Let ' s start today . Be quick . Put our bags in the deposit box . We got a problem . The deposit boxes are all full . We should have come earlier . I told you to hurry up a thousand times . You just put a deaf ear to it . Did you ? I didn't hear you . It was too noisy . I surely did ! Ask the customer service counter if we can deposit our stuff there . They say we can't . They don't look after customers ' stuff . It's all your fault ! Now we can't get in shopping . OK , it's my fault . I'll stay here and look after our stuff . You can get in , shopping with Daniel and May . That sounds like a good idea ! Hey , don't forget to buy a suit for me . What color do you want ? Black , of course . Peter , wash your hands first , and then have some dessert . Mom , can I have some ice cream ? Not today , Honey . Don't eat too much ice cream . Mom , can I have one more piece of cake ? Ok . The last piece is for your dessert . We're having dinner soon . Will you be voting this year ? Of course ! Will you ? This is going to be my first time voting . Are you serious ? I ’ m not sure what I ’ m doing . Voting is easy . I don ’ t know anything about the bills or laws they ’ re trying to pass . The ballot gives you all that information . Nobody told me that before . You have nothing to worry about . I ’ m so glad you told me that . Good luck on your first election . Check the mirror . How do you like it ? I think the style is a little old-fashioned . It's not what I want . I think this one fits you . It's the new fashion style . Oh , yes . That's just the one I want . I will take it . Have you finished that report yet ? No . I'm still working on it . How much time do you need ? Give me one more day . Can I also take the MET to get there ? Yeah sure , it's much quicker . Do you know how ? No , can I trouble you to lend me a hand ? Ok , not a problem . Let's go to the station . You have to buy a ticket first . You want to go to Shi Da , right ? Yeah . Ok , then you need to go to Tai Power Building Station . Where is that ? Look at the map to see where you are . Then look at where you want to go . The number is how much money you have to pay . Oh , that's simple enough . Then , when you have your ticket , you go wait on the platform . Anything else I should know ? Just remember to hold on to your ticket . You need it to get out of the station when you get there . Can I try this lipstick ? Sure . Here is the mirror . Well , I don't quite like the smell . What about this one ? It's natural ingredients . I like the color . I'm going to quit this job . It's way too stressful . I've noticed you've been working overtime a lot . Yeah , I'm in the office till 10 every night . I can't take it anymore . The pay just isn't worth it . Good morning . Morning . What would you like for breakfast ? I'm not quite hungry now . Let me think for a while . Come on . We are going to be late . Ok , Ok . Toast and egg . Milk ? No . Morning , Madam . This is the window for Foreign Exchange Savings . How can I help you ? I want to save some US dollars into my account . That's fine . Is it a Time Deposit ? Yes , that's what my husband advised me to do . But I'm not sure how long I should save for . Well , we offer 5 grades as standard Mmmm ... 2 years does seem like a long time . How about the interest if I save for 6 months ? For 6 months we can offer you 0.59 % . That sounds fine to me . Yes , I think 6 months is the way to go . How are we going to get there ? Let's take a cab . Hello ? This is Steven . I'd like to speak to Mr . Brown , please . I'm afraid he is not in at the moment . Then what time do you think he will be in ? I suppose he won't come back until 6 p . m . By the way , do you want to call later , or would you like to leave a message ? I'd like to leave a message . Please ask him to give me a call as soon as he returns . He has my number . Okay , I'll do that . Thank you . Bye-bye ! You're welcome , bye ! Houston restaurant . Is there anything I can do for you ? Yes . When do you start severing dinner ? We open at 6:00 and take last orders at 10 :: 30 . Well , that's fine . So I don't think it necessary for us to make a reservation . We will be there at 9:30 . Yes , sir . We are looking forward to your coming . Good afternoon , Ladies . May I help you ? Can we have two a joining double room , sir ? Have you made a reservation ladies ? I ’ m afraid not . One moment , please . I have to check if there are room available . I ’ m sorry ladies . We have only two double room available , but they are on different floors . Would you mind that ? We prefer they are on same floor because we have a problem check late that night . May I suggest family sweet ? You all just have a consolation . what ’ s it like ? It ’ s a big room with a king - size double bed and two single beds . You ’ Ve get also an roller-wheels . That ’ s great . How much is it ? 2000 Hongkong dollars per night plus ten percent service charge and five percent government tax . That ’ s fine . But , ladies , the room ’ s not yet ready . It will be delay about half an hour . Perhaps you can fill the registration form first . And rest at the lobby for a while . We ’ ll let you know when the room ‘ s ready . Alright . thanks . Ladies , Hotel policy requires one nine of room charge as deposit . Do you take traveller ’ s check ? Yes , we do , Madam . Thank you , madam . Here ’ s our welcome brochure with all of information of our facilities . My name is John . If you need any help do let me know . I ’ m at your service . Let's get down to business . OK . Have you seen the samples ? Yes . I have . I'm interested in your underwear . If the price is acceptable we would like to order it soon . I'm glad to hear that . We are trying to give you a favourable one . What's your price ? 150 yuan for each piece . That's a bit more than I was prepared to pay . How about 130 yuan ? I offer you 110 yuan . That's too little . Well , I'll come down to 120 yuan . All right . I go up to 115 yuan , but not a penny more . Is that acceptable ? If you order more than 10,000 pieces , we can accept 115 yuan for each one . Well , I'll accept the price and place an order for 10,000 pieces . Very good . It's a pleasure to do business with you , Mrs . Phoebe . Are you married ? Yes , I am . How long have you been married ? I have been married for three years . How many people are there in your family ? There are three people in my family . Who are the members of your family ? My wife , my daughter and I . How are your stocks doing , Jim ? Oh , all right . I lost a bunch of money in the last two years , but this year has been pretty good . Yeah . I lost money investing in the Internet , too . Just goes to show that you should buy companies , not ideas . I changed my strategy around too . I invest in good companies now . Yeah , me too . Did you hear about Frank ? No , what happened ? He lost his kids ' college money day trading . Oh , boy . His wife can ’ t be happy about that . How about 15 % the first six months and the second six months at 12 % with a guarantee of 3000 units ? That's a lot to sell with very low profit margins . It's about the best we can do , Smith . We need to hammer something out today . If I go back empty-handed , I may be coming back to you soon to ask for a job . OK . 17 % the first six months , 14 % for the second . Good . Let's iron out the remaining details . When do you want to take delivery ? We'd like you to execute the first order by the 31 st . Let me run through this again , the first shipment for 1500 units to be delivered in 27 days by the 31 st . Right . We couldn't handle much larger shipments . Fine . But I'd prefer the first shipment to be 1000 units , the next 2000 . The 31 st is quite soon , I can't guarantee 1500 . I can agree to that . Well , if there's nothing else , I think we've settled everything . Tom , this deal promises big returns for both sides . Let's hope it's the beginning of a long and prosperous relationship . Good morning . Good morning . May I take your order ? Yes . I'd like your breakfast special , please . How would you like your egg ? Soft-boiled , please . All right , sir . Good evening . Can I help you ? Yes , I'd like to check in , please . M y name is Peter Wang . I have a reservation for three nights . Just a moment , please . Oh , yes . One twin and one single . Is that right ? Yes , I'm with my wife and child . Will you fill out this form , please ? Well , I ’ d like to have my coat to order.Will you take my measurements ? Certainly.How do you like to have it made ? Make it after the present fashion , please.What if it does not fit ? You may rest assured . When can I expect to have it ? By the end of next week . Ok then . See you next weekend . How can I help you ? I'm here for a facial . I made an appointment over the phone for 3:30 today . What's your name ? Addison . Ok . Which facial would you like ? We have five different kinds of facials . Which would you recommend ? Well , since it's summer and it looks like you've had quite a bit of sun , I'd recommend our summer special . It's especially suited for individuals with sensitive skin . What does it include ? The facial will start with a thorough cleansing . Does it include a facial mask and a massage ? Yes . The stimulation mask promotes blood flow and will firm up the skin . You can also choose to either get a hand or back massage as well . Will you exfoliate the skin as well ? Yes . We'll also apply some of our special day cream that will moisturize our skin and protect it from the sun . That sounds great . I'll have that one then . Ok , just follow me . We finally get a chance to meet . Thank you for meeting me here . It's no problem . I need to speak with you about your daughter . Is there something wrong ? I enjoy having your daughter in my class . I'm glad to hear it . She is a great addition to my class . You don't have anything bad to say about her ? She is always behaving herself , and she's so smart . I am so happy that she's doing okay . I'm more than happy having her in my class . Could you tell me something about investment environment of your country ? Our country is a free trade nation . She was mainly agriculture and rather a backward country and mow has developed into a modern highly industrialized state with an expanding economy . Parallel to this , her dependence upon foreign trade has increased . Increased output generates a greater need for raw materials , semi-finished products and capital goods . Thus . in many fields , our country is an important and growing market for exporters from other countries . But this doesn't mean that our country is an easy market , because of a liberal import policy and the high standard in our market is keen . Well , what about price ? The price factor can be a useful instrument for exporters when trying to place their products in industrialized countries . Of course , marketing goods abroad is not only a question of price . There are also other important factors such as design , quality of goods , terms of sale , transport and insurance . Good afternoon , madam . How can I help you ? Well , I am a little bit out of shape . I think I should get some exercise to keep fit . what kind of service do you offer ? First of all , we'll tailor a work-out plan according to your physical conditions and your personal needs . How can you get that done ? Well , we give each of our customers a qualified personal trainer . The trainer will give you a fitness assessment and then come up with the work-out plan . What else ? Since everyone is different , your personal trainer will help you find out all the exercise equipments that are suitable for you fitness level . Then you'll be taught all the necessary techniques to use these equipments and achieve your goal . Sounds pretty good . How much do you charge ? That depends . We offer membership for one month , half a year and one year . Perhaps one month . I'll just have a try at first . Wise decision . that is 400 yuan . You'll find it's totally worth it . OK , I'll take it . Watch out ! You're too close to the fire place . Don't worry , but my clothes are made of leathers . Really ? That's wonderful ! Thank you for your warning . Not at all . Be careful of yourself . Excuse me . Is flight KL638 late ? Yes , I think so.Flight KL638 is still at the airport due to the hurricane . Oh , my god . If this flight is late . I will for Sydney.What can I do now ? Well if should contact with the office over there.Maybe they will do you some help . OK.thank you . Can I help you find something ? I would like to buy a new fridge . Is there one in particular that you like ? I was looking at this Kenmore refrigerator . Ah yes , that is a great refrigerator . What's so great about it ? It's both affordable and it comes with all the appliances . What appliances ? It comes with an ice maker , water dispenser , and there is a lot of room inside . May I see the inside for myself ? Be my guest . Wow ! You're right ! This refrigerator is great . I'll take it . You must be pretty excited about your trip to Europe . When is it that you are leaving ? In just three weeks , and I am excited . But there are still a few things I need to do before I go . Like what ? Like renewing my passport , going to the travel agency to buy my plane ticket and figuring out what to do with my apartment while I ’ m gone . You are not going to give it up , are you ? No way . I ’ ll never find another apartment around here . But I don ’ t like the idea of paying three months ’ rent on an empty apartment , either . I don ’ t blame you . Perhaps you could sublet it . Yes , but whom to ? Mmm ... let me think . Oh , I know just a person . An old colleague of mine , Jim Thomas , is coming here to do some research this summer , from June to August . That ’ s exactly when I ’ ll be away . It sounds ideal , as long as the landlord agrees . Tell you what , I ’ ll be calling Jim late this week anyway , so I ’ ll mention it to him then . Well , thanks , Bill . Let me know what happens . That extra money will really come in handy . I like chess better than xiangqi . And you ? For my part , xiangqi . Maybe it's because my girlfriend is Chinese . I think chess is more reasonable . You see , each side has eight pawns , a larger number than that of the soldiers in xiangqi . A true battle should be like that . Soldiers should outnumber the commanders . Quite right . And unlike the soldiers in xiangqi , the pawns in chess can promote once they reach the furthest rank . It is very agreeable to grant merits to people with good performance . Correct ! Another contrast is the rules for the general and the king . It seems the general or marshal in xiangqi is much too incompetent . They are required to stay in the palace , waiting to be checked and fleeing for life under the cover of the guards . Look at the king in chess , he is much more capable . Yeah , and though the king in chess doesn't have bodyguards , he has a queen who is the most powerful piece . I think this demonstrates the relatively higher social status of aristocratic women in medieval Europe than in China . There's another distinctive contrast . Both board games use a total of 32 pieces , but xiangqi is played on a 9 - by - 9 board , bigger than the 8 - by - 8 board used in chess . You mean , xiangqi pieces are allowed a larger space in which to move around ? Sure . On a chessboard , fire is much more intensive . It has a smaller board , while those bigger pieces-chariots , horses and bishops-can cover longer distances . Well , what about this two-bedroom apartment ? The listing says it's right in the heart of the city , just steps from the metro . Wow , that would be very convenient . How much is the rent ? It says it's $ 1600 . But if you share it with another person , that's only $ 800 per month . That definitely sounds like a steal . I think that is a very trendy neighborhood as well . That's true . I know that there are lots of popular restaurants and coffee shops around there . Professor wang can I ask a few questions ? Certainly . What is the tariff ? It's a tax levy by the goveroverment on goods imported into that country . Why does the government levy the tariff ? Tariff provides the government with extra tax revenue . Anything else . Tariff raises the price at which the goods are sold in the importing country and therefore makes them less competitive with locally produced goods . Oh , I know . Thank you . Professor wang . Do not mention it . I want to make a reservation under the name of William Smith . OK , Mr . Smith . When will you arrive ? Around 12:00 . Party of two ? No , we have five persons . All right , Mr . Smith . I will arrange a table for 5 at 12:00 for you . Thank you . How about we go to the flea market today ? Great . I have long been looking forward to there . Me , too . There are so many cheap but nice things . I can't help shopping there . Honey , please forgive me . There is lots of work to do . So , I forget your birthday . I see.That ’ s all right . Don ’ t put the blame on yourself . How have you been doing lately ? Actually , I haven ’ t been sleeping well . I am kind of out of it . Is there some reason why you can ’ t get enough sleep ? I go to bed , but I just can ’ t get comfortable enough to stay asleep . When do you turn in for the night ? I usually try to go to bed around 11 Do you have a lot on your mind when you try to go to sleep ? My mother is ill with cancer , and I think about her a lot . Do you ever meditate or read before bedtime ? I usually watch a lot of television before I go to bed . Maybe I should try something else to help me quiet down . Something's wrong with my computer . What's the problem ? My computer won't turn on . Did you see if all the connections are right ? I'm not sure I understand what you mean . The connections between your CPU and your outlet . Is that what's stopping my computer from turning on ? If your plugs aren't connected all the way , the computer won't turn on . I had no idea . Why don't you try it and see what happens ? I'll try it right now . Let me know if that doesn't work . Why are you arresting me ? There is a warrant out for your arrest . What kind of warrant ? You have a bench warrant . What is that ? Have you missed a court date ? I never went to court . I can't help you . This is unfair . A lot of things aren't fair . That's life . I have rights , don't I ? You have the right to an attorney . Have you begun cleaning up that room of yours ? I haven't started yet , but I will . What time are you going to clean it up ? I'm planning on cleaning it up a little later . I told you to clean it up earlier . I know . I am still going to clean it up . Make sure you vacuum and dust your room . I won't forget . I don't want you to leave until you clean up . My plans aren't until later , so I'll clean it before I go . I'd like to cancel my reservation on flight MS701 to Warsaw on the 23rd.My name is Michael . Hold on for a moment . ( a few minutes later ) I have cancelled your reservation.Shall I make another one for you ? No , thanks . I see . Please call us again for any further reservation.Thanks for calling us . I've got a headache and sore throat . How long have you had it ? It all started the day before yesterday . I think you've got the flu . There's a lot of it about . What should I do ? Take some medicine and stay in bed for a day or two . Drop me at the Manhattan Post Office . Well , that's an hour's ride.Why not just post your mail here . Oh , I'm visiting a friend there . I see . I really just have two problems with this . Yes , sir ? I ’ m concerned about your lack of marketing experience and , frankly , your age , you ’ re pretty new at all this . I can understand that . Let me see if I can clarify some things for you . Hi there , Philip . How ’ s everything going ? It ’ s going pretty well , but I ’ m really tired ! I don ’ t blame you . You ’ Ve had a busy first week . Take a rest ! It ’ s all right . I don ’ t mind being busy ! Ms . Montgomery ? Do you have a moment ? Sure , Brian . What ’ s on your mind ? I ’ m a bit upset about this year ’ s bonus . I was really expecting a little more . Are there any problems with my work ? No , not at all , Brian . This year , we ’ Ve all had to cut back . I ’ m hoping next year ’ s going to better . I hope you can understand . Show me your passport , please . Here you are . How long are you staying in Britain ? 3 weeks . I am here on tour . Have a pleasant stay in Britain . Excuse me , can you tell me how to apply for a visa to America ? Log on to the website of American Embassy in Beijing and fill in the application forms . And what should I do next ? Then make an appointment by telephone and wait for the interview . How long will I wait for ? It all depends . What's the fee for application ? About 800 yuan . Thank you very much . You are welcome . Are you here for the position advertised in China Daily ? Yes , I am . I'm very interested in that advertisement about hiring a computer program designer , and hope to know a little more about it . What kind of information would you like ? Well , first I would like to know if this position is still available . Yes , it's still open . Terrific ! Then how should I apply for ? Oh , we need your resume , health report , three photographs and several letters of recommendation . Would you please send them to us by next Wednesday ? Thank you very much . Bye-bye . Would you please recommend some Chinese wine ? Would you like to have a taste of Moutan ? That's great ! What comes along with Moutan ? Yes , you con order some typical Chinese dishes . For example , Roast Beijing Duck . It sounds good . Yes , it is the best of our hotel . Really ? Let me have a try . Thank you . Just a moment , please . No-no-no , sorry ! That's a handicapped parking space . Are you handicapped ? No , but this is an emergency ! Please ! Sorry , but you'll have to park in a normal space . OK , OK , fine ! Just open the gate ! Be patient , miss . It'll just be a second . Thank god ! A car's leaving . It's my turn ! I received an E-mail from mother today . What did she say ? She missed us and asked when we would go back home . What's your plan ? I don't know . Maybe next week . We haven't been to the Great Wall yet . Right , then you'd better send an E-mail to tell her . All right . Mr Jacobs ! Lovely to see you again ! What can I do for you today ? I'd like to make a deposit please , into my granddaughter's account . It's her birthday on Friday . What a thoughtful granddad ! Do you have her account details with you ? Yes , right here . Great . Please fill them out on this deposit slip . Here ? And here ? That's right . How much do you want to pay in ? 1,000 RIB . Not just a thoughtful granddad , but a generous one too . It's an important birthday . Good morning . Please come into my office . Good morning . Thank you . I see that you have some impressive writing experience . Yes . I have written for several top newspapers in the country . I ’ m also in the process of writing my first novel . Wonderful . I ’ d like to know why you ’ re interested in this position at our paper . Have you a bus tour round the city ? Yes , of course . Do you want to join the day tour or the night tour ? Day tour . How much does that cost ? $ 20 . Is lunch included ? Of course . You will have the local specialties . I haven ’ t seen you in a while . How have you been ? Things are going fairly well . How about you ? Well , I ’ m hanging in there , but I lost my job and need to find another one quickly . I am looking for a job myself . What were you thinking of doing next ? I am just trying to find something that will pay the bills until this bad economy passes by . Have you gotten any interviews yet ? No , I haven ’ t been out on one interview yet . Have you thought about the electrician program over there ? I think that I might be interested in that position . I think we should go over there and see if we can apply for that program . Are you ready to order now , sir ? Yes , I'll have a steak , please . How would you like the steak , rare , medium , or well-done ? Rare , please . Would you like something to drink ? Coffee , please . There have been too many unplanned shutdowns over the past few months . We'll have to make a few changes to the way we operate . We need to reduce our downtime . I agree , but the maintenance team is fully stretched dealing with problems . We don't have time to carry out any preventive maintenance . We need to establish routine maintenance procedures . It costs us too much in lost production if we wait until something breaks down before we fix it . Good afternoon . Good afternoon . Can I help you ? I've got this important letter to send to Hainan . Can I send it by registered mail ? Certainly . How much will I have to pay ? Two yuan , please . Here are the letter and the money . Wait a moment . It seems that your letter is overweight . Let me weight it . Is it overweight ? I'm afraid it is . So you will have to pay two yuan extra . The total charge is four yuan . All right . Here is the money . Here are the stamps and your receipt . What shall I do with the receipt ? You can keep it until the addressee tells you that the letter has been delivered . It is the proof that you sent the letter if it fails to arrive . Thank you . Not at all . Excuse me , sir . Yes ? Is this your car ? Yes , it is . I'm afraid you've parked on a double yellow line , sir . Good heavens , am I really ? I'm so sorry , I didn't notice . I'm sorry , sir , but I'll have to give you a ticket . I see . My I have your name , please , sir ? Hello , this is ABC Corporation . May I help you ? Yes , I ’ m enquiring about your advertisement for a sales manager in today ’ s newspaper . Is this position still open ? Yes , but do you have any experiences as a sales manager ? Yes , I have a lot of previous experiences in sales . I worked in sales departments for two companies since I finished my university . That sounds fine . Please give me your name and phone numbers . I ’ ll set up an appointment for an interview for you . It will most likely be in a couple of days . Is it all right for you ? Yes , my name is Brian and my phone number is 5294870 . Thank you . Hello , I ’ d like a return to Xi ’ an please . Certainly . When do you want to travel ? Tomorrow . Ok , no problem . What class of service would you like - soft sleeper or hard sleeper ? How much is the soft sleeper ? The soft sleeper costs 600RMB one way and the hard sleeper is 400RMB one way . Ok , I ’ ll take a return ticket on the soft sleeper please . Can I help you ? Yes , I'd like a hamburger , please . Do you want it with everything ? No . Don't put mustard in it . All right . You have a hamburger without mustard . Anything else ? Sprite with ice , please . OK . Here you are . Thank you . Hello , Pratt . How was your interview yesterday ? Hello , Finn . I did a wonderful job and I was employed . How about you ? I am sorry to tell you that I have lost the opportunity . Why ? You are so excellent . I think you are the most suitable person for the job . Yes , I know I am excellent , but I pay no attention to the etiquette you ’ Ve told me . What ? Then what did you do ? When I entered the room , I forgot to close the door . Later , I couldn ’ t help smoking , you know I am a heavy-smoker . What ’ s more , I forgot to polish my shoes . There is some dirt on it . You are so careless . You know they are the basic rules you should follow before you attend an interview . Do remember not to smoke any more , otherwise , you can ’ t find a job . Yes , I know . And next time I must make good preparations . Good luck next time . Thank you . Have you heard who got elected ? No , who won ? Our new President is John McCain . What ? You can ’ t be serious ! I was just as shocked when I found out . Why would anyone vote for McCain ? The people have spoken . That ’ s horrible . If you don ’ t like that , then you ’ re probably going to be mad at what I tell you next . More bad news ? I was just joking , and Obama is our new President . Are you serious this time ? That ’ s wonderful news . Good coming , Sir . Good morning . Where would you like to go ? To the airport please . Here we are . Thank you . How much is it ? Nine pounds twenty . Here's ten pounds . Keep the change . Thank you . Sir You're welcome , Goodbye ! This is the White Rose Restaurant.May I help you ? Yes , I'd like to make reservation for tonight , a table for five , please . What time , sir ? Around 8 . May I have your name please ? Frank London . Any chance of a table by the window ? We have received many bookings.But we'll try our best . I'll appreciate it if it could be arranged . I was inquiring about a bill that I never got . Which credit card was the bill for ? The bill was for my Master Card . That bill should have been mailed about two weeks ago . It never came in the mail . My computer shows that it has already been mailed . I have not gotten my bill , so what should I do about that ? You should try contacting your post office . If it is the post office's fault , may I have an extension on my bill ? You'll have to prove it was their error ; then you can get an extension . Thank you for all your help . You are very welcome . Have a good day . Carrie , I want to buy a pair of leather shoes to wear for the interview tomorrow . Why don't we go shopping ? Good idea . Let's go . Where should we go ? Let's go to Julian Store . Good morning , Felix Wasserman Associates . Beth Jennings speaking . This is James Hong calling from Lincoln Bank . Hello , Mr Hong . What can I do for you ? I'm calling to let you know that the funds for NX567822100007 have arrived . That's great ! That was quick , after it not being there yesterday I wasn't expecting to hear from you for a while . Well , it's here now . Shall we credit that straight to your account ? If you could , please . That would be wonderful , thanks . Hello , this is Catharine from Thomson Company . Can I speak to Mr . Wang ? Sorry , he is in the middle of something . Can I take a message ? Yes . Please tell him that he is expected to have an interview with the CEO of ABC company tomorrow morning at 10:00 . Could you please speak in a louder voice ? There may be something wrong with your receiver . OK , I will repeat what I said loudly . Do you have the same in different sizes ? The trousers are too long for me . Let me see . Yes , here you are . Will the trousers shrink when washed ? No , they won't . They are shrink proof . That's good . I will take it . Mark , you really did a good job . You flatter me . You must have spent much time on the project . Yes . I have a great team working with me . Your project made much profit for the company . And the board of directors decided to give you a bonus . Many thanks . Excuse me , sir , this is the express check-out lane for people that have fifteen items or fewer . It looks like you have more than fifteen items there . Oh , come on ! I have sixteen items ! Cut me some slack , will ya ? Fine ! Please place your items on the belt and push your shopping cart through . Do you prefer paper or plastic ? Plastic . I also have a couple of coupons . No problem , I ’ ll take those . Sir , these coupons expired yesterday . Darn ! Oh , well . I guess it ’ s just not my day . Thanks anyway . Do you have a club card or will it be cash ? Yeah I got a club card . Here you go . Will this be debit or credit ? Debit please . Also , could I get cash back ? Fifty dollars would be great . Yeah , sure . Your total is seventy-eight dollars and thirty-three cents . Here is your receipt . Have a nice day . Excuse me . Does this hotel have a fitness facility ? Yes , we try to accommodate all needs of our patrons , including fitness . Where is your fitness facility located ? The gym is just below the lobby . Take the elevator or the stairs . You can't miss it . Is there an additional surcharge for the gym ? No , the gym is free to guests . Take your room key , however , so you can get in . What time is the gym open , and what time does it close ? The gym is open seven days a week , twenty-four hours a day . Do you offer trainer services along with the gym ? Unfortunately , no . If you want a trainer , you'll have to use another gym . What is your long-term goal in this career ? My long-term goal is to become an expert in this field . What would you do to achieve that ? In order to achieve that objective . I would work step by step and make further study . Good morning . Craftsman Company . Can I help you ? Uh ... yeah . Hi ! Is Susie there ? You must have dialed the wrong number . Oh . I'm sorry . But is this 321-9987 ? Sorry . This is 321-9887 . I am really sorry . It's ok . Good morning , sir , where are you going ? I'm going to England by flight B . E . 987 . When is your flight ? 10:00 a . m . When am I supposed to check in ? We are checking in . May I have your ticket ? And your health certificate and your luggage , please . Here you are . Are you keeping this small bag as carry-on luggage , sir ? Yes . You must weigh that as well . All right . Your luggage is two pounds over , I am afraid there'll be an excess luggage charge , sir . How much must I pay ? It's 10 yuan . Here you are . This is your luggage check , which you must show when you disembark at your destination , and here is your boarding pass and your ticket . Thanks . Now please wait until your flight is called . There are about twenty-five minutes to go . I'm a little nervous . I have never flown before . There is nothing at all to worry about . Once you're in the air , it's just like sitting in your own living room . It's going to be a very pleasant flight . Excuse me . I am looking for a book called Little Women , but I can't find it anywhere . Let me see . I am sorry we just have sold it out . Will you have it later ? I think so.Could I have you name , telephone number ? If we get one , I will call you . That's terrific.Thank you . What is the proper way to handle a napkin at dinner ? Ordinarily , as soon as you are seated , you put your napkin on your lap . How about at a formal dinner ? At a formal dinner , you wait for your hostess to put hers on her lap first . My friend Emily recently lost 18 pounds . Oh , really ? The point is that she has been persuading me to lose weight too . Well , it's a good thing for you . Good ? Yes , it's good for her but not for me . You see , she tells me that I'll feel better about myself if I slim down . She keeps giving me newspaper clippings about the latest miracle diet and insists that I join a health club , as she has . So you don't think you are fat and need to lose weight ? I just can't bear it that Emily made me feel like a baby who always pigs out on junk food . junk food is not good for your health . Too much of it will make you fat . But junk food is so easy . It requires no silverware or plates , no rigid mealtimes , no pleases and thank yous . Ok , but junk food has many disadvantages . As junk food contains high amount of oil and fat , you'll feel sleepy , but not be able to concentrate when you have a lot of it . Yes , but life without chips , ice cream and coca cola is boring . Let me see . You could exercise more to keep fit . Well , that sounds better than giving it up . Good morning , I'd like to open a savings account . Can you tell me on how to go about it ? OK . You have to fill out this form and let me see three identification cards or documents . I have my passport with me , a driver ’ s license and a membership card . Will they do ? Let me see them . Yes , they ’ re OK . What ’ s the minimum amount I can deposit in an account ? You can deposit an initial amount of five dollars . Thank you . Do you have any experience working with a computer ? Yes . I have been a data entry operator for three years . What kind of software can you use ? I have working knowledge of Windows and Dos.Actually , I'm quite familiar with both Java and C Programming Languages . Do you have any other computer qualifications ? I have an ACRE certificate , GRADE 2 . Do you know how to use a PC to process the management information ? I'm sorry to say I'm not familiar with processing management information , but I'm sure I could learn quite quickly.It can't be too difficult , and I've got a quick mind . I can handle any problem you give me . Do you like coffee , Ann ? Yes , I do . Do you want a cup ? Yes , please . Christin . Do you want any sugar ? Yes , please . Do you want any milk ? No , thank you . I don't like milk in my coffee . I like black coffee . Do you like biscuits ? Yes , I do . Do you want one ? Yes , please . Look , Dad , many people are doing morning exercises here . Yes . I used to come out here with my grandpa as child . Really ? You were so happy then . Aren't you happy now ? I hadn't seen the piano when I was a child . Daddy , don't mention it . The park is so beautiful . It is a good thing I have taken the camera . Dad , I'd like to take a picture with the status . All right . Give me a big smile . Are you ready ? Cheese ! Daddy , we can't have a photo of the whole family . We can take one here . Excuse me , sir . Could you take a photo for us ? Just press this button . I really like the apartment , but I was wondering if I could change some things . What would you like to change ? I would like to have different carpet . I would be willing to put in a different color carpet if you pay the price difference . How much more would it cost ? It would cost between 2 and 10 dollars more per square yard . While I am at it , would it be possible to switch paint colors ? I would be willing to look at a different color . You need to bring me a sample . When can my apartment be painted and ready to go ? You can have the new carpet and paint by next Monday . Where do these flower vases come from ? They are made a town nearby . The flower vases are made of porcelain and covered with tiny bamboo sticks . Are they breakable ? No . They are not only ornamental , but also useful . No wonder it's so expensive . what's your favourite steps ? it's hard to say , but i do love foxtrot and waltz . how about rock and roll 。 to tell the truth . i don't like it , it's too noisy . and can you dance tango ? oh , it's really beautiful . but i just can't dance it well . don't be so modest . i am sure you can dance it very well . then i'll see you at six . is that all right ? ok . great . i am your lucky fellow then . Mr . Smith , I'm wondering whether you have found a way of considering my offer ? I certainly have the will but I wonder if I've found the way . You see . I made what I consider to be a reasonable offerbased upon the rise in production costs and the continued fall in the exchange rate of Australian Dollar to U . S . Dollar . Let me say something about the falling Australian Dollar . We're both hurt by the rising U . S . Dollar . We will have to pay more Renminbi for U . S . Dollar to buy wool from you . I understand . Do you ? Then you can see that we have one wish that is to conclude this transaction in a way that will satisfy both sides . What can you do to help ? I think the best way I can do is to reduce our price by 2 % and I should think we could conclude a deal at $ 98 . All right . I accept this reduced offer at $ 98 per metric ton FOB stowed . The other terms and conditions shall remain the same as those in the previous agreement . Now will you draft the agreement or shall I ? Your legal department is very good at these things . We can trust them with the drafting of the agreement . Ok . Then well bring it over to you tomorrow morning . You'll sign it first , so it will only need my signature . Is that agreeable to you ? Very agreeable , Mr . Smith . It will only take me a minute to sign it and send it back to you . Good . Let's shake hands on this successful transaction . Hi , I come to pick up my laundry . This is the invoice . Here you are . We've ironed them for you already . Please check and see if there is any damage . I'm afraid that a button is missing . I'm terribly sorry . You know we are so busy today and we forget to sew the button back on . Please wait a moment . It will be ready soon . OK , please . Would you like to have a look ? Is it to your satisfaction ? Well , oh my God , there is another problem , I'm afraid . There is still a stain on the shirt . It doesn't seem like that . Sorry , sir , we've tried everything , but we're not able to get it off the shirt . It was from the sugar I think . It's been several days now , I am not sure . Yes , the sugar was burnt during the dry-cleaning process . And there you go . Oh , that's so bad . I know little about that . Is there a remedy for it ? I am awfully sorry . Please tell us about the stains before the dry-cleaning next time . OK , I will . This is a membership card . You can get a 20 percent discount next time . Thanks a lot . Hope to see you again . We will provide the best service . Hi . Can you give me a wake-up call tomorrow ? Certainly . What time would you like us to call you ? I need two wake-up calls , if you don't mind , one at 7 and the other at 7 fifteen . Not a problem . We'll call you tomorrow morning at 7 , and again at 7 fifteen . On second thought , you'd better make that second call at 7 thirty instead of 7 fifteen . Said , and done . Will there be anything else ? No , that gets it for now , thank you . Well , give us a call if there's anything more we can help you with . Hello , Steven . Can you do me a favor ? Sure . What is it ? My car has broken down . You should telephone the garage for help . I have done it . But now I have an urgent appointment to keep . Could you drive me to the subway station ? With pleasure . Get in . Thanks a lot ! I'd like to order room service to room 202 , please , How can I help you ? I'd like two sandwiches and one green fruit salad , please . Will that be all , sir ? No . Could you also get some extra towels and soup too ? We went to the pool today and used up our two clean towels . I will have someone bring that up right away . How would like to pay for the dinner ? Just put in on with the rest of my hotel bill . All right , sir . You would receive dinner in about 15 minutes . Paul , is this Paul , isn't it ? Well , well , Mike.Fancy meeting you here . Small world , isn't it ? Yes , I haven't seen you for four years.How time flies ! Please take a seat . Thanks . Now what can I do for you ? Well , I'm looking for a job . Fine , but first I need some information about you . What kind of information do you want ? Well , first of all , your name . What's your surname ? Wilson . And your other names ? Steven Michael . Have you got your e-mail address ? Yes , It's . How old are you ? Twenty-one . Where were you Bron ? In California . Are you married or single ? I'm single . And what was your last job ? I was an office boy . Room service , can I help you ? Yes . This is Barbara in room 209 . I ’ d like to order breakfast , please . What would you like to order ? Two slices of whole wheat bread and one cup of coffee . Okay . I ’ ll have them brought to your room right away . Thank you . I made an appointment for a perm at 3 o'clock . Oh , yes , Mrs.Saxton . Please take a seat here . Thank you . Would you like a shampoo first ? Yes , with the LUX dandruff shampoo . It helps a lot to get rid of my dandruff . Yeah . A lot of my customers love it . ( after shampooing ) Do you want a permanent wave or a cold wave ? I'd like a permanent wave . By the way , do you have any picture of the latest hairstyle ? I ' Ve been in this style for so long that I want a change this time . Sure . We just got some . They're upto-date . I prefer this kind of style . Can you make it for me ? No problem . You won't believe what just happened . What ? I went down to change some money , right ? Yes . We need some . How much did you change ? I wanted to change around 5000 dollars . And you know the exchange rate . Yes , it's about 35 pesos for every Taiwan dollar , right ? Not today . What do you mean ? I went into the bank with my money , and I looked at the exchange board.At first I couldn't believe it . I thought I was reading the board wrong or something . Why ? Because the board said 60 pesos for every Taiwan dollar . Sixty ? That's too much . How can that be ? I thought it was wrong too . It didn't make sense . Just two days ago it was 35 . How can it be 60 ? So , I went up to the teller and started to exchange the money . And it's true.They really gave me sixty pesos for the dollar . That's amazing ! Really ? How could it change so much in two days ? My stomach's growling again ! You'll never lose weight if you listen to your stomach . Just a little steak , uh ... snack ? A bowl of clam chowder ? You want to be beautiful , don't you ? Think about the butter and flour in ... You're right . But if I get too thin , my mom will make me go to the hospital again . Most models only eat once a day . If they can do it , so can we . You know . Soup , well , society makes us like this . I think you're hallucinating ! What are you talking about ? Well , thin is always " in " with the media . And your point is ? if you aren't thin , you're nobody . I agree with you , but I think people are pretty bad , too . You lost me . People are always gossiping about one another . Yeah , but that's human nature . We can be so critical of one another . Let's change the stomach , I mean , the subject.How about some food ? Good morning . I ’ m Mickey Huang , I have an appointment with Mr wilson . Is this about the Sales Assistant position ? That's right . My appointment is for 11 o'clock . Mr wilson is on the line right now . Please have a seat . He'll be right with you . Thank you . Can I get you something , coffee , tea ? No , I'm fine . Thank you . have you finished going through the contract ? yes , but I have a few questions for you . Ok . Ask away . first , I ’ d like to know if you offer employees sick leave . yes , employees can take up to 10 days of sick leave per year . However , in order to get paid , you ’ ll have to bring in a note from the doctor ’ s . even if I ’ m only sick for one day ? that ’ s correct . that ’ s pretty strict , if you ask me . well , we ’ Ve had to add that to the contract because we found that many of our employees were taking almost one sick day a month , even though they weren ’ t sick . I see . I guess that makes sense . do you have any other questions ? yes . Maternity leave is mentioned in the contract , but there ’ s nothing in the contract alout paternity leave . Do you offer anything to fathers ? we do actually . We can add that as an amendment to your contract . how many days of paternity leave do you offer ? men are allowed to take 10 days of paternity leave for their first child . why are women allowed so much more time for maternity leave ? well , women are the ones giving birth . I think it ’ s fair to give them more time , don ’ t you ? I guess so . I don ’ t have any other questions . Should I sign here then ? yes , please . Would you like to order now ? This all looks good ! I think we know what we want . Please let me point out the chef's special , which is blackened catfish . I am dieting , so could the chef prepare the food with no extra sauce ? We are always happy to adjust our cooking to meet your needs . Could you tell me if there are any entrees that are vegetarian ? The cashew broccoli noodles or the cheese and veggie enchiladas would be an excellent choice . I am going to go with the grilled shrimp with garlic sauce . I would like the garlic sauce on the side . Would you like your salad brought to you with your entree , or would you like it served now ? You can serve our salads with our dinner . Hello . May I help you ? Yeah , this dress is really nice ! How much is it ? That one is one hundred and fifty dollars . One hundred and fifty dollars ? What about this other one over here ? That ’ s one hundred and forty . Hmm ... that ’ s a bit out of my price range . Can you give me a better deal ? This is an exclusive design by marco ! It ’ s a bargain at that price . Well , I don ’ t know . I think I ’ ll shop around . Okay , okay , how about one hundred dollars ? That ’ s still more than I wanted to spend . What if I take both dresses ? Okay , I can give you a special discount , just because you seem like a nice person . One hundred and ninety dollars for both . I don ’ t know ... It ’ s still a bit pricey ... Thanks anyway . my final price ! One hundred dollars for both ! That ’ s two for the price of one . That ’ s my last offer ! Great ! You ’ Ve got a deal ! So , where is this bus supposed to take us ? It should take us back up to Altadena . Well , don't you know for sure ? I'm not really sure if it does or not . Are you sure we got on the right bus ? I've never taken this bus , but I think it's the right one . This place doesn't look like Altadena . That's true , and we have been on this bus for a while . Read one of the street signs or something . Yikes ! Temple City . That's the last time I'm trusting you with the transportation . My bad , but at least we know the right bus to take us back . Welcome , sir . May I help you ? Yes , I wanna go to America for my vacation . No problem . Actually , we have some great packages . The most exciting season of Hawaii is now . How about a relaxing vacation in Hawaii ? Sounds good . Are there any group tours I can go with ? Yes . There will be one at the end of this month . For many people , a Hawaiian vacation promises languid days filled with sunbathing and poolside cocktails . For others , it ’ s all about non-stop action in one of the world's most extreme natural playgrounds . Whether you are in search of quiet relaxation or unbridled stimulation , Hawaii gives you the best of both . Great . So how long is the trip ? 15 days . The transportation by air will take five days . Fine . I happen to have 20 days for holiday , so exciting ! How many places will be visited and what are they ? Where will be staying and how about the food there ? Sir , let's do it step by step . First , we will visit over 25 different places . Most of the places are in Hawaii ’ s Big Island . We will stay in Arlott ’ s Lodge Well , cool . What's the price for this trip ? Well , right now there's a special rate for 40,000 RIB for this package , including everything such as airline ticket , tour guides , hotels and food . All you have to do is to sign up and we will take care of everything . Well . 40,000 RIB that's really a lot of money . I will have to think about it . Sure . By the way , this special price is only good through the end of the week . Is it Thursday ? I mean if I let the chance slide ... Yes , sir . It will be a great pity ! Well . Ok , I will take it . Thank you ! Why do you want to take the police to court ? They arrested me without probable cause . They did ? They had no reason for arresting me . I thought they let you go . Yes , the next morning . They made you spend the night at the station ? Yes , they did . What was their reason for arresting you ? I matched the description of a bank robber they were looking for . I see . I want justice . Your teacher has left you not very much homework this weekend . Yes . My advice would be to finish it at once . Hi , excuse me , Sir ? I ’ m looking for a dress shoe . My usual pair that I ’ Ve had for years have finally been stretched out of shape . They don ’ t provide any support anymore . Sure , what kind of shoe are you looking for ? We ’ Ve got strappy sandals , sleek high heels , edgy pumps , or if you ’ re looking for something a little more practical , we ’ Ve got Mary Janes , ballerinas . Show me some classic high heels , please . Ok , right this way . What color did you have in mind ? Black . Classic . Of course . We ’ Ve got this style here that is very popular . Because it ’ s an open-toe shoe , you can wear it any time of the year . They look great on everyone . Umm . too shiny . And I wear pantyhose with my shoes so let ’ s look for a closed-toe shoe . OK , these are a very nice pair of leather shoes with a two-inch heel so they are very comfortable . I don ’ t like the pointed toes . Let me take a look at what else you have . Too high . That one looks like the back would cut into my heel . I have a high instep so I doubt that one will fit properly . I don ’ t want bows . I find slingbacks very uncomfortable . Those might as well be stilettos . Too modern . Ah , finally , this is what I ’ m looking for . What size ? Seven-and-a-half . Here we are . How does it fit ? Hmmm.Not good . They ’ re too tight.The length is right , but the shoe is too narrow and it ’ s pinching my toes . And there ’ d be no room for my insoles . You know what ? I don ’ t think I have the patience for this today . They just don ’ t make shoes like they used to . I ’ ll come back another time . Have a nice day , Ma ’ am . What can I do for you ? I'd like to have my hair cut . OK . This way , please . You look so busy . We've particularly busy on Sunday . Please sit here . How do you wish it cut ? Short on both sides . Not so much in the middle . It's a long time since you had a haircut last time , isn't it ? Yes . You are right . How long ago ? About two months . Shall we share a taxi ? Where are you heading now ? I want to go back to my college on the Huanghe road . It is very close to your house . Is that the university next to the Teachers ' College ? That's the one . You mean we'll share the taxi ? Yeah . If we share the cab , it'll be cheaper . Besides that your Chinese is better than mine . The drivers usually have difficulty understanding me even though I practice my pronunciation carefully . Well . Don't worry about it , I will be happy to share the taxi with you . Hello . May I help you ? Yes , please . I've been here for nearly two months , but I still haven ’ t found a job . Do you think you can find one for me ? Don ’ t worry , we ’ ll try to help you . Will you please fill out this form ? What ’ s this form for ? This is for registration . After you have given us your personal details , we'll match these against new jobs as they come in . And we ’ ll contact you when there is a job that suits you . That's great . But how long do I have to wait ? Maybe several weeks , maybe several months . It's hard to tell . Oh , dear . How can I wait for such a long time ? Actually , many jobs are filled by people who select vacancies from the display boards there . Then , what do you think I should do ? My advice is to keep looking for jobs yourself . Check the job boards at the job center regularly and check the newspapers daily . If you have friends or relatives here , ask them for help , too . I see . Thank you very much for your advice . Bye . Keep in touch . How are you doing today ? I'm doing great . What about you ? I'm absolutely lovely , thank you . Everything's been good with you ? I haven't been better . How about yourself ? I started school recently . Where are you going to school ? I'm going to PCC . How do you like it so far ? I like it so far . My classes are pretty good right now . I wish you luck . Thanks a lot . All right then , Ms . Montgomery . I ’ ll get those plans over to your office by Thursday afternoon . Great . That will give me time to talk with my staff before I make final decision . That ’ s what I was thinking . I ’ ll have them there by Thursday . Good news . Thanks for getting things done so quickly . Great . My favorite-soup , soup , soup ... Oh , and there's one more thing you have to do every hour on the hour , sweets . Blow my nose ? Well , you do that when your nose needs blowing . I was talking about a way to make your throat heal faster . No , please , Mom ! Don't make me gargle with saltwater ! It works better than any medicine , Lily . I'll make you a glass right now , and you'll finish it ! What a nice garden ! Look at these tulips ! That would be a good shot . Can you take my picture here , dear ? Please try to get the garden in the frame as well . All right . Would you please stand closer to the flower bed ? Good . Smile . Say " cheese " . OK , got you . That's terrific . Thanks . Could you take one more from this angle ? No problem . Now let's have one together . Do you know how to set up the timer ? Let me see ... set the timer first and push the button , oh , come here . OK , let's have a try . Cheese ... Did it come out ? Yes , but it's blurred and a little dark . Never mind . Let's go to the falls and try again . Ok , let's go . Now we have settled the terms of payment . Is it possible to effect shipment during September ? I don't think we can . Then when is the earliest we can expect shipment ? By the middle of October , I think . That's too late . You see , November is the season for this commodity in our market , and our Customs formalities are rather complicated . I understand . Besides , the flow through the marketing channels and the red tape involved take at least a couple of weeks . Thus , after shipment it will be four to five weeks altogether before the goods can reach our retailers . The goods must therefore be shipped before October ; otherwise we won't be in time for the selling season . But our factories are fully committed for the third quarter . In fact , many of our clients are placing orders for delivery in the fourth quarter . Mr . Brown , you certainly realize that the time of delivery is a matter of great importance to us . If we place our goods on the market at a time when all other importers have already sold their goods at profitable prices , we shall lose out . I see your point . However , we have done more business this year than any of the previous years . I am very sorry to say that we cannot advance the time of delivery . That's too bad , but I sincerely hope you will give our request your special consideration . You may take it from me that the last thing we want to do is to disappoint an old customer like you . But the fact remains that our manufacturers have a heavy backlog on their hands . But can't you find some way to get round your producers for an earlier delivery ? Make a special effort , please . A timely delivery means a lot to us . All right . We'll get in touch with our producers and see what they have to say . Good morning , sir . How may I help you ? I'd like to open an account . Certainly , sir . Would you like to open a time deposit savings account or a checking account ? Actually , I'd like to open one of each , if that's possible . No problem , sir . What sort of time deposit account would you like to open ? What are my choices ? The minimum time period is three months . The longer the period , the higher the interest rate . If you withdraw your money before time is up , there are penalties . Is there anything I can do for you ? Yes . I am looking for a pair of gloves . What about this one ? It's the latest . Excuse me , but I want a pair of mittens . I am sorry , it's out of stock right now . Fancy seeing you here 。 Lily . Yeah.What a surprise ! How's everything going ? Fine.thanks . Johnny , I want to thank you . What do you mean , Mom ? For breaking your best china ? Oh , Johnny , that stuff was dollar store junk . No , I want to thank you for keeping Grandma busy . Well , it's more like she kept me busy ... I know , and normally she's trying to tell me how to clean my house . So , thank you . Am I back in your good books ? Not only that , but I'm going to buy you that video game after all ! Where do you usually do your shopping , Mrs . Lane ? I usually go to the supermarket , near the station . How do you find the prices there ? I think they are quite reasonable , and the vegetables are very fresh . I see you have bought some coffee.Would you mind telling me how much you paid for it ? Only 2 dollars and 25 cents . Hey honey , how was your day ? It was alright . I ran into Bill and we got to talking for a while.He ’ s in a bit of a jam . Why ? What happened ? Well , his son had an accident and Bill doesn ’ t have health insurance . This really got me thinking , and I wondered if we shouldn ’ t look into a couple of different HMO ’ s . Yeah , you ’ re right . We aren ’ t getting any younger and our kids are getting older . Exactly ! I searched on the web and found a couple of HMO ’ s with low co-pays and good coverage . The deductibles are low , too . Sounds good , although , do you think we can qualify for insurance ? Those insurance companies are real pirates when it comes to money . Well , we don ’ t have any pre-existing illnesses or conditions , so we should be fine . I wish our company or country provided us with healthcare . Not in a million years ! Is everything all right ? Not at all . What's the problem ? Someone just robbed me . What do you mean ? This guy just robbed me right on the street . He didn't hurt you , did he ? I'm okay . He just stole my things . I'm so sorry . I have to file a report at the police station . Let me take you . I would like that . Repair service , how may I help you ? My phone has got lot of static . How old is your phone ? About five years old . The wire in your phone might have gotten rusty . Could you bring your phone into our office ? We'll clean it for you . Sure , where is your office ? We're located at 132 West Street . When are you available ? From 9A . M . to 5 P . M . Alright , I'll bring it in this afternoon . No problem . See you this afternoon . Good morning . Do I need an appointment ? No , ma'am , there's only one person ahead of you . You won't have to wait long . Thank you . All right , madam , it's your turn . What will it be today ? I've been wearing my hair long for years , but now I'd like to try some kind of modern style . What do you suggest for a woman like me , that is , with hair like mine ? Come here , please . We'd like to wash your hair first . That way it will be easier to cut and style . I think you'll like this style . It's very fashionable . I hope so . I'm really tired of this old-fashioned style that I've been wearing . Would you like me to blow-dry your hair ? Yes , if you think it will help . What do you think of it ? It's great ! Will it be hard to care for ? Not at all . When you wash it , it will fall into place naturally . You'll probably need another cut in about a month . Shall I make an appointment for you ? By all means . Anything I can do for you ? Yes , I just forgot where the bed linens department is . It's on the third floor . Thank you . You're welcome . Wow , what a cool car ! The styling of this car really appeals to me . Yes , this is a very popular car . I want to buy it . How much does this car cost ? The car is beautiful , isn't it ? Come on inside and we'll discuss the price . You can tell me here . I just want to know the price . 50000 yuan ' What a deal ! That will , of course , include tax , licence , and registration fee . I appreciate your help , but I think I'll look around a bit . Then what price would be fair to you ? I think that 30000 yuan would be fair for this car . I can see that you are a smart buyer . Forty thousand is my best price . Can't you make it cheaper ? I still can't afford the car . 38000yuan is my final offer . Hum ... OK . I will take it . O . K . So , where do you think we can save more money ? Well , we could eat in more . That $ 300 for entertainment is mostly going to restaurants . Yeah , that ’ s a good idea , and you like to cook . What about the books ? No , I need my books . Come on , if we save more money we can retire earlier , and you ’ ll actually have time to read all those books you buy . Well , what about the $ 50 you spent on a shirt ? You could ’ Ve gotten something for less . O . K . Let ’ s compromise , if you agree to only spend $ 75 on books , I ’ ll agree to only spend $ 40 for my next shirt . All right . That sounds fair . I was meaning to ask you if you saw the basketball game on Friday . I wanted to go , but I couldn't . It was a great game . It's too bad that I couldn't make it . Who won ? Our team played hard and won . I really wish I went to the game . It was the best game ever . So tell me the final score . The other team lost by three points , 101-98 . It must've been a close game . It really was . You should've gone . Hopefully , I'll make it to the next one . morning , Mr . Emory . I was hoping to set up an appointment with you for sometime this week . Hmm . I ’ m pretty booked up this week . Let ’ s move it up to next week . Fine , Mr . Emory . Would next Monday at 4:00 o ’ clock be all right for you ? Let me take a look . All right , that ’ s no problem . See you then . The time has come to say goodbye . So soon . It seems as if you just got here . I feel that way , too . But all good things must come to an end , as they say . It certainly has been a pleasure seeing you again and renewing old memories . I've had a delightful time and I really appreciate your spending so much time showing me the sights . It was fun for me , too.It gave me a chance to get away from my routine and do something a little different . You'll be out to see me next year , as you promised ? Oh , yes . I should be there sometime next spring . I'll be expecting you then . What's today's special ? I think our smoked fish will be to your taste . OK , I'd like to try it today . Benter's Books . Yes , I need to order a large number of Webster's dictionaries . We have several hundred in stock . Is there a discount for buying in large quantity ? Where is that ? Take me to the airport , please . ( while driving ) Are you in a hurry ? I have to be there before 17 00 . We'll make it except a jam.You know it's rush hour . There's an extra ten in it for you if you can get me there on time . I'll do my best . ( After arriving on time ) Here's twenty dollars . Do you have small bills ? No . If you can't break it , keep the change . But can you give me a receipt ? Here is your receipt.Thank you . Kids are always difficult to control . True . When I tell my kids to behaves themselves , they will make a face and slip away . Kids are kids . Would you care for a cup of tea before your meal ? OK , thank you . How about some Oolong tea ? It's very popular with our guests . That'd be nice . Here is the document you asked for this morning . Oh , you are so efficient . I thought you might give it to me tomorrow . Thanks . You ’ re welcome . You know , these days I have been reflecting on my biggest weakness procrastination . The more I think about it , the more I hate myself for being so disorganized . I decided to change the situation as soon as possible . Otherwise I will be more regretful later . This is encouraging news , good for you ! What is your solution , then ? The most useful method is to make plans and set priorities . It helps me to manage time well and get the most important things done at the first place . Sounds not bad ! Better performance isn ’ t just about doing a lot more . It is about focusing on the right things to do . I take care of the letters . I may read , sort out and organize incoming mails . So you have to open all the envelopes . Yes , except the personal mail . And I also need to prepare the materials for posting and check the e-mail box regularly . Do you need to file copies of the letters before sending them ? Yes , and I check all the e-mails for Mr . Thomas . I'd like to send this parcel to Spain , please . Do you want to send it by airmail or by surface mail ? Well , how long will it take if I send it by surface mail ? About five weeks . Oh , dear . It won't get there for New Year's Day if I send it by surface mail . How much will it cost if I send it by air ? Just a moment . I'll weigh it . Excuse me , what's the screen near your steering wheel for ? It's a portable TV . It's a popular thing now . Oh , that's new to me . So what's on everyday ? News about current affairs , documentaries , music , movies , noncommercial ads and so on . Is there anything interesting ? Yes , there are something good and informative . I think that many people underestimate the value of TV in education . I agree . Are there any commercials on the TV ? Of course . Because the TV stations need to make money from commercials between the programs . That makes a lot of sense . Does the TV work well ? Not always . It depends on the transmission of the satellite signals . I got it . Do you pay for the programs ? Yes , 50 Yuan per month . It is a little bit expensive , but it's worth it . Yeah . You know driving is boring . TV can get me out of the fatigue of driving . It can also entertain your passengers like me . That's the point . Hello , ABC company . Hello , this is Mr . Morris Pitt . I'd like to speak to Mr . Bell , please . Just a moment . I am sorry . At the moment , he is out of the office . Would you like to leave your number ? When he comes back , I will tell him to call you back . Please have him call me at my office . He knows the number . Of course . Hey Ted , I saw this ad in the paper . You should take a look . What is it ? It ’ s for a job . It looks perfect for you . Let ’ s see ... “ Wanted Come on , what have you got to lose ? What about my resume ? Here , I ’ ll help you type one up . Thanks , Mary . You ’ re a real pal . I ’ ll call now to set up an interview . Have you made up your mind ? Not yet , can you recommend me some chickens ? We have roast chicken , grilled chicken , chicken curry and chicken chops . Please bring me the chicken chops . Good afternoon . Welcome to China . May I see your passport , customs and health declaration form ? Yes , here you are . Thank you . What's your occupation , Mr . Smith ? I'm the general manager of the Far-East Industry Corporation . You are here on business , aren't you ? Yes , I have been invited by the East Import & Export Corporation of China for business talks . I see . Do you have anything to declare ? Yes , I have some foreign currency to declare . Would you please fill out this currency declaration form ? It's a record of the foreign currency you have brough in . All right . Have you got a minute ? Sure . What's up ? What can I do for you ? I would like to open another account . What kind do you want to open ? I want to open a savings account . Do you have an account opened with this bank already ? Yes , I do . You can always transfer money from that account into your new one . That would be great . How much money do you want to transfer ? I want to transfer $ 100 . I ’ ll do that right now . All right . Thanks . Excuse me , I'm lost . Can you show me where I am in this map ? Er , let me see . Oh , look , you're right here . Pretty close to the Olympic Park . That's great ! It's not my day . I just have very bad sense of direction . Is this your first time here ? Where are you going ? I am supposed to go to Liu Ichang . Oh , there are many Chinese antique stores . They get paintings , too . Do you get interested in them ? Yes . Yes . Can you tell me how to get there ? Wow , it is quite far away from here . I'm afraid you're gonna have to take Bus No . 713 . Most of our customers are foreigners . How many foreign languages can you speak , Elizabeth ? Two . French and Spanish . And how well can you speak them ? Well , French was my best subject at school . I can read and write it pretty well . And how about your Spanish ? Well , it's not as good as my French . I can speak it reasonably well , but my written Spanish isn't very good . I see . Well , we have a lot of Spanish customers , but you wouldn't need to write any Spanish here . In that case , I'm fit for the position I think . We are on our way . I think our first stop is Buckingham Palace . That's right . I can already see the Palace Garden on the left . And here is Buckingham Palace ! Look , isn't it beautiful ? It is much bigger than I imagined . The bus is turning right to Buckingham Gate . And now we are joining Victoria Street . Yes we are going towards Westminster Abbey . I can see it now ! Look to your right . I can see it . The bus is stopping . I think we will be able to go inside . This is amazing . I'm glad we decided to take this bus tour . So where next ? I guess we should see Big Ben soon . Yes . It is just round the corner . Oh , can you see the London Eye ? Look straight and to your right . Look at this bridge . We will soon be crossing the Thames . This is Lambeth Bridge . We will then loop back and cross the river again on Westminster Bridge . Wonderful . Excuse me , but I ’ m a bit lost here . Where does this street lead to ? The Queen Street , I guess . So is it the right way to the City Hall ? I ’ m afraid you ’ re going in the opposite direction . Is there a train leaving for Philadelphia ? Yeah.There ' s an express that leaves in twenty minutes . May I buy a ticket here at the station ? Sure . Where ? Go to window number eleven . Thanks . May I help you ? Yes , I'd like to see that pen . Oh , that's a really good buy ... Here . There's only one left . Can I get it duty-free ? Sure , if you show me your passport . It's not the latest model , is it ? No , it isn't . That's why it's such a bargain . Mom , Dad ! Can you come to my room ? I think there is something under my bed ! Son , you just go back to bed , and stop crying wolf . Have you been registered yet , sir ? No , I haven't been registered . Are you a medical or surgical case ? I'm a medical case . Do you have your medical history sheet with you ? Yes , here you are . Please fill in this admission card . Well , how long do you expect to stay in the hospital ? The doctor told me to stay about one month . But there're no beds available now . Two patients will be discharged this afternoon , so you'll have to wait until then . Well , when they leave the hospital , give me a call and I'll come back . Certainly . See you in the afternoon . I'd like to open an account please . Would you like a savings or a chequing account ? Savings , please . Right.Could you fill out this form please ? That's great ! We made 20 minutes earlier . Good thing , we took a taxi . Mom , you are the best ! Hey , look there . It is an advertisement of the piano training class on the billboard . The place is not far from our home . Mom , come on . What are you thinking about ? Your sister is in high school now ; no one plays the piano at home . Don't tell me you want me to do that ? Why ? Why not ! The piano is right there . But I don't like playing the piano . And the homework keeps me busy enough . Anyway , I will have a look at the piano class after work by myself . How depressed ! I think my car can run much faster than yours . But mine equals yours in economy . That's true . ... So what I think we need to do is ( XXXXXXXXXX ) finish on time . Sorry , Tom , can you say that last bit again please ? We didn ’ t get that . Oh , OK , I said ( XXXXXXXXXX ) on time . Sorry Tom , We're having problems hearing you here . It ’ s a bit hissy . Can you hear us ? ( XXXXXXXXXX ) Hello ? ( XXXXXXXXXX ) but I don ’ t think you can hear us . ( XXXXXXXXXX ) Hello ? ( XXXXXXXXXX ) Tom , if you can hear me , I think we ’ Ve lost you . There ’ s a problem with the line . Let ’ s try again . We ’ ll call you . ( XXXXXXXXXX ) OK ( XXXXXXXXXX ) . Mary , this company is pretty good . I really want to have an interview . Have you made an appointment with this company ? Not yet . Do I have to ? Yes , it's very important to make an appointment before the interview . Why ? If you go to the company without appointment , the interviewers may happen to be busy with other things , and have no time to give you an interview . Yes , you are right . If the interviewers are not in the company , you will go there for nothing . Sure . Why didn't I think of that ? So you should make an appointment in advance with the company for the interview . Then how can I make the appointment ? You could directly call the company and arrange the time and place for the interview . Ok , I see . If you succeed in doing that , you must attend the interview on time . Hi , I'm checking in . The last name is Rama . Yes , here is your reservation . You have a standard room reserved for two nights . Is that right ? Actually , no . It should be a suite . I had booked a non-smoking king . Oh , my mistake . The reservation is for a suite and it is a non-smoking room with a king bed . I'm sorry for the error . That's okay . I'm here a little early . Is it possible to check in right now ? Sure , that's no problem . May I have your credit card ? We need a credit card on file for your room charges and incidentals . Here it is . Okay , now if you could please verify the room rate here , initial next to the X , and sign right here . How many keys will you need ? Oh , just one . Okay , you're all set . You're in room 1201 . Take the elevators to the 12th floor and it will be on your left . Do you need any help with your bags ? No , I'm fine . Thanks . Enjoy your stay . Why do you want to work in our company ? Well , there are 2 reasons . First of all , I'm itching to work in a foreign enterprise . Secondly , your branch is a new establishment in Beijing . I think I'll be assigned more workload and responsibilities here . Can you tell me something about the balance sheet now ? Yes , of course . The balance sheet contains 3 major sections , that is , assets , liabilities and owner's equity . Will you be voting ? Yes . Will you ? I already have . How did you do that ? I mailed in an absentee ballot . Why is that ? I can ’ t vote on Tuesday . What ’ s the reason for that ? I have to go to work . You can just go to work after you vote . I need to take care of some business that morning . I get it now . How ’ s everything with you today ? I ’ m fine . Thank you . What can I do for you ? I need to transfer money . Do you know which account you want to take the money from ? From my savings account . Where are you transferring the money to ? I would like it transferred to my checking account . How much ? I want to transfer $ 200 . Will that be all ? Yes . That will be all . Hello , Mr . Hao . I am calling to tell you that you are not selected as our employee . Sorry . Although I am a little shocked , I can deal with it pretty well . I didn't perform as well as I should have in the interview . Maybe . But you should not withdraw forever just because you failed once . OK , thank you , I'll try if there were other chances . Good afternoon . Thank you for the opportunity to interview for this position . Hello , have a seat . I ’ m Bill Gotcha . I am assuming you found your way here with no trouble ? Actually , I am very familiar with the area so there was absolutely no problem . I am curious as to why you want to leave your current employer . I am interested in switching fields . Do you feel that you are exceptionally good at anything in particular . I am good at pulling together teams of people to accomplish a task . What are you not good at ? I am impatient with myself at times and am hard on myself . We appreciate hearing that about you ! Is there anything I can do for you ? Yes , we would like to take a tour to L . A . Well , that's really a big city . How long do your vacations last ? 2 weeks . Can I have a brochure of the sightseeing tours ? Here you are . Take your time . Good evening . Good evening . We've a reservation for a table for four . My name is Tim . Let me check the list . Yes , we do have a reservation under Mr . Tim . But there is a change in the number of people . There are seven of us . Three of my friends are coming soon . It doesn't matter . Follow me , please . What do you think of the table in the center of the dining room ? Well , it's a window table that we've booked . I'm sorry , but you see , all the tables by the window are small , with up to 4 seats . Oh , I see . We'll have to make up with the center one . Thank you for your understanding , Mr . Tim . If a Mr . Wu comes to look for me , just take him here . Yes , I will . Excuse me , Miss . The total works wrong . What are these extra charges ? There's a 20 percent service charge in this hotel . Well . What's this 138 dollars charge then ? That's for the hotel restaurant . You had five meals here . Oh , right . I forgot about that . Sorry , I'll pay cash . Welcome to Adventure Tours . How may I help you ? I want to book a tour with adventure sports . Excellent ! Our company has more than ten years of experience in the adventure tourism and sports field . Let me show you some options . This is our most popular choice , our river guides will take you I don ’ t really think I ’ m ready to throw myself down a river full of jagged rocks in a rubber boat or go up in the air in a wicker basket held up by an oversize balloon . What else do you have ? Well , in that case , we can take you hang gliding with one of our experienced instructors . It ’ s the closest you can get to flying . What ? You mean strap myself to a flimsy kite ? No , thank you ! Next ! Mmm . OK . Well , why don ’ t you tell me a little bit more about what you would like ? We have everything from mountain biking , to rock climbing to street luge . I ’ m thinking something exciting but safer . I have the perfect option , this package will take you on a hiking trip through the Himalayas for three days and afterwards there ’ s a dog sledding journey ! That ’ s more like it ! Honey , could you help me here a minute ? Sure , sweetie.What are you doing ? I want to put this curtain up . OK.Why don't you just hold the ladder , and I'll put it up . Thanks , dear . Let's go ! Where to ? Did you like the Chanel bag that I got ? You must have a rich boyfriend because that bag is so expensive ! I bought it on eBay . It was only one-tenth of the original price . And the purchase was so easy . No kidding ! Then how do you know the bag's real ? Well , it came with a certificate , and it looks real . But auctioning on eBay is risky . A risk I would never take ... Then you haven't browsed eBay before ... get online . Don't hang up ! Yeah , but you guys don't stay with the same classmates all day , right ? Right . The people in your math class might not be the people you have science with . So , you sent out invitations to your whole graduating class ? Yep . And the date is set for homecoming night . I thought homecoming was a high school dance . It's a football game the school team plays at home . The dance and reunions are usually that night , too . Good afternoon , anything I can do for you ? Yes , I am after some sugar . Well , we have some nice sugar . Can you show me the way , please ? Sure , follow me . Don't you think all of the money goes to the ads and we have nothing to read . But newspapers do get some extra income by offering space for ads . Extra income.They can get rich with sheer ads . You didn ’ t show up in the morning meeting . What ’ s up ? Well , I just came in . I worked overtime yesterday . Some statistics and very important documents seemed to be inaccurate . So I stayed to double check them . The boss was aware of my very late work of last night . So before he left office , he told me I could come one hour later this morning . But you still look a little bit tired . What time did you leave ? It was around 1 thirty in the morning . I guess I didn ’ t fall asleep till 3 because those numbers were involving in my mind . I just couldn ’ t stop thinking about them . That ’ s normal after a tense work evening . Working overtime is not always a pleasant experience for me either . Once , I worked overtime everyday for a whole week including the weekend . That really broke my rhythm and I got a little sick later . Working at weekend is something I hate to do most . But if the company asks , what else can we do ? Hello . I need to speak with Allan Cartwright . This is he . May I help you ? I certainly hope so , I am about to stop doing business with your office . I ’ m very sorry , Madam . Can you tell me what the problem is over the phone or would you like me to go to your office ? Carlo's Kitchen . Yes , I'd like to book a table for four at seven this evening . For four , And may I have your name ? Yes . Mike Lee . And put me as close as possible to the stage , please . Are there any special unemployment forms I need to fill out ? You need to get a special application form . Do you know where I can find the application form ? You can go to the Employment Development Office and pick it up . What records will I have to show to apply for unemployment benefits ? They will need a record showing who you worked for and when you worked for them . Is there anything else I will need to provide ? Be prepared to show a written notice of your termination as proof . Do I need to do anything else after I turn in the application ? You will receive a notice for a phone interview , which will continue the process . I'd like to try the chef's special . Then what about you , Miss ? I am on a diet . Do you have a vegetarian menu ? The vegetarian dishes are at the last pages of the menu . Oh . I see . I would like to have mashed potatoes and chocolate pudding . What is my ideal weight ? It depends on your height and body type . How can I avoid injuring myself during exercise ? By warming up before and cooling down after your workout . Sir , tell us about your experience with Super Bulk-up . Well , it's completely changed my life . Tell us how . Well , before , I was the skinniest guy on the beach . And now ? Just look ! In six short weeks I've put on 30 pounds of pure muscle . Wow ! All because of Super Bulk-Up . Did you hear something ? Oh , it is my cell phone ringing . I set it in the vibration mode . It is a good habit to set your cell phone to vibrate . It is very annoying to hear the loud and sudden ring tone in quiet offices . You are right . Some ring tone is just terribly loud . You can hear it even in the next door . It is really a kind of distraction . Maybe we can write a report to the boss to see what can be done . Good idea . Hey , Benjamin , have you finished your report on the project ? Not yet . To tell you the truth , I don't know how to write it . I've considered it for several days . What ? Man , you don't know how to write a project report ? That's sounds a little bit ridiculous . Don't laugh at me , please . I'm serious . I've never been required to write this kind of report before , I only do the research reports . Oh , sorry , I've totally forgotten that you are a workaholic . So what items must be involved in this report ? First is your final conclusion on your work of this year , and then comes your plan for the next year . Yeah , is that all ? Let me see , no , you have to include more details about your final conclusion , for example , your experiences in dealing with some emergent events . That's too complicated . And only that doesn't make a perfect one , you also have to pay attention to the format of the report . Oh , my God , is there any fixed for mat for it-the one that I just need to fix my information in ? I'm sorry . There isn't . Because different people have to write different kinds of reports . But I don't know how to work the Microsoft Words . Could you please give me a hand ? OK , no problem . But you have to learn it and then do it yourself next time . Did you hear anything about the robbery ? I watched it happen . Really ? Yes . I was right there . What did you see ? This guy tried to rob the bank . I can't believe it . I was really scared when he pulled the gun out . What happened next ? He tried to leave with the money . Did he get caught ? They caught him before he could walk through the front door . Excuse me , do you sell apples ? Yes . They are over there . Do you sell them individually or by weight ? By weight . 6.0 cents per pound . Could you weigh these , please ? $ 4.55 , please . Anything else ? A sack of cherries , please . Here you are . Are you ready to leave ? Give me a sec . Can I help you , sir ? I want to have a haircut . Please take a seat . Do you need a shampoo ? How much is a regular haircut without shampoo ? $ 10 . And how much for haircut with shampoo ? The total charge is $ 15 . Since it is , I need a haircut with shampoo . Well , what shampoo do you prefer ? SEEK , please . ( 5 minutes later ) What sort of hairstyles do you like ? What hairstyle do you feel will look best on me ? I think a crew cut is the most suitable for you . I have the same idea as you . I was looking for the Resume Writing Workshop . You came to the right spot . Come on in and join us ! I am not really sure that I remember how to even put a resume together . I am here to show you how to put together the perfect resume . It will turn out great ! How do we get started ? We need to put our name and contact information across the top . Then what ? You can list your education at the top , or choose your job experience to be there if it is more impressive . Could I list my interests and special skills next ? I think that that would work out quite well as an ending for your resume . Bell Captain . May I help you ? Yes . This is Mr . Wang in Room 1305 . Please send up a boy to help me with my luggage . Certainly , sir . How much luggage do you have ? Well , two big suitcases and two small bags . I'll send someone up right away . Are you doing the job the way I suggested ? No , I think I didn't like your method . Well , have it your way . Have you obtained any certificate of technical qualifications or license ? Yes , I have received an Engineer's Qualification Certificate and a driver's license . How many years have you had the driver's license ? I have two years driving experience . That's good . What special skills do you have , can you tell me ? I have experience in computer operation , proficiency in Microsoft Windows , Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel . What computer languages have you learned ? Visual C + + , C and Delphi . Have you gotten any special training in programming ? No , but I have database programming experience and network knowledge . Hello , Peace Hotel . Hello , I'm calling from Beijing . I'd like to reserve a double room with a bath from tonight on for five days , please . A moment , please . I'll check our room availability for these days ... Yes , that's all right.What ' s your name please ? John Smith . J-O-H-N S-M-I-T-H . I'm sorry , your visa has expired . What ? You're kidding ! Let me see that ... There must be some mistakes . I'm afraid you'll need to have your visa extended before we can have you check in . Oh , it's a pity . I have a reservation for a single with a bath . We're sorry , but single rooms have been occupied . What's the room rate ? It's little expensive for me.Do you have any other room ? Then , how about this room with just a shower ? May I see the room ? I'll take this room . Is the rate for a room only ? No , sir.The tax is included . What's your apartment like ? It's a furnished two bedroom flat in a three-story building on campus . What is it like living in on-campus housing ? It's not as bad as I thought it would be . The freshmen that live nearby are really loud , especially on the weekends . But , the rent is much cheaper than private housing , so it's worth it . Did you have to pay a deposit ? No , but we do have to pay 9 months rent in 6 months , so for the first 6 months we pay 1/2 month's rent each month . Do you have to pay utilities on top of your monthly rent ? No , it's all included . Besides , students don't have to pay council tax , so we're saving quite bit of money by living here . How long is your contract for ? That's the bad thing---the contract ends in June , so we'll have to find a new apartment soon . Have you started looking yet ? Not yet . I'm hoping we'll be able to find something cheap once all the students leave the city for the summer . Good luck ! Which service offered by your bank do you use most ? I use several services . Of course , I deposit and withdraw money quite often . I often use my ATM card to take money out of my current account . I use my bank to exchange money from one currency to another . I often travel abroad , you see . Do you ever ask you bank for traveller ’ s cheques ? They are much safer than carrying lots of cash around . I sometimes use traveller ’ s cheques , but sometimes I travel to countries where they are hard to exchange for cash . Do you use your bank to pay your utility bills ? I use direct debit . Yes , I do . It save me a lot of time . I also have standing orders for my subscriptions to magazines . That ’ s good idea . You don ’ t need to worry about missing an issue of a magazine if you do that . I suppose you have a mortgage too . Yes . My bank offers very good terms and conditions on mortgage . There ’ s a lot of competition between banks nowadays . Each one is trying to offer better conditions and services than the others . I have a deposit account with my bank . There are some restrictions on withdrawing money , but the interest rate is much higher . I don ’ t have one . I prefer to buy shares . My bank also provides a share trading service . It ’ s cheap and easy to use . That ’ s great . But I prefer to put my money somewhere where the returns are more certain . Are you married ? Yes , I've just married . How long have you been married ? I have been married for three years . How many people are there in your family ? There are four people in my family . Who are the members of your family ? My husband , my mother-in-law , my daughter and I . Hello , this is IBA Bank . Maria speaking , how may I help ? Hi , I'm looking into your loans and I'm a little confused about the interest rates . Could you give me some advice ? Not a problem . Which loan was it you were interested in ? Sorry , I must ask , because the interest rates can depend on the type of loan you apply for . I understand . I'm interested in the Petty Consumer Loan . One of our most popular ! The usual interest rate is fixed by the PBC . That is The People's Bank of China . But of course , with some loans , credit rating and loan amount come into play , too . So , the rate could fluctuate a little , depending on the amount given by the PBC ? That is correct . I'm going to have to do some more research into this . Thanks for your help , bye for now . I'm going to the shops in a minute . What do we need ? We're okay for vegetables but we should stock up on meat . Can you go to the butcher's and get some veal and some beef ? No problem . We also need bread , so I'll go to the baker's . I'll get some vol au vents for Victor's birthday bash on Friday . We'll need balloons for that too . Better visit the supermarket then . We'll need some other things for the party . Get some vanilla ice cream , some butter and some vinegar and twelve bottles of beer . Okay . The library's beside the baker's . I'd better take back the videos we borrowed last week . They're overdue . I'll see you later then . Bye ! I'll be back before seven . Good morning , Madam . What can I do for you ? I'd like to withdraw 35,000 RIB from my Corporate Account . Do you have an appointment ? Yes , my name is Ms Jane Reeve , R-E-E-V-E . Ah , yes , Ms Reeve . I have all of your information here . Do you have the cash cheque ? Here you go . I'm sorry Ms Reeve , it says 45,000 RIB here . Oh , how silly of me . Can we correct it here ? I'm sorry , we cannot make corrections on these . You'll have to bring another one with the correct amount , I'm afraid . Good afternoon . How can I help you ? Good afternoon . My name is Monica . I am here for the job interview at 2 PM . Ok , please first fill in the form and return it to me . You can do it in the next door . Done . Here is my paper . Everybody attention . I would like to make sure you all know the process . The interview consists of three parts . One , all of the interviewees will answer the question there and lasts for maximum one hour . Two , we will take a 30 - minute ’ s break . After the break , we all come back to this office and I will announce the successful candidates for the 2nd round . In which , you have a small interview with your future manager . What about the 3rd round ? Good question . But I will tell you when you pass the first two . How do I get to the EDD ? Actually , you do not need to go into the office to file a claim . You can do it over the phone or the Internet . Can I go in to look for a job at their office ? That ’ s a good decision . They have many good job search tools there . Is there an office near me ? The Internet has a list of Employment Development Offices listed online . Do you know where the local office for this area is ? Our office is over on Green Street , just west of the college . If I go there , will I be able to collect money right away ? Everyone has a one-week waiting period before they can collect . How much are you asking for this ? I'm offering them to you at 150 yuan a piece . Is that all right ? Is tax already included in their price ? Yes . Our price can't be matched . Would you consider a volume discount ? If you buy 1,000 or more , you'll get a 10 % discount . I'll accept your offer . May I help you ? Yes , I am looking for a coat . Do you have any style in your mind ? I have no idea . I recommend you this one . It's a very popular kind of coat-the most recent thing . Well , it's good in style , but I am afraid it doesn't wash well . There's been a dramatic change in the weather pattern . Don't tell me it affects our flight . It has been delayed . Did they say for how long ? No , but probably until there is a break in the storm . So we can't really go anywhere , can we ? I think it's smart to stay close to the gate so we can hear the updates . I brought some cards . Are you up for a long game ? oh , the clothes here are so expensive ! No wonder there are few people . Beauty costs , dear ! What do you think of this dress ? Do you think it suits me ? yeah , it's lovely , but to be frank , it's not the most practical . You don't have many formal events in your calendar , do you ? come on , you sound like my Mom.Look at that , it's beautiful ! when you buy clothes , you must think about the material , quality and price . maybe you have a point . make sure you buy what you need and your clothes can be worn for various occasions . all right . How about this black shirt ? It can be worn for anything---a party , a job interview and even a funeral ! that's true , but you already have two back coats and one black sweater . oh ! Hey , look , that's the same shirt Britney wore in her concert . exactly ! Oh , my god ! I love Britney ! I'm going to get it . why not try it on ? it's just the right size--a perfect fit ! I'll take it . Oh , no , I'm a little short . Did you bring your credit card ? yes . I promise I'll pay you back as soon as we get home . Francis , what ’ s that ? Well , that is the chart showing our company ’ s organizational structure . Could you tell me something about it ? Ok . On the top , Mr . Thomas , the managing director , is responsible for running the company . How many departments do we have ? Four . They are production department , finance department , sales and marketing department and HR department . I directly report to Mr . White . He is on a business trip and is suppose to be back this morning . Probably you will be meeting him at lunch . Ok . Who should I report to ? Mr . White , too . Waiter , a table for two , please . Yes , this way please . Can we see the menu please . Here you are . What ’ s good today ? I recommend crisp beef and fried duck . We don ’ t want that . Well . perhaps will be begin with mushroom soap and follow by some seafood and chips . Do you want any dissert ? no dissert , thanks , just coffee.can I have the check please ? Would you like to rent the house ? You bet , as long as I can collect enough money . I can lend some to you . Aren't you crazy ? Miss , where do you want to go ? Could you drop me off at the airport ? No problem . Do I need to pay any extra change for my suitcases ? Yes , you are changed 50 cents a piece . All right . We're going to discuss how to market CB series soon . Does your project go well ? Absolutely . I've sorted out all the materials we need and sifted three great ways of marketing . Oh , that's good . We can discuss them detailedly over the meeting and choose the best way to promote our key products . It seems you've got everything done . Now I can finally stop worrying about it and get back to work . They are playing the wedding march , and I have felt tears . I'm very touched , and I can't help bursting into tears at the wedding . Really ? I have seen that our wedding , but just mary's . Mary looks so beautiful in the wedding gown , and I record the moment that I was bride . You are always be the most beautiful one in the world . What is the bridemaid's name ? Judy , Why are you so interested in her ? Don't be so sensitive , just a casual question , I caught you looking at the groomsman He's terribly handsome . I wonder why he is chosen to be the groomsman , and why mary doesn't marry him since he's much more attractive . Why are you so bitter ? No one tells worse joke than you . Administer is doing a good job . I'm not sure they'll be as happy as we are . I came in to see how my home inspection went . First of all , I need to share what the purpose of a home inspection is . Do you understand what I was doing there ? I had a home inspection before , but didn ’ t really understand it . I help you spot potential problems with the home before you purchase it . The owner said that the roof had leaked , but that he got it fixed last month . Sellers aren ’ t really all that objective . They may have gotten used to a leaky faucet , but it is still broken . Are the sellers responsible for fixing the problems with the house ? The owners may wish to pay to have the problems fixed , or maybe the price of the house can be reduced . Did you find a lot of things wrong during the home inspection ? The house has a very outdated electrical system . Many of the switches and outlets do not work and are unsafe . Welcome to our company . I really love this kind of atmosphere . An impressive officer is vital to the image projected by the company . There are people everywhere . What's that girl doing ? She is dealing with customers and driving up new business . The guy next to her is in charge of their office computer network . And what about that man there ? He is our accountant . I see you have a coffee bar for a water cooler . The staff here must be comfortable . I think it really helps morale when people feel supported by their employees . Indeed , they are . Keeping staff happy is the only way to keep them with the company . What channel did you watch last night ? Channel Two . A TV series was showing on it . The name of the series is Huanzhu Gene How do you feel about it ? Generally it's to my appetite . What about you ? Well , I don't think much about it . To me , it's a sheer waste of time Don't be too critical . So what's your favorite ? Variety shows and talk shows , I think . We need to know whether you have the special training . Actually , I received that kind of training when I was in college . How about your experience ? I worked as a PR clerk for one year Well , your qualifications for the job are excellent . And is there anything you'd like to ask about the job ? Yes , I'd like to know if the company provides opportunities for further education . Yes , our employees are allowed to take up 2 days a month to attend college courses . That's very generous . I've enjoyed the conversation with you . We'll call you within 5 working days . Thank you . I appreciate the time you've given to me . How does the political system work in your country ? We have hundreds of constituencies and the votes in each one elect a member of parliament . Most people call them mp ’ s . Each mp belongs to a political party , right ? Almost all of them do . A few are independent . That means that they do not belong to a party . If one party more than half of the mp ’ s . they form a government . That means that they choose a prime minister can cabinet members . What ’ s a cabinet ? This is a small group of people-perhaps 25 mp ’ s who are usually ministers . They make all the big decision and discuss laws and policy . Can any mp make a law ? Any mp can present a law to parliament . The proposed law is debated and voted on . If it is accepted , it becomes law . I suppose a proposed a law needs the support of the big political parties . Yes , it does , because they have most of the mp ’ s . most mp ’ s vote the way their party wants them to . How do people choose which party or candidate to vote for ? They produce manifesto . These documents which states their policies . Some people just vote for the same party every time there is an election . Votes who often change the party they vote for are called floating voters . How about drink , Sir ? A cup of coffee , please . Would you like cream or sugar in your coffee ? I'd like a little sugar , please . Sorry , I don't have any sugar . Why did you ask me if I wanted some ? I don't know . I just wasn't thinking . Excuse me . I want to pay the bill . Please wait till your name is called . OK.Your bill includes the doctor's fee and the cost for a 3 - day supply of medicine . It comes to one hundred yuan . Here you are . Good . Here is the receipt . The dispensary is over there ... By the way , will this be covered by your insurance from work ? No , I'll e paying for myself , but I have private medical insurance . In that case , I'll give you a certificate , so you can get it reimbursed . Thanks a lot . Don't lose this receipt , because insurance companies are very difficult about helping when they don't have the right paperwork . So , John , what do you do for a living ? I ’ m a sales manager in a publishing company . Oh , really ? That sounds interesting , what kinds of book do you publish ? Oh , mostly fiction , lots of romance , science fiction , biography , stuff like that . Oh , What a cool job ! How long have you worked there ? About two years now . Can I help you ? I need some stamps . What kind of stamps do you want ? How much do I need for this letter ? I must weigh it . How much ? Is it overweight ? It is 5 grams overweight . Do you want to send it as an ordinary or registered letter ? How much is it , then ? Registration plus overweight , 7 yuan in all . OK . Here you are . do you have any plans for tomorrow night ? not really . I wasn thinking of maybe going to a movie . Do you want to go with me ? sure . What movies were you thinking about going to ? have you heard of Hot Fuzz ? yes . Isn't the director of that movie the same guy who directed Shaun of the Dead ? that's the one . It's an actioncomedy . What do you think ? to be honest , I didn't really like Shaun of the Dead . Besides , I like movies with a happy ending best . what do you have in mind ? I was thinking of seeing You , Me and Dupree . It's a typical Hollywood blockbuster . isn't that the chick flick with Kate Hudson and Owen Wilson ? yeah , I suppose you wouldn't want to see that , huh ? not really . Do you like biographical / drama films ? It depends on who the film is about . Which movie did you have in mind ? Anne Hathaway is in a new movie called Becoming Jane which is based on a true story about Jane Austen . that sounds fantastic ! What time is it playing ? it's on at 8: 00 pm at the Phoenix Theatres . I have a membership there , so I can book the tickets ahead of time . great . Shall I meet you there around 7:45 tomorrow night ? sounds good . I'll see you then ! Excuse me , I'm looking for your casual short-sleeved shirts . Can you tell me where those are ? Right over here , sir . What-size do you wear ? Medium . These here are all mediums . Thank you . I think I'll take this one , and these pants as well . They're presents for a friend . Shall I gift-wrap them for you , sir ? Yes , please . Hey , what's good with you ? Not a lot . What about you ? I'm throwing a party on Friday . That sounds like fun . Do you think you can come ? I'm sorry . I'm already doing something this Friday . What are you going to be doing ? My family and I are going to dinner . I was hoping you would come . I'll definitely try to make it the next time . I'd better see you there . All right . I'll see you next time . Do you have laundry service ? Yes.We have an excellent service here . Well , would you please send someone to 502 ? I have some clothes to wash . OK . So will you back me up if things get ugly with Elvin ? I will if you tell me how you're so sure that we're going to come out on top . We just will.Trust me on that . After what you did , I don't know how hard Elvin's going to work to meet your deadline . He'll do it . He's too proud not to . You've got everyone figured out , don't you ? Yes , I do . Everyone . To start with , may I ask why you chose to work at our company ? First , you have had an impressive growth record , ever since the company had been founded for half a century . Second , I can improve myself by working here . Well , please look at the employment contract . I'd like to go over the main details again before signing . First , you will be getting a monthly salary , and no probation is involved . Yes , I get it . Will the medical plan cover me while on duty ? Of course . A reasonable number of sick days will be covered by the company . Any extended illness will be covered by insurance . Have you read the other terms of the contract ? Yes , I have read . In the contract , I am expected to be available up to two hours past normal working hours . Is that right ? Yes , any approved overtime of more than two hours will be paid twice of the salary or take time-off . That's exactly my understanding . Good . Now , you sign here , you can start work the beginning of next month . Mary , do you often do your shopping online ? Yes . I'm used to online shopping . It ’ s convenient and time-saving . You can buy anything you want and they will send it to your home or any place you want . How about the price ? You can get the same product at a much lower price . Last week , I tried to buy some clothes online , but I didn ’ t know how to pay for them . You should open an account at the online bank first . After that , you can buy anything online . Are there many things online ? Sure . You can find everything all over the world . Let ’ s check it out online ! Yes , I need more amenities . By amenities , exactly what do you mean , please ? You know , the things that are free , like the soap and the shampoo . Okay , I got it . You've already run out of all your amenities ? No , I still have plenty left , even if I took three baths a day . I'm more confused now than before . How is there a problem ? I need to take home some souvenirs ! Okay , finally I understand . You would like souvenirs ! Yes , souvenirs that I can take home and add to my collection . If it's souvenirs you want , sir , just visit our souvenir shop . It has everything . Are you kidding ? Whoever heard of paying for hotel souvenirs ? No problem at all , sir . Housekeeping will deliver you all the amenities you like in a bit . I was wondering if you could help me use the Student Job Center . There are many ways ; what kind of job would you like ? I want to work in a restaurant . Fine ! Will you need part-time or full-time work ? I want to work part-time . Fine , the two best ways are to use our local listings binders over there or you can use the computers with the Internet job listing sites . See them over there ? Yes , I know what to do . Well , in addition , you can schedule an appointment with a job counselor on this list . If you would like to do that , sign here , OK ? Yes , I think that would be great . Fine , well the job search tools are all here for you to use . Feel free to look around and use what works best for you . Have fun with it ! Would you like to take a look at the menu , sir ? Yes . Thank you . Would you care for a drink before you order ? A glass of Qingdao beer . Yes , sir . I'll bring it over . Have you decided what you'd like , sir ? Will you make some recommendation ? What can I do for you ? I am coming to inquire about the information of the company . When was this company established ? Well , this company can be dated back to 1893 , so it has a hundred years of history . Really ? That is amazing . Hi , I was wondering if I could get my test results from the other day . Yes , I would like to schedule an appointment for you to come in and talk with me . Is something wrong with me ? No , sometimes the test results aren ’ t clear and we need to do more to get a clearer picture . Can we talk about it now ? I would if I knew anything for sure , but I want to take a second look . When can I come and see you ? You can come in this afternoon . If you would feel better , bring your husband with you . Now I know that something bad is up ! Just relax . We will talk about it this afternoon . May I help you ? Yes . I am going to have a summer vacation . Would you recommend some scenic spots to see ? Which place are you most interested in ? Maybe Europe . Well , I strongly suggest you going to London . It's really charming . Let me have a look at the pamphlet . We have been here for about five days and I have to leave now . Ok ! You know you're always welcome here . Did you enjoy your stay ? Yes , we have a very pleasant time . Thank you for being so nice for us . It's our pleasure . And is there anything else we can do for you before you leave here ? No , thanks . You've done a lot for us . Thank you for everything . Don't mention it . Oh , This is a small gift for you . Oh ! Thank you ! It's very kind of you . We hope you could visit our company again . We're sure we will . And welcome to our corporation next year . We're expecting you . Ok ! We'll definitely go to visit your company . Where are you going ? To the office . I'll be right back . Hey Joe , what are you doing in this department store ? Hi , Rita , I ’ m just looking for a pair of shoes . I won ’ t be here for long . Why not ? When I go shoe shopping , I have so many options for sneakers that I spend awhile looking at all of the choices . That ’ s my problem . I don ’ t have a lot of options . So how do you usually go about buying shoes , then ? Well , first of all , I can only go to certain stores that can guarantee me a large selection . Well , you ’ re in the right store . If they don ’ t have it , no one will . After that I choose something from one of the few brands that I know will fit me . I prefer white , so I ask them to bring me a pair of white sneakers in my size . Since I ’ m usually only given one or two pairs of shoes that meet my qualifications , it makes it a very easy choice . What would you like ? We'd like to have western food today . Could you tell us something about it ? Sure . The first food you have is appetizer , followed by a soup . Then you will have the main course . The last dishes are desserts . Well , it's quite different from the Chinese food . Okay , Rebecca . Now you ’ Ve given me a good idea of your work and academic background , but what about you as a person ? How would you describe your key strengths ? Well , Mr . Parsons , as I mentioned before I ’ m someone who needs new challenges . I ’ m really focused and hard-working . I think my academic results prove this . Yes , true , but how about other personal qualities ? Well , I believe I ’ m a good team-player , but I can also work well independently . I ’ m very enthusiastic and , well I hope my colleagues would agree , I ’ m fun to work with . What would you say is your most positive quality ? Hmm , that ’ s a tough question . But I would have to say my passion . I ’ m really passionate about journalism and passionate about my career . Do I have to talk to the interviewer or just leave my application ? You should communicate with the interviewer whose company you are interested in , and make a good impression on him or her . In that case , your chance of success will be greater . What should I do in the fair ? You should take a look at all the companies , choose your favorite ones , go over to talk with the interviewer and leave your resume in the end . Are you engaged ? No , sir.Can I help you ? I want sharing Company . Oh , hop in . Do you have the letter of approval of employment ? No , I haven't got one . My employment petition hasn't been approved yet . In that case , you are not allowed to work in China , until you get the employment petition . Ok , I see . Hello . Hi , Daddy . It ’ s me , Troy . Hi , Troy . How ’ s your trip going ? It ’ s nice . I arrived safely . Are you all right ? I ’ m fine . Is everything fine in the family ? Yes . Everything is fine in the family . Don ’ t worry about the family . Just enjoy your trip . How ’ s the weather there ? The weather is gorgeous here . That ’ s good . Take good care of yourself . I will . Thank you , Dad . I love you , Troy . I love you , too , Dad . Bye . Why am I being charged $ 10 for a movie that I never ordered ? Sir , according to your file , you spent Monday evening watching ' Titanic . ' Well , the file is wrong . I was at a great concert that night . Well , this wouldn't be the first time that a file was wrong . Just a moment , please . Thank you for taking care of it so quickly . Sir , when I deleted the $ 10 , the program automatically added a $ 2 service charge . You can't do that ! You can't charge me for a mistake that you made ! Sometimes you can't win for losing , sir . Well , now I've seen it all ! What a rip-off this place is ! I don't blame you , sir . Two dollars is a lot of money . Our housing problem is a highly complicated issue . It is true . I think we should change some policies . Right . Like our LPF program . The mortgage size is linked with the amount of savings households have accumulated on their LPF accounts . Indeed , it's unfair . Households with higher salaries receive larger LPF contributions and thus qualify for larger loans . Lower-income households , on the other hand , can only get smaller loans , or perhaps nothing if they could not afford to purchase any housing . Like you and me ! I am glad to have the opportunity of visiting your corporation . I hope we can do business together . It's a great pleasure to meet you , Mr . White . I believe you have seen our exhibits in the showroom . What is it that particularly interests you ? I am interested in your hardware . I've seen the exhibits and studied your catalogues . I think some of the items will find a ready market in France . Here is a list of requirements . Thank you for your inquiry . Would you tell us what quantity you require so that we can work out the offer ? I will do that . Meanwhile , could you give me an indication of the price . Here are our FOB price lists . All the prices in the lists are subject to our confirmation . What about the commission ? From European suppliers , I usually get a 3 to 5 % commission for my imports . It's the general practice . As a rule we don't allow any commission . But if the order is sizable one , we will consider it . You see I do business on a commission basis . A commission on your prices would make it easier for me to promote sales . Even 2 or 3 % would help . We'll discuss this when you place your order with us . Yes , sir . May I help you ? Please I'd like a ticket to New York . For today ? No , early saturday morning . We have a flight that we'll put you there at ten AM . Is that ok ? Nothing earlier ? I prefer flight at 9 thirty . I'm afraid not , unless you want a night flight . No , exactly not . How about afternoon ? Sounds not good . I won't take it . Is there I can do for you , miss ? Do you know what the weather will be tomorrow ? We are planning to climb the mountain . Let me see , oh it's a sunny day . You will have a nice trip tomorrow . I hope so . Thank you . What time is our connecting flight ? Let me check . Oh , oh ! It ’ s at 3:25 . Wow , that's cutting it close ! That means we only have 25 minutes to make the connection ! What gate is it at ? It's at ... gate 14 . Oh , great ! That's at the other end of the terminal ! OK , so here's the plan ; When we land , run to gate 14 ! I'm be right behind ya ! You taught at a local school for a year , right ? Yes , I was there as an English teacher . Did you enjoy yourself there ? Sure . I was fond of those lovely children So why did you decide to resign ? The school is a little bit too far away . I simply want to take good care of my elderly grandfather . I see . But why don't you continue to work as a teacher ? I think it's better for me to meet new challenges in life . So you can have more room for development . And I can experience another kind of life style . It sounds like a good idea . I hope I can adapt to the new job as soon as possible . Hi , this is ABC Company . Is that Joseph ? Yes , speaking . Anything I can do for you ? I am calling to tell you that the interview for you is in our company on Monday morning at 8: 00 . Where is the interview happening ? It is on the Jianshe Street where there is a Carrefour Supermarket near it . What a lovely tapestry ! Don't you think we could use one to decorate our room ? I think we can have a try . Artistic tapestry is the highest form of expression of the rug weaving art , an exquisite handicraft of superb artistry in typical Chinese style . I see . Is this the marvelous landscape in Guiling ? I think it is . Which do you prefer , the linen one , the figured dacron or the brocade ? I prefer the linen one . I ’ d like to send this parcel to Australia . Certainly . Could you put it on the scales , so I can check the weight ? Sure . It ’ s not very heavy . That ’ s 850 grams . The coasts depends on how you would like to send it . I see . What are the options ? I suppose airmail is faster and more expensive than surface mail . That ’ s right . Sending it by airmail will cost twelve dollars and sending it by surface mail will cost eight dollars . How long will it take to get there ? Airmail should take four or five days and surface mail should take about two weeks . It that case , I ’ ll send it by airmail . I ’ d like to send it as a registered parcel . No problem . That ’ s one dollar extra . Thanks very much . There ’ s thirteen dollars . There ’ s you receipt . Goodbye . Do you have any luggage ? Yes , a suitcase and carry-on . Here's your boarding pass . Have a nice flight . Thank you . Hey , Ann , I am really sorry about last night . I shouldn't have said those things to you . I am sorry too . I know we've been talking about this beach trip for a while . I should have told Bob I was busy this weekend . don't be silly . You guys should spend as much time together as you can . Besides we can go to the beach anytime . thanks for understanding . well that's what being friends is about , isn't it ? hey , what if the three of us go to the beach together ? Besides , you and Bob haven't seen each other for a while . I don't want my best friend and my boyfriend to be complete strangers . Nah , I wouldn't worry about that . But I don't want to be the third wheel . You two should have some quiet time to yourselves . I know Bob won't mind . You can bring a date , like that guy from the bar you keep talking about . maybe ... I'll think about it . well , I think you should come and have some fun . Besides you never know maybe he likes you as well . You should at least try . OK . Do you want a trim , or do you want to get your hair done ? Can I get my hair done like his ? His girlfriend has the same hair , and she's white . Like that Rastafarian over there ? You mean dreadlocks ? You crazy ! That'll take way too long . What kind of style are you getting done ? Can we match ? I'm gonna get a relaxer , then flip the ends up like Halle . Can I get a relaxer , too ? And why did you say , “ You crazy ” instead of “ You ou're crazy ” ? How many hours do you work a week ? I do a forty-hour week . I ’ m on flexi-time . I usually start work at 8 a . m . and finish at 4 And how many weeks holiday do you get a year ? Four - plus public holidays . I usually take two weeks off in the summer and the rest at New Year . Do you do overtime ? Yes , if we're busy . I'm paid double-time if I work at weekends . How are you doing ? Great . Thanks for asking . What can I do for you today ? I would like to deposit some money . Are you depositing cash or a check ? I want to deposit cash . How much are you depositing ? I would like to deposit $ 300 . What account do you want your money in ? I want to deposit it into my checking account . Do you need anything else ? No . That ’ s all . Thank you . Beauties Picture , how may I help you ? I need to speak with David Lin . He's out of his office . Thank you , I'll try again later . Hey , Devi , have you thought about where would you like to go to dinner on Friday for your birthday ? I am not sure . I don't know that many restaurants around here . You know , we could look online at the local Internet sites . Good . Let's take a look ! What kind of food would you like ? I enjoy Thai or Japanese the best . This one , Shogun , looks good . Oh yes , I've heard of that one . Everyone I've spoken with says that it is great ! Would you like to go there then ? I think that that would be a really good choice ! Let's call and make a reservation . Marry ; Mr . Johnson wants these documents to be copied . Oh , no . You see I'm in the middle of something . Could he wait ? I'm afraid ... All right , all right . He'll get them as soon as possible . Can I help you ? Yes , how much is the teapot ? Two hundred and thirty yuan . I'm afraid I haven't got enough money on me . You can come later . What's the time now ? It's half past seven . I want to know at what time you close . We offer 24 - hour service . Oh , that's great ! Thank you . Excuse me , I'm looking for the Holiday Inn . Do you know where it is ? Sure . It's down this street on the left . Is it far from here ? No , it's not far . How far is it ? About a mile and a half . How long does it take to get there ? 5 minutes or so . Is it close to the subway station ? Yes , it's very close . The subway station is next to the hotel . You can walk there . Thanks a lot . Waiter , bill , please . Yes , I'll be with you in a minute . Here's your bill , sir . It's 480 yuan altogether . What's this for ? That's for the wine . I see . Would you like to put it on your hotel bill ? Yes . please . Your name and room number , please ? Bill Black , Room 1201 . May I have a look at your room card , Mr . Black ? Sure . Here it is . How's everything , Janice ? I sent my resume to a computer company and am waiting for their call . Which company ? Pineapple Computer Company . A secretary is needed there , and it is worth a try . Do you get any information or advertisement for employment ? Yep ! I got some , in which I am interested . But ... But what ? You always act like this , when you face difficulties . YOU GET ME ! All the fears are nothing . You can make it . There is no other choice for you . Be brave . Seemingly there is no turning back . I have to face it somehow . It's all or nothing . It is really exciting news . What news ? You don ’ t know ? The company is going to replace these old computers with the latest ones . You know what we will get ? We will all get a docking station on our own desk from which you can remove your laptop easily . And if you come back to office , you just reconnect your laptop with docking station . What docking station ? This is a kind of socket mounted to your desk . The socket has all the wire connections of the company line and all the other office automation equipments , like fax , copier , a screen , printer and scanner , and it will be very convenient . Another big step forward in saving on our office equipment , I don ’ t need a desktop anymore . A laptop is enough . We have a great variety of men's suits , sir.Which particular brand do you prefer ? Pierre Cardin . How about this one ? It look fine.Can I try it on ? I want to get in shape . I feel like a fence sitter-not really fat , but not really healthy . I know what you mean . I fit into my clothes , but I'm not always comfortable . Would you like to get in shape together ? What do you have in mind ? How about going to the gym ? There's one really close to work . I know the one you mean . Do you know how much the memberships are ? As a matter of fact , they are having a promotion right now . Let's go after work and take a tour of the facilities . Oh , my goodness . The traffic is crawling . I think there is an accident ahead . We are now running late . I know . Why don't we take a different route ? Let me check and look at the map . Yes , there is an exit three quarters of a mile ahead . We ’ ll exit Market Street , head west , then get on the Pennsylvania Freeway . Ok , let's do that , even though we may have to take a longer way . Jenny , what's your favorite color ? I like red . Now , we're going to draw an apple in your sketch book . What do we use ? Dad , I want to draw with crayons , can I ? Why not ? Let's draw the outline of an apple with your pencil first . Have you had any publications ? Yes . I have published some articles in China Daily and Economist . How about your communication skills ? As a journalist , I have strong communication skills . I am good at both discourse management and strategic competence . Can I help you ? Yes . I'd like this shirt to be dry-cleaned . Sure . When do you want to get it back ? I have to wear it this afternoon . Do you have a urgent service ? Yes , but we charge 50 % more and it only takes 3 hours . OK . How much should I pay ? 30 yuan . Do you even know where this bus is supposed to go ? It should take us all the way up to Altadena . Don't you know ? I'm not positive if it does or not . Is this the right bus , or not ? I have never been on this bus , but I'm sure it's the right one . Where are we ? This is not Altadena . I know , and we've been on the bus forever . Tell me what the street signs say . Oh my gosh , that one says Temple City . Next time , I'll look for the bus myself . Well , now I know the bus that'll take us back . Joy Chain elementary school , please . Will do . How frustrating ! The bus is still not coming . Ma'am , take your kid to school ? Yes . I am in a hurry . Please take a shortcut . No problem . Don't worry , the taxi is faster than the bus . The traffic is terrible on Monday morning . It takes us almost 1 hour to get to school . My son is the same . But he always makes an early start in the morning , and enjoys listening to the English programmer Let's talk in English on the way . That's wonderful . He is killing two birds with one stone.Sir , please turn right at the next corner . And stop at the taxi stand . OK ! What is the fare ? It's 14.5 Yuan . Keep the change ! Thanks , Ma'am . The mailboxes are right down there , and the laundry room with coin-operated washers and dryers is over there . I see . Well , it's nothing spectacular , but it's pretty cheap for an apartment in a decent neighborhood ... O . K . , I think I'll take it . All right , do you want to sign a nine-month or a one-year lease ? I think I'll sign a nine-month lease in case I decide not to go to summer school . I can extend it if I want to stay , can't I ? Sure . Just let us know before your lease expires . You did an excellent job in this project . Thank you . It was a lot of hard work.But I'm glad I did it . Congratulations . When will you give me a raise ? Ha ... I am not sure . I feel quite embarrassed for having to request a pay raise so quickly . Let me think . How much did you have in mind ? 5 000 yuan per month . That's a lot of money . Let me think about it carefully . What can I offer you here ? I came here to ask for some information . Ok . Please go ahead . I bought a pair of trousers last year , which I like the best . But this year they don ’ t fit me very well . They ’ re tight in the waist , baggy at the knees . Can you make some alterations ? Oh , we are skillful in doing that . You can trust us . Our shop has a history of more than 20 years . It seems I find the right place . Yes , absolutely ! We have a very good reputation in the neighborhood . When can I have my trousers if I bring it to you tomorrow ? If you like you can wait here . They will be ready in one hour and a half . All right . See you tomorrow . Now darling , I know that we've bought this house together , but it's just going to be far too expensive to decorate it . I think we should sell it . Oh , no , Nathan , I ... I really think we've bought this flat at the right time , you know . Market prices are going to go up , and I think you'll find in a year or two it will be worth a lot more . But we're going to spend so much money in furnishing and decorating . I think we could get a much cheaper place that's already furnished . But don't you like this place ? I remember when we came to see it we thought it would be lovely . Well , only you liked it really , darling . Oh , why didn't you say so then ? But I still think we've made a good buy . That is the most boring , typical gift in the world ! I know . But this year I want to get him an interesting tie . Like this one . That's not exactly a conversation piece . It's so plain . It's perfect ! It's a Dilbert tie ! The diagonal black and red stripes are really conservative though ... But watch this ... it bends upwards , just like Dilbert's tie . There's a wire inside . A fly-away tie ! What a riot ! Room service.May I help you ? Yes , the food you have just sent here is cool.Would you please heat them up ? I am sorry for that.We will send someone to your room right now . That's fine . Quickly please , we are so hungry . May I help you ? Yes , I'm looking for a job as a clerk typist in English . I'm Mary Kelly . May I ask your name ? My name is Zhuang Lingy . How are you , Miss Kelly ? I'm glad to meet you , Mr . Zhuang . Sit down , please . Thank you , Miss Kelly . What are your qualifications for being a clerk typist ? I can type 120 words a minute and I take shorthand at 80 words a minute . Would you be willing to take a typing and shorthand test ? Yes , I would . Your typing and stenography are pretty good . Would you be interested in applying for the job ? Yes , I'd like to give it a try . All right . You need to have an interview with our manager , Mr . McBride . Let's go to his office . Hello . What can I do for you , sir ? Hi . Fill it up please . Premium . Sure . Oh , can you check my oil and tires while you're at it ? No problem . I'm gonna need you to turn off your engine and open the hood for me . OK , it's open . Your oil is fine but your tires are a little flat . Oh . Where can I add some air to my tires ? Right here . I'll do it for you . ( Three minutes later ) Your car's ready . Good . How much does it come to ? Nine gallons of premium . That's $ 15.32 , please . Steven , have a rest . Could you have a talk with me ? OK ! What can I do for you , Madam ? Janice has just got sick and I need a hand now . Could you come here earlier tomorrow morning ? When do you want me to come ? Let me think . About half past seven if it is okay for you . That's fine . I can make it . Do you have cheongsams ? Yes.We have in stock a variety of styles and they are in different colors.What do you think of this one ? The styte is OK . Which country is this made in ? It's made in China . The quality is excellent . Please wrap it . I would like to ask for one day off next week . Do you think the manager will agree ? I know it is the busy time for our company , but I do have some important things to handle . Well , it is hard to say . At least you need to come up with a good reason . Actually , it is my mother ’ s wedding . My parents divorced many years ago . Now she is ready to establish a new family . It is a special occasion . I've got to be there , right ? Yes , you should be there . Go find the manager and ask . I think the manager will understand and approve you a day off . Don ’ t forget to fill in the leave application form . It will be signed by the manager for approval . Thank you so much . Do you have any apartment to rent ? Yes . Right now I have a studio . Where is it . In the downtown , near the square . Is it furnished ? Yes , and the rent includes utilities . That's good . When can I go to see the house ? What about next saturday . Fine . What is this eviction notice for ? The notice you received is a 30 - day notice to vacate . Are you kidding me ? I mentioned to you before that you need to keep up with your rent . This notice to evict is letting you know that I mean business . You can ’ t just throw me out on the street ! You have 30 days to catch up on your rent , or a sheriff will evict you . Will you still throw me out if I make the rent payment ? You can stay , but you might think about looking for a less expensive living arrangement if you are having trouble making the payments . I am going to take care of the rent payment right now . Thank you . The payment needs to be in the form of cash or a cashier ’ s check . Honey , I think I need to go see the doctor . Ah ! You're bleeding all over ! What happened ? I was working in the garage and cut myself with my saw . Here , use this rag to apply pressure to the cut . Does it hurt ? No , not really , there's just a lot of blood . You may just need stitches . I think they can handle this at the clinic instead of the ER . Let me make a quick phone call . I'm going to go sit in the car while I still have the stomach to walk . Oh , sorry ! I forgot you get queasy with the sight of blood . I'll be right there . How about the working hours ? From 9 to 12 a . m . , and 2 to 6 p . m . Can I ask for a leave ? Of course , if necessary . Are there any other jobs waiting for me in the future ? Seldom . That's OK . How can my salary be improved ? Your quantity sold is beyond the required by more than 30 % . Excuse me , I'd like to send this parcel . What's in it , please ? Just a few shirts . OK . You may wrap it now . Please fill in this form and label it . ( after a moment ) Would you like it registered ? No , I'd rather send it by ordinary mail . Nine dollars and fifty cents . Here you are . Here's the receipt . Thank you so much . You're welcome . Look ! It fits you perfectly . It looks great on you and has your name on it . Really ? What about your opinion , Daniel ? Devi , do you have any preference for where you would like to go for dinner for your birthday ? I don't really know where I want to go . I am having trouble thinking of a particular restaurant . There is a great restaurant directory here in the weekend section of the newspaper . OK , we could look at that . Do you have a particular type of food that you would like ? I really like Japanese or Thai food . That Japanese restaurant , Shogun , got good reviews . Oh yeah ! I saw a review of that restaurant on television . The reviewer loved it ! Would that be a place that you might like to go to for your birthday ? That would work out great ! Why don't we call and get a reservation ? Hello , Steven . Annie said that you and Julia have had a quarrel , haven ’ t you ? That ’ s true . We had an argument yesterday . She blamed me for not preparing the supper that day , but it was her turn to cook the dinner . That's the reason why you fought ? Yes . You two are always quarrelling over little things . That wasn ’ t my fault , but she said ' you're a disgrace ' to me . I'm about to explode ! Are you still mad at her now ? To be honest , I ’ m not , and I regret a little what I have done . Will you apologize to her ? No way . It ’ s her who should apologize . Hello ? Hello , is that Miss Smith ? Yes . This is Mr.Gao . How are you ? Not too bad , thanks . And you ? Fine . Listen . Are you free on Wednesday night ? I'd like to invite you to dinner . I'm terribly sorry , but I've already made arrangements for Wednesday . That's a pity . How about Thursday ? That would be fine . Great . What time would you like to meet ? Whenever is suitable for you . I have no plans for that day . OK , let's say 6 And where would you like to meet ? I can pick you up at the gate of your company . Also , what type of food do you like ? I'm not very familiar with Chinese cuisine . What can you recommend ? Well , have you heard of Peking Duck ? it's a local specialty . Of course ! Peking Duck is world-famous . I would love to try it . OK , let's have that then . All right . Well , I'll see you later . See you later , goodbye . What does Human Resources Department do ? Hiring , firing , training , insurances , benefits , retirement plans , salary , vacation . They take care of a lot of things . But most of time , they provide assistances . What do you mean ? Say if the Engineering Department wants to hire a person , they will request HR to find candidates . Yes ? The Engineering Manager and his team will interview the candidates . HR will also be involved with the interview , but basically arranging the schedule and explaining the benefits . OK . Then the Engineering Manager will choose the candidate . I see . What are you going to do with that vase , Penny ? I ’ m going to put it on this table , Sam . Don ’ t do that . Give it to me . What are you going to do with it ? I ’ m going to put it here , in front of the window . Be careful . Don ’ t drop it ! Don ’ t put it there , Sam . Put it here , on this shelf . There we are ! It ’ s a lovely vase . Those flowers are lovely , too . I am sorry to make you run down to the office for me . No trouble . I enjoyed helping you . I need help with my timesheet . OK , no problem . Have you found the blank ones ? Yes , I have seen them . Yes , well put your name on it after you have downloaded it off the company website . OK ? Yes , I understand what to do . You fill in the hours and total them for the week . Have you ever used a 24 hour clock ? What ? Huh ? So after you noted the hours , starting at zero which is midnight , you just write down the minutes as a dot followed by minutes . Get it ? Huh ? What ? Just make sure you show your total , sign it , and turn it in . I thought you said this was easy . You are a quick learner . I don't think you'll have any trouble with this . Mr . Black , when is the earliest shipment you can make ? In April or early May . I am afraid shipment by early May would be too late for us . Our customs formalities are quite complicated , and it takes time to distribute the goods to the farmers in our country . The fertilizers must be delivered before April , or else we can't be in time for the spring sowing . In that case , we will have to improve one month further on the time . Now is Jan . If the fertilizers should be shipped before the end of March , only 2 months are left . The time is too limited . You understand a timely delivery is very important to us . All right . You can rest assured that we will do everything possible to advance shipment . The fertilizers will be delivered before April . Would you like some drinks ? Yes , what kinds of wine do you have ? We have various kinds of wine . As for an appetizer , I advise you to order white wine or dry white wine . Thank you . Please bring us a bottle of dry white wine . Thank you so much for interviewing me this evening . Happy to meet with you . Now , do you prefer group projects ? I like to work alone on some things and then bring those things to the group . Do you value a steady job more or one that offers a chance to move ahead ? I want to grow in my job and move ahead . Could you work for us in another state , if need be ? I need to stay in the area because of my family . How much do you need to make per year ? 75,000 per year . Yikes ! Thanks for your interest in this job . We ’ ll be getting back to you . There ’ re traffic jams everywhere . I think something must be done . Yeah . We should have more roads built . I agree with you . Only in this way can we ease the traffic problems . Excuse me , Mr . Emory ? Yes , Christine ? Could you tell me where the copier is , please ? Sure . You just walk down this hallway . The copy room is the second room on the right . Woo hoo ! This just might be the start of the rest of my life ! What happened ? I ’ m in the market for a job ! I went on a website with hundreds of job listings in the area and browsed through them until I got the names of a few employers I would like to work for . I have the resume I wrote for English class last month and a cover letter will be a piece of cake to write . I ’ Ve even done my research and found the names of the managers so I can address the letters personally . And you know I can be charming in interviews . Goodbye my penniless days ! Hello salary and a career ! Ben , we ’ re fifteen . What kind of job are you looking for ? Oh , just for a position as a gas station attendant . You know , starting at a simple lowly job , just like all the greats before they made it big in the world . Uh-huh . But I ’ m just in it for the money , right ? How else am I going to be able to afford to keep taking Angela to the movies ? Besides , I love the smell of gasoline , don ’ t you ? I think this painting would look good in our living room . What do you think ? Sure . Let's buy it . Hi Michael . Hi Amy . What's up ? I'm looking for the airport . Can you tell me how to get there ? No , sorry . I don't know . I think I can take the subway to the airport . Do you know where the subway is ? Sure , it's over there . Where ? I don't see it . Across the street . Oh , I see it now . Thanks . No problem . Do you know if there's a restroom around here ? Yes , there's one here . It's in the store . Thank you . Bye . Mr . Wang , have you enjoyed your stay here ? Of course , I ’ Ve enjoyed it very much . I ’ Ve met my old friends and made some new friends . We ’ Ve all enjoyed being with you . When will you come back ? Sometime next year . I ’ m looking forward to seeing you again . Take care . The same to you . Keep in touch . I'm looking for some fresh produce that's on sale . Well , we just got in some mangoes . Mangoes . What are they ? Well , it's a fruit with a big nut in it . Can you eat the nut ? No , you peel off the skin and throw out the nut . How much are they ? Well , the sale price is $ 1 each . What does a mango taste like ? They're like a citrus fruit . How do I know if it's ripe ? You can buy them hard . Wait a few days for them to develop a soft feel . Where do they come from ? Most of them in this store are from Mexico . Yes , I think there is something wrong with my car . What's the matter ? When I tried to back it , I found it was out of order . I can't see where the trouble is . Let me see . Is it serious ? No , the damage is minor . And when will it be OK ? 4:00 p . m .. OK . Thank you . How was your morning jog ? Very good . I feel quite refreshed now ! You should come with me sometime - exercise is good for you ! To be honest , I ’ d rather watch television ! Where did you go ? I just ran alongside the main road . Oh you ought to go to the park next time . They have a route for joggers there . Oh ok , I ’ ll try that tomorrow . It ’ ll probably be better than fighting with the traffic ! Go on , why don ’ t you come along ? Oh ok then , I ’ ll come and watch you ! May I come in ? Yes , please . How are you doing , sir ? Fine , thank you . Are you coming for the interview as a secretary ? What's your name ? Please allow me to introduce myself . My name is Li Hua . Nice to meet you . Nice to meet you , too . Miss Li . please have a seat . I am Peter Smith , the General Manager . May I help you at all ? Yes , please . My son wants to go overseas , to England , to do his Master degree . I wondered if you offer any kind of loan that could assist him in doing so ? We certainly do . I can give you some details about a loan called Personal Loan for Studying Abroad . We offer this to anyone who will study outside this country . I see . What does it entail ? I'm not sure if we will be eligible . This loan is specially provided for people who are studying overseas to pay for their tuition fee and other sundry items . So , we could use it to pay for my son's living expenses , not just his tuition ? That's right . The sundries could include accommodation , text books and so on . The guidelines are not so strict , you see . That is good to know . Just think ! We've been worrying about this for weeks and just a short visit here and my mind is at ease . Thank you . Do you play mahjong ? Once in a while . How can I be sure your products are of superior quality , as you promised ? One of the reasons for our good quality products is because of our quality inspection system , which is the best of its kind . But a quality inspection system does not mean that each unit will always be up to the standard . We have trained analyzers to do quality analysis at the end of each part when we make the product . This means that no mistakes are made . Your salesman also told me that each worker is trained to do quality analysis . Can you tell me a little about that ? Certainly . We provide quality analysis training as part of the training for all new workers , plus a week of further training every year . You are from the travel agency , aren't you ? Yes , are you Mr James ? Yes , I am . Are you Miss Li from the travel agency ? That's right . Do you mind telling me your name ? Of course not . My name is Li Ping . Is this all your baggage ? Yes , it is . I usually travel light . Welcome to Hong Kong . I'll go and get the car . Could you please wait a few minutes ? Sure , and I'm glad to meet you . Thanks for your help . Fill it up , please . Fine . Do you want your windshield cleaned ? No , thank you . I don't have time . How much is that ? It comes to $ 15 . Did you call me , sir ? Yeah . If you are available now , let me describe your work duties , OK ? What am I expected to do ? As a newcomer , you are going to be responsible for some basic tasks first , including certain routine duties like answering the telephone and typing . Later , you will be assigned to the Sales Department . I see . It must be a challenging job , but I would like to do it . And what about now ? For this is your first day in our company , you can begin with our special products . Before you do your job , it's necessary for you to be familiar with our own products . Sort these papers and file them correctly . OK , I'll get to work on it at once . Can I help you ? I hope so . I'm looking for some material for a paper I'm writing , and I'm not quite sure where to look . I'll certainly try to help you . What topic is your paper on ? My paper is on the influence of television on children . There are several possible sources you might use for that topic . I suggest you use the computer and the computer will give you a list of every scientific journal that talks about children and television . Thank you for you help . This section of the store is called Junior . Why is that ? It means young girls . That's where you'll find clothes for young girls . But I can't find anything in my size here . You're small , but you're not a child . Well , there's nothing I can do about my height ! There's a petite section that you an check out . What's in the petite section ? It has clothes in small sizes for small women . Taxi ! Where to ? Beijing International Airport . Would you please help me with my baggage ? Certainly . Let's put the suitcase in the boot . Thank you . I've got just 50 minutes to go . Can we manage ? Take it easy . We should be able to make it unless we get caught in a traffic jam . I can't afford to miss my 9:40 flight . Don't worry . The traffic is smooth . You will be there in time for your flight . IBA , Client Services Department . Shelley speaking , how can I help ? Client Services ? Oh , hello . I need your help . Certainly , that's what we're here for . What can I help you with ? I'm a tourist in this city and unfortunately I've lost my card ! Calm down , Sir . Is that an IBA Debit or Credit Card ? Credit Card . The International Credit Card , I can't find it anywhere . Just calm down , Sir . OK , when do you think you lost it ? I'm not 100 % sure , around an hour ago I guess . I had it in the hotel lobby bar ; I used it to charge something to my room . I obviously didn't pick it up again . That's fine , Sir . Let me just take some details FRCM you and we can help you . Thank you . Thank you very much . Sir , how can I help you ? I'd like a one-inch photo for my interview . OK , please take a seat . Look at here . Head up . Done . I want to fetch them in 3 days . Do you like traveling by train or by plane ? I think I prefer train . It's cheaper and safe . Are you a social person ? Yes , I am an outgoing person who likes to be with a lot of friends . What is your strategy in communicating with colleagues ? Well , the most important thing in communication is your sincerity . Good morning , Wilson Association . This is Brown speaking . I'd like to speak to Mr.Tomas . I'm sorry , but Mr.Tomas left here just a few minutes ago . I've been trying to call him for the last ten minutes , but your line was busy . Will he be back soon ? I'm afraid not . He is away for the rest of the day . Is there any other way I can reach him ? I'm afraid not , he has gone out of this town on business . May I take a message ? I have a business appointment with him at ten o'clock tomorrow morning , but I'm afraid I can't make it . Would you like to make another appointment ? Unfortunately , I'm leaving here unexpectedly , and I may be away for several days . I see . I'll tell Mr.Tomas you've called . Thank you . Oh man ! I ’ Ve been starving myself for days now and I haven ’ t lost an ounce ! Are you trying to lose weight ? Yeah , my friend is getting married next month and I ’ m supposed to be a bridesmaid . I have to fit into my dress and look nice for her wedding , but I haven ’ t lost any weight ! Look at these love handles . You don ’ t have to starve yourself to lose weight . I think that ’ s where you ’ re going wrong . Why ? If I eat less , then my body will start eating away at my fat reserves , right ? Not really . You should try to not eat foods high in calories , salts or saturated fats . Stay away from oily food and artificial flavors . So you are saying that I should eat , but I should just watch what I eat ? Yes ! You can also try to reduce your intake of carbohydrates and foods that are high in cholesterol . You can have steamed veggies or increase your protein intake found in chicken or fish . If I do all this do you think I can lose twenty pounds in four weeks ? Don ’ t count on it . Thank you all for coming to our monthly staff correlation meeting . Today we have a lot of new things to introduce to you all , there will be a lot of changes in company policy to accommodate better employee welfare . Employee welfare ? What all does that include ? In the past , our welfare program has consisted of benefits packages only , meaning partial health insurance coverage and retirement plan . But we hope to boost morale by increasing incentives and adding additional welfare considerations . What kind of considerations are we talking about ? It is proposed that from now on , employees will be given 10 paid sick days , in addition to their 2 week vacation periods . They will also be encouraged to maintain proper physical health with a company sponsored aerobics class on Friday nights . We have also consulted with the human resource department and have hired a new liaison between management and employees . Let ’ s all welcome Ms . Michelle Cain to our team as our company ’ s ombudsman . Our company now has n ombudsman ? Yes , that ’ s right . From now on , whenever you have a question or concern regarding anything that happens during the work day , Ms . Cain will be your advocate . If you believe there is anything inappropriate or unfair in the management practices , the ombudsman will be the first person you seek . Her job is to have your best interest at heart . I have finished filling in the forms . Can I go to my room now ? Yes , here's your key . The bellboy will take you to your room . Thank you . You like this china tea set , don't you ? Yes , but can you show me the other colour ones ? Sure.How about the brown one ? No , I don't like the brown one . The blue one ? Good , I like it . You've made a good choice.This china tea set is unusual.It was made in Jingdezhen . It is extremely beautiful.This is the very thing I've been dreaming of.Please put in a gift box for me . Yes , sir . Can you make a suit for me to measure ? Sure . What about the cloth over there ? It's in fashion . That's fine . Come here and I will measure you . OK . Hi ! I see you are having fun with your new computer and internet connection . There ’ s so much I want to do . I ’ Ve just finished sending lots of emails to friends and family all over the world . I just ran a search for music to download . I can give you the name of a few useful website to visit . Thanks . That would be very helpful . I ’ Ve discovered that it can take a long time to find exactly what you want . There ’ s too much information on the net . When you sent your emails , did you attach any files to them ? Yes , I did . There ’ s an anti-virus programme with my email account that scans all attachments , so I ’ m sure I haven ’ t sent anything nasty to anyone . When you use the internet , be careful not to give out your email address very often . If you do , you might get a lot of spam-unwanted email form companies trying to sell you things . That ’ s good advice . I should also be careful about giving out confidential information about myself , such as my password and credit car number . That ’ s right . Another thing to remember when you are surfing is that you can add a web page to your list of favourites . Your computer will remember the page and you can return there quickly next time How do I do that ? Take this web page for example . Press the keys control and d together . Click on favourites at the top of the screen . There you are . It has been added to you favourites list . If you click it , you will That ’ s useful to know . Thanks . I ’ ll just log off and shout down my computer and we can go for a coffee . Three twenty-five cent stamps , please . Here you are . seventy-five cent , please . And please sent this letter by registered mail . Is there anything valuable in it ? There ’ s a check of two hundred dollars and photograph . Shall I make out a receipt ? No . don ’ t bother . That ‘ ll be ninety-five cents in all . Excuse me , sir . My baggage is badly damaged . I am sorry to hear that . You have to fill out a claim form . Where can I get it ? Here you are . Here comes the last course ! Shall I help you to the dish ? I'd rather not have it if you don't mind . I'll have soup instead . I'm supposed to be on a diet . But I can't resist a good dinner . Which route are you interested in ? I think the four days ' tour from New York to Atlantic City will be fine . That's a good choice . What is the departure date ? We have parties every Saturday from June to October . Good morning , may I help you ? Good morning . I want to remit 1,000 yuan to my sister in Shanghai . Please fill out this form . OK ... Do I need to put on my sister's name for the receiver ? Yes . You must put on her name and address . OK , I see . Here you are . Is that OK now ? Let me check . Yes . Your 1,000 remittance , please . Here you are . What is the rate ? This rate is one percent . That will be 10 yuan . OK . When will this remittance arrive ? Generally it will arrive within three days . That's good . What is your great struck ? I think I ’ m very good at planning . I manage my time perfectly , so that I can always get things done on time . Why do you think you be a good fit or this job ? Because I ’ m very competent in this area . Are you working under pressure ? Yes , I work well under pressure and find it dimly . However , I believe planning and probable management of my time can reduce tight deadlines . Are you more a follower or a leader ? I don ’ t try to go ahead of people and lead them , I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody else and get the job done by working together . May I speak to Marry ? She's in a meeting until noon . Ok , I'll try her back then . Ok , thank you . What's your products ' competitive edge ? You have probably noticed that our products ' prices are competitive . Besides . we can provide more superior products than other companies at the same price . We need your detail explanation . It means that if you place a big order , we usually allow 15 % for a trade discount . And our products feel more slip , colorful and faddish than others . You can have a look . It sounds good , and how about its quality ? We only look for the best . We always sell the best . You can believe us at this point . OK ! How long dose it take you to deliver if we order 1000 pieces of silk ? Within 2 weeks once we receive your orders . What dressing would you like on the salad ? French dressing , please . I beg your pardon ? Oh , French dressing . Sorry , it's not available now.Anything else ? We still prefer French dressing . Will you say it again ? Who's your manager ? Tell me ! Would you ? Do you carry black ink ? The ink should be next to the paper clips and thumb tacks in the stationary section , sir . I've looked for , but I didn't see any black ink . Then I'm afraid there's none in stock . Well , I'll settle for blue-black . I'll also take a dozen airmail envelopes . They come in packages of ten or twenty . Give me a package of twenty , then . And where do I find shoelaces ? On counter three . Thank you . I never can find my way around this store . I know . It took me three weeks , and I work here . What kind of insurance could the company provide for its employees ? All staff can enjoy the health insurance program . What if an employee was injured due to work-related job ? Employees are covered by worker's compensation insurance . What position have you held before ? I have been a salesman . Would you tell me the general description of your present job ? I am in charge of the trading department . What made you decide to change your job ? I ’ m working in a small company where further promotion is impossible . Why do you leave your present company ? I never easily give up something that is valuable . Before I decided to quit that position , I had made a thorough analysis of things like what I would gain and what I would lose here in your company . You know , Shanghai is always a fascinating place to me , full of challenges as well as hopes . In addition to this , I have the specialized knowledge and the necessary experience of making a good . Of course , opportunities to work abroad and a higher salary are also important to me . So I believe it ’ s worthwhile to come here to work . Why did you pick this organization ? I'm very much interested in the position . What made you decide to join our company ? I believe I would have better opportunities with a small but rapidly expanding company like yours . Did you already wash your clothes today ? I've only washed my white clothes . Could you wash some of my dark clothes with yours ? Is there any special care I should take with your clothes ? The only thing is that they have to be washed on the gentle cycle . Are there a lot of clothes ? There aren't a lot of clothes , do you have a lot to wash ? It's a medium load . You don't mind , do you ? No big deal . I'll do it for you . Okay , thanks a lot . You're welcome . Does this dress look OK on me ? Yes , of course . It seems made to measure . Well , I think that one fits me better . What's the price ? $ 120 . So where is this mystery restaurant that we are going to ? It ' s an Indian restaurant ! I know you have never had Indian food , so I thought you might want to try . That sounds great ! I am craving some type of beef dish . Well , Indian cuisine actually doesn ' t serve beef . You see , cows are a sacred animal , a very important element in the Hindu religion , so beef is not eaten . I see , so what are we having ? Chicken ? There are many amazing dishes to choose from . We can have some chicken tikka masala which is an amazing curry . It ' s a bit spicy , but I think you can handle it . Sounds good ! I have always heard that Indian spices give a rich flavor to food . Yeah . Also , we can have some Naan bread which is baked in a tandoori oven . Since you don ' t use any utensils to eat , you can use this bread to scoop up the curry or rice . What about veggies ? They have a good variety of vegetable-based dishes like talak panter , vegetable samosas or daal . It all sounds exquisite ! I can ' t wait ! Okay , Doctor , tell it to me straight . If you want to live much longer you have to give up smoking . I've tried before . Everything I've tried doesn't work . Maybe with the choice of life or death before you , you will find it easier . May I see that x-ray again ? See all these black areas ? That's tar built up in your Lungs . And that is what's causing my shortness of breath . Look at it this way , when you quit , you will save money , time and your life ! Can I help you , madam ? Yes , I'm looking for a cap . Size 16 . Would you like to try this one on ? Yes . It's a bit tight . Have you got a bigger one ? All right . How about this one ? Yes , that's fine . I'll take it . Can I pay by check ? Of course , madam . It's Sunday today . Yes , I know . I think we should have a house cleaning today . What's your opinion ? Oh , no . We just did it last week . Come on . What do you want to do ? Washing clothes or cleaning the house ? I'd rather wash the clothes . Okay . Here is the laundry . Oh , My God ! So much ! Don't worry . I'll help you with it later . We need to call an emergency meeting as soon as possible about this . OK . Let me send a memo around . Schedule it for this afternoon , when Ken gets back . I don ’ t think he ’ s back today . Oh , that ’ s right . Go ahead anyways . I ’ ll fill him in . We can ’ t lose this order under any circumstances ! I know , it ’ s a big one . I want to find an old music box . We have a great selection . What decade are you looking for ? Do you have anything made in the 1920s ? We have six . Do any of them have dancing figures ? Actually , two of them have dancing figures . That's fantastic . I think I like this one . A good choice . I prefer that one myself . Now , is there any warranty with this ? Oh , no , I'm afraid not . These things are just too old to guarantee anything . I understand . Even if they break down , they're still works of art . Shall we start decorating the bedroom ? I've already started . When ? This afternoon . May I take your order ? We haven't decided yet . Could you give us a little longer ? Yes , take your time , please . Can we get something to drink ? We want two bottles of beer . Fine . Could you tell us your specials today ? The special today is steak . We'll take this steak dinner . What would you like to go with your steak ? Peas and carrots . I see . What would you like for dessert ? Icecream , please . Let's see . I had the salmon starter which was £ 5.90 and my Pizza was £ 8.25 . I had the soup and bruschetta which all together is £ 4.50 and my trout for the main course was £ 12 . So that's £ 14.15 for me and £ 16.50 for you . Yes and shall we go fifty-fifty for the wine ? Yes , so that's an extra £ 6 for both of us . So now your bill comes to £ 20.15 and I need to pay £ 22.50 . And I had a dessert - that's another £ 3.50 . And you had coffee which is £ 2 . And is that all ? Yes , this is everything on the list . So now my bill is £ 24.50 and yours come to £ 23.65 . Is that correct ? Yes , that's exactly it . How much tip shall we give the waiter ? I think £ 5 would be good . Hello ! Is Mr . Green there ? Speaking . May I ask whom I am talking to ? This is Li with Silk Company . We met last Sunday during the exhibition . Oh , yes . I remember your company . Thank you for visiting our products . I remember that you are interested in our silk products and so , could I have a meeting with you this week to show you moreinformation about our products ? I'd like to , but I'm afraid that my schedule is full this week . What about next week ? Is it convenient for you ? Am . How about 10 a . m . on next Friday ? Any time you say is OK . All right , expecting you . Where did you study accounting ? I studied at Anshan University . Did you intern anywhere ? Yes , I interned with an accounting firm during tax season . That must have been stressful . Yes , but I learned a lot . I'll bet . I learned about different tax laws and how they work . Hello . Mr . Zhang . It's Mary . Yes , Mary ? I'm afraid we're really staffed this week , Mr . Li . I'd like to meet you , but I'm sorry I really can't . Are you telling me you're not going to meet with me ? Not at all , sir . I'd just like to delay our meeting to next week , I'll have time at the beginning of next week . Well , I don't like it , but I guess I don't have any choice . How about Monday morning at 9 a . m . ? OK , I'll go to your office at that time . Good afternoon , Mrs . White . Good afternoon , Mr . Black . Haven't seen you for a long time . Can I help you ? Can I see Mr . Cooper , your manager now ? Let me see if he is free . Would you please sit down and wait for a moment ? All right . The manager will come to see you in a few minutes . Thanks a lot , Mrs . White . You are welcome . Jack , I think it's best that I actively ask for the results of interview . That's a good idea ! So you don't need to worry about it . I think so , too . What do you think about that I write a letter of inquiry to the company ? It's OK . You could send an email to the employer via the internet . Good idea . It is convenient and fast . You could inquire about the results directly , but should be politely . Certainly . I think the letter of inquiry should be written briefly . If it's too long , I'm afraid the employer won't have time to read it . I think that about one hundred words are enough . After you send the letter of inquiry , you should pay close attention not to miss any reply . OK , I know now . Excuse me , Mr . Rodriguez ? Could I speak with you for a moment ? I can ’ t just now , Susan . Could we get together this afternoon ? What ’ s it about ? Well , I ’ d like to talk about my new contract with you , if that ’ s all right . Oh , that ’ s right . Is that time of the year , huh ? That ’ s fine . How about if we meet at 3:30 this afternoon ? George , did you remember to buy the book ? Sorry , darling , I forgot . When will you buy it then ? I promise you'll have it tomorrow . Well , I ’ d better get back to work . I ’ Ve got a ton of stuff on my desk ! Me too . I ’ ll see you after work , huh ? Yeah , definitely . I was hoping to catch a ride with you . Sure . Meet me at five . The boss had an informal discussion with me this morning , I feel really down . What ’ s up ? Well , actually I failed to meet a deadline last week and I forgot to answer an e-mail for a VIP customer yesterday . Anything that distracts you from work ? Yes , everything . I feel overwhelmed by the daily work . Sometimes , I just can ’ t focus on what I am doing . What is worse , though I make plans for a whole week , I always have to make changes later on because other things come up . I can ’ t manage my time well . I can ’ t handle work well . I am afraid I was screw up more things . Look , Lucy . Things are not so bad as you said . This is our company ’ s busiest time in a year . You need to relax a little . Don ’ t push yourself too hard , ok ? Well , I will try . Oh , no ! My stub ! I can't believe it — I flushed it down the toilet ! Excuse me , madam ! You parked in the handicapped spot . But , but ... it was really an emergency ! And , my stub ... Don't tell me you lost it . Ah , umm , kind of . That was quick . Well , I , umm , I flushed it ... Oh , there is something wrong with my car . Your car is rather old.Why not change a new one ? I want to change a new car . I like Honda best , especially the red one.But it is too expensive . Oh , there is a car exhibition tomorrow afternoon . I have two tickets.Would you like to go there with me ? Yeah.Maybe I can find my favorite car in addition to Honda . And the bank will offer you loans for twenty years ! Those are today ’ s top stories . Now let ’ s go to John for the weather . John , what does the forecast look like for our weekend travelers ? I ’ m afraid we ’ re in for a rough weekend , Marry . There is a storm system moving through the East Coast . It will be drizzling all day today , and there ’ s a 60 percent chance of thunderstorms this evening . It will be warm and humid all weekend . In the Midwest , expect strong winds and a low of around 40 degrees . That ’ s pretty chilly for the summer ! Will it rain on Saturday ? Unfortunately , yes . It will be clear early Saturday morning but there is a high chance of showers and thunderstorms later in the day . There is a severe thunderstorm warning for some parts of the Southeast . Folks in those areas might see some hail and flooding , especially in areas that have been experiencing record high rainfalls . That certainly sounds like a dreary Saturday . It gets better on Sunday , though . The storm systems move east and the skies will clear up at night . It will still be rather cool , with highs in the low 50s . The West Coast will be experiencing some unusually chilly weather , but at least the sun will come out . I advise weekend travelers to be careful , especially while driving . Back to you , Mark . Thanks John , and there you have it ! Looks like it ’ s a weekend to stay at home ! Do you have any English newspapers ? Yes , just over there . I'd like to see some Mandarin textbooks too . Do you have any ? Yes , they are just next to the newspapers actually . Thank you . Come on , darling . We haven't got much time . All right . I'm nearly ready . What time does the bus leave ? Half past six ... and it's half past six already . Oh , we've got plenty of time . We haven't . Hurry up ! All right . Let's go . And about time too ! John , could you come to my office ? I need to talk to you . Sure . I'll be there as soon as I finish this document . No . Come here right now . OK . What's the matter ? I'm sorry to say that we have to let you go , John . Why ? I work very hard . Well , you're working very hard but not efficiently . And you don't work well with other employees . Well , some of those other guys are not the same kind I'd like to communicate with , but if that's important to you . I'll try to get along with them . I'm afraid it's too late . We are downsizing our workforce and you'll have to go . It's unfair . We can give you the option of residing rather than being fired , because it will look better on your resume when you apply for another job if you resign . OK . I need to think about that for a while . All right , but let me know your decision before the end of the day . Thank you for coming so quickly . No problem . What ’ s wrong ? A pipe in my apartment is leaking . Where is the pipe ? The pipe is in my bathroom . Can you tell me how long the pipe has been leaking ? The pipe has been leaking for a couple days . You do realize that I will need to rip down your wall to get to the pipe , right ? Yes , I ’ m aware of that . Is that all right ? I just need the problem fixed . I ’ ll get started on it now . What do you think of this dress ? Do you think it suits me ? Sure . Why don ’ t you try it on ? The fitting room is over there . It ’ s just the right size-a perfect fit ! Have you seen anything you like ? I ’ m thinking about buying this sweater . I know it ’ s june now , but it will be perfect for autumn and winter . It looks too big for you , but I like the color and the material is good quality . Is it on sale ? Yes , it ’ s half price . It ’ s supposed to be too large-that ’ s the fashion . I might get one too , but in a different colour . I prefer light blue to while . There . It looks great , don ’ t you think ? I ’ m going to get these jeans as well . I need a new pair . I need a new pair . I ‘ m also going to buy this scarf ready for winter . I ’ m getting this beret – doesn ’ t it look cool ? I ’ d like to get some jeans too , but I don ’ t have enough cash on me . Don ’ t worry . I ’ Ve got my credit card . You can pay me back later . Thanks ! Now I don ’ t need to come back to the shop a second time . These two sections need to be re-written , Jerry . The last guy that did this really mixed things up . Yeah , I could tell that . That ’ s no problem . I can probably get it re-done by tomorrow . When ’ s our meeting with the boss ? Not until next week , I think , the 15th . Then , we ’ Ve got plenty of time . Flight BE 407 to Rome is delayed . Will passengers please wait in the lounge ? Oh , how annoying ! The time of departure will be announced as soon as possible . Is's infuriating ! I have to be in Rome by five . Which department do you want to register with ? I want to see a dentist . Please pay the registration fee , 10 Yuan . OK , thank you . Is this our bus stop ? I think this is it . Get off . Dude , where are we at ? I have no idea . I thought this was the right stop . It doesn't look right to me . Did you make us get off early ? I think we did . I should not have listened to you . I really thought this was our stop . Now we have to walk . Maybe we should just wait for the next bus . Good morning , madam . Can I help you ? Good morning . I ’ m looking for a new jacket . Our jackets are over here next to coats and accessories . I like this jacket . Can I try it on ? Of course . The changing rooms are over there . Thanks . can I see these silk ties ? No problem . I ’ ll take this one . Good . Anything else ? The tie pins ? The cuff links ? No , thank you . I want to have a look at that scarf . Ok . We have several kinds of scarves here . Let me get them for you . Just wait a minute . Oh . I like this one . I have been looking for this color and design . Please wrap it for me , and I ’ ll take it . This is the rush hour . I noticed there ’ s a jam a few blocks away . Let ’ s drive off this road . I ’ m afraid I ’ ll be late . So , are we all ready to go ? Yup , I think so . The car ’ s packed , we have munchies and music , and the map ’ s in the car . Did you get the camera ? Got it ! Did you fill up the tank ? Yup , it ’ s all set . You ’ re sure we ’ re not forgetting anything ? I ’ m sure ... we ’ Ve got all our bases covered . Well , let ’ s get going then ! I love road trips ! Um ... do you think we can make a pit stop ? But we ’ Ve only been on the road for ten minutes . I know , but I forgot to go to the bathroom before we left . Excuse me , have you got any laundry ? The laundryman is here to collect it . Yes , I have . Here are my blouse , coats and stockings . Anything else ? Oh , yes . My husband also has some laundry . This is his suit and here is his pajamas . Are they to be dry-cleaned ? Oh , no . Only the suit and coat are to be dry-cleaned . I want to have my blouse tomorrow evening . And I'd like the collar and cuffs starched . Yes , but not too stiff , right ? Exactly . Is it possible to have my overcoat dry-cleaned , too ? There are a few spots on it . I am afraid you will not have it tomorrow . Dry-cleaning usually takes three days . Oh , no . I also need this tomorrow evening . In that case , I suppose I could ask the dry-cleaner to clean up the spots for the moment , and have it well pressed . You might get it back on time then . That's a good idea . By the way , a cotton came off your shirt you gave me the day before yesterday . Yes , I noticed it yet . The laundry has sewed on a new button for you . Oh , thanks a lot . I am afraid the new one is not exactly the same as the others . Never mind , it doesn't matter . If you have any more laundry , please just leave it in the laundry bag behind the bathroom door . The laundryman comes to collect it every morning . We are sorry for our fault . I do hope this undesirable incident will not stand in the way of our future business . Thank you for your understanding . I'm going to take a nap . You should unplug the phone . That's a good idea . Do you want me to wake you in an hour ? No , thanks . Just let me sleep until I wake up . I'll start dinner at 6:00 . Okay . I think I'll be awake by then . If not , your nose will wake you up . You mean I will smell the food cooking ? You might even dream about dinner . I don't think I'm going to dream about anything . I'm really tired . Have a nice nap . I really feel like eating a salad . What kind are you going to make ? I'm really not sure . I really like Caesar salads . Caesar salads are pretty good . What kind of salad do you want to make ? I want a salad with some chicken . I love chicken salads . I like my salads to have croutons , almonds , and shredded cheese . That sounds really tasty . You should make a salad like that . I think that I will . I want to buy a rain coat . Could you please show me one ? With pleasure . What color do you like ? I like yellow best . How much does it cost ? It costs 275 yuan , Miss . It's nice , but that's very steep for a rain coat . Could you give me a 20 percent discount ? Sorry , we don't give discounts . In that case , I don't think I'll buy one here . Where did this come from ? I have no idea . It sure is hot . Why don't we go in the Haunted House ? At least it will be air conditioned . I've told you a thousand times . I don't want to go in the Haunted House.It ' s too scary ! Well . Maybe I'll go alone then . I really don't want to miss it . Go alone if you want . I will wait at that cafe and have a soda . It might take a long time . Because there is a line , you know . I know . But if you don't go in the Haunted House , you won't be happy.So I will wait for you . It's no problem . Thanks . How was it ? I'm sorry it took so long . Don't worry about it . But how was it ? Is there a vacant table for 2 right now ? I am sorry , sir . All the tables have been booked . what a pity . Would you mind waiting in the lounge for 10 minutes ? I am sure I can arrange you a table then . OK . Hello , Mr Mayhew . How are you today ? I'm just fine , thanks , Jane . I'd like to make a withdrawal from my Current Account , please . Would you like a balance inquiry first , Mr Mayhew ? That might be a good idea , yes . Your balance is 21,290 RIB . How much would you like to take out today ? I think 2,000 RIB will suffice , thanks . Actually , I have a suggestion for you . We've started a new service called Entrusting Deposit Combination - Have you heard about this ? No , I don't think I have . But I would like to hear the full details , if you think it'll be beneficial to me . Excuse me , I'm afraid you've parked in the wrong spot . Oh , really ? Isn't this spot C408 ? No , it's D408 , my parking space . I have already paid for it . I'm sorry , I must have been confused . I had thought it's C section , but actually it's D section . I'll move my car right away . It's no big deal . Thank you . What's your favorite magazine ? Off hand , I'd say the Reader's Digests is my favorite . What kind of magazine is it ? It's instructive and inspiring . Really ? It is a weekly , isn't it ? No , it's a semimonthly . Does it enjoy popularity among the young generation ? Yes , it's so popular that it's sold out as soon as it reaches the bookstores . Oh , I think I should try to read one . I lost track of time , am I late ? Yes . What kept you from arriving on time ? My friend needed me to help him . I realize that everyone has emergencies ; just get here on time from now on . I will try . My apologies . I appreciate you saying that and would like you to join us in our meeting . Sure , I'll sit right here . Wonderful , does anyone have any questions about this project ? I am confused about the projected revenues . I'm glad that some of you get it , but let's go over it once more . Jimmy , I ’ d like to wear this robe for tonight cocktail party . What do you think of it ? Don ’ t dress like that . You ’ ll make fool yourself . You look stupid in that robe . What ? But it is my favorite piece of clothing . Maybe it is . But it ’ s out of fashion . What am I going to do ? Let ’ s go downtown and pick up some fashionable clothes for you . Is this the right bus for the Grand Hotel ? Oh , no . You should take the No . 14 tram . Where can I take it ? Two blocks down the street . May I help you ? Yes . I'm sorry , but I've lost my passbook . Well . Can you tell me how much you have deposited ? About RIB 12,000 . Please let me have your name and your savings account number if you remember it . I'm Bob Brown . But I can't recall my account number . Don't worry , Mr . Brown . Let me try to check it for you . One moment , please . Yes , I have your account number here . The balance is exactly RIB 12,000 Thank goodness . It is still there . Thank you very much . It's my pleasure . Please fill out this lost passbook bill and list the code word you used when you first opened your account . OK . So your mom can stop nagging you now . Trust me . She'll keep nagging . She thinks something will go wrong . Don't tell me she's been listening to the fortune-teller again . You guessed it . She says we have to get married on January 2nd , or we'll have bad luck . The day we choose to get married could never be an unlucky day . My mom just wants everything to be perfect for us . I heard Nick found a job in a bank and his salary is said very high . I also want to work there . Will this do ? Your major is not related to banking , as you know . I know that , but making a lot of money makes me crazy . Money is not the only standard to decide your career . In fact , there are more important things you can refer to when evaluating your career . If I were you , I would choose one I like to do . Actually , I am afraid I will be stuck in the job forever , if I choose a bad one . Don't worry . We can always change our careers , when we are unsatisfied with them . Room Service . May I help you ? This is Room 603 . I'm afraid that the heating system doesn't work . It's very cold here . Have you switched on the radiator ? Yes . I have switched it on for a long time . The room is still very cold . We're terribly sorry for that . We'll send our staff io fix it now . Or do you want to change your room ? I prefer not to move first . OK . Is it convenient for us to come now ? Yes , please . How's your job search going ? I only started looking for a job a few days ago . have you finished compiling your resume ? yes , I was precise with every word in my resume ? that's good . Don't forget to design the format . An attractive format is as important as the content . absolutely , I've highlighted all my strengths and the resume is clear and easy to read . good . How about your cover letter ? a cover letter ? I've never thought about that . Won't a CV do for my job application ? no , a CV is not enough . You should also attach it with a cover letter . Don't overlook it . You're faced with fierce competition in the job market . If your cover letter cannot stand out in the pile of sounds reasonable.Even if I'm the right one for the job , many people are applying for the same vacancy at the same time , so I should try my best to catch the Human Resources manager's attention . yes , you're right . All your preparation efforts are to help you land a job interview . got it . I'll start right now . I've been told you might have a vacant room . Yes , I have a spare room . Would it be okey to look at the room , now ? Would you come here in twenty minutes ? We're right in the middle of dinner . This apartment looks nice . Yes , it has two bedrooms . That's convenient . How much is the rents ? 2,500 yuan a month . This apartment is nice , but I'd like to find a cheaper one . Hello ? Ms . Patterson ? This is Bill from Workmate calling . I'm just wondering if you had a chance to look over the estimate I sent for your gala dinner project next month ... As I said in my email , we can help you with production according to your needs , but we will only be able to give insite management support services on a limited basis . Oh , yes . I reviewed your estimate . But it seems like the project blueprint you sent with the estimate is not quite what we had in mind . Did you get a copy of the specs for this project ? Yes , I have several copies , but they're all different versions ... The latest I have is version 12 , is that current ? No . Later we decided to opt for the prior outline , version 7 . Hold on , let me pull up your version 7 requirements ... Oh yes , no wonder our estimate is a little different from what you had in mind . I see the version 7 also includes 6 additional hostesses and a cocktail self-serve bar that wasn't in the version 12 . That will definitely add to your cost on this project ... Home at last . Tonight we have a lot of homework though . Are you saying we don ’ t have time to watch our favorite show tonight ? Jane , you know I really don ’ t like our teacher all that much . He gives far too much homework . He criticizes me in front of everyone all the time . To tell the truth , I don ’ t really like him either . He ’ s kind of boring and not very active . He always looks unhappy too . Yes , and he also ... Do you think we should be talking about him like this behind his back ? Probably not . After all he is our teacher . We should try to find something nice to say . If you can ’ t say something nice you shouldn ’ t say anything at all . I absolutely agree . It ’ s getting dark . We should finish our homework now . All right . I want to take a shower first , I ’ m exhausted . Mr . Reynolds ? Rick Murphy . I ’ m the accounting manager for Macmillan and Emory , Incorporated . Nice to meet you . How can I help you ? I would like to meet with you to discuss some discrepancies on our payroll account . Certainly , Mr . Murphy . Could you come to my office this afternoon at 2:30 ? Shall I make some coffee , Jane ? That's a good idea , Charlotte . It's ready . Do you want any milk ? Just a little please . What about some sugar ? Two teaspoonfuls ? No , less than that . One and a half teaspoonfuls please . That's enough for me . That was very nice . Would you like some more ? Yes , please . I'd like a cigarette , too . May I have one ? Of course . I think there are a few in that box . I'm afraid it's empty . What a pity ! It doesn't matter . Have a biscuit instead . Eat more and smoke less ! That's very good advice ! Do you like chocolates ? It depends . Do you like coffee ? Um . It ’ s delicious . And do you like English food ? Not all of it . Hi.Mike . Hi , Peter ! How are you ? Fine , thanks.And you ? Very well , thanks . This will be your office here . Really ? Wow , it is great . We try to get everyone in the upper management team a nice office . I suppose so . It's great . I'm glad you like it . Yes , is there a coffee machine around here ? Yes , we have a coffee machine and some other beverages in the break room . Where is the break room ? It's just down the hall , the fourth door on your right . Got it . You can always call me if you need anything and I will get it for you . Thank you . What are you thinking ? I ’ m thinking about where we shall spend our vocation . It ’ s about 7 o ’ clock . let ’ s have our breakfast first . Ok , dear.We will be late . What do you want ? A ham salad sandwich . Sorry , I didn ’ t prepare this . Then , I ’ d like some eggs and bread for breakfast instead . Ok , I ’ ll have it sent to you immediately . alright , tell me what you think . don't you think it ’ s a bit bright ? yeah , maybe you ’ re right . How about this outfit ? that dress looks lovely on you , but it ’ s not very practical , is it ? no , I don't have an plans to go to a formal dance any time soon , but I love the way it looks . I just had to try it on ! What do you think about this ? It ’ s casual , yet sophisticated . I like the jeans , but you need something to go with the top . It ’ s too plain on its own . how about this scarf , these earrings , and an anklet ? that might be going overboard a bit . How about just that scarf with a bracelet ? that ’ s a good idea . You have a lot of good fashion sense . thanks . You ’ d be ok on your own . There are loads of fashion victims out there , and you are not one of them . Have you tried it on yet ? yep . Here it is . What do you think ? that looks great . Just one more thing---you need some high heels with those jeans . Do you want a pair with a plain pattern or ones with a leopard print on them ? the leopard print sounds fabulous . Are they a name brand ? no , they ’ re a Prada knock-off for 1/10 of the price of the real thing . that ’ s even better than the real thing . if I were you , I ’ d buy that now while it ’ s on sale . If you spend more than $ 100 , you get a $ 50 voucher for more clothes . it ’ s too bad I did all that shopping yesterday ! OK . I just saw a Versace for thirty dollars . This stuff can't be real ! Most of it is . You should sign up . I'm not sure I'd want to give these people my credit card number . Didn't you read about Paypal and Bidpai ? They are very safe . Sure , but it's so complicated . They asked for my credit card authorization number . That's the last three or four numbers on the back of your credit card where your signature is . I have trouble understanding all these forms ... but I'm sure I'll get it . Janice , do you still remember how our filing system works ? Yes , I have read the Filling Instruction carefully , since you showed me it last week . Very good . What is the essence of filing , do you know ? The essence of filing I remember is to bring together in a single folder or file all papers relating to a particular subject . And outgoing and incoming letters are kept in this file cabinet . Yes , ' One customer--one file ' is essential . And remember to update them timely . And each file should be named clearly , either in block capitals or in jet black typed capitals . Correct . A card index is very important in the filing system . It is a most helpful friend to a secretary , so it must be kept handy and up to date . Yes , prompt and careful filing contributes greatly to the efficiency of our office . Mom , will you tuck me in tonight ? Sure , honey . I'll read you a bed time story , too . I hope I don't have any nightmares tonight . Don't worry , you'll sleep well tonight . Thanks for tucking me , Mom . Evan , are you busy right now ? Not really . What ’ s up ? Well , I need a hand with the fax machine . My fax is not going through . I ’ m kind of useless in that area , but I ’ ll take a look at it . Ah , thanks . Excuse me.Could you please tell me where the train station is ? It's two blocks down the road . Excuse me.Would you like a drink before your meal ? Pardon me ? Would you like a drink ? Oh , I see . I'll have beer , please . OK.Here you are . Thank you.How much is it ? Well , all the drinks including beer are free of charge . Are you sure ? Then , I will have more beer , please . Don't worry.We will come back again a little later . So can we play PlayStation later ? Sure , if you're done ! All my games are so lame , Mom . When can I get a new one ? Well , listen , Honey , you've been a big help lately ... Right on . I'm gonna get a new game ! If you take out the garbage and do the dishes , I'll think about it . I knew there would be a catch ! Nothing in life is free , Son . Except housework , that is . Excuse me , please show me that business suit , the dark one . OK . May I try it on ? Go ahead . What kind of account do you prefer ? Checking account or savings account ? I would like to open a checking account . Ok , please just fill out this form and show us your ID card . Here you are . Is my car ready yet ? I don't know , sir . What's the number of your car ? It's LF 312 G . When did you bring it to us ? I bought it here three days ago . Ah yes , I remember now . Have your mechanics finished yet ? No , they're still working on it . Let's go into the garage and have a look at it.Isn ' t that your car ? Well , it was my car . Didn't you have a crash ? That's right . I drove it into a lamp post . Can your mechanics repair it ? Well , they're trying to repair it , sir . But to tell you the truth , you need a new car . may i ask you for a dance . certainly , i love waltz very much . you dance it very well . do you often go dancing ? a couple of times a week . i've got a regular dancing partner . he is really some dancer We're interested in your Drawn Works . What about the supply position ? For most of the articles in the catalog , we have good supply . Here's our inquiry list . You'll find the required items , specifications and quantities all there . Thanks . I'll look into it and let you have our firm offers tomorrow . I don't need to remind you that the market has become very competitive . You'll find our prices very favorable . That's fine . By the way , do you quote FOB or CIF ? Either can be done , though we usually quote on CIF basis . Then would you please make your prices CIF including five percent ? Certainly . We can work them out for you . Good morning . Good morning.Are you through with the cleaning ? If not , we'll come back a little later . Never mind , come right in . I've almost finished.You always keep the room neat and tidy , I must say.It saves me a lot of work , but you should let me do it . It doesn't take much time . I ' m used to tidying up my room myself . It's very considerate of you to do so.Do you have any laundry today ? I have a suit that needs cleaning . Let me have it , please . I'm taking some laundry downstairs anyway . May I see the manager of your office ? I'm afraid he's having an important meeting now . Can I help you ? Thank you . I am Fred , coming from Future Clothes Company . I've brought some catalogues of our new series of the summer clothes . I wonder if your manager would like to have a look at them . Of course , he would . Would you leave them with me ? We are suppliers of the summer clothes of various styles and colors . I think you will be interested in some of our new products . We always keep the pace of the clothes fashion , so as to catch the interest of our customers . We're thinking of ordering some special styles of summer clothes . We should be interested in your products if they are of the styles we want . As you know , we also take orders for clothes made according to specifications . How long would it take you to deliver the orders ? Two months at most . Good . I'll send your catalogues to those who are interested . Meanwhile , may I have an indication of price ? Can I have your price-sheet ? Yes , of course , here you are . The prices are subject to our confirmation . Thank you for agreeing to come in and meet with us today . Thank you for inviting me . I can see from your resume you were in charge of sales for Corporate World Unlimited from 1997 to 1999 . Can you please tell me about your responsibilities ? Yes . I was in charge of profit and loss for the northwest region of Canada . As a manager , I was directly responsible for a 50 % increase in sales over a four-month period . What , do you believe , are some of the key attributes that helped you to achieve such an outstanding increase in sales ? I believe persistence and perseverance are key attributes . This broth is wonderful . What's in it ? Lamb and beef . It will get even tastier when we add the veggies ! Hey ! Watch out ! You're using the same spoon for both broths ! So ? You're getting that hot stuff in my mild broth ! You'll be OK . It's just a little bit ... what are you doing ? I'm just trying to complete today's crossword puzzle . Whenever I get the time , I like to do the crossword puzzles in the paper . you really like brains that make you think , don't you ? I guess you could say that . What kind of games do you like ? I guess the games I like the most are the ones that I'm good at ! doesn't everyone ? Which games are those ? well , I like to play darts . Whenever I go to a bar , I usually play for a few hours . did you play a lot of games when you were little ? my parents used to love to play checkers and dominoes . We used to have family tournaments every weekend . do you still like playing those games ? not at all . I never really did , to be honest . What about you ? Did your family used to play games together ? everyone in my family really enjoys playing card games . some of my friends play cards on the internet . Have you ever tried that ? no , I prefer to play with people I know . how about mah-jong ? it's a popular game with some people , but I've never played it . I thought everyone in your country were experts at mah-jong ! I hate to disappoint you , but unlike what most people think , we aren't all exactly the same ! How can I help you ? Yes , I would like to look at some of your products . Did you have anything specific in mind ? Well , to be honest , I mostly use Sarah Winter products now.But I'm not happy with them . So I would like to change companies . Well , you made a good choice . Coming to us , I mean.We have a full range of products from cosmetics to skin cleansers and moisturizers . What do you have in foundation ? Our foundation is very high quality . Only the finest ingredients.It will moisturize your skin and it has a sun block rating of 8 . What colors do you have in foundation ? Let me show you.We have this rose color . We also have different shades of beige . The color I use now is rose.How much does this rose foundation cost ? The 100ml bottle . In this size , we sell it for 53.95 . Wow ! That's expensive . What you're paying for , Ma'am , are the ingredients.It is a very high quality product . I understand . I need some mascara too.Do you have a good thickening mascara ? Of course . Here is our thickening mascara.We also have mascara designed to lengthen the eyelashes . Alright . And I want to consider your eye shadow too.Do you have a color chart I can look at ? We have a very wide selection of colors.And our eye shadow is specially designed to moisturize the skin.So it is very gentle on your eyelids . Would you like to sample some ? Oh , sure . I will need to clean off my own eye shadow first . I can help you with that . Thank you . Hello , I ’ d like to speak to Kate . I ’ m sorry she is not in at the moment . Can I take a message ? It ’ s ok . I ’ ll call her back latter . Thank you . You ’ re welcome . Your prices seem a little high . We could make it lower for you . What's your counter-offer ? We make a counter-offer to you of $ 150 per metric ton F . O . B . London . If you order in large lots , we'll accept the price . OK . We will increase our order . All right , as a token of friendship , we accept your counter-offer . I'm glad that we've settled the price . Good morning . How can I help you ? I'd like to open a new account . Have you filled out an application form ? Yes . And I've brought some documents along with me , too . Do you need to see my passport ? Yes . I'll just have my assistant look over these quickly and then we'll move on to the next step . Did you want to open up a checking account and a savings account ? Yes . Does the checking account come with a debit card ? Yes . Actually , both accounts come with cards that you can use in ATM machines , so that you won't have to come in to the bank to make a transaction . That's very convenient . It is . Our customers really like it . Do you have any other questions about your new accounts ? Yes . What's the maximum amount that you are allowed to have in an overdraft ? The maximum is $ 1000 . Is there a penalty for having an overdraft ? Yes , but it's not much . You just have to pay 1 % interest on the account . It's much lower rate than any of our loans and it's much better than owing money to most credit cards . That's true . Is everything alright with my documents ? They're all in order . If you just sign your name here , you'll receive your cards and pin numbers in the mail in about three weeks . Thank you very much . You're welcome . Mrs . Reynolds ? This is Martin Gross calling . Hi , Martin . What can I do for you ? Well , I ’ Ve got the spread sheets you asked for , but I ’ m still waiting on some data from accounting . That ’ s all right . Bring me over what you ’ Ve got . We ’ re going to the Dragon Boat Festival tomorrow . Feel like coming along ? Sure . I ’ Ve never seen a dragon boat race . Really ? I think you ’ ll love it . As long as I don ’ t have to row . Do you want to settle the bill now ? Yes . Do you accept traveler's checks ? Yes , we do . Very good . Do you have any identification ? Yes , I have my driver's license . Fine . Well Rebecca , is there anything else you need to know for now ? I don ’ t think so , Mr . Parsons . I think you have covered all the main points for me . Okay well listen , here is my business card with my mobile number . If any other questions spring to mind don ’ t hesitate to contact me . Of course you can also call Miss Childs too . Great . Rmm , when can I expect to hear from you ? Well , we are finishing the shortlist interviews tomorrow , so we will certainly have a decision made by early next week . Miss Childs will call you to discuss more on Monday or Tuesday . How does that so That sounds perfect . Thank you very much for taking the time to speak to me Mr . Parsons . The pleasure ’ s all mine , Rebecca . I hope to hear from you very soon . Absolutely . Thanks for coming Rebecca . Goodbye . Would you mind telling me the purpose of your visit to the U . K . ? I am here on business . May I see your passport ? Of course , here you are . Would you please open the suitcase ? What are these ? They are two cameras . Do you have anything to declare ? Yes , I have one carton of cigarettes and a bottle of whiskey . OK , you're through now . Hi ! This is Tome Smith . Yes , Mr . Smith ? Is my VCR ready ? No , it will be another hour . May I have a look at that vase , please ? Of course . It's the best one I have here---and it's only 300 yuan . Oh , it's really nice , but to tell the truth , that's far too expensive . Really ? Even for such an excellent one ? How do you like the apartment ? I like the apartment , but I see something wrong with it . What ’ s wrong ? There ’ s a leaking faucet in the sink . That isn ’ t a problem . That leak is going to raise my water bill . What can I do ? You need to fix it . I can ’ t right now . I won ’ t rent it if the faucet isn ’ t fixed . I will fix it for you . I ’ m glad you finally agree . Hello , it's my first time in Egypt . What would you advise me to see here ? There are many famous resorts in Egypt . You can have a good time here . But I'm going to stay here only for two days . I'm afraid two days isn't enough for you to see all the places of interest . What shall I do then ? If I were you , the pyramid would be my first choice . It's so magnificent . It's really worth seeing . By the way , I'd like to buy some souvenirs . You needn't worry about it . There are many stores at the scenic spots . I'm sure you can get what you want . OK . I know what to do now . Thank you . Good afternoon , miss , can I help you ? Yes , I ’ d like to buy this dress , please . It ’ s certainly a pretty dress . I can ring you up at the register over here . Great . Will you be paying by cash , check , or credit card ? I want to use a credit card . Do you take Discover ? Sorry , no . We only take MasterCard or Visa . I ’ ll put it on my Visa card , then . Very well , ma ’ am . Oh , there seems to be a problem , it says it ’ s rejected . There must be something wrong with the system . Try my MasterCard . Alright . Thank you . Yes , it seems to be working fine . Your total is $ 199.00 , sign here , please . Sure . Here you go , and here ’ s your receipt . Have a nice day . Thanks . You have a good one , too . Excuse me , can you help me figure out how to get to the Wudaokou subway station from here ? Sure ... first you're going to have to buy a ticket to ride on the subway . The Wudaokou station is on the lightrail , so you'll have to transfer . Be sure you buy a combination ticket for the regular subway and the lightrail . It should cost you 5 yuan . An after I buy the ticket , where should I go ? You can take the red line train from here , but you'll have to transfer to the blue line at Fuxingmen transfer station . After you transfer , take the blue line that is heading north towards Fuchengmen . So I transfer from red to blue , then how long do I ride the blue ? You'll take the blue line until you reach Xizhimen . That's a big station , so there will likely be a lot of people getting off at that stop . You can transfer to the lightrail there , you'll have to exit the subway and present the unused portion of your combination ticket to the Ticketmaster , they'll give you a new ticket to use on the lightrail system . It sounds so complicated ! No , not the really , don't worry about it , like I said there'll be a lot of people there doing the same thing that you are doing , so just follow the crowd , There's only one direction to go , so you won't get on the wrong train . Head north on the Yellow line , and you'll see Wudaokou in just a couple of stops . Fred , we're gonna have a meeting after half an hour . Have you got it ? Is that true ? I can't believe it . There are always some meetings in this company . Hush ! The wall has ears , you know . But , my overwork has not done yet . And it is driving me crazy . My boy . I give you my sympathy to you . However , this meeting is said to be extremely important , so we have to attend it . What's the meeting for ? It is to give honors and promotions to some colleagues who made outstanding performance last year . I will be there after 20 minutes . Look , the printer isn ’ t functioning well . I ’ Ve pushed the start button . It is suppose to be working now but it remains like a log . What ’ s going on ? Let me check . It has a paper jam . I didn ’ t pay attention to that . I will try to get the paper out . Be careful , the cartridge can be very hot . I want to offer you more invoking stock options . When you hired me , you knew you were going to be low on cash , didn't you ? Let me explain . To get more cash , I'll have to borrow more from Vital , the venture capitalists . I know how it works . You don't want to give away any more of your future profits than you have to . Exactly . Instead of increasing their position , I want to increase yours . Good afternoon . Lotus Catering Company . Lilian speaking . May I help you ? Good afternoon . Lilian . This is Tom Baker over at Beck ’ s Trading company . We need to arrange a banquet for next Wednesday afternoon . I see , Mr . Baker . How many people are you planning to invite and how much would you like to spend per person ? Well . We ’ re expecting about twenty-five people and we ’ d like to spend no more than $ 20 a head . hi . Could you give me a hand with this report ? sure . I ’ d be happy to give you some hints and advice . thanks . Would you mind taking a look at the layout ? Do you think it ’ s appropriate ? I want it to be formal , but not boring to look at . it looks good to me . I would suggest that you put the client ’ s logo and our logo on each page . The bosses seem to like that . that ’ s an excellent suggestion . I can easily do it on the computer . why don ’ t you use a different font the headings ? They ’ ll be more distinct . I ’ ll take that suggestion too . How about the content ? I think you ’ Ve included all the essential things . You might want to make the conclusion a little longer . Restate your reasons clearly . is it ok to include the pictures ? definitely ! I would include one or two on each page if possible . Remember that you should make the report as eye-catching as possible . thanks for those ideas . I ’ ll get to work on them right away . Onxiu Travel Agency , may I help you ? Yes . I'd like to make a plane reservation to Shanghai , China . Your name , please ? Via Kiang . I'd like to leave on May 5th . Let me see what's available . Yes , Air China has a flight on May 5th at nine fifteen in the morning . Well , I need an economy ticket . Single ticket or return ticket ? Single . What's the fare , PLS ? Economy fare for single ticket from Beijing to Shanghai is 500 yuan . I see . Is my ticket confirmed then ? Yes , your seat is confirmed on that flight . Pls arrive at the airport one hour before departure . Thank you . Are you ready for a second ? No , I'm afraid we'll have to cancel the order . I'm not sure whether it agrees with me . Would you like anything else ? I'd prefer swordfish steak . I'm sorry.It ' s out of season now . Oysters , please . Can I help you , sir ? I want to find a book called Gone with the Wind . But I can't find it . Let me give you a hand . The author is ... Margaret Mitchell . Oh , yes . Here it is . Thank you very much . I have been looking for it for a long time . Is this the latest edition ? Yes , we have both the paperback and hardcover . which would you want to buy ? How about the price of the hardcover ? It's $ 25 . A little bit expensive , but I will buy one . This is $ 25 , here you are . Sit down , please . Mr . Tang , do you bring any paper or certificate with you ? Thank you . Here is a copy of the Tour Guide Certificate of mine . Are you still working in Youth International Travel Agency ? Yes , but I am on holidays this week . How many foreign languages can you speak ? I am bilingual , English and Russian . Hi . What can I get for you ? I ’ d like a half a pound of ground beef , please . Good choice ! Our ground beef is extra lean , if you know what I mean . Could I also have half a dozen pork chops and two pounds of boneless chicken breasts ? No , no no no chicken breasts at the moment , but we have some nice chicken thighs . No , that won ’ t do . I ’ ll take this smoked ham you have here . Okay , is there anything else ? Is this salami and bologna you have here ? Yes ! It ’ s very fine meat ! Made it myself ... Sounds good . Okay , that ’ s it . Wait ! We have T-bone , rib eye , and sirloin steaks . They are very fresh ! Just came from the slaughter house ... Mmm ... No that ’ s okay , really . I think that ’ s all for today . Okay . That will be thirty-four dollars and fifty cents . What's the price ? I hope you'll quote us favorably . It's 800 US dollars per kilo CIF five percent Hamburg . Frankly speaking , the price you offer is too high . We can't accept it . Why ? This is a fair market price . It certainly is . Then what leads you to think that we have to reduce our price ? Please tell me candidly . I look at it this way , suppliers should be able to reduce their CIF price , even lower than their home price . We give you quotations on the same basis as we quote in the domestic market . That's the point . Your overhead is in your domestic price , but it can't be carried in the CIF price . But even with the overhead out , the export overhead must be put in . Finally , it comes to the same thing . Anyway , this is a quality item and should be sold on its value . I wish you could make a reconsideration . If you don't reduce your price , we won't purchase from you any more because there's plenty of other business offering here . Do you shop online often ? Every so often . It is very convenient and the price is lower than in stores . Are there many things online ? Books , cosmetics , daily necessities , even large electrical appliance can be ordered from online-stores . Incredible . I really want to survey the on-line virtual supermarket . Even you can bargain with the owner of one on-line store , although he or she provides ' But It Now ' prices . What are the disadvantages of on-line shopping ? Some provide wrong pictures for the goods , so many buyers are deceived . That's two for me and one for you . That's not fair ! Good evening , Pizza House . This is Marty speaking . May I take your order ? Um yes , I'd like a medium pizza with pepperoni , olives , and extra cheese . We have a two-for-one special on large pizzas.Would you like a large pizza instead ? Sure , that sounds good . Great ! Would you like your second pizza to be these as the first ? No , make the second one with ham , pineappleand green peppers . Oh , and make it thin crust . Okay , thin crust . Your total is $ 21.50 and yourorder will arrive in thirty minutes or it ’ s free ! Perfect . Thank you . Bye ... Sir , wait ! ! I need your address ! OK , so are you ready to learn how to bake a cake ? Almost , let me just put my apron on . OK , so the first thing we are going to do is pre-heat the oven , that way we have it at the desired temperature once we finish preparing everything . Set it to three hundred and seventy five degrees Fahrenheit . Got it . No we are gonna make the batter . Take some butter and sugar and mix it lightly until you have a nice consistency . Then add some vanilla extract and eggs and continue mixing . Do I have to use a whisk or can I use the electric mixer ? Go ahead and use the mixer , but put it on medium speed . I'm gonna sift the flour and baking powder separately and then we can mix it with milk and the rest of the ingredients . OK , so now we need a baking pan right ? Yeah , but grease and flour it first so the cake won't stick to it when it bakes . Done . So how long do we bake it for ? We can leave it in there for about twenty five minutes . Then we let it cool for ten minutes before we remove the cake from the pan . Wow ! This was a lot easier than I thought ! OK , sir . Your suit will be available in five days . Thank you . Do I have to pay in advance ? Yes , you should pay half of the cost in advance . Here you are . Do you have a foreign tour ? Yes , where do you want to go ? Sydney . Would you please look at the five routes ? Well , the route 5 is really charming . Must I make a reservation ? Yes , right now it's the busy season . Hello . This is the front desk . What can I do for you ? Hi . I ’ m calling from Room 209 . I couldn ’ t find the TV Guide . Can you send me one , please ? Sure . Anything else ? Yes . There is one more thing . Go ahead , please . The mini bar door was open when I checked in . I didn ’ t use it . Could you send someone to check it out ? We ’ ll send someone right up . But don ’ t worry about that . Maybe the service person forgot to do it . Thanks . How much did you pay for the TV ? 200 bucks . 200 bucks for a piece of junk like that ? That's a ripped-off . What do you mean ? It's not worth it . Oh , I guess I really did get ripped off . What ’ s happened ? Is there a problem ? I think the gears have seized up You'll have to dismantle the unit and lubricate the bearings . Do it as quickly as you can but make sure you top up the oil before you start the motor up again . Would you show us the menu ? Sure . Here you are . I'd like to have prawn cocktail , and tomato soup for the main course , I'd like steak with onion , with some black coffee afterwards . Sorry , tomato soup is not being served today , but we have egg soup , it's very delicious . Why don't you try it today ? It sounds good . I'll try it . Would you like to have a drink ? Well , I'll have a glass of mineral water . Anything else ? No , thank you . I think it's enough for dinner . OK . I'll be back soon . May , could you tell me how to solve this problem ? That ’ s a secret . I couldn ’ t tell you . Don ’ t give me your attitude . Please tell me . Does it look too small ? It fits you to a T . I agree . I'm going to buy it . Cash or charge ? I'll charge it . Sign here , please . There you go . Good-bye , and thank you for shopping here . I need to get to PCC , but I don't know which bus to catch . Where exactly are you coming from ? I'm coming from Fair Oaks and Las Flores Drive in Altadena . Do you have a problem walking a little bit ? I don't mind walking . If you walk down Fair Oaks to Altadena Drive , you can catch the 267 . Tell me which direction it should be going . Make sure to catch it going west . Where do I get off ? You get off on Del Mar and Hill . Thanks for your help . Don't mention it . It's time for desserts ! Are you still hungry ? I've always got room for something sweet ! what are you going to try first ? I've never tried traditional Greek yogurt , so I want to try that first . do they serve the yogurt with anything ? I believe they add locally produced honey to it . that sounds good . I'm going to start with an Italian tiramisu . do you want to try some of my yogurt . It's a favorite everyday dessert in Greece . ok . Mmm . what do you think ? How does it taste ? it's nice , but it's rather plain . Do you want to try my tiramisu ? sure . I'll just have a bite . what do you think ? Does it taste good ? it's absolutely delicious ! That is the best tiramisu I've ever had ! I'm glad you like it . I don't care for it . Why don't you finish my tiramisu so that I can try one of those fried bananas ? ok . I've had one of those before . They're really sweet and crunchy . do you know where they are from . I believe they are a local delicacy in the South . do you want me to get you one , too ? yeah , why not ? We've already pigged out as it is ! ok , I'll be back with two fried bananas in a few minutes . Wait for me here ! Mr . Chen , I have a Marry from realty world on line one . I don't have time to talk to her now . OK , I'll take a message . Thank you . How do you get along with your boss ? I had a terrific working relationship with my boss , even though we are very different people . Because I've had a number of bosses , I've come to realize that to make things work , you have to understand what's important to your boss . Then you have to do everything you can to support him ( or her ) . It's natural to think about your own agenda first , but if you help your boss , Ifs likely to move your agenda ahead at the same time . My last boss was great in that regard , she appreciated my efforts and rewarded me when I helped her accomplish her goals . What do you think is important in your work ? Many are important — intelligence , diligence , information and planning . But the most important , I think , is achieving results . Can you help me find my books ? Certainly , do you have your school schedule ? The books are arranged by course number and instructor . Oh , I see . Thank you . Thank you for coming tonight , Mrs . Webber . As a teacher , it's great seeing the kid's parents assist our parent-teacher conference night . Of course ! I am very interested to know how my child is doing and also get some insight from you as to how he can improve . Well Allen is a great student . He is a hard worker and very well behaved , however he does struggle a bit with math . I guess he gets that from me , I never did well in math when I was a kid . What can I do at home to compliment what he is learning in the classroom . Well , it's important that you sit with him and review his homework assignments and help him with math . I would also recommend he stay after school twice a week for tutoring sessions . It will really help a lot . Thanks a lot ! I will definitely do that . Is there anything else ? Um ... yes . Here is a notice from our financial department , seems your child's Tumion is overdue . Oh yes , I ... Could you tell me what university you went to , Mr . Smith ? I went to Yale University . Did you ? And what did you study ? I have a B . A . in Economics . Would you mind telling me how old you are ? I'm twenty-seven . And could you tell me what other jobs you have had ? Yes , I have worked in a bank for the last five years . And what was your salary at the bank ? I got $ 500 a week . Can you give me a hand , Tom ? Sure . Can you open this bottle for me ? The cork seems to be stuck . I'll have a go . Excuse me . Yes ? Can you tell me the way to the Peak Tram , please ? Certainly . Go along Queen's Road ... Along Queen's Road ... Yes , and turn right at the Hilton Hotel . Right at the Hilton . Then go up Garden Road , past the Cathedral . The Cathedral ? Yes . Then cross the road at the next traffic lights . The Peak Tram is straight ahead . You can't miss it . That's very kind of you . Thank you . Er ... have you got a pencil ? Yes . Why ? Can you repeat all that ? I think I'd better write it down . Is there anything I can do for you , Mr . King ? I'm leaving for Shanghai tomorrow morning . When do I have to settle my bill ? Is it all right for you to pay the bill this evening ? That will do . Where shall I go to pay the money ? At the Cashier's Counter of our hotel , right in the lobby downstairs . Would you please get the bill ready before supper ? All right . Is your companion leaving for Shanghai with you ? No , he will stay here for two more days . Please keep the room for him . Shall I make out a single bill or two separate bills ? Two separate bills , please . OK . I'll surely have the bill ready for this evening . Will you give the bill to me at around six o'clock ? No problem . By the way , do you have any comment to make on our hotel ? I have had a good stay here . Your service is wonderful . I'm very satisfied with it . Thank you for your compliments . You're welcome to our hotel again . OK , I will . I heard that Kevin got divorced . Is that true ? Not so bad , but Kevin does have problems with his wife . What ? His wife always complained that Kevin's salary was too low and got no promotion . Poor Kevin , we should do something for him . He is a nice guy and does his job well . Yeah , I agree with you . But you know , it's just one of those things . Hello , I am calling to confirm my reservation for a single room . On which day ? This Friday . Well , let me check for you . Yes , you are booked already . It's a single room with a bath , facing the south . That's right . Thank you . Can you ship this batch of cotton within five or six weeks ? What kind of cottons are they ? May I see your list ? Ah , machine prints . Yes , mainly prints . There are a few plain as well . Here they are . I see . And the quantities . 200 rolls of each . Make it 200 rolls for each sample . How many rolls altogether ? Twenty prints and five plain . That makes 5,000 rolls in all . Six weeks , did you say ? Yes , five to six weeks . We could manage the plain rolls in six weeks . The prints might be put off to eight weeks . Eight weeks ? We can wait that long . That's the best we can do just now , I'm afraid . Can't you make it seven weeks for the prints ? What about taking the prints in two shipments ? Two thousand rolls in seven weeks , and the remained a week later . That might be acceptable . I shall have to cable our Beijing office to get their approval . You can definitely supply in the time you've given me , I suppose . Yes , I'll see that you get those delivery . Shipping by ' S . S . American ' as usual , is that all right ? That's right . When can we expect your confirmation of the order ? As soon as I hear from Beijing , that will be either Friday or Saturday . All right . I'll be checking out of the hotel in about 30 minutes . Thirty minutes or 30 seconds , sir , it doesn't matter , I'm ready for you . Great ! As you know , however , the day in New York has hardly begun . There's nothing like getting an early start , sir . What can I do with my baggage while I visit a few more tourist spots ? You can leave your baggage in our storage space , with a deposit . Isn't my baggage enough of a deposit ? I wish it was , but it isn't . They will still want a credit card . It's always something , isn't it ? Let me think about this for a second . Don't forget that you have very little time , sir , before you have to check out . You're going go Dresden for sightseeing ? Yeah.And I'm going by bus . I think a train journey is as fast as a bus journey . But both my wife and I prefer taking a bus . so , which sport do you prefer---basketball or baseball ? to be honest , I don't really care for either one . I thought everyone liked basketball . Why don't you like it ? I used to play basketball when I was little , and I never scored a goal . Every time I watch a basketball game , I think about how horrible I was at it . that makes sense . how about you ? What's your favorite sport of all time ? my absolute favorite is ice hockey . have you ever seen a live game ? sure , many times . It's an exciting game for spectators to watch . I've never really understood the game . it's not that difficult . If you want to watch a game with me , I can explain the rules and the tactics while we're watching . thanks , that'd be nice . When's the next ice hockey game on ? not for a while , but we could watch an old one on the internet so I can explain the game to you . that's a good idea . let's watch the Canadian team . They have a good manager and a great coach . Excuse me . I would like to purchase some travelers ' checks . Sure . How much do you want ? $ 5000 and I want them all in fifties . OK , here you are . Please sign your name here . Thank you . Excuse me , my skin is always dry , can you give me some advice ? I think you should buy a bottle of moisturizer . Will that work ? Yes . It will keep your face from getting dry and make your skin soft . Good afternoon . Welcome to Lincoln Bank , how can we be of service ? Hi . You called and said I should come in . It's about some documents that have arrived for Nobut Foods . Just pulling up your information now . Yes , some documents arrived for you from Sapporo . Oh great ! We've been waiting for those . Is everything alright with them ? Actually , there is a problem . It's the goods description , it's a little different on the invoice , but this does happen sometimes . No , everything has to be perfect . No problem , I'll just get the form for you . I'd like to open a savings account . Can you tell me how to do it ? OK . You have to fill out this form and let me see three identification cards or documents . I have a driver's licence , a membership card and my passport . Will they do ? Let me see them . Yes , they're OK . What's the minimum amount I can deposit in an account ? You can deposit an initial amount of ten dollars . Thank you . Julia , I have good news for you . What's up ? I have earned a lot of money this week , more than I do in a fortnight . It is really good news . How much do you earn a week now ? My wages are six hundred dollars a week . But I find a part-time job to supplement my income . Darling , I know you are a good husband . You don't have to work so hard . After all your health is the most important . I know , darling . I must earn enough money to buy a car . I do a part-time job to increase my income . Don't worry , I will take care of myself . I see . You must have more rest . How can I help you today , Sir ? I set up the Personal Wealth Management Service with you , but I'm going to be travelling overseas . I'm not quite sure what I should do . I mean is it possible to still use the service ? That's not a problem . You can use that service wherever you are , it doesn't matter which country you are in at the time . Really ? In that case , could I have the number of the Service Centre please ? Of course . It's 33234 . That will put you in touch with a Personal Banker . And they can deal with everything ? That's the beauty of the service ; they can deal with everything , with total security . That's good to know . Thanks . Good evening , sir . Welcome to the Comfort Inn . Hello . I have a reservation , under the name Lee , Leo Lee . Mmmm . I ’ m not sure if we have you down here . How do you spell your last name ? It ’ s L-e-e . Oh , right . You ’ re in our system . I was just looking under Li . So , we ’ Ve got you down for a Business Suite for three days . If I could just have your credit card , I ’ ll process your check-in while You mean I have to pay now ? Oh no , we just make an impression of your card using our credit card machine . It ’ s in lieu of a deposit . If everything is OK when you check out , we give it back to you then . It ’ s pretty sta I see . I guess you can tell I don ’ t travel much . ( later ) Here ’ s your card , sir . You ’ re all checked in . let me just tell you about a few of our services . We have free breakfast in the lounge from 7:00- 9:00 . You call the receptionist to arrange I'm sorry , but I didn't catch what you said . I said , " Do you want me to help you ? " If you're sure you're not in a hurry , I can use a little help . OK . Would you like me to get you a cab ? May I take your drink order while you are looking over your menu ? Yes , do you have a wine list ? The wine list is on the second page of your menu . Do you have mixed drinks in this restaurant ? Yes , we have a full bar here . I am not sure what I want . Do you have any house specials ? Actually , we are famous for our Cuervo Gold margaritas . That sounds good ! Please bring me one of those . Would you like that drink blended or on the rocks ? I would like it blended . Would you like it with salt or no salt ? I would like my margarita with no salt , thank you . Good morning , I want to send this parcel to Taiwan . Airmail or surface mail ? How long would surface mail take , compared with airmail ? Oh , anything up to 3 or 4 months for surface mail . It depends on the sailing of the ships . Airmail would only take 1 to 2 weeks . How much would this parcel cost me by airmail ? Just let me weigh it for you . That's 2 lb . and 6 oz . That's be £ 10 . Thanks . That'll be OK . Good moming.What can I do for you ? I would like to check out . OK , sir . Here is your bill.That ' s $ 1000 all together . Can I pay by credit card ? Of course , you can . Good morning , sir , Can I help you ? I'm looking for a citizen for my wife's birthday . Oh , we have many kinds.Do you like this design . Oh , it's beautiful . What's wrong with you , young man ? Doctor , I have a bad cough and a headache . Do you have a fever ? I don't know , but I feel terrible . Let me examine you.Don ' t worry.It ' s nothing serious . Do you think I should lie in bed ? Yes , stay in bed and drink a lot of water.Your fever will be gone in a day or two . OK.Do you think I can play football tomorrow ? Of course not.You need a good rest . OK , I'll listen to you . Oh , the bus is gone . Pity we didn't catch it . I'm afraid we have to wait for the next bus . We have to wait six more minutes ! Could you introduce to me the man over there ? Certainly.Let ' s to and meet him now . You're so kind . Welcome to IBA . Can I help you ? Yes , hello . Our company used your bank to send some documents to Malaysia last week . Could you check and see if the proceeds have come back yet , please ? It's Sang Hung Enterprises , based in Kula Lump . OK , just a moment ... yes , it has arrived . The amount is 51,998 US dollars net , 12 US dollars has been deducted by the intermediary bank . That's as it should be . When will it be paid in and credited to our account ? It's already credited to your account . What shall we do tonight ? How about the cinema ? That's a good idea.We haven't been there for ages . What would you suggest to see ? Oh , I don't know.It depends . Hello , I bought a China dress in your shop this morning . Yes ? I bought one size up by mistake . Oh , did you ? I wonder if you can change it to one size down . Yes , of course . Will you come with receipt ? Then I ’ ll come to your place later in the evening , and how late is your shop open ? Until 8 o'clock madam . We are looking forward to seeing you . You bet it is . And we got four thousand for our car space ! Awesome ! Let's play some music ! I feel like dancing . That's just what was running through my mind . Moonlight and dancing . Ahh ! Now that's more like it . Atmosphere ! Come on baby , let's dance ! Oops ! It's the landlord . I guess the tables have turned now . We're the noisy neighbors . Turn it down ! Sorry , honey , something has cropped up again . I have to deal with it . Perhaps I will go to back home till very late . It's nothing . It's not the first time anyway . Oh , come on . I will be back as early as possible . I hope so . I'm so thirsty . Let's go get something to drink . That's a good idea . Do you know what you want to drink ? I kind of want a soda . You shouldn't drink soda when you're really thirsty . What do you mean ? When you're thirsty , you're not supposed to drink soda . What are you supposed to drink ? Water is what's best for you . I guess I will get water . It's better for you . Hey Joe , how have you been ? I am doing well . How about you , Mary ? I am doing OK , Joe . There is a new movie at the mall that I want to see . Want to go with me ? I can't because I already promised my roommate that I would go shopping with her . I could go to the movies on Friday night instead . Would that be better ? Did you have a certain movie in mind ? I thought the movie about a serial killer who rapes and mutilates his victims would be a good choice . I kind of wanted to see “ The Secret Life of Bees . ” Maybe we can think of something somewhere between a chick flick and a horror movie ! Hello , this is Garry Hao . I am calling to inquire the position of English interpreter . Well , it is still open . Where did you graduate from . I graduated from the Beijing Foreign Studies University . My major is English Translation and Interpretation . It sounds great . I will arrange an interview tomorrow . Can you come tomorrow ? Yes , I can . Thank you so much . Excuse me , do the buses stop here ? Yes , they all stop at this corner . I want to go to Broadway and 82nd Street.Can I take any bus that comes along ? You can take any bus except the Number 9 . How often do the buses run ? They run about every five minutes . Fine.How long does it take to get to 82nd Street ? About fifteen minutes.It ' s not far.Are you a stranger in New York ? Yes , I am . I arrived only three days ago from Japan . How do you like New York city ? I like it very much , but it's a little confusing to me . You'll soon get accustomed to it.It ' s not difficult.Well , here's the bus.Fortunately , it's not full . Thank you for the information . Don't mention it . Hi Linda , this is Todd . Todd , good to hear from you ! I just wanted to tell you what a great time I had with you at the movies last week . Me too , Todd ! Thanks for suggesting that great movie . I also enjoyed it and was wondering if you would like to go for a hike in the mountains with me on Saturday . I would love to join you on a hike . Could I maybe bring a picnic lunch for us to eat on the trail ? Sure Linda , that's a great suggestion . Fine then , what time are we going to leave ? I was thinking maybe 9 o'clock or so , so that we could get started before the heat gets too bad . Nine would be perfect . I'll see you then ! Jenny , you're too lazy . You should do some exercise . See , you're getting fat . Dad , it's raining outside . That is your excuse . All right , all right , I will go swimming with Peter this afternoon . Not just today . Go exercise everyday ! Walker Airline Travel Agency.May I help you ? What flight has seats available to Milan on this Sunday ? I am sorry . All the seats are booked . How about next Monday ? god . But I have to be there on Sunday . I want to go on stand-by . OK , sir . I have added your name to the waiting list.We will call you as soon as possible . Thank you . Look , there's no way we can convince people they need fresh motor oil every morning . No , but you can let them know that yours is the cream of the crop-the purest motor oil in the world . Careful , hold it by the java jacket . This coffee drink has half and half-what do you think ? It tastes funny . Why can't people just stick to plain and simple coffee ? That's just the point ! Purity is the essence of good coffee , right ? Where is our son , dear ? He is in his bedroom . He has been in a bad mood after school . What happened ? Have you talked with him ? Yeah . He told me that he has passed over in the election of monitor . Operator ! Operator ! Can I help you ? Yes , I was talking to a party . We were disconnected . I'm sorry , sir . Just hold the line , please . Now the line is connected . Go ahead please . Thank you . Garage sale , what does that mean ? Well , it is like a shop but the things here are quite cheap . How much is the tape record ? $ 5 . That's really cheap . I will take it . Sure . Here you are . Welcome to our company . I really love this kind of atmosphere . An impressive officer is vital to the image projected by the company . There are people everywhere.What ' s that girl doing ? She is dealing with customers and driving up new business . The guy next to her is in charge of their office computer network . And what about that man there ? He is our accountant . I see you have a coffee bar for a water cooler . The staff here must be comfortable . I think it really helps morale when people feel supported by their employers . Indeed , they are . Keeping staff happy is the only way to keep them with the company . Hello , IBA Bank , how can I help you ? Hello , I'd like to talk to someone about making a withdrawal . You can withdraw money from your account either over the counter or via the ATM . Yes , but the problem is that I have a Savings Account with you , and I need to take some money from that . Do I really have to give 90 days notice if I want my money ? Actually , you only need to give 7 days notice if you wish to withdraw funds . Of course , you will lose some interest due to the withdrawal . That's not a problem . I'll pop in later today to make a formal request . Thanks ! I want to have a continental breakfast . Here is the coffee , toast and bacon . Do you like fried eggs or poached ones ? Neither , can I have them scrambled ? Of course . They will be ready in a few minutes . We need to figure out how much money we are spending and what we are spending it on ? Why ? Well , I think we could be saving more . Really ? Well . Ok . Get the receipts out . Let's see . We spent 700 dollars for our home loan payment , 400 on groceries , 75 on utilities , 250 on gasoline , 100 on books and 300 on entertainment last month . That's 1,825 dollars . We put 500 into the savings account and 750 into our stock account . 3,075 . Our paychecks are 3300 combined . That means we don't have any receipts for 225 . Right . Hello , this is Wang Lu and I am calling to confirm my reservation . What ’ s your flight number ? It's ZN741 to Atlanta on July 1st . Just for yourself ? Chen Hong , too . Hold on , please . ’ re booked on ZN741 to Atlanta on July 18th . Your seats are in the first class section . Thank you vary much . Toronto is really a lovely place to visit . What attracts you most ? The Old Town , the Distillery Historic District , the Financial District and Underground City , everything is so attractive . Is there anything wrong ? I ’ m worried about my daughter . She can ’ t decide about college . Don ’ t worry . That ’ s just a part of being a teenager . I don ’ t mind that . But she disagrees with me about everything . You should encourage her to make up her mind by herself . You shouldn ’ t affect her decision . But I just want to give her some tips . Oh , she can make her own decisions . I guess you are right . Believe me . Everything will be ok . I hope so . Good evening , sir . Are you ready to order now ? Yes . I'd like to try Chinese food . But I don't know anything about it . Chinese food is divided into eight big cuisines , such as Cantonese food , Sichuan food , Fujisan food , etc . Our restaurant is famous for Sichuan style . Is there any difference between Cantonese food and Sichuan food ? Yes . Cantonese food is lighter while Sichuan food is spicy and hot . Really ? I like hot food . Can you make a few suggestions ? How about the eggplant and minced pork in dry red chili sauce and the ' Tofu ' beancurd ? They are our specialties . OK . I ’ ll have them . Is there any soup ? Yes . Sour soup of Sichuan style . It's our chef ’ s recommendation . That ’ s fine . I'll have a try . Sir , your dish will take 5 minutes to prepare . While waiting , would you like anything to drink ? Martini , please . OK , sir . We'll try our best to serve you as soon as possible . What is your technical title ? I am an Assistant Electronics Engineer . Why do you choose this field as your career ? I've wanted to be involved in engineering ever since I was little . And my study has equipped me with a career as a mechanical engineer . I ’ m so frustrated ! what ’ s wrong , Jim ? I called the electronics shop to find out what time they close , and it took me twenty minutes to get what I wanted ! Twenty minutes just to find out what their business hours are ? yes.They have some sort of digital receptionist.So when I called in , a machine told me to push a button for the department I wanted to be transferred to . Oh , I hate getting voicemail instead of a person.What did you do ? I just kept pushing buttons . I was transferred to customer service , but there a machine told me to choose between technical help , warranty information , or price information . Couldn ’ d you choose to be transferred to a real person ? Eventually I did get to a real person . I found out the closing time , but by then the store had already closed ! What kind of personality do you think you have ? I am very active and energetic . I approach things enthusiastically and I don't like leaving them half done . Do you think you are introverted or extroverted ? I am quite outgoing , I think . I enjoy mixing and doing things with other people . What do you think is the most important thing for you to be happy ? I maintain that the most important thing is having good friends . A person can't live all by himself . A friend in need is a friend indeed . So the more really close friends I have , the happier I am . Do you have any friend you would call really close ones ? Yes , I would call three of my former classmates really close friends . We often get together and talk with each other . Whenever I counter difficulties , they are always ready to give me a hand . What kind of people would you like to work with ? People who are honest , dedicated to their work and have integrity . What kind of people you find hard to work with ? Slacker and those who violate working principles . Cool camera . What are its features ? It's loaded ! For example , it's got a 256 color , LCD screen that rotates 360 degrees , and switches to black and white in power save mode . Also , it has a low-light mode for night shooting and touch screen menu controls that are really convenient . What about the quality of the pictures ? Oh , it's the usual 5600x3200 resolution with 10.0 megapixels . It's got a 5xzoom , so from 28mm to 120mm the pictures look great ! I can change the resolution , too . Wow ! What about the memory ? It has a built-in hard-wired memory , but I like to use the 64MB media cards that come with it . I can download everything onto the hard drive and then edit and enhance with different software . It takes fantastic pictures that I can either print out or E-mail to my friends . May I help you ? Yes . I'm a transit passenger for this flight . Can you tell me where to go ? Let me see . Oh , you're at the wrong gate . Your plane leaves from Gate No . 8 . Really ? I hope it hasn ’ t left without me . No , don ’ t worry . Just follow me . Hi , Mary , you have been a secretary for several years in this company . Could you tell me what a secretary should do for a meeting or a conference ? Well , an important part of the duties of a secretary , I think , is to do well the preparation work for the meeting . What should a secretary do to prepare for a meeting ? Can you tell me a bit more about it ? First of all , the agenda should be prepared before the meeting . Then you should ensure that those entitled to be present are properly informed . I see , and how about the documents and the information ? All the necessary documents and the information relevant to the meeting should be available , preferably printed and distributed before the meeting . And what should a secretary do during the meeting ? Of course , she should take minutes . And after the meeting ? After the meeting she should type the minutes up , and then keep proper records of the business transacted and the resolutions passed and also implement many of the decision reached at the meeting . It's seriously good . Hello , sir . Have you anything to declare ? This is my first tourism . I don't know what should be declared . OK . Please open your luggage , and I'll tell you what you should declare . All right . Here you are . You should declare the camera and the film . Do you have alcohol ? Yes , I have got some special local product , I want to take them for my friends . How many bottles have you got with you ? Four bottles . I'm sorry . According to the regulations , a passenger can only take two bottles on to the aircraft . So you cannot take so many . What shall I do with my two more bottles ? You may give them to your friends who come to see you off . This is the Customs Declaration Form . Please fill in it . And then you can go through the other formalities . Be sure to keep the form safe . All right , thank you , see you . See you . Have a good journey . Your definition on success ? Most people think that wealth means success . But from my point of view , the problem should be viewed from two aspects . On the one hand , wealth is a very important thing to measure success . The ability to make money , to some extent , signifies your knowledge , your capability , the value of your labor , etc .. With the development of our economy and industry , more and more people are pursuing money these days . And in toda / s society , If you have money , you seem to have everything . But this is not the case . I think success , on the other hand , also means satisfaction from work . It also means that you can get respect from others . What ’ s your ideal job ? Ideally , I ’ d like to have a job that will allow me to work from home several days a week . I ’ m the kind of person who can set priorities , work well independently , and set my own pace . I actually successfully worked from home for several months in my current job when a problematic pregnancy forced me to stay in bed . But I realize that many employers do not have experience with employees who work from home , and I have , of course , performed very successfully in a traditional office setting . How would you describe your relationship with your last two supervisors ? Very good . Basically , once our sales plan was put together , I had a great deal of freedom to handle my sales in the way I felt best . How would your present boss describe you ? He always says I am a hard worker with consciousness of responsibility , sufficient education , and enough experience . What would your colleagues say about you ? They would say I am a dependable friend and a capable colleague . Hello ? Hi , is Heather there please ? Sorry , I think you have the wrong number . Is this 617-228-2289 ? Yes . Who are you looking for again ? Heather Johnson . Oh , I thought you said Laura . Sorry about that . This is the right number , but Heather's not here right now . Do you know where she went ? She went to the store to buy some groceries . Would you like to leave a message ? Yes , would you please tell her Eric Martin called ? Hi Eric , this is her roommate Kathy . I met you a couple months ago at the Christmas party . Oh , yes . How are you ? Good . Heather will be back in about 20 minutes . I'll tell her you called . OK . Thanks . Bye bye . Waiter , a menu please ! Here you are . Thank you . Could you tell me the specials today ? The special today is fried chicken , and beef is good too . Ok , let's think about it for a minute . Well , I'll be back in a minute . You say he was around average hight . Yeah , that's right , around five nine five ten . Weight ? I'm not sure.Medium , I suppose.Maybe a little on the heavy side . Any karks on his face ? No , I don't think so . Glasses ? No . what about his hair ? Black or dark brown . Long or short ? Straight ? Curly ? Straight , I think , and about average length . Boy , this surely doesn't help us much.It could be anybody.How about his cloth ? What was he wearing . Well , he had a Jacked or a Plage shirt . You know the kind of number jack wear . Ok , now we are getting some where.Pants ? Dark , maybe dark blue maybe black . I'm not sure . What kind of shoes ? Boots Cow while Boots . No , hiking boots . Brown ones . All right . That nearly done a little.Now I want you to look some pictures . Hello , welcome to the International Business Counter , Sir . What can we do for you today ? Hi . I need some help with these documents under L / C . Of course . Is there a problem with them ? Yes . My Manager sent me in , there's a problem with the shipping time . It's been delayed quite significantly and my manager is unwilling to accept it . You will need to return the documents . That's no problem ; we can deal with that for you now . Thank you . I need to get this done as soon as possible ; my manager is tearing his hair out ! Hi , are you Catherine ? Yes , Jason , right ? Nice to meet you . Welcome to Taiwan . Thanks , good to meet you , too . You had a long flight , you must be tired . Yes , and the food was horrible ! Oh , sorry to hear that . But , don worry ! Taiwan has plenty of great things to eat . First , lets get you to the hotel . Great ! How will we be getting there ? My car is in the parking lot , lets go this way . Let me help you with your bags . Hello . I want to purchase an old music box . We have a good variety . What decade would you like ? I was hoping I could find something made in the ' 20s . There are six on this table . I hope at least one of them has dancing figures . Many people like the dancing figures . Two of our boxes have the figures . So hard to choose . I think I'll take this one . That one will bring you many hours of pleasure . Does a warranty come with this music box ? I'm sorry , but if it breaks down , you're on your own . I just thought I would ask . When you buy a Model T , you can't expect a warranty . I can ’ t find my purse . Have you seen it ? No , I haven ’ t . I ’ Ve looked everywhere for it . I must have left it somewhere . I hope I haven ’ t lost it . Perhaps you left that at school . No , I had it when I left school this afternoon . Well . Didn ’ t you go around to the Smith after school ? You might have left it there . Yes , I ’ d better give her a call now . But she can ’ t be home now . She might have gone to the library . Perhaps I should call her later . I had a look yesterday . I found some exhibits are fine in quality and beautiful in design . The exhibition has successfully displayed to me what your corporation handles . I have gone over the catalogue and the pamphlets enclosed in your last letter . I have got some idea of your exports . I am interested in your silk blouses . Our silks are known for their quality . They are one of our traditional exports . Silk blouses are brightly colored and beautifully designed . They are greatly favored overseas and are always in great demand . Some of them are of the latest style . Now I have a feeling that we can do a lot of trade in this line . We wish to establish business relationship with you . Your desire coincides with ours . Concerning our financial position , credit standing and trade reputation , you may refer to our bank.or to our local chamber of commerce or inquiry agencies . Thank you for your information . As you know , our corporation is a state-operated one . We always trade with foreign countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit . I have no doubt that it will bring about benefit between us . That sounds interesting ! I'll send a fax . As soon as I receive the definite answer , I'll give you a special answer . We will make an offer as soon as possible . I hope a lot of business will be put through between us . So do I . I hope everything will be smooth . That is what I want to say . I will give you the lowest price in the future . Thank you ! Sorry . The car breaks down and it needs to be repaired . Knock on wood . But I have a very important date . My wife and I are thinking about taking our parents with us on a vacation . Do you have any suggestion about where to go ? The choice of destination is very important . It will too energetic for the old people if you make an excursion or go to climb mountains . But they'll be interested in going to the historical places of interest where they can have fun . Sometimes what young people like is different from the old . Maybe we can go visit first and then do some shopping . That's a good idea . That will allow both you and your parents to enjoy yourselves . What should we bring besides a change of clothes , money and some snacks ? It's some medicine the doctor recommends . If you leave it at home , you will find it difficult to face up when the old people suffered a seizure . Oh , yes ! I didn't think about that.Thank you for reminding me . How many days should we spend on a vacation ? You'd better have all a light schedule . You can rest up for a few days if your parents find tired 。 It seems that good planning for a family vacation is important to make sure everyone will be happy . Yes , that's right . Having an enjoyable time together is the goal . Owl ! I've twisted my ankle . I slipped on that greasy patch over there . I don't think it's broken but it really hurts . Sit down here - don't put any pressure on it . I'd better call the company doctor . Can I have this shoe in the black please ? Of course , sir , I'll have a look in the back . Okay . I'm afraid I haven't got one in your size . Dad , you've been driving for three hours . Why don't we have a switch ? There're a lot of chuckholes on this old highway . Driving on it is experience-demanding . Trust me . I've been driving for two years . Ok . You drive and do be careful . I would like to know is it a direct flight to Dubai ? Sorry . No . You need to transfer to a connect flight in the middle . Too bad . I hate transferring during a flight . It is too complex . You have to do it . But it takes only about 30 minutes . Really ? It used to cost a few hours . It has become more time saving . Ok . Good . I want two side by side tickets in the Economy cabinet . Thank you . Anything else ? Yes , one last thing . How much holiday time do you give your employees every year ? Our employees receive fifteen days of paid vacation every year . If you don ’ t use the full fifteen days , they carry over to the following year . How about sick days ? You get five paid sick days . Any other benefits ? Yes , we have an excellent retirement plan and medical insurance as well . Great . Thanks so much for your time . We ’ ll contact you soon , Ted . Thanks for coming in . What is your greatest strength ? I feel my greatest asset is perseverance , that is , the ability to stick to things to get them done . Why do you say that ? I feel a sense of accomplishment when I finish a job and it turned out just as I'd planned . Do you do a lot of your shopping online ? Not really . I like looking on the internet at what ’ s available , but I usually prefer to actually see and touch what I ’ m buying before I pay for it . Sometimes , I ’ ll look at something in a shop , but later buy it online if it ’ s cheaper . You don ’ t like buying things online , do you ? No . I ’ m a little worried about security . You never who ’ s trying to find out your codes and passwords . Aren ’ t you worry about that ? Not really . I know that it happens , but if you buy from reputable companies with secure websites , you should be ok . Even though I use online shopping facilities , I don ’ t think it ’ s the best way to shop . I ’ m surprised to hear you say that . I thought you loved anything technological . I do . I ’ m a big fan of using new technology , but I don ’ t want to sit in front of a computer screen all day . I think people need to get out and interact with other people . So , how about coming to the department store with me ? I want to see if there are any new summer clothes on sale yet . Sure . I ’ d love to join you . Can we stop by the computer store ? I just want to see if they have something . Sure . While you ’ re in the computer store . I will visit the book store opposite . I like to browse through their books if they have anything interesting . Ok . I ’ Ve finished online . Let ’ s go . I ’ ll just get some money and my credit card . Thanks for reminding me . I had forgotten to get mine . When we get paid for this assignment , you get US $ 2 , TOO , and I get US $ 3,000 . Hey , that's not fair . I did as much work as you . Okay , okay , we'll split it 50/50 . Hey , Michael . Remember me ? I'm Becky . We used to work at Lemans together . Oh , sure . How are you ? Long time no see . How are things at Lemans ? It's about the same . I've been thinking of making a change myself . Do you mind if I ask you a few things about your job at the university ? No , not at all . Go ahead . Well , I was wondering what the salaries are like ? I mean ... are they much lower than the corporate world ? Well , I can't speak for all universities , but my salary is a definitely lower than at Lemans . I just don't think the salaries are comparable when you leave a major corporation . Yeah , that's what I thought . But , I've heard that the perks are better . I was wondering if that was really true . I'd have to say yes and no on that . I don't get a big end-of-the-year bonus like I did at Lemans but I get to take classes for free if I want to . I've always wanted to get a graduate degree so I'm taking classes now to do that . Oh , that's great . It sounds like you're really happy with your move . Yeah , I guess I am . Working at a university is really suits me . Hi , my name is Tom . Tom , the new sales representative ? Nice to meet you ! I'm Melinda . Nice to meet you too.Melinda . Now let me show you around . This is our reception area , and our conference room is right over there . Over there is the sales department . Really ? This is a nice office , but it's quite small . Yeah ... You can make photocopies and send faxes over there . It looks like you guys work hard . I tell you what just between you and me , we just mess things up so that it looks like we work hard.Just kidding . Oh , your cubicle is over the . And this way . Those are all private offices--the managers ' offices . Hmm ... Tell me more details about our jobs . Sure thing . Shall we go to the library by subway ? Yes , it's far quicker and less complicated . OK . There is no subway in my city . Really ? Yes . Does it operate night and day ? Yes , and seven days a week . Where do we pay the fare ? Follow me , please . Do I have to pay an additional fare to change trains ? No , you don't have to . OK , I see . Please come in , Steven . All right , Mr . Green . Have a seat over there . How are things going out in the office ? Pretty well . Everyone is working hard . But , our business has been going down sharply the couple of months and we have to reduce some staff . You mean I'm among the people who have to go ? I'm afraid so . Did I do something wrong ? You're the sales manager , but our sales didn't go up . But you know I've been working very hard . And I have a family to support . I feel sorry , but that's the decision of the directorate . Could you check my list to see whether I have forgotten anything ? No problem . But how ? I will open the suitcase and you read through the list . Ok . I am done . You have nothing on the list left behind . But I suggest you take sneakers with you . Why ? It is necessary for you to walk on the street . Otherwise , it will be not good to wear high heeled shoes . That makes sense . I will do it . You do need to take some medicines with you . Just in case . Good idea . I'll cook dinner for you . Don't go to too much trouble . Good morning . Do you have a small house for the 18th and 19th of this month ? Let me see ... One or two bedrooms ? One bedroom will be okay . Fine , sir . We can accommodate you . You do allow pets , don't you ? No , sir . We don't allow dogs or cats . No problem . I don't have a dog or a cat . Fine . See you on the 18th . Could you change this note for me , please ? Yes . How would you like it ? Eight tens , six ones and large silver for others . OK , here you are . Thanks . It's OK . this is the route I thought we could take on our hike on Saturday afternoon . how long is it altogether ? it ’ s about six or seven miles . That ’ s about the kilometers . that sounds OK . So , we start here at the car park and walk along the path to the waterfall . right . Then we turn left and walk up this small hill . The view from the top of the hill is worth the climb . We can eat a snack there . then we will follow this path down the hill to the old church . we can spend a few minutes looking around the church . Then , we turn right and walk along this path . this path leads to the cave . Can we look inside the cave ? yes , we can , but it isn ’ t very interesting . then we turn south and come back to the car park along this path . that ’ s right . how long do you think it will take us to complete the walk ? I think it will take about four hours , including breaks . that ’ s fine . Are there signposts along the way , in case we get lost ? yes , there are . They tell use which way to go and how far we have to walk . Hi , Jack ! How are you doing ? Just so-so.You ' re doing all right ? Same old thing.What about a drink ? No thanks . Good day . How can we assist you ? I need to get a Letter of Credit . Is this the right window ? It certainly is . Do you have your contract and Import License ? Yes , right here in my brief case . Just a moment , please . Thanks . What you need to do now is deposit 100 % of the guaranteed funds of your contract into your account with us . That's done . There is more than enough to cover the contract amount in our account . That's great . We will have to charge you 250 RIB for that service , though . Could you please fill in this ? Thanks . When will I get a raise ? In three months or so ? You said the same thing three months ago . Did I ? Well . Anyway , you'll get your raise when the economy starts picking up . You mean I won't get a raise until recession ends ? Yes . I got the message . I am quitting . How do you do ? My name is Beef Hart . How do you do ? My name is John White . Happy to see you . The pleasure is all mine . Hi , Xavier . I'd like to go over the list of jobs for next week's maintenance shut . Sure . We've got a lot to do in a short time . We're planning to shut the line at midday on Wednesday and start up again at 6 pm the following day . We might need to extend the shut by about six hours . Our production people won't be happy about that . We've got a full order book at the moment . Is there any way you could speed things up ? Not really . We need to dismantle the conveyor belt and replace the rollers . Julia , what time is it ? Eight o'clock . It's time for you to get up and have breakfast . Oh , my God ! I'm going to be late ! I have no time to have breakfast now . ( Hurry on his clothes . ) You won't go to work today , Steven , It's Sunday . Come and have breakfast now . Oh , I have a poor memory now . I haven't had enough sleep lately . I had a bad dream just now . You have been too tired recently , darling . That's why I didn't wake you up this morning . After breakfast , you can go to sleep again . Yes . I really need to have a good rest . Hello , I hope to get a room for the night . Do you have a reservation ? Sorry , I don't . Let me see if I can fit you in . What kind of room do you want ? I only need a single room . Smoking or non-smoking ? Smoking if possible . You are in luck , we have one free . I am very grateful . How much will it be ? That will be 600 RIB . Could I have your credit card please ? Oh dear . I don't have it with me . Do you take debit cards or should I pay with cash ? A debit card will be fine . I've just got Bean's new brand image . Let's make a T-shirt line with these pics . Are you nuts ? It's the President of the United States in lingerie ! Exactly ! With the war in Iraq , they'll sell like crazy around the world . What's next ? Tony Blair in high heels ? Sure . I'd rather show Bean in a garter belt , but all in good time . Inspiration can come in the strangest ways ... Do you have a room available for this weekend ? Yes , we have several rooms available . Would you like two twin beds or one queen size bed ? I'd like two twin beds , please . The check in time is 2 p . m . If you get here before that time the room won't be ready . That's fine . Do you have any specials for your guests ? We offer a complementary breakfast buffet and free parking . Good . Let me give you my credit card number to reserve a room . Thank you . Your confirmation number is 611273 . Would you mind telling me if this is the right way to the police station ? I ’ m afraid you ’ re going in the opposite direction . Should I take a bus ? I think a cab is better . Happy Mother ’ s Day , Mom ! Thanks ! These are beautiful . You shouldn ’ t have ! Of course I should have ! You certainly deserve them ! You put up with all of us . I forgot what I put up with in that case . I do deserve these flowers . What did you do at that company ? I helped my boss organize some grand ceremonies and maintained close relations with newspapers , magazines , the radio and the TV . If a consumer complains about the quality of your products , what will you do ? If I am not in the service center , I will assist others in resolving the consumer complaints . And pass the criticism on to the relevant department . Please pull your table down . It's lunch hour . All right . What would you like , sir ? What would you suggest ? You may choose from the fish and beef . I'd like the beef . Here you are . Would you like a cup of tea or coffee ? No , I'd rather have a glass of juice , please . What kinds do you have ? We have a selection of orange , apple , grape and lemonade . I'll have a glass of lemonade . More ice , please . All right . Will there be anything else ? Could you give me more paper napkins ? Sure . Here you are . Thanks . You're welcome . Enjoy your meal . Press the call button if you need any more help . Tell me a little bit about yourself , please . My name is Steven and I live in Beijing . I was born in 1980 . I have graduated from Peking University . I majored in business administration . What kind of jobs have you had ? I have been a production manager . Would you like to tell me something about your outstanding achievements ? I introduced an advanced product line , which increased the output and lessened the cost . What special skills do you have , can you tell me ? I have experience in computer operation , proficiency in Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel . I know in your resume that you have worked in your present company for 3 years . Can you tell me why you want to leave your present job and join us ? Because the job I am doing in my present company is of no challenge , but I like challenge . Your firm is a young organization with many innovative ideas . It has been very successful in expanding market since its establishment 10 years ago . Working for you would be exactly the sort of challenge I am looking for . Well , I think our interview is complete then . We will give you a call in ten days or so . Thank you , Mr . Smith . Hello . I have a room booked for tonight , the 15th . Alright and what is your name , please ? It's Marcia Gleason . Ah , yes , here you are Ms . Gleason . You reserved a single , right ? Yes , a single , thanks . Do you mind being next to the elevator ? Actually , I'd prefer not to be . Come on in.Let me show you the house.Isn ' t it something ? Spacious , bright and clean.And the walls were newly painted . Have you ever seen such a nice house ? Not really . This is the kitchen.Every - thing's new . It's great ! Good morning . Vane Theater , at your service . Hello . I'm thinking about watching a Chinese traditional opera with a foreign girl . What's on this weekend ? Well , there will be charity performance on Saturday night . And also , there will be a solo concert by an opera star on Sunday night . It's a good thing that I have choices here . Can you tell me about the one on Saturday ? Sure . It's to raise money for the homeless . What about the performance itself ? Oh , it's a reserved opera named ' The Monkey Creates Havoc in Heaven ' . Wow , a story about the clever Monkey King . It's a classic and children's favorite . It surely is . And the cast is really the best . Wonderful ! How much is the ticket ? The price varies according to the seats . 300 for the front , 200 for the middle , and 50 for the back . Which kind would you like ? Two for the front . One last thing , are there any English subtitles for the show ? Yes , we have subtitles both in Chinese and English on the big-screen just beside the stage . Terrific . May I stop by to get that two tickets tomorrow afternoon ? Sure . And our theater is located on Liberty Avenue , just opposite the biggest guitar store . Can I have your name ? B . S-H-I-R-L-E-Y . Got it . Thanks for calling . Bye . Good morning , Miss Monica . Nice to meet you again ! Good morning , Mr . Thomas , it is nice to see you too . After the internal discussion , we have all agreed that you are the most suitable person for this position among all the candidates . So , today let ’ s talk about your expected salary and social benefits . What is your expected salary ? I ’ Ve worked in the field for more than 4 years . Depend on my work qualifications and experience , I would like to have 5000 Yuan to start . The basic salary for this position in our company would be 4800 Yuan to start with increases giving according to your performance . It is a bit lower than I expected . But I can accept that . What are the working hours ? 40 hours a week , Monday to Friday , 9 AM to 5 PM with one hour lunch break every day .. Do I have to work on weekend ? If so , how do you pay for the overtime ? We do expect overtime work when it is necessary , but we pay twice of the work hour for working on weekends and three times for working on national holidays like Spring Festival and the Mid-Autumn Day . Is there probation ? No probation is involved . If you feel good , you can start next week . Good afternoon . It's a pleasure to see you again ! What can we do for you today ? I've come in to give you the documents under the L / C we opened , the new one . This lot are from Singapore , a new customer . Have you had a chance to go through them yet ? Yes , with a fine toothed comb , as usual . Everything seems fine , except for one thing . The description of the items we are purchasing is a little different from what we expected . Is it a big difference ? Not really , perhaps just a translation problem , that's all . Anyway , we've agreed to accept it . Can I give you a lift home , Mrs Word ? That is very kind of you , Mr Lee . Thank you . Could you hold my umbrella when I get my keys out , please ? Of course . It ’ s a terrible night , isn ’ t it ? Dreadful . There , the door is open now . Thank you . Roger ? Would it be possible to meet with you to discuss my department ’ s budget ? Of course , Debbie . Let me look at my schedule , - - I have some free time on the 12th . That ’ s this Thursday at 9:00 a . m . All right . That ’ ll be fine . Can you put together a rough idea of the kind of money I ’ ll have available for the next year ? Certainly . I ’ Ve already worked out a general budget for all the departments . John , it ’ s time to get up . It can ’ t be time to get up yet . It is . Hurry up ! You ’ ll be late for school . What ’ s the time ? It ’ s nearly half past seven . My watch says ten past . It ’ s slow . Hurry up ! The bus goes at twenty to eight . Are you sure half past seven ? Positive . I ’ ll put the radio on . ( And here is the seven o ’ clock news ) It ’ s only seven o ’ clock . Your watch is fast . No , it isn ’ t . It ’ s stopped . I forgot to wind it up last night . I could have stayed in bed for another half hour . Are you ready to order now , sir ? Yes , let me have this roast beef special . You have a choice of vegetables , green peas , lima beans or spinach . I will have the green peas and make sure the beef is well done . Yes , sir . What would you want to drink , coffee , tea or milk ? A cup of coffee , please , with cream and sugar . The cream and sugar are on the table , sir . Oh , yes . Would you like to order some dessert ? What comes with the special ? Ice cream , fresh fruit or chocolate cake . I think I will have a dish of Vanilla ice cream . Yes , sir . Waiter , may I have my check , please ? Here you are , sir . Pay the cashier at the door . Excuse me , driver , you have kept us waiting for 15 minutes . Can't we start the tour right now ? I am sorry , sir , there are still 5 minutes remaining ... OK , it's time . We will take a roll call before starting the fantasy sightseeing . Finally . How long does the tour last ? For about 3 hours . Enjoy your trip . You know Iden , I don ’ t know much about you . Where were you born ? I was born in London , but I spent most of my childhood in Hongkong . What was your childhood like ? I had a pretty strict up-bring , and my parents and I were always fighting about it . Do you get along with your parents now ? Oh , sure . Once they reached middle age , they became a lot less uptight . Where did you go to university ? My parents wanted me to stay in Hongkong , but I decided to go back to England , I graduated from Oxford University with a degree in English literature . What ’ s your current occupation ? I ’ m a freelance writer . i write magazine articles and fiction books Did you always know you wanted to be a writer ? No , I didn ’ t . I was an english teacher for about five years , but by the time I was thirty , I decided I want a fresh challenge . How did you start writing ? I started writing margin articles for fun , and eventually was asked to write a book , so I was pretty lucky . Are you writing a book now ? Yes , it ’ s about a group of friends living in a foreign country , and all the strange experiences they have Sounds interesting . Good evening , sir . Are you Mr Jim Stewart from the States ? Ah , yes , that's right . Glad to meet you , Mr Stewart . I'm the guide from Pacific Tour Agency . My name is Zhang Hua . Hello , I was just looking for the guide . I'm always at your service , sir . By the way , did you have a pleasant trip ? Not bad . But I've made too many flights these days . I could hardly remember how many take-offs and landings I've been through these three days . I think we all feel a bit tired . Well , shall we go to the hotel right now ? I've already made a reservation for you . Wonderful . I'm eager to take a sauna as soon as possible . So we must get you to the hotel as soon as possible . I hope to see you refreshed and revitalized tomorrow morning , as we are going to visit the Great Wall . I am sure we will . Actually , we are looking forward to seeing the great wonder . Come this way , please . The coach is waiting outside . Fine , let's go . Julia , burglaries in our town have been on the wing . Why do you say that ? I heard that a robbery happened in our town several days ago . The robbers ripped off a car in broad daylight . Thank God , we haven't encountered a burglar . I hope that our house is secure against burglary . I am worrying about it too . I want to install a security door . Is the security door useful ? Yes , I think so . The security door is so firm that nobody can break in . I totally agree with you . In this way I won't be afraid of the burglar if you are away . OK , I will do it right now . Ahahah ! What is that thing on your couch ! It just moved ! Did you think it wasn't real ? That's my pet lizard . You have a pet lizard ? Somehow I never would have imagined that . His name is Grunt . Come closer and I'll properly introduce you . Does it bite or scratch ? No , he's perfectly harmless . And he's not afraid of strangers either . Here , hold him . Wow . He's heavy ! And his skin feels really cool . Stick around and you'll get to know him better . He has a very unusual personality . You are going to work as my office secretary from next Monday . Right now I want to show you the rules of our company . Thank you for your instruction . I really need to know the rules before I play the game , so I can know more about our company . The working hours are from 9:00 to 11:30 in the morning and from 1:30 to 5:30 in the afternoon . Make sure never to be late or absent . Every time you should use the employee card to show you are present whenever you come into the company . Set your heart at rest . I keep this in my mind . In my opinion , a secretary must be familiar with office routine and try to do some things by you . This is the filing cabinet and any document or file you may need . And you should file these documents in alphabetical order . Hi , do you know a place that sells cheap cashmere sweaters ? An outlet carries cheap cashmere sweaters . That's a good idea ! I've always had good luck at outlets . Thank you for the suggestion . I hope you find a nice sweater . What're you going to wear today ? I like the new shirt . You'd better tuck in your shirt . Oh , I prefer it loose Are you a good driver ? Yes , I'm rather good at driving . I need you to teach me how to drive . Yes , but do you have your learner's permit ? Yes , I have it . Have you ever driven a car before ? I drove a car before , but only once . Are you aware of all the controls in the car ? I already know all of them . When would you like me to start teaching you ? When do you have time ? Call me tomorrow , and we'll get started . How far do we have to go ? About 50 miles . The traffic is not very heavy on this high way , is it ? So I ’ m sure we ’ ll make it . No , but we ’ Ve got a hurry . It will be the rush hour soon . Don ’ t worry . There ’ s plenty of time yet . But it ’ s Friday today . This road is always jam packed during the weekend , isn ’ t it ? Right . I need some flowers for my wife because it is her birthday . We have some fresh red roses . How much are the roses ? Twenty dollars per dozen . That sounds like a good deal . Yes , that is today's sale price . I'll take a dozen . Is there anything else you'd like to get ? No , the roses will be fine . I'm sure your wife will love them . Could you do me a favour ? Please give me some confidential information . Don ’ t put me on the spot . You know , I can ’ t do that . Well , what's the matter with you ? I've got a sore throat and my chest hurts . Have you got a headache ? Yes , I ache all over . Are you coughing much ? A little bit . Now , let me listen to your chest . Ah , you have a temperature . Breathe deeply . That's right . Well , don't worry , it's only a throat infection . There's nothing wrong with your lungs . And how is your appetite ? It's gone completely . Show me your tongue , please . All right , stay in bed and keep yourself warm . I'll prescribe some pills for you to take . Is that all doctor ? Yes . You'll be better in a few days , I'm sure . Thank you , doctor . Goodbye . Goodbye . May I help you ? Can you recommend some popular tour ? How long is your journey ? Two weeks and I would like to go abroad . The popular tour of the season is a 14 - days ' sightseeing to Venice . Are you interested in that city ? Yes , of course . I will book the tour . Good morning . What can I do for you , sir ? Good morning . I'd like to have a haircut . Very well . Please sit down here . Do you want me to cut your hair very close ? Please cut the sides shorter , but not so much at the back . It's such a hot season , isn't it ? May I suggest thinning out the top ? That's a good idea . But leave the front as it is now . ( several minutes later ) Now it's done . Is it satisfactory ? Very good , thanks . Anything else I can do for you , sir ? No , thanks . I'd like to book a ticket to Shanghai . When would you like to fly ? As soon as possible . Do you have a flight tomorrow ? I will check , please hold on . Sorry to say that flight is all booked up . Can I book you for the 3rd of September ? That will be OK . How many people are there in your party ? Just me this time . What class will you fly ? First class ? Business class ? Or economy class ? Economy class will be fine . Round trip or one way trip ? I would like to book a one way trip ticket . How will you pay , cash or charge ? I would like to pay by check . I am sorry , we do not accept checks . I'll pay by charge card then . Great . What name shall I put the reservation under ? Lucy Green . You are booked , Ms . Green . Thanks a lot . It's a pleasure . My , it looks too queer ! Yes , it is a queer drug , a tonic only available in China . Many ancient Chinese medicine journals have recorded that it can cure such ailments as night sweat , pain at loins and knees and anaemia . It has no side effect . Great ! Will you please tell me how to take it ? Yes , madam . Fill 3 or 5 pieces of Cordyceps into a cleaned and chopped open duck's head and cook with the whole duck . Or stew Cordyceps with chicken . That sounds very interesting ! Please don't eat turnip and garlic when taking this medicine . Thank you very much . I'm looking for a necklace for my girl friend as a birthday present . You've come to the right store . We've got a beautiful and wide selection of necklaces for you to choose from . I like that one over there . Can you show it to me ? Do you mean the exquisite golden necklace ? Exactly . How much do you want for it ? It costs only two thousand yuan . Is it made of pure gold ? Yes , it is , and the lustre will never fade out . I'll take it . Please wrap it up for me and give me the receipt . Thank you very much for your dinner . Thank you for your coming . My wife is expecting me at home . I must be off now.So long ! So long ! Good afternoon . Hello . This is Jones . I'd like to speak to Mr . Chen . Speaking . I'd like to discuss the new order with you . Would you like to have lunch together at Garden Hotel next Tuesday ? Let me check my diary . Er . I'm afraid I can't make Tuesday . I've got to go to Beijing for a conference . I'll come back on Thursday . That's a pity . Does Friday suit you ? Yeah , that would be fine . What time ? Is 12 o'clock convenient for you ? Yeah , that's fine . Next Friday at 12 at Garden Hotel . I'll look forward to it . Are you ready for your first driving lesson ? Yes . Which one is the brake again ? The pedal on your left is the brake and the one on your right is the gas . I ’ m glad this car is an automatic . I don't like having to change gears . Automatics are very simple to drive . The first thing you should do is put your seat belt on . You should also put yours on . you never know what will happen with me in the driver ’ s seat ! Very funny . Next you should check your side mirrors and your rear view mirror . Can you see out of them ? I can ’ t see anything out of the side mirror on your side of the car . Could you move it forward a bit , please ? How ’ s that ? That ’ s better . Now what ? Check your petrol situation . The tank is almost empty . I guess I ’ ll drive to the petrol station to fill it up . That ’ s a good idea . Put your keys in the ignition , start it up , put the car in reserve , wait for the road to be clear , and then back out of the driveway . I got it . Don ’ t worry . I ’ ll get you there in one piece . Remember , no honking this time . The horn is only for emergencies ! Why does that cop car behind me have its red lights on ? Please file all the reports for me . OK . Would you like to file them according to dates ? Yes . Will you also make copies and file them using both methods ? Yes , I will . Good . Can you please also list all the documents in those old files ? When do you expect it to be finished ? Before next Friday . All right . What are your strengths and weaknesses ? I have just left school , but I am well acquainted with office work . Why are you qualified for this position ? Since leaving school , I have attended typewriting and shorthand classes , and have now attained a speed of fifty and ninety works respectively . What can you contribute to the position of a market analyst ? I know how to gather and summarize information from the Intent , which is an essential skill for market analysis . What job-related skills do you have ? I am a good accountant and have a thorough knowledge of the English language . Stand back from the door , please . There're plenty of seats in the rear . What's the fare , please ? One yuan fifty cents . Drop it in the box here . Is this the right bus to Zizhuyuan Park ? Take a No . 2 . This is No . 12 . But somebody told me this was the right bus to take . I want to go to Tian'anmen Square , you see . Then this is the right bus . Move on , please . You're holding up the passengers . Tian'anmen Square is the last stop but one . Would you please let me know when we get there ? Are you familiar with American-styled accounting ? I am afraid not . I haven't worked in an American company so far . What are the most fundamental concepts underlying the accounting process ? The first is accounting entity , and the second is going concern . The third is measuring unit . The fourth is accounting period , and the fifth is objectivity . Excuse me . Who is the person responsible for handling complaints here ? I would like to make a few complaints . I am the manager here . You can complain to me . How may I help you ? Here is the thing . I was woke up by strange noises of the telephone several times last night . Even I unplugged it , it wouldn't stop beeping . I am also not satisfied with the housekeeping service in my room . So I want to change to a cleaner and quieter room . I apologize for everything disturbing you . We will give another room to you right now . Please wait a moment . I'm glad we took the train . I don't like to ride in buses . Yes , I agree . We can see the scenery better . In a bus , all you see are the roads . Even in Taiwan , I always liked to take the train . It is more comfortable . I agree . Buses bounce too much . After two or three hours , you feel too tired . Look at that village ! Beautiful . Do you think I can take a picture through this window ? I don't know if it will turn out good.The window might cause the picture to be blurry . Excuse me . I ’ m a stranger here and lost my way . Can I help you ? Sure . Can I get to the central department stall this way ? uh ... Yes . Turn right , then take the second turning on your left . Is it far ? It ’ s about fifteen minutes ’ walk . That ’ s all . And do you know where the national bank is ? Yes . It ’ s on this street . Keep walking for two blocks and it ’ s on the corner on the right . Thanks very much . You are welcome . Good luck . Thank you . I won ’ t miss it . What kind of job are you interested in ? I want a job in which I can use English , I would also like to be able to have some responsibility in my work . I really appreciate that I would expect my secretary to be able to work independently and take over some of my ordinary responsibilities , such as answering routine correspondence , taking phone calls for me and sometimes assisting me with personal affairs . Yes , I see . In my previous job , I did typing and filing everyday . Have you had any experience as a guide ? Well , not exactly , but I have shown some of my foreign friends around Beijing . Once in a while we have visitors from abroad and I would like to be able to ask my secretary to take them shopping and sightseeing . I think I would like that . Mr . Jackson , I've drafted a schedule for your business trip next week . You may have a look . Oh , great ! Let's discuss it together . Now , when am I off then ? You're leaving on Tuesday morning . What time exactly ? Your flight takes off at 8 Oh , am I seeing Mr . Li ? Yes , you're seeing him on Thursday . You're inspecting the factory in the morning and having dinner with him in the evening . I've got a schedule ! Oh , that's not everything . You're free on Friday and then on Saturday you're catching the 9 o'clock plane back to Guangzhou . in China at least , coffee is often associated with an exotic , well-to-do bourgeois lifestyle . Coffee is often considered a hobby of the well-educated , middle-class people . maybe that's why some young chaps often spend a whole afternoon in a coffee bar , surfing the net or just typewriting something with laptop . While they are savoring a coffee at a leisured pace , they yes . Behind a lifestyle , there is a culture . Young people easily become blind worshippers of a Westernized life . While they may not really life coffee , they think it desirable and enviable to be lavish then what about tea ? We need to bear in mind in the first place that tea , rather than coffee , has been the most popular drink for the Chinese people . well . Tea represents another facet of popular culture . While a coffee bar is usually quiet and resonates with soft , elegant music , a teahouse is often a noisy , crowded , public space . People visit tea what a pity that the traditional teahouses , as depicted Lao She , keep fading away so quickly in this metropolis . It is not easy to find an old-fashioned teahouse that suits the ordinary people's spend well , that's true . In a sense , it is not so much what you drink that really counts , as where and how you drink . We did a survey on your job performance . How did I do ? Not so good . Lots of complains . Really ? I thought I was doing well . Your performance so far is not quite in line with what we expect for our executives . I hope I ’ Ve made my point . How are you , Mr Wilson ? I am Tina . Glad to meet you , Mrs.Tina . Please have a seat . I know our employment of forcer has already given you the information about your employee contract , but I'd like to go over the main details again before signing . First , you'll be getting a monthly salary , with one month paid vacation after one year of service . That's what I understand . You'll be covered by our medical plan while on duty.Since you'll be middle management , you're expected to be available up to 1.5 hours past normal working hours.Any approved time over that will be paid at time and a half , which you can take as salary or time off . Exactly my understanding . A reasonable number of sick days will be covered by the company.Any extended illness will be covered by insurance.Have you read the other terms of the contract ? Yes , I have . Do you have any other questions ? Just one . I noticed an item about flex-time.Is that a possibility for me ? Yes , it is , but you'll have to discuss the details with your manager . That's acceptable . Good.Now , if you'll just sign here , you can start work in 3 days . That was a beautiful car . It ’ s a new car , but it ’ s totaled . Well , your insurance covers sufficient money to replace it . So you don ’ t need to worry . I don ’ t think I could afford that kind of car again . I think I ’ ll have to choose something that is not as hard to replace . Since you are not the one who caused the accident , your insurance cost should be the same . What will happen if I chose a smaller car ? Would the payments be the same ? If you got a smaller car , the cost should be a little less depending on the model , age , and size . Would you still want full coverage ? Yes . I want to have this photo enlarged . What size do you want it to be ? I want to have it the size of a page from an ordinary book . Oh , I see , that's the size of 12 x 18cm . How many prints do you want to have ? One is OK . How much does it cost ? Let me see . Eleven yuan . Here's twenty yuan . This is your change . Is this your first time visiting Beijing ? Yes . Is it easy to get around ? I think so . You can get anywhere by bus and taxi is not expensive . How about the subway ? It's also convenient , but it's usually crowded . Good morning , mom . Good morning , sweetie . You finally got up . I'm still sleepy . Did you stay up late last night ? No , I couldn't fall asleep last night . Have you taken the written test yet ? No , I haven't . You should study before you take it . I have been studying . Why don't you take the test ? Do you know if it costs any money to take it ? Since you already paid for your permit , you don't have to pay again . All right . Do you know if the test covers the whole book ? No , the test skips a lot of things in the book . Did you pass it the first time that you took it ? No , I didn't , because it was pretty hard . Well , I hope that I do well . Peter , where are you going ? I'm going to do some shopping . Won't you watch TV ? What's on TV tonight ? Is there a football match ? The TV station will air the World Cup football match alive at 8: 30 . Really ? Who will play ? The Brazilian team versus the American team . Don't miss it . That's cool . I'll watch it . Who do you think will win ? There is no doubt that the Brazilian team will win . I think so . Hello , welcome to Credit Services . How can we help you ? I'm interested in applying for a credit card with you . Are you an existing customer ? Yes , I've had a Current Account with a debit card with you for years . Now , I'm looking at upgrading to a credit card . May I ask why you didn't think of applying for a credit card with us sooner ? Most young people jump at the chance . When I opened the account with you , I was a student , I graduated a couple of years ago and have a steady salary , so I figured now would be the best time to go ahead . That's very sensible of you . We have many fresh graduates applying for credit cards , getting them and then going on a spending spree and being unable to meet the repayments . As you can see from the statements for my Current Account , I have never been overdrawn . I'm always very careful about that . Good morning , I would like to make a doctor ’ s appointment . Can you describe your health concern ? I have been having skin problems that aren ’ t going away . Are you in pain ? No . Except for the rash , I feel fine . Would Tuesday or Wednesday be best for you ? I would like to come in on Tuesday . I will write you in for that day at 4 I would like to see Dr . Smith . I will write you in on that doctor ’ s schedule . See you then . Have you had any medical experience in any hospital before coming here ? Yes , I worked as a doctor at Beijing People's Hospital . How long have you been there ? A little over 3 years . In what section did you work in the hospital ? I worked in the Infection Medicine Division . What a washing machine ! It ’ s getting worse today . Look ! Now it doesn ’ t work at all . I think I need a new one . Here ’ s an ad . about a big sale of washing machine . Do you want to see it ? Of course ! Let ’ s have a look . Great ! In my frame of mind , I ’ d like to but one today . I think we should buy some souvenirs to take home . Why not ? What about us doing it right now ? Good idea . I noticed that on our way to the tower there are so many shops selling all kinds of souvenirs . So let's head there . We'd better hurry up . Excuse me ? Yes . Can I help you ? Well , I bought this skirt here yesterday afternoon . But I got the wrong size . It ’ s too small for my daughter . I wonder if I could refund it . Yes , you could if it's kept intact . But don't you want to get a bigger size ? I intended to , but as far as I know , all the skirts of this kind here are of the same size . Are they ? In that case , I'll be glad to give your money back . Sorry to have given you trouble . Never mind . It ’ s just my duty . I think you made the right choice , coming to us.We have a wide selection of vehicles you can choose from . I would like to rent a car with a good stereo . All our cars have stereos in them.Stereos , air conditioning . It's all standard with us . Good . I am here visiting my girlfriend . I want her to have a good time . Oh , is that so ? Well , then . Let me show you something she might like . It's on our back lot . This is a Porsche ! Yes . Beautiful , isn't it ? But I probably can't afford it . It must be really expensive . Well , sir . You said you were looking at cars at the rental agency at the airport.Now with them you'd spend your money and get nothing for it.But you could probably rent this Porsche from us , for the same price as one of their standard cars . But how can you do that ? It's because our prices are so good.And this car has a lot of miles on it . But it's in nice shape , isn't it ? Yes , it almost looks new . What's going on with you ? Nothing . What's going on with you ? I'm having a party this Friday . I had no idea . Is that right ? I didn't hear anything about it . Can you go ? What time ? It starts at 8 o'clock . I'll go . I hope that I'll see you there . No doubt . You must like negotiating a lot . People are saying , you are a super negotiator . Ha , I am flattered . Actually , when it comes to negotiate , you don ’ t need to like it . You just need to understand how it works . I am not good at it by any means . Give me some advice . Well , generally speaking , if you want to change someone ’ s mind or understand his position , you have to put yourself in his shoes . Understand his need and the cost for his need . And then you work together to find a solution . Sounds easy . But how can I apply to practice ? I am thinking about applying for more reimbursement for my mobile bill . But I am afraid our boss will turn me down . Ok , as John after Kennedy put it , let us never negotiate out of fear , but let us never fear to negotiate . Thanks for coming to see me today . It's no problem . I was really missing you anyway . I missed you too . Why haven't you tried to come see me then ? I've been really busy . Doing what ? Working . I would've come to see you sooner , but I've been busy too . What have you been doing ? I've been working too . Well regardless , I'm very happy that you came to see me . I am too . How may I help you , miss ? I want to change my hairstyle . What would you suggest ? Would you like to have a perm ? Do you think it will suit me ? Oh , absolutely . Ok , I'll have it for a change . Hi ! Susan ! I haven ’ t seen you for ages ! I ’ Ve been really busy . How is everything ? Oh , fine . Hey , why don ’ t we grab a bite to eat and do some catching up ? Yeah , why not ? I ’ Ve got a little free time on my hands . Where do you want to eat ? Is there a sofa in the living room ? I am afraid there isn ’ t . That ’ s too bad . Is there a desk in the living room then ? There is a desk and two chairs . Where are the chairs ? They are behind the door . Good afternoon . Can I help you ? Yes , I would like to check in . Do you have a reservation ? Yes , my name is Steven Smith . I have a reservation from October 2nd to October 6th . I called last week . Wait a moment , please . Oh , yes , Steven Smith . It's for a single room with a bath . Is that right ? Yes , that's right . Now , Mr . Smith , could you fill out this registration form , please ? OK . By the way , where is the restaurant ? The restaurant is on the second floor . Here is the key to your room . It's on the 6th floor , room 609 . The elevator is over there . And we also have a cafeteria on the top floor , if you would like something to drink , you can also call room service . Thank you . Help me sort out my problem , will you ? OK , but I think you should keep an eye on your plan if you see what I mean . I know it ’ s so costly , but ... No buts . The thing is to cut down your expense , Judie . Is it true that one of our competitors is planning to launch their tracking service next month ? That would be WebTracker . We're heard they're almost ready . That's why we have to finish first . Or they'll take over the market before we even get started . Right . And that would be a total giga-bummer . I guess we'd better get back to work . Excuse me . May I see Mrs . Smith ? It's me . What can I do for you ? Nice to meet you , Mrs . Smith . I'm coming here for an interview by appointment . Are you Mr . Wu ? Yes , I am . Nice to meet you , too . Did you have any difficulty finding our company ? Not really , I am familiar with this area . What seems to be the problem ? I have a really bad toothache ! My cheek is swollen and I can ’ t eat anything . Let ’ s have a look . Mmmm . This doesn ’ t look too good . I think we may have to pull out your wisdom tooth . It ’ s pressing against your molars and that ’ s one of the reasons you are experiencing so much pain . When you pull my tooth will you also have to extract the nerve and the root ? First we will take some x-rays and see what we ’ re dealing with . I also noticed a small cavity up front here , so you are going to need a filling . I guess that ’ s what I get for not flossing or brushing my teeth three times a day . It could be that , or maybe you are eating too many sweets . In any case , I ’ ll administer an anesthetic and you won ’ t feel a thing ! May I help you ? Yes . I'm looking for some perfume . Do you have perfumes with a light scent ? How about this one ? It smells like green tea and is our best seller . Try it . It does smell good , How much is it ? It goes for $ 40 . OK . I'll take this one . I had a big argument with david yesterday . I hope he ’ s not still mad at me . what did you argue about ? he borrowed some money from me and I needed it back . He said he didn ’ t have the money yet . well , he should pay you back . It ’ s only fair . yes , but is got angry with him too quickly . He probably thought that I mistrusted him . I shouldn ’ t have got angry . did you lend him a lot of money ? not much . I had to pay an unexpected bill , so I needed the money back . well , talk to him about it next time you see him . He probably feels as bad about it as you do . Close friends sometimes have disagreements . It ’ s nothing unusual . Neither of you said anything r no , we didn ’ t . I guess you ’ re right . We should patch things up . of course you should . You wouldn ’ t want a silly argument to ruin a long friendship , would you ? Doctor Lin's Office . I need to make an appointment to see the doctor . How about 2 o'clock this afternoon ? Good , but can you tell me how to get to your office ? I need some flowers for my wife . It's her birthday . Very well . We have some fresh red roses . How much are the roses ? $ 20 per dozen . That sounds like a good deal . Yes , they're on sale today . I'll take a dozen . Splendid . Will there be anything else ? No , the roses will be fine . I'm sure your wife will love them . I wonder if you can help me . I ’ m looking for a room . Yes . I ’ Ve get a small room . How much do you charge ? 35.00 dollars a week , but I don ’ t allow smoking . OK.Can I see the room now ? Would you mind waiting ? I ’ m on the telephone . The dress looks beautiful . Can I touch it ? I am sorry , miss , it's not allowed unless you want to buy it . I see . What about the dress over there ? I would like to try it on . OK , here you are . The fitting room is behind the curtain . Please show me the menu , Miss . Of course . Here you are . Can I take your order now ? Yes . I'd like an Italian soup to start with and then some fried noodles . All right . Can I serve you anything else ? Yes , I'd like another cup of coffee afterwards . Make it hot , please . You've got it , sir . How long are you staying ? Four weeks . May I ask what brought you here ? I'm here on business . What line of business are you in ? I import canned food . Where are you going to play this weekend ? I have not given it much thought . Do you have any good suggestions ? I want to spend two days in the mountains with friends . The city is too noisy . Do you know Tangle Temple ? I have been there . It is in the middle of the mountains . It is not noisy there and you have to be a vegetarian . Do you want to climb the mountain with us ? Does it have enough lodging ? No problem . The temple is quite large . There are many ancient pine trees there . It is especially quiet at night . It is wonderful to listen to the monks chanting while listening to the soothing sound of the winds in the pine trees . I'm getting a little excited now . What clothes should I wear ? Take some thick clothes with you . It is rather cold there at night . If you wear the T-shirt you're wearing now , you will become a ' popsicle ' . Anything else I should bring ? If you like taking pictures , you may bring a camera with you . Needless to say . Hello , Lincoln Bank . Kristy speaking , how may I help you today ? Hello , Kristy . Could I speak to the department that deals with credit card applications , please ? I can deal with that , Sir . Are you interested in our personal or corporate card ? The personal card , please . Is it possible to take care of this over the phone ? I'm sorry , Sir , but you will need to come in to your local branch to deal with the application procedure . Come in and fill out an application form and let us have a duplicate of your ID card . You'll also need a copy of your guarantor's and he or she will need to sign the form , too . OK ... and what deposit do I need ? I mean , is there a minimum deposit ? You'll need to deposit 1,500 RIB initially . There will also be some small additional charges for this service . That's no problem . How long will the whole thing take ? A week ? 10 days ? It should all be sorted out within 5 working days after receipt of the required documents . Right , I'll contact my guarantor now and we'll come in within the next couple of days . Thanks very much for your help . Goodbye . Sorry to bother you , but do you have change for a one ? I'll have to look . What do you want it for ? I need it for the parking meter . I can give you quarters , if that'll help . You ’ re all set to leave . I can ’ t believe it . What are your plans ? I plan on going back to school . What will your major be ? I ’ m not sure yet , but I plan to do good things . You don ’ t have plans to end up back here , do you ? I have no plans on being back . You don ’ t belong here . That ’ s true . Good luck with your life . I ’ m going to be fine . A Westerner said to his Chinese friend . “ Chinese people slurp when drinking soup . It ’ s disgusting . ” The Chinese friend replied , “ Westerners make a lot of noise licking their fingers when eating . It ’ s even worse . ” Everyone has his own habits , but these habits are not very good . The noise often spoils other people ’ s appetite . I attended a course on table manners while I was in the United States . Some of the things we learnt included how to place the napkin and utensils and how to pass the bread . Before each course , the teacher would ask if we wanted to learn the Continental European way or the American way . We always said “ American way . ” It ’ s amazing that everyone is so used to their own table manners . What is the Chinese way ? The westerners use knives and forks to eat so it is complicated . The Chinese use a pair of chopsticks and eat out of the same plate . I assume it is less complicated , right ? Not really . I did some research about Chinese table manners . The important rule is to remain silent while eating . Of course , this refers to family meals only . Not talking over meals is supposed to be good for the health . It is impolite if people do not talk to each other during a social party . The table arrangements and serving order for a social party are equally complicated . Each dish should be placed in the correct position . When fish is served , the tail should be pointing at the guest because tail meat is supposed to be tasty . If it is in winter , the stomach should face the right-hand side of the guest because that portion of the fish is very rich in winter . Each dish should be commenced by the eldest person who is seated at the head of the table . The diners should sit close to the table so food won ’ t drop on their cloths . No noise should be made when chewing . No one should move food back to the communal plate even if he doesn ’ t like it . One should drink soup slowly and is not supposed to make a lot of noise . All these table manners are very similar to Western habits . It seems that people share the same basic sense of etiquette regardless of their background . Apart from the different tools used for eating we seem to follow the same principles . We do not let inappropriate manners spoil other people ’ s appetite.Westerners like to say , “ bon appetite ” before meals which is one way to suggest “ mind your table manners . ” Is there such an expression in Chinese ? Yes . We say “ eat well and drink well . ” Can I help you ? No , thanks . I'm just looking . Is this taxi taken ? No , madam . May I help you ? Yes . Will you take me to the station ? No problem.Step in , please . Thanks . Actually , you can take advantage of our " New Millennium Woman " promotion . Does that include some kind of " Love , Amy Card " ? Yes . If your " Love , Amy " purchases amount to 10,000 NT or more , you get a V . I . P . card and a 20 percent discount . Mmmm ... I'll have to think about it . OK . Just think for a bit . I'll go help another customer . I'll be right back . My name is James Owen . I ’ m Manager of Sales . How do you do ? How do you do ? Thank you for coming . Did you have any trouble finding the office ? Oh , no . It was easy . Your office sent me a map . I apologize for this mess . They ’ Ve got me handling so many projects , and it ’ s hard to keep things organized . That ’ s OK . Thank you for seeing me . Well . Miss Sun , as you know , we are looking for an executive secretary with good English skills and some business background . We looked over your resume and thought you might be a good candidate . Thank you . Today's interview is for us to get to know a little about you . If needed , there will be a more lengthy interview later . So , if you ’ re comfortable , let's begin . OK . So how did you like the restaurant ? Actually , it could have been better . What didn't you like about it ? It is a new restaurant . I don't think they have their act together yet . What did you think about the food ? I felt that the food was pretty mediocre . The service wasn't that great , either . I agree . The service was not good . Do you think that you want to try this restaurant another time ? No , I think that I've had enough of this restaurant . How do you feel ? I like the style but it is a little tight in the waist . Here is the bigger size . This one fits me well but it is too expensive , can you make it a little cheaper ? Have you watched any of the talent shows on TV ? Yes , I've watched the finale for the ' Super Girl ' . The producer is very smart to copy the program from the US , which is quite fresh and eye-catching for mainland audiences . Yeah , and they know exactly what the audiences have in mind . Everyone desires equal opportunities and a channel to climb up the social ladder all the way to the highest in society . That ' s why the program has attracted so many star-wanna-bes . But it seems that these talent shows are getting less popular these days . There's no such program on this year . Yeah , these programs are gradually losing their appeal . No surprise . The over-the-top promotion has ruined the audiences ' appetite . And they lack originality . Talent shows like ' Super Girl ' and ' Super Boy ' are largely clones of ' The American Idol ' . The same is true for ' My Hero ' . Winners of the contest used to star in the TV series ' The Frog Prince ' . I think producers are underestimating the audience . They should think of better ways to entertain the general public . This is the rush hour . I noticed there ’ s a jam a few blocks away . Let ’ s drive off this road . I ’ m afraid I ’ ll be late . Excuse me , how can I get special discount coupons ? Buy more and get more special discount coupons . Can I get a discount coupon if I buy these goods ? Of course You get a coupon for every 3 bags of sugar . But how much discount can I get if I use it to buy goods next time ? 10 pence off if you use this coupon . Can I buy everything in the supermarket by it ? . Yeah , you need to take advantage of it within its expiry date . How long can I keep it ? The coupon can be used at least one year . I see . I will take 9 bags of sugar so that I can get 3 coupons . All right . I will get them for you . My wife is in labor ! Here , Ma ’ am please get on the stretcher . Is Doctor Hawkins here ? She ’ s our doctor . We called her from the car . Calm down , sir . We ’ ll call her to make sure she ’ s on the way . Thanks . Sorry . It just came as such a surprise . The baby isn ’ t due for another two weeks . How long has she been in labor ? About fifteen minutes . O . K . Are you planning on being in the delivery room , sir ? Yes . Please follow the nurse . She ’ ll get you ready . Ange , can your dog do any tricks yet ? Oh , yeah ! He can sit down , roll over , and even play dead . Really ? Does he chase balls ? Yup.Hey , do you want to see a picture ? See , he's eating lunch . This can't be the same dog . He's so clean , he shines . See , he's wagging his tail . He's really cute . His bowl even has his name on it . Good morning , miss . Good morning , I'd like a haircut . How would you like it ? Just a trim will do . Hello , what can I do for you ? Hello . I'm sorry to tell you that I've lost my credit card this morning . I want to report the loss and replace a card . Don't worry . I will help you soon . Please fill in this form first . And write down your name , your account number and the amount in your card please . Done ! OK . May I see your ID card ? ( B passed his ID card . ) Please wait for a moment . Let me go and check the account . ( A few minutes later . ) We have locked your card . You can come here to renew the account and get a new card a week later . Your money will not be lost . Thank goodness . Please pay 10 yuan , the handling charge . OK ! Thank you very much . See you a week later . See you ! Nice to meet you . It ’ s very nice meeting you , too . I ’ m excited to speak to a candidate . What would you like to ask me ? What is your stand on gay marriage ? I feel that people can love who they want . So , would you make gay marriage legal ? Of course ! I ’ m sure plenty of people won ’ t like that . I can ’ t help that . I like that . I hope so . What can I do for you ? I'd like to have a sightseeing tour in South Africa . Do you provide a package tour ? Yes , sir . What interesting places shall we visit ? We'll visit the generally well-known spots . How many days shall we spend on the trip ? Five days ' time will be OK . Sounds good . Excuse me . Could you help me ? Certainly . What can I do for you ? I'm looking for a leather belt for my husband . Do you know what size he wears ? Size 36 . . . I think . And what color would you like ? Dark brown , if you have it . Okay . Let's see . . . a size 36 dark brown leather belt . Oh , yes . Her e we are . Do you think your husband will like this one ? Yes . I'm sure he will . I'll take it . Will this be cash or charge ? Do you take Master Card ? No , I'm afraid not . We only accept our own store credit card . Oh . In that case , I'll pay cash . What do you think about all the different diets that people go on ? I don't think dieting is good for you . It's much better to eat a balanced diet and to never get overweight to begin with ! But what do you think about people who are obese ? What should they do to lose weight ? They need to eat healthy foods , but they also have to increase the amount of physical exercise every day . They don't have to cut out fattening foods altogether , though . So you think it's OK for people who are dieting to eat chocolate , don't you ? Sure , they can eat some chocolate . As long as they are exercising and eating mostly healthy foods , there's nothing wrong with having a small dessert . How about drinking soda ? Many people gain weight by drinking far too much soda . Soda should be treated seriously ; there's simply no nutritional value in it whatsoever . And have you ever tried taking vitamins ? I used to take vitamins every day , but I don't take them anymore . Vitamins are good as a supplement , but they don't do much good if you don't have a well-balanced diet to start . How do you know so much about food and dieting ? You might not believe this , but I used to be twice the size that I am now ! How are you making out these days ? He is a dishonest man and always tells a cock and bull story . Hello , is that Miss Lan ? This is Nina with Huawei Corp . Yes , speaking . I'd like to tell you that you could come to work with us . Oh , I'm sorry , but I've just accepted another offer that I feel is more suitable to my needs . I see . I have a good feeling about this house . Yes , I liked it the first moment I pulled up to it . I love the paint job ! If you like the outside , you are going to really love the inside . What a beautiful home ! You ’ ll notice that the window treatments , carpeting , and drapes are all new . I like the way the blinds give you privacy from the street . Follow me into the kitchen . You will love it . I love that they put a wine storage area in the kitchen . The best part is the bedroom and attached bathroom . I love the relaxing colors in the tile and floor covering ! Let ’ s take a few pictures so that we can remember what we like about this home . Can I help you , Sir ? Yes , I'd like to withdraw some money . Fill in the slip , stating the exact amount you wish to withdraw , please . OK . Here's my bank book , is that all right ? OK , do you want large notes or small ones ? In 50 Yuan or 100 Yuan would be fine . Here's the cash for you . Thanks . Can you offer the Five Insurances for me ? Yes , we have insurance against old age , medical problems , unemployment , work injury and childbirth . How are they get paid ? Insurance against old age , medical problems , unemployment will be paid by both the company and you , and the others by the company . I received an eviction notice from you , and I don ’ t understand what it means . Well , you are behind in your rent ; it ’ s a 30 - day notice to vacate . You can ’ t make me move just for being late with my rent . You have been late with your rent several times now . I am filing suit for back rent to protect myself . Are you throwing me out ? This notice is to let you know that you will be evicted by a sheriff if you don ’ t make good on your rent . If I catch up on my rent , can I stay ? You can stay if you catch up and stay caught up . Otherwise , I will find another renter . I will go get the money right now . Thank you . Please make sure that you pay with cash or a cashier ’ s check . Excuse me , I've been waiting here for 10 minutes . Do you know how often does No . 636 run ? It runs every 15 minutes . You must have missed it . It seems you got here at good time . Do you have a bus schedule ? Yes , I do . You can buy a bus schedule in a news stand . I see , thank you . By the way , is this the right bus for the Museum ? Yes , it is . Do I have to change ? No . The Museum is the terminal of this bus . Thanks a lot . You are welcome . How was your shopping trip Martin ? Actually it was the most interesting day I ’ Ve had so far . Oh really ? Did you find any bargains ? I did ! I found this lovely teapot . It was the best one I saw in the shops . And how did you get around town ? I took a taxi . It seemed the easiest thing to do . Right , so you didn ’ t get lost ? I did actually but I think I met some of the friendliest people in China . They soon showed me the way ! Excuse me . Yes ? Can you tell me the way to the Peak Tram , please ? Certainly.Go along Queen's Road ... Along Queen's Road ... Yes , and turn right at the Hilton Hotel . Right at the Hilton . Then go up Garden Road , past the Cathedral . The Cathedral ? Yes.Then cross the road at the next traffic lights.The Peak Tram is straight ahead.You can't miss it . That's very kind of you . Thank you.Er ... have you got a pencil ? Yes.Why ? Can you repeat all that ? I think I'd better write it down . Do you want a taxi ? Yes . Where to ? Do you know where Dawanglu is ? Yes , I know it . You can take me there ? Yes , of course . Step in , please ! That's good . Buckle up the belt , please . Let's go . Have you anything to declare ? One bottle of perfume and a watch . Where did you buy it ? In Boston . Do you travel a lot ? Oh ... I go to see my sister twice a year or so . Twice a year ? How long has your sister lived in Boston ? Nearly ten years . I see , that's a long time.How much was the watch ? I can't remember , but I've got the receipt somewhere . Would you like to see it ? Yes , I'd like to see the receipt . Oh ! I see you bought the watch last week . Yes . Does that mean I'll have to pay duty on it ? Yes , I'm afraid you will.Altogether on the watch and the perfume you owe me seven pounds . Ok . Here you are . Is that all right now ? Yes , that's fine . I hope you enjoyed your stay in Boston ? Yes , I did . I had a fine time . How about this floor lamp ? Fine , just get it ! We have been shopping for furniture for five hours ! I ’ m so tired ! We still need to find an armoire and a dresser . Fine ! I am going to go home and drop off this nightstand , coffee table and love seat while you look for the rest of the things . Great ! Pick me up in about an hour because I think I ’ ll also get a bean bag and a dining set . While you are at it can you pick out a nice recliner ? I really want one so I can watch TV . Recliner ? In my beautifully decorated living room ? I don ’ t think so ! How about this floor lamp ? Fine , just get it ! We have been shopping for furniture for five hours ! I ’ m so tired ! We still need to find an armoire and a dresser . Fine ! I am going to go home and drop off this nightstand , coffee table and love seat while you look for the rest of the things . Great ! Pick me up in about an hour because I think I ’ ll also get a bean bag and a dining set . While you are at it can you pick out a nice recliner ? I really want one so I can watch TV . Recliner ? In my beautifully decorated living room ? I don ’ t think so ! I've just visited your showroom . You surely get a lot of fancy bedsheets . I like them very much . I'm glad you like them . They are all made of silk . Here on display are all the most popular and favorite products . What items are you particularly interested in ? 20 is very colorful and feels nice . I'd like to start with it . Is it pure silk ? Yes . It is the latest product and is highly recommended because of its fine design and quality . You certainly have an eye for good things . Thank you for saying that . But what's the unit price ? Here is the catalogue and the price list . You can take a look . The price seems acceptable . Can you supply the bedsheets now if we order some ? No problem . That's fine . Then let's sign a contract . The Smiths are arriving at our city tomorrow . Can you draw up a schedule for them ? If they want to make any changes , minor changes can then be made . Is there anything special they would like to do ? They would like to visit our factory and have a look at the new type computer products . Besides , they will introduce their technique in computer manufacturing . That can easily be arranged . I will arrange a comfortable meeting room for them . Anything else ? They would also like to have a meeting with our designers . And this time , their visit to our company will lay the basement for our cooperation , so you need to pay more attention . I will set it up . They will stay for two days . Try to work out an efficient schedule . Waiter ! May I see you for while ? Yes . I'll be with you in a second . Yes , sir ? What is the problem ? This is not what I asked for , I'm afraid . What did you order ? Roast beef . There must be a mistake . Those are fried oysters . Would you like to keep it or change ? Roast beef , of course . That's what I ordered . Just a moment and I'll get your order right away . Sorry to cause the inconvenience . I would like to make a reservation for tomorrow . I'm sorry but we are fully booked . Well , how about the 4th ? That's fine , but we have only a single room , is that OK ? Yes . Please help me reserve it . Yes , Mr . Emory ? I need the number for John Reese ’ s office . Just one moment , sir . Here you are – 767-4512 . Do you know which bus I can take to PCC ? Tell me where you need to get on at . I live on Las Flores and Fair Oaks . If you don't mind walking , I know a bus you can take . I'm okay with walking . Walk all the way down Fair Oaks , and catch the 267 on Altadena Drive . Do you know which direction it should be heading ? You have to catch it going west . Which stop do I get off on ? You need to get off on the corner of Del Mar and Hill . Thank you for telling me . It was my pleasure . Could you copy this document for me ? It's my pleasure . How many copies would you want ? A hundred and fifty . No , wait , make that a hundred and sixty . Yes , sir . Will there be anything else ? No , thank you . That will be all for now . Your document will be ready in about ten minutes . I think I'm going to go get some food . What do you want ? I can't decide what to get . What kind of food do you want to get ? I think I might like some Chinese food . Do you know where you're going to get it ? I honestly don't know . I go to Panda Express for my Chinese food . You like the food there ? I really like the food . I think I'll go and get my food there . I think you'll enjoy the food . May I speak to the apartment building manager , please ? I'm the manager . How can I help you ? I was hoping that the apartment on Main Street was still available . Why , yes , it is . Would you like to get a look inside the apartment ? Yes , it would be nice to see the apartment . How about today at 6 o'clock ? Yes , I can be there at 6 . Sounds good . I'll see you at 6 . Do you want directions ? I'm okay , thank you . I already checked out the address on MapQuest . If you like the place , you can fill out an application form . I'll bring one with me . Is there anything that I need to bring with me ? No . I won't need to see anything except your driver's license . What should you do if you find out a man may has an illegal departure in exit control point ? We can inform the department in charge and ask for revocation of passport . What else do you need to keep him in temporary custody ? We need a detention warrant . Good morning , Mary . How do you want your egg cooked ? Sunny side up , please . Okay , it'll be ready in two minutes . Good evening . This is Peter in Room 310 . Good evening . May I help you ? I'm going to Beijing early tomorrow morning . And I'd like to request an early morning call . Will that give you much trouble ? Oh , no , never . What's the exact time you'd like us to call you tomorrow morning ? Well , my train is due to take off at 7:25 a . m . I've no idea how long it'll take to drive to the railway station . It won't take long . 20 minutes is enough . Is that OK if I call you at 6:30 a . m . ? OK , thank you . It's a pleasure . Good night . Have a good sleep . What kind of lease is it ? It's a one-year lease . Can I have a month-to-month lease ? I only want to rent the apartment for five months . No , all the leases are for one year . We don't have month-to-month leases . Well , then I don't think this would be a good apartment for me . Thank you anyway . You're welcome . morning . Macmillan and Emory . May I help you ? Is this the accounting department ? No , I ’ m sorry . You ’ Ve reached Mr . Macmillan ’ s office . Let me just put you through to accounting . Thanks . I appreciate that . But what if I don't win what I bid on ? Then it wasn't meant to be . Some people have put up a hard fight for some items I bid on . But I was the sole bidder for this bag and got it dirt-cheap . It seems that you can e-mail the seller and ask questions . Sure . I've even e-mailed some people who had bought from the person who sold this bag . And people are honest ? They said he was an honest and professional businessman . But that's the exciting part . It's kind of like gambling ... Good morning Mr Smith . My name is Susan and I am a reporter for the Evening Star . Good morning . How can I help you ? I was hoping to talk to you today about your business . Very well . How long have you been the owner of your computer shop ? About five years . And how many staff do you employ ? There is my wife who does the accounts and my brother who helps with the sales . So this is a family business . Yes , we are a small family business . And how many computers do you sell each day ? That depends on the day . We sell from here and on the Internet . I would say about twenty to thirty per week . That about one hundred a month . That's correct . Thank you B for your time . Thank you and goodbye . Do you like cooking ? Yes , I do it a lot.but I don't like doing dishes.what about you , do you like cooking and then cleaning up afterwards ? To be honest , I don't really like doing either one , I can't cook and I hate cleaning . Suppose you have to do one of the two , which do you prefer ? I would rather do the dishes than cook . I prefer the absent.the way I see it , to do the dishes is boring . let's make a deal . What ? I'm going to buy some vegetable and you cook . Will you do the dishes after the meal ? Fair enough ! Good morning.My name's Pat Green . Good morning.Mr.Green.My name is Helen.What can I do for you ? I read in the poster that you're looking for a student to work as a language assistant . Yes.Are you interested in the job ? I think so.But before I apply , could you tell me more about the work ? Have you eve worked with tape recorders before ? I used cassette recorders a lot when I studied English in high school . Good.There are many different kind of language labs , but ours is a small one.If you decide to take the job , I'll explain how to operate the system , Are you sure ? How many hours would I work a day and what's the pay ? Ten hours a week.From Monday to Friday , from 4 to 6 P . m . , and $ 150 a week . OK , I'll take it . Fine.Please fill out the application form . My amenities bill says that I owe $ 10 for a movie , but I never ordered one . Let's see . It says that you were charged Monday at 9:00 p . m . for the movie ' Titanic . ' That's absolutely wrong ! I was out exploring the city Monday night . Okay , let me see what I can do for you . Thank you . I didn't think it would be this simple . I can take the $ 10 off your bill , but I need to charge you $ 2 for the service . Are you serious ? I have to pay $ 2 for a movie I never watched ? Unfortunately , sir , it's how the computer is programmed . This is outrageous ! I'm never coming back to this hotel again ! I'm sorry , sir . Perhaps you'd like to write a letter to headquarters . First of all , I would like to thank you for your kind invitation to visit your beautiful country . I hope my visit will help to promote a friendly relationship between us . We've been looking forward to your visit . It is a great pleasure for us to have you as our guest . It is always more convenient to discuss things face to face . I would like to tell you that my clients are very satisfied with the last delivery of your slippers . The styles and colors are very much to the taste of our market . We've received some similar comments from other Australian firms too . I understand you are selling the same products to some other Australian importers . This tends to complicate my business . As you know , I am experienced in the business of slippers and enjoy a good business relationship with all the leading whole - sabers and retailers in that line . I have a mind to expand this business in the years to come . One of the reasons of my visit here is to sign a sole agency agreement with you on these items for a period of 3 years . As it is to our mutual interests and profit , I am sure you'll have no objection to it . We appreciate your good intention and your effort in pushing the sale of our slippers . As you know , the demand for this item in your market is quite substantial . However , according to our records , the total amount of your order last year was moderate , which does not warrant an agency appointment . Unless you increase the turnover we can hardly appoint you our sole agent . I'll come to that . My proposal is As far as I remember , we sold about 40,000 pairs last year to you alone . Don't you think this annual turnover is rather conserve - time for a sole agent ? Well , I admit I always do business on the safe side . Could you let me have your proposal then ? Let's put it this way . I propose a sole agency agreement for Ladies and gents plastic slippers ( excluding children's ) for a duration of 3 years ; 60,000 pairs to be sold in the first year , 70,000 pairs in the second year , and 80,000 pairs in the third year , the area is to be within the continent of Australia ( excluding any neighboring island ) , commission 5 % . You certainly drive a hard bargain , Mrs . Brown . On the contrary , Mr . London , we value your friendship more than anything else . We both understand our slippers are very popular in your market on account of their superior quality and compete - time price . And with the sole agency in your hand , there will be no competition and you can easily control the market , which would naturally result in bigger sales . I'm sure you can fulfill the agreement without much difficulty . Well , if you put it this way , I'll have to comply . When shall we sign the contract , Mrs . Brown ? Tomorrow afternoon . Tomorrow afternoon will be fine . Can you direct me to some fresh produce that's on sale ? Well , we've got some great mangoes on sale . Mangoes ? What are mangoes ? Well , it's a fruit with a big seed in it . Can you eat the seed ? No . Peel the skin with a sharp knife , and throw out the seed . Well , how much are they ? Well , they're on sale today for only $ 1 each . Can you describe their taste ? They usually taste sweet , but they remind me of an orange . How can I tell if they're ripe ? You can buy them either ripe or unripe . Unripe ones are hard . Where do they grow mangoes ? The ones that are on sale are from Central America . I have a package to post today . Yes , what's in the package , madam ? Well , it has a cassette record ... a cassette tape . How would you like to send it ? By airmail please . Do you want to insure it ? Yes , I'd like to insure it for 20 dollars . How much shall I pay altogether ? 3 dollars . Would you like to see our new shirts ? Sorry , I'm not really that interested in those things . They are very nice , you know . Really ? And not expensive either . Oh . I don't care about that . Everybody's buying them . Are they ? Yes , they are very fashionable , you see . I'm afraid I'm not interested in fashion . There are so many other really important things in the world . How much would it cost to send this special delivery to England ? Just a second . I'll have to check that . Anything else I can do for you ? Yes . I'd like to send a $ 20 money order . There you go . I need to go to the bank . But they are closed today . Closed ? Are you kidding ? What is it , some kind of holiday today ? Have you already forgotten ? What's the date today ? Oh , it's the first of April , April fool's day You forgot all about it , didn't you ? So I have , but I has reminded me at least one thing I need to remember . What's that ? Tomorrow is my wife's birthday . Better not forget that , so kill you if you don't get her something . What reasons do westerners drink for ? I don't think drinking requires any special purposes . For us people in the West , the purpose is generally quite simple-to savor the wine . I know what you mean there . In many circumstances , people kiss the baby for the nurse's sake . And that's what we do when drinking at a banquet . Even though we do have a rich variety of brand-name wines , like Matai and Showing Yellow Rice Wine , alcohol is usually served not for the enjoyment itself . We just be its Dionysus effect to enliven the atmosphere , improve personal association with each other and solidify friendship . And to make matters worse , you're urged to drink " one more cup time and again.There is too much etiquette to observe . You'II be set free at a Western banquet It seems we are keen to make it convenient as possible to savor the wine , its color , its aroma and its delicate taste . Yeah . It's of supreme importance that the goblet , table-cloth , and plates should be made shiningly clean , so that the color of the wine is clearly visible and the delicate aroma and taste are fully appreciable . Yes . For me , who can't hold much liquor , it's particularly agreeable . If only I had thechance to enjoy Chinese Matai at a leisured pace while sitting at a Western banquet ! This is a very beautiful statue . What's it called ? It's called ' Endless Love ' . It was a gift from a sister city in Australia for the 100th anniversary of the city . 100th anniversary ? When was that ? Just two months ago . There were very big celebrations and there was a spectacular fireworks display . I took part in the great parade myself . Sounds real good . It's a pity that I missed that . Yes . We all loved the celebration of our city's birthday . It made the people feel so proud of our city . An interesting meeting , isn't it ? Yes , very . I thought the last speaker was especially good . Let me introduce myself , by the way , my name is Dick Brown . How do you do ? I'm Mary Green . Sorry , what was your last name again ? Green , G-R-E-E-N , but just call me Mary . OK . I'm Dick . Glad to meet you . Excuse me , is there a Post Office around here ? Yes . There's one on the corner of 23th street . How do I get there from here ? Just walk north for 3 blocks . It's next to the Mexico restaurant . How far is that ? Oh , very close . Maybe 5 minutes walk . Take me to this address , please . Yes , ma'am . Here we are . How much do I owe you , sir ? 30 dollars , ma'am . Are you kidding ? The meter says 15 dollars , doesn't it ? Yes , but we need some extra charge and some tip , too . I don't get it . I'll go and have that doorman talk to you then . OK , ma'am . Calm down , 15 dollars will do . Carla , I know you ’ re kind of new in this business and I want to give you some advice . Yes , Mr . Michael ? You have to listen to what the client asks for . What you have just shown me is not at all in line with the client ’ s wishes . I ’ m sorry , Mr . Michael . Could you tell me where the problems are exactly ? Maybe I misunderstood the client ’ s intentions . Could you show me my bill ? Here you are.That comes to 120 yuan . Can I have it charged to my account , please ? Certainly , sir.Would you sign here , please ? ... Thank you . The bonus season is coming . How much of a bonus can I expect ? I think you will get a big bonus , because you always have high sales . I hope so . I think you will get a big bonus too . Bonus depends on your performance and you worked overtime almost every day . Yes , I am expecting to get the bonus . I hope we will both get the salary and bonus . Hope so ! I am going on a business trip to Guangzhou next Monday morning . To visit our supplier ? Yes , as the New Year is coming , they ’ re organizing a party for all their customers . Well , I guess you will meet many people in this field . So don ’ t forget to pack enough business cards in your suitcase . Sure . By the way , do you know that our company just made some changes in the business trip policy ? No , no one has informed me of that so far , tell me . Ok , there is no cash advance anymore for short trips . You have to pay out of your own pocket , so save all the receipts from your business trip . And then attach them to your expense account . When you get back , our company will reimburse everything . I see . What about the maximum purdy and rate , any change ? I am not sure . You can check with the finance department . I will call them this afternoon , thanks . You ’ re welcome . Have a nice trip . Are you ready for your big interview tomorrow ? What ’ s to get ready ? Lots ! Have you done any research about the company ? Nope . Have you updated your CV ? Nope . Excuse me , sir . What would you like to eat , Chinese food or western food ? I'd like to have Chinese food . Are you going to have this set course or have dinner in the dining room ? Right here , please . Please put down the table in front of you . It's more comfortable that way . Oh , thank you . So nice you are . It's my pleasure . What would you like to drink , milk , tea , coffee , orange juice or iced water ? I want a cup of bean milk . Do you have any ? Yes , here you are . Enjoy your meal . Thanks a lot . Oh , excuse me . Can I take two value meals ? And I want some chili paste . OK , enjoy yourself , sir . Oh , sorry to bother you . I want to know what kind of meat it is . It is beef . Do you like it ? That's OK . Thanks very much . You are welcome . Please press that button if you need any help . OK . Hello , can I help you ? Yes . Do you have a pharmacy here , please ? Sure . We have one on the second floor . Which floor are we on now ? This is the first floor . The second floor is one level up . And where's the elevator ? That's just over there . On the right . How about going swimming ? OK . Where should we go ? Why don't we go down to the pool ? It's not too far from here . Fine . I'll be ready in a minute . Do you take vitamin pills regularly ? No , I don't , do you ? Yes . Maybe you should do it too . You may not get enough vitamins from your food , you know . But , I don't believe in taking pills to get enough vitamins . How's that . Because it's better , easier and cheaper to get them from the food we eat . Kim , have you made contact with Mr . Lee ? Not yet , Mr . Wang . But I'm working on it . What seems to be the problem ? I just keep getting a busy signal . Maybe his phone is out of order . Anyway , keep working on it . I really need an answer about the contract I sent him . All right , I'll let you know when I get through . How do I set up an E-mail account ? Oh , that's easy . Go to . Now , click on the link with the picture of an envelope . Which link ? That one , the one that says Mail . Oh , no . What did I do ? It's asking me for a password . Don't worry . See where it says , New User ? Yes . Click on that . Oh , I see . Yeah , just fill out this form and choose a password . The computer will do the rest . Do you get up early every morning ? About 6 in the morning . I like to walk to the office . Good habit . How long does it take ? About 20 minutes . Do you live alone ? No , my little sister lives with me . How old is she ? About 12 . She is a good girl . I think so . do you have a minute ? sure , what would you like to discuss ? I've made a tough decision , sir . Here's my resignation . well , I have to tell you that I'm quite surprised . Is there any possible way to change your mind ? I'm afraid not , sir . I've made up my mind . It's something I have to do . can I ask why ? Were you unhappy working for us ? oh , no . not at all . are you planning on studying abroad ? no , sir . have you been given a better offer ? Oh , no . I would never look for another job while working here . I think this is a fantastic place to work . well , what's the problem then ? it's my mother . She's sick and needs someone to take care of her . I'm the only one who can do it . I'm sorry to hear that , but you don't need to quit over that . Why don't you just take a leave of absence ? We can hold your job for you until your mother gets better . really ? I didn't know that would be possible . sure , we'd be carry to lose a good worker like you . thanks , sir . It ’ s very nice to meet you . Nice meeting you , too . I can ’ t believe I ’ m actually speaking to a candidate . You can ask me questions , if you ’ d like . I want to ask you what your policy is on gay marriage . Everyone should be able to love who they want . Would you make gay marriage legal ? I sure would . I know a lot of people wouldn ’ t agree with that . That ’ s not my problem . I think that is really cool of you . I ’ m glad to hear that . Hey , Susan . Have you got a sec ? I have some questions about my paycheck . You bet , Emily . Pull up a chair . Well , this is my first paycheck here in the States and there are a few things I don't understand . First of all , what is this FICA , and SUI Y tax , and why are there deductions both for Medicare and for my health insurance plan ? OK , let's start from the top of your pay stub . This number here represents your gross pay . Then here we have a series of deductions . First off are the federal ones . FICA stands for Federal Insurance Contribution Act , or something like that . It's your federal income tax . And then there's Social Security and Medicare , which are both federal programs to help you out after you retire or if you were unable to work . All right , I see . So the Medicare isn't actually a health insurance I can use now . That's right . Below the federal deductions are the state deductions . There's the state income tax , and then this SUI / SDI tax you were asking about is paying into an unemployment and disability fund that our state has set up , but you can see it's a pretty small quantity that they take . Yeah , I don't mind giving them a dollar fifty for that . So there are two separate income taxes — one at a state level and one at a federal level ? That's right . Not all states have an income tax . Some use higher property taxes or sales taxes instead . I see . All right , well I think everything else I can figure out on my own . The deductions for health insurance and my 401 ( K ) are pretty self-explanatory . Thanks for your help , Susan . No problem ! All those deductions do add up , and nobody's net pay is as high as they'd like . I can understand why you'd want some explanation . Yeah , I guess it's the same in the UK , I just never paid much attention . See you later ! Hello . How can we be of service ? I'm here to see about a Fixed Asset Loan . OK , are you already an account holder ? Yes , I am . But I'm not sure if I'm eligible . To find out if you are eligible for our Fixed Asset Loan , we will have to look at various aspects of your business , such as your long-term business prospects , your cash flow , your profitability , your capital structure ... For my credit worthiness ? Yes , and then other qualitative factors , such as the transparency of your business operations , your credibility and the integrity of your management . Hello sir , how can I help you ? Yes , I need this prescription please . Let ’ s see . Okay , so 50 mg of Prozac , would you prefer this in capsule or tablet ? Capsules are fine . Okay , you should take 1 capsule 3 times a day.Be sure not to take it on an empty stomach , and also , don ’ t ever mix it with alcohol ! Yes , I know . It ’ s not the first time I ’ m taking this ! Don ’ t worry , I won ’ t overdose ! Okay , anything else I can get you ? Oh , yes , I almost forgot ! Can I also get some eye drops and um , some condoms ? Sure . Darn condoms aren ’ t registered in our system . Oh , well that ’ s okay , I ’ ll get some later , thanks ... Really it ’ s no problem . Just hang on there a sec . Can I get a price check on Fun Times Ribbed Condoms please ! How much tea are you going to order ? We want to order 3,000 cases and hope to deliver the goods in two equal lots . When do you want to deliver the goods ? We'd like you to execute the first delivery by June 30 and the second delivery by August 15 . I'm sorry , but June 30 is quite soon . I can't guarantee 1 500 cases , I'd prefer the first shipment to be 1,000 cases and the next 2,000 cases . I can agree to that . Let me affirm this again - the first shipment of 1,000 cases , to be delivered in 27 days , by June 30 , and the second shipment of 2,000 cases by August 15 . Right ? Right . Well , if there's nothing else , I think we've settled everything . Let's hope it's the beginning of a long and prosperous relationship . Do I often have to work overtime ? Yes , you have to work overtime a lot due to the editing job . Is there any extra pay for that ? No , but we ’ ll provide you with good businesses at the end of the year . I finally found an apartment that I want to rent . Where did you see it ? I saw it in this ad for apartments in today ’ s newspaper . You found an apartment in the ads ? I really did , but what ’ s so great about it is that it ’ s really affordable . Tell me about the apartment . Well , most importantly the apartment is beautiful . How much is the rent for the apartment ? The rent is $ 725 each month . That ’ s pretty cheap for out here . That ’ s what I said when I found out how much the rent was . Congratulations on the new apartment . Excuse me . Do you have this in blue ? Yes , we do . That one comes in green blue and red . And sorry . I can't find the price . How much is it ? Oh , that's 39 dollars and 95 cents . It's on the sale at the moment . OK . Do you have it in extra small ? I'll just go and check for you . Bill , I'm expecting a big increase in turnover with the coming of the Mid-Autumn Festival . But wholesales are unwilling to supply my orders unless I pay them an advance of 50 % of the full price , for my business is fairly new . I hope that you can make me an advance on loan . Do you have stocks or a title deed of a house to pledge as security ? No . I should be grateful if you could see your way to make an advance against my personal reputation . You may inspect my accounts . From my accounts you can see that I've promptly met all my obligations . We do not allow any request for a loan against personal security . This is a common regulation . But we may consider it if you can provide a reliable guarantor . Yes , I can . You know Mr . Macready , the famous car dealer here in New York . He agreed to act as my guarantor of a loan in the sum of US $ l0 , 000 until the end of this year . Good . He is a man of high standing . I think we can grant the loan you need after some further discussion . But I suggest you borrow on overdraft instead of on loan . Hey Sarah , I'm having some trouble finding an apartment . Can you help me look at some listings online ? Sure . What kind of apartment are you looking for ? Well , it has to be cheap . I don't want a really expensive apartment . OK . Would you like to live in a studio ? Sure , a studio would be fine . Excuse me , but could I use your bathroom ? Certainly . It's right over there . Thanks . I am having some plumbing problems and need them fixed . What exactly is wrong with the plumbing ? The toilet flushes really slowly . Are there any problems with the plumbing in the kitchen ? Both the kitchen and the bathroom plumbing are messed up . How long have you had these problems ? It has been going on for a while , but just started to get worse this morning . I will send someone out to take a look at the problem . Will you be home this afternoon ? Yes , I will be home this afternoon . Fine . I will be there around two . If someone is not there , I will use my key to get in . Have you seen the movie Batwoman ? No , not yet . Is it good ? Yes , it's quite amusing , actually . Good plot , and Sharon Stone's in it . Oh , she's good . She must be getting on a bit now . Yeah , but she looks amazing . So what's the movie about ? Well , it's about this woman who got murdered because she discovered some company secrets about the cosmetics company she worked for . But then she got reincarnated as a cat . Huh ? I know . Stay with me . She then decided to get her revenge by revealing the company secret and killing the boss . First , though , she had to discover her true cat nature . At the end she had a big fight with Sharon Stone , who was the real danger in the company . She had actually murdered the boss , who was her husband , and then tried to frame Batwoman for the murder , so everyone thought Batwoman was evil . I see . Batwoman married the boss ? No . Sharon Stone was married to the boss , who treated her badly , so she killed him . So where was I ? OK , so then , at the same time she fell in love with a cop , who was investigating the murder of the boss . Finally , she ditched the cop to follow her feline nature . Wait a minute , I'm lost . The cop killed the boss ? No , Sharon Stone did . And Sharon Stone is Batwoman ? Haven't you been listening to a word I've been saying ? Can I help you , Ma'am ? I need a phone card for this new cell phone . Cool phone . What kind of phone card do you want ? It's for my daughter who is still a senior high school student . Then the M-Zone will be suitable . What's special with the service ? You know students use tested message service . And they provide favorable service for that . That's nice . And I need a pre-paid phone card . Oh , there is a sales promotion for it now . Oh , good . Then what is it ? If you buy a pre-paid phone card worth 100 yuan today , you will get 50 yuan for free . May I have two of them ? Sure . As many as you want . Okay , then a third one for my husband too . Operator . Hello . I'd like to make a call to Australia . You can call direct if you like . Oh , can I ? Yes , please . Could you please tell me the international prefix and the country code for Australia ? Yes , the code for Australia is 61 and then dial the city code and the number . Start with the international code which is 00 . What time do the special rates apply ? Between six in the evening and eight in the morning , sir . I wonder if I can charge this call to my hotel room . Certainly . Tell me the room number and your name , please ? This is Mr . Ma in room 215 . OK , Mr . Ma . I'll tell the front desk clerk the charge afterwards . Thanks very much for your help . You're welcome . Bye . Bye . What can I do for you ? I am looking for cologne , small bottle . Can I see that one in the glass shelf ? Yes , of course , this one costs 260 yuan . It's too expensive . If you think it's expensive . You can look at this one . What's the difference between the two ? It's difficult to explain . But this one is really cheap . Let me see . Can I see your passport , please ? Is this line for non-residents ? Yes it is . Residents can queen up in the lines to my right . Ok . Here's my passport . What's the expiration date on your passport ? I think it's soon , maybe in a few months . It was renewed in Beijing , so the new expiry date is on the last page . I see . Yes , you'll need to renew your passport in a few months . Make sure you don't let it expire while you are in the UK . I won't . Do you have anything to declare ? No , I don't have anything to declare . How long will you be staying in the UK ? I'll be here for about a year . What is the purpose of your stay ? I'll be studying . I'm doing an MBA at Nottingham University . Where will you be staying ? I have a housing contract with the university . I'll be in a dorm room on campus . How do you plan on paying for your living costs and tuition fees while you are here ? My father has already paid for that in advance . Here are the receipts . Ok . Have a good stay . Here's your passport and documents back . Thank you very much . See ? That wasn't so bad . Easy for you to say . My bottom still stings . It might be sore for a while . You'll be OK . Now let's go home and rest . Can't we go to McDonald's first ? No , sweetie . I'll make you some tomato soup and rice . No , thanks . And vegetables with porridge . Blah ... What's that ? This is all your medicine . You need to take it four times a day for three days straight . What shall we do now ? Let's get the table wares we need first , And then stand in the line . I've got all I need . Let's stand in the line now . It smells good . Look at these . They make my mouth watering . Me too . It will be our turn soon . Tell the waiter what you want when it's your turn . OK . I'll have many cream cakes today . I don't like them . I think they are too icky . Mr . Martin ? I need to talk to you for a minute . Certainly , Mr . Emory . Is there a problem , sir ? Well , I ’ d just like you to help me with the holiday schedule . Fine , Mr . Emory . Let me just grab a pad and pen . Hi . You said that you might need some help with preparing dinner . What would you like me to do ? Thanks for coming over to help . I really appreciate it . First , could you peel the vegetables ? I ’ Ve put them all in the skin and there ’ s a peeler . Ok , I ’ ll peel the vegetables and you chop them . I ’ m terrible at chopping vegetables . I always seem to chop them into pieces that are either too big or too small . ... wow ! You can chop vegetable really quickly , just like professional chefs on TV ! After you ’ Ve chopped the vegetables , could you fry the meat in a little oil ? Just use a very small amount of oil . Fry the meat until it is cooked , then we ’ ll add some spices to flavor it . Which spices are you going to add to the meat ? These ones here . The one on the left is very spicy , so we must be careful about how much we add . Yes . We don't want everyone to burn their mouths and have a drink gallons of water ! OK . I ’ m really to do the meat . Should I cook it over a low flame ? Cook it over a high flame , so that it will be ready quickly . Keep stirring the meat around the frying pan . Don ’ t let the meat stick to the bottom of the pan . Right . What are you doing over there ? I ’ m mixing the sauce . It ’ s my specialty . I make it according to my own secret recipe ! Bad news , I'm afraid . Our supplier has gone bust . The parts you ordered have arrived at the docks but the handling agent won't release them until someone pays the invoice . We also need to arrange transport to the factory . Don't worry about the cost . Our insurance policy covers us against situations like this . We need those parts urgently . Could you please try to get them here tomorrow ? Do you have any questions you want to ask ? Yes , I'd like to know if there would be any future opportunities for specific training . If necessary there will be . Any other questions ? When will I know your decision ? We'll give you our decision in a few days . How can we get in touch with you ? I can be reached at my office during work hours and at home in the evening . My office phone number and home phone number are in my resume . Thank you for your interest in our company . Thank you , sir . I expect to hear from you as soon as possible . Would you please let the next applicant come in on your way out ? All right . Goodbye . What can I do for you today ? I need to buy a new refrigerator today . Were you looking at a particular refrigerator ? I like that Kenmore refrigerator . This particular refrigerator is a very good choice . Tell me about it . Not only is it affordable , but it comes with all the appliances . What are the appliances ? It has an ice maker , water dispenser , and plenty of room on the inside . I'd like to see it for myself . Go right ahead . I like what I see . May I help you ? Yes . I'd like to send this parcel to Changchun . How do you want to send it ? I guess I'll send it by airmail . Is there anything valuable ? No , there are only some vases . They are fragile articles . They must be packed in a proper strong box . Your light cardboard box won't do . Have you got boxes for sale ? Yes . Is it all right this time ? Yes . Now fill in two customs declarations and one despatch note in English . You'll have to take your parcel to the next window for examination when you have completed the forms . OK . Have you written down your return address ? Yes , I have . Recycling is big business these days , isn't it ? Yes , it's definitely a growing business . What do you recycle in your plant ? Mainly plastics . Plastics aren ’ t bio degradable - they don ’ t break down easily in the environment - so they shouldn't be thrown away . How is plastic recycled , then ? Well , there are basically two methods . One is to break down the chemicals in the plastic into smaller chemical particles . These can then be used in the production of new chemicals . Is that the method you use here ? No , we don't do that here . We recycle polyethylene and we make it into other products . How do you do that ? By melting it down and then reforming it . Our main products are bin liners for kitchen bins and carrier bags for supermarkets . What is a visa used for ? It is a significant document for traveling abroad and visiting . Oh . Where do I need to apply for a visa ? There are passport processing center in many places . Visa is dealt with in embassies . You need to complete several forms and provide certain certificate . Does it take a long time to get a visa ? Not too long . 14 working days for a visa . What materials do I need to provide ? Your passport and ID card . Hi . I want to get something nice for my niece . Well , I've never heard of a little girl that didn't love Barbie dolls . I like that suggestion . Show me one , please . Here you go — Digital Barbie . Oh , my niece will love her ! How much for her ? Barbie is our best seller . She's only $ 29.95 . That's great . I'll take her . Your niece will love this . Anything else ? Thank you , but no . This will do it for now . With the tax , your total is $ 32.42 . Would you like to charge it ? I'll pay cash , thank you . Thank you for shopping here . How do I take the tablets ? Please take 2 tablets each time , 4 times a day . How do I take the sucking lozenges ? Please put one under your tongue , do not swallow it . How do I take the pills ? Please dissolve one pill in water before taking it . Well , thanks very much . You're welcome . Do I need a visa ? No , I shouldn ’ t think so . But you must take your passport of course . Yes , I know . I must get my traveler ’ s check and some foreign currency . Yes , you need the traveler ’ s check but you needn ’ t get any foreign currency . You can have my US Dollars , I don ’ t need them . Really ? That ’ s very good of you , Helen . But I must get a new suitcase , my old one needs repairing . You needn ’ t buy one . You can have mine . That ’ s very kind of you , Helen . I hope you don ’ t mind my leaving you like this . I need a holiday . It won ’ t be long . Don ’ t be silly , John . I ’ m going with you . It ’ s necessary for me to have a holiday too . Hey , Joe ! Where have you been these past few days ? I ’ Ve been busy with a first aid course that I started about a week ago at the Red Cross . Cool ! I ’ Ve always wanted to do something like that ! Have you learned anything useful ? For sure ! I mean we ’ Ve learned how to apply pressure to stop bleeding , how to check for a pulse , and even how to apply CPR ! Have you treated any real emergencies ? Well , they took us along with some paramedics . There was this guy who fell off his motorcycle and suffered a concussion as well as a couple of compound fractures . His wounds were pretty serious so they had to rush him to the hospital . It was intense ! I can imagine ! I tend to faint when I see blood , so I think I won ’ t be taking up a course like that anytime soon ! Waiter ! I'll be with you in a second . Uh ... Yes , ma'am ? This is not what I asked for . I'm afraid . Oh , I'm so sorry . May I ask what you ordered again ? Yes . What I ordered is roast beef , not roast beef sandwiches . I have to move . You have not fulfilled your lease agreement yet . I can ’ t stay here anymore . There ’ s a problem with that . What is the problem ? I won ’ t be able to give you back your deposit . Why not ? This was stated in our agreement . But I need it back . I can ’ t do that . It will be impossible for me to stay here . That ’ s not my fault . Good morning , doctor . I've been suffering very much from a toothache lately . Well , let me have a look . Will you sit down in this chair and open your mouth wide ? I think one of the back ones at the top is giving me the most trouble . Yes . This big one is badly decayed . I'm afraid it must be taken out . Oh , I hate having teeth pulled out . Will it hurt ? No need to worry . You won't feel anything at all . I'll give you an injection to stop the pain . Just wash your mouth out with this water , will you ? Will it take long ? No , it'll be over soon . Nurse , get some X-rays of our patient's molars . Then we'll start . Open your mouth wide . Don't be so nervous . Now open wider ... now stay , that's over ... Is it out ? Not yet , but it soon will be . Now open again please ... It's out ! Look ! Well , really ! That was wonderful ! I felt no pain at all . Thank you , doctor . Waiter , please bring me some toast . Sure . What kind of toast do you like ? Pardon ? We have white toast , whole wheat toast and rye toast . I see , bring me the whole wheat toast . Anything to drink ? Milk , please . Is there anything I can do for you ? We are thinking of a two days ' tour to Vienna . That's a good place to go at this time . How about this route ? It looks fine . Is this an inclusive tour ? No , sir , you have to deal with your own meal since we charge you only $ 80 for the trip . Is this taxi taken ? No , madam.May I help you ? Yes.Will you take me to the station ? No problem.Step in , please . Thanks . Ben , what are you doing ? Well , I would say that I ’ m just drifting - - - here , in the pool . Why ? Well , it ’ s very comfortable just to drift here . Have you thought about graduate school ? No . Would you mind telling me then — what were those four years of college for ? What was the point of all that hard work ? You got me . Now listen , Ben . Look , I think it ’ s a very good thing that a young man — after he ’ s done some very good work — should have a chance to relax and enjoy himself , and lie around , and drink beer and so on . But after a few weeks I believe that person would want to take some stock in himself and his situation and start to think about getting off his ass . Hello . Are you here to withdraw some money from your account at the Securities Company ? I'll need to see your Passbook for that account . Right , here it is . Thanks . OK ... your balance is 320,214 RIB . How much do you require today ? I'll take 4,500 RIB , please . Please fill in this transfer form and enter your password , here . Then the transaction should be completed . OK ... there we go . Thanks very much . I have lots of work to do . What ’ s more , my grandma is ill . I am sorry to hear that , but face the music . Where shall I register , please ? Here . Do you have a registration card ? Yes . Here you are . Please register your information here and pay for it . And I ’ ll make a medical record for you . OK . How much do I need to pay for the registration ? Please pay ten yuan for the registration . Here is my money . This is your registration card . Please don ’ t lose it and bring it whenever you come . Yes , I will . But can you tell me how to get to the consulting room ? Go down this way until you come to the drugstore . Make a left turn and it's just there . What can I do for you ? I would like to cancel one of my accounts . Is there a problem with your account ? I only need one . What about all your money in that account ? Could you please transfer that money to my remaining account ? That ’ s fine . I appreciate it . Would you like to make a withdrawal ? That ’ s all for today . I ’ ll just cancel your account right now . I greatly appreciate your help . Well , what is your trouble ? I'm not feeling well , doctor . I have a sore throat . Have you any aches and pains ? Yes , my back aches . I'll take your temperature . How long have you been feeling ill ? It began the night before last . You have a temperature , but it's nothing serious . It's probably just the flu . I'll give you a prescription . Take this to the chemist's . Take one tablet every four hours . You should stay in bed tomorrow , and drink plenty of lemon juice . Lots of people are ill at the moment . It's this cold weather we're having . Are you done ? Yes . Let me see . Everything looks fine . We ’ ll be taking applications for this position through Friday . We ’ ll start calling for interviews sometime next week . So can I expect to hear from you to set up an appointment for an interview sometime next week ? That ’ s right . Thank you very much . Bye-bye . Bye now . Hey ! Are you getting dressed ? Yes , I am . Why ? What time is it ? It's a quarter to eight . I'm going to work . But it's Saturday ! ! I'm working on Saturday mornings this month.Are you getting up ? No , I'm not . I'm staying in bed . OK . See you at noon . If I'm awake . Hi , I need to talk with the property manager right away ! This is the property manager . What seems to be the problem ? This morning , when we woke up , there was water pouring in from the ceiling ! Could you tell me what room had the leak ? There were several rooms , but the worst leak was in the bathroom . Could you please remind me which floor you are on ? We are on the second floor , one of the middle floors . I will be sending the assistant manager to check it out . May we look at it this morning ? Actually , I have to go to school right now . If you aren ’ t there , we will use our master key to get in and check things out . It's time to get up ! I just went to bed ! You shouldn't have stayed up so late watching TV . I told you we had to get an early start . I know , but that movie was just too good to leave . I guess I'll just have to pay the price and be sleepy . Do you want to eat breakfast here ? No , Why don't we just grad a bite at the coffee shop next door ? Okay by me . Do you know the circulation of this magazine ? You mean this month ? Oh , yes , how's it ? Over 2 million . Hi , I'm home ! Can you double that recipe ? I ran into an old friend after work and invited him for dinner . No problem . Who is it ? Anyone I know ? I don't think so . Do you remember Bob Gain from Tulsa ? That name doesn't ring a bell . But tell me more . He was on the diving team with me in high school and saved my life one day . Well , I'll have to personally thank him by making him my famous chocolate cake . You're glad he saved me , huh ? Absolutely ! Bob and his whole family are welcome here any time ! Hello . I'd like to speak to Susan . I'm sorry , but there's no one here by that name . Isn't this the Whites ? Yes , this is . What number are you calling ? I'm calling 6667777 . Maybe my finger slipped and I touched the wrong number . Sure it is . This is 6666777 . Oh , sorry to have bothered you . It doesn't matter . Bye-bye ! Bye ! I ’ Ve been having problems getting onto the Internet . Have you checked your connection settings ? Yes , they're fine . I suppose.the server might be down again . Yes , there have been a few problems recently . Why don't you call the IT department ? It would be nice to go to the beach sometime this weekend . What's the weather going to be like ? I may want to go too . The weather this weekend is supposed to be warm . Will it be good beach weather ? I think it will be . It wouldn't be good if it got cold this weekend . I want this trip to be perfect , I hope it stays warm . This California weather is so uncertain , it's impossible to know what'll happen . I know . Every day the weather seems different . I would love it if it wasn't always so unpredictable . That would make it easier for us to make plans . I know . Things are easier when you know what the weather's going to be like . Good afternoon , Felix Wassermann Associates . Lawson speaking , how can I help you ? Hello , this is Miao Eng calling from Lincoln Bank . B :: Miao Eng ! I'd know that voice anywhere . What can I do for you ? Any problems ? No , not at all . I was just calling to tell you that everything has been checked and double checked , and there is no problem with the documents you brought in this morning . That is good news . Shall I go ahead and process them for you ? Perfect . Thanks very much for calling . See you soon , bye ! Could you show me the way to the railway station ? Yes , of course . Would you like to be my guide ? I'd be very pleased . What characteristics should an interpreter own ? I think he should be an expert of everything . Why is that ? Because English is nothing but a tool which is used when people may negotiate in international conferences , probe into physics , release some information in a press conferrence , and do anything we can do with language . Therefore , an interpreter has to know some expertise in the field he / she serves as an interpreter . Otherwise he / she can not carry out his / her work smoothly . Well , Miss Liu , I've enjoyed talking with you . Thank you for your interest in this job . It's my honor , Mr . Mike . By the way , how can I know whether I am accepted or not ? We hope to make a decision in the next few days . We'll notify you of our decision by mail , is this convenient for you ? Yes . Thank you very much . I am looking forward to hearing from you . Good luck to you , good-bye . Good-bye . This facility is great , don't you think ? Yes , it is better than last year . They have done a very good job this time . I'm glad our booth is on the first floor . More people can see our display . If someone wants to find us , they can look at this floor plan.It shows where all the companies have their booths . Let me see that . I didn't get one when I came in . Really ? They didn't give you one with your ticket ? No . That's strange . Where do you go for lunch around here ? Are you hungry ? Not too bad . But I will be soon . I went across the street . There is a good Chinese restaurant next to the hotel . I can't see Cortex on this floor plan . Don't they have a booth here ? They must . Let me look at that.Here it is . Cortex . It's on the second floor , next to the Roll booth . Oh , that will be uncomfortable for them . For whom ? Cortex ? Yes . Cortex just stole Darren McDowell from Rolly.And probably Darren will be here.So he will have to spend the whole show standing next to his old Cortex coworkers . I've never met Darren.But you're right . That would probably be uncomfortable . When you reserve a booth , you should check who your neighbors will be.Don ' t you think ? Yes , maybe . If you're Darren McDowell , you should probably check . Yes . Well , I think I'll go get lunch . Will you join me ? No , I'll stay here at the booth . I ate earlier . Are you going to the Chinese restaurant ? Maybe . I will look around . Good morning . I ’ m Liu Yi , from China XYZ Company . We have an appointment with Mr . Thomas . Welcome to ABC Company . We have been expecting you , please have a seat . I will call him . Thank you . Mr . Thomas will be here very soon . In the meantime , may I ask all of you to sign in so that I can issue your passes ? Should each of us write separately ? Yes , please . Please print your name and company name , and the person you are going to see . Good afternoon , Miss . Good afternoon . I would like my hair done . What style do you want ? I'd like to try a new hair-style . Could you show me some pictures of hair styles ? Sure . Here you are . Thanks . Please give me the style in this picture here but make the wave longer . I would like hair spray , please . Yes , Miss . Is that all right ? Beautifully done . And would you like a manicure ? No , thanks . How much should I pay ? One hundred yuan , please . Here you are . Thank you . Excuse me . Have you got any books on genetic engineering ? I've looked for them everywhere , but I can't find any . I'm not sure if we've got any now . Books of that kind are on this shelf . Well , I'm afraid we've sold out . What a pity ! I should have come earlier . Come some time next week if you like . I think we'll have got some by then . Ok , I will . That's all you need to know about the interview for the job as a fireman . Any other questions ? No . I think I've known enough . Thank you . You can contact me any time you need me . Bye ! Alright , see you . Hi . My minibar is empty . You already finished off everything , sir ? I finished off everything . Would you like anything in particular ? The Perrier and the Jim Beam . Let me have three more of each . Beam and Perrier . Anything else , sir ? I really loved the apples in my room . Bring me a few more , please . Sure thing . Might there by anything else ? Oh , yes , speaking of fruit , bring me some grape juice , too . Perrier , Jim Beam , apples , and grape juice . It will all be there shortly , sir . Mr . Li , does the recommendation of the university play an important role in job hitting ? Yes . In fact , the recommendation is a way of indirect self-recommendation . The university and the business have a long-term relationship . If you are recommended by your university , you can be approved more easily . But I doubt the authority because most of the recommendation letters of the university are the same . More and more people have the same discoveries since most of the universities do that in order to save effort . Can I help you , sir ? Hello , may I make an appointment for sometime early this afternoon ? I'm sorry . All the appointments are filled . Oh , what a pity . I'd like to see the doctor as soon as possible . I have a sharp pain in my chest . Let me see ... Perhaps I could fit you in at five thirty . Five thirty ? I have a dinner appointment at six . What about tomorrow morning , then ? No . I can't wait . I feel awful . The dinner appointment has to be canceled . I guess it can't be helped . You are right . Did you say 5:30 ? I'll make a note of it . Fine . All right , then . See you this afternoon . How kind of you ! Good-bye . Good morning , sir . Is there anything I can do for you ? I want to have a suit made to measure . No problem . How would you like your suit ? One Made in 100 % black Barathea wool , with 5 Celtic buttons . That's fine . You can get it 6 days later . I can ’ t find my purse . Have you seen it ? No , I haven ’ t . I ’ Ve looked everywhere for it . I must have left it somewhere . I hope I haven ’ t lost it . Perhaps you left that at school . No , I had it when I left school this afternoon . Well . Didn ’ t you go around to the Smith after school ? You might have left it there . Yes , I ’ d better give her a call now . But she can ’ t be home now . She might have gone to the library . Perhaps I should call her later . Hi , I'm back ! Hmm ... your hair is pretty damaged , and you've got split ends . Really ? What can I do ? Well , the trim should fix the split ends , but you might need a deep conditioning treatment . Umm , OK . Whatever you think will help . I'm also going to add some layers to frame your face . Can you use the thinning shears on top , too ? My hair is really thick . No problem ! Hi , I'm back ! Hmm ... your hair is pretty damaged , and you've got split ends . Really ? What can I do ? Well , the trim should fix the split ends , but you might need a deep conditioning treatment . Umm , OK . Whatever you think will help . I'm also going to add some layers to frame your face . Can you use the thinning shears on top , too ? My hair is really thick . No problem ! I ’ m afraid we are really short staffed this week , Mr . Cranial . I ’ d like to accommodate you , but I just don ’ t think I ’ ll have the time . Are you telling me you ’ re not going to meet with me ? Not at all , sir . I ’ d just like to push it up to next week . I ’ ll have a lot more free time at the beginning of next week . Well , I don ’ t like it , but I guess I don ’ t have any choice . I ’ d like to apply for a secretarial position . Very well , do you know any shorthand ? No , but I can write very fast . Can you use the computer or other office machines ? No , but I ’ d like to learn how to use them . Yes , I see , this is a permanent position . Can you work every day from 9 to 5 ? Oh , no , I ’ m student at a university , and I have to study most of the time . I can only work part time . I couldn ’ t possibly hire you . You can ’ t take shorthand , you can ’ t use a computer , and you can only work part time . Is it true that rice is the staple food in most of Southeast Asia ? I'm not an expert , but that's the impression I have . Is rice your staple food , too ? Needless to say , as a Westerner , it's bread . Waiter , please make out the bill . OK , sir . How do you like your meal ? Quite delicious , especially the pepper steak . I'm glad you like it . It's $ 60 in all . Here is the money . Can I ask you what the office rules are ? Yes , do you know the nine to five timetable ? Is it from 9:00 to 12:00 in the morning and 1:00 to 5:00 in the afternoon ? Yes , you are right . How are you feeling ? Bad . My nose keeps running . And my forehead is burning . You said you never went to hospital . I will get better soon . The good thing is you don't need to go to school . Yeah , I love that , no class , no homework , and no exams . And your Mom and Dad will buy you anything you ask for . Haha , I just got the Ultraman costume . My Dad bought it . I really envy you , Danny . Come on , I got numerous shots for that . You have no idea what I've been through with the needles . Your sister said you fainted three times during the injection . May told you ? Oh , May , she's such a tattletale . No matter what , you are still my hero , Daniel . Tom , promise me to keep this a secret , will you ? OK , I promise . You promise you will be well soon ? Deal . Hello , darling ! Did you have a good day today ? It was okay . Would you like a drink ? No thanks , I'm not thirsty . Dinner will be ready at six . Are you hungry ? Not really . Oh . Did you pick up the suits from the cleaners ? Yes I did . Good . Are you going to the pub tonight ? Yes . I'll be back at the same time as usual . Good morning . I came in answer to your advertisement for a salesperson . I see . Will you walk this way , please ? What experience have you had ? I'm afraid I haven't had any experience in just this sort of work . I'm studying business administration in college . I want to get a job that would tie in with my studies . Have you got any selling experience at all ? I worked in a department store in a small town last summer vacation . Now tell me about your educational background . I graduated from Beijing University . I majored in business administration . What courses have you completed ? The courses I completed are marketing , business law , business English , statistics , marketing principles , sales management , distribution theory , economies and psychology . What subjects did you like most at university ? I liked sales strategies most . Why would you like to work with us ? It's an interesting job , and your company is one of the best known . Although I have no work experience as a salesperson , the job description you sent was very interesting . It's a job I've been dreaming of when I was at university . What are your future plans and what kind of expectations do you have of the company ? I have an interest in marketing and I would consider graduate study in business in the future . I think my goals will become more clear as I gain experience in sales and marketing . Good . Do you know anything about this company ? Yes , a little . As you mentioned just now , yours is an American capital company . As far as I know your company is a world famous one which produces cosmetics and skincare products . Have you got anything to ask me ? Will traveling be required in this position ? Yes . How often ? Three times a year at most . How do you feel about this ? That's fine . May I come in ? Yeah , Please do . Now let me show you the house . This seems a pretty nice room , I should say . You bet . This is the nicest room in the district . You know what , I just had all the walls repainted last month . What about the kitchen ? It's a well furnished eat-in kitchen . The stove and the ice-box are in good order , and the plumbing is OK , too . I see . I'd like to live here for about three years . Terrific ! When are you moving in ? Next Saturday at the earliest . May I help you ? I'm just browsing , thanks . We're on clearance sale now . Prices have up to twenty percent off . Do not miss the chance . Well , how about fifty percent discount ? If so , I'll buy that fur coat . Madam , you know we ’ re clearing out stock now . It ’ s a real bargain . So won ’ t you come down any more ? Thirty percent discount , OK ? That ’ s the lowest price . What kind of promotional events are scheduled for the new product line ? Marketing has us set up with product launches in five major cities , as well as some sponsoring events throughout the year . All together , there will be 15 events . What kind of sponsoring are we talking about ? I don't know how effective sponsorship really is ... It's not what you're thinking . These events will give us a wider exposure than most . Take the tri-city marathon for starters . This is a highly publicized event . The television exposure alone will nearly double our customer awareness . Other than the marathon , what else is on the list ? We've got a spot in Olympic Stadium sponsoring one of a team's equipment , then a rally for cancer research , and a connection to the inner-city education program . Sports , medicine , education ... seems kind of random , don't you think ? It might seem that way , but this events were all carefully chosen based on marketing research . These are the events that our customers and potential customers care about . I'm checking out in about half an hour . Whenever you're ready to check out , I'll be ready , sir . Great ! As you know however , the day in New York has hardly begun . You're right . It's only 9 Therefore , I think I'll explore New York some more . But I need to store my bags . Sir , our storage facility is merely $ 5 an hour . You also need to leave a deposit . My luggage isn't enough of a deposit ? Unfortunately , it isn't . VISA or MasterCard will suffice , though . Well , then . Let me put on my thinking cap for a moment . Better hurry , sir . Remember you have to check out in less than half an hour . I'd like to buy some postcards of Beijing . How about this set ? Looks nice . Okay , I'll take it . Your resume says you have had one years experience working in a foreign representative office in Shanghai , may I ask why you quit ? I worked in a foreign representative office for one year . However , I leave there two years ago because the work they gave me was rather dull . I found another job that was more interesting . Have you done any work in this field ? What have you learned from the jobs you have had ? I have learned a lot about business know-how and basic office skills . In addition , I learned at my previous jobs how to cooperate with my colleagues . Jenny , you should go to bed now . But it's still early . Don't stay up late . But Day . I'm not sleepy . Well , honey . Turn off the light , lie down and go to sleep . I can't believe that . What ? I've never heard Mary cursed anybody . But I heard she cursed another driver when she drove me back home today . Oh . Why did she do that ? The car behind ours suddenly accelerated and hit our Car . Sis , why did you ask me to come to this bargain market ? It's so crowded , and you can't find anything that you really want . You just don't get it . Looking for bargains can be really interesting . Are you serious ? How can that be ? Bargaining is a game , or even a battle . You feel like a winner when you get a good price . Come on . You know , you can never really win . The salesperson never loses . They make their living out of it . That's true . But I just love it . Come here ! Oh , this silk carpet is really beautiful . Look at the pattern , and how delicate it is ! You do have great taste . That's the most expensive stuff here . Really ? Oh , this one . I like the cloisonn vase . Are you kidding me ? I bought a same one last week . It's surprising that there is something we both like . Well , what do you think of these ceramic cups ? Come on . They look so cheap . Something else , please . What about this picture ? I think Benjamin would like it . Don't underestimate his taste . I don't think he'd like it . Don't be so sure . He loves the vase I bought here last week . Yeah . Well , anyway , it's up to you . But I can tell that you come here often . Absolutely . That's why I can always get a good price . Say , how about having Chinese food for a change ? Great idea ! I like authentic Chinese food . Let's see what we'll take . Pork steamed with rice flour , jelly fish and egg soup . That's it ! Hey , Tom , what to go for a run ? No thanks . I like to run in the morning . I ran a couple of miles when I woke up today . I try to do that , but I can ’ t get up early enough . I couldn ’ t either at first , but you get used to it . It ’ s so hot at lunchtime ; I ’ d rather run in the morning . Well , why don ’ t you come tomorrow ? I ’ ll stop by your house on my way out . I could try , but I can ’ t say for sure if I ’ ll get up in time . What time do you want to go ? I ’ ll give you a call around 6:00 and stop by around 6:30 . O . K . , maybe if I have someone to go with , I ’ ll be able to get up in time for a jog . Great , I ’ ll see you then . See you . Could I have a word with you ? Sure , what is it ? I am disappointed with your work lately . I'm sorry . I've been having some problems . Here comes the bus . I'll ring you up later . See you ! See you ! Were you able to contact the owners about my counter-offer ? Yes , please have a seat , and we ’ ll discuss this right now . I hope that they accepted the counter-offer . The counter-offer was acceptable to them , but they want you to pay for the home inspection . Will the home inspection cost me a lot ? It can cost as little as five hundred dollars and as much as one thousand dollars . Is it my choice as to who inspects this house ? Yes , it is your choice as you are paying for it . Make a wise investment and choose the best inspector you can find . How long until you contact the sellers with my acceptance ? Let ’ s call them right now . I am sure that they will be happy to hear that you have agreed to pay for the inspection . Have you got anything to declare , madam ? No , I haven't . Have you got any wine or spirits ? No , I don't drink . What about cigarettes or cigars ? I've got some cigars . How many , madam ? Two small boxes . How do you understand the organizational structure of a company ? The organizational structure is the company's framework of communication and authority . Is it true that just like a human skeleton that defines their shapes , companies have structures that define theirs ? Yes , you are right . Hello . Dr . Brown ’ s Dental Office . How can I help you ? Hi , this is Susan Smith . I ’ m calling about my appointment with Doctor Brown today at 3 What happened ? I got the flu . I have a fever and a headache . Can I cancel my appointment ? Sure , you can , but you ’ ll be charged for $ 10 . Oh , there ’ s a charge ? Why ? This is for the delayed cancellation . Because this time is reserved for you . If you are unable to keep an appointment , you should notify us 48 hours in advance . Otherwise , the charge will be made . I see . That ’ s ok . I ’ ll pay . Thanks for your understanding . Do you want to make another appointment ? No . Not right now . When I feel better I ’ ll call you again . Ok . Take care . Thank you . What's wrong with the photocopier ? The toner has run out and there's none in the stationery cupboard . I need to make six copies of this report for the Board Meeting tomorrow . Ring Office Supplies and ask if they have any in stock . If they can't deliver this afternoon , I'll go and collect it . Is Stanley still singing that Elvis song ? He's really hogging the mic ! If I hear Love Me Tender one more time , I think I'll go crazy ! He sounds like a sick cow ! Can we adjust the pitch a little ? Maybe he'll sound better in a higher key . I already tried that . Nothing seems to help . Hey ! Where are you going ... ? Coing out for a walk . Excuse me , can you tell me where central Park Street is ? Turn right at the third light and then go straight for two blocks . Is it far ? No . It's only a ten-minute walk . I see . Thanks a lot . You're welcome . When you were in school , what were your favorite subjects ? I enjoyed everything , as long as I was learning . Still , you must have had some subjects you enjoyed more than others . Yes , I did like Spanish and Music . But I don't remember much Spanish . That's too bad . We could really use someone who is bilingual . If you hire me , I'll start studying Spanish again . Don't tell me that's your lunch ? No , this is just my appetizer ... this is my lunch ! A candy bar for an appetizer and a piece of pie for lunch ! That's all junk ! This is good food , it has milk , fruit , grains , nuts ... Sugar , sugar , preservatives , fats , more sugar , more fat , more preservatives ! At least I enjoy my lunch ! What's in your bag ? My wife sent me with rice , vegetables , and some curry chicken . There's the difference , your wife made it ! I have to make my own lunch ! Good afternoon , Mrs.Vale . Please sit down . Thank you . Did you work as a salesperson before , Mrs.Vale ? Only as a clerk in a store . I see . Well , consulting is a little different . I'm a quick learner , Mr.Jenkins . Umm hmm . Do you have a diver's license ? Yes , and I'm a very good driver . Fine . We provide a company car for our consultants . Do I have to travel a lot ? Oh yes-five days a week . You have to visit customers all over the territory . But how will I get to know the products ? You'll have to attend a three-week course . If you do well , the job is yours . How much is the salary ? Starting salary is $ 150 a week-plus commissions , of course . How much commission do your consultants get ? Five percent . Well , I'm very interested in the job . Fine . The next course starts a week from tomorrow . Thank you . Good luck to you . Hello ! You're welcome to Guangzhou Fair . Thank you . I'm from America . Here is my business card . Glad to meet you , Mr . Smith . My name is Wang and here is my name card . I'll be glad to do what I can for you . Great ! This is my first visit to the Fair . Everything is new to me . Would you please give me some information ? Glad to . The Fair is a big gathering taking place twice a year , thousands of businessmen from more than a hundred and fifty countries and regions are here to trade with China . What about your company ? Ours is a company special in exporting leather products . And what about yours ? My firm has high standing in my country . My bank is the City Bank , New York . You may refer to it for my status . Hello , Sir . Can I help you with anything ? Yes , I would like to use the ATM to make a payment . But I need to pay 3 parties at once . No problem at all . With this service , you can pay up to 10 parties at one time . Are these parties on your current beneficiaries list ? They are , yes . How should I do this ? Select ' pay multiple beneficiaries ' , here ... then select ' pay from the account ' in the drop down menu ... OK , good . Then we need to enter the beneficiary statement reference . Yes , I've got that here ... And your statement reference and the payment amount . Click on next , then ' pay beneficiaries ' . That's it ! All done . What kind of personality do you think you have ? I always approach things very enthusiastically . When I begin something , I don ’ t like to leave it half-done . I can ’ t concentrate on something new until the first thing is finished . What makes you angry ? Dishonesty . It ’ s unacceptable . Would you mind answering a few personal questions ? Of course not . OK . Does your present employer know that you are going to leave ? Yes . I gave her my resignation a few days ago . Will she let you leave your present job ? Yes , I think she will . Why do you want to leave your present job ? Well , there are several reasons . I don't think my present job is suitable for me . That's the first reason . Secondly , your company has a good reputation . I think it can offer me more challenging opportunities . Last , frankly speaking , I wish to get higher pay . I appreciate you frankness . Do you know anything about our company ? Yes . It's a Korea company and it was built in Beijing five years ago . Gordon , you're ever so late . Yes , I am sorry . I missed the bus . But there's a bus every ten minutes , and you are over 1 hour late . Well , I missed several buses . How on earth can you miss several buses ? I , ah ... , I got have late . Oh , come on , Gordon , it's the afternoon now . Why were you late really ? Well , I ... I lost my wallet , and I ... Have you got it now ? Yes , I found it again . When ? This morning . I mean ... I am not convinced by your explanation . Hello , Westhaven Company . Hello , may I speak to Mr . Richard ? This is Michael Richard speaking . Who is calling ? Mr . Richard , this is Henry . I was interviewed by you last Tuesday . You gave me a deep impression then . Can I help you ? I ’ m just calling to follow up on the situation of the salesman position . We have made the decision to hire you . Wonderful . Thank you very much . I have been dreaming to work with your company and I am finally granted the great opportunity . I won ’ t let you down and I hope you will contact me when you have any questions . I will , thank you for calling . I am currently the highest bidder for your shirt . I was wondering about the size . It's a small . How is the condition ? How old is it ? It has never been worn . It was too small for me so I'm selling it . Why didn't you return the shirt or exchange it ? I got it as a gift so I couldn't take it back . Good luck ! I hope it will fit you ! What ’ s up ? I guess there is some kind of virus seeking into my computer , I can ’ t send out this e-mail . Do you have the number of the text port ? Yes , Do you mind if I have a look at your computer ? Of course not , I appreciate that . Well , it has nothing to do with virus . The problem is your attachment is a bit larger . It has exceeded the e-mail capacity . I see . What can I do now ? You can send a compressed one . Oh , hey , Keri ! You cook , right ! You're a pretty good cook . I'm OK . I want to make an omelet , so actually this is really silly , I've never made one before . How do you make an omelet ? Well , I can teach you how I make them , which is the same way my father and grandmother make them , which is a little special . OK . Yeah ! Yeah ! First you take some eggs and crack them in a bowl , and whisk them up , quite , so they're quite high and fluffy , and in a hot pan , and you need a pan that's that's kind of small , that the sides go up at an angle . You put some oil and heat it up , so it's quite hot , and then you take your whipped up eggs , or whisked up eggs , and pour them into the pan , and as it's cooking , if you take a spatula , and push the bottom layer of the egg , to the side , to the sides , and then to the middle , so the uncooked egg gets to the bottom of the pan . Oh , OK . Wow ! OK . And keep doing that until most of the egg is cooked so you should have a nice thick omelet and then flip it over , you'll only have to cook that side lightly . Put your fillings on the top and fold it over and let it sit just long enough to melt the cheese . Wow . That sounds really good . Excuse me , can you tell me how I can get to the snowboarding area ? Take bus 12 and get off at the terminal station . Thanks a lot . You are welcome . Excuse me , but could you tell me the way to the railway station ? The railway station ? Just go down this street and turn left at the second corner.The station is at the end of that street . How long will it take me to get there ? It's about a ten-minute walk . That's very clear . I think I can find my way now.Thank you . Not at all . I would like to have a new suit made . something in a dark blue wool . Certainly , sir . Double or single breasted ? I think I would like the pants pleated . I am not sure about the jacket though as I'm a little overweight . I see , sir . For a gentleman of your size I would recommend a single-breasted jacket as it does tend to make one look a little slimmer . Just let me take your measurements , Let's see , neck 41cm , chest 110cm , wait 120cm and inside leg 70cm . You do have short legs , sir . Yes , that is why I usually choose dark colours for my business suits . Can you come back in three days for a fitting ? Certainly . Good that way . I can have the suit ready for you two days after that fitting . What kinds of meat are most popular in your country ? We usually eat chicken , pork and eat these meat a lot in your country too , don't you ? Yes , we do . we also eat mutton . I've heard that people in your country like mutton chops . That's right , mutton chops taste so good , we eat them with sauce , have you ever tried ? Yes , I have , I tried once when I visited your country last year , I think they were very tasty.Can you cook them ? Certainly I can , I'll buy some from butchers ' and cook for you next sunday . That sounds great . I'll bring a bottle of wine then . That was a very interesting presentation , Ms . Wang . My colleagues and I are very impressed with your proposal . Oh , no , surely . Your ideas were very interesting as well . To show our appreciation for your hard work , we'd like to invite you to have dinner with us . Oh , that would be lovely . Thank you . Excellent . Have you had French food before ? Oh , yes . Marvelous ! We need someone rather quickly , the sooner the better . Can I ask what the position pays ? Well , of course depends somewhat on experience , background and that sort of thing . What are your currently earning ? My current salary is in the range of fifty thousand yuan . I see . Including bonus ? Yes , but not including overtime pay . I'm looking for a salary slightly higher than my present one , with opportunities for raises if I work well . What starting salary would you expect here ? I have to support my parents who are advanced in age , so I'd like to commence at HAD 2,500 a month . What is included in a job advertisement ? Generally speaking , there are the company , the job title , job description , requirement , and so on . What are the accesses of the job ads ? There are many sources , such as newspaper , Internet and direct visit . IBA , how can I help ? Ah , yes , hello . I'm calling to get some info about your PIN services . You see , my friend also has an account with you and also enjoys shopping on the Internet . She recommended I sign up for this service too . That was a wise decision , if I may say so . Our Personal Internet Banking Service offers online shopping transactions , payment of household bills online , account management ... I will probably just use it for online shopping . At the moment , I have to meet the seller in person and pay cash , if it's a local seller . This will fix all of that for you . If you use our online payment service , the money will come straight out of your account and go directly into the seller's account , in a secure way . What can I do for you ? I would like to look at some watch . May I show you the gold ones ? Pure gold ones , please . OK . Here they are . What is the price for this one ? One thousand yuan . That's quite steep . Can you come down a little bit ? I'm afraid not . The price is very moderate . It's rather more than I was thinking of paying . We brought the price down only a few days ago . This is definitely a bargain . OK . I'll take it . Would you like me to help you on your new project ? I would love the help ! Would you prefer helping with the writing part or is programming more your thing ? I would enjoy helping with the writing portion . Perfect ! You'll be working alone on that portion . Do you like to work alone ? That is OK sometimes . Our first meeting is next Monday . Could you meet with us at that time ? No , I can't be there . Please send me your background information before the meeting so I can look at it . I can send that information to you . OK . I look forward to working with you . Enjoy your week ! Ladies and gentlemen , here is the Westminster Abbey . It's one of the oldest buildings in London . What a large building . Can we visit by ourselves ? Of course . Take your time and enjoy your trip . Thank you . When and where shall we meet ? We will meet at 5:00 right here . I see . Hi , I want to check out . Okay . Come with me . Can I pay by a credit card ? Sorry , you can only pay cash . OK . Here is the money . Here's your change . Would you wrap it for me ? Of course , I'll get right on it . How may I help you . sir ? I'm wondering if anyone has turned in a train ticket . I just lost my ticket for Beijing tonight . Let me see . I'm sorry . Nothing's been turned in . Do you want to buy another one ? Yes . If I don ' t make it to Beijing tomorrow morning . my wife would kill me . How much does it cost ? 150 yuan for hard seats . Fine . Sir ? Where is my wallet ? Someone has stolen my wallet ! So , what ’ s new in the kitchen ? That refrigerator is new , isn ’ t it ? Yes . I needed a large one . Before , I had a separate refrigerator and freezer , but this has both combined into one . That ’ s usual nowadays . You ’ Ve added a few shelves too . Yes . You know I ’ Ve been cooking more kind of food recently and I needed some extra space for spices and ingredients . Did you buy new cupboards too ? No , I didn ’ t . I gave them a really good clean , so they just look new . The worktop was in poor condition , so I had a new one added . I see that you have bought several new pots and pans and utensils . Yes , I have . I need them to help me with these new dished I ’ m trying to make . I need a little more practice before I invite guests over . Looking at the spice rack , I ’ d say you ’ Ve been learning how to make asian food . Yes . I ’ Ve always likes Indian and thai food , so I ’ Ve been trying to make dishes from those countries . I ’ m pretty good at making curries now , but I still need practice at making thai food . Both kinds of food are becoming popular . Nowadays , it ’ s very easy to pick up the ingredients at the supermarket . I hope you can stay for dinner . I need a guinea pig ! Hi ! I need to request a wake-up call for tomorrow morning . What time do you want the call ? I need two calls , one at 7 and another at 7 fifteen . We can certainly do that . Expect a call from us at 7 o'colock and then again at 7 fifteen . Actually , can I change the latter wake-up call to 7 thirty . am ? I can certainly do that . Is there anything else ? I can't think of anything . If I do think of something , I'll be sure to call again . Okay . Good night , sir . It's getting late , Mary . Maybe I should go home . Why don't you sleep over ? Are you sure ? We can sleep together . Sounds like a good idea . Don't forget to call your host mother to tell her . Thanks for reminding me . I need to buy some fruit . All the fruit are pretty fresh here . How much are the pears ? They're four yuan per kilo . Give me one kilo of those , please . Do you have any fresh plums ? Yes , we do . They are eight yuan per kilo . It's a bit too expensive . We can get it for six yuan in the shop next here . Take much and you can have them six yuan per kilo . Sounds reasonable . I'll take three kilos . OK . It's 22 yuan Here you are . Excuse me , but are you Mr . Smith from Britain ? Yes , I am . I'm from Textile Import and Export Corporation . I've come to meet you . My name is Zhang Yong . How do you do , Mr . Zhang ? I'm glad to meet you . How do you do , Mr . Smith ? Let me help you with your luggage . Thank you very much . Did you have a good trip ? On the whole , not too bad . Anyhow , it's a long way to China , isn't it ? And I think you must be very tired . Yes , I am , rather . But I'll be all right by tomorrow and ready for business . I wish you a pleasant stay here . Thank you . Now , Mr . Smith , if all is ready , we'd better start for the hotel . I'd like to . Let's go . This way , please . Our car is waiting over there . Yes . Of my mother standing in the kitchen and me doing my homework before school ... How sweet ... if you make me some more toast , I'll let you use my new retro toaster ... OK ! I'll show you how my mom did it . Isn't the shape cool ? Yeah , and it's bigger than ours was . Hey ! What's that smell ? Are you burning the toast ? Why don't you watch where you're going ? Me ? You're the one who pulled out in front of me ! There was plenty of room for me to pull out.You didn't have to stay in the lane you were in . Hey , listen . I had every right to stay in the lane I was in.You were supposed to wait until I passed to pull out.And anyhow , you didn't give me any time to change lanes.All of a sudden--BANG--there you are right in front of me . I think my arm is broken . Sorry about your arm , but it serves you right . You need to learn how to drive . You're lucky you didn't get killed . And I'm lucky to be alive too . Listen , let's just wait until the police get here.Then we can decide whose fault this accident was . Fine with me . I know the laws of the road . I'm not worried . I have a cell phone in my car . Now it's probably on the floor on the passenger side.Why don't you get it for me , and then I can call the police ? Alright . It doesn't work . It looks like it's broken . I need to get to a hospital . You should drive me there . Oh , yeah ? It's better if we make a police report first . Then you can go to the hospital . Damn it ! I'm injured here . We could wait all day for the police . Well , you'll just have to wait . I'm not going to move my car until the police arrive . I'll go into one of those houses over there and use their phone . Don't worry . You'll get to the hospital in time . It really hurts . Yes , maybe it does.But if you're going to drive like you did just now , you will have to get used to a little physical pain . You know what I mean ? To hell with you . The accident was your fault . I'm afraid it wasn't . And when the police get here , you will also see that it wasn't . But enough of this bickering . I'm going to go find a phone.Don ' t move that arm while I'm gone . Alright ? To hell with you . Do you carrying fresh fish ? Yes we do . Check the meat department . There is a fish counter there too . I already looked , but did not see anything . Let me show you . Thanks . See , it's right over there . Oh , gosh . I didn't see it . That's all right . Excuse me , sir . Didn't you see the red light ? Oh , I thought I could make a right turn on red here . No , sir . The sign says no turn on red . Oh , I guess I didn't see it . I'm sorry , sir , but may I see your driver's licence and insurance policy , please ? I have to give you a ticket . Here they are . Sign here , please . You can appeal to the court within 14 days . This slip has all the information you need . Please drive safely , sir . Thank you , Ma'am . Are you going out again ? Yes , I'm going to the cinema , dad . You mustn't go to bed very late . Can you be home before nine . Oh , I won't be back so early . The film will be over at nine . Can I have the key to the bicycle ? No . I won't let you ride a bicycle late at night . Oh , dad , I'm not a child . I'm 17 already . I'll come back as soon as the film is over . OK . Here's the key . Take care . I will . Thank you , dad . When would you like me to send those plans over to your office , Mr . Montgomery ? It would be good if you could get them to me by Thursday afternoon , Ms.Barkley . That shouldn't be a problem . What is the exact address , again ? 7880 Crofton Avenue , Building 40A , Room 304 . Next , please . Where to , sir ? A one-way ticket to Chicago , please . How many did you say , sir ? One adult , please . That will be six dollars . Out of ten-seven , eight , nine , ten . Thank you . We will carry out the order when the purchase order gets here . Good . And because this is our initial order , and your products is so new , we would like to make a deal with you . Well , actually in most cases we don't talk about special deals , but since this one is so new I will listen to what you have to say . We want to make this a trial order . If we can sell all the products in two months , we will pay for them ; if not , we will send them back to you . I can't agree to that . My company will have to pay for both sending them and bringing them back . We promise that if the products are sold out in two months , we will place a repeat order right away , at the same quality . OK , I agree . But the repeat order can't have the same terms . I like the Honda Accord you showed me before . I think it's more practical for my needs . Alright , sir . You are making a good choice . Honda has made a lot of design improvements in the new Accord . What does it come with standard ? On all our new cars , the standards include Cruise control ? I don't like that . Why not , sir ? I think it's dangerous . What if I can't turn it off ? Well , sir , I know some of our customers are concerned about cruise control . But Honda has never had a single cruise control malfunction that led to an accident . I wish it didn't have cruise control . My wife doesn't like it either . You know , sir , you don't have to use it . You can turn it on or off . If you don't want to use it , you just never turn it on . I suppose . And What about the sunroof ? Is that standard ? No , the sunroof is optional , sir . I see . Telco Mobile , how can I help you ? Yes , I ’ d like to activate my voice mail service please . Certainly sir , we currently have a special promotion where we include voice mail services , call waiting and also three way calling . Sure that sounds great ! Are there any other fees ? Not at all . No hidden fees or surcharges , it is a flat monthly rate . Perfect . I also wanted to know if there is any call forwarding service ? I am usually out of town and would like my calls to be forwarded to a local number . Yes of course . We can activate all these services in about an hour . Can I help you ? My wife and I want to go to Beijing for a tour . Can you arrange it ? Yes , we can arrange that . I'd like to know what kind of tour your travel agency has . Our travel agency provides all kinds of tours , ranging from individual tour to group package tour . Excellent . When do you expect to come ? September 28th . What specific places do you wish to visit ? We would like to visit the Great Wall , the Ming Tombs and the Imperial Palace . OK . All I do all day is work and watch TV . I really should start thinking about my health . I never thought about that , but you're right . What do you think we should do ? For starters , we should start doing more outdoor activities . That way we'll get some exercise . I was thinking about taking tennis lessons . I always have an hour to spare in the afternoon . What do you think about that ? That's not a bad idea . How much is it ? I heard it is only about one hundred twenty dollars a month for 8 lessons . Playing tennis twice a week will be a good start . Count me in . Passport , please ! Here you are . Are you Chinese ? Yes , I am . Where in China are you from ? Fujisan Province . There are a lot of people from China visiting right now . It's not surprising . Our school year just ended , and a lot of Chinese are on vacation . How long do you plan to stay ? About half a month . All right . Here's your passport . Welcome to Australia . Thank you . Hello , jewelry department . How may I help you ? It's me , Ali . There's this strange guy who keeps coming around . He's been here three times this week . He's probably a pervert . Just ignore him . He makes me nervous . He looks at me funny . And he never buys anything ! Maybe he wants to get something for his girlfriend , but he's embarrassed . Are you ready to order ? May I suggest a veal . No , I'll have the fish please . The chicken is also nice . No , I want the fish . Our special tonight is lobster . Thank you , but I prefer the fish Perhaps you'd enjoy the lamb No , I like the fish . What ever you say ? Hi , Boss ! I'd like to tell you what we've discussed during the day . Okay . Is all going well ? I think it's going very well , actually . We had a long meeting with them . After several lengthy discussions they decided to accept our offer . Really ? That's great . You really did a good job . Anything else to tell me ? We're meeting with their finance director today and then with the other directors tomorrow , just to sort out some final details . OK . If he wants to make any changes , minor alternations can be accepted . Let me know what happens . OK . I never forget it . How do you think a manager should react to an employee ’ s unsatisfactory work ? If I were a manager , I would have a private talk with this employ to figure out the reasons . It is very important to have this one-to-one discussion in an unthreatening situation without any distraction . Exactly , I overheard a manager scold his employee in the elevator this morning , they were from the company on the 12th floor , I guess . They were only three of us in the elevator , I felt very embarrassed to be in the middle of them . Well , I guess the employee would feel more embarrassed and probably angry . Anyway , it is not wise at all to give a harsh time to your employee in front of others , especially strangers . Sure , no matter what happened , they should wait to discuss in their office and find the solution in a positive way . What's the life expectancy in your country ? I'm not sure , but probably about 75 years . How about in your country ? About 70 , I think . This newspaper article talks about the problems of an aging population . It's a problem that will soon affect most of the world . I heard that the government might need to increase the retirement age , because otherwise there will not be enough workers to support the young and the elderly . Perhaps we need to have more babies ! Tina gave birth to a baby boy yesterday . Did she ? That's great . However , if we have too many children , that will have a bad effect on the environment . How's your son these days ? Oh , he's fine . Kids seem to grow up very quickly nowadays . He'll be a teenager before you know it ! Teenagers are often rebellious ! When do you think it is a good age to have a child ? I had mine when I was 24 . That's a little young . I'd suggest you wait until you are in your late twenties , or even in your early thirties if you have a good career . Yes , I think you're right . I'm thinking about having a child , but not just yet . Is there a big generation gap between parents and their children in your country ? Yes , there is . Teenagers do not want to live traditional lives . They want to go out , have fun , and explore the world . They want to develop their own view of life.Parents usually try to discour Parents usually give their children more freedom in my country . Sometimes they give them too much freedom . It's almost impossible to get the right balance . If you are too strict , kids might ignore you . If you are too lenient , they might go wild . Hello . Front desk . How can I help you ? Good evening . Is the kitchen open now ? I ’ m sorry . The kitchen is closed after midnight . It ’ s ok , good night . Good night . My doctor said that I need a chest X-ray . Just take your clothes off from the waist up and put this gown on , with the opening in the back . What should I do after that ? You need to come over here and face this plate . Am I standing the right way ? I will need your arms raised to shoulder height . Am I doing this the right way ? Everything you are doing is perfect . Are you going to leave ? I am just getting behind this screen . You need to take a deep breath , hold it , and then breathe normally . Is that all there is to it ? You can get dressed as soon as the film is processed . We will be all done here . I really like the way this house looks . Yes , it has great curb appeal . The landscaping is wonderful ! Yes , it is nice , but wait until you see the interior . Oh , I see what you mean ! The carpeting and paint are all new , as well as the window treatments . I love the sage green carpeting with the sunset-colored walls . Come and see the kitchen . Oh , look at that beautiful countertop material and the double sink ! Let ’ s go check out the bedroom and bathroom . I really like the Jacuzzi bathtub in the bathroom . I am happy that you like the house . We should write down what we like so that we can remember it . You don't look well at all . Are you sick ? Yes , I don't feel well today . How long have you been feeling like this ? Since the day before yesterday . How did you feel at the very beginning ? It began with a shiver then I perspired a great deal . I see . You've caught a bad cold . I'll give you a prescription . Thank you . Doctor . Hey , daughter , let me ask you something . Yes , dad ? Do you have life insurance ? Well , no . It just seemed like another bill we ’ d have to pay . You have children now . What if something , God forbid , happens to you ? That ’ s true . Well , how much do you think I should get ? A $ 100,000 policy shouldn ’ t be too expensive . Here , call my agent . He ’ ll give you a good deal . The blake's got divorced . Really ? Why ? has been getting a little around aside . I'm surprised . He does't look like a guy who'd ever cheat on his wife , does he ? No , he doesn't . But his wife found out he has been too charming for a long time.Incredibly , he has many different girlfriends . Starting almost right after they married 20 years ago . Well , I'm really surprised . You are not doing anything behind my back , are you ? No , the only thing I've ever done behind your back is zip you up , besides I told all my other girlfriends , and my wife who's getting suspicious . and we had a cold for a while , tell the Haha ... You are not very funny . I guess that means - - except me to tell my lover we have stoped seeing each other too . You are not funny either . I can't believe I married a woman like you . Fred , is it a good time to talk with you ? Sure , what's the matter ? As you know , I have accepted three new programs in our company this year , but I am not sure I can do my work well . And right now my dilemma is that I can not find a person whom I can trust for these three programs . What do you think we can do about this ? We are not willing to miss the chance ; however , our staff is not big enough now . So , to be honest , I want you to help me to finish all these programs . Well , sir , I am busy in market development . So I am worried whether I can do this . I am aware you have been working so hard . Before hiring more employees , you are still needed to do this . OK ! I will try this . What's wrong ? There's no power . Have you checked the fuse box ? Yes , the fuse had blown and I've changed it but now the motor keeps cutting out . There might be a loose connection somewhere that's making the safety switch trip . Check the settings on the trip-switch . If you can't fix it yourself , call in an electrician . Daniel , here is some money for the tickets . OK , it's my pleasure . How many tickets ? Oh , like a gentleman . Two tickets for two people . But I am only half a person as you and they charge both of us the same price tickets . They may unless we get a half-price ticket for you . Dad , it makes no sense . You may ask if you can take a half-price ticket . Yeah , I make certain . A half-price ticket cuts us one point five Yuan . Hello . Do you know how I can find a room to rent ? There is so much information and I advise to read newspaper . Will that work ? Yes , of course . If you like the room , call the landlord and confirm the information of the room . Good idea . Thank you . Hello , is there anything I can do for you ? Yes , I want to a room for tomorrow . Single or double ? A single one with a private bath . Would you like to have your room on the top floor ? It doesn't matter . I've been at this for two weeks now and nothing ’ s turned up . You're right . I think it ’ s time to seek professional help . What do you mean ? I know you don ’ t want to pay for a job , but I think it ’ s time we consulted a headhunter . You ’ re right , I don ’ t want to pay , but I don ’ t want to live without pay , either . Ha , ha , ha ! I agree . That ’ s not much fun . Do you have anyone in mind ? Actually I do . Who ? Cooke & Co . does a lot of placements in your field . Ya , they do . Anyone else come to mind ? Not at the moment , but I ’ ll let you know . Please pull your vehicle over to the side of the road . Please roll down your window . What's the matter , sir ? Have you been drinking ? No , I haven't sir . Really ? But I can smell alcohol on your breath . Blow into this breathalyzer , please . But , sir , I didn't drink at all . If you refuse to blow , you'll receive a much severer punishment . OK . I'll blow . Your BAC exceeds the legal limit . But I ... I'll have to write you a ticket and suspend your driver's license for 3 months . Do you know who that tall man is ? He's a member of the National Basketball Association . Do you know where he comes from ? Some people say he's from New York . May I help you , sir ? Yes , I'd like to get some gas . Regular or unleaded ? Unleaded . My car is new . How many gallons do you want ? Fill it up . I will have a tour tomorrow . All right . Shall I check the oil ? Yes , please . You're a quart low . Give me a quart of light oil . Yes , sir . The portions here are man sized . We usually end up taking half of the meal home with us . Everything looks so good . Is there anything in particular that you recommend ? Hey , sis . You know me , if I don't like everything on the menu , I don't go back to the restaurant ! So you're saying I can't go wrong with anything I order ? In that case ... Wait , you love salmon , don't you ? They have the best salmon pasta . That sounds really good ! Does it come with a soup ? Soup and bread and salad bar ! I'm telling you , these people know how to keep you coming back ! I see what you mean ! Look , there is traffic accident over there . What happened ? The old man is knocked down by the bicycle . Did you promise me to get the bread ? Well , I remember walking pass the baker shop . But you forgot to get the bread . I'm afraid so . I don't remember you telling me about it . Well , I certainly did . What would you let me do now ? You are free . You can go now . Really ? You are so kind . I'll do with the cake . No . That's not enough . I've got some cereal . Get up , you lazybones ! Just a minute . what ’ s the cheapest way to go there ? By subway . Oh , is that right ? Is there a subway station near here ? Yes . There ’ s one on the other side of the building . Good . Can I walk through this building ? I ’ m afraid you can ’ t . you ’ Ve to go out there and walk around . I see . Thank you . Hello . Green Trading Company . What can I do for you ? I'm Mr.Stephen ' s secretary . He has an appointment with Mr.Green today . Yes . It'll be at three o'clock this afternoon . I'm afraid we have to reschedule it . Didn't we make that appointment a long time ago ? I'm very sorry . But Mr.stephen must leave for Hong Kong right away . How about Friday afternoon ? That'll be fine . One thing I love our boss for is that he always knows when to give you a pay raise without being asked for . Really ? How can he be so sure about the timing ? He just knows either by your excellent performance at work or by the annual review . Well . This must save lots of employees from worrying about how to write a salary increase letter . You know how tough it is . Do all the employees receive the same pay increase annually ? Actually not ! Our company pays for performance . I like this system . It will encourage the best employees and motivate those who want to make a change at work . You look hot and tired . Jack , have you been exercising ? Yes . We just had a basketball match with Class Two . Who won ? They did . What was the score ? Seventy to sixty-seven . My God ! Why did you bring me here ? I hate the taste of coffee . Really ? I have a weakness for coffee . Tom , you promised to cut the lung . You won't forget , will you ? No , I assure you . And you'll repair the television , won't you ? Ok . Do you promise ? Of course . And Tom , you will help Johnny with his homework , won't you ? I'll see . I will if I can but I won't promise . But you'll promise not to be late for dinner tonight , won't you ? Yes . But only if you ask me nicely . Tom , darling . You'll try not to be late for dinner tonight , won't you ? Please ! Ok . I'll keep my promise . May I help you ? Yes . I'm looking for a green dress . What size do you wear ? These dresses are on sale . I wear size 32 . This one looks nice . Where may I try it on ? Come this way . Here's the dressing room . How does it look ? It looks nice . And it's not expensive . How much is it ? It's only $ 20 . I'll take it . Would you like to copy the EX files and pass me the copy ? There are some figures I want to check . Here is the copy . Do you need anything else ? Yes , I also need all the letters we received from them . Do you mean all the sales letters from them ? Yes , that ’ s right . I ’ ll get them for you at once . And could I file the report for you ? Yes , but I need the report copied on transparency paper . No problem . This is Milton in room 402 . I would like to check out . Can anyone help me with my baggage ? Yes . The porter will go and help you . Thanks a lot . By the way , please call a taxi for me . OK , sir . What is your favorite kind of music ? I listen to various types of music . What genres ? I enjoy listening to both Rock and R & B . What interests you in that type of music ? I enjoy the different types of instruments that they use . That is a perfect reason to like a certain kind of music . That's exactly what I think too . You want to go get a facial with me today ? Dude , what are you talking about ? Only girls do that . Not at all , guys also get facials , manicures and pedicures . There is nothing wrong with looking after your skin and looking good . True . So what do they do to you at your beauty spa ? Well , first they exfoliate my face , getting rid of all the dead skin . Then I get a face mask with nutrients that keep my skin healthy and young . Afterwards , they apply some moisturizer and you leave feeling like a million bucks . That doesn't really sound like something I would be interested in . In any case , I just wash my face every night and use sunscreen during the day . Well you should come with me one day , I'm sure you'll love it . Uh ... no . How much is this ? You mean the large one or the small one ? The large one . They're on special this week . They've been reduced to five dollars . Is this the only kind you have ? No . We have some that are different in style but not in color . They're over there . Do you see the sign ? Oh , yes . I think I'll look at those over there before I decide . Very well . Just take your time . Can you help me find a nice gift for my young niece ? Barbie dolls are quite popular , you know . You're right . Girls love Barbie . Show me a Barbie doll . Take a look at the newest Barbie — Digital Barbie . She's beautiful . What's the price for Digital Barbie ? Our regular price for Digital Barbie is $ 29.95 plus tax . Only $ 29.95 ? I'll buy it , of course . Another one sold . Do you see anything else you would like ? Thank you , but no . This will do it for now . Tax brings your total to $ 32.42 . How would you like to pay ? Cash , please . Here's your change . Thank you . Hello , I have a reservation for a double . What's your last name ? It's Smith . Here is my driver's license . Yes , I do show your reservation . How could you like to pay for the room ? I'd like to put it on my VISA . Fine . Here is your room key , here is also a map of our hotel . The swimming pool , gym and sauna are all located on first floor . Great , is our room ready yet ? Yes . If you want to order room service , just press 0 on your phone , and that will connect you with the front desk . Mom , I'm ready for school . Don't forger to come straight home after school . I know , mom . Have you got everything ? Oh , my jump rope . Mom , can you get it for me ? Well , that was an interesting documentary ! For sure ! I didn ’ t really understand some of the technical jargon they used in the film when they talked about social security in the US . Like what ? Well , they mentioned how people put away money in something called a 401K ? Yeah , I know it sounds weird , but a 401k is a type of retirement plan that allows employees to save and invest for their own retirement . Through a you can authorize your employer to deduct a certain amount of money from your paycheck and invest it in the plan . Everyone tries to contribute as much as possible so that when you retire , you can rest peacefully on your nest egg . That ’ s interesting and logical I guess . In my country , we also have to contribute to a government-run retirement fund , but most people don ’ t really trust it so they just invest in properties or things like that . That seems a bit unstable don ’ t you think ? Yeah , but corrupt governments in the past have created distrust among banks and financial institutions , so now people prefer to have money hidden in a jar or a piggy bank . I ’ Ve been thinking of doing that lately ! I don ’ t want some banker to run off with my money ! Can you book me a double room for February 22 ? Well , we won't be able to guarantee you a room for February 22 , but we can book you on February 23.Is that OK ? I guess so . Hello . I would like to buy some business cards . Excellent . How many would you like ? Two thousand would be fine . You need to fill out this form , please . All I want is the same thing on this card . That will be no problem , sir . ... Okay , I'm finished . Here's your form and my old card . Very good , sir . Your order will be ready in one week . Do you think you could finish it in three days ? No problem , sir . But it will cost you extra . how do you feel about wearing name logos or slogans on your clothing ? I've never really thought about it before . I guess it doesn't bother me . do you think advertising has an influence on the choices you make when you're shopping ? I guess so . I usually buy name-brand clothing , shoes , and electronic goods . How about you ? I actually try to avoid name-brand items . I can't stand it when big companies advertise their products all over the place ! I would like to get some meat today . What kind do you need ? I need about a pound of ground beef . The ground beef is $ 2.48 a pound . That sounds good . What else would you like ? I also need three pounds of chicken breasts . The chicken breasts are $ 4.05 a pound . How much will the three pounds of chicken cost altogether ? Altogether , it's going to be $ 12.15 . That will be all for me . All right , let me get your meat for you . What salary are you expecting ? What range of salary do you have for this position ? It can be anywhere between 100,000 to 200,000 a year depending on experience and qualifications . It sounds amazing to me . I need to order new business cards . Do you have any idea how many you'd like ? I think 2,000 would be enough . Would you fill out this form , please ? I don't want to make any changes to my old card . If you detect any difference , I'll take you out to dinner . ... Okay , that's it . Here's the form , and here's my old card to use as a model . Thank you . Your order will be ready seven days from now . I need it sooner . Let me have it in three days , okay ? We can certainly give you faster turn around , but it will cost you extra . To start with , may I know why you are interested in working for our company ? First , as far as I know , your company has had an impressive growth record.Second , I want to get into the foreign trade business . Now you are with Quandong Company . What is your chief responsibility there ? I'm in charge of marketing activities in South-East Asia , for example , organizing trade conferences and arranging exhibitions . Do you have any questions about the job ? Yes . Are the chances for employees to be transferred to overseas branches of the company ? Certainly . This is an international company , and ther're good chances for you to work overseas . That would be good . Good evening , sir . Are you Mr . Jim Stewart from the States ? Ah , yes , that's right . Glad to meet you . Mr Stewart . I'm the guide from Pacific Tour Agency . My name is Zhang Hua . Hello , I was just looking for the guide 。 I'm always at your service , sir . By the way , did you have a pleasant trip ? Not bad . But I've made too many flights these days . I could hardly remember how many take offs and landings I've been through these three days . I think we all feel a bit tired . Well , shall we go to the hotel right now ? I've already made a reservation for you . Wonderful . I'm eager to take a sauna as soon as possible . So we must get you to the hotel as soon as possible . I hope to see you refreshed and revitalized tomorrow morning , as we are going to visit the Great Wall . I'm sure we will . Actually , we are looking forward to seeing the great wonder . Hi there , Mr Brown . Are you depositing or withdrawing today ? Sorry to say it , but neither of those . I'm here to close our account with you . The market around here has been dropping for a while now , and it's just not sensible for us to stay . I understand . So , what would you like to do with the balance ? I guess I should just withdraw everything . 215,000 RIB is the exact balance . If you could just sign your name here . Here you go . That's everything , then . Thanks very much for your service over the years . pardon me . Could you please pass me the tissue ? sure , here you are . thanks , I didn't expect the dish to be so spicy . Are you ok ? yeah , I think the food is alright , it's not too spicy though it's a little salty for me . But you are Chinese , you should have known better . well , not every Chinese can handle spicy food in the way people from Sichuan and Cuizhou provinces can . Back where I come from , people don't eat a lot of papers and chilies . Oh , I see how this food can be really hard for you . I can sympathize with that . I stayed in Sichuan for a year . The food was difficult at the beginning . Every dish was so spicy . After a while , I got u yeah , you can increase you tolerance for spicy food , but so far , I haven't had the need or the opportunity . Every time I try spicy food , it is a total disaster for my nose and eyes . I completely understand . I didn't intend on liking spicy food at first either , but when you have no other choicest , you've got to adapt . yeah , I guess that's a typical example of when in Rome , do as the Romans do . exactly . OK , Lucy.It ' s your turn.Are you ready ? I really would rather just listen.Isn ' t there anyone else who wants to sing ? Come on ! In the two hours we've been here , you haven't sung even one song ! I know , but ... Hey , Stanley's here ! I've been wanting to hear him sing all night . Well , you asked for it . Why don't you put on an Elvis ' song for him . I'll put the song at the front of the list . Ping-pong must be the top-ranking popular sport in China . It seems to me in every school , factory , army unit , or residential area , men and women , young and old , are swinging paddles . You got it ! In a sense , it has become a byword for Chinese sport . What do you think might be the source of its popularity ? I think its critical advantage lies in its low cost . All you need is a racket , a table and a light celluloid ball . Tables are usually available in public recreation areas , like finest rooms , and outdoor playgrounds ... And sometimes a substitute table can be made out of a few desks . Put it there ! In senior high schools , we used to play on desks in the classroom , when no vacant tables were available . Likewise , the racket may take a variety of forms , too.Anything that resembles a racket , from a plank to cardboard or even a hardcover book , may be used as a racket . Haha , these are very good inventions . All these speak the public's fondness for the sport Yeah , the sport is affordable and accessible to every Tom , Dick and Jane in this developing country . No wonder even the state leaders are known to be keen on it . I know President Hu Into likes playing ping-pong . Actually , he excels in it . Chairman Mao , too , encouraged the whole nation to play ping-pong as a part of the nationwide body building campaign . I see . There was also the famous ping pong diplomacy , wasn't there ? Julia , the apartment I looked at today is pretty decent-around 120 square meters . Great . Where is it ? A new two-bedroom apartment , around 100 to 120 square meters , in the Sanlitun area . What about the surrounding area ? Very quiet and safe . And it's got a lot of trees and plants . That's good . Is the location easily accessible ? Yeah , it's near a bus stop . Hmm ... well , maybe we can buy this one then . The total cost is 850 dollars . How would you like to pay ? By credit card . We take Visa and Master Card . Do you take American Express ? No , we don't . Ok , I'll use my Visa . Here you are . Thank you ... please sign on the line . There are so many record players here . That is hard to choose . Look at this one . It has a radio and cassette player and built in speakers . I'd rather get one with separated speakers . They give a clear sound . Yes , but we shouldn't get any thing too big . Remember it has to fit in with our living room furniture . That's right . Now this one looks alright ? It's a detached or do you prefer this one ? It's Sony . Let's have the salesmen for a demonstration . The system keeps crashing when I try to access the personnel database . I think the file is too big . You'll need to expand your memory . First , close down all the files you have open , and then ... It's Chinese New Year ! That means it's time to eat hot pot ! Let's eat the kind that has both spicy and mild broth in one pot . You mean half-and-half ? Yep . That way I can satisfy my craving for spicy food and you can eat hot pot without burning into flames . Good idea . Let's go ! Excuse me , can I use your computer to type my paper ? No problem . I am afraid I can't finish typing it this afternoon . When will you use it tonight ? Oh , Never mind , I finished my paper . So you can use it tonight . Thanks a lot ! Hello , miss . Where is the button that controls my seat ? It's on the arm rest . Oh , I see . By the way , what shall I do if changes in altitude create pressure on the ears ? You can suck a candy or pinch your nose gently while breathing out . That shall help . Excuse me , Sir , you are not supposed to smoke here . I beg your pardon . Your seat is in the non-smoking section , so please refrain from smoking . Oh , I see , since I'm a heavy smoker . May I change my seat ? Then I'll try to find a seat in the smoking section . One moment . please.Thank you for waiting . I found a seat in the smoking section for you . Oh , did you ? Thanks a lot . Do you have all types of seafood here ? Yes , Sir , the specialty of our restaurant is the seafood . What do you recommend ? Perhaps you would like some sole . Many guests like it very much . OK , we will try it . Any drinks ? Two bottles of white wine , please . You should have been at home and enjoyed a big meal . Yes . I should have gone to buy the ticket in advance . But now ... But now you can stay with friends and enjoy a holiday too . Right . Let's go and find some fun . Excuse me . Does this bus go to the National Library of China ? Yes , there are three stops left . How long is the ride ? Well , you will get there in about a quarter of an hour if the traffic isn ’ t too heavy . Thank you . Would you please let me know when we get to the stop ? I'm a stranger here . Sure , madam . I ’ ll remind you . Sir , I want to ask for a leave for five days . Here is the request form . Let me see your form . You mentioned that you want five days to go back home for New Year , right ? Yes , I need to go home to have a family reunion . Do you still remember we already have a New Year celebration on January 1st ? Yes , sir . I remember it . But our Chinese usually celebrate the New Year on lunar calendar . Well , I understand that . Your request is approved . Remember to give my best regards to your parents . What kind of personality do you think you have ? I'm quite active and energetic . I approach things enthusiastically and I don't like to leave things half-done . Do you think you are introverted or extroverted ? I'm quite outgoing i think . I enjoy mixing and doing things with others . What do you think is the most important thing for you to be happy ? I maintain that the most important thing is having good friends . A person can't live all by himself I think . A friend in need is a friend in deed.The more really close friends I have , the better . What kind of people do you like to work with ? People who are honest , dedicated to their work and having integrity . Well , Mr . Brown , we've settled everything in connection with this transaction except the question of payment in yen . Now can you explain to me how to make payment in yen ? Many of our business friends in England , France , Switzerland , Italy and Germany are paying for our exports in Japan currency . It is quite easy to do so . I know some of them are doing that . But this is new to me . I've never made payment in yen before . It is convenient to make payment in pound sterling , but I may have some difficulty in making payment in yen . Many banks in Europe now carry accounts in yen . They are in a position to open letters of credit and effect payment in yen . Consult your banks and you'll see that they are ready to offer you this service . Do you mean to say that I can open a letter of credit in yen with a bank in London or Bonn ? Sure you can . Several of the banks in London , such as the National Westminster Bank and Barclays Bank are in a position to open letters of credit in yen . They'll do so against our sales confirmation or contract . I see . Next please . Hello . How can I help you ? I'd like to buy a ticket for New York . Would you like one way or round trip ? Round trip . When will you be leaving ? When does the next plane leave ? In about 2 hours . I'd like a ticket for that flight please . First class or coach ? Coach . OK , let me check availability . I'm sorry . Tickets for that flight are sold out . How about the one after that ? Let me see . Yes , that one still has seats available . Would you like me to reserve a seat for you ? Yes , please . That'll be 120 dollars . OK . Thank you , here's your change . Room service , what can I do for you ? I have some shirts that need laundering , and I ’ d like my suit pressed . There is a laundry form as well as a bag in your room . Pls fill it out and the maid will come pick it up . How long will it take to get my clothes back ? To press the suit only takes 3 hours . The laundry will be returned to you tomorrow around noon time . Is that all right ? That ’ s all right . Pls send someone to pick it up . Right away , sir . Tina Li , Financial Planner , how may I be of service ? Hello , Tina . An acquaintance of mine has just told me that your bank has started a new Personal Wealth Management Service . Is that right ? It certainly is . You can do almost anything with it , anytime , anywhere . How would I go about applying for this service ? All you need to do is sign up at any one of our branches and you can use the service right away . That's so simple . I'll come by my local branch later this afternoon and get it set up . Thank you very much , Tina . It's a pleasure . Thanks for calling Lincoln Bank . Reservation , please . Sure , sir . How many of you are there ? 5 , and please put us as close as possible to the stage . No problem , sir . When are you coming to dinner ? At 8 o'clock . What about the working hours ? Working conditions are very relaxed . You may work whatever hours you want , provided you get your job done properly . I like flexible hours . Would you mind changing the position or working place you've applied for ? No , I don't . How was your appraisal with the boss ? Oh it was really good . Do you know , he ’ s the nicest boss I ’ Ve had here . Yes , I think he ’ s the most relaxed person in management . What ’ s more , he said I was the hardest working person in the office ! That ’ s good . Maybe you ’ ll get promoted . I hope so . Then I ’ ll be the happiest person in our office too ! Welcome . How can I help you ? Hello , I would like a room please . All right . We have quite a selection for you to choose from . There are double rooms with twin beds , suites , if you'd like , we have presidential suite on the top floor . A double room sounds great . All right sir . How many nights will you be staying ? A few nights , I'm not quite sure of my schedule yet . OK . I'll just need to see a credit card and passport . Here you are . What is the rate for a double room for one night ? Since it is low season , we are running a special rate right now of 150 yuan per night . What about the features in the room ? Our rooms include television set , air-conditioning and a bathroom . Does the TV have cable ? Yes , sir . Oh , what a relief ! Thank you very much for your help , Miss . You're welcome . Excuse me , Miss.My friend is sick . Is he ? Yes , he looks pale . Is there anything I can do for him ? Yes.Please give him some water . Certainly . And do you have any medicine for airsickness ? Well , yes . I'll give him the medicine , too . I appreciate your help . Hello , this is Francis . Hi , this is Monica . I was wondering when we can work on this financial report . Today , I am busy all day long . Shall I see you on Friday morning ? That ’ s not good for me at all . It'll have to be another time . We must find some time to read report . I know . I am available from 1 PM to 4 PM on Friday afternoon . That ’ s all right . Then see you on Friday afternoon . See you . Where do you want to go ? I want to go to Lid Hotel . I'm sorry , but you got on the wrong bus . Which bus should I take then ? You should change to the No . 701 bus at the next stop . Thank you so much ! Not at all . Excuse me , can I use your computer to type my paper ? No problem . I am afraid I can't finish typing it this afternoon.When will you use it tonight ? Oh , Never mind , I finished my paper.So you can use it tonight . Thanks a lot ! I don ’ t know what activity my son should take part in ? Many children are learning drawing , dancing , swimming and so on in their spare time . You can follow suit . But each children has his own interest . Well , you should talk with your son and let him make his own decision . OK . Everything is in the bag . Excellent ! Let ’ s set off . Hello . Can I speak to Alice , please ? Hold on , please . Thank you . Sorry , but she's out . Would you tell her Tom Gray called ? I'd be glad to . Good afternoon , how can I help you ? Someone has stolen my gold necklace . I am sorry to hear about that . Would you mind coming with me to my office and tell me exactly what happened here ? Of course not . Are you sure that it isn't somewhere in your room ? Yes , I've looked everywhere in my room and I can ’ t find it . Ok , when and where did you last see it ? Last night on the dresser . I took it off before I went to the shower , and forgot to put it back on after the shower . And this morning I left the hotel in a hurry without wearing it . Are you sure you didn't wear it this morning ? Yes , I am positive . Did you remember to lock your door before you left then ? Yes , I think I did . It has to be one of your maids who took it . I want my necklace back . Well , I understand how you feel , and we will try to do our best to help you . But first please allow me to send one of the housemaids to your room to look for it again thoroughly , just in case it's still in there . If she finds it , we will all be happy . If she doesn't , we will turn the whole matter to the police . But I must say that the hotel can't be held responsible for your loss . You should have locked your gold necklace away at the hotel ’ s safety box . If you had read your key card carefully , you would have realized that we specially warned you to do so . That just isn't good enough . Cet me your general manager . I want to speak to him now . I am sorry , ma ’ am . Our general manager is not in town . But I ’ d be more than glad to get you our assistant manager , if you like . But I am afraid that he will say the same thing . We have very clear instructions about valuables and we must follow them . And now if you will excuse me , I'll go and find our assistant manager for you . Did you hear who won the election ? I can ’ t believe that Obama won . I couldn ’ t be happier to know that he ’ s our new President . I know ! He just made history ! You voted for him , right ? I did . Did you ? I voted for him . I am so happy that he is our new President ! So am I . I hope that he brings change to America . I have faith in him . I have faith in our new President . Are you willing to work abroad ? Why not ? It's the very reason why I've applied for this job . It's really exciting for me to experience business in an international environment . How about your family ? They don't mind . Hello , sir . Can I help you ? What time is check-in ? 12:00 . You have to wait for a while . OK . Well , sir . Come with me . I will show you the waiting room . You must be tired . Have a short rest there . We will call you later . Thank you . Could I have my bill , please ? Certainly , sir . I'm afraid there has been a mistake . I'm sorry , sir . What seems to be the trouble ? I believe you have charged me twice for the same thing . Look , the figure of 6.5 dollar appears here , then again here . I'll just go and check it for you , sir . I need to get some beef . Do you know what kind of beef you want ? I want to get some ground beef . How many pounds do you need ? I would like four pounds of ground beef . What kind of ground beef do you need ? I would like the extra lean . Let me go and get that for you . Thank you very much . No problem . I'll wrap it up for you now . I appreciate that . Good morning , I am here for my interview . Hello , nice to meet you . I ’ m Mr . Gotcha . Have any trouble finding the place ? No problem . So why don ’ t you tell me why you are interested in changing positions ? Unfortunately , our company is shutting down due to the economy . What would you consider your strengths ? I am probably best at researching for marketing purposes . What is your biggest weakness ? I tend to get bored easily and so love to keep myself challenged . We have a position where that could work out well . When can I move into my new house ? The current owners will be moving out on Tuesday , so technically you could pick up the keys and move in on Wednesday . Will the utilities be turned on ? You need to contact the utility company and make arrangements to transfer the utilities to your name . I really want to paint the walls right away and get the carpet cleaned . If I were you , I would take a few days to take care of those things before you move in . I was thinking that I should have my new appliances delivered as we are moving in . That would be perfect . That way , someone will be there , but you will have them right away . Can you help me on my move-in day ? I think that I have something else really important to do on that day . I just can ’ t remember what it is . When you told your mom you would be home around 2 am , She must have a cow ! You are right . My mum must be crazy . My accounts go where I go . Vince knows that . Wow . You are a real snake . It's business , Dave . I know , I know . Kill , or die , right ? Right . The faint of heart should not apply . I really feel sorry for that rhumba boy if he ever identifies himself . So do I . Do you know what exporters consider ? Well , they consider some distinct but related problems , such as seeking for a target market or locating the promising customer . An exporter needs to know about the social characteristics of people he is dealing with . Could you talk about it in detail ? Ok . You need to know what they like or dislike , what religions they follow . Especially you need to know how they behave , their habits and their way of life , the things that they are used to . Sometimes , people in different countries , have varying outlooks for cultural , political , religious . I understand . Thank you . Steve , thanks for looking after Johnny . It was a pleasure , Mrs . Robinson . And this kitchen is so clean . Did you help Johnny with that ? I helped break ... I mean WASH ... all the dishes ! That's great . And the garbage , too ? Yeah , uh , it's outside . Listen , I really have to be going now . Thanks for your help ! Hello , welcome to IBA . What can I do for you ? Do you offer a safety deposit box rental service here ? We certainly do . May I ask you the purpose of the rental ? I'd like to put some valuables inside , you know , documents and jewellery , things like that . I see . We have various rental periods . How long would you like to rent it for ? What rental do you offer ? You can choose a short-term or yearly rental . I'll have to ask my wife how long she'll need it for as it is mainly for her belongings . I'll come back after we have discussed it . Thanks for your help . May I please speak to Tom ? He's with someone right now , would you hold ? Haven't run into you for ages ! It really is.You ' Ve changed so much . Really ? Good morning , Mr Bell . How are you today ? Are you here to sort out your L / C documents ? Yes . I've been through them and there's a problem , a rather major discrepancy actually . You see ? It should be KN509 . I see , here it says KM509 . Exactly , if we accept these it could cause a lot of problems in our record and our accounts system because the numbers don't match . Yes , I see what you mean . You need to reject these documents . Good evening , this is housekeeping . May I help you ? Yes . This is room 207 . There isn't any hot water in my bath room . Can you send somebody here , and do something about it ? Yes , sir . We'll be there shortly . I am glad you are here ! See if you can find the problem . Everything is OK now . Thank you for repairing it . You are welcome . It's our job to keep things running smoothly . Today , we have invited a special guest , Prof . Yang . He will give us some advice on the legal aspects of international business . Your international legal advice is important to our business well being . Please give us some counsels on such issues as which laws govern the contract , what recourse is available for default or breach of contract by our clients or what to do if a dispute arises . The significance of understanding the nuance and distinctions of foreign customs and business practices are a continual challenge for global entrepreneurs and trader . Despite many countries accession to TO membership , trade and investment frictions are still predominant among existing membership . However , these frictions will be better managed under the TO trade rules and the organization's dispute settlement mechanism . In spite of this , international business contracts and arrangement must be precise , specific and all-inclusive to lessen misunderstanding , misconceptions and disagreements to the minimum 。 Problem and disputes occur mainly due to difference in the laws of countries involved . For this very reason , it is imperative to establish from the outset which law governs when disputes arise . The most fundamental principle of all international contracts is the applicable laws and regulations . Make sure that the arbitration clause in your business contract be all-inclusive . How can we protect our patents and trade market abroad ? Yes , it will be your utmost interest to protect your intellectual property such as your innovations , idea , designs and copyrights in your target country . As you know , our main focus is to penetrate the markets of countries in Asia . What is the current legal framework in the countries ? The lack of regulatory transparency was a problem and still is to some extent . However , the countries are moving forward to deepen their reforms , new changes will involve the establisher of legal structures to sustain high levels of foreign as well a domestic private investments . This will surely strengthen the law and regulations in the countries , especially , areas related to trade issues . Several years ago , the countries and China singed memorandums of understanding , pursuant to which the countries will improve their laws government intellectual property rights protection over the following two to three years . Precisely , the actions the countries have committed to take are consistent with TO agreement . I'm sorry I scratched your car . Don't worry about it . It's just a drop in the bucket . That car has more scratches on it than I can count . How are you , Mr . Zhang ? Very well , thank you . And you ? Fine , too , thanks . We met one year ago . We both took part in a party held by our company last year . That's right . How nice to see you again . Me too . How is your family ? they are doing well . Say ' hello ' to them for me . Of course . They will be happy you asked about them . I'd like to invite you for dinner tonight . Do you think you'll have time ? Thank you for your invitation . I'm free tonight . Which kind of food do you like to eat , Chinese food , western food or seafood ? I prefer seafood . OK . I will pick you up at your hotel at 5:30 p . m . That's fine . I'll be waiting for you . See you later . Bye . I feel absolutely horrible . My temperature is 41 degrees Celsius , and I've got a headache and a runny nose . Do you have any other symptoms ? I've also got a terrible stomach-ache . Is my face still swollen ? Just a little . Has your toothache gone now ? Yes , for the most part . It doesn't feel as bad as my other ailments , anyway . How about your tongue ? Does it still hurt ? No , the burn ointment seemed to take effect right away . I think it's already healed . How did you get that burn again ? I scalded on the hot coffee a few days ago . You haven't had much luck lately , have you ? No , but I'm sure I'll get better soon . When's the last time you took your tablets ? I took the red ones just before lunch and the white ones just after lunch . I think it's time you took another dose of each . What would you like to drink with them ? Just some water , please . Do you have any ointment for my nose ? It feels so itchy after blowing my nose so much . Sure , I'll just go and get it now . what would you like to eat ? Some soup ? that sounds good . soup always makes me feel better when I'm sick . I hope it makes you feel better , too . Is everything alright ? Yes , everything is fine . What took so long ? I thought your flight was supposed to arrive 3 hours ago ! Didn't they announce that our flight was delayed ? I didn't hear anything about a delay . I thought everything was running on time . What happened ? We boarded the plane on time , but then we were held up for almost an hour due to a maintenance problem . Then what ? Your plane was three hours late ! We finally took off , but about 30 minutes later , the captain came on to the loudspeaker to warn us that there would be some bad turbulence for most of the flight . Turbulence is pretty normal , isn't it ? Yes , but this was the worst turbulence I'd ever experienced in my life ! Everyone started getting sick . The flight attendants had to stay in their seats . The captain decided to land early . So where did you land ? We landed in Southampton and waited an hour for the storms to pass and then took off again . That sounds like a nightmare ! It wasn't too bad . At lease I'm alive . Have you had anything to eat ? I managed to get a sandwich from a flight attendant . How about you ? I had a few coffees while I was waiting . Let's get out of here ! Do you have any more questions ? No , sir . Let's call it a day then.Good - bye , everyone . Good-bye , sir Can we talk ? What about ? I ’ m not too clear on some things about my lease . Is there a problem ? How many years is my lease for ? In three years your lease will be up . Can I move out before those three years ? If you do , I will keep your deductible . Why would you keep it ? I would keep it because you would be breaking our contract . I get it now . I hope that I cleared things up for you . What's the admission charge ? An all-day pass is 30 dollars for adults and 20 for children . Two adult passes , please . That'll be 60 dollars . Three twenty-five cent stamps , please . Here you are . Seventy-five cents , please . And please send this letter by registered mail . Is there anything valuable in it ? There's a check for two hundred dollars and a photograph . Shall I make out a receipt ? No , don't bother . That will be ninety-five cents in all . I'm going to go to the concession stand and get some popcorn and Coke . Go ahead . Waste your money . What are you talking about ? We always eat the stuff here . Well , I don't ... anymore . But what's a movie without munchies ? I didn't say I was going to deprive myself . John , do you have a minute ? Oh , hi , Leo . Sure , what ’ s up ? Well , I ’ Ve been meaning to talk to you about the situation in the office . I ’ m not in there very often . It ’ s so noisy that I can ’ t work . That ’ s exactly what I ’ m getting at . We ’ re supposed to be able to do our preparation and marking in that office , but have you noticed ? Jack constantly has students coming in to get help with his course . A lot people are going in and out . Has anybody spoken to him about it ? No , not yet , but someone ’ s going to have to . We can ’ t really ask him to stop having students come in for help , can we ? No , of course not . But I ’ m not able to do my work and neither are you . How about recommending him to use the storage room down the hall ? Oh , that would be too small . With the cabinets taken out , it might be bigger than it looks . Come to think of it , you may be on to something . Let ’ s go have a look . Let ’ s rock n ’ roll . Do you have any seat preference , madam ? Yes , could you please put me in the non-smoking section ? Would you like a window seat ? Yes , if any one is available . But not over the wing . I am sorry , there is no window seat in the non-smoking room . It doesn't matter , I will take an aisle seat . If I understand the terms correctly , the length of the contract would be one year with a one-year option . Is that correct ? Do you mean the contract for equipment rental or the one for training ? I was under the impression that both contracts had the same terms . Yes and no . Let me see if I can clarify that . The terms are the same except that the contract for training has a clause that allows for the cancellation after the first six months . Could you elaborate on that ? Sure . What I mean is that either side could cancel the training contract after the six months as long as it's in writing . Let me see if I have that right . This contract is for six months of training , but if it isn't cancelled , continues for another six months . Is that right ? Yes , that's right . Okay , that's clear enough . Let's move on to the other terms . I've got a telegraphic order . Will you cash it ? Have you got any identification ( ID ) with you ? Yes . Here is my passport . What currency will you have ? US dollars , please . All right , and how will you have it ? 500 in twenty dollar bills and the rest in a dollar bills . Here you are . Please count . Jack , I don't know how to write my resume . Could you tell me about that ? You should first write your name and contact information . What does the contact information include ? Such as your land line phone number , mobile phone number and e-mail box . Anything else ? Then you should write your objectives , such as seeking a position in foreign trade . I see . It is the position desired Yes . After that you should emphasize your skills , educational background and related experience . I see . Skills are about specialty , and educational background is easy as well . But what about related experience ? I have little work experience . Don't worry . It will take time to accumulate experience . You need to be confident for yourself . I see . By the way , should I write the educational background starting from elementary school ? Generally from the college Thank you very much . I will write it right now . . Hello , madam . Where to ? Could you please help me put my bags in the truck ? No problem.Get in now . Take me to Hilton Hotel . All right.Got it . Will you sit down , Mr . White ? Thank you . It's very kind of you to invite me to such a beautiful place . I propose a toast to your pleasant tour in China . Thank you very much . This food is a Wax specialty . Please help yourself . Thank you . Oh , it tastes nice . Jim . How are you ? I haven ’ t seen you for a while . I ’ m fine . I ’ Ve been out of town . I just got back . Where were you ? I was in New York for a wedding . Tell me what ’ s the matter with you , Bill . I cannot , Mum . Nobody can help me ! Come on . Let ’ s talk heart to heart . I think we can find a solution . Gosh ! The water faucet is dripping badly again . You are going to have a huge bill . I know . I ’ Ve got to get it fixed ASAP . Don't you wanna get it fixed now ? I wish I could , but I ’ Ve got to go now . I have an appointment in 20 minutes . Well , if you need anything , just let me know . Oh , by the way , could you give me a ride ? My car is still in the garage . You sure have bad luck these days . Taxi . Yes . Where would you like to go ? Central Park , please , but can you make a stop at Union Square ? I wanna pick up my friend there . Of course . How long do you think it will take to get to Union Square . Well . That depends on traffic , you know . It's pretty heavy this afternoon . Can you make it in 15 mins . I am already 10 mins late . I'll try . Where exactly is your friend waiting ? On the 14th Street side . Oh , we are already at the 16th Street . You are fast . Can you make a left at the next corner ? You've got it . I think he is around here . Can you slow down ? Ah , there he is . Here we are , Central Park ! Thank you . How much is it ? Well , it's $ 12 . Here's $ 15 . Keep the change . Thank you . ( Bob groans . ) What's the matter.Bob ? I think it's my ankle . What happened ? One of my snowshoes got caught on a rock . Can you stand ? I don't think so.It ' s kind of sore . We'll have to get you to a hospital for an X-ray . Is that really necessary ? It may be worse than it seems . How's it feel ? About the same . Someone will be out to take a look any minute now . Should we be here , Alice ? I don't think it's that serious . Of course ! It's the sort of thing a hospital emergency ward is for . Will we have to wait much longer ? I hope not.It isn't that busy . What kind of breakfast do you want ? Is there any difference ? Yes , a continental one contains eggs , bacon , toast and juice . American one is the same as a continental one except the egg . I think I would like the former one . What kind of packing do you plan to use for this consignment of goods ? Cartons . Is that okay ? I'm concerned about the possible jolting , squeezing and collision that may take place when these cases are moved about . Well , what I can tell you is this . We've got an excellent record on making deliveries to our customers . Besides , all our cartons are lined with shockproof cardboards and are wrapped up with polyethylene sheets . So they're not only shockproof but also dampproof . In that case , I guess I can rest assured . Well , I guess you can say that . The safety of packing is something we always pay a lot of attention to . Especially for those fragile commodities , we've got to be extra careful . Otherwise , if the things we don't want to see happened , we would be responsible and that'll cause you a lot of inconvenience , too . You're right . But wouldn't it be safer to use wooden cases ? We sure can if you want us to , but the charge will be much higher . It wouldn't be worth the trouble in that case , would it ? Let's still use cartons . Sure , no problem . As I said , cartons are good enough for goods like this . You don't have to worry about it . Hello . Can I help you ? Hello . Is my laundry ready ? My room number is 210 . I'm afraid it is still being washed . Can you take the stain off ? Yes , we can . But you need wait a moment . That's right . Can I get it back in the afternoon ? I really need them tonight . Yes , it will be ready then . OK . By the way , please get them pressed . No problem . Good evening.can I help you ? We'd like to have break fast in our room tomorrow ; Would you please arrange it for us ? Sure . Shall I make an order now ? You don't have to . This is your knob menu.Just tick off the items you want for breakfast . write down the time and hang it outside the door before you go to bed tonight . That's really convenient . Excuse me . I wonder if you could help me . I'm looking for the Oriental Pearl Theater . Boy , you are lost . It's across town . Oh ! What bad luck ! How can I get to the Theater ? You can take a No . 12 bus here and then transfer to a No . 23 bus to get there . This bus goes all the way to Santa Anita mall , right ? Yeah , it'll take us there . Are you positive ? I always catch this bus . How long is this bus ride ? It only takes about half an hour . Where do we get off at ? We can get off the bus right behind Macy's . There's a stop right next to the mall ? Yeah , it's right in the parking lot . That's cool . Yeah , I know . Want to meet for lunch this Saturday ? Sorry , I can ’ t . I ’ m busy . What are you doing ? I always do volunteer work on the first Saturday of every month . What kind of volunteer work ? I help out at the children ’ s hospital . I help plan activities . Oh , yeah ? Yeah . It ’ s exciting . This month we ’ re doing crossword puzzles . Housekeeping . May I help you ? Yes . This is room 804 . I can't find my coat . I was wondering if it's in the lost and found . I can check for you . Could you describe the coat ? It's a light blue coat . It's got a hood and a big silver zipper . When was the last time you saw it ? Last night . I think I may have left it in the lobby bar . OK . I ’ ll check the lost and found and with the bar manager . We'll do our best to find it . Thanks . I appreciate that . Good morning . Can I help you ? Yes . Do you have any seats available on a flight for Beijing leaving at 15 Sure we do . First-class or economy ? One economy , please . Can I help you ? Yes , I want a pair of sport shoes , Jordan . What size do you want ? Size 41 . Here you are . They fit me . Can you make it a little cheaper ? It's already on sale now . Have the owners answered back with a counter-offer for my offer to purchase the house ? In response to your offer , the sellers have decided to counter-offer three hundred and thirty-five thousand dollars . That sounds pretty good to me , but I am not sure what to do . You can accept this offer or decline it and come up with another offer . If I make another offer and they refuse , then what ? Personally , I would consider making one more offer , but it is up to you to decide what to do . Let ’ s try going with three hundred and thirty thousand dollars for a counter-offer . I will contact the sellers with your current offer . Do you think that this will move along fairly quickly ? Usually the response to the second offer moves along a bit more quickly than the first one . Any phone calls for me while I was out ? Yes , your wife and your dentist called . Thank you . You're welcome ! What qualities do you think a business manager should possess ? Creativity , the ability to organize , the entrepreneur's spirit , comprehensive knowledge of human studies , ability of gathering information , expert competence of communication and deep professional skills . If a client complains about the service of your department , what will you do ? If I'm in the service center . I'll listen to the client patiently , and accept the criticism objectively . Then I will have the claim reasonably settled . Hey , Tom . I saw this ad in the paper . You should take a look . What is it ? It's for a job . It looks perfect for you . Let me see . Wanted , manager for up-and-coming firm . Must have good organizational skills . Experience a plus . Please contact Susan Lee . Oh , I don't know ... Come on ! What have you got to lose ? What about my resume ? Here , I ’ ll help you type one up . Thanks , Mary . You are real pal . I'll call now to set up an interview . I hear Fred is a very good student in your class . Though he's not the one who can get the highest score , yet , on the whole , he is comparable to the best . What do you mean by on the whole . I mean he's a student developing all round . Can you get me a taxi ? We offer various types of transportation . Perhaps you'd like to upgrade to a private vehicle ? Thanks , but no thanks . A taxi will do just fine . In that case , how about a limo ? Then you can travel in style . No , I hate limousines . They're gas guzzlers . Got it , sir . Where would you like the taxi to take you ? My destination is Rockefeller Center . What time do you want to leave the hotel ? As soon as possible . I'll call the taxi immediately , sir . Okay , I'm coming downstairs now . A brand new taxi is pulling up now . These vegetables taste very sweet . Sure , I planted them . They're organic . Really ? Dad , how do you know how to plant organic vegetable ? Well , it's a secret . Dad , come on ! Just tell me . Well , honey , I can teach you how to plant them if you want to learn . You ’ re free to go . That ’ s great . What are your plans now that you ’ re getting out ? I want to go back to school . What is your major going to be ? I haven ’ t decided yet . I hope I don ’ t ever see you back in here . I ’ m never coming back . This really isn ’ t the place for you . I realize that . Good luck out there . Thanks . Things are going to be different now . What are you here for today ? I need to fight this ticket that I got . Is the arresting officer here ? Yes , he is , Your Honor . Plead your case . I was told by the officer that I ran a red light . That information isn't true . Why would the officer lie ? I'm not sure , but the signal had a camera on it . Did the camera take a picture of your license plate ? No , my picture wasn't taken . There was no picture taken , so I'll let you go . Thank you very much , Your Honor . You have been doing a great job this year and I am very satisfied with your work . I am very happy to know my work could be recognized by you and our company . Based on your contribution , I would like to give you a pay raise . Your monthly salary will be increased by 800 Yuan . This increase includes an 80 % married increase based on your achievements and increase responsibilities and then the additional 20 % increase were reflecting the changes in cost of living . I really appreciate it . Thank you . I am sorry for damaging your car , sir . Don't worry about it . Just leave it to the insurance companies . The car park in this community is over crowded , isn't it ? Yeah , more and more cars . People should try to take public transportation . There aren't enough buses in this city , are there ? Yeah , sometimes I really feel like writing a letter to the mayor . That's too much of hassle . We just want a little bigger parking space . Have you taken this to the property management , yet ? No . but I'm gonna . You know , several months ago , I backed into red Honda when parking . Where ? On the road ? No , right here in the parking lot . It was parked right here in your space . The left rearview mirror was smashed . Is the car owner a lady with deafening voice ? Yes ! How do you know that ? That's my wife ! Do you really think we can beat WebTracker ? Of course . How can you be so sure ? Do you know something I don't ? I have a plan for handling WebTracker . Step one is the contract . What's step two ? Don't worry about that , Dave . Look , I have to see Vince now . Think about what I said . Michael , it is time to wake up . Huh ? Yes , it is time to wake up . And , also , from now on I will speak only English to you . And you should speak only English to me , too . Okay , mom . Right . That's good . It will be hard at first , but I think I can do it . I know you can do it . I will do my best . That is great . All I want is for you to do your best in everything you do . Wow ! It's hot today ! Do you want to get an ice cream cone ? No Let's go to an ice cream parlor ! They have way more flavors to choose from there . I feel like having something special like Neapolitan ice cream . What's that ? It's three different flavors mixed together . Chocolate , strawberry and something green with candied fruit . Do they have ice cream bars . frozen yogurt or frozen chocolate mousse ? Absolutely ! They also have real Italian Galatian and French sorbets . They do a great baked Alaska . Maybe a vanilla ice cream milkshake would be good . What's your favorite flavor ? Well ... l like the traditional flavors like rum raisin , butter pecan . maple walnut , strawberry , chocolate and vanilla . But now there are some new flavors from Asia like green tea and durian . God ! Even talking about it makes me feel like l'm gaining weight ! That's OK . We can go jogging , after we eat ! What do you consider to be your strong points ? I think I ’ m tough not only physically but mentally . Why do you say that ? I have been playing football since high school . At present , I ’ m a member of a community football club . Really ? Are you still playing ? Yes . I practice every weekend with my teammates . I see . You must be tough . I never get tired . I think this comes from practicing football . What do you consider to be your weak points ? Frankly speaking , I ’ m a typical Chinese workaholic . I don ’ t mind working late at night . Due to that , I tend to leave the office late . What kind of people are you reluctant to work with ? So far I haven ’ t met any particular kind . However , I may rule out those who prefer chatting to working . Do you prefer to work alone or as part of a team ? It depends on the type of work . Usually I prefer to work alone , because I ’ m self-motivated . But I can work either way . If necessary , I don ’ t hesitate to join the team . What would be my daily duties ? Your job includes paper filing a lot . Anc you will have to check and fill the stationer cabinet regularly . Besides , you have to reserve the meeting room in advance if the are any important visitors . Got it . To whom should I report ? Of course to me . Excuse me.In this museum , you are not supposed to take pictures . Is that right ? I didn't know it . Will you give me your camera ? We have to confiscate your film . Will you forgive me ? Could you return my camera ? We keep it and return it later . Oh , I see.Then can I buy slides and picture postcards somewhere ? You can buy them at a souvenir shop near the exit . Mary sings much better than Susan , doesn't she ? Yes.But Mary is no match for Susan in painting . Maybe it's because Susan's parents are both painters . Hi , darling ! I have a one-month vacation saved up . How about a trip to Europe ? I could go for that . But I'm afraid our budget is a little tight this year . Oh , but I really need to leave this town for a change . Working day after day has worn me out . Do you have any other suggestions ? We should probably think about going somewhere that isn't too far away . How about the countryside ? There must be many interesting places , and we could enjoy the fresh air . Wonderful ! I think that's a great idea How soon until we can make this happen ? I can't wait ! Tomorrow I have an appointment with my dentist . What about next Monday ? Perfect . I'II start preparing tomorrow . If we re going to drive , l'II need to fill up the tank . No need . I think it's still plenty full . Even so , I'd rather travel by bus or train . It would cost much less than driving . Oil prices are soaring nowadays , you know . We can take the train , that will be faster . I'II book the tickets tomorrow morning . Great ! Oh , one more thing , don't forget to check the weather before we go . I'd hate to get caught in the rain . No problem . I'm really looking forward to the coming week . Me , too . Now let's make a list for what we need to with us . What a surprise we've met here ! Haven't seen you for ages.Where have you been ? I've been in China.Where were you ? In Thailand . I taught English there . What do you do if you find something that isn't on your list ? It depends what it is . Once we have disconnected the unit , we do as many jobs as we can . If there is something that isn't broken but might cause a problem before the next service then of course we repair it or replace that part . But if it's not urgent , we make a note in the service record to carry out that repair next time . Can anyone tell me where I can buy the ingredients to make Chinese food ? There is a supermarket in Kensington High Street . I'll come and give you a hand . That is good of you . Here , take one of these trolleys . What do you want exactly ? I'm after things to stuff dumplings with , like Chinese cabbage The fruit and vegetables are over there . Pork . Where's the meat counter ? Over there . Hi , Brad . How are you today ? Just fine , Mr . Emory . Could you please sign this memo ? I want to get it out to everybody this afternoon . No problem . Is this the only one ? Yes . That ’ s for today . Thank you . Can I help you ? I want a leather jacket . What size , please ? Size 40 . What color would you prefer ? Let me see . Do you think a brown one will do ? Well , the brown one is beautiful indeed , but I think the black one will suit you better . Really ? Please get it for me . Will there be anything else ? Is this dress made of pure silk ? Yes , it is . It's brilliant . Is it washable ? Yes , it is . But you have to be careful . How much , please ? Only 350 yuan . All right . Will you wrap it for me ? OK . Here you are . What do you consider to be your weakness ? I am a little bit shy and I blush every time I speak in public . I think I should open myself more and be more outward with people . Anything else ? I am self-indulgent sometimes . Rich ! I ’ m glad I caught you . Mr . Carlton ’ s just come over here from the main office . Yeah ? What does he want ? He needs to see the two of us to talk about next week ’ s annual sales meeting . I haven ’ t got two minutes at the moment . Can ’ t you go over things without me ? How long will it take for our order to be delivered ? Let's see ... You are importing fifty containers of textiles from China . They should be able to place your order before the end of next week . It will take 2 days for shipping to the port city of Ningpo . The freight will take 3 weeks on the open ocean , and will arrive in Los Angeles approximately a month from today . Domestic shipping will be your responsibility , you can make arrangements with the pier in Los Angeles . Fine . We will handle domestic shipping , but what about customs ? Will we have to pay tariff on our imports ? I hope we don't run into any problems with the border control . No , the Chinese company has that all worked out . With the paperwork you receive with the shipment , you should be good to go . Professor Wang , what is non-tariff barrier ? Non-tariff barrier is another mean to restrict imports . Can you give an example ? For example , some countries restrict imports by quantitative restriction . Why ? This is used to protect local industries or to achieve certain political objectives . Oh , Are there other means ? Technical barriers are set for imported goods . This is designed to exclude them from domestic market , isn't it ? Yes , some countries may use some of the unnecessary health rules to exclude foreign food . Is this the workshop to prepare for an interview ? This is the interview class . Welcome to our class . I am really excited to be taking this workshop so that I can get ready for my interview next week . We are all learning things that will help us in our interview . What do you think are some important considerations going into your interview ? I think that we should dress neatly and appropriately . Yes . Second , as you can imagine , attitude and friendliness go a long way . Yes , and I always feel much better when I am friendly . Believe it or not , the interviewers are as interested in your questions as they are in your answers . Any more hints as to what I should do in an interview ? Always be honest with your answers . The interviewers really do want to know if you will be a good fit for them . Hello . I'm now trying to take a bath , but there are too many buttons.Would you tell me how to use them ? I see , we have explanation leaflet on the table.If you follow the directions it is quite simple . I read it , but I couldn't understand it.Would you come to my room and tell me how to use them ? Oh , certainly . And also tell me how to use other switches . Oh dear , I ’ m late . I have to be in the office by 8am . Oh really what ’ s happening ? Well there is an important meeting with a new client . Ok but you must stay calm . Do you want me to give you a lift ? Oh , you don ’ t have to do that but it would be a great help . Ok , wait one minute . I must remember where I left the keys . Good morning . May I speak to Mr . Black , please ? Speaking . This is the Front Desk . I'm afraid that the air conditioning in your room needs repair . We would like to request you to change your room . We are very sorry for the inconvenience . 0K . Well , I suppose I have no choice . What do you want me to do ? What time is the most convenient for you to change rooms , sir ? I'm going out in about half an hour . What time will you be back ? Oh , around seven o'clock , I suppose . We could move your luggage while you are out , but could you take any valuables with you ? You may pick up your new room key No . 216 from the Front Desk when you return . OK . I'll do that . Thank you very much , sir . What seems to be the problem ? I have a really bad toothache ! My cheek is swollen and I can ’ t eat anything . Let ’ s have a look . Mmmm . This doesn ’ t look too good . I think we may have to pull out your wisdom tooth . It ’ s pressing against your molars and that ’ s one of the reasons you are experiencing so much pain When you pull my tooth will you also have to extract the nerve and the root ? First we will take some x-rays and see what we ’ re dealing with . I also noticed a small cavity up front here , so you are going to need a filling . I guess that ’ s what I get for not flossing or brushing my teeth three times a day . It could be that , or maybe you are eating too many sweets . In any case , I ’ ll administer an anesthetic and you won ’ t feel a thing ! Excuse me , waiter . I have just dropped the spoon onto the ground . Would you please bring me another one ? Sure . Wait for a moment . Here you are . Thank you . We'd like to have some dessert . Here is the menu . Yes , madam , can I help you ? I'm feeling a bit airsick . We have the medicine for that . I'll go and get it for you . Thank you . oh , can you get me some orange juice as well ? Certainly . I'll be back right away . Hi , Madam , I'm new here , could you tell me where is boarding gate ? What's your flight number ? Wait a second , please . Oh , it's CA193 . Are you a transfer passenger , sir ? Yes . Then the north line is the right track for you to take . It's so nice of you . Do you think we can get to the airport by 8 We should make it , if there isn't too much traffic . Is it the rush hour now ? Yes , but don't worry . We'll make it . Mmm ... it is delicious . Oh , do you really like it ? Yes . It's superb . Well , it's kind of you to say so . In fact , could I ask you for the recipe ? Sure . It's really very easy . First , mix together an egg , two teaspoons of salt , and two pounds of ground beef . Then , add two ounces of milk . Are you with me ? Yes , I've got it . OK . Next , put the mixture into a baking pan and bake it forty-five minutes at 360 degrees . Wait a minute . I didn't catch you there . Could you repeat that ? Sure . Bake it forty-five minutes at 360 degrees . Now , I've got it . Thank you . Hi Cody , how did practicing go this week ? Well I had several tests and an oral presentation this week so I didn ’ t get a chance to memorize the second page , but I think I mastered the tricky section . Great ! Warm up with some scales and arpeggios first . Good , good . This week , work on keeping the rhythm steady when you play the last part with the sixteenth note . Now let ’ s take a look at this tricky section . Charles ? Before I start I was wondering if it was ok if I put a small crescendo in here and then decrescendo back to pianissimo again over here ? It might work . I ’ ll have to hear it . Show me what you ’ Ve done . Not bad . It was horrible ! I played play it much better at home ! It ’ s just nerves . Just play the right hand for now . One two three four five six , ta ti tri-ple-ti . Good , good . Don ’ t forget the accidentals ! The key signature says that note should be a G-sharp but now it ’ s a G-natural . Now add the bass clef . You ’ re going too fast . Remember the tempo for this piece is andante . Is that better ? Yes , much better . Watch where you lift your foot off the pedal . What was that ? Sorry ! The stretch for that octave is always hard to make . That ’ s ok , keep going , you ’ re moving ahead by leaps and bounds . Watch your dynamics ! Keep your elbows lifted . Remember to stroke the keys , don ’ t pound . That ’ s better ! Remember that as a pianist or any other musician , your technique will be what separates you from the pack just as much or more so as your musicianship . Those are the headlines for today , and now for the international weather report with Mike Sanderson . Thank you , Bob ! This past week has been the beginning of Armageddon for many , a series of unprecedented meteorological events occurred around the world . In Switzerland , a major avalanche was reported in the Alps . Fortunately , no one was injured . Due to to the extreme cold this winter , a blizzard has struck the US Midwest , causing classes in schools and universities to be temporarily canceled . Moving to to Latin American , Ecuador has suffered a six month drought that has not only affected farming , but has also forced the closure of the hydroelectric power plant that provides electricity for the entire country . In Chile , a major earthquake that registered seven point five on the Richter scale struck the southern region . Losses are reported to be in the billions . Authorities have not yet released an official statement . Not a great week for the world ! Any good news ? I ’ m afraid not , Bob . One of the major volcanoes in Mexico has erupted , causing major floods and landslides in the region . Meanwhile , Mexico ’ s coast has been hit by hurricane Liliana and officials say that all the seismic activity leads them to believe that a tsunami may hit Central America , affecting Honduras , Guatemala and Panama . That ’ s all the news we have for today , but stay tuned for updates on the six o ’ clock news . Back to you Bob . Would you like to have this kind of suitcase ? Yes , I would , as long as it's good quality . You can check it , sir . OK . Are you going to vote ? Yes , are you ? Yeah , but what day are the elections ? You don ’ t know what day the elections are ? That ’ s why I ’ m asking you . They ’ re this coming Tuesday . Really ? Yes , I ’ m serious . Good thing you told me . I can ’ t believe you didn ’ t know when the elections were . It slipped my mind . You should watch the news more often . I want to get a snack at the cafeteria . What are you going to buy ? I may just get some chips . I'm probably going to buy something too . What do you want to get ? I want some sort of candy . What kind do you want ? I want some chocolate . What kind of chocolate ? I'm going to get a Snickers or a Kit Kat . I don't think they sell Kit Kats . I'll just get a Snickers then . I really think all Americans look alike . You ’ re crazy ! You haven ’ t been here long enough . But they do . What makes you say that ? They wear the same clothes , they ’ re all blond , they all drive cars , they all own Parker fountain pens ; they all drink Coca Cola , and they all chew gum . I disagree with you . They don ’ t all wear the same clothes ; they ’ re definitely not all blond ; they don ’ t all own Parker fountain pens ; they don ’ t all drink Coca Cola , and they don ’ t all chew gum . I do think they all drive cars though ! But that doesn ’ t have anything to do with how they look ! Maybe I am just homesick . I know you ’ re right . I just miss China , that ’ s all . Dan , Dan , dude . You have to come over to my house right now ! Is everything OK ? Just get over here ! Come in ! Quickly ! So , since when is your house a bank ? What do you mean ? I mean , what ’ s up with the locks and iron bars on your windows . Security , Dan , security ! You can never be too safe you know ! A lot of sickos out there . Just the other day they caught that peeping tom red handed ! Had a high power telescope and binoculars by his window . What ’ s the matter with you ? Why are you acting all paranoid ? Paranoid ? I ’ m not paranoid ! I ’ m cautious ! You see Dan , we have to be on guard at all time ! People just invade your privacy as if they knew you ! Telemarketers , solicitors , even your bank ! They have way too much information ! I like to keep everything on a need to know basis . OK , well , what did you want to see me about ? You are being watched ! Be careful Dan ! Be careful ! I can't believe my eyes , Bill . Are you having a salad for lunch ? No hamburger ? Get used to it , Mary . I'm off hamburgers for good health . Most fast food is loaded with sodium . I know . But why are you suddenly interested in lessening your salt intake ? My doctor says I should cut back on sodium-rich foods to lower my blood pressure . Do you have hypertension ? I would have thought you were too young . Actually , my blood pressure isn't that high yet , but they say it increases with age . Well , I'm glad you're starting to pay more attention to your diet . I want to lower my risk of heart attack and stroke , too . So do I . That's why I've been trying to lower my cholesterol level . I've noticed you've been munching away on lots of fruits and vegetables recently . That's right . I could stand to lose a few pounds , too . I have had some really horrible headaches lately . How long have your headaches been going on ? I get headaches occasionally , but they have been really bad lately . Any unusual amounts of stress in your life going on right now ? I am getting ready to take my GRE . Have you been able to sleep regular hours ? It has been hard for me to sleep with a bad headache . Has anything hit you in the head lately ? I hit my head on a cupboard door a week ago . Let ’ s have you come back in a few days and see how you feel . Excuse me . Do you know where I can find the nearest ICCC ? Yes , but it's quite a ways . Do I need to take a bus ? This bus doesn't take you directly there.You ' d have to change buses twice . I suggest you walk . It'll take you less than 20 minutes . How do I get there on foot ? Go straight ahead through the intersection . Wait , let me write this down ... Alright , I'm ready . Keep walking till ou pass the square , then turn right . Walk past two lights and turn left at the third . Square ... turn right ... traffic lights ... And then ? Keep walking and look for a tall building . Tall building ... Which side is the building on ? The right side . ICCC should be on the first floor . Thank you very much . You're welcome . This is the Pan-American Club . May I help you ? Yes . I believe you have a luncheon meeting this coming Wednesday . Could you give me some more information about that ? Yes , of course . The guest speaker is Professor David of a University , and he'll be lecturing about The impact of the Oil Crisis on Latin America . Mmm , that sounds very interesting . Daddy , I want to buy a ten-speed-sportsman . How much is it ? Is three hundred dollars enough ? No , I'm not asking for money , I'm asking for your advice . Oh , you've already grown up , son . Wake up , Mary . What is it ? It's eight in the morning . We're all going to church . Do you want to come ? No . I'm not a religious person . Are you sure ? Maybe next weekend . I went to bed too late last night . Okay , then . We'll be back around noon . Alright . We have received your resume in answer to our ads . I would like to talk with you regarding your qualification for this position , OK ? It is my honor to have this chance for this interview . Well , my major is commercial English . You know , and I am not only familiar with useful English expressions in business , but also learn some theories on this field . Besides , during my college learning period , I also attended some commercial activities to strive for the opportunity of practicing what I learned . What is your greatest weakness ? Well , I was a diligent student when I stayed in my college . I dislike meeting the deadline , when I am working on a project . I am always willing to complete it well ahead of the schedule . What is the greatest disappointment in your life ? Well , I lost my grandpa when I was only ten . I often recall the period when he fed me . Well done ! Another question ! When will you start work , if you are hired ? I will start my work at the beginning of next month . May I be of any assistance ? I want to have a look at the microwave ovens . You can have a broad choice here . Are you interested in a particular brand ? Not really . What are these toys over there ? Ma'am , these are complimentary with each purchase . How about that one below the toys ? This is the best seller . They are of the latest model that can be found in town . I don't like its color . A bit too bright . Do you have a grey one ? Yes , we do . What a great taste you have ! But we only have one left in stock . Really ? How so ? You know a good product will always sell ! Would you mind waiting for a while , we'll get it right away . Okay . Here it is . It's very elegant , I think you will like it . How about its quality ? Its durability will be a big surprise to you . What about the price ? 500 yuan . And if you buy it today , there will be a 15 % discount for you . Do you have deviled crabs ? Yes , sir . It's the specialty of our restaurant . I want an order of that . By the way , I want it hot . I like chili . OK , sir . Don't you want to have some drinks ? Bring me a bottle of beer . Can you help me find a pan ? Are you looking for a small , medium , or large pan ? I want a big pan . Does this one look big enough ? Yes , it's the right size , but it weighs too much . Well , what do you think of the aluminum pan ? It's light enough , but the handle will get too hot after cooking . Here's the same pan , but it has a space-age , heat-resistant plastic handle . Oh , my family's going to love this one . I'll take it . I'm so happy that you found what you wanted . Do you want to use a credit card ? Sure . Wait , wait . Does a lid come with this pan ? Oh , I'm sorry . Here's the lid . Yes , it comes with the pan . You're looking very well . Thank you . I try to keep in shape . Do you often exercise ? Yes , as long as I can find the time . I like swimming best . What style of swimming do you like best ? I like the back best . I am good at freestyle stroke , but I usually use breast stroke as it keeps me from getting tired . I think butterfly stroke is the most difficult style to learn . I agree . I'm not good at it , either . Can you swim ? How about going for a swim this Saturday ? Oh , no . I am quite a stone in the water and cannot swim . What can I do for you ? Yes , I made a reservation for 3 days for April 3rd to 6th , and my name is Sara . Yes , what's the problem ? Well , I want to extend it for 2 more nights . So you will stay until 9th ? Yes . OK , we'll make the correction for you . Thank you . Mr . Johnson , there's something I'd like to talk over with you . Would sometime this week be convenient for you ? Let me see . Would it be all right on Wednesday morning ? That'll be fine . Then I will see you in my office at ten Wednesday morning . Are you sure you know where this bus goes ? It should go to Altadena . What do you mean it should ? I'm not completely sure if it really does . Dude , are we on the right bus ? I'm almost positive that this is the right one . It doesn't look like we're on our way to Altadena . We have been riding this bus for a long time . What does that sign say ? I think it says Temple City . Yup , I'm never trusting you with the bus schedules again . I'm sorry . But at least we know which bus to catch to get back where we started . Yeah , at least . Hi , can I assist you in any way ? Oh , thank you . Yes , please . What I need is to handle some domestic affairs . Oh , I see . In what area ? Well , I need a Deposit Certification to handle this . Yes , we have this service . Have you got a deposit certificate and your passport ? I'm sorry to ask you , but your passport is very important . Yes , yes . Here it is . By the way , is there a handling fee ? Yes , I'm afraid there is . You'll love this . It's a chick drink . What's that supposed to mean — that it's weak ? Well , that too . I mean that it's kind of sweet . See if you can guess what's in it . Mmm ! Beer , tequila , and ... lime ! Not bad . You really know your booze ... So I guess you know what's in the salsa , too ? Fresh tomatoes , green and white onions ... Don't tell me you're a salsa expert , too ! What's your working day like ? I have a typical nine to five job . Actually , I work a little longer than nine to five most days . Do you get paid overtime ? No , I don't . I get a bonus each month , depending on the value of the contracts I sign with clients . Do you have any breaks ? We have an hour-long lunch break from twelve to one . We can take coffee breaks during the day . My boss doesn't mind , as long as we get our work done on time . My boss gets annoyed if we take coffee breaks . I suppose your job involves a lot of paperwork , doesn't it ? There's some paperwork , but most of the time we put the information into our computers . Then we can send information to each other by email or across the network . Do you work in a cubicle ? Yes , I do . I don't like it very much . I work in a cubicle too , but I don't mind it . My minibar is completely empty . Everything in that minibar has been consumed , sir ? Everything's gone . Is there anything special you'd like ? Just bring me three bottles each of Jim Beam and Perrier . Okay , sir . Three of each . Would you like anything else ? The fruit basket was great . I need a few more apples , please . Perrier , Jim Beam , and apples . Is that it for now ? Yes , one last thing Your order will be brought to you momentarily , sir . Jacob , are you interested in helping me out and going on a blind date with a friend of mine ? That depends . What does she look like ? Well , she's got a beautiful face and long curly red hair . How tall is she ? She's fairly tall , maybe 2 inches taller than me . Is she chubby ? Not at all . She's actually very athletic . It sounds like she's pretty good-looking . Does she wear glasses ? No , but she does wear contact lenses . How's her skin ? She's got a gorgeous complexion with a few freckles on her nose . Does she have any piercings or tattoos ? I think she has her ears pierced and she definitely has a few tattoos What's the tattoo on her foot like ? It's a butterfly - everyone in her family has one . Even her mom ? Yes , even her mom . What's her personality like ? She's a lot like me . So there is something wrong with her ! It was beginning to sound like she was too good to be true ! Look , I've got a problem here . Will you help me ? I'm not sure if I can , but I'll try . Hello , Mr Lawson . It's a pleasure to see you again . You seem to be in here all the time at the moment ! What can I do for you today ? I've prepared some L / C documents , all in accordance with the conditions . There shouldn't be any problems ; I've done about a million of these things recently . You're right , no problems . You are becoming quite the expert , Mr Lawson . If any problem does turn up , which I'm sure it won't , I'll give you a call . Thanks very much . I'm sure I'll be back , so see you again soon . Bye ! Hello , there . You are looking a little confused ; can I help you with something ? Well , I've always used the Bank Book , but now I have this card . I don't know how to use it in the machine . Don't worry ; I can help you with that . I understand that new technology can sometimes be unnerving . The first thing we need to do is check the ATM is in service . This one is fine . Yes , I sure can . I feel like a dinosaur with all of these youngsters and their electronics . This machine is working , then ? Yes , this one is in service . Put your card in here , in this slot and wait a moment . Then you will see some instructions on the screen . Oh , it wants me to put in my PIN number . OK , I can do that ... And press ' enter ' to confirm , here . Now you need to decide which service you need . There are so many to choose from . I didn't know you could do all of this using a card . That's the beauty of these machines , you can do almost anything . And unlike a person , they don't usually take breaks or go off sick ! Could you send up a Coke and a salad ? Yes.Which kind of salad dressing would you prefer ? Make them with French dressing . I'll do that then . Excuse me . I want to pay for these items . OK . This way , please . How much is it all together ? Let me see . 100 dollars . Can I pay by credit card ? Sorry . You can only pay in cash . OK . Here you are . Thank you . Do you need the invoice ? Yes . And can you pack the things up , please ? Sure . I'll get right on it . This blouse is a special offer today . You can have it at 10 % off the regular price . It's nice , but still too expensive . Can you give me a 20 % discount ? No . 10 % is my last word . Come on . Let's split the difference , 15 % . May I have two full fare tickets and one half ticket ? Show me your card , please . Here you are . That's right , sir . Here are your tickets . Have a nice day . Thanks a lot . Please pull your vehicle over to the side of the road.Please roll down your window . What's the matter , sir ? Have you been drinking ? No , I haven't sir . Really ? But I can smell alcohol on your breath . Blow into this breathalyzer , please . But , sir , I didn't drink at all . If you refuse to blow , you'll receive a much severer punishment . OK . I'll blow . Your BAC exceeds the legal limit . But I ... I'll have to write you a ticket and suspend your driver's license for 3 months . Tomorrow is my day off . I wonder if it's convenient to change our appointment from tomorrow to next Wednesday , still at the same time . I'm afraid I won't be free next week . It's a shame.Will this afternoon be all right ? But I can only spare you an hour and a half today , from four o'clock . That's OK . Can I help you ? I'd like two kilos of eggs . What kind ? Do you have the eggs with the red yolk ? Sorry , madam . We have stopped selling those kinds of eggs for a week . Why ? You know , red yolk is proved unnatural . It's artificial , and may lead to cancer . Oh , My God ! That's terrible . Yes , so they are no longer being sold . Then give me the ordinary ones . Madam , what can I do for you ? Next week there will be a meeting with the manager of USE Company ; this is an important opportunity for our company to have a new relationship with a new partner . So , I want you to prepare an instruction book with detailed introduction of our products . This introduction will be presented in the meeting . I get it . And ... ? Remember to add an agenda for this meeting and show our warm welcome to them . How about adding some pictures of our products for the introduction ? Good idea ! The pictures will illustrate the performance of our products vividly . OK , I will prepare it right now . A , do your best , it's very important . Please trust me . I will finish it very well . All right . I want to bring everybody in on this project . When can we start working on this ? Well , we could probably get started with a strategy meeting tomorrow morning at 8: 00 . I tell you what , 8: 00 is no good for me , but why don't you guys get started and I'll come by at around 8: 45 or so . That's fine with me . How much time are we going to have to work on this ? Do you want to sign for a Korea language class ? What for ? Oh , I see , you mean next year our company will expand business to the South Korea market . Right , we have located a business partner in Seoul . The first contact proves to be successful . The general manager of South Korean company has scheduled to pay a visit to us next month . I think it is quite possible to set up a joint venture company with them soon . Well , sounds promising . But I think our company will provide us with the language training courses if it is necessary . We need not bother signing for the language by ourselves . A slow sparrow should make an early start . You know , I am not quick at learning any language . If we are to modernize our information processing , manufacturing system and management code , we need to complete our office automation . Yes , you're right . We have to equip our company with a network of workstations at every office as soon as possible . Our copying machines are too slow , our telephone system is limited in function , and our offices are not well-equipped for us to work efficiently . To improve the offices for higher efficiency , we have to change all the chairs and some of the desks also , redesign our office so that we may have more space . Good . We can contact the Tiana Office Furniture Store , and ask them to install computers in our company , deliver new tables and other furniture to match the function of the computers , and to improve our work atmosphere simultaneously . Can I help you ? Thank you , but I'm just looking around . How much does this skirt cost ? This is the new style.Two hundred and twenty-eight . May I try it on ? Of course , please . Can you give me a better deal ? Two hundred and ten yuan . It is the lowest price . Well , I'll give one hundred and eighty yuan for it . Well , two hundred yuan . No , this is my final offer . OK , I'll wrap it for you . Hello , Steven . Do you have any questions to ask me ? Yes . There are several data documents about this contract . Please advise me which one I should give up . Let me see . The data documents with ' A ' and ' B ' are the drafts , and the ones with ' C ' and ' D ' are formal contracts . Do you know what I mean ? I see . Thanks for your instruction . Not at all . I am pleased to tell you these . Daddy , do you mind helping me prepare the supplies for mountain climbing . OK . I am coming . Is it gonna to rain tomorrow ? I have checked the weather report . It says it will be cloudy , but no rain . Just take my umbrella in case of rain . Daniel , don't forget to take enough water and food . Definitely , or else , I will starve to death halfway up the mountain . Me , too , haha . Daddy , may I take your compass ? I feel so cool with it in my hand . All right . Oh , I nearly forgotten , I left my sneakers at my office . It doesn't matter . I can go with you to the supermarket to pick up a new pair . OK , after we finish our preparation , we'll go to the supermarket . May I help you ? I don't feel well . I need an airsickness bag . Yes , madam . There's one in the seat pocket . Here you are . Thank you . Should I bring you some water ? Yes , please . I want to buy some jewellery . What kind of jewellery do you like to have ? I should like to look at some bracelets . May I show you gold ones or jade ones ? Jade ones . OK , here they are . What's the price for this one ? Eight hundred yuan . How about seven hundred yuan ? I'm sorry , we only sell at fixed prices . OK . I'll take it . Well , it was nice talking to you . It was nice talking to you too . We should really hang out again . That would be fun . Where do you want to go ? I think we should go out to eat . That sounds good . All right , so I'll see you then . I'll call you later . Okay , I'll talk to you later then . See you later . Bye . Good Morning , sir . What can I do for you ? Yes , I'd like to change Australian dollars for RIB . How much do you want to change ? I am not sure . What's the rate today ? It's 1 Australian dollar to 6.1 Yuan RIB . What was the rate yesterday ? The rate was 1 Australia dollar to 6.5 Yuan yesterday . Oh , the rate goes down . It does , sir . Do you still want to have it changed now ? Let me think ... Will the rate still go down tomorrow ? I don't know , sir . But it won't change much . Well , I want to change 1000 Australian dollars for RIB . Okay . Please sign here in this form . OK . Here is the 6,100 RIB . Thank you very much . I'm freezing . Turn down the air conditioner , will you ? But then it'll be too warm . Not if you take off your jacket . Well , here is your breakfast ! Thanks so much . Miss , I believe I ordered my eggs scrambled , and these are fried . Sorry , your friend over there ordered fried eggs , and I gave you his by mistake . Oh yeah . Here , I will just trade with him . Here are your pancakes , madam . But I ordered waffles ! Oh , I am so sorry ! That's OK . I will eat my eggs and bacon , and you can take my pancakes back . Good , sir . I will take care of that right away . Thank you so much ! This is a nice place , but you need to get some furniture . I have some I can bring from our place , and there ’ s some more out at my parents ’ . Do you have a bed ? Yeah . I have one from college at my parents ' house . Can I take a shower ? Sure , but I don ’ t have hot water , yet . Really ? No , they ’ re coming tomorrow morning to turn the gas on . My phone should be working then , too . Well , do you want to go get some dinner ? Yeah , I can ’ t cook anything until tomorrow , anyway . The total for all these items comes to $ 36.78 . Take my VISA . There is something wrong with your card . What ’ s going on ? Your card was declined . That can ’ t be right ! Would you like me to try another card ? I don ’ t have another one . What about cash ? I didn ’ t bring cash with me today . I ’ m sorry , but you can ’ t take the items until you can buy them . I ’ ll come back for them tomorrow . For me , now an important question to buy an Accord is the time when I can get this car . I need a new car rather soon . Well , I can say that the new models will be here in August . If you order one now , we will have it for you in August . That's good enough , I think . What colors does the new Accord come in ? We have this new model in red , white , black , or silver . These are the standard colors . Of course you could specially order from various other colors too . My brother has last year's Accord . And his car is a kind of soft purple color mixed with silver . I really like that color . I wonder if I can get that color on my Accord . I know the color you mean . Is this it , sir ? Yes , I think that's it . Can I get that on the Accord ? Yes , you can . That color is very popular with Honda buyers . So we've kept it available . Well , I think I want to order the new Accord then . It looks like an excellent car . You have made a good choice , sir . I drive an Accord myself . They are very solidly built machines , very reliable . Yes , I know . I think Honda is the most reliable car on the road . I would never change to anything else . The Honda I have now almost never has service problems . It runs smooth as silk . Alright , sir . I will get the paperwork ready for you . Just a moment . So , where can I start my work ? Well , your job is to compile and analyze financial information to prepare entries to accounts . You ’ re also responsible for preparing profit and loss statements and monthly closing and cost accounting reports . And I represent ? Our company just concluded a business transaction . You can help with documenting varies financial sheets involved in this transaction . Ok , thank you . You ’ re welcome . Feel free to ask me any time you need help . Congratulations , Francis . Your hard working finally pays off . I am so happy for your promotion . Thanks , Monica . Without support from you and other colleagues , I would not have made it . I hope I could get promoted some day . Tell me about your experience , ok ? Well , just saying that you wanted to get promoted is not enough , you need to write down your desirable position and an available plan for achieving that adjective . Don ’ t be afraid of taking challenging . They might be opportunities and failing is not fatal . You learn more from that actually . Sometimes , you need to fail to be successful . How do you think if I volunteer for some work ? I think it is a smart idea . Our boss always likes it when employees take initiatives . How many places have you worked altogether ? Three . Would you tell me the general description of your present job ? I am in charge of the trading department . I'm handling invoices , shipping bills and computing freight costs , that's most of the documentation . What time do you go to work ? I must be there no later than 9:00 . What time does the office close ? I quit work whenever I get finished , usually about six o'clock . Does your work involve a lot of paper filling and typing ? No , the secretary does this . It's not part of my job . What made you decide to change your job ? I am working in a small company where further promotion is impossible , so I decided to change my job . I'd like to find a job which is more challenging . What's today's date ? It's July 5th . When are you going on vacation ? I'm leaving on Sunday . We're going to Canada . Really ? The day after tomorrow ? That's very soon . Yeah I know . How long are you going to stay there ? About 2 weeks . When are you coming back ? I'm coming back on the 17th . Alright . Have a nice trip . Peter , it's time to go home now ! Hurry up ! Ten more minutes , mom . Please ! Honey , it's almost noon . We have to go home and make lunch for your sister . I bet she will hang around with her mates after school . Peter , it's a quarter to twelve . Let's go home now ! Excuse me , can you show me the cloisonn bracelet in the counter ? Sure . Let me get it for you . Can you also show me this one ? No problem . This one is made of pure gold . I think the cloisonn bracelet is more beautiful . You ’ re right . This one costs less , but is more beautiful . Will the luster fade out after some time ? No , we guarantee the quality . Ok . Can I try it on ? Certainly , the mirror is right here . Hello , Madam . What can I do for you today ? Hello . I'd like to send 600 RIB in cash to my daughter . How long will it take for her to receive the money ? It's very quick and easy . It just takes 24 hours , we guarantee that . All you need to do is fill in this slip and we can proceed . Are there any extra charges , like commission ? There is a service commission that you must pay . It's 1 % of the funds to be remitted , so you should pay an extra 6 RIB . Oh , Sam ! Is this your dog ? It's Cindy , you know that . Hey , Cindy , say hello to Maria . Cindy , you're so cute . She is also very naughty . By the way , do you have a dog , Maria ? I have a little white cat . Oh , a cat ? Come on . Yes , cats are always gentle . and they don't need a lot of space since they're small . But I think they're dull , aren't they ? Not at all . They're quiet most of the time.But they can be every bit as affectionate as dogs . Well , cats are certainly more independent . Absolutely . Believe it or not , I found my cat by a garbage can around my neighborhood two years ago . oh , really ? so you just took home a stray cat ? Yes . It was starving and looking for something to eat when I saw it . Poor cat . Now we get along very well . It makes me feel that I'm someone special . Hello . City News . Can I help you ? Hello . My name is Jessica Smith . I ’ d like to cancel the newspaper . Okay . What ’ s your account number ? 8902365 . And your address , please ? 845 lincoln Avenue . When do you want it cancelled ? Beginning the first day of next month . Okay . What's your name please ? Wang Yongmei . Why are you applying for a visa ? I want to immigrate to the States because my daughter works and lives there . How long has your daughter been in the States ? About nine years What's her job ? She is a teacher in a highschool , She teaches Chinese . OK . thank you . Could you please fill out this form ? All right . Watch out , Jenny ! Be careful of the cars . I'm fine , dad . Did you get hit ? No , dad . Can I go there to play ball ? Watch out for strangers , and don't go too far away . Alright ? Can you tell me how to reach the bank please ? Which bank ? There are two , the Allied Irish Bank and the Bank of Ireland . I have an AIR pass card and I want to withdraw money from the bank . You need to go to the Allied Irish Bank which is near the local shopping centre , Dunned Stores . How do I get there . I have no knowledge of this area . Cross the road and turn left at the other side . Walk along the footpath until you reach the traffic lights . You will see a shopping centre on the right hand side . Walk across the road and turn right after the shopping centre . Keep going straight for about 100m and the bank is to your left . It sounds very complicated . How far is it from here ? It's not so complicated . It's about five minutes walk from here . I can draw a map for you if you wish . Oh , I would really appreciate that . By the way will I be going North or South ? You will be going northwards . You are now in the the Western part of the city and the Allied Irish Bank is situated in the North East . Here's a rough sketch of the area . So how did I do ? Not too good , I'm sorry . I lost ? It was close.To be honest , you had the lowest price by three cents per hint , but they didn't like your delivery date.Acme promised them almost a full month sooner . So the price was good ? Yes , they loved the price , the delivery date was the problem . They just didn't want to cut the delivery date that close.If something went wrong and you didn't deliver , we might not be able to get stock in time for Christmas.If you could have been two or three weeks faster on delivery , they might have gone with you . So I didn't miss by much then . No.It was very close and they argued over the bid for a long time . Better luck next time . I knew the delivery was slow but I figured the price would win it for me . That's possible , Bill.But the price would have to have been a lot lower , like around fifty cents per unit . I'd have a look at some pots and pans . We've got several kinds . All are made of different materials . What kind is most durable , please ? Well , here is one made of duralumin . That's cheap and durable . Over there we've also got some made of stainless steel , and those over there are enamel ones . I'll have the stainless ones . They look very solid . Yes , sir . Stainless steel products are always popular . Is supper ready ? I'm hungry . Almost ready . Could you set the table ? Ok . What are we having ? We'll have fruit salad to start and then the roast beef . I'll have my beef well-done , please . By the way , don't we have soup tonight ? I didn't prepare it , but if you want , I can cook some . What soup would you like to have ? Let me see . Well , I'd like onion soup . Thank you . Hello there , Sir . I've dealt with you before , haven't I ? You remember me ! Yes , I'm with Li Wang Enterprises ; I'm the Accountant Peters . Yes , of course , Mr Peters ! Good to see you again . What can we do for you today ? Well , we've just acquired a new business so we need to set up a lot of services with you . We are particularly interested in Agent Services . I see . We offer Agent Services free of charge here . Before your new business begins trading , we could , on behalf of your existing company , do a series of registration and get the certificates you need . If you are unsure of the local laws , that is . Madison Suites , how may I help you ? Yes , I'm calling from Mexico . I will be in town next week and would like to know if you have availability . OK ma'am , can you tell me the date you expect to check in ? Yes , July ninth . I will be there for seven nights . We have a junior single suite or a superior double suite available for those dates . What's the difference ? The junior suite is smaller and has one twin bed , while the superior suite has a double bed and mini-bar . OK , I would like to reserve the superior suite . Is breakfast included ? Yes , a buffet breakfast is served every morning . I will need your name and your credit card details in order to complete the reservation . Sure , my credit card number is ... Do you have a same one in yellow ? Here you are . You look younger in yellow . I think so too . How much is it ? $ 100 . Well , that's too expensive . I can't afford that . Could you cover for me on Tuesday ? I'm not coming back until Wednesday . Sure . What ’ s up ? We're going to the beach for the weekend . Are you going fishing ? No . Just some fun in the sun . We really need to get away and relax for a few days . Well , don't worry . I ’ ll take care of the business for you . Have fun ! Hello , can I start you off with anything to drink ? Yes , may I have some water , please ? Sure , would you like any appetizers today ? May I get an order of barbeque wings ? No problem , can I get you anything else ? No , thank you , that'll be all for now . Okay , let me know when you're ready to order your food . I'm ready . Okay , what can I get you ? May I have the fettuccini Alfredo ? Will that be all ? Yes , that's it . Are you ready to order yet , sir ? Yes , I think so . I ’ d like to have one medium steak , and a bottle of wine . Yes , sir . It'll be a moment . Ok . Miss Liu , please come in . What can I do for you , sir ? Copy this report for me . OK . But which size should I use ? You should use the A4 paper is all right . I see . Should I have it bound ? It is unnecessary . That is all right . Would you like to come to our factory for a visit ? Oh , yes.Thank you . I'd be glad to . You can look around our new workshops and the automatic machines . I'm sure the output of your production will increase a lot . Here's the schedule we've prepared . Oh , thank you . Do you mind if we talk about your schedule tomorrow ? That will be best . I'd like to have a good rest first . And this is the schedule for Mrs . Watson . Eileen from our department will take care of her . Ok . Shall we discuss the schedule in the lobby ? All right . I'll see you in the lobby tomorrow morning . Where were decorating and I ’ m going to ask some things . Well , I ’ ll be glad to help you out . We can deliver what you need to your office . Shall we need at 1 fifteen this Thursday ? We definitely need some new filing cabinets and at least one desk unit . Fine , I ’ ll bring both our office furniture and equipment catalogs on Thursday . Hello , Ms . Murphy ? Yes ? Who ’ s calling ? It ’ s John Anderson . I ’ m afraid I ’ m going to be out sick today . I ’ Ve got a nasty cold . I hope you don ’ t mind , ma ’ am . No , that ’ s no problem . I ’ m sorry to hear you ’ re not feeling well . Get some rest . If you need to see a doctor , let me know . There are so many Chinese people in Vancouver . The Chinatown in Vancouver is the second largest Chinatown in the North America . Good morning . Are you ready to order ? Yes , I am , thank you . I'll have three scrambled eggs with country ham , toast and jam , please . Would you like anything to drink ? I'll have a tomato juice and some iced tea . Anything else ? Could I have a slice of pumpkin pie ? Sure . Coming right up . I heard you were promoted to general manager of IBM's China Headquarters . That's true . I got the news yesterday . You did a good job for the company . You deserve it . You're flattering me . So . this is your first day in the new position . How do you feel ? Not bad . I'm confident . And I like challenges . I believe you are cut out for this position . You're an outstanding individual . Thank you . The telephone is ringing . Can you answer it , Sue ? OK , I'll get it . It's for you , Jeff . Thanks , Sue . Do you know where I can find old music boxes ? You could try shopping at a flea market . What's that ? I've never heard of such a thing . A flea market is an outdoor place where people sell all kinds of used stuff . OK , Where can I find one ? Well , you can check the local paper or search ‘ flea market ' online . Good morning , sir . What can I do for you ? Some friends of mine are going to visit me this evening . Would you please buy some fruit for me ? Yes , sir . Do you need some flowers ? That's a good idea . Can you help me to get some ? Certainly , sir . What kind of flowers would you like ? A basket of lilies . You need fruit and lilies . Am I right ? Right . Here is five hundred yuan in advance . Is it enough ? I think it's quite enough . I'II have them bought for you as soon as possible . Great ! Thank you very much . How long do you plan to stay here ? To speak frankly , it doesn't depend on me . How so ? I really want to obtain a permanent job . I won't leave as long as I have opportunity to apply my knowledge and get on well with my superiors and colleagues . What are your future plans and what kind of expectations do you have of the company ? I know that generally it is possible to move from this position to a management position with two years experience in the company Is Bob home ? Sorry . You've got the wrong number . I need to get a taxi . We have a variety of transportation services . Would you prefer a private vehicle to a taxi ? No , that won't be necessary . I just need a taxi . Perhaps you'd prefer a limousine . That's such a stylish way to travel . Just a taxi , please . And what is your destination ? I'm going to Rockefeller Center . I see . What time do you want to depart from the hotel ? I want to leave as soon as possible . Okay , a taxi will arrive in seconds , sir . Thank you , I'm coming down now . It won't be but a few seconds , sir . Your house is very old . Does it need redecorating ? Yes , it really needs redecorating . Shall I help you with it ? I don ’ t suppose you could . I have much time . I suppose it can be done . I ’ ll be glad if you would . What's your weight . 150 pounds . Do put yourself on a diet , otherwise you'll be too fat . I can't bear eating less . I heard you've found a new job . Yes , I'm now working in a company . So you're quite happy with your new job ? Right . I enjoy what I'm doing . How can I help you ? I seem to have lost my train ticket . What ’ s your destination ? I ’ m supposed to be going to shanghai . Ok . When is your train supposed to leave ? It ’ s supposed to leave in 30 minutes . OH , dear . What ’ s your last name , please ? S M I T H . And your passport number ? Z3264356 . Let me see ... it doesn ’ t look like we have any information about your ticket here . Is there anything you can do for me ? If I don ’ t make it to shanghai in time , my wife is going go kill me . Oh dear . I ’ m really sorry , sir . But you don ’ t have any proof of purchase . You ’ ll simply have to purchase another ticket . How much is that going to cost me ? It depends on how you want to travel . If you want a soft sleeper , it will cost 610 RIB , if you want a hard seat , it will only cost 100RMB . I can ’ t possibly travel on a hard seat for 10 hours ! looks like you might like the soft sleeper then . Yes , fine . Let me see how much money I have in my wallet . ... sir ? Where ’ s my wallet ? Someone has stolen my wallet ! Perhaps it ’ s in your other pocket . You ’ re right . It is . Let me have a look . I have 419.6 RIB . is that enough ? You ’ re just 4 mao short for the hard sleeper , but I ’ ll let it go . Anything for love ! Thanks , ma ’ am . You ’ re a lifesaver ! Hello , Room Reservation Service . May I help you ? Yes . This is Mrs.Davinson . I'd like to reserve a two-room suite for tonight . Let me see . Yeah , There are two such rooms left . May I have your name please ? Mrs.Davinson . Mary Davison . M-A-R-Y , mary . D-A-V-I-N-S-O-N . Davison . OK . I've got it . Thank you . Good-bye . Good-bye . Well , what's the matter with you ? I've got a sore throat and my chest hurts . Have you got a headache ? Yes , I ache all over . Are you coughing much ? A little bit . Now , let me listen to your chest . Ah , you have a temperature . Breathe deeply . That's right . Well , don't worry , it's only a throat infection . There's nothing wrong with your lungs . And how is your appetite ? It's gone completely . Show me your tongue , please . All right , stay in bed and keep yourself warm . I'll prescribe some pills for you to take . Is that all doctor ? Yes . You'll be better in a few days , I'm sure . Thank you , doctor . Goodbye . Goodbye . Hey man , you hit my car . I really didn't mean to . It doesn't matter , because you damaged my car . It looks okay to me . Look what you did to my rear bumper . What's wrong with it ? My bumper is smashed in . I didn't do that . Your front bumper is just as damaged . If you'd just give me your number and insurance , then I'll handle it . Here . I'd better get a call from you . Don't worry . Could I have a refund on this ? I'm afraid you can ’ t . Then can I exchange it for something else with the same price ? Just a moment . Let me find out . Our manager Wil be here in a minute . So will you speak to him ? OK . I will . Are we going to have dinner tonight ? What are you planning on making ? I'm not cooking dinner . The only way you're eating tonight is if you cook . I'm not sure what to cook for dinner . I don't know . What do you want to eat ? I have a taste for some chicken and potatoes . That sounds delicious . So are you planning on cooking it ? I already told you that I'm not cooking tonight . I'll cook dinner . I already know . Start cooking . Can I help you , sir ? Yes . I want to rent a formal suit for an interview . Can you give me some advice ? Yes . You should rent a brown suit and a black shirt . May I try this on ? Yes . Let me help you . Have you got anything to declare , madam ? No , I haven't . Have you got any wine or spirits ? No , I don't drink . What about cigarettes or cigars ? I've got some cigars . How many , madam ? Two small boxes . Excuse me.May I see the manager of your store ? I am the manager.Can I help you ? Oh , great , I saw a job ad outside your store . I am interested in the job advertised . I am coming to see if there is any opportunity available for me . All right.Take a seat , please.Would you like to be a shop assistant or a cashier ? I can do the work of shop assistant and I worked part time in a small department store during my summer vocation last year . So now do you want a full-time job or part-time job ? At present , both are OK for me.What do you need most , then ? Now we really need some part-time workers.You see , our full-time staff knocks off at five pm , but now we hope to extend the hours to eight pm.We need some part-time shop assistants to work 3 hours a day from five pm to eight pm.But I am not sure if you are qualified for the job.Since most of our customers are foreign , competence of good communication in English is necessary here . I think I can . I have been learning English for almost 5 years and especially I am fluent at speaking English.Also , I have made some foreigners friends during the experience of learning English . That is fine . I think you have the qualifications needed for the job , so I will let you have the job.Does the work schedule suit you ? It quite suits me . I am free in the evening these days , I will have no difficulty starting at five pm . Good.There is only thing to be settled.Ten RIB an hour is the maximum we can pay you.Is the rate of pay acceptable to you ? It seems reasonable.By the way , I can get my earning raised with a excellent performance , can't I ? Sure.You will get more if you can invite more customers with your good service . I see . I will try my best to do the job well . That is good of you to say so.When can you start working ? How about next monday ? Ok.Let ' s make is next Monday . I n the end , you need to fill out the application form . Thank you for your kindness , ma'am . See you next Monday . Chinese tea is famous all over the world . I want to buy several boxes . There are various kinds of tea in China . It depends on the taste and effect . Well , I do not know Chinese tea at all . This is green tea , you can drink it in summer . It can relieve summer-heat and it is good for maintaining your lungs . Sounds interesting . What about this ? It is black tea , it has a strong taste and promotes digestion . What's this ? It smells fragrant . It is jasmine tea of high quality . It is fragrant and has a pleasant taste . I will take the jasmine tea . Could you pack it with the wrapping paper and ribbon ? It is a gift for my friend . No problem . Wait for a moment . Bob , did you see our supervisor ? I need him to sign this paper . He is in his office , but you'd better choose your words carefully while talking to him . What's up ? Nothing . But he is in a bad mood today . Thanks for the warning . That's all right . I want to rent skis and boots . Here you are . Have a nice stay here . Thank you . I am a learner so can you tell me where I can find a ski instructor ? We will find you one . Wait a moment . Thank you very much . So , now we have covered all the important points . Yes , I think so . Before we draft the contract , let's examine the details . Ok , under this contract , we ’ ll supply you with 600 dozen T-shirts , S , M and L equally assorted , at USD 100 per dozen , CFR London . Shipment in July . Payment by irrevocable sight LC . Perfect . But what I ’ m concerned about most is the time of delivery 。 You may rest assured that shipment will be effected within the time limits stipulated in the contract . But there is also one point I ’ d like to stress . Yes ? Your LC must be opened at least onemonth before the time shipment , otherwise we won't be able to catch the ship . No problem . I ’ ll have the covering LC opened as soon as I wetback . In addition , would you tell me by whom the commodity inspection is conducted before shipment ? The goods will be inspected by the China Import & Export Commodity Inspection Bureau . It will then issue certificate of quality and a certificate of weight . These will be taken as final and biding . Please remember to use both English and Chinese versions and both versions should be equally valid . Naturally . Each of us keeps one original and two copies . Then I ’ ll come along three days later to put my signature on it . Good . I want to buy some running shoes . Maybe New Balance . Why do you need running shoes ? You aren't a runner . But I exercise at the club . And I use the stepping machine.So I need good running shoes . That's not the same.Maybe you want to buy running-shoe-style shoes , but not real running shoes . What's the difference ? There isn't much difference . But there is some difference.For one thing , real running shoes are much more expensive.They have very lightweight materials.They ' re designed for serious runner And what are running-shoe-style shoes ? They look like running shoes.They have the same shape . And you can use them for running too.But they're not so serious . They aren't designed for serious runners.You can use them for exerce But they aren't as light , right ? That's right.If you want a really lightweight shoe , you should buy a high-quality running shoe . That's what I want.For exercising at the club . I can even spend 100 dollars on them . I don't care . But it's a waste of money . You won't really run in them ! You don't need such a shoe to use exercise machines . It's just a waste of money . My sister has New Balance running shoes . I want shoes just like hers . I don't care if they're expensive . And they look cool too . Well , do what you like.There are different kinds of New Balance shoes though.You don't have to buy the most expensive . I want the best.My sister said good shoes are very important . For support . They support your feet . Your sister is a fitness expert , huh ? No , but she exercises more than me . I really think you are stubborn about some things.But here . Let's look at the New Balance shoes . Here it is . This is what my sister has . Yes , that's it . That's their top model . I wonder if they have my size . Well , we can wait for the assistant to help us , or we can look through the boxes down here . What is your size ? Here in America , it's six . Well , here you are . Size six . Woman's . 137 dollars.Wow , what a waste of money ! It's none of your business . Let me try them on . Hello , this is Francis from XYZ Company . I would like to discuss with you about a new project some time next week . Do you have time to meet ? Well , I am not sure . Lets me check my agenda Ok . I am free on Tuesday afternoon from 2 PM to 4 PM , is it convenient for you ? It is ok with me . So I will be arriving at your office around 2 fifteen PM . Do you have a projector in your room ? I would like to show you some related charts Yes , there is . See you then . Here's your roast chicken , ma'am . Thank you . Excuse me , waiter , could you bring me some barbecue sauce ? Certainly . ( He brings her the sauce . ) Here you are . Can I get you anything else ? I'm fine for now , thanks . Good afternoon , is there anything I can do for you ? Yes . My eyes are small so I want to buy false eyelashes . That will make your eyes seem bigger . Can you recommend me one ? Sure . It's the latest . Welcome to IBA . What can I do for you today ? I'd like to pay some money in using my card , please . No problem . Could you let me have your card and the money to be deposited ? Here it is . I usually use the machine , but there seems to be such a long queue at the moment . Yes , it's the same every day during the lunchtime rush . We will be putting in a new ATM in the near future , though . That should help to ease the queues . I'll look forward to that , I can't stand queuing . I know what you mean . How much would you like to deposit with us today ? 1,000 RIB , it should all be there . That's correct , 1,000 RIB . I'll need your personal code to deposit this . Could you enter it on this key pad , please ? OK , done . When will it show in my account ? Not for withdrawal , I mean just registered . It will show in your account straight away . Here's your card back and could you please sign the slip here ? That's fine . OK . Thanks . Mike ! Look at the floor ! What's wrong with it ? What's wrong with it ? It's filthy ! Oh ... It's filthy because you never wipe your shoes . Sorry , love . What are you looking for now ? My cigarettes . Well , they ' re not here . They are in the dustbin . In the dustbin ! Why didn't you tell me before ? Dick , I ’ Ve decided not to rent that house . But yesterday you said you would rent it . I ’ Ve changed my mind . Why is that ? Well , I think maybe I should find a house that is closer to where I work . Maybe you ’ re right . OK ! Let's get down to business now . Say it . As you know , we should work out cautious and detailed plan for our promotion , so as to guide our company to be successful in the new product , L-series . That's right . And in my opinion , to push the sale of the new products is not an easy task . I know that . I need to discuss this with Arden . And in his opinion , we should widen the scope of our ads , so newspaper and Internet should be adopted in this campaign . Could you put it in detail ? Well . We plan to contact www . on-line advertising . and Shanghai Morning Newspaper to discuss the advertisement schedule . I think the idea is very good . In the promotion campaign , two or more media are used together , so as to draw customers ' attention and keep hold their attention to larger extent . What kind of media do you recommend ? I think TV is also an effective media , as long as our company is willing to spend more money on it . Well . Arden just mentioned the paper and the on-sales . And I can talk about TV with him later , because TV promotion gets more and more popular among consumers . I also think good advertising is essential to call attention to a product and introduce our L-series products . Meanwhile , ads are also the representation of the company's image . You look so excited . What happened ? You are not going to believe this . Do you remember the dress we saw at Mayors that was so beautiful and expensive ? I got it today at half price . So they have started the year end sale earlier this year . How can you stay so calm ? Aren't you going to take a look to see if there is anything for you ? I guess I'll wait a few more days . There maybe even bigger discount then . But there won't be anything good left . My name is Mary , and I will be your waitress tonight . Thank you , Mary . We have been looking forward to trying out this restaurant . Before your main course , would you like to order an appetizer ? Sure , that sounds great . Where are your appetizers listed ? There is a special appetizer menu right here in the center of the table . The chicken and cheese quesadilla looks good . Is that pretty good ? You know , that is one of my favorites ! OK , I'll take one order of that . You could choose another appetizer for half price to share . Perfect ! Please add on an order of onion rings . Flight BE - 407 to Paris is delayed . Will passengers please wait in the lounge ? Oh , how annoying ! The time of departure will be announced as soon as possible . What a nuisance ! Come in and have some coffee , Anna . The kids have just gone out to the mall to hang out with their friends . I saw a lot of teenagers when Alan and I were there yesterday . They spend hours there , especially on weekends . Speaking of that trip , Alan bought a shirt at a department store , but the sleeves are too long . Do you know a seamstress or tailor who can shorten them ? I know several . But wouldn't it be easier to take the shirt back and exchange it for the right size ? Isn't that complicated ? No , it's easy . We'll just take the shirt back to the men ’ s department and show them the sales slip . They'll exchange it for the correct size or give you a refund . We ? Do you want to go with me ? Sure . I love going to the mall . What do you do there ... hang around , like the kids ? Can I help you , madam ? Yes , I'm looking for a new winter coat . Have you any particular color in mind ? I don't know really.What ' s the fashional color this year ? Red is very popular . Good.Red suits me very well.It ' s a cheerful color , isn't it ? Yes , madam , I agree.What size are you ? Well , I used to be size fourteen , but I've put on a bit of weight recently , so may be sixteen . Here you are , madam.All these are sixteens . I quite like this one.How much is it ? It's $ 180 . Oh , that's too expensive.Aren ' t there any cheaper ones ? These are our cheapest coats , madam . Yes , I see . I'll take it.Here ' s $ 200 . Here's your change . Thank you . Do you want to go catch a movie tonight ? I can't , I have to go to the gym . Come on ! You can go tomorrow , just skip it today . It's not as if you are gonna get in trouble ! Actually I will ! I am working out with a personal trainer that gets on my case if I don't go . I like it , because it makes me feel more obligated to go and get healthy . That's cool , does your personal trainer basically teach you how to work out ? Yeah . He makes a work put plan depending on the areas I want to work on , or the muscles I want to build . Like for example in order to get better muscle tone in my abs , pecs and biceps , he makes me work out with free weights . Then for my quads , calves and hamstrings , I do leg lifts or squats . Sounds like you are really getting in shape ! Excuse me , how do I get to Wall Street ? Take the A train south to the Liberty Ave . stop . You should be able to find it from there . I ’ m sorry , but how do I know the subway train is going south ? The southbound A trains say Brooklyn . O . K . , so it ’ s this one ? Yeah . Hey ? What are you doing ? Let the people off the train before you get on . Oh , sorry . Jeez . Tourists . I am afraid I have some bad news for you . It's about our order contract O5TSWAL . What's the problem ? The goods arrived half a month later than scheduled . What's more , five cases were found broken and unit inside seriously damaged . Really ? That's something unexpected . You see , all our exports were strictly inspected before shipment . The goods were in perfect condition when they left . But then there were some cracks in a number of cases . Almost all the bottom of the cases were loose . That could have happened in the course of transit or unloading , due to rough handling . But our surveyors found the damage was caused by poor packing . But there is nothing wrong with our packing . Our cartons are standard export ones and we also enforced them with straps . But you filled the cartons too full and the straps are not strong enough . When they were rehandled , some of them were broken . I don't think the stevedores could have handled them with great care . Here is your ticket . Let's get in the museum . Sure . The exhibits on display were really fascinating . I can't agree more . I think we'd better hire a guide so that we can learn more . Good idea . Let's ask the officer for help . What's wrong with you , young man ? I've got a headache and a cough . I see . You've got a cold . What should I do , doctor ? Take this medicine three times a day . Yes . Drink a lot of water and have a good rest . You'll be well soon . Thank you . Well , we didn't ask for this room service maybe someone else ask it , I ’ m sure . Oh , is it ? Let me check . Yes , please . I'm sorry to say this room charge is yours . We paid for the room service already in our room . Do you have any evidences ? No , we got no receipt , and we pay it on the spot ! What do you do ? I ’ m a firefighter . Really ? That ’ s so cool . I ’ m really lucky to do something I really love . What station do you work at ? I work downtown at station 24.It can get a little crazy sometimes but that ’ s what makes it challenging . May I see your passport ? Here it is . How long are you going to stay ? For one week . What is the purpose for your visit ? For sightseeing . Where are you going to stay ? At the Hilton hotel . Do you have anything to declare ? No , nothing . Is it okay to have a day off next week ? Why ? What's the problem ? I need to go to the dentist . Okay , I'll get Bob to cover you . I ’ m glad you could make it . It ’ s my job . What can I help you with ? I think a pipe burst in my apartment . In what room is this pipe ? You ’ ll find the pipe in my bathroom . When did the pipe start leaking ? It ’ s been leaking for a couple of days now . I will need to tear down that wall to fix that pipe . I understand . You ’ re fine with that ? I just want the problem taken care of . Okay . I will begin working on it now , if you ’ d like . Could I ask some questions regarding to the social benefits ? Go ahead , please . How long is my paid vacation every year ? You ’ ll have 10 days paid vacation every year . What about the insurance and housing policies ? We will provide you wit life insurance , health insurance , accident insurance , housing benefits , heating allowance and transportation allowance . How often is the bonus ? You ’ ll be paid a bonus at the end of every year . Do I have training opportunities ? We provide our employees with training opportunities at home and abroad . Well , I don ’ t have any other questions so far . I would like to think a couple of days before I give you my final answer . Sure . I will ask Lucy to call you in two days . Ok , thank you for your time and patience . You ’ re welcome . Can you tell me where the produce is ? It's in aisle A . Do you know what produce is on sale ? I don't know . Check the flyer or check with the produce person . Can I take your drink order ? Where is your wine list ? The wine choices are posted on the little menu in the middle of the table . Do you have any mixed drinks available here ? We can make a number of mixed drinks at our bar . I heard that you are famous for your drinks . What are your specials ? Our house special is our Cuervo Gold margarita . I would love a margarita right now ! That is what I am going to order . Can I prepare your drink on the rocks , or would you prefer it blended ? I prefer my margarita on the rocks , please . Do you like your margarita with salt or no salt ? No salt , please . Richard ! I need those tax forms from you before five ! Oh , I ’ m sorry . I forgot about those completely . I ’ ll bring them by your office . Okay . The sooner the better . You bet . I ’ ll swing by after lunch , okay ? So am I on the right road to Piccadilly Circus ? I think so , ‘ cause I remember the policeman told me this is the very way . What did he say ? Just head straight up the street about two blocks and then turn left . That ’ s it . I think we ’ re one block beyond . Can I help you , madam ? Yes , would you keep our bags until 6pm . Are you all our guests ? Yes we checked on just now . Please fill in this form . Is this all right . So you're leaving this evening , we ’ ll keep your bags until 6pm , here is you tag . Thanks a lot . Look ! It is not working well . Did you try out the bike when you bought it . No , there ’ s no need . We can change it within two days if it ’ s not damaged . But it would save a lot of trouble if you had taken it for a test ride . I know . I will pay attention to such a thing next time . Hi , Helen . Where are you going on this summer vacation ? I'm going to Disneyland . That sounds like fun ! Okay , here are the graphs and figures for this month's sales . Let's review them all together . This first one , I have a question ... This graph is marking the sales performance for our line of hair products , right ? Can this line be right ? It looks like our sales plummeted . I can't believe we did that poorly ... If I remember correctly , sales went down slightly , but not as dramatically as the graph shows . I think you are looking at the wrong line . The rapid drop in sales wasn't our hair products . You are correct , the hair product sales decreased slightly , but not dramatically . The one that didn't do so hot this month was the cleaning products . I think there was a problem in the marketing plan . Some people were offended by our advertisements for the cleaning products , but it was already too late to mitigate the damage , so our mistake shows up in the sales . Well , the good news is the new industrial cleaning products really took off . Look how the sales have shot up over the last two weeks . That is our one major success . If you look at the other graphs , you can see that most of the other product lines remained steady with little increase . At lease they stayed the same . That's better than dropping . Are you going to eat anything with your sandwich ? I may get some fruit . Oh really , what kind of fruit do you like ? I tend to only eat grapes and apples . What kind of apples do you prefer ? I've always liked green apples . I don't really like green apples that much . Why do you say that ? I think they are too sour . You'd rather eat a red apple ? Don't you like red apples ? They're okay , I guess . Peter , why don't you go outside and play basketball with your friends ? No , Mum , I'd rather stay inside . I just can't understand why you want to stay at home . It is such a wonderful day today . I prefer staying at home and watching TV . Didn't you just finish watching a basketball game on TV ? Yes , but a football game is next . Oh , Peter . You really should go and play ball yourself rather than watching games . I just enjoy watching games . You really shouldn't watch so much television . While you are thinking about what you might like to order for dinner , would you like to order your drinks ? Can you tell me where your wine list is ? The wine list is posted right there on the board . Can we order a mixed drink in this restaurant ? Yes , we have a wide selection of mixed drinks available from our bar . Do you have any house specials that you could recommend ? Our most popular drinks are our Cuervo Gold margaritas . That sounds like a good choice for me . May I have one , please ? Can I bring that to you on the rocks , or would you like it blended ? Please bring it to me on the rocks . Salt or no salt ? I would like it with no salt , please . What ’ s the matter , dear ? Something awful happened . We went to the Portobello Road , and someone stole my handbag . Oh , dear . Did you lose a lot of money ? No . Only a few pounds . But my passport was in the bag . That ’ what I ’ m really worried about . You must tell your embassy about it . And I think they ’ ll issue you with a new one . May I have the menu , please ? Sure . Here you go . Would you mind giving me a hand ? Okay , Bob , What is it ? Help me hang up this picture , please . Would you hold it straight while I put in the nail ? All right . Now , hand me the hammer and those nails , please . Yes , here you are . There ! How does it look ? Tell me if I've got it straight . Well , it's straight , but it's upside down I'm afraid . How do we spend our holiday ? Do you have any good ideas ? Come over and chew the fat . We can enjoy to our hearts'content . I am Liu Yi , from China XYZ Company . I ’ d like to see Mr . Thomas , please . Do you have an appointment , Mr . Liu ? No , I am afraid not . I just arrive in town today . Mr . Thomas is quite busy , I ’ m afraid he won ’ t be able to see you today . Would you please ask when he will be free ? Have a seat please while I call . John , I ’ Ve asked you not to smoke in here ! I don ’ t want to see you smoking in my office again . I ’ m sorry , Ms . Fairbanks . I won ’ t let it happen again . That ’ s what you said the last time ! If you want to smoke , you ’ ll have to use your break time and go outside ! I understand , Ms . Fairbanks . It's my first time to come to Bangkok . Could you recommend some places for me ? Well , it depends on what you have . What do you mean ? It takes only one day and you could experience almost all the famous spots in the city , I don't think you would like to miss it . Sounds persuasive . How much will you charge for it ? 50 dollars per person . That's reasonable . Will you take care of meals for the day ? Of course . Please take it easy . I see . May I know the schedule ? Why not ? Royal Hotel , can I help you ? Yes . I urgently need a room for tomorrow night , and do you have any vacancies ? Yes , we have . What kind of room would you like ? I'd like a suite with an ocean view , please . No problem , sir . What is the price of the suite ? It is $ 200 per night . It is a little high . I'm told that your hotel is offering discount now . Yes , but the offer ended yesterday . I'm sorry . Oh , I see . Then do you have anything less expensive ? No , sir . So far it is the least expensive suite for tomorrow night . OK , I will take it . By the way , does the price include breakfast ? Yes , it does . Now could I have your name , please ? My name is David White . Would you kindly spell it for me ? That is D-A-V-I-D , W-H-I-T-E . Thank you , I got it . And how long do you expect to stay ? About three days . OK . Our check-in time is after 12:00 . And see you tomorrow . Thank you . See you . What kind of work do you want to do when you finish university ? I want to work in the banking industry . I ’ Ve always been interesting in working for an international invest bank . I ’ d like to help people invest their money . That ’ s a job that pays well . If you ’ re lucky , you might have opportunities to travel as well . Have you applied to any banks yet ? Our course will end soon . Yes . I ’ Ve sent letters to several banks . A few have invited me for interviews after we take our examinations . Well done ! I haven ’ t sent off any job applications yet . Which field would you like to work in ? have you decide yet ? I ’ d like to work in marketing . I think I could have a good career in that field . Perhaps you should apply to banks as well . They need people to market their service . As you said , the banking industry pays well . That ’ s great idea . Do you have the email address of human resource managers at any banks ? I need to talk to you about something . What did you need to talk about ? I have some questions about my lease . Like what ? Exactly how long is my lease for ? Your lease will be up in three years . What will happen if I move out before then ? If you move out before then , you will not get your deductible . I don ’ t understand . Because our contract says that you will live here for three years . Okay , I think that I understand . I ’ m glad you understand . Is everything to your satisfaction ? No , the steak was recommended , but it is not very fresh . Oh ! Sorry to hear that . This is quite unusual as we have steak from the market every day . So what ? It is not fresh and I'm not happy about it . I'm sorry , sir . Do you wish to try something else ? That would be on the house , of course . No , thank you . I ’ m glad you could find time to meet with me , Mr . Johnson . I can ’ t think of a nicer environment for our meeting today , the ambiance here is lovely ! No problem , if possible I always combine business with pleasure . Now , let ’ s hear more about these chocolates you ’ re offering . Well , as you know , I have recently become the sole distributor for Grangers Gourmet Bon-bons here in the United States . They ’ re a new manufacturer and are looking to break into the luxury market . Naturally , your restaurant sprang into my mind immediately . I think your brand exemplifies many of the same traits as Grangers and serving these chocolates would really add to your reputation for providing elegant , luxurious , first class dining . Mmmm , sounds interesting ... gourmet chocolates , where are they produced ? Belgium ? Actually , the factory is located in Scotland . Really ? I didn ’ t think they were known for their luxury chocolate production ... That ’ s what makes this such a fantastic opportunity ! The government is one hundred percent supportive of creating new export markets and has guaranteed a low tariff for all wholesale orders of over one thousand units . They ’ Ve also reduced the red tape involved at customs as well . Here , I brought these especially for you , try one ! Oh , thanks . Mmm , hmm , creamy texture , very smooth ... Unique , aren ’ t they ? I bet you ’ Ve never tasted anything like it ! Quality is assured as I personally visit the factory to make sure no one ’ s cutting corners with the ingredients . Only the creme make it through inspection . Yes , very interesting flavors ... Slightly spicy , very unique , that ’ s for sure . Exactly what ARE the ingredients ? I have it on highest authority that this traditional secret recipe has been handed down in the Granger family for generations . I ’ m sure you can keep a secret.Buttermilk , cacao beans , sugar and Haggis . Haggis ? What ’ s Haggis ? It ’ s a traditional Scottish delicacy ; you take sheep ’ s liver , heart and lung and stuff it inside of the sheep ’ s stomach . I wonder who that man is . Which man ? The one smoking a cigar . Oh , he's the coach of the football team . Welcome to Galant . How can I help you ? Hi . I would like to get an internet plan for my house . Of course . We have three different plans with different prices you can choose from . The first one is the cheapest but most basic plan which is thirty dollars a month . This is for broadband internet with a download speed of five hundred and twelve kbps . I have no idea what kbps means . I just want to be able to get online , play games and chat with my friends . Oh , and watch movies online as well . Well , this connection might be a bit too slow for your needs . I suggest you get the premium package for fifty dollars a month which includes a connection speed of two megabytes . That way you can play games online without any lag . This package also includes a wireless router and a personal firewall absolutely free ! Do I have to pay an installation fee ? Lucky for you , this month we aren ’ t charging our normal installation fee . You are saving yourself 100 bucks right there ! And we ’ ll throw in this pen drive ! Awesome ! Could you make up this prescription for me , please ? Certainly . I'll do it for you right away . Sorry the drugs on this order are out of stock . What can I do ? Would you prefer to take similar medicine of other brands ? Could I ? Certainly . I recommend this medicine . It's the same medicine , same quality , at a much lower cost . And it helps just as much . In fact , you'll feel better just by saving the money , I promise . Great . I'll take this brand . And how do I take these medicines ? This is for internal use . Two tablets , four times a day . Thank you . You're welcome . I want to make a phone call . Can you show me how ? Of course , pick up the receiver , hit a button and listen for a tone . Are you hearing it ? Yes , now what do I do ? Well , after you dial 9 on the keypad , you should hear the tone change . No , nothing changed . When you dial 9 and hear the tone change it means you have an outside line . Who are you trying to call ? I am trying to call my boss . For an outside call you now just dial the number . For a company number you need to know the extension . Do you have a list of extensions ? I know a few extensions but I don't know them all . You can always look an extension up on the company website . We're thinking of ordering fifty refrigerators . But , there's one problem . What's that ? I thought our negotiation went very well . The only problem is the price . It's not possible for us to make any sales at this price . $ 1500 is almost the lowest price we can offer . I'm afraid I can't agree with you there . Your price is much higher than other companies . You get what you pay for , considering the high quality , our price is very reasonable . I don't deny that the refrigerator is of top quality . If you could go a little lower , we'll place the order right away . Sorry , I can't give you an immediate answer for this problem , let me talk to our general manager first . All right , we'll wait for your answer . Excuse me . I seem to have lost my son . Take it easy , madam . And speak slowly . May I have your name first ? Shirley . What's your son's name ? Daniel . Can you describe his appearance to me ? He is in a blue sportswear and a white sportsshoes . About 1.4 meters . OK , I see . Dear Daniel , please come to the broadcasting station when you've heard this , your mother is waiting for you . If other tourists see a boy in a blue sportswear and a pair of white sportsshoes , 1.4 meters , please ask him to go to the broadcasting station . Thank you ! Hello ! I need to make a copy of something at once . There's a copy machine on the first floor in our computer lab , sir . Fantastic ! Is there a charge ? It's ten cents a copy , sir . Well , I'm only making one copy , so I guess I can afford it . A dime is still a bargain , sir . I want to get a bite to eat . What are you thinking of getting ? I have no idea what I want . You can get a burger , or some Chinese food . Or maybe you can get some Mexican food . I wouldn't mind getting some Chinese food . Where are you going to get your Chinese food from ? I'm not sure . When I want Chinese food , I go to Panda Express . Do they do a good job on the food ? The food isn't bad there . I think I will get my food from Panda Express , too . have you ever been in an earthquake ? yes , I experienced one when I was in Tokyo once . The tremors only lasted a few seconds though and then it was over . do you know where it measured on the Richter scale ? I don't remember , but it wasn't very serious . Have you ever been in an earthquake ? no , but I was in quite a few tornados when I was younger . where are you from ? I'm from the plains of the Midwest . It's a prime location for tornadoes . did your house ever get damaged from the winds ? most of the time we were lucky , but once a tree from our front yard was ripped out by its roots and ended up in our living room . wow , that must have really been scary . actually , some of my fondest memories of my childhood were of spending time with my family in the basement waiting for the tornados to pass . have you ever experiences a flood ? no , but my father's car was destroyed in a flood once . It actually happened the day after he bought the car ! that sure didn't last long ! Do you know how to drive ? I'm a great driver . Could you teach me how to drive ? Have you gotten your learner's permit ? Yes , I have my learner's permit . Have you ever been behind the wheel ? I've only driven a car one time . You do know all the controls in the car , don't you ? I know them . Tell me when you want me to teach you . We can do it when you have some time . I'm not busy tomorrow . Call me then . I'd like to order a restock on my minibar . You finished everything in there , sir ? Absolutely everything . What would you like to order ? Three bottles each of Perrier and Jim Beam . Uh-huh . What else do you want ? The apples were great . Could you bring a couple more up ? No problem . Is there anything else I can get for you ? Some grape juice would also be nice . I'll get all of that for you right away . Someone should be up shortly This is the house I want to rent . Could you tell me the advantages of it ? No problem . First , it's comfortable and cozy . Second , it has a lovely view of the city . Third , it has all kinds of electric appliances that we need , such as refrigerator , electric stove , heating apparatus , washing machine and dishwasher . Forth is the most important , the electricity is free of charge . Finally , it's located in the center of the city and the transportation is convenient . There is something in what you said , but what is the rent ? 200 dollars per week . In my opinion , the rent is far more expensive than that in other areas . It certainly is . But to tell you the truth , the room is so large that I can share it with someone else , and that will decrease the total amount of the rent . Your intention is good , but I still can't agree with you . If no one would like to share it with you , you have to pay it all by yourself . Don't you think I can save some bus fares since it ’ s easy to go anywhere from here and it ’ s near the place where I work ? I agree with you in this way . But how often do you go to work or shopping per week ? Twice a week for work and once for shopping . In my opinion , you have to go to the university every day , and the fare would cost you most of your living expenses if you live here far away from the university . That's true . Ok , I will think about it . Can I see the doctor ? Yes , do you have an appointment ? No , I don't . Well . The doctor doesn't see nobody without an appointment . Well , I am spending my vacation here and I have a stomachache and ... Oh , I see . Maybe we can fit you in at 3 . I ’ d prefer to see him asap . If I have to wait for another 30 mins , I think I will faint from this unbearable pain in my stomach and ... Oh , why didn't you say it's an emergency ? Here , fill out this form and take a seat . I'll send you in next.You don't have insurance ? No , not for this country . How about traveler's insurance ? No , I didn't think I ’ d need it . Can you pay cash , then ? Cash , credit card , cheque anything . I just have to see a doctor . I am in pain . All right , all right , relax . I am only trying to do my job . I know . I am sorry that I yelled at you . Diana's Flowers , Diana Lin's office , may I help you ? Is Diana in ? No , she's out for lunch . May I take a message ? Yes , please ask her to call John Smith . Ok , I'll make sure she gets the message . Can you type , Jane ? Yes , I can . How many words a minute ? About 100 words a minute . En ... and can you speak any foreign languages ? Yes , I can speak Spanish , and I can also speak Chinese . Really ? that ’ s very good . What about French ? No , I can ’ t speak French . But I can speak Italian , not very well though . ... Can you start next week ? Next week ? Yes , on Monday . You mean I have the job ? Yes , that ’ s right , you have the job now . Hello.Is this room service ? Yes.May I help you ? This is room 1425.We asked for the room service an hour ago . We're very sorry to cause you a lot of inconvenience . What's the matter ? We're rather busy right now.It will take another 15 minutes . Is it really going to take that long ? Will you rush the order ? I'm afraid it would take 15 minutes at most . Ah , well , we have no choice . I ’ Ve decided to grow my own garden ! What ? You don ’ t know the first thing about gardening ! On the contrary , I have been reading a lot of books about the subject . Oh yeah ? Tell me then , smarty pants , how will you go about setting up your garden ? Well , first I need to buy some things , such as fertilizer , seeds and tools . What type of tools ? You know , the basics . A rake , shovel , spade and a hoe . Right . Well it seems like you have all your bases covered . What ’ s next ? I ’ ll till the soil and then sow the seeds . I ’ ll then add some fertilizer and voila ! Gardening all done ! Well , good luck with your garden , especially considering we are in the dry season and it won ’ t rain for the next three months ! Hi , my name is Ted , what's yours ? What ? I said , I'm Ted , who are you ? Huh ? Oh , my name is Laura . Do you come here often , Laura ? Huh ? I can't hear you , the music's too loud . Let's go outside and talk . So Laura , do you come here often ? Hold on , my ears are still ringing from the music ... what was it you asked me ? I asked if you come here often . Sometimes , usually once every few weeks . Do you ? No , this is my first time here . I usually come with a group of friends . We dance a little , have a few drinks , and just have a good time . Yeah , that's why I'm here . My friends dragged me here , because they think I spend too much time studying . That's good . It's good to hit the books , but you need to get out once in a while . I guess so . But the music is too loud . I don't mind getting out and meeting people , but next time I'll do it in a park . May I speak to Peter ? Who's calling ? Have you every belonged to a political party ? No , I haven ’ t , but I thought about joining the green party . Really ? I know you are very concerned about the environment . You were a member of the pressure group Greenpeace , weren ’ t you ? Yes . I was . But I didn ’ t have enough time to devote to it . The green party have no chance of winning an election . The other parties are too big and popular . You ’ re right . But smaller political and pressure groups can often influence large political parties . Any member of parliament can propose legislation and parties and pressure groups can raise awareness Most people are not very politically aware . They often don ’ t understand the issues fully . That ’ s true . But it ’ s a little strange because the media often reports on political events . You can read about them in newspaper or hear them on tv . Excuse me ! Yes ? Is this your handbag ? Pardon ? Is this your handbag ? Yes , it is . Thank you very much . Look , George , There's the Great Wall . I see . It's on top of the hills . Yeah , it stretches over for thousands of miles . I know . It's a major symbol of China . Where can we climb it ? Do we have any choices ? Well , we could take the cable car . Ah ... let's just climb . It's more fun , I think . Okay . Let's go . Well , that was tough . But we made it . This looks great . When was it built ? It was first built about twenty-five hundred years ago . That's remarkable . There are so many ancient relics in China . Would you like to go sightseeing tomorrow ? Not a bad idea ! What would you like to see in Beijing ? Well , let's see . I'd like to go to the Summer Palace . I'll pick you up here tomorrow . Mary , come here . I've found the book our teacher recommended us to buy last week . Really ? How much is it ? Oh , it's 42 yuan ! How expensive ! You know , it is the best seller for this year . It has had its fifth impression since its publication early this year . How come ? I have never seen such a popular book before . Wait a minute . I found there were two printings . The paperback books must be much cheaper . You are right . Let's buy the cheaper one . Hello , this is Than Hua's office . Can I help you ? Hello , could I speak to the export manager , please ? Speaking . This is Joey from Mary trading company . I learned that you are the leading export of cloth by Hummed company . That's right . What can I do for you ? We are interested in cloth made in China . The clothes are sold very well here . We are a big location supplier for the northeast market here . I'm thinking that we'll have some business opportunities . Would you like me to show you our new cleaning unit ? It's a clever design . Yes , I'd like to see that . What does it clean exactly ? It washes the solvent off all the metal parts - the blades , trays etc . - and then sends it back into the system . What does the unit consist of ? Well , it's basically two tanks – one for the dirty solvent and one for the clean solvent , a pump and a washing unit . Oh , and there ’ s a cooling system and a filter . It's all controlled by a PLC system – that stands for Process Logic Control . I hear you jog everyday . I'm doing it for fun and fitness . I think maybe one day you can take part in the walking race . At the age of 64 ? You're kidding ! Hey , John ! I haven ’ t seen you in ages ! What ’ s new ? What have you been up to ? Pete ! Nice to see you Well , on top the norm , you know , wife and kids and work , I ’ Ve actually gotten into doing some trading . Trading ? You , big guy ? What are you trading ? Currencies . Currencies ? As in Euros , Dollars , Pounds and Rupees ? It ’ s called Forex . Foreign Exchange . The great thing about it is that I don ’ t have to invest a huge amount . I put in a margin deposit and then I can buy and sell up to 100 times that much ! I don ’ t understand . You ’ re buying and selling money ? You got it ! Just last night I made USD 150 ! Last night ? Yeah ! It ’ s a 24 hour market ! I had bought some RIB earlier at a low asking price but last night it appreciated drastically so I made a split second decision and sold all my RIB at an amazing bid ! I ’ You ’ re kidding ! I ’ m on ! Where do I sign up ? I would like to discuss purchasing a home with you . I can help you . What location are you looking for ? I would like to live in Pasadena or Arcadia . Have you thought about what your needs are in terms of size ? We would like a smaller cozy cottage with 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom . Is living in a particular school district important to you ? No , we don ’ t really care because they are all pretty good around here . Are you interested in purchasing on the lake , or would you like a home with a view ? We really want to live in a lakeside home with a dock for our boat . Now that I have an idea of what you want , I can begin my search . Look over there . That is what I am looking for . Let's go ! I want to see you play . Be quick ! Don ’ t chicken out ! Come on ! Mike , shall we book two tickets online ? Fine . Shanghai and Beijing are thousands of miles away . How about bullet train ? Faster and relatively cheap , I think . Yeah . How many tickets remain ? Oh , what a shame . Only sleeping cars have tickets . Others are all out of stock . The price of the sleeping car is almost the same as the airplane.You see , the discount plane tickets are no more than 500 yuan . A good deal , isn't it ? Brilliant idea ! That will make our journey rewarding and much safer . Hello , thanks for calling 123 Tech Help , I ’ m Todd . How can I help you ? Hello ? Can you help me ? My computer ! Oh man ... It ’ s okay sir , calm down . What happened ? I turned on my laptop and it broke ! I mean , the monitor went black ! Ok , sir , it sounds like you might have a virus . I don ’ t feel sick , ... let me check ... Nope ! No fever , I ’ m fine . No , your computer might have a virus , I mean , it has a bad program on it . Maybe that ’ s why it crashed . I recommend that you run an antivirus program in order to safely remove any unwanted spyware or Trojans . Phew ! . . . Wait a minute , CRASH ? ? ! ! Spyware ? Trojans ! What ? where ? when ? ! Here comes the bus . It's about time . It has a receiver , a CD player , a double cassette deck , and a turntable . Okay , let me take a look . The CD player is a three-disk player . Here , we'll put a disk in so you can check out the sound . ( He puts a CD into the CD player . ) Sounds pretty good . I see the equalizer has a good selection of settings . You can also play Ccds on it if you hook it up to your TV . Hmm . This system seems to have everything I'm looking for . It's a bit pricey , though . I'll have to think about it . Thanks for your help . No problem . Hope to see you again soon . Why do you think you are qualified for this position ? I have four years study in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and it has given me a solid theory foundation . Moreover , I have worked at CAB Company for 4 years and got a lot of practical experience . Great . Then what's your technical post title now ? I am a senior mechanical design engineer . Do you take the original certificate with you ? Yes . Here it is . Can you briefly tell me about one of your designs ? Of course , I designed a more powerful gasoline engine , which greatly increased the speed of limousines . Welcome to our hotel's indoor swimming pool . What can I do for you ? You see this is the first time for me to use the swimming pool . I've got no idea about the water temperature of the pool . I'm afraid it might be a little cold . You don't need to worry about that . madam . We have a warm massage pool , and the temperature is 36 ° C . I see . But I'm not a good swimmer . Can you tell me how deep the pool is ? Certainly , madam . The deepest place is two meters but you can swim in the shallow area , which is only l . 4 meter in depth . We have separate locker rooms over there and they are free of charge . That's great ! Can you give me the key to the locker ? I can't wait to have a try . Hello ! Can I help you ? Today is my wife's birthday , so I want to buy a bouquet for her . What kind of flowers do you want ? I have no idea . How about rose ? It's the most suitable one for lovers . But rose is too common . Well , what about violet ? It means the eternal beauty . It looks good . Pack me a bouquet of violet , please . Excuse me . Have you got the time ? My watch says half past five . Does your watch keep good time ? Oh yeah . It loses only a few seconds in the whole month . Thanks a lot . Hi , I ’ m Ray , your tenant in Room 209 . Hi . What ’ s up ? There ’ re some problems in my apartment . First , the faucet in the bathtub drips constantly . Okay , I ’ ll ask my plumber to come by and fix it today . What else ? One of the burners on the stove doesn ’ t work . What ’ s the matter with it ? I can ’ t control the temperature . I ’ ll get an electrician to repair it as soon as possible . Is that everything ? Well , there ’ s one more thing . The telephone is dead . I ’ m sorry . There ’ s nothing I can do about that . You ’ Ve got to call the phone company . Okay . Thank you very much . You ’ re welcome . It was good to see you here , John . Happy to see you-too-Mike.How ' s your family ? Pretty good.Thank you . Good evening , sir . What can I do for you ? I would like to have my coat washed . OK , please fill in the form first . That's it.By the way when can I get it back ? We will send it to your room at 4:00 pm tomorrow . Well , but I need it tomorrow morning . We have express service as well . It charges 30 % more but I assure your coat will be ready tomorrow morning . That's fine . Please send it to my room tomorrow morning . I have a little trouble , and I don't know how to deal with it . What's the matter ? Please tell me . Maybe I can help you . Tom wants me to write a recommendation letter for him , but I don't know how to write it . Don't worry . I know about this . Really ? Tell me without delay . First you should have a salutation , which can be the company's or a person's name . Well , I see . Then you can write about his performance in college , including his academic achievements and his competence . It's easy to write those . You can also state his personality traits , hobbies and relationships with schoolmates and so on . Tom got along well with classmates . He is really a good boy . You can write all his strengths in the recommendation letter . What should I write except these ? You should also state that you are his class president , so you are qualified to write this recommendation letter OK , I will remember . Do you feel all right ? Yes , thank you . I just want to have a smoke . Can I smoke in the aisle ? I am sorry . It's not allowed . If you do want , please go to the smoking section . It's in the back part of the plane . OK . That's fine . What ’ s wrong with you ? Why are you scratching so much ? I feel itchy ! I can ’ t stand it anymore ! I think I may be coming down with something . I feel lightheaded and weak . Let me have a look . Whoa ! Get away from me ! What ’ s wrong ? I think you have chicken pox ! You are contagious ! Get away ! Don ’ t breathe on me ! Maybe it ’ s just a rash or an allergy ! We can ’ t be sure until I see a doctor . Well in the meantime you are a biohazard ! I didn ’ t get it when I was a kid and I ’ Ve heard that you can even die if you get it as an adult ! Are you serious ? You always blow things out of proportion . In any case , I think I ’ ll go take an oatmeal bath . Hello , is Marie Ward there , please ? I'll see if she is in . Ok . I'm afraid she's out . Can you give her a message , please ? Yes , of course . Please tell her to give Colin a call when she gets back . She has my number . Sure . Thank you for your help . It's my pleasure . Are you going to vote ? I am . Are you ? Yes , and for the first time . Is that right ? I don ’ t know how to vote . Voting isn ’ t difficult . I ’ m not sure what laws are being voted on . They tell you everything on the ballot . They do ? You ’ ll be okay . Thanks for telling me . You should be excited about your first vote . What would be the earliest that I could actually move into my new house ? The keys will be turned in on Tuesday night . The house will be yours at that time . What should we do to make sure that we have the electricity and water turned on ? You can tell the utility company what day you are moving in , and they will transfer the utilities to your name . There are a few things that we want to do to the place , like painting and carpet cleaning . Take advantage of the house being empty to clean and paint . It will be harder to do after the furniture and appliances have arrived . I asked the store to deliver my new appliances on the day we are moving in . That will be good . You are going to want your stove and refrigerator right away . I could use some help on moving day . What are you doing on Saturday ? I think I am getting a fever and will be too sick to help you . Here , feel how hot my head is ! Mrs . Lin . Please hold all of my calls for the next hour . OK , but do you want to talk to your wife if she calls ? Yes , I'll talk to her . All right . May I help you , sir ? Yes , please . I'd like to buy a gift for my younger brother . He's going to take a trip to South America . By air or by sea ? By air . So my gift should be quite light . What can you suggest ? How about this wallet ? It's made of fine leather . My sister already gave him one . I like something unusual . This gift is the best for a man who has everything . Oh , a nice handkerchief . That's a great idea . I'll take it . Excuse me , miss . I'm a transit passenger for Flight No . 207 . Can you tell me where to go ? Let me see . Your plane leaves from Gate 12 . You should go to Gate 12 to board your plane Where's Gate 12 ? Take the escalator over there and turn left , you'll see the sign . Thank you very much . Do you like cooking ? I love it . I really enjoy creating a meal from various ingredients and watching my friends enjoy it . It gives me a real sense of satisfaction . Do you enjoy cooking ? I don ’ t like it . It takes up too much time and I really hate having to clean up after the meal . I can ’ t stand doing the washing up , drying up , and putting all the dishes and cutlery away . You can ask the guests to help . My guests usually insist on doing the washing up . I just have to remind them where everything goes . So , what kind of dishes do you usually make ? I know you like Italian food . Italian , Indian , and Chinese . I ’ Ve only recently started cooking Chinese meals and I need some more practice . Do you find it hard to get ingredients for Chinese food ? Not at all . You can find most of them at supermarket . The ingredients are usually the same as in western food . The way that the food is prepared is the big difference , not the ingredients . How long does it take you to cook a meal for five or six people ? Obviously , it depends on what I'm cooking , but I'd say it generally takes about one and a half hours . Can I help you , sir ? Uh , yes . I'm going to the States and I need some traveler's checks . All right . How much do you need ? One thousand U . S . dollars . One thousand U . S . Mm hmm . And are you going to pay cash ? Oh , no . I want to withdraw from my U . S . dollars savings account . All right . Now can I have your passbook ? Right . Here it is . Thank you . And what amounts do you want the checks in ? Mm . In hundreds , please . Do you take in students ? I've been told you might have a vacant room . Yes.If you don't mind sharing room with someone else , there's one available . How much are you asking ? 800 yuan a month . Could I have a look at it , please ? Sorry , but I'm on my way out now.Could you come back in an hour ? Good morning , miss . Good morning , sir . Could you tell me please where can I find a currents exchange ? Right here , how can i help you today , sir ? I'd like to exchange 5000 Singapore dollars into the US dollars please . Do you have an account this bank , sir ? Yes , here is my account number . May i please see ID ? Sure , here is my passport , by the way what is the rate today ? Today's rate is 2.57 Singapore dollars for 1 US dollar , here is your money , sir.Please count it and sign your name here . Yes , it is the credit demand.Where can I cash travellers ' cheques ? You can cash them here , how much do you want to cash ? 900 dollars . How would you like it ? I need 8 hundreds and the rest in 10s please ? Ok , here you are . Thank you , have a nice day . Thank you , have a good day . Watsup , ladies ! Y'll looking ’ fine tonight . May I have this dance ? He's cute ! He looks like Tiger Woods ! But , I can't dance ... It's all good . I'll show you all the right moves . My name's Malik . Nice to meet you . I'm Wen , and this is Nikki . How you feeling ’ , vista ? Mind if I take your friend ' round the dance floor ? She doesn't mind if you don't mind getting your feet stepped on . Right . Cool ! Let's go ! I really don ’ t know how to teach my son . He's getting far above himself . You should send him to the boarding school . He need a strict teacher . Maybe you are right . I will discuss it with my wife tonight . Hello , madam . Would you like to take a look at our products ? They are high-tech items . Hmm , they look interesting . Can I have a copy of your brochure ? Sure . Do you have a minute ? Why don't you have a seat and let me show you how to operate this item ? OK . Go ahead . You see , if you press this red button , the helmet becomes an umbrella . How amazing ! I have never seen it before . Is it expensive ? It only costs you 20 dollars for one . OK , I will take one . Hi , Mark ! Hi , do you have a minute ? Oh , I'm sorry , Nigel . I'm rushing to a meet right now . Sure , no problem . Can we fix a time to talk later ? Sure , but this week is crazy for me . Can we make it next Monday ? Ok , see you 10 o'clock next Monday ! That's fine . See you then . What's for dinner tonight ? What are you planning on cooking ? I'm not making anything . If you plan on eating , you are . What am I supposed to cook ? What do you feel like having ? I want some chicken and potatoes . That sounds really good . When are you going to make it ? I have no plans on cooking tonight . Fine , I'll make it . I knew that already . Cindy , can you show me how to call Connecticut ? Who do you know there ? A good friend of mine is there on a homestay program , too . I see . Is it expensive to make out-of-state calls ? Yeah , but it isn't more expensive than international calls . What do I do here ? Easy . Dial the area code for Connecticut ; then dial your friend's number . That's it ? Check the local time before you call . You don't want to wake your friend up by accident . I'd like to reserve a table for three this evening . Just a moment , sir . Let me check the reservation list . Sorry , I'm afraid we're fully booked tonight . Would you like to make a reservation some other time ? Do you have pot service at noon ? Yes , the same service and food as in the evening . OK , we'll come at half past eleven tomorrow . OK . Your name , please ? Black . Good . Thank you very much . This is how you turn on the computer . I see . Which university did you graduate from ? I graduated from Peking University . What was your major at university ? I studied economics , I am especially interested in the economic development of China . What course did you like best ? I like Business Management , and i think it's very useful for the present work . What do you think is the relationship between the subjects you've taken and the job you are seeking ? I've taken courses on office administration , reports and correspondence writing . I think all these are closely related to the job of assistant manager , because it requires the ability to perform general office work and to assist the manager in handling all paperwork . I am an eloquent speaker in the classroom . But when I face a stranger outside , I get tongue-tied and nothing comes out . You should pay close attention to your manner of speaking . Speech is a reflection of personality , you know . You should reflect confidence by speaking in a low voice , loud enough to be heard without being aggressive or overpowering . I will go out of my way to catch the attention of the interviewer . Your speech should not call attention to itself , but should reveal your individuality and ability . I ’ m very shy . I think I might shake in my boots at the moment I meet the interviewer . You ’ d better overcome your nervousness . it is considered an indication that you lack self-confidence . Another problem is that I dare not look into their eyes whenever I meet strangers , especially foreigners . In China , it is impolite to look into the senior speakers eyes while speaking . But in Western countries it is the opposite . Eye contact gives a strong feeling of sincerity . Looking downwards or sideways shows that you are either insincere or absent-minded . Is there anything else that I should pay attention to in an interview ? Yes . Don ’ t eat onions or garlic before you come . If you do you ’ ll have bad breath . I ’ ll remember to bring gum with me . You should never chew gum or smoke during an interview , even if you are allowed to do so . I remember now . Your advice is very helpful . Good afternoon , ABC Incorporated . How many I direct your call ? I would like to speak to Mr . Miles . I am sorry , sir . He isn't in right now . Would you like to leave a message ? Yes . Can you tell him Bob White called ? And your company name , please . He knows who I am . Is there a telephone number where you can be reached ? I can be reached at 544-879-9087 until 5 p . m . today . Thank you , sir . I'll tell him you called . Thank you . Do you see that small white car over there ? It ’ s Tom ’ s new car . Oh , my God . It ’ s beautiful . But it looks expensive . It is very expensive . Tom ’ s father paid for it . I want to have a car like that . But I am not rich . And I don ’ t have a rich daddy . They are By new models now , they are not very expensive . Maybe you should look for one . Good afternoon . I suppose you are Ms . Monica . My name is Mr . Thomas , the general manager of ABC Company . Here is my business card . Thank you very much . I am very impressed by your resume . Therefore , I am very interested to know why you ’ re willing to leave your current company . I am looking for a more challenging position . I can ’ t grow anymore in my current job . Ok , I understand . But why you choose us to work for ? I have studied carefully the information about your company on the internet and I have checked your company ’ s homepage . I am impressed by the company . And I like the products a lot . Since you ’ re growing steadily , I would be very eager to help you to improve your accounting system . How do you work with a team ? I work quite well with a team . I ’ m a good team player . I respect people , cooperate well with member ’ s team . And I will do my best to help team members . What ’ s your long term goal ? I ’ d like to bring to ABC Company not only my technical skills , ambition , enthusiasm , but also my loyalty , a sensor desire to become an administrative assistant . It is the hardest of my career plans . Is there anything I can do for you ? I want a shirt . What about this one ? It sells like hot cakes . Well , do you have the same in black ? Yes , I will get you one . Excuse me , sir , your steamed crabs is coming . It looks delicious . Can you tell me how to enjoy it ? It's my first time to eat it . Mix a little soya sauce , vinegar and sliced ginger on this plate and dip the meat in it before eating . Thanks a lot . Excuse me , do the buses stop here ? Yes , they all stop at this corner . I want to go to Broadway and 82nd Street . Can I take any bus that comes along ? You can take any bus except the Number 9 . How often do the buses run ? They run about every five minutes . Fine . How long does it take to get to 82nd Street ? About fifteen minutes . It's not far . Are you a stranger in New York ? Yes , I am . I arrived only three days ago from Japan . How do you like New York city ? I like it very much , but it's a little confusing to me . You'll soon get accustomed to it . It's not difficult . Well , here's the bus . Fortunately , it's not full . Thank you for the information . Don't mention it . How is the project going ? Well , frankly speaking , I am running a little behind . It's 40 % done . Do you have any problem during the process ? You should speed things up . I have little chance to communicate with colleagues when I have problems . They are always too busy to help a green hand like me . Have you ever helped others when they are in trouble ? Most will give a hand to someone who has helped him . I did . But I am so depressed because there is nobody that will help me . And you should have good co-operation with other colleagues , you know a scientific schedule brings efficiency to the work . I see your point , but I seem to be on bad terms with them . Cheer up and pay more attention to your colleagues and the things will be much better . I am speaking from my experience . Thank you so much . And you should read as much as possible to enrich the knowledge . That's a good idea . I can learn many useful things from books . We're approaching the critical point for success or failure of this project . you'd better speed up and catch up with books . Well , I will do it better . If you have any problem in your work , let me know . Thanks very much . I promise I will work harder . Mr . Thomas is making a long-distance call . Please wait for a few minutes . Would you like some coffee or tea ? Coffee would be fine . How would you like your coffee ? I like it black . Coffee will be right with you . Good afternoon , can I help you ? Good afternoon . I need some stamps and envelopes . How many and what kind ? A dozen 30 - cent stamps and 6 envelopes . Anything else ? That ’ s all . How much altogether ? $ 16 . 50 . Thank you very much . You are welcome . Do you like travelling ? Yes , I do . Do you usually travel by bus ? No , by train . I think it's much safer than bus . are you ready for your first driving lesson ? yes . Which one is the brake again ? the pedal on your left is the brake and the one on your right is the gas . I ’ m glad this car is an automatic . I don't like having to change gears . automatics are very simple to drive . The first thing you should do is put your seat belt on . you should also put yours on . you never know what will happen with me in the driver ’ s seat ! very funny . Next you should check your side mirrors and your rear view mirror . Can you see out of them ? I can ’ t see anything out of the side mirror on your side of the car . Could you move it forward a bit , please ? how ’ s that ? that ’ s better . Now what ? check your petrol situation . the tank is almost empty . I guess I ’ ll drive to the petrol station to fill it up . that ’ s a good idea . Put your keys in the ignition , start it up , put the car in reserve , wait for the road to be clear , and then back out of the driveway . I got it . Don ’ t worry . I ’ ll get you there in one piece . remember , no honking this time . The horn is only for emergencies ! why does that cop car behind me have its red lights on ? You look like in perfect condition . I go to the gym every day to keep fit . Which sports do you participate in ? I've been doing yoga for a long time . Can you tell me something about yoga ? Yoga is used to promote people's physical , intellectual and mental harmony and healthy . How do you feel when you practice yoga ? Oh , I feel really tired and sweat a lot . But it will help you keep fit . Sure . But more importantly , I can have peace of mind . Excuse me , sir.Is there anything I can do for you ? Yes , I think so . I have just checked out . But I left my book in the room . Can I get it back ? Is it this one ? Yes , thank you very much . You are welcome . Looking forward to seeing you again . Good afternoon . What can I do for you ? I booked a room here . Your name , please ? Brown , Jason Brown . Wait for a minute , Mr . Brown , a single room with bath from today to the fifteenth . That's right Would you like to register now ? Yes . Could you fill out this registration form , please ? OK . Is this all right ? Yes . Thank you . May I see your passport , please ? Here you are . Thank you . Will you be paying in cash or by credit card ? In cash . Your room number is 210 . The bellboy will show you the way there . I hope you enjoy your stay . Thanks . Here is your spicy diced chicken with peanuts , sir . Thank you . It looks very attractive . I would advise you to enjoy the dish while it is hot . Tasty and tender ! It must be one of the famous local dishes . Yes . It's a traditional dish . And it must be very particular in cooking . You are right , sir . To prepare it , a Sichuan food chef first fries some chilli until they turn reddish brown , and then puts diced chicken breast meat into the pot with other condiments and peanuts . That's why the dish has a bright colour . I see . Enjoy yourself , sir . Wow , the ferris wheel over there is so big . I'd like to take a ride on it . It is called Energy Collector . Look at your right-hand . Is it the zone of the Lost Maya Kingdom ? Maybe . Oh . I see the Jungle Flying Train . I once rode it.It was very exciting . I want to have a try later . Me , too . Daniel , look at your left side . Can you see the Air Force Ants ? Wow , that's my favorite . It's like a superman shooting right up into the sky . Good , you can make your dream come true here . Of course . After this , I want to show you to the Haunted House . So you can prove you are a man . Bingo ! It's just you ! morning , Mr . Montgomery . I ’ Ve been sent over from purchasing to fill in for Clare Williams . Oh , really ? Nice to meet you . I thought they were going to leave me here on my own ! How long have you been with the company ? Oh , about seven years . Time flies , you know ! Does it ever ! Well , let ’ s get started . If you could begin typing this letter now , I ’ ll see what else needs to be done . Hello , Pauline ’ s Furniture Store , Faye speaking . How may I help you ? Hello , I ordered a dining table last week . The order arrived today , but there are several scratches on the surface of the table . I would like to exchange it . I ’ m terribly sorry about that . We could take it back and deliver a new one to you early next week . Would that suit you ? Well , I'm hosting a dinner party this weekend . Couldn ’ t you make it any sooner ? Please hold on , I'll just check with the delivery department . OK , thank you . How are you ? No so good . I broke traffic regulations yesterday and I got a ticket . Could you tell me how you dealt with it this time ? Certainly , as long as you don't tell my wife . Hey , look out ! What happened ? You've just scratched my car . Oh , God , a paint was scratched off . Where ? my car ? No , mine ! Thank goodness ! I've just had it repainted . That's terrible . I am sorry to say this , sir , but you should've been more careful . I apologize for that . But the space is too small . What about the damage to my car ? What are you gonna do about that ? Can we solve this later ? I am calling the insurance company . OK . I gotta call mine too . Should I tell EDD that I have found a job ? Is this a temporary job or something more permanent ? What difference does it make ? When you get your next Continued Claim Form , you should just write down where you worked and note that you no longer need unemployment . If I take a short job and then get laid off , will I be starting over trying to get unemployment ? Just because you work for a week doesn ’ t mean that you will be losing your benefits . Excuse me , This bus goes down town , doesn ’ t it ? Yes , where do you want to go ? The worker stadium . This is the right bus . Do you let me know where to get off ? Certainly . Four more stops after this . I ’ ll call out the stops . Thank you . What can I help you with today ? My washing machine isn't working . What's the problem ? The water will not drain . Is there anything else wrong with it ? No , that's it . I can come down and fix that for you if you'd like . When will you be able to fix it ? How does this afternoon at 2 thirty sound to you ? That would be perfect . Alright , so I'll see you then ? See you then . We would like you to stop by again so we can show you some more problems that have come up with our apartment . I am kind of busy right now , but maybe later next week I could stop by . We sent you an e-mail the first week we moved in ; it listed the problems we found . What problems did you find ? The roof leaks when it rains , there is mold on the bedroom walls , and the dishwasher doesn ’ t work . I don ’ t really consider any of that to be my responsibility . You can fix those things yourself . Maintaining basic health and safety standards is your responsibility . I am maintaining the building . You are way too picky ! Unfortunately , you won ’ t be getting a rent check unless these problems are fixed by Friday . You wouldn ’ t dare do that ! Which school is your children in ? She is now in a private school . Oh , it costs too much . It's more expensive than the public school . It's idea of my husband . He is always banging the drum for better schools . But the private school don't amount to better schools . Mr . Wang , I want to apologize for being late again this morning . I just can't get up in time for work . So it seems . And what are you going to do about that ? I guess I'll have to buy a new alarm clock . Well , you know how important a clean house is to your grandma . Yes , I hear about it every time she comes here . She was the head janitor at St . Mary's Hospital for thirty years , after all . I think she misses that job and wants to take it out on us . You know , maybe she's just a neat freak . I think she just likes to make us miserable . You could be right . Good morning , Mr . Montgomery . I've been sent over from purchasing to fill in for Clare Williams . Oh , really ? Nice to meet you . I thought they were going to leave me here on my own ! How long have you been with the company ? Oh , about seven years . Time flies , you know ! Does it ever ! Well , let's get started . If you could begin typing this letter now , I'll see what else needs to be done . Let's take a break . Good idea . How about a cup of coffee ? Sounds good . Hello , is that Mason's builders ? Yes , can we help you ? We have a problem with our roof . Can you come and have a look ? What sort of problem ? We have water coming through . It was raining yesterday and this morning we noticed a wet patch on our ceiling . Is the wet patch just in one place ? Yes , it seems to be just in the living room , above the window . Did you look in the attic ? No , sorry , we didn't . Is there easy access to the attic ? We'd better look since there may be some flooding there as well . Yes , we have a hatch with a ladder . OK , we can come early this afternoon . Is anyone going to be at home ? Yes , my wife will be there . Right , we have an urgent job this morning but we should finish around lunch time . We will then come straight over to your house . That's great . Thank you very much . The kitchen stinks . I'll throw out the garbage . I guess I'm just a little nervous . I'm giving everything I have to invoking , and ... and what if it doesn't work out , right ? Exactly . You need to quit thinking like a loser . invoking is going to kick butt . You know how I know ? How ? Because I won't let it fail . But what about tomorrow ? What if decides to go with WebTracker , and not us ? Mary , besides the resume , I think we should also write an application letter . I think so , but how should we write it ? I think we should begin the letter with a salutation , and the salutation must be very formal . Yes , it should be so . Then we should write the body and in the body we should mention the place where we saw the job advertisement . We should say we are very interested in that job , and we hope to get that job . We should write our skills and let the company know we are competent for the job . For example , I have mastered Business English very well , and I also know a little Spanish . Oh , you have recommended yourself very well . I should think about how to recommend myself as well . You can say you have had a firm grasp of the professional knowledge , and you can communicate with others proficiently in English . Yes . At the end , we should conclude the letter with greetings . Let's write it at once . I understand we will need seven air conditioning units on the two floors.That ' s what you think , yes ? Yes . You could use five or six units.But five or six wouldn't be very efficient . I recommend seven . And if we take the Decker units you suggested , what would the price be ? Let me calculate the price for you . I can give you a 15 % discount if you buy the seven units.Let ' s see here . Your total would be 5929 dollars . Isn't there any way we can get central air conditioning in this building ? As I said , it is possible , but it would be much more expensive . I think it would be at least 12000 dollars to do a complete system . That's too much . We need to use the separate units , I guess . It's more practical , and the new units really are very quiet.Your customers won't even notice them . So you say we can do it for 6000 dollars . Yes , that's for the units.Installation would probably be another 700 to 1000 dollars.But it depends on the time spent , of course . You mean installation isn't included ? I'm very surprised . No , Ma'am . Installation isn't included.The price I quoted was just for the units . In Taipei , you know , the company usually installs the things they sell.They don't charge extra . I know that , Ma'am . But they would just raise the price of the units to cover their costs.Here in L . A . , installation is charged separately . Yes , I suppose I should get used to it.But I'm not really willing to spend more than 6000 dollars for this.We haven't even opened yet . I understand , Ma'am . And the other company that gave me a quote on this said they could do it for 4000 dollars . It's a question of quality , Ma'am . At that price , you would not get good equipment . I've been in this business for almost twenty years . I know what happens.If you don't get quality air conditioning now , you will just have to replace the system after two years . I will tell you what I can agree to.If you can quote me a price of 6000 dollars , installation included , I can accept . Well . You do seem like a better company than the other one.So I am willing to pay more than 4000 for you . But I won't pay more than 6000 . Well , we don't usually do it , but ... I believe we can accommodate you on this.We will do the installation for free . Because we appreciate your business . Good . I hope we can arrange the contract as soon as possible . I am calling to say thank you for the interview yesterday . You are welcome . I am very impressed by your capability . Is there anything I should do ? No , nothing . It's thoughtful of you to call me again . Thank you . Please call me at any time if you have any questions . OK , I will . When you need an apartment , where do you look for one ? Our school has a link on its website for apartments . Can I share an apartment with someone ? Some of the ads in the paper are from people looking for roommates . Are apartments expensive in this city ? Do you need a single apartment , or is this for two people ? I want a two-bedroom apartment . You can get that type of apartment for around fifteen hundred dollars a month . Would you have time to go look at apartments with me ? I love apartment hunting . I ’ ll be happy to go with you . Hi , still in the office ? It ’ s already 7 . I would like to go but I have to finish a very important presentation . Our boss needs it for tomorrow ’ s morning meeting and I was given the complete information only late this afternoon . Sounds like our boss . Typically him always late with important information . Anything I can help ? Oh , that will be great . Thank you so much . Please help me to double-check the name list . I have to make sure they are all correct . Ok , shall I make a coffee first ? Not for me . It is already late . I can not fall asleep after drinking coffee this late . Hello . Welcome ! Hello . I'd like to have my nails manicured . This way please . We offer multiple manicure services here . Do you want a full service ? I don't need the full service . But the full service will make your nails look much prettier and it is on discount now . No , thanks . All I need is painting and polishing . OK . Please sit down . I hope you will be satisfied with our service . Thanks very much . Hello . Good morning , Stately Restaurant . May I help you ? I would like to book a table for seven thirty o'clock , please . Fine , sir . For how many people , please ? For four people . We'd like a quiet table with a fine view of the river . OK . What name , please ? This is Peter Kaufman . Can you spell that , please ? Peter Kaufman , P-E-T-E-R ( Peter ) , K-A-U-F-M-A-N ( Kaufman ) . Oh , thanks , Mr . Kaufman . We look forward to your visit . Bye-bye . Have you been coming to this Laundromat long ? I have been washing clothes here since a few years ago . Why is that ? It doesn't cost me as much to wash here . I've just started doing my clothes here . Why are you washing your clothes here now ? My washing machine broke down . You should just pay someone to fix it . It's too expensive to get it fixed . So you're just going to wash here ? Yeah , I think that's what I'm going to have to do . It costs less to wash here . Julia , look at me ! I'm gaining weight . How could I lose weight ? Do you have any good ideas ? Since summer is coming , I think swimming is a good way for you to do . Are you sure ? Of course ! Swimming can help you stay in shape by targeting all parts of your body . Really ? Does swimming have other advantages ? It could also help you increase vital capacity . That ’ s great . Okay , from now on I would swim three times a week . I hope I can get rid of the weight . You will make it if you persist in it . I am waiting for a fax but just now I found there ’ s something wrong with the fax machine . What ’ s wrong with the fax machine ? Is it urgent ? Yes , very urgent . And there is no other fax machine around . And the office of our boss is closed , so I can not use his machine either . And his secretary is out . Do you have any suggestion ? Either call this extension number 0085 or ask them to send the fax to you as e-mail , you print it out . Gucci , you look serious . I wish you ’ d let your hair down . Really ? OK , I will try my best to be relaxed . I don ’ t want you to be worried , but our son has some bad habits now . He says painful words everyday . What words ? Can you tell me ? He says kick mommy , beat mommy , don ’ t want mommy very quickly if I do something that he doesn ’ t like . You know , if I wash his face or change his clothes , things like that . Honey , I don ’ t know what to tell you . Of course Tony is a young child . But do not underestimate his ability to learn and reason . Yes , but sometimes he is just not reasonable . I suggest you treat him with patience , affection , and respect . If he needs to do something , like go to bed , or be washed , etc . , please guide or help him to get it done , but lead him with gentleness . It ’ s easy to say , but I will try . Motivate Tony to cooperate by rewarding his good behavior . Do not emphasize punishment for bad moods , etc . Do not threaten him with punishment if he resists the actions you desire . I know my parents sometimes threaten to punish him . But this doesn ’ t work , instead he picks up another bad habit . Good morning , Madam . What can I do for you ? I need to have some money transferred from the UK , from my company . It's kind of an emergency . That shouldn't be a problem , Madam . I'm sure we can sort this out for you quickly . That would be wonderful . The problem is I don't have an account with you . That is a problem , isn't it ? Well , to be honest , it will slow things down a little . But it's not a big problem . You can do it by T / T . T / T ? What on earth is that ! ? Sorry , but I've never heard of it . T / T ? It means ' telegraphic transfer ' . So , if you use this way it's fast and secure and can be done from anywhere , to anywhere in the world . White Rose Restaurant . Good afternoon ! Can I help you ? Yes , I would like to book a table for six for the next Monday . Certainly , sir . At what time should we expect you ? At 6:30 on next Monday evening . And what is it going to be , Chinese food or Western food ? Chinese food . May I have your name , sir , please ? Please book it under the name of Mr . Peter . So it's Mr . Peter , a table for six for the evening of the next Monday . It is Chinese food and you are coming at 6:30 . That's right . Thank you for calling us . We'll be expecting you next Monday . How much for these autographed Elvis records ? Thirty bucks a record . Or five for one hundred and twenty bucks . Uh , I'm not sure . Are these all in good condition ? Absolutely . I bought them from the King's estate myself ! Tell you what-I'll let you have five for one hundred bucks . I don't really need five . OK . Five for eighty-five bucks . That's my final offer . Oh , why not ? I'll take ' em . My watch always gains ten minutes a day . That's funny . My watch always loses ten minutes a day . No kidding . I am serious . Every morning I set my watch by the radio , but it still loses ten minutes . You know what you can do ? Throw it away and buy a new one . No , you don't have to . You only need to put your watch back ten minutes every day . So you put your watch back ten minutes every day ? Yes , that's what I am doing . Why bother ? Just buy a new watch . It doesn't cost much . Besides , I just can ’ t put up with this thing any more . Hi , what brings you to my office today ? I ’ Ve been getting really short of breath , and my coach wanted to have a doctor check me out . Have you had the flu lately ? No , I have been pretty healthy . I just have trouble taking a really deep breath . Have you ever been tested for allergies ? Peaches make me break out , but I don ’ t have any other allergies . Does this happen all the time or maybe a little more in the cold weather ? I ’ Ve noticed that it is worse when I am under stress , like during finals week . I feel that you should see a pulmonary specialist to check for asthma . I appreciate the referral , doctor . How are the children doing in your class , Jane ? They ’ re all doing fine . Let me show you some of their pictures . Which child is this ? That ’ s Charles . What a large child ! All my children are large . And which child is this ? That ’ s James . What an agile child ! All my children are agile . Now which child is this ? That ’ s Joanna . Joanna hopes to go to college . Mm . All my children hope to go to college . Right ? You ’ re home late today , David . How was school ? Not bad . There ’ s a new English teacher . Oh , what ’ s she like ? She is beautiful . Is she old or young ? She is quite young and her hair is blond . Is she strict ? Not really . Her eyes are blue . Can she speak Chinese ? Not much . She is very tall and slim . David , stop dreaming . It ’ s time to do your homework . Good afternoon , sir . Good afternoon . I have a reservation under the name of Hilton . Could you spell that , please ? Sure . It's H-I-L-T-O-N . One moment , please . Ah yes , Mr . Hilton , you booked a single room for three nights . Is that correct ? Yes , that's right . I see from the computer that you are a frequent guest here . Do you have your loyalty card ? Yes , here you are . And here's my credit card , too . Thank you . Right , your room number is 105 . Here's your key and receipt . Thank you for choosing our hotel again , sir . Thank you , goodbye . Goodbye . Could I ask you where the company is ? Sure . Our company is in Ericsson Tower , No . 12 Like East Street , Chaoyang District . Can I get there by the No . 913 bus ? You can make it by the No . 913 bus , or by subway Line 13 . Have you heard about John ’ s obscene words towards the manager ? Yes , but he should bush it off as if it were not a big deal to him . Can you help me find a pan ? Are you looking for a small , medium , or large pan ? I want a big pan . Does this one look big enough ? Yes , it's the right size , but it weighs too much . Well , what do you think of the aluminum pan ? It's light enough , but the handle will get too hot after cooking . Here's the same pan , but it has a space-age , heat-resistant plastic handle . Oh , my family's going to love this one . I'll take it . I'm so happy that you found what you wanted . Do you want to use a credit card ? Sure . Wait , wait . Does a lid come with this pan ? Oh , I'm sorry . Here's the lid . Yes , it comes with the pan . May I see your airplane ticket , passport and health certificate please ? Here you are . Will you please put all your luggage on the scale ? I want to check these three pieces and I'll carry this overnight bag by myself . Sir , your bags are 30 pounds over weight . You are allowed only 45 pounds of baggage . Well , then , how much do I owe you ? That comes to H . K . $ 120 . Would you like to order anything else ? No , I'm good . All we need now is our check . The waitress is walking over here with our check even as we speak . I have never had bad service at this restaurant , but this time was really exceptional . Yes , she really went out of her way to make this a pleasant dining experience . Let's take a look at our bill . The total price for our dinner is $ 36.00 . How much money should we leave for a tip ? I know that 15 % is a normal tip , but I really thought that this waitress went out of her way for us . What do you think about tipping her 20 % ? She definitely deserves 20 % for a tip . So we can add her tip of $ 7.20 to the bill of $ 36.00 and the total will be $ 43.20 . Yes , what a wonderful meal ! It absolutely was a great meal . We'll have to return here for lunch sometime . Hello , can I help you ? Yes . I ’ m looking for something to wear to a formal party . What dress size do you wear ? Medium , a woman ’ s size 10 or 12 . This dress is the latest fashion form Paris . It ’ s made of pure silk . And this silk blouse would go with this skirt . Do you like it ? Yes . Why don ’ t you try it on and see how you feel about it ? That ’ s a great idea . I ’ ll try it on . How does that feel ? It feels very good . You look wonderful . Okay . I ’ ll take it . Thank you very much . You ’ re welcome . I see an Open House sign over there , and I think we should go check it out . I think that looks like a very nice house . Is it on our Internet listing for Open Houses ? Yes , I see it listed on the printout we got off of the Internet . I love the beautiful lawn . What a great front entryway ! We need to make sure to put our names in the registry so the realtor knows we were here . That works for me . We can check out the kitchen next . On such a hot day , it is thoughtful to have water out for potential buyers . Check out the flyer with all of the home ’ s information on it . What is the price of this house in the flyer ? They have changed the asking price since it first went on the market . It is now two hundred and twenty-five thousand . Would you like to have a piece of cake ? No , thank you . I'm on a diet . Why ? You're not fat . I'm considering entering for the beauty contest this summer , so I must have a slender figure . Women of all shapes would be beautiful if they are self-confident . I'm afraid the judges do not think so . All the beauty contests are for slim girls only . Well . There's a beauty contest in Thailand just for fat beauties . How much do they weigh ? All the beauties who entered the contest were over 80kg . But I'm not fat enough to enter that contest . Honey , have you all packed ? Almost ready . I am making a double check . It is cold on the mountain . Have you packed the windshelled clothes and bodywarmers ? Of course . And I have also packed two umbrellas just in case of raining . You are so thoughtful . Do you think our tent will be working well ? Of course . I just bought it last year . What about our mobile phones and cameras ? Did you charge them last night ? Yes , I did . Don't worry . Good . We should tell our neighbour that they can call the police if some emergency happens to us . Yes . You think a lot , too . Sally , what do we have for dinner What would you like to have ? Well , I quit breakfast , so I had a rich brunch . I feel like having something mild for dinner In that case , what about having some noodles ? Noodles are fine . Or maybe I'll have some porridge . All right . I'll cook for you . Hi , can you tell me where I could make a copy of a document right now ? Sir , you can come downstairs right now to the computer lab . That's great . I don't suppose the copy machine is free for guests ? Sir , each copy is ten cents or one dime , whichever you prefer . In the good old days , it was only five cents a copy . I'll be right down . Those were the good old days , sir , indeed . We've settled price , order , payment , now I am calling to ask about package . How can we pack the goods ? As a rule , we use cardboard boxes for outer packing . Besides , I would like to make it clear that each piece of computer will be dismantled into several parts before shipment . Do you mean that we are responsible for putting them together ? Yes . As you know , that's the common practice for exporting computer . This can avoid some damages on computers in the process of transportation . I see . Why not use wooden cases ? If you prefer wooden cases , we will provide them . But cardboard boxes are light , less expensive , and more convenient to handle in the course of packing and unpacking . Oh , I know . Does it mean that shipment will have to be delayed if I insist on using wooden cases ? Perhaps . That will be more complicated , if we use wooden boxes . Then you may use cardboard boxes for outer packing so long as you can guarantee the safety of the computers . That is guaranteed . Each box is lined with foam plastic in order to prevent damage by air , water or stress . Besides , cardboard boxes will be secured together on wood pallets by overall metal strapping . Sounds good . Is there anything that you are interested in ? Yes . Is this your new product this year ? Yes . It's a prototype of our new product . It has got more advantages than the second did . When is the product going to be on the market ? It will be released next month . So soon ? It seems to be in the early stages . We have developed new technology about it . And the new product will be a pleasure to be hold . Well , it's sounding good ! I'm looking forward to that . Do you have these shoes in a size 7 ? Yes . Let me get you a pair . Excuse me , but is this dress on sale ? The dress was on sale yesterday . Are you sure ? I'd be happy to pay the sale price today . I'm so sorry , but rules are rules . OK , I'll just check out a few other stores . I'm sorry I couldn't help you . Good evening . Room Service . May I help you ? Yes . Please send one " Fried Rice , Hangzhou Style " and one " Fruit Salad " to my room . Anything to drink , sir ? Yes , two bottles of beer . Is there any particular brand you like , sir ? Carlsborg . Yes , sir.Is there anything else you want , sir ? No , thanks . May I know how many of you so that I could prepare the right set of tableware ? Yes , two of us . Excuse me . May I know your name and room number ? Yes , Bill Smith in Room 713 . So , that's one " Fried Rice , Hangzhou Style " , one " Fruit Salad " and two bottles of Carlsborg beer . We'll send them to your room in 20 minutes . Personnel . May I help you ? Hi , could I speak to Nancy please ? This is she . Paul ? Yeah , it ’ s me . Can you give me a lift after work ? Come on ! It's time to go ! Wait a minute ! Just hold your horses ! What's your hurry , anyway ? Well , I've got to stop and get gas in the car , first . That won't take long . Well , it won't if there no line at the pump . Well , I'm not quite ready . I'll give you five more minutes , then I'm going on without you ! You wouldn't do a thing like that ! Oh , yes , I would ! Can you connect me to Mary . Smith Hotel room ? Mrs . Smith has not checked in yet . Can you leave a message for her to call her office ? Yes , I'll see that she get the message when she checks in . Dad , how can we get to the zoo ? We can take a bus there . Does this bus go there ? I think so . Let's step in , Dad . No , it's too crowded . Dad . Here comes another bus . Fine . Let's get on . Oh , no , Judy ! Get off the bus quickly ! Why ? Dad ? We got on the wrong bus . Come in and sit down , Jack . Now , what's the trouble ? I've got a terrible pain in my stomach , Doctor . I see . When did it start ? It started yesterday . I didn't eat any supper . Have you got a temperature ? I think so . I feel very hot . Let's see . Yes . You ' Ve got quite a high temperature . I've got an awful headache , too , and my throat hurts . Hm .. I think you ' Ve got the flu . Is it serious ? No , not at all , but you must stay in bed for three days and take this medicine . How often must I take it ? Three times a day after meals . Thank you , Doctor . Goodbye . I was wondering whether you could ship the tennis racket overseas to Taiwan . I'm sorry we don't ship overseas . It's too much trouble . I understand you don't have a history of shipping overseas , but I am willing to pay extra for shipping . Maybe we could make an exception for you if you win the bid . Thanks so much ! By the way , is the racket really Serena Williams ’ ? Yes . You'll get a picture of Serena playing with the racket and a document from her . Waitress , can I have the bill , please ? Yes , sir . How would you like to pay the bill , sir ? Do you accept credit cards ? Yes , sir . But we only accept American Express , Master card and Visa . What kind do you have ? Master card . Here you go . Wait a moment , please . Good morning , sir . Can I help you ? Good morning . I want to buy a lipstick for my wife because it is her birthday today . Do you know what color your wife often wears ? Light pink . Would you like this color or other colors ? I'd like her to have a change . Then how do you like this plum red one ? It is nice . Is it water proof ? Yes , sir . Okay , I'll take it . Could you help me gift wrap it ? Of course . Excuse me . What should I wear if I want to go to an interview ? You should wear a tie to go with your suit . I am afraid I would tense up during the interview . It doesn't matter . Just do your best to sell yourself . Hi , is this Sue ? Yes ? Sue , this is Tom Lin from Allied Trust and I'm calling to offer you a position with our firm . What position ? Senior account rep . How much does it pay ? It starts at $ 30,000 . S I'm sorry but my bottom figure is $ 36,000 . Did you smell something ? It smells so great . It must come from the bakery on the corner.They are baking cookies . Their cookies are very popular in town . How come I never knew that ? Do they have a new baker or something ? I think so . The bakery invited a famous baker from the USA . He is good at making cookies . Let's go and get some cookies . I am hungry now . Look at the swiss roll over there , they look delicious , too , I am thinking about buying one . You can taste some before you buy it . They have food tasting at the counter . I am starting loving this bakery now . It's one of my favorite bakeries . You should have told me earlier . I am a cookie lover . You stay beside me ; I'll fry the meat in the oil first . Daddy , what seasonings are you going to cook the meat with ? Er , I am gonna go with salt and sauce ! What ? Are you kidding ? Is there anything wrong ? I remember Mom going with a lot of pepper for the meat . How can I help you this afternoon ? I want to take out some money , but there's a massive queue for the ATM so I thought I'd do it over the counter . Unfortunately , an ATM is being refilled because it ran out of money . That's what's causing the hold up . Oh , I see . I thought maybe it was just the time of the day , although it isn't usually busy at 2:30 in the afternoon . You are right , you've just missed the lunchtime rush . Could you fill out a withdrawal slip , please ? I did that already , while I was waiting . Also , here's my card . Thank you . And you require ... 800 RIB , please . Please enter your personal code right here , on the key pad . And sign here , please . OK ... Thank you . Here's your card back and your money . Please double check it for me . Yes , that's great . Thanks . Hello , may I help you ? Well , I'm looking for some winter clothes . And I notice you have pre-season sale on all your winter apparel . Yes , everything is 25 % off . Do you have any skirt that will go with this sweater ? Sure , we have both skirts and slacks that will go well with the sweater . I especially like this flowery skirt . It's very much in style this year . I don't think that shade of green will go with my complexion . Do you have any of those skirts in black or tan ? Look on the rack to your right . Oh , yes . Just show me where the fitting rooms are now . I can't wait to try this on . What are you going to take ? Roast pork chops with a bottle of red wine , please . Is soup served here ? Of course . What kind of soup do you like ? Clear or thick ? Clear soup . I think tomato soup is fine . Can I help you ? Yes.Do you have football stockings here ? Yes.There are two colors . OK , I'll buy two pairs of each color.And do you have sports socks ? Yes . OK , give me two pairs in white . Anything else ? No.That ' s all . Would you please take a seat over there , madam ? I ’ ll let Mr . Emory know that you ’ re here . Thanks . I can wait here . Well , it may take some time . Mr . Emory ’ s at a meeting at the moment . It would probably be more comfortable over there . I see . All right , then . Thanks . Hello . Excuse me . Do you know if there's a Commercial Bank around here ? Yes , go straight along Beijing Road and turn right . Straight on , and turn right . Is it far ? No , it's just a couple of minutes . Thanks very much . You're welcome . Mr . Charles , I feel that we have had a very pleasant talk . I think so too , and you have a general understanding of the company now . Yes , your company is a big one in the field and has great potential . What else do you want to know ? I want to know about the salary information in your company . Then , how much do you wish to be paid each month ? I hope my starting salary will be 3,000 yuan a month if I become a formal worker . We will give you more than what you hope . Really ? That's good news for me . You will have a six-month internship after you enter our company . During this period you can get 2,500 yuan a month , and after that you can get 3,500 yuan per month . It sounds great ! You can also get a bonus at the end of the year , and if you can keep working in the company , your salary will get a raise every year . By the way , how many days do we work every week ? Five days every week , but if it is necessary , you need to work overtime once in a while OK , I see I have a problem with my cable . What about it ? My cable has been out for the past week or so . The cable is down right now . I am very sorry . When will it be working again ? It should be back on in the next couple of days . Do I still have to pay for the cable ? We're going to give you a credit while the cable is down . So , I don't have to pay for it ? No , not until your cable comes back on . Okay , thanks for everything . You're welcome , and I apologize for the inconvenience . I've found a nice place in this district.Three bedrooms , a large kitchen . high ceilings , a tile bath and a big drawing room . It sounds nice , but don't forget this is a seedy , run-down neighborhood . What about the one on the Yellow River Road ? It's a two-bedroom one , and renovated building with an eat-in kitchen . It's a bit small but looks nice . What's more , it's only ten minutes ' walk to the company . Can I see your ticket please ? Here you are . Ok , Mr . Smith . Do you have any bags to check ? Just this one . And would you prefer a window seat or an aisle seat ? Aisle , please . Boarding time is 10:20 am . What's the gate number ? Gate 29C . Have a nice flight . Excuse me , I'm a little lost . Which bus do I take to get to Shi Da ? Let's see . From here , you have to take the 278 bus . Oh OK , where do I get off ? You should get off at the first Shi Da stop . Ok , thanks ... You're new at this , huh ? No , is it difficult ? No , it's quite simple . When you get on , just ask the bus driver when to pay the fare and where you want to get off . How much does it cost ? Only 15 NT per section . Oh look , that is your bus . Wow , I can't thank you enough . Don't mention it . Have you gotten a parking ticket before ? No , I haven't . What about you ? I got a ticket a couple of days ago . What did you do ? I got it for parking in the red zone . Why would you park in the red zone ? I had to run in and get something quickly . Where were you at ? I got the ticket in front of my apartment . I thought that you had your own parking spot ? I had to make it quick . Hope it was worth it . Hi ! May I help you ? Thank you ! I am interested in your product . But I am not familiar with your corporation . In fact , in the past we only attended local exhibitions . No wonder . Here is our brochure . It'll help you get acquainted with our products and company . Thank you ! Hey honey ! Where were you ? I decided to take Kenny to the park and get some fresh air . How was it ? Were there a lot of kids ? It wasn't too crowded , but we had a great time ! We got on the see-saw together , then went on a couple of different slides and then I tried to go with him in the jungle gym , but I didn't fit . Sounds like fun ! When we go he always just likes to play in the sandbox . Yeah , but today he was really hyper . He even got on the monkey bars and then he went on to go on the swings for a half hour . I'm exhausted ! You should go to the park more often since you don't go to the gym anymore ! Hello , Madam . Are you alright ? I'm here to pay my telephone bill . I usually go to the post office , but I was told that I could take care of it here . Is that right ? Yes , that's correct , Madam . You don't need to go to a counter at all , you can use one of our ATM machines . I'll be more than happy to help you . I don't usually like to use Atms , I like dealing with a real person , you see . I know it does seem a little daunting , but once you get used to it , it will save you a lot of time and trouble . Well Rebecca , is there anything else you need to know for now ? I don ’ t think so , Mr . Parsons . I think you have covered all the main points for me . Okay well listen , here is my business card with my mobile number . If any other questions spring to mind don ’ t hesitate to contact me . Of course you can also call Miss Childs too . Great . Rmm , when can I expect to hear from you ? Well , we are finishing the shortlist interviews tomorrow , so we will certainly have a decision made by early next week . Miss Childs will call you to discuss more on Monday or Tuesday . How does that sound ? That sounds perfect . Thank you very much for taking the time to speak to me Mr . Parsons . The pleasure ’ s all mine , Rebecca . I hope to hear from you very soon . Absolutely . Thanks for coming Rebecca . Goodbye . I'd like to reconfirm my plane reservation . What flight are you taking ? Flight 201 . And what's your name ? Anderson . Everything is in order . Please check in at the airport an hour before flight time . Thank you . I want to go house shopping , and I want to know what I can afford to buy . There is a formula that can help us figure that out . What is your annual salary ? I earn sixty-five thousand dollars per year . What is the length of time that you have worked at the job you have now ? I have been at the job I now have for 2 years , and I have been with the company for 6 years total . Do you receive any other income ? I own a small rental unit with a partner , and I receive five hundred dollars a month from that unit . Do you know what your credit score is ? I don ’ t know , but the last time I checked , it was very good ! You are in good shape . Figuring in your other expenses , you can easily afford a house costing seven hundred thousand or maybe even a little more ! What do you think about all the different diets people go on ? I don't think dieting is good for you . It's much better to eat a balanced diet and to never get overweight to begin with ! But what do you think about people who are obese ? What should they do to lose weight ? They need to eat healthy foods , but they also have to increase the amount of exercise they do every day . They don't have to cut out fattening foods altogether , though . So you think it's ok for people who are dieting to eat chocolate ? Sure , they can eat some chocolate . As long as they are exercising and eating mostly healthy foods , there's nothing wrong with having a small dessert . How about drinking soda ? Many people gain weight by drinking far too much soda . Soda should be a treat ; there's simply no nutritional value in it whatsoever . If you want to lose weight and you can't stop drinking soda , try some diet coke . That's good advice . Have you ever tried taking vitamins ? My mother used to make me take vitamins every day , but I don't take them anymore . Vitamins are good as a supplement , but they don't do much good if you don't have a well-balanced diet to start . How do you know so much about food and dieting ? You might not believe this , but I used to be twice the size than I am now ! Hey , let ’ s pull over and look at that house over there . Yes , that looks great ! Is it on our Open House list ? Yes , it is on our list . Well , it looks great from the curb . Let ’ s go on inside . Let ’ s sign the registry . The realtor looks kind of busy right now . OK , let ’ s go check out the kitchen next . Oh look , they have some refreshments in here . Make sure that you pick up a flyer with the information about the home . Does it say how much they are asking for this house ? Yes , it seems to have been discounted from two hundred and thirty-five thousand to two hundred and twenty-five thousand Johnny , I can't believe you would do that . I know , Grandma , I just ... You're darn Toomin ' , you know ! Now , you're on housework duty while I'm here ! Yes'm . You're going to mop the floor until you can see your face in it ! Yes'm . And you're going to dust every piece of furniture in the house ! Yes'm . We really were lucky . We got the last available table for two---and we didn't even have a reservation ! Did you see the long lines behind us ? Yeah , I'm glad that we didn't have to wait long . I'm starving ! Let's take a look at the menu so we can order . Do you want to choose an appetizer for us to share ? What would you rather have , samosas or poppadoms ? I heard that one of their specialities is the samosa . Well , let's get a plate of those then . Sounds good . What are you going to have for your main course ? I think I might have a dahl . What's in a dahl ? It's got chickpeas and vegetables in a spicy curry sauce with rice . That sounds nice . Do you want to share some kebabs as well ? Ok . How about some lamb kebabs ? That's my favourite . Do you want to have some wine or beer ? I think I'll have a beer . Ok , shall I flag down the waitress ? I wouldn't recommend it . I think we should wait until she comes round . You're right . That might seem a bit rude . It's a good thing I've got you with me ! What would you do without me ? My baggage is missing ! Do you have air ticket and claim tag ? Here they are . Well , then , would you fill out this PIR from ? And also we need your signature here . How soon would you deliver my baggage ? Hopefully by tomorrow evening.Which hotel are you going to stay ? At the down town Hilton Hotel . When is the expected date of your departure ? I'm going to return next week . Hi Benjamin . My name is Dr . Green . What seems to be the matter ? I've been feeling pretty ill for a few days now . what are your symptoms ? I feel chilly , I've got cramps , I keep throwing up , and I feel dizzy and tired . it sounds like you might be a bit dehydrated . Do you feel thirsty most of the day ? yes . I can't seem to drink enough . have you been drinking plenty of water ? no , just soda . ok . Well , we'll have a nurse take some blood in a few minutes to see if you're dehydrated . First , let me feel your pulse . that seems to be a bit low , but that's not uncommon when you're ill . is anyone else sick in your home ? no , but my girlfriend has mono . I see . I'll have the lab techs run some tests to check for mono as well then . The burse will come in then to take your blood , we'll run some tests , and then you can go home . You should hear from us thanks . I am looking for a pan . No problem . What size would you like ? A big one would be nice . How about this one ? It's our biggest — 16 ” in diameter . Oh , yes . I like that one . But it's too heavy . Okay , try this one . It's made of aluminum . Oh , yes , this is much better . But it has an aluminum handle . Here you go . Same pan , but with a state-of-the-art , heat-resistant plastic handle . Yes , that's perfect . I'll take it . Great . Will that be cash or charge ? Oh , wait a minute . What about a lid for the pan ? I'm sorry . I forgot to show you the lid . It comes with the pan . I don't know if you remember , but with honest every day last year we tided the knot . Of course I remember , actually , I am very surprised you remembered , I thought for sure you would forget . How could I ever forget ? I even bought you roses because I love you . They are so beautiful . I love them , and I love you too . You are more beautiful than the roses . I don't know how , but I love you more than the day we gotta married . Yes , we are match made in heaven . I know of the past years we have faced and shared troubles , but we survived and here we are . Yes , we did , we did have problems , but we shared a lot of happiness too . We countered the problems , and had a lot of happiness too . Yes we did . I love you , happy anniversary . I love you , happy anniversary . You won ’ t believe who ’ s been elected to do overtime on the Baker account ! Me ! I ’ Ve already logged in 20 hours of overtime ! Wow ! Why so much ? I thought they were getting you an assistant . They were supposed to , but so far nobody ’ s turned up , and I ’ m left on my own to do the work . This is the first break I ’ Ve had all day . They ’ re really running you into the ground . Why don ’ t you ask for some time off ? You could take a long weekend and go away somewhere . We're having trouble with Bob . What's the problem ? He's been late for work twice . Okay , I'll speak to him . Good morning . Good morning . This is Mary.Can I speak to Anne please ? I ’ m sorry.She isn ’ t in at the momment.She will come back at half past nine.Can I take a message for her ? Thank you.But I will call her later . OK.Goodbye . Goodbye . Mom , may I play the card games for a while ? Do you ? Dad is in the study . I won't make any noise . Mom , please . Behave yourself ! Don't make any noise . Have you finished your homework ? Yes , I ' Ve finished . Then let me see . er ... , mom , I promise . I won't make a single noise . All right . Just five minutes . Be sure not to touch anything . Ok . I won't get into trouble . Be careful ! Thanks for the warning , Mom . Hi , Monica , how is everything going ? Everything goes well , but I am thinking about quitting my current job . Why ? You ’ re not satisfied anymore ? I just sense . But I cannot grow anymore . My boss is not really supporting me . I am interested in some positions in other JV companies , but I need to do some more in-step research before I send my application letters out . That is important . Doing research on a company you are interested in will definitely help your application . Certainly , it is very nice talking with you . But I really have to go now . Catch you later . Ok , good luck to you . Good Morning Ann . Good Morning Mr Jones . How about a cup of coffee ? I will make it now . And can you tell me what meetings I have this week ? I will bring the diary . Okay , this afternoon you have a meeting with your accountant at 5 pm . On Wednesday , you are going to London . Don't forget your train leaves at 9.30 am . Okay , what time is my meeting in London ? At 11.30 . And on Thursday Ms Von wants to talk to you . Who is Ms Von ? She is our new project manager . She starts next week . I'm going to the fair now.if any one looks for me . ask them to call the fair . What is the telephone number there ? 8826789 4 , extension to 208 When will you reach there ? About ten.another thing is that I want an appointment with the customer at Changing hotel at three thirty this afternoon.please help me phone the customer so we can confirm now . What is the customer's name , and what is his room number ? You can check them from the fax yesterday . Ok , I'll phone the customer right away.Do you want to pick him up at our office ? No , I'll discuss the business with him at hotel . Do you have perfume ? Yes , what kind of smell do you like ? I would like some light smell . How about this one ? It's not that concentrated . Can I smell it ? Sure . Good morning , sir . What can I do for you ? Check out please . You have stayed for 6 day.Here is your bill . Here is the cash.Can you look after my baggage for a while ? Surely of course . But you have to be back by 5 o'clock , otherwise we will charge you 10 $ . OK , thank you . Are you familiar with the office management ? I have done something like that before . Are you still interested in it ? I think I am . I left the job only because it was too far from my home . I would love to rent this apartment . I ’ m happy to hear you say that . How much are you asking for every month ? I ’ m renting this apartment out for $ 1050 a month . That is quite a lot of money for just one month . That is a fair price . What do you say to $ 850 a month ? That ’ s no good . It ’ s either $ 850 or nothing at all . I won ’ t go any lower than $ 1050 . Could you please go lower ? That ’ s the best I can do . Good coming , sir . What can I do for you ? I'm Mr . Bob , Room 309 . I'm checking out today . Can I have my bill now ? Certainly . Please wait a moment . Here is your bill . What's the 30 yuan for ? This is the charge for your laundry service on Nov . 20thA But I did't take any laundry service during my stay here . I think you have added someone else's . Would you mind waiting a moment while we check it with the department concerned ? I don't mind waiting as long as we get this straightened out . I'm very sorry , Mr . Bob . There has been a mistake . We'll correct the bill . It doesn't matter . Here is the money . Thank you very much . Hope to see you again . Good morning . What can I do for you ? Good morning . I want to post this letter . Can you tell me what the postage is ? I must weigh it . Do you want to send it by ordinary or registered mail ? I want this letter registered . There is something valuable inside . In that case , you'd better have it registered . I think so . Would you mind telling me the postage now ? Seven dollars and fifty cents in all . Here is ten dollars . OK . Here are your receipt and your change . Thank you . Goodbye . Bye . Excuse me , bags aren't permitted inside the supermarket . Oh , I'm sorry . Don ’ t worry . Just check in your bag before entering . Thanks . Could you tell me where I should deposit my bag ? The checkroom is just behind the front door . OK . I will deposit my bag right now . I cooked , so ... Okay ! I'll do the dishes . Could you help me figure out why I am missing my unemployment check for this week ? I hope that you remembered to send in your last Continued Claim Form . I am pretty sure that I didn ’ t send that claim form in . You have to send that form in every two weeks so we that we will know what to pay you . Can I mail it in late ? If it is not more than fourteen days past its due date , then you may still mail it in . I think that I will mail it in right away when I get it next time , so I won ’ t be late . You can ’ t mail it in early because you don ’ t know , in advance , how much you will be working . Even though I was late turning in my form , will my paycheck be late ? Yes , your check will be a little late in getting to you . Hello , I would like to apply for a permit . Can I see your ID ? No , I left it in the car . I'm going to need to see your ID and $ 27 for your permit . One moment while I go and get my ID . Make it quick . Okay , here's my ID and the $ 27 . Thanks . Now fill this out . Do you have a pen that I can use ? Use this one . Thanks a lot . You're welcome . Turn the application in at Window B . Oh , no . Charlie , where is my purse ? Don ’ t you have it ? Did you lose it ? Yes , I did . I lost it . It disappeared . Myrdal , purse doesn ’ t just disappear . Think carefully . When did you have it last ? I had it when I left the house . I had it when we start to get the hotdog . OK . Let ’ go back to the hotdog stand . What's the deal with the Asia area sales ? Did you have a chance to look at any other reports that came in from the branch offices ? We got numbers back from our offices in Beijing , Hong Kong , Taipei , Singapore and Tokyo , we're waiting on Bangkok and Kula Lumpur . What do the preliminary figures tell you ? Any kinds of trends going on for the branches in the Far East ? It's hard to say , because the branches are located in diversity different countries , cultural and social influences will definitely play a part in the success of the product in the various markets . For example ? For instance , some products that do very well in Tokyo branch are a flop in Malaysia.We ' re talking about different people with different lifestyles and different needs . Each of the branches takes these types of things into consideration when they compile their reports and their marketing plans . I am here to get my prescription filled . Your prescription will be ready in twenty minutes . Do you ever deliver prescriptions by mail ? Yes , in fact , you can renew this prescription over the Internet and have it delivered to your home . How should I take this medication ? You should take it twice a day . Should I avoid alcohol with this medication ? You need something in your stomach when you take it . Don ’ t drink alcohol with this medication . Should I expect any side effects ? Sometimes you might feel dizzy , but that isn ’ t common . That restaurant has six parking spaces . What are the odds of finding a parking space there ? Almost zero . May I see you around 10 o'clock tomorrow morning , please ? Certainly . Come to my office at ten ten . Be prompt , please . I've another appointment at 11 . Don't worry . I'll be there right on time . Good morning , how are you doing today ? I have been feeling pretty good , Dr . Smith . So , I can see by your chart that you are here for your annual physical . Yes , I am playing on the tennis team this year , and they are requiring me to get a physical exam . We are basically going to check your heart , lungs , blood sugar levels , and eyes , ears , and nose . I ’ Ve being kind of been having problems being out of breath . Can you look at that ? Yes , I will check you for asthma , and maybe we can check you for allergies later . Thank you . What will the blood test tell you ? We will be checking for blood sugar , cholesterol , and white blood cell count . I have been working hard to stay healthy . I hope the tests turn out well . Good morning , Ms Chan . What can I get you today ? Good morning , Mr . Church . I ’ d like some lamb chops for the children ’ s lunch . Shoulder chops , Ms Chan ? Yes . I ’ ll take four shoulder chops and I ’ d like a small chicken . Would you like to choose a chicken ? Which one is cheaper ? This one is our cheapest . How much is all that ? I don ’ t have much cash . Can I give you a check ? Yes , of course , Ms Chan . Good morning , sir ! Can I help you ? Good morning ! I'd like to buy twelve tickets to Beijing for October 14th . Yes , sir . We have many trains going to Beijing , fast train , through train , express train and tourist train . Which train do you prefer ? Well , the express one , with air-conditioning . Then you'll have two choices . Train No . 14 leaves at 6:00 p . m , and train No . 22 leaves at 8: 00 p . m . When do they arrive in Beijing ? They will arrive the next morning , at 8: 00 a . m . and 10:00 a m . respectively . In that case I think Train No . 14 will be better . We can do more sightseeing in Beijing . Right . Trains No . 13 and No . 14 are the best trains on the line between Beijing and Shanghai . Which seats do you prefer , cushioned seats , ordinary seats , cushioned berth , or ordinary berth ? In a cushioned sleeper , please . Jason Emory speaking . Hi , Jason . It ’ s Elizabeth Montgomery . Have you got those plans drawn up yet ? Yeah . They were just sent over to your office . You should have them in about half an hour . Thanks a lot . Sorry to trouble you . It's time for your bath , young lady . But , Mom , I'm not dirty . You need a bath every day . Why ? Because you don't want to smell bad . I don't smell bad . That's what you think . If I smelled bad , I could smell me . I can smell you . I can smell you , too . That's my perfume . When can I wear perfume ? Usually cities have greater traffic problems . Of course , there're too many people . I hate the car columns on the road . But we couldn't help it . Hello again . What can I do for you today ? Yes , I'm back ! It's nice to see you again . I'm here about those documents . Ah yes , the ones from Sapporo we were dealing with yesterday ? That's right . I had a phone call asking me to come back in , about rejecting them ? Well , we were contacted by your manager and he said ... Yes , we talked about it and thought it was better and significantly quicker to ask the company to pay a Discrepancy Fee . The customer got back to us this morning and they have agreed to pay a Discrepancy Fee of 100 US dollars . That's wonderful news ! I'm glad we decided to rethink our actions ; it's all turned out for the best this way . Thank you for helping us to fix that little problem . I feel like I'm craving a salad . What kind do you want ? I have no idea . Caesar salads are good . I like those too . What kind do you plan on making ? I'd really like a salad with chicken . Chicken salads are really good . I always make my salads with shredded cheese , croutons , and almonds . That sounds like a great salad . Why don't you put it in your salad ? That sounds like a plan to me . Hello , I'd like to get a seat on flight PB12 to Rome . Direct or non-direct ? Is there any discount for a non-direct flight ? Yes . Right now it's the slack season so we will give you ten percent off . What if I buy around ticket ? Can you offer me some more ? Sure . you can get a further discount at 5 % . Hello , I am Mr . Johnson at room 309 . I would like to have a safe box . Do I need to pay for a safe box ? No , you don't . Just fill out this card and sign your name and room number on it . Here you are . Can I have a larger envelope to put my valuable things in it ? Yes , will this do ? Yes , it's perfect . Wait a minute . This is your safe box key , don't lose it . You'll have to pay two thousand yuan if you lose the key . OK , I won't . Would you please bring us a menu ? Sure . What would you want to have today , Chinese food or western food ? Western food . Here is the menu . Take your time . Did you ever get a parking ticket ? No , have you ? Yeah , I just got one the other day . How'd you get a ticket ? The ticket was for parking in the red zone . I don't understand why you would do that . There was nowhere to park , and I needed to run in and get something . Where'd you get the ticket at ? I parked in front of my apartment building . What about your parking spot ? But I really needed to be quick . I bet that you wish you hadn't done that . Excuse me . Does this bus go by Tiananmen square ? Yes , it does . At which stop should I get off ? There is a stop at Tiananmen Square . The stops will be announced on the bus both in English and Chinese . When the stop is coming , you just push the red button near the rear door if you want to get off . Okay , thanks very much . Can I still catch T107 for Xiamen ? Sorry , sir . The train has already left . That's too bad . Can I take another train ? Yes . Your ticket is valid for three days . That's great ! I will take the next train . You have to have your ticket checked . Shall I pay extra charge ? No extra charge at all . But your berth will be invalid . Good morning , Mr . Green . Please have a seat . I received your resume last Monday and I would like to say I ’ m very impressed . Thank you . May I asked why you are interested in working for us ? Your company has an impressive reputation . My uncle worked for your company for many years . Oh , did he ? Yes , but he retired 5 years ago . Would you mind telling me a little bit about your present job ? I ’ m a senior broker in a large company . I deal with clients on a daily basis , handling all aspects of their accounts personally . Do you think you are the right candidate for this position ? Yes , I do think I am the right candidate for this position . Why do you think you ’ re the right candidate for this position ? Well , I have a lot of experience in this area . I have all the qualifications you need . I enjoy working with people . In my current job , I ’ m in charge of a team of eight people . Well , you might be the person we ’ Ve been looking for . Do you have any questions ? Yes , if I were hired , when would you like me to start ? At the end of this month . And how many accounts would I handle ? You ’ ll be supervising six brokers who manage a combined total of 310 accounts . What kind of benefit package do you offer ? Two weeks of paid vacation in your first year of employment . You ’ re also eligible for medical and dental insurance . And we offer a generous retirement pension plan after 10 years of service . Do you have any other questions ? No , not at the moment . Well , I ’ ll have to discuss your application with my colleagues , and we ’ ll get back to you early next week . Thanks . It was very nice to meet you . It was nice to meet you , too . And thanks for coming in today . My child is often absent-minded in class . It's all right . Kids are like that . But if he doesn't listen to the teacher carefully , he won't learn anything . Don't worry . His teacher will tell him to be good . I hope so . Is Tom in ? Wrong number . Isn't this Li's residence ? No , it is not . Oh , I'm sorry . Hello , can I speak to Mark Wyatt , please ? I am sorry . I can ’ t hear your very clearly . Could you say that again , please ? Does Mark Wyatt work there ? Mark Wyatt ? I am sorry . The line is terrible.Could you spell that for me , please ? W-Y-A-T-T , Mark Wyatt . W-Y-A-T-T , Got it . I haven ’ t heard of the name.Could you hold on the line when I check . No problem . I'd appreciate it if you could help me pick out a gift for my daughter . Would she be interested in a laptop ? That's exactly what I was thinking of . A Mac would be an excellent gift . I like Macs . How much for a Mac ? You can take a 15 - inch Pro home right now for only $ 2,100 . A Mac it is . I'll take one home with me . She'll be very happy with this . And how do you plan to pay for it ? I'll use my VISA , if that's okay . Now , if you'll just sign here , the Mac is all yours . Will she need anything besides what's in this box ? Everything she needs is right here in the box . I appreciate your help . Maybe I'll be back for more computer stuff . Your daughter should get straight A's from now on . Good-bye . What's the matter with my throat , doctor ? Your throat is inflamed . Is it serious ? Don't worry , it's not serious . You will get better soon . What can I do for you ? I would like to file a complaint . What happened ? I was robbed . When did this happen ? It happened this morning . What was taken from you ? My wallet and my cell phone . Were you able to get a look at this person's face ? Yes , I was . Would you be able to pick him out of a line-up ? That would be easy . I still have a question to ask you . It's my pleasure ! How much luggage can I take for my flight ? It is allowed to carry 55 pounds for each passenger . But if I have more than 55 pounds , what can I do ? You will have to pay some for every extra pound . How about my hand carry luggage ? You can bring one , if you want to . Hello . Is everything OK , there ? I'm having a little trouble with this form . What seems to be the problem ? There are two types of L / C here and I'm not sure which one I want . That's right , there's ' revocable ' and ' irrevocable ' . We usually go for the irrevocable one , it's the most popular . So , I should choose that one ? I would recommend it , yes . Then you just need to complete that form . I see . It's very nice of you to help me . Is this form alright ? Yes , that's all in order . Let's get this processed for you , then . You have always got your nose in the air , which hurts many boys ’ hearts . I am afraid not . I have no interest in them at all . I would like to order cable . Sure , what package do you want ? What kinds of packages do you offer ? We have all kinds of movie channel packages . What else do you have ? There is a package for all sports channels . Do you have a package that includes all the movie channels with the basic channels also ? Yes , we do offer that package . I want that . Do you want anything else ? No , but is it possible for me to add channels later ? You can always get rid of channels or add some later . Jack ! You've really done it this time . What ? What happened ? I told you to get this consignment out last week.We can't very well run a light bulb conference without any light bulbs , can we ? What am I going to do with you ? Please , give me one more chance . I'll never let it happen again . I'm very sorry . Well , I guess I could give you one more chance , but this is the last time.In themeantime , I hear that Tom who normally does night shift is taking three weeks ' vacation , Can you think of anyone who would be willing to work nights while he is gone ? Um , me ? Bingo ! We are on the way to the Wall Street . Excuse me , miss . What's the tour time we have ? 2 hours and we will meet beside our bus . It's over there . Got it . Thank you . Could you tell me your education background ? Sure . Where shall I begin ? Where did you go to university ? I went to the university of Ohio , in America . What degree did you get ? I got a bachelor ’ s degree . What was your major ? I majored in English and minored in Chinese . What was you G . P . A ? I graduated with honors ; I had a 3.9 . Do you plan to pursue further education ? Yes . I ’ d like to obtain a master ’ s degree in international relations . When do you think you will do that ? After I have 3-4 years of work experience . I see . I wish to make it clear at the outset that this matter of labels is entirely our problem . I should say it is something we have never come across before . The Federal Food and Drug Administration , or the FDA as we call it for short , imposes a whole set of regulations on the import of food products to the United States . Over the years , they have become so rigid and complicated that they are now quite a head - ache for us importers . In my opinion , overly strict regulations are just another way of restricting imports . Ah , there's something in what you're saying . According to the present FDA regulations , the Ma Ling Labels then cannot be used if the lichee is to be offered for import into the United States . Why not ? Our cannedlichee and canned provisions have already been widely sold in various markets abroad , and the Ma Ling Label has now been accepted by most of overseas customers and importers . Is it quite impossible for you to use the Ma Ling labels as they are ? I'd be quite willing to if I could , but we must comply with the label requirements according to our law , or we can't clear the consignment of lichee through the Customs . In that case , what can we do to help you ? Have you any suggestions ? Would you consider quoting us for the order with neutral cans on a C . I . F . basis for delivery in Hong Kong ? Our associated company there will have the labels printed to comply with the FDA regulations . Do you think that's the only way out ? You know we usually do the labeling , as we are responsible for the brand labels of our products . May I take a look at the shoes over there ? Certainly . What's your size ? Size 24 . Are they synthetic or leather ? They are all leather . How do they feel ? It's comfortable . I will take it . What department did you study in ? I was in the Law School in Harvard University . Why do you choose the Law School ? I want to be a lawyer in the future and the Law School was one of the best schools in Harvard . There is a very critical debate between the presidential candidates tonight . Do you know which channel it is on ? Five I think . All three candidates are presenting their campaign platforms . I used to be really interested in that . But lately it seems that they end up saying one thing and doing another anyway . So why listen ? We have to . If nobody listened that would be like turning our backs on our own rights and obligations to the freedoms that our forefathers fought for . It's not that serious . Yes it is . Think about it . If nobody paid any attention to anything then what's it all for anyway ? You get really passionate about this , don't you ? Alright . I'll watch it with you . We are very interested in your printed pure silk scarves , so could you introduce us your prices ? Thank you for inquiring . But your enquiry is too vague to reply . Please send us your best offer and state payment terms and time of shipment . Ok . I need to discuss it with our manager . We'll let you have our firm offer next week . I'm waiting . Your early offer will be highly appreciated . Ok . I will reply to you as soon as possible . I'm sorry . I've lost my tags and receipt . How can I do about it ? I see . What is your baggage ? And do not remember the tag's number or color ? It's a suitcase . But I've forgot the exact color . Maybe it is red or something . Could you give me a description of your case ? It's like this . It's square with a leather cover . Yes , I remember , there is a green string around the handle . That's right . I'll check it for you ... sorry to keep you waiting . I've found it.Is this yours ? Yes , It is the right one . Will you show me your key card , please ? Here it is . All right . Now you can take your case away . Peter , have you seen my purse ? No , mom . I haven't seen it . That's strange . It should be on the desk . Mom , did you try the basket on your bicycle ? Not yet . Let me see . We've changed the schedule again . I really want to meet with you , Mr . White . I just need some time to sort out my schedule . Well , I know you are pretty busy these days . But we have got to work fast on this . Otherwise , we'll lose the market . I realize that . We don't have anytime to waste . I can put you down for 9 Let me see . That is no problem . I'll see you then . Can I help you find something ? I would like to buy a new fridge . Is there one in particular that you like ? I was looking at this Kenmore refrigerator . Ah yes , that is a great refrigerator . What's so great about it ? It's both affordable and it comes with all the appliances . What appliances ? It comes with an ice maker , water dispenser , and there is a lot of room inside . May I see the inside for myself ? Be my guest . Wow ! You're right ! This refrigerator is great . I'll take it . Hi , is this the Bread and Cheese Deli ? Yes , ma ’ am . How may I help you ? I need to place an order for a couple of sandwiches and drinks . Can you deliver ? Yes , we do deliveries for orders over $ 15 , ma ’ am . You look very professional in the suit . The company regulates that men should wear a suit and tie in business meeting . Company policy is not negotiable . I appreciate it . It is related to company image . I would like to open a checking account at this branch . Do you have any other accounts with this bank ? I do , at a different location , I have a savings account and a CD . In that case , we will need to fill out this paperwork . Do you have identification with you ? Here is my driver's license . Will that work ? Yes . Do you know what type of checking account you would like to open , business or personal ? Business please . And I want the most simple one you have . Then you would like the ' no frills ' business account . I want a suit of workmanship and suitable for formal meetings.Would you recommend some brands ? How about these famous brands ? Such as pierre Cardin ... I'm afraid that's a bit beyond my means . Then you can try some local products.They ' re also of good quality . Thank you for bringing me here . What shall we order ? Well , it all looks so good . How about ordering the steamed prawns ? Really ? I ’ d rather have the chicken feet to be honest . Ok then , let ’ s get the chicken feet . How about drinks ? Would you like beer or wine ? I ’ d prefer wine . You ? Wine ’ s fine by me . Let ’ s order a bottle of the house red then . Ok , a bottle of the house red please ! Hi , I have a reservation for flight 007 to New York . May I see your ticket and photo ID ? Yes , here's my ticket and my driver's license . Are these your bags ? Yes , they are . Have you been asked to carry anything for a stranger ? No . Have you maintained full control of your possessions while in the airport ? Yes , I have . Hi , Sarah . The results of questionnaire have come out . We need to discuss it together then write a research report . How is the new product ? 30 % of the people are attracted by the style . Buyers always pay great attention to packing . In my opinion , these goods didn't sell well merely because of the poor packing . Yes , I think so . And how about the price ? Almost 30 % of the consumers can ’ t accept the price . Maybe we should lower our price a little . Yes , I agree with you . We should add our opinions to the research report . Absolutely . Excuse me , sir . I am coming to apply for the position of accountant . Oh , please sit down . What university did you graduate from ? I graduated from Tianjin College of Commerce . What was your major at college ? My major was accounting . Can you name some of the courses you completed in relation to accounting ? Sure . I took such courses as accounting principles , commercial accounting , cost accounting , industrial accounting , electronic data processing accounting , and accounting involved in foreign capital enterprises . What kind of work are you doing now ? I'm engaged in accounting . What are your responsibilities in your present work ? My work involves various routine bookkeeping and basic accounting tasks including journal entries , verifying data and reconciling discrepancies , preparing detailed reports from raw data , and checking accounting documents for completeness , mathematical accuracy and consistency . Are you familiar with the PRC Financial and Tax Regulations ? I think so . Can you tell me something about this balance sheet now ? Of course . This balance sheet contains three major sections , that is , assets , liabilities and owner's equity . So , you see , the total current liabilities of your company are $ 3,372 , 000 , and the owner's equity is $ 5,400 , 000 . That means that the total assets , which is equal to the sum of the creditor's and the owner's equities , are $ 8,772 , 000 . What's the creditor's equity ? The creditor's equity is the same as liabilities . Will you tell me the situation ? I was in my friend's room talking for an hour of so . And then ? I came back to my room and found that my suitcase was open and my camera and five hundred dollars in cash inside the wallet were gone . I'm afraid you must give up the cash.Are you insured ? Yes , this is my overseas travel accident insurance card . I'll make a report for you and please claim this to the insurance company with this report . Would you like anything else ? No , I'm stuffed . The check , please . Here you are , sir . I hope you enjoyed your dinner . Yes , we did . Do I pay you or the cashier ? Pay me , please . Here you are . Thank you . The change , sir . How ’ s it going ? Great . Thank you . What can I help you with ? I need to cancel a check . What ’ s wrong with the check ? I accidentally wrote the check for too much . How much did you write the check for ? The check was written for $ 150 . How much were you supposed to write it for ? I needed to write it for $ 100 . I can cancel it for you right now . Thank you so much . Excuse me , sir . I would like to buy a bag of tissue paper and shoe cream . Fine . Here you are . Anything else ? That's it . How much ? Last week , we had a performance review on all the staff in our department in last quarter . Stevens , can you provide more information about the performance review ? Yes , sir . Most of us had positive review in last quarter . Take Fred and David for examples . Both of them try their best to achieve the best . Their progress is distinct , especially in last quarter . They are popular in and out of our department . Fred is easygoing , while David is cautious in working . All these say a lot for their characters . So , I want to recommend them for a raise . Fred is promoted to be the assistant of manager in marketing department and David to be director of office . Would you like a cup of coffee ? No , thank you . I'm going to get one for myself . They make really good coffee here . On second thought , I will have a cup . Excuse me . Can I get a refund of my ticket ? I have to cancel my trip because I have something emergent to deal with . Which train is the ticket for ? It is Train No . 249 . It will depart in four hours . It is not too late . Pass your ticket to me , please . How much is the cancellation fee ? Five Yuan . Thanks . Joe , can you squeeze me in sometime today ? That's a big order , Jane . I am really swamped . I know what you're saying , but I have to go over the books with you before I go see our tax guy . Right . Okay , let me see what I can do . How about 1:30 right after my lunch meeting ? National Trust . My name is Alice Lin , and I need to know if some money has been transferred to my account yet . Just one second , and I'll check . Thank you . Is there a bus tour ? Yes , of course . We have day tour and night tour . Which one are you more interested in ? I'd prefer the night tour . You are smart . The city is really charming at night . Hello ! Hello , Debbie . This is Donald . Oh , hi , Donald . What happened yesterday ? You forgot our date , didn ’ t you ? Well , it rained hard all day and I had a bad cold , so I decided to stay home . You did ? But I tried to call you at least twenty times and nobody answered . Oh , the telephone lines were damaged by the storm . They repaired them yesterday . What did David do yesterday ? Did he and Judy go dancing ? No , they stayed home and played cards with the children . And what did you do ? Did you play cards , too ? No . I listened to records and studied , what did you do yesterday , Donald ? I just told you , Debbie . I tried to call you twenty times ! Were you at the scene during the robbery ? Yes , I was , Officer . Were you able to see a lot ? I was there as it happened . What happened ? The robber came in with a gun . Could you see his face ? He had a mask over his face . Was he with someone else ? He was alone . Would you be willing to come down to the station for further questioning ? I would be happy to . Alright , tell me what you think . Don't you think it ’ s a bit bright ? Yeah , maybe you ’ re right . How about this outfit ? This dress looks lovely on you , but it ’ s not very practical , is it ? No , I don't have any plans to go to a formal dance any time soon , but I love the way it looks . I just had to try it on ! What do you think about this ? It ’ s casual , yet sophisticated . I like the jeans , but you need something to go with the top . It ’ s too plain on its own . How about this scarf , these earrings , AMD an anklet ? That might be going overboard a bit . How about just that scarf with a bracelet ? That ’ s a good idea . You have a lot of good fashion sense . Thanks . You ’ d be ok on your own . There are loads of fashion victims out there , and you are not one of them . Have you tried it on yet ? Yep . Here it is . What do you think ? That looks great . Just one more thing---you need some high heels with those jeans . Do you want a pair with a plain pattern or ones with a leopard print on them ? The leopard print sounds fabulous . Are they a name brand ? No , they ’ re a Prada knock-off for 1/10 of the price of the real thing . That ’ s even better than the real thing . If I were you , I ’ d buy that now while it ’ s on sale . If you spend $ 100 , you get a $ 50 voucher for more clothes . It ’ s too bad I did all that shopping yesterday ! I found it at a garage sale once . What a find ! So , how much does it cost ? Well , because I like you ... ninety bucks . Ninety dollars is pretty steep . I'll take it for sixty bucks . Sixty bucks ? No-can-do , son . You'll be lucky if I go down to eighty-five . Eighty-five ? That's the best you can do ? I'll come back later ... How was your test ? It was bad . Oh , honey , you should study harder . But I already tried my best . Don't worry . You'll do better next time . Oh , there is something wrong with my car . Your car is rather old . Why not change a new one ? I want to change a new car . I like Honda best , especially the red one . But it is too expensive . Oh , there is a car exhibition tomorrow afternoon . I have two tickets . Would you like to go there with me ? Yeah . Maybe I can find my favorite car in addition to Honda . And the bank will offer you loans for twenty years ! Well , Mr . Cui , could you tell me why you are interested in working with this company ? I think working in this company could give me the best chance to use what I have learnt . As you know , I majored in computer programming in the university . I've cherished a desire to get a job where I can apply my knowledge . I know your company is one of the largest computer companies in the world , and I wish to have opportunity to develop my capabilities here . That ’ s why I applied . I see . But have you ever done any work in this field ? Yes , since 1993 , I ’ Ve been employed as a clerk in the Beijing Branch of the DHAK Trading Corporation . Why do you plan to change your job ? Because I would like to get a job in which I can have good opportunity for advancement , and the job was not challenging enough . Have you applied for work with any other companies ? Yes , I applied with another company , but that was just to get experience in being interviewed . If you are accepted at both places , which company will you choose ? This one , of course . Your company is my first choice . I want to work for you . Miss , where do you want to go ? Could you drop me off at the airport ? No problem . Do I need to pay any extra change for my suitcases ? Yes , you are changed 50 cents a piece . All right . Hello . I'm Duty Manager today ; you wanted to speak to me ? Yes . I hope you can help . I'm interested in obtaining a Working Capital Loan . So , I was wondering what you offer here ? Do you have various types ? Yes , Sir . We can provide these loans in both local and foreign currency , Temporary Working Capital Loans , Short-term Working Capital Loans and Mid-term Working Capital Loans . I see ... Which one interests you , Sir ? To be honest , I'm not exactly sure what we require just now . Have you received any degrees ? Yes . In 1996 I received my Bachelor of Science degree from Hebes University , and in 2001 I received my MBA degree from Peking University . How about your academic records at college ? In fact my records were excellent . My overall GPA was 9 on a 10 scale , which was the highest in my class . That's very impressive . Which course did you like best ? English . It was both interesting and useful , so I showed a great interest in it . Can you tell me why you changed your major when you were a graduate student ? Because I am very interested in administration and I did take some courses in it . I also performed well in the subjects . Hence I believe that I can do a good job in this position . Did you get any honors and awards at college ? Yes . I was awarded a scholarship from the university every year . In 1995 I participated in the National Contest of Maths Models and I won the prize . Do you have any other questions ? Yes , may I ask something about the salary and benefits in your company ? According to our regulations , you will be on probation for the first three months . What is the salary while on probation ? In this period , you can only get the basic salary , 2,500 yuan per month . That sounds fine . The salary will be deposited into the bank on the 15th every month . Your salary will be raised every year in October , depending on your performance . Are there paid holidays ? Yes , you may enjoy a seven-day holiday in the first year . After that , you can have two more days each year . Miss , the air-conditioner in my room doesn't work . Oh , sorry about that.We ' ll get it fixed as soon as we can . Can I help you ? I'm looking for books on WTO.Could you show me where they are ? Come this way please.We ' Ve got plenty of them and they're all on the shelf near the cashier's desk . Thanks a lot . You're welcome . Turn on the TV , please . OK . What's wrong with the TV ? It isn't clear and the color's not right . I don't know . Maybe it's broken . Can you do something about it ? I'll see if I can adjust it . That's better , but it's still not quite right . Why not tell the clerk and ask them to repair it . Good idea . Where were you last night , at exactly 920 pm ? 920 pm , I couldn't say . I can't remember . Are you sure you can't remember ? I'm absolutely certain . Were you in or out ? Can you remember that ? I'm not quite positive . I think I went out at about half pass nine . Did you see anyone come into the block flats ? No , I didn't . Sure ? Quite sure . Can I help you ? I'm looking for an MP - 3 player . Which brand is of the highest quality ? I recommend Pioneer . Which model is the best-seller ? This model is very popular with ladies . May I have a look at it ? Sure , it's multi-functional . Besides playing music , it can also be used to store documents and make recordings . Do you have this model in white ? No , but we have it in yellow . Then I'll take the yellow one . Please wait a second . I'll get it for you . Okay . Good evening , may I help you ? Yes . I want to reserve a table for two this evening . I am sorry , madam . All the tables are booked now . Well . In that case , we will have to go to another restaurant . Thank you all the same . Did you go to school today ? Of course . Did you ? I didn't want to , so I didn't . That's sad , but have you gone to the movies recently ? That's a switch . I'm serious , have you ? No , I haven't . Why ? I really want to go to the movies this weekend . So go then . I really don't want to go by myself . Well anyway , do you plan on going to school tomorrow ? No , I think I'm going to go to the movies . I ’ m moving out . Your lease isn ’ t up yet . I won ’ t be able to stay here anymore . That ’ s going to be a problem . I don ’ t know why there ’ s a problem . It ’ s a problem because I can ’ t give you your deposit back . Why can ’ t you give it back to me ? You ’ re breaking our contract . I ’ m going to need my deposit back . That ’ s not going to happen . I can ’ t stay here , though . That ’ s really not my problem . Willy , I don't think we have much butter.Can you buy some ? Sure , Mum.In a minute . Here's the money.And get some salt . Yes , Mum . Your mp3 looks so cool . Where did you get it ? I bought it online . Really ? Do you often shop online ? Yes . I buy most of my daily necessities online . I've never tried E-shopping . Is it better than shopping at an actual store ? Yes , much better . You can log in a website , browse through many items and categories comfortably at home , order the goods , pay by credit or debit card , and the goods will be delivered to your home . Wounds good , and I don't have to queue up at the cashier . And you can still go ' window shopping ' just like in a real shopping mall . Well , are there any other advantages ? Yes , most of the shops are closed at 22:00 or even earlier , but the internet operates 24 hours a day , seven days a week , and can be accessed anywhere . Are there many choices of online shopping ? Sure . You can buy almost anything you can think of . Perhaps I should have a try . Come in , young man . ( while shaking hands ) I am Zhang Wei , nice to meet you , sir . I am Smith , the personnel director . Please have a seat , son . Thank you . Have you received my resume ? Actually , I haven ’ t had time to look it over . Did you bring another copy with you ? Of course , here you are , sir . Call me Mr . Smith . Certainly , Mr . Smith . Pardon me , but I was wondering if you could break a one . Let me look . What do you need ? I need the change for the stamp machine . I think dimes and quarters will do . I'm sorry to trouble you but there is a lot of noise in next room . Oh , is there ? Which room is it ? It ... , I think the neighbor on the right . You mean the room 1818 ? I'm not sure , but I think so . I'm very exhaust but I can't sleep . All right madam , I'll check and tell them to be quiet . If the nest room is still noisy , could you give me a different room please ? How good is your Mandarin ? Mandarin is the language I spoke since I was a child . So I can speak it very fluently . What dialect do you understand ? I can speak and read Cantonese because I worked in Guangdong for many years . Now that you have learned Kung fu for a few months , what are your general impression of it ? I think , maybe , it takes a real Kung fu master to give a more fair assessment ; meanwhile , I am no more than a beginner . But I really doubt whether kung fu would be of any great help when it comes to defending oneself in real life . You mean , kung fu may not be so powerful as it is imagined ? To some extent your idea holds water . Kung fu was originally intended for self-defense , but with time it became something more than defense skills . Now we are apt to treat it as an art . An art ! You have a good point there . So it is called martial arts in English . The Chinese are really capable of doing things nicely . They even made fighting a great enjoyment , so marvelous and fascinating . Thanks for your compliment ! Perhaps the Chinese culture as a whole has a special inclination towards aesthetics . Do you know Jin Yong ? I know he is a martial arts fiction writer . But I've read none of his novels . All of his works have been translated into English . I recommend you to read one or two works of his . You'll get a general glimpse into Chinese kung fu culture . When you go through the pages , you are likely to feel they are not about kung fu alone , but cover all walks of life . I see . They must have incorporated a series of Chinese cultural elements . Yes , take philosophy , for instance . What makes a true , respectable da via , or a warrior hero ? It's not enough only to be formidable . It also involves a man's character , sense of justice , and values of life . So kung fu is also a means of self-cultivation , isn't it ? Indeed , you're exactly right ! Could you just run through the evacuation procedure ? Yes , of course . When you hear the fire alarm , which is a very loud , continuous ringing noise , you should go to the nearest fire exit or fire escape as quickly as possible . Should we use the stairs ? Yes , don't use the lifts . We have regular fire drills so you'll soon become familiar with the procedure . And always shut the fire doors to prevent the fire spreading . Have you washed any clothes yet ? No , I've only washed my whites . When you wash your dark clothes , can you put some of mine in ? Sure . Is there any extra care that I should take with your clothes ? Just make sure you keep it on the gentle cycle . How many clothes of yours do you want me to wash ? There isn't a lot , why , do you have a large load to wash ? It's really only a small load . Do you mind washing my clothes ? Not at all . It's no problem . Thank you so much . It's no trouble at all . Excuse me , I'd like to try some Chinese food . We serve excellent Chinese food . Which style do you prefer ? I know nothing about Chinese food . Could you give me some suggestions ? It's divided into 8 big cuisines such as Cantonese food , Shandong food , Sichuan food etc . Is there any difference ? Yes , Cantonese food is lighter while Shandong food is heavier and spicy . How about Sichuan food ? Most Sichuan dishes are spicy and hot . They taste differently . Oh , really . I like hot food . So what is your recommendation for me ? I think Mapo bean curd and shredded meat in chili sauce are quite special and delicious . We have a Sichuan food dining room . May I suggest you to go there ? It's on the third floor . Thank you . It's my pleasure . Good morning , madam . I think I'm lost here . The place I want to go to is a hotel called the Hilton . Do you know in which area ? No , I am sorry I have no idea . I am a stranger here . I see . Well , do you know anything near the hotel ? Oh , yes . My friend told me the hotel was near the Central Railway Station . Then you'll have to take a bus and get off at the Central Railway Station . Can you show me where the Central Railway Station is on this map ? OK . Excuse me . Can you tell me where the Wal-Mart supermarket is ? Turn right at the second crossing and then go straight for two blocks . Is it far from here ? No , it ’ s only ten-minute's walk . Thanks a lot . You ’ re welcome . Excuse me.Does this train go to Brooklyn ? Yes , it does . Do you know when it leaves ? I think it leaves at two thirty . Oh , it's ten o'clock . I'd better go now . Would you stay for another cup of coffee ? No , thanks . I'll have to meet my friend at the airport . May , I saw a beautiful cotton down coat in the shopping mail . Are you kidding ? It ’ s summer . Ladies and gentlemen , now we are in the National Forest Park . What's that ? The stone is a prehistoric log . It was turned to stone millions of years ago . Really ? It's unbelievable . But it's the truth . Do you have Ginkgo trees here ? We don't have them here , I'm afraid . Ginkgo trees grow well only in cold weather . What are these trees opposite to the pine trees ? They are poplar trees . They are widely used in our lives . I think I know that . Maybe we'd better go now . It's still early . Gosh , it's already 10 . Stay here if you like . Since we're late , let's go to see a film . OK . Hurry up . Steven , what's the expense of moving house ? About 3 000 dollars . It costs a lot of money . Hospital bills had already made deep in-roads into our savings . Do you think the rest of your salary will be enough to cover our daily expenses ? I am afraid not , darling . Our expenses are mounting . We have to cut back on our shopping from now on . Don't worry . Maybe I can find a part-time job to increase my income . I hope so . We are sorry to bring you so much trouble . We hope that this dispute can be settled through friendly negotiation without its being submitted for arbitration . Yes . That's what we want . Mary , could you please come in for a short while ? No problem . Mary , I'd like you to meet Richard , Our new executive in the marketing . Nice to meet you , Austin . Welcome to our department . I hope you'll like it here . By the way , Richard will assist me in the planning work . I hope you can work well together . Sure , if you've got any problem you can ask me . Thank you.It ' s very kind of you . Richard , Mary is a very helpful and experienced secretary indeed , and I'm sure you will find out . Thank you , sir . I'll try my best to assist Richard in his work . Hi , Bill.It ' s Marsha Black at MPPD Ltd.How are you ? Hello , Marsha . I'm great and you ? Not too bad at all.Do you have a minute ? Sure , what can I do for you ? We're ready to place our Christmas order and we need a formal bid . So this is a real thing ? Right , this is not a drill . This is for all the marbles . When do you need it ? ASAP , in writing of course . Sure , who am I bidding against ? The usual guys , so you better use a sharp pencil . Okay , give me a week and I'll have time to get my pencil real sharp . I should have some new figures from Malaysia by then . How do I submit an expense report ? You need all your receipts for reimbursement . You mean I have to attach the receipts with the expense report ? Yes , here is the form for an expense report . Fill it out and give it to me . I ’ ll get it signed for you . Let ’ s call it a day . It ’ s nice to go home earlier once in a while . But now it ’ s the evening rush . It ’ s hard to commute a long way . Sure it is . I really hate to get caught in a traffic jam . Are you ready to order ? Yes . I'll have the fresh fruit cocktail . And for your entree ? I think I'll Ty the crisp deep-fried chicken . Do you plan on voting this Tuesday ? Yes . What about you ? I already voted . What do you mean you already voted ? I had to mail in an absentee ballot . Why ’ d you have to do that ? I ’ m not going to be able to vote this Tuesday . Why is that ? I have to work this Tuesday . You can always go to work late . That same morning I have some business to take care of . Oh , I understand . Hello . Can I ask what steps I have to go through in applying for the job ? It is not very complicated . You can send your resume to the e-mail address of our company . What is the next step ? Our personnel clerk will screen all the resumes that we receive , select the eligible ones and arrange the interview for them . Ah ! It hurts . Don't touch it . What part hurts ? The shoulder . Well , maybe you broke it . But what I'm worried about is this cut . It's not a cut . It's a gash ! It's bigger than a cut ! Ah ! I need a doctor . C'mon . Just don't move . I'm bleeding too much . We don't have a decent First Aid Kit , do we ? Yes . My bike has one under the seat . Get it , quick ! There's some tape , iodine , and cloth bandages . I don't think the cloth bandages can stop the bleeding . What we need is a tourniquet . Wrap a few loops of the bandages around my upper arm , then twist.That will work as a tourniquet.After that , you can cut more of the bandages to cover the wound . Good plan . Let me put some iodine on the cut . No , forget that ! Do the tourniquet first . I'm losing too much blood . Alright , alright . How did you cut this so bad ? I ’ m having a problem . What ’ s the problem ? A pipe burst in my wall . Is the pipe causing any water damage ? The water is causing mildew . I can come fix the pipe sometime tomorrow . Can I just call someone myself to fix it ? I don ’ t think that would be a good idea . You won ’ t do it until tomorrow . I guess you have a point . So , I can call someone to fix it ? Go right ahead . Here ! Here ! Use my card ! No , you don't ! I should treat my new brother-in-law ! Not on your life ! I'm the best man , so I pay ! OK , OK . On one condition . What's that ? You come back here with me tomorrow , and it's my treat ! You've got it ! But are we coming back for the music , or for the fruit ? Tomorrow I'll take you to some places that I'm sure you will have interest in . Where else haven't I been to yet ? Not many but these ones . They are the Folk Antique Handicrafts and Collectibles Exhibition Halls ! Sounds great ! How many kinds of folk collections they have ? Well , there're actually over 200 kinds of folk collections in this city , that's half the collections of antique objects in China . There's one exhibition hall for multiple collection , and several individual display rooms for private collections . Private collectors ! Oh , they must have excellent collections . I'll go and see each of them . What kinds of collections can I see ? Come on , David , don't keep me in suspense ! No hurry ! I'll tell you now . The collections include ancient cases and caskets , tea sets , abacuses , precious sea shells and conches , jars and water abacuses for study use , drama costumes , agates , ancient coins , butterflies , fans , mini musical instruments , root-carving , rare stones and rocks , model ships , model cars . Enough , David ! I can't wait anymore . Let's go right now ! Okey , Okey . We'll start from the Folk Collection Exhibition House , a multi-folk collection exhibition hall , where the best of local antique objects are on constant display . The hall itself used to be the site of a local club in the late King Dynasty , a well preserved piece of antique architecture itself . Academic research seminars and exchanges between domestic and international experts are often organized there . Very interesting . That's really a place I must go and see . And then ? If you have interest in butterflies , you must go to the Butterfly Exhibition . Mr . Chen , owner of the private museum , has a large collection of specimen of over 1 000 species of butterflies from more than 20 countries for public display . Quite a lot of them are state-level treasures . Mr . Chen himself has become an authority in this area , and master of butterfly sample making , I should say . John , why don ’ t you go and do some gardening ? The lawn needs weeding . Because I ’ m not in the mood , that ’ s why . Well , don ’ t just sit there , do something . Come and help me in the kitchen . Help you in the kitchen , I don ’ t feel like it . Would you like to clear the table then ? Really ? Do I have to do it ? Not , if you don ’ t want to . Well , isn ’ t there anything you want ? Yes , I want to go out . Would you like to come ? No , why should I ? I don ’ t feel like it . Besides , I ’ m in such a bad mood . Would you please put that cigarette out ? I get sick on it . You do ? OK , fine with me . Thank you so much . But I also want ya to do me a favor . What ? You gotta have some better deodorant . I ’ m sorry ? ! Do you know what you want to eat for lunch ? What do you feel like having ? I want to get some pizza . I had pizza for lunch yesterday . Tell me what you want to eat . Do you want to get a burger ? See , I had a burger for lunch yesterday . Think of something . How about I get pizza and you get a burger ? Let's do that then . Where do they sell both at ? They sell pizza and burgers at the cafeteria . I'd like to purchase a pan . Is there any particular size that you want ? Well , I cook a lot of big meals . What do you think of this one ? It's a 16 ” pan . Yes , that's the right size , but it's so heavy . Well , look at our aluminum pan . It's much lighter . Yes , this is very light . But the handle is also aluminum . No problem . Look at this one . Same pan , but with a lightweight wooden handle . Great . This is exactly what I was looking for . I'll buy it . I think you'll love this pan . Do you want to pay with cash ? Yes . Oh , wait a second , please . What about a lid ? I'm sorry . I forgot to show it to you . Here it is . It comes with the pan . Excuse me , I am a transit passenger for flight PB965 , can you tell me where to go ? Let me see ... Your plane leaves from gate 8 so you should go there to board the plane . Where is it ? Take the lift over there and turn left . You won't miss it . I hope it hasn't left without me . No , Dave . I haven't wrecked my jeep . I'm calling to offer you a job . With invoking ? No , thanks . I'd like you to manage a new online auction site we're building . I'm not interested , Zina . Don't play hard to get . The pay is good . You'd be working with Elvin again . I don't think so . Elvin doesn't hold a grudge , if that's what you're worried about . My wife's birthday is today . I need some flowers . We have lots of fresh red roses . How much do the roses cost ? $ 20 a dozen . That sounds good . Last year I paid $ 30 . Yes , you came here on the right day . They're on sale today . Give me a dozen . Very good . Would you like anything else ? No , I'll just give her the roses and a card . She should be very pleased with these roses . I heard you are looking for a house . Yes . How is this going ? I haven ’ t found one that satisfies my demands yet . I can recommend an apartment for you . A friend of mine is about to move . She doesn ’ t want to rent that house any longer . Where is the house ? It is on Spring Avenue . Really ! So it is just near my office building . Great ! How much is the rent ? It ’ s $ 240 a month . Does that include utilities ? It includes water , but not gas and electricity . That ’ s a little expensive . But it ’ s very convenient for you to walk to work . Yes . I won ’ t have to take a bus to go to my office . Is it a one-bedroom apartment ? Yes , it is . That is what I am looking for . Could I go to see the house tomorrow afternoon ? Certainly ! But I have to contact my friend first . All right ! Thank you . This is a very spacious apartment . It's forty pings , including the parking space . That's about one thousand four hundred square feet . Wow . It's just the two of us . I don't know if we need that much room . You never know when two might turn into three . I guess you're right . And we'd like to have company anyway . Exactly , which is why a three-bedroom is better . And look , there are two bathrooms . Now that's a plus ! I want to find an old music box . We have a great selection . What decade are you looking for ? Do you have anything made in the 1920s ? We have six . Do any of them have dancing figures ? Actually , two of them have dancing figures . That's fantastic . I think I like this one . A good choice . I prefer that one myself . Now , is there any warranty with this ? Oh , no , I'm afraid not . These things are just too old to guarantee anything . I understand . Even if they break down , they're still works of art . What do we need for the barbecue ? Well , I ’ Ve bought a lot of meat . I ’ Ve got pork chops , small steaks , chicken wings and plenty of hot dog sausages and hamburger patties . I can ’ t wait to start cooking . I ’ Ve bought the grill and charcoal.Do you have enough plates and utensils ? I think so . I bought some paper plates and cups for people to use.It will save on the washing up . And if people drop them , they won ’ t break.We ’ ll need to buy some buns to make hot dogs and hamburgers . They sell them at the shop around the corner.We can go and get some in a few minutes . I brought some cheese to make cheeseburgers and some onions for the hot dogs.We ’ ll need some tomato catchup and some barbecue sauce . I have the sauce , but remind me to get some catchup at the shop . How long does it take to cook meat on the barbecue ? It only takes a few minutes.Some people like their meat well done , others like it rare.The great thing about the barbecue is that everyone can choose how they want their meat cooked . They can cook them themselves to make sure exactly how they like it . I hope you haven ’ t invited any vegetarians . Hello , this is Michael . I'd like to speak to Mr . Wood . Sorry , Mr . Wood is not here right now . Do you have any message for him ? I will call again in twenty minutes . Thanks . Not at all . Are you ready to order now , sir ? Yes . Would you like an appetizer ? Yes . I'd like a crab cocktail . Would you like some soup first ? Very well . What kind of soup would you like ? I want egg soup . Have you decided on anything ? I'd like to have some meat . How about stewed-fried steamed pork ? No , thank you . Are you interested in today's special ? What is it ? Twice cooked spicy pork slices . OK . Let me try it . Anything else ? No , thank you During the last two years , there has been a great increase in goods stolen abroad . If they steal the entire package , that would be theft . So they don't do that . Generally , thieves open the case and take part of the contents out . Then fill the case so that the gross weight will be the same . If the goods are received in apparent good order and condition , the steamship company doesn ’ t have liability for pilferage . How do we protect ourselves ? The insurance policy protects us . Is it true that products of high value such as watches , jewels and luxury clothing items are often subject to pilferage ? It's absolutely true in the United States that losses from pilferage have been limited to high valued goods . We must study more about packing . I ’ d like to set a fixed time for this meeting before we finish today . Can you all take a look at your schedules ? Thursday mornings are usually the slowest around here . Why don ’ t we set it for Thursday at 10:00 a . m . ? That ’ s out for me . I already have a standard meeting on Thursdays at 9:30 a . m . How about Wednesday afternoon at 2 That ’ s all right for my department . I don ’ t know how the rest of you feel . I would like to exchange this dress . You can exchange this dress with anything of the same value . Is there anything on sale today ? I'm sorry . There are no sales today . Are dresses going to be on sale ? Everything's going to be on sale next weekend . That's great . I'll wait . See you next weekend . Okay . I'll see you then . May I help you ? I bought the MP4 in your store a week before , but it doesn't work today . Have you brought your receipt ? Yes , here you are . I am sorry , we will change yours for a new one . Excuse me , What time does the next bus for Boston leave ? It leaves at 8 I see . Are there any seat available ? Just a moment please . Yes . You can have a seat . Good . How much is it when we take it ? It thirty-eight dollars . All right . Here ‘ s forty dollars . Here ’ s your ticket and change . Thank you . Which gate should I go to for the bus ? Go to gate No . 2 please . Thank you very much . Don ’ t mention it . Telco Mobile , how can I help you ? Yes , I ’ d like to activate my voice mail service please . Certainly sir , we currently have a special promotion where we include voice mail services , call waiting and also three way calling . Sure that sounds great ! Are there any other fees ? Not at all . No hidden fees or surcharges , it is a flat monthly rate . Perfect . I also wanted to know if there is any call forwarding service ? I am usually out of town and would like my calls to be forwarded to a local number . Yes of course . We can activate all these services in about an hour . I need to copy a document immediately . We have a copy machine in our computer lab , located on the first floor . Great ! How much is it for a copy ? The price per copy is ten cents . That sounds reasonable . I'll be down there immediately . There shouldn't be any long lines , sir . I have redecorated my bedroom . I decide to repaint the walls and change the pictures . I also bought a new pair of curtains . What do you think of it ? I think is looks great . I really like the light colors you have chosen . The pictures are nice too . Did you buy any new furniture ? I bought a new mattress and some fresh bedclothes . I also bought a new dressing table and a new bedside table . New furniture makes a room seem so fresh . I see that you also bought a new lamp for your bedside table . Do you think that I should get a new wardrobe ? That wardrobe looks quite big . Is it full of clothes ? Yes . I have some many clothes stuffed into it . Perhaps I should get rid of some of them . There are clothes in there that I never wear anymore . I like to get rid of clothes that I don ’ t wear rather than keeping them in a wardrobe . They take up too much space . There are several charity shops that you can give old clothes to . They will be happy to receive them as long as they are in reasonable condition . That ’ s a good idea . After I get rid of the old clothes I no longer wear , I can see what new clothes I need to buy . I need to buy some new clothes for the summer too . Perhaps we can go together one day . Ok . I ’ ll let you know when I ’ Ve sorted out my clothes . I need a snack from the cafeteria . What are you thinking of getting ? I only want some chips . I think I may get something too . What do you plan on buying ? I have a sweet tooth . I want candy . What kind of candy do you want ? I really want some chocolate . What kind of chocolate do you want ? I either want a Snickers or a Kit Kat . The cafeteria doesn't sell Kit Kats . Then I guess I'll just get a Snickers . ( At the MET station ) Hurry up ! We are running late for school . Let's take the MET . lt's faster and cheap . Which line should we take if we go to Danshui ? We should take the red line . Let's get the tickets at the automatic vending Machine . How much money should I insert in the slot ? 5o dollars . Later you have to place your ticket near the sensor . I see . It's so crowded . All the seats are taken . Let's go there . There is a seat over there . It's a priority seat . We can not sit there . We should give the seats to those eld , pregnant and disabled people . Yeah , you are right . Let's stand . It takes only about 20 minutes . If we go to Danshui in the morning on A weekday , we are sure to have seats since it's not during rush hour . Anyway , we are arriving at Danshui soon . I can't wait to watch the beautiful sunset . I want to have the overcoat made to measure . Sure , sir . Have you brought the cloth ? No , I don't know which one to choose . I think maybe you can help me . Well , I recommend you to choose the 100 % cotton . I will take your advice . Is it all right for me to come in now . Mr . Sutcliffe ? Well ... I'm pretty busy . but ... all right . come in . What can I do for you ? Do you mind if I sit down ? Not at all . Take a seat . Now , what can I do for you ? I want to leave the department . Do you think I could put in for a transfer ? Yes , but why should you want to do that ? Do you mind if I speak frankly ? Not at all . Go ahead . Well , you see . I don't like the office . I don't like the staff.and I'm afraid you and I don't get on . So may I put in for a transfer ? Yes . I'd delighted if you did . Good morning . Could you tell me the times of trains to London , please ? Yes . There are trains at 7:59 , 9:18 , and 10:32 . What time does the 7:59 train get to London ? At 9:36 . What about coming back ? I'd like to come back at about 7 p . m . There's one at 7:10 p . m . and the next one is at 7:40 p . m . Mmm , how much is a return ticket ? If you get on before 4 p . m . or after 6 p . m . , there is a saver return which is 9 pounds . An ordinary return is 16 pounds . An ordinary return , please . After this lunch , I haven ’ t got much green left . Poor Ben , your wife is too mean to you . She gives you so little money every time when you are out . Playing the chess is very exhausting , isn't ? No , doing it in the long run will make you an acute man . I'm afraid playing the chess like that will soon make me an old man . I noticed that most chess players were bald . That's because you are always fixing your eyes on the bald . Solomon , I thought we had agreed to change this deadline . I wanted to talk to you about that , Mr . Eng . Mr . Emory would prefer to keep the deadline as is . We can start earlier if you ’ d like . I ’ ll have to think about that , Ms . Solomon . Certainly , sir . We can wait another day or two . Good morning , Mr.Robinson . I am afraid there is a change in today's program . I just got word that your appointment with Mr . Smith , the general manager of Western Textile Co . , Ltd . , will have to be put off . But why ? Mr.Smith called just now that he had to fly to Shanghai on urgent business today . OK , I see . Mr.Smith is sending his apologies and has asked me to find out if the day after tomorrow would be all right with you . Yes , that will be just as good . Then shall we make it nine o'clock the day after tomorrow morning ? All right . Then I can do some shopping today before going back to my country . Morning . May I help you ? Yes . I'd like to open an account that enables me to draw money easily . Well , in that case , I think a checking account may be more convenient for you . However , there's a service charge . How much is the service charge ? One percent . Sounds reasonable . Will 300 dollars be enough for a minimal deposit ? More than enough . Please fill in this form . Anything else ? Your passport , please . Have you ever shopped online ? Quite often . It is very convenient , saving me a lot of time . Do you have some experiences to share with me ? I want to have a try . You are asking the right person . Here are two very important tips . First , you need to visit no more than one site to find the best products and prices . I can recommend you some online merchants . Second , write your mail address correctly . Otherwise , you can ’ t receive your delivery in time . What about the registration procedure ? Is that complicated ? Not at all . You just need to provide your name , address , e-mail address , phone number and bank or credit card information . I will help you with that . It is so nice of you . May I ask whether we are allowed to wear casual clothes in the office ? Sure , company rules are not very strict at this point . Thank you for telling me that . But remind you , there are some forbidden activities . What are they ? I ’ ll be careful . Don ’ t use office phones for personal matters . I got it . Never ever come to work drunk , also smoking in the office is not allowed . I see . I think I may rent this apartment from you . That ’ s great to hear . How much are you looking to rent it for ? For each month you would have to pay $ 1050 . That is too expensive . I don ’ t think that is too much for rent . How does $ 850 a month sound to you ? That ’ s not enough . That ’ s the best that I can do . $ 850 a month is not enough money . Would you please reconsider ? That ’ s my final offer . Take it or leave it . Hello , this is Mary from the Taipei new station , what can i do for you ? Hello , Marry , this is Lin Wang , calling from network . Hi , Mr Wang , who do you wish to speak to ? May i speak to David please ? Davids who , we have 5 Davids in the office . Oh , sorry , David Richton . Please hold on a minute , offer your call to Mr Richton . Thank you . You are welcome . From the looks of this house from the outside , I don ’ t really think that I want to go inside . From here , it does look like it could use a little work . Let ’ s see what the interior looks like . I am not impressed by the interior of this house . Sometimes all a place needs is a little bit of cleaning and some fresh paint . With so few windows , how can you even see what the problems are ? I think that we should check out the kitchen . It is listed as roomy and spacious . Where are you supposed to store things without any cabinet space ? The picture in the listing shows a lovely master suite . I think that we should go look at it since we are here . Is there a dead animal somewhere in here ? Well , I think that it is pretty safe to say that this is not the house for you . Dad , can you help me ? Oh , honey , you made a mistake . I don't know how to do it . OK . Let's do it together . 16 divided by 2 . What's the answer ? 16 divided by 2 equals 8 . You got it . Good job . I've heard that you are going to call for a tender . What kind of goods would you like to buy ? Yes , we're ready to start the invitation to tender . You're well informed . We'd like to build new factory . When do you open the tender ? And where ? We intend to open the tender at first next month in Beijing . And when is the closing date ? The time period is set on June 29th . Could you please tell me something more about the conditions for the tender ? All right . The area of the factory buildings is around 8,000 square meters . You can read the details in the invitations which will be sent tomorrow . Thank you for your information . You're welcome . I'm sorry to have taken up too much of your time . It doesn't matter . We'll be in touch . Okay , bye ! Bye ! Welcome to Al ’ s Garage . What seems to be the problem ? No problem at all ! I am taking a long road trip and I want to make sure my car is in good mechanical condition . Very wise decision . When was the last time you had a tune up ? Not that long ago , I think it was four months ago . We usually recommend that you bring your car in every five thousand kilometers . Why ? I mean , what exactly do you do to a car that you need to check it so often ? First of all , we change the motor oil and oil filter . If you don ’ t do this , it can cause your engine to wear faster and that means you would probably have to change the pistons and intake valves . I see . What else ? We also check your spark plugs , fuel filter , and other oil levels such as hydraulic fluid . We also check the clutch and brakes to determine when you will need new ones . Ok , well , when you put it that way , it doesn ’ t seem like a waste of time and money . Trust me , regular tune ups will keep your car running smoothly and avoid break downs . Hi Kara , this is Mike . Hello Mike . How are things going for you ? Great , how are you ? Fine . Everything is just fine . Kara , I had a great time the other night and was wondering if you would like to go out again this weekend . Mike , I enjoyed your company , but I am getting ready to graduate soon . I really need to focus on my studies . Maybe I could help you with what you need to get done . It would be better for me to just deal with getting my work done , but thank you for a lovely dinner . May I try on this pair of shoes ? Of course . What is your size ? I think it's 35 . OK . I'll get it for you . Hmm , I don't feel very comfortable . Try this one , please . This is made of real leather and is very soft . How is it ? This is just right for me . I'll take this one . Aunt Shirley , I heard the Yuan Miao Festival is the name for the festival . Why did it get its name ? Well , the first lunar month is called Yuan-month , and in ancient times people called night Miao . And you know the festival is just in the middle of the month . Oh , I see . I also heard today is the last day for the street fair . Can ’ t wait to sample all the snacks . Sure . It ’ s indeed a culinary heaven which offers a wide range of delicious snacks to satisfy all tastes . Then , which one would you like ? Can you recommend some must-try ? OK . Let ’ s go over there . For the Lantern Festival , you should never omit the Yuanxiao . What ’ s that ? It gets the name from the festival itself . That ’ s really funny ! Actually , they are small dumpling balls made of glutinous rice flour . They are like Tangun . Oh , I know Tangyuan . It ’ s a sweet snack , good for dessert . Yes . And also , we can find Yuanxiao with both sweet and salty fillings . I ’ d like to try the salty ones . Where does that strange smell come from ? Oh , the smelly bean curd . My favorite ! Well , I guess that ’ s about it . Everything ’ s packed and ready to go . It ’ s hard to believer you ’ re really retiring . What are you going to do with yourself ? Have fun ! I plan to spend some more time with my grandkids , and I might even go back to school . Well , good luck . Give me a ring sometime , and let me know how you are . Could I make a reservation for Flight 10 to Tokyo ? I'm sorry , but everything is taken . How about the next flight-tomorrow at two o'clock ? Yes , I can give you a reservation on that . Betty , something is burning . Can you smell it ? You ’ re right . Look ! The iron is still on . I should have turned it off . I ’ ll turn it off now . Look at my nice blue shirt , there ’ s a big hole in it . I ’ m sorry , Jim . Never mind , dear . Richard ? Do you have the number for that Chinese restaurant on the corner ? Yeah , hold on a second . I ’ Ve got it in my office . Here it is . 553-2213 . 553-2213 . Great , thanks . No problem . Pick me up something to eat too , please . I don't know how to adjust my life . Would you give me a piece of advice ? You look a bit pale , don't you ? Yes , I can't sleep well every night . You should get plenty of sleep . I drink a lot of wine . If I were you , I wouldn't drink too much . I often feel so tired . You better do some exercise every morning . I sometimes find the shadow of death in front of me . Why do you worry about your future ? You're very young , and you'll make great contribution to the world . I hope you take my advice . Welcome to our show ! Today , I am going to show you how to make the perfect mouthwatering sandwich ! Are you ready ? Let ’ s get started ! Let ’ s start with the basics , bread . Bread is an important ingredient here . You need to remember one thing - choose the bread according to the following criteria , freshness , crumb and color . If you want a closed sandwich I recommend you first toast your bread in a toaster or oven , or grill it slightly until it gets a light brown color . Now that our bread is ready , let ’ s talk about the ingredients ! Of course , each person ’ s palate is different , but I ’ m going to give you a few tips that you ’ ll be able to use when turning any sandwich into the perfect sandwich . I would strongly recommend you put fresh vegetables in your sandwich . Do not undervalue them as they play a big role in forming the taste and will make the sandwich more refreshing and light . The best choices here are evident — cucumbers , tomatoes , onions , sweet pepper or chilli , lettuce and , of course , herbs — you can ’ t go wrong with them . As for aubergines , mushrooms and asparagus , I would recommend you first grill them slightly with a little touch of olive oil . Last but not least , we have a wide variety of condiments that we can add to our perfect sandwich . We can be subtle and just add a touch of salt and pepper , or we can combine mustard sauce , mayonnaise , ketchup or even caviar to achieve a stronger flavor ! It ’ s always a good idea to cut your sandwich in triangles or manageable pieces to avoid all your ingredients falling out and staining your shirt ! That ’ s all the time we have for today , but join us next time where we ’ ll be going over how to make the perfect lasagna ! Till next time ! Can you tell me where the supply shop is ? Sure . It ’ s on basement level one . Turn right when you get off the elevator . Great ! Thanks a lot ! No problem , John . What's the postage on these letters to hongkong , please ? I'll have to check . Do you need anything else ? Yes . Five one-dollar stamps , please . That'll be 14 dollars in all . Good morning , sir . Can I see your boarding pass , please ? Here you are . Excuse me , sir . This is your passport . Really ? Ugh ... Is there any difference ? Yes . As a matter of fact , you can't board the plane without boarding pass . Gee . I must have left it in my hotel room . I'm sorry sir . I can't let you pass . But when does the plane take off ? Ugh , in about thirty minutes , sir . Oh , my God ! What do I do now ? Bone head , bone head , bone head ( He smashes his head with his hand . ) . Calm down , sir . You are creating a commotion . ( The speaker in the airport says , ' Mr . Benjamin , we now have a boarding pass by the name of Benjamin at Lost and Found . ' ) Is that me ? Could be . Oh , thank God . Thank you , I'll be right back . ( Benjamin starts to run and then he seems to remember something and returns . ) Ugh , excuse me , where is the Lost and Found ? It's down in the lobby . Turn left at exit B . Thank you , thank you , thanks again . Is there any chance to further study ? Nope . Our company is private-owned and its profit is the biggest issue . We don't think that further study has anything to do with our development and profit-making . Do you have training program or plan for employees ? Nope . We just hope our employees will make profit for us . You look tired . Yeah , I ’ Ve been working so much overtime lately . Really ? How come ? My boss gave me a big project . I had to have it finished it by this morning . It was so difficult ! You shouldn ’ t work so hard . I know . But hard work pays off , you know . What do you mean ? Maybe now I ’ ll get that promotion I was hoping for . Excuse me . Is this where I catch the bus for the zoo ? Well , you can take the No . 36 bus from here , but then you have to walk about 30 minutes . That doesn't sound too bad . Actually , if you go to the bus stop in the next block , you can take bus 301 which will let you right off in front of the zoo . Maybe that's what I'll do . Thanks a lot . You're welcome . My dear , it's five flights up ! That's all right.We ' ll get used to it.Besides , it is quiet up there.We ' re little further away from the street and traffic noise and there's no one living over us . Is the place well-furnished ? Yes , it's pretty bright in there and big enough for our children to play . What about the kitchen ? The stove and refrigerator are in good working order , and I don't see any loose electric wiring that could cause fires . Are the plumbing all right ? The plumbing seems OK , too.The toilet flushes and the shower has hot and cold water , and the sinks don't seem to leak . The place is OK.Let ' s go there and have a look at it again . Hello , what can I do for you today ? Well , I ’ Ve got a terrible stomach-ache and I keep needing the toilet . I see . Well , with those symptoms maybe you ’ Ve got food poisoning . What have you eaten recently ? Well , I went to a seafood restaurant last night and I ate lots of oysters . Hmm . It may be those then , especially if they were raw . Well , I ’ ll give you these tablets and you should feel fine by tomorrow . Ok . Thank you very much . Hi Kara , it's Mike here . Hi Mike , how are you doing ? I'm doing well , and you ? Everything is going great . Kara , would you be interested in going to dinner again this Friday ? Mike , I had a good time too , but I am getting ready to move back to the east coast , so I think I shouldn't get too involved right now . Well , we could just go out as friends . Right now , I think I need to really focus on matters at home , but thanks for a nice evening . Can I go to my room now ? Yes , the lift is just around the corner.You can go up first , and your luggage will be brought up straight away . Thank you . Pardon me . Could you help me ? Of course . How can I help you ? I am looking for a sweater . What size do you wear ? Medium , I think . Here . How do you like this one ? It's pretty . Can I try it on ? You can try it on in the fitting room over there . I can't get into my room . I mean I left my room key inside . I see , sir . Those two ladies in front of your room did the same thing twenty minutes ago . Oh , did they ? Well , would you give us an extra key to the room ? I am afraid we have no extra key . So I will send somebody to your room . By the way , what should I do with the key when I go out ? Please drop it at the front desk when you leave the hotel . Hi there ! My name's Terry Graham . You're new around here , huh ? Yes . My name's Mark Benson . I just started a couple weeks ago . Well , if there's anything I can do for you , let me know . Thanks , I appreciate that ! How do you want your hair cut ? I want it the way Peckham wears it . Who is Peckham ? Are you kidding me ? Even the girls know Peckham . Whatever , I have a picture of him here . You are a big fan of him ! He has strong legs . Sure , he is a soccer star . Hey , wake up . It's done . How do you like it ? Oh , my God . It's disaster . It makes my head look like a soccer ball . But it's the same hairstyle . It looks like the hairstyle of Kahn who stands beside him in the picture . Oh . I made a mistake . I thought the guy on the right was Peckham . He plays outside right but it doesn't mean he has to stand on the right . Sorry , but do not worry . I think I can fix it . Just cut a little more off the temple . Do it , please . Tommy played truant today . His teacher called me this morning . Where did he go ? I've asked him , but he won't tell me . What should we do about this ? He is like you . I remember when we were at the college , you always skipped classes . Like me ? But you see I am so successful now . And if he is really like me , he will be more successful than me in the future . Stop , stop ... We are talking about our son's attendance for classes and his study . Maybe we could give him a little bit money to pay to go to school . Pay him ? But he studies for himself , not for you or for me or for anybody else . I got an idea . You should send him to class every morning and after the class begins , you can go to work . In that way , I'll be late every day . How about letting him go to school on school bus ? That's a good idea . Why have I never thought of that ? That's because I went to school for each class when I was at school . So now I am much more clever than you . I can ’ t make out anything , the words are too light . I thought they have already changed the toner cartridge this month . It seems not or somebody has recently received a large fax . Ok , no problem . We do it ourselves . Do you know how to do it ? I am not so good at machine things . I will have somebody do it as soon as possible . Check with somebody from the IT department . They are anyway in charge of the office electronic equipment . Excuse me , I'm looking for your English textbooks . They're right over there , next to the dictionaries . Do you have any textbooks to help improve students ' reading skills ? Let ' s see . These books here focus on grammar , and those are mainly for conversation practice ... Here we are . This book has short passages for students to read and answer questions about . Great . That ' s just the sort of thing I'm looking for . Thanks . Excuse me . I want to pay the bill . Please wait till your name is called . OK . Your bill includes the doctor's fee and the cost for a 3 - day supply of medicine . It comes to one hundred yuan . Here you are . Good . Here is the receipt . The dispensary is over there ... By the way , will this be covered by your insurance from work ? No , I'll e paying for myself , but I have private medical insurance . In that case , I'll give you a certificate , so you can get it reimbursed . Thanks a lot . Don't lose this receipt , because insurance companies are very difficult about helping when they don't have the right paperwork . Today is Saturday , isn't it ? Yes , what's wrong ? What's the date today ? Today is September 28th , 2007 . I have a meeting this afternoon . When will it begin ? It will begin at three o'cock . What's the time now ? It is half past one . I have to go now . I don't want to be late . Don't worry , time is enough . Good evening , Mr . Taylor . I'm so glad you were able to come . Glad to meet you again , Mrs Hao . You are so kind . Now dinner's ready . Let go over to the dinner table . Would you like to use the chopsticks or the fork and knife , Mr . Taylor ? Oh , it's a real Chinese meal . When in Rome , do as the Romans do . I'd take the chopsticks . Yes , hope you like it . Do you need beer or wine ? Beer , please . Oh , there are so many dishes . I'm glad you like them .. . We'd appreciate your kind consideration in the coming negotiation . Let's drink to our friendship . Let's hope for good cooperation between us . Come on , darling.We haven't got much time . All right . I'm nearly ready.What time does the bus leave ? Half past six ... and it's half past six already . Oh , we've got plenty of time . We haven't . Hurry up ! All right.Let ' s go . And about time too . Good ! There's the information desk . How do we get to the 70th Street , please ? The Northern Line is what you want . How much is it ? It's two yuan . Which way do we go for the Northern Line ? Just go through the No . 8 ticket-barrier over there . A train will be in directly . I appreciate it . Thank you . That's all right . are your ready to go to the supermarket ? yes , are you ? I've got my money and my keys , so I'm ready . you do know that it's absolutely freezing out , don't you ? I'd put a coat on if I were you . it wasn't cold out this morning . well , it's started raining since then . Look out the window ! It's pouring rain out there ! well , I guess we'd better grab our umbrellas then , as well . have a look outside for me . Does that look like hail to you ? it does , actually . Maybe we should wait for it to clear up before we go shopping . that's a good idea . But maybe we should move the car so that the hail doesn't dent it . ok . I'll go move the car if you turn the heat on . It's a bit chilly in here . how long do you think this hailstorm is supposed to last ? I don't know . The weatherman didn't say anything about this in his weather report last night . maybe we should turn on the news in case it's supposed to get worse . I don't think we have anything to worry about . Do you want to put on a cup of tea as well ? good idea . That will help us to warm up . if I'm not back in ten minutes , come and find me . alright . I'll have a cup of tea waiting for you . Front Desk . What can I do for you ? This is Room 320 . Can I have a morning call tomorrow ? What time do you want us to wake you up ? Seven , please . OK . I've set it up for you . Thank you . Why don ’ t you introduce him ? I wonder if we will become good friends . He is the guy I was telling you about . Here we come . Thank you.What ' s the fare ? $ 10 . How can it be ? Well , the rate is two dollars for the first two kilometers and twenty cents for each additional two hundred meters . I see . Thanks for your drive . I need to make a copy of a document as soon as possible . No problem , sir . There's a copy machine in our computer lab . Very good . How much does each copy cost ? Each copy will cost you a dime , sir . A dime ? I remember when copies used to cost a nickel . There aren't many things you can get for a nickel , sir . I can ’ t find my purse . Have you seen it ? No , I haven ’ t . I ’ Ve looked everywhere for it . I must have left it somewhere . I hope I haven ’ t lost it . Perhaps you left that at school . No , I had it when I left school this afternoon . Well . Didn ’ t you go around to the Smith after school ? You might have left it there . Yes , I ’ d better give her a call now . But she can ’ t be home now . She might have gone to the library . Perhaps I should call her later . Show me a smaller pair of trousers , sir . I am not that fat , you see . You've come to the right place . We've got various styles and sizes recently . How much do you measure around your waist ? I have no idea . Measure me , please . OK ! 2 Chi round . Try this one . Maybe it's of your size . ( After trying ) I'm afraid it's still too fight around the stomach . Let me check the stock . How about this one ? ( After trying ) Mm , a perfect fit . How much ? 150 Yuan . A little expensive . But I'll buy it anyway . It's hard for me to get a perfect one . Here is 200 Yuan . Here's your change , 50 Yuan . Welcome back again . Good afternoon , Mr.Stein . I wonder if you are free tomorrow evening ? I'm not sure , but let me check my schedule ... Ah , no . I have nothing then . Great ! Our president has asked me to come over to invite you to the banquet held in your honor at the Beijing Hotel at 7:00 . Here's an invitation card for you . How nice of him ! I'll be delighted to go . But what time would be convenient ? I'll be here to pick you up at 6:30 . That's good . It's most thoughtful of you to do this , Miss Wood . It's my pleasure . Well , then , see you tomorrow . How beautiful the flower is ! Really , it's so beautiful . You like it . Well , I'll gather it for you . You mustn't pick it in this place . Where is it ? It's a private garden . Mom , can I watch TV ? No more today , honey . Alright , Mom . Should I turn off the TV right now ? Yes , honey . Go to your room , and take out your book . It's your reading time now . Mom , where is the remote ? I can't find it . Just go to read . I will find it , honey . I think you should look over these figures again . There are some calculations that are a bit off . I apologize . This should not have to be this way . Apology is accepted . Try to do better next time . Of course , I should have been more careful . I ’ m sorry . Good afternoon , sir . Can I help you ? I'd like a beef-burger , a French fries and a milk shake , please . What flavor would you prefer , sir ? I'm not quite sure . What do you have ? We have strawberry , chocolate , vanilla and banana . Very well , I'll try the banana flavor . Anything else , sir ? No , thanks . That will be all . May I help you find something , sir ? I'm looking for an engagement ring for my girlfriend . I have an idea of what she likes , but I want to surprise her with something special , too . We have all shapes , sizes , qualities and price ranges , do you know about the four Cs of picking a diamond ? I think so . Aren't the four Cs , cut , clarity , carat and color . You've got it . Tell me a little bit about what you might be wanted . Well , my price range is a 5,000 dollars to 7,000 dollars , I'm looking for a marquise cut on the wide band . You have good taste . Let my show you what I have . Is there anything I can help you with ? Yes , thank you . I am really far behind on this project . Could you help me with the extra typing or xeroxing ? I can do either one . Good . That would be very helpful . Can you start with those pages over there ? No problem . Thank you very much ! How long have you been working here ? I have been working here for 5 years . Well , we have some special projects coming up . Would you be interested in working on any of those ? Yes , I would love to work on a special project ! Well then , I'll keep you in the loop . Thank you for your help today . I want to buy some cloth to make a curtain . Which one is better ? What about the twill ? It washes well and won't lose shape . What about the cotton one ? Well , it's cheap and actually the color fades easily when washed . Wow , Amy , look at that number . What's so great about it ? What do you mean ? It's a scrim . Not to me , I wouldn't be caught dead in that . I love that kind of stuff . Yeah , you seem to like those styles . Sure do . I get a kick out of looking punk . This one looks really expensive though . I don't care how much it costs . I'm rolling in it . Lucky you ! I can't buy anything else . I'm flat broke . I got a replace my party outfit , I trashed it last week . Why did you drag me into this ? I've spent a week salary . Are you on the level ? You're the one who called me , remember ? Just joking , T . I've got some wonderful clothes . Let's go and have a close look at your outfit . I think I going to need some iced water too . Is there an extra charge for that ? Yes , we charge 50 cents for water . That's fine . Could you give me some more napkins , too ? Sure . Do you need anything else ? Yes , I would also like some sweet and sour sauce and pepper . I'll put all that into the bag for you . Do I owe you anything for the sauce , pepper and napkins ? No , there is no charge for those . I love the peaceful life in Canada . Do you want to live here ? I'd like to , but I'm afraid I can't afford the life here . The more you work , the more you earn . Do you need any help ? En , I am looking for the shop . Can you tell me where it is ? Walk along the way and then turn left , It's right there . Thank you . Do I have to pay duty if I want to buy something ? No , you don't have to . It's a duty-free shop . Thank you so much . Excuse me , Mr . , Macmillan ? Could you tell me the fax number for Mr . Winthrop ’ s office , please ? Sure . I have it right here . 232-2453 . If that one doesn ’ t work , try 232-2456 . Okay – that ’ s 232-2453 , or 232-2456 . That ’ s right . Good morning , Passport , please . Here you are . Ah , thank you . Please bring your luggage here for inspection . Ok . But is there anything wrong ? It's just a regular inspection . Do you have anything to declare ? I've got 6 packets of cigarettes and 2 bottles of champagne . Besides , I have two cameras , one is for my own use , and the other is a gift . Well , the cigarettes and the champagne are not in excess of the duty-free allowance . But according to our law , each passenger is allowed only one camera duty-free . You ' ll have to pay duty for the other one . Ok . Where shall I pay duty for it ? Please wait a minute . I'll make out the duty memo ... Here you are . Take this and pay to the woman over there . I've paid for it . Here's the receipt . Very well . I hope you ' ll enjoy your stay in America . Thank you . Good afternoon , what can I do for you ? I want to draw some money from my current account . How much do you want to draw ? Well , I want to draw out 4,000 yuan . OK ! Do you take your bank card or bankbook with you ? Yes ! Here is my bankbook . OK . Please fill out this form first . Yes . Do I need to sign my name here ? Sure . How do you want it ? Well , I want 1,000 yuan in traveler's checks and the rest in cash . All right . Here are the traveler's checks and money . Thanks a lot . Not at all . Can I help you , sir ? Yes , I am checking out . Can I have your key and room number , PLS ? Room 1419 . Here is my key . Here is your bill , sir . Could you PLS check it ? It's all right . Pls charge it to my credit card . Here you are , sir . You are all set . I hope you enjoyed your stay and that next time you are in town , you will stay with us again . I will . Where can I leave my luggage ? I really want to leave after lunch . The bell captain will put it in storage room . When you are ready to leave , you can claim your luggage from him . Thanks very much and goodbye ! This is the rush hour . I notice there's a jam a few blocks away . Let's drive off this road . I'm afraid I'll be late . Good morning , sir . Can I help you ? I'm due to check out tomorrow , but I'd like to extend my stay by two days . Could I have your name and room number ? Tom Black in Room 207 . Please wait a moment , Mr . Black . I'll have to check the reservation records ... I'm sorry , but we are expecting several tour groups to arrive today . They have booked all the rooms on the 10th floor . What can be done then ? If you don't mind transferring to another room , we may manage it for you . We usually have cancellations or no-shows . That's quite all right . Thank you . It's my pleasure . I'd like to reserve a table for two , please . For what time , sir ? Around 8: 30 p . m . May I have your name please , sir ? Yes , Anthony Fox . Mr . Fox , we'll hold the table for you for ten minutes . Please be sure to arrive before 8: 40 . Hello . I am calling about the apartment you advertised . Yes , what kind of apartment are you interested in ? I am interested in one-bedroom . Do you have any available ? Yes , I have one . When you need it ? Sometime around next week . What can you tell me about this apartment ? Well , It's a one-bedroom apartment . The monthly rent at 650 dollars and a 300 dollars security deposit . You pay electricity only . Gas and water is included . Both the heat and stove are gas . Let me see , what else ... Oh , you'll be assigned a sheltered parking space at no extra charge . And that's probably it . Sounds good . May I come over tomorrow to take a look ? Sure . What time would you like to come ? How about 10 am ? Good , May I have your name , please ? My name is Blanca . Thanks for calling , Blanca . I'll see you tomorrow . I swear I will never shop at a street market in China . It's a terrible place full of excellent profiteers ! You have to keep an eye whenever it comes to paying for something . cool down , Harry ! What are you really mad about ? Did you get ripped off ? yes . Last Sunday I went to a nearby market . It was on open-air fair . I chanced upon this bag and bought it on the spot , without even trying to strike a bargain . I paid one hundred and twenty . And just is that so ? I'm afraid people here will not take pity on unlucky guys like you . Bargaining has always been an indispensable procedure in business deals . It's the norm of free trade . The seller sets but don't you think it annoying to overcharge the customers by such a handsome margin ? of course , that's something really irritation . And the only way to avoid being trapped is to know in advance about the real worth of the stuff . I recommend you to consult the price tags in the superb Sam , you ’ Ve got to forgive me . Forgive you for what ? I used your computer . And I ’ m afraid I ’ Ve erased your personal files accidentally . No ! Are you kidding me ? I ’ m afraid not . I apologize . I can ’ t believe it ! I have all my important personal documents stored in that computer . It ’ s no laughing matter . I told you I ’ m sorry . What can I do to make it up to you ? Well , you should be sorry ! Don ’ t ever use my computer again ! You can ’ t do anything now , it ’ s too late ! Could you do something to advance your time of shipment ? Well , our manufacturers are fully committed at the moment . I'm afraid it's very difficult to improve any further on the time . I hope you'll try to convince them to step up production . We check their production schedule against our orders almost every day . As new orders keep coming in , they are working three shifts to step up production . I'm sorry , but we simply cannot commit ourselves beyond what the production schedule can fulfill . Well , in that case , there is nothing more to be said . What's your last word as to the date then ? I said by the middle of October . This is the best we can promise . All right . I'll take you at your word . May I suggest that you put down in the contract shipment on October 15th or earlier ? Our letter of credit will be opened early September . Good . Let's call it a deal . We'll do our best to advance the shipment to September . The chances are that some of the other orders may be cancelled . But of course you cannot count on that . In any case , we'll let you know by email . That's very considerate of you . And now , shall we discuss the insurance terms ? We generally insure W . P . ( W . P . A ) on a C . I . F . offer . Special risks , such as TEND ( Theft , Pilferage and Non-delivery ) , leakage , breakage , oil , freshwater , etc . can also be covered upon request . I suppose the additional premium for the special coverage is for the buyer's account . Quite right . According to the usual practice in international trade , special risks are not covered unless the buyer asks for them . Then what about SICC ( Strikes , Riots and Civil Commotions ) ? Can we request you to cover this for our imports ? Yes , we accept it now , after it has been suspended for many years . However , if you want to have it covered for your imports at your end , you may arrange the insurance as you like . Then please cover W . P . A . and TEND for this transaction . All right , I'll adjust the price accordingly . I wonder if you could allow us any discount for this commodity . It's the general practice that wholesalers usually get some discount from manufacturers or suppliers . As a rule , we don't allow any discount . But we usually get a discount of 3 % to 5 % from our other suppliers . Actually , some discount on your prices would make it easier for us to promote sales , you know . That's true . But I am sorry I can't make an exception . We have quoted you our lowest price . We can't give you any more discounts . Ladies and gentlemen , dear Mr . Simpson . Following the increasing communication between Unity Company and Pineapple Computer Company , we established steady cooperation . And today we all here feel very proud and honored to have Mr . Simpson with us . Mr . Simpson is well-known for his success and his career . So first of all , let me , on the behalf of all present here , extend our warm welcome and cordial greetings to our distinguished guest . Now let's invite Mr . Simpson to give us his speech . I want to show my gratitude for your hospitality . And I believe me trip here will be meaningful and our cooperation will go deeper and stabler in near future . Through the communication , we can know more about each other . Thank you so much for your consideration . Well , I also hope our cooperation will be never-ending . Thank you again . May I have your resume , please ? Yes , I need a job that can give full play to my skills . Do you like a job in a library , working with books ? I like peace.As a matter of fact , I once had a job in a library . Hi ! Can I help you ? Yes . We have reservations . What's your name , sir ? Jack Bates . Yes , sir . We have your reservation . Could you fill out these forms , please ? The reservation was for a double for three nights , wasn't it ? Yes , sir . That's correct . How will you pay your bill , cash or credit card ? Credit card . Thank you , sir . You'll be staying in room 1910 . Here are your keys . The bellhop will take your luggage upstairs . Have a nice stay , sir . Thanks . Which window do I go to for parcel ? Here will be OK . I want to mail this package . Please put it on the scale . Where are you mailing it to ? Zhuhai . Do you want to mail it by air or sea ? What's the difference in price ? 25 yuan by air , 13 yuan by sea . How long will it take by air ? About 2 days . Then I will send it by air , thank you . Please fill out this form , and what's in your package ? Just some souvenirs . OK , that will be OK . Thank you . Good coming ! Welcome to J P Interior Design . Hi , I saw the sign outside says that you do all kinds of interior design . Yes , we do . Do you have any specific needs ? Well , I am thinking about redesigning my kitchen . Do you prefer some specific style ? Yes , I prefer a more contemporary design . What kind of color tones do you like ? Blue , green or earth tone colors . I do not like the colors that are too bright . I see . And what kind of feeling do you want to create for your kitchen ? I'd like it to look simple , neat and relaxing . Fine , we will take an actual look at your kitchen before start working on it . No problem . How about 10 ' o clock this Sunday morning ? Okay . Would you please leave your address and phone number ? Of course . This is my card . See you then . I hear many people here speak French . It is because Montreal is a bilingual city . It is not easy to improve my English . But it's a good opportunity to learn French . Yeah ! But French is not easy to learn . Take it easy . I have the confidence to learn it well . Oh . Henry . I haven't seen you in ages . Come in . Let me take your coat . How are you getting along ? Very well , thank you . Please take a seat . Everything will be ready in a minute . Here you go . We have your cocktail and there're salad . fried chicken , French fries and vanilla ice cream for dessert . Eat the chicken while it's hot . It tastes better . Wow ! You're right . Everything is absolutely delicious . Please pass the pepper . Here you are . Taste the French fries . They're soft . Would you like some more ? No more . Thank you . Here's to our friendship and health ! Bottoms up ! The air conditioning is not working ! We need to call a handyman before we start to fry in here ! Dan is on top of that . I think they are also getting the handyman to fix the bathroom toilet that keeps clogging up . That would be convenient . They might as well ask him to fix the electrical wiring . The circuit breakers keep going out all the time . It ’ s really annoying ! Yeah you are right . This office is falling apart ! Frank told me the other day that the gutters outside were clogged and that ’ s why the parking lot was flooded . I know ! I was in ankle deep water trying to get to my car that day ! The handyman definitely has his work cut out for him . Hello , Jenny . What's the matter ? John , I'm hard up at the moment . Could you lend me five hundred yuan ? I'll return it to you early next month . No problem , Jenny . Are you sure five hundred is enough ? Yes . Thank you so much . May I help you ? Give me a six-piece chicken nuggets , a large fry and a large Coke . You need to wait a few minutes for the fries . They are still in the flyer . That's fine . Your total comes to $ 7 . Here's a twenty note . Thank you . Your cash back is $ 13 . Pull into a parking space . And we'll bring out your fries in two minutes . Thanks . Hi , I'd like to have a beer . Hi , good evening . Which kind of beer would you like ? I'd like to try a local beer . What would you suggest ? How about Yanking Beer ? It's very popular here . Sounds good . I'll take that . Have you ever been shopping at Whole Foods ? No , I haven't . Is the food good there ? They have the freshest foods there . I usually shop at Sons . I used to shop there , but I find the food at Whole Foods to be a lot better . What's the problem with Sons ? They don't have a lot of organic foods there . Is there a big selection of organic foods at Whole Foods ? They have lots of healthier food at Whole Foods . I haven't been shopping there , but maybe I'll try it sometime . Whole Foods is way better than Sons , trust me . I'll take your word for it . What's wrong with you , young man ? Doctor , I have a bad cough and a headache . Do you have a fever ? I don't know , but I feel terrible . Let me examine you . Don't worry . It's nothing serious . Do you think I should lie in bed ? Yes , stay in bed and drink a lot of water . Your fever will be gone in a day or two . OK . Do you think I can play football tomorrow ? Of course not . You need a good rest . OK , I'll listen to you . Hello . This is Bell Canada . How can I help you ? Hi . This is Amy Yang . I ’ m calling for a home phone cancellation . I ’ m moving out next month . Okay . What day would you want your home phone cancelled ? The end of this month . All right . I ’ ll do it for you by then . Anything else ? No , thanks . Bye . Are you ready to order now , Sir ? May I have the menu , please ? Yes , here you go . I'd like to have some local specialties . Would you recommend for me , please ? Sure , the Huanghe carp with sugar and vinegar is famous in our restaurant . OK . We'll take it . Anything else ? A fried crisp chicken and an eggplant with chili sauce . How about drink ? Coffee , only black coffee , Okay , Rebecca . Now you ’ Ve given me a good idea of your work and academic background , but what about you as a person ? How would you describe your key strengths ? Well , Mr . Parsons , as I mentioned before I ’ m someone who needs new challenges . I ’ m really focused and hard-working . I think my academic results prove this . Yes , true , but how about other personal qualities ? Well , I believe I ’ m a good team-player , but I can also work well independently . I ’ m very enthusiastic and , well I hope my colleagues would agree , I ’ m fun to work with . What would you say is your most positive quality ? Hmm , that ’ s a tough question . But I would have to say my passion . I ’ m really passionate about journalism and passionate about my career . Hello , can I help you ? Yes , I wanna buy a skirt . What color and what style do you like ? I am not sure . Well , you can have a look at our skirts hanging there . Ok , thank you . You are welcome ! I have a little problem with room 507 . What exactly seems to be the problem , Mr . Sandals ? I found cockroaches in my room . Cockroaches , sir ? That's unbelievable . I've seen at least nine different cockroaches in my room . Sir , are you sure you haven't seen the same silverfish nine times ? There are nine cockroaches in my room . I don't have time for your disbelief ! I apologize . One moment , please , while I transfer you to my supervisor . You don ’ t look so good . I have a major stomachache Did you eat something strange ? I had spaghetti with clam sauce for lunch . Maybe you have food poisoning . Yes , that could have been it , but I haven ’ t been feeling that great for the past few days . Are you under a lot of stress ? Not really . Things have been going OK . Maybe you have a touch of the flu . I think that I might be getting the flu . Excuse me ! Do you know of any hotel nearby ? Yes.There are the Huangshan Hotel and Anshan Hotel nearby.And you can take a taxi to go there . OK , I see . Thank you ! You're welcome ! By the way , you'd better booked in the Internet or the telephone next time and then you kow whether there are rooms available or not . I see , thank you very much ! Can I help you ? Yes , my brakes are not working well . What's wrong with them ? I hear a noise and feel vibrations when step on the brake . The front brake ? I think so . What kind of car is it ? Toyota Corolla 2002 . Write down your name and address , give me the key , and I will check it out . Do you charge for checking it out ? No . How long is it going to take ? About half an hour . I'll wait . So can you fix it ? I ’ m sorry sir . This computer is not broken or damaged . It ’ s simply just too old ! That ’ s why your programs and applications are running slow . There really isn ’ t much I can do . What do you mean ? I bought this computer just three years ago ! Yes , but technology is ever changing and technology is becoming obsolete faster and faster ! OK , I know where this is going . How much will it cost me to get a new computer ? Well , this desktop over here is our latest model . It has a four gigahertz processor with sixteen gigabytes in RAM and a hard disk with one terabyte . Of course , it includes a mouse , keyboard and desk speakers . I have no idea what you are talking about . I just want to know if it ’ s good and if I will be able to play solitaire without the computer crashing or freezing all the time ! This PC is top of the line and I guarantee it will never freeze ! If it does , we ’ ll give you your money back ! Have you ever shopped at Whole Foods market ? Nope . How's the food there ? It's very good , and it's fresh too . I do my shopping at Sons . I shopped there before too , but the food is better at Whole Foods . What's wrong with Sons ? Their range of organic foods is very limited . Whole Foods has a lot of organic foods ? Yeah , the food there is very healthy . I've never been , but I may start shopping there . The food there is a great step up from Sons . Thanks for letting me know . Hi , Sven , can you help me ? Could you hold the end of the tape measure , please ? Of course , where do you want me to stand ? Just there by the door . I need to measure the length of this workbench . We're going to replace it . OK - 3 m 47 cm . Let's round it up to 3 m 50 . I'm glad you're replacing it . We need more space to work on things . How deep will the new workbench be ? Tell me what size you want and I'll order the wood . Well , it's about 65 cm at the moment . Could we increase it by about a third ? Sure . So let's see . We need a piece of wood 3.5 m long by 1 m wide . I'll order it right away and I'll be able to install it next Tuesday . Good afternoon . Is there a vacant room here ? What do you want , a single or a double one ? A single , preferably with a bath . How long do you intend to stay ? For four days or so . We have one single room on the fifth floor . I hope it's quiet . I hate noise . It's very quiet , sir . How much does it cost per day ? It's 150 yuan per day including a 10 % service charge . All right . I'll take the room . Would you please fill in the registration form ? OK . As a hotel policy , we require one day's room charge as a deposit for guests without reservation . No problem . Here you are . Your room number is 505 . This is your key . The bellboy will help you with the baggage . Good morning . Can I help you ? Good morning . I'd like to make a reservation to Guangzhou for August 2 . Just a moment , please . I'm sorry , sir . There is no ticket available on that day . But we have flights for Guangzhou the next day . May I inquire about the departure time ? A 9:12 flight in the morning and a 14:00 flight in the afternoon . When will the plane reach for the morning flight ? At 13:15 . OK . I'd like to book a ticket for this one . All right , sir . Please reconfirm your ticket no later than 12 o'clock two days before the flight ; otherwise , your reservation will automatically be cancelled . Good afternoon , what flights do you have from London to Paris ? We have two direct flights . Would you like a morning one or an afternoon one ? The morning one , please . I want to go coach . Single or return ? Single please . Why aren't you going out ? It's raining cats and dogs . so , what ’ s new in the kitchen ? That refrigerator is new , isn ’ t it ? yes . I needed a large one . Before , I had a separate refrigerator and freezer , but this has both combined into one . That ’ s usual nowadays . You ’ Ve added a few shelves too . yes . You know I ’ Ve been cooking more kind of food recently and I needed some extra space for spices and ingredients . Did you buy new cupboards too ? no , I didn ’ t . I gave them a really good clean , so they just look new . The worktop was in poor condition , so I had a new one added . I see that you have bought several new pots and pans and utensils . yes , I have . I need them to help me with these new dished I ’ m trying to make . I need a little more practice before I invite guests over . Didn ’ t you punch in this morning , Monica ? Sorry , I don ’ t know the rule about punching . That ’ s ok . I should have told you earlier . This is a company rule . Do we also need to punch out after work ? According to the company rule , we should punch in before 8 o ’ clock and punch out after 5 o ’ clock every work day . How about the lunch break , Lucy ? From eleven thirty to 1 o ’ clock . May I ask whether we need to work overtime ? Sometimes , but not quite often . How much for the bus ride ? It's $ 1.25 for this bus . How long have you been a bus driver ? I started driving the bus a few months ago . Is it fun driving the bus ? Not at all . I don't think I ever wanted to be a bus driver . I never did either , but it pays the bills . I enjoyed talking to you . I liked talking to you too . Good morning , Room Service . May I help you ? I'd like to have lunch in my room . OK , sir . We offer two types of lunch , Chinese food and western food . Which one would you prefer ? What does a Chinese food have ? Rice , egg , beef and vegetables . That will be fine . I'll take it . I see . May I have your name and room number , please ? Sure , it's White in Room 204 . Let me confirm your order , Mr . White in Room 204 , Chinese food . Is that right ? Exactly . Your order will be ready soon , thank you for calling . Say , Jim , how about going for a few beers after dinner ? You know that is tempting but is really not good for our fitness . What do you mean ? It will help us to relax . Do you really think so ? I don't . It will just make us fat and act silly . Remember last time ? I guess you are right . But what shall we do ? I don't feel like sitting at home . I suggest a walk over to the gym where we can play singsong and meet some of our friends . That's a good idea . I hear Mary and Sally often go there to play singsong . Perhaps we can make a foursome with them . Sounds great to me ! If they are willing , we could ask them to go dancing with us . That is excellent exercise and fun , too . Good . Let's go now . All right . wow , the duck looks so delicious . Should we order it , Rick ? the chef is going to slice it into thin pieces . There will be around one hundred and twenty pieces of both skin and meat for each . I see . The chef is so skillful with his knife . absolutely . It is said that they serve 3,000 ducks every day . incredible . By the way , what are these in the plates ? oh , they are pancakes , hollowed sesame buns , scallions , cucumbers and oisin sauce . I will show you how to make one . thank you . I couldn't wait any longer to have a taste . Just roll it up and have a bite , Amy . oh , it's terrific . I love the floor . Can you tell me how it was prepared ? certainly . First , a Beijing duck is specially selected . After it is cleaned and dressed , it will be roasted in an open oven . Only wood of fruit trees are used to fuel the fire to give the duck a unique it sounds really complicated . No wonder it tastes so great . Yes , Amy , please have some more . May I see your airplane ticket , passport and health certificate please ? Here you are . Will you please put your luggage on the scale ? I want to check these three pieces and I'll carry this overnight bag by myself . Sir , your bags are 30 pounds over weight.You are allowed only 45 pounds of baggage . Well , then , how much do I owe you ? That comes to H . K . $ 120 . The client you're meeting tomorrow likes to ask a lot of questions , so you have to be well prepared . I see . Driver , take me to the airport . Okay . Driver , can you please speed up ? I m afraid I might miss the flight . I'm sorry , madam , there ’ s a limit to the speed . Damn it ! I think I'm going to miss the plane . I'm sorry about that . What ’ s your flight time ? At 2:00 . Don ’ t worry , madam . I guess we should get there not later than 1:30 p . m . Really ? Great ! Here we are . Here is the money . Just a minute . Here's your change . Could you do something to advance your shipment ? It's hard to say . But why ? We expect the goods to be on the market before the end of December to catch up with the Spring Festival sales . I can understand your position . We can not make any promise , but we'll try our best . Why have you changed your job so frequently ? My first job was in a well-established company where the division of labour was very clear . I do not have more chances to enrich my experience . Then I got an opportunity to really broaden my experience with a new company that was starting up , but unfortunately , they closed their service in three months ' time . I have worked in my present company for a considerable length of time and enjoy the job I am doing now , but I think I have accumulated enough experience to take up more challenging post in a much larger and diversified company where I could make solid contribution . Hello , receptionist ? Yes , sir . What's the matter ? Could I possibly have a room change ? My room is right next to the street , and it's much too noisy . Well , we are rather full , sir . I'm not sure if I'll be able to find a vacant room . Could you please try ? OK , sir . I'll do my best . Sue ? Do you want to join the softball team ? We need another player . I haven ’ t played softball since I was in high school ! Come on ! It ’ ll be fun . We play every other Saturday afternoon from May until August . Okay . I guess I could give it a try . May I help you ? What's the price of the bread ? 2.50 Yuan . And how much is the coca cola ? 3.00 Yuan . Here is ten Yuan . Here is your change , please . Thank you . Welcome to my shop next time . Good evening , do you have a reservation ? Yes , we ’ Ve got a reservation . The name is Ann . Let me see . Ok , this way , please . This is your table . And would you like to order now ? Yes . Here is the menu . Thank you . Hello miss . Can I see your ticket number ? Sure , here you are . And here are my application forms as well . Thank you miss ... Wang . I'm Bob Jones and I'll be handling your application . Nice to meet you Mr . Jones . The first step is to determine your eligibility for a U . S . visa . Let's see here ... you're applying for a special business visa . Why is that ? Well , my first order of business will be attending a conference in Seattle , but after that I intend to spend two weeks visiting my friends . I assumed a business visa would be required . I think a regular visitor's visa should suffice . With this visa , you can stay in the United States for up to 90 days . So I can attend conferences and do business on that visa ? Yes . You are free to do temporary business with this visa . If you were planning on setting up a new business in the U . S . you might need to apply for a long-term visa . Oh , I see . I think 90 days is more than enough time . Are you leaving ? I ’ m going to work . You have a job ? I ’ m going to work at the polling place . You ’ re working there this year ? I work there every year . How are you able to work at the polling place ? I applied for the job online . Sounds like fun . It ’ s a fun job . They don ’ t pay a lot , do they ? They pay enough . How many rooms are you looking for ? Oh , four or five . How much is the rent for this apartment ? 150 a month . 150 ? No , I'm not really interested in this place . It isn't big enough . It isn't near enough to my office . 150 ? Rents are very high in downtown area . Your hand is bleeding . What have you done to it ? I cut it on that blade . I'll get the first aid box . There's some antiseptic cream and a bandage in there . Hey , man , look , what's on the wall over there ? Don't you know that ? It's all about new office rules . What does it say ? It says smoking is not allowed in any private offices . It might be the most terrible thing for you . I can smoke outside of the office . But what else does it say ? If you want to ask for leave , you should get the approval from the manager in charge of your department . But if there is an emergency and the manager is of absence , what should we do ? The note says you should call your manager first , and then tell him your reason , and then ask him for the approval . OK , OK , got it . By the way , what about the vacation policy ? Anything changed ? No . We still enjoy 10 - day of paid vacation per year . Can we have 7 - day holiday on National Day ? Of course . That's what we deserve . That's great ! I have something else to remind you of . Don't be late , if you are late , you will be fined 20 Yuan per minute . Are you kidding ? I always get up late . Oh , my God . Can't believe that . That is terrible . So remember to set your alarm clock . Excuse me , may I help you ? Yes . I'm looking for a guide . Sure , Please wait a moment . By the way , we want one who can speak beautiful Chinese . No problem . I'm phoning about the factory visit next Friday . What should I do when I arrive ? Park in the visitors ' car park in front of the factory and then go to the gatehouse . It's directly opposite the entrance to the car park . The Security people will sign you in and give you a visitor's badge . My assistant will come down to meet you . OK , thanks . Look forward to seeing you on Friday , then . What can I get for you today , sir ? I would like a cup of decaf with cream and no sugar . Would you like anything else with that ? How fresh is that apple pie over there ? Our pie is brought in fresh every day . And I can tell you it's delicious . Okay , throw in a piece of that pie then . Is this to stay or to go ? I'm in a bit of a hurry today , so we'd better make it to go . Thanks for asking . When can I see the one-bedroom apartment ? There's an open house this weekend . What time does the open house start ? It starts at 11AM in the morning . Good afternoon , is there a vacant room here ? We are practically full up , but I will see . What do you want , a single room or a double one ? A single room , preferably with a bath . How long do you plan to stay ? For a week or so . You can have a room on the second floor . I hope it's quiet . I hate noise at night . I think you will find it quiet . It faces the courtyard . What is the rate , please ? The current rate is 50 dollars per night . What services come with that ? A radio , a color television , a telephone and a major international newspaper delivered to your room everyday . That sounds good . Well , do you give discount for a week or more ? Yes , we give 5 % discount for one week , 10 % for two weeks and more . All right . I will take a room for a week . Will you fill out this form , please ? The bellboy will show you up to your room . Your luggage will be brought right up . Can I get dinner here ? We do serve dinner . I see . Hi , do you know what ’ s for dinner ? I ’ m starving . We ’ re on our own tonight , dad ’ s taking mom out . Out ? What do you mean out ? You know on a date , they are going out to dinner . Dad and mom ? Yeah , they said they ’ re reviving the old tradition . You mean this is going to be a regular thing ? That ’ s right , once a week . Do you want to order some pizza ? Can I see your ticket please ? Here you are . Ok , Mr . Smith . Do you have any bags to check ? Just this one . And would you prefer a window seat or an aisle seat ? Aisle , please . Boarding time is ten 20am . What ’ s the gate number ? Gate 29C . Have a nice flight . I was told to come to you to get a chest X-ray . No problem . Just take your clothes off from the waist up and put the gown on , with the opening in the back . Then what should I do ? You will stand over here up against this plate . Should I just stand naturally ? You will raise your arms up shoulder high . Is this all right ? Yes , you are doing great . Where will you be going ? I need to stand behind this shield . Now you will take a deep breath , hold it , and let it out . Is that it ? That ’ s it . You can get dressed when the film is developed . Hey Eve , how are you ? I ’ m fine , Celia . And you ? I ’ m ok . I ’ m so busy ! Do you have a lot of homework ? Yes . Don ’ t you ? Of course I do ! Which class are you working on right now ? I ’ m studying for my chemistry exam tomorrow . Are you in Mrs . Green ’ s class ? Yes . Are you ? Yes . We must have the same exam tomorrow ! Do you want to study together ? Sure . This library is too quiet though . Do you want to go to an empty classroom ? That sounds good . OK . Let ’ s go ! John , why don ’ t you go and do some gardening ? The lawn needs weeding . Because I ’ m not in the mood , that ’ s why . Well , don ’ t just sit there , do something . Come and help me in the kitchen . Help you in the kitchen , I don ’ t feel like it . Would you like to clear the table then ? Really ? Do I have to do it ? Not , if you don ’ t want to . Balista , I'll have a frappuccino . What a girly drink . I'll take a bag of the Blue Mountain and a decaf breva ... You and your fancy Italian names . Isn't “ frappuccino ” Italian , too ? ... and heat me up a panini . I'll be fine with just my girly drink , thank you very much . And I'll stick with real coffee . Hello , Bill ! How are things going ? Quite well.thank you.And what about you ? So-So . Excuse me , will you change me some money , please ? Of course . I'd like to change these dollars into RIB . Would you please tell me the exchange rate between American dollar and RIB ? Sure . At present one dollar is equal to 6.4392 yuan . How many dollars would you like to change ? 500 dollars , please . Please wait for a moment ... Now here is your Chinese currency . See if it's right . It's 3,220 yuan . Please keep this exchange memo . You may need it for converting when you leave China . OK . Thank you for your help . That's very nice of you . It's my pleasure . Can I help you ? Is this the right subway to the Wall Street ? Yes , it is . Could you tell me shall I take the express or local train ? Sure . The local train . It stops at every station . Which of them is the local train , please ? You take the D train on the downtown platform , and go three stops . How much is the fare ? One dollar and twenty cents . You give me the money and I ’ ll exchange it for a token . What should I do with the token ? You put it in the slot at the turnstile and then push the turnstile to get into the platform . Oh , I am not sure I even want to look at this house ! It is a bit of a fixer-upper . Let ’ s take a look inside . It doesn ’ t look much better inside this place . You know , with a little elbow grease and paint , you could spruce it up a bit . There are hardly any windows in here , and that makes it really gloomy . Let ’ s go check out the kitchen . The printout says that it is quite large . Look at those broken tile countertops and the peeling wallpaper . Maybe the master suite has some redeeming qualities . Follow me , please . What ’ s that smell ? Perhaps we should move on to the next listing . Okay . This trail looks the best . It's a little steep . But I'm sure it will be alright . Well . You're the tour guide , I'll follow you . ... What a stink . This place stinks like rotten eggs . That's sulphur you can smell . The whole of Taiwan is a volcanic region . That's why Taiwan has so many hot springs . It's volcanic activity.The sulfur smoke that you can smell is coming from those fumaroles over there . Suddenly the ' great outdoors ' isn't so appealing . Let's hike a little faster ... Mr . Division , I am so sorry to have kept you waiting . That's quite all right . Oh dear , I forgot to bring it . Not too worry , so tell me about yourself . What price do you suggest for 300,000 sets of Article No . 2323 with London as the destination port ? Let me see . It's £ 800 per set CIF London . What commission terms can you offer ? Usually the commission is three percent of the net invoice amount after deduction of discounts . Couldn't you raise the commission to five percent ? Considering our good relationship and our future business , we give you four percent . That's the best we can do . We can't go any further . What would you say to it ? Then I'll accept it with thanks . This is Action 5 News reporter Sarah O ’ Connell reporting live from Washington , D . C . where a protest has broken out . Thousands of angry citizens are protesting against the proposed bailout of the auto manufacturing industry ! Sir , sir , Sarah O ’ Connell , Action 5 news . Can you tell us what ’ happening ? Yeah , yeah , we ’ re here because we feel this is an injustice ! The financial irresponsibility of big business has to stop ! We ’ re there to show the government that we don ’ t like the way that they ’ re spending our tax dollars ! Sir but what exactly is making everyone so angry ? It ’ s an absolute outrage , Sarah , the US government wants to give 25 billion dollars of taxpayers ’ money to the auto industry . These are companies that have been mismanaged and are now nearly bankrupt . I see . But , many supporters of the bailout argue that it could help save the jobs of millions of hardworking Americans . That maybe true , and I for one don ’ t want to see anyone lose their job , but how can these Ces ask for a bailout when they ’ re making millions of dollars ? And then , they have the nerve to fly to Washington in private jets ! This costs hundreds of thousands of dollars ! And they ’ re asking for money ! That is just not right ! Good point . This is Sarah O ’ Connell reporting live from Washington D . C . , back to you , Tom . Passport and disembarkation card , please . Here you are . What is your purpose of visiting ? Sightseeing . How long are you staying here ? Nine days . All right . Thank you . May I come in ? Yeah , Please do . Now let me show you the house . This seems a pretty nice room , I should say . You bet . This is the nicest room in the district . You know what , I just had all the walls repainted last month . What about the kitchen ? It's a well furnished eat-in kitchen . The stove and the ice-box are in good order , and the plumbing is OK , too . I see . I'd like to live here for about three years . Terrific ! When are you moving in ? Next Saturday at the earliest . What's happening , officer ? There is a fire in your building . You need to evacuate immediately . What ? A fire ? Oh , my God ! What shall I do ? Please get me out of here ! Don't panic ! We'll help you get out of the building safely . I can smell smoke ! Please follow my instructions . Use a wet towel to cover your mouth and nose . Walk quietly to th nearest emergency exit . Now go get the wet towel . OK . Come with me . Sir , I need to go back to get my jewelry box . Don't take your personal belongings . We need to get out of the building now ! Gosh ! I can see the flames ! Crouch down and try not to breathe in the smoke . I wonder what we should have for dinner this evening ? Are you asking me ? Yes , I am . I really don ’ t feel much like cooking but the family must eat . Well , you know me . I can always eat pizza or Spagetti . So I've noticed . You are putting on a little weight , aren ’ t you ? I know , don ’ t remind me . I ’ m starting a new diet the day after tomorrow . It ’ s about time . Honey come on ! We are going to be late ! Honestly , you take longer getting ready than I do ! I was drying my hair and ironing my shirt ! Can you come here for a sec ? I need your help . What is it ? Why are all these clothes on the bed ? I don ’ t know what to wear ! Ok , give me your opinion . Do you like the way this looks ? The striped short sleeved shirt with this checkered sweater and my lucky sandals . I like the cut and hemline of these shorts so I think I ’ ll wear these as well . Are you joking ? What am I going to do with you ? We are going to a dinner party not the beach ! Wear the shirt with the silk tie I bought you and these corduroy pants . It ’ s chilly outside so you can wear this coat . Thanks honey ! You have such great fashion sense . Now , what am I going to do with my hair ? How much are these in all ? It comes to $ 40 . Here is my member card . Can I have someone carry those bags to my car ? Of course . I will find you one . Can I help you ? Mm , I just need something about business news.Can you recommend some ? The Times is a must . Thank you . I'll have one . Can you tell me where the produce is ? It's in aisle A . Do you know what produce is on sale ? I don't know . Check the flyer or check with the produce person . Hey George , how is your chicken ? My chicken tastes all right , but it is pretty dry . How is your fish ? My fish is pretty dry too . It's almost as if this food has been sitting a little too long . It doesn't seem fresh . Yes , it seems that way to me also . How are your vegetables ? My vegetables are very soggy . Mine are the same way . It seems like they've been overcooked . I don't usually complain , but I think that we should mention this to the waiter . I agree . Maybe they can bring us some better food . Can I apply for a permit today ? I need to see your ID . I think I forgot it in the car . You need to give me your ID and $ 27 . I'm going to go and get my ID from the car right now . Go get it . Here you go . All right , I'm going to need you to fill this out . May I borrow your pen ? Here's a pen for you . Thanks for your help . You need to turn that in at Window B . Why'd you run into me ? I didn't mean to . It was an accident . You have completely damaged my car . I did not . It looks perfectly fine . You don't see what happened to my bumper ? What did I do to it ? You smashed my bumper in with your car . I really don't think that I did that . Your bumper looks exactly the same . Look , just give me your insurance and number and I'll take care of it . Give me your information , in case I don't hear from you . Trust me . Did you go to school today ? Yeah , I went to school today . Were you there ? No , I didn't go , I've been sick . That sucks . Did you want the assignments from English class ? That would be nice , thank you . No problem , you're welcome . I will be glad to do the same for you when you're sick . Well , thank you . I hope to see you at school tomorrow . Hi , my name is Violet . Come with me , and I'll help you wash your hair . My hair is kind of dry and brittle ... I'll pick a shampoo that's just right for your hair type . Sit right here , and rest your neck on the side of the sink . Is the water too hot ? No , it's just perfect . Let me know if I'm using too much force . No , really , it feels great . OK ! You're all set ! Come back with me to your seat , and Eva will be right with you . Is there a medication you can prescribe to help me with my problem ? There are various choices of blood pressure medication that we can try . What is available ? We could start with Hydrochlorothiazide , which is a diuretic . Are there many side effects ? There really are not many side effects . You need to drink a lot of water when you take this pill . Is that the only medication I need to take ? It might be , but for a while I also want you to take an ACE inhibitor , Lisinopril . What are the side effects of that drug ? You may have a little bit of a dry cough , but you will feel much better . I wonder if you can help me . I'm looking for a room . Yes . I've got a small room . How much is it ? 200 Yuan a week , but smoking is not allowed . OK . Can I see the room now ? Would you mind waiting ? I'm on the telephone . Have you met the new girl ? No . Have you ? She's one of the prettiest girls at the school . What does she look like ? Well , she's quite short . How tall would you say that she is ? I would say she's only 5 feet . What about her facial features ? She has light brown eyes , absolutely beautiful . I think I know who you're talking about . Have you seen her ? I think that I have . Did you need help with something ? I need to cancel an account . Do you have a problem with your account ? I don ’ t need two different accounts anymore . What are you going to do about the money in your account ? Can I transfer it to my remaining account ? I ’ ll do that for you . That ’ s lovely . Would you like to withdraw any money ? No . That ’ s fine . It ’ ll just take me a moment to cancel your account . Thank you very much . Hi , welcome to the Belt Department . Can I help you today ? Yes . I need a belt that is kind of casual and kind of dressy . Then , perhaps a leather belt would work . Come here . Let me show you some . All right . Thanks a lot . Excuse me . I think I have got lost in the Art Gallery . Can you tell me the way to the exit . Sure . Go back and take the third turning on the left . Thank you very much . I have been wondering here for almost half an hour . It is really like a labyrinth . Excuse me , waiter . Could we change our table for that one ? My wife is quite interested in the scenery . I am sorry . That table has been booked . It doesn't matter . This one is fine . Taxi ! Taxi ! Where to , sir ? I ’ d like to go to the railway station please . Please hop in . Is it a long run to the station ? It ’ ll take about 20 minutes . The streets are heavy with traffic at this time of a day , are they ? Yes , they are . Is it the rush hour ? Yes , it is . Are you in a hurry , sir ? No , I ’ m not . Would you please drive slowly and carefully ? Yes , sir . I need to find the cereal aisle . The cereal is over by the breakfast foods . Where is that at ? It's by the oatmeal and breakfast bars . I think I can find that . Did you need help finding anything else ? Actually , I do need to find the dishwashing detergent . That would be over by the paper towels and toilet paper . I thought it was over there . Yeah , you'll find it there . I really appreciate all your help . Hi , Mr . James , what ’ s the rush ? The bank closes in 30 minutes and I need to cash a check . I can lend you some money . Thanks . But it ’ s necessary for me to buy a TV set . Can I help you in anyway ? You can take me to the bank if you want to . Sure . Let ’ s go . Honey , I think you should quit smoking . Why ? You said I was hot when smoking . But I want you to be fit . Smoking is killing . I know . Check out this article . It says smoking can lead to lung cancer . I don ’ t believe it . But you know that smoking does harm to health , right ? Of course I know it , but you know it's hard to quit smoking ... Stop beating around the bush . Will you quit or not ? Yes , ma'am . Whatever you say . What seems to be the problem ? Oh , my God ! It ’ s my stomach . It ’ s killing me ! Where does it hurt the most ? Right here ! It hurts right here ! How long has it felt like this ? I felt OK when I woke up , and then , suddenly , I had this really sharp pain . Do you have a history of stomach pain ? No , and I haven ’ t done anything out of the ordinary . Well , I think that we are going to have to get you to an emergency room right away . Thank you for helping me . If we give you the job , what ’ s the most important thing you except to get ? Well , I just want to enjoy what I ’ m doing . it ’ s the most important thing to me . Just this ? Yes , because I think being interesting thing is the best teacher . Or have more opportunities to have career growth . Do you want to get a promotion ? Yes , of course . Where would you like to be in 5 years ? In five years , I ’ d like to be a senior manager of this corporation . How do you plan to accomplish this ? By doing whatever is necessary . Good morning ! Welcome to our bank ! How may I help you ? Good morning ! I'm Steven Smith . I want to open an account here . OK ! Come this way please . You should fill a form here first . Here you are . Thank you very much ! And then what ? If you don't mind , Mr . Smith , please go to counter number six to queue up and wait for the service . OK ! Thank you . My pleasure . Is everything OK , Madam ? Well , I'm trying to buy some foreign currency for my holiday . I can help you with that . Holiday , you say ? Lucky you ! Where are you going to be travelling to ? We are going to Macau to visit my niece . She said it's better for me to bring US dollars , is that right ? That is one option , Madam . If your are travelling to either Hong Kong or Macau we are permitted to exchange up to 1,000 USD for you . OK , I see . What's the exchange rate ? Is the dollar up or down ? Today's rate is 823 . 71 RIB to 100 USD . To be honest , I have no idea about these things ! But I'm sure that's alright . Yes , it's not bad . I will need to see your passport though . Hello , the International Hotel . May I help you ? Yes , I'd like to make a reservation for eight tonight . What time would you like your table ? At 7:30 pm . And I would like to sit in the non-smoking area . Would you like to sit in the hall or in the private room ? The private room , please . Wait for a moment , please . Let me check whether the private room is available or not . No problem . It will be for business dinner . Reserve it under the name of Nova , the manager of Fashion Clothes Company . OK . A reservation for eight at7 : 30 , Room 208 . Please don't be more than half hour late , or we will have to give it to other guests . Hello . May I speak to Brian , please ? Sorry , you have the wrong number . There's no Brian here . Is this 777-9345 ? No , it's 777-9344 ? Oh , I ’ m so sorry . That's OK . Excuse me , can you tell me the way to the Forbidden City , please ? Sure . Go straight on down this road , take the second left and then the first right . It ’ s next to Tiananmen Square . Thanks . Don ’ t mention it . I went to visit a customer in IVS Company the other day . Their offices were very impressive , especially their company Logo which is all over the place . There are Logo models in metal , copper , clove , paper . They are even printed on the wall paper and the balls of the table-lights . It is really decorated identity . It is just too much . Don ’ t you feel it is an exaggerating style to decorate offices in that way ? Not at all ! I like the design so much . The designer must have thought really hard to come out with such a brilliant concept . Well , I doubt that . What would you like for dessert ? What do you have ? I have apple pie , ice cream , chocolate cake and fruit cocktail . Can I have apple pie with ice cream ? Of course . I made apple pie this morning , so it ’ s lovely and fresh . I love you home made apple pie . It ’ s delicious . Can I have another glass of lemonade as well ? Sure . Can you get it yourself ? It ’ s in the refrigerator . Ok . Would you like a drink too ? Yes . I ’ ll have an ice tea . You ’ ll see it next to the lemonade . Are you having any dessert ? I ’ ll have apple pie too , but without ice cream . I have to watch my weight . Excuse me.We ordered too much.May we take the food home ? Yes , surely . Do we have to pay extra charge for that ? No , you don't . It is free of charge . Well , then , will you put this and that into doggie bags ? Yes , certainly.Would you wait for a few minutes ? Thanks.Would you do me another favor ? Yes , what is it ? Some more Chinese tea for us , please . Sure . I'll be back in a minute . I just moved into my apartment , and the plumbing is not working . Can you describe the plumbing problems you are having ? The bathtub barely drains at all . Okay , the bathroom plumbing needs looking at . What about the kitchen plumbing ? Neither the kitchen nor the bathroom plumbing is working well . Has this problem been going on for a long time ? It just started happening last night . I will be coming over to look at it this afternoon . Will you be there ? I will not be home . I can always use my key to get in , but I would prefer that you be there . I was trying to find the class on preparing for interviews . You have found your way to the interview class . Please come in ! I am so happy I found this class because I was really nervous about my upcoming interview . When we go into an interview , what do you think our first consideration should be ? Our dress and grooming are probably the first thing an interviewer judges us by . Friendliness and a good attitude are also very important . Yes , and they help establish a friendly tone for the rest of the interview . The interviewers always are interested in what you ask them about their company . What else should I be thinking about ? Be yourself and be honest . Simply answer the questions put to you . You ’ re working hard , George . What are you doing ? I ’ m making a bookcase . Give me that hammer please , Dan . Which hammer . This one ? No , not that one . The big one . Here you are . Thanks , Dan . What are you going to do now , George ? I ’ m going to paint it . What colour are you going to paint it ? I ’ m going to paint it pink . Pink ! This bookcase isn ’ t for me . It ’ s for my daughter , Susan . Pink ’ s her favorite colour . My name is Sue . How do you do , Mr . Black ? I'm glad to meet you , Sue . Please have a seat . Thank you , sir . We've looked over your letter and resume and I'm very satisfied with them . Today I want to invite you talk about insurance you're interested in . Thank you . I wonder whether I can enjoy the life insurance and health insurance . Of course . A two-week paid vacation a year , a five-day workweek . Good . Anything else ? Yes . All the insurance will be linked with your work . We will issue an insurance policy . Thank you , sir . I'm starving ! It would be truly appreciated if you bought me a burrito . I'm a little short . I don't have enough for you . I'm starving , as I didn't eat yet today . I really don't have enough money . My stomach feels so empty . Well , why don't you ask Bob for some money ? I'm hungry too . I'll be getting money on Friday , and I'll get it back to you then . Okay , so on Friday , you can buy yourself something to eat . That's not nice . You can always go home and make something to eat . I can't go home yet , because I have things to do here . Sorry . That's not my fault . It's your turn , sir.Sorry to keep you waiting . That's all right . How do you want your hair cut ? Any particular way ? I'd just like a trim and don't make it too short . How about the sides ? A little trimming , please.Trim a little more above the ears . How can I help you ? Yes , I would like to look at some of your products . I think what I am using now does not fit me well . We have a full range of products from cosmetics to skin cleansers . What do you have in foundation ? Our foundation is of very super quality . We only use the finest ingredients . It will moisturize your skin and it can protect your skin from UVA and UVB . What colors do you have in foundation ? Let me show you . We have six colors The color I use now is natural beige . How much do you sell it for ? 250 Yuan . That's expensive . What you're paying for , madam , is the ingredients . it provides a soft and perfect finish coverage with a weightless feel . I understand . I need a lipstick , too . Do you have lipsticks in red ? Of course . But I suggest you buy a lipgloss . The shining effect is in . All right . How much is it ? 45 Yuan . If you buy the two , you can get a small bottle of nail polish for free . Well , I'll take them . Why do you want to join us ? The reason for my application for this position is simple . My educational background and professional experience make me qualified for the job . Do you have any particular conditions that you would like the company to take into consideration ? Oh , just one thing , could you give me some ideas of the pay ? What salary do you get for your present position ? 2,000 RIB per month . What starting salary would you expect here ? 3,000 RIB per month . No problem , we pay 3,000 RIB per month . Plus a 20 % commission on all , a company car and other benefits . All travelling expenses will be reimbursed by the company . Do you have any other questions ? No , that's all . Did I do well on my driving test ? You did a wonderful job . So , I passed ? Yes , you passed . Did I mess up on anything ? You did mess up on something . What was that ? Your parallel parking isn't all that great . Yeah , that's pretty hard for me . You just need a little more practice . I know , but I still get my license , right ? You got it . What's your plan for your future ? I'd like to work in a law firm to enrich my experience and put what I've learned into practice . Have you had any previous experience ? Well . During the college years , I worked as a trainee every summer at lawyer's offices . Does that count ? Of course it counts . What kind of work did you do there ? I did clerical stuff and ran errands . In this office , we encourage full attendance by offering a bonus . If you take any leaves , we'll deduct money from your salary . May I know about the office hours ? Office hours are nine to five-thirty . One hour for lunch . Do you have any questions ? Er , may I know how much I will be paid monthly ? We'll give you about 3000 to start . There'll be a trial period of three month . After six months , we'll have a job performance review and consider giving you a raise . When will I know your decision ? I'll call you in a day or two , did you write down your phone number on your resume ? Yes , I did . Can you call after 7 p . m . ? I'm usually out in the daytime . All right . Good-bye . Good-bye . Would you like to order anything else ? No , I'm good . All we need now is our check . Our waitress has been kind of scarce tonight , hasn't she ? I think that is our waitress is over by the bar . Boy , the service has not been good this evening . She doesn't appear to be headed this way , so I will go get the check . Good . Just bring it back and we'll total it together . Our total for dinner is $ 36.00 . What do you think would be the right amount to tip ? I kind of don't want to leave any tip for the lousy service we received . I agree that it was bad service , but I heard one of the other waiters mentioning that it was our server's first night on the job . I believe that 10 % is just about right amount . I think that a tip of $ 3.60 will be the right amount to leave . Are you okay , man ? You don ’ t look very well . Ugh , I feel terrible . I went out last night with Trevor , and things got a little out of hand . Nice ! So , where did you guys go ? We hit a couple of local bars , and met up with some friends . Everything was cool until Mike came along , and it turned out that it was his birthday yesterday ! Oh no ! Mike ’ s birthday is a drinkfest for sure ! Tell me about it ! We drank everything in the bar ! Is that why you missed work today ? Yeah . I woke up this morning feeling really nauseous . I threw up like five times . Www ! I was so dehydrated that I drank like a gallon of water , and my head has been pounding all day . I swear , I ’ m never gonna drink again ! Too bad man , tonight is Tracy ’ s going away party and she asked if you were gonna go . Oh , yeah . I ’ m there ! Can you tell me how to apply for a job on the Internet ? You just need to send an application . Do I have to send one by e-mail ? Yes . You are expected to know the e-mail address of the company . What kind of strong suit do you get ? I am accomplished in English and computer . Besides , I've got a Teacher's Certificate . Do you want to be an instructor in the future ? Yes . I regard instructor as a decent occupation and I love to be an instructor . Lisa , I need some help here . What is it , dear ? Well , I need to get some female stuff . You mean stuff like tampons and sanitary napkins ? Yeah . I didn't know what they're called in English . Follow me . All the things you need as a woman are in aisles 10 and 11 . This section is usually near the medicine section in any supermarket . I'll keep that in mind . Hello baseball fans , and welcome back to today ’ s game ! My name is Rick Fields and of course , I am here , once again , with the man that seals the deal , Bob Copeland . ' It ’ s a beautiful day to see two world class teams face each other and fight for their right to be called champions . Well , the national anthem has just been sung , and the umpire has started the game . It ’ s time to play ball ! Roger Vargas is up at bat . The pitcher winds up and strike one ! A very nice curve ball by the pitcher . The catcher gives him the sign , he winds up and Vargas gets a line drive ! The players are scrambling to get the ball . Vargas gets to first base and he ’ s still going ! The outfielder throws it to second ! Vargas slides ! He ’ s safe ! Great play ! We have a runner on third and up at bat is Brian Okapi ! There ’ s the pitch , he hits it ! It ’ s going , going , that ball is gone ! Home run by Okapi ! That puts this team ahead by two as we are at the bottom of the fifth inning here at Richie Stadium ! Do you want to buy something here ? These shoes are great ! What is the price of this ? This one is two hundred yuan . That's too much ! Alan , I believe you have studied our catalogue and price list . Are you interested in some of our products ? Yes , I'm thinking of buying some T-shirts , but I find your price is on the high side . I'm very surprised to hear you say that . I think our price is very favorable . You can hardly get such an attractive price from other suppliers . I'm not so sure of that . I think it's difficult for me to push sales at such a price . What's your proposal then ? I think to get the business done , you should at least reduce the price by 20 % . We could take a cut on the price if your order is a large one , but a 20 % reduction is really more than we can do . What quantity are you going to order from us then ? As a trial order , I'll take 5,000 dozen this time . 5,000 dozen is by no means a large order . In that case , the best I can do is to give you a 5 % reduction . That's really a big change from 20 % . I really can't accept that . What's your counter-offer then ? To conclude the deal , I'd say a reduction of at least 15 % would help . 15 % is impossible . That'll leave us almost no profit . If that's the case , I'll have to go somewhere else to meet my needs . How about doing it this way ? You increase your quantity to 8,000 dozen and I'll give you a l0 % reduction . 8000 would be too large a figure to be used for a trial . Well , to encourage future business , I'm prepared to reduce the price by 10 % . We can't go any further . Ok . Let's call it a deal . Roger ? I need figures for accounting . Have finished the calculations ? I ’ m just finishing now , ma ’ am . I ’ ll have them ready within the hour . All right , thanks . You ’ re welcome , ma ’ am . I ’ ll call you when they ’ re ready . How ’ s it going ? I ’ m great . Thanks . What do you need ? I need to know if I have any fees to pay . Actually , you do owe some fees . How much do I owe ? Your fees total $ 235.13 . That ’ s crazy ! You need to pay these fees soon . Can I do that right now ? Will you be paying with cash or check ? I think I ’ ll be paying with cash . Thanks for your help . No problem . There's a question I'm not sure whether it is suitable to ask . You know that I have no secrets toward you . When you go dinner with John , who foots the bill ? Why asking that ? It's often the sort of Dutch treat . Is Betty Sue in her office ? I ’ m sorry . She ’ s in a meeting right now . I see . Can I give her a message for you ? Yes , please tell her I stopped by . And your name , please ? Ted . Oh , and could you give her this document for me ? Certainly . Good evening . Good evening . Could you let us have a double room ? How long will you be staying ? A week or ten days . We'd like to have a quiet room , if possible-not too near the street . Let me see . Yes , you can have Room 313 . It's at the back . What's the price per day ' ? And are the meals included or extra ? 20 pounds per day , including breakfast . All right , we'll take it . Very good , sir . Will you register , please ? OK . Thank you . The porter will show you to your room Sally , do you really need to go ? Yeah.It ' s a must for me . But don't forget to give me a ring . I won't , mum . Hello , Anna . Come in and sit down . Hello , doctor . What's the matter ? I've got a backache . Do you often suffer from backache ? No , I don't . I've never had a bad one before . When did it start ? About four days ago . Well , go home and rest in bed for two days , then you'll feel better . Can you give me some medicine ? It's very painful . Yes , I'll give you some pills . Take one a time and three times a day , and come back in three days . If you don't feel ... What do you want to know about me ? How about your academic records at college ? The average grade of all my courses is above 85 . In which subject did you get the highest marks ? In mathematics I got a 98 . Have you received any scholarships ? Yes , I have , and three times in total . Have you been a class leader ? I have been a class commissary in charge of studies for two years . Did you join in any club activities ? I was an aerobics team member in college . What sport are you good at ? I am good at sprint and table tennis . You are excellent . What do you think of the most important things to do when running a business ? Well , there are several things . Of course , you must do everything you can to keep costs down and revenues high . So , do you think workers should be paid as little as possible ? No . if you do that , the workers won ’ t like their jobs . They will be less efficient and you will get a high staff turnover . Those things will increase you costs . How can a business maximise revenues ? You need to invest in some good advertising . You have to know where your potential customers are and target them . It ’ s no good trying to sell computer games to older people . The market is too small . What else do you suggest ? Find out what other companies charge for the same products or services . Price yourself near the low end . Don ’ t be much cheaper than everyone else , because many customers distrust very cheap things . Th Excuse me . Yes ? How can I help you ? Are these drinks on sale this weekend ? Yes . Can I buy more than one case ? Yes . The limit is four per family . Okay , I ’ ll take four , please . You saved me a lot . I know . This is a really good bargain . Thanks . No problem . Hey , Mark , long time no see . Julie ! It's good to see you again . How have you been ? Great . I just got back from a week's vacation in Thailand . Really ? How was it ? Fantastic ! I didn't want to come back . I hear the beaches in Thailand are beautiful . They are . And not only that the people are friendly , but also the food is delicious , not to mention cheap . I do like Thai food . Did you see much of Bangkok ? Not much . I've go enough city life in Beijing . I know what you mean . I could use a vacation myself . Hey , wouldn't it be great if we could go to Thailand together sometime ? Yeah , it sure would . I am so excited ! Excited about what ? I just voted . Is this the first time you ’ Ve voted ? Yes , I just had my 18th birthday this year . That ’ s lucky . Why is that ? You turned 18 in an election year . I didn ’ t think about it like that . Really ? No , but that makes me even more excited . You ’ re a part of history . Let's start out to discuss the question of payment terms . I suppose you know very well that we require irrevocable letters of credit payable against presentation of shipping documents . I fully understand your position . An irrevocable letter of credit ensures that the seller gets paid in time . But , on the other hand it would add to the buying costs . We've been , after all , trading partners for 3 years and you know us well . Can't you give us D / A or D / P ? I'm afraid it has been our practice so far to insist on payment by L / C . But on our part , our government is reluctant to approve of L / C payment for our imports . And there is the licensing problem . I understand that . Still , I'm not in a position to help you . Maybe we could do something later when we have had more and larger deals together . Can I get some medicine to help me ? For your high blood pressure , we have several choices of medications . What types of drugs can I try ? Hydrochlorothiazide is a diuretic that helps you with water retention . What about side effects from that medication ? Most people have no side effects . You will have to make sure that you drink plenty of liquids with this medication . Do I only need to take that one drug ? I am going to add a second drug for now , Lisinopril , which is an ACE inhibitor . What can I expect when I take that medication ? You will feel much better except for the fact that you might have a little cough . Look at the catalogue , John . I think I want to get this red blouse Don't you have one like this in blue ? Yah , but it doesn't have a red one . Do you need every color in the rainbow ? Yes ! Ze ze ze ... Women ! Are you watching another news report about the war ? Yes . The two sides declared a short ceasefire but it broke down earlier today . Several military target were destroyed by bombing . Many civilians were among the dead and wounded . How did this war start ? Bout side claim a small area of territory . Both sides tried to build border fences and began attacking each other . Politicians from both sides sound increasingly belligerent . Neither side wants to compromise . Relief agencies report that many civilians are in desperate need of food and shelter . Several European countries have agreed to send aid , but are afraid that their planes will be shot down . What do you think will happen ? Both countries are very poor . Soon they will run out of money to finance the war . Then , perhaps , they will negotiate . It would be much simpler and cheaper if they negotiated first . Great . The bed is exactly what I have been looking for ! You have good taste . It's made of red wood . Oh , I like red wood . How much do you charge for it ? 300 dollars . That's sheer robbery ! Believe me , it's worth the price . It's more than I can afford . Can I make an offer ? How much are you willing to pay ? Shall we make it 250 dollars ? No . That price would hardly cover the cost . What about 260 dollars ? 275 dollars is the lowest price I can offer . It's a deal . Mr . Wilson . We very regret the mistakes in goods . I am very sorry and we are responsible for the mistake . We have no choice but to hold you responsible for the loss we sustained . The first problem is supposed to be solved after the investigation . About the second problem , I admit it's our fault , so we will exchange all merchandise that falls short of our sample . Well . I hope there won't be such things . I can assure you that such a thing today will never happen again in future delivery . We have made the plan to improve the package of our exported goods . What are you doing to your house ? We're redecorating our living room . What are you going to do to it ? First , we're going to change the curtains , then we're going to paint the walls . What colour are you going to paint them ? Pale yellow . What else are you going to do ? We're going to put in some new furniture . Can you give me a hand with my luggage ? Of course . Well , this apartment is really a must-see . Will you come with me to look at it this weekend ? Sure . And if you rent it , maybe I can help you find a roommate too . Great ! Do you know someone else who is also looking for an apartment ? Yes , my friend Steve . I'll introduce you . Can you lend me some money ? I am sorry . I've already gone through my paycheck for the week . You ’ Ve gone through all your money so quickly ? I thought you were well-off . Not me . You know money always burns a hole in my pocket . You'v been work here for nearly a month , how do you feel about the job ? Not bad . Thank you for your help . I am always busy with this job , I feel a bit tired . I had the same feeling when I first came to work here . but after a period of time , I feel better , I am sure you ' ll get used to this busy job . I also feel that work efficiency here is very high . and you have strong working ability and professional skill , it seems that you know all , that's really wonderful ! You know the phrase the survival of the fittest . We have no choices . That's right , I have to work . Do you know a bus that goes to the Gold Line station ? Do you live in Pasadena ? My house is up in Altadena . You could always take the 264 . It'll really take me to the station ? It goes all the way there . Do you know what street it goes on ? Catch it on Altadena Drive . I would've never known . Now you know . I appreciate you telling me . No problem . Honey , we are all out of wine and cheese . Do you mind running to the deli and picking up a few things ? Can ’ t it wait ? I ’ m watching the game right now ! Your friends and family are coming over tonight and we still need to get a lot of things . Fine ! What do you need ? OK , pick up some cured meats to go with the wine . Maybe a pound of polish sausages , ham , liverwurst , salami and any other cold cuts that are on sale . I think I saw a promotion for pastrami . Also get some cole slaw and a jar of olives . Whoa wait a minute ! Isn ’ t that a bit too much ? I mean , how much is all of this going to cost ! Never mind that . Get some dips as well . Get a jar of spinach and blue cheese dip and also some Tzatziki . If they have bean dip get that as well . Last but not least , get some pickles . Is that all , your majesty ? Very funny ! Get a move on ! People will be here any minute . Hello , who's that speaking ? I am calling about the advertisement for a flat with a bedroom . Do you still have it now ? Yes , I do . Is there any furniture in it ? Yes , it's fully furnished . What's the rent for a year ? 15,000 Yuan , including water , but electricity and gas . Where is it located ? It's in International Trade Zone . It's only ten minutes ' walk from the nearest subway station . That's great . But can you make the rent cheaper , let's see , 12,000 Yuan ? The price can be talked over . How about coming around and taking a look at it first ? OK . I will be free at tomorrow afternoon . I'll take a taxi to get there . All right , see you . Mr . Black , I ' d like to take some time off . I ' Ve been feeling exhausted these days . That's no problem . Let me see ... You still have ten days annual leave left , is that right ? Yes . I was wondering if I could take another two weeks off . That's long leave . How's your project coming along ? The project I'm in charged of now will be done by the end of this week . I'd like to take my leave from next Monday on . Well , all right . But you make sure to tie up loose ends before you leave . Thank you , Mr.Black . There are no immediate projects coming up at the moment . Mr.Smith will be in charge during my absence . He is taking part in several projects as my assistant and knows how to maintain relationships with our clients . Great ! I hope you have a good relaxation and come back refreshed . I will . Many thanks , Mr.Black . Oh , look at those earrings , Maria . They're perfect for you . These red ones ? I'm not sure . No , the yellow ones . Oh , these ? Hmm ... Yellow isn't a good color for me . Well , that necklace isn't bad . Which one ? That blue one right there . How much is it ? It's $ 42 ! ! That's expensive ! Hey , let me get it for you . It's your birthday present . We need to figure out how much money we ’ re spending and what we ’ re spending it on . Why ? Well , I think we could be saving more . Really , well , o . k . Get the receipts out . Let ’ s see . We spent $ 700 dollars for our home loan payment , $ 400 on groceries , $ 75 on utilities , $ 250 on gasoline , $ 100 on books , and $ 300 on entertainment last month . That ’ s $ 1825 . We put $ 500 into the savings account , and $ 750 into our stock account . $ 3075 . Our paychecks our $ 3300 , combined . That means we don ’ t have any receipts for $ 225 . Right . Excuse me.Have you got any books on genetic engineering ? I've looked for them everywhere , but I can't find any . I'm not sure if we've got any now.Books of that kind are on this shelf.Well , I'm afraid we've sold out . What a pity ! I should have come earlier . Come some time next week if you like . I think we'll have got some by them . Ok , I will . This is the schedule for the project . Any comments or questions ? I think we'll need more time than the schedule gives us . Don't worry . These dates are only targets . Howdy ! Nice car ! What seems to be the problem ? I don ’ t know ! This stupid old car started spewing white smoke and it just died on me . Luckily , I managed to start it up and drive it here . What do you think it is ? Not sure yet.How about you pop the hood and we can take a look . Mmmm , it doesn ’ t look good . What do you mean ? My daddy gave me this car for my birthday last month . It ’ s brand new ! Well missy , the white smoke that you saw is steam from the radiator . You overheated your engine so now the pistons are busted and so is your transmission . You should have called us and we could have towed you over here when your car died . Ugh ... So how long is this going to take ? An hour ? I ’ m afraid a bit more than that . We need to order the spare parts , take apart your electrical system , fuel pump and engine and then put it back together again . You are going to have to leave it here for at least two weeks . What ! How am I supposed to get to school or go shopping ? This is not happening ! May I use your phone ? Go ahead . Good morning . SRC international . How may I help you ? Good morning . I'd like to speak to Peter . Chen Please . Certainly . Who should I say is calling ? This is Tim . Hunter from Hunter industries . And what is it regarding please ? We have an appointment for this afternoon . Mr.Chen will know why I'm calling . Of course , Please hold the line Mr . Hunter . Hello . Can I speak to Anne ? Who ’ s calling ? It ’ s Mike , her boyfriend . Hold on , I ’ ll get her . Thanks a lot . Will you bring our bill , please ? Yes , certainly . I'll be back in a minute.Here you are . Thanks . Let me see . I think there's a mistake on the bill here . Would you mind checking , please ? Of course not . Let me check . Oh , you seem to be correct . How about taxes service charge ? Only ten percent of taxes included in the bill . Then 100 US dollars covers everything , doesn't it ? It sure does . This room is unfit for humans . I want another room , and I want a refund for tonight . Perhaps if you would be kind enough to tell me the problem , sir . In a word , cockroaches ! Oh , no , are they back ? I'll give you another room immediately , sir , and a refund for tonight . Thank you . I'm glad that you don't believe that your guests are liars . Sir , without happy guests , we are nothing . How are you doing today ? Very well . Thank you . What can I help you with ? Do I have any fees to pay ? As a matter of fact , you do . How much ? You owe $ 235.13 . That ’ s unbelievable . Will you be paying some of that off today ? I want to pay all of it off today . How will you be paying ? I ’ ll be paying with cash . Hello , Sunshine Travel Agency . Hello . Is there a package tour to Beijing ? Well , let me see . We have a nice one on which we still have several unfilled places . Does the tour have a Chinese-speaking guide ? Yes , sir . What is the cost of the tour ? Five hundred dollars altogether . It's a bit expensive . Can you tell me the schedule ? Yes , I will introduce the itinerary in detail . Well , do you have any experience in guiding ? Yes , but I only have few experiences . I guided a few groups of foreign tourists from America last winter vacation . I showed them around some places of interest . What places of interest did you show them ? Too many . I will just give you one example , Huangguoshu Falls , the largest waler-fall in China . After you Thank you ! What's the weather like in your country ? I suppose it must be warmer than here . Oh , yes . We have rather mild winters . It always has much sunshine in winter . But it was very foggy when I left two days ago . I knew it would be colder here , but I thought there would be a lot of snow . We don't have much snow in winter in Beijing . In fact , we haven't had any so far this winter . The winter is rather long , but the cold is generally not severe . The temperature seldom gets as low as ten below zero Centigrade . What is the temperature today , do you know ? About freezing point , I think.But the morning's forecast said that we are going to have a very cold spell in the next few days - and the temperature will probably drop to 10 or 15 degrees below zero . Oh , I'm very lucky that my wife let me take a heavy overcoat . It is considerate of your wife . Yes , she is . By the way , what is the best season in Beijing ? Fall is the best season in Beijing . It's neither hot nor cold . The sky is clear and blue . There's hardly any wind , only a slight breeze which is hardly noticeable . And we have plenty of sunshine too . Really ? Then I will come to Beijing in the fall next time . Good , you are welcome . do you like music ? well , it depends . do you think this music is warm matched ? of course yes . how about the lyrics ? very touching . it bring me back to some of my childhood memories . yes , it is so . i love songs that take me to some places i have not been or have been for a long time . it is fun and exciting . of is really fantastic too , and it makes me eager to dance . it is full of energy . this song is really worthy listening to and enjoying . it certainly is . Now please tell me something about your achievements in your work unit . All right . In my first teaching position I received the Excellent Teaching award the past two years in succession . Have you received any other honors ? Yes . I was chosen as one of ' the Top Ten Prominent Youths of Beijing ' in 2002 . Do you have anything published ? Yes . I have got two articles in English in The International Youth Writer's Collection . hello , do you remember me ? I bought some vases from you yesterday . yes , you sent them to New York , right ? that's right . I thought I'd come back to buy some more souvenirs . what did you in mind ? well , first , I'd like to buy a few postcards . My sister used to always send a postcard to herself whenever she went anywhere . I want to do that , too . we have plenty of postcards to choose from here . The same designs can be found on these posters . posters are difficult to travel with . I think I'll just buy the postcards . I heard that you might also have some of the masks that are made in Venice . yes , we do . They're on the wall behind you . how much do they cost ? the prices are clearly marked on the back of each mask . Would you like me to get one down for you to look at ? yes , I think I'd like the green mask in the middle . here you go . I'll take it , I'd also like to buy some chocolate . are you looking for some homemade chocolate as a gift . yes , it's my girlfriend's birthday today and she loves chocolate . we've got plenty to choose from here . they look delicious . I think she'll be pleased . Hello , could I speak to Allison , please ? I'm sorry ; he's out at the moment . When do you expect him back ? I think he'll be back in about an hour at least . Well , may I leave a message ? Yes , of course . Would you please ask him to call Chris when he gets back ? Ok . Does he know your number ? I'm afraid he doesn't . My mobile is 139- 2477 - 4026 . 13924774026 . All right . Thanks for calling . Oh , hang on , someone's at the door that may be him , please hold on . Hello , Miss , what can I do for you this afternoon ? I need the haircut . But you seem so busy today . Yes , it is , busy today . We usually have a lot more clients on the weekend . Would you like to take a sit , and wait for a while , please ? Ok , but how long I have to wait , it is going to be more than 30 minutes . It should be around that , if you like , please for a free to read the magazine while you are wait . Thank you . Sorry to keep you waiting , Miss . I'll have a dresser Mr.Li is just finish with a client in a moment or two . Would you have a shampoo first ? I'll get it on for you . Ok , thanks . Come on , Let's go for lunch , Gregory . I was going to eat in , I'm short on cash . Don't worry about it.It ' s on me . In that case , I'm with you . Em.this is good . I agreed , Hi , guess what ? I went bungee jumping last weekend . Are you on the up and up ? Definitely . you know , I'm into serious sport in a big way . If you asked me , you've got a screw loose somewhere . come off it , It's not that serious . You should DIY ( do it yourself ) sometime . Fat chance , I'm too scared of bungee jumping . No , really , I think you'd like it . I adapted to it right off the bat . What did that have to do with me ? I'm not the self-seeker like you . I can teach you how . I had a sneaking suspicion about you , Eric , I think you've lost it . No , not really , but I think I have lost my wallet . Where can it be ? Hello there ! Come on in ! Don ’ t just stand there ! Come and take a seat ! Um , okay . Well , I just want a trim . Nothing too fancy . Oh my gosh ! Your hair is amazing ! So silky , so shiny ! I am going to work my magic on your hair ! You hear me ? You are going to look like a million bucks ! Okay . Um ... can you make sure my sideburns are even and you just take a little off the top . Don ’ t you worry , I ’ ll take care of everything ! ( starts cutting ) Oh my god ! I just love your curly hair ! It ’ s so fluffy and cute ! You should totally let it grow out . An afro would look great on you ! Um ... no . Okay , but you are going to be my masterpiece ! Let's have lunch together today . It's a good idea . I want a Hamburger and ice cream . What about you ? I don't like Hamburgers . They have no taste . What about cheese cake or apple pie ? Maybe I want an apple pie . How often are stockholders meetings held ? Stockholders meetings are held biannually . Usually the meetings are scheduled for spring and fall . In between the meetings , each stockholder receives biannual reports . Financial statements are made once a year . What percentage of the stockholders actually attend the meetings ? I'm guessing not a large percentage ... You're right , it's a low percentage . Also , in order to attend meetings , you have to hold a certain amount of shares . It's quite a large number , so most of the stockers are excluded from proceedings . So , how much say do the stockholders really have ? Unless they're united , very little ... May I take your order now ? Yes , bring me a bottle of wine and filet steak . Do you want some salad dressing ? Yes , what kind do you have ? We have Italian , French , thousand island and blue cheese . I think French will be fine . Where is it ? I'm going to the Golden hotel . Get in , please . Thank you . I have an appointment with an important client at 10 Don't worry , you'll be there plenty of time . That is it . 7.15 $ , please . Thank ' s 10 $ , just give me 1 $ back , please . Mr . Jones , shall we now discuss the packaging ? Very well . You know , we have definite ways of packaging garments . As to blouses , we use a polythene wrapper for each article , all ready for window display . Good . A wrapping that catches the eye will certainly help push the sales . With competition from similar garments producers , the merchandise must not only be good value but also look attractive . Right you are . We'll see to it that the blouses appeal to the eye as well as to the purse . What about the outer packing ? We'll pack them 10 dozens to one carton , gross weight around 25 kilos a carton . Cartons ? Yes , corrugated cardboard boxes . Could you use wooden cases instead ? Why use wooden cases ? I'm afraid the cardboard boxes are not strong enough for such a heavy load . The cartons are comparatively light , and therefore easy to handle . They won't be stowed away with the heavy cargo . The stevedores will see to that . Besides , we'll reinforce the cartons with straps . Silk blouses are not fragile goods . They can stand a lot of jolting . Maybe you are right , but the goods are to be transhipped at Hamburg or London . If the boxes are moved about on an open wharf , the dampness or rain may get into them . This would make the blouses spotted or ruined . No need to worry about that . The cartons lined with plastic sheets are waterproof , and as the boxes are made of cardboard , they will be handled with care . Well , I don't want to take any chances . Besides , cartons are easy to cut open , and this increases the risk of pilferage . Tampering with cartons is easily detected . I should say that this rather discourages pilferage . Maybe so , but I'm afraid that in case of damage or pilferage , the insurance company will refuse compensation on the ground of improper packing , or packing unsuitable for sea voyage . But cartons are quite seaworthy . They are extensively used in our shipments to continental ports . There are never any complaints from our clients , and our insurance company has also approved such packing for W . P . A . and T . P . N . D . If you could guarantee compensation in case the insurance com - any refuses to honor a claim for faulty packing , we would be quite willing to accept cartons . I'm sorry , but we can't take on any responsibility that is beyond our functions and powers . We'll make sure that the packing is seaworthy , but we can't commit ourselves to being responsible for every kind of mishap . I can understand your position . Perhaps I'm asking too much . We'll use wooden cases if you insist , but the charge for packing will be considerably higher , and it also slows delivery . Well , I'll call you immediately for instructions on the matter . Please do . I'll be waiting for your reply . Oh , my god . What happened ? Are we dying ? Don ’ t sweat it . We will land safely . Well , thank you . Mr.Parry , for all your information . Just one more question . Yes , sir ? Do you play any sports or games ? I used to play football regularly when I was at university . And I used to do athletics in the summer . And what athletics did you play ? Can you remember ? I was a runner-a long-distance runner . And now ? No . I'm afraid I haven't had time since I got married . Well , thank you again for coming to see us . But just remember that we like people who join the company to play in the company sports teams . Certainly , sir . Oh , dear ! which dress should I choose ? I can't make up my mind . Please help me . You know I don't know anything about fashion . Which dress do you like best ? Well , they are both all right . Only all right ? Oh , no . I mean you look very nice in both of them . Mike , that's no help to me at all . I can't wear both of them at the same time . I want a decision . But after all , it is your decision , not mine . Oh , yes . The green dress is very smart . but I can't be sure if it goes with a hat . I'm looking for some fresh produce that's on sale . Well , we just got in some mangoes . Mangoes . What are they ? Well , it's a fruit with a big nut in it . Can you eat the nut ? No , you peel off the skin and throw out the nut . How much are they ? Well , the sale price is $ 1 each . What does a mango taste like ? They're like a citrus fruit . How do I know if it's ripe ? You can buy them hard . Wait a few days for them to develop a soft feel . Where do they come from ? Most of them in this store are from Mexico . Can I help you ? I'd like a pair of sports shoes . Well , we have all kinds of sports shoes.Could you tell me what kind of sport you usually do ? I just like jogging . OK , then you can buy a pair of jogging shoes.Here are jogging shoes.Which pair do you like best ? Er ... , that blue pair . I need size 43 , please . Here you are.You can try them on . Very comfortable . I'll take them . Good morning . Mrs.Smith . Good morning ! Can you help me , please ? I'm looking for some books for my mother . Well , what kind of books does she like ? She's very fond of detective stories ? I see . Has she read any detective stories ? Oh , yes ! Do you know if she's read this one ? I'm not sure , but she probably won't remember if she has ! She's very forgetful ! Ah ! She has a bad memory . How old is she ? She's eighty-seven . I suggest you take this book . It's very exciting . Thank you . That's a good idea . she likes exciting books . Can you suggest another one ? Good morning golf aficionados ! My name is Rick Fields , and you guessed it , I am here with my main man , Bob Copeland . Thank you , Rick ! As you can see , ladies and gentleman , we are here in beautiful Pebble Beach where the top golfers in the world are trying to win the grand prize of one million dollars ! Whoa , that ’ s a lot of cash ! Let ’ s go to the course and see how Tiger Woods is doing . All right , we are here at the eighth hole . It ’ s a par four , and has some very difficult hazards which many golfers find difficult to avoid . Although , I did see Jack Nicklaus hit a hole in one on this very same hole ! Tiger Woods is about to tee off , and let ’ s see if he has the same luck as Jack . Tiger is asking his caddie for his driver and , he seems to be very nervous . Oh no ! Not a good swing at all ! It ’ s definitely not his day today . On the seventh hole he got a bogey and before that he barely made par . He will definitely not get a birdie on this shot . It seems that his ball has flown somewhere deep in the trees . He is having a hard time finding it and even his caddie has climbed a tree to try and spot it . Oh no ! A bear ! Run , Tiger , run ! Somebody call animal control ! Excuse me , Mr . White ? I just need you to sign these before I leave . Sure , Sherry . Sorry to have kept you waiting . If you hadn ’ t told me , I probably would have just forgotten all about them . That ’ s my job , sir . Just one more signature here , please . There you are . Excuse me , but can you tell me the way to the railway station ? Just go straight along this street , turn left at the first crossing and walk straight ahead about 100 meters . You can ’ t miss it . About how long will it take me to get there ? It ’ s about 20 minutes ’ walk , I think . I see . Is there a bus I can take ? Yes , you can take the No . 5 bus over there . Get off at the next stop . Thank you so much for your help . It ’ s my pleasure . Welcome to the Consultancy Department , I'm Greg Wu . What can I assist you with today ? I need to do a credit investigation on another company , but I'm worried it'll be a bit difficult . How so ? Well , it's an American company , you see . I'm worried that there will be too much red tape involved . We are able to do credit investigations globally . You have no need to worry . Really ? I have been told , by another bank , that it makes it difficult if you want to investigate a company which is registered outside China . 10 years ago , maybe yes . But nowadays we are a global village , it's easy to deal with any foreign country . I'm not exactly prepared right now . How about I go back to the office , get the relevant information and come back before closing ? I'll look forward to it and make sure all of the paperwork is ready and waiting . I'll return at about 4:30 pm . See you then . Welcome to McDonald's . Can I take your order ? Please give me this extra value meal , a red bean pie , and one order of vegetable salad . Would you like something to drink ? A cup of hot orange juice . Will that be it ? Yes , that's all . Oh , no . Charlie , where is my purse ? Don ’ t you have it ? Did you lose it ? Yes , I did . I lost it . It disappeared . Myrdal , purse don ’ t just disappear . Think carefully . When did you have it last ? I had it when I left the house . I had it when we start to get the hotdog . OK . Let ’ go back to the hotdog stand . You're in great shape , Keith . Do you work out at a gym ? Yeah , I do . I guess I'm a real fitness freak . So , how often do you work out ? Well , I do aerobics every day after work . And then I play racquetball . Say , I like racquetball , too . Oh , do you want to play sometime ? Uh ... how well do you play ? Pretty well , I guess . Well , all right . But I'm not very good . No problem , Rod . I won't play too hard . Why do you choose our company to apply for a job ? I wish to have a job in which I can make good use of my strengths and have further improvement . And your company meets all my requirements . Have you got a clear idea about our company ? Yes , I have purposefully done some homework in advance . Have you tried other companies ? Actually , I have applied to several companies recently . But I am most satisfied with your company . Will you take a job which is not in line with your major ? Admittedly , I hope it is a job in line with my specialty . But I will make the best effort to do the job whatever is assigned to me . How long would you work here if you were admitted ? I would continue to work in the company as long as the job suits me well . Do you expect a high salary ? In my mind , salary is not the most important thing . Hello ? Can you give me a tow ? My tour car's stranded . Sure . Where are you ? I'm on highway 1-75 going near exit 46 . What kind of car ? It's a blue Nissan minivan . Where are you going to ? The closest garage . What's the charge ? You are within 50 kilometers , so it's a 50 - dollar flat rate . How long will it take ? About 20 to 30 minutes . Thanks . What are you going to eat with your sandwich ? I think I'm going to eat a piece of fruit . What kind do you like ? I really like apples and grapes . What kind of apples do you like ? I love green apples . I don't like green apples . Really ? Why not ? Green apples are too sour for me . So , you like red apples better ? Yeah , I love red apples . I think green apples are a lot better . hi , my name's Abby . What's your name ? I'm colin . It's nice to meet you . What do you do ? I'm a freelance English teacher . How about you ? I'm in between jobs at the moment . what kind of job are you looking for ? I'd like to find a job with flexible hours in the IT field . have you ever thought about becoming a freelance IT consultant ? no . Is it difficult to find such a job ? not if you are good at net-working . Do you like to meet new people ? yes . I'm pretty out-going and friendly . do you have experience in the IT field ? I have some . I worked in the IT department at a language school for four years in Spain . do you speak Spanish ? yes , but not fluently . that's OK . Have you sent your CV out to anyone yet ? I've sent my CV to dozens of companies but nobody has got back to me . did you write a clear objective in your resume ? no , because I didn't know what I wanted to do . I think you need to update your CV . Bring it over to my office tomorrow and I'll help you with it . thanks , I will . I'll see you tomorrow then ! I work so hard that I do not have the energy to exercise . That is just an excuse . You can always find some time to exercise . But I work hard all the time for long hours . Often I have no time for lunch . Yet , I am still getting fatter . Bill , you know that work is not the same as exercise as it is stressful but not relaxing . And skipping meals will not help you lose weight.In fact your body will only store fat if you miss meals . I know you're right , but what can I do ? How about going for a walk instead of sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper after dinner every night ? But I'll miss the news . It's important in my business to keep up with events in China . I know , I know . Have you got a portable radio ? You can listen to the news and get healthy at the same time . That's a good idea ! I just called Mr . Smith in Room 201 , but there was no reply . Would you find out if he's still staying there ? All right . One moment , please ... No , Mr . Smith checked out this morning . Oh , he did ? May I have his forwarding address , please ? I ' m afraid he didn ’ t leave one . Can I give you a lift home , Mrs Word ? That is very kind of you , Mr Lee . Thank you . Could you hold my umbrella when I get my keys out , please ? Of course . It ’ s a terrible night , isn ’ t it ? Dreadful . There , the door is open now . Thank you . Hey , Ann . You don't have a pen , do you ? Sure , here you go . Thanks . I don't suppose you have some paper , too . Of course . There you are . Thanks so much . I owe you one . How are you doing ? Pretty good , I imagine ? Actually not so good . That's why we made a special trip to see you . OK , let me hear it . I'd be glad to help if I can . Good . I want to discuss with you the mode of payment for the construction of the power plant under negotiation . Well , I trust that your presence will hasten the settlement of payment terms . I would like to explain to you our financial position . The manufacture of machinery and its accessories and parts will consume both time and money . It takes five years to manufacture the machinery and we will have to advance the cost for the main machines to be produced , and besides this there are large sums to be paid to our subcontractors for the manufacture of the accessories and parts . But for an enterprise of your size , an order from us will certainly not embarrass you financially . Well , in fact , it is beyond our financial capability . In what way can we solve the problem ? Have you considered the possibility of a buyer's credit ? Yes . But the sum is large , it must be provided by a group of banks . So , we propose your company apply to Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation for a long-term loan . Six months before each shipment , you through Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation open , in our favour , an irrevocable , dividable L / C which is to remain valid for two months . Well , we accept your suggestion . Hello , is Mr Over there Sorry , madam . I afraid you have a wrong number.we don't have Mr Over here . I want 6420422 3 , is that right ? No , you give a wrong number . oh , I'm sorry to bother you . That's all right . What can I do for you ? I ’ m in need of your services . What do you need me for ? I have a court date coming up . What are you being charged with ? It ’ s the felony charge . I ’ m willing to provide my services . What ’ s your rate ? I work for $ 150 an hour . That ’ s too high . That ’ s what I charge . I ’ ll hire you anyway . Hello , miss . Can you bring me something to drink ? Sure , sir . But there is a charge for alcoholic beverages in economy class . Would you please refer to this price list ? And then give me your order . Thank you for reminding me . Well , please give me a glass of brandy and I will pay for it . OK , I will bring it to you in a moment . Good morning madam . What can I get you ? I ’ d like a coffee please . Certainly madam , what kind of coffee would you like ? What have you got ? Well we have espresso , cappuccino , latte , skinny latte or Americano . Goodness me ! What a choice ! I think I ’ ll have a cappuccino please . Here you are . You ’ ll find the sugar just over there . Mr Ludlow , hello . It's good to see you again . What can we do for you today ? Hello , I'm sorry it's been such a long time . I've been away on business . I'd like to discount this . No problem . Could I please see the bill and all of the other documents ? Yeah , sure . Here they are . Take your time going through them , I'm in no hurry . There's no problem here , everything's in order . I can transact that for you now . Do I need to pay anything ? Like a handling fee , or something ? No , you don't need to pay anything on top . We just simply deduct the discounting interest . Peter , take off your pajamas . What should I wear today ? It's chilly outside , so don't forget to put on your jacket . How's the shirt ? Son , it looks great on you . Hello , this is my passport . What's in your bags ? Those are something gifts I bought for my friends . Would you mind opening it ? Of course not . Would you like to have some icecream ? I've got a variety of flavors for you to choose from . I've got strawberry , peach , chocolate , coffee , vanilla and praline . Wow ! So many choices you have ! I wish I could , but I just can't . I'm on a diet to lose weight . Come on , just a bite . It doesn't really hurt to have just a bite . I'd better not . Please don't tempt me . Please ! Gee ! You are really strong-willed . You're damn right . I'm not so easily coaxed into doing something that I think is wrong . Well , I'd better not tempt you . Otherwise , if I give you a piece of cake , you might ask for a glass of milk . Hello , Sir . What can I do for you today ? I need to find a new way of getting my insurance . We've just started a new business at this bank , Bank-Insurance Link . Could you give me some details about that ? Certainly . It could really benefit someone like you . Besides insurance for you , you can also get more or less dividends from the insurance company . That sounds great . More dividends if I want to purchase them ! There are two different types that we are offering at the moment , Dividend Deposit and Dividend Participated Deposit . I'll go through the materials that you have given me and return shortly . Thanks . I'm going to the pub tonight . Don't get drunk . Excuse me , does this bus go to the new bookstore ? No , you'll have to get off at the bank , and take a No . 50 . Thank you . How much is the fare to that stop ? One dollar . How many stops are there ? Two stops after this one . Could you please tell me when we get there ? Sure . By the way , do I need a transfer again after No . 50 ? No , a No . 50 will take you right there . Thank you . Well , to come straight to the point , could you tell us something about your new price ? Most willingly . It's 600 dollars per ton . That's a high price . But you know , the price of this article has soared up since last year . I know . But I must say it's still unacceptable . Couldn't you make a discount for me ? You see , we have such a long-term cooperation . And our business could be mutually beneficial . OK . I can make a special offer for you . This price is based on careful calculations . And it is the lowest price we can offer to you . Can I get you something to drink ? Sure , but I don't drink much . So I don't know what to order . So how about an aperitif ? It sounds good . I'd like to start with a Compare . Stirred or shaken ? Stirred will be fine . Here you are . Thanks . Does the bar have a signature drink ? Sure . All of our mixed drinks are excellent . You can also try a delicious non-alcoholic cocktail . Can you recommend one ? Try a Stinger . It has lime juice and grenadine over ice . It sounds interesting . I'll take one . Here we go . It tastes great . Enjoy yourself . Yeah . I am really thirsty . How about we go and get something to drink ? Let's do that . Do you know what you want to get ? A soda sounds good . Soda isn't the best thing to drink when you're thirsty . Why is that ? Soda isn't good for you . What should I drink then ? You should really drink water . That sounds good . It's a lot better than soda . Finally we're on board ! Yes . It was so crowded . I'm worn-out . Let's find our seats . Are they window seats or aisle seats ? Let me see ... yes , one window seat and one aisle . Ok . But can I trade my seat with you ? I prefer the one near the window . I'm a terrible flyer . I always get airsick and can never relax until after I've landed . That's fine . I'd like to be on the aisle anyway . It's easier to get in and out . Thanks . Where shall we put our luggage ? I think the smaller carry-on bag can go in the overhead compartment , and the others can go under the seat . Good idea . Don't forget to keep the seat belt on . Ok . Hope it's a pleasant trip . Yes ! And no hijackers . Oh , you have too wild of an imagination . Here are the plans for the new finished goods warehouse . Do you have any thoughts or comments ? I think the plans look good . There's just one thing though , I'm a bit concerned about the main lorry entrance . What's the height clearance ? Let me check . It's 3.80 m . Are you sure that's high enough ? That's a good point . I'll make a note to increase it to 4.80 to make sure we can accept the new containers . Hello , this is Steven . Is that Mrs.Wang ? I'm just calling to follow up about the status of the personnel manager position . This is Wang Ling speaking.You satisfy all the requirements . Congratulations ! You're hired . I ’ m very proud to be employed by your firm . I think you'd be perfect for this job . This company needs someone like you . When can you start working ? Anytime . Very good . You will normally be sent an official notification of the results of your interview by post . Once you get the notification , you can come . Thank you for hiring me . See you then . Bye . See you . Bye . May I help you ? Do you have the latest lipstick from Christian Dior ? Yes . What colors do you like ? Any special colors ? How about this one ? Can I try it on and see how it looks ? Of course . This product moisturizes at the same time . Looks good . I'll take it . Good morning , sir . Are you Mr . Wang , the personnel manager ? Good morning . Yes , I am . But I ’ m sorry I don ’ t think I know you . No , you don ’ t . My name is Liu Lili . I got the information from the TV that your department wants to hire a clerk , who will work under you . I would like to apply for the job . Oh , yes . We do have such a commercial . Sit down , please , Miss Liu . I ’ m glad to see you . Could you tell me about yourself first ? OK . I ’ m 24 this year . I earned my college diploma from the Night College of Foreign Languages Institute in 2010 . My major is English . Recently I ’ Ve also earned my degree in Secretarial Technology . Could you tell me about your work experience ? Of course . I ’ Ve been working as an office clerk in the Textile Company since my graduation . I do a lot of things , such as typing , handling the daily correspondence , arranging meetings and so on . Do you enjoy your work ? To be frank , not very much , because I can ’ t use much what I ’ Ve learned in my work . I enjoy doing more challenging work . Well , according to your experience , perhaps you could tell me what essential qualities a personnel department office clerk should maintain . Of course . First of all , she must have a strong sense of responsibility . Good . Go on , please . She must be an honest person . Anything else ? She must also be diligent and do a lot of things on her own initiative . Good . The work includes keeping the files . Have you got any practical experience with that ? Well , no . But I took related courses . I can gain experience quickly . I ’ m sure I can do the job well . Would you like something to drink ? Yes , do you have a wine list ? Here you are . Bring us a bottle of Remy Martini and red wine . Wait a moment . I need a room for a few days . That won't be a problem . Could you please tell me your name ? John Sandals . That's S A N D A L S . Sir , I'm Michelle , and I run the front desk . Please tell me the days you'll be here . I'll be there in April Friday through Monday , the 14th through the 17th . We recently changed many things here , sir , including our prices . Do you mind , sir ? Possibly . What's the actual price ? The price will be $ 308 a night . $ 308 ! That's not bad . Very good . Now , Mr . Sandals , about the room , smoking or nonsmoking ? Nonsmoking , definitely ! Most of our clients prefer nonsmoking . Now , does a queen sound okay ? Yes , that'll be just fine . One more second , sir . Your reservation is now verified , so all I need is your phone number . It's 626-555-1739 . Let me repeat that 626-555-1739 . Okay , sir , we look forward to seeing you in April ! Hilton Hotel . Can I help you ? Yes . I'd like to make a room reservation . Fine . Beginning when ? Two weeks from Thursday , for three nights . That's the twenty-fourth of June ? Right . Your name , please ? Robert Hamlin . Single or double ? Double . You're all set . That's a double room for the twenty-fourth , twenty-fifth and twenty-sixth of June , in the name of Hamlin . Do you have any questions before you commit yourself to this ? Actually , yes I do . I was wondering about the subscription fee . And how much will you charge me during the time of redeeming this new fund ? The subscription fee is charged at a rate of 1.2 % . But for redeeming , a rate of a usual 0.5 % , we shall charge you 1.6 % if you apply to buy it after the fund-raising period . So , it's going to cost me then ? I'm afraid so , yes . There is always some risk on the buyer's part . Good morning , Family . We'll have our board meeting this afternoon . Can you write the agenda on the notice board ? What will you discuss at the meeting ? We'll talk about the financial report for the first half of the year . And anything else ? We'll also discuss the personnel plan for the second half of the year . That's all ? Yes . Please write them down on the notice board . I want everybody to see them . OK . I ’ m ready to settle the bill . I hope you enjoyed your stay . Definitely ! Very relaxing . Good . Right , that comes to $ 1,500 . What ? I only stayed three nights . That ’ s right , sir . Three nights at 500 dollars a night ... that comes to $ 1,500 . But your brochure said that this was a package deal and the hotel ’ s services were all-inclusive . Yes , of course . The meals and excursions were included in the hotel price . But why are you overcharging me almost a thousand dollars ? 250 dollars a night , times three nights should just be $ 750 . I ’ m sorry sir . The 250 - dollar rate is based on double occupancy . That means it ’ s 250 per person . The room itself is 500 dollars a night . Perhaps I could talk to your manager ? Of course . Just a minute ; I ’ ll get her . So , where can I start my work ? Well , your job is to compile and analyze financial information to prepare entries to accounts . You ’ re also responsible for preparing profit and loss statements and monthly closing and cost accounting reports . And I represent ? Our company just concluded a business transaction . You can help with documenting varies financial sheets involved in this transaction . Ok , thank you . You ’ re welcome . Feel free to ask me any time you need help . Hello , Mr . Gao . We appreciate your letting us have the apartment . My pleasure . You're a sweet couple . Do you have any questions ? The ad said rent was thirty thousand . That includes utilities and phone , I assume . No , it doesn't . And there's a maintenance fee for each month . It's forty NT per ping . That's another one thousand six hundred ? Yes , but that doesn't include cable . It's for cleaning and trash removal . You just leave your trash outside your door . Seat 30B is right here , sir . You may take your seat . I'll put your bag in the above compartment . Thank you , miss . Will dinner be served on the plane ? Yes , sir . I'll bring you a menu shortly after we take off . That would be nice . Could you also get me a pillow and a blanket , please ? Here you are . How long will this flight last ? It is a six-hour flight with an-hour layover in Los Angles . Good . I'll have plenty of time to nap on the plane . Welcome to Lincoln Bank . What can we do for you ? Morning . I'm a new user of your credit card and I was wondering if I'm taking full advantage of it . Well , there certainly are many benefits that go along with our credit card . Yes , of course . It's so much easier than cash , to be honest ; nowadays I hardly ever use cash . I just put it on the card and pay off the balance every month . You know it is not necessary to pay the balance in full every month . Really ? Yes , you will see on your monthly bill and statement the amount in full but also the minimum payment . So , if for some reason I was having a bad month and spent a little too much I could just pay the minimum ? Yes . As long as you keep making regular monthly payments , paying the minimum is just fine . Of course , your credit limit will be lowered accordingly . How so ? For example , if your credit limit is 5,000 RIB and you owe 1,000 RIB , your available credit will be 4,000 RIB . So , your credit limit drops . Oh , I see . Well , I don't plan on only paying the minimum , but it's good to know that I can if I had to . Thanks for that . May I help you ? I'm looking for a pair of shoes . What size do you wear ? These shoes are on sale . I wear size 36 . This pair looks nice . Can I try them on ? Of course , yes . They look nice . And they're not expensive . How much are they ? They are $ 168 . I'll take them . Where is the produce ? It's on the south wall of the store , in aisle A . Is there any produce on sale ? I don't know . The produce person can tell you , though . That'll be eight dollars , please . Here's ten . Keep the change . Hi , Mr . Smith . I ’ m Dr . Hawkins . Why are you here today ? I thought it would be a good idea to get a check-up . Yes , well you haven ’ t had one for ... five years . You should have one every year . I know . I figure as long as there ’ s nothing wrong , why go see the doctor ? Well , the best way to avoid serious illnesses is to find out about them early . So , try to come at least once a year for your own good . O . K . Let me see here . Your eyes and ears look fine . Take a deep breath , please . Do you smoke , Mr . Smith ? Yes . Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer and heart disease , you know . You really should quit . I ’ Ve tried a hundred times , but I just can ’ t seem to kick the habit . Well , we have classes and some medications that might help . I ’ ll give you more information before you leave . O . K . , thanks , doctor . Hey , Trev ! How did the shopping go ? “ You ain't nothing ' but a hound-dog ... ” Trev , are you OK ? Of course I'm OK ! I just bought a bunch of classic Elvis records ! Aren't you lucky . The vintage-clock guy is driving a hard bargain . So I have nothing . No sweat . Just go back and talk him down . Here comes Wei . Hey , Ann . Wake up . It's time to get out of bed . Oh , Dad . Do I have to get up right now ? Yes , or you'll be late . Why didn't my alarm go off today ? It went off 30 minutes ago . I must have slept right through it . Rise and shine . OK . I know . Good morning ! May I help you ? Good morning ! Is Mr . Smith in ? I'm Cheng Jun from China National Petroleum Corporation . I'd like to see him . Do you have an appointment with Mr . Smith ? Am . No , I have an urgency to talk with him . Wait a moment , please . I'll tell his secretary that you are here . Thank you . I'm sorry . He is holding a meeting until ten o'clock . It's nine o'clock now . And I'll wait for him . Is there a problem , officer ? I stopped you for driving through a red light . Did I really ? You didn't know ? I had no idea that I ran it . Don't you know that yellow means slow down ? Yes , madam . Why'd you speed up instead ? I really have no excuse , madam . I'll have to write you a ticket . I understand , and I am very sorry . Here's your ticket . I like this apartment . Do you think we can afford the mortgage ? Yes . I think so . It ’ s not a very expensive apartment . It ’ s in the right area and it has everything that we are looking for . The rooms are quite large too . I love the balcony . We can sit outside and enjoy the sun in summer . We are on the 12th floor , so there ’ s very nice view from the balcony . The neighbourhood is nice too . There is a park nearby . Yes , and there are many houses nearby . I like it that the neighbourhood isn ’ t full of apartment blocks . It ’ s a pity we can ’ t afford a house . A garden would be so nice . Yes , it would . Don ’ t worry . There ’ s a lawn outside the building and there ’ s the park nearby . This place will be fine . The building is quite new and well constructed . I ’ m happy with the fittings too . Yes , everything has been well designed . Would you like to mail it by air or sea ? Hmm ... How long will it take to mail things to the USA by air ? About 10 days . You can send it express mail if you need it faster . It will only take three or four days . I want to send it by express mail . The faster , the better . OK , the postage is 275 yuan . Here you go . This is the receipt , please keep it . Have a good day . Thanks . Where did you get all these barney tour pamphlets ? I took them from a travel agency . Look at those nice pictures , lash forest , palm fringed , white sand beaches , crystal blue ocean , they ’ re breath-taking . It is like paradise on earth . That ’ s why it ’ s become a very popular holiday destination these years . Someone told me the service there is very good too . Are you planning to spend the holiday there ? Yes , I ’ m thinking about signing up for a tour in the travel agency . Their next tour starts the same time as my holiday does next month . How many days is the tour ? 10 days . When I get back , I still have two days to go before work . Isn ’ t that great ? That ’ s a perfect plan . Enjoy yourself . I wonder if you could help me , I'm looking for a room . Well , I have got a vacancy . What sort of price are you asking ? Eight dollars fifty a week excluding laundry . Would it be convenient to see the room ? Can you call back later ? We're right in the middle of lunch . Good morning ! What's wrong with you ? I have a bad headache . How long have you been like this ? For two days . Do you have a fever ? I ’ m afraid so . Sometimes I feel hot and sometimes I feel cold . Let me take your temperature first . What is your strongest trait ? Adaptability and sense of humor . How would your friends or colleagues describe you ? ( Pause a few seconds ) They say Mr . Chen is an honest , hardworking and responsible man who deeply cares for his family and friends . What personality traits do you admire ? Honest , flexible and easy-going . What leadership qualities did you develop as an administrative personnel ? I feel that learning how to motivate people and to work together as a team will be the major goal of my leadership . How do you normally handle criticism ? Silence is golden . Just don't say anything ; otherwise the situation could become worse . I do , however , accept constructive criticism . What do you find frustrating in a work situation ? Sometimes , the narrow-minded people make me frustrated . How do you handle your conflict with your colleagues in your work ? I will try to present my ideas in a more clear and civilized manner in order to get my points across . To secure employment hopefully with your company . How long would you like to stay with this company ? I will stay as long as I can continue to learn and to grow in my field . Can you give me a hand with some things in the kitchen ? I don ’ t think I can finish everything in time . Ok , what do you want me to do ? First of all , I need you to do the drying up . I ’ m almost finished the washing up . I ’ m going to clean the cooker when I finish . Ok . I ’ ll put the plates and cutlery away as I dry them . Where is the tea towel ? Oh , here it is . We ’ ll have this finished in no time with two if us working on it . While you ’ re cleaning the cooker , I ’ ll wipe the worktop . That was a great meal , by the way . Actually , it was just some leftovers from yesterday . I made far too much food to eat alone . I am glad you could come over to help me finish it . My pleasure ! This tea towel ’ s a little ragged . Do you have another one ? Yes . Look in that drawer . I should throw the old one out . Keep it and use it as rag . You can clean your bicycle with it . May I take your order ? We'd like this course for two , please . I'm afraid this course is for four persons . Well , can't you make it for two only ? I'm afraid not , sir . I see . Well , what do you recommend then ? I would recommend a soup with two or three small dishes . Right , we'll have these three . Would you like rice with your meal ? No , thanks . Thank you , sir . Just a moment , please . Is the table free ? No , sir . Would you rather sit near the dance floor ? I don't think so . Is that table all right ? That's free . I'd like to pay my bill now . Your name and room number , please ? Tom Wilson in Room 306 . Have you used any hotel services this morning ? No . OK . You have stayed for four nights at 90 US dollars each , and here are the meals that you had at the hotel . That makes a total of 660 US dollars . Can I pay by credit card ? Of course . Please sign your name here . May I speak to Marry Lin please ? I'm sorry Marry is out right now . When will she be back ? Why don't you call back later this afternoon ? Mom , did you see Andy's dog ? Honey , don't tell me that you want a pet dog also . Mom , please . Can I have a pet dog like Andy's ? Honey , you know , we don't have enough room for a pet dog . Mom , we can keep it on the balcony , right ? No , honey , the balcony is full of boxes and things . I'm sorry . We ’ re going to need a lot of new stuff after the holidays . Let ’ s make a list . Fine , Mr . Richardson . What do you have in mind ? Well , to begin with , we ’ re going to have to get a new desk for you and I ’ d like to replace that old typewriter . Yes ! I agree ! We could really use another one ! I ’ ll get on that right away ! What else would you like to order ? I'm looking forward to our son's graduation this weekend . Yes . So am I . But what will he do after graduation ? He really needs to go to college . Well , dear , we can't force him to go to college . It's up to him . I know that but he has to learn to be independent . He can't just keep living at home . Fill it up , PLS . Premium or regular , Madam ? Premium , PLS . Could you check my tyres , too ? I think they need air . No problem , Madam . Should I check the air in the spare tyre as well ? I don't think so . It's brand-new . Should I clean the windshield for you ? Yes , PLS . I also need you to check the oil and the radiator . All right , Madam . It's ok . There is hardly any water in the radiator . It's dangerous , Madam . You could break down , because of the heat you know . Pls fill it up with water then . Anything you say , Madam . Do you take credit card ? No , we don't . I am sorry . It's 30 dollars and 10 cents in total . 30 dollars and 10 cents ? Here you go . Thank you , Madam . Have a nice drive ! Do you want to try the new coffee here ? Great . I ’ ll have a shot . Hello , sir . Have you reserved already ? No , is there a single room left ? Yes , how long will you intend to stay ? For a week or so . Do you give discount for a week or more ? Yes , we give 5 % discount for a week and 12 % for 2 weeks . All right . I will take a room for a week . Here is my passport . I'm afraid I forgot to lock the door . You're so careless , Billy . Sorry , Mum , I'll lock it right away . I've done it for you . Hello , what can I do for you ? Um ... Hello , I would like to open an account . OK ! What kind of account do you want to open ? I want to open a current account . I will open it for you right now . What's the minimum deposit for opening a current account ? It's 10 yuan . How much money do you want to deposit ? Well , here's 3,000 yuan . Please write down your name , address and the amount of your deposit here . And please choose a passcode of six numbers and confirm it . OK , here you are . Thank you . Please confirm your information and sign your name in the blank . Done ! What else should I do ? That's all . Here's your bank card , and here's the certificate of deposit . Bring your bank card with you every time you come to deposit or withdraw money . OK . Thanks . Goodbye ! Bye ! Good morning.Wilson Association . This is Mr Brown speaking . I'd like to speak to Mr . Thomas , please . I'm sorry , but Mr.Thomas left the office a few minutes ago . That's bad ! I've been trying to call him for the last ten minutes , but your line has been busy.Will he be back soon ? I'm afraid not.He ' s gone for the rest of the day . Is there anywhere I can reach him ? I don't believe so.He ' s going out of town on business.May I take a message ? I have a business appointment with him for tomorrow morning at ten o'clock , but I'm afraid I can't make it . Would you care to make another appointment ? Unfortunately , I'm leaving town rather unexpectedly , and I may be gone for several days . I see . I can tell Mr.Thomas that you phoned . Thank you . Bye-bye . Hello , may I speak to Alice please ? This is she . How's it going ? I've been trying to call you all day . Sorry about that . I was cleaning up . It's okay . So what were you calling me about ? Oh , I just wanted to see if you wanted to hang out tomorrow . Sure , what did you want to do ? Maybe we can go see a movie or something . That sounds like fun . Let's do it . I'll see you tomorrow then . See you then . Goodbye . Sir , may I please see your license and registration ? Do you know how fast you were going ? No , I ’ m not sure . I think about 65 mph , right ? You ’ re not sure ? You were going at 90 miles per hour ! That ’ s 25 mph over the legal speed limit ! Have you been drinking ? No , Officer , not at all . Then how can you explain your behavior ? Well , I guess I just wasn ’ t paying attention to the speedometer . Not paying attention to the speedometer ? Why not ? Um , because I was busy talking to my friend . On a cell phone ? Yes , I was using a cell phone . I just bought it , so I decided to give my friend a phone call to tell him about it . While I did that I also turned on the radio and was listening to one of my favorite songs , and eating some food I had bought at a fast food restaurant , and , um ... guess I had too many distractions . That ’ s definitely true . I ’ m going to have to give you a ticket . Please remember to drive more carefully next time . By the way , can you tell me where I can find a restaurant not ? As far as I can see , Westlake Restaurant is a good choice . How can I get there ? Walk down till you see the first lights . It's cross the street . Thank you . Susan ! Why didn ’ t you tell me that you were taking over the Silk Company account ? I thought you knew , Todd . It was decided last week . I guess you weren ’ t at the meeting . You know I wasn ’ t at the meeting . I was meeting with Mr . Wei about this account . I ’ Ve been on this for a month and a half . I ’ m sorry . Todd , but Mr . Emory felt that it was going too slowly , and that it needed a fresh start . He should have told you . I want to take part in the bus tour . When does the bus leave ? Let me see , in 5 minuets . That's fine . I don't have much time to waste . Don't worry . The bus tour is really worth while . You can enjoy the whole city in a single day . How long does the tour last ? It lasts 4 hours , from 10:00 to 14:00 Good morning . My name is John Smith . I'm an import manager . How do you do , Mr . Smith ? My name is Thou Hong . Nice to meet You , Ms . Thou . We've learned that you specialize in the export of electronic products . Will you please take a seat ? Mr . Smith , have you seen the display of our electronic products in the exhibition hall downstairs ? Yes . I had a look just now . I found some of the exhibits of excellent quality and beautiful design . I feel we Sure we can . You know , we've been in this line for more than twenty years . So , Ms . Thou , we're a newly-established company , but we have wide connections with wholesalers and retailers all over America . Good . We can hold more talks later on to iron out the details . Sure . Could we have the honor of you presence of the meeting ? I'm awfully sorry , I have other plan . Would you prefer some other time ? I'd love to come other time if it can be arranged . Are you quite sure you can come next Tuesday ? Certainly , I'll be going . What time am I supposed to pick you up ? I'll be waiting for you in our office about nine o'clock . OK . Hello , is that 2896919 16 ? Yes , this is Holiday Inn reservation . Can you book me a room with a bath for August 28 ? Yes.Your name , please ? I wish it was a nicer day today . That is true . I hope it doesn't rain . It wouldn't rain in the middle of the summer . It wouldn't seem right if it started raining right now . It would be weird if it started raining in ninety degree weather . Any rain right now would be pointless . That's right , it really would be . I want it to cool down some . I know what you mean , I can't wait until it's winter . Winter is great . I wish it didn't get so cold sometimes though . I would rather deal with the winter than the summer . I feel the same way . I wish it was a nicer day today . That is true . I hope it doesn't rain . It wouldn't rain in the middle of the summer . It wouldn't seem right if it started raining right now . It would be weird if it started raining in ninety degree weather . Any rain right now would be pointless . That's right , it really would be . I want it to cool down some . I know what you mean , I can't wait until it's winter . Winter is great . I wish it didn't get so cold sometimes though . I would rather deal with the winter than the summer . I feel the same way . I hate carrying so much cash with me . Don't you have a credit card ? I have one but it can only be used in my country . Why don't you change the cash to traveler's checks ? It's much more convenient and safer . When you are abroad , you can cash them . Well , that's great . Hello , Could you please connect me to Mr . Cook's office ? It is on Line Three . I'm afraid you've got the wrong extension number . Oh . Then I don't know what his number is . Can you check it for me ? OK . Hold on , please . OK . Thank you . Mr.Cook is on Line Six . I'll put you through . Thank you . You helped me a lot . You are welcome . Anything else , sir ? That's all for now . How much do I owe you ? That'll be fifty-five dollars and twenty cents . Can't you make it a little cheaper ? Oh , no , sir . We already gave you a discount on each item . OK . I understand . Thank you . I have to find a living room set . Where are you planning on looking for one ? I don't know . I can tell you where I got mine . Where did you go to find yours ? IKEA has beautiful furniture . Does the furniture from IKEA cost a lot ? The furniture cost a couple thousand dollars . How good of quality is the furniture ? It's very sturdy . You get what you pay for . I don't mind paying for quality workmanship . I assure you that you're paying for quality . I need to order new business cards . Do you have any idea how many you'd like ? I think 2,000 would be enough . Would you fill out this form , please ? I don't want to make any changes to my old card . If you detect any difference , I'll take you out to dinner . ... Okay , that's it . Here's the form , and here's my old card to use as a model . Thank you . Your order will be ready seven days from now . I need it sooner . Let me have it in three days , okay ? We can certainly give you faster turnaround , but it will cost you extra . Can I help you ? Yes . I sent in my resume at the end of last week . I'm applying for the accounts assistant position . May I have your name please ? My name is Judy Liao . That's spelled L I A O . Alright ... And did you have some specific questions about your application ? Not really . I was in the neighborhood , and I just wanted to stop in to see if you received my resume . Oh , that's no problem . Just give me a moment , and I can check.Judy Liao . Let's see ... Yes , here it is . Judy Liao . We have received your resume . Thank you . Is there anything else I can help you with ? Yes , maybe . The ad in the newspaper said you wanted the resume , a cover letter , and two letters of recommendation . I included those things in the envelope . Is there anything else I should send ? No , that is all we need . If we have those things included , that is sufficient . Do you know when they will start setting up interviews for the job ? I'm not really sure about that . But I know we are still receiving resumes.Maybe after a week or two they will start calling applicants . I see . Well , thank you very much for helping me . You have been very helpful . If you have any further questions , you can call any time . Thank you . Thank you . Goodbye . I have applied for a transfer . Really ? Do you mean that you are leaving ? Yes . I think it's time to move on . I ’ Ve already been here too long . Where do you want to go ? Well , I want to be transferred to the Shanghai office . I will miss you . But anyway I wish you every success at your new post . Thanks . It's been a pleasure working with you . Hello , do you have any vacancies ? Yes , something just opened up . What kind of apartment is it ? It's a one-bedroom , one-bathroom apartment . Would you give me some fruits ? How much are these oranges ? Seventy cents a piece . How about this one ? Sixty cents a piece . Well , I'll take five of the seventy cent ones , and those grapefruits sweet ? Sure ! They are very fresh , first of all . We sell at a bargain , and you make a wise purchase if you buy them today . Eighty cents only , a piece . I follow you and I'll take three just for my trial . Thank you very much and anything else ? That's all.Thank you . Good morning , can I have your ticket , please ? Here you are . Thank you . Would you like a window or an aisle seat ? An aisle seat , please . I'm looking for some fresh produce that's on sale . Well , we just got in some mangoes . Mangoes . What are they ? Well , it's a fruit with a big nut in it . Can you eat the nut ? No , you peel off the skin and throw out the nut . How much are they ? Well , the sale price is $ 1 each . What does a mango taste like ? They're like a citrus fruit . How do I know if it's ripe ? You can buy them hard . Wait a few days for them to develop a soft feel . Where do they come from ? Most of them in this store are from Mexico . I'm going to let Bob know about the merger . It makes no sense to tell him about that . Why ? Because he'll tell Mary and that will cause us problems . Laura told me today that she has a friend with a car for sale . Oh , she did ? Then it's a used car of course . Yes , it's used , but she said it was in very good shape.It ' s a small foreign car . What else did she tell you ? Did she tell you how many miles there are on it ? She thinks it has about twenty-five or thirty thousand miles . That's not bad.What about the price ? Did she tell you how much her friend wants for the car ? Three thousand dollars . Three thousand ! That's almost too good to be true.Did she say why her friend wants to sell it ? He lives in the city and you know how expensive it is to keep a car in the city . Well , we can see it for ourselves.Did she tell you when we can go and look at it ? No , but she gave me her friend's telephone number . I can call him and make an appointment . Do you know a bus I can take from Altadena to downtown LA ? I believe you can take the 486 . Will that bus really take me to LA ? It sure will . Is it a very long ride ? It's a forty-five minute to an hour ride . Really ? It doesn't take long at all Do a lot of people ride that bus ? More people start getting on around LA . Wow , thanks a lot . Don't mention it . How is your English ability ? Not bad . I ’ m proficient in both written and spoken English . English and computer skills are comparatively important to this position , especially in the starting period . What ’ s your ability in these two fields ? I passed College English Test Band 6 , with good skill in listening , speaking , reading , and writing . I haven't got any certificate of computer skills , because I don ’ t think certificates are necessary if what ’ s needed is merely operating a computer . I think practically , to know how to use a computer is more important . And I am quite familiar with Microsoft Office . What else do you have to prove your English ability ? I took a part-time job last semester in translating and doing reception work for an exhibition . My work included hosting the visiting foreign exhibitors , communicating with them , arranging their agenda , and translating several materials . I think this activity well demonstrated my ability in English . And I will be glad to take any form of English test you arrange for me to prove my ability . How do you deal with those who you think are difficult to work with ? I stick to my principles and keep to the rules . Sometimes , they just lack enthusiasm . When I get them involved with something constructive , some of them change their attitude later . Yes , I see . Can I help you ? Yes , I ’ m looking for a pair of trousers . What size are you ? I ’ m a large . Ok , try these on in the changing rooms . Who's the man that is kicking the boy ? He's the poor kid's father . Does he often beat his son ? Yes , very . May I ask what the core value of the company is ? The core values are credibilities , team work , diligence and devotion . Are they different from other companies ? Yes , we are a foreign-invested company . Hello , madam , I am sorry for keeping you waiting so long . Now please follow me and I will show you your table . Thank you . Is that a window table ? Yes , just as you have ordered . It's very nice of you . How much shall I pay ? Let me see . A roasted duck is 15 dollars . A plate of pork is 10 dollars . A bowl of beef is 6 dollars . Two bottles of beer are 3 dollars.That ' ll be a total of 34 dollars . Here is 40 dollars.Keep the change , please . Oh , sorry , sir.We take no tips here.Thank you all the same . Now , Mr.William , a little personal information first , are you married ? Yes . I am . Actually my wife is a teacher . What's your major ? German . How long have you been study in German ? Since I first met my wife , about three years . And just one more question , would you like to be an interpreter ? Yes , I ’ d like to do that . Very good , you can come here to work next month . Thank you . Honey , where did you buy this skirt ? In the market . Any problem ? Nothing . I am just checking . I have read your resume.What is your last job ? I've worked in the Production Department for two years . Could you introduce your biggest accomplishments in your last job ? Working with my colleagues , we were able to increase the production efficiency by 5 % . Great ! Could you tell me your educational background ? Yes . I got a bachelor's degree in English from Beijing University . Why are you willing to work for our company ? I can get more promotion in your company . OK , that's all . We'll inform you in two days . Thank you . But how did you know I was working for WebTracker ? When I was in LA , I met the WebTracker sales rep . He couldn't have told you . Only a few people at WebTracker know about me . The sales rep had a green note pad just like yours . He said everybody at WebTracker used them . I can't believe it . I can't believe I fell into your trap . We both may be snakes , Dave , but I'm just better at it . Among the snakes , I'm the sneakiest . There are something wrong with my computer . Really , what's wrong with it ? The computer doesn't work when I push the power cotton . Oh , do you use your computer often ? Yes , I don't know why it doesn't work this time . Don't worry . Have you got receipt with you ? Yeah ! We'll go to your house and repair it on Tuesday.Ok ? OK , I'll expected you around 2 o'clock ? See you then . Hello , sir , what can I do for you today ? Hello , I need a new suit . I have an important interview next week , so I really need to look sharp . No problem ! We have a broad selection of suits , all tailored made so that it will fit perfectly . Great ! I want a three piece suit , preferably made from Italian cashmere or wool . Very well sir . Would you like to have some shirts made also ? Sure . I ’ ll also take some silver cuff link and a pair of silk ties . Very good . Now , if you will accompany me , we can take your measurements and choose the patterns for your suit and shirts . Tommy played truant today . His teacher called me this morning . Where did he go ? I've asked him , but he won't tell me . What should we do about this ? He is like you . I remember when we were at the college , you always skipped classes . Like me ? But you see I am so successful now . And if he is really like me , he will be more successful than me in the future . Stop , stop ... We are talking about our son's attendance for classes and his study . Maybe we could give him a little bit money to pay to go to school . Pay him ? But he studies for himself , not for you or for me or for anybody else . I got an idea . You should send him to class every morning and after the class begins , you can go to work . In that way , I'll be late every day . How about letting him go to school on school bus ? That's a good idea . Why have I never thought of that ? That's because I went to school for each class when I was at school . So now I am much more clever than you . Okay , so let ’ s go over everything one more time . I really want you to get this job ! I know ! It ’ s an amazing growth opportunity ! They ’ re true industry leaders , and it would be so interesting to be part of an organization that is the undisputed leader in business process platform development . So , let ’ s see , you did your research on the company , right ? Well , I visited their website and read up on what they do . They ’ re an IT service company that offers comprehensive business solutions for large corporations . They provide services such as ARM development , and they also offer customdesigned applications . So what would your role in the company ? Well , the position is for an account manager . That basically means that I would be the link between our and our development team . Sounds good , and so , why do you want to work with them ? Well , as I said they ’ re the industry leaders , they have a really great growth strategy , amazing development opportunities for employees , and it seems like they have strong corporate governance . They ’ re all about helping companies grow and unleashing potential . I guess their core values and mission really resonated with me . Oh , and they offer six weeks ’ vacation , stock options and bonuses ... I ’ m totally going to cash in on that . You idiot ! Don ’ t say that ! Do you want this job , or not ? Susan , good evening.Why are you so dressed up ? I'm on my way out to a New Year's banquet.How do I look ? Is my make-up ok ? You look great.Your make-up is perfect . Do your think I should wear a different dress ? No , the one you have on looks fabulous , especially with your hair like that . Thanks for saying.Do you have any ideas which necklace I should wear ? With that dress I'd like to say your white diamond necklace would look perfect . Thanks for helping out.Now Im ready , what are you doing tonight ? Not much , Just a house party with some friends . Sounds fun.Anyone I know ? Yeah , most of the people are from my office . Sounds like I'm missing out on a good time.Oh , well , there's always next year . I'm sure you will have fun no matter where you go.Remember to take your bag . Hi , is this the Resume Writing Workshop ? Yes , this is the Resume Writing Workshop . Welcome ! I really don ’ t know that much about putting together a resume . It ’ s easy . Don ’ t worry about it . What ’ s the most important part ? Well , the most important thing we need to do is make sure that our name and contact information are across the top . What comes next ? You can either list your job experience next or your education--whichever is the most impressive should be first . Can I list my interests next ? Sure , that would be a good place for them . Confronted with difficult questions in an interview , the job-hunters mostly will be at a loss about what to do . Usually , you cannot prepare for these questions in advance and have to depend on your immediate performance . Still , there are some rules to follow . In this case , you should first keep calm and normal to the face . Don't get nervous and freaked out . Formulate a satisfactory answer based on your specific situation . There should be neither too much silence nor hasty answers Try to show the best of yourself with decent words and manners . Don't be discouraged even when confronted with negative questions You should admit your weakness frankly . Anyway , what really matters is that you have tried your best . You must have confidence in yourself . Mom , is there anything in the fridge I can eat before dinner ? There's some leftover pizza from last night . Anything else ? Um , I think there may be some leftover lasagna from the other day . Do I have any other choices ? There might be some birthday cake left in the freezer . Is everything in the fridge leftovers ? I hate leftovers ! You can wash the vegetables and cut the chicken and I'll make dinner ! Nice to see you ; how have you been feeling lately ? I have been feeling great , Dr . Smith . I am happy that you have decided to come in for your annual physical . Yes , I am going on a cross-country bike ride on vacation and want to make sure that I don ’ t have any problems . We are going to look at your heart and lungs , do a few blood tests , and see that your eyes , ears , and nose are all working as they should . I ’ Ve been having trouble with congestion in my chest . Can you give me some tests for that ? I can do a chest X-ray to check for congestion . That would be great . What is the blood test for ? The blood test is for cholesterol , white blood cell count , and blood sugar . I have been feeling great . I don ’ t imagine that any of my tests will turn out badly . Excuse me . I need to refill this prescription . It says on the bottle here that you can have two refills . Yes , I need to refill it today . Alright . I'm sorry , Miss . According to our file , this prescription has already been refilled twice . I was worried about that . I couldn't remember if I had it refilled twice yet or not . Well , it looks like you have.You will need to see your doctor to get a new prescription . Listen . This is an emergency . I tried to call my doctor , but he is out of town . So I can't see him in time . I need this medicine . It is for skin condition . I've run out.Can you just refill it once more ? I'm sorry , Miss . We can't do it . We must follow the prescription.And this prescription has run out . But I need it . Please . Refill it for me just this once . I can go to the doctor around ten days from now . Then I'll have another prescription . Miss , I understand your problem.But it is against the law for us to sell certain medicines without a prescription.It ' s the law . I can't do anything about it.We never sell medicine unless we have a proper prescription . Never . But I have a prescription . I just need more of it . A prescription must be valid . It cannot be an expired prescription . I'm sorry , Miss . It's the law.You will have to find another doctor who will prescribe this for you . Oh , it will be so expensive ! I have a special medical plan , and I can only see one doctor.It will cost me a lot of money to see another doctor . Miss , I just can't help you on this . I'm a pharmacist , not a doctor . And there are other customers I need to help now . I know it is frustrating when this happens.But there is nothing I can do about it . I'm sorry . This is ridiculous ! In Taiwan , it is much easier to get medicine when I need it . Maybe that's true . I don't know.But I'm sure in Taiwan you have prescriptions too . Hi , Tom ! This is Marry with Hans furniture store . Yes , Marry ? I just wanted to let you to know that we had decided to offer the sales position to someone else . I see . We considered you very carefully but the other candidate has more experience . Maybe so . But I'm fast learner and I'm willing to work overtime to learn the business . I'm sure you are . I must to ask you to reconsider your decision and give me a chance . I want to get on the bus already . It just isn't on time today . It was supposed to be here thirty minutes ago . I think it'll be here pretty soon . I need to get to work , so it better . I really do hate public transportation . I agree , it's just never on time . That's right . I also hate having to stand at a bus stop in all kinds of weather . Oh , that's the worst . We need to get a car . I completely agree with that . Where is my back pack ? I don't know . Where did you leave it ? I just put it on the chair a while ago , but now it's gone . Are you sure ? Of course , I am sure . I bet someone stole it . Well , you should have kept an eye on it . What would you like today ? Let me get a hamburger . Do you want cheese on it ? No cheese . Can I get you something to drink ? Can I get a soda , please ? What kind do you want ? I'd like a Sprite . Would you like anything else ? I'd like a bag of Doritos with that . Is that all ? That'll be all . Mary ! Barbara ! What're you doing here ? You live in London , don't you ? Yes , that's right.But I'm having a holiday here . May I help you ? Yes . I'd like to see one of those ties . You mean this one ? Yes . It's pretty , isn't it ? It's made of pure silk and it's on sale . OK . I'll take it . Will you gift-wrap this , please ? Could you take it to that counter , please ? How long is the warranty ? We guarantee our product for two years . How about the repairs after the warranty expire ? Are you responsible for the fixing if the machine breaks down after the warranty period ? Yes . All repairs are billed at cost . We'll only bill you for parts . The on-site service is $ 300 a year after the warranty . Will you supply spare parts if we want them ? Certainly . We always have the interest of the customers at heart . What can I do for you , sir ? I would like to have a pair of trousers made to measure . OK , may I take your size ? Besides , don't make it too loose . Could you show me how to operate this fax machine ? I am going to receive some urgent fax from a company . Of course . Let me check it . Firstly , don't be frustrated about all the buttons on it . That's right . After overcoming these buttons , you should check whether there is any paper in the machine , you must make sure this . I couldn't agree more . And then prepare what you want to receive . If you want to send a photograph , you must copy one . What can I do next ? The next thing you should do is to wait . The sender will give you the fax . Look . Some of the faxes come through blurred . What is wrong with it ? Maybe we should call its after-service man . Welcome to Flash Foot . What can I do for you , ma'am ? I'd like to have this roll of film developed . What size prints would you like ? Four by six will do . All right , ma'am , they'll be ready for you in an hour . Mom , am I like a superman ? All I need is a cape . No , just a super-boy . Mom , you always think of me as a child . Yes , because a real man doesn't need Mom to worry about him so much . He can do things by himself . Sure ! Oh , my poor Danny , sure , you are a man . But you know , running like this in street is very dangerous . Superman is not afraid of any danger . Do you remember the rules of road safety ? What ? Walk the sidewalk and please right-hand side . Don't play on the street or make any noise . Yes , so you still remember , ah . Dear Mom , please permit of superman's naughty . Read Jimmy's card to me please , Janey . I have just arrived in Scotland and I'm staying at a Youth Hostel . Eh ? He says he's just arrived in Scotland . He says he's staying at a Youth Hostel . You know he's a member of the Y . H . A . The what ? The Y . H . A . , mun . The Youth Hostel's Association . What else does he say ? I'll write a letter soon . I hope you are all well . What ? Speak up , Janey . I'm afraid I can't hear you . He says he'll write a letter soon . He hopes we are all well . Love , Jimmy . Is that all ? He doesn't say very much , does he ? He can't write very much on a card , mum . What's the best way downtown ? Let me see . It depends . Depends ? Depends on what ? If you are in a hurry , you should take a taxi . Is that expensive ? Yes , very . Believe it or not , it will cost you more than one hundred dollars . I am in no particular hurry . Take a bus then . It will only cost you 5 dollars . That's not so bad . Hello , police office ? Yes , May I help you ? Yes , I'd like to report a case . Somebody broke into my house . When did that happen ? It happened in the morning . I just came home from work and found the lock broken . Is anything lost ? I don't know . I called the police as soon as I found the lock broken . OK , we will send some men as soon as possible . Please be quick . OK , we will . What's your name and address ? My name is Benjamin , and I live in Broad-Gate Street 2101 . OK , got it . Please don't worry sir . We will be there soon . Thank you very much . Excuse me . This chicken doesn't taste right to me . What seems to be the problem ? How should I know ? It's just kind of cold in the middle . It just doesn't taste right . Do you want to try it ? Well , let me get that out of your way . Would you like to order something else from the menu ? Or I could bring you another order of chicken if you'd like . Another one ? I don't want another one . Give me something simple . You've got steak , right ? Yes , we do . How would you like it cooked ? Half done . Good morning , sir . Have you reserved ? Yes , my name is Bill . Let me see . Oh , yes . Your room number is 503 . The porter will lead you to your room . OK , thank you . Francis , you have done an outstanding work in the past six months . In view of your achievement , I trust you ’ re now indispensable part of our company and you deserve an officer director title . I am so happy to know that I could make some contribution to our company . This title does not only give you a raising pay-check , but also increase responsibilities . Congratulations , and hope the best for you . Thank you , I will be doing my best . Hello , may I help you ? Yes , I'd like to have this parcel delivered to Shanghai . Oh , we only take care of mail . For parcels , you can go to the next window . Thanks ! ... Hello , I have a parcel to deliver . Where do you need it to be delivered to ? I want to post it to Shanghai . OK , please fill out this form . Sure , what's the postcode of Shanghai ? Wait a moment , let me check it out for you . It's 200085 . Thanks , here you go . What's the postage , please ? Hold on , let me put it on the scale . It weighs up to 10kg and that will be 30 Yuan , please . Ten kg ! Dear Shirley must have put a lead ball in it ! Grandpa , this seat is for you , for you are the eldest person here and also it's your birthday today . Oh , you are such a good child today . Come here . Sit next to me . I'm afraid I can't do that . It's Dad's seat , according to the book about table manners . Oh , you read ? Very good . Then , I think we should do something different today . I'll give you some privilege . Great . That's my favorite seat which will be the nearest to the birthday cake . Now I see what you read the book for . But it's fine . I'll give you the lion's share . Why do they serve up the noodles first ? I don't like it . Where is the cake ? This is not common noodles . They're “ long-lived ” ' s an old Chinese tradition to eat.long - lived noodle on birthday . I see . Then I'll try it . Marketing manage office , can I help you ? Mr Green , please . Sorry , he's out . What time you suspect back them ? Sorry , I am not sure , can I take a message ? No , thanks . I'll call back later . That's fine.please call again later . Ok , thank you.Goodbye . Excuse me , where is the nearest gas station ? Go along this street to the traffic lights . To the traffic lights ? That's right , and turn left at the lights . Left at the lights ? And then right at the bridge . Right at the bridge ? Yes . The gas station is on the left . And you can't miss it . Vince . We're both busy , so I'm not going to beat around the bush . I need a raise . I can't do that , Zina . You know I can't . Bull . I're done my research . I know you still control more than 65 percent of invoking options . Who told you that ? That doesn't matter . I want at least 4 percent . How far do we have to go ? About 50 miles . The traffic is not very heavy on this high way , is it ? So I ’ m sure we ’ ll make it . No , but we ’ Ve got a hurry . It will be the rush hour soon . Don ’ t worry . There ’ s plenty of time yet . But it ’ s Friday today . This road is always jam packed during the weekend , isn ’ t it ? Right . I'm taking a date to a restaurant , so could you please direct me to a good one ? But of course ! How much are you thinking of spending on dinner ? She deserves nothing but the best , of course . In that case , I would suggest our own hotel restaurant . The chef , the food , and the service are outstanding . I promised her I would take her out to a restaurant . Do you have another one in mind ? You can always go to Gramercy Tavern . It's quite popular , despite its expensive entrees . Great food and lots of patrons ? What more could I want ? Please reserve a table for me . Yes , sir . You're going to have a great time . The City Bank . May I help you , sir ? Yes , I'd like to close my account . May I have your name , please ? Adam Smith . Alright , what's your address ? 56 Edison Ave , Apartment 39 , Los Angeles . When would you like your account closed ? Next Friday . Okay . Where would you like to have your last bill sent to you ? 14 May flower Ave , Los Angeles . Alright , We'll take care of that . Have you bought your bus pass yet ? I didn't get it yet . Well , why not ? I have no idea where to get it from . You should've just asked me . Well then , where do I get it ? You can get it from the student business office . I didn't know that . I know you didn't . I appreciate you telling me . No problem . I'll make sure to get it tomorrow . It looks to be a nice day today . Good , let's go for a drive . Okay , I'll get the car out of the garage . Great . How many kinds of secretaries work here ? There are 3 secretarial categories here . One is receptionist , one is junior secretary , and the other is senior secretary . What sort of duties do you expect ? I would like to be able to work independently and take over some ordinary responsibilities such as answering routine correspondences , taking phone calls , and sometimes assisting you with personal business affairs . Welcome to Lincoln Bank . Are you a new customer ? Yes , I am . I opened an account with you about a month ago , but today I'm here to see about a loan of some kind . I see . As you don't have a long history with us , we will have to check your credit rating with your previous bank before we can promise any loan to you . Yes , that's fine . My credit is good ; I banked at my former bank for many years . May I ask why you decided to switch your account to us ? Haha ! Actually , I felt that your array of services is much better than what my old bank had on offer . Plus , I've got plenty of friends who bank with you and they are extremely happy . We always welcome new business . If you can give me the details of your former bank , including your account number we can begin . I have everything right here . I'll let you go through that and come back . I'd like to have a good read of your materials to make sure I make the right choice . Passport , please , madam . Just a minute , please.It ' s in my bag.Here it is . Thank you.Please fill out the Baggage Declaration Form . All right.Shall I enter all my belongings ? No , only the articles listed on the Declaration . Are you ready to order , sir ? Yeah . I have a fancy for some wine tonight . Can you recommend something for me ? Our red wine is very famous . I'd suggest you try that . All right . What kind of red wine do you serve ? Here are a variety of red wines for you to choose . You can have a taste then make your decision then . Here is the wine menu . The dry red wine looks quite good . I'd like to try this one . Then do you like any cheese to go with it ? Why ? Do I have to order that ? Oh , no . But cheese is the best thing to go with red wine . And we have really fresh cheese which will be free if you order red wine . Here are the pictures . Pick out something you like . That's really nice . I'd like this one . It looks very attractive . What would you like for appetizer and dinner ? Croissant for appetizer and two beef steaks for dinner . How do you want your steaks , rare , medium or well-done ? Medium , please ? Anything for dessert ? Sure . We'd like to have Black Forest Cake for dessert . OK . Please wait for s while . We'll get it done quickly ! In foreign trade , language differences are very important . Yes . If people can not communicate with each other easily , they can not understand each other's way of thinking . Fortunately , there is a widely-spoken commercial language , namely English . Many exporters speak French and German as well . In South America , the most common language is Spanish and Portuguese . Even if the language is accurate , a misunderstanding can not be avoided due to cultural differences . Yes , the language is a part of culture . It reflects a nation's character . Yes , it not only includes the nation's historical and cultural background , but also contains the nation's view of life way of life and way of thinking . So in foreign trade , you must be very clear about language differences . Hello , my name's David Wong . I've ordered a sofa from you last Wednesday . I wonder when it will be delivered today . Let me check ... what's your voucher number ? It's 45132 . Wait a minute , please---Mr . Wong , I'm terribly sorry . Our delivery truck had an accident today . I'm afraid your sofa won't be delivered until tomorrow . May I have the bill , please ? Here is it . How much altogether ? The total amount is $ 185 . Does it include the charge for drinks ? Yes . Here is $ 200 , keep the change , please . Thanks . Thank you for seeing me . Did you look over my letter and resume ? Yes . Quite good . Perhaps you're very interested in the social benefits . Yes , I think it is possible more important than the salary . Really ? We would like to start you off at 2,000 yuan a month , excluding bonus and overtime pay . Good , about the essential living conditions ? Well , we'll supply you with an apartment of a bedroom and a living room . I see . I'm a female . Are there any special benefits for me ? Yes , in our company , the women have a two-week vacation a year , besides this , if you are a married woman , maternity leave for some months is permitted . I think it is very necessary for us . I wonder whether I am on holiday with payment every year . Yes , you have a paid month holiday every year . Right . How about the unemployment compensation and the retirement pension ? Well , we are only responsible for the retirement pension . About the unemployment compensation , this will be given by the government . Yes , I see . Hello , this is Lucy from ABC Company . Hello , Lucy . I ’ m calling to see if you have made your decision . You are the right person we are seeking for . Yes , I have decided to work with your company . Good news for us . When can you start to work ? It ’ s my honor to be one member of your company . I ’ d like to begin to work any time as you like . Ok , please come to my office at 9 AM next Monday . I will introduce you to our boss . No problem . Thank you for calling me . You ’ re welcome . Can I take your order now or do you still want to look at the menu ? Well , I want a fillet steak , medium , but my little girl doesn't care for steak . Could she have something else instead ? Certainly . How about spaghetti with clams and shrimps . Sounds delicious . OK . She'll try that . Good morning , what can I do for you ? I want to buy a car to facilitate my life . But I don't have enough money . Could you supply a loan to me ? Oh , I see . Would you mind telling me your monthly salary ? Sure . 7,000 yuan per month . OK . We can supply you a loan . How much do you want to loan ? 200,000 yuan . By the way , what about the interest rate ? It's only 4.5 % for one-year loan . Do you want to apply now ? Yes , I think so . OK . Please fill out this loan application . All right . Thank you . My pleasure . How long do I have to wait ? Two hours.That area is a little backward . I see.The bus doesn't come so often as in cities . You're right . May I help you ? Is this the right counter for gloves ? Yes , madam . What sort of gloves do you want ? Well , let me see some of each . Certainly . What size do you take ? Six and a quarter , I believe , but you'd better measure my hand to make sure . I think a six is your size . How do you like these ? I can recommend them , they're very reliable . Very well , I'll take these two . Good morning . My name's Jason Smith . Ah , good morning , Mr . Smith . Nice to meet you . I'm Peter Anderson from Personnel . Do sit down . Thank you very much . Now , have you brought your curriculum vitae with you ? Oh , my CV . Yes , here it s . There are three copies . Have you brought your certificates as well ? No , I haven't . I'm awfully sorry . Can I send them to you ? Yes , that'll be all right . Well , please tell me about your working experience . I haven't been involved in international business , so I don't have any experiences , but I am diligent and I learn very fast . OK , so do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Yes , in most circumstances.Are you available for business travel ? Yes , I am young , and unmarried . It's no problem for me to travel frequently . OK . You are good . Hope to see you next time . I'll call you if you get picked for next test . Thank you very much . I'm looking forward to your call . Good morning , madam . What can I do for you ? I want some coffee . Certainly , madam . What kind of coffee do you want to have ? What have you got ? Well . We have espresso , latte , skinny latte , fancy coffee and Americano . I think I'll have a latte , please . OK . Wait a minute , please . And the sugar is right over there . Do you speak a foreign language ? Yes . I am capable of speaking English smoothly . I have been learning English for years . How well do you know English ? I have no trouble communicating with native English Speaker . I even taught spoken English in a training school . If we give you the job , what ’ s the most important thing you except to get ? Well , I just want to enjoy what I ’ m doing it ’ s the most important thing to me . Just this ? Yes , because I think being interesting thing is the best teacher . Or have more opportunities to have career growth . Do you want to get a promotion ? Yes , of course . Where would you like to be in 5 years ? In five years , I ’ d like to be a senior manager of this corporation . How do you plan to accomplish this ? By doing whatever is necessary . What are in this folder ? They are reports of our company . Are they filed alphabetically ? No , they are filed according to dates . Can you find last month ’ s report for me , please ? No problem , here you are . Oh , my god ! I look so old . I look as if I were 40 . I think it's time for some plastic surgeries . I'm tired of these wrinkles and sagging skin . I don't see any wrinkles or sagging skin ! You'd better stop being so ridiculous . Anyway I think I need a nose job and some breast implants as well . I think you need to get a brain surgery . Honestly speaking , you look charming . I know what you mean . I just want to make myself more attractive . You are fine the way you are . Besides , plastic surgery hurts . Really ? Sure it is . So you'd better get rid of this idea . And so , I just wanted to check in with you and find out where we are with this project . As you know , you ’ Ve missed a fairly significant deadline last week , and this will negativity impact the team ’ s ability to move forward with the next stages of this project . I know , I ’ m really sorry that I missed the deadline . But really , it wasn ’ t my fault . You see , we had all of these unexpected technical problems at the last minute , and that I couldn ’ t get into the database and extract the kind of information that I needed for the data analysis . You know , if the tech guys would have done their job and kept the ARM stable , then I wouldn ’ t have missed my deadline . Oh , come on ! An excuse like that is tantamount to lying . You ’ re essentially blaming the tech team for your time management issues , rather than accepting responsibility for the fact that you were procrastinating for the past two weeks . No , I ’ m not trying to pass the buck here ; I know that it was me who is ultimately responsible for getting this done . But the thing is , I could have finished on time if the system hadn ’ t gone down . And you know , with everything I ’ Ve got going on now , I can ’ t afford to waste time dealing with technical problems . I ’ Ve got a lot on my plate and there are only twenty-four hours in a day ... I ’ m not going to accept this excuse . You ’ re using these small technical glitches as a crutch and trying to rationalize the fact that you ’ Ve missed your deadline . Look , we have standards and I expect you to live up to those standards . No more phoney cases . If you ’ re in over your head , you tell me . No more missed deadlines . Now , I want that data on my desk by nine am ! I'm afraid I have to return this sweater . May I ask if there's anything wrong with it ? You see , there is a run at the neck . Oh , sorry.But do you want to change it for another one ? No , thank you . Welcome to IBA . Which service do you require ? I hope you can help me . I've been told about something called ' Financing Link ' ? Yes , that is our Personal Wealth Management Service . Could you tell me more ? Of course . Financing Link is a value-added service , and can be tailored to suit your requirements . So , I can choose exactly what services I require ? That's brilliant . Can I use the card if I'm overseas to withdraw my daily expenses ? Certainly . We can arrange the structure to suit whatever you require . That's why this service is so popular ; it's suitable for everyone because we make it that way . This is just what I've been looking for . Sign me up right away , please . Why didn ’ t you call me last night ? Because I went out . Why didn ’ t you phone me from a callboy ? I didn ’ t have any change . Tell me why you didn ’ t come to see me tonight then . I don ’ t like all your questions . That ’ s why . I like the design of the coat . But I like its color . Anyway , it's my ideal coat . I'll take it . I'll take one , too . Hi , I'm out of here . Here's my key . Give me just a few seconds , sir , and I'll hand you your receipt . Here you are . Thank you . I hope you enjoyed your stay , sir . I only had nine little problems here . Other than that , I enjoyed my stay , and I loved the city . I apologize again for the cockroaches , sir . I hope you have a nice trip home . oh , Sam ! Is this your dog ? it's Cindy , you know that . Hey , Cindy , say hello to Maria . Cindy , you're so cute . she is also very naughty . By the way , do you have a dog , Maria ? I have a little white cat . Oh , a cat ? Come on . yes , cats are always gentle . and they don't need a lot of space since they're small . but I think they're dull , aren't they ? not at all . They're quiet most of the time.But they can be every bit as affectionate as dogs . well , cats are certainly more independent . absolutely . Believe it or not , I found my cat by a garbage can around my neighborhood two years ago . oh , really ? so you just took home a stray cat ? yes . It was starving and looking for something to eat when I saw it . Poor cat . now we get along very well . It makes me feel that I'm someone special . Hello , housekeeping . Is there anything I can do for you ? I would like to have my clothes washed . What's the rate ? We charge $ 5 for a barrel . OK , here are the clothes . Please fill out the form sir . Good afternoon , how can I be of service today ? My company wants to become involved in your Comprehensive Credit Granting . We are a very young company and I'm not at all sure if we meet your credit requirements . It is possible to take into account special circumstances , should the manager agree to it . If your credit rating has been class A in your initial trading period and your debt to asset ratio is sound , and then I'm sure the manager will see you to discuss it further . I'll set up a meeting for you . That would be wonderful . Thank you so much for all of your help . Ah ! It hurts . Don't touch it . What part hurts ? The shoulder . Well , maybe you broke it . But what I'm worried about is this cut . It's not a cut . It's a gash ! It's bigger than a cut ! Ah ! I need a doctor . C'mon . Just don't move . I'm bleeding too much . We don't have a decent First Aid Kit , do we ? Yes . My bike has one under the seat . Get it , quick ! There's some tape , iodine , and cloth bandages . I don't think the cloth bandages can stop the bleeding . What we need is a tourniquet . Wrap a few loops of the bandages around my upper arm , then twist.That will work as a tourniquet.After that , you can cut more of the bandages to cover the wound . Good plan . Let me put some iodine on the cut . No , forget that ! Do the tourniquet first . I'm losing too much blood . Alright , alright . How did you cut this so bad ? I ran it against that fence pole as I crashed . What do you think ? Damn , it hurts ! We'll have to get you to a hospital . I can ride you on the back of my bike . I'm lucky I wasn't killed . I must have been going around forty-five miles an hour.There was too much gravel on that corner . I slid out . Yes , I almost slid too.Alright . This tourniquet is tight . How does it feel ? Make it tighter . I want the blood stopped.Then wrap some bandages around the cut . Then we can go . Ouch ! I hope I can walk . Alright , I'm twisting it around . You tell me when to stop . There . Stop ! I heard you will be going on a business trip . Yes , I must go to Shanghai to attend a meeting about our plan . How long will you be away ? Six days or so . Who will take your place ? Harry . He has been assisting me on the plan . Good choice . He is competent for the position . Yes , he is familiar with the plan . Mom , give me a glass of orange juice . What the magic ward to say if you want something good to happen ? Oh , sorry mom , i forgot.please give me a glass of orange juice . Ok , here you are . Oh , it is nice and cold , definitely good orange juice . Amy , you forgot another magic word . Oh , sorry again , thank you mom . You are very welcome . You've decided that you definitely want to purchase this particular one ? To be honest , I haven't really done much research . I would recommend that you at least glance through these brochures , just to make sure that you have selected the right policy for you . Take your time , Sir . Thanks for your advice , after going through all of these materials I've decided not to go with my initial choice . Of course , Sir . If I could have your details again and your ID , I'll check them and we can go on . Hello ? Hello ? ( No response ; Silence ) Hello ? Who is calling , please ? ( No response ) Listen , I know who you are . If you call this number again , I ’ ll call the police . You ’ ll be arrested . I ’ Ve got your number . Hello , could I speak to Mr . Wang , the PR Director ? Yes , speaking . How can I help you ? I am calling to inquire about the position of PR manager . What requirements does the job need ? The requirements are strong communicational skills , management and work assiduously . And you have to handle the recurring crisis good-humoredly and discreetly . Hi , can I help you ? Yes . We have a reservation . What's your name , Sir ? Jack . Yes Sir . We have your reservation . Could you fill up these forms , please ? The reservation was for a double , for three nights . Wasn't it ? Yes , Sir . That's correct . Hi , Monica , I am afraid I can ’ t make it to the office to punch out . Where are you ? I am still in XYZ Company , this meeting took longer than I expected . Say to it that the office manager knows I won ’ t be in to punch my card . Ok . Is Alice available ? You're talking to her . I've called you a hundred times today . I was busy doing something . I apologize . No problem . Did you need something ? Did you want to do something tomorrow ? Is there somewhere special you wanted to go ? How about a movie ? A movie sounds good . Call me tomorrow then . I will see you tomorrow . That price of ours , by the way , is for a minimum quantity of 1,000 saddles . Yes , I noticed that . To what extent would local assembly help sales , did you say ? 20-30 % . But we proposed the plan from the storage and delivery viewpoint . That is to say , less warehouse space and prompt delivery . Yes , of course . Assembly would be quite a simple matter . Cycle dealers could put them together in a very short time . Sales have been exceptionally good during the past twelve months . Yes , I've noticed that . Where have you been placing them ? All in the local market . One or two suggestions that came in from the distribution might interest you . Yes . What were they ? Anything that will help sales ? Perhaps . General opinion is that the rear carrier should be offered as an extra . That's to keep the price down , I suppose . I'll take it up with our overseas department and listen to what they've got to say about this . Thanks . Please bring your baggage here for inspection . Here you are , officer . Is all your baggage here ? Yes , a camera bag , a travel bag and a suitcase . Have you got anything to declare ? No . I have only personal effects . Welcome to NO Bank . It's Mr Zu , isn't it ? Ah , Jenny ! You remember me , what a good memory you have . How's Mrs Zu doing these days ? She's fine , thanks . Actually , she's the reason I'm here . It's our Wedding Anniversary in 2 weeks and I want to get her something special . She's been nagging me about our furniture , you see . Can I give you some advice on a loan , or ... I would like to cash my undue Large-Amount Deposit Certificate , please . Are you absolutely sure , Mr Zu ? You know , you will lose interest if you do . Yes , I know . But it can't be helped . It's been a pretty slow month and I just don't have enough cash to refurnish the whole house . Let me run through a couple of other options with you . That way , you can make a more informed decision . What can I help you with today ? I have a problem . What is the problem ? I wrote a check for $ 100 and it bounced . Do you have enough money in your account ? I think so . Let me check that for you right now . Okay . Thank you . Apparently there is only $ 57 left in your account . You can ’ t be serious ! That ’ s what my records show . I see . Thanks for your help . Are you going to helen ’ s birthday party on Friday evening ? I wouldn ’ t miss it for the world ! It ’ s sure to be fun . She ’ s invited a lot of people . Do you think everyone will be able to get into her house ? If everyone turned up , it would be a squeeze . But a few people said that they couldn ’ t go . So I think it should be OK ? Are you taking anything ? I ’ Ve got her a birthday present and I ’ ll take a bottle fo wine too . That ’ s a good idea . She told me that she had bought plenty of food and snacks . I think it ’ s going to be a noisy party . I hope her neighbors don ’ t mind too much . Helen gets on very well with her neighbors . I wouldn ’ t be surprised if they went to the party too . I ’ m really looking forward to it . This party is going to be a blast ! Well , don ’ t be late . I ’ ll see you on Friday at helen ’ s . Daniel , have you finished your homework ? Not yet , Dad . I am watching Ultraman instead.No , no , Dad . Please . This program is on only once a week . Daniel , as a matter of fact , TV is bad for your health . What makes you think that ? It's full of violence and you are so young . But there are cartoons on TV . Bees , big trees , seas , and a lot of other interesting things . Wait . What's the time , honey ? About 6 . It's homework time now . Go and do your homework and then go to bed.American Idol , There you go . Dad , it's not fair . I am so disappointed with you ! Good morning . My name is Penny White . I'm new here . Nice to meet you . My name is Tyler Smith . Let's go to your office desk , follow me please . OK . Here is your working place . Nancy will come to show you how to set up the telephones . I'm going to call her now so that you can get started . Is that OK ? Yes , that's OK . I'm glad to get started . If you have any further questions , just ask me . OK . Thank you very much . You are welcome . Have a nice day . Good , morning ! Can I help you ? Good morning.Could you tell me the times of trains to London , please ? Yes.There are trains at seven fifty-nine , nine eighteen , ten thirty-two and eleven fifty-five . What time does the seven fifty-nine get to London ? At nine thirty-six.And the nine eighteen gets to London at nine fifty-five , the ten thirty-two at eleven nine . What about coming back ? I'd like to come back about 7 p . m . There's one at nineteen and the next is at nineteen forty . Mmm , how much is it ? Single or return ? Return , please . Hello , this is Lucy from ABC Company . Is this Monica ? Yes , it is . I am calling to inform you that we have arranged an interview for this accountant position at 2 PM this Thursday afternoon . Please come on time . Ok , thank you . By the way , could you please tell me how I can get there from A community ? Oh , you can take the subway , get off at B stop and walk north for several minutes . You will find a building . It will take about 40 minutes in total . I got it . Thank you so much . You ’ re welcome . What's special for today ? Sweet and sour pro chops , Madam . We'll have it for two people . In a minute , Madam . Here ! Here ! Use my card ! No you don't ! I should treat my new brother-in-law ! Not on my life ! I'm the best man , so I pay ! OK , OK . On one condition . What's that ? You come back here with me tomorrow , and it's my treat ! You've got it ! But are we coming back for the music , or for the fruit ? ! Would you please tell me about the Fortune magazine ? It was chosen as the most popular magazine of the year . Do you like it personally ? As far as the language is concerned , it's worth reading . Sorry to bother you so early . There's another couple who wants to rent the apartment , but I thought I'd ask you first . That's so sweet of you . We definitely want it . I thought so , by the looks on your faces when you left . So why don't you come to my apartment , and we'll settle all the details . OK . How does seven o'clock this evening sound ? Great . See you then . What are you going to have ? I'll try a steak sandwich . Can I get you anything to drink ? Yes , I'd like a chocolate shake . That sounds good . I think I'll have the same . Well , we've been waiting for our baggage for about one hour . What kind of bag is it ? It's blue , Samsonite bag . What is your room number and your name , please ? This is room eleven-seven and my name is Terry Chen . Well , let me check.We delivered four bags to room 1106 , you friend's room about an hour ago . My friend's room ? Oh , I see.Thanks a lot . You're quite welcome . Hello there . Is there anything I can help you with ? Yes , please . 70,000 US dollars is being transferred into our account . Which company are you from ? I'll check your details . I'm the accountant with Go Thong Computers . Ah , yes . Mr Can , isn't it ? Yes , the money has been transferred successfully . But you'll need to change it into RIB before you can have it . No problem . Can I withdraw all of it now ? You have an account with us , right ? If so , there shouldn't be any problem . Is this American Airlines ? Yes , sir . My name is Ellen . How may I help you ? I need to get a flight to Chicago on the 7th in the morning . Can you give me a hand ? Certainly , sir . There ’ s a flight at 8: 35 a . m . and one at 10 . Operator , I want to make a collect overseas phone call to Beijing . Whom would you like to talk to ? Richard Zhang . What is the phone number ? The code is 880 , the area code is 010 and the local number is 8824578 4 . Your name , please . Monica Tang . Hold on , please . OK , thank you . The line is through now , please go ahead . Excuse me , I'm looking for the airport bus stop . Do you know where it is ? Here it is . When does the bus come ? You just missed one . How about the next one ? In an hour . Isn't there an earlier one ? No , they come every hour on the hour . Thank you very much . You are welcome . Honey , we are all out of wine and cheese . Do you mind running to the deli and picking up a few things ? Can ’ t it wait ? I ’ m watching the game right now ! Your friends and family are coming over tonight and we still need to get a lot of things . Fine ! What do you need ? OK , pick up some cured meats to go with the wine . Maybe a pound of polish sausages , ham , liverwurst , salami and any other cold cuts that are on sale . I think I saw a promotion for pastrami . Also get s Whoa wait a minute ! Isn ’ t that a bit too much ? I mean , how much is all of this going to cost ! Never mind that.Get some dips as well . Get a jar of spinach and blue cheese dip and also some Tzatziki.If they have bean dip get that as well . Last but not least , get some pickles . Is that all , your majesty ? Very funny ! Get a move on ! People will be here any minute . Mr.Wang , we haven't discussed the mode of payment . You know Mr . Forster , this is a really large purchase . I am afraid we can't pay off at one time . We have to pay by installment . Do you mean you prefer a deferred payment ? Yes , Mr.Forester . When do you start the payment then ? We'll start our payment in half a year and the total amount will be paid off within 2 years by three installments . We can accept that but you have to pay the interest . All right . Shall we sign the agreement now ? Ok , let's sign it . Did you promise me to get the bread ? Well , I remember walking pass the baker shop . But you forgot to get the bread . I'm afraid so . I don't remember you telling me about it . Well , I certainly did . What would you let me do now ? You are free . You can go now . Really ? You are so kind . I'll do with the cake . No . That's not enough . I've got some cereal . What kind of music do you enjoy listening to ? I enjoy listening to all kinds of music . What kind ? I like to listen to Rock and R & B . Why do you like that type of music ? I like the kinds of instruments that they use . I think that's an excellent reason to like something . Thanks , I feel the same way . Good morning , sir . Could I be of any service to you ? Have you got any Chinese paintings ? Yes , we have landscape paintings , figure paintings and flower-and-bird paintings . I'd like a flower-and-bird painting . Good . How about this picture of cranes with pine trees ? It was painted by a famous Chinese painter in King Dynasty . Oh , they look just like live cranes . I like this picture very much . How much is it ? One thousand dollars . It's a lot of money . But the picture is excellent , I'll take it . I'm trying to reach Robert please . Robert is not available at the moment . What time should I call back ? Around 3:30 . Ok ! I ’ m ready for my driving lesson ! Should I start the car ? Hold on there , Fittipaldi , first let ’ s go over things one more time . Now before you even think of starting the car , make sure your seat is at a comfortable position and you can grip the steering wheel firmly . Next check your rear view mirrors to make sure you can see properly . We have been through this a million times ! Let ’ s get going already ! I ’ m ready ! Fine , start the car . now gently step on the clutch and shift to 1st gear . Good , now accelerate gently and let go of the clutch as you do it . There we go , good ! I ’ m doing it ! I ’ m driving ! This is awesome ! Let ’ s turn some music on ! Keep your eyes on the road ! No music ! We are coming up to a red light , step on the brakes . What are you doing ? I said the brakes ! Look out for those people ! Get off the sidewalk ! Get out of my way ! This is just like playing video games ! It ’ s the police ! Pull over ! They ’ ll never take me alive ! so , are you enjoying the performance so far ? well , the costumes and the set are marvellous , but the acting is a bit stiff . What do you think ? I think you're being a little critical . The actor in the lead role is fantastic . I suppose the chorus could be a bit better , though . do you know anyone in the play ? actually , the woman playing Ophelia is a past classmate of mine . really ? Is that why you wanted to come to the play ? that's only part of it . I absolutely adore this director . Every play he works on turns out great . so you've seen other plays that he's directed ? quite a few actually . By the way , after the play , there's always a big party for the cast and their friends . My friend has invited us . Do you want to go ? sure , I'd love to meet the cast ! Have you ever been in a play ? I've never had a part in a play before , but I used to be a part of the stage crew in high school . what did you do ? I helped build the sets and find props for the plays . What about you ? I once helped out with costumes , but I didn't enjoy it very much . why not ? I spent over three weeks sewing sequins on a coat . that sounds kind of boring . Oh , look . They're dimming the lights . I think we should get back to our seats for the second half of the play . Excuse me , would you please tell me where I can find a telephone ? Over there in the booth . How do you use a public phone ? For a local call , just insert 35 cents in the slot and use it in the same way as your home phone . Inquiries are free from a public phone . Good morning , can I help you ? Yes , could I settle my bill , please ? Yes . of course . May I have your name and your room number , please ? Wang Wei , Room 1202 . OK , Mr . Wang , here is your bill . The total amount is US $ 120 . The figure seems right . How do you wish to settle your account , sir ? By credit card , please . And what kind of credit cards do you honor ? We accept Master Card , American Express and Visa . Then I'll put it on my Master Card . Here you are . Thank you . Would you sign here , please ? Here's your receipt . Is that Room service ? Speaking . What can I do for you ? I have made a reservation for my breakfast last night . But I still haven't got it . I am so hungry now . I am sorry.sir , I will check for you.what ' s your room number ? 203 . Fine.we we'll send it to you right now . How do I know what forms to fill out for unemployment ? There is a special form to apply for unemployment benefits . How do I get the form to apply for unemployment benefits ? You can go online to begin the application process . What type of information will I have to provide to the Employment Development Office ? You need to be able to say whom you worked for and when . Will they need anything else from me ? You should be able to provide a layoff notice or proof of severance . What should I do after I turn in the application ? You need to be interviewed over the phone . They will set up a time for you . Isn't this fun ? I have no idea what I'm doing . Just follow the foot movements . Brush left , brush right ... yeah ! That's it ! Whoa ! We're changing partners now ? Where do I go ? Let the men take the lead ! Whoa ! Oh , no ! Oops ! My mom and dad insist that I be home before ten . Do you have a curfew ? Yes . I've had one for as long as I can remember . I wish my parents were a little more lenient . I actually like having a curfew . I have an excuse to get to bed on time . You like going to bed early ? I don't like being too tired the next day . Well , I still hate having a curfew . If you stayed up much later , you would see that just about every-thing closes around ten anyway . Hi , excuse me sir ? I ’ m looking for a dress shoe . My usual pair that I ’ Ve had for years have finally been stretched out of shape . They don ’ t provide any support anymore . Sure , what kind of shoe are you looking for ? We ’ Ve got strappy sandals , sleek high heels , edgy pumps , or if you ’ re looking for something a little more practical , we ’ Ve got Mary Janes , ballerinas . Show me some classic high heels , please . Ok , right this way . What color did you have in mind ? Black . Classic . Of course . We ’ Ve got this style here that is very popular . Because it ’ s an open-toe shoe , you can wear it any time of the year . They look great on everyone . Umm . too shiny . And I wear pantyhose with my shoes so let ’ s look for a closed-toe shoe . OK , these are a very nice pair of leather shoes with a two-inch heel so they are very comfortable . I don ’ t like the pointed toes . Let me take a look at what else you have . Too high . That one looks like the back would cut into my heel . I have a high instep so I doubt that one will fit properly . What size ? Seven-and-a-half . Here we are . How does it fit ? Hmmm.Not good . They ’ re too tight.The length is right , but the shoe is too narrow and it ’ s pinching my toes . And there ’ d be no room for my insoles . You know what ? I don ’ t think I have the patience fo Have a nice day , Ma ’ am . My wife is sick , so I have to cancel a reservation I made . If you'll just give me your name , phone , and date of visit , I can cancel your reservation . I'm Rudy Randolph at 818-555-1234 , April ninth to the fifteenth . Mr . Randolph . Okay , one second , sir , and there you go . Your reservation is now cancelled . I wish everything in life was so simple . Thank you . Not a problem , sir . Please remember us in the future . Well , what did you think about the last candidate ? Do you think we should hire her ? She had a very impressive resume , but she seemed to lack the confidence that I think a good manager needs . What made you think that she wasn't very confident ? Did you notice the way that she avoided making eye contact with us while she talked ? She was a bit nervous , I guess . What else ? When she first walked into the room to greet us , she didn't shake our hands or introduce herself at all . I thought that was a bit unprofessional . You're right . If she walked into meeting with our clients like that , it would make our company look bad , wouldn't it ? It sure would . Did you also notice the way she slouched in her chair during most of the interview ? She had horrible posture ! I agree . I guess I was paying more attention to her answers than her body language . On top of that , she didn't seem to have any sense of people's personal space.She didn't keep enough distance between us during the meeting . That's true . I guess we ’ ll have to keep looking for a manager then . Don't worry , we ’ ll find someone eventually ! Excuse me , driver . Does this bus go to the museum ? Yes , you get off at the square . How long is the ride ? Well , you will get there in about half an hour if the traffic isn't too heavy . Thank you.How much is the fare ? Drop 50 cents in the box , please . Would you please let me know when we get to the stop ? I am a stranger here . Sure . I will . Yes , ma'am ? How much is a stamp to send a letter to France , please ? Air mail or surface mail ? Air mail , please . That'll be eighty-five cents . Four stamps , please . How much is that ? Three dollars and forty cents . There you go . Order in the court ! I would like to make my plea . What is it ? I would like to plead not guilty . You do realize that all the evidence points to you ? I know . But I did not do it . How do you figure that ? I didn ’ t commit the crime . Do you know who did ? If I tell you who did , will you release me ? I ’ m sure we can work out some kind of deal . I ’ ll tell you all you need to know . Hi , the lab said that you would be getting my test results in today . I like you to come in and discuss some further tests that I would like to run . I think that this is a bad sign . For now , I would like to run a few more tests to look into some of the problems that you mentioned . Why wouldn ’ t you tell me over the phone ? If there is any question about test results , we always do a recheck . I need to come in right away . I would be happy to see you this afternoon . If you are feeling upset , please bring a friend or relative along . You are scaring me ! Come on in this afternoon and we will talk . It will be fine ! Are there any scenic spots nearby ? You can go to ZhongShan Park . Have you ever been there ? Yes . The scenery there is so breathtaking Really ? Yes , of course . It's really worth visiting . This motor oil case is still really slippery . Yeah , time for more coffee ! Sure , why not ? I think I want a chocolate chip cookie , too . By the way , I heard Kitty's just got in a shipment of Jamaican Blue Mountain . So what ? It's only the rarest coffee in the world ! Didn't your momma teach you anything when you were growing up ? Good , morning ! Can I help you ? Good morning . Could you tell me the times of trains to London , please ? Yes . There are trains at 7 fifty-nine , 9 eighteen , 10 thirty-two and 11 fifty-five . What time does the 7 fifty-nine get to London ? At 9 thirty-six . And the 9 eighteen gets to London at 9 fifty-five , the 10 thirty-two at 11 nine . What about coming back ? I'd like to come back about 7 p . m . There's one at 19 and the next is at 19 forty . Mmm , how much is it ? Single or return ? Return , please . If you get on before 4 p . m . or after 6 p . m . there is saver return which is $ 9.45 , an ordinary return is $ 16.45 . An ordinary return , please . Good morning , Angela , how have you been lately ? Morning , Michael . I ’ Ve been very busy lately . One of our other vendors is going out of business and I ’ Ve been searching for a suitable replacement . Well , rest assured that you can count on us to be here for the long run , please sit down . Coffee ? No , thanks . I ’ Ve been trying to cut down on the caffeine . Haha , I could never do that . I ’ d be a zombie if I didn ’ t have my morning coffee fix . Let ’ s get down to business then . Yes . I ’ Ve come to talk with you about ordering the eight megapixel cameras for our new methone . The demand for phone cameras is growing , and Pear has been falling behind in the market . That ’ s great ! I ’ m glad to hear that Pear has finally jumped on the bandwagon . Right now our contract is for the five megapixel cameras . Is Pear still interested in having those ? No , we ’ re changing all the cameras to eight megapixels . We were hoping that by making your company our sole supplier for cameras we could negotiate a better deal . Surely . Let ’ s get started by drafting a new contract . Excuse me , but do you have this T-shirt in size L ? Sorry . We're out of size L's . Too bad . I really like it . Why don't you try this other T-shirt ? I think it would look nice on you . Do you have it in size L ? Yes , we do . Where is the fitting room ? It's on your right hand side at the end of this hallway . Thanks . What is your corporation website address ? It is ' www . job . com ' Is there a dot after ' com ' ? No . I can text the address to you if you are not clear about it Excuse me , sir . What can I do for you ? Is dinner served ? Yes , sir . Please give me some chicken . OK . Would you like something to drink in advance ? We have all kinds of sodas , juices , beers and wines . Thank you , you are so thoughtful . I think I could use some beers right now . Why do you change your job and apply for a translator ? This job is more challenging and I have longed to be a translator . That ’ s why I came here for an interview . What do you think are the capacities for a success as a translator ? I think one needs common knowledge , specific knowledge , and professional codes to be a successful translator . What is your greatest strength ? I think I am very good at planning . I manage my time well so that I can always get things done on time . What is your weakness ? I always give each job my best efforts , so when others are not pulling their weight , I am frustrated . What is your greatest accomplishment ? I got the Scientific Research Prize from the Gansu government for my achievements in the Northwest Regional Economy Development Research Project . Can you work under pressure ? Working under pressure is exciting and challenging . I don ’ t mind . In fact , I am very efficient when certain pressure is exerted on the work . What are the problems you have encountered in your job and how do you solve them ? There was a time when both the clerical assistant and the secretary resigned at the same time . I then had to handle their work temporarily . The workload was incredibly heavy . So I started to set priorities for the jobs and hired part-time staff to handle routine work . Finally , I managed to keep the operation smooth until we found someone to fill the vacancy . How do you deal with those who you think are difficult to work with ? I stick to my principles and keep to the rules . Sometimes , they just lack enthusiasm and I get them involved with something constructive . Some of them change their attitude later . Good morning , Madam . How can I be of service ? I'd like to pay this cash into my account please . I usually do it at the machine , but the queue is very long today . Yes , I'm sorry about that . One of our Atms is down and we are waiting for it to be repaired , but it should be up and running again very soon . I see . Here's my Bank Book . You need to fill out the deposit slip as well . Here you go , Madam . Thanks . I hope the food here is good . Yes , it is very expensive . Maybe we shouldn't have come here . But the guidebook says a lot of the stars come here.If we are spending three days in Hollywood , I want to see at least one star . I think we might not see any . Did you like the tour of Universal Studios ? I thought it was O . K . But it really was too hot.And I think they should show people more . The exhibits should be more interesting . I thought it was great . Didn't you like the special effects rooms ? Yes , but I still think it could be better . May I please speak to Robert ? There is no one here by that name . Is this 2517758 ? No , this is 2517759 . Oh , I'm sorry . That's all right . How time flies ! We have been in Beijing for almost 4 years . yes , I can still recall the days when we were all seniors at college . I asked you whether you would go back to your hometown or not . yeah , feels like yesterday . Now I ’ m almost settled down here . We ’ re planning to buy an apartment and tie the knot . congratulations ! I hope when you hold the wedding ceremony , I ’ m still residing in Beijing . thank you . Is your company going to move to other cities ? no , I ’ m planning to quit this job and go back to work in my hometown after the spring festival . why is that ? well , I still can ’ t adjust to the fast pace of city life . yeah , the hustle and bustle is really difficult to handle . that ’ s right . I work extremely hard , and try my best to adapt to the lifestyle here , but I don ’ t feel any sense of belonging here . I understand your position . Perhaps it ’ s time to stop floating and go back to where you belong . You ’ ll feel much better with your family around . yeah , I think so . Hi , is this Rich ? Yeah , who ’ s calling ? It ’ s Alex ... Have I got some great news ! We got the Baker account . It ’ s all ours ! Fantastic ! I can ’ t believe it ! That ’ s the biggest account we ’ Ve gotten so far ! Look , Jim . That man just fell down over there . We'd better see if he is ok . Sir , sir , are you all right , sir ? He is not answering . You'd better check his pulse and breathing . Oh , no . He is not breathing and there ’ s no pulse . Call 911 . Hello ? Yes , someone has passed out at Dongle Ave . and 2nd street . He isn't breathing and doesn't have a pulse . Yes , my friend is performing CPR . Ok , thank you . They are sending an ambulance . Here , let me help . Come and meet our employees , Mr . Richards . Thank you , Mr . Jackson . This is Nicola Grey , and this is Claire Taylor . How do you do ? Those women are very hard-working . What are their jobs ? They ’ re keyboard operators . This is Michael Baker , and this is Jeremy Short . How do you do ? They aren ’ t very busy ! What are their jobs ? They ’ re sales reps . They are very lazy . Who is this young man ? This is Jim . He is our office assistant . Julia , I apologize to you for what I have done . Please forgive me . I've already forgiven you . Actually , I also owe you an apology . I was so rude to you that day . It does ’ t matter . I know that people are easy to get mad when they're tired . Thanks for your understanding . You're welcome . Happy couples need mutual understanding . What are our areas for growth ? What sectors do you see the most potential in ? If we are going to pull our sales numbers up and develop the brand , we got to work across the board . It's not just spreading out to new markets that we have to address . I think we'd better first pay attention to developing our brand in the markets we already have.We ' Ve reached the awareness level , but we haven't established customer loyalty . People know who we are , but they still don't trust in our brand . I don't see why we can't work on opening new markets and developing the markets we've already penetrated at the same time ... Both aspects of developing our customer base and developing our brand are important . Hey ! I just bought one of those new Japanese cell phones ! It's loaded with extras . What does it do ? It's got a built-in video camera so you can see the person you're talking to . It also takes stills and I can use the E-mail mode to send digital pictures straight to my friend's phone ! Wow ! What else does it do ? I can plug it into a folding keyboard to type in message mode . I can even surf the net . Cool ! Anything else ? Yes . With the 60 - second digital memory , I can record my voice and send it using voice message mode . Wow ! You'll love this ! I can use a stylus to draw a map on the touch screen and then use the fax mode to send it to another phone . Man , that's amazing . It must have cost a bundle . Nah ! It was cheap ! What can I do for you ? I'd like to buy a keepsake for my girlfriend . Could you make a recommendation for me ? I'd like to . How do you like the hat ? It's not special . It can be seen everywhere . How about the umbrella ? It's made of wood and paper . It's very beautiful . It's interesting . Let me see . Do you like it ? Yes , how much is it ? Fifty yuan . OK , I'll take it . Could I ask you for a favor ? My laser printer is out of ink and I need to print out something urgent . If you don ’ t mind , I would like to send you these files . Could you then print these for me ? Sure , just send me through internal mail . Thanks , Vivian . No problem at all . Welcome . Good morning . Please come into my office . Good morning . Thank you . I see that you have some impressive writing experience . Yes . I have written for several top newspapers in the country . I'm also in the process of writing my first novel . Wonderful . I'd like to know why you're interested in this position at our paper . What prompted you to apply to this company ? It owns 10 factories and offers stocks to the public . Why do I have to hire you ? I have a proven track record in resolving problems , multitasking , and dealing with customers , as you can sec in my resume . I think it is enough . Excuse me , what's the actual flying time from here to Zurich ? It's about 12 hours . Can you tell me when we are arriving ? Let me see ... at 6:15 am local time tomorrow . Gotcha . And that will be 10:15 pm Tokyo time . What can I do for you ? I have a problem with this check . What ’ s wrong ? I wrote out a check for $ 100 and it bounced . Do you have enough money in your checking account ? I believe so . Give me a moment , and I ’ ll check . All right . Thanks . You only have $ 57 left in your checking account . That ’ s impossible . I ’ m sorry , but that ’ s what our records show . Okay . Thanks . Have a nice day . Doctor , can you give me some suggestions on how to stay healthy ? Well , first of all , you need to make sure that you eat the right foods . What are the best foods to eat ? You should emphasize fresh fruits and vegetables , along with whole grains and protein . What should I avoid ? You need to avoid highly fatty and greasy foods . You should also avoid too much sugar and caffeine . What else is important to stay healthy ? You need to get plenty of exercise every day . If you smoke , you need to stop . Is it OK to drink alcohol ? Actually , studies have shown that people who have one-half a glass of alcohol per day do better than those who don ’ t drink . Dear , can you drive me to the clinic ? I'm afraid I can't . Why ? Well , my car won't start . I don't know what's the matter with it . Could it be the battery ? No , I don't think it could be . I checked the battery two days ago.It must be other problems . Well , I suppose it could be the gas . No , there is plenty of gas . I filled it up yesterday . Perhaps it's the starter then ? Yes , that's possible . What is your long term career plan you set for yourself ? First of all , I hope to spend a few years working in some famous companies to command a skill , to set a solid foundation and to build my interpersonal network . When I feel I have accumulated enough experience , I hope to own an undertaking . Of course this is up to the situation then and the opportunities the companies offer me . In the long run , I hope to be an entrepreneur . Excuse me , ma'am ? Yes . What can I do for you ? I'm new here and I can ’ t seem to find the lunch room . Oh , it ’ s right downstairs . I'm going there myself . Just follow me . Mr . Carmichael , this is Ellen Bower calling again . You had said I should call this week to schedule an interview with you . That ’ s right , Ms . Bower . How are you ? I ’ m not sure if I ’ ll be able to fit you in this week , I ’ m afraid . I understand , Mr . Carmichael . I ’ d be glad to make it some time next week . All right , then . Why don ’ t we say next Tuesday at 11:30 a . m . ? Thank you for coming . You ’ re welcome . What ’ s the problem ? I have a leaky pipe . Where exactly is the pipe ? The pipe is behind a wall in my bathroom . How long has the pipe been leaking ? It began leaking a couple of days ago . I must tell you that in order to get to the pipe , I must tear down that wall . I know . That won ’ t be a problem ? Not as long as it gets fixed . All right , I will start working now . Well , what is your trouble ? I'm not feeling well , doctor . I have a sore throat . Have you any aches and pains ? Yes , my back aches . I'll take your temperature . How long have you been feeling ill ? It began the night before last . You have a temperature , but it's nothing serious . It's probably just the flu . I'll give you a prescription . Take this to the chemist's . Take one tablet every four hours . You should stay in bed tom Lots of people are ill at the moment . It's this cold weather we're having . Is there a problem , officer ? Did you notice that stop sign you ran through ? I'm sorry , I didn't even notice it . You didn't see it ? I honestly couldn't see it because of the bushes growing over it . That's true . Those bushes are a problem . I swear that I didn't mean to run it . I can understand why you didn't stop for it . Are you going to give me a ticket today , sir ? Under the circumstances , I think I'm just going to let you go with a warning . Thanks a lot . No problem . Next time , just pay closer attention . This is a good basic computer package . It's got a good CPU , 256 megabytes of RAM , and a DVD player . Does it come with a modem ? Yes , it has a built-in modem . You just plug a phone line into the back of the computer . How about the monitor ? A 15 - inch monitor is included in the deal . If you want , you can switch it for a 17 - inch monitor , for a little more money . That's okay . A 15 - inch is good enough . All right , I'll take it . I like to open up a savings account please . O . K . We offer a few different kinds . I want the one with the highest interest rate . That would be our Saver's Plus account . 4.5 % , that's good . How much money do I have to keep in it to get that rate ? You have to maintain a balance of $ 10,000 in the account or the rate drops to 3 % . All right . I ’ ll open one of those . Just fill out these forms , and I ’ ll be with you in one second . Thanks . Hi ! Good morning , Sarah ! Good morning , Dr Lee . I have not seen you for a long time . How are you ? Not very well . What are your symptoms ? I have nausea , and I am dizzy . Also I have a abdominal pain . Where is the pain ? Could you show me please ? Here . What kind of pain ? Sharp pain , dull pain or severe pain ? Sharp pain . Is the pain continuous ? No , It is not continuous . It comes and goes . Please lie down over there . All right . Does it hurt when I push here ? No . What about here ? Not really . How long have you been like this ? For about a month . How about your appetite ? I am eating pretty good . How about your bowel movements ? No constipation . Everything seems OK . Could you take us to the Fifth Avenue ? Sure.Step in . Is the traffic very heavy this hour ? No.But it's a bit strange today . Welcome to Perfect Getaway Tours . How can I help you ? I would like to plan a surprise getaway for me and my wife . Very well , we have a couple of different options such as beaches , the wilderness , the countryside or even going to a spa for the weekend . I think something in the countryside would be nice . Perfect ! This package includes round-trip flights to New Hampshire . A free airport pick - up is included . Our VIP limousine will pick you up and provide you with complimentary champagne and finger Sounds good ! What is the hotel that we will be staying at like ? That is the best part.Your hotel is actually an old country villa that has been restored and refurbished to accommodate a maximum of that is guests.You will enjoy an intimate and private time in this Wow ! This sounds like something my wife would really enjoy ! Are there any outdoor activities we can take part in ? Of course ! The hotel has a stable with beautiful stallions for a very romantic horseback ride along the country trail . You can also go fishing to the nearby lake or visit the local vineyard . I ’ m sold ! I want to book this trip . I don ’ t care what it costs ! Money is no object ! This one is too small . Please bring me a bigger one . OK . What's the brand ? Leopard . It's famous brand of good quality . This one suits better . I will take it . Do you have any fresh baked donuts for sale yet ? They will be ready in about half an hour . Do you need anything else ? Yes , I'd like five croissants , too . It's going to be 3 dollars 40 cents . Loans Department , how can I help you ? Hello . Could you give me some details about your Personal Pledge Loans , please ? Certainly , Sir . I'd be happy to . The Personal Pledge Loan is a loan secured by undue certificates , Time Deposits , for example , or Visible Treasury Bonds . So , as long as I have one of those , I can apply for a Personal Pledge Loan ? That's correct , Sir . The bank will issue receipt to you and also take care of all the pledged securities . Mmmm ... how about the period of repayment ? The maximum maturity period is a year , but it also cannot exceed the maturity on the certificates used as collateral . And the maximum loan amount ? The initial amount is just 2,000 RIB , but we can go up to 100,000 RIB . But remember , it cannot exceed the amount on the certificates you are using as collateral . OK . I'll have a look at what I've got exactly in certificates and get back to you . Thanks for your help . Bye . My pleasure , Sir . Bye . Hi , what can I get for you ? Hello , may I have a double cheeseburger ? With everything on it ? That sounds great . Did you want fries with your order ? May I get a large order of curly fries ? Did you want something to drink ? Get me a medium Pepsi . Would you like anything else ? No , thank you . That's it . No problem , that'll be $ 5.48 . Thanks a lot . Keep the change . Waiter , I would like to order now . Sure . What do you want to have today ? Cream soup and steak , please . How do you like your steak ? Excuse me , what does that mean ? Well , there are several kinds of steaks . For example , you can have your steaks medium-rare , medium-well or well-done . Thanks for your explanation , I would like it well-done . Are you ready to order , sir ? Yes . Can you show me the menu , please ? Of course . Here you are . Then , what's special tonight ? Our seafood is fresh . I recommend shrimp with garlic . All right . We'll have some seafood and vegetables . How does it fit ? It fits fine . I ’ ll take it . How much is it ? The price is on the tag . How would you like to pay ? Do you take credit cards ? Yes , we do . Great . Here's my Visa Credit Card . Here's your receipt . Thank you for shopping here and have a nice day . Thank you . Why are there so many people ? It seems like a traffic accident . Those people are quarrelling . Some of them seem to be of the latest style . Now I ’ Ve a feeling that we can do a lot of trade in this line . We wish to establish relations with you . Your desire coincides with ours . Concerning our financial position , credit standing and trade reputation , you may refer to Bank of Hong Kong , or to our local Chamber of Commerce or inquiry agencies . Thank you for your information . As you know , our corporation is a state-operated one . We always trade with foreign countries on the basis of equality and mu - dual benefit . Establishing business relations between us will be to our mutual benefit . I have no doubt that it will bring about closer ties between us . That sounds interesting . I ’ ll send a fax home . As soon as I receive a definite answer , I ’ ll make a specific inquiry . We ’ ll then make an offer as soon as possible . I hope a lot of business will be conducted between us . So do I . I think you are an excellent person . Honestly speaking , you are very suitable for this job Thank you very much for your evaluation . I also like this job very much . I want to know your earliest available entry time . Oh , let me think ... Maybe two months later . It's too late . If you could get the job , could you start a little earlier ? I'm sorry I can't , because I haven't finished my thesis . What a pity ! When do you usually require the new employee to start ? Within two weeks , because the new employees need to receive induction training . I will make an arrangement for it . I hope you can come to our company to work . I will give you an exact reply as soon as possible . OK , I will keep this position for you for one week . Thank you very much . Reception . May I help you ? Yes . I locked myself out . May I borrow a duplicate key for Room 201 ? Certainly . Where are you now ? I'm right outside my room . OK . Just wait where you are . I'll send someone up to help you . May I help you ? I'd like to withdraw some money . Please fill in the slip , stating the exact amount you wish to withdraw . All right . And here's my bankbook . Is that all ? Your ID card , please . Oh , yes . Here it is . Do you want large ones or small ones ? Four in hundred , one in ten , please . Wait a minute , please ... Here's the cash . By the way , I'd like to change some U . S . dollars to pounds and I want to know today's exchange rate . Well , sir . According to today's exchange rate , every pound in cash is equivalent to 1.89 U . S . dollars . How much would you like to change ? I want 100 pounds . And here are 189 U . S . dollars . ... OK . And here's your money . Thank you . And goodbye . Goodbye . What sort of problems do you have with these machines ? They're quite complex machines and they have a lot of different components . We need to check the metal casing regularly for any signs of corrosion . We also check the brushes once a fortnight to make sure they aren't worn down . It's important to make sure everything is properly aligned and we adjust it if necessary . There is a canvas belt at the end of the assembly line . If it gets wet , it might rot so we check that regularly too . Hello , Who's that speaking ? I am calling about the advertisement for a flat with a bedroom . Do you still have it ? Yes , I do . Is there any furniture in it ? Yes , It's fully furnished . What's the rent for a year ? 15,000 yuan , including water , but not electricity and gas . Where is it located ? It's in the International Trade Zone . It's only ten minutes'walk from the nearest subway station . That's great . But can't you make the rent cheaper , Let's see , 12,000 yuan ? The price can be talked over . How about coming around and taking a look at it first ? OK . I will be free tomorrow afternoon . I'll take a taxi to get there . See you . All right , see you . It is quite important to be a good listener in the interview . Listening carefully can show you understand and respect the speaker . It can show your good attainment as well . Besides , you can pick up some helpful information from the talk . First of all , you should keep proper posture and make eye contact with the speaker with a smile . To show that you have understood what is said , you can nod or ask simple questions at the right time . And your statement should be clear and brief to the point . Never should you interrupt on a unfamiliar topic . Sure , in order not to leave a bad impression on the interviewer . Additionally , don't show any impatience to a repeated topic . Don't be absent-minded even when you are not interested in the talk . In a word , any impolite behavior should be avoided in the listening . Excuse me , I'm looking for a good novel . Can you recommend anything ? Certainly . What kind of novel did you have in mind ? I'm not really sure . I don't like romance novels , but any other genre is okay , as long as the book's good . Well , let me see ... This Stephen King novel is a real thriller . Sorry , I forgot to mention that I don't like horror much , either . That's okay . Well , let me think . How about a mystery novel ? Hmm ... I sometimes like mysteries , but I don't think I'm in the mood for one right now . There are a number of science fiction and fantasy novels I can recommend . I love science fiction and fantasy , but I've been reading a lot of both lately , so I'd prefer to get something else . How about a good historical novel ? This one set in medieval France is excellent . The story is exciting and the characterization is very well done . That sounds interesting . Okay , I'll get this one . Thanks for all your help . Don't mention it . Are you a wrestler or a boxer ? No.Why ? Your muscular shoulders and chest impress me so . Oh , really ? I go to the gym every day . Look at this survey conducted by a website . A quarter of the employees will spend an average of 10 minutes everyday online doing personal things . Hi , Francis , what about you ? Well , I just spend 15 minutes as so checking my stock bonds and booking an air ticket for my mother . Anyway , I have done all my work and it is about the time to leave . Though our company doesn ’ t have a return policy , limiting the personal use of internet , I don ’ t think the boss will like us to do that . Certainly , work always comes first . But it is lucky for us . The company computers don ’ t have software keeping tracks of websites we visit . I have shopped too often online these days . Well , keep a low profile . good morning . I understand that you ’ Ve got a problem with your washing machine . I ’ m from the repair company . excellent . Come in please . The washing machine is in the bathroom upstairs . It keeps breaking down . when did it first break down ? about ten days ago . I ’ Ve tried to use it since then . Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn ’ t . it ’ s very frustrating . is it still under warranty . If it is and I can ’ t fix it , it would be quicker and easier to exchange it for a new one . yes , it ’ s still under warranty . Over the last few weeks , it ’ s also been making a high - pitch noise when it ’ s in use . ok . I ’ ll start by looking at the motor . I ’ ll just unplug it and take a look inside the machine ... oh , yes . There ’ s the problem . It ’ s quite simple . I ’ ll sort it out in a few minutes . what ’ s wrong with it ? part of the motor is loose . I can put it back in place quite easily . that ’ s great . Thanks very much . Would you like a cup of tea or coffee ? Good day to you . How can we assist you today ? Hello , yes , can I do Bank-Insurance Link business here ? Yes , you can . The best way is to first select the company you want to buy from , then we can help you to do it . Do you have a Current Account here ? Yes . Is that necessary ? Well , it certainly makes everything easier , both at this end and at your end . OK . Here's my account details . Office software like Windows might be one of the best inventions in this information age . It saves us from so much work and makes the communication even around the world much easier . Fully agree . I do enjoy the convenience though I am still a beginner in using Excel . The latest office equipment is more type-functional . It combines fax machine , copy machine and printer in one . It saves a lot of place one machine instead of three . Yes , this machine is even smaller than those before . When will we get one of those ? You know our boss always trying to save the last penny . We have to use up the equipment first . Now please tell me something about your achievements in your work unit . All right . In my first teaching position I received the ' Excellent Teaching ' award the past two years in succession . Have you received any other honors ? Yes . I was chosen as one of ' the Top Prominent Youths of Beijing ' Do you have anything published ? Yes . I have got two articles in English in The International Young Writer's Collection . Good morning , I am Monica . Are you Mr . White , the manager of finance department ? I am the newcomer and also working in the finance department . Yes , that is me . Nice to meet you , Monica . Welcome on board ! Thank you . I am very happy to have my own office now . I ’ Ve never had one before . It is very nice . Well , we have nicer things than that in this company . You will find out soon . Really ? What could that be ? Well , I bet you will love them too . If you need help , just ask me any time . I am in the next door . You can also reach me through the extension 508 . That is very kind of you . Thank you very much . Front desk . May I help you ? I ’ m going to check out tomorrow . Then we ’ ll be back in a week ’ s time . Can I leave my luggage here . Yes . Sure . You do have storage service . When will be checking out tomorrow ? About nine thirty in the morning . Shall we arrange a bail boy to pick up your luggage at nine o ’ clock ? Sure . May I have your room number please ? 1218 . 1218 . we ’ ll collect your luggage at nine o ’ clock tomorrow . Would you then come to the front desk to get your storage receipt please ? Thank you very much .. Bye . You ’ re welcome . Good-Bye . Is the view going to be ok ? Don ’ t worry , you did a good job and it should be fine . I ’ ll do my best . That ’ s the way to go . I'm going to the bank . What do you need to do ? I need to withdraw some money . How are you going to do that ? I'll just use the ATM . What's that ? It's the Automatic Teller Machine . It gives you money ? I just insert my debit card into the machine . And it gives you money ? Well , it gives me money , but it's my own money . Oh . What good is that ? I thought it gave you free money . Then , I ’ ll see you next week , Ms . O ’ Brian ? Yes . Let ’ s say Tuesday at noon . Bring your portfolio with you . Certainly . Is there anything else you would like me to bring , Mr . O ’ Brian ? No , that ’ s all . I already have your resume . I need something to eat , please . Tell me what you're hungry for . I feel like champagne , lobster tail , and filet mignon , medium rare . Unfortunately , we're out of filet mignon at the moment . May I suggest the porterhouse instead ? Well , I prefer filet , but porterhouse is good , too . Perhaps I could interest you in chocolate-covered strawberries with the champagne ? Just the champagne will be fine , thank you . You'll see this charge on your amenities account . That's fine . It won't be long until your food is delivered . I know you'll enjoy it . Could you give me some advice ? The dress is made on your measurement . It feels all right . But if it were a darker color , I will like it better . OK , maybe you can try this one on . It's yellow . Good afternoon . What service do you require ? I'd like to rent a safety deposit box here , please . For what purpose exactly , if you don't mind me asking ? I must ask because I need to know the size , you see . No problem . My husband bought me some beautiful jewellery for our anniversary and I don't feel safe keeping it in the house . Initially , on the advice of a friend , I stored it in the freezer . What a lovely gift . Yes , I can understand why you wouldn't be comfortable keeping something so valuable at home . I think one of our small ones will be perfect . Do you have some ID with you ? Yes , right here . So , we can do this today , then ? That will definitely ease my mind . Certainly , just fill in this form , please . You ’ re home late today , David . How was school ? Not bad . There ’ s a new English teacher . Oh , what ’ s she like ? She is beautiful . Is she old or young ? She is quite young and her hair is blond . Is she strict ? Not really . Her eyes are blue . Can she speak Chinese ? Not much . She is very tall and slim . David , stop dreaming . It ’ s time to do your homework . This is the menu . What would you like to have ? I don't know what to have . If you don't mind , I'll just leave the choice to you . With pleasure , sir . May I suggest Steamed stuffed buns and deep-fried twisted dough sticks ? They are popular breakfast among Chinese people . OK . Anything to drink ? Yes , sir . We usually serve soya-bean milk and jellied beancurd . Which one do you prefer , sir ? A I'll try the soya-bean milk this time . So , that's steamed stuffed buns and deep-fried twisted dough sticks , and a Soya-bean milk . That's right . Thank you , sir . Just a moment , please . Good evening . Do you have a reservation ? No , we don't . How many people are you together ? Just two people . Would you like to sit in a smoking section , a non-smoking section or whatever comes open first ? We prefer non-smoking section . I am awfully sorry but there are no vacancies left now . Would you like to wait for a moment ? How long a wait do you think there ’ ll be ? I think about ten minutes . Ok , we'll wait a while . I am sorry for making you wait so long . Now there is a table available in non-smoking section . Please follow me . Thank you . This is the menu . Are you ready to order now ? Well , I think I'd like to have a tomato sausage soup first . And the same for him , please . Yes , and what would you like to drink ? One goblet of red wine and one bottle of beer please . Would you like a dessert ? What special kind of desserts do you have ? Lemon pie , hot cake in syrup , chocolate sundae and custard pudding . Well , I think we will order after we finish the main course . All right . I'll bring your soup right away . So what's wrong with the drain ? It's clogged and water won't go down . Let me take a look . You know why ? It's clogged with hair . No wonder water won't go down . Well , I guess people who lived here before didn't clean the bathtub . You ’ re darn right ! What should I do now ? Don't worry . I ’ Ve got some acid here . It will help dissolve the hair down there . Ur , it stinks ! Now you know you have to clean your bathtub every time when you use it . I'd like to request some more amenities . Amenities ? What do you mean by amenities , sir ? Well , the free stuff ! You know the soap , lotion , shampoo , etc . I see . Sir , if I may ask . Have you used up all the amenities in your room ? Not at all . I still have enough for the next few days . Then what is the problem , sir ? I need some to keep as souvenirs ! Souvenirs ? Yes , souvenirs . Trinkets to remember my trip by ! We do have a souvenir shop on the first floor , sir . Oh , that's not the same . I never pay for hotel souvenirs ! I'll call housekeeping . Someone will be up with more amenities shortly . Excuse me.When ' s the next bus ? The next bus will be here in four minutes . Oh , good.That ' ll be the number forty four ? No , it's the number fifty-eight . So when's the next forty-four ? Will it be here soon ? No , it won't . So when will it be here then ? Never . Never ? That's right.The number forty-four doesn't stop here any more.It ' s stop is round the corner . Willy , I don't think we have much butter . Can you buy some ? Sure , Mum.In a minute . Here's the money.And get some salt . Yes , Mum . This apartment is great , but could I upgrade a few things ? What are you unhappy with ? I want to have a different color carpet . If you agree to pay more money , you could upgrade the carpet . Would it cost a lot more ? It could be as little as 2 dollars or as much as 10 dollars more per square yard . I was also wondering if it would be possible to pick a different paint color . Bring me a paint sample to look at , and I will consider it . When can you finish with the new carpet and paint ? Your new apartment can be recarpeted and repainted by next Tuesday . How much is a ticket to Edinburgh ? Single or return ? A return ticket , please . A return ticket is forty-six pounds fifty . Good morning . More Hotel . At your service . good morning ! I'd like to make a reservation , please . Do you have any rooms available for the next week ? All right . Single-room or double-room ? Double-room , please . It's for an American couple . Hold on , please . Let me check the bookings . Yes , we have double-rooms available . What kind of room would you like , sir ? I'd like a room with a nice view , please . We have a nice garden-view room . Good . I'll take that one . Is there a bar in your hotel ? Yes , sir . And there is also a party going on each Saturday night in the bar till next morning . Party all night ? Hotel California ? No kidding . Anyway , what's the room charge ? 888 Yuan per night . With breakfast . “ Northern Star ” buffet ! What's there arriving time ? They turn up around 4p . m . next Monday , and they check out on next Sunday . I see . May I have your name and phone number ? Yes . 6710121 3 . Benjamin . I left a suitcase on the train to London the other day . Can you describe it , sir ? It's a small blue case and it's got a zip . There's a label on the handle with my name and address on it . Is this case yours ? No , that's not mine . What about this one ? This one's got a label . Let me see it . What's you name and address ? David Hall , 83 , Bridge Street . That's right . D.N.Hall . 83.Bridge Street . Three pound and fifty pence please . Here you are . Thank you . Hey ! What ’ s the matter ? This case doesn't belong to me ! You've given me the wrong case ! Mr Hughes ? Do you have a minute ? I would like to discuss something with you . What can I do for you ? I was wondering , I have heard many of my co-wokers that your knowledge and experience in international markets is phenomenal . Also , I ’ Ve heard the rumor that you speak fluent Japanese . Is that right ? Yes , that ’ s right . I do speak decent Japanese . Right now I ’ m working on a product launch project to open up our Asian market . We have several upcoming events to take place for the Japanese cities . We ’ ll be heading to Tokyo next month to get things started . What I would like to talk to you about is joining our team to help bring this project to completion . Exactly what kind of help did you have in mind ? We aer looking for someone who is familiar with the market and cultural issues to act as an advisor to our marketing staff . We would like to set up a partnership , where we can help each other . So if I can help you as a consultant , what is in for me ? We could give you an uncite office , as well as potential to develop your own contracts in Japan.At the same time , after helping with our project , we will be willing to split our profit with you . Advance Reservations . Can I help you ? Yes , I ’ d like to book a single room with a bath from the afternoon of October 4th to the morning of October 10th . Could you tell me your name , sir , please ? Yes , it is Smith . Hi , Mr . Smith . I ’ m Dr . Hawkins . Why are you here today ? I thought it would be a good idea to get a check-up . Yes , well you haven ’ t had one for ... five years . You should have one every year . I know . I figure as long as there ’ s nothing wrong , why go see the doctor ? Well , the best way to avoid serious illnesses is to find out about them early . So , try to come at least once a year for your own good . O . K . Let me see here . Your eyes and ears look fine . Take a deep breath , please . Do you smoke , Mr . Smith ? Yes . Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer and heart disease , you know . You really should quit . I ’ Ve tried a hundred times , but I just can ’ t seem to kick the habit . Well , we have classes and some medications that might help . I ’ ll give you more information before you leave . O . K . , thanks , doctor . Sorry to bother you sir , but I have some bad news . What is it ? Well , the stock market just took a huge plunge and we ’ Ve lost a lot of money ! What do you mean ? What happened ? There are many factors that weigh in , but NASDAQ is down 200 points , the DOW JONES indicator also suffered ! Our portfolio is worth half of what it was worth points week ago . How is this possible ? You are supposed to be talking to our stockbrokers and making sure that our securities and investments are safe and making a profitable return ! I know sir ! We didn ’ t expect a bull market to become a bear market all of a sudden . On the other hand , you still have some high yield trash bonds and government bonds that will give us enough liquidity to cut our loses and reinvest in emerging markets . We could potentially make this tragedy work for us and make us think outside the box . Do what you have to do ! One other thing , don ’ t tell the rest of the stockholders about this . If they find out , it ’ s the end of this company ! What do you do in your spare times ? I have many hobbies . I like almost all kind of sports , and I also like to listen to classical musics . What sports do you like best ? Football . It's a very exciting game , because it keeps you alert , and I also enjoying the team spirit of football . Do you like reading books ? Yes . I enjoying reading biographs , especially those of well-known statesmen , militarists and artists , I can learn a lot from their life histories . Who are you favourite authors ? I like the novels of Inches very much , I have reading almost all of them in Chinese translation , I wish i can reading them in the original . When can you give me the final decision ? We'll notify you next Thursday at the latest . Shall I telephone you ? OK . All right . Thank you for coming today . Thank you for your interview with me . Hello , I am calling about my cable service . What's the problem ? For the past week my cable hasn't been working . I apologize , but the cable has been down lately . Do you know when it is going to start working again ? Give it a couple days , and it should be back on . Will I still have to pay for the cable while it's not working ? Since it's not working , I'm going to give you a credit . So I don't have to pay anything ? You won't pay anything until your cable starts working again . Okay , thank you very much for your help . No problem . Thank you for being so understanding . Shall we have some soup first ? No , thank you . I don't like soup . I'd rather have some fruit juice to start with . Ok , and what about the main course ? Which would you rather have fish or meat ? Meat , I think . Don't you like fish then ? I do , but I want meat . Shall we have some white wine then ? Yes , but I prefer red wine with meat . What would you like for dessert ? I just want to have a coffee , I think . Did you hear the good news ? No , I haven't . I got a promotion at my job . Did you really ? Seriously , I am so excited . Well , congratulations . Thank you . I'm so happy for you . Really ? Yes . You really deserved this . You think so ? Yes . Good for you . Can you suggest a few exercise to help me get fit and stretch my muscles a little ? Sure . If you want to stretch your legs , a good exercise is to lift your knee in front of your body , like this . It ’ s a very simple exercise , but very effective . I need to excise my arms too . How can I do that ? One good way is to do push-ups . Another way is to use weights . Make sure you grip the weights firmly . You don ’ t want to drop them on your feet ! When I do push-ups , should I bend my elbows so that my nose touches the ground ? You don ’ t need to bend your elbows that much . Bend them so that your arms are at a 90 degree angle . The most important thing is to remember to keep your body straight . Many people bend the What ’ s a good exercise for my chest muscles ? One that I recommend is that you lie on your back . You should have a weight in each hand and stretch your arms out side of your body . So I need plenty of space for this exercise . Yes , you do . Lift the weight up , keeping your arms straight all the time . Great . Thanks for you advice ! Hey , Mary . Dress warmly for today . Why ? It looks like a sunny day . Looks can be deceiving . What do you mean ? It's very windy today . But look , it's so sunny out . Mary , you must be careful . In some parts of America , the day can be - 10 ° C and sunny . Interesting lectures , aren't they ? Yes , very . I thought the last speaker was especially good . Let me introduce myself , by the way . My name's Charies Ford . How do you do ? I'm Bob Evans . Would you like to copy the EX files and pass me the copy . There are some figures I want to check . Here is the copy . Do you need anything else ? Yes , I also need all the letters we received from them . Do you mean all the sales letters from them ? Yes , that ’ s right . I ’ ll get them for you at once . And could I file the report for you ? Yes , but I need the report copied on transparency paper . No problem . Open the book and turn to page 10 . It is difficult . No , honey , it's easy if you know the way . Do I have to memorize it ? No , honey , try to make notes in your notebook . Dutton Hotels . How may I help you today ? I wanted to check rates and availability for your San Francisco location . Certainly , I can help you with that . Will that be the downtown or waterfront location ? The waterfront location . What date do you plan to check in ? I'd like to check in on October 12th and check out the 15th . Okay , let me see what we have . For how many ? One . And , if possible , I'm looking for a non-smoking room . Sure , we have a non-smoking queen with an ocean view for $ 189 or a standard room with a courtyard view for $ 139 a night . I'd like to book the standard room . Okay , your last name ? Rama . And , your first name ? Jeff . Okay , I have you booked in a standard non-smoking queen , checking in on October 12th and departing the 15th . What major credit card would you like to use to guarantee the reservation ? A Visa . The number and expiration ? It's 7388-2424- 3535-1818 and the expiration is 05/08 . Your confirmation number is PD672 . Is there anything else I help you with ? No , that's all . Thanks . Have a nice day and thanks you for calling Dutton Hotels . Merry Christmas , sweetie . How's your brother enjoying Taiwan ? Ryan says he wants to stay . I think he's in love with some girl who designs fruit platters ... No ! Christmas without him is bad enough . So , honey , do you have cold feet yet ? Yeah , especially since Jack didn't take care of the plane reservations . You're not coming ? Not until the 31st . So can you change the church reservations ? I'm afraid not . The church is booked until the year 2001 . Then where will we have the ceremony ? At home ? We'll have to . We'll rehearse on the 1st and have the wedding on the 2nd . I'm sorry , Mom . Don't worry , dear . I'm a great host . Now get some rest . Merry Christmas . Merry Christmas , Mom . I love you . I love you , too . And forgive Jack . He's doing his best . I know . Goodnight . Are you ready ? Ready for what ? Ready for the big switch . What are you talking about ? The nation is switching to digital TV . Oh . Of course I'm ready . Did you buy the converter ? No , I don't need a converter because I bought a digital TV . How much was that ? It was only about $ 120 for a 13 - inch screen . Does it pick up any digital channels ? Oh , yes . I get six Korean channels but nothing in English ! Martin ? Did you remember to bring back that software I lent you ? Oh , Kate ! I ’ m sorry . It completely slipped my mind ! That ’ s okay , Martin . If you could just bring it in tomorrow , I ’ d appreciate it . Definitely . I ’ m really sorry ! Do you have any certificates on computer ? Yes . I have ACRE ( National Computer Rank Examination ) certificate , Rank II . How did you get it ? I failed in my computer course once and I made up my mind to learn it well . Then I made painstaking preparation for 3 months and I finally got it . Where do you see yourself three years from now ? Working for your company , as the top administrative assistant in your firm ! Good answer , B - good answer ! Seriously , though , are you interested in staying in a staff-level position , or would you hope to move into management someday ? Well , I haven't thought much about this . I think it's too early to tell . What is most important for me now is to do the best possible job for the company and learn and develop my skills as much as possible . Where did you get these peanuts , Mike ? At the supermarket down the street . Help yourself . Thanks ! I'd like to purchase a pan . Is there any particular size that you want ? Well , I cook a lot of big meals . What do you think of this one ? It's a 16 " pan . Yes , that's the right size , but it's so heavy . Well , look at our aluminum pan . It's much lighter . Yes , this is very light . But the handle is also aluminum . No problem . Look at this one . Same pan , but with a lightweight wooden handle . Great . This is exactly what I was looking for . I'll buy it . I think you'll love this pan . Do you want to pay with cash ? Yes . Oh , wait a second , please . What about a lid ? I'm sorry . I forgot to show it to you . Here it is . It comes with the pan . Do you want any meat today , Mrs Bird ? Yes , please . Do you want beef or lamb ? Beef , please . This lamb's very good . I like lamb , but my husband doesn't . What about some steak ? This is a nice piece . Give me that piece please , and a pond of meet , too . Do you want a chicken , Mrs Bird ? They're very nice . No , thank you.My husband likes steak , but he doesn't like chicken . To tell you the truth Mrs . Bird , I don't like chicken , either ! Do you think this blouse really suits me ? Sure.It ' s just right . Not too tight in the waist ? No ! It's a perfect fit ! Hello ! Can I help you ? Well , I am looking for some winter clothes for my fiancee . Oh , it's the high time for you purchasing in our clothes shop . We are now having a preseason sale on all our winter apparel . Really ? What's that ? Every thing for winter is 20 % off . I think my fiancee may favor the sweater in the shop window . Would you like to help me look for any skirts that go with this sweater ? Sure , we have both skirts and trousers that would look well with the sweater . Look at this section . I especially like this flowery skirts . My fiancee will look very elegant in this . You have a good taste . It's very much in style this year . I don't think the green one fits her complexion . Do you have any skirts in light color or tan ? Look on the rack to the right . Oh , yes . I'll take this one . Can I pay by traveler ’ s check ? It's ok . Do you know how happy I am ? The Ant Kingdom is a perfect world with colorful fairy tales . It seems like the air is fresh here . Just kids like that . Come on baby , stop trying to pretend like a man . If you go there , you are sure to like them . Hurry up ! Hurry up ! What lovely caterpillars are over there ! I said you are sure to like them . There is the Grand Parade Of Ants Carnival in a few minutes in the square . You will experience a dream of fantasy . What's that ? All kinds of insects dress themselves up . They drive straight their own Flower Cars along the Parade Avenue of Ants Kingdom . That's splendid . Can you take three pictures of me with them ? I thought you had grown out of such child practices . Cut it out . Look at my smile , and it seems like the flowers in the spring . Right ? Gross ! Hurry up ! The smile is frozen on my face . Hello , Barneys Garage . Hello . Mr . Higgins , please . He just stepped out . Can I take a message ? Oh yes , this is Penny's Pet Boutique . Please remind him that his appointment for his dog's shampoo and cut is on Saturday morning at 11 am . I'll make sure he receives the message . That's fine . Thanks for calling . good morning . How can I help you ? I'd like to open a new account . have you filled out an application form ? yes . And I've brought some documents along with me , too . Do you need to see my passport ? yes . I'll just have my assistant look over these quickly and then we'll move on to the next step . Did you want to open up a checking account and a savings account ? yes . Does the checking account come with a debit card ? yes . Actually , both accounts come with cards that you can use in ATM machines , so that you won't have to come in to the bank to make a transaction . that's very convenient . it is . Our customers really like it . Do you have any other questions about your new accounts ? yes . What's the maximum amount that you are allowed to have in an overdraft ? the maximum is $ 1000 . is there a penalty for having an overdraft ? yes , but it's not much . You just have to pay 1 % interest on the amount . It's much lower rate than any of our loans and it's much better than owing money to most credit cards . that's true . Is everything alright with my documents ? they're all in order . If you just sign your name here , you'll receive your cards and pin numbers in the mail in about three weeks . thank you very much . you're welcome . Hello , Miss . I want to listen to the music . Could you tell me how to adjust it ? Certainly . There are several kinds of music . What do you like to listen to ? I like listening to the classical music . OK , here it is . Can you hear it ? Yes . Which channel is for opera ? The last one clockwise . Oh , I have got it . How nice are the singers singing ! May I help you , sir ? I'd like to buy a shirt . What color do you want ? I prefer the blue one . What size are you ? I'm not sure . Could you measure me , please ? No problem . I think 40 will be fine for you . Can I try it on ? Of course . The fitting room is this way , please . I'm the Mortgage Advisor at this branch . You wanted a chat about housing loans ? Yes , I've found a wonderful property I wish to buy . Unfortunately , I just don't have access to the cash . I see . It's a problem most of us face . May I ask what the purchase price is ? It's 600,000 RIB . But I've already put down 200,000 RIB , which is my absolute limit , so I'm looking for a loan of 400,000 RIB . So , you've already made a large initial deposit ? That is good news . OK , let's have a look at your credit details and get this started . I already have an account with you , so it should be pretty straight forward . That is good , it should speed things up nicely . Do you have any other questions ? I want to know about fees . Which fees ? Overdraft fees . You will be required to pay a small fee for every time you overdraft . How much is the fee ? You'll have to pay $ 25 every time you overdraft . That ’ s a small fee ? It should stop you from overdrafting . You would think it would , but it most likely won ’ t . Can I help you with anything else ? That ’ s it for today . Thank you . Who's it for ? It's for you . May I take the liberty to introduce myself to you ? My name is Dick Brown . I am the sales manager of our company . How do you do ? How do you do ? Excuse me , can you tell me the way to the British Museum ? Sure . I suggest you take a bus there . It's a bit too long for you to walk there . Which bus should I take ? Tour 2 . What time does the museum open ? It opens at 9:00 from April to October . Thanks a billion . Can I help you ? Yes . When is the next train to New York City ? Let me see ... the train to New York City ... here it is ... daily except Sunday at 10,30 , 12,20 and 15,10 . Aren't there any trains before 10:30 ? Sorry , not before 10:30 . Then one to New York at 10:30 . One way or round trip ? One way . A soft seat or hard one ? How much is a soft ? $ 15.And for a hard one , only $ 6 . Then one hard seat , please . OK.Here is your change.The train leaves on platform 8 . Excuse me . I'd like to apply for an immigrant visa . Under which category do you intend to apply ? Oh , my son is an American citizen . We want to live together in the future . So that's the Family Reunification . Please take me to Plaza Hotel . OK . When should we be there ? As soon as possible , because I've got an important meeting to attend . All right , if there's no hold-ups . Here is your room . I hope you like it . Looks not bad . The room is away from traffic noise . Yes , It's pleasantly quiet here . Here's the bath . Where can we have our laundry done ? There's a bag in the bathroom . Just put your laundry in it . Does the hotel run its own laundry service ? We do , as most hotels do . I see . Is the telephone on the table good for outside calls ? There is house phone only.But you can ask the operator for city calls . Can I get a city map at the hotel ? Yes . Shall I get one for you ? Just push the button over there if you need anything . Shogun Restaurant of Pasadena . Hi , could you help me ? I need to make a dinner reservation . I can help you if you can just tell me what evening you like the reservation for . Tuesday night is when we need the reservation for . What time do you think that you would like to have dinner ? 7 How many diners will be in your group ? We need a reservation for four . I have a table for four available at 7 My last name is Foster . Thank you for the reservation . Mr . Foster , we will be expecting you this Tuesday at 7 We will be there ! Thanks for the help ! Waitress ! My bill for today's lunch , please . OK , sir . How much do I owe ? 190 yuan . Here is 200 yuan . The charge is for you . Thank you . Welcome to call again . Goodbye . Goodbye . Well , I ’ Ve looked over your resume , Mr . Peepers . Please , call me Ted . Well , Ted , this is a very impressive resume . However , we do have several other applicants to finish interviewing before we can make a final decision . We ’ ll call you by Friday , if that ’ s all right . That ’ s no problem . Do you have any other questions ? Well , what kind of salary do you provide ? Salary is based on experience as well as time spent with our company . I see . Salary can be negotiated once we officially offer you the job . Sounds fine . You look pale , Paul . What's wrong ? I've got a headache . I'm sorry to hear that . Anything I can do for you ? No , thank you . I'll take an aspirin and see how it goes . Is there any cable for the Internet ? Yes . How much do I need to pay for it ? Nothing . The landlord pays . Is there a mailbox in the apartment ? Yes . Each apartment has one . Are there any parking lots for the tenants ? Yes . But you need to pay $ 60 for it each month . Is there an alarm system in the apartment ? Yes . We set up the new alarm system a few months ago . Who will take responsibility for the heating system if it has a problem ? Of course we do . It is the landlord ’ s responsibility . Are smoke detectors provided ? Yes . Does this hotel have a pool ? I'm sorry , sir , we don't have one . However , in our gym , we do have swim stations . I'm not sure I understand . Think of a deep bathtub that you can swim in , but against a current . Cool . What will they think of next ? How much are they ? Sir , guests pay nothing to use the stations . Excellent ! Now what are the hours ? The gym is open 24/7 , but the stations are open from 7 a . m . to 10 p . m . only . I'm going to change into my trunks right now ! I think you'll like the experience , sir . It's a great workout . Hi , this is China Southern Airlines . Is that Miss . Ye ? Yes , speaking . What can I do for you ? I am responsible for verifying your information before you come for the interview . What , uh , position do you want ... uh ... to do ? Pardon ? Your way of articulating is too slow . Would you speak a little faster ? Sorry , I am used to speaking in a slow pace , but I will try to be faster . What position do you want to do ? I have been yearning for a job as a stewardess in an airline like yours . Could you tell me something about your previous job ? Yes . I once worked in a small stock exchange . My work is very simple . Didn't you like it ? No , I thought it too dull . Also I didn't think it was challenging enough . What made you make a decision to leave ? The stock exchange where I worked was too small My further promotion was impossible . I am able of more responsibilities , so I decided to leave . When can I know whether I am accepted or not ? I think we'll send you a letter next week , if you are wanted , or we may give you a call . By the way , have you got a telephone ? Yes , my office phone number is 373 ... 36 . What's the best time to call you , then ? Between four and five in the afternoon . Thank you for coming , Miss Yang . The pleasure is mine . It's been nice talking with you . Goodbye . Can I help you , madam ? Yes . I'd like to choose a sweater for my son . I see . Do you have any ideas so far ? Not yet . Can you give me some suggestions ? Sure , madam . But may l know how old he is ? Thirteen . And the height ? About 158cm . He likes to wear loose-fitting sweaters . I see . How about this one ? It's very fashionable and popular among teenagers . I don't think he'll like it . He prefers simple styles . How about this one then ? The style is all right , but I'm not sure about the color . Let me think for a while . Honey , which hand should I use to hold the fork ? Left for the fork and right for the knife . Just remember that the stronger one is for knife . Got it . It's so troublesome to have western food . I've been learning the table manners for hours but still can't really it . Sure . Rather than eating , having western food is more about western culture . Yeah . Which restaurant are we going to tonight ? Cindy has reserved a table for us at a newly opened western restaurant downtown . She said the environment there was really pleasant . Fine . I believe in Cindy's taste . Oh , what should I wear ? You should put on the black suit I bought for you last week . But I'm afraid it may be a bit crumpled . You'd better iron it now . I don't want to mess it up . Please do it for me . I'm going to the bank to cash some money . How much do we need ? There is no need to do that . I think the restaurant accepts credit cards . But it's necessary to make a budget . Honey , you are a good accountant . So I'd better leave that to you , too . It seems that it's all about me . Then what do you do ? I'll take care of the order . OK then . Well , 50 Yuan for appetizer , 200 Yuan for dinner and 200 Yuan for wine . Anything else ? Don't forget about the dessert . OK , then 50 Yuan for dessert . 500 Yuan all together . Excuse me , could you please turn on the air-conditioner , it's so hot here . OK , I will fetch the remote control . Aha , it's cool now . Can I keep the robot ? Yes . Here you are . I ’ m so hungry . Let me have a look at the menu . We can pig out on potato chips and cookies . They are very cheap . Our company is going to do some cutbacks soon . Really ? Where did you hear that ? I met with the supervisor just this morning . I don't know , but I am a little worried . Who do you think will get sacked ? I'm not sure ... well , first , it couldn't be George . He is such a kiss-ass . He'd wash the boss's dog if he asked . No , it's not going to be George . I don't think it's Andy either . He is involved with the boss's sister in-law . And you know how whipped our boss is . That's true . What about Lisa ? I bet there's nobody who could do a worse job than her . Lisa ? No way . I've heard a rumor that she and the boss were having an affair . You know rumors can't come out from nowhere . Well , okay . Then there is still Michael . But he's the boss ' pet after having the best sales record for three months in a row . It definitely won't be Michael . No , that would be crazy . But then who will it be ? Oh dear , it must be me . I should have known it ! Why else would he have talked to me alone about the downsizing . What should I do ? I've got a family to support . Well , it could be me too . But I am not too worried . This place is suffocating me with this boss being such a hard-ass and colleagues who barely know how to get dressed in the morning . It would almost be a blessing to be fired from this place . How do I make a good impression in the interview ? You should try to put your best foot forward , and be careful of your personal appearance . At least you should get yourself dressed up . Appearance isnt everything , but it's the first thing an interviewer notices about you . Anything else ? Don ’ t boast and don ’ t be modest . What do you mean by this ? You can ’ t do the two things at the same time . Appear confident and show the interviewers that you ’ re competent . Don ’ t exaggerate things or you'll give the impression that you ’ re talking big . I see . Try to be natural , alert and interested . You ’ Ve given me very valuable advice and I have more confidence in myself now . Thank you very much . My pleasure . Good luck to you . Jason . There ’ s a snag in the plans for the Hoover Center . What ’ s wrong ? I thought everything was set . Well , it was . But the contractor ’ s just told me he ’ s not going to be able to finish by the twentieth , as planned . Maybe we could work out an overtime schedule . It ’ s definitely worth it to finish by the twentieth . How were you getting along with your studies ? Quite well . I made good records in college . I won the scholarship in every semester . In addition to your major , did you have other fields to study ? Yes , I had taken finance courses in a training school . Compound talents are needed in the society and I must study continually to keep abreast with the times . Excuse me , what's the charge for a picture ? $ 1 . You can get your photos instantly . That's great . Give me the landscape of the Triumphal for the background . No problem . Say ' cheese ' . That's good . Please wait a moment . What can I do for you today ? Can I sign up for some classes today ? Which classes ? I would like to take a driver's course . Would you like to make an appointment ? Why do I need an appointment ? You need to sign the paperwork . Can I do that right now ? When can you come in ? How about 9 o'clock tomorrow morning ? I'll schedule you for then . Thanks for all your help . The tea smells good . What tea is it ? It's a special green tea named Longing Tea from Zhejiang province . What's special about it except its pleasant smell ? You can see that it keeps the original color of the tea leaves very well . They must have some special methods to do this during the process . Probably . I love green tea . It's one of my daily necessities . Then , do you have “ tea time ” every day ? I mean , do you drink tea at a settled time ? Not really . But I really love to have after-meal tea . What's the advantage about tea ? There are a lot of them . In hot or warm days , tea helps to dispel the heat and brings on an instant cool with a feeling of relaxation . Moreover , the tea leaves contain a number of chemicals which are good for people's health . Does that mean the stronger the better ? No . Constant drinking of over-strong tea would do harm to people's health . So don't make your tea too strong . Got it . What's the proper time for tea ? It's fine for most time of the day . But don't have tea before bedtime . Why ? It will give rise to occasional insomnia . OK , let's enjoy the tea before it gets cold . Next please ! Hello sir , may I see your passport please ? Yes , here you go . Will you be checking any bags today . Yes , I ’ d like to check three pieces . I ’ m sorry , sir . Airline policy allows only two pieces of checked luggage , at twenty kilograms each , plus one piece of carry-on luggage . I will have to charge you extra for the additional suitcase . What ? Why ! I am taking an intercontinental flight ! I ’ m flying sixteen thousand CMS ! How am I supposed to only take two , twenty kilo bags ? That ’ absurd ! I am sorry , sir , there ’ s nothing I can do . You cannot board the flight with that large bag either.Carry - on bags must fit in the over-head compartment or under your seat . That bag is clearly too big . Now I see . You charge next to nothing for an international ticket , but when it comes to charging for any other small thing , you charge an arm and a leg ! So tell me , miss , how much will I have to pay for all of this . Let ’ s see ... six hundred and twenty-five US dollars . That ’ s more than my round-trip ticket ! Hi , Mr . Brown , we have visited the factories and I'm very satisfied with your factories production conditions . Yes , they are our main export bases of tools with the advantage of having good production experience and long historical record . All their products enjoy high prestige in the world market . That's very good . But I have little knowledge about the packing of your pliers . I just want to know the details about that . Ok , I'll show you how the packing is like . We have a showroom on the ground floor . Let's go downstairs and have a look . Sure . These are the various kinds of packing for pliers . Normally , we have three types of packing Oh , the packing looks very nice . The skin packing is the most advanced packing for this product in the world market . It catches the eyes and can help push sales . Good , what about the export packing ? Well , they are packed in boxes of two dozens each , 100 boxes to a wooden case . Is the wooden case strong enough for transportation ? You see , 100 boxes of pliers are very heavy . It's about 2,400 kilograms . You can rest assured of that . So far , no customers have complained about our outer packing . I'm glad to hear that . By the way , do you accept neutral packing ? Yes , we can pack the goods according to your instructions . Very good . Ok , Mr . Brown , I'm now totally satisfied with your packing . You can execute our first order now , and I will open the L / C immediately after I return to Taipei . All right . We'll make the shipment as soon as your L / C is on hand . Can you do me a favor ? Sure . What is it ? Can you keep an eye on my bag , please ? Nature's calling . Sure . Will you be long ? No , I just want to use the bathroom . Go ahead . It will be safe with me . Did you ever get your bus pass ? I don't think I'm going to get one . Why not ? It's just a waste of cash , man ! Actually , it'll save you money . Oh , really ? Because you can use your bus pass as many times as you want . Really ? Yeah , and you never have to worry about scraping for change . That sounds like a good deal . Yeah , So , are you going to buy one ? I will . Did you see the robbery ? I sure did . Did you see everything ? I was in the bank at the time . What exactly did you see ? I saw the guy come in with a gun . Did you get a good look at his face ? He was wearing a mask . Was anyone else with him ? He came in alone . Could you come to the station for more questioning ? That'll be fine . Dai Ling . Oh , Henry , I haven't seen you for ages . Come in . Let me take your coat . How are you getting along ? Very well , thank you . Please take a seat . Everything would be ready in a minute . Can you bring me a glass of orange juice , please ? I am quite thirsty . Here you are . Here you go . We have cocktail and salad , fried chicken , French fries and icecream for dessert . Eating chicken while it's hot . it tastes better . Wow , you're right . Everything is absolutely delicious . Please pass the pepper . Here you are . Taste the French fries . They're soft . Would you like some more ? No more , thank you . Here is to our friendship and health ! Bottom is up . I think that I would enjoy living here , but I would like to make improvements . What would make this apartment better for you ? I think that it would look better with a better quality carpet . You can have a different carpet , but you have to pay more if it costs more . How much more would it cost to upgrade ? It could vary quite a bit , between 2 and 10 dollars per square yard . Do you think that I could have a different paint color in my apartment ? I have to see a sample . Bring me one this week , please . How long will it take for my new apartment to be ready ? Both the new paint and new carpet will be finished by next week . Not only does it centralise management , it also increases the efficiency of funds . We have testimonials from various companies who are very happy with the service . Yes , I'm sure you do . It sounds like an excellent service . You see , nowadays , a lot of companies are concerned about their group account management . As long as your company meets all the requirements of our Group Account Deposit Service , I would fully recommend it . It seems perfect . Here are some leaflets detailing everything we've discussed . Could you also let me view some of the testimonials ? I'd really be interested to see what other group companies thought of this service . Hi . This is a Receptionist Desk . How can I help you ? Yes . I just checked in , but I need to change my room . What ’ s the problem ? I reserved a non-smoking room , but the smell of smoke in this room is so strong that I can ’ t endure it . I ’ m sorry . I ’ ll arrange a non-smoking room for you right away . The doorman is going to help you with your luggage . I do apologize for the inconvenience . That ’ s ok . Thanks . I wish to order 100 sets of hifi.Do you have this service ? Sony or some other brands ? Sony please.Do you have extra charge for delivery ? No , it's free . May I know who's calling ? Hello , this is David . Glad to hear your voice , David . Hi , is that Jessica ? Yes . What can I do for you ? I want to inform you of the interview . What ? I can barely hear you because your veiled voice ? I said I am informing you of the interview . The fried shrimp is crunchy ! But my mom will never cook shrimp this way . She always says that fried food is not healthy . How does she cook the shrimp ? She often cooks it in a large pan of boiling water . I don't like that . I like fried food , fried potatoes , fried chicken , fried sausage ... I can't see why fried food is not healthy . My mom says it has a lot of fat . I also suggest you do not eat so many fried things . It's all right ! I often fry sausages when my mom is not at home . Really ? I really want to have a try ! Come to my house this Sunday . My mom will not be at home then . We can cook some wonderful fried food by ourselves ! That sounds like a good idea ! But I'm afraid my mom will be angry about it . What's the matter , Paul ? Can you believe this ? I locked my keys in the car , and I have to go to the airport to pick up my aunt . So , what are you going to do ? I don't know ... Hey , do you think I could borrow your car for a few hours ? I'm sorry , but I really need it this afternoon . Well , could you drive me home ? I have spare keys there . Sure . That's no problem . Oh , and Andy ? Do you have a quarter for the phone ? My wallet's in the car . Here you go . Anything else ? No , that's it . Thanks . I really appreciate it . I'd like a facial . Which kind would you like ? We have five different varieties of facials . Which would you recommend ? Well , since it's summer , and I had looked that you had quite a bit sun , I'll recommend our summer special , it's specially suited for individuals with sensitive skin . What does it included ? The facial will start with thorough cleansing . Does it include facial mask and massage ? Yes , the reviving mask will promote blood circulation and tighten your skin . You can also choose to get hand or back massage as well . Will it exfoliate the skin as well ? Yes , we also apply a special day cream that protect the skin from the sun and the night cream that moisturize to the skin . That sounds great . I stayed at Bob's last night . I was worried where you were . I guess I should have told you . Yes , you should have . It ’ s freezing in here ! Can I turn up the heat ? Don ’ t touch that thermostat ! You don ’ t pay the bills around here ! Dad ! Are you serious ? What ’ s the point of having central heating if we can ’ t use it ! Look , I can see my breath ! Put on a sweater ! I ’ m not gonna let you run up my heating bill just because it ’ s a bit chilly . Dad ! I ’ m gonna catch a cold ! When I was your age , my parents didn ’ t have central heating like you do ! We had a furnace in the center of the living room and that was it . We used it to cook , heat the house and even dry our clothes ! We never caught a cold . You should be grateful ! I'd like to send this to Chicago . Air mail or surface mail ? Air mail , please . Please put it on the Scale there . Seventy five cents . Make it special delivery , please . Oh , then it'll be one dollar twenty five cents . Thank you . Which type of telephone bill would you like to pay today ? My home phone , the landline . I don't have a mobile phone , far too complicated for an old lady like me ! Do you need my Bank Book ? I'll need your Bank Card , please . Your Bank Book is required for over the counter services ; with the ATM you just need to have your card . Let's get started . First , select the service you require . That's household bill payment for you . Then we select the type of bill , so that's landline ... here you go . Your bill for this month comes to 87.42 RIB . The money will come out of your account and go straight to the phone company . Well , that is easy ! It sure beats waiting in line for ages waiting to deal with a real person ! Let's start to study how to use computers , Paler . It's good to know that a computer has two major parts , the hardware and the software . What's the hardware ? The hardware of computer is basically all the concrete things you can touch with your hands and see with your eyes . That's seems obvious enough . Then what about the software ? The software of computer is all the programmes inside the computer that allow you to use the computer to do things . I see , actually the hardware is the easy part , I do want to study how to use the software . Right you are , Paler , and since what you want to learn is how to use software , we should also learn to refer to the computer menus . Ever since I saw computer can do your project , I wanted to have a computer . I have a question about my cable . What do you need ? I haven't been able to watch my cable for the past week . Right now the cable isn't working . Could you tell me when it will be back on ? The cable should be running again in a couple of days . In the meantime , do I still have to pay for the cable ? We'll just give you a credit for the inconvenience . Does that mean I won't have to pay for it ? It'll be free until it comes back on . Thanks , I appreciate your help . Thank you for all your patience . I would like to ask for one day off next week . Do you think the manager will agree ? I know it is the busy time for our company , but I do have some important things to handle . Well , it is hard to say . At least you need to come up with a good reason . Actually , it is my mother ’ s wedding . My parents divorced many years ago . Now she is ready to establish a new family . It is a special occasion . I ’ Ve got to be there , right ? Yes , you should be there . Go find the manager and ask . I think the manager will understand and approve you a day off . Don ’ t forget to fill in the leave application form . It will be signed by the manager for approval . Thank you so much . Hello . Hello . Is Steve there ? I'm sorry . He's not here right now . What time will he be back ? Around five thirty . This afternoon ? Yes . May I ask who's calling ? This is his friend , Greg . Okay . I'll tell him you called . Thanks . Hi , I would like to purchase a one way ticket to Brussels , please . Certainly sir , this is our train schedule . We have an express train departing every morning and an overnight train that departs at nine pm . How long does it take to get there ? About twelve hours . We currently have tickets available only for first class on the express train . If you ’ d like , you can choose a sleeper on the overnight train which is a bit less expensive . Yeah , I think that is the best option . Do you serve food on the train ? Twelve hours is such a long time ! Yes , of course . There is a dining car towards the front of the train where they serve meals at all times . We do provide complimentary water and coffee for all of our passengers . Great ! I ’ ll take it . Here you are sir . Your train leaves from platform number nine at nine on the dot . Remember to be here at least thirty minutes before your scheduled departure time or else you might miss your train ! I understand . Thank you very much ! Have a great trip . Hi , is this the Bread and Cheese Deli ? Yes , ma ’ am . How may I help you ? I need to place an order for a couple of sandwiches and drinks . Can you deliver ? Yes , we do deliveries for orders over $ 15 , ma ’ am . How big is this parking lot in our community ? It has fifty parking spaces . So you guys should be always busy . Why ? I bet it is always full of cars . Quite the contrary , sir . Plenty of the spaces here are free when people drive their cars out to work . Ah ... I see . We plan to rent some of them out at the hourly rates . What is the hourly rate for a car like this ? I am not sure . But it'll be at least ten yuan an hour . How mush would it cost if someone parks here for one hour and ten minutes ? That would be twenty yuan , sir . We charge only by the number of hours , no split of each hour . That's expensive . Ouch ! The water's too hot ! Get in slowly , sweetie . You'll get used to it . I'm gonna go and make you some chicken soup . I'm not hungry , Mom . I know you don't have an appetite , but you need to eat something . You'll get too weak if you don't eat . Oh ... I'm sweating already . It's so hot . I can feel it boiling ! Can I get out yet ? That's a good sign . But just soak a little longer , OK ? I'd like to help pitch in with dinner . Really ? You're joking . No . I'd like to do something special for you on your birthday . I'd like that . Alright , put on this apron first . OK ... Now how can I help , hon ? Hmm , let me see ... Boil some water . Easy . I could do that with my eyes closed . ( after a while ) Done . Not bad . Okay , now take some meat and potatoes from the fridge . How many potatoes do you need ? Three . And bring four bell peppers . Gotcha ... OK . Here they are . Now wash them , then dice the potatoes and bell peppers . Where's the peeler ? Dad , how do you say this word ? Sword , say it ' sword ' . What does this word mean ? Look it up in the dictionary . Dad , can you just tell me what it means ? I'm too lazy . No , honey , go and read it . You'll learn . Hello again ! Here's another fruit tray for you . Oh , hi again ! Hey , the fruit looks different this time . I make each one a little different . It's a way for me to express my creativity ! It looks really artistic ! How did you learn to do that ? Oh , look at your table ! I'll help you clear it off . You know , art is something I've always been interested in ... Enjoy your food ! Bye ! I hate to be the bearer of bad news , but it's that time of year again . Have you got your performance evaluations finished yet ? Oh no ! Evaluations ! You can tell that's not my favorite job ; I haven't even started yet . When is the deadline for turning in thecompleted forms ? Well , you do still have three weeks . But remember the employee must sign them , too . Filling them in is nothing - it's meetingwith the employees that takes so much time . I never know how to rate the employees ' work . Of course attendance and productivity are easy , I just look at the sales figures . So it's the subjective criteria like team building and colleague support that you find hard ? Exactly ! Attitude ... how do you rate attitude ? I suggest letting each employee fill out his or her own evaluation for those items . Then , based on their self - assessment , you can add your comments . It's a great starting point for discussion Great idea . And after all , that's the whole point of an evaluation . I almost can't wait to give it a try . Good morning , Mr . Zhang , this is Jimmy calling from Polaroid Company . Hi , Jimmy , good morning . I regret to tell you that the position of Sales Manager has gone to another person . I see . We really believe that you are a highly qualified person . But the other candidate has several years of related experiences . Maybe that is true . But I am a fast learner and I am willing to work overtime , and I do not mind a lot of business travel . We surely believe you . Can't you give me another chance and reconsider your decision ? I am afraid we are sticking to our choice . Possibly you are now . But in case you will change your mind , please let me know . OK . Check out , sir ? Yes , would you please call me a taxi first ? No problem.How would you like to pay ? Credit card please . Here you are . How do you want to advertise the opening ? I've had good responses from the Beijing Times , help-wanted ads . All right . I suggest posting the ad Monday through Friday . OK . Monday is the big day for job ads . And job seekers will certainly check the paper over on Tuesday . Let's post on the Internet , too . Will get a better response . I'll post the ads . I know some good sites . Such concern for the company , Craig ! I'm impressed . Vancouver is the third largest city in Canada . Would you please tell me what places are worth visiting ? There are many famous places such as Robson Street , Stanley Park , Gaston , Lion Gate Bridge , The Vancouver Art Gallery , and The Canadian Crafts Museum . Could you come and help me mend the computer , Neel ? What's wrong with it ? I can't log on the internet again . Let me see . Did you change anything on your computer ? No , never . What kind of anti-virus software do you use ? I don't have this kind of software . Are you riding ? You have to install an anti-virus software on your computer . If not , you will be attacked by viruses , and it can lead your computer into failure . We're broke . I can't believe it 。 How do you like you trip ? I have no idea . Maybe I want to take a boat down the river . That's interesting . I will go with you . Won't it be dangerous ? Don't worry . There are so many people . We will join the touring party . That's better . Is this the right bus for the Grand Hotel ? Oh , no.You should take the No . 14 tram . Where can I take it ? Two blocks down the street . Excuse me , could you help me ? Yes , what seems to be the problem ? Well . I was wondering if anyone has turned in a passport ? I am afraid not . Have you lost your passport ? I think so . I can't find it anywhere in my hotel room and I remember the last place I used it yesterday was in this department store . Where exactly did you use your passport in the store ? In the shoe department . I had to show it to pay for these shoes with my traveler's cheques . Well , let me call the shoe department to see if they ’ Ve found a passport . Sorry , your passport hasn't turned up there either . Then what shall I do ? You can fill in this lost property report and I will keep my eye out for it . These kinds of things usually turn up eventually , but I suggest you contact your embassy and tell them about your situation , so they can issue you a new passport in case it doesn't show up . You are right . Do you have a pen ? Here you are . Oh , I seem to lose something every time I travel . Greetings should never be ignored in the interview . Sure . It is helpful to shorten the distance between you and the interviewer and create a lively atmosphere . Appropriate greetings will win the interviewer's favorable impression But you should pay special attention to your words and attitudes . In the beginning of the interview , greet the interviewer with a kind smile . In the interview , use polite words , such as ' Thank you ' , or ' Please ' . That's right . Details can mean succeed or fail . When talking you should focus your eyes on the interviewer in order to closely watch his or her expressions . At the end of the interview , you should make your acknowledgements and say Goode . Whatever the result is , you should keep your good demeanor . Only in this way can you leave a good impression on the interviewer . In short , you should present the best of yourself throughout the interview . Nathan said he didn't have any fun at his new school this week . Do you know why ? I think he hasn't made any new friends yet . He's just a little lonely . He really misses his friends from our old neighborhood . Without a doubt . Maybe if he knew he doesn't have to give up any of his old friends to make new ones , it will be easier for him . How do you propose to help him understand that ? Well , we can help him keep in touch with his old friends . I guess we could go visit once in a while too . Yeah . There's a lot we can do to help him through this transition . Does it look too big ? It looks like it was made just for you . Yes , I like it . I'm going to get it . How would you like to pay for it ? Here's my credit card . Now , if you'll just sign here . Yes . Here you are . So long . Have a nice weekend . Excuse me , haven't we met somewhere before ? Yes , I'm Jame , your neighbor when you lived in here last year . Oh , I see.Glad to see you here . Me too . Excuse me , can you tell me where Main Street is ? Turn left at the second light and then go straight for two blocks . Is it far ? No . It's only a five-minute walk . You can't miss it . Thanks a lot . You're welcome . hello ? good morning , Nathaniel . This is Leah calling from the International Student Office . good morning . the reason I'm calling is because Ms . Collins will not be able to call you back until next week . oh . I had hoped she would have called me back yesterday . she's terribly sorry about that . She had to leave the office suddenly and won't be able to return until next week . She hopes you understand . is there someone else I can talk to ? she asked me to call you to book an appointment with someone else today . When are you free today ? any time after 2 pm today would be good for me . Mr . Liu is available at 2:15 today . Will that work for you ? I'd prefer to speak with Ms . Fonda . I'm afraid she isn't available this afternoon . She has an opening at 11:30 this morning . Will that work for you ? that will be fine . ok , we'll be expecting you at 11:30 . See you then . Hello , Madam . What can I do for you today ? Hello . Yes , I'm here to redeem a Treasury Note . It's not at the maturity date yet , but it is an emergency . OK , can I see the note and some ID , please ? There you are . As you can see , the maturity isn't up yet . You do realise that you must pay a 0.2 % charge for premature cancellation , right ? Oh , really ? No , I wasn't aware of that . Unfortunately , yes . You see , this is a three-year note ; it was issued over a year ago , but not over two years . So , you will have to pay . I'm sorry about that . Come in and sit down , Jack.Now , what's the trouble ? I've got a terrible pain in my stomach , Doctor . I see.When did it start ? It started yesterday . I didn't eat any supper . Have you got a temperature ? I think so . I feel very hot . Let's see.Yes.You ' Ve got quite a high temperature . I've got an awful headache , too , and my throat hurts . Hm .. I think you ' Ve got the flu . Is it serious ? No , not at all , but you must stay in bed for three days and take this medicine . How often must I take it ? Three times a day after meals . Thank you , Doctor . We are interested in placing a large order for your wool carpet . How much would you like ? 10,000 sq . m . You should give us a discount for such a large quantity . A higher discount will be given for a big order , so we are willing to give you a 5 % discount this time . The Iranians will give us a 10 % discount if such a high order is placed with them . No doubt you know an incentive discount encourages the buyers and helps expand seller's business . Of course I know . But there is too high a rate . Frankly speaking , the maximum discount we can make is 6 % . I have been washing the dishes for over a week now . Well , I think you are very good at doing the dishes , so maybe you should do them for another week . No . We made an agreement that we would take turns doing the dishes . Now it's your turn to do them . OK , I'll do them . Any new ideas on the Mr . Fro case ? How can we give this motor oil a new brand identity ? Let me get my morning coffee to get my brain working again . I could use one , too . I'm still burnt out from that last cigarette ad campaign . As long as the foam on my macchiato's not burnt , too , I'll be alright for a while . You got your espresso , Jess ? Excuse me . Are these chips on sale ? Yes . You will save 90 cents on each bag . Is there any limit ? No , no limit . You can take as many as you want . That ’ s good . Thanks . You ’ re welcome . There's a major problem with room 507 . I'm sorry to hear that . Please tell me the exact problem . This room is overrun with cockroaches . There has been an occasional silverfish in the hotel , sir . I stopped counting at nine . Sir , this hotel just passed a thorough insect inspection with flying colors . Your inspector needs spectacles . The fact is that cockroaches are running rampant . I apologize , sir . Just a second , while I transfer you to my supervisor . Can you help me please ? Certainly sir . Do you know if there is Japanese restaurant near the hotel ? Actually there ’ s one on the same street as this hotel . Is it far ? Not at all . Turn left out of the hotel and it's about a five minute walk . Good morning . I want to deposit 3,000 yuan in your bank . Yes . Do you have a savings account in our bank ? No , I haven't . It is the first time for me to come to deposit money here . How long do you want to keep it in our bank ? Two years , please . You have to fill in this form with your name , address , ID card number , deposit term and the amount you want to deposit . OK . What should I do if I want to draw my money before maturity date for an urgent use ? Don't worry . You can draw your money at any time . But you'll not receive the time deposit return of interest . What we can offer is a current one . I see . By the way , what if I forget to cash my money when the maturity comes ? In that case , we'll just regard your account as a regular savings account from then on . I see . Here we are . This is Wangfujing Street . Thank you . How much is it ? 25 yuan , please . Here ’ s 30 yuan . Thank you . Here ’ s your change and receipt . Excuse me , which way is to the post office ? The post office ? Sorry , I'm not sure . Well , thanks anyway . I'd like to speak with the apartment manager , please . This is he . What can I do for you ? I'm interested in the apartment on Main Street . It's still available . Do you want to see it ? Yes , I would very much like to see it . Does today at 6 p . m . sound okay to you ? I have no problem with 6 p . m . Okay , I'll see you at 6 o'clock . Do you need any directions ? No , thanks . I already drove by to see what the neighborhood looks like . I'll have an application form with me . You can fill it out if you're interested . Should I bring anything with me ? No . I only need to check your driver's license . Has everything been OK with you lately ? I haven ’ t been able to get a good night ’ s sleep lately . I ’ m exhausted ! Have you been too busy to get enough sleep ? I try to go to sleep , but I just can ’ t stay asleep . How late do you try to go to sleep ? I go to bed when I finish my work . Has anything in your day-to-day life been bothering you lately ? I am worried about how I am going to pay my tuition . You might consider listening to relaxing music as you go to sleep to clear your head . Doing something relaxing before I go to sleep sounds like a plan . Liz , you were supposed to have had those contracts typed up by now . I was supposed to do that ? I thought Sharon was responsible for that . No , Liz . I asked you specifically . Don ’ t you remember ? I ’ m really sorry , Mr . Samuel . I really don ’ t remember that . Strange looking handle on that coffee mug , isn't it ? We submitted two designs to our buyers , this one and one with the mug indented to form a grip . They chose this one . What's the advantage ? Price , I suppose . No , this type cleans better , no crevices between the body and handle joint . What deliveries are you quoting nowadays on orders such as ours ? We can make shipment within one month from receipt of order . You don't do much in porcelain tiles and ornaments , do you ? We do a fair amount in tiles and in insulators for electrical appliances . But kitchenware and tableware are our mainlines . I see . Well , keep up the good work . See you later . Morning , Tom . Hi , Mary . You seem to be in a hurry . Yes . I ’ Ve got a meeting in a minute . Okay . I won ’ t hold you up then . Right . I ’ ll see you later . See you later . Tell me something about yourself and your past experience . I have eight years of experience working in the IT industry . For the past two years , I have been working as a project manager for a dotcom . I am also MI certified . I'm looking for a team environment where I can join the excitement of building a company . What experience have you had that qualifies you for this position ? I have worked on a variety of projects and jobs in the high tech industry . I wanted to have the experience of working for a dotcom and have learned something about being in on the ground floor of a business . What attracted you to this job ? I've been searching for a while now to find a company that had a business model and corporate philosophy like yours . I am interested in working for a company that provides products and services to the K - 12 education market . My background is in this field , and my strength is in building relationships and solving problems . I am excited and interested in the idea of developing business relationships through e-commerce . What qualities do you think are important to this position ? To have a combination of technical and business knowledge and to be very results-oriented . My past record shows that I have those qualities and more . Because of my business acumen and technical know-how , the teams I have managed accomplished outstanding results , including booking more than $ 50 million in online revenue . When have you been most motivated ? When I have a specific project to complete , I like to know the specifics of a project from beginning to end . I like definite deadlines and I like to meet those deadlines . I expect some deviation from the original plan , but I try to stay focused and not let myself drift too far . I have great attention to detail and like to take my time and do it right the first time . Why did you leave your last position ? I've set some goals for myself and my career , and unfortunately I'm at a standstill in my current situation . I have begun to explore options available before I spend too much time in a job where I can't advance . My goal is to continue to take on new responsibilities and be a key contributor to the success of an online venture . What are your salary expectations ? I really need more information about the job before we start to discuss salary . I'd like to postpone that discussion until later . Do you have any questions ? Yes , I do . Who are your financial backers ? Who are the key competitors ? Does the company have a plan for the IPO ? What would you say is the best thing about your product or service ? Good afternoon , Peace Hotel , what can I do for you ? I have made a reservation for this Sunday . My name is Bobby Yes , that's right . Your room is a single one with a bath . I am calling to cancel it now . I can't go to your city this week . Fine , we will cancel it . Thank you . Where is that ? Take me to the airport , please . Are you in a hurry ? I have to be there before 1700 . We'll make it except a jam.You know it's rush hour . There's an extra ten in it for you if you can get me there on time . I'll do my best . Here's twenty dollars . Do you have small bills ? No.If you can't break it , keep the change.But can you give me a receipt ? Here is your receipt.Thank you . What are you doing , Steven ? I'm going to Beijing tomorrow . I'm packing my luggage . What will you bring along when traveling ? I will take some clothes to change and cleaning items . Have you packed the camera yet ? Yes . I've already put it in my suitcase . Pack some necessary medicine in your carry-on . I almost forget it . Thank you ! Is this taxi taken ? No , sir . Where to ? Please take me to this address . OK . Please step in . I know where it is . Jessie , I ’ m afraid I can ’ t come back home for dinner tonight . Not back home for dinner again ? That ’ s the third time this week ! I ’ m sorry . Our company has just opened . There are always too many things to handle . You know that . You don ’ t have to explain . Suit yourself . I apologize . You have my word , I ’ ll spend some time with you on the weekend . I promise . We ’ ll see . Thank you for understanding . I promise I ’ ll make it up to you . Ah ! No ! Damn it ! It's a blackout . Now I can't see Seinfeld . So what ? I just lost one hour's worth of work . Really ? How could you do that ? Don't you save every couple minutes ? No , I didn't save this time.Damn it ! And I'm sick of writing this paper . Now I have to write it all over again too . I've had that problem too many times . So I learned to save.When I'm writing something , I save every three sentences or so . I don't want to lose anything . I hate computers . Sometimes I think they cause more trouble than they're worth . What are we going to do now ? I don't know . I feel like going out . I wonder how much of the city is down . It doesn't matter . I still can go out and buy a beer . Maybe . But if there's a blackout , probably the pubs are closed.And besides , I know you have a political science exam tomorrow . I thought you had a lot of reading to do . Yes , that's true . Damn ! I just lost half my paper , and now I can't even do my homework.This is a bad time for this to happen . I have a flashlight in my closet . If you want to use that to read , you can . Thanks . I think I will try . Where are you going ? I like your idea of getting a beer . I think I'll go out myself . Maybe we can trade.Why don't you stay here and read for my exam , and I'll go drink beer ? No , it just won't work.If I read for your exam , you won't know the answers tomorrow . I will . So ? You can go to the class for me.Just write my name on the exam book and take the exam . Why not ? How many students are in the class ? About fourteen . So it won't work , old buddy . They'll see that I'm not you . Sorry . Damn ! Here's our sample room . You've got a large collection of sample foodstuffs here . Yes . We are exporting a wide range of foodstuffs to many countries . And the demand is getting greater and greater.By the way , which items are you interested in ? I'm particularly interested in shortbreads . Do you have some samples you could show me ? Yes . This way , please . Our shortbread is in a variety of flavors , such as almond , walnut , lotus seed , etc . And different packaging has different weights . We can make packages within a reasonable range of any size you require . The small sizes are more marketable than the large ones for us . I wonder if Your pastry tastes better . You are welcome to have a try . Here it is . Ours is of prime quality . Oh , it's delicious ... What happened to your car ? A tow truck was towing my car and put all those dents in my car . Are they going to pay you for the damages ? They're saying it was already there . What the hell . That doesn't make sense . What are you going to do ? I have to go to court . A cop was there so he can prove that the damage wasn't there . That sucks . I'd be pissed if that happened to me . I got an estimate and it's four thousand dollars . Oh my gosh . Damn ... screw the court , I would burn down their store . We'll see what happens after court . Can you pick up some things from the store for me ? Of course , what do you need ? I need a few things , I'll give you the list . Is there something else you need that you can think of ? Everything I need is on the list . Do you want me to make any other stops while I'm out ? Since you asked , would you pick up my medicine from the pharmacy ? Is it ready to be picked up ? I believe so . No problem . I'll do that for you . I really appreciate you doing this for me . It's no problem at all . Hi , boss . You wanted to see me ? Zina . Look , I know when I hired you , I told you I'd pay you a salary . But I just can't . Excuse me ? I hope I didn't just hear what I think I just heard . I know it's awkward , but you're going to be thanking me later . I'm going to make you rich . You're going to make me rich by not paying me ? How often do you use the internet ? I use it almost every day , but I usually only use it to check my email . I don ’ t often surf the net . You use the internet a lot , don ’ t you ? Yes . I use it to find products and components at the lowest price for my company . It can be frustrating when the connection is poor . So , you ’ re online eight hours a day . Yes , I like the job though . Sometimes , I help other people in the office if they ’ re having trouble online . How useful do you think the internet is as a source of information ? I think it ’ s fairly useful , but there are two big problems . First , a lot of the information you find online is false . Second , when you buy something online , you don ’ t see it until you actually get it . How do you solve the website problems when you ’ re buying something online ? What I do is find the website of shops . Then someone from our company visits the shop and buys when they ’ re seen that the products are genuine and suitable . What's your favorite movie ? My favorite movie is Superbad . Oh , why is that ? It's the funniest movie that I've ever seen . That's true . It is a very funny movie . You've seen it before ? Yes , I saw that movie the first day it came out in theaters . Didn't you laugh through the whole movie ? I did . Me too . That movie brought tears to my eyes . Mine too . I have it on DVD at my house if you want to come over and watch it . Sure , let's go . Are you through with your meal ? Yes , I am . Could I have the bill , please ? Here is your bill . 150 yuan in all . Do you accept check ? No , I'm sorry we don't . We accept credit cards and cash . Well , I'd like to pay by cash . OK . ( A few minutes later ) Sorry to keep you waiting . Here is your change . Thanks . My pleasure . Welcome to our restaurant next time . I plan to add an introductory letter behind the resume to increase the probabilities of success in the interview . That's a good idea . Do you know how to write an introductory letter ? I'm not sure of that . Do you know ? I just know a little . First you need to include your basic information , such as your name , age , gender and major , etc . Yes , I think so , too . I must introduce myself in truth . I think the most important is that you need to show the employer that you are qualified for that job . So I should write my strengths in the introductory letter , especially those related to the work . Yes , thus the employer can know you very well , and then decide whether you are the right person . You are very nice to tell me those . I wish you good luck ! Thank you ! OK , I'm sorry it took so long . I understand . The phone has been ringing off the hook today . Some days are just like that . Do you have any plans for dinner tonight ? No , I was thinking of putting a frozen pizza in the oven or something . How about you ? I was thinking maybe we could make dinner together tonight . What do you think ? I'm absolutely useless at cooking ! I could teach you how to cook something healthy . Frozen pizza are so bad for you ! I know they aren't good for you , but they are cheap , convenient , and fairly tasty . I recently saw a recipe for spicy chicken curry in a magadize . Maybe we could try that ? Yeah , why not . Do you have all the ingredients ? I bought all the ingredients this morning , so let's start ! What do we do first ? first , you need to wash the vegetables and then chop them into little pieces . Ok . Should I heat the wok ? Yes . Once it gets hot , put a little oil in it , add the vegetables and stir-fry them for a few minutes . What about the chicken ? That needs to be cut into thin strips about 3 cm long and then it can be stir-fried on its own until its cooked through . How about the rice ? I'll prepare that . Do you prefer white rice or brown rice ? White rice , please . None of that healthy brown stuff for me ! Manhattan Square , please . All right , sir.When are we supposed to be there ? I'd like to go around the city , if you don't mind . Can you effect shipment during September ? I don't think we can make it . Then when at the earliest can we expect the shipment ? By the middle of October . It's too late . You see , in our market October is the season for the kind of commodity . So the goods must be shipped before October or we won't be ready for the season . Well , considering our long standing good business relationship , we'll try hard to negotiate with our manufacturers for an earlier delivery . Thanks . Then may I suggest that you put down in the contract ' shipment on September 15 or earlier ' ? Let me see . Now the workers will have to work on three shifts for it . Well , we can manage it on 20th September . That's the best we can do . Oh , that's very considerate of you . I'lI take your word for it . What do you think of the acting of the two main actors in the film ? I consider the hero's acting is inferior to that of the heroine's . don't you agree ? Well , I'm afraid not . I think the hero has much more to be believed in . Good afternoon , can I help you ? Hello . I've been told to come in and see someone about my L / C . I just had a message to come in and see someone called Kristy . I'm Kristy . Can I help ? I received a letter asking me to come in and see you . I'm Mr Simons from Dalton's Electrics . Oh , yes . Hello Mr Simons . I have some information about your L / C amendment . The negotiating bank has just informed us that the 3rd party does not wish to accept the amendment . Oh dear ! Where should I go from here ? I'd recommend going back to the 3rd party , personally this time , and discussing what exactly it is they aren't happy with . Hopefully you can reach some sort of agreement , which is viable for everyone . What would you like to drink ? I feel like a cup of black tea . Wouldn't you like something to eat ? Yes , I'd like a portion of that strawberry tart . Right . I'll see if I can catch the waitress's eye . First you add the washing powder then you add the clothes . I take it you've done this before ? Yes , for the last 20 years . Good . Good afternoon . May I help you ? Yes . I'd like to check in , please . May I see your ticket and passport , please ? Sure . Here they are . Please put your baggage on the scale . What's the weight limit ? Thirty two kilos . I hope my baggage aren't overweight . No . They aren't . May I carry this satchel ? Sure . But please attach this claim tag . OK . Here is your boarding pass . Which gate ? Gate Four . Please go and have a seat in the waiting hall . Thank you . I think I've got a virus on my computer . Do you know how to get rid of it ? I haven't had one before . I'm afraid not . Why don't you call the Help Desk ? Someone there will be able to help you . Have you got the number ? I'll call them right now . I would like to order some internet today . What kind would you like ? What kind of internet is there ? You can get DEL or dial-up . Which of those two is best ? I would recommend DEL . So that one better ? It's better because it doesn't tie up the phone . What do you mean by that ? DEL isn't connected through your phone line , but dial-up is . So then I can't use my phone if I'm on the internet ? That's correct . With DEL you can do both . Hi there . How can I help ? I started a new job last month and I'm expecting my first salary . I see . And your company has a Wage Distribution Service Agreement with us ? So I was told , yes . They gave me this book ? Yes , that's a Current-all-in-one Passbook . That's what you need to get your salary . I wonder if you could do me a favor . I'd be happy to help you . Name it . My printer is broken . Can you print up a copy for me ? Sure , no problem . Do you want me to edit it for you ? Please , you write much better than I do . Oh , its nothing . Were you late for work this morning ? Yes , I was . I was almost an hour late . What did you say to your boss ? I said I was terribly sorry . But he said it was quite all right . Your boss was really nice . No , he didn't scold me because he was late , too . Hello ! Is Petti there ? I'm sorry , I'm afraid you've dialed the wrong number . There is no Petti here . Wrong number ? Are you sure ? I called yesterday and she was there . I'm sure you have the wrong number . This one has been my number for more than 20 years . That's impossible . I remember the number clearly . Isn't this 763-4565 ? No , It isn't . It's 736-4565 . It seems you've misdialed . Really ? I ' m so sorry I bothered you . I ' ll try again . That's all right . This sort of thing happens all the time to everyone . Yeah . I guess it does . Sorry again for bothering you . No worries . I would like to check out now.My room number is 712 . Let me see , Mr . Lee.right ? How would like to pay your bill ? Do you accept traveler's checks ? Yes . Here you are . Could you tell me a little about the organization ? For example , how big is your workforce here ? Well in total we have around 150 employees based in Hong Kong with another 400 in our head office in Beijing . The news desk staff in Hong Kong comprises around 80 staff . I see . And how about the working hours ? Well , as you know Rebecca , in journalism work hours are not exactly nine to five . You could be on call at any time . We do have to work very unsociable hours at times . Well I am used to that , Mr . Parsons , so that ’ s not really a shock for me . Good , as long as you understand that . And when do you need to fill the vacancy , Mr . Parsons ? Yesterday ! But no , we are hoping to start from the beginning of next month . That sounds ideal . First National Bank . Hi , I have a checking account with you . How can I help you ? I need to see if check number 212 has cleared yet . What's your name and account number ? I'm calling about you appointment.Mr.Smith has to cancel all his appointments because he's got something urgent to attend to . When can I go to see him ? Anytime except today.Please give him a call before you come . OK . Hi , sir . Could you tell me where the Hilton Hotel is ? Well , there are two Hilton Hotels around here . Which one is your destination ? Eh , let me see . Sorry , I can't remember it , because I've been there only once , accompanied by my friends . Then , it would be a little bit harder to find out your way . Do you remember the name of the street , or one or two landmarks ? A bookstore , probably . With a yellow and orange logo . Good , any other clues ? I remembered there is a very busy street several miles away . I waited for the traffic light for a very long time . Oh , is there a bank near there , Standard Charted possibly ? Oh , yeah , I got it , there is a bank My friend exchanged her money there . That's the second branch hotel of Hilton . Walk straight down and you will see the bookstore you just mentioned . Turn left , I believe , you will get it . Great ! Many thanks ! Hi , can I help you ? No , thanks . I'm just looking . All right . If you need any help , just let me know . My name is Greg . Sure , I'll let you know if I need anything . Hm , this mattress is very firm . Jack will probably like it . Did you find something you like ? Yes , this mattress is very good . It's pretty firm . The mattress I ’ m now sleeping on is saggy . You are right . This is very good brand . It doesn't sag easily and we offer a lifetime warranty , so you don't have to worry about its quality . Does it come with a frame ? Unfortunately , it doesn't . However we can give you a 10 % discount on the frame . We also offer a very good financing plan . There is no payment no interest until next June . That's an attractive plan . I'll think about it . Oh ! My mouth is on fire ! I feel so good . That warm hot pot certainly hits the spot on winter nights . I need more water ! Oooo ... gross ... you're sweating all over the place . It's your fault for mixing the two broths ! You're going to have a little Montezuma's revenge tomorrow morning . Excuse me ? How can I get to the nearest branch of the national bank ? There ’ s branch on new street . Walk up this street until you get to the first set of traffic lights . Then turn right at the traffic lights . How far up the street are the traffic lights ? Now far . About 150 meters perhaps . Ok . So I turn right at the traffic lights . Then ? Then keep walking until you reach the war memorial . It ’ s a big statue of a soldier . You can ’ t miss it . Ok . Where do I go then ? You ’ ll see the national bank near the war memorial . It ’ s a big building and you ’ ll see a big sign on the front of the building . God it . Thans very much . I am trying to see if I can afford to purchase a home that I wish to buy . We can figure that out right now . How much do you earn annually ? My wife and I earned one hundred and fifty thousand dollars last year . How many years have you held your current position ? I have been at my current job for 10 years . Is there any extra income that you receive other than salary ? I collect one thousand dollars a month from a rental property . Have you ever figured out your credit score ? I try not to think about it ! Adding in your expenses , I calculate that you can spend three hundred thousand on a house . Why should I buy this MD player ? Well , it has a lithium battery that lasts for 24 hours and it has a 160 second anti-skip mode for when you're playing sports . What else ? Using MP3 mode , you can download about 10 hours of music from either your CD player , or your computer's hard disk onto one mini-disk . But how's the sound quality ? You can choose from several play modes , or you can use the full-spectrum equalization , 3 D mode and Mega Bass features . We rec-ommend using it with the studio monitor headphones . Is that it ? It's ultra-compact , it has a brushed , titanium metal body and a rubber shock-proof , weather-proof case with a belt clip . May I fix an appointment with Dr.Cui ? Sure . When will it be convenient for her ? Any time is all right , except Sunday . How about ten o'clock tomorrow ? OK . I'll tell her . Poor Danny . You are so enfeebled ! Don't worry . No big deal . Just a common cold . Mom called just now saying that she and Dad will be back later . Do you want to speak to them on phone ? No . You can never count on the grown-ups when there is something . Whatever . Have a drink of water . Come on , sister . This is the seventh glass already . Maybe later . I think we have a medicine-kit . Do we ? Where is it ? Probably on the of the cabinet . I'll go and get it . Be careful . Now I have no one but you to depend on . Oh , here it is . Patulin . Oh , no ! What's the new strike ? Keep lying down . The matter is that all the medicine here is past expiration . Poor me ! I ’ m interested in teaching at your school . Great . Are you a qualified teacher ? Yes . What kind of teaching certificate do you have ? I have a TEFL certificate . How many years of experience do you have ? I have three years of teaching ESL and four years of teaching per-school children . When did you get your TEFL certificate ? I got my TEFL certificate three years ago . Why do you want to teach at our school ? Well , I ’ Ve heard many good things about it . I also like teaching young children . That ’ s great . Can you speak Chinese ? Yes , just a little . Can you come in for an interview tomorrow at 10 ? I sure can . Great . See you then . I want to know whether you can handle the matters of registered permanent residence . Don't worry about such problems . We can deal with them for you . Other questions ? I have no other questions . Thank you . You are welcome . You have done an excellent job this year and we are pleased with the results . I am glad that you have been happy with my performance . As a result of your performance , we are happy to offer you the position of manager . Does this title come with an increase in salary ? Yes , it does . Can you give me the specifics ? Your monthly gross salary will increase by $ 500 . That sounds fair . Can you believe that Obama was actually elected ? I can believe it , and I am very excited about it . I hope you voted for him . Of course I did . Didn ’ t you ? Of course ! I have total faith in Obama as our President . You do ? Yeah . I have faith that he will help America turn over a new leaf . Our country really could use some work . I believe that change has already begun . I couldn ’ t agree more . I no longer need to worry about what will happen with this country . Hi , are you Catherine ? Yes , Jason , right ? Nice to meet you . Welcome to Taiwan . Thanks , good to meet you , too . You had a long flight , you must be tired . Yes , and the food was horrible ! Oh , sorry to hear that . But , don worry ! Taiwan has plenty of great things to eat . First , lets get you to the hotel . Great ! How will we be getting there ? My car is in the parking lot , lets go this way . Let me help you with your bags . Hello , Arthur . What seems to be the problem ? Hey doc . Well , I think I might need glasses . I ’ m getting headaches , and I really struggle to see things that are far away . But I have always had 20/20 vision . Sounds like you may be far-sighted . OK , then cover your left eye and read the chart in front of you . Mmm .. . X , E , R , 3 , a question mark , and I can ’ t quite make out the other symbol but I think it ’ s the peace sign . Wow , Arthur ! You ’ re as blind as a bat ! Yeah , I know , my vision is really blurry at times . Ok then , head on over to the other room and pick out some frames while I fill out your prescription . Thanks doc ! Arthur , that ’ s the bathroom . Did you need help with something ? I don ’ t know where to get my ballot . I can help you with that . How can you help me ? I work here . That ’ s great . May I see your ID ? Here it is . All right , here is your ballot card . What do I do now ? Go to a voting booth and vote . All right . Thanks for your help . Are you looking for shoes ? Yes , could you give me some ideas ? What about this brown one ? Fine , it's the thing for me . I will take it . Hello , who is speaking , please ? Hello , Mr . Stern . This is Hao Bo from the International Travel Agency . I have made the plane reservations for you . Oh , good . Let me get a pencil and take down the information . Well , go ahead , please . Okay . You'll be travelling on Northwest Airlines , flight number 222 . What time does it leave ? It departs Guangzhou at 10:30 on the morning of July 10 . That is good . You want to fly first class . Is that correct , Mr . Stern ? That's right . Well , I have got you three first class tickets and I have reserved your seats . Your seat numbers are 8A , 8B and 8C . Those are in the non-smoking section , aren't they ? Yes , they are . I have charged the tickets to your credit card . They are 630 dollars each , so It is 1890 dollars for all three . Fine , thank you very much . One more thing . Could you give me the names of the people you'll be travelling with ? Sure . They are my kids , Alex and Kathy Stern . All right . You're all set . Have a nice flight . Thanks . It has just occurred to me that there is still another possibility to ensure a prompt delivery of the goods . And that is ? How about making Hong Kong the port of shipment instead of New York ? I'm afraid we can't agree to that . We concluded the business with you here in Houston , and the goods you ordered are manufactured in New York . We wish to point out that all orders accepted by us are shipped from New York or Seattle . Hong Kong is out of the question . It's like this . There are only one or two ships sailing a month from New York to Osaka , while sailings from Hong Kong are quite frequent . If shipment were effected from Hong Kong , we could receive the goods much earlier . I see . You want to have your goods shipped from New York to Osaka via Hong Kong , where they can be transshipped . Is that the idea ? Yes , exactly , because I want these goods on our market at the earliest possible date . Your idea may be a good one , but the trouble is that there are risks of pilferage or damage to the goods during transshipment at Hong Kong . How about shipping them from Seattle instead of network ? You may choose either one as port of shipment . It makes no difference to us . There are more sailings from Seattle than from New York . It sounds all right to me , but I will have to think about it . I'll give you a definite answer tomorrow . If I choose Seattle , will it be possible for you to ship the goods by the end of March ? We'll try our best . Anyway , we assure you that shipment will be made not later than the first half of April . I ’ m so sorry to call you on such short notice , but something ’ s come up . You mean for this afternoon ’ s meeting ? That ’ s right I ’ m afraid I have to postpone it . Mr . Scott got sick and I have to attend the Speechmaker ’ s Symposium in his place . I ’ m leaving today , and I won ’ t be back until a week from Friday . That ’ s quite a while . Let ’ s make it the week after you get back , then . That will be great . So it ’ s two weeks from tomorrow , same time and place . I ’ m really sorry to do this to you . No problem at all . To tell you the truth , I could use the extra time in my schedule to catch up on some paperwork . Would you show me some table-cloths ? Certainly . ( Take a table-cloth to her ) How much is it ? A table-cloth of this size and style is 15 Yuan . That ’ s reasonable . If you take good care of it , it will last you quite a number of years . Really ? I ’ ll take it then . I'm planning to buy a bicycle . As you are quite a cycling enthusiast , I wish you might give me some advice . With pleasure , chap . But before I start , I need to know what you want a bike for ? My purposes are two-fold . On the one hand , I've grown bored of commuting on suffocating buses every day and decided to ride to work . On the other hand , bicycling is a sport , and I intend to build up my body through constantly taking a ride over the weekends . Cycling during weekends ? Do you me riding on the mountainous countryside just the neighboring towns ? Does that make any difference ? Can't be greater . If you ride on bumpy , hilly roads , a mountain bike is what you need . But if you just ride comfortably along the city lanes , you might choose a road bike . Are they designed differently ? A road bike features skinny tires and a light-weight frame . Its riding position puts you bent over the handlebars . It's not particularly beefy in construction , and generally , it won't stand up well under heavy loads or on really rough surfaces . In contrast , mountain bikes have wide tires and a stout frame . You sit higher on them and don't have to hunched over . I would like to pick a time to look at houses with you . Would mornings or afternoons be best for you ? It is easier for me to take off work in the afternoon . It is best if we can go during the week ; does that work for you ? Because of work , I can only go look at houses on the weekend . Would you like to meet at the real estate office , or should I pick you up at home ? If you could pick me up at home , that would be great . We could spend most of the day looking at houses to see all that we have to see . That might be a little too much , but we ’ ll see how it goes . I will fax you a schedule as soon as I contact the owners to confirm the times . Mrs . Lee , I ’ Ve stayed here for almost a week . And I really must leave tomorrow . Please feel free to stay as long as you want . You know you ’ re always welcome here . Thank you . You ’ Ve been so nice to me . Is there anything else I can do for you before your leave ? No , thanks . You ’ Ve done a lot for me already . Thank you for everything . Don ’ t mention it . I ’ Ve really enjoyed your company . Mr . Black ? I'm from the Pacific Mechanical Company . Oh , yes . Step inside , will you ? I'll give you an idea of what business I want to take up with you . Take a seat . We can go into details later . Thank you . Our speciality back in South Africa is wholesale supplying of screws , bolts , nuts , pins , studs , and that kind of things . For wood or for metal ? For both . Now , do you make machines for producing such things ? Yes , we have a showroom not far away from here , Mr . Black . Are you free now ? Yes , quite free until noon . Fine . Then , shall we go right away ? I have a car outside . Have you ? That's splendid . Just let me get my things together . I won't keep you long . Take your time , sir . I can wait . Shit , so crowded ! The radio said it's OK on this road . Things change every minute . We have too many cars ! I'd like to have this shirt washed and ironed . OK , do you want us to use starch ? Yes , heavy starch in the collar please . Yeah , sir . Your shirt will be ready by Thursday morning . Anything else ? I also have a suit to be dry-cleaned . Can I fetch it the day after tomorrow ? It's urgent . No problem , sir . Could you please tell me when your laundry opens and closes ? We'll remain open from 9 a . m . till 8 p . m . I see . Here's your laundry ticket , sir . Thank you . Hello . Is this Ann ? Yes , it is . Kelly ? Yes , it's me . Do you have a cold ? No . Worse than that . I have a flu . I'm in bed with a fever . Oh , no ! What about your presentation today ? I'd like to do it , of course . But I just can't . I'm afraid I'd fall down in the middle of it . I understand . What should I tell Mr . Morley ? Why not just tell him I'm sick ? I'll ring him myself this afternoon . Alright . Have you been to see a doctor ? Not yet . I feel too lousy to go out.Anyway , I have a flu . I know what it is . I don't need a doctor to tell me that . Do you think you'll be able to come in tomorrow ? Or should I call off your appointments for tomorrow too ? I'm not sure yet.Maybe this will all be gone in a day . So it's probably better if you don't call off my appointments . I will call you later this afternoon and tell you what I think . It's rainy weather today . Maybe it's better if you just stay inside.Make yourself some chicken soup and sleep . Yes , that's what I plan to do . Except I won't make the chicken soup.Right now I don't think I could swallow more than a spoonful of it . That bad , huh ? Yeah , I'm very nauseous . It's mostly nausea and a fever . Well , I'll cancel your appointments for today . And I'll tell Mr . Morley . Thanks , Ann . Talk to you this afternoon . Hope you feel better . I don't have any more cash , and I have to get on another bus to get home . Why don't you have any more money ? I wanted some chips at lunch today , so I spent it . That was a bright idea . I know.Do you have some change I can borrow ? You know what ? I don't have any change for you . I need to get home . Why don't you just ask the bus driver for a transfer ? I don't have money for a transfer . You know ? Go ask for a transfer . They're free . Really ? oh ! I'm glad you let me know . You're welcome . We're going to have to postpone the meeting . Why ? Mr . Chen can't make it today . Can you recognize Mike's father in the crowd ? Yes , he's holding a bunch of books . Let's run up and give him a hand . Do you know what you're going to do this weekend ? I am going to see a movie with a friend of mine . What about you ? I don't know . Would you like to see a movie with me and my friend ? Do you know what movie you're going to watch ? I don't know , but was there a certain movie you wanted to see ? None that I can think of . Well , would you like to go ? Thank you for inviting me , but I think I'll pass . All right . Another time then . What is this ? I didn't order that . I ’ m terribly sorry . May I have your order again ? I'll get it right away . I've ordered savory pork and coleslaw . I'm sorry . I must have made a mistake . I'll bring them for you at once . Hey ! What is this ? Pardon me , Miss . But didn't you order chicken soup ? Oh , Is that what this is ? I believe so . But if it really bothers you , I'll replace it for you . No , don't replace it . Give a refund . Sorry . I'm afraid we can't . But you may order something else instead . Oh , really ? Give me a clam soup . Okay , Miss . Thank you . I hope you enjoy your dinner . How are you doing today ? I ’ m fine . What can I do for you ? I would like to cancel a check . Is there a problem ? I wrote the check out for too much . How much did you write it out for ? I wrote it out for $ 150 . How much was it supposed to be ? It was supposed to be for $ 100 . I ’ ll cancel that check for you . I really appreciate your help . It's nice of you to see me off . It's my pleasure . Hope you ’ ll visit Beijing more often . Thanks . Stop here now . OK . I hope you have a good trip . Thanks ever so much for your cooperation , Mr . Simpson . Give my best wishes to Mr . Green . OK , I will . Goodbye and remember to look me up if ever you're in Paris . Goodbye and all the best . OK , bye for now ! Bye . How was your flight from Hong Kong ? Okay . What time is the meeting tomorrow ? 10:30 . I'll pick you up at the hotel at 10:00 . : 10:30 . Pardon me . Please speak a little louder . I said please stop by the entrance of EVA Air at the Arrival Terminal . Sure . What else can I do for you ? Oh , no . That ’ s it . Nice to chat with you . Have a good day . Thanks a lot . We arrived at Kaohsiung International Airport . Mr . McKenna , do you have a second ? I need to talk to you about something . Sure , Liv , what can I do for you ? Well , I was just wondering . . . you see , I know I ’ Ve used up all my vacation days this year , but my sister is getting married , and the wedding is overseas , and , well . . . You wanna take some time off , is that right ? Well , sir , I was just hoping that I might be able to take some unpaid leave this year . What dates are you planning on taking off ? I ’ ll need at least two months notice , so that I can plan for your absence . I was thinking of taking off from September first until the thirtieth . Would you be okay with that ? Well , I guess so . how can I help you ? I'd like to buy some perform for my girlfriend . do you know what kind of scent she usually wears ? she usually doesn't wear anything but a few drops of Chanel No . 5 . But I'd like to buy her a new Fragrance . ok , here are some of our most popular perfumes . which one would you recommend ? personally , I quite like the new perfume by Clinique . It's a subtle flowery scent . What do you think ? that smells great . I'll take one bottle , please . would you like to buy any other cosmetics for your girlfriend ? We have a full range of products from cosmetics to skin cleansers and moisturizers . it's ok . She normally just wears a little foundation and some loose powder , and I wouldn't know what shade to buy . how about some lipstick ? Every woman needs a nice tube of red lipstick . she doesn't usually wear lipstick . She thinks it makes her nose look too big . how about some mascara ? That will make her eyes look bigger . no thank you . She has big enough eyes as it is . I know what she would like---some whitening cream . no thanks . Western women usually try to make their skin darker , no lighter . will that be all then ? that will be all . You're been very helpful , thanks . Hello . Is there a room available tonight ? What kind of room do you have in mind ? I ’ d like a twin room , please . Hold on , please . I'm afraid we're fully booked.The only room available at the moment is a suite . Oh , I see . Thank you anyway . What's wrong , Lisa ? You keep pacing back and forth . I'm nervous . I have to make a big presentation in the meeting . Don't worry . You'll do fine . What are your plans for the future if you are hired ? I'll do my utmost if I am hired . Do you have any short-term goals ? No , that thought doesn't cross my mind . Would you like me to go into a little more detail about the free services we can offer you ? Yes please . I really am an absolute amateur when it comes to this stuff . No problem . First of all , we can provide a business licence . Secondly , Enterprise ID Certificates , Forex registration and ... Forex registration ? Yes , ' Foreign Exchange Registration ' , for Bank Drafts , Bills of Exchange and so on . Also , approval of RIB accounts , capital verification and so on . Could you please reserve a taxi for me ? Do you think a private vehicle might be more to your liking ? A private vehicle ? No , thanks , I won't need one . Even better than a private vehicle is a limo . How does that sound ? T A X I , please . A taxi it is . Where will you be headed ? Rockefeller Center . Can you get the taxi here immediately , please ? A taxi will be here in just a minute , sir . Good . I'll get my coat and come downstairs . The taxi will be ready when you are , sir . I need to purchase some business cards . No problem . How many are you thinking about ? I think 2,000 would be fine . If you'll just fill out this form , please . I want the new cards to be exactly like this card . We can do that very easily . ... Okay , I'm done . Here's the form and my old card . Great . Your order will take only one week . You know , I think it would be better if I could pick it up in three days . We can do that . It'll just cost you extra . I have read your notice on the wall so I come to see if there is anything I need . Well take your time . There are so many things to sell . How much is the desk ? $ 7 . The goods in the yard sale are really cheap . I will take it . Excuse me . I'm looking for Bluemingdails . Could you tell me how to get there ? Sure . It's very close actually.You go straight down this road . Then you turn left , at the next junction . Left the next junction . Ok . Bluemingdails is on the corner of that block . You see it as you turn left.Seriously , You can't miss it.It ' s enormous . Thanks very much . Steward ! Yes , ma'am ? May I have a magazine or something ? Certainly . Just a moment . I'll be right back with one . Which do you prefer , one in English or in Chinese ? One in English , please . All right , ma'am . Operator , I want to make a correct oversea phone call to Beijing . Who would you like to talk to ? Rachel Jason . What is phone number ? The code is 880 , the area code is 010 , and the local number is 8824578 4 Your name , please . Manicole Tan . hold on , please . Ok , thank you . Her line is through now , please go ahead . Excuse me , when is the next train to Los Angeles ? ten fifteen a . m . Can I get the ticket here ? Sorry.You have to buy your ticket at the next counter . Thank you . Hello , Walter ? Yes . Hi , what's up ? I was wondering if you wanted to go for a walk with us . I'm afraid not . I'm sick . I have a fever but I'm cold , and I threw up earlier . Oh , man . I hope you get to feeling better . I would feel better if you came over and took care of me . OK , then . I'll be there in a minute . ( after a while ... ) Walter ! Where are you ? I'm in the bathroom . What took you so long ? Gross . Diarrhea ? It's not so bad . OK , whatever , I don't want to hear about it . I'll call the doctor for you . It's just that you have to be patient and try to relax . Enough . I don't want to hear any more about your bathroom time . Why not ? Oh well , I'm ready to eat . No need call the doctor . If we run to the restaurant , I can make it to the restroom and you can order . Are you sure you want to go ? To the restroom ? I have no choice . Bell Computers Limited , can I help you ? Hello , I'd like to speak to Mike please . Hold on please . Hello , I'm afraid Mike's unavailable right now . He's in a meeting . Can I take a message ? Yes , can you please let him know I called and ask him to call me back as soon as he can ? My name's Mary , and I'm calling from Happy Travel . My number is 123 456 789 . Sorry , could you repeat that please ? Yes , 123 456 789 , Mary from Happy Travel . Have you got that ? Let me read that back to you , 123 456 789 , Mary from Happy Travel . I'll ask him to get back you as soon as he can . Great . Thanks . Anything else ? No , that's it . Thanks . Bye . Bye . OK , Tom . It's your turn . Are you ready ? I really would rather just listen . Isn't there anyone else who wants to sing ? Come on ! In the two hours we've been here , you haven't sung even one song ! I know , but ... Hey , Jim's here ! I've been waiting to hear him sing all night . Well , you asked for it . Why don't you put on an Elvis song for him ? He loves ' The King ' . I'll put the song at the front of the list . Say , what's you favorite sport ? Mmmm ... , it's hard to say . I like golf a lot-but I guess like skating better . Do you know how to skate , like a skater ? No , I'm strictly a spectator . I just like watching skating . It's so beautiful . Then you must know a lot about skating . Are you aware of the reason why I pulled you over ? No , sir . I pulled you over because your brake light is out . I'm sorry . I did not know that . I have to write you a ticket . Can't you give me a warning ? I'm not going to be able to do that . How much will the fine be ? You'll find that out on your court date . I have to go to court over a brake light ? That's how it works . Can I have the ticket , please ? Can I help you , sir ? I'm here for the backpack you announced several minutes ago . OK , take a seat please , sir . First of all , can you show me your ID please ? Sure . Here you are . OK , could you please tell me what your backpack looks like ? Of course , it's a soft leather one , you know , not a sports one that looks childish . Mmm ... does it zip closed ? No , it's straps closed , and it has a buckle in the front . OK , can you tell me the distinguishing features of this backpack ? Oh , yeah , the brand name . So what's it , sir ? Oh , it's a Polo . It has the logo on the back and at the bottom in the left-hand corner . OK , can you name the items in it ? Well , all the gifts for my family , you know , two pairs of sneakers for my children and a bottle of perfume for my wife . OK , sir , I'm sure it's your bag . Thank you for your cooperation . You can have it now . Thank you so much . You guys are really responsible . Can I help you , sir ? I'm here for the backpack you announced several minutes ago . OK , take a seat please , sir . First of all , can you show me your ID please ? Sure . Here you are . OK , could you please tell me what your backpack looks like ? Of course , it's a soft leather one , you know , not a sports one that looks childish . Mmm ... does it zip closed ? No , it's straps closed , and it has a buckle in the front . OK , can you tell me the distinguishing features of this backpack ? Oh , yeah , the brand name . So what's it , sir ? Oh , it's a Polo . It has the logo on the back and at the bottom in the left-hand corner . OK , can you name the items in it ? Well , all the gifts for my family , you know , two pairs of sneakers for my children and a bottle of perfume for my wife . OK , sir , I'm sure it's your bag . Thank you for your cooperation . You can have it now . Thank you so much . You guys are really responsible . do you like cooking , Julia ? I really enjoy it , especially when it ends up tasting good ! how often do you usually cook ? I usually make a few salads for lunch throughout the week and I make dinner about 6 times a week . that's a lot of cooking . You must save a lot of money by eating at home so much . I do . If you cook at home , you can eat healthy food cheaply . what kind of dishes do you usually make ? I almost always make either a beef roast or a chicken roast with asparagus , parsnips , peas , carrots and potatoes on Sundays . do you make a lot of traditional British food ? aside from the Sunday roast , we usually eat dangers and mash , toad-in-the-hole , or fish'n chips once a week . how about spicy food ? my family loves spicy food . We often eat Chinese , Thai , Indian , or Mexican food when we're in the mood for spice . what's your favorite dish to make ? I absolutely love making mousaka , which is a Greek dish with eggplant . But it takes a lot of time , so I don ’ t often make it . Excuse me . Does this train go to Brooklyn ? Yes , it does . Do you know when it leaves ? I think it leaves at two-thirty . I need to find a new furniture set for my living room . Where are you going to find one ? I have no idea . Do you want to know where I bought mine ? Where did you get it from ? I got it from IKEA . How much did it cost you ? It cost me a couple thousand for the whole set . Is the furniture sturdy ? The furniture is built extremely well . I don't mind paying a lot as long as the quality is good . Well , trust me . The quality is fantastic . I would like to make an offer on this house , but I don ’ t know much about the process . As your realtor , I am here to take care of this process . How much were you planning on offering ? I really like the house and will pay the full asking price of three hundred and fifty thousand dollars . We want to leave ourselves some bargaining room . Let ’ s offer three hundred and twenty thousand dollars . That sounds good , but I don ’ t want this house to get away from me . The market is fairly down right now , so the offer is a realistic one . When will we know if they accept the offer ? The owners usually respond to an offer within a few days . Should I be contacting my bank in the meantime ? You are already pre-qualified for your loan , so you are in good shape . Now let's talk about your interests and hobbies . Well , I like reading , walking , swimming , hiking and playing basketball You have a colorful life . Yes . These hobbies have indeed enriched my life How do you usually spend your time after work ? I prefer to read novels with a cup of tea . What kind of books interests you most ? Detective books . You seem to be a man of imagination and logic . To some extent , I regard books as my good companion . If so , you can benefit a lot from them . That's for sure . Actually , I was wondering what we should do if either one of us would like to terminate the contract ? Well , as a rule , the contract will become void automatically , if both sides do not agree to renew it when time comes . I got it , but nevertheless . what I was saying just now was that how to terminate the contract before its term's up ? Oh , I am sorry . I misunderstood . Well , in that case , the contract can be canceled with a 2 month's notice . What do you say ? That sounds perfect for us . Hello Mr Fang ! It's good to see you again . What can we do for you today ? Hello , Miao Ping . I'd like to open a Foreign Currency Account today . That shouldn't be a problem , Mr Fang . Have you got your Certificate of Use of Foreign Exchange Account and the Foreign Exchange Account Opening Notice with you ? Our most widely used currencies are US dollar , Japanese yen and Hong Kong dollar . I need to open a US dollar account , trade with America is going up each year . We will transact this for you as soon as we can after the materials you have given me have been checked and verified . Good , thanks . I look forward to hearing from you . Housekeeping , may I help you ? Yes , I'm missing a sweater . I sent it in the laundry yesterday , but my laundry was returned without it . May I have your room number , please ? 505 . 505 . Let me check it out . Just a moment , please . I'm sorry . You're right . We have found your sweater . We made a mistake delivering the laundry . We'll send it up to your room at once . We're very sorry for the inconvenience That's all right Dick , I ’ Ve decided not to rent that house . But yesterday you said you would rent it . I ’ Ve changed my mind . Why is that ? Well , I think maybe I should find a house that is closer to where I work . Maybe you ’ re right . Hello . 9-1- 1 . Can I help you ? I need the police . What happened ? My neighbor hit my brother on the head . He ’ s bleeding . Give me your address . 176 Wooden Street East . All right . The police and an ambulance are on the way . In the meantime , find a clean cloth and press it firmly over the wound . This will slow the bleeding . I will , but please hurry . Help will be there in just a few minutes . Could you do me a favor ? Sure . What is it ? Could you run over to the store ? We need a few things . All right . What do you want me to get ? Well , could you pick up some sugar ? Okay . How much ? A small bag . I guess we also need a few oranges . How many ? Oh , let's see . . . About six . Anything else ? Yes . We're out of milk . Okay . How much do you want me to get ? A gallon ? No . I think a half gallon will be enough . Is that all ? I think so . Have you got all that ? Yes . That's small bag of sugar , four oranges , and a half gallon of milk . Do you have enough money ? I think so . Thanks very much . I appreciate it . How far is it from here to the airport ? It ’ s about an hour ’ s drive . I need to get there before ten.Can we make it ? I can ’ t promise , but I ’ ll do my best . Hello , I bought a pen in your shop just before . Yes , thank you very much . Now I came back to the hotel and try to show it to my friend , the pen is broken , I am afraid . Oh , is it ? Would you change it to a new one ? Yes , certainly , you have the receipt ? Yes , I do . Then would you kindly come to our shop with the receipt by 10 o'clock , we'll replace it . Thank you so much ! Do you have any seats available ? Yes . This way please . What's the special today ? I recommend our New English Pizza . Then give me a large one and an egg drop soup . Okay . Wait a minute please . Uncle Ben , how did the Forbidden City get this name ? Well , in the feudal society , emperors had supreme power , so his residence was certainly a forbidden palace . His residence ? You mean the whole palace ? Yes . The Forbidden City is divided into two parts . The southern section , or the Outer Court was for the emperor to exercise his power over the nation , and the northern part , or the Inner Court was for his royal family . Oh , unbelievable . This was too luxurious . Even the whole country belonged to him . That's why he is called the emperor . OK , then . I love these unique structured towers with the delicate carvings on them . It's really artistic . Yeah , the buildings and designs of the Forbidden City are the peak of Chinese traditional architecture , not only scientific but also suitable for living . I agree . It's definitely a product of wisdom . Well , why were those small animal sculptures placed on the tops of the buildings ? Some of them are mascots and some are symbols of power . Why are there so many yellow things ? Is yellow the lucky color in China ? Oh , no . In fact , yellow is the symbol of the royal family . Just like the pattern dragon , right ? Exactly . Here is the Nine-dragon Screen . Oh , it's really fabulous . I wanna take a picture here . Sure , this will be a really good picture . May I help you , sir ? I want a pair of locus . Take a look at the ones on display , please . I need size 41 . Could I have the check , please ? Okay . I'll just be a minute .