I have 6 legendary card drops: Miner, graveyard then THREE LOGS. Why do you have to be such a dick? B-but the Nazis invented the swastika! cool meme bro Now he does what he wants White girl got trash weave, black girl just got her hair did Butt hour i's carnt sea moar dan 24 efff pee ess I know, I know I got caught up in the moment and I don't usually play her. Well, at least they don't pay taxes. camping with a sniper requires minimal skill though Del Rio loves his awkward moves on the turnbuckle, that's for sure. Drugs...lots of drugs and body parts being sold I see Commonly was the problem on EG Where's the chief wahoo when you need him If they keep on asserting that their customers are idiots, then eventually their only remaining customers *will* be. Well it clearly did not go 'right' either... except for the criminal armed with a knife that attacked the victim. More like pussy tip China is nice! If the answer to the question of how much this will cost the taxpayer is less than if they shut up shop, then why the fuck would anyone be desperate to paint this as bad news? Italy and Greece, The New Axis Powers. but, but according to THIS article there is NO way a low level publix employee could have done that Now we know why legacy onyx ammies Are worth so much More people with guns are needed see, maybe if the daughter had a gun she could have defended herself. I'm sure that's a great way to win people over ayy lmao 420 memes xbox is best This is why I don't even attempt it, I'm at home or at work, nothing in between works. Asking your girlfriend to make you a sandwich now has a whole new connotation to it, and is no longer recommended. yay. How many times will you ride this one before selling it and getting another expensive bike to post on reddit? That's the boy that Ukrainian army nailed to the billboard I am just trying to image the outrage that would be happening if a male had committed the crimes she had done and was out walking around the street. Poor PS4 owners, don't want console war, really, but...poor guys Trump isn't even President and he already got this done. OMG are you expecting Christmas knife fights? I think I rather wait a little bit more and have a great workshop & steam cloud support that have a hasted but buggy/crappy SDK + cloud I'm certainly glad that when maniacs go on a spree here in Canada it isn't often the shooting kind. OMG Death panels! Here is your candy sweet little refugee child...."Fuck you where is house I promised". His knowledge of the reproductive cycle is, frankly, disturbing. But those outdoor games are so gimmicky! Conveniently placed on the boarder with mexico, oh no that's not a clever sanctuary for the immigration laws he doesn't want to enforce nope not at all. Just because you're bat-shit crazy and a raging man-hating feminist doesn't mean that all raging man-hating feminists are bat-shit crazy. RIP [[Prized Amalgam]] Read this an immediately thought "wow, panthers must have won like 2 games that year" 12-4. amazing player Not being enough of a man. In other news, computers are another target for malware. My mom started college in 1972, so this probably has some truth to it. Give this guy a hand, folks! I knew Ice Age 2 was a documentary! RIP FetLife, you once had so much potential. herr derr in 'mericah they would have shot it then beat it Too late, already fucked by the great Air Force That worked out great for Malcolm X. That whole page of articles just upsets me more than it should. Trial and error is the fucking definition of how we solve shit. Who cares, wi-fi is already doing almost as much damage to our children. Reagan, Ford and Nixon Both sides are the same! Indonesian ingenuity Turn volumetric lighting off or something really high. Ignoring the politics this is actually a very nice flag yea i suppose you can go a step further: LPT: If you want to watch porn use a different computer, this way you don't have to worry if you signed into the guest account or not Can't you sell those for money on Steam? I've been waiting for a game like unreal championship 2: the liandri conflict, and this looks not only familiar but awesome I felt like I was driving in an ice cream truck. Gosh guys, she's just expressing herself as an artist! God I'm going to miss our A-10 Warthogs. Then dont get eliminated from the group stage Can't wait for this forum to become entirely politicized and turn to complete shit. I want a fallout pre-war political drama. To be fair this is already a repost from at least a year ago, so it probably just made the rounds. What's more horrifying - taking off the hat of a tired clown or yanking off the head of the chicken every time you want a cookie? wooo fab jesus The article and her Twitter feed. I need to buy like 30 of these for my next recital As a Notre Dame fan, CMU alum, cousin of a Purdue alum and nephew of a Butler alum with family in Columbus, this would be PERFECT I keep forgetting that men live in an amazing world free of gender roles or norms, never judged or ostracized without good reason. Drugs aren't that bad when done responsibly. Because you're playing clubs, not international matches Spoiler Alert [La La Land] LOL I'm seeing it on this post as well In other news, rain is wet. Don't be racist, looking at things like the ability to repay loans is derogatory and stops people from getting to buy homes they can't afford. Wow jesus died for JUST her! NCS is 90% children. This is a joke right? You're such a badass. too bad the minus can't hit players, aweful card Do bernie bots actually believe the shit in this chart loldeathtrain They were lucky the train they were on didnt get annihilated by allied aircraft. The circumstances surrounding this latest piece do not at all call into question its credibility. I wonder if he still has the locker room. Do you think when Adapting is walking around in the morning thinking its a wonderful day and then all of a sudden he steps on a Lego he tries to F6 in real life? i would imagine a little bit of acrylic comes off steel easier than oil comes out of the river. Or Seth Gilliam to appear in lost Sean Payton just reported there were no staff changes Really don't see how the new movement mechanics could effect how competitive the game is, everything still requires you to be more skilled than your opponent. Ni con el ampayer vendido que es el INE se van a salvar los priratas y los pandejos. How dare he, sounds like all the people who want to steal money from the rich just because they chose to not better themselves It was pacifist ed to me Oh remember ....guns are evil.. We don't, you do.. We still won ;) Meow meow meow! That's a perfectly healthy heart \#HAES Chuck the wine....keep the glasses. but this was just from some guy's book herpa der Nothing to hide, nothing to fear! land of the free. reverse psychology not working, still going to non cannon bloodvelds in nieves cave 22 seems right Just use your truck. Holy fuck he just went off on the Knicks We will finish fifth. Tax Cuts! I love spinach in my smoothies and always used fresh -- great idea to use it frozen and always have it around. I see Lana and Thom Yorke had a baby Guys, we swear, violence is not a part of our religion I love you Just use a laptop cord, right? There's a lesbian joke in here somewhere its kinda cute Yeah, that randomly placed pitch black rectangle is creepy as fuck. Can't wait for all these titles to be vacated It's a nice gif. Christy Clark Lake. Vince is dangerously close to being labeled a racist.... Just wait as more comes out the stories of special treatment for Orton, show, Emma, etc will lead to calls that Vince is a racist. I'm surprised I didn't see anything about Newtown Riot probably doesn't know how to code this That ship is the voyager right? In short: "Hey, we got validation from white people again!" But remember... MRA and TRP are different! I always wanted to date someone who is ok with dating literally any other woman on their Facebook You must not come around here often 84 out of the hundreds of thousands sold on day one Yeah, but terrorists Pandering. Do tons of drugs. Everyone in this thread seems to be focusing on the homeless *buying* legal weed, but I imagine for a lot of them it's just the allure of having one less reason to get arrested. Our Cutler is just a lot luckier... That's why he has a ring I was hoping at the end his head was gonna fly off. I wonder what they're thinking about. I'm sure they'll bring down Disney the way they're bringing down Target. It's the 100% form of Metagross More performapals yaaaay Rust is fun Man, Keanu is such a fucking decent human being. Really, I was thinking they were going to give it to Putin for bringing peace to crimea and ukraine Rip a true patriot (of Vatican) People in general like to belittle others to feel better whether it be justified or not. A1 title OP Shoe on head's name reminds me of how men's boots have kept womxn down I think Clarke retired 2 years too early. Wow, something outside of the world-wide anti-nuclear circle-jerk. Yeah, this isn't racist at all. ~~because they hate drake's fortune~~ congratulations Still a better sale than the razer 50% off one that sold out in 1h smh me too haha. First world problem Saddam Hussein was a Dundee fan according to his jailed lawyer Giovanni di Stefano. I remember that town, its twinleaf :D They probably were using really low FOV, just like you! There are 41 stars, 7 red stripes, 6 white stripes, and one whoops. Underrated post I'm pretty sure Curtis Lofton is black with short hair Nothing ends something faster than declaring a war on it... Who opposes this... I wonder i guess a Queer eye for a straight guy isn't everyones cup of tea Argus triple-PAP effect confirmed Does not depict gore or fetish porn, not WTF Literally no difference between democrats and republicans. That'll teach those pesky home renting frugal pensioners who have to be uncomfortably cold to save money by not using any form of heating during the winter No you're thinking of scout mains. I learned that on TIL every two months as well. this isn't b0aty or dmm related So you totally hit that, right? What year and model is that? Like I needed another reason to love this guy Yes because he totally advocated taking money from others by force and giving it to the poor rather than freely giving your own money to the poor. But....But I thought the Magic community was tolerant and nice? Tits or gtfo! Playing with his food Someones gonna get fired. Clean groundwater is overrated. Looks vaguely like a T-72 From how well these people speak Romanian we should "protect" them like Russia did STOP OBJECTIFYING WOMEN Pfft... Everyone knows that the earth is actually flat and the sky is revolving around us Kids grow out of clothes so fast, they are just helping you out Trolling died years ago. 0/10 no mnova unliked unsubbed They listened, good thing people didn't overreact. And yeah you forgot the deport part too! So what you're saying is IGN will be unhappy with the amount of water? Lurked for a long time and thought of a funny question to ask, so here I am. Oregon, Hawai'i, Michigan State, and Tennessee, most likely. Fiffy laugh vs Friberg laugh Maybe people are trying to protect themselves from the TSA. I think he broke the NDA by doing this video! [beesbeesbees.com](http://www.beesbeesbees.com) the shit people fake for karma these days PPD shot all the bad guys. Setting rates and QE I'm sure the reddit discussion on this film will be pretty fun and very even tempered. What the fuck did I just watch Await MGM's legal challenge against NZ if/when this becomes out flag and they say we're the ones stealing players from rivals. Not for iOS yet apparently, gotta downvote post now Gee, welcome to the all about him show! Move bitch! Damn cyclists always breaking laws We were so close to getting our next job advancement as well - it's such a shame. Apply directly to the forehead. In the past, the previous seasons have come out on netflix in the June-ish right as the new season starts. goddamn rich kids getting legos for christmas, that shits expensiveeee THATS RACIST But Couturier is such a saint! No point in covering the leading scorer in the league... he'll probably miss a point blank opportunity with time and space. Here's hoping this isn't how the zombie apocalypse starts. He wrote "least uncomfortable for **both** of us" He's bigger than the people, so he falls faster than them. No Russian MW3, massacring hordes of innocent civilians, felt very real to me Literally unplayable.^ That's how effective it is. I thought we determined this doesn't work, and that that was the reason that the pirate bay was recently unblocked in the Netherlands. Nice, now take it to space! And some unfortunate socks. *Laverne Cox is the most visible trans person of color in the world and she has* Referring to transwoman as she is misgendering, shitlords! Wow so original must be cheating obviously thats 100% the only possible outcome here WW2 One small industry that added 3% to the states budget; it's hardly worth it. One is a choice. We all know satan is all about the truth,..... oh, wait a minute, maybe he is, the "other side" certainly isn't. That guy is not human. GIVE HIM SOME TIME! unions are evil. Water moccasin? That'll show em! Flair /tech support Honestly... same. Because there's nothing like being homeless to help get someone adjusted back into society. Such an amajin car. I just hope they give the eagles badges and sunglasses. All those photographs of her personality in underwear on the cover of magazines tends to do this Universities are not an intellectual space Hello Kitty? Cute = automatically good Gays. Round 1 is an Arcade establishment in the SoCal area. a creative masterpiece! golly thats a lot of big words Is it still a landscape if it's a picture of clouds? Not Johnny ^^please I hate rap but I listen to Eminem If you pick NP your entire team automatically becomes a rat comp But you fail to notice that there are no companies left in Australia, they can't afford a higher minimum wage. That probably wouldnt even have earned a penalty shot So... is it more racist to kill Indians or to to call Native Americans Indians? Colorado compensating for something? I'm sure this will get the attention it deserves. Is that Trump Logic I smell? I believe that the Montreal players get a +, but the Rangers players don't get a minus as it is a special teams situation. Look at all the people making shit up to distract from the real problem: Guns are far to easy to access. And he was tired too and thats why he momentarily laid prone on the ground. People from all around Poland are gathering in Warsaw right now. Corporate feudalism is what I call it. Great offer Tell me the median age of gamers and I'll me more interested They should never have let hipsters be electors. Something something, world burn. I think that would become far too overpowered It was a Marcos idea, and we are under Aquinos. Yeah but you have to show us that the outside looks like a dandelion seed, or it didn't happen. BUT MY PRECIOUS K:D RATIO! All I know is Jimmy "jimbo" Hayes is a lock for OTOTY... everyone else is still questionable You sound like a real winner. play of the decade Guy I used to work with swerved left once, five people died. I thought he was John Walker Lindt, the American Taliban. Bro, that's a SPECIALIZED specialized.. it should be on two racks. Hey guys, Did you realize terrorists are locking their front doors, too? hehehe Romance is dead, therefore, here's a picture of gastropodomorphized male genitalia Makes perfect sense. Yeah it should get back to brutalizing and raping women. Thank god you can't take the tire off. I only want sources on information that I don't want to be true! As is tradition. Obviously what he's trying to say is that the new Zelda is going to be set in the modern day U.S. Y no comments here? The dude on the left is so gay. Because it still kinda hurts Even if your brain is lying. Don't get mad at him; he just wants to make the mother of all dandelion chains. AWW YISS, MUTHA FUCKIN HOT WATER They did not imprison her, so its obviously not murder of the 'innocent unborn baby' I love pineapple, but not enough to gamble drinking that. Another midfielder is exactly what we need Or negative gearing. Rich parents noob fak I hope this is I am sure that will stop the riding of the clean green coat tails! TIL I'm better than Marcus Smart Yeah he really changed the narrative the past 2 years DONDE ESTA BACKPACK Why you goddamn antisemitic bastard! I guess I'll have to buy a physical copy of the game now. when you put a group of people who don't actually want or care about universal healthcare for all, this is what you get. Dat "ooff". I imagine something like this done for Smash 4 would have some pretty funky looking shapes for characters like Villager, Rosalina and Megaman Let's make santa hats great again! This is actually footage of the doomsday DLC directed by Roland Emmerich and the person, who is playing, is driving away from the incoming sandstorm at a leisurely pace, as you would do. guess i'll go back to drunk driving.... nothing like making my dad love kanye even more now I thik it is worth it Keep doors unlocked so your car be more easily taken without the hassle and loud noise of breaking glass that may possibly alert people of a crime in progress. How hard it is to be a teen And no way Lowry should after his performance. It is good to see other companies building on the success the MPAA and RIAA has had with DRM! Reason #2 I will never go to any rally, too many drunks in a relatively small area I don't know Somebody should let them know that they're using commas wrong. Oh look, they even got diplomas in fatlogic, oh wow I wish chemicals restored thirst Looking at this comment section was a mistake. Clearly not accounting for bullet drop. We should merge with chiropractic too now. I'm so glad that my government supports such groups. But but... Bernie told me otherwise! Mating call, duh. If the epicenter is close to a heavily populated area, then this could have a huge loss of life, even if a 6.8 isn't particularly strong. I wonder if Biden knows and understands the word "hypocrisy"? Fuck this is depressing. It's actually only going to be 1 trillion now that they won't have to build that moon prison to contain Hillary since reconsidering prosecuting her. ya they've been so good at winning byelections Laughed unreasonably hard at "brian fart" Neither :( Agreed, but doesn't justify the price Yes, well... that does appear to be XCOM, baby. Well they will regret it since we buy their cars... oh wait this isn't Germany... Like I've always said, we need more people to start crying in the meat sections of grocery stores while shouting at shoppers: that will teach people that veganism is perfectly sane. Yeah... That's pretty bad dont worry, when z2 comes out performance will be way better. But bruh this game isn't dead I hope I don't have to be 18+ to go see them Good to see the jungle timers still in the game. Not enough air in their tires, and they are probably watching the light for the other direction From what I hear, Bill Clinton got off quite a few times. And here I was thinking my memory foam mattress was expensive! My thighs are apart for when you're ready to breathe in What problem could the academy have with that? Works super well, especially when trying to hold the umbrella upright in the rain No dude, throwing some cilantro and siracha at the end is totally going to season the entire dish! No Words - Hopsin OMG This is soooooooooooooo racist He meant to say it's too good for standard. Yep, might as well throw your phone in the garbage now, it's a worthless brick. Minesweeper, also Backgammon and Twister. I'm pretty sure CES has had posters distributed to the floor salespeople saying "IF YOU SEE THIS MAN, DO NOT LET HIM HOLD ANY DEVICE." That's gotta be so fun to play for a coach like that. Itt: morons think weapons control will stop criminals from using weapons. Boy, this one never gets old. Im sure he posed a real danger to the police and they dealt with him according. I mean, it's totally believable that 50k people were secretly plotting a coup and word never leaked out. It's a great deal for them because our money is slightly more valuable than theirs. That's how fast Porzingod's hands are. hey that's sexist NSFW please A marriage... Shit is overrated! This was not a president-elect who is seeking to heal the divisions of this country, but one who is comfortable inflaming those divisions. The only explanation is treason WOW WHAT A FUCKING SURPRISE SURE WAS A GOOD IDEA TO ELECT HIM AS PRESIDENT When the second amendment is repealed, there will be a similar shot with people shooting guns in the air. Another vacation, those Russian soldiers get a lot of downtime. Unfriend button Lue ain't shit Agreed New regret: posting here about getting too many PM requests for poems. I'm sure it'll somehow end up profiting Islamic interest groups. I blame the Muslims But he's not american. You think or you know? Stupid Ape, that cut isn't square at all. Fake Bravo David and Dan. It's glandular. whoa this definitely looks legitimate and not at all like complete bullshit yeah... wont happen anytime soon. Wonder why they wouldn't check this. It's using the restroom and doesn't want you to watch How is this not taking the life of an innocent child? So, pandering to conservative demands for comics to be a safe space from anything that might offend them, like minorities, women, new characters or storylines? I live with my wife and daughter, wouldn't phase me nolsen pls Yeah, eco rounds should be just as winnable as full buys! Kono bangumi wa goran no supponsaa no teikyou de okurishimasu. But but...Yamcha won because they threw tomato soup on the invisible man. I look forward to the le reverse racism "joaks" Trains aren't racist, racists are. This will totally work DaE Westborough Baptist and their 70 members is literally the same though? TAM for GAM w/ the Crew I guess too many people have gotten prem vehicules from them Yeah, you're so obviously superior to those who like cute shows. I'm sure this is very effectively enforced. Huge No, there is no spoon. You have an extra, no big deal That would belong in /firstworldproblems if Canada was considered a first world country! I don't know if your use of the word 'precious' was on purpose but it made me shoot milk out of my nose. Wow the comments here are almost as classless as that woman !remindme dont do heroin Darn that gov't regulation! 1080p is just not as cinematic as 240p Good tactic. Sakura Clicker Are you sure this ain't a tsunami? Most people, throughout their whole lives, are not involved in *eight* crashes.. but this guy was, and still got to keep his job as a cop! And the Zionist, globalist kike bastards want to destroy this beauty. WTF ? But But But .... it's for "safety", right? How DARE THEY! Well that's only because they don't play any SEC teams Must be nice to have reserves to run out of, when was the last time any western countries had reserves to speak about. FUCKIN' OLD PEOPLE That can't be right, Venezuela banned private ownership of guns 5 years ago I bet a lot of niggas also didn't go to jail (were acquitted in court) for carrying a few grams of weed. looks like a metallic 2 pack to me Its obviously part of the Halal Certification conspiracy to remove bacon from our diets. The old bird in the bg dumps the baby in the pram on a busy street to come help. Because Crylylic isn't used in Europe? Yeah, let's not talk about Final Fantasy X-2, which has an all female cast. Can't be real, no science or manufacturing takes places in Miami. Lets bring back Cranked! You guys, ha ha. Every guy is a fuck boy to a girl he would sleep with but not date. Well since minors are excused from assault, I'll send my son over to their house to piss and spit all over their faces. When is the conservative party in America going to get out of the dark ages. But, but we have to make America great again...sigh. Meh, so average. It's so nice to hear that remote areas of Ontario are included in new services It's all a matter of opinion people. Remember everyone, the refugees are not violent, they're just misunderstood NO-SYNC must be the newest technology around there Stats better than some 6* units :P why isn't this in the news? He puts the fake in fake news I'll pretend I never saw this abomination No he looks like a winner Title accurately describes this thread. This isn't a euphemism by any chance, is it? I think you got it mixed up, cops never break the rules, that is for you vile human trash to do, cops make the rules Hmmm, they don't have NFC? That site looks like The Onion site. Much to the surprise of no one Yep, everyone expected BvS to get more noms than SS Steve Harvey IS beautiful Ecksdee le mei is satan XDDD Yeah doubt Apple will ever comply. Thanks to this kind if bulshit people think that metal fans are violent... I don't know why some people feel compelled to shit on other kinds of music... just let them be ! How dare you waste his time by having a social media account he can go out of his way to contact. Report is that something should happen in the next 24 hours I think alternate skins is a good idea but having fully customisable ships is just going to ruin the immersion because everyone will be flying pink ships with giant penises on them. Trickling down economics? Yea but dem titties tho Fucking recency bias strikes again It would be better than that seventies guy I'm sure Ivanka is crushed that Scarlett Hojansson is displeased with her. Hint: it was night in Europe when it was submitted here Just started playing Fallout 3 again, to get a fix prior to Fallout 4 release and made a female character, played, went to bed, got up, checked KiA and this is the article i find..... Guess I must have dreamed the whole "playing a female character" thing last night It only took 3 years to get ~~strikethru~~ support so hold my breath I shall not. Dat Product placement How can we come from apes if apes are still here? Bakuzan's angry face toward the bottom right lmao. Mario is such a disruptive personality and is clearly ruining our squad chemistry. Because God works in mysterious ways. The suspect was described as a male with a black sweatshirt. No such thing as a slut I thought we needed to teach men not to rape? Kerbal Dyson Sphere TIME TO DO THE SURVEYS BOYS I need the Moon's Groom skin, and the voice pack! you should boycott riot by never playing this game again ;) Jesus would be proud of your compassion and tolerance. I think the solution is thatcthey need more refs and definitely not video replays I'm not sure how that's possible considering he's only ever made that one catch in his career. And they still lost that round in all fairness they prob thought the poll was about killing Ed Wow..Can't wait for Illinois to do this! RIP ITT : Downvote graveyard brought to you by white knight priory. FEMA death camps WAKE UP SHEEPLE That's amazingly creative man, nice job on all of it. Oh man, men, seeing this must be really tough for you. NAFTA was a good deal. that answers the kobe question Which part of Singapore is this? flagged for NSFW Its a Trap, i noticed and summoned on 5 gems Gate, got Alpha and Avant Breakers This some dumb stuff Joe Biden would do lol Y'all's is dumb they don't even really look like people like that one does at the cut off point lmao Cough cough space race cough cough Because I'm probably a student driver. I applaud this man The Cardinal Way I never understood why people need apartments, utilities, food or going out money. So you can use it to play IGN videos? JonJo for England Media in every country is so bitchy. Hahaha fuck that's good xD Well fuck everyone else, right? I didn't know wolverine was in the movie. wow look at this fagget , what a loser taking care of his pet pffff Omg, they're just like us regular people How can she know everything if she doesn't know what things look like? Because they don't have families to worry about at all, let alone their own self. why You better use that Trent Murphy collectible to get him! ya it's horrible that you have to tell 'the help' your name at all. It doesn't just seem pedantic.. It literally IS pedantic. Great another android set top box kick starter I'm sure this will end Muuuuuch better then any of the others He's an idiot. It's not all bad, I mean come on, at least the elite void model has been **update**. I was vegetarian for the first 15 years of my life and the jokes people made were hilarious She's creating jobs for the working class how tf had i not heard this until now I bet those tits are so succulent mac user here - what's with this photo? I have it psn Fabregus Sucks, this is probably my fav map so far I love this sub. Our pm is the bastion of tolerance Why is he jacking off while the window is being raised? I'll forever miss seeing all the girls taking selfies who look like they spent 2 hours getting ready just for this hike. Gen 4 remakes confirmed! Because the deep south has been a leader in education and educational standards for so, so long, and because charter schools have been shown in study after study to be superior to traditional public schools, right? This study brought to you by Tylenol PM. Are my Samsung appliances going to blow up? And we can all use a little spaaaaacccceeeeeee Yes The red one is most def new gen. Yup I'm sure the motorcycle speed limit was twice that of the bus speed limit, so obviously the bus was in the wrong. it'll only happen if you're usering the defender, so quit being a DL noob! Found some other stuff about her, she was an archer in high school. apparently it's a difficult prediction to call it now but give it a couple of weeks of gameplay, and you can fairly accurately call the top 8 (as I did this year, after rd2 was done) WB, GWS, Sydney, Geelong, Adelaide, WestCoast will all be up there (probably the top 6) Hawthorn, Essendon, Fremantle, StKilda, North, Melbourne fighting it out for 7-12 Richmond, Collingwood, Port, Carlton, Gold Coast going for 13-17 then Brisbane for the spoon !RemindMe September 1, 2017 Yah right, because an appreciation of their journalistic practices is an endorsement of their moral values. Order pizza Ravana Literally Hitlerian. Health, Armor and Special Ability. *accidentally sells it* What about that mister bean episode? SF is officially a baseball town now. ENGLISHPEAKINGCOUNTRIES_LOL I can say whatever I want my mother won't understand shit anyway It's extremely good against that card that you use, but overall isn't op. The arc cannon chains kills Pretty commonly And so the liberal conspiracy to cover up the truth continues! What, no link to the movie? How does she know he identifies as "white" or a "boy?" I swear I'm not a serial killer or rapist, come out into middle of nowhere without your own car with me :D Wrong! Gun control won't stop cops from killing black people. Love the title - so meta Just a fluke. Every since Pac and Biggie died amiright At least have the decency to wait until she is 9! I'd rather have polio than autism. Hey England, the Falklands called and said to tell you hello. never buying a ubisoft game again this is unacceptble ubisoft doesn't give a shit they fucked up OMG! totes not misogyny Guess Lucio is now the best counterpick vs Illidan But officer, I'm not drunk...I'm just trying to avoid the potholes Too easy, why bother. BATMAN DA NA NA DA NA Gotta love those satanist references, so edgy. *FUCK NEW, FUCK CLASSIC, FUCK EVERYBODY THO* I'm sure the car didn't get out of it unscathed, and it should be probably less costly to mount the brick wall than fix the car, so I would say match nill ;) Fat lives matter. fuck yeah, Frosty Yeah I mean the IRA were just a tiny thing for Ireland yknow let's just discount it Men can't be objectified This industry needs collective money and lobbyist behind it. But I thought these were proven to be mathematically impossible. That's a nope from me. Some family values and demonization of political correctness will surely put more money in the hands of forlorn workers! I think the best 3-word summary of Japan in the first half of the 20th century is "Japan needs oil." Don't lions do this? The war against men rages on! I want this dude to get some new boxers. Kid shoulda been paying attention instead of playing on his pretend cell phone! heels rose, no lift tl;dr - now get on a fucking plane to leave this city, oh wait. you should have greyed out negans axe Yes, I will punish you the law of large numbers means that you cant represent large numbers using a byte Eddie Wineland has some of the best footwork in MMA... his striking is very crisp, very fun to watch It actually kinda seems like it's heading there. He does now. Nice Converse! Well it seems they've stopped pulling us over and just went straight to the source The ceiling just got 10 points lower! i hope theres zombies. Don't worry the free market would fix that. That was the guy on Top Gun last night who proved that the M-14 was the superior rifle between the M1 carbine and the Mosin. Good thing he went to a worse team in a worse league so he can get P.T He was obviously using his ult, you're just bad :D Can I do this one more time to get Quad Core ? Talent is a social construct. yes, then my parents will never see me change the thermostat I believe their going to awaken Cthlulu & that's going to be their weapon for WW3 ITT: People triggered by Amy Schumer. Teeth Came here to say this! Your intro is WAY too loud Natalie Lust Pure political suicide They promised Trump lifetime supply of Viagra and research into drugs that make hands larger. Lloris is proud of his performance :) Pretty big. heavy is full and cant have another bite It's ok guys she's not a "natural" politician lolol Surprising! The whole window should be smaller in order to save RAM Greatest Defense on Turf? I bet a *ton* of the guys who ask this question LOVE getting fisted themselves. Do you miss the 4K res? I'm just in complete shock that 7 comes after 6. Sure getting rapid isn't as horrible as getting rejected , I'm sure these "females" if dated the nice guys rape rates will drop to 0% What does she think "abject" means? TL;DR please? It's commonly known that Blink 182 started the Punk movement themselves. Remember, abortion is never justified as it is exactly the same as murdering someone! Guitars are shaped like women too, which is proof that they're supposed to be played. Clickbait! Africa doesn't have internet, what bullshit is this? Wow charlie's doing black face again? Fighting a player in a pvp world is bannable k Expertise and qualification, I see no problem with letting police handle these Bastards American water File this under "You noticed it, didn't you?" wow what a funny meme better post it on reddit FucK Society -Ronald Reagan Is it a shooter? He should also be able to triple jump, teleport and always have his ult up Nothing quite like delicious oat flakes on your ice cream. Rockman is still the original and the best. I can't tell if he's trying to run the same government as the last 8 years... or parody said government. What a fucking dumbuck... america is doomed if he isn't going to be impeached. I just never thought of the Australians or British as drinkers. lolesports articles are **trash**, those writers are probably na **wildcard wood 10** players who think they know the *game* **LUL** Yeah went too heavy with the lines :s I am outraged. Yes you can fuckwit Immortal means being invincible 200 IQ i like seeing poop so i will download this I love how "state's rights" conservatives are waging this war. I feel the same way! Big if true Sounds like a magical place. I don't like them cause it's not cooked enough, nothing but shoeleather for me As you clearly see, they are not remixing a Pegboard Nerds song, they're remixing a Tut Tut Child song. And? someone should repost this quote over an image of chuck Norris because complexity is what makes for a good game And not to forget brook said "i have a feeling he wont be back" there must be something to that no one says that Lightning loopers and purple devil horns for 3 In all or 1 per Never thought it would hit 96, god of Mercy on NVDA. In before Nintendo DMCAs the mask. Anyone who thinks killing Palestinian children isn't cool is clearly an anti-semite. why would you let him watch the walking dead? Wow...um...deep. Are they sure it wasn't Iman Shumpert? And here are the movies they watched before making episode 7: * Star Wars (1977) * Star Wars (1977) * Star Wars (1977) * Star Wars (1977) * Star Wars (1977) Sweet i.e not that poor. It's crazy how one man is able to be #1 in the world at so many things. Perhaps the most creative and original title to any post on reddit Thats what western medicine wants you to think! This is all Americas fault. Clearly the children are actors. He should start using a private email server. Papa Nurgle strikes again. This game will get so much more "strategic value" with the new G&G cards :D *Of course* it's connected to a Mac If I don't finish this game, and with at least a +1, the terrorists have won Found hitler Before and after being told she's beautiful. Oh boy, I can't wait for Democrats to nominate Hilary in 2020 Louis Vuitton I think you might have missed a few angles. For the love of god I wish they'd change the markers on the bridge to "slow/pedestrian" and "passing". WHO WANTS SOME BLEACH? At least he seems nice I thought both Wade and Bosh both committed to Miami before lebron announced his decision. Hey can I borrow her If you maliciously attack someone's internet connection, I imagine it *is* illegal. because the doctors care less No E-UNI Titans. Anyone else remember the "This is what a feminist looks like" shirts being made by similar sweatshop women? I think that was Brsoque. Magical coffin. We cried on our brick Genius way to make bank as a therapist. At first I thought he held on to long and threw it straight into the ground, then I realized he's God. Dude do you bechance live in westchester? Is that the new PBE champion? Still cant get over that the "alpha" is named Wolfie I can see why she's your ex-wife. No 007, what a pleb When did libertarians start to endorse the idea that popular opinions are necessarily incorrect? Is this wastedrita? NO TATTLETAIL. 10/10 meme getting on top of the scoreboard, obviously. But gorilla glass is indestructible Damn source plz? and that's why white people flock to publix or whole foods. Then its not AMA its AMAMLMANL - Ask Me Anything About My Latest Movie And Nothing Else Gretzky - 1963 Francis - 1249 Messier - 1193 Bourque - 1169 Coffey - 1135 **Jagr - 1101** Yeah, he sounds like a real professional. Time to gear up again for glorious Pakistan. If you rub it more times you might get a genie to appear! I wasn't aware that there was a Commander block. Enabling Act , part 1 You mean **President** Bannon I guess things changed a bit when celebrity president declared war on criticising him. What an overrated map. So evildoers would just steal other people's phones. That would be a nineties-era Mazda MPV. High Energy! Chick fil a has a food truck! No single person's vote should mean more than any other individual's vote. I am certain they are recoverable, so long as they do not type sudo rm * -rf that is the one thing they do not want to do if they want to recover them Lel so funny Yes, as a straight white man everything comes easy to me and my life is perfect. Interesting discovery! *British Isles Jesus Christ. Watch them pin this on a Bernie Sanders supporter. i think u shot a bit too early...u weren't stopping ur strafe so you just released S and that takes a while for the accuracy to kick in And yet another example of why products like this should be tested on sites such as this so that loopholes can be found. indoctrination of children, truly the actions a virtuous "good" side should take You're supposed to find and kill drug PUSHERS, you SERF! At the same time they introduce the feature to business owners to have their rating increased for only $149.99 a year. Buckle up buckaroos! I think it's The Giants loading screen i hate political correctness for it's own sake, but this was bullshit and condescending to the gentlemen on stage. I sure hope he's pretty cuz that boy ain't too bright why did he draw the old pepsi logo lol This is very triggering, can somebody have Pao get this shitlord out of here? What a cute resemblance I don't know why everyones so upset... they clearly only support black Mom, Dad, 1 Child families. If we ever get mods, I'll be happy with Ski Free. Nothing a shower and a haircut couldnt fix. Fuck yes. It's a eating disorder. OP is totally hacker No he doesn't I'm so fortunate to live I this day and age There is no climate changing gg soon they will implement chips into it that when the phone is held up to the ear it sends a short tone which sets the holder into a mind control state... Thats how they take over the world *Inserts "Omg dem armz xd" comment* Ayy lmao They tried wearing those identification bracelets, but the Justice Department took them away. But they came here...LEGALLY! Don't complain, you had a 6 masteries Sun Wukong too. I'm kinda shocked they beat Google I live in Ottawa - orleans and have contacted Royal Galipeau about numerous legislations and have never received a response, it literally does nothing These hoes IS loyal Cartoons got more violent, then the Nipponese made them perverted, and little Huberty was so corrupted by these horrid animations that he went crazy and shot up a McDonald's. He wore a raspberry beret, the kind you find in a second hand store. Those silver 18650s are wrapped... right? This sub is hilarious. Well of course *she* would say that. How is that possible with all the negative recruiting? The moral of the story: looting is ok if you give it all back later. They've already shifted a load to China/India/Poland and got rid of a load of UK staff before the whole referendum - wages are cheaper and they can get away with paying their staff in beans. What is this from? looks like adrian really does like playing with junglers who use their brains kind of reminded me of Tyler D's video - such a dominate deep threat lots of throws out in front of him while he has separation making it look easy This was on the back of an OC Transpo bus seat in Ottawa, Canada Nate wants red panties night every night for the rest of his life. Put his hands all over a 14 year old girl and gets 2 months paid leave; Justice served. Cause climate change isn't in the Bible. That entire region is just fucked. Sbarros Thanks for costing Gore the election ive been following this closely, it will be interesting to see if he can fight the oil money and radical islam that are both actively trying to subvert and control his government Yeah fuck gophers. Whore Door Beautiful God damn immigrants and their diseases Honestly next time someone forgets to reset we need to contact their employers and get them fired. Protip: The answer is NOT "buy another bottle of champagne". Where is Sam Fischer? Guess this means CF has a conscience. Good That's not a tradition thing, that's an ethics thing Very nice :) Cena slobbering over AJ like a four year old kissing his first girl. An incredibly small number for such a masterpiece. Asking redditors only skews the results of the survey some Teksavvy never sends those stupid letters about downloading torrents as well. This fucking news sucks. Ohio state is not an ivy league school. Ah yes, the rare and elusive Chinese Triple-Fuck-You. I have crippling depression :) Where thalassophobics and aracnophobics can rejoice! Because favor ain't fair 360 days to go! Lucky guy It was actually Nixon that invented Marijuana. I would agree with your claims if Peacekeeper didn't exist Looks like another victim of the bandera nazi junta oppression Adorable. This is just proof of Jewish power. This is an amazing punishment I would totally wish this on my worst enemy. I was thinking "well if it looks like poop at least I will run it at like 150fps, but then I remembered this is Ubisoft and I will run it at 50-60 if I am lucky." This pic is a beauty.. never ceases to amaze me. Man, I can't wait to see Harvick run that throwback next year! This one! But don't forget, they're the only ones in this matriarchal world standing up for the rights of men! gg FairFight. This is either sorcery or usage of the Photoshop Damnit why are we hiring guys who actually have experience and success in the specific field that they are going to be working in, this isn't the way we usually do things here. Why are conservatives so fiscally irresponsible? Powerless white boys stiffening their cocks on hate and false superiority. yeah for what it's worth I read that he went through rehab and called this moment one of the worst of his life. I bet she's DYING to jump into another relationship after ending a *long term* one. I'm pretty sure it's in the book that if you catch the defender catching the ball it still counts as a reception. I think we are seeing the genesis of the "Christian Human Centipede" knockoff film franchise. It definitely isn't OP has used a six pointed star, the star of David is a hexagram No accessories? Plot twist: it's actually his ring finger. Grrski From the thumbnail it looked like an old crt tv. It's missing Mike McGlynn. I keep trying to press Z to heal back to full FeelsBadMan I hope beyond hope this was not a professor in a science field :( To be fair, no one knew that a Kremlin front used to distribute hacked data with the intent of undermining American interests and Presidential candidates could be so complicated. Its both an SSD and a heatsink! Yeah super creepy. Any attorney who helped her file this should face professional sanctions. yeah really gets up pumped up. Fire Mike McCoy for not benching that guy (forgot his name) who threw all those interceptions. Larry Fitz If girls shorts today weren't shorter than Larry Birds then they could wear them in school. MW nerf cuz MW is SOOOO powerful in the current meta, every team is using her I've always wanted to build one of these but I don't have the pieces :( But -- but there are 970k doctors in the US, the rest must prefer Trump's approach. High content right here. On Reddit I learned that calling someone "Faggot" is funny. Why stop smoking when something as easy as walking to the store in the cold and spending 10 bucks in cigs is possible? Lemme take it That's because we all need to hoard non-perishables before the end of days. The website gave me cancer though And you didn't even include the amount of food needed for all these species. Amazing but most parents dont have time and money to make things like that Great don't want that affecting his shooting Where is the helmet, and why is there a soccer ball? Exactly That's a lot of women going to hell! How do Americans rightfully get revenge against these people? What an idiot. confirmed GSP vs Mark Hunt UFC 200 Ummm thanks Craig? That Nintendo Wii is going to get the thieves a boat load of cash when go to flip it at a pawn shop. nice snatch of facebook Guys, he just accidentally hit the nos button and had no choice. That interior is so sexy. Do you want a cookie? Wow, beautifully written, I had to wipe a tear away from such poetry. Geee what useless technology -looks at title and witness list- Yeah, looks like a balanced debate Just needs 2 giant olive branches in the sea to south of it. He sounds and looks thrilled! Obviously he needs to die. Vezina 5 years straight But remember, it's the people of the right wing who have set back race relations in America. It only happens to me when I play like a scrub and stun all of the guards. Of course perception that she is popular is the best way to become popular. I would think violent overthrow of the regime is now an acceptable response. When will Muslims wear Yazidi symbols? Karl pilkington pls Pjanic is arguably a better Bosnian than Ronaldo but that's imo After being sent there by reddit, not self-selection bias in the slightest Teepee giving us the Intel I was deeply saddened to hear that these Ultra-Orthodox Jews were made to travel on a day of Sabbath. Aperture wars? I know its a collab with Pink dolphin but not sure about the exact name. Free win for Origen, Faker just doesn't want to tarnish himself. These guys look like STRAIGHT out of Gundam xD But he build the Autobahn! No chance in hell she finds somebody. Only it would be full of fat people on Harley's and the occasional newbie on a 250. Could I get a coupon for later? That's three things. ITT: people who did not read the article. Why don't liberals understand that poor people don't matter? There is a guy in Arizona with 100 pot plants growing in his garage that is happy as hell right now. It's like we already knew! Oh it's nothing to do with Islam Ouais l'Alberta c'est ben mieux kek i wonder if they offered them cash like Cambodia. But if we give the ultra-wealthy more tax cuts, they'll create more jobs and make us all millionaires! Wow, Probst is a moron. Phew now there's something to look forward to on that day Yes, because what this country needs more of right now is more pendulum swinging. At a certain point, we have to accept that we are no longer the #1 super power of the world. So you can murder misguided teens and claim self defense? The slow motion followed by your car sitting on it side for five seconds is just for the suspense. You know they're hard core when they call their parents "religious fuckers" I'm *shocked* lemme tell you *Hillary confused shrug face* When you spend all your rent money on weed. HUR DUR THAT'S BECAUSE HE HOLDS EVERY PLAY HUR DUR Fuckin WHITE male. SO it was not Misleading , Today Wednesday, the date of the beta was officialy annouced : 27 of october ! Apple Music Corrupted Content Error Rather apt for a Mrs May utterance. Don't buy them, and don't talk about them. The enemy of my enemy, never mind ... happy days are here again And the bad thing is...? when you play community servers to avoid (other) hackers I don't shop on holidays, in the evening, or at weekends, I don't want to rub it in to the employees that I'm not working when they are, I just do all my shopping whilst I'm at work online, that'll make them feel better about their jobs Did they stop play so he could recover? Undocumented immigrant ya fucking racists there has already been one trailer, Star Wars does not even have a title yet. Absolutely no hint of this coming, Grey What a tragedy for Iran! Oh yes.... Al Eskan.. the pinnacle of hard work in CENTAF. No comment. The repubbies need their yachts though! So the South Park episode had it pretty much exactly right. it didnt work plis my 3ds iz not briked u lied This team is effected by voodoo. Oh man, maybe TNA can reunite Zeb and ADR, MexAmerica! But...I was told big animals aren't in the game! Shocking! What symbol ? Storm is a state of mind Taliban does not understand Trump's 4D Chess, he would nuke them the first day in office I can't think of any two people I'd rather get up close and personal with. Either that or he was in a light tank The sad part is that a lot of people would not care if it was advertised as such. not gonna lie this was me in the 8th grade, I was playing this single on my iPod and a girl started to talk shit when she saw the cover art then I played her Pusha's verse Scared little bitches. Mercy, love playing my support roles. With best regards, lol. Oblivious mom is oblivious. Posting dank memes I'm going to wait to hear all about this on the national news Fake, my eardrums aren't bleeding from the victory cries Deep seeded racism What book do you have there? Can't be alpha, doesn't lift. Because we should totally encourage corporations to set the precedent for buying cities. BS ... my husband was over there before Obimbo took over and it was going on then. Any higher res versions? Like your momma's asshole? if you do not think that anything a human does wrong is Alien behaviour you do not belong here. Nah they had more cap, they might still offer harrison barnes the max This is all just a ploy by Barr to help out his mate Packer and create some apartments at Wentworth. I wanna do that now Two of the fish are pregnant. holy shit this is exactly me... I don't know what that means, besides that I'm not alone apparently. Even more interesting, according to the article posted the trimmings are used to make cancer drugs! thats it, hes a bust, trade for a 7th this was very nicely done thank you ! It's not a Benchmade, so it's not welcome in this sub. Is funny because bad grammar and they fucking curse. Man, the resale value on that thing is gonna be shit... the front half of the car has been resprayed! Thanks for protecting us, Judge Ravenstahl! You can watch Minecon live in London from July 4-5! Fear the home dog. On the Elite controller you can double press the controller's sync button to toggle the paddles off and on. I used to pronounce diagonal as dinagral, no one even seemed to notice until my friend pointed it out to me one day He should do an IAma I want fuck you igot mine jingoism! Is basically the Kansas Tax plan You could use PrtScr So at what point do we start talking about "closing the borders" to Texas and "letting this run its course?" No. Yeah, just look at Ann Coulter! I like that the cam has pulled over as well. learn to finish Hey guys - global warming is fake and stuff... Ah, finally my safe space extends to YouTube as well. they invested in bitcoin With gnome shell It's got a strong feminist cast, run by a all female team. Damn 1 million watching CS and there are only 7 million people in the world David Mitchell I wouldn't, they are in a nice desolate place far from any distractions so they can contemplate philosophy and pray like they want to. Wow we got bitched at for setting our 10lb dog in his carrier on the tray table. From a 7th-grader. Well, at least it wasn't lying on the floor When's it coming out? Con processo...sommario! What is this 'summoner' they speak of and how important are they to lore? future mother? Does it still work? Very nice job. LeDecline It is events like this that fully illustrate the huge cultural divide between the First World and its hopefuls. The Bible of course... yay god! There are kids addicted to getting pregnant? Yeah you can almost feel the liberty I'm not sure where you live but here in Pennsylvania that red bit on the hood is not street legal my friend. Yeah but she stole all of those delegates so she should drop out What if they were related to the dead Margwa hearts from SoE? Religion of Peace strikes again. Can I just point out how awesome that play is in the context of your username? In Soviet America, Trump turns away Intelligence. like the trump tower oO I had them both only AFTER the divorce You know what rhymes with chores? The "I got hacked, I blame Jagex, It wasn't my fault" starter pack. its not much but its ~~yours~~ his Korean advice. Italy, China, Greece, England, and America (for bacon cheeseburgers) I'm sure he has a completely unbiased opinion and his position on the matter was in no way swayed by his job. How the hell are safety nets supposed to work if they're vertical? Find a study buddy who is more motivated than you. oh just give him a chance Good thing it's made clear that a woman did this Next, they are gonna tell her that 'the patriarchy' doesn't exist! How culturally insensitive of them. So glad I decided to pay off the refs Pretty sure that gypped and gypsy aren't going away. Shoot things down. But vaccine cause autism! Ah, definitely a funny video Reminds me of the first time I saw a real vagina. for corrections* This song should be renamed, Nietzsche eating purple noodles. But surely a privatized solution would develop to protect the natural beauty of our fair country. What are ya talking about teeth is an instant classic. Of course this is an emergency that you need to pull the call bell out of the wall to alert me to this, but not the lady in the next room with COPD ex who can't breathe or maintain her sats that you can hear all the way down the hall gasping for air. jeff is just upset cause he couldn't be in a super kool five nites at frodo's set :/ I predict an investigation that clears all officers involved of any wrongdoing and disparages the victim in some way. minitron l2 boiiii Should be [Request] F.lux for iOS 9.0.2 only for 64bit devices Try putting down more torches. Will they be doing Halloween as Groot and Rocket? Yeah, it probably cost a ton to rent that cliff for the day. novelty accounts being uncool was mentioned in this thread... Makes sense Durant is frustrated as they are losing. wow, that team rating difference is atrocious Gym membership and protein #WE BOUT TO GIF PARTY UP IN THIS BITCH! Gj repainting all that wood angry people losing their shit over little stuff it's called being polite..something young folks these days should endeavour towards. Whats a 7 year old doing walking around much less unmarried by herself. Drop that seduction crap and just learn to talk like a regular person. Props for using such a high-res photo to make your point here. **No**pac amazing post title Thanks Moyes This leftist meltdown might be one of the greatest things I've ever seen, and I'm not even a Trump fan. Paul Turner *Trade them all for Stamkos* Man, that is a huge penny! Yeah because no one liked DGD or Emarosa with Jonny in it How many more OTAs are there and when? Just make season break shorter and it will be fine. Already at the airport. If you can't persuade your parents, you won't persuade the general public. I can only bench 135 for 10 now but I used to bench 315 at 160 bodyweight till I injured my shoulder. Fallout 4 budget allocation: 90% marketing, 10% development. Nah, bullshit, it was clearly so they can field a shitty team and spend less monies while they wait for their stadium to be built in LA. It's mostly for falling rocks or bumping your head into something. No, I'm pretty sure there's some universal constant that doesn't make it a possibility. Quick, get Miss Lindsey some smelling salts! Come on, we all know every Duke player is a trust fund baby, anyways. If Jesus had guns he would have used them! Because the leaks are boring af? Yay farming isnt as expensive to train now He just spoke for a minute or two, introduced her and said voting is important. Oh no aj styles is sooooo buried now. This thread is the first I'm hearing of this, when did this happen! My guilt is crushing, just like the weight of my fedora and beer gut World Class. No, but you're pronouncing aluminum wrong. Also, little inflation to wipe out the repayment burden of borrowed money. This is shocking. I love how all the towns in this game (Ruto, etc) are the names of the Seven Sages in Ocarina of Time. Yeah, cause you can't enjoy anything else you see... gross. Good solution, but a better one would be to glue the clips to the slide, so you can keep it uncocked while carrying so as to save the spring, and then push down to cock while gripping it in the process of the draw. America really should have stepped in sooner. #TRUMP IS THE ONLY PERSON WHO TAKES THIS SHIT SERIOUSLY Which skyrim mod is this? Booty so fly. I blame this on corruption. he shouldn't have been appropriating japanese culture that guy SHE CANT EVEN PASS THE DC BAR, SO QUALIFIED Halak injured before playoffs, when has that ever happened? Is tradeau some sort of Australian trading company and why do they hate a mosque in Quebec Do an AMA? I have never even used Tinder, but I think i understand how it works better than this idiot. Would love if they did white numbers with orange shadowing.. Still like the all brown though ya sure but what if I'm a REALLY good sniper Guys it could still be azir, his secondary role is marksman This seems sort of true. As Orwell's piddly Telescreens and microphones weep in the corner, the new proles line up at midnight to fight over who'll get the first "connected" toothbrush holder. And a successful, thriving nation it is After talking to her about the incident for a few hours, he flashbanged her and shot her in the back when she reached into her pockets. But if these workers robbed a 711 store they would get 15 years jail! If you can't downhill on a penny, you just aren't locking your whole lower body hard enough. i lib in austalia an itnrnut is gret heer rbl x wkrin fein Quick, start chanting in latin! When isn't he in a game? Can I drive a truck over him? Vector Marketing! so they can be destroyed so they can't be blamed. I guess some people might get offended and request all titans to wear pants I'm a one man apocalypse HE'S A DIRTY RINO! I'd tell Microsoft to kill itself for this, but it seems it's already trying its best. Wonder what sort of cash you'd get for that? Nothing like getting comfortable with my one free hour I might get a night to watch self righteous indignation. I'm sure the copper feared for his life For those who are unaware, before communism the Russian empire was responsible for exporting 36% of the world's wheat Jamie Dimon for Treasury is a great sign of that That's what I said when the trailer came out and I showed people this cosplay...needless to say, I got downvoted some quality content right here Have any alleged victims came forward yet? Yet another satanic ritual. That woman needs to stop spreading hate Stop resisting! oh no :( Smh you're one of those people that don't follow back As someone who has had tsa steal from my checked luggage twice, I could not be less surprised by this Don't say your a bad player because I love you ok Judging by the Yankees haul this year, prepare to get fleeced Rangers/Indians fans. How could you ruin your game like that! It looks pretty nice, good job :) No idea what anything proposed costs, poorly prepared... perfect Mayor material Summoaners War Seems to be working as intended. Everyone knows pasta dishes never have chicken in them. flair checks out Good guy ISIL The "Star Wars" prequels. I bet the Jews are behind this. Yeah, but he has a fake smile. Scott you cheeky cheeky man. Either that or "garage". It would be nice if some of these posts included links to articles that answered basic questions like this Oh crap someone else with a windows phone, didn't know anyeone else even had one They also like to wear little hats. Ageless Yah, he sounds totally safe and trustworthy as a dom with all that not taking 'no' for an answer. When I was a kid, talking to someone was a euphemism for fucking them casually. I am totally surprised and did not at all see this coming. What does TFW mean? Are my eyes deceiving me or does Natsu have more hands than usual? Otherwise, democracy is still intact. Can they vacate that win over Michigan from our minds, please? Everyone has 15k usd to waste, and almost two years to wait around for the right promotions. I'll be the first to say I support the second amendment and don't like this president, but god damn is this stupid. I think the ability to move is a little less important than getting three stars on a level of Angry Birds. we will die before letting Brussels have its way ! What are those gold things in the 2nd pic in the middle of the outlets? Man the last 3 cls have been unbelievably poor. Doesn't pass enough Must've liked what they saw in Dev camp. Let's not have 382 threads thanks Bredlloons Fucking mouth breathers Hi I'm a mod on this subreddit along with James Corden and we both love this high quality Reggie watts content, keep it coming Oh, well, good to see they unfucked the shit they did to fire mages. This can't be true bc MSNBC never reported it! Me too :) Did the cake taste absolutely electric? How have they not changed the flag for Mississippi yet? Yeah, because there's never been any terrorism in the US that wasn't committed by Muslims and/or non-Americans. I would never plug in a usb just like that, u might have a hidden virus now Oh boy, 7 minutes of bullshit is too much for me - I'm allergic. although I play mostly on PC, xbox gold is free if you use bing to search for tits Or that it's not October 21st. I wonder how such a poor system could ever possibly help contribute to teens and young adults turning to crime. I dont know how you can see this and not think "Holy shit... I think we are the bad guys" I need your luck spread it among the guild. Good ol' Canadian name he has there You think Barca would have purchased him if their scouts didn't rate his tax evasion? Naniawa 1st MLG Dallas beaten players: No one noteworthy aka (Agh, Tyler, Machine, Drewbie, KiWiKaKi, SeleCT) burned Wow these guys must be on some real good weed And then he probably set a calendar reminder to ask in another 11 months. Maybe that's what happened to Stroll? I think helicopter pilot defines "professional" nice to see he genuinely enjoys this scene That's not a cosplay; that's just a dress. ya but how loud does it get? What, you don't think that all Muslims are terrorists too? I wonder how this movie will do in Asia. This...won't go well. Stop camping. And with the recent currency drop it is cheap as well. Ewing effect Don't they get banned for assuming gender? What's Crossmas? EA is still shitty though. Chief of UN Gaza probe, trying to make Israel weaker for the Arab league to try for round 3. Incoming image theft by NIP Is it really that cold in Germany during the summer? ...No, we're blind and deaf, we didn't notice a thing! It's a good thing the leap is such an accurate motion tracking device Wait but reddit told me there was only 4 standard decks? Well, hope you know japanese. Never forget :( You're saying other people don't greet each other by threats of battery over a hat? Or a sideways HD Gameboy color with 2 controllers and a docking station that allows you to play it on a tv. Wow, two pairs of black roshes I never liked Brock, and this just proves I was right to feel that way Great crop for mobile dude! 750pp score on remocon hddt lol legit Don't worry guys, it's just the angle of our perspective Post Truth politics is so much fun! Hollywood Reporter seems to have just a little bias. Well if anyone would be good at rolling the tire it would be BB8. Mr steal your sponsor. 2nd player has entered the game Because you must know it is a Huawei phone. Can probably beat Ferrari right? And lvl 4 allow you tp to enemies People really are running out of things to research. That stance reminds me of the green power ranger using his flute to summon his dinosaur No, we are not the Colorado Averys. Maybe all Roadhog really wants is affection, but he's too shy to ask, so he he masks his desires behind an aggressive persona that pulls people in close. Wow, marijuana is ruining this country! They should fact check if the FBI requested to interview Mrs Clinton. I keep seeing stuff like "how faithful god is"... WTF does that mean? First thing I thought of was shit being smeared on my face, but that works too. lol No they dont have Astronauts if something breaks on a satellite its broken for good. *mrwho'stheboss For me (i got platinum), was the I Love The 80's trophy. He needs to blow his nose more often, all that mucus cant be good. You care that it's a girl? I'll sleep better knowing this hardened criminal is behind bars! Sure I don't mind doing some shadow puppets! The filler in my shell prematurely exploded during bull dozer scene at 1:00 :p All the negative people stopped playing when it stopped being fun, but I'm still here cuz I don't wanna hurt Niantic's feelings. Now I know how black people feel when they watch other black people eat watermelon In public. Not in any relevant format. Better get used to that feeling. Infinite warfare is the better game. So what? nothing nasty and awful about rush. It must be all those damn flu shots. But it's metal, that's like a heatsink, right? So how are they supposed to cure gayness in Malta now? I have found that the guys most concerned about masculinity are often less masculine than me, and I'm not even trying. Yeah, because school dress codes aren't overly prudish or complicated at all. Never changed Lol all of the butt hurt socialists Musicians, like most artists, are generally liberal that doesn't always make them left wing. W2c Azn grill to buy her Yeezys? ITT: liberals desperately trying to reconcile terror attack prevention with 'muh evil conservative law' figured him for a gold iphone guy If you just read reddit articles about america you have to be more scared of cops than other criminals. What an idiot. This from the Worst Mayor of New York City in a century. Why tho its a random place in Virginia Wait until you see my H5: G tattoo! Bloodforge needed the buff Maybe we get lucky and they took tips from No Man's Sky Holy crap, this game looks so realistic Great, now let's spend another $50 billion dollars building the next Olympic stadium that turns the city into a ghost town afterwards! if you leave and your team wins, I believe you win LP Does close call work before or after the 2/4 effect of giving 1/1? I had 10 min que in bronze IV just 2 hours ago, so ye probably. RIP vrms Is he balding at 14? the joys of living in a condo Well that makes so much sense. Well... You should just "get a good job that pays good money" That doesn't sound Nazi or anything. This reads like a script from a bad TV show Kid: because I'm a child of hers [laugh track] Lady: voila And he has every First Amendment right to do this. I'm guam-a be so excited tonight! And the award for most creative and original meme goes to... not this guy It doesn't work in Hyd because of vastu. Dat HK pete dunne isn't he the guy with tons of missing teeth If she'd even heard of running, she probably wouldn't need the stool yay someone that is not part of my imagination wants to talk to me Haters will say its photoshop. Because I suck at CS and everyone else has aim bot obviously. Well the bowl is on fire so that means its actually lit Since I believe everything I see on f7u12, I'm going to have to ask how you wrote this comic. That was made on January 8th -_- Yeah, dance music is always what you're supposed to play. Na man, they're only dying because of Obama's regulations Quit being such a pussy. Bit early to say that, don't ye think? This is why voter ID is a bad thing Interstellar, because we really do need the question answered: Is love really "the one thing we're capable of perceiving that transcends time and space"? Until you step onto the street and see a Tims anywhere you look. Yes but you would probably look fat no matter what you were wearing. This car is my absolute favorite and I want brand new Rline edition ASAP The bible is clear about a subject discovered in the 1700s never gets old. The love story of a man and a car now makes sense Yes, on the same principle that space flight caused ozone hole. So embarassing, you go to a Cars&Coffee event thinking you'll have the only LT and there's another in your color! Yeah and my uncle works at scottgames and will ban u Well him and Gio leading the rush on that Stajan goal made him look like a forward. This is him shedding beggar's mentality. Oh look, the Dems are back to banging the ear drums again. Assuming he plays at 3rd, then I would go: Travis Bautista Donaldson Encarnacion Tulowitzki Martin Upton Smoak Pillar If he plays at DH, then remove Smoak and put Barney at 9th How do they turn it right way up? The hype is strong in this one They had another sketch ready to go but they decided to save it for when Hemsworth hosts the season finale in May. Mourinho sets a great example for children. hey man $ is $ Dat BM. Yeah no. Can you flip them over and PM me a pic? We need more fuel for the fire! Yep OP, way way too proudy, way proudy, proudy to the max. They're plotting to hit the moon with an airliner. Yes, didn't you know that every company has their own independent space program? 3.5 bullets per burgler is not a promising ratio. I'm sure spaz and the other admins will get straight to work banning the brigaders! Very we'll said Comrade Krugman. B-b-but my TF2 Genuines! Welcome to suplex city! Turn off automatic upgrades. I have always gone crazy, this year I can't. Well, there goes the love in my relationship then! Palin with an ethics violation... I'm truly shocked. Maybe instead of a 7* team you can't afford you should bring an actual functioning team if you want to auto battle I think you're missing a macroline. That drumkit is going to do wonders for the accoustics in the room. Wow, S1mple playing for Astralis? Goes to show how much wrestling there is in America, because if you put this card on in the UK, Australia or Germany it would be a major sell out. Poor flowers :( Well, if terrorism doesn't work anymore you could always use paedophilia as your argument and tell them it is for the children. Only upvoted for the timing Has it been unskewed yet? Depends on what play style you want. Right, because at no time in the past 60 million years was there ever a heatwave on this planet. Well it worked for him. From BF4's campaign. He's got 'em in a pez dispenser, eating 'em like candy. It always seems really convenient that so many conservatives were born in the country they truly honestly believe is the best country in the world despite evidence to the contrary. Probably a better shot than OKC has at the Larry O'brien. Looks like the odds of meeting another player are really low now Its one of my favourite exotics at the moment SGA and the raid mg are the only heavies I use now, pfffft - forgot what the lmg reload animation is Hahahahahahahahahahah No fun allowed as we are a real esport so you should act in a professional manner.. Kappa Geez, AMD's Zen must have really ruffled their feathers. That last line was so wonderfully satisfying and I don't even know this guy, but he sure does piss me off with his "fuck me once and I'll leave you alone" shtick, which is beyond vile. They must have worked really really hard. they just havent found the bodies Should have controlled the boss area more! My sentiments exactly. This just seems like a synopsis of a few pages in the "Book of Tyreal" which is good they are getting some of this info out to players that didn't buy it. lmao why was he locking on that dude's head through the wall XD That looks way better than my old HD 8570. Wow spoilers So why are people still buying their products? This still looks very clay like. That ass has too much detail 0/10 don't fit in unturned style This was on my block and I was there. Lots of pics being shared in watsapp and fb.. liking the mini tornado one though. Serves you right for bhopping 6 times in a row I need this in my life. Woah wtf Skinny calves... 3/10 would not bang Terrible looks like a cat Inb4 it's a picture of worlds biggest crayon I almost hoped that the dolphins would just open up their mouths as she was falling, stupid sea-rapists Ban short people from voting. This is terrible why are we not selling to the other 50%? Corbyn would be first in line for a free helicopter ride I keep wondering whether Andy has tried and used so many pedals that the whole thing is pointless to him by now. We have to make sure to tell women they have no responsibility for themselves because they are helpless. Don't worry guys, I'm sure the gun only has 10 rounds in the clip so it's safe Do you have a boyfriend or was that just one of your ways to say "not interested"? Hahaha so funny! In reality, they meant 10 years of experience but it was actually a typo. Super happy our GOP has someone like Trump as the candidate instead of this moron who's babbling on about cultures and other liberal BS. Yeah, what an asshole! So he created two works if fiction then No problem, it's got all- weather floor mats! Wow what a suprise, maybe insulting the viewer and telling them what they will like... doesn't work! I want an AMD one. Hard to believe that a man with the elegant name of dum_cumpster could find his way on the wrong side of society. B-b-but it's a FREE market! But he wanted to be raped! Jeez, where was this guy when I was playing WoW on low with 10 FPS? That indeed was an original joke. It's looking good so far! I think the color change from Light yellow to Brown is missleading when it's changing a fraction of a degree. Back on in Oak Lawn. Resolder it back, obviously! But I thought that by getting rid of the 1970's Space Shuttle meant we were ending space flight? Good thing the 8yo was the only user and he also worked and paid for it Unbuff Artamiel 4gs - five grams of the trees please Dude was probably about to retire so the niners beat him to the punch He was probably a kid. that would be funny to see them all shaking in the post and passing it off to each other. nah dude Lampard sucks he's past his prime he weakens the midfield Mourinho just loves him too much to let go, he should be benched bro Us? This post was reported, but will not be removed. Why? Well that will make them popular! Yes, let's limit the options people have available to them to get home safely. Something tells me it wasn't ecstasy. I am surprised that Oklahoma did not restrict marriage to white people of faith. Clearly the gays are at work again, destroying the sanctity of marriage! Is that supposed to be a frog in a hat? Con cada tweet van asegurando firmemente su victoria ..., The one that's gonna BUILD A WALL! There are way too many reasons to list. Damn, to think I just got 8gb of DDR4 for 64$ Doesn't prevent him from oppressing Russian speaking minorities There's a Google Earth Pro...? Must be because it was so effective in the UK. ISIS is what they want to be called. You really got no spare, non-jailbreak device on the latest iOS version? And people give Tomlin a hard time for getting in the way. Patreon is hipster welfare. Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy Are you playing in tonights game? Does it reset bowler? what kind of sicko wants a baby but the reason these states are so unhealthy, and so poor, is partly due to obamacare! Mini golf is mine. Ok Mariota to Bucs, you heard it here first. Stronk Krupp Steel can protect anything, even if it is a gas can the canister will bounce everything. You know I went to a Catholic school and the school song (well one of the) was Jerusalem Just saying is that not "British Values" Weak! Either urine or you're out. Ah, the old "suck in the gut" tactic ;) KQLY style ;) Okay, now they're just trying to show off the water resistance. De kleding van waar ik werk, de mcDonald's! Bad gimmick, great match DON'T THINK I DON'T SEE THOSE POKEMON WATER ENERGY EYES YOU GODDAMN TRAITOR 'Illegal aliens never break any laws' - enlightened leftist Because there's no shorthand for sarcasm on the internet. lol I'm very very sorry but the first thing I noticed is that the island in the center of the hole in the middle is called Inanus sorry #I HATE THE RED SOX! Does this website have any credible sources, since the website isn't credible at all? Oh no, don't sacrifice Penis I don't know if it's the same train of thought, but when I saw the screenshot, I immediately thought of Banjo Kazooie and seasons changing. Buy property early, I'd be a millionaire if I did that at 18. If he's trying to save the human race, is he really of villain? Probably $6000 a year if they're an artist i still mouse lift no matter what. I thought NYR were supposed to sweep Ottawa. lights+wiring=decorative! GARY SLAM but 8000% is more than 80 if you quick read What a smart thing to say before an election. How is this not Clyde Gates? I hope there is a new Mac Mini as well. Ok I'll slap him then... That will teach him to not draw on the sofa i just bought Lazy millennial's ought to go out and vote. I'm sure this headline is 100% accurate. Maybe if he and the TK Crew didn't post nerf gun videos and cringe trashtalking kids videos they might win Kappa Using kickstarter as a famous person is a cop out, you have the connections, if the idea is non-dogshit then it will get made. O/10 no Nightmare Freddy Repost, no problem. Did they include where he stepped out of bounds? yay more fake raf Is Aryll a possibility? 1.6 isnt less than 0 silly Perhaps he was concerned about Elizabeth II's nasty cold? Those job killing assholes are at it again. It's all good guys, Iniesta called their captain and apologized, nothing to see here People aren't going to keep playing your game if you release boring updates/champions Awww, that poor baby beemer. Wow, what a clever way to hide a game code for GTAV, thanks OP I've been wanting GTA on PC for a while Chills These fucking people. IT'S NO USE. Because people having purple eyes is completely normal lol I thought it's just a visual glitch until I saw the ammo count, holy fooking laser sights. Turkey farmer affected by this bird flu; AMA Gotta curb that gateway drug, yo. Butt comments aside, the way everything synched up with that emote animation makes this so awesome Under Trump, the racist bigot who hates black people. I took micro *and* macro economics, so I basically know everything about the economy So in spring of 2015 the team said the game was coming out in the summer of 2015... Now in the fall of 2015 they say that they only have two thirds of the enemies completed... Sure sounds like a competent dev team. Trump loves all Americans! Reported for breaking rule 6 hope my 1080 can handle it Ukraine: Now with even more corruption. I guess I 'll have no choice but to finally quit then. He knows that once Trump is in office he'll begin to reverse the damage Obama has done diplomatically over the past couple of weeks. I guess Zelda for Wii U must be cancelled then. i see they chose to not respond to the emails of the person that made the corrupted disfavour card, from memory they didn't want their card to be a corrupted 6 link able item but fuck them right? So many leaners in Queensland! There must be a bot that keeps track of how many times this same fact has come up in TIL Moral of the story: don't travel with tom hanks. Or the New York Kikes, or the Detroit Niggers. Yeah, looks super terrifying from the 4 posted screen shots. Cam Wake Fucking dogs, taking jobs from the working class. #DEFCON1 #nukingmyprofiles I imagine them shifting through all the angry xbox one players messages that read "FIX THE DAMN CATWALK GLITCH ALREADY" Can't wait for their next album. This was huge, I didnt realize alot of other school districts across the country were watching this vote as a potential formula to follow. Alexa, where can I hide a body? Off your corpse when you find some. In the meantime I'm still waiting for a lollipop version that works with non-deodexed samsung roms. I have a right to have a home! Definitely not an anticompetitive move at all! Who is this "Chubby" guy? This is just liberal government preventing a woman from liking herself up by her own bootstraps. Pretty sure bat is not kosher. guys the brussels bombing never happend, theyre all paid actors and anyone who disagrees with this is a obviously a shill. This would not have happened if the mom was carrying too. It's a good thing he pointed that out, otherwise OP might never have known. This was nice, I like it This is related to Oregon how? Not enough chains to be Road Rash. They're not crossing 'illegally', they're just 'undocumented' A true comeback. I don't actually have any wallpaper, my brothers room has breadboard though if that's worth anything. Can't wait to see the Doo Dah float with all the old dead people. More like the worst Community Manager ever -Internet Box Podcast Superlux* Well to be fair, they could have done nothing and leave it as-is. Feminism is for men too! damn, launders already excelling in his new job :D I can't wait for the Legislature to get involved and then explain how clamouring for the deregulation of one dangerous business (taxis) differs from the iron-grip regulation that they insist upon for alcohol. Well he's in the campaign sooooo 1000 upvotes on a post defending white supremacy, it's ok because remember: Reddit is left wing! 160 pounds, but never has a problem getting some D Pfft, it's obviously camouflage. You? Can't wait to see the US lose to Canada in the Semis again Yeah, look at those strength marks. No real woman is a feminist in bed. Those pussy faggot Anonymous betas can try all they want, the only things they'll be able to achieve are tendies. Can I get a government program that texts me every morning about how special of a snowflake I am? *dont you mean the original oc green foxy* The beauty of any OW PvP MIT offered her a full scholarship LOL, dear Middle Class, If you thought the real estate financial crash was bad, wait until the commodities financial crash hits the fan. Good thing you posted this here, they'll see and release a game promptly. At the moment it's You're My Waterloo but The Libertines. +1 for at least being self-aware about it. When America sends its citizens, they're not sending their best! That's not what "pedometer" means. Go sensationalism! what.....i didn't expect this at all Great photos.... but where are the ISIS camps? dont talk to mutch you will be considered toxic Must've been apart of the patch Damn, that cop is good! Almost every single boss in the Serious Sam series. Well, I'm certainly inclined to heed the demands of people who block the bridge I'm trying to cross. Because it's not like any straight+cis people were murdered in the shooting. Damn commies. At least it didn't say "porpoise-bread". Take it easy Schiff, I can't keep getting boners at dinner like this. Politicians don't give a s$$t about people PK is impressed This would be the worst emote to lose to, I would probably start crying if they spam it Mazel tov my friends. Uhh didn't everyone's dad pee on them when they were little? What a waste we should be building continent sized space mirrors Clearly missed I wish she was fappenning When was the last time you left your house? My family were lords in Georgia, I wonder if they would get reinstated. They probably wouldn't have any problem if it was 50% black/hispanic. Drill isn't symmetrical, unupvotable That defeats the whole purpose of having clan donations, otherwise they would just give you another army camp. we wouldn't be talking about that save now if ramsey could hit the target. Time to pull the trigger! I mean really, she's no Chloe Sevigny. infographic Well, time to move to Philippines Seven billion people, seven billion beautiful minds and all we do is kill each other. That is a sad penguin My first thought was that the police should have politely asked the bikers to hand in their weapons because how would they have shot each other if the police asked them to do that? AI also trades their relics for 1 gold early game. They recycle just about anything this days. Ahh, the opponent's sparky granted you a free win There already is a black box in most cars since around 95? Everyone is still pissed at prentice (and Redford and especially Danielle smith) because they were the ones who stuck us with an ndp govt! Got to keep it non profit somehow Brag somewhere else. Honestly I'm not getting it because the first game was hot garbage and the second one has a fat chick in it. Thanks for letting us know this was a very useful information. Don't worry it'll all trickle down It's always nice to see some casual racism on the front page of Reddit. I think he wants you to cover him in paper mache. ...well, if you insist. I didn't think RMS liked his image being put on Youtube. finally discojer will have account activity. But if the prostitutes are Catholic, they are "good girls". Use the best iFrame in the game! OMG....are you sidious?= It's almost as if endless government intervention, subsidies and entitlements backed only on the cost of a barrel of oil is a bad thing. I've had a suspicion of a second killer for a while, since purple guy has differing appearances If I could afford something like this I'd be so happy. I'm not sure where you are from, but both of those classes are required for graduation in the state of Virginia. Great now windows will threaten us with turning the fridge off and not keeping our food fresh, if it is not connected to the internet and updates are not installed... Om the other hand, can windows defender also kill bacteria in our food? 49 uses left they been doing this for about 2 years now,will only hire part timers,even for 3rd shift which is usually 100% full time but not anymore Thanks, De Wever Hey that one p-tot has a wicked beard. Don't worry, it's still worth what you paid for it 5 years ago! The FUCKING patriarchy! We need an abstain option because its not passing! This is why people should have to pass a test to be a parent Let me guess... Your 12 Well obviously if the Jews you kill are Israeli, it isn't terrorism, it is a just struggle against colonial oppression. Yes, and when Trump loses by one vote you can thank Jesus. Yes, because we need to be more like China and India Sounds like a bunch of racists to me this makes me proud to be in the Air Force What if there was a bomb on the bus and he couldn't slow down? Where* It's called the master volume, thread fixed Bullshit, Chomsky said the claims about Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge were all American propaganda. This is such a civil place for opposing opinions and clearly isn't pushing an agenda Yeah dude all of those "hot" jocks with "enjoyable personalities" and "hobbies other than video games" fuck that Maybe you should be reconsidering the courses you are taking, if you are so upset about them that you're burning notes. definitely 24. not really an issue. Quick...someone point out how he has 5 fingers! Bet he's wondering why he's getting so many views Because it's my personality that makes me want a flat chest and a deep voice, not my brain telling me I'm a dude. What did you expect, it's Popular Mechanics, not Rooted in Reality Mechanics. Good thing I finished season one tonight, or that would have been a rough spoiler! Well, to be fair, brewing coffee isn't always an option during desert warfare. Black people are literally afraid of street magic Good to see the Packers getting some key runningback depth back. I guess I'll just add more time to the commute then... [](/wat) what is this even Nice fedoras, idiots. Fuck you, we won. Did he die? Lol repost Because I like math and chemistry This is a 2014 article for god sake. Siri is honestly so behind all the other virtual assistant's like Cortana and OK GOOGLE Right because all of reddit wouldn't lose their shit if they saw Bryan Cranston or similar! I move we add "three slugs to the center mass" and move it to #1 on the list. Unbelievable and unacceptable, I am furious Yay kangaroo courts! Because they are bad journalists. You're so funny and your posts are gold, please keep doing them every 2 hours, we really need them. Time to unfriend! This should bear well for the Kurds, Just like it did before. Andy mah boi! Rainbow Dash is Pinkie Pie's *sister*? About time Britain getsm"Islamized" These are the words of someone who doesn't understand the very concept of encryption. Hurr durr What game is this? Doesn't matter, Legacy still ruined the game. it was on yahoo news for a week Bashing women like on GTA. wait until you see the ferry surchange, you know for the need to take a ferry across the river and over the falls If we signed Balotelli I'd go doopin' mental Isn't education supposed to make things better? Florida is a state that values their retarded principles over common sense. reminds me of that episode of Malcolm in the Middle PO PO for suppression ;) That was kind of cute, not gonna lie the dodgers are really a's south Definitely the new one thats not a repost what in the fuck Thank god it's not real socialism How much has modi paid Pranab Da now? Straps, sumo, and TnG: it's the cheating trifecta! Seriously, tales of the Texas police are one horror story after another. Quality over quantity! I...I think that's enough internet for me today. Yea it's pretty shit So what about the reporting that Fox has made over the last three years on the unwillingness of the US Congress to act or develop strategy with respect to Syria ? thats all conditions and genetics right there, he couldnt have helped how his heart looked All the people farming in there are usually real salty Spider-Man added to tf2, confirmed! But why do they have to destroy *their own* prisons? We'll get to that once we are done dealing with Manspreading... I love this sub so much. yeah, cracking down on individuality and fun has certainly made the NFL a more entertaining sport HES NOT GETTING IN MY BATHROOM! Curse you for following through on this thought, where I did not. Rip smurfs The house has passed 29 bills to try and help hiring by removing some "red tape" none of which have been allowed on the senate floor. This should work well. So much white guilt in Minnesota. How did he sign the contract? you're not nightblue lol you try to do the right thing, and everyone still has their hand in your pocket. Every time I see "Player VAC" I seem to always suspect a vac ban in match. This thread is gonna be fun! You should read up on the history of lamp sales and the saying "watching TV in the dark will ruin your eyes". As a Suns fan, it's good to see the Spurs are still getting preferential treatment in the playoffs. Its shows the disappointment in buying two games for a lot of money when you'll only play an older game. This comes up all the time and every time people point out that it isn't a bug, but I'm still surprised they haven't changed it just because of how many people seem to hate the crosshair wobble. He's a Jew, but not Jewish so don't get it twisted y'all. This is weird to see because I'm used to "BLINK IS TRUE MUSIC DEFEND MYSIC FUCK BIEBER LOL." I guess I shouldn't be surprised that you called this one. What a bunch of disrespectful shit heads. Such bandwagon fans Even the memes are protesting. This was "Research" Don't you know that if you are below the age of 70 you are automatically a drug seeker? Carnage please! attractive looking group Obviously none of them are on here MrDestructoid Cuz it was duped so hard that the skin glitched. Don't worry, our Forbes 400 richest 'muricans are keeping all our money safe for us and they say they will fund charities to take care of our needs, we don't need no stinking wealth for the people fund. He'd be a Bernie Sanders Independent who caucused with Democrats. Would never do it but it looks so fun aha HAHAHA SO FUNNY RIGHT Cuckistan fears reprisal Yeah 'cause god forbid some darker skinned people ever manage to get into positions of power You bought the RG... TRIGGERED I don't trust posters after First Strike from BO1. More likely Al Nusra or "moderate" Reeeee-bels. Bean bag bro Basically ISIS pwned the world. Hope OP has the money to cover the tax I wish she was still being photographed on the regular so we can stop recycling the same old shit. You spot the geniuses in the crowd as they record the presentation on their cell phones. Every champ that beats me. All the reason more for me to join them Ave, true to Allah! not thread worthy Op is bundle of sticks Training mode is so worth the developement time Wow this is the first Bush to ever lie to the public. Wow, I always enjoy the builds that look like real life architecture You can't make a review like this without completing the game with all the different classes LOL! +'correct four mana seven seven s/ In the fridge behind the mayo? I hope that as a public employee he's getting cost of living pay increases. WE DID IT REDDIT! I guess we can add that to the list of other wonderful news coming out of 2016. Why? Kane's gonna fire you if he finds out you've been leaking pages from the comic. It's not even a Honningbrook Mead, let alone a Black-Briar Mead. So a Smart can't carry a bike rack? sugar the cat from trtf (i like to think that sugar and candy are two diffrent animtronics) I love Poliwhirl, but I wonder how it was able to commandeer front and center for *Time* When i press L and R i only see black female Corrin, update your game. Maybe because they can't read what it says Between them and Barca both loosing, I've had one shitty betting day. Depends on how fat the driver is. He sounds like a...nice guy. Adorable. I'm not sure what's worse, naming the place after a cell phone company, or naming the place after the old dead owner who treated his players so poorly that they threw the world series. Because 16 hours per month is more than enough to create quality code and patch for the internals of the used open source software! Shhhhh, we all know it, but we attack people who point it out. how original. ahaha that title Let's start an online petition, then they have to listen to us right Happy to hear he's trying to appeal to both crowds, Pressed For Time is pretty dope, but I'm more interested in hearing some more of that "hard shit". shoulda started on a 250. So what you're saying is we should remake Warriors? Thats racist. Seems to happen to every highly anticipated episode CIG puts out lol. He's tearing the guns from our hands I wanna return here after tonight's games against OKC and say "and that's how it's done" I think he's more of a California guy Yeah, if it was a shearer in a wife-beater sucking down VB while sitting on the tailgate of a ute as his blue heeler looked on then *that* would be an exact representation of all Australians. Valve, come on... it's like you're not even trying... I'm not playing until they patch this. Oh no, you mean to tell me that Global temperatures rise as we orbit a giant ball of fire? Wheres the idea part of it Otis Colorado #WE'RE GONNA BUILD THE WALL, PAUL I'm absolutely shocked that "Everything's Racist with Larry Wilmore" didn't last See it is working! I don't mean to fallout of your good graces but I do wonder was this a total system shock? The fact they think *this* is a false flag but STILL believe in pizzagate is CRAZY. Apparently, children of sitting US Presidents. That morning dash to the bathroom is one of my favorite things, especially when I have to fling the cat off my legs. No Man's Sky. haha Got to have something football related actually going on in the stadium! Maybe they'll let him keep the hernia as a necklace! holy shit that's beautiful, and do I smell a hint of NMCs Texture Pack? I just don't see how Notre Dame gets in without a single conference win. Glad ro see this repost is still a thing Nah, I think I'd rather go for the official Xbox branded 2 TB drive for $130. How are you supposed to boost the cornflower? Vertical ca si guvernul. The easy way to deal with this is for people to deactivate their accounts en masse. Omg M2K was sooo sick, no way he was playing his best. keepin' that shit on LOCK DOWN mothafucka Yes. Literally unwatchable Convenience is a right and we should never be charged for it Hey, it makes me feel important and this video offends me. Well, that should always suffice. Whites? this has NEVER been suggested on this sub before, definitely not once a month, definitely... Paladins Might be the bodykit engulfing them. The stat that always gets me is that China has a billion more people than the US and we have more prisoners than them. Strange, she's only posting pictures of her head and chest But what's the fps? Let your problem choose is a content-free mantra for tech. Can we send desjardins down and call up green It's scary because if you see it, you might like it and that makes you a gay and that just isn't okay Mmmmm, screen tearing my favourite. Hey but he used the suppressor on his gun, which is honestly op right now I think that's Kenya. Hey he needs a safe space for the mental and physical stress he's endured since November. Future model citizens looking awesome That's not how it works.... That's not how any of this works Obviously, we need to spend more. I'm sure they can sue but can anyone tell if they have a case at all ? ITT: people getting butthurt over a graph Anything to get him out of working on something important, says Bannon. Weird, I thought all those other people had legal rights, and lesbians fall under the category of gay people. Pretty sure he said this last year Fishy atleast the usada didnt get this one These pictures make me so jelli because I can't play the game with mods as my graphics card is the oldest in TN. If I wanted to start playing the series (I'm not an RPG type but I've heard a lot of praise for Fite Emblem) should I start with Awakening, then play Enemy Unknown and THEN play Fates or is Fates unconnected to the previous two games? YOU CANT JUST ASSUME MY GENDER BASED ON MY GENITALS YOU CIS PATRIARCHAL SHITLORD Soros pays ;) Your shoppin' skills are *beyond compare* Because his Killer was so merciful not using NOED Uhh nope those are definitely mortal kombat characters I like how the petition says to make it an XBone exclusive.You will get plenty of votes with this petition if you say that NOT 4 PaNELS DownVOTE Mafia! No, you should be exploring down to India, grabbing an Indian province, moving your capital there, then defaulting to basically become a Western power in India. HILARIOUS Fuck this guy for giving his opinion. I really enjoyed her in Dexter. Because *that* would be an unconstitutionally broad invasion of privacy, unlike having the NSA spy on *everyone*. 74% of people are journalists. I'm sure this would thoroughly convince Holocaust deniers that they are wrong and that there isn't a worldwide Jewish conspiracy. THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS TOPCHEDDAH THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU LEAVE, YOUR DOG, ALONE TOPCHEDDAH *smashes your car with a tire iron* Obviously all journalists in the world are Americans and have perfect English grammar, sentence structure, and spelling! Really good dank maymay This is totally sustainable guys, and there is absolutely no reason to be concerned. Who wants to see some piss play? Clearly this must take place prior to Iron Man I dont blame him for being on a crusade against feminism, because when he says that he means modern feminism aka SJWs, extremists, con artists etc, not true feminism, you guys probably all realized that already though Now we need a drawing of Isaac sticking the Jar up his butt. Quality shit post plot to transport or be transported across space and distance instantly. why is he using the bat? yeah, we should drop money on them! israel has the right to defend herself. Wow, I haven't heard this one before. I've used this method before as well, very useful. Cause everyone knows the best way to get people behind your cause is to block a busy intersection. Do you have any critical evidence to back this up? How many times have I read this same story? Can't wait to see Alexandra Armstrong and Jo Brand on constant rotation DC is doomed! But, but, PSU says we aren't rivals! Meanwhile the shitheads who make the decisions that make people want to blow us up, sit behind security at Parliament House & have the AFP wiping their arses. I like random Poland in the background. Yet another glorious example of why I'm proud to be an Arizonan. good, i don't care about all the online leagues popping up You're ok, and will feel just fine again in a dark place and have it not be thrilled, but you should see other people, then I would expect that you just met has to be learned. That was sick as fuck. and why would they admit their own incompetence Your insurance company with thank you for it, too. Because historically Christians haven't committed acts of mass violence. Wow these Russians are scum. It is apparently a bad bloody day for SF fans. God how I hate Keynesians 50 cotton 1 metal frag john gibbons is a sexist misogynistic pig that is the embodiment of how out of touch baseball is with modern society with these disgusting comments implying that only women wear dresses Ain't that a sight for sore eyes. If there's one thing he could have done to get more bags of dicks, he just did it. Rebarrel a savage? But he's playing 47D backgammon The Batt at its best. An ass I can grab with one hand. It shouldn't say "out of order" should say "damaged" I usually check the race of the writer-director before attending a movie #\#BoiPuciProblems ah the good ol religion of peace Lol typical asshole cyclist. If you spend 300 coins in the new "Jungle Mayhem" game and "Clean your Junks" for 3 days straight you will unlock 240fps recording as well according to rumors. Correlations so robust that they've gotta be casual! OP is awesome and completely straight. Yes, let's punish everyone But the real question is - how does it vape? Its because there just aren't many attractive white men in govt. Request for BF1 -=0) Clearly you just use sed A move of desperation. That's when they coined the phrase, "If there's grass on the field let's play ball." Now they've got an updated japanese box art one so do that! this is why I don't bother with consoles. Tall Tebow 2.0 B-BUT CUNT IS NOT OFFENSIVE, AUSTRALIANS USE IT EVERY DAY! I hope you asked Chet about surplus ammo Where at? Welcome to reddit I've seen Cherry Coke for $0.75/bottle ... Have to see if it's still on sale... Also ... the Coke vending machines at Costco are only $1/bottle Looks like Chris Cornell. If Grim's displacement blast was like this all the time then he'd be balanced Blacks ruined the south. Everyone knows the best way to make a calm, legitimate argument is to use jersey shore gifs Damn, wish Australian Banks had this And see what a hell-hole, baby-eating, grandma-raping, pedophile country it became? Are the listing on Amazon for the Guardian amiibo under retail also very likely to be scams? [](/fuckingincredible) nice gg Its a hard job theyre just good guys doing their best give them a break. Probably because we're buying? destroy florida tech, my asshole cousin plays there Press and hold middle mouse button to move the camera around independent to your movement MST is quickplay Hopefully he talks about CISA, which he just voted against and is about to pass the Senate. All that damn regulation ruining this country. No tom's hawk He lost it today This is the most silver fire fight I have ever seen You forgot Destiny, your whole point is invalid. But we don't know if hairy cock supports it, how can I decide otherwise what a rare opinion Annnnnd his banned OMG 56 inch in action. Well it seems the establishment keeps making smart choices. What year did you graduate? But he's Australian How kind President Trump, you are such a benevolent leader Exactly how I felt when Apple killed shake then released Final Cut X what is the labor participation rate? In all seriousness though, would you have made it into stem if it weren't for gender quotas or did you take the place of someone more qualified because you're a woman? *cough* GUARANTEED BANNER *cough* Also apparently the new celtic event is free with twitch prime which is even more FeelsBadMan Time to let out the cats 0/10 needs more cowbells OBOSEN ang mga (((Drug adik))) He seems to have learned a few tricks from his master. Silly you, it's not based on an anime, its based on King Kamehameha from the game Civilization. no, you're absolutely supposed to hijack stupid sjw retardation to tell them that they're wrong Too much testosterone bro Resolution is just a number. totally makes sense Imagine what would happen if they had guns and they say loot boxes are only for comestic purpose, now I can buy emotes to dodge a Window's shot in a trap, Blizzard pls Careful you didn't mark this post a Spoiler, you just ruined the entire movie for me. Wake me when they can do 10mbps to my house. As a non Torbjorn main, nothing personal... but fuck you and your feels. Please let it be real... *prays* Apparently child labor isn't used for brand name products. I'm shocked and appalled! sometimes drastic consequence must come for the people to get what they want No love for Sammy Watkins? Who are EA? So Putin and Kim support Trump? IT'S A COMPLIMENT GOD DAMMIT! Oh, but Oklahoma State was the real national champion that year. Wow even slimier than usual, nice job. Yes, we all know 420 means weed, your Eevee with 420CP is hilarious. Ben ik nou heel erg dom of kan je dit artikel alleen lezen als je NRC abbonee bent? Translation pls Pretty good generalization of an entire country of people. because they clearly want the same stuff, and oh, never mind those crazy rad fems the're just the very vocal minority I enjoyed taxes anyways RED CARD AND SENT TO JAIL But we have the sun, the sea, and you always come to the South on summer It's okay to say creepy stuff if you say "real talk" first. It's not like she's getting special treatment, if Bernie Sanders had been under a massive federal investigation I'm sure everything would be the same You're cyooot c": He looks terrible Dear girls You're all the same Yeah, if you're into texting a restaurant. Silly OP, don't you know that more expensive cars come with a permit to take up as much space in a car park as humanly possible to reduce risk of their expensive paint work getting scratched? That gay liberals will take our freedom and infect me with gayness. There are no possible ways in which this shit could backfire. No matter what half of the country is disappointed :( I don't know *who* to believe anymore! Such a generous offer As a white guy living in Japan... please tell me more about how social structure cannot be racist against me. OMG, I AM SO SURPRISED! Harison Ford's great movies list is pretty much the first Indianna Jones trilogy and Star Wars (and Blade runner) So what my car car is suppose to take itself home Bollocks That last one is shopped I wonder if his name is actually Simon J. Williams. HAHAHAHA SO FUNNY 10 websites designed in the 1990s we overload with even more traffic today. This is gonna be a fun four years This is a FMJ ball round. Must be EA lol, if you thought everything there is overpriced, think again Don't give them any more ideas. blackhawks to quebec confirmed? Who is Batman? Sub dermal piercings Deflate-gate STOP MANSPLAINING TO US Defend the dank! Found the fatty! Too soon? At least she still has her privileges. Maybe they should stop committing crime at a disproportionate rate weed Is this bait? How long until Skype is Xbox Live Gold exclusive Is that the girl they're going to run a train on? God I loathe that mincing shit and that r challenged wanker! Is he just beyond rude or does he seriously have some sort of dementia? Can't wait for jinx to have a Corki like package she needs to pickup or her missiles dmg suffer from diminishing returns. She's pro-life, so not a real women. Let's make America great again. Is there any way to find more footage from this scrim? I'll double your gil. Yeah, I'm sure it will go down exactly that way. Username checks out This narrative is fucking bonkers. Max is dumb, caps are dumb. The same thing still happens in BF4 where you're just not getting any kind of hit register against the target and the enemy tank is having zero problems causing damage to your vehicle. That's pretty impressive mileage for a car rolling around with a door open Life ... uh ... finds a way. I love it. shill A gofundme effort cannot be far behind. Nice floppy disk they sent you there OP Sources say Waiters accepted offer for select team to go head to head with Irving to prove once and for all he's better. Meh, that'd be fine with me Pretty low on my list of priorities What is bad about only having one liver given the other stays healthy your missing alot But you just cant beat the price Are these people all "establishment" now? If Trump's community were organized, they'd have a way of shutting this stuff down. Anyone who was a threat to my power. Sure, they aren't. Its a good movie, but I liked Cliffhanger(1993) and Daylight(1996) better Todd and Bowlsby will become best buddies (Bowlsby is the chair of the committee) and UCF will backdoor it's way into Big XII. this doesn't remove election fraud Maybe he thought he was playing Ali or something S7 next? Anyone surprised? Fox News: Obama! #karmahunting =) Good Job.. that looks great. That's it - we are officially in a property bubble, the rise in beer prices do not match the rise in housing prices. I've got a two piece one and it's perfect for the amount I smoke, but I ought to upgrade for kief purposes. i am interested to know how many of those 850 million visits are from tourists, and thus not american citizens. At least they know their constituents Shoes still on, guys. I bet he didn't even single-handedly defeat a team of trained ninjas like he told me, either! You sure showed him You could make a decent sum off of those magazines. That's my trick to keeping secrets, I forget them. I've delivered a few babies in my day, and the baby comes out just like that. Have they fixed the pigeons pooping all over the platforms thing yet? Crazy! Like I was looking for another reason to avoid the center. thats a falcons move right there Unfortunate location for dotting of the i. I can't wait to post this on the forums so people will laugh at your situation. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand you're doxxed. Than rich white boys? I thought everyone was related to the Rock I guess it make sense... in the same line of thought as "If u have nothing to hide, u should not worry about privacy"... in this case it is something like "if we told you that we are ethical, there is no need for independent watchdog" you missed all but one shot. It sounds like you are sticking up for Trump you nazi, racist, sexist, misogynist, fascist, homophobic, xenophobic, animal abusing, fake news punk! What...what am I seeing, exactly? Don't be silly, Arin doesn't make cartoons, he is a let's player! These posts aren't getting old Really sounds like he's got his heart and soul into the job I mean this is the reason anorexic as hell bitches are anorexic, they go into starvation mode because they only eat lettuce, lettuce has like no calories. So this is gonna get 1.5K up votes at least right? Affirmative Action FTW Unfortunately his favourite dataset has betrayed him, so we'll probably have to wait a while so he can hunt up a new dataset with Correct results Yeah and they should give us everything in Solomons too since we pay for membership. She lost me when she brought up Egypt, chiefly because the dynamic she's championing is the same one that facilitates honor killings. Yet another example of tax money in good use! Very nice edgy play on words, I haven't heard it used before update 3 baby battle music leak See, it's not even the top killer in Indonesia. I would like to see them try This looks like a .99 cell phone game. What is your file type? Everyone knows that by getting drunk you've consented to whatever. Yes Because Old people and little Children are far more healthier then Olympic Athletes Avoid the appearance of evil. Volvo please hear our prayers, add a bazooka next time. Celsius or Fahrenheit? It's actually true though, he first tried to bully them away, didn't work, then moved on to relocating them to the east, didn't work either so he made the final decision to kill them So fucking motivated now. Also, some fool put the keys for backwards and forwards literally right on top of each other. Riiiiiiight. Yes....Archie Bunker is an ideal role model for racial attitudes. I like what the art is trying to be, but it looks really amateurish, doesn't it? Too easy The quality we all to expect and love from Kotaku. Kind of my guilty pleasure but the king Kong game based on the movie, throwing spears in that game was so satisfying This isn't meant primarily as a console, it is meant primarily as a set-top-box. Yeah, lets vote on it Bernie. Because racism=racism+power Ignore that it doesn't make sense, it's CP math Can we all just go back to the Arma 2 mod please? Considering that the source is "spokesman for the military operation in the east" I wouldn't take this report as a fact. Another great use of this meme on the front page. In a capitalist economy the underclass includes home-makers. That Crosby kids a goon ahead of schedule! Ironic given the politics of Hollywood. Java has moved on to the highly advanced yahoo toolbar I'll have you know! ANAMANAGUCHI YES Don't hate on Jeoffy like that Is that water in that glass? I wonder where he gets his protein from? You look OK for 65 y.o. Someone understands me! But I thought statistics were lies not to be trusted anyway, right Reddit? what about the supports that sit behind you as you 1v2 and flame you for losing cs? Yeah, because fuck all the innocents who would die, after allm they are just rag-heads and sand-n***ers, right? This kind of looks like a comic cover. They tell here in Europe that Gypsies eat children at breakfast ... and migrants have diseases and are cannibals; Europe is getting very nasty with all this bad people. yea they just have too much to do and not enough resources to change such little things Remember, abortion is wrong, kids! Bible I,II and III(Koran) Hey, the less competition the better, right? I'm so glad this was from my state. I wanna know how to make that shift button that's sick as hell Happy Independence day Makedonija! Don't be silly, it obviously builds character and teaches kids to stand up for themselves, and if they don't they should just man up It still blows my mind why you didn't give Garcia a second contract sweet now we have like 10 versions of the same computer We've all got accents, dummy we just don't hear it Or everyone else had a waaay to high expectation for an indie game developed by like 15 people. How has she never been posted on this sub before? I'd bet $100 he also complains about women not texting back right away. I thought Oracle was losing interest in Java. B U I L D A W A L L At a certain point you need to come to grips with the fact that not everyone is dumb as shit and maybe you're just not as funny as you think you are. THIS SERIES WAS SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN 2 YEARS AGO, FUCK YOU HENRIQUE. toronto's green roof by-law certainly is working! On the left is Gillian McKeith, or to give her her full medical title, Gillian McKeith. Now the investigators can pursue the real criminals because its obvious the Tsarnaev Bros did it. It wouldn't explain deaths, it would explain decreasing populations. Asking the right question. I'm a Leo Sure, just make sure you have them the same side up. Sign Berba for the remainder of the season, he's already in Manchester, saves all the hustle. I._.Don't._.Understand._.Instagram Cesaro is getting the shaft for this He's pointing it at a black person so it's obviously okay! quality post Look at Minnesota, just giving away talent for nothing. This is how Titanfall is meant to be played! Cause the females need awards other than gymnastics Ok since you decided to do such a countdown post every week, I do hope you continue to do a "It's now x weeks after Oculus Touch shipped" Wow, cops are super cool! I'll go with truck Trickledown economics, climate change denialism, religious kooks on the supreme court.... boy, we sure can afford a Trump presidency! Ur mum What are the rules with drones an nude beaches? In a strange turn of events, Israel has adopted the swastika as a new symbol of their expansion into the Gaza Strip. Looks like the Russian Mafia is back fucking casual Nothing but lip service to the small minded "I'm not racist but" brigade. Weird, I don't see Bennett on there. We live in a sue crazy world but, bring back the fucking sprouts jimmy johns... just bring em back . Those poor blue collar million/billionaires What cracks me up about this is that we are to assume that this guy has another equally creepy friend who would be totally down to do... whatever the hell this dude is talking about. It's something better left to the states We want to reduce federal regulation We want small government COMPLY OR BE PUNISHED At least they're consistent Is the blocking being done by DNS, IP addresses, or both? Does suck for guys now when there's a line for the women's AND gender neutral rooms, and all you gotta do is pee. To where....New Jersey? This is the motto of the Libertarian party Why are people still butthurt over identity politics, 2016 is over :( I'm 18 in a couple of days lol Because I know where I'm going. So be it if DAPL goes forward. This gonna be Kawhi's team. Mad cause bad Cue LUL twitch emote The last time the British Isles fell to a foreign power Put all your points in Basic attack and Strike supers if you're a **Ki blast** Spammer. Didn't see that one coming Praise jeebus for Disney censorship This article is true...or is it? It's so strong and empowered when a woman demands to not be a wife but still wants half his paycheck for the rest of her days. if any of my children give me crap they're automatically sent to the racist corner yes because children definitely do not give their parents crap regardless of race, your 6 year old saying something rude is because THEYRE RACIST BURN THEM AT THE FUCKING STAKE Remember the government is your freind. I dont think that other McCree understand what high noon means. I think you're the first one to care. And yet can outwork most people. 1:48 seconds in and they are talking about detention centers for immigrants that commit crimes...That worked so well for us when we did it to the Japanese, surely it'll work this time too. Good I thought we weren't getting enough in that deal. The number of communists in this country makes me sick. Well you gotta bear in mind that the whole concussion is a Democratic cover-up story so they can pass their real agenda under our noses And we all know agility is the real game changer in modern air-combat. At making my child autistic so funny har har har har Damn I wasn't sure if juve had what it took but now I'm convinced What garbage they didn't even get the colors right. I can't believe she got snubbed for an oscar. More than 0. fucking with wikipedia is not funny so are inspect element jokes He worked so hard, be his slut already what more do you want, the dude got 3 million dollars or more. Maybe you like metal or rock music in church? court reporter drawing career as backup, done. \#fuckvagabonds2069 Would be very interested in any kind of statistics about Brawker usage. dude, salon is not a reliable source But his super 1337 callers want him to have it, so I guess he has to now... *Bohrok I hope he does, so Abe will jump on the next plane to Nanking and do the the same there I'm glad its original and not another Wii U port. If he continues this rate of one Player of the Month every month, he will have 40 Player of the Month awards ten seasons from now. Her voice reminded me of my mother in law and I'm sure other country's leaders would agree! I guess I'll have to start setting animal shelters on fire before I adopt a dog then. Sad fool. The libural thought police is at it again! I also heard that booing somebody and chanting at them is going to make them stop pushing them Or he works for the NBA Missed a tinted rock... smh Barbie: My First Horsie But what if you're a free inhabitant and the laws don't apply to you? I never even heard of this...which is probably one of the many reasons for it's failure. Odor should protest the inevitable suspension and prove his innocence via trial by combat. Wow, she got a world of work to attend to. 76% match tho. Yeah, because she's just morbidly obese. um this is very clearly an extremely grumpy movie god get your shit together I would say that indoctrination *is* a huge part of anti-communist thinking in the West. Whaaaa clearly the shelter was using human shields to protect it's self! why are they trying to hide the elephant in the room Luckily for Piyush, Republicans are very open minded and accepting of people who are darker than a paper bag. No dude, rock fuckin died when GENESIS broke up. Kim Dotcom just let out 2 tweets that are interesting. Typical day in an Irish brothel. This looks awfully a lot like No Man's Sky. More like Star Wars Battlefield am i right? They failed to mention they buried all there spent plutonium ores in the base of the mountain. Because all men out with small children are paedophiles, not fathers, derrr! You have to use Verbatim. Fake Looks like I need to move. Too bad your motherboard is only windows 8.1 ready What do you expect from a sub that is about a mobile game with just so many rares? Yo, you should have told him, " do something, bitch" best way to resolve a situation Cool, kinda looks like floral henna tattoos I listened to Anagram (for Mongo) by Rush and it blew my mind so hard I couldn't function. Sure by 2053, the world will be a different place since a combination of conservative elite of America and the North Korea nuke all forms of social media and we go back to living life like it was in the 20th century, *worth living in*. L'il Opie Cunningham. And we're a'comin' for your women folk! Seems iffy to me Yah she should be asleep before you start. He probably forgot where to toss a bat he hasn't had a lot of opportunities this season, poor guy Yes.... totally not a move based on religion its for national Development! The only thing surprising about this is that the rest of the team hasn't disbanded yet. Bro give it some time it's only been 2 days Attitude Adjustment JPMorgan blew it up to protect the manipulation, duh. Many rapes are false accusations, so we shouldn't try to punish anyone for rape Yeah that seems totally reasonable Then they got married and lived happily ever after Yeah fuck him for having an accent. Pure opinion. But I thought he was the most friendly LGBT president of all-time! I'll take an old fashioned, dos rocks. Comic sans, my favorite! The funniest part is that someone felt the need to circle the last entry in this image. Everybody knows white peoples views on racism is irrelevant and if you don't agree with the general view then you must be white. Maybe it's just a store that sells shelves. Uhh como no entro en el cybermonday esta! probably best to double the framerate rather than set it straight to 60fps if that's what you did But the world cup is not till a few year? It's nice to see that the medical crew was right there on hand to deal with the injured so quickly after the crash. bruh didn't you know Muzzy ghost produced it? i have both, but you can gift me another anyway I believe what you meant to say is that the system is rigged against young people and that their relatively poor situation has nothing to do with work ethic. *4chan* Yeah, that's a legit source. Yeah, there were no good bands in the 90s besides Nirvana. I miss the Rich Rodriguez days with Pat White, Steve Slaton, Owen Schmitt, and Noel Devine. Penn State's has dropped the past couple years, but yeah, STEP is working We must stop this invasion of the eastern hords, they are multiplying like rabbits and will destroy Swedish culture. You ruined the game! That's no friend The question is who gets to live until the end of the show? Yes, but it's only funny when they make fun of conservatives. This will definitely convince decision makers that violent video games are safe for children. the highest growth % is wealth inequality... sounds about right. Highly coached ten year old says something rude, amazing Nah they love Hillary cause she's such a feminist Now featuring NauseaWorks and MigraneWorks. Good thing only autistic kids will be allowed to go to school now If this shit makes the front page I'll drink dish soap This goes well with the other nicknames to the list: Bobby "Stupid Party" Jindal, Tom "Tehran" Cotton, James "Senator Snowball" Inhofe,.. There's a whole lot to work with, can't wait to see the list grow with... Trump will be a fun one. As someone that doesn't watch Impact, wft is going on here? That's the tipe of aducation them get at their estate label, Lol Embiid. Dick Cheney has no heart Yeah, usually they just bust up my luggage, not the patrons. Prec5 Eq 2 on one gizmo or gtfo honestly Nerf croak Boy, look at how forward-thinking and pro-feminist islam is. Let's just let violent thugs run around because cops shouldn't be allowed to shoot their guns anymore. Fake news I'm amazed people still exist who trust AP at this point. What is the reason for blue cross doing this? That is utterly charming I'm surprised no one mentioned Usagi Drop yet definitely 4Chan Is no one going to mention his teeth The US clearly needs 'Muri-Con laws to protect their local artists from the Canadian hegemony. FTB Beyond is literally the worst thing ever EXTREME Reserve Sounds like Tomorrow Never Dies But nvidia is perfect only amd sucks....right right ? An end to my meaningless life **CRAAAWLING IIIIN MY SKIIIIN** *Taken with my Blackberry 7520* also the state of Indiana though! He's a system TE for sure. I like how different the texture of their water is. Just a little. I wonder how this will turn out I don't trust the nose of a demon to detect his own odor. [](/cereal) Looks like she isn't worth your time. 2 wins in a row and you can be a Gambit coach too Try longbow, hitting the gold twice is an achievement in and of itself :P Hello offseason my old friend Cmon guys, let's show gumi some internet love! Yeah, but his picture is S-tier easily. ....aaand then you're hit for 1600 hp, tracked, racked and engine ded. I just IM'd this to my boyfriend. So true People still go to baseball games? The wealthiest Americans have all the political representation but none of the taxation. They're a buncha cheaters I tell ya! Same, was sorta pissed when I found this out when I started an alt. yea because Obama hasn't killed a shitload of Muslims with drone strikes. But let's blame the "settlements" and those crazy religious people who are probably busy preparing for Shabbat right now (or attending Hallel Yaffa Ariel HY"D's funeral in Hebron), because it can't possibly be the Arabs' fault. That's Sikh favoritism for ya! TIL one stops being nice when they acquire a girlfriend. i honestly believe he should have an A next year. How is that weird? And NA midlaners are better than KR midlaners, HotShotGG is a better LeBlanc than him, and the reason why he was undefeated on LeBlanc has nothing to do with his personal skill level, but the fact that she is op. HAHAHA YEAH Dear god, I never win these Well I have to conclude that Wentz is the better writer They're not trying to promote this game as an esports platform at all! Mask Off - Future if he played in benfica, it would only be a yellow. Your title is my critique. Hey liberals, thanks for the welfare state that subsidizes singe motherhood. Proof the United States is perfect. TIL microwaves have the infrastructure necessary for visual recording. He wasnt running? It's very frustrating trying to read this with all the fucking pop-ups! Do you blow the sickest clouds? This is sure to bring her down! I won! Just by looking at this page alone I would think he doesn't know a lot of things But dickheads with views like that surely wont. Well I guess Ted Cruz is the answer! My dog will be 30, in people years, when this thing opens Those lucky people making so little that they don't pay income taxes. Calling them out like that is just racist. THOONK. There's obviously no way he could be engaged in intelligence-collecting activities, we all know it's always the Russian Mafia (or the FSB/government, they're all the same) who's guilty Omg I couldn't even see what hero it was at first glance. Oh, well that's better then So.... You want a D? I think it's worth remembering that our friendly local police systematically rounded up people into camps based on race. Blackish and Cops Spoilers for Star Wars, geeez hurt me when u didnt pick up the pump right in front of u With the big bleach ongoing over the great barrier reef and the 90% Krill population crash the ocean is doing "just fine". Yes, let's move complex parsing and error checking from compile-time to runtime, what a wonderful idea. I read this as you have never been to Denmark then. I wasn't a big fan of the announcements, but I didn't really find it awkward Well, that proves that the GOP was right to obstruct it for years then. 109 Nobody feels bad for you trust me. I fucking lost it at waffle stomping... take my upvote you dirty sumbitch Ad breaks definitely the ad breaks. Zoom out more, we can't see the fight. I imagine him being like "*swish*" as soon as he posted it. Sadly this video is around 2-3 months old How you doin. from what i heard, this is tame from some of the stuff guys send on tinder But he is so entertaining! But, people living in fear are easier to control. I am so sick of these guns committing these crimes. Check your non-cannibal privilege OP Time to try it in Trial 3 and watch the magic go. great! 91% percent match, we might have to put you down OP. Fuel tank full of rockets that is. He was under stress, everyone has a bad day! I hope they give it a cool name, hmm... like virtual boy! We read the Bible in my sophomore year world literature class, alongside the Qur'an and other religious texts. This actually looks pretty badass He is just wanting to disco like its 1978 Guerrilla gardening of flowers you still have to get the drops for the relics that go in the artifacts. I went to Coast Guard bootcamp in 2001 and we were issued NewBalances. Where the fuck is Nick? What exactly did they take of the engine bay? NPR journalists don't mysteriously become poisoned when they criticize Donald Trump. Yeah fuck disc golf am I right? Hacks, obviously Not even sub 100, 0/10 sucky af McDonalds is always hiring CLEARLY IF ITS NOT PERFECT IN EVERY SINGLE ASPECT ITS FUCKING WORTHLESS AND YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF FOR TRYING TO USE/TRADE IT YOU FAT DICK. But the electoral college is about making sure everyone's vote matters, no matter where they live, guys. this guy seems like a real winner. This just in: Aspen Aerogels has been selling this stuff for like 4 years. TL;DR for Canada: Beat America in 1812, 10/10 would do it again. I really wonder who's playing them to state this. Still no way to add shits that throw shits at you. Violent crime doesn't stop when ppl are arrested, just put into a non counted category in the countries largest city: prison town, usa Quad invulns and no booster on those phoenixes, new meta? The rock n roll express look like they did alot of cocaine in their day Well the last catostrophic event was God's fault so I guess we're even. I see nothing civilized about it. Yes how can society be expected to function with exposed nipples everywhere Oh man, look at all the white people that agree with them, they must actually have a legit claim. Russian lawyers who defend investigators of $200,000,000+ criminal conspiracies always seem to be exceptionally clumsy. what a waste of a last name we'll all be equal when we all have nothing, comrade! You win the Internet today! Typical pig using taxpayer-bought police tape in order to psychologically torture innocent citizens for his sick enjoyment. what a selfish piece of shit. Wait, I thought people didn't use ARs for hunting! Bunch of Cox Verbally and physically abusing someone just because they have an opposing viewpoint is never a good idea. The Possums I struggle to empathize with people like this. He's really channeling his inner Plinkett here. Just... wow. Someone understands the league system! Does the "Breeder" medal stop tracking eggs hatched at a certain point? But I thought it was just liberals that didn't like Russia. TIL Named after Benito Juarez of Mexico. It's your job to get him out of the friendzone, OP! I'm so modest I win awards for my modesty. Hi Babu That's the best mugshot I've seen in a while. Confirmed Melee What, do you guys not like fun? Well oiled machine! Don't know what the Judge is so mad about - its what Stalin would have done. No, geeks never talk about DC, Marvel, or Star Wars. I call BS, no way did they manage to get a cab in Pittsburgh to grace them with his presence. Soon No offense, but your mum. I think this is worse than getting mauled by a drop bear. So fucking cool for Charlotte. If you were wondering how he was so *sure* that there was voter fraud, now you know. For art, or when quoting someone to get the full impact of what they're saying. Surprise, surprise, surprise. But how's he supposed to not get drag from the wind with the tailgate up? Because she got lemonade...duh. Kate Beckinsale. A tragedy cant even happen without someone trying to make conservatives look bad in this sub This thread should be civil and well mannered. Of course, virgins can only take blurry pictures. One more place that will never see another dime from me. ALL ANIMALS ARE EQUAL BUT SOME ANIMALS ARE MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS ~~especially if you use Elimo without her glasses~~ ~~you are now my spirit animal Captn~~ ok, StartSSL. Attention, oncoming communal riots in Karnataka and another 'astounding BJP win'. Well this is interesting, but the article fails to address how this was either Obama's or Clinton's fault. She was going to report a case against a BJP leader, this obviously means she was a anti-Indian Maoist . And the level of originality. Firewall, such as asa or windows firewall or hyper-v network settings of the VM (if I am remembering correctly). not fat enough 1/10 I've considered myself an atheist for about a year, I haven't encountered anything that's made me want to go back. Man yog videos are getting shorter and shorter must have been their time of the month what makes this comment great again is that its posted on a site full of sanders supporters This is what happens when you still have archaic prudish victorian era laws. Crack theory: Yogi and Boo boo represent black men trying to go about their business and get somewhere in life while the Officer represents police that always assume Black men are up to no good. Should have put the wing on the front. It's the price we must pay for Tump's de-globlization which will bring union jobs and high tech firms back to MAGA. Hey now, this is the patriarchy's fault! rite mite, yur grmmr b s gud im tak u srs Well see we only need OUR money to combat the OTHER side's money you see... The DEA should feel really proud of themselves. Poetry. Nope, not jealous of his job at all. Wait, did you just say blouse? Well now that Switzerland has ruled, Apple will fall in line. i've only ever opened a stattrak huntsman crimson web... not bad, but not this good! Aztec and Vertigo on the competitive playlist make it enough of a reason Prepare for the bloodbath! Yeah the kid could get autism It's a good thing all of her scandals are done and there are no more emails or anything left I'm surprised you didn't use a throwaway for that crazy confession. Mayweather The head should be a potato Yes he opened his eyes and is a complete different person now. Very bold move on their part, transitioning from the alt-country scene into the country scene. Ravens fans: "We're just happy to be included." Maybe it'll allow me to blow up the environments too lol, 900 gold for gem not worth, they only got like 1000. Guys stop worrying, several Danish muslims have condemned these acts Well now you ruined it This is a dumb idea, because guns are bad and they're supposed to just "love" the bullets away when they're being shot at He does look like he has a really wide stance. But why? WATCH FOR MOTORCYCLES *sigh* every damn time They did that deliberately so they can add her in as dlc later. man... i really hate reddit on summer... what kind of 14 year old kids shit is this? Put everyone else down and remind yourself that it's everyone else who sucks, not you. Wait, I thought we needed to vote Liberal to stop Hudak from laying off hundreds of nurses. Identifying as your own gender, however at odds it may be with how other people see you, is different from lying about your race--how is this difficult to understand? I just want to eat pussy 2nice4me I can only wonder who the perpetrators are. Shocking This guy being a trump supporter is enough to make me no longer support trump If u are able to eliminate protoss player from brackets then you are saving esports Lmao it's completely irrelevant to the story I can't wait to see this web redemption on Tosh.0. This slavery by another name. This is the kind of hard hitting policy that a*mer*ica sorely needs these days! So when's the big event? Why is that hair covered island talking on a phone? liek if u crey evrytim Enjoy the little things I hear Republicans across the south are outraged at such behavior! I spent a bad amount of money on that sale. And who said racism never solved anything? bold. Omg he's just like an anime character, so dreamy! They were just zipper merging! Why doesn't the government just print more money and give it to people without jobs? Wel.... I hope not Clickbaiting a 9/11 photo is pretty fucking low. He beat PM, and that is equal to 10 Armadas. AD runes for winning lane Lethality for mid/late game one shots Don't send pigeons to India and we won't send hot air to Pakistan. Defense- dough Wilson letang Kieth Weber Mov ghost byfuglien Goalies mov bishop 90 Crawford Fuck, we need tighter regulations on tractors. ...what the fuck is "crossy road"? It's a trap, luring Cowboys fans into a false sense of security for the next time they visit Philly. When you get less delegates than someone who already suspended their campaign, I guess its the only logical move. Well that solves the whole overpopulation issue for a bit Socialism. anyone else catch the 'terrorist are targeting extremely realistic games" quote... i guess they haven't heard about battlefield Pretty sure I've had shits that feel similar. Uhh, animal cruelty...upvote! JW so close but so far The ISS has a lower ping than that Yeah, cus the people who use guns to commit crimes will *totally* be deterred by the fact that they have to acquire them illegally. Aww, I guess he'll have to cry himself to sleep on his bed of YouTube Dollars. Overcome with shame Sonny John Moore assumed a new identity, shaved his head and turned to dubstep As if Hitler just decided to just stop at that figure. Basic bitch* FTFY Who cares, it looks fucking sick! Quick, let us legislate against this. Aaaand that's enough internet for me. What if it's actually her father? That can't be right, MLB hates Canadian teams and refuses to put them at good times. Ragland medically flagged for an enlarged aorta, per Rapoport. That just means he's smart! My faith in the rationality of my fellow man slips daily. I love when kids with no life experience weigh in on politics. I'm at over 271,000 and not much better. Ridge does some quality weird shit. Because parties switched amirite giz? YER GOT DAMN RIGHT Yeah, lets all remember how much we loved homework and while doing each and every assignment thought of how beneficial it was to our future. Urgh... Damn Cotswolds They did it for the integrity! Jeff The Killer Wouldn't be surprised if it was mr Putin, just to make Ukraine look bad. Rename it "EU players only" and see all ksa guys to join M'Belle Nice meme OK so R* is British, what else? Thats weird, I have gotten overwatch XP before but not this message? Great question (Grant Hill too). White men never learn I wonder how many murders have been commited already because of this atrocity! Maybe it'll just push Apple to make their shit more secure, making them the most preferred mobile device of the Jihad. Not applicable This game needs Kato 14 stickers can I have him This works especially well with family members when you see them over the holiday Nice to see how level-headed and reasonable the YouTube comments are relating to the incident. Why did you link this article and not the BBC actual article? So far, so good! I don't think.... let that sink in for a moment. Dennis is asshole, why Charlie hate? Anything worth doing takes time and effort. ew touchwiz What the newspaper did isn't cool, but if I was as rich as an NFL player i'd try very hard to live in a gated community for exactly this reason. Bus passengers don't pay rego, why should they get their own lane? the biggest shock is that cam brady (kizer) didnt get a score as good as tom brady skill based game Classic wife beater's logic. All these big shots and some chut called Micheal Dell? Don't worry, Trump will bring back all the coal jobs :D There's no way that hit any civilians. Short answer: It's becoming less weird. Oh but TSM lost, that means Bjerg is terrible Some breeds are dying, other breeds are doing fine, but are affected to a certain degree. Sorry for being a noob about VAC, but does their inventory get locked when they get banned? ITT: racists But they're not terrorists, you guys, seriously. Hot dogs or hamburgers guys Well, that's one way to fight Common Core. lol this is hilarious I'm buying this game for the plot... I don't know, people told me to. that book i like isn't on the list What the fuck did I just read. Woo the Orwell police state is happening :D But the 5/7 is only applicable to film reviews. Different races What did Timo Glock ever do to you? what a surprise! Reddit Gold Challenging to answer as you are asking many to do an imputed rent calculation. Ha my walls worked What show is that? Nice 3% KB FW got an easy group. Thought you meant she talked about her fish for attention and I was thinking since when do fish get you attention? I think the real problem is Sydney and Melbourne don't have venues big enough to fit all the Chairman Mao fans here. me: Blake Griffin should shoot less jumpshots also me: oooo great shot Blake, take more of those You're obviously a sexist shitlord. Can't wait for this to crash and burn. Is this legal to watch? I wonder what it's going to be like when Sesame Credit becomes mandatory for enrollment Lol I'm going grab a beer and go to imgur and sit this out I bet it's Seager. Awww, it's deleted :( This is just disrespecting the game. both governments should of had done this years ago....i mean 2 million people from the sate work in the gulf..hell every gulf country should have a functioning consulate in Kerala That's why he hasn't been starting! You should've taken some form lessons from him. You could do this with everyone this season except maybe: Crawford, Kane, Hjalmarsson, Kruger (due to injury), maybe Desjardins, and until recently maybe Shaw. that looks like the face he pulls in love actually also. But my videogames load too fast because of my SSD They call it the Duo-killer. Does it go on CD? Because the world is filled with a vast amount of astoundingly stupid people. because they can, is that a problem? Nope, not doing the whole slides thing. Beating Hilary in a presidential election? Honestly I thought they already released him Maybe it's their cheat day. So can I downvote if I have less than 200k? You cant shoot anybody cant preach to anybody.. what's a cop to do liberal tears But but every other object is for sale, why can't I buy you, I don't understand Except modern flashlights And he will resign when his plan fails Is... is that skinny Ted Cruz? size doesnt matter Looks like a L2P issue Is that all, look around each corner there will be more. Actually it's just you and OP. Apparently, He loves you because you buy Video Gas. This feels like a Hillary Clinton-esque attempt to get students/young people to like him. This is the most WTF inducing post I've seen on this sub. Flying First Class is awesome, they even have people to wipe your butt! I think they already do. In 2016 the Filipinos lost the Philippines when their president was duped into visiting China, with a promise of a steaming bowl of Congee and unlimited dimsum. I thought we were just a bunch of bots? Call it ironic, but I fucking hate these people R R R R R REPOST It's still tops with me and will be for quite some time :) I carried. Hahah I guess you're right! Really misleading for people who are not familiar with origin access OP knows his shit, I can't backtrace him at all when his dog's identity is protected the fuck is the point of this Funnily enough, testosterone *is* kind of related to focus... but he didn't mention that. Probably because they spent all of their dole money on drugs, booze and TVs See, those gays *are* affecting us straight people! Sorc is very strong right now but pretty hard nerfs are coming, so I'd say archer. They should have respected his religous freedom actually being progressive What block is the thinner lined block in between the wooden looking slab and the block of wood? At least the comments called him out at least a dozen times. Just about the only thing that Overkill's done right this month Conservative polling shows that "those people" tend to vote wrong, so clearly big, bold action is required... Great acting Makes perfect sense It's like they want people to unite in a new party. Purify synergy, too op The journalist was talking about the voices inside their own head. Troll, maybe? cheaper to appear to be doing something by forcing others to take action I guess, rather than tackle what might not be a PC process and look into areas/communities which have shown to have links to terrorism, and actually do something about it. Any relation to The Famous Jaboo Winston? Well when most people do it so will he! Obvious bait. My favorites are Believeland and the North Coast what about smfoursh I miss ol' dubya I think the second you start drinking you are considered consenting for your actions brought on by drinking Cue jokes of he can still remain in England following \#brexit Because gingers have no soul. I get why people are excited with this, but I work with biotech companies every day and $3bn is a drop in the bucket yeah but if they are better they are a hacker or have no life (compared to you) Because they're *Fake* Americans, sponsored by the Soros Agenda. Well if he threw more perfect games, one run a game would be fine! Should be Jagr That'll teach 'em! But then how could they afford to give 3% of their revenue to help the poor? Baja Men - Who let the dogs out Lee Enfield man I love this have an upvote Yeah, thanks for including all of those lyrics, lyric video. Can we get a lil of that I texas, please? BerkEley Well, Great analogy but how do you crash while getting 60 Fps shouldn't it be the opposite? It's a jeep thing, you wouldn't understand. Yea because everyone has the same job and not different ones I called mine It'sHighNoon V1 What time it is? It took a year to catch and pass Dark Side Of The Moon. And wikileaks is covering it up! You mean a German team? Little early to warn us about outages in September isnt it? But guys aren't supposed to express emotions. What better way to get kids hooked on the idea of flouride you guys just don't understand art Wait until the fines start rolling in for the competitive advantage that is recovery water. Did... did the cone bleed? A star with an O-like ring around it. I'm not sure how that works. **FULLY AUTOMATED UFO FASCISM** Certainly no bias in that article. Also a compelling argument to leave religion behind in history's dustbin. The ports on the back look pretty useless. Sooo he becomes a professional Street Fighter player and win EVO and Capcom Cup? New theory: mystery 3-pack is Marth, Villager, and WFT. Yeah, Trump supporters never make shitposts. The rest of the video didn't live up to that awesome intro lol. The Konami police raided your fob and kicked him off the game for good this time Well it is 2015 for the love of Pete So when did real guns start getting the tips painted orange like toy guns I believe that is a snorkel And the PC tyrants say building a PC is easy I guess the "coup" did not turn out as planned its intentionally abusing the ability to random TIL we're still on the gold standard RT link please. That's an insane milestone I hate the bulls so much right now. Wow, so much for the tolerant left, we should be giving them freedom of speech 45% is happy news but I'm excited to see how they fuck it up. In regards to everyone talking about shopping habits : do you guys not use thrift stores in your towns? Shouldn't you be practicing, Wes? Pls artist flair me mods probably couldn't tell them apart in a double-blind test I bet This is Mila Kunis, I'm case anyone was wondering. time to buy up all the scolds bridles One of the tips missing is to be very mindful of the contract you sign with SAG as some of the lower indie levels can affect your distribution plans. Why did Team UK choose something resembling a Canadian flag? It's time we build basements to house the lower middle class It's your fault for not healing! She's playing it safe after her foul play on Super Tuesday. Welp, better start looking at reality in the midwest. Start eating popcorn Good, how many people got scammed successfully by these twats? Because politicians dont kill innocent people every day! This sounds extremely over powered, I don't think any developer in their right mind would create such card. Gee whiz, I never thought committing all of those war crimes would have consequences. That's Google for you! song is still awful. Fuck theory, let's just talk snowden About damn time. Well a straight man can't be sexually harassed by a gay man. No fucking shit BUT I NEED TO BE ABLE TO WATCH NETFLIX FOR 20 HOURS ON MY PHONE DAMNIT Hopefully this guy never tries to get a job that requires a background investigation that reveals this video. implying RNG seems to be silver not global judged by ur opponents behaviour OP, please don't tag Eve Onion with [dev post] Beat me, went to th9 with Valk healer and goblins not upgraded... Still not better than Maradona My job. Only if the Indians aren't from India They should learn to counter bastion. Fact So, the cats are using your dad as a hunting blind? I know where one is but you're an asshole so nope. Jeez, even a Canadian alcoholic won't drink this amount in their lifetime of drunkeness Ah yes, I'm sure those kpop bands would hate to be internationally successful and that is why no kpop artist has ever held a concert outside of South Korea Oh you mean like Noah Syndergaard and Travis D'Arnaud? lol Because I play a dragon in dungeons and dragons Good ole police, saving the world one ticket at a time Bro...spoilers Is this a game on Xbox one? No, I just don't care nice ! No, they will eventually have to fish for food again after they eat Jinbe. A bromance. Obviously this is the case ... what did you think I was implying. Extremely gay. Looking at the picture alone, Iran looks like they're banning Zyzz-lookalike conventions. If I had to spend a premium on a luxury brand for social status or Windows phone with no apps, I would choose an iphone fuck ya it is No no no u have it all wrong it means someone the left disagrees with. Rule 0? yup sold out That's original. Is that the recently announced Pokemon? We've all been there Well at least if you get your hand caught in the belt it won't hurt for long because it will promptly be chopped off. How many keys for Zombas? Is it possible that we have an inflated perspective of Cook's skill since we were stuck with dickrod for the last few years? Holy lack of massive downvotes, where are all the crazy people? Incoming MIMRatters I'm sure they'll never misuse them. At least the viet criminals actually kill eachother off, dont hear much from them nearly as much anymore. wow thats big for esports There was something strangely genius about him Did they use a Hellfire missile to blow her house up? Yeah, only one of the three lays on top of someone else to get a foul But is it enough? Oh yeah Bama really blew us out last year RIP modern secular Turkey what would give you that idea? season 5 arrow has taken the lead Every time I get slowly frozen and then plunked in the head I die a little inside. Aumentan antes de que pase, aumentan mientras pasa, y aumentan cuando no pasa tanto, son todos vivos. i bet you Tate makes sure he gets his hand on them as well, one way or another era bad ass daca punea si "Dracula" :D Too soon kid, too soon. Rule 9 So, can I claim microaggresion whenever someone asks me if I'm good at basketball because I'm 6 foot 7? Erdogan promises to resign if black box is open in public That is just so small detail and honestly who even cares Totally not a fascist guys omg Godwin's law or some bullshit No way, there's a shadow behind the dogs because people who can't afford huge houses and do the best with what they have when they have children & toys (or simply just like collectibles) are creepy pedophiles. I don't know... it really needs more shit on the back. The worst thing about the Koch's not wasting money trying to get Trump into office is that they are going to load local and downticket candidates even more, which will have a greater impact on the everyday lives of voters, especially at the local level. inb4 it was early aprills fools joke wtf he didnt have The Dark Knight. Damn, I almost thought this was the girl from GTA5 Definitely a reach at 4th! tossing salad is awesome. B-but wait, I thought Europe was perfect and the US was full of fat bible thumpers? A Drew Remenda sound board. He could've just bought a used cop car Let's just hand over the keys to the economy to a guy who can manage neither his campaign finances nor his tax returns, what could go wrong ? pff, what a slut Saturday and Sunday are incorrect, they should show more rain Maybe Donald is a bit too liberal. But Sweetwater never makes interesting beers! If you are concerned enough to post about it here - I suggest you tidy up after yourself. Understanding these numbers is a struggle. I love memes where they exaggerate the difficulties of parenting for the sake of feeling important. I too watch Psych. Next weeks Impact is the start of the new tapings and is going to be aired on a few hour tape delay right? Classiest president ever. That's what she said. Another thing to blame on the Labor party. Or a kill switch on the moderators desk. Islamophobes! Another Greens candidate can start dreaming about that lucrative ministerial position in the upcoming Labor-Greens coalition government Who? uh no, that's three He says many things, few of them true. Also, then make it a common. Vuol dire che non devi perdere tempo (tu) con queste aziende! This was the original concept for the Will Smith Summertime video Surprised they didn't have to give up the AUX for this. No literal nutshell - 0/10 Why should we expect the media to do any kind of fact-checking anymore? Awesome! One of my FB friends is already calling it a false flag. They do that often. damn. I concur OP This is the new feature That would explain Brexit Wars are raging in multiple places and the NSA is working on eroding the right to privacy as fast as possible, but a tasteless nickname for the drones is the *important* part we need to be worked up about. Destroying their life and letting them live. Wow, I thought Spain would have been in the 80-100 range. You forgot the period OP. All legit reasons. Is it real? this just reminded me how she was robbed season 7 Man, the move I used to try to convince people was real as a joke is actually real now. rip skyforge. Fucking cant stand her accent I'm glad the developers have their prioritys straight Im sending virtual (and real) tea and cookies now :( ~fazthethird Nice work! Oh, well at least he's doing everything in his power to prevent sexual abuse. Yeah it's so bad, that everyone just doesn't play anymore Why does iggy have micronuke Conclusion: Physical violence = words. I know you all thought that Michigan was under-ranked at 4 in the ESPN poll, so this should be a bit more palatable. I'm sure that he was going to produce an anus-knife or something. I WANT TO STAY FAT SO FAT PEOPLE DON'T FEEL FAT ANY MORE Thought I was watching a Charlotte v Sasha match for a second Hahaha funny joke my friend, I to share this notion. He's black and if u don't play him ur a racist Wow these people are so backwards, everyone in the village thinks he a righteous hero now. and now, quiet hour can be increase up to 18 hrs, finally I'm sure this was not rushed out the door and there will be no negative long term side-effects *at all* Come on, it's 2016: we should stop being Islamaphobic and just learn to accept life with frequent terror attacks! I demand Sanders make his Koch brothers speeches public. #BAN GAYS Listen, it's hard to just pick one. So long as we can tax the income the Chinese buying our real estate in Vancouver and Toronto are making over in China at the same rates we do Canadian Citizens, sure. the karma circlejerk is getting soooo strong. I agree with you, however this is America, keep that commie talk somewhere else and that at Loda's request we contacted the police so an official report could be filed Kinda makes Loda sound like a pussy tbh From what I can tell, he seems to believe that vaginas are at least the length of a human torso. Weren't those the ones that got hilariously squashed after landing on the shore? I'll bet his mom would have some choice words for this kind of behavior. Europe always gettin' better treatment than the rest of the world Kwame? No one has ever gotten fat from eating too much, everyone is blameless, everyone is perfect, thin people are born lucky, people who lose weight do not exist, the ones who are real will get fat again, excess fat causes no damage to the human body, no one has ever died from obesity. The two in the front actually walked in together, but the girl behind them was by herself and just happened to be wearing the same shoes. Don't know why everyone is worrying, free markets will sort it out, relax. I wonder why they did this? As you whisper to yourself "I is the best NA" Yeah... I guess we should just abandon social services altogether and let those markets magically solve all our societal problems. I started watching it, but the second I heard the fucking troll song I turned it off. The planet is going to go out of gravitational balance from how hard I'm rolling my eyes right now. I expected that last panel to have a jealous Jaune. Apothic Red's my favorite wine. To even this out, the next time Darien plays Aatrox, Riot should quickly change the code so it procs every 4 times instead of every 3. Now do blocks. This "Vote Trump" guy sure wants to help out. Also 1080p* *sometimes Somehow I don't think that's accurate as it's never been over 240 minutes and that was before they opened the third track this week. Resilience But it is lootcrate exclusive! The combo of cargo sweatpants and timbs just screams Delco Why didn't they just ban guns, like here in Sweden? Nerf OP Trump! Mexico, they need to exist on their own from now on and stop taking all the jobs. They've become so self centered they've decided to just call themselves gods? Candyman Actually confirmed. Gewoon de fik erin, we doden immers ook andere dieren voor ons plezier. Annnnnd, now it's occupied by Russia. Open your hearts and minds, and thighs ladies. Sorry if this seems off topic but is there a charity to donate directly to TB's family? so youre saying you want to... motorboat him? it's so much easier to look at these places on youtube. That wonderfully happy guy is most definitely on his side! Nope clear evidence the election is rigged Got to give white people credit when it's due because we would have never ended segregation if it weren't for the Beatles! Except the banks rigged the entire market. Get on the sidewalk you fucking twat! 0 days. Absolutely devastated.... Well that would be sexist. This is what will happen if you allow gay marriage This is what happens if you ever dare to mention how girls should ask guys out, too. YOU DIRTY FUCKING CHEATER! Whew, I was really worried that we wouldn't play him Yeay real fun, biking trough the rain! Those Jews and their racism... but it's ok because of the holocaust and all that. I believe they call them "Millennial Degrees" these days. Besides that, there was no jews in ""Palestine"" before 1948, for sure. Thank you for killing brown people so that I don't have to! He was just trying to give you some tough love type encouragement! But it's snowing here.... Just because the cops don't like rave music doesn't mean they need to impose there tastes on everyone else. They should sue the gas station that sold diesel to the truck that actually delivered the gun to the store. you must be an unlucky guy Breaking news. Now I have no choice but to play League with my friends, I demand justice. Refs gave them a break there with like..7 guys on the ice lol What a funny and random vine Mandatory common question: Is Java dying? Because your own version of the NSA would never do things like that, right? We should all unite and revive Brawl That's gold Jerry, pure gold! Did it break three days after you turned it on? *Internet connection gets cut out* The Spamler 120mm Quad Cannon* Probably the worst ascension I've ever seen. The Battle of the Palindromes #GETHYPE Better to just constantly pay ransoms instead of backing up your hard drives and encrypting them. Don't forget the biggest US socialist program, the military. Plastic bags have been accepted by the Christchurch council for recycling for a while. I'd argue Chara more so. sounds like he's joking tbh About how blacks are animals and we need to put them all down! I call bullshit.. there's no way that they all didn't skip revive Tapeworm Thanks for the context, OP. Yes considering okc's bench is just as good as Houston's Donald Trump said so - shouldn't that be enough proof? Four-four time, it's right there How has no one said Sail? As we say in hearthstone "outskilled" Good luck with that... let me know how that works out for you. First I thought, wow good guy OSB ppl actually made their client more fair, then I was disappointed that you could still click to move really far away, just not interact with objects... oh well, i guess we gotta wait for jagex to fix that ._. Yeah, how about no. I'm going to become a wrapper. Is there a crate for privileged artists? [The first one was similar to what you do in the final heist of the story except that the trucks were in motion.] Depends on if he had DPS legendaries. *Costom Yeah, makes sense when you put it that way, relax everyone Yeah for being the big sale month I hoped for better in the store. If I wasn't a grit it would be the canadian electoral system. That'll be boring if it's a podcast that doesn't have anything in it But he got a *dusty* Elijah Craig! or maybe inside job Thats the whole point, having hidden things makes the game so much more fun, i mean just this morning seeing that theres and exotic black hammer from doing a certain something in the daily, thats cool as hell! She's really original TRIGGERED Yapp, moments like these are *super frustrating* Running from the police during a 3 day bender burns a lot of calories shitlord! How can someone not get the message? Poopet masturr(beiter) xDDDDDDD EMOJIS XDDDDDDDDDD) Pay us because we feel oppressed He just has so much happening with his career right now, so obviously he doesn't want to risk it all by angering a powerful Hollywood exec. Well instead of bitching about the lack of original content in a regional pokemon go subreddit, what do you suggest would promote a more varied discussion of the game as played in Atlanta? Thanks for clearing that up for all of us five year olds that use Reddit. Tactical Superiority well , at this price, you cant afford not to buy it. good price on the gonz tee I don't think thats what this is insinuating. .people with girlfriends who get laid me more than me .me .people with brilliant tactical minds/reflexes/aim/performance under pressure Wow...clearly seeing the impact of the City of London in UK's economy. Green and Black Arrow Canary? Wow, I'm so glad that weed smokers will get what they deserve for harming so many people. Looks like fun! Someone needs to add "Kappa" but they say the Common Core in education is going to fix all this. I wasn't aware that mobile phones were anywhere close to the PC category to be comparable Super hearing and a loud car. I could wait another year. Looks like the "Abstinence Only" sex education is working ITT: McGregor fans praying he leaves. Because dear leader knows best and to even question him makes you a terrorist. It's almost like basketball is over or something. It's war on the streets. I miss this show. Did they catch him at home playing xbox or something? *Puts ''spoilers'' tag in title...* *... and puts entirety of said ''spoilers'' in the title whilst leaving the main section blank* Good job Obviously the cross fossil *swam through the layers* of sediment. Aloha Snackbar! I sexually identify as a Canadian. so stop forcasting since the forecast itself apparently increase the chances of an earthquake. Agh junior college So much blood Cigs, weed, etc? Explains India's population crisis! No such thing as an unbiased source per se, but if you listened to a conservative source and a liberal source, it's not that difficult to take truths from both and form your own opinions. Damn, cancelling my preorder this totally spoiled the whole experience You'd be fun to hang out with Down and down into the lonely shrinking abyss of oblivion, and here you will one day follow. Fresh to the bigs and you've already got a big head. what a shame Don't open with or spam Provoke. I thought this has been official for the past few years? Volgens mij moet er iemand van z'n bitcoins/dogecoins af ofzo o_0 It doesn't really sound like a rumor as much as just one guys opinion Dirk to Lakers please! They should have learned to code. Such a punchable face. The democracy one is wrong because according to the army of reddit political scientists the USA is a Republic not a democracy. I had a teacher once who told me that this actually....'sparkles' in real life. .303s don't care about your puny glass Finally Jump off the bandwagon. I wish I knew what that character meant. You could live in that. Must be a millenial. gawdam Noooooo 10/10 good bloke, good bloke The incompetence they have paraded around as an excuse for their obvious censorship has become sufficient enough on its own to warrant no longer trusting them as any sort of legitimate source. Crazy to think how Africa has more people than both Americas combined. Free ponies and mandatory teeth brushing. I know I sound like that guy now, but I'm afraid that because of the age of Google, instead of learning people can just do a quick Google search, robbing the next generation of the skill of learning. Loving the sweet combination of capitalism and genocide. So is this winners club a thing? 'Scrote' is also cromulent. So all this blood is a finger? do you have like 2 titan alts and have run the raid 3x per week? Silyisis oh that black dog is scary we should prohibit that I love this signing not only because he's doing well, but because of something else on the box score: Terrence Jones - DNP Coaches Decision Jesus. I have this argument with my wife every night. Anyone know what kind of rifle he is using? Look at all the good apples that had the restraint to not finish her off with two bullets to the back of the head. He can shove his wall up his arse. no...they're all sleeping at the same time BUT PC HAS 10000 EXCLUSIVES BEAT THAT PEASANT XD 19 years old is still a teenager eh Yup, these are the types of people I want to be taking advice from on how to live my life. Yes but you're stupid and we're the media, we can't sell heroes. Yeah we should be far more tolerant and edit the comments of Trump supporters! IM A BETTER #8 FOR THE RANGERS THEN YOU WERE It's okay we have ranks now since everything has been sorted out Yeah... Cos they didn't sound cheap to start with Usually took me 2 shots with the 1000 yard stare anyway I always 'miss' the first shot Obviously it's a warning shot, *god* T-t-thanks for your service? I love the Disney font! Seems 'SEC Bias' is cyclical. No. everytime i hear of someone adding a ton of mods to a skyrim i think of dunkey's ultimate skyrim video There's more profit in killing thousands of innocents! First modern Ferrari I've seen that truly has a sense of class. You should shitpost every time you get a clue that's not a dye. T Minus 3...2....1....he found Jesus. So mysterious 1004 days. She's doing God's work. There they sit, wearing the seeds of their own destruction. Anyone else notice how that looks a LOT like Justin beiber? I thought the wraps only and no headgear was the way to go? Yeah and no one's voting for her either Those stains on her shirt, really add to her overall look... They probably saw some internet tough guy on Facebook and jumped at the chance to get some sympathy. Out of the magazine tube. yey another progress for Luzon! Sanchez is kicking his dog right now. Humour... *sigh* cammer fault for running yellow light All players need to act like they've been there before. VIC bias strikes again! Hard pressing issue ITT: Tons of people that didn't bother to read the article and call out the BS sensationalized headline. G2-8 obviously trying to get away from their memes or are scared of LoL memes leaking to csgo. One of the reasons you love petite women is a picture of Sally Field? He better learn that you can't play in the NBA and smoke weed! Eye rolllll Im shocked they made a video during vacations, huge props for them The good ol' zero tolerance, for when thinking is just too hard. Let's go ahead and hope that when he's old enough to fight that he won't have to. This will only separate the G5 from the P5 even more... I get that G5's get screwed by a committee with only P5 ties, but it'd be better to fight for change in the committee than take yourselves further out of the playoff picture Fuck Captilistic Medicine. Who has cracked the code what a just, rational, and civil protest of Israel's occupation You sure showed him! Big surprise there. The very credible and unbiased Al-Jazeera Oh hey look reddit, OP has a fucking Tesla! HOLY SHIT SOSYAL MEDYA TULZ! Tutti tutti no. Cant wait for Dayro Moreno at shortstop. This dude clearly has his life together and was raised correctly. It's our fault for being so violent. The old people will be dead soon, I like how you get the real feeling the creator is hiding behind their work. For pedophiles nothing has changed. holly cow, you guys really can't pick a name can you ? It's funny how the US government is bending over backwards for a demographic that doesn't even make up 1% of their total population. Well all the departments are typically stationary except D18. Aren't the Russians the only ones who takes this event seriously anyway? He should at least get some sunglasses so he doesn't have to hold his eyes shut all the time. And this bright spark somehow earned an officer's rank in the army? Funny, I've missed every single one. How the fuck are we supposed to know rofl Seams high for fuck's sake Call of Duty Lalala I can't hear you, the alternate end is the real end, lalala. I'm so jealous of those speeds. omg i'm so hyped for this credit card, thank you so much YG. Geez bro, it's a compliment. Shut the fuck up does your finger have a boner? Didn't lead wire to wire how disappointing How can it do physics without GPU PhysX? Which means Sacramento will be admitted to MLS in about forty years! OMG OMG OMG you changed the title, tells the mods and admins to alert the police, setup a man hunt. I think we'd get by somehow. I gotta hear that mixtape Proof it is working! Nice to read something positive about India on this subreddit if you worked the one of seven days that they served food, you hit the jackpot. When was Jeremy Corbyn ever in Star Wars? Hey its me, your brother So did Orson Wells own that book? I think it's time we come to grips with the fact that this team isn't good enough to win 120 games. America will find out soon enough that Hillary simply can't do the job any more than Ronald Reagan and Dubya couldn't do the job, but that their henchmen are running things, henchmen who have absolutely no obligation whatsoever to the oath of office and the American people. WTF, I saw one for $1000/foot, so it's clearly better. Easier to maintain, looks good, no/little water use during a serious drought.... Yep I can see exactly why a HOA would want to ban it. Obviously aimbot. *Putin mislead me - he said being President would be like being on The Apprentice but even better* Can't be anyone but Trump. Like father like daughter For people who don't know, the grenade bounced off the wall and killed an invisible infiltrator, a class that uses sniper rifles and has a cloaking ability. Nah, this is just what any beginner needs to get the required skills to play ROTMG. Git Gud Better than Oklahoma I guess, but fuck this kid's dad for not letting him visit us. Just vote again! Are you also looking for a fire extinguisher to go with it Was it Mexicans or Muslims? yea no thanks The bots are just simulating those Ensage scripts that allows cheaters to know the real hero. Zoning meetings are always a good time. The paras certainly didn't seem to mind. *Sigh* **** off pokerstars, so rigged even in live events! We told you they shot first! Berkeley PD doing (not doing) their job If it was in Spain, yeah. I dunno, but Crap4's reputation is definitely going to drop the value. $220... yeah that'll teach him At least the 3rd time this was posted - maybe this one will get some traction. If anyone is interested in getting a good look at the place, the Thunder Bay Heritage Advisory Committee is doing a walking tour of Victoriaville tomorrow (Saturday, February 20th) at 11am; meetup is in the Village Green. Strowman because he is huge and strong so he is the most beleebable to conquer Lesner. If she doesn't personally punish those awful carnivores, who will? That's a *great* way to ensure that your son turns into a functional, well-adjusted, non-asshole member of society. Holy shit I'm camping out at ross Boy, I sure am glad this never happens. all the teaching material is watered down, duh Is Chandler Jones playing in this game? Kinda interesting to think if you develop better via learning from the best or if you do having your own team and taking the shots you want It hides his butt from the camera because patriarchy. nice constructive criticism I'll send you some stuff tomorrow More encouragement to seek routine, confidential mental health treatment! Meanwhile in the US, we have to endure sexual assault by the TSA just to get on a plane, which doesn't even stop attacks. She was clearly influenced by men, try to not be so ignorant trade geno and sid for miller sounds like a great trade I bring along your assistant then DPS unless it all falls apart profound! I'm pretty sure no choices were right. And people say there's no counter for the sword anymore. Gabe reads this subreddit daily to laugh at our ideas so yeah he will vac ban hin within ~2 minutes You see, getting caught in traffic for something some idiot did is really what gets me to sypmathise with them and support their cause Okay, let's be honest, how many of those buttons are just for show? Yes, time to buy more Walmart, increase those dividends baby! why do you carry the Kershaw when you could be carrying a 2nd smaller lightsaber? Bill and Hill lived in a trailer as Governor of Arkansas OP just took a picture of his own car and posted for Karma Or we can lead and come up with innovative solutions. Hyperspece or warpspeed? But it's a constitutional monarchy, which means that censorship is impossible. If I'm not mistaken it's because in one of the countries league is played in, tobacco references are illegal for games "designed for children" which apparently in their eyes league falls into that category What do Mannix and Kojak have to say? I hope they give out 2 expansion teams if they are going to do any at all. Yeah all those Hitlers should be extra careful about stereotyping Seriously, I hope they are fishing for ideas in this thread! Oh man this is some controversy I guess he told you! Wow that's some great Photoshop! The new Baghdad Bob? Actually wouldn't it only be about $1,350 today? If you cannot differentiate between 4 people and 5 people,you should not be a general. Yes, they choose handpicked players that are more likely to make you lose when you are on a winstreak and they put good players on the opponent team Mario will obviously be cut. Haven't seen this joke before. B-but we have a rich culture, close-knit families, and we take care of each other, unlike the West! Cupid confirmed for solo class? This is like a badly translated version of the Voltaire quote. this makes up for all the other bullshit O'Malley has done to Maryland Wow you can be a cop at a really young age in Idaho Wasn't his secret weapon literally a blunt? But "both parties are the same", huh? Move That Dope I'm just sick of PCs holding back consoles all the friggin time! why is no one talking about the decline of paul george no, it deals damage during the imprisonment. Lol SMh zero effort on that April fools Shame on you GOP. Repeat after me Reddit, "BOTH PARTIES ARE THE SAME." Jiyo jiyo Who needs golden guns when you have Golden 76 as a skin already Please Call Me, Sex: A Portrait of an Internet Fuckboi tonight at 8 PM on the CreepyPMs Network. The land made me think of the Deccan Traps some 66 million years ago, but it needs more volcanic plume, could be a PS battle / was an apocalyptic scenario. He's just one of those Rural players, its the only way he can actually play the game. Banks should have won. The sense of limitless opportunity and potential. anybody got a link to the video? These damn comments leave me in the dark. don't worry there keyboard warrior I'm sure you've spent enough time in front of a screen for all of them. How niggardly of them. Prison. dude spoiler tag that That's a top-tier opener. Needs to be pinker. but yknow... rape culture isn't real. the were brought up to be peaceful... FUCK YOU!!!! Funny how rape victims come out when their attacker is in the spotlight and they realize they're not alone. Sell and rebuild for 2018 Dom can't make a decent bullpen! This must be why Fly GPS got rid of the joystick option. Total knockoff... obviously Glen's eye isnt in the right place Which branch uses the COD 4 SOPMOD? How dare OP make a post about collecting Atari games in a game collecting sub and not be 100% serious about life. if Harper had only kept that rescue boat in service we could have put this out! As a guitarist this is one of my worst nightmares. You sick bastard! It's fascinating how these laws are passed. WTF? How do they know the ones they haven't caught yet are Romanian? A dangerous virus that you should delete. Quick convince fisher to quit coaching and come back to us! Repost If you feel you HAVE TO "prove it," you don't have it. what is the utility of being all-female Every time I see a Biden meme I imagine his reaction to reading it. shill posts on New right now: none random toxic complaints about them: one Seems a lil' off. Yeah and a $50,000+ piece of paper is solid evidence of that. This game is going to be so damn good. Well I hope that the death threats are investigated by law enforcement. Wait what? Quick everyone find a way to blame the jews, that way the left can strike back at the right! It would be news if she said something else. If I needed more Toilet paper than I got I guarantee you I would do something really disgusting to the bathroom. yeah rs is doing so great right now i bet overhead is real low These reactionaries will do anything to avoid implementing systemic justice. What's the writing in the notebook? #TeamStark Ban-galore? but how will our states generate revenue via traffic tickets? It amazes me how they managed to ruin such a good IP. Alex Burrows 2.0 So much emotion Because Hitler The neverending story. This is actually a highly advanced left claw technique to use the D-pad and stick at the same time I mean... what are the chances of there being two Negative pregnancy test. Shit man if thinking non-white people who are perfectly assimilated taint the gene pool is fucked up makes me a SJw I guess I am. Jade and Manila are STUNNING Started a month ago because otherwise it wouldn't be noticeable ;) Can't wait to see Elliott Sadler in the #11 Roush Toyota! Yeah, 96th percentile (based on 2014 scores) is totally not amazing. How will I wear it with my magnet wristband? Source on the london thing? I mean it might... You people ARE fucking idiots after all. We need to move the decimal point. NOT endorsing hillary clinton is essentially a slap in the face to hillary, who was his secretary of state for a period really, hillarys got this, just support the democrat establishment I've never accidently built a computer, though It's all coming up browns today? I too want aux input only so I can use my preamplified headset input to have shitty quality sound. Good but it's way too low quality, is it because you couldn't find better arts, or the format you saved it in reduced the quality? I get paid good money but my job won't even allow me to have overtime. If life was fair everyone would be born as a clone of one another. I'm sure the FSB and KGB are just righteous, and morally sound organizations, not full of killers and ran by a killer at all. I don't think you're allowed on reddit. I bet she was wearing a slutty outfit too I should go outside today. Pretty shitty move by kunitz neato They'll probably blow themselves up before they actually do harm to anyone else. Linkin park. Because Iran is a greater threat to our Israeli overlord's regional hegemony and they need us to secure it for them. Jeff Jarret "Slap Nuts" t-shirt seems to me that Jehovah was not the issue but self righteous pricks who try to impose their views on others as if it were from God. This. More scenes at all for Mark. I love Mewtwo's Kamehameha against Link Would like to see us play willian in the middle and have moses on the right rather than move fabregas up Stephen Neal Just your normal New Jersey road tax on the hitch of a 93 grand Cherokee I like bubbadub's wife Portugal and Spain finally get together. So glad we have such tolerant, moderate allies in the Middle East. You picked such a great time to post this non-biased thread she accepted the fact that shes nothing but a pig Looks like we have to trade them 2016 13" MacBook Pro *without* Touch Bar, but with Touch ID, and a battery that lasts considerably longer (10-12 hours). Looks like those goddamn greedy union workers are stiffing us again to live in places like these! It's because you're a panda YOUR MOVE! Bastion + Supports = Godmode This is why I always permanently injury all small children I meet. Triggered Voting for Obama doesn't count anymore? Yeah Len sure got outplayed tonight But... But... But... He is an egomaniac that doesn't like to share the light with anyone else. France is all kind of jacked up. They're just like my family? on reddit you're the majority, anywhere else you're fucked up and don't appreciate the value of human life. Outlawing porn should stop rape and infidelity too Look, I only go on Facebook because people need to know god loves them. Must be because he smokes pot. And all of them were millionaires and billionaires. I'm sure the people standing there fighting are thankful that you are thinking about them while your gorge on food, in your heated home, peacefully amongst your family. I wish my parents were rich enough to buy me a serious career I can treat as a fun little hobby. You can only overdose on chemicals not meant for your body So devastatingly problematic So is there any kind of punishment for his retaliation? Just think of all the white bros killed by black police officers every year! About God Damn Time! How about they apend the money I donated fucking doing their job in court A hole is a hole! The SRS doesn't look like it'll be overpowered at all. But it has 4 more VRAM All of these media-companies-posing-as-tech-companies now realise how gullible the British public is and want a piece of that delicious ad revenue from fake news spreading like wildfire. Top and Bottom far left are the best They've been shelling themselves, obviously Let's not turn CS:GO into 1.6, if you don't want trash and shit all over the maps just go play 1.6 Extended edit, original in 320 has existed for months now and is only 1:00. She smiles because they haven't found her suicide west yet. looks like the kinda place where some gandalf guy would be stuck Every time I look out the window, my car is waiting in a shroud very much like this. we can trust this because EA would never do or say anything for money Nottheonion has really been stepping their game up lately though. Sure 25$ a month.. **cough cough f2p cough cough** No, that's just people with no sense of fashion. First thing that came to mind is a clown shoe on wheels. Yeah, they're much happier now with ISIS! Yeah but how many times did they leave halfway through the game Never heard of her. I think someone was just caned for vandalism there, that's pretty exciting. Just proof that meditating with crystals works. so funny But he still supports a candidate that violated the embargo? Oh sweet, so NA is finally getting the PS2 game DAMN WHAT A BURN Election Commission, Congress and BJP are out to get AAP, Modiji is a Psychopath! Also condoms and 1 sex of his daughter k. Seems legit. The white room is a new floor HOLY SHIT I THOUGHT THE WRIGLEY WIND WAS GONNA KILL US AFTER THE SCHWARBER HOMER. Seriously, all articles I have read on the subject have pointed to the author just making unsubstantiated speculations based upon media interviews. The next Ewing theory Clickbait bullshit article. Interesting that you call him a loser - do you know him personally? Ohh wow, this is so surprising That was very white of him. Wentworthnc is really struggling to find something positive to say about Hagan. Well, we all know the sexiest thing ever is when they use "sexii"! It was baked with an ayymd graphics card When the person sitting next to me has a large portion of their body on top of me - It then becomes my fucking business. smartphOWNED What a douchebag, you should defianetly wipe your ass with that towel after taking a shit. Yay, American pro-war propaganda. Well, obviously it must be a fake poll result if it's from Fox news... social anxiety soooooooo........ sitting alone in my room But that's Roman's Gimmick :( insane prices, for 8.50 euros a month i can get 100 mb down and up Tendies But it's not complete without the Szechaun sauce from McDonald's. pruple He should have used some specific examples Aww....if only we had raised tolls and spent $103,000,000 on higher shoulders and occasional "shoulders" a few years ago, we wouldn't be reading this article today. I'm sure this will get people to shut the fuck up about DE Random Number Generator conspiracies. I..Igor? I could tell it was fake from a mile away because it's not a supercar. But the data shows that people only care about multiplayer. This truly must be the solution to the steady decline in membership of the Norwegian Union Conference. Must be true because dogs, like men, only like bones. ha ha ha That wouldn't have happened if they lived in Saudi Arabia Pre-order movie ticket bonus holy shit lmao Good player but not good enough for Manchester united oh no good luck with that. Spivot is so attractive dunno why. What a dumbass What a relief please...... how is this not been deleted yet by mods? But he said you need it Meh, just the usual waves of russian vacationners clogging the roads as usual every summer, didn't you knew ? The eye can only see .5 fps though Are you assuming his species? I look at this as their kick/punt returner. Shut up yassss Because without Dez they lose the focal point of their offense and have to find another one? All very, very good arguments. If he does get a seat, he's likely going to be a start-and-Parker. Is that Billy Ray Cyrus? What about Margaret Thatcher vs Nelson Mandela? I mean even if they die of old age, won't some of them be buried in graveyards in the area I assume he is referring to as Palestine? BUT THEYRE TURNING THE FROGS GAY So, we are Hillbilly Heaven with a lobster thrown in? Sideboob Another spiderman! Tripped over the blue line... rookie mistake link? idiots (or more like money well "stolen") ANALANALANALANALANALANALANALANAL I thought maternity leave in the US was 12 weeks? Wow it sure looks like one! Aside from working for Kotaku (and/or Gawker), what about him is objectionable? If someone gave me a tongue as a gift I'd try to return it and get the money instead. Welcome to 21st century MMO gaming. Cuz jennifer lawrence is so quirky and cute and probably interesting in nice guys like me You forgot Ryan Tannehill I'd still prefer Courtois Yes, I'm sure ancient China was a transsexual utopia. So not everything? Looks alot like he pushed them on purpose. he is literally the only one i need and im just here in southern California wishing i could buy him :/ I'm SO offended. Not for kids though otherwise it's cannibalism Thank God normal people don't go through that phase yeah and there weren't any wackos in the Libertarian camp before cunting flawed-logic wankers If that's a picture of an elephant embryo then why are there still humans walking around? It was the Russians again wasn't it Too bad no politicians have plans to hire a bunch of guys to do work on our aging infrastructure. So, here's my question: Who are they gonna get to enforce the curfew? From the side of Obamas family not born in Kenya? This post was necessary and a HUGE contribution to the community. Consider it punishment for that awful beard I'm sure Ellen's audience loved it Clicking the flashing SPEED UP MY PC ads I guess Chipotle won't be the only place to distribute E. Coli. Pense que ibamos a ir por brazil There is still space where you can walk, this picture is completely false. Imprisoning Kagawa feels like the last of football crimes from Ferguson during his career as MUFC manager.. It feels like he made it on purpose so we don't forget about his actions. Welcome to SF :) Thanks for the positivity federal employees breaking federal law. The last time this was applicable in league was 2012 damn it. But... The age of entitlement is over! YOLO Well at least the Pats/Texans game won't be an eyesore. This one is amazing. But if you tell him, then it's not a secret anymore. in 2016 every white man is a terrible person, with nothing but privilege. #BeautyAtAllBudgets Unethical corporation is mad people noticed how unethical they are, more at 11. Interestingly, Reuters/Ipsos had Clinton at +11 4 weeks ago and +5 4 days ago. Clearly, marijuana ruined his life. You don't have to worry if you don't have anything to hide. No shit, it was obviously faked by how much was being leaked about it. Does look that way after Syria just killed 100 members of isis Sometimes, evolution isn't just logical, it's *FABULOUS* Apple should just make iPads at every inch (4", 5", 6", 7", 8", 9", etc.) Eminem - Superman Can't wait for them to start that here in the US! Sorry for being Konsiderate. I turned my speakers up all the way....nothin... It's no wonder these supercars are always bursting into flames! A sword swallower through and through. I'm sure when girls get this message they think *finally* a guy wants to talk to me about sex and lesbians As long as it's a FFer! My Jewish genes are on red alert. No. Canadians make Arizonan's furious with their loose border control and free healthcare Damn commies. But the right wing media! While looking at yourself in the mirror Wow, NATO must really want to step up this proxy war. PC is stuck at 1080, Consoles can do 4k, pussy! I cant believe this shit still surprises you guys. If we want less drug lords shouldn't we try and lose more of them? Now draw something on the other side. United states does not confirm this, and its not in fox news so it cannot be real. Glad to see that ***Him*** is still in the show. #wheresovi Shit posts abound in the middle of the night. Well that will help save some money to pay for his tax plan He hit his head falling out of the truck. This guy should run for president; he could fix all our complex problems with straight forward ideas like this. Because bastion is the bird Stop posting your own scores, that's a disgusting move. Dude, NSFW please! When I first came to Reddit and found that a lot of people feel the same way I do about stuff. That must smell fantastic. What is downsampling? He probably meant that you sell weed for a great price! This proves that need to let these folks come in through an open border to enhance our culture. Good work on supporting the military and vets dony \m/ Leverage. That badge idea might actually have some legs. Gotta keep santorelli and winnik with kadri to boost their trade value. I'm SHOCKED that a SJW would ever do such a thing Ridiculously Preposterous Grind? Porn Yeah I shouldn't worry about my problems because somewhere in the world someone else has it worse. Offensive much? Four years later and we still hear from Palin at least once a week. I'd buy her a corn dog. I meant debate, not election :). Rigged? PRAISE GIO I just want more color choices for my water gun. Well.... your fucked. Dr Who and Bill Nye combined. Too late, the game has been out for a few hours and has been pronounced dead by the community. Oh no, my pets are interested in the food that I have, fuck what assholes! at least they didn't bill him on the pacemaker top-off Yo it's backwards dude Branding opportunity. You take that into machine Zeus yet easy dungeon I like her shiny necklace. It's like Catch 102. It could be on the market..... how do they make money? He was always my favorite actor It changes colour Well, he has parents, so I assume he'll keep their last name until he becomes a rebellious teenager. Too soon? wow what a great post. If Putin likes Trump all the US needs to do is vote him in. But we're being bulled at OWS I count the number of yard signs. Far Cry 4, Dying Light, and Shadow Warrior have been my favorite so far. New album name "5 More Hours" confirmed.....kidding You go girl! That's racist. Because we **REALLY** needed to see the 8th-millionth anti-Trump thing, now from a country that's not even involved with this. Hell if the mayor can keep his job after smoking crack, what do you expect. Gin is Pudding in disguise Just a troll. Shots fired. Maybe he was paranoid enough to tape his room and saw the theft Squawka Player Performance score? But I have a feeling that Jennifer Aniston's nude scene is gonna be very popular on the internet. As someone who doesn't watch OP on Toonami, can someone fill me in? Mycotoxins i cant really say gleeb isn't going to leave Ember dude If only he would of started his wrestling career earlier in life None but the 90% locked one are Laine, Matthews, McDavid, Crosby, Malkin, Burns his subtle way of telling the O line they need more weight ...... for protection. After watching Lewis Black's newest special on Netflix, and then seeing this, I have no hope for these kind of people anymore. I see middle school was was hard for him too. What the hell are they feeding that dog? Sounds like a keeper. *My friends baby whose facebook page I likely stole this from is strong enough to do everything RIP, Jamie Lynn. OMG IT'S A SIGN Well least they're offering it not forcing it but I feel it's a bit of a shame that some would segregate themselves after all the bravery and hard work that ended that bullshit. I was worried there would not be any zombie games announced. Normally I would agree with you, but try a good American grilled cheese sandwich with a bowl of tomato soup. Remember guys, its the source of the leaks that matter, not the content! I'd rather win a bass cleft. Lenovo ruined Moto No equal rights m'lady until I get laid!. They believe on some level that by honking traffic will part for them like in the bible with the sea ADAM SILVER IS LITERALLY ROGER GOODELL See, a normal person would say extremist or terrorist but okay 't is the season after all Beautiful redirect! TIL There are no overhead costs when putting on a bodybuilding show Don't worry, Hillary will fix it! MAROWINSLOL I'd like to see Messi and Ronaldo in one team just because Be me After school leaving parking lot Get my rear bumper swiped Other driver tries to flee Call cops, give them license plate # Chase ensues Block driver at a stop sign Driver looks terrified Cops arrive Driver is handcuffed and questioned Never saw her again Learned after graduating high school she was using fake social and DL Was deported after being arrested E: format Whoa, death threats on the internet are never cool! I get that you don't believe in religion, but to call people that do morons is making atheists look bad. I'm tired of these kind of posts all they've done is disappoint. Perfect base to hog, good luck Yeah but where's the Toy Chica's Ass Pop 'rolls back protections' Removes superfluous special privileges. No, waifus did If you break it down, the car is worthless It has 2 doors and 4 wheels, we already got 40 of those, it's pointless. Zika is the cure. Because mothers are so much more trustworthy than the average idiot. Graveler would taste amazing Well, you could also look at it the other way, because I do know of one specific party that does this: Calling people 'racist' instead of actually doing something to counter an argument. I wonder if it's related to the fact that people actually had to sign up for something by now. Awfully racist. It really has been a great season...... idk if any of you know that or not, but it has. What do you mean unofficial? The bully's clearly Leigh Alexander. it's not a bad f2 livery This is obviously Cutler's fault. Isn't that sleeve to keep your drinks hot Since we so called "intelligent" beings have never used religion to harm others, I can't forsee any problems with rhis. How about fining the referee who missed the blatant interference on Stamkos 10 seconds before, and proceeded to then miss the dive by Smith all while calling Stamkos for a ticky tack call? Pfft well he IS the 7th member of the justice league. I didn't know Mr Plinkett played starcraft Yeah, he has definitely been playing FM. The clip made me think Carcano, but definitely an M95. I hope he has to steal the declaration of independence at some point in that movie Just another attempt at the MLS to be like the NFL It's also for current gen gaming I am waiting for President-elect Trump to tweet that he has the best magicians performing since he has been told that everyone is disappearing. Consoles are so slow they barely heat up, a little dust wouldn't hurt them Mission accomplished? Reddit. PHOTOSHOP History warns us about socialism and communism. goddamn that was a shitty pun 111um1nat1 Is he sitting down to give lessons to KLove? Ha ha. I hope it is a push to get people treated, and not a push just to jail people. For shame Dwight, copying Shaq yet again We're in good hands And now Mahal is out with a cracked vertebre. Sounds like a Manson defense That's how I pick up my dates. That was sick as hell. 10/10 would bang.. Who celebrates a goal against a team that's losing to Millwall? Clearly HuffPo is a corrupt bought and paid for neoliberal shill paper! Linux is now set to become the next gaming s^u^p^e^r^p^o^w^e^r That march gave me hope. Can't wait for the censorship. How about just helping the homeless period? He doesn't seem liberal enough. Kinda defeats the purpose. this is probably one of the best celebrity angles WWE has ever done Well, it IS called the South **China** Sea, after all. Praise Herbalife and Zumba Damn Blizz delaying a hotfix 'til November, seems a little counterintuitive? About time, maybe they can knock off a 100$ off the final consumer price on our end Because electricity will deflect away from the metal keys. So, Family Guy is a sequel to American Dad? It obviously says "WINK" - what, are your eyes broken? that is a lie, we all know it. Are your co-workers attractive? Goal 2: Living the Dream I am a hoarder, I admit it ): I'd be much more sympathetic to these alerts if they aren't almost always used for custody battle. That's sexist! can NASA also bust up Olympus Mons and fuck over the martian indigenous while they're at it? Ah yes, that good ole wonderful ^^peaceful religion doing their god's work. The third reich Fuck the faggots! Da kennt wohl einer das Landleben auch nur aus Privatsender-Dokus. But why are there still monkeys? He's built like a white boy get over it Hold on, so does the n64 controller work in the gamecube adapter, or the wii adapter from amazon that he had? And he couldnt hit one for Craig, smh That's because the originsl estimates didn't account for most people having two feet. I think there might be a manufacturer defect! Can you build walls? Southern Poverty Law Center is itself a racist hate group. e che palle ma non possono scannarsi a casa loro TLDR : Hindus, plz vote for me Du30 benevolently gazing upon the Philippines? I personally like to park where my car has a view of a soviet style grey wall. My streaming pc is a old Shuttle (I call it the shittle), it has a pentium 4, 3.8Ghz OCed CPU, 4GB of DDR ram and some ATI GPU that has 512MB of Vram... it is wireless with good signal as my gaming PC is wired ethernet, the shittle does fine in streaming single player games in steam Wow, looks like hell is getting its worst resident yet! Barron for Cyber Czar perhaps I wonder where he'll be going? Except for that dude rocking an,l integrated Pc in his house Definitely when this dude on the street told me I'd look prettier if I smiled. At a bare minimum certain info should not be released before the case goes to trial. cocks out lads But, but, the freer the market the freer the people. This is as real as it gets Nice work Why are the images of his face necessary? Oh noes it's a house of cards we better repeal the whole thing. Well, chess players **are** a notorious rowdy lot. Only 4? Glad we got that problem wrapped up so we never have to hear about it again Remember folks, both parties are the same! watch out sock of mine this might get you banned The real question here is if Benfica went the route of Manchester United and made a shirt that is XXXXXL. dude he was on Walking Dead for a while! Every time Trump demands funding from Congress for his silly wall, Democrats need to remind the President that their refusal helps him keep the promise he made to the American people during his campaign. I support the confederate flag more now than before But the polls guys! So basically Floyd would have a shot at UFC With this deck you can even beat trainer cheddar. arm strenth of a paraplegic grandmother Literally unplayable. I guess we can expect another major highway/bridge to be illegally protested, but this time by white lives matter activists? can you actually install these? That's fair, it was their choice to be poor. Dice Plzz god dammit your dog is too adorable Run. Can you make a version for phone Because at some point people decided that "blacks" but they still wanted a term to describe black people. do this with some yeezys then we'll talk For all you Black Friday shoppers out there Much better this way since there's a chance he could escape and do it again. Well, why haven't you said hello? Fuck, they screwed up Game & Watch's face, that's totally a Gnome & Wash :( Soon they'll be Men Getting Their Own Wiki. Well, guess the next generation has to spend its spare CPU cycles on _something_, so why not a data storage paradigm that scales linearly with the number of updates so far? This should be a front of the news story that Trump has to answer to. COPE probably would of instituted rent controls and then not allowed new development which ultimately would of exacerbated the housing situation even worse. Imagine how safe she would be if every person she encountered in the street was carrying a gun Good. Op show us your dog that's all the internet cares about It's OK guys, they wrote "slow" no one will speed down this four-lane highway now! Because my absolute favorite part of any Grand Theft Auto game ever was grinding up the lung capacity stat for a mandatory swimming mission in San Andreas. Defense. Voting republican Walls. maybe she could do a helicopter tour of all the schools in Australia and explain to the children why it as wrong as a form of public service I see that 970 ITX is just getting smaller! Can we have Reignover's Lee Sin next? Grandmaster quest and a elite diary seems reasonable Title update: Triple Krabby Supreme U like it now haters? How do you not charge him after watching that video? This should go a long way in reducing teen pregnancy. Republican party is such a great political party that every Republican should be very very proud. And in twenty years he couldnt be bothered to move towards citizenship? Y'all ever heard of glare? Oh my god this is so out of context, how do we know if the victim is actually the victim for all we know maybe he deserved it, this sub man is just turning bad. Parkour Sharia Law paranoia is arguably the most annoying form of political bullshit going around FB these days. I was expecting the wrestler with white and black face paint That away day ban is sure gonna leave a mark. CiGrip Yeah, because it totally hasn't changed since then My God, you're adorable. But that's not possible - the world is only 6,000 years old! An SRS light isn't really a milestone, maybe you should get that checked out. At least Mchonda doesn't criticize honda this badly do they? Needs to be 16 characters. If he's a "nice guy" I'm curious as to what an asshole would be like yeah, these shoes are for nerds. This still counts as a victory for GG, guys. STOP FORCING YOUR WEEABOOISM ON YOUR CHILDREN Well... clearly these two aren't True Christians^TM What a great idea! I see they slightly made it bigger Woo. This will really persuade a smoker, an addict to nicotine, to stop smoking. And how many times did greece violate Turkish Airspace also in that time? ...but the earth is only 6,000 years old, right? samurai jack is the best After getting burned in very similar style by Sumlin, I'm less than optimistic about this. Which is perfectly fine (your wrong, but its fine) If we used a taser, one prong could have missed and he could have been a threat well let him come at you... how's a guy, armed only with a knife, going to get an upper-hand on a trained police officer in combat gear? Man dead after being shot outside the future Lawrence East Station? You're gonna have some massive gains bro. amazing! Good luck with that Turkey! Do they have that block by block voting map up yet? Sounds like casual korean casters to me What a surprise! Ah, the government can kill you with a drone without trial, that is "perfectly legal" (according to Cameron), but we will not allow you to end your own life if you want to ... Makes perfect sense I can't stop popping pills and chasing ghosts fucking video games got me hooked United States? Least it ain't the moops Weird, I tried to post this to Facebook and it wouldn't let me. RIP friendo Press F to pay respects How dare fat people try and better themselves. ...aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand there goes my bank account. Nothing beats Nascar 08 on Xbox Oh boy, another subreddit to filter. even more proof flusha is hacking Definitely don't care, since Kingston is fucking dishonest regarding their products. Does anyone have any good recipes for cooking baby panda? Only downside is they live in Jersey Into the microwave, gotta give those CIA guys SOME entertainment Gay marriage. Every election we open the borders and allow Canadians and Mexicans to vote in our elections so we can post things like this online and give us reasons to complain why our candidate didn't win. We all know that Chrome uses more RAM than one would expect. Yup, that's an engi... actually, I have no idea what I'm looking at. In this one you discover that the teen boy was really Albert Einstein. literally hitler yay, now ultra right wing conservative loony toons who commit armed insurrection against this country, like Ammon Bundy, can cut down national forests to graze their cattle Democratic Primary It's literally a joke, if mods delete this, it is censorship and the cuck-ministration of redditdawtcawm IS going to BE FULL LITERAL ESJADUBYUB HITLER you forgot to add [OC] to the post title Mods, can we make this a sticky? The possibility of Trump becoming president. As it was our twentieth annual Pants Party at the Brick Tamlin house, of course I wore pants. When gaming gets you life. Obviously you're not an alpha He'd be seriously disappointed, because I don't menstruate. Looks like that episode of Rocket Power where they start luge-ing. yeah by an amazing 0.020, he's fucking obliterating ric here! I love her. brain cannot compute, Israelis are evillllll How can you say that, it'd be so hard to get a job (like it isn't now), etc, etc. TIL: Contrary to the history I lived through Microsoft was a relatively unknown company in 1994 This doesn't offset a single one of his golf excursions. I'm going to let my dog harass the rabbits in my yard, because if they are stupid enough to be in there every day, they deserve it. Phillies still in it! Now we wait for boxing medals to go to the rightful winners. Lets dump more arms in the middle east that will solve the problem. A day after the historic judgement, it's business as usual for our politicos. How much a dollar cost? This isnt useless it helps me get them women 2013 had the lowest number of hurricanes in 30 years 9gag Clearly, it's because American audiences aren't ready for a strong black host to talk about race relations on a daily basis. Yes, what we need is durability items to scale even harder, completly and utterly surpassing more expensive damage items. Caesar's headband on sling boy though This is why soccer is better Brilliant. If my Chinese flight students do poorly they get sent home in shame and never get to fly an airplane again. Reported nice cheats These the new runflats I've been reading about? MADRID ALWAYS WITH THE EASY DRAW These new maps are so cool that I don't even care that inferno polls is still in there. Why not junior models? LE YELLOW MEDIA FACE I'm a guy, and because I have never seen this, it does not exist. omg but like his lipsticks r so good ://///// So... What's true and what's the truth? It's sooo epic when a text message makes a phone sound like a nuclear reactor alarm. Spoilers in title! Now we need the better half of the Fazbear Crew(Bonnie and Golden Freddy). Finally a use for that hi lift! what ksp visual mods are you using? Well that seems to be a reliable and unbiased source. You should have accumulated that experience during summer internships What's the response time, resolution, build quality, price, panel type on this Aldi brand monitor? Ugh who voted for these clown. I think it would be nice if it suggested a star to scoop from along the route, similar to planning a route in a Tesla and their super charging stations. I'm racist because I hate Muslims and black people. I don't think having the condom be "uninvented" should discourage trusting couples to have the man take the pill. But you didn't tell us how Nathan ate his ice cream all wrong and got money to buy a new one! Look at meef! No man its fine, just like how I can use the N word because I know a black guy Time to increase bank fees! Time to point out "wine" is a rather broad term and 'a packet of oak flavoring' indicates this may be the equivalent of kool-aid with vodka in it. That happens a lot to me on almost every part of the ship i want to put decorations. If American wasn't the default language than that sounds more like some 3rd world bullshit than a first world problem I'm hopeful that this kid is just being edgy and he'll grow out of it. Gee, how unusual. No, the 17th is the day consoles get 3.25 and when the Celtic event starts for everyone Couldn't even wait 24 hours to repost it? No see it's okay to give good cards to magic's main characters, like Nissa or Nahiri. Let's hope they don't start tanking! Zack truly is a misunderstood auteur Yeah because we all know PoC aren't capable of being productive Obama is a coward. Hiko in 1 match, semphis in 1 career Hating Please find an original word to describe people who disagree or criticise Woody for his down right disrespectful comments. The story sounds plausible But you would never see a man in a pose like that! Don't worry, balance masters Blizzard already solved the problem! thought it was gonna be because they nerfed jungle too much Just learn the mechanics guise I fucking love these memes now. Taking advantage of people - aren't LLC and business persons great? Giving the benefit of the doubt, it's possible that the driver had no passenger and is handicapped. The premier nutrition protein bars at Sam's ring up as PREMIERBARF. No, you want to go with sli GT480s instead Literally nothing to do with gaming Soccer* Those who lose home court and don't make it to the finals. Not Woody without the flawless hairline I guess im a care-bare tank Can we please stop it with these threads, they always turn into circlejerks whoops sorry I forgot I have no nerve endings so I can't circlejerk In before all the people say the Alien Gear and basic Hanks belt is fine I love Chris Cornell! I'm sure when this never happens Alex Jones will be completely discredited and forced to give up his show. And if I go to sleep now I'll totally wake up early and go to the gym! inb4 overwatch comparison did you guys know in payday 2 you can move with WASD *just like overwatch* I'd be perfect if I wasn't so humble That is why it is always under feet. When everyone is free, no one is. That one dudes about to get reckt. Nah bro, you gotta keep the company "cool" and "innovative" and "loose", sobriety in the workplace is for cucks Seriously though how is there a statistic of what is unknown? I thought we already had kawaii bastet Kappa Man the sun's lighting in this game must have been too strong that it even blinded the devs, and they can't make the difference between Buck and Frost and thier weapons. when people get upset over a shirt lol Because, you need to buy the DLC to get the good items, where have you been? Maybe he can dismiss himself for all of us. Plus the obvious flattering without really saying anything concrete Man they really stepped up the Grimoire Let's ban Simian Spirit Guide! That's never happened in my life That is really cool Easter egg, sadly I did only play the first level/world in AHT since I had some problems with the game (mainly the way they break the 4th barrier) and I also felt that the game was too "bright" in it's color scheme, but that may just be me. You seem very upset that she shared your feminine secrets and tricks with the world. yeah i was planning my entire blizzcon ticket purchase and trip over this ARG I'm sorry but the OP typed "DID'T", that is getting to me. Belle keeps the Inn clean The people who've done this to this man's store will never work 1% as hard as he has. That printer has been hitting magenta really hard recently. Yours doesn't? We complete each other! I was considering trying synthetic weed, but decided to inject crude oil directly into my eyeball instead since it's much safer. Here in Idaho, EVERYONE will shoot you. IMPRESSIONS People like Sheriff Joe are a cancer on America. FYI creep's name is still pretty visible. TL;DR Fuck everyone that has different political opinions than me. So that's when Dokkan ends Fuck it, let's turn the game into RS3 to make him shut up Yes, because you can "turn people gay." what's up with that audio How do they block it? If you said this about MSNBC, you'd be sexist. Let's petition the FCC to make equal access to APIs part of net neutrality. #THAT CHICA, THOUGH That "awesome" mod counts as a lame mod for every other moddable game... So basically this is "awesome" because it's GTA V, and if it would be in some other game (like Just Cause or something), it would be lame. Fucking search before posting I'm sure there's a super confident scientist around here that can promise you why that makes total sense. Maybe he should create a Jobs Council. Or, you know, read the title and use a little common sense. How can this have more upvotes than views? I wonder how many "It's shit now" commenters actually watch recent episodes. This revolutionary new technology will allow me to blast through my ridiculously small data cap and incur overages in mere seconds! Nandiyan ba si Judiel? I hope they charge developed nations 4000% markup. Cammer's fault! My great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandmother could build this in 3 hours. I hit over 300 a couple days ago Who cares, they give me free checking so I'm cool with it! Nah I don't think so. DDI, how's The bolt/extractor Why can't they let 'Commiefornians' just suffer from their clean air? But where do her organs fit in? Remember when we made a big trade deadline deal to get...Brendan Witt? Well, at least they haven't killed someone. It's not their fault, the other 50% are just lazy. Why not just listen to the Smite subreddit, they know what they're talking about. Read that as "Santa seats". I swear a bike is way more effective, you could potentially ride at 30mph just using your body and gravity as power. Why don't we legalize murder while we're at it? You're probably going to want to try connecting so you can stream snipe at around 3. Lineker looks a lot friendlier here than he typically does. Will it stop zombies? What an extremely well balanced, rational response to this situation. This just emphasizes how great allen moore is as a writer Woot woot That woman is German. Well thank goodness they didn't piss away the money on Homeless women and children. People* Or you could strap a parachute to them and chuck them out of an airplane...and make sure to tell them the next they go down without the parachute. I'm so sick of all these part timers making the actual guys who work hard all year look weak! The NFL introduced the salary cap because of the Cowboys. Clearly, 64-player Operation Metro should have been the winner. So feminine. You ought to start labeling their pills in ounces from now on too then JP Christmas fest has a 1 draw 100% OSB rate It could just be the seller himself Yeah, radical leftists don't know anything about guns, obviously. great, freedom of religion just went down the tubes. Oh yea man i turn on blue and all the clicky hammers and springs readjust in my razer keyboard Hurray for nuclear power! Or you could stop being a deadbeat and take care of your family. Don't they do drug testing now? Do you think he got it on the first take? It's not the same handwritting on both notes. About 3 years after consoles Can the annoying lens flare be turned off? Sticking it to the Steelers The Sovereign! But you Yuropoors don't get that you can take 12 inches and divide it by 2 two times before you get a decimal whereas if you take 10 cm and divide it by 2 twice you get a decimal. I didn't expect the #StopThePot campaign to work so fast Cos it's too damn cold to ever go outside I'm... I... Haha..... Perfect. Reimer for Scrivens and Eberle, mark my words Fair and Balanced amirite? classic 260.00 point move I bet they will play the gallery rule. Well, it's good to see that you are not bias at all. Yea thats what it was In some way, I think the puppy took care of me - some homeless guy, probably As a male cheerleader, I need to go do this! We have two constantly colliding circlejerks here and they're both out of control right now. Ah equality lol yeah good luck I can't tell if this is ironic or not. Brilliant Ex6Tenz auto noob confirmed except include part of the community Not classy. All of these following posts are getting deleted, sick of reddit's censorship Yet they still deny refugees a place of shelter. I imagine that some of the location was built using other parts of the original locations. The Huffington Post's editorial board has been incredible lately. Well shit, I was hoping it was this dude I know haha. Alaska after a good beating. There are dozens who would disagree For the record, he hasn't worked out how to open LOIC yet so we're fine. This is why I married a Chinese girl with brown eyes and have 2 children both with brown eyes. Both parties are the same! Transwomen are women, not men, there was a way for you to make this post without being shitty. Sweet, nice catch, and nice cash. ...and I wouldn't have it any other way Thanks for the horns evolution I didn't think I'd live to the day I saw those words. I am still used to the name Hotmail, I will always be confused to see the word Outlook. Lmao guess I'm getting a 90% off console shadow assault How will we cope? We are going to have so much unprotected dirty and ungodly sex now! Ethan's probably the most influential Youtuber ever. It aint chili I'd there isn't dried chili's in it. And these men wood have matched against fascism on Saturday. I don't get it what does this have to do with Hitler's Birthday Serves those bears right for living in their environment. I heard rapeseed is good too. Testicles... because a man with 4 balls can't walk. Thanks for pointing it out OP, would have never found it otherwise. Keep your eye on Pence Hamplanet is hoping to get some Africana spearing, thinking if she takes their side she can get some jungle lovin That's not how this works ...everyone knows it's christmas. Why some arabs so shit people? SO BRAVE As a black guy i can confirm yes it was an accident, he blatantly thought he'd get away with it Life some life, OP, geez. If Peel police had carded the couple, this would have never happened! Yeah, but what about the gaps between the skulls? LPT: The digital age is here embrace it Yeah but is it messy? Obviously Vergne wants Vettel gone so he can have his seat. Must be more american brain washing... People are lazy and have the attention spans of goldfish, so let's pander to idiots instead of forcing them to acclimate themselves to simple-to-use browsers. Fist pump! Gotta say, pretty original idea See, this is why we need tort reform. The gap between them keeps getting bigger too. Goddamnit Arin you ruined everything with your sneakers I don't know if I necessarily agree with the video, but I thought it was well presented and interesting nonetheless. Glad thy are putting aside less important social issues like unemployment, poverty, education, healthcare, and crime to focus on the real issue: abortion. And the rest of the world rates America much lower.. I'm glad my company doesn't have Cisco right now... kinda Romney would have NEVER done this! I, too, enjoy wireless Animal Crossing support. Eww no PSPlebs allowed What an Uncle Tom The 'politics' and 'world news' sections exist so that I don't have to read this shit. This pop goes against everything feminism stands for, implying women get cold easier and are weaker than men and need their protection! Nice, fathers don't have to worry. And then out of no where, we get an exo suit, and have to kill Kevin Bacon! Why did your core meter go down after that? Do we need to hear about american cowboys waving their flag and playing nintendo around the world? Well, seems like the new stadium's off to a great start so far. ermahgerd aimhacks It's not the violence that people need to worry about, it's the sexism, the misogyny that's breeding a new generation of women hating rapists. Game literally unplayable garbage, fix this shit Hi Rez And add a puck every 5 minutes. No clue! Maybe to point out what he found intriguing? Totally totes This is obviously an attack ad designed by the Romney campaign. I'm shocked! Except Mike, that son of a bitch owes me 45$ Omg she doesn't have the same beliefs as the Reddit hivemind LOL so funny OP It makes you wonder how we fought WW2 with such a horrible sidearm Letting them take them home for the first few months is a good idea too. More Azerbaijanis than Farsis? Surprised it wasn't a pic of a Mustang can't wait to see Spicy get up there and defend Breitbart as real news Hahaha Yup, I AM house keys, I'd forgotten about it No, it's called ALBUM Might as well just take out the KKK from our entire history then. Thank you for your great work kind sir! Hope this shithead gets a warm welcome in prison This is genius, holy shit. I dunno about you but I'm definitely convinced that he's got a model gf who he can totally bang any time he wants while also banging all those other models he mentions in the first message. Lol turn on closed captions, even better haha Shut the fuck up. I feel like it's always good to give people the benefit of the doubt. I love how the refurbish price is now more expensive then buying a new unit. Wait, that was the fight? I think a simple "whoops" will cover your ass from getting job banned lol That's some great defense right there Oh, it was written by a woman, how unexpected Team Valor clearly does not own a cat. Woah woah woah don't you know America politics don't work without fear mongering? R5: Iraq's national spirit of religious schism Clearly Uber and Lyft were behind this. As an IT professional, I say this news is shocking! Funtime F-Bonnie I hope it tastes really good because the graphics look like something you'd see on a cake in 2008. FINALLY an affordable solution to the Novatouch I just hope if he does come here they don't overpay, we have a lot of assets Damn the games that go on sale are practically always garbage I wouldn't even try for free. Or both! Just rent out the club Klay and then you can pick which porn stars get in. Well this could mean two things, God has a cruel sense of humor or the hate group leader is gay. Affirmative/Roger Oh yea, lets just make VS MAXes super mobile again, that worked great last time! This isnt rape there was no woman or minority involved If it's so bad why do you even bother? omg what a quality post But, think of the children and puppies! he is back to make an official resignation That thousand-yard stare tho. A shame there was no way for them to draft a QB this year Wow, I didn't know Frontier monsters were being added. Not sure if retarded or I might be wrong, but I don't think the 'gentlemen' are the ones catcalling anyone. What are you complaining about you're both green bar! Why is leafy in the bottom right corner? Just playing hard to get. Good thing there are no more chores in the game. Draft Daniels and Romo. Do you know your viewmodel options? Or the improper integral notation? I builded her with: 20% all stat ,reduce bb cost,100% spark damage, 30% bb drop rate and she is really bulky and with good damage Do you have any VPN applications or virtualization applications that install a virtual network adapter? Correction: Joey Votto is the 2016 NL Only-Stat-That-Matters Champion What a conspiracy nutjob. Coming back from the moon Can we get one with a Snapdragon 400 Good headline. It's purgatory, by definition you will survive. Parkey is white, he obviously won't be traded I heard Simple Plan was going to start doing it every game Hillary's so out of touch, her bathrooms have closets! But she lost 13 points in a week in that other poll. I guess it's easy to confuse 25% with 1/25! Is there a war in the Middle East that wouldn't be awesome? Was this in Connecticut by any chance? The only people this will hurt is new players if they have issues troubleshooting the game and can't even level to post as a result. and I am sure the Republicans who wasted millions of dollars having a thousand investigations over Benghazi will be sure to question Comey on his partisan efforts That is some click bait title right there lol. NOT HITTING HARD ENOUGH Look at that piece of crap, totally needs to be replaced... That's called an open crown. It's for weed. 2/10 would not bang. It took me too long to realize I reacted with "Holy Cow!" Gira e rigira siamo sempre in mezzo ....right that almost the same thing Ronald Reagan colluded with the Iranians to prolong the hostage crisis until after he was inaugurated. Have fun with your smegma Tiger forces have faced a lot of attrition, do they really exist like they used to? Riki has 100% win-rate, obvious best pick there. Deregulation is a necessity. All I'm seeing in my head now is the 'Where we're going, we don't need roads' scene, but with a refrigerator flying off like a TARDIS. and thank plastic surgeons. Look at you with the breaking news. Yea that Ratchet and Clank one was sooooooo bad! TIL Starbucks is overpriced. To the "just average murica hahahaha Xd" comments, your a great reflection on your country, totally tolerant, mature, and above "murica," totally not making yourself and your country like like children slinging crap on the internet. Honestly, that was a mercy killing. Quite whinjen' and go do sum fuckin work you slack cunts What a ripoff Miller for four, Griffith for one...makes sense. I think he actually dropped the new emberwake ring and found a way to make great use of the "inflict multiple ignites" mechanic. cocksucker Muslims use the Bible and the Quoron together. I didn't see mention of a cancer cluster in the article. I demand the freedoms that I deny to others. Well yeah, if they'd go crawl in a hole and die 'normal people' wouldn't have to be violent against them! Obviously a bunch of liars, since it was all a hoax. ima reverse image search :D I feel the same way its not even hard to control recoil, you dont need scripts or a godlike amount of hours With fewer teams and an even bigger chance that you will get relegated, I'm sure that more young English players will get minutes yeah, the team is really turning against Kam. It's easy some lucky players will get two posters for their 10+1th pull. Wow, that joke just really screams "Science!" **BOOOOOOOOOOOOO** Chargers This is what happens to me when I try to check the score board as I'm about to jump over a cliff. What a suck up ITT: spheres and circles have cool maths. Yeah, seriously guys.. It's not like Quran encourages Muslims to kill non-believers. Tell a coin collector to use a debit card, a stamp collector to use email, a car collector that newer cars break down less or baseball card collectors that the pictures are available on Google images... No, that's just silly, but telling record collectors to torrent their music makes perfect sense... As a Vikings fan, I can't wait for you to hate us either. armageddon Obviously if they charged them more they would pack up their refinery and move away! That was a shot because he thought he was going to get fouled If I got paid as much as he did to cover up the moon landing, I'd punch that guy too. Well done. Beautiful The difference is that KAT actually showed that he can shoot 3s in game during his college career. Can't wait...this will be awesome! hopefully he misses malmo to give his wrist time to heal Yeah, everyone should have the same opinions and my ideals should never be challenged! Oh good, more off-body carry methods. ..*and* I smell like a huge armpit. I can relate haha Does anybody know how much he is? lmao without this "shit fuck game," he probably wont be able to put food on his table Time to ban all axes riteguise Well, at least he is registered on the app so they can find him quicker! The Runescape world is in awe of your incredible leeching skills. He's also the highest rated. Nothing is black or white. Damn... I was kind of excited about him. This video should have ended with the big dog being shot, because it clearly was about to maul that childs face off. Clearly this insanely rich woman who is regularly on television is only saying this for money or attention. NXT Takeover Chants A large collection of white people is automatically racist? No guys this is good now he can go back to prosecuting those damn 9/11 terrorists. every second counts and i probably saved 2-3 seconds can it be uswd for farming after ? Nope sorry, not big enough Use larger 3/8" hoses on your vacuum pump and you'll cut your time way down. If there's a removable battery, I don't mind the name change. This is like 'if a white person jumped off a cliff, would you jump off a cliff too?' Translation: "the people need to stay out of politics and leave it to the corporate elite!" Time to stock up on LG stickers boys $1000 says his gf is 14 She's so OP when trained that she's a level higher than everyone else I love how all of this is false. OMG STOP THE WHITEWASHING! Hip Hop stemmed from Beat poetry....which was mainly white. Oh, Ethan, "condolences on your lust", really? I wonder how many tens of thousands it cost to send those to the space station. Now that's proper order. And adults are never too young or too old to tell kids how to feel. Wise approach because it's *much* more dangerous than alcohol Its great to see Britain become less and less Islamophobic Time to burn the entire island down to the sea. Darn, no card-counting apps will be useful now. When fat people claim that people "starve themselves" to be skinny I laugh so hard I burn off the calories of that perfectly filling salad I had for lunch. I loved stronghold and crusader but from what I have seen it doesn't look like the recent games are as good as them :/ hopefully Firefly will surprise us, so this game is going to be on my radar. To me, Tetris is more about how all your mistakes add up and exponentially make everything harder for you Sorry, we don't stock Wii U games because sales are too poor because we don't stock Wii U games because sales are too poor because we don't stock Wii U games. but he's not elite though right? I ll do it for free, was gonna make a smurf to diamond again anyway Hehe This joke is shit because I dont get it Or because of that legal ass dank chronic. Iveson shouldn't knock the high school grad ceremonies - that's easy and reliable money right there. The brief history of Dual Camera smartphones is that Apple innovated dual cameras and everybody is just copying. Yes, I would love to see a series about an Avatar originating as an Earthbender. So they're remastering Morrowind right? Know we know who have been holding Westbrook back all this time *Smacker* miles. So til drevas is used solely for status dmg and status reflect, wowwww I think that guy is gone. woah woah woah haven't seen this one before Perhaps they will be overpriced garbage builds, but I have at least a bit of faith that a store called "Overclockers" knows what they are doing. Me #DEE EM ARR Am I the only one around here who thinks that rape is wrong and fedoras are ugly? We need more 100+ point scorers There's one you missed, pm'ed you about it I got a bad game as a free bonus from g2a and I was too lazy to bother posting giveaway properly to dodge all the bots so I did not bother posting it. This is why Paradox is the best xD gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay God fucking damn it are you serious Fast upload speed is for chumps, amirite? Nice try ATO No, it's the original NES. This is why Trump won Of course the jobber botched it. While they may not sink to calling them all AK-47's, they're definitely all "fully automatic assault weapons." Surely this is just an act of desperation in the face of the overwhelmingly successful War on Drugs. I'm sure you will eat a ton of food and Not feel shame. Or get the trilogy, which is cheaper and you get all 3 instead of just witcher 3 dubstepper Kappa Yeah and I'm sure he really wants Ubaldo back. If you look at the black man's head, it's roughly in the shape of Africa. Come on guys we are the fascists tho I will pleasure your genitals so hard Well he nows his sexy talk, that's for sure................. Yes, but do you over stand? Sign Stamkos obviously Oh good because this place was like a fucking ghost town. look at pat bev stat padding those rebounds not impressed If the dinos think the "chop and bop" approach to arranging is bad now this would only escalate it further Brace yourselves, the Single Mother Internet Defense Force will be assmad over this! I hope Trump publicly lashes out at the GOP elites for thwarting the will of ordinary 'working Americans'. I guess the answer is ban the app? Disgraceful, Casemiro should have been off This product is actually pronounced "Ve-ge-ta" not "Ve-jee-tah". Well a new player might get [Piccolo](/phy). Indians have been jailed by the Indian govt for liking a Facebook status in India... inb4 'u stol sugr fuk of thef'. I though they were supposed to cut taxes? Well, if money is coming your way you don't say no, right? It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. Probably easier to count the billionaire pedophiles she has **not** accepted money from. She's being transitioned, shitlord! I dont play Baka... But I gotta start playing with this skin And British players should get 350 million lions each week! Molten Giant nerf is Holy Wrath buff This just in: surgeon gamers more likely to go on shooting sprees only to be better at helping their victims. Fuck Bernie Sanders for turning his supporters against Clinton and giving us Trump OMG THEY EVEN MADE THE COSTUMES BLACK nope Must be all those hackers no it's definitely not US to Russia : We might not take away the World Cup from you but be prepare for lot of mud slinging in garb of corruption investigation. Cigarettes Great.. Now people online will know exactly how uncoordinated I am in real life as well. aise to munna sab sunny leone ki movie dekhne walo ko rape ke charge me andar karna padega How zeefuik did that happen? So he was beaten up by his parents, left home, and then given back to his parents? They just assumed their gender! Only white people buy alternative medicine or will watch this show. Wow what a great news source At least the US is still #1 in prisons. That's why you da guy. It really started with the demise of the four major studio financed Hollywood in the mid sixties when film changed significantly. He should get to bed so he doesn't miss the start of training camp again. Nike, that well known icon of anticapitalism. We just have to arm their parents to prevent this! Its not because the bike is built well its because of the gatorskins. Tanning products are racist against white people! Yes this has always been a thing from crossing the border, border services always have the most ability of any organization to search you Un-scramble this word to make an important part of the body: senip. CoD with WW1 skins. No Look at this big shot with his 2.1 GPA, I'm so impressed! yes and women should wear yogpants to deter rapists well to be fair, in today's society being a straight white male is basically the same as being a holocaust victim. This, Trump supporters, is why we don't like it that the new president is cosying up to Putin. Right, he should just let these cars sit in a climate controlled room and rub it with a diaper every now and then. and 10 cents more like a prime example of "Pull up yo' damn pants!" This is really funny. [This is an answer] Could always go for the traditional English tourist activity: take his accent to a bar and watch sorority girls melt. Yes, because the executives of other industries use substantially less water that tech executives. Wow what a great title Damn, that's fancy. They call him stretch. Song name? OP What's it called? Your right i renamed it I thought I built speed that game Yeah that perfectly white wall isn't going to get scuffed up at all. typical English hoofball I can't wait to pick up a ZEA Bats for $7.64! I had Pokemon when it was still on vinyl. Do we need to post the same pictures of Gavin once a month now? The discover of the hot water Well that's not insulting or sexist at all. Excuse you my tables plastic, not everyone can afford wooden takes, check your privledge. Good job shaming women over their choices jezebel Why am I picturing these becoming the new "duck and cover"? I AM BUKI *HEAR ME ROAR* check out Discovery world HD- currently watching a show on the origins of earth's water previously was a show about Quebec's Carnivale next up is a show about Sweden's Ice Hotel also theres a space show narrated by Morgan Freeman, but Im never around when its on :( Either monitor or cable most likely, if only one monitor is getting artifacts. Emmy's must be racist His inability to be stumped. I'd go further than that: we don't know that these people aren't invaders/foreign-fighters. Man Revzilla should say fuck the coin and keep being successful Nice to see the Telegraph is as reactionary and as fear-mongering as ever. They use bottled water. Trade this worthless piece of shit I side with Waffle House on this one. I never knew you could make such a detailed picture using only Syrian Refugees. It's because you have a faze sticker Hunter x Hunter Why Powers, he's not even good enough to get called in to January Camp! Yep, we call that a push poll. I love this gammmmmmeeeeeee Nope... who gives a fuck about TI its a small tournament compared to majors wild guess, he is going to be the part of Dosia's new team What the hell kind of hospital is this? lmao S1 High 60 S2 High 3200 Oh wow such disgusting behavior, i hope she will never be able to get a job anywhere! no, because the Arabs are the victims so they need their "safe space" to not be traumatised by the evil Zionazis It's been a month and I still can't believe the majority of straight white men had an opportunity to redeem themselves but they chose not to! Now they only have to find a few smiling french to evaluate this This is someone just looking to make a name for himself. This town has some major suckage problems. Championship banquet. Best:The Running Man Worst: Raw Deal was pretty fucking terrible. Oh because hes black huh you racist pos That's probably when he stopped recognizing it as a state. Dont forget that you loose all gems/ unopened mail when switching devices Because the athletes are real people There's so many issues with the current platforms that I don't think adding more makes it better. I can't believe people can have a knife with no training and no permit required One step forward, cause 8 is really to young to get married I do, because it helps to increase my oppression against women What a gentleman. Similar summer temps in Qatar, and laborers forced to work in it. Oh god, I cringed when I read how the products imitate the "delerious effects of THC." Yep! Holy Fuck Thought this was common knowledge SelloutW I mean he wouldn't have to if the democrats confirmed Sessions. Yeah, all the teams should be like EF Do you not understand what the word only means? He's not even 6 ft tall, hit the gym shortie! saving up for the black and red ones, they are my grails Seems like a cool guy no, that change would clearly lose them a very potent smoker and a support awper Unless there's a video of Ebola killing kids, I don't care. DAE think 90's pokemon commercial was best amirite? Both parties are the same! But if all GamerGaters are men, how can his girlfriend be a GamerGater? i don't believe this at all It's amazing to think that the one little streak of smoke it leaves behind it is 300 miles long, and that it traveled that far THAT fast. Sure they did, and Africa fights wars with invisible children. Only thing for you to do now is Redstone a space invaders game. wow what a good example for our youth to follow! It amazes me that mormon leaders don't see how radical Muslim like this is. What an awfully crazy coincidence Yeah, have fun with your crashing economy Drake wuertz is the reason the business is dying But Ramsey has no defensive capability Am I the only one on this sub who has no idea what BPA is? Don't worry it's fat I wonder how much this witch is paying Stephen to keep their sham of a marriage alive. I'm not sure what he's trying to say here. We forbid humor around here at our expense DK mode: ON Fake news He'll need more than Mommy's credit card to get wins As if we could trust them if they said they stopped. Yeah not the small names like Demar DeRozan and Kyle Lowry. Close, la Quinta area. Probably caused by mast bumping Everything was invented by white men in the West, did you not know that? Hes Black so he must know everything about basketball This doesnt make any sense, shouldnt iceland be melting away? 5/10. So we can expect 20,000 UK citizens to be protesting tomorrow right? Nice shot / flying dude! Year of the penguin is 2016 Ephixa Confirmed That's not Zelda by a QB* Ayyy Spice and Wolf fans Unite! I love it, except for the wheels. *most* of the American flags Shit this price is really enticing. Winning the lottery. #notmystreamimgservice PogChamp They don't currently have rigorous testing because very little testing is actually more effective. Don't know about generally, but I've just ordered/paid for a new motorbike, but now I have to wait nearly 2 weeks 'til it's delivered. It's clearly Swedens own fault that these poor people feel that their only chance is radicalization. And the veil of Isis remains. it's all relative Bernie will still lose. Thanks Obama Just uninstalled Noo black people are kept down by their own laziness can't wait to see these used against rioting citizens who lost their jobs to AI robots Here in Michigan funeral processions en route to a cemetery have the right of way without police escorts. She was buffed Ha ha, so funny, misquoting out of context. The best launch title for the Xbox One...I logged so many hours into that game. Why Thank you kind sirs and mams that poured your hearts and souls into developing the Polaris/Vega GPUs for my gaming bobby, I hope that it is priced well, and performs well at my desired resolution 3440 x 1440 and my desired frame rate over 70FPS AFAIK she's only there as a panelist for the second episode, along with around a dozen more celebrities. My immersion... RUINED I called the number last night and left a message criticizing them and they called me back at 800 this morning... Should i be worried about the greek mob coming after me? You mean all the units are new because you never had them It's okay -- the local news said he was probably on drugs. They probably would have skin irritations from being wet all day. Aaaaaand there's another cute phrase that creeps ruined. Prompto: When Noctis grows up, I wanna be just like me! Thanks for 3 points before you left But if you are going the speed limit you should be able to be in any lane you please. Yah I'm sure giving cops the discretion to turn off body cams is going to be a *great* idea. It's those damn Stanford fans finally showing up for a game Actually, I quite prefer the heart-shaped diamond in the picture :) I think it's beatiful Whatever, it's totally because Allen started wearing the sexy winter classic pads full time And a jordan 1 is just a dunk right? Hindi tayo magmumukhang Singapore niyan pag mga taong yan ang nasunod. Again with this post? I go get wasted at Suds. You mean to tell me that this didn't really happen? My best one was "instead of coal Santa is giving kids, chunks of dead prostitute" Pretty much logic everywhere, including real life. I thought it was Minn and Chi.... not Dal and Chi? Inb4, the methodology seems to be wrong. Using pets to further political agendas is straight up cruelty youre being more considerate than gg would have been \#PinoyPride through the roof. Hug life! Then they lost half of it with people getting their coins refunded Playing with WMDs! I can't see the shadows l, but it sure looks like those guys in front peed their pants. Buy an axe or hatchet fitting to your body size and strength and start hacking! Id sell the V1 man, you can get 1.4k easily for V1's Dude, is clearly a fisherman. Posting foo in an indie sub tou got some nerve I gotta imagine this is definitely making the Christmas letter. Best comment ever. This is not creepy at all. Because putting parts into slots that are unique to each part is sooooo hard I love that title, I can't wait for next year when they will do The Rise and Fall and Rise and Fall and Rise. Oilers That is the look my wife gave me when she heard Awolnation was coming to town. It's tough to pay attention to that little screen and your surroundings at the same time. I fuckin' love it...I'm just waiting for Quick to completely lose his shits and takes a terrible penalty Game 7...Couture didn't even bat an eyelash because he knows the Sharks are getting to him... Burrish was talking crap to him all game too...I LOVE IT Poor Zhu Of course he is right, how could you forget all triple A console games are written in PHP. Because the Academy is so well-known for its artistic integrity, right? Indeed. What an interesting sniper gameplay I really like the Arena system in ESL, but fuck me if every standard game didn't feel like a 1 sided shitstomp. What a rare occurrence Lupe fiasco... lmfao Racist. Dude, this picture is freaking hilarious Truly a shocking development! Move on, nothing to see here. That's right folks, it's called *hibernation*. Yeah that decal is top notch Waffles with vanilla ice cream Nothing says mosh pit like a drunk guy in flip flops. Technically the ranger is a crossbow for buildings, chronologically speaking oh please everyone know's that kubrick is behind the moon landing conspracy WAKE UP SHEEPLE We did it though he got reelected! Wow, your parents are real Cunts for raising you not to hate based on skin color. Maybe we should sell them better, more accurate weapons? Now ketchup...that's the nectar of the savants! Yay, my federal taxes going to some other state! Bostons are THE BEST That's bull shit Well we are still coming out of an Ice Age, so... being the hottest in x amount of years is inevitable ? Kind of like your shit post. Will those birds ever cease with their constant chattering and singing? i believe they are spraying, but wouldn't aluminium fuck upp the engines if it was added to the fule? You know I don't think this climate change thing has been studied enough. We can use another te Wow, these gamers are getting great at faking a woman's voice. because then you can have all the waifu you want I'd guess she's mad because her roommate is too stupid to know if he's dressed or not. I'm going to make a religion where I tell people I was walking through the forest, 2 angels approached me with golden plates with a new testament of the bible in a sacred text on them and I translate those plates in a hat. I love it. money No, not until he does this with a blindfold and his hands tied to the back while leading us to the league title you'd think. 5.38% ..... I believe ! Shit ain't funny I'm shocked Anyone have any word on whether or not you can buy it on one market and get a key to redeem on the other? Feb 7th. Is there a director's cut? And the Gulf will finally be restored, and those who've suffered reimbursed. I hate this meme, I can't un-see Danielle Radcliffe. He could've just typed out "I have mommy issues" and saved himself some time. That's because murderers and rapists won't destroy the sanctity of marriage in America. Next they'll sell xbox 360s as vr ready gpus No, but I do know people whose kundlis matched but are unhappy. No one reads emails anyways Fuck is Carson really leading now? let me just make internet illegal Lame Yeah, deceiving the public on your policy positions is good... it proves you're pragmatic. We need to keep these weapons of war off our streets How much they masturbate. Hypocrisy -- brought to you by Donald Trump-- - New perfume line Of course something as brutal as that would be found on liveleak It's so cool how the update will make things more convenient for the hardcore players, while the ones who weren't already checking IV's are getting bored ... This all-star game has been a pleasant surprise to be honest, the on ice commentary is pretty funny! The leftcoms are coming. le meh Hope this is More like 'morale decay' Wickers! I for one welcome our new ketchup overlords. Fucking LaFell But this is ok, he obviously wasn't a responsible gun owner so there is nothing that could have stopped this except more good guys with guns around. Yeah but Phelps smokes weed, we can't have him representing our country. Surely, he should have jumped on your offer, you two share a hobby! It cannot be anything else but a bubble. OOooooooOOooohhhh NoooooooooOooooooooOoooooo. Noo not the norwegians! I'm always confused by this: If they hate the opposite gender so much, why be interested in them? Never seen this post before It's about time we stopped this "supply and demand" bullshit Plot twist: he was trying to call a timeout Hey it's me, your Chrome. I'm sure tons of companies will be lining up to invest in wind and solar in a province that has a history of reneging on contracts The reporter who published this was abruptly fired from CNN for publishing a "racist, bigoted" story. Depends if it's a night or day flight, and what the weather is doing and how I feel at the time ;-) I'm not really a helicopter pilot. I thought this was a complaint thread? It worked out great for Heikki Kovalainen. Hmm, I didn't notice this when it first came out. Even the girl on the label is looking at it with skepticism. WE COD NOW BOYS At least she is alive. The Trianon in all its glory Yep.. Bitcoins and drugs. No this is just a character, see he's so immersed in the hardvapour narrative you don't realize this is all constructed. Former "Genius" reporting that we *love* putting that on our resumes. Aah, can't wait to get a kid and use him to skill for me It looks like an mushroom created by the atomic bomb. Kenyan names all look the same Beautiful! I think the fact that they can in one breath talk about "the horrors of police brutality against proud POC" and complain about one white person's hairstyle does nothing but wonders for their credibility Smart move Assuming it even helped, Brexit would have undone any progress anyway. Because it's very obviously pandering to racists and trying to argue the semantics of it doesn't change that fact. not just believe in but stand behind This is funny because I'm 12. WE DID IT BOYZ Taking about how she dumped her ex all the time should have played around it Hahaha is that tfue? Practice catch and release people :) And if the Chargers have 4 of their 5 wins against winning teams lol How can I jailbreak? Call in Ip Man What a racist asshole. I still haven't beat Manus or Kalameet on mine :( So bad it's good (on AMD GPUs with D3D12) Fox is wasting their time...this shitty administration, much like it's predecessors, is quite capable of undermining itself. Try wearing them on your feet We all are slowing dying, some faster than others =/ this is why there is racism Good thing we killed all them sharks before they killed more of us Yes but you are not normal, I'm sorry One sentence, he couldn't take the time to proof read one sentence. Are you flipping me off? Such an unlucky soul. So, "Hitler did nothing wrong" confirmed by Allies? So is Cow Chop a part of the Creatures or not? Put yourself through situations that are tough and try to get through them. Drinking water in Hungary is fine in the cities. Dont really need to aim when there is 12 guys in front of me doing the macerana It's always drugs where I live. The last picture makes me want to puke. Good player, I just hope he doesn't get in the way of Parson's game time and development So fucked up! This pretty much validates eugenics. Ooooooo High school is soooo damned hard. Fax machines. Good stuff This is actually good for bitcoin. Yeah but that guy did it wrong it should be for example when you have i7 6700k you should multiply those 2 number togheter so you have 46900000 threads :D dog cunt what u doing killing cunts in wildy 4 Well that's good to hear about our new back up. Its Lupus Rex (or King Wolf/Dog in english) so of course it has to have big fucking claws Ret pallys are strong with wings up? Applause for your last line "I'd love to stay and chat but..." Well, to be fair, how can they explain what smite is to new players when they themselves don't even know? Yeah, but the ecosystem is so small, it's terrible compared to the app store I'm pretty sure almost all of the US/Canada border is one, big Fulda Gap. Well, if not being a genius meant I could survive dinner with my father in law without wanting to smash his head into the table, I'd make that sacrifice. The world would be a better place is we just assumed the worse about other people Goddamnit. you have just debunked all religions Yes, I was so sad when Hitler died. That was my first thought lmao Find that off of instagram? What causes batteries to do that anyway? Ye, the lack of EU presence in Mic Check is what's really holding the region back as far as popularity goes what an amazing price So does this mean I can legally force myself on anyone as long as I get them to climax? This is how they need to strike. Is it weird I tried to hit that play button 3 times? Looks like justice has been served to me! I'm pretty sure that's Romain Grosjean I even injected a whole syringe of marijuana before commenting! That looks like a drain to me, either from your HVAC system in the car (A/C condensate drain) or from a sunroof. Fucking hacks Of course they do. Their facial expressions is what makes this especially creepy. *gag* Sick! So they can ban a team at their own discretion because it may not appease their sponsors, but they can't ban a team at their own discretion because they cheat? using sewage to clean finally explains how they always smell Personally, I'd give the other passengers some miles for having to witness the miracle of childbirth while on their flight. Ridiculous how close we are to level 3 even a shit french accent impersonation usually sounds spot on Crikey, they're crammed onto that train like bowls of prawns at a buffet. I'm assuming the question marks are due to the fact that she's actually asking these questions and doesn't know what she's talking about. But I thought he was gonna pull an Eric Lindros? That's called free flavor. No blocked calls also. thanks you're the best. Misleading title, but incrementally good addition to the spec Hope they're read by Bill O Reilly, that guy's probably looking for work. Poor buzzfeed, whatever will I do without their shittytumblrgifs lists and YouTube channels? Fake got killed by a deagle not a r8 Metal gear the phantom pain. I'm sure they will find time to vote against "Obamacare" and fund another "Special Hearing" on Benghazi. Doesn't Per Elias play for Kansas University? But much more delicious than dogs... I think. LEETURUHLEE KANCER U GUIZ What if I told you that the Bible sanctions divorce in several cases? Well it was obviously the women's fault they got raped. Fuck yea. I like Earth bending because the way they do it looks cool If they did, they shouldn't have. I saw a movie about this a while back... IIRC, one of them becomes a chef in some fancy-pants *Haute Cuisine* restaurant. Ragnaros in certain specific circumstances. Oh but a vagina can't be detached now, SEXIST. And let's bring back landed voting too while we're at it. What a waste of perfectly good meat. Let's blame the blacks for something hypothetical, that'll end racism. McLeod is just a goon. By the same logic, it has not influenced every other strong willed politician. I don't Belize this. That poem is a great reason to delay publishing findings. There's a long way to go from theocratic tendencies in various public schools, to something that will actively break down service to the ideologies of the older generations. Next week: how do I raise a nigger not to be a thief? They barked and spat at me, and i felt bad Serious question: How can any black man or woman join Mormonism? Because one can *only* use Netflix on Xbox as a glorified streaming system, dontcha know? I just assumed he was holding it with his arm across his body Looks more like w tablecloth We need to stop using respectful language and go back to routinely using verbal abuse. Better than Archon Thanatoast tbh Can't wait to hear how 2017 is the year for horror. In other news, major retailers like Macy's, Sears, and K-Mart are closing stores. She's ten years over my age limit and my profile doesn't say that I'm looking for casual sex. Our founding fathers did not mentioned encryption in the Constitution, so it is not an inalienable right! i feel ya. He also won ESWC with coL back in the day. Vote for people like Trump. Even the Mayans knew guns were a bad idea! You must be gay. This is so funny! Keep patting yourself on the back Bernie, mentioning how little money you make or how you don't have a super PAC definitely makes you the best candidate dogs in jairs, love it. Dat depth of field. *That's* going to work well for her. The bravery never ends on reddit. Dipster Dynasty No one cuts off my muscle car, boo hoo. Instead why not try killing all Pastors to end Christianity? Looks like packet loss on the client side to me Poser. Texa$ Not even a 5960x ? My bachelor's degree. Great, happy PSU is finally putting illegal immigrants before students and documented immigrants who have the legal right to study here. Damn FaZe getting scammed. Bad decision making seems to be baked into this business. It's because they're old enough for those penalties. I'm surprised they didn't kick Santa out of the bus for a stupid reason like we see every other day in the news. Same thing at the social security office bc one shut down If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine. Oh boy, now I feel bad for all those reports I got for saying GG ez I think anyone that follows either super hero already assumed that some kind of kryptonite weapon would be in the movie, and people that don't probably wouldn't make the connection. Dana white being a corporate jackass... This isn't news. Fucking Edmonton, man. And I thought Canadians are polite Jeez... They're making soldiers out of children now. Longest .gif ever. DNA is witchcraft, therefore the 13 yo should be stoned by him and his family. I hear there's room in Moggs Creek for a Schache. For a guy who thinks mental health issues are at the heart of mass shootings, he -really- doesn't seem to want the problem addressed at all. hey a lo mejor no estaba pedisimo, si no bien grifo Dirty peasants. Im perfectly fine with religious discrimination as long as its didtributed equally against religious people Thats just progress....the fantasy dwellers, uneducated snake oil salesmen....and such...need to be weeded out eventually Wow..they should have left that in...but my guess it was deemed not violent enough. For the sake of my odd fetish, lets just hope these internet SS officers leaves hentai out of their subject. The amount of salt is enough to kill a person. Fake extortion is fake I guess all the murderers and rapists have been caught. The scary neighborhood I didn't know people here hated EDC so much. Canadian Bacon Should run for President. So help me god Does this mean the obligation begins when you're 17? Na, that's actually from a little over a year ago before the phony NY derby That kid singing fucking kills me, holy shit. Except now its 50% bots Yeah, gaming would be fine if Nintendo never existed. *ITT: The games gonna be 100 dollars to cover the lack of DLC* All that amazing music we had at the turn of the millennium. I really would never have anything to say to any other players besides "good game" but everyone has their own unique brand of shit to talk Hey thanks for giving me credit Soonish was more accurate Wow, total psych, cause there ain't no body that speaks both languages and will be able to tell. Yet another way ex-cons just can't break the cycle. If they were homeless though, no one would care. Cry more. Such a good shoulder peek Jesus is my drug amen Waaaaaah. Nice music Have to wait for the dust to settle on the poster boy for Ontario Conservatives Rob Ford. Im glad you posted a lot of relevant and backed up info in this post, which made you seem like a credible person and not just someone randomly posting and berating the game. But I thought rape was about power? Hey Aussies, stop making racist remarks and death threats on the field. But what about the battery life? Haha whatever makes your day oh my god that's embarassing Yeah they start talking about the events of Gorod Krovi I'm sure you're a pleasure to spend time with Kid was 2 and not swimming, he got dragged in. Wow, CNN with a headline like that... Maybe there's hope after all. Totally makes sense Not really Americans. We got a keeper! 12 years of unsustainability .... yup the OP got a point I'm not even a DC supporter, but what exactly did he lie about? Cos Einstein was so bad in school If only Unions say lots of dumb things. Harry Reid is my Senator and to say i am less than pleased with him is an understatement Let's start a fund to fly in Pro TMT protesters! Oh Christ, just when you think things can't get any worse I'm confused, did they wrote that after or before they said the earth was flat. But not any lesbians, only the hot ones. Oh look, how exciting. Ang saya ng downvotes, I feel like Karlie Kloss But Allen Robinson is a stud and worth that second round pick What a steal Sounds like a questionable practice to me. Yeah but AR stands for assault rifle, it's obviously the most dangerous Braken is Snails confirmed You know they say all Joes are created equal When I fear for my life I jump onto the target in which multiple other people are also shooting at. That's a pretty good shot In a perfect world, we would be able to round up the rightwing nuts and islamists and throw them onto a desert island so they can kill each other. slayer. Probably a Russian who put the money there I use showers to wake me up quickly. My hat goes off that brave woman Pixel dungeon is one example against your point I can think of Looks like they'll need to make a few more arms sales to the Middle East in H2 to generate some free cash flow. Beef: The Horse Whisperer Shocking. Ah but this wouldn't be a problem if you have a Cutco knife set! CPBINS Love Silva's hair and Struve looks fired up! Also Berlin: Literally Pyongyang. Tell that to the CEO of Yelp. Clearly the NAACP is run by a bunch of uncle toms! Christian Terror. Despite the National Front being primarily funded by Russian banks, I'm certain this course of action is in no way being influenced from the Kremlin. The best way to fight racism is with more racism This bench is so people can rest on their treacherous journey across the incredibly long bridge. prolly Is there a difference between them? TIL abridged means taking a bandsaw to books. no they are not this article is just based on the word of Israeli intelligence and if we know anything about Israeli intelligence we know they never lie right guys, Its dead jim. Question dodge levels are at maximum Literally nothing but the parking garage for elevator escape. Trump won't be President later this year. Have you heard of How I Met Your Mother? Even when he says something serious and worthwhile? All lies, Crosby does this intentionally 2-3 times a game, but the league & PA covers it up. X-ray plox Boohoo, he's selling them back to the government, not having them taken away from him. Johansen, obviously not physically fit enough to hop the boards A lightskin Too bad literally every player on the Royals is better. Let's go Green Party, 2016! How to use reddit. No because if Iranians assassinated an American scientist in New York it wouldn't be considered terrorism. what's wrong with 4chan? Suuuree. Why would white people bother coming up with exciting recipes when we can just take over interesting countries and enjoy theirs? 11 months vegan, greatest dietary decision of my whole life! audacity and fl studio are a good place to start People need to seriously take the time to find out how the fuck Greece got into such a mess. Assange is really the notorious pedo bear. Makes me sick That's because this site reaches whatever Kanye does to an extreme level Well that BUT...WHERE ARE THEIR EYE AND EAR PROTECTION...isn't that what we should really be talking about. What bout my K/D though i'm in Faze And 50 years later, a presidential candidate (Santorum) is vowing to bring it back for all families but his own. **failing NY Times Not elite enough.. In his defense, it is a lot harder to shoot a dog through a window of a car. Oh yes, because I'm the one using correct spelling, *I* must be the stupid one. In this case the Persian Government penetrated into a Jew. Peppy created 552 accounts to up vote himself clearly there is a black guy in there Because your health can only be assessed by how you perceive how men are attracted to you It looks unique. Priests and kiddy porn are skewing the results And missing eye! No, because only those that are most compatible with their environment survive, not the fittest at the beginning of the video she appears to be middle age, but she looks a least 10 years younger after all those rolls. But you must have been angry with god to get educated in the first place. Probably one of the least creepy things I've ever seen. But then again, Wii U is a next gen console so I dont see why Nintendo even is getting any creds for this? It wasn't going to hit him anyway. Hey its me, icefrog, this guy is lying Yeah, you know, because *all* men do stuff like this. The face of a man who stops balls This is some Eleventh Doctor meets Rave meets Brick from The Middle shit FINALLY I feel so bad for you. Suns should have let Westbrook set the record in the spirit of the game I know the trick, you have a nail on your helmet Well, that's because those two teams play the best soccer and win the league all the time. What a beautiful family. North Polea star wars 7 wasn't that funny either The poorest 50%, and they would get a few hundred each Nice set. It's a good thing the ec are such an ethical bunch of guys. If Oklahoma wins, does that make us look better by the cumulative property for how close we played Houston for all but Garbage Time? Because it's the rarest iten in the league. never hack across fault lines that's just asking for it Find the odd one out! super impressive considering they are even stricter on PEDs and IV's down there in Brazil. i hate my life un par de pensamientos random que me surgieron viendo esto: que genio bonadeo y que parecido a michael romeo que estaba que flaco estaba lanata, que mal que se dejo estar asi la carrera de scioli como motonauta al parecer es como la mia de jugador de solitario: soy el campeon argentino en windows 98 por tener el mejor tiempo y ninguno que me compita. Tell women to smile You're not a LAD then That's why you don't buy used socks In fact, we have him 3 paid days off and a slight pay raise. It's called evolution, if you're lucky like me and mine you have been taught this too. BUILDS Relax, it's mostly an Easter Egg the devs made. Ah good ol separation of church and state. This is a fucking puffin Yeah he's the good type of immigrant My theory is that they crash land on [the world Shulk creates after he defeats Zanza] All this water in our processed foods is the cause for the rapid rise of over-hydration diagnoses in this country! The logical reason these people will come up with to justify fucked up shit religious people do is just amazing, every damn day it's something new. I think we may have just stumbled upon Gary Busey's reddit account. Your feet are in too good a shape to be a runner! He tripped over a Dwayne. Please don't post a picture until the hardware is in your system. take a bigger line pussy Where did you get that Shy Guy amiibo, I can`t find him anywhere! Didn't the Obama administration write that thing? Of course Snyder would make it BLACK and yellow when it's blue in the comics and animated versions, he hates color only counts if you take the goalie's cap off with the ball He just has a good mouse what if that was a preexisting divot Unpossible...Obama emphatically said no boots on the ground The only solution is to ban disposable income spending on health related products and have them rationed. started from the bottom now she's here This would be cool because you could have 80 nintendo 64 set up with different games in each, so instead of swapping out a cartridge you would swap out the entire system to play a new game *wow they are all anorexic* Hungary checking in Because all those | symbols are not suspicious *at all*. The fact that Assassin's Creed and BVS are here just shows how stupid this is Gitty THERES NO SCRIPTING YOU JUST NEED TO GIT GUD This is predominantly a sled track, right takes me about 5 seconds. Shes a bell end. Because nobody ever has self-control or loyalty in a relationship, ever. I love popular opinion bear. Sorry only looking for impure keys Quick, cut their research funding! obviously LSD cocaine shaders So you can see all that power The Green Bay Linemen who hold on every single play and bribe the refs and aren't really that good? Anyone I bring to the Arena in FE4. It's somewhere in the back can't imagine why there are downvotes on this Cheating got me this far, no turning back now Apple says to use a hands free device to reduce RF, even though their devices are below the allowable RF limit that sounds a little more honest don't you think? You'd be surprised what the Volkssturm can do when you're willing to commit to Total War. Sucks for the defender the 11-year-old then spent the time until the cops showed up teabagging the intruder while making spurious claims about the intruder's sexual orientation and mother. WHat about Anson Carter? hat's because Canada is more tolerant than the US Fucking chinese copying the west again. Ofc vape has its own pic Obama definitely deserves another Nobel Peace Prize TIL: Popes my mother. So when do we start complaining about how imba mines' splash damage is? Your character looks like shit I just hope we're able to ensure a winning season too Increase the price making it harder for people to buy, says it's to make a better version of the drug as people are still dying, yup makes sense. But, But, millions of people are employed by the FRACKING oil and gas industry. I actually don't want it. :C Well obviously it was meant for the Xbone in 2 years time when 420p is the "golden standard" for the console Look at the amount of tap ins he scores, he's awful OnLive tried that and oh man did that turn out to be a massive multibillion dollar success Don't worry, you'll change your mind. I want to do a Kickstarter campaign for a mobile X-Ray machine so whenever someone obese says "I'm big boned" a user can take it out and go "Lets eliminate all doubt." I wonder if the aliens feel the same way when they watch us EU just got their divine karma dungeon Hey can we get someone in here to start an argument that Rwby isn't anime? STOP MAKING EU JELLEH WE ALSO WANT WAIFUS I feel safer already! he forgot to LOS clearly lies What a thoughtful and original title I'm sure he hand picked his own chef. Proper order. Welp, I'm done giving this guy attention. Good thing people wouldn't need their card over a long weekend. not misguiding at all, champion mastery 5 shows you've grinded a bunch of games on the champion or got him often in ARAM / RGM people who still think champion mastery is a display of actual skill are delusional Which market did they vend on I love how redditors complaining about the sentence are suddenly experts on crime laws and punishment in South Africa, and also are privy to all of the details of the crime and the factors in the judge's ruling. Its artificial though so its not real. Robin has been in every FE game since the first one. I don't know why I find this sooo sexy... We should ban tombstones bcos they are hazard You just made me want to kill myself, I thought I'd never see that again buy me a midi keyboard and then every song i ever make will be free to you I'm *sure* she'd be *just as willing* to argue that dildos should also be banned because they objectify men, right? Great job once again NAIA. yeah, most 'Off brand' controllers still use Xinput (the API that makes the 360/One controllers work) so there's really no difference. Well Crim is 27 She sounds like shes living a real "healthful lifestyle" I love that kid on the left that has to be held back from his friends because he's soo amazed Just silence it, then you can silence it. Natty AF Nice try NSA! An old biker guy decked out in full black leather Harley gear, walking a beautiful white Persian cat on a leash. Who knew 120 on public roads in the middle of the day could be dangerous? Completely street legal Who even cares anymore? can lynx mate with snow leopards? Triggered interesting way to tape the grip on his stick, you usually only see goalies tape their sticks like that maybe he was doing it for the trophies. Don't forget that he flat out refuses to build more water storage so he can always claim a state of drought in California then regulate how much water you are allowed to use to water your lawn. i want to poke it This guy has always been an annoying cunt, I'm not sure how anyone finds his content appealing. Stating the obvious is now punishable by law. In About 13 years late. Gansta ok haha so gansta not to tap. Cancel the wall? Cost,? But Malkin needs every talent we get, don't you know that? Where the Linux guys with penguin shaped windows at? he's been listening to too much kanye That's the power of Darude - Sandstorm, he just hit it because of that song Fuck you. Dammit I wish that wouldn't have happened *sigh* I guess dinosaurs are racist now Love is love is love Well folks... It's that simple. Did you know that they also installed safety nets on the buildings for recent increases in suicides? 72 people are doing this on every damn youtube page that gets posted. YEAH UNIONS! It's funny because it marginalizes the elderly. OR thought: it's about the confidence boost - not just $$. I'd offer, but my keys are just normal size.. Let's blame video games. Are you saying Nazi-Germany was no serious business? i blame the runescapers Lol good one bruh Does this mean I need to photoshop myself holding a Centurion card as my Facebook profile pic? I dig what Cube does with the gimmick and the setpieces, but the writing and the acting are really terrible, and it makes it pretty unenjoyable for me. I'd love to play a good Assassin's Creed again Bring back the cars from the 90's! I would like, for once, to thank OP. Gasol: "Welcome to the NBA" There's no such thing anymore The flashback will probably be man, the Atlanteans and Amazons fighting off Darkseid Well duh, if he doesn't even want to help our homeless people, why would he want to help foreign homeless people? That whole thing just screams "adult" Yeah, I'm sure people hating that creepazoid has nothing to do with the fact that he can't take 'no' for an answer and is alarmingly pushy. This is clearly setting up a Punk return to feud with Roman where he'll break out the Pepsi Plunge What a shit roster UOL are definitely better candidates for IEM you need a better monitor to see him Alright to all the new people, it is time to buy the badpy and tamadras in the MP shop for her skill up Greek prime minister Tsipras, will be very satisfied that his bright example of how to interpret a referendum result anyway you want is followed by other European nations... Yeah, fat people need safe spaces too! Hey guys, is this shopped or some bizarre leg/hip rotation? INDEPENDENCE IS BACK ON THE MENU BOYS! Kinda feel like Nick should be talking to a therapist about this. No charges filed for naming a child Tomahawk? And.. what did we learn? All I have to say is: get a different boyfriend. Seems like he has a rough enough life... but he better come through with those child payments. Rofl you lost health on the rat, L2Flick m8 How about these weakminded crybabies just not watch anything other then cartoon network There's no such thing as the best programming language.. only the right one for the right job. Now he knows how the Giants feel. Obviously soldier since he only has 8 different rocket launchers to choose from, 9 if you count the original. Hasn't aged a day That psychologist is a complete piece of shit. Totally didnt know this and hasnt been posted at all hnnnnng that was beautiful Hilarious that it's on the gay channel. Very likely, that's how they operate. My prediction: we don't get a banlist until 9-12 months post previous banlist o how romantic Damn i thought they were all honest....just like the gov't who is only looking out for our best interests. mother of god Tali zora vas Waifu Ignore what everyone else is saying, it's not the gear that matters but how well you know the class. Ohhh i really liked this one cause you kinda get bored looking at all the horse and doggy stuff. srs well I'm sorry None. At least they don't have autism Hey guys, wouldn't it be HILARIOUS if Fireball and/or Vaal Fireball got nerfed in the upcoming patches? Shoot each other I'm not here to hate, but I don't know how old is that kid nor if the kid actually did it. I'm 16 and I get this, you're fucking retarded. Such a waste of money WAIT I'M NOT DONE HOLDING MY SIDES AT THE HILARITY OF THIS POST Black Eminem in the front next to the guy in the white hoodie Riise, don't hate on him - what do you know about being a left back? #I LOVE THIS MAN Stop interfering with France's election, Facebook. hAHAHAHAH, clearly yes. where is Giannis? Who else is it going to be, Frank Gore? you didn't donate to them, that's how they roll now Its a good thing Big pharma has that big war chest of money. They government drugs us every day with fluoridated water that lowers our IQ and makes us calmer, they clearly have no problem drugging anyone. Well duh, it's fine when the big corporations steal from little people and make money off it. Pretty accurate nah his kassadin is sick Shouldn't haven given up that breakaway Fuck you RuPaul. ...Finally we get one! BUT HER EMAILS MacGyver reboot has already been done, and it's called 'Burn Notice.' git gud Invest your nickels and dimes kiddies! Crazy stuff. I've known two people with the name yancy and they were both weird. That's pretty reliable source you have right there. It was Unobtainium Chloride. LOW SKILL CEILING CONFIRMED They are the dog that caught the car. People have been saying this? Yeah, I'm sure that will be sooo useful Ew. Yeah, we know. Everyone please ignore the troll. But that would be DEPRIVING myself of something I want, you COMMUNIST Comments are closed not eating pussy Take the Expo to Downtown. Does it mean that the water is pootable? nope gtfo No, What I do hate is when faggots take pictures of me while I'm getting breakfast. worth every quarter OMG, youre so right, its like people can only care about one thing at a time, and it has to always be other people. I trust the bishop either knew what he was doing or will take care of it. its called "killer" in the top left does someone has data of the new Chatoyant Signet and how much this change will incluence our energymanagement? Disgusting. Did he diededed? I see a little tread Or bought out Yeah, that's possible. Diversity means not white male, so that's 100% diverse, right? I'm ok with this. Maybe fnx is just wearing a beanie today Yeah fuck that guy who was loyal to your team and city from day 1 despite the Oilers lack of success while he was there! I honestly think he could be an OC next year. Just another secret bandwagoner removing his flair But guys... He's a poor shooter so nobody's defending him on those half-court possessions, that's why he has space to pass the ball to the open man! sign language omg so much easier than text chat That ventilate fail @1:22 though. You gotta go Roddy Piper and pound the class-consciousness into them! He's so bad he doesn't even deserve a tier. Why do you have feminist facebook friends when your post history is loaded with antifeminist rhetoric? But... but I thought the GOP feasted on the flesh of the young? Undeniable by Bill Nye. yeah, blacks getting into better colleges *sure does* make up for all the other racism they've experienced *Gold Coast See Garbrandt BTW I like Cody Garbrandt haha And with that beard DiCaprio is the ultimate fit for a Lenin film. That pretty much describes my brain, all of those intricate complicated systems working together to run in circles and do basically nothing. If Obama didn't hate white people then he would have the decency to be white himself! Thank you for giving valid reason. Do it, DO IT. the *white* house Because if you dress differently and in a way some people don't like, it means you're a bad person. Misleading: Digital Deluxe Edition comes with KF1, the games OST, an artwork book and some ingame characters/items. niggar, you must be new here, thats a fucking troll account and youse gettin trolled you fucking retarded monkey. I'm sure this looks great on mobile It's decent, but fyi you spelled "succeed" wrong. Yeah Obama really needs a lot of votes for his next Presidential run. Little known fact: Subroza made MarkEs hack Really excellently put together ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^. yayyyyyy....cant wait to play you guys twice this year. Hey, I know one of those girls! Arsenal are totally destroying English football with all their foreign players blocking the path of young local talent! I would gladly go to gulag, it would mean the revolution is here and I would work hard for the people. I bet these comments are gonna be fun Don't forget Dyer's Eve and So What! Oakland Tech hands down. Then idubbbz can make a kickstarter crap about it This is why I never suggest my European friends to visit Delhi. Know a guy who still thinks there are 52 and Hawaii is a country. assimov gloves ye thatz coo L:D Yeah pay literally 100k a year for a fucking band-aid What's the gun control like for civilians in Norway? If this was optional, I'd be down. God, I hope not. They fixed it it's now WAW She was Born This Way...fucking clutzy. Alot of honest political discussion here in the comment section Indeed. Nooooo That's a crappy haiku. God I wish I could afford to indulge even 1k let alone 15k Looks less windy than yesterday. Civ II lets you make bank with 0% tax under Fundamentalist government. a battlefury today is the day i downvote funn1k Ah jokes on you people, i opened only 2 chests and still got an SF immortal Same thing happened last year with spectre immortal I'm a lucky guy I guess Well, I love both Strong Safety and Free Safety, but I'm gonna have to give the edge to Free Safety. No anything involving armor, weapons, creepy creatures or locations, or really anything in automatically Dark souls REI would make a killing of the "Bjornstad" line of clothing. I can give you 4x xp for up to 18 hours pm me your acc details josuke is so weak in this scene he couldnt even pop bubbles hahahahahahahah SO FUNNNyyyyy Leisure Suit Larry. Nah, just more murky and abathur skins. Seems like he needs Jesus. they dont need it because they have enough cash He can score free kick as much as he wants, but Walcott's assists are still more impressive. Because the only way to discipline your children is to slap them on the ass. This is a really hard decision to make, right? For the first time in its 4 billion year history earth's climate has reached homeostasis But it's ok because they live in red areas A lot of receivers have already shown that they have grown since last year, but still not hearing much noise out of Kermit I love it when people do something so completely original like this Epic...Rap...Battle! Ok, so we know at least one of the Flames will be there. Am very jealous, grats! No they care more about abusing their ^^^^slaves workers than about playing soccer. Did you guys know the Chiefs didn't throw A SINGLE TD to a WR all of last season! Bloody foreigners! Fuck off Santa Clara! isaac sucks it's pay2win Maybe if he was as good as Jeff Schultz, who got +50 one year, his plus/minus would be better. Yeah the matchmaking doesn't seem to compensate for a bunch of people dropping mid game. I'm voting Giant Meateater, lolol yeah because we should only care about politics once every four years, then sit back and allow the president to do whatever the fuck they want wow he must really be into streetwear and fashion Good to know they're spending what little development resources they have left on the *really* important stuff! Give me over $1 TRILLION a year to spend, and I too can make the economy look good! see this is what happens when ched evans tries to get a job people think this is okay I mean, they get $15/hr now, dontcha know They have finally sold out of sets. As someone who participated in a Harry Potter book burning... WE FUCKING WARNED YOU! The conspiracy grows. You are what is wrong with this subreddit. You may now but wait until the abuse and half your money forever while your so cheats and doesn't let you visit you kids starts Kind of cheating here but I'll say Joker from Arkham games Lower your draft stock so you get picked by a contender... smart! It's 4/20, everyone gets a pass! Naismith's face makes it even better But everyone talks about that Maybe we could auction these off to pay for the big beautiful fence extension. But then how will the US authorities take action against the enemies of the State? **I SWEAH** **I WILL NOT ENDORSE ANYONE** I think he still has a good chance of hitting a home run. I thought all ps4 games ran in "cinematic mode" because they all attempt to run as close to 24 fps as possible. So... if you were in the Senate would you vote against the inquiry? But if I downvote the guy who said what I wanted to say, then I say it myself, my comment has a better chance! You can do the same thing with your palm too, although this looks a tab more awesome, but in a fast paced environment you can use the palm one to pour a beer or other beverages. No because you'll die younger In before EU servers die for a day while NA gets free packs as compensation Yeah, he's in it for that Arctic $ilver. Backseat drivers, amirite? ACTION! Those weren't companies they were people. If the Flintstones taught me anything as a kid drag your feet! I can't get over how beautiful this game is! but it's only a 36 race season and you can't run more than 5 truck/xfinity races HOW DARE YOU HAVE DIFFERENT PERSONAL TASTES THAN MY OWN! oh America you so funny Card pedantry: Sen'jin Totem Masta wow what a shot This will surely NEVER be abused by first world nations. What about that guy on the Black Ops III community that was saying he got a 1080 from Fry's.. He was legit, this must be too Bro you should add more HDR LFG!....wait a second Play The defense before the rule changes is so funny to watch now. Oh and pssst he means black people. It's a conspiracy to keep free, limitless power from the 99%. For me its Sniper Elite V2 which also added wind resistance. It's not like we live in a democracy or anything. Nah, they are all Serbs anyway. Lando went to high school? That's what turned me libertarian. How do you fight an enemy that doesn't exist? yea and people with a gram of ganja should get prison time, makes total sense But hornacek has been the best thing to happen to the knicks all season. JUST GIVE IT TO HIM YOU MONSTER That's why you gotta cage your kids! Caviar. when are we gonna have a revolution? Ma'am headline: "Israel kills journalist." I think just the Cage sounds better tbh It honestly just stings more to hear that from him now. Nice watch too! Dammit, I'm following the NFL so closely I thought this was talking about Denver Yeah riding on the back of a motorcycle is practically sex. Their content and source determines whether they are classified, not how they are marked. U R MR GAY You should have explained it to her Does that mean that men are the primary victims of rape? This is why we need Harper to steer us in the right direction! ahh yes, the dictionary, now there's a good book I just can't put down I'm sure Turkey will love this. But who is going to constantly remind me of the persecution good Christians like himself face all the time? it's war Communism everybody. This is why we need the death penalty This is what happens when you have universal health care. Kessler can be amazingly idiotic. you didnt blur out the your character, now i know what your character looks like, gg account Atlanta Hawks did it first 0/10 Being a male. He's generous at least, surprised he got that far without being airport style raped for bringing in a terrorist weapon though. Wow op, you're a real animal. Deep in Alabamaaa I'd just go for tots ben arfa instead even naksun is better farm than ssp lol It's kind of funny to see "junk rare" in an official WOTC article. I may have contributed to 0.1% of that Put SRAM Red on it Nah man pure secondary fire skill That beautiful woman next to her is who I'm staring at! Ferrari copying the classic Opel GT Where's the spoiler alert? But the Tombstone boots have a lighter shade of brown! Only if you are preparing for a TO team. She's been replaced by Topdad This looks incredibly subtle and well crafted Correlation does not mean causation. Next up: Hookers and heroin. We didn't beat back the Germans for us to conform to your systems of measurement, time and spelling! This is also quite useless without a comparison group innit? Why didn't Janet Reno think of this? I'd like to pretend I was surprised when senators started blaming encryption for the Paris attacks... but I wasn't. Graphics are on par, so this should work, no? You ruined the score man First I've heard of it. He has shown no principles or consistency so far, why should we begin to believe his "promises" now? Such is life of a liberal. Top 8 into playoffs would show even without Stan we still have a good team, but if we're being optimistic T2 kappa Live meaning in person? IMHO any person that thinks something to do for fun would be to allow a sweaty and grunting Michael Gove to penetrate their body with his weak thrusts whilst he sobs, cries and begs for forgiveness from them and calls them "nanny" isn't someone I'll pay any attention to. great job, BDS My sources say Glenn Gronkowski is Rex's mole. What's infuriating is the verge and Engadget are going tout this as something new. Ahh when Football was actually passion not money Can you guess where the handle of those umbrellas are lodged, to make them stick out like that? It's a disease Just run it through some coffee filters and you've got some good oil for years time and place? And trading Lavine and Wiggins! Obviously a hoax, they are black men with guns they'd be dead if this was real. Phht, Apple just invented a pencil that works with screens. We watched it in class, it's a really great movie! Later he was dishonorably discharged for sexual harassment and rape. No, I'm an eyelogist interessting that hindenburg was famous enough for a french poster in 1915. was the battle of tannenberg such a big deal ? Smh lying stat padder Up to the early 00's Okay, Kerr is an idiot. GG Overwatch **LITERALLY** Oh boy, can't wait to wear a long sleeved jersey in June/July. Hopefully we will soon be able to play runescape with one click But by all means, I want this same government in charge of my healthcare! But they're job creators... that's why they've created so many jobs. ask me tomorrow I don't particularly agree with some of the categorisations, but this is absolutely disgusting to see. Brain Foam (TM)? At least Cerrone isn't being a menace to society! Because bulging muscles matter *so* much more than potentially serious injuries, shrinking balls, violent mood swings, horrendous acne, and being disqualified from sporting events (or having your wins rescinded) for cheating. I had a TriMoto 225 - wore out the wheel bearings because I was always doing two wheeled stunts! TIL I was involved in a mass shooting as a child. I bet it's slow as fuck. How are you today? Ah, I used to do this all the time when I was a kid! Patches wasn't in his starting hand in the first goddamn clip, he drew him on turn 4. Enlighten us But that was when they had guberment Lol at them choosing a picture of Jordan shooting a free throw as his all star pic Hey, if anyone is rich enough to afford being a PC gamer, it's Superman! Jeez is that 3 4* running backs for 2015 alone? FOSS is the devil's idea of a live hand grenade disguised as a child's toy! He's being traded soon so why bother The states' rights to have slaves. 200-10=190 Black/Brown guy! How does shit like this happen? I think it's great that we still go there. Didn't Sanders call her out on that in a live debate a few weeks ago? Because he is the Zombies God. Ah, yes, the GOP is the evil empire. Warcraft 3 (you know, the RTS) is one of his favorite RPG's. Fuck toy o_O taunting is toxic So _this_ is why they make th cars rate so high in crash tests! Yemes is being pacified. Yeah, you've given us way too little room to work with. In the same way a ukip backed tory government would lead to a fachist dictatorship It's only considered fraud if he is found guilty, which I doubt will happen. the prayers are literally the range/mage equivalent of piety though, which is free after a 30min quest. Lol, not enough AK47's. This really shows how much of an emotional team Fnatic is. honestly, when that happened i got a flashback of marty going up on the boards earlier this season Is it really that fucking hard to have an AFC team play on Thanksgiving? 3 EU player if kasing is support = EU team GG Stupid questions are stupid. downvote for bruins jersey they gave each other hand jobs after this right? But your memory is beeing wasted if it is not used to its full potential Playing the objective is never an option. why do they call the person a fucking vigilante? Wicked accurate The British are just jealous. Like most lifeprotips, the real one is found right here in the comment section I demand a paid vacation for this officer! I do both, oh no, I must be crazy all the guys would ask to borrow mine during class haha so sick of him and his ilk America deserves better than the prosperity of the 90s pitted against the clusterfuck of the 2000s so lets lump Clinton and Bush together! You're so funny. Ted Cruz should wear a sombrero at his rally to pander to the Hispanics. swegdude: Master of Comedy White trash Well that explains the wait. I would almost vote for poor Jeb out of pity. Chrome Ughhh, f-in god modders who role play other people's parts. Trump's weird way of repeating something three times in one sentence is starting to get on my nerves. I felt no cringe If veggies knocks out EG I will actually become a farmer Lebron James' secret stuff Nice triple walls due, totally 100% effective Oh god that's horrible, someone stop this man from cutting so much weight Where's David Wright? HWAT So you just harbored Bin Laden for a decade? These guidelines will last forever, or until the next Republican administration. It's just a fucking song. I think she was especially happy you put her picture online while she looked like that. The irony is strong with this one. Because the police would never look for evidence there. Pfft, that's only $386 What a load of crap. Of course not, that wouldn't be looking out for your best interests Cause you know, I want to make the federal minimum my whole life Leicester City omg Must be the increasing casualisation of our workforce that is driving home sales Man those servers are the best So will the FINAL version of No Man's Sky. Typical Gemini. That's pretty reasonable! 1/10 would not bang No, no it won't. His username checks out he's right about MOBA actually You only said that because god is just that mysterious. removed, his tweet was obviously misread Is that what the rich do, file frivolous lawsuits? It is a Christmas Miracle! Because nuking the moon wouldn't cause any ill effects to the earth. Through a scanner darkly. Too small to play in the NHL Yeah, because it's not like genocide includes murder. What gives these dirty imperial Europeans the right to hold American citizens accountable to their laws? Ideally, they could spend a day going through the WR times and resetting the ones that are VERY obviously hacked. I knew I couldn't be the only one I wonder how he found the time to knock over all those headstones? yeah, only 2749001 more ABP not that much What does he know, he's a kook who thinks man walked on the moon. still waiting to see the day these media houses start taking some real pot-shots at each other...! They do not look like Aryans to me. LoLe so funyn haha No it's Joji. lol fuck off Blah, blah because sex is a social construct. let's give unblockable status to the top heavy amirite fellas ? Putting the resources into the important things. That's cool it's not like I wanted to play dam i remember that game, i bet on it and lost This match will be ep1c We should all trust what Putin says, because that has always been shown to be true. Now tom Herman is gonna try and steal him. A speaker to shout dispersal orders at antisocial citizens Okaaaay, but this kindof doesn't seem relevant to "Yandere Simulator?" Frankly, I think that the fewer women this guy tries to interact with the better. Yes, because so many people will wank to that Because I don't want to touch the flusher. Ah CNN, the most reputable and un-biased of news sources Wow, that's funny. How did kuch know where the guy works? This website looks legit. I bet Zarya will be the next Overwatch hero to join the Nexus. Well that'll just make everything dandy the *next time* they murder civilians in cold blood, won't it? I know, we welcome everyone and we're *such* jerks about it. Who knew you could use pence in America? Balanced I can't wait for them to create a whole Spawn cinematic universe! mozgod a real one fo dis now She's white, so it evens out. Doesn't look like any other bootstrap template for 3 bucks. This wasn't much a joke wow , i cried you know full well this is Obama's fault! I think it needs more cheese You're so cool man by grabthars hammer, what a savings as a marine who's used a floor buffer before, this is true. Freeza was unable to fully dodge a Kienzan despite this attack being sub-sonic(he can't sense ki, so he heard it coming) so maybe I'm sure their mouths are watering at the thought of getting that $150 billion in sanctions relief. Let the rebuilding begin. w0w anotha video of u making trash-tier nobodies upset amazing Straight up walked from the 3 point line lol Hey man as bad as it is thank god it wasn't German Dungon Porn Look at him harass Garcon like that, dude is a total cancer for this locker room Yeah, third party totally stood a chance. That's a funny looking DL44 I'm glad their error messages have become specific and helpful Black bars are hard. Ronaldo to Stoke confirmed oh sure, those scoundrel and sage off heals will **totally** mitigate that 4 shadow stealth burst. How dare you. Damn childlezombies, childfreejacking father's day! The dictionary is wrong Ok At least she wished you had a nice day. Hospitals should hire more stoned surgeons. Most likely. Would be a shame if a 2nd member of Trump's Cabinet had to resign. Not so much of a downer as I thought, very well produced and edited. Reminds me of 1984 so much Doing your business *and* making new friends. you dropped the satire tag Rumor is that The Novelist it's in this bundle omg its so cute and chubby I love it when John Oliver discusses WikiLeaks Can someone ELI5? Any scout for the Bears should not be taken seriously -Bears fan You mean so police can kill unarmed black men? Well shit I guess he has to now. It's Duelmex I agree with Preston that the Ravens handling of this whole situation has been strange, not having the kid talk to the media or anything is weird just cuz I like hearing what those guys have to say about football stuff. SafeSysUpdater update: Added safety Wow these guys are giving Nintendo a run for their money with increasing ~~stability~~ safety! My views are so *totally converted* now. Better he retire now & keep his legacy, the Spanish Michael Owen has spoken This post is funny and original Right now i would have posted a pic of me In my airsoft gear when we play missions like terrorists and swat but i feel i shouldn't. Are you telling me that the special needs team are better than the no needs team ? Sebastian that beast Wish I could read all the removed comments I'll admit I was expecting her to poof her and try to fit the Gem in the slot. Yes, women should get paid to take care of their children. Samsung vs apple Our overlords aren't much better - just less vocal. Good, can't keep doing this shit. less safe for muslim terrorists, yes. Quake 2 Lauva's inbox probably got fucked up that week. Come to Texas, they have jobs. Same :/ Additional crickets. The flag of Libya when Gaddafi was in power up until 2011. Boxy can move them down:) If those kids didn't want to be poor they'd just tell their parents to stop being poor duh! topkek Not sure what makes this cosplay, just a pretty girl in a button down from what I see. Google tied up with many ISPs in India , we get 4MBps streaming on Google services irrespective of the package chosen. Sorry for my bad spelling :D Glorious German Khrupsteal That motorboating line gets me wet everytime. I'm curious, how much does a Free Speech permit cost in CT now? Here in Arizona we drink 40's, bitch about the heat and go dump out the water the pansies leave for illegals walking in hey its me ur brother can we rebrand this as "certified unfunny" War on Christmass dude its really reL Best 1 minute of my life Expected release date: Spring 2019 Well their jobs will be automated away pretty soon and then they can stay home all they want. Why you goddamn antisemitic bastard! It turns out a country that's obsessed with conformity shuns minorities, who'd have thought? Lauren Chief Elk sounds like another perfect excuse to bring back the gulag Looks shit though Nanny state! Because the ingredients they use are expensive No hip gat. It's a good thing he explained what he meant by "banging," otherwise his clever wordplay would have been totally lost on me. LUCKY CHARMS IS THE SHIT, DON'T RUIN IT FOR ME! I'm blown away Of course that's what Dana wants you to think! The pattern is that any one of the 2 major finalist will magically be in the next major finals Tbh pattern is gonna break anyways 90% in this major Definitely affected team performance. Verify game cache I don't think the fetus qualifies as "her own body". Mein teil. Oh, he's a keeper. Even the cats are manspreading! When asked about it Obama said families of the victim should be able to sue the manufacturer. Yay, I get to spend half of my "exclusive day" downloading it instead of playing! Guarantee you she has a iphone as her daily driver, and probably didn't even know who oneplus was before the commercial. So how much is the subscription to the CBS only online feed? This is in no way racist and anyone who says it is is a racist. Nos Saber tu usar google traducir. How can he do that if he's dead? this should make this for zeus nimbus Trump needs to go, by force if necessary. I've seen this posted like 3 times already. Just a few bad apples Maybe there were "invisible signs of resistance" that justify their actions. If you don't have white privilege, how can you possibly presume to know what it is? Mike tyson must've trained the guy who threw the first punch If you g'dam millennials could put the camera/phone down for a second you'd realize that you have two hands that can work together to achieve goals. He's already a Dwarf so he still fits the size thing. I thought Valor's hand gesture was a middle finger? He didn't want to tell them he was a Millwall fan. That's out of context! TL; DR: Average income couple can buy average house in LA. So what does everyone here think about the president? ...but I thought sapphire was unbreakable! Still can't score outside the 18 The Washington Post is still a quality newspaper quality content Old Testament doesn't count! Thus the first wave has come. Yeah, fuck the drummer; we can replace him! Inb4 2016 is the "warmest" on record. Username checks out It's minuette Deregulate lemonade stands! Yeah, should have given the baby some xanax and let it sleep it off. Good God, he is extremely scared if you have a penis or not! I can't believe Brandon Browner has TWO. Thats actually stone form at work Probably because the protagonist is not a Mary Sue. I don't think I've ever seen a zombie movie start like that. I'm so sick of these Bernie Sanders posts. TIL Do you, (lesbian) solemnly swear to make everything about you and your fishy breath? Maybe he's only into their early stuff... Hey, even if one kids life is saved, it was all worth it. Sorry, were deporting the Mexicans if you haven't heard B-b-but Mysogonists who spread their legs on the subway and rape me with their male gaze are *just as bad*. Dont u mean buck? Oh yeah, he's not handsome enough to be Bond isnt this how the Will Smith movie started, Men in Blackula 3 Do we once again get treated to a Republican drama queen show stopping event? I would really like to see the algorithm of the first robot. Neither are his headphones But then I can't just click on my teammates an win How much money do you actually need to tell people to not get vaccines? He better hope no one was reading his lips. I better not find the soul item while playing this character, or the game will become literally unplayable. Yes. It almost sounds like someone should say something about it. so the fifa gods only let your opponent move, but not you? A real American hero... I thought BattleTags only used four numbers? Florida: Makes me proud to call this state home What a load of shit, surely they can go after some real crims instead of wasting their precious resources going after some plants people have smoked for thousands of years? Nominated for best Half Time performance That's your solution for everything Germans just need to be integrated into the culture of the migrants they are supporting with their tax dollars. Yay vegan Iranians! The fetus, you pro-choice liberal-democrat pagaynist! They should just widen every road, who needs nature or housing, just need the open road Wow, good to see South Park isn't going after easy targets That's awesome, the attention to detail is astonishing really. I'm sure this will end well But I thought the playoffs were a crapshoot and the best team never wins? Isn't Hillary the bought candidate? Looks like ol' brigadier Pudding finally got around to writing his book. This is fake, he didn't blow up like in the movies. Something something women's equality? That design looks eerily familiar.....just can't put my finger on it.... Hopefully cops around the country drown BLM in their blood, heck maybe well see them turn those fancy machine guns and armored cars on the dumb niggers better all of them die than one dead cop It's a different disease for Lizard Queens. yes it is. Why do you think you're banned? Yeah I'm sure it will go over well Because good allegiances are forged by submission and silencing. Battery life....uhh....finds a way Animated or bust. Sick hookah pen dude When did conservatives become anarchists? Please, god, let this be the last we hear of him. He does, consoles run for 30 frames and then just go black, for PC they run for 60 and go black That's not scare tactics, that's a factual statement. C'mon, a little brain bleed never hurt anybody! Thank you very much for this. Good to know we have jail cells waiting for non-violent offenders! fringe candidate Your move Cena Yeah, every woman who has a miscarriage is guilty of manslaughter. ikr this was my favorite map in mw2 Darnit, you got me all excited Careful, they contacted a psychopat Wow, abusing of Rengar bugs isn't enough, now Impaler needs to abuse GA! I'd bet anything you float that much as toss but "its k I can spend it all at once with 10 gateways" such hard macro It's the city of criiiime Israeli settlements also rely on the labor of Palestinian children and nothing is being done about it because these children are not Israeli citizens. Besides looking cool, is there a benefit to jumping rope like that? Surely, he can't be serious. This subreddit is salivating at the thought of being one of those people Revis beat down. give us more funding The post seems to be in 3rd person, so... well we don't have their express written consent after all ITT: A circlejerk about how much of a circlejerk this thread is going to be. If CBS is working towards an All Stars for season 19 or 20, it makes sense to throw a bunch of Houseguests people want back in, but aren't actually considered all stars into the house. Karma. oh man that made my dick hard. Especially in the later specials where he barely mentions a religion and everyone's jumping up and down beating their chest. What's up with that weird random jab at his kid's teacher? I bet life is really hard for her sometimes. As the saying goes, Walk Softly and Use A Stick In The Sand! How's the battery life on this phone? Bow to Leper Messiah! He's not getting past 41 tbh, the Bengals have made it no secret how enamored they are with Mixon. Seems like we might have a spot for him. d spear clearly balanced Belgium is super healthy, because she eats all the junk food. Never seen this before I vote we cut all scientific research that's not related to hair loss or impotence. This was not an attack on Canada, this was an attack on muslims. My mbp has not had any WiFi issues. o7 May God help us all. Wow this post is so original! I consider fundamentalists of any religion to be indistinguishable from each other - I despise the Haredis with the same fervor as I have for Scientologists, Wahabis, Southern Baptists and certain Catholics. EW STOP LOOKING AT ME No back-to-back = scrub no Oh my god...what did you tell him when you saw the texts ? After doing so well banning kiddie porn from the web this makes perfect sense. These happen all the time, just report it to kabam, and they'll fix it a few builds later. I'm sad but not surprised that this post has no points. Goooooooood mythical morning I don't really see this as a mens' rights issue. Yes! Bitch please, Robin is the mom Then they should have voted. and he was fired moments later This bathroom fetish the republicans have is very strange. Madden 2K FIFA UFC Xpeke? Or televisions. They are all 980s What does that even mean? Hey man, just chill out. The leader of a country just asked people who disagree with him if they want to "fite me irl." Seems like satire. Quantum-Atomic-Theoretical Physicist here, correct term is actually synchrony Oooh snaaaap to be fair, he actually said windfall taxes were un-american, not subsidies Has anyone else noticed in all of this, including in the Articles from the Herald Sun/Australian there seems to be - One photo, - No video, - No questions raised with Roz Ward asking her to explain exactly what happened? Hydaelen is the bad guy Something something bio-weapon something something. they are going to arrest you for resisting arrest, put two in your head for illegally storing ink cartridges, then trial your corpse in front of Xerox and HP funded court. So real. The proof against creationism is now diamonds. Inb4 chaos card I knew that only god can guide us. It's actually easier in PM, since everything is free in that game ...but look how much weight he's lifting, he's super strong and stuff.. she's SO fat lmao if it were locked at 30 we would just unlock it face palm thanks ign your so awesome Meh, that's up north.. long way away.. doesn't affect us... I just love getting test drives from my HUGE crates, especially having to pay lions to train a crew to drive my vehicle for 1 hour Any variation of -ayden. Just trying to learn more about history. Cost recouped in 2020 when fines are introduced. Should probably mark for spoilers. Buy it off craigslist in 10 years for 50 bucks. I love those headers. The title says it so it must be true Wow, what a helpful review! Go ahead and show the country what actual shit stains the left is made of. Generic forgettable red bull helmets everywhere That's my idea for the holiday flood NoA is laughing at us everyday Doesn't that make him delusional? That there is no such thing as absolute truth. i see the game's really improved in the 3 years i'be been gone The next thing you know, books will start treating them like normal people! like they smoke no weed! Mods please? pay2win confirmed Who cares, this kid is obviously a nazi anyway Someone told me the media demonizes black people.... Then I realized they do that to themselves I also could only think about smash. doot doot If you want to hang out with Orel, he plays poker at the Red Rock Casino in Las Vegas (or at least he used to in 2009 when I lived out there). Eat shit Westboro. And the human had enough sense to grab his camera. Must have 5 years experience with the Oculus Rift :) Change status message to ''Offline'' Oooo spooky. Worked great for everyone else. It's better than R/NBA. Yeah I'm personally working on re-voicing all of Keth's roles right now. everyone like pop's a great guy but memphis bbq just that dank Is this the first official news we've had about apple developing their own SOCs? Cool Christmas cookies. Yeah its a permanent weed killer, what a product! I hope this doesn't effect the imports of black metal. What a warm and inviting space that creates. Postal worker you shitlord! Are they trying to fuck technology companies here: no laptops, no tablets. Hit on tourists whose first language is not English, very brave young man. Shrek. God damned kids getting kidnapped You can stop worrying about grenAIDS Now ITT: reddit's elite cyber security team is on the case! Well shut up don't let the terrorists find out Original af The war against the patriarchy Blame the owner, not the breed! Obviously shows how La Liga is inferior to the Premier League Fucking clickbait. What number do you guys think he will take? fuck work ethic If it goes to live it will already be too late and ranked will die How about I'm annoyed at both? Burn this bitch Aww man I was hoping for nc-17 Stacks. How 2 fix mirage: make wall in front of ct spawn exits. So monitors are obsolete now? The street sign from where I grew up. Ahhh the good old long con that is nuclear weapons... But will he release the transcripts of his talk at the Vatican? TIL showing your love for Jews by burning down a synagogue is a thing in Germany. Yea, that's totally it. ...sadly, I don't think your computer will be able to handle the awesomeness that is Rocket League. Gut, verhaftet die Andersdenkenden. Ha, let's see Holder try to wiggle his way out of this one. Beating bronze NA players is so funny Serious Answer: Depends on the O-Line I'm sure he's fine. Make sure to change your batteries, they're getting low. I think this is appropriate given the circumstances. Hmm wonder if they did anything to boats Too many keyboards, 1/10 Episode 8 of TTGL. I reckon Bamba has to be in with a shout 'de-storyed' sounds like a whimsical way to note the dog has ceased to be. Jesus christ tag that as NSFW, I can see a nipple and underwear HOW DARE U BAIL OUT, U XP DENIER. So when are we getting the Tangerine Bowl back? I'll have one someday but the first thing to go are those god awful wheels. You are completely wrong, ForgetMeNot is going to save everyone, the end. I want to suck it so bad That harpy looks a lot like Ahri tho Still, dual-champion hype It is a wise investment strategy to wait with divorce proceedings until the maximum financial benefit can be obtained Just like Alienware, right? mods ruined the game before we got em and now they make the game awesome and you're obligated to make em for us, simple! is ska designated bomb planter he has 2x more than the next person If you stop buying iPhones you'll be fine don't worry about it. As the nation's iq drops and a new generation takes the wheel it was bound to happen. I don't know about you, but I was staring to get worried. So what do you do when the DNC presidential nominee aided ISIS? link to 10 deep jacket lol In airsoft we have explosive grenades and anything else you can think of. Should have just bought the little fucker some candy, now he's going to keep escalating his creepy requests this is sarcasm I see the site has blacked out in protest of SOPA, excellent! We're putting the band back together. FAIRY GOD PARENTS That's how it's been in NZ for a while, although console games always costed about $120 when they came out Whoa, watch out - we got an edgelord over here Didn't this first time on record happen thousands of years ago in China? What are you talking about dude Obama has a squeaky clean legacy full of nothing but legitimate and successful programs/policies Gee, thanks for using your 8 years as president to do so much to end the incredibly expensive & human rights-violating prison industry that locks up millions of people of color, a large part of them non-violent drug offenders, glad we got 300 back today, it's really great, thanks Thanks Obama! You should sue them if it isn't My uncle was telling me that he wanted the Cubs to lose so that he could watch the riots J Roc? This is why white kids shoot up schools. Actually I think the reason because they reject that stuff is because sakuraburst has those weird characters on his names and it doesn't goes well with the visualizer Yeah we never had bad behavior before rankings and this guy would definitely not be flaming if he didn't know his rank! Do I have to play a single match to get these? they arent oculus users, 90% of them have never posted there before, its brigading pure and simple American citizens are real Americans, regardless of ethnicity. #WOKE La gnocca ci sta, il clima non mi spaventa.... a cibo salutare come state? Hardcore is so fun The ending killed me. Want the last one Reagan? Dang, she sure can list some weapon types. Randy from That 70's Show without a doubt. So a more powerful and more consistent bane of doom for only 1 more Mana? Wow looks legit! Calm down dude, it's just a number Bud Light the perfect beer for whatever happens Shocking Im assuming that last street is "Wall Street" The article makes the team sound dysfunctional Wow, that must be a pretty beefy computer that it can play an 8 year old game on Ultra Clearly it is all the fault of people who's job it is to enforce the law actually doing that job, rather than the people who knowingly break the law. Jacks fire house had a decent crowd last year, good food specials for dinner and didn't require a cover last year... Really depends on what sort of scene you are looking for. If they had undeniable evidence that they are guilty of violent crimes or being apart of an organization that commits violent crimes (think zetas or m13), then I think this is better than they deserve. zack?more like kack **YOU SHUT YOUR WHORE MOUTH** Debtors prison in fashion again? James Johnson So 2007 game made with 2016 tech or a 2009 game with 2016 tech... Boy we've come a long way funny CONTENT Blaming your poor product on higher expenses is not a way to run a business. The logic is strong with this one. The original PS4 release took a while before Naughty Dog had it running at a constant 60fps too. Did anyone say it did? glass panes give things a different feel because they add depth instead of being flat with the wall, I currently do use glass blocks for roofs in those cases, but sometimes glass panes would make it look a bit better. Wickd It's pronounced DIffERENTLYabled you fuckin retard I thought the worst thing is canker sores. Let the min-maxxing begin! My country :D. Why would they do that when everyone else can do the thinking for them? Picture says a thousand words. I don't get it. Does this include BF: Hardline? Seems legit, NA WG does have experience with dead games after all Wish I was more surprised... but inflation doesn't exist! Fact And I don't want my team to trade for him. Instead of fisting they turn to stubbing. Isn't the elf guy Zelda? I remember her Youtube videos where she would post from hotel rooms claiming she was being pursued by the "elite" and would proceed to go on hour-long rants about how she wouldn't eat certain types of food because they were monitored by the zionist Reptilian-upper classes and shit. Clearly a manufacturing defect. Future Team Canada top d pairing. I'm sure a professional company that is being associated with valve's most prestigious tournament will definitely use offensive slurs for their public promotion! just getting their monies worth public enemy what you talking about, men don't feel ashamed, embarrassed or have emotions like women do Everyone knows if you live in Hawaii, you're rich. pssst... Full Kit Wanker How courageous of her. What's the context? Nothing gets past you, does it? Did my stream lag? each pill for only $17 Wow what a bargain Don't assume their gender Im scared. No, you're a sombrero. This is probably wrong EA is such a great company, I have always had faith in them from the beginning and my faith has payed off. it's a mix of self loathing and shame we English have, although it's probably more a middle class thing. Big gubment Because the cherry mx is the only actual mechanical switch. Are you sure that's not an A4? Is alt-right a codename for edgy conservative? I'm sure that impeachment process will go real far. Yes everyone else literally hates them If US cops turned to common banditry, at least it would be a change from perjury, assault and murder. Only if the bystander was armed right guys? I'd rather have yeezy 350 :( Having my ultramarines painted up as 3rd company, am def excited to see what role they're going to play in GS3... With a lot of the imagery having them represented it makes me glad I painted them up this way! down with truth and stuff. This article is from January. Totally worth being caged with a tree, she would have gotten an amazing view of the band from there They're called handburgers not hamburgers by the way, and your tie is crooked! Maybe Jenny is Stefan :O These were the glory days for Taylor Coppenrath yeah women and LGBT people don't count CA resident, can confirm. I'm sorry to say this but my eyeballs contracted AIDS from this picture. nice pc related post My wonderful girlfriend who I'm planning to propose to some time this year I don't think you've met enough women to be making such a broad generalization. Marijuana is illegal However, guns and alcohol are legal Collective mass insanity. People here claim that they want the truth about cannabis known, then they post outright bullshit lies like this. you're right, this election is totally different! they also concluded from their study and first mission that humans were unnecessary to maintaining the automated probes, which seems like its why we didn't use them. Hates America, wears Pittsburgh hat. I love the opening rise into the guitar :D Jerry Lewis was incredibly popular in the states. planned obsolescence will love this Stock vs stock, kinda unfair for the 5820k, i guess the 7700k at 5 GHz its also better but not that much Maybe their standards are too high Marijuana Six more and they win a set of steak knives. Until WWIV is announced and the entire world sighs. Why, because it's an easy defense rank for you? His approval rating is slowly climbing, but not all Democrats are big fans of him. What resolution and in-game settings do you want at that frame rate? yeah, government is always more caring than family No this makes the game freaking EasyScape and devalues the accomplishments of anyone who's ever plucked feathers What an asshole.. Glad the cops caught this fucking idiot I can't tell you the amount of times this happened when i was challenging Kenji, Wolf and Angie in the end of NFS Carbon Residential schools damn, that's nearly 22 days of aid to israel, better stop that shit right now You forgot infinite warfare zombies No way I thought it did... better use mega minion before they make it so bowler pushes him Maybe the policeman thought he was a terrorist As a teacher's spouse, it makes me so proud that this d'bag is my governor Or, ya know, prevent yourself from getting more dick picks. Noice Belgium isn't a country So glad this illiterate mombie is ready to "help" the kid with its homework. looks like it got squashed. It's too difficult to resist and not to create your own wrapper on top of net/http :) The way Darrell just goes "yup" Those damn liberals, costing more Americans their jobs. It's not that I think she's wrong, I just really don't want 4-8 more years of POTUS involving themselves in local issues like this. Get your own car freeloader How could a 30fps game possibly be good Coz his name is Jap,and chinese love japaneae Shouldn't even get posted for adding clicks Reposts, I love them reddit is worse than cancer man that sucks Romney won by 40, so I don't see what you're getting on about. Well, it is the army, sooooooooo lol your babby is firing before moving on every turn C'mon, this is the internet, where its zero suit samus cosplays or nothing. Needs more for play Their only good song. So who is number 1? Korea was more about stopping the damn commies instead of helping people, which kind of resulted in us bombing the hell out of innocent people and radicalizing a regime against America. That's because it doesn't exist The mosquitoes give it that extra authenticity. Life sure is tough for white American males. Acid: Not even once. Choppin' that meat. Yes, the Disciples of Christ are blasphemous. Yes, because the government has been the saint in this all along. But after I do it for the 1000th time, I immediately forget every action that led up to now! Is NewsMax a liberal biased source or? Do you think Lyin Ryan will submit articles of impeachment? personally i want to see a red lanturn supergirl. That's not really a plausible defense, old boy I wonder why people hate pats fans This didn't make be mad, it actually kinda broke my heart The Donald really likes putting his name on stuff. So they weren't refugees. Remember that one time Trump promised to repeal the age of consent? Whew with all that's going on in Europe it's a good thing someone took the time out to deal with this super serious issue of global importance. Gerrymandering wins cause flawed systems totally work Yep... Assassins Creed III, Borderlands 2, Skyrim, Far Cry 3... What garbage... Nice spoiler tag HOLY SHIT IMAGINE THOSE GRAPHICS That dude had to be an ultra BMer if he made pcats BM A richer person just called in. came here to say that this is a disgusting sense of humor. teeth need to be a bit to the left xDDD! I fail to understand how a family of nine all having a sexual emergency at the same time would make you question whether or not refugees are peaceful you xenophobic islamophobe. IT'S FUCKING BULLSHIT THAT I HAVE NOW HAVE THE OPTION OF BUYING A FIRST-PARTY BATTERY CASE ACCESSORY 'Please be my vote bank.' I dunno man, he isn't dabbing. Keep making these threads they're quite funny I see what you did there This was clearly the fault of a faulty accelerator. Didn't Mel Gibson solve that problem long ago? but who needs funding in the public schools... the market will take care of it She's bulking to finally fight Cyborg. As someone who doesn't know much about this kind of thing, what does this mean for the average kiwi? Thats.. wierd Freaking Europe and trying to compact everything. any confirmed games? 75/20 from Sky Fibre in a small shitty town in the middle of nowhere in Scotland... can't complain. Let's make 88 year old grandma work, who had a hip replacement, and a stroke - the brilliance of the Trump administration. DO YOU HEAR THE BERCOW SING! All I see is simple geometry, what's so special? I've been a HUGE Xbox 360 but now i plan to switch over to PS4 if they listen to the community! We all know fake boobs don't shake like that! Great to see the French Antifa... aka LE ARMEE ANTIFA acting peaceful and respectul of democracy at those protests on the news. Yes, cops are totally cool people in other countries and police brutality is non-existent outside of the USA. We Can't Stop - Miley Cyrus Just replace the Swedish flag with the Crescent moon at this point Don't worry though.. they've now made vaccination manufactures legally inculpable so we won't have to pay a dime anymore to deal with these frivolous anti-vaxxers! How many cows does it take to make a Corvette? If there isn't Anet would have broke a GW tradition. The real surprise is that Kahne is in 7th. 51 monies pls I can't wait to hear those bzzzz bzzzz sounds once again! No. This article was obviously designed to make me get an ulcer. To be fair, this $4000 million stadium probably brings in more economic activity than that There's an easy fix for addressing these problems - repeal the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts. I'm just old and anti fun Huh, doesn't look anything like the Oregon Coast. Do I see a future cover of Macleans ? California liberals moving in. Based refs Me flippant reporting on shooting victims - for the traffic/page views? Eat justice, ne'er-do-well! What does Ohio need more - ugly houses in urban areas, or additional laws? Wtf, toms forum always has been bad but this is low. the father sounds like a stand up dude Surely they will raise the debt ceiling.. we can't hurt McConnell's economy. Milk, not water you fools! Thank God they censored the naked guy, that could have scared the children Purposely sabotage them Formal millitary uniforms are amazing and worn well here. Gee, thanks CIA. Exactly what the Count of Monte Cristo teached us all. those poor undeserving bastards Gotta love the American bootlegger. Wouldn't want to affect that booming tourism industry. To be sure, ice cream is sacred to my religion. Dang, I really want to know more about the incident now. Maybe he is saving up for an "iWatch"? At least it said "CS:GO FINAL" in big white bold letters. Is this guy doing an impression of Phil Baroni? I guess this is one of the 4-5 Emperor tick OTK combo Ben Brode said it was fine to have in the game. The Dream shitlord Yo dawg, I heard you like professing, so I had some professors write unprofessional programs so you could have a new profession. Protesters plan on wasting their weekend standing outside a gate I am so glad he is courting a people that don't give a fuck about him. you need to censor the names I DEMAND A REFUND I JUST MADE 10 LOCKS BEFORE THIS WENT LIVE Agreed... having to take uber carpool rides these past 4 weeks has been miserable, although on the plus side I probably talked to more strangers than in the past year. How many mods had to be sold to acquire these ? Your boots on the ground, our drones in the skies Well we sure proved Ron Paul wrong, didn't we! Source please? AK-47, loud and proud. But pet rocks! Not surprising Time to sit back and watch the Canadian family dynamic crumble. But what if he was driving his pregnant wife to the hospital to save her from a heart attack and see his dying father for the last time! god indeed does work in mysterious ways... Yeah, because they're totally going to resolve their differences and unite Can't believe we're playing god damn Derek Jeter over Brendan Ryan...typical Yankee move Isn't this copyright infringement? Gonna be a YUGE hurricane. These people need to let trump do his stuff so people can actually realise the effects and not fucking re elect him It's not ignorance, they just started thinking about it a moment ago and totally see it in a refreshing and novel new way! Welp, if the American Federation of Musicians throws in behind this, it's over. The Lobotomy Channel Yeah, but getting the hundreds of channels you never watch would cost a fortune! And this...bothers you? Explain lol The Masonic Temple owns that land. Asking the questions that _really_ matter. Thank god they banned helmet changes otherwise we wouldn't be able to tell There is only one answer to unpopular speech, the outright banning of such. Oh my goodness I want one. Very rare though. oh but haven't you heard there are two different words and anyone using -a is being cool and anyone using -er is self-hating.. they're totally different ya know My tax dollars at work! Oh come on now, Mara's buddy Goodell would never treat an NFC East team unfairly. You made quick work of 1 click RC Future GOAT. TIL that 'boys' are actually fish! *SO* cynical! Now if only they could put some money into indoor plumbing Doesn't that frog have a right to free speech? I am a trans-nigger if that's what you meant..... pig way more interested in shattenkirk anyways What a Hedonist. Should have waited for Ryzen Dude is too busy drinking instead of taking care of his body. Same Twitter account back tracked and said Jose did travel to Liverpool, just not with the squad For people who have never been to Bristol, you've just had the full experience. Looks like Israel will be put on the Terror list because of it's terrorist actions against the innocent Palestinians! Flynn is venal piece of shit. I bet he's a cop as well. One of them has a W on it? China is xixixixixixi. Wow, he was way worse than Brock for the first 14 weeks! i came here to learn something then i remembered i was on reddit. Why are they giving permission to kill a mountain lion if it was a cougar that killed them? In and "we" Missing as well For how much can I buy that account? But it's totally Israel that's being a nazi. You can always convert to composite and then back to HDMI! Average childis gambino bout to drop it like the nasdaq Gee golly whiz, this is just crazy! Possession tackles my ass... :/ Holy Cow! Man I'm glad the draft is over so we can get back to real news like this. Not pink but more salmon with coagulated blood colors. WITCHCRAFT At least be humane about it and put them to death fast, no need to starve them first. Yes, please make public universities as successful as public high schools. Should be marching the streets over many other issues like the invasion of privacy and the erosion of freedom but no one cares about that either I can't wait for the sequel to the RFRA. My friend put a hole in my wall at that exact spot with his knee Gaand naa Chuchi, baat karein ucchi! If you are not going to be a god I can see how some people would think religion is pointless. Should've been 77 no, I think we've seen plenty arabic gotta prepare for the future gebombardeerd staat netjes. Nick Griffin needs to fuck off already. NBN will fix it what year backlash is this? You are forgetting the part where he didn't actually mean it, but it was more of a saying Recent Game - Mayor claims surv, says to lynch X, we put Mayor to stand, he doesn't reveal after he admits he is Mayor. Am I the only one that noticed the OP is either a female in engineering or a male who wears fingernail polish? V I R T U A L T I E I R T U A L T I E No man it stands for states rights and limited federal powers cringe Boy they sure told them. Why link an article when all the info is in the title? It was Russia. menurut sumber The obvious solution to the mental health problem is to take away their citizenship and move them to an offshore detention centre. XBOX buttons XD An abandoned car dealership in town had a fairly large plotted plant left in a corner of the glassed in showroom.. With no maintenance or water supplied, it has grown to encompass a 20' square over the past ten years. News at 11: old man has diarrhea. If you switch transparent teal and solid blue, and solid black and transparent grey, you'd still have a rainbow but also transparent and opaque controllers would alternate. Shut up, and watch the Yankees and Braves, peasant. Houston No one can predict a lone nut. exactly There must be if someone put up a website. Sk8 Lets not forget that it was rajiv gandhi who brought computer to india. Fuck man, they're gonna fix this too! what if he said this to reveal the whole major is scripted And how exactly do you propose to disallow certain thoughts? Is this new? Is it bad I wanna find this bish and rape her? Teacher union don't care, cops don't care They are too busy suing for pensions and pay increases I'm not even joking admissions are great, I get to skip the whole investigation and just ban you! No, because power plus privilege plus whiteness. You mean Monsanto is bad? This should be streamed over a projector to old people at the nursing home on repeat, for some abstract art experiment. Time to win on ladder :) sounds like he wants the arch linux model, tbh (with a core repo with the bare necessities, then the extra repo with niceties like window managers and editors, and finally the community repo with all kinds of random fluff). That's why we should lower the tax rate--too many accountants are making money. I knew I was a fan of that logo for a reason My dick But wine isn't "drinking" that's for beer or hard liquor. I kinda like the idea of the flower dress, but everything else about this is awful. Not unless Jagex decides that it is, and apparently they have not. This isn't even an opinion. I'll take a hundred. But that's how everyone uses it, so it *must* be the correct way. Hey I know that TSgt on the left in the beginning hahaha Sounds like yet another round of "women have it way easier in the legal system and it's so hard to be a man". Hey, at least we're saving an invisible billion dollars. Canon 6D, Tamron 24-75mm @ 75mm, f/16, 30 sec, 100 ISO Then we have a lot of idiots in this world choosing to kill themselves. #BEING POOR = LACK OF MONEY + NON WHITE I want him to get called up just for the dank "Count of Monte Kristo" memes. Ah, so THIS will be the thing that stops him. If unemployment does rise, then it's good to be starting from such a low base. Raising your kids racist, that'll make them productive members of society! The game devs are such misogynists for covering these women. I'm not a big MDM fan so the background analysis in your really well-written review was very interesting. Nah guys, they fixed some other bug, they don't deserve the hate Dammit, wrong way, assholes! They only wanted this one time and will never use it again. Man, surprised Kyler Murray didn't get the nod Ded gaem It so happens that if god did exist, he is punishing them for betraying their own nations constitution :P I know we're all fully erect over Bradford but let's not forget we've got a three headed monster in the back field and a giant fast slot receiver. If 24 hours of 24fps video = 2073600 frames then you only need to lower the framerate by cutting 86400 frames for every 24 hours and then you can rightfully put up this sign. Do we have any budget to get Harper to sign in Toronto? I'm sure he's thrilled he survived... You're pretty good WHAT PROGRAM Good dat lip bite in bed Have to submit it to the league by phone i wonder what did they trade china for this information. Whenever I see this photo, I take issue with the fact that the ventilator made the iron lung obsolete, not vaccines. Thanks man, where can I download this? More like, Salmonella sandwiches There's no way the department that publishes articles and the department that fixes bugs are completely separate Are you me? i've seen enough anime too know it would be... Hanako incest is wincest Should do mpg Because it's illegal for boys to like a children's show. Yes, because rounding up a bunch of undocumented people who presumably crossed the border via car or on foot into prison ship makes so much sense. Clearly not today. Indoor go karts is my plan McDonald's obviously Wonderful clickbait title for a wonderful picture of a letter that may or may not be fake. Well guys just grabbing at parts of you when you actually go to a club is fun A bunch of fluff. Three games. You forgot "there's no grass" They are news people not mathematicians i believe that's a metaphor for how slow those bixis are It's not like modern architecture is inspired bytraditional architecture at all. I love that in order to make an argument that supported their goals, they had to direct people to completely ignore all the previous studies on the effects of file sharing. And that's why Fallout with mods is incredible Watch as I make a foul of myself and likely worsen the case for American families. Am I the only one that thinks a ban might a bit harsh? Such a crook. This path might be a wise decision for many other European nations. False Flag Black Helicopters Hillary would have done worse He's being strong He's protecting the children Jill Stein 2020 Damn it! You see ... it's all true! Jones is scared he'd be crumbled like a cookie. Yeah, the dad is the problem in this situation. I wanted it to be 1337; you suck OP Wow, releasing the game will make or break it...bold statement. But muh property! Too many to mention from rough living... but it's the scars on my heart that still hurt. I wonder if refugees accepted in Europe will return to Syria when the war is over there. ...ahh.... So it was Clinton. One thing i've always loved about halo that you don't get with other shooting games is at least the enemies are somewhat challenging. Them Annie mechanics though. Yes, c-sections are a crime against humanity. This is fantastic Could the C64 even show that color? Smash Bros 5 Confirmed Once again, man shows his dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens. Daar hadden we natuurlijk geen onderzoek voor nodig, dat wisten we zelf al lang. {Shelter} Cammer's fault as per usual Liberal Anti-Trump drivel He's not done yet, TotH is coming up and there is a big chance of Dreamhack winter happening! With this level of quality CIA communication...we should all assume the Russian claims must be 100% true! Keeps nagging about SMS rights...... perfect I read the shows ratings were declining as well but I wonder what would have happened if this occurred during it's peak of popularity They are labor intensive and have a limited shelf life. I predict reasonable debate and logical comments ITT. Only 5 months behind this time, I think they might be getting better Just curious, is that a hard thing to do ? Yea stop doing your job stupid media we want facts and details stripped from all our news it makes us feel better. This will go great with seasoning my shark fin soup Didn't Ronda become the master of armbars because of the biased judging in Japan? Mine says 34 Your comment history is both sad and comical. I still don't get why he's allowed out without adult supervision ;) wow, who knew having twice the logi support would be so important. Aye Aye, for the Queens! Nothing to see here, move along.. whats DAE? That's fantastic news, My little Zwarte Piet have such luscious bottoms that it's a crime not to show them off in short shorts. Better buy three puppies. Because only men lie WHAT IS HAPPENING TODAY Yeah totally gross man I'd never touch that grimy shit.. What about ~~Vita 2~~ Nintendo Switch? Apparently they arent *very understanding* of lgbt either. If Chris Pratt had stayed in school. any pics of the back side? MINUS FIVE STARS lol Friend is a cop, says it's legit. You should probably report him to your boss. It's quite easy, just don't overthink it. Lol, nice double post Thats because if you ask any feminist men are garbage so its fine for them Hey Trump supporters, you were all 100% right: Trump is definitely *not* using the presidency to enrich himself and his family Well actually, this is called life rafting. He's not wrong. You guys know there are other islands besides Oahu? You deserve it for having a different political view i am as bad an addict as they come i think i buy mascara once every 5 years with how many free samples ive gotten lol They're religionless heathens ....Better nerf Irelia Wow, I have never even heard of TBA, but I look forward to seem them play so many matches! THIS IS THE REAL DEAL And those fag could be a president. Am I wrong in thinking that champs were changed because % is not fair ie Regen but there is a boat load of % in those nodes Damn you, NRA How the world actually works, no Kinda between Liverpool and Manchester. *sigh* from pitchforks to shitposting, lovely. If she didn't want to be groped, she should have become a stripper Buy the bags you rich prick. We might see it tested soon. Who? The 1st one is a spam bot. How could this go wrong? A bit like Hilary dodging the CIA questioning, so far she has said she "may have wiped the servers with a cloth" listen Justin .. you need a bigger dick ... and bigger hands ... and bigger chest .. and bigger forearms ... Tragic I shit barf on that sentiment. I'm surprised this isn't illegal under anti-trust laws: Now practically any smaller company will not be able to compete against the combined might of Google, Samsung and Android, as they will be put at a disadvantage when it comes a technological standpoint This is what my Skyrim on PC looks like But suspending him would be racist Yeah they are, it says fish right there in their name. If we had that many, it would mean we had no unicorns and all amiibo were commons ;) Or I suppose we could start putting up tracking reports for Mario, Pikachu and the others to off set the amount of humor post :P Aw man, I was getting ready to start printing "The Miami Vise" shirts with Jordan and Cameron Wake on them At the bottom of the article it says the youngest girl to ever give birth was 5 years old... This happened in 1939, but still, WTF. That's why that "foetus" was kicking, it thought it was being drowned. HOLD MA BUR Pretty good, but I've already seen all of these on reddit. what kind U-G ramp says "hello!" This is the only correct answer Theyre just saving us form the liberals Couldn't be at a more convrnient time of year not enough pussies to grab OK but my *feelings* for bonus points: arthur keeps saying that he shouldn't appear because it's before an election and looks like a political stunt If they can't get him to appear they should call him back the day after the election And we're still battling for safe access to abortion! Because they are BJP agents masquerading as AAP members just like Binny. Do they have a person there who tells you the obvious things everyone else already knows, but you were too ignorant and partisan to notice? This guy almost kept Peyton Manning from his only ring. Very relevant to this sub. cs_rio de janeiro Sorry everyone, we can't spend too much money on this, we've got terrorists to bomb after all. Hard to say I regretted it at less than 2 dollars, but i didn't really enjoy it. The greatest talent ever wasted Well that seems understandable, with such a limited pool of tech talent in SF I wonder if the editorialised title has anything to do with making sure their Muslim sounding names are mentioned. HOLY FUCK I THINK YOURE RIGHT CALL THE COPS This looked delicious until I saw Spam. Steam user here (South Aus), still says 20 Hours till unlock :'( I like when reddit all the sudden decides they have morals and it's not funny this time, meanwhile I see every other OP get torn to shreds with no remorse, but it's not okay this time guys, because he's he's overweight and that's not a joking matter. Lola Montez - Volbeat If it ain't broke don't fix it...oh wait leaving Team Liquid; *classic Jimmy*. Just in time for Christmas He's Pockrass 2.0 Just send them my way This is political correctness. ....Lon? I did not know THAT Isn't this the same trailer they released a while back? You sound like a quality girlfriend. Wouldn't Redditors be able to relate then? You guys obviously don't know what a joke is she even said she was kidding! But the real issue is fairness in video game reporting. But what about Vegas But remember... gay marriage is about love, not a cheap money grab. We have enough dream/imagination theories in other games this doesn't need to be one Glad Strachan is taking this friendly seriously and fielding our strongest team If u see my dick you'll put it in ur mouse A whole new level of seduction. I've heard it referred to as a "stupid tax" and can't say I disagree with that. I don't see an E3 setting for Grass density in my options Ur israeli, u suggested Tavor There's a big difference between beat and beat up. Well... economics 101 says that if you restrict the supply the price will go up so cut production until you reach your target price :) Sandals of course RiP CLG now, koosta ez throw. Okay slave - go make me 1 million dollars than throw yourself off a bridge. Your grandfa5ther has a very lovely name - Weston Emmart. This is one WTF where I rather read the ending by those that were braver than I. I financed a 2016 FJ09 today... this doesn't seem like a critical recall but shit is this sign or something? Yeah, let's do this instead of moving away from harmful practices and substances that kill off our needed wildlife. um, society owns you and all elements in the universe! 0/10 no MTH Sexism is *hilarious*. True norwegian: white, blond not true norwegian: black go back to africa Population, Debt, ... what's the third circle? Life isn't the Simpsons, they would hire COMPETENT workers at a reactor. But electro-swing is still worse amirite I know its not relevant,but what does psa mean? I had meant that they e sold enough iPhones to cover 1/7th of the worlds population link not working It's kinda hard to understand him when he says that Withered Bonnie and Withered Chica also go into the vents Must have been a lot of OTs Well why even bother doing anything then. We sure need more Marvel movies Oooooof. No wonder Bullseye is always trying to throw at him. but.. but.. Russians are so unti-fascists... look at how they volunteer in masses to fight Kiev fascist scum We found FNaF 2's Kitchen pineapple Got em all right on my first try, wasn't easy but I did it No linux support makes me a sad panda. Now if only we were free of Trump and right wing christian psychos that don't believe in common sense science. Yeah what makes you say that? This is what community looks like! Cool story, bro. Say please Can we report something for using the word "webinar" This makes me wish the medals updated properly, for some reason the delayed multikill medals really irk me You're so right, remember when America started burning our own cities down after Katrina? Or you could just build a new fleet of coal plants. Ozil must be really happy thats the strikers put all those chances away! So we're going to get another Earthbound before MOTHER 3? ...unless they're black Thanks for that original and hilarious comment! OG kicked him, as received when half of OG's staff kicked him. Well that title doesn't have an agenda. I:'ll take one . HE DED Well as long as they aren't AMERICAN children. You're missing like one quarter of one percent, probably nothing important. this is an insane perspective that is absolutely not supported by the evidence Please let there be a rally expansion. But, But it's the NRA's fault I'm too scared to say it.. its its ^No ^^Mans ^^^Sky The hill gaints in the catacombs might be the only ones that drop this very rare items? Omg ur liek, da best. Of fucking course. Cause a language without a well defined grammar is useful as fuck But.... but.... but how could it for such a smart person? False, Arte Moreno would never let the word Anaheim smear his team's name These obvious trans men all committed suicide because people kept calling them "she." I'm curious if we will be able to break the USL attendance record once more for this match Clearly they're just upset because she's so low information. This is for the children after all Wow I'm at the point of my life where I want my family unhappy, my health unsound, and I lost all my cash. No Calvin and Hobbes fans here. This is how I met my SO, it works. It's a fair assumption that they are not as diligent in their hygiene as their peers by people who have limited understanding of developmental disabilities. Conspiracy: What if in a moment to get back at the Academy after all these years, right before the envelope came out for Best Picture, he then decided changed the Emma Stone replacement card with the Best Picture card and thus, the wolfie was out. GOD It is easily avoidable in pvp and would totally wreck the skill for use in pve. Gee golly, I can't wait for the racism and homophobia of yesteryear to come back in style! But it's a serious issue... THE ENTIRE WEBSITE IS GONE Yes, out of the 10 million Pokemon players in the world your the *only* one to like ampharos Not that I disagree, but yeah, *that* dude sounds trustworthy Would have been cool a year ago. Using sex as currency, always a sign of a healthy relationship Why is this not a rule for the subreddit?. When Branch wants to nap, he just tilts his head to the side and rests it on those trapillows. Pretty easy when Oroville's rep is a Republican we are toxic, not to eachother tho :P Found the White Knight Because Bratwurst (for both point of your question) But can you spell your username with the periodic table? The switch back to "climate change" while more accurate, definitely hurt the credibility of sustainable policy advocates. Giant Meteor will crush both candidates Cue all the conspiracy theories saying Kraft and Brady are going to rig UFC fights now. Did anyone else notice Harden wearing Nike? This is why you cook your food before eating it. Fuck cagers amirite? Hilarious Laudrup pic for the banner He's got a little Captain in 'im. Please excuse my ignorance... but you're an oil/gas exporting country, an the value was basically cut in half. Nothing bad about this plan I think someone likes *a bit* Battlefield :) Lucky the daughter wasn't attacked, at least the father can take a beating The only real solution seems to be WPA2 enterprise. because they cant score, and you need to score when your goalie isn't great at shootouts Auburn made a bowl? Does this mean that Joe Webb will finally be our starter? Yeah, look at these idiots who care about equality. Just like they banned rolling papers, tubes and pipes, right? It's a good starting place to label people and judge them based on a few simple ideals. This is on the front page. I don't get it. Don't you mean the legend blues? I love this community LMFAO must be a student if you got time to be bugged by this :D and hug happy because you're totally going to spend that much on a phone SD card. Never heard mordhau before but its a mix of the german words Mord ("murder") and hauen ("to hit/punch") Anonymity gives power Why don't they just do that every time? You don't read very often, do you? Nope But remember everyone, if you criticize the Trump administration in anyway, you are salty that he won! Damn, they're so badass. The real question is Diamondium or Diamondillium? I can't wait for Alex Nicholson to call Danny Roberts (who is black) a racial epithet. Think this would have gone smoother if he threw a comma in after 'cool'. I was curious as to how he gained the moniker "squeaky clean" in the first place. this happened to me too but then she also said 'dont you love ron paul' and bought be an xbox hi ther bby ^ Becuase recognizing obselete technology is a priority. I remember hearing sermons at my childhood church about why Jesus didn't turn the water into 'real' wine and the pastor would go on a long tangent about how that isn't biblical and it was just people trying to justify partying and getting drunk. *neck beards Make America great again! Judging by that, and the fact he's training with LA, and he lives in LA, it's pretty obvious where he wants to play. I mean, reporting them over and over probably did the trick. For some reason this just makes me sad :( well james franco dies... nicely done trailer makers. You're out of your mind if you don't think one of the first things we try when we meet aliens is fucking them. Iron Man 3 is the best holiday season CBM! Puhahaha Yeah, I don't care about stuff like that and neither should you. And generally individuals who suffer from numerical-specific OCD Jordy is the obvious choice Dude is a beast Who believes this in their twenties? Serious question, how long have you known this woman? Duh.. the "no commandments" is how they can serve gays now! Yeah clearly body shaming men and thin women is totally cool and not hippocritical at all DOUBLE BLOODY DECKER Because obviously the rich kids on Tumblr who've been alive for 14 years have the experience to make informed decisions about social issues or even fully understand them. According to the Nikkei 225 the economy is already recovering form the shock Oh dear... bringing up the subject of FGM in a post about MGM - go to the back of the class! Is that Ron Jeremy with the Jags owner? Never thought I'd see the same color scheme outside of GTA Online. 90s hotwheels I dont see how this speaks volumes. No, I can definitely see the Liffey. Yea because you can totally judge the density of a bud by a picture How did they accomplished it without computers and GPS! Duke, we will let you change the result of the game, as long as they change the result of 2003 Fiesta Bowl for Miami :) I can't say for sure, but I'm getting the impression Jack is a liberal But my opinions right and your opinions wrong Wp Yeah if Manning could stop trying to give Caldwell the ball that would be great. All of them? But....but....Bru...err Caitlyn Jenner is more important! My trans girlfriend would love to disagree, y'all transtrenders reflect badly in trans people and make them all look like retards And 1 start bodybuilding Wow are u Frankie fucking scripter Yeah, that's exactly how it works. Does anyone know if Amazon offers a similar test video to Netflix's? Trump threatens to defund UC Berkley if they don't allow white nationalists to speak on campus. The big poop in the sky The clip would be better if the camera wasn't so damn shaky. Must have been a lot of extra effort. if robots will be taking over all the jobs, and people won't work and will simply receive "basic income", then no one's health will matter It looks like a quote by some one named as is Satan. That face when or That feel when Man, you weren't lying. But remember, this only happens in "third world countries," it could never happen in America I'm glad that it's coming to Mac but I can only hope it runs good and the game itself is good Ben Wallace no homo I just use my credit card points and give everyone a gift card Yep, decades of science don't real, this four minute YouTube video proves it! Here is how to Messi: Spain's tax office. where are gnar nerfs? DMT as spiritual/religious drug is just as annoying as Jehovah's witnesses at your door at 6 o'clock in the morning. First NYE in Indy, how is Georgia Street? Who cares about the article when we can make Bear Grylls pee jokes? They must have not yet read the Koran, that book of peace! Finally, no more carpal tunnel! ONE POUND, WHAT'S THAT MEAN A DOLLUR Psychopathic and borderline mentally retarded, where's CPS In fact, his parenting is an insult to actual mentally retarded parents, I'm sure they do a much better, more loving job. If Hillary wasn't such a shitty person, I'd say that her struggling to open a can of pickles is almost adorable, but fuck that evil witch. damn FBI and their international regime-toppling opperations! That was ridiculous Misread the title as stimulate and now I'm disappointed Heretic the Bear says,"Only you can prevent burning bushes from becoming inescapable traditions." They do look cool, but I'm trying to picture when I would have time use them in game without getting my head blasted off. He's whitish so it's okay. Are we fucking TMZ now? Fresh paint. Mama Tavish is proud of you for getting that 6th job! Doesn't have storm, not good. I love the look up to the parent at the end in the paralyzing moment before he decides whether to laugh it off or start crying. Same I think that's the idea I have hocked a huge greenie on them and handed them over. I have a clone but had to kill him when I retired. It makes sense, without all the military gear to make them look all 'tacticool' and shit, they'd be so afraid all the time that they'd constantly wet their pants.. think of the amount of tax-payer dollars will be saved by not having to send out uniforms for dry-cleaning every day! I'll be fine with one kidney, right? yeah, droughts will do that. Um, it's Komen for the Cure, not Komen for the Poor. I really like that voice. The only thing less subtle they could say is 'white pride world wide' Are there any articles about this that contain actual information? This gif creeps me out. Character development! Aggro decks would love this card, maybe even Blood Knight would be run again in the meta (in the decks containing this card of course). Found this during my jog this morning near Ashburn trial. being coworkers is a drama-filled relationship, not news worthy at all Dope racism. Merry Christmas Everyone! It'll all be fixed once California is split up into 6 states. Time to unsubscribe because this trailer doesn't have narration. Ohhh, the dust of God came down and started life I've been calling it the Ponzicoin for a long time. Ma'am, tawkin to yew is laak tawkin to this cawncreet. He is really embracing the dad look. what Why did I just assume this would be sarcastic How embarrassing Number 5 is man spreading. I *can't* wait to see all that action and tension that takes place on the terrace! I like money i'm curious on the fallout for the person at Sega or whatever that posted that Ya.. this wont be infuriating as hell to play against and with. Nerf Tristana! We should really be able to remove an elected official who blatantly violates their oath of office like this. Hush, can't you see Merkel is busy making amends for the holocaust here, by importing violent anti-semites? So he's a true Geordie now with the theeth missing DOOT DOOT DOOT DOOT DOOT DOOT ITT: Vampires and people who know Vampires I'm sure his ADP is about to drop like a rock But it will be in 16gb so who cares He's probably late. When people start on the "I'm not a homophobe, I'm not *afraid* of gay people" bit, my eyes glaze over and I depart. Nice Ribeiro jersey, kid Watchmojo What about the ones that we never hear about? This dude dead or what? No this would be good for someone who doesn't want the head high from weed but just the body relaxation part of it, lots of doctors prescribe CBD for older patients that need pain relief and don't want to be all walked out its all subjective tho basically smoking real weed with a high CBD content would be best for pain relief but CBD is the next best thing you could probably find people that say CBD works great for pain but personally I'd rather smoke the whole thing deal with the head high and get the most out of it. Yes, it's a man with ice cream cones. wow what class Complete with lucky camera man and everything. lol the spoiler thing is even more accurate People complaining about lack of MCC update in 3.....2.....1 They must have fired the guy who made the 4 mana 7-7 and need a replacement Because he's clearly a Nubian god returning to his divine role as a king on this earth. Can anyone comment on the things that could happen with air traffic if we start using drones for everything? damn i thought we won it that year thanks for correcting me announcers You can always tell the stupid is about to start flowing when a post starts with: "Um." Well, no kidding. He should have used sexist cunt. 100% success rate yo Not beating your children Anna Hazare is communal. How much do you want to bet she met the person who converted her at a feminist slam poetry session? Bruce and Caitlyn Jenner. Forward cap; if it was a backwards cap, he was a douchebag and it would be OK to shoot him. But think how much higher the toll would be without it Both sides are the same! I'm so shocked. Honestly, half of what was bought before the Network is a lot of money for WWE. Street filth like you should learn it's spelt pretentious. But "spermjacking b*tches" are a real threat to men do you retain the 100 points through out the match or just until you die? This and the inability of the orbital strike to launch where I want it and when I click the first time are the only two things that actually upset me during the game. Shouldn't have wanted clean drinking water Looks like a quick way to get shadowbanned. oops Nice, he will probably be ill in the next days so Good thing we have: * Gun Laws * Tightly controlled borders and ports * Mass surveillance by multiple levels of government Working in our favor. Or even worse half do everything, letting your fear kill your ambition towards excellence every time so your life becomes a string of mediocre non accomplishments and participation trophies Great, I'm so glad they got this done. This is what us ricers call an icebox. Philosophy is dead, according to bill nye the science guy it doesn't get you a job so it doesn't tell you anything useful. Gnome* When will people learn That's worthy of an AMA. If you are worried enough to be even asking this question in the first place, the correct answer is to move out of state. DAE all gay guys are feminine? That man thinks in full sentences. I didn't know about it until some girl posted a pic without any make up on with the caption "I'll do my part for breast cancer awareness, he's my make up-less selfie!" more like is lebron the gutsiest and most underrated coaching genius NOOOOOOOO Well he's not African American either Cammy pls Ohhh Springy22 (gabriel) You're such an idiot Wow, who knew? It's just a silly game, people shouldn't get upset about bad behavior... Unless that behavior effects my ranking in said silly game. Looks like it's time for Detroit to institute its long awaited Robocop Initiative. Yes, it's supposed to be African and Arab and ruled by Germans. I see Frisk as an attack helicopter so that he ends up with tsundereplane No, none of the almost 660,000 ents here enjoy Minecraft. No. Her campaign said her health was perfect so we have nothing to worry about. 8 votes is more votes total than this map got before it was taken out of the rotation. Fuck. hahaha super original joke man totally never been done before Spamming ranged attacks makes you so pro and when are said bench marks comming out exactly? Is that the haunted building? It's not entirely impossible that there are recipe's that have yet to be discovered. It really all Depends, on which candidate wears them. ID is NFW blackout fight me brosky not enough knives I thought individual NFL players didn't get proceeds from their jersey sales? If you don't tell people, how will you get their admiration? Shouldn't have been speeding. They can try if they want; we have the JLENS blimps to protect us! In Europe there is a good chance the companys OWN legal/HR department would be on that manager like a fly on shit. Surprising it's in East Texas That really doesn't seem plausible. Not all, you seem to be forgetting the phrases from the toon species elections. Yeah, just like how *Thinner* by Stephen King spoke out against fatphobia too! ache din Meh, printed guns are like hipster bicycles, made for fun, not for practicality. Is this including power ups? We haven't been able to acquire a pick since the draft =[. Is there no end to the wise things this person posts? I dont know that 'Foxbro' is really that GREAT of a city Can't tell if That makes me feel so humble and happy. Are you getting an unintended line of site though OP .... NOSE = BLOWN YOU DON'T KNOW ME! Modern consoles last no longer than PC:s I find it amazing how easily people can be tricked by Adobe After Effects. More proof that the liberals are elitist ivory tower snobs out of touch with the common man. Well I am on Eu west servers and everything is ok. TIL Afghanistan is a strawberry dipped in chocolate. So that's what the inside of the editorial board's office looks like? I have no idea what is going on here. Before I read your comment, I thought we may have had the CFL's own Clock Boy scenario Amazing what happens when you force people to buy overpriced healthcare with non-negotiable prices! Pff, who cares about those common things, I wanna know about that mysterious mask in the back! Noble prize is rigged Fallout 4 isn't a great looking game He's *pissed*...I like that, actually.... Is this where the **FIRE SHULA AND GANO** goes? Hey nerd take the silencer off, now its same gun That was 4, you're a *liar* He used scientific words like vagina wall and contract so it's obviously true Haram hai yeh sab Islam mai, Faisal. Even as a part of a convoy, fuckers try to overtake each other. That joke was a Cat-astrophy, but it's ok, I'm feline much better did i just go back in time a few weeks? holy fuck this team is something else Waiting on the 1060 He shouldn't start in the NHL Yip, we probably should have left a bunch of military bases all over American soil. Do I have to go on another "spoiler tagging every single little thing ruins the fun" rant? Get over it, so what if she's banging guys on the dance floor, be a man and encourage her The patriarchy party? He always was a traitor! Hmm if those were spark plugs I'd take a bite American terrorist kills innocent American. Whoa there, you should spoiler tag this maybe. I'm sure your screen is emitting infrared and ultraviolet, your eyes just don't have the right receptors. Hooray for unthinking mobs! but he can't want attention OP, you didn't see his throwaway account? 84 words.... not the most substantive article I've ever read. Hey, I used Ffff's Averus for Grahwen the other day Oh boy, what a likeable person. Could he have simply forgot? -25 fps confirmed, the sign is upside down People that have undergone hardships are never assholes Are psychics the backing dancers for Psy, or groupies SPEZ WILL NOT DIVIDE US SPEZ WILL NOT DIVIDE US SPEZ WILL NOT DIVIDE US SPEZ WILL NOT DIVIDE US SPEZ WILL NOT DIVIDE US SPEZ WILL NOT DIVIDE US SPEZ WILL NOT DIVIDE US SPEZ WILL NOT DIVIDE US SPEZ WILL NOT DIVIDE US SPEZ WILL NOT DIVIDE US SPEZ WILL NOT DIVIDE US SPEZ WILL NOT DIVIDE US SPEZ WILL NOT DIVIDE US SPEZ WILL NOT DIVIDE US SPEZ WILL NOT DIVIDE US SPEZ WILL NOT DIVIDE US SPEZ WILL NOT DIVIDE US SPEZ WILL NOT DIVIDE US SPEZ WILL NOT DIVIDE US SPEZ WILL NOT DIVIDE US SPEZ WILL NOT DIVIDE US How do you like that case ? VEGA CONFIRMED Only when we get rid of creationism and start teaching climate change. This must be fake, congress has never done anything immoral or wrong. Most countries That's an absolutely rad tattoo, just saying. Where did you get your Rosalina from? I think you mean axe heads Mariota to 49ers rumors engaged Thats what a support player does Never heard of that error that's odd. Omg nrape Can't have sex Can't jerk off Sand in eyes and crack of ass Hawaii is sure lookimg neat I like how these idiots still think vidya is "for nerds". Well aren't you an ignorant little twat. Fail to see what was wrong with 4 The outrage over 14 was a joke Number 12 was cancelled on the orders of Barry HAHA SO FUNNY Let's just download some loops while we're at it. Ha, reminds me of those guys who broke into a hospital and stole the radioactive material Go fuck yourself you ginger cunt Miss me some Wayan. Wow, you must be really unique! You mean transform again? Actually I would argue that this controversy has been profitable for the show. competitive basket weaving i wonder if we'll get 2 teasers in one day i'm waiting for a mod which adds modern weaponry so i can pretend fo4 isn't set as far in the future as it is Man, what is it with bronies and fedoras? Why allow retirement? Treasure it bro, its about to get a whole lot stronger with Heracross being buffed At least you top fragged! That's the worst Zoidberg costume ever! It's going to re-open ... as a charter school. clg should be over optic or eg imo This better not happen at worlds Having a debilitating disease shouldn't stop you from having sick abs. Surely if he's blacked out, that would be rape on the part of the person giving the act. Sharknado and Sharknado 2. Seems really happy to be here, hope Boucher gives him some ice time. I still think Gelinas for RNH was a good deal. What a stand up dude Someone's salty I'm sure funerals are directly contributing to the destruction of our environment. If they keep that observing team I'm sure alot of people will buy tickets! You goddamn racist. Griezy and his Aqua player card will be very lonely on the FUT servers. shoulda been 11 #cutderon! So has anyone mentioned the flag turned white, yet? Is it me or does it say 8 otters next to the price for the intel CPU? Why would they remove it? Not wanting a threesome.... Fun Fact: Governor Jerry Brown's sister is on the board of Sempra Energy Hmmm... wonder why it took so long I added this mobile authenticator a few weeks ago, and I just received almost 100 sms (yep, not kidding) from Volvo sending me a validation code that I didn't request. Yes because muscle tone on a woman is SO disgusting Not gonna lie, still had a heart attack Did they not read the tweet? Taiwan #1 Why should development be paid for? Once everything that you aren't currently using drops to the page file it's more manageable. Wow very competitive match point! and everyone flips about a lion being shot yet guys like this get away with this? Clearly we're underestimating this individual's importance and necessity to be RIGHT NEXT TO the grass. Nanny state sucks. The season's over before it started. Coincidentally this is my birthday, the same jokes get funnier and funnier every year. My years of watching porn has trained me to expect something more to happen. You are low level but try to get a poisoner Lilith is a great early prison but you will have to farm it but she's worth it for a number of stages. Are you tired of winning yet? Everybody needs a break sometimes. We better make this illegal because alcohol is WAY better. Who knew that fracking near a residential neighborhood could be dangerous? Russian hackers did this #bringbacktebow 400h silence This isn't racism, cuz it ain't about black vs white. Wow, I have *never* heard **that** joke before. I wonder who will play instead :o I can imagine the fury of their parents watching them go naked just to make a point but obviously it just makes them (the authority) more firm on their stand so that more women will go naked on streets to try to get their attention. In the strictest sense of the law actually he would not be eligible, although his mother meets most of the technical requirements for her child to be considered a US citizen despite being born in Canada, it could be challenged on the basis his mother never applied to the American embassy to get his Consulate Report of Birth Abroad (CRBA) or FS-240 or DS-1350 which would document him as an American citizen. What is a free inhabitant anyways? You evil bastard. Good thing CNN is a totally principled organization that will shit-can Brazile as a result of this revelation. I would love marvel to give it a try, would be funny to see a sarcastic Superman. Yes, wait a year, and have other people fix the thousand other bugs. Up next: Butter But remember, cakes were the most important issue of the 2016 campaign and it was better to vote for someone who isn't libertarian at all than someone who deviates from libertarianism on a few issues. ebay ftw. Then why doesn't he create bigger blocks? sage this copypasta shit. what about the death star DLC map pack? Wow that's really cool. Smoking just makes the tree grow faster than it otherwise would Is the console plugged in? Guys, the starters won't evolve because we've seen nothing about them evolving, it's a first, single stage starters in Gen 7 confirmed Yeah bro I don't need profit Small sample size, but I'll allow it. wasnt he special forces? Just don't be wrong, it shows you're unintelligent and don't care. Vans. Courtney must be rolling over in her grave. Yeah he's worse than the House of Saud If only everyone was treated by police as if they were black, right? Smoking cigarettes in pubs. What are you on about man, that crosshair was on him Yeah but what do these nerds know about anything These people are already known as "dumbasses" Gee, what a surprise I mean.... Chad Marshall and Roman Torres are arguably the best CB combo in MLS right now. I'm sure they'll be clamoring to vote for Trump. Asshole textures don't even exist. That crowd looks really excited. I thought Captain Falcon was broken in PM? But his name is Rade Zone, and he's a known heckler in Las Vegas comedy scene. It's a flat beam on a round Earth what did he think would happen. Mega latios obviously So a double double? Where's the slut-shaming? Wow, look at that dangerous refugee. uhh... you just push the button and the burger comes out, right? With all the Panama Paper stories breaking, it's nice to get back to our regularly scheduled programming. locodoco, always classy, never salty Well it's hard to argue with that logic. I'll bee your friend Personally, I only read things published by my friends. than watch your life drain away Walk without rhythm, and you won't attract the worm. Maybe it was the same people that did the Ecuadorian embassy? Nobody exists on purpose, nobody belongs anywhere, everybody's gonna die. If these cops falsified info on a simple traffic accident, I wonder what else they might have lied about. Yeah we really need this. Decorate the Spirit Trees poor Bible I like how the "96" shield is in the shape of the old logo... though maybe a hard hat would have been even better. There is just so much more to life than video games and that is all I have to say about that. And Speedy Noil was with them when they got arrested but was let go. Need CCTV doesn't matter only like 6 ppl will watch it #Fox is such a douche bag, he's like a Mexican Joe Biden. Kanaan was holding back to bring the US back in the race No one in their right mind would ever click on that. You see, they don't like that the police shoot black people disproportionately more, so they clearly want segregation. ITS IRON MAN NOT IRON LADY AND THAT IS A SCIENTIFIC FACT Go to San Francisco, they all spawn there! TIL royalty is middle class. my friend only recently learned to script yes, that really makes me want to pay robux to play the game mormonism is the Fanfiction of the Bible, i give it even less credit that Christianity Hold on here I don't remember askin fer a double order of jam Lol HORDE BIAS! I can't see it. Shutting down the government would be better Fiji claims that they don't use BPA in their bottles, its best as a general rule not to use plastic but in this case it might be okay Apple beat them to it. Wow you're so edgy. this is stupid it'll never work, they shouldnt try, and kill themselves In a sarcastic tone. I will only be satisfied when it's confirmed by the NY Times, haha. To quote from EVE: NOT WINNING FAST ENOUGH Affordable "Health Care" People still get haircuts? I don't get it? Holy shit that is terrible. Damn he must feel like shit after losing that close series, let's make sure he feels extra shitty just for fun! I heard he was really OP Comment # 30 was abhorrent! Climate change activists might get farther if they get better with making financially based arguments on why taking action has positive financial effects in terms of economic activity and risk mitigation. Faker! Do they understand that when everything is constant (2/3rds of the time) then nothing is? Lol, like we're afraid of cops. Garfield Kart. Toxic, anti-fun, fuck off so can i still go get drunk in bali Well I mean if the government is telling you the conspiracy theory it definitely has to be true. He will be a steal at the end of next year's draft! Grow up I cant stay and work here for ever Because we're an **awesome** school, obviously! The spin is: they're moving their hq to CT *despite* Malloy. deplorable That man is a person...not a fan. White power But I thought morality was supposed to be impossible without religion to provide it to us. Wow, Op is a real dick bag lets make sure we repost this every single day Well, they didn't want their hat to get dirty on the floor. I think you misspelled"Ezi" :p Bu-but my mate Boris said we'd be perfectly OK! But it's her turn! i still haven't finish this game on ps3 Oh boy, maybe she'll get indicted! LOL, silly savages. Wouldn't mind him in Chicago. This isn't a bug, it's more content! Bro endorsing killing yourself is endorsing going to hell, and we can't allow that sin in this community. Heretics .... Are the only ones who would suggest otherwise. Everything but three dog quotes and tunnel snakes. So one emperor lived 2000 years to see the wall built? Stop yelling at me OP :( Not really surprising tbh; I hope next year Ferrari can push them a bit harder. These are required criteria? But Ahrar al sham aren't terrorists, they're a moderate salafi group! Cultural enrichment at its finest! Wish I could uptoke twice Benevolent dictatorship is the best form of government for getting things done, the only problem is when the dictator is no longer benevolent. Nope the word Easter doesn't have a Germanic origin at all. That the Earth is flat and BoB is a lone genius Just try it, and tell us if it works or nah. They would if Ross Pearson hadn't gone gangbusters against Diego Sanchez, remember? Well, us white people better boycott the all star game. AAAAAAAAA YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO TRADE AAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAA WAS PLAT FOR PRIME PARTS AAAAAAAAA This is totally not a tongue in cheek comment and is meant to be taken at face value. Well, they aren't getting an invite to future RBI briefings that's for sure. Guess I know where I'm going to buy my new suits this weekend. That's gonna be one gross controller This dumb fat turd still has a public facebook page... you can all find it yourselves if you want... nice picture of him with a shotgun... Really looking forward to hearing about him in the news in the near future after he kills someone. The insane person would answer: they did. I crack my knuckles and have arthritis, meaning I just disproved your statement! Everyday I thank my 10 min commute. Obviously all Everton fans do this now that we have proof Guys I'm a black-identifying pangender cactus, you have no idea what I go through... Just sprinkle some wool on him Johnson! Liberal biased media! Ah yes because black people sure were respected and treated better back in the day Well he should be privileged that he got a Louboutin, rather than some cheap skanky stiletto from Target. this conversation is real and not fake That's an alpaca!] Now you dont have to pirate it my dog just went out and took a shit. My home town in west canada buys power at 7c/kwh and here in Germany it's almost 5 times that cost. Wow thanks for introducing me to Blink 182 Aaaand this is why there should not be Mardi Gras celebrations north of I-10 If she loses to Nunes it means she's getting knocked the fuck out = she's never coming back. God this made my day Curry won't shoot from there doesn't apply to any spot on the court. TIL people don't like Roman Reigns. Rock face? Woah, get FUCKN REKT! Exactly, we just don't have enough warbands! Its clearly a promo for the new movie tammy. These non native English speakers with perfect grammar and spelling really need to just stop mentioning it :b Gringo = Person from USA Left or right? Big shocker! Kyle Kendrick coming in, what can possibly go wrong? That seal fucked a penguin. lol, trade him for Tebow. I think it's kinda cool In my opinion, this is very stylish and I believe will become the new standard for fashion in 2016 Yes, I'm sure no one will judge him for it. Yeah yeah I can do that on the outdoor rink big deal. Yes, give me 50$ and I'll do it for you. yeah.. cuz what it does now is a bit lackluster. Isn't the government already allowing trump to visit? But you see, da reelz problem is the guy who got punched, he was a troublemaker you see. What's that white-ish stuff floating in the background? The fact that your faction has a Commisar Cap confirms that your statement is false. I'll tell you over some drinks ;) This can only be good. All those angry blue collar workers are surely going to change their minds. Wow, are you implying that the nutrition field *isn't* magically exempt from the corruption that's permeated almost every other area of life? andd you posted this 1-2 months ago and felt a need to again why? Because Fizz is an entirely different champion and extremely mobile and can still 100-0 you pretty efficiently, he needed more counterplay. Will she get billed as what she is: a serial killer? Oh fuck off. How many rule changes are the Belichick Era Patriots responsible for? Oh it's fixed alright. Immediately double checked to make sure WIFI is on Keanu Reeves Wat. And here we have the publicly educated American... Now that's a shower I'd like to watch Nope too late the switch is clearly nintendoomed! This is the result of a poorly made sammich. Jesus, kids are people, not property +100 hacks Dawkins himself is a sexist, but okay. is it required to have a modular helmet to do that course? WOW SUCH TYPO MUCH FAIL K bullets OP nerf immediately Dice pls Exactly, you ALWAYS hear about the crimes that happen to non-white people way more than those that happen to white people. Well it wouldn't be if Labour had behaved and kept they're mouths shut! If we onshoreed more manufacturing I bet we could have an impact on the environment That's a benefit tbh Lmao shing will teach them that blink is tp and how to miss every auto smh C'mon NHL, can you make it any more obvious you want the Oiler's to get another 1st overall? Devalues glories. Yes 10/10, don't need any fancy animation to prove our strength Unless they move Amare, they'll probably end up settling for Kevin Martin...just a prediction Give us new idiots with new bad ideas and new false beliefs. Get your government out of my private business! On defense: hides in town hall o_x [edit] well on a more serious note, I think it would be nice if he'd do walls or something, so I don't have to leave a builder free. The twist is that there are no other professional female mountainbike cyclists in Germany. The face of a killer. Nice argument! Anal warts Heisenberg? These must be the animals Trump is referring to. I sure you can get cancer from eating that. Yeah that's super colorblind friendly I don't want to make any spurious accusations here, but that horse *might* be juicing! Oh is that all, what a bunch of complainers. That's a fence Enjoyed this, hurry for next part ! So...the author wants to pay more? Drink it. Wow, George Soros is BUSY! Never heard of the Log Cabin Republicans? Because it's not "Facebook", it's "Fedbook". Good thing Edward Snowden has in no way harmed the US with his leaks. My inbox looks just like yours :/ This is so close to the 8 hijabed women who took a holiday snapshot of their fabric faces. I guess I'll finally break down and get a Chromecast. Can't deny Joel Anthony's 2 championships, had to throw in Thornton as a sweetener! Did you think this would somehow contribute to the sub? Well, all the important ones anyway. Kim Kardashian.. shameful Nothing like a package of cancer to eat for dinner. Inflation dude Anarkistitalonvaltaajia, mellakkapoliisit paikalle ja pamppua mokomille TIL nationalised rail network = automatically lower fares I wish I had one. Well, you know you have to drive people to earn, right? Shameless money grab. 76 v points isn't impressive, 76 in 6 climbs is impressive Pinner asf bro Spike drone new throwing knife? If my base is off center, I'd redo my entire base This is true; Michael Reagan's father supported his own brand of garbage entirely. Oh for fuck's sake, they're *gym* clothes. Can't believe this was allowed..really can't understand. Amazing how you went from cute to "ugly ass slut" in the span of a minute. green should of got in that shit I will now be using the line "you failed the test" to every creeper in the future. He broke the car. Ironic A woman is being abused and cheated on, but the real tragedy is that it's not *your* dick she's riding! Well i mean one is a tragedy where a simple expression of sympathy is welcome and nothing is lost if the person lies, the other could land someone in jail for decades and ruin their life even if they aren't convicted... but yeah she is right...totally the same thing amiright? Story checks out. They did an awesome job when they changed around cell phone contact policy! At least we get Fetty Wap! Where is NorthSouthWest Australia? Wow, it's like they know *exactly* what we want! 10/10 Shady scale Messi didn't even qualify for the Euro 2012 so Ronaldo should win by default Let's see them beat us when we are healthy Lolz that easy schedule tho. 10 out of 10 stock markets agree - globalization is objectively good. Is this the new hate bandwagon for Tumblr. Sir your cooler is on the backplate of the gpu I hear there is even an UK one. Malcolm Subban for Yannick Weber! Sorry, but the thought of is ridiculous enough to be hilarious. ...but if we stop drafting defenders in the 1st round, that'll fix our defense, no problem.... How generous of them. Just protecting his house. Out of keys :( Danbull? Ethics are overrated anyway, the whole point of holding office is to enrich yourself and your CEO freinds. Meryl Streep Troubling signs of totalitarianism from feminists, and their indoctrinated "friends" ...I am foaming at the mouth just imagining this I've been waiting for this thread... Not realistically speaking; Phish, Dead and Co., Widespread Panic, Disco Biscuits, Tedeschi Trucks Band, My Morning Jacket, Blues Traveler Realistically; Moe., Umphreys, Tribe, Tauk, Pigeons Playing Ping Pong, Grace Potter, Big Something, Primus, Twiddle, New Mastersounds, Kung Fu, The Heavy Pets, Keller Williams The bottom two on the left look a little over done Yeah that is going to break down the box office doors. Im using the mic on my wireless audio headset so you wont detect mine. Since when did people in Beverly Hills pay taxes? As a paramedic.... i agree. more boobs would've been cool Pretty sure spell check on Microsoft word works just as well and helps with some types of grammar mistakes as well. this seems really inaccurate how old is it? Is 10-a-side standard in indian CS? That's ludicrous And here is the first step towards a better world for CS:GO! Where do Harden, LeBron and Durant stack up? Yeah, but how has League been doing since the release of Pokemon Go? La sandbags but the sweet sweet upvotes! I love Deshaun so much. Yeah right, you just went outside and took a picture. But all in all, she did have a Quran, and most likely a way to make fire, so *technically* she was able to do so anyway if she wanted, so that justifies it. I guess that's because the majority of US medals were won by women. Black people are inferior -Thomas Jefferson Clearly LAB/greens fault. Is this good news or bad news for Nest owners? The fact that I'm right! The Trump effect I see a yellow submarine ...also controls the media, the banks and the government Have fun rolling that up for easy transportation. Yep, in Zimbabwe $20USD = 7238000ZWD - shock! Yea cuz you can't tell when food has spoiled I wonder if everyone got "serial #1" from that production run? But how are they gonna move the ship across the plains and Rockies? Whatever age at which you grow the fuck up and can decide for yourself, rather than asking your master to decide for you. Yeah, joking about prison rape is so funny. Do you even fish? Source? At least the top response is sensible and upvoted. I always use `kill -9`, `kill` is for pussies Trade Vanek. Yeah, bro. Id love to see him and Boykin 1 on 1 There's only one solution... KILL THE MALAYSIAN PRIME MINISTER, DERICK! So what else is new ? Looks like I do have the qualifications to become a rockstar developer what's up with this guy's postural problems? Well with an a personality like that I'm sure he'll be a great husband and father Ah, the same guy who brought AIDS to Africa to commit a silent genocide? That'll show him not to steal from my rich uncle Prince of Nigeria. If I write a script to produce that code, that qualifies as dynamic programming and thus must be good code right? Scared of a little competition, eh scientists? Great stopmotion intro. What better way to stop the flow of Syrian refugees than to strike at their source? Yea expressing something that is not mainstream political correct should be illegal! Now all we have to do is determine if Ross at any stage looked at the clock before his shot to determine if he knew or not The Ferrari engineer apparently didn't see an engine failure so who knows maybe it's a new feature? But after they pay half of their income on healthcare, they'll still have loads of money for food, come on old people.... I think his mom is dead so probably not. Yeah but ethics, journalism, patriarchy, xenophobia, and you're probably a racist too Someone at Nintendo must be laughing their ass off. I for one love how my people have adopted to modern culture. A song you've probably never heard of Yeah, let Akali proc spellvamp every 1 second.. that sounds good Good thing his wife was there with him to keep him calm, eh? Dave Gunnarsson's face all over it with lens flares and glitter everywhere because he's the greatest artist of all time and the "cradle of creativity" Why do you hate roads OP? There's never been Belarusian nation after all So much small government I have a friend (tops a lot, made top 4 with this deck at nationals) that used to play Star Seraph engine in Fluffals, and you know the Toy thing likes to be sent in graves, but he said that it is still bricky and play it at 1 or none (mostly none). It means sarcasm. What's Titanfall 2 have to do with anything? You just know that he's endlessly pleased with himself. Yeah color light isn't cheap Remember, an armed society is a polite society Shame on you, you friendzoned him. Is this a case where it makes more financial sense to just not show up if you're the Jags? Nice face If he was gay he'd be more awesome Nascar spec. lots of meme potential here Weren't those the dudes that hung around with Christ? Wow he's so full of himself he has to go and find a girl to date with the same name. Sweet, another RMC! idk who mulan is but this guy named Ping saved china once ! Didn't realize Dan did Grumps for free Its like 80 or 90% for the year as of today isn't it? Ugh finally, what took them so long **tl;dr** IT'S ANYONE'S FAULT BUT MINE -OBAMA You're capitalizing with that sweet karma, OP Don't worry, all the Masters degree holders are applying for that job, too Reasons to get married Number 16: if you get trapped in an elevator shaft for an extended period of time, someone will realize you're missing and alert the authorities. omg t-shirt fan Wait doesn't all the fire and burning balance out with all the snow around? Good thing they are continuing to post the photo of the poor woman on their website so the rest of the world who didn't see her now can. Olympic gymnastics judges be like, "he didn't stick the landing, minus 1/2 a point" Can't wait to play in a region that was active 2 weeks ago! Question is, are you part of the solution or part of the problem? Well, by that logic, Watergate was no reason to prosecute Nixon. This was the plan all along Muslims aren't a race, so no. FOV Slider and No FPS Cap definetly Inb4 they find a copy of GTA5 and blame gaming for the terrorist attack. Ooh kewl :) World of tanks is strange, it can have long stretches of some of the most mundane frustrating times in a game but then when something crazy happens it is usually some of the most epic and/or hilarious of moments of any game you could play. Now I want to see him explain different seasons and how the length of the day changes. MOTHERFUCKING MEI IS LITERALLY CANCER USA: "We condemn this *random* attack of violence. Oh come on, there's no need to be racist. War makes strange bedfellows - America. League of Legends, its free to play Wow, a Bush doing something stupid? Nothing will stop the power of love. Something every Mako/Rex user could say So weird, they might actually be waiting for a shred of evidence or any facts to be released. Why has NASA not given this to Elon Musk yet so we can go back to the Moon? So basically economics class? Are you fucking dumb that's obviously not possible! time flies Not sure who's worse, The Australia party or One Nation. If we deregulate the market completely, not only the prices but also basic workers' rights, then companies will have incentives not to treat people like slaves, right, right? typical, women try to be equal and men still prove more effective. yeah they should give everyone a brand new $60 game on their birthday! *Well here we are again* *It's always such a pleasure* He must be a Phoenix Needs more aliasing Maybe they should stop being poor already. I wonder how many people he sent those too. Is this the prequel to the Hateful Eight? This is clearly rigged, why the fuck is Rio at the bottom but Pascal up in 12th, if a real publisher did this i think Rio would clearly be on top. As big as you can fit i would say. When they're not 'boom boom'ing you with grenades, they're 'boom boom'ing your womenfolk. Does the gif switch to slow motion when you jump or like what's going on That most don't speak anything of a different language let alone are even remotely fluent in one. Ahh the good old days where you could use multiple attacks and no one would bat an eye. You have 0% battery Mmm, yeah Relevant username #RIP Battlefield 1! Hey guys lets make a poll for this. It won't fail to draw people in! all i read was "more daze"...mesmers really needed this that's why I don't do a first date dinner, too much pressure anyways, grab a cup of coffee and conversate or bust Yeah this is a really serious scandal The Simpsons (Tracey Ullman Show) One could argue that Frasier is better than Cheers Bob Gibson being black? On the bright side, when the robot uprising is chasing you silently down the street, it will be much easier to rupture batteries than engine blocks with small-arms fire. How to play him in 2 minutes: You try, you die and change to another hero after 2 minutes. British Citizens Want Unconstitutional Laws to be Blocked by Default: Parliament should be forced to provide a uncensored internet feed to protect adults from childish MPs. just another example of Christian Persecution and the ongoing War on Christianity. Big shocker well i mean not many people have done the survey so you probably are the only one liberals don't are... they cherry pick the facts to make whatever reality they want to be true Will Assad ever be ready for power sharing with the Sunni majority in his country? Students these days get older and older Grats xD Enhanced interrogation != abused & torture How to create actual fascist. Hidden gem right here Hold the front page! I just bought one and the guy at the Cash register said that 12 out of the last 15 customers had bought one as well. Good idea; then you only have to read three verses. The Human side: Watching her daughters beat each other up 12 years later still sounds the same Based on what I've seen on Reddit lately yeah I think you're the only one Dude is a walking time bomb, let's hope he fights a couple more times before he goes to jail. Sounds like Jesus himself said this. Oh look, another weapon re-named and put on Reddit. quality shitpost And he started the program from the terminal. The salt will never leave arrow. My advice to Phil: Shut your ignorant mouth. WHAT AN INCREDIBLE DIET IDEA The same year that Norway started hunting their cats and dogs Yeah, making soft pastel colored passive aggressive drawings is going to make you and femininity in general look reeeeally good. Good, hope they add bankers and lawyers to that list. lol its funy because blowed XD She basically stole money from tax payers to give to her friends. Qiyi Thunderclap, I can hardly even hear it We need to stop electing politicians and instead elect professionals Well at least they did it all in good taste. thank you technology for eliminating another awesome profession Yeah man ladies only go for le douchebags. Anyone who cares about this game has already played it One with the rocks A CoD player LOL I present the best friend of the year. Are there little thumbnails blocking the play bar for anyone else or just me? Was the bus late? Bald Kevin Nash and tall Joey Mercury? More stuff about feelings and ceilings, not caring about waving hands high, ending up at the top yet not starting there, and perhaps a bit more hooks that simply revolve repeatedly around a trisyllabic word. But they can all go get jobs at new clean coal plants so it's fine. Jj watt because no one ever threatens Trump Those can't be verified by at least 50 different people so they're not real! Is kanye autistic? Bill Clinton came to PR the week before the party cut the number of polling places ... Special-snowflakes are actually trying to boss the military around...the sense of entitlement is now reaching biblical proportions. how can he forget lee97_08, ex-eye-eye, IVo one and XII? Women can't rape men, remember? Just like Misandry doesn't exist because it is used to attack feminists, or racism doesn't exist because its used to attack white people Stupid. He wouldn't have had guns if it was *against the rules*. need more web Nothing makes a bit funnier than adding gratuitous gay slurs. Remember, Feminism wants to make sure women's voices aren't silenced Quinton you did this. The way I see this, developers either go back to releasing demos for their games, or they stop complaining about piracy. Wow people dressed as storm troopers at comic-con, that's amazing. The first time I got my 28 I went ecstatic, way more so than when I got my 50 on Halo 3 TIL handball is a real sport Yeah, life is tough when you're a white male under 50 :( This is perfect for me, I really hope it comes through! Elaborate? oh thank god just what they were missing This thread is just a beautiful place of open mindedness and understanding They were running a checkpoint on Manhattan bridge according to twitter. How else do you maintain the echo chamber? But it doesn't count because they have only changed leadership once. It's just a number Hipsters ruin everythin I don't think any Persian is worth Stardust but I also don't consider that low CP. Simply making something against the law usually fails to stop that behavior from occuring, unless other methods of curbing that behavior are enacted as well. Somehow my VERN il doesnt have sp options :/ Tried reinstalling the game I mean Cal students are "Stanford Rejects" so it's understandable. my brain too glows when i facecamp survivors ...And the piss rains down! WOW I NEVER SAW THIS ONE COMING Check their feet for that extra bone to confirm my alt-right brothers Same as TSM Bjergsen and Crs EDward :D Not saying it's gonna happen, just wait and see how the things goes. So is he a liar like POTUS or just a copy-cat? He *did* say "please". Go team venture! Which destroys any other argument they might make based on free will. Harassment of women entering/leaving Planned Parenthood clinics. What a complete surprise. Looks like we got ourselves a good old fashioned commie beatdown boys! Do you have an SVG or DXF file that I could use? Yay. I don't know if you have a big butt, and quite frankly it doesn't matter, but I can tell you that creep is a ginormous gargantuan oh-sweet-mother-of-mercy humongous ass. An hour ago By asking this question everytime a john Oliver video is posted Because it doesnt blame Griffin. If it's free on the Internet, you're what's being sold. This would never see play, it would just burn vital secrets like eye for an eye and misdirection Technically, that's blasphemy, because that's holy manna from the FSM. The use of the oem radio screen saddens me. not bad for a third tier awper Can someone ELI5 this scene? ~~Award~~ Degree wapasi CA had better implement some stricter environmental policies on their local industry to counteract this! UM, EXCUSE ME, I'M ON THE ALT LEFT, THANK YOU How about "liberal lies and tricks from Satan shaman" has a nice ring to it. Dunmer, with that fire resistance my Ancient Necromancer has no weakness. Why do they have different compounds for the lefts and rights? do 1 of each for 100 weeks straight That's American Exceptionalism for ya. Louis D'Esposito I guess. A disabled girl with no foot that was screwing herself with her leg. But Cam is MVP OP is a robot who eats iPhones. Mexicans stealing stuff... what a surprise Well that explains global warming ISIS are such a one trick pony. I forgot how delicious chicken of the cave was. ROFL fucking hilarious man top notch post like usual Of all the shit to bitch about this is petty. How did Korver make that jesus christ Why can't they just nap during their 2 hour lunch breaks? Sounds like my ex It all started with Americans 1400 years ago... Ya but everyone knows its super hard and complicated building a computer so the $800-1000 up charge for labour is justified. Yeah, but if everybody else just takes a bit less, there's still enough for *me*, right? great use of monies/buttcoins there reddit, gilding a one-word slur of a comment. haha, he apologised straight away and goes to pat him, though. That guy in the truck is a piece of shit, I was hoping to see him get punched The cheating or the vent issue? No we just enjoy shooting things and leaving them to rot sounds like you have sampled a huge portion of the population and come to a well informed and insightful conclusion about the intelligence of ~350 million people. So much I read in the news about Florida just makes it seem like it's one of the most effed up places to live. Yep, they're not using near enough water in their manufacturing process. Holy electrical interface batman Way to give away our tactics smh There's no way that's pre WWI, it's in colour! It's more about status for them honestly and a ~$100k Nissan is chump change next to heavily modded Lambos and other cars in that price range. 97% of white women who have children with a black man report never getting any support from him. O_O Phrasing! We love it when people ask us to walk the dog! Apparently those on Universal Credit will still have the cut (as will anyone new application to Universal Credit in 2018). I love it when the build up is 99% of the gif and the actual titles are that split second 1%. See how expensive PC gaming is! jeez, you know this is a iBP event? I a, Surprised dark souls isnt on here, staring into the bonfire after hundreds of deaths really mellows me out cya Refreshing to finally see the Koch Brothers called out for their left wing agenda If only the Dutch were more tolerant of alternative lifestyles.. Oh wait, they're probably the most tolerant of alternative lifestyles, ever. Something that brings people of different races together isn't racist. Just in time to vote in the greatest election with the greatest candidates Yeah, the one that kept being posted about "the tardis won't be used at all in the 50th anniversary special" was very believable Hey son, let's talk about that iFunny watermark Stars and bars is the confederate flag, Stars and Stripes is the US flag Dumbf****s. Referring to elites. Yep, nothing like a good singing of "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" to help people heal. big who cares We will see about this seems like the same old hype every year. yes because they are only list "Required Parts" ;) Hehe Yes. *point Luckily the tourney expanded to 68 teams! Thats why i always wear my fedora. But the email scandal was just a fabrication by republicans. But what if we get Bird Flu then? edgy Blasphemy. Yeah, old news, I mean we couldn't realize they were racist when they were chanting "death to Arabs" in the middle of games or how every game against Sachnin ends with riots and stone throwing. Watch out for this badass! you think he can help with some of the bailout money? Was anyone able to get this gif to load? As good as the GOP gets. Ugh. Maybe I'm just a hater but I call bs old old old Yeah because EVERYONE who has cancer in the real world has had contact with radiation. Columbus pass on that scrub Anze Kopitar. Because everything has to be political today, even a fucking cartoon Let hiko tk more he'll be happy. They must be using huge magnets Aaaaaaand it's overheated. Well this will have an impact on Longzhu's season! And being a deliverer is so powerful. I know what dick, someone reaching out to another person you totally called that person on their bullshit. but we have ban Muslims because they might commit violence against women Better than the movie Can't it just be boredom? Profit! Haha you should tweet this to him Matchfixing Well obviously the green lantern core. You're lying, everyone knows Honda and Toyota Quality Control is undefeated. Na'Vi S1mple confirmed Proof: look at the stickers on his AWP inb4 southpark ikr they used to be ugly Heck Blacks? That's the left turn lane for 'special' people. Prime Minister Trudeau declares national day of mourning. I wish I had a good reason to use Spaces tbh. so your black? Theres no cheaters in CS:GO ... they're just smurfing Get good Stopped progress as always by the Telecom Bet you're really happy that itx mb's are so close to retail right? what is the EU? Sami looks happy as hell They will be crushed under a pile of peer reviewed journals. If you disagree with sexism, you obviously "hate free speech". Well just move to mexicos border towns. What about the other rook Ahhhhh..... It looks like raw Hamburger. I like this game. OP, just ask your mom I guess it doesn't hurt to have a guy backing you up with a semi automatic. Just take the standard deduction Im confused, how does heavy moderation relate to an ask historians post? Would you want to leave if there was ebola everywhere... damn right you would ... dont be such a dick baby papriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikcha(cos he was a scouser) I prefer to smoke the cigarettes, lighters cause cancer Try some subtlety sometime for fuck's sake. to do what? Well, obviously they're going to destroy their economy with this! Evidence that we're dreaming as Mike Schmidt, who is the brother Tivas, a must Right, because that fight really needs to be harder Itd be nice but I doubt itll ever happen. OP would be max prestige +107 levels: Jesus Christ dude go outside. Because who cares about foreign island people when there's all this delicious coal Because the community is never wrong It's "patina". retail [I always knew I was worthless but that cemented it] Are you sure that's not my cat? But how does this benefit Russia? 4 Primetime games, 2 vs Division, 2 vs NFC N. That's bound to be a lot of fun. And on top of that, you are a fucking cis white boy ~~The help thread~~ I mean it's Eltri. Give this man an artist flair he's better than Sc00t himself SPOILERS I just hope no asshats show up and make the national news. He's really celebrating.. I'm just not sure this means what he thinks it does. Interesting how an article about how bad Incognito was get all these upvote, whereas there are a ton of articles about Dolphins teammates standing up for Incognito that are getting downvoted What the fuck was Pep thinking with his tactics? Nah, that's a H1500i Yeah how dare some women enjoy eating and hanging out with friends Yeah but could he beat McGregor? Thanks Rachel. you could throw it at it. it seems icelandic is supposed to look like that... And yet still drilled the game-tying 3 after going 0-4 from 3 the rest of the game! That's not a happy camper behind y'all But my eyes can only see 30 FPS so how should I see detail I think this guy fundamentally misunderstood the lawyer's question, he was asking how much money the teacher gets a year. Reddit, it's really easy to win friends on here Nice profile picture OP wut? go to a match in real life? Yes, things certainly were a utopia for the native americans What the fuck sort of psychologist agrees to pour drain cleaner in somebody's eyes? Why is the race so important other than to stir up more hatre? Did you see that Jay-Z concert tho? Not hot enough to melt metal. No practice Saturday because obviously Sumlin is going to be interviewing for the USC job that day. Psshh that was so scripted. Rigged.... totally rigged. blow job classy There never was and never will be a nuclear bomb. Obviously it's the media's fault, it's a bad EO, but it's fake news Riiiiight Can confirm am from Canada, have this case Wow, Bayern is only just behind Barca with 15.7% Dude has no idea how to haggle. She is also an athlete. Chuck Norris ~ Max cape Idiot creep. Frodo vs Robin Because businesses don't create jobs, demand does! All I could think about the entire gif was the game EVO search for eden. I don't have walls at work... i has none memes Man this kid is super badass Just use donkey Kong's model reskinned Not being miserable is a privilege. He never said that But only low life Cleveland fans burn jerseys! Love is only player on our team with pos +/- Look out Peter Alonso, there is another ex-Gator with home run pop that's coming for your job. To be fair, they couldn't possibly have anticipated that a tornado would hit Oklahoma and cause widespread damage. Because Samuel Jackson doesn't own a private jet. Why yes, let's do even more to discourage cycling than we already do. They intentionally make them look uglier before releasing the elite uniform it's so not about protecting corporate profits and making sure they don't have to be responsible for the messes they make If only he had a gun to defend himself, this wouldn't have happened. Title: income tax Who cares what the source is? Controversial. Never saw it coming. Looks like a steal now *playing devils advocate* Prove to me that it is 6,000,000,000 years old. Aww... does dog#2 have an issue with it's foot? He went autistic on her tho This will last You can actually see the refs panicking about how that goal didn't match the script Jews made the bread go moldy. I wish I could say I was surprised and dismayed, but this is John McArthur we're talking about. what a shit logic.. so just because they hire people to clean they should leave as most garbage as possible, of course Great, I already went through hell when 10.7.4-5 and broke our SSL login. Breaking News: UK is fascist He was doomed since he missed that pen. Wow u pressed Q how do you learn that skill it's like we never seen this kinda of play in this sub .. what the hell is a senior commander doing out in the field? Messi is bad, only plays well against small teams anyways. U Can't Touch This Literally the 1st two weeks of the 90's, but its what song i think of instantly when i think 90's, and Boom shake the room close 2nd. These info graphics are cool but they really need some sort of key to explain wtf the trophies are. Supply side economics will fix it guys. Why isn't Sage in the main event? Well it's a good thing Apple is the only company doing this and absolutely no other companies in the US (like Google or Facebook) are doing anything like this. I'll bet the character has such a deep, interesting story So you're saying you love this? I mean it's somewhat interesting that none of those players got a point, but how does adding the +/- of players from different teams make any sense? What I read into this is: "I am in school and we covered WWII recently." Yes, because displacing millions of voters(in major cities, which usually vote democrat) in a swing state notorious for messing up elections, is exactly what liberals want to do, a month before an election. i can't wait to jerk off to your images Space Marines may look a little out of place... unless you have a story where a portal from the distant future opens Who's more stupid - The people that say it, or the people that believe it? Napaka classy ng ibabg pinoy no? Never skip...uh.... everything day. Look at those ugly tire treads...obviously not much has changed graphically from Profesional Farmer 2015. Right, because that's obviously the appealing thing about a one-night stand, getting impregnated. Ain't gunna happen so long as they insist on their DEMON CUPS. Nice Use Imgur good old days *such hd quality* Bro, Nanos don't exist Yeh, because the Commonwealth is the perfect reason to follow a certain team Was he eating chicken nuggets? The rumors I have heard thus far are Atlanta, Nashville, and NJ. I love how everyone here is all "STFU, Rocky" and people on twitter are practically starting a kickstarter for the poor man. Ah, Hitler seems to be right about the Jews being traitors to the german people because they are communist I feel like this should be the slowpoke meme. Nah man the Scots, they fucking are assholes, I mean the Irish hate them, the English hate them, and even the Scottish hate them. The true line of Catholic Monarchs. Benfica and Zenit Boy what a nice group. I'm just going to say "Nuclear bombs", plus the pearl harbour thing was just an excuse to enter war, they knew it was being attacked. If only there was some way he could anonymously donate hundreds of millions of dollars to Bernie That will teach you to be polite. If the controller won't be as expensive as peasantbox I definitely consider buying one. Yes, and since Federal and State law trumps local ordinances, this does absolutely nothing but illustrate that the Town Council in Deer Trail must have solved all other problems, and the residents don't understand how government works either. those happy little dead people But that's heavy, not engineer! Billionaires only care about money. It'll be interesting to see what the intelligence community, a group that has been badmouthed by the admin and betrayed by the house intelligence chair, does if they dig up enough evidence of wrongdoing against this administration and the GOP congress continues with a cover up instead of going after the president. Where can I get this But it's just LeCoast Deez Nuts I nominate this guy for president! If anyone thinks China is in a position to wage war with the US (especially at sea) they're grossly misinformed on China's capabilities. In the same way we regulate freedom of speech, religion, assembly, press, due process and all other civil rights. this would be a nice moral victory for klay You wanted him, you got him. Those fans are dicing with death. Hopefully they make a John Wick 2 paid DLC for payday :\^) Uh oh, que the whiners lol Strong is in town so u know what that means . 90GB for IW and 40GB for MW Remastered total 130GBs. Nobody likes people with smug smiles. I'm still saying this is a stunt in the end. You are alone in your journey Yet we got the last laugh, seeing as Atlanta choked hard... ;) From the looks of things I would say this picture was taken in Kenya. that looks like my mission ship why whats wrong with it? Because it lets us know that valve's still making money on their game so they wont stop supporting it any time soon The fativists will have your head for this blatant disregard of their dignity You can easily store one in the boot, takes up no extra space back there. Glad to see Deadpool is getting a new video game You are surely the first person ever to do this. You mean standard and automatic? Neah but he should say: Spicy. They aren't racist at all. She's a cutie pie. But what does Ja Rule think? The latest report is that it was amanda bynes Great article That's true, we all deserve better than Bush, a person who's not even declared his candidacy and it's already dead in the water. Outselling the GameCube...setting the bar a bit high aren't we? If only the 9year old had a gun to protect herself with If piracy didn't exist, Star Wars would have made $5 trillion dollars profit by now. They get snuggled in Until they reject the ideology altogether nothing will change. Line 'em up, knock em down! The Metal duh. Got damn Brittney is a SMOKE BAHM I think the slow down upon hit didn't end for C. Falcon since he was slipped from the edge at the same time resulting in the slow falling animation. like not even wine God I hope that flag says Arkansas and not Kansas. I once had an art teacher who had PHD she was quite snooty about us having to call her "Dr.West" Yeah, like anyone would want to "R" her. I agree with "Bypassing the legislature is the wrong course of action" in almost every scenario but taking action on gun control is something our current congress does not take seriously, despite the overwhelming reasons to reconsider. this is SO FUNNY! So a normal night in Atlanta? Hey KaceyTron is a real gamer! What would you propose be done. But more LGBT emojis were ordered on the double, and to appeal to an even younger demographic. Obama set us up for this failure! If we were allowed 12 players on the pitch, we'd have the best team in the league nelson Loooooooool Nobody saw this coming Alliance should go to any team sport game anywhere and see how it is. Finally seems like they fixed this. They aren't smart so they have to do *something* to bring attention to them since there's an actual intelligent person on the panel. He probably already has* check your grammar privileges seems like these weeds might be just what we need to choke out the GM plants I guess we should start paying them $15 an hour and then they will start working better and more accurately. Do you people even check the frontpage before you post? Just wait to see how spooky it is when Friday the 13th is on Halloween. We didn't get through, and when i was young i supported Germany through major tournaments, since Scotland havent made it yet for a while, hence the germany flair. The American education system is a joke, how you guys manage to get Bach and masters degrees is beyond me [Gives Rafael Devers longing look] ...All vodka is Russian vodka If you don't like our freedom, we gonna kill you. Well done, being in the top 30% of anything makes you an expert. Welp, he paid you a compliment, guess it's time for the sex now! Call her a filthy console peasant until she switches. That looks like a special ability of Jeff from the Overwatch team. i didnt know Floyd wore #13 When Nintendo launched the WiiU. Wonder how she felt about the Liberal feelings toward Bush? Well it's most likely because they're for small government, except when it comes to other people's bodies. Ugh no more shield meta. Please tell me this is satire. Repost... a long time since I've seen it but, it's a repost. Anyone else vote for Hisato Sato? But if the attacks happened in the UK, wouldn't they be the UK attacks? Nice to see that Republicans are still focused on the issues that matter most to people. nmap, Nessus, hydra... oh my! Toronto Star isn't a news paper anymore. It always feels so fulfilling when you can go in and remove an abomination like this Buenas noches Can he vote now? Is he the one from Hunger games ? An old 2001 VW Passat of mine had the same AC vent in the glovebox option. Strike Zone: Cubs Sticker Edition Extremely rare so really he has it priced too low. I can only assume he was using man to describe both men and women ya got rekt boi Jesus, it's such a fucking circlejerk in here today! Unpopular opinion here: but this game is actually really fun (braces for downvotes) Dude, I don't know what drugs you are on, and I really don't want you to panic... but you're flying a plane right now. And he probably would've bounced it She's obviously taking it to get weed. Pretty sure the game runs 1080p 60 fps fine on pc. Guess we are landing the 1st pick in the draft after 1 game Calm down guys it's just a few bad apples I don't see any problem with this country having nukes. this topic for the least few days, seemingly He earns more money from youtube/mlg than champs, leaving wouldn't be logical. REALLY. Chemtrail generators going on full power. I know this sub is usually for making fun of Imgurians, but I just felt like the critical thinking skills of this user in particular deserved some sort of praise. Either The silence of the lambs Or 2001 a space odyssey You can give your account to me. It even has a preinstalled app that uses the heartbeat sensor to tell if you've been poisoned by the water. i'm going with "the new face of fascism in europe" THAT RESOLUTION THO How do you sign up for beta on watch OS R34 Skylines were never offered in left hand drive, either....but here we are. Hilarious So, the Palestinians are using entire hospitals as human shields now? I thought this was normal for them? I bet Doughty's a way better drunk. I see the problem here... he doesn't have an awesome radio voice. She would do real well on Reddit. They know exactly what they are doing. But but but she has no plans or policies! break up if you want, just don't leave those rapture loving crazies with any nukes. Sorry about your house man:/ fuck i hope not Never ever go to OT Ducks Must of been a hell of a hacker. Down voting the truth dose't change whats happening. I saw sk scrimming against Liquid, needless to say they got butt fucked Being genetically predisposed to heart disease should be motivation to maintain a healthy weight and get adequate exercise not an invitation to throw in the towel. Wanted to up vote you but that would have made it 1338 Yeah, because 500 or so hired thugs represent all egypt. They said the same with Kentucky and Oregon, I'll just wait until June 7th Well it aint so unexpected now that youre the top comment, jeez #blacklivesmatter Title should read: "Tiger - the fastest java dependency injection framework by Google, Kudos to the great guys responsible for Dagger" If we can stay healthy next year.. Drug dealers. Well if the game is taking place in 2015 I'd say it's safe to say Moncrief will be on Revis Island. Wait, so does this mean the original broodwar will be completelly free with bnet matchmaking? Oh that makes it all better Their F1 engine might just be good enough for FE. That's pretty offensive, I'm taking this up with Jeff Kaplan so he can pull this Pop off shelves One of my great grandparents was in the same room when Jesse James was killed. A Five Nights of Freddies fan BUT VAELV BANNDE THAT ONE GUY WHO TOTALLY HAD HACKS ON HIS PC WTF STAEM SUXX Headline just proves that CNN is not at all biased. Patron warrior is soooo fun to watch. Thanks for your post but it has been removed for the following reason(s): - Neckbeard-related content only - The post should at least be somewhat related to neckbeard culture. Or they could cross their arms How about we just decriminalize it and leave it at that bureaucrats? Literally a rigged election you think is bad....i work in health care industry and hospitals in the North East are out right NOT hiring anyone that smokes period.....i do not even know how that is legal Kick a Mexican This is what oppression looks like. I'm glad this obvious security threat was taken care of. Was he actually on stage at that point? I didn't know you were allowed to take those offroad. Wonder if American ISP's will use this format when they sell their clients browsing history. Isn't that the statue of liberty Pshhhh, terrorists can't be white. Hey let's have sex but I'm not a creep even though this is the first message I sent to you. Triggered What about the white genocide his supporters say liberals are doing? Next article headline: Wages in KANSAS TO DROP? With that exact font, PLEASE! College: Eat, Lift, Eat, Eat, Classes, Eat, Eat, Study, Eat, Sleep, Repeat A couple hundred more, and we'll be good for the day. Looks like a watch. Goodbye Leicester title hopes! Phil Davis needs a better manager then. Obsidian Destroyer is already a card :) also the "Can't be silenced" clause is kinda clunky, i get that its to prevent broken interactions but there might be a more elegant way to do it That's one thievious raccoonus! as a west coast prayer im friendzoned for lyfe, gg Might as well ban vaccines as well while you are at it! I love Frank Gore, but I'm excited to see who steps up to fill his cleats. If the retards get their way trolling would be redefined to: * people who prove you wrong * people who expose your wrong doing or crimes * people who do not share your opinion that's quite practical Anyone born in the town of bologna can't be happy with them selves, and We shouldn't be either. It's not a bug it's a feature This actually made me laugh because of the absurdity Huge fan gnarsies, care to meet up at PAX ;)? It's hard to say how I would have reacted, but it would probably have been safer for the cammer to try to clear the intersection rather than stop in the path of the car. Was it leaked in an email? Is the room shrunk as well More evidence of an anti-conservative agenda in the IRS. The color guard is colored! Preorder cancelled, not buying this garbage careful, they might screen shot this and post it on their group Vampires. deadline day = trololololololololol day Interesting, cause would that mean that all the MMA gyms in Montreal would also be engaging in illegal activity seeing as the sports they train aren't part of the IOC? If he wants us to trust him, he should resign and get someone more competent to run the site. In other words as the great Jim Harbaugh once stated, this is nothing but "Gobble gobble turkey from jive-turkey gobblers". what a buff I don't see anything Yes, we need a Reebok of supplements. More proof that Bitcoin is involved in crime! not really, I don't think anyone can say without a doubt they miss having those guys It is the amount of teams that have been top 10 this season that have lost This will advance the peace process. Reality is an oppressive shitlord I am so happy they moved this officiating crew. When you have a beta branch to keep bugs like this out and decide to just release the update anyways. The back of the car is definitely salvageable Wow, I'll bet that gets him a lot of phone numbers. I'll shove that whistle so far down your throat every time you fart your wife thinks the kettle's boiled Now in my language "A'll shove that whistle so far doon yer throat every time ye fart yer missus thinks the kettles boiled" Source : chewin' the fat If you unlock the iDroid upgrade that adds a speaker you can use it to stop guards opening the door when you're hiding in a toilet Everyone blame Qatar! Shared, I'm sure, with the permission of the photographer. This guy needs to lose his job. It stops and you're stuck there for hours. Thank you Lou... What's NPR? As for the Free Cent-AH & Atlas-S those will be here Oct 21st. That's not demeaning at all! That gelled back hair really recedes his hairline. Thanks for takin a selfie with him or else it would've been for nothing Well, that doesn't look like the Xbox One at all! Watched a Caps highlight since we got eliminated...good times Fucking legit, tfw Kellogg's is better at fulfilling their giveaways than nvidia Ha ha ha, in your face Sony fans She'll be 48 months next week! G O A T 1m points and only diamond? Vwe must deel vwit it. I almost only get russians in my team xD so comunication is kinda hard but they normally do really really good so it compensates the lack of talk xD I thought Bellingham had some curbside pick up type program, maybe if you arrange it I guess. it needs more sparkles Among likely voters it's HRC +15 lmao Lul its funny cuz blak ppl So they can sing about Jesus and how he's the greatest being to have ever existed? tis okay once they win you can claim them as muracans seeing how you just won MLG Anaheim in such a fashion i would say its quite a bargain,in Europe we have to cheer for our own players :/ triggered Fabe E-Sports, na da hat man sich ja eine tolle Organisation gefischt. pathetic how people call some kids which download some cheats ''hackers'' Cue international embarrassment, Korean indignation, and justification from Japanese elites for painting Korea the way that they do. Unfortunately you'll have to argue against all of the other completely logical reasons we shouldn't go back to war before you reach the weak argument that you've cherry picked to make your point, and to be completely honest I don't think you have the intellectual fortitude, dumbass. Change to higher absorbers Make sure to make all of these separate apps because everyone I've heard talking about facebook messenger is that they are very happy to have two facebook apps so even more than that would be even better. You sick bastard. Actually Lunar 1+ Already bored. You are all being way too harsh on this cop, it was only 20 minutes of action. Or maybe it's just a generous rich player trying to make people happy by letting them underpay! Good thing the Celtics are in the East, I'd hate to run into any of them prematurely. Oh, so that is how you get more karma point ;-) NO YOU DONT UNDERSTAND HE WAS JUST PICKING IT UP AND PUTTING IT BACK DOWN THATS ALL Time for the Mayor and Dow to double down on sanctuary city status. Splatoon -- that is all. Yes, a parents of a non-autistic child would never complain about a school official **punching** their child. Amother suspension? Why is there and "if" in the title of this post? Because a micro USB is exclusively an Android thing Some people can't take a joke. meth, not even once Yup, those are completely sustainable values that doesn't overreach the governments involvement in people's lives while crippling the monetary influx that you would need to enforce that unnecessary intimacy. Drink olive oil or melted butter instead. Yeah it's so dumb when people fight for the ones they love Your Tax Dollars at Work An average driver in a superior car. I don't know what's worse; the baby smoking weed or that comic sans Good for you. Wow, would use as PC desktop background. I don't know about you, but I find tampons to be so much better for soaking up all the pee. Most schools don't have sex ed anymore, it's up to the parents Let's blame all of our problems on the Copts, that'll sure solve them. fucking weeb He was just treating her with dignity! Yeah, zoom in with a long range scope, then post a screenshot Yeah Episode 2 was the best of the series Lets smoke some hops, bro. What if the spell heals you? First time I've ever actually been looking forward to a lego game versus me just casually playing them. Woah spoilers! The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything there isn't 40 people in that tiny ass room . BRUH Music artists don't represent our species you fucking moron. I don't know why, and I don't care cause this video somehow put a smile on my face! Why is the elite barbs legendary not squished He's going to be a joy at Bergen-Belsen. wow....the bridge! If Donald keeps this person on staff, we can assume that this is an official position of Trump's campaign that he fully agrees with, right? Nah don't be a pussy Mark, that guy isn't even an All-Star starter he ain't shit No ahegao, -1/10 the sherif department said speed wasn't a factor so it must not have mattered So we can blame this on video games ? Better act quick, as any KDM vet knows, the game is pretty much unplayable without the *Nightmare Breast Pump*. HUEHUEHUE Looks like it's time to break up with her 4, now, see, if she'd had the proper training and firing range experience when she was 2, things like this wouldn't happen. The blur across the entire photo really sets it off! Cuz fuck pures Oh good, this means that Cheney will also come out and say the same thing in a week or so. Most Redditors. Needs a timestamp It's cool when I'm behind my phone dunno looks fine Y'all know that niggas can't read so did someone blow up Penrith? No guys you have it all wrong, the trash can is the whitehouse after What Obama did to it, and the flame is Donald trump our light through the dark... Ultimately though, the plague helped bring about the end of the feudal system, so it couldn't have been all bad. He was my first 5 star too I can sympathize I suspect this one won't be popular with OP. Good thing we've got Butler to step in and fill the hole on the top d-pairing Got my moms credit card info saved ;) NO PLZ NO NO NO NO NO Aimbot op you should get reported Nah, you're not racist if it's terrorist sand niggers you're yelling at. **BEAT THAT DRUM** Check the date fam. Valencia has had some very good games this season to be fair he just has the occasional big fuck up like against arsenal in the fa cup SICK GIF OP Will he name it Solyndra? Another long haired Kvothe... Can someone draw him with at least just unruly hair? MOD, Billy Milano's other band, was also great. Everybody read his username lol! The NFL is rigged and he's letting us all know through his insider connections, man! God told me to murder everyone but you don't see me doing that. yeah but let's see her body I want to see what happened to him **after** the lift. Weird, they said that if America backed out everyone else would and it would be America's fault. Drone strikes don't attack Americans, but filthy terrorist loving alqaedas. Oh no not enough detail kill me now. It's times like these that you wish for man-portable flamethrowers in XCOM. it's a shame that the burden of proof that chemicals are safe is not on the manufacturer but the general public... I know that's easier said than done, but stuff like this is insane. Nice mallgrab poser! Thanks OP I always wanted to see what a GP2 engine looked like Stalin was a overall good guy. holy shit that's disgusting. But everyone told me BvS was a huge failure. srsly AL-QAEDA WAS A MANUFACTURED THREAT BUT ISIS IS DEADLY REAL the best thing to defuse the situation would be to invite more migrants to germany Yeah but guys he's so lazy and a bad leader amirite? NSFW tag gets you 10x more karma, that's how. But, you told me Obamacare was bad Wow, really thought he'd stay to finish his degree Maybe it's worse than slavery; at least the slaveowners gave their slaves room and board in exchange for their servitude. This is really fucking cool It's cool, it's just a banana hammock. It annexes provinces to the largest countries This is definitely not a propaganda attempt to force Trump into switching his position on Syria and backing the peaceful, definitely not linked with Al-Qaeda 'moderate rebels' once again. Yeah because right now all soldiers are only trained in killing and blowing up stuff because we are just a bunch of blood loving apes BARREL ROLL, BARREL ROLL! It's a shame that I don't get to watch people fighting each other any more What's a homestuck. I've been having an ongoing sexual relationship with my uncle, ever since I was 13, he was 42 when it started... In my mid 20s now. Probably the Vita is selling very well outside Japan. Lol are you trolling? It's a worthy discussion to be had, but it's hardly a "discussion" it's more like a "let me lecture you on what you believe and why I hate it" Glaive from Krull SWIPER NO SWIPING Why trade one oppressive regime for another? At this point lets just give him the Golden Bow treatment Trump will definitely win the woman vote this way! Couldn't they have just removed the blades closest to the projector? Those Japanese need to fight for their Second Amendment rights! Can't wait for the ACA interview The 6.5 years that she'll end up serving is fair punishment for murdering a baby Is it called the PR company? Plastic fans zlassiter.eth Hurry up and get your fucking Columbus license you retard so you can get back on the road and start earning! Math teacher? Spitefully holding onto ridiculous grudges is the kind of quality America looks for in a President. It was God's plan. Go figure didnt ever expect that DON'T POKE HOLES IN MY THEORY Dat rock star economy. Maybe they just like the team Why do you assume it was one of us? VS also almost cut off TR right outside the warpgate during the alert Audio desync from like 2 min to 4 min this is the second time kevin deleted it to fix it. fuckin HYPE Must...... wait ........ to ..............spendcreditcardmonies they release this on par with current gen, and when they do intel will release a new gen and still be ahead Because everyone knows Wikipedia can be used as a source in research papers. Ads are totally getting more and more subtle these days Johnson clearly doesn't care about the working class or the poor You missed the important part (@01:20) I'm sorry but Morgan Freeman is one of the *good* low informations! Only three months to turn the White House into a "mosk" and the Washington Monument into a minaret. Did...did he just quote Borat to insult you? Seriously, Germany, have you learned nothing? Mass Corporate Exploitation of Society for Greedy Short Lived Profits, will be illegal. Marshawn Lynch prob getting raped repeatedly by an old man already ruined your life I've never liked this one. LOL environmentally friendly bag with bottled water inside. They'll keep raising the legal age until the age is above the age that humans are capable of living to. you can tell just how woefully under-prepared he was for this... I'm sure in his mind he was expecting the words "Religious Freedom" to be an unlimited license get away with whatever bigoted bullshit he saw fit to spew. NA PING LUL Obviously fake, article states it's a Ninja when clearly that is a VFR. funny, in that picture, Dubai isn't engulfed in flames. Yes because they have announced everything. The solution to pollution is dilution! Needs more shotguns. I have to do brake work (and more), I'd like to find who made it so I can order parts. What was that last song they played? It makes sense, most terpers are conservative middle class white males who are victimized by the world. I thought the airbags on these didn't work? Robert really fucked Zaragoza by getting booked. It's great that they do this while they drive, really makes the world feel like a safer place. Whatever happened to 'Meh Mode'? Yeah, clearly this is corroborated by hard evidence which will soon be released to the public as opposed to a shameless attempt to distract from his alleged ties to Russia. Where's that little Doughboy that was talking shit? Illogism isn't even a word is it? Modi's Gujarat lol. Those look inbred Wonder if they'll wind up sharing sections between multiple drivers like they used to do with some of the haulers? According to DR House, yes. Another success for Mott Romney and Bain Capital! Only Putin is allowed to do that. Oh, and Social Justice Warriors are totes decent human beings Let's see it. The main problem is, Trump only represents a minority of the country and that minority doesn't include Indian-Americans. Idk if anyone has mentioned it yet, but it's not pure if it's in a liquid Looks like the driver is putting up a nazi salute Yeah, you gotta really be rolling in the dough to afford a 10 year-old sports car that costs less than any new car you could possibly buy today. This whataboutism on every god damn issue needs to stop free homes for all #feeelthebuuuuurrn Well, now we know where Blofeld is hiding. Yeah I tried that, they just end up debating over who wears the grey hair best. I'm thinking you might wanna leave your discs at home but stuff 3 in your bag just in case aren't all the jew hating moslem indians up in pakistan now? I can understand taking the piss out of posters who are all "I'm sooooo shy teehee here's a 100+ pic album of me assfucking myself with full face" But that gif is exactly the kind of post someone who is actually insecure and trying to build confidence in how they look using the anonymity of reddit would post. I think we have a winner oh i'm so shocked I'm imagining your mum sending you to your room and then sitting with her arm around the cat, asking him about what made him so upset and if he felt that hissing was an appropriate response. Yeah, because right now it is far to hard for cops with bad records to get the-hired. Hey, it's not cool to make fun of sneks with eating disorders. One doesn't simply *lose* weight! Seems like a good spot for Cousins and Co. They were just scared Nope Dit krijg je als je vluchtelingen binnenlaat Damn, I sure feel safer knowing those six plants can no longer hurt anyone. ahhh i bet it will turn out great just like the community meetups! Maybe after u do a load of laundry. You probably spray painted that yourself It's clear the accident occurred because everyone is driving on the wrong side of the road! Yeah, *you're* the sick one. What quality control I find German stuff to be the same as any other car manufacturer. where can I find this magical flavor That is finally something I would buy! Japanese schools also make no mention of sexual slavery and even attempts to justify their occupation of Asia. This can't be real Just good accuracy imo 30 years stuck in LEO were so great! WHY WATCH FOOTBALL WHEN YOU CAN HEAR ABOUT DEFLATED BALLS? Give the materials settings now ^ But what about the profits? I'm gonna stain the shit out of that... I'll just starve myself because that thing is beautiful. 9gag If even one person on your team is low vs a kat, gtfo Pfft...what's your favourite insult? *Don't Nice galaxy! This guy is really good he should be on a pro team But at least he didn't have sex with another guy! Eh, that's just what a Marxist wants you to think! That one assassin on the right with the saberstaff looks like a badass. Only the best for government work! Good thing they have those super strict gun laws. Would Danny Trejo approve? She said she was hoping it was Nick, but didn't think it would be him so had said Chase from the options she was provided. Wow, a whole 30 pounds this guy must be ripped I still don't get how to super slide.. any time I try, it never works. From the title, I thought it was the fact that you like Cowgirl that made you a feminist, to which my reply is "I didn't know two of my favorite things were related" Minimalists don't need training wheels. Ugh, this band is so bad. didnt see that one coming Max actually mowing the lawn. Have you people been catching your phones when you do this? Which one is which I think so too... But that's her taste of music so we have to accept it. For anyone that likes the muted flavor without all that added sweetener, we've got the product for you! Good thing they included two decimals so that you know the score exactly. That's really too bad I can't help but notice you didn't say no, m'lady. I have no reason to doubt the veracity of this claim. Been coming for a while now. That's really bad acting. Ain't you a special little snowflake...? Pam I use 2 or 3 a day. Certainly this is her *actual* ceiling Good artists copy, great artists steal. #notmy6thplace Also scroll over the clock to travel in time You know that Reagan administration - bunch of RINOs. Palm-Tree Rusty speaks for America! Because that is what happened with Steve MccLaren. I'm sure that'll go through... Is this the kind of criminal we want running our country? ESL BET ON ENVY SO THEY RIGGED THE GAME AND BROKE DEVICES MOUSE The moment u realise, ur mm enemys wouldn't turn around if u fake-flash cause they aren't good enough.... feelsbadman If you ever wrote a longer text on MX Blues, Topres, Buckling Springs or something similar you'd know why someone would spent so much money on a keyboard. RCMP needs to show more presence in that stretch of the highway tbh. If you're close enough to the building to read the map, you probably don't need the map to find it. Batman, just another billionaire scared of illegal aliens. Maybe Skynet kept some sneaky records to frame him. *La pobreza que es alemania al lado nuestro* Get rekt Thoorin How did the career congressman get so much money on a congessman's salary? From what I gleaned through a cursory skim, by recruiters, you actually mean donors This is me on my way to the game store next Tuesday. at the same timer, matt has looked real questionable this series whereas doublelift has kinda looked like he's been 2v5 [ Doublelift + 1/2 reignover 1/2 piglet] Well that will turn out well. But then their survival story wouldn't have been as cool. You're using your roach clips incorrectly Yeah, because fuck Jagex for not wanting to be responsible if this kid actually did go out and kill people, right? Finally, some non-silly/wacky skin suggestions. I think they are going to get way more founds if they make it easy to buy their Internet domain code, just like Tokelau does. Thank you for your purchase, you can now activate your MoneyMan powerup. Looks like "competing regulators" didn't work out so well. i think some men need to remember that women are normal people yeah, being treated like a human is such a turn off for me What's not to love about being kept up for a whole week by loud banging sounds? see even in America there are still some nice places to live yea bro, that car screams humble no, of course not(?) 'Merica I'm in Idaho, and as far as I know it's a great state for owning guns. He should have just tipped his fedora, the outcome would be better. Fresh, this is a brand new thought never been seen here in AA.. Why now OC next to the title? maybe it's an ice pack? Maybe the planks, rubbed against the zombies so much that they sparked a little and burst into flames and idk... Source is the best. Damn that democracy idea making the unwashed masses think they can influence our plutocracy! Didn't we have an edit posted on his neutral pose art a month or two back that literally used these exact eyes? If anything, identity politics are a huge part of antifa. In before Albo demands Labor leadership spill just to add to the drama The Democrats and Republicans are basically the same thing. bc c/o me at my honda civic :) hahaha they are losing their customer service edge Haha you are right! You get to witness the apocalypse? Erika Moen would like that. Targets will be dark skinned folks ? 2 legendary cards f2p = unconventional Yeah but did he hide some emails? And the tropius! Ctrl Alt Down/Left/Right flips the screen, try that on a rainy day No he's too inconsistent! How did he do against Denver? You think she would give me her number? White guilt: The solution to all problems in the world Stupid long horses blocking the view! What good is a 3D gun if you live in a country without access to bullets? What a smooth line, I bet you are just the 1% it did not work on. Its a pretty literal case of false imprisonment. Yeah, just spooning up some strained carrots with one butt cheek hanging out, as one does. My 980 K|NGP|Ns are better than everyone else's because RGB Where is the Yakety Sax? Totally fucked up that blunt bro These news make me nervous, when will Neymar Jr sign a new contract? Better to be hated than disregarded. Must be Alabama fans Sometimes, I wonder why I bought a PS4 feh, I bet he doesn't get a lot of his news via the internet OP save yourself and abandon stupidity. Again, in case you forgot that Bayern was good. Well this will lead to great things. Yeah, that'll show him. Interesting that God decided to show up as his Jesus Christ persona, instead of his trendier Noah Bradley persona. damn fine police work detective, damn fine! This is one of the more stupid things I have read The retard vote is secure! Let's work on guaranteeing the rights it already asserts, and *then* worry about "improving" it! School drop-off lines are cancer. The US legal system hasn't had any real relation to "justice" in decades. I dunno total war empire is pretty good. Haw hai! I'll sneak a flask of good whisky into the game. It will work this time guys! Without new content to look forward to unlocking along the way (not including the great joys of higher stat challenges) the leveling is going to be fun... oh and the great suprise of the Yoda event that people stopped farming for because they didn't announce it coming back thats good as well. She has short hair so she is TEH EVIL FEMINAZI. I noticed that too, it seemed the electronic signal at the hairpin exit was shlwing blue flags constantly despite there being no backmarkers in sight. ... and all the boys to the yard. On the bright side, if you have nothing to eat, you could make dandelion salad. I think "no problem at all" was a polite response to "Sorry if I'm the 3,486th person to ask you this", rather than a response to whether there are problems with the signing of Hornacek's contract. Well that explains why it was such a great movie! It's almost like playing the objective efficiently wins games. Nah bro hes just checking out Phelps sick glutes And I thought that job sucked already Which one? So what are you going to do once you have all of the americas? Well....hell. Teachers are officially now the scapegoat for bad patenting. fuck emily, smh Global warming and pollution is a Chinese hoax, why do you think people haven't talked about acid rain in decades? One hand washes the other. ARE coke works too diet coke I think the entire country deserves less respect for voting in that dickface What, that seems about right, Intel are terrible and overpriced: they are the apple of CPUs. The rest of the country is overpaying, so they should be overpaying too! jokes on you I cant use blender for shit Checkmate, winos! RIP USA IS RUINED But... that doesn't mean the jobs exist though. Way past that trust me it only gets worse as you get older I need to call the CRA about mine.... Guys, look the only reason I'm not a billionaire now is because back in 1998 someone stole my codez. with dupes? lower quality please $7250 audio cables ARE unequivocally better than any regularly, inexpensive audio cable -if you are trying to spend someone's studio into bankruptcy. you must be feeling pretty sore dude, that burn was intense Politicians and the people who back them often are clueless and or cruel. What a time to be alive. My friend did that Niet elk verband is oorzakelijk. why didn't he just shoot the gun out of his hand so he doesnt get hurt? Projecting a very bright light and making the ground slippery is very safe for everyone who's not the bus. Eww,playstore UI. pfft, c'mon, everybody knows men are worthless and inherently expendable. Can't you just pound it out? Does 3D vertical mean that they'll be much thicker than usual? Is he asking for an invitation? dont be gay white is right how's he supposed to see himself idiots NOICE Let's lose our minds and go...crazy crazy? rekt meh! What's Ryan's hooter gaming? Nope nobody has let the devs know this whatsoever Did you try to roast marshmallows with your build? This.... IS ART! nuclear shill Jesus Christ you bros are amazing In my case, I've worked 14 years building a good career, and all it took was one trip to family court to render me broke for at least the next 13 years. But think of all the effort that turning it into a GIF took. After all, there is a war on Christianity going on. As mad as some you still may be, this is a metric fucktonne of fixes and development in a very short span tenang saja ini masalah kecil ga ganggu siapa-siapa. The thing you have to understand about global warming is that it's just Jesus giving the world a hug. Were they holding hands? Go! Poor moderate rebels :( I would love to know that my vote doesn't change the outcome at all in this case. Ugh the comments section of this article is disgusting. Ahhh... College. What great way to thank our military veterans! So who's gonna ride his nose tonight? Gender is as binary as Tatooine's suns. Hey it's a warm knife through butter not knife through warm butter I checked my trade offers but it doesn't seem to send me the skins.. She looks like a meme Wow.. They even emulated the flakyness of the Windows Phone UI. I don't understand how anybody can support Clinton still. Yes they are called Merchandisers No way... this was clearly justified! I recommend being a Westballz fan, it's crazy Only while they're alive, apparently Widen the tax base - replace some of income tax with a land value tax (perhaps beefed up council tax). Well its a good thing I wasn't in the middle of a 55 minute game with an equal kill score or anything. Thank god they went with DirectX instead of cross-platform API, I was starting to worry that Mac/Linux versions might be actually good now. I think I have the same glasses as you :D cool keyboard though ^^ Clearly he's the one taking the photo! Less of the tabloid titles please Well he certainly looks the part. so much majority appeasement dblade dex tinc fire armor crown checking in She's got that cute flirty thing down. all he had to do was follow their orders and he would have been fine We'll see you back in two weeks. to cut the recording That 18lb warhead has a huge punch! That jet fuel melts steel beams It's cool though, Rousey would totally win vs Mayweather, she just wasn't trying The one true religion is obviously my religion! Lol, "This will stop trump" This is fucking hilarious You mean the San Diego Chargers all time great Johnny Unitas? Hmm, it's almost like she has some sort of agenda...Nah! memes Because the US would never do that to its own citizens. I'd imagine on launch all servers will be flooded Is it just me or is he trying to mimic Modi Clearly we need more guns to solve this problem. cheating lol TIL killing ISIS is a waste of taxpayer money the title alone honestly all of my what You choose to limit yourself Kyrie was absolutely killer in that last quarter. Taken Down OMG CHEMDOTS! 10/10 hottest thing i've ever seen I was more excited for the one second I thought this said 'robot chicken' :/ 10 extra weeks to stay home and rot those teeth from yellow to brown Love this app, I think it is important that genii like me can photosynthesis ! They will get a time limited super exclusive of 5% off on all the DLCs in one bundle as a compensation! Oh noo, those poor people, I'm sure that they were forced to do it by economic hardship and they're just feeding their families. I thought we were getting free healthcare! I feel America getting greater already, aren't you excited everyone? Now he needs to come back for a Wolvie/Deadpool.. which would just be enormously crazy. Siivagunners comment section: Then and now when? Obviously curry I'd only do something if Clarkson is part of the deal. probably thats why you dont announce a bombshell before it happens Looks like wax to me But Israel is the worst! Thats weird, Trump always struck me as a bottom HUH LAIR EE US greninja mains are scum Black people can't be RACIST! Funtime Chica (hinted by Chica's Party World) Springtrap (duh) The Shadow animatronics and an explanation for them Fredbear Some good old fashion bar saloon doors How long do you think it'll be until they require the whole gun to be neon pobrecito el solo estaba "cubriendo el evento", esa derecha si jode Cmon OP I need a banana to properly estimate its size Hey, all the furloughed NSA folks are probably applying for jobs right now. What a surprise! Hey a fellow njian France and Russia each did a wonderful thing: got rid of their aristocrats. There is no limit to stupid is there? REEEEEEEEEE What a wasted opportunity... They have a perfectly good volcano that nobody is using. Does this rag smell like chloroform to you? Nothing fascist here, nope. You have got to be fucking kidding me. It's jet fuel that won't melt steel beams in all the terrorists attacks he's preventing. That's what Steve Miller would have done. All black rappers are lil wayne or kanye anyway GoT Spoiler: Jon is [~~Hodor~~ Wylis and Lyanna's bastard] 4chans /pol/ board likes her a lot for that reason Well they have a quota to meet. Can't say I'll miss the corporate media to be honest, it's about time they were silenced. nooooooooo really? Very disappointed in someone I thought would be the last Republican to say such a thing. Pretty cool they are wearing the same colors, makes this a lot easier to watch. im pretty sure the next one will involve you being your own father Too bad imgur is counter hacking the hacker organizations 4chan and 8chan. thanks jerry This is hacking just like guessing my abuela's email password and looking at her messages is hacking. Why add this when you can just program it yourself? Look's like we're going back to the past. Waiting for someone to go into the code and find the limiting, debilitating piece of shit code they put in just like for Watch Dogs and replace it. I'm sure this will have no effect on US tourism Yes because religion has NEVER saved people on the brink of suicide or anything. If you want a Wes Anderson look, maybe Century Gothic? It's April Fool's Day guys. More often than not, they are the sweetest and most genuine people. How is this any of our business? One of the previous updates probably updated Windows' counting system, I mean broke it. I acted before I had too long time to think. Yeah just drop your bank there's a lot of open space at edgeville w5 for items to be dropped Sociopathic cunts. Was expecting a picture of reynad. Quick, someone accuse them of rape or plant drugs on them! That's hot. No upside down throws he shouldn't win Man, right in the feels Yeah... this needed its own thread The games women play when they're interested in me. The trumpies are being triggered by this one. For those who think that democracy comes wrapped in elections, a morality tale. I'm a mother and have done my research The liberals went too far! Wow you must be soooo deprived and malnourished! STOP DICKPOSTING Gee, why bother with the lawsuits and patent abuse instead of just adding some chips to the cartridges that make them self destruct once expired? So its going to be another early SNSD ripoff? I almost got tired of winning.... But I said screw it and banged them all! They've gotta make money somehow Clearly there's a gentleman's agreement between Hansen and Cheika not to pursue citations for eye-gouges in order to field their strongest sides and keep Pumas out of the competition. This is funny? What if Cat Grant is an older Sara, and the signature on the photo is a clue Last time I was in SF I saw a take down like this in person. noticed that the call that appeared wasn't wild 2/10, didn't lol I wonder why Reddit is always whaling on the innocent policemen. Well, they're obviously captured Ukrainian armoured vehicles and men. I think about 850 NO WAY C9 will make any changes, rosters are entirely about player skill and not internal synergy and relationships Was ist jetzt daran schlimmer als Kommunionsunterricht bei einem katholischen Priester? Its so nice to see the DC swamp has finally been drained... Told you Obama was a woman! Oh... its CNN guys, nothing to see here. It is not possible for me to give less of a fuck. he's just really good Kappa # #Dali-Nazi They'd be so spooky. Said the under 1500 link karma *expert* Well I guess it's open season on cunts who feel the need to murder people themselves instead of using the systems that are already in place. Yup I think we have the next Etho he's a terrible individual that should be impeached Is there any other country in history that has seen itself as having so many enemies as Israel does? They wil take alpha muslim over cow matas son anyday ;) almost all of the highlights r passes, no offensive highlights to show Nice OC Middle aged white males confuse loss of privilege with persecution. I live right next to that Dunkin, I feel for anyone working in the service industry in Lauderhill (trust me, I've work/lived around here my whole life) the people out here can be animals sometimes but this is the far from the worst I have seen. I wanted to stay calm, eat my burrito and check the numbers again online This is proof that no one can resist a delicious burrito. Looks like the Rawst Berry is going to go extinct I could see this at a Chicago Area Art Museum, being always powered on, with the caption "Broken Dolphin in Broken Glass: Submitted by OP" Stand by for the protest at UC Irvine. I bet there is a "Bookseller smuggling street" in HK, where mainland tourists take HK booksellers out of frozen packages, and stuff them into suitcases, and smuggle them into mainland. So brave: always executing their captives with their hands tied, tethered to one another, or trapped in a cage. Wow, very relevant and totally cyberpunk! I was sure Delladova would get strong consideration Then who will we have to teach language arts? It's not her fault, she was probably harassed by security services. No scooters at skate park. take the fucking wheel everyone else. Stats are important, WhoScored ratings are not. I'm sure their parents raised them right and they'll get punished at home Lol, Ancoms want to dismantle the main tenets of the capitalist mode of production so we are gonna call them reactionaries cause they don't support wage-labor, division of labor and highly centralized party apparatuses. TIL The Aztecs were Native Americans. Such an original title! This man is a genius. What? What the actual fuck? It will be held at the same time as the Denial LAN What a self centered arrogant ass. Nah dude it's chill consistent music I look forward to the crayon drawn picture of Obama suspended from the ceiling planting bugs in Trump Tower. This invention will be bought or squashed by the auto and oil cartel and never see the light of day. Fuckin Resposts Yes, they will extend the program for Judoka to the rest of the Olympic sports He looks young! Limbaugh suggests he is somehow still relevant. Hey it's a classic logo, but you can't deny it's incredibly racist. Liquid wins NA CS EleGiggle *Hint, it's also good for teeth. The diamond in the rough :) Oh yeah, I totally trust people like this to fairly judge my kids in campus sexual assault cases. ALLEGEDLY Nope, nobody ever checks the HTML, its such an advanced concept to learn This explains so much all those times we lag it's no actually lag it's just a mcdonalds commercial butting in It doesn't seem fair for the Warriors to get to play 9-on-5 like that shame you didn't build it yourself but specs? The best map of Central/Eastern Europe and parts of Asia that I've ever seen Apparently, you've seen _a lot_. What if the brother beat up his girlfriend for the same reason? Hahahahah Oh god, a Monte tweet glorifying Korea, wtf? The Pikes Peak Hillclimb course. Im pretty excited for the season to start Thats pretty cool, I thought it was already there to be honest. It's actually platinum in brazil LOS VATOS LOCOS ESSE 3.2.1 If this happens, the 9 or so games Harvin is healthy enough to play in will be fun to watch! leave you alone, unless you aren't white or a dirty commie float the datacenter on water Let me bust out this gold Xbox 1 i got for 10k so we can play games at 4k at your mansion. Of the two, who has more credibility? Paying tribute to fidel castro, hell yeah! Seems legit. WOW HOW WEIRD NONE OF US HAVE EVER DONE THAT BEFORE Maybe he'll actually play better since he got a new hairstyle. This list seems very very random exactly what was your methodology? But don't you know that calling other side "the enemy you are most proud off" is the best way to get something done in bipartisan way? Silly kidnappers, don't they know Obama doesn't pay ransom... TIL that you can get to the front page by putting a sponge in front of your cat * TORCS * OpenTTD * Minetest the more I see it, the more I like it. I'd totally do it for that fat payout! If Hillary doesn't need internet security, why should you? I'm sure this will have no effect on their policies. A wall to keep out the illegals Why should I trust an outlet that has vetted only 100% proven facts? It's from Brietbart, a subsidized arm of the right wing. Battleship or Submarine... they won't know the difference. Why don't you stop all this fucking vaping shit and smoke a joint like a real fucking man, cocksucka Yet Packers fans think they hate them lol Si tu ne vote pas, tu vote FN. I don't think anyone noticed but I am pretty sure that bow is upside down. I'm pretty sure he just talked himself off. Don't worry guys they don't wanna ban suppressors, they wanna ban the things that make the gunshots silent! But she's a girl and a PoC and a special snowflake. A lot of use of the anti-vehicle sniper rounds in the video too, which is nice to finally see :) Have a little respect, Morty nearly got Squanched in that toilet! I know when I'm feeling flirty, saying 'some nice breasts you have there' is a real panty dropper. Terrible to see Woodley suffering this terrible racism such as "you are a great athlete" truly this man is the next nelson mandela That's not a fact, that's a fiction. He went full Kubica. Ecks deeeee you guis this is what progress and social equality look like! Did they use small caliber guns in the drive by? Do they have car washes in Russia? Palestinian Salad Winning hearts and minds with humor! How is it confirmed? I am especially grossed out by the Gluon Guns handles, they're so unrealistic WE NEED RANDALL BACK! Duh, easy, you just need to have a lot of minions so he have less chances to hit you. Not yours. What a constructive comment. being able to control the ball, creating necessary space, and getting a good looking shot off is all part of ball handling. I would run with this operator lol that one is great Oh man, why can't DayZ look like this? I couldn't care less* He puts on his sunglasses to get a good look without anyone knowing. Is that why it was called "minority report"? OH COME ON MY BIRTHDAY IS TOMORROW! But the bigger issue is Trump team member ________ meet with scary Russian guy ________. Obviously we should probably let the government take over car insurance You should try your costume out around town :D Anybody else not able to get into an online game with anyone else on Xbox one? what, they're just defending their american rights to shoot whatever the hell they want LOL but come on we all love that for the first 10-15 minutes of the game mid lane becomes a 3v3 joust. / #fake #neverhappened #hoax #area51 May I have the honor of being your Burger King? I'm curious to see this for other players like Kobe or Lebron. Please change hanzo you're not doing anything CNN has certainly outdone itself. I loved the chromatic street lamp. Not many people born on February 30th or 31st. Ever heard of using punctuation? I'm guessing that planning to move over there from the UK isn't really such a good idea anymore then? If only people used OneDrive. will it still be silicon valley then This should help the plight of the Palestinian Don't you just adore 1X1 red bricks For real, it's probably the most consistently good MacFarlane show. but but it'll turn into a taco! Literally gamebreaking! Another example of selective equality. omg they look all the same Hipster taxiwalli? No Cloutier? Is it ok? I guess Daniel is the homophobic twin Because usually progressives *hate* getting things done. Rida Antar. Yeah... Trying to run over a police officer with a vehicle while fleeing a roadblock and then attempting to draw a firearm on those officers is really peaceful. Psh, that kind of attitude will never buy you a Rolls Royce I can't help but I keep reading first word as "kurwa" I can't believe su ripped off undertale! Tell her I love her Well that was unexpected I mean *Dark Magician*? Great, we know video evidence helped bring charges against the cop(s) who killed Eric Garner with suffocation. My news told me she was the most qualified ever and that Donald Trump is orange, thats how I know it isn't fake. BFG only means one thing in my mind, Rip and Tear... Now my wrister will be even more deadly! Look at the design of these cycle tracks and how the streets were designed not only to provide a safe channel for bikes but also to improve traffic flow the vehicle throughput. Shoutout to that cat in the back minding its own business while acknowledging damn well that the friend fucked up. Savita Barbie Go to the Israel-Palestine border and you'll see plenty. The voting options in the poll at the end of that article are super unbiased and diverse Now that there is your sign that races shouldn't mix! LOL yeah I'm sure they'll be successful! What can go wrong? But have you seen it to say it stinks? Chemtrails The kids streaming out of the mock tunnel gave me circus flashbacks of the clown car. The 550ti was a hell of a card for the price. In the end, tyrosine hydroxylase acts as an enzyme which results in dopamine, epinephrine and norepinephrine production. The script is real :p Did it fall from a mountain? Oh yeah true nascar legends right there WELL, Whedon did that just for that hilarious Coulson line about helping design Cap's new outfit, so it's clearly a genious signature that they should do time and again. Dang.. that's really too bad if the guy can deface a website Dig Trap. Kevin Smith ruined Prince for me, just kidding, Prince's awesome. I can hear and found it very disquieting. Reminds me of Rose's game saving block on Rondo. ITS A FREAKING NOODLE This is my kinda guy Not creepy at all. Anything from Maklemore Isn't this what killed Steve jobs? Seems fair I would be pretty depressed, too, if I was being forced to attend mandatory "you're a violent rapist" lectures and knowing that I can have my entire life ruined after perfectly consensual sex. 2meta4me Well that's a fantastic reason to deny yourself a great experience. Except the last 6 games I remember this guy... I was really excited for this fangame. God damn it I was so happy to have him out of the division Poetry. Sorry u can't see Co-op would be fun. She's a woman, therefore she is always a victim of something somehow. Blame the cops, or blame the voters? Of all the major cities I have spent time in around the world, NYPD were among my favorite big city cops for many reasons (in the past, not these days). bulking up to fight cyborg obviously There has to be something else to the post otherwise it's just a Corsair ad. Our Lord and Savior Tom Brady. pretty sure this person is messing with them and that they're pretty dense and self-righteous God he's so funny The guy looks like Anderson... :'( Wow, who saw this one coming? Sounds like a cuckold. # We can't prove intent here Pretty much everything Mel Gibson's said that wasn't in a movie has been shitty. or 114 dollars on steam market So educational it ties video games/ movies in together It's funny you think anything besides C level celeberty endorsements of Bernie are allowed to be posted here. Probably hates their credit system Damn all that thouhtfullness! North Carolina seems to have its priorities right Do we know if it will be on Channel 4 the next Friday (26th)? Better spend an incredible amount of money to fix this racial injustice All these trumplets getting mad about this yet don't give two shits about Republicans and ALEC. Nice, try, it On Youtube every player is good. You stole this from DA user TheComicalLemon. Fuck off What a hero. Biden is just a sore loser. However the Antiques Roadshow goes from strength to strength... new stuff just keeps getting older! Yet another remarkable, thoughtful human being struck down by a piece of garbage Lets make OPs dream come true and upvote me instead You can always count on Republicans to shaft the troops. Must not be making enough sales of the $60 base game (not including the special editions), the season passes or individual DLC purchases, or the money they've already made for CoD points before making guns a part of the black market. Nope never heard of breasts before But I thought that all gun owners are just bloodthirsty wannabe operators looking for someone to shoot This reminds me of My Family and Other Animals by Gerald Durrell :) It's Christmas Morning in Edmonton, and they just broke the toy that they had been *ever-so-good* for and waited oh-so-patiently for Santa to deliver... :( I do the same to "I don't even" Do you vape now brah? The lack of responses in this submission warms my heart No, it's just you. He got gastric bypass surgery, the easy way out. But hey, we got a new Escape menu now, which is cool. Ooh, tell me more about the things I'm missing out on! That explains a lot! Clearly the Browns offense is better than the Colts First time I've ever seen this You sure fucked those two guys up, your skill levels are off the charts. Oh my god, I am so sorry you had to deal with that OP. Marlins The memes are too dank. Hey, thats pretty good. Bend Broadband charges $10/gig overage Come on Francis, thought the church was turning a new leaf i love the people that think its easy to transfer 20 maps into a new game Point 1- Quite possible Point 2- Inevitable Point 3- Cloud9 and Liquid will make it. Why hasn't he resigned? I know, like vaccinations right? I'm sure this is completely fair, and to be upset by it is to embody racism somehow. Stocks up on clothing, weapons, torches, cauldrons, etc. didn't see that coming wat Hurry up and die piece of shit. I hope they track him down and take him alive. (buys stock in Phillyswirl) Ball goes outta frame, obviously fake. Nobody knows how commas, work Yeah, but would he play for the whites or the blacks? kese b ho fr ap us ka badla b begnah logo se kiyo lete Finally Spongebob is coming to Smash 4. Sounds smart Good. In case it isnt clear, this is all 6/10 not enough blackface I'd be the guy that hits the ball on my backswing right into my friends face. Well what was he doing driving on the wrong side of the road! removed, good job mods losers Sad that other companies haven't done this earlier. A medieval solution to a non-existent problem. What does keeper of keys mean? That's some nice tiny cleavage right there I'm sure she totally didn't understand what she was standing next to. Nope, nothing but male privilege here. I don't see the problem here, it's clearly an Evo V The gift that keeps on giving. Well if you can tell it's Starbucks the camera is fine -Apple I'm sure he's a great teammate to have when it *is* competitive though Manu No we don't, it goes into escrow. Thanks for pointing out the only text on the image, I really had trouble finding it When does Comey testify on Russia? If that's your dog happy I'd hate to see him angry. yeah because facts, reason and evidence expire! Because *thinking different* is *always* a sign of a great company that makes great things. Sara' mica uno di quei posti dove devi avere meno di trent'anni, laureato, master, ma almeno dieci anni di esperienza per 1200 euro mensili? But guys, Jesus founded America I just wanted to be part of something :( All mythology, but Jesus, he's real! What are they doing? Its summer so everybody needs VACation. You know you have too much hair when you go in for half a head of highlights and they charge you for a full head. I used to think R2D2 was a real historical figure. Which restaurant is this? Probably just a right-wing extremist. The flavor text in the original card is perfect for this picture. I don't want to be reminded of the good times. That 4chan guy obviously screwed everyone up again. Fake! I don't know guys, I think ESPN's rankings are far superior I bet all my money his horn is fake and he's just a regular horse Breaking News Nestle opens a plant in Charleston, SC. But don't you dare criticise their culture you racist pigs! Son :"so it can hear you just anywhere" Father :"Well anyone can hear you anyway" ::::::::::::::::: It seems like father is well aware of NSA I don't understand what the problem here is. BBRRRRRRTTT whether you like him or not, at least he's honest I mean... he's right to try and link them. se, it doenst matter! I find it amusing that I didn't even realize there was a book for most of the responses in this thread! People who are tuning in to the weather channel probably believe (subconsciously) that climate change isn't a hoax. repost? ...these people are crazy. It should have been Duke Williams, but he is apparently a fucking idiot. we should throw a really big temper tantrum and throw at there head ... warm-up lap Can anyone explain to me how the confusion with the clock/play right before half-time works? ...not that they're worshiping idols or anything. Oh this is fucking perfect. But I thought France was racist and antisemitc what the FUCK also .ADS :D Well duh oh yeah, but have you seen her thumb tho. Is this like that image of "guess the ladyboy" and they all turned out to be transgendered? dude please i dont want to lose dont be a bitch lol I'm really surprised this wasn't always the case. What's the point of doing something if you can't show other people how cool you are for doing it? Wow, that sure will learn him! them gross universities of Alberta By your logic the Nice victims should be ought slaughtering Muslims to avenge their family members. I think they need a grass pokemon first. cancer typically doesn't kill you before you can reproduce Destiny This is why I don't like playing against parties as a solo player (I like playing on my own) but whenever I mention it, I get downvoted. So Canadians can come to the eclipse but Mexicans can't? That high dmg team comp with 3 infernal drakes definitely scripted Amen! The face of a man who has TRULY been changed by life on the inside. Seeing as how this is the first piece of salmon I've ever cooked in my 12 years as a chef, it was so over cooked it was like saw dust. Omg that thug Rinaldo has 4 fighting majors this season.. What a goon Si, ce te motiveaza sa aplici pentru acest job? LEBRON CULDNT DO DIS LMFAO, shut up you drama queen. It looked like chocolate Look at those right wing gamergators threatening a woman with rape. Kio kicked after eleague cumfirmed Kappa Yup Kawhis overrated D I wonder how hot it gets. Yea and that Canadians are making 80 cents to every Dollar compared to Americans! But torpedoes are the evil menace that should get nerfed into oblivion You can't get protein eating a vegan diet, bro Or he prefers jail to dealing with his 5 kids who the fuck is "frelly" OBAMA IS LOWERING GAS PRICES TO BUY VOTES FOR THE MIDTERMS Those masks don't seem to protect the back of the head at all. Well if you're not being paid $15 an hour how can you be expected to come to work for any other wage! Wheeler needs to run for fucking president. Apartheid! wow theres like NO jpeg on this image! Good job SK axemen aren't totally OP or it wouldn't have been that close of a game If it makes me retarded for enjoying No Man's Sky, then you can call me Retard Mc Spaky Pants. God forbid someone in this country start a small business without the consent of the almighty FDA. I'm not entirely sure why, but this dog reminds me of Daisy Ridley Damn John Assanti never disappoints Thats clearly fuze bro Good thing they fired the person in charge Bush Lots of dark green stats on that card, LPx2 is great CARx2 is okay - top end card in a 4-3 but can't topple Outsiders Brandon Williams as a NT in a 3-4 Obviously the fault of Corbyn and/or Momentum. [Looks like someone didn't pick Option C] Napier is too small to play PF *Michelle cackles* Dont be silly he doesent need to speak one of those commie languages he is a MURICAN. Looks much like Na-To Great, I thought the water was a bit chilly here. If you think this is something, wait till I tell you about the EMAILS. Why is this even 26s long We'll play in a bowl game without Cam Newton. This should be a movie. **#BLACKLIESMATTER** No, nerd culture is whatever Big Bang Theory says it is. Harbaugh The quote above it probably is though. And back to wet noodle Can someone explain this reference to me? Trade him he sucks! Pushing him down a set of stairs would be a good way of disabling him Bulls: We want Roberson Thunder: Eh, we want to resign him this summer.... Bulls: Okay, that's fine! this looks like a child made this, and not a very talented one at that. will this finally be what stumps the trump? Oh yes mr creep I'd love to Yeah, total spoilers, I mean who would have guessed Batman might use Kryptonite to fight Superman? Need banana On the west coast they measure that 2-4 foot Doesn't have the word "gaming" in it, so it's not a gaming motherboard You sure this wasn't Brazil? This is what happens when you masturbate too much Yeah but did you unload it first? If you took the probability of Neil Patrick Harris having sex with Honey Boo Boo's mom, and divide that by the number of atoms in the universe, you still have more fucks than I give about college basketball. Obrez is even harder because of the choke, iron sights, and low accuracy. Holy shit there are a lot of console war trolls here today. That's what he gets for buying a foreign car and driving on foreign roads Meh, the game has much better graphics. Black Ranger: "I Matter" Yeah this movie is totally going to stay true to its roots Sanders still has a chance at winning, guys! Party hain ki baap ka jaaydaad? That's *advanced* FB Angle. Proposing with a $20 donation, how cheap Did you actually limit the fps in game or did you just half the frame rate of the 60 fps video afterwards? Well that's a shocker! A great way to support your argument is by calling someone else a slur 1/10 no 7* Paris or Tilith This is just validating the crazies against gay marriage This is so democratic! A live hand grenade would be nice. Sorry you feel that way :( This will surely be a spectacular success Typical stuck up bitch. Every culture has their douche bags But when you gain weight your bones get bigger and stronger from carrying the extra weight, everyone knows that Homiefe, weak3n, adapting, Not a race, damn it, an ethnicity. Oh look, a completely unbiased and informative title that shows what is being linked! Lorena Hickok had her back. Judging from the pic, he's definitely got an NBA ready body. Sure when was E4E or an eye for an eye a Isis slogan? Should just call it the iPhone 7- Government is failing it's citizens by not enforcing laws. Doesn't matter where they are, who they are, or who their parents - one thing is for sure: Kids will be kids, and they're awesome for it! I suggest you buckle up. But dead republicans do. Hopefully he starts with 4.0. A filthy feminist? Good. The words 'Check out' make me want to strangle somebody. Enjoy your prison term! Isn't that one of them wad cutters? That's what you get for buying non-Bandai 200% accuracy. omg 5 hours without a post to upvote Just put a wind turbine on top. I bet they wished they had sued for more. We live in a world where people do talk about both, but Romo never missed significant time with his back so we talk about Bradford more.....kinda common sense. Thanks a lot asshole! Just throw it in the dishwasher and start over :facepalm: No blue corner = unusable I'm waiting for the invisible hand of the free market to clean up this mess. I didn't think it was possible, but I'm pretty sure I just lost 50 IQ points for having read that article. Good to hear that Texas has stopped all crime, and is down to harrassing kids It looks cool, but what does the S stand for? way to go, eh! I think they're all pretty clean, they all take showers before the game I assume. Where can I find the picture in the thumbnail? How did this happen? Damnit EA, screw you for trying to maintain your game, go to hell! Yeah that should have gone with something more reputable like the weekly standard or the washington times No guns for NJ plebs though, because the cops will always arrive in time to save the day! *Faction Will there be rouges too? I hope to god the Amerks can actually be good sometime I am sure they will handle it as "proficiently" as they've handled all the shit going on from Libya to Yemen to Iraq. I'd be black so I can go hang out with the criminals and play basketball all day. NHL 17 gonna update Skinners checking stats now. If I wasn't a self-respecting woman, I would totally go for it. It's so difficult being isolated 10x worse than a batflip. The Wizards can have him for Wall and Beal. So, it looks like pretty much any IBM laptop through 2007. PIZZAGATE RRREEEEEEEEEE Not sure why you would bake a perfectly good coaster anyway I think it's right to call it Dillon Francis & Skrillex Flip now At least they learned something in public school. Yes, it's a conspiracy to oppress you and your like minded cousins. We should say sorry to the wealth creators of Australia, to the Hank Reardens, Dagny Taggarts and John Galts. Maybe you can open it from the other side? This is fucking horrible. Paid the bills and treated her good never cheated on her then I woke up one day and she was gone I'm pretty sure there's far more to the story but we'll just notch it down as FEMALES amirite? Always use the oven Nice speed hacks look at how dysfunctional we've been this offseason Nah, you're thinking of a penis model. What a lovely family -lil B So is Kirito the internet white knight I've always heard about? I wonder which party? Noticed there's some Star Trek Enterprise names you could do (Malcolm Reed, Johnathan Archer) I think the point here is to get Giancarlo a chance at 50 home runs on only half a season. What is this "Cosplay" you speak of? His girlfriend is really lucky. Parts List: * FX-8350 * CF XFX RX480 8GB * 16GB DDR3 PC1333 * Corsair Carbide Spec-Alpha Case * Corsair H100i v2 Cooler * 225GB Crucial SSD * 525GB Crucial SSD * 3TB HGST 7200k HDD * 800W Coolmaster PSU But I just posted this lol B-b-but how do devs lose money if piracy isn't *stealing*? TIL that liberalism, especially neoliberalism doesn't create the conditions for a reactionary like Trump, but education! wow sounds like they were having sooooo much fun. how insightful Too bad it wasn't at a Christian Church, for **maximum** **controversy** Yeah, no. These are all very basic...I just don't have time to explain the answers right now. That's clearly Bane. The Democratic Establishment is connected to the 249 Democratic members of congress too. Thank you so much for having something in the picture to show size reference. Hey look a new suggestion I hope she is using plenty of Armor All on those tires so they shine! She can't be racist, she's black! So fucking typical. This whole pushing nice guys too far thing reminds of small children getting pissed and wanting to run away. Is he the guy that got the green jacket after Spieth lost it? I dunno, my mom's pretty awesome, even on Facebook. It's a good thing map drops are so good, we can afford to lose them PLEASE Yes, this was posted before about how he was a complete dipshit for not knowing they were Sikhs. If you're not doing anything wrong you have nothing to hide. That escalated so quickly The ... how do we know there is only one of them? It's Fox and Friends... those morons barely have the combined intelligence of a amoeba. No link? I'm still trying to understand why Marijuana is illegal in the first place. the power to win does that mean they 'get it' now? kabibili palang ng kotse nya, inabandon kaagad at tiyak iimpound to ng mga police.. sayang naman hahaha I think you've got the wrong definition or "Longest" Maybe last century... The lava is obviously just getting progressively more dense. After all segregation has never caused any kind of problems at all. One day they are gonna rise... And we're gonna be totally fucked He's 15 you sick fucks The people killed in the red wedding including the wolf. Their moms never made them turn it down, man. But does he have shirtless pics? You should probably end your sentences with a punctuation mark. Yes. STAINED BY HIRD I have a $15 ticket from 2007? Too bad there's no room on the couch next to his fat, comfortable ass. Because destroying one of the 7 wonders of the world is super easy. She's exercising, fuck her right? Im sort of glad Infinite Warfare is still doing well - its actually quite a good game and having it in the first position kind of disproves all the shit people give it Iran is a modern country and this is nothing more than infidel slander. Hey, Tillman Hall! Dick in the booty squad Republicans still won't work with Bernie Get em daddy I'm sorry to hear that your father is unemployed. And now we can start demanding him to churn out all the content he missed while hospitalized. There's simply not enough room for dat ass in such a small tent. That's probably how large it is before the team staff tailors it. Typical support just weighing down the team I've known their answers while reading questions already. How can Donald Trump be trusted to create jobs? Jokes on you, my search history is already ruined This just *has* to be a lie, **EVERYONE** knows you can't compete with free! I think we win. Shocking. It's about time the maps shown behind TV announcers showed how the West Bank has been carved up instead of the borders of when, 1967? Correction... stop doing it when your kit doesn't have enough damage to kill him before the heal goes off Definitely don't do that Not talking about it worked for HIV / AIDS! That genocide by famine was so good. Because prosecuting them and locking them up would make it harder for liberals to claim the current system is failing. Downvote City Population: Heat Fans apparently Russia obviously Good lord. Some concern "No sh!t" said literally everyone in the world with any foreign policy knowledge She said she wanted to impose a no-fly zone on Syria, how do you not see how that would result in a war like it did in Libya? So Kerry is accused of doing his job? Thank you based Semmler for dropping more vague info. And when I say dogs are stupid, no one believes me. muh biotroofs WE HAVE TO BAN KNIVES! Pathetic. Well he wont be ulting anymore from now on either way, feelsbadman Could've been worse without him I wasn't bullied, I was just too sensitive and unable to handle adveristy. I like how Bartkowski indicated he was open but subsequently ignored. Jesus, I hope this isn't another Elliott Rodger. Crai.... ? Nice little wine opener for Canadian Girl dolls Kar diya. [*o*] I think I'm in love. unbelievable how you managed to kill a otherwise good video with that music, wp. Vitesse got them self another midfielder. Kinda wondering what a date between Brun and Elliot would look like. does it mention asians? Are there any Flat Earthers out there that can better explain this phenomenon? Name ONE time that has EVER happened... What was the name of that site i forgot that site exists lol guess it's time to segregate buses now too Yeah, cause that certainly won't leave any resentment on his part A squirt O WD-40 and she'll be good as new You can't spell Russia without USA. Gotta lever my SUNE somehow right WE REMEBERED HOW TO OFFENSE Not to worry, Napolitano welcomes the input and will proceed with exploring forming a committee or hiring consultants. Almost broke one of my legs each day for the past 10 years I bet those were Rotas! Jesus ten terabytes. Some nice OC Nah just scoop it back into a pan and start forming it to desired shape as it cools. This is great for the ocean. What it will do is fix global warming but the government doesn't want us to know that. We are close enough to 2m likes Just a bit but at first glance, I wouldn't notice. When multiple panels of experts can watch over 100 slow mo replays and not find a single fault, you have to say, something doesn't add up. That looks a lot like a Model M Viking sperm conquers Britain could have worked for a title as well. This explains why SoE took 5 days to complete and took us a while to reach the DE boss Why would you reupload and post this? Your relationship seems to be running on just steam.. I can't tell if that's sarcastic because there's no I wanna see her naked, she probably has one of those flat tummies I like Do you need a fishing license to do that? It's about time that someone made an enterprisey web framework. Fatspreading is SO much better than manspreading, obvi Can't wait till it's 10% off during the winter steam sale. I don't get it... I checked their website and they say that they want to encourage eating lesser known fish species.. How will this help anything? How dare the state fulfill their legal obligation regardless of Penn State and the publics feelings. For free throws, would it make sense for rondo to throw underhand since it could improve his average I've been telling people for years that cows are fucking dicks but nobody ever believes me When did they add the welsh civ? I really love the face cam feature. You'll have to wait until Star Wars Episode VIII: Return of the Power Converters Wow cant wait Already been posted, search bar exists btw Uh, how would the anti-capitalist left and the capitalist right find common ground on the central issue of private property/ownership? because obviously Black people don't use locker rooms literally no one, glad to see they are spending time selling overpriced hoodies rather than fixing their broken game Eh, if he revealed himself to be a Russian cyborg. Well, better vote for Labor, then! Obama may be remembered fondly as the first minority president, especially as demographics change and the minority becomes the majority, but putting him among the greats is a little bit of a far stretch. that one with your name on it looks fugly Where does China get its oil from? Translation: "I can't be bothered to find a way to interest you in having a conversation with me, so you do it for me despite the fact that I'm the one who has taken an interest in you and not the other way around!" but i thought bale was better than neymar None of the dlc is coming to last gen Stop bullying him that map tho Yeah right, we all know it's impossible to make anything of yourself through hard work once you become poor. Impossible...people on this sub from Sweden and Germany are telling me there is no problem at all. * 12 year old posts stuff a 12 year old finds funny * Autistic adults mock them on Reddit Which is the true cringe? Let's have a crash program to build experimental thorium/breeder nuclear reactors by 10+ years from now instead though (every discussion I see where it's finally acknowledged that we need to do something about climate change). but bosh is gay The sad fact of the matter is that we need male allies to actively engage with MRAs because they pay more attention to what men say than what women say by default, and he says as much. They meant to shoot him but left him in the shower too long, soo... accident. 40+ hour work days.... man, that sounds exhausting i cannot wait for tonights game And now, for something totally different. something something free lottery ticket nice try OP but your scope was blurred so your accuracy wasn't reset. No, you're the first one to do it. The science is clear about sugar, but it does not advocate a specific policy like this tax. Ah yes, let's look at the highest paid ones because that's representative of most CEOs I think it's pretty funny that they say they're "drawn to Fremont based on its artist community" It must be that guy, because he has tattoos, and everyone knows people with tattoos are delinquents Similar comment: Can't you just wear the device as a necklace or something? attack damage carry carry what a fucking noob Holy shit black people and Latinos go to movies I am sure there is a reasonable explanation. This guy isent too savy, He was on CNN and apparently doesent understand how social media works yet he was head of Cia. Destroying nice, fragile alpine ecosystems with 8 in tall, 100 year old trees is my favorite part of this hobby. But the Russians! I really want to see how you would rock those in a fit. Damn, she took "fascists are stupid, throw rocks at them" literally. [](/poker"Take out the hard drive and make a few pass over it with a strong magnet.") Good thing he didn't have that fender on. A handful of dry what? Maybe she's talking about all the sign language. Eh, as a PC gamer I am grateful to have a game like this when GTA 5 still hasn't been announced for the PC. Obviously the solution to that is to give the government our guns. Hate the americans! This might just be me, but I don't think she looks anything like Han Hey Matt, why don't you go play the Namor video game OH WAIT NAMOR IS SO LAME HE DOESN'T GET HIS OWN GAME. Where's a guy make friends these days if not cumming on Skype? Looked like a good idea at the time. I'm sure the Canadian dollar will increase in value immediately. What a strange conclusion to make Warcraft We want them to adapt and be involved in our community..... Just not by being who they are or bringing anything to the table Workplace violence. i have but its easy im not attractive This is exactly what Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D should have been Nose isn't big enough 3/10 IGN. This guy clearly knows a lot about evolution. I could imagine you now in a solid gold bathtub filled with nothing but 20 quid notes Every man is a rapist but I don't know one guy that would ignore a curfew law! Is this a real thing? I thought the guy in the background had a traffic cone up his ass. Even if it was viable, the Coles management is stacked out with former UK retail executives & manangers from Tesco & Safeway, so it could just be jobs for the boys back home. Why? Where is this from? 35% of the reviews are 3 stars or less for a product that solves a problem that no fully functional human being has i mean really, if you are so absent-minded or thoughtless in how you work that not having a pencil is a frequent problem that vexes you, than i'm guessing the same issues will manifest itself with this shitbox pencil tape measure I'm really broken up about this. meirl Unfortunately, this kind of statement scares people in a capitalist society, instead of elating them. What sort of idiot company doesn't tell its programmers to put in logical traps to catch, for example: * Price changes of more than 20% * Price changes which are lower than the wholesale price without an approved discount code * Sudden increased volume of sales alerts They deserve this because they were stupid. Source Filmmaker Yeah well, I'm sure once he became president he became aware of some new information and so this all makes sense. WELL OBVIOUSLY GUN CRIME WILL SKY ROCKET AND THE CITY WILL FURTHER FALL INTO THE SHIT HOLE. Oh boy, more details on the Valentine's Day event I see Gumi No but this time its on our terms Ugh I wish That's actually a common misconception. You did this just to show of your new paid content skin didn't you? After Time's 'worst of 2013', this is the second in a row where I am pretty sure these critics have no idea what they are talking about. I love Nicole's vlogs so I'm pumped Oddly appropriate closing, seeing as that ended any joy I might be able to feel in the immediate future. Wow, what a great idea. You can admit it OP, you clicked it. not too edgy How do you guys feel about investing in silver or gold? DURANT'S SHOULD BE A CUPCAKE well damn looks like Chicago loses to Minnesota in something for once. THEY ARE NOT PAID MODS I have the same one. Because you don't have text-to-speech properly set up. *But they deserve it for not working hard* The capitalists have a shite retort for everything. Making a porno***** so do communist How dare you use P3d as an entertainment product! Did you guys know that Edelman was a college quarterback? Oh look removed, looks like we didn't need a new mega thread after all There is a misspelling: "gaurded" is supposed to be spelt as "guarded." Yeah, that'll teach her! This isn't accurate at all the Middle East isn't blown to bits Didn't this happen just a few weeks ago? You shut your whore mouth Probably Favre, since he started in the 70s and currently plays under the disguise we know as Kirk Cousins. That must be great for business. duh, that's canada's job Adieu rebecca's so photogenic and good at her job it makes me legit angry Except that the Nazi party was in no way socialist, and in every way fascist. I'd like to point out that UHD Blu-ray discs require different hardware to read, meaning there is no simple update that can magically make them work in the PS4 Pro unless it already contains the correct hardware... which would make it rather strange when Sony has specifically stated it will not play UHD discs. at least it gave the charges back 'bisexual' / 'bisexuality' is also blocked on YouTube (which is owned by Google, of course) Get hate symbols out of this sub Yeah, we here on the frozen edge don't have a developed economy. Good job France, Le Pen and Fillon selling out your country to Russia. Headcanon: Rebecca Sugar exists in the SU Universe and created Crying Breakfast Friends. I wonder how Cuba is dealing with that surge of illegal immigrants? After living through 8 years of the most transparent government we've ever had, nothing surprises me anymore. I wonder what kind of bias the author has. what a great time to put a bunch of new technology on the ice! Looks more like The Reaper from Year Two. Predrill the corners for relief and carry on however you're usually doing them. Just got of the phone with Rodgers, comeback is on INGS coming on to pew pew see both parties are just the same TIL Wentz is older than Brandon Weeden Guiz have u found the girl, I still can't find her. In NHL 13 he would've been a 30 goal scorer by now *Sigh*......penis So I guess Trump is correct. Once again TB shows that he's the true face of the industry. Why is it mirrored? Sometimes this sub be like: I'm global, you're fucking shit and gay stop having fun!, git gud you fucking n00b they don't call me the n00bpwnr fo' nothin! And i spilled tea all over mine just yesterday :'( next year GTX 970 IS STILL THE BEST CARD BUY IT NOTHING ELSE IS WORTH Right, because all vaginas look like they do in porn. Why are March 8ths highlights just being posted now? Android Nut Brittle has such a ring to it. Die cis scum. Damn now i can only picture a new dawn nautilus with 40% cdr, making earthquakes by just walking around. JacexNissa confirmed! Still not as good as that Akpom freestyle clip... I thought they were talking about Al Gore. great, another new thing that is destroying CS Might be time for a serious defection to the Libertarian Party, Alaska. That's a complete misconception, GG is totally left wing! I would love to see what the northern limit really looks like when globally projected; given the flat circle, I would presume that Minnesota may be able to be hit. Meow loudly. Well this is just Comcastic! I'm sure they actually meant 6950k! Wow, just wow. this just sets of all my psycho alarms, jesus. Syntax error. Taking the Super Bowl loss a little hard there. You gotta know that your cat is planning on knocking all that shit down when you turn your back. Anyone else up for round 2 of agent Orange? Couldn't they have just CGIed all the troops in instead? Political correctness is ruinning this country seems legit Furniture Row? I wasn't really scared of bolt action .22 rifles, until someone sawed one off! Looks like Redditors are finally deciding to act. Well I imagine there'll be another 700,000 resignations by next Wednesday so things might balance out That's the exact type of thing that neoliberals would say. No street lights and such, low effort post Shocking! Feminist Fact: If a girl is sensually cradling the back of a man's head while gently thrusting her pelvic region in his face while he is performing oral sex on her IT IS CLEARLY RAPE! Apparently losing a grandma makes some dudes lose all sense of dignity and restraint. Those were some bad asses beating the shit out of that dude on the ground. This would fit perfectly on a smart watch! The ones that survive that is. Injury prone Can any western European nation rely on its armed forces? But then how will I let people know that the new Ghostbusters is a masterpiece that the world deserves? No. Just another example of the most transparent politician in history. They do, but the point was that it's not socially acceptable to do that, but when it's the other way around, it's fine. I'm just shocked that a rival service to iTunes with no support is failing **HILARIOUS** I love overreactions on this sub the day of/after a loss Can we make a betting thread for how long this lasts.....I'm calling 5 races, tops. Soon they'll be on Spinnin'! TOTALLY not racist. I think Conor is under TMZ skin or is it the other way around? Bout fucking time! as a trans person, fuck off, this person is a fucking dumb piece of shit I guess I'll go vote for Trump now Wonder if he ever does this shit in practice, since it's a natural motion and all. I wouldn't exactly say it's free if you have to walk 1000km to get it... We've had bonuses added for other medals before, why not this one? You got the Hamels 2009 WS one and not the Hamels 2008 WS one? lol, he won't get big using the smith machine It knows no bounds. Ah, government is wonderful isn't it? Isn't he that Iran/Contra guy? There's a dating imbarance? I think it was meant to be on the door Scott, you had one job I believe there's an issue with your math. Found the Ricky They seem to have absorbed her knees as well. no dumbass, its a fucking sphere And the One Child policy has resulted in a similar imbalance in China. Further proof that Hollywood is controlled by Muslims. Fuck off you immigrant original poster Reported for boosting Fetus User isn't wrong, we will all die eventually. The bad news, you broke a club, the good news, you don't have to play golf anymore hollywood? This never happens But upgrading is so hard, and you have to do it all the time! I still love the guy ITT Redditors who got bullied as kids. No need to go around acting like there's a stick up ur ass m8 Another unbiased, reputable source. You mean those Redditors that gave Bernie the nomination? NIGGA WE MADE IT 1/10 not enough leg Also Kindreds marking of a target. Someone, quick, send some freedom and democracy to this poor country! Permaban. Goddamn pinko commie! Pfft, it's only nostalgia, I bet in a months time half of them won't even be playing anymore. I think it's pathetic how people need to have fun in order to enjoy life. Christ, how the fuck do you kill this guy? Journalism really has gone downhill, I feel like they're not even trying Be a guy and have eyes in a public place. Digital India FTW! i wonder what draymond would have to say about this She sexually assaulted you People need to stop jumping to conclusions that trades will happen because of this, it's clearly a BBQ the Leafs are throwing the rest of the league. Great another mobile endless runner, I am so excited I have no words........ Approval Ratings I like the part where the mouse pointer overtook, the true olympian. What's the name of your son? To me it's less impressive because he's in a wheelchair. I came here to see a driver eating a Sandwich! It's kind of irrelevant if they aren't going to be in any position of power to implement it. I'm sure she is a happy and lovely person. Damn sheeple Those screens have to be filthy. Koeman as our next manager confirmed C'mon y'all, they were just peacefully advocating the genocide and subjugation of all "lesser-races," have you ever took the time to consider their argument? You mean the prosperity of unregulated capitalism dyed the waters red, white and blue for 'Merica! AO SHIN CONFIRMED? Picking your nose That black cop on his right looks like Morgan Freeman. Needs pointy ears. Both original and refreshing. Looks like we found our new left winger. This looks like they were having a great time. Oh ok! Totally gonna get 3 and do RAID 5! Low Energy doesnt look like Kiedis, trash it That headline was a roller coaster from start to finish Where'd you get that big gameboy? Just a bit of strategic re-positioning, of course. We just beat Chelsea at home, how come our name isn't in bold? Holy shit... now Monty Python isn't the most hilarious shit on the plant... nice. That's how you jab tho, you snap your elbow and strike with your pointer knuckle and the side of your thumb If it's still there I'll take it. Woah now Antonio, put this in the bold predictions section. I...I... I have no words Hey OP there's this cool site called Facebook where you can post this stuff for people who actually give a shit. So Apple successfully patented stripes I see. First Muslim ever to deport himself. YAY more middle management! Wow, the oppression sure has hit her hard! We could use our aircraft carriers as battering rams against all the other aircraft carriers in the world and still have left over carriers to fuck everyone's shit up. Fire Benning because they always seem to malfunction whenever someone is resisting causing the footage to be lost. Hey, not all computer geeks yay, here's to competitive integrity! Never ever have I seen so many fake sellers than on the trading post. The big ole fatty could stand to lose a couple. Hmm, this has Piqued my interest. Great work censoring the names Pobrecitos los bancos. SHY Isn't she a Christian? Hillary Clinton also gave up a life of comfort to be slandered, humiliated, and ridiculed so she could save the American people. What a surprise Red cabbage juice, mmm! In other news Holland has improved significantly! How could they show that thing and not give us footage of it being used D; I really like Trump's position on the "PPP." Stephen Hill was so dominant he managed to get the most points in a game he wasn't even playing in! Yeah, Reddit certainly never circlejerks over their hatred of fat people We need Pogba, Griezmann, Pedro and Witsel to be competitive again RINO! 64 Gb of RAM? knowing carlos boozer, that may have been intentional Yeah, I'm sure Google will make it possible for me. bullying the table because theres no1 left 2 bully But Nevada was Bernie's death blow! GODDAMMIT BARB Cancer. Wait, are you alleging that the MPAA is evil? Disco stew Wow I am shocked. Porter Robinson - Worlds Part 2 confirmed Damn, and here I thought there was a problem with one of the AAA batteries at the White House. It kinda sucks companies have to pander to a country/government that oppresses people, is the world's number 1 polluter and generally should be viewed as awful only because they have a shit-ton of people with money to spend. Well, maybe if they didn't design their food to be addicting as many illegal drugs, people wouldn't use the same methods addicts use. Anyone had any results using this to learn a new language? No fair, he cheated for the bridging and used strips of wood, not proper supports! But they're brown! So are the clear versions all sold out or will more be released? If they're going off of donations to upgrade he'll be in a 125 with sump setup soon enough. is this shit real WTF Tis Nederland, kutweer is het hier toch wel. I don't think my home town is keeping up with the trend. Or it was just AHT's unoriginal enemies. Christmas! Why would I ever order anything other than a frappuccino? New York @ Dallas, didn't see that coming Huh, airplanes drop shit that kills people all the time Whoa.. those weren't firefighters, they were govt plants to support the plane narrative. this jewel surely reduce number of viable build, GGG please stop making game less fun Fuck. I very much like to start my day with coffee and a bit of good news. He probably paid for the car #***F O R E H E A D*** Lmao that eye roll Why not put the full thing on it I will lose every single shred of respect for the U.S. Holy stats boner And technically nobody would be a pedo for marrying Nowi since she's 1000 years old, even though she still looks and acts like a 10 year old. But then we couldn't post his videos, why would we do that? How would she put makeup on? Definitely Scientology. UCS First Order Star Destroyer confirmed I feel sorry for them, after this vote no Scot will ever win a slagging match with the English ever again. Didn't everyone know that donating to help a member of law enforcement is totally racist? I hope it's full of impossible achievement unlocks like the first one Sad! Well, let's just be thankful we've been spending billions bombing people overseas in the Oil Wars instead of taking care of our people and infrastructure.... Spammers are trembling in fear But wasn't drug prohibition the answer to drug use in the US? Don't worry, this post will blow up. There is a good documentary about this conflict titled "This is England". This is MAGA_Flocka_Flame 's wife He just had a seizure The authorities have been notified Hurr durr, only cyclists run red lights. He must've read the article Boy that protest vote/nonvote is really paying off for us "true progressives". They're expendable. Because it's icky. Wonder if Schmidhuber referenced all the papers in the last two years that proposed this This is creepy as fuck So this was accomplished by a computer right? But... But not he wasn't on any of the all NBA teams. It's not if there was no relevant legal proceeding at the time it was destroyed. But don't you REALIZE that castrating ALL MEN is the FINAL solution to all problems? It just gets better and better! All this expanded mass - surveillance is protecting us. i remember seeing this live back then xD South Park is more correct than what I taught on my mission. You sure you didn't accidentally rotate the barn upside down? Oh great, cure the cancer, but give them autism! Equal Opportunity means they will NOT ask your ethnicity, thus not being able to discriminate based upon what you answered. At least it wasn't burnt down and the Earth salted. Nickle and Dimes Last I checked, US government officials don't Chinese cartoons What about the people who move next a popular bar and then complain when it applies to extend its license to all-night drinking and wants to extend into the building next door? When I successfully embalmed her for the first time. Bro; you can't trust anyone who trims their facial hair like that LOL Wow, I did not expect Florida to be ranked this week. didn't know my psychologist had a reddit account The problem I have is that the President is like a lot of my Republican friends and family that think that Lincoln wasn't a progressive and was a conservative like the modern day Republicans. Those three unrevealed amiibos, damn I wish I could figure out what those were And no cellphone can photograph me! Those Chinese are taking all of our layoffs. hahahhahaa omfg i'm ded Oh please all African countries are full of starving kids glad they finally nerfed scylla LMAO What is the point of 22 life sentences? No sourcing brah No disrespect to the teams who made good banners, this is all in fun. It fucks up Welker's YPC, but he should still give you reasonable returns. yay more arena shooters on pc I think it's supposed to look like Baymax, not the whole of Big Hero 6 Nice airtard gat does it come in men's? Yeah, the guy who didn't work as hard as the other sure can cry harder! Atlantic, not Atlanta. Is this Shuusou Gyoku? I will be sure to avoid this area because of this "name change" The internalized misogyny is strong with this one. Because you definitely want your dog to deliver a gun to somebody when he runs up to bite them. 4:20 PM The more I's in their "hi" the creepier they get (TIL) Mass wasting event, slope failure, maybe you could call it a landslide; but, it definitely isn't a sink hole. Well they are farther south than us, so that would make us colder? go post this on their version of reddit because your open letter isn't relevant to anyone here Kay Adams can have my babies. Clearly a man who needs to be brought to heel. I didn't vote for the guy, I did my part. The clip-art of a police officer striking someone with a baton on the ground with the caption "You are 8 times more likely to be killed by a police officer than by a terrorist" absolutely screams that this is a completely unbiased source. like a dog that can't stop drinking out of the toilet BESERK DOOD Guess Gumi's gonna start selling cigarettes now At least his teeth look a few shades whiter. Only if you give me the coins first I will tell you You cheeky bastard! Brought down Osama Bin Laden pics or it didn't happen. - Reeking of cyanide - Hair filled with grease and flecks of gold - Constantly covered in quartz dust - Poor hearing from working near a stamp mill - Cornish accent The hacker 4chan So many triggered cretins haha. black-market: look up chicago gangs... it's *educational* Once Bernie fixes income inequality things like this won't happen. What's her name then Let's switch to 352 so pepe vara ne and sr4 can pay lol The rickroll. You might be taking straw man pills. what, you don't like the idea of quickselling for 0 coins? HE DID HWATT JUSTIN BIEBER LOL Too bad finland doesnt exist or this would be hilarious. All this girl really needed was to be "desensitized" to people openly carrying guns. Woah, Lucic hit someone Haven't seen it in a while, although it happened to me today. Breaking News: Idaho law enforcement agent is dumb. If she was fat, 'GET YOUR FEET OFF MY CHAIR' If she WASN'T fat, 'Well I kinda have a foot fetish so... you're OK.' The spoiler tag is wrong I have only taken one shit in the last 18hrs, somebody write an article about pooping at work. RED is the king of goof mountain yea the market is soooo reliable... screw government interventions It could have been 17 Like does he conceal a dagger in the normal coat he wears? Trump, obviously. Game of Thrones has been awesome through all seasons so far. Greedy oil workers should be happy with $8.25/hr instead of pushing for those silly wages they wanted, now the machines take my order just as good...oh wait, this isn't about McDonald's cashiers, what's going on here? I've seen squirrels eat everything they can find in a bird nest. Boop Redditors...shower me with your tens or even hundreds of dollars, and I will become your Batman....I will become the hero you deserve. Yah, that's what they are doing. I'm a hipster Richard Sherman fan, I liked him before he was cool! Invasions get you 700 gear, or you can play BG and get the 720 from the vendor in warspear. Well this should disqualify her now to be president. Only for ICS, only for Jelly Bean, etc... I'm glad Google is leading the way and showing devs how they should always try to include as many Android users as possible with their OS version requirements. Classic belvedere towers I for one support an all out ban on nail guns. How about you stop being reasonable when we talk about sports and stuff. Jeremy Cash should have been a 2nd rounder a gateway to hell Russell Westbrook playing table tennis would be the best thing ever. Also Beheadings in Hazel Park recently too. He is the son of god. That'll teach 'em not to pick up arms and fight against the State! again the real criminals just make more money Those guys who said MH17 was hijacked by Al-Qaeda and filled with anthrax aren't looking so dumb anymore! new discussion of same old evidence from instagram, actually. Not on the same team. Lol dude calm down. Of course, we know humans are incapable of change or reacting to changing conditions. Lol, so losing upto 50 percent of his black money , paying off his workers upto 30 percent to convert, continuous headache since day 1 ... I'd call it a demobilization win . They would've picked someone else. Uncle Larry is gonna become the Bridgette of McJuggerNuggets Welcome to America. get off reddit, delete your account What a productive use of transition time! Now why would these Jews like this Racist anti-Semite? Bug seems like a weird word choice here, isn't that just for software? Well in OP's defense it does say to repost it right on the image Arguments Confirmed that Arin doesn't have fun on Game Grumps. Wow OCE i am so shocked Black bow for both Love the top comment If Reddit goes bankrupt then we expect the same thing for Digg 48 hours later. Kanye is going to LOVE this Caster Connection. Plot twist: This is just viral marketing for Kathleen's eBay. America Yeah thats really what America wants. *its I win! Brits First I wonder what the reaction would've been if the inventor had been good looking. photo? He is not Pakistani! **Kete is currently a managing director of the Rockefeller Foundation Great a Commie as the head of the FBI... just another signal that our country is headed in the wrong direction Do the same math with latinos/Hispanic people. Where are the muscles? I know the game won't break new ground or anything like that but I find it impressive that it's being released four months from its announcement date. He was just polishing his negative roles, that he might do later. He'll be pretty good at finding mushrooms! Looks like it's Gatt and Saeid for a defensive mid and LB Classy. So Xbox scorpio works with Vive confirmed? Should have been Kenny omega vs Nakamura since Kenny called him out in that promo love how 3 ppl die and teemo knows he is the next but wants this baron so badly. Shouldn't it really be an ad for the Canadian CIA? Probably because there was one Hinder fan who downvoted it first then the Hivemind saw a 0 and went into Full Downvote Mode. Even Amazon are surprised people brought their crap on Prime Day. Thank you for your service o7 Look at all that anti-semitism! Yeah, but Obama got wet, which makes him a loser! Hey guys, he was on CNN once and has 10% in the polls in which he is included... He's going to win, remember? Dr Kendo FTW How are they still alive after removing the brain? This will make it easier for poor people to get out and vote. Sorry if someone already said this, but does this mean the Packers get to add another QB to the roster? Don't forget to wipe your battery stats! Invokes Aika from Skies of Arcadia, I like it! Cinematic as fuck :) Beautiful. so clutch he even made a comeback performance to win this award over stafford Hillary - He could have been my son! WTF, I love bigotry now! Anyone we don't like should recuse themselves so we can actually implicate them! now he is an absolute monster Was incident an accident? They can't give you a bad rating if they're bad. for you wtf this subreddit has really gone downhill This is like saying you got mother fucking PTSD from playing call of duty That there are only 2 genders. Wouldn't it be nice if gas prices came down. Boy that would have been extra epic if you distracted him and he crashed... Peekaboom right! maybe because they didn't start two world wars So what you're saying is that the kid I babysit with a nut allergy should just play in the dirt more to rid her of this allergy? You need to watercool your RAM dude, otherwise...whats the point! Lumpy next? Meta-nuns? Was the biker wearing a helmet Great, now the clams are out for blood *Fedora Tipping Intensifies* Also, I'm hoping that pearl necklace comment wasn't a euphemism. maybe next time he'll do her nails and give her a foot massage. It appears she does know about Star Wars. It's actually not bad Who cares? Let that sink in! But...they are driving a jeep Top kekz tho He couldn't ask her to have an abortion so he just abandon her. Clearly, some people don't have a sense of humor. Clintons are some of the most trustworthy people I've ever heard about. When you're having a rough day and all seems to be going wrong, just remember you still have your face. free beer was better than free speech in this case if not you would have a 20 page gpl license. He just has more experience than you Haha de Randamie is going to KO her bruv. So does 90% of the black Tumblr community. I dunno, they're included for free with a phone, doesn't that imply top quality? Actually, the brimstone snaps in two This is such a great idea, Really brings everyone together It's not possible to get a top 5 pick while in the playoffs right? if you look at the screenshot posted above, it already supports the new client Wow this is really cool I'll take one lord chanka pls. Look at Mr.Fat Cat here showering once a day Posts like this are actually more annoying than "nerf this" posts. that commercial was kinda meh...until Cool Brees hits the mic. when I first read this, I was like: "why would Scorsese making The Aviator stop Nolan from making a movie about The Breakfast Club guy?" Wow that spy is such a tryhard Rob Gronkowski and anyone saying otherwise is kidding themselves. Those dlrtv chealing whones! /thread Boy, I sure look forward to the day that wealth trickles down to me, my family, and my friends! Hmmmm....I certainly did not see this coming. BASED God runs Debian. So no fixes on the fact you have to complete the level twice to get the challenges to show up? Probably not the most unbiased source for this kind of news. Aaaaand here comes the circlejerk. Donald Trump/ETHANBRADBERRY 2016 I don't think the Packers will be that rushed to get rid of him. Patty beat Tony in their matchup, should we start Mills over Parker? Love it. Scarlet Rose She isn't dead yet, but Sue Johanson would be amusing. Because the race of the defendant matters I mean, right? The g in lasagna isn't actually silent it's just pronounced in the Italian way. Yeah, before this happened, I totally thought I was immortal and immune to all disease. Although we're last in so many things, at least Alabama continues to lead the way in being pro-discrimination. Because every girl wishes for a doormat that doesn't have an opinion of his own Quality PSA, thank you. I'm so proud to live in Nottingham 1mil or 500k prize pool ? Wow I just can't believe it UHC confirmed! Please list benefits/consequences of Britain leaving EU, and the impact it will have on US politics and economy. heat got robbed confirmed Aw, guess the new podcast series you've been on about won't be happening then. She also thinks she was a wonderful CEO, go ahead and try finding anybody that was under her who agrees. Forget Saibamen, they would get destroyed by Yamcha! It's like they've never heard of SQL Server, Exchange and a half dozen other market dominating server products MS makes. The form is telling men clearly are superior! TIL My SO and I are DILDOs! I think the Lion Cat Eizard Lord should be our next dark troop! I guess he meant a few of their members are peadophiles. See what happens when you do spinning shit. Anyone else instantly hear Toto? Lying for Christ makes everything all right. Yeah, our nation is still reeling from all those cops that Trayvon Martin and Jordan Davis tried to kill. But Truex is still an asshole amirite? God will save them I'm sure this can only positively affect Europe's dying economy. Found the democrat What if you want a job and clean water? Oh yeah I hate how awkward it is when somebody buys condoms Tried to go for the easier points Oh man, just imagine if the cages were leather yeah, we all know that they are actually both far worse than each other. A few years after they realized they could print it on one piece of paper and fold it in half and call it a manual. She should've had a sharp coke nail painted silver. The initials of the person are VP and he speaks with a Russian accent. Why... They were doing just fine working together... They should just rename it: "The Koch Brothers House of Representatives". Shocking, that this would be downvoted, on here. Wow, they figured that out all by themselves? Oh I love it, sometimes i dont see it the first time, or the second time, but that third and fourth time really helps to get my attention Lets not forget though, its really white males that are the worst! And hacked for the cape Idk about yall but I'm excited to watch a game between UM and MSU Thank you saudi arabia. Huelo a traicion. yea neurological disorders in animals are sooo funny. I bless* the rains Seeing my cat's asshole 12 times a day Because those are the only 5 games that will be shown during the MS press conference. SAO video game from Japan... I believe this is called Dark Souls 2. I'm sure when he gets out he'll be a model citizen. This guy's takes are hot. Saw the machine gun and immediately thought of the Dustbowl scene on Meet the Heavy. It's okay, he had his no-clip mod installed. Isnt it easier to just not miss to begin with? When Notch joined, I think I said something about 'Now they just need C418 and Jeb' You know what needs to be done now. Just what everyone has been asking for - 2 more levels of Valor! you shouldn't post pictures of minors If only he would stop being racist towards that poor black woman... World map. Woo, more SEGA strategy games! Why would you take trash like this with you? No Screenshots? it seems it logs people off every now and again My eyes hurt from this shitty quality. or they have to hire the tamil fellow who was looking after him in the first place[which must be so confusing and such a lot of paperwork.] Yay, super bright colors! I...I can't be the only one thinking of Bruce Almighty right now, right? This is Reddit silly you can't be conservative All glory to the kapow! Well, the pothole maybe partially to blame for the accident but the stupid biker should have used caution instead of acting like an entitled little shithead doing whatever he wants. I could just watch people's reaction to this all day. But that 16 year old was trying to turn his life around and planned on going to college Zip ties fix everything! Every comment is written like he thinks he's smarter than everyone he talks to. The best part was seeing the uav activated while a cuav was up lol Its a leftist conspiracy, the leftist shadow guberment controls the narrative and polling companies, its a rigged system! We'd have built a seawall and made the British pay for it. Look how "curvy" she was. I can't wait til the price for tickets goes down thanks to this more efficient way of producing planes! As we can all see here, A-list voice actors are more or less the devil. I like how the hair is above the hat Bringing a second bus, I assume. That trailer was the definition of restraint Ma "disgraced" possiamo tradurlo come "disgraziato", almeno in questo caso? Ve invanted? Aaaaaand the stage is banned now. She looks fucking senile to boldly misander where no woman has misandered before Everything but the gun and the HUD look great. Everywhere. Damn man you were so sick i used like 20 contempts on a steel ring and didnt even see a single life roll..T_T Constantly point out how I look like no one. That's... a good idea! I hate you yeah, *you're* the "divo" eatdatpussy445 you need better timing and awareness It all makes since now meganium was so strong it just a permenant mega of course Teams will be investigating alternative power sources... like jet engines. These loser generals just can't keep up with the god emperor's 387.45D Jumanji. The Greatest Story Ever Told by INK so everyone thinks the song is narrating a crime that I committed and got away with nah spongebob x fnaf is way more better Zaza for Monroe straight up who says no? I wonder if the beer prices will be insane Yeah, who can stand 74 months of steady job growth? Why is the parking fee capped at $3? Whaddya mean what if. These anti-nationals deserve to die You have to be on the SKT team and win a match at Worlds for them Yet somehow, this means that men feel entitled to attention from women, while women never feel entitled to anything. I wish they didn't feel the need to keep Arkham in the title anymore. Ironic memes FTW Cuz politics always makes such awesome art. Nude mod, nude mod never changes. By fixing her computer. This guy knows his yi. I'm going to give this a shot, seeing as how it's the last major release for the Wii U until the Zelda swan song. Lord-General rebalance? I think NBC would have covered this if it were really true. Its scales can shed and fly out of the water The person who posted this seems offended. Wow, didn't realize it was this easy to win a siege battle as Greece! Because robots don't need a participation trophy I see some serious business opportunities selling dumb christians pixels. Guessing Lizard squad or similar are ddos'ing, because that's a hilarious thing to do at Xmas.... The finest pt cruiser in all of the land Thats my setup too. Duh, everyone knows that if you pay more for something that it is better. Some parents and members of a religious cult have refused to allow their children vaccinated Shocker. At least I still have the Flames That is the worst space saver ever! That is one lucky guy. Yep, because violating international treaties and the integrity of pretty much all your neighbors is good ol' boy behavior. It's not funny if it's not someone we know. That's not his blood! le enlightened r'dditor xDDDD love reading the opinions of lol players who weren't around when they even played Stop killing yourself. I sure love living in this state Your helicopter needs a better camera In interests of unity, Sephardim should stop eating _kitnios_. Wasteful government spending I tried stroking myself ;) Now you fucking tell me. If only crossbows were registered This is an outright stolen election, if common sense and decency factor in at all. I have nothing against Nathanias but i just find Avilo stream more entertaining, as simple as that. I'm from moco, its starkly liberal. BY OUR FREEDOM! Nah dude they type all the code with their controllers on console dev kits THAT'S THE BAD HABITS THAT HAPPEN WHEN YOU PLAY WITH HARDEN!!! my favorite quote from american horror story Feels like incorrect statistics: that's like saying 1 person is living in 1.6m by 1.6m square. Don't drink Diet Coke in front of them if you're looking to get laid. But that person is saying right in his name he is not hacking Bewear of gypsies duh Not possible because murica diverse. Wonderful! For a moment I thought I went to a wrong subreddit since I play both osrs and league lol your logic is amazing. Well at least the people who advocate dumpster diving should be happy, no food is wasted mass narcissistic child-clone orgy...? Heres hoping the mods ban them. Punchline in the title This is a horrible violation of this man's religious freedom! Vote Quimby You misspelled Greenman Ugh, so much immersion ruining. Too hot Word is that Rusev's return is getting pushed back and he'll be buried once he returns because Lana has nuclear heat backstage for revealing this. I never liked this effect in games. How frustrating it must be to be the President and not be able to even enjoy a quiet game of golf without some big mouth somewhere making a big deal out of it. Clearly Chip Kelly only drafted black players so he wouldn't look racist. wow looks balanced its ok, they never update android versions so if you want to upgrade you have to buy a new device, best patching ever Dog has a cooler life than me damn that explains why we settled for the bundesliga player of year Hey those prison shows are top notch. Well then it should be alright for the black community to hate all white people because of slavery and it's alright to hate all todays germans for WW2 Wait, you mean Ted Cruze is just a lazy, opportunistic asshole that would sooner jump to wild conclusions than admit that there are more terrorists than just brown people? I hate shit like this cause you know damn well they think they are good at the game That's awesome, never seen that before! This is pretty much liberals_irl They could always CGI it. sucks that you can't afford both Q_Q my poor 5820k, reduced to minimum requirements. How does this still happen in a multi million dollar game thats been around for 4 years? In the Aeroplane Over the Sea by Neutral Milk Hotel. Three hours later, the L2 trigger broke. I think you're getting downvoted more for a badly worded question than anything. Yeah cause everyone who went to college is automatically awesome! I don't see why they can't just put Manners Mall back to how it used to be. Lazy government employees! You're funny, the NBA doesn't even have a rule against travelling Times of India, no way it can be bias. Yes, because the character acts on his own free will and was not written in a specific manner. Yeah Jagex just add HD simple as that bet you could have it out by next week you're just lazy Is "AIR" an acronym for something? Bama should play in the NFL Whether you consider war murder or not there is no justification for despoiling the memory of its victims. It' about ethics in games journalism! The one exception would be "eternal sunshine of the spotless mind" Cops in the rear view. Fuck sake I'm thin as fuck I don't need some retard tax making it cost more to eat something I enjoy It's so random that it *must* be funny. lolz.. "So I don't want you to worry but I am your passenger.. please do not be alarmed by the fact I am wearing a trench coat and ski mask" Not sure if anybody told you but it starts on the 25th IT'S HAPPENING This is a great way to ensure your particular brand of pseudo bullshit is taken seriously. Just... no At least they are up front about it. Why will criminal charges never be filed against the developers and dealers of these "tools?" 6,7,16 & 27,61,68 plz! Yay a finals repeat I can only think of Civ 5 and how Ghandi is a religious zealot... Sometimes you gotta show em whose boss to keep your faith bonus around. He's a republican what do you expect? Since when do you need energies for sailing? CUM IN MY FISHBOWL! Finally, equality. This it totally logical considering people won't even bother to look at your clothes or electronic devices Nah, lets just keep LT empty tru, fuck the 9 points hes given us No one knew how many states are in the US - Trump, probably I don't understand the supreme obsession. Except for the fact the first quarter is traditionally the best quarter, and he's still on pace for a 1.4 billion surplus for the fiscal year (would be a deficit without the sale of GM stock). Bathrooms can be bright I wonder how sympathetic he'd be if his side had won and the other side wanted a redo? What does this have to do with world politics? This is much more important than human rights or the environment! Look at all those fake fans leaving while there's still time left in the draft! Yeah, those ranks are totally important and mean something Moral of the story is its ok to rape if your wearing a blazer. The framerate doesn't matter everyone knows the human eye can't see above "current console average fps" and if you add motion blur to 2fps it looks like "insert current console fps" That's impossible, there's no way they have enough money to do that. Peaceful protest never works. I can't stop laughing I mean he is King Burger But don't worry guys, the GOP just wants you to show ID! I didn't know CAT had a K in it Totally surprised Won't somebody please think of the bullies? It likely won't make him quit, but I am curious as to how he'll handle the Deacons of the Deep. Nope, you're all alone on this one. Any other angle of this? I did NOT see that coming! Samus if played correctly, even more so with the addition of zero suit Her grapple is only good as an off-the-edge recovery though Kill someone He seems hip to the lingo of the youths. We must boycott Reddit gold? Yes Cue "But it's only about the rape case" I like how in the comments, she admits that she is totally in the wrong, and doesn't want to sit back and let people think it was the guy's fault. Hi there I am a fnatic representative and I would like to request that you remove this post immediately thank you UK Master Plug :) So are you saying the focus is not women? \#Tank4Matthews links final smash is quality Say it ain't so Why do the mods sticky every Tucker Carlson live feed and not the Infowars live feed? Missing the tow mirrors. What a great link that makes this exact argument Jeez sparklepies are so annoying. Can't believe how disrespectful Roman Reigns is to the kayfabe of staying professional in a wrestling hold around the fans. Looks like it could use some snek grips and homeslice sights. I bet those are local militia! Only trashy if the baby is born a bastard, right? The patriarchy is responsible. Wow what a surprise! And I bet that family that got raided for buying hydroponic equipment for the kid's science fair project was also dealing. That's because the USA are the centre of the universe Trummp puppets: Never give an answer, just skirt around the questions and scream unfair when actually held accountable no their isnt Because nobody needs a choice. The covers look interesting especially the Sinestro and red lantern's one. Commie leader, commie tactics You need to defend better. #FreedomFighters You shot first, remember dear? I would not say it promotes it, but it definitely gets some sweaty neckbeards worked up. No way is this nsfw College is not for everyone. No surprise, since it's no skin off his nose. I have to ask.. How stoned are you? I bet the bass drop after that silent minute was insane! captain Falcon will have their time where they will dominate the game That man can make anything look cool, even ribbons on your coat sleeve, while doing the robot. Overrated trash Oh shittttttttttt Didn't see that coming. Thanks for perpetuating the idea that men and women are different species who need a translation guide to communicate with one another. See you in the "Admit You Were Wrong" thread 15 years from now! no they got one for St Patricks Day Probably just making room to bring Cary Williams back I'm sure she was 100% consistent in her words. So that's why her name is Little Caprice. totally didn't expect this No, it means he's a smart business man! He sure showed them. Is it bad I have Hadaron in my arena team but use ultor lead This can't be true, Republicans never lie. Slow burn for a match at Wrestlemania 32? I never knew gymnast were so tall? U mad bro? By this comment you can deduct that this guy flies airbuses It would be funny if Google posts 10,000 Nexus 5's on EBay at cost. Yeah, it was only six days, cause on the seventh day God rested. I love that in the video, not one G train shows up in either direction. HELL YEAH, YOU GO GIRL Awesome play moobeat! The box has a defect Could this be directly tied to the rampant substance abuse that happens at almost every oilpatch? Then you're a horrible person who should go to gender training or some shit for animals. Gotta love that bad thing / good thing penguin. It wasn't intended as a factual statement Meta af Easy recipe, but I bet it tastes like cardboard. Governor Rick Scott led the way, and never spent a minute in jail for stealing multi millions of taxpayer dollars. I am not sure if it's going to be from AMD logos or from heat emitted So, these guys were the original New Day, eh? Not only is his last name Damnit, I'm pretty sure his middle name is Fucking. How can america fight against radical islam when they treat women the same way..for shame Plus, google search is based on recent popularity and region. I bet this would kill at an AA meeting I think it's my second favorite, after the Eastbound and Down series ending It is what God wants. Why is Mario the one shown beating Peach and not the way around Holy Shi'ite! Source? Not subtle enough! Did I pay for my console to do this lmao I haven't even had my car for a week and my hood is all dented up, I'm so sad So why the hell haven't they bought Game of Thrones yet? Maybe she's just a diabetic Archiving a harasser is harassment. As long as you turn on your stop-anywhere-I-want flashers, then it's ok. But Frank N Furter was such a great role model for us Feel the burn Bernie. twinks with up and down poe bodies and pantie,s bitch .8% down August year over year, the end of Austin is nigh. no adderall, no kills Shut up, Wesley! I'm starting to think this guys handicap isn't that his face is paralyzed but it's that he WON'T SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT HOW HIS FACE IS PARALYZED. OMIT THIS. its Geico just you wait I miss when Xatu stood on the ground instead of looking like a kite. Redistribute the air time! 396 563 384 Oh good so I'm not really lonely today after all, whew But you still have drop bears, and more people die of drop bear attacks there than shootings here. But we don't need glass steagle, right? It's no gambling if you win! Found the MAX shitter Yep I can really see that CLG mod bias here This is NOT a screenshot, we aren't that dumb You'll be fine, I for one thought I was born in the land of democracy Mmm, vintage meme Bader is like a stay at home defenseman on a hockey team; not a fan favorite, but one of those guys you need to have to make things work. well you can't exactly send pictures over audio Pics of Moisture Race Iiiiincredible. He look like a blobfish. Come on guys, stop up voting hard right fringe media outlets like the Chicago Tribune I see this everyday and now that I know the reason why, it kind of takes wtf out of it.... :( But fundamentals Owned I see the Dean is having Jeff Winger dreams again Have at it... I'm sure God would be please with your decision wallpaper please? wow single player stats turned way up, that is so amazing and you accomplished so much. but he's full of metaphysical insights! These NIM NI cases rock. holy shit i too am so upset that hamilton actually tried to win the championship and didnt give it away for free, what an asshole! hahaha, "men", so oppressed these days. Oh good only 8h30 Well there's that old Patriarchy acting up again. Seeing the Grand Canyon can literally leave you speechless Well, this is one leak that's definitely 100% real. He looked really upset when he immediately ran outside his house after getting the call What a racist. Maybe it's because they deserve it :) Geforce 7300gs. Not once they make these 180 They'll still mire Yeah, because The Avengers was TERRIBLE A lot of mistakes from the 3 and only an 'outplay' you'd see in lower elos, but was still decent. hopefully it's about item scaling I don't see Ronaldo celebrating. I should get a $50M inconvenience fee for suffering through her performance Popular opinion: Yoko Ono was an asshole Unpopular opinion: so was John Lennon and they deserved each other Needs banana for scale. Yeah, that's not a biased source at all. This is why weed is the gateway drug. That's the Black Caps in the distance. I don't know if she is vegetarian or something like that but a real American BBQ sounds like a good idea to me. Thanks for making sure we could see how many replies Carlos got. But we don't have any guns to take away so it can't be a false flag i burned my hand touching metal before it was cool Just like Jesus would do! Technically, that's an A-pose. This makes me ready to become Star Wars kid BUT DID THEY POLL THE MEMBERS? I like to have no options before I have I start to have any options, it makes for better decision making down the line. Berniebros Phew, credit to that umpire for keeping up with him from second to third. Mukhang nabayaran ng mga kultong dilaw si Aiza. These fake jerseys are getting out of hand. Wow, Dubai has such a rich history of cars. I am amazed how little coverage this seems to be gettingz a decade ago this sort of thing was a big story Wow, seven years and you're still a little bitch Do you have to pirate MLS games? LOL, are people downvoting you still due to the video you posted a month ago? You sound like a delightful human being. Kinkaid could be moved? Yes but I advise you to get an Elite controller What could possibly go wrong? ITT people think the password is actually a 7 digit number You need a 5000$ PC to run GTA5 on low and a 400$ console to run it on the highest graphics, I thought everyone knows that ^^^totally ^^^not ^^^sarcasm im happy, i love this franchise, this should mean trailer time soon! Your tax dollars at work addressing the problem of school massacres once and for all Everything I know about dogfighting I learned from my fishtank. Sorry Club Penguin is where the real shit is at...fucking scrubz. I'm an engineering student and to be honest, you have no idea what you're talking about. That was him, one of the only times he allowed us to film him. By getting BJP leaders killed. The good old days It's because the minimum wage is too high bububububujustinsaid... :( Soon she'll start resenting you, probably once she reaches A3's BMing level 8s. There is nothing in the farm that could do it Man why does the south have such a hate against people who shit on them and call them scum man I just can't figure it out Of course not, but they need a scapegoat since blaming the system/players/coach has already been done No, I *love* them. So no new carbon tax right ? Finally, the stupid assassins are gone. Obviously you're not a golfer. They are just playing good cop, bad cop. Great, another hunting podcast. no it will be exactly the same, nothing at all will change, nope not at all. Similar to a grand jury, but one that gives us the results that match our feels. Objectively Great Q/A I bet you need to spend 5 thousand for a pc to run this What a waste of cake, Steve Aoki could have used that to throw it to the crowd As a person, I find it funny, as a citizen this is utterly ridiculous. Five Nights at Misha Silenosti's (I play Pokemon Go kid) confirmed? Giroud Weapon training before potty training should be the norm, yeah At least we can count on their promise to comment and respond. As a student I go with what is cheapest... even if it is possibly stolen it makes me feel better than torrenting. If only we had more people like that. Now this is what I call democracy! I highly advice everyone to sign in with their reddit username and password there. I am shocked! It's okay if your clothes all get ruined, they're only clothes. XD Yeah, but he also tried to put a move on her when the Darach attacked the school. Clearly, the most effective way to fight terrorism is to become terrorists. seems more like a bank show off post then anything Some guy named Ferdinand. Fucking mansplaining scum. I see no way that this could go wrong Some say Barghest was never the same. Yeah, that looks like a totally legit news source I'd prefer to be allowed to use Nightfury or the Snowing shoulders (forgotten the name) with outfits since they're invisible models, and would work quite well with some of the outfits. Dealerships don't count! I don't miss the games I used to play with my uncle Glad I started coming here after it switched (click) to the English language. Leave money under the Rug and tell him to leave pizza on the floor. Oh boy, this is gonna make the week before release (for everyone else) fun. Xenu bless America Who needs helmets when you have plot armor? A bad judge uses his ruling to make whatever he wants to see happen. Finally a mannequin with a realistic body image. The Kino remake we all wanted, finally here. Wallace seems about as bipolar as my ex-girlfriend. hehe, PR bullshit in full force! Cool. He dressed it up to go out on the town. Wow this is exciting, I'm on the edge of my seat. Ain't no karma in that now is there! The ABC is bias against the Coalition and should apologise for planning to broadcast this We have another bright one here Innovation! Dick Cheney is well known for being accurate with facts. I can't wait for the Daily Mails reasonable and well thought out piece of journalism about this. Cuz the nbas rigged, obvi God forbid women enjoy sex amirite. Maybe you should steal your parents credit card. Quick sell it was recently added a treant hero in the game GREEN Disney, troll much? Eating eathly is too expensive. I don't even know how this is possible, but I like it. DAMAGED. tooth fairy two, featuring Larry the Cable guy of course UFCW - What a fun union to work with where I'm from. At least they signalled A broken subaru motor... i've never seen or heard of one of those before Los Angeles Texans of Anaheim. It's called crepitus I have really bad in my knees, sounds pretty horrible but unless its causing any pain I wouldn't worry about it That's fuckin poetic Pretty sure that's Egypt buddy... Terrible playcall with the bubble screen I like how everyone is arguing whether or not it's "a lot of oil" and whether or not the title was editorialized instead of wondering what the ecological damage could be. Classless winner Obviously this fourteen year old girl was a Pak sponsored terrorist. Good God- women have died to get the rights and freedoms we enjoy today. Jeg forventer at Mikkelsen allerede har sat projekt "erhvervskanon" igang :) Well, it wasn't fair for those kids not to announce their entry and intent either... I guess I could see his point if they ran in screaming, "we're a bunch of spoiled ass teenagers who are about to learn the hard way that our actions have real consequences." YOU TRAPPED YOUR ANA WITH THE ENEMY TEAM, YOU MONSTER Too much oxygen and we start to have insects the size of dogs. Tramp stamps are permanent, sorry. Which means plaster it some more. He turns into Joan Jett? war is a racket -- Smedley Butler Hookers aren't people! -and remember kids, if we resort to doxxing we're the bad guys. Squad goals: the holocaust. Yes, because if I'm in a survival situation, I totes want my Benchmade Bedlam and totally not my designed-explicitly-for-that-purpose ESEE-4. dai che risolviamo il gender gap Patriarkaatti! Yeah we play UF and Miami every year And it doesn't help the UK's chief negotiator at the EU just quit. Serves him right, Samurai's the second worst Power Rangers. YOU DON'T KNOW THE FULL STORY/HE SHOULD HAVE OPENED THE DOOR TO BEGIN WITH! They're internet faces, I don't think it matters from which dark little corner they're from. Videos like these makes me wish they are completely random, just like the DayZ mod. Caprica Obviously Ubisoft knew it was just about to be cracked and didn't bother. Why would they not be okay with it? I don't think that's the right texture He seemed like he was having a lot of fun those last few days on SJDS. A holy relic of ancient power Santa copia chace di big g. DAE the war against ISIS is the Mexican-American war and the Daily Paul is Abraham Lincoln? As a person that doesn't live in the UK, can someone explain why voting for this guy would be bad? I love the subtle use of misogyny. I don't see any red lights and stop signs to practice running through. My parents are Sikh, and I technically am, but their attitudes towards LGBT folk have made me not want to be anymore.. Ofc I understand that many Sikhs aren't like that, but with the way my parents act, I've decided religion isn't really for me. hacker noob, cya in overwatch Um, polar bears aren't on pennies. LMFAO Divorce your homophobic wife! I am sure this is the post that will finally convince them after years of PC gamers begging. bad juju We are the flies that will feed on China's corpse The religion of peace breeds a culture of peace Party of fiscal responsibility. Rekt Depending on which media, usually to glide and/or stun enemies 41-0 No they're not OP. So...which bowl is Cal playing in? Whataboutcanada? Mfw wrong hole Except the Pope Actually, Americans Are Far More Likely To Be Killed By local law enforcement (police) Than Al-Qaeda *ignores that one of the big lessons of the two Avatars Series is that anyone from Any culture can be a bad guy and just because a nation makes horrible decisions as a large collective that doesn't mean you won't find wonderful kind people within that group who lack the means to change what they don't like about their country, culture, etc This is clearly a positive externality, and so his neighbors should be taxed to subsidize him so that he produces the socially optimal amount of BBQ smell. 'Scuse me, pardon me! im liberal, but some of these things seem a little overly ambitious. Sean Miller's badass As deep as OP's Mom's butthole. Why would anyone want to downgrade to a whiteboard from a laptop? There's that upcoming Metroid Prime: Federation Force. We found the Racist in here! BREAKING: City doesn't do well when primary industry is in the shitter. If you start a war with China and Russia, you're going to have a bad time. lol, the government should ban video recording software on phones, huh? Skyler The Lightpack is awesome, it's just so damn expensive. It worked for me, strange They just don't want to admit they've turned to good old Marc for help run the offense Lol as if you'll find sombra in competitive That's why there is hardcore. When you outlaw the drones only the outlaws will have drones. Time for bread and circuses. The adults on the continent were talking, and I just felt so intimidated. Hopefully not. Annnnd now i want one That kick locked down all of C9s dps. No, I just collect it a bit. Rockstar Games, they haven't made a bad game. Oh good, I thought they might actually get punished or something. This is good, we're getting loud people on our side that can't be labeled as"crazy ammo sexuals:" people who are shielded by the power of PC. Great but how many games is sakho getting? This will raise their prices This is just a subtle way to say, "some times you just gotta jerk off." I used the link to change the shipping address to my house, thanks OP! Alex is going Multicolor I learned how to do baking soda volcano science at the age of 7... Whatcha gonna do about it I hope you reported it for out of map glitching Did they give up on the 3ds Shantae to take money for this? I'd just let her run with it and see what happens Wow that's great! John ..... It's time you retired I feel awful for them Don't forget the quirky pun name for the skin right? It's not like she has one of the highest win rates in the game or anything (tied with Udyr and Shyvana). Even ISIS agree that North Korea is Heaven At that age I was already drinking, and it was cool because it was illegal. And you just know the noodles must taste great cooked in that boiling hotdog water. Nike actually makes this shit now? psychological abuse ... nice move Dad in fairness people put in as much effort here on reddit picking apart casual comments. Find a new gym? The censorship is for your own good. why? Anybody else notice that moderates love using emoticons? His summon was so bad, it changed his bf's language from English to KR. what video card are you running? Hope whatever it is gets better for him. Buncha Bernie Bros. I have also seen people do this to smuggle their pets into stores. It's probably more ok than if you are sober. Wow, that took a depressingly long time First take the money, then shame them. Too bad this Vern was *ill* *-cue awkward laugh track-* now you fucked up! well duh we all knew this! Good thing Walmart employees aren't human, and therefore have no families. Ye, that will look amazing when you get old Viera, Arteta...Arsenal is just a feeder club to Man City's coaching staff. DAE sexual assault victims just want attention! Polls are now fake again. Oh boy, he's gonna be pissed when she doesn't sign it. fuck this guy Wow What if you get buried alive? Well when all those firefighters died a few years ago, clearly adding more regulations wouldn't have helped here either right? With the way this sub acts, it seems it may not exactly be common knowledge around here. Because rape and lying are literally equally bad It's common knowledge that losers don't like to spend money. TIL sexual harassment is just natural. OP is an idiot. Hopefully this will make ESWC get their shit together as well. Yes, atheist is the first category I would put these "party animals" in. But how can you not eat them when they dress them like pilgrims? Math is so racist though, how you can even try to argue using math to back up your claims unless you are also a racist, white male? Shocking! Because it couldn't **possibly** be anything else. well, they also did not get the exit polls' eyeballs You're a terrible person :/ And they say romance is dead NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Welp that's everything that just grinds my gears [Atheist's that are loud atheists annoy me.] And the character assassination begins J Cole - Lost Ones Yes, aren't missiles great? but god saved her life No love for champions league final from yesterday? Screenshot is clearly fake, the players aren't all archers. The most important thing is player safety Spying on everyone and everything, always the best way to prevent crime. Yeah, no one has ever had a song about butts before. Totally the same as MSNBC! Great the new 100M ship can indefinitely used for gas / oil exploration I don't care when Seminary starts, as long as they get in their private scripture study time, family-prayer, and their morning chores done before they leave the house. Have fun rotting in your embassy. The elections couldn't come sooner. But But we need background checks and strict gun laws because the government can totally be trusted to have guns. Right after the Xbox1 official launch they will start working for the next HUGE platform - Lunux, which player population could pour in hundreds of thousands of dollars into the game every week. No one called Barbara is young and sexy, no one. Let's just live in a world where we live in fear about upsetting members of the Muslim community in case they turn to terrorism and decide to murder everyone in the name of ISIS. I really love how young people feel like what they say (over and over and over again) is not indicative of the kind of person they are. Posted it one day before :P These are awesome Hate crimes totally make great pictures, huh? Its sickening that people can be killed directly or indirectly because of marijuana prohibition! small government Damn Xfinity drivers coming down to the lower series! The best part of getting vaccinated is getting autism Great spotter! Go way over your general limit. Not 100% sure but I don't think that's a lightning strike - that's the transformer blowing. f-fuck man I've done this more times than I can count This is the kind of stuff media doesn't want you to see Those were some *sour* grapes! That's the Finnish Air Force's national marking / roundel. Just watching Hard Knocks, I think it's more Goff hardly knows half the playbook yet. MOON Not possible...she was a woman and it was the 80's. Is this different from any typical company dress code? It's beyond parody at this point. Depends on the LOD distance settings. No this just proves his point even more.... Before he could even finish filming his intro to this video, he had black people behind the camera waiting for them to get the fuck out of the way so they could smash that car to pieces. Obviously a haxxxxxor She voted for the war in Iraq and didn't support gay marriage until this year. Prob wriggles lantern Dear God, don't force me drink real Havana Club, that would be terrible. Great, hopefully they can excavate the area and let the Italian government maintain it like they've done so well with Pompeii and Herculaneum I thought this was old news? DURF incoming (Draven Ultra Rapid Fire) Oh no, that sucks. OP is OP Aurelion Sol is also getting a skin ^^^^^i^^^^^^hope But, but... aren't we safe b/c the internet lives on like, the cloud? Never seen this before That's totally going to make him stop diving! Hey man, I'm trying my best here! Because if you keep parking on one side of the street, eventually that side of the street will sink... gotta switch it up to offset it. Me. I bet if you go to BestBuy you can hack and get it for $10 If you've never worn the badge you wouldn't understand My last GF told me it made her mouth tingle One GF called it "cock candy" and would say "mmmmmmmm" But the Earth isn't that old! use NSFW Are there black people in Iowa? i mean ofc an american team will finish top 8 bro we got luminosity Guy can't even correct a typo right, how's he gonna eat it right? The police routinely arrest people for attempted rape, and what is that if not an institutionalized form of kink-shaming? That definitely did not go on too long, the perfect length what... what *is* that? To get my posts out of the queue Hopefully there is a parental unit to help guide and educate the child who may become exposed to this fuckery, saving them from turning them into some sort of over-sexed rapey monster. This is astronaut level training, they did that on purpose to weed out the undesirables. Is there an image of said clock? It was a joke "What does it matter?" Plushtrap, as tempting as it may be, do *not* use his intestines for jumprope. I was never expected that a Minotaur can even become a freaking Cyclops. damn i kinda want to start collecting those now lol There are a lot of really fucking beautiful TS stars Omg this is so sexist. If he was carrying a gun, that situation wouldn't have happened in the first place. The difference being, one took over a team that walked the league and the other took charge of a team that finished 7th I'm really glad this was posted here, it's good to know someone else feels some random celebrity is just as important as war and seal clubbing. that must of been waaay back when he never dropped things and stole triple-screened laptops, resulting in a 25k bounty on him. That's what it would have done to me too. Cause covers are what I came to listen to, duh, its YouTube! Hey at least it will be just about another year until we might get another shot at universal vacuum and I can finally use my dogs or cats without feeling like handicapping myself. Thanks for getting government out of people's business, GOP! Now I've got Anything but Tangerines as an earworm...thanks, OP! Snoop. Because of all the programs he has open Life's Good with problems and especially bootloops ! 2 bad Yeah, you need him..need him to leave you alone! Their solution will be to just fire those two guys. This triggers my self diagnosed PTSD. Looks a really good film, glad LaBeouf is acting in better films, as he has the talent. You were clearly outplayed Feminism intensifies Dat #B1as And now for some overreactions because jumping to conclusions about team chemistry is so important. Such a shame Just put some thermal paste on it and it'll work fine Is he always that excited? Pfft men can't be raped. Needs blinders on too. That's why nothing is getting done! Which is why *so* many big businesses have their headquarters here, right? Wonderful, the day before I start. Interstellar (Basically spoiling the whole movie below) [If the whole thing (wormhole, fifth dimension, etc) was future humans helping present humans escape the dust bowl, how did those original future humans survive the dust bowl when it happened to them?] As the owner of the original master race Type, this makes me unbelievably angry and I don't even know if it is true! obviously satire Can't be that safe to save loot of there is a gaping hole in the top No. This is basically 1942 all over again. It's because using encryption is *too obviously what a terrorist would do*. Are people really not understanding this is a joke? Until this day I thought toddlers were collectively a writer, glad this dude cleared it out keep quiet GG What's the name of the movie again? Why? Can't take anymore of this blue-balling, either you put out this update or you don't damn it. I'm glad our country's lawmakers are so knowledgeable about what they make laws prohibiting. Hey it's me, your boyfriend. What a liberal, just throwing around money everywhere. Playing it for GW37, I assume or to set up GW38 even LFG to go to the Q kidnap yellow shirt girl! Tell that two twox Valley. How it feels to listen to a podcast. Because Trump is so warlike unlike Hillary Clinton. I wonder what kind of jobs pre med students get, and what kind of jobs culinary students get! No, the 2K Community really loves it and thinks it's the best improvement 2K has ever made. We need Trump to build a wall around Jasmine Crescent I did this today with some great items, so bad Whatever Thane Free Weezy as one would say about someone incarcerated... you guys do listen to rap ya? Triple option with McKinnon/AP/Cordarrelle it's our only hope. Water is wet. I thought it was gonna be about internet addition Feel good story of the day right here. Gee, this is the first time I've seen this gif. valve please buff m4a4 I'll bet that's a fun place to work Celebrate Columbus Day: Shoot a Native Chlorophyll and Heme are both porphyrin rings, so they must be exactly the same! That's like 100 chickens lmao OMG JE SUIS EN CRISS EN PLUS PKP A DEMISIONNER JE SUIS VRM TRISTE what? Must be nice Would someone care to explain this meme? Well I think there is a maximum of how many abs you can have. Wow she tanned for a LONG time This is the best one yet. I'm too distracted by the belt! Godzilla p diddy soundtrack The possibility of nuclear strikes are so funny. Good thing iq doesn't mean anything Time to unban zed You know that Doublelift was probably the biggest shittalker when it came to TSM before he joined, right? I suppose between morning (when he tweeted about the drone) and now Trump got a note from Bank of China about higher mortgage payments. Unexpected. But an angel with a flaming sword told me to me worry about things that don't affect me....also I need to show other Christians my Jesus love is more better Brutal. I'm certain that David Dise will be submitting his resignation any day now. That just means your computer hasn't fully charged yet If she looks like a frog standing on it's hind legs, I don't care how awesome she is. Is it weird that I read the whole thing in an Indian accent? You mean I have to participate? you never know, after all trump and pence say some crazy shit I'd eat a baby to get a PC port of Horizon. So informative all he had to do was nothing... he chose to be a dick [Request] Gender pay gap Rule 63 Use "le" it works for everybody. FSU, doing everything possible to repair PR with the rest of CFB Is that a thing? Damn that could seriously kill me, no sp00k warning Because then I'd be obstructing faster vehicles on dual carriageway or driving into oncoming traffic on single lane roads. Why :( Martin Lawrence has to be the unfunniest black comedian ever. Chill my nigga, he just showing his appreciation is all. Perfect DRM for games. Louis the 16th was smarter than King. It all checks out! Badass! So soon? I'm so surprised I've always wanted to play Mario's Brother. At least it didn't suffer any water damage. Drinking bleach can help with that It's also looks like a beautiful galaxy full of stars. Well, that's perfectly clear, you must be blind. These fine gentlemen are going to bring multiculturalism to Europe! Wait, I thought PC gaming was dead. I'm sure the TPP is going to fix all that! that logic is flawless Ha vinto l'Italia? Are you sure this is a serious question? When will this nightmare be over? That's infuriating. I don't see Chad Knaus' name anywhere on this? dany looks so skinny here Beer, a notre dame game on TV, MF DOOM albums, and beautiful women. as an unconventional support ( like Lux) it is hard, even if you got a perfect kda. Duterte selling Philippines to higher bidder, but his day of building country on the back of US is number, the people who are good hard working and liberty loving, will through him out of office. Global Shafted They probably sent you the wrong QC pic link. This one is pretty good This is disgraceful, all Muslims should be ashamed such acts are being done in the name of Islam. Donald Trump looks a lot better with a beard, it hides his face well. Well looks like it's time to burn that bitch that they wanted to swap for. Might as well have Canucks legend mark messier on there i would have appreciated the content more if it hadn't been hosted in such an extremely annoying website to navigate. I love Nine Inch Nails, but Johnny Cash absolutely smashed this one out of the park. Downgradesoft never disappoints. I love seeing all of the good panthers players leaving and going on to better things. nice boxes Sigh he would have been a great fit under kub's system TY CORBIN WAS ROBBED This will most definitely work, kids- start loading up on Nicki Minaj now cos it's the last you're gonna see of her Any ABCD guy who imports his wife from India is a spineless coward who can't handle a strong, independent desi girl! That's why I get them free of charge :) So which one were you last week: CP guy, kidnapping guy, or incest guy? Any citizen who can give the bourgeoisie more wealth is a good citizen. Is this what we're worth to you? How about Carly Fiorino? Meh, wake me up when Lu Xiaojun stars in a documentary called "Pass USADA." He's Earth 0 Malcolm. Vote Ted Cruz 2016! Sounds like someone sped up the song by 1.5x, I dont get the point of this. There goes my season Another strike before Christmas? Because Charter would never try to alter the deal. I thought glyphs were taken out of the game? Well I mean, the bar wasn't set that high so wasn't difficult to do Isn't Pinehurst where our beloved Congresswoman's guns were stolen from her open garage? cool steven universe shirt I've still got my hopes up, I aint giving up that easy TELL THAT NERF GUN KID TO SIT HIS ASS DOWN AND ABSORB THE LIGHT OF GABEN! Stauskas is so bad Needs more squad explosives imo For sure he's slingin d in the new car Too high cost imo This is how you journalize renee, take notes. A lot of these have just become a picture of a guy and then a caption that has nothing to do with the facial expression. Poor guy it must be hard making 19 million instead of 20 You mean the foreign brands manufactured in the US, or the US brands manufactured in a foreign country? Does it still ignore you? Please upload it and put my name on it (Syed Abdullah) because apparently now fem shep was the cannon shep This does not look staged at all This makes me kind of sad. Add a few white vans to that picture and we have all the ingredients for a massive riot. We have a lead suspect! That would explain his 83% approval rating in Vermont. Bullshit, this is a total Lord of the Rings ripoff! Eh the Ravens one looked all right jeez what an ego Historically, some elements of the radical feminist movement were very homophobic and considered gay men to be misogynists (this attitude is rare now but has somewhat been replaced by TERFs, who are horrible bigots). William Golding, what a huge name in human history with weight behind it That could of hurt our little Brady but bro thats the best huntsman blue gem evr The fact that he calls it pee-pee tells me he isnt ready Essentially, they are ripping out an existing bike lane to put in sharrows... how is this "considering bike lanes on Bay St"? Ben Youngs is a saint, what are you talking about? Reached max level, Stopped leveling. Then, what does "chimichiri" mean? The Indian government is a disaster and this will end up a disaster just like everything else the indian government attempts. Now do Depths of Manaan! OKC fans are going to be throwing corn related products at him all day long. Yeah, because when you post a song or video without the owners consent, the copyright police come knocking at your door the next day. That joke is just never going to get stale. I think this is the first post I've seen where they stopped replying after "go away" Yes, I just clicked through all of them, but wouldn't a video have been more appropriate? Name one washing machine with the setting "Normal" Fuck Apple, they degenerate their own tech because they know all the apple sheeps will but their products regardless of features. Forgot the AGP slot. Jersey Shore Crazy how much are folks willing to pay for virtual stuff. Holy shit, I didn't even realize I suppose it doesn't make much of a difference since they have no problem flat out lying to the press on any issue, large or small. But if Yaya leaves in the summer, there *will* be a spot to fill. Oh look guys, he's playing the "I was only pretending to be retarded" card! It just cut through the phonebook three times: It ain't sharp no more. They've shown time and again how great their scouts' talent evaluations are Why do Republicans hate anything remotely intellectual or democratic? Yeah, let's keep politics and "slippery-slope" topics like this out of this sub. DEAR LORD. Working as intended Most Internet Comments: "But what's the point if you can't carry it around." Only Straight Caucasian Males are capable of sexism, Stupid. The hacks are real! Shawshank Redemption.... who even watched that crap? Don't forget to buy gaming chair for $2000, gaming carpet for $420 and gaming window for $1337, so you can perform better. Cammer's fault for making the extremely generous person feel bad about their life choices. lol, haunted Let's not worry about the young when this immigration will help pay for old age pensions. This ad was incredible. Oh yeah makes perfect sense because police dress like dementors all the time I PogChamped IRL Can it hardfork? Yes it's something I love too Prince Odo and First blood king Jankos Naw, all the hats and shirts they wear after the wins in all of the BCS games so far have been manufactured in the last three seconds of the game. Good thing drugs are illegal cuz this could get out of hand. Beautiful scenery but I could only admire it for about five minutes if I had to sit on that throne. This will work. and chock full of other sexist comments... apparently all you need is one video to bring out the sexism in reddit's user base. As someone who played FFXI, no shit Sherlock. True, Im always offended until they write the "=D". Yay, go independence day! Can you effectively monitor Iran's nuclear activities if you don't have access to its military sites? *chastaining Yeah, that'll pass. Uh huh, all of a sudden they like Obamacare huh? What's wrong with it? It's called fashion.... Read a book or something Sorry, but this is a lie, because when I shoot gas stations in video games, there is only an explosion above ground. Yeah, that's why. Also in this issue: "Kim Kardashian's growing arse" Yes, because out of ALL the detailed posts on the front page, and more importantly the forums, DE will read this one. Well that grass turned into a road for a second there so maybe the officer was seeing more than this camera lets on Give him a couple years he will be hot boxing that. Maybe we should waterboarding him so he can form an experienced opinion The only thing left is for him to be accused of secret encounters with rent boys. Barca tapping up once again What a stupid thing to do. Dollars to donuts they were wearing some form of "make America great again" slogan on their body. Couldn't have gone the extra mile to write out real life, or just go by irl. Oy, never forget, goy. I don't see how the person asking the question being male, white and thin is remotely relevant, oh right the fat acceptance narrative says only white, privileged males are capable of being a healthy weight, everyone else is just completely helpless, incompetent and morbidly obese. huh, guess they decided to make a wireless version for launch Communists! Assure your SIL that there will be no room for you in the house what with all the hookers that your husband has hired exclusively for BIL's use on his 'last night of freedom' It's like lava that I want in my body. I may be in the minority, but Steve Nash should have one more MVP. Dude that's dope as hell Nah, he's totally leaving for literally *anywhere* else. So is this company liable for all the economic and health damage to the town? Trump's keeping his promise of creating jobs, man! Because Facebook was the one that gave you cancer in the first place. Because it allows you to continue playing with Cloudposts and the lifegain given by Glimmerposts is what really let the decks that ran them not have to worry too much about their life total. I feel good watching this. It's a glandular problem, okay? But Rape Culture totally exists! You realize this is ObamaCare on steroids right? I consider this comic to be underrated What filter is this? About 4 people already replied to you about trigger discipline, but I'm going to tell you about it again just because. It's just some fine tuning It'd be pretty funny if some Sony employee had J-Law nudies saved on his computer. Can you get any more racing that the meter going from 0 to 300 in a few seconds? Is this canon? I think you just created the bacon burger double down. Yeah that's complete fiction... which is why it's on a Russian TV show. I for one think that rich people need our protection against this communist freak. Gwent is better. Net against the boards who gives a fuck Do the $5 hats from valve still go to charity? I think OP needs some party hat codes to make up for the bug, clearly OMG EXPLOITER OMG SHOULD BE BANNED DAYBREAK IS THE WORST $300K TOURNAMENT Sorry to be *that* guy... but NSFW that shit. It is fun to ruin someone else's fun. I can't wrap my head around this. This just gives me the shivers. I just assume that everyone is either a guy or a hot grill. He should make a comeback as a James Bond villain. No Unfortunately If you want worlds group stage to be like a whole month, sure, great idea. why is this piece of shit not banned from posting here? I think you mean "Bernie will win YUGE" :) Trump must be confused as hell I'm pretty sure Gam Gam would also forward this if it read IF YOUR GIRLFRIEND WEARS PANTS LIKE THIS YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND NOT A GIRLFRIEND The you photo should be zenyatta They do this every game for one player on the opposing team Jesus, that is terrible. So did I. LITTEN TRAINERS UNITE! Must've been all that Dungeons and Dragons! Gonna conquer that bread also, whitey It can happen to both sexes, and this is a case of pretty shitty abuse. CHECKMATE ATHEISTS I thought he was alright against Bournemouth personally At least it looks pretty... For one to "exit" the Democratic Party you had to actually be a democrat in the first place. No Does it include even more focus shots on the Audi badge of cars cause I don't think I got enough of them. Man, Africa needs atheism. Take that, Okinawa diet. Just the typical virtue signaling from the McIntoshs and MovieBlobs of the world. Better start sniffing coke and drinking a few fifths before the game in that case. This is coming out on my birthday jeez guys a simple birthday card would've sufficed but they didn't have to make a whole album for me :') What's up with that black fuzzy cucumber. Well you have to spin the xray emitter and the sensor or it wont work. I honestly feel like she's joking Well this needs to be in the updated ISO 899-1. Because you have 46 tabs of porn open, you dirty, dirty man. Lead is heavier than feathers, lead leadstomps. The good news is that he will never regret the decision to do this. Nice potato, I mean picture. This is exactly what we need right now. Well it's not like the Chinese would harm them is they didn't But how is this possible, I thought Reddit was sure the iPhone 7 will be Apple's final nail in the coffin? Comey is obviously Russian. There is no such thing as too much hentai. And 2nd anything isn't record breaking. Can't wait for his Nintendo Switch portable build The hook is a hitscan weapon confirmed. BUT HOW WILL THEY LOOK WHEN YOU'RE OLD They don't want it to compete with the upcoming app, Kill the Bounty ISIS app, and the US might pull out the "Letters of Marque" bounty app, and the conglomeration of secret service agencies can do their own. He only won because Wisconsin is in the same country as Vermont I hope they are shaped like legos It's prefectly ok to talk about abandoning people in unsurvivable locations on Reddit because they're not real people if they're brown. Texas Y'all TIL Kate Upton is a boy with breasts BO2 Nuketown 2025 GROUND WAR Moan about the speed of service in a restaurant, food is not fast and there is time within a meal to socialize with the other diners. Little Seafoam and she be good to go. Such a deep confession, and it doesn't sound like the guy who wrote it is an asshole at all. Ek number me kamine log hain ye safai karamchari You're supposed to say thank you and suck his dick Cut him. They make a Bluetooth pok3r now? Damn you Portugal ! Could have stopped the title at "Hillary Clinton still out of Touch". Probably a Style VIP Hahaha Australia is in the Southern Hemisphere so you made it upside-down hahaha that joke never gets old! It is RARE to see two COMMONS, but it's pretty EPIC Did little donny get his twitter back for being a good boy today? I like AOL It's like Police Academy movies, but in medical school! Dude even if they don't return next year having a Marleau or Thornton jersey is worth it because they're legends to the franchise. Good way to spend taxpayer money. it can't go any lower - never heard that in this sub before Um hey man, your vid isn't in 4K, so I don't know why you got 4K in the title I don't know guys, I read that Gary Lawless article and Laine is better because goals = everything What is his age? abducted by aliens Why were white women so weak back then? Heh Modi is like one of those women at a wedding who change dresses between ceremonies. Be brave enough to always be this guy, so courageous. Barnes got suspended for a strike, thats my story and I'm sticking to it COYS! Religion of peace. A discussion about "which fandom overreacts the most at the drop of a hat" might not be the best idea lol.. It's ripe for hurt feelings, defensiveness, maybe even a fanwar. Though this seems highly suspect, I would not complain one bit at an all Mercedes and Sauber podium. Is he quoting Shakespeare? Omg this is 2 wtf 4 me Ask the man who owns one. Pepsi is our new sponser, its rigged guys. I didn't know you could install steam on a Mac, it's not like it can play games I have a crazy vagina fetish... I love vaginas HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT! So, does this mean that children exposed to joyful, happy and nonviolent situations live longer? Well, you asked for it... What did you expect when you shopped on a site called NewEGG? Everyone knows that Joe Biden's obviously running the show. Yea wouldn't want the monkies to get any awards He's just watching the finals through that wall Well it would be a little hypocritical for him to not take this stance Then you must be one of them but they need a warrant to look at your phone? But protecting our border is racist! That's gonna go well. Or what about that entire "alone" scene? I knew he wasn't a white cop because white cops only care about killing innocent young black children. We get it, you vape might as well become his own channel, on cable. There's only one way we'll know if your relationship can survive this: where do you and your gf stand on whether or not hamburgers are sandwiches Yeah let's go ahead and put a "White only" sign on some elevators, some water fountains, some school buses, etc. Source Florida Secretary of State, Voter Registration Statistics, January Registration Report US Census, American Fact Finder, 2013 Population Estimate Made with Google Fusion but horseshoe theory doesnt real! I suggested a door seven years ago, now thanks to me we have pigmen. Yeah this was reposted a lot when the game first came out Was Art Briles actually a good coach? pussies Something Something western propaganda something Germanystan now CO_2 has surpassed the 400 ppm mark as many times as Voyager has left the Solar System. But I thought Pulse Bomb is always up TIL Azuza is north of LA THIS IS MADNESS! Yet again poor non toxic player gets punished. Repent, Heathen! Fuck you, ISIS infiltrator. Good Please be Go home tree, you're drunk. The final vote count was in the margin of error for the polling so the polls weren't inaccurate, you can blame specific pundits and analysts for being too generous with Clinton's odds, but the numbers were less than a percent off the final result Also a lack of polling in certain states No country for old men. That's racist! oh noooooo Trump, obviously. Given the absolute shambles our mental health services are currently in? In light of the current politically landscape I am sure that was a politics-free commercial. TIL: Apparently New Zealand has government tastemakers that get to decide how you name your own baby. Well I was **going to** vote for Hilary, but now I'm just not so sure. MOMENTUM Dude, you need to pull down your crosshair when you spray. He looks well rested I don't like this man's opinions so he should die. Yeah we are liked so much come on guys just tried to get on, has it been down all morning? The Hungarian spring came early this year Florida man is slacking off. Nope, no need to bring them back. Forgery is a black stereotype? Apparently they didn't hear Todd Hirsch's economic update yesterday! No they weren't. Well fuck, i start school on the 6th This is a yearly thing, right? Because I'm a ginger, and gingers aren't supposed to have friends SO PROUD! Sucks for Khabib that his primary asset of expertise determines where the fight even takes place At least we got Ladd for 6 more seasons. TL;Dr bill gates is a pussy I knew chemtrails caused death. That's been thinking about lopping the beard of, Hugo's decided it for me Duck Dynasty got the price cut I've been waiting for FINALLY! These size comparisons are getting stupid. My parents didn't teach me how to swim or ride a bike, I want all schools to be forced to teach these fundamental life skills los comercios van a subir los precios para compensar. Based on Marshall's value, a 4th round pick for Brees and their 6th should do the trick. Wait...people are believing this is God's doing even though it's spring (a.k.a the time when storms normally occur)? This is terrrible, is there anyway we can bail them out? But, I am a victim! As weird as this sounds, Scott might actually be tying things in with his old games. Man I thought this sub was done with sneaker pics Hahaha hahaha what the fuck are you doing Sweden you're drunk I like how the Second Life promo uses the WiiU menu music. don't sneeze First thing I thought of was Halo *with Capes*! Punishing those already being punished for having to use Comcast. theory that foxy is god gay I have a pickup truck I can go anywhere *FeelsBadMan* I'm glad your pro unity and will not tolerate people who want to silence people. Are you trying to make *more* celebrity babies? But,but, Warlords is useless on Yasuo till 40 minutes into the game with a full glass cannon build! With no Mark Gatiss episode scheduled, it just may pull it off. Fme [Fame] I was at Jackson and our BN Commander said that we were being given a special cycle of Infantry Training so our cycle was clearly harder than the rest. Nothing shady about this. They've thought very critically about what totally isn't confirmation bias, guys. Castreau and the political elite on both sides just cut the legs out from under these brave individuals who are trying to reform Islam and bring it out of the 12th Century. How much rap have you actually listened to? Graph's legend: Just fuck me up fam. 3/5 or gtfo For your time and materials there, probably could have got a lathe at HF. Oh look, it's Boehner Jr. I think it's weird if they wanted a good study. It's an interesting question that isn't often asked, but what I'd really like to know is what Trump supporters think of his performance so far. oh great another stupid fg post I wonder if Bernie Sanders is in mourning at his lake house? Yeah cause misogyny is way better than cats. Is she out of her fucking mind? *lives with their mom* I am **SHOCKED** Huh? Incredible catch! The secret to huge gains is really just putting your weights away... all that extra lifting. Those were the days....grappling hook from Hardline or BF2 would be great for snipers Will Kevin Rose host? Would be amazing if they gave the dynamic rookie card this upgrade Well I know what I'm eating tonight now. I'm predicting the nerd the hip fire spread Fucking awesome title OP I'm positive that there would be no rats swimming in there That's awesome. If you go black market you can pick up the needed resources for cheap. One question still remains: Is Finding Neverland performing again? Replace the CMOS battery , or reseat it, it has happened to me if its anything like mine *Passport lelo uska* Isn't it worse that Clinton *isn't* a climate change denier and still boasted about pushing fracking to the world as Sec of State (in speech to Deutsche Bank)? I mean, it can be worth to preorder something like a naughty dog game just to get it cheaper than release price, but again, I never preorder anything myself. November 31 So funny PC # FUCK NO, ROLL HIM OUT THERE 6 DAYS A WEEK UNTIL HE FALLS OVER AND CATCHES FIRE So Fallout 4 will now be cancelled right? the nearly insurmountable delegate math confronting him will be moot when Hillary Clinton has charges laid against her as a result of the email server investigation. wait isn't this what Donald Trump wanted snitches snitching on radical islamic terrorists. WATERGATE! Thanks OP, that's really interesting I'm stealing this and posting it to 9gag. Not from Texas - lack of gun rack. Can't tell since it seems there are only 2 words said between the two of them. Incredible Then who am I allowed to be shitty to? Add the checkmark you lazy hack. Because talking about serious matters and politics in the Seventies got you automatic hoochie rides. Holy shit that's my birthdate! What a complete dick, he has embarrassed his whole country (I don't expect he feels embarrassment himself) We have been waiting for it level your sight and it'll be worth more JJ Watt Clearly he's not a *real* christian. I disagree with him, but think its good for people like him to keep voicing this opinion so that the political *hindutva* risk does not materialize in front of us at all. Was it never fully developed or released because fans would like it and it has a 3 in it? It's disappointing how some people don't treat other people as people. Nice to see sprays be effective at long range I am amused by the headline being prefaced by "Opinion:"; As if implying that it could in fact be literally true that there are 25 completely identical states in Eastern Europe, made from grey concrete and inhabited by giant tapeworms or something. Money from counterfeit NFL merchandise sales go straight to Al qaeda. Video games have nothing to do with vionlence. You know you live in a privileged society when those who physically limit themselves because of lifestyle choices say their physical limitation should be considered the norm. The last month or so of eve dev blogs have actually been pretty awesome, CCP have come clean and are caving to pressures and putting in things that people have been asking for for years - even if the changes are fairly minor stuff, it's movement in the right direction, instead of movement in a worse direction. Ahh Brazil, the Germanic Protestant giant of South America. I'd love to trade landeskog, I'm done if it's duchene I bet your cat would love to play with this. lol Snute is such a patchzerg, just wait until HoTs comes out then you'll see players such as him fall off the radar The minute Trump took office they started falling out of the sky #windians #losealiers Pfffft he looked better before. Wow cool yeezys man, didn't realize kanye also designed roshes I'd never would've guessed bases on what I've read on this sub. AHAHAHHAHAHAHAH NOOB, im -50 ELO, get on my level. My old roommate had great advice: "just appreciate what you have" It'd be a shame to see my tax dollars being spent on glycol! 2 Vellas : This NRI & This Police. I feel like if aliens came to earth and destroyed mankind, they would still keep the dogs around. It's almost like she's a real person with her own opinions, motivations, and feelings! When my friend thought I'd already watched the "Hank" episode of breaking bad and text me what happened.. Wanted to string her up and beat her unconscious Yeah, but where else would he go to complain? Wow what the fuck this is so fucked. CCA = Can't carry amperage? Hell yeah it will - with CIBC making a ton of cash by dumping local jobs to out-source work to foreigners, this'll surely be a great year for Canada's economy and Canadians! Lord knows we don't want those china men to have heat and electric using the same means used in our country. I'm sure isis totally respects this It's not "lies" it's "alternative facts" It's called polyamory. But again, both sides are the same and Hillary's team and the DNC said mean things about Bernie in emails so it's everyone else's fault that Trump is going to do irreparable harm to this country and my vote for Jill Stein/write in for Bernie makes me pure as a fucking snowflake Thanks, Peduto! Must be all those Republicans and NRA members in Chicago. i guess everything ISN'T coming up melhouse.... :( SKRILLEX IS BEST DUBSTEPPER, RIGHT? Supercell should add a new wall level or something What would Sion know about being a proxy. In my primary school we had a girl who had grown up in South Africa, and we all got to go out into the snow and play whilst every other class worked inside - just so that she could see snow for the first time. Yeah but....yeah, but....private jets and BMW's and board rooms and.... I'd like some context. This is at least the third time we've been treated to the "New Superman." Ohhh but don't you know that car is based of a Nazi car! Yeah, I'm surprised he got the ok from his producers to be so racist Stick around Peter! Do not start filling this subreddit with fucking meme pictures. It's been in the game files for a while on the global client as well They want to ensure there isn't a protest vote for a 3rd party against what Clinton stands for....because it risks Trump. but asriel is link Country road, take me home I like how they completely ignored the public and kept the technology hidden until it was "normalized" so that they could avoid a democratic debate. Doesn't matter, it's my lane and I pay taxes! S1mple now kicked from rank S Because what's lighting? Why tf do you need one, its not like this is team based game and you need to communicate to your team mates about who is picking what champ, when is someone flanking, or to say that my ult is 100% lets go together. This isn't a screen shot... should be deleted. The fact that things like this can happen in any game's PvP is awful. WHOA SPOILERS! Spoilers you know you have a good source of information when they use the term "sjw" Yeah, fuck the health benefits to your child - you gotta keep them titties appealing for the men! Ok that was actually pretty slick Not if you know how it is rigged...... No thanks Yeah let's thank god for what these people worked so hard towards. Must be hard to walk with such huge balls OP. Can someone tell me the texture pack please Woman/Mormon confirmed Optimus has been looking for the spark, and you've been meaning to tell me that you've had it this entire time! I don't have grandparents, neither do I celebrate Christmas, check your privilege. Are you the hospital administrator I keep hearing about? whores startn out young these days I'm not crying, you're crying Who hasn't committed genocide in eastern Europe? I have to give you a credit that you are one of the best trolls I have seen so far! Yea sure, no problem. But it has dragons so it can't possibly be good. I think Napoli has chances to pass if they play different from how they are used to, being a bit more defensive and learning to suffer at the right time of the match, trying to counterattack with Insigne, Mertens and Callejon, well fed by Hamsik. White lives matters Oh...but widow is *nothing* without the ability to quickscope! how much crates does heatwave cost? I don't see how you could confuse a woman with such a rack with a child. Debby I always liked Stanton, damn. I'd splash this in a mono-black deck. I can only see more hackers. But but but guys, if we weren't doing anything wrong why would it matter if they got leaked and stuff The ad says he is mainly interested in trading, so that's just a random price. Only the foreign minister, eh? I should have done this but some of my old phones have been sold :( Because omg evil Harper ITT, people implying beating up Muslims is ok and Indians is not. I know everyone has already said this, but are you fucking kidding me? You mean the spanish and the russians Dude, you carry *cash*? All I have to say is... Illuminati I wonder if she can go to the "upside down" now? ITT: People seeking vengeance instead of justice. Just once I would like to be barred from something for being too attractive.. Iranian women have all the luck! Clearly it's the gay Nazi government mind control at work No heisman for you Eat your dogs, not your cows. Yeah, how fucking dare anyone alert the consumer to shady business practices by a major chain, that's just fucking wrong! I thought Wario was supposed to be rare! So does this mean we can pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars? Wow all those cards in one what a deal Satire comments are the best So you could post about it on reddit. I like how Rodgers is thinking, has a shaky defence, so he buys more forwards. Yes please. I thought this was going to be a jab at Panda, tbh I'm fucking there Good, I was getting sick of people comparing me to Justin Beiber. Dar de ce mai folosesc Flash pentru streaming video? how come that whenever i read "Authentic T-Shirt" it's basically a remix of something older? Netcode is working great-----NOT ----- Detroit is 4th world The first law of rapeodynamics states that the amount of rape in a closed system is constant. DrugsLab They try new drug everyweek. Or its a gang initiation and they are going to kill you See, it's not racist at all! Les falto el he'd make an excellent college professor fuck u andre STILL TRUE I look forward to Qu'ran, Torah, Necronomicon, and other literacy classes to be offered alongside the Bible-oriented classes. Worth changing your account to a main for that pizza In the arms of an ang- *thud* fuck you arsehole I'm reporting you. kill the poor It seems like a reasonable upgrade to smart boards in school classrooms! Nadeshot retired That's what they WANT you to think! We know, but he dropped that place hold one time. I don't like this. Clearly should not be Halloween restricted Makes sense, as global warming picks up you should add layers to your clothing. Why does it matter what he was arrested for? I still would like to pretend that Lillie loves me like Serena loves Ash. HAHAHA sexual assault is so funny Every time a kid gets raped I just die laughing there he is - was wondering where that scumbag was Meanwhile Saudi Arabia still has daily beheadings. thanks for posting a 24 min video When its not on your main I'm sure your parents still have hope for you What a racist POS. It's not really far fetched for shia countries to back an ally... certainly iran doesnt want another sunni neighbor Oh wow. Holy shit. Well, I mean, Inge was clearly the aggressor and got what was coming to him. Your boss deserves to relax more than you do! WHY IS CHIP KELLY TRYING SO HARD TO ACQUIRE ALL THE OKLAHOMA PLAYERS? Glad they done this- Freedom and democracy are treasured values that we all hold dear. You forgot to sprinkle about 20 "muhfuckr" 's in the text, as well as some unintelligible hooting. Ewwww... That's all Sean Miller was robbed That's because you've never been on the receiving end Charge Android you say... can it also charge Windows and OS X? Firmly grasp it I'm sorry to hear that your cat won't leave you :( Now you have to forever endure the cuteness of a kitty :3 the music is something special too Who would've known that his real name isn't snoop and last name is dogg. Is this Titanfall 2 ? So you're the same sort of a faggot like OP is? why does this kanye impersonator keep doing that french montana adlib? FX means it has X threads aka 10 threads. Maybe unverified, but believable. Reading clear as day on my phone. Yes, we introverts are just such special snowflakes! For those who are curious, you're looking at * .223 Brown Bear * 7.62 x 54r * 12 GA bird shot * 9MM PMC (mostly) * 12 GA 000 buck shot RAW because clearly their roster could use some depth. How dare you post something so delicious and not include a recipe...shame on you OP Booster box, fat pack or booster pack? Cleary she's just pandering to X-Files viewers. [CARN] Coach: "Walk it off!" downvoted cause it's not with awp vs silvers and bots Like every bible verse, his action were taken out of context. thoughts & pra .... gmatic thoughts owning a jacked up truck probably constitutes a disability Duh, haven't you seen Men in Black III? Is that Deadpool? Omg can we stop with the Bernie posts? It can't be it was ruled out! With Science! do you respect garlic bread? Yes, but those could be trigger words or something. But they spent so much time mastering the art of smashing light attack and spinning their joystick like it's Mario Party 2. AWW, POOR BABY. Still salty from the penalty Benteke won last season. i got this a lot in the 2nd floor of that hotel place, is that what you mean? 1338h4x wrote: PS4 has Half-colors confirmed for fate reforged, you heard it here first. Because it isn't the 2008 presidential election anymore I bet Europe wants nothing more than a direct path to Africa I check it like once a week now. HAHAHAH "queen of sex appeal" You sure it's not the new tactical barge? no its because he wasn't wearing any shoes And the people who run the school turn to them and said "huh?" Upvote because i recognize OP's name (fellow AUEG enthusiast) Should have printed out his shark week costume picture and had him sign that. Angry White Person Angry about White People Mine is grammar That's why they wear all that safety gear. Good for him to get some playing time and good for the Nuggets since it hopefully means the roster is getting healthy Echos of the *saintly* Mother Teresa? Messaging the wrong twitter is way worse than a cop shooting a kid and tarnishing the reputation of good cops. I'm not for hell, IM SVEDISH If we didn't have to rely on a 20 year old, this would be better. In other news, this never happens, and women never lie about rape. ITT: i do psychs so i need to have a s u p e r i o r i t y c o m p l e x It's the schools fault. Well, you must be a white, cis male, chauvinist, racist pig. I, for one, would not want to fuck with a flying giraffe army. AH Those are some compelling pieces of "evidence" That's hilarious. are we allowing this buzzfeed/upworthy shit just cos it's christmas? OMG SO FUNNY LOL Just gonna completely ignore the ghost of the strangely short man there. First A-League season. I knew there was something that was keeping me from enjoying the stream, at least get the basics down WCS Take that, peasants! baby wipes are freaking awesome, currently trying to convince my boyfriend that it's not gross to use them, it's extra clean! Wearing the perfect watch on your wrong wrist In: De Gea, Neymar, Pogba, Asensio Out: Arbeloa, Danilo, Danilo, Danilo Just did this a week ago along with glaz. TIL some 14-year-old stole my headphones. As a FaZe fan I'm scared now lol, Rise and Envy are looking so good right now but I believe OpTic is still the best online team, on lan anything can happen. They must be blackballing him Brent Grimes was better That's because the wall is moving behind the ball. Eventually Uber will be banned everywhere except silicon valley but good thing is that it scared taxis to get to the fucking times. Did they mean 4Chan with Torchan or the actual "TorChan"? Racist! Democrats need to bring their electors to heel. Well they don't want to offend him so it's best to just let him do whatever he wants. CLG don't deserve pobelter. This is clearly racist! Think of all the sweet karma, free shit,EBT,child support you'll receive. not in the constitution, doesn't matter C'mon now, you know that the police don't do illegal things. Please check the PS4 and XBone boxes so I can use this on console. Because nothing quiets a baby better than a swift smack to the face. I thought only white people wore socks with sandals..... Source: I am a white person that sometimes wears socks with sandals. Bullet holes are sexy y'now whad'da mean. His clone Duterte is like that one scandalous uncle every family has that charms his way into your heart even though he does things that should make you want to kick his ass. Ooooh it half came true ! Why is the y-axis showing dollars instead of the number of people? You can't steer a parked car so you should probably just skip to step 3 Wow, this game seems like a cool sequel to No Man's Sky! Molan Labe. He recognized the crap that it was going to be. Its a click bait, I only got three super magicals after doing this Why can't they be trusted? REPEAT JOKE GET DOWNVOTED Had an xb with the "oven door" had to jb weld mine back together Without either Clinton would have zero chance at winning. I think NASA messed something up, Destiny clearly shows Phobos being much larger than that. All this more wam lead me to minecon 2013 awkward moments and I don't know wether to thank you or hate you. This season just keeps getting better So if this girl can beat a transgender then Ronda could DEFINITELY beat a man Brb, spending 1000 gold on Heroic Brawl to get easy 12 wins That is some great PR. Feint So passive smoking also kills? That felt good man! Your professor upvoted you! Congratulations, you just started a storm under there what are you offering The I wish Mack would have just laid out Rivers on that play to force them to call a roughing penalty and bring attention to him being held. Ah yes, the neo-pagan temple The narcissist mother I'm really loving the whole "scientists are evil" spin media is pushing these days The asking price on him would be Chabot, not Ceci. I'm sure Apple trembling right now If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear. Meltzer: WWE is kind of retarded when it comes to what they think the fans like/will boo your sister sounds like a sensitive priss. Just install it once more Holy shit :( so glad she was ok This is clearly the NRA's fault somehow. Yeah I mean in a democracy the person with 3 million more votes should always lose. Never heard of it So you go to a local hotel to play air hockey? Fuck that bitch, she just wants to abuse our free health care woooow.. really sorry you ran into this one at ANYtime! You're fucked for life dude, might as well kill yourself. I'm sure he was a good boy who never did nothing to no one and was just at the wrong place at the wrong time. I almost forgot that he did a song with Pbat Because right now, bus drivers are incapable of harming a bus full of children, but there would be massacres if the bus drivers were armed, right? How very meta of it. I would pray that I hope she -or her child- is put in a situation that they die because no one had a concealed carry, but I'm not a shitty fucking person like she is Riot is good for esports, don't worry. Lyrics pls? Sry for no rainbow and river wow it's just like that movie independence day! Wow, did NOT expect this from the Cavaliers given their already controversial situation. Can't believe they'd push the boundaries and include and ignore blatant sexual harassment and assault on their show... Disgusted I'm sure being condescending will help you get your packages more. Hey, watch the cracks about old people or you could get banned Dammit, now the feds are going to modify the definition of terrorist to apply to an entire state Liberal reactions are the main reason I like Trump. You lucky bastard. I love lessons in reality from those who held onto the Obama is a Kenyan belief. Oh no, now you've given it away! Speaking out against police officers is unAmerican. Isn't it bariatric surgeon? Oh man you almost tricked me there for a second. I've spent so much money on raffle tickets this season. Surprisingly, none of them are Enterprise... Holy shit, finally. Fine with me, I still haven't got a Medica for VIII despite pulling like a madman on every banner :( No, you're just being a dick, and they'll find a way to smoke anyway. That's the most ostentatious "might" I've ever seen. Spontaneous defenestration is quite common among males of his age. Meanwhile, you still have to contact them with your address to see if you're one of the three houses they're willing to provide with gigabit? Send me your pic Yes, because a phone is entirely unusable after it's discontinued. So far this presidency has been a hole in one At least it's not an ACL! Shit that means I'll have to watch Blade Runner 1 through 2048 How can I spin this to criticize Israel? And with one season less played than most aswell! People only become teachers because it's a noble profession. How long is the "collision" predicted to be? Yeah the guys on the bench CLEARLY hate Balo More like the ultimate shield in a water gun fight. This dosen't remind me of looking bootloader at all This is just way to cute Promo photo of Dee Snider's Strangerland And global gets shafted again. Doesn't every video game has... *pixel* graphics? I blame Rooster Teeth for this! #NASTY WOMAN Someone log a complaint about YY Salim and PB. Prue unadulterated straight privlidge. So proud of my homeland! Just imagine someone yelling out for fun "THERE'S A DRAGONITE HERE!" Yeah because no Saudi has American assets in our country... Quick, somebody tell Chauster! Well, *technically*, you could've posted the Black Mesa mod for Half-Life. Surely, Politifact meant so say "Somewhat true" because the governements weren't donating to the "charity" foundation before the foundation existed? Finally I can be a cop. Roadhog is completely balanced and not broken at all So do I. Yo Bill... buy off the hairy orange and step in - it's a fucking free for all now, may as well... His kids running the government, the republicans making up the most preposterous shit imaginable because they've got no one to tell them to sit down and shut the fuck up, people in cabinet positions whose only goal it is to shut down their departments because those departments and their companies have been at odds for decades... And here comes a huge (YUGE) tax break for the rich which will fuck each and every working American with the largest debt in recorded history... This isn't a government - this is a fucking clown car with an endless stream of clowns climbing out and saying something even more stupid than the last. He might have survived as he didn't collide with the sign himself, and he landed in the recovery position. Friendship is a consolation prize if rape isn't available. wait, I thought only pro-\#gamergate people were hacking others! That may be the only thing that would stop it. I think the whole Marvel Universe should revolve around Jennifer Lawrence's rack. Who is the enabler now? The pie will fall out the bottom! - last whisper and black cleaver nerfs - tanks trading HP for armor making bork even more trash than it is now - more cancer tank reworks producing tanks that can 100-0 in 1 second, hard cc you for 5 seconds, and tank your abilities for 45 seconds these are adc changes, just not the ones you wanted Rated from best to worst I see. Premium quality lol when I encounter someone who has explosives outbursts like this I assume they are mentally ill. We'll never find a way to indicate sarcasm, we're too dimwitted. I can't tell if half of these people are joking, or stupid. Dealwithit, carebear. SAVE_US.GSP Basically a Lava lamp 2.7 Billion or flop. Some parts read like someone trying to recreate the American worldview in West Africa instead of just focusing on the African. Looks like he gave up lol If you have to arrest millions of your fellow country-men , maybe something is fucking wrong with the law. What does it even mean? Nigga I think it's just a way of saying, the need for individual disc games are becoming obsolete because you can purchase it online. Sounds like a country song Hmm, might hold off on buying mine now.. More like behold the power of a dude who kills 50 people and injures another 50. What I learned: can't seize a 10mm Because they are mutually exclusive obviously You forgot his chocolate milk. WHAT.A.DEAL! The funniest part about this video is that rather than making me believe IT, it's made me realize just how many plot holes there are in the game. And sue the parents for getting lemonade on his uniform. Oh yeah this is totally a guy everyone wants to date and the rejection wasn't a result of his own doing AT ALL. You get hired for every job that you are qualified for! 0/10 not enough lime green Well, were you a Muslim? Best computer store: Canada Computers Runner up: Apple Store (Eatons centre) Get the fuck out of here. Except for those brief stolen moments of raw passion as their bodies seemed to collide from across the foyer before tumbling into the utility closet Everything I need to know about christianity I learned from Westboro Baptist Church. It's not the livestream, it's twitch dont do this tsm lost cause of this I think Katy Perry needs some more police protection start investing in some right foot shoes my dude, but its a good start. Nice meme You mean Sperm Freddy? I think he was just creeping. sevege Breaking: Bryan fails to explain how a house bubble will pop when we have record inbound immigration, not enough houses and low unemployment and interest rates. Steal it, STEAL IT! Someone who says they don't have time for bullshit, and actually acts like it. I don't think anybody saw this coming... completely out of left field I think these types of laws cause more problems then they solve. How about there are good and bad in both camps? I'm at a 0/1 success rate for CPR, oops. Interesting firing stance. Running accuracy is balanced. Wtf is this ridiculous nonsense? Something everyone seems to be missing is that if the Bible is accurate then no one will recognize the anti-christ as the anti-christ until it's way too late. i watched a video recently for a guy's home garden run by an arduino that only waters when the soil is dry... like $3 online for the hygrometer. OP is just mad he missed his shots You can totally see half of Liechtenstein! That's not Chocho Yeah because big restauranteurs never have a business fail. ooga booga dem po-leez be raysis n shit da white man be keepin us down cuz That's what I was telling people, we will not be able to take all in, hell we cant take much in right now, because that will mean the end of native Europeans, so next time you vote make sure it's not pro immigration people. That's gonna void the warranty Reddit was around in 1960? What a pleasant person Yayyy, extra lore for money, I love it This is sad an a symptom of something a lot more sinister. Interesting article, I like that it relies on the same rationale that supports the claim that Wayne Rooney is a better player than Luis Suarez, because Rooney makes 250k/wk, while Suarez, 80% of the player Rooney is (see: math), makes 200k/wk. Maybe if white people stopped being the center of every possible problem, things would be ok around here. his shot looks totally broken dat depth of field eye for an eye, rape for a rape.. i guess? The hits just keep coming. Zlatan to mls confirmed I saw David Farenthold on multiple MSNBC shows, so they've spent about equal time on this story and the skittles thing. Tyler Black you mark! Not an American, can you give me some examples of what is considered 7th grade level and what is considered above that. Two perfectly good answers I don't see here.... 1) vote for Trump 2)Leave the EU Reddit would agree Because [[Volcanic Hammer]] is obviously way too strong for the current meta. Because that would dehumanize the poor ebola patients. Dude's 24 years old and already has 4 major legal issues since joining the NFL. What an insightful article. Anything above I think 20 hours is locked, your advisor has to unlock it Yes, only one Russian spy. Race Race? Dang he has a bigger signature than I remembered. Looks like it's been played with a controller. Paul Fieg still gets best dressed director So, is he gonna stop when he thinks he's finished? I'm more appalled that he is letting his lady DRIVE. Why do they need two menorahs? Didn't Luigi's cartoon voice actor die last year? Not that Kvyat would have done any better We New Zealanders know, in our hearts, that they are the *definition* of the word edgy. Guys we gotta make sure we buff Undying, he isn't viable. Why not? i miss my g15 so much the newer version is total crap Team of countries well known for their support of human rights and democracy efforts only thing id ever buff on bacchus is low the mana and increase the duration on his 1 other than that youre making him stupid strong For starters, blacks love Bill. Hey that's kicker money! It will be gone once Hillary gets elected. I love the Clarity changes they needed to do a compensation nerf with the buff or otherwise it would be broken Hi I'm your new neighbor Mark Zuckerberg At least real estate is cheap! He kinda reminds me of Howard the Duck. Well this seems like it has a good chance of passing, isn't populist fodder with unintended consequences, and exactly what I like to see from serious candidates. Might as well add imperial order and skill drain on top of this It's called being fiscaly responsible.....its not a loss The logic behind their lawsuit over the matter still boggles me - if Harriett isn't behind what you do you aren't going to have much success with it - if for no other reason so much of the WoT information that makes the world work only exists with her, Sanderson, and RJs assistants and I don't think they'll break ranks... and it's not like she probably needs the money at this point in time to make her that up for some cash. He trained his dog to sniff out cucks. That is one ugly pussy. This should be fixed with final firmware as that brings new drivers. ProJo, you gotta get Flash off your website. He waist is smaller than her hips, she must be starving Look at these kings in their castles. Yay for ruining historical items! How in the hell is it that LG can make worse products that someone like Xiaomi , Meizu, and other lesser known OEMS Can we get a banana for scale? Not jump I guess. don't think I've ever seen this mod before. Typical "okay if we do it, but illegal if you do it" state hypocrisy. So I don't have to tell people I'm a vegetarian That's some really healthy looking poison ivy you're growing there. Well that makes sense. Kanye Oh man this really makes me wanna drop console for the master race I have normal wild cat ears Why you goddamn antisemitic bastards! I guess I'm a glutton for punishment because this makes me interested. Must be nice when the most misogynistic perceived thing you have to worry about is a disliked movie trailer on youtube and not getting honor killed for being raped. Trump is good for business! So now it's just a over expensive shitty set up restaurant But I have no one to introduce myself to if I don't work at all, right? Literally this sub. Eh I find EAs conference to be the least relevant to me Jagex has taken the $10k prize money for DMM from the server budget so they are having trouble maintaining them Any help on how to get over him is welcomed Time is money. But, VENOM CURES THINGS! Oh wow, and I totally thought 'Fog City' was legit. Kill yourself Too bad those are the only liquid cooling solutions out there. Maybe he should have been punched in the face But when will it come to T-Mobile USA? But they're only homeless because they're worthless potheads Yeah I've never heard anyone outside of the US complain about diving in soccer. What better place to hide it in plain sight than the hands of our enemies? Loser going bonkers over a cleric's habrakadabra. Yes, she has already said this a bunch of times. Where else are you going to keep your precious CS:GO skins? Don't let the religious maniacs know where those trees are or they will suddenly disappear. In related news, Ashutosh is now most popular politician on Quora. Oh it's real easy for you to sit there and say what you would do if you were in someone else's shoes. love the table Obviously this would be a comment on reddit. There's gonna be a lot of trolls yo i'll call 911 on a shorty too i dont give a fuck i remember i was like 21 years old I was fuckin with this old dusty foot joint from round the way Against my better judgment I let her stay over at the crib one night after coitus cause it was a blizzard and I'm a dog but I aint about to kick a bitch out in the cold have her gettin frostbite pussy waitin on the MARTA bus n shit right I wake up and not only had this bitch already left, she ate the last of my pop tarts shoulda called 911 right then I still dont fuck with her to this day I will forever be salty about that maybe shorty ate lockette's last pop tart idk we need details So Bill Clinton can explain how it all works to the unwashed masses? This insurance gap fits the wage gap. Sure when she does it it's called modeling but when I do the same thing I am charged with indecent exposure. John Roberts is a shmuck! I watch modern family because I like to hear Sophia Vegara talk I wonder if twitch is going to fine or reprimand Canada cup for having a shirtless man on stream. I feel like this would be better if there was another Carmelo in the league but was white Then leave, the last thing we need is bitter american hating people in our country The ones who said Adolf Hitler and did the salute deserve to be put under indefinite house arrest. The only Rick Roll I'll ever stay for Only in the south do the deranged have a captive audience. This just proves why data caps are needed That would explain why a crappy team started getting top ten recruiting classes Guess they're the only ones not receiving kickbacks from the endemic corruption in the bloated US military system Paul blart mall cop *Send him to Pakistan* That the earth is flat. Well being a Jewish Nazi must be pretty miserable. I think I saw one with a Vanguard from Chivalry a while back too. And if your console can really do 4k why are you in the comment section for A 4K PC BUILD, peasant is looking for validation for his crappy decisions ..... so who won? Compression artifacting... but of course that's much less obvious than "a reptilian shape-shifting overlord race who control the world"! That feeling when she says 'ummmm ok' at something... a lot of us have been there! Yeah, the game is ruined because of the online. Who cares,its more important to arrest Jewish kids who prayed around the temple mount It must surely have some medicinal value somewhere, and the first one to kill it gets *all that money*. Ah, but he really started a conversation about them terrorismers, and that's what we should focus on (and indeed laud him for), not whether or not he stabbed himself with box cutters and then lied about it for some reason. Kids in Africa could have ate it! I don't believe this is Anonymous. 2 more weeks at least. Thanks RiP! ...why wouldn't you just use the calculator on the computer the mouse is controlling? Fucking race traitors You pay them! benchmarks usually are the best gaming experience after all McCarthyism! does that count as stolen valor? Whew I'm glad that dangerous criminal is off the streets for the next two decades. Yes, where can we get our hands on this pre-alpha game with no actual working gameplay yet? Wheres Lucas? Are you serious...... Get out of here with this nonsense. is that good Beauty Also, does Rooney have to do everything? I don't think this would be viable on tropical areas, it looks clever af though 2 Album releases but still 13 episodes :^). Because Trump supporters are consequentialists. The World is Yours but that's an impossible question 23 key if ur lucky ;) ill buy ur shitty "p3" Just that cross hair style makes me cringe, let alone the gameplay That had to be done on purpose Canadian Megabytes are bigger, though Proud to be an American I'm glad at least that his reasons for quitting are sound and respectable and not just "I'm qutting Lol because dis meta sux and because dynamic Q waaaaa" Learn to take a screenshot A good solution would be not to vote for raging alcoholics. When Stamkos and Tavares come home, and then they draft Matthews, they will be a Dynasty No we don't in Argentina we take fake brands and pirating very seriously BnS will be an esport Why does everyone on f7u12 hang around ~12 year olds Why can't we have a march about science and the Climate without making it a social justice march with vague trappings of science and climate? After the regional rail debacle, this is EXACTLY what Philly needs. Five guys has been there for a while no? Kid should have a masters in astrophysics by the age of 4. I think he needs more commas. Snapdragon What a bad man for using a jet to commute.. He should have used his flying carpet that runs on biofuel and emits a smell of French fries instead. Yay. Clearly being mind controlled by that racist Drumpf. No, I'm this hyped for a game I don't plan on buying Ahn Qiraj opening. New dungeon in vortex! So we're heading for an American style government, because that's been working so well. surprise surprise. Hey, that's my birthday! Says Who? All 5 weren't for dust 2. Man, that looks heavy. Checkmate climate change ;) The era of true creativity Wait, you can crab pot that pond? They should really make a dragon Ball z prequel series. Not Dvorak, no good This is the best title in the history of time and people. Just like megas ruined X and Y. The planet doesn't need saving tho. I am shocked that Starbucks would do something for publicity and then pull this shit when no one is talking about it anymore. but he provided a signature and everything. yeah...threatening them is really going to get them to join your cause I can say with absolute certainty that the crappy, 1973 looking graphics allow me to know that the story and depth of immersion will fall completely short, and thus the game will be crap. Up until he endorses Clinton, then, no longer. Only in these situations do FAs recognize that eating more equals gaining weight but, when it come to them some how that doesn't apply. Well after one All-Star style game we can put that to rest. shut up I thought female "nice guy neckbeard gentlesirs" didn't exist.. until today. Totally awesome for dates though, you can get her in free in some places maybe! Definitely hoping for a longer fight this time although I can't see it That totally looks like brick weed SHARE THIS COMMENT IF YOU DROVE WITHOUT A SEAT BELT ON AND SURVIVED I'll probably skip this driver I like Sapphire's Cheese Graters tbh Trash post. Now, lets report this to the admins look how big his exhaust pipe is...he must have a big penis Curry a hypebeast Rescue Vehicle Cringy! Oh that's the Easter Egg following 'the last bastion' Small Government! This is me x100. I know, rotor blades have no place around children yeah, let's make fun of a girl we don't know for something she has absolutely no control of. I originally took the screen shot to send to a friend that hasn't played the game, thought the boxes would make it easier for her to see what to look at :) Not even for that Source? bet it feels great against his stomach. Wrong chair bro. c'mon now...let the poor fella repeat what he's been told to think. Facepalm Inb4 puppy autism Of course, pictures never lie. Then let the people who do make the decision. The CBC understands that the CRA collects the taxes that actually funds their budget right? TIL that ligament damage gives you cankles. It makes no sense because women designed the billboard. Of course the Administration didn't know this was happening. And communist software. Reported for relevance Karma doesn't exist asshole What a surprise! Just because someone can make a Reddit post about Intelligence doesn't mean they can spell intelligent That was nice of him, my brother just bought me a bunch of old Dell peripherals from GW. THANKS FOR REMINDING US. Man, she is hot. This game is the tarnation worst! I wonder if it would take this long for an indictment if a private citizen was caught on tape choking a cop to death? That's every war. Plz ubi... Stuff like this is ridiculous and should have been fixed in the beta. What DLC is this? Rule number 1 Also this is dumb as fuck. Wooing the evangelical vote is a kind of performance art. Oh Well, THIS EXPLAINS A LOT! When you need l33t frags for your video. very nice. Subtle Lewis, real subtle. Didn't they just cut 60% of Europe's supply? Don't you know the NAP doesn't apply to commies I guess Guerilla tape isnt as strong as advertized His analysis of Vick: He has the #1 WR and #1 RB and is facing the team that has given up the MOST fantasy points to qbs as well as 200+ to AJ but the ravens are desperate so lets wait a week... I don't need vick but... Quality! Big words for a man with no team flair. Well hey, it's just a clump of cells Still not as good as the P2 that reaction time though Yes, I know exactly what happened in each commit. That explains why everyone hates Luxray, right? This is great to share with friends that are just starting to give up on real life! It's when you hit the end button, yes? A light dusting of sodium would make a neat water alarm. Thats racist! This rapid giant purge in Turkey is scary and dangerous or is it the best. Isn't the automod meant to catch stupid shit? Whoever called this in should be charged with disturbing the peace at least. Slide as in, "let him off the hook," or "slide" like his brother's body slid underneath a two-ton vehicle? Suspicious cropping Bunk bunk! Batrider the unnerfable hero Tfw you see someone hypering Bastet in 2016 They didn't win champs, therefore should be considered failures I've lost a similar number of goals to last night. That's not exactly pressing though, more like swarming like angry bees. It's a good thing that 10 ton trucks come with controls and regulations or there is no saying how many people some crazy person could kill in a crowded event with one of those... this is retarded. If they make nights pitch black again, then I sure can't wait to sit in my base for 15 minutes each hour, along with 90% of the server. I TOLD YALL MOTHERFUCKERS JESUS NEVER DISSAPOINTS. Least you don't have to pay for every mile Picking up on tells is part of being a talented hitter. Bet they wouldn't have fined Lucas if he stuck his landing... terrible form. ahahahahahahahahahahahah Well where the hell am I supposed to work when I get out of the military, now? JMo for that incredible run down the field. Yes, they nurse the dead. They still sound homophobic Relax, Lucca is off fighting Magus right now. WHO IS BATSY? That poor dog that's stuck in the closet! It looks like Asuka is going into the freaking Avatar state. Ya, screw the servers, they deserve cancer. Show me evidence of hell & Jesus. See, slave owners were good to their slaves! Well it makes me a lot more knowledgeable than you about the topic, and it gives me enough knowledge to make some educated inference Doesn't count because it was done in 128 tick Regarding how close they are to their neighbors, there's an old southern saying that goes "If a man can't piss in his own front yard, he lives too close to town." I can't place what she is suppose to be, maybe a Banshee? Just curious, what modification would be necessary to make a civic RWD? This is clearly fake because we all know widow maker is garbage tier since her nerf any minor^7 resolving to a major^7 The Baby screamin at the end felt the same as I did, he is an asshole but 10-20 people running at him after he had beaten the woman didn't really feel that great. Collateral damage. Fuckin rakins, Julian. how rude There's totally never any lust involved. Yea he is obviously a mouse, usernames don't lie. Don't pimp your blog on here, please. Try the facebook page if you accept it, you normalize it. Right, degrees like mathematics are not at all focused on this subject matter. That's one way to win over the millennial vote. So racist on many levels to drown a black oreo in a cup of white milk But... But... But... Socialism! Fun fact: You yapping idiots are such a tiny minority that no general marketing team gives a shit about collecting statistics on you. VAGINAES ARE SO UNAUTHENTIC. Got insane lagg + a few "reconnecting to server" issues... fun when you play ranked Well, everyone knows the government *always* knows what's best...especially when it comes to drugs. Different time zones The cause and cure for a problem are generally not the same thing. While I don't appreciate bad manners in games... you probably get offended a little easily. But hey Breitbart is the best news source around, I mean just check out their conspiracy articles Lol.. Well it does say cereal bar, so cereal is healthy right? Yes you'll have to download it's 55 gigs, and you can start preloading now by sliding the receipt you got for preordering into the disc drive. They should round those protesters up and put them in some kind of camp. Wow, this really is the next holocaust. As great as this is I get a strong impression that she really just wants to emulate Imogen Heap. Because of the new pavilion tax? Pretty sure that means you want to fuck your mother Seen this posted here like four times lol PEOPLE WANT 40MAN RAIDS NOOB LOL PWND Long ass horse teeth, sharpied on eyebrows, fucked up fake ass lashes, and slug lips are all funny as shit, but I don't smile at anyone who wears a hat backwards Scrotty McBugerballs What are the pills? More like pre-rendered cutscene/final outcome maybe youre just being cheap Too bad leaves don't grow on trees. If they didn't sound the sirens and something happened they'd all be pissed that the county didn't protect their kids. As someone who works at an amusement park, it's always my fault that they can't fit. These are "isolated incidents" Probably the 2nd best overseas player ever after Dirk. What, the side that broke the record on using something wants to get rid of it now that it's not convenient, surely they see the hypocrisy. I'll be significantly disappointed if this character doesn't appear in Rocknaldo. Looks like the rear tire on my track bike after about 4 months of use lol Was it written in crayon, by a man with tiny hands? While I hate the herald, don't forget that their party conference was this last week AND they had a leader change. Swiggity swooty! As great as this fight will be, I want to see both get a(nother) fight with Jones, not just one of these guys. No but this one has twitch chat xd C'mon, everyone knows Scorpion has a teleport. Sorry, I don't get what I'm looking at? Science gave us AIDS religion gave us the KKK As a white guy I feel so oppressed by the way history is taught in schools. Well, Im glad they were able to find it. ITT: "Calling me out for CONSTANTLY guilt-tripping you into feeling like a subhuman monster because of your gender is abusive." It's important that the government controls your eating habits Because the LoL graphics are like phone game graphics Trump is the champion for the working class, whom are under assault from many sides. nothing like supporting all women She had the same design in Dissidia 012, which came out in 2011. Arm didn't come out first in the lunge, 0/10 action would not award touch. I don't get it Yeah, I really can't see us getting him over United. And then they'll get prosecuted just like the Wall Street bankers who caused the financial crisis. Goth lux with side pony tail is best girl. Oh have times have changed. The only reason there are still elections is so Lukashenko can see who his political enemies are and have them all arrested in one neat little campaign. BUT... VIOLENCE! how is this legal, it is exactly the same as selling snake oil. But I love seeing all the "343 has failed", "343 pls change X", and "343 why you do this" posts. We still have Vaxei Because taking away the cops make the streets much safer! Anything with tongues. I'd ask for Gilmour to have eternal life before I asked for Waters. It once belonged to British Columbia Institute of Technology, unless thats your school What a goon Spanish culture dictates that everything must be turned into a major drama. Yet another fine reason why regulators suck and stand in the way of businesses and the great things they bring to life. shit :( fixed But you have to slow down because it is dangerous to use your phone and drive at highway speeds. Weird, this is the second time I've seen this couple in the past few days, but the first time was from a different angle and in better quality. Good lord he's a good looking guy You're fucking retarded you elitist shitstain [G] Someone needs to put all the scene queens and bog trolls who populate this sub in there Nah, it's not a very good idea to sign him long-term. Wow.. looks like a beautiful movie, Nagesh Kukunoor certainly has brilliant directing skills loved his Iqbal and Dor too. The only gun that needs to be nerfed is the damn brecci Gross, rape colors! Dagobah home to Predators confirmed? Have fun with that heap of problems because that's all my two have been Serves 'em right for messing with the title sequence. Aeroplane tickets that buy themselves. Just curious, but how is sushi in Japan different? When arms manufacturers have a hand in deciding government spending. Jesus, he should've played basketball instead. Should've played around that As I understand it, Bannister is the metrics nerd, who is going to try and translate all the best info and advantages the data shows into applicable pitching adjustments for the pitching staff. Can't you at least blur their faces out of respect for their privacy? Don't worry, I thought winning 5 arena matches was impossible at first too. When did Larry David decide to run for President? I'm sure living in two extremely different time zones didn't help. When Bernie said "I can't win, vote for Hillary", clearly some of his supporters should've listened to him instead of prioritizing scandals. I was wondering when today's post of this video would show up. And the Russians wouldn't of existed if the Allies attempted reconstruction after WW1. Don't you know everyone's hands got bigger since the last generation? If only people bought QSS The recycle bin killed me xD But everyone on the reality TV shows I watch do this. The portrait of the female gender in the queen piece triggers me. wow look at all them 8 armour ultra patch zergs oh Too bad nobody cares about your wrestling program Have you ever heard of screenshotting? OMG WHAT A CONFESSION! Did you try turning it off and back on? Gaaaaaaaaaaay Even the song goes "I know I *Gaben* *Gaben* *Gaben* *Gaben*" If people can have good matches with brooms, why not Blow Up Dolls? Nice try, NASCAR PR Rep. Gah, hella nassy Don't forget to allow more refugees into your country! offside/advantage is terrible in this game tbh... not to mention handballs but w/e right, handballs aren't called thaat often in rl GFY Remember when the free market took it upon themselves to clean up the Cuyahoga River when it kept catching on fire? Well done, you've discovered what the hololens is really for. Islamophobia and climate change, just in today! obviously fake, we all know this is a mirage. So those aren't the things for watering your tomato plants? When you name Reliance: You know that bitch will breathe fresh air of freedom.And that too a VP.Time to change the law for her Mr.Ravi Shankar Prasad.She is a victim of the opposition.She was forced to drink and was driving at gun point.why would a lawyer would do this who knows the law.Obviously she is targeted because she is Ambani's ho.I fucking hate this capitalism.If I was there as a witness that night,I would have removed her insides by slitting her throat.Like a Chicken.And fuck I care if that person got boobs. Talk about a renewable resource! Well that's a crappy situation for Marshall, get the light fixed. TRAITOR. A footballer annoyed that he hit the post... Yeah this is post worthy Masturbation Simulator is a good purchase! The reason I got my dashcam was a similar incident, really scary stuff seeing a 25 tonne road train barge into your lane. Oh how interesting, I wonder what the verdict will be? I can say you are Nova, since I would keep Bizon on LE I am sure everything will be resolved amicably now since Vichare attends Iftars Yeah, she just leaves her dishes out for someone else to pick up Oakland would be the perfect revival spot for XFL! 2/10 no pisscore EMERGENCYBANELDRAZI When you go home and jerk off Thought it said 50% off, damn #\#PeenoisePrayd If this is the direction humanity is heading we are done as a species. Why would they do anything to cause this much disruption in Turkey when they're such a big arms customer for the US? RCMP needs to bring in more snipers, this looks really out of control. and maybe Legend of Kora too See you in court I say, let's put that in place of the up arrow and the XBox logo instead of a down arrow. It was a fake moustache. oh no, the squares are not alligned perfectly I thought of Kuzco. ...while Parise is literally invisible looking forward to seeing what they do with it My kids never get me anything nice. Awww. Adele - "Hello" oh ya I remember when Trainspotting came out and suddenly everyone wanted to dress like some filthy Scottish heroin addicts You could see near the end is the part where he tries to make him humble. Fucking Hilarious. Because free markets are magical things that solve all the worlds problems Domesticated polio only now I guess this is what happens when you no longer spank your kids? So all you heteros are into... *this*? [](/flutterroll)I guess I better follow rules some guys I don't know made up, to avoid being socially overbearing Mocha will just make her Blog an FHM magazine Came to this thread expecting this exact comment. Wow no Marshawn Lynch for fullback He's sorry though guys. That's a terrible Gunrock costume! Does Demko not count as a prospect? Well only when they're drunk Female = you're a sexual object = you're automatically horny for the first guy to tell you he has an 8 inch dick. Too bad were behind in recruiting to Atm Houston Baylor and TCU right? Reminds me uncannily of the montage of scenes from Buddy's early life as an elf with the showers and all that lol I've done that this morning, what's your point So much for those terrifying two TE sets lol typical racist chelsea fans! Damn, visual proof the NIMBYs have succeeded in blocking all development. THEY HAVE A RIGHT TO SAY THEIR OPINION -- Liberals Only thing I litter are apple cores and I throw them into the woods behind my apt complex I doubt the animals mind The problem these days, is that your not even allowed to beat your own child with something as subdued as a morning star Patriot who loves America. You should add an Another wild stab: Yellow Submarine movie? DAE smark crowd getting themselves over? But hey, at least he has his fall protection on! Cue concussiongate It means you reported someone ingame afaik? Wisconsin Students Demand Free One Way Tickets to Africa for Black Students I'm not so worried about the 8 lost bombs; they take a lot of maintenance to remain useable and would have long corrorded into nothingness, what concerns me is the use of 'approximately'; it may be 8 or 15, maybe 12 we're really not too sure. Leftwing ? OP doing all kinds of research inna lilLahi wa inna ilayhi rajioon Absolutely gorgeous, not shocking though considering he's the German that the German suplex is named for. How else would other people know they're naval troops! You guys mean him taking a break from lifting 2.5lb weights to do some acrobatics was staged? The other type of HAM. Surely he missed the r and actually meant he was praying to your Godliness for mercy! I can't find the cops name anywhere Bbbut it's Rasmussen now that it's back for trump it doesn't count. Obviously ram The whole half life 3 thing. Reminds me of interns We should have picked Laine Got to train them young, hopefully in a few years they will be model prisoners So what was he suppose to do when a large angry mob was marching at him and getting aggressive? Everyone knows that gay people are legally barred from owning items intended for straight couples. Can i still go back to freaking out because no split screen co-op? Looks like trump is upholding voters promises Funny everyone agrees with his statement, HOWEVER you don't see "unban epsilon" threads everyday like you do with IBP....I fucking wonder why. Boy, I can't wait to see all these Borutos. It's cool, just keep your foot on the gas the entire time! I'm so glad the US remains being such a close ally to them They're called republicans and this has been going on for a while now. Is there a subreddit for obsessively cleaning things? It's shit. Who? That planking craze really got out of hand. run [[collected company]] I hope you had fun with your drinking, then! Simply lovely, he is. Well, how else are we gonna get their families too? Dammit OP this is why I have to move out of my apartment! Do Balkan countries dream about anschlussed clay? damn he's high Unless she is Violet stepping outside the bar in Pottersville this didn't fucking happen You're right, they should've just never ported and spared us their half-assed attempts at appeasement. #immortal it in a bold so it is u just proved nothing, BT did most of the healing there Yeah and they always call me a slut when they enter but don't dare to write that "u"! But they deserve to be there! Poke I wonder how many of them meet Trump or his surragates Seriously... I can't think of worse advertising. Almost an Orwellian news title there. Gosh, that would be nice, but it'd just be so expensive, and we're in a bit of a tough spot with the budget. A lot more people would go to hell. It's not corruption if it's legal Great choice on the single barrel too! Some Audioslave is always good to mtb to. Range, lower and upper I'm about to replace a rear strut on my forester... any tips/advice? Well, there's a fine example of unbiased reporting. I had an opinion superior to everyone else's and had to correct their stupidity immediately. That was mean spirited and unamerican! And then certain enemies had spectral tears. I cant handle this much 90s DGD Damn they sure all look depressed, sad, crying and wanting to leave Since such a thing is impossible to measure, and any personal experiences of it are biased, none. A mini-Tumblrverse collapsed as it discovered the existence of asexual males. What the fuck is going on here? Well if anyone knows the intricate details of Liberal back room chatter it's Bob Ellis. Super scummy. because if a girl attacks another girl, you are not allowed to defend the attacked girl As someone who plays a lot of COD, I can say that this is the perfect storm for the franchise and I can't see them recovering from this. Wow why isn't anyone smiling? Very new. Katee Sackhoff (she would have a bit of Kirk's more fly by the seat of your pants mojo) I got exactly the same just a rare Should also have **Ignores armor** and be an exclusive Shaman card Yes it can. Gotta cram it into every thread This was pretty expected, right? Somewhere in the world Gavin Free just gagged hard I would be pleasantly surprised if the Supreme Court rules in favor, but I don't believe they will. Revel and York is for space-yuppies living above their means. I have gotten i think 20 fp yesterday for the first match i picked up and that is that. Yeah, but Seth was an Indy darling so it's ok! How is she not literally shaking wearing that? He would also look great in the Raiders colors MMMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYY Gretzky is an alein. There are a lot of great policeman out there. pshhh wait until you hear that some 11 year old squeaker has fu**ed your mom for the 100th time that week... then you will appreciate the community I don't remember that old guy on the left in the cast. The dude realized stamkos' dream... Playing with Kucherov DAE think Ozil is over rated Must be Florida. Sandbagger! Sorry, apparently the only right answer is... nobody would open up their home to a refugee, Left are hypocrites, the world is ending. Sublime. He might actually get away with forgetting to buy something for their next anniversary. Wow Blizzard has clearly made supporting wild a priority! Says the atheist. Except himself, of course. Didn't know there are so many people from Nord Africa. He just hasn't stopped by the bank to pick up his white privilege check yet They tested it on the biggest platform , NA , and it was fine. I'm not an Obama fan, but this is the right thing for him/us to do. yeah i just love to make jokes about the deaths of thousands of people This is outrageous, they need to restore the 3:1 ratio of black players immediately, for balance and equality! I can't believe how nice he was. Feeling vindicated knowing my decision to stay with cassettes was a wise one! Got enough honeycombs? 900p in Cinemas and 1080p Blu-Ray? Because repeatedly sending someone (whose lack of response is a clear sign of their disinterest) copy-pasted messages is the very definition of politeness. Damn that's a beafy spec machine. She sure showed her Must have been with Pop-Tarts with bites taken out of them or something, because Chicago has strict gun control. Savage! they said no politics That's great.. Do you have the source video link? Ooh, he sure had the last laugh there. this clickbait :D It's coming out 2018 and I'll bet my bottom dollar on it. So basically we should just privatize everything and make it a for profit business? We better get rid of all the police because that's the biggest danger in those neighborhoods Kid gets a magic *(golden)* ticket that sends him into his favorite action movie to live a fast-paced wild adventure [Last Action Hero] Casspi is ruining the game of basketball Too many sycophants in congress. Ravana all day baby. Yeah, because private industry never wastes money and the profit motives of private actors always produces the optimal result in all circumstances. Presidential af Looks like the prison system made him a better person minor text fixes That you can make it to the front page OP! Should go down well in Alabama. Well done Bangalore, so proud of you! Wait why, this was when we needed her the most to keep her eyes on Russia. Wheres hunter? Ask me about my weiner. and discovers lice or dandruff That is a damn nice map. But she has a cut above her eye wah If I have a good PC, 30 FPS is not something I'd call 'works'. Google maps on my phone pronounces Yonge as it it rhymes with "sponge". is this region free? For defenders of kulcha :I thought rape issue was blown out if proportion by the west to defame india? Will they be performing similar violations on female sex offenders? Yeah everything they have ever done and everything they will ever do is shit. But how will I browse reddit while running errands in a confident way? I think I was very clear, FUCK YOU RIOT. And violating theTurkish embassy today. Derek Dorsett, Philip Larsen, Alex Biega If the thug is hungry for McDonald's then you're fucked Too long... unsubscribe. Abandoned my ass- wtf you doing in my office! Half-Life 2, heard it was pretty good. that is the whole point of being muted Maybe he's coming to V8 Super cars, he hasn't ruled that out yet. That's pretty impressive What does she have to offer white people? No one ever had that idea You got me! When the Loving v. Virginia was being looked at we shouldn't have had any white OR black judges within 50 miles of the decision. Fallout 4 looks great I feel pity for this device :( Ayyy lmao So how many more months of winter does that make again? that was so funny Great, now men have the same opportunity as women to waste their time and money on a worthless degree! Could you imagine if he didn't know which one was Cox and he thought Brent Celek was Cox? This is why I vote Greens Ha... the invaluable group straight man. Ted Nugent is still relevant? Yeah, we're really proud of it in the US. Good Fucking Obama. I thought the newest form of birth control was Singaporean men Reposts happen for 2 reasons: A) People are new, or B) People are lazy as fuck and need validation only sweet karma can provide. Bla bla bla Racist, bla bla bla no instances reported. something something male tears, shitlord! It's just part of their culture you racist Islamophobic bigots But it feels so good! Gotta love that corn syrup. Not really sovcit stuff, Garret just needed to stfu. It looks like rice prices are down though.. Isn't that what those poor people eat? This worked well in Afghanistan before anyways. Yep- too isis It's nice to see the indian government's efforts to increase FDI pay off so nicely. Twitch chat is a very accurate and reliable representation of the CS community in general. For the same reason you don't ever see "Santa caught on camera mid-delivery." but then you can't open it on your ipad and show your clients your epic scroll skillz THINK OF THE CHILDREN! This is art. These incidents make me realize what a miracle it is that I can get clean, safe food a block from my house at all. Your opinion is wrong, so you have to listen to mine. Boy, that ol' race card thing for women who don't like you never gets old, huh? It would be fucking hilarious.... for a while... until America turns into Fallout New Vegas. Can't wait! What if I told you they were going to vote for him before the AMA? He didn't have to fake it, the French already hate Muslims. yeah, because ADC's are great at taking objectives or anything That's not true! Yeah because the Drug War works so well as it is I can actually imagine this seeing play in mill rogue and similar decks. Tomorrow Putin will deploy troops in Canada to protect prorussian's rights and interests there. Everything about your desk setup is amazing did Trump just realize that there is something he owns that would lose lots of money if the steady stream of illegal labor dried up? Gosh, I do wonder what the difference between her and the others is. Snake oil salesman GENIUS! Well she's clearly an obvious threat to law and order! Just to make sure they dont get confused with Eminem He's getting 2 Convention bounces, unheard of. They stopped getting counted. As long as the US and other Western governments keep using your tax money to fuck with the Middle East and pocket some themselves, you don't have to worry about a damn thing. And they wonder why Obama is invading the South OMG how exciting I'm sure this will turn out differently than the last 60-something attempts at repealing the Affordable Care Act! Say, a rigid spine and arms, and a spring that pushes the arms up and forward (so when the strings aren't pulled, the arms are put together in front of the face); and Evil Capitalist actually pulls the arms back as needed. She's hot This is my surprised face. Phil Jones That would be pretty amazing if it were true. He's very nervous - as he should be if he's going to point a gun at me. Ngl at first glance though those csgo pins were csgo condom packets! salty comments incoming ...What an awesome "bundle" As an incoming freshman who always heard about Destler and was looking forward to him being my president... *single tear rolls down face* Godspeed, Banjo President. yuck clearly the best character in the game hands down They just don't intend to offend straight white men. Great sawsall job Nickelback of course Just the fact that it's canon is hilarious Just do whatever Canada and Europe is doing, and it's guaranteed to be better that the 'murican way' Cyborg will have a panic attack, can't wait for the thousands of tweets she'll make about Rousey Let's be fair, maybe she bought the jacket at a thrift store or at a Goodwill. Good thing we dismantled the Iraqi army after invading. What the fuck dude Yes, because this one project is the harbinger of gentrification on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. League of Legends was great for figuring out my sexuality and mental handicaps. To be fair, Irving had just gone through the horror of Jade Helm, so they were still on edge. I don't think he remembers the 80s and 90s, I think he means the 30s and 40s maybe. Remember guys, there will always be hope But at least we get to pay for a wall! Nice, this will make Chinese and Russian investers happy. No that's just you yeah idk how people fall for that lol And they both have the latin male suffix... becuase they are male ... Top Quality Shitpost So this means that Spider-Man's web shooters should actually be shooting webs out of his nipples? most likely, but ill wait until its official They would lose their traction control. Maybe its a tree house. It's better than Revelations. Yappy little dog. Kids got a sweet left foot This is clearly worth its own thread. Why is this news? Obvious lying peasant could not be any more obvious. Wow that Armando Mgr needs to stop leaving the break table so dirty! He changed his twitter handle to it! Every great player gets tackled to the floor, he needs to work through it. How could we keep up to date otherwise? His size finally caught up with him I thought this was a well known throw now? Nah, he's just a product of Manning what a fucking animal they should have neutered him Never watched it myself, but I have a friend that loves it, and a friend who said it was shit, so im torn whether to watch it. This is a great way to get a lot of people to just not visit your place of business ever. Pure comedy gold And autism so... 3k? No dude he just did a uturn totally legit loophole Just put a condom on it. Sooooooo if he's a finalist does that mean the Habs hook me up with free tickets to Vegas? Old news, non-Amiibo news, mod-b-gone! This is great considering that digital downloads are already fairly priced and we don't pay enough tax in CT already. Because we're going to give him the start That's because we can't risk the chance that the passengers might now be traveling by boat to our shores. PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: Hillary doesn't matter, and just because they did it doesn't mean it's okay if we did it. It appears The_Donald is milking this angle for all it's worth. I was hoping for orange That's not a kick bot, it's just a crazy skilled player playing on a 0ms connection, Cdew got out-skilled hard yo! That movie is bad and you should feel bad I forgot Jake Locker existed Yeah, 310 artifact is a terrible reward. Just don't let him leave. This skin is amazing. So, uh, when are the leaders of the white community all over the country going to come out, and protest and speak up against all this? It's all a joke VA JR is gonna lock that shit up Did I miss the announcement where Disney acquired Blizzard? COOL! John C did his testing well again I see I can't wait for the sequel so I can watch Eminem blow up. I think I saw like 3.5 pixels in that entire video clip But one of the other Chiefs visited the injured after the stabbing! perfect controlled demolition But we're living in the most peaceful time you dummie! Squints. No that's impossible everyone knows 4chan is just hackers and rapists, no actual discussion goes on there. Retro Anyone beyond the binary pays full price 45 would be interesting. KanalKarnaval is the best streamer how dare you criticize shitty girl Russian streamers Better than Fukkatsu no F Guys its only been an hour maybe it will make it to the front page This is why we don't have women engineers. They still wouldn't delete the ones that people already have, and we can use very tiny fractions of them so that wouldn't be a problem. He forgot to mention waking up alone as well. But it's central Florida! I would've read this drivel but the fucking full screen ad triggered me. which one would you recommend future hacker detected and your boobs are still awesome! Gratz bro;) Wow no one expected that! I love how people downvote me for trying to be useful to others While were at it, lets make a flawless Wrath of the Machine double challenge mode completion a requirement as well. How is that racist? But he didn't fit in the Bruins system, amiriteguys? His speed is 93 but his agility and acceleration are 40 and 50 In other news, water is wet. Somebody should report them to tumblr staff or police. And then men can say the same thing about normal feminists who don't try to stop radical feminists #notallwomen How many kicks? Lekker voor ze should have broken his wrist Amazing how AI support has increased over the years! That's look awesome! Yeah its crazy that a publicly traded company is trying to make money for its shareholders This is such a small thing but I am very happy about it! You missed bro, get over it Because each lesbian is just waiting for the right dick to change them over I hate this about Madden Yes, "Batman: Adventures of the Court of Owls Under the Red Hood's Killing Joke" is an example of an exciting title. Yes People of different Ethnic background in a same party can't have dissenting opinions One of the greatest selling ebooks of ALL TIME! Don't worry, Lois Lerner's e-mails are secure even though your tax returns aren't. I don't have a scat fetish, so I don't imagine myself ever saying that. I'd they'd had spelled "roll" correctly then maybe this would have been alright. Ars is not an acronym. I don't see any PR for fracking in this thread at all Nice sunglasses douchebag Reminds me of that 1.6 match where strippers had to distract the players. CALORIE DENSITY is the key to eating lots while staying/getting slim Remember that Westballz was super tired from winning that 3 am tournament at the lock in SSS Good to see Rigby making it in the industry! Yes, Han would totally get involved with the rebels before he does in the movies If anyone needs me, I'll be in a corner exploding with surprise. yeh comparing one land mass in terms of size to another is madness Ugh so tired of seeing his chub dad bod TL:DR Perkins and his defense are missed How about instead of giving tax breaks to "job creators" so they can create jobs, we give tax breaks to "job creators" AFTER they create jobs? Not suspicious at all 8 piece black tower The idea that not all slytherins are evil Big Pharma is a Drug Empire collective of cartels who keep power by forcing monopoly and eradicating competition. Well obviously, why shoot when we can play keep the ball and pass backwards? Everything on the internet is a man.... even the girls are men pretending. lmao shaw is such a beauty Paying taxes is for peasants! That was the one with the cars, right? This is Russian Equipment for the victory day only after that they're going to leave. for the love of god, how does this end? Sounds like George Galloway when he pretended to be the cat. i know ive see this before but not sure where, anyone have a source on this? Is it too much to hope for that she wasn't being interviewed for being anti-vaccine and that she spoke without affecting an exaggerated drawl for the city folk? this phone will never die Poteva almeno inserire un caso non fallito miseramente Anything except actually changing their policies. Look at how those white people are opreasing thay poor black man...those bastard Anyone else use the Power Glove? new DLC ninja class? Damn your parents must be proud. But Chicago has strict anti-gun laws, there's no way that this could be what it's actually like. Hahaha, liked this on the most, do more! omg they're so cute i can't even Awesome first build :D It's cool because of the bionic leg. The biggest part is that I have Dota 2 running right now and not LoL, and since I am the best, that makes Dota 2 the best. Also remember to open all chests, break all barrels and check all vendors after leveling up! It's because she is a Christian woman right? Bawk Bawk! snagged one, thanks a bunch for the link! He only wants Messi to play away games, clearly. So say my buddy gets caught with some bad stuff and I'm I witness...I just I believe in nothing and I don't have to testify? See guys Deadeye is totally fine as it is. my opinions have never killed anyone though... maybe i'm just doing it wrong? the pope knows who is mostly at fault for climate change but has not got a clue why his god allows children to be raped and slaughted .What a fucking cunt he really is I believe Cracken is fitting as well, due to iPotato display quality. If he was 178 lbs of pure muscle, 30lb curls are pretty low. Doable if u manage ur time and talk to ur adviser Next thing ya know pokemon cards will be in the place where magic the gathering card should be lol This ist des Gonnican way of life :D ... hm or death i vote for death ... yep Do you think it is strong enough? not downloading until this shows Pokemon Make Connecticut safe again! Now fill it in please I've never seen this before Its fine, he's giving us the thumbs up Fiction Whatever it is, it's obviously a false flag to cover up the NSA scandal. No, you see, that 8th year of W's term, that was really the result of Clinton destruction of the economy. Pistons are totally suppose to be in pieces. So is he trying to say he has a 32 mb gpu that never existed and if it did exist it would be from 15 years ago. We need to increase welfare spending to help people like this. Well they didnt walk her out in chains from the interview about the review, so, nothing left to see here guys. Oh boy, ANOTHER batman. Thanks for the slur asshat Yeah, because feeling like I'm steering a car in FPS games is so much more authentic than responsive 1:1 aiming! But they're only made in Mexico because the liberals made them do it. But..but..check your....privilege? [But how would they do that if you kill him in the end?] Where do you set the DIN? More paid DLC... wonderful. This is why I hate Europeans \#notracismwhentalkingaboutwhiteppl If Obama was the anti-Christ, does this make Bernie the second coming? That is the cleanest subway car I've ever seen. I love the way the camera angle changes RIGHT at the moment of impact he's running away from everything They identify as straight men. Is that Frankie? America, apparently Nice intro. R1: FDIC insures deposits up to 150k Why does it need Bam Margera I'm* Sorry, I'm OCD about that! Mills Lane. Not to mention because of the electoral college stupidity, less than half a dozen states could even remotely possibly affect results by purely hypothetical voter fraud. Vlasic It seem that you Croatian folks need a visit by our God and Supreme Leader Vucic. This is the canon ending right? It's 2013, who still has a need for a non-corporate desktop email client? you're* surely this will work out in c9's benefit. Dexter so benched they're even replacing his jerseys The VA, giving veterans a second chance to die for their country why do they have a cell phone booth? Why do people always sexually harass the ones they respect so much? Russians are killing the terrorist families and girlfriends, which I've been told is perfectly legit. The nemesis approach. I'm sick of paying $65/month for a 125MBps/125MBps connection So if Apple isn't in the know of this method the DOJ claims to have, couldn't they just offer a bounty for someone to uncover it publicly so their engineers can start fixing it? Tactical support is ready, show us where you want it Phew thank the fuck that Tim Blair is working so tirelessly and publically to defend our rights. Quality post, thanks for the giggle m8 It's not "abbreviating" if the information you intentionally omit disproves your entire point; that is just called "lying". Yes. Welcome to the eagle scout club. Damn that's a particularly dark one. I got your reference, even though I don't really like them. This should be the top comment, but it's too depressingly true. Sucks that Jagr won't pass Gordie Howe today. Are the Kings running the 4 on 5 defense Vivek wants them to do? Advertisement is now considered mildly interesting I suppose. Just like genocide. Those are some ugly pants. Thin privilege is not having to buy an extender in order to properly wipe your butt. Sure, better than (God forbid) a black guy or woman. Hamlet? To be fair, he *did* ask Brianna Wu some aggressive questions. Most of international travel is WAY cheaper flying to/from IAH, even with the inclusion of two one-way car rentals, or airport parking. Am gay, can confirm we don't have any monogamous relationships. Need a closeup/macro of both sides of it, but I'm guessing fake, too. For starters I recommend arch. His "use" of "quotation marks" really "bothers" me. Well looks like that ruby bolt nerf truly made raids harder and slower Yeah and if you're not my ideal version of a woman then you're a dumb slut who will die alone and used up. Because meta I'm sure Surgeon General Ben Carson will deeply appreciate his belief in the Earth being 6,000 years old, and the pyramids being grain silos, being taught in public schools to impressionable children. That "press release" is obviously bunk. In other news, the homeless shelter down the road is seeking funds for food. If only I had IRL Friends ;n; I feel like if anyone knows the difference between targeting terrorists and civilians, it must be Assad. Where does his mum get all their money and how can I boycott this family's business? ur doin' it rong, he dint call her a cunt in the last panel Livingston didn't know he was depressed Ever since The Revenant people have stopped loving bears. Good thing this happened off the job, he was a model cop for sure. ELO system OP. didnt you read the patch notes, dead man's plate got added to the game Here I am thinking my 894 was a chunk of my life i would never get back...not feeling so bad now. No /trees at least I mean, there's always the classic of the trope, Mission Impossible. Sure, Islam professes rape, stoning, beheading and is unaccepting of non-Muslims, but hey, it's cultural, so it's gotta be okay That will never catch on! very useful feature Sounds like we've got a few enemies to smite. Meanwhile Rutgers let several walk-ons score against them. Her response: "Maybe I'd be alive if I didn't eat so many of your tacos." I don't understand people who sjw-ize that show and I also don't understand bronies apparent need to pervert a children's show at the discomfort of everyone So if I give you 627 tires I get 480pp? actually knowledge is bad I think its referencing to the UBL committee What are you queued up as, i always have a long wait as allies but it is a short wait for Axis Pfft its a 2 terabyte hdd At a flea market last year Oh, I *so* hope not. What's a news paper, welcome to the Internet I'm gonna be taking an 11 day break starting tomorrow, hope I don't suck too bad when I get back from vacation. Obviously it is easier to reason with an atheist. Nexus 6 is the choice for everyone! All that coke wasted! Complete mood swings either no apparent reason or a really small trivial reason. Triggered Well I guess that's one way of repurposing a vehicle haha. It was intentional because it's used more at night Mother of Christ that is a glorious collection, a glorious reading lounge, and a glorious example for us all to strive for. Not as good as the google bing At this point I'm looking for examples of Donald Trump *not* being racist. Came here to say this I see more debuffs in my ToAH team How is this any less bad than racism or sexism? Do these fit TTS? so.... she got a boyfriend? It's the primary. Aaaaww look at the middle class white people judging disenfranchised and opressed minority youth. Point to the racism? I'm surprised they're not charging the 17 and 14 year old for getting this poor woman drunk and taking advantage of her. Okay, your post title is amazing and this deserves more than whatever number of upvotes this ends up having. any jon era series any mario series any zelda series... IDK man, up to like, a year ago, I think I love every series But how will I clean up my gamer gunk? Excal horn+ stalker head mix helmet looks interesting :u welp comparing him to Hitler didn't work, let's try ISIS Where is the mile-long discussion between a brony and a hater that has nothing to do with Game Grumps and we don't even know why they are discussing? Umm.. this is exactly how you review games. nice dlegs noob you poor or something? B...but it's your MMR I'm sure that got him a great tip. I moved in 09 but I was trained by the guys who ran the SRT state readiness team Over and over this same story: "Let's all eat bugs" No and stop asking. As much as America is a world leader today, you need to realize that America is not the only country that has important things going on in it. Damnit fire Fisher Nah he was just born that way and he has the right to be who he is Coe's reflection in the play button looks a bit like a non-green kermit the frog. What a fucking great strategy. rng is rng Should be on the front page of the game Sweet Does anyone have the video without the commentary? Looks like i'll have to import this then. facebook user are so edgy and dangerous, and not desperate for attention With thunderous applause. So? No water hammer arrestors! Too many PC principles, bro. The federal government already does this, why not the states? TL;dr - I'm a blazer at heart and once I win 3 rings in SA, I'll be the greatest blazer ever. thanks, anti-vaxxers he'll tell them to cut it out. time to threaten forbes ceo but their PK though Yeah, because those late third trimester abortions are all the rage these days... =/ I don't understand * Home defense * Target shooting * If you're into collecting * Hunting Or if I want to kill a bunch of people because if I own a gun therefore I must be fucking crazy. I hope this blows up, I honestly hate these busy body people that just wanna fuck over anyone that bots, so me and my afk alts get caught up in their shit. KD ruined the game. He's clearly not a real atheist, a real atheist would've done their research and realized that Darwin never said "survival of the fittest" austo so it means there will be the anzacs Am cri evertim What? Good thing we still have Steve Morison! Have an upvote plebeian I call Reaver. I think a lot of people have been speechless for far too long. What a Dick. I at the same way that is not the only thing. Are you currently watching the women trying to join the men as a final four team? Disembodied or attached to a person? Looks like a cool future build His wife also ran ExxonMobil. \#omgDefect sell it for $$$$ Well coupe Friday (or any day) doesn't roll off the tongue like wagon Wednesday. looks pretty normal to me.. work in a pretty congested area though. Mature. I'm getting nervous, someone hold me! Destiny will release it if we do that. *Yawn* So how long will these attacks last? AMD really went cheap on Ryzen. Probably should have announced this at some point during the 70 days that have passed since they were eliminated from Worlds contention. Consider the collective experience that this podium represents, you have season coverage from 1977 to 2012 (minus 2007-2009) between Patrese and Schumacher, 8 world titles and 128 Grand Prix victories between all three. REKT JUMP ON IT NOW, LADIES, THIS HOTCAKE IS SELLING FAST! Bear probably ran away asking his buddies WTF was that? TIL Redditors are good at ripping scripture completely out of historical context and ignoring 2000 years of Church history and scholarship He said that the material he received about Trump was already available publicly. Don't worry people, he has Scott Walker's approval! And Trent Dilfer did pre-game analysis. Yes, one cannot truly understand algebra without first accepting that Muhammad was the last prophet of God. guys we coulda had the great Klye wilson, or Sergio Kindle. Wow,I can't wait for samsung to rip it off They want to have fun, and if you're providing a negative or boring environment.. well, someone else can provide a better one I was like who's kaitlyn...then I was like ooooooooooooooonope Well, time to boycott target. i like scan :) Because 140 characters are comparable to the effort, money and exhaustive research put into an academic journal, and god forbid one of the how many millions of users on twitter had a similar thought to you or someone else at around a similar time. But what if the supertall thin buildings snap in half during an earthquake? Typical Sanders supporter. Awfully rude of you to turn down Jimmy Carter like that. I agree, our front page that dates back to over a month is too full of them. no..? He's just too soft. It's like Clinton is a special interest to the rest of the dnc establishment....but no one should expect that the dnc establiment would be swayed by Hilary's funding channels. ants Now I have to keep my 4502 B, dammit. TSN wants him to leave Brooklyn cause it'll generate more news stories for them What are those I read Calvin and Hobbes. /#notmypresident Sorry, his name is not Aaron Rodgers, so this can't be amazing This dude works just about every weekend in boxing,shit he was just a cut man for Berto this weekend so I'm not sure why he cares about not working for the UFC We're protesting because Trump and his supporters are violent bigots spreading a hateful message! I would be satisfied with a stable 3-4% Damn that thing is fast But they are jus providing content. Nice one m8! Maybe fnatic should pick him up to support that olof guy And millions of evangelicals are just like him If they managed to infiltrate the FBI, they probably managed to infiltrate CNN Because leaving a good impression on a moment caught in time is soooo awful right? Teaching **;)** That's fine, after all corporations are people and people need water,so I don't see a problem here HAHAH YOU DESERVE THIS YOU FUCKTARDS If 9/11 happened two months earlier, there would be a showerthought post "If 7/11 happened two months later Porsche would have to rebrand its 911". Girlfriend Blurgh blargh Bloodblaaargh. Glad they included that picture of Ryan Reynolds so we know who he is! Well seeing as how economics is a science (and a robust one at that), I guess we should all be worried. She is so dumb for quoting him verbatim Mord and trynda barely make that list Bullshit Why so many deleted comments? And that's the reason it has absolutely no place in government. Has everything, including higher education, now monetized and turned into a business? The hell happened in the middle of the door there? Meh, not enough cranes. I'm sure the corrupt politicains will all support this. I want this Honda back. Matt Garland? I sure love watching videos of people reading an IMDB bio Let the trash talk begin. Then they're morons and the instigator is to blame, but proving who that was is unlikely. What role do you play him in? I was rooting for RebootRank1 anyways. very cool! Hopefully the club makes the official announcement during the Arsenal game. HEY OP PLZ OP HEY PLZ OP RESPOND PUSSY PICS *5 pictures of cats' assholes later OP PLZ STAAAAAAP Q_Q He can just say he sourced them from Harley, so they are supposed to leak from the dealership. Yea damn that classless, moneyless, stateless society hitler developed. We should only talk about the muslims being killed in war because we all know their lives are more important than non-muslims'. Thought that was Kermet the Frog holding the Bible. I didn't know they had an Omnic Crisis campaign Stop posting the same garbage b8, you know why. This is a good meme, Thank you for sharing it! Typical Ruud scoring in the box start trading the child brides to ISIS in exchange for cheaper oil Well they couldn't record green smoke in front of a green screen, duh I didn't know critical mass existed in Vancouver, will this be the first one? He was camping, the arty showed him how to play the game dynamically, I see no problem here i wish Pussy? C9 sponsoring Ally was the best decision . ~~Though the eyes look yellow-ish, and not green...~~ I'd forgotten how bad the animation looked before season 3. Ah, good ol' holywood accounting No worries we can still get Hummels, Lewandowski, Reus and Bender Salio mas lucido de lo que entro Anyone remember the guy who said his son was on his team and he'd be committing to UGA a few weeks ago? could be implants tbh CSGO'd Hah um what Obviously a Riot shill trying to make us love their support. Are they going to legalize Cocaine? Anyone know what the percent is or general amount of people who use French as their first language? This april fools joke has also been delayed. Definitely had her eye on the prize. Haha, that info sounds 100% legit. I was up to 3 a day not long ago, same reason! People in other countries don't have a crime for stealing cars. Another win for Nestle! THE DISPLAY SO NICE YOU HAVE TO SAY IT THRICE Phew, I am glad we cleared that up. It would be nice if we could have a AA turret, like a mini walker mounted. The next time a woman "Grabs my cock" when we are being intimate I'm gonna make sure she never gets to be president someday. Bernie bros, always wanting free stuff. I'm glad they're showing so much concern for the Socialists, Communists, Roma, and homosexuals who were also killed. It is neither animal, nor mineral, therefore it must be vegetable. Whatever works, right? Everyone knows a candlestick chart is hardly a TA Briscoe is an absolute stud. i wouldnt buy it What "a stitch in time saves nine" means. Are those the WETA prop reproductions? Yea.......I'm going to chalk that up to any non-foreigner. This looks credible 0/10 did not load up to or past the rails and squat. Everyone knows it's ok if he's not gay! sounds like a plan are you shitting me that monkey sucks at woodworking Heh, I didn't even know this. lol looks like they got somewhere I will never understand why they do this. No clue Mate, the working classes are pretty resilient, maybe just... you know... equally redistribute that wealth to put everyone on an equal footing if the bourgie pigs can't cope with it. Because it was the last time EU won an international tournament Nice to meet you, gay. Re Eoin Morgan: Ireland played the long game. Looks like you also got yourself a magical picture taking potato. Clearly from his defense he is suffering from some terrible memory disorder. Hey man, 1918 was a different time. Chinese food! I don't think Zika kills the baby, but I'm not familiar with it. So that pledge to get it done by end of summer isn't going to happen. Resigning in style. Look at my dab! Laurence Fishburne and that guy that was in The Matrix. I have come to the conclusion that only government officials still have AOL accounts. Where the fuck is persona 4 *than Because it's really just that hard to cut open a kiwi and eat it. I'm coming harambe Open up an AHS Vaccination booth right next to hers There is no problem... Glorius leader Zuma will make us all prosper I hope you didn't eat any cake today fatass. Tell 'em to take a flying fuck through a rolling donut. Dude you should have obviously bowed down and worshipped the ground she walks on because she has vagina. OP YOU SEEM REALLY SMART patiently awaiting my legally obligated nudes Trade Jimmy, let Brady retire, I am your future now. Well, he does live in Jersey now Because I'd rather have a dead kid than an autistic one Arent community service punishments issued by like courts or like police, how can riot give community service punishments Wow shame on you Wow more CBC pro-government refugee propaganda You're so MLGPRO DUDE Kidding that was pretty cool He looks like a young George Bush. Excuse me, I'm from New York City and don't understand: why aren't the pedestrians walking in the bike lane? You're right, his arguments would be much more valid by casting 1 vote. fuck-in no chance? Statistics not allowed! B-but I heard Carbin is getting canned This is 1 reason why kids dont respect adults. This is satire, right? Well THIS will certainly help the "people" right? What if I am Iman Shumpert Guns don't kill people, people kill people Read a Darwin book, damn And this just in: PIGS FLY! He did Nazi that coming House of Casaleggios Implying we don't also love the Queen. That's the reaper, yo. hostile foreign forces... It is "ridiculous and impossible" Why are you afraid of this when you have nothing to hide? Move NFL games during CFL playoffs to Saturday Downright hurt the classic "God hates fags" is not in use anymore. i uh thought the icon was a stylized water molecule y'know, for steam Proof that he does not have aimlock, because it would make him worse. I'm not good at reading legislation, can someone link me to a rundown? They don't want to hear the truth: "Being this fat will kill you very soon". Go Texas! Woah can't a man dream here? Goalie didn't play that well but you can't take away from the quality of that free kick You pick a better team Gosh OP, we've been through this, gotta put the game in the title there's a pretty consistent month or so lag between an internet fad starting in the states and making it to kpop groups Be careful you don't get a Micro fracture Green Mile The realism here! You are my kind of dude. Damn nigga are you a burn victim because you look fucking ugly 1)Jimmy 2)G 3)Buckets Haha, Kuga is amazing, wonder if Soma will actually try to get Hayama to bet his seat, probably will try to mock him. Considering Tetra is my most wanted, I'd probably go with Dixie Shut up, statist. Notepad or bust Looks like the price is going up. I'm so glad this was 2 gifs Two Sunni's walk into a bar...Shiite. this shit is so 1984ish it's fuckin scary Its just getting hilarious at this point. We need to get those numbers up! It's so you can get a rascal in the front. AJ Lee's gimmick should have been a chick that randomly kisses wrestlers anywhere and anytime :P Very interesting, thanks! Wait, did they really fine a guy for protesting a gas well on his own land? I've tried to do my med clue 3 times and got slayed doing the bar crawl miniquest for one clue so I gave up Then again a lot of redditors weren't even born or were young children when these things happened, so unless they learned about it in school, most people aren't independently curious about history to sit down and read about it. Living up to the Ronaldo comparisons with that tap-in Plot twist: the bartender rapes the guy and the guy is Bill Cosby. lol @ flashing them deuces.... Probably will get stoned to death in the next few days for having her nose showing though, the tramp. Who's Scott Green Schultz, Schenn, and Streit for Hall confirmed why can't you just write my code for me? Yeah, spend your life making someone else rich. Why is there an Astros logo in the corner lmao It's ok though, he was middle-eastern and obviously a misogynist pig You can tell this guy needs a knock down from the high pedestal he put himself on Am I weird if almost every one of those pictures looks cultish to me? Nice pull man - I got a lot of use out of my 3* Ultron for a long time. Hopefully someone builds a monument to this woman or a statue or something, because she deserves more recognition than she is likely to get. Ohh what shocking news Looks like Reddit after November for those of you that donno pretty flacko 2 is that part in tha multiply video wih tha nigga dancing Doing pirouettes haha Yeah, be a neta! Yea but changing your name isn't necessary, and upgrading your computer every 3 months is! because people like league more? Good article, I was worried it would be about why we should let anyone be a doctor but its clear that states can make it too expensive and time consuming to actually enter an occupation. It's not like it's the first person this subreddit drove to rage-quitting Perfect, makes it so you never stand still and becomes a much harder target to hit! Oh good, we're saved! Too late for logic, "It's time for America to have a female president" has gone from BuzzPhrase to mantra. chelsea clinton wears an upside down cross That's fucking terrifying. No, climate change isn't real. The "Im sorry" movement in the beginning is a bit annoying Because they're all brown? Empirical evidence that looks cannot actually kill, because holy shit if they could there would be nothing left of her. eh, its average. Now we do **ALL THE SPRING BREAK HOMEWORK** Something something club save middle class eyes but ruin atmosphere Is there any space at the bottom to add my name, please? Just like when Christie, Rubio and Jeb joined forces to stop Trump I don't care at all, but I am going to continue expressing how upset I am about this. No shit, you don't say? I wonder why that is. No, just a convict All men must register their semen with the government. No you do not have inherent value, make yourself valuable or you are worth nothing. It's Obama's fault! what about those jobs he "created" that was report last week? Is it exciting enough yet? Collector's edition? There he goes again, our appeaser in chief. He's accepted the fact that he'll never again be healthy enough to play himself and he's resorting to living vicariously through academy kids. Taj "Aaron Rodgers" Gibson I guess this explains how the Copts in Egypt are being treated. Congrats, you're why WHMIS regulations were invented. Yeah, because if you have to use food stamps to get by, you should just be eating unseasoned dirt and instant rice, because fuck you poors. So let me guess it must have been at a Five Guys restaurant If they had done their contractz correctly in the first place, then this would not have happened. glad to see that the IOC is focussing on the real issues Great prices SHAVING LAMENT'S BALLS IN COMMAND CHANNEL PASS THE TRIMMERS MANNNN American people not knowing the meanings of words might be an existential threat to the US. Who would write something like that about themselves? Wow I haven't gotten to this part yet Those Beats headphones add a nice fashion touch though. Yeah but at least it doesn't get viruses A ticket to a musically-event duh. Clearly looks like the developer made something wrong again That Marine is DEFINITELY not a POG. Haha, I got mine today too, along with my platinum! Is she *supposed* to look absolutely ridiculous? You poor soul. Wait rly what cooler are you using? More and more people are putting this down as the next big thing in health care. You can get it cheaper if you agree to ads on your lockscreen! Just ask President Obama, the King of Kenya What a dipshit. the quotas will pass anyway, so I don't see why our PM still oppose it So Snapdragon 810 + 4GB DDR4 RAM will be the flagship spec for 2015. And gold He won't. Maybe Chris has better hearing. But don't worry, we made up for it with Sorry Day! Apparently I'm the only one who enjoys the game, and it that has a lot more variety of options to play with Roma madrina Which you saw on reddit. That's what they get for trying to raise the minimum wage from $0.15/hour to $0.155/hour... Douchebag Turnbull thinks he is a thoroughbred but all he is is a donkey that someone else is riding The anorak is going down as one of the hottest items from any Supreme drop this year! I don't believe you. The obvious answer is to increase the penalties to make all these greedy, hateful rethuglicans have no other option. How does that change the fact that she ruined the game for us 3 for no reason? Do you feel better now that you've gotten some trolling done on your throwaway account? Already Karmawhoring, Jacob? Can we have a protest against political correctness and for freedom of speech! Aw hell yeah! Nothing is too good for the working class. Not a series but {Garden of Words} definitely fits your bill. Where did you get that from? Believing in a purgatory like state doesn't mean you can't believe in heaven or hell....and I'm a Protestant! Hell why doesn't she call for an audit in CA......if she feels robbed of votes she will find it there. Have you tried CeraVe? Somehow the missing "e" in "Nver" made me read his line as so sad. It's like impoverished people in the third world have never heard of starvation mode. In other news, a bird shit on my car this morning....THANKS OBAMA! Gotta be Destiny, spent so much time on it. Doughty's costume will be better Fake Fuck John McCain Just send me 50$ or rent a game server and you will receive your key soon Right in the FUCKING BEANBAG! Cairne and Baine 5/4s An ACTUALLY progressive Santa would realize that not everyone conforms to the oppressive Christian-enforced patriarchy and would kill himself for being cis-gendered white scum. For some reason this has reminded me of the Simpson paradox in statistics Well you know, cause if you tell someone why you should vote for a certain person, it'll change your mind LIKE THAT Fuck kontekst. Clock ...So far. Ohmagurdguyz #notallmen This has helped alot That's what you get for writing "alot" I'm still jelly. You know black people have white palms...right....right Soviet science engineering department is best department. Every new item is welcome, as long as it's balanced, it brings more diversity to the game So-called billionaires Took me a minute to get that. Man I am so shocked that the AMD cultists who go out their way to try to convince everyone that AMD is actually your long lost childhood friend and how we should practically donate to it would do something like this. Making room for toews or kane It was 8 to 4 not guilty btw mindblowing Mmm whatcha say Put a tag on the title just in case. Idk I hear nightshade is a great way to burn fat. Might take a while considering the previous NSW Labor regime. Clearly you must be a terrorist for questioning this noble bill...USA USA USA. I see you're getting your vegetables in the form of that dead, translucent lettuce. Romney's people. It's so obvious OP, she didn't want you to respond, she just wanted you to listen to her arousal issues, why can't you stop thinking with your dick and just be a good friend? But the UN are key sponsors by providing the weaponry. WE ALL PLAY SYNTH. B-B-B-Buuutttt the human eye can only see in 30 fps! That's the one with the 'woohoo' song right? If by 'friends' you mean 'two people in a romantic relationship' you are absolutely correct. So clever! Ah, the good old days of MFF, when Journalistic Integrity ruled supreme... Fuck, I'm old How do you prevent this plus XU cobble gen nodes plus autocrafters from giving you millions of easy energy points? I could go for some EFS right now (England Fried Swan). They did fine for many years that way! Kill them all. They are also buying up news radio and tv stations as fast as they can, so they can control the news and promote "decency." Hmmmm, yeah, I bet they're nice Should have made the pass Not killed by Israel, didn't happened in Gaza, not interesting, next. I wonder if this can be done repeatedly to force a particular spawn point. Sucks that they have to wait until July. Are you talking about rotary wing pilots? You can take this guy seriously because his name is Tommy, not Tom. Can I fly with you? Good! Looks like someone is getting use of their Netflix I knew that those magnetic bracelets were healthy. It looks like a koala to me Fucking Christian and his beautiful lips If this kid can't finance his own kidney transplant by 21, maybe he's not cut out to be an American. But I can still SEE IT. Your white hat is racist and offends me. This is how you win over users when you have the least market share This picture has made the fucking rounds, that's for sure. I love the Ursa bkb man thong. Are you interested in any of scorer BS ara/black ara/black and orange photon/paralex/crimson and pink wildcat ears/imports And keys? If you're the kind of parent who thinks having your 6 year old watch the D-Day landing scene of Saving Private Ryan is totally OK, then you probably have bigger problems than letting them play Modern Warfare. And here I thought people who cheered on massacres were all innocent flower children. We won't have 6 teams with bye weeks before us? The moment you get to the second page , its all politics . Wow, a training camp fight in the NFL, that never happens! Then you can't really blame Facebook for wanting more censorship First pepe now kanna... why must all great things become hate symbols Most drivers retire during the race, not after. Ahhh, its been a while since reddit reminded me to hate cops. The United States of the world history. Voluntourism IS costly. Only to be reincarnated as the Oculous Rift If it's older than YouTube, then why does it say uploaded in 2016? the log was covering their eyes... they probably had trouble seeing lol Everyone knows the graphics are handled by the TV (monitors can do it too but they suck), thats why consoles have much better graphics. Lotta butthurt objectivist faggots ITT. Because Jon made a surprise cameo in the beginning. yes, tell millions of people they can't follow a religion anymore, i'm sure that'll end well and the amount of terrorism will drop instantly and not rise at all The only UP obama knows is Upper Peninsula. You got some golds, they got some golds... I don't see the problem. well I expect things like this from Truth since he cut the greatest promo ever with Ricky Steamboat, better than the pipebomb hard times, or any other promo What an amazing roadmap! WTF is that! So... Boycott the NBA? Was this the audition she gave for Jensen in RvB? They've gotta eat more to maintain weight, it makes perfect sense But then teachers would have to do something If EA wins over Bank of America my view of the majority of gamers are whining little 12-year-old brats will be reinforced. Alien Spectrum is trying their hardest to lose SunSports... Not a good idea. How bad is my dad's vision that he doesn't need glasses or goggles under water but needs them normally? And while we're at it, let's ban all the Jews Good thing this had the NSFW label, I was just about to get fired otherwise! As far as problems go, this one isn't bad to have. Their own little twisted version of natural selection. SPOILER ALERT with these nails that tat even stands out Dat clickbait thumbnail If everything is known by the state of California to cause cancer, does that mean that maybe it's just California that's causing it? found the exorsus twitter guy At least the Lakers had a morale victory this FA Privatisation at its best. Getting sexual advances rejected = losing ones life, limbs and loved ones FOX wouldn't have rallied behind a hindu woman in this same predicament. CONFIRMED Corrin and Bayonetta coming soon and Target exclusive! Omg, that's enough internet for me today Disturbing. *then* Apparently not lf you're using 480p quality plcs. Once "When I'm 64" came on, I felt like that song should have been playing throughout the entire video. How Terrible. Some truly great discussion going on over in twoX about this article. Nah, it's A$AP it's all okay you guys, the guy from the independent put out a tweet! Well how do we know this is a Sanders supporter and not a Clinton false flag? Explains why it takes so god damn long. They're missing the ID "YoloSwag 420" on the heel If you're on such medication...why the fuck were *you* driving? Oh no, poor guy hope he recovers soon Yes, Reddit's hate for Obamacare is just too much. That guy has TOTALLY smoked weed before, because it definitely generates true hallucinations I'm sure Sanders supporters would be gladly supporting Clinton-supporters "protest-voting" had he won the nomination. you film in portrait, have a downvote Because shaming women for making their own choices obviously makes you better than them. Because the FBI created crack cocaine to lower the African-American poor population. You must be a LA Rams fan I bought a 94 Bronco that got 11 MPG and because it didn't need to passe emissions I didn't really have a muffler system Better than 1.2 million in one county. Yeah, that's totally not bullshit. Not 6w, vendor trash Thank you from all animal lovers! Bradshaw gets high, T-rich gets the munchies With blinker on, exactly like you would expect from a prius owner! Well, there's a surpise I eat beef every week. It's not hard to add numbers. Wow NMS isn't even released yet and its complex procedural generation system is already infringing on various other IPs, Hello Games better be careful Yeah, that would have totally covered up his mistake. Could you say you "typa" all those "guys"? Seems to me like there's a bit of a halting problem violation here, either that or many many false positives. Username is his mother's Which is par for the course, really, as they've been among the sixteen most successful teams over two years then. you are very lol Nice meme *not at all Is that... the planned parenthood mascot? Blonde = Female / Blond = Male Feminism is about "equality" -just look it up. Dravid is the most underrated of top batsman in the game of cricket. You can't reseal a Northstar, they're designed to leak oil from the factory! That's clearly Nautilus. I bet these people claim to have read the bible and consider themselves followers of Christ. A bunch of Jabronis Or it could just be modelled after NES Samus. If anyone could give me the Witcher 3, Dark Souls 2, South Park: The Stick of Truth, DayZ, Kerbal Space Program, Saints Row IV, Wolfenstein: The New Order, or Splinter Cell Blacklist, I would be so happy. Do any of the clips show his behaviour? I hope not, but only because I just bought my vita 2 months ago. that build the wall campaign doesn't sound so retarded now does it And now companies will leave Portland what the shit? You are not bad looking, for a man. Simmons to GSW confirmed. My guess is his behavior was learned from his mother doing the same to him unfortunately. its not misandry, its thing I hate ABOUT them, I don't hate men in general! Particularly at the end Guys, guys, guys, PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE... whatever you do... NO personal attacks Time to buy low? So the man who lied under oath about wiretapping ALL AMERICANS comes out to claim he didn't wiretap one specific person or building and we're supposed to believe that? Yeah, it was so shitty of the feds to stop raiding mj farms under Obama's administration! So rapey. Well, you were obviously ASKING for it, cuz you *did* call him Hun! Look at all those chem trails! I love the minj but Ginger looks bad compared to the others Do you main demon Hunter? This is great, More VR companies offering money for companies to develop VR games! so many houses vacant out there and too many homeless but remember we cant put them in those houses because ohter people pay for theirs and also pay rent so how dare these guys get free housing then I hear Crewe is lovely at this time of year. That has probably already been done in porn somewhere. Really hoping rednecks start shooting their iPhones. Any opinions on this? They need water not football god damn it i give it 3 hours Is this in Quebec? All I see is separation anxiety and a lack of physical exercise. Feed your fucking dog mate. The same can be said for Luke Maye In Soviet America, Russia elects you! If you want to play sometime hit me up I'm always up for some zombies. Based on the Thunder Down Under, apparently men are objectified too. I have to be careful not to go on the main subs too often, or I start hating every man I see in real life (under the assumption that all guys secretly hold the same views as the ones on Reddit) *futebol Oh great maybe they will do as well as they did with the animated DragonLance movie. Oh, that's all you did? Is there anyone moving up to the top division to replace them? Oh, look what happen by accident! combover Cool Velen in warlock to get the Giants out faster And Moyes thought it was a good idea to start Rodwell However, poor muzzle awareness in many of these More Rule 34 Zuko haha it's funny because he's talking about a penis because he's talking about a woman are you sure this is core usage and not temperature These ruddy Romanians stealing our police Need to keep people focused on the important stuff, after all. Remember when Obama tweeted about Kristen Stewart and the ratings of The Apprentice? Isnt that the car Peter drives into the tunnel on Family guy? WD 40 that shit Wallet chains Self-segregation is certain to lead to deeper understanding of others. Couldn't go for .45 ACP huh? That's not a nice thing to call people That wasn't nearly as uncomfortable as the verge of "tears" he was on while telling the story. You go girl! Pfft, I wish it had... I think what he's saying is that he refuses to sell it to anyone who would use it for PC gaming Dota is better Today I learned that if I choose to watch porn at night, instead of during the day, I will save a lot of money on the energy costs. Your average high school year book team would have more clarity of purpose and organized delivery than this WH. Can we cap it at 30fps and make it hours shorter that it should be? they wont be nerfed, we are simply **BALANCING THEM** I, for one, am I shocked that Turkey of all countries is supporting a terrorist religious extremist organization. Oferta e demanda. Because no one ever said objectivism actually works I never would've guessed it was George Christensen who said that. because eggnog and candy canes. They are blue at Turtle Bay, Oahu He must be paid JIDF Hasbara shill! SPOILWERS TEG Yeah I'm sure Anti-Fa just *loves* the modern German state I'm sure she said that because she's the primary income in that household. Look at that, Chromas are so hard to make that they manage to make 6 new ones every couple of days...Totally worth our money don't forget Twitter side note..starting with a magna lense..that's the "question mark" This deserves more uprons. Electricity travels well through Gatorade, and you don't want that from the dark lord Gonna sue all those parents at Sandy Hook elementary to prove it was a false flag operation to get yer guns? Huawei LTE base station repeater If he's half as good as his brother Jermaine he'll be a hell of a player Yes but we have no choice because we're saving the babies Goddamn, I bought him 6 months ago, and now already he gets a price reduction, blizz pls! Two beers is the best part kawaii ! Are there any themes available for download? I don't think she's hot enough to be Lara I need all my organs in the afterlife. ELI5? I think their gonna start with another naming scheme, maybe from GTX to GTZ? give us pictures or never happened. So, time to upgrade my first gen to third gen before they all disappear? Black people riot when they're mad, amirite? Because we are reddit detectives Wtf I hate spiritual enlightenment now? Cheap, considering the benefit to the LNP electoral standing. Sure, I like to download my apk files from dubious sources and grant them administrative rights Anybody have a link to Oliver's rant which is available to international viewers? The secular government has this power according to Romans 13 The newest submission there is 9 days old. Why are they infringing on their religious liberty! Do they honestly think anyone is going to want to buy Aus Post? In my experience, unless the identity of my characters are directly tied to their gender, I just gender swap. kid get a life. That is a Lotus W E W Every battle won counts for winning the war! THINK OF THE CHILDREN! Thanks tumblr for making the male patriarchy feel oppressed even if they can't feel anything because white male. chemtrails for us to keep calm and carry on? I doubt that there are many El Salvadorians in Australia, compared to US. The National Liberation Militia hosts the best raves. Are you, though? That's seriously infuriating and it's not even my Wall Queen. This is a prime example of a balanced BR. ####Empathy can't be sold or fucked, so whites have no use for it. Judging by his pronunciation, I'm thinking Chinese immigrant. Don't you remember those three 9/11s that happened last year? Is it because the Falcons play in Seattle this year? As a Canadian, I'm greatly offended by that last part ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ DAE EDM isnt real music? I'm going to hold out for "Raspberry Pi for the Complete Fucking Moron Who Will Never Have a Job and Will Live With His Mom Forever". Idk the condition, but pot will surely help! The system just wasn't built to comprehend someone with skills as great as yours. Why wouldn't the person cleaning this up, be responsible for cleaning things up? Is the "escape to infinity" mod available at an Engineer yet? I feel like they should make a movie about this guy starring Ben Stiller. All it takes is one side to not listen. Skynet must be running on T-mobile in Portland. **SUPER GOOD LOOKING PEOPLE** Shame they don't do speak English in Westeros Too little too fuckin late but at least theres some reparations unlike many other places doing the same to those who they deemed "undesirable" There isn't a safe way to transport oil. Is it true! No. Wow, Billy Corgan already making his mark on creative. God is clearly punishing the believers for not working hard enough to enforce his will. I guess they're trying to protect the seas from fishes. What has happened to that poor jeep..? It's a good thing no one wants to clean their mess up. Where anybody with a couple of friends, a couple of guns and a small boat can make a living without those pesky government regulations! Lord Byron is coming for ya What a bunch of intolerant terrorists. Start by making the SAFE act stricter then Rochester could be on it's way to being the new Chicago. Carson says he is faces unprecedented scrutiny because the MSM fear him and are disparate. I'd imagine thats a very sad club thanks for posting this, its the one ending i haven't found so far I wonder if these people got a letter in the mail saying "You have been banned from Pyongyang" Yeah, because that's how that works. Well, if you bomb a few countries and kills hundreds of thousands of people and then stop, there kind of is more peace. Are they doing this on purpose? OMG WTF Because you only have 28/32 He can support whoever he wants. Running the new Ryzen? Too much internet OP. hacking Scotts computer I see? TIL 32 damage isn't an OTK. When does the Narwhal bacon? Conspiracy theory something something Mod Lee If I saw the poster and it had just the title and Image I would go "that looks like a Christopher Nolan movie for sure" Obama was. needs more ssd's :) Just add copious amounts of water to the waste and send it down the drain! This guy fucks! This wasnt a press Q potg :D wow so interesting volvo plz add Ah I remember the time when people called me a liar for saying they will get banned. wow if a country with 60x less people than the us can do it we must be able to too stupid legislature Except their own, GOP Congresscritter, who is A-OK, it's everyone else's congresscritter that is the problem. Nah man, that's a clean play. Great idea! fuck those fake ass visvims nike should know better She-Hulk mid-transformation. Where's the ps3 xbot? Don't know about you, but I am drenched right now. *holds up spork* Well to be mildly fair, he did save the picture from the internet and made the post When Playboy became obsolete. That's a 10 week suspension! the huge guaranteed rate logo in center field You da real MVP are you from PA haha I think so. Because people work for free God this guy again, /pol/ seems to like him for some reason. Checkmate atheists. Damn gays, always telling me when I can and can't walk. Thanks to Fabian Cancellara. That helmet is fucked. i have mastered her in 3 minutes on the ptr To be fair, we all know there is a dearth of pictures of women on the internet. Those turtles are probably entitled little shit heads too. Telltale's The Walking Dead The TV Series Does nothing against a [[Masako the Humorless]] EDH Deck, literally unplayable! Oh man, I cannot wait for this matchup! Wouldn't these tests be contaminated by the fentanyl that the pharmacy already has though? Christian in name, only. But who needs it when only fox is viable? Glad to see those new gun laws working so well But the Turks say that didn't happen! There really is no way for Germany to spin this that doesn't sound like, "Ve vere not ze ONLY vones doing bad shit, guys!" Don't worry guys, it's all worth it in the end. Surely creep will deliver Heya Redditors, I'm gana be hanging around here for a bit if you folks have any questions. White person wearing some sort of chinese styled clothing=racist Chinese person wearing jeans=not racist Duh guys If he put as much effort into his game as he did his jokes, he'd be the GOAT already. how do you measure how good one strength and conditioning coach is over a another one? Luffy for Smash bros confirmed I am extremely upset about this, this is just more geek appropriation. You know I was initially on the fence on this subject but seeing an unbiased and highly credible source like Tyler Durden of zerohedge call out Bernanke, who he has always been quite fond of in the past, made me realize that the Fed has indeed failed. McAfee Antivirus is a must have! eBay it This isn't 'news', it's from 6 years ago. If Trump supporters weren't so racist and violent they wouldn't have to beat them up all the time while they are doing absolutely nothing Spoiler alert asshole They should have it set to where if you surrender you lose elo, but if there turns out to be a cheater on the other team it gets over turned. Looks beyond disgusting like some sort of super-maggot. I'm shocked, SHOCKED! No, it's the end of what old, rural, ignorant white people *think* America is. Ya know I originally thought your logic was bullshit, but that cartoon character is really hot so I think I might have to agree with you. LOL who's the try-hard? I am sure he checked what the people of his ward want, right? And yet the idiot to the left still parked on the curb. Only took 27 seconds to load on my 250mbps network I'd so read that. Men at Work Charlie Sheen and Emilion Estevez's best work by far Congratulations, you're now an adult. How does he check if the customers are muslim or not? All of my Flight Rising dragons are dragonkin and this really speaks to them Thats a cool wallpaper! A robot could do it. I think the real question is though...what do you do? Just another normal day in 4chan BITCH BALLED! Seems like a tolerant person! I guess this means TSM got destroyed by Albus LOOK, ITS THE FEATURE EVERYONE WANTS the answer in this country overwhelmingly has always been yes She's right, I reckon I only get it right within 10% and falling within 10% of my weight loss goals is just not good enough and I should just give up. but when's the new tracks dropping? He just really likes Deftones. English is a *great* language like this. haha awwww Let her be delusional dude lol...if it makes her happy. It feels almost like you're trolling each other. Who doesn't want to watch a 10 min unedited non English speaking video. Okay I wasn't planning on going there anyways that fear mongering title smh tbh aus ^^^^^and ^^^^^yes ^^^^^that ^^^^^is ^^^^^a ^^^^^dumb ^^^^^play ^^^^^on ^^^^^the ^^^^^url I actually 6 starred Jamie and have been incredibly thankful since. the article under it also sounds gta-ish Wow, Rob Ford's dad is pissed! 'Murican is my airline now that US Airways has been folded into it. I'm sure we're duly considering implementing a no-fly zone over China and Saudi Arabia right now. Brb gonna try this on my harley Wouldn't it be better for the bodyguards to tag team someone else? Where'd you find a gun in such a lovely shade of blue? Well, he's no Wiz, that's for damn sure. Where are the lesbians? hacks for sure quel suprise Some of these would make fine constitutional amendments. Is it Cross buy? Do I see a sack boy plush? GET HYPE No one has ever gone to jail for standing up for what's right. Then I guess my R9 270x should slaughter all the 7950s right? 2 those groups are a mess :( I do appreciate the creep tailoring his responses to fit the "k". WTB: Godfrey Elwick! Great link 10/10 totally real Tell me about it. But Link will finally hit his potential TN and Kerela win because clearly they have not accounted for the number of fashion bloggers in Delhi. You are literally the best person ever seems just like modern britain How expensive and complicated is the procedure? Gee and LEO/ Policemen wonder why the public has a disdain for them. And they told me I don't need more than 8GB ram for gaming Only on the condition you name it Bruce. i agree with anon, you are shit I think you mean PC vs Console To be fair, a PS1 cost like 200$ and a PC that could run that was like $1,000,000,000. USA made that ass quit Felicity doesn't get enough screentime. There hasn't been a 'recovery' under Obama, and there sure as fuck wont be one under either Don Trump or HRC. How much cash are they sitting on now? Where's the moon, and which of the 62 is it? I'm glad the war on drugs worked out so well. TL;DR in molti paesi l'intelligenza non la riesci manco a usare se sei povero in culo, in italia molto meno Ironically enough this gentleman's mocking of Blackberry actually made me more interested in their products. Well, that is definitely going to help! Yeah, it's impressive how all the players in the chat are in gold league! These guys are on a New York team, of course they're wearing Timbs. this is called a "false flag" wow not Renato Sanches? it took a whole MONTH for that? nice digimon Wow, the shill mods are terrible at censoring all of this information. don't choke on the bag feggot Man, those Red Bull dominant years were terrible! Yeah that's not at all hyperbolic Vaginas do have balls. Well, they both break the law for "the common good", right? Yep, that's why white supremacist groups like the KKK are popular. What makes you think Trump is anti-establishment? This is why I can not believe science. Yes, Palmer was white. Can't we have nice things? Right, better to just pick a better school than to put time and money into making them all better... nothing bad will come of that. and it's all the gamers fault Now lets watch this shoot to the frontpage. Top 2 plus a 7th D is better for the oil. Would love to see him coach a team with this mentality I give it an 8 Articles like this is the reason I can't at night Clearly we are in the Season of Bad Mathematics, which justifies his paper. typical indian doctred dustbowl, no grass on that wicket OP ruined his car for a joke. I thought it came from the Muppets. Never thought I'd grow up to see a world like this This is the true crime here. Making someone think something was their idea in order to get them to agree to it. whats iraq? It's a snow level, the ice is so thin you fall through the ground You're probably breaking the law by writing about reading about it:) She's gonna boil your bunny. Is this the MANvsGAME Stream ? Prety sure this situatiom reversed appears as normal on many tv shows The man cant do somthings the he wants to some how maintain the wifes happiness Welcome to the map of all day turtle because missplaced nexus subreddit! He didn't need to endanger himself by jumping in the car. US Only? HAHAHAHA AGAIN SHUT UP MALONEY Nickelback. Yea just hit the wife instead. i can imagine it's the only way to beat team secret ! orrrrr I don't fucking care what you have to say because it's my privilege and you're a racist sexist piece of shit, m'lady. RIP iPad Pro 2015-2015 What's a metronome? Reality has no bearing on Rush's genius. No, just vote for Hillary! This subreddit is full of whiney neckbeards... that's funny shit Cultural appropriation triggers me so hard. Thank you bot. Oh grrrreeeeat Update us after the divorce. Also who skins a cow and puts the jacket made from its hide on its corpse? aerobatic everyone here is weak Groundwater contamination has its consequences. Yes I can totally see the logic behind spending $175 million on this movie, because OBVIOUSLY this is going to catch huge mainstream appeal. Yay more drugs that criminals will sell! finally, because we've all been waiting for this, right? Can some genius tell me which way its spinning? Lag, obviously. As you can see here, annie is extremely balanced. #BILL CLINTON IS A RAPIST But..but.. Pogba? I love that big bastard. Nicholas 2:16 Don't worry, we'll all have Jetsons cars by then, meaning the gridlock is ~100 feet above! Yea, because America is the only country with murder What do we do with incivil source material? Man, I am so happy we gave up 4 picks to get him and not even attempt to re-sign him Thanks for the valuable tip. ya dood, wen i go outsid it hert my ies becaus it loks lik to much resolooton. ...Ear stuff...? In a strange turn due to convoluted "math" he still gets half the delegates. Big man, attacking a guy in shackles. Feed the poor to the hungry, soylent green style. It doesn't make sense that they did it to the warrior class first since most of it's decks are f2p Yeah, that's the attitude you should have when learning things. Obviously a jackdaw. Well it was fun while it lasted guys Or they could pick them all up, mash 'em together, and have one for themselves. If there is a tapered spacer on the rules package next year, I will personally find my way to Charlotte and shit on Steve O'Donnell's desk. What an asshole. you should not say anything because he can and will make sure your friend doesn't go far in esports Because normal people talk in bible verses in their spare time True leadership Debbie! Mediocre at best. Good thing we have a robust, healthy economy with very little wealth disparity and massive room for upward movement ready and rearing to go to take these people in! Somehow they will blame PC game piracy. Very useful for me here in the states. Neither are you. You must have missed the memo that Hillary Clinton said Pepe is a hate symbol. Well Israelis also an ally, and we all know all the crimes against humanity they do Amanda Chu Gesundheit Don't you mean an undisclosed location in Central Asia Didn't he represent himself? So because he needs to be on the court in the last 5 minutes of the 4th quarter more often than every other MVP candidate he should be praised? he will never be a good competitive player, let him smurf it's all he has got 640 RP for a fucking ward skin is absurd. thank based capitalism FTFY "US Army wants to wage environmental warfare by planting invasive plant species in enemy lands" It's a good thing we didn't elect Hillary though with that serious bout of pneumonia! what is that screen over the pilots right eye at 4:56? I have a GT DRC which I don't want Yay for more crappy ass gold cards to fill packs I mean if it didn't have the credits fighting with the text it'd be perfect. Completing sentences is overrated anyway. stupid game mode, wtf Now that's how you do business. Yeah, he would handle the constant criticism that a president gets really well. I just want one little truck full Top-Notch interviewing skills Ryan. Please, not Garrioch! It's a buff sound, but I like the hyper skill for BaM sounds really nice with the steam engine and all First Paris is attacked, then a family friend committed suicide, than I have problems drawing to the point of frustration, now IS is dead... Well, today has been the best day of my life so far. This happened to a friend of mine when she snorted a marijuana. I knew i recognized that log So if they don't it's on Zetterberg's head right? Just remember, the artwork in this game is classy and not creepy at all, Hearthstone is much worse! YEAAA jaedong vs huk match of the century wash your stench trench? Tolerant idiots Ooh, so scary, I've spooped my pants! Does anyone have the cross checks by Fehr on Dubi? Because they are better than us. And Stauskas! I agree As long as he stays on the practice squad, I'm fine with it. How... uh... how are those Bundy Ranchers doing? ..Please fix the title it sounds so damn weird. When moose momma walks in you do give her room. Rosboorg Broxbourne stands tall against European dictatorship! Clearly this is inadmissible and something should be done against this "gun ownership loophole"! This guy's neighbors must love him. Just what California needs. I guess it must just be winters skill that gets him his viewers than Ya because a dozen photos represents a city very well 71 percent liked, sounds about right. See spider goggles could have been a thing perfect posture *Native If he wants to keep the next generation from being manlets like him, then he should be at the vanguard of this revolution. Just play single player until traffic slows down. Yup, Miles = Spider-Boy. Well shitlord, I'm TransGenderOwnerGender and I can own any gender and do whatever I like with them. Wow, who would have thought being one of the most expensive carriers in the region would be unattractive They probably just don't want to get shot... Its the main reason they shouldn't drive are those both connor Maguire? This is going to be civil. So much better 30 years ago before the *condos* (lightning flash) showed up... pretty sure that's just the low density Pure hype So that where all the budget gone. And Mexico Because they gave me free HBO for 6 months! serves him right for smurfing Ummm actually the correct term is *suppressor* Battletoads Clearly this is because people taking the survey are racists TIL it's not gay if he's underage Maybe we should send the over 40's through abstinence classes now Well, good luck for her :P The rayguns ran out of power. but he has a five year coin How am I supposed to correct you if I don't refute your claims? Having sales would lower the value of their intellectual properties. Well I guess we're just going to have to halt-and-search the entire neighborhood. But I thought government regulation solved poverty! It's OK, GGG made Energy From Within much rarer so that is enough to balance ES builds. Because I read the comment I spent almost a minute hurting my brain before I read what subreddit this was from and the title. no OTA update on my nexus 4, my nexus 7, or my girlfriend's nexus 7. i think google may have blacklisted me for checking every hour He won't be missed by many But God gave the doctors the knowledge to save you! autism There weren't any funny and/or talented people available? Schedule was shit last year for NA so it's all fair in the end geez, spoiler. Is that the new Cayman or something? I guess finally WF balked at the requirement to fund all the lead water pipe replacements in East Liberty In other news, the sky is blue. Assassinate Any information on these? Jordan would never do that..... because those without rhythm buy shoes too Her lead increased by about 10% today. I want a big e-sports event in austria ;_; Didn't he copy her on the whole birther thing? *You're taking it out of context* Good thing they waited so long to release on Android Considering Dalai Lama literally just says whatever the popular opinion in the west says these days, not surprised. We really dodged a bullet on that play though; he was wide fucking open and fell down. At least with sarcasm we have He doesn't tend to speak up in congress for what he believes in, actually. Reported for asking for upvotes back when I didn't know any better and still ate fast food I'd dip them in the sweet and sour sauce I'd get with the chicken nuggets. I think you mean $20 worth of a snack How did frost get stuck in her own beartrap? After the next operation,so 3-4 years i guess PnS will be silent on this one It will evolve into Laser-Gravity Ball. How dare you not follow G- G- G- GIA! If I had used that kind of language around my parents at this kid's age - especially directed at them - I wouldn't have been able to sit down for a week. in php you have to scatter echos everywhere anyway if you want to debug I am so surprised Their brains are in a bubble of greed. They look like such friendly people. Why doesn't he bless himself with another one? But we don't need to worry about it cos we're neutral The laziest of replies. They'll be fine if their servers were as good as imgurs were recently. This is a mesaage from Lord Nergal: lololol get fukin rekt scrub but trump made him do it! Please stop. Ward is backwards If my employer would let me, I would take a 25% pay cut to work remotely and have a 4-day workweek, even if it meant four 10-hour days. More and more I am convinced we'd be much better off just disbanding the DEA altogether. This thread will go over well Because a man can't be a mentor for a younger man/boy without having a sexual driven intention Seems legit. The guy in the back was super chill. Nice chant at the end Did what? You forgot Burma and Liberia, you Americocentric jerk! Tyler Carter & Michael Bohn Yeah, that looks great. [f.lux](https://justgetflux.com) Imagine how many talented people are out there but never gets the exposure and the chance to show off their skills. Well that settles it, i'm going to go over and selling my gaming rig to get a Mac. What's the difference? They should make it 3 hours next year to fix this problem Booing violates the NAP Probably best to fire him in English just so there's no confusion. Beatiful skyboxes... Never seen that before in a game soraka was the real mvp with the silence on fizz They sticked the thread on forums, my guess is we'll see more manual adjustments in the future. Classy. Someome in Dubai or China would pay 100 times that price. Its so fun to read that in his voice! Someone in another Sub pointed out the yellow text in the reflection (bottom left) and it's driving me crazy My anecdotal evidence has led me to find that the 95% of women are of questionable mental state thus I am glad to find someone who as of so far is in the minority. It's a real shame Warren has taken a sudden interest in breaking bench pressing records I'll just attack the DC, that way, he can't stop me. But they only have 24 hours to do so. We'd like access to water that isn't ruined, thanks. Dat gap That's definitely a photo. hey can i borrow ur brother for pack pulling reasons? Why can't I have friends like this sign at the door and a wavier signed before going in that says any phone/camera seen will be smashed on sight... enjoy the show. Yay, another card game! Isn't there a date they plan to de-orbit it instead of boosting it's orbit higher? what happened to the redditor? Let's all celebrate how profitable PC gaming is thanks to the prevalence of microtransactions and mechanics specifically designed to turn players into addicts willing to keep spending more and more money on trash! Would you rather fight 1000 Trump-sized Muslims or one Muslim-sized Trump? I bet GMR could have succeeded Unless your Muslim. yes Druh, City rules for closing sidewalks and access to constructions sites to keep pedestrians safe is draconian and disdainful This sort of thing, definitely a fan. Not because he's opposed to it, but because he forgets the little things when pandering to the fundies. While you are at it, please change our national emblem, the Ashoka Stambha, that has 3 lions and replace it with donkeys. Hahahaha sauce? I always knew my trusty i3 could beat the crap out of any CPU The white boys in prison would have punishments for having that tattoo and not putting in the work first. \*gasp\* Looks perfectly safe. I hate Sylvanus in 1v1 joust his kill potential is so high he crushes me even as he bo It looks like they thinned their paints well, but I'd edge highlight a little more to make the model really pop. Man I was really hoping for an FFFFFFUUUUUU at the end of that. This is a pretty good example of cops not knowing their own communities. On Reddit.. just what we need! And the downside of decreased fertility is...? Nerd gate keepers are my ***favourite***! This will end up 4-4 at the SCOTUS. Selling your vr pro blades? Better get back to the exciting battlefields then. They are toilets though. BECAUSE 9/11 Sexy everything. Stop this cyberbullying guys and let them game in peace We've got some weird race war shit coming, people on both sides are getting way too worked up. Maybe I'm off base, but how do you keep a DND movie from becoming just a generic fantasy action movie? Something tells me it was an asshole regardless of gender. If we're really lucky, they'll spoil album backgrounds every 20K followers One 2006 Kelly Kelly please. With how complicated US tax code is, can you blame them? Sittin' in the library and being perfectly able to concentrate on my papers despite all the WW talk :) This never happens don't lie and they say India is a country of rapists Wheres his Alpha Industries hangtag? plz use fb to encourage your early voting friends to do the needful All 12 systems Nintendo has released for preorder have been sold. menos en un mundial, en un mundial Michetti lo baila a Messi BUT STAFFORD IS THE WORST QB, HE'S NOT GOOD AT ALL AND ALL HE DOES IS THROW INTERCEPTIONS! That would be a very good duo. Damn that Zyra part was fucking gourgeus. What a waste Wonder if they can find david luiz and dante there Ladre d'intimo: giovani, sexy e belle devon'essere. We'll find something. Not arguing people wont make them join your side! No shoenice, downvoted. Lol fake as hell. Really? FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUU Patrolling Tia makes me wish for a nuclear holocaust. I have a great view of it from my spot in the student section These a very simple people you're talking about. So is that why all the bodies were being stolen ? You buy 2 desolators to negate most of that +15 armor that vladmir offers you. Don't forget to include bautista curse What - am I the only one that likes Hot Topic Zarya? he did the same last year it was more interesting because Nikki Blacketter did it with him he wont win unless heidi preppred his meals Look up Hoover Stew Well bust out the big box of crayons and color me shocked. Again. I assume Gators will rise from the depths now to let everyone know that TECHNICALLY she's committing an ad hominem because they're privileged men and that has nothing to do with the argument. Coinbase was so incompetent, they didn't even split their ETC to prevent it from leaking on ETH withdrawals. critical limb ischemia should always be handled over text. maybe in the dlc? Atleast it got a nine lives, where is my paladin decal? Nah if i was the ss i would just let him in without checking, he invited him didnt he? That's Francis, silly OP. But those countries were threats to democracy and the superior American way of life They call it god rays because you need a god tier PC. Doesn't congress have a similar device that they use on the American taxpayer? and triple CrossFire as well. Yeah I totally didn't see these *anywhere* when wages weren't 15/hr. The killing curse would be a second amendment right. That seems like an absolutely *brilliant* idea! Instant classic shitpost Competition is a sin! Because we don't want to offend that absolutely staggeringly high population of Mexican students that conga lined themselves into our universities... Even though conga lines are Cuban and not Mexican. YO YU GOT SUM DOOBAGE BRAH ROFLCOPTER SWAGYOLO420 I like the scarecrows. you're pcp thread Because we're great, but being held back by Washington, I presume. Well, that's not a disturbing title at all. or with very little resources This should be sparking more outrage. Nah bro that's just a bunch of nugs pressed together TIL: A camera with a phone attached to it takes better pictures/videos than a phone with a camera attached to it. ###lul nope Just remember kids: white is right, black is whack At least they might collaborate with Funhaus more often. This post just helped Bing. *HooooOOoooooOOOooaaaAAAAaaaahhhhh* Dishonored 2. Athletic women *clearly* have dykish tendencies. is it really a source if it's your own tweet? Let's leave the yew trees to Newcastle and Chelsea, mmmmkay? So the same police force that can't keep guns out of prisons and on occasion will just stand there and let people riot, plunder and burn is the same police force that tells people they don't need a gun to protect themselves because they, the police, are ready for anything, they are really good at their jobs, plus they really give a crap about you. Well these comments are a shit show. And when it'll be all melted, we'll rename it Whiteland ! riot being assholes , news to me And here I was expecting a truthful answer. It's a feature, not a bug! Race traitor There's no way this will come up when Hillary wins the nomination..nope..not once I hear Russia has so many nukes they can't even launch them. Walker should be the GOP's man in 2016. Maybe they don't want younger viewers to know it's an anime. Name? This dude is pulling an Amanda Bynes Who did Trump say he was going to intern? Welcome to November of last year. Incoming lawsuit in 3.... 2.... 1..... This is a pretty well settled issue, constitutionally, and proving only clearly causing direct and imminent harm to an important societal interest is gonna be rough, at best. Yeah, cause every train system in the world uses these types of seats Ricciardo is fastest on top gear, that must mean he is the best F1 driver. But, we don't need to be smarter, we just need to be stronger so we can mine coal for longer! I bet you tried to mirror the RG, the RG made it crack don't u mean heck Way to go on the censoring, now I know her son's name is Jesus Garcia. That just proves its a hoax! Check your privilege cis scum! He was trying to pretend like he was texting a friend about her LOL oh what a sad kid THIS IS NOT IN NC! Maybe he's got an incredible personality. Keep tieing that noose At what point can we call it street art? Appereantly many people didn't know that Condoms is not only to prevent pregnancy Fuuuuuck 2 bad sectors, c'mon, you gotta get it down to 0 Seriously, she's the prettiest one Wow. Well he still isn't able to play on it but at least we can see his scores again Mind blown 0/10 needs more Mike Trout South Park is just fart jokes. My guess is that nobody has actually told him he should feel guilty for buying that car; but he obviously feels guilty because that's the only emotion anyone would have after buying a car like that. How is Pakistan's soil used to fuel terrorism... do they sell it or something? ha ha this hasnt been posted 3 times already It's basically Christmas in your hand. The thing I hate the most about apple is that they act like all of that shit was invented by them, and the rest is just copying them It's balanced because trump should have played around it. What a delightful name I don't believe in science OR logic. Wow I thought everyone knews this, it happened several major updates ago. My favorite parts were the free throws clueless See, cops beat civilians outside of the US too In other news, new orleanians still breathing the local oxygen and converting it to come. Being cis Can confirm: Am surgery resident, love call of duty, am huge badass. OH GOD THEY'RE EVERYWHERE As long as our goal is only to have a party, not to get in the way of the people who work there. And I'm sure Clear Channel's decision to shut down the only liberal/progressive talk radio station in the Portland metropolitan area (Oregon) a week after the November election so they could open a third sports station shows absolutely no media bias either! Palmception Is it really nostalgia if I was born after it was released? yeah nobody ever buys it it's not strong enough in the midgame Note to myself: don't apply for the Roman Emperor vacancy, with occupational hazards like these, you can't probably afford the insurance. Putin is popular because he fixed a shit ton of problems that Russia had back when it was led by the Russian Jews. little mac and shulk come to mind. DILF This would be hazardous to strippers. Two girls stripped down in the gym's dressing room to get candy from a group of guys I'm sure they are fine, stored away nicely, in their original box. If it was the gasoline version he would have died in the car accident. A repost of a repost of a very small red streak that means nothing to the comic or anything else. Hey, good luck! *Zo* lekker! no way.. I thought a saltire is a heraldic symbol in the form of a diagonal cross, like the shape of the letter X in Roman type. (three plus two)QIW0-J(eight plus one)5P7-80(five minus one)6G Her legs remind me of that witch person from Kronk's New Groove Oh excuse me but these guys are reacting to a lightening strike almost killing them.... better inform the Fine Bros to copyright strike this video. There's the Good Wife , but that's also ending this season. I felt like Ronaldo had the most shockers in that video - like eight open goal misses - whereas the misses of Messi mostly consisted of tame backpasses to the keeper. I enjoyed the irony of her wonderingly saying "everything is in color" in a black and white film. Apple must be pissed. Have we been given a release date? *triple click home button* -screen colors invert- *sigh in relief* poor ronaldo can't finish *it's chill* Some ground-breaking work to look for footage with a different angle, no wonder they're exhausted after a 5.5 hour day Next thing you know, they'll let a Muslim judge decide whether the mosque goes near ground zero Get your pro allo propaganda out of here absolutely no drugs at all were involved in the making of this Um, people fat shame Cate so who cares about something like this? This is a good price for this chair i have had my eyes on it Yeah, it was something about Saudi connections. I ate and spit her Georgia peach pit. terrible He'll be sick forever :( Isn't fascinating that the less valiant spirits of the preexistence tend to gravitate toward living near the equator? Vanek: constantly proving that when he feels like it he can make shit happen. bondscape? I'm really disappointed in this trailer being a mini movie. But Trolden uses it and his videos are funny, so clearly everyone else has to! But i thot dat only muslams r bad Wow already looking ahead at CS What a tremendously good person for "allowing" OP to go to a party. That's just poor defending That's Brazil for you. Did....did you have a stroke writing that? which was in my opinion a much closer election than anticipated. Destabilized, mission accomplished! Praise be to the Phil. I want to see a lesbian James Bond but one who continues to exhibit all the traditional Bond misogynistic qualities. How original. DEPORT KEBAB Don't let TrollXchromosone see this. dude, all that matters is jesus! Hilarious Probably because it lets an endless flow of people into the country without any thought about integration or employment? strong measure ... i think that will definitely stop all muslims from coming ... NOT Everyone knows life is binary ejuicemafia has to have more of these than any other company Or he's trying to get us to call it a closed case cause we're so close to figuring it out! 147 proof...the secondary price on this is going to be insane just on that alone. bitches He didn't say that was a 1/4 mile drag race time, that might be his 0-60 time Thanks Allah, they were Muslims and not infidels. She failed so bad at marketing that they made $140 million dollars. Nahhh, I'm sure it's fine. It should ve been ATL's GM You can jump in AC though Oh eat a big bag of rusty corkscrews, Weaves. they were probably trying to save their kid He's trolling us with the plot to X-Men Good thing you guys voted for Cruz then. The photographer is obviously a hippy with major hippy ideas. Very unbiased article Yeah, that region was the model of stability and peace prior to us invading. case pls Good job he wasn't vaccinated, though, he could have developed autism! That is so passive agressive... I know why I don't use VLC. so...a mobile bunker that and doesnt require marines The technical term is "twirl." I bet if it came out in 1980 way less people would've complained and/or been disappointed. The die is cast So cool! That was absolutely him. Yeah, it is limited to Christianity. Are you in the parking lot? Omglol so funny! They might be trying to draw the Hindu symbol rather than the Nazi one. That is fucking insane Hurting the global economy, as in American economy. Please tell me the secret is they take them all into that cove and give them fish and play ring toss or something. Ghost says it fits it fits.... wanker lol as long as the weapons manufacturers and the banksters are in charge, I think the odds are very good. It's a daily struggle. i feel sooo bad for millionaires who get their picture taken at inoportune times. Now will Kirk Cameron explain why why there are animals on every continent instead of just the one where the ark landed? It's all the Lib Dem's fault! Part of the "Dinosower 1337" group... nothing weird about that Aspas will soon rectify that Stop it with the Minecraft videos, drama is where it's at! Does this say something about the robocraft subreddit community? Probably, but this kinds of thinking is bred by keeping so many things secret Unlike communism, where you gladly offer you services in order to sustein the greater good, and nobody judges you if you are a lazy fucktard Because that would be socialism and socialism makes baby jesus cry. Ummm, it's pronounced WINE-er, THANK you! Killing someone for swiping stones does seem a bit excessive though. SHOTS FIRED ;) she's def fat swipe left Who cares they are keeping us safe! How did you manage to get to rocketeer 1282 hours after your match on neo tokyo when the update just came out Useful article. Lmao what a joke A tree in your house is obviously a symbol of christianity. I am still Pissed Off the Secret Service is NOT going to allow guns at the GOP Convention! But necro isn't a carry! I know, Russia is nowhere near Asia! Yep, sounds exactly like the Apple marketing team Oh well if the ever valuable buskers ask for something I hope the city gets on it! Torres Looks like a prude I'm Texan and what is Autumn? Welp, Now im convinced! plottwist the kid is you Holy fuck I want. Being an idiot isn't news. Big Trouble in Little China Yes because when the Republicans win America will literally devolve into a patriarchal dictatorship where women have no rights. Those guys are jerks, so I should be a jerk too! [my god ur right](/eb) Tulo's a bum, he couldn't even hit it over Trout's glove. Oh, at first I didn't think it was about discrimination, but now this clears things up. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA THAT WAS SO FUNNY Snowden should come home now. Beware the Testicle Softness Association! I like how it's not biased at all this article. Which isn't made of pixels at all, its real killing. Persona 4 has it's own controllers? Yeah but they're just doing the jobs that Australians don't want to do Daddy was a hit box hacker ;P Hardcore imo It was a nice state once. If having a lot of awesome is an issue, then yes. But there were POC in the middle ages... That one tumblr page says so and that makes it a fact. Because the first thing I think of when there's a massive traffic jam caused deliberately by cabbies is "I want to reward them for this!" 4 min old account with no other posts and cant spell like correctly the world has made me skeptical but I wanna say this is fake nice Reddit sure knows how to pound a trend into the ground. to be fair, rat-tails are pretty offensive. OH SNAP REALLY DISCOVERY OF THE FUCKING YEAR Im going to say since you automatically dodge if you dont ban if a team receives loss of bans they would dodge for not putting in ban Would this work on me? At least they used a fullstop though I'm thinking: you didn't really wAnt this Yeah but his daughter is hot as hell. Flags from other countries would be nice too. Relevant username. Sounds like a crappy remix of the first bars of Cave Story title theme Can't criticise IGN you obviously hate women. And the meta-game continues to advance. Hi yes I'll take one website crashed hack and one control devices remotely hack and one large mountain dew no ice please. Bet he writes her a ticket too. That sweet apple money Someone's been watching Fargo (the TV series). Oh no, another SJW on a crusade... M.2 ? Yeah, and if you're such a bad driver you need car insurance you shouldn't be on the road. Why do you hate America? Steven Universe is one of the worst show ever. Warden when? Fox is definitely my go to source for credible analysis of democrat agendas Yeah he should have stood on his feet and got cleaned out by the keeper that makes sense The 3rd is bad luck but the other 2 are great! Doesn't he mean allah bless you... damn Muslim. I couldn't get past the part where he said he can't be a feminist and a Marxist at the same time. If only I could IRL upvote Bob Ferguson more than once every 4 years. sysadmin So Canada nationalized kiddie pools to be redistributed to the meese/mooses/moosi? Or it doesn't. And I'm sure they learnt their lesson. I think guys like Draper are talking their book It would take a monumental recalibration of the regulatory regimes in most developing nations for btc to really serve the under-banked That's interesting because not only am I reading A Farewell to Arms right now, but it's the exact same cover. *She wears short jorts...* Once again, he has proven that you were right to not be interested in the first place. PEYTON MANNING SUCKS Wow, I didn't know Hawaiians were so Pale. This could not possibly be abused, and is in the best interests of the general population. People sure seem to enjoy patting themselves on the back, BIG TIME. So? The guy getting punched in the face needs to show a disproportionate response and shoot his attacker in the face so that everybody else knows not to mess with him Remember you can't appropriate anything to do with white people only people of other skin colours How dare you say this after Rubio's Eleventy Billion Yacht that parades around the seas plundering for sugar, onions and spices.... How dare you? It would suck to lose to that at 2 min 40 sec overtime just wanted to remind everyone how to turn a picture upside down at least hitler wouldve fed the poros, he loved animals Didnt see this one coming It is a toss up. Nice attempted inflammatory headline. It's a magazine i cant wait for world war mode. no but a bunch of batshit insane SJWs are about to tell you otherwise If they were silver, yeah You were running away from goal. Steve Jobs feels so good right now Boom there we go, filling out our top 9! Is it supposed to look like Roman and Brock are about to embrace each other in a loving hug? I was thinking about this not too long ago but I thought it was Demarcus Cousins that was the one that did this Shows how useless US intelligence is, even with its bloated budgets and numerous agencies, or perhaps they're not much changed since 9/11 and still don't coordinate Space drugs Well....guess it's time to start erasing their children Government should ban dance bar and dancers. I am in PST and have been checking this sub since 9AM thinking its afternoon in Indy, Pagano may well be fired anytime soon! c'mon man, flex those Puma steel toes. A city built on car import tariffs can only last so long. Why would we trust Iran for this unprecedented betrayal of citizens firbthr gain of republican politicians? Right nipple off center 2/10 would not bang. Rosenbaum would make a pretty Radd Surfer. But that's my opinion and you have to respect it, debate it and give it equal time! As a Cal grad, I would love to see him on the Rams! DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING... Apart from that, maybe first aid if you know it, but only basic stuff and no moving them. Yes but......can I turn this into a cargo hauler? Yes, because the Bush administration did wonders for relations in the Middle East. *Flawless logic*. Wait you mean people make fun of other people's on the Internet? Danny DeVito but can't remember the movie 60 FPS is the maximum framerate the human can see. Ew, it's too fatty! u mad bro? Thank god the police were there, that's a situation that could've endangered a lot of people. Yeah! RIP ScatMAX, Harasser, ZOEMAX(gone and hopefully forgotten), Striker, Phoenix, Fractures, Air Game We need job creators, not Bolshevik indoctrination centers. And that's why video games are racist and gender discrimination. Wow Daily Dot wrong once again Well... at least the guy's using a halfway decent rig? Damnit Appleton. Toaster Strudels: a perfect 5/7 with rice Wow, Source 2 barely looks any better than Source 1. Without the highlight i wouldn't have known what to look at Is this supposed to be revival of a GTO? Holy crap, a Tauros! But... but, context... and stuff... man... Sixaxis, go home! XD Cool Capitalist pigs Our Republicans are such wholesome patriots abusing their own President is more important than working to improve their own nation. Well, god works in mysterious ways. No Rain, by Blind Melon Cola Jesus, open your minds you guys! If you do something you love, you'll never work a day in your life. I doubt he will be top 4 pick but he will be the 1st rb selected. You still can't understand them even though it's technically English. You should kick on them headlights for that ambient lighting Been there, done that. NO! 26, but all of them will be filler because someone spotted a human in them or Lapis and Peridot take center stage. Client ~~=~~ legit whitebag Kolento finally got his card reveal! But god wouldn't let us destroy the planet so what's the point? Time to tell other moms about my 'Child Prodigy'. So how does this help if you still need plutonium and if traditional solutions are lighter and don't have moving parts? The scariest part of almost all terror attacks is the government response. Because it plays entirely on nostalgia. Bridesmaids with an all male cast. can i preorder a bogo hoodie then? Suck it Pele. Work Ethic It's ASUS Z10PE-D8 WS, right? Congi saala. *Uhhhh, it's clearly you, the player's fault for ragequitting so much and being whiny why should Ubi have to fix anything* Why is her face like that? Just have to leave for a family emergency for the furniture will clear this up. Good It's a liberal socialist lie, Portugal isn't even real That ain't gonna stop me Well to be fair, you didn't win a ranked match. #only#90s#kids#will#get#this#lol What key? I like the single floating dollar symbol in the corner. It's ok, they're only Arabs Poor Mei, she tried her best. 1 hour post limit abuse? Yeah you need to upgrade from your scrub tier POS card to something also made by nvidia maybe a titan x or soemthing dunno. TIL Everything is, stupid, sexist, racist and gay. Nice to see Hux and Phasma show up, hopefully they have expanded roles in 8 and beyond. You could still probably sell the jeep for $10k atleast. Yes but there were more than 3 white people on the Patriots team so that is totally unacceptable and somehow hateful to black people I think I'm the only person who likes this song. Bobson Dugnutt smart minded,he is giving an idea how easy to rob a bank. Fun fact: most of the Anglo-Saxon influenced Caribbean has draconian laws against homosexuality. Need to teach women not to kill their children. Yep, that buff sure made varus useful now. Of course it does. Then why get rid of Mubarak? Your not allowed to post real photos The reward is the experience itself. Ffs.. FTSE 100 is fine... It seems like a cute story. But he's not a woman! 10/10 for using slippy n'at Just get a seedbox and SFTP content down to your laptop. Proposed Solution: introduce branded products Trumpycontin, Trumpanyl, and Trumpodile. It matches the rest of the town. be productive Welcome to the life of a woman; at last, we shall all be equal! I don't feel very hostile... What did the eagle get stuck in? Very intelligent cheerleader Proof that we don't need guns. Totally not fascist at all Just like in men in black. At least we got The Interview! Racism suddenly exists in our society when we compare ourselves to others, but it's no big deal ;)));())) Yaaaaa more Bat God stuff yeah, move to coal, that's safer Women are funny, get over it. Il Duce would be proud Hopefully they all get jobs running the Conservative federal election efforts in Alberta! I bet it's smoked air, which is worth a lot more. He bought 30 dollars of cosmetics, it's ok if his connection makes the game miserable for everyone else This makes me feel old. But selling your own possessions for money can be embarrassing! I got one with my mii like that Fuckity-bye...! Congratulation on your 39% Acc Runes and if it is anything other than that Fuck you OP. And no country will do anything about it because it's in their best interest to keep Egypt secure. surprising You should totally believe everything you read on 4chan. But that pedestrian almost jumped out at him! who took a shit on it ? WOJBOMB Well..he's lovely. she was probably confused La Zoo? This is "Everyday feminism" isn't it Why would they rework the new Champion Yorick so soon And coke was just a coke. Do you really think that's the hidden message? Good thing you posted an image, because I had no idea what you might have meant by the title. When reality get closer to south park. It's never safe to fall asleep at the wheel. I'm sure he has this policy for all of his guy friends as well, right? I hear if you plant that coin, the fruit that it will grow gives you the abillity to shoot a perfect 40 and score 300 on your PT test The first screenshot is really confusing. Is that baby dropping a deuce? Take that Micro Center. Dont worry Texas, God will fix all your problems. Just don't vaccinate your kid and you'll be just fine. I think this is a sub category of GHR, i would call it GBR. Perhaps he should apologize for funding the Munich Olympic Massacre I can't believe Pinfel died. Probably from all the people shitting outdoors Referencing another TIL I just read This is what happens when you monkey too much with free market prices. Since we all know that the ZenFone Zoom has the best design of all phones out now Your "before" would be a nice upgrade for me~ quick, everyone report him to see if he will get banned. I have never been able to read lips even when it's really obvious, could anyone transcribe their dialogue in this scene? This is sure to turn Trump voters... lol And I still can't modify the pages that appear on the home screen. Supportourboysinblue With all the goddam announcements of announcements, this thing better be the International Nerf too op OMG only 3 lanes for cars each way Sexy clavicle dude yougov is a really reliable source I trust and I believe that they made a real representative surves equivalent to the big survey-organisations I'd be mad if I didn't get a skude, either Given the manner in which Trump announced his presidential bid, Latinos would have to be insane not to vote against him in massive numbers. Yeah, there's definite room for cleaning this code up - some of those variable names are needlessly more than one character long. Made pretty much exact same tweet the day of Kendricks' deal, fwiw. So how can I invest in this right now? Oh how I do long for the day when these chucklefucks wake up and realize their world view is completely wrong. like a good master racer, someone with gold is there I guess you could say he decided to shut it dowwwnnnn. At first I thought I wouldn't like him, but then he kept disrespecting my wishes and wants, and I just couldn't resist! Did Obama actually blame white people? Well, briefings are stupid....duh! I'm sure Palestinians will get what they want by avoiding negotiations with Israel. whAt I'm actually kind of avoiding chocolate altogether because the cocoa industry's got a ***nasty*** case of child labour. Somehow I find it extremely hard to focus on the lady in the second row Reminds me of the craig x tweek SP episode Magikarp too, he's a dead fish anyway. No it's just the new Ash buff, makes her move faster then the speed of light JUST MAKE SHACKLESHOT DISJOINTABLE AND GG WINDRANGER CANT GANK AS WELL, BEEN SAYING THIS SINCE THESE POSTS STARTED COMING OUT Till the day the MCAT tee becomes cheaper so that i can get it with that 10$ delivery charge. Why would he not use the infused shield node? ST Dragon Tattoo man! Only moreno coming on could outmeme Leicester Molestation What's all this, then? And unsurprisingly filled with SEC fans bitching about PAC fans not bitching enough. Didn't eBay ban selling empty boxes specifically for this reason? looks like TheCat5001's out of the bag! They are also working on Digimon GO Yep, I tend to use McCree's ult to zone heroes now or at least get their attention away from allies before cancelling. Just start blowing me Nice mystic logo! Who's gonna care about two dead guys? What's with the white supremacist frog? Oh no! What would he know, he's a cis male. Now it's just to find a partner that won't fuck them over, since the main thing I heard about Chinese business culture is that if you are taken advantage of (employees steal from you or a business partner fucks you over), you're the one at fault for not having protected yourself enough. You can read the articles on Reuters. She looks embarrassed the exact moment she takes her bra off [Meta] Is anyone tired of people wasting time making posts to complain about other peoples posts? McLaren, stop worrying about Russian druggies and build a good F1 car! Same thing happened in Sydney a while back too. It's looking so comfortable with you. And they live in or around Vermont How long until women can't go out without being accompanied by a male relative.. *for* *their* *safety* Can we get Tanner Glass in their pleaseee Casual. ahh, who cares, its not like any of us use reddit Con los terroristas I'll bet they're in big trouble now Fair enough. That's how the free market rewards the most productive! I have a MacBook Pro and a gaming PC and I can confirm I do in fact use my mac to game occasionally. It's a rarity he signs anything for free...getting to be a nicer guy in his old age. If Obama had a baby-mama, she might like like her. Seriously, I see people using this semantic argument all the time, but it doesn't matter, because being Prejudiced and Discriminatory is just as bad, who cares what you call it. Which one? Crazy how that can happen when the ring leader of ISIS in in the white house Nice save. So, are they henchmen or are they sidekicks I am the Walrus? does being queer and mentally ill cancel out the whiteness or should I warn my boyfriend Social security is a fraud Dude's just not used to playing so much basketball. Well, in the Extras menu, you can actually see Phantom Puppet's teeth. *seems legit* r8 sounds too much like a name that AMD would give to one of their graphics cards you're dead to me fuck muslims, inbred goatfuckers. Dayum, that's what Veigar needed. idk She has a sweet ass! Yes, driving up hill in snow is how most students die. you cant pick up items pre war, so that's just a tease If elected "Trump Declares War" will probably be way too common of a headline But at least sales tax didn't go up! Unnecessary. wow =:-( i bet thats *really* going to go well for the citizens and the wildlife Oh come on, don't these regulatory agencies know that the CRA was the sole cause of the financial crisis, and that the banks were just helpless pawns that desperately wanted to do right by their clients, but were forced to rob them blind at gunpoint by Obama's negro army? If you are not our friend, you are our enemy. yesterday l started exercising for the first time in my life and promptly injured myself I never exercise again, you just hurt yourself literally every time Mr Bean If he didn't suck so hard at what he does we might realize his fairy powers Forever alone meme would fit best Logged into my account to say this This was incredibly underwhelming. See if they have 3 more just like it and use them for the sides of a bombe chest. At least you weren't on the list, so you got that going for you, which is good. WHY IS THE AMERICAN NEWS NOT COVERING THIS Foreign invasion and separatism are universally met with much harsher countermeasures. Cause it's not like he died and then the gator ate him...not at all. Like Mohammed? Isn't the perfect wizzy set supposed to have crown or bracer? Na do, it's a welcome thing. This obviously proves both candidates equally bad. Why would he want to lose even more games? Petty, obviously, possibly a new owner in the mix like Evernham was, say, Biffle? i personally prefer flexfit caps, they are so comfortable You see though Trump once held a gay pride flag so that means he will be best, biglyest president for the gays. [](/reddit) Complete with less functionality and 1/100th the battery life of a normal scientific calculator for only 4x the price! Ya, cos our neughbours launxh rockets at us from time to time. If we were to post all racially motivated black on white violence to this sub there would be room for nothing else. If they weren't stuck paying off 30k or more from student loans they could put that money towards a down payment. Reminds me of the Shadow saga by Orson Scott Feminism is annoying I have a theory that maybe this person was talking about zanza from Xenoblade. Si vis pacem, para bellum. Cant wait for the pirate dlc HOT WHEELS: BEAT THAT This is the outdoor version of that mouse trap from last week. It's a testament to how atrocious blockbuster movies have become and how idiotic Pokemon Go players are with money (it's truly an awful game with no actual gameplay to speak of). I am dismayed by the frivolous way the word "star" is being thrown around these days. It's the new pyrovision. hey maniooB its me ur brother Nnnnooooooooooooooooooooooooo You see, very soon in Russian is two more months hilarious Why didn't you say something in his defense? Looks like a goblin. Tear that thing apart and get that chip. Scrabby Doo! It's nice, but too many traffic lights. Inb4 this goes viral and Starbucks makes us keep extra wrappers in case customers request it. But people keep telling me I should give up on Baltimore what should I do Reddit? While you were uploading the video, a amiibo went up Switch off Sombra, you useless! Ghost in the shell didn't show any way this could go wrong, or right. Everyone knows trans people arent considered humans. OP is clearly a complete fucking idiot or simpleton. Fucking synergy glitcher At least these machines will get my order right Germans sure know how to incinerate. I mean, I know it's ISIS and everything, but is buying from them *really* any less morally justifiable than shopping at Walmart? Frank Luntz pushing Rubio So, we should expect to see a lot of media coverage and calls from al sides for answers, divestiture and real reform, right? I'm assuming the perpetrators probably experienced sexual abuse themselves, or just grew up in a really shitty family environment. What is that keyboard layout? early bird gets the worm heh It seems unfair that someone would be disqualified from a job just because of their sex. Says the gal whose purse contains an entire universe. dallas sucks Yeah, I foresee Putin taking that very well. You gota taper those pants man I mean, I think you should be able to eat meat if you want it's delicious, we're omnivores and it's just nature, but people should actually know how it's made. La-a (pronounced as la dash a) Meh who cares it wasn't a white Jewish person Needs a NSFW tag! VDSL Vectoring Fuck Yeah This is amazing O: you're seriously one of the most talented people I've seen on Reddit! I mean, it's a good idea, I bet it sounds great... No... this is a dumb idea and sounds horrible. Presidential material. A Sargeguy, or a Sargegirl? DF confirmed cis Us "Hawk" fans posting this shit with these kind of titles are no better than the turds writing this garbage. Just don't let Muslims near military bases and everything will be fine. Where's the fuckin media features Bars, nice restaurants, travel are the big money sucks. Although, 99% sure it has an actual purpose; works as a numpad. Why wouldn't everyone want the nice G-men to have access to all their personal info? Aside from the smog, they all chainsmoke like chimneys. *waiting* lol fuck small talk & getting to know each other, let's get down to how big my dick is bc I know you want to suck it I just came here to complain. weed arrests are done by police that are on patrol rapes and murders are investigated and solved by detectives and special investigators not on patrol policemen horrible thread title Definitely on the top of their list of things to fix That isn't Dinnerbone's true identity... he isn't upside down! You can clearly see how much loving effort he put into that message The sword in question is called a 'Katana', not a Samurai sword. neat We have to ban Muslims though because all of them are rapefugees. I'm shocked! Oasis reunion confirmed Happy to see that she made it to East Berlin! Dude, where'd you get the kyber crystal, the dark web? Pot, meet kettle. This is the best example of fake news I've seen so far domestically. Have they checked the shallow graves in the area? Yeah, I mean they all look like that. The highly-anticipated Illinois-Purdue rivalry matchup, obviously. Well he went on his honeymoon to the Soviet Union so if that didn't turn him I'm sure nothing will. When twisted and warped into a dictatorship, sure. Ah see this isn't EA's fault or shitty programming, your players formed an accidental pentagram and the ball was the connection between this world and the burning pit of horrors. Reading that took 10 years off my life. Eragon PATCH, HYPE BOOYS Try getting 100% review on Mad Games Tycoon, its the one achievement I haven't gotten and its loads of fun if you enjoy Game Dev Tycoon. That's a terrible picture I can barely tell if that's Kanye! Wow, this is interesting as fuck. Yeah thanks for knocking my post off, dickwagon. STTAAAHHHPPPPP JST STTTAAAAUUUPPPPPPPP Fuck both of those options. I can't recall the Pope calling for the death of the West and all non-catholics in 1866... I'm sure it must have happened because otherwise this is totally different. Sean always suspected that Kelly voted with her vagina. If you adjust for the cost of living they probably come out to be the same What site is this gem from? man, all this austerity is fucking up Spains unemployment , quick blame the Germans ooooooo I'm interested Same non-answer they've been giving forever. Clearly, the people in support of equal rights are the "m"asses. Fugly #SasquatchOwl They are good guys so it doesn't matter (In unison with fellow cultists) "one of us." How can someone like a guard not look at that and think, "Maybe I made some poor career choices?" I think most of his accent was caused by living in the middle of the woods and drinking raw sewage. My ideal casting for live action MOTD characters: Albert "The Weasel" Arlington played by Joe Pantoliano, Billy Handsome played by Ray Liotta, Michael "Finn" O'Leary played by Michael Madsen, and Salvatore "Sal" DeLuca played by Chazz Palminteri. If I had asked you to change a tire, you would have a men's rights activist aneurism Seek and Destroy- Metallica Enter Sandman- Metallica Wyatt has off, we have Eva tonight But it's racist not to give Muslims special treatment I would like to know if it was DVD quality or higher. Pathfinder :)) The tiger is clearly sizing the man up to see if he will fit in his belly, much like a python. I thought Hillary was going to kill everyone? Obligatory "he made more in one race than I do in a year" comment. GUMI HATES HIM CLICK HERE HOW HE DOES IT Climate change is the only threat that is occurring right now on our soil, with the potential for irreversible damage. What the fuck is grammar. It's like how communism always ends up with a brutal secret police force and ~~torture~~ re-education centers. Yeah, I'm sure she's real thrilled about being saddled with a known sex offender that also cheated on her. I don't condone pizza, but a bread base with tomato sauce layer covered in cheese is just excellent. Yeah, but the bible is fact and science is just a bunch of guesses aka "theories". tbh it's obviously just his subs that want sub games with him. Looking at him he must like a lot of sweets in general. Ah yes, Helioskrill REQ version, finally everybody can have it! Kill them before they kill us ;) Is there anything potentially negative that can come out of this? GabeN supports massacre confirmed? There's actually only room for 2 more reactors on the site :p He never said kombat pack 2 btw, it could be the fabled "story pack" .... LPT:they can use each other as balance balls... If the goal is to punish / control women, quite easily, as you see illustrated here. THAT WAS AN INVESTMENT. They really nailed it with a lot of characters, Benjen Stark, Randyll Tarly, Robert Baratheon, etc. The government should have let them fail too. American Dad called this like 7 years ago. Because women are empowered by taking control of their sexuality, but men are just pathetic if they can't get the real thing. Lmao noticed Bjerg repositioning his boner at the end. during opie's livestream he actually took the camera from the tripod and pointed it away from him, don't think he's comfortable with this nerd shit Yeah she could've easily introduced a swine flu type virus to that batch of pigs if we're gonna get serious with tainted food. Dude if she's falling hard, just drop her like it's hot and go treat yourself to a new pair of oakleys. Put your internal documents on the cloud for anyone in your area to see! 94 devilmons All of these are far too common. 3/10 no cat or gfuel FYI: This is using Redgate ReadyRoll, not SSDT. grats I hope you all and the National Broadcaster can look for the good in this conversation. It musty have been really pretty out there, until it wasn't. \#collusion \ The "ride-sharing" services are actually subject to even more strict regulatory oversight: Individual user ratings and comments. Hahahahaaaa... fuck you. I seem to remember the Bucs overpaying a Lion defender working out really well last time. Damn I miss these two 5% gay green is my favorite shade of green real life unphotoshopped version lmao Sounds like your friend is a worlds hot girl, send us some pics Op... ...Pls Pla Pls Pls Pla Me horny Pls U help Pla Pls In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act. Joe Rogan Finally a decent turn 1 for rogue Who knew Dylan McDermot was so interesting. Paying with their children's lives? He'd rather just take shots at Obama for all the vacations he took. I see a promotion in someone's future inb4 it isnt They should tell SCOTUS that they got it wrong, I'm sure HuffPo is far more educated than they are. In Kubes perfect world it'd be 100% at least we know bieber wont grace us with his heavenly presence on the polo fields again $10,000 BTC next week Come here, come here, come here, come here, come here, Nom. So, the only question really: Is she correct? But rich people are just lucky. Los FIAT 500 y las Hilux no son precisamente de gama baja. Ohhhh that's why the titanic New York sports market has yielded so many unlikely champions too bad he can't attend, but the thread and comments are a big laugh :') Lol, this is pure gold m8. clean running water, dishwasher, stove, lack of bugs/vermin, food, fancy flatware and utensils, coffee maker i havent used in a year, toaster, blend i havent used in 2 years, and a refrigerator, suck it 3rd world that will teach you for being born in the wrong place. How do you shut down a program that's already been shut down? I mean if you don't count the OOC preseason, we're still undefeated, right? Yup, sounds like warped feminist logic. I want to thank Michael Cera for converting another heterosexual girl. Because only supermodels are qualified to handle baby animals. THE SECOND AMENDMENT AIN'T HUNTING ABOUT DEER Doctors hate him! well they dont want a bunch of Olympic athletes beaten up in a riot by a bunch of school kids ;p The Brits are cowards when it comes to the Islamists. No reason to do this because the stat requirements will be moot in 1.6 AB builds. Why does this post have so many upvotes for a simple question lmao See Trump has already made 22 people lose their jobs and he isn't even in office yet. this is common knowledge. Intelligent comments in here so far Strange... I could have sworn he's done quite a few films since The 6th Sense and Signs, wonder why they were left off the poster. Man, hopefully nothing *that* harsh Attention: They just removed the images for: Nexus Player, Nexus 9, Nexus 7 (2013 WiFi), not sure what's up OCE challenger looking good this year Lets throw kids in jail and ruin their lives in order to save them from nausea. women am i right.. it was just a little beating who doesn't like that. His profile pic has some 10/10 photoshop! Slippin is his best Canelo-Cotto will happen Sept 19, but he would move it to Sept 26 only if the Mayweather-Pacquiao rematch gets made Because someones intelligence is an accurate meter on how well they can parent But people need to see my snow globes so they know I can run Santa! It's not like the western layoff race will come down to a few games. meh, it's only been 2 years, and you've lost patience already? Checkmate PCnerds Ok bye. Been a while since we've seen a non violent kids game NEW YORK -- Front-runners Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton swept to victory with ease in Tuesday's New York primary, with Trump bouncing back from a difficult stretch in the Republican contest and Clinton pushing closer to locking up the Democratic nomination. nu stiu cat o sa ne mai suporte uniunea europeana. I think this is a fundamental change in circumstances, a second referendum is highly likely I'm surprised he wasn't already. They also reject Judaism's claim to the Western Wall as one of its holy site, so no surprise here. More importantly, the muh fucka continues to throw shade at Singler and OKC Nooooo Hillary can't do anything wrong because she's a democrat You all own this. Noise and temps? I wonder if Clinton would snatch kids' milk too. Hakker is basically a Silver Hand Knight powercreep. Racing slicks It's a highly stylized Andromeda. He is supporting the dictator, who did start the clusterfuck in Syria. Because it's SLAUGHTER. Danger Zone by Kenny Loggins TOP GUN, nothing more fun than a homoerotic beach volleyball scene When anti-fascists start advocating for the murder of millions of people, then you can tell me 'the fascists of the future will call themselves anti-fascist'. He's just tired you guys Poor Purdue, won their game and still below a team that lost. Your Camilla is -ATT, burn it with fire. This should be tagged NSFW Thank god its not one of those clock bombs. The Volokh Conspiracy has really been spot on about Trump for a while now. So that's Brady, Favre and Russel Wilson we were close to drafting. And much like how SJW would like to see our society, Pandas are virtually incapable of reproduction without government assistance. Plz delete this Sounds like a real gem! Blue Lives Splatter? Mate he's Irish born and bred Wow cool fact I'm so glad Hinkie never traded for Schroder last year. Village People station on pandora. Better keep it on there if you want g sync to work ez fake Skip and wait for the ones you get on your 100th summon. Because that's racist! But when are they going to debut and start promoting? This is grave Ugh... this tilts me as a Zenyatta player. This is totally believable and now I am afraid and willing to give up all of my freedoms to prevent this totally believable and scary plot on the queen. That beat is turrible In other news, water is wet! The amount I pay for health insurance is the same as it was 10 years ago. Stop using Linux you hacker. interessting how mouz, c9 and navi peaked when envyus sucked the most in august. literally unplayable Don't worry, privatizing them will fix all these problems.- GJ Finally a movie with some truth behind it But which one is which? I really want to buy the new Xbox One I'm sure Quebec City would probably be just as low as this Remember, folks: This is the educated class. I can't possibly imagine him being a retard! Why did you repost this a day after you posted it the first time? *ctrl+f types repost* obligatory, this is the oldest repost i've seen this week Is walking an Undertale reference because you walk around the Underground? God help us if our voters can't handle more than 108 words a minute. I knew books would be useful for something some day! Behold, Riot's master plan: Neuter the fuck out of EU in order to give NA a chance at placing the top 4 at Worlds! Please, everyone knows the Earth is 6,000 years old! Meanwhile, here in America, I'm pretty sure they'd get a medal simply for not being involved in the attack. get rid of the painting of worst troll on your wall Comments are disabled... what a giant tool. Why not have a plebiscite for all these increases as well? Was this supposed to be uploaded upside-down? My brain shorted at "holy shit." Oh wow, another variation of the old "I'm not racist my friend is [insert minority here]" argument. lmao I... I'm pretty sure I will quit the game if Bandai doesn't excuse with us giving a gem. Good luck Until they'll rework him to make him more viable With only 5 seniors on our roster this year I am in no way surprised by this stat. I'd love for that ability bar item function to be added... that would make skilling easier If AAP wins, all credit goes to Kiran Bedi.. Would be fun if she loses in her own constituency.. It's suicidal toddlers so that doesn't count as gun violence, duh. Shades of Suarez Yoghurt Sure is zionist in here. Ka-ching! Gr8 job m8 Top six ways to lose friends. I member NO MAN's DREAMS. And skips congress completely Fuck that, bleu cheese! I'm highly doubtful that they even considered bubbline anywhere close to a canonical ship until recently. Basically everywhere Islam is. Next Caramel McCarty! Sweden seems to be doing a great job in choosing who it takes in for 'refuge' What is this Kony 2012 shit? A riddle wrapped in an enigma... Its the Muslims fault for fighting with terrorism in everyday places instead on the battle field. I can't wait to see this story and all its details from cable's number one news network, Fox News. Awesome! This is why I need feminism I feel like there should just be a [Dumb Frat Shit] tag Stay with my guys, we need to make Master Chief the bad guy, it'll be edgy as shit. BREAKING: McCrory gets dizzy from all the pandering to uneducated low information voters! Nah man it's just a cultural thing. If I were running a business of any kind I would love for people to come to the interview stoned, I would totally hire that person in a heartbeat Not science, dumb politics. This is cultural appropriation! I mean the thumbnail photo is SUPER DIVERSE, the lady doesn't even look crazy staring Trump in the face, these all look like people I would surround myself with. Holy shit did sneakernews just write a real news headline? Why did Muselk play a game of MvM in Rottenburg? So how long until the Just Cause grapple hook mod comes out 375A at 80V, better make sure those little terminals are done up tight then This is why we dont preorder! I got the Blue Point ones so I has enough to buy 2 steaks to eat Back in Highschool, I always asked politely for lunch money before I beat the crap out of minor niners. Even if it is a replacement, his replacement is responsible for the entirety of Paul McCartney's solo career, which is still pretty impressive But.... but it's 20% off! Can't deny Joel Anthony's 2 championships, had to throw in Thornton as a sweetener! Hehh stopid pc-fags dont get tht it a typo and it actually just $6.299 #XBOXANDWEED4LIFE #NFL #MOUNTAINJIZZ You won't BELIEVE the number 58! I can't beleive cricket players are faking being injured like world cup players Quality content right here folks Not Dead Orbit 0/10 Funny how you never hear of amazing innovations regularly coming out of the Arab world, yet Israel leads the way in technology and minority rights in the Middle East doing blackface is really insensitive That's awesome. but that Ten chem doe The article was real informative No way that having legal cannabis available would have helped this kid... nope, not one bit. BF 1944 Confirmed guys! Learn to aim. Wow hes getting great respect from enemies and friends! That's cultural appropriation shitlords. And more importantly, what were they? I need to download more pixels. inb4 complaint about non-standard bottom row Really original title. I never lie. Try putting your radio on a classic rock channel 4:58 did he just say "bullcrap"? There may be a thread dedicated specifically to this topic...hmmm...maybe in the index thread? When I think of friendship I definitely think of mutual masturbation. omg she violated the NAP! Not just annoying people, but people who tend to get overly paranoid/tweak out too... I thought it was supposed to be a mellowing experience? MaRo giving us another reason to trust Design and Development. Thanks Obama! The next Call of duty is coming out in 6 months or so, why would they fix this now? Hmm who will win? Yeah why wouldn't we? I will be surprised if this cop lives to see the next 5 years whether he goes to prison or not. GOD FORBID HE DO SUCH THING! People you left out from the title: RuPaul ... Donald Trump Theresa May Vladimir Putin I'm so wanna join this list to associate myself with them the good ol Sam Bennalty special 420 all the way downvoted Gay blood That's not sexism, it's *reverse* sexism! Well he seems like a normal, well-rounded human being. Chinese feminists continue normal behavior under the guise of new moral superiority. and jazz Winston can knock recon Bastion to the moon, Hog can hook sentry Bastion from across the map, but Winston can't even make him wobble on his little turret legs.. physics checks out. Doesn't he know the NCAA is just going to exploit him? Dude i think the bar in the bathroom is for your towel FYI BAH, I don't see what's wrong with this story at all, the man simply forgot to pay his 50 sheckles of silver to complete his transaction while attempting to purchase the raped girl. Just the rest of the world that can buy it then. I caught a pretty low level female, but with the right training I was able to evolve her into much higher CP. Knights of the Old Republic 2... so fun. Not if John Higgins has anything to say about it Bitcoin once again being used to circumvent the law. fedt Same goes to americans going to Africa. Tump 2020. So does Byron Scott Hug. *#stajcicout* Put a skin over it? I just took the official 50 question practice test and got a 29 while drinking high life... NFL here I come Men were being raped by women and children? Wheres you're jersey Then you're just as anti democratic as "them". Are they all LAAAAAAAID out? Hmm, why would they want worst girl on a car? Wow, what a paid shillfest, it's almost hilarious how blatant this is. I'm sure Clinton is reassured to hear that. Change is omnipresent and constant Finally I can play those shitty non-optimized unity indie games from Steam! God damn blind people and their bad driving. Aren't they ones always going on about the "Nanny State"? Fake news did that! Racist? This will go splendidly. You dropped this: And this is not racism how? Most plant and animal life. Man, that Apple looks delicious though :( [7] Merry Christmas! holy shit AD caught that from the locker room? Yeah, you really can't blame the people who are on it but haven't turned 16 yet. Haha because only left turns. Not all Anubis types, 2/6. Hmm, I wonder who that 99 RD OFD could be, seems pretty tough He's really popular with the intellectuals here in America as well. Mayweather is said to be extremely upset over the loss of his friends and by the fact that he witnessed the situation unfold Wow, no way! I'm not sure what the fuck was going on in the comments section of that video, but I liked it. as a human, I really like steak BAN WATER AND BRING BACK PRAYER INTO SCHOOLS. Checkmate atheists. Well the upside is that rent is going down! U TALKIN SHITE BOUT MY WAIFU M8Y Because all bottled beverages in existence are alcoholic. the cold will make him numb to the pain and he'll continue to play. Mog or a Gold Hairpin That's like... so deep man! e-gaming you mean But JB DESERVES death! Florida? Ben, You're not helping *Oscar Klefbom* I'm sure that mistake affected no one else. Of all the places I've thought to stand This wasn't one of them. But spawn rushing is unfair there is literally no time to react It's that 0.001% that proves Climate Change is a sham. coming soon to the texas border. You know I can't help but feel 'schedule things based on my period' does nothing but set the cause of feminism back. Dude those credit bundles are legit, that many credz would cost you like 30p in the shop! I never knew you were a girl! Sure am happy that i just bought a house! She needs glasses then she'll be a nerd. Voi sunteti hateri si nu intelegeti arta Bush did 9/11 confirmed She needed a reason to post a picture of her thighs and feet. Launders clearly approves It's a crime to lead someone on? But remember folks, The "E-Tax" is evil and unfair. If you like being taken advantage of I can take advantage of you... Give me some money Never heard of him Please, no Meltzer posts. Are they proper, real, serious boost under there? I'm glad the hipster only asked about the styles of glasses that go with it instead of functional and feature questions. It's obviously pronounced twenty one-th It was just a one-day strike for May Day. Great quality content for an even better title You get a new Volvo every week? this will be reversed as soon as Christians are discriminated against. I was hoping they would have fun with it and make their name something that shortens to "LOI" or "LG" but I guess not :( Pokemon go Tera mongo Teramon go get it? Wow, suddenly all that "Support and believe the victims" gets thrown out the window. They need to stop smoking Marijuana and need more Jesus in their lives Ah, yes, let's have a prank show where we pretend to execute you in a country where taking someone out back and executing them *isn't* totally a thing that could actually happen! It's also keeping good whisky from my damn cabinet. Well the earth is flat and we have never been to space, obvious fake What lovely furniture they had back then I hope they fixed it before september. But we have a debt crisis, how can this be so? He's clearly not doing a very good job at doing the dishes and now she wants to distract him as well? A Fish Called Wanda the horror But Giroux isn't on the Penguins Fake news! I believe that this is what is proverbially called a "slap in the motherfucking face" in most places. It itsn't rape culture, but then again, women should not have to be afraid to go to these places. view botting probably Ain't that the truth! Where would sex with a dragon dildo wielding Roomba vacuum robot fall in the UK porn scale? Haha, no problem I'll send them right along Sounds like a prudent use of taxpayer money. Support is SOOO easy Just make sure you start at the green end. Must have been a great speech. Then why are all the advertisements dick pills? ...but...but they're all *heroes* personally responsible for everyone's freedom! Yeah because thats how other bad people who used religions to justify violence stopped Trump Big generalisation there Let go shorty let go - the lesser known demo version of Let It Go, as performed by Ludacris. Hey shitlord, if you've ever even put your phone on a flat surface you're a dick! Bobby Petrino Nah Demar is obviously a better guard virtus pro and SK Wow, I didn't see this coming DAE She just gets it? Had they thrown in stuff like * At 9 your child would be able to hack into any major company * At 10 your child would know Krav Maga, Kung Fu, Juijitsu * At 11 he would be a chemistry,physics prodigy * At 12 he would be all prepared to be Batman Then I would have really considered recommending this place to everyone Aw wish i could upvote this more than once! No, because woman are children and incapable of logical thought or actions. doesnt take a pro to see that aren't dog's mouths said to be cleaner than a human's what building did they get thrown off of? Right, it was all the attorney's fault that the poor prisoner died. The new 2.22222 icon So Trump is right about Global Warming? I also have that. 1.29 now that's not good. Totally normal! Lol Get ready for SHIELD to get "organic." Those great race relations So, it's like a really cool rabbit Ao Kuang for t5 I prefer beer, so the thing I *don't* prefer should be illegal This doesn't seem real, a pet using a pet bed. Perhaps DDG is pulling a Marcelo/Ramos/Alves move in reverse, to the extreme, leveraging United for a massive contract. Yes, fuck you and your opinion! That he can totally kick the shit out of MJ in one on one. SPAM First thing I thought about: "Man I haven't seen A Nightmare on Elm Street in a long time" I wonder what would cost these companies more money, providing the housing money as specified by the Chinese government or the loss of revenue from public outcry and boycott? Uh oh, I dunno if Travis will stay in the UFC.... But now the words are going to be too small! Our eyes are CCTV cameras with the live feed and backups only accessible to one person. Wait until you see what it does to enemies. If only there was a good guy with a gun to stop him! Well done, OP! They keep sending emails? Thats why Priests dont sexually abused kids, oh wait. My friend said my laugh was weird so I killed myself. Use search bar Jealousy makes people mean Yeah well the Lions have never had BeastMode and that defense Tarantino? If Verizon breaks the barrier all the other ISPs will follow suit. She doesn't want men to have the ability to hit women ever so we need to cut off the arms and legs of all men! i don't understand why coke light is a thing, zero is way better anyway i prefer the original however Incredible. Sick burn nerchio, you sure told him Hnggg Notorious Hillary controls the weather too, and created the hurricane to distract the media from Assange's press conference links? The hell are you talking about? Well I go to an all boys school so that would be weird Obviously macbook But Shuichi is already a girl! Dutch guy here We just tend to either legalize or tolerate a fair amount of 'illegal' things like drugs so that the satisfying sense of using it diminishes, really unfair to be honest Oh my god, does this mean I sell high on him because this will affect his play? And castrate those that impregnated them! Oh that's what they were trying to say! Greek War of "Independence" It was a struggle amongst Albanian, Vlach and Greek anarchists to beat the imperial Turks, but power was usurped by the Greeks and we lost our glorious anarchy Sad! Funny fact: Founding fathers were traitors. Franz Ferdinand? So based on these stats I'm dead. What kind of social safety net does Russia have? Gee, wonder where the RT link to this story is? No you got it all wrong, Ana wouldn't react like that therefore there's no double standard More proof that this race wasn't based on misogyny at all. Hail to the KING, baby! See this is why console is superior because our built in browser is top of the line! But other people have so much more than me. but watch out for those straight white men, they think theyre so entitled to your body! Thank you Captain Obvious Fuck it, we should be focusing on the financial services 'industry'. Could this man have any more integrity? for you and most us it's His Holiness A clear cut case of Burglarsonarceny. My dignity beats have never been more clutch. Time to hire more TSA agents to search the bags of their fellow TSA agents to make sure they haven't stolen anything! Thats not what he said though. This has been proven to work many times. At least she's honestly trying. well this has made me not want to do cocaine at all Oldboy... ^^just ^^fucking ^^with ^^you. Shell or Mastercard? HIV is a badge of honor in some gay circles, you can't help the bug chasers (look it up, but be warned, you may see video of gay men sodomizing themselves with wire brushes in order to increase the chance of getting HIV) and they are a sadly growing population of morons. So when Mexico allows people from other countries to enter the US illegally through Mexico we just have to be okay with that? terih fwyin Rich get richer smh Who cares? Cult leader. But I wear a size 10.5..... :( Is the third pedal for holding your massive cock off the floor? Screw them for trying to be original! She sucked dick for money but then one decided to hide from her pimp by submerging herself in water :p I don't blame them for the second MA flight that got shot down by the russians, thats not their fault.... but MA370... to have a plane vanish without a trace and no debris found is super sketchy in my opinion. An army with harmony. Lol You still have to put in all the work even if you do roids. Now when we win the draft lottery we'll be even better We need to cut Bortles and bring in Manning! I would think with age and experience would come some improvement. I am disgusted by this degrading taunt, please remove it. NO HAIR, FATTIES OR ASIANS Amirite? Ouch, almost cut myself on that edge. This thin person must be the equivalent of that doctor who published the study saying vaccines cause autism. Friend him anyway? Blow up their dispatch line: 508-223-1212 Let them know this will not stand. Not that weird men don't win custody if they keep dying! Maybe they're releasing Andes Chucky in full I would watch it if it wasn't potato quality Be careful when using that shot glass there's a choking hazard But the email server! Plot Twist: NASCAR mandates a 12 inch spoiler and takes away more hp. WHEREZ UR SUPERIOR FREE ONLINE NOW PCMUSTARDFAGETS how quickly my stupid facial hair grows Must have been a ddos attack Are you sure it's a spawner? Birth control is not difficult if the issue is seriously ANALysed. But won't this just create opportunity for the private sector to jump in in the form of self-motivated Uber drivers and boostrappy jitney operators? downvoted for dinosower tag The Youtube compression really helps bring out the highs that shine on this guitar. It's "empowering"! Mad hops Whatta bitch Had to out brand name in post, fucking marketers. Because the professor sets the price, not the publisher. SCRIPTER! Becoza aserej ja deje dejebe tu dejebe sebi unuova majabi ande bugui ande didipi Punani 2012 This needs to be higher. Wheres the bolt? Bingo Are you a wizard? Before this we were discussing if Harry Potter would get arrogant if he was made King. Does she known that there is a healthy middle between 600 and 10,000 calories Yeah exactly, their trying to scam us has now upset a big part of a fanbase, and if we use this to take action against them maybe EA will for once see the error in their ways I suspect David Irving will be accompanied by creepy organ music as he goose steps into the courtroom while feasting on Hebrew babies. *Kiteapedes. Yeah, but when some drunk writer from the 1800s writes this shit its "literature" Guardiamo il bicchiere mezzo pieno: se vince Trump gli americani perdono ogni diritto di prenderci per il culo per Berlusconi. Maybe hasbro could do something productive and get working on the my little pony movie. Think about it though, we all really are frogs deep down. a silly tattoo is totally WTF worthy. My favorite is the hand written Joe Thornton one that has nothing else on it and looks nothing like his autograph Thing of beauty right there. Yeah I pretty much lost it when he bragged about being on the autism spectrum Otherwise the people might relegate kings and princes to the trash bin of history like pretty much every other country has. Mad props to Lombardi's halftime adjustments. Seriously, let the adults with families eat cake! Obvious troll is obvious. Player that has a high level main account, but uses a lower level main account to make themselves feel better about beating lower leveled players. It is more beneficial to not complete the 200 gold quests as it increases you chances of getting to 600/800 gold quests. They deserve to be expelled Rest assured, if Apple is doing it, it will be next level. I'm just going on a hunch, but I reckon that the person that resorted to childish name calling for no apparent reason might be the most fragile one. If that's the only one you saw, just shake your sheets out, you should be fine. i would build a lot of bunkers Don't worry, we got Spaling and a 3rd so I'm okay with this deal now 'Cause if you're good at the game, you're just as bad as cheater, right? Where are the missing 1%? The best! wow Wow, how did that thing fly with the propellers just slowly wiggling back and forth like that boi is all enemy pattern memorization and rng honestly, just be more alert to enemy patterns, learn how to dodge, and get gud rng Way to create a welfare state and let in thousands of potential terrorists all to celebrate 9/11 you filthy cucks! but do you have a ranked anime opening The only thing I got from this video is that Flameblast is still op Guys it's all Tannehill's fault! Yes, GNOME designers spent a ton of energy to find the perfect font, if you change it the entire branding and identity is lost, people may mistake GNOME to something else and that would be a disaster. if you had Verizon, you wouldn't need wifi. Yeah cuddling and eating pizza rolls any time of day sounds like a real job. Real gamers would play Twilight Struggle What the hell kind of advertising is this, where is the mandatory cleavage...? Its because American film critics don't know whats good at all. Those damn neckers At least he didn't shoot himself in the foot. But that episode is "anti-mormon". But Monstanto and GMO's are *literally* killing the planet and everyone on it Nice to know we still have some stupid, fat, racist cops out there. I'm sure he's on the way to save a life in a hospital or something of that nature! Lord Satan works in mysterious ways ....but Israel doesn't have a nuclear weapons program Very tolerant and forward thinking individuals from the sounds of it. Bradford is a terrible QB right? Admit it, it's porn, isn't it? Hey Scott Adams, how ya doing? Well that seals the deal. A mixture of trolling and being fed up with poverty, stereotypes, sexual frustration (present in a little bit more than all Russian gamers), etc. Who paid for that savings? I almost don't need an investigation to tell me this is a big part of the problem. When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all. soy milk That poor, dead fat woman. -scoff- Yeah, so snarky of her to say that, what an asshole. WTF is your english professor doing talking about quantum mechanics? Begging for a pegging? Yes, each and every comment in here comes from a biggot Named doesn't sound like a Norwegian name to me. I saw at least three POHC so they are actually relatively diverse. He clearly missed I'm not sure if it's always khazix, I've seen one on Cassiopeia as well. Not gonna lie, kinda wanna get mad at my family while playing Monopoly right now. I was expecting this to be the top comment. You obviously don't get it OP he's doing it IRONICALLY so it's not cringey Oh come on, a banana tree is more dangerous than Fukushima Me either. Logan Ryan or Ty Law Because Eric Bailly doesn't exist Because back then, literally every adult male wasn't a filthy child rapist like they are today. TGT? One can only hope never vote for a politician who has no children. This has to be the #1 most bizarre question on AskReddit You have a choice between light blue to darker blue WHAT GREAT FREEDOM Yea lets make the Art team work on the servers that will be good. Good to see that they have their priorties straight. Why are people downvoting this? its not big enough for my afk activities Lol I can't imagine by "Friend of Gays" his supporters mean anything other than, "He really likes Milo Whatever's Breitbart articles!!!" This feature is why Stratos took so long. Its a good job the victims had access to guns to, otherwise someone might have been in danger! theoretical specifications lol okay. Sort of like when the New Orleans Saints won the superbowl and it changed everyone's lives. Naw, those 50% were just the Mafia. OREGON BIAS The snap from alshon made me smile because cheating and divorces for the past hundred years totally strengthened the unity of Marriage and families. The people I see post this stuff on Facebook the most aren't the NiceGuy, they're almost always the guy that's already divorced, has two kids, no job, and likely spends all his disposable income going out every weekend, buying a PS4 and probably cheats on his significant other all the time. brave man. Lmfao yeah good luck exploiting a billionaire businessman. OP: I'll just use this shit site instead of imgur because why not. don't forget having a AAA budget! triggered To the front page! By 1940 standards they are correct. Gunner is the only ranged class, I don't understand your question. Maybe you should have shut the fuck up then. Fake news. Small things lead to big things which reddit will ask about regardless. It's beautiful. Well yeah, but it really helped their on screen chemistry Yeah, fuck all Chinese players! That'll show him! Sweet generic rock and roll to drown out that horrible exhaust note Pick Zilean and rewind the time Also coz Greg Rosenthal has a secret crush on the Chargers, just listen to the ATL Podcast, he always showing us love! Thanks I can read Russian so this helped me a lot. Woah, didn't see that coming. Fucking hilarious mate xDdDDDDB Actually you lose as soon as a liberal says "Ugh." Did you try verifying your game cache? And Trump houses the Royal family in his building there. When you just got bad news but the pic is already queued up. Kerbal Space Center get your shit together! Legalize all drugs! Vaccines are racist! The country has a means of shutting it down if it's treason My whole life was a lie 'We get off on your tears.' Maybe someone will draw a picture of a ghost dressed like soldier masturbating. Clearly EA needs to download more RAM. hmm, really trying to convince myself that i don't need a gearvr but it would be convenient way to poop in different places or on people lol elect 2016, poop on the candidates you don't like now everybody sit down and have a polite discussion on compromising with him! Wait, I thought that was Obama's job? Must be a pleb, he's playing a common Book of Moon instead of the Super mate. She seemed like the nicest drug smuggler ever! Believe it or not, being a chess master doesn't pay well. TIL Spain's, Austria's and Latvia's flags have three colors each. Thanks! Wade won't leave his legacy here for 5 mil more My car always spins out of control in empty parking lots, help me out. Where can I get one in titanium with a lanyard hole? killion All is war in love and sex... or something What about the back bib? omg yellowben senpai why are you oppressing me with such mean-looking font you must be part of the patriarchy i came out to have a good time and honestly im feeling so attacked right now It's a very funny meme Dardocj gj Dardoch confirmed 10 times smarter It's incredibly shocking that a well designed CPU designed and optimised to work in a few devices can crush a well designed CPU that has to do general tasks in far more devices. they should really look into this Art style's weird, design isn't to great and overall it's kind of... meh. u got fukin rekt and TOLD Your friendly neighborhood pubs officer! They're making the 980ti look like it's 1/3rd the power of a Titan X. I can't take this shit seriously. Well it's a good thing you had the smash demo screen up so you could post it here for some reason . I really hope it is Microsoft over Walmart. If they are Sony's need to step their game up. What about Marla Maples? im sure all the kids he raped agree What religion are the fighters? His team is so weak he needs to put +6 on every player except Neuer Banned Yeah this one definitely goes to the vocal minority I like the sources. OMG how will I cope without any new Xbox 360 massager games! You want us to listen to it, or you good? [Libertarian Institute for Justice](http://ij.org) continues to do great work! Oh cool, now I can go back to the gym! That thing runs Crysis 3 at 4k 120 FPS right? Its because it was a CT My town of about 4-5K has 10 churches I can name off the top of my head. The basket just got bigger! Or we can all pitch in to get him a kilo of Coke so he can make some real money Nah your fine man just do that and the quadfeeds roll in sooner or later. I didn't realize you could Link Summon a monster to your opponent's side of the field ...and possibly cuts up a Picasso Wow, what a hero. I made a similar deck a few days ago, I used both so you were less likely to get screwed by it being on the bottom of the deck. Cause they totally aren't hateful at all towards women they find unattractive! I really like the bloody eye sockets Remember folks that the EPA is an impediment to growth and jobs, in fact regulation is often the cause of accidents! Ahh Hot topic always with their finger on the pulse. We should also take patient-care data offline, no longer making hospital inspection results and violations publicly available, citing privacy concerns. Dog tricks human into supporting him for the rest of his life. Throwing money at it will solve *all* of their problems this nerd doesn't know it's a skaven holiday Duh, they are from Mars, why not just give them Mars accents. Haha, now you know that they are worried. What's the course book for this, a $320 subscription to Time magazine? It looks like a mitten, you blasphemous imbecile! I like these, models and all. Good to see these gun nuts won't be able to silence their machine guns There was some American football player that got real big and openly came out as gay, because you know that's not commendable and brave at all considering the environment that the sports world exists in. Why only 37? I still need some sunglasses I knew Alex Jones was an Establishment Agent, proof right here people. Needs more jpg! Yes, I also find wishing harm on someone hilarious. I'm a superior champion in an inferior country. No fuckin, no paintin, and absolutely no "where art thou's," you Godless, Muslim liberals. Go back to the muni. Thats not seas of salt 7/10 ah, no I'm pleasantly surprised that we're more valuable than the Red Wings, the Penguins, or the Oilers. Man, I never see people draw the Joker! This is like finding a shiny pokemon in a sewer It would have been great to see Price pitch...but I am not at all upset about this To be fair Obola was on cocane Yeah, my roommate and I will play games as teammates, and send production trade routes back and forth when building wonders or building up an army to conquer another civ. Most likely because humans come out as infants I fully expect the 'Round 7 Highlights' to be crickets chirping. Drugs Somebody, please, remix this more to make it darker and creepier. that cable management is ATROCIOUS You just gotta admit that he's the very BEST at NOT keeping his promises! I'd really appreciate some context. Just completed this and got 5 tier 5 Iso... yay. And people say the magrider is the worst tank. Glad it's red white and black, good to see some different colours on the grid! If you didn't like the movie you're a fucking racist. Just locker room talk, you know. JAAAAAAAAA If they leave the EU we should make them move to their own servers as well. or, dont hit F by accident instead of expecting the entire game to change because you have downs They are preparing to do what every regime does with uncontrollable power, purge and enslave. Very subtle racism Clinton is a terribly flawed candidate and if the rest of the Democratic party establishment has any sense they'll flip on her as quickly as she flopped on coal. ...but OMG we must find a solution to global warming! Trent Dilfer Hope he okay South East Showclubs completely ripped off the logo for the SEC. That is one oblivious shit stain! Whenever a girl turns down a guy who she is not interested in, she is secretly inviting the rapists to come along. Lucky football managers always going forward in time to the future! get off your high horse of observations and grammar, buddy. sounds like an awesome "feature" for a backdoor race Graspop! I don't really understand why they are blaming/flaming, being angry with someone that has anger-issues or other mental conditions won't help at all, an un-educated guess is that it's only more dangerous due to the possibility of a snap (and the person going wild.) Well, it's not like Trump would ever apologise either, so does that also qualify him as someone with integrity? Sprint charged me $72 to activate two androids. What a swell guy No Caucasus :( It's interesting that the more male dominated a society is the higher is the male suicide rate. Villager's too glitchy please nerf holy shit this is awesome Je kind opvoeden is ook lastig. But he was brown!!!! This is gonna be so help when streaming my xbox one system. I knew it you glory hogging bastard. She needs to shut the fuck up this is totally photoshop, I should report you. ridic This OP should work for charity he gives so much! imgur I've just decided to stop reading articles which start with a two-sentence restatement of the headline, and then jump straight into reposting what Twitter thinks about it. That will certainly help them in elections. its a JAVELIN not a SPEAR Sure are alot of female rapists in the news lately. obviously not a lot of coochie getting eaten in the c9 and clg houses No way! Hey, I don't think this person actually knows anything about anatomy guys! Farting in public isn't embarrassing either. 3spooky5me This on VR will be really interesting But there is no class system in Australia. That's how stupid they think we are. wow it was a really good thing I didn't have headphones on at max volume, thanks! Did you take that picture with a potato? You're good if you are white keep it wavy I'm quite sure he's expecting a ''No it's okay.. haha..'' Finally you can play at 900p 30fps instead of 720p 15fps on the go :P 30 fps anniversary? Does good in a tournament aska for settings so he can be like him when OP is silver XD Just don't let it be McRae, please Why part of Australia are you from Is hilarious. Always wanted to know It's not exactly an intelligent series but it's a good watch if you don't take it too seriously Shouldn't we first ask bankers what they think? Because he loves us. Anyone who needs to take away from others accomplishments to further their own agenda is perching on a fragile stick. white guys are soft The chief now made it a rule that cops make sure to force owners to turn off camera during investigations now. The only thing keeping Hamas from intentionally murdering more civilians is the lack of means What a beautiful country ! Russell Wilson Hoenn starter megas in Sun/Moon confirmed Things didn't go as per the discussion. Great, so glad I bought my Atlantis yesterday /pol/ is ALWAYS right. Looks like PPP is doing an absolutely *stellar* job in Sindh If it was instant, killing people would have no impact in the game so I'd rather keep it the way it is. Finally a use for phone books again. My wife and I did this, one guest (out of 200) who "works in computer security" refused point blank and had his wife do her thumb print twice (second one in place of his) because "someone could lift my print and steal my identity" Which I guess technically is true, if they broke into our home, identified his thumbprint from 200 others and copied it from the dried paint (after removing the picture from it's frame) and using it to scan the huge database of personal records and fingerprints criminals so often use to identify potential targets because that's the easiest and most obvious way to steal someones identity. But if the ice caps dont melt how are the ten tribes supposed to emerge from the north? Wooowwwww. i think you mean soccer minigame Switch Title 10... where are the other 9! THIS IS JUST BIG GOVERNMENT TRYING TO TELL ME WHAT TO DO WHOO 2ND COMMANDMENT WHOOOO Am I actually going to be able to get to Mariana's Trench now? Coming soon from Milton-Bradley: Hungry Hungry Geckos. Implying that's bad Geez I wonder how THAT could have happened. If this would be true, I would actually play the game and not just watch Day[9] on twitch here and there. My sister got chocolate Chapstick one year for Xmas and it tasted like tootsie rolls. This guys knows Those are voxels, not pixels. Fucking casuals! Bigots aren't exactly known for their intelligence. thank god the word nigger isnt banned I wonder why salamine egg in kr is above 300 mill Like below the knee Thats the TL we expected, good to see our return to form I like this dystopian world we're creating Bubba. ohhhh I see Men dominate literally every workforce, including elementary school education and nursing. The white house is sponsored by NBC? damn 20 dollars. I was skeptical of Prince Abu's contribution to The Summit when Toph and Armada were campaigning for him to get flown out, but after what he had to added to the stream day 1 I'm really glad he's there! Clearly the superior option What I simply CANNOT understand is why there is no legitimate YouTube competitor? Talon for sure. Cam Ward because Cup This is what I call perfect optimisation Yes, because if someone disagrees with you politically then they must be a TERF or a troll of some variety. Big shocker there. En Mexico que raroooooo? I'd spend my money on school if I were you. O'Malley is going to re-surge! scary Does a bear shit in the woods? Wow, so unpatriotic of them! Plan B's are too hard for this bunch of idiots Totally didn't see this one coming Fork on BOATS 2 #METIME by 2 Chainz was probably the best I've heard too bad my wife cant cook shit while im below the poverty line anyhow. las quesadillas pero solo en provincia More like arc warden Photoshopped Hmmm isn't this cultural appropriation? I thought the National Guard dealt in deploying sandbags in emergencies? Grandma is such a badass ROMANIA wins the Eurovision! What's racist about this? I can't help but to associate the GT3-spec Z4 with that Hatsune Miku livery after all the publicity it got when it won the Super GT. Yes yes shudve been a birkin So, in other words, the technology just isn't there yet This isn't creepy at all. There is no way he makes it past 17, let alone 20 Yeah, I heard Matt Wood knocked on his door, Yee_lmao1 shat his pants. i didnt expect this to be such a big issue Why did I not even have to click on it to know it would be about "white privilege" (and be something stupid) rather than "woman privilege"? weather channel is full of fucking pussies, no way i leave my house to get fucked up by some storm. This shit looks like King Kai's planet Kim Jong Al More low-hanging fruit from the YouTube tree. You can anything with data if you twist it enough. Not nearly as drastic as 1975 vs 1995 This ... ice is on fireeee~ It's a smaller car in general, so it will undoubtedly be smaller. They gotta stop Vince Wilfork from leaning on them! Grr. Once no pussy in 10 miles I know this is a troll post but loki should be buffed. Counting days for some maniac to come up saying 'Bazir wang rakyat, guru didik murid budaya asing'. But I thought HAMAS were the good guys. This is exactly what happened with Mojang;s Get Satisfaction page But he misses so many Q's at the start of the video NO, ALL HAIL THE FLAT DESIGN Yes, education, science, surely tools of the devil. inb4 to Patriots for 3rd rounder Not even news, I assumed New York had banned freedom long ago. The feels! Have you ever heard of a vogler rifle? that's almost as sad as being arrested for having a certain arrangement of 1s and 0s on my computer (that may or may not depict a child doing things against their will) I'm glad they used the white font with black outline to tell me what is going on, otherwise it wouldn't be funny. What? Why doesn't this feature the portrait of our current Prime Minister - Tony Abbot? Gotta love flinching okay... so build yourself a gaming rig and join the steam community I can't help but exclaim, that was AMAZING! woodley is 100% right. Don't worry guys, I'm sure it'll be open in May like they said! dude needs to learn how to sweetspot At least better than Csgo inferno Will Donald's goons be on-site to help enforce order? Freak of nature it's floating, I need to stop smoking weed Considering how many women he's likely slept with, could this be our generations plague? It almost outlines why she must become POTUS, in order to forever suppress the last known reservoir of evidence against her corruption, the deleted emails from her private server now lying on NSA servers, protected by the current administration. There's plenty of water in the Puget Sound, I don't see the issue. This is sick baby ''goo goo gaga'' passangers ''SCREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'' edgiest troll I have ever seen I wonder if it's first oil change included filling with actual dimisaurs Nah Chelsea have a much better defense than Manchester United 100 of which would be because of DPI. Chapman's not officially a Dodger yet that's why. What about those of us still using Power Director v9? You guys should really get your acts together. Penny for your thoughts? Might be a good idea, but noit american so don't really know Watch animu, it helps alot. HJAKDLADA I hope they get a good laugh when i make yet another trip to Home Depot. The US did a great job of preparing the Iraqi army for holding the country A Watson meeting happening anytime soon? gtfo we want the juicy gambling drama When it breaks on the Korea-Language-Setting. I bet she's a wonderful, caring mother. Well, this can only end well. check toys r us, saw a ton of them now everyone will buy toon link :P Finally useful maps! Anyone got a link to the original study? see kids, you dont need pine tar to be effective! I can get the 4k footy to roll through, but 8k does even try with my connection. Followed shortly after by Nicholas Cage on how to be a great actor, and George W. Bush on how to pay down the national debt. Maybe try not rushing abysses anymore So dy is now making MDTs? Maybe two baby footsteps, and if there are any more kids you can add more. What a fucking asshole. Yeah, The Globe and Mail totally has a bias against the Conservatives she is The next Elder Scrolls game won't be set in Skyrim, and probably won't have much in the way of mountains. I find that last part of the meme to be awfully appropriate procedure for having babies. But what's in the bible is all true! Not enough fucks in that sentence. This is now the default play style for rook I've always loved the "we depth investigation" Is that a bicycle, or an antique motorized bicycle? Of course she's the primary victim, it's not like they were laying down their lives for her safety or anything I bought 2. i have a feeling they all ate chipotle Weird, i have never seen a bug put random spheres on units? I really don't want the reddit and hipster community to find about about TPB. Uh yeah she's still not beautiful Was that racial commentary? When Shanny asked for the head official for his reasoning, the ref turned and responded, "the Mara Family Sends its regards." {Tokyo Ghoul} Better to make profit of money, not sick people. 334 YAC. Agreed, this is BS Ohh man this next seasons going to be fun to watch You seem like a joy to be around. Since everything else has failed to motivate these people maybe this will drive them to get good jobs so they can buy their own insurance. Yeah hi rez, we are entitled to more free things! Looking forward to Bullasaurus or Bulbasaur mascot renaming Nice to see all our rwt money is funding all these updates! It's fine - he used wire nuts *and* electrical tape. All of the apps suck and the mobile version of the site is somehow even worse sure they are yeah, but it will be when Donald is finished with it and then he will go "SEEEE folks...I told you it was horrible, shameful, the worst shape" literally the only thing i can think off is ur client displayed something incorrectly, but that probably isnt what happened We just need common sense heroin control. These lines suck, what is De Boer doing Twist-ties to hold wound-up cables in place. make some really cool non-functioning hover shoes. I don't down vote a lot but if going to try to pass something off that is clearly fake u deserve a down vote I didn't know I needed this How does Boston running man have burning hat if it is raining And yet he drives a jetta. waiting the SG553 master race to come tell us about how this definitely proves that the SG553 is so much better than the AK in every way and the pros are chumps for using the AK quick everyone get him before he sells out! All flair but no end product! Oh wow, that makes me want to watch it now Snake hand puppet imo I guess the video would be too long for summoner spells, but it would've Been nice to cover, since the text and picture of what they do doesn't help new players much rarer than 3a gz Because all legal actions are ethical and all illegal actions are wrong, am i right? It's a start? Too bad he has internalized racism. I heard about 3000 people don't really find him that funny. We added 125,000 immigrants last month and 175,000 college graduates to the workforce, seems to be a math problem here we need to figure out. I'll try. Stop the MG hate too please. Represent. A Cessna Plane.....yep, journalism at its finest. Thank you for trusting the democratic process, Anonymous. Thank God we have '56-inch chest' to protect us. The best way to show a woman there is a better was is to call her a dumb bitch! Why can't libtards just rape their wives and get married multiple times like me? LIKE IF YOU AGREE **IF BEING A RACIST MEANS THAT MAGICAL WIZARDS WILL GIVE YOU MILLIONS OF DOLLARS WHENEVER YOU ASK FOR IT** ---- #THEN I'M A RACIST You will grow exactly 2 more inches. I'll put him over Kobe Thank you for this hard hitting journalism. any words from Trump? LOL, yeah.. That'll happen. Bengals LB corp looking pretty slow right now. This is all because Trump is running for president IIRC No, I totally respect the police's decision to kill him. I feel like 50% of these solar jobs come from the people trying to peddle solar panels in the middle of BestBuys when you shop. We think of it less about religion and more about Scots vs English conflict Whoopee, congrats guys I'm not seeing #2 on his channel just #1 can you give me a link yay - no more hackers! The DAE is strong in this one. You should have thought of that before you decided to be white. I'm just going to take a wild stab at this and guess CA doesn't want to touch slave trading with a 10-foot pole. DAE le fat people XD? This isnt WTF this is awesome Lily Billy delivering some serious lines! It'll trick the fuck outta those dumb women though, amirite? Islamophobist! Pardon every non-violent convicted criminal serving time for drugs and restore every ex-convict's voting rights. Good for him! I remember Ted said on his Chinese notebook that Manor were hoping to change the livery and incorporate a Union Jack into the design in time for the start of the European season but not sure what happened. I sure hope so, but then again I'm Presbyterian. It's a 6th trimester abortion, what's wrong. I rate this thread 2,5/10 It's been posted already. But...but..only the left is intolerant and violent The_Donald They won't let those pesky facts get in the way of their narrative. I am so offended by Kumar's shirt. I love this.... Iove this so much. This is news? Couldn't think of any other appropriate place to post it and it's only possible to install these with Bytafont2 which requires a jailbreak. Yes, but more would support TRUMP repealing it if you subtract the illegals that voted in the poll. TIL: someone shot Boba Fett in the dick. We had gay marriage legalized in 2005 and it took you guys ten years, so maybe eventually but not for at least two years. Well, this sounds like a healthy relationship. Great to see what a haven of tolerance this place is. Shitposts are not bound by your mortal laws Lulz, filthy peasant has to sacrifice colors for frames I thought that the trend towards lighter, thinner screens were supposed to fix that. Which also means he likes red too I'm Jewish, so if you turn me down you're literally a Nazi! How long until Seymour Hersh claims the official story is a lie? Surprised he didn't set it for April 31st. Sad...miss battlefront 2 If they listen to BotD they're probably underage too. Due to displacement she should stay 99lbs, unless she doesnt God dammit, and I actually like Fast Company Perhaps StoneWall can show us jungle Fiora ? What an original thought Yeah but RDA/Frankie would fucking destroy him bruh! OMG SHE MADE AMETHYST SKINNY SHE SHOULD KILL HERSELF D1213243545 That's actually pretty hilarious. Watch the tears I am shedding for the insurance companies. I really love the amount of effort put into this comic. **#OSCARSSOWHITE** It's to celebrate Trump assuming the office? To think people are still surprised at the fallacious nonsense that comes out of Gamasutra. Mexico's fatter now. Yeah, this doesn't scream deception and collusion at all. TIL chickens are a plant. rekt Doesn't look like thumbnail and it looks like a vac700. This isn't any different than dumbass redditors saying "have an upvote good sir," except Facebook doesn't have a rule against it. What a terrible excuse for a human being. Erm... is that some type of TF mod? so glad our tax dollars are keeping us safe. Really want them but I'm not leaving in Japan... Hilary on not being indicted Like nowadays ITT: People who didn't watch the patch segment where this happened, and a man who got butthurt over someone criticizing him. Who wears suspenders with nude women on them? But they look exactly the same! -330 happiness with Freedom means your doing Freedom wrong Damn, that looks like shit. Yeah, look at Christian radicals bombing abortion clinics in the name of stopping murder... wat. Apparently, it's "movie night" once a week at your place. Everybody knows those surpluses were caused by Reagan. The Blackhawks totally would have won it. aww that is so cute. k It's difficult to decide how I feel about the "abortion" of an actual baby that has a high chance of surviving a c-section - on one hand I like dead babies but on the other I hate giving rights to women I'm sure it will stay on budget- I mean, cities *always* end up spending way less on the Olympics that they initially budget for Flair up son And worth every penny. PC Aryans? And therefore assisted Google in coming into the scene to kick ass. No, no you're supposed to realize it's just not your night and stop chucking. I thought the French banned face covering? Flyers penguins, same deal. I read the blue in Tracy Jordan's voice from 30 rock. Oh man we lost so many jobs because of NAFTA Nice fat rolls Oh goody, environmental racism. TIL a monsoon = average summer weather in Sweden Glad that mother fucker is fired. Woe is you, having to put up with the trance crowd with their great vibes and friendliness :'( I'm glad I'm reading this thread the day after and not before me and my and the girlfriend left her 16 year old kid home by himself over the weekend Luckily the worst of it was some knives with burn marks on them, can't imagine how those got there If you're on an actual somewhat serious team you can find scrims vs other teams, playing dynamic queue 5s isn't even a good form of practice. Look at all those chickens! Well shit, now that Hitler doesn't support him, there goes the German vote. The IRA are part of the government in Northern Ireland, so I don't think glorifying them on Twitter is that out there. While I still believe the teacher to be in the wrong, how is this not double jeopardy? At least it wasn't an email server. You know, if only people making minimum wage would care a little bit more about their work, I am sure people would be willing to pay them more. Always on the right side of history, this one. Guys are we sure this movie is happening? Neutral primaries my ass. So does Rise take their place? I really don't understand what people mean by white privilege... Of course, our Military Intelligence services, the CIA, and every other foreign intelligence agency in the world would never dream of interfering with the political process of another nation. Racist I'm a straight A student and you don't make the grade. Full court shots maybe One question: Where do you put the batteries? I snorted. Because being a person with Down's Syndrome is obviously the worst and most humiliating thing ever! I can't wait for people to jump right to the end of a storyline in a story heavy franchise and put the ending online within minutes of the game launching! Noooooooo Fool can't even "bye felicia" correctly. This is proof that automation reduces the demand for labour! still not cat proof You guys want G.E next you will be wanting FPS mode Man George St Pierre the shittiest fighter dude, he only won by decisions.. It was all luck. How fucking dumb do you have to be to do that while he's recording you? Do you still get paid? Forgot to enhance. Four if you count the steam from the double boiler. Mental health patients should just pull themselves by their bootstraps, there's always room at the top. the young turks or fox news Still kick in asses in the dance floor haha Sir, I'm going to need to see your shit posting license, and registration. I've never seen so many yellow flags at once You freggin hacker! He should marry an American and get them papers. Zzzzzip... How can you upvote a flawed article? This is gone beyond the wildest dreams of any satirist now. HeforShe because all men are rapists, they just haven't been caught yet. Why is that player such a dick to the cabbies? RENFE That s curl looks legit I gave my ex's friend an NES and she asked me if it played Super Nintendo games. Yes it is ty dfg ...couldn`t see how hard a complicated product like CC would be to mass manufactured.. They never do, do they? You'd think Christie would be working on ridding the state of something *REALLY* bad... like calories. *teleport to Edgeville lodestone, 1hit by mugger* Get a 390 Your definitely not using a iPhone then my iPhone 4 is basically a brick I can't download anything from App Store nothing is supported Everybody knows that when you drink and drive and get a dui it's the cops fault If they keep this up and play the A's for the remainder of the season they'll finish 28-0. shittiest thing about this is that jonas won't be able to fully work his magic on him for the whole off season Every race is a minority globally Beat the game in 0.5 A presses Oh, and I'm sure he'll leave the gun-owners alone, because a well armed populace is exactly what a dictator wants. A bucket of tears. And nope don't come to rainy oregon either- this place sucks Filthy casuals Any thoughts on who might take that job? I think of it more as "I concur". Dammit NVida, i run a 980, and still this ticks me off. I'm not crying...nope! It's nice to see some good, quality content on this sub. Or when you stub your toe and for a full second you genuinely want to murder your coffee table. FIX YOUR GAME, R* Let's do our own drawing and exclude SpringPopo Too bad they're using TAG Heuer *insert comment about how much of a spoiled rich brat Austin Dillon is* That's what the bengals were saying about us Impeach the sexist. GIMME DAT FULL COMMUNISM GIMME DAT FULL COMMUNISM GIMME DAT FULL COMMUNISM IT'S GOOD ENOUGH FOR ME That's not a tax return. Ne zaboravi onu gamad srbe. The people most concerned with stopping voter fraud seem to be the same people who are most likely to tamper with elections. Judging on the scowl on both of their faces they haven't even had sex in eight years. Thank you Drug War, for putting this dangerous threat to society in jail! The daily mail is about as reliable a source as your neighbor's uncle's cousin who heard it from a friend. Doesn't *burning* disks get the drive hot? I've been starting a party. solid build brother although you prolly could have saved your self a little money and just gone with an 8350 and overclocked it to to 4.7 ghz My bets are on the Norwegian Fish Storage Any Baha'i killers? You have to move into the digital age and stop writing paper checks and paper deposit slips. Oh, the humanity! Norwegian Wow wow wow, I think you guys are failing to see the important thing in this post, you're paying so much attention to Trump that you can't see that Danny is a total fuckin loser! reminded me of the special NAPA scheme Steve Kinser had for a few races in like 2001-2002. great to see new sponsors in the sport! oh yeah ahahhaha, that's fucking cheap man Aiyo dr vida. I wonder how weird it would be to possess a thing someone else is also possesing. This dudnt have no nutin' ta doo wit' ate-y-ism, du-hurrr. Can mods ban this troll? Don't be ridiculous, if we didn't stop the boats then they would still be drowning! Yeah, please have some respect-**CM PUNK** I'm going to pick a skin that's basically a bright red/orange outline so I'm easily spotted from far away So just like every other match. i hope they will get banned asap Sounds like you hang around a lot of assholes. The brave souls on board who overpowered the terrorists in the name of democracy opened the door and threw the black box out. Come to aurora and sell me some so I can try it for the first time ha Typical, a caster shitposting on here. Shocking Time to play Dino Rabbit again guys The Communist Utopian dream Looking forward to hear what Kuharsky says I guess that excuses the torture then Make it like MLB, where every team can design the arena to their specs Lovely... Where do I get the cutesy Micky mouse ones? Because Siri is sooo well-known for getting every voice command 100% right. #edgy Good quality post cya on the prontpage Nehruvian policies amar rahe? Wow i have never seen this posted before! Government puts fluoride in my water and fellow redditors downvote me for incrorrect spelling and not using punctuation marks. This is the type of shit that is turning girls into selfish little cows CD - Through the Wire LR - Hey Mama G - Everything I Am 808s - Streetlights MBDTF - Runaway/DiaND Y - Hold My Liquor TLOP - Ultralight Beam This is funny Best faked injury in the history of ever, hoping for an extra free throw. Needs a nsfw tag dude Bungie: "Oh boy, he's serious now." Chicos, hay que saber diferenciar, un muerto no es lo mismo que un fallecido Ermahgerd Sanders is the messiah! Package him with Stamkos and trade him to the Leafs As a casual smoker I like the fresh air of being outside. OP is an ISI agent who is shitting after surgical strikes TL;DW? Maybe Bill should take a page from the Linux handbook and make his OS open sourced and free to use. Canadian It's not refugees, it's Muslims and their pedo warmongering prophet NiP right now against C9. This is gold. Kushida vs Ospreay just made my pants tight. I wish headline was Apple will generate all its power with coal and invests $850 million in thorium nuclear reactor research. Ya but that goes against the narrative so if you could like please stop you're triggering me I'm literally shaking Have they tried not being poor? Guys, we all know we can fix this we free college, all paid by the tax payer! Pyro did it first. America needs to stop being so afraid. Well you'll work harder with a gun in your back for a bowl of rice a day We don't need your pity, mind your own business It's treason then So they actually made their choice, money . Who? Yes, thank the hard work of the carpenters and plumbers for building the house, but the architect should get no credit. I was thinking more along the lines of the Red-Hawk Knights Brings back memories of being a first year :) I know how it feels to loose a loved one because I've seen a road sign "to the cemetery". Pro tip: Zip ties. You can tell they are from the bay area Yeah, it really sucks when you get more than 30 frames in an action game. me You guys have your money in the thousandths place? Comment karma checks out One more instance of growing intolerance towards minorities in India That's not how you use the word 'gifted'. The smoke screen is heavy tonight. Top quality banter Did someone explain to M Brownshirt what FEMA stands for and what they are supposed to do yet? He is undoubtably very honored. Freedom of speech has died in Merkles Germany Hard to believe this is happening Hehe it says supreme hehe nice meme kiddo hehe Swearing is funny so, how are things? I bet you hear,"after two you'll do," a lot You're right it's probably going to suck. fake, he will not hire black person The DNC is going to start listening to him now, right? for fucks sake -__- symmetry atleast its improving .. hopefully we will get soloQ next season i was gonna ask the same thing Awesome, can't wait to give this to the dead ancestors that come by for offerings this Samhain He nearly KILLED that guy with his spiral energy Anyone know of the address? I almost removed this for being a common low effort reaction gif before all the games popped up. How was be like in high school? Pretty sure only white people can be racist. Yeah and so annoying how I can't use my int gold frieza with my str agl and teq gold frieza inb4 Lets be Friends on the label showcase tonight omfg My mom keeps trying to bring me places and she takes a freaking hour to shop at walmart....ummm It would take me 15 minutes if it wasnt for her....Why do we need to walk around the whole store when we only need 3 items? I play fifa, so ibarbo. Frisk is Ninten's grandfather confirmed Planking is so 5 years ago, dude. Surely the next bill will to be to raise the enlistment age in the arm forces to 21. Can we disguise Mikel as Costa? I think background-wise it would really make sense to make this a Paladin card Racist, sexist, xenophobic, bigot, Nazi, fascist Is Lavrov going to arrest Putin now? WHO CARES ABOUT THE DAM let's make that bullet train from LA to SFO! Unless they made a major change shooting someone that is rogue will not make you go rogue. Yeah thats what we need, recons able to use landmines The amount of people who dont understand the point of the peace agreement in this thread is worrying. Wow so edgy Don't cut yourself. Glad to see my tax dollars are being put to good use. Wrong movie! so funny Nope, nothing wrong with that. This is probably not the creepiest message as it started as a miscommunication, but I have to admire that persistence I'M MASE! You are not the real Viktor main, because it is not lv 3 aggression bumble....LOL don't shower and try to be as obnoxious as possible to your peers. Serves you right for owning a black dog. Seems like the kind of guy I could have a beer with. He will likely be a well informed committee leader, open to all types of energy sources, and will be active in supporting the scientific community's urgent efforts to address global warming. looks like a ram issue Im sure you have plenty of other ways to dishonor your Mormon heritage. Also, Scarlet FTW Did you forget all of America's weekly school shootings, gangs and murders or are you just pushing an agenda? Fantastic. ...driver shoots dead man before holding victim's wife, daughter and grandson at gunpoint Why did he shoot a dead man? Old news. When little disabled Timmy gave me 80% of what he earned on the street that day. TIL most countries don't have a National Guard Why don't helicopters have one? I wonder if you can pound that kind of bark into tapa cloth? Looking sharp. What happened to tutu and cloudy glasses? SENSITIVE JUST LIKE THAT POOR MONKEY IN THE SNOW, DYING TO HYPOTHERMIA Spice level: nuclear. yeah guys he is unaware, like that time he is unaware that Blatt is going to get fired, and he is also unaware of his request to fire coach spo... guys, this guy know nothing Yeah, in case he gets gunned down by angry chimps gg no eu representation So, according to the polls tomorrow Baylor will be the highest ranked team in Texas, has that ever happened in college football? When will we bust Israeli cells in America? Needs to make 7**50**Million to break even I'm glad that the NCAA lessened their punishment, because the leaders there very clearly get it. This change is a trigger for me. I like the song. Easy solution: Just outlaw dense housing to restore wealth 31* The art of war Regardless of the sexism you can still hit kids in the US? What a catch! Riot Balance team 10/10 job again. Will this partnership bring a new livery for McLaren-Honda? And then say he never did it in a 666 character hell tweet. Ability to pair my account with porn sites so I can easily share and comment on my most watched fetish porn! Don't you mean his trailer? If there's one thing Sony always gets right, it's software! Edmonton = created with a ruler and a protactor In fairness to the police, have you ever tried signing "STOP RESISTING" while holding a gun and a taser? surprised Vritra isn't higher So for all of his socialistic posturing, he shows exactly how much he cares about the American worker. Valencia - Levante woooowwwwwwwww needs more taylor swift Just because the cat is black doesn't mean you can post it here The console itself has the same message on the bottom sticker. You know, once you take action figures out of their wrappers they lose all of their value. All hail multiculturalism but he is ruining the economy by lowering the unemployment rate and having steady growth! What mod are you running to make the city name text like that? Wow, what about the nb ppl, you cis scum? wat? *lose and *loses Shalom more instagram post-processing pls, sunset doesn't look interesting enough by itself Looks good to me x) Shocker. you can preach the virtues of communism, but don't say a nice word about capitalism or nationalism, you dirty fucking white pig capitalist. But if they dont spend their budget they wont get as much next year. Racism doesn't exist anymore, but when black people shoot white people , damn, THAT'S racist. you reported them and they got banned right? Pretty sure I've written an algorithm with this time complexity before. He gotta pay by giving his ass to my mandingo cock Since everyone is on the Shane/AJ plan what if Shane makes it a Fatal 4-way and then wins at WM It probably just had it's growth spurt before the other toes. Wow that's awesome Commas are your friend. So was my mom. Looks like terrible defence to me I don't see what's the big deal, it's the gun's fault he shot people. hahahahaha Time for another war then eh? I should note that, at the time, I mentioned no less than five times on my profile that I am not a sexual person and do not want sexual messages. That player better have gotten 1000 years in prison for child abuse. If they make the gun license from a material that causes it to show on the radiograph, then only those without the license need to be stopped and questioned about his/her weapon... Darn those pesky Amendments. When are religious people going to realize that when you raise sexually repressed people they will lash out and do something extreme when they get the chance, and perhaps go too far. Behind the scenes: FNAF movie, leaked You Penguins should play with Zatkoff instead, This Murray kid is not NHL ready yet. So that pastor just made Trump his bitch? Does he have an EU passport? Commander, its your fault by taking all the non-100% shots. Jethmalani to be a lot of the same as a lot of the same as a lot of the same as a lot of the same as a lot of the same as a lot of the same as a lot of the same as a lot of the same as a lot of the same as a lot of the same as a lot of the same as a lot of the same as a lot of the same as a lot of the same as a lot of the same as a lot of the same as Loyalty is silly. But I thought the Americans always saved the day No Flash and Circle, 2/10. Can you tell me what the thread is so I can check other comments (if it is allowed)? I think this would actually work best as stabbing someone, then pulling the trigger while they are stabbed to really mess them up. The Legend of Link No they aren't. He can always transition to an analyst I love this version of chucky that just shoots shoots shoots PARTY OF SMALL GOVERNMENT The game isn't the problem, the fact that each player gets 14 including the 6k is just retarded. Your Forgeting Garnet Steven, them Glasses Are Epic; Time to throw the baby out with the bath water! Is that a horse or a translation aid? That's going to be quite the fucking lawsuit. That guy has a fantastic mustache. Can't wait to grab this one Probably has better RBK than Tony G 42 550 is quite the number. Some of us dont check reddit once a day. Who's going to give them a ticket. Brave police officers risking their lives in the line of duty. Yeah it would only be nice if the code was 100% right, otherwise it's fucking TRASH GET THIS CAKE OUT OF MY SITE Gee, all I learned was that you cannot use an Oyster Card for the Heathrow Express. so...........70% voted for this? I'd say this makes people happier, in general. Has anyone asked Harry Reid if this violated the Hatch Act? I know his name, but is the same name in reddit and in psn? Bro, this is great I want to blow it up and put it on my wall, off to redbubble Constructive opinion and criticism at its best. Maybe you can write a big big "Please show yourself out" on a picture of a bleeding heart That will work when dealing with people that respect PC Why are moderate atheists not taking to the streets in protest? It's not considered premarital sex if you don't plan on marrying him/her in the first place. Parole hearings are like when you get sent to your room and stand in the door saying "Can I come out *now*?. Leading State Sponsor Terrorism Is that Gulf state dick so far up the daily callers ass they can't see past the red sea? Its the thuggish ruggish pope. Zomg sexay grill sho mi ur pryvats mrite ;) The specs should be in the link. Obligatory what's with the Nazi symbolism Such a pretty cat That's cause they were inspired by Satan, not television. How dare they support their allies. Whew, good think you put that [f] here in the tittydrop subreddit, otherwise I might have thought it was a guy! Sergio Bueno obviously obviously misogyny Nice try mom Man, imagine how good this class could be if we had a coach who could recruit, and we also ran our state. Til: television gives you cancer. Nothing like defending sola scriptura and fighting traditions of men the good old fashioned Baptist way. I thought it was funny Oh stop being a cynical little bitch. What did California so to fix it and can we copy them? Annual Posting Season just got a whole lot more dangerous. Wow this is surprising. Because they have a great understanding of long-term cause and effect relationships. Peach would win in melee, she OP Jordan would pledge $88M And they say internalized racism isn't real Great, I can just tell this is going to be one of those things I never forget, and now I'm going to think of that every time I look at my balls Corruption and theft of American resources at an unprecedented level....paid for by the lives of many. Fuck that guy Yes, Joe IS a derp. Fuck, Obama is an affable guy. Like coach like player B0nk Would save an invent spot doing KQ too op imo And yet he made Vatican City thus.... *For shame* Yeah but honestly whenever someone says "I wear a burqa because I want to", I want to ask them "but if you chose not to wear it, would your family disown you"? Good to know they are doing important things, especially considering what has happened recently! Bob? Am I the only one seeing two giraffes kissing in horrible resolution? What is the purpose of this? To play yawehs advocate, pretty sure tha radius of that circle needs to be 400 miles larger so that mecca will be included. This subreddit is really bad at dealing with the concept of parody. Too bad he just doesn't connect with the fans. He still loves us. gamer my ass It's always the more mature and respectable practice to punish the unsuspecting children. I assume the drastic dip after 4/6/17 is attributed to you guys spent all weekend with each other? Fucking fan artists, Thatcher isn't on Defense smh Cuz Lebron James. No, I don't, cause back in my day, we didnt have Neflix! Snubbing Casey Blake is not okay You mean Han actually shot first? now i have a taste for chile. OMG all the CIS misogynists here need to see this LOL butter You didn't tip you cheap SOB No, it's overcharged. But they only play casual fake roles like support. Cool maybe people will stop hating fags now. Bush did it. It's just a quick fix calm down everyone lol I'm pulling off the quarter panel and re doing it once the rain stops his mouse wheel just spins really fast I can vouch for it America is of relevant 100% outplayed Well her nipples are pointing in different directions, literally unfuckable. Does this include a bugfix to remove the combat system and use it only to teach others how not to build a combat system? we did it fam After only 15 years! To think, Bairstow dropped Chandimal off him, and he could have had Herath a bit earlier in his final spell and then been able to bowl for a bit longer at the numbers 9 to 11. You need to attack the penta when it used its recoil Also i think penta needs a buff So your wages are going to go up and crime go down on that day? I would give you a striker pigeon but you'd have to add ;) Precisely. #GOD, I AM SO *TRIGGERED* RIGHT NOW. Excellent and I approve Looks like a regular RX-7 to me Yah but the fucking bomb landed first. Thank goodness we have both a huge hole at safety and a ton of salary cap space OR, 30% more power, 30% shorter. Because Dota 2 is a game of consistencies This new-fangled cloaking technology is incredible! Perhaps instead of a highly elaborate social theory about why Jews do better in academia, it could be simpler: their population is smarter than most others. I love you can instantly tell this is Australian because of the council worker's clothes. Always thought Coach K getting that elusive fifth national title and shaking off the Lehigh and Mercer monkeys in 2015 was a nice feel good story. Oh ungod he is so witty how is he not the president of the united world? feelsbadman Happy new year /: The aggression is real! Hey, can I have a case Talk to the bank with the mortgage. We should totally have Fanfic Fridays. good job air canada, now the entire airport knows he's a drug addict. Chance the motherfuckin Rapper With a capitalized R Nope, they're terrible. Why is an AM making a T10 list of pros? That would be so sexist. News from Facebook helps me stay woke He's so pro. Only 16 years until we get a German heavy bomber! If you install from a signed APK manually will it get updates from the play store? Those Krugettes sound good as fuck And all is right with the world Well there's a shoe-in for the next election. Let's see... Teen, no children, no one depending on them, yupp, most definitely need a life insurance. She really needs to swing those knees to maximise intensity-watts in all modal domains. Whoever conducted that survey has clearly not been to London. I can barely travel across my state without feeling awful for how much gas I have to spend. He looks so content with himself. Powerful men attract some attractive women. Shocking HOLY SHIT NOBEL PEACE PRIZE MATERIAL HERE FOLKS WE HAVE A WINNER alright guys we know what to do, it's time to bombard that truck-driver with hate-mail! booster came trough the side of the rocket failing to ignite main stage if you live in new york don't leave home without your jew-star on your sleeve *Irregardless*, their misuse of of both is so ironic. Great editing here man, I assume you use After Effects? It's not Mack's fault, he said so. Hi I've been sent by the government to save you money on your power bill And this is why it should be illegal to videotape priests without their consent. This wasn't posted in this sub before. Well this person obviously has it figured out. Show this on FOX news I see what you did there... Lol +1 for the hat. GOOD point. Yeah man, I feel you, those Ana potg's are so common, I couldn't get a potg as Reinhardt in ages. What is that? What the hell is this 2006 lookin ass blog Well black unemployment is much much higher under President Obama than it was under slavery. The fact that the Webber guns are Andreloid pattern Tomaaaa New photos of water on mars! That's me, (almost) every other day. Where's Blockland 2? Hey that's reddit for you. 34408/400 = 86 ... slots . About a mouthful. Are you twelve? Because Adam Goodes is a flog. in other news, water is wet. Its obviously a gastrocafe you uncultured swine Why am I not surprised by this When your stunt double puts your hair to shame. For context: in some markets this strip retained its original title, "Asshole Children." I have never before seen this on this subreddit! I know right such an echo chamber yes becuase trump needs money some Soap Opera shit... who cares Thats for not calling that one earlier punk! i assume these arent ranked Yeah, fuck those guys for releasing the game on other platforms while they continue to give free updates to PC players. holyyy shit that was clean, and the ulty to kill the lee singa with the q coming back was b e a utiful same thing happened to me in another spot We go at LEAST 10 So nerf Maokai the wrong way, nerfs ad carries even though they're already in a trashy spot, keep Lethality the same even though it should have been gunned down within one patch; but hey it;s great that cho got a mini-rework on his ult. Nice, thanks! The perfect location from which he can sing the song of his people. Downloading it before Nintendo takes it down... Where did you find this one, Fallout 4? Now you're just make things up. I am new, what is Skywind and skyblivion? Didn't 36% of voters elect Trump in the first place? They drugged the Seahawks staff on the last play to make them call the most retarded play in SB history. The two legendary cards used by the person on the right look smaller than the other cards in this replay info screen. Ray Lewis won two different superbowls on the Ravens with two completely different teams. You messed up now A-Aron! a syringe full of heavy metals and POISONS is not nowhere educate yourself Yeah man fuck those kids goddamn them dude they piss me off too. Facts and scientific theories have a known liberal bias gotta go fast This is obviously an unbiased, completely accurate depiction of the situation. God put fossils in the ground to test our faith, duh. Now your laziness is justified WOW I thought you built the cat too. What the hell is a "Quanell X"? Nathan Drake? Fuck you too, Elway. damn that q nerf is really going to kill lucian. Stalking my tracking numbers even though I know that the package won't update at all. Ain't nothing but a thang Supply and demand. That is definitely a huge tool, also, nice giant wrench. But liberals said these workers are necessary because they do the job other people don't do? Wow lakas talaga ng yellow media! Those gosh darn christian radicals at it again! Maybe if men weren't dying all the time they'd get custody more often. you look like a really funny guy with a fresh new perspective on the everyday world WOW WHAT A SHOT BY TAVARES, INCREDIBLE SAVE. If it's not a 10 magicarp, GTFO. The audi of vaporizers Now show your disgust and return the food. Or just be good at every single champion? People who don't appreciate our music, obviously! Suicide jokes aren't funny but hearing/reading "a the log" gives me one less reason to live Someone should repost it to all the design subreddits out there. I have a strange feeling that there is too much "Jew" in this post title for many people to be comfortable with. Unions cost Government $3.36m in legal fees - Daily Telegraph Yes, because that works. When will Kellie BUILD THE WALL? Too wobbly do it again I bet you're going to liberate someone from their oil arent ya? Make me mlg or my life means nothing. they need a section that says "your contribution will also be rewarded, please fill the falling information to tell us where to send the prize" and has a place to fill out your own info. So that's how Dennis manage to take Teague's minutes from last season B-but Trump and his cabinet have never heard of the term 'actual facts'! All more reason to continue not cleaning my guns. If by "true" they mean "totally batshit insane." Never going to use a water fountain in NYC from now on which wasn't really a problem since I don't live there. Didn't vote for Barack Obama. No, thats a stupid idea. Should have covered your DOB, now we know you were born current year What the fuck is this Bortles shit? I can get behind the original post but that comment is unnecessary. Squats and Tau. Do millenials know what a landline is and what to do if they hear it ringing? He should have waited until she was 9 the way the prophet liked his "women". ITS JUST A SCRIBBLE VIP That looks useful for fighting in the jungle I lash out at ppl on reddit asshole. Username matches. Fixxxer by Metallica It is, just nothing super special or fancy about it. You are probably living in Montreal. Doesn't Scorpion use a kunai for his spear though? In case you missed it on the forum it works on Boot Camp and Long Run but it is missing the Chieftain Reward for Boot Camp and the 550K Credits and Boosters for Long Run. except for when we have to delay our updates because of performance issues on the ancient SoC we used* *M'Lady* what a bitch Hating Gays You know it's not going to be in the game because of the voiced protagonist and dialogue wheel No taxation without representation... That concept worked to change things awhile ago, time to bring it back, I think. This is somehow Obama's fault, I'm sure. dont hate on him just because he has more money than you and acts like a child, hes super cool and down to earth despite being loaded as fuck, in my book hes far from a douchebag Lockouts are working well, then. Lmfao Petition to rename Force Auxiliaries to FAURX. Winning s1 in phreaks basement pretty op Shinji you must put on that beanie Of course it doesn't claim benefits, it's white. Oh no VPNs aren't a thing But 12 year old's are the *REAL* threat! What a surprise! I too as an adult find it fun to play in a box for 20 mins Bring another bidon. , re-box it, eBay it, ship it. Based on what work I've seen from the current parties, even a minuscule amount of effort by this younger group at the job might be well more then that of the current batch of politicians. phone carrier checks out That leather on the ear cups looks structurally functional and aesthetically appropriate. yes What a surprise Seems legit and not shopped at all. Drunk is a pretty good excuse, but if he were rich, he'd be all set. I cried....this actually made me cry Ewwwwww WTF the human body is weird! same reason they struggle to produce top players, lack of managers unable or unwilling to coach outside of England, a focus on winning over development Haha this is badass! Le best comik in le wor[le]d and the sell 16oz for $1.09 seems legit Yeah, Brady just needs to not make mistakes and let [insert random undrafted runningbacks that will probably be replaced next year here] do all the work. No lo ponen porque ya esta vendido so barca A castigat justitia tehnocrato-iohannisto-basista. Why didnt he just beat them up? What was holding you back from getting a job and helping yourself out of the rut you were in? What a hard struggle being able to make so many friends easily Yes or they turn into them a few weeks after you get to know them. That ableist body-privileged piece of shit Scamaz'd Yay more HD-"remakes"! Absolutely *savage* burn from Reed. \#1 source of money Ugh, if only 14 other people had assaulted his brother at the exact same time he'd have nothing to worry about! Because Canada has a lot of white people, and white people tend to roll over for this kind of shit. I vote we refer to this page as the lotus votus Shocked.. Truly shocked At least he's grounded Well now you are being insensitive. Wow, haven't seen this pic in a couple of weeks, go originality! The image in the "he called them idiots" comment is removed from IMGUR. Mostly indigestion from eating all that beef This is what happens when you have a mayor who allows a culture of lawlessness to manifest. But Hillary supporters don't have any enthusiasm! The real reason the Department of Homeland Security budget is so high... insurance claims. You fucking racist! the AA mines will change things up on hanian resort. What a horrific surprise. K. Only when its young How many breads have you eaten in your life? She certainly was wasted. aww his head turned to look at you when he exploded :( this is the coolest thing ive ever seen Uh... you can be sick for an extended period of time, I doubt OP means they had the flu 10 times But guys, Ron Paul is our savior! The first save was absurd. Leaked season 4 ending This makes me want to leave my kspi-e SSTA bubble universe. Oh hello karma. Adding slowly fading in white text on an all black background really lets me know that I'm about to watch something important. Yeah but he cant shoot, trade him The nerf mesmers need Who did you prefer working with, Souleye or Chipzel? I won't ask what kind of magazines those are. Should have said, jaanta hai mera baap kaun hai? That's deeply sad and unsettling The Butcher of Cadiz? Nice, I like it. Dem privlidged white males Be respectful Right, and Riot has never, ever said SoloQ was coming for sure and then said it wouldnt come. Will we also have tiny solar powered miner robots who harvest the raw materials to build the autonomous robots who build the tinier autonomous robots who clean the autonomous robot cleaner robots ? When the fools who wrote Krampus were announced to be in be in charge of Godzilla 2 stupid And no more white socks in PT gear! Wow, that 'sit' one must stink! Great, thanks for sharing! I GOT A DEGREE THEREFORE AM ENTITLED TO MAKE SO MUCH MONEY Don't worry, a slap on the wrist, and a 74$ million dollar fine for BP will calm the people. Good, because that means new entrants to the bourse will make 20% gain over the next couple years. It really does... I'm not saying I expect something on par with the quality of The Show *(that would be great if that were the case)*, but I at least expect something closer to that than what we have with RBI Baseball... :/ Maybe this will finally make syndra meta again 31st ranked offense, fire Juan! The ball Jahlil Okafor is holding in the beginning looks tiny.. What a surprise! If i upvote she'll notice and then I'm basically fucking her. Something something.. we've gotta raise the revenue cap! Yes. Can they make solar panels out of coal? A shame Poongo didn't evolve into his final form, Pwngo, by removing the rest of his weighted training clothes. I'd like to see an Imperial X-Wing, Rebel Interceptor and Scum whatever. Donde tiene a los 43 I think it's cool how these symbols are evolving over time. Savage Contractors aren't unionized and thus deserve every penny! striking photo for being made in 1865 no limit Lane Foul. Nothing a round of golf can't cure. A really sensitive accelerometer? No birth control pills. I'm doing my part! What's a GST rebate? Wait she cant get chinese food in china? I love Marshawn Lynch. We should have an ice bucket challenge with donations going to the families of the victims of the ice bucket challenge. Glad to see someone at the CIA has good taste in music, AND good taste in espionage. Dude... "Hysteria" is misogynistic. Easy to boycott when you live in Russia Your employees can have there visas back as soon as the complete HL3. Video? Thanks Obama Collateral damage. He must've forgot the "story" of it being Terrorists, instead of an inside job. BG wouldn't be playing at an All-Pro level if Cox wasn't doing Cox things. Jesus christ, Ajit Pai is a hack. Purgudicial. BENGHAZI But Rand isn't good enough Child killing is a large part of our economy, if countries like Saudi Arabia stopped killing kids we would be in financial trouble. They're just trying to sabotage Brexit mate. Harrison Barnes doing what he does best, standing in the corner and not interfering with the play! Did you just assume their gender? You're already telling Moshiri to go fuck himself? at some point, isn't it just a small split? My heart just bleeds for him. And AOL is the new Firefox. How many americans got killed by motor vehicles in the last 20 years? patriarchal creche has been successfully progressed fuck them skeezy ass hoes Its lil boosie mane...he already fucked them He's grumpy because of your grammar. And then they export their incompetence to lucky other countries. Well it's true, the 18th century is when Amerikkka was formed, and the world pretty much didn't exist without them. It's all the "fake news" It must suck to be a Republican in 2015, in fact the last 20 years or so must have been tough for any moderate GOP. So how acquainted are you with the gear wars? And that is how you ended up on reddit. God this fucked up traffic for ages. Im fully aware, I was agreeing with Mac but I got downvoted into oblivion. Must be state capitalism! That's Muslim so it's ok But it's alright because... Israel is awesome! oh wow, they really went out of their way to get those photos And they purposefully step in the turd and then make a big deal out of it. Damn vaxxers and your anti jill stein propaganda! Pfft, professor Coinblatt told me everything I need to know about Chinese Taipei in our lesbian progressive socialist literature class! I believe this will be an accurate way to measure the population of nonpressers. At this point I'm realizing...some people just want to watch the world burn It's not that Trump is unpredictable, it's that he's playing 4D chess while everyone else is playing checkers And? They just need to have a PED division. It's posts like this that put people on lists for visiting boingboing! Who? The use of critical in the title confused me. The fact that it's there in the first place is awesome. We had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine, and a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers... and also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of Budweiser, a pint of raw ether and two dozen amyls.Not that we needed all that for the trip, but once you get locked into a serious drug collection, the tendency is to push it as far as you can. I'M NO ONE ONE'S BEE-ATCH, BEE-ATCH! Well this will end well He's a dirty down holder How the fuck could *anyone* that knew him not know that he is totally bat-shit crazy? Gonzaga - one day, they'll make it to the Final Four, just you watch How can you fucking people find motivation in this shit? what a bitch, she left you for someone she loved more. Wesley and Buttercup I is obviously for inches... duh Shocking I bet Riker tells that to all the girls. thanks for the tigger warning, the sound of piss is really just too much for me Let me take a wild guess and say you love to play airsoft. That looks practical Because we need CNN's permission before looking at anything! Well maybe you don't uh know music in the future bro. A level headed comment on reddit that explains why the video is posted... GTFO How so? It sucks the entire lets at was dominated by Jack's political views and nothing else happened No, they just need to pray harder. Thanks Obama I can understand,the only way a Mexican could ever get into space is illegally entering.What I don't understand is space has no welfare office's. Jesus fucking Christ she's soft. That's going to go over real well in Georgia. Because when you get caught doing something shitty, don't apologize, justify! Calgary* It's not much but it's yours. HA HA CASUAL ISLAMAPHOBIA IS SO FUNNY It says study in the title it must be true I don't even at how they choose a good high end CPU but a shit low end GPU. nah bro, spongebob characters wearing shit is so much better than this garbage smh Yeah, letting modding tools onto the only system that can actually use modding tools is super unfair! dat chin. What a shame. You are the luckiest owner! You forgot about the 10x rate ups. How can the government protect citizens' rights if the government doesn't have unrestricted authority over citizens? #JUST ANOTHER BANGER FOR THE LINEUP Silver Mario is attractive, and I would definitely get intimate with him given the chance. I also noticed in the 3rd column it said something about doing web searches In the 50's? LeBron to Denver like Mike to Washington....let's go Well if I follow closely I'll get to where I'm going faster this isn't really a buy it for life situation, with children, even if it last is usually gotten rid of after the first or second child get to elementary school. If his heart isn't in it anymore then it makes sense, he'd only get hurt and he hasn't looked to have the same fire since the Linares fight. God I hope he has someone write a "How to Make Friends and Influence People" book for him. Clearly just promotion for Watch_Dogs 2. Look at those good for nothing long haired miscreants, get off my lawn! the trailer is really blazing it lel Slayer is really thrash metal Intel and Micron/Crucial If this isn't the new OoT any% I don't know what is i have an equivalent pc which is 1000 with a monitor and keyboard included Anyone got a clip of the brown sending off? Clearly, he's just made sixth dan. This sure is funny. I'm shocked they couldn't push it in the direction they wanted it to fall! i just started using toasted eggo's as the bread for pb+j sandwiches - i would totally pay you $5 for one of those. No Use Dust of Appearance next time. BYU better beat up Memphis for screwing up my Bowl Pick'em To make money and get bitches That's because it's funny to bash men! We have 420 xp no one is allowed to contribute anymore We all know he didn't read the book before reviewing it. Dude you gotta get a Dell. Highlighting stuff isn't studying as much as some people want to believe. Greece sent four helicopters to assist, apparently. Who said there was no comeback mechanic? This regression to the mean, in terms of Crosi, has really hurt the Ducks ability to win games in the past 3 years. I said "no" to drugs, but they just wouldn't listen. Who the F*ck are you people? Wonder when they'll open up a graduate scheme. I must be on this website too much since I've seen this on my front page at least 5+ times If Carlisle asks to be traded to St Kilda too can we now start calling ourselves a destination club? Who knew ping-pong was in smash. I keep looking for this trough but I can't see it anywhere, is this at a farm or something? Sorry, I'm on mobile so can't access the OP link - is the 2x AD this weekend? That's fake, the card levels aren't 10/8/5/2 like Royal Arena now Io progongo di chiudere gli aerei, cosi stragi come quelle della Malaysian Airline non accadono piu'. Tyrone should just embrace the whole race baiter thing? If you're that bored, you could always alphabetize them Hid the wallpaper window have you? He's turning and being thrown to the ground. If you're not cheating, you're not trying. Oh stop being such an ATGATT fiend! Who sees Guy Fawkes as a hero outside of radical Catholics? That *is* how the force works The one condemned to hell. its hard to believe someone with the username JohnGrisham is an idiot This is some 3rd grade shit. No his cat walked on his keyboard Obviously fake, my chat gets disabled after 3x "What a save"s Because we're busy learning about comma splices and standard deviation, shithead. But how is rape if penis is hard xD Iam really sure she is the one walking on eggshells all the time Rookie mistake, everyone knows nothing beats a Polish cleaning crew. Yes, how dare you make such a choice for you own conception! that's some pretty rock solid proof! AMD=low VAC time. After being so militantly outspoken on this issue for 26 straight months, I'm sure Fox News will take a long hard look at their journalistic vetting process and really get back to fundamentals on reporting. But tagging is artwork and I deserve to express it! You spell English fine but not freedom! Yep, Sunset totally would have the hots for horses just like a human turned pony would totally have the hots for chimpanzees. Boots It's almost like these people were only anti gg in order to get close to women. Threat of violence, always a hoot! Who would you put their? Make it 80% and you got a deal. A bug using another bug as a skin suit... like the lizard people using skin suits in out government No Tongue punch my dirt star That is creepy poetry at it's finest. it must be a lammergeier. Snowflake This has got to be the first time in a long time that we as a people have prescribed a pejorative term for children who have a medical problem. No shit, it was a thinly veiled effort to take used cars off the market, and increase sales for political allies of the president, like the UAW. Sounds like my kind of woman oh wait Anyone know if Kobe every air-balled in scenarios like this? There's nothing that's amazingly interesting until I need to go to bed or do something, untill then, everything is only mildly interesting. Man's got big balls after Russia blew up all those oil tankers taking ISIS oil into Turkey... I'd rather see videos of you slicing through your own body parts. After its treated. Executive action? Thanks for ruining [Victoria II](http://www.victoria2.com), asshole. You are not the ex, so stop comparing yourself to that if you want to be happy. get the hell away from everybody till you cool off, thankyou Threads like this really show reddit's compassionate side, what a lovely community! Strange what real data does to republican lies. Lawl profanity is funny. TIL polyester is made of wool and acrylic Sounds like a step forward to me! I don't know about trends, but the dandelion exploding into a flock of birds is timeless. the guy who said his tax plan is going to be a tax hike for the wealthy, but instead is actually the largest tax cut for the wealthy in history. Dope user name Lmao all these special snowflakes don't lie, you just took a photo with him and went back to the bicep curl machine. Equal rights equal fights Future savage That's definitely much too big, Canada isn't nearly as large relative to Africa as they're depicting there. It's not like people can have different opinions about music right? Brock... Definitely the best character (well, other than James probably) More propaganda to make people think Putin is humanitarian or merciful by stopping airstrikes. Scumbag finally got caught. Sounds like a totally legit reason. You know, if autism research keeps up the pace like they have the past few years it won't be long until every gene is an autism gene. So, combine this with a slide fire and really have some fun? isn't insider trading just Freedom of Speech? Watta cool guy Who will answer for this police violence? Ruining the good name of Quebec Thanks for that... I definitely haven't seen CP recently enough. He's come home lads. Lets have names then shall we, or are you obstructing an investigation into corruption? Sorry, I don't get it? Surely, by asking one question they will finally be able to stump the trump Zuckerberg be like - "cash or check?" They used to derail the Republicans pushing for this by adding amendments that would require drug testing for elected officials as well. 31 and 44 pls, thank you imagine the homophobic slurs if straight men would act like this touching another guy's penis. do you get made fun of alot and are there any physical disabilities or "flaws" you have because of it Girls gotta eat! CLAM LIVES MATTER THIS IS PRO MEAT EATING PROPAGANDA wow i hope the fa come down on him by the power of steven gerrard tripping over Pretty crazy to think that our top three ever (probably) got to play with each other for a long time all things considered. Nothing I like looking at more when a girl's on a stair climber than her abs. Clearly just hit his keyboard when he moved his mouse so fast. It's a good thing this video was recorded vertically No proof he's sold his stake in DAPL either. Shorter review: "They used big words and concepts I don't understand, therefore they must be stupid." That's tough... if I go with Serj can that include his SoaD stuff? Dunleavy looks good out there guys. I watch Beck so I'm pretty sure the word is "Oligarh" you ignorant fuck. Nice hp bars Front Row Racing, Furniture Row Racing something has to change... or is it front row motorsports? He needs something to do when he isn't golfing in Florida. To: Telstra Hate From: Australian Taxpayers Idc what she says, I would still fuck her Kind of like the cafe racer of cycling I thought the petition was pulled for reaching somekind of expiration point. I wonder if they have a SHOOWTIME jersey on there But then there's the real challenge - Popeye the Sailor Man. Or move to a warmer climate. Probably in expectation of some nooky in return for this selfless act. How did they play with the simulated 12s delay? I think the crash remake, as a 3rd person vr game like the Fox game on rift would dope. Probably to make sure no aircraft enters the fly zone. I wouldn't even know about it if you guys weren't making all these posts about how little you care. Her friend is aggressively unattractive Where are the emojis It's so much safer to drive with really bright lights that blind drivers coming at me in the opposite direction! It's much more profitable to sell people SSRI's, then run as fast as your fat politician ass can carry you to your lawyer so they can make sure you are safe. NYU Library during finals. He can burn in hell for all I care Better late than never It can't be because of ~~Casey Jones~~ Barazza Isn't it the 15th anniversary of 2001? Could be worse... ppl often get 5. Yeah he needs a nerf, really OP if he can carry his team that hard with him If you don't support the Chinese government's banning of the bitcoin, you will probably wind up in a gulag. The whole point of every scene on the USS Missouri in the last part of the movie is to make our grandpas and their friends feel like badasses again Those slimes are practically omni level with those stats. Another new and innovative idea from the republicans. 2:17 is NSFW, please tag it as so Probably still wouldnt get the 100km medal on Pokemon after that Why buy this when the S6 edge+ with Keyboard case looks better I can't believe somewhat intelligent people cannot see through the wall of media manipulation. Yeah, isn't finger-banging a hamster illegal? Are you going to re-fang that mofo? He missed the obvious "I'll give you a skeletal deformity' line that seasoned creeps would have given you - so consider yourself lucky. The ending makes it look scripted. Bu-u-t all planets are equal, you can see it clearly. Dick move I know that feeling, after farming with my main i am now farming him with my alt ... :/ So, since it's the LNP in government here, does that mean we go back to the polls immediately? What I do is I pee as loud as I can as a passive aggressive move to show my dominance as the alpha male. wow from 6th to 20th is really popular on twitch Meh, not THAT impressive. But camping is a legitimate strategy! That meta. Come on guys we should all know by know this is how they launch shi...holy fuck Did you just assume I'm here to lose weight you fatphobic shitlord! i smoked one marijuana and became a shitlord It was only banter. I knew I was making the right decision in never leaving my basement. Sessions is the ambassador I'm pretty sure his hands were making the same movements whenever he was in a racecar. Because the blue taxis will be out of the visible spectrum if it is going towards you WOW this looks legit. Play (lazier)with one hand by using the up arrow to retry the level instead of spacebar. Ray Hudson sparking up transfer rumors in his spare time, what a lad! So all you need is to find someone. i heard that settings changes barely does any difference for FPS oddly. Ouch that's a burn TIL Both MRAs and Brits don't know the difference between grilling and barbeque. I just want to knock some sense into everyone out there who thinks fetishizing race is in any way charming or complimentary. Horray for arbitrary questions whose answers can be interpreted however the asker wants! If I'm not mistaken I had .45 on the hobbs when my CFI told me to do a couple of laps by myself. Read that in the guys voice from spinal tap "this one goes to eleven" Good news, too bad the game sucked! Bring back the real F1; this is what F1 sounds like. **STOP** **FUCKING** **BUYING** **GAMES** **FROM** **EA** Meanwhile, Daly is halfway through match 49 I'll bet you English referees penalize English players more often too. What are you talking about, world war z is a cinematic masterpiece Holy shit, holy shit ! hahaha that look on webbers face Xbox has games? Quick, someone call the Arabs and tell them to stop retroactively appropriating white food! Why do so may people have to die at the hands of that killing machine? As much as i love the NES, this is a very low quality shitpost. Even the ACLU was against the law in the first place. The Seahawks don't blow any doors off offensively, but I don't see the Jags scoring any more then 3 pts on that defense so I guess the line makes sense. The guy who voices chef, whoever he may be, missed his calling as a singer. What about wins? How do rails on Nuke have hitboxes but there arent hitboxes on Mirage B Apt first window? Jeez, he can't even spell 'John'! If Mother Jones thinks that's a bad Facebook rant, they should meet my uncle. Because he has very little chance of winning the nomination Keep these coming guys, never get tired of inane stats. But but men are scared of women who earn more than them You missed spelled "unsolicited made money off the war on terrorism pic" Time to arrest him Hahaha what a funny joke Isn't it great how blacks are allowed to be racist? Well, just pour the hot water and seasonings into your mouth.Your stomach will thank you Her anthem last year is my favorite of all time. Ah Russia did it again This is the ripest cherry I have seen them pick yet. Goddamnit, Jedward Because lag and different skill levels and moods and tilt does not. Coupled with Gus Poyet's sacking at Sunderland, this has been a very sad week for me. Better stop working out, don't want anyone to get the wrong idea He'd get really dizzy, light headed and most likely puke. yah people who buy cost efficient things don't deserve them in one piece Just visiting Trump has the best people! Property investment teacher tells students to buy properties, news at 11. So, is duterte's plan working? W+M1 should have went with the see-through version Press E GREAT IDEA FADE THE FLAIRS But his accent is hilarious! Just because you liked the game, doesn't mean that it deserved a high score. Because pedos are still human beings and thus are afforded the same rights as every other human being minus the whole freedom thing cause jail. Just buy another smurf account and play until lvl 10 again All right everyone, lets goto voat Free water is nice. And always support my neck with a travel pillow. Can confirm personally I guess that's why they're hiring refugees now. And it's probably going to be shit, just like the mobile version of the site. The interesting thing is that eventually economic theories will have enough data that we can determine scientifically exactly what is the correct economic system. Real thugs eat at mcdonalds The more I think about it that one post a while back that we need a big earthquake is probably the fastest solution to the housing crises. Funny how we always tell our children to eat their veggies but are grossed out at adults who eat veggies. Probably meant a 970, just a typo? Do you ever apologize to your code when it breaks? Iowa seems to start every season 5-0, then loses a bunch of games the last 7 games of the season. It's about time someone used that meme properly. I think it's safe to say that if it's positive and involves quarterbacking in the playoffs, Brady's probably done it more than anyone else. RIP Hwayoung... why did yu spell palace wrong on le imgur? For Jerusalem - one unified city forever under a Jewish God. I got this game for free and I've still not even played it. They do this every year and it never ever ever EVER works. And....thats why your friend is better than JDM Happy Birthday, Siri. We all know any Palestinian dead toddler was obviously a Hamas wannabee or even a prospect member. lol, and now the post and the account is deleted. downvoted bc united The only thing surprising about this to me is that we are hearing about the fact that they are not getting jail time. He must be a great chef if he can make vegan food taste good despite adding animal fat/protein. He was probably riding a trek Brilliant Nope and Caldwell can go fuck himself due to that. NOT REALLY *Another* Death Star. Lol what a load of BS. Really helping your career Lammy I guess you can say that mr skeltal gives me a *bone*r Because the police can get to every accident immediately and the entire road infrastructure has redundencies to handle every potential situation But look at that lettuce Fuck Syria long live Gaza! Brace for the endless, incessant "GOIN DUCK HUNTING" Oilers social media memes Believe it or not you're the first person to get suggest this! Is that what you keep telling yourself to make you feel better? I don't see what this has to do with 2015, all I see are a bunch of clothes and shoes I could easily purchase at Kohl's. ah yes as a cf I very much relate to this meme Avenger Kills sound freakin' awesome! Matt and Trey should do a play about Islam next. Looks like a 69 Corvette, but I can't find anything. One thing that bothers me is that a recent played album is 2 clicks away not 1. More terrorists. Why don't you get it fixed, so you're not driving around in a car with broken features like some kind of indigent peasant. But only the Mafia uses suppressors! SUV of peace Who the eff needs armor piercing bullets besides like... the military? Smooth as hell, nice Come on, that's just how the sausage is made, don't be naive! That's just what a Jew would want me to think.... sneaky little bastards The Uralic-Yukaghir connection is very questionable, most linguists don't accept it Maybe some press conferences would be a healthy break Shut the fuck up. When you think about it, not taking your foot off the gas is the *true* the Patriot Way. Bet it smelled amazing. At least Portland doctors should have plenty of experience with that sort of surgery given the large number of torn ACLs between the Timbers and Trailblazers. Yeah no chicks like GoT Barca legend. I got the tombstone hat and exo along with a few other elite guns that weren't the speakeasy or steed that I didn't care too much about. I love how available is in quotations. hey now eugenics were a really great idea until Hitler fucked them up for everybody I think he has adequately repaid the rest of the nation for this act of largesse.. 140 characters.. Now he will go back to the regularly scheduled programming. Is that your grandma's coat? I wonder how seraph would do if the team actually gave him attention in the top lane I'll take his job and salary if he doesn't want it, that is a lot of money imo Doubling down with the confederate flag , totally not racist too much sweet goon During deployment there was a while where our only place to shit was in a shit trench in full view off everyone else... No fucks were left to give. Alejandro Sabella Because they are so much better than the endless stuff article copies Blow your bluray disc and insert it again. Sounds like this will be a level headed committee meeting this morning. Thanks for the NSFW tag! Hmm, if this is truly the case, then those Americans should understand that if one of the troops get captured, any and all these techniques can be used on them as well and are are justified for gaining intel. Why should i care untill they are at my doorstep? Exploitation = product + penis? Honestly Stern just jelly that he can't get them women as he used to Kony 2012 nah, you were legged when u got through mid doors Can those be on the back of the new $20? It honestly makes you all sound like a cult when a large group of you do it. You must be fucking blind. I will be using this as a reference to how bad a Genji can be. Oh my, TB once again making some poor soul cry by sending his fanbase at his twitch channel I don't think Manziel realized he got a professional job, dude obviously thinks he's still in college Well, did you Upgrade or not? The owner was definitely in on it. Where's Ronda If there's one thing I've learned, it's never pat a belly without consent And this makes Impact look good how? Hahahahaha that's fuckin excellent So glen beck is a villain for saying stupid shit and michael moore is a hero for doing the same exact thing? So are his former fans. The subtle political digs on this site are hilarious and never get old They would argue that a private owner would defend the land much better and with more concern for his property. Intel Obviously the Illuminati got to him cause he was about to expose that the world *really is* flat! Averaging 11.5 per game over the last 10 games.... Still not as good as Rondo's 11.7 per game season average stay classy SC Mafia 3? The lost art of the flailing sissy-punch. This is duterte's fault. Then I'd murder the he'll out of you, and you better like it. hope the honking continues until the person causing it moves! dishonorable discharge for hate crimes! Good riddance that obamacare is being removed and replaced with something affordable and that doesn't put you into the queue to homelessness. It was important that this be cut, because Joker isn't in the Suicide Squad. Thank god it's color coded bright-ass-angry red so I know it's bad! And no one thinks the Kremilin would come out with this now to cause s further divide with the American public? Anything the Steelers do I can do betttttttttttter. Im laughing my ass off Huh, turns out he is as stupid as he looks. Somebody give Nico a slap, can't let that penalties joke go unpunished. Actually it's Romanesco Cauliflower Naisu and Gureito daze from Jojo's Some console peasants are as dumb as those feminist. That Kanye influence in Kim's tweets, whew Yeah, black people being mistreated by the police *never* gets media coverage. Who would have guessed Goldman Sachs was a liberal spy sent to infiltrate Wall Street! Have you had a girlfriend? Yes, because you can obviously sing at your top game with a cold, and you can't play guitar without your foot. Any vods ? You can tell by the perspective it's definitely a tadpole Just bury some change and you'll get a money tree like your parents before you. But we want it at a more cinematic 24fps This is shocking news. Gotta ban Uber now, it's the only solution. I mean... it did *come* from the ground. I'm glad you told me because I wouldn't have known. What a weird image to use, i dont see how a random guy holding a switch advertises the dlc Sometimes I forget Demar is not a kid. I've almost hit a darkly clothed (and lacking the flashy light thing) bicyclist that decided stop signs don't matter at night.... I'd support this.... What did he do to deserve it? This chart changes my world completely. Why was Jay Rosehill 's number on everyone's jerseys tonight This is very funny used goods AS LONG AS HE RIDES ATGATT! I would say LiDAR or Aerial Mapping They are launching a new pack today they wanted to keep everyone's credits low this week. *Draws conclusions because of related content rather than actually looking into the arrangement or listening to what was actually said and not a tattletale who doesn't know what a joke is* Yes, this is a reviewer I would go to for objective criticism. nothing Well clearly gas prices are going up... All of their petrol is in the ocean fueling the fish. That's not a real account. 1st amendment is overrated anyway. this is technically a collage, right? How long before people start lynching these guys? Silent letters are FAKE NEWS It's stories like this, and ones where multiple siblings are famous actors/actresses, that remind me becoming an actor isn't really about being a prodigy as much as it is just not having to go out and be good at anything else to survive. Because that's what the world needs, more governments favoriting religions. Make America great again! I love when people make spelling errors while trying to make someone *else* look stupid. yeah because I trust Reuters Couldn't they be sued for this? She banished him to the land of wind and ghosts Probably just neck shots Is there _any_ evidence? I'm confused, isn't the NHL mandated to give at least one of the three stars each week to Crosby or a Maple Leaf? KIT SKINS! fuck dude =/ I understand him wanting to transfer, but why 3 games into the season? Here's hoping Shin Godzilla would be released in Indonesia, too :( Amazing trailer you got there, love the title shaking with earth-shattering roar :) The rich should pay their part and if they refuse, we'll get the government to use guns against them! And the Hitler Award for the greatest contribution to European unity goes to Great Britain! No because i have such a good water cooler it actually makes my room colder Huehuehuehue I heard it's a hellhole there. Somehow this doesn't surprise me Brings a tear to my eye So is it just church that makes you nice, or is it any religion? Well this is impartial and reasonable. I say this article, just like the alleged "employee", is completely full of shit. I don't understand how he can run so fast with that giant chip on his shoulder, but I love Angry Doug all the same. Bone apple teeth, bro. wahhhhhhhhhhhh I thought a non-fox viewer has only 3/5th the weightage as a single fox viewer has? Hi, I'm from Bosnia take me to America! Easy, what dps can't pull 125k? One of each color will be mine, my pockets are deeper than Mariana's Trench! Probably because those Iran-haters hate Saudi Arabia even more. Now this is sub-modding! Ryan, Big Ben, Brady, Rodgers Good riddance place is a breeding ground for douchebags and whores. Did you think it would ever be any other way? That will teach someone to seek out medical care! I think they are covering up his poisoning by a secret Kenyan Muslim. So revolutionary... wow, that is a very unpopular opinion on this sub, you sir are in the one percent of those people for sure. Mmm, I am so glad these posts are back Such a big and significant state! I happen to be comic-kin and this comic is triggering my PTSD you SHITLORD Imee Marcos That's a sweet tv. I can pretty much say that once bathing machines went out, so did decency and morality. whoa whoa whoa, lets not get crazy This article is terribly written and appears to mainly be a copy and paste job from Wikipedia. It's a good thing you clarified that most victims are men, cause for a while I thought there was an issue. This looks like the original. I don't think I've had to vomit in about 10 years, so not often. damn dude you're so crazy with this post xdddddddd Because Islam is wrong and stupid and Christianity is the true word of God, DUH! No, Sanders wanted *democratic* socialism, you see? I'm sure that he's not the only Laszlo in the world. Thousands hold their breath and wonder how long until wifi terminals become fireballs and what the death count will be. Hmm, law enforcement doesn't like to have there actions monitored 24/7 while they are working and "upholding the law" Why does this echo of familiarity Hmmm... It's gonna be Tortz or Melrose I think good price pose needs some work but everything else is just great Is this the game that won't be releasing outside of Asia? My OCD has kicked in and that 1 free chest is really bugging me. ok Does it have a 5 second delay when activating it? this means all freddys are springlocks The New York Post- the world's most reasonable and trustworthy news source. Well, damn. Oh noes were all going to die? Is it just me or is every Metro PCS in a bad area? I love them 3 frames Caroling Should I remove all the money from the bank in 2029? Even Chinese men can be white if they're male and don't hate white people Did you ever stop to consider that maybe this is the reason he founded his warm clothing company? Go Royals. Ipadala sa middle east ipang laban sa ISIS bawal umuwi hanggang di nakalagay sa kabaong! Modern Music Sucks. My Money pouch Girls can't rape! I don't think you have enough down ranking of Holy Lights going on in that last one. ITT: Psycho alpaca mining gold like a prospector on crack looks like isis has more equality then usa UN and its incompetence. And they all came down with autism Sony never lied before so sure, I trust them. Die Hard No date? I'm glad that a movie director has such solid opinions on computer science, behavioral studies, and human nature xDDD Now something like that won't possibly be abused. You are ready to run forCongress as a devout Christian. Am I the only one concerned with the incorrect use of this meme? Rich people should give me their money. Be good, have a good attitude, try to keep calm and do the best which you could do with your advantage in your lane. round and round we go....would be great to see the isles play in MSG for a few years while a new building is built somewhere else in NY lol They can't follow their dreams unless they're always hungry for success. Why alt-tab when you can.... windows key+tab :D It was very enjoyable to watch :3 just when you think this guy went away What really irritates me about it is that a lot of people don't understand that clinical depression isn't something you push through, it's an actual fucking medical problem. The cheese looks like paper But but but...there are 96 million toddlers and retired people who aren't working, so that means this is a fake number! BUT PHANTOMLEX SAID HE WAS CHEATING HES CHEATING HES CHEATING HES CHEATING PHANTOM LEX IS A TOP TIER PLAYER HE COULD EASILY BE IN FPLY AND RANK Well when exactly did we redefine "food" as "food like products"? We've been over this, reddit. No where near godly. TIL the Cure has 50 songs That doesn't look like El Toro Why is your bellybutton plugged with red gum ? Would be interesting if it's Baze who is actually force sensitive instead of Chirrut since Baze is supposed to be the one who doubts Chirrut's belief in the Force. On the one hand, IQ is a poor measurement for intelligence, but on the other hand, Sweden beat Denmark, yay! The real question is could Trump and his brood be any dumber or narcissistic? why did i motivate you to make this Balanced! An "article" where the author's name goes curiously unlisted, and is submitted by someone with a username identical to the blog that the article is sourced from... Yeah, totally checks out lucky spammer noob smh This is one of the coolest streets to drive down Sunday evenings Nah It looks fine to me When the comment is 8 minutes old, R.I.P Israel. I like that comparison. If they release it at 12:01 I will be livid, but very happy. Clearly, mentioning your husband is your sneaky feeemale way of letting men know that you are a feeeeeeeemale and therefore open to offers of sex, dick pics, general harassment, etc. They should just buy it. Nailed it! I didn't know that every single girl thought so. As a local Floridian and English Bulldog owner, I hope I get on the jury. Well he obviously loves the cock. Yeah except Drogba isn't a terrible and unlikeable person Poor woman she must of suffered so much Angola does it right. Cowardly piece of crap. We either need edible staples or a giant-ass tortilla. You can bet she got charged for that extra carry-on too. I'd stay away from writing down "chokes" or shooting" doubles at school. Can somebody explain why Duck is on east coast? VAC BAN ALL, GAME ON SALE, WAIT 3 MONTHS, VAC BAN ALL, GAME ON SALE, WAIT 3 MONTHS, VAC BAN ALL, GAME ON SALE, WAIT 3 MONTHS, VAC BAN ALL, GAME ON SALE, WAIT 3 MONTHS, VAC BAN ALL, GAME ON SALE, WAIT 3 MONTHS, VAC BAN ALL, GAME ON SALE, WAIT 3 MONTHS, VAC BAN ALL, GAME ON SALE, WAIT 3 MONTHS, VAC BAN ALL, GAME ON SALE, WAIT 3 MONTHS, VAC BAN ALL, GAME ON SALE, WAIT 3 MONTHS, VAC BAN ALL, GAME ON SALE, WAIT 3 MONTHS, VAC BAN ALL, GAME ON SALE, WAIT 3 MONTHS, VAC BAN ALL, GAME ON SALE, WAIT 3 MONTHS, VAC BAN ALL, GAME ON SALE, WAIT 3 MONTHS, VAC BAN ALL, GAME ON SALE, WAIT 3 MONTHS, VAC BAN ALL, GAME ON SALE, WAIT 3 MONTHS, VAC BAN ALL, GAME ON SALE, WAIT 3 MONTHS I wish all you Valve Fanboys would realize how scummy this is. Sure, because the price of ads can cover the cost of a taxi ride How dare she express her right to free speech by flipping people off, I hope someone throws eggs and bricks at her to teach her that we don't tolerate that type of behavior here So you Detroit folks won't mind handing over your low-skill jobs right? Title misleading; they're closing 1) illegal courses 2) games for party officials during work hours and on the tax payers' dime (yuan?) ITT: a bunch of people that have never actually voted bitching that the "system is broken, man" I'm sure the bike thief will see this thread and return it out of goodwill and a big heart. If he lived in any other state, Arnold would be a Blue Dog Democrat. You have a really good point there... i must say i totally agree with you. Great video quality though, compared to youtube at least. yeah hahah making of transexuals is funny because they dont identify with the gender they were born with, they are worse than the craziest most psychotic person in the world.... As an Aussie living in Colorado -12C seems like a warm winters day. Not giving a single Buck Get off so I can download it! B...b...b...but XCX didn't come out on time guys, that means XC2 doesn't even have a chance of being on schedule, right? I say a suicide bombing can be justified if used to stop the legion of doom from turning the oceans into tomato soup I know it's an individual state and she was elected but it's crazy how republicans will put nutballs on the bench but pitch a fit about mainstream justices Obama has appointed for the bench. Those Russian spies are **AWESOME**. Not Penny's Boat. I want him to replace zenrot. but but but... they might want to have sex more! Ted Ginn Jr. wrel pleace You still dress mad nice though man, you make the best of what you got. your name is bigjosh9inch, im guessing youre a big kid with a 9 inch dick i wonder how long it will take for my post to get removed What about the men? Hey, they have the land and buildings, surely the contents came with them, no? uncle tom always votes republican... HAHAHAHAGAGAGAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAGA SO FUNNY i like to think that the government had absolutely nothing to do with it and now theyre like "well fuck now they think we did it..." I hope my time in OCS this summer will be as fun Nice One of the softcore leagues because according to reddit, hardcore = softcore because logout macros What is this? Nose not symmetrical 1/10 If you hate ICANN so much then why don't you move your domain name to .so(malia)! Clinton has a good side? I like the 2nd guys reaction and how he tried pushing it away like a girl. Jimmy is so energetic, I love it. Worst.idea.ever. It cuz they dont play no real competition hurr durr..... ...because people sit around staring inside their case at LEDs! Whites can only be inspired by their own cultures. There's always Rebel Media. They are rich, they can get a fucking limo. Amazing deal! Go back, comments are literally cancer. This has NEVER been suggested before. NiceBook how does it feel to live in eternal darkness Where have I heard this before ANSWER: [A Coffin.] awww, it's refusing to load the page for some reason Well I must say I'm shocked This is one of i think three Wallgreens on International drive in Orlando, this is the one across the street from the huge convention center Is the suicide from the pot smoking or is the heavy pot smoking an attempt at self medication for already existing issue? A *black* ninja turtle. But mitt Romney said this wasn't the case. So long as the solution is final it will work. You filthy sinner. Condo on the water - I like it. Animals- Pink Floyd We have to put (NonLeak) in titles now to avoid getting banned! There's no such thing link new marth I think you might've turned on ARAM mode. Yeah man, chicks that have had casual sex and/or abortions are automatically disqualified from being someone's love of their life. Pay: $125k a year. Except the Selma March had a justified cause, not a convoluted one. Landon Donovan Democracy, uh... It sucks right? Why do you have a chair in your case? This does not need to exist. Nice shitpost, almost thought that you are serious. That $2 magma totem is better anyways But if by chance some super hot girl doesn't fall in love with my shitty banter she's obviously a dimwitted peasant cunt. I didn't believe that when they first said it, and now we know. Yea, they will all be millionaires by 30 I'm sure *rolls eyes* We should be happy when Americans succeed. Saudi Arabia: "Lets make it up as we go along!" Yeah man nothing says "lady liberty" like summarily executing American citizens abroad with drone strikes Valve should have added a Donation button, not a Pay to Unlock button I really really like this kid now My Dad was an encyclopedia salesman, fuck you 90's! But Tasha and Spencer told us that he was a goat! Come on guys lighten up on him, it's not like he's getting paid $7000 a week to be there. Still Silver PICS OR IT DIDNT HAPPEN It's because you're a real racist if you call out racism. Jim Benning as of two days before the trade deadline Colby no plz best answer yet Good game indeed. Yeah... I suppose China isn't really a threat anyways! And possibly a substance abuse problem Hows about you guys jerk eachother off... and film it thats worth good money. I have every intention of watching this, don't get me wrong, but what do I have to do to get Madhouse to make another season of Hajime no Ippo! Someone in the middle east would make a change from the norm. I think there are plenty of housing units out there, development isn't the issue and giving that community even less oversight is not a good long-term plan. So, the release date is riiiiight... now! At least you won? I see the ad integration with LTT is getting worse by the day. Yeah the last time we had social housing at Eveleigh it was a great success we'd like to repeat. What a bunch of nerds What a wild, out of control group of dogs. Dude his goggles are dope. Gross. I wish they had stickers of these characters Anyone noticed how his soul escaped his body shortly after impact? Yeah, but the juice is 100% juice though RedCross getting blocked! MR OBVIOUS OVER HERE Yeah good thing the US released all of that photo/video/dNA evidence to verify their story. what about stores like walmart? A picture of the Big Sur Coast. what a surprising course of action that was clearly never gonna happen. The PC version looks so unrealistic, look at how all the foliage has shadows and the ground texture has actual detail, simply ugly looking. They had their share of lanky playmakers oh my god what a slippery slope what happens when the pilots start flying stonnnnnned? Of course he needs to fake a blue party hat, cause he obviously can't afford it with that top and bottom :) nice offer! This feels familiar... Not sure why. lol Russian Bias! That was unpredictable. What if this were a woman guys, would we be making fun of her, wait? When my wife was 19 and in college (late 60s early 70s) her doctor would not prescribe birth control pills to her unless she was married. It was only 40 seconds of unanswered strikes from the mount though. This is why I always say we need more guns in schools. Another failed Kickstarter, what a surprise! Smh Mike breen thinks all tall white guys look the same #racist #whitelivesmatter Women, especially girls have extraordinarily thin skin. tsm v dig 'allegedly' fuck you, i wont share with you. So original. Lol; Social Democrat's are Socialist's, just look at those _social_ policies. Deny an education to the ignorant? I think its burgeoning in my pants Ah, sounds like justice was served! PLANTING (I find this so irritating) Hey bit aside, Jordan has got some fucking great Kardsashian joke material. As someone with ADHD, you don't truly have it unless you live, breathe, and *are the attention deficit like this sir here Whenever I get full marks the class gives me applause :) How dare you put a price on women you sexist pig! Jesus Christ that is hideous dsvfsdlvnaw Look at this creepy asshole trying to ruin blowjobs for the rest of us. Sweet now we can sign Randy! Fix what? Yeah, I hate tourists too We are up 55% and Calgary is double. Demos don't have bullets. Is there no better place for donuts in Baltimore? I don't mind being taxed more if it means our government can engage in a bit of patriotism! :O new background. women, am i right? Fuck the system,post them anyway ##ANARCHY Hacksaw Ridge, Mad Max: Fury Road Sin != crime Will this apply to non-Muslims? Man, Wilson managed the fuck out of that pass. Lol noob your setup is so inefficient buy nvidia get gameworks for gba all aboard the single summon train! Glad I can see the actual kills. Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus and Species Would be cool just so I can sit outside WG still being useless and get paid for it Fuck yeah Only in Japan is 16gb really worth 32gb. Wish *I* could shoot my Mosin-Nagant that fast With the soviet union I don't see there being a big change from the Russian team apart from Mkhitaryan and maybe Yarmolenko but with Yugoslavia I see the team looking like this: Begovic Srna Ivanovic Nastasic Kolarov Lulic Pjanic Modric Tosic Mandzukic Dzeko Don't you know that whenever you have a kid, every adult male automatically becomes a pedophile? If I knew something like that, I'd create my own website using that feature, certainly not tell someone about it before implementing it. So... Zootopia was successful then? Vietnam vets have had it too good for too long. Good offenses are a lot of fun to watch when firing on all cylinders but there is something to be said about watching a defense absolutely suffocate another team. No, you did horribly The most kills I got on Walker Assault was 65, and that's because I was spawn trapping in an AT-ST. Well I guess the packers are going into a full blown rebuild Who's Miss Management? That picture of pyth has to be the worst photoshop i've seen in a while. DAE Did he make it in 13 seconds or less hehehehehe top kek But Iran is literally the most evil country on the planet I don't understand. Well issuing death threats is always the best way to get what you want Who could have predicted that? Good thing they wrote "Street Art" on the wall so people know it's official. Its because you're on a mac Trey Gowdy will still call for hearings, just to make sure If you don't I'll kill you! Yes but obviously reverse racism doesn't exist. Would you stand at the gates, giving tiny pricks, testing for Jew blood? Because of your freedom. yes Quality post 10/10 If you're Australian it is. Had to check Scottgames Yeah, fuck those white people, amirite? I assume that this is a repost, but I'm not good at navigating Reddit, so there is no way for me to prove it. What is a gtx 555 sounds like a random gpu only in pre builds I like to take my work into a coffee shop so I can feel like a well-read professional as I sit with my laptop and my mocha and achieve nothing in the five hours that I stay there. I mean....if you do it lightly.....and I get to choose where. but she is wearing roshes Sauce? Ya man, like how could someone hold negative emotions over their S.O of 4 years cheating on them? Magma rager synergy! oh those silly black people and their crazy names! RIPNDIP This man talks way too much. Also, if you have just a little bit of ketchup left pour in some water and shake it up. Ugh the whitewash So brave. Well, I guess its too late now is in't that Mc Lovin? Un sac a patates! Superbad Just imagine how much worse it would be if they weren't suing and trying to through their fans in jail. Gotta love Hillary supporters Good thing we don't need the EPA with its debilitating regulations on clean water and the entire department will be gone by 2018... I am sure Quentin Tarantino is excited by this! GC Allen Robinson, please. What kind of mindless comments are those that could've rendered this fedora'd gentlesir so butthurt? I have always lived by the rule of never telling anyone anything about a movie Wow, what a cool new feature, Niantic He did his best. unless it is some sort of archery game? Maybe Comrade Putin is luring them into a public execution! Ekblad, bjugstad, and a first round pick HAHAHA Lol like people actually spot in matches... oh right they dont ( ._.) slowly getting red pilled alphapede ::sigh:: Yeah, it's all Amazon's fault for being predatory and taking advantage of poor Seattle that never wanted it there in the first place. RIOT ROKKLES Clearly, she gave that cop the right to harass her when he put on the uniform. I love a good argument too after a few glasses of whisky. Please stop posting gizmodo The meme guy? whattya talking about ref, he clearly got the ball Nnamdi would have been awesome for sure. Why are manhole covers round? Damn they lost 0-3, this is why they need to scrim more At least the tv series wasn't a mishmash of bad special effects and even worse acting. Nazis ! Louis beats Peter like every other episode. There are some sick sociopaths out there. You make it sound Like Kanye wanted to be a member of Daft Punk, clearly Daft Punk wanted to start a supergroup with Kanye and "Stronger" was the audition I love that this back bencher is constantly in the news. Oh, if this guy somehow sticks, the Devils NEED to do some sort of brand deal with Applebee's. Wake me up Because everyone here is so friendly and helpful Hey, your gender roles are showing there. macbook (pro) ps4 chair desk what more do you wanna know Yes that makes sense, because we all know how friendly hitler was to gays. Seriously, you all are sooooo lazy. Why did he have Michael J Fox shoot that video? Pizza so he can get your address too? hunter He totally ruined the surprise plot revealing the car will be painted, feels bad man. Well, did he learn his leason? DON'T YOU TELL ME MY GENDER! Yep its natural selection alright. OP you're just proving we're all awful white cis males come on man! That's racist Akira has literally said before that they don't have time to speak but someone forced him to have them yell techniques. I am sick of these rumors now. Out here we have one named Chicken Dinner Rd. Did they hear about internet for the first time? Hope one day i can run those mods I don't know if it's the Comic Sans, but man, I really think I should listen to this advice. Mercedes hasn't had to defend for 3 years. If it's part of someone's cultural identity to run around at night stealing things, damaging property and assaulting people, who are we to impose our values upon them? Exactly why I switched to surfacebook Nothing says love quite like Bdsm life contracts Limburg natuurlijk. Is that available anywhere, where it can be attributed? Fuck Trump! Same but Sicily Official "SUIT" merch. $uicideboy$ by far, the talent they have is next level But the game would be so short if its moving at 200 FPS. Fucking Germans and their lack of humor. Oh but they just talked about golf and grandkids Curious why you videod turning it on? Looks like a clock. Mail order brides Their version of dickbutt. RGB all the things How did you get that achievement in May? Wow, I can't believe you would say something so hurtful. Ansel is great if you've got a newer nVidia Card. Only for the low price of $610 The pragmatic approach would be to compromise and get them to allow women to wear capri pants. Dat jesus guy doe! ITT no one understands a joke Taco has an orgasm sniffing dog. At least there are some who understand the principle, and the reasons behind it. Those other shows look really good The focus though. Idk I heard we were moving to Chicago you should try to find it to see what the issue is More like he would of been losing billions if he had stayed in business Well she is smart enough to organize this attack to conveniently deflect from her not being charged with email Damn, it kind of killed the samsung material dark theme I'ma make this my screen saver, lord knows it's the only world cup winning England side I'll ever see. Lousy bunt, but stretching that to a double is real impressive. Not particularly wtf material Can't wait to see some HD Totally Platonic Cuddling. It's more likely they were sold & now they can't find who's account the money was funneled into. The thing is that after every drop, the guy after will piss 1cm behind, so he will leave a drop 1 cm further, and so on Didnt see that one coming. Jet Blue How did he decide Ellie got Chucks, and not Vans? YOU FUCKING FAT ASS EUROPEANS! if only we had some sort of universal time so that we could post the date in that specific universal timezone and everyone would only have to learn their own timezone's difference with the universal time zone The type of top notch, *sexy* signing that makes you the top contender for the SB if you ask me Wait so it's not Lara Croft in Tomb Raiders? What could go wrong? Maybe you should stop sulking about it and quit seducing your wife's sister? I'm sure New Hampshire and Vermont must be a blood bath due to having the most lax gun laws in the country. Except when that fucker feeds Rumble. Obvious Hamilton favoritism, as soon as it cuts to Hamilton is says "and one winner" yes yes yes yes yes STOP HARPER! Wtf Poland you should know that tsygany are worse than muslimy. smh when teachers describe native americans as indians instead of fucking savages BASED MEWBERT Untergang des Abendlandes confirmed. nah its just RNG unlucky men :))))) Does watching games on The Price is Right count at making me a gamer? Sick puppies! Pigs can be inside pets? Hi Ginger I'm Chops Did you blow in from stupid town? What happens on May 15, Skyrim DLC? Why is your background grey? Idra must be the green ranger (tommy) then. Of course not, that why we are still getting bug fixes and performance updates all the time just like when the game launched on EA :))))) I can't wait till a Republican takes office and we're back to paying .98 cents a gallon Found an error: #usa:after { content: "absolutely ruined"; } Should be #usa:after { content: "great again"; } While I don't think Miso Soup tastes like shoe, I'm not a fan of it either. She appears to have an issue with the driver. These fucking puck bunnies are out of control I never saw this video here before Firaxis is majorly cool about mods, I remember some of the XCOM people saying good things about Long War, too. Yay a gold pack and 3k coins every month. I dunno maybe they'll start focusing on pairings and waifus there as well you can only kill SS4 with SS4 Don't worry guys, CNN will be all over this one! No what would the 1% look like without Bill Gates? Go buy your music. Someone need kebab to be removed? But will it have sata 3 and 5ghz WiFi support? Science is so great since it can be bought by activists/government So classy. But it says right there in the Bible that all nations should follow god, so therefore America should be made into a Christian nation, its what the founding fathers, aka Rick Santorum, would have wanted. *it Probably anti-semitism My flight instructor told me they only have to be accurate empty so as long as it's failed showing 0 it's legal. \*whoosh* Hope gambit will rape clg with their star mid laner xD Good work if you can get it. Wow... 85 whole upvotes... this site is out of control. That will give Romney some legitimacy. Did you eventually get to wrestle, too? hope we can fix this before i have to start ~~being in debt~~ going to college What's your point pussy? Nope... He covered it up so you can't see it. I like how the e-sports doesn't really feature sports games. How's Chicago doing? Gee, it's too bad police are actually just citizens like everyone else. I don't see any missing wow impressive Probably named "Elon Musk" but everyone thinks it's a troll account. I do actually believe this to be of global significance. I don't know if this is cute, or scary. People who go either the speed limit or under it in the fast lane. TIL I found a guy named Nick on the Cage Nuts drawer when I was in there this weekend. Donnie Nelson? Source? So I guess that little girl's soul was worth only 520 dollars, makes killing her not so bad in retrospect. How the freak are u in the middle of lake ont What a perfectly natural reaction! She musta had a rough week afterwards. No-one was seriously suggesting it was though From this graph alone, one could argue the reason death from terrorist attacks is so low is because of the money being spent in the war. Maybe I am not searching for the right thing, but it's a little worrisome and a little ironic (maybe not actually) that I cannot find this topic being covered by any "real" journalists. How quirky! So your telling me mine had copper wire support the whole time ? You just need an engine and some wheels, can't be that hard. TIL I'm moving to Sweden. Pesky North Korea. Sure, for an active person like me, who likes to play volleyball, goes hiking and climbing, a relationship with someone who can barely walk up a flight of stairs without being out of breath would be really fulfilling. Yeah too dangerous better keep it out of the publics hands, god forbid they feel what this woman described. wowwww, never heard this one before, great find! Someone stop this man Fittest president ever. Definitely the racial tolerance and acceptance of LGBTs. IS THAT A BABY RUSSIAN BLUUUE? Last Saturday we had a country wide celebration of bonfires and fireworks, to celebrate someone almost blowing our parliment up 100s of years ago. So you're saying it's possible. Because this kinda stuff /really/ happens in real life Wow i should upload a Video of me killing all the Mongolz, CyberZen, MVP Karnal and more teams in Pugs, and scrims, that will show everyone HOW GOOD I AM Nope. Omg it's totally Vince's fault for being in a business and not being a fortune teller knowing what these guys were doing were doing which was the norm back then was going to kill them This is about as true as people drinking water then their thirsty. WTF is a 'sub Reddit room'...? Shane Ray Well then, you should brace yourself because I think that part of the tf2 community ain't done with it That's very Republican of her sleeper simulant It's the Caitlyn Jenner of drinks. Nice movement It's like he is trying to piss us off. I read that as Bowser and got really confused there for a sec. Cheap PS4 controllers and the perils of being broke asf. Proof that charity does good... and then karma says, "hey, we'll send the feel-good story to your team's rival so they can beat your team." And no one has ever died at Disneyland... Because they're only pronounced OFF park grounds. If somebody said that sort of thing to me I'd lose respect for them in kind. lolk I wish people like this would just homeschool there kids. Trump 2016! But...but all cops are evil and they murder babies! More pussy for me. Polygon I'm just glad Obama rushed us out of there. He retired with honor. Recolors,really? Grant Denyer's pants strike again big banks and corporations own this country, these whiny laborers need to know their place Have we now reached maximum Browns? MSI GTX 1060 6gb quite sure Satan strikes again! Because the only reason a real man shaves is if he's thinking with his dick! Coming soon to the Midwest. Do you do birthday parties? Can I get 75612892 of these cans? Mayonnaise is the devil's condiment. Line up the excuses nice and early folks. must obviously be nazi mods this is why the new user flair is a good thing lol she is so good not even scripting But that article is misleading a tax break is not the same thing as a tax handout. You say vandalized, I say "given dank tags bruh" This is just ripping off the gt80 Christ, does he have no shame at all? Will they announce the alternates Wednesday then? Dude that's amazing! see guys... even Lebron uses the ringzzz argument Yay, our president says that we are doing so good, so it must be true =D Why do we all have to do shrimping so much? Because it's grad school and its suppose to be good for me I am pretty happy with firefox, is it worth revisiting chrominium? So the difference between voting Dem or Republican comes down to whether you want to spend 80 or 85 cents being a fascist nation. Ha ha that's so funny because Coors is like water right lol Are this cards ever gong to be avaliable for purchasing? Clickbait. Crying commences at roughly 6:30. Or, that he dog-whistles to white supremacists... The phrasing is great 8/10 needs more Pink Floyd playing out of it. l m a o literally unplayable They've got a brochure, what fucking more do you want? Tbh, I've always felt like the Alliance lion seems way too... cartoony and friendly. Showing that to the ladies at the bar is the only way I get laid. This is either going to be super funny or super funny. Lol it's alright when it's all white. Wow, definitely not the outcome I expected *at all* WOAHHHH Because we need another midfielder, especially on loan. I liked when the ball was played deep into Porto's box. I'm not a fan of the Champions Trophy, but it's ridiculous that the BCCI is willing to forego such a big tournament in favour of the IPL. Black, like my soul. why have 165+ fps when the eye can only see 24 fps Plessy v Ferguson? Free-cam is more artistic At least he clarified that he meant you were also in the dream Rule 7. I support the Teachers Union, because they are doing what's best for my children As long as you only hate the people i say you can. I can't believe how much better than all of us she is. because bernies terrible secret is going be revealed and leave his campaign in tatters. Jdiskreport lets keep making the jungle position about as carryable as support! I would of said no tbh.. 4 really low level pikachus and the level 32 Pichu is sketchy Ugh, Illidan. This is probably a really stupid question, but how do they figure out the "rating"? Woop woop *It's walls all the way down* But she's the electable one! Why bother trimming your fenders when you can just pull it right off! But at least my kid won't have aspergers You know that's funny because I'm a card carrying Republican, as evidenced by my beliefs in increasing minority access to voting, the realization that trickle down economics will never, ever work, and of course, my dedication to supporting life once it emerges from the womb. So many Dodgers fans forgetting about my boy #BRANDON BEACHY This is one of the dumbest comments I've ever seen. I would say he missed them all. Hooray for piracy! As another female redditor, I agree. So where does the funny part come in? better call a cab tomorrow This calls for a missile strike The ad compares it to a tampon; I didn't know women put tampons up their bums. Yah it would be great if they gave us a customizable interface too youtube sales! Please don't editorialize the articles. Shocking well duu every last bit of content is OC But how else are they supposed to protect themselves from goat fucking plane stealing bombing *Muslims* *still gets benched* with lots of Trumpedos hitting it. French immigrants aren't able to integrate to American culture. Can't wait for this fight. Well now that Norv has been hired... ugh this organization There goes that Thorne-Begland, gay activist judge, letting a black criminal murder of white men go free. I detect a FOTM plane. Woo, by the time a real jailbreak comes, my iPad Air 2 will run Wind Waker at 60fps I might wait until it gets a few patches, I want it to be really stable. Fascists or you could Google "I am sorry it has come to this" and see that this letter is attributed to different soldiers, with different pictures and different backstories depending on the site hosting it. But I was always told that white heterosexual males could not be the victims of rape! Doesn't look like Rodney Mullen at all. that toddler is a pedophile Can't wait to see him knock out Cody and make him look like a joke. Im wishing the English good luck for your match against the Aussies tommorow And another Pokestop is born lol It's not like the A's took the league by storm when discovering moneyball. Oh yay, another reboot that no one is asking for! Rule 2 My name is Gem and it makes me feel special when I see my name on the front page every day. oh the horror That's a Javelin Class Destroyer, not Bush. perfect, we have a shortage of luxury apartments in that area. But I thought only hippie liberals bought into this shit. That's how you go splat. You forgot to rev bomb your engine, kick his mirror and then flip him off while going 90+ on the off ramp. This cements my belief that they truly did make an honest mistake with that Iniesta account. Seeing my daughter. But then the Upper management can not afford to go on that 10th trip to Tahiti, fuck you socialism for ruining everything for the very few. Yeah, but the Pope endorsed Bernard! Buh...buh...but FDR was crippled so it's okay! Well, Cape Bretoners have to learn to live on a pittance like those foreign workers do. The nerf that Yogg needed! Well the second one cause that looks like a graphic and not a real object Classic Harvey Norman You don't say The picture they chose is amazing Axe Capital? Pshht, thats cuz you've never seen MY kid. Hirez plz, have you no shame? Throw the book at them, rioters need to learn this shit wont fly without ol berry in the white house. Yeah, who cares about Gaza? I call for a reboot of 'The Arrival' to celebrate. The caption under his pic in the BBC article should be: *Oliver Loel: known dog fucker and horse molestor* How can you be African if you're white? What. Yeah why does valve even bother This is awesome, and gets the point across. Thought I was going crazy when I noticed this happening to me. I think it'd be about the same I love the idea of a ginormous telecommunications company getting even larger and being able to buy even more politicians! How dare America secure it's borders against foreign agents and domestic threats and force people to obey our laws. Well, this isn't awkward at all Am I more surprised there are prostitutes on Linked-In or that there are people who Endorse their skill set? Damn this dumb bitch sure gets stuck a lot. They have been declining for a long time now. i think he'll be a gr8 moderator. Mustard gas would be cheaper I know, it's hardly a surprise is it? I have a gt 9800 and the same processer at a lower clock rate, got higher fps on higher settings.....because reasons Still wasn't playable thiugh As a little brother in the family I find this offensive. I rather like purple trees. Because I totally agree with every position held by every company with which I do business. How do you know he didn't get a new playstation 4? It's no Toothpaste46, but nice find Shut up Rosie DiManno. Hey all these males are blocking peoples fap material! Technical Sgt Stewart is one badass dude. Winning and losing isn't important when everybody wins! How are we supposed to believe you Ben when you just told us not to! has anyone sent this to Sargon? Yeah, these spelling mistakes really mess up my day. Gannon did nothing wrong Quality migrants STARVE Yet another big issue that republicans are wrong on. As swag as a man-bag they were all jews You **must** have the item in your inventory of your flair if you wish to post it. But 100-110 = -10? The graphics look good man, but you should make it nighttime Nice username, bro It was bad WWE comedy. I hear if you hit with your pearls the more damage you do. The Scarlett self esteem killer Good tie for Concacaf. Because the only reason anyone would be opposed to political correctness is because they want to spout bigotry. Its the hacker move The game obviously has a virus that steals all your steam games, consoles don't have viruses! The stars certainly aligned for this one. Those seem like normal hitting chances to me. what a great group of people, nice christians. Prices in sticky plastic went up by 110% last weeks I think Tunn is kid handsome. Glad the NSA kept that dangerous terrorist off of US soil. But I thought it was the intolerant left and evil SJWs who are ruining the internet. thought it said vegans at first and accepted it. Yeah and I love it when companies put in a ~$4k aircon to cool their $500k machine room... i loved the way you handled this and want to give you many upvotes. Proud to be Pinoy! Or there would've been a wiki leaks about it by now. F5 HYPE! Yes, but we are the only ones ever to set foot on that star, so 'MURICA FUCK YEAH. ...It is a far, far better... BUTT KICKING I give, than I have ever butt-kicked! The comparison to really be made here is both Clinton and Sanders expressed concern for the individuals, Trump would have probably used it as a platform to promote his Water Yeah fuck that i'm not watching an episode of friends worth of spanish to see what could have been a .jiff 1984 reference? Not just imaging if instead of acting like babies the Bernie brats actuall turned out for Hillary this would have more than a snowballs chance in hell. No, in only one case I'm an agent of someone's death. Start a home business - meth lab! What's wrong with Andrew Jackson? The ability... fared no better... Nice command of the English language there. Up next: Black Lives Matter to be forced to distribute Klan membership forms. Welcome to the forever war, France. It's not a river, it's a lake with a current and a big island in the middle! As a Vietnamese, can confirm true. She was a victimized by that man. What am I looking at? Potato-Masher-O-Matic-4000 MK2 Seems like it'd be difficult to be in New York on 9/11, and not notice something weird is going on. I don't like how this was my first thought too... Repost definitely NOT HGH BUBUBUBUBUT WHAT ABOUT BARRACK hussein OBAMA and his army of secret muslim drones TAKING OVER TEXAS with concentration camps for white people OBAMA DRONE BLAHRHGHLSJD GAY FROGS CHEMTRAILS GUBMINT TAKIN MAH JERBS They sound so self confident and assured. To be fair, all the drama is the Australians' fault, as BLOODY USUAL! And people try to say that global warming is real. I was desperate and had to get rent money Really this captured guy is a hero, he killed a terrorist, which is a deed most patriots dream of. *when you don't need room-scale. 89 SHE JUST BLEACHED HER A--HOLE It's to symbolize his beyond-reachness in RS gates Wow, that guy dodged a bullet passing over sex that night! Yeah, $75,000 a year plus benefits was just *cruel* for someone who doesn't even work the entire year. P Matthew 11:28 - Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Damn TIL Brandy is Whiskey If he spills the bike, that man is going to roll away safely. Hilarious! It's a shame this generation has forgotten the struggle our grandparents faced bashing the fash. Who was the first Why. Must have been summoned by that Ouija board, definitely not fake. Next you're gonna tell me bears deficate in the woods. The Blues will have a great regular season and find a way to lose in the first round. I've puked every color of the rainbow Great now we can go own all the people using those one button mice and bars of magic soap. Vote Gary Johnson, it'll do more than writing someone in. YAYYYY He's coming to Israel I'm so stoked for the show =] The easier question is what's not in the chicken breast But thunderf00t said everything was okay! Always find it remarkable how fast the authorities are able to find/name suspects. He moves like Mac from Always Sunny Yep that's what we need more bureaucrats overseeing procurement Well the bannings as well as eternal masters, force, and wasteland reprintings were all leaked so their is still that. Steady hands and an accurate calipers? Still no Investment Bankers in jail after all these years though. Surely it's a coincidence that the lower half is more developed (on average) Thats fucking disgusting! Some people on Craigslist are really dumb. I wish my grandma knew she was being racist back in WWII when all her family ate was collards because they had nothing else and were living on the verge of starvation. I never get why its wrong when they do it, but its ok when we do it. I don't yhderstand the backstory to this can someone link it Excited to see him compete for a spot. Ha. But I though Benning said we were interested in Subban lol yeah really... I never even knew what 'Pornohub' was until today Why did the red one burn? Good I don't know what's worse, the fact that this is the bullshit excuse they went with, or the fact that it will probably work. someone pull out the attack helicopter copypasta I find doing this so easy now on my Playstation/PC.. I can't seem to do it on my Vita.. damn tiny directional buttons / wheel :/ Doublelift forced to play ADC Poppy because Meteos wouldn't trade him Lucian. Except it actually looks like a real game and not a fanmade game. Reddit mobile saved me To DE: Do you want people to not like Excalibur, because that's how you get people to not like Excalibur. RIP If Russia says it enough, someone is bound to believe them, right? Taller fences - can't argue with that logic. This would make arguments with my wife a lot harder to end emphatically. Only on Valve servers do you see an ironic post about trading a Scout Shako or someone complaining about the quality of his teammates The only way this will happen is if a politician is embarrassed when his/her browsing history is made public. Omg that says Death to America" in ISIS" - Actual Imgur comment Sabotage! Cuz there are no other factors in how much you pay an employee except what is in between their legs. Oppressive patriarchy right there on display Doesn't Ganesh have 4 arms? This would awesome to have as kitchen art. Call them racist and threaten to sue them for banning Samuel L Jackson. I would Aestus her Domus aurea if you know what i mean. So I tried researching it and I dunno wtf this guys talking about Michael vick....strangling and electrocuting dogs = 2 years They ruined Jolly's life over a victimless crime. Very interesting. just sent them a post on fb asking them why So apparently Xbox gamers are Tite Kubo.... Huh. Wow, only 1k in 2017 I don't think that's even his official Facebook profile. I would slap you but don't want to get slut on my hand- Winner I'm amazed Politico is covering this, don't they have to submit articles for DNC approval? Glad to see the young fellas taking pointers from the GOAT. Hope that was that guys last loss. I'm sure Walmart had extra boxes I have only 1 question regarding to Samsung smartphones: when it's gonna blow up do I have enough time to drop it, or it will burn my hands to the bone? shot up the place lol. Not really sure what Eugene's issue is here, I don't see anything wrong with this scenario. 500 javelins will go on sale! Someone caught the Jets' coyote in Las Vegas yesterday. ironman scum Cool gta mod This would be more accurate if the iceberg was an ice cube and it was 5 miles to the east and they had already passed it. This title is not biased at all. Wow, he's spinning the red out of that apple before the peeler even touches it! Sadly, these creatures reproduce. But it's correct Seems like DE has resorted to tricking people into playing Archwing? Believe it. Stephon Marbury If they removed the ability of windwall to block projectiles already in the air, imo it will be really balanced. Glass pickaxe? Only white people can commit hate crimes, now get with this admistrations narrative or I'll charge you with a hate crime. GameStop should rename themselves RapeStop I resent that! Hillary will offer Sanders the Cuban ambassadorship and all you fuckers will fall in line. Thanks Twitter security council Ideal replacement when Messi has to go to jail. This may sound silly but like , what do you think they are going to say ? You must really hate women. If a man did this there would have been a lot of angry feminists. Obviously the only games worth playing are AAA titles that you preorder ^ Because CNN is a holy authority of unbiased news coverage Anyone know the lyrics? How many footballs will they deflate this year? Oh god what have I done Give and ye shall receive, I guess. RIGGED! As a lawyer all we have are Ekans. Huh, didn't know you could put clothes on a train track Mods list? There is 5668 squares in this picture not counting the top row ...I'm really fun at parties. Tight-Passive is *not* what I expected. WINTERBOTS Dope. You're so dumb jacky I don't understand why League of Legends has anything to do with this Balamb Garden and a gunblade, I don't see what's wrong Because they mis-spelled Tennessee or because it's half full? How can a youth icon retire they would just be I found a mario here,here,and here At least you have something to tell to your grandchildren right? BUZZZ.... You have both been fined one SRS demerit Look how clean the sides of you macbook are though, only 2 ports, nothing like those dirty old macbooks with all those scary different ports! Are the girls charged with adultery already? But Apple is making giant piles of money so everyone must be using Macs now. Did you not watch the video? Other Placements: 1st at everything else. how do you know it's not? my prediction is that there is going to be a blowout for all the promos! Repost. ELI5? Why do creeps tend to use broken English? Please be No Banning the burqa will quite literally be a death sentence.... their Muslim husbands will surely know the right way to handle this I hear there's an easter egg on the home screen. **NSFW** Funny how you or anyone you know has never changed an opinion on a matter in the span of 3 years, such a fickle leader we've chosen. When did you soot sprite grow legs? Maybe to the south, but don't you dare touch our borders on the north. They should visit Russia, it might help them appreciate how great Putin is doing. Fuck is the Daily Mail website a massive hunk of shit. Guys guys, it's not a weapon of war, it had its 30mm auto cannon removed! And the new record for fastest backpedaling goes to. I lol'd at how many times he dropped the "'ers" at the end of words, probably more than any other speech I've heard of his Wat maakt het uit, onze ogen kunnen toch niet hoger dan 342p 19fps zien It must be the gays! Wth, that's a tomato, bro While we're at it, let's just remove every female from the game just in case someone else will be offended by some other stupid shit That's good news man. STEVE CONFIMED And then West fucks over Texas with a GRD call. what mod is this? no sound? Yet another great move by our amazing government That's a dog-gone shame. Because only people with bad intentions own guns. What is it with Texas and putting the mentally handicapped into the governorship? I prefer if we scarified virgins to Watt and not cute little babies. im looking at this when i go to sleep Well, I'm afraid to tell you, you're turning into a typewriter. Man, if there's *any*thing Anonymous hates, it's racism. How did they scout him if he's not in the FM database? I bet the people of iFunny understood this! It's great that he's been so consistent and is just continuing his support, like when he was Maryland's governor. Qyburn trying to reenact Children of the Corn it looks like Abort FTFY. Gamer? If the factory images are released today, I'll donate $20 to the organization of your choice! Pretty sure he's a pede. I'm not racist, but if you look at everyone who's died, some of them are black. and vodka's prices rising... Obviously need to degauss your monitor. No shit Windhorst, he's going to sign with Cleveland for the Vet Min Hopefully that teacher did the right thing and contacted the local authorities so that they could take this boy away from his abusive parents! Neverland = The back of his van. Because killing high speed rail projects is a great way to jump on the *fast track* to creating more jobs! The photos on the iPhone 7 plus, 64GB storage must suck in comparison. But we got a special hat that *no other faction got*! You could say he roasted the grill Yes, length based on digits and people's feet is *so* much more reasonable. It's gonna be fun watching that entire state collapse under the stupidity of it's elected officials. Shes kinda weak rn hey its me your brother Awesome! Yeah, because Druid has always been the OP tier class Because the NBA is rigged Cons $60 how can i make clips like this ? That's different, she's white. Very Helpful and love the Arnold Impression Because they all are known for being on best terms with each other. Wow, what a catch Watch your tone you sexist pig! A clear display of the disparity between auto-detonate and burn build. OH GOD, MODS DELETE THIS PLEASE Clearly someone never learned to colour inside the lines. Needs more boats. How can the devs exist if they are unreal? Well, at least he's consistent about something. You live such a tough life... How do you deal with it? GREAT D BY THIS TEAM wen eta? Yeah so let's kill all cops To the grave, probably. Apple can make a laptop that will live through a house fire, but can't make a charger that last longer than three months. Lowering springs bra, adds another 50hp per spring. TIL that an A321 is bigger than a 767 This is before Islam takes over political spheres of a country i don't mean to be a dick, but is there any actual confirmation that steam is doing this? Match making is based on either your ranking (Ranked) or hidden MMR (Casual) It has nothing to do with what cards are in your deck the system simply matches you with someone of approximate skill/ranking Instead of fixing Master Yi they should just delete him. Conor seemed really open and honest answering all these questions. Yeah, as it totally won't be resold at a later date or anything I'm shocked that Jose Calderon guarding Steph Curry didn't work out better for Dallas. But who cares about poor people? The sprite reminds me of old-school Mario & Luigi games, with the mouth being like Fawfuls. dat background tho Thor is basically Duda with less power clouds to the starting line! Please be joking Oh look, Hilary following what the rest of the nation has been saying for forever... Sure are showing your leadership qualities here Hil. When are the cops going to do something about these thugs ruining our city. Coooooooool It has to cost at least [1](/1) more. *Sans titre* Git fukt ableist scum. Some people may admire LeBron for "trolling" but I think he's an attention seeking prick Oh hey, never seen one of these before. I, for one, welcome my new repellant overlord. Fuck yeah it is, if I don't take a bunch of people out with me who will serve em in the halls of Valhalla? Lebrons one footed vert is so much higher than his two footed vert How bad could these refs possibly be? I don't want to fuck it and that makes me angry. The action shots with the fire make you look way too similar, in a good way though Good cosplay i fucking love pray Let me guess , you're a Network Administator . Oh damnit I just spent the past 4 months becoming a baseball fan, now I have to become a soccer fan too? This should be spray painted all over Gaben's home town. I'd be more surprised every time DBG dropped the ball on these things if I thought there were more than 10 people left on the PS2 team. And we call him a Racist. She isn't American I don't get it...he seems like such a catch. Vassili Can't make this shit up. Where I don't see it Delete this post, it goes against rule 4! I sobbed. Can we hear more of those excuses please? Only your friend can play your on disc games and that's only if if in your console. Yeah right Because everything below the Tiger is hard to penetrate Panthers, all Panzers and unangled Tiger Is are very hard to penetrate Grow Cutco Knives. I'm still baffled that so many religious people don't notice these blatant contradictions. The North Koreans Such bs trying to fight for free speech with feminists fighting for 'safe places'. Well that wasn't extremely biased and misleading at all... Usually that's where error codes are displayed, though check your mobo's manual for more information. Just ask I absolutely see the point here, no false analogy, only truth. SIIVAS ENDING GUYS He just had flashbacks of the ai crossover and thought about how far he has come My boss would totally be down with this as my desktop background Because any viewpoint I don't like can't possibly be the result of other citizens, but rather is the result of an evil monolithic corporate conspiracy hell bent on destroying us all hed lose his hand if he did it to hillary, hers would have teeth Looks like a bomb When you arm one side well to make it fair you gotta arm the other! No hilary you should be in prison. Nope, good find ! The bezels are too slim to fit the display driver elsewhere. Fantastic, since Trump certainly uses the microwave in Trump tower nightly to prepare rice and beans and stay on budget Damn we're two years behind schedule, which of our racist, sexist, neo-nazi group of rapists allowed this to happen? Today, OP delivered Why is everyone giving him buck teeth now? See that's all we need to make it better, forgiveness from the pope Yeah inhalant abuse during sex is sooo hot There is an upside to this: soon your local police force can buy a tank for cheap to use in the fight against crime! Man, no one would have ever guessed this team would have turned out this dysfunctional. Abuse the old, abuse the poor, Abuse the children, but leave that worthless engine alone! Legit als fuck Git gud, you should have stopped moving, stay silver That's assault right? Wasn't this something against bots? AMG it's a woman, quick better sexualize her! Well, pros are having a month of vacation, there could be a shuffle after that Because those people are assholes But they don't provide BC so kill their funding and sue them Overkill went above and beyond on payday 2. if they put half the time into this game that they put into payday, this will be a great game. Damn wished I was as lucky as you Are you telling one person in fox news is an asshole... Oh no not cringe, just hilarious! They're all sexpats who couldn't find a job back in Korea. I like that the crowd cheered for him after it. Where are those pesky, censoring mods when you need them? Why would you want Nunes gone? No obviously not. It wasn't on my list of places to eat, but it's always nice to have local alternatives to the chains. So he is honoring the majority of the peoples choice and stepping down? Jaina is a dreadlord Then stop persecuting and killing us, we will not allow ourselves to just roll over and take a bullet to the head in the name of your own doctrine. Equally interesting that while Sacha Kljestan is the only native to make the cut, Klinnsman didn't find him fit for a call up. lol Wut? Yarmolenko, just for fun. All champions disabled due to a-click glitch I fully expect black lives matter to protest this fully So glad the Rangers drafted McIlraith over this clumsy oaf. example of a freak so lets blame them all If it's a wig, why does he go to the barber? Maybe if they made her wear more clothes the story would be better Because everyone want's to sit inside during the summer playing on a VR headset? How do these people survive? They should wait on those exploits until iOS 13 don't you think? How are you typing while still moving? So... Could we please have him for another season? Summon too =( Oh yes, because only poor uneducated people commit crimes It's a pumpkin alert, stop shooting your enemies and go find pumpkins.... Silly players, they just don't get the new meta \^^ I hear there's these SubOhm batteries that give bigger clouds! Get them back on Netflix Have the courage to not be able to add an SD card Why did he assault that poor, defenseless, black dog? Seems about right for Australia. Hasn't it also been recognised by UNESCO as the world's best payment app? I thought Bugs Bunny made up the word Pacoima, along with Walla Walla and Albekoikey. This just solidifies all those articles about Harper eclipsing Trout. Sanity prevails in Ontario courts for now. *"...and 2013, and 2014, and 2015..."* Same. TIL I won't be using Business Insider anymore. ~~~Socially Liberal~~~ Guise Have you looked into adoption? When "X"=Black person, then it becomes a hate crime. But, the drunk kids should be in jail with the rest of the criminals, this is not what my fathers fought for She must be ugly as sin My hero. 'GRADE A' But impermissible benefits! Oh come on, they did a good job with the Doom movie. They can geeeeet out of muh coontrey dem greasy immigruns Isn't it not his job to? Careful, you'll be asked to see the stickied comment then get banned. Oh no, he had to walk around London, how horrible! I'm totally jealous. Tsunderes are not bitches, they are just misunderstood. Woulda been 9 billion even if they'd had more amoral middle-aged white jackasses getting powers, fighting people with the same powers, and winning the affections of skinny women. Is this about the Brodeur family? You're more likely to be filming a sporting event (marathon) than you are your night in the club. The fuck is Ferry Aid? Great, they disabled my Steam Wallet. But I'm still better than you cuz reasons! Australian? You only confused the poor creature. I'm not sure about you guys, but the swamp is looking pretty drained to me. Resolution: Dude needs to take a knee more often. Dat accessibility They were not meant to be farmed like that, so no. The support team is not the development team. oh what would happen if all that would start to get seized by the government and the only way not to lose it would be to claim it and have it taxed. I don't get why people think a petition like this would be useless, it probably won't bring Silent Hills back but showing interest for it could lead to a similar project under a new IP, maybe even with Kojima and/or Del Toro on board. pretty gay if you ask me never passed one in the opposite direction? No...... really? Signs keep on building up. Wallhanger I never understand my connection, I live in Brazil, Sao Paulo and my ping is always around 90-110, you can actly ask my outfit buddies, it's good for me and for ppl that fight me, but I feel like there's just a very few like me.. She's mad because now she has to break both of his arms Damn I'm triggered I can see the shadow of a nipple where is the NSFW tag? You DID say every part... Oh, but i forget, it is scientifically impossible for a non white to be racist. All of these guys make me rethink about trading for Harbaugh and rolling the dice with Briles, Bowles, or Fangio. ITT: Trained professionals NSFL You could have tagged it. who's getting married? This is a dumb gimmick. Oh fuck you with a sandpaper condom and ghost pepper lube. I was pretty horrified when I saw the picture, but somehow these comments are more disturbing than the actual photo. Goddamn it, not again. Because of the Pats Why didn't Blake just block the Curry right in front of him? They make these rules up as they go along. wow, already top 100, good job rohulk who stole da cookies from da cookie jar Neat. Niiice Anyone know the Russian language? You obviously have a computer running next to the projector rendering the scenes in real time as the movie runs. /cue array seven's outro well that's original. Sticking to the script with a brief paws. hey thats my EP! UKIP on the other hand get a free pass Well as long as cutting taxes is infinitely sustainable, I see no problem with the GOP's economic plans. Ah yes, rape as a form of revenge is sooooo great. Or do it as i did 2 weeks ago go ancient farming stack them 4 times to find out it got changed :D Is it just me or can you guys picture EXACTLY what he looks like? I assume the Sac frags came from Vaal side areas that cropped up? THIS IS AN OUTRAGE AND A BLACK EYE ON COMPETITIVE CHICKEN WING EATING CONTESTS ACROSS THIS GREAT NATION! I had a horrible time with it :( Fly a banner. I thought it was a foul watching in real time, but it was pretty borderline and it's not like refs are calling something on the final possession unless it's completely blatant. Tows are expensive mmkay Sickening, but are there any Republicans other than John McCain who have spoken out against torture? Open and shut case Johnson I am Spartacus! changes shorts color for $30. Blaze it for Moloch! You're suggesting that modern Jesuits already aren't? seems one of the poor saps can be seen falling down, just out of the car, in the latter part of the vid, probably already dead courtesy of the shockwave obese, loud and diabetic. Obrez Holy crap I need in this beta now more then ever. What are you talking about, this is the standard movie commercial break method not if he's joining Boca on the training staff. What a scrub, everyone knows Phoenix mode is the only real mode Very bold, downvoted for having the wrong opinion. They just want cigars. The logic there is astounding. But mods ruin games. Repost Jesus that is fucked up. I'm surprised he's not an expert on the military considering his proud history of military service to our great country. Funny has lost all appeal. More like Pants on Fire false, but ok? Yes, because Obama is clearly going to usher in the worker's paradise and lead his army of ezjaydublyas to destroy traditional marriage you are I really hope that NES Zapper was non functioning before you ruthlessly cannibalized it, or I will downvote you good sir! At least the tax will go away once the road construction is done. Drafting for the military for most countries with such a thing It actually makes me physically upset that there are lakers fans dont eant to give up essentially 2 rookies and jordan clarkson for one of, if not, the best center in the league whos young and on a good contract Wow, it's almost as if people deliberately there to boo him. It turns Torres into Scorres.He may keep it on till the end of the season. i liek breasts and hate IGn An "apprentice" is a hipster who works for free. We need more gun control to stop people who can't legally own guns from buying guns! Acts surprised as I read this is coming from Brazil Exactly half of Germans are fascist illuminati grand dragons. Pfft, I remember the good old days when Dan used to upload on time and had change for a fiver. this is shit Amen I'ma dig a hole, stand in it, and pretend I'm a plant So, in all your spare time, you've gotten a couple degrees and are well read? There's body cam footage? I think you linked the wrong instagram account Whilst the behaviour from these two Marines was borderline sociopathic here, I'm sure they respect people's rights when they're in a foreign country whilst carrying rifles. Mothuh-fuckin gay fish y'all! Because those who hold different opinions are not only wrong, but traitors and enemies of the State that must be eliminated. Well we wouldnt say no if they wanted to return the Balkans. Then why in the fuck is gas still so fucking expensive If only someone could have warned us before the election! Man, have I been waiting for capcom to use Strider. Sik stuff mang This stuff really pisses me off. I've been trying to get the HG to translate me to the moon so I can join my fellow Quakers, but it's just not working. Remember that he gives consent because he has all the power in a relationship with a 30 year old woman. No, I just put one in my shopping cart and screenshotted it. *I Love how much more realistic games are now* i'm cool with that wheres the downvote button gone ? I think I understand what he's saying; when I was on console, I'd have happily sacrificed graphics for framerate. Especially judging by his first 20 minutes; what kind of shit player takes 21 minutes to score his first goal on his debut? Removed- NSFW Content. most likely but there are some good stories going on here Just buy the skins LOL, this is not going to happen. oh yea just inflate the market with this meme OP thanks Knowing neek probably Anyone know what kind of car this is? Sooo, does this make Poe Dameron a Mary Sue? Ban guns, create flashlight free zones and this would never happen. The way that shes holding it away from her with two fingers plus her sassy face makes me think she dont give a shit. Except that the pilot's report specifically cites a 15,000 pound deficit in afterburner thrust and smaller wing size as the source of the problem, in his expert opinion. Going on the swings! This would make an awesome album cover. If it is not the flag you are suspect. MONSTERS! Man, this is hilarious. See, consoles dont need these! not voting until I hear who the Old Farmer's Almanac endorses Edmonton Oilers. Why not hire a staffing agency...? My beta nugget for your striker crims I'm pretty sure that #NOTALLMEN is still applicable here At least I get a free gold battlepack :) rousey superfight Tillerson was awarded the Order of Friendship by Putin himself, that is a tremendous character reference for the SoS position. Did you win? Good to see the Lousiana legislature focusing on the real issues. A Michael Bay film. Religion, making people better as it always does. stop posting fake pictures, there is a number 3 on the watch. There are no enigmatic Russians on the Ducks Real in the sense of "completely made up" That not how that works, it not how any of this works. What kind of oven do you have? Not sure what stats Im looking at but it looks real bad. Wow that totally does not sound skeevy as fuck That ending was satisfying We all have such original names Yeah but they're boys so they like sex, and there's nothing to see here. When are the Royals visiting the white house? Am I just tripping balls or have I seen this exact post with these exact comments before? Just break up with her, that way you can save lots of money on presents! What kind of shipping did you use? Totally trippy man. This is just like a "prison" an admin would make you stuck in if you annoy him like in the good old 1.6 times and the ones that did WOW were they ever doing well! He saved a header off a FK today. greenspoint mall still not safe enough from the mexican immigrants. Guise..... She doesn't kill them because they're *Muslim* She kills them because they're *poor* Get yer liberalin' straight ya hear And that 60 vote rule comes back to bite its creator in the ass. This is what we resort to for banning abortion and defunding birth control Well, how else are they going to win? So just like any racing game on any platform? Black Adam - The Rock Thanks, this made my day better. Try punching them in the face and saying that. Good, people who're for more immigration in Europe should be the one providing housing to them. Time to give Cameron a chance! wow another honeycomb post Nothing good. This kills the AMD Odoh ja u Italiju :P How many of them are stupid liberal arts degrees that just got hired for their boobs. Next, President Bannon is going to ban (native) people from America Thank god, Stardust got a reprint, they're so hard to come by Hah i get it because you're driving Pussy ICP related? Trump surrounds himself with the best people! What if i dont want to offer? I believe children are our future...unless we stop them here and now! I'm so glad we are protected by our constitution. That's not a real cat... lol This is why millennials are getting so much less sex, more books = less sex. This is the one with Daniel Day Louis right? Go Marine go! strawberry jam for me. Monitors are worse BENQ adfasf45543hz VG expresss Just proof that the brexxit vote is single handedly saving us Last time I checked molex wasn't beautiful... I liked the 2005 movie version of The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe better than the book. TIL Psh, more indie sidescroller garbage on PS+ just like every month. 6666 E is the devil confirmed I'm sure that will fix the "run defense." I can't believe you've done this. [Classified] What But IKEA is Swedish, and Sweden has terrible socialist policies that make it impossible for businesses to thrive, so how can this be? I'm pretty confused with "I've already bought my players" and "30 dec-1 jan" cause it alreay happened.Anyway for me that was the crash(at least on pc).I sold my players on the 29th and bought them the next day at a lot less.For example Kante,sold him for 32k and 24 hours later bought him again for 20k.Vardy from 45k to 34k ecc. Smooya carry Inc. Yeah the police totally could have gotten there in time Whaaaaat I only got a 24 hour Initiating Divorce Mode. oh, darn. these are curb stompers right A massive food mall, like the one Anthony Bourdain is making. I didn't see the 2003 and briefly thought this was Canada's short-lived Prime Minister All this liquid gold they've been spilling into tissues for years, who knew what a literal goldmine they were sitting on! I predict this totally won't backfire. This sounds interesting Hopefully it sells well so more people get to play the games, but I'll always prefer my Vita version. So if you register to get a code for Warlocks, does that mean you can't get a code for another game tomorrow? Atleast the graphics looks better Watch the College Football Playoffs, of course! Friends that want to do lan parties. With the awesome success of Alonso and Button this year, McLaren obviously have no 2016 seat for Magnussen (and Vandoorne) Now I kinda want to see some at hyperspeed! Is he natty? This is literally the UK bike test, unless I'm missing something it's hardly that advanced, Some kid lost his Best Buy gift. Mikel is significantly less shit than Matic, who's in the running for underperformer of the season. But hey, it's Nintendo that's in trouble, isn't that right folks? Patrick Peterson It was just a prank bro, come on.... dc's are getting out of hand, they disconnect people's brains now :S USA after Trump wins the election: 'Horrible' but these things happen its not racism if they do it Wow this looks super Russian to me The 4th Amendment says nothing about conditonal adherence 'for your own protection'. What does it mean? What's fiddler? Yes he does Sage champ by 2018 I think they just started though, lol! It's nutcases like these that make me stay away from the right. I just blurt laughed in the middle of Outback Steakhouse. Voiced by Terry Crews? Leave video games alone you fucking cunt, grandma is a party poop I just don't see how this is possible in a post-racial, post-Obama world I like the ninja 1000 too Bono is a fucking idiot. Fuck Chelsea, go Spurs. Ah yes...taking extra precautions, what an idiot dat racis Bw gets more support than sc2 last months :( Blizz should abandon sc2 and see great things like this happen Shoulda just taken the easy $500. This is antisemitic goddammit! It'll ship once Neek pays his down payment on a new car Wow. LeBron is a cool dude Am bisexual .Am greedy.OP =full of shit Once again, the all purpose headline boiled down: Fox Blames Obama Dae EA suxx I'm depressed now I need this. It sure is a good thing Colin Powell and Hillary Clinton encrypted their emails because we can't read them now. You'd think Jose would comment more on the fact that Ramires is completely missing, nobody planning on launching an appeal video? nice stickers Can't believe their team doesn't have more flags with all their mad sniping skillz. Guarantee you there'll be a black man in this movie, as is historically accurate for 6th century Britain of course. ayy kobe, you have feelings? No Cozart-Phillips mentions? That felt like an Onion article. I was just thinking to myself recently that if I ever had jury duty, I would hope to be in a case such as this, and I'd revel at the chance to overrule such ridiculous laws. Kylee, is also an American born pop singer in Japan. But when guys in white sheets do it, it's a party MOVING FINGERS IN EARS TO PRODUCE PAC MAN SOUND Didn't you realise that, plus there is no racism against people of colour and sexism against womyns Not sure if it's the same model (will confirm when I get to the office) but be careful with the ASUS 4K panels- we ordered 20 or so for work and most had a firmware issue that essentially killed the power to the LCD until you unplugged the power for 5 minutes or so. I just wish this whole email scandal could go away so I can celebrate her nomination. as a vegan who lives pretty damn close to the Trinity River, this makes my stomach turn. It's about time someone fixed the iphone's incredibly slow browser hmm, he appears to making 4 lines... 4 fingers, he wouldn't... he did, wow just an accidental drop of that on a finger is painful enough for me Fuck yes, I voted for him Well, that will come in handy I think the majority of votes either candidate gets will be votes _against_ the other candidate. Mavic on the shelf I'm sure that cashier paid for the cigars then gave them to brown in the form of payment looks like someone has either stuck a gum on his monitor center, or owns an asus vg248qe with custom crosshair :D No, shitty people only exist in America. But chunky is bad. bro, disini kaum milenial semua... playlist lagunya kudu diupdate This is all just project fear, once we are free of the EU we will all have Ferraris. Holy shit this is awesome Yea also where the fuck where the parents and who plays in a cemetery? I too make fun of people's skin color You .gif makers are getting faster and faster I swear. And I bet all but 2 of them will be complete garbage that will never see play because they're understatted or too slow. well then fffffffffHAHHAHAHAHAAHAHHA AHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I had the same thought. I'll believe it when I see it. He looks like the scumbag guy in early devlopment. Well, he may score a hattrick in the games he can't play. What else would you expect from Rush "Why didn't Harambe evolve into a human" Limbaugh? It is clash right? I have this exact problem when I have to help my fellow developers who use sublime text 2 without vintage mode. Has solid defensive so maybe swap mini pekka for a cycle card like ice sprint Fucking shitty, I got two wisdom teeth removed, but my pain killers are doing nothing. Its cause of the menstrual cycle syncing up 1 Darkrai 59 dark energy, wins every time Reported for feeding. It really doesn't look like it's the European ISP's "experiencing issues" to me. That's a funny looking bronco. Will David Macaroon issue an apology? Downvoted, no tits Is a monostay a style or performance choice? No, she's not cosplaying Jesus... good thing we have Democratic appointed judges. Wow so meta much cringe very circlejerk Me love you long time Upvotes to the left DAE cringe? Bitcoin needs to give up...and focus... Come on people FOCUS! Donald Trump I think there's just not enough conditions. That women is a dumbass Provide weightloss motivation: publicly ridicule the overweight, then escape their chubby wrath via stairs. Mr.Juan That is quite a suprise. Wow, haven't seen this one reposted hundreds of times before. When does the war start? Oh yup, never seen this before. And then when you talk to them the issue is their keyboard was unplugged Freeloaders! George W. Bush, that lovable doofus! Because people can't change jobs or get a different insurance This meme is extremely underrated I actually LOL'd ONLY 90's KIDS KNOW Lol his signature looks like nlanlanalnhlnhl Yeah, it's the 4th episode of season 8. I think the key question we should be asking is; "Will Paul be allowed within one-hundred miles of this product?" So glad you included zooms, couldn't see the spider in the first pic. Because emotional needs = the guy spending money. We will just ignore these stats, other stats, and put him as a tier 2 QB! are you referring to it's gender? Yay let people know how to screw over players, good to know thanks! So my irrational fear of these rides just became a bit more rational Yes, indeed, brilliant. If this was Walmart, it wouldn't be women, it'd be men and they wouldn't be coming back for them either. Aww don't worry , maybe you'll get it yesterday. Neither will you. That lensflare though! Well this is the first time I've ever seen this. Now I do knowed angels exist. Black hole creator and world ending machine restart schedule But OP, that so logic! revenge of terroni Anime is Elfen Lied,really graphic,alot of nudity and blood,but the show is really good. Make it illegal to eat any domesticated animal, and you might as well also introduce them to Buddhism or Jainism. I really appreciate the daily gut punch, thanks. Because pink is feminine and gay men are feminine too. shame, we could have used it to help make the minyan... soon (tm) For people wondering, this isn't an officially released collab/colourway My first and only GPU is an EVGA GTX 980 SC and I absolutely love it not mentioning a very specific subgroup is literally genocide Virtualbox? Nature is hilarious. Yeah... this is so racist That... That sounds kind of nice. Trigger warning this man causes murder So why haven't you disconnected from the grid? In before we haven't left yet. Any particular reason why you *want* to change, OP? Let's go back! She's such a shitty person that even dogs (like cats) want to bury her. What apartheid and what genocide? Thankfully this would never happen in any other countries, right! This is funny because all religious people are stupid Foxy still has his tongue We use Veeam to back up SQL 2012 boxes, thanks a lot for this heads up. Video? 2/10 * Couldn't see reflection in mirror * Couldn't see feet * No sprint button * Couldn't jump * No French whore in the bed Would not play again. Oh no, Madonna is done now Yes, we shouldn't criticize anybody, no matter how ridiculous, simply because we have a Few dumb traits in our own culture. I see no backlash happening from them doing this honestly didn't know pny made gpus Why they're about be forgiven right? Oh if only Nauts could have this reaction to being knocked around by that damn ball. Sewers were probably filled with dust and debris. JR Rider and Spreewell! Well if they didn't want to be poor why don't they just work hard and pull themselves up by their bootstraps? space station silicon valley brave fenser musashi Friendzone if I ever heard it. Why didn't you do this in SFM? never seen these wheels, they from dlc? Unfortunately :( Amazing job, one problem though, when she shoots her arm doesn't flail like Al Harringtons wacky inflatable arm flailing tube men. A B S O L U T E S H I T P O S T It's a good thing then that existing laws don't expire or we would be completely lawless! because that would make it impossible for russians to talk, yea. The MPAA needs to be forced to disband. Israel is taking the world for granted Didn't see that one comin' Okay.. But what is a leppo? Etho Finns are Asians Just imagine how dirty and polluted that place is ugh CGI Fr^ee^eed^om So edgy and funny! Are mixed marriages illegal also? I wish! I thought I was in subredditsimulator for a second. That is what happens when you dont bring Fresh Air build! Don't worry, Chip wouldn't want a black QB anyway Don't worry bungie is gonna nerf blade dancers next patch. Holy shit NA would always lose then Doctor who. didn't want a bundeslige sbc anyway, it's not like i invested in silver bundesliga players months ago Show us email or fake. The first one is always free. Police should be contacted about this, perhaps they would get a couple cruisers out there and issue a few hundred citations. finally we made up a good enough reason to test this baby out! Oh god the 240p screen is unreal An atheist I'm pretty sure those Pentium 1's didn't support PCIe... Or is AMD still making AGP cards. should have spent a little more time socializing as a kid instead of studying for the gao kao (chinese version of SATs or more accurately the means by which the value of a human being is judged in china, after bank account size of course) Every male marketing executive has called their doctor about their erection lasting more then 4 hours. Because that kind of documentation is very time consuming and Daybreak is too busy creating new content. Seeing it like this makes the entire Southern Hemisphere look really inhospitable. Obvious shill/burner account. Isn't this the same bot that started to say racist things after a few hours? I would like to see the recreational use of prescription drugs legalized. Brent Urban with the snub A member of the Bulgarian parliament pulled out a joint in the middle of his speech a week ago in protest of ACTA. Although I can agree with you on that point if I take Stalin and Lenin in consideration, all in all, no individual or group deserve to be bought bullied and treated like shit, even the russian Should have just used a pencil That site doesn't seem to a have even a small left wing agenda Thanks Obummer. Obviously everything is racist! Did I mention Scout Pro, yet? Single mom, didn't see that coming. And smoking is totally not bad for you. Shuckims. And sexism. #yes #they #are #that's #the #fucking #definition #of #a #fact Theyyyyz lyin' Paaaaawwwlll! I would kill for a new nostromo and a decent gaming keyboard. Sounds like the type of person I had in mind when I started this sub, lol. Damn, the Ukrainian military is really good at killing off these "separatist" leaders. Time to arm ~~terrorists~~ freedom fighters from Xinjiang. Because only Tom Brady can do things that Tom Brady does On console, I think you can host/join lobbies with aim assist disabled. Oh so it only takes killing 30 people to maybe get life in prison. **IT'S BECAUSE NO-ONE GIVES A SHIT** Yeah... People don't realise that in normals you are probably playing a role and champion you wouldn't think of playing in Ranked. Miggy never gets recognition! Islamist schools are fine though It's a commodity ... with superior currency characteristics. This will make a good conversation starter with my Polish co-worker The well outside that Church will hence forth be known as the [Well of Spoilers] be proud of every bike ride! God, they're such a disappointment.. Such talent, yet so shit It's called buying votes.. Wow congratulations, I've been trying to do that but I keep getting those bad green ones I'm 9-0 ATM Well if you want my original and additive opinion on the matter, Fallout is a great game, just not a great fallout game. DS9 Season 4 remix should have been higher imo, not just because it's a great update to that intro but because it totally signifies that series turning it up to 11. Boy, those results sure surprised me. So creative people hallucinate during mundane tasks, and smile at their boss while being disciplined? But of course it is evil and has no health benefit... Meh... Im too selfish for that No, we need to bomb them. stupid enough? a link to your subreddit would be a start WHAT A TIME TO BE ALIVE When I read this title, I was sure that The Legend of Zelda B-B-Boogie was announced today. Does that say Heart of the Storm? When Chicago starts issuing CCW's I see a boom to gun deaths followed by record lows as thuggery corrects itself Republicans sure love free market competition! Whoever did the coloring did a great job, but wow, very modern looking photo overall. King Arthur was totally a girl... stop trying to disprove FACTS. Who would have thought incentive works. Classic Rubentus It's a good thing this kind of movement could never happen in my country. Because that would be racist. But, they want to be Russian... Next the EU will sanction America until they give California back to Mexico. I support this purely on vexillological grounds I don't think they know what it means, bless their cottons. Thats some Charles Manson shit Obviously there was no political motivation behind this LOL that one with the messed up eyeball Because violence is awesome! Man, we may not have much, but our kicker and punter are great. But six people say he's a hard working family man! When the Americans threatened to kick us out of the TPP talks his response was that we do not negotiate through the media, seems like what he is doing here. I honestly see it as saying "including people who actually matter." 68 fighting, What a scrub! Just another one of your 'average' goalies! Another family-owned business ruined by the state of New York. Well it's not like they can do any DPS, right? Cool, go apprehend the suspect! Lmao Yep, I think all modern word processors do...GRRM is just very set in his ways. Red girl is cute! What a terrible fucking shame What a waste. Tiny combs will now only be used by tiny people now the biggest danger of person-driving is going over a cliff and crashing into an opposite wall He is so euphoric right now. Deep thoughts with xX420NoScope2003Xx. she sold herself so she could be the Lady Gaga Persona... totally a remarkable performer Subbed for easyhoon coz he sux Color me shocked. he is strong, that's all i have to say about that Guess she has some "excuse" for being fat, the other person is just "lazy." Yeah but where's his Nobel Peace Prize? That's one good thing about wrongful execution wherever capital punishment still exists, from the judiciary's point of view: The victim can't file for compensation. Class - Brilliant name, right up there with "The Shack" oh no, club Hell No is being shut down, please, think of the Tap Out/Affliction crowd Are you one of those fans that said the same thing after Kassian elbowed Gagner and then welcomed him to the Oilers? Shhh didnt anyone tell you that guys are the source of all evil and all of us suffer because of them, even guys. That's great, but they all caught autism from it. Oh no, we might miss the playoffs without them I only touch children when they ask for it! Dont lower shit, I play with 3600dpi and 2.5 sens and its all good ;) Yes Ex6TenZ #8 Isn't it nice to see Christians and Muslims getting along? He was just undercover as a drunk driver. Gold Haden and gold DRC Give Steel another chance! Looks like a feast for 262s Unless you can prove it in court, it is a theory. DISCO-TEX AND THE SEX-O-LETTES ARE AMAZING The Western world needs to come together and come up with a standardized acronym for these fuckers. they'd better add the sunglasses into the game this time! *And on this day, I shall make grain ready for a thousand years, So let it be Written* - Yule Brenner *Numbers Never Lie what has been seen cannot be unseen! Ive left as many 1 starts as I have 4 3 and 2 stars I hate people who write poorly written 4 star reviews. But will he prove to be as good as Rusney Castillo? Depends on how much you like Pearl? Oh goody, even MORE single-car green line trains, then? That Vice Admiral Frank Jack Fletcher is a real SP. Jarrett wouldn't come back to be a main event talent, but he would be able to give some legitimacy to a company that has few veterans. People who don't want to die from gunshots have really shitty lobbyists. Can I block this with ghostery or similar browser add ons? I like how Jesus is 1st Proof 9/11 was a conspiracy wasn't it then? So brave, brave points +1 One of them died He didn't move at all he just watched that falcon wasn't even that bad, trust me Oh well now that Sanders said it instead of everyone else Sessions will have to resign He must have done it on purpose! Can you do this again with reworked limbo? I guess no one there was a real Mma fan Whatever you believe in is best for you. Are you certain that the system is electrically neutral? An amazing piece.. I suspect this will be quoted a lot by other articles to come. Never count out Touchdown Tom DAE OLD AS FUCK Right, because no scientist has ever invented anything if he didn't want to get rich from that invention. A website said it, it must be true. This is one of most disgusting things I have ever seen on the internet. Fucking worthless druggies are a menace to society and should be put in prison No, Lionesses FIND GoPro, Jaguar's loot them. Well you know often wrenches break Great, so computers can lie, be deceptive, and hold personal grudges. Quick get a SWAT team we've got terrorists. mama frate ce leo dam stai asa sa vezi cum ai fentam pastia de la uber That's my quarterback mhm when you smoke that shit you realize how safe and not harmful the real marijuana is So is this all types, even sparklers and such, or just the larger ones that you shoot off? I actually did that this morning. Yes, 4 asshole soldiers represents all of Israel s/ I feel safer already SOYLENT GREEN [IS PEOPLE!] The resignation part of it makes the gif just even more perfect. If only this guy was shooting the Kennedy assassination, we would all know what happened. This has never gone badly before. #HAVE 1,000 COATS Seriously, let's all treat Rush Limbaugh's xanga page as a legitimate news source. The guy gazing wistfully into the camera makes this picture. I just went to the Democratic Republic of the Congo and saw firsthand why the Internet is still a long way of True story Uncle Tom Pepe! Fuck Bungie As the father of an 8 year old, and an 8 month old.. it's comforting to know anyone from my wife's immature and vengeful sister (who has done this exact thing to others in the past), to a complete stranger can bring the full force of CFS down on my family. Why are you playing Blitz, don't you go on reddit, he's completely trash now That's very thoughtful of them, leaving their hat out for the replacement and showing their bosses exactly how many more replacements are needed. Few things are more exciting than staring at the back end of an AKMS for 3 minutes. but but but they were just doing their jobs If all this is truthful Doublelift needs to stop playing the victim. Can't they just deport her to Iraq instead of sending her back here where "her point of view will have to be accommodated because we are the most fucking diverse country in the world". The government *could* but that would mean potentially stopping a violent act against its population, so... No. They look like sisters I will promise to vote BJP only if this happens! I heard he is also a first rate toilet cleaner, so having him as an ambassador would be huge as far as the hygiene of the British embassy. Does this mean ads will be coming to Whatsapp? This is why the world thinks France is weak Whitest arrest ever DANG DANIEL Good, so now we can catch criminals faster! What about the "L" on Luigi's hat? could only stage against a level 6 trashy nurd So is he still meeting with the Lakers? Acid atgm, its what happens if u do drugs in a warzone Pff fucking pussy who needs a straw just get your face in there. Then do not go to Cologne if you do not like the smell of cologne/perfumes. It's hilarious reading this now when I used to legitimately believe this. Good riddance We're too quick to jump the gun, he may pull an 07 MVP Dirk and go 50-5 after this Cod infinite warfare! The only crime you should not commit is "getting caught" Obviously played on consoles He, along with Dan Gilbert, were the main one's who cried about the Chris Paul Laker trade....but ya, he, and the other owners, totally didn't have an agenda against the Lakers. And the other 10% just want to watch the world burn. Wow whoever wrote this is impartial No, we can't have fun things in Halo. Such a cutie! Gosh, I sure wish someone would give me gold. and probably the 3rd best team ;-) Man, your posting history is just full of mildly interesting events! It is almost like there is an untapped billion dollar industry for streaming videos / films with out adverts. Oh he deserves a suspension. Well that's sure to generate an unbiased random sample... I don't think she'll be receiving the nomination... but then again at this point what difference does it make? huh...Markiplier's been getting a lot closer to the Grumps... Someone needs to take him out before he replaces a grump WTF castlevania untold Well, were they? Tldw Mine is just Ogaden off screen :( Such a shame we couldn't retain our most prestigous silverware presented by Guinness. Pretty sure someone's said it before meh. My boss is a Burnley fan so I hope we fucking smash them! What's so surprising about Leffen making a mistake? Guys GBMS ENGLUSH IS SO GOOD BUST! That looks so sinful and evil. your ability to evaluate your own actions is pretty good repost. Don't forget Adidas. Why do you lie in the title of your post, oh Brave^TM 0 day account? Mike Hosking disagrees. PC does not have the highest quality pixels though Nobody watches pro sports like cucked out leftists, So I can see how Brady, Manning, and Trump have hit NFL ratings hard. Does your friend happen to be Katie Tiedrich? Yeah, how dare someone loan money out to people that are too high a risk for a traditional loan, then charge an appropriately high interest rate to make up for the incredibly high rate of unpaid loans! Considering throwing in a gen ed or two to balance out the coursework. well, there's obviously a lot of overlap, so I don't see what's so bad. It's OK... Once Hillary's elected she'll tell them to "cut it out". What genocide? What was the game? I'm not exactly sure you know what the word 'evidence' means. But but... we're the those no good wahbbi devils that are ruining the world and helping ISIS Depends how that Adam Sandler film does. Basically I looked through his profile briefly and found it full of rage rants against pretty much anything, especially users on the same site, which is odd since he's there too.. And all of it wrapped in a bundle of some intellectual inferiority complex type language.. Yum dat 4 for 4 and tower damage fireball musketeer trade is OP Only western master race matters, other people are pointless barbarians. I guess they felt its better Laterkusen than Neverkusen ^sorry ^couldn't ^help ^myself Stomach churning. thats the communism breaking through I was always taught that being Mississippi was illegal. I would pre order but I'm saving my cash to build a VR headset :C I don't think McAuliffe learned anything from the Colorado recalls. Because everyone knows western women are **so** easy Well maybe if we stop giving our kids vaccinations, we wont have autism. That's my entire day in a nutshell. Lets wean ourselves off the Twitter outrage.... and back to the Sydney Morning Herald! They really are all from the 15th Century. Reddit is going dowhill fast with these spam subs Fookin' Ultimate Jugs. Right away I could tell they were reskinned HTC headphones. 240fps mustard race Awe that's too bad, I was hoping to have any last vestige of respect the rest of Canada had for my city completely obliterated. This has to be the weakest idea for a thread I've ever seen Its not the world first use of 6K in minis. Good thing I switched my mains around League of legends. I'd take a look on the deep web Internet Explorer and Windows Media Player as defaults I can't figure which part of that question is the joke! Jeez, this guy backpedaled into the stone age when you called him out on it. nice snipe keep up the good work what not to watch when you are broke I wouldn't call Barry "talent-less", his ability to spew bullshit is truly a thing of wonder. What the hell is that shiny thing in the water at the bottom haha. Why don't they just gift everyone 1mil AD and stop with this nonsense Where can I get one of those TFA coloring books? And people on terrorist watch list should also be allowed to carry their guns in airplanes. yeah, you're right, nobody bought those games. Hilarious, good job I have done this exact thing to someone before, except she wasn't my friend. They purged the left wing (John Campbell), Weldon left, now we're purging the right wing? Will it have a six month loading screen? this show reminds me of a middle school lunch table with a camera... Fucking dumb bitches America would never do that Political - Anti leftist Economics - Competitive markets She is so pretty :) I could marry her and no more throwing stones ;) did he think he was usain bolt? Never would have imagined. Would be a pretty dope 22nd birthday gift Yeah fucking drumpf and his *colorong* books! If the people doing it wouldn't be murdered, it would be hilarious to see people dancing under a rain of burning dollars. That's why the SEC is so good Either King by King's X or Fighting Our Way Back by Thin Lizzy. Fittingly the Sunday sport is not for reading but for wiping your arse Not just for Buildings, its for players too, at least while dead and spectating. I imagine shitlibs and cucks are gleeful over this terrorist attack. Jesus Christ, this is next level dumb. Life has no purpose Yeah, no Spider Woman was totally grossly sexualized though. If the Twinkie defense got a guy out of murder, why not? Now I finally don't have to worry about raining dumbbells! That shoulder thing that goes up? Clearly syria is using mobile labs that are impossible to track without boots on the ground. What was it doing in your phone, and how did it get there? How do you play the beta of Infinite Warfare? Netflix DVD subscription. Ya pretty sure it's safer for Bigfoot lol an out of court settlement? No Korea is going on alg no need for the click bait btw Yay leaderboards for who spend the most money in game! personally i like skateboarding games in general to pass the time with nothing like a few mind numbing hours of free skate or some online skate comps...but if im being honest to me it doesnt need to be skate 4.. while i like the mechanics of skate it would be great if those mechanics were used in a complete new skate game that could have a good story coming up from a kid that cant skate for shit to working hard and becoming a pro and everything that happens to him/ her in between. Woah, what video was this, I need to get some Xbox Gold! because he deserved the MVP ---------Spin Stops Here------------ The real LPT is always in the comments: You gotta use your pepper strips to dip in hummus If he wants complex movies he shouldn't be looking at Disney kids movies. So excited! I'll bet he's also a cyclist I like how they cower at the word Caliphate but are totally fine with Manifest Destiny. Yeah, I wish they would have warned us five days about this maintenance. Clearly it was purchased with the sole purpose of the sting operation to catch the guy Rip USA's pupper 1 upboat = 1 prayer If I had to choose, I'd say this is less BS than Roadhog's previous physics-defying, wall-ignoring hooks. I think we found gunruns smurf. I would buy the ENTIRE Steam library plus DLCs and hope to play all of them someday Lulz you obviously have to be 80 and you way past that Sickk Definitely read this in John Malcovich's voice (Burn After Reading). Comdey :/ nothing makes me laugh anymore and I don't like that. I'm activating my Pot of Greed! Doing her best Norbit impression. Best AI ever. tl;dr I can totally see how this is an important theory though. The diesel car has started to hurt now. cock block i like it ;) Much prefer trucking backs this year, but he seems great if you are an elusive guy That's fine, just keep those millions of transgendered people out of our public bathrooms Pls no now, Lawler vs Rory II Those graphics look _way_ too good to be on a console! Maybe don't make one of yourself then. But if everyone there had a gun, think of how much safer it'd be! Intentional leak rather than trolling might not be as unlikely as we think. Darnold If I knew where this was I would get a bumper sticker that says "suck it" and put it just to the left of the license plate. Pretty obvious if you're in a 6 man you're smurfing and are automatically at least plat rank Those valuable resources spent on PVP being put to good use Just got this like five hours ago. Jagaex stop downvoting, we know you're a part of the illuminati, especially mod mark, I bet he sold his soul to the devil. This guy was just a crazy dude this has nothing to do with his political alignment or beliefs. You mean killing people instead of letting the judicial system do its job? Sums up exactly how easy he's had it so far lmao GOP outreach to minorities. Anime was a mistake. Not gonna lie, 41,000 sounds like a somewhat *massaged* statistic. FWIW, he seems pretty convinced he'll be killed in prison: "I'm being sent to prison on unsubstantiated lies and to be murdered by the same people I defended my life to protect society against." Obviously it would have been more if he'd gone by helicopter Sounds like the plotline for django unchained. Good to have a patriotic man hold the title! She does have better hair Mayor Ford campaign party? Can't sorry, too busy talking about the price of real estate. Maybe it's because I live in Africa, but I only believe in dogs that could survive the zombie apocalypse Well it is in Texas so you know targeting wouldn't be called I would start with a pair of scissors applied to the waistband of the panty :-) How long does it take to start leaking? No 4* items, bad roll yeah, many of you are white supremacists What ethnicity is even stereotyped as liars? TL;DR: Left click throws them the fastest. you're a bit late Yes, because shooting the president is a reasonable and acceptable form of protest. Now punch her tits and ascend to the heavens gross COME ON ONE MORE PERIOD LET'S GET THIS DONE! funny how people upvote welfare league, but if you post statistics of the highest level of play you get downvoted because of buthurt terran/protoss They are already on some guns so I would think they would be, I doubt they will become an attachment though The nerve of him soiling the furniture with his foot when he should be cleaning it. Still doesn't explain Carlton Palmer. Yes, he must break up with this actress so he can go on to bigger and better scripted YouTube videos. Wtf dude, that's 100% accuracy plus the rez and healing looked like snapping, obvious aimbot RIP RG3! Downvoted for answering that question while being OP of a post that I don't like! Just dress up an anime kid and its a pokemon ItaKisa confirmed? google translate so reliable The crazy part was that he gave answers like this the whole game and they still won! I yelled out the alternative in BMT just to fuck with the MTIs bout time- it was how long ago? It's attracted to shit; Makes sense. So was ours! Hey, here is an idea, Why don't the now Republican majority Senate and the Republican majority House set up permanent committees to investigate Obama. wow im so very surprised! Dang, silver, at least it was to like, a movie-moment throw. back to /vg/ with you. BANYA! Not a very good troll account, are you? Pfft, I've done that in my Astra, nothing special Bing bruh. That must be a really tiny setup if that projectile has an average diameter of 9mm. They're intimidated by Haas so they're backing out op stop trying to hack for unlimited crystals buff xing zhe he should have laika passive too That is pretty great. Dude is so big he casts a visible shadow on the clouds You forgot to fly a flag with a swastika, then you could have the mossad looking after you too! No, because God is real and faith should be substantial proof. How dare anyone combat the lovely odor of a cigarette Damn he sounds like a winner and a keeper ladies you should all be honored! Funny that the guy on the packaging looks so masculine! no. Your comment represents the two pillars of Trump support: racist and retarded Thanks Harper. Well, you don't need to overlook a monitor as the human eye only can see 24.07 frames per second and all extra smoothness is just an illusion If you mean a game that clearly states what the state of it is, that it is EA, that is deep and gets tons of regular updates, then yes, it's a cancer Should be served in schools...the milk is bad anyway The Behind the Press channel is good (same guy), and he does some cool shit on this lake a lot Thank God, that poor girl could have become a drug addict, so what if it helped her with her made up seizures, marijuana is a gateway drug. They tried to confront me when I took my gf there , they said the baby had a heart beat so I shouldnt do it so I just said not for long it won't and walked away Heroin with elephant sedative is cheap these days. Technically, a barking female dog is a bitch. And there goes *another* 1st round pick from the Patriots. dank 4x mate His approval rating still seems high. Blue collar crimes are way worse for a society then white collar crimes! Gregan really improved Greetings from com2us, Its a feature. Newfound respect for Chirpy... Guess I'm going back to SimCity! This is worthy news to be on the front page. DramaAlert. Damn man you couldnt let jax get at least a one hit in? What's not addressed is that some people have addictive tendencies. Is that a kitchen sink on the seal? This is the kind of joke you tell your buddies on the golf course in 1952 So you think OJ did it? 90's: Rapper openly condones theft and promotes suicidal behavior 10's: Despite rapper's father's death, rapper still works hard, and promotes making love to beautiful women in his bathtub Preaching to the converted gains no believers Twitter's new format looks great! If you start the second play through without getting the collectibles do you have to get EVERY one again, or just the ones you missed? Does it still insta-kill with the quick charge mod? Comedy Bang Bang Parks & Rec Fringe Justified Boardwalk Empire Review with Forrest McNeil Remember this the next time the Jews accuse the Iranians of inflammatory rhetoric. I dunno, they are using horizontal cable management. dun dun dun fucking ginger she is one fucked up girl then xD Pro-democracy loving freedom fighters in action. Honestly BB is fine right now. Reducing the amount of social platforms you have access to when you're blackout drunk does more than just make you happier and less stressed. Yeah, and CD32, Amiga 600 along side Amiga 1200 and similar brilliant moves within a time span of a year had nothing to do with it. Just another fanboy... Excuses time to start gerrymandering! I feel like a lot of people on Reddit are those bosses you get who make you sit on your hands because they would rather talk about something forever instead of getting it done. Play with friends or play 1s What Rubbish, how could it possibly go wrong, just because Sydney's record high prices again increased 17% this year.. so tired of all these lazy Gen Y's with boot straps not pulled up. School staff are dedicated caring individuals who put the children first. Wrong, the one on the left should be shooting his teammates with syringes. That's why there is 2% of Linux users around the globe ! Why does Sammy insist on designing different variants of what is more or less being branded as the same phone? Pull and gore his innards out Children must not be allowed to learn any fact based information. Such a beautiful jersey. Git gud Trust the western world to sell something to Africa that they already have in abundance. Must be an AAP supporter. Look, lady, I am clearly not pushing my boundaries by being an asshole and I WILL have coffee with you in person whether or not you like it. You're right, he did it to make the medicine more available. I hope they can afford to get THE FUCK out of that god forsaken country. Is this a case of asset looting? Home sweet home Higher taxes on the poor is a sure fire cure for Hawaii's homelessness. Oh yeah something else, we also appropriated the word asexual from biologists. I'm surprised none of them pulled out a hand-pump and beat the shit out of other guys. sicking parents making their kids dress up and what THEY want them to be! Seems if one was a savvy business man he could easily counter this. Good job by the AAP govt, though the report needs specifics on what exactly is going to be done. Nah, let's just pick Ishant Sharma PETA is that you But I thought only storm and shops were viable vintage decks after the chalice ban. Thanks for the giveaway! Just get them a pet rock. Ah, Nice Girls^^TM , such wonderful human beings, aren't they? There are no proven ill effects. I love the Minecraft plug :D Don't worry, he's there to protect us all. man I hope CTR pays you enough for this Ah preparing dinner I cant believe people think this will bomb, I mean its Ben Affleck. This week has just been so damn weird thanks to the Comey hearing and Trump's ridiculous attempts in an effort to force Congress's hand on healthcare that there just hasn't been room to cover it. I'm assuming they're trying to tell people not to have sex in the park but it didn't translate very well. Don't know why this is downvoted, it's confirmed, we'll just have to see how long it lasts. Boo no one hates women, more than other women. Lol He looks delighted you took a picture of him They all gotta get new jerseys now. Snipers snipers everywhere Good bloody riddance. this is the first time i've seen this pic. Can you imagine the horror of being a black child who was adopted and raised by white people? Hah its a breaker so its useless! Shows she is toast. I suppose he could slip her into the award show through the back door and hide her under a blanket up on the balcony so no one would know, and she could watch the show away from any cameras in peace. Oh sure, because it's mostly other women who are doing the majority of the SWOTing, doxing, rape/murder threats and harassment of women over the internet. This does not make we want to eat celery. I'M SO CONFUSED Not bad for the guy who sung Margaritaville. Nice crop Jeez, the Dodgers will really stop at nothing to make us look like bad guys huh? Visiting that page at night after browing Reddit in night mode: Oh god my poor retinas CLOSE RANGE SURRENDER ENEMY VISIBLE The only right way to eat calories My body is ready! Yeah, there's no way that could possibly backfire. The other half didn't know what prejudice means. I'm glad you put "home made" in the title because I don't think anyone would have been able to tell. Time to buy a New York iPhone case to protect my informations from the feds. Looks pretty good tbh Bust. Clearly the perspective of this man represents the entire IDF! Well maybe he shouldn't go breaking the law then! The Korean voice for Ambling Wraith is the best. Irrelevant until after the conventions. McDonald's has a surprisingly good policy on hygiene. ITT: Fun words to google image search. *sigh* Nice first place prize this leg. Part 2 already came out I know it's way too late for this but this is from an old VW commercial. I guess Overwatch was just mediocre How long is this post going to be stickied for? Why not just make the entirety of the game on mobile? Who cares about capturable burst frogs when Cerberus are also capturable? 60 fasts per second :) But remember, trans people CHOOSE TO expose themselves to this non stop hatred and bigotry... just like gay people. Nein das ist die Religion, die die Frauen am meisten respektiert Facebook does this now? get ready for the bonnie puppet cheek rant As long as the voice is still somehow Robin Williams I'm great with this honestly is anyone actually remotely surprised by this? shocker! OP is a bundle of sticks. This was stuff that Obama deliberately prevented SDF from getting, I guess Trump doesn't care. Just look for a tweet that doesn't have a large vocabul .. vocab... vocabu... somebody who doesn't use big words id on pants (homie on the left with the cps?) Good, now we can control the birth rate of poor people to stop putting children in the world that cannot eat or drain resources If they're wearing a cross on a necklace. It's June not January It is the junglers, buffs, they can do whatever they want with it. Not as much as NBA apparently. No offense, but do updates typically get announced with great fanfare? that's not how this works, that's not how any of this works. R/justdraythings Every single player in dire has higher mmr than each radiant player. Is Kawhi really so bad that over a 1/3rd of his highlights are against the Bobcats? Holy crap women on registers were talking to you, they must be flirting! With a mind like a steel trap, and such mental sharpness like that as SoS, I can't wait to see what she'd do as POTUS. You can also shoot tears, I heard that he is weak to that... The tank is hung bro it moves with the tank. Looks like you have yourself a deadmau5. well done you're able to post something on the internet LOL DID SHE REALLY QUOTE MOBB DEEP I'm seeing a severe lack of J-Rob. Lokayukta, another congress toll like cbi. Behold nerds in their natural state: outraged at something! George Soros must have been really effective to mobilize all these people so quickly. Don't worry, I'm sure that FD won't mark you as a combat logger. Those women and children should buy some guns to protect themselves. I'm ok so long as they don't add DLC. This is pretty disingenuous, teachers use whiteboards now. Also, most speedometers are inaccurate and err on the high side. You had it going nice but now I don't know what you are trying to say. Market is down. The Scientology/celebrity intermix is easily as complicated as all the Game of Thrones family trees. Well you shouldn't have broken his leg in the first place More like, TIL: Nazis hid in South America after WW2 Feeva oe confirmed 100 bucks to suck on those dirty old milkers Odelay Their songs are decent There's a definite correlation between meth labs and tornados, wildfires, and volcanic sites. If I'm shelling out that kind of money, it better have a Win10 Pro license. Fun fact: Scorpion is not in MK3 (he is in Ultimate MK3). Wait, we're supposed to read the link? im not a fan of iran either but diversification is still a good thing *snaps fingers* Darn. Quit trying to make global warming happen, Bill. So much poop. Wow, way to treat the subject with respect, CNN. Let's just be surprised that Cruz didn't walk out after being ganged up on, like he said he would in past debates. Enslaving other humans sure have a lot of good intentions in it Detroit Alaska Neptune Iowa Boulder Easter Island Lima Louisiana Europe Did I do this right? Great read. Umm... where is this? well I'm an alcoholic who got a DUI, but alcoholism is a disease so it's really ableist to have taken my license away because of my disease You can only be a fan of a team if you're from that city, anyone else is a bandwagoner Globalist banksters and their puppet Obama want the Brits to stay in the EU...wonder why. I just want to take a moment to appreciate that username Fuck, I obviously upgraded from my 6870 for no reason IT'S BLUE AND BLACK True but Dems have lacked the balls to call them on it Why did you chose this horrible colors anyway? We just don't like you. Spoilers! But that's *different* 4 match ban Please post more of these, or send them to me Kinda getting fed up with Toto recently. Poor Alfano Send him to NE and let him hit the record books. Sonstige is Chainburn This is the equivalent of 8 or 9 missed security briefings. But, but... The human eyes can't see that many FPS! we believe in the free market "not that kind of free" LUL, like anything else was to be expected if you weren't a reddit legion retard fan of singshit Also, please tell Blake to double their FSG schedule load in the meanwhile, I hope they can feel my disappointment at having to wait! The people I admire most of the ones I know that are now heavy exercisers, have lost a lot of weight, and figured out how to do the exercise, stay properly fueled, and not gain weight. He doesn't need to know how because he's going to hire the best people! You'd be coming last. If they don't win, G2 disband incoming this is why they installed the nets, right? Not checking your privileges. Homebrew should be "CFW" instead. That's usually me, and I get comments about my bad kdr even if my score is high, this game is wasted on cod players Ours should say "I hate the Montreal Canadians, but they are obviously the better team" (Bruins fan) Very nice I wonder why? And this is why you should always wear a condom. Fun, less expensive, 2-dimensional No Man's Sky. I had problems trying to installed this on the SC GTA V :( They forget to mention the whole conversation took place in 1938 Berlin. We need to stop authoritarianism in its tracks by removing the right to vote for those who are more likely to vote for authoritarian parties. So the solution is to start another week showing that the in-fighting is very much alive and well? If this is real reportage then we can be almost certain that Russia will invade Ukraine. Posting a picture of a patient on the internet means your "friend's mom" isn't a professional. by 2020 you'll have to pay $500 for no shirt at all Man, atheists DO pretend they are God! I have yet to see anyone in America take the day off to mourn 9/11. Shocking VAC FLUSHA FLUSHA VAC FLUSHA so s1mple is cheating as well, no suprise to me Welcome, Joe Those drops of water on the camera that constantly follows Geralt where ever he goes... Immersion achieved. Stupid billionaire dosent know simple fact that all extra terrestrial knowledge is in Vedas already. Probably the most humble Kanye quote ever. Thanks Obama! Oh, nice, as a Finn I was googling that also but since that became a thing I guess I don't want to anymore. Donald Trump, Your christian candidate because no ((True Christian)) would ever vote for a democrat inb4 Treyarch bans you for offensive emblem we need a "One thing ED docs wish nurses knew" article now This is bad news, It is painfully obvious that this dog was the leader of the operation and not just some harmless pet the owner had Apple and android Whatever, I'll be happy to be a lifelong servant of the state and political class for FREE HEALTHCARE NOW! Without the Civil War, how would slavery have been eradicated? at least the jacket fits Bc don't, this topic triggers randians more than anything else. OP's mom not using a condom lol, such a good, defensible point you make! Oh, the SEA was even better: 7 teirs of just experience grind. Ahloohloohloo Harlem Shake is so #ca$htastic tothe knee Clearly this is god's wrath since we know only queers and steers live in Texas and steers don't get sick. A zero mana 1/1 charge that you don't even have to draw is a bit crazier. what team is that, forgive me i see that logo for the first time k lets take in gay people because they are gay but f&*k the women and children who live in a war torn land Fun Fact - 56% of these involved large black trucks. To be fair, those countries oppress gays and women of all races. Man guys this means GTA5 is a ded gaem too! People really want to go to Instagram Snapchat and Facebook the concert eh $750k if a woman comes up with the fix? If you were built like the woman in the picture, and exercised and dieted regularly, nobody would care that you're not a size 2 It's like they cant tell the physical difference between, say, Serena Williams, and, say Rebel Wilson Read the youtube comments for additional rage. Beste xaxa k hashtagSoIslamic #I suggest that the chance of Martial Law being enacted is about that of Rosie reducing 250 pounds and wearing skinny jeans. I'm not sure if it happened in the past, present or future, but I just came. Is he somehow implying that today's Grand Old Party is not as tolerant and freedom-loving as they claim to be? Why is it whatever the top post on this sub is, the top comment will always be proving the post wrong? Because food grows on trees, right? Looks like Noah sent the wrong bird, to the wrong place, at the wrong time. Honestly Ron Paul, I have no idea who that kid is. Yep, all of the good diet pills are banned.. something about amphetamines not being healthy or some bullshit. geeze, what a condescending liberal Is that a tiny guitar in the background? I love you. inb4 Monstercat in motion DAE Turkey === ISIS? That's just your average case modder. It's good to see he's releasing new work to make a great comeback. This doesn't fit your NARRATIVE. So what your saying is you want more hive Tumblr? That's not a reflex, that's an ACOG. I love that you have to subscribe to see the article..... love that. Right because this shit never happens in solo queue. Gavin's a shill! Women are not things! Ricky and Crisis Climate change was made up by the Chinese to manipulate American manufacturing capabilities. or someone that just exploited yesterday's exp glitch jezebel is right up there with buzzfeed as far as cancer of the internet. Here bb. You sure this isn't a cover of Picture Book by The Kinks? And the pirate bay it forever All I know is if IW ships Cod at 1080p on ps4 and 720p on the X1, Microsoft is going to pissed. Tristana went from a 0 to 10 Skulle vilja se FI balansera en budget I for one agree, how dare the internet partake in this sillyness. Muslim-Extremism= car bombs, beheadings, genocide, extreme sexism, rape on a mass scale Christian Extremism= blowing up abortion clinics, Westboro Baptists, gay conversion therapy Animal Rights Extemism= posting pictures of a rescued turkey on twitter, trying to pass animal cruelty related legislation...? But he's not proven on the European stage Referees are the devil's spawn and the reason we lost that game! for a second i thought u may have been the guy who got the karma puck to the head and was going to say suck shit. theres not gonna be any sbc that requires kante so do w hatever the hell you want #literallynotmypresident You American-centric internet person. I work in Telecom and have seen some of the build costs for rural installations and this does not even come close to the ammount that is needed to transform rural connectivity We could do with some second row cover too; anyone else we can raid them for? RIP wheelchair users And the atheists here had an orgasm reading this. The physics are pretty good even though it's a console game 10/10 Kobe trying to get him to join the Illuminati How very sharia of you Donald wait wait you can't say that, the 7 days is actually just metaphorical! Yes because gender dysphoria isn't a diagnosable mental illness! was it in Japanese before? You can tell it's aluminum because the way it is This makes me regret leaving the church *even more* So according to this graph, if for whatever reason they no longer have to pay for potato online they will be cheaper? The Putin regime's contribution to refugee rescue and safety A black triangle will do They are obviously going to agree it then hype it boxing style so it won't happen for like 6 years use it on a spoon Cow tipping Easy, just be women. #drain the swamp So it's gone from the bit wars to resolution wars to exclusive content war. They pick the shit test places for world events, don't they? wasnt feeling it tbh He looks so hood. Are we sure it's not from the increased morale caused by the Trump presidency? The bag says it's a quarter :\^) Gotta get em in the system as early as possible i think it's a good feature the only way my dumb ass would make money on jeopardy ...good luck bud. It only costs $5 per wrap! I want to give that girl my *holy spirit* what no seriously *what the fuck* Noob question.I have my nexus rooted and I've flashed the paradroid android rom.If I want to get Android L should I factory reset my phone? Snoogy doogy 'murica And they tried to tell us global warming was real. That's okay man, just play the campaign. What's with the mem bet daled? So those are the worst things they could find by digging through years of history, huh? Yes, he can totally be like Totti as Rooney is just as fit as Totti was through his whole career. Why do you hate America you commie mooslin socialist? How long is this lasting for? Now you can say he has a punchable face *roll for initiative* I bet a 1 day waiting period would have stopped this! Trebuie neaparat sa fie in culorile steagului Romaniei, doar nu punem la munti un verde unguresc. They're not saying they hate Hillary, they just would kill her to charge their phone! Oh God, the kissanime comment section is pure, unadulterated aids In general, I love this but that plant that is in the way of the TV is just way too far esl techno music is better Now we're talking! Racists and Dutch people. I'm sure that kid won't be abused as a child at all. Can someone please explain what the hell is going on? In unrelated news, the Ministry of Plenty have just lowered the price of chocolate. Those rocks... oh God, IS HE PLAYING GOTHIC 2 OR WHAT? Just another reason not to travel here. Heroes Downfall... Oh wait. Whatever happened to that soccer player who did the downward Nazi salute? wow, you're really a CleverFocusedBluebottlejellyfish I was scared to but then he confirmed all of this releases of 2017 he can't do them if he's dead You're reposting your own spam? That was cool, but I feel like people are kinda abusing this idea. Has anyone found how that piece of shit Cotton responded? For meeting someone, or what? Obv you should have upgraded him during the event when it was easier. But what about the good cops! If any Bulls fans are interested, I'm planning a violent riot just around the corner from the peaceful protest 0/10 Drawing is not on the paper you're holding in the drawing. Phil Myers (New York Philharmonic) has been my primary inspiration since the summer of 2009. A drunk guy arguing with a lamppost, he tried to punch it several times before falling over Gif of the Day Great use of weasel words! Yeah I usually just write an assembly module to do that for me in my C programs. How the fuck do you people afford this shit. wtf is everyone red. Typical MLS passing Now THIS is how Spartans should look. I love how he still says *Sorry*. Could've been more subtle for those who've recorded card but still browse front page Right, because 90s kids could never enjoy something from the 70s-80s! #OHHHH THAT SUCKS! Because a dozen investigations of Clinton over Benghazi and e-mails were a much better use of their time. I think it's german how the fuck will they enforce it (if it actually passes) ? There is logic in what is said. Then I'd have to hit 10 buttons at the start of a math. WE That's cool and all but WHEN IS MCMAHON GONNA WAKE UP AND PUSH THIS GUY JESUS There is no Russian bias. Yah, just let her die out, it'll be worth it once this video goes viral! Um, OP, your title is misleading, black people can't be racists. I've been warning everyone for three years! **IRON RUSTED RINGS OR WE GO BLACKLIVESMATTER** The guy in the van looked like he was having the time of his life. Don't forget we are trying to redefine the term socialism from government run and subsidized to the new meaning of working owning the means of production Who is the guy in the baby blue singlet? What about Luxray BREAK? Yeah, she's definitely a size 12, 16, 32, 10\^59.... This is bullcrap, nobody used much divs + css back then, it was all tables and image maps. Consumers just need to shut up, buy, wear, eat what the giant monopolists sell, no matter if it kills them or steals their assets. Not a very effective ban, I've been buying them at a European market near my place for over a decade. I'm sure people will get right on that. Oh fuck Sounds like someone who was deemed psychologically fit to have a gun and let loose into the public. Mojo must be suffering from the same Upper Body Injury that's been nagging Tom Brady for like ten years now I found a dude wearing Breds in my health book from freshman year. Francis Ngannou doesnt look like a fighter The future or napoleonic wars Sell more state land. Quicksell. The power of CCTV: Watch girls change in a park. They just blew my mind with the swivel. gameworks, rip What a bizarre video title. Good, let him spend the rest of his presidency golfing. tweet it donnie and it'll be true Wonder what he's running from; isn't anyone puts for that kind of effort unless their running from something. this post violates rule #4. don't encourage piracy Wow. Yeah go back to Daredevil It is the hardest road Stay classy, Vancouver. Boy, that Nvidia Gameworks stuff kills Doesn't big tobacco own all the biggest e-cigarette companies? She'll just cheat on you dude. No, because comments are stupid. But trickle down! Definitely not fascism. 10* Yeah, I also hacked into NASA's mainframes and found out they are a group of reptilians. Reddit account. No country for old men Making him so we're not stuck with Big Time Let Down Spider-Man? Huge Ah man it woulda been cooler if you'd used practical effects! I don't like Israel's actions against Palestine, ergo am voting for Hitler wat This is just a minor setback in the steady progress of the glorious Bolivarian revolution Will we get to know about Treadstone? They like to be called little people Obviously it's because you didn't double sleeve them with perfect fits. An abuela we can all trust! Also that generic Skyrim screenshot used in a million other things is amazing and OP obviously put a lot of effort into this dank meme. Yes, this will surely improve bitcoin's image in women's eyes. Video says 42 seconds Refuse to watch OP is a liar adidas I have so many stripes in my closet it looks like aushwitz I DEFFINITELY believe you. I think that book should also have something about putting wood over the windows in the advent of such an apocalypses. Well thanks for the daily dose of racism. I love that food court, much better than the crap at uni. now it can be bring in wildturtle Really, really proud to be a Minnesotan right now. The tornado was obviously created by the government to suppress religious freedom and human rights. This post needs a trigger warning tag I've been imagining that for his whole goddamned career. Better get used to praying -- whether you're a believer or not. Omg I am so concerned about this Kurd Propaganda More tax credits, for skilled jobs right? Obligatory comment asking what's going on since I don't care to read. Thought they didn't like each other tho Oh god please yes What a lucky guy, they threw in that half day for free I haven't laughed audibly in like 1,000 turns. Goodness me, how WILL audiences cope ............. ? Thank god someone explained this, I missed the other ten posts about it so I appreciate it! Gorgeous Oh man what a shame. Why didn't you fountain the Crystal? Dude, spoiler alert! No shit sherlock Looking at this thread, Randians will soon arrive in Bundelkhand armed with cutlery. But it's gonna be Great again! There is no way that churches will be attacked for refusing to perform same sex marriages - Reddit two weeks ago Oh no. That's some piss-poor conduct Dolphin just wanted to die, his family was dead, his pod abandoned him, finally he gathered up the courage to end it all in the only way he could and this asshole shows up. For those who want to know what game this cherry-picked stat avoids, Charles Barkley once had 43/15/10, 72.7% FG%, 100% FT%, and no 3s attempted. We ALL know you need a good TV to play games at Ultra, just like you need a good monitor to play games. im gonna go cry in a corner now But can you remove them using your hands? Next thing you'll hear is they're banning nudity in the Vatican! He just needs a new heart. Nobody wants this. How can you say it's the worst when it is the same thing as the first one Yes, taking pictures while driving is illegal RARE vintage .22 skeletonized $400 no loballs I know what I got This administration is running like a fine-tuned machine This is like Deandre Jordan all over again I agree, it's important for white students to learn to hate themselves, and for non-white students to learn how much better and more important they are than the white students. Busy talking to students... Makes me wonder what she does on the Important cases... I own at least two Old El Paso fajita dinner kits so does that mean I have a mini mexican food operation in my kitchen? Damn 'dissidents' meddling in the internal affairs of other nations. I'm sure it's very effective how green can papa go? yes he is an idiot because he can't speak english very well. Poor veggie and cheese selections. Good, hopefully those fed-up people will do some research and learn about candidates then go vote properly come the next election At the bottom in small print: *"Attendees please note: all questions will be answered in English regardless of which official language they are asked in"* Why is OP such a faggot? This sounds like a great idea Yeah somebody did this joke with Farcry 4 already Why did you make your pizza bulge in the center? Love the 25+ second intro No poopit girl that's illegal Probably terrorists. LOL, welcome to the 90s. The check is in the mail. That's ridiculous. Yeah, fuck a guy who is helping to control a booming population of a destructive/invasive species that is screwing up ecosystems across the Southern States. Damn, you might be able to actually run Arma 3 at a respectable FPS with that speed. If only we had fewer regulations employers would self-regulate and this wouldn't happen! Venom Symbiote They're already gonna do that to deal with the debt crisis. The they should ban polish moon because it's a joke about dumb polish people who thought the clock tower was actually the moon. Elliott to the 5 confirmed. It could have been 10 times the minimum salary, but then many politicians would have had their own salary cut. Right because hppd would not make me more depressed Wow how lucky you got all omnis They will use their honest and balanced news agency BBC for that while bashing RT for propaganda. Wait how did the chair burn you.... SUE EM GET THE MONEY They're counting ethnically Jewish people (or people the maker thinks are ethnically Jewish). I just don't understand why he constantly wears the boots Shocking how similar a game is to it's source of inspiration! That's not a bagel, it's a melt. Get players with better defensive stats, makes a big difference This is why I hate yankees. Quality Queen Freyja :/ If he runs and loses, will people finally stop saying he can win? You can tell this dude was absolutely praying for a girl to notice him after he posted this. Yeah everyone knew to not film vertically Their show has got nothing on Rockbitch But OP's a "legit" Gen 10... Show some respect. Sold my flower cores accidentally these kind of things make the RNG more painful. C9 Bjergsen pls Guys it's ok,he was just trying out for the Bengals the crash 2 remake is looking good Their styles match so well, I'm excited for this FFS Under that criteria, *Man of Steel* was the greatest Phase 2 movie of all! I really hope im better than all the bruins fans here What a wild ride Haha, stereotypes! I can't help but associate his name with his ugly ass face and then immediately the word tumor, and then the Arnold clip of him yelling: "IT'S NOT A TUMAH." Why not Exynos? This isn't HLTV, your English is great posting about Manziel taking over for Big Ben in Pittsburg, mods ban this dude. the more bonus units you have the less chance of bombs and nepala showing up /tinfoil Yeah *finally* some good news based on us getting a good rating to our draft class. big if true And they knew it sniper picture all father seems legit Just kidding! I wouldn't go as far as 'hate' but I slightly dislike Kevin Nash for poisoned wrestling and keeping these talented cruiserweights down. Yawn. UK and American already have Australia though. Maybe they're talking about Rambo at RW? Meh, they'll job him out to Cena or Roman anyway. I'd be more angry at the parking officer who won't give him a ticket because of the "code". Hence why I run out too fast Looks a bit dark for the US tho pfffft repost, seen it a million times already! Good! It really makes you think who's really the villain and who's really the hero? But the developers deserve our money! 0/10 shugesh is a fusion its beerus beebus illuminati rngesus donald trump ssj gogeta ssj vegito and a fat guy as MT I try to keep the boss true north as much as possible, which is also my clock position, and everyone needs to avoid hitting south tower because that is our safe tower. Marijuana is only bad when minorities smoke it... Secession quakes. GENIUS! If anybody is surprised by this, you really shouldn't be. Don't forget about the **wars** going on in your name! Why does she keep saying allahu ackbar? PHY team has broly 0/10 China fears our burgeoning industrial prison labor force. I thought Sony was our savior from the evil Microsoft! Whodathunk treating sovereign adults like sovereign adults and illnesses like illnesses would have such results? That baby will haunt me. Modi is *The Man* he will do it in 2 months. Hey man, I take offense to that rant. My friends and i have this joke where we put our dicks on our wrist and ask people to check out our new watch. He actually has been on a lead based diet which helps with weight gain I'm sure they're all so well informed. Kind of a non-issue given that we still had access to the US one previously. Nothin you cuntfuck I expect nothing less from Philly Phans Wonder how much of an impact the TPP will have on "future profits?" And now I go to school here. Brought to you by Americans For The Elimination Of Enjoyment. BUT BERNIE IS A DIFFERENT KIND OF POLITICIAN Who would've thought that education and knowledge and not restricting women's rights over their own bodies would lead to fewer abortions? TIL 336 hours is 2 weeks. Good, think of how much workplace violence was avoided. Exposing wrong doing by the government is terrible! Jesus fucking christ that boils my blood it's not even funny. Because the "Ya se armo" Bud Light chant is really catchy. Yeah, That's a great plan. She must have picked the wrong day to quit sniffing glue. Lol first u have to get rid of ur console Yeah...I gotta learn how to set her down a little nicer to say the least Surprised it wasn't a tramp stamp Yeah if anyone should have an ego it's someone with a string of losses and no wins. Does that mean that I can travel from south africa CO2 neutral? **ESPN BREAKING NEWS:** Kevin Love has requested a trade and the Celtics are top of his list of destinations Reported for playing Anhur in the jungle Expecting some shit -baggery and was pleasantly surprised. No so awesome if you're in a convertible. Breeding dog's to these un-natural extremes is animal cruelty imho top lel I can't believe I want to smack a cartoon face We are number one at this very moment if you go to the thread, I'm on my mobile and it's not letting me link. And aids From the Lad Bible, the pinnacle of journalism and enlightened thinking Downvote me if you want, but what's wrong with their tea? that's not okay OP is a filthy sellout! But there are absolutely no mountains in this game! In the last few months, my experience with toronto cabs include refusing my credit card as payment, yelling I didn't leave enough of a tip, illegally charging me extra for an empty van, and the general unpleasant experience of being in one of the cabs ... yah, it's the Uber drivers that are villains here. Is OP sure he didn't just run into a mirror? so this is why absa isn't out yet, Dan's too busy actually playing his game :P Its okay guys we'll get all repurposed for something else Conceited asshole Not so secretive now, is it? I wonder if she realizes she has no score lol A black hole kills cancer cells, doesn't mean that it's any good. The other 71% would have to gain weight to fit into their old jeans. It cuts the air in front of you and allows for lower air resistance... I guess? Kevin looks so badass. Shocker! You won't hear about it on CNN though, they only report on violence in the Middle East when they think it might help start WW3. She needs to have more daughters anyways. Will you ever build that second shed? So there is probably 50k users in Portland and SF? This is so sad 2 games at least please Damn Russ sucks I thought George lucas was the director? The Seahawks 2012 draft class is the absolute definition of this question. Uh, I'm African American I have no idea why we're allowing things to go this bad, and things will only get worse this should be an attack ad in every downballot dem race: republicans put the confederate flag and defunding planned parenthood over fighting zika make it clear the the republican rot runs deep Funny how the fact that this is a 2way street slipped your mind. Its all about precision Bowser's pupil is missing, obviously fake. Must have been haven...too many melons The boss can give her a 30 cent raise to make sure the gender wage gap is closed now! What GFX card do you have. Thank you for sharing Still not as good as the faker yasuo play we saw a few weeks back smooth Maserati GranTurismo MC Stradale Centennial Edition Config management is a major development strategy, so it should be sooner than later I think you mean quirky and unique. K Connor McGreggor I can't believe the "Christian" Thomas Jefferson said that! Anyone have the streamable version? I trust his honor. Stop scaremongering. If they were, they would disappear off the radar altogether, goes the argument against holding them accountable. In a dark way, getting rid of disabled people is a much cheaper solution to quite a few zoning issues... So yay Mattel? But trump is a failed businessman! I don't think I've ever had a good conversation with someone who said "my lady." Clearly Didi and Drew There's also one of those in the garage at consulate dude, tag your spoilers! I do agree there is a bit of complacency, especially from players who get drafted to bad teams. Can we please stop with the racism. Are people ever going to recognize that much more takes place at Planned Parenthood than just abortions? The news-leader is always providing the most insightful news known to man God, I really hope they go all out for this Where do I sign up The team that gets sponsored by Youporn gotta jackoff on Youporn only You probably downloaded it The world needs ditch diggers too. com to brasil right? Both sides do it! I swear I've seen this posted two or three times before. Ooooo is that frankie by any chance OP? It's not a bug it's a feature :P Guess he likes maining pokemon Aussie heroes, folks, Aussie heroes. nice Further Proof that Goodell hates the Patriots HEY HEY, HO HO THESE PROTESTERS HAVE GOT TO GO Looks like something straight out of a Coca-Cola ad One specific impression was clear from this article: This organization is obviously no part of this world. silence Somebody has a sick mind. Good thing all our RBs are right-footed But internet petitions always work! Yeah... That Rachel Maddow guy has got a lot to answer for. offside or on side that was one hell of a pass, is that Carzola? Wait you're supposed to report those Soooo all these companies that just said they have nothing to do with it... what are they saying now? This looks so bad compared to what we have. Dear leader smite the american imperialists and bring back the light of the eternal leader, your grandfather, kim il sung! Soooo.... you're single? yea, a state on the coast with several highly important military bases, that's gonna happen. The human eye can only see 24 fps Appropriate, because the year starts in winter, and winter is terrible. Ha ha ha you're pathetic Libs have nowhere else to go It's a beautiful relationship. Oh look, hot pink, how original. What an English bastard. Well there's still Yammer, which is just great. Damn now you'll have nightmares. whos skt blank? That ain't no orange - that's a green. Maybe it's a shared file on the cloud that they are both updating. Jake Tapper's facial expressions are hilarious People were just relieved Chimpy McFlightsuit was out of office. Dude how did you get the code for Halo 5 ragdolls? Is this for everyone, or just those who attempted legend difficulty? *triggered* No it's clearly says Asian. Honestly, if you are GN1 after 8k hours, this game is not for you. Cincinnati Officials to Mahogany's Owner: Did you really think that shit would work? I don't think this was addressed directly to Bernie To feed him, you could feed 10 children in Africa i rate it 5/7 No support they do this on rs3. You fucking people man No option for #TeamCookie Riiiight, because his dreams are entitled to use your uterus against your wishes. She was asking for it, having a vagina and all. What's the percentage number just for Europe? Yeah Christie's right, things are so terrible there Until the next one appears on the front page You did good A random stranger in the street telling me to smile. Nonono see we must buy more dlc to support the developers so this problem does not happen again! How To Sleep WIth ANY Girl: Rape Her. The slaughter was brutal and the dragon was pretty. Probably not. Well if there's one thing computers are known for, it's accurately discerning the emotional state of a human based on a photograph. You are paying for the added features and optimization to PC, not to mention mod support. Not good enough, runs shit on my Q6600 + 9600GT Ohhh so 1984 is true Sigh OP why did you make him truth up? Fuck yeah, Creed! Tengri, the Mongolian god of the sky. SNP MP Alison Thewliss clearly focusing her efforts on the real issues there How else are you going to give dat 'a'? Watch Iron Eagle: Aces if you wanna see what the P-38 is really capable of. Finally I'll be able to go to my favorite Hillcrest fast food restaurants without being approached by a ghey. Man as in mankind Apollo 8 was equally as risky, given the timeline. Wow Pokken really looks good The guy they arrested "has a PhD from USC".... Sounds like we got the nation's public enemy number one... Awesome game, love watching him play I'm in the same boat, love their throttling they would have, if it wasn't for you misogynist shitlords! LOL Need money for ark dlc Consider me less than suprise. Why do I feel like this is officer barbrady telling me this? the peasantry is strong in this one. Nearly put my finger through my phone hitting your upvote button, jesus christ yes My past experience with CS:GO tells me this guy might just have had a big recoil and much luck. Seems like we finally convinced the heathen liberals of New York that pot makes people into miscreants. Thanks Should I just mail her my testicles? I'm glad they're allowing all of those women and children to take shelter from the harsh realities of our world! Le totally awesome gem! I'll stop hating on the Roma once they return my fattened calf and cease calling up thunderstorms to spoil my crops! quality post Thats unless you are blind, this clickbait offends me They were really committed to letting him take wide open midrange jumpers weren't they. I'll never know why his nickname is 2 tubes when he clearly has 3. She should use all her White gold to fix the problems she created in our country. Callum Smith beats everyone at 168 Very doubtful- it's got a ways to go before they'd even catch up to the SC network, in terms of availability. I hope this clown and his "fanbase" don't send bomb threats there. Clearly she's letting him do it because he's famous. Not a big fan of the picture in the notification I think you could live with out that so the control center does not look so crowded but that's just my opinion. Rip cod If you're willing to buy a beacon, no questions asked, I hear the HCF are selling them at 64d each because Itaqi. But why would anyone *want* a Rangers hat? So many logical fallacies. Fazbear Entertainment presents **Playbear** Which YouTuber was responsible for helping Minecraft take off in the beginning? There's always a bigger fish. Yeah, that definitely happened. As a man, I can state that this seems perfectly reasonable to me. Man, Rockhold fights always so hard to watch cause this motherfucker leaves his chin exposed like it's sunbathing. Can we stop with these stupid fucking articles? But pillaging, raping pirates are totally kosher. End of the world Time to start drinking cows milk again! Maybe this world just needs to end :( More jobs! Chalobah? Good to know the long rumored and yet unreleased to market Apple smartwatch finally has competition. Loses the fight, doesn't rage or taunt the other guy. Oh sure question Minnesota's sanity when we have a statewide drill but it's taken as normal for Wisconsin. I love how everyone has a political science background and is well versed in the topics at hand. Cuter Apparently regular grenades also got the fuze heat-seeking buff. You might want to mark this as nsfw Just look at the smirk on his face, just waiting for hus next innocent victim! Skype just gets better and better with every year of MS ownershit Violence, Blood and Gore, Language, Drug Use = Okay Allusion to Tits = Not Okay Good to know ESL has its priorities straight. I thought you were talking about my reproductive organs until I read the bottom line...boy do I lack foresight. I'm sure she's installing BSD on there. that beach sucks dick anyway THAT'S CULTURE APPROPRIATION YOU SHITLORD *woosh* [*I'm not always sexist and racist* **but actually yeah I am**](/erik) Yes, master race can now soon play batman just like on the ps4! Fucking Villa trying to buy the league. his alleyoop from durant cursed him so he can never dunk again The Thunder must be thrilled about this video! ummm....YES! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE FALSE FLAG FALSE FLAG GEORGE SOROS REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Good thing you had all that situational awareness though but y tho? With the Potterfield bridge already mid-project, is this really the best use of time and money? It's like Nazi Germany all over again. Can I sell my 390 for $390? Its too bad the PS4 version isn't as cinematic, being 60fps and all. Beautiful thing, the destruction of words. Pretty sure anabolic steroids are approved. But all our problems are because of the drugs coming from Mexico and that wouldn't happen if their police weren't corrupt Don't worry, he will become more Presidential after the inauguration in a few days I think not. At the same time, knowing how quickly they become obsolete makes it harder to spend the big bucks on them, you know? I am sure it will show gamers in a great light Uhhh that's obviously Mia Malkova. Now I'm sick *and* crying. Good call, Texas Roadhouse manager. So when I draw something I get downvoted to hell but when someone opens ms paint and scribbles they get all the upvotes Time to break out the shop vac Well he shouldn't win the norris because he's not good at defence. Holy SHIT Definitely fake, he didn't get 1-shot by nidalee Can you get me a toe? Sounds like dmt lol Man, if the Spurs don't want Pop anymore the Sixers would gladly take him. This, I've stopped playing months ago, actually asked for a refund because of this completely broken feature. Don't forget ullr's passive! A Lake is called 'Indian waters' now? I would like to see more evidence that those people are really from Ahrar Al-Sham. Look at him...ok "increase his power"....please no Least it's not a squanch party WHATTTT really? You mean the government was gracious enough to only request back $38M of their own money. Fucking campaign man I'm telling you What the fuck does "black teen" have to do with it fuck the media, man. Something I'd really like for the Game Over screen is a distorted version of the 6 AM jingle, like in Super Mario 64's Game Over. He should tell that to Stalin and Hitler, those atheist fellas sure preferred to talk things over rather then going to war. USA ofc. holy fuck the mechanics and outplays That's a shame. You people always complain about something. good thing he had the flotation device in the truck. we wouldent want that to mess up the RMAH now would we.... Russia's big, you can't occupy it Because if you don't have military personnel heavily monitoring thousands of miles of uninhabited wilderness, the ~200 impoverished farmers in that area will easily rise up and throw the US from glorious Mother Russia making Ukraine great again! Also am I blind or is there no button to quit out of the app completely? a man walks into a bar with a monkey I forget the rest of the joke but your mother is a whore. OP is Slowly killing his dog. 18 years old, wow im old It's an outlier though, don't expect these campaigns to do much I understand that people are frustrated, but stop acting like absolute shits! My niece isn't fluent at 6, I have no idea why, next year she's going to a special school, that won't fuck her up at all meh.. out with the old, in with the new right Deep lore. Calling this Rabbi racist is sooooooo anti-semitic. There is no problem don't people run away from civil war, so they are peaceful, and will not cause problems to anybody. That happened to me, complained a shit ton after seeing a bunch of people with the same issue and got it replaced for 200$ now I got a PC :) and planning on getting a zenbook from Asus yea thats freedom in truly great monarchy! wow maybe the fan can find someone who will talk about the mets now Thout shalt not visit the sins of the father onto the son ... or vice versa. Nice shots! he does, every 15 minutes Kill em all Let God sort em out It looks more like spaghetti sauce than blood Wait I thought GRRM hated the show and was giving us secret hints during his convention appearances and the like? That's because at least in the last 4 there is a culture of rape shaming and women killing themselves to protect their honor Why can't two phones both be good? Looks like I know where I'm moving! at least you're not teabaggin' the coffee Just walk in and casually stun all the champions and minions in their base. I'm so glad that a former friend of mine has died fighting for this Let's sell him to Real Madrid guys Glad I'll be at the game with shitty reception. MAKE PEDOPHILIA GREAT AGAIN! If you can't see the stop light it doesn't exist right? Dubnyk is clearly a much better fighter. Look the fuck out George O'Keefe Women can't do science. Wouldn't this be more menacing if it came from Ik? I hear his name is literally "Eriksson Erik Karlsson" so he must be good. *Worcestershire Isis And then when it happens we have to pay for their mistakes through FEMA. Who's Kasich? What they failed to report is that all of those drugs had been there since the 70s. I guess white collar crime doesn't exist You mean to tell me that the conversations with the holograms didn't do it for you? But Serie A is shit, Aston Villa would get 2nd place easily Smashing Renders Probably taking heavy stuff out of the trunk, so he gets traction up front. Too bad it doesn't save you from druids Did it? Meanwhile, neckbeards want to be fed chocolate strawberries by Kate Upton as they play League of Legends in mommy's basement. washing his supercar just like every other guy If Bernie is elected big business and all the job with it are going to flee America, he will destroy the economy. how do i go to the next powerpoint slide? Wow he cheated in a tournament 9 years ago he sounds like a terrible person. porq tienen que venir para Venezuela, no se supone q son Cubanos? Because coastal towns all have that fog Also, Deny the Holocaust while you're at it. Is it still a requirement for fanhood? how that shaq is invested in esports nades should be called shaq not kobes The whole continent of South America is to the east of Tampa, Florida Rotterdam vindt zichzelf telkens weer opnieuw uit! That's about as likely as oil hitting $100/barrel ever again. Where's the wii U Thanks Obama's cousins. Holy crap they've got the super-mega rare, Walmart-exclusive Stitch amiibo! Lots on ali but bad quality They grab lanterns I call bullshit Wow, real mature, dude! they shrunk for consoles Not worth it, this tank is the definition of meh in every respect except for gun depression and turret armour The rest of the world continues to point and laugh at you. As a young 20 year old gamer, i dig old ass women attempting to game. So a 2% increase in support for independence on the 2014 result with no material changes with regards the EU so far? Feels like he's been far to hesitant to go to the subs all year Love seeing mom n pop cable companies be successful Oh my god If it's two things Republicans hate, it's people getting medical care and people voting. But sharks are the most angelic creature in all of the animal kingdom, OP Guess we just have to wait another couple years before he ends up at Auburn. Wait... Does that mean... EUW can take the piss out of NA servers now... *evil laughter* OUR TIME HAS COME You mean politicians, right? Gonna do this with RG then drop to 2900 and stay there forever thanks for the idea! Fucking liberals Petrol price hike is painful but petrol price cut is even more painful. Well, they are offering free ID protection for a year so it's all good. Quebec moves to flush hundreds of millions down the drain for minimal, if any, real gain. WHO IS JOHN ROMERO? I just want this in case I'm playing the Switch in an alley at night and need to fend off thieves Damn, I wonder why? The poor didn't bootstrap them selves hard enough. That is the most blood thirsty and violent pit bull I have ever seen. Sounds like a nice place to raise a family. How can it possibly be that this intelligent, sweet woman **lives alone**? It's just a puncture wound There are no indications at this stage that this mentally ill man has anything to do terrorism. I'd buy that for a dollar. Nice contrast between the opinions, i like the high contrast on eizo one doe Burgerville is mediocre and overpriced. He's representing Tunisia in this event, dual-citizen or at least a passport from there I agree with them fuck you for being born. So if they captured it, what the hell happened to its young and family? I'm sure the new commisioner will quickly get up to speed and reduce the crime and violence peacefully and quickly Dreams are what makes you darling, especially for us white ponies That's fine they're closer to the ice caps they'll flood first. It's a shopping list. l2play click internet on top left it is **obvious** I came RIP MGO, *2015 - 2015* He must've just heard about online ordering and delivery for Dunkin Donuts. Yeah just what we need more depth up front Oh man, everything's all better now, thanks DNC! EE so beta he hoverhands a camera, elemayo wait really i swear if this is a ruse cruise i'll, i'll CALL YOU A MEANIE OR SOMETHING Marry me! Women are weak and need to be protected from themselves. Tried checking [plane.watch](http://plane.watch)? What a fucking stupid question, dumbass. 'cause genetics aint worth shit! Wow never seen this before Shocking. Gorgo best snd start in the game #KnightFamilia Duh I wonder if he's actually just waiting to get kicked out of his position as president... Might as well spend some money before you're sent packing ouch--- helpful, though, reminded me to take my Welbutrin and Cipralex--- then my inside voice stays *inside* You can't show this in my safe space! No one is above the law! Soon they will tell me that a six-pack a day will give me cancer as well! Woah now that's heady East China is so descriptive when most of China's population lives on the eastern side. Scum give me uncensored link or riot! At this point, I won't rule anything out. I hate democrats. Obvious photoshop I am shocked that a website owned by WB has such a Disney bias. Hey, the Copy popup isn't actually opaque; I can clearly still see the dude's name. It's the double copper wrap that makes it code, just a single wrap would be a no no. No more off-season please. Aw man, I used to love scrolling over and over and over and over and hoping I didn't accidentally pass what I was looking for. Yeah, the West would never do something like this for their own geopolitical interests! #fallofoptic I love Falcon Punching Kirby, it's so satisfying Vaccines Was that on Justin Bieber's door? Dear God please make this a reality and hire Jim Harbaugh as head coach. You can't be expected to be taken seriously after using the word 'fake news' Rubber stamp senate. What he actually he said was that he would use campaign money to fund himself. Did you try asking Chuck? If it helps, leave these people alone you fucking evil bastards. Most of the government is immoral, expensive, and unwise. By how I see them treat others. Remember, My Love DRAKE STOLE TRACK NAME FROM CHILDISH GAMBINO Stainrus once again proving that they're going to be relevant in this war Yeah, it's really hard! TL;DR ? Sounds like he really enjoyed his vacation. thats why you play r6s luckiest shot I've ever made At least they signalled. because this never happens anywhere else I love our abundance of public art, even if some of it isn't to my liking. Some dude was just sitting there wondering how these players were so good. Is the timesaver that your clock's not running? Showboating, "keepin' it real" and conspicuous consumerism are not at all out of control in American culture in general and lower socio-economic strata black american culture in particular. And that's why fat people usually end up in ICU, they're so healthy, that doctors like to keep them in for further studies, and all those physical complications are due to societal pressure Our country is great, our government is fucked. Lol so random xD Wat Ovo su vrlo korisne informacije. Because all we need computers for is Facebook and pornhub. It's like a cartel sanctuary. Undertale deserved it much more, just sayin' Nah, fuck everyone in the comments... this shit is going to be great. Because our lives are none of his damned business. Donnie will be surprised to learn that his fan boys do not appreciate his carefully contrived stunt to look tough on another nation. I am a "true believer" but I am willing to kick all my beliefs because you're hot this really opened my eyes to the amount of unbalanced things in the game #UnturnedIsBroken They will now only be known as surrender-allies I hope he sings! Also he now has autism because vax. You should be used to it by now... Everyday is shit on Melo / Knicks day is his name Sabin? If she continues this, she will literally save Loveita. I'm now thinking that Harbaugh sleeps in that getup. #3.0 alert The real Champagne Papi I hate when people run away from the person that is about to get a penta, such a dick move. Takes a whole lot of guts to stand up against this sort of thing - good work OP. Wow, an loophole in a law that a clever lawyer finds and exploits, bet that's never happened before. wouldn't iniesta and rakitic be playing closer to each other in central midfield than your diagram would suggest? Zed is just how the letter "Z" is pronounced in Commonwealth countries. So, business as usual? Love how consensual water sports is gross and disgusting This triggers me I completely understand why they pulled the ad, the phrase doesn't roll off the tongue, "white superiority" on the other hand has a certain ring to it B O T A N I C A L P U S S Y Thought I was the only one whatever that is Is anyone else glad the gust of wind is on the left, not the right? das funne. Probably because they don't grow almonds on mars. If only black people knew him better What about console updates What a great story, hope these Eagles players will cherish their gifts and one day become a phenomenal athlete like Trout. BTFO Why oh why can't we return to the halcyon economy of 2008 before Obama became president? A carbon or gas tax would be more economically efficient. but fuck them because they're muslim WaPo is in the tank for Trump What a muff puff! Wow spoilers some people might not know there are credits Persona 4 best jrpg of all time :D Watch out, lots of anti-Mormon lies in there! One simply does not hate Mike Trout. Trump's 7's are so yuge and potent they count as 9's, you dummies! Funny because a lot of HBCU's predate Jim Crow laws. You get endowed with the powers to become a God 0/10 didn't do it in Kaiserreich. If only they would just build more lanes, *that* would clear up traffic. So let's vote libertarian! They are wrong because Engineering is the most profitable major and everyone that isn't doing it should drop out. So Budget Washington is Kylo Ren? They couldn't give the black suit to the black guy like in the original series because that would be racism Give this employee a raise Seeing as this was said on Fox News I'm not surprised in the least. true too soon? Lmaooo.....and people still believe this shit. Hyper Potions + Summer Was Fun? idk what we're looking at, the messages or the font. Yes, I'm sure genetically fucked up animals are a cure for depression. Lana but in reverse He was 4-2, this isn't an outplay, he's just fed. Are you implying Barbatos is a scantily clad women? I did not know the economy was good enough to support Brazilians of redditors. This is the pettiest of petty. ...well that was unexpected ITS NOT THE SAME When I'm not busy being white and male, I'm dominating the world. In 2014, Romo recorded a passer rating of 316.6 passer rating when throwing towards Janoris Jenkins. If all black women are beautiful goddesses, what the fuck sort of Chernobyl-level event happened around me? Is the beta over? Mooting posse comitatus daily. I think you're just a top teir memer so whats the latest score in this game terrorists vs cops That's actually pretty close to mine except mine are all a tad lower except MW2 which I strove for a 2.00 in. One little mimosa wouldn't hurt....or 7 Good time to be breatharian, eh? Does gasoline freeze? Found the Devils fan Hey, my new girlfriend is pregnant - do you mind if I use the names we picked out? 9gag goddamn I hate stephano, being funny and keeping a positive mindset while losing 14 days or 2 hours played seems appropriate to determine if your non-standard rig can run a game or not, and if false advertising was used to sell the game in the first place. I fucking love Willow Smith! Buzzfeed is just trying to get your goat. Kek Obviously coded as a minion. I disagree, way too few tactical rolls. This talk should be interesting. O dear... The fundamental breakdown of society is upon us. Oh I'm so sure that is actually true. White people living safely in a predominantly minority neighborhood. Yey Drama Was that a "bigfoot sighting" link in the lower right corner? Up vote just for title Matheson and Ekblad are going to tear shit up. That's it, the last straw, voting Hamilton for worst driver of the day at the expense of damaging international relations in the long term.. go oztraya! No older then 15, unless prior enlisted. Cute.. come to the korean servers and you will see this on a daily occurrence I approve this message. Yes, religion of peace. I got a 50/50 pass pack. GuUUUIIIZE im really concerned were starting to hate women when we post videos like this. Upvoted for whilst. Get yer Christ out of my Pagan holidays ya hippy its just math When will the emails end This and the smaller screen might just about offset the Snapdragon 810 ;P What if their machines are down? moron, if he were to hang himself, how could he reap the benefits from his white knighting Clearly cause women need men to tell them what to do. You people are sick. turns out they still made a profit They do not look like the Hawks we're all used to so far this year. and straight to the top with you cause we all know that recessions are caused by poor people and their credit default swaps. Gotta activate your almonds Totally the same thing. The real problem is that double denim. If he leaves... GET KRULL DERP When Congress agrees with something that the President supports you know that shit is bad for everyone. Let them potentially fuck their shit up and leave society faster. Would be nice if those were the results of..oh..say...prop 19. Why the hell would you link to a paywall site? Meren. Facebook I still don't know which one I'd choose. that walk though! Noo way dude, i was thinking the same! Beaver beater....not sure how I got that Omg, is it sad that I know at least half a dozen people that would wear this? How much work can you do in idle mode my dude... The irony of them claiming to take responsibility is palpable Looks very real It's so interesting how Marshalls, TJMaxx and Home Goods are all owned by the same parent company. But what is so special about my name? That is because male to male sexual activity is disgusting and wrong while female to female sexual activity is beautiful. God fucking damn that was so close to his head. The only safe places are Iceland and Madagascar at this point. And I don't even care how she died... But I like it better if she smells of formaldehyde! Even more relevant today that in 2015 TV is still the main media of choice. 9/10 needs more blood Why? It's a facade, they hate each other, clearly ... i mean, it's in the title... what the fuck else are people supposed to assume The only good thing about this piece of shit, is it lets me know which facebook friends to delete. Dude best defense is balloon Look at him just floating around, he's going to have to play all 200 feet if he wants to make it to the NHL. Finally those much needed parking spots can be freed up! Damn beef-goblins. holy shit! Oh goody, as the Bad News for Bernie submission suppression is coming to an end, Bad News for Trump submissions can start getting the suppression treatment in their place. i dont get it Obligatory 'wow I can't believe I'm on the front page!' I came here for dank commie maymays, not to get mad :(( If only we gave free heroin to addicts like a civilized country... she could still be at home, shooting H in front of her kids instead of really traumatizing them! and now we wait...for this guy to post a response saying "thats me!!!" You don't need an assault weapon to hunt deer I guess his grammar isn't as enlightened as his thoughts on modern women and religion. I don't want some article from a shittsburgh newspaper on here. Well shit there goes our playoff run I think the Seahawks are really gonna surprise a lot of people this year. And I half expected it to be made of potato! he's just not getting the concept. I wonder if he sits on the toilet the right way Nah, I heard HYDRA infiltrated. In the garbage \#NotAllMuslims She wants your ass jam, she's a keeper. It is a pity that both the actors and people of India fail to realize the difference between cinema and politics. realest video i have ever seen Comic sans To be fair, it's not much of a joke anyway. If we really believed in freedom we wouldn't allow workers to have the freedom to organize: that's how the free market works! No, don't sell "it" .These are your feet, goddammit, and you didn't get them from Razer; they've always been there. It was her turn! you mean "botnet installs gentoo" is back? After hearing that, I would have kept it at 6 digits So who hired him after he was caught? How did the pig tracks get on the ceiling? Just flip the teacher or parent gear and it will work just fine. worth 0 clicks. Why 91? Can't wait for him to be drafted by the Edmonton Oilers No but leaving the EU might prevent another Jean Charles de Menezes like incident. Oh dude nice thats the best legendary in the game That's it, now I'm protesting DICE about adding a transgender soldier. Because E mail could be compromised. YES, EATING FOOD BY YOURSELF IN PUBLIC IS EXTREMELY ***OUT OF THE ORDINARY*** 10/10 quality post Something something rockets something something Hamas McAfee is by far the best in all categories. Oh, thanks for letting us know! Our dollar is really taking a hit right now Can't press...will not press Also snapcaster! If Michael Scott were a redneck, he'd find this funny. If he does it in a pug, why wouldn't he keep the spirit up in a match where it matters? Listening to OP's dumb questions Don't they know that democracy leads to communism? I am surprised Build a wall and make Mexico pay for it. Yeah, cause no one who frequents this sub has ever heard this before. The mighty Designer even equipped it with a hole so that it can be peeled faster! **HILLARIOUS AND ORIGINAL** Couldn't have happened to a better guy *tips fedora* Great, blame it on the drones, not the people :( Tadashi is here I thought that was just an alternate spelling of tyranny? Because this is a critical plot element that would ruin the latest Korra episode for those who haven't seen it This would be a great way to include Kinect functionality to the game! Shokugeki no Soma That's probably because it was sexist. Well of course fracking poses a risk to drinking water... If fracking is so good why do they advertize how wonderful it is? Didn't you know that the only way to defeat Eze is for him to defeat himself? so its between making a buck or giving a fuck, we all know where the GOP stands. You really shouldn't admit to having sex with 17 year olds if you're in your 30's, first off. Witch, stop trying to confuse me with your science. Thanks for setting the Gerald Green expectation bar so realistically low for us NiP 5th best team confirmed :) I thought that was a grill until it spoke. Maybe they should prohibit doctors from revealing the childs sex before birth. OP is lying, I see no ghosts. but their innings! Party before country! I wipe my ass with those warrenty papers FUCK IT WAS STEVENS SHIRT ALL ALONG Lets just go on record now, Rodrigo Duterte is a drug dealer - I have it on good authority that he buys, sells and uses drugs. Coming soon to a super market near you i don't dislike the cards themselves, i just don't like their art. Watching the bigots cost their state millions of dollars is wonderful. (Scottish): The most successful high functioning alcoholic in world history and an inspiration to us all. No wonder I couldn't find it, I had no idea what the can looked like until this picture. no, no, no *'smug laugh aimed at belittling you'* the oil is gone, haven't you been listening to your television ? Greenlight is pretty op. Ermahger, SOSHULIST HANDERTS! I look forward to Alfie giving Johnny Hockey the Calder! No. Nationalism Warning may cause death. Oh look pop, so cringe am I right guys? If only there were more than two parties in America! Madacide is cheap, MRSA is not. What a pathetic waste of potential. Idk, but it certainly isn't rotted fermented fish guts! in his first 2 yrs in office, obama dropped 25,000 bombs, most of any president. Oh you got Oblivion Special Edition early? Jheeeez, badboy rock blad. The ACLU, church of Satan, FFRF, among others are going to be ridiculously busy for the next 4 years. I'm guessing maybe royal arena? Did they remove the oddshot rule? Probably the same but with Elise jumping with his spider-lings? Oh these libertards at Shell just HATE President Trump, that's why they're doing this! ... to buy another house Just played a game with 3BTs Riven :( I didn't know Boston Dynamics had such a ingenius team in China! Another lowkey lighting error is at Zilyana Yeah because sex is cardio and cardio kills gains. Brilliant player, sadly a stupid racist kid which i will never root for. Oh, but these are certainly not the **real jews** and only a small group with only little of significance No every one that beats me in Lane is a scripter Yea conveniences stores never get robbed or their owners shot and those robbers and shooters are definitely usually the people you are trying to imply did this with your comment. Now a murderer instead of a father.... yeah, that's definitely an improvement. Story is a little unclear, does he vow to kill an arab per week or a muslim per week? Ugh zerging The woman on the right has the perfect facial expression. Crits are fair and balanced Brb making this track in Sandbox for Nr2003 needs 5 thaurissan procs, not OTK Title should read: Dude jokes about his mixed-race son. He's looking for any attention now since NO ONE watches his CUCKcrap show I put one cent's worth of gas in my car and it shoots up to full. I can't wait for round two of leaks, the DNC is a *mess*. At least you found someone to jerk off with. A font would be so much better than a tag Thats ableist. looks promising hopefully I like those odds nuke, *nuke*, **nuke**, **NUKE** You know what is hilarious about that, it looks like the exact same ejection seat bug that has been in PS2 for months now lol. the one that makes me feel i don't need to sign a prenup just to board an airplane They use these guys as part of the MK Ultra program to control millennials. Yeah, that makes sense South Park is a funny TV show Those brands didn't pay to be in this post. Spyro would be cool although I'd rather Crash be in Smash i do have a feeling they are not serious En passant Too complicated for new players. Ah yes, not a single Padre. Guess we need to give them more money on paetron because they don't have enough to make these minute changes. I can bet it was a one of those "Snipping Tirpitz?" Dat traffic density Go back to Tumblr Well saying as 15 year olds know everything, I don't see a problem. Word No, you have to wait and hope it'll be swept up in the next name cleaning session. Can someone please go down the line and list the myriad faults, deficiencies and otherwise dangerous aspects of this setup? Should have done it, why risk getting banned if its real Happy to see some gunpla on other sub-reddits. And the whole of Scandinavia looks like a dong. Couldn't I just fill my 5 gal keg with marbles to reduce the liquid volume to 3 gal? I get the joke :) Over here we wish you all a happy new year, we wish all your dreams to come true on the year of the goat. Vaccines...the 'roids for the rounder. mochi. This dude has nailed small talk. ITP: Edgy teenager too self-absorbed to enlighten us plebeians That's a personality thing. Surely you can't be serious. 52 is close enough I guess because only students get stressed during the holidays But you can say almost every curse word and softcore sex on broadcast television... the FCC is dumb. They said fuck it and left with our money. I'm glad that pillow was in focus the whole time. It's because they don't make enough money with auctions! cp_steel Do not downvote this whether you agree or not, it *does* contributes to the discussion. ugh gross "obligation to sex" is like the foundation of so many rapists that and "she was asking for it" Member when they were bitching because Obama had too many Czars? Then eventual slums, education/work camps, drafts, just let it all collapse and maybe our kids will remember our generations apathy caused all this and will do it differently Too little too late. But someone made $200,000 in a year! Next you'll be telling me that unwanted sex is rape. Oh no somebody took a shitty theory seriously, better downvote him A bowl full of kief or a solo? we lose money on every sale, but we make up for it in volume! i'm just speechless. You only own one clip? ITT: not one gay person. Get them YouTube views by showing his puppy to everyone like most you tubers :P Nah I know Womble wouldn't do that and I can't wait to see the dog All this cause the commish has no balls of his own Say what you want about Trump, but he's united us all in how we see our world standing Looks like the front side of the ankle. IMC Can I get a 'Hallelujah'? I'M NOT CRYING I'M NOT CRYING FUCK I'M TOTALLY CRYING But we all know that women with height preferences are the true eugenicists. If Google could have arguably the best camera on a smartphone all while ***not*** having a camera bump, Apple can do it too. That's, That's just BEAUTIFUL! I can't even clear it, I'm rank 119, what am I doing wrong? Good work hungarians, im glad you did this, hopefully this will make other government leaders think twice about trying something like this elsewhere Probably worked for the big car manufacturing lobby All because we got an English manager WAKE UP SHEEPLE! That scene in Stepbrothers would have been so much better if they had just started gunning down all those kids. I would totally buy a shirt insulting the king, and/or showing him doing something unsatisfactory How to fix the world and fix all social issues! are you Anor Londo? Proof your ass keeps cancer in remission! majestic Do I smell ~~dickbite~~ clickbait? Who is this timmy guy and why is he blowing up Columbia? That's going to make me pay for Foxtel. he just lifts his mouse more than the average player What's that weird furry lookin thing on Jae's shoulder? They dominated the playground at Pre-K. IT WHAT. Nsfw * SELL! Obviously, Steph Curry is pretty much trash at this point. Its missing the blurry screens and the a unexplained orange racing line. That is definitely not me Come on people the airline is a job creator, that makes them right no matter what happens! They're not Pittsburgh or Chicago, obviously. Cobie Smulders should be a lock to play her in any future bio. When we're talking about church leaders, yes...there is a striking similarity between what comes out of their mouths and their asses. it's still more money :p youtube mirror? The last time I played COD it was single player and set in WWII. damn riot stop giving skins to other champions when annie clearly needs a new skin Please save 1M and not do this. If I had godmode enabled, I could do this too It's funny to want people to die. Why is this guy one this sub for the second time? Nice play! 18 months ago everyone was saying all the reshoots for Fantastic Four were normal Working as intended another repost jeeeez Can't wait to play this and Shaku against Mana Geode and Kabal Talonpriest ...shown in this photo without makeup. You mean like a depression of some kind? What was your previous record? clearly, anita called in the bomb threat on herself to garner sympathy and further her tentacles into the sjw gamer media something whatever i cant even do this anymore you're really fast Yeah Robert "one-cut running back" turbin is a model of a back with great footwork, vision, power, and speed White Jasmine looks brain-damaged. We're in mourning Same goes for hot guys and the hoards of horney women wanting to bang him. when has the estimated time remaining ever really worked? That apostrophe made me cry. As long as it doesn't look like they are coordinating their actions. Nooo, but he's doing all the dirty work Why is this atheist? About half of those lans were 2015, just saying Haha Nothing to see here, just "cultural differences", move along. Can't wait to put my holo and red dot sights on them with my extended mags The Big Society works! D8 FYI you can remove an audio track using avidemux quite easily. This is insane. at least we already know who the worst joker is, its Heath "the Ben Affleck of Australia" Ledger Wait till you see our botanic gardens, it is loads of fun! AC power is perfectly fine! Is 1994 a desirable year because it has obd1 and no traction control? I know it's terrible, but that alliteration is what got me to click. WHERE THE HECK IS THE OUYA YOU UNCULTURED SWINE No that is haram. The classic middle one. What ashame This one. inb4 cm hard counter to viper mid Jim jefferies I think, he's hilarious and he's great on jre. How brave! I am sure that there was nothing unethical about what happened here. What about the belief that beef should be legal, hey? No that definitely wasn't the point of the title at all I'm upset that the little tables are not organized evenly. Well, Desharnais obviously carries Pacioretty, so it makes sense. oh fuck off mark. Belichick and Brady to the Browns confirmed. What a nerd Am the only one who sees nothing? I was told there would be no math. That sweet sweet secret service money. Don't you dare say anything against Israel, you fucking anti-semite Now my 970 can finally have 4 gb! must be a spoofer *Thanks, Trudeau*. sub'd wow people will make a thread about anything Clearly the woman in the first clip was made uncomfortable by homophobia. Because fuck the EU, that's why HE bug I would say 40$ - 50$ at least C'mon now, why you gotta make it about race? probably works better with a taller beer I hate to break it to you, but nova is a woman. Let's get a black teenager killed by Comcast so we can watch them be looted and burned. Good riddance. Just shows how little PCs have advanced graphically, CONSOLE MASTER RACE Canadian federation of students and black lives matter should both be classified as terrorists. It's an alright idea, but then it defeats some of the purpose for classes like Rogue or Trickster which are pretty much made for rushing, people won't be willing to let them rush dungeons because they won't get loot, pretty much just negating any usefulness they have So the juice represents basketball? Yes, absolutely terrifying. The criminals didn't listen I'm shocked he's upset with his seed, given his multiple complaints about seeding in the past At least they announced it in advance. Wow 3 and out why do you want to play with 300 ping omg Again, another comedian makes me reconsider my entire worldview by destroying the pillars of libertarian thought. Were you by chance the guy running around in the M18 in 7.3-8.0 battles last night? Sweet kuruma bro! roflmao He's aged 22 years but matured for none. The Good Lord is frowning on you... He did the math. Ive worked it out, Whatever the Simpson call instantly gets the power to call things Different Eating Oatmeal twice a day can cause cervical cancer in men. How dare Slate report this, what a bunch of Islamaphobic racist bigots! You misunderstand because you weren't supposed to say 'no'. Your reaction is the kind of reaction those bastards wanted to provoke. Finally... Something that allows the clans to compete against each other head to head, you know, something team-based... maybe even, arena-styled combat? Kanye is complete shit though. Supply and demand. That's different, up north you need the body of a seal to endure the weather. if you have AE2 and wiling to add mods then try Extra Cells 2 Who says we're not doing both at the same time? At least once Paris Hilton came in to the garage she put Vettel on the best strategy if its like light golem passive then its a buff, if its damage can't exceed 35% on max hp of laika then a 21k hp laika's passive revenge can't exceed 7k plus which is a nerf only for laikas with full damage ProTeas, is that tea for professionals? What they're not telling you is that the crochet hook had a grip that protruded conspicuously below the body and was, therefore, an assault crochet hook. He's like Krillin. Gee I wonder if it will turn out to be a white, christian, middle aged, natural born American male? Best sports: THUNDER SNAILLLL Let's take all 50 states! Yeah honestly for all I care matchmaking can go ahead and throw all the meditation buyers in one game Good job... I think? I doubt this will yield much karma. These poor thieves are the victims, shoulda been reintegrated They should make an SKT Lee skin for Blank and an SKT Zyra skin for Wolf Old Russia. Outplayed Walker only cares about the CEO pay rates. They will regret opposing me. I have a feeling the Bucs are going to draft the wrong QB in the first round. The commies were able to get more agents in working on their covert anti-religion programs. I heard he thought about playing angry birds once.. Damn video games. Pretty sure government definitions do not control my internet speeds, call me crazy. Specs: Intel i5 4670k GTX1080 evga FTW G1 Sniper z87 gigabyte motherboard 2x8gb ddr3 corsair veng ram 120gb Samsung evo ssd 3tb WD HDD Some dual band WiFi card NZXT h440 case Some brand starting with an h 750w power supply (not at home anymore and I forgot) But how can he do that when he's in jail? Some LSU fans are right to want to fire this guy He was just like "I dont know man, I just couldn't get any smoke out of it" lol Lol yasss Non si possono fare i sondaggi! Oh, well, if she was insane, then she deserved to be shot, in spite of being unarmed. Remember folks if you are not a mindless american who follows the talking heads and absolutely obey to corrupt authority, you're a terrorist! Can't wait to hear about European prices! How could the Lions let this happen, according to a lot of Lions fans that call into the ticket he was the best QB on the roster last year. So does this mean we get a Hangouts update? Nazi confirmed Awe crap spriest not #1 well rip time to reroll Maybe mighty Ben saw this game please excuse me, I just murrca'd myself I never see the two players in this post... how do I know people aren't just holding *both* controllers and shooting themselves at the same time? So women are fat because they suck at math now, is it? that is sinister I love how he's using Roland samples instead of a "Clone" drum synth. What am I supposed to be seeing? Because our unemployment benefits are just too much What the fuck is spaghetti in this specific fucking context? 43,67% in the left diagram is as large as 61,50% in the right one. Judging by the way Brave Frontier is free-falling off the Google Play store, I'd be surprised if they continue to even care about Android. Judges these days just don't understand the urgency of a sexual emergency DELETE THIS Yeah well quieter motor bikes have been invented, that's change heaps. How else are they gonna imprison the uneducated people who are constantly resorting to crime? Kruidnoten bedoel je zeker? He was just helping the grounds crew put a lip on the bunkers DeAngelo Hall sends his regards. But he appeared on TV because he's wildly successful, not because he needed the money really deep, chuck palahniuk.. thanks (Just like the person making that photo) AWAKE AWAKE AWAKE Hope to are not the words to use when you want to assure someone something. Meanwhile at Ubisoft : " It's probably a necksh... oh sorry, probably a shoulder shot" As someone who lives in Hawaii (Greg played here) I could not be more happy. Poison Meta hype! But is it 1080p? Wow....things sure have changed for Iran since then. Expected two cosplay sluts with their titties and asses hanging out, was pleasantly surprised when I saw OP's picture. needs a bigger bust oh wow this fucking an asshole move by samsung I payed for the device I should be able to keep it if I choose to Now they'll see what it's like for customers to go into their store just to find products to buy off Amazon.com! Cause of different laws in different areas in the world, and documentations. I'd say to Bernie that he should toss a coin, but I doubt he even knows what a coin is. Oh good, this again Haha yeah, I hate when my universal serial bus does that. Man it's almost like the PS4 is just a second-rate PC in disguise or something. No offense, but this video is kinda shitty. Man, every looney toon just comes out of wood works during a presidential run dont they? Just evidence of Christians being oppressed in real time. We need more of this kind of thing, nice picture by the way. you should make a new account, repost it with that one, then complain about the repost with your main account. The person who thinks widening city roads is a solution really doesn't need to be making snarky comics. considering that there are gamestop employees warning parents of the dangers of GTA V, I wonder if those same employees are warning parents that the game is next to free if they own a tablet or smartphone. This is clearly fake, McCree's ult actually killed the people it was locked onto How surprising that the neo-nazi doesn't like the left-wing Jew. I've always told my friends, family, and gf that i would move to Sweden if I ever had a chance to move to another country. Damn spell check Castle And absolutely no risk of dropping your phone and peeing on it. But thermite can't melt steel! That's so close to what was shown in The Martian, so much respect for that film and their research / preproduction, It didn't load This communist government is driving all the business away I think PlayAsia took the complaints about their high prices a little *too* seriously. Zews gained some weight The only way it *couldn't* be a scam is if the guy's from Nigeria. How many of her bikes do I have to destroy for her to follow me? If he loses traction due to a not perfectly sharp and straight edged step half way up he's falling face first onto concrete stairs with a 300 pound wheelchair right after him Yes, I do get hyped for better and more forward thinking artists. no shit? See this everyday after getting out of the shower since the cap is usually off, so much missed karma. Nice QS, OP! photoshop, yay! Surely Weber will be suspended for this blatant punch to Perry's face. Sounds like a really good relationship I love Key and Pele, such motivational. I think that is illegal here in Ireland You missed Vybor. Yes! He's actually a nice guy, I've gotten matched with a couple of times when he played on Americas before last year's HGC. Nothing better than a girl who stops jerking before I finish cumming. This is all fine because Russia is not doing it And if Trump builds that wall they will be stuck here. Probably to clarify, after all, eight US states have their own London Building construction techniques in Germany are a bit more substantial than the shitty brick veneer construction that is typical in the US. I am triggered by all this racism guys! I was just starting to feel the chafe. Just add him to the ignore list and report him for precautionary issues. We have more shorties than PPGs *ahem* THANKS, OBAMA! DC and Jones will enroll their kids in the same class and make them fight eachother. Roadhog will now consistently hook the rooster from across the entire map Don Cooper pls Just because she has a vagina doesn't make zer a girl, check your cis privilege shit lord. She looks like Peter Pettigrew. since when did grammar matter on the internet? This is in Westport, been here many times! As someone who 1) Is not religious and 2) anti-monarchy, I don't sing it - so I'd quite like a change. Campbell, Seidenberg, miller, paiile and bart for OEL? *LOLROMANREIGNS You, me and Dupree Ribbed for her pleasure! seems like the cte is working and they are trying to figure out a way to involve the community in the development of future titles in a way that makes sense for a big company like EA and im all for that if it raises the quality of the finished product and lowers the price for the bug filled launch versions of battlefield we have been playing for a decade 12-1:30 at Sports Minded Unlimited in Warren 1 free autograph per person additional autographs are $10. hey thats cool I usually put off going to the gym by cleaning my room or doing homework jesus christ I miss being young wtf is this, we need more stigma Maybe Liberty Media will make new deals in 2-5 years with classic tracks RED BULL SABOTAGED WEBBER FOR VETTEL WIN, 100% CONFIRMED. All around sounds like bad news. Come to Vermont if you want to see some old ass Bernie bumper stickers. Damn it Tom Hardy Daily Pics Thread! NE US here, nothing but oink oink mothafuckas here. Fortunately, the Cardinals don't have any great outside threats that would make this be a real issue. If Colin does not come out to publicly refute this, then I would have to believe that he is either a lame duck pawn or a Cllnton backstage minion. Why not? No. EPIC WIN FOR THE GOOD GUYS! Yet another victory for safe spaces. Just to name a few: - Nearly all of Life is Strange (the suicide scene especially) - Kenny's son dying in The Walking Dead S1 - The dog scene in The Walking Dead S2 - Sarah's death in The Last of Us - Mordin's sacrifice in Mass Effect 3 - Making the wrong choices in Always Sometimes Monsters - The audiotape you can find of a teenage runaway in Fallout 4 - Everything about This War of Mine iSheep I hear north huntingdon just open a new apple bees that is amazing! that's less " presidential" Nice knowing you Pete Could we get some sources for those pictographs? Ridiculous, this guy deserves far worse than having mean remarks made about him in a fucking newspaper. cooking Good. Cheese Nips ^ Is there a strong enough set of gpus to get 200+ fps on 4k? ON HIS BACK LOL Wine hangovers are the best worst kind of hangovers, know what i'm sayin? Grass, horse, meth....clear proof that grass is a gateway drug TAKE THAT ATHEISTS! Jesus jell-o jiggling christ Oh no... This site actually exists... Should we... Make online dating great again? You just have to remove 1/3 of the 3ds cartridge with scissors before you inserted into your 2DS In case of an emergency the primary bow can be detached and you can drive on with the secondary bow hidden inside. Netanyahu's handling of Israeli foreign policy reminds me of what it would have been like to have had John McCain as president. I dont steal Holy crap, how did you get a hold of that? Good job, China. What's the point...Hamilton only plays well with Bergeron anyway When you're in bed with Lucifer, you can control everything, including the price of oil down to the last cent. Read a book. S1mple incoming, u saw it here. Free Cherry MX Lock switch! LVL 115 or GTFO Is that nominal or real? Joe the Plumber Kan niet wachten tot ik me een ouwe lul voel als ik zeg 'vroeger kon ik gewoon zelf vuurwerk afsteken en drank halen op m'n 16e' Sweet They love rich foreigner with all their heart Hahahahahaha It should just be the party of the Clintons. Well with 'the man who invented the internet' on the liberal party, why would we need a whole CSIRO? I wouldn't be surprised if Microsoft releases an Xbox One+ with a newer CPU and one AMDs new fury chipsets. I've never seen this before! That cast iron skillet clearly is not BIFL as it does not have a machined cooking surface like an old Griswold or modern Finex. But we're the most racist city in Canada he should hard a heavy weight to make it easier to jump higher She's got another book she didn't write to sell to people who don't read. Yes slacktivism is definitely the answer. I'm surprised the country responsible for the Holocaust has a problem with a certain group of people. NO I'll have you know, that I just successfully beat the Soviets and then invaded America in 1949 in Hearts of Iron 2 as Germany, so it's realistic! Fall asleep with your nipples in my mouth I...Electra complex plz? Since when did the rebels have aircraft Never heard of "classy sandals", you mean flip flops right? Yeah, because that makes sense. You've got a separate, meat free grill for my vegan tofu and black bean burgers, right? Something something test of resolution Goddamn this chocolate cake is delicious. What garbage. My favorite posts in this sub are the ones like these, in which most comments are like "hey, I thought that was pretty cool". Wonderful write up on the Raiders. Hz per second is the type of error that can be made only if the writer has a thorough misunderstanding of the units involved. Where was this guy till now? Is Ryan Mallett still a thing? I wish they'd change it to "in gods we trust" Lmao - no About as relevant as any black lives matter post. All part of making America great again. Who is Quit and why does he own X-Men? Well maybe if you just made more yogtours you could make it so Oh I'm really glad Nintendo's finally going to be releasing Amiibo's, I can't wait! I have that same exact watch. Go back to CoD scrub lord law causes crime Stupid headline is stupid. Yeah, he just needs a fair go and another chance. There goes those Trouba to Las Vegas rumours I was hearing about. But i thought Mexico was paying for it? Apparently expecting billion dollar companies to pay their tax is something only super jelly people do Obviously fake lol Don't see a list :0 Because fuck Kansas that's why. Like a glove. See, it's just another case of Apple claiming they invented something. It's because you are a nice guy. LeBron called it in a post game interview. I am gonna get a lot of flak for this, but loads of games have done this way before Witcher 3, but people can't see past the hype and keep praising Witcher 3 as the best game ever, it is a good game but it is not the only game to have done a variety of things. [REQUEST] Can someone make this 2h GIF of Terminator 2 as a respring animation? So basically like modern day Italy? They're right, I'm on the brink of death and more miserable than I've ever been! That might be just a reskin to save on assets...I dnt he'd go so far as to make stains relative really Oh, well, if he promises. I can come up with a better answer than that, sheesh. some regulator probably blew it up so we could have more regulations Have you considered being more efficient? Not all men celebrate Christmas you cis shit lord Ohio State offensive coordinator confirmed. So what he's saying is that it is Freddie Wong. R6 Vegas Weapon of choice. Mormons are basically white Muslims, right? Great vid, I always underestimate the range of her concussive boop why not just pay for it ? She was better as Catwoman...smh Wow, GREAT comeback Bush Looks like none of them are playoff calibre teams You're definitely not getting a good workout then. stop whining, you missed the ball, get good noob Well, this is a non event dressed up as a hate crime. Magic Because everyone knows that it's only disloyal to sext someone else if your SO finds out about it Holy shit, really? too bad, in TN he would have got paid Rs.500 plus chicken Briyani. Gotta raise the boy to be a man It seems like there should definitely be more than disorderly conduct here. 7.8/10 No PurpleBlob. What a disgrace. I could have sworn they had a patch note that this was fixed back when beta MM came out. How does this lower taxes for his rich buddies? 21:9, nice. Why could he not have been more specific as to about whom he was speaking? I think you mean "*THE* Ohio State" Yeah, and if money hits the floor you are supposed to burn it as respect. No one in the real world actually cares. SUDDENLY, ALL OF POOR INDIANS AND CHINESE DIE 1 WEEK LATER The thought of my bare knee being forced against that cold wall makes me uncomfortable. god damn hipsters Only 200 series Gaggenau's...peasants. Liberals sure are a tolerant bunch some point in 2004, as he is promoting shadows collide with people Should have kept this in house le trump support xd Remember, Trump is the first president that was pro-LGBT when he took office Spoilers Didn't this happen like two weeks ago ? At least she died for the betterment of the country. So let's punish the kids for their parent's mistakes Didn't the bear already "get it"? Congress, Aap bakth Seth isn't booked like Superman and is better I would love to also see this with Assault on the control room/two betrayals an truth and reconciliation/keys Oh, you don't say? I'm glad the Eagles don't have anyone that tweets without thinking. Does anyone else have a boner right now? Rich Piana America, land of the free and home of the brave. I wonder why educated women don't want to be with him? Yeah but guise, evrybodi spies ! All she needs is a dalmatian fur coat. It's sunny and 90 Degrees in Tai Bwo Wannai today. karna dharna kuch mahi bas dharna karna hai Because 6 Corporations control all the media in the USA. Quality original shit Wotm8 Who the hell is Clarkson? Procrastination Jews aren't white? 9 keys? Man, that guy is so awesome at internetting! Oh well in that case we are saved 10 gems a day would be nice. Just go to shower xD TIL Gordon thinks the guys have found a way to intentionally cut his tires Finally a closeup of something I actually recognize! I agree, all 3 lanes should be seperated by big walls and the junglers shouldn't be able to leave their own jungle. I kinda like it, if these threads keep appearing every 30 minutes, i've watched the whole movie before the 24th :^) Common sense So popularity contest tournament instead of current best teams tournaments? stats arent nearly as ridiculous in awakening donations Saban to Illinois, calling it now! Those insect bars remind me of the "protien bars" from Snowpiercer, so gross... It's The puppets gay brother. ur mom lolololol thanks murica Relax, it's only a small check for $1 Million. I am used to this joke. The curse of glenn, He always finds a way to play... always. This is gonna go the front page Because some ladies like black men? Is it too late to say sorrieee? Not bad for a club founded in 2003 amirite? I believe you mean *le* gem. Yes, the kendo stick is the most valued item in the game. I assume they just had to scramble to find somebody to fill Alison's spot right away so they went with a reliable person? From the Jalopnik comments: "Da McLaren Company" Free killstreaks we're such a good idea Rimtrail lol Ummm, that's a tanning bed Damn commies! great Homicide watch. Big turd wagon it was there like 3 hours ago, strange Clearly russian bias, bullshit FM. But he purposely bled on Smackdown because the TV-14 rating is coming back. Ahh...I remember when I had my (SPECIFIC EVENT) employee training day like it was (DATE). Yeah it sold so badly they made like 10 games over 15 years. Was it also BLUE graffiti? TIL Women is Switzerland are not very pretty. Thor looks alot like Batman This comment section is truly hilarious Have you tried just being happier? In the Delos terms of service, it says guests have been killed before by simple manslaughter I no longer trust the Red about the Mewtwo thing. That look on Keitaro's face I'm gonna throw Pekin in here and walk away slowly Well at least they didn't steal anything when they had their hands in his pockets, you know how *those people* are. I feel I'm not getting the proper gratitude a hero like me deserves ...hello Newman Marching orders from putin, he's good to go That outreach is going great! Hurray for our allies! This needs to be a real thing. damn son astralis bigger than young shroudie on reddit Looks like a highway. Doesn't look like anything to me Where the astronauts still 4 second longer than the 2 second roll up and put in shelf. Hey you've got to give them credit for trying That's about 1250 barrels of oil...or almost nothing in the grand scheme. ...dar numai unul conteaza xoxoxo Dang- I'd definitely take the originals based on this. There's a reason the consensus around baltimore is, "in ozzie we trust." I had a dream this fight ended in a NC like 10 seconds into the fight please leh, no context any quote also can change meaning You're going to mess up your fireplace. Is it because of off ice behaviors? It's horrible that these people's freedom of religion has been trampled on so disrespectfully. The amount of people in Alabama willing to sacrifice the date and time of Tennessee or Auburn against Alabama concerns me more compared to the state's shitty political environment in this thread. But can it run arkham knight? Shakespeare was a pirate Fogo de Chao Just ask them to tell your future husband he needs to come feed the chickens pronto because you don't know how and they're looking skinny. You can overclock with a stock cooler, an aftermarket CPU cooler is unnecessary No hay electricidad, pero hay PATRIA! but won't this get boring soon Worst thing was it cost soooooooo much -Scot IAMVERYSMART.EXE That hateful cunt looks like he overdosed on chicken tendies Partly injuries, and the coaching staff not putting him in a position to succeed. As a TBM I never understood the whole shoulder thing. This move will surely stop all the criminals and terrorists from using cash. It's nice to see the enlightened commentors here offering constructive solutions to this problem and not simply contributing to it. Why do we need that when we can learn more about the pythagorean theorem Just remember, they're only going to Jays games because the Maple Leafs suck Bring back coal, bring back coal, bring back hack, cough. It has recognised your complete transition into the CSGO/DOTA 2 fanbase and is treating you as such. My favourite line has the be that of the zombie characters. But the MPD is *different* than other police forces so it's ok. Time to scrap the illegal XRay surveillance vehicles then? This is basically what we do to determine the chemical composition of stars right? No mans sky I blame Pete Carroll specifically. But he would probably shoot border hoppers to kill so idk dog Support our troops you play disc golf? Merry Christmas ya filthy animal! I managed that the first week of release, then they've been regularly bugged for me :( Why does this music sound like a Tim Burton movie? Typical of you cisgendered, misogynistic, hate mongers to support such ableism At least NFC will magically appear after the update. no u Reminds me of the Bad Religion song, We're Only Gona Die. Well why is it so hard for you to split them, I did it pretty easily. Get ready for the inevitable mass shootings. It was doing its best Harley Davidson impression! Huh I wonder why they shut down their forums. Now put your dick in it. Not this shit again. Yeah, it's really scary to see late-onset autism caused by fevers No but really OP: Is he gonna be alright? There is also a special place in hell for dried up old cunts that declare obnoxious shit like that . I could of bought CoD1 for $3 yesterday if I really wanted to, just look up the disc version on amazon. She doesn't even go here! You know, for IGN, the masters of being incompetent when it counts, they actually did alright this year. I mean that would be some great blackmail material but nty Period cramps and periods are fair because you have more nerve endings and better sex. Si tranquilli, voi chiamateci una decina di minuti prima che arrivate che buttiamo la pasta. I love Zedla Actually that was two nails obama would have never done this but hey he was black :) Obviously gender equality has already been reached, and feminists just want to have it better than men. Sell asap before his price drops According to Western males, this was motivated by Islam. Not as sexy as Toy Chica. Wheels don't just fall off unless someone fucks up real bad or someone does something on purpose... real bad. Nah I'm good Good video, I see that they now have a second ramp that goes to the right side of the hill to dump the debris. Should be a two game suspension. So is there any proof of this or just typical CNN bullshitting? Hopefully he is now helping Treyarch Don't commit crimes and listen to cops and they won't commit brutality thank you! Always with the stat padding Wait, is it rude to call it a dam? But he started a progressive movement that will keep Hillary accountable Last time I checked we are the only free nation in the world, now or ever (including the future) and we need to bomb third world countries to maintain that freedom Well then he deserves it for being a peasant It has nothing to do with quality of matches played Is that the Inwin 805 Infinity? He just has a very good headset. Smh at the fake Stan Smiths on the left Easy fix, promote the truck to OTR and never shut it off yes, because no one will mispronounce that at ALL! seems like a valid question to me how many has he seen? I love how so many people are just casually dismissing the advice of Canada's *largest* mental health and addiction treatment and **research** centre. What a waste of air this guy is All I see is Marth, Magic Marth, Buff Marth and Dragon Marth They've been doing such a smashing job of self policing up to this point, unquestionably due to the wonderful leadership of Blatter. If that's true, then Poland is technically ruled by Germany. Gladiolus you didn't have time to lock the doors while the vehicle is in motion. How can words sound the same but mean something different? never seen this before I thought George Lucas was already american? Yeah even if it was trashy like on idiocracy, I still wouldn't be surprised. Now you just need the reddit flair changed She is a girl soooooooooooo Works great with concealed carry purse Megathread for Useless Megathreads Look - at the end of the day, he has not done anything illegal and most ordinary New Zealanders are comfortable with that. Well there goes my vacation plans Master Ball can obtain anyone into it. God damn it DeSean, knew those gang ties would catch up with you. So Jon is Rhaegar's son confirmed at least. Fuckin' ghosts... sweet. Good thing they killed Pyromancer Ascension Storm with Probe ban. Had no idea frisbees were solely American. You mean British expats, right? I'm going to guess that's still less children than were killed by the U.S in Vietnam or Japan and maybe even the Indian wars. Momo with them side swept bangs make me weak. Well, that's what you get when you give plebs the ability to associate with others online. Maybe the first two maps you run have higher quant I read purple in arbiters voice and grey in chiefs voice from arby n chief and I have no clue why. Yeah, the cat clearly needed help. He's just copying the LCS. Unbiased Al jazeera! That ball from suarez, and the touch from neymar, HOLY FUCK. That's sexist And yet Republican Presidents continued to make thousands of them! No fear the Clinton foundation is here to help Haiti again. The main point of your title isn't even in the damn post.... Damn, this makes Mickael Bay look like a noob. its a known bug I liked it when I tried it, but sadly nobody was playing on the PVP server and the PVE leveling experience was awful and generic. Closeted Judaism, it's obvious, even his ex-wife said he used to go on Torahinder looking for Jews to be Jewish with! A real apples to oranges comparison. Because we lost, so his performance didn't even matter And yet, no bearing Repost it before Pesach for extra karma. If you had a tec 9 you would of got him Half of those I didn't consider them skillshots This post gave me cancer. treat him well...please Don't they just randomly cut off dole payments anyway? Where's the 3 eyed fish? Ooooo mr money bags over here. Welcome to the fandom! theres a White line, fans might get hit by a Train passing through But she's not a blonde, so she will still get some sort of slap on the wrist Don't caaaaare Hey! but bernie could win all 400+ delegates Wish the blue and white were flipped Have you not ever seen the gunsmith threads on Wednesday? Downvoted because I prefer red cotton shorts! Oh man theres so much open mindedness and well though out discussion on both sides of the issue and certianly no circle jerking at all here. Reposted because original had a spelling error and I'm a grammar nazi. He doesn't speak English though! That image is an unrealistic beauty standard That's racist Lol, how long were you bored? Oh wow, you showed him! They should put a picture of all of them in business suits Well this doesn't look bias at all does it? Maar wij hebbben Jesse! Lol what movie did you guys see? Don't forget that fat people are evil burdens on society. And that is how you know Sweden will go into civil war before 2018 ...said no Golden Retriever ever. 5/10 dress not pink enough, boobs aren't big enough. Well considering this doesn't affect American women in the slightest, I'm gonna guess they're as supportive as male Trump supporters. It happened here. You could just, you know, buy a plane. It was going to be Savio Vega. :o Also, you might want to block out his face and name. Oh shudder, if children grew up where engine part furniture was commonplace, we may end up with a generation who think this is normal...and then all the wifeys will have to walk and crying in a corner alone because nobody supports them getting rid of the engine coffee tables :P How do you sleep? The main similarity I see between the USSR and the Union is that both were attacked by an enemy driven into engaging in insane odds because of an ideological commitment to racial supremacy, and that enemy ended up losing massively. One of my old hippie roommates refused to shower (at least regularly... we're talking like once a week at best here folks) and use toothpaste because the government puts mercury in our water and flouride in toothpaste to "control our minds" and close our minds 3rd eye. Most crop circles are in corn fields in England,but confusingly corn doesn't mean maize in English But you need to have world champion's talent to pull such a high skill cap play like that. Yep... 'Cause all the passive aggressive toxic partners in the world are exclusively women. Parent of the year. Reckon he may have been injecting into his finger? What's missing from this post is that the game in question was the service's soft ball tourney pfffft Logic! *Now look at this net that I just found..* No shocker there w Corso and actually a good thing for us Human deaths by armed conflict are at an all time low, are decreasing, and the idea of war itself is becoming foreign in our increasingly democratic world. Ducati reports unavailable as everyone of them where in the shop. Yes, because throwing money at the problem will resolve structural frictions in the labour market! I'll just put this on my no longer relevant pile, which is piling up with all kinds of Bernie Sanders stuff right now. thank them for their service In another news, the same lab failed to find trace of olive oil in the town's water supply. fuck and im sitting here like a lump acting bored to stop terrorists poison the players with energy drinks It sounds like they're going for the more serious charges later. I think the more important question is whether or not you get another "Space" title, so you can be "Space Space Planetman" Found the Brit :) Definitely a 30W power supply in the upper left Constantly, it's been the front page for days. Well, they should... Iberia has a very interesting story that involves their ancestors too. But she said she was talking about Brazil and energy. Thata cool....visual presentation updates rather than fixing gameplay issues. Wait, I like cats...oh, different pussy TIL - All economists are borderline marxist liberals. Guarantee more people have fapped to this photo of KAC than all the people who have fapped to Chelsea Clinton combined. Everyone knows that Delly carried him to the finals Totally possible in something as small as a 3DS XL Isn't this the guy who died to Hillock lmao Holy craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap Don't worry OP, they fixed the southern Mines boost which was way more important. You just lost all recognition after shooting that tank with your dmr. So he's as diverse as they come Yeah, we exist even if it bothers your racist little mind. This just in: PSG offer 50 million and triple salary for Cesc. But..but...this shit never happens Not saying you're wrong or anything but do you have any proof? But hallucinogens accelerate evolution! I meant that probably 99% of players don't use the debug camera in Supercruise. those engines look very inaccurate huh This is the best trade deadline ever! Perhaps this is where you find the Anomaly? No I don't think that, you're the only person who does think that, I think they should be made to pay for the kids college in fact I'm sure they all did it because they wanted to and not because america told them to But it's borderlands so you know you are going to start a new character and let the grind comence once again! I never liked her actual model/Mirror Gem-look honestly for some reason, i prefer her design the way it is now. Holy shit. !U SEOLVED TEH LOAR!1! salty looks like Hyde from that 70's show Atleast they dont have austism! It's great to see the war on boys is going so well. Fully deserved imo South Africa? That chain tells me she could be also be a Cougar 10/10 mental gymnastics. The fact that he sang in this remix makes the remix 10x better In the 80s and 90s women in Japan Who were I married by age 25 were called "overstocked Christmas Cake", because who buys Christmas cakes after Christmas Well, it's after 5pm MST. Bro, that is so funny! But it will be very useful if someone murders him and leaves his naked body in a ditch. LITERALLY HITLER! This is clearly all The Professors fault guys, he's obviously just Dubnyk walking around on his knees. Thats racist It is because when you mess with Texas, well, you just don't mess with Texas. meh, you dont buy cod on PC, you buy it on console, and battlefield on PC. That worked out great for him and the team too! looks like kyogre to me. Dude, you are blocking us from getting to the violent looters and thugs get out of the way man "pls no let them ruin our country some more" Memes *clears throat* Don't you mean the reasonable ones? Sad to see not much has changed for soldiers over the past 2 millennia. Plus a lot of people with native heritage are very pale anyways, did they just ASSUME HIS RACE IM TRIGGERED Dats a ugly baby This is amazing. O shiit I wonder why the police are in our neighborhood its racist! Either that or they failed to pay any attention or invest any effort into history class. It's pathetic how people downvote, atleast have a discussion I agree opsct does use hacks Mexicans. No problems there, I just let my kid play in a padded room. Yeah but he didn't throw for 300 yards As Justin Trudeau says, this isn't barbaric What this article fails to note is that money spent on defense is constitutional whereas money spent to promote the general welfare is not. its on his left ear, he must be gay! If this roster fails you can still buy some best players to the team I would totally fap to the entire video No they didn't Thank mr friberg Ugh, another one of those privileged white sluts who are corporate zombies and don't acknowledge a simple conversation with the male species. You are filled with DETERMINATION Well after this release of info there is no way I could vote for Hillary Clinton. Gotta love how stable the middle east has become! I was hoping Capaldi would be in season 9 because there's always that chance for a no-Doctor season. Sex I spot a vegetle ***lens flare*** Because the gipsy scum went to germany It's funny because they can't spell "we're". Well, corporations are people, my friend They would of never been invited if it wasn't for Tom. They weren't from LifeZette or Breitbart so they obviously weren't really journalists. It helps for Tarasenko because hitch doesn't give him enough ice time Surely not *every* movie Definitely shopped, nobody label their cables Fucking finally Damn I wouldn't want to play with someone who already has a foot out the door. But, it will kill incentive to come up with cool devices obviously. FINALLY some PT-90 balancing Never forget. Motherhood starts paying off... YUM Way to make America's look good, Allison. Envy meta best meta Anon is Jeff Mangum Do people in New York not realize that Bernie met the pope? We had the largest cement plant in the world. Why does anyone show up on Sunday to hear this ass? such good friends israel is, right? Why didn't the sirens go off? what you don't think this has tripled retail value? omg so good, water is a bit weird, but very nice job Damn that sucks Someone who doesn't seen to know what 'conceited' means definitely has degrees in law and medicine. What a sexist pig, endorsing a woman like OMG I can't fucking wait! Because there were no fossil fuel accidents during and after the earthquake, and no oil or gas was ignited and started to burn when buildings and facilities were smasehd by the tsunami. But I thought Palestinians are tolerant towards apostasy and LGBT rights... This'll really help secure the undecided no racist vote for trump Wouldnt want the US looking silly That'll snuff out the fire in their bones. I'm gonna show this to all the twilight-addicts in my class! Have you ever shot open a lock? Did you really think a chav would solve all of this? try to get 2 of them to sell it. Because the artist was a super big dick cool guy. I bet Verstappen doesent even know what a eugoogly is. I'm not amazing, optimal or terrific but it works. I wonder what he'll try and link it with now... stopping all bonus's for mp's if it isn't passed? Cities shouldn't have cars it's not efficient. You probably forgot to put the I/O Shield in. He's trying to distract you. Nonexistant Oh shit he stole his fathers shotgun, what a badass. Blame infestation of Northies for that But it's so entertaining! No security agency on earth has the experience and pattern-recognition skills of TSA officers lol Cocaine and hookers, mainly. No it's just there latest and greatest chat app from google that's missing a bunch of features You monster! Do nothing productive and complain when it's almost 6 months too late If BYU keeps winning I think he has a shot. This is the only answer. Someone should plastidip it! Must be a guy So you can't photograph police because of the anti-terrorism law, a law designed to protect all of us from terrorism, well what's to stop the police and government from terrorizing us now? Can't wait till these places get sued for an injury and put out of business I love COX! Was this an episode of fresh prince? common knowledge for anyone who is actually informed Winrar. As we all know, the internet needs special laws because the "normal" laws don't apply. damn I thought for sure the ice would work. sex Most relevant OAG for me...luckily shes an ex now Come on lets facebank call donate it isnt over she bought these votes Yet nobody is surprised to discover that everyone who champions Austerity is usually a bag of dicks. Skrillexmothership 2.0: reloaded don't care will vote for guy that tells me what i want to hear even if its all lies. Ovechkin is a non-factor in the playoffs. And suddenly every man involved in a custody dispute became a rapist. Those damned NDP! If you dry it it'll probably taste like nori Now Barry looks like his Grumphead! The clear bias of the title doesn't take away from the story or anything. This could make some bitcoins They are trying to be edgy, how are you try to ruin it! Skyrim 2: Spanking the Dragon Hackers always ruining GTA Online Better American than a smelly Euro gypsy I mean, it's ok, but I would reroll it. I like how his first reaction is to film other people If they don't use Queen's music, this film will not matter. I'm anxious to see post-DNC state polls. Delete your system 32 folder. CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL I'm offended that Italy isn't offended He sees our country's bright future Good idea Bye! Can I speak to the man in charge Gee thanks for the spoiler in the title So, your favorite pistol is also the ACR right? But it's a good thing that the government bailed out the banks in '08 and preserved that bad debt, instead of letting the banks fail and the bad debt be wiped out. Well, it was on the soviet side of the Iron Curtain, so there's that. Of course not That guy on the far left looks like he really enjoyed having that photo. This manspreading is getting out of hand! Chavez is simply *helping* the Americans; he obviously heard all the "WE DON'T WANT ANY MORE STINKIN' OIL" comments coming out of the States since April. well i would believe so because moonlight is also a possibility and we still have room in February for a Tristam song It's like there's no search on this reddit and we haven't talked about this at all this week Wow....ACE Hardware needs to get a new marketing team. Well, to be fair, it did look like she tripped the other cop. Dunkey's voice is kind of like a pug. E-smoking I don't need to read anymore to know this is a load of horse shit. Because people think they can beat up someone simply because they're smaller than them when in reality DJ would utterly *wreck* every neckbeard keyboard warrior that dares call him a "midget" in person. She should have given it to you half finished. Right, because dildo = gay. @2:01 - a police officer getting punched in the face. Only 25 years? You're a creep so I bet you've had to put up with people kicking you in the balls before, so I'm going to assume you're tough enough to deal with me kicking you in the balls again. Why don't they just wear armbands in public as well? How else are people gonna know the hat's legit? Saran Wrap really makes my dick hard. And everyone wonders how The Orange guy became President of the U.S. Antisemites all of them Tell her she needs to full in the subject line, just so you have a choice They're minerals. apparently that's over and back That dude looks like a douchenozzle. how presidential Wags has discovered why only a Sith deals in absolutes Is this shit real? Definitely I think they're talking more about new smokers. Have a few drinks while driving, doing something fun will keep your mind active and alert. swatcha bharat you are torturing your poor gpu :( The NRA are a bunch of hypocrites, don't they care about the children. Wow your so noble Undeniable proof that poker is all about luck I wonder if she is talking about that show on ABC "how to get away with murder"? It's glorious. Me too, looking for "snow" to put "up my nose" via a "rolled up bill". Hope he enjoys his $1m! White Castle ... Clearly this is a question of addiction, even though I don't live near a white castle I have (on trips) detoured up to a hundred miles out of my way to pick up a bag of crack burgers... This isn't a case of police abuse but addiction... Sad. It makes me glad that the US government has the power to do this. So now that Christchurch has no police station is it time for riots? TLDR: WAS IT THE CIA? I think ill stick with my cargo shorts thank you Klipsch Promedia Master Race. I will definitely buy it if it is true + AOSP like OS Don't forget to vote for HRC if she gets the nomination Fuck playing the game for yourself, let's just take what one guy says as fact. If you want a Skilling Boss to the Evil Trees. Holy fuck what a joke. No they didn't That's more dedication that the Truman show! ...said the man whose business model depends on fast cheap consumer Internet connections. But he's a fatass so that automatically makes him a bad wrestler and I want him off my screen. No, just the Tip of your Dick I love my state. I'd sure like to know how that worked out... oh gawd no but 30fps is so much more immersive! Ah, I dropped this somewhere on my way over to say this. Yeah well its annoying as hell lol They should be lucky they don't have those unsightly windmills with their supernatural ability to make you sick. White male police. Ew... another ruined card Hair net next time! #THAT'S That prison time is part of Obama's promise for greater transparency. Early next year could be anytime before fall when it comes to YG tbh So, "lesbian" is "lebisian" in Hindi (or whatever)? And the YEA-OH. Not until they change the font Fill in the blanks: "The only reason these cops have kept their jobs is because of ______ ______." Actually I think you'll find that it is impossible to measure FOV so clearly they are lying Whats the mod called? Kopi to TOR? Well, I guess they should choose not to be poor eh Thank the Puroresu Gods, old and new alike. Florentino Perez did this The *horror* hey its me ur brother People at their finest yes- you are working 3/5 the year for people who claim authority over you Who the hell is going to believe that source? Eww an egg avi twitter account. For those who need an example, a black power metal band would be Sleeping with Sirens and a death power metal band would be Pierce the Veil. lul xD DUBSTEP IS BACK! I'm probably not helpful, but the challenge works for me on Xbox. Like a lot of other countries remember that most of the country isn't racist but they are run by racists unfortunately Just try DK out still broken graphical glitches on 1.7.2b Glad IA managed to get this piece of shit off the streets. Do man her, or makoto, her or makoto lol Looks like you guys don't know how random tiles work in Banangrams! I'm sorry I don't see it. Now when iPhone users look like they always have something up their ass....they do Yeah, fuck you Addison Russell. almost all the politicians in China are STEM majors and that country's government has no problems at all Wow, good thing Snowden blew the whistle on all this so Americans could get organized and put a stop to it. W H A T T H E F U C K Hilarious, orginal joke. I would've loved if you played "Iron Man" by Black Sabbath in the background Yeah because Kings would be so down to trade their star for 3 more bench players virtue signal OP. You could put that on the other side of a solid wall of puppies, Red Cross volunteers, Girl Scouts, and baby ducks and I would chew through them all to get to it. Do people have to ask this every week? You should try spinrite lol, sent At least you can play Halo 2 So this is what happens when TF2 goes too long without updating stop staring in peoples windows! Taylor has done it again. Baron Von Mises is literally the most American economist who ever lived. what if the 810 allows it to be sold for $300 unlocked? Truly a savage strip. Sounds a little too much like 1984... Take the old information, change it, file that, send the old information to the incinerator #minitrue Why is that? Can't wait to see how other parts of the world handle BLM. What are the odds on Harry Redknapp becoming the next PM? Wow, I've never seen this joke before Finally the circle jerk is ending and he is getting his recognition he deserves So... it's not even a fitted shirt? Damn expensive fireworks... Kid's only a baby, yet he knows more about intensity than Bobby Ryan Rich people selfish, inconsiderate new study finds The one arm elbow lever and bent arm planche (kinda like the elbow lever but the the arms aren't in contact with the rest of the body) are decent progressions to follow after getting a solid elbow lever. SOMEONE BUY MY CAR QUICK. They "found" formaldehyde, thanks for sharing the relevant details of the concentration and the evidence for the claim. Doesn't the NFL do this on their own website? Lol ok Because I'm a nice guy, and I'm tired of all the girls going after the jerks that treat them bad! So sad the government is making it so that jack booted thugs would hunt you down like an animal if you tried to re-sell it to any of your friends :( Good thing that lady started screaming, that definitely helped. I had no idea they ever got rid of the square shape. We've all been turned into agents of the Green Dream WHAT IF Pokemon GO doesnt have shinies but NINJA versions of each pokemon! If you search for ways to hide from the nsa on the internet you will be put on their list of people to watch. Yeah because the invasion of mainland Japan would have so peaceful. Should have treated the Sox series with less importance if you were gonna go into the Jays series looking to manage the innings of your key relievers. Just absolutely gutless. Pretty amazing that only Joseph Smith got it right. You're wrong, fuck you, so I downvoted. anyone know if there will be videos available for those of us outside the US? Post an album please. But his Agility sucks This is actually how we pick mods Ctrl+A+Delete does the same thing, especially with ctrl+S. Corey Locke? grow up Now Audi HAS to join! This is so insulting Midnight EST Well when they say girlfriend they mostly mean hand so they use hand puppets! This is fucked. I smell bacon Thats Rio rancho for you Anyone know where to get the shirt Chris is wearing? That does help when you fall back on the first lap a lot. Thank God. How do you get that? Well good thing the NFL advocates for their players health, I firmly believe they will solve the concussion crisis Dapat gumawa sila ng tungkol sa mga kabit, wala pa ata gumagawa nun sa philippines OH NOT THE EAGLES Can't wait to see the numbers from the CMHR My keyboard would be dead if i were you... :D Laying out dead mosquitoes like laying out dead bodies in a massacre. Surprised she's not more of a pro with that ladder by now, looking at all the shit she has up there. I wouldn't buy it, I like tactical battles with fewer units (but a lot of skills) way better. I kinda would love to see Ackley in rotation daily Socialism is a peacefully enforced system of government. WE GET TO PLAY AS NAZIS? What in the actual fuck? Wow, what a sellout corporate shill. The slippery fish of denialism will just take one step back and move to the next stalling strategy by saying "now we need to see proof that it's man made". Yeah watch the current game, reaaaaaaaaaaaaaally passive wow haven't seen this before Both of them had to be suffering from mental illness Adorably sexy! Username checks out But those aren't scandals. Lez porn. Who can I pay to make Girls become not available on regular HBO and HBOGo? lever action goml Self-fulfilling prophecy FTL. Why would they do that? Breaking: Nate Diaz suspended for brawl, Conor fight off Well, Coca Cola has your name printed on it. I see no issue here, fuck off. My favorite Farnsworth quote. Are you sure you didn't meant idiot's? We are so screwed. Just a Norwegian trying to be Brevik That would be nice and all if Obama had actually been accepting Christian refugees. LOTTT pasada por el ano. Will friberg be able to adjust to being the only fat guy in the team? But but, IS and the regim aka assad the baby killer are alled and Assad made IS Better get rid of Planned Parenthood. Patch 4.20 patchnote preview read by Snoop Dog Thank you Reddit for telling me that I'm not supposed to exist. They're losing more in depreciation of the principal to inflation. So me who doesn't resell my shit is just fucked? How long until Jagex goes full Maplestory? Is John Lewis gonna say he didn't see him there? That's dank bro. Who dis? Not that bad. Should spend more time is his own neck of the woods then. Is it me or is that Freddy in the corner getting closer? I propose that all male members of the Virginia GOP submit to public prostate exams before each vote to prove that their heads aren't somewhere up there. This is more hilarious than it should be. Four more years of ever increasing wealth for the rich and nothing for everyone else! Oh yeah, because the last time somebody on twitter said there was news we were told that Good job realizing this, no one ever came up with something like this, you're ingenious! Most are done by end of October at the latest I think That sounds like lyrics to a Prince song or something. Coming from the psych nurse I could see this happening a lot Hot. Live in Australia, never had a bad experience . You should turn your graphics down, TOO POWERFUL! How bout you first make a system that runs games above 720p and then we can talk. Oh yeah Obama, like the candidate you endorsed is so in touch with the middle class. McDavid is such a scrub, Crosby had over 100 in his first season Nice April fools joke For all intents and purposes, Young Link & Toon Link are the same character, just renamed/redesigned, but yeah. Anybody in a position to compare Eve:Valkyrie with Elite:Dangerous? 'I'm not the type of person that I'd give a marriage license to' Kim Davis. I was gonna upvote you, but then I saw the bandicam watermark I'm sure Michael is proud of his sister The only thing that crosses my mind as an educator when I see something like this is someone's cousin must own a publishing company that produces script workbooks and they are going to get a hella kickback. They're clearly superior beings, looking down on all others from their clouds in the sky. wtf 4 vac bans lmao he cheats in every game Singapore with population of 5.39 million, manage to draw with Sweden in total GDP, so how come Kenya still so suck? Amazingj threatened to sue Amazing for ruining his name. Ohhhh racist What if I told you that your body wasn't the reason you were friend zoned? 30k player queue Yeah, but like he's not even a real support character, why is he even in the game? Yes Tamils don't have caste in surnames and that is how TN is void of casteism I feel like Darth Sidious has been put in charge of the Jedi Order. These logos look so trashy, like you would wear this to go buy some tall boys and a pack of smokes from a gas station at 10am And 9-11 was an inside job. You should spam few mastery emotes here and there Anybody else thinks she looks better with this color hair as opposed to colored hair? Preordered and waiting if only Obama hadn't called Macron, surely 1.7 million people would have switched their votes. There's so many of them you're supposed to expect something new! The Lancer nest guys were coordinated and the guys in the canyon deserved it. Wow, really, we're so surprised, etc. And where stealing make up is required to survive. Australia is already the 3rd largest supporter, after the USA and the UK. Jokes on you, we've been doing this for years with regular headphones This guy is my new idol Oh snap! It's chucky! Alternative mathematics! He totally did.. In 2011 to demonstrate a fake Rolex Daytona.. I'm sure nobody else deserves credit for this image and OP is a saint. TYT credibility is at an all time high Thanks? This way, he can plug the monitor in his new computer and he will have all his files! Eurosnob Time to say goodbye to a true Wolves legend. *see chernobyl* I dont see no irony Making room to trade Romo. I have a baby seal fur coat and it is the most comfortable coat I have ever had. Don't worry guys, the border wall grows taller every day. Well that's just like, your opinion, man. Asking the important questions, aren't we? Welp, now i wonder if stabproof fabric is worth investing in england WHAT A MYSTERIOUS JOGO If you forward chain emails, I assume you are over 60. Because women have always been able to reproduce throughout history on their own, and definitely not just recently been made a possibility, of course. I like her, she's very pretty; but this is not formal attire. But only people who aren't employed and are looking for free handouts support Bernie. Let the never-ending Harbaugh talk continue. #tillithappenstoyou I bet the yellow shirts are super happy they had to babysit the maintenence chief and show him how to launch planes... Well, I have no memory of it, but now thanks to you I can't get the image out of my head How is it a waste? OMG i am such a fucking catch, that since this bitch doesnt want to hop on my cock, she must be a dude yeah makes total sense! Oh, what a surprise... You mean just like every single other fucking 90 minute show on planet fucking earth? costumer for life man, respect #honesty #dick #sucking #faggot We got Mexico'd! needs more dubstep Here's a revelation for ya: YOU are being disrespectful to gay people by implying that you think that calling someone gay is an insult. Sexy aura. I'll take them, all ten thousand! That seems like a low bar for a major motion picture. *RGYB Why would you? Without the beetle someone couldn't find an excuse to punch you everytime you pass a Volkswagen dealership I think this is how I learned the N word. I just want to know how it ends. Anons better shape up and get with the programme like no dude, I graduate and am starting MY CAREER so fuck off because I got a BFA not an MRS OH BOY e-store with microtransactions in a SP game, I'm fucking stoked and ready to empty my wallet! wtf is this garbage What happened to Baker Mayfield? Hoenn in Pokemon Black/White 2 = Confirmed Damn jews, first they control the media now reddit. GUH YES awesome thanks TIL US has a 2 party system This is fine but Visage's birds were too strong Its really cool that Sports Science made a video about LoL(I always loved these kinds of videos), but Im dissapointed that they didnt get a top tier player like a Korean or Bjergsen who can compete with them.Not to shit talk Pobelter or anything but I dont think hes close to people like Faker,Smeb,Bang,etc. How to deal with Cyber Bullying anywhere* thats not even remotely hinting. Finally proof that he is a marxist, socialist, communist, muslim kenyan. Because there are no people in Canada that beat their girlfriends Ah because target dummy is so good you balanced it by taking away taunt. This is precisely why we shouldn't adopt Australian policies. Misogyny! I see the LA Galaxy and a movie career in his future. No, fuck off! you have just hacked the train in the video you PCmustard rejs , fake video #consolemasterrace Justice. If you say it cause it's popular it's pandering, if you say it cause you have been saying it all along and it's actually your position AND it's popular is it still pandering or are you just true honest populist? Shows how immature he is. I dream for that spezza Always knew NDT was a cat person! Unfortunately, it seems like that attitude of being so hard done by as a white christian is seeping into other countries too. You can feel it unraveling, though more slowly than usual. Marche delirio. Great Skin, I need to try making some to! It looks kinda similar to asteroid, but that might just be me. I'm just hoping it'll be up for the weekend. ITT: something something DCEU sucks something something the film hasn't even been shot yet. while I do not doubt the expertise of the NKorean scientists, nor their thoroughness when it comes to science, this is fucking ridiculous and obviously a gem of Kim's propaganda. and then go to the book store to find they've all been sold out. The fact that they spelled their wrong just makes this look like such an amateurish attempt at messing up on purpose. As a vegan who is also allergic to dairy (yes, allergic, not lactose intolerant) this crap annoys me so so much. You're an idiot. [The guy in the vest kills everyone] We are hurtling towards the war, I can't wait for the war to happen, all these little skirmishes are worthless to be involved in *checks photo* Totally justified. The response to this that is overhwelmingly bickering about who was right in the civil war is exactly why we cannot adopt a flag that has any relation to any existing political groups. Can't wait til I can spray like that or better :) By all the posts on here it sounds like more of a Cult than a learning resource....DONT DRINK THE KOOL-AID. Because the loss of traditional manufacturing jobs are solely due to the moves towards a 'green economy'. RIP DEFT I better go out and buy a hybrid to cut back on pollution. Done It's Russia, no evidence needed, if you disagree you must be a Russian agent. Please stop reposting this fake freakout over and over and over again. Piove sempre sul bagnato Those stupid groundhogs messing with the seasons... don't they know the damage they could deal? As if those kind of things actually happened in the real world...lol! Did you just now learn they were going to release more cards? What is SP? Zie je wel, de pliesie heeft het op ons voorzien! I'm still waiting for a linux port Wtf why is no one mentioning the fact that they straight up copied Drakes song "Practice"... This is absurd we all know Batman's true love interest is Batwoman She's probably cheating. Yeah, But think of all the jobs that created in the Scanners business All these medicals over the last few days... They are getting their money's worth out of Zaf. Pretty sure you could take the rape and torture out of the equation and still deter people. So much for the "tolerant" right. Yeah, this sub totally isn't biased or close-minded. Can we get team USA flair? The fascists of the left silencing any dissent Thanks for killing the gif for me If min wage was $15/hour this wouldn't happen. No one should start HRT without first trying accupuncture, homeopathy, aromatherapy, ear candling, healing crystals, trepanation, and coffee enemas. true, it scared me at first, but then I saw the post, and I had a thought, "I wish that I was that popular so I could do this to set an example for other students, and make other people's lives better". let chicha go and get vidal HAHAHAHAHAHA THIS JOKE IS SO FUNNY AND ORIGINAL! This clearly proves one thing: terran OP! Yea the spacing he would give Valanciunas would be amazing I like Penn but I know what's best for him is not that goatee thing he has going on. You gunna burn it? thats blading brilliant So that's why we didn't get a demo You're right, an extension for Butler here we come! How fitting for Brendan, he's used to hearing You Never Walk Alone. At some point the West in general and US in particular will have to accept the idea that the world does not revolve around them anymore. Good. totally not modded or anything Almost every grocery store fruit in America is produced by grafting (I. E. asexually) No problem, I'm sure our prez has the balls to veto. The Bible is just full of Tax code OMG IS HE SAYING IT'S WRONG TO BE GAY OP just wanted to show off their wealth Just think of what we could have had with a New Day-Shield feud Honey, I shrunk my penis! Yea, I'm sure you're a dude posting from your girlfriend's account and not just a woman trying to find dude's opinions because you're uncomfortable with the fact that you are interested in lesbian porn So Rodgers lost to Quinn's historic defense on the Seahawks and that somehow matters when he's playing the Falcons? Makes sense that he's some ugly caveman looking fuck. Everytime someone loses or a player makes a game losing mistake: "appreciation bread" I think that's an issue to take up with your wife, after all it's she who decides who touches her. 0.374v @ 3.5ghz, HYPE CHOCHO TRAINERINO Of course, 50 years of unrestricted immigration had nothing to do with demand for housing driving prices up. -Enforces immigration laws -Hates liberty and America .......oooook. That's how you fish out the neckbeards with from the normal people Steal them, they will learn their lesson and get locks So this means Russia is also behind the content You sure they weren't just *really* into BDSM? It's not his fault YOU are living in the dark! make him the captain because he has been a captain before and he knows how to handle the C better than G. cause if you made music and it was pirated you wouldn't have any problem with it Funny thing is he's sorta right... Wii U has more 1080p 60FPS games than the Xboner and PS4. ARtisan Lower Yeah that happens to me when I teleport to NYC Vagrants asking people for money are everywhere I get upset when the Australian Prime Minister isn't the most pro-Canadian Prime Minister evah. Yesterday Fox News got word that he was a neo Nazi and still blamed it on refugees. Guy on the right looks like a Dark Souls character. I don't believe in violence to solve problems...but then again there's an exception to every rule. so who would know better? why do i never get any matches on tinder That I knew a lot of random science facts :p Currently have 5/10 medals for him,so annoying but double Gogeta helps Wow, I sure hope they feel guilty for having minimum wage jobs, I'm sure the Liberals would rather import some TFW's to fill those positions instead. Merry Christmas lol Most of the community servers are empty anyway, so good riddance. Definitely my father. As we all know that worked so well for paris! Smoking copious amounts of weed. I hope she gets this costume after black siren becomes black canary No words besides "Dope as fuck"? I don't care how drunk you are, those things are massive... How could you not see it? No Engineers always find the lazy way to do things lol YOU STUPID PERSON YOU RUINED THE GAME The Bengals should have drafted Tom Brady I like you, buddy. If they skipped over Banshee this much, I can't imagine how many times Wukong Prime would get passed in favor of something else. Quality MP Properly filmed this would have been a thing of wonder. The "Hey Siri" function started in class when my teacher said "history" Better be fucking live streamed ITT: People who have no clue about the definition of whataboutism screaming like madmen. Does the Big 12 clusterfuck even matter anymore? It's so obvious she's 100% innocent, MSNBC told me so. Why does he type like this (-)? nah dude sorry, you have to jerk off to his fits to even be a member of this sub That is just about the coolest thing I've ever seen. Please be sure to keep everyone posted! Man, the economic anxiety must be pretty bad for this lady. Fodder for 7* I do; repost Isn't this Kanal A and not ATV? you really put the 'rage' in rage-comic 0.o Wow those are some classy people Obviously, that's Adam Sandburg For sure, if he just wouldn't hang off the rim, the height he was at, maybe his skull would have collided with the rim and we'd all be happy. Unfortunately in every single Civ game they take the shortcut of making the AI cheat instead of being more intelligent :/ But then it wouldn't be free. *literally shaking* Fucking rekt m8 I hope they add Facebook to the left side of the screen before the debate ends. Yeah, that'll work. cammers fault. You were conspiring to kill her. 4GB and they don't need more because their drivers will be flawless and well maintained, as per AMD standards. To be fair, the dress is a ridiculous colour. PA has far more Potholes than that, in fact most of the roads are not even paved. Just days after winning the grey cup, not bad *you'd It's not just a console thing; people freak out in PC games, just as well. Dang, does that mower have vtec? That offside was clear as day Bad clearance by KdB, Willy was pissed it is so entertaining watching elite drivers struggle for points in crappy cars. Now for the DD for Eberle and a 1st trade habs fans here keep banging on about Well this should get interesting. from the perspective of the people who commit violence against us. TIL: Everyone has armored car guard experience, and if in his shoes would've known exactly what to do in this situation! Socialism just isn't been executed correctly there right now! Is JAX a good city to live in? Same shit happens at St Kilda Beach. AMA request: OP and Candidate A on how to build a career that pays 4-5 lacs/month. This is not the correct response to give to a simple media question. As long as he payed for his garbage can handling license. * 5 games in * Toronto is performing about as well as expected * That's not a cheap ticket * That's not a cheap sweater * Get it together $10000 Bitcoin Don't remember any example where such girl would lost. Most beautiful combination of colours I've ever seen. I'm sure if Rosie were in benghazi Trump would save her. This is so relatable to millennial tweens! I don't think that thing will hold up to Winnipeg streets very well.... Now we got to wonder, all of us here are smart enough to opt for "protected sex" but this stupid fuck has a girl friend? this is game breaking.... can't you see how he captures the point when they cant get him, or he can kill all of them and they have no chance It has a CarPlay enabled radio It was actually original pronounced more like 'sawn', but the Sean Connery fucked everyone up. Don't forget the teacher's a FEMALE, you guys! I really love your technique and your values are on point! thats what they get for FUCKING MAKING FUN OF TRUMP Liberals certainly have been successful in making America more like Europe! But what about all the research projects? afk or feed the russian classic Your entering the matrix Fixie brake I do believe one of those gifts is also for you, my friend lol Chinese ppl has all better computers thats why. Definitely the white man's fault this stuff happens. If you are dumb enough to do this maybe you deserve it. You're my hero. RUSSIAN BIAAAAS! Seems hotfixed Over compensation Because stamping out scummy posts is totally being done just for TrollX's benefit. Wow Teksavvy with more network buildout! What the fuck is calling? So they cheated us on our FT's, im a god damn PG wtf OH WAIT im a role player shooting FT's isnt my job i guess PC gamer with asthma inhaler, the peasants were right! can anyone link a pic of nightmare robin? I mean look at that sexiness I get anything grande because I like tall drinks. marked haiku not 15s or less gee whiz b0ss The first Korean War went really well, this should be a piece of cake Ah, I thought he was going to come out for Trump. Everyone should stop trying for a few minutes so I can get on, thanks. good So, having a penis is sexist? Yeah I honestly don't like being a guy We need a picture of Mario jumping from building to building. It's all fun and games, until the companies stop inventing new drugs because the income no longer offsets the research cost. That looks like a really nice place to kill myself. Tell me when they stick the CNN and MSNBC logo on there. but building stuff is an exploit Seems random. Nvidia gameworks save us That may be very smart of him. Bruins and Avs paying the price for their good performances last year. Where's Marth? run as dnc nominee because he has won the vote count count the damn votes in Cali Wow, looks like all 8 arena players cast their votes! Forever alone terrorists. isnt child abuse funny? I have a feeling a lot of Laker fans voted for him too... I know I did. More articles about this subject please Exactly - but what do you expect from the "liberal" media, right? I'm glad the brisbane times was able to write up an entire article about why Toowoomba was doing the sensible thing and ignoring this farce..... Now nobody will know! Wall's hard to referee like LeBron is but when LeBron says something like that it's a complain, so Wall needs to suck it up it's gonna run pretty hot but i doubt you actually NEED liquid cooling for it Is anybody concerned that by taking down these accounts they're cutting off a source of information for intelligence agencies? You don't even know how to be pleased, so you have no say here. Spoilers, man. It is in the shape of a trident you pervert! Let's just get straight to the punchline, they did indeed kill him right? Best D corps in the league! yeah just buy em Because spamming is so indicative of the strength of a person's heart. Oh gosh, I wonder if the movie will be able to make a profit now. Can't believe he gave up that perfect opportunity for a pass How nice of them to confirm it... and people still call them savages. Witcher 3 Lightning-in-dark-clouds.jpg This is a terrible introduction to him. Well, I guess it's time to cancel my subscription. It looks like on average theres 1 violent non smoker for every apartment full of tokers Did you find these all at the same goodwill? Why is the "Welcome" sign in English? I was pretty good friends with a group of police officers, they said they liked to hang out with none police because when they asked how my day went I said stuff like "pretty good, yeah" or "brilliant" where as they said stuff like "I was first on the scene to a woman that fell off a bridge" or "I had to tell a mother her son died in a car accident" - really makes you think about how bad a printer jam really is or if someone providing a diagram in power point is actually the end of the fucking world. Just wait and see Therefore women's rights activism is an inherently bad thing. Arm Yourselves because no-one else here will save you The Left will betray you Halal will replace you You can't deny jihad; it may never fulfill you It longs to kill you Are you willing to die The coldest blood runs through my veins You know my name So 2 mana, gain spell damage +3, kill your hero if you don't cast a spell this turn, die at the end of your opponents turn I never realize that until this study came out. Land = flat Earth = flat Easy! Be like boy! I'm glad that Valve is finally focusing time and money on the real issues and ignoring the community's outrageous demands for higher tick rate servers, stronger Vac, balanced guns, or something as ridiculous as a new operation. Just rub a little Bengay on it and get back out there! This is a very common outfit for me in the fall. Welcome to the Bible. if you're getting underpaid then report it. Yeah, we get it, you guys have sex. Can we have a muted copy? This video is something a convicted botter would post XD. For anyone interested, Bambuser is an app that can send live video to be recorded and downloaded later. Nice 2fort with legos. Fuck people that do things that make me feel bad about myself \#stopthehate \#zeroselfawareness He should just let that poor disenfranchised young black man redistribute the goods society owes him. Wow, thanks for the tip man! Spingdale Cleaners hands out their alternative abortion tool! this article is going to get the shipments seized dumb ass shit Man, you are SO close to getting Demon Baby! XD cuz we love beer! Minnesota police are implementing new 'less than lethal' tactics to subdue their criminals sounds like a nursing school question to me They do that because the quest for pussy has destroyed nations, son. [](/abmeh) Yes because they're isn't a button to save this or anything. gonna put these stones to good use when the merged zamasu banner comes out Now we wait for ~~Dota3~~ ~~Dota2 Ep2~~ Dota 2 Beta Ep2 Reinforcements on your 6! Nope, no one has ever gotten the marshal's gold before Using turn signals. gotta pass drug tests to work at starbucks, vets tend to fail those Hey let's block an artery from ems fire and police, it's SUCH a great idea. If they bloat gear enough, anyone will be able to do NiM like ronaldo did? Who's the person on the far right? I bet they would be just as accepting of a "Women for Hillary" group. Of course smooth peanut butter... I mean does anyone actually like the crunchy stuff? Doug Wilson is probably bitter because he has been touting Brent Burns as a Norris caliber defenseman just because point total. I'm a Trump supporter in CA and I think he's doing great Pack it full of steroids. If you're an avatar collector, time to quit Neopets entirely as not to lose it! I thought it was ok to cut welfare because the homeless will miraculously get what they need from people? I am thinking of the brain saying "I'm gay" in iDubbbz's voice I tried this build, it is pretty fun, but I find that it works much better when self casting skeletons. That was useful For a male or a female? You've not been watching lately, have you? he only made it look like an accident My innocent virgin eyes! with bi-ped tribunal induction force headers Vsauce michael here Yeah because outside of the Rousey fight Holm has looked *so impressive* They should have put a $125 Million termination payout in each of their contracts. I'll gladly take Sideshow Bob. im so sick of this black lives matter bullshit. So you got yourself cloud storage. This thread: defeating gender stereotypes together! Can't wait to see the Internet Historian video on this one. Why is Russia outraged about a conflict they have no involvement in? Johnson/Weld is probably going to draw as many voters away from Clinton as it is Trump... Now they're basically telling all the young idiots who support them because they don't like the other two that it's acceptable to vote Clinton I mean i totally love it when i wait months even years for a movie to come out, and someone ruins it in less than a minute. white/male privilege is being able to **not** get shot after dancing like *that*. Few years ago people were actually worshipping Kadyrov as "bro" on this very sub, because murderous, psychopathic homophobes are the pinnacle of sex appeal! Dumb He press released this months ago, threatening to do it. Yea the police are really what's wrong with Baltimore If it's undocumented, how do you quantify it for a stat? FLY THE WIFE TO SAN FRAN! I will play the living SHIT out of this. So, someone clarify something for me: They're trying to fix the packet loss that's been occurring since 4.17 went live, and saying "ha, whatever, sucks to suck" for 75% of the NA player base by not moving the servers to a more centralized location, even though the community is screaming for ping fixes since Season 3.... Yep, Rito definitely has their shit together. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. Don't make us punch you So Loria's actually a really nice guy because he knew that Reyes couldn't possibly find and close on a house in 2 days. Got banned from league for calling a malphite a fucking worthless braindead scumfuck bastard pile of trash mental dickface that should be gunned down in the street like the degenerate he is. Why was he pulling it out and waiving it around? fuck off barb now I have to eat chips Try it and find out! God damn that was funny. Yeah the last competitive matches have definitely shown what a garbage item blink on slark is Thank God saying "No need to get offended I was just wondering" immediately excuses all asinine behavior. If you talk bad about Hillary you are a sexist bernie bro ITT: Americans who only care about American indices, so Americans. I'd support letting this little water issue go on a little longer if it meant getting rid of Moore. U deal with karma slapping u in the face for trying to wonder trade another shit Pokemon no one will ever want The guy in back looks like a modern dressed time traveler. These Note 7 joke articles are still SO interesting m night shamamamalyn I wouldn't go, people over here are getting raped, robbed and killed in broad daylight by people from the Middle East lately. Yes because most of them are too stupid to know if their gun is loaded and end up shooting a friend or family member. Jerk! Whatisthisspace$&@$%#baryouspeakof Not sure if they had to make the hands look small or if that just was unedited. Good job, I love videos like this. Yeah but unless you live on the same side of the international dateline, they'll never happen at the same time. Yes, you need to know what somebody would sacrifice everything for everyone But hillary is the warhawk ! A chronicling of our arise to power. cough 390 cough Vince and Kath It is if you're good at it! Tell me something I don't know. Marx really would approve his face on an ATM. Goats. Uh... "science" is the foundation of education... not simply a subject. SLI those 970s Probably a defensemen Islam is an insult to intelligence and morality. Are virgins immortal then? There is no spoon I wonder how quickly these will sell out Well, that's because most of the residents are high as fuck on oxycotin and heroine so they don't work, leaving the market open for commuters to get jobs there. Jesus, take the wheel Why are you picking such an OP player to standin, thats cheating Oh, just what the nation needs right now! You are a weirdo, but that being said, because they like law and order and it scares them. Two words: Pacific Standard It seemed like a shitty parody of The Guru What. Then there's only one other option: Jessica is HER mom. Captain America the creator of Talk No Jutsu Trade system. That's like 34 kills and 58 Assists. Chess was a mistake muh superman Maybe he was just trying to make America great again. Pull yourself up by the snow bootstraps. Nah, hes not even a superstar I don't know what's happening, but it's turning me on. Looks like they forgot their BCAA's. oh come on, you know all 43 murders applied for their HQL I've lost all hope in the Beeb, fucking biased news. Moshiri is a fraud tho lads nothing to see here anyone wanna tell me why incorporating a maximum wage might be bad save for the somewhat socialist view Well, time for a movie with so many fucking quips then, can't wait! Yes, why would you ever play Battlefield Hardline? I do not see the difference. and laughing when we were trying to talk to him and just wouldn't talk Sounds like this student knows his rights and that police will fuck you by twisting your words. Does anyone know how many of the men she accused are still in prison? And right in the middle of snuff porn, standard business practices I bet the cops only investigated her room/arrested her cause she was black. Trotskyists in the UK(And elsewhere) have traditionally been expelled and purged from Communist Parties and organised in things like the Militant Tendency in the Labour Party, so they've become a distinctive element. Only to trade him like the need to It's a fine, here's why: Brown is a star in the league. Still better than vertical. But then he wouldn't be exempted from lawsuits My mugger better make a loud beep. Which is why you vote UKIP. Because I conform with your social norms and everything from your perspective is correct This is the one of the most ass backward things I've read in a while... And I'm on reddit daily. More like an upgrade, went from fire cape to cloak of invisibility. My favorite and most quickly read through book series :) Even if I do end up leaving the church, I would never be this disrespectful to other people. Damn feel bad that u didnt get woodson Rush B Cyka Blyat! Great "Equalist" living up to his name i see Sweet Target-brand fixie, though. Sensible and reasonable and something Europe and the rest of the West should emulate. I'll start listening to him when his neck and chin fuse together And still shows no sign of unity but rather the opposite. It's amazing how dumb the companions are. They are literally lying. 100 runecoins per 3 weeks because having 2 different fonts in game would be too stressful on the servers. Reddit cancer 12yo kids downvote started Lol vaping is super cool Too sharp to be real life since we see life in 720p and 30 Fps. WHY DONT THEY JUST WORK HARDER AND GET A JOB! Hmm, I'm starting to suspect Bryan WON'T be in the main event. One was a native, they don't count as people. Definitely not a repost! Right, like when the Muslims were cheering for 9/11. It's only going to get worse. Wait what are Brogdon's advanced stats tho? Stop stealing mah idea This must be why Hateful Eight did poorly in the box office. proabaly russia with their favor for trump or people hired by clinton IIRC Many vote machines are ancient on a technological scale And reddit still favors these countries over Israel, LOL Caught my attention because of the obs truck being run down by a newer silverado. Thanks SA, I had no idea Am I the only one shocked that cybex makes fucking oly platforms? So Europeans... when are you gonna buy some maple syrup? To get to the other side, of course This is literally the stupidest thing I've read today, including all of the bullshit surrounding Harold and Kumar's trip to the firing range. Called wintrading Im sure McTeer voted liberal with having that kind of a comment to say. aahh the weekly "kimi doesn't care..." post I am currently talking to a journalist in my country to expose some of the ISIS supporters I know on Facebook Twitter and here on reddit The police and courts are corupt so only the media will be trusted Message to cunts messaging on PM: Judgement Day will come in 2016 Nope, its never been mentioned on this sub and you are the only person who thinks there should be a electric/fighting mega raichu To collect white tears. I'm surprised this didn't bring VR into it. PM's aides threaten to withhold aid from countries with AIDS. Great Job Dice/EA drops are random, i wish you the best of luck,i havent gotten one yet A weapon to surpass Aerondight Because he has strategical mind and great tactical sense of the game oh boy 3 more episodes! He was aiming for the huge pylon not the warp prism. See 18 USC 4241 and 4248. I'm glad to know, I was so worried about it. Spo0ky skellingtun As an all American collegiate archer, he needs to relax his bow hand and let the bow fall forward after he releases ;) although that may be hard with no weighted stabilizer The guy who signed the Alien and Sedition Acts said it, so it must be right. Always believe everything you see on the internet I will buy it providing it doesn't use shitty U-Play. In a completely fair and unbiased primary! He's tall he'd do good in net It's just a misunderstood youth peacefully expressing his displeasure and anyone who disagrees is racist It's all a long con to bring a bomb to the White House. Just imagine how much lost history we have just sitting around awaiting to be found. Now we have to change the banner uuuughhhhhhhh The same time we teach men not to rape women because they cant control their sexual urges when they see them wearing something revealing skin! It's on the front page right now kek That's good, because I really hate it when people go straight to intercourse without vocal intercourse first. Remember, the Milky is cheaper in Berlin. Mute OP, nerf le summer reddite You know the shits out of control when they make an acronym for it. Oh my god, that's so surprising said no one ever. Dare you to read that and not get a boner. We need a temporary ban on Christians entering the US. If demo would be white, would he be Irish? wat Slowly back away and go back from whence you came from The hormones are the same? we need more laws Why not give skins a price in IP as well That comment With a full moonsuit, because I don't want to catch the Bigotry. 16 Where can i find a mirror? Well it does bring the issue to the common tao, imo. I just assumed he meant reinstating the 1958 tax code, adjusted for inflation. So happy my boy Mac is getting some love **THE** Jim Harbaugh. I believe the answer to this question is that this would increase the chances of letting the Platinum guy carrying his Bronze queue partner while he also scores easy wins for himself. #REKT Man, if I had these guys on my team I would have won my preseason fantasy league Bahahahaha Ah yes, Grey Str. Warframe: Global Offensive Rush T4 Cyka Hey wanna trade mediocre defensemen? Feminism was great back when it didn't make me have to face uncomfortable truths about who I am and the world I live in, but now that it does people should stop! You are racist if you don't call her ebony. Wow Petty was praising Jesus before and now he's worshipping satan with those hand signals. F2p legendaries are worth more money Yeah, because you're seriously one of the worst off economies in the world. Spanish people will just vote the same way they did the two first times. No, no... he didn't miss, it's just that his face wasn't where his fist ended up because the face moved. Worth a try, can't blame them Combo and tech skill video titles are getting less creative and more cringy by the hour. I always get a chuckle out of the people "selling X for $300-400" dumbass I was 11th for about 5 seconds haha Almost broke into the top 10 Is that the Roseville best buy What a heartwarming story! I inherited one from my grandfather, It is in great shape and fun as hell to shoot! Ayyy seawolves pride AND (^im really^^looking ^forward^to German^Bbs) Gawker, A 95% white male clickbait factory that makes its money off ruining lives, lecturing a black scientist who educates young people for a living, on the fact that he must be racist against black people because he is against the silencing of others through violence. Yay a video, I am so excited The P22 is my submachine gun. What about the people who are much smarter than you who can get their g3258 to better than a i5 also a processor isnt important that important for gaming He was just testing the system to see how broken it was. Haha you're hilarious. He TOTALLY deserved it! 0/10 boobs not accurate more challenge is more fun right? Did the Raidens have self sealing fuel tanks? you dun did it boi, i thought those nmd's where 100% fucked. Oh crap, You're gonna get your PSN Disabled! No, sono stati pagati dal PD per presentarsi e votati dagli hacker del PD, per poi destabilizzare il movimento dall'interno. This just in "ATCQ CALLS FOR WHITE GENOCIDE ON NATIONAL TV" It's a joke point, or joint. Well, thank god at least no one was actually raped, you sick fuck! That guy is the mod of the Vancouver Canucks subreddit.... :O I'm so ashamed.... :'( With a title like that, I'd have to reevaluate why I'm I'm this subreddit I wish he could click on that chair and sit on it like others mmorpg do. Who would have thought those "bad hombres" might show up and vote. They had all ready lost sight of him when he crashed into another car. What happened to the Chinese? How inspiring Except have his people call it silly and ludicrous Remember guys, don't show emotion, don't miss anyone, don't appreciate small gifts that your children may have given you, etc., or else you are a **total pussy**, and deserving of ridicule. R/politics is full of crybabies I don't see whats wrong with Twentythreeths Forced Perspective: Expert do did he get to keep the money? the guy that gave 10 mil to Murdocks nephew and was never even elected bahahaaa this just gets crazier Thanks for the warning... A hooligan claiming to be a member of an anti-Scientology group was arrested Wednesday for attempting to "desecrate" the Church of Scientology with win. She probably likes gaming more than you and wanted that trash out of her house to make room for good games Oh don't you know the 1934s suck, you should just send it to me, ill take the burden. Talk like that is why Trump won. tescos eh xD Reddit, the place you can go to get praised and condemned for circle jerking! Probably 5'9" vs 5'7", MAYBE 5'8" should have been 16 months. It's just a planet in orbit of another planet of another planet of another planet of a star Ever since... Oh wait, people from Miami have always been unbearable Hopefully they test it by launching it up his ass. No, no, no, men deserved to get slashed up and killed in video games because we play/make some videos games where you kill womyn! lol Alternate title-Anyone want to buy some knockoffs Film him and call police We're reasonably smart 15 year olds in comparison to those elsewhere on the internet. Maybe they just think your breath stinks. Latest Worst Seller: "One Hundred Days of Ineptitude" when you got nothing going on in life so you try and start an argument on reddit by pissing off the tranzit fans. I hate to warn you but you've just been wrecked by a class A(lpha) red piller. This is just by chance Eh 6/10, not enough memes. I assume we're still waiting to learn the motive, right? Can't deny that Samsung doesn't even try to hide the resemblance between their tabs and the iPad. You can't spell China without monopoly. I think he meant to say that homosexuality is weird if it's two men. Isn't fake just the dude lacks common sense or regular social skills Nice coin spam Dont forget the Rein sheld, the speed boost, or the sound barrier either. I think it is pure conjecture that this isn't lunch. True story Did the Spurs intentionally lose to the Cavs? He isn't white so it's close enough. This hasn't been posted before. Literally me the day Update 2 released. We're all from the Europes, like one big happy family. That's kind of what gum was made for. We could take a pic out of the fascists' playbook and refer to everybody else as "libt***s" when we shitpost. I feel like people are using trade as a scapegoat for the major changes that automation has brought (and will continue to bring) in the future. Wow congrats dude! I think that someone brought a parrot to the match. Now that he's figured out he can control the narrative by killing people, expect more of this. Wut. Great picture. Na, ya think? Hmmm the r7 250x is an alright choice for that price bracket, but if I were you I'd save a bit of money and go for 3x SLI 980ti's. Of course it's "maddening" and "political"... taxes are for poor people and small businesses that can't afford an army of accountants and lawyers. but Soviet Union was pacifist, they only liberated countries not conquering Owls can rotate their heads a full 360 degrees, when in reality they can only rotate it 270 degrees. mga drug lord may pakana nyan. I've been hitting him with the stale memes so he knows it's real Too bad he's missing all the right shoes Do we know if we want you to know? Nice & firm pff im not impressed, hes got less weight to lug around Lol but the new watchtower says you can have beards now! Roflll so let me get this straight: a guy who designed a company based solely around selling high-performance PCs meant for gaming thinks that a shift towards console gaming is wrong... yeaaah... I don't detect any bias whatsoever Should've used Hardwired. Wait, I'm confused; the shitty one on the NES or the amazing one on the PS1? What a gem, I can't believe you ended things with him! Bo just turned into Bo Rai Cho! Nick Clegg attempting to save face, nothing to see here. Oh man, I do not like her at all Maybe you should just go to work more often This is a post making light of the amount of posts on imgur right now of different people giving stories of stuff that happened at their jobs I mean, we're about to have the most republicans in office since 1928, and the same effective tax rate as 1929..... But we are better than everyone else I wanna hear the tractor not music I believe most of the clips are human controlled. If Goldman Sachs is involved it has to be good for America and the working class! Yeah... shame all the people you get to know on Taris die while you flee for your life Elaborate April Fools day joke 2soon Mga putang inang bayarang dilawan binabastos si Presidente! Not bad I guess but he's no Lawson Crouse What the hell That's honestly what should happen on any pants for any type of military ( / the waterproof) boots shouldn't it? Yeah that vertical video shot in landscape... What a tragedy. yeah, guns don't work underwater I'm guessing this either was considered hilarious or did not go over well. I can't believe we traded away Chandler to feature Sheard. I swear this guy was on Yu gi Oh and I hope he never dies. In Gabbert we trust Now throw your shoes. This is really brave and original I'm sure it's all good because he didn't 'intend' for his actions to cause harm. Nice try, newly "made" mob dude seeking out rats to report to your fucking boss. Romanian clay confirmed. no cnn is neutral Why are their fingers on the trigger wtf Like.... WAH? sometimes fifa 16 becomes WWE2k16 bro - JBL: IT'S ALL LEGAL MAGGLE But how much deditated wam? My are monitor is always touching my desk. He needs to be fired immediately. What crimes? i upvoted you dawg. i bet that room smells amazing after an hour. Fuck 'em. This guy looks like a wiener. Based on my performance with it, that really didn't changed much? Bad coding by Blizzard, they should've used bignum arithmetic for every number in the game. Or suggests that the Ukrainian army is shit. Its a troll gift for coming second. In the UK, Pakistani men who carry out sex attacks are described as "Asian" by the media, so you're left wondering if it's gangs of Japanese men imposing their sexual Samurai Law on young British girls Suddenly, Russia has become a compelling vacation destination! overslept, but little to no traffic in bxl, so i'm actually only 5~10 min later at work then usual. I should try this next time to see if it works out Everyone in the league will hate this guy soon enough. Well she certainly sounds classy as all f**k, looks like you missed out on a real treasure there OP. I remember the Yes Minister episode covering this. She has nothing to say if it ain't scripted, a true corporate shill but the media are absolutely terrified of her so one assumes she is a grade A vindictive cunt with a lot of heavy money backers, sad really Hadn't we already negotiated an exemption from this anyway? 2 bashes This is relatively naive, slavery on a raw numbers scale has never been higher this is fact, and then its whether you consider the western form which is debt slavery a form too then that number sky rockets but western slavery is a much better quality of life and is entirely self inflicted by most. k120 master race checking in. It was all a con, what a shocker Wanna add blonde hair to that as well? Sorry Phiz, gotta switch to the C9 flair to support my one true love :') Forceful conversion to Judaism Don't announce it; just do it. Way to be "unexpected" Great line but if memory serves that's not the last line in Batman The scuba diver is Benjen! Man City going to bid for him? How cute, you actually believe this cop is going to face any type of repercussions. Me too! When the girl is all into it and enjoying herself, disgusting You laugh, but just wait until you hear about my $5 Million lawsuit against Carls Jr because they never give me any damn ketchup packets, even when I specifically ask them to! Look at those huge paws! it's just unproven, liberal, tree-hugging, hippy-commie-socialist and al gore propaganda He said it's the same info as if they requested information from Apple but a work order to code a new version of iOS which require the passcode before updating the OS. Kung Fu Panda 2 and Open Season Such cinematic masterpieces Because directives are all well thought out They hate us for our freedoms. Its okay guys debt is not a bad thing Damn, that really isn't much lol Pure heritage, nothing racist about it. Oh, go vote for the Communist party representative, Bernie Sanders... This should make him look mature I swear I see a post like this at least 2 times a day. Obama's shadow government is trying to take down our government! March for Life is in 6 days, are ANTIFA, NARAL, and all of Soros's other pets going to try to silence them? As another male, I'll allow you to put that penis in your mouth without it being homo You guys wanna come to my DJ night? They're all Atheists. to each their own I guess, I would LOVE to have a gf who was a camgirl Socialism doesn't work, that's why the US has to force socialist countries to fail economically. Awesome comments. Is he Arsenal's first Egyptian? The timing was just right! Don't worry guys: persecuting religious minorities has, historically, never been a bad thing! Charlie don't surf Is that the Mother Modem? Police will have an 'independant' investigation where he will be found to have have acted in accordanance with protocol and not have committed any crimes! glad to see the important stuff stays on the news New post: "Guys what is R hop" "Show some effort, use google for 5sec" = Get 10 downvotes OK Well that clears it then Congratulations, Cubbies! He totally busted all you femi-nazis with a single Reddit post! nWo power! Follow the Foundation! series ruined for me unsubbed 1/10 If you were to equally spread the money across to everyone within a couple years the chart would be the exact same. He really showed some exciting combos. I thought this was a screenshot of my Amazon since I have bought both CeraVe and that kitty litter. brb guys I am going to touch myself over how presidential he is being The 'ol science funding sad boner: exciting until the gravity of the situation is realized. Looks like Newsweek is filling the journalistic void left when the Weekly World News shuttered. Good to see our kiwi brothers following in the footsteps of Tony Abbott. More sensible republican leaders. Of course they should say "Thank you." My dick. Nice investigating you did on this Woah I thought he was a bust after 2 games? Is it still Maliki's fault at this point? It's America's fault that North Korea doesn't have better fireworks. Someone pushed the wrong key :) inb4 they release Freddy and Co alongside a Cranky You had a flash and a smoke to use to push him how the hell do you know this TheTzu? and vaginas too. Probably not. A couple congressional election cycles after he declares voting day a national holiday will quickly get him a congress in line with his policies. Sidney and Crosby This is fascinating news, all the other games with lower population must be a ghost town Every day I swear, okay guys we get it. build more leig can't imagine why she got fired... I mean, she behaved in such a professional and respectful manner with her boss. Hmm...Evans sure is having a bad game Well, this is certainly a unique perspective that this subreddit has been lacking. May I donate some ice cream to Baby? This is what happens to America for supporting gay rights, even its animals turn gay! Clearly this is a scripted event with hired actors by President-Elect Trump just so he can push his "no gun free zone" agenda. In our defense, TB looks like a strong super bowl contender this year As an engie main, it hurts to know I will never do this 0/10 the pose and lighting aren't even close Republican response: Ha Ha, 17 less Iraqis. I'm not sure how raising the cost of a third of our products by 23 percent (after handling charges) will benefit Americans. Aweeeeeeeeeeeeeeee lumbersexual This is PERFECT. Get rid of the logo in the wallpaper, the dock, the external hd and then maybe we can talk about minimal. EA heard all of you complaining about the ball hitting the post too many times, so they fixed it Hmm.... I smell a road trip brewing. Kansas....might be the best representation of the entire country right there. good for Hungary Democracy in a nutshell You'd be surprised how many people need to hear or see something 3 times to get it through their thick skulls But remember, we're the good guys Just like the Dems won in a landslide in 2010 because the voters wanted to punish the Republicans. So that we can all be equal and no one feels left out! A socialist utopia. Because all the men were busy scooping the driveway? i'm sure that'll help their ratings Tomorrow or next week Waiting for Dana White to announce the highly anticipated toddler division of UFC Want some thrusters too? Ideal finals RNG vs ANX finals in Korean Olympic Stadium with French crowd. It would be in their immediate interest, with billions pouring each year into the country. Will 6h be enough? That awkward "yup" at the end is the best thing. Lol thats amazing but arent most people too stupid to get it? Shoot a clock. They can't draw 8k because the MLS is conspiring against them and persecuting them or something I can't tell is this is serious or not Make sure u wear ur earphones well on high volume so u don't miss the good part at the end So whenever he's awake? The *dropmic* ruins it for me personally it would help if you told us what time zone you are in, but i would check in 11:!5 est if i were a casual like u Krantenkoppen produceren terwijl je niets nieuws zegt: je moet het maar kunnen. Boobs, yeah this is WTF. Until they release 50/50 for the AQ and BK lmao Great, they can put it right next to the used video game accessories section! Yeah, forget the live audience, she should consider all the viewers of compressed gifs. Thank you for being constructive and being patient for the tweaking. Guy's this is obviously a distraction from the real threat to this country, Mexicans. Ahh, the honest R$ days. You can CLEARLY SEE that the bottoms of his hamstrings are parallel, come on, that was a great lift! PROUD PEENOISE MOMENT HERE. But the rest of the OS is slower so that's okay. Looking to trade a titan X for a hot pocket comment if intrested Religion, the great separator. Boris Johnson, my spirit animal. Somebody is a little sensitive. This just in - PA Lawmakers sellouts, nobody surprised! And the *greatest aftertaste ever*. Plastic fans Well this is great news for a motorcyclist. Hillary is not a big guy.... Nobody, obviously Radio man says "Where'd he go?" *Quinsy Gario swallows delicious racist tears* Am I the only Isles fan who dosen't want to trade Dal Colle? 2/10 doesn't rewind time to reload nice try! I hear Casey's quite the catch! Yeah, everybody knows the Camaro is far superior to the Corvette. guardian is not skinny There's enough grain here to put Feed the Children out of business. You understand he quite literally commands the largest fighting force in the world, right? Assassins creed:new leaf? where are the mahogany planks? Looks like you broke even with how high TRU prices are... not a waste of $ , time and energy at all! all I want is something that plays next gen games without fucking me in the teeth. Homo is mostly a term for gay men, so makes sense. The Knicks Those were mexicans Mother of cunts he is Him? Come on, it's obviously "Mobile phone ", can't you see? It's all an elaborate setup so she can have the FBI arrest Jay and reveal her true lizard form to the crowd. DUPER! Please ups the term "undocumented money" next time in order to not trigger anybody ok shitlord? Yes, that happened. What problems are we haviing? The best form of debate is you cover your ears and sing lalalala as loud as possible. K but like he's ruined tho It's cool, he wasn't a Jew, that's why. Glad punters get some love :D but but you need a reason to log in next week, to claim your prize! I don't know, ask your mom lol fuck all has happened in the last few months in comparison to before they started work on this, bunch of lies to try quell the backlash We get it you vape...... Write "tw" .. Either sell it, give it to a young family member, or use the gamepad and keep the console as a decorative piece. Because being really pedantic about wording helps people. Pretty sure it's earth 1 Barry disguised as Earth 2 Barry. DEFENSE MODE COMMENCE Wooden doors can't contain steel beams! Americans pls, it's lie not lay. He hasn't even started on her yet. ITT: Trigger discipline i think you mean that Best Korea has ample vacation time for soldiers! Perfect. Yeah, because it's the faces he looks at. You think porn stars work 9-5 down at the porn factory? This is all Hack Snyder's fault Great post They felt the need to cover their necks a bit extra to keep warm. Bobby Petrino. It's never in these surveys because "muh accel is badddd" :/ Yeah, if it's one thing the Times is known for it's "typical rumor mill bullshit." This is just a reversed gif, right? Kinda looks like a tech-marine. Ah, zerohegde the objective source we all need. You must have been confusing what Matt Kalil and the rest of the OLine does. SIERRA The other team turned their hacks back on Yes I voted leave am I racist? That last comment was completely unnecessary, it's exactly what was implied by the comment above it. No you need to install Direct X 12, and download more ram. Well, I know where I'm taking my family on vacation this year! Ok but seriously OP lets make a baby. Blow torch? Greek mythology doesn't appreciate women messing up all their oily naked male heroes.. You mean Obama finally found time away from the green to speak on a potential worldwide epidemic. You rolled your window up? So I wonder if they will hold themselves to this standard here we go again, 1m posts evolved into 5m posts. Replace Azurai with Randolph and Allanon with Zeruiah and you're good to go :D Why didn't they just make sure they were all registered, i'm sure that would have prevented this! This guy could be the next US President. That's impressive. I guess car liability insurance isn't required either? Lol just bought one Wow, your dick must be massive! When the game decides to take control. You should be, fuckbag. when u dont use i went to a motorcycle show and watched people do this all day Apparently he knows something about the telecoms industry. HE WAS PULLING OUT HIS SANDWICH! It's full after the preshow. people do not have any decency. Ah 'al qaeda' the goto strawman of the 'evil terrorists trying to take away your freedoms'. liar i bet you never fully channeled yoru 8k damage nuke ...I think a cat's *coat* is softer, sorry... ^(correct me if I'm wrong please) Twitter should move to Sweden. Rank 8 is definitely a bot. @ 1:34 rolls a stop sign, speeds around a speed bump, then points out the guy cutting the corner at the intersection. He's right, best to do nothing. I think this article is mocking people who complain about crying babies, not the parents of crying babies. DO NOT PUT THE PUNCHLINE IN THE TITLE Did they say what 4800 IP champion his/her prize will be reduced? But the polio vaccine causes autism so it is a GOOD thing. Good seems unnecessary, who in their right mind would attempt that again after that guy got crucified? Not an all star though Now logout macro is broken wtf ggg Frontline on PBS called it a false flag conspiracy...apparently these things really happen in other countries! Quebec isn't a recognized (by the rest of canada) part of canada. Nope, still think lockon launchers are the better option Yep, Mila is just another dirty, dangerous, anti-christian refugee. I'm shocked. You dirty cheater... Typical foreigners, always so racist. Did I just see Romo with a cellphone Education and a strong industry.. The oil can certainly give us some benefits and even help reach these goals but I'd love to see Scotland become an educated populace with a lot of expertise to export - like a specialism in technology. Rayman lol He should rather sit and take notes, by doing this, he only loses their respect And the whole obsession with the Syrian children dying to chemical weapons. Should have got a Titan X ... if you can afford $26,000 per year in premiums. You can actually see the venom if you pause it right after it's kicked. I'd rather him look where he's throwing. He was probably harassing other passengers telling them all about how great marijuana is and how important legalization is. God fucking damn it. In our free countries, companies or political parties would never do this! Also, this is the same area that certain people with influence with the city who are trying to get the bike lanes removed off mesa, so In addition to limited sidewalks, you'll not have any bike lanes either. Yes, although if the two writers on this blog are right (both are non Boston lawyers) the NFLPA fucked up too -- we almost got stuck with a conservative judge in Minn Maybe yellows will have increased drop rates now that a company played a years worth of microtransactions from people That not rust though it's stripped off paint. all evidence has a clear liberal bias Thats a Weeird looking baby Why is he calling her racist? They are moving back Remember: Islam is the true women's liberation! Can't believe you would pay that much for a monster TIF Messi, so i could pair him up with my Ronaldo I'm surprised he wasn't given a T for laughing You forgot that speech he gave in 2004. My baby boy! I am bored to because solutions are simple: 1) segwit if not work 2) in next 3months we HF to 2MB blocks for w while 3) we work on optimizing blockchain space / secure way of making blockchain lightweight you mean you (and mostly everyone else) dont have the raid 100% finished on its second week being out? I've noticed that most conspiracy theorists have a hard time downloading Xsplit or Fraps. From what I played on pc yes it is. Marching forward hypocritic and Hypnotic computers You depend on our protection Yet you feed us lies from the tablecloth Which is why one has to actually read the reviews on Amazon rather than simply looking at the number of stars. See, reason for extreme vetting and mass surveillance! Roberson taking the easy road That'll teach her to live for so long! Guns and $500. Phone was paid for by sugar daddy Once Ocelot took Big Boss from the wreck, I expected to hear David Hayter's voice. I guess its not safe for them in Syria anymore so they need to go somewhere else. The most powerful machine Wow, Switch can play 8K games? He was apparently starting to focus on a political career and someone told me he appeared in a rival beer company ad. I can't roll my eyes hard enough... I think Chris Pratt might be in this movie You know, I heard there used to be operations for that, maybe they should propose a bill! It's less of a strong opinion on the state of it and more of a "happy we haven't turned out like that" The Telegraph calls it as it is once again. Is the hate for ahmedis because of something they did or just pure hate for not being like them? Great you can now DE that useless golden legendary to craft Ysera. At our hospital, each nurse got a plain journal and 1 small cookie... I'll be journaling about how the one cookie made me feel appreciated in the midst of contract negotiations. You just got scienced B Reported for scripting. This headline could have read: No longer relevant author points out news stories that have been in circulation for weeks. Why don't we just deport everyone the US is monitoring for possible extremism, or at the very least, ban them from owning guns? All of them because I have cancer. I know, these scripts are impressive Not only should we let them in, we should pay for their plane tickets as well. Oh god this game is starting to look like Melee we better ban it to revert it back to Brawl. these are in better condition than my legend blues i dont think auburn has ever won a game legitimately What is wrong with you people Actually its a twig pillar, its really hard to hit a pillar from a long ways away so I really doubt anyone can knock you down. My freshman year photography teacher had a good saying: "The only steadfast question concerning what you can and cannot photograph is: Can you outrun your subject?" Sounds like a great guy, so glad he's a free man OMG a violent Muslim again? This manga short really speaks out against fat phobia by showing a fat girl literally eating a person. Her feels are the only evidence you need! One night stand all times 28EUROS, lel, gl with that Because he's dope, and he does dope shit. You absolutely can, but make sure it isn't in a merger with another corporation. Surprising no one Happy birthday, Javy, and may your tags remain amazing. Also known for their Euro solidarity. Got to love the **clean** coal technology What a surprise. If you knew everyone as well as you know yourself, you'd feel differently Have at it. That's great, now the NSA has crowdsource traffic reports 24/7 Tell that to Apple and their suicide nets around their buildings no Anyone know where this is? Can Antonio play left back lol she could totally stop the average male If it was free I'd certainly take it. No But he doesnt like black people because Trump = Hitler. Because lord knows there's no way anyone would have a camera out recording a stop or arrest made in public. So everyone stops downvoting him, inb4 is along the same lines as Sony has to be getting ready to sue Glad the owners didn't want us to trade him last year. Atheist ranch. **FAT BODY FAT BODY RUN RUN RUN** Yep, that sure is how species work This is transphobic, not everyone with a penis is a man, and not everyone with a penis is a man. What my dog and I do behind closed doors isn't the business of the state! With March madness coming up it's more clear than ever that nobody cares about either college sport and these games would obviously have terrible sales numbers. This isn't how the data should be looked at... It should be what percentage of hits on quarterbacks after the throw resulted in roughing the passer penalties, then you will actually see which quarterbacks are/are not getting the calls consistently. Read the 48 laws of power, and take advantage them. So I hope they beat the gay out of them good and proper It's so true though. What a hack. can i go please five fucking minutes without hearing about trump Taking my lipator right now! A cowboy hat. But, but...he neeeeeeeds to have sex with another girl! Spring is coming! Those blindingly bright lights really tie together the whole "professional" look. CHECK YOUR PRIVILEGE MEN CANT GET RAPED SHITLORD The RNC is going to be such a delicious drama bomb. Arty is OP, please ban Obviously that poor officer was in fear for his life, hell he probably has PTSD now from the encounter. But kids have smartphones so they deserve to be ripped off The butterfly sure flies fast. One big ass mega thread pls..... One and done it. Ft Juicy J. That aughta be weak. The backpack looks like a long red face. Heh man Azir has to see play. Please source... Not gonna lie i really wanna do things to myself while watching this I mean it's been pretty busy week in sports, might've got overshadowed Wild card weekend recap Bowl game Bowl game recap LA teams. Was the poland slide a nod to the polish fighter pilot squadron of the battle of britan? Oh good, I was afraid it was terrorism. Sorry guys its me :( i eat 3-4 eggs a day. But T_D is satire and should have never been taken seriously so it doesn't count The tl;dr was a nice touch. Looks good, can't wait to see it. I know my panties dropped after that tirade. Bonus info: Has been involved in 408 goals in 288 matches. 250$ that's not to horrible about double what my tires cost. yeah there is 0 reason to be wary of a strange german shepard its not like they're extremely powerful dogs and could totally kill you if pissed off enough or anything. Sears Oh yea, they will apply this new law equally. Predicting Zombie for low tier Thank you for not getting this as a tattoo Gonna be a good update tomorrow So, it hasn't worked for the Padres, Mariners or Mets... but sure, it might work this time. I'd rather be dead than healthy and living a long life of agonising health and painful, painful happiness. That'll teach him for ruining my fantasy season last year. Im better than Curry now Maybe he'll give his tapes to Bebe Rebozo Thank god it also comes in gray, for a second I was really perturbed DONATE YOUR ARMS FOR ARMS I love that he just seemed to appear out of nowhere into his spot. Yeah, comparing all women to a dog is *sure* to help them see the light. The emojis were a nice touch. I think its bullshit that he has been denied a seat at the table in Trump's plans for immigration, but I don't know if showing up with the purpose of creating conflict helps his cause. IP Man , IP Man 2, and just released jan 22 IP Man 3 Oh my god I can't stop fucking laughing ouch my sides hurt. RUBY RIDGE ALL OVER AGAIN Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. As long as it was voluntary i don't see the problem They have keep a record of every person who received a haircut for 20 years and/or turn that record over to the ATF when they close their business? Wow, stop being so dark with your facts 'No it's art' Holy delusions, batman No sir, you're creepy Aaacqaaqaqq pcAryanRace It's almost like they don't want you to pay off your mortgage... Maybe it is time to crowd fund bribing all concerned to rig the game so the skill of the players like wins the game. Alt-Headline: "Dangerously Confused President Destroys Consumer Protections" I'm not funding this BS Sorry buddy but it's not comming anytime soon Another fucking nerf to Lucian, how unexpected. And now you pay the piper. Inb4 the parents sue the police for telling them to control their children in other news, toxic air banned, now being sold by shifty guys in back alleys for half the price, more available than ever. He can afford tuition at a college if basketball doesn't work out. Kind of like investing in Casinos with nothing but borrowed money. I could tell by the snow on the ground this morning! Uganda : unchecked rural Texas Alls I see is Jesus Christ I'm glad I'm not the only one with this as a background. Yuppie trash Judging by the flap surrounding standards of the Vicky Price trial jury I think we're more worried about Orvilleian open courts. Can people please get off their high-horse and stop dictate what others can/can't say? It bothers me that the names of the schools, logos and mascot names are used interchangeably on this map. I'm SO glad the the Iraq war only took slightly more than a month before it was all over and our fearless leader could declare "Mission Accomplished!" What a Terrible, Terrible Title for a Post. He clearly is the VICTIM of FEMALE HYPERGAMY! Why is he hating women so much? That's such a great way to tell the world that you have faith in your product Look how she crumbles that homemade bomb! Haters gona hate ... Racists gona race (?) Whatever it needs to be to convince globbies the earth is flat. Why does Roy's head look odd? Buying name: Chode Will pay handsomely combining running and cycling is an interesting way to ruin statistics. Don't you know that if you don't let cops do this, then they'll stand back and let 30 people get shot in your city and it's completely what you all deserve? Dang it screw up my run i came back and im out of energy and didnt lvl up This is just bad design man, kinda broken IMO, and i'm 100% sure they will never print something like this So funny I can't wait until this finally comes out for the PS5! I like the diversity in your collection I am glad that only the first few cards had randomness in them and rest would be less random like Ben Brode said. Nothing to do with the combat aspect of the military, but the every day things military personnel have to sacrifice should be enough to give them your respect. It's a great touch, narcissist to the core. Prostitution and pot is legal and they don't have a military, so I'm thinking it's an actual hell hole. Don't you mean proNOUNciation OP? Yeah Turkey's been genociding a lot of people recently I welcome you to the Reach, Lord Beesbury. Miss fortune, the singed counter with the instant ulti waveclear Hey guys, I heard he invented the high five. Perfect candidate for an engine swap! He hate's everything, except donuts! Actually it was just bad Lsd The humble spud that fights *for justice*. guys pls stop this, my heart cant take it nice bring back religion it makes people do sane things like this! The kid that fell in was black so he won't have to worry about that. Right, thats why they made that cake so OP can sue the company should have got a 380m in his laptop What was the conflict of interest? IIT pashu palan campus drive I'm glad they were so serious about "extreme vetting" of refugees but not administration staff. I think you need a few more. most people use internet these days but most people that watch wrestling are inbred hicks and don't really know how to use it I am so surprised that only 9% of people are very confident for social media sites to protect their data. Since he says he can't hear individual noises, on field goals Seattle should just quiet down and let one fan make all the noise. CBJ makes me sad I didn't know that they had figured out smiling back then What's going to happen with the guys that had the stolen gun(s)? Satan is sending them here, straight from hell! TIL that chiropractors are just as fake/dishonest as psychics, snake oil salesman, and homeopathic remedies. That would be a shame Pssh that would *never* work What made you think that? Matt Helders and Nick O'Malley I would never allow a pig to date any of my relatives. beautiful, it will be built using the bodies of dead minorities. That's not a duck! But don't you know they're literally committing genocide in Germany by stealing all the jobs and impregnating all the good pure white girls? men can take off bras too They got the physics spot on. Ok, guys, how can we turn this against De Wever? but where are the moderate muslims? Cenk is a fucking dingleberry on the filthy butthole of internet "journalism." This literally breaks the whole thing, lazy devs fix asap Bob Barker would be so proud Because they're not brown and they're claiming to follow the same religion as us. This is one of the best things I've ever read. Well kind of And by "kind of" you mean not even remotely close Aw, I love how he used his show's hashtag for nice, touching family Tweet I guess we can't have snippets of videos according to the mods, so you're gonna have to remove this and post the whole god damn concert Way to make a grown man cry ya jersey scum That poor teacherbro, being eyeassaulted by an off-limits feeeeemale wearing ~~totally situationally appropriate~~ unfair feeeeeemale clothing. No said common sense was a job requirement at the DC's Hey, that string is within 1% reliability of Verizon's network. Callie and Marie? I find that maintaining an non-extinct society is rather beneficial for everyone involved. Ya, Americans are so barbaric compared to the rest of the world! That's a sick slide she did. I thought PC gamers only pirated their games though? it makes her super edgyyyyy u dont understandddddd herrr tumblrrrrr Still can't upload videos in 4.3.1 Western Aggressors flying their oppressive planes everywhere, Time to fire up the missles! I've heard reports that the USA is hiding weapons of mass destruction. HAHA OMG SO FUNNY This allll could've been avoided if OP had instead titled the post, "This is how I shawarma" No one likes being told what to do sexistism Guys it would be SO BAD for progressives if the more progressive candidate won. I don't get it, where's the key... holy shit it wrecked that dunnage on the back right More for me! I came to comment this. Oh good, a giant company has control over a renewable energy source! What limit, exactly, is CNN pushing? femmechisms*, shitlord! I'm starting to think it's not worth learning that new john-cancel tech for winning genesis 4 smash 64 grand finals Looks like Germany, Austria and Switzerland just lost their status as developed countries. GTA V day one Because the GTA V on the consoles has a way better story, a bigger map and more weapons. If she's implying that overpaid CEOs are whores, I'm OK with it. That sure rolls off the tongue. None of this really matters, the dems will gain this cycle and when the small recession hits in 2-4 years the voters are going to toss them out of power in 2020 leading to a Wisconsin/Michigan style congressional gerrymandering of epic proportions ensuring GOP control of the house forever. Dopeeeee If only we had a chance to vote for this guy and not.. *shudder*.. **her**. Aw, he's even angry at fictional women, how cute 610p is pretty good, but not as good as 720p. Must have been roaming around a Chinese food stall I like how they put Titan Z's in steam machines. Its easy to understand the hardship of being a minority with that nice watch on his hand its now faster to beat barrels for metal frags then to smelt actual metal no It resulted in a yellow card, but it was a clear red. Didnt hear you complaining about mats they have outside the ring, same thing. But both candidates are EXACTLY the same! LITERALLY HITLER It might just be my millennial sensibilities, but he's definitely literally the best ever. Dude when it was just Mauro most of us just wanted the two split up, it's the literally everything else that changed everyone's mind. Will Patton stay or leave for the NBA? black guy always dies first. Haven't even listened yet but two of my favorite groups coming together holy shit hype. late last year Well of course, he's like superman, what'd you expect? You don't have to dash after parry, just simply follow up a guard break or top light attack Not afraid of financial collapse or can't picture financial collapse? Civil War coming? You kept it so classy What are you talking about? Kyle Shannahan seems like the best fit for what the Ravens like to do. Don't be wrong but I'd like children! I did this, do I just call and explain that added an AU and ask if there is any MR bonus associated with it? Always assume that females are friendly because if you think they are being flirty and they aren't, they'll rip your dick off and scream rape. What an incredible waste of money. That's a galaxy s5. Because synthetic gravity. Cleaning up is as easy as catching a ball in a cup! 14 hours to go on that auction...... here we go! cock hardens at the thought It's why I called him LeBrawn previously coz guy is in good shape. IKR, damn cans take so long to cast and shit. It's so dumb but there are a lot of salty betters out there I'm finding Bandage Girl to be much more suffering than The Lost. Wow, someone needs to grow up. good guy i.minus: makes sure you see every single frame of the gif loading the first time Wow crazy this isn't front page news I really liked it, made me think of priestess a bit She needs to be euthanized Crazy Man looks kind of like a profile of a long 4-legged mammal sprinting, like a cat or a wolf That's because lizard people can't grow beards. Hnnnnnggg jesus ITS FUCKING HAPPENING LADS Yeah, that's why Canada is such a shitty place to live I will find you, and I will kill you... and then take your GPU. What, you don't like Candy Crush? Just shoot the gun out of the suspects hand. I'll wait for VR ala SAO (sword art online) minus the scrambling your brain bits. I was once teaching a friend how to turtle up properly with Mech in TvZ by playing the Cheater AI on Vaani Research Station and at some point the AI loaded up like 15 OVs full with Ultras, Queens and Infestors and dropped them into the inbase natural, which almost lost me the game. To anyone who can't distinguish sarcasm in the other comment, this is 100% fake - Key's don't exist for HotS. I can't fap to this... But they have an io domain and everything! So we have a chance now :D ? Scorer white zomba and normal white zomba or I'll sell scorer for 175 and add noncert white zomba Maybe, just maybe, older people with life experience have "some" idea what will happen when the younger idealists enact laws, rules, regulations that just won't work and will adversely affect everyone. When I play GTA, it doesn't mean that I'm committing homicide just because I shoot someone down. Gloves for the punching of things? ANNNNNND it's just a new 14 day calendar... woo Would have been more than a game if the Pens were playing the Pens RACIST! But Jesse Eisenberg was The Riddler Whichever group most conforms to my views of course, probably the particular flavor of church I associate with. white santa barbarians on reddit show off their fragility and their inability to think critically about class struggle more at 11 Maybe they are the same guys who killed that cop in Fox Lake nearby. Mass Effect 3 [Kai Leng] Does PyrionFlax live here? See you have plenty of water California Awww, your face makes it look like you have more brains than you really do. I can't see how anyone would abuse this in PvP at all. I'll take, "Things my store manager would get mad about," for 500 Bob. Fucking monopoly money. This race is going to be epic. maybe you can't stump the trump but you can AHEH AEGH GET TO THE CHOPPAH trump My bank pays ATM fees and it is one of my favorite things about them I loved it in 1930's Germany, I love it now. Just a prank bro Georgia was 48,656 refugees.. Wow I'm soo proud to be an American right now Is there going to be a draft intake on the cooling tower? Fuck, I wish G2 would leave the CS scene. Did they fix the brewmaster combo though? Not to be racist but what's the problem with you people. Hence "right now", Strangethorn into Warden is going to suck to play against. Go to sick call for diarrhea and you're out for a day or two. Diabetes is just a Chinese conspiracy to take away American jobs. Oops, but I have nothing to hide Get cable combs so we are better than them huh V A P O R M A C H A S A R R I V E D See, that's why women shouldn't be in politics So if there's a photograph of you and your father, would you say, "This is a picture of my father and me?" In all seriousness if I seen this done to my kid I would Fuck that bitch up We do have a game in hand Potatoes are gluten free Dog filter=giving up? I love their excuse that this is the "new normal", because Obama's rating was just as bad just *a month ago*. Talk about a retarded spirit. oh lord no keep being lost Duda pls Where do those fuckwits get off on thinking that it's okay for them to breath? ITT: CTR talking points Tradelands Episode 666: Attack of the 3.0 Novas Aww I was hoping we'd take a kicker with our 7th Damn, I got 19 keys sorry to waste your time Each star orbited by it's own planets...... Calm down now! To be fair, I'd toss a lot of our mgtow principles out the window if Christina Ricci asked me to be her slave. As the Pope of Atheism, I think that goes with the job description. Nelly is Isis ring leader Let's just remove all the penetration from the game! Yeah, they purposely left stuff more good stuff better be on mcat Sad. 7 games do not a season make. I don't recommend filling your truck up with gasoline anyway. At the exact time that "terrorism" became the blanket term for acts of violence. Guys please don't give me gold HEY THAT IS NOT OKAY MARRIAGE SHOULD BE BETWEEN MAN AND WOMAN NOT MAN AND CAR OR WOMAN AND CAR Morientes, Litmanen spring to mind. YOU'RE JUST AN ATHEIST FUNDAMENTALIST! Careful now, if this gets too much attention, all the fat hate subs will rip you apart because those some of guys have a gut. I "dig" it Because he keeps saying stupid shit and shooting his campaign in the foot. Where's my pearls, I need to grab them. im sure everyone here knows that a lot of russias own depiction of their "history" is false, and i personally would take a very critical look on anything what russia says since they are liars and trying to spread propaganda. I wonder what Taurean Prince has to say about this the obsession with recolors and pets is one Ill never understand FredBeard is the Man PC gaming so expensive Fuck off you stupid son's of bitches. I heard they gonna release the game in less than one month, are you excited OP ? Why doesn't he just go back to wearing 19 like he did in Tampa? Now that kid can buy a pc I can confirm this, just got ryse for free Holy shit this is the best comment Zomariss? You mean throwing roundhouse kicks at their signs and smacking men in the face while you insult them isnt the same as a counter protest? One driver, one crew chief, one spotter, the crew chief has to get down there and do everything himself, if the driver wants, he can get out and help, the spotter can too, but he'll have to spot from the infield. Unbiased data to be release soon from it I assume? somewhere out there, a confused brady hoke is smiling If only I could pull out as well as this couch Kim *"I am happiest when working otherwise I sit at home being emo"* Taeyeon Poor dude watched his career slip away. It's REALLY rapey. When you can't even wipe your ass without being called racist thanks 2016 Look at all those poor women and children. 'cuz the leafs really need to invest in more offense! *This dog will shock you* RWBY? The Founders obviously didn't understand their original intent. Man I love these newfangled videos without sound! I was COMPLETELY serious BTW. I've had nothing but problems with foreigners, ever since I came to this country! So is retard reddit still sulking about the military vs the muslims or are you suddenly realizing that the muslim brotherhood loves to play the victim while also being terrorists. That's not nightmare foxy thats a box of eggos But her feels? I cannot wait to see 30 more of these (sort of) rare achievements this week posted individually outside of the mega-thread. this is common actually... more and more companies are charging customers for using credit cards.... I have also seen a lot of gas stations not even accepting credit cards I'm kind of surprised nobody took the cord. I like my GeForce 480 elp mi Solid player, too bad he wasn't good enough for us. Lacy plans to cut down from 5 to 3 course meal plan. Maybe the thief owns a glass repair shop? wow how surprising Dear customers: please stop moving the table and chairs; we need them for our illusion. Who the fuck cares? Does he maybe get a start....? I wonder how it feels to be that bad... Like that's impressively bad Actual members of congress appear on this man's show. go back to your tumblr safe spaces you sjw I see what you did there. ITT: people saying that PC is better based off a game that isn't on the PC. Have we gone too far? Wouldn't that be a savings of 25%, if you make a day of it? At least the card isn't insufferably smug. Most prices for consumer items don't fluctuate daily (if not more often). She gets no jail time after admitting to the crime while a guy would get jail time for being falsely accused with no proof. imagine being that pathetic I'm going to go for, City Vista Apartment parking lot? the UK used to protect palestine under a LN mandate, nearly had a conflict with Israel over it Once you turn away from democracy the only way to get a fair government back is by rebellion. Don't break up the banks, I am a bank after all. I'm really only interested if it's made with Stitzel-Weller tree sap. I know Jeff's ripoff wasn't the greatest but this is asinine had to give Collingwood something I guess... Popping a few gtx 1080's in there should do it. Those soil bags are heavy tho man. I am waiting for Nate Silver to let us know when these polls become relevant. i dunno, i think having to take off my shoes off and throw away my water at airports is a great idea I feel soooo bad for him. And the trump effect is on the move. LOL ITS LIKE 10 STR, AFK ONLY EASY EASY :D Or even just 32 hour work weeks. Have we not learned our lesson yet? You clearly have never been on XboxLive or LoL The real question is, which of these will be free is PS+ in the next 3 months? But i thought only Asian people did this kind of thing. And I'm missing out on it because I'm a Nets fan Im so glad we live in a society where companies can engage in profiteering and exploiting their workers in the name of shareholders. Are these for PS3 too? This nigga drake mad sus. This is not a good idea, when you test the limits of technology the natural progression is innovation. hey 480, meet 480 You know, if we are living in game or simulation, it isn't really that bad... *cough*KonamiCode*cough* he would fit the box to box role pretty well. I have to admit I had been using ArcGIS Pro for several months and enjoyed it. TIL "lmao" = "." There is a lot wrong with that graphic- even if the figures and the projection are accurate. an hour before that i traded red luger and clockwork for tides *most fun champ confirmed They couldn't because technology was not advanced enough for a dedicated customer support at the time But inflation Don't worry Dr_Octagonapus, I get it. Time to steal it and use it for my fangame! It gives you the option to choose the Beetle. If i know Italian engineering, I bet that thing started every time Because such a thing can't possibly be purchased proof that all chritians are rapists He's definitely that type of guy when he gets in a relationship Oh no, it's literally Morpheus from The Matrix, better send some nudes. Well, let's look at the upside - at least next year after the VAT increase too, we'll be starving and without any luxury goods but at least the deficit is being cut! I'll be sure to watch my word choice around all of my gypsy friends. It's a small world after all. Looks like a burrowing animal to me, take relief! Someone add in Seth Rollin's theme to this and I'll laugh myself to hell. When are we going to see the articles complaining about the objectification of bishonen? one thing you can count on is more fines for more made up crimes its another way of taxing us after all like carbon tax wasn't bad enough eh. Good thing he died before he was charged as a molester. Came here to say this, you magnificent bastard! I would describe how I would do it in detail, but it's too long to post here ;). But how will this effect the meta? TIL daft punk did a cover of Kanye West's smash hit stronger The top, unless there's a power bottom in the mix how lolol Good, because this is plain and simple Attempted Murder. Looks like it's out of stock now. anyone got Marlins v Tigers? TIL Vinyl Discs are still an everyday thing. I never would have guessed Yay, we're safe now. Sounds like some Dragon Ball stuff! Well I guess Costco is going out of business now! Really love that Moana one How dare you drop a truth bomb like that, this is for cop basing only. Glory lol "just a few miles". The only way to do this would be to figure out who is in charge and blackmale them This is from source 2 isn't it? Some people just can't handle The Ultimate Driving Machine. Or just make a macro and let it work for you :P I'm not sure if you're really a fan or you just have the flair on for situations like this. Can we try him at center instead of Kelce? Sure, and we could go back to requiring they pass a literacy test as well. And it would only take 1 second amendment folk-person to stop Trump. Damn, but why don't the Asylum seekers just go to Israel's neighbors. ultrawide? Uh oh, the 9 inch creepers better watch out there's a new game in town. Isn't the world a lovely place? Looks more like someone was walking their dog and didn't pick up after them. Previously on Lost! Maybe she's making a comment on multiculturalism, maybe we should be staying where we are and trying to sort out out problems. Hey, look at that awesome glaive skin. It's almost like rebels takes place a few years after the clone wars! What forces? Cos that's always a good thing Hacks. No see this IS the best charity for women That was funny I like how he never gives you the chance to actually answer the questions, he just keeps sending them, and by the end of it is too lazy to even stick a question mark on the end of them. It appears that hash power of BW pool has migrated to AntPool? Sorry, but what a useless post title. Drink Coffee Curl all day From looking around my gym this seems to be tested every day. *DING DING DING* *^^^^^^^^^DING* Boy, I hope they keep the Flash style instead of all this retro shite! no go away GTX 980 3gb? A woman's place is in the kitchen. Does that mean that I have to leave and come back to be eligible? $3million dollar bounty... The rest should go to the people who the money actually belongs to. I find people pushing for smaller government when quenstioned about specifics often want the same amount of government for themselves just smaller government for other people Sve je ovo zavera, odmah da vam kazem. Was this before or after he shot a man? When making political decisions I always look for the opinions of heroin addicts. Kris Dunn was born 3-18-1994 Anthony Davis was born 3-11-1993 Sauron Yes. u snigle? Does independence from a parent make you less capable of having a place among the human race as a whole? I think he still puts this on his boxing record Wow, how relevant Right, but **WE'RE** the ones who are intolerant! Oh you can do other posts than updates to csgo Lady has brass lips god fukin damn dude calves bigger than knee caps, life goals right there Hey, nice comparison comic! And now we wait till FanFest 2016 This is why I need feminism yeah but none of the royals deserved it, doesnt matter that they've scored every run, it was the fans fault Alriiiight, Mister Carlus Marxus obviously dedicated his entire life to an ideology that he secrectly knew would never work, beacuse that makes just so much sense Oh he's definitely a shoe-in now. His finger pointing was the male embodiment of **PENIS THRUSTING** her in to submission! He's more of a patriot than all you libruls Citymapper seriously, this thing could use a little more jpeg Wait, that fifth one... Is that the wolf from CASE: Animatronics? Why would they spend so much money denying something that doesnt exist? The main girl's voice is not loli enough. She must be a secret conservative. The eight-year-old should have been taught proper firearm discipline and to treat guns with respect. She would have to be a good actor OH MAH GAWD NOW I CANT VOTE FOR HER Bye Hey, look at that "S" car go! Totally crossing my fingers for a Game Of Thrones TV show based on the Game of Thrones Telltale game based on Book! No shit. good for clg Replacing Obama care Yeah, fuck people for liking things. You will find it on Spotify. and that's why you will never see a black widow movie "By the way isn't ms marvel and captain marvel and thor great?" Yeah, things have really gone downhill since we started developing vaccines and treatments for so many deadly diseases. T R I G G E R E D Lol, electro def king of kills for the crab... feels good getting 3 kills in one shot The only problem I see now are the new Jim Crow laws. he went in a way that would allow him to hit the maximum amount of people with his burrow strike, instead of blinking directly into them and only stunning a few. Well quit burning coal from nk. Roy Hodgson. Game's a game mate. It's classic valve, fuck it, let the community tell us what's wrong. Don't be silly, grenades look like pineapples. **Washington Post Reports on Monster that the Left Created** Fixed that headline And TIL that Xbox name comes from direct x 59-16 is a chinese tank in world of tanks, not sure why it's on the EVE twitter. Look at Bernie's ability to work with the republicans! I originally read as Marilyn Monroe :( Weak, I don't see humidity or wind speed and direction. Emojis really drive home their thesis Good thing Rousey doesnt throw wingers. All you Democrat voting retards are getting played like a fucking fiddle. I thought Kim Jung Un was the sole source of truth. If that's true, you can kiss that market rally goodbye. gib klei Satan clearly made the subjects studies good people to mess with the study, because this conflicts with current Mormon doctrine. Are.. Are we a cult? Did you get donation points for posting this A real shame, shows how far we've sunk into the sheep mentality. On the other hand, they could be just dust stains in the lens. Valve... SO SMART. I rather them work on all the potholes. This just in the price of a cheese burger has skyrocketed. No because law enforcement agents have to be finger printed and they would have caught him after the first letter was sent to them for the youtube link, click on the closed caption (cc) to activate the subtitles Now that Halo 5 is out, they've shut it down. Someone will make America great again Oh, I better go out and fill up my whole tank right now then! just got the stealth supply jacket for 170! Guns don't kill people, patriots do! Sounds like heaven on Earth. I meant I'm Gotta set-up the alibi. Deverell Biggs Renewed for a Fourth Year of Illegal Downloads FTFY He can go fuck himself. I think you might want to host it on imgur or youtube, your free webhost doesn't seem to be capable of handling the traffic. Ew. I guess because designing decent cars is such a burden. You actually expected a reasonable conversation? You have to get new gear and new dyes, dye it, then augment it before putting it on, it's the only way I'm flying back to go to school in Boston later today I'll slap some sense in to him 9/11 was an inside job. Reddit GOD DAMN THOSE M$ SPIES MOTHER OF GOD WHAT WILL THEY DO TO US NEXT As a person of European descent, I get to feel superior to people of European descent elsewhere because I have survived 20 of our fucking hellish summers. Please tell us what mods are involved in this picture. Because no one EVER has been upset they missed out on an opportunity and lashed out before. I unno how bad a solution for lack of child care this is...kids look pretty happy in those pictures to me. De keuze lijkt mij snel gemaakt but what do the white hats say? I'm waving at you - can you see? They were marching for the right to grab fetuses by the pussy, as well as by the dick. The only time TK'ing would not be frowned upon. I really see how abstinence only programs work now. Okay...but they're still slaves. Well at least it ain't racism. Today I learned my mixed league team plays total football. It's funny if they get raped because they're in prison! LOL ACTUALLY Glad we have nutjobs like this to protect us from ourselves forcefully. Were are these non-believers getting their morals from? Dayshi all alone haha Aren't you a little young to be dating? Why does Biden hate the jews? I can't wait for the day when students start breaking Surface Hubs in the dumbest ways possible Regardless of any truth that there is about it being an awful rendition, labeling all white people with the same brush is totally not racist. +1000000000000 I love chevy, but this is stupid. Gary Johnson for president! That sexist pig. Are dlc maps released already? He gots the espalepsy. Rich Piana would sell the non botted natural strength cape But giving tax cuts to the rich helps the economy Typical RIPORT EERELIAAAA FFEEEEEEEEEED 10X LOOK AT VOLIBEER OMG SO NOOBO RIPORT 10X FYOHA WHY NO HELP AAAAAAAAA Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah - Lil Uzi Vert Probably because she's 15 and her pops found it. Oh boy, I didn't see that coming Is that winter kill or fungus? Rio's Tourism Council is tearing it ***up*** on Reddit today I have a Samsung 6S+ and my phone lasted 4 days of light usage, I'm pretty happy with it You need to use a hdcp supported cable/monitor. I suspect this is going to be a protocol model aimed mainly at community/public health, where directives for these acts are so common and numerous that they're becoming an administrative problem and slowing things down. If i could hack someones account, the first thing I'd do is capture them some sweet, sweet Dragonites. A thousand year reich? I almost certainly won't be, but if it can see me out for a few more decades, I'll be happy. Tell me about it, the other day I went to a Porsche dealership and those fuckers wanted a shit ton of money for like $800 of metal and rubber. Oh to be alive when small busts were in fashion. Looks like Mass Effect Andromeda is coming to Android. nice catch what's twisted treeline? Delhi is a place of rich people. That scumbag POS But but, Nige said it'd be great, we'd get proper beer and the empire back! i dont know why i am blocked :D GUYS ITS TOO NON CINEMATIC LIKE AND UNREALISTIC, PLEASE GIB 24FPS Amazing You can but don't expect society to respect it. One of the most legendary plays your mom Well he was gay so it's cool right? Can we get another fire maybe? We've had SOOOOOOOO many. Coke obviously FA handling the important matters in football. When you have kids you'll understand And this is how they turn otherwise reasonable people into security freaks who want to spy on everything and prosecute whistle blowers. Well, this definitely proves it! Came down from the Rockies to visit family in Ontario and boy did I ever pick a good week to come back the kinect picks up every sound made and is shitty. Minecraft: Advanced Warfare Not surprised with the amount of servers you're on.. holy jesus. I was wondering what the hell that was when It popped up on Facebook OVERRATEDSON That's why I VATS every damn weed I see. The team on the right has a 3.7, so it should be all good. Terrorist of course meaning "someone I strongly disagree with." It's not that surprising, the map IS beta after all. No you are just being sexist a 14 year old girl who plays against prepubescent boys could totally compete once they become grown men Could you explain a little better? pretty sure it was already pointed out in the artwork gallery thread Great gfycat submission. Them deport them instead. I enjoy [Clan Wars](http://www.clan-wars.org) This just proves that the "freedom" America is long dead. Well when the umps bosses can't even criticize them why should players? This whole trade smells pretty funky to me. -Saitama -4 Big Boobied totally obsessed with me girls. You have nice eyes I thought it wasn't a ban? Fuck this, it's ANSI! just play for the patriots ! This is at least the second time I've seen this reposted. This isnt Major World News therefore you posted on the wrong sub Son como las enchiladas Michoacanas, pero in Micho no mas le ponemos repollo y salsa. Because you're looking at normals. Riiiiiigggghhhhhtttttt Brink I posted this yesterday, where's my gold? Well there certainly isn't any agenda behind the title of this post at all This can't go bad at all not knowing the scientific term for eating a girl out = nerd virgin probably I just hate it when I'm at a "restraint" trying to get some cruelty-free pizza and the waitress gets irritated by my bragging and self praise! He has been amazing for us. First stages before you start turning into Brundlefly. Cool haha, gonna go for an early Luneth lv99 also, long term investment! LOWERCASE LETTERS ARE SO OVERRATED! I should make a unique mobile game. Finally a killer app for the iWatch. This Wong fellow doesn't seem to know when to stop airbrushing. And definitely, *definitely*, not the US. Is it just me, or does the circle and swastika on Naziball look like a pacifier? But really, do presidents need to be there? Ah real pleasant people I see Christ, this motherfucker probably got over 5 grand every time he provided his gangster bros with intelligence. Sooo, like 5 people? As nice as these are, still waiting for them James Hardens. How did they manage to benchmark the A8 when the phone isn't even out yet? Specs? The title is ambiguous, is he an atheist student that's studying law or is he studying law of atheism? Apparently dropping DJT's clothing line wasn't enough to rejuvenate their business. Obviously we need to pass more bomb-control laws. A $6 can of Plasti-Dip? 11/10 very cemu related Implying that there was a holocaust. cause they racist This woman is like a poster child for Eugenics. Yeah, a good advice. Good, I was worried my country was running out of wars in the middle east that we probably shouldn't be involved in and definitely can't afford to fight. Usually i dont get the being offended thing but yeah he's got a point... Awsome response. He's famous, every moment of his life is our business. Every time I see an XV10 Camry do something stupid I die on the inside a little :( good Sorry for inconveniencing you so much by delaying the free stuff hang-out by half-an-hour. So sick The only thing this says about the Electro Pea, is how you have no taste in customizing the variant The guy is wanted for embezzling 100 million Unless Sakurai tells us sooner, we'll know in less than two weeks! WOOOOO GOTDAM HOW BOUT THEM COWBOYS Crimson Zomba 1:1 This is smash porn Lanzarote, Canary ilands **At least** 45 years * Records only go back to 1970. Try in a hot fudge sundae ohh my it's good Get a real owl and show him whos boss Very first lady like. Must've been his white privilege. This drought bleeds on now we're dancing for rain Yeah more violence is the answer What -Crazy eyes -Inaccurate cosplay -Unneccesary lip piercing -Strange belly button -Possible belly scar -Unsightly moles -Veiny arms -Chin too broad -Ears stick out too much 2/10 WOULD NOT BANG! Read the rules. These idiots wouldn't know violence if the KKK dragged them behind a car. She must have died in the Bowling Green Massacre. Damn women's suffrage. Respect to not_Queen_bhvr for keeping us posted. Just one? Well he did behave, almost literally, like a shitlord. 1) Spine 2) Lither 3) Subtext 4) Ginger Steel infrastructure....bah...that's cheating, might as well just use glue. At least it's socketed Didnt expect a nuketown clip How to make you mustang look like a ricer Umm, they did not have photoshop in the 1800's Buying Twitch followers works Do you skype it every night? I've seen this before can't remember where The Monday Morning Podcast with Bill Burr OR The Simply Scary Podcast It's a subcontinent because it's a world of subhumans and substandards Miami downvoted for women's rights The first excuse post today! This isn't relevant to this subreddit. Balance. it has a picture for an hard drive,but advertising it as an ssd it has a picture of an sd card,but advertising it as ram gj Lenovo No one cares - the elections over. I'm glad the tumblr comments were included in this photo. No nos olvidemos que es una excelente oradora You can clean it all you want, but it's still not powerful enough to emulate an Xbox 360. well damn that's one way to do it I wanted to be a scientist , I am actually a disappointment. I love this, when you land it just right it's like hitting a homerun in baseball, it's so clean you don't feel any forced energy Yes, 3DS and 2DS are practically the same thing. Dem tabs doe Damn those eyebrows could cut a white male cishit like he was made of butter Guess that's the end of the USD/Euro and several other Forex markets Not like he isn't banking in karma from the other goal. Gay people do this too? BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I don't like football anyway. Because the cable is too expensive to short circuit I've always wanted one of these since seeing them in the hunger games. At least it's not Obummer's death panels! Yup, just under a 2.4 million difference. Don't worry they'll be re-uniting soon enough #intel Hey man, at least she didn't tell all of them and hold them all responsible. Good thing they fired Lovie, I mean people were beating down the door to hire Koetter, had to make the move now if you wanted to keep him Shush, you know you want it for the karma If Donald Trump had a son. At least link me to the google drive /thread Thats gonna work out perfectly But dude, I'm like better at driving when I'm high as a kite, I focus more, like totally. I remember when I was a kid, when I thought it was cool to attempt to hit people with a slingshot. Yeah, because only bad people play Germany When it first came out it was fun. I wonder how high the correlation between population density and poverty/education level is. How long until he gets turned into a smug racist? okay Reddit, now tell me how this makes Obama look bad and Trump look good I've bought two off eBay, one was better than described and the other bike was a good price but in rougher shape than described. Oh god nooo. Last ditch effort to lose maybe? that's hot. Looks like it should say channel to me Ah, more fake ratings. Needs canted irons, banana or beta mag, slidefire, and at least 2 more lasers. Yeah, it's not hidden if everybody knows how to make them. Those three, beautiful words... No fat chicks. I always thought "Nether" was short for "Netherlands". OMG i have that headset :S hexed Who needs creativity when you have reposts! Bit of a racist edit of the title. A real pilot would of avoided those birds. This sub gonna be advocating eco terrorism anytime now And it is all the fault of conservatives in general and Bush specifically. I hated him before it was cool. Is that Britney Spears? Who cares? wow an ignite,minion aa's and a Q he got destroyed alright it only happens when Dwade doesn't play. Right now they're doing it for themselves Theyve go about 72 cards more to do... Doubt we're getting night witch now. abb kidhar gaya samacharbot bc? Book of the week: A Race for Purity - The History of the German Beer by Max Mustermann Dude hush man is boaty just circlejerk like the rest of us Races. Yeah, what this city needs more of is brown/beige brick buildings! What's the draw for you? Man's league just a visual glitch probably Cruyff Trenbolone The game has "only" been in full, open release for over year.... It's like you expect the game to have no bugs or something yeah cuz the current staff has done such a great job Probably 300 Paultards unite! WORLDWIDE NA TAYO, MGA KA-DDS! Ironically your name is Adolf, but I'd still vote for you! I am enjoying it so far, but have one question - when did "Sex" become a verb? I thought that's what askreddit was. Thanks, Obama. OMG THAT SIGN SAYS MERRY CHRISTMAS I'M SO TRIGGERED Holy shit i made the 2014th comment he deleted it though, is that a good sign? Murky tying up FOUR heroes for that long is opening the door for a Red Team comeback more than anything. Who is Phil Robertson? WTF? I'm pretty sure a Trainer or Ranger mentioned this around the Haunted House area. Until last year they had a similar thing at the Vegas Hilton Yeah I'm sure there are people sunbathing on Normandy beach right now clueless there was ever a battle fought there. phelps will go back in time and smack this kid. Oh, so they're willing to localize their cakes, but not their games? And think about it, that's after cutting his teeth on the soft Eastern Conference. Innovative and thoughtful post Looks like he can do some space ripper stinger eyes now. So are we just gonna let him get away with that? You just know the state paid for those groceries. You betting low on massive favourites by any chance? Aussie day, bogans culling more bogans It's the devil's lettuce balding gatorskins i havent changed in years. found my watercooling project What was retail? why can't I downvote this TWO WORDS MARK THOMPSON BRAH WATCH BEYOND PARADISE How to ruin your business in 5 minutes! Can't wait for Creationism to become a required class in schools. Mistberg is better I WONDER WHO IT COULD BE Damn he must really like Salad. wtf bro Frothing/Patron Warrior Card nerf announcement This is what the weed stuff will make you do, kids. Milo now just likes gay sex, but is no longer gay. Mirror? Because you should eat your cereal. Anyone I don't agree with is a leftist nazi. Well that's not creepy...not creepy one single bit. It's actually called a predator missle* get your facts straight What a *wonderful* human being! Wish I had more than 1 friend with a PC to do this on New years. Damn it feels nice to be a white guy! I'd prefer him just having a conversation with Bats, they both laugh, and the screen goes black. Lucky the big boys are in charge The car one is literally the easiest the numbers are upside down Good Commit suicide Somebody better explain VHS to these younger smashers Obviously a Call of Duty ghosts reference, as S76 is pretty much Call of Duty God told me to commit the heavily punished sin of adultery! Oh no, not the Del Toro curse! Whoaa wuuuut never seen this before Probably for current gen and PC only. How many Navy SEALS would volunteer to do the job? but but is shoaib akhtar holding a beer? NA one also got reverted, without server going down. I don't think it will Isaac Now you know why she doesn't listen to you. don't lie, this is just another one of his artful smears! So THIS is why it's $120 for floor tickets xD damn custom picks costing the FANS more money Heh heh, wonder if this falls under the 'not too big to fail' law that just passed. Damn it, now I actually have to go work on my book analysis, tanks a lot, Blizzard I'm surprised I haven't seen his name yet, but Martin Freeman I say female. Herc's fault. Is that curve jutting out where the bus stops? I say make mr.Irrelevant a qb Microsoft did on purpose to get a bump in sales. *JEB IS A WASTE* I'm a dude, I can do this. & he still had a show that night.... *damn* That one guy in the back didn't want to sign a release form for the photo? I thought he was taking off his gloves. Legal System doing it's job well I see. Nuclear warhead I bet you loved spending your mom's money to get that Regil, stay bad :)) If we haven't strung up or tried half the democrats for treason for their various unconstitutional murmerings/leanings (the antigun politicians come to mind first and foremost, also everything BHO has done to undermine the constitutionally protected freedoms of Americans) - then why would this make any sense? What is life Wow, so thankful the Patriots had something good happen for em You can't do that. Wow, looks like a real fun place to party A lighter shade of brown? We all know adding flames makes the card faster so more fps. Seems like a great idea This guy really got what he deserved. Ascend from your mom's basement now Shut up Can't let silly things like the whole lore get in the way of shipping. Those are weird black wax things, not flashdrives... You can't DJ that See, Harry Potter does lead to evil. ohh cool deadpool 2 is part of the mcu now? A homophobe turned out to be gay, no way! And one of the countries with highest gdp per capita Coincidence? Maybe she fainted again. Because a thousand dollar ultrawide monitor will totally help him This looks like something from Jojo, or Afro Samurai. People just don't have the means to move up here When being morbidly obese is a crucial part of your personal identity that you hold near and dear. I thought it was official since Trump plays in it Hopefully the wood movement doesn't tear them apart Seeing those uneven case badges makes me wanna puke informally signaled well it must be a deal then why didn't you just take a screenshot Well I'll be damned goth af I love responsible flyers that fly in compliance with the FAA rules! Leave before it's to late Downvoted because of rape culture. Two people of a group did a mean thing to me THEREFORE ALL PEOPLE IN THAT GROUP ARE THAT WAY man women are fucking stupid lmao Hey doesn't look overly skilled but thats a hell of a highlight reel Oh man, remember when that other team had 7, and they said it couldn't be beat? Is this question legit or nope? does everyone's vote have the same weight in this poll or are 4 NY votes equal to one from Wyoming? When I go to the supermarket and see a price of $4.95, I am totally prepared to pay $5 for it, because this is how pricing works. He is a shame to UVA tennis I just picture tiny Terrance and Phillips in a blender saying I'm sorry over and over until it's turned on. Culturally enriched by those nice gentlemen. the gahmen i strong with this one Hey man, Pau didn't get exposed one time this year in the playoffs. Project M gifs, fuck yeah. If people feel like they've been treated unjustly by the west, let them have a legal outlet for exploring that. Clearly since he was such a pivotal character to the plot So how do you explain skinny dudes with fat chicks then? He probably identifies as a woman so that makes it ok. I hope you threw the ring in this time At least the world is realizing that austerity may not be the way to go. Jesus, never would I ever imagine that an earthquake would cause damage. ya woo communism it works all the time woo I think I just got eye cancer I'm getting really tired of fake Democrats running this state. Im not a gun guy either and even *I* can tell it's a newer gun, not bought in 1911! Yes, desktops don't get mods Of course this is Satans media and it is all made up because those media outlets simply love persecuting the poor innocent JWs especially those paedophiles who are just slightly sinful people. Look at those young edgy teens! Because having the webcam being on as a requirement to turn on the laptop doesnt apply? Does she have to ask, I mean that's so normal I just call it a regular Friday night. noice Awesome, let's loot stuff! Detroit should tighten their gun laws and chase away the NRA. Instead of a gear, I suggest using a nut. I wonder if any of the women Ailes harassed on Fox News are going to have anything to say about this. inb4 buy detection, yeah nice try detection against his ult What's your GPA? A Jewish currency manipulator funding communist groups, why does this not surprise me? It's not a joint exploration if China will be the only one conducting it. Didn't see that coming Isn't it horrible that Tumblr isn't in an airtight echo chamber and people are allowed to have other opinions. This is excessive, why does anyone need an E-11 blaster to hunt womp rats? I bet that cop feels like a big man now. Damn snow Mexicans. Conor McGregor considers going outside Give me the link when you clicked "here" Ahh nothing else like a competitive HS post! Est-ce qu'il a un cdi aussi ? I don't think people hate veganism because they want animals to suffer... In reality, I think most people that hates vegans do so because of the self-entiltement and self-righteousness that some of the vegans tend to display.. Acting superior to the meat-eaters and beefshaming them, for instance.. Tell me this was hard to program and FreeJam delivered it to us in a "reasonable" time frame of several months. Clever, but it must be difficult having to walk backwards with no way to see behind you. All these down votes must be from the government trying to stifle the spread of this shocking news. But I thought we were gonna socialize Boeing to make Busses? Fake Why, the answers right there, you're "Unworthy". Nearly word for word what I was taught in seminary. Hey, Yo Dick, SHUT UP! Never have seen this posted before Ugh. I expect them in the full movie, but the trailer was just focusing on the big stuff. Aww, poor little guy. i'd build 2 more lushens if i had them q.q Rafael Nadal is one of the greatest players to have played the sporf. Ok holy fucking shit this is absolutely amazing Good for those who hate tutorials and won't be playing through them anyways, and good for people who watch their downloads for whatever reason. This. Love all of the Professional NFL Execs in here that know more about football than John Elway Ora i Subsonica possono plagiarli per aver plagiato il loro modo di fare TRUMP IS TAKIN' OUR GUNS! In another dimension he is, people who remember it are just tapping into that dimension. He's clearly trying to contribute to the conversation! Gotta be because of the cargo shorts. That's why it's such a strong value point at level 1, but just leave it there until later on. If it was true, then it would mean that the SRS 'it's just a joke when *we* do it' defence would be even less valid than it already is. Can someone put black Beatles over the top of this so I can actually stand to watch it? Read the comments lmao Honestly I liked the old one a lot, this one is quite boring tbh I dunno this doesn't seem rage worthy to me Yeah, but Howard Dean screamed! No one. Remember: Hillary's the corrupt one. Did he just break that window with his bear hands? Goodell is a pervert and the whole scandal was just his way of getting to know Brady personally Wow, seems like a really patient guy. Hopefully a PC sku actually releases... looks like they literally have a functional Windows build already. Now we know why Billy D's getting cold feet. I was just trying to catch some party wieners! Definitely not a puppet. Good point, better elect Trump instead Antonio Cromartie, SD, 10 (2007) Charles Woodson, GB, 9 (2009) Tim Jennings, CHI, 9 (2012) Jairus Bird, BUF, 9 (2009) Marcus Peters, KC, 8 (2015) Drive around the Ferrari or drive the Ferrari around? But less is more, you're supposed to only take one! ur seeing someone who is not me i hate u bitch I don't know, someone that identifies themselves publicly as "Massachusetts Catholic Mom" seems like they'd be pretty liberal. MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! The game has been lasting about 4 times that long. Sounds like two very well adjusted young people HA SO FUNNY ! Not real socialism Mine flat out never works anymore. our right to vote is a national gift that our ancestors fought for.. it should be a holiday. Room potu yosipangalo. love this Because Kanye and Lil Wayne represent all of black music as a whole. i'd rather get beheaded and be done with it than gasping for air for an hour in a "civilized" country He probably won't regret this decision for the rest of his life. Offensive comment, flair checks out He looks pretty comfortable to me. first game on the new patch and i get an auto lock vayne smite lol really? I like the home alone one though. How many lives does this leader have? I cant believe how racist americans are So clever and original I wonder if 1 in 200 is how 95% is being interpreted now... Math is hard, which probably explains why counting calories is hard. Uhhh... I've had Cortana for 2 years (or whenever Windows 10 came out) and I don't even notice. So stop worrying about it, go buy a few guns, be happy. Disaster of an offseason That plug Tavares wasn't covering the pass! I'll let you know when I find out How Freudian. Try putting a little bit of butter on top, before reheating, then Parmesan. Sounds like fraud is rampant! Sikh and destroy Father, am I accept now? They were just informing the motorcyclist that he's supposed to stop ***before*** the crosswalk. It's ironic that the "crappy" quality on the bib just shows how much attention to detail there actually is in these things. mostly cus they are kids. Just do something already Ha, good one. Where's Buck in this picture? i didn't know together was breaks So, climate has changed as much during the last 50 years by an amount that previously took at least 500 years, looks like. This fucking repost again And next week they'll finally get around to railing against the legacy and student athlete advantages that they and other whites have in college admissions. I wouldn't play bo2 without all the dlcs tbh but I love buried and nuke town zombies lol GOOD JOB A PHOTO OF A SHITTY TABLOID LIKE THE DAILY MIRROR IS ASKING THE RIGHT QUESTIONS, AMIRITEGUYS I think what Ben Carson wanted to say was "involuntary refugee." Sometimes when i stand for a very long time i wished a hero like him would come to my aid. What a surprise! Lol its blind pick Did you just assume that all people have genders or a sex? How does it feel to be a self loathing POC? Most shocking claim in the article for me is that 6 years is the longest sentence one of these faith healing child murderers has received. Not even one token member of a "non-white"...racists. That's what I call some damn leadership! Y'all motherfuckers need supply side Jesus. because that has worked so well for mayhew in the past? But the drug lords ARE terrorists! cause fuck ironmen am i right? God damn you guys are assholes. Dude hide your codes a bot can claim this faster than any human can! Hope he's ok for BUF I feel like HOU is too much to ask. k doaler I thought you were talking about the gravity on Avatar for a bit as a joke... I mean, Unubtanium is cutting edge science, responsible for the EM Drive. Forgot everything that improves you also has to entertain you. It would be crazy if Steph Curry practiced hard enough this summer to become as prolific as Buddy Hield. it's only funny if you are 12 or a manchild Pikachu, Charmander, Ekans, Plusle, Geodude, Gatomon, Ice-Climbers. Not a new photo but still beautiful... too bright though. No need to update the graphics card, the Xbone has hidden cores that will be unlocked with DX12 'She' 'She" 'Her" 'She' 'Her'- Everyone, please for the love of god stop misgendering Lauren! Hey listen, we've all made the mistake before of confusing Hulk Hogan and Howard Finkel. Way to assume there are only 2 genders Can't we have one Megadeth/Motorhead concert that doesn't end this way? Right, he's only supposed to find you arousing, out of the 2 billion or so women on the entire planet. Obviously goku cuz I'm so swole I posted this to Atheism because we need to remember that despite how much Christians get on our nerves, these people would subject us to a lot worse. Yeah but the gun looked real so that makes it ok. SHE'S A JACKED WHITE(ISH) GIRL, DEAL WITH IT. I'm sure that was just honest mistake. Ohp, my dong's gone again pics or it didn't happen Spicer has stated during the Daily Press Brief that Trump was "free at the time" of the tweet. At least it passed! *I was just thinking about starting fires* Finally, they got rid of those damn Czech and Hungarian deadbeats... I don't enjoy games...I enjoy the grind. i3-6100 is sooo last year It's ez just milk them from maw The propaganda machine is in high gear and is working as intended. Looks like a duck, Hits like a truck My guess is the hard drive could be failing But hey, at least trump has time for his thank you tour. Not angry looking enough. Broomsticks. After reading all the responses in this thread, I've come to the conclusion GM is a great company that turned around after the bailout. GOP to bill taxpayers for louder PA systems at town halls. Delicious looking casserole there. You see, if they only worked smarter, instead of harder, they'd know that they should just pick themselves up by their bootstraps! What difference would it make, if 100k booing fans at Wrestlemania didn't "let them know", nothing will. Just a pity Georgia crumbled in the last 20 vs Poland well this has to be the first ive heard of it F U C K A R T Y U C K A R T Y I guess spam works better than I expect if spammers are so desperate to spam rather than engage in legitimate business I avoid spam wherever it is and make a point to never patronize businesses that spam, but I suppose I must not be very common in that regard no, you can order directly from me Sounds like they need more gun laws and "Gun Free Zone" signs. The source of these reports are questionable dafuq Gell Mann amnesia Yeah fuck him Literally who? Yeah got mine Friday afternoon. I cant tell if this is a joke or not Same as MSNBC. I grew up/live near NIU and think Kill's done helluva job and it sucks that I sit here discrediting him but UrMe earned the award. Cammer's fault. Thank you FBI and Comey for being professional and independent. you got me :P Irrelevant, you're a cunt. Except for the paralysis, Frank is living a fairly normal life today. Damn Socialists. Give them up Take them down And desert them Ah yes, gunz, the angry more extreme brother of guns I just started watching Scorpion, and my teeth hurt from the grinding after all these geniuses kept saying nucular over and over Seattle. Google claims to always be planning this and that, but nothing has really been done. If LCS was best of 5 NA could easily win world's More like Shartly, because they just got poo pooed upon. Just a tip for anyone looking to do well in this campaign, make sure you have a metric fuckton of influence to burn on bids. LUGIA Man...I want an iPhone 6 already. I didn't understand anything he said because he was speaking 80 mph. Keeping your apartment tidy. No new information i agreed with - Goodell still injured I dont know what they were getting at with the rat at the end Nah, Canadian Black Friday is earlier in the year. Hey guys... The Phoenix is overpowered - MUST NERF! Because he totally wouldn't be impeached for that. Need approval of Matson first. What happens is we should let them in and give them all a big hug, denying them entry would be racist and bigoted you fucking FASCIST NAZI PRICK It's RAZER and a Rubberdome...he did that keyboard a favor. Not unless he was a white man killing a black officer. The Broncos seem to be doing fine over the past few years It's the feet isn't it. I can't believe it's not hentai. Fun Fact, if you average the growth of Catholicism through history, the Catholic population has grown at 1% a year since the apostles. B-but we are Reddit, we are warriors of justice, we despise all that is evil and wicked. are you saying 1 new panel and 1 new door is not a minor damage? It is for one month only so oddities are bound to occour, interesting none the less. I got a Lefevour, and the only prescription, is more football. I just don't have it in me to read another story about elementary children being harmed today.... :( last played csgo: april 14 Can't tell if NSFW...or Are NRA and gun-loving Republicans the ones who alway call for more studies on mental illness and mental health check? I love the random work light just hanging in the middle of it all My favorite quest series by far. Gotta keep the poor where they belong, right? Oh I see you used a HTC One M7 to take the sixth picture. I cannot wait for this. I built my gaming PC a sister! I can't be anti Semitic, I have a Jewish friend! I mean, I don't think anyone would willingly bone her. Cotton candy guy was really cute In a few hours that's gonna be the shittiest birthday present ever. Didn't see that coming kan yang gay cuma nyumbang 8%, sisanya berarti yang ga gay? But if we remove all the money we are using to fight the drugs drug use will skyrocket! I highly doubt that Parvati has seen Survivor: Cook Islands -1 so she's basically just nominating three people from Cambodia. Rural Texas... Out in the little podunk towns, people who have rarely, if ever, left their hometown... The way they talk... OMG The cities don't seem to have that problem. Shit dude you're right That's not racist at all dat wheel poke And women, of course, never commit crimes at all, right? written like a true leftist, cultural marxist, white genociding jew! You don't believe you can be 200lbs overweight and be healthy? Beta nugget for it I want to play cod more, but whenever I get on I play 1 or 2 games and just quit and go back to CS:GO or Rocket League... Its probably because I barely have anyone to play ranked with (PS4 hmu), my aim is rusty or that I get absolutely shit reg Will it be known as the BPL? Dear Future Generations, I'm going to explain that there was once an Amazon River and explain about all the trees because obviously that knowledge has been relinquished to obscurity but I'm going to show you an image of an American dollar bill and make references to cultural figures like Sarah Palin because those will be meaningful to you. Is that light Vegan approved? No more children for him. Funny, kinda (:-S), in a thread which is about some seriously bad news for the economy, to have a bunch of people going on about how good it is for buying houses at inflated prices. Emo has become so mainstream now! Surprised to see you here TIL they hold car auctions at the Ally Pally. *Any* Tim Horton's so what he'll just being randomly flying about Canada checking them all? LeafyIsHere Ohm my god and Anna Kendrick? This one makes me happy to live in Oregon. Could you phrase this any more clearly? I'm pretty sure his degrees are in creepiness. Yay item sinks! Yesterday you said tomorrow! The Alcoholocaust hahahahaha wow good one It doesn't say how he killed people? Never seen this post here before because right side drive is too mainstream for a hipster like op More like 0.00001% problems. they really owned that statist scum Breaking news: water is wet! I'm always thinking of crover O_o Ohhh, that's what he meant with "sexy football show"! William Henry Harrison. Homer pick, McD If your spouse is deployed how can they park there? I just got 3rd place in farthest sky dive :) Love this game! One shake too much, one shake too little.Dammit. I mean, do they realise they're no better than the people who said being gay was a mental illness? No, I saw that creeper coming a mile off! Well this is just outrageous, You little Brats need to be tied down and force fed your fruit and veggies, or else you will be obese and ugly..... 0/10 no voice of resurgence Great, I'm so happy I moved from my amazing apartment on California and Oak Knoll Keeps going Stoke on fm for me and fm is always right so there it Is! i'm excited for another numetal album KD already destroying team chemistry, should've kept Harry B tbh Gotta watch out for those sneaky Jews I tell ya just by looking at his traps i know this kid aint no natty boy, sucks that the fitness industry is filled with all these cocksuckers claiming to be natural and "you can achieve anything you put your mind to" bs, kids think they can get up to 250lbs ripped these days because of these natty claiming fags Roflmao Look how racist and xenophobic these people are Must be a visual glitch Hockey fan? Lol Lavar is so uncomfortable Hopefully flying an airplane, need to keep doing eye therapy shit for that to happen though Sausage Savage look at how fast he fixed it! She needs locking up. Sergio ramos Sigh, let's hold up the mentally ill and make fun of them... yeah that'll be great fun... Blame your parents for getting him vaccinated Because even being seen with a whitey is SO HUMILIATING Curry-esque I break for squirrels...humans...not so much Now for the Dead Rising Genocide run! That HDD has more speed than my PC! How I wish that modding on PC was as easy as this The formatting in that page makes me take them really seriously. At least we got DLC Gobblegums! So what you are saying is that you are willing to destroy the world economy JUST to get the nigger out of office? Humans suck. Actually, Eli wears #10. He doesn't have any tattoos in the forbidden zone so of course he's a model NCO. can i play moonman and other mememes? 2 HOURS OF SLEEP CAN'T STOP THE TRAIN CHOOCHOO Good thing anyone makes a clove flavor that isn't garbage Quality post man, a lot of effort you put into it I can see. well you could've been adulting if you hadn't waste your time so there's really nothing to complain about Well, that's what interns are for! Such enlightened conversation. so smart from niko What does he need cleats for anyways? MSI GTX 960 2GB OC? I hope the head of the UN council on human rights doesn't hear this. I feel soooo bad for the company that installed rootkits onto people's computers a few years back and got off Scott free. He's joking DayZ beta coming soon (2017), get hyped. This is heavenly music from the Old Western retro-technogods! Don't do it if you don't want to be involved in the TSCC. Why does Lorde hate women? But how else am I supposed to assert my dominance over the female subspecies and show how much they need me. Office worker. The jump scare in ZnS is probably my favorite Easter Egg of BO3, it's a shame they didn't keep doing them. I BET ITS ALL REALLY TRUE AND BECAUSE OF IT NOBODY WILL BUY THE CONSOLE, THANKS FOR ANOTHER INFORMATIVE POST ON THE XBOX ONE Yes, because we should coexist with everyone except Christians Sexio Auditore They need two SHIT But who's the fastest though ? It was rigged, there is video evidence Leftist hate these pictures \#nottheonion have you seen football players? OH FUCK YOU IF ALL THEIR SHIT WAS THIS FUNNY I MIGHT START TUNING IN AGAIN Because Hotshot would rather keep Huhi he performs amazing in scrims NSA responds: "No." but but but that box has a ship on it not a plane.. that means it won't run flight sims well, right? every time you use a fact your rape every woman on the planet To be a proper zombie apocalypse truck, you would, at the minimum, need bars on all the windows. SAD! Just start killing and eating people was my suggestion. Teen finished off by parents, deemed no longer worth the trouble. Thats a hell of a booty Were you really that creepy I love it but you Jays fans are as cold as ice. Well, they did attack the group, didn't they? I've always had a strange feeling I would clock out on a Tuesday, not sure why. 9 in the back, dribble into the corner! Is it legal to do this for the purpose of deceiving the baserunners? Only if it was directed by Uwe Boll Upside is you can get a cracking deal on those drills Seems legit her damage is so low and hard to hit that on kill resets are absolutely necessary to keep her tuned and on par with other dps. GuUUUIIIZE im really concerned were starting to hate women when we post videos like this. I will never buy any vr hardware that has ads anywhere. Chinesium is best. There is no response on Joanna's twitter. will role out with solo Q for all the other regiona The Crypt Keeper They stole it and broke a window with it Those hurricanes sure take care of the pollution problem. Chris Hogan BURNED Joe Haden! Did you expect anything else? Inferno cop threads have the best comments Thanks, didn't know about this soy milk is op charge them for your time. This is what happens when you form your impressions only by watching TV, and having maybe one bad incident where one person pisses you off and then becomes the symbol for everyone who looks remotely like them. That's why I never hit those straight if they don't contest FINALLY, A PACIFIST CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE Austria officially worst country on Earth 2015. Cyka rush tcon, die, ez m4 apple has no reason to change as people continue to pay outrageous prices for shit amounts of extra storage. Sounds like a good place to sell ladders. Well, why did she wait so long? Your rite! *rouses from slumber and looks around hopefully* [**DISAPPOINTMENT**](/intensifies) Wake me when the flame wars start... *goes back to sleep during office hours* Nothing like using your passive as zilean and see +50xp. LOL she got killed by a bot what a noob! Looks like an ass farting forever. i have that same tank bad, would recommend if you dont care about scratching the paint on your gas tank *This bin could be your ass if you vote yes* Vote NO to same sex marriage People fucked, chick glazed like a doughnut. How do you know the van driver was white? This guy is becoming a meme and it's awesome. Why would they give that out haha I believe this was said before the tournament however, they just made the transaction today. Most businesses do because many things need IE to run. Yeah they are for real and no marketing stunt at all. Still have this? ISIL isn't Islam they are Wahabi Salafists The reason I'm so adamant right now that Tom Brady is the GOAT is because I'm confident Aaron Rodgers will take the mantle away by the time his career is over. Well, at least no one is going to be doing anything graphically intensive on a MacBook Pro, like the entire design industry. But.. but.. she's going to get big money out of politics! Wow Mangala has gained a lot of weight! This is fascism, if you agree that the editor should be jailed you are a fascist. There is 12 bucks gone TIL: "Ok" is backtalk. No, it clearly says "Miller".... Yeeesh. They took our jobs! Wtf even happened? Run up the middle on 2nd and long, sounds like a good idea. Don't you understand I need that for tactically opening envelopes at my desk job? I'm DIVERGENT :D Crazy thing about this case is that Scalia is the swing vote. I feel safer already How have you managed to survive so long without the care and protection of this nice guy! Yeah the ECB enforcing monetary policy throughout the eurozone that essentially only favors Germany (perhaps more specifically the German financial sector) had *nothing* to do with it. Now I can cheeki breeki underwater Yeah, when Kessel and Ovi aren't being lazy Loving one sentence posts like yours couldnt get much lower few years ago. pls gib me $$$ I just can't wait for one to get lodged in the leading edge with a compromised LiPo battery on fire being filmed taxing in with the fire department trying to put out the fire. Neil deGrasse Tyson? ITT - people are "experts" in Tennessee v. Garner Based on current form I agree Arsenal is the eighteen and nineteen April 2017. oh man space would be spooky It's the Muslims! Game, set, BROWNS. Lucky it was knives and not guns or they would all be dead. Big talk for an organisation with such a shady past. Comments on twitter I'm sure are sharing in their happiness Playing with this in custom games makes me hope so much that 770 cryptokeys will get me it haha Wasn't a user asking about deacons corner earlier, before this murder? I found some DC/AFK Marauders that dont register damage on their arm and side torsos. Orange is the new red. That's why the CIA got him arrested for a few decades, obviously. *crrunch* Turns out everyone in non-competitive standard is my special friend Kerbal Jeb is infinitely more competent in every possible and conceivable way than this ignorant religious piece of shit. Wow, what a communist... Am I right? I like how it's politically charged regarding racism and feminism, like most movies these days. That's because you buried it alive in dirt, you eco-unfriendly wildlife hater obligatory I wish my library did this. Good. Haha i know right white people be silly Does this mean they found a cure for affluenza? Lamentable porque es imposible se ganar. I think this is the only time Ive seen JWT *miss* a wreck! It's a movie! Seriously wtf I thought we had a rule against them and a libertarian meme subreddit just for them. Stasia, shut the eff up and go busy yourself with a Futurama audition. So did they make you a new one or not? why the garbage music tho? La Chofis reminds me alot of el Gauchito Avila RIP TP is great in HD and all, but the fact that Dolphin can't replicate the bloom properly above 480p totally kills it. I don't see what's wrong here, he was just sharing his culture! Don't worry man, I'm still pressing my state senator to get you your safe space. Bring back Pablo Armero It's not a satire, it's democracy! I bet thats a toggle on OSbuddy! Slept right through it, just woke up. Surefire way to tell if that RV in your neighbourhood has someone living in it permanently: Look for wheel chocks made up of short 2x4' pieces and discarded kerosene canisters on the street. Now MikaMobile has no more excuses, I want the update for Battleheart on Android! #**CLEARLY THE CYCLIST'S FAULT** If you hold their family, friends, and loved ones hostage, you can make them work even harder. He has many friends in Congress, so this should pass easily. fat car angle shot for it's tinder account I think the obvious question we should be asking is, "what did the husband do to make her act like this?" \m/ Vielleicht ist er doch Brite. Of course he says that, he's a white male. I mean, why would we want to be associated with a PED using cheater? more like came on XD Plot Twist This is your guide and you are trying to self promote it for sick skrilla Mods, pls ban I'd rather have quality comedy like Decker instead of Metalocalypse THERES A SQUID 'NER SNATCH My condolences. There was, it just wasn't shown in the edit because Russell didn't play a big enough part. Time to find a new gf. He looks like that guy from the movie, you know, about science nerds. They're baked beans and the black pudding is missing. Why isn't there any aim-assist thingie? idk in low levels some people could think lets try out some scripts Women are whores amirite guys? I think it's the place... Did he move again? This happens way more often than people think. Looks kinda like Texas. Any 'pedes that used the term "Side of Beef" need to stand in the corner for several seconds and contemplate the error of our ways. Still better sports coverage than ESPN Hatefacts! Wife her. But who will take care of you when you're older? Bruh Yu-gi-oh-no-you-didn't just make fun of that dude's virginity! Where is my shaco rework Ward is the same ol' ward from the last skin pack, cause somehow I own it already :P **Riot, y so lazy** LOL, last thing I expected to see here. It's because of white privilege. The science of chemistry must have corrupted him. That looks like a bro prank to me. PL so shit that they didn't kill a Leviathan at all in 2014 Well, that was unintelligible. Soda water. This is the type of person that highlights entire pages in a book, skipping only 'and', 'or', and 'the'. Those comments on that news article are... Something else. It's good to know that valve could take the time away from their obviously *grueling* regimen of working ceaselessly on half life 3 to deal with this guy's blatantly serious threats. Because they are so awesome and special, surely everyone wants to know when they do anything with their genitals. Aparently, there are also other material swords and creepers. A less convoluted way of saying it is SegWit transactions are cheaper than vanilla transactions Gut_Feeler Oh look no black guy in sight i guess this is the institutionalized racism I've heard so much of. As long as they dont spend it on any of that voodoo climate change stuff How much do they even pay their Q/A team compared to the MTX team? 70-80gb of storage, wuuuuuuut. Clinton has not earned any progressive fans in the last six months, quite the opposite, Sanders voters can't help but notice the contempt she has for them. He committed the unforgivable crime of disobeying an illegal order from a cop, sentence death. thisssss issss sneeeakky I think only Supergirl and Manhunter are coming to Earth 1 for the crossover Post-story ~~Kanto~~ Archanea portion confirmed? how did they build it without their tits getting in the way? Haha yeah only white people do this Why does LA have a $7 billion investment fund? So edgy, takes balls to confess that This is incredibly disgusting and distastful and disrespectful. Don't quit your day job. It's getting there, have you seen the Disney Channel? Don't let the door hit you in the ass and all that. lets just post this everyday during the month of December Step on her face. Bonus points in claiming that a driving idiom is culturally appropriating AAVE. Awesome, now maybe **everyone** will be sniping. Dear Post-Dispatch: fuck off with your mandatory survey questions and auto-play ads. Yeah lady, these minimum wage night-shift employees really care what you think. Russian lawmaker dead after slipping and hitting his head, The investigators concluded this from evidence of repeated blunt trauma to the front and back of the head Good old aggro shaman mirror whitebalance needs more warmth How nobody tried this before I'm not sure I CALL UPON THEE THE WARRIOR OF LEGEND This... isn't real right... Dead :) Come on guys he is really concerned for trans people and only looking out for what is best for the trans community. And to think we could have had the first steps towards this utopian paradise if we had just elected Bernie I love your videos thanks for posting them every single day! Is this in the full version of Office or the universal app? I don't care for Perez Hilton but that site is extremely homophobic. Its just a game , bye Woohoo another sidescroller! Bernie 1 Monza 0 When you put the fov on your cheat just a little to high great post The payload moves... like a stone. Libs have finally fried their remaining brain cells. Much of the fresh water that spills into the oceans is caused by left wing scientists who push the hoax theory of gravity into the political theater. Is that the girl from Californication? Hopefully it's fake Wow, that was Modric-like. Because we all know everything automatically changes and resets when the calendar starts again. STICKS AND STONES MAY BREAK MY BONES BUT ALIEN MIND SUCKERS WILL NEVER TAKE ME! You will only understand it after reading all the books and playing **at least** 900 days of the game the kitchen Gay acceptance. ....what is even the non-logic behind that? Why won't Trump disavow David Duke and the KKK? Poor Park Market, it's closed now. bruh thats some nsfw shiz here Don't worry I am sure Monsanto will put a stop to all this soon enough Duran? Should have got a 390 So? It's a sign to buy Cod Points! nice photoshop on the car, looks almost real How did orange ink that big space outside the map? Had to say that he was his brother explicitly, because otherwise you'd see it's a scam immediately. Oh what a surprise! You know you can just not follow the guy on twitter Monty = George So obvious Damn Bethesda needs to up their game THAT'S THROWING LIKE A GIRL Read through his comment history: he must be fun at parties Because vaccines cause autism, obviously. I saw this the other day too, very funny. Yes, spend $1000 on a 100 watt solar window instead of spending $1000 on a 1000 watt regular old solar panel. Gotta love standby. A shoulder to cry on ..christians are animals, and have no moral compass. Does your club have a profanity censor on the course? Who cares about ratings, does the merchandise sell enough for executives to ok a third season? It's actually a jaw breaker and he sucked a layer off. I dunno about vision, but I've certainly had much more vivid dreams ever since I started using it. I will be two of them. This better be in game Wow, we will never know why he did dis. Been trying Time to have an existential crisis I guess. Pfft, 25Mbps is all you'll ever need So is it controlling Funtime Freddy. You mind telling me what the heck you think you're doing here, yellow? They aren't white, therefore they are clearly terrorists working for a false flag contracting agency to spread multiculturalism and invade our nation so they can take our women! I find it interesting that the team has to be 442, thought there would be an option for 433 etc Something, something, sea turtle's schnozzle Risk of anti-depressant is that they're more likely go down the wrong way. not 20th or21st for sure gotta love bo1 gsl groups with horrible seeding Yes, the moment of silence about Brits that they didn't show was so much more worldly than the Parade of Nations that they did show. Got the no signal crap after update, restarting the phone once again fixed it. No clutch gene he sucks Well yeah, you generally lose when you are playing against the winning team Well, that's Christlike This is incredibly original content that has certainly never been posted here before! Poor people don't need to know what is killing them. It's made by From Software, who are also the devs for Dark Souls so, what's the easter egg then. so basically the ultimate walking dead cosplay, huh? Please tell me you're not serious. Batman is just a bad port Im sure Tess Holiday and Usain Bolt can keep up when going for a run, right? In honor of our countries grotesque military complex here are some fries that drive our countries grotesque health problems ... according to Fox News' resident judge. She had that during the fight sequences, too. Ugh, I hate it when my computer makes gross calculation errors The hell are these developers using an unofficial Xcode Over 400,000 milligrams. That is already a thing in photoshop YOU DIRTY RACIST Good April 1st joke by that guy! She went full retard Yeah but we're five points behind Man U and out of the title-race already Didn't see that coming at all well get on it already before you repost this too I eagerly await relaxation of gun ownership laws so we can finally advance to the first place. Whoops Looks perfectly safe to me. Oh yeah I'm sure *that'll* work out great. This is definitely among the best of reddit! See guys theres irrefutable proof: in this picture you can clearly see 2 million to 9 billion people in that crowd. What's a donkey man? I wanted to know what information or statement just made your brain say " fuck it I'm out". See, hindus and chrisitan are terrorists too Y'all ain't straight if you think another guy is hot you fuckin Bernie loving pot smokin gays. Really; I pronounce it _la-sag-na._ Yes, Trump would not be a leading candidate if this was a 1st world country. no Jesus created the earth 3000 years ago you idiot. Parents are not resourceful enough to get their kids to school on a day like today. Holy shit fam, this is amazing. This shit has been happening all year I'm absolutely shocked that a place with a muslim community that's been allowed to grow out of hand has such backwards views of gender equality im confused. All we have to do is fix global warming and this will stop Nobody fucking wants bowties, neither purple ones. I pay good money to use it. 24 fps ewwww Step 1: Go to nightclub Step 2: **Get changed there so you don't get raped for wearing revealing clothing on the way** Step 3: Enjoy your time at the club Hey buddy wanna buy a watch or some protection? But they're both British so they must be in agreement! Or perhaps it's because his parents pay for it making him no better than a apple fanboy himself. This is why I need masculism You know America isn't a dictatorship when nothing gets done In his passport? This is when he recommits to Tech right? Her description of what women used to go through in childbirth was brutal. The child was in danger, they should have just shot the Lion I don't think any of them would be happy to have died for a multi coloured chair in a stadium Fucking spoiled over entitled Russians Kylo is Luke's daughter remember? Uh oh he said nude I'm gonna report him to Supercell now Don't worry, prices only ever go up. check out volibear's skin art next to rengar's original art. Let this be a lesson: Never attribute to malice that which can be more simply attributed to stupidity. Oh right, that six-figure Clinton Foundation payment that totally exists and definitely was not an easily discredited scam. Gee, what an original post that I have never seen before EVER Yes, unless it's a Democrat President, in which case the lies aren't even lies, they're statements that are preferable to the truth, and hence praiseworthy! Man, I don't know if anybody's gunna beat Puig tonight. Im so glad we can see a big socal local again Hey look its one of the attachments from AK we can bring back into the base game! Whats wrong with ruining a cars look while making it a impractical POS? I knew my good mood in light of the new stadium news couldn't last forever! So bitter, us men. The Hispanic guy from S4T who talked about his opposition to illegal immigration is a white supremacist, everyone. obviously they're just hyping up el hornet's baby they need to save money for the stadium Let's be honest, no one addicted to alcohol is binging on craft beer :) Idk I think watching two shugokis running at each other makes for more exciting play than this The Phantom Menace Where I'm from you would get made fun of for playing hockey Looks sick, but as always I can't go Yay With this bug anyone can AWP as well as Fodder. Kenny is definitely an upgrade on a first year WR who hasn't shown anything in the NFL after many years. Remove Kebab Beat them You can't create an incentive towards something which does not exist. Pay its employees in free supersizes Use repair party and WASD hacks at the same time and half your crew ends up in the sea. Thank god, Devos is gonna sleep better at night now Wobbling takes so much skill not yet, but see what the NBA did Like anyone else in the Trump Admin, they just happened to forget about them. You guys are so brave, destroying hate speech like this You are an idiot. mvp They just butchered the hell out of Sri Lanka Can't wait for these to make a comeback[](/ppcute) Aggressive racism... So sexy Bape is corny asf Today I Learned: You're supposed to "support" a product in order to review it. Wow, it must have taken months for him mum to make him that. I couldn't watch this till the end, too much gore Grabbing a film reel from Kino and bringing it to Revelations confirmed? I hope the 2018 Xperia lineup has bigger bezels. Clippers would be the highest scoring offense in the league. Third time's a charm. Pfft, sucks at everything hockey related. 10/10 player interaction ggg please add more But...but....then I'll have to worry about paint scuffs, dirt, bacteria, dust, scratches, bent swords, body oils, and various other horrors that exist outside the box lol. They didn't explicitly say no, so you're good to go! OMG, that's proof Trump is sympathetic to Russia. Nope, you fucking savages. Nadeshot and BigTymer I don't know man, I feel like if you had been driving on the correct side of the road in those clips you wouldn't have so many people trying to run you over. Why u no take him bpl Wow I had no idea. Is this picture real? You usually stomp a cigarette to put it out so the trash doesn't catch fire, and I doubt anyone wants to pick up the cigarette they just dropped and put out. Shaw did it on purpose. Oh yeah, I've done that before. Everything should be free always! WE WOULDNT HAVE THIS PROBLEM IF THE M4 COULD HAVE 1-HIT HEADSHOTS Daca l-ai luat pe 50 e ok. What a man of the people Plastic Man Vixen Fire Ice Steel Apollo Midnighter (not counting his cameos in Grayson) You took away something that's already worth nothing. Can't believe 5 people "liked" that My grandma would describe him as a dickens Tom Brady Yet when I expect something like this to happen automatically based on the computer time, I'm told to "fuck off". Who cares? Gonna keep it real, I don't even really listen to the lyrics in a lot of songs - they're just complimentary to the instruments Under Shox's seat giving him the succ So I forget does media have an affect on people or not? You are in bed with Mother Russia now, you have nothing to worry about, a relationship as safe as the original Russian space program Drain the Mirage. If only there was a global force that sole purpose is to up stop to mindless killing and suffering. A Brennan Huff-esque query if I ever saw one. Could be bad news for Brady- hopefully Cannon can step in and hold his own against Doom. But Putin is only trying to protect Ukraine from itself, and from NATO and the US, who want to seize it for themselves. how original Do we really, though? Dude I just asked you to put the ball in the cup Food is a bourgeois luxery oh yeah so hilarious! This makes me happy. Because Germany is such a shit country Fuck Elliot Shore Parks. I think he had 94 million other reasons to go to Memphis. They're Arabs, they don't know any better. Fuck that noise. i keep hearing he is bout to ball this year :) Should of have had a lifeproof Anti-semitic holocaust denier! That's because you are subjugating her evil But OP was obviously looking for trouble when he made that cat hiss at him. WOW, shocking that Davis wasn't the answer! $9 for delivery ... is that more expensive then a quick Uber trip? See what I mean, no one wants Daisy. Probably because it's only 10% of the game we were shown, but still 100% of the price. I don't know about respect, but the prisoners will surely have much gratitude for a new piece of 20 year old booty to pass round. And most people I know who are without insurance are without insurance to make some vague point about freedumb. Shockingly, reflector mage and spell queller are still absurdly good. But how will we appease our Government Sociopaths? Will Obama shoot them? Nice Safari Mesh Awp pc m8 And a defender who can morph through reinforcements! Looks like a soccer mom van turned into a war rig. Liberal shill....oh wait May just be the plot for Titanfall 2 I don't know what OP means, but when I saw "meme" I knew Reddit would eat it up; "Everyone who is more successful than me is like this guy, the system is rigged" It's amazing that all these internet kids have the ability and reasoning to envision the perfect societal and economic mode. god thats a shitty collection pretty tired of this crap Probably one of his retirement matches I wonder if it's still rape if the condom breaks and neither party notices until afterwards? You have to understand, there are good dictators ruling over bad women in need of oppression and bad dictators ruling over good women in need of liberation. Biology is a SOCIAL construct you SHITLORD! Honda Civic Awesome. Prison is for bad people, you know.....*those* people God is doing lines So what they are saying is that voters ID laws don't work and are a waste of time and money? The DNC was against someone winning who wasn't a Democrat? Why is isnt he dabbing How do you bring this shit out in public man? Of course, Draymond Green LOL! Go fuck yourself. Nope- cannibalism! Missles that could carry nuclear warheads? He's talking about obama then Trump just wishes he had another month to try and stop the bleeding lol. Then shouldn't we be able to grab politician's lips when they speak in public? He also said at the start of last season that Oscar would have a Hazard-like transformation... Wasn't really wrong I guess, both transformed into hot trash for season. That is a shame since pink spaghetti would probably sell like hotcakes. It's because you're a lefty Three laners is always a good choice! Founders edition not worth it Redditors must be the most productive people on the planet. Because he's not a woman! Our decades of bombing in the Middle East, however, have never claimed a civilian life. This is going to be such good contrast. She can get PTSD from that If I read this right, a driver would not be liable if it was an accident, but would be subject to criminal prosecution if it was intentional. I fully trust Tony Blair not to lie to further an agenda. Because the app doesn't market itself as a hook-up app. Another attack in the free market by our leftist city. that would spend money that is rightfully *theirs*.. There's where TB has it wrong: It's not our money, it's "their" money; even if *we're* the ones who had to go and earn it. Gravity - saw it as the story of Job Americans? Just buy another one so they don't have to include those pesky expensive extra buttons damn you! No wonder you're all so fat! I mean from this what I take away is that there's no reason to have segregated bathrooms at all anymore. Is Seattle's lineup the oldest in the league? Wow, what great detective work. So glad to have Rodney Wallace back, he had an assist on all 3 goals tonight. Seems legit. I'm sure na ganyan sa Singapore Sounds like police brutality is working. Putin, you are a second rate world leader! How do you get that beautiful flair? CD: None LR: None Grad: None 808s: None MBDTF: None Yeezus: None TLOP: Freestyle 4 wow crimson dragon 2! He will never win Olympia because of this I just want to see all of Cromartie's kids play a game against all of Rivers' kids when they grow up Why do people always do the creeper wrong :( God damn it OP I never knew I wanted this so bad. and now "The War On..." thingy has come here too! It certainly throws a LOT into the air now. But I thought drinking more water was a good thing. You can tell who is the favorite! nope nope nope Didn't the original maker of this confirm there wasn't any lore connection? What a unique and rare answer to a question about disliking celebs. Wow... Doesn't even have the respect to write out the full words Flubber McGee? Anyone interested in seeing his perspective? Gadver was een genuanceerde punten allemaal, dat hoort toch niet thuis in een discussie I KNEW IT Winnipeg just keeps getting a bigger and better all-around prospect pool, holy shit twerk anthem right here you be rushin out of the bathroom at the club when you hear that "Cash money taking over for the 99 and the 2000" I will defend my lord Cthulu. This is no god What you do after getting an Arts degree in India, lol. No one predicted that Guliani in charge of the FBI, what's not to love? I still have three sponge bob games and a disc for fusion fall get on my level I don't like it when they say the acronym. No killfeed, literally unwatchable The Nazis used a square, right-pointing swastika, but swastikas pointing in either direction (and at various angles and in various shapes) have been in use by numerous cultures for thousands of years. Captain try-hard over here. NO STOP. Fucking dashcams were better in the 70's than they are now. A project of the **Tea Party Patriots**... agenda, much? Yeah, but who has more pickup trucks? LMAO Watching this brings me so much joy So scary, terrorists with Fishbeds and Floggers. But consolidation is good for the customer! oh wooooow, a pipe that's such an easter egg whoa mario 3 confirmed 2065 I think I know why everyone was so angry in 28 Taze Later. Obviously, this is proof of the patriarchy... Yes because rape totally didn't happen with the US army new costume? As much as they are trying to push the Thorgy vs Bob drama, they truly care for each other Looks legit Do do do and the Za za za Yeah, but those people are mostly poor, black or disabled, so it's all good! Seeing Jimmy in any team gear besides Geelong will make me sad. I thought they would sign CETA, why haven't I heard anything about this CET thing in media? I have a good feeling this marriage will last. You forgot the sponsored by sticker on the side. man, the title got me excited... A classic opener that I believe rivals the works of Shakespeare in it's beauty Pretty sure cartels came up with this method. wait, they still play this game even when we're not in it? Is this the end of the Warriors? fuuuuuuuck Say what you want about GCHQ and the secret services here in the UK, but at least we did our OWN spying and we did it damn well. at least we get a sweet Nifty POV death note / samsung galaxy note explosions ? Ed Hardy That would make much more sense. grow up Well this is just scaremongering against the holy grail of independence from the EU dictatorship, obviously. who dat tho Weiter den Kampf der mein fuhrer! that would be a dealbreaker for me too. He ist just a bad player deal with it. A 49 million pound player should be finishing that. I *think* it wants you to switch to a different browser, but I could be wrong. ar trebuii sa mai ia lectii de la cersetorii de pe strada poate asa li se face mila la DNA si il mai pasuiesc this is hype AF CR obviously just bought a ferrari Their viewers should watch a real pro like summit1g honestly. Global Warming? i'm stuck in bronze but like everyone else on this sub i am better than challenger You greedy bastards Where's the meat dude, he seems to make a pepper salad or something NO, FUCK YOU Well yeah, killing 3 people isn't like smoking weed or anything, so no need for a life sentence. Should've had the surgery What stats? Yeah it's true, if you can get away with immoral behaviour, why not Matt Damon it is! Only one more day until my main isn't chat restricted Oh I didn't know chat restriction dissapeared after a few days It's one of those eco-friendly educational horses; teaches kids how to read with out the posted notes. And since then, society has just gone downhill, hasn't it? I just threw up a lottle. They evacuated a whole building because of one flaming nutter? Indeed there is he is freddy now Ha confidence on this sub. Oh and I was told moons don't exist in this game. Safety pins, thanks Richard Hell, maybe the punk style will come back. Their sole purpose is to act as our subreddit user flairs Jesus, I've been playing to much mass effect 3 cause it looks just like a Baterian The one time I had my GoPro on the dash, someone pulled out in front of me and totaled my car. Where's his American accent? Can't stop laughing imagining the last line of the clip delivered by Bob Uecker's character in Major League Such a shame that this *always* seems to happen to guys like that, right? Anjunadeep Douglas Fir to D4 But the family was black and the dogs were pitbulls, so obviously they were both grave threats to society Don't know why this is getting downvoted, should be getting upvoted seeing as it's a CONFESSION on /R/CONFESSION Logitech G910 Orion Spark And Australia is so progressive were trying to open one of the biggest coal mines It is possible just exceptional, it has to be exceptional whereas the other classes do the same damage far more easily and consistently :) Can I interest you in Amway? oh no, not ebola Lmao Who cares, how little assists did Kyrie have? obviously its because he's already made America SO great ALREADY that he doesn't need as many intelligence briefings, you snowflakes!!!!11! To late bro you said the skins are going to the superbowl ee its so cute That's his signature move In other news, water is wet. I hope it's as great a troll as her "single". im genderfluid you shitlord what a fuCKING PLOT TWIST HOLY SHIT Why are those ties so short? And tomorrow, Google decides to donate 5 trillion dollars for the cause of poor Internet Feminism. so he was all about us doing it, but now Bush should take the blame? Can't be spadina, nowhere near enough people on that bus! Try again in your next life :-P Is 4 still more than 1 Whatever happened to these kids anyway? There sure is a pretty big and coordinated attempt at cover up of nothing. you picked a great time to sale Nice pack, but you could easily drop a few pounds by swapping that Royal for something like a Hermes 83 vs 87 makes its return I like your shirt :) Finally, some good AI! League of Legends and DOTA 2. Did Modiji forget that Oommen Chandy is a 'Christian' CM of a 'secular' state? Nice work man! Can't a man finish a chapter of his book before he starts work, jeez! Well this will surely end his campaign! I'm surprise we're getting a new Metroid game! Obama's parting gift to his loyal Hope and Change folks will be Obamatrade, it will usher in a new era just like NAFTA did duplicate thread... I can imagine a future news story will have this headline: "Smugglers take over airliner mid-flight, only to land in a field a couple miles from its intended destination" Thanks for keeping the skies safe, TSA. Captain, can you make one with a big clown skin over the full shield? Because nobody cares Insider trading is perfectly OK when it's DemocRats doing it. Money Good ol' KefkaTraps. Let's be honest he's missing these because of weapon inaccuracy when moving. But, but... Gopherwood. This comic doesn't have undertones of racism running through it Japan. Huehuehuehue. Great logic there You wouldn't understand, you're not living with an invisible illness This was on the front page for most of the weekend. wow Can anyone explain why Spain in particular is so against Scotland joining the EU? Fuck sportsnet am I right guys? Somehow those of us who grew up milking cows and doing chores early morning made it through OK. But it's always more polite to put `I' second. Well if an infidel drew a picture of your god, how would you react? TIL Bears have feet small enough to fit in human skates Oh yeah definitely the first thing I said when I looked at this was wtf Black and grey, check Has buttons exactly where you'd expect to find buttons, check has a screen, check THEY'RE SO SIMILAR! potentially defamatory Well, that wasn't a biased article at all does not impact the board, will not see play Cheaters No, this is Dog That is one shady "office" He's a Repub I can work with, and that's good enough. I love how Hyde's elite weapon skin has I'M THE FUCKING KING carved on the side of his flamethrower. Are skin mods like that tolerated by Riot? No it's not. Strawberries and cream So much better than Issue 3! Ah yes - "both parties are the same" Soap won't be a problem I've seen one irl and they're basically L shaped tanks with a hole in the centre, as long as the seals hold there's no way soaps getting in through the sink part and if they don't hold you've got bigger issues than potentially getting soap in there My dog's also Indie... looks like a lot of redditors had the same idea. We need more laws lowering the down payments for homes, Every American should have a home! it doesn't become like cs:go but blitz hasn't much possibilities to customize like the other operators. Yeah he is a god at dodging those spears. That's actually a good game The swing after the hook is so majestic. How did you do the fill between the end cuts? WE i can dig it tbh God damn Met Life stadium and its fucking bullshit architecture designed to artificially trap sound. Legalize survival! Girls who watch it are fine, but I'd find it weird if someone talked to me about it early on in a relationship. Half expected to see Scott on there Finally, I've been wanting to make a blending brush from my cat's fur! I hate it when people take the Bible out of context. Carey played very well last night though... Sweet Other source: Breitbart negotiating deal with the honorable Bill O'Reilly Yeah, if she was around, I'd want to read a book. Good. In other news...APD then stormed his neighbors' house and killed all their dogs. Looks like I'm sitting on a gold mine with 4 hens laying. You ever heard of transfer payments? Make pocket sniper great again! People over 60 shouldn't do electronic voting. Put a pop figure under it Pretty sure I've seen people still using stairs. This is still better than the Mayberry line up of June That what you get for not using a "handle with care" sticker! What about graphic intensive mods? i bet it was just another poor muslim going through a bad divorce He sure is! He just has a good connection. I hope you get a good answer and all, but my suspicion is that the pentagon is a bit tied up at the moment and probably doesn't have the free time to field AskReddit questions as they normally do. Lol, I prefer the Hoth 2005 image. Dude, what's with Chairman Mao? There is also a sneak peek for a new Mission in the Survival menu. Wow, thank you school education I knew everything about this. I'm betting not a single one will be truly good. You didn't show stats so therefore you used the bug to your advantage. Teachers will love this. Loose lips sink ships, cold wind pointy nips. Baltimore transit has a fever, and the only cure is more BusLink! I'm looking forward to driving from this perspective in an upcoming F1 game. Welp, time to beat the Heat with Big Baby! WAT You really gotta track down the video so you can hear the audio as well (its from Frozen Planet as another user mentioned). You have as many as he does! sooo grenade is bananna? Those shoes are so shiny.. it makes me so happy for some reason You're a terrible person for making a joke, how dare you? What a shocker Susie showing she's worth an F1 seat So many deplorables, enough to fill a basket, I dare say. Well that's just disturbing. We'll be back in double-dissolution in a month, and voting again by September. This is fake I read on the news that only 27 people showed up. You're not ready to drive when your trunk is still open? thats pure talent, what a great singer The real question is why his name is "Diabetic" in your phone. Yes, it's a horrid and scary issue. They quietly placed it on Reuters and Reddit. Wow ..useful. Hillary should not have laughed it off, but I don't see how that makes her anti-woman as the RNC is arguing. It's s conspiracy! Unless dat hoe a gold digger His citizen satus means nothing in this story. Maybe Ian Duncan has a new job in Russia? Happy Father's Day, sir. Russia staying classy as always At least we're getting those coal jobs back in West Virginia. Ehhh it's not 'bout Jobel 0/10 well.. the heads are the same size Another time when he shows how much he hates Bale! Mods showing their hypocrisy once again with a shit post of their own... Skiing is like getting a blowjob from a dude; It feels pretty good until you look down and realize that your gay. TOO BAD OBAMA IS THE REASON THIS HAPPENED I wonder if this one can find a way to leak oil as well. So an EU flag? Anthem's gonna AAA that shit. Show this to anyone who doesn't think F1 is a team sport. Great submission Reminds me of Ultron. Yea, and capricorns get along with cancers but clash with aries. Yeah, my pulls were Skull Poop L too. This guy makes me feel like I did something against the law. Gelf will be the new IT superpower in a decade or so, then. I don't follow politics much, is that clown a resemblance of Bernie Sanders? Fallout Shelter 2: Electric Boogaloo, or Skyrim Shelter WHAAA BUT I HAVE THREE CHILDREN! Government: Such a good idea. what a haker, he just copeid the 55 at the bottom and posted it as 5kkkkk Might as well trade him back Forgot detection of the Higgs boson. Truth hurts sometimes. I'd say DGK too. First time someone ever reads my twitch massage. Who is Ryan Gosling? Depends on the matchup and the importance of the game Should be in cringe pics. Those probably smell really good. Another NRA success story! Cheap date and expects literally nothing Well good, I was hoping Fox News would be able to solve the race issue in a fair and logical way, that isn't in any way batshit insane. What book is Driver reading? Thank you for informing us, nobody here had any idea whatsoever Thank you for your service, and please stay safe. Another innocent black man gunned down in cold blood by racist police. Honest question because I'm not familiar with it: why is safari bad? Rotten fruit of a rotten tree. That creasing :'( Wear your kicks, don't destroy them! Nintendo games confirmed for hell So stratas are 50% off, finally But isn't Yang the one who has the fire emblem? Bungie never said there will be PC version Good thing we made such great use of it! I have you tagged as Karma Whore so I'm taking this with a grain of salt. Yeah, they don't like the headphones I like, so they must also be a thief, too! DUDE YOU CAN'T JUST GO AND TRY TO GET PEOPLE TO PLAY A FUN GAME ON A PUBLIC SETTING, DO YOU WANT TO GET BANNED FROM SCHOOL TOO Aw, no more McLaren-Smithson-Orr shutdown line :(( dude MLS is a top league! This *is* good Metallica. I am going to guess you had one shitty experience with 1 Queen's student, and decided from there to just hate it forever. Keyword: option. Theyre reallly trying to fight the big guys now. never having to sit in traffic. Fuck I'm a trans horse fucker, guess I can't get flair then. I'm not expecting anything new and exciting, but it would certainly be ironic. color 0a dir Lol 10/10 I like the mirrored ceiling, really brings the room together. Facebook screencaps are so funny! I know people who own snowboards, but they live where it doesnt snow... it's called traveling, mr cynical I really don't understand why you like to eat tiny babies but do you see us judging you? hello phillip schofield, i fuck lobsters for money. Back to Syria with them! You mean you didn't even enjoy the cod gameplay? Gotta love reddit, always making me feel better about myself They make the ps4 how could they say anything above 900p is even visible? I bet he really appreciated you defacing the pictures of his newborn. Nope Yeah flying to Mars for 2 month! This is bogus, the Clintons never did a dishonest thing in their lives And on EU it's shorter for 7 days OMG im so raging Thank god, after 2 years of waiting there is finally an alternative to SD! roadhog is balanced human fingers can only type 30 words per minute. Because you can't exploit white men. Baseball really needs some more unwritten rules. Dude there's a pull thread this is going to be removed. Fuck it at this point just machine the cooling fins away and youll get another 100k out of her Everybody knows that there would be no kindergarten without government schools I learned about Enrobs plan to roll out a giant broadband service through this film, their plan was to trade data network capacity in the same way it bought and sold energy commodities, which worked so well for California. looks an awful lot like the YF-23 Couldn't he just be talking about slander since that is what certain news outlets are doing? It couldn't possibly be caused by high-maintenance politicians being needy and greedy and dishonest. Chopper should change his name to Neo, because he sure dodged a bullet there! But he's such a nice guy! Russia should do it too! Hi, please check the sidebar for the best way to format your sale and trade posts. Im just wishing that she would have typed it in comic sans Where he belongs The corporations are right; those big-ass signs on top of the buildings don't ruin the skyline. Yeah, I thought the issue of attitude problems was recorded all the way back when he was a Marlies player whereby he sometimes got benched by Eakins. It's utterly insane the extent to which coffee is romanticized. Great picture. Yeah but, he has no race pace. That bill is already washed, why you cleaning? The passion of the christ, with guns. This time change is really an issue English is a real talent and deserves better than being stuck with a heat magnet like Gotch, unfortunate as it is to say. But evolution is a liberal myth! The parents should be put in jail by this point. ***ALL HAIL NEELY*** Daaaamn Glad to see they're speaking out on this stuff and not just staying quiet. The sad thing is that guy is looking to buy a gun right now that was impressive, nice video by the way I'd swap that beer out w/ something else and be right there with you. Tessstandingup.gif How does that thing operate the elevator? What routes are the replacing? If I downvote this will it go back to 10 inches? The prophet Muhammad (Piss be upon him) was a warlord and pedophile who married his favourite wife Aisha when she was 6 and had sex with her when she was 9. They turned on red white and blue like a bat signal for the us of a to come save the day Hey, these bombs put kids through college! Oh god, give a lolbit a break! They signed the best UFA dman already I hope they're 2 new flasks which are best in slot for every build ever. You should have made the flag of France for extra freedom hating Other than he's endorsed an anti-Muslim, xenophobic, misogynist, racist, anti-POW presidential candidate who makes fun of the disabled, sure, he can be a conservative Democrat. As someone from Michigan, why do I want snow (low quality at that)? Xanax So original. I was under the impression that all private land had and end date where it became state property? How about we let the republicans decide their own primary? The Pianist is 22? I ate today! No girls on the internet Can't be trouble in Iraq... the surge worked remember? Mary jane is illegal because it makes the white woman find the negro man attractive Poot sunderer here. Yeah because you know, all of those Apple devices are made in the United States. Well the world's largest submarine also needs to go on a vacation once in a while. Wow All marijuana fatalities. stop smearing Because it's just an usual goal from him. They really are terrified of a woman in power Are we sure that wasn't a Bernie supporter? Yes, and we hate you for it. Don't worry, I'm sure Congress Republicans will get right on the "jobs, jobs, jobs" issue they were talking about last year. You couldn't even buy an NHL team with a max contract jk That's hilarious why does the comment have -6 points people don't know humor I guess Pack up and go back to console Reddit hates imgur, but all our pictures are hosted on their site. ConspiracyKeanu.jpg Pic or it didnt happend. Did you sleep well? You guys must be elbow deep in "female dogs." Yes, he says the same thing around men. Da what? *He had to import a German he met at a biker bar in Kansas* I feel *he*'s the real class act right here. CNN didn't report it so it didn't happen He's driving the car so no luck there. It isn't legal here either, it's just that the police doesn't care. Just a poor uneducated southern red state being what it is, hoping Trump will fix all their lives' problem. I'm not sure why, but it's extra creepy to me that he typed that novel on his phone. My conclusion from these pictures is: as long as you're a thin white woman, you're probably doing fine! Tesla hover car confirmed! Plenty of people just fall on dicks/into vaginas! Probably would go bankrupt in a couple of years and come running back with thier hand out like centuries ago. Deflation should not be feared ... it should be embraced as this is the CURE! Are we sure this wasn't actually filmed in the 80s? Is it safe to assume that Grissom air force base in Peru is named after him? I can see just fine. Oh great, like there weren't enough Chinese tourists here anyway. holy shit, are these guys screwed or promoted Lost With so many people doing it these days, it feels more like "I paid for an expensive holiday and survived" rather than an achievement This run by the warriors has been super faciltated by outside powers Ctrl shift C. Type: rosebud;: enter So..the bleeding art article that probably got it's source from the original post gets to stay up, but not the original post? Generations in the future will read about how fucking obsessed we were about race and gender and roll with laughter. Stop patronizing us with your logic, shitlord! people with massive victim complexes that think they are "owed" something because of their skin color ? Has anybody confirmed that Pedro isnt GabeN himself? 90 hours with the import body, wheels, and can do aerials fine... sound exactly like the typical player well shit time to throw him to the ovens then because that's what we all do right? Of course not - Anything new is stupid. Nope Someone had gone the hero hardmode doesn't last past ruins. Phew, lucky he didn't watch The Red Pill documentary. I think we need a SONA megathread. She's guilty just the same. AMA Request: Payton Seriously if you cant figure it out that they are a scam then you shouldnt be getting a fake and the pussification of America continues. So does this mean Steve is coming to Smash? Damn fail divisions Why do you need a gui when you have a console Entry level only refers to the wage they are offering. inb4 gets flanked))))) Way to go, Op! Cyclist's fault...because cyclist. And no reasonable way to get to those places. I'd like to order a #1! This joke gets funnier and funnier every year. at least he claims to be kk Aww yeah DWade So it was you who lost us the alert! Looks really good! Bath is nice. So it will be removed from schedule one now, right? In his defense, he does seem like a *really* nice guy. Goddamn But how does one go a whole game without touching objective? It's just the glasses guys! I don't think Park City qualifies as a small Utah town. Can't quite unpack this one Damn snowflakes, out in their foxholes. ITT: Boomers with a degree in basket weaving who made $200,000 out of college and were able to buy a 5 bedroom house for $40k in downtown Toronto claiming that kids today are lazy. When America was great '3 hit points' Not good enough I'm afraid Yeah but Victory don't get red cards Stop being so OCD about a word! Talked her into breaking up with her boyfriend, became friends with benefits, until I started dating someone else that is If I know one thing about this type if relationship these two arn't even gonna break up over this. Remember though, RT is dying folks! And it wasn't done with scary assault rifles - those countries have the decency to hang them, burn them alive, throw them from the rooftops, but nothing so barbaric as shooting them with an AR-15. Guess Windows Phone died just in time amirite? He added "they wear sneakers so technically there are no boots in the ground". A conservative won't experience a huge media chimpout for saying that on live tv. WTFast But poverty is relative. She did well. **T H A T ' S _ R A C I S T** Wow, an ENTIRE NATION? Not to nitpick, but two of those photos are of the same room with the same woman from a different angle. Now we wait for a halo themed mega man game. Everyone seems to be on some high horse, a lot of drunk fans will probably do the same in another stadium when the opposing team star player goes down and gets back up with an injury that doesn't look season ending, i'm not saying its right but people shouldn't be hypocrites cause its not just exclusive to one fanbase Maybe this will finally get those ignorant white people at s4p to stop voting against their own interests. Personally, I take phone polls super serious! But...but...but...non-interventionist candidate! Someone better call Joe Kenda. Shiit we hebben zoveel buitenlanders op onze master dat de nederlanders ook engels tegen elkaar blijven praten. STOP PUTTING THE PUNCH LINE IN THE TITLE! This has got to stop HAHAHAHAHP;A-ALAL0L0A0LA0LAL0A0LA0LA0LK0RJROJI Love these There goes lebrons playoff bonus. lul im just gonna play mu summer car why would anybody care about 16 man whining The Donald does not back down or flip flop. That it would be better off without you, McIntosh. Comment section padhne me bahut maja aa rya hai iman se Doesn't matter, had checks. Every once and awhile someone tries to get together an expedition to find the mass graves of all the people that were killed, but it never gets off the ground because nobody wants to bring attention to the face there are very likely mass graves somewhere in the Tulsa area. Lesbos on the Verge of Catastrophe is definitely a film I would watch. I laughed legitimately out loud, I guess it's a taste thing Zynga had a Japanese division? Ivanka's empty bedroom. Time to move. Aww this makes Exo look so bad when it isn't even them to blame OKC tanking, saving themselves for next year I have seen graphics cards connected externally If France was even rated at 1.75 instead of 1.5 (which I think would be fairer) Cavani would be like 5 points ahead of everyone else Good thing Trump sent that 100 million dollars to Flint #MAGA Wow OP is really clever. sooo much professionalism, it truly shows cops are capable of putting their personal feelings aside and performing their jobs to their best under extreme circumstances. Send a pull request Don't be such a lil bitch Women wear dresses like that to draw attention to their eyes so you can have a meaningful conversation. A drunk Bill Clinton brings me to tears. If he was a skilled political and legislative tactician, he would've beaten Hillary. MERICA. Do this immediately and I will be free! Commodus in Gladiator It will be hilarious to watch all the liberals beg the police and military they spit on to die disarming the gun owners they hate. Cruelty to animals= future serial killer Flashing lights are always necessary. It was comfy as fuck too, and I had a Gallente Velcro thing on it because #FuckRPers It also helps that I'm sexy as fuck, it really brings the ensemble together. Try some in your eyes, it's totes awesome underwater. Yeah it's fine if these people get killed in their war torn home country - as long as it doesn't happen in Australian waters Now this is a masterpiece. I am really enjoying how a few people who are "in power" are fucking up the one planet that we have that is light years away from any other living beings... I really love how idiotic these people are. Lol this comment: "Damn, he's avoiding those cones almost as well as he avoids our constitutional rights." ITS HIS $19.99 A MONTH Wonder Woman kick your ass Wonder Woman kick your face Wonder Woman kick your balls into outer space Oh but gee whiz I'm glad the working class must be doing fine, since they're not mentioned in the headline. 1440x1080 = Pasha Player models I imagine it will have something to do with insurance wait times to produce a new one as well. Nah, Google and Facebook nailed it with their copy and pasted release notes simply telling you that there is an update, although it's in the update tab. It's winter getting 1 kill :/ This actually made me say Wut, downvoted The Trump supporters who take part in the demeaning, racist actions at these rallies exemplify just how toxic the possibility of Trump's election is. Brilliant, surely we are favourites now. Except for the "Liek if u can relate" part. Drop the coach but not the players.. Welp, have fun in Summer Split CLG I am so shocked Jessica Valenti would tweet about this. Me encantan estas notas, son para meterte 1 flaco o mina "linda" y cuando la gente dice que si, llega la horda de chorros, violadores y asesinos, como pasa en alemania y francia y ahora estan a ocultandolo a 2 manos. There aren't different sprites, its procedurally generated. Not all his views and statements need to be respected. I thought Superman was dead. Great shot by the spurs system Poor migrants just trying to live a better life. Why, It's working as intended. Please, don't feed the gays (fake photos). Nah, never seen anyone mention this song before Always makes me wonder whether Jack The Ripper was a time traveler. It sounds realistic, also I can actually hear footsteps now without my ears getting raped. 9/11 Said the 1 karma post karma guy *expert* Is it bad that I find this hilarious? GUYS COME ON HITLER WASN'T THAT BAD He was a Renaissance man in a way as he wrote a book, helped advance science at a fast rate, was an artist, and ruled a country and cared about the real German people This is genius! Climate change, evolution, and the fact that vaccines don't cause autism. Hey, maybe she's a fast learner, ok? Aww, he's playing with plate-dough. Those damn democrats and their obstructionist policies. back story? This two shall pass It's about poop. dark beasts, sooo good ! tks for posting this, i was about to post it too Gravity is just a part of the spherical earth BS theory the government wants us to believe so that they can harvest our money. until he is elected and *they* tell him what he is really going to do. Well of course he'd say that, he is a Muslim! Have you tried WD-40? No you didn't. SAD That is too much text for a webcomic. Wow this sure does make everyone else look stupid. Austin Rivers can definitely do this We make stuff that works, even when it's 20 years old it still works. Woah, these women and children sure are violent! What a fat fuck. Chris Rock is one of the funniest people on the planet. Is your vcore manually set or on auto? got emmmmm I should get the gems because I did not pm you first :O You don't have a culture so you can't say anything about other people's. I hope she checks her white privilege at the door, talks less and listens more. Let's see if we can't get Six Jays in this thread. Legend Robert De Niro in The Deerhunter- Vientam roulette scene. Looks bad tbh No proof of her involvement yet. Ooh... still no chance England could deprive Leipzig of Rangnick? That's a lot of people to purge all at once. You think they have enough evidence? too bad I glitched him in already on my red version :D welcome, mew hm slave Ru is older than Obama Yeah... People wear Supreme. That moment when you tell Brock that he's not a jacked white boy. Charming young lady. If you don't like a post you downvote it so no one else can see it right? Move along folks, this has nothing to do with Islam When will they address the white colored cleats issue? Could be a pats fan, we started replacing dudes in 2009, and our 2006-2008 drafts were horrid. what a turnaround, 25000 sacked and 30 to 40 a week new jobs boom times ahead i feels Its not stealing, it pirating argh. Frank Kaminsky is soft Why are trade deals always demonized? Coach Therrien must really wanna get rid of PK We all knew he was a fraud anyways, right guys? I literally felt like I had an mini-orgasm when I saw the old character death thingy. I think it is out of a fear that they might headquarter elsewhere and just pay the single digit taxes there, rather than price hikes or anything like that. must have been a drone That's a lot of Nico. Holy crap didn't see this happening at all holy fucking hell I haven't seen this yet today Maar mensen *voelen* zich onveiliger, en dat is het enige dat telt. At least we have our unstoppable Power Play to carry us! Reus in return pls Oh yeah your business teacher is totally gonna listen to your podcast suggestion Sound like a nice bunch of lads He's failing in most respects as a leader. Maybe OKC can sign him to replace all the championship experience they're losing with Derek Fisher's retirement. 100% legit headshots, sniping is a good jerb, m8. I try to make it more of a good swig, just for good measure. Yeah gay guys definitely care about penis size less than women. Reddit This store probably didn't have a security guard Well, in a that case I'm glad they killed him! Rashford is higher on FIFA so I guess Rashford yeah no one has ever seen this one before David Luiz is one of the best and most OP defenders in the game, and I can imagine his TOTS is even more so, so if I were you I'd just keep him and spend the 100k elsewhere (TOTS Yedder?) Because 7 men on the right side of the snapper caused Succop to miss that kick I feel a little more emo after that. Jimmy Graham and JT have played basketball in case you didn't know OP, did you get mad and snap your keyboard in half? Somebody send this to Russell Westbrook. Thats exactly how my nearby pokemon look like lmao TWERK. The good Lord has blessed me HALLEUAH-AHHHH! Appropriation can't wait for the most brutal beat down of this manhwa.... time to curb stomp some middle schoolers motherfucker Sounds like a "How To Be A Tinker" manual. So that's what $2K of electronics looks like. That looks perfectly acceptable and up to standard. The alphabet would be different. Just goes to show that anywhere a human being is in charge, corruption will exist there. Yep... Only in Philly does every video have an obese woman screaming 'Dont fucking touch me' Poor thing looks scared. Can confirm: in high school and everyone is gay and high We're just that good? TRIGGERED I wish meat wasn't so god damned delicious. ###Stephen Harper is en enemy of Canada. Solution: Raise the minimum wage to $20.01 The turned wheel bothers me If the kids are wearing helmets, do I really need to slow down? I wonder, what was Magnussen trying to do? Very true article and really important with the Future reference, he certainly killed the clubs. Russia is Trumps America. Super expensive for not much imo. Television is so 2000's children's beauty pageants Actually, that behavior of Sheepsheads is correlated to a highly malignant type of cancer and ... No wai! jeez, white people gotta take over EVERYTHING Just a lucky random shot, he wouldn't cheat in general or on LAN, especially after everything that's happened, he also would've hit the 2nd shot if he was cheating. clearly before the nerfed any AA you are using a word that you don't really comprehend Christie 2016! Lol, my bank reimburses the money i spend making those withdrawls, up to a certain amount, idk what that amount is i almost never take cash out unless i'm buying drugs HAHA people researching about people before wearing their stuff is so funny HAHAHA HILARIOUS Yes I'm sure no one at Apple has ever tried running with them. the many faces of astralis* OMG, not the internet, its so hard to find these days I'm sure Citi Bike is going to solve *all* of Staten Island's transportation problems. Well if it follows you might just want to keep picking up whoever will start considering hillmann and Anderson did amazing any news on the release + the release of the Scorpio? Unusually put...but fuck it, have an upvote! TIL: Germany is a poor nation. eh, I deleted my +17 on accident recently... I was so fucking mad what's what dumbasses get for donating money for nothing I know how you feel my autistic brother alright boys let's fuck him up I'm sure that was his first stop 9 months ago. But guys Islam is a religion of peace and understanding. Concept is much older than that. Man as per that last comment I have now realized both jon and ego are just SOOOO fucking lazy Just tell the judge that the gold fringe on the courtroom flag means that it's a court of admiralty and that the court has no jurisdiction over you. This effort was masterminded by Instagram in an effort to reduce their server loads. Hey, we need to put more people into prisons so the prison "industry" can profit just like edcuation and health care. I love how, on OKC, "casual sex" is taken to mean "sex without standards." Because grasshopper doesnt fly anymore. He's fucking WEAK GOOD LUCK GETTING OVER 100 SUNDAY, EAGLES! Typical Government job. Have we heard any rumours about when this phone will release in Canada? no, because a response would be RACISM. This is exciting. Hahahahaha While were at it can anyone swing me some cash for a Hawaiian vacation ? So funny DAE Americans are sheeple? He is literally saying women are so shallow they can't get over some guys clothes. Good thumbnail THOUGHT U LIKED NICE ASSES GUESS I WAS WRONG Quite a lot of these are actually right-wing conservative parties. During the game I was talking to my farther and was like the sad part is the winner gets to go play Oregon yeah what a prize Nobody tell Tony Abbot. That's a crazy amount of destruction for something moving so slow You heard it here first. i agree with the point being made here but...this is photoshopped right? Fuck Donald Chump. From a q6600 to a 6600k is not an upgrade, it's the same number White/White x 2. legit no scam! He didn't even finish the left side! This was in no way excessive. It's closer to a spin-off than anything. Wop, what's your H2H record? La liga is so exciting, you never know who's gonna win Looks like Bender Bending Rodriguez made his own military. I also love super underground indie rock bands like Vampire Weekend Shouldn't have been contracted to a company based outside the US in the first place. My graphic design friend introduced me to this movie; love it Yeah, you weirdo, what are you doing deciding what you want before meeting him MUH ROADS EAT THE RICH Looks like it's *for the birds*. 4000x72=288000 virgins waiting for them in paradise. what a whimp I thought it might be a Hornashit alt by the title alone, and then the text "Discuss" gave it away to me. Sure, who doesn't want to date a disgusting psychopath who abuse children? But it wasn't loaded, I swear. I didn't know ganga flowed in Bangalore also Hope it snaps off and sinks into the lake. _Frisk, is that you?_ Well, the Bible DOES say to forsake your family to follow Jesus. Thanks for telling me where they were, I couldn't quite find them Fuck you man Fuck you boxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxy Yep because towley and lirik are the only 2 people streaming Overwatch right now Nope, you're the first one. Swag level = over 9000 My ex once said, during a particularly intimate session, "do anything you want to me..." I miss that girl :( My favorite part was when the girl shoved her butt into the camera and you could see all the pimples up close. The graphics are so realistic! Schiff must save us all. Well, he did have a running start Wait sprays are gone or wut And fear is the tool of them all. sorry but I find the Gamecube to be more beautiful If anyone's to blame, it's the Reagan administration. Article from 2009. Make it NSFW for more upvotes Good on him. Why they won't have sex with me. How DARE those evil socialists help people by being generous! The movement, the precision, the aim... its impeccable No because its Trump's plan to stop American companies from developing new technologies. Clearly not going to win Lady Byng any time soon. People who can look at Jim Crow and say with a straight face that people of color were *obligated* to peaceful protest are just as bad as fascists, and deserve the same treatment. Trump rally is at its end with the realization of the Trump reality. Did your girl say yes or did she say no? B-but Palestinian flooding and oppression and occupation by Jew Zionist Nazis! K Love out for revenge aaand rock skins going up dope Can I get an amen? DAMIT If someone is good, there must be someone or something behind it *cough* speed hacks gz on 450k Must be a misprint, these are women and children. Why bother? Yes of course, he does and has checked it out many times. Well I for one am shocked Yeah just wait for the $60 remastered version locked at 30 fps, suck it PC fags thanks for posting this. A peaceful coalition with rational thoughts to prevent the destruction of the human race. Marco Rubio tries to make headlines. welcome to the dark side, we've got raid materials Uhhh Romeo and Juliet were star-crossed lovers, and they had a super romantic story! Pretty sure a plane is more dangerous. but the it isnt a regular HD it holds GIGAbytes so its much better. Very interesting concept, but how exactly did you guys calculate the 100 million click life expectancy, given that it registers varying levels of actuation? Wow oh of course you level up the broken characters Did someone say Sparky Looks like Sturridge is back to his winning ways. Found the short neckbeard! In other news, water is still wet. Good for Romo No.. Cleopatra was in Egypt and the pyramids were built in Egypt.. iPhones were created in North America... Pretty good for an 11 year old foreigner What a hero. Is everyone in the last shot an offensive ethnic stereotype? Good thinking on the all-caps, it makes it so much more believable Wow people did not receive this video well on here. Well, if you're not cured by 5, you're a lost cause. he's got a good point: just imagine how much more he'd way if he weigh if he had the munchines This is foolproof, there's no way any potential terrorist could get around this! Damn :( Because it's time to jump ship from 1 dynasty to another There's no way to make it works properly for me beside my pc run bf1 perfectly What does Waleetard have to say about this Hangman dat streissand effect Somebody, get this person a steady cam! If people are getting downvoted, I will downvote them too Pretty sure it's Gabe Newell with some really odd photoshop. God damn this map is awful with DT. Uncle tom brady's Our defense isn't any better than his goalkeeping this game. Did you buy any chests or is that all from requesting/earning? Only 90s kids will understand. They are a native american tribe, why do you ask? Seems legit, had a good flow i guess. As an American man.... You're welcome. *Pussypass DENIED* - Gravity well of course, it's an MC Gladion and Hau love triangle, duh Can probably build a better wall than trump Anybody wanna buy a heat hat? This is so illogical, Donald. you have to pick the one that was in fnaf 3 (the code on the tiles) I wanted to pick both Myspace? an oh please Need to change that to the Cleveland C. The 10th rule of Acquisition states "Greed is eternal." Hopefully none of the sponsors were harmed. Yeah, and The Lorax is about the evil Marxist Lorax oppressing the pure innocent Onceler. If there's one thing all cs videos have in common it's terribly cheesy music. They don't even have a McDonald's I love how the top comments are people saying their no longer "racist against whites." Who? Yes, because certainly there were no increases in premiums *before* ACA. A true friend would of gotten you one of the new G era decks. Yeah they should just live in a camp in Turkey for the rest of their lives, why would anyone want more than that? They should just change the rule so he doesn't have to All you need to do is cap the frame rate to 24 2011/2012 worries me a bit. Nothing says responsible open carry like your finger on the fucking trigger (d-bag on the right). I expect all those conservatives who are outraged about executive orders to get really pissed now, LOL. That's because country music is made for the radio and you can't play something with profanity on the radio. das racist! looks like the developers destroyed quantum break to me. I wonder why their title was named what it was then. boohoo 5 championships in the last 15 years, we have it so bad. Of course the Asian has lines for eyes. Red flag. Clearly, they meant to express their political dissastisfaction with the policies of Israel A perfect time for every asshole on the internet to talk about why they have the right to own guns. Just open a mobile Starbucks or Walgreens-to-go in it. Give him immunity and watch him sing like a bird. If this has been posed within the last 3 weeks I am going to have Ephixa punch my eardrums and steal my bike. Ukrainian patriots fighting back a national flag that was stolen by a Russian provocateur This video is a little long for me, can someone just comment the tips below? I feel like this map could look better. I really like the layout of this picture. I don't see UGA as a top 10 team this year at all. Jessica Chastain or Evan Rachel Wood. Constantly harassing me about it might make me violent towards you though to help walk That's what you get for being a baiter He does want nukes Am I the only one around here that wants to know the whole story behind this? This guy deserves the beating of a thousand fists. Haha so funny When I did the quiz it wasn't inaccurate. 0...I keep getting cloaks from Shaqq...he knows I'd hate if he gave me one of those beauties I saw a lot of bullets coming this guys way Oh you didn't know already? Oh look it's submitting to the ducks Ya, but the stupid lil bitch might have dented his car Is that Bill Clinton's twitter? Lead by example, right? Reformers. Give it to Janis as much as possible. broken gates/doors was quite the surprise no? How dare 343 work on this before fixing MCC! I'd still hit that Caught her red handed. zoom hack reported I'm envious of your quickmatch number. Black Gray and Sky Blue is totally a great color scheme and will sell Jerseys. MONSTER cables have built in antivirus urf = mash keys no skill needed. Remember when Nick Saban wasn't leaving Miami for Alabama? Boom headshot From Utah can confirm only had 2 black kids at my high school If developers would stop making tech demos, and instead make actual games and full-length experiences comparable to what you can find in the non-VR market, then maybe sales would pick up. Awesome I just pre ordered The Order and Dragonball Xenoverse....on the 15th and 16th LOL Thanks Playstation! Incoming m0e on twitch streaming "Remember when i got a 4k on envyus?" Also: Democrats A ton of them..why do you even give a shit? They also say ngk right how are they wrong? I didn't know there was a fnaf Scrabble! Just get him some Z-Pak's and it's all good wheres the fatwa when u need it *sneezes, arrows protrude from face **mass dooticide Oh, fuck off. It's ok though cos listening to music is halal according to a minority of scholars. Oh you mean oppress her? Does this mean Bobbi x Jemma is for sure not happening :( This is so funny I can't stop laughing. He lost me at the errant comma in the first sentence of his last message. Racist Suck it Phaneuf Good ol' Mormons Where's the outpouring of public condemnation by other Muslims about this? Rotten meat can make you sick. That's why you always save some pee...just in case you need to teach some nosey little shit a lesson. Well it got me here like this it will get me home from here like that helmet? But at least they're not liberals! that was cute af But everyone told me Star Marine was already in the PTU? Women can't be sexist. I live in America and I have no idea who he is. well... fuck They're just like dudes, except with vaginas and feelings. I'm going to miss Allen, but at least we still have Michele Bachmann to laugh at. Mewtwo doesn't skip leg day it seems. When you ~~touch~~ do something you love, pay is irrelevant. I'm sorry...this is news? They don't seem to understand that gaming on our glorious shrines keeps our bodies pumped full of adrenaline, thus allowing us to see far beyond 60fps. But winrates aren't a masure for anything such knowledgable very good thinking reddit and riot +1 from me The US is just an inherently more violent place, just look at our track record. no you must have someone else sign a legal document saying that they witnessed you smoking marijuana before you will start to feel the effects. Ah his bank account is frozen! why did livingston hesitate Oh shit, I read "GTX 480" and wondered why anyone would really care. Meanwhile, in Toronto... Mike Babcock - *salivation intensifies* Well, I'm glad we cleared that one up! Just so everyone knows; a snickers bar goes for $20 on the black market in boot camp. This is a great way to be taken seriously why do we care? Wouldn't the socialist version involve cutting off the tall guy's legs and stitching them on to the short guy? ... In a chest :^) Well, we found the Boston Bomber! Bj Penn looks like an average dude, Fedor Emilianenko looks like a happy slavic uncle Nope, they're gay sharks I hate your cosmetic set One mispelling I will let slide, but there is what we like to call a comma splice. This will go far in promoting party unity! Flair Time to go invest in some iron lungs so I can rent them out to all the polio kids coming up next. I thought Pakistanis didn't pay tax. Fi user, where do I go? Both will go to heaven nonetheless because they have accepted the lord as their saviours Liberal consumerism at its best. Non-whites an't be racist shitlord All types of poke freaks out there :/ Shouldn't it say Zelda on the back? But now those welfare bums have a perfectly good bridge to shelter under The invisible, terrifying monster in heaven said so. Unf, I'm all about those creepy, manic, paint-huffing, warboys. Some might say it would be... Unnatural. Reddit is starting to suck because of stupid shit like this. This would only be true if we were under the control of an extreme right wing authoritarian government.. oh wait.. So no progress is being destroyed? Didn't know getting a MSB was hard for an ironman? stay vigilant definitely the fault of evil white colonialists It's now acceptable. Don't forget Thai hookers I remember that. Go to college and major in the type of thing an 18-year-old thinks would make a good career. But you were probably waiting in lines for 15 years to get your medical attention We all know the deal by now when dealing with RNG,unless you just bragging with your score :P He probably thought you were asking him out. Wasting money on science shit while taxing companies for creating job. FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK More like teaser Yeah those bookworms are so loud and annoying I was notorious for doing that to the wait staff when I worked at Pizza Hut. ITT: Americans saying "cos they have free healthcare" as if loads of the countries on that list other than them don't JUST DO IT ! The worst is when the water is rising, is a different color than you expect, and it is also coming out your shower drain. I see you Nightmare Foxy! Viral tiem is nao Well... doesn't the Chinese government seem like a bunch of mature, level-headed and not at all petty bunch of folks. God dammit. They are everywhere... creepin in yo jungle looking to wreck ur game. put one up for 100k Well hyped Keefe, well hyped! These plus the NPTEL videos/lectures might give some kids a good jumpstart, so yay? devalues my 144hz monitor This little piggy goes to market, this little piggy go... *ah shit fuck* I give this marriage six months, that computer will be "old", and the guy on the left will be trading up for a new PC he will start pricing out in 5 months. That's that guy that was in Half-Life, right? God i wish he would put that much effort in an actual game. It says it applies to the religious...which includes Islam...tard Why do you think 60+% of men are for it? Oh no, not in my backyard! I'm sure nothing bad will happen if I tell them I'm Jewish. i don't like playing yi but if i'm on a losing streak i will bust out the yi Been looking for this again for a while, thanks! Damnit, her beard is better than mind. No video..? Holy fuck she's adorable I love when people put the dollar sign *after* the numbers. Good, he's far better than Dave anyway. Yea the solution to corruption in politics is to reduce free speech. it's okay, it's only SATA 2 It's just internalized patriarchy, it's his fault still Well thank goodness they will need to go through google if they want to read my emails I'll read the summary on Daily Life tomorrow. I guess if we are worst than red pillers, TiA is also worst than red pill? OP goes first. rip ;A; Lifegain OP. Trump will soon blame Obama for his high cholesterol, hair loss, and orange skin. American Psycho 2 was definitely better than the first. We need to seize this ~~industry~~ country back from the greedy corporate suits that just ruin everything. This isn't good, I hope Assange isn't next. I'm sorry, but I can tell this is fake just by the fact that the goddamned smoke isn't blowing in everyone's faces. to be able to use num pad would be nice, but then it would be perfect for keyloggers :( Maybe Schultz got a job as an usher at the Kings arena. Awesome another weaboo game! So he's revealing stuff literally any rational person is already damned well aware of? Name checks out. But it's diiiiiiifffffeeeeerrrrreeeeeeennnnnttttttt when they're your oooooooowwwwwwwnnnnnnnnnn! Galt's Crater: geodesic domes starting in the low hundred trillions. This guy is bonkers They made you wait almost a month and you didn't no-show? I'm sure it was unrelated that Kap said he would opt out of his contract that morning and Kelly benching him in the game that day welcome to Europe: where freedom of speech is banned and you get in trouble for hurting someones feelings. He doesn't do irony well does he. yeah i think he did this shit to try to stay relevant after people realized he sucked ass after 14 season Spooky, Scary Boys becoming Men Men becoming Wolves. CCP owned media, that's just what Hong Kong needs Worst senior prank ever. I find out tomorrow myself, perfect timing for Rhodells to be opening...either a celebration of surviving or a place to drown my sorrows. I was prepared to be let down and im still furious And if you do it when you have enough elixir, the microsoft logo will appear YOU KNOW OUR REDDIT IS IN A SERIOUS DILEMMA WHEN THE TOP 1% OF USERS OWN MORE KARMA THAN THE BOTTOM 60% OF USERS Of course, TWO Hikaris in the Smugglers and Legion year one boxes! He's not programmed to feel emotion. I don't like this so it's automatically edgy. I was hoping for something like plant tycoon, it was just a reskinned diner dash :/ Le brave atheist standing up to the funDIE oppressors Nvidia seems to be gimping the 900 series already Appropriate response to someone saying something you dislike. [*Looks back too all those times the same was said about Obama*] Yeah you are totally right! it looks like a frozen straw in the middle of buttfuck snowhere oh yeah, this screams "legit." And there you have it: the lower class is worthless. Amy Yunos: If He's 12 I'm 12 Such a nasty woman. So you're the one making the boss tired Well, I guess because we're not #1 or #2, we shouldn't do anything about cleaning up our act or try leading by example. Since Matt Joined have they played any DED songs? Looks to me like Facebook is trying to control what is trending and popular by stopping anything that is not paid comments that are truly popular. What's a little more eh? Not to mention, China created global warming Ok So you just ate sh#t? Well no shit, Portland drafted Meyers for a reason! XFsn Saber and Phylol turkey bombs Syria every day killing dozens and its not top news but but the rebels bomb once in Turkey and its top story Stringer Bell's phony English accent is horrible. cuz last patch they made a mistake so they are naming this one v10.00, next patch is going to continue as 3.16 it's not a toyota you heifers, it's a telcel. I thought you made cookies by spooning the batter out of the tollhouse container onto a cookie sheet. Lol, but Obama is a socialist communist nazi, so we need to vote the republicans back in. Someone says the word rape and the people get all crazy. Plot Twist: This is the name of someone who made that quote. I am actually okay with the removal of tix anyone else? Jesus will understand that I'm converting to judism 65 milions monthly users my ass. The commercial itself is annoying....she's cute. Totally not exploiting a recent tragic event Nah, we are just the people who walked 15 miles uphill in the pouring rain to clear out summoning stones hours before the raid in the days before locks could summon safely inside the instance. Play of the game So why Is he participating in this corrupt system Unlike lightning, these posts constantly strike twice! That is rather...odd. I saw this gif the first time I dialed up to CompuServe This must be why they routinely cheat on their partners who are fighting wars and divorce them. Frieza gets rekt is a few seconds I love the eye level light bulbs We didn't want the youth vote anyway. He's not as smart as these guys I agree Propably due to all these Immigrants returning home to their countries? *Press "F" to praise Allah* Hon hon hon~! typical CBC, Liberals don't know how to change a tire Was doing a water fiend task and I kept seeing them run around. It was embarrassing I hated it If a referendum was held, it would waste billions to set it up, and polls show that most Canadians prefer FPTP so change would still not occur......Conservatives are so desperate to drill Trudeau on something but they cant find anything legitimate Once bergy returns all will be back to normal, don't worry. Just part of their culture guys, nothing to see here. That your opinion is important. I love you Steph. why is medical marijuana subject to taxation, unlike all other medicines? Exactly and that's also why we have so many videogames about sex. Sembra abbiano trovato la scusa ideale per non assumere ragazze di colore As a mother, she is terrifyingly stupid. PHIL SIMMS IS A SNITCH Don't worry guys, I'll post this one next week so you don't have to. Thank God we have an AG who openly supports legal marijuana, and intelligently dismisses the ludicrous views we owe to the Nixon Administration. Go home, you're drunk. Well, this definitely was a solid alternative post to make Oh man, this seems like they're breaking the salary cap rule with these fancy plane rides... #\#JETGATE ^ The Te'o retard voice had me howling. Literally someone kill this administration before the whole world goes down the shithole. but america is totally a democracy and way less authoritarian or fascist than russia! Needs more llamas. Not 100% sure about Chika's though. It's not even out yet and already sounds overly convoluted, annoyingly marketed and over engineered.. It's like the hardware version of Silverlight. Oh, how humble of them. If only your opponent knew how to defend properly oh come on, give him time to grieve, his former co-host and pal Alan Colmes just passed. We are like this only! Nostalgia + Funny + Truth + Animal = I'm riding this sucker all the way to the front page! anything besides fossil fuels and nuclear is still science fiction for decades to come. SHITPOOOST Can i ask what map is that? They're trying to take away your rights my friend, so there is no complaining. That guy needs to stand up for himself and not women walk all over him Good luck to the children trying to hold on to what is essentially a parachute during 200mph winds. Wow, he's a pretty bad Muslim We're still pretending this is a thing? gif Never saw that coming... Wow, this is brilliant :D Harley Quinn animatronic confirmed Toxic player working as intended. Looks cool, but the sounds makes me want to shove one of these to the persons who's doing it throat. I'm Chinese and I found this shit hilarious chill I bet that pool was filled with poor children before that rifle single handedly went on a rampage Sign him now. Lesbian porn = somehow women being raped by men Come on guys, I really think he could beat the team into shape with a shoe! burned so hot his suit went charcoal He doesn't even need to use Fetch. I coulda swore our plan was appointing them to the Senate.. If he turns out to be gay. I don't get it Wow, what a cocky jerk, they haven't even announced the playoff teams yet Operation Operation Operation Operation Operation Operation Operation Operation Operation Dank meme bro, to the top with you. My friend got GT Tyrann Mathieu in his draft While I agree that it's fair, that doesn't make it NOT racist and/or sexist. too bad iWatches aren't useful. 16% of the country should be deported [Citation Needed] Canada is fucking rad. How is this NSFW? That's how you die standing over a cdirk They left the murder weapon with the note! game is perfect! Too bad he has to sell the cattle for slaughter.. 4h.. Good memories HEY EVERYBODY START FIGHTING By walking backwards This is old and also should be priority to fix. and somehow they don't feel the need to stay loyal to all the other stuff So arrogant... It's WCCFTech guys, purely click bait and never actually releasing new info. She is obviously an al Qaeda terrorist I want ubi to put all of their time and effort into this nonsense right here! If you steal a pen from a bank, is it considered bank robbery? Karma whores man, I tell you. You are so good at madden, teach me some of those plays bro. would be nice to have the boxes and arrow today tho. Fuck everything about that. Dupreeh most likely told him he saw a head @ boost.. He was spraying and cajun was checking Well, this seems like a highway to the danger zone. Go home Hirohito, you're drunk. Watch riot nerf crit later in the season and leave GP in the dirt Because top laners dont deserve to do damage unless theyre fiora. Well - you never answered the question... Is it an alright first build? Wiegl He just texted me asking me when I'll be done with work smh. Sit on your couch; with PS4 Controllers AND Xbox Controllers A dog owner isn't going to be concerned about some dog drool on their clothes. your logo's messed up fuck nepotism Yes, but the coal industry assures us that it's clean pollution. no, totally wouldn't have gotten that one had you not asked But WHY That's racist Fuck AT&T, Comcast and Nashville. B-but Palestinians are meek victims and the PA are moderates, this can all be justified by Israel's foreign policy. Totally off topic but what font is that? You sound like a cuck Remove public pensions, problem solved Just FYI, KFC in Malaysia is fucking disgusting. Worked for the cold war, right? A true racist would say his lazy ass should raise the money for his own ticket and not depend on handouts. YEEZYcore wat Makes sense if selcuk inan took off his shirt and had "Mugabe I still love you" on it, it probably wouldnt be seen so harmless Sadly, this incident will be used to stereotype all squirrels as a danger to humans. I love Scars in all of their ugg boot-stock glory. Boston? So when's Plague gonna do his animation of Woolie and Liam in an onsen being tickled by 40-year old salarymen. He's just wearing that so Don Sterling will let him in the stadium. Predictable can't wait till he's president AMERICA WILL BE BACK BABY Any anyone who assumed the guy must be white from the start is racist. You got downvoted for saying that, but could you provide a quote perhaps, with a source, to back that up (so I don't have to Google it myself)? It was more of a kick to the shin than a trip If they had managed to call up Dybala, I think things would've been a lot different. Bloody Tories! What 8 year old wouldn't want a wizard for a pen pal Yikes, Ghouliani. Because I *really* wanted to see a joke with sexual overtones associated with a 10 year old boy in a picture. Apparently i have this avatar too but i never knew that it was this rare :P loool This was very informative. Nah, probably not. How can a kid who does not understand what sex is be accused of sexual harassment, the whole point of the insanity plea and all age restriction laws are because children don't understand the implications of some of the actions they take. Um, once is often? To quote Everybody Hates Chris: he got slapped into another nationality! The story gets pretty complex so it'll help to have some background There should be an NSFW tag, thats continent porn. Me Np dude. Still got some openings for University of Faith and Faith College. Women should totally accept their place in being more exploited. No because racism=racism+white Yet debt is still out of control and the number of people on welfare/food stamps is still skyrocketing. This looks amazing! Sooooo original That's what we get with them catering to US audience awesome so I can get some blow on the side or pills when I get my weed how convenient Quick, modify the title to apologize for this not being a cat on awwww. I am shocked--*shocked*--to hear that Fox news has released a reactionary and sensationalist piece without doing any investigation into it beyond reading some titles and drawing wild, conspiratorial conclusions designed to make their viewership feel threatened and xenophobic. but did he hug bale lads xd (im ironic btw) Because fuck you, honky. Auto-fail system thinks it's full Can't wait to fly this with my buddies Daybreak seriously needs region locking or those proximity collars ASAP! so if 2.5 million people voted illegally in Turkey, surely 5 million could have voted illegally for Hillary in the U.S. Wow deep. You have a good chance of winning the division now. oh no bugs in a video time to spoil the ending to people because i dont like Better off Ted? Thanks, Buzz Killington. This isn't Minecraft, it's GTA 5 on last gen All 3 If she gets elected I will quit my job, sell all of my possessions, and move to Texas. I would buy a full-size Azeroth map-poster like this. And I'm here unfairly blaming both of them. It's a compounding effect of gas created by cows & forestry cut down for grazing land. Aw you could've pulled it off! 1947, It says so right there! This is why we can't have nice things. Utter Chaos. So want to get married right now, please tell me she is single. Packed house tonight! When you are one up and legendary AI starts pressuring By "Bracing" I'm assuming that means they're getting out their big white flags again... :) The Portland chapter of the KKK or SJWs trying to stir things up? What a deal. Yeah that's reasonable With our O-line, he wouldn't get hit Accidentally charged 1 pound for something that was worth over a hundred lol, luckily because the till wasn't signed in on my name they didn't know it was me ,otherwise it would have been docked out of my wages. You are the cleverest troll. -crim +parasite pls Truth doesn't matter to a whole lotta people. YOU SHOLD HAVE TRIGGER WARNED ABOUT INFURIATING FIRST WORLD PROBLEMS....IM TRIGGERING SO HARD SHITLORD. That's terrific, congrats Purposefully injurying himself so he doesn't get shown up by Jimmy G. Smart move. I only watch subbed youtube videos. You're so creative The government hates poor people Doesn't siege take place in the surface of the sun? Not really true. Gasp! When mass gun attacks by terrorists stop happening in gun free countries like France maybe we can talk. the sun isn't as intense in 1st person view. Well, doesn't NAP stand for "N****rs Are Poor"? Because if they removed all bugs there would be no Drygores nor Nox weapons. I think it's obvious he tossed a chicken in the fire because him and brendan were hungry. Guys it's obviously Darko Donald Trump will make amerika safe again by lynching black people again I think the solution proposed by the Washington bureaucrats: shoot down a couple of Soviet planes, would work. if this is true this will be the first thing i ever pre-ordered. at least the jacket fits I litter my car with used condoms if someone wants my valuables they must *really* need them. Great man! So, basically, he isn't pussyfooting about killing the shit out of the enemy. Honestly, I'm afraid of anyone who thinks I'll be tortured for an eternity for not believing in some silly manifest. When studios realized that if a movie did well enough they could just make a sequel regardless if it made sense to the overall story. It's like you've never heard of the internet. Looks a bit like a James McAvoy That's because its the best video game commercial to this day. That's a pretty offensive generalization. I'd steal those. splatoon and neko atsume crossover confirmed Charizard could use a drying pan Wrong, I don't see me with my *massive* ammount of doubloons (30k) Clearly you just aren't "sophisticated" enough to understand. isnt he against net neutrality? The speed that the helicopter was crashing through the water seemed real too. As someone from the outside, protest about what? I will steal what the fuck is that camera mounted to that its swaying up and down by like 4 feet? New challenge run: you have to keep your character sufficiently hydrated by drinking at least eight bottled waters per day. Cruel winter It doesn't matter, the human eye can't see beyond 30fps. That all seems pretty groundbreaking. My first thought: what part of Arizona is this? I'm guessing theres more than a few people happy to have it on during the summer. Elon pronounces it Tez-la. I sure hope those idiots that painted on caves 40 000 years ago were punished appropriately. Just remember, as he grows the tattoo is really going to stretch.. you may want to wait until he's older. At this rate, we'll need 100kb blocks next year to keep up! Yes because a political primary race is the equivalent of fucking braveheart. So you can just go to hell then. Come on guys, we can't just go around accusing large energy companies of doing the wrong thing, they are always innocent, and it's obvious that the true blame goes to the wind farm industry. I bet you an NBA analyst wouldn't do that About to put this shit on layaway Sper sa moara infipti in puli de cai preotii astia retardati. Geoff This was made during the bf1 hype, I just liked internal mag weapons there what happened to rule number 5 of the subreddit? Isn't herpes one of those diseases that can hide for years? Still f5s furiously. God I love watching the Rask haters shut the fuck up They are redeemed! I'm so sick of these backwards Muslim countries and their crazy laws. this food's really stale mate nice flex pic bro ! The criminal apologists already do. good Why not just do a complete reversal; manufacturing in America at crappy wages, racism against white people in China, an "American Exclusion Act" that's only temporary, you get my point? What a vicious breed Master craft and vaal +1 Let's play a showerthoughts game called "who's in the shower and who's just stoned" this guy is never going to make it, he only has one look! Lol, did not expect this to get on the front page Saran Wrap. always smoke more Your grammar is off course. This guys was elected cause he smart. Could it be that people used those emojis in their Yelp reviews? Oh gosh, NFSW that shit! marginal lanes Tumblr thoughts Too bad no vendors sell it... Even if Halo 5 doesn't have duel wielding I just want the Spiker to return D: It's just all the more painful because he was "frantically" searching for it. No SO LET'S FUCKING DO IT How did she warn him not to contact her? What? Well, if anyone would be a leading expert on Genocides, it would be Germany, Russia and Cambodia. because it's prime time for them to be posting soon, so more will follow Great gun safety op! Oh goody. Guessing he was a dick. catch me outside But did u try to just b urself xddd Holy crap that newsletter sign up prompt.. The "close" button was completely hidden. The US military also helps rebuild countries... Psshh GO THE FUCK HOME Good job taking advantage of their good intentions. Don't worry I am sure we will get a rundown of how many people in the NAACP building have smoked pot from the right wing media. Oui oui! Murdoch is becoming like a case of Don't Do What Donnie Don't Does. How did people start thinking a graphics card needs upgraded so frequently? Some do if they put on even the slightest bit of weight :( *shakes fist at paternal side genetics* What allows this to happen from a coding perspective lol He gets the white from his mother so no evil there Private prisons have worked so well for the US, why wouldn't it work here? Seems like obamacare figured out all the problems ahead of time. He shouldn't say scum As a German grammar national I must ask: isn't the plural sheep? Great illustration, I always calculate my expenditures in number of gold watches. but.. thats his medal he earned. Or the Copa America The extra padding around the sofa is for the cocaine abused orgy. 480p at 90FPS, thats the stuff, its much better than this stupid fullHD or 4k, these make the game way to sharp and it hurts my head. And that is the last bit of news you will read before some zombie starts chasing you trying to eat your brains. Costa Rica has one of the highest standards of living in the Western Hemisphere. still not elite BTW, how is the Russia/Ukraine situation affecting the mail-order bride market? You misspelled chemtrail! He only shoots 3's Are countries developped if they still have homeless people and starving people? 4 extra days off a year would really help me to forget Corbyn's stance on the EU. He's not exactly wrong, though. How dare you identify the ancient nords as white, why don't ask them how they identify? Good thing religion is protecting people who have to live in these terrible areas. They confirmed theirs no brick Number 32 looks photo-shopped. Can't decide whether to downvote this because it's so dumb and wrong, or to upvote it to see OP get pilloried some more Meh its just a dunk has to be higgs It's called Adderall. It's Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. I've never murdered anyone, but I guess there's a first time for everything! You're so right, I'll make sure to keep it in my wallet. thing that makes me cringe. Hey guys lets have an intelligent, modern discussion about our antiquated imaginary men in the sky. Going to love that 4 cylinder V8. *on ESPN more than 350,000 people watched Super Bowl XLIX on free to air tv Good, now make it so paint spells are visibly all year round too He actually did a good job, not bad for a TEDx talk What the hell happened to Kearnen Did they up the price a little before pushing out a sale? Probably not because as we know marijuana is a performance enhancing drug and that just wouldn't be fair. Wasn't aware that gold had a lowly 13Bn market cap. this is interesting to say the least, its weird seeing james not on the creatures logo. This isn't translated correctly Put some whisky in the milk. Hey at least b1gfoot is a higher level than one of them! But merch sales Azura should learn some new songs, like Miley Cyrus or something. Well one thing is for sure,design looks sexy af ! This would be a great picture if it wasn't through a window screen. If he was armed with high powered guns or explosives he would still be alive I demand 7 days booster and ofcourse a refund BUT ITS A PORT SO IT DOESNT MATTER Cherry picking data like all good scientists holy shits what a strike! Gonna need that down force Well we can rest assured that they aren't a communist nation. The GTX 760 came out in 2013 lmao they're still bellow the eleceted dogcatcher Default subs just can't handle it, huh. they're going by j.cole's now If the Pacers get whooped in the first round, he's gone. I see the costuming dept has been burning the candle at both ends to get his look right I love Michael but I think the relationship between Jim and Dwight really made the show Put it in some water and it should perk right up Dindus have no respect for secular law Ik vind deze foto-rage wel leuk zo. Trump's fool proof ask them system would prevent that I thought Sliding Doors was an exclusive article for AFL+ members I'm not sure but flicking the bean is probably number five. Pls Rocket League IRL Mmmm... mercury God Bless you! Its all a big conspiracy by these nations to attack the ever peaceful nation That kid has more charisma Ooh I know, let's blame the poor people, college grads, and real people instead of the banks and other multinational corporations we should dismantle! I see that you too saw the Team Rocket tutorial They should buy their meat from the supermarket where no animals were hurt in the making of it! Buy Nothing Day folks will also be there. Ridic mana dreapta sus (stai nu era deja stanga sus) Chiar daca am mana stanga sus (watch out we've got badass over here) Wow that computer is shit it needs and radeon gtx 1080 at least lol Do you think she knows? He will be remembered by the world as a great fighter for civil rights while most of the rest of us will hardly be remembered by our own families Finally something we can all agree on! I personally think TV would be awesome if everyone was going on the air with no idea what was going to happen next. but it's okay if we do it! Thank you for the words, mike, we couldn't have done it without you. josephfromlondon wrote: God, imagine if heterosexuality was actively promoted on every billboard, in every film and in every school playground. Let's not engage with any argument but instead prefix with 'muh', feel unjustifiably smug, and not listen to anyone's point of view. But.. But muh freedoms! Yup and the few times the players & organization of the Patriots that have been caught cheating, have NOTHING to with any of his wins... Nope not a single one. Nice defense there steph. I dont know why or how you people got the patience to go seek such records but you have my my respect. I guess that's subjective 1/1.000.000 because that's when you'll be 7/1 with a vel'koz amirite guise? Quinn's in a skirt and she's spreading her legs HELLA Schizophrenia Cops take texting while driving very seriously in Canada Black bomber 4 cheap? I hate it when people don't tag the game in the title! Gotta love segregation... Uhh, gee Wargaming, really cool bundle ya got there. oh but don't you know... men don't even like makeup. Hey, at least there's still Stream! *PLACING ARMOR* See, you don't understand, guns are the ultimate form of freedom and if we don't have our ability to shoot governmental leaders we don't like (read: all of them) then we have no freedom at all other than to actually concede to the electorate. This little motherfucker should do life. That'll teach em to get all uppity and mess with the power structure. I got the solution guys, we need to have stricter gun laws! I also hate it when people have fun. Sub 7' midgets unite! Because this gun fits in your pocket, so it will allow you to discreetly kill every one of your coworkers. musta been a phish show Ravana. children Muslims abduct? Earlier this month xbox said they sold 1million elite controllers, but thats all Origins Spawn or verruckt with my guide. But did you really "get" it? That's big hail or a small tomato. fucking noob russian team smh elo hell Wow, what an original and unique post! He was fired at Auburn and came to be our OC Free market! To write a EULA that has the same meaning as this, you need many, many, many Narwhal pelts. Shuffle into side deck Have some people killed All this crusade acomplishes is pitting the sexes against each other. right :\ I think they get over reactionary because of the mass of utterly dumb criticism that goes their way, to the point they're just calloused to any and all criticism. That CNN poll was before the tape : ^ ) He did something wrong or every single other tester is paid by Apple Wait since when are ladders broken? Bill Hicks is definitely an idiot. Gotta work on your pitch-shifting, swood dude Wd40 may be a safer alternative to paint thinner and still dissolves dip It's not a pc But he's so handsome and well-dressed, he can't possibly be a shitty person. What a douche That's because housing is so expensive that everyone is walking to work to save money. Maybe he didn't create us in his image.. he created beetles in his image. Elite numbers! Hollywood need to make a movie on this I dont knoww, looks pretty legit to me DD and pateryn trade incoming Headlines Western countries haven't seen since the 1890s. They're gonna be the MVP of tossing salad in some federal pen eventually. iPhones anytime summ1t gets owned, they are cheating But they're the teachers so their outside life problems are more important than yours. I misinterpreted what "with Fidel and Marx" meant in this context :( It must be true! You're right, upvotes were given out a plenty! How dare he want to win Well, she is kinda sorta brown so she must be a dirty Muslim sleeper cell! Can't play doom hammer on turn 5 cause i have lethal - Reynad 2015 Stand back from the mirror gut doktor Yeah that's more likely than some feminists acting crazy. Im really surprised there isnt a generic commando unit since he was in TCW too. But I was assured by the many legal experts that post on Reddit that an indictment was all but certain. T-R-I-A-N-G-LE should work. See folks, if there weren't any guns, none of this would have ever happened Just think of the fuel savings! Is he black? He's a gEnt amirite? so $130 and it expires in a year, so technically, no you do not get to keep it. All part of MLSE's plan to get him on the jays payroll where there is no cap but stick him on the leafs roster during the winter If only the clip were shorter and of lower quality. Too soon. I usually do that to make my messages fit into one text. Relgion is the root of all fucking wars ect. Quick hit that with some balls. Fuck off. Still, I guess it was well worth it for Whelan to take to risk of appointing Mackay given how well they've done since. beads This is satire, right? And yet another lie from the person to become president. Omg you finally beat Winham. Did you just assume their gender? I totally didn't expect the presidential election to become a flat earth topic as well. Yeah but can we win without AJ I'm sure he had that kind of power. You mean I bought a Mac and I can't have Windows, what a tragedy Yes, being a professor makes you not check your sources, that makes sense. Pollution! They're not terrorists, they're freedom fighters. I'm sure this is gonna work great on Chromebook specs. *Goons will murder you in their old home* Trump must think The Avengers movies are real. Hi, CEO of THQ here, I'll get right on this. The person who designed that parking lot He just has to drag it out does he? The best part about this upcoming series is that one of the teams is going to lose. Who? & not even surprised. This is also covered in the UCMJ as well, called a duty to disobey unlawful orders. There are two perfectly good roads not being used! Mad kudos for not being another cafe racer. Free shit! Oh no, whopping $0.50, that price will certainly never go down Ronda would beat both of these losers I'm glad this thread went by with almost no bitterness, cross-pond relations are high. Bro, maybe a NSFW tag on this post? And we're all ashamed we're playing the same game as you. Everyone knows that if you kill a racist, you can never be racist yourself Loki This has become a daily occurrence. Well worth it You have to believe in the heart of the cards. But, his car is too awesome for a single space! Fukk the woman saying it. Feeeeeeel the Bern! Because accusing people of rape is just as bad and ruins lives the same way as the actual, violent, life-altering, suicide-inducing act of rape. If there's fluff on the muff she's old enough. This checks out America First I bet he's a blast in real life. The Last Jedi: Luke Fucking Dies edition I believe it's a yippie ratdog Apple claims a patent on "a rectangular computing device" so yeah, I suppose that doesn't apply to the core Android system. Sexism You scared me, please don't do that again. Dang it's almost as if some of the clothing in Splatoon are a bit like clothes IRL. Fuck you! No one could have predicted that I'm all for it Well if he isn't walking around saying "hey bud-dy" I might not recognize him I'm on the case. I have a checkride date set for my Commercial ASEL next week and will probably be flying the real CRJ for a regional before Aerosoft releases theirs. a tattoo This guy obviously deserved every punch that has broken that fucked up nose. B words MVP 3 pounds of gold an hour! fuck turkey and the turkey people (yes, it is you guys who voted him to power) Kirito Yes, limit the sample pool for pros EVEN MORE! Why does the snake have fangs? lol It's only called clash of CLANS... You don't actually need a clan but they gave us the railways. I'm shocked It's because if we bare our teeth, you'll think we are being agressive. He left out 10mm on purpose O.o Sure, but what happens when it rolls the dice ? Now it all makes sense! fucking dota ruining it for everybody She didn't get this far by being a bad politician. Why does this gunblade have an Epic Meal Time logo on it Gayrope in panic now, Eurasian Union on the top Why no Trop? Ottimo, dovrebbero vedersi bene in full HD. You mean every episode he's in? Well at least she's dressed appropriately for slaying undead and demon spawn. DayZ : Saw Edition confirmed Be sure to call Vlad and thank him. It said eyes only you traitor. Where the hell did that come from? Hahaha, funny because hating IE is the most entertaining thing on the internet. You lucky bastard. Yes, so toxic, it kills millions a year! Any videos of her taking it in the ass or dyking out with her grandmother? And not a single fuck was given that day. New poll reveals NC government representatives don't give a shit what their constituents think once elected. Seems pretty cruel to me That's true, but hey their debt collection number gets picked up before 1 full ring. You are good at painting. This clickbait title made me want nothing to do with this post. Precordial thump right off the bat What surprise Comcast Fight Club didn't have all that much to do with a fight club. The oculus logo was gone on the PC gaming showcase trailer. No it's cool I didn't want Eridan to talk anyway. Racism and perpetuation stereotypes is OK if there is profit to be had! TIL: Being....60+ is a culture Surprisingly she's not hideous looking Cyberbia. the pope is a prick This doesn't even compare to scorpio Excuse me maam, it appears your steering wheel is on the wrong side. Diamond ... Suck ass.. Got carried there Maybe if they do , Verizon will stop saying the pixel is only available on Verizon. SOURCE Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth Sounds like a legit source to me. This is Post-Rock, mods should ban this thread She wasn't condescending or evasive at all in that interview. I believe you can see your opponent's deck name in private matches? I miss the pre-alt-truth era. but resolution doesnt matter and the human eye cant see past 30 fps so what is the point? That is disgusting to look at. Always better to play the waiting game, its the reason I'm holding out for the second gen Ipads Just remember, when policemen die, it's because you didn't support their right to kill unarmed black men. because executing religious fanatics and making them into martyrs for their cause is always the correct answer Thor himself couldn't swing the ban-hammer fast enough for that thread, but by their own agreement with this message does that make t_D a leftist sub now? Whoa, you met Kenny G! I'm having a hard time understanding what your point is. Cool, that's not racist at all Everywhere will be poppin Hairstyle. Whatta scumbage. Take this shit down... i dont give a flying fuck if our underaged players drink but no need to flaunt it Don't worry home games are now all Friday evenings, should be much easier on the traffic. He certainly seems better than his brother Gary. I don't want him any more. I support Trump 100% but I just don't see it happening. I don't like your tank stand ;P Wwweeeee are NEVER EVER EVER... Gonna get together. THEIR VIRGINITY! Well he had 2 more periods to sit through, why's this hard to believe? Link to ENB, plz. HYPE sweden... snowden..... i keep reading it wrong im like WTF why is he even adopting kids (then i thought about when indy was back in that restaurant in the crystal skull where he uses those kids as body protection! That totally doesn't look suspect at all This is 100% accurate on no, thats terrible, there's absolutely no way any of those could be avoided by eating healthy, working out, etc! Couldn't you make the same argument for communism? Yeah; that looks _just like_ Species. **OROKIN EXCAVATOR** Moeten we nu Amsterdam gaan boycotten? WHY ARE YOU YELLING AT ME Eh, if it is China's ancient city, then China can do what they want with it please stop bamboozling us.. its a magical ring.. just admit it.. I feel badly for Zoe that some inspired sub at The Grauniad chose to raise WMDs in the headline they gave her. Don't you dare to raise toxicity in league's twitch chat filthy doter ! At least lessen it. The other dude looks like Garth Ennis, the writer and Co-creator of the Preacher comics. I always vote for people who think they are superior to me morally. It's coming soon, guys. I was worried who they would line up after Matthew McConaughey but Brad Pitt is phenomenal, so I hope this is true. She is def part of the superior race Answer a survey to view this content No Whenever people agree with me I always feel I must be wrong Oscar Wilde This doesn't fit the agenda of many on reddit so it probably won't get upvoted. What they didn't show you is the only way to the first point for attackers is a tiny door. It absolutely is Bill fucking Murray He's just pandering to the advertisers ^ When will they understand we are not a muslim country and wanting this is pretty much against pancasila Don't worry, jebus will forgive them. I don't understand, Trump promised to put a stop to this Are you sure it's not just because Christians are making crappy art? Please don't give Niantic more pointless shit to "fix" before the tracking :P Why can't they eat chicken and cow like normal people Brb, going to Texas to find white cars Lots of pseudo meat experts in here who've read to many articles online. Awesome mom right there. omg all the planets look the same! Destruction complete. Get Toby to do hiveswap, he'll do it all by himself in one afternoon easily Yeah let's antagonize an animal! Out of curiosity, is there any estimate of the total dollar amount of earnings from those businesses, and number of square feet of office space? First John Key stole from Eminem now he's stealing from our Iwi fuck John Key ! Bob Bemer invented the technology to use ascii, and he was a white man, plz don't use if you aren't white. I don't think you are track day ready bro! I really want a monster now Yet not a single mention in that article of who they're supposedly ethnically cleansing? TIL: men don't figure out sex and kissing until they are old. *leg We should store it for use on Mars. Bro what texture pack is that. Mediums like the most useless role, they should be able to investigate dead peoples bodies as well in case their will was forged or they were cleaned and left Daemonculaba 9gaggers are to dumb to understand! I know right, those damn Erasmus students coming here like they own the place. because irl money There was an srs thread about this once and they seriously said she didn't come to the "correct conclusions" Who else thinks Kempski has a Mariota waifu Well, there is just so little crime in NYC that they can do this. Source? im sure they are talking about their dota teams (was EGs dota team like top 5worldwirde and teamliquid just dropped their team because they were underperforming?) Cause Goldman Sachs is the people's bank, right? Absolutely disgusting. If you didn't listen to such aggressive music you probably wouldn't have such a short temper. That guy is a girl The demo is so creepy You murderer! This is so disturbing, but I can't put my finger on exactly why. Whelp, we'll go use tinypic now. 60 down 25 up Something something LEs Chances this is nuclear testing? boy am i glad that was circled, i would've had no idea what i was looking at.... Football or soccer? I'm pretty sure no one has heard of a little unknown game called gwent before woo, more final fantasy Isn't this old news, or have I misunderstood something? Did I hear someone suggest a return to sanctions? Pe mine ma intriga si altceva - au decis peste noapte sa adauge 32 de pozitii noi de consilier la primarie.Probabil bine platite. Looks more like a bulldog-shih tzu mix. I think that is fair enough if so, but no one should be fooled that it will change how people will vote in England. a man who lead a several-year long armed struggle against japan and the ROC would definitely support "banning guns", of course Nookyuhlurr She'll recall that night every time she cleans her dentures stupid fucking liberal hippies Superman, Bulma, Hermione Granger, God, and I dunno... someone who can cook. itt: an open fire Rabble, the go-to expert in military and defence affairs. As an atheist, L. Ron Hubbard - Church of Scientology Founder would be SO PROUD of his works. For what it's worth, the original post talked about her goal in life, not what job she wanted. Upload videos As a paid intern making well over minimum wage, I don't see how it's possible or even allowed to do intern work without compensation Omurgurr It looks like he put pastrami and cheese slices on chicken in a biscuits Wonder if Minesweeper count as gaming Blonde German Shepherd. I am so confused right now. More like GG Boss hires you despite your disability, then walks on eggshells as you pester your coworkers. clearly you were jammed Sounds like you want to bang him so no Raw rage toward Santa Claus is actually why I don't believe in him too. Maybe mostly, but not completely true If it weren't for the huge "Ferrari" decal on the rear window, I'd almost be convinced that this car is a fake! Hey look it's Roman Reigns' bitches If it slows them down then maybe it's a good thing This has been obvious during the campaign...people are slow to get up-to-date; yet still voted...sigh Did they intentionally hold this info until after Tuesday waivers cleared? LOL they can go fuck themselves. More fake feel-good news designed to keep the donations flowing in! I think your confused that's the titanic! You wouldn't either if you knew what was in them! Big smiles on my face right now. Yeah no-one who is unjust l untrustworthy ever says "you can trust me". In other news, the sky is blue. who needs new Daft Punk when they're releasing under their Justice alias? She is so nice Really like that back splash It was black people who were fence sitters, Lamanites were evil and lazy. People love apple, I don't get it. Well those are fighting words.... Anything but another gnome! She has a really long neck. Those chairman baos are awesome This isn't about preventing terrorists from having guns, this is about preventing conservative nationalists from having guns. A Titan X That's not a deal a GM would regret! It's been awhile since I've thought this, but boy that escalated quickly. Whoa...a tad bit racist there Its about time, his music sucks They were made to turn around. Deadlifts are just a long row right? Just like the hallocaust and rape of nanking is justified because we learned a lot about human physiology. But Russian are in the EU server (and some of them is in SEA server ಠ\_ಠ). Wow such original content Fifa youtubers know it all I think the only appropriate punishment for this heinous crime is life in prison, unless he's white in which case probabtion. Either ip man in the 1v10 or Hector vs Achilles in Troy yea i can, watch 29 lfg, hard mode, only 30's! It's these kind of ppl that make me think we need to create a Japanese style blacklist to keep terrible players from joining parties. Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak He knows damn well that was great theater Frequently following it with "scum" doesn't really help either. I would probably impaled myself getting groceries out of the trunk if I drove that. Some say he's still there. What console? Well damn, if Quanell X is gonna be out there to match OCT gun-for-gun I'm sure they'd be ecstatic to have their support. TAKE HIM HOME AND NAME HIM STEVEN don't you know we only use 10% of our cortex? 0/10 not enough eps and infected skins What's your favorite FNaF Fan Character? Uttar fucking Pradesh Coming soon: a similar map based on 'If only white males voted'. ho man, that was so sexist of him to acknowledge that girl was sexually arousing, and he did it with a clever joke too, its even worst! It's because we still believe in god you heathens I think after so many repeats, apologies lose their lustre I'd bust out a super like for her But downs syndrome is a gift! The theme and the characters fit so well together. Warren Buffet's company hasn't paid taxes for the past 8 years. They melted He doesn't deserve that car. The ass is T H I C C. This is a bold assertion and we should all applaud her bravery. Why isn't it just a continues increase... something like double every 18 months... Cant think of a better way to spend 10 million dollars. DareToZlatan Hacker. Don't hate me guys, but there's something about that video that makes me cringe a bit. desperately needed! I love your vintage Kenwood! Yeah its like a bottom tier master race achievement at this stage that nobody cares about Learn a language! How's that for moral leadership? I don't think this is gritty enough. it's nice to know that you can buy your civil rights back if need to. I don't care how good Ovechkin is, he's a dirty player. More like how the potg in the match shows how bad they are/were I think this is our best signing of the transfer window. You forgot the Mouse reject I'm shocked! EU's market is slight larger than america's market in GDP terms and has nearly 200 million more people... No, but it's totally the social justice scum that are the oversensitive ones, guys. And after President-elect Trump takes office, the FCC will inform you that your name has been entered into a database of known telecom rabble-rousers. That's a cow, not a goat. He should have gone ATGATT But guns are never a problem in the US, no sire! Actually she was black! Will Howard Webb play? I guess that's why so many parents are accepting of their trans kids A country founded on Muslim Theocracy has real rape culture, wow shocking. Of course the pro-business fringe group headed by Burgess didn't sign. Does anyone know if Vermintide is worth it? Bust em for more dangerous stuff like mushrooms. It's good, because otherwise that water would have gone to waste! And the .#NeverTrumpers' heads exploded at midnight Silly Unpack the Judge. Stoned to death, may be? ...these like-new BMW's at unheard of low prices! And Ayesha was right the nba finals are rigged Click close in the bottom right. Damn, if only players in NA and EU could change that fast. Let's not jump to conclusions! Confirmed: ISIS = Israel What are you talking about x) this is totally true! When it was over Ui jav Messi you nigger (?) Yea because that has nothing to do with team synergy and if you just take a player and place him in a completely new team he will instantly make them better and give them insane shot calling that normally takes time to develop. Thorin sucks bla bla bla Stupid comments bla bla Idiot bla bla I did not F5 for this [ACTUALLY UNPLAYABLE](/intensifies) please tell me you completely annihilated her... the little girl i mean. If Hillary gets the nomination I am writing in Neil DeGrasse Tyson. But like why even be mad at indentured servitude in the Persian gulf when they should be thankful because it's worse somewhere else... They had to apologize for saying that they will use torture? That definitely sounds like a tank. He's right about one thing, you need to get a life. Why did they even bother to post this, the playoffs already ended according to Hoynes It is going to be so great at video! Lol yeah Roughneck makes good modpacks. Pizzagate is real and the lamestream media is doing its usual coverup Wonder how much of this is related to Samsungs recent fiascos. R/thomassons Destiny! Thanks Obama This #gamergate thing is really getting out of control. But what is his +/- ? But Tyrion is in it :( Why would you need both When she was 13? looks like canada is finally learning some tips from the good ole US of A. I think that aviar is very useful, so i wouldn't be disappointed :) YOU SPELLED DX WRONG, OP. Like lab rats Now it's time to pay for NATO! If he's talking to you, he more than likely wants to fuck. I'm really sad he didn't resign with the Browns a couple of years ago. a playstation controller Nothing says cheap living like Germany. That child just needs to harden the fuck up. What's a CD? And the answer is obviously hundreds of Academies. Or how to spell "vulva"? Wait, you're telling me people actually care about climate change, welfare, education, inequality and corrupt businesses? CFW confirmed. Messi would be proud it's almost as if there is a correlation between poverty and crime but he plays for west ham, gross. When God gives you lemons, find another God! Autism level over 9000 Bo Jackson in the 7th. Wow, this is so cool! THe only time to play siege is for a promo weekend otherwise dontbother its full of premades *thinking she's a stripper after reading this* This article makes the most sense of anything I've read about the Bears and Cutler recently. Number of people that watched the game. He's an "artist" man, you just don't get it! idk; Carson had a hard time keeping his eyes *open*. Time to trade Subban, this guy is a baby killer! That's has to be putting the surface within the common .001 inch spec. So fucking fucked. Not WTF, it genius. Well, if France did it as well then surely there should be no concern, regardless of recent concerning events. MVP Skyrim on my shitty laptop loaded much quicker than on my Xbox 360 You should fold that up when you're driving, dum dum. Because they are "fair, balanced, and unafraid". Just tell him "Oh, absolutely, I totally forgot" and then change the pricetag to 8 pounds. What a lovely couple, they both look like swell people. Yea but he's washed up now, just a stat padder legendary handcannons (raid one is the best) fusion rifles (range and stability are silly just want low impact for that charge rate) and any sword for your heavy. Scientists find a new technique that makes your mobile phone GPS drain your battery in seconds. Great idea, 'cause the whole "no phones during movie" thing is the whole reason behind falling ticket sales...skyrocketing prices totally have nothing to do with it. So you got rid of that 1080 and went with the 750ti, wow nice upgrade! As plain as they are, I find myself still wanting one. Bernie Sanders says the truth: gets attacked by the strangely anti Bernie front page of Reddit even though he's the most popular politician amongst the demographic of Reddit. Are you lying or do you just have a particular song stuck in your head? I'm 14 and dis iz kewl Now I feel like a shit fan for watching it at a mates house on a crappy flash stream on his phone haha Have a mini Euro to determine who hosts the final. I'm sure there's nothing more to this story. This game is so underrated. That's no dam. Ugh.. old logo.. and you call yourself a fan. I hope this doesn't mean less episodes of META Although I fear it does His reaction is strange though, slurring words on Twitter isn't what I would expect someone to do if a close family member died. WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT THEY WERE CLEARLY TARGETING A CIVILIAN CLUTCHING HIS PRIZED IPHONE Because commies Funny how RS3 players will only learn about this through reddit. Instant loaf Nice double play! Some "hard evidence" Anyone else taking offense to the white face here? That's probably because you're high, man. WHEREAS, John Hancock was not a fucking President of the US. Yeah right, as if any self-respecting guy would ever watch a show that's just as much about feelings and relationships as it is about fights and aliens. Reminds me of the time one of the Bueschers (I think it was James) was in like 8th or 9th at either Daytona or Talladega and there was a big wreck in front of him and he managed to come out in first to win. Get well soon big guy. And Islam is fucked Could you offer some examples of how you think liberals are more racist? Totally not staged. no1 forced u to make hcim ITT: People over-analyzing the 1 hour gym part of the fucking joke. hahahahahahahahahaaha, thanks for the entertainment. No we can't sozz Gotta love wishful thinking that async compute will save AMD Revenge for Rooney? Guess its time to bring out khab. Wtf they're the same person Oh sorry my friend took my phone Logical Save Yup, they won't be able to work for the betterment of nation No m'lord, I'm sorry. This will be deleted any second now tum se na ho paayega Police say False alert Do you not understand how movies work? Thats been my new saying every time I light up a bowl. Progenitus obviously How dare they steal our American music jerbs! Yes, or keep this well hidden. Can Canadian cops carry guns? But he couldn't win the nomination, now we're stuck with Hillary. Those Look perfect, I do not like fluffy pancakes. Classify Science as a foreign language, Pass legislation requiring only english language documents will be considered by Congress. I'm not trying to be smart or anything, but that's dumb. Me too. He must have taken the Friday off work. $19.98 of pure entertainment right there. Its not that hard lolololol just peek EVERY window lol you are just bad get good its a LEGITIMATE TACTIC NOOB i believe kelby Oh no..... that sucks It's satire guys, calm down. only 14? They do don't they? quick buy them all before they become contraband (gofestmen) We've changed the color of the away uniforms to "eggshell" to represent the eggs that we lay, year after year. Project Europe AKA 'The Final Countdown' for Windows Phones Well they dont use gas on their own people so maybe its not such a bad thing? Can we now acknowledge there is an inherent pedophilia problem within Belgian culture? Trouble is if the establishment Republicans went public with the policies they are *really* pushing only rich people would vote for them. Jesus christ this sub is hot garbage water yeah lets celebrate xbox release by allowing players to LEAVE xbox.... seems like a cool idea They left out the part where the guy said that Iwata holding the bananas during the Digital Event was a reference. That's some 4D chess! Hopefully they've fixed that fucking djinn fight. damn yo Why are there starving people in Ethiopia if food is so cheap? Pink Pearl might be a Dishwasher, it's not unconfirmed! DEEVO has been insane lately! They should drop the free wireless internet since it never works anyway. Nice try, Jaden Smith. Repoart Hcker plz I guess I am not going to retire after all. Spoiler seems a little short But But Clinton and Obama used the EXACT same wording The stability of the ground she stands on is a bit questionable, though. I had to watch a bunch of reverend Horton heat music videos after this for some reason. I thought it meant an actual stingray fish, that would have been even weirder. Congrat ITT people who haven't heard of lime for scale. Trying He's doing all the work himself Such crisp graphics! At Sears they must be playing some terrible shit, because ain't nobody going there. The 90's were a mistake. Don't you just hate it when players throw away their career for money? Wish he accepted the Australian invitation :-( That's because she looks like a real person. And of course nobody lets us know of Rumble changes because clearly nobody plays that champion Fact: If Anet would just let us wear a helmet skin while wearing an outfit, they would have to spent more resources on outfits thus probably decreasing the gains compared to the costs. Hot air balloons are still a thing after a nuclear war. Strip clubs don't have ugly employees and I don't see have anyone complaining. Sure, PC users get all the good games, but I can't be sucked in by the Steam Sale! Yes, Stephen Fry was once Prime Minister and Hugh Laurie was his Deputy Prime Minister. What 'I' call an 'Outside Single'... Cool story bro. Because they can't pay for a babysitter and buy movie tickets and food, duh. Is it really this common for priests to be pedos? Is dailymotion any good? Fuck that guy driving without headlights ^probably^not^intentional OP misspelled "curvy". Obviously this WOMAN is mentally ill or retarded, especially as a BLACK WOMAN, because as we all KNOW, Trump is a mysoginistic, sexist, racist. Universal health care and this shit wouldn't happen. Back at it again with the trade ups Progress! Yeah, but where is his birth certificate. Fuck yeah, rape! people are chucking rocks at the police for some reason. Best reason to vote for him. Oh yeah, that's why santa is so freaking terrifying If this is European men, then who were all those drunk footballers walking around chanting lewis swarez shit. Yeah Haven't had a decent half time show in forever Stop importing barbaric cultural practices! it is not this bad It's *literally* a Mini Cooper, with a license plate that says "Sheldon". I heard it was *"potentially"* a ZILLION... and they *"may"* have contained the nuclear codes, Colonel Sanders secret recipe, and naked photos of Jesus! The best offence is a good defence turned offence. where's Fazio? ...for women who don't support each other Go Go NDP! Alright.. Who are you and what did you do with America. Here are two people I'd **never** want to meet. This is fake as hell, they're just moving the camera and splashing water. Funtime Foxy, Mega Evolve! Huh, everybody knows Catholics don't read the bible! *Metal Gear Series* Chronological Order FTFY Yeah me too , more age more rage Yeah if he hired the whole plane row repeatedly for year by name, by total coincidence The personal ambition is overflowing. That meal just cost you $2,000. She'll be laughing her ass off all the way to jail if they get TRUMP in there lol I'm pretty sure it was the owner of the Astralis Organisation :) So that's what "SS" means! Hmm, you think he might be using steroids? That's almost as impressive as 16 straight wins over AFC South teams! I mean yes those free throws were garbage but he has a point. so we've finally reached the point where we're agreeing with Ed Nortons character in american history x?, fantastic. Well if that's not enough reason to vote for Hillary right there.... Though, surprise, people whose only success was reality TV are sticking together. Ye I fookin knew wot was goin on when tha bloody hand was in the exact same spot ya wee coont. They've been making those fold up paper fans for years....this isn't new. Nice journalism, Washington Post. How dare people like certain types of movies. lol, that isn't what being a moderate is... I'm surprised it hasn't already happened tbh Why are they not sorted? They had bigger problems if they think a couch would sink the AF budget. Gentlemen, clearly this man was sent unto us by the devil himself. Vodafone counts.. Probably Oh, I thought he just got the wind knocked out of him. Yanno, because a woman's worth is only in her attractiveness, especially in politics. hey assholes! Too bad this band lost my interest after Wages of Sin... *This message brought to you by Melissa Cross, you can purchase her DVD "The Zen of Screaming", in stores now* To be fair, it wasn't. That's actually pretty serious considering normal diets make you gain weight! The other problem is the pilots should be in the cockpit flying the plane, not getting pictures taken! Honestly, I think the perception would be less "Neighbourhood watch" and more "Vigilante mobs". Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man. Stop taking pictures in real life and saying it is GTA IV. I'm heartbroken the murderer took their own life. But he totally beat you A few ratchet straps oughta do it. Where is NDTV and pigvijay singh? It depends, is Mark McMorris willing to contribute towards it? owned by the good ol' Charles Koch foundation I dont know there are some kids out there I wouldnt mind tasering.... and losing only 3 days of work.. hmm might be worth it. Correcting words to help people realize there mistakes. I just slice off the first layer of my skin, pack on sea salt to make the healing process of the new layer of skin, and leave on some cold compresses over night which speeds up the production of collagen. This was inevitable given their propensity to vulgarity and edginess. Pappa was traded over a month ago and isn't a Sounder anymore. Just what Shaw needs....an ego boost That must have been one breathtaking selfie. Nah he's just phoon on his smurf what a horrible web experience So glad I backed this OBVIOUSLY RIGGED I'm pretty sure this is fake news. Thanks, Citizens United! And parades in their honor. This is news to me. Yea, he's had such a positive effect but unemployment is 2+ percentage points that he promised it would be... Just keep up that positive attitude though! So sue 'em. I've yet to see anyone claiming this card won't be crazy... So if we apply the logic that hs reddit is always wrong, this card must be shit tier......even though it seems super good. That's surprising! How long before he asks for a transfer? I'd like to see this rise just so people can read the comments on how silly it is. Tl;dr? I thought having sex with men lowered a terp's SMV. No way man, according to Etup it's garbage and if you use it you're also garbage :^) Vaccines Poor and Unlucky Kubon ;_: such a brave confession, you're so strong Oh god, they found oil on Mars! All the #EPLBANTZ over this are just great. Both look mental to me! 1v1 me putin n00b Yeah bro thanks for that, cringed so hard. ending racism by killing all the blacks seems like a really bad deal for him in the long run though I wonder why Minnesota would want Molino? Like that six day war? I keep saying Derrick Williams would be a good fit for our team. Lost it at the end! I hope we get that "Hull City - 20th" lad he seems like he could be a great addition Looks like the system works Same here Comienzo a creer que MZavala es hermana de Robbie Rotten, esa barbilla serviria como pista de aterrizaje pal nuevo aeropuerto :v Ah, classic, boring ol Spurs. Well that's not rapey at all looks like it was all fine and dandy during cold war I have a SanDisk SSD too, don't scare me like this! and people say hand to hand is completely irrelevant. holy shit little overkill but very effective that was a fucking 10/10 form tackle though Cook is an American citizen and entitled to support and vote for whomever he wishes. Such low energy, back to watching anime for me. Where's Devlin? No, nobody with a brain thinks that. YOU Now my chances for getting that aplha invite are lower, because people will now realize this! This person is clearly someone who once paid tithing, saw the impact of great financial rewards in their personal lives, and is now can't wait to enjoy those blessings again. I guess I just love being raped by my husband then. My KD is way better than yours and I'm like level 45 , step your game up my guy. AMD: We're almost going to catch nVidia's last generation Bread Putt just might beat out Jurj Clooners at the awards next year. This reminds me how glad I am to live in the greatest country on earth and not in some 3rd world place where this could take place. They can afford it, they just don't want to spend the money that way. I've had this for quite some time now. Yeah wearing batman underwear and a superman t shirt is definite cosplay. Will he invoke "Christian Values" over in Israel? Is she talking about pre marital sex or cheating? omg i need popcorn :D Good looking crowd Bro he said I'm guessing did you not listen Looks cozy, if anything No, dude, have you *seen* her? Probably will be patched when Batman Rogues Gallery comes out. Zeta is never going to shut up about this when he finds out :( So it's a glitch? Time to build more football players. This isn't as PM, clearly. Why does everyone on this sub have a hipster haircut From what I understand, a High-School senior doesn't have compulsory attendance to high-school (depending on the state, not sure about Mississippi), so what the hell was the truancy officer doing trying to corral them? This guy seems to understand reason. BUT NOT IN AMERICA SO YOUR WRONG Obviously they got lost while trying to go to the "new license plate" shop. u can buy 51 gamma keys which are the most beautiful keys in the world :3 I just hope we don't get ahead of ourselves, and assume anyone gender in this video. The correct way to play the game (get this ODI crap out of my face). You mean teabagging them while spamming lenny binds and yelling in your mic. Rooker didn't know that he didn't actually need to be in costume for this rehearsal, he prematurely blue himself on what was suppose to be a dry run. I'm looking forward to their excommunication! God at least waited until Mary was 13. Fax machine Yep, better retire up to that fishing cabin with full benefits before any charges show up. Miguel...That is obviously a white misogynerd. Where are these racist comments I keep hearing about You're such a GGG OP! Anders NiP/C9 fan confirmed God bless that man In other news all major alliances now redeploying to newbies zones for a recruitment drive. Never doubted ya, Bassy! Nice to see our politicians have their priorities right. Horray for Tankcraft! Only eight goals, more than eight minutes, clearly the win is on here. Skinny jeans With The Raiders O-line, watch out Take your ugly children to facebook. Putting women out of work One of my favorite things about reddit, and this sub in particular, has to be how many experts on the law there are here who just love to comment about areas of the law that they clearly have a very nuanced and complete understanding of. Wow, he really reminds me of that Penguin guy from Gotham Needs more laser. Not impressed, it didn't even take the shortest route. But remember guys it's Mark Davis' fault the Raiders are leaving It's quite obvious that Ukrainians are bought out by Clinton. Why does she think he is vicious? Meanwhile Trav wins his first game FUCK YA WEST VIRGINIA MOVES UP WHEN WE BEAT THEM! And thus, Christians are still apparently considered the scourge of the hate on women in the modern world.. I saw them sing during the SuperBowl, and it made me nauseated. On a related note, the real reason democracy isn't popular in Asian cultures is due to the fact that the general population doesn't want to see them holding erections. Oh my gosh everything is cringy, so embarrassing! boy, I sure can't wait for green pulsing crazy long legs PR I like how you spam EVERY high bpm stream, clearly shows how good this game is (nice plays still, I guess you can read ar10.3 so that's something I guess) Wow, that was a close war Stats say the best way to keep from raising a kid who will be a criminal is to have a father in the household. Okay lang bibigyan naman daw tayo ng bagon ng China para diyan eh. I'm sure some 18 year old feminist from the back end of tumblr is much better placed than the series' creator is to tell us all about it. I'm sure this will make the people of Iran rise up against their evil dictators in order to comply with international demands. Something in me almost hopes he is in reserve if DC drops again and would fight JBJ at HW. Sorry I forgot, Clarkson and Randle are the future Wow, so awkward. Well this article is a steaming pile of misinformation and bullshit. Can't be true cause it's Fox News. Because he's asian. Yo queria ir a Soriana pero me salieron con que no tienen descuentos las peliculas... es lo unico que compro ahi (Blurays chafitas pero entretenidos a 50 pesos, los venden en Sanborns a 300...) I'd love to give Doug Cockle a high five for the "abracadabra, hocus pocus" moment. Bet they were yelling 'RUSSIAN AGGRESSION' Sweet, free blindfold. No he didn't, he had almost no idea what he's talking about Coward Wow, he is a catch! Cristobal Arreola No thanks, Cardio ruins Gains But he is in no way acting as an arbiter at all, interfering, or selectively releasing information for political purpose, no way. Yeah, because they are not even people. I'm happy to say I also don't have to go through pregnancy. It's about time. We should go fill their sub with more Lions logo's then! IF you play with your FOV set so high, so you can see everything like that, you won't see anyone further than 50 metres away. Well they seem nothing like a hate movement, all masked and threatening. I love fucked up shit lol Getting cold seats It looks like he was manning....the wrong fort. Of course the only reason why anyone would want to leave the EU is racism. {{Citation needed}} Go get Stevie Y wow, i only had that happen to me once... at tier 1... with a 2 man crew These were both refurb machines, so whether they ship new thinkpads with it is still unknown. Coming home from a 16-hour day in greenscreen hell, this is just what I needed to wind down. In the middle of a national opioid crisis, it's critical that we allow NP's to prescribe narcotics! Don't you mean Spaceballs? Load shift equals plane crash We stole our words from greek. Almost a shame to put a big ol' greasy, juicy chargrilled burger on those works of art. The headsets are just for soundproofing. With cha boys. Will they disavow? $$$$$HILLLLLZZZZZZZ I'm 5'11 and change but I just say 5'11 because I don't want anyone to think I'm going for 6 feet when I'm not quite there. He still bad tho Somebody was kind enough to edit Wikipedia for us. No. Of course he would say that. Oh wow, Spanish. Whats wrong with the sight? Entitled to outrage. Football XD Check out the patch analysis linked above! you're forgetting the key fact that Jesus and his family was white The longer I look, the more disgusted I become. Wait - you guys aren't all just a bunch of kangaroo herders and sheep fuckers? He should do an AMA! Because FOM has always been on the pulse Typo, fuckface! Get off your fucking high horse and wait 43 days like a man. Wow look, a racial supremacist who looks like a fuck ugly inbred, what a shock! Nothing. Lelz that's what that slut whore gets for cheating, amirite Reddit? I just can't wait until this poll drops to a +8 or a +7 sometime in the next month and we get to hear about how he is SURGING! Because old people supposedly can't do computers, they claimed that Apple is an agist company and are planning a massive lawsuit for baby boomers only. I think the enrage is fine as-is. Giving Sky Sports ammunition to defend Ham in case Nico actually wins it I feel like each additional year that Ukraine spends with hating Russia and Russians as their national ideology is one additional year that it will take them to become a prosperous country. As we all know, left coms are pro-imperialist, but every state that I call socialist was never imperialist. Judging by the method of pickup it's just as likely they are not a driver for any service I want a plate with no logos or slogan. Is this the "small government" Republicans always talk about? Lincoln had no right to talk againts slavery, he couldn't understand what's racist and what isn't, he should have done nothing Yeah, along with the fusion mats for Iona and Zeratu. *This Thread* As a person the cop wouldn't of opened his fucking mouth. I couldn't figure it out either so I just got a second Titan-X. Can I do the opposite? If there is one thing that I would like to do with my life it would be to endlessly go to school and retrain for new jobs. Does using it reduce fps by 50%? Safeco auto insurance - they're pretty dang good. I'm rich and don't know the first thing about life on the streets, but I'm pretty sure all these 'homeless' are just faking it because they're lazy. Damn ninjas cutting onions Like fer real doh, u still a lesbian? No, they used IV footage with ICEnhancer. You crossed over into his pathing and the npc freaked out People who are too poor to afford buying organic produce deserve to get a cancer. I would be more likely to agree if the story wasn't being told by a Jew and a Freemason Grats Allo :D The fact that this just happened makes me requestion whether or not bigfoot might still be in hiding. To be fair, Idaho only has 6 internet users RCMP is obviously on the side of the turrists There just stuck behind the yellow part They must be part of the press. As does anyone who has ever read nutrition facts, or knows how much medication to take There's no reason to officially declare the metric system as our own when everyone uses both to good effect Do you even look at the front page before posting? They're cramming because there's a small chance of finals and just incase they want to be ready thank u this is one of the worst ones I've ever seen and it was popping up all over :( Probably using summer tires. SPOILER TAGS PLS! OP if you want a boyfriend i love cheesecakes Well we know what you'll be doing in the new year! You must have missed the memo, literally *every* war in history can be linked to "not enough jesus". I hate it when hardening tools give me lip too. Ur both holes - what a poet. TIL -- If I ever have dealings with "Hollywood" and I'm offered a percentage share for whatever it is they're wanting, never, ever, accept anything other than a deal on gross receipts! I wish Elyse didn't fake being drunk but u r blind n Kant c ur map/compass white guys at the top of their game then? Damn, high roller If fatlogicians spent half as much time building new eating habits and coping mechanisms for themselves as they spend coming up with new and innovative ways to distance themselves from their own choices and simple reality, they'd be halfway to healthy. I believe it would be the 'Budapest Olympics'. Why didn't you wait until double XP weekend to get 99 prayer? Yh, he's funny and entertaining. I suspect that kangaroo population number might be made up. I can understand if she wanted to get away from all the sadness but she could have just said something like this is not working out and leave it at that. Well obviously she's trustworthy and saying the same thing she says on the campaign trail! Happy thirst pupper I was joking :P From a german point of view i have to say this is true and it's slow. I would argue Kanye is more traditionally American than 3 Doors Down Sad But the male gaze totally isn't a thing. Why would Blizzard spend resources on QA when the community does it for the for free? Robots... even putting volunteers out of jobs this is like the living embodiment of Katy t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m Well, I feel safer now. That guy is a better atheist spokesperson than Hitchens and Dawkins put together. Really wasn't expecting a destiny shotgun nerf comment ITT. No the Russians didn't, BuzzardFeed Podesta, and the whole lot of them, are a bunch of goddamn morons, who, (per the good people over at /pol/) kept their passwords way too easy to find. Damn this man and his radical leftist ideals! you better buy a new gpu then , 59.95 fps peasant , join the 60fps masterrace oh my god are you fucking kidding me... I got eye cancer just by looking at that Watching this at 0.5 speed makes it much better Is this out in the US already? IMF is a tool of Trump and Nigel Farrage. DO NOT FOLLOW IF YOU ARE WHITE Remember kids, only white people can be racist. Someone call Serj Tankian Omg nice bhop script Do you know how to find the clip? npe So he's the reason we can't afford Invention batch 2. what's on them Link Now that Obama was elected he can start lowering those numbers. Racist! Why didn't you take the picture *before* eating it! See ya, stupid Let him say Bharat mata ki jai 2dn So is this how all Aston Martins will look like for the next 8-10 years? Well, when you make someone live out of their car, they take it personally. *WEST Virginia. buttface lives matter Peter dinklage Such progressive. that's nothing. That's... Just horrible... 128GB ram or I'm buying an xps 13 ... That movement jerkiness. Keep it up on 48 comments! Yeah he identifies as 4 years old so who are you to judge?? If we aren't actively fucking the Earth over we aren't doing enough. Good to see smoking is still around, and heavily enforced by teenage daughters. I am not surprised Oh good, I was getting worried This game really is just a dick swinging contest With a response like this the only plausible explanation is that the driver must have stolen the president's rubies. but a man did it so How does that heat blast not burn him? I'm glad that he is living the life that everyone assumes professional athletes live every day. No it's not, it does more damage than rata's whole kit. Hillary is Correcting The Record India and the first time found among the first time found among the first time found among the first time found among the first time found among the first time found among the first time found among the first time found among the first time found among the first time found among the first time found among the first time found among the first time found among the first time found among the first time found among the first time found among the first time found among the first time found among the first time found among the first Since they're doing the drill the real earthquake will soon follow Thank you for trivializing men's humanity and further promoting women's servitude to men. Way to glamorize another unemployed black man. But Islam respects women unlike the West and Christianity. there's a special place for people like you in hell Wait a minute... I thought that title clearly belonged to Missoula, Montana. Yeah, it's sad there hasn't been a bigger and deadlier explosion in the last year. My brother lost 10lbs in 3-5 days, ah the joys of being a Boxer in College. They have time to fix Yi's dance, but why not Disco Nunu lol Exegg with solar beam would fix that Blissey just fine. He obviously wanted to see how high he could pop a wheelie. Me too Wasn't he the same one that dodged the question of companies sending jobs overseas by claiming that overseas companies were "stealing" jobs? Well I heard if you remove the consumers from a capitalist it will be forced to change to meet the consumers needs or it will die BUT IT'S THE GOVERNMENT'S FAULT, NOT MINE! OMG THIS IS SO FUNNY! Host: 'I would still watch you fight, maybe you should return' Chuck chuckles uncomfortably. The sites down too, might be experiencing a DDos attack Maybe if god wasnt too busy helping teams play sports he could actually do some good in places that need help and let mortals playing stupid games win or lose on their own? I can see that you're angry. Movie in three months plus the biggest game release in years? Why are they attacking Ethan? Calling OP on his bullshit, this is a Ford ad If home bound seniors want to eat they have to earn it just like the rest of us! Glad to see Ranked has improved so much since Blizzcon Damn that person named Good Guy is a lie, has a arthur not even evolved, good guy over my ass SMH Ah yes, the open minded, accepting of alternative viewpoints leftists. Cause I want to spend 30 minutes matching socks. Almost thought u meant the nydus ultimate. Yes, you should never wrap your labia around someone's penis ever again. That's just Remi Gaillard taking things to a whole new level. Calling something bad for the military and linking a page of even handed commentary from a military paper. Looks like The Wraith car. Give the phantom puppet a smaller head At about 2:40 you can hear the question that spawns this info from her. I wonder if we can picket their buildings with pictures of kids being born and women shitting themselves. I'm shocked Every good "defense" needs at least average WR group :P I think OP meant to say "An 11 year old boy with ARTISM came in and drew this from memory". Cat. These words come from the tongue of the Devil! as they sell more chinese stuff - they're just a glorified wal-mart with shipping On a whim I went over to this guys place to suck his cock, balls, and ass... ...every night for a week But what about the jobs and freedom from imported oil. Way to make the game noob friendly. Britain welcomes the support of Uday and Qsay Trump in these trying times. Ac+ is still really fun to play but harder to master The newest patch made it so players have the option to display fame/HP/MP values on the bars. $1000 must go a long way in Louisiana. Kasich also told blocbuster to remove Fargo from their shelves because he and wifey found it not funny, but disturbing and profane The civilised world Yeah, I'm sure when Tolkien wrote his lore he was expecting people to know what it meant to be genderfluid. thanks Kerry for reminding everyone about the one and only purpose of NATO. CNN collusion with DNC is also at issue, but I wonder how much more we'll hear of that? Her legs look off, like in the position they're in they couldn't possibly support her stance and she should currently be falling over awkwardly Or she's sitting in an invisible chair Hmmm...I'm not sure about how they affect the aesthetics of the sign though.... Any post that says "I',m probably going to get down voted to hell for this", is a 99% downvote. The Pythagorean theorem I lock my door because Americans are assholes who will steal from you if given half a chance. Maybe ask her to tip you too while you're at it. 1v1 me irl broseph But our military is weak and we need to spend bigly money to rebuild it or the ISIS is going to invade. How dare you be normal? this is my first reddit post and first rage. Needs more cgi but the plots about right Well this is definitley going to go over well and everyone will be civilised and mature and respectful of both argument I fucking hate these guys This shouldn't be marked as spoiler regardless of if they're really on or not It's the exhaust port for his recycled cardboard sub woofers which sit above a bank of cheap shitty power amps. you have internet there? I am guessing Germany has effective gun control? I'm seeing this as an insult... right? Your logic and common sense is not welcome here. Man, I always thought this was from the Duke Nukem video games. the one from turkey is missing the headscarf *Ad hominem* attacks have a way of biting you in the ass. Rules question: if you alter a land to have snow in the art does it then produce snow mana? Taqiyya in action psh he got it wrong, he's not as smart as that clock kid who solders his own cpu! Splash Brothers were on fire last night. See, they could just have printed this instead of getting rid of tucks in EDH. But guys they will just ask for game to be a cinematic full HD and hteat graphics in the options cause console is great or they need to optimize better the game cause they are bad devs. C'mon casual racisms That's not how you spell lead If atheists were as dangerous as Ken Ham made them out to be, he'd be dead by now. Yeah thats why all these games will remain competive for atleast another 6 years Such a great second place effort. But he scored 24 points in a quarter! The world is starting to catch up to the US. what a self righteous douche canoe Who needs real bras when duct tape is only $3.99? How does she have the authority to fire people if she isn't actually in office yet? Holy shit, this is one of the most offensive messages I've seen. SO BRAVE who? Oh, yes, the content of those emails are devastating for her. because its cool of course i love a good gun control article weakly disguised as a drone article. Goody, more Asian men for me! It might aswell be WW2 there has been fuck all trench warfare in bf1 so far Finally, a site for people who are searching for other people who have never dated before! I'm calling bs because leftist told me this doesn't happen. Scooby doo mysteries featuring gideon as fred, jace as velma, Nissa as daphne, and chandra as scooby It's not really forcing it on you...more like suggesting, which makes sense since a majority of the player base watches the pro scene in one way or another. Sad that even this subreddit is run by sjw leftist pussies. This guy is worse than Maverick Rowan When they use long words in casual conversations that no one understands One of the loopholes is how much they make - I think $70k or more and you can replace with H1B. Why is the predatory phase inferior? Do relatable pm me ill give u contact we can talk ALL RE-BOARD THE HYPE TRAIN! More rule 34 cortana False rapes don't happen, they just haven't proven him guilty! That looks like an upgrade Well we do know that a guy angrily confronted a driver with a two year old in his arms, probably not the most responsible thing to do. My homing shot hand is called pu55y Petitions DO NOTHING. *Night of The Assisted Living Dead* Demisia Arafat Iso sites hacked, so if you download illegal 360 and psp games you may have what's coming to you. Such an unpopular opinion on reddit. It can't be worse than ghosts. They should be made persona non grata or make them disappear...letting them back in and small sentence etc will be a HUGE mistake. *Turns 8 bit into 32 bit FTFY You try making a subtle giant golden-red fire breathing behemoth of a dragon. I didn't know America could be so creative while building Trump's wall some of us like em thick Wouldn't it be terrible if fascists aren't that big a problem in American soccer communities, and we're all just openly opposed to fascism for no good reason? But, its so hard to learn how to convert metric tons to kilograms Never seen so many grown men wearing jerseys I want to believe... :/ Feinstein's Assault Weapons Ban has more of a chance of going through than this. I feel like on the spectrum of priority from high to low, this would be sub-basement material. LOL Signed, Their lawyers December 2015 was a year and three months ago, not two years. Moirus wrote: Language is evolving before our very eyes! To be fair Calum has always mentioned how he doesn't like to be compared to as "the next arnold" or any of that bullshit. God damn it stop tickling my vagina Tattoos use to mean something now they mean less than nothing, I'm just saying they have been done and done and done, come on world can we have enough of the tattoos, maybe give them a break for a generation? LOL GURRRL GAMERS XDD take my 250+runs of salt Diving at a guy's legs to get out of a rundown...classy. I'm getting massive lag on priority key entry What's the point of a giant wall if it doesn't even surround the city? I think season 4 of arrow was best Makes sense, we have solved all of our problems in America. Well, it seems to me that everyone is "authorized" to be on campus so long as we have a transfer center for city buses right in the middle of it (and within 100 yards of where this travesty occurred). Draw the Oculus logo on the ground with the blood of a VR Virgin, place a pair of sandals in the center and burn them while chanting "Input is hard, shipping is not" 7 times. The toxicity of the city, of the city! Mall Rated. Of the highest order. Of course cis white males would be trying to oppress me by mentally raping me with such a forcible invitation. There's only one anti vaxxer running and he's orange. Cable not plugged in all the way? Well they used square bread , of course your normal loaf doesn't work! Sister Location 2, 3, 4, World Well I could've guessed that With Catholicism ya get cookies. I'm cautiously optimistic. Has your house burned down yet? Welcome Judge Dredd I think you're forgetting about his legendary zed I guess I'll just have to go back to books then. Please post the video after, as well as her email address. spokesperson then asked for account and routing number. Wonder when we will hear from Obama and Eric Holder on this one Dragon Pulse master race What assholes Wow these memes just get funnier and funnier eh guys My PC runs iOS what are you talking about. This just in: Congress has outlawed Ax sales across the USA. Wow, that's a hell of an in-depth article. I don't see how this is cringe, the guy is just trying to be a gentleman. i want a puff of that Klays Secret Stuff he's not a true, true, true, "Christian" Because helping to destroy the state health system is really hard work guys! K. Garbage article Kkona And a good bit of the rest is going to land on private bank accounts of the local "elite", and/or funnelled right back to lucrative contracts of US/Western companies. I bet if you used Burny you'd get double the sparks I believe that if you play port before checking the sound level you are the weaker specimens and evolution will take care of ya I used to take what I could get, but now I get what I take! Wow, another reason to not vote for him The mirrors don't work properly Right that's it, not buying it fuck this shit. BS Ara :p Thanks for the spoiler alert. Good point Rebellion against the system, man. is Charlie Lee Dorian Nakamoto? It's good to see they're pampering their workers. This is the first time I saw this joke Finally, those leaks will lead us to the fire! I'm so glad that as someone in game development you chose to give us this information People forgot about Burt real quick Uh yeah, body type/build and hair style has nothing to do with it, just race. how to clear your drive FTFY Does not count you should have quickscopedit Is the goal finding a president that can be hated more than Blatter? If all his family are cops then he should know that threats over the internet are still threats. But the offense is better without him That's not a biased headline at all By the time Hl3 is out this res will be on consoles 3 man onscreen, obviously What did they change from bf4, I know they changed stuff with the sniping but I just don't know what it is. They may be more pretentious than art students. Dude it's Zero from Megaman Every single romantic comedy has the same cover too. No hitting is justified unless its self defense. Wow that's pretty gre--eeef you Bioware, did you expect me to be happy to hear that? They deserve it Way to dispel the belief that whores are stupid I hate that jakiros ultimate never hits anything, OSfrog pls give 600 width Mean while tyler1 :^) The water one obviously We won't know what hit us. I find it amusing that this site posts literal ad articles and people share them anyway :) In the case of Domino's or Starbuck's, I don't see what they have to offer except more choice Obviously you need to build a deck around countering ebarb nothing wrong with that your deck is garbage! Am I the only one who wants to taste that? Haven't upgraded my GPU or CPU in like 4 years, still run BF1 exceptionally well on medium/high (when my university's Internet isn't shitting the bed) AMD A10, GeForce 770 I didn't know he could be such an effective mule for crazier people's policies, so there's that. Does he want us to leave the EU first? Because it's .... overrated. No. If it was the Bread Factory event, the Bubi fans would be all over this event. The day they behead Merkel is the day I grab a bowl of popcorn. Well that sucks Yeah, but look at Stephen Jackson. Because everything outside of Western media is untrustworthy, right? Beautiful, and it's International Women's Day too. It only seems high because his score, being on the winning team, was doubled. as long as it's no bigger than 33x8.5. BLOW IT UP again ARE YOU PRE - ORDERING? Where's the lumberjack? IT'S TRUE IT'S BECAUSE OF THE REPTILLIAN EVIL POLITICANS Damn I'm gunna have to make a grocery trip I guess. We should grow almonds there. Can't wait for Google+ to be required to use it and having to opt-out unless you want your circles to be able to change your thermostat temperature. No speed, sell. I'm sure no alcohol was involved. Yup, answering questions honestly and being awkwardly jokey with a stand-offish, crossed-arms stance, definitely wanted the d. Reinhardt is cool McCree is a dick Got ulted through shield Thanks 20 tick How does that feel, I don't think that has ever happened to me before. It's morally wrong, just check in the bible! datass Not a won run Missed opportunity cmon op Wow, what a unique thought, I've never seen this posted on this subreddit before! The girl who sings the song with him (who is also a lesbian) and who didn't even get to say a word when they won, deserves it much more. Its fun when it feels like my entire right leg is on fire and I can't move. One may argue it's "on" the sink Dude, Russia is tiny! Shouldn't these pills be red? His face in that little circle has me cracking up. Pretty sad to publicly disown your son for supporting another party, even for an MP. guys he was talking to mason Get a fox, but having it smoking a pipe and punching down a tree just to be safe. Ya jus' can't have a good jihad widdout no rape! Meh, I guess I'll play now that it's worth $1.3B , wasn't worth my time before. IPad pro should be compared to surface 3, not the pro What about tantalizing or mouth watering? Which custom kernel are you using How do they know it was the tylenol and not the cause of the pain that caused the autism? I'm going to be not sorry? I just loooooooooove the healer gear Guys you don't understand, this will make race WAAAAYYYY more..... 'quintessential' Everyone only liked the bun anyways, and now the burger will last longer since you can keep buying extra patties if you're still interested. Clearly edited. How many complimentary roaches and bed bugs come in a single room? They all had to migrate to Yahoo articles when Reddit ousted them. Of course, because you need to know every detail about someone if you wanna love them Who cares...Entertain me! Boy, that sure does sound like the "vote of confidence" you hear from NFL team owners mid-late season, right before the coach is fired at the end of the season. It's impossible for a man to be too drunk to consent. Don't need toms when you've got dankity. Gun control is unnecessary because gun owners are all responsible people The democracy sausage will be a good thing to get people excited about going to the polls I think So, clearly those schools are faking the numbers to help support the male order. I mean, at least they had the sense to plug the A/C straight in to the wall. I'll wait for Trumps press secretary to tell me how many people were there thank you very much idk guys i saw him at pawtucket and he looked okay How would you know to keep collecting items? how do we know op you arent lying jose calderon is better Racist (im italian) I thought this was a cs tournament! Haven't seen this one before. Beddufff, what a lovely place And why are countries allies with them again? I'm smart, where's my medal! oh man he showed him Yeah you're right, why even bother dating him, or anyone for that matter, we'll just breakup! They had their own water fountains at one point guys! Surely I'm shaking in my boots at this horrible kid napping from our team. lol good ol irvine, but hey its not a specific kind of brown people committing the crime so lets not talk too much about it NORTH AMERICA NEEDS TO SWITCH TO EUROPE'S SCHEDULE IF THEY WANT TO BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY But we have to ban guns! Those are some superstar production values there. safe space Reread the post you replied to. man's got a good voice I'm pretty against rage quitting, but I'd need a 15 minute break after that to put they keys back into place on the keyboard from the hammer fist key smash that sent them flying. Nailed it! Reddit: Where shooting people is bad, until its people I don't agree with. so just all of them? Flowers in the spring, knitted hat in the winter. Ang Philippine Air Force may Force na ulit! Instead play the same ScreaM advert over and over in the breaks between each game But *our* people are better than *your* people because of where we were born. .#fuckyaACLJ There's gotta be a better way to do this. GOAT confirmed? Samsung is also a fucking terrible company with mobster like tactics and influence. But pro football focus gave Aaron Rosgers a bad grade once so they have no credibility, value, can't be trusted, always lie, never watched football, every redditor knows more, and they're doo doo heads Never played 1/2, no idea how to play 3, am still trying to learn 4, absolutely love 5. Was the Cowboys defense amazing or was it a fluke? But I thought TFWs could only be hired if Canadians wouldn't do the work yes bfg camping is apparently worth something What the actual fuck I'm sure a little war will fix that right up, right? What jerks! Who saw this coming? Hmm didn't know they had single track back then either I'm sure Hillary will fix it. ahahaha it's funny because he died and his son has to live with the burden that he killed his father. rabbits Repeat after me: There's no racism in Singapore. So fuck it all and burn it to the ground I guess? Oh yes, schools have deteriorated because we aren't praying in school, definitely not because we are diverting tax money elsewhere. Also, notice that only men get shit stuck in their teeth. Well, she shouldn't have gotten sick in the first place but draymond green is top 10! Yes, because the last few Skate games were just so awesome. Racist! I'd sell 5 years for 5 mil. Buy a Dunn jersey Where's the respect for American veterans now? But...but...but... Ronaldo doesn't stay on his feet and dives whenever he can Yeah, fuck the establishment! And I suppose the actual death of Savita Halappanavar isn't. Along with everyone else in California. This is well thought out and insightful commentary. I put coins in customers' hands first, then change. Nice Global it just occurred to me that israel flag doormats would make a terrific gift for your neighborhood moslem fundamentalist. meanwhile in other news Brain Dead is streaming free for Amazon Prime members. The only thing this is going to do is raise the number of "unwanted" children in lower income areas, while rich people are going to just go to another country to get it done. Can't wait for those healthcare premiums to go back down once it's repealed. I'd happily have a kangaroo as a pet, even if he destroys my entire home Yes, an emoji and not actual policy and solutions ought to fix this! Asshole. wow this is amazing I didn't know Prince William was doing standup now. Should have just let him catch the ball for the TD. Fantastic post This kills the kayak The triangles on the soccer ball seem like they'd make a good design in a retro game. It's not like Alabama needs Planned Parenthood. ISLAM! Do we really need an Anti-ASAT weapon? Can't believe there's a dude in there who is adamant that transwomen are men and has the audacity to say that he's a huge advocate for LGBT rights.... Don't think so bud A disgusting sugar daddy Just curious, if and when a woman actually does get accused, does that ever make it to here? Mathil made a new build Chip Kelly wont go back to college 1 year after being given General Manager responsibilities as well. Fixing it would ruin all the hard work the Republicans have done Ballora Those poor primary victims Not surprised Guy is below average Lol at the subject just being "nerd" That poor burglar! We need quotas for black nominations Now change that color, and stop being feminine In all seriousness, the verbiage on that pamphlet is predatory, and creepy to say the least. English translation? Akagi-senpai and Texas-senpai are crying Siiiick! Where's Edward Penishands? They have completely different target audiences, so the argument is like comparing... er... robots to oranges. So I brought Gaz into my DT for Martin and put him as captain this week :| Your valued Pc gamers thank you. Zijn vast van die immigranten, weg er mee! Meh, I got it to hear:" OOOOH, SH...OOOH...OHHH Champagne". Israel is so fking disgusting for a "western" state :( Fl0m lives in Columbus guys Hunting over bait - because it takes a lot of skill to wait for the deer to walk into the crosshairs before you pull the trigger. Is it me, or is conflict of interest resonating throughout this entire process? That's already a rule in some states 2/10 Stays in hole to long, no technique. These poor countries are just too lazy.If they weren't,they could get as much money as us. That seems like a bit of an exaggeration I got a solid 150! Hahaha people from other countries are doing the jobs I think I'm too good for! They will release an update which changes the meta 1 or 2 weeks before the event Now you're just talking crazy, man. But you see, they're not really a minority if they're the majority in the countries that actually matter. That's because a dog under 40 lbs is basically a cat and fuck cats. Want! If the maternal care is better in Mexico maybe all of the illegal aliens in Texas should have their kids back there instead. That is actually a lot closer than I expected, I thought the Greens would be hurting a lot more too. BUT THE EYE CAN ONLY SEE AT 24FPS FUCKING W+M1 PYRO Has anyone else been having more trouble hitting headshots from behind or the side or am I just missing/used to compensating for the previous hitboxes? And when you are done drink as much water as you can. How original. Nothing wins voters over like labeling non-racists as racists. For context are you talking about the armed robber who was shot in the back running away from the store that they had just robbed? Ah yeah, the good old 'animal abuse is funny on reddit'. Isn't it better for business if they promote that thieves BUY new phones rather than reward them with stolen ones? Typical woman A pack of cigarettes. But Maga... right? Joel Meyers soundin ass commentator very, very likely. yes, because every girl in the world does this. Bdubs was right, Jason Smith really is useless I got a dollar that says it was caused by pollution! Fuck Papa Johnathan Make sure you lose a game or two during the regular season - the CPU seems to go easier on you in the playoffs if you do that Thanks OP now im never leaving the house.. ^.^ Yes, it says in the constitution that everybody must answer questions. Atleast we're first in something :) suck it losers. Costa is a such a trouble causer. He saved the person just cause he was white. This is why I *love* being from Connecticut. rich get richer didn't they already do this with taric? Trump for President! 1914-1918 and 1939-1945 Nice titties! Dude spoilers. Obviously you cant trust experts because they will profit from you. Nah, they let anyone they find on the street into the *AVENGERS*. I would have paid up to $4.99 USD for this as an outright purchase, but there is no way it's worth anywhere close to this price point. **dont** 25K goal reached! Looks like your going to need acetylene, nice and hot burn. Man I just never like a Triple H feud. So cancer vs cancer So is the unbelievable part that there is one, or that there hasn't been one before this? Love me some liberal tears. It didn't look like the same person to me. 50ml of TFA Honey will solve your problem. So, I assume they will be reducing everyone's bill by the amount that they were originally being charged? Woah dude atgatt please Having no idea what's being subtitled makes this even better. The far right GOP keeps on helping create a positive GOP brand. They just need to buff it by increasing the duration even more. Zinc cafe or Porter Junction or Stevens. woooooooooooooo He should be suing them for providing a defective product. Super rich, there's a Van Gogh on the wall hey guys how many times have you come 14th in a 37 player to3 skyhigh UHC while wearing diamond pants with 2 kills? Netflix bought the series and will make a new season ala Arrested Development or Black Mirror. The habs get away with murder it's not fair but it's the way it is. LOL RELIJIS SIMBULS WAT A FAAAAAG Stupid. Yes lets block Canadians trying to get to work because some guys in a different country got killed by a police officer. If only those 3 men also had guns to defend themselves! The best way to discuss war crimes and crimes against humanity is, of course, to compare them. You dropped this- He's saying if you look at the mirror it'll just reflect downwards so you see your shoes I wouldn't even blame the Jax for afking after that Whelp, I guess I'm a Penske fan now... Now when I pass a Penske truck on the road instead of glaring I'll cheer and the driver will think I'm a weirdo. Nope. Nah this is still Olivia's fault That's before he was running for president so he wasn't a racist then. Haha But, but, I don't understand...the campus was *clearly* a "Gun-Free Zone," so it should have been impossible to bring a gun on campus! Tim and Tony are definitely up there Wow, I can cut my rate plan in half? The Room Should be easy with the multitude of drill bits we have access to now. L-e-g-o, it's Lego, not Legos you heathen. And as long as you meet the 'right' people. Bernie Sanders, Einstein, and like 10% Steve Urkel What an odd amount. Partnergoals! CGI Did Gatorade stop sponsoring the Super Bowl or something? The religion of acceptance. Because Amumu and Sej are the same champion with the same abilities, ults and weaknesses Have been arguing against load speakers forever Good, I thought Lack was our starter all this time I just don't get how someone can be against abortion and against LGBT adoption. Next level planned obsolescence. Yeah, blow job references with dolls really gets me going, right, other 15 year olds? Sad day for Mariners fans... weren't we enjoying the climb up the 2016 Draft board thanks to all the blown saves from Rodney and the bullpen? I think thats the least funny joke i have ever heard. I think you mean chemtrails. ShitPost Clearly his faith was not strong enough. People from asia also have neandertal ancestry so by tumblr logic, Asians are cave people, which is also tumblr racism Ultra**HARD**core So this is what Kenya looked like in 1979 Highschool is tough as fuck. They tried doing the same thing to trump! He's got TSN and The Score, I don't see the problem. Haven't you heard, the red states are sovereign nations. He just cancelled the rest of his shows. 31st pick.... mother fucker xD Another fine story from breitbart. bro plz gotta get them drops Damn foreigners taking our USA mens basketball slots from hard working Americans Hated the original, but this is pretty good. Man the GOP really knows how to speak to the lower to middle class people. I examined someone one time and we both had the same total xp within 150k xp of each other I had like 1,046,350,000 and he had 1,046,478,000 lmao so perfect Cost is abusive, holy shit. Lamar Miller please Kids still do this, at least in my neighborhood. Guns and Roses had a wicked ad promotion, I can't say I recall what it was at the time due to cheap weed and beer but it definitely seem like it made sense at the time. lel nah not me Thorin is at his best when he hasn't got someone to argue with They already said they were going (to try) to pick the correspondents to be allowed in the WH press corps. Safe spot him in the far lava ring corner Wow great shitpost Since it's a unit, are you able to forcestaff it? Unown Globalization requires the United States and its colonies to help each other when their slave populations revolt. Glad I picked this guy up in all my leagues I think they're right, this completely ruined the cinematic experience. I'll give you two goats and a bag of magic beans for her! Are people still buying this stuff? 1000 ways to die :(. it's clearly the hairstyle Or exalt for pure % T1 and actually hit it, like ziz does. Bahamut: Who are you Death Tyrant: I am you, but SMOrcer Wow, you got The Last of Us in Joel edition *and* Ellie edition! Aww man that sounds like they will be bankrupt soon Yeah, fuck this. Another example of religion trying to co-opt science. the classic "im so mad rn" ruins literally every single joke it comes to contact with remember the last time game grumps sponsored wendy's those evil, good for nothing corporations are just trying to maximize profits! Fareed Zakaria is a muslim plagiarist and Hillary shill. Apple car I sense no bias or hysteria in this article whatsoever. Psychotropic drugs. Because Iran is very big into women's rights I've said it before and I'll say it again...feminism is only about equality when it's in the dictionary. they either need to nerf pistols or make the m4 one shot, at least at close to mid distance Fire Emblem Heroes is so dead, it's literally deader than dead game Pokemon Go Light Yagami isn't going to like this Nice....Had a similar build but with a 5-link chest.Did ok on t10 necro and bazaar,did not test higher maps due to r.i.p and lack of maps.gonna try the same build again next leauge ,but with slight improvements(i hope) FAKE NEWS the number of rings is equal to the number of upvotes the tree has gotten Cue cynical reddit Star Wars fans complaining about how George Lucas keeps raping their childhood. I wonder if he has been to see Spotlight yet? Obama needs to step it up and give those ISIS rebels more weapons. I would run the hell away if it was a Note 7 well it worked for us, so I don't see why they can't try it out. This wouldn't have happened if Blake had veterans on his team. And that's why Dominican sailed through unscathed. Focus on the streets, fiesta in the sheets Mmm, that must smell so good in person. Are you crying because WG is letting that guy be an edgy 14 y/o, but won't let you be an edgy 14 y/o? They lied about the troll dolls and I am so, so, very upset. Every time I see posts like these I like to believe there's a subreddit with people sharing their used mac book they bought. Those chickens will really be living it up now in their new luxurious printer paper sized confinement! All these Europeans going to other regions to take the money hampers the growth of a pro scene there. you're a genius. As a builder, realtor and real estate investor I would imagine this house would never resale unless this was removed. I'm voting for trump because I just can't trust Hillary! The outlier (to the upper left) was just 50 cent catching his 4th (out of 6 bullets) It doesn't, because it is full of shit and will never be passed. A queef/fart combo. What are the Antilles doing in Canada? I'm still waiting for the picture to load so I can get rid the shit resolution Why the fuck does this video have 19 likes and 21 dislikes at the moment And now we have an actual target to go after, and a potential candidate who will do that Lolololol Our American hero Probably because they all think you're hot and you totally forgot until you got home Well, at least they actually listened to fan response from Sticker Star before they chose the direction of this game. I guess if she gets raped it's her fault? Burnside Gumtree Conspiracies go! That isn't how you spell science. How long can you hang on the rim for? And in other news, pots are calling kettles black! Yes because the source of a legitimate idea means the idea is illegitimate Girls should be all over him because he's confident Not wtf but still cool It's probably because of the Fnatic game that just happened due process what the hell is that? You're not entitled to even have RuneMetrics, plus it's not a part of the membership benefits That 8x3 crop really helped me see so much more of the action! A badass one Proof the Earth is flat! Man, I'm so glad I'm white! Does this show the new date for Armageddon? Can't be Snoqualmie - it isn't raining memories All they have to do now is keep implying it so it remains canon. Gee, I hope they got tax-stamps for those mods. Oh but they signed up for it so it's ok Lucky its not made of pure gold, otherwise they would totally be able to melt it down, add a bit of copper and nobody would ever catch them! But the patriarchy and shit... So you back in the feminist camp yet? IMF has proved themselves trustworthy in their advice. Cause octagonal shapes are the intellectual property of the Wu-Tang Clan? Well we can't have anyone getting in the way of the story space taken up by all five members of the Jacetice League in every single goddamn set. But... but only rich people can afford healthy food! Your red octobers seem sus. get over it BTB = every game is slayer God dam that's passion right there Tool. I bet you feel a lot better now That is a really good idea. Jerry's a fucking shitlord! Didn't see that coming. Another reason But those 3 minute trailers have shown the whole film and its crap how do they get that thing off the ground? you should send him a message every day reminding him that you are still alive. Ah yes keep telling kids it is okay to be unhealthy World Peace Typical old sexistisk ideals where girls have to be protected but boys should be left to fend for themselves no matter the outcome Wonder if they'll give us dual KAP-40s too She needs to check her thin privilege. How heartbreaking I bought a Steam Card there during Christmas at least two years ago. The second i saw this pic i knew the top comment was about that painting and what a surprise filibuster this communist anti-capitalist Marxist filth of a law. I don't think so, but Google does read your email I like all the periods that he has. There's still poultry and fish! Found the guy voting for Harper! Trump is doing great I see! Degree sahi hai ... Modi Ji aur Amit Shah arrest karva rahe hai kyunki hum corruption ke khilaaf lad rahe hai ... Emergency like situation in Delhi Offfff course he does. MTAR BABY, MTAR Oh I get it, turn the only black character in the entire game into a white guy! Israel is the real threat to peace. Better than politics So the rest believe in lies? You do realise he/him only applies to 50% of people right? The sound of all 5 of those bows firing at once will haunt my dreams for years to come. All you people are just clearly exaggerating with your complaints. I got this... *Pong* People still play that game? stattrak decoy grenade? Jobs are XP waste... Unless you spend that money on spins! Don't you know the customer is always right. Liberals are disgusting human beings. I guess they don't need that truck back Well yea, he's black! What game? Remember 40-50% of Muslims support ISIS. PI = 3,1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679... youre welcome. buy better headphones The Kawhi Leonard Seeing that ass in person is an experience. Yeah this card is complete garbage compared to the XTG 8010 It. but but we're so afraid of women and children refugees! i think you mean wet bread and vomit. Cops would never look here :D good thing riot is nerfing the windlash's speed, it's so hard to dodge However, if you put Friedman in charge of some Chilean students, you get Pinochet, which is *totally* justifiable. I was certain that this would be the OS that they'd support. Hmmm, I wonder what affect this new information has on the viability of geo-engineering - altering the albedo via cloud seeding to reduce temperature was always one of the big suggestions, but this hints that it might cause more trouble than benefits. Very convenient because now you and BTCC possess the private key This is what happens when voting is mandatory. I had 1 second a while ago. Because banning it will work... Worked with alcohol, drugs, and everything else. He probably *backed out* of his apology by now I'm pretty sure gordon says 'horse cunt' and not 'horse cock' - and I know how Americans really do not like the word cunt, hence her shock. He's gonna score two hattricks next time he plays Liverpool lol I'd take a break too after that Backes fight. Based upon the word checque, you must be in the UK Ingat-ingat din dapat si Dutz 'pag may time. It's constitutional so no. Death penalty? You should have a talk with your son about cultural appropriation. Mass Effect 3 and Diablo 3. Why don't we just make a CSGO mod and name it siege? Wow this is so cool! They pretty specifically left out Herzegovina, so only part of B&H should be colored. A sharp knife is the quickest, most efficient method of spreading peace to infidels. The obvious solution then, if the government isn't doing its job, is to let the free market decide on who was raped. What a shock! He contributed in so many ways that didn't show up in the boxscore There is something seriously wrong with the competitive crowd for this game Wow great app They're missing Johnny Manziel Wrecking your "Mustang" would actually improve its looks. 13 mods and not a single one can make a custom css... must be an all female team Take every drink she offers wait until she drives home and run her off the road Their reactions are so apathetic, but this is also an awful way to tell someone, if it isn't fake of course. [Have someone else kill him?] Assemble all 5 to get a Mach Five of course! It's become sentient *kill it* **KILL IT NOW** Trump: "I did business with Iranian bank tied to terrorism, I'm smart." And the Circlejerk continues Right, seeing as we're really lacking in midfielders right now, this would be a brilliant move! It's treason then. *Tonight is right for love.. Love gravy..* oh, i didnt know the developer wanted me to do the 5 second task of turning off adblock, oh no but but but they are op they deserve a nerf! Hehe ur gross I think he's about 7. This reminds me of the World Ghostcap Series. Awful, just stop. It's a shame that they were slaves, and not free to go find another job at any time. gungnirs might would like to have a word with you. He sounds like such a happy and well adjusted guy. I love how the rest of the world sees Trump as a big enough threat that they will do anything they can while a sane person is in office. Zombie apocalypse... end of civilization... Let's take the elevator! Their twitter account has really gone downhill since Price is out The future of continental Europe with an open-border policy to muslims, or not analogous? Yeah screenplays written in the 70s borrowed a lot from modern video games It's not 2005 anymore, stop taking pictures with your camera of your tvs and monitors. PAC-MAN. Aren't there any other QBs out there who are locker room cancers and perennially injured that we should be looking at? But I go to video game subreddits for all of my political commentary. if the Litten evolution is real i'm gonna throw a brick at whoever designed it. Everybody should be able to work from home This is genius Just another day in paradise Quite disturbing video a friend of mine made... Enjoy Mad Dog Mattis is too smart to not think there's climate change. Love and accpetance for homosexuals is not a sin but a human right Tux Racer Bring back the "dc screen" from wc3 Only the Xbox one can. Rip frank Ah, taking records of the most important things. He says that like its a bad thing or something. Lol yeah games in a great state atm. Thanks for circling them, I wouldn't have seen them otherwise I really must get some of these XD as a European; really funny from every angle Bigots. A strategic move... something they didn't do regarding the brexit. Russian bot accounts The builder noted that the computer can be removed from the cabinet and transported, though I don't know if I'd want to have all those bits hanging out in the open like that. But stormfron- er- redditors have been saying no Muslims are speaking out against radicalism. I bet she got a drawer full of plastic one tho clearly the standard Chaika's bombs give it an advantage in dogfighting GOD DEVIL How big is the download? Stephen Walking - Move Jeez , thank you Tim Cook, we poor Indians are so happy The best kind of sanctuary. Best Eli on the Giants? Seems like a cool guy, maybe if I stab my friend 16 times this guy will take me to his mansion in the national forest. Yep, every meat eater is pants on head retarded, but good thing we have this pale fuck to lead the sheep towards the light. That thrusting, though. Questions like this on Reddit You only have to pay $90 to play on a line with Phil Kessel? she looks a lot older than 4 months But yeah, women in America are totally oppressed guys. They weren't punished enough imo, suspend Brady another 4 games. You can't post Breitbart articles on Reddit! It seems to me that he was wondering why it happened, not asking why it wouldn't hold air with all these holes in it. This is more dangerous than religion - because the story makes more sense. So, Te rumors of he joining Darkseid will be true? As opposed to non-casual racism? Yeah, better go to war with them. That's not creepy or anything. I will say this, if Baylor had made the CFP, his team wouldn't have lost in the Cotton Bowl. So preachy and radical, trying to force animal ag facts down my throat after I harass them when they turn down cheese. So barbaric looking. Are we gonna throw an 'Unverified' tag on this or are we trusting known liars? God bless America. Anyone else read the last word as "dimb"? Hey dipshit it's called context. Not sure if serious or trying to push crappy windows 8 Looks like kids in 2015 are having way more fun Because that sure worked when I was a kid Now if we had a real "free market"--------this would be about a $5 an hour job. Protectorates. I can't believe they wouldn't get jumped by a team from the same conference with the same record and a conference championship, even though Michigan has the head-to-head. Your liberal tears are delicious. The "P" is for performance. Doug Marrone. Meh I don't doubt it whos garven? From her 401K Tf2 is a serious and competitive game Classic apple users demanding icons to combat their inability to read. Took em long enough He forgot that you need an anime avatar to be a good spy Say what you will but they are resourceful bastards aren't they? A rhetorical one? How did you make the green text showing you got a drop come up for you. You gotta send brunce with his team guys, the astroid has to be nuked from the inside. Yes but what did druge and breitbart say...we can only trust them. An hero... I grew up in Winnipeg as a kid, I didn't get snow days, you adults sush! Played the ult sound but didn't animate in an ult, 2/10 Pirlo Dude you weren't leading your shots But only uneducated, stupid racists are Trump supporters! Screen grabs from the Internet have been statistically proven to be accurate 100% of the time. Respondanme algo, porque los artistas o los hipsters, critican este plagio, si mas del 50% de los artistas copian estilos de otros artistas? Windows is still probably the best for gaming, but I hear Good things about Linux Liberals can't choose between which ~~pet~~ voting block they want to feel more sorry for and conservatives don't care about their business either way. rip 6 repairing and 1 building scv BibleThump Fuck me that's impressive LOL NINJAS GET SUNK Our goaltending always sucks and oshie & berglunds 50 goal seasons are totally still happening Would Pokemon count? AWAKEN MY LEAKS(MASTERS). This is The Patriarchy at work. no but without the government there wouldn't be any paths to walk on in the woods, there would be no roads, no gift shops, no maps...but now that they exist we should probably just get rid of the government ha ha, all this needs is a laughtrack! Close to half play with no mods at all YOU SAVAGES! That track is NOT mixed vocal But capitalism is totes the most rational, efficient and healthiest system for humanity! Hardcore doesn't count My favorite part starts at the 2:00 mark, the player walks into a corner and just start shooting and gets a kill. Women..... Not responsible for anything ever..... unless its a good thing. yup... better commit crimes against all those foreigners so they learn not to commit crimes... *Overkill air conditioning unit freezes the office due the absence of the volcano in his pc case* YOu are born in sin you ass hole - thats why the devil is there. fuck this is too funny Welcome to the reddit band wagon of sheeple Zip ties. I love the subtle lambda on his glove. That seems like an unnecessary risk (injuries) during a season for such a professional team in a league like the Premier League to do. warning label manufacturers should add a warning label to their warning labels to warn politicians that addicts do not care about what's written on warning labels. American hegemony for a brighter future He's not using the keyboard... that's the problem There's spotted dick for sale, that stuff is hard to find yo what do you use to record I assume everyone forgets that Goten's hair still grows as he ages. to bad they are not hiring in Atlanta Like.... do you still lay on your mom's lap or... just referring to something in the distant past? NUMBER 1 that's right biatch ! Just what the world needs I am so glad that shadow priest are so high rated Wow this post really moved me Because all Type 2 diabetes is caused by out of control lifestyle choices. Don't try to put sense on this, it's a "joke", go along with it. Why is there always some super beta cuck in these videos lingering around? Govt to loose much money through FAME India scheme. just in, guvmnet men in white suits spotted at bomb scene near time of detonation Twin Froze VI looks horrible. #WhichHillary is tending keep it going! A new Ferrari or a kid, a new Ferrari or a kid... Damn, wish it wasn't so hard to choose! Thank god that text was there, I was never going to get the picture otherwise. Trump, the true Libertarian, is just deregulating the police! There are two many two puns in this thread Whoop, proud to be a 1%er! Good thing he got this dangerous drug using scumbag off the streets I just started looking into custom router firmware... This sucks :( It's only creepy if you're one of the "Women of Eve" people. Hey has anyone else noticed everything is three feet away? One does not simply make a popcorn. Ashley had a sexy weave. Trade Lavine? ELI5? That has to be satire... UN Is the best institution in the world How can that make it to the museum when there weren't any homosexuals in Chechnya in the first place? Steven Amell to appear as Deathstroke in DC film confirmed! CLODS. Harsh ayeeee it's Justin! Marketing to encourage more people to watch it? You mean white Christian alt-right Trump supporter. If it isn't in a retention holster on your hip it is a risk. Didn't giroux get arrested last summer for sexual assault? This offends me. getting stoned Maybe she shouldn't have stuck her nose where it didn't belong Luckily, alot of them are boomers who voted for trump, so its a self correcting measure kaga Mass dispel in hunter, the horror D: be careful posting receipts people have lost their jobs over less info Omfg this shit bangs so hard Fucking human anatomy, how does it work? Each movie in the new trilogy is gonna have one member of the old cast die, at least that's my theory until the new one comes out. Surprised it's in West End A search bar that doesn't suck. He's not even alt chem dude They might be too busy deciding who gets dibs on the nice new intern at SilverString PR agency... Wait.... Have I been doing this wrong? Sea waves too much :) So did Boeing & Lockheed sabotage the Falcon 9 that blew up last month? yeah not a day goes by that i don't say, wow this place is so sad now that Mark left.... fiorentina mean business So Killmead is saying the GOP has bought off more scientists than we thought? You've got some nerve posting Melee in this time of struggle. You'd be surprised at how many girls are taken advantage of because they are too drunk to say no so guys think its okay. Please AMA! I can't vote for Clinton when she has already considered drone strikes on one of the few modern political heroes. Something something hold the door Because we are a might-makes-right country, and FUCK YOU FOR TELLING US WE'RE SILLY, I'LL FUCK YOU UP MOTHER FUCKER! How does that even happen? I know I got all my music taste from Mom. You have spilled my macchiato. Fair and Balanced You still salty I guess? Hate speech in the name of religion... is still hate speech. I'm sad I forgot about this and didn't log on April 1 He is just warming up for us nicely! I'm putting my vote in for bad AC adapter. Good, this means PP can finally be an independent organization independent of government interference Saving money Get all the trophies you can with e-barbs! You should just go wild for the 12th month and pick up an Invicta. Corporations are people my friend. How is this awww The Creeps. God, you know this would never happen in Quebec City Its only a silver trophy, The fuck? I'm glad you enjoyed the demo it was very nice meeting you! **Conspiracy Theory:** "Day Without Immigrants" was an ICE plan to find illegals This is the weakest source ever. Hey guys Reggie Miller isn't a hall of famer Yeah, because liberals *never* eat revolting fast food either... we only eat elitist raw vegan organic stuff from whole foods. I just recent broke 25000gs, so excited to finally have that extra 1% rebate! The company probably doesn't do code review. no wonder why theyre so far behind smh patch notes Palutena default specials have been changed to the following: But muslims can't be Americans! But who took the picture? Misogynist culture is a myth made up by feminazis! If this was Messi, Ronaldo or Ibrahimovic, then this post would have a quintillion upvotes. What, you don't think wunderkind geniuses read Chicken Soup For The Soul? Shave the stache, you can leave the chin stuff if you want. But this has nothing to do with Muslims! I've been trying to like prosciutto but I can't help but have a blood taste in my mouth every time I try it. Thank you for adding to the conversation. I wa also going to say something along the lines of " pretty little me on your arm" but now it just seems trite. Fuck off Trump supporter. Because the art team has to do something, and "code"-wise, content like this has always been trivial in the Civ games. This is Sacre's time for a big season, we don't need anyone else! Supercell plz nerf executioner by adding +1 range too op fireball dodger NSFW tag that shit D: Said this before and I'll say it again Forbes should be banned from this sub. Shut up. It's pretty obvious that the 'Pakistan Zindabad' video wasn't doctored. Obviously was done several times before they got the Cavs at #1 Easy answer, it "works". Noah$456 what if that was just a lg g2 with a tpu case ? What is it with Mizzou fans and this stupid "kansas" and "kU" thing? Well yeah I'm sure if as many people took heroin as took paracetamol this would still be the case. I wonder what is going through Dan's head getting tagged in those tweets... Gotta be something like, "I don't care who any of you goofs fight" During the last season there was nothing but praise for mad men Guys cmon we all know jesus was white IMMERSION LOST GAME IS DEAD You wanna buy a house before it blows through the roof Liquid demonstrating his lack of understanding of the interaction between real estate and explosives I'm sure the artists will see a lot of that money. Fire the Bass Cannon. He was the reason they lost 11 to 5 today. I love squaredancing let the grannies be free look at that bloody snow shovel of a front wing. That's statism tho Um, what? All it takes to defeat BvB is a terrorist attack Need more .jpeg I'm pretty sure I've read that AA is wholly ineffective anyways, it should be discarded as a whole. So you're saying it's not proven yet. I'm gonna start a business in the US and hire only women since I can pay them less and get away with it! I posted it was almost as exhausting to watch the game as playing the game Well that'll surely help things along. those pesky commies! There's some things you don't joke about, a RG buff is one of them I know one pansexual guy, ofc the one non-hetero guy I know is attracted to kitchenware! I don't see tow mirrors or rockstars Yep! I'm guessing this has nothing to do with Islam. You can really tell that those are cannabis plants But atheists are so much more intelligent and sarcasm is the only way to show our genuine euphoria to the lowly catholic pedophiles Fake, youtube didn't excist in 2004. Does CC ban HolyOOPs purchasers now? Will he also be standing for office in Tel Aviv ? You cant transmute ranked mods heh Oh, only $159, sounds like a bargain! Kim Jong Un declares himself emperor of the world: MORE useless actions AT 10! I hope Madeline Albright criticizes all the women who supported Bernie Sanders instead of Carly Fiorino. There has to be some form of punishment. All feminists hate men. This is HORSESHIT they're all wool and nobody likes that shit. Is that a pro genji? anyone got a youtube clip of the caller? Live in central Illinois every foot of road is where the deer cross Ow the edge The only thing he forgot was the SHARKS WITH FRIKKIN LASER BEAMS! Holy shit. dat warpack Playing through and finishing the special stages blew my mind when I first did it. Donnerbalken! Does anyone else not like the sound of this from a Liberty standpoint? From his Snapchat story, it seems so. He is *potentially* not guilty by reason of insanity, but that's a hard defense to make *and* he'd still be in an asylum for the rest of his life if the defense worked. bickin back bein bool Shhh, Dawkins doesn't want his little secret to get out, it would hurt sales. That certainly sounds like something Jesus would have said! This looks like a hand dipped in wax and someone having fun with it. She has evolved Love the casters reactions! Welcome to the reality that is anyone's life who graduated highschool during/post W's second term. But the earth is flat, so you're clearly wrong here. Dear god I hope we get the Atlanta commentators and broadcast quality every match of the playoffs. Yes, imagine walking that distance. so, yes how christ-like. Meh Silly to think that the massive consumption ( ie money generating) cultural shifts to the internet that the richest CEO would say stop looking to get stuff for cheap. Well, I say it's worth it since it blocks minors from content they're too young to see. Thanksgiving is overrated. He's lucky he saw Markov coming, if he would have started pushing from behind he may have "fallen over" Minecraft The findings are 'soft' considering the impact on such a large number of people with nothing to do with the mine in the first pace. xaxaxaxaxaxaxaxa Michael Scott gifs are the fucking greatest Who needs Amsterdam? Wow...he smoked pot...oh lord hes such a horrible person now.. Wainwright to the Bears for #7! Holy crap i knew this exists i feel lucky for not seeing this yet Yes maybe they're all just bad We are going to build a wall, and we are going to pay for it-Trudeau probably Umm why would the VRAM usage make you bust out a second card, the VRAM from the second card doesn't add to the first.... In SLI you only have the amount on 1 card True, plenty of women of all races and religions would be glad of a safe time to bathe without Muslim men around. Yes, let's scapegoat the immigrants, they're the ones who've crashed the economy! Yeah 53% of all Americans Looks like 2015 is starting off with a bang. two smaller bowls of cereal instead of one larger bowl. It doesn't have any effect on him though because he's already rich. Could be hotter. If you use red apples it causes cancer. (show us the intern) Actually Dva now shots a total of 11 bullets per shot instead of 8 The fact that the screen isn't flush while unfolded would drive me nuts. Meeting sovereign the first time in Mass Effect god sake now i cant even look at the video because its so big and noticable High feet, should have sent him off *Insert random "0/0 no thicc Puppet" comment here* Just kidding, this looks really cool! HNNNNNNNNNNGGG No, if he did, it would be called newtonity You cheeky boy We have war in Europe already. But why? is that Rio Ferdinand? Probably TOO much damage in a REALLY SHORT time. OP, there's a spelling error in your title! Ouch, that $2500 fine has really got to sting after his $300000 payday. The city should install a sign indicating which side of the median they need to be on. Cool story bro Our long national nightmare is over Wrong Nice try IRS, It is a matter of time before Ted Cruz becomes president. Oh, you go girl. That's a horrible business plan! Don't worry guys, decades of slow cession of rights won't come back to bite us. They seem to like anal. you mad? I am now going to watch more porn just to spite them. It even has the trademark super dank blurriness that goes with every leak so it must be legit Male privilege Wow, thank you for posting I haven't seen this one before Haha what a unique and modern statement Patron is pretty good since he got that xim xim better nerf aurelion sol Git gud n00b But he said spying on us is for our own protection. I had to watch it twice to see where they but the big circles at in the paper lanterns ... I'm high Aftershave samples. Yes, because beating and berating your child until they feel like human garbage is a great way to teach them to value themselves :) Aww Personally, I voted for Oba. Minecraft isn't going to 2.0, after 1.9 it would go to 1.10 and 1.11 and so on Shitty devs don't even play their own game Les Enfants Terribles Why is my g300 not getting marshmallow wtf Huawei? 110 Hence "almost" In CS:GO, this guy would be kicked right now and called an autofag This version eats a poisoned pear. OH FUCK THIS GUY! How did you get a year three Fatebringer? No, because we don't have a champ on a skateboard and they do. GODDAMNIT KLLSTREAKS WENT TOO FAR! I think i'd much rather have a flooded lumby crater Maybe she had to save 10 for herself Making a huge and fundamental technology change part way through a project will make the project quicker and cheaper, said no project manager ever. I love how good Bradley Cooper is at killin! While it may not be the best for the team, not being able to rest as much... I'm definitely excited to be watching the leafs playing almost every other day Oh so he's not a total dick now? Practicing awp skills spamming hoho haha in dota Some say his soul is still stuck in that Cement How to tell when someone you know is using Windows, when you have to remove their viruses or reinstall Windows six times a month. inb4 every Mindcracker joins HermitCraft... and then SMP would be alive again! Is the dude on the laptop watching 9/11 footage? I read that in his voice :D Haha wow look at those stupid people who have different beliefs than us. ESPN knows it's this kind of hard-hitting, nobody-else-has-it story that's going to lead them to one day dominate the hockey news market the same way they dominate all other sports. I wonder if he's wearing a yarmulke. Happy Cake day ! I completely expect Don Duck and Mick Mouse to be riding in there somewhere. Ito yung Political equivalent ng "Deh, mahal niya ko talaga, ganito lang talaga siya mag lambing" Lewl totally accurate. People complain about illegal immigrants, at leat they can mow my lawn. I find ti funny that he still shoots. You mean the official dub? Why isn't theresome group punishing miners for wasting block capacity? I gave him credit..... not sure if Don't tell this guy !, this soulless monster will hack your 120,493 gp and ban your account ! Good parenting. Um it's a tobacco water pipe... duh ITT: rape jokes. I cannot wait for the next Christian terrorist to make news so we can start doing what he suggests. dump her and get a gf who works out. Bet you wished you hadn't said no once he told you about the Silverado. Jesus, look at that grinder though if they don't find anything, there's always the "he's mossad" one Based on what some friends pay in Los Angeles and NYC compared to my expenses... I'm gonna call total BS. Doug McBuckets to the Pelicans. Dating a model. check your privilege before I wreck your privilege Unfortunately, we probably won't battle hoopa, instead it's going to be a mystery gift and a quick blurb about the guy. flat def +13 insta sell Nice, I've got the 480 version of that card, I've been really impressed by the build quality of sapphire cards but how would they indoctrinate children then. I generally take the drive out of the enclosure and do the transfer in a spare machine i have Yeah totally, he even blessed the guy and put a cross in ashes on his forehead. I like how WWE assumes blurring a finger will prevent the kid from deducing that the guy is flipping the bird. So what, we're building Christian robots? Fixed make a video next time pls, or a tldr Redditor for 1 day only posting to tell us about this great offer ... lovely. You're such a great photographer. where's the "add to basket button" Friend Mark is proudy Never forget the creatures Proffesor Festergut made.. I guess that just like some gays, she loves big hairy guys? Does anyone have the list he's using? Good guy hacker, gets himself banned to make sure match is clean. It's an angry british twit throwing a temper tantrum over a small time developer that's run by a dipshit, this has no impact on the greater scheme of gaming as everything he's whining about has been part of said greater scheme for decades. *Stares at my 1.5 down 0.7 up internet* *Cries* I knew it! inb4 The_Donald gets bombed by "the religion of peace" for depicting their prophet in a bad light. This cop is a total idiot but what about the bigger idiot that actually called the cops cause a dog inside of a car frightened them? Is the vive going to be bundled with bad rats 2? Attached control arms were an option on 4runners... didn't you know that? Is this next year's car? ADOPT HIM TWICE. Even though it will be buffs to jungle aatrox, it should indirectly buff top aatrox too, so that's good. I bet the hitscan on that is *just amazing*. This is definitely my favorite argument on the topic... he he, "micro tides". Literally Hitler Removed, off-topic. I'm betting if the people of Wisconsin don't want this and we work to shut down this pet project, we'll get blamed for not creating 0.28% of the 250k jobs we were promised. Where can I buy that Chief one? Don't talk like Russell Westbrook until u got a triple double in NBA Bullshit The things people will do for karma... Im bronze V and can do that better. Christmas is a construct of western imperialism and capitalism anyways, I'm sure the Russians wouldn't mind! Meh You'd think people with pink mustaches on their cars would chill a little bit about enforced gender roles. That they are always responding as though they are people rather than what men imagine them to be. URBAN HAS LOST CONTROL *sniffs* Christmas came early this year. Sounds pretty safe to me! How can white people fight racism when only PoC can judge what racism is? I've seen a huge conversation on Facebook where they literally told a Cuban guy whose whole family had to sneak out how he is just mad because he wanted to keep his evil riches he stole from the nice little commie babies. Remember... No Sumerian... LOOK AT THAT KID WITH NAZI HAIR REEEEEEE Anyone else's just thinking "Naay... ISIS is cheering right now.." I get in this kind of bets the whole time Totally not a proxy war But don't worry, they would never use their nuclear capabilities nefariously And in South Carolina it's still $7.25 can't wait til we can make all the kids gay But it feeeeeeels worse. Jubilee Line also needs that, for people who work at Canary Wharf. I'd like to subscribe to chadpcfacts If your first standing shot is 100% accurate, what's the point of crouching? C'MON GUYS WE GOT TO GET THIS VIDEO TO 55555555555555 LIKES RIGHT NOWWWWWWW Looks like Zuma has managed to remove the racism from capital flight! They can probably get it out so quick since they mostly just have to splice together stuff from their IV and V games, updating some of the graphics a bit. Hey you can't use his own words against him! But the C. Hag and Obomber said it works well. Yeah, and movies and video games were the inspiration for Columbine. This is why automating the world is a good thing Great crop. Shocked I tell you. Welcome to Bandia! OMG, she's REALLY a Nazi! Going into the intermission, I'd like to say that the Steam Awards were rigged and the results are an outrage. Pennsylvania police are scumbags Surely, the patriarchy is behind this I bet he only looks like that for 5 days at a time. For everyone else there's Mastercard They probably need more immigrants "to do the jobs Europeans won't do". Yeah, a 5 cent rise in gas prices may be normal at this time of year, but we're going to pay for the oil spill one way or another, you can count on that. Not biased at all, there. The eyes probably have some meaning in our storyline so it's doubtful that they would make it yellow or orange without a reason. Yes, and this is why the state should spend our money wisely and only on what is necessary. Only 6 year-olds play minecraft!! Yup, being a social cripple makes it a cinch to manipulate people. Today pussy grabs back! Stabbing SUSPECT Because who you gonna believe, officer Horujko, Tariq or your lying white eyes? Classy I mean, yeah, she may have been murdered if she hadn't used the pepper spray, but she's still the real criminal here! Too bad he was good last year too, or else he could've at least had comeback of the year Time. Ref was just going in for a high five, that's what teammates do That's the funniest looking book I've ever seen. The ironic humor of MAGA never grows old. This guy fucks. So you "compromised" by living in the apartment he wants, in the area he wants, with 80% of his stuff, and you can't arrange your stuff anywhere because you don't pay enough rent to his liking even though he agreed to the terms (in addition to him having the better hand in literally every category)...damn OP, this setup sounds great! Thx rito for sale? Because there are things you can't possibly understand unless you shit out a kid HL2 would probably get a higher rating if it allowed you to have sex with the female character. +1 Nice Miata ;) This is gentlemanboners subreddit motherfucker we don't do "polite well worded suggestions" asshole. Thank you tampa police for keep us safe from children skateboarding... the lives you saved with this arrest is too vast to count. Like a broken slot machine amirite? and Nope nope nope Nope nope nope Nope nope nope Nope nope nope Nope nope nope and one more NOPE But it was a documentary! Get that psycho some counseling. AAP should follow BJP election funding tactics - just dont disclose where the money comes from - problem solved ! Democrats are corrupt hypocrites. In Trump's defense, he did.... "inherite a mess" Typical men! someone is shadow banned me thinks. Tldr: I love Evolve so it's a 9/10 and The Division was a meh for me, so it's got a 6.7 Unbiased, fair review by the reviewer, like it should be in the journalist industry. Praise be unto MyNuttzSaggy Can't wait for those mountains to be bulldozed Shalom aleikhem and Asalaam Alaykum and in English Peace be upon you. What is C Alex The ones with a woman behind the wheel. Separation of church and state is really more like a guideline, right? Good thing Nayeon doesn't use Pandora. It's spontaneous and outright hysterical at times. i did it before it was cool Because that fucking bitch took everything from me! Only good things can come out of this. She didn't she sold the thing she promised long ago. don't just let it suffer like that.. strap it to some fireworks and let it render them in 4K. aaaaaAAAAHHH EU VOU GOZAAAAR Right... The difference it makes is this guy should know better and yet he doesn't... Small detail but I prefer my characters with depth and flaws Just Memes 3 What a great women Seeing as this is the Pacific, can we please not do that warmongering shit ? NBC has the Primetime game. Hahaha, "Misleading Title" I imagine getting electrocuted for 30 laps would be scary for anyone! Good thing the private health system is so much more superior to public health care. and SMASH their radios while filling their ears with quick dry cement. That's *Future Attorney General Christie* to you! Stay safe out there, guys. Well, if you want to go further OP, maybe we should sterilize them to ensure that they don't pass on their genes to the next generation? OpTic Marved? Is this just missing the point that life for stone-age people was brutal and short? The commentator's explanation of why he remembers the woman's last name is an added bonus. You don't understand this is America and men need to be comfortable women well fuck them I can't live on this planet anymore. Pirates trade Austin Meadows and Jameson Taillon for Jason Heyward and Trevor Cahill Some kinda dog food? No sexist vocab please. I got the assist so that was basically all me Good excuse to do that rear main seal without dripping oil on yourself while it's sitting at waist height. That almost makes up for having to listen to Bucci and Melrose It's not racist, these guys should be speaking english just like the rest of us! Fuckin' net neutrality, we must censor! I hate it when games look like they use DirectX. Well that sounds about right. There is absolutely no way that this could be staged Wow, awesome, thanks for sharing! I rate this 9001/9000 So about 10 small towns in the Midwest? Your Last Name in BIG GOLD LETTERS on the front of your house You don't have to be a grand prick about it Robert.. Go to my kitchen, get the sharpest knife, & cut the bullshit out. Expected Fascinating There is no better way to protest injustice than by creating more injustice. Fresno? Well, at least now they can go taser the right guy 6 times before they arrest him. Kill it before it breeds! that poor poor brg car, you ruined it huntsman. I always knew there was something fishy about those ECUS guys But the NBA is all about the D! Can I have one please? ALL ABOARD THE SPAIN TRAIN! Too bad you blew it; I took your code! Electrocution. Duh the higher revolutions the better I understand that the jersey pictured is a 100% complete knockoff, but was this jersey released on NHL Shop as a real jersey, or is it just a total fake that was only designed wholesale sellers? Tshirt Bama fan confirmed. Thanks man I hope to play with you one day Buy what's the top ten reasons why it's so annoying? Trump promises a burning car for every ghetto street corner. NON STORY TD, TD... you're doing great Because women are treated as inferior, obviously Freddy is the new Bonnie. Yes because paying for cosmetics on a PC is sooo unheard of. ur wrong What happens in vegas apparently has stayed in Vegas. Looks great, now just stick a bright orange safety vest on them so no one accidentally shoots them and we'll be in good shape! i have the same pair, beat as hell too! With all this great information I don't see how there are still Atheist in the world. What's ppp now = August. Badumtsss Looking forward to PuppyMonkeyBaby 2.0! That TJ Collins is quite a guy. WE DID IT REDDIT! Which timeline are you talking about? I'm sorry you had to deal with that, make a new account and message me if you need to talk Cop Just the fucking way I like it. You could always buy coins Very original post I remember playing mega man on one of those. We need to burn the Vatican. NO THEYRE GOOD AND YOURE JUST MAD CUZ ARCHEAGE IS #1 cuz we aint no socialist communist homosexuals french faggets or whatever that bread is Way to move those goal posts! Arkansas - Conservation We have among the strictest littering laws in the US and take extra care that our many conservation areas are kept pristine. people need to realise that yes there are neuro toxins in vaccines, but that doesn't mean you can get away with not vaccing your kid. Oh man it makes me support them 3x more now that there's more Scabbys! Outplayed. Can someone explain how division using iterative subtraction works? 2/10 would not bang. Oh, that's not corrupt at all! I hope more money = more IP's and games in general. BMW should just park Mobile Repair Units in Starbucks lots, and perform the fixes while the bikes are in their natural environments. Ridiculous exaggerations and sarcasm are effective tools of persuasion. Wolf Link gives you Wolf Link in the game to run around with you. Maybe if you hadn't been looking backwards the whole time this wouldn't have happened. Their contras haven't come in yet, so they have been bringing their own instruments to camps. three super greedy cores and 2 greedy supports, LOL If this had campaign 12 would be okay but for an only online game 12 is horrific. Uruakickz Aren't they the same thing? Surprised it was *fair*, but GG Nevertheless! 50m for that? Erat for Forsberg There's no way to duplicate. That young man needs some therapy Bear grills is upset at the waste. This is why you check Carfax before you buy upvoted for originality \#18...suspect that might be shopped...i can tell by the pixels and having seen a lot of shops in my time. I thought this was announced a while ago only 2 goals what a bum Their normal graphic design/editor was out with a hangnail! Them gosh darn Canooks all looks the same to me! But his IRC server wasn't written yet! I'm not kissing someone's ass to look at 1017 all damn day. Needs more Darcy is this supposed to be surprising news? Muzica de calitate I'm sure recasting him would've been the better option, like they did with Tommen, right? Ashtray= Ammo tray. Feels like this dude is getting banned all the time, unless i'm confusing him with someone else? She's so muscular that it's gross. Lol ur such a jerk bro I'm honestly so sick of ppl under valuing Tom These all sound like bad things, except for the first one which is kinda just dependent on the parents. New Day losing the titles would have been fine if they won MITB. Yeah the show really fell off once the liquor gained control of the situation. Thought I was looking at The Order: 1886's sequel for a minute. What is the name of this game? Just our close allies conducting business as usual, they are heading UN human rights councils so they can't be wrong. Imagine what we could have done with another quarterback, instead of being handcuffed by a 2nd tier choke artist. Oh god, I can't believe Tombi is about to fuck [insert some anime character I don't know here]... shit No drops - not worth it Should be 5 elixir An inspiration to plus-sized women everywhere. Oh, the sweet, beautiful irony! well that is the black kids fault for not spending more money on a better lawyer So edgy and hip that is way too much clarity for us to handle! Lithuania...sounds awesome Must be a Muslim, they're responsible for all these hate crimes, right? Epic Simply epic. Poor old man was still living in the day when our police weren't militarized. Haven't seen the flesh giant idea before that "unnamed FNaF fangame that has elements from the Slender games" is final nights 3 GvG reprint? Nice to see big names continue to get booked at the new arena. It is indeed scary that even bacteria and mold won't touch it. Nah, I just walk around with a briefcase full of weed thinking everything will fall into place Oh yeah it only takes a few hours to redesign a website yet the Republican exit polls were within the margin of error and the Democrat exit polls were way, way off. uhhhhh... fuck the DH, I guess? Man that looks so real. They need GOTG cinematographers too. I know Hillary is afraid of stairs, she only needs a handful of aides to walk up the porch steps Forget the homophobia, the hideous use of Dark Side of the Moon is what I find most offensive about this website. An HHR is a station wagon, not SUV. Except for the fact that it will almost surely end with them all making up now, which is kind of lame for me. Yay another Avengers movie because they wont have income They're just "scanning for installed games" I'm 100% sure, this is EA we're talking about. It's a dream of mine to visit your grey dot :) Let's wait for the Squid Kid Extended Cut next. Senators finally asking the *real* questions when vetting cabinet nominees, like making sure budget directors know how to compare crowd sizes when given aerial shots. You won't be saying that when your thousands of miles in the air and some blows the damn plane up Annnnd dropped That's not what I heard on Fox News. She wasn't pushed, she was just being given the "signal" it was time for her to throw the comp so Judd could win as agreed :/. How dare he mooch off Obama. Fuck you fuckstick Adult theory Then Glenn had better hurry up. You're not a real club unless everybody mindlessly shows up and quietly watches the match, until everybody in unison decides that they will slightly change the lyrics of a commonly known song, and all sing it together. Must be the same guys who made those no-go zones in Paris and England (Birmingham) Is it just me or does this look like a messed up Senior picture? TIL it's OK to suppress media and press freedom if their message doesn't align with your nation's policies. I'm going to finish what KC started That takedown was faster than a Williams pit stop. Supports my Wikitroll theory What persecution have you faced because you are Jewish in America? Censorship is so patriotic and conservative. Thanks I couldn't tell which was which So is The offer worth or not? Stop treating people like glass All those statements are true but it offends my delicate sensibilities! I take this as commentary on their corporate parent's political views. Every fucking month in this sub. Wipe everything in TWRP and reinstall I guess. Lets watch a 14 year old die but make sure to bleep out the naughty words, we wouldn't want to offend people. Well I'm gonna copywrit all the other letters. Because they've been so effective with banks and health? It's a good thing that the Police are so well trained, otherwise they might actually hit the dog instead of the partner So we should, it's none of our business. Spoiler Didnt realize Jim gaffigan was a penguins fan Have fun playing your home games on Chicago Street. practice makes perfect At this resolution the Ryzen CPUs will clearly be ahead of intel. But this isn't about the Habs Alcoholism is good for the economy, yo! He mad Hey, if it's in the game, it's in the game... haha Surprise *Russian joins the server *Iran joins the server *USA joins the server popcorneating.gif $70,000 of that was probably processing paperwork FULL MAST ...what? Jesus, remind me to never post anything Sheik related here LOL Oh god, this is too funny. People are still employed as typists? I can't believe China got 375 "climate scientists" to sign this thing. Tiggered Guess you should have finished designing it before submitting it to be licensed, hmm? Is it glorified by society though? Makes sense, don't want your property getting away. The NRA will soon release a statement claiming this as a prime example of safety coming from a gun in a good guys hand. But...but...Arrieta. Well he said he has to work out every time he loses, not necessarily cheese. Clearly the problem is Toxic Femininity. Not cocaine If you drop the trinket and the card I'm pretty sure you can walk passed it when Isaac does his animation when he picks them up again. But what is the first responder has a kid that needs my organs? Mind games! yasuo What a poor dragon-kin! Seattle invented novelty owners. super shocking! *AK-47 style assault weapon Oh, now I'm totally convinced. Wtf is with the OP image? Well where else are you going to house the families that just got evicted? Yeah but he likes Jesus and unborn babies so fuck that guy, right? Karma? Crime fell at the same rate in other cities without stop and frisk. Perhaps someone likes to use cloud storage that sometimes gets their hard drives wiped because the owner likes to break copyright laws. Oh, their kids are awesome so they'll totally change your mind! That'll sure teach him! The last number to have never been worn was 84, which Guillaume Latendresse was the first to wear. Can I get an HDMI cable of this quality? I don't understand, that's just a picture of Brendan Fraser, right? You didn't include all the remastered games on PS4 I am sure Trump was civil and diplomatic. Lmao the amount of hate Benson gets on this sub is hilarious I'm sure there's someone willing to throw away $90 on two cans of that. He will now move on to competitive cod. Bro, you were supposed to write "lmao" Does her Twitter just have a bot that calls out Ronda for a money fight on a weekly schedule? why be childish with stupid people? Now, I don't want you to think my desire for you is strictly sexual, but it is definitely sexual. stop scamming kids Great that you didn't forget to specify *KIA* DPOY tho I am really starting to get nervous about this "religion of peace". The fingers on the hands in the mirror are all wrong......... He clearly has cupped hands/fingers together going on but the mirror is reflecting spread fingers..... Terrible artist I'd say! She rolled right out of that like a boss... came up considering a new course of action though Because then we won't know what those dirty, well educated fenians are talking about. 10/10 would buy I can see some dude at blizzard going "aww shit, now I need to make a new box cover or they'll think we stole it from Reddit" Orchard would be awesome for the Eagles! oh snap, its back on bitches That Honda is clearly more powerful Just another opportunity for cops to shoot people. I doubt she'll be any good if she's writing dialogue like that. The Ice Buckets worked! Get on a plane and get as far away from where I am now as possible. If I type Allahu Akbar will they write an article about me? Let the free market handle it u da real mvp Is it a guest house built by owners that don't like having guests? its ability cannot be stifled, amazing card I have to believe these are all satire for my own sanity. I can't tell the difference since my eyes can't see past 24 fps now wire it youre new here arent you Prius This is only 53% upvoted... No Brigade at all It's not your culture so it must be forced ... Obviously Rip lgn LISTEN FUCKHEAD'- Michael Cole I find it hilarious that the superteam can't play as a team, who would have guessed that? But he has 1 Resistance so it balances out and makes him not OP! No he just held it specially just so that so you could take a gyazo of it Oh no, I hope something hasn't happened to him! We are holding" a Chinese finger cuff. Just finished jerking off. could you guys imagine Messi as a runningback, man he would dominate the NFL But those are just side dishes where's the actual meal? They're paying for that water, believe me. Here's to another 30 more! Religious freedom means you can be any kind of Christian you want! Me # D E P O R T, B U I L D W A L L Yup Ray Allen and Kobe Bean Bryant are chokers Thank god these fighters have the power of the free market in their corner to smite down unfair labor practices Way to deal with the city issues. #It's literally satan What's wrong with cargo shorts? I would have that if it weren't for these orange dev-kisses all over me. BUT HE'S COSTING HIS TEAMS WINS BY STAT PADDING! Schefter is a "journalist" and will protect his sources. Dude, NSFW Great video. Yes with batman on their side they could become unstoppable.... as long as they dont take any shit from him (and eat it) Routine? Hey, If you don't want to spend hundreds if not thousands of dollars on a piece of rock that can simply be artificially created in your own country, but instead be mined using environment-fucking practices by near-slave labour which also fuels local war lords in a war torn african country under horrendeous working conditions, then shipped over the atlantic in what only can be described as a giant chimmney chugging poisinous gas into the atmosphere, then you're pretty cheap no.. please no L0L neva nub rekt eZ gf nub skido! Top Cuck Sell him Freaking mat salleh for breaking our small weak hearts!!! That assumes there isn't an element of randomization to it, which I would think would be added just prevent exactly this from happening. Yea, using the sun to get a tan is for poor people. That pass would never happen in 2k Why did I have to read that Peter Griffins voice ... Not sure which was creepier! Sorry but you've been X-Boned. it's cheaper to hire women but companies don't do it because of sexism. A resurgence of the NSA and Homeland Security are to blame. SCIENCE! In Botswana you could get a Gtx 760 for that price *sigh* Well that's 4 times what I make in a year, sure sounds like a lot to me. Holiday 2015 - hmmm... I probably won't have my gaming PC built by then, so... I probably won't be able to play it for a while. no Time for the rebuild! Could you imagine lying down and having a swarm of tiny webbed feet wash over you Waiting for montes reaction about this Stay clean Add this to rappers on a horse collection Wikileaks (largely staffed by non-US citizens) totally isn't taking sides in the election and trying to influence it. Too soon I'm sure murdering children in cold blood will really help their cause. wow just a great job overall man Hello there Learn to use commas and shut the fuck up. Seems competitive You may think that, but it sounds like you're a bit too self-righteous. he reminds me wowcrendor in his old videos Yeah but he held up a rainbow flag No, screw it back in! So did they both just step out of the closet ? What if I have fun camping for kills in dom? Loved maxis has been shut down, but there is a sims only part now but is only sims now, were never getting a new simcity, or a spore 2 slagneB Should be really careful when touching exhaust parts - they might still be hot. Yeah, let's increase taxes. They shouldn't have let you out of training camp. Georgia never has issues the week after they crush an opponent and everyone tells them how great they are all (2) week(s) It's because he wasn't ever healthy enough to train right in his first stint. What the actual fuck? Is this a Persona 5 reference? Amn Destructor 2: Electric Bugaloo Wait does that mean a Breitbart story might make the front page of Reddit? fk me, I have been wanting one for ages :(((((((((( The world is a sphere, there is no west and east you bloody imperialist. Abonnination? But everyone should vote for the 'job creator!' Playing wonderwall on acoustic guitar I leave it on 90 for multiplayer shooters but for games like Fallout 3/NV and Far Cry 3 I crank it up to 110. Thats a guy from a teenage post hardcore band. This is getting pretty pathetic, how stupid do they think people are? Hey, its accurate for once! Annnnnnnd I'm late to the party :( The other day I didn't know I had sports class at college, I was wearing my boosts and we had to play soccer... Never take your boosts to sports like that, the sole was moving a lot to the sides I was afraid they were gonna break. Not after the Gators take care of business this weekend! I am not wondering, so I did not read. *Hard cringe* Hamilton seems younger now than when he won for the first time. Whatever, the important thing is she got really drunk and it's all her fault. Crazy how much more dangerous they get at the bottom of the picture Confirmed on saints stream Dishonest liberal media! Why don't you just win the custom then ? yeah, because the first thing I think when I see that is "I want to fuck that fruit" I never have lag issues, but every time I'm on this subreddit it seems everyone else does. i dont see how giving an instituition $59 billion dollars when its 7 trillion in debt will change anything Shock news as people still go on holiday. Man this kid is gonna grow up to be a real winner And he didn't even kill Jews, sounds boring. Woah I'm surprised No, this is "Mufette" her french sister who is a master of the art of Kung fu and capoeira dump and chase...its the future man Forced to wear all black its as black as my soul.. This definitely is not satire Where's your home airport? So dividing by zero does equal infinity! Because you cant play sony games on PS 4 Just another reason to look at that booty smh But the files were not on an email server so it's all good. that S4 head with the ribbon looks so HD They know what's coming lol This is more evidence that young white men who enjoy playing video games are the biggest threat to gender equality in the United Kingdom. What about the freedom to be equal to others? Hey gorgeous forehead can you now tell me your ethnic background so I can decide which label to stick your forehead. When did physics actually ever matter in Rocket League? If Obama and Michelle had divorced, would that mean Obama would be deported since he's not a US citizen? Is he a Scientologist? Any chance of a background version of this, incredible view! But... but I thought Ronaldo doesn't score free kicks anymore No Omega Shenron, No Black, No Androids, No Shugesh shitty box Australian diggers, helping people to their graves early, good work ozzies Not much comes from my state, but when it does why does it have to be crazy motherfuckers? Try not shaving for *two* days prior to your final out next time... 7th lol Good duuuurrrr i thought rbb isn't allowed to have drama posts I've never cared so little for an issue in my life. At least he's consistent. I predict Drumstep maybe? Better do what he says. Sit on reddit and wish you went hot air ballooning . Really dude, come on. [](/twifly) As a secret superhero, it's good to have a restroom finally available. that app cost $3.99 This is an advertisement. I don't know exactly where this is, but I can tell you it isn't Concord. how do you even serve ISIS? Where's the green suit though? but bruh grow sum balls m8 u just have to ask her out it's not that hard bruh That made me kinda sad ha mexicosfinest9!l Seriously, why does Jezebel even exist? le sigh maybe... maybe she should be... Poorly enough to get dropped? steam sucks I'm sure we can trust them though Crystal Castles on the Atari 2600. Or you hit it and it pops up "Cancelling" for about a minute and then puts you into a battle. can TLC win April? Yay, violence! there's no booty watch without ~~bae~~ mei BC election polls never lied to anyone before. No no this definitely won't cause a fucking world war Why would a team want a very old, physically especially, vet who wasn't good his last 2 seasons? Admit it, you want to marry that silver tongued Lothario now, don't you? Malthus + high population + 2012= Mayans being right You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain BUT CASUAL MISOGYNY IS ALL IN GOOD FUN, AM I RITE GUYS? To the bottomless revolutionary battery drawer you go! Looks amazing, is she single? Buzzfeed Well, isn't this a surprise! Well, fucking with Russia is probably going to be the most efficient way of getting the holy war they're so excited about. NPM's ideology is surely great! Took 'em long enough! BUT AUTISMMMMMMM And whenever they showed that stat during the playoffs last year I was afraid it was going jinx it and that would be the time they actually lost. Well, to be fair no one wants to get raped to test the kits out. who's screaming like a little girl? So that's diapers that I smell when I drive by there? Dissapointing Well you see being fat is worse than being a drug addict cuz drug addicts know its bad but still do it while all fat people think big macs are healthy As a regular pot smoker I always try to convince people not to drink and smoke, this infusion stuff seems even worse 42m gp/h not bad Because whichever group can physically defeat the other is obviously right, as violence is always the answer Shit "game" but cool reference Yeah, we really give a shit about what Paul Ryan has to say How dare you have an opinion Well if the kids had given him more lobby dollars he might have done something for them but those cheapskates ignored him. What helpful advice Followup question, is Abromovich flying to Aspen every weekend or only times when Trump/Kushner are there? try using another google play account You MIGHT be a bit of a weeb. **CLASSY** Well, in case you didn't know it before, looks like our O-line is fantastic. got to love conservative political correctness Hell no, idiots with shitloads of money are what campaigns are built on! Zomgawsh your belt is made of cow omnomnom. Their smear campaign against him is that he gives out tons of free money and has developed super potent weed lol. Super awesome source, OP Nah, boobs too big. What's the pg/Vg on that? Taking off your shoes *at* work gotta love this mindset Gee, I feel safer already. Why does everyone keep misspelling "Godvernment" in this thread? Fuck Pakistan Just make sure there isn't a home owners association with a bunch of stupid ass rules. put him on the known hacker list 4-6 cups usually does it. Whereas, I'd like to keep the word woman, and have new words for other people if they feel themselves to be so different from me. Is this why you get that rug that goes around toilet? But the important thing to remember is that anyone claiming there's a proxy war going on here is a conspiracy theorist and a nutjob. U MAD BDS? NiP dream! Another example of why you can't always trust advanced stats EVERYONE KNOWS THAT NIX FLAIRS DON'T GET NO KARMA ROUND HERE MATE I don't *see* what needs fixing I want to read your graph but do not want to play the resize game. this ride is such fun Not Worcester anymore. lol, he's giving Truck to bottom guy on a plate, but he goes "I guess my hands should do nothing now and let him go" Just because they gave alternative numbers from their mouths doesn't mean you can stop judging them by what's in their hearts It's about time someone realizes that the public education system is overvalued and overfunded. The face of tolerance. He knows the score lol It's not *even* a deal lol, I dont get how SC can get that crazy, 66 gems per prince... I DONT EVEN USE IT NOR DO A MAJORITY OF PEOPLE ABOVE ABOVE ARENA 7 Some solid screening up front, too little to late for the octorinne Yea you stick that dirty PA in the back line! Maybe the conservative party can break 200k thanks to these previously closeted Tories. Wow, dogs are a lot more like humans than I thought! Yes I am sure Tulsi is just intimidated. Thanks Obama! Well Russia may have the winner for the most bad ass named top tourist attraction. Thanks for the spoiler warning buddy. still better than jimmy kimmel Get this manchild a wife, for SCIENCE! /#TheStruggleIsReal They are fun. Cone on guys, the abs is doing us a favour with the first five hours being free Big Ben or Tom Brady in the superbowl for the 10th time in 15 years how exciting not a fan of the filleted screen corners, but otherwise that looks damn sharp. Wow, I'm such a 90's kid with my 2nd generation Ipod Touch Nah man Spicer just retweeted an Onion article - they've made the shift from satire to REAL news! I'm so unreasonably angry at this, especially since the girl dj I can't stand is still there. It sucks, there are no tests I'm going to mark out very badly when the shield walk around in the back and run into Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, and Hulk Hogan. Nice Dylann Roof Swag Obviously it's Sansa fucking a dog that Rickon warged into so, now Ser Davos has to put the wild Stark down hen he reaches the Umbers after receiving a message from Theon about a hidden way into Winterfell for Stannis. From generational player to 4th line goon Brie just can't stop botching. gaming on a atom thats equivalent to a xeon right? Must be Noahs ark. never go full retard Definitely a breaking india forces conspiracy. Does this have something to do with gravity waves? Source of the pic? Whose weapon is that? AC is electricity XD it's not totally like that we haven't done it yet we are more of a secret boyfriend right now but we are slowly getting farther and farther into it ;D TIL there are only 3 areas of chemistry. Hey, it's a beta, they'll work on it Not enough lense flare Yes, that's the exact and only reason. What about the carbon footprint? Godfather part 1 when Sonny beats up Carlo. Because when I've googled something I want to know about, I continue to google that same thing weeks and months hence even though I've already learned what I needed WHY IS THIS NOT A FLAGRANT 2 THIS IS RIDICULOUS Jazz won game 1 without gobert and game 4 without hayward.. Maybe they should try giving johnson a day off in game 5 He definitely deserved more $ than Nate He's not sleeping with his hat over his eyes. Why didn't you help the guy in his study? Ugh, I see this shitty game's ads spammed to me while I'm watching videos on YouTube. Hateful feminist public school bureaucrat 1, Humanity 0. But hey, it has a low-emission engine so while the police are killing minorities they can also save the environment Far right in pink Pfft I could have went right around that car no problem I got it once a couple weeks ago Don't worry OU fans, Sounds like he just needs to put a new tampon in and he'll be good as new The fact that Obama doesn't have a beard is what proves he's a *secret* muslim. Well, he got cancer, thats the first thing he did wrong... They clearly haven't seen one of the countless interviews where Kellyanne Conway informed us that Trump has a mandate. I know its impossible but I swear he changed direction mid-air. The costume is too dark The Devs are in constant communication and you can't find the time to listen? [](#trytosmile) May aswell call it the reflex and tango asm1 montage! But Hillary coughed, clearly that's more important! You can't delay a game by sitting under Tower and Phoenix anymore, I don't see any problems. Not that you should be buying from the bookstore... Amazon yo I agree, Netflix is cheaper and better. What a cute chain. It's gonna be like 2pac all over again, isn't it? Same here. What a pervert. I'm so glad we're going to have leaders who can take criticism and deal with adversity. Did they try asking the NSA of their involvement? TBF this is exactly what everyone says about the WNBA. if only we were a democracy and could vote on if coal should exist at all Hello yes I would like to rent Baby for my party what are your prices? I'm a minority race and minority religion, none of my opinions can be considered racist! Big up to the demonstrators Jesus would be rejected because he was a Jew. Level 40... Months of upgrading time... Millions of Dark Elixer... Still no shoes. What's wrong with the current one? Danica to the 88! Dragged through the garden is the only way to eat a hot dog! Cleary alternative facts. cuz game is ez Every guy on this sub. You just know he wasn't sitting at the breakfast table while getting ready for work, that dude was creepin' allllll night long. Whereas no one on the right every threatened Obama's life. Thanks, Mayor Ford! I think she's got the time scales on evolution a little wrong. Sick detective work I bet he's still hitting refresh to see his envelope light up. yeah man because i've never seen anyone do self surgery anywhere else Nah, that's just the Heron Buffet. Affirmative action at its best ! A referendum is not legally binding He could get in a lot of trouble for doing that back now. Never enough time to do the job right the first time, but always time to do it over again. This is the best week ever. Second Kendrick album confirmed This wouldn't happen if they weren't regulated. They say that like it's a bad thing Bernie^would^have^won^big^ly At least they made it tall enough so it won't cut the head of the human Yeah because it would be SOOOO much better if everything looked like a Samsung This is a big deal, because no one has ever called for the death of Donald Trump BINGO Should be Cleo Lemon in there or better yet, John Beck. Aaaannnnnnnddddd hes released. The Simpsons Stay away from Tampa.. Misses: Rd 5 v NM (Waite) Rd 6 v Gee (Hawkins) Rd 7 v Mel (Hogan) Rd 8 v GWS (Cameron) Rd 9 v Ade (Walker) Oh but vaccines are always good... that's why my daughter is crippled. I don't mean to kill your vibe but I think their detection is shit, I recall it setting mine to Ultra high yet running smoothly only on medium settings. hhaha more back-patting... great job philippines! hope this starts a trend The 5% increase and decrease in damage across the board makes this "balance" patch look like something a five year old put together in a few minutes. Well that and the bridge of the song are a dead give away. Too bad for him we have Adrian Peterson 2.0 on our team! Yeah, could someone give me the records for the bills Dolphins and jets during those 13 years? Nah, man, just use traffic manager to disable all the traffic lights because Yes 20 years with no parole is the only appropriate sentence. Way to be racist. I dunno but deviantart has a lot of 13 yr olds self insert 10th class characters and those are totally original and useful S W A G G Y P This will end well. nayeon pls reflect and go back with a more mature image Dosnt matter, got laid. Capitalism works! and maybe amount of gold used to search for that attack all you mechanics are freakin scammers, you could have just given him a tire rotation and he could have gotten a lot more ~~tread~~ skid life out of those. Who's surprised about french wanting a surrender? Houston, we see rice pouring into the reactors now... Celebrities behaving badly is so much more important anyway. Nope, just a bunch of gold seekers. While they are at it .. They should make the over head bins lockers with pin code access .. And also charge to use the bathrooms .. The electricity helps the soap break down the dirt molecules. I'm sure this will be rescinded once the crisis abates Cause we all know the whole Noble Savage thing is totally not racist at all! That's some title you've got there kid...wanna buy a pronoun? This is dangerously close to my TM "From Wentz it came, it shall begin" Probably a Clinton plant made them do it! It's an ultra-secret cabal of Domionist Rapture believers, who need an enemy to battle for Armageddon. So cool Your casual racism is funny. You guys were dancing and you accidentally stabbed him. Looks like some kind of colonial coral. that was pretty puli*slick* Catcalling? Their fault for not living on top of oil. It's Not like American culture is one of our biggest exports in this day and age. Does anybody actually take Broussard seriously as an NBA insider? Not to mention tourist visas, which are the source of most illegal immigrants in the US. Miami not winning big games typical Looks like russia's main export is going to switch from energy to queer and trans folks. You must be fun at parties. you eat the shit And feminist organizations like NOW basically lobbied Obama when his jobs bill at the time was aimed at male oriented jobs like construction to change it. This is kind of poorly set up, there should be a results page with a clear graphic of the results, not just the random list of the results. tfw it's still in alpha so you may be waiting a while. Obama is having a rough trip of getting embarrassed at every stop. dafuq, there is a monkey there It was SHURM not shrooms. Wouldn't the sand just dune up over the trees? Looks like a special teams addition to me. It's funny watching Karma move with his character when he was wallrunning Very reliable source Radical Christian Terrorism doesn't produce many google hits. Well yeah, their whole industry is rotting, losing more customers than gaining so they will squeeze every cent they can from those who won't or can't quit them. Come on god I keep praying to you to remove the Palin family from the evils of this earth and still you do nothing. That just sounds highly unpleasant all around. Source? Damn rebadges Well it is his fault for being black... If he had just put on white skin that morning, none of this would have happened. Why was he buying shit on itunes has this dude not heard of torrenting Which is why we should stay forever. I like putting used condoms in the free bibles... Who? Because it's the best dupstep Aww those beautiful Christian morals, so good to see after that horrible muslim You mean you don't think that some spaghetti stuck into a banana is sufficient practice for attaching a head to a body? Only took 5 years Do you even need to ask :) The only thing worse than twitter is this article. i think Trumps Administration is making fools of gullible trump supporters...just as so many people said they would! Yes, because you *never* run out of other people's money in capitalism, causing massive crises, *never, ever* happens, nope. xxxxLeoxxxxxxLexxxRouxxx But the BJP needs to put up winnable candidates to save the Hindus in this country.These candidates are victims of vendetta politics.False cases have been filed against them. How's it doing that with Volkswagens ._. I am confident that Six months of probation she will receive will be difficult for her I'll have you know it's only 55 no-go zones FAKE NEWS Somehow I don't think that's how it works, but I don't know enough about human existence to dispute it The camera is mounted pointing away from the face, not toward it. Hahaha yeah xD Because duty is as heavy as a mountain. Phew, almost thought Buffalo was going to have a franchise QB for a minute there. Pretty Easy Diet. So I guess no GTA tonight or what But Catholics are so much better than Muslims. But it's only early December! Are we sure that's Austin? At least they won't be lopping their heads off like our good allis do in Saudi Arabia. Seems like she's filling the roll of First Lady. As someone who has family born and raised all over Kerala, this makes me very proud. GODDAMMIT JACK NICHOLSON IS A TRUTHER. That is a beautiful machine. If it's as great as his Conan remake, this should do very, very well. well isn't it true? wtf they are just driving shooting up houses Im sure no civilians were killed How the fuck do you get to the stage of buying or renting skins without realizing there are such things as touring bindings? Nah, that would ruin the 2016 Dallas Draft = Best Draft Ever narrative. Your mom is an ass When a dozen of them become criminals, it will be obvious that all 42k should be rounded up and deported, straight back to Syria or whatever. Deport them Diet Coke. Welp further rip to any playoff team in the East And this has been posted a few times m'lad My age. In 2002 this is what I would have called "Tastefully done" you were missing Way to crush racism, Baltimore. Is this article seriously considering the top-8 on April (just one Grand Slam and 2 Masters played) for the WTF? moon occupiers! Makassar just being themselves Rape by abandonment. Stalin rolling in his grave. Clawthony Hammertano suspiciously silent on whether or not Sierra Hull is going to steal Rihannon Gidden's deserved Grammy win away. He's back ! Oh come on, like anyone here hasn't rubbed one out on a long drive before! but st cloud totally doesn't have racists guys! Yeah, that'll work. Very original, congrats. What does this have to do with jailbreaking? Are you trying to give him cancer? How is this a XBOCT set when he can't carry? Hooray for power consolidation! Love how all gold IF's are now at least 18k on Xb1. What a stupid fucking thing to bring up its that six one six shittt And then maaaaybe, if you're good enough, he'll upgrade you to a regular-sized cattle prod. Are any of those time-released? But everyone always says that Palestinian violence has NOTHING to do w/ Jihad and is completely separate from religion. Put me in coach, I'm ready to play Was the valkyrie his wife? Bem produzido ! Oh he's with Sal Khan, bhai must be a pretty legit guy. No because he was carried to 3 of those rings by Shaq Welcome to WA rezzes. You get to choose between 1, 2, or 3 fatigue. Between the "Totally not the Union-Jack" and the "Totally not Austria", Latvia needs some graphic designers I am starting to become happy instead of outraged when he says this stupid shit now. Truly a menace to society. Patriarchy is happiness! Thanks years of pointless brain altering dumbing medicine every doctor says you should take good. It reads "Everytime you tip Chuck Norris...roundhouse kicks a Justin Beiber fan =)" poor you Yes, they were *murdered* and on top of that were only *murdered* to make the bills. wtf is a google? 1. start up 2. cash in 3. sell out 4. bro down No brakes, baby. i swear every double+ legendary box i've seen has had that symettra skin in it. but think of all the freedom they have now Andy always comes out of the gate hot, don't be surprised if he steels us the game. yay good,Thanks to modi we will have Rahul as our next PM unless RSS decides to assassinate him That's some lovely bigotry there. At least it will be out before H1Z1 is. My team is the best So groundbreaking and brave. I think they put them up in the 8 minutes since you posted, however you have to search for amiibo and click a box that says "Introducing Nintendo amiibo" Because the map shows ((reality)). Typical liberal media bias Sexuality He still thinks voters are retarded though... Damn, he picked quite the competition. here I was thinking sandbox mode finally. Oh, you make the wub wubs and the WOOOOOs So fucking hilarious, omg, wow, best thing i've seen ever. I like a nice red stripe under there even better, very clear if you're going to die or not. Stripping We need more coin operated firetrucks. Is this the only hospital in your area because I would choose another ER if that ever happened to me :( They are supposed to make sure you aren't in pain ^^^I ^^^live ^^^in ^^^a ^^^city ^^^that ^^^has ^^^like ^^^10 ^^^hospitals ^^^4 ^^^of ^^^which ^^^are ^^^within ^^^10 ^^^minutes ^^^away ^^^from ^^^my ^^^house, ^^^so ^^^I ^^^have ^^^the ^^^luxury ^^^of ^^^choice ^^^- ^^^this ^^^may ^^^not ^^^be ^^^your ^^^case. This update is totally what we asked for, but where are the aliens? Detterring using just 1. It's European and made of nuts, it has to healthy! ITT: people threatening to move because their life has ended due to a political party fucking WHAT Bansky? That magnet must have cost a fortune. They used Hax$ for mocap. He'd just be a Diddy Kong clone. Bitch pls, I synthesize my own kicks, snares, hi hats and BASSDROP lyrics. What, the police don't like living under surveillance.. how ironic The last one should be "people who put Fei in front" I really hope he makes this a series, and then into a game that has all viable characters Even more impressive when you consider the chapel was built in 969. this one's a tight race. And here I was telling myself that claims of a huge Lewis hate on this sub were overstated. lol k, says USA. Deranking back to dmg from global. Bruce Wayne, obviously This will deff not reinforce bad behavior. KILL IT WITH FIRE, ITS SO UGLY OMG Didn't know 5 finger death Punch was putting out new stuff Great music anyway and one of them has a dash cam Oh boy, Russian Propaganda on reddit, never thought I'd see this happening C9- Sick to replace Slemmy, as he moves to coaching role Selfless- drop Nifty and Relyks CLG- add Nifty and Relyks Winterfox- drop Lex and Hades Tsm-add Tarik and Sick to C9 All aboard! how is he not banned yet... she better have taken that dog for a walk. Oh no Yea heard his apprentice was a lil bitch Must be all the NRA members and Republicans in Chicago. Yep, because hunks need to try and solicit people online for thrills. I am a Democrat, and I think that these gun control kooks are disgusting. k And here I am with no conception of why some people even enjoy serious flight sims to begin with. You'll see who's laughing when Sharia law, heh heh heh.. So with that argument, lets keep beating that dead horse called "offshore... 'processing'" Shouldn't they be working instead of taking selfies? As long as it can't destroy Supernova, I'm happy. Didn't agree with his politics but he gave us some god damn good chicken sandwiches. Haha hahaha Barack is actually gay, himself- so that's not a great argument. Shocking. What do doctors know about economics or public policy? Great graphics! Well... they deseve to leave? Why are there no calls for * Revoking the changes that did happen * Calls to get her fired You mean amazing Of course she can only have one MacBook, her ~~dad~~ oppressor ~~limited her spending money~~ took away all her rights! Not only that, but we also have the jet gun in Revelations if you locked MJ in a gym overnight and told him he couldn't score he'd still have 6 more rings than chuck in the morning As a proud reader of the Denver Guardian, I agree! Ignore her OP, she'll see all the betas sending her witty lines and be instantly intrigued that you're giving her the silent treatment. i totally don't remember this from like 1 week ago.... Thank you. Is this per "cour" of animation, annual/monthly income, or what? To get out of elo hell just... walk out of it! I didn't realize it was still the off season K That's the weirdest looking MacBook Pro I've ever seen. Her face makes me mad Wow, that priest is quite eloquent! Shoutouts to the vigilant camera man warning the man of this flesh eating beast about to cross his path I sense a conspiracy by existing Hall of Fame members to spread their votes across so many different players that no one will get the requisite votes for induction. Fuck you, Hans. Meglio che Bersani. It's nonsense. I have never seen or heard this before in my life. Mario game with touch screen controls is no bueno Just do it in Minecraft for $20, what the hell. Can you say lawsuit(s)? i kinda do Yeah because VP have been doing great offline recently Also the practice of communism is greatly different than the theory of communism. well that was quick It's approaching EMS level cringe shirts *heavy breathing* I'm looking for GMO free beef. But its posted on CNN... can we trust it will be accurate? Gosh South America is beautiful Pretty sure that's support this is beyond idiotic Yes, and the daddy boy who bankrupted his company several times and "lent" millions from his father Is such a great buisness man -_- Hitler did 9/11 As a professional fact-checker, INDEED. Nice slideshow dude By doing the same thing I do every night And day [nothing] Yeah, puns are super unpopular on reddit. Look's like the new AMD card just came out! No, if smite becomes perfect in every way then I will never sleep again. Hey I'm sorry I'm making your immune system stronger, ungrateful bastards Sounds kinda stock. *Mo The answer is Mo. premium vagina No, no, no...**Nixon** was president then, so it was different. What if they held an election and nobody contributed any money to any candidates or third party political advertising? sshhhhh Wxplain why there should be a delay for people to render when they exit a turret/vehicle? Can we fine FINTRAC for failing to name the bank? also generates valuable ADAM. Ama demokrasi Warriors seem OP. What a quality post. why is your character kelly kapoor see ya, we will miss you It's gonna be glorious when Arin figures out he can actually throw his boomerang. I am sure threatening potential customers is a good way to win them back. OH MY GOD HOW DARE HE NOT KNOW ALL THE MEMES, SO CRINGEY WOOOOW He's right, the sun is about the size of a house and sets each evening in Arizona, which is why the rock there are red. Cute. Except for all of the planes... I mean good on them for doing the right thing but this is as new worthy as a school or office building going all solar I can't think of anything all that special about airports. Make sure to save them for your children, they're worth so much money. If you look at the top of the event roster, you'll see max allied players 16, max axis players 13 Guys did you hear about that code in the sky on Dorado? i thought supercraig was suppose to be superman. Money xddd Only legislation which affects the interests of the Crown requires the consent of the monarch. according to feminism, never, cause that would be rape. Not getting your whole life spied on by a government agency. How dare you mod things so we can't charge you for DLC! TL;DR Interstellar got some science right and some wrong Wow, glad I read this My advice is to bypass an HR person by any means necessary. Wow, I've never seen this before. Where's France? We need a cop to pet a kitten or shit a rainbow or SOMETHING and get that on video. Because Republicans NEVER say mean things. I have an idea, lets send Pakistan more AID. hey, we're guaranteed at least one Legends vid with WT trolling think that's something we can all enjoy which really doesn't make sense if you think about it, why does variks give you queen weapons when there is a perfectly good npc 15 feet away that already serves that purpose? Seriously cut him. At first glance, it looks a bit too round, but it's still pretty decent. what a bunch of cisgendered white males Of course, because girls get piercings to attract guys, and not because they just want them Guy must of went there because of his jungle fever. Because that will only make them more accepting! Press F to pay your respects. I'm a bit sad it's lacking the ME3MP Platinum difficulty and how many headshots it takes there. Nah, she's been insane for quite some time. wait wait wait, lemme see if any1 will get this, 1-800-588-2300~? lol It *would* fit if you didn't have the extra baggage resulting from your porn addiction! An the problem with capitalism is that you run out of people with money. I find the Grammys dumb (calm down reddit, just one guys opinion) but... with all they control... why Grammy? Off-screen Barry-on-timeline action Gata......I quit! Why's it always take him so long? It's great that we have reached a point in world history where there is so little bad in the world that "stolen tweets" is worth this much energy. Everyone who doesn't like Hillary is a racist! Delete system 32 that works The master ball catches Juggernaut and proceeds to continue to fly in the direction Juggernaut was previously going. I'm gonna help downvote this into oblivion, just cause it'd be funny. Also 16:9 doesn't help, change the screen ratio output to 4:3 Only you and every other poster and commenter that has weighed in on the subject. What the fuck is a gram? If his vasectomy makes him impotent, then he should look like he is impotent. and never take a risk No knife skin, must be a haks Wow, I am so shocked. Escort advisor Floating Boost yeah theres no way he could have caused that much damage by just being in a titan nearly the whole time why don't we just buy all the players that way no one can beat us because they will have to forfeit or play 11 guys named joe off the street? But I walk by cops everyday Guns don't kill people, knives do. These racists, they should have a heart WOW THAT'S NOT VERY PC THEY SHOULD BE BANNED But the earth is only 6,000 years old... so how can the bears be from 12,000 years ago? I'd rather see Clinton's transcripts. Cue the downvotes :) See, that is what I am saying... people would never be held against thier will without a proper trial in a democracy. Conservative think tank releases article about science claiming the left is guilty of confirmation bias... Yeah that doesn't seem off at all. No, cause i have under 40% win rate with her. Probably all the privilege. Big time fucked up considering Junior was talking crap about to no rule in Bristol. Well I'm sure all these industries are good at regulating themselves. Switch Lukaku & Vardy to max chem Do they have a fulltime position for a cable manager? Democracy in action Sorry she has a thong on. Actually it's about stopping online harassment. Trump sure is brave when it's not his ass on the line but when it is he gets a sore foot. I was sad to see this was Worms from back in the day... All i want is a nice worm simulator. She looks absolutely thrilled with her assigned task and those cold hash browns and McMuffins look yummy. BRB going back to 8.1 or downloading linux one or the other no stattrak Yep Bon Jovi is totally a great band afaik tl;dr iirc No one mentioning how there were like 20 kids at their house on Christmas 8 years ago Sorry, according to apple 5k is the optimal gaming resolution now. how early can players get drafted? Soylent FTW Good job Singapore goverment with all your support in his early career you really made a great swimming talent here. a chinese oem made a phone what a shock I heard a person talking Polish the other day to their friends, and it upset me because I couldn't listen to their conversation Since they released the Apple I in 1976? And thats why it got 89 and not 100. It looks like an upside down boot! yes i'm sure once your phone is tapped you are constantly informed about it on each outgoing or incoming phone call made. All the fireworks from the Nats game. How do you explain to this type of cat caller exactly why this is offensive I'm a way he might understand? Should have just said it's because they're from Laval. Gals these days want to be wined and dined before they refuse to commit, get with the times man. HueHueHue br What an interesting fact! But they said Curry did it because he was hurt This guy know where the bodies are buried. Count me in! My philosophy degree did far more for my writing than my English degree. This reminds me of the Canadian Reform Alliance Party What, is it going to be a regular thing like NK's missile threats now? I welcome you Lord Are you being serious? Shocking. It's not a pyramid scheme, but multi-level marketing. The Cardinals are a joke Downvoted, log didn't hit tower GG I hear people keep throwing pizzas on the roof. I didn't know trump was alive in 1944 Woah... dude... It's obviously vapor trails My favorite katar players are the ones that jump away and always try to open with dair just constantly jump away and using dair because its just so much fun to use 1 move ITT: People not understanding jokes (It's not) Tbh I'm more concerned about 3rd party clients making this game easier than the updates themselves. New housing requirements, all homes must have a picture of the owner sitting in a chair with Jesus at his side. Want me to hold your hair? I laughed out loud at the Jason Statham one. Because who doesn't wanna hear 3 ~15inch subs driving through their neighborhood at full volume? Every country tries to ban everything that is fun. Well you were clearly stealing his damage and deserved it. hmm the mouthpiece makes it kind of impractical, tell your son I dont give praises for mediocrity. who cares about twitter? And then FDR was like "what are you going to do bomb us" I'm sure he will keep his cool and be diplomatic when meting foreign leaders Why do people hate the avs so much? Americans be like "That already happened" But if you've got nothing to hide, you've got nothing to fear! Isnt this sexist? #FreeDa$h Lol I'm not even scared of snakes and I shudder-hollered when this opened. Streamable mirror pls? So stoked about this signing Huge admirer of the guy for years God please let this bring the IC belt back up to amazing late 80's / early 90's status. Perhaps Livorno put him up to it. Wow what a mistake that would have been such a huge hit. Highlander II Nice, though I wish the triangles kept rotating in the same direction when it "collapses" (instead of rotating back). Capitalism sows the seeds of its own demise. 70% of his fans wear fitted yankee caps...30% are guys who wear timbs. Banana for scale? But we shouldn't name and shame.... Emailing Almir will fix literally everything. Maybe the tablecloth matched your dress O.O Craaaawwwwfooooorrrddddd - Every team we play Who is this Total Biscuit and why is it that I see his name so often on reddit? It's isn't like.she's going to be executed, after all just last month every drug lords in the execution row was pardoned by our great emperor SBY so one of her corporate overlords? So, this is what they were hinting at the other day on twitter? Sonic 06 Quality shitpost They will probably arrest you and send you to porn jail. I hope this is true people over here worryin about Delirium telefragging but we are still taking unavoidable dmg from Daddy Long Legs/Triachnid's RNG leg stomp attack :D? It's like Jim Morrison and a neurosurgeon collaborated on a poem. So are you on meds? I had a guy compliment my Shaman's transmog once and said he wanted to copy it, I took it as a huge compliment. So the whore gets off scot-free? He didn't build that! I wanna go just to see Che Fu But this is totally different and you know it! As long as she's drunker than me I'm suave as hell. So that's pretty close to the Plaza, right, Star? Yes, because men are just walking fuck machines who are ready to go at the sight of some breasts Is it wrong that I think all of the pictures showed look like crap to me? Thank you Obama Was nice of them to upgrade all the surrounding buildings as well. Well I'm sold! But erasing all the Asian people totally solves that! What a strange video savage fam bruh If they're transgender and showering in the female locker rooms, they're not a fucking male. The article still refers to her as the victim. Smh homeworld cookie cutter analogies GTA 5 totally doesn't have as good of deformations as IV Blergh We'll thank god that's all over with. Very happy sleepy doctor will be part of the administration. #sucks2suck Unkess you are a hermit, any one that lives with you will beat you over the head with the keyboard after 1 hour of that chaos. BENGHAZI Clearly it was Hillary's fault for giving the terrorists ideas. well that was terrifying Must've been a faulty rice cooker. Best president ever! One inch of rain and you're fucked If only there was some way to vote on whether or not you like a post. She stomps on him and he only laughs harder. Every squishy's worst enemy What's wrong with it? Unless your parents got a bit of dough for your down payment OR you (and your spouse) have high income OR you live outside of the GTA core...there is no way the new generation can afford these homes. Just what this subreddit needs, more shitposts! Those are dope what are they? $8,000 for a CT scan is a bit much unless you had about 20 of them. Real high quality post OP At this rate they will live longer than people without HIV Its been 6 years and the Muslims have yet to take over. Wow, progress. That T-22 seems like he got it legitimately, totally didn't deserve that ammorack Probably should say British. 10/10 deal I'm going to go over there and buy 2 for my new build rn. You have to admit, the circlejerk in favor of COD is much stronger and bigger. OMG MIND BLOWN That's a compelling argument for shifting the cost of college on to taxpayers Lol I'm fucked then haha 420 Looks like Dawngate The author probably doesn't like Trump Lol people still play call of duty ? Is that the 3d shoot that was on Moday/Tuesday? Russians blew up their own plane for propaganda reasons. Dude, you're holding your weapon upside down! In other news, stuff costs less to make than companies sell the item for. *Far, far away, Emma Frost begins laughing spitefully to herself but isn't quite sure why* Why are you worked up over something like that? I was gonna say... internet is what is keeping artists from literally starving these days. *batteries Hidden Valley Ranch wait, how much is a brazilian? I think you know which. Fake, because they're banning eye tomorrow instead! I mean, the Hitler Youth haircut is popular right now, so I'd assume the mustache will follow. I like the part where they completely dismiss an example of sarcasm expressed through text given in response to them. See guys we need a tougher war on drugs! Helix Warriors OP pls nerf. Work on your titles dawg no spoiler tag? So Harvick to the 5 with Hisense confirmed? Okay, that looks like the long version of the List of Questions A Man Should Never Answer. PBT when. In the future I believe we'll be able to genetically modify our bodies so we won't need our lungs to breath and I can smoke cigarettes all I want because cancer is finally cured. Because the first pressing always sounds the best! Guys, guys, guys, guysguysguysguys......this definitely happened. No it's because OG ARE LITERALLY GOODS DO U NOT KNOW FUCKING NUB 4 MAJORS Still my favorite online MP game this gen- though rainbow six siege has a lot of my respect as well. They should sue them! This made me think of a bot fight club where we traps bots and bet on which bot wins. He's just merely ok It's kill or be killed chump Is that before or after she ran a pedo fun club out of a DC pizzeria? Not to mention the BS deflection Concern troll. I hope Radaronline and TMZ go bust next, all they do is attack celebrities for no good reason. The SJWs have infected the BoM aswell You need headshots to kill the dead and you can actually get headshots aiming with a mouse. They should ban black people because they typically have bigger hands and that could lead to more damaging punches. I hope they execute him for his crime Cops need RPG's! Pull up count = 0 This is just lame lol, I was expecting something like 50% bonus. Solid! Yeah because all those missed free throws really helped us Goddamit Rose stop going for threes all the time. Wow get this party metal OUT OF MY SERIOUS METAL SUBGENRE YOU TRASH-LORD If only we had a tax system that worked. That's not Vermette, damn it. An insult delivered by cake is no insult at all. Who better to represent 'all people', that the default person: White people! Sad that it resorted to violence because of communication gap but behavior of **getting drunk** and **forcefully** kissing/hugging women is nowhere acceptable. welcome your conquerors with open arms Ah yeah, a horse racing circuit with aircraft parking. And the democrats let them. As in indoor-only boulderer, aid climbing is a total joke Yeah let's not stop until North Korea has legal weed. Pretty sure the dog was a boy. Throw in a Pepsi and a bag of milk and we'll talk. This was really the organizer's fault, having them run the men's course was retarded. Verizon would never lie to get themselves more money! Scumbag Cyclists! What does it mean to "default"? Kearse so he can hibernate and then evolve into playoff clutch Kearse. Too early to say but he wasn't impressive during pre-season I'm sorry Playing with fish is only allowed if they are held in captive in a small tank for gawkers to look. Cause going 72 instead of the speed limit of 65 gets me there much faster. You forgot scry. The third one is not just a game sprite... He can be drawed in 10 seconds so he is very specialllll How about *you* get a job. Iheanacho Someone just took a pad and put it on the pins, its not a thing you doofuses Any real details on this from a mainstream news source? OMG Y'ALL JUST JELEAOUS OF MEH 30FPS CINEMATIC EXPERIENCE PC VIRGINS, LOL YOU PROBABLY LIVE IN YOUR MOMS BASEMANT, LOL I LIVE IN MY MOMS ROOUM, NUB #SHREKT It's kind of disturbing to me that there are grown adults who think it's their mission to enlighten teenagers on youtube about music Reddit this week: If you dislike Socially Average Penguin, you're gonna have a bad time. ####i don't know anything about law but let me tell you about it anyways Would look better with tapered pants In the words of vinnie jones: "it' gonna be EMOTIONAL!" You can't just slap random letters in front of a -stan and pretend it's a real country. Ranieri? Wow. I smell a lawsuit The bait & switch is actually quite clever. Because that's a perfectly reasonable thing to do! This my friends, is why organized religion is horse-shit. In before this gets banished by the ten cent men. My nudes Seeing Sbisa up there just makes me smile a lot. same But the earth was created old The Keystone pipeline will go right over Nebraska's drinking water supply, but I am sure Canadian oil is more important than drinking water. so... you're not looking for anything long term? This'll make the game less confusing for newmans There goes the incentive for girls to play magic. One of my favorite groups in the 90s was Leaders of the New School, which is now Old School. Man you do just write the funniest comments i cri evrytiem Welcome, welcome to city 17 gj riot, another successful and balanced rework (XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD) nobody could possibly know. dat rock star economy! Well said mate. Easy spot the tourists. Haha, I'm unrooted on verizon and the update failed for me. Sounds like this guy is sick and tired of having to be politically correct. Oooh, yeah this adds soooo much to the game shh bby is ok You mean a grittled cheese melt? plans are racist you fucking nazi. Can anyone link me the article about apEX Thooorin wrote? Wood needed. His respect for women is the best Good on Sweden for rewarding the terrorists, because those Arabs need to be appeased and those Jews need to know their place! Why do they call this species glass? Their base will be energized by this. New account named "SrShitlord"... oh yeah, this is definitely real and not made up for the purposes of circlejerking at all. QQ Ibaka moving quick for a 33 year old Am I allowed to preorder now? Yeah fuck the families who depend on mining for jobs People with political views I disagree with. Focus on class I love when people write about us as if we're a lost tribe they just discovered in the Amazon. He'll be begging to come back to WWE Regressive taxes for the win! This is *exactly* the change we've been waiting for, Core! I for one, like most Americans, will give up my liberty just for a moment in the warm safe blanket of government security Was this supposed to be funny? OP did you get the cops involved? I've got a set of 16" face BBS RS stepped to 18's powder white face and lip gold hardware... everything... lol they didn't clear my wifes Brembos on her BBS RS though... lol 18x10et8 if anyones interested She should run. Begun, the Trek Wars have. Are things actually *that* bad Down Under? Wtf... Some people.. First we need a server for French people, i dont wanna have those nobbs in my team every game That's a movie worth watching! Happening status: It's But there has surely been a decline in autism. Dumbest question ever. This is so barbaric and sad. It is the "who pays for return ticket" problem. HOW! I doubt it - I have not heard of it dropping there Fuggly If you don't ignore your family on Xmas to play WL, than you are a filthy casual. They prefer *African-American* So, in other words, it'd be nice if this were a new development but it's something old that has already been rejected? One day I'd love to work at a a place where a F1 car shows up. isn't date rape just the funniest thing? This guy is almost as good as me... But Steve and Woz don't LOOK like terrorists! you mean Redskins? PC powered netflix and chill? I am sorry, Which area of the world did WW1 and WW2 start? Now I'm curious as to what I'm conveying in a text with the occasional em dash! Curry can bench more than Durant. Yeah, but do they have a good corsi? Oh no, don't do that, anything but that I'm sick of the NBA resting healthy players Wow, and I thought Westbrook's shorts from the BvW Scrimmage yesterday were short. If he is going to freak out he is wasting xp so thats why he probally stayed calm I got cold just looking at it. It's almost as if gender dysphoria is independent of the chromosomal contribution to the physiology of a competitive athlete. It's a good thing that our college students are being taught to be tolerant of people's religious beliefs. No chance of getting autism because no vaccines. The backyard lol using memes, so funny, better buy it haha so funny memes Nah girl you gotta be gay for a real long time to get a hunky body like that. So NA should have no pro teams at Blizzcon, seems good This is a cool picture of a cool moment in US history it would not be cool to repeat or legislate toward such another event here or anywhere. well at least it reacts in some way :P God gave them wings so they can get closer to him These replies are quality haha It syncs so well too. akornfan wrote: I'M SO EXCITED Only if you believe the science When something like this happens the word "concerned" seems to pop up a lot I notice. checkmate, conspiracists! How will the scene grow if we put a math test before a queue? #MHYKOL WITH ROB! Fudge packer I think there's something wrong with your Xbox Because doing the bare minimum required to be a decent person entitles you to sex. Well, this png is gonna be handy. Endo But renewables are unreliable and expensive, right guys? Hope extreme vetting will include removal of underwear to screen for extremely tiny dicks. Yea c'mon, we all know 'lower-body injury' means mumps so much worse than animal abusers. \#PEEGATE So that we can learn to be Batman. Bit coin miners are salivating Im glad I am alive to witness the day I can say I can make my system potentially, technically, more secure by disabling SELinux. These are terrible PANIC.jpg How much does negative gearing & CGC set us back each year? I am danish and this my friends is the endgame of the lunatics who want gun ownership banned, these people are mentally disabled and will not stop until EVERYTHING is banned, including pepper sprays..... People who say you gun owning americans should not be afraid of the gun snatchers are full of shit. If you're in the sky and you look up the sky and see any way the wind blows, does it even matter? But you could be his One! I like how he gives up when you call him out and just goes straight into insults and racism. I love how its more expensive then the steam version lol (CAD 66, this seller is 67CAD) Cute is that a gun barrel or a beating stick that one guy is holding? Three cheers for absurdly legalistic Christians that make the rest of us look bad. but fnatic is in worlds right now? For a moment I thought I'm watching HowToBasic. because jobs over the top nanny state to the rescue! Sounds like any ol' Metalcore vocalist That's fucked up And then it pops up with an account error at 50% and never gets past that instead as someone who doesn't drink coffee....I will continue to not buy your product I'm stuck on the fact that his like was your nose, lol. 'Cause he has to nuke China first. Of course not, it's an ornament now. But.. but.. all the lesbians in porn are begging for the D! Is it just me or does the constant use of "Season X" make you want to use X as a variable and not the number 10. I too park a van type vehicle in varying locations that differ greatly from each other Wow, this guy really understands the subtle nuances of human behaviour - such a deep thinker A red-light camera would've stopped that. At least those old Nazareth Speedway grandstands get to see sell-outs in NY, we never had the support down here for it It's against Trump, so it's obviously serious. Yeah, his head shake caused al of it For the sake of your coworkers I hope you don't snap if you ever get fired. Because white people don't have culture I think it's sad that stores have to carry XL and XXL+ sizes in the first place. Uhh, it's spelled Skidnow. I absolutely love it when I'm driving behind someone and they suddenly break from 45 to 10 mph and THEN use their blinker to let me know they are going to turn.... Yeah, because "Ice does something stupid" was such amazing content. I'm Indian and I always roll my eyes when you hear the "Tories are racist" cliche tbh. You got a new shirt? just siphon from under the maggots I mean, Pyrion wasn't lying about Sjin Then clearly you have never heard of the DSM Bruh all you need is some grapefruit juice that'll do the trick. Are you in Colorado, that looks like Colorado. Because scientists are always right! Paul McCartney is the guy that Kanye West made famous, right? Can you link me to one? Game-breaking bug.... My OCD won't let me continue. Freedom of speech is impressive in Ukraine I wish I understood why redditors believe everything they see. WTB Support Because only "normal" people work in relationships, right? Unelected judges from all across the country are forcing their personal feelings and biases against traditional marriage upon the American people... Seems to me he is forcing his personal beliefs on the American people. The game is come to an end, besides you just lost $2 anyway no need worry The dude just needs a set of Ambit wheels, then he'll be set TIL the grass is green. Don't worry guys it's all for Payday 3 OMG HIS FACE IS SO FUCKED UP HE'LL NEVER LOOK THE SAME CONOR ENDS EVERYONES CAREER Don't worry, it looks much better with 3D turned on! Duh -Libertarians REY IS LUKE'S DAUGHTER CONFIRMED! If sex is such an unimportant part of this relationship, you wont mind if I find it somewhere else. Left wing fear mongering amen The red headed step brother ... Yeah, as a balding man i took it super personally and it cut me deeply when Hannibal Lector was portrayed with thinning hair. FFS, Nature. Looks like you had a ton of fun but that's not Skeet. Can someone photoshop a fedora on the tigers head? Is it just me or is kyrie irving out A LOT? This and London Elektricity - Just One Second should go into the sidebar. why? Hurrah, Athar Ali Khan and Shamim Chowdhury it is! Thought we were gonna see bigger dicks Guardians of the Galaxy better have a Boba Fett cameo. This has the look of a reverse sear which, while I'm still new to it, results in a "this was perfect" every time. Noo my fantasy team About 10-15 people a day I'd say on average. Did the Emperor have tiny hands? How do you get acne from a condom? just don't I hate this world... Informal voting will definitely improve that situation! The testimonials look so real! Ugh to think of how much money you got paid to post this He said gin and tonic, not tonic and gin With eloquent spokesmen like this how can they fail? Downvoted for controversial/inflammatory remarks on this sub. 1600x1200 is much more than 1920x1080 now? It wasn't a war, it was a conflict! Shut up you twat. What a great time for a joke! Copters 5-8 Women. in JiffyLube's defense the fineprint didn't specify *whose* vehicle was getting the oil changed. junk drawer has a titan in it, while my PC has a 960 ISIS recruitment is like the *bawasir* ad of the internet; everywhere and completely desperate sounding. I'm sure it's not because of religion, but about culture and the greed of the government. Yeah, but hey, it's just their culture pls respond Yea that was pretty hilarious lol Says this just before he leaves the sport Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....... There was some guy I was arguing with earlier that doggedly insisted, using sources from 3 months ago, that Hillary would not be indicted. Oh, you have no idea the amount of hassle I've added to my life to make this verifiably false Wtf are your keybindings? This looks like the mountain in the back of a minimalist graphic design. The midnight coterie of sinister intruders. What kind of boat is that? The original Lol they forgot Ereck Flowers Idk this is how it looks when I think back Well protected But all motorists are murderous psychopaths in my opinion even lo-fi is a stretch liked it though Because Christianity, just like Islam, is a religion of peace. welp, gotta save up money for this. Aldo should break the foot of whomever did that to him. Anton Yelchin as Odd Thomas AMD decided to add fusion reactors to their cards to lower power consumption. BLISTERING SLAM Poetic justice. I just can't imagine the type of abuse that women must have suffered at the hands of men to make her do something like that. I can sell you a one month code for some skins if you're interested? Im calling it ULTIMATE PROSTITUTE! As a CO resident, I feel so much safer now. good pickup for them, I remember him from long ago when I actually liked luminosity Well being trans is all the rage these days y'know Maybe that's what I'm here to find out but what about the large amount of us that want to watch the planets I AM HERE TO POINT OUT THAT THIS MOVE IS INEFFECTIVE AND SOMETHING SOMETHING MMA. Yea...cause the game is totally complete right now And then JFK said fuck that noise and went to the muthafuckin moon Never heard of it. And then a cat walked by and **I SWEAR TO GOD** it looked at me and it was a human being. Burn him to the ground. I spent 75K on a fine arts degree and can't find a job, it must be the economy. Run over squirrels, got it. Seeing all these KO's, now I understand a bit why Warren is a fucking jackass. Marvel is beyond ridiculous, why do they insist on spoiling their comics in major publications. You think that's bad you should see a fed sobek ;) XD seriously though how the hell did you get that fed Well... I see my tax dollars were spent wisely today. But I *FEEL* so much cooler on a Mac! Ayy Illmaoi I would love to see more like this Another link in the chain! So it locks the game to 24 FPS, right? I actually give these to all my clients who get a engagement ring. #SLOWER YOU SLUT Can someone point out the plot? Playboy? Yep, forgetting to use firestrike after Q Yes, consoles are obviously hacker-proof, there has never been hacks/cheats on consoles. If only we had compulsory voting Bernie would be President. the correct question is "when should the ravens sign justin tucker to a long term deal?" Yeah, but a guy my uncle knows posted something on facebook saying the opposite so who's to say what's true? Windows Tax Turkey needs more soldiers I suppose OG - Faze / G2 - nV Not rigged at all damn man why his head look so big in this pic and every pic Let's be real, if this this was an actual product, it would have a skull and cross bones where the scale doesnt move.l (for the skinny bitches) yeah lets nerf all assasins because i totally love playing those 60 minutes xerath/ziggs games Where do you get all the time to play that much Fifa? League of legends bronze ranked The 4 TB one at best buy for 89.99 is a much better deal. that thumbnail highly disturbs me master of puppets, i enjoy every single track on that album. These are the days before RW, mind you Staying up all night with my best friends. Guys, the black-and-white photo interspersed with red is obviously a reference to Schindler's List, not Pogba hinting at anything yay text in an image Not enough damage from what I can see. alias git merge=rm -R * && git clone Nintendo's March on Washington Because the Democrats/Republicans/Independents are Fascists, and only your unwavering Democratic/Republican/Independent support will stop the evils of the opposing party. How can you be disappointed with SEXY GEB? It's not a turn a turn implies they were on a different path. That's just in bad taste cmon man Even Team Xtreme's paint scheme got stolen. Better than amiibo festival Snarky comment: There's no such thing as a simple tax return. And here begins the strike of m1m2 So Manti Teo did have a girlfriend. It's not a negative stereotype if it's about white people. Wo buddy, am I seeing some **Reboot** references? More like a *mis* representation because you legally can't be in a towed yacht while its in motion. Dont cut yourself on that edge the technology just isnt there Oh thank goodness, I was almost starting to think that PD2 was running out of things to collaborate with. if a contract was there then he might be able to, but the cost of a lawyer might be too much Oh yeah, so clever Should have bought a Ford. wat Decoy's real use is to act as land mines This is why we need to re-commit to coal. Yummy yummy latex. As long as we know whats actually wrong with black people, i guess. Wow I did not see this coming! That is why I keep a water gun full of oil, just spray their windows and they get the message No doubt. Or eat your boogers. Good to see military dictator installed and supported by western nations while deposing a democratically elected Islamist is protecting the minorities. It's not a bug, it's a game feature. Masterful marketing there by Atlantis. Now I know what to do if I come across a huntsman spider. Oh snap, didn't see that coming Yeah because men never talk on cell phones while driving. Conclusion: Gun control causes crime. It seems perfectly reasonable to me that a homegrown protest movement comprised of locals who up until a few months ago were just citizens and shop keepers would be equipped and proficient with anti-air weapons. Glad to see after so many years COD hasn't changed at all Sounds familiar You do know this is the primary and not the general, right? Oh fuck this guy. He gone if they lose Every gif I see from this game just leaves me with more questions than I had originally. This surveys U25s not all people though Such an obscure title Well, let's see who's been shopping in NU's backyard... *Michigan State* "Okay, well, let's see who's snooping around Buckeye country-" *Michigan State* Well shit. Honestly, the whole squad is playing like shit right now, not just Balo. Han Solo was a Christian, confirmed. Nobody gives a fuck about your shitty image macro. Right, because the majority often votes to welcome the minority on equal terms without compulsion. Nasus struggles are real How did you not see the mate in 20 on move 44 Well... Bye. Yeah, we girls couldn't possibly be interested in bitcoins. Nah, cod way better. nice defensive shooting Based food growing merchant. 1st Star of the Game: Barclay Center Ice nows the fcking time to have a proper vacation, enjoy it G2 Her performance is just as good, true. And when it comes crashing down the ones that own the least will have even less This is how you bring the country back together again. Trump wouldn't be able to point out Zimbabwe on a map We should ban flavored caffeine products while we are at it! This just in: playing GTA V makes you *literally* a terrorist. I'm feelin it Whats the battery benchmark? no Wouldn't they get really hot? CATS AND DOGS LIVING TOGETHER very nice! Stop and Frisk would have prevented this It always starts this way and trims down tremendously by July 1st. Asking the real questions here. Milton Friedman proposed and supported a guaranteed minimum income. What does EVGA think of their customer base to expect this to fly? None of this is about issues any more. Clearly he is mentally ill. Well, so Oceania *claims* Please never leave us Kristaps I have this on my fridge! In other news, the suspect investigated himself and found himself innocent oh please I'm pretty sure you could find a passage in the bible that says what he did was not only acceptable but encouraged kegal exercising Don't believe the hype, G+ is just looking site hits WHAT SORCERY IS THIS ?THEY'RE DAMGING AND HURTING OUR FAVORITE SHOW .IF IT CONTINUES LIKE THIS TTG WILL BE CANCELLED 2327382372873823723746864 Build a wall! And equally as inconvenient when its raining It's just the lighting that makes it look different, similar to the Springtrap teaser. Looks like chad has a reverse mohawk in this pic Hey I'm in this picture lol feel you bro, i failed 6 times if that helps I'd love to see the rage of Theresa May's bitch face if it gets shot down. Ahh... Good old brain conditioning. Some scary shit going on. You Get Bond, how can you not see? support, but only if the agility requirement is 80 and not higher than 80 because I'm 80 agility and I want to use it but don't want other peasants unlike me to be able to use it Yeah, all except the two that acutally did it, they're innocent. I'd sit on him because, as a male, I know his gayness would make him ass-crazy. That the human eye only sees 30 fps No - Rito I have a notion that constantly buying too many lottery tickets might have had something to do with it. Breathing B..but muh STEM degree Thanks for posting this. But OP, if they are passing you on the right lane, and then you move into the right lane, how are they gonna pass you? If the Jews weren't beheading people all over the planet at the time, then Hitler wouldn't have done what he did. Everyone can re-attach their heads now I hear he also likes children. I'm pretty sure it's been like this for a while; this is nothing new. Lakers fans still trying to get a meeting probably. Promote moderate terrorism. Even Alex Jones Lite is saying he should!v Yeah I went karting once Maybe he insulted Julie? '16 tick demo bro' Lol pot isn't gonna hurt the baby. Problem isn't money lol Nah he's right we should have gotten back gleeb at support, bring back Zuna to Lol and have him play adc, replace Bjerg with mancloud mid, Azingy jungle and the fucking rain man top. Licensing is the answer to any question like this Ok, Dennis Rodman 2020 it is then. unko already have a 9 star fc *based dolphin reppin da naysh* Ya, because we all remember that gay kid in school that bullied all the football payers. Wow No Man's Sky is delayed again, I am personally shocked, SHOCKED to hear this news Report back when it gets detected! AWWW YEAHHH I LOVE BEING FROM TEXAS WE DON'T GIVE A FUCK You can't go wrong with Monster Cables We beat 'em so bad they left the league Soooo, they'd need 72 of them to break the one point twenty one jiggawatts barrier! Oh god, miniguns and scouts would be insane It has been fucked. iDubbbz coming right off the bat after the Keemstar roast Ya, and the Washington Examiner is a newspaper. So much winning coming from this administration! just put a bounty on him I agree! Those clay statues were not good at all, and the paint jobs while nice, really didnt strike me as being worth 20-30 dollars a model Thanks Bethesda for giving us all these great AU prices Jaden Smith. Fucking dirty dopers should just take xanax or k-pins like a good American WoOoO cOlOrS mY fAvOrItE Cheers. As an expert on cats, I just wanted to let your know that is extremely dangerous for the little guy as static electricity can make cats lose their skin and balloons cause cancer IQ is literally unplayable. This is news to me Party of tolerance. it is still perfectly acceptable today as well. Oh, but I thought we got rid of all of them in the offseason? We listen to our users ahahaha Has anyone said no shit yet?....cuz no shit. Will it have the cinematic quality, the incredible stability and great combat that Unity had? Jeez, back in the day a level 10 couldn't even ride a kodo for 30 more levels, and this guy wants Ashes... You don't know you're born Son. Mmm... tasty He fought for his country, why can't they just let him be a jackass Well the Knicks just beat the bucks so I'm using this as my whole basis of thought and saying porzingis is the obvious answer This dude just saved my fantasy team this week. There are some very unattractive cry faces out there, this is not one of them. Diablo too stronk. I have to disagree, the buildings and mountain look a lot clearer in the Wii U screenshot INB4 the shitshow this thread will inevitably become MS Paint doesn't count. Does a ps4 even have 7.1 surround output? And that's why I've always said, he BPI are really at the cutting edge of CBB ranking systems. fuk'in wtch out m8 he comin 4 u It's great when you're allergic to dogs. Equal rights equal fights oh look console players We don't need him. Welcome to the fold, now drink this magic coolaid If Mexican troops enter US territory and do not respond to clear demands that they leave, ignore warning shots, yes, I would not be surprised if lethal force is applied. This must be a clue for crack the clue! Asshole vandals No more No less Bunlar hep emperyalist Paraguay'in oyunlari. Quick, someone get MSNBC on the phone! Hostile checkerboards! Because God is a Calico cat. Can we stop talking about posting procedure and discuss how we can help this woman get justice? tuwang tuwa nanaman si digong nito mukhang madadagdagan ng 300,000 yung mga adik he just watch over you to make sure you safe Socks make you a better lawyer Pretty surprised Weldon will be working with TSM, I was under the impression he wouldn't work with Regi or his org. With invalid blocks! definitley a massive alien space craft on its way to earth Man this is such an interesting gif. Why pay the bills that come in your mail when you can throw them out and not pay anything? Yeah, they're waaaaaay off. Can a POTUS write an 'immune from prosecution' letter? That would just be an obvious waste of money Gotta get that 10% fps boost in the desktop like CSGO & TF2 pro's. cause thats what jesus would do But it's ok because MS obviously needs the money to make dlc. Or maybe your dead and this is all a dream. Tristam Twerk Trap Remember, any money taken/used is above the allotted $104 per day any legislator gets. IF UR A REEL FAN TELL ME DA NAMES OF ALL THE JAWAS INCLUDING THE EU ONES AND BE ABLE TO IDENTIFY THEM IN PICTURES AND FILM! NA CS This actually made my soul cringe. That is an amazing statistic. Damn, I can get hired by a government contractor and just be given a gun, bypassing all that background check nonsense! protoss is *totally* op lol WOJ BOMB Pay to win! The Staples near my house has a GeForce 210 on sale for $40, I get a good laugh everytime I go through there Florida: Open Season Every Season I got very confused at your youtube name considering we have a hirez employe who goes by Capslock. I think the state and the citizens already know this. TIL apple invented in ear headphones Money well spent apparently Especially the stuff with CHEMICALS in it I believe that that is comrade Obama, I've heard many people say that he's a communist so he must be on our side. If it wasn't intended for the public where every last jackass can see it, send a PM! Yeah man, just bring back the goliath so we can see more units that just sit in base until 150 supply. They don't want to take a pay cut. Never seen it Just another game that looks better than it plays. Pluto and Bambi are the best ones, everything else isn't that good. Electricity providers should be able to charge extra for providing energy to entertainment devices. Wow, I am shocked! man that guy must be a fast runner to keep up with the car We should be grateful that they keep their capital in Australia for we plebs to utilize at no cost. Damn watchOS 9.0 already? jagex stole this supposedly from the rsps you mentioned there, which was then stolen from a movie/novel, which was stolen from a 2000 film/1999 novel everyone steals everything that's pretty good ult stacking in silver tier. Ever Men are evolutionarily hard wired to steal video footage of females from work to watch while touching their peens. After being subjected to 6 months of the same artificial atmosphere inside the station, I'd bet that astronauts need to adjust to being back in Earth's atmosphere, much like they need to readjust to gravity I weep for this generation. But Rodgers isn't a top quarterback anymore. Ahhh this is my hometown. He should have been arrested just for doing that TERRIBLE videography. Shh... RF is supposed to be a secret! That's 8 people that saved them from getting beat up on. The mods would disagree. FDA allows one condom/band-aid/full rat per shipment of cakes. this is power rankings, not the standings *drops gambit to last place* If only elgifts were here you mightve been able to do a little more dmg They're mad because they're dumb. Oh no people on other systems will be able to enjoy the game, too! Be sure to include these ideas in your PS Never knew her crush was a waste of money. From the mind of Joss Whedon... Damn powerful advertisement. The PC version of Batman: Arkham Night is a shining example of how good NVIDIA Gameworks really is. How convenient that it was 911. Only GPS cords will do. You guys, there totally isn't a super EE there's no evidence They are very stubborn and lack social finesse. India is tolerant. Presumably with all the remoaners on their way to Canada. At what spot, you didn't even put the CT in the picture. Do one of Yoshi. CNN and NYT...I trust them to always tell me the truth. But Jesus is happier, and that's what's more important! Everything will be filmed and they will sell a new reality TV show Absolutely shitty bong, barely works This is gonna be good Isn't it a felony to present fake id? Oh, so now we link to the ranting blogs of unqualified randoms? That looks cool but damn crying :\ I feel like the Master from Pure Pwnage Oh boy, what will all those bloggers do.... Does this count for Youtubers and Instagram models? thanks for the music, otherwise the video would be completely useless Really it's your fault for not feeling obliged to shave Oooo, I wonder what it could possibly be? That's not very Nice. let the warmongering begin! This is so great it looks like an album cover. they were his own kids but still it was nice of him to do Holding a barbaric medieval mindset is a hallmark of being conservative and Texan and grants them a godlike self image. Mark Dice, using 9/11 truth to approach beach babes, nothing more. Welcome to America. Stop calling me stupid or I will continue to be stupid to spite you poor kid , why don't you make him play with keyboard ( with Arrow keys )? Vaccines cause autism Oh because I obviously want to scare the negro away from the perfect white women He sounds like a keeper. fuck no. 72 is the amount of hours i work each day because their buying tickets and going to the game Haha so relatable! So has the war against poverty and we keep giving the poor cash. If it's upvoted enough to be the top post, more people probably want it here than not. Its like he bought one of everything from JC Whitney I wish. And it was actually wrapped in a pile of orangutan fur. You're wrong, Jesus was a white, southern, christian, steel worker. elite Dray and Klay looking happy and content, KD sulking for no reason We throwing this game I can almost hear the foreign minister's voice coming from the penthouse at Trump International Tower in Dubai I would love to know why so many people type with excessive extra periods looks like those players will do anything at this point to not wear that home kit Considering starshy serzhant Grigorij Najdin of the 5th Tank Division on the 25th of June were able to ambush a german column and destroyed 15 AFV and 10 pieces of artillery with his BT-7, any depiction in a movie showing German soldiers easily destroying Soviet tanks is completely unhistorical and incorrect. Well I mean this kinda deserves to be shit on. Just checked my inventory, no Dlore or knives on it, so it's only on your side im sure NOBODY saw this coming... thats something we haven't seen this year They aren't wrong lol Can't wait to see him at city. lol team where 3 out of 6 of them could be models. Too soon I like Cruz, but I do not believe he qualifies as 'Natural Born". The cringe is to strong Next question: do you regard ISIS to be extremist rebels? REAL HIP-HOP Man really shedding a tear on this one, so sad Ah yes, the 2 iron pheonixes Product manufacturers hate him! 50/50 odds Best I've ever opened was two legendary, one golden epic, one rare and one common. WOW HE LOOKS SO SMALL, IS HE GOING FOR 205, HOLD ON LET ME MAKE A NEW POST - said a bunch of retards the last few days Must secretly be an AMD car. I want to ask him if he's got his razor ready for the major. I'm actually praying that someone like Mitch McConnell or Kasich can save us right now..... Jesus Fuck The sprawl must always be fed new blood. Well, *she* isn't male. So, do you think he would accept trans women? I got up to the bit where it asks you exactly where you live before I noped the fuck out. Chroma Skin caused Lee sin to miss the smite! Volevano i numeri delle luride Neat ...ok goodnight I guess 1 lap penalty for terrible pun. But when he can't it'll be the fault of the blacks, Jews, Mexicans and Muslims! Don't tell me what to do! In unrelated news, Bellator has given Tito a $2,500 marketing bonus for his contributions to driving press coverage. 27/5/6 is the 24th best player in the league. This never gets old OMG IS IT GOOD ENOUGH FOR MY DAILY DRIVER? add posadism to this and im in Because going on a date with you is just the greatest reward a man could wish for Thanks for advertising for them. Yeah, but he pretty much cheated when he started with $450 Quadrillion dollars his dad gave him. Not too long ago no one had any idea how this was going turn out. That plane needs to be falling apart mid-air. i thought if you smoke pot in the military you get discharged Reported for noob picture taking skills, doesn't even show necklace's gem color. We have to stop these babies from researching stem cells - think of the children! Don't hoard all the good players ffs. This sounds like a myth TYPING IN ALL CAPS DOESN'T MARK YOUR COMMENT AS ONE TO RIGHTFULLY BE IGNORED. No doubt your gesture was appreciated. He is amazingly nice for someone with such a tiny penis What a great dad. haha this is sad But Islam is the true women's liberation! Using age as an insult is ageist uwu Grass is green My complaint with the mods is that they're inconsistent with deleting posts. Special needs aren't stupid, they're handicapped. hah cant upset tsm can ya Kappa123 Proof that LEGO isn't for kids. Hahahaha so funny right guys? yeah its not like politics could be relevant right now, especially with the debates All this outside attention and distraction can only improve his chances of having a successful NFL career. That man is very heavy footed. ducks are cute tho But it makes people feel good and isn't that whats really important. I don't have much information, but I do know there are some merchanters trying to lower the prices of Third Age significantly. Anytime I see this tag I cringe, just knowing we have a potato on the team. It's fruit you dick sack. As Joe Dirtkin this triggers me. He doesn't want a board of directors that will get in the way of his vision. Well at least that money isn't going towards a hateful Islamist school or something. If they're on reddit. lol witchhunting Yes, but Hamas uses human shields. What a constructive and informative comment! Fuck you, every innocent life matters But at least it's still faster than the Mclaren, amirite? It's Iranian men, Hallelujah! Yawn. Bu... Bu... According to my (now) ex, suggesting that she should have someone to walk home with is victim shaming and that we should be teaching men to not attack women late at night! Ah yes, the famous non-Roost Lugia set Anecdotal evidence is great Despite its looks, I think Exeggcute is actually supposed to be a bunch of nuts instead of eggs The day isn't over yet, so he still has time, but it definitely seems unlikely that he isn't full of shit. Are they going to stream this somewhere for me to enjoy? Spoilers, gosh. Is this recent? Well, seeing as how Halliburton made $39,000,000,000 from the Iraq war this should really teach them a valuable lesson. Its a lactobacillus melt Oh look, this video for the 10000th time It's funny because all you do is beg for console games to come to PC lol. Hell yeah this will help me get that 19th point on my Bismarck captain! Yeah, she doesn't sound like a bitchy pain in my ass at all! Hillary is becoming unhinged. not as bad as going to fight mega stan and only getting devil rooms with krampus or rotten baby because of white privilege Moral victories LMAO- funny because Java SUCKS amiright guyz! The really sad part is that, until I clicked on this link, I didn't even realize that the fight was this Saturday. Obviously driving just doesn't appeal to them. No Glasses bloke this time 0(+8)/8. Assuming that the account of the incident is reasonably accurate I have to give credit to the LEOs involved for not escalating the situation and making it worse. Psh, my Nautique could outrun that Psshhh well you definitely were gonna win when you have demon's tail especially as the lost! I'm sure the money you spend on their products will be directly used to help the people that need it and not taken by the corrupt companies that oppress them Why didn't you just message and ask him? Glad HRP are keeping our streets clean.....oh, wait a sec I think my coke dealer is calling. legends and ginger Ahhhhhhhhh the good old days...... This will give the studio more credibility in the event of whitewashing accusations I'm sure their savings will be passed on to patients! So much for the equality he claims to support. wowwww omg.. so much difference. de leon? I dont care if its easy, as long as its fun Does making a genuine effort to get laid make you infallible and immune to criticism? ZIS doesn't have perks tho? Neckline too low I don't do it to look cool, I do it cus it feels cool. Does this program correspond with a drop in people seeking welfare? Weird how people who get paid a comfortable salary are happy.... I though you were supposed to appease to your employees with longer hours, less pay, and no benefits.... My only question is Why No, they're just donating to charity because they think the Clinton's hold the best charity... Alright guys, I need a new script, I don't think this is gonna cut it. This idiots inflated ego, Will now get popped publicly. Obviously the BBC is fake news... Janis and Rodgers just went 97 yards by themselves with two catches Bureaucracy never fails to amaze me. Yeah, who needs secularism anyway. and it definitely wasn't satire either can't everyone vote kick? Do you know if they're selling any plastic "concern" bracelets yet? Beno has great chemistry with Whiteside. Why would the husband be using his wife's gun? A baseball Terra seems awesome. My best guess is that if PPD has really been taken over, they will at first glance seem the same, and then in a few weeks will post new rules about what can be PPD and what should not be, and it will turn out that lots of highly relevant posts for PPD will be tossed out. LOVE TRUMPS HATE Right, I'm sure raising the minimum wage, making public colleges tuition-free, and creating a public option to save us from the ACA death spiral would not "explode" the national debt at all... Wow how could you say such awful things omg racist Fermi? Yeah, because reddit is awesome at witch-hunts and they never get out of control. Nope, this is totally photoshopped a pro bodybuilder should get that tattooed on all their muscles each muscle a different color, side not wasn't their a post a while back that some one colored Kai green similar to this? Obviously he was kicked for being toxicelele. what a great actor! Noobs wow so edgy so mean I think the PA number is off, their's no way it's closer than Florida and this is hte first poll iv ever seen to suggest that, the rest seem to make sense, there's been a big shift towards Trump in OH over the last month but the other states are swinging toward Clinton post debate. So Windows is becoming OSX? Not the jews? Yea stop chearing you fucking mongs. This is how we find Hazelmere's signet ring! I hope Mordecai just stays the FUCK out of the way this episode and NOT bring his love problems in it God damn the visuals in this game are insanely good. New cache rework? Well seeing as how it's Oklahoma, in the middle if the bible belt, he is obviously a Christian doing God's work. Rot in jail and hell assholes But then how will we report massive short term profits to shareholders? Maybe give the refugees free beer? first samsung copies apple, now nintendo, what a world! So he'll just go work for the Trump campaign officially instead of unofficially. This isn't SJW culture, haven't you heard that the real SJWs are the neoreactionaries? Just a tip, number two gives you 2 exp for killing the TH as opposed to 1 on #1 It sounds like they do what most press corners try to do, but they are better at getting away with it. At least the satellite is still able to work and do science. Here comes the shitshow to keep his cronies sucked around his cock, next thing he's gonna say is "Obama set me up" and then it'll be checkmate. Not getting into arguments with teenage girls about TV shows is also an option. She was obviously resisting arrest, she totally had it coming Wow! If I'll see such a parking space, I'll definitely park there (guy here). Even if Android becomes a success, not likely, the winners are devices makers, not Google (unless Google finds some miraculous way to monetize such OPEN + FREE initiative). Fuck you Tyler, you and your 140 character limit failed to express the social view I wanted you to, you monster! How does this chest look like zelda? Honestly as long as it isn't Ghosts level of shite then I'm okay with it That looks like one of those rivers that is sure to have stuff that would eat you alive in it. Can I ask where/when in the game you got the first image? Isn't anyone in the US going to teach him about gun ownership? But her females Echoes art would be so good if it didn't have _boob plates on almost every girl_ We actually have secret meetings in tea houses all the time so this isn't wrong Why did we waste money flying everyone home from Afghanistan? I regret not being attractive. I am from UBC and your attempts are futile. Hes Too Tanky What's your KD tho and how many 360 wall jump no scopes do you have? I wish they could go back to racing back to the caution flag but that obviously won't happen sad to see this, it looked like DLo and him had great chemistry in that comercial When they go low we go lower Stop trivializing sexual assault! Did that happen to you? TIL that a slut is a part of the body quality combat right there maybe if we bring enough to "the iraq and the afghanistans" people'll remember where the us is on the map and they'll stop being racist Mr WhiteBeard was trying real hard to chatter up like one of us and then halfway through he knew this is a lost cause. If I was forced to guess, I'd bet you were a Seahawks fan lol she took the bait Obviously you are transphobic if you see someone who appears to be a female and you assume that she is. PANIC! I really hope that by the time the EU have stood firm with the British government over the next two years the crumbling of our economy will serve as a concrete demonstration to other countries as to why leaving might be a really, really bad idea. You mean "AMD DX12 Benchmark: Escalation" right? lol.. good one! If you got money you can have your pick But they're innocent, the Russian hooligans attacked them Being spanked by a milf. Same issue with mine, I ended up using a super glue to keep it in place. Smh that's what happens when noobs nmz and have no background about the game Unity = Bernie gets everything he wants, while Hillary goes to prison. They better watch it or Trump will De-Fund them I see no difference Best part was where he just casually dismissed the chest after the match and his face when he realized it was a legendary Great publicity for the new owner You don't understand design. Time for a sexy divawoman Halloween battle royal. Please be Arn Van Hoof Yeahhh, but is it art? Unprofessional! ah -so he is using the classic "bitch made me do it" defense strategy And only a third of them are suspected of being Grant Shapps. Start reading, "I would drag my ballsack through..." Stop reading and close page. Not true, but okay. Damn Obamacare! Metal Arms: Glitch in the System. The Nugs because they used to have the best jersey in sports and are extremely likeable Why she gotta be Mexican man? Not that I care all that much, but how do the Mavs go down a spot after beating the #6 and #7 seed in the same weekend? born in 1999, i do this too. And don't forget growing the spices, pressing the seeds for the oil after growing and harvesting them, and growing, harvesting, and grinding the flour for the tortilla. Teamwork What if they implemented a 'safety' measure that detected sudden lag and automatically saved your character's state at about 10 seconds before the detected lag, immediately removing your character from the current game and recording a log of the incident attached to your account, which can then be checked by the game server side at a later date, top many incidents in a certain time period and you lose the ability for x amount of time or are banned from playing hardcore for a season or 2 (perma if there were x amount of bans already). The suspect is that guy from 4chan. Hey it's Ushi! Still waiting on the legendary Thornton vs Salvador fight. Big surprise. I feel great for slowly cancer meching him, and making him suffer a long long loss. 2020 I feel Frank Lampard and his 150+ IQ deserves a shout It's racist of you to point that out. FWD FWD FWD: LOOK WHAT I FOUND ON DRUDGE REPORT, GRANDSON. Not looking at the other comments on here, I think it's a show on the BBC called Whites. But, like, what about Russia? Surely they could just get Park Geun Hye's Shaman to sort things out Yeah vanilla pvp was SOOO MUCH BETTER than retail Yeah it's free but they force you to do it So Mosques will have more political power as well? Rude. So don't crash your F-4 In a muthafuckin heartbeat. nickleback station *Waiting for comment about it being purchasable on SGS* He just wanted to know if somebody was trying so he could tell them their attempts were in vain because he has a girlfriend.. duh. Glorious ssd masterrace No its because Sheik got nerfed duh They were told to play fair for once That was sick Pfff, doesn't break parallel on her squats, 3/10. Hack Snyder Stay classy Christianity, being the only religion to have used nuclear weapons. Seems very useful. Glad they captured some frames of him running, and not just of him sliding. New game: how many games over .500 will kU be when they finally drop out of the top 25? 'I assume you are a virgin and have never been naked in front of a male' is a totally legit way to deal with rejection. Your build is so unethical. But this could drain out the sun energy! It makes the 1's a lot more 1 and the 0's a lot more 0. I'm a fan of the Israeli occupation of Palestine. The protestant thing is true in Europe, less so in the Americas. White power! In the US, they told us some bullshit about how Germany made all these death camps and "exterminated" jews on a mass scale lmao. Sanu to Dalton obviously Dang that's a lot of fireworks smoke American weighing in... What's wrong with it? I've come to the conclusion that SJWs simply have never interacted with other human beings before. HILLARIOUS Iconic. Yeah people who speak Patois don't deserve to speak anymore man! Whilst western intervention has created a climate of war and ethnic tension in which ISIS were created and are prospering, I think it's misguided to frame these attacks as anti Imperialist. *"Because domestic abuse against men doesn't exist"* Reparations for killings going toward weapons of mass destruction. And fans were worried we'd have no roster movement leading to trade deadline. British Empire, world, what's the difference? I guess the rains of Spain cause a huge brain drain. I don't think that's accidental How is that possible if Christopher Columbus discovered America Jack and Jill those plastic picture hooks with super sticky backing, 3M ones are the best. I'm sure on Japanese tv they're complaining about how racist Japan is. And... I'm out of a job! Latvians too, right Doug Miller. Wish I could watch a movie about this staring some big name actor. Thanks for the NSFW tag, really useful. it will be called the prestige series, for ultra hipsters Wow, that's a Huge net you can cast there! it's more productive to have fewer days off # DOUBLE FRIENDZONED! That foot clipping through the mountain tho Short bus "special." We NEED Fwiz at this event! Wouldn't it be nuts if after all these years Skull Knight's identity is finally revealed and it actually ISN'T Gaiseric? Let's be real he was never the worst qb in the league I thought Seth was meant to help the server's running, not ruin it... ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^I'm ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^only ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^joking. This is barbaric! I think i'm missing the joke here. hashtag "male tears" what the actual fuck Seems like you are enjoying it TIL Tsonga retired. Does IQ got the brick booty tho? It's America's flaccid penis, so the people there tend to be dicks. The bridge looks like it's screaming Ah the ol' never funny Wiki edit. so I take it neither of you are going? I think it's a red sharpie marker. Gtfo. Because imagine how hilarious the liberal reactions will be when the entire country is destroyed kekekekek Oh wow, this hasn't been posted before! The school should contact the Australian military for help on controlling emus. I thought these comics were pro-Islam. I don't know who's account this is for, but they seem to be doing quite well she takes better care of her seat than you do of yours. These polls are stupid lel I wonder who the student editor is going to be. Missed this Yah, I live in house H36 Which means it still has to go to the president... nice. I agree with you. That's nice El Dia mas oscuro de la Historia de Venezuela si es la verdad, me deprime pensarlo. Did Vernon Davis fire him or did Vernon Davis's brand fire him? My God, Dat narrative spread. Who ordered the sour grapes? Clearly shopped, i can tell by the pixels. this sub's shitpost quality is getting worse and worse each day Checkmate, liberals! Yep... totaly normal... when i see japanese tourists in paris, i always put on my kimono in order to avoid offending them... i know that those sick japanese tourists bastard always expect to find the same culture as them when they came here To not be occupied I have 65% when in cover :) Funny how our #3 rivals are always the first on the scene. Fucking black people trying to appropriate our Miley's success Five ways Breitbart can restore its credibility in 2016: 1) Stop writing clickbait trash 2) Stop writing clickbait trash 3) Stop writing clickbait trash 4) Stop writing clickbait trash 5) Stop writing clickbait trash But I believe...that Laremy can save ~~the world~~ Ryan Tannehill. women But why isn't Pulisic captain? I want to put a few VPSs on that where there isn't much activity just so I can make a blue/white line of my own Man he really needs to meet Dr Strange at some point. **No pillow, cold shower, no fap, no deodorant crew** Am I the only one that watched the scene with the shaving cream on the pie, recognized that it in fact was shaving cream, yet still found it mysteriously delicious? Fucking deserved it. Non-white male who was unremarkable looking, and by virtue of that, an expendable side note But I thought we were pokemons How about have a class every year about the Constitution and how awesome it would be if the Government actually followed it. Deagle OP confirmed no m8 r8ohead is not gr8 b8 xcept 4 phil his s0l0 is bettr thna r8ohead OMG THIS NEEDS A TRIGGER WARNING! The street's previous name was "Badass Avenue". (e lo dice uno che ha vissuto la maggior parte della sua vita da rifugiato...) Actually a PoC invented it and a white man who couldn't do shit just took credit for it. Her photoshop art is so fucking shit. Wow, what a scandal that is--arrest him immediately! Dabbing. YES Judging by the upvote to downvote ratio, I think we may remain unexploded... For now Even easier for the millions of illegals to vote against Trump. Iran a moderate country in middle east. Puma's slogan is so bloody cheesy that it wants to make me gag. Ahhhh that's more sad :( No u And somehow, we don't have any fewer receivers then we did before. I guess up to a 7 level lead on them has nothing to do with it. Because gambling laws have to be very specific in order to allow state lotteries and church bingo parlors, I'd imagine. says the India Times, a organisation very well informed of the environments of Iceland This 1000 times I love living in this reality. Get the fuck outta this house. Damn parents always stuffing their faces with BBQ'd fat and not watching the children! Hang on a minute, I thought it was labour that was the party of paedophiles. God Bless America and our no knock search warrants. Why would Trump take advice from a Kenyan-born Muslim who founded ISIS? Hey guys I'm going to copy the game and essentially steal from the developer I didn't realize stepping out of your house with a gun was a murderable offense. Hey, as long as they keep sending probes to Mars that's all that matters. Almost like legalizing it was good for the economy....weeeeird. All a nice plot to make people believe Turkey doesn't support ISIS. Good thing those deforestation guys were there There is an irony to it but the odds of this happening weren't too bad given that 2005, 2010, 2014 and 2015 were also all the warmest years on record at the time. Instructions unclear, got dick stuck in monitor. It was the wealthy who elected Trump, not the poor. I have the strangest boner right now. It's lit. Obviously the ref saw something no one else did, because from the available evidence that's a ridiculous yellow. Because IGN should ever be listened to My printer has been doing this for years. I though they went on a vacation... damn. Elsa the Snow Queen The sign - Ace of Base. Perfect for my arthritis Its a meme now No its not the guy on the left keeps using the same deck! Somebody isn't a Mensa member Russel Crow confirmed Where did my Robles flair go senot George Washington also hated bankers and stock brokers. Almost shot his buddy in the beginning Helen Owen is so average Sweet, an AOL address, I'm guessing the understanding of the internet tubes is null. this is **golden** "He said Luciferians, like those at the Houston-area church, are very different from the Satanists who have **evoked panic across America**." Probably Danny I thought today was 14/03. Don't let this pile of 'roided out beefcakes distract you from the fact that the Warriors blew a 3-1 lead in last year's finals. I dunno, it definitely seems like something that "I wanna destroy everything that I see" kid Law would say. Obviously ~~Jesus~~ Trump doesnt have to attend because he is chosen by God! They only hire people with degrees. why would you wanna live that long anyways? I wonder if its just handled by some automatic algorithm that failed. Wasn't Jimmy Graham an NBA player or something? Maybe try adding a little more lens flare? Maybe he could teach Trent Reznor or Dave Grohl a thing or two. So looks like we'll end up with $175 Million domestic and $200+ Million international, between where Cap 1 and Thor 1 is. No... it won't as they don't fuckkng know what's in the box Me, because I am the culmination of millennia of evolution \##NANO4LYFE! PC police out full force these days. Yeah these look pretty straight. What does this have to do with the Dark Brotherhood? Wow. Doesn't that mean that everybody not saying they are cis are implicitly trans. Maybe he has dyslexia or his mind is too fast for his fingers and that is why he can't use proper grammar. I wish I knew the girl on the far right ! But being right makes me happy. When YouTube suggests I watch Alex Jones videos after this one, I know it's going to be good! Breadwinners! oh no. Let's get fed to host their referendums and elections here instead. Well if you divide those cups by a factor of 5 to account for it, they still have a lot of cups. Wooooow, I never would've guessed! ah some good ol fashioned toilet paper dingle berries a++ The target demographic doesn't have any IRL friends, so no need to include a second controller. How original Makes sense I mean you do use Linux Jet fuel can't melt steel beams? Nintendo Entertainment System They're obviously the most overrated underrated team. Iran is about to get so much freedom sarcasm Thanks, just what I needed to get my day started off great. Scripted Lul . Hurr-durr, turn in your man card! Yes, but is it worth the price of freedom? Time to attack its weakpoint for massive damage. how to win every stake, shows 1 stake. I am privileged enough to wonder why the fuck Murica is supposedly less privileged than them Euro folk! Thank goodness it's just a loan oh look, reddit is talking about how bad comcast is I've never seen that one before I mean, trans men can still get their period so they're not wrong. Not as many socialist workers signs as i'd have hoped frankly. history in the making Relax guys.. I think in Fergie's dictionary, in order to be qualified as top-top, you need to have two repetitive names.. like Be-be.. Djemba-Djemba.. Now, if only Gerrard was called Gerrard-Gerrard Hey Michigan, this is not the 1950s where a head coaching position at a top football program like Michigan is more desired than one in the NFL No love for Jonny Depp? Should not be a serious problem if everyone is properly immunized. Si Leni talaga may kasalanan nito eh. Reptilian confirmed! Or you could just not buy one I'm sure this will all be cleared up when Trump releases his tax returns. Oh my goodness you must be a really insightful person What an Uncle Tom False Flag! Yep... they all look afk to me. Wow a picture of the chess event, the server's obviously gonna be polished at launch Uhm, actually... It's devgru. wifi Obama just declared this a "local crime story" and in no way related to Muslim terrorists. Feels weird to finally keep a talent This is legitimately the saddest thing I've ever seen Yeah because criminals and terrorists are so notorious in following the law and wont get a end-to-end encryption program from somewhere other than apple, google and so on. Idc I'll still fuck em Police warn the public to be on the lookout for the suspect, whose appearance they describe as... err... well... I was surprised that it took them so long to do this. If it's ISIS you can bet your ass it will be kept hidden and blamed on gangs etc so to not start a nationwide panic Looks like the MTGOX source code, not? I'm Australian, I tell him to get fucked like all the other times It killed my laptop, win 10 doesn't play nice with express cache. I mean, it's not like it's a *real* illness. 'Cause nothing says social justice like screaming at your parents about oppression. this is why I hate religion konkurs or Fagot sytem, not sure which Isn't this the boring walking simulator? Hey guys let me just post my knife on here, im totaly not bragging or anything Can you link his armory? It's coMRomise it's a MR You're all missing the secret message! I read that at first as TotalHalibut Buddhist lol And if he had done it for a whole season he'd be the obvious mvp. great post. DW Next is probably because DW8XL is coming really soon (and 8XL is the better game by far). That was just sad to watch Do you mean Zelda? Demonic priest set looks great! I think rainy days are the ideal weather conditions for buying video games usually. All my Gunny did while we were deployed was brag about the truck he was buying, and stuff his fat fucking face. I can see why When you are clearly Zelda. Easily deserves it over casey But, hey, now Obama can flex his Green credentials in Paris next month, and then follow it up with years of lucrative globe trotting while preaching to the choir of the impending climate apocalypse (that is perpetually just around the corner) a la Al Gore. He needs to work on his form Cartman oozes masculinity. Not enough r9 390s Cuz I want it Totally justified to ignore other people's feelings then. That doesn't look a lot like Peridot GIVE US PHIL AND KAEP TOGETHER. you sick, sick man Damn ryzen must really suck for intel to lower their prices oh... a bunch of wires... so scary No, you dirty communist, you can thank capitalism! This strat is OP and should be patched! There are no mountains in NL and therefore no tunnels. I'm sorry, clearly you don't see here this would never have happen if everyone that works at McDonald were a responsible firearm carrier. Wow wish my humanoid could get anything other than heal as first ability. Nature happening is soooo WTF baby insanity wolf is OP I bet the 37% successfully completed though right? I guess that means I should go burn down my suburban community. Everyone is just too homophobic. Starcraft community for upbringing the most selfhatred ever. Also, confirmed Lego partnership for HL3. Why's Wisconsin get all the cool stuff? Us Aussies are outnumbered here on the internet so here I am still sunburnt while reading about winter. It's got several 70-80 player full servers at any given point of the day or week, with the new content getting added this games only gonna grow. I think the Beatles are very overrated. Life The smell of stale weed smoke in a bubbler Putting protective barriers at bus stops is just a really dumb idea. Nbk best. 5? God bless the security agencies of the State of Israel. He should have had an orange tip on that assault weapon so we knew it wasn't real. Saudi Arabia was just chosen to head the UN Human Rights Council. TIL 022's original title was "title". If you have texts backup on, it will keep all that info stored in backups. So PC, I thought it was Wal-Mart No, no, it's not that much of a shithole tripped tha fuq out Why shouldn't they? Mark DeRosa That logo looks like something a bird left on the hood of my car. And multiplayer and base building? 2/10 sample size still too small. Where do I apply for their job GOP - you are a disgrace for allowing this to continue. You know, I never expected Israel of all countries to throw a hissy fit when they don't get their own way This is the most important news story ever. Most elaborate idling scheme.. Lol, completely ridiculous, but I love it. I have every intention of ruling the world, doesn't mean it's happening. Nah, rushing him to start was the smart move last season. {-}7 This would only matter if the wealth pie were static...but its not. dog abuse Yeah, but then nothing would trickle down Happy Cake Day! Well played You probably put that sticker on yourself Do we blame Trump or Obama? please what kind of casual are you This is all the fault of the Hamas terrorists! Tank for Valentenko. In 6 months: "they are employing mexicans for 3$ an hour"-wait what? a dupe if i ever saw one! Kinda makes you miss the Taliban, huh? This looks great need two more titan z's Hell, at rank 12 EU I see a fair amount of Shaman but every other deck (the vast majority) still has C'Thun. How is this equality? Isn't this technically the fault of capitalism since Venezuela relies in a global trading market? Oh yeah, tons of evidence for that in the article baited teammate 3/10 Now that's what I call a mandate! I'm sure nobody ever in authority has used their power to gain information on others to coerce them into following along..... never ever ever! You used a fujin, what a scrub Mine works at the grocery store that I go to. I won't take Nice Guys seriously until they stop predicating their support of equal rights for women on whether or not girls will touch their peepees. Or might have just gotten a lot of UAV assists. Which god? Ooooooooo he's a tryin. Dat chest hair Dat cinematic, silky smooth 24 fps is where it's at. But wait, millennials are lazy and don't want to work and bla bla bla July TRIGGERED It's her fault for not wearing a tent and cemented her legs shut. If you don't support murdering everyone I don't like you're not a *real* socialist. I'm happy that we're competitive again, it's a good feeling. because the US is the worst nanny state in the history of the world whose only use for freedom is as a scapegoat for when things go wrong. Ok, the Xbox One isn't that bad. Yeah, Foggy's totally annoying for reminding Matt that he has to do his job as a lawyer. And here I thought the $2.3 million I got back was a lot.. Holy geez. Damn hows gamestop supposed to profit from such a massive overstocking! I think the Shaq schedule has him in LA for a while before he leaves for Miami. So the message of this video is that if you give away cakes to strangers you may grow up to have a poor wife who can't afford her own cakes? Knowing that this qualifies as a thesis, I'm going to go to my local college and write a thesis disproving gravity. In a world where "grab em by the pussy" gets you the presidency, anything is possible. Hopefully El Presedente Trumpalo can correct this kind of socialism! on an entirely unrelated note, Nuclear Power is bad, mkay? Better than the azteca I guess. Lookin like Steph Curry out there Nope, I eat through osmosis. Butterbean I really want to see the rest of this guys instagram They should really use an Oxford comma Nothing wins an opponet over better than demonization via caricature. more godawful forge maps hooray rest is promising though Winston was cleared of those charges because the girl lied. The Commodore, you're not just killed... you're pulverized! Not enough slavery Post a picture of it Makes you think twice about wanting to eat anything from the gulf. If you read the article, you might be surprised. Thanks for bringing this to my attention! because supercell saw that your base had a lot of loot available and removed it from matchmaking to make the game more fair. Dude *says* a lot, doesn't seem to *accomplish* a lot. The biggest misconception that people have is they believe my religion isn't the right one. If that dadgum EPA wouldn't try to stop us from getting to the the oil and coal that God gave this country, we might not have to transport it as far! But HPA is evil #HenryOut Well that's what you get for running two copies of Patches letting us buy lvls instead of forcing us to hope our teammates are not stupid? MOOCHERS #The Tolerant left Just look at how great Sweden is doing! I love the portions when its a rave and not a game about racing If he had sex with my 15 year old, I'd be in jail. Just wait until they announce mirage prime instead of banshee Joking aside this'll be good for Nishikori has he's always prone to getting tired towards the back end of GS tournaments so I'm sure he'll be happy to be able to skip one. Seriously that has to be a troll post. I'm not misogynistic but don't worry I'll protect you in against the horrible scary things in this video game since I know all girls need protecting It always amazes me how white knights and neck beards always claim to be feminist while assuming women can't take care of themselves. Impermissible. Hop to Deutsche Bank asap! Classy. Oh.. You've ruined Skyrim. Came here to see if anyone was experiencing the same thing... GaGa's label must have paid them a bunch to promote it This is really adding a lot to the political discussion here. oh wow, stickers? Based on the short bio of his in the article, he sounds like a stand-up guy If you zoom in and center it you can scroll vertically for a neat little optical illusion Boy they really are upping the ante with each new video Saving to see ! That's 2 things but I guess your not following the rules again so it all is ok. Astroturfing... *Sees blue joycon* Ah, I see you're a man of culture too. Hilarious! His narcissistic insanity should be disqualifying him serving as president. Jokic for Lopez straight up. I thought it was too show everyone watching just how fucking ripped you were. It's called reparations Jesus Mepper all you do is bitch about the rich They doubled the exp so more players were willing to do it. please stop Fucking eyebrows killed my boner. inb4 all perv loli artwork for new doggie loli and loli cat Nyami. it kind of funny the kids want an education so they walk out of the classroom haha So... better shoot the refugees early... maybe on Turkish soil? Twice, the article states that DPR was charged and convicted of murder for hire. It's a shame we have so many development restrictions and that damn token system OK Dark Side of the Moon - Pink Floyd no one else really gets this album especially on reddit. And yet, they still impose no groundwater pumping restrictions or agricultural use limits... So much for the aquifers! Pics or didn't happen that thing where you don't care because downloading it on Fiber is way faster than a DVD install. lol mods ruin gaming ...because no one could write this based on what we know already, right? ED because ED is the standard Unix text editor. Sorry PM Cameron but they seem to radicalize just fine on their own without myths of Jewish power. Look at them aggressing against those peaceful Muslims. But that's not what I read in Cosmo! What a great day for Canada I'm glad the cops have nothing better to do than kick a woman out of the woman's restroom. My GTX 970 was struggling so much, that 0.5GB of VRAM would have made all the difference I came in my pants a little. UF is giving both UGA and LSU fans heart attacks with them making concerted efforts at Eason and Franks. Yay for stealing! well, he drains the swamp Reich is hungry feed the beast or it'll eat you all alguns homens querem apenas tacar fogo no mundo pra poder assistir Curved struts are all the rage now, you know, for dat camber. Clean up, clean up, everybody do your part! But ya know Creve Coeur wants to charge outsiders more tax to come to our bustling town i legitimately only play dust 2. it's all i picture when i think about playing cs. This is R&B, mods should ban this thread I'm watching Rachel Maddow on Desus & Mero right now too. Hes joking Proof that the Catholic Church idolizeses Mary and worships statues! You bunch of goddamn antisemitic bastards! That's a lot of bitches What happens if he also announces he's going to start filming for a new movie? They nailed the flip book style gameplay they were going after. Life sentences for mothers who take abortion pills... well damn Sweet, my shoe is a businessman. Oh Washington is burning ohh noooo That dull sound whenever you cut something with a knife. The first guy who does an illegal recording which causes the death of the tipster, all hell will break loose on the volunteers. I bet it would if I had them Or just break, and end up in a mental asylum. I think the point of view fun from hitch hikers guide to galaxy could do this just as well Because passive-aggression and slut-shaming are so funny The first Mortal Kombat movie was a bit silly, but 12-year old me thought it was the best movie ever. Wow i didn't know India was making a movie about DC. Where is Chris handsome when you need him? Seems like a more aggressive and active form of meditation, and that video gave me goosebumps as well. Ahh the beauty of religion At least he supports the Autobots. The related News article is from 2010, so maybe they have stopped by now? Britannime_irl but he talks like a gentleman Nah, the internet hates Chris Pratt. I wonder how many of them would be described as moderate? 8 is not 8.1, look again OP I've already penned my death threat for Jim in case he doesn't like mass effect as much as I've decided he should. Wow, they must be the only people in the world that considered using this bronze age technology. Damn that was great Can someone with graphic design skills make it look like Trump is Reek and Putin is Lord Ramsay Bolton? ITT: Religious people on a boat sailing a river in Egypt. Does this mean that police agencies across the United States have a policy of shoot first, ask questions later? I call Sakurai bias on this one No argument there. no danny b soundtrack = not exciting news ;D confirmed plant by EA Soon you'll be traveling back in time! Guys this nothing, just wait for skyrim remastered! Isn't this what everyone wanted along with flying cars? This can't be serious. That's his 6th goal in Serie A RX 480 mah child don't be an nvidia shill Read Books. GRAND DAD? It's you don't lie OP. Joey Crawford Yes because grass is known for its insane strength And he's not even out the womb yet! That's outside of the foot, right? Did they tell you it was going to be a 3-hour tour? Maybe stop letting Stephen Smith continuously pull the Race card everyday and let his opinions fall on deaf ears instead of letting him say/do what he thinks is right. Nothing to see here, CCP is financially sound, get back to your ship spinning. You re just mad I have a lot of tattoos and I'm a huge pussy lol that shit hurts so bad What if you use jet fuel though? Goku and Vegeta are fighting again Sooo... where are those 4 elephants and large turtle? Yeah let's let him back into the US so he can be murdered You'll never see this kind of excitement from the hillary campaign Nah man, all skill Overtaking a McHonda at Monza any which way is not amazing. actually thought about this the other day. Screw that peaceful protest nonsense. Because an illegal zoo says it were "activists" it must be so. Yeah, looks like you're trying to keep the grey S caps for yourself. When are we getting a victim of capitalism memorial? Is that a True Blue Mormon X? But your welcome to have dinner and take instagram photos of him at Mar a Lago. No you don't, you're not real. It's only right they give it to matt hamill. But he gets weekends off But sometimes you still gotta whup em. I think this will be interesting if it works as they hope. Like watching a hentai costume transformation sequence. Everyone knows this. Because Trump didn't try to do that with Obama and the birth certificate issue. Curry Not really a superhero fan but I wouldn't mind having a giant gorilla figure Look at this noob, hasn't even got 100 hours. They're literally about to go on tour lol Awesome They should just vote out the mayor. Luckily the head of the EPA doesn't get to say the standards of what companies should be held to. at least he doesn't have to pay buddy's medical bills These are wicked, can you show us how? Aww dude learn to finish, get good lol No. Oh sure, just piss off the entire Jewish community in HoCo What could go wrong? I TOLD YOU STEAM GIVES YOU VIRUSES BILLY Dat loaded poll Sounds like a good Christian man exercising his God-given right to make his wife submit to his status as the head of the household. That's ironic ! We have the bestest flag football team Pagano is a crap coach. if he knocks optic out of champs again this year it'll be a 3 peat god damn Wasn't this already recognized as a terrorist plot by the government like, 3 weeks after it happened? Capitalist cess pool! But didn't Farage just say that because he hates gay people and wants to attack those with HIV? more fps If I had a dollar for every shit tweet I read that's started with "BREAKING" I could afford to pay Sterling to play for my Sunday league. My nama Jeff spoken like a true racist The Moon landing. But if we came from monkeys how come there are still monkeys? I'd finally live in America! Yellow Starbursts are my favorite. But it can't be a joke if it isn't real! Who the hell is this? I feel like we dont have this thread enough. I love being part of a monarchy Yeah, well America has Pitbull and Miriah Carey so its comparable. Out of curiosity, what can you get from vending that is legitimately 'decent'? Would you have preferred Arnold Schwarzenegger? Modi embarassing us with his foreign policy as usual. Ya, because no one in the entire redditverse is going to recognize a man's chest on a woman's body. What is your drug cycle? At least you know he's straight Why the fuck do you all care so much about Twitch Plays Pokemon? he fights me without a head and only one arm Drunk Lives Matter! Bielefield exists? They deserved it, those terrorists Cell members apparently fired mortar shells or RPG missiles at IDF troops, who simultaneously fired back They don't? It's for your own safety. inb4 call him up and DFA Stroman. Bluray-RW Drive I can watch some blurays, burn some CDs for my ancient car, etc... I quite like having it! Nooooo submissive-chaaaan ;_; I want to rape that bitch OMFG This is so OP nerf NMZ drop tables Cable is the devil and anyone who doesn't switch to Netflix right now is either old and senile or an idiot cut the cords! Time to exploit this a bunch before it gets patched! Don't go there. Yeah, the police are what is wrong in Chicago. My browser can only hold so much wikipedia tabs. see what watching adam lambert does to you! Man hands. Nooooo Never, in the history of the universe, have Muslim extremists and the KKK endorsed the same person for POTUS. Perhaps people paid better, more fairly will put more effort into their job. If a guy identifies has a man, he's obviously dangerous. Actually: Newly elected **Law Minister** of Delhi has **fake law** degree where is bartman now? With one damn fine FNaF game And that one industry is thermonuclear war decision making. One of the biggest struggles of being a Pats fan, the 3rd bye week By Japanese children's show, don't you mean their own show? 0/10 should have dabbed I don't see how "I don't want her to be cliched" turns into "she shouldn't date Superman, and should be promoted to editor". That isn't even a laptop anymore at that point. Context? Why did we allow women the right to vote again? Yeah, damn you women for having standards and not wanting to give someone twice your age a chance! Yeah right, we want TRM back So am I supposed to smear deodorant all over my hands and on my armpit? Shovel ready projects. He's #soreaf leave home alone He could just blame obama. CEO's and presidents gonna have to look out for this "manly" garbage guy and his friends when they call them out on being gay. Because money and slavery *never* existed at the same time well there's the kettle calling the pot black again. Trump is a racist bigot because he wants to stop illegal immigration in the Unites States, because only racist have secure borders But the Republicans tell me that companies can regulate themselves! Yeah that's believable - doesn't everyone tell the President of the United States that he has to wait or were not ready. Man, I wish our president wasn't white.....oh wait they are really good at keeping promises First Amendment Rights only apply to corporate persons, not real human beings. HIT THE SHOWERS~ BUT HARDLINE ISNT EVEN A BODERFELD GAM He's right, osteoporosis due to decreasing bone density is SUPER feminine 4 more years, enjoy Maybe the french want Muslims to pack up and leave. Actually, unfortunately, he is. I travel to europe quite a bit and there are lots of airports that don't require you to remove your shoes. Facebook... Because everything is real on Facebook My IQ must be in the thousands. Now I haven't read what she said, and have made zero effort to find out, but certain headlines say otherwise, so I'll disagree with the fact-checker. +12 PLEASE Dite quello che volete ma queste cose quando c'era Fassino non succedevano. she was probably muslim I love it, "what would you do..." there it now way that could be a coincidence! nelson is developing hawaii for half life 3, thats why it never releases. its called the DMV They are both adorable.. :) I thought the documentary dances with wolves covered this. *Captured by Angels of Death* Im sure the colours in the pie chart were reversed 10 minutes prior. Oh shut up Harry! Why is that? Seriously tho, these pictures are the most delightful thing I've seen in a while. Internet folks are usually very good at finding the guilty party Great, now CS will no longer die! They seemed realistic figures from what I can remember If you like your health plan you can keep your health plan. So do we then "liberate" North Carolina under the pretext of humanitarian aid? This is being severely under sold Wait a minute...this isn't an opinion. To thank him for shooting all those pesky colored people. This is because medieval age artists did not see a difference ( or didnt really care) between a child's and an adult's body, so they would just draw smaller adults This type of reporting seems extremely dated. I think the best compromise would be to allow the sorority members to socialize with fraternity members, but only if they are accompanied by an adult male family member and if they are wearing a burka. I think "Naked man holds burglar at gunpoint" was the vastly superior news story. Why can't he just email them? Well, at least the gun didn't kill him. at one point in the second he was being feisty with Crawford and one of the Blackhawks dmen, looked like he was pushing for a fight. just think positive! Wow, this comment sure is brave, knowing how much he's liked here. I sure hope it expands upon the Thomas & Martha Wayne murders! Actually people became whiter to absorb more vitamin d in cloudy places, as opposed to becoming darker from the sun. Didn't they sell buggy whips or something? So should shortphobia be a crime too? Should have probably started rolling the other Focus. Did Bush really do 9/11? But it's so cool because it sells the surfer lifestyle and our product! Yeah - I could care less Anyone have hankies and moist towelettes for S4P? Yup, just like what happened last season. I just wanna play Bloodborne with solid 60fps. I found a naked prostitute shooting a gun at some guy for some sort of twisted sex thing # *jerked* As I Blues fan.. I'm so glad we got rid of him And we can if we play as well as we did last week Baffling tut gives bonds now? The victim complex is strong in gamers, very strong. Lazy Finns should get their shit together! Sauce? Oklahoma City comes to mind... What others? We need a mental health czar in every county in this country One can dream. surprising that a child of his would be so unstable Stan's should fix that no problem That means I can eat deep fried vegan spring rolls in south sauce and peanut butter all day yaay Yeah... religion isn't scary at all. Ce sexisti sunteti ! Thanks for posting the original post... To be fair, that game installs one hell of a rootkit. This should be THE background. Lol Great not only do you get invaded, and your infrastructure destroyed but they probably leave invasive plant species behind - cheers! So glad we got the end of Og's 3rd lol Tell me more I hope he knew it was coming and the adrenaline didn't do shit to dull the pain Yeah because the clothes you wear define who you are as a person. Thank God he was wearing a hard hat. He makes games so quickly, he actually released it on June 10th. Queue without "ueue" would be pronounced "kuh". neslo is good but not great Get off my beach ya kooks Time to open a Facebook account under the name of Pha Q Ahso $hillary isn't a billionaire -- she has about $150 million -- speeches are lucrative. I'm so glad I'm not the only one who hates this test! Nothing happening here in small town NJ Why didn't you just take a screenshot? Maybe he returned to his present timeline's self which is the version of him that took Harrison Wells's DNA and as we saw, that version of him had no beard. It says "BMI" so it's not valid Why should we do two conferences if the best records are in the same conference those teams should be playing each other in the super bowl because they are the best! Your comment needs more smiley faces, exclamation marks, heart doodles and a large explosion behind your "AT ALL" for emphasis. Shep, you are a bright spot in a cesspool. I would like to restate my plan of paving over the ocean and every awful creature that calls that horrible place home. But, politifact is a liberally biased website and should never be trusted! hot damn i would have never kept my cool i wouldve freaked also MvP Shh, age is just a number Nice try I know that's a *Transformers* poster with the Flash photoshopped in You mean left? Lebron needs to go and save Cleveland from anonymous When ever I just see the Calder Trophy, I get confused and don't know if people are talking about rookie of the year or the AHL championship. Looks like he had a nut sack in his neck and is recovering from a vasnecktomy. But Cohen said he never was in Prague because he showed us the cover of his passport and denied he ever was in Russia so therefore he has nothing to do with Russia just like his boss. Noed and Spies Given the average demographic of a Buzzfeed contributor is a 23 year old single hipster who relies on mom and dad for next months rent money - I don't think I would ever take parenting advice they offer. Oh that's definitely a drift car. Wow, Alan Jourgensen has really let himself go. He's already secured his legendary status. what a creation. Kudos for correctly using *Saving*. If that's Damian this would be extremely awkward Wow this is very WTF! How is that going to help when he can't even legally drive? shit. It vents through the button around the sides. Ok what is that programm you have on the second monitor? I'm reporting this for spoilers wow google says the average slave price in 1860 was $800 in today's dollars This isn't official though. I expected Dallas to be at 0. Maybe her name was based on Iliad? yes, if only everyone could see through your eyes I don't understand how some people continually defend this companies bullshit business practices. oh my god the eyes don't even blink, Fake! I actually believe that's a Chevy. This bill should be renamed the Paris Hilton bill. Apologies for the vertical video He hasn't dated a Mexican, clearly racist. It wasn't pepper spraying, the cop was just watering his hippies. On the behalf of all Tibetans I would like to take the time to thank the Chinese government for liberating Tibet! Lunala best gen 7 legendary confirmed Everything is bigger in Texas And now it begins. Not very many silvers to open this time around. What do doctors know about healthcare? Oh, it's OK to be gay.. just don't tell me about it. Usual suspects for what? *dicks Yes people who have different passions than I do are obviously faggots compensating for their small penises Oh god damnit. we could just vote to complete the gym Guys, they are just underfunded all we need to do is increase taxation and everything will be fine! So basically Facebook is going to look like reddit now where conservative thought gets you shadow banned. I'm 100% that Waluigi will eventually be in Smash Maybe not Smash 4, or Smash 5, or Smash 9.... But ONE DAY, one day he'll be in I'm sure :') Conversations which consist of one person using one word replies really makes a great chat Eugh I accidentally clicked on a link to The Mirror. Plz be something with LSU Those would come in handy But muh Christianz hate gayyyyzzzz! Yeah this ones crazy original Planet Coaster looks good I see him more as a mascot more than anything else. SURE JUST LET ME INPUT MY PRIVATE INFOS IN A RANDOM GOOGLE SHEET I SEE NO PROBLEM wow, funny is a cess pool Is that suppose to be a scandal? Wait, animals get hungry too? Oh well at least it thins out the overpopulation slightly! Man, talk about spoilers right in the whatever you call it there. Obviously, bad bitches grinding on him make it difficult to type/think. Well there is the infamous Blue [[Hurricane]] This could transform the meaning of Cyber Porn. And the defender in yellow uniform seems to be crying Yeah, you really can't have it both ways. You're playing watch dogs Can't wait for the #weareallchrissale campaign oh boy, I can't wait, geeeee thaaaaanks microsoft Maybe we will have Terry McGinnis as the Batman by that time or Fick Grayson taking the mental ...That would be so DOPE. but Wesley Sneijder is still available right guys? They'll probably be taxed for not producing enough pollution *Nnnnnnnooooooooooooooo* I will never not upvote this. I wish I could text Eminem now because he's hilarious omg if his friend had a seizure after 60 fps game, then im screwed playing at 144fps.... i think im dead Being rich is only OK if you impoverish and oppress as many serfs as possible. Mysterious Challenger Shielded Minibot Muster for Battle Ashens is a fan, duh. At least they are doing something How much longer is Max in packs for? Yea Russia isn't broke as fuck, they just don't have a need for that stuff I don't know about you guys, but this has convinced me to quit cold turkey. Uncompressed FLAC audio man... Gotta bloat the file sizes somehow. I don't know what I would have done with myself, if the text had not had minor adjustments made. Just work some overtime and save up, it'll feel a lot better to unleash it all at once anyways. Going for max? Now I see why JNU demanded azadi for Kerala.Owning vehicles has become a monopoly of a certain community wah wah wah ITT: A LOT OF This is because of Trump , isn't it. Also when you're trying to get that achievement Only if it requires the Achievement Diary Cape and Max Cape to trim Looks like it's time to hike up the energy prices and start charging people for using solar panels! she says michele has a good chance to win. But if they don't show her face, then how is society supposed to slut shame her? So edgy As an American I am utterly shocked by this Closest we got was the ending of This Ticonderoga. You were close! ...but why do you keep water in your closet? How is that broken at all When I get in a plane I sure hope that everyone that built and worked on it went to bible school and sang songs with their hands in the air all day. Thanks Sean Connery! Dark souls, any of them. Superdelegates are the most democratic thing I've ever heard of Shocking. Looks like it was drawn by Beavis and Butthead. I don't get this...someone explain? So, can they bring back Camelot now? Isn't it free on Ebooks? Honestly Oberon Is great for that Homeland is real 8( #hashtagswork #fatasexualdouches Isn't he transferring to WVU? terrible design. Why people think its prudent family planning to have children during a brutal civil war. And we still get internet spam Hooray, this will really help with prison crowding and certainly dissuade the criminal element! Mod Source? My fake psychic powers tell me that this one is going to irritate a lot of people. Flippers are back. Katter really has a lot of respect for the Sikhs, he's done a lot to support their community which many don't know. Wave 14 checking in. Good for her Er hat es eben so gelernt Nope! The Easy Walk harness corrected my Amstaff's pulling. 2020, perfect vision! Where are the headsets the coaches wear, how are they getting calls and talking to other coaches? That's a weird looking forklift, almost looks like an e-jack He *didn't* mean for *him* Color me shocked Glad to know that nobody in that town has any outstanding medical bills, needs any prohibitively expensive prescriptions or is wondering what to do with an aging parent. Basically the exact same reaction I have when trying to keep my cool with the kids and they back chat me. Wait, I thought that would cost too much? A tax break is less of a deal than a bailout, and I'm pretty surest of reddit was massively in favor of the bailouts (at least the bailouts that occurred after Obama took office). Great news, can't wait to read more of her blog Well damn, nice console graphics you have there... Sign up for Osbuddy pro to get the rest of the picture waveland not wavedash you casual normie fuck REEEEEEE I remember when I was 15 Still can't believe they haven't fixed this But but muh reviews are free speech...censorship! RUN ON THE FOOD BANK! Guess your friends aren't Kendrick fans How did you know LETHUL CHEATER BABYRAGE There is no suggestion that Wonga acted unlawfully or **was aware it had left Sparham-Price penniless** Oh, I'm sure if they were aware they wouldn't have drained his account. Repost. Yeah and the police won't hire people with too high of an IQ Not that important unless you're one of the people trying to stir up a witch hunt after one season How can you be an "expert" if you haven't done it personally? Hmm, looks like they may be expecting Pascal to be released in Q3 2016 or late Q2 at the earliest. Great song, kind of an underwelming performance. Do something really passive aggressive because that always seems to win over hearts and minds. sooky la-la Fuck you, that's why Neat Maar... Er worden wel veeel meer leerlingen toegelaten Las ik gister. Oh so now the authorities are showing their anti-semitism! How very generous of him. Wouldn't "boiled down to its essence" be a reduction? But xbox one has custom background But.. how else am I going to get to ~~my destination~~ the red light 2 seconds sooner? At first I would say stupid protesters are only making themselves look bad, but then I stop to think and realize this is probably the work of some hired mob to give the police a reason to incarcerate the protesters. """"""""""""""""girlfriend""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Collectively banged OP's mom Not very sure about this- from Boks to PBHS U14 to the Sharks, but I hope it works out well. Someone rammed me last night, they died and i lived on :) i then decided to go play BF1. Gosh, I didn't realize all the complexities of economics could be summed up so accurately in a cartoon! This really bothers me. What up nerd. yea this is clearly riot forgetting to add it, especially considering stuff like buffs show on the clone as you can see coding every interaction in the game individually is a great system Chances are he wore shoes too Because people are always taking their Lucky Charms. hmm... wonder why they're still a virgin But why isn't anti-west hatred spread in Molenbeek mosques banned? Im a god for plugging in my 900p Montior and 1080p tv for gaming splitscreen Borderlands PRe Sequel lan. why libertarians should give a fucking rat ass about a crony capitalist that just write inflammatory articles for profit? What are you talking about OP, he is an endowed gentlemen, you just don't understand. It's an opinion piece theeconomiccollapseblog Sounds like a very un-biased and relaible site Because loaded sucks lol not a real board etc etc THEY FINALLY ADDED SNOW Clearly parody but fun nonetheless The Catholic Church said condoms cause AIDS though, what should we do? No, no, no, you see, fat people are morally reprehensible! Now if we could only find that one thing that will turn everyone straight. i think this sence is important, just more 5-10 second, why not in TC Nekopara transcends all space/time. KennyS gets a drop every single fucking map Just goes to show we in Georgia will do what's right when we've exhausted all other possibilities. clearly fake, timer is round not square Looks like someone forgot to tell Facebook Windows mobile is dead Thargoids! Yeah i mean what's the possibility of another? These Chinese are very dedicated to their hoax Yeah, there's nothing else on a ballot but candidates, and there is no space to write-in anyone else you would rather vote for. I found a few shell casing cleaning my car today....o no better call the HRT That will show us! That's absurd to bring a kid into this world when you're a fucking old man that might die at any moment, money or no. He released often in 2016 and then took a 6 month break to release 'A race against time', it's been six months since his last release so it's not a huge deal. ~probably the best 5k deagle ace you'll ever see from a silver Will this work on multimonitor setups? Maybe if you made proper mandible action more of a priority, you'd forget about your manhands. Ah okay that makes sense.... thats how he must get those 20 extra kills with it compared to when he has the AK the other 28/30 rounds! The same guy who hired a Christian to run his Muslims For Trump outreach program. Funny how most people hating Trump for not banning Saudi Arabia voted for the woman whose campaign was funded by the Saudis. Jesus would cringe hard af at these weird ass people I, for one, think he should be proud of you because you got your first house, and not because of what you told him :) I can still see its borders...just saying the same hungary sending tanks to ukraine? If Fifield says so, it must be true. ugh you got me wanting a ride bad... but i need money for parts we don't play baddies, we play interesting people But remember it is impossible to create a white guy in the CC and thus the game is racist Lol le epic burn duuuude So narrow hipped girls are more evolved? He deserves more subscribers than he has Norton CALEB It happened to the Padres Now THAT'S a tasteful joke! An apartheid state is a *great* benefit admittedly. But what if I *want* to share some of that collective brain spaghetti? Can't wait to finally get a good deal on Ghosts! The printer Parrot the message Hopsin has in Ill Mind of Hopsin 7. You guys sure are a classy bunch of developers Since she didn't need to use any bullets I guess only one manually inserted into the chamber will suffice if we are gonna truly stem the flow of violence in places like Chigago. That pesky constitution always getting in the way This game is getting extremely over hyped right now. A Sky Full of Stars came out already, OP. Your rushed it doesn't count k next time I'm having fun at a pool party doing random shit, I'll remember to cite my sources in APA format. If they attacked christian,they wouldn't give a shit. Aged like fine wine Remember that time he made that one really cool catch in college and everyone thought he would be good I need to get some yellow and green clogs to wear on match days. Yeah being high is in your mind and that's all that matters. Considering how full of intellectuals and deep thinkers the modern rap scene is, I must admit that I'm a bit surprised at how poorly they seem to grasp even the most basic concepts of artistic license Drop Bears. ...and now over to Parliament and Chris Finlayson, to give a stinging rebuke, smear this man's career and wave it off as political point scoring. Oh, is that what we're going to do today, we're gonna fight? Maybe more gun laws should be implemented in Chicago. Something something something Adderall This headline literally described me. What's so American about gas stations? We always joke about how sad it is that new cars are "broken" because their turn signals don't work... ;) was hoping for an all dupe team picture With all the keys today's mice have, the keyboard won't be needed in 2 years! I'm shocked yes this is ever so useful. You missed. I am an American, and I **DON'T** care about his tax returns I knew that thread was going to trigger Americans as soon as it was posted insane how professional this looks WG was doing something right for too long, they finally caught on and fixed it. payday 2 secret My god, he's got some really long arms. wow w2c that rasta supreme bogo How can this be cos play there isn't even any cleavage get called by them Maybe we shouldn't return the world to nothing. They really are trying everything they can think of to piss people off. All the god damn libtards ruining my country Daddy, what's the big truck doing to the little truck? Ronnie was a sweet man, kind to everyone, and what a voice for 200 grand anyone can just walk around close enough to get glimpses of highly sensitive info and then pose for photos with the person that carries the football cause who needs to protect national secrets these days. Please, what mean "HARAMBE"? 72 Trillion or flop Anyone here in favor of eugenics to ensure these morons don't pass on their genes? I mean the Nazis were socialists how did they get the skates? just realized Tuco is also the name of one of the bad guys In breaking bad And Vince clearly said that he was influenced by Westerns and specifically spaghetti Westerns in the making of breaking bad Well I'm sure as soon as they close Guantanamo Bay, and Trump stops making speeches these attacks will stop. *gasp* Racism! is this the csgo reddit ? Still, a light beating can do some real damage to a 6 year old. No, ALL! Probably easier to keep track of if we just report the list of news sources he doesn't consider fake. I don't want this Will they release an Android version of Badkitty in future? To what 3000% #Found the fatty Reddit knows balance Profile in courage. You would think they would be more interested in abusing Mike Shinoda for raping. You do know that the people on these shows are actors, right? The title said misconceptions I see this as "we want the ability to shut down Tor", because only dissenters, terrorists and pedophiles use it, right? Funny thing is that the Charlotte commentary at the end was nearly identical to the Darlington one I've never slept with one but I want to read so many cringey replies. That's quite a news site there. Both had 1000+ yards from scrimmage They have *curved* GPU's... Wonder what brainiac thought that novel idea up. It's actually a really good movie School just let out in the US so fucking casuals everywhere. Good to see the Oklahoma students bucking the old image that state has. Is she running for president or something? One of them is the champ, so of course he has to fight harder opponents. The only positive is the kid will be in her 20's and get to be like, "oh yeah were you ever in a firefight!" I mean who wouldn't? Almost all of Rubio's votes were the result of early voting. Let me help u m8. Man, he wasn't trying to scam you, he friend just steam error, but he have really good offers... Shouldn't have passed up the opportunity oh look, everyone had character mtx in open-beta Pick one. Allanon never forgetti ritus staff Probably like $400 if you got it at the Sony store Popcorn and grape juice (preferably sparkling) Hope he blew his personal riches on this folly. The chick that wrote that article is pretty hot. General Hospital! Nuclear power is safe and cheap I just turned 18.... in December..... but Gillette did send me a razor so that's something *If they mated* Excuse me, did you just assume their gender? XDXDXDXDXDXDXDXD Niantic took it as a fuck you Nice scripts. Because nothing says "progressive" like wishing death on someone who's struggling with cancer! Genies aren't real though How can you be racist about a ethnic group which doesn't even exist? The irony . This is *super* creepy.... that took a while With no regard to human life! Perhaps SOPA was the distraction so that we wouldn't notice this passing. Rape jokes are never funny, this just contributes to rape culture My ex loved being on top and moving across my very well lubed penis, it was sexy as hell and afterwards I was free to bang away - she claimed she came again from that action. Does this work in main map though? 1 inch smart-watch for sure! WW2 I'm hoping I just came here to say "Fuck Islam" The cruelty makes the meat sweeter! Ty for ruining my cheap zulrah food haha the struggle is real! Jesus Christ he looks like Jabba the Hutt in that picture. Nerd That's the leaked roster someone posted for reference Lol, Drumpf can't win, obviously the polls are rigged for him. I loved this man... It is a bit weird right now cause they don't really get each other's styles but a couple more and they will be legendary this will surely be the end for Drumf! yep, getting challenger in S3 meant nothing And to keep them snow Mexicans out. Couldn't have gone to a more deserving city what a fucking role model It's very telling that creeps 180 when they find someone with confidence and self esteem. I dont trust the rhetoric from the unproven serial liar trump Good idea to do this. Baby supports cannibalism is now canon. Love it how they're all nice and peaceful... then you get Titan They probably created that poor kid in that fast eddies This is the kind of toxic shit that needs to stop...garbage player vote kicks you after tk'ing you because of THEIR mistake...that makes sense Aw, but part of the "fun" of a Clinton administration will be seeing what convoluted measures the Clintons take to "separate" themselves from the Foundation. You see what tenure lets teachers get away with! Kay Hagan is working on the really important things in Washington, like....hunting. I don't know how to tell you this but, the rated r superstar is not a sh figuart. Secret Santa failure What the fucking fuck? Noo, he's anti-*illegals* -_- XDK With Windows? Do you want zombies? Make a compilation next time, not upload 8 different videos at the same time. Diamond armor See when I try this, I just end up face planting for 10 minutes then give up and go tether some people together and launch them with a gas tank.... you know, Just Cause. Bruh I went from 25 to 65 why can't the server be shitty for everyone to make it fair That's swell. Nothing other to say than yup. He's looking for a "classy lady" while at the same time showing that he has no class by sending that message. But guys, hey guys, all those people are members of the *establishment* therefor their opinions are invalid! I wish he was my dad. Who the hell puts any stock in what the fuck Huffington Post articles have to say? Look at his rank, he's clearly cheating Its just a small business loan They usually go up a bit after they go out of packs but my hardware didnt meet my software's requierments :( If there are a limited number of spots (and of course, there are) then 'women and children first' is of course a perfectly valid metric for determining who gets them. Once again, the US school system focusing on really important things. Gore warning! ONE OF US ONE OF US ONE OF US Needs more exosuits I want to go see it just so someone has to update the Wikipedia page. Yay. Interesting to know that Fremantle have never been minor premiers in 2015 before. I'm thinking about rearranging my sock drawer, doesn't mean I'll do it, especially since I see no monetary incentive for me. Good thing you read the article. Hey it has plenty of shield grounds! Is that Keenen Ivory Wayans? Oh dammit, now I'm reading everything in a Russian accent! Does anyone have the full video? Yay, I love gavin! Gonna guess I won't be able to speak English to it in Norway either, because Norwegians can't speak English at all Small as in less than 6 inches ? Making fun of foreign family names totally isn't xenophobic or racist! Whenever obsessive fans start to cut themselves for the people they idolize, PEOPLE SHOULD NEVER GO THAT FAR, I MEAN COME ON! thats what she said All chat is disabled, so no mockery that appears in LoL yup, in lol its enemy team who flames you most. Can we have live discussion thread about the Judge Jeanine Interview Trump? Oh I'd jab her with my pink insulin..... Oh I'm sorry dead relatives that are watching me. Classy Pele , Maradona, Cruyf, etc He's not even the best argentine player alive Man your Fallout 4 looks really weird compared to mine. Probably just used the lock to easily attach the clip, but still amusing. Dale Jr: Full-time driver, part-time boss-man, occasional water-cooler Dale, and every now and then he's Nascar's Adam Schefter Annnnnnd you just jinxed us! I'd like to be able to favourite gods; there's the lightning bolt at the bottom right of each portrait indicating whether you've got them mastered/legendary/diamond, at the bottom left I'd like there to be a star that you can toggle on/off, and starred gods will be considered your favourites and go straight to the top. Well, that's perfectly normal. I dont know what you're talking about Put him at WR Remember an armed society is a polite society. Galiev and Orpik's contract for your first, please, thank you. Well, good thing that cop will get a felony charge for falsifying a report and will be removed from the force immediately! Why would you ever hang a rifle where it appears you need to take off the scope to get it out? Totally DID NOT see this coming. I bet it clearly shows He acted on his own with no one else knowing about it whatsoever. If Darvish and Stroman miraculously return in a week from Tommy John...and Dunn returns from pseduo retirement...all of you are going to look purdy dumb. We don't like this person, so we should silence them! also no games. The're so Radical. Barbie : Sanskari Edition Use with a Matador to really salt- I mean spice things up. You can be scientific and pro life Yep, that's what Jesus would do. These radicalized Christian militias need to knock it off. at least we know he aint cheating cuz no aimbot would lock on a dove This is kind of moot when most of us run with screen tearing and vsync off to prevent input lag. Indicted for fake I.D.s what a great victory for PP Well that's a good way to win hearts and minds to your cause. And their flag is a reference to a rape joke and they don't even realize it you have 1000 copies of Hot rod? Thank god you posted this again with the correct text, I don't know what I would have done if you didn't. I think people dance at office Christmas party's for the same reason. Ugh all these new queens are trying to be like Trixie! What a mark How White People Protest: poorly. TIL Dave Lombardo was the ORIGINAL drummer of the Misfits But Chayka is a top 5 Gm right? What's more motivating than watching the best news of the decade? Compton. Oh God forbid someone lied to voters about this year's voting process That's an awfully big and unusual pylon, amirite guys? Love the transformer! The rigorous study of astrology and psychology is something only a valedictorian can fully comprehend So that's why we lost Stringfellow exactly what I do You're the husband of Taylor Swift? Mailing lists aren't shiny enough. I'm going to knock this chick up, cause that'll show those family haters! And on top of that my PlayStation 3 stopped playing blu rays I've tried 3 times to fix it I can't stop laughing They had to spend on their money on the olympics, as a result server quality has been reduced. I think large arms, or well defined biceps can make a woman look masculine but thats just my personal opinion. All it takes is for a few accidents caused where people stop short because someone else dodged out in front of them, and then insurance companies will jack up the rates for everyone in town because of the dangerous intersection. Does anyone have a link to the VOD of the clip with Michael Strahan and Kelly Rippa? For me, LOTR... Book was too hard to get into and the films were so good and easy to watch It got removed... WE DID IT REDDIT it's the *no glassware allowed in pool area sign* maker and they definitely don't just use stock illustrations from the internet (To all the peaceful protests) Surprise! Lmao this is actually hilarious Glad to see we're not That Kind Of Club^TM. Personally I think we should just accept the attacks as part of our daily life If the UK government was smart they would have partnered with Microsoft and called it 'Windows 7 Home Backup' "never lose any data or messages" and could have even charged a yearly fee. We need to ban Sumerians until we figure out what is going on. As ever with the Gaffer, it was right from the heart and I wish him and his family all the best in the future. It's because lesbians are like bros with vaginas. Didn't Mane tell Saints fans he was staying before he left? Always good to see the WSU defense on these highlight reels Yeah because collectors edition items always sell on ebay for cheaper than you bought them for. It is me, or does Obama look blazed as fuck? I thought Australia doesn't need fibre? Buy a MacBook so I can get another dollar. I bet it's just budweiser with the label swapped out stupid post tbh. Dat tubular doom sole swap Good one man, you live in point lookout? I mean it just takes good taste to appreciate some good shit I like how the mod tagged it NSFL. 900p Looks like a decent F150F150F150F150 Ford Ford Ford Ford to me. Did you buy him dinner? i bet you regret wearing that shirt Totally someone I want to be my President of the free world. I am sure they are only doing it because as shareholders they can influence corporate policies and practices. Just play stupid and don't admit to anything. I find it supremely ironic that Snowden is accused of "evading justice" by an administration which has habitually used the umbrella of national security to avoid judicial review for it's troubling actions. Typical Communist expecting someone Else to do the Work for Them Or my grandmother's hands, and the way her skin seemed like paper I thought they were; wait for it: "Next Gen" Not Movies Good thing I have bail money. Details are bullshit! Because the League pick-ban requires sooo much thought! Not sure about black uniforms but I know another black out for a lot of you guys :( friend had a seizure Don't let him drive there After that start by Iowa I am amazed that we are only down 1 at half She became PM Ganondorf, that's what. i ENJOY THE FUCKIN GAME WHERES MY M60 Do you want lies with that? I'm not sure but the 30 For 30 is gonna be an interesting watch. DOWNVOTED Because it is a reflection of the ocean Everyone knows having a fetish means you'll do that fetish with anyone at any time! See a doctor about that Hard to tell what's going on, did they cut in line?. I fucking love that game. Clearly outplayed The Republican Party nominating Donald Trump. The fact that this is an accurate description of how Protoss can open a game, fail, and still have a decent chance of winning is great. Gee, big surprise about the quotas - and that the hero responsible for revealing them is being punished. Stop spamming the subreddit Jeffler you're making me have to scroll down more for my shitposts! No respect level 9 mortar Women get offended by EVERYTHING and men have to put up with the constant complaining. NO FAT PEOPLE! Cops lying, what a big shock. Where is the plot twist? Thank god, I was worried they would be focused on not being a dumpster fire this year. Crazy bitch If only it was one of the universe. Michael Fassbender. Takes some balls to reload a save to get a video for YouTube. I'd turn the graphics all the way on a ps4 and fry an egg on it Oh gee, what a nice moderate Republican he is. More Swolehate. Fucking kids, don't they realize Animated Series Joker is the only true Joker? Goddamn pig-fuckers everywhere! What's with these scripted replies? I'm sure they will Apparently this guy didn't know that CGI movies aren't rendered in real time like video games. Never trust someone with three first names Now cook em :) Go play GTA or Saints Row. I dunno, that thing needed a vertical grip, and some rails. I didn't watch the map but according to stats looks like scream stole all kills from his team Lolita 100% after he said he couldnt lose the second one I think we have a new copypasta. Self-loathing is such a turn on. Good video! What was the advice? Don't matter, who ever supports porn first with their technology is gonna win Insane photo of the Vietnam "War" ftfy I can't even make a fucking free throw while sitting down ; ; YES WE DO, WE HAVE SEEN DEPPS WONKA VERSION! Why is competitive pricing wrong? I'm sure he had an excellent time taking Trump's sand wedge in up to his duodenum. Hey that's our president you're talking about! That's awesome it's surreal the MCU building enough of its own history to be reflected like this, Spidey coming to an established universe is great. yeah like you Even if every clan mate donates 10 gems each the clan can host 100 card tourney That.... picture is horrifying. I missed the part where Mark Cuban was running for President of the United States on the promise that he'd fight for blue collar workers. And he needs to amp up his racism, it is an important part of that Republican outreach program. Disgusting Yins are just haters and can't handle when the Super Genius spits knowledge. He didnt even sign that bill, he obviously refused to pay at all...its impossible this is a joke Now, Bernie will come back and win over Trump! A racist white person obviously made it Why are you comparing different screenshots? Well, i guess they don't expect players to be that bad at the game :D From Kung-Fu Panda, "If you never do more than you can do, you'll never be more than you are." That happened. Whaaaaat sarah_22 isn't a real person? I hope people ask him about fingerpicking. Well Keith was obviously holding him back... That was plain to see. Well thats 400 more dads willing to fire rockets at israel. He did a good job there We don't have the whole story. Eugene loves Jpeme She looks to much like a boy Oh surprise Walls, roof, air conditioning, water boiler etc. This has been posted on this sub too many times Calling it now: Innistrad's dead (Zombies and Giests) will save Innistrad This is another benefit of PC gaming, which console can you play big games on in a flight? Only *pretty* women in short skirts are asking to be raped. I dunno, man...those elbows are pretty pointy. Look at this tattoo artist trying to make money France is a state in the European Union, duh! Complain all you want but a bad movie doesn't make $1.2 BILLION at the box-office. It's a gawker link, it isn't true. Canadian in Fl currently, its a hot hot hot summers day here! Louisiana: Keeping the bar extra high per usual Probably was watching BET. Come on we need some more backports love/awareness You're pretty cool bro, and theres a lot of other people too! more like when i find out my TRU already had a restock and it's all gone Also for fun.. Other than OV the other players in the top 5 are on teams that have MULTIPLE players over a +10.... Caps highest +/- is a +5 This is a perfect example of *broken window theory*. Grrrrrr I'm so angry about nothing! Dude was black, he was basically assaulting her. I find the idea of traveling wifi unsettling. maybe 16 is the age of consent in Sokovia Can't wait to see what this big announcement is, it sounds fairly significant. The Boston Rasks? this is what happens when you dont vaccinate your damn kids, people! Scroll down, I need to see those mattresses. thanks for the great photos At least internationally. Damn all those babies born to into poverty are going to love causing a ruckus with all these guns! Just as an FYI, if the IG were to come out with an investigation like this for anyone else, they would be fired and certainly not have a chance to comment publicly. To be fair, Joe is an asshole who needs to shut up. Cowboys are good, but I really want to see how good they do against the giants to clarify this claim. Don't forget "Bobby" Jindahl. For sure, not getting hit and staying outside the pocket of Hunt ruined the match. My best bet is that it's somewhere in the muskoka area of Ontario What happens if someone needs to cleanse their colon? .25 ACP That is why you collect a deposit before you start working. Olivia. Dane cook Can't wait for the calling of another constitutional amendment. Damn... for a moment I thought they were finally going to start investigating those trolls under the Gardiner and DVP. Obviously they have a good reason, like they're bored, or their time is much more important than your time. Fully expect to see him in the stands today So that's how American soldier uniforms looked like in WWII! That episode, or crawlspace is the best. Speaking as an Edmontonian, it would be a good thing if they got rid of this guy. HAES THOOOOOOOO! It's more like taking two of the boy's toys, giving them to the girl, then saying it's fair because he had more toys for a long time, and then calling the boy a rapist. It's because he hacks! I thought it was left, right? Does this not go against everything America stands for? Why do dogs howl when they hear howls? It peaked in 1611. Yeah, they're gonna release an update soon which will give the GPU more power to keep up with the PC gamers and then the wild neo appears outta nowhere Her lead in a metric that's irrelevant. James name really does rhyme with what he does though... James Games Rape magically becomes acceptable IF it happens inside of a prison. Starting behind Giroud = More likely to become starter. Damn you and your efficient role players I was unaware that high fence hunting is considered the same as actual hunting. I hope they do for legion, legion is the only sub box that hasn't gotten 2 pops in a box yet, hopefully they do for this next one. yes, i totally wanna get in touch with this community but he's not in your hand in any of them :/ Just like the Chrysler Building ruined the skyline ..according to the majority of people when it was built I am interested in seeing volume 2. Are groundhogs and beavers the same thing? All this was quite easily predictable half a decade ago when China's energy policies were starting to gear towards achieving a self reliance for energy sourcing. Ten years of heavy snow. yup the same people are all changing their views on nba players at every second Well done, looking forward to the free games to go along with my season tickets next year! Yeah this is a fun Hero. Jesus she has some serious mental issues. speak for yourself, I wont forget his candid remarks about our program Uma Bharti is an example of women empowerment in India. The PT demo garnered a lot of attention though, especially among those YouTubers who play scary games for big audiences. What happened to his own brain? No shit. Why are lefty memes so overly long and shitty? Doublelift sent his message. So which is the real one? But he's the reason they'll never win another cup, amirite? That is fucking cool! Damn, where's a link to xir's Pateron page, I need to donate something to this poor person! Imagine this with unclaimed tourney rewards... Top 5k would have 75+ gifts lol. How can I get such weaponry? he Dindu Nuffin Islamaphobe. Very nice writing as well. Finally something significant will happen against a big financial institution! NO, devalues the 8hrs i spent getting the set Well, heres an original though I think he led the league in goals disallowed last year Better is bread with a happy heart, than wealth with vexation. My favorite part was that he went for it while having a 0% match The military is a culture of rape with a blame the victim mentality. Buzz feed is a cancer I think its safe to assume clg doesn't have any strats With an Eldrazi invasion Because this is Warthunder and teamwork is for suckers. But we haven't played anybody! But we were told that only poverty causes people to become extremists. Are they distributing copies of the bread book while giving out bread? I'm pretty sure Israel is going to apartheid them, like how they set up apartheid and genocide camps in Nepal The AT&T monopoly is building itself back up. Wow, what a quirky, unique, spontaneous individual! Typical hetero-normative cis-gendered male making jokes of this I've always hated MTV, but I didn't expect them to go full "Cracked". consoles Except there's a zero at the end. Yey PP More reason to hate Ade, he's blocking Christian with the flag ya it is i learned about kyle and his emotional struggles with his 971lb mother he has to sweep I often disagree with third wave feminists these days, but jokes about rape and threats about rape should be condemned and not tolerated. What's the difference? Fuck em all Shocker its s shiny clear, very rare, congratulations Remove jump animation, it's ruining their time! Dont whine communists, get a job! Strange in that 80% of the deaths in black communities are young black men. I mean, that's good in general but that thread made me realize there's plenty of legit reasons you stay married for the sake of the kids, mostly involving divorce where the mother demands full custody with child support and alimony Bannon is just MAGA,after all as Trump's brain he must also know more than Generals. Experts told CIO Journal earlier this year that employees using the new iPad, which includes a Retina display of 2048-by-1536 resolution with 3.1 million pixels, **would be likely to download more video content because of the more attractive display,** thus slowing enterprise networks and increasing data costs from carriers. That means two Nazis would be on Game Grumps Shut up you fucking cunt I will fucking murder you and put your own shit in your mouth you fucker. Mint or death Looks like the cover of a really bad and obscure fetish video. genius idea, never heard of it before When did The Beaverton stop being satire? I'm not allowed to talk about it Yeah, every time they nerf him they remove more of his testicles and add more digital vagina SL 2 And gobar & gomutra. Nothing to see here, just Stewie being Stewie OP, you so sneaky reposting this Well, I've had my big cringe for the day now. I don't think we can fully comprehend it, but there's definitely reason to look forward to it. Take your repost and leave. are you entering a slaughter house? Yeh hit that rape victim with $10k of funeral costs that will keep her legs together next time! HEY GUYS I THINK JEREMY HILL JUST BECAME AVAILABLE I didn't know you had camels in Australia. It's laws like this that make Chicago one of the safest and least crime ridden cities in America. Yea... that was well worth the wait! These threads are awesome to revisit after the season Wow, xbox 180 didn't even know that they had those. Halo 5 or more remastered H2A maps for multiplayer No dissenting opinions, cuck Thought so Are people seriously not understanding that when Donald Trump says immigrants/undocumented works, what he really means is Muslims and Mexicans? Maybe he's naming it after his cousin? Honestly, I expected him to mysteriously disappear. If that's the case, Ravens will re-sign Bernard Pollard. Big words; tiny brains. Wait, What's Aleppo? I heard Gilardino is a free agent maybe he will make a sensational return Oh goody, we are saved Because reddit is a community full of intelligent individuals and the incursion of cretins from facebook would ruin it. Brushing your teeth with your non-dominant hand. Because now he will have a *real* quarterback to work with. Those aren't the refugees you see on TV. But, how are they going to get past the security forces? bucket list: sit on for TESD recording Thank god we are protecting society by arresting people like this. Or about twenty minutes of government spending. I see Bernie Sanders as an old school MoTown fan...his supporters, I think would dig the organic sounds of drum circles, and acapella versions of "We Are the World". But at least we know what we'll get right? Hmm. Filled up for $1.99 by the CBX on the border yesterday. Now everyone can have ptsd. I think that the memorization of these 12 core values should be mandatory for every Thai subject under penalty of law Especially for all college students Why the fuck does everyone try and make shit about Joey so controversial whenever he does anything, the bloke looks fine here Our law has failed us, that teen needs to be prosecuted to the full extant of the law But I thought that we were the ones who can emulate them? Oh god, I'm getting Lego Universe nostalgia This is great, but why is luffy there. How topical. Wait, "The Sound of Silence" isn't their only song? But Benedict is God's Rottweiler Too bad she didn't just try to drive across the state with her 2.7 million in cash... Then, the officers could have just enacted civil forfeiture and none of our tax dollars would be wasted on this crap. Australia. String theory vs actual string So he fed India & Pakistan... now look how good those countries are doing Triumph of reason over back room political ideologies. STEAL IT! They certainly couldn't have picked a better time for a call for separation. The conspiracy theorists have really taken the lead in the sanders camp, good to see rational thought prevailing over there! So does SR Dante have a Cross Fate with Sen? We always here about how shitty the MEA is, someone start ripping on the Admins associations now! #Duterte-would-ride-a-jetski-and-plant-a-flag-as-promised Embarrassment can only last for so long. Usaully it's both, you need to bring your a-game to shitposting. The human eye can't see past 2 FPS don't Ya know! Weren't Nvidia going to use GDDR5X due to HBM supply issues? Maybe, at least Febiven is destroying Easyhoon in soloQ I hope it's just like Jack and Jill. He's like, "HAHA I have arms." LVG's team hasn't managed to score after 64 mins excluding injury time #Out Blind motherfuckers. should have been at least a 5/5 and tapping 3 zombies is crazy, should be tap an untapped zombie draw a card, also u shouldnt have to pay life, why does WOTC want to kill this game? Wow, what a lazy asshole. This is a scary man, and I'm glad he's off the streets. They think they will be, anyway. Great season can't wait to see how the kid responds when the lights are the brightest He's proud because that means he's rich enough to not care about how he spends his money and that automatically makes him awesome and bestest and cool and sexy and my new best friend. How would a frames per second game teach violence? Good point, what's funny about this? I use mine as a skeet sheet The "vicinity" is merely senses that you have IRL that you don't have in a video game. Italian Herbs and Cheese, nice choice. I'm having trouble piecing this one together guys. Hooray for factory farming. Girls aren't supposed to know they have a vagina until they are good and ready. Not enough time. Seems legit. Simple fix: don't live in shitty places. Now I'll buy S6 hahah, good one I blame the white cop in the video. With yo wallet. 2 weeks off with pay, then back on the streets to catch the *real* threats to society. The only thing that is dying is Project M amirite? But women never falsely accuse, that's just a lie made up by MRAs Oh come on, Hillary isn't even winning the election. She should have watched Castaway, Tom Hanks will teach her how to take it like a champ. Whenever I see posts like this all I can think is that the person posting must be really desperate for attention. BUT HER EMAILS Pauvre ti Obvi you can't be positive if you minus weight! This is just a conspiracy by the government to keep the population down. The more I hear about those people the more I despise them. I was going to say.. I didn't think that AN and bronies would be something to cross paths But, but, why would someone say they were a womans on the internet if they didn't want to see my glorious dick? I look forward to seeing these on display at the creation museum. Its not a bug, its a feature That's oddly specific Happened to you? I eat illegal mushrooms at home. Did the tax break expire? THAT WAS HIS PLAN ALL ALONG! how many people must die from bird flu until we start making vaccinations mandatory! Wow bro, watch your privilege with those micro aggressions. That's not a PC, it's just a bunch of parts required to build a PC. Your neighbors must love you. Grabavoy hype train Rule 1 In real life they just call us "traitors to your own race." Hyped for the newest Arrow Winning? When his parents were thinking of a name, a TIE fighter flew by and suddenly it became clear. Was gonna post that You have to remember, that behind everything Burnie does he's a writer, it's what he does. Time for a fresh batch of gun legislation, because that fixes everything. Good thing there were two back and forth camera angles or the video just wouldn't have been very good. First time I've seen that. I don't like the red it seems too bright, but it looks cool besides that. I, for one, feel much safer that this terrorist mastermind is off the streets. This just in, Ecuador has fired a naval destroyer with a missile. Wow are you disrespecting this guy? Sadly is true, this serie is far better than the pice of shit the game is Haven't seen this one before Huh, so Windows ripped off OSX's "Spaces"? Jonas Hiller..... lol That is exactly correct. Yeah because it would be some crazy conspiracy theory to think that there is a doctors in Pakistan on the CIA's payroll giving fake vaccines filled with a mystery fluid. when they reach the point they riot and set fires to protest for their personhood. Because everyone knows that men and women are interested in exactly the same things and choose to amuse themselves in exactly the same ways. TSM Chauster Love the Woodstock MS doesn't set prices, the publisher does. If we're honest the people who wear those shirts are basically mindless zombies now. Speriamo siano quelli dei call center Sounds like a real catch Hey, they don't need those facilities anymore if they're not making nukes, so we'll just do them a solid and demolish them free of charge. Banana flavored Yoo-Hoo. Still better than only torrenting anime, so there's no need to feel bad. I had never seen porn so adorable. It's fucking inexcusable. i believed this then i saw the ox and i knew it was bull Smart compared to half this idiotic world means an IQ of exactly 100 doesn't it? I find the fact that this debate has "Your Money, Your Vote" in its title to be a highly accurate assessment of today's political landscape Ron Swanson. Good, I was wondering what to complain about after we got leaderboards this is neither offbeat nor a surprise No, FNaF will never leak because we have plumber. Condolences did they get enough cops involved? I grew to like the guy as well. It's a plant not a substance bro Daily reminder that tiers have nothing to do with power level and everything to do with how often a deck is played. So where's this Arabic thing so I can crash both my parents iPhone? The worst thing about Zeno is that he lives in Dallas and not Houston B-b-but this specific data set over a small specific and short time frame shows that global warming isn't happening. Quality shitpost But the printed letters are black. I don't know, I think it needs more "pop" how about a rainbow gradient or two Freedom fighters. can confirm, I'm german any I only want to flame myself. One baby Tama 0/10 That must be a fresh level of existential hell- feeling like a vegan while you body tells you you are a carnivore I LOVE THESE C-C-C-Combo breaker! Quite simple: He has no consistent criteria for his Top 10, also Korzan is not that good anyways specially with OE coming soon, Sirius is now the second strongest unit in the game and Nyami the third but all of this doesn't matter because Omni Eze will kill all of them. Yep, because Valve is your friend and Sony & Microsoft are greedy businesses who just want your money. Y'all been making me want to switch to Wolf lately. Is that you s1mple? You curse this game now, but you'll buy the next game too, and you'll curse that one too. Slaves are still not free. Good, now make the accuser pay court costs. For some reason, I mostly do that very same thing when the group behind me catches up and watches me drive. And not to induct Taker as the first entrant to the Hall of Fame? I was promised multiplayer So real men are start dodgers? needs more jpg. Because there are so many crimes committed with .50 Beowulf AR's. wow, homophobe much? Yeah it could be, I don't but those cheap razors anyway The food is going to look exactly the same at $15 as it does at $7.25. Gz nice pull Got Chasun from the wind scroll, not a nat 5 but still pretty damn happy He is a Socialist Jew. OBVIOUSLY THIS IS A SCRIPTED BIT AND HOWARD WEARS A WIG. I would love him to be like Storm Spirit in Dota. I bet he codes. I don't know if I thought it was super lopsided at the time, but I remember I was pretty nervous about letting Eriksson go. I'm sure HRC will clean this right up. Don't be so modest I appreciate that the Trebuchet is still being used in warfare in the 21st century. This makes me hate Rocky even more! ITT: uplifting people Fuck you Sorry im not a walking wiki of all freaking game types... my bad i should get reading well duh, now they won't ever get tickets Like "Click it or ticket" except it's more like "buckle it or die." Isn't that what all DJs do? I'm glad apple is being really mature about the whole thing. Soldiers are standing 24x7 at border and they can't stand two minutes What, you mean my credit card is not free money? Yeah, because I'm going to call it anything else but the Millennium Stadium. Austria 1820, poorly It's like twitch psychiatrists calling steamers antisocial lol. This would probably end up in some crazy person doxxing, also we would have possible flame wars Ah but you fail to realize that only certified teens would see that. Teach me more, oh Oracle guru! The media won't bring it up because it doesn't fit into their agenda. SB MVP, I'm calling it. I know when I want to accidentally delete something, I go out and find a program that does 0 delete on the HDD those files were stored on Thought this was a normal thing after eating at Moe's. Scorpin. Clearly this women is defying the church, she needs to be stoned. You will have to wait 6 months to find out There is nothing more dangerous in this world than a young man with an ideology. explains the Israel propaganda attacks against Turkey on Reddit Because I LOVE doing drills all morning then "relaxing" by getting training. This is appropriation of slav squatting pff, highlights are blown, worthless image. video not available :( If you must pick a scapegoat then you're on the right track but there are others people will single out before Upton Jr. as the father of 72 bastard children who think their father is another man, I entirely approve of this action Yeah how dare other people like this what immature idiots! good to see they are out doing their jobs But her emails I want all Christians to leave every part of the world that isn't America because not alot of people know baseball :(. But his waifu is totally real guys That's just the vent it is genuinely frightening to me that some men's first thought when this topic is broached is "great I get to hit women now." Who let Gideon in here? I'm 28 and this is only the second time I've heard of Tripoli I have spend 2 minutes waiting for the site to load... I will stick with pycharm. No this is a feature, you are invincible during jumps its working as intended. Yeah and an article written for the Air Force Times is completely objective and subjected to highest ideals of journalism. I posted it here hoping people would start talking about it can get patched ASAP. So the cake was a lie? Because fish farming and commercial fishing isn't bad for the environment at all I can't wait for this absolutely hilarious that seems logical 0 LGBT cant mate. Can't wait for the S-support of Spotpass Mikoto! Comic books are for the chronically underemployed morons. i feel like its too easy to survive in the desert... There needs to be a major downside like heatstroke and rapid dehydration... that way going into the desert for supplies is fine but trying to survive there for an extended period would be harder But guys, get rid of guns, austria does it. Faith in community: Restored! I'm $ure Ole Mi$$ did nothing wrong. Didn't President Obama have a lackluster record of being late and/or only voting present? How many starts would you say Perez needs before you start asking if he's ok What a whiny little prick on the left. If you have nothing to hide the drones shouldnt scare you! and when they make up a reason to search after a refusal, they punish by ripping the car apart. SMU will have a lot of QB talent (on paper) What do you expect when all his fans are on summer break and too young to work? You're in good company. call me when he wins the Superstar of the Year award Tampa Bay didn't even make the playoffs. What could possibly go wrong? Physical preference is fat logic screwdriver? Soooo it's a Windows Phone? Well, he was a false flag Manchurian puppet set in motion by Hillary and Polestar and the RAND corporation so it doesn't matter This is really great news. Could have been a great video if it hadn't first been put through the worst encoding setup known to the Internet aka Naver. Wait, where are all those people who said his career was over a few days ago? Hey, God has expenses, y'know. Not 60 fps=shit. Baldwin with Boldin as a Mentor could be great. Weber should treat his future teammates better than that. i like how casual she was about a guy stealing her phone and then getting it back. here in Venezuela to buy the game I work as two years without eating Why not use a tag that label them for what they are: lies and propaganda? when has protest ever accomplished anything here I'm italian and I'm offended by this. BUT HE WAS BETTER THAN KARIUS AT THAT AGE! Yeah, be a good parent and tag your kids. BDS caused the Holocaust Clearly Ukrainian Fascists He's correct, if he means we should stop giving guns to "moderate rebels" in Syria in a war that's none of our business. TIL Rosie O'Donnell is a cunt It's very easy to do... Change line 1 from : Import dx9 To: Import dx12 No where in this thread Better flush to the wall ang monument so walang space between O lagyan ng flush para maalis ang ebakk All of my triggers are exploding right now. Then people ask why others won't play the objective. who's that ugly ladyboy on the meme-pic ? Shit now I know Sabo comes back I didn't see them please explain But Bernie Sanders told me only Republicans like war! because a decision would come in time before the season, because the SCOTUS doesn't have more important things to do I'm sure celestial glyph ele will make me feel super powerful and destructive again And hedge fund managers make billions a year, who do you think is more valuable to society in general? What a pussy. Hey Brad, time to drown yourself in work and get a role in the DCEU Anyone have a link for HuffPo's article "Birth Control Pills: Can Women Be Trusted When They Say They're On Them?" Bobby Kenny playing Ritual Beast, so stoked for their first YCS top! A slave Finally, a funny AND original joke! New back up? Smash 4 is worse than Brawl Something tells me white privelege won't be a major theme in her speeches when she is campaigning in Buffalo, Syracuse, and Westchester. And I'm sure the poor will just lie down and die for them when the time comes. S1mple wasnt first.... didnt thorin make this list Guacamole. I shouldn't have to worry about my wifes sons life everytime he robs a store or tries to steal a cops gun Looks like that guy has a terrible connection, between the warping, and the insta damage, would love to see his latency. I don't understand the point of making a whole game based around bloody meatgrinders where neither side ever makes progress and every open area is filled with a hail of machine gun fire I mean we already have 64 player Operation Locker servers for that Man, Earth should really think about accessorizing The market has bottomed out, time to scoop up those bargain basement prices before it's too late. So, space zombies? Disruptors are still one of the best subs in the game. And not treating every black person like a lost child looking for its mother. Lions and Tigers and Bears, oh my! When Itachi was revived one of the first things he thought about was if kisame was dead so I think he does Well, fentanyl isn't "shabu" so that's probably okay. To be fair though, it's not just reddit... Twitter, Facebook, Twitch, GD; people were being dicks to him everywhere. Nice jammies Simple, yet hilariously accurate. They just removed his e, but I didn't knew alistar had a passive OP, slap a giant PCMasterRace LAN poster right next to it. TIL 17% of Syrian refugees in Denmark opened kebab shops during a 4 year period. Your submission was removed as it violates rule I: No screenshots But...we're racist! I see what you did there the VA needs a lot of help, but some of their programs are outstanding for the vets that receive them It's these damn assault cars and automatic knives! Don't you need to be a direct descendent of Mohammad to be a Caliph? God could they have created anything more boring? *this was the Weiner SHINY! Burn the place to the ground. Does he shit in the woods though? Trump will save us from the debt by building a wall and spending more on the military. I hate to say it but it feels like Reddit expects Israel to accept immigrants, but not European countries. I'm sweating just looking at it I got a good chuckle out of this :) Birds of feathers. Joffrey BarathHAHAHAHA JUST KIDDING I LAUGHED AND CHEERED Lord Fuchas Hey check out this video I saw at my old job the Dollar Tree Christian Grey Sorry, but you aren't korean so it isn't impressive at all. TIL Eastern Europe is a country. The dog was like fuck, sorry bud I got excited! Swish. Yeah they threw buckets of water on it. Just please notice that it's not about the rg and eb but about the bait retro offers. Yea, that doesn't happen. So when are we getting the DnB buildup Fondue a la Hoxton ? Oh yes, and lets post it as a image of text. Finn is a villain confirmed Default is so disgusting CONCACAF needs Mexico in the final, basically. Infidels The satanic interdimensional alien globalists did this! You might get some credibility if you back up your claims with facts Just sayin' Doodle your spouse's face on the King or Queen of Hearts and burn it in front of them High-speed mirror, only as many frames as they had space for with the film Cool Just go to Austin, it's not that far Krej you plug Like we did with the Japanese, brilliant. They can't chop off any heads from way up there. I want you brown people to be a state - now give me moneys! Next up we will have to have premium to get these! Oh wow, nobody has ever seen this! I'm shocked! **What the fuck is a Kiwi Farm and why should I care** Also this post comes with a heavy Nice try OP That is clearly one dog laying next to a mirror. Ellen Pao. Got to love capitalism. Hey buddy, our good ol governor Perry needs that money for new boots and a revolver so he can keep playing cowboy. I mean, soda used to do this all the time, not that crazy tbh. If you've watched any Seattle games all year this article is quite shocking It's always a good idea to taunt a foundation of lawyers who are threatening to sue you. Some time in 2017 damn daniel **USA = Stati Uniti** Ja Ja it iz a Major in ze German Vaterland. Don't offend Supply Side Jesus with your empirical data! This is obviously proof that 9/11 WAS AN INSIDE JOB, SHE WAS WAVING TO THE INVISIBLE GOVERNMENT SPY PLANE TO SIGNAL THAT THE SECRET FILES PROVING PRESIDENT BUSH WAS A REPTILIAN HAD BEEN DESTROYED! This means that if he crashes/comes second to Nico at Monza, we can blame it entirely and exclusively on Nicole. Yeah your system is working great AVB, why would you bring on another striker when you're down by 2, that would be dumb. If someone is brain washed, would they know the difference? But can he see why kids love cinnamon toast crunch? I think they forgot Inbee Park. I like yours better. We are so fucked. Still safer than vaccines It was beaten post-mortem. ye you're right he got really lucky, 4 lucky shots in a row what are the odds I just bought that exact same HDD as well, so much more quiet than my old Hitachi drive Fuck the WSJ FUCKOFFWITHTHESEFUCKINGSHITTYREPOSTSTHATAREDUMBASFUCJ Is the digital download price for Switch confirmed? If this happens, bye-bye BRush If there is one thing I trust in this world, it's the cleanliness of a movie theater. Just in time for the nerf! Report: Bernie Sanders will also take away everyone's healthcare! YEAH COSPLAY IS JUST ABOUT TITS AND ASS HUEHUEHUE. Mark Titus continues to have nothing to add. social experiment What about former Laker Kurt Rambis? Yes, because women get their jollies from having sex with random foreign guys and then falsely accusing them of rape. But why not square? That's not a DL44 Because a sunburn is *obviously* the worst thing that could come from climate change! Do not try to fight Apple, especially if you most likely couldn't fight a regular apple. Also x-rays of the strength produced by CRTs can't easily kill you. See, who needs snow tires anyway? maybe that boy was gonna be a hitler of our time and god got rid of him? I know it's Forbes, but my god, so much business-speak in that article. Our hero! He was also quite a handsome fellow. What was the tool they used at the end to do the detail work? Proof that helmets don't do shit. Dany rocking the Jaquen look. Well, yeah, because Gostisbehere is out, obviously At least Lescott - Demichelis can still play! That's both hilarious and awesome Oscar Robertson blew a 41 triple double lead. I actually just copped these because they look clean. Crap, did we trade him? Ugh...only a week into the league, and I'm already tired of his story more than anything else. Even this annoying overtaking! Our Turkic brothers Literally unplayable Nothing wrong with sprays Christopher Bell? Obama to receive $400k payment for favors given out in office. Yeah, maybe it was done by christian terrorists I can't wait to get Bret Saberhagen This had to happen, really.. ;P Smooth. Cop was out of line, though, with the guy being such a douchebag for NO reason at all, I can definitely understand the cop getting agitated. Well, their attitudes are that bloody outdated...I guess we shouldn't be surprised that they frown upon miscegenation. I'm totally going to look at your website now. Just remember since labor is 100% of the costs of a product the cost of a good will increase yugely! OP is just a local troll All the cool actors on Goosebumps had bowl cuts It's absolutely insane how he's turned it around under Sullivan. looks like an adventure holiday to me Speaking of Goose Island anyone get their compensation package from "non" infected bcbcs/bcbbw? Yes its true, imo this is because the average android user has less money to spend than the average ios user, who has two times more expensive device to begin with. Wow, color that pink and you got what they make McDonalds chicken nuggets from :o Yes, because the blockade of the pirate bay and other related sites has worked so well and been so successful internationally. Don't mean shit apart from nows there's 2 women who could kick mayweathers ass you see this is why we need even more surveillance Unbiased Indian express Dat 97 Kuechly got me so many picks. Oh bubba! Look at all Ted's fans jumping on this thread defending him, Trump's fans could learn something from this. bomb the imperialist war mongers Risky click of the day Wow, so strange. This is not pay to win. Awesome Which browser is that? He's going to get a cramp in his grabbin' hand. There is no second. But it's not like he's done it before, right? **seems legit....** And also track your location:) No, just you, weirdo. ah yes, reddit, the place where we could always turn to for trusted medical advice ^ Because it would have been fine to say it in a later message. I wanna smoke it Yet he's not a good enough wizard to get good RNG I buy Cessnas all the time Right on the edge of Sumner and Sedgwick county. Is that even a real question? If you didn't want to know that I like incest porn, then you probably shouldn't have posted so many video's to Pornhub..... or read the comments.......also, you're grounded for 2 weeks please no Did you crush those god damn cicada after taking that picture. You mean pre-half time thoughts? zamana hoke nikla...keep up bro reddit* mmmm...nice, quality human beings right there Seems Chris Christie should keep his mouth closed more often. Personally, my approach is to water-board a girl's brain. This is what happens without a carrier and a fruit company watching over you. Good thing longevity isn't more heavily influenced by heredity than habits. How old is *Bruce* Bennett? Its so weird how people in Russia, that oppose Putin and his policies, seem to suffer from bad health problems. Hello Korean friend :) I think we can all agree on the fact that a random redditor knows the game much better than the lead content designer. Arsene needs one now, it's only fair. Ask Ben Carson he probably got interested in Conor after he saw the naked photos. Yeah, let's ridicule the safety video for Sun God... That will show them that we are mature and responsible adults. Bu....but, he didn't even slap his hands together to create a chalk cloud. Because denying sales to a game and having game journalists *applaud* said action is *great* for consumer confidence and the bottom line. What a mansplainer BREAKING NEWS: Author types article on electricity guzzling PC built in China under Slave-like conditions while sipping coffee grown on lands stolen from native Amazonian people. Thanks for having this in three separate gifs Hamsterdan is awesome. 1. gyazo 2. not gfycat 3. gif not gifv we're doomed I WANT TO SEE KHALABIB YOU FUCKS Reddit, we did it! Just type anything to get karma in this thread. Yes, they're just shoving those pills into people's mouths. Go down to the countryside or something, I dunno. hey, give ~~peace~~ war a chance! I can think of at least 1 thing wrong with this plan Thanks for giving Lin a good amount of PT, Byron You know any command so i can make the impacts dont dissapear on an offline match? This worked so well when George W. Bush put his college buddy in charge of FEMA. If by strong start he means strong start towards destroying the separation of powers, then yes he has gotten off to a strong start. There aren't enough lens flares in this pic Meanwhile even the chipmunks and squirrels scatter when Hillary approaches. Didn't see that coming! I just want a decent male voice because the default is so overacted:/ Typical Valor and Mystic to confuse the team mascots for the starters instead of the birds. to me RobertxLee always looks confused What a surprise! Ok guys, case is closed we can all go home, McDavid is approximately 21.45% better than Crosby Thanks man. ...(the resolution) would **steel** need to pass the legislature... You're fuckin up again, Buzzfeed. If y'all American people wanna buy rare fish from Europe for 20$ a piece, hit me up ;) Joining the EU has clearly been beneficial to Portugal these past 25 years. First one to do it this season It's blue. Yay 7 hours til next update Damn, at least he gave you two weeks instead of two hours like most guys on here. Chris' review is bias, marvel is paying the reviewers. Because Jesus Una notizia terribile per tutti quegli americani con un nonno italiano. I thought China had national healthcare, how does a Taiwanese company get to request anything of the healthcare system? Government assistance has killed our communities, and its just what Dems wanted and enjoyed for the last 50 years Yeah Phreak is the best caster And they said wod has no content...:O Thanks! Because apparently only whites exist in France. The head teacher who took over at my primary school after I left banned Halloween as "a pagan festival", some quare nutters in primary schools it seems. Crack meth Dis dick in OP's Mom Well that's less fun. Lies. Obviously this was a conspiracy just to discredit him. SO RANDUM LOL Wow i would lick every inch of you It's that strong veteran presence in the locker room. Money Smoothed my Path to the Plastic S&W FIFY Aren't those the same thing? hey bud u forgot the "20" at the end Not a fix for the Belica bug, oh god is this going to cause me some rage. Nah we had to deal with it for months, your turn ;) Just like having to mow your boulevard. Love how he somewhat conceals his pistol behind his back so pedestrians don't see a stranger walking around gun in hand. city ledge. It's the same photographer, just been given a little more leeway I've seen longer wait times. search *.docx That rather, the system to get ordinary people trust government enough to buck the population increase NYC is practically a free apartment. If Hillary was accused of the exact same thing they would line up to investigate. Wow, I didn't know they played the game too idk but i think the pick and pull is the best place for that vehicle.... i cant say why but it seems it is! Marauder confirmed best class to play. Uses quotes like "U mad" and does not want anyone else to have an opinion Looks like we found a lost CODADOOTY kid. A terroist recruitment cent... A mosque is being built in Athens. Ugh, he's just expressing himself you homophobe. Can't wait to see people like Terrel Pryor in WWE. Look at that dirty cheater, trying to eat the poor mans finger with his eye #sitdownbuddeh I thought George Clooney was supposedly a good guy, why's he supporting Hillary? Senna was murdered and/or is still alive. And if I had destroyed evidence of fraud I'd got to jail for a large chunk of my life. A perfectly sane response. I think it's just because I've been playing a lot lately, but I thought it looked like something from GTA5 Wow... profound RG + Elite Barbs would be the death of me Dude, she sounds like a keeper. TIL that teaching children not to bully each other is the same as sexual abusers' grooming of victims. Trim your cable tie tails you lazy bugger :p At least he's not sending dick pictures to co workers. lmao, if there was a book titled "current meta" your deck would be on page 2 lost it at the motorcycles I'm 16, and immune to your feels, OP! Oh yeah, his killer arm will get them back to the SB weak b8, 0/8 Listing sound design and not listing 3d modeling is silly. *drool* S chassis heaven Sweet thermal If you're gonna bullshit a story for free karma, make it more believable, please. It must be the lighting, not really sure though Diesel is that youuuuuu I'm sure all the morons having kids they can't afford planned to do so, and will now consider this LPT in the future. Yeah those sought after jobs like picking strawberries and construction Shouldn't that be a *shorn* sheep? As long as he didn't say "vagina" or else the Michigan Republicans would vote to silence him. If it works don't fix it. Piper isn't showing me nearly enough of her teeth. came in for this reply, thx What do you want for it? Set your auto nexus higher next time Maybe they're extinct in China? i wonder if she'll need bulbs or melody notes (doesnt remember the name of evo mats). But the pros say that rtr - ths was the best standard format! Well, for people who aren't that difficult it would be absolutely great to watch new movies at home like that, with a bunch of friend in a couch and cheap ass pop corn with ketchup powder that doesn't cost the same as a week of groceries. the media has a strong liberal bias Hey dude, hey, hey, hey dude, hey.........this looks familiar but I can't quite put my finger on it, what zoo I feel sorry for the Russian people, they always get stuck with ego-maniacal nuts in charge. The fact that I feel economic anxiety and blindly blame Mexicans and you won't just let me do that without mocking my paranoia is WHY TRUMP WON! But... he's back at it again with the white vans.... ;-; Vote UKIP! Yeah, that's what pissed off the vegans. why isn't this already a law! Goatse Man. Trump? Someone should really tell them that the Hamas rockets are just "harmless fireworks." I WONDER WHO MADE IT I heard Bixi causes flatulence F.lux can work on 64 and 32bit devices. Meh. *Every* spacecraft, ya technoheretic! Recipe? Cultural Muslim. $40,000 down the drain well, I guess it's pack up then The lighting & shadowing on Mario is pretty nice, I only just noticed with this picture. Now her burgers will be even more delicious. Hey that's cheating, clearly an unfair advantage Clearly Nick Cannon is a drumming god. but Trump stood up for the vulnerable people in the midwest He looks like a fucking psycho. Also Kovic's is adamkovic Talk about a GILF huh ^^^I'mSoSorry Fuckin' ugly douchebags. Reddit Gold You should get into warhammer, and in line with this model make the overarching theme of your army castlevania guy with access to all the information and intelligence data in the world gets his info from Breitbart....that makes him smart! Wow, such quality discussion. I don't want to live in a world without Weird Al Yankovic. Well at least it makes room on the roster for some kid who knows how to behave himself. Wow, you're really cool. It's like an engagement photo - anyone engaged getting any ideas? Stop smoking that saliva Still waiting to ban Male genital mutilation in the US Who told her it was okay to wear a Polaris helmet on a Ski-Doo? You spelled it wrong, you peasant! North Carolina Mccrory recount = bad, Leftie recount = good Aww you tricked me! Fooled me... If it werent for the exhaust tips being one side only I never would have known it wasnt actually an M5. At this point it'd almost be funny if it weren't so damn sad and anger-inducing How the fuck are you even nova 3? There is this sick part of me, if he's good enough to go, that wants Long to sign and join with Joe Thomas to achieve my dream-team O-Line. Oh no, not a 4 point drop... how will they ever recover from this stock crash? Meanwhile I wanna know who created Zenyatta and Mondatta. We can round off for the sake of the title, can't we? Of course not, males always consent. Good point, but what else are they going to do when a master criminal is racing through the street at 120mph? I think nl with hair is much different from egg Ryan bieng that nl with hair is a shit head Weed could turn our kids into zombies! To spread the revolution to the market of course! I don't buy it, he clearly had to be able to locate the shift key for some of those. Really looking forward to stepping out of the theater on opening night to send Cap on a Charleston! I have much more of a problem with bad grammar *Could of May Jesu's have mercy on your soul. it can look like that in 1080... just need decent textures Make sure you microwave the spoon to heat it up I took brady this year, and I really hope to see angry brady absolutely DESTROY the league this year after all this BS. Holy fucking ripped Batman! I don't get the downvotes, the only thing I don't like about it is that it's too short :( Tajae Sharpe is a WR silly. Holy crap.... I knew he was slumping, but... DAMN. No way man, we're just whiners. Beautiful rig, bikeporn for real.What is that circle where the top and down tube meet? Any chance of putting a Dragon Ball reference in a game is a worthy mod One foreign policy expert to another, eh? Yes, but where can we try it out? Animal man Martian Manhunter Stargirl Adam Strange Hawkman Supergirl Green Arrow Because as far as I can tell none of them are in a comic right now But do they all have democratic eagles of freedom like us Americans? More desert, sweet. Freelancer, lots of cargo, 5 person support, fit through every jump point, solid Explorer, good enough combat ability, very modular. I'd still say Nacho had the better overall accuracy, Yet when Sterling got points, they were some damn clean shots. By eating beef, you have become a *dharam-bhrasht*, so you can no longer call yourself a Hindu. If this is from the poly group, no wonder they have to ~~serially date~~ be polyamorous. 4500 Australian Dollars Pssssh no way this guy gets into the HoF. nigur pls. I look forward to launch day when script kiddies bring down xbox live and everyone here blames it on MS and 343. Can we sticky this so no one else asks the question? What blasphemy is this? Is that Walter Mitty? ito ba yung binadget ng administrasyong duterte na infrastructure project na trillion? It's just a coincidence that Trump and Putin spoke over the phone immediately prior to this bloodshed. they can't handle these mean streets anyway but its hard its fun right New biome: The Void New NPC: Gilgamesh :D We got 5 more minutes don't lose hope I believe this is the plane in the movie 2012. Kill the app and open it again, should be fixed. Ah, yes, this picture really helps me see how awesome this music is. Jay Cutler is the Derrick Rose of football. Well... Fuck. Also, why is marijuana illegal? doggy sleep comfy xD I must be a slut then Awesome Man, there must be something in San Antonio that sucks the life right out of people. russian=hackers cookiezi=hacker cookiezi=russian The free market of ideas at work! Holy shit this is revolutionary I somehow feel like if your 16/2 as timber, with a sven in that much strife, you aren't making space and swinging your networth So Greece and Spain is on the list because there's no work and just life? mmm, daddy likes. Is it just me, or is the Perseus's Timestream Rift Warhead the new Nadion Saturation Bomb? I think a double edge lightsaber would have been better choice. TSM better than EDG if we talk elo, wow! This season starts great Yes, putting the poor out of work and into welfare is the best solution. Yay, even more villains return So that means we also get Prince Zeldo as a counterpart? The left is fucked up A gun MURICA Reddit gives itself a bit too much credit with questions like these. he endorsed the IRA - that worked out OK in the end I'd love a massive nerf to nearly every single mage! Nice try Obama. Lmao so many angry people in this thread, who probably fit this stereotype to a tee. Wow reddit isn't being astroturfed Striker pigeon topper Why would you buy a 390 when the 390 is being released later this year? *Only* over killed by 50.. We can do better. Getting along and cooperating India: Sehwag Gavaskar Dravid Tendulkar Laxman Kapil Dev Dhoni Kumble Srinath Bedi Prasanna Relevant science trivia: -40 Celsius = -40 Fahrenheit Come on Nicola, letting the side down Translation please? I'm going to read this title as Fleury insists on playing with a cut face, over multiple games. I believe youre seeing a small vapor trail coming off of a probe or something of the sort. Uninstall you hacks Creatine I totally did not see marijuana legalization in Colorado causing problems in the justice system. Use contacts. Not surprising from the Taint of America. Does anyone have that play where Westbrook was knocked into the stands and the Thunder color guy was like "ARE YOU SERIOUS" You mean dust 11? Didn't you learn anything about railroad safety/danger? If you ask me there are more people complaining about people complaining about vegans. Fixed God damn socialist Healthcare I tell ya...hahaha We should reinstate apartheid. Reduce it to only a doot, but arm him with a trumpet to compensate Trump 2016! Original message: you is a wonderful and beautiful After not getting told his dick is great: you have the ugly Damn, that man handles rejection like a pro. This is nothing but good for everyone! sounds like Hypothetically, would an independent speaker still have access to and make use of the same parliamentary 'enflightlements' as the current speaker? It sucks so bad that Civil War isn't the larger arc for the next phase of Marvel movies.....Infinity War is such a lame setting, Civil War would have been so much better TIL that apparently girls can't be genuinely kind if they have kids that aren't yours. I hate the titans, they always brat us in ugly, ugly games. I CAN PRESS R AND KILL STUFF SO I MUST BE 4K MATERIAL She sure seems fascinated by baby dicks. That was absolutely incredible! Cat It was a test of faith, duh. The entire reason it made the news is because it's uncommon as fuck... So just like Patrick Rothfuss? Oh, well that's a relief, because you see, I was afraid it would be further in pi than I'd be able to memorize. The Star Wars Holiday Special Got to be nice carrying around a gun without a permit tho yeah? Obviously the correct course of action is "never get sick". my new vape setup bra....them mean ohms Chilean abroad here I was micro happy until I read the name If only she was trans, she would have been a perfect tumblrina. Is the tire brake light a common failure? 2 Nourishes in his hand and yet he drew the entire deck? Rockstar has been triggered. He may just be high profile enough to survive this Fucking hell Dougie Freedman? Inb4 Style VIP Run a suppressor next time! If we can't trust the military to give peace a chance, who can we trust? LOL, spread that propaganda 0 day old account you can do it you can convince the world that Russia is in the right here Alola Form Metagross leaked! The government probably used alien technology gathered from the Roswell UFO crash to fake it. Fuck those retards, if they want to put this shit up, then they can forego protection. Thanks...? Couldn't even be at the important game vs Buffalo at home, what a shit GM. High quality post that completely deserved 4000 upvotes! We miss you Vic As opposed to when Sunnis or Jews are killed by Hezbollah, which is a better kind of terrorism. Not a single major... and you call that a jackpot? ewww...lib cooties. iirc they changed it to books so that new players wouldn't miss that they received skill points from the quests, which makes Eramirs exception pretty weird. stfu fight me Guess I'll have to cancel my Saudi family vacation. This year will be Ferraris year. scoot was horny when modeling her i guess it's probably because of greater equality Repaving Boubon Street is going to fix this. This gives me hope. your-racist-sir The greed is ridiculous at the cost of the public health. I think you mean 'plant-based meals' Yes, you are literally the only person ever to play this Iwas death penalty eh? How old are you? anonymity It worked for the USA in Hawaii Just FYI, this website is a gulenist website so I wouldn't trust everything it says. I wonder which direction you lean politically Anything can happen in thirteen episodes. Dude, what texture pack is that? I'm glad mods are deleting joke replies diligently here as they do in other posts That's bizzare Detroit can go suck syphilitic balls. Personally, I love the smug face just after this the most Great information, thanks for sharing! Considering the atrocities the Copts have suffered at the hands of their Muslim countrymen I'm impressed with their willingness to turn the other cheek. Thanks for translating *de* for us. Because children can fix everything Nou aan mij heeft het niet gelegen. Ridiculous, a country that is literally actively carrying out genocide on a population and we give them billions of our money and support. This will surely work. I was down for getting him in free agency...but he's not someone they should be giving away prospects for Dey turk er jerbs Yes, at least the IRA had the decency to be white while they were killing us. No wonder why they are european first economy! Everything that comes out of Sokka's mouth is comedy gold. SoNIc aN^d eveErYThiNg This should be nsfw Kyrie, this weekend, has really shown that Bosh should be starting over him. kek Of course my potential future girlfriend wants to hear the sexual intricacies of my past relationships. learn to shitpost son. Check your damn corners people! Factory option IIRC, there was one with this at CIAS Waitin' on June haha thats so funny! Why exactly does the Student Government have a say this matter Student government does absolutely nothing at my school, The series needs to be played again both sides need to drop a Scrub OOC game and play each other Uh, most of northern US was covered in glaciers not to long ago...warming climate is the reason they are no longer around so yeah...I can say with 100 percent accuracy, using my own common sense, that glaciers continue to retreat and melt because it is warm. Looks kool but why is he holding his sword like a derp The heavy's face is my exact reaction to this These wrestlers are ruining wrestling! so no AutoPilot in your Tesla in Moscow for now Oh, I'd love to know how that math was done Look, this is sad and all, but please...*please* stop posting this album. I think mythic is best for magic items Technically, Romo is out for Dak. The question is "Is This Today?" Look closely, you see what they are doing with the bodies? I'm happy for the DK player lol. Unfortunately the number of fucks I give is 88% lower than last year. Damn, too bad he didnt know he could read the script before taking the part. He also has to apologise in the start for a while, for not posting videos recently. Someone is attempting to legislate "asshole" ahh those moderate rebels everyone seems to be talking about Was this the hyped announcement? Pre-Order Windows 10 now for Premium Wallpaper DLC. This shit made me a liberal for 6+ years, and even though I'm not anymore, I still don't trust the Toronto police top brass to do the right thing. Yes, $15 is a good deal for this game. Because fuck you, that's why. Well, now she's just being unreasonable. Romer-G masterrace! An interesting thought I had on this was to work out how much the tax take would be without National's tax cuts in recent years. Shouldn't this be on uplifting news? Yeah its so contrived and dumb And then it turns out to really be a dude It would be really interesting to see one of these cars go 10/10ths on a track and see what would happen. (You're fake) It looks like an enderman went through a lot of pain to screw up your supporting pillar on the right. 5 years since last diretide Totally no difference between the parties! Are they also only friends with guys, yanno, because so much less drama? Who better to understand the dangers of children playing outside than adults, who themselves played outside as children? No. Please no Defense is definitely the least of our worries Sharp+Saad= :'( Huurrrrrr unicorn hurrrrrr that's a thing you dont see regularly jeez how else do you expect them to get people to vote for them? Breaking: Trevor Knight and Nick Marshall advise Ohio State on how to approach Alabama. Telling women what they can and cannot wear is always liberating. Has Strong kicked him off the football team yet? It's shit like this that makes me think it wouldn't be a great sin to make people take 3-6 credits' worth of safety and general firearms education courses before letting them buy a gun It depends, is it a Catholic child or a Protestant child? Jokes on them: they are 2 years too early. Oh wouldn't it just be *terrible* if we let them destroy each other? Didn't see that coming at all. Look at that graffiti, delinquents and criminals the lot of em. Galaxy S3 masterrace Poor Canada. U begin with rationality I am sure that this crime is going to be swiftly, harshly and adequately punished by the law! Pew Pew ^^^sorry Commie '500 million 5+ year old pcs in use is just sad' no it shows great longevity and support, unlike something I need to replace very year ot have great performance Safe to say that this will be bug fixes and the next batch of units (probably WOL, Tellah, Lenna) My response would be holding an Altoid tin to my head. I always knew Indianapolis was a crazy party town There is also Texan Parisian At Least my computer has a GUI wow, these lock out laws are really effective! stop being racist! free soap for everyone! I'm pretty certain we'll still have this so long as windboxes are still coded in. You didn't mute your own team Happy birthday! Will you just fuck off with your alt-right garbage already? Is this also a repost? Tim seems so trustworthy This would be a more of an unseasonably warm truth. Damn this guy is really good, cant wait to see what hes like in the future (vac ban) This'd get you a new skin for a console DLC This is the hero Hyrule deserves. So to follow up with this, they will improve Brampton Transit and build an LRT from Square One to downtown, yes? Hey guys, you remember this ball boy named Drew Bledsoe? That man is clearly very pro-woman typical man objectifying women This whole Wikileaks thing is one big grab bag of shit we knew was true and couldn't prove...I am loving it! Gujarat does not have slums. I think my internet is broken because gfycat gifs don't load anymore. Really looking forward to seeing Navas against Barca's front three tomorrow. Wonder why he wanted out *Immigrant. I wonder if the iPhone 5se will come to this price point Laura Nora **BUT THE CHILDREN....** What the fuck? Original Even though some of the others are ragging on you for this list, thanks, I will look into some of these. 6 PM for me... pretty good Not sure why we haven't signed him yet. I'd rather have it in mid feb than have to wait an entire year for it, the graphics can always be updated later. the point is not to have student loans or to have manageable ones You're honestly retarded and deserve every single cent of debt if you manage to owe more than 30k The Trump sheep will say it's just politics Lil Adolf This is the first time I can't help but stare at a girl's face instead of her tits. But not you of course. Velcome to deh hydrolic press channel, Ez game, not even close. they just watched the game last night and want nothing to do with our d. What did they do to sylvanas shame for Bernier to be tied for fith if the leafs in genereal are third in losses. If you like this film then try out the video game adaptation Dead Space, it's great I like the Lux buffs, now you can stun the other laner through their minions and you don't lose damage because of it. D.On But but the human eye can't see over 792p or 24fps and 24 polygons.... what is this sorcery Cant wait to break out mord support just for my new dragon pet XD I haven't seen it before and I play all day everyday PS: plz let us beat you next time we meet So Ramos' goal doesn't count if it's not an equalizer or a winner? If you just lend it to me I could show you a few ;) Pumpkin Bread Pudding, there ya go problem solved! Herc's heal is balanced It's just a phase ! Classic 66 One of the rare clips of Raxa not baiting This is so freaking awesome. It has alliteration, so you know it's a good superhero name. I saw a few of the photos, they're pretty tame, relatively speaking. I accidentally told someone who she lost her virginity to then the whole school found out Peres's New Middle East in full blown action; the fruits of peace for all to see. But piracy is killing the movie business! As long as it isn't people:) Recipe? again, the part that ALWAYS scares me about these is the people retweeting/favoriting this crock of bullshit New guy confirmed to have leg fetish It's something Yeah, because those are the only Bluetooth headphones on the market. is she filled with tapeworms? what the fuck is a crest Thanks Obama! FAKE NEWS Paying for online makes it more enjoyable because you know it's genuine and you paid for it. That cord's still good! He said on social that he'd take a heavyweight fight. If he condemned fascist violence he'd be alienating a significant chunk of his base. Oh, those stupid females! What do we expect after decades of gun violence glorified in ~~rap~~ country music? Wow a family friendly version of Rocky Horror, just what everyone was asking for. That car sounds dirty oh my I bet gay black people love this. Her whole victory speech was about the have and have nots If I didn't know any better, I would have thought the man playing the Oud is a young Marcel Khalife. Wow! Dyers Eve DICKRASH Fight fire with fire Fade To Black Worst conference championship ever. This is like when u send the Hail Mary text to the girl u have a crush on, but you know she doesnt like you back and that you'll probably get rejected, but fuckit, send it anyway Yeah, because "It's her turn!" It's impossible to watch *Amelie* and not be happy. Bruce Fenton is finally sober! The Nazi Zombie Army series as a whole is pretty fucked up, this is just one creepy scene out of many Olicity from Arrow. The who? but who's going to shriek at vicki while william's gone? Never heard this before! We're just helping each other find out, man. Why does The Secret Service hate America? I can't believe we haven't stumbled upon these Shyamalan village people before today. I watched this the other day - a really great lecture. Don't try this on a carbon bike. Checking in from section 108! Might be a murloc guild. Gotta love that bootleg SAO add on the sidebar #beingaslug no ;-; Take that you spot monkey! So cliche imo Yep, sure, the American system never killed a soul. You know you have to share the road. Yes, but only for definitions of "confirmed" that mean "completely unclear and unconfirmed". Well, it's her fault she didn't tip them! shocking Oh I'm sorry, you have a problem with people who speak proper English? River would probably end up terrorizing the neighborhood Lol of course, Trump would never say anything that stupid amiright? if the coach of the best handball team in the world says this it must be true Drinking that stuff was like satans piss You realize there's at least 5 facebook profiles claiming to be Jimmy's, and none of them are his, right? u dun goofed Well it rhymes, it must be true! I know they almost caused a collision, but how dare the cammer get in front of them! We all know the average CEO (1%) who are paid 302x more than the average worker, are 302x more hardworking. So, how's the Russia treason investigation coming along, Sean? Starting 2017 off right. The way all the skinny models made all humans turn skinny? that's not Zelda, that's Link I love how the hate mob of goobergropers reply by sending him death threats you sure? Wait for benchmarks JROTC kids jerked off over that and Major Payne All those children were rightfully arrested. U/hortence1234 Not enough lens flare. A Comcast lobbyist wrote Kate Brown's endorsement and she signed the letter without reading it. He will make America funny again Mother Nature's a cunt.. ....and majestic at the same time. My father has been a computer programmer since programs were made of holes punched in cards yet routinely he would ask us to program the VCR for him to record shows. Looks like Tom Savage is real Because who wouldn't be jealous of our *(anecdotal list of everything wrong with this country)*, am I right? Islam is the most insecure religion on this planet How unexpected! What if who make how could you ever will be to of? Doesn't this fall under sexual harassment? Still cheaper than renting an apartment in San Francisco. I love her but isn't this like her third engagement in the last 2 years? does your friend really NEEDS it? Even if you have the measles vaccine, you could still very well end up with measles. Thank god we're a default sub now. Oh goody, yet another new york picture! hopefully that can be remedied for you....also hope you and fam have a safe and great time on vacation Yes, because the far right is much worse than the far left. Crazy that Americans put up with this shit. It was essential because how can you play if there's an extra pixel in the p of pidgey This is great, now that's really miss America, showing what this country's about. This is how every game should be or at least almost every game. BBC told me it was an Asian rape gang which side is which? Sus 91 there. ios first *android 3 years later* What a legend Well, I'm sure his father's Blue Cross Blue Shield paid for his medical care. OMG ANOTHER GREAT SUBREDDIT RUINED BY POLITICAL BULLSHIT HOW DARE YOU LAMPOON RELEVANT CURRENT EVENTS IN MEMETIC FORM! This is the exact kind of hot-take that I need during the offseason One wasted post from you Just wants to get to paradise quicker Your Photoshop skills are getting better, Troll. Metroid Your baby is an attention whore. na eu blah blah blah ~~Chat~~ Do shit, get banged Founders edition expected to be $199 and set to launch sometime in August 2016. A white supremacist if I ever saw one Such a simple ride share program now I appreciate the recent Flight of the Conchords posts. Hello darkness my old friend. I still find it weird that a candidate is Atheism is such a big deal in the US. Omg guyz hillary is totez innocent! He has the toughest job in the world Hearing indy100 ain't the greatest source in the future But agreed to the point Can we get this on a shirt? Expletives are the lingual crutch of inarticulate mother fuckers. Yeah, the audience is way too sexist. The new season of Narcos is looking pretty good. Sky blue, water wet. But feminism and being attractive should make that all go away! Canadiens Goaltenders always carrying the team on their back..Montreal typical Is this the new German tier 10 artillery? That's not a banana. Who put Tom Riddle in charge of the Border Agency? Good thing there weren't any of those nutjobs with CCWs there or things might have got out of hand and innocent bystanders would have been shot by those untrained yahoos. I think that might be the ultimate humiliation, actually. I wonder how much those cost. anyone happen to look at the list of current bids... cause those sure seem legit. Teach me, Internet-senpai, about the freshness of produce in countries you've never been to. Cant handle the truth you fucking normie? What about those people who built that bridge? *cough push up bra Well guys, I guess we we'll have to take off all the porn and offensive materials on Reddit. Parting vs Flash / Maru vs DongRaeGu Islam has nothing to do with Islam Who needs textbooks if you got a bible. Why is arrow in there? Guys, he's talking about the optimized main menu I ain't no Harlem Black Gurllll I think he switched the 1 and the 2 in his age. Can't wait to hear about all the massive changes they make Hey you never know, maybe the plane was full of thermite. Yeah, but it's Australia, so that's, like, 12 grams. I FUCKING LOVE EGGS We need more cuts then, if you ask me This just in... Holding weapon swap displays you're heavy. lock n load + this + perfect rng = infinite rain of arrows, lethal turn 3... obviously too broken and op She probably used Latin in instead of English in Pink party dress, Guybrush Threepwood style She takes after her husband. Appetite for Destruction is by far there best album! Meh just another middle-age female armchair sleuth taking a break from Facebook and Farmville. The developers are winning. This system would finally let me flank in my Maus! It's one picture of her drinking a beer, so take with grain of salt TTS? Sobriety ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Hell act like a pigeon roca has no soul Does this actually work? If that's not how angels look like I will be disappointed. Firstly it was deserved for being a phlog, secondly you should know to fear the whip's 100% crits from beyond eyelander range. Lol no guys this is satire, and is it was real this is only a small percentage of feminism I just wanted the TV :( So any people crying because they can't get over 80 Fps lol Wow Skyrim remastered looks so good! Those people are just mentally ill, duh Bill Cosby's house. You think you can really trust folks with facial and neck tattoos and then a story like this comes along and makes you question that trust. it's short for "chris", see, you can't display sarcasm in text his middle name is Aaaand the peasants will say "haahhh there were no pc highlight" and they don't even know that every demo they shown with the ps4 and xbone logo was originally presented on a high end pc... Damn, eazy Mayo Shadilay! Raven doing an amazing job of the theme Throw in an ad hominem and you're REALLY in control Sacrilege! Don't you mean 24 month old? Man, I hope HL3 doesn't come out tomorrow and make your mousepad obsolete. Thatsum crazy pasta In arabic, The lead jew is one of them! I'm sure it's a conspiracy and he's a nice guy who is misunderstood. I'm sure a "tgirl" would have loved the strong differentiation from a "real" girl and fallen for him immediately though. Or they could just steal Mike Brown away from Cleveland. It looks more like Maru fucks a cow not Maru rides a cow Lol, wonder what would happen if Putin and Great Leader Kim played against each other. How long until the state of Ohio gives the pipeline guys a huge subsidy? That didn't take long wow, a graph that looks like it was made in excel... so beautiful Stay in your place, woman! What does it matter what Egyptologists say... I have the answers already in this book here called the Bible. And how is that connected to the rest of Russia? This would definitely be upsetting - I'm rooting for you guys to hang in there until they renovate KeyArena. Also the idea of not "shopping around" because there are so many options available, not to mention just buying in bulk off amazon TIL text is a person. I feel like chewyy is missing here Nature finds a way. Costa Rica Towers are very useful and efficient, especially early game. None of this will happen without 60 votes. See Ottawa this is how it's done. LOOWWW RESOLUUTIONN CAUSEEE I PLAY BY A POTATO And i've been marked, but they just don't appear.... It's have been like 6 months i last saw then outside this new raid Holy shit, I can't believe this is happening. can no one on facebook just straight up answer a yes or no question? It would be a shame if there was an "leak" of his tax records Plot twist: Op is a Rhino drake even though he sucks needs more daisy Well that's useful. It's your problem for not fully utilising the space underneath their backpacks to crawl through Yea, unlike the muscle cars of yesteryear...those were so unique. FeelsBadMan No labels, per usual. Not far enough. Fucking intolerant nation. Should be awesome with Assetto Corsa! Be honest, the worst part is knowing you'll probably get reamed if you tried to move them somewhere safer, isn't it? Spoken like a true shitlord. This seems like a logical and well thought out solution Maybe they are put off by the wheelchair and artificial voice? Everything magically turns out for the better with CC, obviously These were all of the new beers Stone released this week. But, if pot/heroin/meth were legal then EVERYONE would do it! racism = power + prejudice San Antonio are finished! Wazzu got all the good ones first And we still up in this bitch! TjMax on Sandy Bridge is 98 degrees, so you're still good. Quality journalism. Is this news fake? Trait of a true champion. Well, he's in the tank section, so I think the answer is pretty obvious. good plan - let's find ways of pumping even more oil from our infinite reserves of oil and gas. Because seat belts are just SOOOOO inconvenient... You guys, I always thought I was smart, but this alpha as fuck smartypants managed to put me to sleep so I guess I'm not smart anymore :( Vance looks ebin :DDDD Ugh.. What a hack Should be included in "menu." Looks like there's one pope that Santa won't be leaving any overly advertised, overpriced, unnecessary, charged on interest bearing credit card accounts consumer goods under the tree for this year. Could be worse, they could name it Mao Zedongingrad. By saying......... "good point" and going about your day The official, "I DUNNO" excuse that permeates business has officially reached the highest levels of responsibility. Less genocidal.. guess that makes us warmer If only they allowed prayer in college Jesus would have been there to protect them. That's what you get for being a blood thirsty war monger. Does the black box contain all the passengers' spirits? Because Muni buses don't use bike lanes and thus their dashcams aren't super helpful for that? Damn son you got no chill 5 types of cc but auto attacking gyro is the best course of action. I can't believe municipal utility has started layoffs as well...tough time for everybody. Hair will be available in season 3 why didn't he just stay on if he needed to get to the next stop? ...because our Pixels have been fed only with the purest and clearest, not genetically modified substances so you can enjoy them as nature intended. If she went to polling locations and just gave everyone a hug who votes for Trump it would be a landslide I'm sure cop immediately wrote himself a ticket. Yeah, cuz anything on [adult swim] cares about being PC. OP is prejudiced. I feel sorry for your friend Anyone got a picture of Russ Hanneman doing a similar smile, for comparison? knife trade up? Well, it's not like I'm going to be dining with the coloreds or women anyway. I heard McLaren is also about to get a new title sponsor! This is the point where you say fuck this shit and move out of the country lol sooyoung i bet fany smells good now matter if she shower or not .. Kappa Man I really love that color-blindedness-test that was used as the graphic. That 90% match tho. Lock them up! I dunno man, I've met some rather incompetent doctors. Reddit is simultaneously 15 year old virgin fedora wearing losers, and 40 year old pedophiles when someone posts an image of a 16 year old girl. Which Uber Driver is this? The technology just isn't here yet. thats some dirty laundry Damn that shit acting, now I won't be able to enjoy that second girl get up and shake her butt for "me." both id imagine Hey, at least you're popular! I take it you're the reason my local grocery store is out of tin foil? Except there is a vaccine for Smallpox. He's old.. 15 minutes, 15 years, simple mistake fam. It would be really clunky to use that word! Why do you think speed was a factor? Trigger warnings Douchebag in red suit ruins day of young girl enjoying the view and the weather If you read previous reports, the family feels he coerced the old lady into changing her will in 2012. I forget that xbone doesnt use directx that's nothing special. Don't lie, you guys hit a curb and a crowd while leaving cars & coffee Thanks a lot Starbucks. It pains me to know that a year ago I would have agreed with the article. The days of robber Barron's and lords are coming back for sure. Is that legal? Yep, yeah... You're uptight and annoying, they aren't completely inappropriate, rude and intrusive! Now THERE'S an unbiased headline for ya Always update to the newest firmware so that you stay safe! pretty irrelevant since there isn't another team competing for 10th constructor Turnitin doesn't actually work ;) So *that's* why Pence said Donald's donated 100s of millions to charity, he was confusing him with Zuckerberg! Dumbasses, don't fuck around with drugs in the Philippines. Obviously with this many points of contact, nothing can go wrong Who said anything about fucking? Here comes that absolutely dead meme! Ugh there's nothing worse than bad indie music. Fun game to try and speed run :D It's run by that super evil company, Microsoft. Glad to see Arin is happy at work, *as usual*. From the other side. Anyone else aroused? Also, the How To Train Your Dragon movies. this will discourage him from ever doing his intent to injure tricks again. Jesus, take the wheel? Pan of the century What an in depth breakdown Being able to see the inside of your jeans is a nice touch. UBS Coin to da MOOON! how fast have you taken it? Is Anonymous really still out there? I don't know about you guys, but I find that I have the best chemistry with people who reject my sexual orientation. Would a set of laws similar to Asimov's, but less loophole-able, be helpful to stop robots from screwing everything? I really hope there will be G7 bc I bought tix for g7 At least we can spot the delicious donuts This is obviously the fault of music piracy. They could have just shortened the title to "Man saves the only things that matter from fire" ice golem to distract pulling to other lane, then rocket, much easier Because being friendzoned is so traumatizing. I like how he does a k turn instead of just driving on the side walk or even a second. I have noticed that this sub tends to mention TrollX more than the vice versa. I'm so glad disabilities are used as unique and interesting insults what's with these twitch streamers always squelching the opponent or never replying back "hello"? You must be some kind of islamaphobic racist to point out this fact. Blue Mountain State Throw them all in jail, let the latin kings figure it out I hate Christians. just like their is now such thing like a black republican or pro life woman How much of this was against the Grizzlies? What vehicle is that that you slide over the bonnet? Ah yes the old "consumerism will trump all." sounds like they were stupid enough to have kids i dont know of any single guy working 3 jobs that doesn't have plenty of extra money Hey, I'm coming too, see you there. Why is everybody letting Lewis win again? Your flair says 670.. Liar! maybe buff him by giving him flashbangs? How do they know that it isn't a girl in a boys body? I actually get teased about being on reddit so much by my friends and family. Yeah you are a rotten dirty scoundrel So this doesn't move? shit Shut the vault door...this food is the bomb! Perfect for Bird's uptempo offense. I'm so glad jackasses like this go to our school Way to go, ruining my cinematographic experience with your mustard race 60 fps Its used to do circonsition on sperm whale I think. wasnt kris russel a part of the flames great young d core Hahahaha Fat chance. Yeah she's no good He must be part of the Electoral College then. Where is your $15/hour minimum wage now? 29-10 last time we wore them in prime time. He's only one man. He is the reincarnation of the famous hacker once know as juan. That's why you don't blast in enclosed, unventilated spaces. People starving in Africa is perfectly acceptable, right? Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! mint* Look, tbh we're all deep down fundamentally racist, so that has to be her motivation, right? Shitpost IT WANTS TO BE FREE! blue the colour No blue the bloody ninja The only thing you "gotta" do is "catch um all" Give this guy his participation trophy, after 8+million spent, he's earned it! I heard Valve was gonna release these as their next paid title on steam Seungkwan blinked I am disappointed Sparks - The Who I'm happy they're happy, now let's just see if this not-very-Jump manga can survive in Jump. Clearly this is a well written and edited article, it's from Forbes! Hold up, I thought white Europeans invented slavery and only enslaved black folks. Hmm gaat best goed de laatste jaren... Toch maar VVD stemmen! Penis and Vagina rooms make the most sense, but at least they're trying. Catching Fire And if your stuff is messed with, you can just go back to the dealer and ask for your money back But if it is better, then why don't I *feel* like it got better? Bring tbs and enjoy the easy loot Humility Empathy Leadership Prudence this thread will soon turn into "Rape" Williams need to get as many points as possible before it's too late. Just use a download accelerator, duh. but but but this guys rape the poor girls, look how frightened she is Brought to you by Verizon FIOS That's not how any of this works! DAE ocarina of time soundtrack? FeelsGoodMan I wanna see them duel Batoothas. I guess it's a good thing that our eyes can't see past 30, or else we would have to have a less cinematic feel. Shouldn't interceptions highlight the one with the least? our environmental regulators are too curupt, we need to set up a task force to regulate the regulators... Definitely going to be using this a lot Blaskowitz? France buying German guns, cats and dogs living together, it's chaos I say! Yeah he is a prime example of good human DNA I think you forgot to put To be fair I think she was quite senile by this point. That our legislature that loves something new and innovative to slap a tax on! Wow go trade men good price LP4? I'm almost 20 as well and I also like older guys but until 10 years of difference, above that I think I don't see it , maybe I could make an exception from 30 - 34 but it would be if we were super compatible and had a lot of chemistry. Yeah I make it a point in my life to never look like a black person or do what *they* do plus you still don't get any worshipers atm Great graph I want my Doctor Doom World class strike. Thanks, literally no one has ever suggested this before. Have the pedophiles moved in yet? NASA, the pioneers of photoshop return. Tweet this to Ziggler, you could probably get a retweet. They should do one laughing one crying for the ultimate cancer BM My skill level/rank is around A+ to S. I'd like CNN to call Trump a fake president. I'm disappointed with the lack of CIA memes I know I didn't miss what was going on in (((Zoo)))topia Because Trump incites it, duh! What a surprise It's not like he can't be countered easily either And we think fraternities have crazy parties. i come here to see stock photos of 458's, not this creative shit a future couch tomato video summarized Shut the fuck up about my boobs. BEST TRADE EVER! ITT: People who must be fun at parties. Did someone do a hair swap on this or what ? Pretty sure this is a big no no. ur doing it wrong m8 there ain't no But Eminem is the only rapper who doesn't rap about money and girls Um yeah don't make the accusation if you aren't going to testify I don't see anything wrong with this. Why yes, I'd love to be your generic fantasy. Making America great again. Still better than being a conservative on Reddit yup finall LCS is a highquality sport and have their own people who are running on the crowd foreign investors don't care, they would pay any % of tax to "invest" in Vancouver it's a start though I suppose RIP Quality lmao Korver would be a good fit So he works for Comcast? But solar panels suck energy from the sun, and cools the earth Is this the reaction I should expect at graduation next year since I'm on the part-time, 4yr route? Yeah and lets play as murlocs, gnolls, high elves (BEs with non-green eyes), naga, faceless ones, ethereals, vrykul......fuck it, lets just have Blizz take a private server and make *that* the official game instead. That cat paw scared the shit out of me! Nah, its not an Atlanta photo if it doesn't have a dead body in it. it's the wonders of editing, they were sitting there for hours I blow red lights because it's safer than waiting at them! Don't you think OC'd 1080 will then comfortably beat the OC'd TX and 980 Ti ? Ireland's not even there wtf No. Is sugar a spice? Atleast it was not on eco They make it look so easy! GUY GUYS there is a simple explanation for this... Canadian server. Godsent* I cannot condone the use of milk as a coolant Don't forget that d4 is ABSOLUTELY useless The important thing to remember is that it is wrong to say that racism motivates hatred towards the president, and that the image of a black man hanging is equally not racist. Oh no, do we have any outfielders to replace him? I'll bet Maduro's mansion still has toilet paper and milk too. I never seen the sky change colors that quickly, is that normal for New York? you don't see that everyday. He has nothing to do with the nuclear deal Everyone loves this, but when Brady kicks Ed Reed everyone calls him out for it. any chance on rules for it? disappointingly I'd imagine Does a bear shit in the woods? GuUUUIIIZE im really concerned were starting to hate women when we post videos like this. This is misogynistic! I tried to link to the *Chicago Sun-Times* for this one, but strangely enough I didn't find coverage of this there. ANTI-TRUST! Lacy Still better than Russians. I love that this has become a thing. Ok, Pakistan should make a movie on Khalistan in 1984. ... Story Of The Month! yeah definitely remind me of HHH from tf2, especially with the long collar Cause he was the reason the Devils lost I'm sure they would apply the same standard of evidence if a female student was accused of rape. We should call it Hamas in solidarity All these racists against the Saudis keeps your wrist nice and warm/flexible for pets later on, or making sure you wont get the dreaded carpal tunnel But Trump love the Wikileaks, he said so during the campaign! you didn't even spell education right :( Take that Taylor Swift Do you guys think Barry would ever make a good manager? Why don't they just invest some money in systems to prevent the flooding I'm sure in the long run they would save more money on rescuing people. Exodus of Arabia Now there is a step forward in human culture. Everything Fucking A-game parents bringing their children to an R-rated movie. I think those cave paintings were Photoshopped. This is an outrage, where is Jourdan Lewis? No slots no vaults no deal. Wait, did we just become Internet police? Because Southern soldiers who fought in a war over 150 years ago *obviously* killed the two aforementioned Blacks. FUCKING WHY Hahahaha That's the best part I believe it's just below slap on the wrist and NE-ner,NE-ner on the your in trouble list. We are living in the 21st century, still happening these kinds of nonsense. Congrats, let us know when you stream your LOL quest :) Time to bitch until they give it to us Some people actually do look like cats after plastic surgery. Good luck to him, but MAN, I am glad we're not dropping that kind of coin on him. There's a war criminal sleeping soundly in Texas tonight that's proof enough that Republicans are not beholden to silly things like the law or their word. Shit Tyrrell, get your shit together looks like a typo We should sell him, wehave no need for players who lack ambition Okay butt sooooo...what now? Does this mean that one in 25 people have glass? or don't care as long as they have food on their hands and sports in front of them. Patriarchy right here, men are apparently eating more food than women. Only getting an s5 is the real disappointment. Yeah, but you're donating so it's completely different Just the ramblings of a washed up, angry, impotent (he admitted this) sad sack of a human being, whose own children want nothing to do with him. Yea, because in the big picture motorcycle racing is killing the precious environment. You're adopted. And the Cavs just won 73 games. Activates FX-9590 mode nah, they're necessary LeBron still tryna rape Pat Riley haha I just love Pigvijay Singh NBC just keeps getting better! But my replacement part deserves that sweet, sweet karma! Oh cool, a brand new thing I've never seen on the internet. Oh man I would hate it if I had small hands, a billion dollars, a hot wife and was the fucking President of the United States. Evident Beyond a Reasonable Doubt Perfect background for my phone Ha, after the Southern motorway turning to shit yesterday (Wednesday) with 3 accidents between Drury and Takanini - this is icing on the cake! PHP needs __VIEWSTATE and WebForm :) :) It should also have slow cold and warm-start like the stack that you shall not mention. Well, at least they left the salt and pepper. these fake news I hate them Yo le voy a preguntar que marca de gel para cabello usa, ese copete es indestructible. What, you *don't* overtake on the left side? More of a national decision than a national focus in my opinion. Ahh yes, the old qwertz keyboard. So.... They cancelled their panel about harassment because they were being harassed... Sounds like a brilliant strategy I am legend: when [he has to kill his dog] Shinra didn't have jeeps in the original game and the helicopters don't look like they're made out of Legos, will not buy. This is not an advert at all. It's because he's smart / it's called business. Like any good christian, blame it on the devil. Oh things will really kick off when they start talking about physics optimisations and show maybe 2 screenshots of Source 2 and perhaps some footage of physics simulation. C'mon guise we all know room scale and motion controls are just a gimmick Sounds like a "legitimate" business to me and hell they accept applePay. I did not see that coming. I'm OK with how she looks now. What a big surprise. Why, do you hate freedom? TRANSLATION: At 6 I realized I am so evil and the only sure-fire cure would have been to dig me out of my mother before I saw the light of day. Oh no you have to perform the basic action of drinking with your less dominant hand! It's okay, as long as you're no black! Clear pushoff by James, this series is rigged of course. Why did he call himself a thug girl? I've had good luck with this method: After you apply the heat (some like hot water, but I prefer the hair dryer), bend it back carefully to the desired position and hold it there, and then dunk it in a bowl of ice water. This shit is weak You're a shit lift. They'd just go through twice. Actual politics is too fucking exhausting right now to also have it in our entertainment. Christmas 98 was Ocarina of Time and Goldeneye for me! because the tau needed more buffs. can some1 please find the stolen image on the interwebz, so we can save the drama afterwards? It's okay, things can never fit into more than one category, so if I say mentioning penis size is open and secure, there's no way she can say it's sexual! That was impressive. Other than stuff I wear when I'm not working, I carry a pen... do they not give ya first in bags at you place of employment? Beranikah Hidayah bayar $300 perlembar? She is no liberal. Who are these Cairney and Cooper characters? He is a freedom fighter's son So pro fans quit watching the game if we dont score first. Albania's flag is basically a flying unibrow. Stay safe out there. Man OP you are so brave, my eyes have been OPENED, how could i have been so blind? Coincidentally, I roleplay my Asura Necromancer as Peridot. See, see, the Christians are right, the lousy liberals are stealing their religion. Found the Navi fanboy. Communism I don't know man, I don't think I can vote for a president who's been arrested The Catch: it's not free Haven't watched it, but sounds like people freaking out over getting away from old shuffling zombies....thrilling Amerikanski propaganda It's missing some shiplap. She was recruited... The gays and their agenda! John Gabriel 29 billion dollar dollars Nice P.S. I like how Cpt Boomerang has his own pack of beer lol. Cant tell who are the bigger jackasses, the donkeys these guys were memorializing or the guys themselves. If this was Europe people would be losing their minds Dude cried on camera when someone hacked his Facebook and posted porn. Will you answer this question with no? Normally that'd be called tubing, and it's your exhaust Women obviously can't commit rape. Stupid fucking anime targeting the most popular audience who the fuck do they think they are, how dare people want to succeed with their show But atleast they don't kill it & eat it The more you girls try to go to school under Sharia law, the more terrorists it will create -The guy who shot Malala. He knows when you are sleeping, He knows when you're awake, He knows if you've been bad or good, So be good for goodness sake DAE Age of Ultron was just an ad for the next phase of Marvel movies? I'm sure he runs into quite a lot of "selfish" women I love how we get indignant with the likes of these Arab dogs and their systematic abuse and oppression of women, but then celebrate the same in the pop culture that we in the West revel in. Seriously, who gives a fuck? *Obviously* they're moving their operations to Middle Eastern countries since those are going to be Europe's overlords soon anyway. But we all know climate change is a Chinese hoax. If they had a 'Sandwich maker' apprenticeship they could make a better sandwich than this. Is this in Venezuela? No they didn't. Well obviously feminists are soulless demons who hate cuddles. Exactly Scott Brown is a grass. Yeah, cuz Assad is not a terrorist. A qualified president (us) That's one lucky son of a bitch! Joke's on them, I'm not smart and I still want to die Breaking News: Hillary had to slightly squint to read some texts because she left her reading glasses at home, can we trust a person who lacks 20-20 vision? But remember everyone we need to unite the Democratic party. jackass. Go, Swede Racer! Clearly it's because pot was legalized in Washington. How are you 600lbs, disabled, and have a tramp stamp You're kidding, no Jozy? But that's a fallacy! Holy, System Shock 2 looks amazing. Wow they will never have their voices heard... why aren't they attacking cops and blocking traffic I heard it works wonders So Mexico is the only thing not capitalized here... O.o Never heard of her. #FUCKING FADE EM But dey r freedom fighters! I'm glad they learned from this and raised the Uzi-shooting age to twelve. Trust me if this guy can have the balls to make this shit up and think people will actually believe him, I'm sure he has the balls to do porn. Where are you from? This devalues my stattrak elite build guns. Yup, he wants adrenaline, and just sacrifices his teammates for 29 rounds, then starts playing. HAHA they're so poor they have to resort to using child toys as props Did Elimo come in very handy? Wow, what a surprise. I'm so glad you made the game audio so much louder than your voice, so that we don't have to hear anything you have to say. Remember though, it's always been this bad! How does this even get a downvote. I thought they had a ton of money from having a ton of oil. Shit, I accidentally clicked 'Yes'...... WHY IS 'CANCEL' GREYED OUT?!!?!? he hates winning. I wonder if he'll race the Indy 500 next year? The gay agenda strikes again! His right leg was charged, I hope he used a good charger and knows the amp draw of his hip Hmm, I don't know what it is... it must mean that I definitely know, for certain, that it's an alien. What is a tire iron His daughter is a converted Jew. Well, this reminded me of "1981" Gay conversion camps! O, what a shame. my opinion is that I'm not really sure what it is Dafuq? Yes, maybe then he will repent. gotta love that collective groan I think Assange is an asshole, but I'll take what I cab get. Only takes a minute to murder someone, clearly they only need to serve a week or two. What, nobody had a Super Soaker? The guys a complete tool. How could she not have? Talk about terrible luck Pretty colors. The idea of a more merciful world is passive and not a value the city sure loves ignoring studies they conduct Tell that to the gaijin in Japan. Kanye is trash Typo or a Freudian slip? So how many walls are we going to need to build? That phone grip though, didn't drop it! Yes, but think of the children Mary had a little lamb Her father shot it dead Now Mary takes her lamb to school Between two slabs of bread Well it's your fault for having such a little h. How are people supposed to known not to park in the middle of a giant circle with an H in it. It's missing the part where she immediately drops her panties and has a three-way with his two friends while he is left out Why does he have Bowyer's number? well he is a Muslim After all I'm sure this was his first and only time doing this. YOU GOT A PROBLEM WITH THAT? Because Black people are the real racists guys. Yeah they all speak that Asia language and are from country Asia, or is that a band? I was going to say that this video should be called "What it's like to be Black in the US", but the guy doesn't get shot for no reason, so I guess the name doesn't fit. Patch 1.0.3 the panacea of Diablo III. Looks like you won't be angry are you referring to the terrorists? But Westbrook is the whole reason the Thunder lose every game and why Durant isn't the best player in the world! smoke rocks Sale of coat-hangers goes up. Well this backfired A wine glass. Don't you know Hillary was the snake who gave Eve the apple? What did he know about Hillary Clinton? If he could afford that tv I'm pretty sure he can afford 2x Titans or Fury's. Well I know where to go if I want to get my kicks murdering a prostitute. Is this a joke? I believe this was the first case of child rape ever recorded in Austria... Ghouls can become doctor's too you bigot. Whaaaat, no. I'm sure they'd feel exactly the same way about themselves and their families if their first world country suddenly had a government uprising with violence that pulled their asses outta their homes and on to the street. Yeah, and calling me Tobias is oh-so disrespectful and thou shalt ONLY refer to me as FriedGuitar. Rights are prior to opinions. But but but.....spawn of Satan....but.....complete failure at life...buh buhbut.... How much are the drugs you're selling? What is the difference between the 150 and 45 tickets? I've hit $2,400 and likely will hit the $2.7K limit in a few weeks. ...and this is why I need feminism. Go home, Scandatheist, you're drunk. i cannot find the translation, help me please OP Gotta say I love your art dude, already loved the other two! I don't think the person who wrote it does either. This seems like a cheap knockoff PurpleBoi Yeah i'm sure she made that sign and picture taker didn't give it to her so he could get internet points Andi McDowell's southern drawl was always the warmest voice to me #*ABSOLUTELY HARAM* Hey, don't make him mad, OP. Its because everyone loves tits Don't worry, the management still found a billion and a half for that Q3 stock buyback. Also shouldn't be running for president, most say. Literally the exact same thing happened to me the other day I see nothing wrong here Because his trash talk was so serious. And when can the Zenith buildings go away. That's always a healthy way to look at a law that affects a small minority. Put up or shut up Perhaps it is a satirical view at worthless patents? Ask any car company, any real car company it doesn't matter if you win by a second or an hour winning is winning. Ermahgerd the CIS team is made up of all privileged white males call 911 So it won't be finished by the time he loses the next election? totally relevant to comp cod sit infornt of a camera and say i am that duck for 4 hours each day. Shoot him in the chest if he doesnt comply, and ofcourse cuff him first, he can still be a risk. Being able to be black and no one cares ROADHOGS HOOK IS SO BROKEN THEY SHOULD RENAME IT TO BROKEHOG at least he didnt go in Looks Gold to me [Image Description] This is a classic political compass plotted on a cartesian graph, the y-axis is "Authoritarian" versus "Libertarian," the x-axis is "Economic Left" versus "Economic Wrong." Way deadlier than your average sharp piece of metal, good thing this is banned in the US. Pfft no one cares what Renly has to say! Yes... please tear this sucker down. in most RPGs in fact ERRR, pretty sure it's 2016! I mean if I had to choose between being in the DEA or have sex parties paid for by drug lords I'd take the latter We import it from Britain in summer. And Marquette King Lol the storage makes all the difference You can't get invested in fake stories? I bet those charges will stick too. what is the conspiracy? 4 car packs in still no 2004-2006 GTO. Meh. the real 'Merica Kershaw was so far out of the race last year, but I think he could contend again soon Or just drink Personally, I feel that if he is not present at the Fitzgerald/Carter camp this offseason, it is about time to completely write him off as a receiver. It's a lesbian plot! one of the few rocket values where you leave with an actual lead Lol three guns too Because Christians are evil but Muslims are everything good in the world, so sayth the wise and all-knowing liberal college kids I totally have a t-shirt with this on it. Just wait till nVidia adds asynchronous compute trough software, then we'll see who get demolished! It was self defense the kid swung first Spring from click pen + heat shrink - would be pretty cool. If any of these terminal I'll people spoil the movie for me I'll kill them. I don't know if she likes you. Morning wood and beating off Shelton "lived with Brock Lesnar for years" Benjamin clearly doesn't know how to work out and should stop taking steroids. Good thing I'm at 101! Oh lord I can't even imagine how painful that was. fight inflation Glass And of course, because it's "minor", nobody deserves to know what actually changed. Yeah, "The Martian" wasn't advertised at all. True heroes and liberators of iraq. She seems nice. I could see it being possible if you play 16+ hours a day, constantly buy/use lucky eggs and incubators, live near a high concentration of pokestops, and catch literally everything you see. Murray isn't black enough. But.... he only just started That'll show girly-man Putin. Thanks China for paying for our "free" stuff. Mufasa Is loving hops a crime? That's why we need UBI! I myself have often wondered if it is proper for women to be learned What if you want to have sex and she doesn't? Andrew Wiggins. I'm in Triad, NC and I pay $0 Produced by BP, cause how else are they make back their losses on the accident? The number of alligators and people from Florida in Florida makes me think this could actually be a necessary warning. how many carbs in those flowers? They both have fabulous brows, so they are clearly related. Wait, global warming isn't a conspiracy by the Chinese to destabilize US manufacturing? I feel like Ovi Smiling + hair lol Well it is a social experiment No, I make the best crempies Being white is pretty cool. Pres Bush, Obviously Bruh I'd take 16 years of Kanye over what we're getting right now. Look like reps to me Wow, left-handed, I'm impressed! But you can carry a gun in the US of A so it all balances out in the end. Now that's a complete and utter shocker. That's not trashy at all probably latency and a glitchy killcam Labor force dropped by 178K so this needs to be taken with a grain of salt, but still, 5.5% unemployment is much lower than most of the western world right now. Does anyone know what this is or why? I didn't come from no monkey! Gonna be a fun Redbox night. Who? They should have approached them in church where that belongs! RAWR THIS TEAM HAS NO CHEMISTRY Brown I agree, remove terrorists from the plaque Triggered That Wendy Torrence pic looks like she died, in the time of the ancient Egyptians. Lmao 7 mill a year for this scrub? God dammit Australia.It's ok tho,you can go and hunt pythons,lions and kangaroos now. what an atmosphere! duck attack! That's what happens when you buy players in a transfer window you were originally banned from. I was actually expecting BS but that is one convincing document. *Insert Patrick Star push meme here* Why don't we just take all the CO2 from Earth... And move it to terraform Mars! What about one of those man of the match cards? Fuck my life... Is it too late to tank for Matthews? That feel when I forgot Oklahoma was even a state, Jesus Christ. So much for freedom of speech in America Oh boy, I'm *super* excited now, 6+ years after I beat it on Xbox (assuming it isn't launching until next year at the soonest). What would happen if I disappeared off the radar, together with my SO? Harden has so much more help than Westbrook does F NO! kinda pricey imho 'Cause Fox says so! Guess he didnt want to split the XP 6 ways. I mean, I guess you're allowed to like the Surface better, but what about this is the Smart board's fault? You got RAM and here I am with an oven mitt from my secret santa Snacks/mini fridge very convincing argument. I give a fuck. Easy question Josh Wise ~~maga~~ manka Psbattle? Remember to rub it in the Americans faces when you pick yours up at midnight! It's a save button, duh. Diamond 2 on KR servers. You need a betyer attitude. Those guys would probably make excellent cab drivers. Silent Sniper Rifles would balance that game I was just thinking, this sub needs another Israel/Palestine map Still kind of awkward and heavy handed, but it does a much better job showing the S3's strengths in a practical way compared to the print ad which is nothing more than a spec sheet. Wouldn't have happened if the Triple M "Do Not Enter, Dangerzone" flash mob were on the scene. I kind of think Dwight shrut would but I'm not sure Suzuka is gonna be fun to watch this year Because pentecostalism and evangelicism, as opposed to other branches of Christianity, flourished in North America particularly. What is Arkansas doing differently than its surrounding states? Almost as fast as Obama sending aid to Texas I wish I had anything but weedles I really want to know though, why? Can't believe you added concrete run-offs to all tracks except Spa. Give your mom her bra back bro. I thought it was an explosion from the thumbnail hehe man rousey looks like a man. Checkmate, evolutionists. I'm a bitch and proud of it so it's acceptable. Yes. The shackles have been taken off me! Underratted comment of the day. That *thing* is Yukino Yukinoshita. If only everyone was as smart as you Wow...that was way better than I was expecting. The only part I could understand was: "calm down, calm down... lets do it slowly coz each of us can do it" wow look at this gem Just wait until you see ddr5. Both parties, exactly the same. Will they accept carbon credits? Apparently people got upset that an NFL player wore cleats that had a tribute to 9/11 on them It's useless With a success rate like that, how does he even have the time to be messaging you? Well, I guess it would probably be OK if only they were gay. He went from looking like a neckbeard to possibly being passable as chad-ish. How can someone so incompetent become a judge? Because then they'd have no talent. *sips tea* Well you know the Tau needed some buffs in the shooting phase right? Vote Trump, that will definitely help. don't you think its a little childish to call people losers Source? This kind of inequality has to be holding humanity back. Oh no, checks only please! Damn North Carolina A&T must be a great program And the 'word choice of the day'-award goes to: 'Relaxation of cannibas laws' Never heard of it.. Any good? I'm going to make a new wrap for my batteries! Where's the line between a robot, and software, which can also replace people? well....a con artist is still an artist If you loved me, you'd understand! Yeah, fuck islam. KNOWING that I am better than you. Nice reaction time. Well, at least it wasn't on the level of fraud that Anita committed. Vetoes and such Don't worry I'm smart And all 5 of them are from North America. YouTube heroes, obviously Oh no, all of my favorite players! Ouch... How am I supposed to believe this is real if I can't see his face attached to it? Yeah cause his/her sources are 100% fact. Can you buy an RV for 30k? I assume that anyone that calls someone else "kiddo" is in fact under 14 themselves. Yeah but they're in different universes idiot Follow up question: After the incursions, does this mean that the MCU doesn't have long to live? Did anyone think Denton might have been involved now he's had a few games for Bath? -Stephan Nearly half a billion to ISIS. Gary McAllister No I wonder if the password was hunter2 see ya bro I think Christie or Newt would be good choices pics pls Still Obama's fault! Those suspenders were all the rage in '92. gallon cola, bitch. Is hb angle that good? oh yeah what a jokester If you're going to make a meme about reading, wouldn't it make sense to proofread it first? That ended classy though Can't convince me, obviously just Google Earth screenshots. Yes, a lack of mutual respect is always the best relationship advice This ;( a few weeks ago a restaurant owner asked why I wasn't skinny if I was a vegan but lemons mishap is so good for the early game Isn't it just an historic season? Being a traitor is literally the only thing he's good at. Seize the means of production 2 murderers confirmed Someone should make a montage of all of their banter. Well, if they're seeking better job and educational opportunities, at least we know they won't end up in the US. Yep...Burn the house down. Fish are friends WE NEED CONNOLLY FLAIR Lap doesn't count, went off track with all 4 wheels Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever seen a real "blueprint" before. Racist... those are at 5.4ghz First time I've heard about this Yeah, because a couple police officers are more important than hundreds of protesters. Like your god Yeah I'll let Blue Jays management know first hand, I'm sure they will DFA him based on your opinions. So insane. Ariel and elsa... great fucking thumbnail. Cheapskate ISIS having a bring your own bomb party Ashley Young to be the highest rated player in the game Only the medi gun gets random crits and it overheals the class by 0% SEC is just so clutch They were just human shields, basically the same as terrorists ! What a wacky Onion title! On that death graph, that NO DATA between the 2 largest bars ;_; Does anyone seriously believe this here? The winner is clearly Primer. 145,00 lbs of Freedom Nia got called up waaaay too soon. for a moment I thought you were the one that hogged my two msi gtx 980ti's that are out of stock :| She must really be dreaming if she thinks that roads in Bhuj are better than Bombay Anything of the ridiculously overused Southpark quotes get my downvote pretty quick. Indeed, short grind but nevertheless a grind if you want to do it fast. While we're at it stop containerisation in Liverpool Docks and reinstate the sacked Liverpool dockers from the 90s, even though some of them will be in their 70s (age, not mindset). boycott the blue jackets Hopefully someone can port this to Javascript so we can have Crysis 4 in the browser (Winter Haven, FL) inb4 someone bitching about organized gear Guys, didn't you know everything is scripted and he was in on it the whole time? Got on Reddit? You're just jealous because you've not got many fuel units. Here The dankweb The girl in the #1 video seems super secure in her relationship. You're wasting your time That dang male privilege is at it again I see. My understanding is that it would run perfectly and every glitch and bug and lockup would disappear because they're all caused by the 360's older hardware not capable of running this built-from-scratch-for-next-gen game. You can't call EA like that man, that's rude Recent polling shows that Sanders is gaining traction among young progressives and independents, but is failing to connect with aging voters, minority voters in the south, and databases. Well duh the guy is obviously stomping on the ground so the rocks jump up. No love for Najin? When they say "$3.1 billion in military aid", are they talking $3 billion *cash*, or $3billion worth of military equipment? Internet Explorer, though They don't likely change the water often, so the first "wash" would not be very clean, but the last wash is likely to be very clean water. You just inspired my soccer team's name, Vault 111 What kind of elephant psycho are you? Why don't you ask your friend 7421max how CoD 2017 Zombies is going to be? We'll see post from his facebook showing him doing the drugs and we'll know he really deserved it. Please read the rules before posting in the subreddit. Joe wasn't impressed enough by that 14 point beat down @ DePaul to move us out of the play in game? No, I don't want my kids to have autism problem was he didn't cut along the orange line STOP OPPRESSING ME YOU MALE SCUM. how do we know the human didn't start honking out dannyboy at 5am and defecating on the goose's sidewalk? Inb4 the guy he's talking to is Kronovi. What song is this Haha so much good I'm sure op has a reason to keep three of them Did you just cockblock yourself? Let's ban knives so this never happens! If premiums doubled under a white president no one would care. Well I think they should wait til he's played at least one game with them wtf! yeah that mall is gana be just fine without him there. Well then the public should assume the risk is very high. so when does he ho to jail for defending himself? what if smoke is just sexist? i mean who doesn't make up massacres from time to time? If France says it's masculine, I support feminine :p Also is the collective really unresponsive for WASD-peasants or is that only me? A slow and painful process **TL;DR:** assassin upgrade after worlds You mean to say "John Cleese delivers cocky hammer blows and hitchslaps to two priests then eviscerates them". Pretty sure thats common knowledge on this sub reddit Someone at Microsoft is a master memelord. Its good to see our elected officials piggybacking this on a law that gives my family healthcare right now. She wore it on purpose, to show how "brave" she is. Is this a sitcom? Why does that house look like it's from Gumby? There's a difference between supporting Zionism and supporting the deportation of Jews to Israel. I still think we come out on top of the East after all of this. I just sold my pc, but baught the gtx 970 for the next pc already, so in a few days ill have the weakest amd apu that costs 40$ with the 970, Btw could a 400w psu handle it? She could probably fit in my bin NSA is way ahead of you. I guess it is still not a smidgen of corruption yet. Next time tell them they can have all the cans you hit with your .357 after they toss them in the air for you. If liberals think Trump is so wrong, instead of moving to Canada shouldn't they move to Mexico? Dissociated youths who have never had a fair chance. Really? Chino was the problem ..another *ism* will save us Slide! Pulled motherfuckin' pork But the lead gives me a better buzz! He's obviously a southern state Let's hope this means it gets the sequel it deserves! Cooking by robots is next. It's been a long time since we heard anything about Snowden, I wonder why I'm sure there will still be plenty of people playing in October and November to enjoy the Death Star all the overseas wars and the constant erosion of our civil liberties! looks like jessie is in India these days..selling his meth. Wow Canucks are so original, using the playoffs as a burn for Oilers. Well at least she isn't treated as a violent sociopath by society because her gender excuses her behavior. Ik dacht dat ik een gewone man was maar ik ben blijkbaar gepromoveerd tot elite. She should have ran instead of Clinton I fail to see any inherent bias in the article Amazing That guy is going to make a fantastic dad. They need to move so bad. Just another example of Obama's respect for the rule of law. Communism = freedom = libertity = liberteraian. yup, this is gonna end really well lol Your Mum Restart steam, happened to me while trying to join an ESEA game earlier. B...but then muh TOXICITY Mentioning 'Murica makes it not creepy I won't sell my 380, but i will put it aside so i can build a spare comp with spare parts as I upgrade to sell later. The sky is falling! I mean, we do have that couple of boys in the movies that are always seen together... Is that good enough? Yes, because obviously making a 3D RPG is *so* simple. Best gun ever TBH. kd's a cornball brother This will go great with my new Bic pens for women. Girls don't talk in public games therefore they don't exist. Hey Donald, you should totally respond to this I bet she has a really good personality wow that sure was insane! Get my own place. No actually... I can't get it to work for some reason :S Guess its back to 9gag for me Allah allah allahhhhh alllah alallaahahahhahaa Indian creepy man staring at me allahahahaha I'm pretty sure she'd be begging him to stop before he even started... What a creepy douchenozzle. Todd Herremans was my favorite black eagle. R9 380... kms In their defense, it can be awfully hard to see a massive vehicle, full of lit windows, that is all the way across the road way. The dollar is low Yeah but what have men ever done for anyone. Seppo pigs should take note of these cunts. This is some Jekyll and Hyde-level shit. 2 keys I'd say Waiting for that list of female directors that should have been put in the director's chair, but weren't. I misplaced an Stop teasing Green Lantern! A goal before the 10:00 mark would be real nice. Good Holy moly Yahoo's video player is way better that shitspot video player. Why is the thumbnail a picture of George Bush? nah, you probably just jerk off too much But Comcast and AT&T will be such careful stewards of that $45M grant. I only wish I could keep half of what produce. I am optimistic that this will motivate recalcitrant Australian retailers to provide a quality and competitive online experience 95% of those aren't even stereotypes. Does Canada see itself as a pro-normative nation that upholds standards of human rights or not? ... No, he sucks. Why did Polan convert to Islam and Hinduism? We should get more women killed so the numbers are more even. If only he had a gun to protect himself, this wouldn't have happened communists! Who's that marvelously moustachioed man in the fourth pic? Abstinence is to sex education what nudity is to fashion design. But even if they don't find voter fraud we can't trust him to tell the truth, a narcissist is not going to admit he is wrong. I've never seen a horse that well trained! Well, someone has got themself a one-way ticket to pound town. Looks like I am going to be a cs pro! This has nothing to do with islam! notice the maple shortbow too Was this filmed in the past two weeks in new jersey? Just buy a new car, bro. HATE SPEECH! guess ill just buy all the components seperately and make one myself That would be impossible though, Kai is all about that mind-muscle connection Nitwits = I see it's a low resolution picture you got there, let me vector it for you! But they got Lil Dicky on the sound track! Probably had a good reason to do so, maybe he was being oppressive Ah yes I remember that game... That was enjoyable I bet the guys that play this are real gems of society. Maybe try that wood glue trick? Ah cool man, see you at SoDoSoPa later! It's so annoying people bragging about their IQ, mine is higher than his and I don't talk about it. No you have to pay for every planet you land on fakin russians Saudis are getting desperate. *You're GOING to enjoy this movie* Damn, even football players have shills? Oh, god... I'm so, so depressed. Loving the icons, just applied it to mine, thanks! Glad capitalism keep all those Google little white kids safe and sounds. But he drained the swamp! Careful friend, that's a dangerous opinion to have on here. Can't wait for the media to ask Ed Miliband about this Purple! Reem looks like the character from altered beast when you get the 2nd powerup. bruh im Supreme specialist can't you tell from the non-horizontal lines it's real? He was trying to send a message more than actually go for the steal When it's going bad, it's going bad. Psh, at least flip it right side up before posting. Good and completely unbiased video That reaction... I'm absolutely shrieking. They must be forced to use motherfucking bitcoin so they can be accountable for their spendings too! Well, since all men are potential rapists, the Amber Alert was justified. Owner. You should've suggested "torso", "black hole" or even watchmen fucking teacher's union, they can burn in hell Volvo pls fix Oh yeah, because that will be around twenty years from now Because that extra 6 ft is important So happy! Then lets start a Kickstarterfor Wierd Al! It's Mario Kart You are incredibly funny! Good to know the CPS has it's priorities in order. Every other carrier in the US besides T-Mobile does this ...sprint even charges $30 lol...At&T charges $15...yes go run to another carrier Maybe pence will use the savings to buy smokes for every family seeing as they don't cause cancer just create a custom buy menu Gotta win those. I wonder how much of that $12 goes into the prize pool. This deserve an achievement tag Mmmmm just the way I like my eggs. Not fooling me, this is obvious CGI! The first time I played through FO3 Minefield was my central base #### I'm mid twenties and I don't remember the original If you're older than me and you're complaining about it then you obviously are such an important person and I should definitely listen to you Hey look another post from GallowBoob haven't seen one of those in a while. when did harden play for the thunder? yoooooo that's crazy wtf, how lucky u haff 2 b to have 1 hp dayummmmmmmmmmm I for one am glad that my taxpayer dollars are going to fund another lawsuit up to the Supreme Court because some guy wants to swing his ^(tiny) dick around The town should designate a free-speech zone for those protests. IN THE BEST GOD SAMN JERSEY ON EARTH As long as my taxes go down Well... It's a just a guideline right? Banana for scale? Various Artists calf is part of leg What a surprise! Yeah but what can you do with those 0 GBs? She looks like she's from Whoville Git gud He just doubled down on the right hand side, and he is the blue because it's on the bullshit didn't he? Couldn't you just turn it to be vertical...? Proof that Kabam gives MAFIA better luck CAn i Haz account ? Wow, it was really worth killing Timely for this But without them we'd have to pay so much more for chocolate and our Hatian made Hanes here in in the US! Yeah but they make up for it by not paying taxes Killer app confirmed! This is why I play official. o Teach me how to ducky! Classy That was the best thing ever. With the amount of deleted comments in this thread I feel like we're only being shown what the Illuminati wants to be shown. Guess you should just subject to authority then. like an older Dee Reynolds Nah man, that's a poster. How do we know these pictures weren't made in pitch dark? Piracy != lost sale Not surprising given how much we hear about Republicans trying to bring back slavery. Yes drill baby drill Was this taken in orbit? It's ok to share you're opinion, as long as it's the right one. do you mind giving me the demo of that? So uh, who's project as no.1 in the draft? Because unions will totally go for someone who claims American wages are too high If that were true, I'm sure he'd be more like, 'HELP HELP, I'M STUCK IN A BOX AND CAN'T BREATH!' That media player gave my computer cancer, fuck you EW. Which assassin's creed is this? Nothing like good Christian feminist values. Yo diria que la investigacion y fabricacion de antivenenos en mexico. I was really worried about that barbed wire fence! Katie Mack is badass. I'm not only the CEO, I'm also a member. Bibimbap covered in hot chili sauce. Yeah, Trump's doing a great job of protecting us from all these dangerous film directors. Let friendly fire commence. GET BLASHTED Also, I understand that lots of people don't want to have kids, and transgender people are *generally* infertile and that's not something that we're *generally* super happy about but I thought of it in the spur of the moment, so I'm pretty proud. Source 2 is just around the corner which will fix the issue. Dickbutt pls It's like rain on your wedding day. It's not rape if you yell "surprise!!" ya did a great job with Puppet's eyes! Buy new ones next year and you won't have to go to the trouble. I think everyone does this Im so excited to finally fight off the zombie apocalypse in High Definition! #WHITES BUILD A WALL AND THE BLACKS WILL PAY FOR IT hot We've decided just out of pig iron, when we open our new super store in October we're putting in a cafe upstairs with the cds, dvds, records & comics and we're going to have paid gigs for musicians and free coffee on Saturdays until Christmas - having worked in the industry, best of luck with that. And he made Team Sweden, wtf? iOS 10.1 maybe Couldn't happier for the wild man my favourite member of the schmoes that's what he gets for wearing a satanic shirt. Absolutely not true. Obviously it must be Invention as the rookie is only 119/120 pffffffffft Careful, you might rustle some jimmies. $1700 worth of games 0_0 well hes gonna have a GREAT time in highschool We know we won't get a federal corruption commission, because we know they're corrupt. I hope the combat is better than enslaved. nice humblebrag bro Why did u have to point this out... let the torture commence for me wow hilarious plz respond This must be fake since cops just shoots people point blank looks nice to me Yawn. thanks, was a bit worried :) It's a good time to be a Wizards fan a bit but yeah she has ITT: drogadictos enojados Holy shit this sounds like xhe's having a stroke. The police are metaphorically the fingers of this tyrannical government in which the founding fathers tried to prevent from forming. They're not even allowed a taxi unless accompanied by a man. but its just a theory, man. Well quite clearly, it's not like there's the legacy of slavery, racist policing, worse economic backgrounds overall due to societal racism, the preschool to prison pipeline or anything! Will it be unified and then become an independent country from Greece and Turkey? Maybe we should just go back to skin color while they're working on the whole gender thing. the virus won't even see them coming. A strong successful gorgeous woman, I'm soooo confused! Melo looks lit af But moms are cooks, maids, doctors, engineers, psychologists, marine biologists, experts in 17th century literature, particle accelarator technicians, radiology and nuclear medicine experts... You should pay them much more, they deserve it. The fucking irony, holy shit that's a really good move. Private Pyle Syndrome Bieber should have sang the concert sitting in a toilet Shocking. Oh my god is he ok? RBNZ cuts rate in part to lower NZ dollar in the foreign exchange, but it somehow increases because ppl think there won't be further cuts? Well, at least we were given the chance to discuss it, as was promised. * they're Hmm if we make it free... demand should stay the same.. right? That's no accident Quality shitpost. whduyumean? I don't get it - why is this post nsfw? I sure hope they were scorned and marginalized, just like Jesus would do. I wish people would open fire on them when they come to take the guns. Must be the legal marijuana. plot twist: he's actually using noclip, and is really good at faking it. time to get that shack in montana. so is free press amiright? But of course the strange! That's probably because it's not legal, anywhere in the US Actually so am I. GCU at Best Buy $39.99 Update! *groan* I fucking love how a bank's response to someone not having enough money is to take more of the money they don't have. Happy to oblige, actually. What a symbolic gesture So I guess we have you to thank for all this I want Pepper Pig Characters. maybe it's a pump-action 9mm? Losing everything they own and fleeing the country to start from nothing was the first step in their master plan! my man That was such a mesmerizing video. Posted by and for people slacking off at work. I suppose the other 40% of Germans are Muslims I'm a bleeding heart liberal but fuck the plight of people of color and/or muslims. She is so brave. Money, Billy's dad is stupid rich. Haven't seen this one before How did it not register with him that not taking her out to dinner would force her to sleep with another man? I'm so jelly right now Well, it's obviously because we refuse to integrate Snakes, they could fly before they fucked over Eve in the Bible, now all they can do is sliver So this is the safety valve for all those overpowered rare split cards! but Gallup is an evil neoliberal, corporate, establishment and globalist organization that does the bidding of the centrist democrats. But I thought more megapixels meant better pictures OP must have a vast and intricate knowledge of child psychology, development and behavior. I feel like a Ray Lewis 30 for 30 is bound to happen, between the accusation, the Boller years, and the last ride. I would be okay with these things. ok You got my hopes up Julian and Jontron both start with J...! good thing we play in the worst division in the NFL and are 6-0 before the season even starts YNWA Rigged It's almost breaking even She is a man that identifies as a ho Where's that? But, but mike pence hates gays. That'll be sweet Lovely English summer sky in the background. Pray away the crime! Great, more taking from those that work the hardest and giving to those that cry the loudest. Communist! Building a pc for the first time was what got me hooked right away, even though I've done a few mistakes but that's how I learned and I'm very happy with my PC. Whoa there calm down satan I love that they included video of the bassPOD being on fire in the trailer. Your graphics card is dying. Everyone knows KU and Self can't develop bigs... another addition to the long list of KU Big Failure's to develop..... I don't know why these bigs even agree to go there. I'm easily thrilled I guess, but I just love this stuff. Oy...*sniff* Forgive me, its been several years since i've been home, but whats this about a flag redesign? Anyone who doesn't agree with my political opinion is hateful It's a global problem when a statement of common sense sounds so overwhelmingly radical. good to know that taxpayer money isn't being wasted on zero-sum tasks Battery to power you through a full day Now that's something we haven't all seen before If they are, they're the 40% that matter. Wow, I see Ukraine has quite a lot of tanks in Crimea im gender fluid Everyone knows diversity only counts if you're referring to black actors/writers/directors. Do they even have gloves on? And yet, I have been told I'm over cautious about posting identifying info here. \#blackcrimesmatter Seriously, over 50% of the country's murders, but nooooooo, the real problem are police Being bullied. Is Pahlaj Nihalani on the list? Yes, I'm sure a rich white woman feels the struggles of poor, disabled black women on a visceral level. This quote is mental masturbation, written by a dude who's clearly better than everyone else who does normal things. the game is shit anyways Ah, but it is: coffee is lovely, and I will enjoy the occasional martini, yet ganja is the shiznit-o-bam-zip-zap-zappy Your NRA dues at work. I love that scene, it's right before she knocks Wash out. Ohh, false analogies, didn't see that one coming. Bullying isn't cool op! Wow, I wonder if that guy likes guns? this guy seems like a dumbass criminal Don't worry, his healthcare plan is here to stay. Junker: no Was totally Titan and Epsilon's fault. Second word in the bio umm... entrapment anyone? Heh Fine then if trump dosnt like the constitution.. he is free to give up his US citizenship and get the fuck out of this country along with anyone else who supports this position If I had a house, and it had cockroaches in it; I would not set it on fire This is where the guy should trade back all but one exalt to balance his "I profit off someone's mistake" with "But I'm not a complete and total douche." Looks like it needs some diversity and multiculturalism. I thought he was just ok They'll never forget their first time. Massholes everywhere. Super clever and hilarious. How dare anyone have money and not handover every last cent of it to those less fortunate. Sarcasm. This would have been so much worse if they had been shot with a firearm. In a general synopsis, pay for cable or enjoy watching 360p streams. They're called heroes, this isn't league I wouldn't trust that PSU if I were you if Obama don't, maybe Trump will ? sweet dude, but what does it matter? Clearly you don't know how Minecraft PvP works Climate never changes in Nevada. The Gang Exploits Catholic Pedophilia wow the music makes it so much more terrifying It's fine, we have Ramires Then why are we still playing Runescape? Edzackwy! There they go legislating vaginas again. But it's just a fad... Just ask Comcast lol. Dont you mean cuckistan? I'm sure *OGN* is scrambling to make good content for every single region. I hope he gets Feaster as GM or Nonis if he gets fired in Toronto. Surely the Lord will pour out his wrath on Tennessee to punish these mockers. Totally balanced character With the new Reebok deal he probably made an extra $100 bucks so I don't see what the problem is. 8086 assembly. Just some guys ringing in the new year by celebrating their 2nd Amendment rights. Bikko please don't pull out an Rrtyui What good does it do having a sanctuary city if they can't get here? Fuck That Guys, can't you just remember that a Socialist leader is clearly U N E L E C T A B L E Three fountain pens. So 3542102MB effective, 552202MB of shit VRAM? I'd love this, I hate that fucker I cant relate ): But, like, with democracy, the people can like *decide* things that benefit the people. Yea, it's an American problem Yeah, who would have known there was an ass that big under those tight sweat pants Where's dogecoin You just think that because you're not the casual player they're targeting don't worry, they are just looking for terrorists. Or the poster is female. Literally no counterplay Do It Best on SE Division has amazing service and the fastest key maker in the west. Shouldn't this post be marked NSFL ? So annoying. [OC] At least you got him I fully expected him to turn and pop you in the head Also 0 spotting ribbons as a recon? Congrats! Does this include the added scenes for humor? I have a difficult time envisioning that hand still being attached to a body. Tobias, is that you? Because this will help stop the spread of ebola. FYI, don't wear jeans to a wedding. Oh, I thought you guys each had a sliver deck for EDH and those were each of your generals...that would get crazy. I'm on a computer so I don't know why I checked. Oh this is a great use we can always use a second pit to match the one at 16th & Broadway. His lines are so shaky look at the bottom of the snitch those are really unstraight Yeah, because in our day to day lives we just *have* to know which chromosomes other people have! Pleb. sadly we're living in a world where a man in the possession of suspected stolen Shakespeare manuscripts gets 8 years, whilst somebody else who committed manslaughter gets 4 years. Ashley works for overkill now? Ah... finally someone to set these damn vegans straight! Who knew that exorcism wasn't an effective way to eliminate the state's deficit? Needs to finish the job...looks like a wast of air anyway Unbelievable game! Verizon kicking me off thier network for "abusing unlimited plan" was the best thing they've ever done for me AMMMEERRRRRRICA GUNS YEAH Obviously we're trying to woo him back since Clint is out. I hate women sports jorniolists Love all the content, keep it up Slick! I believe the person who predicted false-flag attacks against Israel would likely start soon deserves a cookie. Another lying politician what were the odds. Prepare for disappointment. Why is it so small? Downvoted, terrible post that doesn't include condition zero, the superior counter strike. The stork brings them; everyone knows that. Time *burp* to get RICKETY RI*burp*CKETY WRECKED! dirk/mansion Yeah I'm sure we have just about exhausted our Plutonium reserves, well considering we send out new space probes almost every hour now. Can't wait to put my X next to Leave the European Union! Hmm might have to take a trip to toronto just to match Maybe she should remove her patio furniture and put down jagged rocks instead. Is there some sort of guide on how/where to have medical procedures done in foreign countries? SPICY About freakin time, had to hide all my money inside my shoes and left 50k notes to let them just fine me everytime i had to go Semanggi. Hey, it's just "proof of your manhood," how could something like that have a dangerous impact on someone's psyche? minecraft.. holy shit.. yeah cant wait to see those 16x16 texture blocks in 4k! Supermodels caught in a paparazzi shot made to make them look unglamorous compared to shots that took a lot of setup and probably some photoshop Definitely Dwayne Johnsons cover hax And 8 of those were celebratory fire into the air... Cammer's fault for blocking view of sedan from seeing the Golf. It's great how I don't have to actually see the movie anymore since they condense it into the trailer for me. Oh and can you light my cigar too? Jose fucked with KDB first and then Papi too! Yes, because we all know that active wear where we're getting hot and sweaty and nasty is just a huge turn on for men r.i.p neilson. Is this on fast-forward or 2x speed? You honestly just got outplayed m8. So we can't show Marlboro on a F1 car, but in the meantime F1 can be sponsored by Heineken. Right, because Tumblr has never hacked and posted *anyone's* information like their home address, parents' names, and credit card numbers. We as a community would be lucky to raise 10k and rotmg would cost somewhere in the 6 digit mark Now if someone will just post TedX Breathless we'll be set I think I might purchase this and not play it, since Steam removed it. [512/27 Beause they are "dominos" and by making that "domino" 512/27 you can make a straight line of dominos, alternatively this also works with 343/8] Makes sense that it's with Nintendo Ha hahahahha LooL Dont u see that Congress and BJP mile huye hai..see how they are rejoicing together .. modi is Congress agent.. and where is his certificate He had so much depth cause like, he was meta, but he was in a crisis, you see. Welp, months of anxiety of them picking Laine and trading the pick was for nought, if what Tippet says is true. May all the goxxed Bitcoin RIP Don't take me wrong on this, I do not sympathize with Russia, or countries like Saudi Arabia, but is funny to see EVERYONE jumping on it. My number is 984 thanks for the giveaway! Stance Nation! LOL! I'd think you'd be more worried about the people destroying your police cars and having shootouts with eachother during "peaceful" protests. Their ability to reproduce should definitely be calculated by the market and how much surplus value they are able to provide to their superior humans. Jeba in B#$ Mater! Akp Repeated use of technology to damage someone's reputation...I can't see that part of the law being abused at all Siiick! what's ket The Ubyssey is fake news. Look at all of those sockpuppets! Nobody does more damage to Christianity than Christians. Sieht total toll aus und so Thanks Christi Clark and Robertson! No dAT Team wtf Looks like your z is wet too That keyboard is disgusting. I expect the comments to be ripe with political discourse and courtesy well gagaga magician loves gagaga girl so they_____________ and had gagaga child Either hard links, or you need to do a chkdsk THE WARRIORS BLEW A 3-1 LEAD The right side should also have "only source of protein in the world" really you are that lazy you need someone on reddit to summarize it for you?...holy hell Nice Dance J Street - in touch with US Jewry for decades. Hold it out a little farther next time, perspective wasn't forced enough Wow i totally havent seen this cringe ever! It's obviously Watzke's and Zorc's fault that we're losing some of our most important players on a yearly basis :') That is a pretty sweet headline. It's more being chased out of town because there was that one time you dropped a plate or something Hu? Swamp Thing Remix EP confirmed! He'll most likely be flanked by a woman presenter and a presenter of mixed race/minority/disability/alternate lifestyle choice/obese/green/purple/dreadlocks/vegan only/ just to make sure that the BBC has it all covered. # SHINING INDIA 4chan He wishes Iowa State: 2-10 Unless we win today. If I'm racist no matter what, why not go all the way and join the KKK? We couldn't be that naive as to think that US government agencies would spend billions on the infrastructure to spy on it's own people just to give it all up because supporting laws weren't reinstated, could we? Hope CN and Disney are getting the lawyers ready. are we sure it's not Major Nelson and XBots? Geez chill with the snarky comments, the kids still in juniors lmao Noo those wheels won't do.. best ship them to me for disposal TIL the ending to The Interview. Literally unusable Only in the USA where they suck every penny out of those who have the absolute least. That sounds like total and outer bullshit. LOL... step one; understand that it is all a scam, step two; don't give scammers money. But then they would have to actually work on the code I miss the ayy lmao mask What, like in videogames? I don't see anything wrong with this Not all word's with S's need an apos'trophe. David Bowie eat your heart out. BUT HE ASKED FOR FORGIVENESS SO HE'S SORRY AND SHOULDN'T BE PUNISHED AND HE'S STILL GOING TO HEAVEN. You do get a reward for partcipating in Ironman, it's called "being fit", something Reagan will never experience. What has been seen, can not be unseen She probley not doesn't have supportive parents. This must be fake news, everyone knows conspiracies aren't real. I'm gonna CRY woah that's awesome, where'd you find this? Quality Yelp review m8. Dude I only got a 3200 hundred, super dissapointed Yeahhhh, Trevor SeeMeWin Guy should've kept walking would have obviously been fine Good, another president Congress can destroy Real nice staples, real nice. I read that as you like to bake your in gluten free muffin Damnit - we said **DE**A not **EP**A! Morocco would be a sick skill team It's because everyone here is enlightened and euphoric. Wow, who are the 14% and 13% respectively? Thats why you have to go around and breach it from the inside! That's odd another Hitler reaction right after someone else's got somewhat to the top. no Panthers...color me surprised I hate highschool just like you fellow kids. Dude spoilers Has anyone made a Breaking Bad joke yet? They're men, so it's ok. Great shitpost mate, I rate 9/11 Being a white man. Did you know that Plexus can solve all of your health problems? Because I take off my bullet proof clothing at night, I use these clothes as weapons in case of someone attacking me in my sleep. Wow, China is really committed to this hoax they totally made up. The Orthodox Schismatics Goddamn knife wielding insomniacs. I didn't realize Jmac played defense. because you're a snobby cunt? So the backup was just a straight file copy to his desktop? Estimated time until Michael x Sammy fanart: 3 minutes Clean out the dust from the cooler, i did and temps plummeted. That's fucked up OP +1 gee thanks You must be forgetting about Crystal Skull then the reporter forgot to write that it was a pit bull Honestly one of the most packed and creative I have seen, I really hope this one wins! Being pregnant in the first trimester- am seriously like the exorcist for 10 weeks- my poor poor husband How can a cat have 20 in concentration? Who scored in the OT? It's safe to say he's not worth drafting now. RIP I couldn't tell the singer apart from any of the other blonde women. It defected from radiant to dire? Nikon. Looking a little tanned there Blake. I heard Hitler was from your country I'm pretty sure all of the "Low Dose" tablets have a heart on them Said reporter was seen fleeing from the scene, leaving behind him a trail of hooded sweatshirts. Hit himself with a phone receiver to "make sure he would be taken to a hospital." Yeah but will his daughters ever be allowed out of their house arrest? Now that Duffy has relinquished his "King Bonehead" crown, I see we have an heir to the throne! I thought man-spreading was supposed to be the problem I don't know whether I hate or love DeMarcus Cousins. Yeah, those damn Turks don't know what they're doing How dare the non-whitey think for himself, that dumbass doesn't know whats good for him! also just in: sky is blue, water wet. Nah man, they're cool... well at least preggit is. She is on fire today. How typical. Then what are Twin Titans should be, identical twins? It's not a beautiful lion called Cecil SO I DONT CARE running chrome 53, I'm not seeing anything extraordinary. There's a reason plenty of people want the black market to continue instead of legalizing it. It grosses me out so much when guys say "mmmm" when talking about a woman's body. Foreshadowing the upcoming Undertale Minesweeper parody. I love how killing hookers in GTA is the *only* time you'll hear middle class parents express any concern for prostitutes. ;0 Unpossible, women are oppressed victims of the patriarchy and have no access to money or other resources NAACP is racist He shoulda just said "fuck her right in the pussy" Has anyone seen her birth certificate yet? make america last again! Cmon OP, this is clearly just a survey directed at big corporations the thumbnail of that link looks like the same one as "ultimate surrender" videos E cigs were my gateway away from tobacco. I'd sell the game and break my controller. I would like the state of virginia to take all the customs agents into custody and arrest them for treason. ever consider telling them sorry you cant bring the dogs? nice shitty rocks peasent Well, considering how amazing Alien Blue support and development has been for iOS, this is very encouraging. Mail it to NV. Soo.. started conversation? Are Ray and Jontron still friends? I'm surprised he is only suing for 2M The thought police! True WTF right here ladies and gentleman That'll totally convince those White Supremacist, like David Duke, to not vote for you anymore. RIP Cavs' chances of repeating No, they stopped. It works for other secret police, why not US? lol That's the most Billy Hamilton thing I've ever heard But, it's not sexist if it's women doing it to men, only when men do it to women --duh! One of these things is not like the other. No just some green felt As someone elsewho uh, also had an attempt... Even though I don't know you, I am glad to hear you're getting better. Jesus was clearly a capitalist Wow, who could have ever imagined such a string of messages being sent by the same person. creep more, stalker! I, for one, welcome our new Phil-spawn Rambis overlord. #THIS HAS LEGS, WE NEED TO BUILD EXPOSURE Maybe they will give the money back to gullible donors instead of keeping it for future Green party business When I was younger, the idea was that new shoes made you run faster, but after the first day, they weren't new, and you slowed down. If you've never seen the holiday special you're not a real fan . But if it's .EXE then how did SWF hear it? In a heartbea... and Im done Eating horse dung in Ohio But it's OK because we block the user names. Troll level 1000 Thanks, Obama Disabled comments, what a coward. I feel...sad. HOENN CONFIRMED then take the sum and divide by 2 - the repug way Yep, animal welfare is WAY more important that human issues Wait, that's not Chicago! I thought pit bulls just like to love on people. totally cool gif Ban guns: It worked for Paris. dark hellhound.. glad he's not a SD. You got a caterpie though so I guess it all balances out Tell me something I don't know Yeah because fuck the poor and middle class miright? melee or riot Karma for stealing a Cy Young in 2009 It's so bad that over 1250 people have bought it! They prepare it for utilization in soon-to-be-Novorossiya Oh well, at least there wasn't anyone soapboxing about how Asian-Americans should be offended about how affirmative action is oppressing them the most. Also blacks built the pyramids, and had a giant civilization called Lemuria where there was no disease or poverty until European raiders came along and destroyed it. You can't come in here saying "Smash 4 is a bad game" and not expect to get eaten. It's high time for NATO to stop its aggression against Russia and the Russian people. Still waiting for Capcom to release 7 and not more HD remakes of HD remakes. He's a job creator. Wouldn't Asomugha be a "Dream Team" Eagles Great? I bet they're a *riot* to hang out with Raise my favourite Professor's salary. *ghost pod* That's impolite to call anyone "retarded" I'm sure you were fucking amazing at make up when you first started too. what a thug But more than enough time to take a picture ITT: people who don't want to hear about petitions having 0 efficiency and signing to feel good If t_D wants to help with getting rid of Trudeau THAT'D BE GREEAAT. Erhmahgerd its a conspiracy! Savan should be given a lifetime coaching ban ^^^unless ^^^he ^^^comes ^^^to ^^^wisconsin What a dumb mistake I'm sure you have been reading it everyday Golly gee, I can't wait for our Indonesian prospects to join the first team from the Academy! I wanna see some results in a few years THIS is cringe now? White isn't a race! We don't need another ghost on the field, keep moving folks. ah I see the new Nvidia obsolence technique on hardware Preordered. TL;DR TIL: people are on different moods at different times... thank you dota 2 reddit for unraveling the mysteries of anthropology! Such a mainstream opinion Big Oil pretends to care about owl as an HR stunt; drives up demand for oil through an unnecessary helicopter ride; damages environment through pollution. Whoever made this joke was fairly talonted. Science is a liberal myth. 2.5 Billion at the box office or it's a flop. Seems like a perfectly ironic punishment for CEOs and high level financial fraudsters Here's a better idea: end UK rule by the .01% Look at all of these Americans clapping! oh boy, the Chainsmokers... I was wondering if I'd get to see them at any festival this summer I am getting so fucking tiered of my city smelling like an afghan BBQ restaurant Judges have made it clear with Obama that they're OK with a non-American president Tampa Bay Cardinal Jays Yeah I'd prefer he's not in purple if it's all the same. Because if we know anything about God, it's that he's easily fooled by semantics. You misspelled "phat". Yeah his opinion is wrong. TIL being a nurse is the same thing as being a good friend, nothing more. I thought Zhong Kui was the one with the minigun O.o What you call ghetto, the military called "Battle ready Field Equipment" It's the cooldown match. Hey, the US provided guaranteed income to billionaires and it seems that everyone has forgotten that too. Oh the humanity! Gaijin add fire and forget missiles pls Nice stance. Maybe she's transgender, shitlord! Honestly as a male my experience has been the exact opposite Next we'll find out they don't even want to be in the EU. Clearly he isn't one of those 'great thinkers' if he can't even use correct grammar Don't worry the D3 beta is just a stress test of their servers, they fixed all the bugs with internal testing and you've clearly played 540 hours good thing we still use telnet I just threw up in my mouth a little. but look at how enthusiastically she played with them! Nice try Hillary. Yes, Gotham totally thought Batman was a traitor because he decided to help save the whole world instead of just save Gotham, despite the fact that Gotham is **IN** the world. Stupid RNG! Ban SUV, they enable crime, in fact band all cars in general! Yeah that was actually a decent comedy. No, it's because Hitler wanted to take over the whole world im claiming it too right now does that mean i did it they should have to be notarized to ensure they weren't signed under duress. That's because loading screens build suspense. Its like when a smaller guy talks mad shit to the second largest guy in the bar because the 1st largest is his brother. There was a Demexit? knowing it was harvested by slaves Just feel Putin was right when he said yesterday that recent murders of regime opponents in Ukraine - including Oles Buzina, "show Ukraine's not becoming European." Isn't Sarah Palin as much of a scientist as Bill Nye? Oh be honest, you wouldnt have done a thing So glad that we have Saudi fucking Arabia as our ally. Am I the only one who doesn't like it? in this game it doesn't matter how crappy your aim is, the game will aim for you on console and the guns are so powerful you need to only land a few bullets on a guys toe No, you would never be, that's the point! Didn't know the 6P had Glass on the back Shit balls. Vic bias Well, they're obviously not *true* christians. But there is no Moon, it us an optical illusion. Omg I yawned right as I was reading this, a boy must have a crush on me! Clearly a conspiracy by the Orwell Estate But it's *education* so it's all going to be worth it Business as usual then? I'm God and I approve this message. lol So many neighbors told you to GTFO, ever wonder why? I hate you. LMAO and the administration was too cowardly not to let him compete in the first place. Thanks Trump for helping these terrorists! CONSPIRACY! Westbrook in LA and KD at home watching. Trump's greatest sacrifice for America: he dodged the draft 5 times. OMG NICE FLY HACKS what a cunt Ryan and McConnell say Nyet! Is this signal to be in the shape of a mushroom cloud over Pyongyang? higher res please! Disappointed "Clutch Plays" wasn't an option, that shit is the best part. Clintin How charming. And people said that mono-red wasn't viable! Shouldn't they just pull themselves up from their own bootstraps? Rebranding is useless if nobody wants your product. No correlation. Grand Theft Auto 5 comes to real life. It's always nice to see the comments that turn up in articles like this. When will US gun laws finally be changed to stop this kind of thing! What a fruitful offer! God is sure good at tricking people. But that's bad because it's socialism Except this is SFW. This breaks rule 1, Bing isn't reliable. Because, obviously, these children are a threat. Now that's a friend Issat *True* Withered Candy? yeah..and Mulatto children are quite a bit more common these days I like how he holds his pimp hand palm up, ready to slap! Arizona here, whats daylight savings time? Waste of money and resources why is there a gap splitting the border snippet? Yes, they selected their nominee... By choosing not to ignore 3.6 million votes and wins in 10/11 of the top states by population. Well yeah, it's a country full of criminals. What I want to know - if they *do* lose their world cup rights, do they get a refund on their bribes? Eng subs, love when interviews have those That will really help make things more affordable. Pay no attention to the glaring hole in the *plan of happiness*^TM. Nah that's totally legit. So dumb I hope they had enough stickers for most of the media within that Walmart. RIP Daz loader :( Sara can do the same with no debuffs and Colo can even have his atk up. You do what you gotta do to impress the ladies Or just get his big brother That works i guess WoW only runs on Windows 3.1 with a Voodoo 1 omg they're immigrants tho the world always fears immigrants and it always turns out fine, there's totally nothing incompatible with their culture and lack of education, omg be more PC ! well he's just really serious about charity The most upvoted post in Reddit was justifying a *yes* vote, I think there is something smelly here! Just close your eyes a little and squint. It's awesome owning a Mac as a gamer. but free health care means higher taxes I don't know about you but I don't pay over 6 times my annual income on taxes. THE JOHN KING COMEBACK IS REAL FOLKS THATS RACIST! I don't care if you're gay fucking talk to me faggot! This title could be an excellent Prog-Rock band name Canzano is too big to go in locker rooms. If nothing else it's stylish Lo miraba y no lo podia creer, mira que hay mil formas de lesionarse, pero asi no me la imaginaba ni en blooper Wow, something new! But those girls sure were. By Vamien McKalin | **Aug 21, 2012 09:31 AM EDT** Well, it's definitely not because of sexism. So blasphemy, victimless crime? They both seem like lovely people. Just wait until we get to tell the story of "How Tennessee Pulled off the Great Heist of Butch Jones." Great job! Almost made it to the 3 comma club. Honestly shocked the sheriff in question wasn't Joe Arpaio. I dont play in 60fps anymore because last time i tried, I cut my eyes The entire police culture has to change I hope any team not from pittsburgh wins. More like substandard graphical capabilities of the system. 4Head its like that horribly programmed line follower I made in highschool That's a super cute story. It was doctor for me because of scrubs Removal of the 8% miss chance on Radiance. Didn't you know that the only things worth reporting in the news are those that directly affect our country and its people? Inb4 camzotz Ultimate Sucks Blood from all players around him and regenerates His heath for 10 Seconds while still being able to basic attack And use other abilitys...But that would be kali ultimate lol Only the civil liberties I care about are important! Not a Trump supporter, but I imagine they will say that it's not corrupt; the Democrats are being crybabies and are trying to undermine Trump's administration, so this is the only way to get around it Him and newton can do the superman lol No Just another example of how McCain isn't a 'real' Republican lets get to the most important news: who is going to play death? Misspelled tuna. I like how they're turning on joss Yeah, black people are too stupid to being able to get proper ID. Ok good gender relations but they aren't a multicultural society so they lose. This was talked about when they were released, what, three years ago? AMAZING! props to siver for staying on his feet after the blows were landed Homeless that live back behind there are going to be pisssed. Obviously they're trying to make the water less choppy Because people won't stop posting about it, they get a ton of free advertisement. Soo edgy. But not every movie was successful, so clearly Hollywood is doomed! Fasho has to be one of the worse rockets i have seen in a long time lol Arby's. No he's not doing kratom because he wants to kill himself he wants to kill himself because he's on kratom Madison, Wisconsin So many campaign promises left by the roadside as soon as Trump realized some actual effort would be needed to even partially fulfill them. Oh my god, yes. I hear there's no team in Atlanta The amount of razor scooters in this .gif is too damn high That shows how important Australia is. Oh wow another aviana + Kun video, so original never seen this one before Just going out on a limb here Chelsea weighs roughly 325lbs right and bright blue eye shadow right So jet fuel didnt leap hundreds of yards from one building to another making the whole thing fall down? Beep boop - here to note cognitive dissonance *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically* Garbage rates incoming I'd say Pondy, but he turned out so cool! hope your moms okay sounds pretty serious A great year for Murdoch - first get rid of the EU, the BBC next A dirty Georgia fan. Spiders, they are incredible and fascinating creatures Yay warriors. Such a boring match.. The field being extra wet didnt help it either Yeah but he was catcalling her for his "viral spiral" contract, so it's ok. Riiiiiiight.... So funny. anther adc just what we needed I believe in contraception, but I have two kids. You must be real fun to hang out with. All this article will do is convince others to steal more signs... You're telling people they're very valuable! If they do, I'm so registering "thatsso.gay" ... fuck 7.8/10 To much water Eeveelutions- IGN If that is true then they would be the first Presidential family to NOT make money off the office. Such a shame, I was looking forward to "Instant Noodles Arena" First world problems. I'm pretty sure he would have succeeded had his face been towards heaven rather than hell. Dude can't get away from red color-using schools. I was really shocked by who our team captains are Sounds like it was worth the $100% ticket fee. I see where the cuts to education, infrastructure, and college grants went... I hope the average American tax payer get's their money's worth. Looks like one of those three wheeled motorcycles. Blasphemy is a victimless crime. Wow, Skyrim: Hitman and Modern Warferer are my 2 favorite games! hahaha oh man I can't believe someone edited wikipedia that is so funny. United is in dire need of a CAM guy's unbelievable I think going to jail for insulting someone is bullshit in general. Don't worry, the GPU most likely has 2 GB, simply take those. Civil War 2 is here now? What's the point, then? Why didn't they just kept him at arm length distance? No one says anything about it, so it mustn't be an issue. What's your problem with me bro? Cerasinus Fusces This is what the Team Fortress 2 mercs were based on. 7 years of development and LAN is Lan, omgz dean hall ran away with trillion dillion moneyz in a tank Don't be racist against the people of the continent of Hawaii! repost Yup, definitely a country I want in the EU Gameplay trailer. Unpopular opinion but Buried is my favorite map so I'm just hoping for that. Ummmm...what was the name of that one? Get married What, no Krystal? But the Mariners are the first team to ever ever do that and its totally illegal and they are scumbags Fierce leaders of the free world! That is brutal! That scene was not very funny at all, if you haven't seen it, don't because the rest of the movie wasn't very good at all yeah, I mean, shitty things happen in shit holes, not sure why so many people even bothered to participate What kind of communistic socialist do you have to be to take away a toddler's god-given right? Wait, you never told us what it was..... That MUST be against health code. Yes, and Texas does NOT have one. Well how can he be funny when you hang around the ultimate comedian Joe Stapleton all the time 30 male, 48 surveys and only $8 earned. Because of course David Cameron is a dictator and wasn't voted in by a majority of the population I'm all for transparency, but it sounds like this guy showed up to the DMV on a busy day, grabbed the next 1000 tickets and then demanded to be seen first. Don't worry about the lack of logos or paint job guys, McLaren is going to announce a major sponsor soon so the paint job is going to change any day now. Pawn Hearts by Van der Graaf Generator, only 3 long songs including a 23 minute epic - the album deals with insanity, and is quite emotional and hard hitting, especially if you read the lyrics as the album plays Eliminate the Arse subculture. He's got a healthy savings account, so that absolves his employer of their responsilbility to pay him for services rendered. Ha, he would get along amazingly with Muscut and Berisha. So edgy. Oh OP he's just complimenting your eyes please don't angry him or some guys naked hairy ass I'm sure this will get as much attention by the MSM as Trump not disavowing David Duke for the 10th time. Heads up- One guy was USN. Dear diary, Today OP was a giant bundle of sticks that had no use in making a fire. Oh my god I never knew this, thank you for enlightening me! Hibana is fixed to dont u mean mystic Unfortunately, real life is a little more nuanced than this. Well, he's really good. Bengals are gonna get shit on. So the feminism shit has made it over there... fantastic. Overdue book fines? Yeah, why make a component modular and easily replaceable when you can integrate it in the main chassis so if it fails you have to replace the entire system? Or the feminist reboots are terrible Nice try, Otaku Wow this Hungary place must be simply terrible! Not really... I had Gold version Gospel Is this a prequel? Yes, I'm sure that will happen. This sub is going down the shitter at an alarming rate. Ah, he must be playing a mutated raccoon on the surface then. Diabetes It seems likely from the rest of her following behavior, that her initial devastation was more-so reflective of her sudden realization that her life is fucked, rather than remorse for killing someone. Today on: "Health advice for people on hard drugs." I'm so excited to see two dwarfs fight but why? but i want to know.Tell me dammit You can stop worrying about cosplay now. Holy shit, we've found Wagner's reincarnation. TRILLIONS of people at the trump march 3 libtards at the women march Camo Lego... If this CZ would happen to be placed in a pile of classic Lego, twould be lost. So that's what being "pro rape" means Hate to say it, but it's always been an oligarchic society. Everything depends upon its opposite for its own definition. Nice Norco! If only there had been proper ag-gag laws in place, then we wouldn't have to be subjected to this disturbing footage. There's no way this could possibly go wrong. I didn't watch the whole video, but fuck that guy, he's got shit in his ears and nose and so i think he is wrong, whatever he said was probably wrong, fuck him and his face shit. All good bro, brees said he's retiring as a Charger! I feel bad saying this, but you shoulda named it Chell So? So he's trying to stop him from over dosing? No worries guys, I know the Pro Life faction of the conservatives will have tremendous outrage over this I have never seen this on the front page several times before in the last few months. Straps and sumo, doesn't count I feel like this should be a book cover for 1984. Chasing the thieving bastards out of Wall Street, getting arrested, and executed as a Terrorist. Seems like wannabe Robin Thicke here needs a solid dose of reality via a kick to the balls I can't believe how brazenly they display their faces....what whores Gand mai ghus gaya Jan lokpal Abki baar kejru sarkar And I am sure he is being totally impartial with his choice Thats all the reason anyone should need to buy a SG, if they have enough money Arms deals... a foreign policy tool that never backfires. That's what pepper spray is for. Innocent until proven guilty, idk why some people overreacted though The music really fits. It actually seemed like he thought it was okay, but just super immature. This article and site seem totally credible. Such peaceful people I mean it's so bigoted of us to call them out on their beliefs in stonning, pedophilia, terrorism, genital mutilation, oppression of women, killing homosexuals, killing apostates, and etc Hey, Artour, have you, guys, already decided on who will be the Top Lane? Gee, I can't imagine why. How did you get a TOG in Tier 4? But what's the point of dropping stacks on computer hardware when you aren't able to brag about it? 17 millions and worse production that the Redbull tournament. GET BACK IN THE UTERUS BABY WE NEED HIM TO TAKE SHOTS! Ehhh not sure if we make that deal unless we get Wiggins too Seems like a sensible investment with the incoming administration. Yeah because industry stops during wartime Yet New Zealand still sells Eskimo sweets! Well it only makes sense since weed is illegal Is Markiplier an unofficial guest? now that's the campaign hillary needs to run. Good thing it's impossible for men to friendzone women! It's been 2 many years yep, hidup demokrasi, amirite? I love how they gave Tyrion a cute little scar on his face instead of using CGI to make him look closer to the book's description. maybe they just need to switch paws It's so the photons reach his eyes faster than anyone elses, so he can react much faster. In a perfect world I'd like to see Joss write and the Russos direct. Why did you bother evolving Orlandeau then? L O L O L So they look like Bam Bam Bigelow with hair? _aesthetics_ And this guy is totally not homophobic or racist. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE thats gay dude pretty easy targets if bernie was able to dupe them Don't worry about the ping mate, Australian people used to have 400+ms to Nost, it was manageable. Just like all the candidates? They probably just did it to impress all us handsome young Bernie Bros. how unpredictabele Religion of Respect for Women. sorry I took yo job bro hahaaaaaaa **TL;DR**: Probably not. So, what is this Ghost in the Shell thing, is it some kind of porn? congrats u have aids If you posted a photo of 200 of those...... my head might just explode But it provides a more cinematic experience! Tim curry looks horrible after his stroke, And it looks to have lost all the grit and charm the original had. What is this new song, I've never heard it before. You sound like a great stepfather Removed, pictures from dating sites have to be censored. Asturians love cider. What was your favorite? If only Roscoe could talk Make sure you haven't edited the applied energistics config files and made those meteors spawn more commonly Would this work properly on a Huawei P8? It's not. Get a hysterectomy and then invite her to the sterilization party afterwards. So the currently stagnant French economy (and indeed the economic malaise of the entire eurozone) is just fine then? Um sorry I don't listen to paid shills who spout out obviously fake news Eh-yo, way to go Ohio! Such a Grand ol Party. Because the lame-stream, drive-by, **conservative** media does not like to bring attention to environmental damage done by the fossil fuel industry because you know, man can't effect the environment or atmosphere. Murders happen all the time despite race, and while it's a tragedy it's even more insulting when Trump decides to use it to promote himself while not actually giving a real shit about the issue. I think he pitched 7.666667 shutout innings but whatever Yeah, OP, *Common*! But is his play worth his contract? Pretty sure that's Christoph Waltz there The artificial fuel limit given by this mod gives the player unfair advantages in multiplayer, R* ban plz. False... I've been chilling on Venus for the last few weeks now in Destiny and my character seems to be holding up alright. WTF Zit achter een betaalmuur :/ That's OK, rick and Morty has got it covered Just FYI these emails were already reviewed by the FBI before Comey announced that there would be no indictment. I really have always known and always found women attractive, but in 7th grade one of my neighbors who was pretty well "developed" for our age let me put my head on her boobs... and I jacked off for like two months straight thinking about them. Yes, let's lock up innocent people over a harmless plant. This and the LFA sound like heaven Pack it up folks were done here I'm sure American television will inform the public of this news. Surpriiise. let's see now US loses its lead in computer technology, nuclear weapons technology, energy technology....Putin couldn't possibly want that to happen, right? Yeah tbagging in any game triggers me how could they do that to the other team that's just awful this sets me off I'm going to boycott fnatic and every thing they do until the end of time how disrespectful trying to have fun in a game I can't believe it it's outrageous. good thing we hace medicine all figured out these days and don't have to worry about such things allways kill your target so they cant sue you later Clowns. Who is ready for 99+ friend multi summons ? 23 my Lord! Only Hindu can become president of India, also, VP, PM etc. Serious question, what about social phobia along with depression / manic depression? Credit when credit is due. I got notified that they were available to download, I just haven't heard when anyone is going to use them, yet. Says the draft dodger NO thats perfect. Well, assuming you've beat the game, [Lusamine] Doesnt 50 Cent have a charity or maybe even multiple? It's all that homogeneity. I love these Libyan rebels, they play the guitar in the middle of a gun fight, they smoke sheesha during a tank battle and chill with machine guns and sandals on while promoting freedom in the US. Is there any piece of liberal propaganda garbage that redditors don't vote up? this clearly wearing baggy clothing should mean that getting shot in the baggy parts means you die I'm so proud to live in the same country as these people Hey, as long as it isn't a mosque near anything it should be OK. *New update* The Righteous Bison, now made in China! 30 pound shoulder press....what a scrub. What is it with Belgians and wanting to split their country in half? Isn't this for cellphones to Televisions? We have the biggest Walmart though. Masterrace problems. No hes terrible with that 92pace Everyone who hates this is too dumb to understand the deep meaning behind this film. But remember, Hillary not hitting BCC when sending emails is way worse than this I'm too lazy to scroll down; what game is this? He didn't just break the ice, he vaporized it. But the latest polls show Hillary up by 10.... This can't be right. bullshit, all this guy does is dunk and flop Hehe Also I love the way he paints if you watch him DEAN AMBROSE BURIAL IMMINENT how clever Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it. No, I thought celebrity filled movies that are named after holidays always do exceptionally well. UN Human Rights Panel Memeber, what a shining light for other countries That's weird, you would think Hecz could afford a Scuf at this point... Yeah I totally get it, because who cares about professionalism anymore right? You'll need at least three or more Titan X's uwot Didn't see that one coming When is your lunch? We can hardly blame him , not like police in other countries have ever abused power, how could Saint Duterte have predicted violence? Buh, buh... ma fries peach! Video games: a religion of peace, amirite? Thanks, I didnt know that nick sent out the episodes to the foreign nicks and, since they normally receive these after the shows have aired, Mexican nick put the videos online. Nerf Samus pls do an upper and a downer cancel each other out WTF IM Nova you suck i should be supreme Cammer's fault... somehow it says there is a lack of solidarity among drivers. Those with Art and Science have their entertainment; those without either, let them have entertainment! She just wants to make new friends. So satirical Wiccan? I just thought he was Brazilian The Battle of Hampton Roads - Titus Andronicus. Well *excuuuuse* me, princess. I don't even know how Steam stay is afloat because it's da biggest place of da piracy in teh worlds, bigger den The Pirate Bay evenz I understood all of that. M'YES Imagining people doing duck walks while crossing. Well the girl was clearly asking for it, not the guys fault at all Edit Well that's one way to get rid of it I can only imagine taking pictures from certain angles initiallty and then flailing like crazy to unwire everything and rewire everything and to add some zips The fact that they mistook Link for Peter Pans says much about the kind of people that post these cancers. I should like to apply for one of those positions. It's disguised as vandalism, but it's actually marking the one with drugs in it. like a shadow in the night Nothing more fearsome than a bit of Katy Perry Moreover you need to be within 3500 units when the enemy is killed and I think you must have been really close to that range. Seems a stupid thing to do with an active conflict going on in the country. For the express purpose of dumping **Comcast**? Yeah, what a bitch for buying a ticket for her loved companion... how selfish - I bet she did it all for the extra miles that bitch. Onze partij is goed voor zelfstandigen! Because they want sovereignty over Nissan Personally I enjoyed AoU more than the first Avengers It's grey, it sucks I'm laughing so hard at how shitty his spelling is. This gem isn't getting the up votes it deserves. Cargo shorts. What a fucking travesty this award is going to Richard Lewis when everyone clearly knows the years best journalist was yee_lmao. Thanks God While Wall Street & Goldman Sachs hid it for them - at a price! In all fairness that armpit is totally fuckable. This really fucks up that most interesting match for SummerSlam Voi pandoriani fate tenerezza. He looks like one of those people who would rob a store Well that solved that, I'm moving to Canada. Stay classy Rangers! Result: shattered dreams of a relationship :D From behind It's called scientific research. Example? **PAY TO WIN** And tried killing him Is that why Scousers hate the Sun? But we have privilege. Clearly Ireland will implode in the next 24 hours, cause we all know how evil drugs are. i want these for earrings. Pokemon whenever the gym leader is beaten and the main character bikes home PCMR aside, Badly Drawn Lines is my favorite on Facebook. Storm the Bastille. I'm in, if that's the uniform that must be worn at all times. No shit Well I live in America and the only language I need is American Did anyone stop to think that maybe his niece was a little brat? Yeah, cause Republicans are the only party running the country into the ground! They believe dinosaurs existed, but that they coexisted with humans. You best be a ghost already, cause you're about to be dead to me. The amazing battery life of the 6P at work great, same poor writing, now at higher res (for consoles anyway) He and thor become rivals in formula 1 racing They should mark their signs more clearly so that people don't keep getting lost and have to turn around. But it's not NA! Scrapyard He looks like a cute angry baby :) Tesla cops shit every time their cars are in an accident, but other manufacturers cars are in hundreds times more incidents every single day and no one notices Twist: this guy is Nic Cage from Con Air. What about their assholes makes them knock stuff off tables? Just a wee bit Surely now we'll see Maxi make the Test team again Because it being an ad-infested attempt to cash in on potheads is far less likely, right? Wow I didn't know Forsyth, Nomah and Deen got cut If this is true then I'll hold off on my purchase of a 980. Ah, yes, Radical Islam is know for its hate of people in wheelchairs Saudi Arabia's special needs team has won the World Cup twice in the past (2006 & 2010 World Cup). STORM CONFIRMED Le femministe son tutte cozze, i misogini sono tutti calvi con la panza, nessuno se li vuol chiavare, il punto e' tutto li. it just keeps regenerating gas You mean it's not? My ex knows this girl, her cosplays are wonderful and shes naturally that pretty. No games bruh That's somehow going to fix hiv and drugs usage problem Comcast. Man i'm happy the half of the season is over, much needed break for our players. b o k e h But... but... who would be our "enemy"... I didn't imply he did, I just said he was a professional troll (he is in his EU role - taking loads of money and just trying to sabotage it) But how else will I learn Azir except putting myself in a high preassure situation? I still don't know what they mean by fragile So funny, best submission related to the sub ever! I would be so stoked if I found something that powerful :P It has kurt angle and shawn micheals wrestling each other. What's he know about being Christian though? Not even level 200, fake legend. but it wasnt 90' minute it was only 89' This is how wr're going to normalize female-taller relationships? If only there was some system where all citizens could get health care they need without needing charity. Yeah, was going to make that correction myself when I saw the distance on that hell hole Abuse: As long as it's not happening to you, it's not your problem. Well you aren't a bitter fan boy at all. You mean you're NOT excited about the Verizon store in "superbowl city?!" Wow how lucky was he to resign before this was announced? The Japanese do that stupid wiper-lifting thing too? he was moving and your friend wasnt, there isnt more dinamic gameplay than that. May exceptions yang FOI Bring back heart of gold! Gimli oh haha i get it because people say his hair looks like a bowl and u put a superman-esque R on his t-shirt with a cape too This is what happens when you spend your entire adult life on tumblr. This guy isn't very smart. Meh The Nintendo Switch and Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild Also no news about HL3 is something to look forward to as usual. Christians don't EVER and have NEVER killed people in the name of a religion. They're presents from God! Im a 90s kid so that means I'm superior starter pack. Too easy Yeah, nobody has that now wheres chrome when your talking to him? Utterly Secure. Cars Typical fucking game, appealing to the male fantasy. *Download Candy Crush Saga now and receive free $0* Just looking at those stats, it's pretty obvious that Maxwell is a better bowler. White castle I fail to see where cloning animals for food production is any different from cloning plants for food production. You could be my girlfriend of 85 years or my wife of 586778 years or my favorite teacher or my most beloved mentor but if you are a woman and you yell at me or raise your voice at me i can 100% guarantee our relationship will never be the same ever again there is something so treacherous about women who needlessly raise their voice. Quick some buddy kill him so he doesn't pick us to win next year. 3/10 no RGB mousepad Cause they could never be borrowing a parents' phone to record with? ... Penn, Princeton, or Yale? Obviously you hate women. Would this be London where of course they just don't have a voice compared to all those filthy northerners? Some one at work said I was being harsh for saying that video was the most effective advert for birth control I had ever seen. would you be interested in a trade agreement with England? Heligoland pls. Excuse me OP but I don't have a body actually now I'm offended. It's Obama's fault. For fucks sake Oh but your kid could grow up to cure cancer someday! Thoroughly entertaining. But I thought only the Nazis were evil? I'm pretty sure, it's because they're jelly. Hardscoping noob He had vision. LPT: Don't buy tickets to ride the Hindenburg or the Titanic. The second drop is actually DnB, and since it overpowers the first drop, Surface is pretty much DnB It has sword TOO VIOLENT FOR AUSTRALIA hey don't forget about the blacks voting against their interest Phew, wow, you really fucked with him. Has anyone said otherwise? JinHao 599 Good, if you can only have one per tool cupboard zone. Zlatan is the most fleet of foot player at his size ever 0/10 no custom cables When you think about it, though, providing universal health care is kind of the same thing as performing horrific experiments on innocent people without anesthesia, killing them by the millions in ovens, forcing them into labor camps, and attempting to take over the world by force. HELL YEAH GET THEIR ASSES. you forgot luigi vs mario It's probably a bomb. Where do you find live win probability like in that table? but it's still got tread! Probably elbowed a few lads there to help her out! Can't wait to see on in DUB Magazine with some 40 inch rims. A stainless steel shuriken IGN 10/10 jounalism The Lord just gave you that job so you could pay 50% more tithing! The key stages of Corbyn: 1 - Mimic Venezuela 2 - Crash the country, lose election or suffer coup (assuming he doesn't mimic old Chavez in putting down that sort of thing) 3 - Next government applies for Marshall Aid MKII to repair destroyed economy. Katie Hopkins This law is racist and was caused by global warming. Closing the [Perth Mint](http://www.perthmintbullion.com) too? wow.. it's a giant saved icon.. in the real world :D Bill Clinton will become the first first man. FTP! They couldn't afford to pre-render anything, so they stream the intro from YouTube obviously. TIL I share a birthday with Bob Marley. Loser points. On a more positive note, I recently discovered that last past just displays a black screen in the app switching previews, and you can't take screen shots of it running. Even easier with this method when u have perm polaroid invisibility People who are willing to work and people who are not willing to work Go for the fist bump instead. I'd bet on them saying that! Maybe he wants to sell you a baby. All of them above, nigga plz This isn't android we don't have sympathy for men of the law here wouldn't want to play a game of horse shoes against this guy. Crush the evil bankers and put most of the people he has done business with behind bars for fucking over the little guy. I love you Kershaw. I mean it makes sense, he shot it in the hole I can't believe this comedian is exaggerating and making outrageous claims about a very serious issues. Yes, Jesus is greater than a force of nature. that is some terrible marking right there I just trust the bus schedule. Why wont people simply mind their own fucking business? Yeah, but if you dare mention election fraud, you're automatically accused of being an insane conspiracy theorist and a sore loser. They're not dying from it so they're just getting strong! Long Haochen A whopping 128gb for only 1099.99 Made conservative meme makers hate punctuation and proper sentence structure. Wow, what a diva! Trumpcare clearly pro-life because it has an extra baby right between them. 15 fps on PC! spoofers and backpack accounts are my guess Scott what have you done They're just mad that we aren't enslaved to social constructs like whiteness. This is definitely not a joke Small brain size = small ideas Oh, yeah, that looks legit. ugh preorders I'd give my whole life savings for a car like that.. of course that's only about $150. But that's so nicely edited and funny! Apparently, 9 months ago I gave you an upvote. It's funny because watching hardcore gay porn if you're a ~~married~~ man is shameful and ludicrous. That dog has extremely poor form and he will never get bigger doing push-ups that way. that doesnt even scratch the surface of Obamas fuck ups too. They have to, because they know in their hearts they should have been aborted. These governments should not meddle in internal polices of the PRC. Oddly enough, the Northern Line, which goes through London Bridge, was operating more or less the same service as always. You made me choke. You'll never see a healthy person saying shit like that, I wonder why clearly the BMW is in the wrong for getting in the way of the truck! Kill her. Why is your medbay level 3? He will be the first player signed by the Las Vegas Knight Hawks. now animate it! Everything is fine Didn't miss a shift This is funny because "real men" cannot/do not know/are not expected to express feelings. Now draw the chart with the colors showing which party controlled congress. What a charmer. If only I lived in a country that didn't protect intellectual property.... For shame America Any idea how she got that rich? I have medics doing that to my corpse all the time. Glad she's bringing another child into the world. That's got to be more like 1971, not 1964. It's actually closer to 79 cents but that's what the patriarchy would have you believe. If being Charlie Sheen is #winning I rather be a loser Get a big black dog up ya White supremacy Players like him must be banned from the game on a ground that they provide their team with an uncompetitive advantage Republicans just love when the government tells companies how to do things. This will be adjusted to Trump + 15 and drop HRC to a 2% chance of winning. Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. fucking jews It could be that there would have been terrorists had these officers not been there. I'll give you my address and pay for shipping. I don't want to eat Syrian refugees, Grandma. Hi Di Die Die Rise Die Rise for DLC 5 confirmed Im pretty sure thats Viggo Mortensen happy new year! All you negative Nancy's are missing the bigger point: 93% of the priests *aren't* diddling little kids, and where I grew up, 93% is considered an A, maybe an A-. Not enough cylinders man. Aren't these ppl gonna be tired for work today though? The thumbnail makes him look like a really worn down George Clooney. wow he is such pro I like when my enemies reveal how stupid they truly are, it improves my sleep considerably. Also I hate how they view looking gay as a bad thing. Like everything, the poison is the dosage. A nice pair of mustaches. OMG you faggot killwhore you only have 2 caps play the objective you selfish scum ... What Jesus what a bitch, she dodged that question in the worst possible way. Hey this was the 60s, you could do that then! He's like the Bear Grylls of sissy instruments. TIL This is so perfect, but it still has too many words based on facts for many of his supporters to understand. What's his PhD in? THE SNEAKERS DON'T SEEM THAT MUCH CHEAPER Everyone's too busy eating great KC BBQ. Quality post. But if I live in Texas and drive a big white pickup truck, I'm exempted from this law, right? How nice of the new president to sell the college to the highest bidder. Cristina Penaldo* Bruno makes a pro for me So the middle east's motto is similar to Russia's I prefer the demo but Love that bullet magnetism. Yea, use it to connect a usb cable and extend it past its original length It means no gem for you :P I feel like its inevitable :( Hey baby..... Are you really a baby? inb4 revives again That's a shocker. because jews. Cheesefest That intern is stuck with coffee run on Monday morning. yes thats what it was Tom Brady is a pretty good quarterback. We need to change our investor culture, this expected growth is unsustainable. I thought he was cool with "Bruce" Jenner and all. Silly Dusty8, he was probably talking about the *hard* mercenaries, you know, the knights! LOL I like how the fact that a piece of paper with an Israeli flag drawn on it attached to the soldier didn't give away that this picture wasn't legit. omg spoilers! So, is he going to spend 2000 years of wealth accumulated by the Vatican's extortion racket on combating poverty, disease and ignorance? looks like grainy ass water Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor. Wow I did not see that coming! Was this the London Ontario one? WHY IS THERE NO GOOGLE DOCS APP The Nirvana one made me smile. What a clever and novel use of an old joke It's time for Hollywood to realize that not every asshole needs a movie made about them, much less 3. Classic leftist slogan: "Which Side Are a You On" written in 1931 by The wife of a union organizer for the United Mine Workers of Harlan County, Kentucky. Well they do call him "Big" Ben for a reason Downvoted because wrong bird and not enough electricity. Dankmemes leaking As soon as they release the video surveillance I'm sure there will finally be evidence to back up the story. Yeah please buff Fizz Become uber driver. We would be ahead of VT if that damn game wasn't in a hurricane Because the public has access, it must be public property right? It is kind of amazing that the paragraph begins by espousing critical thinking and then immediately proceeds to disregard it. Looks like a mercy killing to me. That emote totally doesn't fit her personality and the play of the game only focuses on the neck down. My mommy who I still live with bought me toys because she knows how much I like a game, go me!! I have a feeling that she wasn't really needed in that conversation, seeing as how he /obviously/ can read her mind. Or do like Witcher 3 does and include all of that awesome stuff even if you don't preorder. It's the Triforce. No wayyyy No one in particular, it was women's day yesterday and women in Turkey face many problems because of their islamist government. TF2 confirmed P2W. I want to see posters like this with all models in The Freddy Files. You could buy those superior Chinese knockoffs. PLEASE GRAVEYARD PLZ This is better than the "custom cowboy boots" being offered in one bowl...I forget which one it is, but I can't imagine many CFB players wear cowboy boots Well, whenever they're down 3 with a second to go in the game, they know who to give the ball to. Why, cause it's condescending? I TOTALLY LET A WEBSITE DICTATE WEATHER I BUY A GAME OR NOT. If monstercat hasn't featured a release in 2 years then I can only pray for the quality of music now Amare for real though. I wonder how skewed the number is due to the fact that so many working people in AB don't live there, they come from be, sk and nl, to work the drive or fly home. A gamecube controller for PC. Best Korea! Racist colleges need to change, or perish. I've never thought Nancy Grace couldn't get more annoying No matter how you look at it Hitler was the one who killed Hitler I also read "Top five in video games Hard Mode" like 3 times before seeing it correctly. Junket surprising Their predictions can't be wrong if they act them out! Seems like an allusion to beheading atheists to me. Thanks for your arbitrary punishments Goddell, good to see there's set guidelines for these kinds of punishments and it's not just up to your shitty discretion You're little brother totally isn't going to get curious and try to find out what you're watching anyway. Watch the shit out of that mountain! Except Gates, he actually donates a big chunk of it, well when I say chunk...I mean the interest from it. I don't believe any of them are real Yeah I don't believe he can sustain the numbers hes been putting up lately oh man, I'm sure he'll have an easier time getting a visa for himself and his family to America with the current political situation Thanks Obama. ITT: people who have no right discussing fashion It's important for those parts to be *inside* the gun. I guess all 5m citizens of Norway will really make a dent in that global warming with their electric cars! Microwaving fish. confidence and arrogance are not the same thing. spoken like a true leader Well, it's a knee grow and they get special treatment. RC Car too OP. this is the fucking creepiest way to say you support eugenics I have ever heard and I mean that's pretty creepy to begin with Nahhhhhhh The Roman Catholic Church is literally Hitler. But comparing anything to slavery is just extreme and it makes your point automatically invalid! Uh yeah sure comrade cause you're so trustworthy and righteous and all... More appropriately refered to as PTSD Looks good for a starter kit, but i do have to ask why are you using an SBR? Lego Worlds. Oh, at least democracy won. That's racist! I love this new reddit meme called "toppest kek" it's so randum XD Merkel will probably give him a medal Thank you for linking to the original! Useless and inaccurate figure. Don't treat her like you know her. Which one is better Nope again. So disrespectful omg guys. Lol, tryna buy people's rubber duckies for 1 crate, SCAMMER maybe if we get to teleport in the link teleported we get to go to this room just as we went to Samantha's other room back in original kino doesnt ssj4 strip away all clothing? Good thing he didn't pull out his ID by reaching into his breast or back pocket or else he'd have been shot already. Further proof that the FA and match officials are conspiring against Manchester United So we have no WR besides juice and Wallace... Yay! Bugs inc :\^) Would really like to see the refs picture. Yeah, he did that "to stay safe". It's funny because tons of Redditors always insist that these people don't exist outside of the internet. THIS IS GAMING? That natural sponge is gonna feel so good on her skin in the shower tonight wow look at those winners.. so many patchzergs clap clap clap Please don't tell me you're stuck in the friend zone. So installare wordpress, dici che posso fare l'application? It is like they are forced to be there, like slaves. I say "tax *avoision*." With a long education. I'm sorry, but somewhere down the line you failed as a parent. triggered fat shame and too a WOMAN a straw by itself is weak but a group of straws are strong, unbreakable frank ocean fans...^i^love^you^guys I would rather fuck the guy Of course it's free, it's free for anyone who spends 20 a month on a Tidal membership But there is no such thing as global warming! Make it a proper last update otherwise old games will receive: 5kb localisation updates to make it look better when in reality the game hasn't had support in years. I would ask where the cigar is... but thats on riot So is Venus Williams equally weak for losing to a pregnant woman? Warrior definitely needed more board control Nah, let them, we just need to make sure we educate people well enough to make up their own minds. Looks really nice to shoot. Well, I for one, did not see that coming. theycantkeepgettingawaywithit.jpg For all we know they were fighting about who got the last nacho. You and your logic, get outta here! Auschwitz is in pennsylania now? And like tattoos, it's cool for a little while and then you regret it the rest of your life. ITS A FUCKING MELT abs? You're wrong and you clearly want nothing less than the destruction of the morals of society. *then It's a Skyline 2000GT-R you uncultured halfwit It's ok everyone, at least Murica's freedoms is safe BOB is just a system coach Don't be sexist she's a strong independent woman. That's what happens when you jack off with self tanner It's sending all those bits down under that justifies the cost Driver had parking break on. Somebody's clearly never had a crisp, refreshing Pabst Blue Ribbon Oh wow how shocking OMG he's actually the Chinese Manchurian candidate, how could we have been so wrong Reddit! that margaery, shes so hot right now Every sick Widow/ McCree play that gets submitted to Reddit will be hit (ironically) with the inevitable hackusations by players that can't aim nearly as well or don't understand flick shots 10 bucks says DLC for all of them. What wonderful news! Brilliant... And maybe a little racist The most distressing thing about this is is the large number of people who genuinely think that the documents were fabricated in order to smear John Key. After playing all factions and performing pretty much the same in small fights, my perception is that, indeed and contrary to all logic, VS seems to attract the better (more co-operative) players. She should buy that New Macbook Omg 1989 was so long ago how could someone have foreseen such a thing? I'm like a dog chasing frames Murdered in cold blood for not bending to their authority. Should've used Spine Chill/Premonition. All this context... it's like I almost understand what he's talking about. I'd be able to tell you if I could access the image, looks pretty standard to me from what I can see, almost as good as Kynan's grip. You're cool. Yes because vert and broad jump are more important. At worse, I get 3rd at our university locals, therefore I am most consistent PM player Resubmitting because the mods removed the previous link because I added the actual lead in the title. Wasn't he just a liberal actor? Religion and politics Given how they have "fixed issues" in the past I guess one would say it's time to say Goodbye to the appraisal system. You should have picked sheik you scrub Bad boys hello? Not only are they crap, they're probably trying to get you to download and install a trojan. Obviously you need to get rid of your dad and dinner DAMN IT FEELS SO REAL The ''fat'' in the title is really what convinced me of her hypocrisy. SMALL GOVERNMENT GOOD, BIG GOVERNMENT BAAAAAD Yep, it's totally legit. There are multiple Kmarts in Salem? What is a "kinect?" Could be the name of those assigned outside restrooms to inspect genitals and birth certificates before someone walks in. You know that Reach 100% put him up to this. you produced Our Lady Peace and Raine Madia so im ok with that The what? This one... Gaming helped me make friends when I had none. Illuminati Become a billionaire in Latvia. I think more people should own the game before the actual release date That is just funny Implying illegals aren't people.. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Or go west to another capital where Dubliners will be happy to help you find your way around our city! Non si ruba in casa del ladro I'm glad they're spending precious police resources testing a potato for DNA, instead of doing something about their huge rape kit backlog. It's crazy how the SoS is only separated by one opponent loss. Nude Martians raped Nefertiti! Fuck that Jay elec track on the front page,finally some conscious rap to soil these cracked lips Ohhh... isn't that one thing the right accused Clinton of? This thread needs more upvotes. VP Only good because of Coors. clearly you need to use the finishing grinder ^^^ What kind of galaxys are those? U DID WELL xd Actually, I do identify as that feeling, and your post is very offensive. I wonder what website he's getting his bats from? Why not? But who's gonna buy up the army surplus then? SO CLEMSON PAYS A PLAYER AND GETS TO KEEP THEIR ACC TITLE, BUT ONE OF OUR PLAYERS UNCLES *MIGHT HAVE* GIVEN A TECH PLAYER $200 SO THAT MUST'VE HELPED HIM WIN THE ACC TITLE, AND THE NCAA TAKES IT AWAY FROM US END THE DISREPEK We've already technically signed sovereignty over to china, how bad could it possibly get? The insertion of the "?lol" means he's not a racist. I remember the was a guy, decades ago, that said the same thing and was basically laughed at... By "voting mechanisms" does he mean "bridges?" It'll be interesting to see just exactly how he's gonna enforce that. Nah.. just let the visitors getting infected so they can brting it to their homeland, where the native bloodsuckers can spread it wider. She found a great blanket! I didn't know Yo Gabba Gabbert was on Sundays. I'm going to upvote because I would like them to change it, but not like that Carson Wentz And 50% is spent on advertising ayeee pioneer gang Well if they had just removed the 0.75ads no one would complain except Vanu, but nooooo they had to still buff the accuracy to better than the MSW-R. Downvoted for level 12 elite barbs I'm sure you're literally the only person feeling this way If this is accurate, why aren't all women making at least this much? Name? I am going to go out on a limb and say there is probably more to this story. Can't choose both post and comment, literally unvotable now lets wait for the news article where they announce that they will resolve the issues with the tunnels by buying an old viaduct from thailand which perfectly fits for bxl for some odd reason Hey, if the "President" can lie left and right... everyone can do it. Holy shit reddit thanks for saving me own. Scumbag Steve at the airport: Leaves an unattended electrical device behind every time he flies. I'm wondering what kind of drugs these girls are taking. In full ceremonial garb too yeah that seems like a fun movie! What kind of a person would lie to get a temple recommend? Because nobody in Africa has ever seen a functioning water toilet and everybody is starving and thirsting and shit Oh sure, cause god forbid our politicians don't jump when Israel asks. Well that wasn't at all expected. there's a bright spot Suspect it would be higher than 7% The only thing ive noticed is that the Tec-9 seems to shoot slower Well, he is perfect, just ask him. GUN FREE ZONES AKA EASY KILL ZONES Don't worry folks, it's been confirmed it was a Blackberry. Source? Sounds like my [insert family member] Oh boy I sure do hope I can gay marry my [insert family member] Brushing my teeth and shaving in the shower. Vertical video = literally unDT-able Have you never seen anime? They even got Ryder's face right! The brat needs to check her Entomology privilege. Is this the end for trump president ~~Donald Trump~~ bannon is no longer the shortest-serving US President in history DramaAlert How is the northern hemisphere going? How to pee BLUE, daba-dee dabba-dai, d-dabba-dee dabba-dai Yeah and their stupidity caused me to smack them, it's not my fault, they shouldn't have let so much stupid show. Pssh, scrub forgot his power pot! It's totally legit you leftist cuck This truly goes against everything we have been working for for the past 70 years. i love how tough Cenk was and how consistent Bernie has been. When I saw the cars that they drive Nice breasticles m'lady, is how a real gentleman compliments a girl. Fascists gonna fasc Bloody Muslims ruining our cartoons now fuck you papa johns...NASA's coming for your ass! I welcome you to post any scientific study which indicates the contrary. more than 10PS4 or xbones Amsterdam What a cute little kitty. Honestly laughing my ass of at this comment So what does that supposed to mean? There's something sad about a festive chatlog showing a fun duty, but the player is deposited to an empty map when they're done. Yeeah i was the wukong our team lagged like hell to, still the funnies game i played all day ;D. I also got some of it recorded as well. What I am reading here is that "Twitter mods are asleep post Nazifed Trump ponys!" I mean..this is like, almost child abuse right? Omegas bro, they've got them That actually makes sense if they can work the cap Good to know that the Kuznetsov is still running on coal. That makes sense, weren't they relegated for a few years? Si sta preparando per diventare presidente della repubblica Suge loved that sweater. Hurray for 18 years olds rushing to their bloody death! Not all kings have castles Pfft, if they can't handle my .416 Weatherby then they shouldn't be shooting Studying for finals... fucking wonderful! Did anyone else notice the first names of the two last people is Rachel Ray? Right, because Urban Dictionary is so politically correct. No fox in B main on Cache? The inability for trump people to understand their political opposition is sad. I've never seen a more cancerous scout in all my years IN THE faaaaaaaaace It'd be the same manufactured crisis that Fox News does every winter with their 'War on Christmas' bullshit. That's insane. The religion of (hacking people to) piece(s) strikes again. All Glory To Hypno(hole)! Can't wait for Mr Trump to get into office so can appoint Ron Paul to take down the FED. Wouldn't stuff in a lens increase the chance for added haze and flaring in certain situations? Proofread your posts people. Cirilla's I feel like I've seen this before but I definitely don't remember seeing the mascot take his jersey off to hi-5 JR Smith Lovely. yes. It's so much fun! Regulations are for pussies. member suits on the sidelines? Pesticides test better than hormones Such a unbiased, reliable source I like the GTA:SA kicking animation. I sincerely want this to happen. Wow TIL Cam Fowler and Roman Josi are bottom pairing defensemen **GET THEM FOR CHEAP BOWMAN** I'm pretty sure this artical is satire. Since only lift-arc enables lifting the tungsten... do you just keep scratching the tungsten when welding with scratch start? mustard and hot dogs Where are the boycotters? Could just be a typo, no need to jump all over his dick. Damn, what happened to livememe? So with ox and wilshere being injured after the international break what will be the starting XI vs City? I thought slotted rotors also had holes. Don't worry, Sarah Palin's got this! That Undying looks badass! Watch the video It is almost like it is a new industry with an underestimated demand. Why is this even needed if you can't get viruses on a Mac? Well, if it's in your butt, maybe it's a diarrhea pocket! Lol Way to copy building packs, you're incredibly talented You would think for $1.5 million that you can get something better. Yeah no way the man can be shorter than the woman, that would be outrageous! Should I get the 1080 or wait for the 1180? Until every road is a toll road, and every park has an entry fee, we're living under communism. Oh hey, a new picture I've never seen before! At least the guy says what's on his mind, he isn't a politician! Spielberg is buying the rights to this so he can replace the revolver with a CGI walkie-talkie. very impressive considering their best player was a total scrub lol Yeah I get a true sense of accomplishment when I look at my 3k+ hours of l4d2. My car sucks but I still drive it. Obviously should have used the sv650 for these conditions So... the churches then? Memphi$$$. Bye Felicia Quality of those , poor to start with, is even dropping lower as time goes on. Fuck you Chaffetz. Absolutely not, if you're not fapping in public you're doing it wrong. I don't condone torture, but i think this pastor should be tortured. women can't afford it because they only make $0.78 for every $1 a man makes It's reassuring to know that it's actually Bill O'Reilly that's shaping policy! Nothing like discussing the desire to rape before 7 AM. Classy Yeah, Prohibition was so successful the last time we tried it! Wow great evidence in the picture bro Repubs are out in full force today it seems. I thought the rule for lane C was to go whatever damn speed you want, and when you see someone trying to get into the lane from an on-ramp, you speed the fuck up so that asshole can't get ahead of you. Thank god. I can't wait to see this city explode on Gillis if we don't win the cup this year. Oh yeah what F1 needs is definitely more street circuits where u can barely fit one car If they allow cannons to be built ontop of Zagara's creep I'm done with this game! Seems he want to ban some random user. #FreeBrady Kind of disappointed the Canucks are using those jerseys again instead of a new one, but I do still like them Could be asking an honest question, might benefit from getting a serious answer Books, not even once Other than not be really stupid you can get a second hand go pro and a weather balloon for under $100 All these jobs must be zero hours contracts what if every game reviewer did this? Because it's not called No Womyn's Sky! These people are definitely not racists, because everyone knows black people can't be racist Kicked after winning a ranked match..Welp, time to keep trying to relog and hope I got credit. Who are the first two? Should we expect an additional name in the P***** ** ** list? How'd you enchant that chest bro? Nah see he was trying to coin a portmanteau of intelligent and elegant. Sure Nvidia we'll trust you, you definitely wouldn't lie about the specs Is water wet? If I had crashed my car while I was speeding and using electronic devices into an off duty police officer on his motorcycle I bet I would get a lot more than a fine and a licence suspension Someone in the team raged at Sion because he didnt have any balls, so he went and bought some Twitter is taking too long to load. Oh boy can't wait for modern day Hollywood to ruin another one of my favorite childhood movies. Sometimes you have to press escape and spam space Should thank them for free items. Nyquil This episode of Black Mirror is going too far. Did anyone see it? but next gen is film effects, even though i don't support it. Now that the reef north of Port Douglas is dead, maybe we can start to explore for oil there. If Congress passed laws that required drug prices in the US to be similar to Canada, then Pharma would find a way to jack up Canadian prices. Ha^ha^ha^ha^ha^ha^ha^ha^ha so funny Reminds me of the old Kissinger Quote about the Iran-Iraq War, "It's a pity they can't both lose." They've been publicly executing innocent people too What a piece of shit. Can you say non sequitur? People are less emotional attached to sharks then say whales and dolphins. I did it with Ruiz/Liga Nos and an Eredivisie hybrid I'm boycotting Psyonix I hope they go bankrupt now. Thanks for the new Facebook Cover :) You should take his offer, even all of his friends are using it! I don't know, fingernails on ceramic plates are worse. The US and France doing the important thing in the fight against IS. Dont talk shit about Raiden! AC Milan ... He should take tomorrow off and then come back on Saturday. assault and battery* Anti-intellectualism is the heart of the GOP. Nope Ew. You could put a tape at this position of the screen Changed the title for those whos braintumor doesnt allow to understand A ruler with an iron fist he ded I got mine on boxing day in the uk Prob some Muslim from Dearborn I, for one, welcome this - it could lead to a wonderful form eugenics which uses free market means rather than state power. Tony Revolori doesn't look douchebaggy enough to be Flash Thompson Glad I got my 200m hunter when it was respectable Not my Binaca! Tony Almeida from 24 had a soul patch, [and he became the main terrorist in Season 7] Words of an intelligent, rational, well-balanced human being if ever I've read them. Meth causes magnesium deficiency in addition to eliminating your appetite so you don't consume any magnesium to replace what was lost which is a prominent cause of its side effects. One is banned, one is not. Dammit, Ron. If I were Lance I would buy a island and never show my face again. I assume you mean immigrants. Atleast he is for the people. How have they not been declared a hate group yet. Where's Luke Schenn Sorry. I believe everything in reddit Every car behind the camera was acting like there were no other cars on the road Umm, I call hacks I'm curious if anyone thinks he was lying about not being gay He is correct. Irrelevant, good try though. I would wipe my ass with and then set fire to this shitty merch. we condensed half a seasons emotion into one game. why is the B in Xbox capitalized, either a typo or fake. ITT: Angry pro-GMO Woah, upskirt! This is so satisfying to watch Carbon Credits will totally fix that! Maybe because it's a fucking Ohio State game? Splinter groups daw yun sabi nung nag AMA last month. I just had that happen in a tomb I did. Boy, who could have seen that comin'? Come on guys, I know people on the PBE server tested this game mode and thought it was fun as hell Yes, but if the boot wearer looks like the oppressed person then we call it progress. They misspelled "Claudia" too. Congrats guys! I waiting til McClure at TCI and hockeenight give their final opinion on the matter until I form my own. Hue hue, shitter I would like you OP to provide any evidence that shows it actually happened Why won't USA export some of their "democracy", which they are so eager to shove down throats at the other side of the world on a whim, to their neighbour? Beta as fuck Looks like US finally solved all crime. The capital letters thing, that's what turned me off. Ya know feminists like this are why we need sharia law. No - the vitamin D in the sunlight prevents DXM from properly metabolizing Now that's the christmas spirit, cutting off labias! God created man which created parking lots, duh. facts assembled by game specialists haha Asshole. Man, what a catch! Well yes, everyone knows our eyes can't see past 720p and 30fps thank god the work of shills has not yet been automated RIP, not Shan. That fucking Carney! As a Spurs fan, I do not miss this. I bet the IMF can't wait for that to happen. Says who? Its called Star Labs. I haven't read the article yet, but Jose Bautista is on a roll and he's still Jose Bautista Speed your computer how? No, it's bad. My dreams have come true! Dont worry once those express lanes are open itll be worth it all Don't you just have to put a piece of equipment/paraphernalia in the puck's way to not let it get past you? so... is he okay? Because FBI overlord demi-gods who know everything. I love the smell of Genocide Olympics in the morning Of course and all Americans ( 99%) will go broke because of this will he laughs his way to the bank. Good! Did he get approval from Lawsky first? this right here is why I come to the sub daily top quality post I wonder how many players LoP has We'll never know since Riot never shares their numbers + So many people have many accounts because of Region Lock i give credit to the airbrush artist, nice flame job We're probably going to see a lot more news about other countries making weapons, especially from Russia and China, not because they're making more, but because it's after the elections which means it's the time to secure more funding. Well, I guess that settles it, then. Damn Flight Simulator's graphics are getting good. I was in the first shatters you opened and got owned by guardian :( What kind of games do you like? Bitch better get back in the kitchen Now it actually implies a sense of urgency and warning, the red is much more aggressive i cant change from being a "PC" to xbox1 :( Just add water! Probably fine. Yes Fellaini, you big Belgian goof. Oooh cool I can't wait till they come here to St Louis! Because you are a dirty sinner, that's why. are the Overwatch beta keys? Browns fan eliminating the Flacco/Rice draft. They did this so that they could reduce the base damage, requiring you to actually have to build some ap to do some damage That's pandering to their core demographic. Clearly it was an Iranian Nuclear test, everyone panic! Who on earth would guild this article Trust us, we're here to help. The best way to punish him, complete the dungeon, and kick him right before the last boss :) Clips like this make me want to use the grapple hook, but I just love Stim too much! They only had 13 months to get everything tuned and created, you're probably asking for to much The ritual of chud between Bill and IT and the Native American smoke house scene where they see the arrival of IT back in time. rekt I know that feel, it takes me hours to get to sleep every night. Being an American and such a huge fan of Top Gear, this makes me sad. She's very energizing. God bless the religious that make life so much more bearable for the vulnerable and oppressed. Does that mean rogue one is done? Wow, what an unexpected move :O It's almost as if there's a reason so many people are against the orange buffoon. Phew, thank god I'm only a #4 level crazy. [*Sigh*] Almost. At least it was consistent in a sense they already thought of outcome before making the case/investigation. I see they are following precedent they made with Marchand But I *need* to use Rotom-W and toxic blissey even though I never played with them beforeee. Yeah pking is stupid, might as well make the wilderness a non pvp area he'd be a perfect trade assest! But Foxtel doesn't have The Grand Tour. He made Matt McGloin and Hackenberg look good, I don't think the bar is too high. What are the scorer purple worth? How pleasant It's not true minimalism, DOWNVOTED Worst.Trade.Ev.....oh wait, forgot about Sunny for Yost. CCP wasting dev time again instead of fixing sov. But but, mah UK servers! Poorly written article that doesn't touch on anything about why people dislike using PHP. If your coils look like that, just imagine what your lungs look like My rent just went up by 200$ this year, and is now 50% of my pre-tax income. 1.8 forge looking good Hillary Clinton. Ass hats, I'm sure their family is quite proud of them. SMITE and spend all your money on gems Now I really want to make this in Cities Skylines. Rowling's title for her new book is an eye catcher Yeah cds_nutz, free speech is over-rated! I wish I knew what their codenames mean. Hey that's me and my dog! Well shit. I'm sure when she was hired she was the most qualified applicant on the list I hope "Bernie or Bust" feels *really* good about themselves. I don't think the Jews ever owned slaves, at least not since biblical times. Who? I would tell you, you're right. This is sick and twisted How dare you show this on a horror game subreddit Anderson BUT THIS GAME IS DYING AND MEGASERVERS WONT HELP xddddd Mid or no courier Looking at you Chesterfield. Just move no big deal I'm glad there are other sub shops everywhere. I knew they would use the gun eventually! Because Jesus said so. big fan Amazing ffs such a rip of the 619 amirite? usually just time with someone, or a small gift, something personal rather than something i neither want or need But they lost the game in 63~ minutes. You Bernie Bros need to just grow the fuck up and accept the corruption and undermining of democracy that has been going on They got really creative designing that firesuit That Velkri face... I know she looks god damn awful in-game, especially with those silly faces she makes... but this is whole new level of ugliness for her. Your DNA must be Alpha as hell. That is so fucking adorable. Monstercat ? But wasn't this a GOP amendment? How I met your mother how the fuck are we supposed to know? Here we go again, trying to induce Arab guilt, try that on some white folk LOL How dare you question 'jihad'? Holy fuck Reddit is embarrassing. #######DutchHumourIsTheBestTypeOfHumourInTheMotherFuckingWorldBwoah Repost But then Ned would probably give him a 3-year extension and we would end up with another overpaid player past his prime. For the NSA Nah, Australian Why on earth would you need to watch their content on Youtube when you can use C4's own fantastic online service? evil fucking zionist thugs ... the day will come when America finally scrapes that parasite from its neck I'm not sure Obama is making a political calculation about who to support It's never too late :D I cant find Sportacus10's profile OP is of communal! No that's the problem, they can't do async shading :P I'm just glad that criminals won't bring their guns in stores with those signs up. Yes :P and now I'm playing F2P UIM since like a week What are the 2 and 3 generation, as in parents and grandparents doing about this? I got Julio and Forte for Gurley and Hyde on Wednesday Well that heavily skewed the votes. If you're watching on the optimal view of the official Reddit app, it always shows it with an awful frame rate. Rob and Ron both have a knack for creative artistry but only one acknowledges it as such. Wasn't Chris Denorfia available again? Would be funny if you get banned for not grouping. Yes, because the fact that he didn't ask for a blowjob makes this whole conversation *so* much less creepy. Almost, just needs more WRT54G's As Lyin Ted would say, This article is garbage. It's not free if it is payed for by taxes. Adore looks good on the far right But...but...e-mails! Just like SO2 and CFCs No refunds! If the good Lord didn't intend for us to ear bread, he would not have come incarnate to earth and explicitly told us to. Nintendo NX actual name: "The Storm" confirmed! Boo ps sucks I thought they did this before she announced. Hentai. Is that the max? Implying this post is implying otherwise. Technically, Brooklyn was founded by the Dutch, so I guess the white hipsters are just taking it back for our white ancestors. Translation: Our existing business model is antiquated, please revert back to conforming to our out dated business model so we can reap the benefits of non technological advancement. The Wright way is the right way. Nice system you got there, America. He lies ! And the left wing ones don't. Link isn't working for me, but if true this entire organization may be delusional. Careful, I hear they'll sue you for comparing them to isis I wonder if this is actually going to become a thing... And who considers the prude Victorians who are psychologically damaged by a picture of a naked person? How will I ever live not knowing what Adam from whatculture thinks about wwe? I feel like I could be a moderately successful alt-right blogger if I just wrote a bunch of gibberish with "Deep State" and "Globalists" sprinkled in. I bet he had fresh breath! They're letting people save up for the 10,000 ducat Prisma Excalibur. Yup - gonna be a big help there! Prediction: Chaffetz will actually do his job when it comes to Republicans immediately before turning himself in for his classified private email server. Well, at least she never became a System Lord, and I think SG-1 killed her off eventually. Can I buy booze on Sunday yet? Sure does. *Easily* the Janet Jackson wardrobe malfunction in the Super Bowl. Also: Overall PS1- 7.20m PS2- 10.01m PS3- 5.80m PS4- 2.00m Kotaku said that 2299 was a hoax but I didn't believe them :( This is so surprising, nobody could ever expect that. I like how they have the personal information of the racist white chick and the victim's info for all to hear. I really hate paying for system cleaners, someone should make a free one! They are seen as villians. You're pandering to stupidity if you take anything a politician does seriously. My humble nature talk about your ex Nakamura looks like a pug without his hair. Hey you got some pretty good loot this video! He runs cdr runes and apparantly this game he was against taric top with no jungle pressure. Dat horrendous HDR Its a non story, but still there are players who would get their character questioned for doing this and we all know it PC was too hot and you came on it when gaming. Looks like the season ticket boycott is biting. Twice Don't know if that's still worth it Because of those reasons, we ARE the homosapiens. Profound. Can't wait for Trump to congratulate on what a good job Mugabe has done. About their private parts Theological reasoning... Come again? Tell him to take that sticker off his damn hat. **CLEANSE THEM IN ATOMIC FIRE** That fucking reference man Yeah but the medicine will just fix it. Dontcha' feel guilty for not agreeing with them? do you know the difference? Wow, so fucking brave. Flair checks out I have a ness in box I don't need No, it's their Universal App Platform. I am okay with this. Your buddy didn't dodge a bullet, they dodged a ballistic missile. I love her Didn't see that coming Starship Troopers is also in the same vein, but I think its a bit more subtle in the ridiculousness. ROLL MOTHERFUCKING TIDE So Americans find that funny, huh? Honestly, she could have looked happier about it in the picture. Brb buying lee sin.... looks pretty easy Bullshit Grid penalty! Yeah the guy who wants to start a war with Russia is TOTALLY sane You have just been shadowbanned. Looks like wccftech was right after all. He's pro-life because we need to fill in for all of the godless heathens we need to execute! Only way to determine if its terror or a mental health issue is to check your handy skintone chart Comrade Goose has several machine gunner geese ready to gun down any cowardly riflegeese trying to retreat. Thin privilege is not needing a fucking crane to leave your house. which is a useless trait, given that I only sleep with men You might want to reconsider handing her that personal trainer cooking cartridge... unless she is a fatty who can't cook in which case this was a definite score! Is Price getting a game in before the year's over? Getting those requires a particular set of skills Wow japanese is cool Nothing safer than smoking a blunt while out for a rip. Pics, or it didn't happen. Flair up before you talk shit Told me he knew he....Someone needs to learn English. Why don't they all just apply for that one job in their remote community? Half life 3 I'm not sure it's best to shame women for doing it, though. video_07_grand_dad muh global warming! #WOW IT'S LIKE THE TWEET IS STILL FUNNY! Ha some of the worse dicks I've ever met. But what was their motive? Poor mans Coutinho Research. Sounds wonderful I wish that I could say that I was shocked. Hilarious. Yeah I woulda taken Woodhead too, solid pick. I assume that the middle of the country where there's a bit of lighting that's where government or the capital is at? no way By going to Best Buy? Who is this team anyway? What a deal ! Now is not the time to cut spending. I thought they got rid of the stray cat problem in Brazil? HEY I'VE SEEN THIS BEFORE ON HERE oh my God trump told more lies about Hillary, that is so out of character for him as he usually is so honest Something, something, people need to respect the police. I wonder where they got the beardie from since they seem to know so much about it. I dunno the Trump voters seem pretty hyped they'll probably vote. Where's mine? I thought the family jewels were the most precious? Is this one of those image CAPTCHAs? Origin made up the hurricane as an ad for BF1 confirmed Completely shocked by that, how could a country with so many elected officials, who also happen to be multimillionaires possibly be corrupt Ya'll look alike to me. Pay the man! Effect of banter from VES now clearly showing on RIC! if that face is the guys definition of excitement then earls album must've fucked him up real good Bold comic sans in multiple colors, the font of someone who has definitely been on the Internet for a long time. 1984 was a handbook, not a warning, dumbass! We just need more MTX to help fund the game so we can get these updates. Because if there's one thing the Kazakhs do well, it's capitalism......... I have a brother who can't walk... way to be insensitive Well now, there is a reliable source. Oh perhaps over the Mexican border into the US. She knows that men are stronger than women. This really makes me never want to eat Yogurt again. HAHAHA WHO THE FUCK DOES THAT Wrong choice Ronda, Joanna Champion is equally dangerous striker. 'pneumonia' sure, that's what it is. 390 Maybe it's an obvious fact but the Conn Smythe trophy has a statue of the Maple Leaf Gardens on it This deeply offends my sensibilities Annnnd, fuck you, there goes all my productivity for the next day and a half. Takes a lickin, keeps on ticking. A fat ass line of coke Yes, it's truly magical that something like this can happen on a site that everybody is wasting time on during all working hours. Thanks, Tim Kurkjian. obvs Eobard thought "shiet I gotta get rid of this stinky ass beard" and chopped it off with a vibrating hand while passing a mirror in the speed force vortex. Yeah that'll get passed by Congress for sure. That's just par for the course for government contracts Of course you just have to accept that your soul will be forever damned to the fires of hell, after that it's very easy to do it. Return of the Jedi The Last Jedi Goddammit Luke, you were supposed to fix this. She's too young to do gear! YO THIS SHOW IS SO GOOD Yeah, who doesn't want to ruin his life by contacting her? FAP ? I'm loving this new genre colour! It's not a choice, they're baked that way. Just two more weeks until we get a President who knows how to solve these problems! tenottaten eye gee en Ya even minutes per game Has anyone heard a rebuttal from them on this situation? it's weird after watching the video i can still hear the shrieking over and over in my head. Man I really hope everyone posts a screenshot when they pass the cosmic trial. It's 2017 people I thought we were past using discusting terms like colour commentary, it's AFRICAN AMERICAN COMMENTARY. I wonder what reaching out and giving one of the horses a huge slap on the ass would have done. And the Jews, don't forget the Jews. Art Briles Yeah let's name the international sports competition that has existed for thousand of years, after a mediocre film franchise. I can't believe people ruin perfectly good games with this nonsense. You must be a frequent flyer. scriiiiiiiipt University of Miami Disappointing thread but..but...the Japanese are a bunch of disgusting, perverted Neanderthals!! You should see TSM's csgo team, it's even more european than fnatic's league team ...and by some weird co-incidence this is when the world is also predicted to end! As a colourblind person, I don't see the problem. Some of these aren't that great, but this list is pretty one sided. I feel bad for the poor soul that has to be the guard for the Trump-Jones jail cell. 3d Doritos Sell sex for money. What is this, another fucking lynchmob? drowning in pussy That was... not nearly as funny as it could have or should have been. i just feel sorry for the person who has to put that shit up totally didn't see this coming They're just like us! huehu3hueh4uh4h4ue I bench noobs like you all day trolol0l Good lord... What happened to the Goo Goo Dolls? Once again Bob prove he is our intellectual superior in every level. Hahaha, I love the shake at the end. this is actually an enjoyable form of shitposting This is outrageous, the reporter should be jailed for 10 years. Look at that cute little feller! What a faggot. We'll ignore the part where *everyone* did better, just to take a cheap shot at the professionals (many of whom are largely responsible for the changes that bring about these improvements). But I thought all assault rifles were black with huge magazines? Looking for a new stickshift. I prefer the trivial simulation First thing that came to my mind was 'Jack The Giant Slayer' boi we 'bout 2 b *in this* What's an aaronkuehn? Ouch... Just as hard as The Divison dev team hearing about Destiny at E3 2013! CRT hitting this sub hard. but didn't you see how they removed the wing way too early dude? Savage. I mean Daniels almost won the Rockets a playoff series. As an Xbox One player this infuriates me to no end. god has a plan, clearly he looked upon his creation and decided that humans needed batteries that lasted longer, and through a complex scheme of events caused this to happen God is good friends! This proves that concept of drones was already present in Vedas ey b0ss can i be a mod Hooks that never hooks someone is definitely good. Big deal; get a job. But which one is it? Wow, what a great birthday gift! DONT MAKE ME LAUGH LIKE THAT AT WORK Bro you don't wanna hear my mixtape? Impossible... **ENOUGH *IS* ENOUGH** Nice they let them know ahead of time What game is this from? Yes, those boys in Russia are so fucking privileged If you're so butt hurt about it then dye your hair You donkey! The Ecuadorian Ibrahimovic Korea is known for their aimbotters. fucking idiots with bad taste in movies. Holy s*** can you guys just talk about the video instead of the combo video stuff? BPRD then? I hate to correct you but obviously the most successful socialist was Mao you know with the 100 million he killed. It surprises me that the site involved with sleeping with game developers tries to shit on people who called them out on it. Such a clusterfuck of a league sometimes, lol. It all good as long as they id as women. But it's ok to start smoking cigarettes? Because your ancestors were Nazis and you need to literally pay for that. YeeEeEeEe I'll take "or else" for $800 Alex. This was literally posted 4 days ago. Quit being an Asshole Andy And they said Anthony Davis needs help Another *CRAZY* move by GMBM! Jace Amaro put up 28 and he's a tight end just noticed it posted in reverse order, not that it really matters lol. Can't blame him bc u clearly missed your ult Now abaya, hijab OR Glad Bag. I can kind of understand if you're actually a six foot tall woman, but IMO height is the dumbest goddamn dealbreaker in the world. Im STUNNED But the US are the only ones who purposely disguise their cars to catch innocent citizens? Quality front page stuff right here Mario Kart 8 Deluxe isn't a new game? What in the actual fuck? It's spray and pray! I'm not sure you know what "more" means. I'm sure he can look forward to a long successful career as a working professional. Naw man weeds killing America The real world doesn't care whether Bitcoin is refer to as digital or virtual, stop turning it into a thing. Inb4 players in the CWL that also go to college form a team. Because a rich person has too big a salary to gamble it away It's a workfare scheme. I swear to Jesus I will fucking murder whoever started linking to Twitter instead of a link to the video. FaZe Stewie2K incoming Ya ni garchar en paz se puede. it's shopped Yeah, the secret is... Iran does plan to acquire nuclear weapons lets invade! Wow she didn't even listen to the guy, he tested the boy with the curriculum. With the thinking of some of the conspiracy people thus would mean that the US will overthrow the government of Norway because they are going against the interests of capitalism and so on. America hates prisoners, which is why we have so many I guess. Can't get 500fps in CSGO so it must be bad. If it's removed how will I know when the net trap iv set has collapsed? What are you talking about Russian military, this is very clearly Crimean Self Defense Force )))))) A challenger appears! Can you add an aftermarket cord, like a vmoda detachable? So what's it like being part of the downfall of civilization? Basically: "Bro, abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym." It begins He must have been in a hurry to get to the shell station bathroom. If it was Samsung, it would have exploded and taken out the whole wall. Start benchpressing, grow real pecs, not the floppy floozy cancer causing ones. i thought it was all genetic 39% of the time, it's right every time. So .... Obama didn't get the pope a confirmed lunch with beyonce and JZ? It's almost like providing services like healthcare and higher education are what taxes are for.... Nah, let's just bomb another country. EAD China. Oh here is KochReason, all ready to announce the TeaPublican Congress they elected is going to repeal the domestic spying operation. Awful. I'm comparing the face to your flair and it's flawless. Im not trying to be toxic, but you seem kinda salty I mean, that doesn't sound professional at all, *but* it's possible, however unlikely, there was a good reason for it, you can't hear whats coming over dispatch after all. Google is your friend. Because promisc mode SUCKS! Nothing says 2016 like listening to a CD I say this as someone who genuinely likes Hillary and finds myself wearying of Bernie: Buuuuuullshit, Shelly. Klingon birds of prey have cloaking devices, idiot. Undertale, I'd rape asriel, temmie, and toriel. There would probably be a lot more trash everywhere. What a bandwagoner break; (bubble bass, huh?) I started boycotting that show long before the anti gay remarks. Yeah, it's not right to assume that all white supremecists are dumb! Please clap. At this point, I'm seriously hoping for a global nuclear conflict that will wipe out all of humanity from the surface of Earth (including transgender vegan cats). If you eat them, do you get stroop throat? Is this another industry getting the message that doing business with Israel loses you customers? inb4 it's a gun I use Black Box but looking at this poll, maybe I should use stock. Who's Julia again? Anyone know where i can get one of those 8 core x86_64 6s's from? I think I'll wait for InfoWars & Natural News' take on this story before deciding whether or not it's bullshit. Well OP is Lieing that's new 9/11 systemd-nanod ^^^^ I thought hoverboards had wheels now? Life pro tip: don't steal shit and then run for office. But...but...but if he dies this way, "god" promises him paradise. women and parking amirite? It would be so much better if we could just start a few more wars... He's bangin it. Talk about a privacy issue Soon Walker will have people who signed the petition wear yellow stars on their shirts, you know, just to know who's who. Second class Canadian with dual citizenship are likely pedophiles/terrorists/job stealing hippies, so they deserve it if they are dual citizens! I'm outwardly booing the joke, but inwardly annoyed I didn't think of it first. Please marching in America is far more honourable than running into hell itself Mean Green Steam Machine. WOW WHAT A PIECE OF DUNG IM SWITCHING TO THE XBOXONE What about Bandiaterra Please tell me you're a general. Jordan Clarkson. Gee, I wonder why. Als straf stel ik verblijf in de vierde dimensie voor. I wonder why he didn't just call the police and wait for them to show up? Where does boomer sit? 'Suddenly' apparently means 1946. So much hype for more Maki-the scene in the car, and i sense Maki-x-Nozomi ships are gonna be setting sail after just that one scene Im glad to see they improved the CG Due to Western efforts, ISIS/ISIL has gained 30,000 recruits in the last 12 months* He can jump 200 ft and run at the speed of a train, but fuck was that rail hard to climb. Our glorious leader Ellen Pao is keeping us so safe. Mark who? Snatching a draw from the jaws of defeat from the jaws of victory! That is perfect for Blood Mages to cosplay Nosferatu. How else do you go balls deep? sounds like a rapper. I live in NY so I'll never know what its like to have that but it sure does feel great knowing the rest of you guys are enjoying yourselves. When hirez makes a better fake god than real gods :( If it dosent support the reddit communities mainsream beliefs or is something the community disagree with obviously! He's so lazy! Butterfly wings Elaborate, you vile fiend! Well, spoiler alert for the movie Loving! Horsepower bro You are free, living in the land of the free, nothing to see here. idk looks overweight to me All the ice is migrating south for the winter. sick advertisement bro, I'm glad you can so openly use reddit to promote your game without anyone getting mad But it's all made within the engine so you can see how good the game will look Get your robes cleaned and pressed because Catholics are back on the menu boys. United is going to fire their employees involved, cause that won't make it worse. Weird I've been saying for a while: We should call it a Wintendo. Once people join your group, you can play Dynamic queue together BUT SHE'S ALREADY THE MOST TRANSPARENT CANDIDATE IN AMERICAN HISTORY. Nah bro just drone it out and that wouldn't happen I won't be satisfied until McDonalds starts hauling the homeless off the streets of Delhi to work in their American restaurants. Facebook vows [to censor] [wrongthink]. they can sure try. Typing Because transparency is for losers. Why does it say 20 counts of possession/distribution in the article, but 15 counts in the video? Yes this totally ended great last time Galleria Like the U2, right? You need a file system for that. Dude do you think it spins? Must be all the law abiding gun owners. It's actually pretty hard, especially in the morning. It's Pizza Hut so not that happy. This way anyone playing Coop can learn to pre-fire bc that what we need more of That collection of bikes would be worth about $1M. Stick it somewhere where it has a solid place to mount to and can be removed later if need be without messing up your headphones. It's probably because OP calls her names. THAT'S RACIST. I love my species ESPN's SEC bias is getting out of hand. Nice analogy, you can totally catch cancer if you have sex with someone who has it. Ele daria um bom presidente do Brasil it's the golden age of knowege, duh. Watch someone post this on upliftingnews or getmotivated. Wow, what a traitor! Cheese looks AMAZING Wasn't enough talk of getting to boss rush on time. No you see, that's white males down there *they* are the privileged ones! And you know this how? He will be a beast in LA Sucks to suck. Ah... I've been that guy As if anyone Fit isn't And Bradley Manning should be executed immediately for his horrible crimes against the political class. Because trying to improve the whole over the individual issues is less productive of course Watch all those highschool TFM readers be wearing these in the next few months. Sit in the car and reflect on your new found puss status. There is a named stone mage on your pic wtf People outside in Oakland on a Saturday night! Never a good idea to try to relay helpful information via snaps in my experience. She loves you so much bro What good [Humor] Superman and Captain America Get a job. This is the kind of things that is going to move Shanghai into an international financial hub This is so fucking well though out! Nissan POS oh what a shock. *You're Americans care about being killed by what other people do, it's their right to slowly kill themselves. Maybe she's just on there to "meet new people." You posted this already pedestrian Wait, *that's* all it takes? totally not not like he had any evidence at all That will help keep the streets safe! All youtubers are sellouts But how many triple doubles does he have? Love how bright it is at the bottom, which dye did you use? Well it was just after midnight locally where he was in CA. So THAT'S why pensioners don't have enough money! So profiting off it is illegal but what if you set up a firestick for free don't worry guys, Cable will convert him into the best o linemen to come out of this draft euwww Prosecutor: "Come on, even without practice there's no way Lilbow fell for three fucking 6 pools in a row" Did the writers get a hold of some fan fiction again? \#blacklivesmatter This just has Microsoft PR slathered all over it. Sometimes this place sucks pretty bad Oh no tags, we better delete this post. Man, perfect timing, considering Apple drops the iPhone on Friday! Someone get this man a police badge. GET IN THE SHOWER SHINJI Imagine the teamfights at 2 hours into the game, full of power! Shouldn't there be a tremendous amount of turbulence coming off those wingtips? If you're not voting for Hillary Clinton, you're a conservative, and easily in the dumber half of all Americans that have ever lived. Yeah, putting this guy in jail for 5 years is a terrific use of a few hundred thousand tax dollars. If you don't mind being an option and allowing your gf/wife to have sex with other guys, then you should do whatever it takes to stay with her. #READ SIGN IN CARIBBEAN ACCENT I've been one since i was 16 years old... i like it. I thought he was saving tech for NCR and if he loses there for EVO obviously. There are different levels of it. All the jobs that he's saving really worries me. It only appears when playing a DVD or Blu-ray Damnit Daniel Radcliffe in a wig, why are you such a dick? At least you didn't get shot. J another liberal communist fascist muslim attack on America's Job Creators Good on him! You act like that's shocking yes we purebred reddit users are so much better than those leetle keeds And Russia! The origins of Zach Snyder's Batman. Obama is just destroying this country! I agree, who'd want that hot and medicore 390? Because some people are cunts and animals can't tell other people how cunty the abuser is. *golf clap* Where is Kanye? Oooh, cool - just what we need, more fashion stores. The most important part is that Zezima is streaming, let's be honest. Yeah, that's why all women dress like men all the time, of course. UNLESS YOU SUPPORT TRUMP, THEN YOU'RE DEFINITELY CRAZY. As someone who lives in Iowa, this works for me. I want everything that's in 0.12, so that alone invalidates your claim. People that build their pc are peasants , here in the alienware master race we get other people to build it since we are not peasants. Never seen this post before Nationalize the communications network. I love how scientists pretend to be theologians. They aight How can voting be real if our lies aren't real - Jaden Cruz I never understand why you guys are so openly racist. Heart and hustle 64 is like the comics nobody plays or reads them Archive that plz. But if she's wearing a really cute outfit and my dick wants me to have sex with her regardless of what she wants! half life 3 being uploaded for pre-orders as we speak Don't talk to me or my sons again. You mean it's not a garbage dumpster? I don't think details of the new 6* are released yet, but I hope he will Gee I would sure hate to idolize people with better health than me, I'm going to shame myself for wanting abs now Coming into year three of being surrounded by feminists most days, still haven't met the rabid bitches that ten-year-olds on the internet complain about. Wow Breaking News! The modern incarnations of both characters were somewhat cast in stone by the same man, so it makes sense. Discontinued. I should get around to watch that movie, because I have heard so many good things about it Why the hell did people upvote this? Oh, so the government *wanted* people to know Clinton was cheating on his wife. Sure, someone assaulting an infant is definitely a childfree hero! We need rule 34 of this! Colt Python And a White Woman nevertheless Help. Where the hell is Snowy White oh god The repuglicans stopped it, we can all rest easy. Yeah, he definatly knows more about running football clubs than anyone at Arsenal. OP is confirmed drug dealer. daily mail Because Mormons The wall can be bought at the shop, just look for the Alexander ability card lol Wow, this video shows how truly powerful the Tempest is. Reddit, ARMY ASSEMBLE! You forgot Milestone ;w; Glad to see this story is in no way divisive or indicative of the high-pressure status of this city at the moment. Would you say 3DS max is easy? Wait, without religion to scare the shit out of little kids, how can people have a moral foundation ? Why the fuck are we upvoting memes? But it's the "gun nuts" who have a hero complex and just dream of the day they can be somebody's hot shot savior. ctrl+F "deen" Can you download demo and make little clip from his point of view? 0:17 "You are a cock in a machine" Cool, sounds like a guitar if/when Trump asks for donations live at his events, the cash will flow like a river More like "I full right now, let's play with the food a little". Add them to the deck! Flagstaff officer? Need more cheap condos to flood the market...lots of demand. The Big Bang, the birth of Christ, The Boston Tea Party, The Alamo; just imagine all the amazing experiences Charlie will share with us :) Mother has sure lived a life I look for two things, does she have a sense of entitlement and does she treat people in the service industry well? Liverpool will be spending money like it is going out of business. Doesn't Chase also have to keep all those UR on their books as possible expenses too? Basement activists pissin you off bro? Obviously just trying to bribe the Scots to vote no! Some sort of "The hills have eyes" easter egg? I'm issuing a fatwa banning all further fatwa's That's actually Team Edward's official vehicle, they go for days out in it and what not. more choices, that imo seem worse than the 3 from revised ranger, = power creep He was just practicing his religious freedom. Because they're evil and perverted to the core, of course. But.. but home-made stunt ideas always go so well...? I've yet to see dual cameras providing a considerable improvement in anything but product differentiation Now you gave her autism. Malaysian planes? It's almost as if people have different tastes. It doesnt say pwned anymore? It comes out on my birthdayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Just had this come up on my phone in the train station you non NSFW tagging fucker yay, full price DLC I bet this was a 'because we can' kinda thing So each step is 2640 ft? Obligatory "but but the corporations and the police are on the Tea Party's side!" he died for the first overall pick To think that a year ago Ziggler was so over, even held the WHC. It's such a good balance that makes it sound so good, everything just sits perfectly and doesn't block the other EQ segments the kick doesn't block the bass and the snare doesn't knock the vocals down it's just epic :) Duh. Increase taxes that should solve our problems. Kor'Kron Elite should've been Hunter's. Yeeeessss I'm offended by the plain red cup. I feel like that's some selection bias... people Google things they don't know the answer to, and their job being shitty to them is hard to handle TRIGGERED. I hope no one get ass kicked by Batman. Gun hater, fantastic Alkol haram I just cannot believe that the GOP would possibly stoop this low... I'd want a chair too It is a shithole to live in and they passively aggressively hate my country. Is it because you're a sociopath? I have a better idea, kick them out. Where are the outrages that there are no women or non-white males in the group? Easy there mate, you almost cut me with that edge THEN SUNNY BEES IS FOR YOU Soon there will be clapping in bathrooms I hope someone does this at the Target I work at. He's just misunderstood, poor lad. #CONTE OUT But there's no way Cho Chang could be asian! Oh, I'm sure you were able to do everything absolutely perfectly when you first started snowboarding Lol pop bum Bitterness is soooooo attractive. Ah the all important single issue Clay Aiken vote... Ever since I switched to gluten free, non-GMO, organic, vaccination free food that doesn't come from Big PHarma I feel much better because it's a chemical free and natural diet! Hey this happened near me. That clearly says Gernami. Thank god he didn't lose whore of Babylon though. Clearly it would be too weak for Limited at rare You are all wrong about that helmet, that dude is just so strong he can tear the helmet apart with his bare hands. Something something anglo countries lead the world. so next years coach for the pens Dude you gotta catch em all What a disgusting waste of carbon material that cunt is. I love how the game winning goal is a perfect slap shot that goes right above the goalies glove. lol how u get dat on w1ndoz? ya if ur poor lmao Being rich in LA is dope as fuck. Trade to bring Johansen back home confirmed. Pc gaming. Stragglers that can't accept reality. Needs more JPEG Ya and wheres my damned Titan mark! Biomass heatwave and yellow lightnings rims Specs: CPU: Intel i7 4770k Overclocked to 4.5ghz GPU: 2x r9 290's in Crossfire RAM: 4x8gb DDR3 Cosair Vengeance SSD: Samsung 840 Evo - 500gb HDD: 4TB Seagate PSU: Seasonic 860W Platinum Motherboard: Maximus VI Extreme CPU Cooler: Corsair H100i Case: Full tower Thermtake Chaser A71 I thought it was that all bartenders are the same lol the good news is, with the presidential debate less than 24 hours away, the issue of high incarceration rates will *definitely* be addressed by both candidates... Jesus fuck the comments on that post are whiny. But young women can't hold the preisthood! my soul Female streamers are without a doubt the people who bring "quality content" into livestreaming, especially those where the game screen is less than 10% Yes, he's seeking an intellectual connection, which is why he's skipping that whole 'talking to people first' part and moving right on to asking for sex. UHC confirmed Reported for inting Buzzerbeater I'm surprised current gen can't handle it. Rekt. That website is shit on mobile if that is not a bot, ban him anyways. Pretty good, only got as far as level 9 The only thing warming earth is fraudulent data. Why is it ok that you can make a woman's podcast but not a men's podcast? also Ruby is a guy Men's fault, clearly. MO' BOYS MO' DRINKING Yes, finally a nice guy I can get behind Someone posted this article on this sub 3 hours before you It's just like Red Dawn but completely without even accidental references to reality. Is there a good list of all the legislation that the GOP filibustered over the last 6 years? Yeah, they took other people's lives the more classy way. Oh my god, I can't believe this didn't turn out well! Bill Blair looks like he's going to fuck someone up for this Why Stetch Why? Best example of modern art I've seen in awhile. yeah im wet all nite 4 u bb Takeo is holding his katana so obviously we won't be able to use either of them. And still Graves can't have his cigar? Whatever helps them move on I guess. The tolerant left back at it again! I think he said "eat his ass" ? I was gonna say Chalmers, but you said "non-star player." Still not trusted. Manitowoc is a slum. Whatever, wanting to build a road where ever you want just makes you entitled. Clearly the ball was on the way down to the hoop after hitting backboard. Gonna be caught in the eye of the shiticane And then Undeclared when you're done with that It's trying to act all elegant n shit too, it's neck it's gracefully arched when geese usually just waddle Maybe it wouldn't bother you if you weren't such a little bitch! let it burn Don't sweat it; it'll trickle down. I didn't read the title and re-read the speech bubbles like 9 times trying to figure out what was going on there. Oneplus had a rather smart one Three times, in the back of the head. After one good season, kane as captain? Whoa Take it how you will, when God comes to my mind I think of the Judaic understanding of God, however you may very well think of another religious deity, but it'd be good to specify in your answer. Well, they seem to have created jobs... Isn't it what everyone wants? looks like female robin willams (rest in rip) jesus that fov Congress more likely to accept this if Obama was against it. Don't get me wrong, this is fucking disgraceful, and I hate when Smith does this, but if he didn't go down like this and have play stopped, he might have stopped the shot from going in anyway. He's clearly a fan of abortion because he ruined that delivery. I love how headlines often over simplify the matter so that it sounds ridiculous to pay so much for the tuna. thank god that nobody stores large amounts of coins there! Aww hell naw! Roswell was a hoax! Yoplait shill! If they don't feed her that's elder abuse! What do you mean, the current minimum wage is plenty to live on! Except Captain America beat Captain Vietnam with Operation Linebacker II. I hate him just for the way he says "Ice cream cones" I like it's sassy strut Yeah I wouldn't buy their products anymore.. I just don't trust them. I don't think Mariota will last long enough for the Jets to pick him up. Why not just make another PSN account? This said by a man in a ceremonial position that does practically nothing. I thought sa drug addicts lang gumagana yung 'nanlaban' na excuse? Don't worry, if the heat ruins the battery, unlike an iPhone, you'll be able to replace the battery. What quality casting. Rhythm games are all about tme micro, am I rite He forgot the most interesting part of the study that found his personal rig is now +1 GTX 1080. Time to sign Odom! Also, brodus clay in the ring So double the idlers then? Ugly Chrome ... Says the guy whose Jeep doesn't look like it belongs to a Mexican drug lord. but but sex is a RIGHT. Freedom of speech no longer applies to white people. This is still beta version come on give them a chance more than 3 people getting uncommons Because privately run prisons and schools function so well Karma score checks out Y'all. Grabbed five rookie o-linemen got one potential star, not bad I guess. This ain't a meteor, it's a big ol' hunk of shit. Is everything a Ponzi scheme these days? He's a not Racist Republican, you not wanting him to carry on a mistral show makes YOU a racist. He works in mysterious ways. The sad thing is that this guy is the nicest creeper I've seen on here recently. Dear lady from Tumblr, I actually mean to offend you, so please take this the most offensive way possible: Fuck you. another quality post with insightful and useful summoners war related content, i'm glad when I come to this reddit that I know that my time will not be wasted by useless, nothing to do with me, bragging, bullshit. The Order 1886 Looks like yamcha is saying "fuck goku, im the card you really need" good job vice and op for fearmongering You karma whoring bastard ;) For a second I actually thought your friend was Millie Brown, the resemblance is uncanny. She's gonna break Kohl's record at this rate. Why is there a picture of an iPhone 6 Plus here? A small non-poisonous spider, definitely WTF worthy. Any relation to Eleanor? I'm sure she's a lovely individual. It would finish of Ontario, and ya know what... They would still vote the Liberals in the next election To allow for the highest quality pixels, if course. EU aka bureaucracy union rules! Some places yes, but when they live in a developed country that persecutes rape and isn't tolerated it's a little insufferable Super artistic scratching. FUCKED WITH A TOOTHBRUUUSH IDUBBBZ FUCKED ME WITHA TOOOOOTHBRUUSH May I ask how old you are? But he's made Argo previously, so he'll be fine handling everything in a movie like The Batman obviously! ITS MURDA I TELLS YOU, MURDA! yeah, literally NOBODY else has mentioned it on this thread I really hate cops. This might be a very dumb suggestion but are you positive you didn't end up in Tactical Team Deathmatch by accident? Obviously not a true atheist. Maybe you were just driving like a bitch OP Why can't all chokeslams be this awesome? Yeah, because not just blindly agreeing to a highly questionable complaint about sexism is equivalent to hating women. You guys don't understand, it's a cultural thing! How did that end up last time for the red nosed bastard? From Call Of Duty : Black Ops 3 Zombies? Preach The same people who are like "boys will be boys, you are wearing slutty clothes, it's not my fault for being distracted" are also the ones telling me that Islam is fucking disgusting for making women cover up. Hint: it was always his job. Not here. The heads up display and the amount of the meter filled up looks like km not miles. I see you bought a 390, you really should have got a 390 instead. intense yoga music and elevator tunes The Genji looks really nice :) What's that omnic-looking thing you used for reference? Citizens to Finkstein: "Fuck you, stop fucking with our right to security." He just wants to be fit for the Euros Haha, Funny and Professional! B-b-but turning people into freeloading self-entitled liberal assholes is great for the economy... right? Its no secret that Germans have flame retardant hands, its what makes them so efficient at operating ovens. Next post like this is a ban. im sure that is what is happening here thanks obama But you can't control your weight, shitlord! but isn't 4chan a famous hacker? Joke? I saw the title and was like What the fuck even is this? I've been saying for the longest time--we need to start a Kickstarter for T. Swift to write one of her breakup song for The Phil, and then play it all night every night the Pens play the Leafs. Baltimore: 1.5 times better than before The backstory behind Bouncepot, I mean, why did he do the bite of '87? Felix's mustache doesn't even compare, how could people actually believe it was him! If they close at 10:00 they should stop taking orders at 9:30. Keep it up, Repubs - keep fighting each other. Arresting people for causing no harm totally won't galvanize support for their cause! Black people slang is literally Hitler. Il y a une prise d'otage aussi, c'est pas fini... (sorry no time to translate :3) Is summit in there ? That was interesting. Strat for champs B-b-b-ut I thought Mahatma Gandhi was the only independence fighter, he is the father of our nation right? Medicare also has a 97/3 MLR whereas private insurers were in the high 70s low 80s pre ACA, now they have to be 80 for group, 85 for individual I like how they celebrated the life of Cesar Chavez rather than Easter. Tim Couch made me an alcoholic at 6 I'm just glad this wasn't another "BJ" post from OP. But she was 46, how could she be born in '69 and not '70? Hahahahahahahhahhahahahahhahaha, it's funny because she's fat and sassy I am confused, going in early is good (Carr) staying late is bad (RG3)? Calvin Klein Just what the world need just now: another major military power run by a strong moron. Wow that is the first cheater we have ever heard of, he must have mad skills to figure out a hack like that So did this game ever get a competent and faithful translation, or..? I love this It doesn't. Sup pilgrim so no nawtie bby? I oppose regulation because I see no problem with entities which are, by law, solely concerned with making a profit doing whatever they can to get my money regardless of what impact they have on my body or public health. I don't think we've seen enough mystery boxes yet.... Sorry we are the only United Yes, because in a complex economic downturn synonymous with capitalism, you can do nothing but blame literally .1% of people. God dammit Bobby Penny got robbed. Oh yes, because Asatru has no figures that could possibly be considered queer or acting outside gender roles. this is why all fiscally liberal adults have low paying jobs When you have the battery that was voted to be the best 5 to 1 do you really even need a good connection anymore? Grandma sure is enjoying that cigar. Funny how theres not a single comment from the landlord, evict her. RIP could have been Ahman, he has a bigger stick. Huh, I didn't know Marc Guggenheim was an executive producer for SpongeBob because he likes the opportunity to punt more often? That Dakota Access Pipeline is certainly looking more like a great plan every day. Technically this is landscape video, well landscape IN video so does that count? Didn't you know that dinosaurs are mentioned in the Book of Job? Wish he made them with a 20amp chip. I can't wait to get nothing but DreamHack MP7s and AUGs from these crates. Can they please send this mother fucker to the depths of Niagara falls This has nothing to do with Islam you racists Its not like they follow the Quran and its legitimate law system called Sharia law, they just misunderstand it all Moving to a civilized country might help. And themselves Overwatch I'm sure Fox News would never stoop to such tactics Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo wtf. I cannot wait until the kids start blackmailing teachers with the threat of doing poorly on the tests. Classy. Maybe they will lose money. At least she admitted to her wrong doing. Immediately after the racial slur he looks round with a huge grin on his face, like "everybody probably thinks i'm the most smart person with good, good, very good jokes" Cat lady. The real MVP right here. Dangerous, Hopefully the council will fence it off before next summer b-but, why? Looks fun. Something something Beowulf setup something something I'm in two minds about it; got mixed feelings as it were. Best not let those kids get fluoride or vaccinations. Oh let's all not do anything Could they not have got turps to make it tri-force? Its okay for a hitter to act like this, but be a pitcher and try to establish in off the plate and you're literally hitler. Don't miss the mosh pit. Well, it's nice to know we're not the absolute shittiest. Just pop a wheelchair wheelie? Why would I want to derank from challenger? Fucking love Opeth Tbh, skins are always the last thing in the patch notes, just before comments. But look at those skinny knees. Great, now you can get an elite trophy and put him in elite player exchange! Well... my property value is going up /Lives at Yonge and Eglinton quick, sell everything thats cool but theres this weird visual bug it isnt showing the tactical visor graphics koreans would never hack or anything Who knew But skip bayless told me that Rodgers is terrible in the playoffs and that Dak is much more experienced since every game he's played has been like a playoff game for him wait... the article or the comments? That's innovation and progress, folks. Nice one! I got my law degree from costco. Call someone up of course This guy full autos. Because putting your energies into your own family and advancing your own agenda is not selfish. Glad that a completely unbiased party with no axe to grind was present to give us this informative, transparent judgement What is voice chat? But they'll still be in the New York Metropolitan area spermicide + condoms + Plan B The government and women aren't going to make me a father if I don't want to be one. I try this so often, I usualy get only 1 or two you lucky sod, nice work. Kill him in his sleep...slowly. I bought an mkb on her today against a PA, it's bound to happen with her *amazing* base stats and attack speed! Worth nothing I'll buy it 1c Some sites you have to pay for but yeah most is free I feel like I've said this a lot this year... I'm utterly shocked. Yeah, I think that this being on the front page is motivation enough to stop using Reddit and seek alternative content aggregation. Maybe she could of said she was a lesbian, then hoped it's against his religion. Damn, sounds like I should trade my i7 4770k for a pentium. All this guy needs is some bookcases with lots of books in the Hollywood Hills. This is absolutely a troll, but it's a good troll because it's just a slight exaggeration of what some people think. I'm wondering if that's legal for her to do. This article must be wrong because my Comrade (who is a Party member in good standing) said in his inauguration speech that he would never lie to us. Nah man its cool he's innocent Hope it doesn't end like the Apple pipin de_duke 2 .... well... would they? Ugh, upvote... For me it's a tie between those and Good n Plentys. Well ain't that a geographical oddity! Anyone have the full video? Last time I heard Black ops was supposed to be "real" PC game and Treyarch was "PC developer" It is worth mentioning that there were people there open carrying at the protest and they surrendered there arms and were allowed to leave. It has been the same for three days... GG literally unplayable. He's right, you know? Wow! I sometimes jump when I shoot the awp.. recoil gets me I guess Tiger please Happy estonia Cause' god didnt make monkey outa me! For people who hate men so much, you sure as hell spend a lot of time thinking about them. Bu-bu-but... they said not-nice things about *white* ***men***! Kotaku are clearly the most reliable source for information. Heard Thresh was a good adc I wonder what his "Magic Fang" is ;p FSD came in 2nd this weekend with a box office gross of $45.7 million, fucking hypocrites. I've never stopped loving Pokemon. 3.5 mm jack 3 dimensions and time? But where is Yone? So what? I'm willing to bet this ends in nothing happening. It's obviously the Jewish language, what ignorance some folks have. Considering how much attention Hong Kong got, I'm sure the Saudis will have to respond to an outpouring of international support! But you'll miss all those delightful baby photos and won't ever be invited to an event again! So is he a Pastafarian or a Jedi? Clearly the guy who starts a conversation with "come fuck me" is the perfect person to lecture you about emotional growth. Acadian? Ooof, that's some immoral shit right there. Who wants to help me fix Singapore's birth rate? Bruce Harper to Blue Jays confirmed It was that 4th place at ZeRo Saga that just barely put him over Yeah, but why can't I see the colors on my monochrome set? 1kkk damage on a nuke :3 Should have aimed pro side bro. I'm so glad I get to see this gif for the thousandth time. omg how dare they It seems that the Russian humanitarian aid really helps people in Donbass In other news the SNP has revealed that it will spend the money from the scrapped Trident programme to buy millions of white flags. Not even at peace with itself. I'm having seizures right now I think you've done it again CM4Sci. Oh Eve, stop playing hard to get, silly! Sonic better be careful or he's gonna lose his precious blue check mark. Its special power is the ability to spin What, but the Giants training staff is idiotic and incompetent, this can't be true! That's because the song is referring to ass, not actual bass. well thats a good sign That's the joke. Dude don't hate, Chan Gailey is an offensive genius! look at that! Fence Yeah I always thought he's got some lovely hair too. What a riveting and informative article! Slash those tires real quick please. Wow, you're such a loser, you use reddit. Can this guy just say that he feared for his life when the officer reach for his waistband? I know a million is a lot and a brazilian must be a lot more so how much is a million brazilian? [The end was so open ended,i want to say it ended ok,but with the authors sad end,its hard to say that] Modmic 5.0 I'm pretty sure players have to give the car back after a year Because of the children, that's why You're either a fanboy ignorant to the fact Blizzard isn't utilizing the digital platform or you're a paladin player hoping MC/Everyfin doesn't get nerfed. I enjoy segregation in the name of equality. You really hate dc that much huh? Sorry, I do not recognize you. I love that the only reaction from the crowd is some dude with a delayed clap. Tripple Karmeliet, way too few belgian beers in here VTM news (belgian) has used your picture. Well, good to know flocombat publishes fanboy articles. It was fun and different. Hey I got an NYC Muff that actually works if you just want to trade straight up? Awesome! Working at subway. Dear diary..."Jackpot!" Whales, seals, giant turtles, manatees, boas, crocodiles... alot of animals need blubber or need to go long periods living off stored body fat. Bitch. I call bull shit, I heard players peak when they're 21 Well that was a no brainer Ouch, what happened to the ball that scuffed the top in the S design? But I thought macs were immune to viruses? This happened in different universe timeline but somehow got posted here..Chennai is still the best :D I got my check from the Russian consulate and it cleared with no problems. IM a murderer and weed was a gateway drug to murder for me Man I remembers the 90's, when no one knew what Microsoft was.... YASSSSS QUEEN SLAY THE ADSSSSSSS Bribery deserves Privacy Yikes And having a card which plays up to 5 secrets isn't ridiculous I can't believe nobody has said Caylus yet! Can't wait for user2483 to give his take We can only dream. You can't match fix when your games are decided by a dice roll. lol quicksev is for nubs consul gamers are the real pro gamers cuz we not need quicksevs lol casul nub also controllers need more skill Revelations on Kino stage and the end cut scene, ya ungrateful bar stewards - JB. As if anyone in the western world will care. I used the company printer to print and fax all of my new hire documents for my newly accepted position while my boss was in the office...Felt like Ethan Hunt This was the energy in the recruiting office I went to, the icing on the cake was the other marines joking about child rape in the background. God, those wisconsin fans are such dicks This is why I love node.js: not having to deal with all this hard stuff! meh, those scrubs from 2014 haven't done much How long did it take to build Rome? Good thing the colors aren't gaudy It doesn't matter, real men don't let their women vote. Songs and tales will be written about this brave woman in the pages of our enriched multicultural history. Caught all the kills Kreygasm This will be fixed with the launch of the PS4 Pro-60fps next year. buycott Germany! Shame to see kenny and apex stuck in this team. At least the driver checked for damage to their car before checking on the person. When kids marry kids, they make marriages that last! Not saying it won't happen, but I smell a bit of Eskin trying to get some publicity too. I can't believe Blizzard, with their obvious unlimited development resources, can't just whip out a custom tournament mode over a weekend. If it's so light how can it sink? Don't worry, he's not a real Christian. I suppose that Justifies shooting a wounded perp lying on the ground in the head This hash tag is jokes on twitter I'm surprised you were able to find a picture without cum all over your face, because I just assume someone as gay looking as you never gets off his knees whoa Schlieren (from German; singular "Schliere", meaning "streak") If only there was some sort of.. oh i don't know a sort of internet encyclopedia where you could look this shit up. LOL - I'm getting the same error left and right. hacker She sounds like such a nice person Great, now that this is settled, I'm sure we will all welcome with open arms the London Whiteskins and Mexico City Brownskins expansion teams. he's super nice and humble, your loss OP. How can i install these on my xbox one? Thats so broken dude! That's the best part about it. Koreans are robots with no personality. Well put. we can and will do it all the time but you can't cause we have a bigger army than you Trump surrounds himself with the best people! It's nice to see we've gone full circle by claiming one's race - a difference in little else besides fucking skin pigmentation - can be a mental illness. Reported for meme Women's studies So good to see how the legalization of marijuana is actually bringing good to a community. This guy will really class up our organization Or just use a 92 the way God made it. Just the kind of thinking we need to improve the economy and opportunities in Northern Ireland! Thanks RES! gdi Just because you happened to really like a game that wasn't rated well doesn't mean its "underrated". Nah, functional training dude. This is so new, Nixon used little riots as a regular part of his campaign appearances. I think Quantum Break is actually windows 9 exclusive. Thats your Stand stats. Will they still play at 4am? shouldn't the flair be air to sea Had a top-ten ranking when they lost Because we'd see even more people playing Bastion and Reaper for the sake of getting loot boxes faster. I, too, would be Facebook friends with a man who abused my child. sweet .. can I check all my credit card with this ... If it works for the budget why not the water? I don't think you have the licensing rights to post this. Is this a surprise? Until we can fully understand DNA, everyone is unplanned. Why is all this weird shit happening with the White Sox? But I thought no one would want to trade with us? Should have lined up the white drunk bitches and let him have his pick Gee thanks Gary Yay. It's not discrimination when it's favourable to women No you mean where the misery begun Well, Madoff is a trust worthy guy More like Shillery's economists. Your not a loser man. OP has a R9 295x2 Of course with data caps you can only use it for about 35 seconds or so. Revolutionary. You don't get into Heaven for free, Junior. Battle scarred after I drive it Only character I didn't unlock at that point was Mia [who appeared in the ending] i dont get it? There was one of these done for the reddit source code but it was animated, and actually showed the same programmers hopping from element to element working on various related branches, it was like watching worker bees... anyone have it? But it's true! People here realize that programming exists to draw people onto their network so they view advertisements, so the network can make money, right? Gee, what could it ever be? If he doesn't score a hat trick while putting one through his legs, I won't be impressed. I fuck with Royal 1s this is like the 100th new battery development till now this year, nice! What is that, a gen 7 pokemon? Paging Sonoda Umi, I believe they want to have a birthday party inside of you surely a gold player's comment matter 6000 years old I often find the loudest person more times often is less intelligent than others To be fair, the god described in the article is nothing like the one I know personally. yes, because it really hurts the rapists having an abortion, no other possible reason could motivate women to abort such a pregnantcy yeah bombing civilians is always such a great idea Gawsh fellas, it's almost as if everyone having guns doesn't make people safer or something! \#FreethePepperoniNipple? I don't get it. See you next week When I saw this, my first thought was "what the fuck!??!?" Fail Considering Raikkonen lost 2 WDC in direct relation to Car & Mercedes Reliability in 03/05, Hamilton should really be grateful he got 3 thanks to Mercedes engines instead of complaining. This is the best use of drones i've seen proposed. This dude is creeping *me* out. Is he also mad that Corsair copied the same keyboard layout as the Blackwidow? You're so right, what is he thinking not calling it the camping world NASCAR truck series, he should totally endorse companies that don't sponsor him Wow, what a lovely face and person. SINGING TEAM; ROLL OUT! Seriously, tell me I'm not the only one that got a weird boner watching that VMA performance! He learned to do this breaking into houses with high walls. kill all big dogs! Damn liberal reality! If you can fake kennyS like that you're a great player, I don't know how this guy isn't on a team yet. No excuses- Alice in chains It helps if you have a friend for the harmonies Anything involving abusing or killing children. Sta terapia deve essere proprio un dito in culo. I definitely didn't know this thanks I get to be on reddit all the time. Trump lies to puff up his ego, who woulda thought? HE'S IN BOYS Softy Wow he got you good If you are a lucky Incel YOU MAY be allowed lick her pussy clean from Chad`s CUM! Ah, so they actually mean they stopped reporting the boats. Liberals getting even more tolerant. A little bit overweight ..."wait till I lose 40 pounds" ...oh the disparity TPB has an ABN? Oh but those Christians aren't true Christians! Gag! Oh, shut up. Says a guy with a perfectly good pocket full of Irish sprouts. She Shirfived? No you don't understand clearly it's because there isn't enough gun control! I'm not sure guys, it doesn't look photoshoped to me That examine is pretty funny No, I love when men are unemployed slobs with no aspirations or redeeming qualities. Couldn't they at least find a Tobacco Grad, or has the BBC snapped them all up for Top Gear? Hahaha driving under the influence of drugs, funny stuff right? Lu Lu Lu, Lukas Podolski! His last name is perfect. I don't think you have to worry. Men who are womanizers but still have girls fall for them. Isn't it fun? Haha this was so funny! Would've been funny if not for "origional." Greenland and grass, an oxymoron Wonder what one would say if you take a pic and tell your friend next to you, "I can photoshop that off, thanks for the pic". would be a real shame if consular support was unable to provide assistance! Like how the refs hate slovenians? OMG HOW INAPPROPRIATE THAT THEY SHOWED HIM KISS HIS GIRLFRIEND! I kinda like simons. Absolutely terrifying. ha BDSM? Seeing your other posts how about I give you 1 mil Leave it up to the Saudis to show us the right way to support women's rights. Thanks for mobile link, it really loads well on a desktop browser. I wish Chrome left the flag to remove the redundant, gigantic search box on the new tab page, but that would require too many engineering resources to implement and maintain Just like David Bowie in The Man Who Fell to Earth. Sco The Cawthon Yep, when I tossed up between a beer and the doctor, the beer won. The Cell Good job on conquering Saruhan, now it's time to become King of Gondar Boat chemtrails confirmed Which is why they should starve out the poors to keep it that way. I think Mississippi may win the first ever state-wide Darwin Award! Sounds like 38% of Republicans are god damned RINO's! Washington will burn to the ground if Donald Trump is in the White House *and* Jake Vrana is traded! What is the point to this post? Fuck this Hillary wasn't going to win anyway the Midwest made its mind up long before comey's announcement. And also anti-semitic. Made by my amazing and most talented girlfriend, Syph~ :D How are these any more cringy than any set of stock photos? Miner ? I can already hear the combo's restart every 5 seconds I just hope my wife doesn't run away with him. Of course everything has to be made for America. No wonder all their footballers are over here. Meh, we deserve it. demographic dividend Bening molested at age 10. Because nice guys are the only people allowed to have any standards at all. That CVT's are bori- ah goddammit I can't even finish the sentence This makes me feel better about both presidential candidates having ties to Russia! ITT: GIVE CHILDREN NO CHOICES, THEY ARE SLAVES UNTILL 18. Thooorin just saying that because he doesn't want to upset Brazilians and get stabbed by them on LAN. Sonam christ lost this BR making it harder to distinguish increases the skill ceiling Eh, I'd rather pay more for real parts made in the United States than fake parts bought from China/Taiwan. Poor Mario. Sexy *African American girl Everyone knows that no child can jump across a 6" high median. They'd probably shit their pants if they knew how many "assault rifles" weren't registered. More intelligent because fat holds brain cells. That's what the plastic too is for homie Well he's a filthy Catholic, but close enough People already rush too much in this game, do we really need to give them the most efficient way of rushing? Yeah just proves Riot's CLG bias once again He should just retire Looks like a session surprised how no one is using "gay man twitter suspended" , well he's a conservative, so who cares guys ? Legend He just looks so sad these days since it dawned on him that he will never be the dictator of his very own communist regime. Should have gotten a 390. Because every single statistic is cherry picked. What a charming smile. By estimating the crowd size I can tell Trump went up +15 points nationally and I didn't even include lawn signs! I wanted the karma *le cry* :'( The fact that there's people who deserve to be paid more & accept being paid less yet at the same time think these people don't deserve to be paid a living wage is even more retarded. U wot m8? Obama said Wednesday that he commuted Chelsea Manning's sentence because the punishment did not fit the crime ... Completely coincidental timing... digga Move it back? Any news on whether his jersey will be retired? Ends up in arrange marriage for sure The first time in history a black person was chastised by police for *not* playing the race card? But Pokemon Go! Thats wot u get for using mac! Fake - Ganon's using his sword. #JustWindows7Things but yea win8 is totally trash Poor guy! I told them to court Said easily by someone who has never had to rip out all the time. States rights. So people know we aren't Muslims what am i doing with my life these are hot women to black people she knows her target demographic I watch it for the fundamentals, layups and missed 3's are awesome! Stop oppressing me with your reasonable suggestions, you fattist! Link? I hope you enjoed your last casting for Riot. You press your key associated with the chat wheel, and move your cursor toward the *New Meta* text. May I just compliment you on your username and astounding wit? If its a done deal how could it possibly be a rumour! Resistance for the sake of resistance,endless struggle, so they can be the kings of rubble. Do you have specific information to make this claim, or are you just being defeatist? Probably celebrated too much after Copa win. The german translation is quite racist tbh. Defenders of Hecks Kitchen Now that's how you bring jobs to America! LPT: do a bunch of unpaid emotional labor that will relegate you to being to the office slave maid. Uhhh but he held a pride flag once so it's okay? Can you kill with deflected bullets in this game? Its a shame looks like you will have to sell those pistols to put money into replacement stocks reddit has told me that every single false ban thread is actually correctly ban so gg, lowlander is a botter Still wont get 60fps in DayZ Don't worry, the shadows are in the trash bag! like every fix in this game? So long as the rich are making money - who cares right? Could you also add all the farming patches to be there surrounding Nieve? I was expecting, "Teddy Bridgewater wins MVP" Why is Aja there then? if you don't stick a buttplug in your ass in this video i'm gonna report you i, too, only donate for the recognition. Still better than autism The clear solution here is to shoot the black one. Without the description I instantly thought that was a picture of a plane Because the last version of Cyanogenmod was 10.1.2, and since this is a .x update and not a full version update its incremented to 10.2. Like we get it, you vape. Castle got some sweet gainz! Yeah I live in Oxnard and most fans here are either Raiders or Cowboys fans. I think I love GeT_RiGhT 10 times more now. Holy shit this is such a down voted opinion on reddit Signalling the invasion will come by sea. Yeah, it's totally the PS4's fault. But those 62 people contribute more to the advance of the world than all the others combined. Look guys this clearly shows that genii is overpowered! Comey better watch out for gym equipment. With the new champion coming out who needs new client, replay system, etc. Self-driving motorcycles when? obamacare happened oh, wow that's like saying Otaku culture is to blame for all the pervs taking upskirt shots of cosplayers Well I tried to pick up the flag as it broke, meaning I perman had that blurry flag animation on me for the whole game :D Can't wait to get this on my Nexus 4! These comments are sure going to be peaceful. Machine guns over-performing confirmed to be historically accurate! Hey guys, reverse sexism doesn't exist, stop complaining MY You'd think they'd have found a way to make re-re-re-reblogged posts more readable, since reblogging is pretty much the main thing their site does. So 20% of guys are gay? I love how ugly chicks use pretty cartoons as their avatars. STOLEN VALOR. Chrono trigger 10/10: good birb. Lol when has it ever been a priority for the US? Any HD photos? Does she help you grind for Christmas loot boxes? Juve need to play extra hard now, they could still lose the title in the final game. Because WaW was totally the best Call of Duty. So basically we screwed! Why shouldn't the highest-dps character also get the most damage reduction and a overpowered self-heal right? Wow, someone online has a different opinion than me, i'm so victimized Boob care plan... Aliens! The person with three jobs obviously has the right genetics that allow them to work 3 jobs, plus school and have energy left over for being a skinny bitch! Or a United Ireland! In other news, firefighters will soon be equipped with incendiary grenades to put out fires. Especially if its at a bar, I mean unless they want to ban all poisons from terraces including alcohol. Barcelona pic, Bellerin moving to Barcelona confirmed Nice. He probably won't do it again. Mine just crashes at that screen colossally Well that's what you get for publishing on The Guardian. And before every round you can buy body armor and grenades! You can't disrespect the caterpillar If the bollards could look like flower planters, then this becomes the responsibility of Public Works - Parks and Open Space. Yeah, because people like InControl are hurting the community and he is helping it. You ever see the price of a beer at these clubs? 'its all gunna gor any minit init' So if we trade Bradford to the Titans and he gets hurt during the season do we still get the conditional pick? PLEASE GET A CLIP UP WITH THE "TRUMP" AND "USA" CHANT it is wrong to try to make people feel bad about going to church Son los usos y costumbres de los pueblos. It may be a bad thing, but Jesse's made a fortune peddling it. That was really funny Since marketing firms realized there weren't ads in textbooks If putting the government in charge of things causes shortages, we should totally put them in charge of pollution in the atmosphere and diseases! When I ride the bus in the cold, if there wasn't one in sight I'd start walking until it caught up to me. Why do you have so many Cory in the house figurines? Kelly Ann Conway is a cuck. That's okay, I posted a thing on my facebook so they can't do that. That would be coal, this is young coal, a few thousand years old. What if I told you... I need proof. What about Lane Kiffin? Can't wait for people to deface them by crossing out the T's Kyler Murray is like Kyle Allen except if the pocket collapses he can sprint for 40 yards I think the important question is if they did remove the flag, would we find out any time soon? Damn, I was really looking forward to a good comedy this year. Do you want your mommy to come over and kiss your boo boo? How many glasses were broken in making this 'upvote bait'? Five years after the Arab Spring: Middle East engulfed by war I'm fine with that, he's boring as fuck to play, unfun to play against and his ult is insane, if they didn't nerf it it would have a bloody 11 second cooldown with 45% yee lmao But gas is only 2.85 now! You must be real fun at qualified parties. OMG that's an amazing Bowie face. After getting one of the hardest achievements in mmo history. What football are you watching all day? He's pretty good but he's no Flipper Anderson Well, that's it then, time for a socialist revolution, any economic system that puts something as important as food in the hands of greedy corporations needs to be deposed. On a building site! I'm beginning to think less and less that this guy is really a bad guy... Im beginning to think he is one of the few people ballsy enough to stand up to the US's bullshit practice of toppling regimes to create instability. Yeah saw that on Gla1ve's face That's progress! Nay! Thanks for taking your time to provide a readable and understandable headline for your post. # HARDCORE DEATH MACHINE, now a member of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza! Does no one disable javascript? Damn politics content is really getting better. And while we're at it they should release that players personal info so we can go to their house and fight them irl. Transracial. This is Nurse referring to us signing him from Le Harve This is why the best UK player is God Bardolph yeah really, while a man made of steel literally just has the power to win everytime but has to "holdback" and has the power to be as strong as he wants anytime of the day, and also having some dude in a bat suit win because of "preptime", yeah speedforce, totally bullshit man He's a category level three tester. ~~D'Angelo~~ R&B, not indie ~~RTJ~~ Hip Hop, not indie ~~Jamie XX~~ Electronic, not indie ~~Mac DeMarco~~ Jizz jazz, not indie Spoon ~~Caribou~~ Electronic, not indie ~~The War on Drugs~~ Atlantic Records, not indie ~~My Morning Jacket~~ Capitol Records, not indie Look at wiikileaks, also its not just solar. What no Greiss? But Asiata is bad and we should cut him. While they are at it they should put her behind bars for some 20 years and that will teach her not to take underage pictures of her going forward. here we go again, RIP civil liberties Have you tried disciplining your offspring, setting boundaries, and being involved in their life? Jesus fucking christ, who is he? This made my day lol This doesn't comply with the new sub rules. But but...... LET THEM PLAY He almost succeeded, he found the Indians. Lol no kidding I'm fully grown now. Because realism. Apparently Germanic surnames originating from the European continent nor historical documentation as evidence mean nothing in the name of Social Justice and progress. Torchlight 1 was a soulless high-school level ARPG, who cares. He meant to beg, if anyone of you are thinking BJ thats on you. Are you kidding me this is the best advice in this thread! A bit too much for me and I actually found that doing too much ab exercises make my waistline larger. He's definitely dead. Or all the anti big government types, that inevitably exclude the military from that categorization. There are very few people in prison for just simple possession. Thanks a lot dude you just ruined the whole movie! If I already have a yellow-tinkerer's shoulder from a while back, can I still do the quest to raise to a black tinker shoulder? I'm glad that ICE is working on the important problems and getting these dangerous mushroom farmers off the streets. just ordered that book off Amazon lol Big agra confirmed! Spot the tampon string! I don't see a problem - it passed! Gossip on them hoes they will come naturally. Yeah, they're totes not gonna fall for eachother or anything. Don't forget about the rings now too in addition to WC Tops no pop ups Haha I like how they consider gloves gang attire but my Christian private school straight up let a kid in my class run around all day wearing a blue bandana over his face. Link has a nonbinary gender you scrub, get with the times. joocy Should have told him to buzz off. Brought to you by CM12 He's pretty much trying a "tits or gtfo" and hasn't yet learned that that's only /b/. Waaaa I'm too skinny! mariota or bort? **Scripting** Draymond for president Well obviously we need to ban violent video games since we can't be trusted to parent. I'm sure BLM people are just gonna stop protesting because of this. Bad choice ..Bernie should be elected leader. Jesus. Too late I already uninstalled it as instructed. you can go straight to hell. They must not know how hard it is to get high off of those cannabis infused beers! If it is something like Theatrythm I will be happy:) Whoever photoshopped Malcolm's Twitter header photo gave him some serious serial killer eyes Because demisexuality and demigender are totes real. Did he really do it this time....FBI said they got nothing. don't tell me what I can and can't do! Eleventy one. Is that a Nintendo gameboy? Keep in mind that Alkaeda terrorist activity was going on way before the 911! I'm all choked up Where art thou Golden Dorito? Because 6 or more dildos is just overkill. Oh no it's the end of Fairy Tail as we know it, well it was fun boys there's no way they're getting away from this one, might as well stop reading here. It was Hillarys fault I bet. How dare someone like a different sports team them me! They're at least middle class. and I'm sure their white whale is still at large out there somewhere That's nice, but still fuck this game because there's no space battles. DAE women should insert miniaturized guns into their wombs during pregnancy? You forgot the serious tag That is the icon you tap to boot a jailbroken Iphone into android.. A description column will also be very useful but yea I would love this Yeah but remember everything they do on a day-to-day basis has a direct impact on the stock being what it is nothing that you do as a worker does anything it's only the executives and bosses that actually have any impact on the business Shit I already feel the shitstorm coming Why's that now? This has nothing to do with diverting the stories about Real's exit from the CL semi-final and giving their fans something to look forward to instead. They're obviously changing things because Fullscreen is forcing them too and running RT Nice fake white yeezys Another really original post about a really original, never seen before issue Oh Blizzard you are just full of surprises today I smell some Now, imagine what wonder Medicare would do if it makes senior home residency mandatory for those receiving the benefit: the shit just solved itself. I liked this better when wkuk did it. Rather cowardly thing to boast about wanting to do. I can't wait for Amazing Spider-Man 2 to be on sale again for $49.99! because no other creature puts their shit in the water I really hope he wins multiple championships and multiple MVPs but never wins player of the week ever again. Almost as pocket friendly as the iPhone 6. 6.... 7 hours, tops? That's a console peasant masquerading as a member of PCMR. MAGIC SHOULDNT BE CHEAP NOOB!' Fucking weebs, this makes my kokoro hurt Now cars just get electronically driven into trees and walls. Juggle chainsaws while on a unicycle. How do I girlfriend?" Cries to prepare for more mudslinging after getting cebu one support Throws mud after a couple of days Well guys, their campaign did give a warning :)) mar's fault for not being prepared. I am sure they will increase the number of buses and trains to ensure everything is less crowded Please stop with lane challenge posts Its like they're trying to let Uber win hello2 Satin finish proofs! Ive been watching the news, these are all fully automatic assault AR-15s. Isn't that Lawrence Fishburne? This is really cute but the only thing this pup is gonna learn is how to be a couch potato Y'all are a bunch of child psych and development experts up in here huh? Anything about them doing something the community wants. Google: Mark Cuban, he's pretty subtle about it Who knew that a top-heavy truck with giant tires full of air would do that? He meant the progress of gun-free zone signs and their repair and maintenance. is that Anthony fantano Because, of course, loyalty is only granted to those who are beautiful enough. Shocker. He can still trade it for a Pelicans one if he has the tags on. I'm sure there are two sides to this story. Shit Surely Kurt Cobain was the only person to look at an ultrasound and conclude the person in it looked like a bean. Based Parents! Maybe the people should've been declared "legally insane" donut steel sounds like the name for that OC lol hey look fnaf 4 Money talks, shitheads walk. That's like handcuffing yourself to a dude you just fought sand Dry Ginger Ale that stuff is the only reason I love Canada. They are, literally, insane. I think everyone knows who they are This sub blows chunks. his kid looks like a japanese cunt Shush with that nonsense. I IDENTIFY AS A FEMALE-TO-FEMALE HDMI CABLE, YOU MALE-TO-MALE HDMI CIS-CABLED SCUM! Momager Wow, what a despicable egomaniac piece of shit to say something like that! I made a TIFU post about a really embarrassing situation involving a bite fetish, but it didn't make it because the mods didn't think it was enough of my fault to count as a tifu He's clearly a time-traveling pirate, judging by his language, and the poor brave soul is struggling to understand modern technology and how to relate to modern women! this, THIS pisses me off Well he should Hmmm I wonder what Ohio St should do today offensively...? Now make a Diamond Block Exploder. What a great Costanza stanza Yes, what could go wrong with forcibly vaccinating people? Fuck yeah! Posting people's personal information online for all to see: Awesome. Of course not, they wouldn't make ESPN any money. Ralph Nader destroyed America Shhh - the only thing to be talked about here is M103 and the mosque shooting. Us humans are to limited to comprehend God's reasoning. I've never played a more buggy game on launch then this one cheap fucker STFU This man is allowed to procreate. Or you can just shoot through the shield. This is ageist and homophobic. yup, minorities and liberals. This is the first United picture, not Real silly. For some reason it made me think of the Zelda Tech Demo for the Wii U. Because Hollywood is filled with Gay Propaganda. Yeah, sending troops to Syria, leaving troops in Iraq and sending them to Libya all in order to steal oil totally isn't starting new wars! I have the same problem because the only legendary card I'm missing is sparky. Don't you dare touch my good Christian week Pretty sure this comment was eyesight red pill tiem IDF platoon rushes at Palestinian child -Reuters No doctor has ever told his patient "you need to stop eating vegetables, that stuff is gonna kill you" Saying a woman's "attractiveness" level has any barring on the legitimacy of her rights just shows *how much* we need feminism. Cause women never sexually harass men I tell my husband this, but I think it just scares him.. rofl Can't believe its still tied Whoa dude I totally didn't believe but this pic completely changed my mind! Trigger factor 10^10 They need to qualify for champs first. Kejriwal ate babies for breakfast! Shaquille "trump" Oneal Mind=Blown My neighbor made me a sandwich of her pubic hair clippings. IM IN YOUR HOOD Only one of these things is a Constitutionally Protected human right. People being dickheads online = national news Well fuck you OP (I am free for an interview BBC, anytime after 5pm) 8.00 when? Never go there again. You can actually speed up the live stream so you're looking into the future. fuck off In that Ravens fan's defense, the Jews are shifty people. Not programming. A convention. Haters gone hate Hi, I'm a vegan, crossfitter, herbalife sponsor, and you should too Maybe i can jump to a future where they fixed the games shit animations and faces If that doesn't scream ELITE then I don't know what does. If you think Israel will trust others for their security you haven't taken even a cursory study of the last thousand years of history. You're supposed to put a different CD in! Edgy xD What a surprise Yay, now my Tesla will only cost me 96000! As long as he was scrappy. No way THAT will be abused Belgium... Belgian fries 95% No it is not They're just trying to prove that any idiot can do it. 8/7 would theory again. I'm sure every word of that article is true. R/punchablefaces He's still alive! why would the Lakers have drafted Russell ahead of Okafor just to give up on him 14 games into his career? How is nobody mentioning the clear photoshoping of the cows head? Some patriot she is, that top is a clear violation of flag code. Just a few bad apples... Roamin is fly hacking in one of the pictures Apparently they didn't ask me. Because as we all know relationships are about sex and nothing else and if a girl won't sleep with you on the first date she is a bitch Sad day indeed. Fergucunt is a cunt. He will not divide us! This is a screenshot of an image that is a screenshot. Denzel Washington Because he is a moron. Yes, Nicole, because thin models are *never* photoshopped. Why the fuck do you steal scott's photos and edit them a little bit to make it look like it's made by you in 3DS Max? Because it's controlled opposition and we should submit? korri Your traditions end where my feelings begin. Well shit, a few of us thought it was going to be WildTurtle, wonder where he's going to end up since he said he signed with a team already. Oh boy, pure touchscreen controls here we come! Indubitably GOOD THING THEY KEEP REPRESSING THE ALBUMS WE ALL HAVE AND NOT DEJA Is it any surprise that the song "What Is Love" is forever linked to three guys who can't get a date? Why do subtitles need to convey punchlines? Hope he recovers quickly - little shit is taking up the bed of someone who actually deserves medical care. Just pull yourself by your bootstraps you lazy fuck Glorious news. Looks like you gotta work on those gains, Jasper's got you beat in that department please dont post jokes likes this, this is way too hilarious, i laugh way too hard, i might die. Everybody does it, so it's ok It's okay guys, Trump will fix this But the batter is Experience, it should be SR so that it constantly going down is realistic. Paula Deen because she keeps it light Nobody says that we should forget about slavery, People bring it up all the time. Did you get a BONEr.... Heh heh uh see what I did there The problem with putting city bikes in transit deserts is that people in those places have to really on cars and things seen as cutting back on parking will be highly opposed. Because seattlites are too passive aggressive to do interpersonal crime How sexy I'm sure their malware-like tactics of forcing and tricking people into installing their OS had *nothing* to do with that. This isn't good, right? Maar, dan krijgen we straks een debat met daadwerkelijk inhoudelijk dialoog in plaats van ad hominems slingeren... Wie wil *daar* nou naar kijken? Kappa 420 Blaz... Oh wait, wrong subreddit. I came here for interesting info not a history lesson and an explanation on Cars. Damn dude quake engine truly kicks ass Yeah probably. Just did it He seemed to handle it well. Science bitch That's because Best Korea has used it to already send men to Callisto! How convenient that two females out of the blue bring about a child rape allegation after what 20+ years. Politics? And this is why I stopped watching SC2 and switched to DOTA 2. I was 27 when Xenial Xerus was released! cuz it looks ugly Don't make me take out my katana... Yeahhhhh definitely a troll. Welcome to the show! Yes, it's a terrible thing that South Korea wants a way of stopping nukes (especially considering it's neighbor to the north). I am a little confused, why the Caron hate? Unless they *really* deserve it. The Andy Murray of F1, always *really* excited. Duping? If you're poor, it's probably just because you're lazy But don't you hate it when gay people won't shut up? And he still got the good ending Kia Zach Snyder When I looked at the Oscar nominations list It's not like they have an agenda Everyone there seems to own a cube van THAT'S WHY IT WAS BETTER Boy, people love to re-post this. The War in Heaven (Paid Feature) Babylon 5 Baby! And of course it's Poland. You're never too young to die but you need maturity to vote for the correct corrupt politician That's not fraud, what they are doing in china is 100% legal George Soros email leak I hope they come out with a subbed version. Sabotage to the rescue once again f you're not after analysis or anything in depth, Hat Films do races pretty regularly and just fuck around in free roam and adversary modes as well. Does Seattle count as the North? We get it you vape who's brave enough to listen to the *hour long* mp3 talk with the author? that Guy in the middle in that pic agrees.looks like he's giving the thumbs up. Hey bro, I searched the word "key" in the search bar and this came up, you got keys? Hooray for my fantasy team. Start killing off all of the poor people. Because eating six small meals increases your metabolism. The free ipads The myth is the fact that people think it was easy for Floyd. Who is next years mcdavid? What is the debate on intolerance? She sitting in the most expensive nosebleed seat in the arena. Book club edition, probably only about five bucks if you can find a buyer. WTF is "clear, creamy, sweater" water? Eh, CO2 isn't a problem anymore. This is oppression of non-30 day months It's not like we have a Constitutional Amendment limiting the president to two terms or anything. And I'm not good enough huh But they won't lift a finger to address Russian hacking and subsequent leaks? What kind of microsoft word are you using? Let's keep committing crimes to make sure oil keeps getting spilled out of rail cars and trucks! Don't you mean a Kanye reference? If you're willing to die for our country I see no reason why we can't pass the green to the left. Skill Up So you're celebrating the french? Each star is its own sun, so you have to multiply by the number of stars you see. holding on to sound is the same thing This article is misleading because Trump said they founded ISIS, not ISIL. I can't wait for the part where he allegedly hit his wife, on more then one occasion but no one got upset over it. Obviously if we had stricter gun laws things like this wouldn't happen We should get rid of employer provided health care, it gives employers incentive to discriminate, gets them involved in areas of an employees life where they shouldn't be, and makes it harder to change jobs. What does this have to do with theism? They're gonna be terrible in three years I mean it's not like it says "can lead to cancer" on the damn can Sick editing! No, we just haven't tried it the right way yet. Alexis got cankles NO LUSAMINE Why the fuck are people so happy with being inferior? Your clearly one of them homusexual sinners and this is how jesus is punishing you. seems legit Probably some doughnuts buried in the sand. Don't worry it's been reclaimed and is no longer an insult. Why not rice you animal They just wanna take them down with them? Not sure about the rest, but the main reason why Bulgaria is on this graph is that we have a huge proportion of bureaucrats vs 'real' policemen in the streets. Mama like Hey they're not fucked up for practicing their religion- you're fucked up for criticizing them As long as he's having fun, who gives a shit? Nice deflecting from video scandal He's not going to re-sign in New York because the team will already be playing in Quebec by then Oh you betcha! This needs to be restaged the day federal marijuana prohibition ends. Just shows we weren't ready for free trade deals. Trump supporters are already further enabling the "us vs them" mentality by regurgitating his rhetoric. But just look at all the great things Grahm Leach Biley has done. Directly linked from facebook as well, very nice. how Was he punching a dentist? Apparently, David Cameron, our new interim coach was responsible for the Sens powerplay, so we may still have that to look forward to. A LibDem pledge, huh? You know, even though he advised against it, I can't help but be angry as hell at the ladies. Ahh so the conservatives aren't so... Conservative huh? Whats the tv coverage like for this? Used to see a lot of "minister runs away with organist" or "minister runs away with church secretary" in the UK. Gotta have weldon to tame Dardoch What a patronising wanker Said the person with a small penis! Everyone is an Arun Shourie? Protoss confirmed underpowered That optical illusion where the moon seems to be in front of clouds. But it's true and your insecurity knows it. You beat me to it but yeah ouch... way to step on the toes of your licensees lol I'm sure it will have none of the well thought out design of GSF though right? The media tells you *everything* you need to know... In other news, by the end of 2015, 10% of the worlds population has now moved to Europe! I actually would have figured that Steve Young would have done it Never heard that one before Oh yay, regular people are losing their jobs! Because the typical list of benefits is not enough already, to prove that PC is superior This is literally rape. I actually had a dream last night that the tracker was working and making noises and showing rustling grass and whatnot, it was fantastic. Want to know _why_ I was born on Halloween? wow , no way bro, totally didnt notice so you upgraded to a worse graphics card because 730 is bigger than 360 100% calculated Obviously you should have a small loan of one million dollars from your parents. Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare 2 and 3, probably Source? the nixxiom how to guide is better Oh no, it's PAX time, Ryan's going to get sick again. This may not be right, but it's funny. I'm surprised the mods haven't removed this for witchhunting. They've always been racist.. it's just we're red pilled and can see through the facade now Because that is the only place on rs where you can get a skeleton champ scroll Oxycontin 160 McCarthyism is back Everything I read about Windows 10 makes me realllly want to use it. It's great having my laptop wired in! I thought Gus Johnson was our favorite soccer announcer? What the duck This will become a Reddit 'OMG pig police' downvote fest but if it were my friend this shithead had tried to kill I would be doing exactly the same. I thought he was a "great" defensive coordinator. Whoa, where did you find this awesome original content? why should I vaccinate my kid when only 1/3000 or so get Measles - What if my kid is 1/20000 kid who get autism from vaccine ? Everyone left to go and try Titanfall beta. As a Kansan, I am offended. so cringe i was immediately drawn to the bromance taking place in the background He has more free time now that he's taken a step back from the jailbreak community. ROFLMAO! Pogba please Aftermath Muse I feel a 4 game suspension coming on for such a hateful comment like the one Von just made Shame, really, so sad for Leeds Melee gets me so fucking triggered. You could eliminate half of that headline, just to save time he put poooop everywhere...POOOP You can tell she's intelligent. Those double-unders were hella smooth. Yet Oxycontin for kids was approved recently...smgdh Fahrenheit 451 for the 21st century. Given how much grief Media Matters has given to others, I wonder if there will be any consequences here. Not nearly enough pictures of traffic lights. Telecoms raped and pillaged your aunt you liberal retard. That thin privilege lane width tho This is why we can't have nice things. I'm honestly not sure where you got lost, the logic is clear and flawless. Woah woah woah, a marine being an asshole, that's totally unheard of isn't it? I thought it couldn't get worse... ...and then it got worse. I guess that someone who denies the existence of a deity is doing as much damage as someone who blows up a mosque or flies an airplane into a building. You haters need to walk a day in his shoes. Aint nobody on the corner has that swag like me. Who? A true gentleman would have laid out his coat. Removed, Username posts are not allowed. Great parenting there Have they tried covering their body? you already fucked it to death, you can stop now :3 Uh oh. wtf does the MLB have to do with this I admire Czechs in this matter, I don't know how they do it but it seems to be working. I hope that means they have cut ties with the USA as well, which abstained on the resolution. guy took it like a champ though Holy shit, he's still got part of his umbilical cord left, that's how young this guy is. No, God did that. ughh.. now we're going to see a new 'reason' to ban Hijabs. shouldn't we worry more about these poor folks than the 'refugees'? Stylish! James Franco really needs to lay off the texting for a few days. This is why we have to drop the company tax rate, so companies like this will suddenly start being honest about their taxable income. Maybe if they had a QB and offense like the Colts the Seahawks could finally be competitive How 'bout hitching a ride with one of them big hawks & tossing it down the shaft? They avoid eye contact Do you have access to the Internet? Grandma, you don't want people getting food stamps or any government assistance but you don't want to rise the minimum wage to help people off government assistance. This will defiantly give Max a mental edge coming into the next few races *"Of course, the only thing more suppressed in this country than an honest politician is hemp"* ^ Best part of the article OH NO WRONGFULLY ACCUSED MALES IS THE REAL ISSUE WE SHOULD ALL TALK ABOUT With an advisory board that large, nothing will get done Well you know if they worked harder and stopped spending all their money on heroin and satellite tv they'd easily have this I'd rather they use that money to fund a basic income. Nah, we had no clue what kind of exercise you were going to do, but since you moved up your tits and lowered your shorts, it all makes sense! You can work my wood. But but but, I cant attack big multi-national companies that provides essential commodities to the economy and that I use everyday, because they might not give a shit while rolling around in all their money. Granny, Cruz, Rubio and Santorum are. I bet you didn't think about this in the shower... (1) I engage in politics to escape from games Nightmarionne it's not canon. no I envy what you have, sir. Fag pole* Such a terrible way to dishonour Australia Day by playing 100 shitty songs! I am sure his plans are nuanced and well-thought out. That's what you get for spreading shite well no shit it's a fraud Nawwww, the move Revenge of the Nerds did it, so it MUST be legal! I don't think one person but a few great minds, Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tysoe spring to mind since they are smart and used to speaking in public. Ever heard of that crazy editor called Vim? He doesn't know much public. You have to inflame the sheeple with the appropriate images if you want them to roll over and accept having more freedom taken away. Michael J Fox was the cameraman, cut him some slack. It's clearly the Apple galaxy. clg won their pistol and it had to be restarted and others didnt know if it was live or not. No shit, was played 23904829034 times in the stadium after the end of the game Should try it for female game "Tic OOOH....Tak NGAH!....tic OOO" etc 13 years later the context of the statement is ignored and he is fired after a Twitter mob crucifies him for the use of the word 'homo.' Are they wearing that shirt to be ironic or to prove a point or something 1 - I may be straight, but I will try ANYTHING once. OR, or you could put down the DG4 into the kino teleporter and see what happens What are those shoes on the left? Clearly its a metaphor this is so pathetic Well, if you're speaking of sub bass then just take your 3xOSC and sine that shit up. Dude she lost her last fight, she's always been a total can It's like he doesn't even realize we're only arming the good guys. Obviously these 3 men are in jail because of racism. She looks like Daisy Ridley I really love her "hhmmm" and "yeah" while someone else is talking on the analyst desk this shit is going to get soldiers killed Money can't buy style, unless you have enuf. Bear Dat feminism. But of course people saying mean words about us are the real racists. Hey man, they're just defending themselves from western imperialism and this is merely justified blowback! It's almost as if the rest of the world ISN'T one big would-be liberal democracy after all. IRS abuse, gun running to Mexican cartels, spying on reporters, extra-judicial executions of Americans abroad and now an illegal appropriation of 3 billion dollars to the insurance industry (can't abandon the campaign donors)... But hey, Title II, so it's all good! Because we all know that the best thing to imagine in the middle of a magical yet dark fantasy world is an old man having sex. What a pair of responsible adults you are Why not convert to all major currencies? Wear it with pride and carry Looks almost as big as trumps inauguration turnout. Currently playing nintendogs apply directly to the forehead The date today is 9/15 France will fight back through widespread distribution/deployment of personal hydrogen dioxide blockers (aka umbrellas.) we are i think 6-0 when tyrod throws 25 times or less, 0-6 when he's over, something along those lines F*n rich people Hopefully you had slime tubes pasha biceps FUCK ISLAM.. inc WW3 Time to ban uber once and for all It all starts with a black president. Guy in the blue clearly had a better understanding of physics. Good review. Bro that's awesome haha What, you guys have never heard of the Old Fashattan? It's just a low-quality sandstorm OP, turn up your settings ingame Does that mean Gillette will be renamed Belichick Stadium? Savage The Internet The car looks so smooth and stable it's as if it's on a rail or something. Innocent women get sexist convictions sending them to their deaths all the time too so there isn't really any sexism here. A at the end of the day your still a bitch tho n sure i guess im a ass hole dick cunt or whatever your about to put I came here to thank 4chan for op's picture. Seeing the family photo and his widows post just makes you want to cry. Cunt i dont think she is ebony. So since Gyarados just came out, yet there was already a figure that is pretty accurate, what other physical figures haven't been implemented yet? Ninjas In Jail incomming boys ! Hybrid Theory - Linkin Park What do you do to pass the time during the Morgana snare? So brave Now can we call him a nazi? I think a solution to this "fake news" problem we got here would be to create a Ministry of Truth that censors news it does not approve. Looks like a cube to me He should have waited for the update. What're thoose pants tbh there is always post about creep blocks after every patch lmao Oh my,I just came. Merkel is a boss who cares how you haters feel. They can't stop diving! Fresh post, bro. What a waste of resources. I think there are several players not mentioned that also need to go. It was fucking 6-0 with like 4 minutes left, sanchez with the ball for one last drive...... nope. Can't even change the channel, fucking unplayable! Oh snap, a Reese Bobby throwback My experience is that players quit as soon as the game doesn't go their way. in other news, the terrorists were known to be reading MRA sites prior to the massacre I bet this is why cops are so ready to frame innocent victims also. More proof that feminists have no original ideas of there own, they just take others' and coat it in stupid shit. Let me guess they're upset about a film again? Uh... I thought he already said he refused the US passport. 40 is a dumb line for this stat, especially for a BB defense. Greensburg, PA is a four hour drive... I wonder why they don't use a closer contractor. Hey thanks op Im going to say wonky pigeon You'd think he was a popular candidate or something. Isn't it underused because they have had it shut down for a while to refurbish it? Isn't Canada the place where they are making it illegal if you don't use the government mandated 72 new pronouns for gender? yeah it is, we're all challenger Who Cares: The Article This is the biggest non-story Not really, I'm fat cuz I'm lazy and eat to much not because of a mental disorder like depression But he had that really cool mask! Do you ever not have a drink on your bike? I'm not like all guys well, maybe not, but you've proved that you're at least like most creepers. Are you actually retarded Seeing new foot over bridges, replacement of roof, and increase in height of platforms, good days in railways, at a pretty good speed If Obama actually did as much towards ending NSA as he did towards closing Gitmo, I would genuinely be very impressed. For someone who supposedly studied Modern History at Oxford he doesn't know his history. You sure \#BERNED them Bernie! It's easy, just pay a scalper 400$. Eddie Redmayne No WAY! what a hypocrite, if you don't like him and his policies then why have a relationship with him. Well it's obvious that you're just a jerk. However, every man should know that if you want to put in a bit of effort, you can make a very good version of common homemade meals. I am sure this is probably a jewish and hindu conspiracy You should have just scammed him yourself Whelp I have nothing to live for now that I was beat to the punch by an hour posting this. Man does he scream "Presidential"! *dons tinfoil hat* They're preparing for the coup attempt! special snowflakes not liking democracy. IMO BC did start this trend of expansions of that inclduded new 4 zones that split up the community and focused on higher end content The game shifted focus from being a 1-60 experience to being a always high end level experience to enjoy the game. I want to fish with you some day. You shouldn't even touch your phone while driving Well done, Bryan. I pray for the day when PCMR stops uploading JPEG compressed images to show how "pretty" something is. This was the most beta thing i've read all day Is the coffee table supposed to be shaped as anything in particular? You intellectual you, looking down from yer ivory tower down on the blue collar HAES person! I'm waiting until they fix the garages before I unlock it. I submit that the dead body laying in the video may bias the jurors... Geeez, get a job. Both teams are sponsored by Fly Emirates and even the stadium is owned by Emirates, does that give any hints? #stop posting direct links to the daily mail None of the defenders believed Suarez would get to that ball, much less center it. Not to be pedantic, but he said something not plwerful, *like* a 125. Not that funking hard Come on, OP The gassy milk of Hyun's nipples will fuel my Protoss deathball! Lex Luthor Your name is right there if you didnt know btw smh never deserved it. Boy, contracting out most of the snow removal really saved us a lot of money! It's been there for weeks, just kept getting swapped with the first item on the 2nd page This completely changes everything! Not buying enough stars. Balanced Go read a biology textbook. No toppings ? i'm not sure what's wrong with your friend... I think this is a flawless proof that shows the new reform system does not work. Wtf he looks black! Hah, you fucked a man, GAYYYYYY! For real, give me your wallpaper and font She might be west indian You mean it won't be put in Africa where he was born? You messed up OP, the title is actually "Sashi Brown says Browns 'not in a position to turn down' a Josh Gordon -- but this article smacks of click bait" they share? No, never! If I was leffen I would have gone black game and watch, Eekim wouldn't be able to see a thing. Conspiracy Theory Well yeah, but it's only worth about 3.5 privilege points. My ex asked me to prom, I thought it was pretty cool. Also, who the heck is going around and downvoting every comment in this? Down vote - no mlp civ or the human civ I guess it's expected he'd be capable of this from his HDHR score but there is only 2 (1 if you aren't counting C's score) other SS's on the map, figured it was worth posting. Actually OP, *roules* is french for bad decisions. I think MrBossFtw is a great and informative YouTube It's ok. This post. You're so well-rounded and proper Who cares, they mostly vote republican. They say if you burn a Quran, Muhammed will go and burn you and your house down.... Joke's on him, my house is fulls of Qurans Well, this is certainly a deal breaker! I don't wanna go there.. if only to spare myself from spamming that sub full with purple guy stuff I guess Sean isn't fucking his mistress anymore I'm surprised he didn't pan out considering how great the Titans are at drafting. But ignorance is bliss. Omg that was hilarious Now I'm fine with being an alcoholic! Easily my favorite move in wrestling. Fucking piece of shit I hope they lose their LAN spot or at least are forced to play qualifiers again with they're new lineup, speaking this as a finnish person who wants to see the local scene grow, but not like this. Not a car bomb, was a samsung exploding. im not gay, but i actually really like that 78 DAYS UNTILL SEASON THREE CONFIRMED! At least there was about a quarter of a bath in there somewhere Wasn't this the guy who was a contributor for Huffpo but they banned him because he dared write about Hillary's health concerns during the election... how dare he. I think they're rectifying the nonsense of charging shipping per amiibo by releasing a bundle They've only released one song so far haven't they? Waiting for the reunion tour so I can get charged double for tickets! All the more reason to wear masks during protests. Just dont vote and act like you did... this way you can be for the good things and against the bad things Um, I'm *pretty sure* that's Antarctica all money into bitcoin immediately it can only go up right? Did you report him to HR? seen it! You dick. It's not like Lesnar is an accomplished MMA fighter with a Greco-Roman wrestling background or anything. air fryer so an AMD CPU? Seems unlikely unless there is another common ancestor than the one that is common to all Presidents (including Obama), except Martin Van Buren. Burn inbox hell OP! Officers hosed again.. seriously? It's incredible how many people in this thread have already seen the movie and formed their own opinion. It's better that the Kings move into a different direction, I got an idea, how about bring in Ty Corbin, that'll be great for the team. The vast majority of my games are between 3 and 6 minutes now. Every tourney that any kind of OpTic team gets should be up there The cockroaches really feel empowered. Wow that's blatantly inappropriate deadzone of course Oh jeez, Marvel should just quit By the way, why are you using a javilin and not your rapier, also I would just blast one guy tbh, after the poison closed in you had no way to use that gun Wow you're totally the first person on this sub to say this. muh patriarchy The 40 year old virgin Can you even see the road after you open the door Their dumb lady brains just cant understand politics Everyone should give up on April dickey, and probably may dickey too BLOCKED Thanks for telling me. Too bad he's dead. Too much information, Tom... too much... information So, not a chance then? Why no line where he allegedly converted to Islam? No need to worry, they're building a new hockey stadium that will take care of everything. Totally appropriating gamer culture guys What a big nerd, that softy Kylo. spotlight is a great movie about this. Well it's not like Harper hasn't made his own anti-gay policies pretty clear. Wasted it on a sweet maginot line that will never become obsolete! Trump running for president: 'Horrible' but these things happen sexual assault is hilarious Nah its supposed to be a tough crown that makes the game challenging and a new experience The wall just got 10 feet higher Space dolphins, money well spent I say How did Satania becomes a male with large forehead? I like how each of the teams have a trophy from their previous round Cavs have a Piston on the sword Hawks are carrying a Celtics hat Raptors are sleeping on top of a Pacer car Heat have a bug stuck in it Blazers are holding the boat steering wheel Warriors have Rocket boots Thunder disintegrated the Maverick horse into much Spurs have a skinned Grizzly bear All very nice Damn when will Sid stop using his stick as a weapon i wonder if shes on drugs? Rizzo's 26, jerkface. They're nothing if not persistent It's just like the government to take a suble and nuanced approach to this problem. yeah very little i think about 10 or so getting hit gives you more sp I reckon they'll make a D version of the Model 3 that gets you 0 to 60 in 4.2 seconds or less. Egotistical. That's one overkill machine to use for Facebook picture tagging How long before the mob opens a casino? OP is [LE]terally Osama Bin Laden. Oh man, do I miss me some mind of mencia. Diversity means not only shooting white targets, right? Is that that place I step over while heading to Massachusetts? Poor baby getting called out on his copy pasta. What is this and where does the disc go in? Hornet disagrees. Looks like there's a runecrafting altar in the top left corner. I hate when the VHS version is released before the bluray He doesn't have the stamina 2:03 That is SO fetch! You can't even overclock it to 10ghz I'm in diamond, so I can sub in right? That self hate tho Welp, they be just them third world niggroes, so it don't matter me none KENDRICK IMA LET YOU FINISH BUT A$AP HAD THE BEST ALBUM OF ALL TIMMMMMMMMMME Despair at the Facebook wall. Can't tell its him, all the players look the same with beards The new uplay client is bugged,try the mobile app,it works there. Well, looks like I have to go buy a newer version of the iPod to get this huge gif to work. This is about a comparison with EU countries so the solution is clear, leave the EU. Go Maroons! This still won't deter gun grabbers. No no no you don't understand how exciting it is for us to watch people beat on a plastic box for a few seconds Cam Newton literally broke Urban's heart, which led to the dark Muschamp years. No, nobody does. Very nuanced Big shout out to Landry Jones. yeah and maybe we should have a system when you throw a nade and it bounces back at you and kills you, it doesn't because sometimes i accidentally do that Whether the government is right or wrong Mattias Cormann has fallen right into the trap... this makes coalition look heartless regardless of who is in the right. I just traded you I think, you name was "yes I just traded my unusual for a newt" i belive It could be considered pay to win if your opponent has a toaster for a computer, and you don't. Therien if Montreal is preforming below expectations by the midpoint of the season I think he is gone. Letting masses of guys from tribally oriented societies that despise everyone classified as "the other" into you country seems like a recipe for successful multiculturalism. FOXY DID THE ROBBERY OF `17 CONFIRMED Maybe we'll finally get the ultra violent Green Lantern sequel we've been waiting for. LUL Cracked FJ windshield.....however did you manage to do that? If we mess up now, it is all because the hitboxes have been changed slightly. Apparently he was actually hispanic. Not a moment too soon! She's a pig riding a boar. Is there anyone who is violent without being angry? We got the achievement store? Cograst son, I'm pround of you Nah, i have find my phone so i can find my phone, with my other phone Before people ask, Matduke was technically part of 001 in a YouTube Exclusive and Going Quantum only works for Monstercat now, doesn't release. i believe in a lot of movies its those old fridges with the lock on the door which to my knowledge were packed with lead Icon pack? Because they were all already smoking it TIL I code by perkele Removed because artist, title, and artwork were never officially mentioned I know you can manually add the dd/mm/yy Having kids and losing my former occupation discriminated against mothers. Cambria font size: 72 Religion, what a force of good in this world. Great Britain being exiled to the Falklands, that isn't controversial in the slightest Agreed, for without this we would never have the masterpiece that is *Ice Ice Baby* But guys, haven't you heard this is a scam? Yeah, our culture it's only an insult if you call a Man a women and not vice versa, because it's entirely sexist... It's not like when people said Beyonce looked like a man that people took that as an insult, it's a complement because our culture says that only one gender can be used as an insult. Your children, that's why I never vaccinate mine. A nice dual grit whetstone, that you actually use Bold prediction mate! rank 20 for card back master race Thank you for protecting us from this dangerous piano player officers! This will be going to Rulebreaking's individual safety association, you broke a hockey code, now give me your money. I hope his drill instructors teach him about uniformity. That old fucker was reaching for my gun and I was in fear of my life so I tasted that criminal. Is there video of this interview? There is no justification for what you do. the morning on the last day of school right before summer begins where you knew nothing was going to happen in school that day so you could just saunter in, actually enjoy your last day before heading out into the blissful period of shameless laziness and nothingness that was summer. 01001110 01101111 01101110 01100011 01101111 01101110 01100110 01101111 01110010 01101101 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01101110 01101111 01101110 01100010 01101001 01101110 01100001 01110010 01111001 00100000 01110100 01110111 01101111 00101101 01110011 01110000 01101001 01110010 01101001 01110100 00100000 01100100 01101111 01101100 01110000 01101000 01101001 01101110 I think this should be O.K. The article has been pulled it looks like - does anyone have another source? That was such a long break the kid who got it was vaccinated Close Rip Conquest Assault; you were sacrificed for Canals TDM. There's a possibility that Utley will get hit in the head tomorrow Could have really used his skills in that Canada-Russia game. Doesn't it feel awesome when senpai finally notices your complaint and they update it... months later :-D feelsgoodman I have two: Archer and James Bond. Goddamn, ruined 200 perfectly good people. Just stick it in the oven, will probably fix it What the duck It would also be nice if there were some bus lines that focused on going farther afield, like to Cedar Park. If that happens we may have the biggest beef since tupac and biggie. I see you Boston, too scared to actually call us to make a deal... Is that why they've been throwing their past few matches? Clearly an un-American monster. Sigh, was hoping he would be sacked after the Iceland match. All these stories coming out about these schools constantly sicken me. You lost me at step 5. Then when democrat's have congress you'll bitch all day long about how they're dictators when they play by the same rules right? So fucking smooth Kind of pointless IMO Honestly think it's just that the puck was already on the left side of our d zone and it's easier to get through the neutral zone with a short same-side pass rather than cross ice but then again I don't know shit about plays so Ah yes the liyang tower bridge...the place where most of reddits lucio potgs are Born Rainey (it was my mom's maiden name) At least he made them put some respeck on his name.....thug rap culture is obviously a rewarding productive world view But but but it's God's will! Well I guess that ref did his job then Wow, can't believe I'm seeing this here again. Patriarchy #thereturn If the South-West complains of "Hose-Pipe bans" and "Drought" this summer then I'm going to flip my shit. Truer words could not have been spoken, my friend. What would be really cool to me would have been if aspiring world cup players got to present the trophies. lol :D, also be sure to use digital camo, it increases damage per bullet by 5 Rekt me.. i just pay 9.99 for sonya wrath :( I can be a mod to help too! She should thank them and be grateful that they didn't rape her. That's why its funny - role reversal. Its literally funded by the US government. WF, HSBC ...must be more out there just the tip. He's clearly just a shill for big maths. I always assumed they used the same timer we get to see (the one with the total amount of time spent in the pit lane) and just signaled the crew though the radio when the 5 seconds are over. What a noob, you didn't even blink through the wall then sunder him What compassion! It reminded me of your casting. you can tell one of the students sitting down in the middle of the video is giving that weak smile to avoid getting targeted like the teacher :( So edgy from your downvote account, we are all very impressed with you! Well, though I had my doubts before, it's good to see that TRP has a well developed conception of muslim women and their relationship to the hijab and other religious articles of clothing Tickle me humour... It just occurred to me, I've never seen a hacker in casual before. 43, I can live with that. It's almost as if the Iraq war wasn't worth fighting. Blame the Chinese, they made this shit up! Maturity. Everyone knows why but you are labeld as a racist if you said it out loud. Up another 9.9% - that's good to see. I forgot to add a function call once and couldn't figure out why I was never hitting the breakpoint in that function. If they didn't have any pictures of the monkeys on the deer, they shouldn't have put any pictures in the article. Who? Are those actually kanji? Facebook sucks Thanks OP, we really needed a flight thread over here Small Businesses are burdened by too many regulations! But we was there? What do they have to hide? If you don't like it here, you should leave. Whoever restored it should have waited for the third day, then claimed divine supremacy for atheism. xxxxxxxxxxxxxDDDDDDDDDDD LOoooooOoollL What's your definition of recently? He was slowly becoming my favorite coach. How dare you appropriate Native American culture! This whole thing is like a Dril tweet come to life. That's the only console game I play... but I usually buy it off ebay midway through the season, every other year. This is a wonderful situation where nothing can go wrong whatsoever. St Patricks day celebrates the white privilege of the Irish. Montreal tho Mcanning's opponent had charter. I figured he'd come back in some form by the end of the series, he was way too popular of a character to just let go. Safety wire...must be an A&P Student loan debt passed $1.2 **T**rillion in US Also, Tony has the third highest QBR in history and the last year he was healthy his team went 12-4 but yeah he sucks right? Yup, nobody ever hated Reagan when he was in office. I'd rather have nothing, then This is fucking embarrassing... these cunts should get fired for saying this shit. Oooh badass Joakim Noah and Luol Deng At least it's not directly at users, and the ISPs instead, so hopefully doesn't effect the end user too much (unlimited plans should still exist, etc) He shouldn't have been such an islamaphobe. Wow they look really similar. I think it comes with not learning to breathe through your mouth. Respawn -50 sec 4Head we sure love our DRM I think OP might be too. I could tell from the commercials that those Dodge Brothers are a couple of douchebags. fake, no golden frying pan Don't miss the garbage truck workers convention. Somehow - unable to watch any more - just skip over the channel when its playing Fake Polls , all of them, they are all out to get Trump. You can tell how fucked up a place is when men will admit raping GIRLS in the first place. I love how she thinks this will make any difference at all...let's see, rich, young, handsome hockey player...yeah I'm sure he won't get laid anymore after this And perhaps Christians don't eat shrimp or allow women to teach because their religion tells them not to. bleach and ammonia yes Post level, shit. So you expected a full page advert? Isnt that the match that got cut off of the ppv and WCW had to refund all the ppv buys. I saw at least 1 black guy in that picture idk what you guys are all upset about Pretty sick buds The huge turd I took earlier Lol this is either a forgery or it was an impersonator, because "crymonkiwastaken" is not Cry's real skype account name. Yeah lol they love boasting about their cinematic experience on a massive ass flatscreen setup, then still say consoles cost only $500. Because I've made an educated decision not to. glad to see my boyz champs again she would be in girl prison and everyone knows girls can't rape I was thinking about birthday cake, I saw this picture and thought it looked like a delicious red velvet raspberry creation with marbled chocolate gnache frosting, then I read the title and realized my mistake. come off it, I think they've been lent more than hundreds of euros Cut him, no ifs ands or buts about it. what a goddamn douchebag.... Anyone who voted for this POS deserves what they get. ESPN, the worldwide leader in sports Not this shit again Luckily I held onto him, and I should be making the playoffs... So hopefully he'll be back to help me out. Also 'Let it Snow'. Wow that site has so many pop ups and redirects that I couldn't read the article Wow I won an iPhone Should prevent fingerprints from giving the numbers away. But now the ASG will be meaningless 21 becoming a lean addict is hella funny fellas Isn't this every pka? why you fucking god, tho? Serious question for a moment: I've never researched much into the KKK, I know they are white supremacists and all, anybody have a "KKK-in-a-nutshell" as why they hate non-white people so much? Those two thirds of Americans recognize what so many in our current government do not: A government which would seize guns in violation of the 2nd Amendment is exactly the sort of government that the 2nd Amendment was designed to allow the people to prevent. Honest question, but is there any other QB that is as involved in the local community as Cam? They were part of the plot of the Chapter 3 where Snake gives up on Cardboard and goes Wood, but that was all cut ...they can pick a person to drive the bus Yes, because I want to encounter someone on the road behind the wheel of one of these buses who has only had experience driving economy-sized cars. cars and computers Tap it for red or green mana. Only a few hours difference, what an accomplishment! So are they going to obtain the slaves before or after taking over Moscow? I hate to sound cynical, but this will be negotiated down to a $5m settlement coupled with some bribes in the right places and all will be forgiven. didn't look like a very enjoyable kiss Never say never unless it is in this sentence. How old is Cousin Brucey he looks younger than Greg and Antwan i hope this becomes the OJ case of this subreddit Sometimes you just really need some thin mints. Some people have no idea what the yield sign means Van Helsing is my guilty pleasure... Seen it about 10 times sick intro and sweet dub. Because Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak aren't all legends These ISS photos are all so damn breathtaking What a time to be alive Capitalism doesnt lie some of the time, it lies ALL of the time - Kwame Ture Clearly outplayed. What the fuck is wrong with Eli Roth? Lol this is exactly what cavs need to be a contender Yea, this is why women need feminism. Are they mail clerks? 2spooky But Kareem said he was only a scorer? SVP? Bruh, get on my MX Green level. I'd pay good money for this probably I think we have a new Masterson front runner. I would assume it is any of the faction ones that you receive as a reward for leveling up in that faction. Pre-ordered with season pass! Hahahahahaaaahaaaaaaa! Does your pooter get wet when you crack a can of that open? It was confirmed by Sneaky and Meteos Fucking Christians man. Eyebrows on point, though. wot Hold the door shocking. ...That cannot be a coincidence. Fuck you. This sub makes me feel like I'm the weird one for never having sent a pick of my cock to someone. but did he win the round o; How long do modern solar panels need to work to recoup the energy investment during production? This is what happens when you allow gays to marry. I sexullaly identafy as a Attack chopper obviosly Gnome, are you worried about the national debt? weird how the whole 'terrorism' thing stirs up people watching the news, and the news tries to jump on that bandwagon each time. tarik peanut brain Yeah the mods here are power hungry. This is a plot to increase revenues for the postal service. A loving hug. Well come on it's because marijuana is becoming legal! Can the Playstation VR track hand movements? But Nigel Owens isn't controversial enough so he isn't a good ref. But he's not homophobic or anything, he has a friend who is a gay! Feel the Bern Lies, gang related gun crime does not exist. I'll lay money on it! Jokes on you... they will make up for it on baggage fees! If he could actually pitch left handed, why didn't he pitch from that side during recovery from Tommy John? You can't No they just choked Look at how over sexualized her boobs are. I think "European disease" is a dogwhistle. You must follow Cornette or something. She should have gone with a better store, like Abercrombie or Aeropostale. So the All-Star is supposed to be all Missouri starters right? Best sale to date! Those long, caked blobs of hair the rastas wear. I mean, I don't think I have to say it, but Milbury is god damn idiot. Rebuild the enemy's buildings! Omg, Avatar the Last Airbender isn't an anime! You probably couldn't afford it. I'd like to apologize for my sexist, racist ancestor. NEVER BEFORE NOW HAVE I SEEN A POST THAT MADE ME SO EXCITED FOR ANOTHER HUMAN BEING. Isn't that just Greg Odens sidekick from highschool/college? This is outrageous, I don't look like any one of those people!^I^kinda^look^like^2^of^them She was drinkin for two I do agree in the sense that you should'nt need loyalty to complete an SBC, every SBC should be able to be completed on the APP Literally anything against my girlfriend. Fire doesn't melt steel bea... oh. I like that cartoon i don't even want to know whats going on. Little Man Syndrome 2016 years ago in fact. It's too bad they put all that effort into making the app given that encryption will be banned soon and they'll have to stop using it. Uh, it's actually a requirement mandated by the school board. That is what i would have said too. Goo thing Trump has such a strong ground game Maybe it'll make up for all the private jets used to get him there and back all the time. Why should the "aam aadmi" pay the rent ? I can't wait until he [melts down the O'Brien Trophy and pours it over Lebron's head] Shocking 0/10 forehead too small Great, now I gotta go get my *Rubin & Ed* or maybe *Beaver Trilogy* fix... Quality shitpost Interpret it to 05/31/2012 Genji is fine. I dunno, one Good Guy Boss meme yesterday gave his employee the day off for no other reason than to play Fallout 4. Can I get a drive by drive analysis of how Penn State's linebackers prevented their offense from gaining 200 yards against Michigan? Trump has the best pivots! Why did you go with such a cheap pre? What if she's a /r9k/obot who just wants people to stop killing pepe? Fake fan where's the keychain groot ill just send positive thoughts instead. But guys it's okay because there's a black guy in the pic and it has the word nigga in it. Hey, he loves the uneducated. i think manny is experienced enough to beat him , on the other hand i also think crawford has the perfect style to beat manny so it might be a 50/50 They'll let any ol drifter into the Performance Center these days Ukraine wont get coal because putin said they been naughty Poor lady is probably going to end up in a home now because if she tells anyone about this, her family will think she's completely lost it. 25 Redditors can't be wrong! Nope, he's still a fascist who hates everyone. Epic Mickey 3 looks great! It's just like Jesus said, "Blessed are the rich for they shall inherit EVERYTHING!!!!!" The font looks off to me on the abilities for some reason. If you don't love me, you MUST have a mental illness... Seems logical It's definitely real coke, you can tell by the way he wastes it by rubbing it all over the outside of his nose. Im feeling good, I got some new PEDs and my fingers feel nice and pointy Finally getting down to the important issues facing the nation. Necro Aghms should lose the buyback disable, and deal Pure damage instead (does not go through BKB.) weird part is that I also learned that today ^^ Trigger warning! Because The War of Polish Aggression was actually about nation-state's rights. The real joke here is how you're not attractive enough for him to get hard. Soooo... will this be added to our evaluations? Garbage. They don't even try with these easter eggs anymore. Im gonna pretend this is about deadmaus. Cap wise, its a great move. Is that Michael Flynn? Battlefield 1 on the xbox 1 Another Redditor with an Answer. It's on a German uniform, so everything's alright then. I really don't understand how he got his license to procreate. That the act of creating something new is the closest any of us will ever come to divinity. TIL Mimir is a real Norse God, not just Darcy failing to pronounce Mjolnir. Stop trying to erase white culture! Another delay, what a surprise. Ah look, the new animations have arrived! Interesting to see the Byzantines giving a strong showing. i thought he was just black This is obviously proof that the rift can't do room scale ZOMBIE EP 2 CONFIRMED I didn't know who Max was, but I assumed this much after watching. I find it more hilarious that the guy took the time at the gym to film some random he doesn't know, and also made sure to tell us he was "working his quads" when he was there. Helmut Lang Ha, I get it Because we all know that racism and homophobia are confined to the South. At least hes concerned that they're gonna mess up his car with their fighting This looks totally shopped, the shadows on the banner and the background are totally different. NSA surveillance has thwarted sooo many ISIS acts. Too lazy to draw the roof huh? FFX that wasn't FFX-2 Love how the black princess is in the back, in the most drab of outfits let's just assume it said eu > na Just the LNP "cutting red tape" for its mates. Interesting data, 70+% of likely caucus goers support ground troops in Syria, 80+% say we are losing the fight against ISIS. good thing it would be impossible to tell that given the equality of education provided in the country! I'm sure Jaden Smith will do the same thing. It's clearly trying to account for leap time I got a pink beret and burnt sienna orange sunburst :/ Brought to you by the same people who told us Hillary had a 98% chance of winning. Not the UK #brexitbantz xDdDDdD its where your character studies to gain INT It's not like the bears in the wild are gradually getting screwed out of a natural habitat, or anything. thats way you go to school one They'd post everything twice, once in Italian and once in English. Well...mothers do have to be fucked in order to obtain babies, but I'm not sure that's what he meant. Guys it would be unfair of the people who can't get a PC but are able to drop a couple hundred on a phone to handle it well and a couple hundred on a console to play it Decently that last auto was not so clean since u didnt cancel the anim X) Not always, depends on the game's genre. NOTICE ME DOOBSPAI Yeah i was wondering the same thing No, we gently caress it and tickle it with broccoli. Clinton sounds like a sore loser It's times like this that I love being a Sprint customer. Side zipper man, come on now, Royer's finest! He's probably a cancer in the ball hockey locker rooms like his nephew. I still can't believe that they're using that wallpaper. Why haven't aliens come back yet? That's a really cool Batman tattoo Sinatra version though, right? When people on the internet care more about your health and well-being than your boyfriend does, it's time to get rid of the boyfriend. TL;DR? heh nice source Democracy in action. Mark my words, this is the move that turns the season around. Shopping at that store isn't helping the finances Blaze TPA M5 Clg.EU Sgs Fnatic/WE - whoever wins mid, wins Tsm/Crs.EU - whoever gets the better ganks Clg.NA/Fear - No idea if Clg will use crazy strats That will teach him. MIND = BLOWN ["It's just a job" video from Tamiya Guy here] Still won the trade. LPT: it's easy to spot some of the older coins in your pocket change when they're in 2x2 cardboard holders like this I'll be voting UKIP, just like i did last time around. While Rubio is still in it to win it. Sometimes I think the engineers have gone too far with wing/winglet ratio. safest ever Good leak Think of all the shareholder value that could be made if we sold this to huge corporations! I don't see the issue here Guess I'm going to invest in a tablet for Christmas now. +7 with Mitt's favorite pollster Ouch Oh look at that, no one predicted this. Snow DLC will have mandatory specops camo. Will there be free-range organic salt? I do wish more musicians would come out and condemn Nickelback. Brian Dennehy for Sheriff! But why would we help the people who risked their lives so we can sit here drinking diet double dew and eating reduced extra-fat Doritos? What level are you? Thank god he wasn't bleeding, now we know he's not really hurt have a downvote for disagreeing with my musical tastes Isn't that Damon Owens the man who appeared on that NOM advert with the storm clouds I watch your mum do that to me all the time jkjk Ah, how refreshing, a lineup not like every other festival lineup Wow that's awesome, I'm still just below 800. Are you saying they didn't know how that worked? Another cupid skin... Amazing. Water cooled smoke These are nicely coloured pictures, not infographics.. Is this the S3 GC award? Then I realized it was posted here before. karamja is 3 islands Is it bad if this doesn't affect me as I watch it? Reading posts like this are going to make me finally Blow my fucking brains out. If you rearrange them it spells "DLC"....S. Guys the end is near, DLC is coming to minecraft. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA Sorry citizen but we must confiscate your registered arms due to heightened levels of rioting. Whatever school you went to, ask for your money back. Good they deserve it. sign him up it is older than my mum Why is your phone a ransom note? He's obviously just a racist and a xenophobe. Yeah, Muslims should all adopt the peaceful and just Saudi way to practice Islam! ITT: Americans unfamiliar with European laws baffled as to why a European company would ban discussion of WW2 in their game. I want Achievements :S you need to watch another 20 minutes, followed by another 20 minutes, follow by 3 seasons and some episodes. The Staten Island Dumps Let's just cancel the election for a handful of people Yeah, spawn killing is the best why not just do everything normal and use a big camera? How is this not the top comment? To be fair, you'd have to be mentally ill to vote for her in the first place. make sure you always ask a girl if she's on her period when she's acting like a bitch The Democrats in America would have never been so stupid. Is this real life? Not a monopoly Easy, you crank up the presses. It's too bad all those slaves chose to leave their culture behind when they were brought over to the new world. OOOOOOOOP and sticker bomb paint styles and extreme camber wheels with giant body kits for the vehicles. I dont get the first part. I am loyal us citizen, and see no evidence mother Russia or comrade putin is at causing of this situation. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time He kind of had to when Whole Foods responded with images showing the box at the time of purchase. Either: No segments Road course Oval and a Road segment Legends oval segment Um, actually, when the astronaut farts the monster would not be able to hear it. What an insightful and productive comment. This isn't "wtf" it's a realty that the rest of the world happily ignores. It's raining cats and dogs and chicken heads ova here I thought we had to wait at least 5 more years. So they will go ahead with the Manamune change huh... Well who cares, we already have so many items with impactful actives anyway Hey duck, why don't you quit and start your own business? There is nothing like a 45 year old scandal about a man who has been dead for 5 years. Looks like many came here to say exactly that. No i stay off and go to the softplay with my friends and then my mam buys us a happy meal at Mcdonalds You cut off the top, the one that shows that it all started with Amway. Use some tape, it'll be fine make it happen! It's what happens when you concentrate too much power in one place. Bernie Sanders campaign has been relegated to the trashbin of history, it's hardly a surprise the Trumps would go dumpster diving for some stale attacks. So glad the leader of our beloved DEA isn't an expert about the dangers of drugs. inb4 it's the ISIS founding documents signed by Al Baghdadi with co-founder B. Hussein Obama Well that's just islamaphobic! We need war hardened people to fight Isis that came in with the mena refugees. Nunes is a traitor, he needs to be removed Why is the then visiting Rome? Look like fucking soccer jerseys. why does the red/orange button change her swim suit to yellow? They see me rollin' If that isn't proof that sinking 10's of exalts into a build makes it op ,i dunno what is Yusss wow, literally unplayable now if this was his act, it was fucking brilliant I'm not racist, but black people exist. We need smaller pads I have such a crush on boyish lesbians. Its pretty cool all you need is a gun and go up to people waving in their face saying "POW" people love it. Fucking A I feel safer already. Has training camp started all ready? Can Clinton still use the sexism card when a fellow woman calls her out on her shit? But her emails! Totally not op. Fuck you I like how you can click confirm and they automatically know your account Hurricanes are all Gay Transvestites Seems like somebody forgot a :set paste Farming legendary missions each week on every character is a good idea. probably wouldn't hurt to post this on craigslist too. I'll kill you for this comment, how dare you! We haven't had a black out for years. Home games are rigged! Maybe it's a desperate money ploy, All the host's will tell us what is actually happening if we donate say 25$ on patreon god woody is such a money whore! Situational awareness, he has none. Reported to admin of this sub for shitposting Let's just make all the races the same. *11 elixirs otherwise will b op like sparky Double tornado all the way Just like people, not all dogs are athletic or have good mouth-eye coordination But for the electricity bill because it's charging nearly the whole time Its a pedometer I'm guessing O.D.S.T wrong helmet GREECE GET OFF YOUR LAZY ASS AND PAY YOUR DEBTS To be fair they at least got permission. Yes, totally, people who have sex just for the sake of sex are evil and sex is necessary to intimate relationships. Just like the title of this post, Comeau fucked up. lol All those poor women forced into STEM programs that they didn't really want to be a part of by an over-bearing feminist movement, am I right Milo Yiannopoulos? Or in the constitution are of a different species than the laws of nature? That isn't Joe Warren Yeah, the other day I was playing GTA SA and man, it looks terrible compared to GTAV, unbelievable how lazy Rockstar is Because that's worked out well so far. Gods of Egypt Too much Saffron, Hindutva propaganda . Autism as an insult is pretty spooky Oh good, if there is anything that is holding American society back, it is most definitely SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH His what? Isaac's mom forgot to ask for Wrath of the Lamb. PS4 That's our partner right there, always doing good things. I'm not even mad, that's hilarious I bet if anyone else tried it on him they would go to jail for attempted murder and chara would try to "stand up for him." And you're still a virgin. I don't expect them to do even that honestly. No it's Stanley Johnson dummy When politicians back the refusal of medecine... -_-' FFS are we in Europe or a random illiterate backwater ? Kansloos volk. That card does look nice though. But the Republicans are only out to protect the little guy like me! Thanks for posting OP, I totally forgot this song existed. When Are The Servers Live Is The Season Pass Seperate Why's The Darkzone Too Hard When's My Order Arriving Please STILL THE BEST TEAM IN CANADA Suck on that, you 0-win Expos! Specifically if it makes corporations more money That's if the Eagles can tolerate his gang affiliations He obviously heard him. hahahahahaha fucking stupid Seattle Put the kids on a diet A two year old story that doesn't reflect the trashing the GOP has done to the business climate there. Jeez, Lisa Loeb has really let herself go. Jeesh man And the NRA responded by recommending switching to GNU Linux. Is it just me or does the United States have the same shot at winning the World Cup as England? very subtle TIL corporations take advantage of people and the markets. Oh those horrible faceless monsters. I-au dat de l-au julit There are some adblock programs that also get around those, like "Ublock Origin" But where can I download it? But what do her hands look like? might be hot girl waiting for him. Honestly I didn't realize I was still waiting to be born not the hawks? Serious hearing damage is hilarious. It's not hateful and communal if minorities are doing it. Why does anybody think Hillary helping the feds with an IT task is bad for Hillary? With you on a team, you wouldn't have made it to the playoffs in the first place! Eugenics FTW Respect is earned, not given* *Unless you're that guy, who is fully entitled to whatever he wants from whoever he wants. sigh......... .............. Sometimes I wonder if some of these people have had any face to face interactions at all with any human being. Marcos I trust science! Because we all know the rest of the world doesn't do this Is that Superman at the end? The streets of Idaho are so crime ridden, I'd be packing too. And if the Republicans can help him out, then all the better, amiright? They only surveyed 1,081 British Muslims, so I don't think that sample represents the wider British Muslim population Most likely it makes use of higher resolution models and judging from the draw call count more models or models with multiple shaders. I got fucked up on Jesus Christ, as all you sinners need to do. But these are individual atoms Yeah it does. No shit Needs more LED's because satan put those bones there to deceive all of you non-believing heathens Because if the seat is down when the woman comes in she doesn't have to touch it. Don't consult us call Motorola. She took the risk being out there, not the officer's fault. She should have crushed a Great Wall and a Chery. Yeah, it's not HIS fault he got shut down, it's the internet's fault, because at the bar, no way that would happen! Party Rock Anthem Oh but Plekanec is unhappy and asked for a trade. If you think about it the Holocaust was just a social experiment Coldzera is a fucking god i tell ya If she hadn't shot hit for resisting arrest this never would have been necessary... Very interesting article. If you wait till the video is over, the list of videos after, that are usually supposed to be related, has a much better quality video from an angle behind that door on the right. At least this time Russia doesn't have outdated vehicles that brake down on the road. Because there aren't thousands of people who would pay hundreds of dollars for it NOW I'VE SEEN EVERYTHING! yeah but don't forget that black people are still literally slaves and receive worse treatment in America than child rapists and people who strangle puppies Glad to know the Camry's a Limited Edition! Bye bye LeDrop, cant say this breaks my heart. Noob Qing, still thinks it can abuse guarantees to shorten truce timers. And two players in the HOF Hilarious! You can tell because of the way it is. I love how the helmet graphics are all vaguely correct to the time period. Hey, your submission has been removed because it's not unexpected Don't judge him like that, maybe he was a very smart kid but the brain injury he suffered during the accident got him that dumb. 30fps for the win You ask her out, and then either date her, or stop being friends with her. I would expect finding a Comcast employee in your home akin to finding a 7-leaf clover. Didn't see that coming. Yeah, why did we let Edison cover this stuff up when we could have had MAGIC! Nice and original content as always reddit! Hitler would be proud. I mean sure, there are only two legends with a storied past fighting and famous champion/TUF coach fighting his way back to the top... Makes sense. It's actually a short arm lariat. It's obviously the full size on the left Funny, the first RTS game was a console exclusive: *Herzog Zwei* for the Mega Drive. Is there a group buy up on GH or something. INB4 Sono ragazzi, han sbagliato ma non avevan cattive intenzioni If it can't be sure to bitch about how badly optimized the game is. We can not allow this election to be taken from us What the fuck even.. I'M A BIG BOY LET ME PROVE IT I HAVE BIG BOY CAR AND JOB AND EVEN HAVE A BIG BOY HOUSE! Maybe it was really good to begin with and need no improvements? It's the small fingers, obviously This couldn't have happened Bastion sooooo OP Everyone knows you can't sexually assault a man. Yes, that's the reason people are voting for him. Everyone knows this, but it was time to move and now we've paid off the debts we came out stronger. Sadly for us the technology just isn't there yet. He's too busy winning the election. Good thing I gave to the American childhood cancer association. Replace the name with "The Suspect" Starring Matt Damon as English Explorer rescuer man. #GoogleIsPropaganda These people with kids shouldn't be breeding. But think of the share holders! That's a seamless photoshop - best I've ever seen Jackie Chan's City Hunter. This guy is a con artist, nothing more I can't wait for this quote to come up again every single fucking day once the next american president is chosen, doesn't matter who. TIL, Val Browning lived until the age of 98 and died in 1994. You get lucky by lurkin on the store, got a tasty TOTS Kane last night from 100k packs You can, just find a woman. In the words of the UPA govt- "everyone does it" Democrats can't be Christian And yet people still go and eat at this fu**ing place. Pshhh your eyes can't see past 30 or so fps I also think racism is down-right hilarious, because nothing says humor quite like untrue stereotypes. God dammit, another useless operating system Calm down, Lusamine Rest in peace to uncle phil Whatever you say apple pr team I'm honestly more offended that he's claiming to pair a 5960x with a mere Nvidia 960 That's a good balance, $1000 CPU with $200 GPU By his own mistaken definition, he's a pussy gamer, go Titan X or go home I blame global warming. But them drops baby ;) Wow, good to see they learned so much from the previous 6 years of armor experience and development. Does a jabba the hut tatoo on my back count? nah because they make real music about real things I can relate to We have the technology for AI communication, but its just not there yet for replays. I wish these guys wouldn't wait until 3pm to go to the shop, they'd be able to get a lot more done in a day Upvote just for the PSA about Vertical Video Syndrome. Why can't I post? Mayweather made Marquez jump 2 weightclasses and didn't even attempt to make weight. He wishes When reservations end. But he has signed more Executive Orders than Obama, this isnt him taking a vacation early, its him being efficient and getting the job done early. Man, that's gonna be a lot of main roster jobbers There are options that allow you to not see things that he posts, yet you think he should be banned for posting his opinion in a public forum? Yeah, but how many more people will go to *hell*? What an asshat Hillary and the DNC found a way to accept much larger donations from rich people, surprise surprise ... oh well, I'm sure she's against Citizen United and for more regulation, she said it on stage That was way more amusing than it should have been lol Definitely not. The baby carrot should be treated as a minor Travis Coons too! 59 Definitely sexism, I would have been charged extra to soil the back of a taxi! My department basically had an entire meeting about the meaning of this word and its misuse on our last big project. yeah in fact i'm dating my best friend's ex and he is mad as hell at me...sigh You should see mine, it's hanging around the case lol the update takes like 3 minutes ill give you my necro 10kgold i have no idea...he doesnt even know how to use one i bet. That's usually what I get yes Yes getting a new player immediately improves synergy. Shame he's not a QB, we'll need another JUCO in 2 years. Bylsma told the forwards to take 3 minute shifts, the defensemen to do snowangels in the corners and encouraged Nilsson to try a revolutionary new "butt first" goaltending stance. Realistically there is nothing you can do until the new review system is introduced next year. What are your graphics settings? How dare those Israeli scum cheer the death of innocent Palestinian rockets? That-a-way But, you'll miss out on the 8 pack! Fantastic cropping btw Gotta respect their honesty Well if wasnt in meters America would be taller #MURCIA I prefer to call them 'Anti-air poles'. Nepali saala. Be wary! yo that baby be lifitng everyone knows that hashrate does not matter from the article, adult would seem to mean not getting so upset about a butt frame or a new character that you spend time talking about murdering SJWs and gatekeeping. That bitch! Ah the UN, brilliant at always Inb4 Warriors getting shut down by middle aged man Sick freaks maybe? wow. It's Apple that means it's better. May it star an old man in a mature world. You can hear "I am a body-double" if you play her speeches backward. Heard that! It's Normandy not Normady - a typo. Don't see the problem here, have you seen what those things can do to a tv? I am loving the 70 degree weather up here in east bay =D If you want to mimic a team right now it would be the cowboys look at all their first round draft picks on their line..I'm actually hoping we draft another linemen in our first round next year as well They're probably working with Nvidia you have a miniature keyboard ? Disheveled Jeff Garlin @ 2:30 Wow, I had no idea Robert Gates was such an awful anti-semite. And this surprised... No one. Yea, lack of genetic diversity sure does help with genetic diseases. Good eye - he is saving those for the *dangerous* phases. Radio royale just said they weren't planning to touch sparky, these seem reasonable but might be fake Grow up. Whst a pathetic needy looser... im sorry for OP & loosers wife. Cosmoline? Religions do so much good in this world. Lebron learning some lessons from 2K, this one is called the cherry pick. Cleaning out your explicit music oh thx couldnt read, enjoy your free karma, cause u definately need it With the fuckin Squid Kid commercials bra I hope the marketing didn't kill it again. The cultbyn crowd won't like these allegations. Well this is about to suck dick. *And if a double-decker car* *Crashes in to bus* *To die by your side* *Is such a heavenly way to die* dude we know Thanks for posting this useful and informative picture. Thank god we had Castro at the plate in a crucial situation feels like I'd say that's just a minor error. You mean we can't Correct The Election? what wold Carson know about sensing victory? God I wish we would spend more on R&D for space travel. I'd still hit it Hu says movie-making is "a craft whose purpose is examining the dignity of the human experience" Reminds of how much I loved "Ace Ventura: Pet Detective", "Silence of the Lambs", "The Ring", "Apocalypse Now", oh and "The Human Centipede", "Scarface", "Goodfellas", and other excellent movies that highlight "human dignity" dank meme XDDD Level Advantages and 6v6 makes Bungie servers cry monstercat only makes dupstep So there's only 300 people in the USA? And not a word about the blocksize. It's pretty hot this way No cheetos in this one? No Peridot 0/10 Can't wait to see this on Facebook! Is it just me or do you guys get those weird 0:03 second ones? She should use her previous defense of a child rapist as a selling point. Wow! I really like mangoes. Shelby is the most overrated person in the world of motor racing, bar none. gj mate yeah and you'll have to upgrade it next week! Yeah, but she had the best dance parties. Maybe it's a Chitlin' Joe cross reference. Yeah, things seem _really_ terrible up in Canada....or Sweden, Norway, etc. I'll also take Perez / Bottas at FI At least he cares for his people With the rate people downvote submissions that are legit game news on here, maybe making it obvious that it's "gamer news" will keep it from being erroneously downvoted. You realize OP is a minor, right? Oh, haha, toys with dicks. A tapir t-shirt Not flaming him but I think if EE want to be successful at growing a brand (np) or anything outside of dota he need to at least work a bit on his public nervosity or whatever it's called. Looks great, thanks mate! No, they create peaceful individuals who love the world This must be opposite day. Obviously I'm a fan of a strong defense, but saying 11 of the top 15 skaters are defensemen is a bit of a stretch. They should have known better. So guys just get random boners? Jessica Henwick or bust. basically why mexicans are taking our jobs Duh, its because they are both cartoons. Did he read it on wikileaks? Yeah, that pesky Constitution's a bitch ain't it? Belgium claims that Germany is "falling to bits" due to the economic migrants flooding the country. He looks thrilled to be in the photo I'm shocked and stunned that they would find a reason to put more troops somewhere else in the world in which we, as usual, are not actually being threatened. 2nd mass knife stabbing within a week (although this is in Canada), I think the debate on knife control needs to happen, please think of the kids Bay of pigs This was an amazing article. 0/10 next time go get a wig if you want to impersonate our God Emperor Duuuuuuuuval Love the variety When this morning, Rahul baba woke up at night TIL: the vaguely more-respectable Puffin. Fuck it, book Conor vs Rumble. Repeat after me: I will search before posting to Reddit. U have to prestige first. He's white so it's okay Well, if that means the economy of 1952, I'll take it, tbh. breaking news: washed up has-been blames other people for problems Russian hookers are WAY more secure. Why are we sharing videos from 12 years ago? No no no those mods are called PC exclusives i would love Detroit towns in china Considering I know 8-10 teachers that left in the last 4 years to enter jobs outside education I don't know why this is happening. All aircraft should have military grade lasers to return the favor when dipshits pull this stunt. No one should ever use the word breed when speaking about sex between humans. Como dicen los del ultraderecha el que es pobre es poque quiere, este pateletero se puso las pilas y ahora maneja un BMW, para que vean todos esos pobres limosneros We should just get a list of possible team and individual records that could be broken before the end of the year, so we can keep track. that's just whiterabbit, what are you talking about At least the bug is probably baptised? This is why you stay "on" even off-duty. He's nothing but a quieter Lately India has been right up there with Canada in the news. Trees don't love changes in precipitation and temperature, though. I'm sure glad the struggling Medic and Demoman classes got the buffs they needed, and the meta will no longer be dominated by Engies and Pyros. Better download some more He is going to retire this season soooo Then proceeds to request his knowledge for better time. Right. Saudi Alabia YOLO. allen west is the expert on race issues who will definitely help make things better! Title WTF he's not supposed to be white! Like SRS, AMR operative sleeper cells are on call 24/7 to downvote brigade every thread that disagrees with our opinions. HandUnit | :-: | Gay Space Rocks | Yeah its not much, but I figured I would post anyway. Damn spoilers dude *Sure, Google Translate will do exactly what I do* This sub loves memes. That's cool - they should def celebrate those jewish killing 'freedom fighters' instead. when looking at the replay, it looks like his feet touched the ground before he shot the ball. Who knew they had a giant statue of Neptune in the harbor. I guess Denmark just hates black people. oh because high prices and illegal status have stopped teens from doing so many other things before... this will end well Not with socialised healthcare it doesnt ;) Where are the nerds who said he's not a baller? Exactly, we can't make it too easy for these devious Trans pedophiles. well, he's gotta hit the hs. Military's response: no. Grammer* What the hell do 'Christians' know about 'science'? But its OK because Trump has a beautiful family. bir selmani i nenes, ke te qaje me pare This guy has an interesting flow, how nice of Donnie and Chance to put a young up and comer on Surf! I agree. Oh OH is he going to hire ~~acorn~~ the Koch brothers to bus illegals in to fill out the crowd? happy cake-day YES If I bash my head on it do I get $1? i *cannot wait* to speak to you when my Dell fucks up Gonna get Johnny Football for sure Casinos are sexist cause in blackjack king and queen are both worth 10, queen should be 11 and kind should be 0 Hm 6/10 Horrible missed Arrow. Now now, everyone knows if you've played the originals you don't need the remakes. Nah bro, that's fat shaming. Deepak Chopra loving bitch. That, of course, is so a person can't put a piece of wood in the handles to lock people in. What a bunch of librul commie pigs. I'm so glad they're our allies, their tolerant practices are nothing like ISIS. If he really believes this he will be dead before the season is over. But they don't spawn near powerplants Is it wrong that i consider it a victory that my state is in the middle ground? *displays his powerful proportions* Oh, illustrated books....the original dank memes Zarley Zalapski. Cool Facebook keys on the right hand side Every day you have to remind people to read Chiron's ultimate... :( Pics is it didn't happen. I do so enjoy watching my generation be the whipping boy for the media and American politics. time to show these Federalists what they're up against southern mother-fucking Democratic Republicans! Nah, but it would've turned McGregor into a panic wrestler STFU I love multiculturalism until white people steal our culture Holy shit people still believe this garbage idea is at all useful or just? Yeah hearing about poor and disabled people suffering is hilarious right? It seems like we spy on each other more than we spy on our enemies lol Thats terrifying. Large white crowd... Because they will be millionaires like Romney one day! #LoveWins which is why it should be available to everyone so no one gets left behind as humankind artificially evolves. Gaff tape - the fifth element Well if that man was carrying none of this would have happened Waiting for them to disintegrate. Damn cops ruining someone's lives through a petty weapons charge BHs shuriken and BS' rapture both deal damage, they are definitely the same guys Turning CivEx into CivCraft Mittens and who else? Bet she voted Hillary. So who's left to oppose the deal? Well watching that alone makes the government cuts to flood prevention worth every penny So cute... Until you realize OP wrote a letter back saying "Team Rockhold for life you goof!" Jessica Valenti, champion of truth and justice. Because there's just so much room in Sydney for more people to be crammed in. Calm down Alex Salmon, you will be free to wallow in your own muck in a few weeks anyway if the referendum goes your way. Whenever this happens I just say fuck it and farm RP by taking off/landing a bunch of times. By lawn are they referring to the side walk in front of the houses? Anong kaputanginahan naman ba to? Incomplete T2 head... it's the worst No, only when VES does it! It is cammofrogged! legit Well gray zombas look almost the same as white zombas. We have too many millions of drivers driving too many miles a day to make this likely. Don't forget switching back to the gold standard as well. I never knew that the TE position was so important in the NHL. Thor fucks like Aaron Hicks. Why didn't they include the shooters race in the description ? It's Florida... no surprise. finally, someone brave enough to call the jews out on their shit But if we let this guy get off what is to stop other people from getting into drugs until their life falls apart and they want rehabilitation! ~~jim crow~~ war on drugs BOMBSHELL, the night before her Birthday, WHO DOES THAT? space quest... greatest game series! That's amazing ! Because there is no man in the world who would find that attractive. You just modified an overused joke buddy No. Nice marmot A vote for Gary Johnson is a vote for Hillary. Well I'm pretty sure Robert Kirkman has already clearly established this. He had rabies, but he avoided autism! Schools should be teaching financial terms, traps, mistakes , and budgets because so many young people go into the job market and have no clue.They make major mistakes, get ripped off, and waste too much time and money figuring out things that should have been taught in school. old scool me_irl Jeez, Woj has really lost it, huh? Mind my own fucking business That was all kinds of stupid, Patches. Surely this will last I thought posting personal information was against the rules, as I can CLEARLY see all of their info and medical records He sounds like a 14 year old boy. I hope he doesn't get whiplash from them taking him out of the country so fast. Since the roster name is taken off, I guess you're the 1K2D guy? Fellaini as a striker, who says no? Hell yeah Dota 2, serious business, mean while league cant put out more words than 4chan totally.... The Dirty Dozen The Great Escape A Bridge Too Far Where Eagles Dare Lawrence of Arabia Kelly's Heroes Patton The Guns of Navarone The Bridge on the River Kwai Paths of Glory They're all complete shit Can a bin be a declared a listed building? This sounds like a good idea. Technically speaking that's a hammer lock which attacks the shoulder not the arm terrible journalism from the MEN No pirates are killing tv not tv. Yeah OP thanks for stabilizing it for us. OP gets all the pussy. Such an exciting card etiquetarse es de [nerds] INB4 all the edgy atheists chime in with "The Bible" YOU ARE ALL SO CLEVER Don't look very super to me I wish my dad liked guns. Boy I'm so glad I have reddit to watch TV for me and post only the good parts Yeah, but they probably don't believe in Jesus where that kid is from (someplace in Africa where they worship trees or some shit) so he's suffering for his blasphemy. No fucking shit How do we find this guy's descendant? We don't want stinky Rumble players same Are you trying to start a fight? dat burny it will clear the trial without a problem That was.....AWESOME! How dare they talk about the 90s like that! I play much much better with my mls silver team with only gold player being giovonco Nah bro it's the government forcing me to starve my employees with all their damn "worker's rights". Proof that video game peripherals are teaching people to be violent. Since Law and Revis are friends and came from the same town it would be nice if Revis was a part of it.. Giving him his award or something.. maybe even a speech introducing him.. We all don't know if Revis will stick around with us but it would be nice to solidify the moment.. Our new top corner from Aliquippa, Pennsylvania giving the go ahead salute to our legendary corner from Aliquippa, Pennsylvania. /housing market noob Why would apartment rental prices to local Parisians go up if other apartments are being rented out for short terms? Yes, because everyone who worked at Lehman was involved with the downfall of the bank/mortgage crisis and not a single employee has credible skills or knowledge about economics or finance. Brake is a strong, independent tagpro lead who don't need no flag carrier. The class exudes out of this situation. Really hoping it's a golem recipe. CPG, please, stop adding cards with the word **random** in it. I have yet to get a color, and I'm 64. 4 rings later and I still regret him being the HC Who's the goat now? Grow the fuck up and get a job In a relationship with esports should be the second to last categorial asnswer From what I hear meth is pretty cheap there That's not a house, that's the Church of Sang-hyeok Lee. President needs to veto every corrupted bill the party of nonsense sends him until they figure it out. Imagine the shooting sport possibilities. The next administration will be voted in by the people that want cannabis legalized federally! I bet it'll be a greatest hits album **HE IS A MESS** Barbaric cultural practice Frackers gonna frack. Just another fairweather fan who gives up on the team when they're losing So glad to see the punishment fits the crime. THIS MAKES NO SENSE! This sounds...accurate Gonadi e cervello si possono donare? TIL fire burns wood. To be honest I really enjoyed those posts Maybe she'll luck out and he'll at least fuck her! who cares, Boobs. **Likely an adult male in his late twenties** We all know one team that isn't making out of the second round. It's ok when conservatives do but when those goddam libtards do it, then there's trouble Our red zone play is fucking atrocious If he hadn't had a gun, this whole incident would have been just a fistfight or something. Don't you mean you are oppressed from the time you first breath air and told you need to conform to a specific gender role based on your genitalia? Lions don't play NZ in '17, but switch to play the AU conference, so looks like #1 seed is a done deal, everyone can go ahead and make travel plans to Joburg for the post season. Wow big strong man No thanks, I will just watch the despecialized version I have without any commercials. Pfff Faker would kill all 5 enemies, not impressed. hmmmm. Maybe they should ban backwardness and superstition. My god, it's just too fabulous. The Skrullox button has been in ableton since day 1 m808 wow truely a wonderful machine Ya you generally don't want to go above atmospheric pressure at sea-level in the tires, it messes with the fluid gauges for the headlights and also causes air compressor hoses in the idle air control valve to push against the oil filter, meaning rpm's will be too stable and oil will be too clean for the engine - it needs contaminants for electrons to flow, also called doping. Stamford woman might have thought the ~~President~~ NSA was stalking her. And this is why the show is crap! You know which exact source code you run with gentoo so you know that NSA doesn't have backdoors in the code. Wow, my mind is blown. Needs more pink Man I'm glad someone *finally* brings up how awful 9gag is! Remember, Republicans and Democrats are the same. Vasco Da Gama* You jest but the women in Cologne were probably dressed A LOT due to the it being winter and cold. Damn pervert I once bought an electric dog hair groomer that was nearly identical to the human hair clippers but half the price. Fucking hitbubble update That sounds familiar. Because being an asshole to people makes them so very concerned for your safety. What, you can't properly communicate with a combination of super vague greetings and oddly specific requests that only pertain to DLC quests? Colour me surprised. Gee, thousands of people all over the world chanting they want to kill Jews and someone is upset when Jewish kids take it personally. Yes, because all CoC builds require Voll's, amirite? Locking someone in cage for storing explosives in an apartment building makes you the criminal. What a great "article". Well, he doesn't want to go to jail, thus he plays on NA ;) ddosed 2 esl quali matches in a row Rekkles is of the team faster than you could have hit tab zz To be fair that one game helped a lot I mean he was like something crazy like 7 of 10 Hey, it works, so? Dude, drinking wine is classy You can only be an alcoholic off beer and grain alcohol, everyone knows that 1v1 between the suns Can confirm, jimmies are in maximum over-rustle now. I'd rather fill your cup since you seem to be thirsty I'm sure if you dig deep enough you'll find a communal agenda in this too. You aren't allowed to just take a picture of your Lego. I really hope so, it was so exciting. theres "pray" in it, pretty offensive if you ask me No, Terran players are just better. *sheds tear* Well said. Right next to the no more grog for our mob painting I'm sure the 's' was done after when someone realised it was missing Verizon is working on a timely update to "fix this issue". I think this maze would be awesome, but part of me wants nothing to do with it after reading Something Wicked This Way Comes as a child. How progressive well, well, well isn't this interesting. The bigger the gob, the better the job. Drill, baby, drill. Oh wow Outplayed The photographer, Lewis W. Hine, is very well known both as a photographer and a social reformer. Off with his head! If only we would close the tax loopholes these big companies would be happy to pay. Their cross promotion of NASCAR, Duck Dynasty, and Honey Boo Boo doesn't indicate that... Happy 15th! Thanks to the perpetually offended, the racism word has lost it's meaning Yuck, big words! Is this a serious post? Bonus: He's username made it clear that he had created the account just to send this message. Good'ol Hanover. HOW DO YOU DEAL WITH YOUR PRIVILEGE? An entire family of village idiots! If he were malnourished, he'd fit it perfectly Who would have thought, a basketball player wearing...... basketball shoes. That's exactly what we got Frank Gore for! Too bad he doesn't have any heart we should start a kickstarter for miyazakai to come back Said it before; It's a good thing the Frazer Institute is not involved in political activity lest they be audited buy the CRA. Plot twist: That mom now being charged with child abuse. I wonder why thank you hungry corporate skeleton Damn he had my favorite twitter I predict this will lead to a torrential downpour of lawsuits. So disrespectful lol But don't you want the diamond plated cables to send data super fast with a clear picture? awesome. How did you make your screen so long? For a second i thought that was crushed cocoa puffs MCelwain has lost all control of this program You see Ivan, when fly ship like me, enemy will not expect you to shoot because they think you retreat - turian admiral, probably Let's stone her!!!! nah its Photoshop I'm sure the Facebook comments on that article will be well thought out, rational and factual. It's not just the functionality that needs improving, it's the app implementation and voice recognition. Holy shit that looked painful I am thoroughly disappointed in trump. well aren't you just the picture of charming? Not sure if it's your solo effort or the fact that you got better teammates. I just loaded it (this is 40 minutes after you posted this) and it's 2.17.1 I am fine if they were honest about it but the way they are going about it is frankly annoying The most depressing segment I could think of. Meanwhile her daughter in the background making beats, it's too late mom. How much do we have to contribute to get Sam's meditation app out for use? Moral of the story: don't pull a knife on your girlfriend, especially if she is capable of taking it away and using it with more authority than you. The Essex dub if we're being really picky. How many attempts until sub 1:50? sure, overlook the fact its a chevy engine.. :p Yea, I think this is the confirmed legacy prestige Lmao I regularly get 150 kills scrub stop with the hackusations Yea but those poor corporations *really* want to develop that land, why won't anything think about them? But she's being quirky and forward and according to Cosmo all guys love that! Still scarier than Nightmarionne. And that's enough Reddit for today. Oh they're natives, so they can't be racists. Can someone ELI5? Well doesnt *this* reek of Nazi Germany Advice, do this when your young, save Europe for your retirement. He's a great businessman. Jerry Punch introduces the trailer or we riot Hey, Mashable wrote something positive about it - we can all rest easy, the retarded version of Wall-E is happening for sure. Mifune never skips God day. Oh, Pikachu was restocked? Did I say it is? He totally couldn't detect your condescension and mockery. Smokescreen But racism is dead Taylor Hall.. (*of very good*) *BULLET CLUB INVADES THE ROYAL RUMBLE CALLING IT* Dergulate ALL the banks! It's because of all those damn EU inmigrant children hogging all the play areas! Clearly the actions of the team that's winning Kind of funny, #1 force yourself to smile #2 be natural Not trying to bash, just a little conflicting check your filter subscription That would have made the scene so much cooler if he was though. Black pro Will unemployment assistance be available to transgender people? Peyton Manning. Because vandalism gets the right kind of people on your side of a debate Find out it exists. I'm heading to Tokyo in a few weeks and am going to absolutely rinse them of these, seen as though they won't bring them here :( I see the author went to Hollywood Upstairs Medical School too. They're making Skyrim 2? Part of me agrees, but the other part of me is wondering what we'd do without government, since they'd all be dead. Well, to be fair, once you've decided to rape people, it's hard to decide just how hard you want to rape them. Right, because children are only cash cows for the state. Why 43 rare tickets, why? yea you're right Well that certainly isn't racist in the slightest! Hope someone gifts you it on reddit Meanwhile, MP's are dropping $1M+ on investment properties on a whim or funnelling housing purchases through companies their spouse owns. I'm surprised that they didn't shoot the dog, Rocket. Maybe next time they can just put them to work scrubbing floors or washing dishes to earn it. Thunderstorms with hail heading towards eastern Gwinnett County. Maybe cause the OBD port doesn't work Sigh... I think that the only reason he isn't banned is because without a raider, nothing interesting would happen. Clearly just not a skilled enough player op. Interestingly enough, hispanics are considered 'white' in these statistics Ahh, didn't know After checking out this sub daily, part of me wants to believe that job interviews = FizzBuzz... Hey if you're looking, I know my modulos! Well I know not to mess with this macho guy ever. Its an AMD socket, thats all I wonder if this has less to do with the cuteness of the animals and more to do with a subconcious feeling of eyes watching you at work? Exactly Because his buildings make the number 1 obviously. Building 8 - he was in the stealth plane. holy seatpost. Jay sus rox? Pfft what a Chad brother supply and demand, not many heavyweights around or just use ahk Democracy in action. go go go inb4 traded to Smackdown. At least it isn't Jalapeno gas or Ghost Pepper gas..... We have gathered all of you Space Engineer's fans here today so we can talk to you about Medieval Engineers! My chrome tab just says "Clinton opens.." and I was really hoping it finished with "a can of whup-ass." So, there was like 20 hippies walking along peeing on everything? had to reupload because of a screwed up title :P Why don't you guys just go home and watch Sky News. Love all you guys In recorded history Would also have worked. Coffee Facebook links must have names removed. Fucked if we do fucked if we don't seems to be the overall tone of this debate. *sigh* Yet again the place in which I live is in the news for some bizarre crime story. As if I needed more reasons not to trust Samsung They held a knife to his throat and a gun to his mother's head. Trump is just the poor host to the vampire pomeranian that lives on his head. if you live by yourself its only a matter of time before being a virgin won't be a problem anymore No, I think we've just proven OP needs better friends. Dyslexic me read this is "Layne Norton". Pretty shameful how Ahmadis are treated by some despite the contributions they have made to this country. Its not about being poor, its about people pretending to be homeless as a scam. And that's what you choose to believe Wow, that's just hilarious. Dargon troll. I'm pretty sure this is just a joke. But Prez Obama is not at all responsible for this, or anything else Not like we are going through a global economic shift to newer markets at all. Someone de Blasio has probably never met has been arrested, clearly de Blasio is a piece of shit. We're all glad her mom survived that sniper fire in Bosnia. Don't worry, Mexico will take care of the debt Wow, so CGI. Do people really make that claim? I'm not proud of it, but I'm 35 and I just don't know what any of this means. And Arizona fans are the ones that deserve McDavid/Matthews Because if they were too quiet, you'd have to watch them again to make out what was said. Is this guy going to be posting screenshots of a chat with support saying how good or bad they are for or not replacing his controller? The obvious next step would be to remove those ugly text titles under each icon. That's why I'm vegetarian Just checking, OP does realize car guys and rednecks are apples and oranges right? And this is why Republicans and other conservatives hate muslims .... they came up with this science shit that proves them wrong constantly. All the more reason that the big government needs to get behind the Coal industry, so much more room for growth and advancement! try mjollnir, its like zeus is on crack that's what you get for hardscoping I forgot to edit out her username in the previous post! 1991 Ford F150 with a 5.0 engine At least he spelled wrecked right =D but seriously lol at the "y r u mad part" Down votes doesn't make it less true. That's a whole lot of sexualization! I'm sure a lawsuit to overturn a supermajority of the public's will is going to lead to really favorable election results for all those officials down the road. Typical white girl problems FD ONLY The REAL "conservative" stagelist I wonder why he didn't reply? It'll be so damning, they'll *have* to put Hillary in jail! This is well before the flight deck was installed. Standby paramedic? FTFY: that the average time it takes for lawsuits to eliminate horrid medical innovations and allow good ones to come into daily practice is 17 years(!) 100% helal mulayam -- champion of right to privacy and fighting against surveillance It's real easy to get The Rock and Dwayne Johnson confused -- they're practically twins! I would think this is a good move but the more I read about it, the more it seems to be solely about increasing tax revenue. How can you be Ant Man without **ants** 0/10 wtf But this is inaccurate, Loki and Thor are brothers *Woolwich, my bad News flash: Everyone is disgusted by periods regardless of gender Damn, ice cold. Nice, now i can replace the save icon (with the discette) and replace it with the HDD picture. How was this done? She looks like the adult villain in a young adult series in that white suit They actually tore it down to build a parking lot. Oh, and don't forget to add the snake oils, that should work. Where I live, I seem to remember something about an oil spill there recently. who? He shot his wife with a knife? Striker Rubber Duckie for 500 keys. I thought this is why we are supposed to leave the seats up, right? Glad we have that cap! Kanye doesn't care about his fan. Where in India and California are they playing? Yeah, we're definitely going to trade him for Blake Griffin Muh human nature I know this happened because most weed comes ground up and definitely not nugs Let's hope that vzw will remove any charges they tacked on to force UDP holders. NFL so needs an Asian kicker. Wow, I am so making this to hold my tobacco. what fun and interactive gameplay It seems most replies in that thread are all for keeping 40 man raiding, even if only a small part of the population sees them. Quite literally the only thing that could blow that away. All the kids he was *obviously* dealing to I think its more shitty that both events happened.. sounds like choas more than anything for that area.. why fly right over the stadium unless it's halftime. The line up i wanted, with sagna in it shows that pelle is taking a very defensive approach. He's wearing a harness but isn't tied off. NAVI are practicing Nuke, they have said that in multiple videos. I thought these were going to be the new SCU heads ;-; FAK! interdasting Well, how the fuck are we going to wash the clothes then? Looks correct to me. HOW COULD HAVE WE BEEN SO BLIND! Would that reactivate his contract? Check if your cables are alright? Probably the consul of Sealand. Because they're sexists? Yes, because everyone who believes in God denounces evolution unequivocally. hey, not the consoles fault you couldn't see the floating trees That some Clockwork Orange shit! but but...I thought all of these issues were because of PK? Haha memes... Ough... Striking imagery, whoever created that poster should be proud. Looking for one or two reflections.. disappointed That's Woody's Tourette's you ass This is a joke.... a bad one =( Not suggestive at all Such a complete and insightful article IT'S A GOOD FUCKING THING WORDS DON'T HAVE MULTIPLE MEANINGS !OTHERWISE THIS WOULD BE CONFUSING! That qt on the end Let the bodies cool before you make an agenda out of this, god damn. Gee, I was sure he'd endorse Trump Can hardly wait to get tossed off of it, as it short turns. seems we gonna have Velocity on EU :D actually with Bo2 they prob wont win any game 2-0 :D best they can 1-1 Stop opressing people with your bigoted beliefs! 3 fps difference - UNREAL PERFORMANCE Do anime dating sims count? Y U NO USE SHARE BUTTON? I think "taking a ride to my old haunt" is a good lyric. But, it's made of metal it's supposed to be better! Oh yeah, if all this speculation about Nintendo sponsorship is true, I'm sure that'll go over real well. This should be the top story on the reddit front page Pull my finger. Good on em' But it is still a fly! Yeh it has to be something electricity magnet portal Woah, I never thought I would see news of Trump being hypocritical. then he buys mbappe, nainggolan, mendy, and mahrez and we proceed to win the league Sounds like the album exists already, which is interesting. Raimi is my favorite director, most of his films are really fun and his style always seeps through in his films. Mobile game master race anybody ever seen Lathe of Heaven? U an asshole You know... we could go to Arizona to see rocks that look just like that and save over $2,000,000,000. Poor guy just doesn't know enough words to express himself, give him a break you guys are just lucky you didnt get a 42 game suspension for that targeted hit to the head fuck i missed it Not obeying orders, now punishable by summary execution. lol.. ab Goa guthka kahaan bikega? You are opening up your hips too early, stay behind the ball and also make sure you aim straight and dont set up for a fade. The greatest debut in TNA history. That alpha hammer... how much to buy that account? Production costs are 100000x more then back then Please just give us a tour of the ship already Yeah Colin Powell seems to be the kind of guy that knows what a mail server is. calm down, its a prank bro Considering it still requires a Nintendo Network ID for the Switch (according to their website), and the fact that the 3ds still has Miis, I'm fairly certain they will be there. don't ask reddit, that's not where memes come from, silly. Not in any real country though. sigh.... Unzips. Sexy, but not funny. Trigger Warning. His fault for getting tackled Turn back, it's fucking cancer down there. If you ordered that, you got what you deserved. Besides about 3 ornaments for Raider, anything else looks very stupid. Needs multiplayer Nah fam, US needs more variants of the same plane to make the grind harder It's probably loaded with deadly GMOs. ...It's not an owl. You must be SO scared. Why didnt you just screenshot? I hope it's a punctuation book. wake up sheeple No worries, we've got new ones pouring in from Bombardier every week... Those *sure* are a lot of sockpuppets and brigading. I thought it eventually turned into mead Why "White males" ? Omg I can't wait to read this fresh article If I were ever to put rat poison in a press, these would be it. She sure sounds intelligent and reasonable Wait... you are telling me that shacknews is still around? Yeah we just traded Tony Snell for a former rookie of the year, so chill out. And then they will trade Sammy Watkins for the Seahawks pick. The response from residents would be two words: molon labe. Those were my first words We already knew its not her as she has white skin. You have a cat, don't you. isnt it cold? For years to come future Russian athletes will be tainted with the drug doping scandal. or a change of clothes inb4 all pro teams must have at least 1 grill I mean they just scheduled them when they were bad for the big name. Osso Buco. Yay, lets bring them here to rebuild Detroit! I'm pretty sure *Epic* had their own booth. I'm usually pretty sympathetic towards cops, but looking at this video there was absolutely no reason for them to have their guns out, much less open fire on the three guys. I reported their YouTube channel for spam since they released the same video twice in a two day period in what I can only assume is a grab for more views and clicks like the shameless bitches they are. Because black people can't be conservative! Get fucked Bayern Well, that will win the GOP support of most latino voters. Some things are not suitable for humor, and using a tragedy like this for humor or Karma is distasteful. But I'm a nice guy! Well, there's one more data point for the "religious people have lower IQs" theory. Well, color me surprised. I'm sure those rockets are on volunteered vacations there, nothing to see here, move along False, Grizzly bear is best. but what if she girl says she want to see you or even invites you to dates just to cancel them? Standing up for the little guy! DAE Nakamura is an unsafe worker like Seth ? That guy over there was hot. That car looks so bad :D LOL overweight vampire. Or sex partiers from Eyes Wide Shut no, life is a match fixer. But we have Mastodons Use the mine cart that isn't even close to the city that you paid 100k for Why do people keep calling it a mental illness? Where are the kids ? seems legit. I love the idea, I just hope we don't start fighting over who owns the moon : ( Well, you can spend $1500 a month for a 600 sq ft studio in Seattle, or you can buy a remodeled good condition home in Tacoma for 1200 a month with homeowners and property taxes in included and about 2000 sq ft... Seattle is so stupidly priced right now. You dropped this. No sir, I have no idea how anybody could ever fake that! Did he leave you a bad review on Yelp? If only boys would be more like girls! Is it Israel or Iran that sent in ground troops to help stop ISIS? This fucking guy. please post the deck list in theis forum, I am at works guys :/ That Play Music icon. It's not rape, it's "undocumented consent" you racist! My money is down on it the moment it hits gog. oh thats not a biased source at all! I still do it after I've selected my skin. LUL Triggered Warrior player LUL In all seriousness that is how he markets himself, and it seems to be working, perhaps watch another streamer? I just shan't...lmao Hong Kong is not a bad place to live in. Because it's going to all trickle down to the masses. Yeah, Hitler really was such a special and sweet kid. 7.8/10, too much water. She sobbed in the witness box as she insisted she had not meant to hurt Pleasted when she went to his flat armed with a knife on the night of the killing after drinking a bottle of brandy. This particular email deserves its own thread. I guess if you have to get shot in the spine for being a douche, it's best to be pelted with little plastic pellets. The little downarrow generally indicates that there is additional information that can be expanded by clicking on it. b-but she has tattoos, this m'lady is clearly a rancid swine! Just upvoted you, I'm an anarchist couldn't help it. What...You don't need seo services in India? Racist! Wisconsin comes up with some great results in science and technology, it's just a shame many people leave the state because it's very unfriendly for businesses. Create an atmosphere on Venus and let them go and colonize a new homeland. Outstanding use of this meme, OP I can relate to this Exactly people don't need heritage or traditions. Well when the choices boil down to abstinence or rape, it's not that hard of a decision. No Lehner, no Kane do I smell some late season tanktics This is good news any publicity is good news I believe bouncing betties are one of the 99 words for boobs. that won't work, she'll just change the plates It all breaks down to "Don't spend more money than you have." How else are they supposed to get mad likes on their 'gram? Great sale! io9, too. Lol unrealistic How do you translate that in French? OMG LOL, SO FUNNY AMIRITE Beds for crap but where's the crank. I was there, in belk getting some last minute presents, fortunately i was pretty far away, but i still heard the shots and the hoards of people coming my way looking for an exit. pop a key cap! Well how else is she supposed to fight the patriarchy? Yep, that's the thing to take away And also a socialist Keynesian, even though "muslim", "socialist", and "Keynesian" all contradict each other, especially if you have a 5th grade knowledge of Islamic finance Wow, I just developed autism after reading this title Honestly, trading sexual favors for things is not a good thing in relationships. beautiful picture,sexy Lady *Sigh* What is this the fifth Italian bread post this week, c'mon OP? Ugh Lefebvre is like a super stinky fart that just lingers and never goes away. Cant wait to hear about stuff I can afford. It's bullshit but not uncommon. Is it going to have the launch ramp in turn 2 Why are people Liking this? ***takes a look at date stamp*** The GOP wants us to be just like Mexico. Aaaaaaaand, thanks for the password :p Imagine if they knew about the mid-flight handjobs. gotta get that weed money somehow I see piracy has really hurt their income. Just hot swap the NIC! April fool's! sedition sedition. An interesting topic of national interest featured prominently by our quality newspaper Your a fucking loser if punctuation affects your emotion. I wonder what would have happened if all the people that approve of him had gotten off their asses and voted With such a diverse lineup of contributors, I'm sure this list will give us a well balanced view of the neighborhoods all across our great city! totally not scripted before. So sorry single white mom just trying to pay the bills and keep food on the table, your free ride is over. Boy I can't wait for those teenagers we get doing armed robberies, get even LESS time than they do already. Yeah you just need to be violent and unemployed Think how much "we" could collect if "we" set the tax rate at 100%! Good Mithy was so bad holy fuck, G2 is gonna blow at worlds lmfao How do we know that's not all blood? That's a train +1000 MATK buff + Haku. Nope Creationists: "woah there's no way atoms could just assemble themselves into perfect cubes and diamonds like that just by chance, it's a 1 in 100000000000000000000, must have been god, explain that atheists!" Custom up b 3, Lucas's PK thunder Problem solved This was a very polite request. How/why the hell would someone bring a cat to a zoo is my only question Lock him up! Yeah, you got a real Zapruder moment there. To be fair, it was ludicrous. Oh yea because getting ely without rwting is completely impossible. Dis some existential shit man, 2deep4me JENNY DEATH WHEN I'm lost for words. Give his family the money, and track where it goes. Cyclists, always leaving a mess behind. And also Flash's mother died Ive only seen one nice find Oh hahaha yippee a Goison thread ***WOOHOO*** The one to the right. They can be 60,000 as well No, i think only Ahri should have quote if she kill baron or dragon And he put the playground right beside the garbage dump Wasn't the fellow in Minnesota shot by a Mexican though? Does milk work good when water cooling? Its funny because one is so big and the other is so little! That's Nightmare on the cover for fuck's sake I usually hide it behind other items. This article is from 2014 - why are you feeling obliged to post is again now? You done fucked up. It's a pony, they aren't very tall. It's missing ME, 98, Longhorn, and 8.1 support. This could really harm his performance with the radical terrorist demographic. I love redefining negative words so that they only apply when I say they do. scrub Wow gay I kept fat fingering on my phone damn it Thank you Oklahoma maybe she got tired of the attention? As if penis doesn't get worship enough Its the Go-gurt strawberry and banana moth. Guess I'm never gonna leave South Philly again. should have been named "El Rey" How long would it take for one to build this robot? saved for when Steven Adams leaves OKC and joins the Warriors. Already? Don't look at me, I didn't vote for him. Still less than Man of Steel. BTFO Does anyone think HRC would have nominated someone for net neutrality? That'll chance his policy for sure! Expected nonetheless from a Chinese player lower level than you. When to use adverbs properly. Well while i have 9 lives for being a cat, Your only going to live once. 50 or so feminazis continuously posting the same shit over and over = millions Who would have guessed they are Red Pillers? Well, obviously, for certain needs, one must go to the certain supply depot. I hope my package wasn't on that Theyre having a christmas party which must mean alpha is coming out tomorrow Riding a girls bike saved that guy some pain anyways. I'm gonna be a kernel panic! Hah! Boggs! I haven't even played yet, but I feel like hunter will be getting a damage boost, and I don't know about sniper. Well, it's a good thing the one cop moved directly into his path so he could claim a credible fear for his life, right? I liked it... especially the knife catching skit. Kill it with fire before it lays eggs. everyone makes mistakes right, chalk it up to a bad decision and move on I want to know if what happened actually worked or if he just became more of a racist Nah man Porzingod pick pocketed bron bron so easily Is it okay that I agreed with everything he said except I do care about my Xbox? Haven't done anything wrong, yeeeet Kinda, yes. If that is true then she just might be the candidate for me! Not a fair test since he always asked Alexa first, Google Assistant could just copy Alexa if it didn't know the answer If you ask that you will be downvoted and banned. Jesus was only after watching Titanic yesterday. Interesting the high correlation between people who make blatantly racist statements on Reddit and the people that disparage this bill and its intent on Reddit. wtf I had that in hero, had to forfeit to get out of the error loop I'm not sure if grease counts as a "good" defense. No, no, no.. you see, when I say "last night" I didn't mean in Sweden but what was on last night on tv. No offence but the case the really ugly the rest of the build is beast tho after first quarterfinal i have no chance to get gold xd See, I enjoy this post much more than the post that tries to tell everybody how they should spend their own money when a new release is almost here. Thank god I am not the only one experiencing this, it pisses me off so much. children Damn prehistoric SUVs! Nice dust capture system plebs acting shocked at my old tricks This is a fucking dank ass meme. Not sure about pc it shouldn't be tho I can no longer look at the banner without cringing, great work guy Unwanted boners seem awfully inconvenient. Pretty sure all the Jenovas were the toughest Cultural Appropriation She must have compared him to Tarun Vijay Anything to keep coal going a bit longer, right? Mgandatory go investigate WTC 7 comment. November 23, 2014 Ah, I can't wait for Russians to blast techno music during my matchmaking sessions Can't wait to see this on all its glory on my XboxOne Shrek thinks he's overcompensating for something, but I THINK...rhggrghh This an actual substantial bug that frustrates anyone who has every played more than 10 rounds in h1z1, meanwhile we have some of their fanboys complaining about funny car and door mechanics on PUBG.. Better worry about winning baseball games. Mohammad "Watto" Hafeez /cries And I'm sure every penny was from his own hard work. I'm sure this has absolutely nothing to do with the Nexus 6 being released on Verizon. Local liberal proclaims trump is really finished this time (he isn't) ...because the patriarchy derp Ha whatever, Im sure theyd let us know. I get the joke, but put the new garbage in there, not the stuff from when we were kids that isn't rancid proselytizing. Hard to tell lol It's still way better than America's system. All silliness aside, I love that they're at least trying to give Jinder something to do. I feel like they took a PR quote which was basically "he's with a team so who knows if we can get him but it would be nice to get someone with F1 experience" (anyone on the grid) and made it "we want Hulk" in the title. Why ya thinking about Scott in the shower? No doubt another case where the dog will be killed because of stupid parents. Oh Jesus Christ.. Yea fluorine and GMOs are so unhealthy for you! I kinda feel bad for Ben, but im glad we we're heard Yes i am a older woman who is 80 years old & am the mother of 3 kids Oddly enough, they went out of business after banning the LGBT community. Sexy... no homo AND THIS IS WHY AWAKENING AND THE NEW FE GAMES SUCK SO MUCH missing Judy's 200 other siblings, -5/11, no dedication to source material Yeah man, we should really tone down the praise we've been giving Lowry and Derozan lately Rubber duckie if you can add. Or we can just get turner & have ELeague in cod In my best Red Foreman: *Dumbass* Breaking: average Americans have relevant opinions regarding the specifics of an overseas military conflict It may have been a tank mine, but this is how absurd most of my deaths are as infiltrators. This is one of the first articles on this reddit in a while where excessive force was actually used. me too. actually its called soccer Maybe Hillary should have cared about single-payer health care. But Nicaea isn't in Deseret! distraction free well after you learn a bunch of unintuitive keyboard commands What I gather is that it is just a climate type model that tells us if we will be getting more or less snow than usual this winter. Tax dollars well spent. Gee, thanks for the heads-up. At 2:57, you can see a Driver and hear Wild Down being used, so is she our new Reyn? What a well trained dog Earthwich But, but... He only thought he was providing a helicopter for humanitarian missions! Man, I just want to be able to level an entire town in an engine like that! I want to see him with at least average pass blocking so he is willing to take riskier throws. Obviously the stanky leg existed in WW1 Now that Obama has scratched Apple's back does that mean greater cooperation between Apple and the NSA? revolver doesn't have enough skins revolvo please add more! Distrust their fellow man It's not like the LNP have ever politicised the suffering of others. What's the PPI? At least he took the time and effort to add a cutesy heart by the line we care about the most. And Clinton must disclose her pro-Saudi Arabia ties. I too, tattoo myself for a facebook joke. Now you know how the fish feels! Asking the tough questions... dass rayciss This. The government needs to decide whether they are going to go after the pigs who performed these heinous acts or they need to give full amnesty and complete immunity from prosecution to anyone who can provide the carcass of the vermin who even try to justify this sort of atrocity. Yeah, I don't think it's really nice to call 15 year-old boys "gross" for going through puberty. Everyone reading this has yet to die or go blind. So useful if I ever get sent back to WWII 3 real wuman and a stick ? same reason down syndrome exists... its a gene mutation Until they open their mouth The maker of this video definitely got some when he showed "the one" **ITSAPRANKITSAPRANKITSAPRANK** Ahem, graphic novels? Nice play. And he slides into Edmonton's first pairing. Looks like an alternate video to Fuel dude your username is on point Who says he's gay? As if we didn't knew that..... no shit bro TNX BRO Give her Barbarella hair I wonder if NIP would lose every game from now on: how long would it take that they no longer get invited to events? You don't have to be a Riot employe to use the alpha You just have to be a lv 30 player and have a good and clean history Well judging by you re flair i don't think you have a chance Repeat after me: "artillery is a fun and engaging game mechanic." Problematic Eeeeexactly. Yes yes this is all fancy pants but someone needs to circumcise the males already. I agree, we are all equal In pcmr Wow, more vote manipulation in the US. Please MMS was never PM Get ready to enjoy more culturally enriching bombings, shootings, hostage situations, and massacres. *Now* you motherfuckers say that. A mate did it to me in a Duo two month ago, I was pissed. I'd hate using that brush after! Eddie Murphy could have played all the characters. Proof that Vasquez is our best player He has to know that either Manning isn't coming back, or that he won't be the HC next season. Black people We have 2 bins for Co, 2 for Go, 3 for Ro, and 3 for We. Real thugs eat good that has been raised in factory it's whole life and killed for their convience Sure is a heavy wheel! New metal sink confirmed! Not enough weight. I almost pulled a muscle in my neck with how hard my eyes rolled. The obscure section of mega grocery stores. I'd get Mark Streit a condo in an assisted living facility, Dale Weise a one-way ticket back to Winnipeg, and Radko Gudas a set of cast bronze hips in memory of all the pelvises he's destroyed both on and off the ice. wow we really needed more nidalee and annie skins Visuals not final' So you're going to remove all the awesome DX11/DX12 graphic settings and shaders, and take out 4k textures and replace them with 512k textures just to fuck with us? OMG WTF? Where's the tl;dr Jesus christ haha what a win neat You think Scientology might follow suit? But he hasn't won the Balon d'or yet. you americans are so f*cked we need a cruise ship I'd avoid theater 237. Could this possibly be the end of white trash as we know it? They must have seen him miss that open net last night Denim Jacket Hype I heard from the hacker 4Chan that you can use terminal to hack into NASA, but I'm not sure if he's telling the truth Prepare for the downvotes :) Are you talking about Casual Conquest? Chicago has become a war zone and it's past time the National Guard intervenes to stabilize the situation. Don't worry guys, they're simply anti-Zionist. ctrl + p is making stuff guyz Yeah let's get 12 white fabillionaires who are hardly impacted by any changes at the ground level and ask them their opinion about a service only one of them actually says they've used. Multinational criminal organizations leaving the country... OH NO WHAT WILL WE DO WITHOUT THEM. Wow, hilarious. STOP FUCKING PLEASE Or, more than likely, they'll all get great at video games One thing I can agree with Ron Paul on. I think the refs eyes were also gouged at some point because he missed a lot of stuff. damn i wanna see that thing in action looks interesting Temps? Why is the same character on there 6 times? We gonna feel the bern now Shut up and take it like a good law abiding free" citizen well i guess if the world gets destroyed by thermonuclear war.. humans will have yet another chance to do it right once the world is safe to live in again. Needs a NSFW tag , that groove is making me erect. Yeah, and people who have cancer come up negative for cancer all the time. I thought this would be an Ensa-Taya post Wow, I never realized how oppressive Spongebob is, I'm so glad I read this! It's a Thunder flip OP could at least say which one is the new GPU? Put a trigger warning next time, as a being who is part of the high autism master race those words trigger me. I hope his golf game is better than his intelligence he was fake fat, his set point was thin all the time Hey, you may not believe me, but you were actually in a conversation with chinese culture-ologist, likely an official of the chinese nation and the exploration of American tendencies. I'm commenting just to see UCLA's flair. I am shocked and appalled! Don't worry, guys, the site ends in .com, that automagically means it's not reliable. And that's why you shouldn't use vaccines! Part of me dismisses this outright as bullshit because how could simply the key of the music dictate the overall mood, and I can think of specific examples of songs in certain keys that are completely the opposite of what this says they should be, but the other part of me is leaving this window open to play around with in the morning when I can try it out for myself. Because otherwise it would be a complete sausage fest They just don't understand Grearl The best part of this story is that there are MTTs on Facebook commenting things like "this is what male entitlement looks like". I know its fake because it's a russian angry about mushrooms on the ground and the forest haha Please share this with friends, when Clinton dies something right, progressives need to know ASAP. Just Go ITALY and Got married with any ITALIAN Girl you'll Get ITALIAN NATIONALITY hahaah simple ;) That woman is a leftover piece of trash. You're* Probably alopecia, duh. Oh hey, it's another White Rose baby! Oh for gods sake I wish I could get my hands on a bag of those edibles. OMG A COMPANY DIDNT PAY THEIR TAXES ON TIME, LIKE THIS HAS NEVER EVER HAPPENED BEFORE EVER. Peel the stickers Vic Fangio will always be my favorite DC. They would know best. This is why nice guys can't get girls. I should have bought an Alex Smith jersey back in 2011. Downvote because you made me think a single stingray the size of 70 cars died. This shit is so epic, one of the greatest stories ever. Fight selfish with selfish! Ayy.. but what currency will we use? I don't think it's known when or where the murder took place. Can my character swim or am i going to fall the the bottom of the water with even accounting for water resistance, thanks dark souls Rage comics Nuh uhh, the 360 had Halo Wars.... Best RTS evar breh I'm pretty sure this is going to give me cancer. Polen hebben respect, die zijn blank Fijne avond allemaal. all skill 100 percent calculated gameplay Oh..Now they say it, when Erdogan cozies up to Russia. Mmmm, this should be a blast, whoops! But the Trinity said Ken is trash now, they can't possibly be wrong! I might be missing something but what does this have to do with men's rights? Your wife here: You're sleeping on the couch tonight, Tim. Oh come on this is obviously a joke and me_irl content Well I haven't heard it before today so thanks for posting This will end well. real life zoom im 15 btw F1 cars against GP2 engined cars? Oh look, another reason to dislike Calipari. you watch porn...thats mad weird. That's rich I want a physical home button. Definitely higher than 90%. And this matters, why? HA, I saw this the other day and I almost stopped to take a pic of it but decided I needed to get to Total Wine before it closed! Man, what an incredible use of skill and game knowledge dharti ka diameter increase ho raha hai.. oh shit an ace WOW But... But... But... Socialism! Dont worry guys my dad is rockstar games and he said rdr2 will come out in fall 2040 Damn machines taking away a mans job. The cowards bailed instead repairing that barrel in a dozen second and fight back if they're not doing anything wrong what do they have to worry about? Alternate Did he live? I bet this time he changes his ways! Good thing there are no racist comments in this thread. ha ha ha so edgy Potential Faux News Headlines: Just another example of Obama doing whatever he wants and thinking the rules don't apply to him! of course, feeding ourselves is inherently immoral The World Club Cup is what he meant Where to cop that flower print in pic 19? phew thanks. it would be great to make it a dedicated museum to the local First Nations, or a museum dedicated to the settlement of Edmonton and its surrounding areas. Province 816 should be part of Ecuador. One step closer to the Evolaian Traveller ethnically-state. #jetfuelcantmeltgorillas I like how they confirm something without even having a reliable source. Rape jokes are really funny, right guys? To be fair though, he was fighting a lot of link and young links. Almost as bad as the dorito Have fun balancing it. It'd be so fun to duo queue and talk through Skype in something as serious as League. Ignorants... half of the work is already done and you start criticizing. Man those concussions must have been serious if he can't even remember leaking this rumor Darth Vader is disabled you Dark Lord of the Shit. If only the new mustang looked more aggressive... where did he say to be careful? Big Star. Does your rig get warm cause the cat is on it or does your cat sit on it cause it's warm? Yes, it should be 3.1 million... They are trying to rip you off! What a twist! Women love it when I satisfy my own desire without regard to their opinions! At least you know they'll both go down. But is she going to make the Internet a campaign issue? GB is a desolate wasteland at the moment the utter uselessness of solid shot compared to the other nations shells make GB a fucking pain with a few exceptions I really enjoyed it when it was the Artspace. No I believe we should have quotas and then set up a refugee stock exchange market to be able to trade effectively. Christian running a sweatshop. Razzadroop? Corporations are people too I wanted it until it came out CM Punk returned confirmed Maybe putting the Reality TV Star who can't keep his racist pie-hole shut in charge wasn't such a good idea, GOP. next comic con wel get a statue of something like this And every 9 year old girl deserves a fully automatic uzi, am I right? No culture here needs some mud huts and a shisha pipe OP, fuck you. He's such a fucking shitlord for not paying her for not being his wife and instead wants things like....pff....shelter. Somebody tag or notify Weldon about this please. Yeah, that'll show him! There's nothing wrong with mentioning that someone is married to a popular NFL player in their rush to create outrage over nothing. The absolute pinnacle of Christian religion. Such *patriots*, right? When are we just going to let them secede? Let's show our displeasure with racism by being racist. They keep all the oil to themselves. How many hills are there above cloud level? Ah.....Paris lol Playing Battlefield 3 round my cousin Sam's, Now I can claim to have sex with all your mums Boing Should've aimed for the ~~leg~~ knife. Miata is the answer. i dont get it why people buy apple products when there are much more superior products that costs less. You should get Rush Adventure, it's as good as the first one if not better. American hospital fees are the charges levied for being born an American citizen Looks like you shouldn't been recommending Phanteks the whole time. They were probably trying to extract any avionics that might have had information stored in their NVRAM that could shed light on the situation. My only concern is RES doesnt work on voat Himalayan Salt I'm guessing Blood... snow What a shithole, just like Europe with all those immigrants Carrot on a stick Are you implying we would need proof to assert this, you anti-democratic freedom-hating scoundrel? There's nothing I look forward to more than the internet's holiday critique of "baby it's cold outside" Artist? Blame QoP for camping the fountain. I never even imagined anything as disgusting. was - sending friend requests to cute girls on fb is - pay will be - marriage obviously it's the patriarchy Less purple in my photos? Being an American means a gay, Communist Latino Muslim KKK member should have the right to protect his Marijuana crop with a fully automatic AK. CFB And there is then paradox the Government is trying to save us from. Bro, do you even chi bro? Hey, that's pretty good. 8 green decks, neat good riddance. Shits just getting ready to start and things just got a lot more interesting. Really digging the artistic decision to cut off at the bottom of her corset, but not to move the words up to fill the space, looks really balanced. Give Betsy DeVos some time and no one will be smart enough to make such a sign ever again. thrift shop Clearly, Google's just biased against the right No Muslims allowed! keeping this thread book marked for when people rant about this just being a power trip Because diarrhea is *always* a turn on. but ...but...tipping culture......that's how it works here....... I think it looks great. Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. Conservatives sure make a lot of sense. Ma senza sapere i motivi dietro a questi suicidi non vedo sta emergenza rush: Noob s TOXIC Our shop got a one star review because we closed early on Christmas Eve. ITT: The leading experts in child psychology I for one welcome our Crony Capitalist Utopia CONGRATS ON DYING!! Not just any 767, a 764! Well, on a positive note, dinner's ready Bu-bu-but he is so hilarious and entertaining to watch, and he is reformed Yeah, their name. Gotta protect #1 overall pick Deshaun Watson I cut vinyl and do one like that if you're interested. Ivanka was right, what an advocate for women. [humour] pay 2 lose Well it's not like we've had a bunch of back to backs already Sounds pretty awesome. I don't like that it sexualizes young boys. What kind of answer are you expecting? This story just keeps getting better and better. Think of all the jobs hes creating in law enforcement! typical apple user I suppose this is possible with a script, but the script would have to be contained in your address anyway For Sammy's birthday, I'll: 1: Pretend I'm happy for him 2: Write to him that his birthday is an excuse to up his ego 3: Downvote any nice comment towards him 4: (possibly) look up the definition of "ego" 5: Still require him to make us a video. What do you mean you beat the bucs I know, we could start doing the wave! Hey and one guy is white and the other is black, so that's extra significant! Where will you be when acid kicks in? cheap propaganda Just wait for the debats. I think the Politicians there are already doing a solid job giving the Australian citizens some good old fashion American Freedom. sureee! Because you can find firelands portal all over as a mage but it's a pretty rare occurrence to find a portal as a druid. This shit reminded me of Gone in 60 Seconds. Things that absolutely happened. Hey, they know that all the monkeys might be lumped together and they're really trying to be progressive. Good to see they're using Bill Williamson's expert analysis to write this article What's an optical drive? Within 15 hours, this is the 7th most upvoted post on this subreddit lol Because fuck your standards, that's why ITT: such a peaceful religion Nobody knows what it means but it's provocative. Easy: They're going to have the gender identity police do the enforcement. Probably training how to be invisible on the pitch American tourists I'm sure the mostly republican Congress will have no problem passing this Benji Marshall wants to sue that Super League try for stealing his moves. #Notmynews The objectification of men these days smh Those who can, do, those who can't, teach. But the penalty box is supposed to be Jordan's safe space. She should be jailed in a men prison people are so stupid Aw, how cute So he's a grower, not a shower. Thanks for telling us..? Skill...Probably practices that all the time FUCK I watched this while pmsing, now I'm crying Yes, he failed them, he has to go. Brand New could release the audio of the band all farting together and this sub would cream its pants all over it. This just in, comedian KT Tatara actively advocating hate speech. That just means no one on the game has a play better than that... This probably makes the most sense That sounds like a great way to get good driver reviews! It's funny, because Monty was SO good at what he did that now that he's gone, people keep complaining about really cool fight scenes because even as great as they are they are still a downgrade from what we're used to Oh I'm sorry I thought this was America. I bet you think strippers like you too. not even... *saying* someone should throw an egg = jail Only white people can be racist Oh good. HEY BAWHN BAWHN, I THINK YOU'RE MISSING SOMETHING" Another eagles player above 90 I'm not complaining Punk's opponent will be Mickey Gall, a 24 year old guy who only has a few matches in MMA, he might not be experienced but surely has age in his advantage. Hayward admirer Yep, it's only good if no one hears about it. I'd wonder what headwing the TR and NC could make if they never slept, either. Very good in my opinion, also very cute. Certified madman What a good battle that was... Some people say it's on par with BoTB Oh, we didn't expect this *at all*. Lol 4gb of ram wtf Only female mosquito bite you, proving yet again, females are the only blood sucking sex. I'm going to upvote you so turbodan1's comment doesn't get hidden. What a bitch! So now you can continue to get surveys at a rate of 3 per year with Material Design! Haven't seen this before still better than any of the shit on tumblr That hand doesnt say anything about not denying the Holocaust As I was watching I thought this thing better end with that creepy 'siapa suruh tanya begitu'...and they delivered. We need to ban assault fires! Looks cool, however I'm twice as lazy and half as gifted as you so I just opted for the $5 Wii wrist straps. Wow, she's so cool. Yeah, because if he did it next Tuesday we could stop it. /pcmr is leaking xD Do more of these! Yeah... That fence sure looked like it would've protected them Americans are stupid haha As a gun owner, welcome to my world so why do they not just eat the whole shark and instead waste several kilos in consumable meat? Taper&distress em, if you dont like the bleaching than make the cuts where the bleach marks are at Do like guiliani... Cop on every corner Ahh the reliable source of liverpool echo - can't imagine that they'd have any kind of bias in their writing most tickets issued by companies are meant to be 'not transferable'-keep up the good work. Hello, Tony Nah, they're just 10 waiting to turn 11. Take your internet privilege somewhere else, literally shaking rn What a surprise. Are you saying that a guy being punched repeatedly in the motorcycle helmet seems fake to you? Yeah man - now if only Jimmy Fallon could raise good points while still being wacky and likable! So where does HTC fit in? After the last 2 blue jays game, I'm going to jump on the TFC bandwagon now Can we boycott Nabisco products since this kind of fuckery is why our economy is in the shitter? Crop your images man jeez Don't fall tl;dr he thinks it's Brienne The first Republican fail of the new Congress. Atomizer is best offensive scout melee by miles because it lets you 1v1 soldiers easy mode Just so you know, Houston hasn't had a Republican mayor in **34 years** and we've actually fared pretty well. This comic made me feel like I could be inspired by anything so that's why I posted it here. Avoid main highways so they can have room to race Gender bender. When even Boris Johnson says you're going too far. Fiddlesticks/fiora confirmed op. I read it how of 10 I wasn't aware people still played this. Uptime. Trapo finna get that Grammy Every thumbnail of this fucks face is more punchable than the last. Good thing we're investigating this, because obese people were already counting calories and operating at a deficit Here in Canada we'd call that a military style assault nerf gun, but I can understand if you lot here don't understand the true danger of such devices. Why is no one humping it? Well at least it's in China and as long as they keep making our shit for cheaps eh? SHUT YOUR WHORE MOUTH LEAGUE IS SUPPOSED TO BE DYING AND NOBODY WILL TELL ME OTHERWISE I heard it is NC Medic, but I haven't seen one yet. So I see the Bradley, but where's the M113 Gavin? Wigs can fall off The bathroom is where the magic happens. My grandma used to make cookies that had the texture of sand and the taste of -- well, more sand. I disagree, every time i watch porn I start and finish Will KiA start an e-mail campaign in support of this patriot? oh thx we didn't know 7 I'm amazed that I am put off by this. Hamza Tzorsis said that the child must be mentally AND physically ready to take man cock.. If Islam was followed correctly the child would be alive How come suit supply isn't there...downvote, downvote! That's one hell of a rumor, who's your source? Well it never said what year, everyone just implied it was talking about this election Maybe earth is just spiking a fever on account of it being infected? manipulating screencaps He doesn't have that SEC speed Fuck PS Vita amirite np man, pm me. Goal of the season Best 4th round pick EVER He's obviously a traitor. that was badass. Thatcher hated feminists. hiburan rakyat Cool Wonder if they are considering hiring Tebow to be a driver. Temporary my ass. Fitting since Friendly-Fire is an American invention BUT EVIL CAPITALISM! But Hillary helps treat AIDS patients, so they're about equal. Oh good, they're selling level 90 characters now. It looks like you did a search for statuses containing the words "soccer" and "gay" Bioshock Infinite. wasn't aware tumblr had gamers She was pretty cute, anybody know if she's single? Thanks da'esh for inspiring such attacks on innocent Muslims Yeah this may very well be true, but this is the Daily Mail. But America had a recession in 2008! If shkreli saw this post he'd just laugh his ass off and then raise the price some more just for spite doesn't look like that midas paid off for alch Snooping sounds like snoopy so its easier to slip it past the public. I'm American and I would rock the hell out of that shirt in public. He wasn't going for a jumper, that was clearly a pass to Boozer. Its photoshopped, I can tell by the pixels Only a 970, your not Masterrace unless you have quad black titans. Is he not already second choice to alves though? i'm so impatient for this to release a final clickbait for mothership #COUNTER TERRORISTS WIN The Sun. Is that smith rocks? choo choo, lets run a pain train on the rockets cult, gentlemen You only lasted so long because there were no trees to slap you with their leaves. Lag gaye! What did he do? If only stealing guns were illegal, this wouldn't have happened! You won't call it useless when you accidently double shift and are grinding with crew during wildcard :) Every day, a Democrat in the House should propose a new pro-voter bill just to fuck with the Republicans. I'd be alert in case some random jew made a suicide bombing. Works fine for me :/ Is that record weekend league or div 1? People having fun makes me cringe so hard! Walmart Based on today's population, clearly the program was not successful. What about salamanders Spoiler tag! Nothing wtf about it, it's true except for those anti-american peace pussies! Jirsch needs to send him there. It's just a matter of time now until the whole state turns into a giant wild west shootout! Abstinence = Abortion You know I bet if Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingram, and all the other conservative pundits just disappeared conservative supporters wouldn't have anything to say. Relax, somebody'll be right along to remind you that's just perfectly normal bearing wear. Olof did it before it was cool Holy shit he won Breitbart? You don't believe in navy pants or what holmes? Wow, they really care about that persons life Hey if you spend that much money to see the Disney fireworks show, you don't want some goddamn kid blocking your view I love the light mods With the dark alphas Never heard of him But these have all been investigated and determined to not be suspicious. dustin brown This sounds like the middle part of a 90s radio dance song Coming from someone who potentially could've had our country with Sarah Palin as 1st in line to the presidency, this means a whole lot. but that makes us free! If you want to be technical, he didn't *directly* say how people *should* act, but just a cause and effect statement. Mmmh, fondant! Derek Dorsett's high ice time I hope those dash warning messages were addressed. You poof. Swiggity ...... Here comes Fournette ? I'm sure his riders were very happy to jump into his car after he so bravely defended his spot in the valet zone. Anyone else having problems with the Full screen? Dunno about you all, but I know who I'm not voting for next year. I, for one, am glad hunter gets to be basically immune to aoe spells. Testing and licensing sure worked to make sure car drivers are safe, competent, and courteous. He looks so weird wearing glasses. I'm sure the study was done by haters full of real poll data paranoia. You poor soul I hope you're gonna be okay! But not all cops are assholes I think you need to invest in a larger monitor.. Playing MKX while baked is da best~ Trump did it.. Thank you Trump France, Sweden, Netherlands and the UK, soon.... The word 'Moist' Yeah, Aiming has nothing to do with it. We're #1 in something at last. You're missing this Such a shame that neither of these 2 amounted to anything. He clearly has a deformity and is only taking this job to help his family, OP! I LOVE MY CAPTAIN! Someone partied a little too hard for about nine months. Yeah, just like it's becoming trendy to be black. they're like Black Lives Matter Such profound lyrics That's because good, god-fearing republicans have kept them in the right bathrooms. If they allowed this and made it open earlier, they would have at least sold more of them and at a higher price. I'm shocked That's a clam shame! Now if he were to do this for me....I'd be a fan for life! Sweden. HAHA IKR LOL SO TRUE! Yeah, now NI have qualified for a tournament, we should change everything to pander to people who had no interest in supporting them. If we can turn around and raid Leicester for Vardy, I'm all for it 6Cr allocated to the pockets. You mean the same way that users were able to easily opt out of installing Win 10? I wonder how his PR team will handle this. Both sides are fucked ..... so VOTE REPUBLICAN! Space dicks out! This isn't a funny or stupid story.... This is just sad. Riding a carousel while heavily intoxicated. As always, why did we have to get Murata's shit art instead of this glorious art? yeesh, that lady is pretty upset. MMMM FICTIONAL SKELETON BROTHER RAPE MMMMM SO HOT Quality gif of RL For what reason? Stay classy, phreddit! He is lucky he wasn't an American cop, if he was he probably would have just shot him. free fries, free sundae...which means when we go in to redeem those, our kids want to buy something else and I end up spending money....woohoo But I thought Minnesota had no leverage? 5 nos means yes, right? i swear down im gonna shit on yoshida's dining table for fuck sakes And the moon rises during the day, and settles during the night I also live in the US, so I have no idea what that picture is supposed to be. Yea clowns are a race. The memes just write themselves don't they? Definitely a troll, because everyone knows investing in buttcoins is actually very profitable. Poor spacies, they can never catch a break. THAT'S WHERE I'VE HEARD THAT VOICE. Damn he was more American than me. Give communism a chance, we've only killed 94,000,000 people in the last 100 years.... we know how to get it right this time! I mean Kyle shouldn't have hit her but she should like maybe pay attention RHANK YOU EVERYONE THAT GAVE ME SOME REALLY GOOD ANIMES I REALLY APPRECIATE THAT SO THANK YOU GUYS EVEN THOUG IM A NEWBIE IN ANIME CHEERS TO ALL OF YOU :) that cunt is a cunt Legalize it and fire half of the dea. When I realized it was attached to the rest me at the wrist Retards Try it with the revolver. More like Blandy Boreton amiright? Dont worry with one update or another, this is going to make its way into the game again i promise. Robots dont jump out of windows It will make your mosin shoot sub moa of angle That's pretty creative. Maybe in year 3000 we will understand mental health. Please keep posting this forever Jesus wept, a 'footnall' player earns more in a year than I do in a fucking lifetime This picture confirms Conor is doing gay porn. Congrats on the new Rin rare! Must be nice having the game work Calling MHP an ape is repugnant, signed Dian Fossey, Jane Goodall, the Leakeys, & PETA Ok since you brought the topic up i wanted to suggest some buffs for kindred: Q :stuns for 2 sec (which is how much q needs to come back up with w on) W: gives passive attack speed (lets say 50%) and blinds every auto E: now stuns and after the proc it heals you for 500 hp at max level and has an ad scaling nuke with 500 base dmg (added to the % dmg) R: now only makes your team members unable to die and heals team members inside it to full health I'm not sure how wearing a costume is "making a terrorist threat." Wow, those darn kids are sooooooo edgy! The cops should save us all from hurt feelings. If there's one thing Herr Drumpf has in spades, it's class. Dude, whats wrong with your camera? omg, its not gallic, its Gaelic, how ignorant... The servers name is WhiffedCity for a reason. Maybe this is why Eesti cannot into Nordic? abd was okay player around 2009 after 2010 he became good. That's super offensive to dogs everywhere and the continent of Hawaii But muslims are the problem! Public now. Be careful - if you feed a character to many books, he might turn into that character. Why are there so many nazi brigadiers here Ask /pol/ That's what this filthy whore deserves for not fully covering her body in public. I wonder if those tracks are hot after a train rolls over them. this is the only decoration I have hanging in my work cubicle But at least those vaccine preventable deaths weren't autistic kids Obviously this is some sort of ploy from those left-wingers. I love it when cars have shopping lists on the side. That guy seems like such a big asshole though. That is stupid, her hands are too big. Is it possible to get a transcript of all of the Facebook comments that are accompanying it? But, like... boobs... literally can't control themselves... or something Ok, I am frightened by the conflict of interest in the incoming administration, but $420,000 is so minuscule on the scales of governments. Because he's so experienced. 30 goal season, I've been saying it for week I would probably have a gun in my hand. Nope, just mashing mouse1 as fast as I can when in semi close range. It's meant to say my, sorry everypony. This is why you don't have a girlfriend, miserable asshole! i blame the christians for inciting the muslims to do it Those drywallers should get in there and install some guardrails. I don't understand how they think they can just get away with this.... The investigation has potential to harm the profits of our glorious corporate masters and will not be allowed. Except so much better KITE - I just...couldn't even But then the CIA won't be able to track the ISIS if they shut down their twitter accounts! This article violates the established policy of pretending that George W. Bush never happened. There was a movie? He wins 1 skills challenge and he gets that jacket made YEAH THIS HERALDS THE WAY FOR AN OKORE-BASED DOMINATION OF THE LEAGUE! Curry was injured for a few seconds during that play Possibly Look, the people need a distraction from that, alright? Well that makes sense- it's not like the_Donald has 180000 subscribers and is one of the most active subreddits or anything. lunatics have taken over the asylum Gotta pay extra 200 gems for new sound effects Gake and fay jeez Who the fuck is that guy? Haven't we already done that? I'm confused is this Pusha T? Because he meant to say it in his title because currently the title would include all mobile titles which Wii U definitely does not have. Nothing says "revolution" like upholding misogynistic images of how society thinks women should look, amirite? These pigs have no soul. I didn't realize it was so easy to convert currencies! My fireproof coveralls might obscure it a little. Someone should post this on the University's Facebook page Shrapnel rounds seem to do the trick every time Good lord that creep has some issues with a need for instant gratification. This is worse than Iceland. What else could be expected from a case involving Russia and killed journalists? This woman needs help and someone should get CPS or DCF involved. I hope this trial gets lots of media coverage and he's finally forced to reveal who his secret muslim accomplice was and prove that the rebel has been right all along. They had to pick the one which would get more people to click on it Bill is the reason they win or lose No u Because tattoos of band logos are creative. Salty cunt misunderstands GPL, film at 11. A complete downgrade from potato ITT: git gud White Hollywood. OP has an anime picture so he's obviously cheating, he's just using this to try and cover it up So no more ticket Master? good, time to get this over with. Don't worry everyone our glorious leader will make sure to pass the Snoopers Chart which will save us from every form of terrorism Muslim. Those are bombs. Gameplay confirmed guys! sorry bro but 70mm is superior to digital As a fan who followed the Brewers closely during spring training, I saw this coming. Well, they don't put any effort into health and safety in India. Because reddit is like way left. Gosh, I was completely sold until "u can use me as ur toilet" - if only he hadn't said *that*. And not getting Assange for the USG to ~~torture~~ interview. Well guess that I hate my closest friend then, I mean, I HATE duckfaces completely so I must be a terrible person right? Speak for yourself, bub! That's 12 points higher than it should be. Oh man that Nissan looks super comfy. Because he's dumb as hell. One thing that will unite Sunni and Shia is a neo-imperialist warmongering murderous nation like America. Bunch of clueless dumbf*cks as always. Hey, dont disrespect our finnish hijab it is part of our culture holy shit he confirmed that beating nightmare mode twice opens the box But Crew Credits! And now, my beloved country has tranformed from a democracy into a dictatorship disguised as a democracy. that was fast Nitro Cells are the single glitchest thing in this game next to the servers. Pfaff needs to have several seats and some alone time to rethink the things he is saying. Yeah fuck mages Mouseesports are Niko rejects kappa Testosterone... the world's most dangerous drug. you too have otterbox? Source? As a rebel, this is bullshit. Damn, and Oktoberfest starts Saturday. Obviously the Special Olympics, that isn't for autisstic people/ retards respectively. Gr8 Banter Yep, but there's nothing wrong with Doritos tacos and sushi burritos Was it just me or did the Duggars just make Megyn Kelley look normal and sane? Isn't it just great that MMOs don't have to publish their winning chances nor have to offer "fair" winning chances ("fair" as defined by law) lika real-life casino would have to? Looks more like 3 to me. But the all star game is a joke and none of the players want to be there Best moment in MMA! Professor BM because BLINK + SUNDER Jeeeeeeezus, these kids are assholes! Can i come over and make a box fortress? I think it's safe to say he'll never touch the devils lettuce again. Fuck yeah that's way more attractive than a dumbass do nothing bitch Irans actually a really progressive country guys, the biased western media just gives it a bad name! and weak men usually get a pass Seaside and gwalior! Yes I'm sure he actually hit the mini on the door... Only if I'm allowed to kill the 10 after words. I believe people that disagree with me shouldn't get to vote. At least it is actually pork. this is completely new information that this subreddit didn't expect. Wtf is Susie Sotars problem? Mike Ditka put crazy numbers, in the 60's. The horror! Could be when you stop over stuffing your face and start exercising, but no your reasons are the only good ones. I don't know how they didn't notice this shit before release. Yeah I always try to get excited and then after wasting an hour I realize it's never worth it. It's worked so well in Central and South America. hey op i think you should listen to him he like you pls op respond whats yur problem are you mad hey how are you can i get ur # hey how r u hey But guys all Muslims are terrorists they can't hate terrorism. I dont give a shit about what any 15 year old has to say Gonna be needing LifeAlert for that sick burn! I got scared when I saw 3.15 was downloading, but it only needed 1 mb for me. They are only bullying you because you bought into modern and legacy when it wasn't a million dollars. Yikes What type of offense does he think we **RUN** here in MN? If they don't want to speak our language, they can leave. Hekt That sorta is a thing already, man! When a billionaire running for one of the most powerful country on earth denies science on live TV, is a pretty good example of moments where I could lose faith in humanity forever. Yes, they is real. I love how so many fucking Trump guys on this site Gaslight as something else to push their agenda. Totally cammers fault. I wonder why the establishment wouldn't want him in? Oh my god your comment is ao annoying. Man, my 2 least favourite helmets. You must consider the fact that goku and vegeta can fuse into vegito and they have the ability to go ssj3 but they just choose not to because it would be an unnecessary amount of power Correct me if I'm wrong, but the NPC enemies can only steal a maximum of 10% of your cargo? Because the bible tells me so.... Isn't Netflix on EVERYTHING else anyway? But that's because men are perfect and don't deserve criticism! On the other hand, here is actual no-hyperbole nazi terrorism. He used ps wrong Where is that? y very low winrate, must be trash hero English Didn't a hacker force his way into Donald's voicemail and it was filled with thank you voice messages from several children's charities? It couldn't be at a more opportune time for cable companies either, what with the complete lack of other options for consumers. Reported for typos. yes yes, join the dark side! I had a feeling this would happen, bring on St Nicolas! Requesting [[Intet, the Dreamer]] cause that thing is my favorite general To be fair, it is a card from 2012 Probably was, back then. Sometimes I forget the game can actually look really good and that it's just me with the potato graphics on my potato laptop Fuck Ron Paul and his consistent pursuit of common sense to solve issues. Use sarcasm. It will be a "moral victory" if AJ survives. Is it April 1st already? Maybe they will come up with a system where you can switch what kind of controller you would like to use.From controller to keyboard. Damn OP really doesn't understand FX markets ugh but correct grammar and using sentences that sound like you've just discovered a thesaurus make me so wet! [Varian's gravestone is built on gravestones?] DAE should have taken an AA Adult Protective Services x 1,000,000 Except for the hate target You're complaining because they took an extra day? Just noticed this and came to post and see if it meant anything, guess not. But he died! photoshopped if yer wondering That dun look real... I live in Australia and there aren't many places where people live with mountains here without driving out so whenever I see these types of places they always seem so majestic but almost overwhelming! Wait what, the den can spawn right next to tora? Well obviously a U turn isn't a regular turn If this was a bicycle video, something something get off the road you're driving *way* slower than traffic and thus causing accidents. Stay classy Europe. Oh good we're finally talking about textbook prices on reddit. Those people out doing activities all the time...get indoors and stop running away from your loneliness Credit to Gibson, proper captain. Hopefully the body cameras the officers were wearing exonerate them. The gays are taking over! Sure, why not Money is bad in politics, unless it's my team. DAMN people, stop doing crimes! That's why the confederates were allowed to leave the union. So did a lot of people who lived and died before it was a thing, apparently. Remember OP, nothing says "better" than someone who keeps saying he is The ocilloscope isn't running it, a PC is running it and sending the graphics through a sound card which is displayed on the PC. Sexual dimorphism is social construct! Injuries? I fucking hate feeding hundred of millions of people so much BURN THE HERETIC Is there any more context to this poll? No, see, God is everywhere and you should feel guilty for complaining about anything I guarantee you that a man has never done this. That's because toilets didn't have entire teams dedicated to UX and design. Because, as we all know, the only thing black people do is steal cars and have guns. Man you're definitely not going to regret this one in the future. As is tradition Yes, that's basically it. i swear do royals pitchers just have a knack for hitting people with pitches? not very crippling is it GREAT WAY TO END THE SEASON You can't really call these places "correctional" facilities when they are being run like this. Ethnic German minority? Yeah, that's it! I wish there were sounds effects for pictures of Guy Fieri, just simple snorts and glups. it would have happened if the courageous republicans in congress didn't stop him This corruption is why we need the ABCC! Definitely has been a problem for widow with Ana around all the time since Ana could do decent enough sniper damage consistently that she had the potential to outplay a widow, especially behind a barrier. Holy fuck talk about 0 to 100, real quick. Elected three times by Wisconsin CAN YOU GUYS STOP ALREADY? Players coming from League should quickly notice that they're finally playing a game created by a development team that knows much better what they're doing :) OP should've expected the unexpected and got gud; never reload, even when you're positive you've cleared the enemy! I have my pidgey just in case. from the nationalized fed wow who could have possibly seen this one coming Uh oh, looks like Tara Gilesbie's started making rule 34! drugs That's a cool screenshot, you are dead but the sidebar hadn't updated yet to show that yet. More seizures, yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay What if... stay with me here... both were true. Yay, more Barbie Fashion Scrolls Like sparky! TIL Alaska is part of Canada. HEY THAT'S NOT FAIR "FUCK" IS STILL THE MOST HILARIOUS AND EDGY WORD THAT HAS EVER EXISTED. Maybe fans should wear some RT/AH merch that they have? But when white people find out you beat your kids, they go calling CPS on the parents. Yeah man, she should have turned. Roses are red Violets are shy Bite the pillow I'm going in dry Oh no dead skins cells are all over me! Well that would have been amazing. Come on folks there is no such thing as racism against white people. Wow.. thats gotta be a first Fruit and liquor right? If you take out the green dye your diamond leather armor would look more diamond like. That must be why he hosted that AIPAC meeting the other day Will he start a new daily vlog to promote this new app then? Someone is totally not bitter. Poor America, always one step behind Mexico in football. Well shit. He clearly pushed off on that one he's just listening to some dubstep What a coward. Sounds elvish. Much like the rest of the game, right? Killary strikes again. I am sure no other player has cursed at a referee before in a similar or worse manner, thus masking this fine completely reasonable and not at all because the NFL enjoys the creating the narrative of OBJ as a whiny player. Caste doesn't matter in present-day India. Looks nothing like him remember that you need to be patched up through Anglicanism 2.0.7 to disenchant items that you yourself have enchanted. Are they going to be targetting orange juice as well? (I generally can't stand Reason and CATO, but they're right about stuff like this and police abuse issues generally.) smoke crack, be mayor of Toronto where king drake is from. Yo niggah, by any chance do you go to st marys in belfast? Its like your on shrooms but "we" didn't pray I'll take 3! Well this should make the Bundesliga really... entertaining? Obvs too NSFW The outcome matters and the outcome makes it different and I say that without a horse in the race and mostly indifferent to the outcome of this all Finally; was tired of how meta-dominant Rust Crawler was for a while. Nobody here is going to say no. I was scrolling through my front page and opened that gif in RES, and it looks entirely different with the bottom quarter cut off the bottom of the screen... [](/ppfear) Don't worry about finances an just enjoy because Canadian social programs handle everything for you. I fail to believe a Liberal Government would do this just to keep the big end of town happy. He obviously flew under the Eagles radar Don't see too many Charr thieves. What was in the package? Such a tyrant. I bet she's the type of pyrsyn that get's mad at her bf when she has a dream about him doing shit she don't like. More like transphobic. No more 4x scope on a crossbow for planing raids! Very professional Play a druid and the state is totally breaking down here A. Odysseus Patrick is a writer for The Australian Financial Review. YOU JUST HATE OBAMA BECAUSE HE'S BLACK! Is Oasis that new Beatles album? 1 way to make Reaper feel like an asshole. Is your name Michael Knight by any chance? Because fuck that Awesome. People who disagree with me politically! advice: get it repaired, or use an ext monitor. A very convincing but yet comical argument. did you see the game last year or? Source? Yea but Hillary was the one to start ww3 So did your mom ;) This guy needs sit the fuck down and know his place and stop fucking mansplaining to that poor oppressed girl, like wtf? That your request resulted in an error. Philosophy major hmm, dont see a lighter&airtight Raonic needs a lot more power off the ground. never heard that before Global is good too just needs to catch up Its not a conspiracy when the entire world but you is in on it. Awwwww he's so cute! CLG S1mple Didn't see that one comming. i see you op Graphics are too crisp, makes it look blocky and sharp I want them to spend more time getting to know the contestants Country music... It's so god damn sappy ughhhhghghghfhghg Solving real problems, one liberty at a time. Tyson. i'm sure he's just in a play The majority of these individuals have been directly caught conducting terrorist activities... Fun place, you can land a helo in side it or HALO in. Dam left wing media I hate when- Wait, Weather Channel? Wow, that kid is clearly traumatized. Man the AL East looks loaded this year Apollo Bay Looks like your GMO grain products are already labeled. Let's use last week's thing of the week with fallout, surely that'll reap in that sweet sweet karma :v see, this is why we need a trolley system 2.5 Million vote lead. He shoulda twerked on the president Nice meme Fucking hell I adore nature based Heroes that use vines and poison. Mumbo Jumbo! Here's your bucket. Reading the Constitution to women always turns them on if it doesn't hit anybody it doesn't count wtf america get it together! I hear the same thing happened in New Jersey, just prior to the Super Bowl. We see an eye moving at 700 FPS, but the eye can't see us moving at anything above 24 FPS. OHH MY LUNGS lost it at that Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! nice fight between NA midlaners! Man you're probably the most fun person at any party. Weight loss is *literally starvation*. No, I prefer having 5 different messaging apps from Google. When will these shit-skinned gorillas realize that they're lucky to have our pity? Yes, no woman who has ever been born or who ever will be born will be capable of giving love just because you happen to be 19 and single. This isn't about Jolyne, Dio and Hol Horse. Whether true or not, tell them it was your newborn. Those Converse probably cost more to produce than these Feezys, sorry to say lol well porky pig tried so we should re-elect her. Are real people are less important than people that dont exist? Seems legit So THAT's where people evolved from! Considering so many of the guns on the street were given to the colectivos by Chavez... does this mean Maduro is dismantling the thug army? MPlayer can play videos on the root window , so you can have a video wallpaper o_O It's unlikely that you could hike it even if you wanted to. Damn, that guy makes my 150w/503L look like nothing :( How will I ever get good like him? You are objectifying him and are a sexist shitlord Now I dislike Canada even more. Well it was a good season boys... Let's pack it in. The fuck is an "assault weapon"? some have casters, some have mid laners Wow they're pretty big for a hockey team. Is hier een video van? Bingo! At least he isnt siphoning off money meant for downballot elections replay eww THIS is why we need a Northern Wall! *White suburbanites heave sighs of relief* Over week one. Bloody lazy Greeks But if we judge barbecue by the length of the line you have to wait in, why not banh mi? Thank God he was wearing protective shorts and tee shirt! 7 days free for a minimum of 2 years of paying 20$... well thanks I don't get it, isn't your whole argument that dogs don't speak English? From pictures it looks like they're celebrating Halloween. Beyond this, individuals living in modern day capitalist societies have largely been freed from the fear of starvation, So, if we are willing to tolerate a *small* amount of starvation, the market will take care of everything else without intervention! No, but with heat and vibrations the tape will fall apart very quickly save this for Armageddon Dude barely has hair on his head let alone down south So ... the correct way. Human eye can't see higher than 30fps But but, this has nothing to do with Islam, because its all made up by Western media, and everyone who thinks that this has somehow to do with Islam is a Nazi Racist. Was it ever confirmed as to whether or not it was an Israeli bombing that damaged the Sudanese factory? Tank is totally balanced this sub is overreacting I can't wait to hear how she's honoring her small dollar donors over large corporate lobbyists. You just have to wonder who she'll blame after the DNC for her lack of success. Yeah, but she said he was so he must be because that is the world we live in. Just like the blacks! This time, I believe them What fucking bullshit, honestly. We all do our part. Dawn of the Dead American Pie 2 I'm sure the plan is that only the useful end up staying in Germany while the illiterate two thirds will be offloaded onto the rest of Europe. 0/10 no Eurobeat I think he failed it on purpose when he realized he was joining the raiders I'm sure that cop will get paid suspension, like he deserves. The diesel thing didn't work out so um we are a in on electric! I think people who choose to live in Lincoln Nebraska lack the imagination to be depressed. Some people are just too important to stop for a bus. But, where else are we going to throw our shit? Is this a starcraft reference? wait...a MINUTE IF SCOTT DOESN'T POST A TEASER TODAY THAT MEANS 83 IS DEBUNKED!1!1!1! UPDATE: The missing L has found its way to Meek Mill more details at 11 How about a job man? While it's great to see this getting immediate attention, it's hard to comprehend what the priority list looks like over there at Riot No because they insist Mordekaiser be played bot We all knew that was coming Wow, I almost feel bad for all the Brasil fans who bought tickets to this match expecting a win. This same strategy works greatfor bananas too Isnt this just for girls? Boners? Syria. Pretty shitty of him to wait until 51 weeks after NSD to tell him he's actually off the team in the new world order built by the globalist its ok, because he took them from white people. Most *people* are sexist, racist, and overall tribal without realizing it. Because I'm a nice guy maybe he is, probably not though nothing he did seemed like something that wasn't possible just enjoy cs with your bro, if he gets vac banned then its just unfortunate Wow... These people are really fighting for the working class. Comin' straight outta Compton', crazy motherfucker named ... Richard James Cartwright III. So many issues would go away if the president has a line item veto. Obama is a cunt and should go back to Africa where he belongs. So the jews DO rule the world! Her singing ruined her career fucking hipsters Yes way to ruin the game..... Got any before photos? take him please, so tired of this shit player. Fucking dreadful, the way these animals are treated. Millennial, probably WTF did I just listen to? Oh that clears it up, let's talk about Benghazi That **UNICORNS** guy is probably giddy as fuck atm. So many chromosomes in one picture He Sabu'd your momma through a coffee table How everyone always generalizes. Hard counters croc decks, broken. Child robbed from caregiver at gunpoint because the caregiver might have been robbed at gunpoint.... Makes sense both of them don't play defense Water: wet. Why dont the Hamas leaders go blow them selves up and get the 70 virgins? this music is too classical for my taste, i need teenage asian guy yelling maplestory in the mic instead EAT SLEEP RAVE REPEAT go find it on youtube :) I'm just impressed she had an extra laptop lying around able to play D3. Photo realism = the only good art [Being punched in the face] Hadn't it been for all the sitters or quality chances he missed, he should already be near 200. DAE think Sanders will concede on the 19th? Good thing that this didn't exist on the PTS so they could fix it Oh no! Ben & Jerry seem pretty sound. Well how else is a man expected to be an expert in something he doesn't partake in? How in any way do the situations compare? Why didn't you just post this in the topic already on the front page? Such a shame after doing all that good work on AJ Styles' new WWE theme. Sanders: You either agree with me, or you're a crook. Is farming for keys/hellfire jewelry still a thing? But this title is so much better! CFC and Rus titans were jumping out to go to sleep or back in after refuelling for more doomsdays as they weren't as heavily bubbled, i can only imagine that alot of the kills that pl/n3 thought they were getting, were actually the titans jumping out. Yes, we're always taking your players and not the other way around or anything HAHAAAA YOU'RE SO FUNNY. I thought iPhone wallet cases replaced those There's a reason the O in Observer is capitalized in his flair, and not yours. I don't understand your novelty account.... Yea bro, it's called "nature" ya'll have a very primitive notion of "decency." Once again, fuck you guys who voted no on 3 because you promised us something better the next year. What the fuck is this Coming Attractions that thing barely gets forward in a swimming pool... would love to see them try in some real life situation with the water moving like in sea or rivers... I'm betting it won't be able to cope with that. I bet they are all just minors who lived a hard life! Tin foil hat much Time to sell my motorcycle! Mark Stuart got snubbed hard this year Just out of curiosity, may I ask why you don't agree with anything the Steelers say? Cheese on tomatoes, buttered toast "Four black squirels, look at the wall" What the fuck are these quotes I do love the music in this game. The syntax in this makes me hurt. Dat boi #/#NiUnoMenos give it the 3 part zeratul mission prologue ability, in which it regenaretes shield for friendly protoss units C O N F I R M E D See, this is why they nerfed Olimar in Smash 4. Yeah, checkmate skeptics. Of course Walmart is doing all this as a public service. Welcome to the jungle, brother. Minghie No there shouldn't. i hope red team report murky for intensional feeding Put him in solitary, then he'll get clean. Keep the Christ in Christen #ReasonForTheSeason Slow-mo dude It's that hgh! That's gonna need a complete rework of the code in order to fix At least they're finally giving the peep stone its central role over the plates! OP clearly said (s)he won't ever get tired of it I do the same but just when they are offline lol Extremist Jaws would be more realistic. Damn always will dislike the cavs but the team chemistry is their you can tell.something I wish the Bulls had smh How is fire coming out of her eye realistic? Lock Thread Plis, this is offending me. .... So is Putin's humanity. Based on the title, I take it this episode is about Colbert and Flohr failing to contact Asia? Another win for the drug warriors! Life PT to console back to PT (fixed x2) ;) Yes, the FCC would be totally fine with my experimental satellite even if it jams a major communications system! 7:43... IT'S ONLY CUZ I TYPE SLOW AND WITH MISTAKES, I SWEAR! So glad op didn't put the punchline in the title. How many root canals did it cost you? They have every right to instruct what their writers write about...Breitbart is an adult entertainment magazine. YOU DON'T OWWWWWWN MEEEEEEEEEEEE it's a good thing voter fraud is only a myth #\#HillBullies Solid window if you ask me But this direct democracy of theirs surely will not work It's her zipper obviously How could you Yeah, these numbers look good and are based on facts, but people don't "feel" like the economy is doing better so therefore it isn't. I wouldn't worry about the stuff they listed - I would be more interested in the stuff that didn't get listed. Its nice to win, but I'm sure Garcia cheated, so thats a shame. Bravo Not a big fan of ipl . Dem cacti sure make it even more classy. I blame washington for legalizing weed In-between killing people and playing soccer with their severed heads, of course. I suggested this for OSRS a month ago... Now everytime i mention it it will be thought to be from here :( ITT: Dumbass ANTI-WAR HIPPY WIMPS forgetting about the SLUMBERING THREAT of WARSAW PACT ARMOUR in the case of a CENTRAL EUROPEAN INVASION! Phil Simms and Joe Buck. This sounds like a story that would happen in Florida. 3rd time on the front page. I really don't care, unless she expects me to be good at video games, because I am not. That's why anti dragon bases are king at TH 8 Why can I never hear these when they're from Imaqtpie? That's obviously a blueberry. If you weren't drinking 'tea', I think that would be a normal member missionary activity! Aw man, I wanted to make a chair-staircase instead of using ladder hatches Yeah, it's immoral when Harper did it but under Trudeau why get bent out of shape over it? Comcast might not be happy But where is the Wii U? tyson floyd Just let me finish, officer. People tell me i suck when i suck BabyRage bring your copy of the constitution and your proof of US citizenship. WE DID IT REDDIT! Look at how fat Tony Romo has gotten! And Hales thought Shah's appeal was cheeky! TIL vibrations can travel through the vacuum of space. Don't think there will ever be a women's welterweight division. the Sword fights, if you know what i mean. Like he did in Russia. Omg, I listened to this and couldn't tell if it was Kanye or not! If the Lions fall in, do we shoot the humans? I don't believe it til I see an uncomfortable dinner pic. created in God's image You should have just got her to jump in the cage! Nothing more beautiful than an open-pit copper mine. Always preferred the live version - mainly because of 'Aquatarkus', but this is seriously one of the best pieces of prog ever crafted. im probably setting myself up for disappointment but i am so glad historical games are back So is Mexico just going to send us the check for that in the mail, or..? Do you own it? Shit you can be anyone and I'll treat you like a terrorists if you cut me in a line waiting for my gummy worms. F for Baby He runs slow so it belongs permanently to Trout. That's a Jesus I can respect. You date someone with their own place. And I won't be seeing either! Imagine the backroom pressure he is exerting to get a knighthood. poor coaching Damn it, Bangladesh should have had better gun control, then none of this would have happened. Clay wasn't playing AMs. But PC is better, we do not talk about origin So is your user name =3 so kawaii Nope, it means you have ball cancer and you'll need to have them removed, sorry. Itt: elitist libcucks who think the world is *round* The WSJ Op-Ed page: because something has to line your birdcage. They better NOT allow people to get this DANGEROUS drug for pain or it will seep into our Schools and Prisons! Life sucks so we are doing them a favor. HahahahHahaha When five year olds are being torn from their mothers in airports, and handcuffed as security risks, how big a step is it to send the entire family a gas chamber? River's wearing shoes, 5/10 Well, that was the good news I needed today. Everytime I tried to use pomade in my hair like that and was outside there were like 8 billion bugs that swarmed on me and attacked my hipster hair They are mentally ill. I must confess that lately the pc I built myself has recently become a glorified Netflix machine. I can also create a website where I charge you to pre-order Fallout 7. I've been hooked on the Toy Defense series for a while now. Whatever happened to love? Michael Shepherdson is a dick. I must admit that came over as creepy. Phone book, encyclopedia, most history books. Yes this is the first time that anyone on this sub has ever thought of that joke. Still better than E.coli in my chipotle But it's beautiful isn't it? Looking forward to the crash with verstappen Wow didn't see this gif coming. Gates is a moron, everyone know government stops discrimination! If it were a bible page no one would care. Someone gonna get raped. Im sorry to hear about your break-up That is not true, there have been plenty of matches this MLG that were awesome! I can understand why he'd want to use that weapon, this community Warrior SPELLS ARE FUN SO FUN Well he needs to be under Torts' system. I imagine the next step in training is how to lay down your weapons and surrender orderly. It's a good job Kodi only runs on Android boxes or else every PC and Mac seller would be up for prosecution too. It's not her actual husband , she's single Just end your sentence with Kappa OP must work for Marvell Comics. But he's made AMAZING movies since then! I wish people would stop using the word "thug" and just say the word we all know you really mean. She needs to check her rich, white, male privilege Put a fucking shirt on, Justin! Could it, could it really? Mail order brides usually want to leave the country they are in. You guys say what you want, but I'm finding out where this guy lives and writing him a strongly worded letter. After peeking into today's trash talk thread, apparently not. Bet your dad can't even spell dyslexia...liar! produce a birth certificate! Yes because a community of people who develop their own applications are your perfect client base. If there were no refugees, she wouldn't have to fabricate a rape story. As the reality of 50 individuals controlling up to 80% of coins sets in, we will be closer to $0 then $1200. All double priced items are half off! Sven would be proud at the 2 casters It makes me wonder how much of this is the sound of the car and how much is the sound of the Dyno. What a crappy champion. EUW-Masterrace! I can't wait to see Oliver Stone's straightforward and even-handed take on Snowden's story. It's kind of refreshing to see people speak about islam without some weird evangelical (*cough cough fundamentalist christian*) bias. I bet it's the standard 2280 m.2 PCIe so we can put in our own! When you're about to finish last in the race and get the pity clap but you choose to keep running anyway but it is though. Ya, they are attention whores just like those people who wear pink during breast cancer awareness month. Can you clarify? Sounds exciting. Xbox 1 game on Xbox One for only $16 woo! Because the church has a building within the confines of the city limits, duh. Probably just needs plugs! OP is a real winner.... I wonder where the extra time will go Dodged a bullet, Dallas. Hitler, because in reality he did nothing wrong Im calling him mommy from now on. But they probably stopped years ago........ right? Turd Nugget strikes again Time is an abstract concept created by carbon based lifeforms to monitor their ongoing decay -Thunderclese- Hence proved Modi is Adani-Ambani agent Rogues tshirt and helmet thingy are purple... Dubstep confirmed? This game represents an entirely senseless departure from the source text. Yeah, they're totally going to use PDR model for the Skorpion Evo and the M16 model for the Bren. what a great post, super helpful and interesting Plot twist: OP's looking for new targets Dont forget the six gorillion! Does Finland use F-18s ? What puzzle is that? Well... Low dollar... Cost to ship stuff... Supply and demand... It's only double the price... When they call it war, then it's acceptable (except for the losing side). *Says the increasingly nervous astronomer for the 12th time this year* No its a fat Kyogre Maybe you could contact the reporter and mention this to them. Jets are OP and gamebreaking Its really hard to take them down (Especially on maps w/o AA) (And most of the time there is some lvl 3 shooting birds in the AA) (attack) Jets - Sitting safe in the sky, shooting at little dorito's from miles away I don't know man Mo Vaughn was pretty awesome. I am hoping that is engine oil being sprayed on the windshield. Seeing this sure makes me want to vote democrat what's funny to me is that this is apparently a common enough problem that they have a form-letter sleeve for it. Laundry basket That sounds like so much fun Holy hell I must be on drugs because I strongly agree with a Republican. Well, I guess this settles it that Eichel is better. I love the original movie and definitely think that seeing all the actors way older (20 years) would be great because it'll have all the magic as the original. Too bad regular zarya is a joke however. yep Because Neo-Nazis can't possibly be as bad as whistleblowers Couple of last big payouts before bailing~ This was from the press conference yesterday. Guns don't kill people, Obama kills people. Futurama? No, you post it on PCMR to get all the upvotes. Real? Says the political spoiler White Male Confirmed You shouldn't have thanked him, you pathetic vermin. I don't know man I just don't think Jim Webb had enough time y'know? Look at all you "adults" falling for a shitty bait The Greeks were well known for making up words that had no real world existence. You mean an Aloy fanart right ? I just figured Bro Team DMCA'd him again. Pretty much every time Yellow touches the puck in NHL15 Space jam 2 Probably a Jehovahs Witness responsible. Oh, that's what I forgot. Because sending a flower emoticon gets all the girls, gay or straight Lillard earning that All-Star spot Majespecters plot twist, it's actually a grand scheme to let terrorists launch attacks on the commies from within the EU. Transformers, roll out! It's wonderful to see the caring, open-minded, tolerant left here on Reddit. That'll teach him! Probably end up getting Firewatch and The Witness We're your parents gay? correlation doesn't imply causation, even though I would like to believe this to be true I would like a regression matrix or something to show the statistics behind this claim. I would love it if we could mount a bed to the top of cArs for moving day. I really hope I don't die this way. Nice setup Next upgrade should be good lighting Ronnie Lott well I guess since this is a non-FNaF related post then I can submit non-post related comments uh the new ERB is pretty good Obviously if we had just banned assualy knives this would have never happened Was Walters offside though? Never use a r9 295 without a fire hazzard suit Yes lets sell off the country while we are at it. While everybody here is talking about the elixir, I'm just sitting here looking at how ugly those air defenses are. Cause hes a fucking white male that doesn't care about black oppression nope, Chuck Testa And shadows too, amirite? Yea, because polls are trustworthy Feeeeeeeeeeemalesss what's up with his cellphone? Too bad earth is only 6,000 years old Don't you guys know that racism is made up by the media? Just because they behead people doesn't make them a bad person. Guys I think it there might be something up with bastion too Probably doesn't want to get the hate that all the other Bayo mains get. Trophy belt. tall and socially awkward people are totes disgusting amirite Can someone help fill me in on the circumstances of this? Apparently so am I. Should we start a club or something? Fuck this, come back Chucky :( If you go to any protest make sure to follow the rules that reddit commenters have laid out. But you're already so good at it. Not free enough, but I'm an anarchist so I have pretty damn high standards of what true freedom is. What is the story behind your flair? Let me unban you really quick. It kind of says something that by just reading the title I can already have a very clear mental image of what the guy looked like, and especially what religion he was....... Probably some Chinese Buddhist right? Omg so trippy like wooooow lol - obviously fake but it kinda drives the point home. Does it *really* count against Toronto? My money's on the battery What's he going to use that for? Tell me that isn't a little tempting when she's railing on you for the 3rd time this week to pick up your clothes and put the seat down. At the gas station in The Netherlands you'll pay 1,90 Dollars per liter. For all you guys who wanted the Ryan brothers, i hear they're available. Wow, the pros sure do have a lot of throwaway accounts that they answered on. ooooooohhhh sooooo creeeeeepy Don't you know, diplomacy should be made with money, not with words! We must have more bad guys than those Brits do. the goalie is like 'i ain't even mad' what kind of magazines are those? Chicago does not have enough luxury rental places yet Did you know both him and Kurtzman worked on Hercules and Xena with Riami? a bide G2 weren't that impressed Its robbery in the 2nd. New trailer this week confirmed NSFW, gawd. Radicalized Christians? Because you totally cant see the skin with this viewmodel I don't know where you're from, but 2x4's are not bananas... bananas taste much better. He played well today but I am a little cautious about him being our striker. Everyone else on the road should realize that the road belongs to that man and get out of his way. Who the fuck is Bernie Sanders This was the scene that made me completely stop trying to sympathize with Walt. he must've worked out with kobe in the summer But white cis gays are so privileged C'mon, didn't you know white people are the cause of everything negative in the world? TSA exists to counter terrorism, not promote it people! Seems pretty standard by Scarlet Witch standards. Are you playing in 1:1 aspect ratio? The antichrist, Jeb Bush, will negotiate peace in the Middle East, the rapture will happen and Jesus Christ will return...what other way is there.... But you know lol its okay because lol I'm not actually lol that old lololololololololololllll This is clearly photoshopped. Hope Lucas and Can make way for Pirlo and Benteke. daddy must be disappointed, 2Bs and a C? Is "grabing" the act of throwing an anime girl around? This is for when we finally get the TES and Fallout cross-over Nice try, Californian. I'm assuming your referring to the interdementionial beings Still feel bad that Big Baby made him hyper extend his knee. Damn at 14 I couldn't do more than 5 pull-ups With that crosshairplacement, you deserve it. By banning all Muslims from entering his land But noooooooo, this small stock was such a calculated and intelligent move from Nintendo Adlai Stevenson? Is it some pagan style shit? is is possible her appeal has little to do with tennis? Clearly a fake clip as Andrea hasn't been shown on the season and was obviously just a special guest for the episode title. I love Jeremy Jacobs A call is a call Yeah that's why soda doesn't have calories because it won't burn when lit on fire Sophie Turner COBBLE FUCK YEAH Yea this definitely happened Good luck finding either your or others' guardians now! I love the cognitive dissonance from shitlibs saying America is systemically racist while defending a literal racist ethnostate. I read about this on FB, the comments are cancerous as usual. But Calvin Pryor sucks! Only real Shin Maygoomi Tensay games pls It looks very weird and I honestly prefer the way the normal AS looks Because the only things you need are pause and full screen! They're offset so probably add another $400 But at least you weren't able to get away with that HB motion snap cheese She's more concerned for her drink. Everyone, everyone.. remember, as soon as you quit eating the cumin the weight will start coming back so why bother? No, that was Bushs' fault. This will surely end well. What about Benghazi? There is one guy that has the same profile pic as i do what a feg. They harm others by their privilege, of course. It goes from arts and crafts herpes to real herpes. I hope Runescape makes a come back, it offers me something no other game ever has, and it's been a big part of the last 13 years for me. I'm sure this drill will not affect the primary election process in any way Those Hillary supporters are so tolerant and accepting of other points of view. I don't know if this guy is a rapist or not, but I do know that he's a fucking asshole, a dishonest liar, and a shitty friend. I don't know, I can't answer that. Everything changed when the cloud nation attacked It's cute how they hide the cable in video. Mighty Mighty SJW was that ska band's first choice for a band name. Here you're making the mistake of thinking YECs care about anything that isn't written in their old book of fairytales or whatever their pastor tells them. I'm amazed he doesn't have more technical fouls for his career It could be a recessive gene like blue eyes. *AH GOD, OP YA GOT ME NEVER WOULD OF GUESSED* BUT WAIT HE'S NEVER REALLY DONATED TO CHARITY BEFORE more like dogenap Good Capture Does anyone know when the online DSM drop is? I'm sure the Geology and Engineering programs would love this! Can we, the taxpayers send him a bill for the money it would cost for him to do this? profits come first RUSHED GAME, ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE Yeah, why should you have to pay for someone's hard work? I agree, they should have clubbed her in the head instead. Feelsbadman How do so many people have this game now? Who is Lore? What is a "real man" I wonder. Is this supposed to be surprising? So he got more information on an issue and made a new decision based on said new information, what a horrible trait to have in a president! I mean she's not wrong Why should I bother raising my kids when I can vote to have the state mandate how I raise my kids? Broncos camp opened. Solar power still has price and efficiency issues, but this soort of project will help move hat forward by getting money into the technology. Great response. So that's how it works in The Last of Us! 17 everthing was amazing Broncos are literally killing sick fans with this rule change. pft Canada where you don't have to decide between going bankrupt and treating a life threatening illness TLDR: THIS is more important than the current 25+ Scandals from the current administration! cheap PR stunt Teamate 2 by 2s, oh boy! White is Right baby. Keep your beauty burning because he fancies it and for no other reason! Wonder how many of those Hollywood "opinion leaders" will get their Teslas crushed now. That'll show 'em! Where the afghans that died Taliban or just normal Afghans? Has stairs on the other side Textbook example of Toxic Femininity. But i thought they control the world. Aiya we forgot to thank Indonesia today Are you trying to speak something into existence? If the ratio of suicides of women to men was 2 to 1 instead, everyone would be losing their minds. [Q] [W] B0ss pls Well, thank God you're completely irrelevant now. Rage sprout has evolved to bittervet. Welp, I need new pants now AWOL Nation - Sail U got fucking roasted man. If true the guy should be fired but, I have a hard time believing these articles, that seem to be more common, where innocent gardeners who follow all the rules are being beaten down by the local government. Orrrrr they can just their fucking job correctly? Two day turn around what a nightmare. SAFETY TRAINING AT WORK IS SO MUCH FUN! God man, don't you know not to use logic in a Ghostbusters thread? Those aren't true feminists! But it can't play CS:GO, how are they expecting to sell any? I think he wants best at protecting the offense, not best at letting the defense in the back field. High speed, low drag. Totally the actions of people who aren't super-guilty. Um, Lutherans and Anglicans both use crucifixes sometimes, and I wouldn't be super surprised to see other liturgical Protestants with them either. Sucks for you guys from down under, but let's stay on actually building pcs. HILARIOUS HAHAHHAHAHA Maybe the setting of the game as of right now does not involve the french army? well 6L, 21BV and 21 added chaos, your gems are pretty good :D RADIO FIYER? I paid $30 for JC3 #PCMasterRace Amen, be your own person. p2w Aww yisss, first try! *click* *click* you done admiring dinner yet ? What if you have 7? By throwing it away and going to my local Pho house Woah, thanks for letting me discover an intriguing new site I did not know existed! But he still ain't top 10 doe. Ousside! Gotta love progressive thinking in other parts of the world where they truly believe non-discriminatory jobs. Oh, good thing I just upgraded to 9.3.1 and lost my JB. texture pack? I get really self-conscious and hope no one's looking over my shoulder when this happens Thanks, bought 30. There once was a great, peaceful leader who said *"An eye for an eye leaves the world blind"* What an idiot, these rapists **deserve** to get raped! Well, to be fair the guy couldve stayed in india Modiji be literally netflixing and chill I prefer to think that the world is just over half-full #Optimist #Fuckthepoor Why does someone make a Video about how to improve in League of Legends eventhough he plays it since Beta and yet stucks in Low diamond Why do we need another one again? Because VPNs and alts weren't widespread enough already Classic PK I would say something snarky... But the videos of police abusing our trust speak for themselves. When quoting a famous book, when acting in a play, or when the the waiter at dennys fucks up your order Rito should look into this and ban both organizations from the lcs for being too frendly with each other and making a "bad trade" Because men shit on women in chess. This picture gives me goosebumps from the nostalgia Iggy to NYR confirmed... we need another late season, late career pickup I'm OK with this. He's only doing so well cause he's playing with Panarin No bias here at all. He can control his how his face looks with the power of... PLASTIC SURGERY! Wow that guy's skype pic is gr8. Johnny kinda reminds me of Alex Moran from BMS. Yeah that's literally barely anything compared to how much will be spent on health care. And death is when you level up. It's because it's level 50 already! Defective, clearly you should get it replaced. Vassili and Phanton should be only unlockable at higher levels, just my humble opinion. How do we always get a hold of such exclusive information! Back at it again we are just the worst fucking state Which is a *genius* statement that all the bullied, depressed, and otherwise agonized children can listen to. Just PM me all the data and I can check it for you Israel would never lie and make retarded accusations about terrorism. Perhaps he knows and knows that when the truth is revealed we will know that the legitimacy of his election is even further diminished from his present status as just another "Runner Up!" Shocker. Way to alienate 95% of your viewership Yeah those people who went to Africa to help with Ebola, they deserve to be abused for there vile acts. And they should dropped back in Libya not brought to bloody Europe This is why the mavs suck you got seth curry over there on the bench if anyone should be taking the shot it sould be him Am I finding it weird that the US is also the only country that allows legal sale of any guns to civilians? Probably got the idea so fast from your comment about it on the previous thread. Just bandwagoning. hehe, i'm sure the CIA had nothing to do with inciting revolution in Ukraine. Yeah, but fire KNJ anyway, right. Try verifying the game cache, also make sure that you are building the map with the "Link" option ticked. Short answer : no I thought Iran was super progressive! Saskatchewan Just update adobe, that fixes everything I can't bring myself to read it all. Perez has made history by breaking his record of not sacking a manager in 6 months Und ich tue das, weil ich ein absolut reines Gewissen habe. Phh Lifi is what's cool now, get with times. It's better to just look down at the poor and scoff. for their smaller, feebler, female brains Yes, there is no reason other than racism why a woman could possibly be disinterested in talking to you about meditating while on psychedelic drugs. But who's William Gibson ? Video seems to be removed by user, anybody has a mirror? Trebuie sa risipeasca biogazul. Damn you must have done something special to get kicked off *Miami's* campus Better increase gun control to keep the full-auto Mac-10's off the street What a wonderful, insightful addition to the discussion. Asa se nasc hermafroditii! So Apple products DO get viruses, go figure. Cool stitch but I need one that's gluten free I can't imagine the media shitshow that would ensue if they successfully impeached a SECOND Clinton. Stolen by X Delusional Bulgarians And my personal favorite: Sultan Erdogan. Yes, the time honored GOP tradition of helping already rich people become even richer at the expense of everyone else plays so well in minority neighborhoods, it's amazing that this sort of thing is even needed. Average at best Top notch WTF-ery. Technically for it to be an Eiffel Tower they would be high fiving to crate that Eiffel Tower shape, I think what they have is just a play on the Honda logo... Therefore not trashy at all and totally hilarious But... this healthy, sugary, double chocolate granola bar box says it's Non GMO and Gluten free, so obviously it's the gluten that's bad for you. Same place the opposing team holds the rallies to kick out all the Muslims - nowhere, because they don't exist. Will the Haas be quicker than the McLaren? Just look at that Academy Award-winning cinematography. Haha, as a European it's still incomprehensible for me how you can drive but not drink. Uppity Jew. pff, only ONE exaflop, what a casual If you don't hate yourself, what will prevent you from becoming a bad person? Am German man, can confirm. I think gay people rather have the sonics back. And steam is NEVER down Good, his debut will blow yall away he better have a fuckn meme so it blows up properly too But how else will we lock up the blacks? Wow you're pretty "We know" Stuck up bitches. you see I got a friend like that and I have to say one of the best things you can do Most of them dont play on 1080p, problems solved She declined an invitation. Concrete scientific evidence. goalfest incoming amirite lads Chinese shell company owns the whole block. Didn't see that coming. ...may have entered... Quick, send in the Ukrainians! This isn't even funny but since he said low key this sub circle jerks it to the top good work At work... Yay night shift. Oh no, it is 18+ because a certain part of the human body shows. Looking at Will Smith's brat I feel tempted to skip the 'white' part. Quotes from point break and odd facts about tequila production please Walmart carries pops? No more South Park for her? Whoever took this screenshot liked the comment Ron Paul does not believe in evolution I understand that the way to tell if HRC is lying is to watch to see if her lips are moving. But Leicester are going to win the champions league this year That's working well, huh? Wait a minute... that Thor mask has the helmet on, but Thor has never worn his helmet on earth.. CONTINUITY ERROR THIS MOVIE IS GARBAGE When isn't this the response? So, if I can only afford one, which one will give me the most bang for my ducats? Looks like Project Fear is at it again, with their 'facts' and 'reality' Wow I didn't know you were more powerful than reddit administration Nothing's ever good enough for you, is it. you dont want fast internet?.....we're gonna keep a close eye on you, seems like you might have something to hide. These Eye-talians need to integrate and accept European values, or go back to the Sharia hellhole they come from. Say it isn't so...not on reddit! He obviously didn't know what Vaal orbs do to maps, it would have taken little effort to explain it to him. It's genetic, it runs in the family. I was, then I watched some film on Durant's game compared with Barnes game and I almost passed out. No, that is clearly a two-piece outfit. LOL this is nuts. Looks like minecraft isn't rendering properly Next the CT people will be claiming that large earthquakes alter Earth time and shift the Earth's axis... shakes head I support gay marriage but this is just dumb. Yes , we can obviously see the extreme distress and struggle of the woman as the man forces himself violently unto her. **BUT TRUMP HATES WOMEN** Beware guys, I heard a new team called "Mao Nation" is pretty strong, it will be a legit Dark Horse, don't underestimate them. All aboard the pity train This just in: Our nation is run by fucking retards! Donaldson was so good last year he led the jays to the series, right? Glad i hung in there and read it all. The geometry is strong with this one. Dont buy songs, buy us games and give them away You can also replace Iggy with Leonard. Whats that? oh hey everyone its the international zombie police, better do what he says! lol came here to say this lol The greatest weapon Atheism has are the churches themselves. Look at all the energy and excitement in the crowd! And, as others love to point out as well, the march towards us becoming the next Detroit continues. Shop Goblin saving money to release his 'Goblin Gang' squad. To be fair, has anyone ever seen Rob Ryan and Hurricane Katrina in the same room together? Yeah, but like, what of they just tried being fun? Clearly a 3rd degree block with multifocal ventricular complexes Trumps team do not need to enrich themselves via government office, they have already made it, and thus cannot be bought! It's implied... Given to him in 2011, league bans said substance in 2011 I wonder how much BenQ is paying him. I guess Marty and Doc made it back to the future. I'm not sure why a PSA is required when it's a light dusting of snow too, lmao I believe that tile pattern is known as "herringbone." Clearly cheating Spot on. But, will Chris Cuomo approve us to look at anything the AP releases? Patrick Roy's wet dream Her acting career going to take off now that the word is out. An honorable decision. Nice shot downvote for lack of zaboomafoo I see the countdown and I pray it's not another season of this series. But OP, how could you not want children, haven't you ever wanted to wake up at 3 in the morning to a crying toddler? Yes the FIA has your reddit account info and if you change you will be fined. Arts lul Nope, turns out the dentist likes being paid with money! I can't wait for him to make an analysis on Vega and high end pascal and having people shit on him for being "wrong". A true mensch. I'm honestly really hoping that Sia runs on the stage again to give her favourite contestant a 100,000 dollars again and take up an insanely long time because we all love her. That's because the republicans were nice and let him do his job. What is the world coming to when we can't even trust our politicians. Convince him to come you beautiful beautiful bearded man Clearly, these palestinian are anti-semites! lmfao how stupid can you be if you think anybody running in that thing is clean I love how the article mentions absolutely everything that could possibly be contributing to the drop, except for the new gun control laws. If they want to give a *team* to London, why not give one to Hawaii? Yeah, I'm really sick of the convention in porn titling that equates "glasses" with "nerdy". A coup takes a lot of motivation fam I'm beginning to think that the CCP is just building these projects to keep people employed. Someone telling a troll account to fuck off is front page material? Funny that most of the comments only prove the author's point. Oh that's f**ked up... But it's also really funny! Here we see the imagery of an ordinary citizen vomiting metallic objects into a sewer. old but gold We should ban Anne Frank's diary and Night because those are just nazi propaganda. Isn't this only "tangentially related to League of Legends?" press 1 if you got banned 4Head Sounds tolerant and intelligent. as long as those games drop cards they're fine It makes me sick to see artists like Mat Zo and Arty take credit for something that Will.I.Am so obviously created. Yes but why ... :/ It's ok, it's 7pm in Australia, I have time :D A beautiful shame for enemy team. Count me in, gravity has kept me down all my life. South Park has been any good since the fifth season of the Simpsons. poor poor bait It's not - we traded them in for freedom of speech. I can guarantee that that will work Did that theatre in Alabama refuse to show this gay propaganda film yet? But i thought drew gets benched for not breaking the single season yardage record... ^ But does he have sexy facial hair like Avila did? Oh, wow, these fake news sites are getting very sophisticated! Soft-handed, oily celebrities, enclosed is a bubble of riches, mansions, and body guards, do not have a clue about anything but menus, prenuptials, Public embarrassments and hair treatments. Yeah, i would have covered her face too. Trimmed out from port butts? but guis... muh bayern got robbed! I have never once used it after death, not sure if that's good or bad. Where's the meta? Toronto FC should go for that Defoe guy... seems pretty decent Boko Haram are Muslim extremists, in case anyone forgot Seems like after 9/11 things started to heat up The IRA has nothing on antifa Each side believes they are fighting for their holy book, and thinks the other guys holy book is wrong. Not shitty enough, dickhead. Hey look, someone called Hannity and he wants a safe space Oh, all you had to do was tell them you married a Saudi woman. What is the number - percent of people unable to afford rent? IT'S DECIDED CASE CLOSED Can't they just subpoena them? Hey look, some people don't even care so they're taking pictures of things in the opposite direction Are you sure? Champions have a passive, Renekton doesnt But CEOs deserve it because they used their bootstraps, teachers in the public sector paid by tax dollars are COMMUNIST WHORES To me that looks like a Shyv skin, just because of the tail For once it's cool to get cancer Not a doctor are you? That TSA agent stopped a plane shooting. I'm just gonna assume your title is Just convince yourself you don't like any other people at all, ever. lol, my exact thought when i read this meme was "and what did we learn?!" So if he uses something else, say, a spatula, instead of his penis, it's not considered rape? I wonder who drew this Well her actions were in no way extremely creepy and uncomfortable. Would he have been suspended if he'd said that the school's Math and Science courses were bad? cause thats not something im willing to do i just feel like since people get four its easy to help the community What an attention seeking name as a title though lmao obviously a devout muslim. This time, they will give more stronger sanctions! The legends IGN is U promo I AFK. Or maybe you can just let people like the things that they like. When I see your face it does give me hell I'm calling fake, you blew up some ammo w/ solid shot on that panther 2. Charlie the Chinese Cheese Chaser Champion. Dude you dont have permission for that area. Oh, but don't you know that Asians are ultra-whites for some stupid reason or another? My ~~santorum~~ semen saturated excrement that glistens pale with with lube in the moonlight also endorses Chuck Norris. Michael Moore actually gets it, even if he doesn't agree with us. nice repost How many dolphins did you win? Nah bro I hate that shit You mean Tagalog? Calling Kai "the best Bodybuilder of today" is not a good idea tbh. 4 albums A white woman sitting on a black man was easily the most offensive thing in this post But arent you aware that everything not going a black person's way is always whitey's fault? Yeah this happens like every game I bet you have like 20 videos of you playing 1v4 Yeah, and when we swim we put in swimsuits so that people don't think we fell in the water. Looks like a cirrus pilot landing to me! Bastion so, so OP *Well thats a reliable source* 30 seconds later Ahha Hundreds of thousands extremist candidates step-up ##TreeLivesMatter Isn't Ubisoft already doing that by releasing terrible PC ports? as an owner of a moses one this post offends me on personal level, downvoted. what's sad is it is actually fooling people :P because that would be racist This is oppressive and triggers me. GODDAMMIT I could clearly tell a pool was there. What about us, attack helicopters? Such thoughtfulness, they know winter is around the corner and want NY Times to be ready for the snow fall. Is there anyway to make this work on a stock Oneplus one with Cyanogen Uninstall Diablo 2 and double up on my Spanish efforts and start learning Chinese. Subban on the move obviously Well we're beating ISIS badly and we have to have SOMEONE to bomb don't we? The stuff like Blue-eyes, Dark Magician, and Exodia are worth quite a bit, the rest, not so much. And also, what are some good strategies for when sweden attacks? click the cog on the bottom right, go to report link, and click on reason gore or obscene content...or cheating in online game either or But there is no moon. If he gets kicked in the balls she should tell him to stop sobbing because at least men can get their prostate stimulated. my story Good job destroying your team mates in the process. Megyn murdered that dumb bitch. I'm surprised there's a jet flying around killing randomly. nah it's totally a different Thon Maker who also happens to be 7ft tall Nope, they must have been pushing updates only to your compouter or something Only time the Marines can beat the Army at something anyhow. lol caution op if you being intolerant towards other religions The Patriot Act is more of a threat to the freedoms of Americans than sensible gun ownership laws. Robin Williams? One trick Origi. *Utah to SEC west confirmed* His movements are pretty good People seem to forget how obnoxious Cait was in s3, lel Please don't link to that site. wait i thought gender study degrees where totes awesome While we're at it we should take all semi trucks off our roads and eliminate dangerous goods routes because not in my back yard. He said Vangelis, buying the game now Re-re-repost Can't wait to not use my studded tires that I put on the first week in November and take off the last week in April. But what about the EMAILS? Saving this post so I'll have 10 days when we decide to switch things would not be as they once were...u could even say things would be different in some way Seems legit Well I mean, the Scar-20 is much more accurate while un-scoped than the AWP. No change [need a friend first] I'd hit that over the wall! Plot twist, AMD is actually on the green side if he does this, Merkel is done. Well, shit, too bad for Tottenham but Arsenal is going to Champions League every season. I don't get it. He's putting together a resume, he clearly wants out of this franchise. Yes, we saw it the first five times it was posted. I mean isnt he a mod of the CH subreddit? It's obviously gold and white. Just uninstall that update. Lmao why am I not surprised Faith in humanity restored! But can I use it as a fighter carrier with every fighter being a small yacht having a deluxe space toilet? Because Nurse is not fun enough! As a Target employee, this is why I never ask anyone if they need help. TRoss for Griffin straight up confirmed What the weird looking thing under the CPU? One of the best hosts I'v seen. But emails Never Eat Shredded Wheat ( North East South West) That guy is creepy as hell :/ Nah its OK MWO is sure to die Did you configure aarchive invalidation? Is this a WWE show whats going on can someone explain? I would eat you out untill you are dry but you aint because you are so wet Well someone has a future in writing erotic novels! kurds 'n' syrians wtf m8 your ment to put montage parodies on this sub, not COD gameplay! Yeah, all he got was: 1. over $4 million in compensation 1. new national detention standards, including daily inspections and a requirement for cameras in cells 1. an investigation by the Justice Department's inspector general 1. a rare public apology by the DEA It's like no one even cares! Who else are we going to lend it to -- untrustworthy Americans who support terrorists? Poor guy, must be so hard to be him having to take such hard decisions That's ok, It's not like Australians actually give a fuck about the environment. 15% chance of failing animation, -5hp when you fail So is there any indication of some new replacement program/response? Can you run No man's sky? Best: Twins Worst: Pradator puck's eyes were so small Obamas Shadow Government. Well not directly no, but this place is such a gigantic circlejerk anything even vaguely related will be upvoted like crazy. The first of many, hopefully TIL Hello fellow OAN viewer All I can think about when I read this is some kind of "giant mattress tent sale"... let's just hope they are not pre-owned. Yeah, because all of IKEA's Canadian stores are doing horrible. cheers 5 words there It's an issue of lack of training. Yeah, Destiny 2 is TOTALLY just a $30 expansion. Painting Candidate for the list...? You passived when you should have actived. well, the search bar is REALLY hard to use. Oh god, not this for the 27th time this year I think the team needs a bit of youth, you could try sticking in Samuelsen.... I think he plays on the wing, prefers the right and we're a bit weak on that side tbh This totally deserved its own thread. You brave soul Whatever happened to that nobody who made him tap? Knock it all you want, but Valve limits their cutscenes to 0.024kFPS and that means it's the best. Suck it California. If this was a female cop it was classed as 'degrading' or 'sexist'. Heroes Where's Jessica Nigri? I have a unicorn cup as FF clearly doesn't exist! holy shit Marshall is a grown ass man Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder now wait for ayyymd post Has anyone suggested maybe it was him? Suck it up sheeple and sleepy hobbits! He has the look of someone who has been beaten by the world OCD console collecting. Khan But what about the women! When this progresses to court expect many more dharnas and accusations of how unfair the judiciary is that Gadkari is free while this MLA is being indicted. The threads wouodn't be locked if so many redditors didn't express the wrong opinions! Tried out the Oculus yesterday and ended up having to wait for months to get my order. But this same government should be in charge of everyone's healthcare because reasons Cause you know, no vendors make any products like this already. Click the link for more info. Oh thank god. They CG'd his voice! This is great its not bad at all if you have flight Irish potato famine was mentioned, scary. I think you're looking for Google. That was funny. Just saw this... Whoa News agencies from countries where journalists get locked up are always more reputable. Disgraceful. They think they'll be dead by the time the consequences of their actions manifest. This can't possibly be true because racism doesn't exist, especially systematic racism in our judicial system from the top down! I'll do whatever john legend and matt damon tell me. Looks like your glock is Field tested, whats the float on it? I'm a man with long hair, want some of mine? 18 more to evolve Heh, 400 abras to get an alakazam sounds like a nice farm No you didn't unlike islam in general which is pushing women forward? Battery glitch. Nice Ass ! Oh now that is impossible since only conservatives/Republicans are allowed to decide what is constitutional, what is not. Negligence doesn't begin to describe I don't know about you, but getting a signed picture of the ceo would truly make me a loyal employee. Huh, so simple, I'd have thought it required some sort of huge complicated machine to do that who is Robert Sugar How do electoral laws apply here? This sounds like something that would be breaking news on Fox News Channel. Don't use Wikipedia, it's all fake Probably less than minimum wage but yeah fuck that guy for providing us with entertainment. As a man who loves intelligence in women, I find it incredibly attractive to talk with a (book) smart woman! Look that guy is sleeping on the job, clearly they deserve to be exploited if they aren't willing to work hard. How could this not be hilarious with a title like that HOWLER WITH LAUGHTER But completely undeserved HoF. They were in a separate room connected via teleconferencing. Well that's only because his usage rate is so high Good thing Mafia made it into Summit instead of Ice, huh? Hacks obviously This is why we can't have nice things. How does anyone get this lucky.. I literally haven't pulled anything work a fuck this year. You don't understand, he was a victim of rape man. Fuck you, Greg Abbott. I think he will fit perfectly on Tumblr The only way to raise those dopamine levels is to smoke more dope, obvously. Imagine if this was actually ON the russian naval base, Putin wouldn't hold back this time A sig sauer was used in Orlando...The Independent is now discredited. As a man I feel I can explain what types of sexism women experience better then they can I wonder if this had anything to do with his mma hour appearance where he and Ariel helwani talked about it. but this is communism, they must work to earn a living! They are only culturally enriching France. But then how can Bungie guarantee easy wins for their streamers, if they match them up against actual competition? funny dat I thought fosters was the pride of australia? im sure that would have been successful and not land you in prison Only Americans are allowed to have bitcoins. Yes but remember, no culture is superior to others and if you think so you're racist. inb4 he releases at #1 in the Dubstep, Indie Dance, Trap, and Pop/Rock Category. The what now? I want the Volk from Infinite Welfare the c-word jesus I hate this If we take the women Billary has personally touched as any indication :-/ Can we curve classes based on gender anomalies? Nice try OP. I bet these people are getting the same punishment like the "racists" who get charged thousands of euros for their call to hate against immigrants Well, maybe they should just stop being poor. High Sparrow: Believer Margery: Agnostic Cersei: Atheist I think we saw who wins. Netflix and chill. Yes what is needed is more simplification of our complex world. Is it time to acknowledge that AP is a system Running back? The truth about guns often has trouble grasping the "truth" when it comes to guns. But if you walk in a DIFFERENT pizzeria with a gun you could potentially get 100% off. You're reverse psychology will not work this time, bear. Everything's anti-Islamic to a Muslim fanatic. Nah, the guy's actually parked and having a nap against the wall. Lots of inertia; A 1.5 ton car isn't going to do much to a 15.0 ton bus, hence the passengers won't get sent flying or anything. I didn't know you could dip shake board wheels. He's just picturing a Tesla coil on the horizon Just like those annoying public service unions that call for strikes every few weeks. Spuds pays for his party animal days. Oh my God they're even pruning stats. anywhere the IMF goes financial despair and exploitation follows I went looking in my attic and all I found was a petrified squirrel. Logic doesn't compute here. Brewmaster please! What was a homicide in 1993 isn't necessarily a homicide today He's talking about the owner, not the customer. Go to gamestop Hes had enough of Westbrook and his 3 point shooting Pistol Is it just me or that it looks like the ball actually landed within the line after it had come off the crossbar, did the 'Goal Line Technology' cutscene trigger? Nope. It's because they didn't have the Koreans to literally invent everything for them! How much did Apple pay you to hate on the pro Microsoft comment? Oh the credible sources of wikipedia, how high have you risen. Congratulations on your job! Are you kidding, for once, they are not on the french map.. I know a lot of corsicans that would love that I dunno man depending on how you pronounce it the first sound is an R. When the most beautiful girl in the world won't snapchat you back, but snapchats your friend every day... Then you'll understand. He's right, it's written right there in the Bitcoin terms of service, which all the miners signed when they started mining. It could be a valley in which rain has accumulated? Nah, never I thought you weren't allowed to use your cellphone while on the ride. The cyborg and black people draft line was goddamn gold. But guys, Christian who refuse to bake cakes are the real enemies How about injecting a kid with vaccine, too see, if it causes autism? The city council should vote to change the city's name to 'Putingrad' every time Trump visits and vote to change it back every time he leaves. Geez that's full of typos. But anger is manly! Is next issue the one where they get shot by protesters? He's no Kobe. Hmm.. nerf it's health by 4% and that should make it balanced the compensation will be 100 raid medals and 2000 honor points He has that "it's my weed now" look on his face. The only thing you're entitled to is some PTSD and bootstraps! I guess you'll finally be able to achieve a military victory in game. I didn't realize she was so short. Wise up, it's only a stupid game April Mendez to be on the next episode of the Art of Wrestling podcast confirmed. Holy shit these comments are atrocious. Vertical video, of course he was fired. Bullshit, it takes gov't control and laws to cause expansion and growth! Even if he did want Medicare for all it would be a miracle for Congress to pass that. Wow, never seen this glitch before! I thought Donald trump did it Finally someone is making an honest living off diamonds. Third wave feminism has done so much for us If you are providing a public transport service, you should be regulated for safety and such no different than a taxi service. I blame the tax payers for not paying enough! I guess the nonpartisan Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center got bought by Clinton too. The thing that surprises me isn't that this gets reposted every week, it is that everytime it gets reposted, it climbs to the fucking top of the subreddit with 100+ upvotes... Everytime I swear. Because people like free stuff and Blizzard made the mistake of feeding them a little bit earlier,now they all came in hungry hordes and they are suprised Blizzard is not felling like giving away the freely obtainable contents for everyone... Some say hurdurr but the new players won't be able to catch up and its not actually free...but in the end if they gave away free packs to like accounts of 1 month old or less they would be even angrier because they didn't get some :P All in all since there was a precedent of getting packs free people expected the same this time and was dissapointed that they didn't get some,if there was no precedent they wouldn't had expectations... Sure I would have loved to get free packs too ,but I understand not giving away my stuff to other people,just because I did gave to some strangers some small change when they asked it does not mean I will give everytime I run into someone begging...I know it feels bad not to get the free packs,but come on people,if they give away free stuff its cool,if they don't its understandable,their game their profit,I don't go in a bar expecting to give me beer for free because they handed out free coca-cola samples at the entrance :P Brrr I expect to be downvoted for my opinion on "siding with Blizzard" but in the end I'm just accepting the facts and using common sense,no insult was meant to the dissapointed people :) Is Richard Clarkson's middle name James? Yeah, how about a repeat attack button as well. this will fare well Im at 69 so far.... am I missing something Indiana's state government has been absolutely killing it lately Freaking incredible! wow thats a great headstock But muh linux ISOs! That's actually pretty fucked up Taking a bunch of random supplements without consulting a doctor is *definitely* safer than putting a bunch of **toxic chemicals** on your skin elevators Well, you would just *love* the PS3/360 version. I sure miss being able to eat pizza. Something something hole something something wing something something liberal politics good ResidentSleeper MITCH FAIL xDdd ResidentSleeper Boooooo Noticed this while inspecting the Barrett, I'm no gun nut so correct me if I'm wrong. Were the Indians playing against 12 year olds again? Bannon's still there. I have that one too! What a fucking god lol.... well, to be fair, if it's not going to work, why get it? Careful, they might DMCA this Speech recognition software. Russel Wilson - Vaseline Well its been a long time since there was a controversial casting choice in hollywood to fire up reddit Good to know BLM will stop their complaints now. Remove cars For the movie he was in, George Clooney was the perfect pick to make sure it sucked in a fun way. If only MSI's motherboards could stop being hit and miss. I think it's RNG but not sure. Shouldn't have dressed like a slut. Please please please fix the God damn half of a game we have on the ps4. Torbjorn do you even lift bro? It's totally acceptable to fuck over people in the Midwest, that's flyover country full of poors! Didn't you know, every software engineer is a transcended genius the company is LUCKY to have How triggering! It's less that nobody thought about it and more it's much more expensive and what's currently available does the job to a satisfactory degree for the most part Plz post update tomorrow with same POV after mid-50s Fake because he ordered it off line and thats impossible yay schoolies. Really easy to break a return long when you block in the back Anyone who has been stuck with JR for 10 years deserved a medal. The eminem jokes are hard to resist *heed Careful Gerry the cops might ticket you for obstruction of due process. You've broken Reddit! The ban had little to no effect on crime BUT IF WE CAN SAVE JUST ONE LIFE(tm) it was worth it. Charging will be totally safe too What's the "manager contest", anyone? But Kosovo...? also paper towels are better to the environment and more sanitary Is this real you must not have gotten the memo that says you're only a lesbian because you hadn't tried him yet. I guess that's what you get for using a slotted and drilled rotor. RAPE ISN'T FUNNY, YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF How do we know this is a tinder screen cap? I think the fact that it sold 6 units contributed heavily to this Reading about the ways of the katana Isn't Treasure a rip off of Breakbot? I see hairdressing in his future Lock your children up so they can't get the guns New tactic isn't a threat because it hasn't been used before. It's recessive. Why should we care, we will be dead by then I like the context used in the article If you believe that's scripting you need to seriously get your head checked. River River Rivalry Mk2! B-b-b-but I didn't think men could be raped? I'd expect this from rooster teeth Those go great with that wite blackwidow :) i'm just upset that pete kozma was a bit short on his home run attempt Mccree: 50% missed spam 50% aimbot caliber shots He looks nothing like Dempsey, The bald man is likely to be Gersh. White people Mathematics has a liberal bias. Release date: 31 december AO can mean green or blue, but to make the distinction, there is MIDORI, and the English GURIIN. I feel like next year will be better for some reason Got'em! It's crazy how you managed to fit the whole Linux Steam Library on your Taskbar. He'll never get laid in that dorky ass bed, thanks DAD! All chrosshairs might do that just hit escape twice and it should appear But he still wants ins on EU, no? This is the "Bottom Up" economy that Barack Obama promised us. The model 3 has a much larger trunk space than the s and x. Combined. Uh that friend has a name, Gumi *sigh* Of course there won't be any conflict... so long as you only want to own the types of guns they approve of, with the kinds of magazines that they approve of and bought from the people they approve of, all of which is subject to them changing their mind. All police are bad, end of story Lookin' at you, Africa. Those Forced Birther Talibangelicals sure do love their small government and protecting liberties, don't they? Yea, I get why this used to be the case, but now that we have stock fairings for protection, there is no gameplay reason to hold back the realism of lander capsules. Username checks out. refugees are criminals* Fixed it for ya. Lolwat Damn, so we're back to calling them French Fries again.. out of respect? You're also the REAL racist. Wow All the tracks will be chopped and screwed They all suffer the same terminal illness called life. I'd like to see Randle make the switch to unemployed People who have researched these things, how much does this resemble someone on a really gnarly coke binge? You are already dead. How does the metric system effect the calendar? We did it reddit! Before anyone asks, I don't know the source, but I'd sure love to know it too I guess it alright to copy posts verbatim if you put them in other subs gimmie dem rolls stupid. Or compute the definite integral of the PDF from negative infinity to your value of interest. mega album man, cheers Write a script to refresh the sales page and enter your credit information once tickets are available. Who could have seen this coming? Think of all the welfare money we saved! New nerd to windows Ahhh CEOs are the anti christ...making sure the business stays afloat to pay its employees. nice post. DAE PC Master race? Rules 4 and 6? Nice censors. TIL Trump knows what the internet is. My first thought was ALS. If those unaware and unprepared people were armed this wouldn't have happened! Poised to get the big bucks in big time American professional field hockey leagues. Great artwork but so mediocre. Jesus...sorry OP. Fuck you, MattyBRaps is the shit They add that industrial look to an otherwise boring wooden box. If it has win10 like a surface, then probably What if it's already in the game... ...but it's locked behind an ARG? Okay, time to make Knuckles posts now I think this changes everything now, if one team is losing 3-0 at 90 minutes, you never know what can happen. Is it just me or are most pictures of spain and mexico in sepia? 49 round wins left That was damm Fucking That's racist though! I swear someone posted this before except they were the one that threw the nade That gearing, releases clutch at 7k rpms and barley takes off. So satisfying...ahhh Well I'm sure there's no way this can end badly Idk what you're talking about OP, eating people while having your dick in a five year old is *clearly* acceptable I'd like to believe this guy 100%, but something tells me we are missing a few relevant facts. I'm Steve Jobs, and I approve this message. I came in here to say there was no way Ford would put a solid up front, but having learned they will, am leaving pleasantly surprised. Does that mean DCU is going to be saved by Ewoks? Only his uninformed followers would. Kyle the no assist upvote party I couldn't even get 60fps on low with a 4690k and a 970, easily one of the most badly optimised games I've ever attempted to play I'm glad to see they caught the infamous 4chan. Gee, I wonder if the media will begin a crusade to "protect the right of drug companies to inform the public" since they gross BILLIONS of dollars advertising these drugs? But... MUH IMMERSION no, because that's none of their business! I wouldn't trust mcskillet, he knows nothing lmao Finally, it's not just Apple coming up with the revolutionary new features anymore. Why? Actually in the full version after he lands he stabs the guy in the kidney and steals his wallet. Boy have I heard this one before.. :/ Man will they ever shut up about this Kawhi fella? Because the game has no issues and is e-sport ready Some signed the petition early and often! yea sparky is totally broken, it gets off way to many shots, nerf it imo They should be getting that money any day now. Warriors fans should value regular season games, it's all you've got *dragonmaster sparrow:* literally femhanzo with ulti shooting out 3 dragons good thing you circled it otherwise I would've missed it Depends on whether LA wants him. Scumbag apple, hates android for "copying" the iPhone, steals entire notification system from android. I was surprised by Sessions' "change of heart" but reaffirming states' rights means North Carolina is probably going to have to wait a decade or more. Mirin' hard Meh 0/4 shots on goal is FeelsBadMan imo That's a lot of halves! Hope that we can ban Muslims and deport millions! Giancarlo? Sure, but you'd almost certainly wind up being an everyday citizen who's sick to death of these superheros smashing up your city. My 4 year old nephew really loves getting his own mail so we mail him one of TIP's postcards with a picture when we travel. Wow guys, everyone deserves a second chance! Swamy's trolling skills are gdlk If you do take over the entire of western europe in 10 years, I think it's understandable that some people are going to want to stop you. I see we have another site that's constantly spamming the board, yay We'll be waiting when the Big XII is shut out of the playoffs again. Tough son of a bitch Hilarious dude. Where were you between 11.30 and 11.45 this morning? A little hard to know what gun you're using when they all look the same Too bad the dog's digestive system can't process straight up plant matter. Yup and you'd still bang her in a heart beat She's SOL, if she doesn't have the money well fuck her, she deserved it. #Use bigger hammer! But it's okay as someone in the Justice Department thought it was all legal so who cares. As a Christian, I feel compelled to apologize for her stupidity, and would like to remind everyone that we're not all ignorant "bobble thumpers" Okay, in the impossible event that I ever got a five-minute chat with this president, I would show him this article and ask, "WTF, man?" DAT PHILOSOPHY LADS TRAILER INBOUND This is somehow Burfict's and Jones fault hacker, reported. If you take 4 25% offs, you get 100% off and you can get the game for free! Safe to say Casey will be voting for Trump. I fucking love your comics. But wait, I thought liberals were the intolerant violent ones? This is the side of Diego the media WONT SHOW! I'm sure this will be as *hilarious* as Anchorman 2. Maybe we should ban UK tourists from coming to India for now Considering it comes from Negro, the Spanish word for black, of course she didn't! Lol, use some shaving cream in the shower :P That's how I do it. And they talk about us erasing womanhood Why aren't the bars on both sides down? The gunman immediately apologized. I like the sprinkling of backhanded compliments he added. only the best from bell media Jesus, proof read before you you publish. mouse can everything Don't forget his 5 star rep, probably for good behavior Aaaaaaaand, calling child services... Pfft... Hellmuth would have a field day with you internet kids. Got the ball first I want to state that I believe men should be able to show their bulge, as women most often show their boob bulge. It's just a pillow bro why the weird looks maybe I'm sleepy and want to doze off for a bit at class. But then how can I enforce my position in society, if everyone has food to eat! Don't sto thwith circlejerk man! Mother Teresa...the woman's a saint! Tout va bien Being hit on is just the worst. Let's build a more secure internet.... ...with blackjack and hookers! That's right, set the Reddit detectives on the case, cuz we all remember the bang up job they did solving the identity of the boston marathon bomber, right? What did you expect from a state with a bunch of assholes that prefer Santorum to be president. All I saw was a dick. Honestly, that's a bit dangerous and several people have been injured or killed by announcing their presence. flashbang muthafucka LA Memorial Coliseum The entire top string of comments is just a hive of poop. I'm thinking about buying the BO3 Season Pass.. then bitching about how expensive it is. i dropped four missions (besides the starting mission) two weapons and two cases in 3-4 days (i dont remember exactly) Any weapon that fires 7.62x39mm rounds is called an AK-47, right? He must got some balls to stab a handcuffed man. wow and they act as though they want to eliminate these hits from the game here is another PRIME opportunity to set an example but again SHANAHAN dropped the ball Ok Hillary, who made a promise that she will debate Bernie before Califronia rejects the debate now and that is fine, but the Republican Nominee should accept the Fox News debate and debate the 2nd place person in historic fashion instead or he is a chicken! But he's not taking a wage R.I.P dat famas. inb4 Valve makes a crossover attempt with Overwatch to say that all the characters in their game are part of the Soldier Enhancement Program from Overwatch and that's why they're so fast. Nah... just suit up in the rain gear and get cover under the trees if it gets bad. Hashtag, PunchableFace Brilliant I'm guessing he's the keeper? Once you have killed him and gotten the picksaw you can move the altar. And there you have it, Syria has no more economic and regional power that Israel is entitled to. Brexit stop resisting shocking news that no one saw coming and from some reason its not on the front page. Veganism is a morally superior position. League of Legends honoring system Them mad apple fanboys lol. It bugs me so much how self-defeating dogmatists want to monopolize the term "progressive" when to me pragmatists who actually ACHIEVE progress are more worthy of that term! hogger, pretty sure he's killed more alliance than horde and burning legion combined Edgy af This must be why they laid off 10% of their workforce This isn't subtle at all. #Woo Oregon! Sikh be stylin' Alien gets dipped in black goo, becomes super alien Get citizenship, run for office/parliament, get diplomatic immunity What Last Airbender movie? Lucio can wallride backwards... trust me... this is much bigger than you think. Need to change the name of the sub redditt to old pictures of Obama Handegg How dare we question another culture! Nope I hate it when developers do anything creative, whether its with gameplay mechanics, achievement names or Easter eggs. Does this count as a rant? I don't get why you didn't go for a second date We're not the worst! OMG we will have 120fps games now! Homeopathy is a very diluted scam. If you are like me, buy $300 worth and wait a week. My knees just popped in a fashion similar to when your testicles recede when you see someone get kicked in the nuts. You gotta love allies like Turkey, man. He needs his safe space! So, for Tea Partiers at least incompetence works. The question is what about his school? They hit their apex, so now the only place they can go is down Hotfix incoming. I... What? I mean, that's why there are pictures right? Northrend is full of revenants, I'm not impressed. Nah, it'd be too expensive for Disney to change the opening into "A long time ago in ~~a~~ ~~galaxy~~ galaxies far, far away." It's like a little city! Obviously, the ancient pier builders worshiped the sun and knew more about the world than we do now. Oh look a bunch of dumb collage kids how don't understand how privileged they really are. FaZe.CSGO WILD Same place he is now: Only in John McCain's fevered imagination. they wouldn't look so similar if they didn't all die their hair like that. He cancelled the original Australian tour he was a part of as well with Eminem kendrick & j cole, praying he comes through for field day tonight Thank you for your support helping get our company to the masses of beer-leaguers out there. Yeah, no ones accusing bush supporters of being geniuses So shocking to see Burnside perpetuate the Canuck hate storyline. She didn't want to miss the downtown Newark exit. How dare they warn her before assaulting her It's everyone and everything else's fault. America Should have crashed him that way the game can get extra hellhound spawns. I didn't see it coming. Yeah, I'm going to believe the ramblings of someone who thinks that the "c" in Bitcoin is supposed to be capitalized. Aren't these called 1 cm? They lost this one but they'll win the one that matters. Or just bring back Ceaucescu Did your mom drop acid when she was knocked up and/or drop you? The devil always shits on the biggest pile. Wow great company to be in Because Bernie though it was allowing the fans get too close to the action. If school taught me anything, it's that facts are just social constructs that don't abide with my sense of what reality **should** be like. I love to see ads on Reddit! I am pretty sure everyone saw this coming, but I wanted to post it was confirmed. just res tagged you "Meme Nazi." Hilarious. On the plus side, you got that class that you wanted! Pretending that Apple products didn't exist has really worked well for him over the years. This is obviously bad, but calling a 17 yr old a "child".... Get real. Somehow I don't believe Saudi Arabia gives a damn what Iran thinks. Some men just want to watch the world burn Well he gave birds wings and humans earthquakes, but sure, let's pretend he loves humans more tell me more about goodwill auctions op Wow, how many roadhogs do they have Trump is so sexist nominating a female vice president i hope none. They will be given vaccines until they develop autism and then die of ebolaids I want to build a time machine just so I can go back to last week and do it all over again. dead game l0l Back to his old tricks I see. yes men ibp unban is near)) And they are spectacular. Holding the gun sideways makes shooting more accurate and scary and cool all at the same time. Melbourne City should sign this guy! I hope he is use to disappointment. I think that experience is proof that God doesn't exist But its not that hot where I live. That game was shit long before the ending. I wish there was away to enshrine his one-timer in the hall of fame after he retires God, Flacco is such a diva. You need weed first in order to consume it. Just like my wife Wow, with all those sources and coherent philosophical arguments, how could we not be convinced? Look good on the way out. Where's the "to be fair" comment I always see in these kinda posts. Enjoy going through Suramar again. Hmm yeahhh, I see what you're asking for here, but the technology just isn't there yet. Subscribe to Buzzfeed to see more. People are so harsh towards first ladies recently. Is this a satire website? He's just mad he didn't get accepted to medical school, so he went for a PhD as a back up. Fuck TMZ, i don't know how those people sleep at night But they learned so much freedom in that blast! Another super hero movie..yay. Didn't the FDA determine it to be safe? He's gonna get his Ubisoft contacts to un mod you The best part is if you didn't do that perfectly you most likely would have died It's almost like weight plays a major factor in BMI. I'd like to say it's not *quite* this big (I don't remember a cross at the bottom), but it'd take a helluva photoshop wizard to add on to it. It's amazing how simply and carefully watching multi-million-year-evolved systems can finally inform human designs. huh? No battle mercy highlight intro, downvoted You could tell they really had a bond sometimes jugaad just doesn't cut it. This Westbrook guy is some scrub Why is boosted in quotes? Man... i wonder which party is going to make this an issue? White gays should all die, though. Fuck u pc masterpeasnt lol Ear plugs weren't invented until the 60s Biden is just upset he is not as smart as Trump, just like the rest of us. Very clean one, upvoted :p Now they think your jerking off Not impressed, do it without the nitro I'm sure it's only because of all of those illegals who voted. Thank you for this I bet if you drilled down into the meaning or implications of those vacuous words, you'd find a lot of agreement. The funny thing is medical Marijuana will be legal in MN in a few months. Pfft, they must only be surveying the fanboys This is why you stack bricks of osmium on top of your PC. I swear this man is the Ned Stark of England, and the tories will have him be-headed. dating ~~someone~~ **other people** nice one OP ;););) 'Go fuck yourself' It actually means it has 500 more CUDA cores Might be about cannabis this time, might be more welcomed Oh yeah cos what Pacific Rim is really about is multifaceted character development and long sequences of dialogue. $2,001 will show him. Yup, that spaceship was powered solely by filibusters and kissing babies heads. You need to annex part of france and italy. This is very original. What about pink loopers plus labyrinth? Wing-Man i see what u did there The dankest timeline... Root Beer Why are you using a 2 year old chart for Alienware laptops? Duh, obviously it's America that's 2016 years old. looks like I wonder if i should ask gog to refund me the $1.25 i would have saved by buying it on steam. I.E vote for the candidate that actually COULD become president, instead of voting for Stein and hoping lightning strikes every ballot besides yours; or hoping that Clinton wins even though you're voting for Stein. Scott Walker with his middle finger flying high at Obama. I hate the way Smash 4 is heading, why can't it just be easy! rip sk But why would it matter? That Pluto was a planet DON'T TRAVEL TURN YOUR LIGHTS OFF SHOWER COLDER DON'T FART you, individual citizen, are making global warming worse with your individual actions. Everything Oh shit better watch out for spoilers It's kinda obvious how Stew is so good, swag is the player Stew looked up to the most. Is it possible that Connors announcement is he also bought in and 205 will be his last fight because of conflict of interest? Yeah but bro the Cowboys suck man. YOU SUCK NOT AGAIN What a surprise! You mean Killary, right? Still don't know if he went to jail or not. Great for non-verbal communication. Don't update if you want homebrew! 2nd one was my request babes Yeah Hiko is so shit carlos gomez has a shitty attitude and just tries to get in fights with people! But Trump is just a loud mouth when he says that Mexico is the new China Brady is a secret communists! That's why he has the gloves on OMG!, what about Kentucky ? Wow, GG says that all white people are literally members of KKK, that sounds awful SJW to me. Could we get a little more sheltered? Totally willing to boycott the NFL and Im a diehard Steelers fan that goes to a handful of games per year Why can't we just nuke them? #BUT WE SHOULD HEAR EVERY SIDE OF THE ARGUEMENT AND LET THEM SPEAK I really hate it when someone tries to bring their own political agenda into an unrelated sub Go get him Saints! his humour was about the same as his achievements. we're all soldiers now Crooked Google. But hey, Space X can find some super rich fucks to fly to the moon and back....fuck your budget problems obviously it's not an important job. when will they start testing to increase the data capacity for users Man there are a lot of governments run by racist fascists! I always viewed Matt as the Funhaus Pitcher over Adam. You do for picking easiest solo laner No you are literally the first person ever to do it on any platform Water is an excellent way to lubricate bearings, these comments are stupid and people don't know what they're talking about. And we're gonna ruin it some more, LOL. Also explains why the media is so silent when everyone knows the facts about what is happening she never scores a goal though. People were shorter back then. Gotta protect their IP. It looks like it would be pretty light to me. They hate us cause they ain't us. She's too flat and looks like "she" has a bulge. Wow, that's nuts The people on twitter claiming is wasn't trump supporters who donated -.- we will never do anything right in the eyes of some of these people Suspicious cropping That's ableist cischet federal law. Sincere compliments and homemade cake. How does it even come to that? Dat beat tho WTS Varunastra Vaal Blade in Standard 40Ex pre orderns now The video and sound have gotten better on iOS devices! gotta make it sound shady somehow, right? They should make the tower taller so that it's further away from the sleepy children. It's too bad there's no way we could improve our infrastructure while simultaneously addressing the ongoing unemployment crisis. You are correct. reuters can they ban reporters next? Yes, why should Australia invest in tomorrow's products when we can just buy them in the future? They look pretty unhappy, I can't understand why someone would choose to be so miserable, living in sin and all. I bet that boy...ned hacked it 4 u Because the client is garbage duh donated :) No, get good at reddit I put a Blubber Baron in my Dragon Priest and I can't say it was a huge benefit. 404 ssrs not found. That seems like a ghost shell to me lol. Well, I'm convinced that he's VERY smart Is it 11 pounds of pure muscle though? Gee, wonder why the Democratic Party establishment doesn't hold the California primary in February? First the Cubs and now this, they cant stop winning! This is also how a possible interception and 100m try occurs I always though it was magic that kept the skating rinks open and magic spell only last roughly 4 months or that they only have the money for the wizards for 4 months. Prostituion can't become legal, or women might have to add more value to their relationships and be nicer Was that kid in the red turning into a dinosaur? what heroes do you tend to play when you know you are the highest ranked person in the game? What does it mean by highlighting "their hoie"? They're testing you. Sadaf Taherian put the pictures of herself on her Facebook and Instagram pages in protest against strict laws in Iran that decree women cover their heads. If we know he is here illegally why wasn't he released in mexico? #freenorfolk Horatio Sanz. When I thought he was going to invest into Infrastructure I didn't know it was going to be on his home. Are you sure this isn't an article written by The Onion? Didn't Hillary Clinton do so much to help out working-class Iraqi women? My swords danced Mienshao KOed a Victini with 1 stone edge and the guy says "fuck you and your has" Typical Chinese engineering Interested to see how the *tolerant* students react to this. Those white zip ties hold up well in hot environments. M6 GTLM racecars, on their way back to Columbus, Ohio from Daytona. because you're a lonely bastard who has no one to calm your repressed rage. With such impressive artwork, it's a shame how she's too incompetent to make a Reddit account and speak for herself it's ok, spawn back in as a tank, they double as safe spaces As if he wasn't bad enough, SMH How presumptuous to think anyone gives a fuck about sports center anymore Thank goodness we have modern prophets to tell us that previous prophets taught false doctrine. Check ur privilege Yes high priority on this please! What more is there to say but free weed? That man has a lot of money coming to him in the form of a defamation lawsuit. As they should be . Doesn't matter if his face is burned off because its obviously in her self defense im 13 and i hate fnaf with a passion. No doubt it'll be the Browns back-to-back Super Bowls incoming is he seizing the momentum by the pussy? Yeah, cuz prohibition movies confuse the shit out of me now Yea I don't get it. I like English real ales, but there is a huge amount of high quality and variety of beer in the USA. finally, this is what i have been calling for since the beginning! Yeah, anorexia is soooo beautiful. I am sure the free market will fix this just like it did with the passenger pigeon and the Buffalo. You're a naughty spammer, you. Ok, but only after we have a 'no religion' rule, and that includes any dickhead wanting to say grace. Honorable mention to Rutherford for bringing in Kessel, turning Scuderi into Daley, and turning Perron who didn't fit with us at all into Hagelin who is absolutely perfect for us. Didn't you know, OP, that crappy cliche diagrams dictate how people and societies act? Did you go Nvidia so the heat from the gpu won't scorch the wood? oh, now I'm going to buy one I could see the old ammunitions plant being turned into anew unknown planet, that place is desolate. what the fuck is wrong with people Is this the game of the year edition These people are proof we're animals too. Suicide Pls no Especially since it was Bundy who defended himself. holy shit that was an amazing read LOL, +1 to you sir Jungle Cait Never seen before, impressive! I'm only upvoting because of female legs. You mean the newest generation of cards are beating the last generation *gasp in awe* Now I feel like Bonchon. He might get that this year tbh The Offspring... Because children are a disease I'll give you $5. So, did someone say that irl, or what? Hoping that I'll be able to change the FOV without the need of the console this time around! Who needs starting tackles, it's not like Baltimore's edge rushers are any good anyway.... 3rd times a charm! Damn you got stomped man, you should feel bad Also be sure to break and loot stuff from random people and businesses Some people browsing outside work hours may not want to see NSFW material. Love watching him play You might've been lagging On the bright side, this introduces people to bitcoin! Need of temples is so much that we even build them in the middle of the road. So I should join the military and get killed by an IED? But what if they accidentally sing something in a drunken stupor and get the video taken down? You have awful conceptions about this game. Having similar issues on Moto X 2015(basically a nexus 6) There's a shocker. God works in mysterious ways. Who the fuck liked Joffrey? People just aren't praying hard enough so they end up committing suicide. Good thing too because if redacted is any indication we're going to need them to defend ourselves We didn't miss it No link to the study. My favorite is where they package the individual packs of like, 4 crackers and then boast how each serving is "only" 110 calories or something. Well they're a symbol of racism and slavery, we should take them down! inb4 it was all scripted for gamecribs, a week with no LCS matches and they're running out of content. NO FLY ZONE Sure gives an air of journalistic merit. fnatic won't even be in lcs by then well OF COURSE he's a crazy fuck. Give some fellatio and see where it goes. Well in fairness Ace Ventura: Pet Detective was taken already I think we need a Thresh skin tbh, its been so long since his 5 new skin streak I feel so bad for this country being used in a fake proxy war by the False Prophet and Anti-Christ. Copeland isn't a *drummer*, he's a *rhythmatist*. Waiting on her agency to confirm until then MinTay is real deadgame This is highly unlikely - Mulayam winner's edit confirmed dirty dt farmer He's also MAD MAX Why are the only people that understand this vapers? Sticks and stone may break my bones but names will give me PTSD and depression and rape me. Logical reason to rape someone. Hello cheap oil, My old friend. Complaining about nid's escape when they have a kass on their own team... freakin classic Oh good, I was worried President Trump might be lacking in tax write offs. haha! ##~~FUN~~ CONTENT DETECTED Isn't that GMM? Reading the tips in the loading screen? But America went to the moon so it's aaaaaallll invalid Other champs are stronger at wave clear and mid roam Goo gone needs smaller font big props to this guy digging through hours of content so we don't have to. Everytime this guy picks us we lose... seems like a pretty nice guy ...I would have taken bong boy and the glass knee over a nickel corner for us for the next few years...if not them trade back...could have gotten apple at like 15-18...or Treadwell or Lee. Great battlin' boxer and raccoon reprints cause those are just **too** expensive Buy a dildo. killing hookers can be pretty fun No idea but clean your notification bar you filthy heathen. It's like playing life on hard mode :( Pip man! If only you could turn it off :( FunTime FazBunker nuff said Only if this deal includes them taking Crawford back! Report bot for griefing HOIP Kevin Spacey as Kaiser Soze Milo, show me on this doll where the french fry touched you. now if they could include kvatch rebuilt, that'd be awesome And people say the Patriots aren't cheaters! this spec bar is the reason i became a member in 3rd grade No, this is to stop really smart engineers and scientists creating designs using readily available parts that are then distributed to relatively uneducated builders who then fire zee missiles at their ideological enemies. And fuck people who don't play halo, they can always wonder what those rings are! The only law that frightens me more than Sharia Law : Poe's Law Only $8 at Best Buy, snatch that shit It's called an acronym old man. I'm glad they're at least up a bit, but we're still a hell of a long way down. Shiv Sena samjha hai kya? That's what happened to me with Bill Nye I can't wait to see who she picks! ARENT YOU ZELDA?!?!? It happens so fast, but you'd be surprised at how many thoughts run through your head in that few seconds. 20xx See this is why Riot is removing the aa reset, it allows for no counterplay and is terribly overpowered which is why Nidalee practically backdoors every game But then the big banks won't deal with them. So, after working my entire life and reaching retirement, their "plan" is to have me work to get the medicaid that I spent my entire life paying for so that I would have it when I retired and didn't expect to have to work, which is the opposite of retirement. RaizQT, the Dane Cook of POE. So close to the truth but he had to spill his spaghetti. But they're not terrorists, people who read the constitution are. Many countries are exempt. He's such a bad ass that doesn't take shit from anybody. So this demo will that release the 23rd of October or the 18th in Europe? Polio hasn't been eliminated yet IIRC. I think we can all agree this is fake news. Mother of the year right here! But, he didn't have any scandals while in office. *Well,* I always require my future partners to willxbiy me. wait, isn't Singapore part of China? Bi-Fuhrious this highlight video is not safe for blues fans Glen Beck has legitimate mental problems. Please go to Bulls so we can laugh Damn socialist God! At least Nier Auto will be on PC. If they are unwilling to open bank accounts, then it's better to shut down their shops. How did he write so many books if he can't even read? Lol no like i mentioned its geared to a young audience and it is more recent I hope we see more 8 men in the box posts tonight It's been a month, no sign of an electricity eating yet. Do you want the poor jean wearing women to stay oppressed forever? What has been seen cannot be unseen Just another day at the office it is only for your protection and theirs Obviously she's over you and totally not jealous at all. I live in Mass ey bb ;) I don't see any problem here. Yep and none of them exist on Xbone. Oh come on, it's just a few bad apples. Flat keyboards, because who the fuck needs to type anyway right? Miami, happier than the KKK on November 10th. I wonder how many times he's done that! shhh dont tell anyone. Death. Because we all know the people who are completely nuts and shoot up gun-free zones all have arsenals of 30+ firearms. That's what he gets for putting his faith in science instead of God. I want to relate to empowering characters, fuck me, right? The economy is growing, those god damn migrants. This must be OP's car. So you took a picture of your blanket? Yeah, but "Sponsorship"! It's to prevent the unsightly corrosion you often get on the outside of the disks! Because no one has satellites the "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" theme makes it even more great. Because being "nice" in a message clearly gives him the right to take his anger out on anyone who doesn't reply to his holy presence in 0.5 seconds. The shade is real Huge if true. So, the 1st Amendment is now limited to 2 minutes. I'm sure they will now optimize that app to be faster, work smoother and waste less battery and RAM in order to please their faithful users. The lack of respect towards officials is fucking disgraceful sometimes. Khaba too weak, did not manage to sink that DM before dying, needs another buff! What is the joke here? That's not humans you fools, that's obviously an AI-spartan. THIS HAIRISM CAN NOT STAND Get a little cold patch and do it yourself # But that is sexist to assume she did that OP I'm sure if he keeps his mouth shut, his accomplice will hold his share for him until he gets out 20 years from now. I invaded the middle east and all I got was trillions in debt, a demoralized public and a much more dangerous enemy... And this shirt I'm curious what the wifi going out had to do with you having to make the tokens. how can one *not* believe a man whose name rhymes with "Chump"? CS:GO and Cod Damn these are just getting better by the hour It's wierd there's a red 1 on my messages but no update Because people tend to trade their games in more and so developers/publishers see adding a multiplayer component as a cheap and effective way to decrease some of those trades. Those magnetic bracelets That is because there is clearly no racism going on here, you can only be racist if you are coming from a position of power and clearly the white skin on that guy is giving him all the power in this situation. The taxi drivers are going to lose their minds! Well I mean obviously any self respecting adult is going to side with team Chyla. Hacks -__-- I am yet to pass my driving test, clearly cars are discriminatory against me and they should be taken off the road. But the unbound version was made to save students money! Wow I can totally relate to this meme Good to see Marines cheering on rights violations. it looks good, i hope this will be added on 0.57 Yeah, that's actually what Malcom X advocated. Suggested 1000 times, valve added boiler to boiler instead. Love you Dave It's a security feature! Leyonhjelm is one of the politicians most dedicated to his ideology in the entire Australian political system. I read an article online, so now I have an opinion But Mr Obama is my friend, he would never do anything that isn't in my interest! It looks like a cheap knock off of the Avengers Balanced champion. It says "somehow!" I like how someone felt the need to flair this "misleading title" damn he really permed that g About 1848 Karl Marx beards i bet this will get alot of answers The bills are better when they're better Best way to fight radicalists is to be them. I can't imagine what that would be like. As unexpected as Mourinho joining United So is the stand pipe for the washer supposed to be doing double duty as a continuos vent? I am sorry but this post seems to have escaped from fatlogic onto the rest of reddit and I'm going to have to remove it to follow reddit's rules. As the place that was not too long ago a fascist dictatorship that hunted down a specific ethnicity, this can only turn out well. You forgot "Russian Ally and Propagandist". By this, I believe OP meant that this is the stock for every Best Buy on Earth. So did they just refuse payment from Canadian customers before now? I hope Hitler senpai will notice me now Mortal Kombat was better siiiiiigh. Needs more HK-55. Lol everyone on this sub is usually a dick to people that act like they didn't know thy had heat, it's funny because now that it's a girl all the comments are nice. I'm sure nothing will go wrong, as ESO was a complete success. The trick is that he got the balls to stay still on such a crooked table. GabeN has slaves; that's everyone's wallets. justgirlythings 3 I am glad the GOP is being so mature about this. The Sims 4 coming to PC and Mac in 2014, is single-player and offline [Update] Wow, such a big surprise... Jypo Shocking news as it turns out people still go shopping! They win by 104 points... It obviously was a massive factor that heavily impaired their play style. No no, those definitely had their run in the Gillis is fired thread. It's not a competition. we are so fucked lol Filmarea ii apartine autorului de pe YT, probabil. Ban assault GIFs, people should not be able to send and convey messages of their own free will So do we sign him? Hey it's that symbol of racism and white supremacy Look at that beautiful right angle where the mudguard meets the vamp, really makes you marvel at nike's ability to constantly innovate. I cannot believe that a Democratic politician would spend a ton of money and not account for it. Oh look MORE terrorists to arrest What a bunch of douchebags There are tons, have a small list: * "Poor performance on the PC" * "30FPS is just fine" * "Xbone can be 1080P" * "The console versions are way better" * "No good games on the PC" * "PCs are for nerds" * "So many hackers on PC" * "Controllers are superior" (I can only back this in driving games, other than that they are garbage) * "You have to constantly upgrade your computer" (I was playing HL1 on my old laptop at a stable 40FPS) * "We get free things with Xbox Live" * "Better graphics" * "The PC is always running last gen" * "It's cheaper to buy a console than a PC" * "The multiplayer is always better" * "You are a retard for choosing a PC" * "Sucks to have a peasant box" * "No one plays PC" * "PC is dead" I love my school Pffft only has a 7.7 on imdb how good can it be let's boycott the facebook! basically it's going to be halo 3 again why dont you play faceit instead of corrupt esea well this is why He hits the apexes unlike Lewis Haha over 9000 guys haha minecraft = nerd haha I would take that Trump over the real one any day. It's bosoku, it's a style in Japan. Fine job on stopping ISIS there, Turkey! I was gonna see this movie, but since its not gonna be in 3D, Im not even gonna waste my time! I see no problem here. I salute you EfJun, master of giving the hugest middle finger to BB's nonsensical fuckery. Yes, next time she should practice ~~maybe~~ **definitely** It's your fault for not getting a telescope good enough to see through clouds. M for Monkees - the boy band...good pic Wouldn't that mean MSNBC is a slave driving organization by employing people like her and Sharpton? What happens? I hope he gets better, I really like the Manga despite what others say. Losing team had a hacker and boosted MG2's? Tony is really living it rough as a bachelor. Hooray for representation! Never heard this one before It's a visual album that guinsoo nerf lol now it is finally balanced And I'm still waiting for Kingdom of Amalur 2... :/ He is a zombie, the only plausible explanation, as he is dead. yeah, wtf op you can just download ram You broken one component on the CPU, should still work without it, not unless you have already soldered it back. Yeah, he had all day to move out the way of that smash. Title is so biased ^ Trumpism = *'Religion of Peace'* If only the teachers were allowed to carry swords themselves this travesty could've been avoided. Judging by the Euros we should sell Martial and sign Robson Kanu Pizza Solo downtown is pretty solid Reggie Wayne allegedly grew some hair just so he could cut it off to support coach. They didn't steal the computer because it has Windows 10 and would leak their location. I don't have to spend real life money on playing a hero or grind 40 games to get enough to unlock just one. Brought to you by Arby's: our food and ads are shitty enough to drive anyone to vegetarianism. This is really common, it's a sandman convention. Please God Facebook Yeah, Aston Martin are well known for making typos on their ads. only "very beautiful" women deserve these things Well then, let me put on my shocked face V-Voiced protagonist :,( I've been using this technique forever does that mean I'm a pro? nope.jpg Didn't see that burn coming! Physical or emotional Nice intercooler Way to trust MSNBC to give you the truth. I'm horny, PM me this guy's okc? I see ~14 boxes and a GTX 980. Except Isis think they're doing their conquest for God whereas caesars legion does it for caesar that headline is complete shit because it implies that there were ANY unreported terror attacks on the list don't give him a inch Yeah but he puts fear into left handed hitters and he's so tall! Genetics Sorry, can't add more, would be too confusing to the players Am I the only one who saw hat one of their points is pretty much "Gabriel is always picked last for kickball, that's racist" Wow, this toll system thing is doing really well. But not *deep* We love you man and we don't care about your race, religion, gender or whatever YOU ARE GREAT because you want to MAKE AMERICA GREAT! FUCK YOU TWITTER Feeding trough Boris, of course, is one of Britain's sharpest minds. Wow la fel de multa indignare pe reddit ca atunci cand "romanca din canada" ii plangea de mila baiatului lui badea Mike Fisher is reporting similarly. I don't think you said that all I see is how much and nip will beat renegades. A German Goo Girl? Women are supposed to be fat and in the kitchen, not shredded and in the gym! Total dedication and clean eating.Everybody can do that but they are just lazy,so stop hating and go crush your limits. Shame on you letting your kid climb on a rock. Nah we all need to modify our everyday communication and behavior just in case a one-in-a-million case with no coping skills happens to see or hear something they can't handle. The quality of ESPN folks that go digging for the shows you named PTI is still better. Olofmesiter, Olofmesiter, Olofmesiter, Olofmesiter, Olofpass But guys the devs said they arent pre-rendered, that means its 100% legit. Thank God, what a miracle! so brave. Yep, if there ever existed a decade that stood for morals and self-respect, it was either the 80s or 90s. Well, thank fuck they're doing something constructive! Ha! Well how do we know this is real if you blacked it out? Cool, reminds me of Norway. Well at least Amy Schumer can play Barbie now obviously not impossible then. Oh boy! Literally. Could upstate NY actually survive without NYC? Duh, only fat women need to use the bathroom. pentagon? I'm sure your teacher will be duly impressed by your brilliant criticism. No one asked for pink titans. Yea China never copies or counterfeits brands from white countries so you shouldn't copy anything from them! James Pastuh - uh, uh - Manning I see what you did there But, but Bill Gates did a few bad things while working for Microsoft so he is a terrible person and everyone on Reddit is better! But those young'uns don't bother voting! My agility level is 99, hold my beer. How about we work on the pisspoor balancing this season and fix the insane amount of bugs instead of adding to the pile of spaghetti with another champ that's probably going to come out strong with an overpowered kit and then receive a buff to "compensate for the 60% win ratio" Ask any democrat, this doesn't happen. oh gram gram, you crack me up tee hee But I thought removing the embargo would make everything better det er fra 1975 This duel proves that playing this way is much funner than spamming vortexes Nah, go Bernie Roger that, thanks for the detailed description and steps to reproduce, fix incoming shortly. Did this continue? But the welfare for billionaires must not be stopped. The title makes me sad beyond words. Fake money and free time? Even better that it's on the front so he can see all the ladies write his number down. The Red Bulls of old just masked the obvious imperfections Seb has. Quality content though! TIL Jihad is a person. Exo dudududu and wubwubwub on tournaments, instead of good music nowadays Lol isn't this the same tournament that allowed mega rayquaza. Remember, only YOU can prevent self rape! Probably their wives didn't follow their reasonable demands for compliance. THANK YOU KOJIMBO Guys its ok, he is new in politics! yEAH BUT THERE ARE MORE TWITCH VIEWERS FOR LEAGUE OF LEGENDS HAHA DOTA NERDS Just bad aim mate But how did you get the couch through that door? Bowties are cool. Something, something, legitimate protest. is that a locker engage/disengage, or a two speed rear? They dont want them accidentally dodging This sub is ESO not the witcher! It's never too soon to begin teaching males they're not responsible for their actions! Stupid askreddit posts whoring for karma. But he's just being chivalrous and helping you be classy! YES so glad i completed every EE for pack a punched guns and a more powerful bowie knife! This should go to the front page. only if this guy can put a win streak going or show up in bight fights right Dana? What we've got here is... failure to communicate You smug SOB. This shit isn't working. But I thought the Core Rulebook, Gamemastery Guide, and Bestiary are already in print? YOU'RE NOT READING IT RIGHT As long as we don't give them Ion Cannons, we can bomb them to rubble from the safety of our Star Destroyers. k aww come on Pitt should at least be 25 with our win. Yeah let's compliment the person who held their phone a foot above the meal and not the chef.\ carbot, if you want to play broodwar go play broodwar Pretty amazing statistic! Well that will make the water safe to drink That is crazy Wouldn't it make more sense for them to park further out, so they use less gas getting there? evie has one too so does that make her a healer :thinking: First time since Wayne Williams? Do you ever stop to think how creepy and horrible you are being? Looks flooded, thanks global warming. Oh gods, me_IRL is leaking again... Quarantine the thread, we can't let this be another outbreak! Shocker! SHADOW FREDDY AGAIN FOR FUCK SAKE I guess he's a Berniebro then Its actually parasites in your brain. I don't know one Democrat who says this. LOL THATS NOT TRUE AT ALL & THOSE SITE ARE FULL OF RIGGED FAKE NEWS Maybe they had no time to create it them self, i see the devs watching Twitch streams on work time a lot.. even non SC streams, also they are playing loads of other games in discord haha come get some emote is really funny when u spam it u should check it out These tasty, tasty petroleum byproducts in my water already brought me to that conclusion. There are plenty of The Office versions That Corvette looks funny. What the fuck is this for Just a matter of time before MasterCard/Visa/Amex/Discover raise hell. Our leading story on tonight's news: Patty Kane good at getting open. Wow, somebody is clearly triggered Higher frame rates ruin games L00SER Oh they can.. they just have to pay. As a grown up gamer... TLDR. Ferguson It says $10 right on the back You should see the stack of corpses the pusher racked up just out of frame. And what about without SLI? Maybe its a device to release a hamster around in Is this post a repeat from 100 years ago? As the article explains, this is not a new problem in Stamford Hill. found my new flair What about when you look down at trees when youre flying over them and you see the flat leaves textures rotating 180 degrees to face you? 205 OFFICIALLY RUINED Ewoks are easily the worst thing in Star Wars. Wow, thanks! Contraband sign confirmed No judge, no jury, straight to execution. But if ACH knows that's the spot why the fuck did he just sit there Best sandwich I've seen on here in a while. You tell me, *you're* the expert. You're supposed to adapt to the map Is there a way we can deport them? Draw more mangle i demand it This is the great content and discussion i like to see! What is the logic used in the black book of communism to arrive at that death toll number? Strawberry vodka and a nap Underwhelming. So, she's single? Yeah, but what about the whole fire and brimstone thing? He must be a communist! God, everyone around me asks me this. I'll get right on that. You're username is confusing, but you must get that a lot. Yeah, but who uses *those* anymore? WORLD DICTATORSHIP OF THE PROLETARIAT! thanks obama? I bet it's launching in 13 minutes. That's a pretty edgy thing to say How dare a black man pursue his #2A legal right to open carry in the great state of Texas. Wow, I totally expected Rammus' outplay. MLK would be so proud Well, they did beg Uncle Sam to help them against Mexican farmers and peasant That made my body do a weird jolty thing from cringe Well, better cut their budget then! TL;DR - Overpriced, local businesses are getting replaced by just overpriced businesses. In what reality does Owen Hargreaves reside? I mean, to be fair you can sell them. They obviously just communicated through voicechat and agreed upon not shooting eachother, that they all speak chinese and all wear the same shirt is a small coincidence i got an email from them two years ago telling me to drop out my sophmore year and go pursue music there White belt! Your hand is not beautiful It's about time that we made a law that makes it illegal for people to molest children in the bathroom. I hope the judge apologized to him for the inconvenience. Why is Oregon making uniforms for UC Davis? July 6th for anyone who doesn't know when Eid is. Seems legit Donald Trump Please, Apple, give us the choice of browser. Whoa get ahold of these massive live trolls guys! Give me 200k and I promise i'll get him I was still clinging on to that sliver of hope. Only answer needed Lakers in 6. Atomizer: Vaporesso Target Mod: eleaf iStick Pico Juice: McIlhenny's Impending Lawsuit The real question is, who would win in a pokemon battle? Fuck that , Fuck you The picture made me misread "buy napkins" as "bananas" Must be some of those southern good manners that we need because we booed the Barves in the 9th Well this confirms that Apple's wearables will not be the big, fugly devices that Samsung and Moto have released lately. Polo mints. Ba dupa drop, mourinho must love Hanson If I'm playing brand, Zyra, or Annie support, you're the real support here. Because sometimes the job just needs to get done. Totally acting withing department policy. thats not what the GOP says If you drive and do this IRL... Then please for the sake of all of us, don't. Oh wow whatever shall we do! Somewhere the world's smallest violin is playing a requiem for the lost profits of the richest people in the richest province with the highest income disparity. Just like this game In juni weer motorraces kijken op het TT-Circuit van Amsterdam! Fixed: Samsung Warns Customers to Think Twice About Buying Their Smart TVs Those arms are turning me on I say if you've never had to be on food stamps, then you can SHUT THE FUCK UP about how unnecessary you think they are. ITS IN THE WALLS! Looking at the Twitters of the "ex"G2 players they are very happy about it... "sarcasm involved" The least he could do is start the Suing Bitfinex Wiki. Duhh.. so they don't get destroyed I'm glad the conservative Tories are back in power instead of these left-wing labour liberal liars Alt-right doesn't exist, it's just a word to describe people who are done with both parties Wow great Photoshop skills mate TSM gets a group without Koreans .. Rigged :D Thats how kids learn. I though Lupul was already injured Just imagine if we could divert some of that money to universal health care and "free" university tuition. Yes, that is why so many cable companies are doing so well and are so innovative. This is a racist and insensitive bigoted article published by WaPo! f**k No, nothing happened, it appeared for a second a few vlogs ago Just outside Gotham? He should have done a People's Elbow after that Rock Bottom. wow ive never seen this before Because that's totally a plausible outcome Tomorrow on TIL! Just wait a few more minutes and it should (hopefully) be live. This can only lead to good things Australian theatres have always been a fetid swamp of racism and sexism. And so our quest for Matthews begins. This can't possibly backfire in anyway shape or form. YOU CAN TAKE THAT CHAMPIONSHIP FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS I know this is Fedor Holz would like to have a word with you. Well that escalated quickly If (!dontShowCampaignFunds === true) // show campaign funds Hey, that's my old boss (Molly, not Donnaroo)! This will not be a popular position to take You never know it could be The Fulcrum. Fucking AGL But she has such a sincere voice! Scare quotes on "young men" because they're animals amirite? Of course he does... FROM KENYA! Why does the pope hate identity politics? I don't understand, all the pages are black and white, where the fuck is he getting all these colors from? kek **ITS A TRAP** I would rather give my tax money to Marines, and everyone else in the military, in sham marriages to get higher pay then to the EPA to find out if Bog Turtles are humping or for rich snobs to buy electric cars. I'm not sure photographing these people and publicly identifying them as Yezidi is such a great idea. Obviously you were using armor hacks. Jesus Christ, what's with Democrats and their inability to use email systems properly? Probably because his wife's name was Robert. Yes more Cops! Great buff the drop rate for Whirlwind a week after I find it... NO ONE ELSE EVER DESERVES THIS MOD EVER BECAUSE IT WAS SO HARD TO FIND FOR ME PERSONALLY It will only get a little more badass if they add Zero as a character. Glorious Bojo Revolution African American peanuts oh is danny b back? Conor is at about the same level of comfort. Piece of cake, it's Bakemonogatari Knew it was a simulation when it said "Volbeat is good" BUT MUH DONALD Can you prove it was EA? They even changed the color of the gorram lights ont he keyboard! Only Sith deal in absolutes? That doesn't mean we can't hate them for it You're going to unDS your dog? darkest timeline Silver 1? Dat rock star economy! Dammit, really thought Byron would have got it I am sure all the Berniebros know more about the situation on the border than these guys though. Yes. Yes, intelligence is just like attractiveness....few practical benefits. I think they were talking about Murka. from how old that PC is, that was the norm back in the day, especially for shit assembly PCs with no visible windows in the panels Third person mode His Mother must be so proud ! This is the thing that gets me about Scottish independence, the SNP say that it has nothing to do with nationalism and that it's all about Social Justice but all the evidence suggests that the vast amount of people to voted for independence did it because of nationalism. He's a modern day Nostradamus. Did your mom withhold your tendies again? Yes it's R/Globaloffensive Can we just assume that everyone born before 1950 was raped by a soldier and be done with it? Do as I say and not as I do. I wish we had a 15 minute media cycle on stories like this. good We did adopt pessimism as our mantra for a reason. super hero costumes must be so uncomfortable but so worth it Good to see the captain of an NHL team putting a standout amateur player in his place! I guess Ken Starr is only interested in investigating consensual adultery. It really needs the griefing one, i find it frustrating that R6 has a growing community and yet theyre putting a ton of resources into the crappy For Honor Beta why would you get rid of the tips? Asking the important stuff: Do you think Lord Gaben has an altacc and listens to our prayers and wishes? Really digging this thanks for the post! No, I want my eldritch guardian to be legal. IT'S OBVIOUSLY PREDICTIVE PROGRAMMING BECAUSE THE NEW WORLD ORDER AND OBUMMER CREATED ISIS TO DEPOPULATE THE MIDDLE EAST AS A DISTRACTION FROM THE FACT THAT OBUMMER CREATED OBOLA americans going to cuba for medical services is going to be huge So surprised he is late He has to get some of his team in the game if he wants to make the changes he promised. Mur-sah-deez He can get a job in the Trump administration. R.I.P A proper search for historical status updates would be nice. I don't know how I feel about Faye as opposed to Gray or Tobin, but hopefully we'll get them in a later banner. ahh yes, the gays of today are merely feigning judgement for sympathy, it's not like a nutjob just shot 50 of them, perfectly fine today. It's OK if Muslims do it. [Too bad the cat is not real :(] HIV is a disease for *fags*, they shouldn't receive government aid for their *lifestyle choices*. Thanks ordered 10 Ya we did sooooo much better. Perfectly balanced, OP just needs to git gud. I so want this to be real. This will definitely go over well! She rejected me every single time, she *soooo* wants it MaKKKe America Safe Again that's racist We can probably get rid of any species on earth just by telling white men that not eating it means your gay business pundits are just like political pundits... dumbasses. Ohhh I can feel those tinfoil hats coming now for those damn CHEATIN TOYODERS Who of us hasn't veered onto the sidewalk while driving without a license once or twice? trip balls Obviously it means that you should play more on consoles. Probably this will get buried but ... You're not going to hell if Islam is not the true religion. Mario Jardel, the Ancona legend That is pure nightmare fuel It's all over, petitions are notorious for getting things accomplished all the time. I'm the same, I load up there when I'm in New York. Give us free membership as compansation for playing from Australia Only a catalan Spanish PM could handle this, but I wonder who could he be... ;-) keeper clearly bottled it I'm schizophrenic Watch Dogs Gamecube leaked screenshot teach me your ways Wish i had the money for a Dell XPS 13 Developer Edition Yeah dude, because guys and girls can't be friends Sri Lanka is the new Pakistan Ta Da! As a woman that was the recent recipient of an STI my boyfriend got from a public bathroom, this made me cringe! the germs! This guy is lying, I actually was forced to purchase a bulletproof vest and armor my vehicle due to me living on the SW side! I'm glad he said he wasn't a creep, otherwise I might have thought he was a creep. You mean from his staffers/interns, right? But the terrorists! Flair? A reason to live. Yes, and right after Han sees them kiss he'll say something like "stop that, you're related - what is with you Skywalkers?..." My favorite part of this picture is the picture frame in the background :D For those that don't care about creature type, are there any other Obsolescent cards? The children of the modern aristocracy demand their olympic diving lessons! I thought the Borowitz report was supposed to be satire? are you fucking joking me Is this the big announcement? That's because both parties are exactly the same. No. ugh... cool joke bro i love Al Jazeera, and I'm an American. no it's a shelf Silver I Loving Lara Croft on your graphics card. Stop the flights! Reputation call. This wasn't shot in 60 FPS though, it's generating frames out of nothing every other frame to increase it to 60 FPS. I feel dumb but how is this a no hitter if the guy hit the ball and it was caught ? I think you're short on Nat 5's...keep on summoning! I would feel just terrible and not be friends with her anymore imo there was just enough time to go through b and loop back to ct spawn, right? $200 Nice! How does this confirm that he's the next captain exactly? Is the sperm donor she refers too an ex boyfriend/husband, or an actual sperm donor? I was rich and handsome before I got my PC; now I'm just handsome... Words to live by I like "Marijuana Pattillo" just to be perfectly clear about Ray's serious addiction I couldn't imagine why they would want to do that. Who actually buys these albums when you can always listen to the original songs 9/10 times on YouTube for free? Crazy that he walked away. Love it Shocker..... Well at least now he can retire his Mace Windu costume. Are you gloating because your power steering doesn't leak? You'd think they would try harder 50 years from now Ole Miss fans will tell their grandchildren about that magical 2015 season... 25 yards from Atlanta and 4 stories from a Sugar Bowl Trophy. Well that settles it - we gotta bomb Iran. Hah Sure. I'm riding a ninja 300 now, would the H2R be good as my next bike? I flinched at my laptop at 2 and a half! Press J (by default) to enter Hyperspace. Thaler ponta Only a matter of time before she starts whinging about the media then. Is there a legal explanation for this? THERE GOES MY HERO I love how he says *you're* boring when he literally says the same things over and over for the entirety of the conversation. I would say stuffed mushrooms but those have cheese well I guess you couldn't stop them without cheese but it's not quite the same But he was non-stop training intensely for two years while he was bed-ridden after surgergy, then on crutches and in a boot Hopefully one of those cool hovercars like from The Fifth Element What a diverse platform. Poor guy looks so depressed Well obviously Game Pack is the better option. Well if the Canadians did it, it's fine. reported for hacking Every "union" paycheck has money deducted that goes straight into the democratic coffers. Let's go ahead and ban tannerite targets, because explosions are loud and dangerous. might offend people with no legs by using the word kick i guess. TIL You can be banned for: * Not listening * Not Respecting your role How can that be possible when there are only 7 million people in the world? At least both are reasonably attractive. Sorry for noob question, but why does he hear the CT radio? It's a political process fraught with the ugly reality that politicians have more interest in getting reelected than solving problems. misleading title, reported. #44ever The trick is to send another message a few minutes later saying only Only GR 76 noob I can't believe it. atleast we also know it's not the least contested considering the previous matchups of IO lost terribly. ITT: a bunch of people who have slow HDDs or slow network upload speeds. Fake She mad. - starring Tom Cruise Which only equates to 87.6 level 49 items! Good to hear they're finished mining! And yet you are still shit at this game. Well duh, we have All-star Mike Smith in nets! This explains how Jackson actually caught it, am I right? I can't tell a difference We just need to ban knives. You mean the guys you did a photo-op with recently John? Is that guy next to you sponsored by 5.11? top cake Gonna try "dancing" before deadlifts next time. Allegedly,he's a truck driver with the stereotypical arm tan the only guns allowed are flint lock and the like guns, i think funny enough the art institute has the largest firearms collection in their medieval arms and armor room, and a number of shields and such had flintlocks built into them. Every city should take LA's subway as the model of the future Ikr those streamers completely photoshopped the whole end cutscene and inserted that word, smh They hate most of us, what's your point? **WOWIE WOW I NEVER KNEW THAT** Now where are shitty parents going to drop off their kids while they get drunk at Hooters? Yeah politicians really talk shit about Israeli Jews all the time. Ha-Ha What are the white ones with the red sole called? This person forgot to include the Facebook flag picture filter. Appendix cary will get you A LOT of attention. Cool just kill my Polaroidland camera, guess I just gotta buy an instax How can they do that with no warrant hey Loco has authority also! these gifs are excellent. Unpublished upside: If you're still running 2003 you won't have to patch it anymore as there will be no patches. Did anyone actually think it would be patrick or antonio? Rubio wouldn't have been blocked. anyone actually cares about an ex president's ethics czar? Which is why he won the Democratic Primary, naturally. SO YOU KNOW WHO THE FUCK IS BOSS. That's so cringe... Clearly, it was implied that the soup molecules were bigger, not the can That's pretty much what Bernie has said, one pick at a time. nein, nein, neinnnnnnnnnn Health benefits of Ramadan: * tiredness caused by lack of sleep * dehydration caused by lack of water * constipation caused by lack of food * gas caused by constantly swallowing saliva * high blood pressure caused by lack of rem sleep Mashallah. The police force is a mess theyre just flaxs lol, you'll get outflexed 70% of the time ^outflaxed^heheheh SCRAP HEAP What makes me mad is that I can't see them cooked That's CDG Play not CDG Shirt Fuck arty, I love this change Next, they can play a football game on an aircraft carrier. If you follow the line from the bottom to the thickest branch, we should all be praising the prophet Zoroaster, get on your knees! Nah he's just trolling extra hard, this was actually bm in Korean culture Why is he wearing Ole Miss uniforms? I learn my Japanese from anime too For those who got everything up and running what version of SafeA9LHInstaller did you use? Yeah it's an alpha, it shoudn't even have a major version number, should be 0.4.2 or something how can you not like extremely homophobic clowns. Just because. Ah I forgot how much more frigid Norway is than Russia They have to be housed separately and the appeals process is costly and can drag on for decades. yoga pants Yes, but how many fantasy points did they retain from last season? I think you were. I bet she's adopted many down-on-their-luck or otherwise unwanted children Yea, they live in America now, but we don't actually want them to be productive members of society, do we? It's because you're a woman on the Internet You're so much better than him. wait 'til they open it and it's just 1000s of signed pictures of Moot The Fiat Multiplat The Ford Pinto Play a real maygoomee tensayy gaem My m150 nozzle is stuck on and I haven't tried to force it off incase this happens, think you're at least going to need a new heat block. Yep, that's all there was to Kung Fu Panda! Just like we always say "hurr America should have fixed gun control already" Europe isn't one big Nation, it's made up of individual countries which makes it rather hard to unify on one plan (like impossibly hard) same with America's states. yea look at that cup winning history Emergency in 3..2..1 But then they would have to leave the country because of accusations of treason. Fucking hipster. NIB COLLECTOR WITH 2ND PRINT VILLAGER *SIRENS* So you're going to discredit Jordy for having a less severe injury? Glad to see Riot doing something about it No TPP - slaving free trade. It's just not fair to those of us who want to go out in public in our underwear! Where's Jimmy? Needs more angry, evil suns. Why do you hate America, OP? 7.00 comes out and everyones suddenly remebers the photoshop subscription there parents still pay for and there passion for design. Its a "test mode" for the fiery phoenix mounts we will be getting in the next LW Update. Have had no pay rise in 6.5 years ... I think Dad & I need a talk ... Now that play deserves to be on the front page of reddit That's socialism for ya! This is pretty relevant for 100+ degree weather in July. Sixth for me and I just got home an hour ago. Racial divisions, always a great strategy people hate comcast no way i thought they are our most beloved ISP. Well at least the criminal didn't get hurt, and that makes it worthwhile! Totally understandable My man! Some 2kg weights for toning so she doesn't end up looking like she hulk. You can't argue with that. Not news, forbes What about the worth of the people who were voting for Clinton? Quick, somebody get this on Teespring! Yes, but what if we pay them by pressing F, X, or square? I swear all those godzilla movies where prep for this. leaked CMR has lost control of underage drinking Makes you wonder why the Government sent cops to protect this family but threatened anyone protesting with jail time. This should totally be the next big meme: Surprised kid! This just got more juicy obvious sexism There are so many other ways to stimulate the immune system... why the hell did they use live bacteria? Me ....but internet filters should keep him from doing this right? gl , im pretty sure you can't refund early access game on steam. Obviously there would be no racism. Just brew something up with Mana Crypt, now that it finally got a reprint. Now guys, we have to respect their religion, o wait nevermind. Because climate change implicates their own actions (or their absolute support for the free market) in harming people, while with 'muh refugees' or 'muh Mexicans" or muh'Bama it's someone else's fault. Maybe he meant that gro_ing stuff? how long have you aged it? Well, both are unreasonable, extreme right wing blowhards that get more credit than they deserve. Is this a joke? If you think smoking from this is a good idea then go for it, you don't have much to lose anyways. I was in Mosul when it was the Wild West, cannot wait to go back! Even his photoshopped body is goals Who threw the punch? A chair? That needs to be a book/movie cover. More proof that pot kills. This is making me realize how much of a negative Nancy I actually am. He's not super well known The guy who posts this pic has also posted "I'm so sick of all these fake-ass people" at LEAST 3 times in the last year. That's absolute bullshit and a completely unsupportable, unscientific claim by psychology and has no legitimate empirical data or raw data to support this fallacious claim. I'm sure it'll last more than two weeks. Ha Ha, women drivers amirite guys? A masters in computer science. 404 now not found He seen't it. *P'FT......repost. Good now we can use our 7th round pick on him. But you can't cheat on lan! Let's see how it does in the field before burning down the powerplants, yeah? Thaaaaaeeenksss. I grew up in a house hold with two parents who worked full time jobs, so I literally grew up on a diet of McDonalds, bagel bites, and pizza rolls. Are those black undersuits? Yeah, you can definetly see that the sjw have truly invaded Reddit! A certificate proving so, please. Change is SCARY! Just release it, and fix what's broken later with an update. **IT SAYS VAGINA: MARK IT NSFW** Cuba's old bougeouise celebrates death of Cuban Communist, who'd have thunk it? Thin privilege is being able to use the stairs. Can confirm. what an objective article... wow... this guy has no personal reason to hate on tesla... what a credible "article" And one of the few smiles of Kimi caught on camera during a F1 weekend. And it's funny to make fun of people by calling them gay. As a hawk, I am offended by this. Same, Jose. But Turnbull needs his yacht! I'd rather spam Y-Wing bombs at hard points on capital ships than have aerial dogfights with 60 other ships over imperial bases. What an upvote whore Perdictable Didn't hear this one before Nope, 18. If only we can get them to do the same in the border cities of the United States. Maybe Hyperloop in these tunnels instead of above ground? Misleading thread GOD DAMN IT JUST WHEN I MOVE AWAY I think not taking the Steve Nash (2x League MVP) at pick number #13 was a bigger mistake Yeah her name was Lusamine. Zee News par dikhaya hey to theek hi hoga, BC. yep...criminal destruction to personal property is always the answer! ...because of Rayleigh scattering! why must the straight white man always suffer...? Nice Blur Logo bro Should we call it a Blogo? I can't help but agree with every word that comes out of this man's mouth. Penta-shot can kill all bosses. Talk shit get hit Yes, because gun free zones have totally been proven to work pretty well in a society with so many guns. Erm, that's clearly FractalBro, not Burning. Jesus walks quote is "thats the way I need jesus" not "yall need jesus" I want to see them put a man on Mars in my lifetime, and before the Russians. If we don't we're suicidal. Even ambiguous, the kids answer is correct, that is what is really disturbing I didn't know they made a movie? probably as much as the cup can contain those abos never learns Rolled up pants: the greatest risk you can ever take is fashion. Yeah, I don't know They should've just sent it to April Ryan and she could have arranged the meeting for Trump This happens literally every game I play, why is this even here? Yeah, but he didn't know **how** to fall! We should just disable Leblanc, or remove her from the game. Now I can't help thinking of that stone thing in 'Night at the museum'.. 'DumDum wants yum yum in the bum bum' I don't know if all boy scouts are gays, they could probably tie the knot like fifty different ways. Never heard of this guy THE CHEMTRAILS! But they're getting paid in experience! Green cause it's the color of money and wasabi But Trump is the biggest conservative ever and whenever he says something wrong it's always indicative of issues with the Republican Party! Great use of public funds there! How do they make this snares sound like that I must know Because nobody else ever supported armed militia groups in the past 15 years! Anything ending with Was expecting a Sweden home of cs trailer like dreamhack Stockholm Fuckin kids, not knowing about a musician from the '30s. That's some top level salt Islamic Republican Army! Agreed, what is that BMW doing on the street? Wow there are some assholes that need to be plugged Battle for middle earth 2 Red Alert 3 Kanes wrath You mean like what happens if steam shuts down? How the hell am I supposed to Impulse Drive that? But, but, but Malcolm Turnbull is a tech genius, he once invested in Ozemail. Surprises. It's a great time to be a Stormers fan! Must be hard to stomp Plat III and Diamond IV as Diamond I 50+ LP. May GabeN have mercy on his soul. hahaha that's hilariously awesome. Let's be honest, the only reason WoD was a bad expansion was because it didn't have a Troll dungeon / raid. Cool! I can't believe that someone would have sympathy for those icky gays! nononono, that doesn't fit the narrative that only black people have ever been slaves, and it was only white people who enslaved them. Nah, after tax you'll make minimal profit Looks like the Red Sox continue to pay organizations to rank their farm system highly anyone know the best Chili recipe that they are willing to share, preferably a spicier one. blatt died for this. LOL NOT EVEN MAX CRIT RATE SHIT RUNE DON'T BUY I rented this from blockbuster like a few times, also rented the CDi a lot but ended up buying one of those. Perhaps a dumb question but what is going to happen to the gunner class are they still recieving the buffs from ktera or do i have to wait for another year to be relevant in the dps charts ? Not good it's pointing at the ground in this one i came here for Maki Am i the only one that sees the issues with carrying milk in the heat for 25mins+? im actually not an engie main shhhhh Next-gen implies it's not out yet, so OP must be saying there's no good PS5 games And if the press never reports on this list then it is proof that the media is covering this up. Nice troll His fans will have grown ten fold What a racist thing to say You can't just post a real picture and claim it's a forza photo I'll give you my painted cockroach set Que legado you mom looks as mad as my mom haha my parents have a photo like this to Thank you, D&D download more B-but Cyborg can't possibly lost the weight The new NERF Rival TIL Donald Trump was ridiculed as a fool before his presidency Karma. Being the grasshopper is a lot of work. Praise the lord and pass the ammunition! This thread is fucked Whoever cancelled this guys deportation needs to be held accountable. FUTURE You can clearly see that since the digital age the movie industry has really been suffering Because, according to Trump, he's the best candidate, and Trump supporters tend to believe him about Trump-related things. Not gonna get tired of dat windows movie maker I respect your ability with the piece keeper i HATED that gun lol Song name? If one has a concealed carry permit one should be able to purchase any weapon they choose! Why should they say thank you if the guy is expected to pay? Professional basketball player. Should have added one with only Cyan and Orange 0/10 It's too fucking late. Because Chad Morris is a better hire for teams? As someone who has flown on Sunwing, I totally understand why that man did that. It'll be fun to see Johnny Depp as Dumbo and Helena Bonham Carter as the bearded lady! Stance Dance Revolution fits a little better Is my atention addequate? They use reddit Superbowl bound! One granade to rule them all! Why would I want to split Croatia? I think you are confusing ~ with Good point, but horrible map. I admire that they front run their customers. My favourite part was where the donkey shits all over the place. There's just not enough money to go around. He's probably just concerned about her health! More shit to eat yay! Sounds liek wut I was doing wit ur mum last nite amirite His neck must be really strong to support you and his massive head Hard to hear them all the way in the kitchen. quite a few of these are against thrall as in that other shit hero. The fact that they are building a new one. Does this Chloroform smell funny to you? well played sir Mussolini started out as a socialist to :o Uphold Socialist-Fascism ...and they ripped off Nirvana! Yeah, having less than 1k hours is a real judgement of skill and understanding of TF2's meta. I thought Hillary already hit the reset button and we were all good... Oh hell yeah, fuck respecting marriage, but also fuck jenny. whats the pay like Should have got the 970 Golly do I ever love that Bianchi mint green. [first one] I abuse alcohol when I spill it. Batman Beyond But he only wanted to meet the lady to have a few drinks! Thanks for the repost ;) I still might vote for her. Why only Why did you give Kyle Larson a 15 point penalty? So how isn't this fear mongering? in other words, Torts desperately wants the vacant Sharks gig He is not even getting CIA paychecks anymore so I believe he is sincere. I hated how it wasn't any more difficult for me because I speak Korean glad to see that we have people out for the *real* truth. The constant reading and writing of porn files will degrade a hard drives performance and reliability thus considerably shortening its lifespan. How're his modeling skills? I guess that a normal impulse when you see Chara about to run you over. mmmm....cookie. But Arkham Knight wasn't that bad. Fuck ergonomics and fuck you too. And so the cage become slightly more visible. Couldn't have happened to a nicer chap Case closed. What, you don't like bending over backwardly while trying not to make contact with the toilet? bee keeper random Joker is alive confirmed Probably feels good when he's shedding. I had to go to the comments, regrettably. Oooooo yes I like your thinking sir Only until Israel gets its next shipment of White Phosphorus cluster bombs. I main tank support as taric because I can easily fix my teammates mistakes and no one expects him to be brutal in a 1v1 until his team started raging on the fact that he lost to a support Fake coach. It's funny because feminists. It looks like she's drunk and he's trying to throw her into the ocean. well time to get blendr U are such a creeper that's not amazing I don't like that I'm glad they got the foundation done. Could there possibly be cranberries involved? hehehehe bomber gear make great toilet paper, blue and gold mixed together does make brown Feelsbadman Why would you post this as a .gif and not the video Now we need someone to get Hamilton's signature on a black and orange Jarhead 2 it was an "accident" lol I didn't want to think about MJ's penis. I am glad that he has not fought African Asian, I have heard they are too fierce. Put a picture of the ants natural predator on the screen I have a feeling that perhaps the word black belongs in quotation marks. Seems like swamp gas. Givin it back to the colonizers. I swear to god I think this is a direct quote of a Larry the Cable Guy joke. Barack Obama, makes himself king of the ocean. If only there were some way to record things, perhaps on some sort of material made of tree-pulp and someone should invent some sort of device that leaves a mark upon other objects, perhaps made also of wood and graphite. This for sure will help the public's perception of our police force. Easy, bing-watch 'West Wing' to get a crash course on how to run the White House Don't forget they can crash out markets. Both ideas make me feel lonely. my mutt does this The War on Christianity wages on. Boone's Farm: It'll get you drunk. Somehow the fault of every white male in the country. That's because you can choose your own gender you don't Intel Damn #8 is looking oooooold *insert mandatory go to Vengeance server TBC since it's in Canada and WAY better than PlayTBC even though we haven't played PlayTBC* How is this, in any fucking remote sense of the word, demotivational? If you think the houses are bad you should see those who can't even afford that! Lavar would beam MJ's ankles to the shadow realm Wow..people going to work overseas to make more money to bring back to the family....that never happens in any other country I'm certain at least 90% of the people on this sub, and hell, the ("first") world in general, at least know what a VHS is, even if they've never actually used one. Goodell should dock the Pats another 1st round draft pick, tack on another $1million in team fines and add 2 more games to Brady's suspension...but NOT before hiring Ted Wells to conduct a lengthy and expensive investigation on it. Good to see our defense has adapted to that seam route to Fleener Sorry, but that mother should be taken out and shot. I see you're pretty optimistic about Jill Stein Voluntarily. Looks like I have another diecast to order, then. im need about tree fidy Xdddddd I doubt Nintendo made that battery. So that would make the underground nuclear test a success I guess. But without government who would give us justice? Are these funds that are actually transferred to account or "pledges" that can be reversed later? ITT: beta pussys Cheap cost of living, low taxes, and a strong economy (though I'm not sure if Nevada has recovered yet). He looks like demonic statue of liberty. shocking. Fine then *takes blood back* What a shock The British police are doing it right though! Justin Case, a security researcher... My lord I want that man's name and she's still pretty, how shocking. I wouldn't say rip rng in this case, the odds are pretty high to get one. Couldn't make it past the first paragraph At least we'll get our Circle back! Salonica is better Jesus if they don't want to fit in to european culture I REALY don't want them here. Is it really an ATM machine on the notes? Shoot the hostage A summary for those who don't want to read the whole thing *We're fucked* GameFAQs What about Weigl, Pisczcek and Kagawa? And now you know why Bill Weld basically all-but endorsed Hillary Clinton *multiple times* now I don't believe this crawling in my skiiiin These kids and their "gotcha" questions! The guy who folded it has a dedicated thrower btw, they are not the same guy Why is this post being downvoted? I remember Dominic BB13 calling Dani D a hoochie mama on the first episode that season and now they're married. I'm sure the UAF, TUC, progressives and liberals will be out in force in support of the local Jewish community Oh no, I feel so sorry for her. He wants to help the poor like the Bible says, how misguided of him! Mentions the word race: This definitely they make the implication all republicans are racist! i tweet all this shit. Tareek Pe Tareek Downvoted because no carry handle who knows when u need them purple sweets ANSWERS PLEASE! Two grand, right there. Maybe if Coles lowered their prices this wouldn't have occurred? She may be cute, but she's still a bandwagoner! Not Filipino enough, should be written in baybayin. Dude, a Key is too much for Dark Matter :) Kids/general people that think they know everything about teching/airsoft science. Obviously necessary because men are so marginalised in society and politics Why do people say cop killer as if it's significantly different than a murderer in general? Maybe a gooder punchline would be "N-word, you is bowf" idk i think this is way too overblown; these were predictions - it wouldn't be interesting to hear them if everyone just said SKT will be 1st and thats it How long until Merrill and Beck pitch a fit about this? It's because the officiating is so awful, it has nothing to do with watching more advertising/commercials than actaul football! I got the same message last week. Because **everyone** uses kb+m on pc. Try to find a hobby, it's very fulfilling. She needs to get a trainer and get in the gym like 6 months ago. Le voy a dar downvote pq el mundial me tiene hasta la madre :3 They will need to apologise Lol nice ;) I wonder why. ohmergad ur using GRASP over STORM RAIDERS GG Not orange enough How nice of you to leave Karma out. Fupa Good to see that the Big XII afforded KU/K-State the appropriate level of significance. SK was a quake clan back in the olden days before HL was even a thing Weird idea, but this will be incredibly valuable to future historians. All these people just need to stop listening to crazy people and stop believing fake emails. I LIKE YOU 27 What a letdown, OP; I was hoping to see people trying to resuscitate the street. shitfire, it doesn't start until 9 am, gnight people He should just set his barn on fire. What the fuck sort of doctor can't grammar? From the top of my head and lack of sound design experience... It's the off-beat bass, tempo at 128bpm (generally) add a build up lost of white noise fxs and reverbed leads, good amount of sub bass and a snappy kick. Fun fact: the guy that made this is currently working at respawn entertainment and helped produce the gun animations for titanfall2. How likely is it that this will pass? Oh look at that, I guess it's time for the police to arrest more people for jay walking, loitering, drinking beer in public, and menacing. T50rp mk2's, obviously. Someone needs to make a HD desktop background of a CT drinking a beer while defusing using Source Film Maker, it would be amazing. Still waiting for the hotfix to solve the bug keeping her rooted in place It's a screw, you sick fuck. Sorry dudes, someone already did that 40 years ago. There's a special place in hell for her. My dog has never made ear-piercing shrieks while shitting on the floor because he didn't get the treat he wanted, but I've seen a fucking four year old do just that. I'm starting to think the best way to combat these people is to get a picture of a crusty old penis and send it right back. i dont liked it, it should be blue, to contrast the character I had a Republican today tell me that the 9 Benghazi investigations were non partisan and that Democrats would do the same thing...... Watching fox news every day must do strange things to your brain. Listen to live unmuted streams with Turbo, now just $15/mo ! and if he didnt do something all of you would be bitching no matter what he does you all will bitch Fedoras If your game overrides alt-f4 then you are overriding my will to play it. It isn't much but it's mine Will he demand she have the meatloaf? Well, all the other candidates can just go home now. the eye can't see past 1 FPS anyway I don't doubt for a second that she's behind it, but I think we have different definitions of the word "directly." Pans was critically *panned* by th**e** fandom. Because fuck those with allergies Damn, what a unique and original opinion that isn't plastered over reddit already. Two thoughts: 1) Obviously he knows there are tapes out there; and 2) Why should he change from such a successful strategy its a good thing that all Christians use the same translation of the bible, otherwise this could cause a porblem even among Christians The banner art kinda reminds me of Touka and Ayato from Tokyo Ghoul, I don't know why. They should make guns illegal in Chicago so that criminals will turn them in. Update: NFL to investigate deceptive athleticism in NE, tonight on Sportcenter. I guess he ran his truck into the ground Yeah but isn't it free? STOP RESISTING! 13 articles in this sub's first 2 pages...shouldn't we make a megathread to organize this properly? I guess wishes really do come true. Doc's P90 If you have to ask if you're worthy, you're not worthy. first he ddos, now he makes people go afk so they can lose games. If I could turn Turn back the hands of time Jonathan you-u Would have never been si-e-igned Oh, If I could turn Its a recommended update now, Disable updates = profit? Nah, they'll just wrap the body in string :P Well they buff Beth to nerf Rakan Looks disgusting *Attacks on the black guy in the White House by the Republicans* in Washington since 2010 have cut one percentage point from US growth and cost the nation 2m jobs over three years, FTFY To be nearer to god, duh. Eminem - Kim But we don't engage in leader worship. Well fucking earned, congrats Matty Ice! U fokin wot m8 BUT WHAT'S HIS SNAPCHAT He was a beast tonight! Because Denver and Seattle fans were sitting at home to watch the game Is this a deleted scene from Milo and Otis? what happened? They gas egg laying hens at the end of each cycle on purpose, so cleaning up efficiently is a well-documented process. Is Stephen Harper in over his head? Any van can be "toilet-equipped"; just add a simple composting toilet ;-) breast cancer runs in my family, i can't wait to get double ds! Cant sign in either :/ So when Aphro makes these kind of comments its "Shots fired", but when I make these comments in all chat I'm being "Toxic" and get banned..... rito pls YOU PC BRO? just play a round it bro! Not by a long shot! Up there with twact as his worst song This was awesome. Nice blur, bro. This is going to stop further rapes...Or sound good enough to honor Lennon..... false, it doesnt take intelligence to hate you His battery finally ran out So did they say anything about why they shipped the 2017 in 2016? especially for him! Well, at least Hillary's Wall Street speeches are now publicly available. Mit if you don't know when to use "to" or "too". Putin expects USA to return america to Native americans - Kreml I think its humuours enough that this moron wants to criminalize someone going to take a shit in the "wrong" place Can't wait for their prices to drop. That's rich coming from Queen 0-2 herself. Welbeck is having a great time at training it seems. That was the CPU in the first PC that I built for myself. Of course it's RWBY! nty gonna sell mine for 89,999gp GOML We have a winner. Fuck Sam Hinkie. Redskins had a winning record in 2012-2013! you racist, im taking you to court! Yeah, us white people have to worry about so much racism. People have too much money to spend on crap. That is gonna be quite the spectacle on tv He's just a poacher ;) Quality article. The one with the toothpick gun, obviously. Samson's chain and Guillotine?According to NL you should never pick those up Looks like you had a pretty nice little Saturday going I take it Maggi is their version of Ramen Noodles? On a personal level, i'd have sacrificed even more celebrities. Zinedine Zidane heatbutting Marco Materazzi in the 2006 world cup final You miss 100% of the shots you don't take! I'm fairly certain I'm part mosquito since I can walk through a swarm of them and not get bit once. I'm sure the CBS polls are real this time Well, today sure was a convenient day for you to learn this bit of information wasn't it? Didn't we agree that relates to China is a hoax? Dat assist Why are they break stalls and asking for pieces of paper? Allegedly! No mountain 0/10 would re-roll At least they're not Mormons. Only the most dastardly evil terrorist would bypass such glorious regulations. I wonder if he refuses to pull sumo for historical reasons. FHUCK U POLITIKZ IZ BETR I AM TALKING IN ALL CAPITALS SO YOU KNOW HOW SERIOUSLY YOU SHOULD TAKE ANYTHING I SAY! No wonder he hasnt been in any movies recently, another case Hollywood Jews keeping the little guy down because hes speaking out against them. They already said there will be oculus compatibility early next year. Obviously no bias towards one side visible at the polling stations! For a bit of reddit karma people would even learn chinese on the back of an elephant who is doing somersaults. nobody ever, EVER, posted this before Duck FeAndre That certainly doesn't set any dangerous precedents Is Blake someone they could trade to a contender and get a 2nd rounder for? How else could we have gotten to the moon if not for good old fashioned American know how? Even the ugly women? This is exactly the kind of publicity Random House wants, I bet. I am Canadian... What is good internet like ? Just skip flash Just a diversion to the real issues: Hillary's Wall Street speech transcripts Should be using G+ Going by the growth in roots that's quite a bit of growth in 3 weeks. What an original idea. Coastal elites at it again! But it *rained* yesterday. Terrorist target numero uno Well, but he praised her stamina at the end. Makes more sense than the actual explanation she ruined yahoo her alone did that sure its going to make money short term pumping up fake clicks by chinese firms done over-sea's which drives up the stock price but the value- of yahoo as a service has went way down i used to use yahoo every-day i just use it to check email now But Xzays is Kids Ranqe! So funny. SHE REAL PURTY MA! I hope you didn't jinx him. So when do we get the Steyr Exposed, Bloomberg Exposed, and Soros exposed episodes? Stupid girls, trying to date people their own age! Oh Brodeur that is just korny. The judicial and executive are *never* in collusion. Looks like a fun boss that rewards many types of builds and styles of play. North Korea The Pentagon's favorite reality show. Please tell me his contract is for just a year. You know school is starting again when this sub gets flooded with these posts. If they ported the iOS/Android version with better graphics and textures, and increase the number of people in a match, then I'd buy it. Pornhub. Gotta get that shit up there somehow. If he would have hit 400 yards he would have gotten a better card, damn it John, had to take him out too early. I'm sure that came right from Belichick too. But only North Korean people are brainwashed with "Dear Leader" propaganda. But it hasn't even been out for a month? Sequoias are magnificent trees. Soya beans. He only scores goals that don't matter! Chris John I thought these things only happen in asia So if they show up to the airport drunk, carrying their assault rifles or maybe crashing one of those luggage carts, they'll not get fired right? Don't know about you, but I'm 100% in it for the sammiches. Don't these police being angry, violent, "Ministers of God" sound JUST like... "And this Thy Holy Hand Grenade, that with it, Thou mayst blow Thine enemies to tiny bits, in Thy mercy. " I have complete trust in 16 minute accounts. God bless you for doing the lords work Fine Print: In some cases users max experience up to 60% increase in performance on selected products. This has been mentioned a dozen times in a dozen different posts What is the"monthly cycle", do updates roll out in the same date/day if month? How to counter glaz I'm sure he feels the same about Assange. i honestly think if you ban porn, rape will go up. This is a good reminder of how different South Carolina was in terms of direct democracy. I thought religion and politics were supposed to be separate. That's not election fraud ITT: butthurt people thinking this is somehow training kids to die in war later on in life They really shouldn't subcontract their graphics work to Fox News. I hope Dempsey has a great Gold Cup and scores a ton of goals. Because a single review is the pure truth, no arguments He is driving exactly what I pictured someone who took pop shots at the army for allegedly training for a mission to take peoples guns away would be driving. But he only has to allow the mod on PC Along with the fact as others have said Iran was the only nation that bid to hold the tournament, the region (Persia) is important in the history of chess. It found a path all right. Wow the stands are packed A lot of cops can't wait to get into a "hero situation". Vaccines: never again Jaden Smith Everyone donating to her knows exactly what they're doing, and that's pretty sad. These beautiful womyn are just trying to disarm these piggish men of there toxic masculinity so they don't use it to literally murder womyn Perfect landing As if it's not the same way under Obamacare Metric or proper tonnes? Obviously it's cause Gordon won the Rolex 24 so the 24 has to win the Daytona 500 For a good example of this, see the history of Minecraft I think we're just not fucking metal enough to understand this ink This is a poor understanding of how debt works. Did anyone else see the golden lizard lady in the corner? ricky gervais! They have mixed tabs and spaces in their files, I think ultimately this will tear the company apart. What a nice wide and informed view of the world he has, north America and Europe, you know, the whole world. Lol op leveled people Gotta love them Wow thought those were bootleg coolers...made out of a roach trap. For your protection ...3...2...1... GOTTA BLAST I miss server :( Since it was a Islamic school, why didn't they just kill the girls? Apartheid kitten being trained by the Mossad to kill palestinian mice on the streets of Tel Aviv Southern Baptists are some of the worst Christians you will ever meet. Aren't those temps normal for AMD? They know. Carpe jugulum Yay for online volunteer polling! G.O.L.F - Gentleman Only, Ladies Forbidden. Much like the show itself. ok so riot cries at night because people are calling them slow and lazy... maybe stop being so fucking slow and lazy! Yeah but I prayed not to fail my math test and I passed it! Definitely a troll xD I am pretty skeptical that experts know what the fuck they are ever taking about. to find it you have to go to the game files ;) ITS A PUZZLE! Weakness in the ~~Aryan gene pool~~ American citizenry must not be allowed to propagate, amirite? For accessibility you could make it Homelands, Fallen Empires, Dragon's Maze, or Born of the Gods. Fucking HTC, where's my UV light? Great, now I have to buy more Pepsi. Is this before or after the Yankees came from behind? we need our own mao for the people stuck in 100BC tbh All just an elaborate plan to waste more time. Ted Cruz is running? White guys grow beard = fashionable Brown guy grows beard = terrorist Excuse me how dare you leave out attack helicopter-kin. Being humanitarian does not have to mean turning a blind eye towards bad elements! They should team up and make a prank channel Damn if only that Jew had been more accommodating Islam- they may not have been forced to peacefully refuse the handshake. Yea besides me everyone I showed it too thought the acting was terrible in a funny way XD Plus looking back on it now it's funny that there was never that many Villagers, Foxes, and Marths at a store to my knowledge Classic NE Patriots move Failjin's probable asnwer to this: "Go fuck yourself "player" Axis has to suck in every possible way" Nice to know that the old Antone's is turning into something that isn't a complete turd. You're a disgrace you dirty Kurd sympathiser! Colby Rasmus Shirtless Bobble head night is marked on my calendar. Pretty common mistake Sincerely DICE Animator Who needs car seats, or seat belts when you have best friends? Looks like we're all in for the playoffs! Death to epileptics! I remember having this without batteries and all dusted in the part where the old toys were stored, never had the chance of playing it This response is hardly out of the norman for josh, what a bitchhhhhh I'll stick with my sweet Forest DDPAT, thank you very much. That's fucking pathetic Those both seem like likely outcomes. same issue Well, clearly feminism means women should never clean the house again. Not sure why this isn't higher.... Obviously not an oz.... I wanted a Lego Death Star, but all I got was a wii u, worst 25th birthday ever! I too love looting on empty servers. these guaranteed damage rooms are getting out of hand. old news from last july HE FINALLY GOT A HAIRCUT! Because I know how much you hate it and I do it just to spite you Well Iranians are Aryans, and Aryans are white supremacists, and white supremacists are violence, so violence against him is self-defence This can't be, must be fake, game ded Anyone remember Fifa 12 finesse shots... As someone with a chin tuft, I am offended. Yeah lets nerf the glock, it was soo op If only we could've had some obscure country singer again Depending on the woman's personality and interests you sexist pig. So basically like a Goa'uld? Yay war always solves everything just look at history and all the good war has done. well shit guess i know who im maining this evo But why didn't she come forward sooner? How dare you play a game on mobile Hope I made the right flair please tell me if i didn't and that this hasn't been posted before. I wanted the letter to start like this... "By the time you read this, it will, already, be too late.. " Is he worth the contract now? Aw shucks, and here I thought WestJet would just absorb the costs for absolutely no reason. Czech president sure has a lot of influence on international politics Mew gave birth to beedrill? ISIS is concerned about yamuna Are you proud of yourself? Well if you just want if off acetone Russell Wilson. As if you would aimbot 2ft away from her anyway Funny how they didn't put in Blake's intimacy with the trainer So many missed points. Yeah, he should have fallen normally, put his hand through his facemask, and gouged his fucking eye out. Another "win" for propaganda. They appear to be from the Emerald Planet. nintedo put gameplay always first. The big problem is that our current governments are so out of touch they don't understand the things they are passing laws on. But I worked so much harder than that for my rare fletching cape :'( not sure if His bigotry cost him his franchise, and his backpedaling is looking an awful lot like hamstering. And knowing you aren't gonna put down any defenses because you're an 8.5. But wasn't internet declared a utility? Did you know that Obama founded Afghanistan? Nah guys, Pauline had a quick chopper flight over there and she said it was fine. It's like Halo: ODST, BioFoam! Nah nah, it's all the white mans fault! Thanks Jared! The femalr orgasm Remember back when we were told Iraq could not have shipped their chemical weapons to Syria, because Syria did not have any chemical weapons? Psh, I got you beat with 20/500 vision...bigger number wins right? Just reflect the arrow. Wow, he knows how to make a woman feel special Are they recreating Desert Storm? It might be an unpopular opinion around here but I think this kid might go somewhere. Iceberg instead of White Knight, 0/10 But can it pop? suspiciouscropping.png First ever playoff goal, that's gotta feel good! lol poor neith must be feeling pretty out-of-place. Man I wish we could do awesome things like that, to bad were limited by the internet ITT: people living in a magical fairytale world where every store is overflowing with Wii U games. Cause you aren't playing the Toronto Maple Leafs Good thing that picture is With rioters, you can do something about it. Bad. She will find someway to pocket some of that money or at least keep a good portion of it for fancy "business" lunches. Man this has so much to do with PC gaming. Apparently it should be the number one story on a sub supposedly dedicated to news worthy of international attention, also. Couldn't they redesign the drains? He was just fighting tyranny. Battlefield 4 Solution: work for free until things pan out. Baltimore? There's also a box of tissues in the cockpit on plane Yes, a case based entirely upon speculation, that's a great use of the legal system. HAHAHAHA SOMEONE WAS STABBED AND THEY MIGHT DIE They are just misunderstood guys, lets just hug them and they will turn for better. Fuck everything about that regime. Right, but the Ukrainians won't be eating it either, that's what matters. Jasper is a fusion experiment confirmed well he cant fight for shit, but at least he did it and stepped into the ring..while we the keyboard warriors only comment from our save basements :D Obviously he was referring to the science of memetics Oh yeah I'm really pining for the suburbs. To prove that he isn't a secret muslim? Every communist and socialist thinks that they could do it better. Weakling fools deer youtube juggle Ahhh sit back and relax ill buy this first and then I'll but the others soon after I'm sure that the NSA will obey the law if their authority isn't renewed. Phew, at first I thought you wrote gallons Totally a not biased article in any way at all. This will help the cause of the USSR in Bulgaria. Medivh carried you so hard Mississippi even when they're smart they're dumb yeah man, drunk driving is some funny shit! im in the uk and i built mine when i was 9, wheres my Newspaper article ? My apologies for having to see this. I think you meant to say except Meliodas and Escanor? You're welcome... because apparently that is just such a great honor that you can't pass up. How could this happen to me~ We've got to bash the fash sources say I bet her Sonic OC is named Razor or something Damn hope this releases with the Outfit base update.... The Witcher version of FUS-DO-RAH. Keep being bros, bros. Do any of you know what kit that is picture before the Zaku? Firefly in front of lens Yes, tell me more about how sodium lauryl sulfate is terrible because it's made from coal, and how sodium laureth sulfate is sooooo much better because it's made from coconuts. How to not get sniped often Step 1: Don't walk in straight lines Step 2: Locate the space button on your keyboard Step 3: Use it Ummm... No explosions? YUp typicall eaids Well if it creates more targets for the military industrial complex it's not a complete waste, is it? kaymind.exe when? *insert snide comment about taking the fish out of water to take a picture* We must respect that as an equal culture. Yeah I had this happen to me once, I just stood behind their captain and killed him two or three times before they caught on. we cant have those right wing founding fathers glorified now can we Ask them 10 daesh scalps each for re-entry. iBuntu could get pretty popular with the hipster crowd. We can't enter or think about the draft and Tom Brady is banished from football as well as brainwashed so he never remembers the sport Good, they been out of this nation for a long time, they should apply to be legal citizens of the nation they wish to die in, let's face it That is what they already planned to do when they retired there. So, when's the wedding? XD Arkansas because they just ripped off Kansas and added an "ar" Kirby is definitely the most balanced character. It's not fair that 40 years of party building wi the establishment helps get endorsements! Yes, because a teacher can overcome an entire sub-culture that encourages failure. Game starts, me in goal: "Need Boost!" Man Nip falling from 1st to 5th is harsh What you probably didn't know Explains the few brief things that everyone who knows who Henry Ford was already knew Running Chicken Grab The news is out Wow. So Randall park now Parma town... Serial mall arsonist is born! That's why there were so many rapists. I'm girding the loins for the inevitable stream of "THIS IS NORMAL" and rape apology. If that would represent his ingame Skills he would be Silver 3. TIL The Blackhawks are good at the playoffs. Probably just a visual glitch no he obviously plays Rift I am starting to get the feeling that the Democratic Party is overflowing with a bunch of clowns from Obama on down...what we have been witnessing since the beginning of this primary from Obama, his administration, congressional democrats and the state democratic parties is truly frightening...cheating and fraud to get their annointed candidate who is under criminal investigation across the finish line...shame on Obama, Lynch, Comey and the rest of them for making American democracy the joke of the world...remember when we thought Bush was bad...apparently he was getting tips from all the high and mighty democrats...I have said it before and I'll say it again...they think we are all a bunch of idiots...shame on them. I think this guy will mysteriously disappear in the next few months. Lol should have got the 390 cause its better Because everyone would be totally down to do that currently. But I was there first. I expect to hear reports of massive lay-offs and a crashing state economy any day now. Cory assumes there'll be more than one supporter. Lane Nunu is gonna be even more fun to play against! Easy, just force us to use goison Why not focus on important things of the game, like bugs, ragers, people who go afk.. maybe making more chroma skins. Makes it easy for eyewitnesses to describe him and cops to hunt him down. Who's that? Er vanuit gaande dat feyenoord nu derde wordt, krijgt plek 4 dan automatische plaatsing in de poulefase van de EL? look, there are thousands of kids that were born 100 days ago...look at what they have accomplished and look at what I have accomplished in those 100 days...I might be the most successful baby in the history of America! Just be warned, I've seen alot of Constable's stuff in that dA account. That's racist, you plick! dont worry about these peasants in the comments man, be proud of your beast setup, these guys cant take a joke Thanks, assholes! Dope But I heard he was talking shit! Being in denial that the day is over But I thought you get rid of guns to stop crime. Don't worry guys, I'm sure most Runescape players are informed and competent in the decisions they make in PttP. Good enough for government work. I'd rather not race than be sponsored by some cult full of fucknutjobs. We did it, reddit! Then you have a lot to learn about science. That is DEEP! but it works in madden! 0/10 Made me check a calendar.^^^^^ its actually a thinly veiled excuse to insult the ventgrumps part of the fan base. Yay, opium! Don't forget aggressive typing against the clock, maybe while Hallie Barry goes down on you. You obviously main soldier right? The cap space will be a lot higher than many people thought, can't wait for future QB contract negotiations. White, straight, urban, western males don't matter This is our country now... fuckin' hell Holy shit i was passing there when that happened.. crazy. Great choice on CEO, reddit owners. It's a metaphor, obviously. You are now moderator of /v/pyonagang Well, they've got KP's back at least. Of course it is, the crazy rich ones need more riches to have more to trickle down Kenny from south park Habit Poor convicts. ALL THANKS TO OUR GLORIOUS LEADER, DONALD TRUMP! Half Man! Send the design and manufacture to China, I'm sure they make a knock-off for a tenth the cost Why would i get mad over this?.It doesn't affect the design and gets the job done. I heard this kid is going to be the first school shooter in the white house I think the problem was she didn't understand his subtle references to sex. Omg Jamflex this money making method is way too op, nerf pls. Everyone gets drops like this all the time The fuck do you mean with the star thing? So the liberals steal all the nice things from everyone else? Everything except the infantry please. So they don't make a qualified guess based on the genitals between your legs? So what happens if we learn Russia is overestimated and IS and the rebels overwhelm them? I'm sure they will start paying taxes after this. Now surely KD will go to Washington! wow, never seen that video before, this changes everything! ...obviously just a game manager. Phones Alex Jones is *clearly* misinformed, it's Hillary that gets people assassinated. I'd day it's a realistic problem considering you're usimg Arsenal The utter absence of brown people indicates this is a racist group bent on denigrating the upstanding folks just out finding televisions. And so begins the age of suck...also known as Sherrod time. It was rigged I miss being able to text people while using other apps Oh god the gridlock would be awful But praise the almighty nintendo overlords for their merciful release of the WiiU and remakes of all our favourite games. Yeah, as always, Russia had really nothing to do with it and resistance from Germans was irrelevant. Presumably, if we start paying service sector employees living wages, we can all stop this silly practice of tipping. But if I don't cut across all lanes and nearly cause an accident I'll have to miss my exit and be inconvenienced, I have places to be, besides my piece of shit is about to break down any second, why risk an extra mile or two to my trip when I can just be an inconsiderate asshole. Book Gandalf was way more badass. Well you probably need fuel Well, he can just rape the first one and then let the word spread The conceal carrier should fucking be sent to Guantanamo Bay fucking freedom loving pig! The aiming was so smooth! Yes, God forbid someone would want to stop people from making a mess of their private property. I have no accurate words to describe how hard I laughed when I saw that J tier is a thing. So like... What about the lesbians Nice, but it does not detract from the fact that American police are still in need of reform. Good, we need more YA dystopian love triangle-centric shows. God damn these women and their sex-having! Oasis coyoacan ahaahaha Wow, if only they could provide power over USB-C... hillary wants to take our guns herp derp Next time they pitch a fit about colonialism point out to them that it was just Europe's attempt at making the world a less scary place. This is still Koosta just talking shit whoa no way, thats so crazy. You've managed to capture light traveling only halfway through the room! Kind of missed that, I was looking at the station hoping they would've added a bit more life to them. So is there a pool some where? I wouldn't wish this stupid disease on my worst enemy. Yeah, this is going to help. I think I'm more interested in the OS not being a sluggish mess after the upgrade than higher resolution and frame rates. Lmao, fucking owned. they're releasing a "Best of Ring Post Footage 2015" DVD At least they'll die autism-free. It's probably due to the shackles the trump family keeps trying to put on them whenever them see they "out and about and untended". Yeah we totally need an upgrade at goalie, that would change everything Because the only threat of war is Russia on Ukraine. Really disgusting how nobody is reporting this outside of some small conservative sites. That was totally unbiased, Kotaku. WHY CANT YOU JUST BE HAPPY FOR ME No, no...not *that* Jew....the *other* Jews. Well DC now officially has no "Young Justice" category solicitations left. Raptors better when Drake not in attendance confirmed. clearly yasuo is underpowered and needs massive buffs Welcome to SEA doto, where any build is viable Looks like your regular small British roadster. People in Sussex better speak up. De Nile isn't just a river in Africa. Unfortunately the word 'sex' triggers nowadays Neil Taylor is a huge cunt. your parents will get your browser history Best thing is that she still managed to look her daughter straight in the eye. Ow my eye hurts now. Now try this with Arma 3 ;) Putin issuing a tearful resignation is next I am sure! 20-16 must of saw ur post Sure, I'm gonna read 200 pages for my car Finally a CPU that can maintain high minimum framerates Because before Hamas there was peace between Israel and Palestine damn, that is a huge spoiler It's a mistake. Arguing fallaciously is OK as long as you are Marvel CEO. Classic Browns smokescreen Writings was on the wall with the amount pt nephew gets. I show them my pokemon go collection A modern production Martini-Enfield. how is this related to NBA? isis news from israel pfft Who cares?The offender should not be able to choose if he wants to play the next game or not,first time the fa got something right,thankfully and hopefully no one will be able to achieve the Alex Ferguson treatment again EVER. Gee, I wonder how well-connected the people who control said importation are? There's no mention of Eugenics in the link provided. I don't wanna ge racist or anything but all these german girls look the same...... ...... .... .... That's shapist, circles can chose to be triangles. Treating women as my equal Since its part of a larger, more alarming trend, yes it is worthy. I haven't see that complaint before here GTA V -_- Yes, wanting China to give up 1/3 of its land will surely be a great cause for stability! this is reddit so idk if Nice anti afk measures Not like it actually prevented Russian users from making shrooms and getting high while browsing through reddit. Some people can't drive. Just because you came here ~~il~~legally doesn't mean you should get to stay. The best Porsche ever made that killed a celebrity actually not true, I was there and I would say they were equally guilty, but knowing Zbo, he probably kept running his mouth after all was said and done. Who the hell give you the right to judge Republicans by their actions? You must be the first person to think of this. Lmao How dare you discredit _SKY DAD_'s love of sports! Gam lol That's just stronger evidence that it's even more rigged, YUGELY rigged, let me tell you, bigly. Damn american's and their weather control satellites did it just to piss Kim off. Trump 2016 This image censors feminists by criticizing them. Change your phone case The velcro seals the deal. what's that item that removes items from the belts? How hard is it to have actual buttons next to candidate names, you know, like on the atm machines? Yeah, because this will give you sympathy in court! So Roark for game 2 unless he's needed in game 1, in that case Taylor Jordan That was just excess gasket that was gonna squish out once everything gets tightened down anyway. Portland unofficially ends at 82nd Avenue. What the fuck man, don't post gore here You... I like you. Apple buying AMD confirmed. The way modern AAA titles are being released, I wouldn't count anything out. Yay, now it's easier for me to stalk my favorite celebrity. So THAT's why the Cats can't run the shotgun offense very well... Boolean for gender: - False for female - True for tough Stop stealing Scott's models! It's cinematic slow motion for heavy action scenes. Yeah sure, the one thing this game needed was *more* smoke. :3 I'm reporting you to Konami for a fake card. Yeah, because everything happens in its own individual bubble. Why can't they ride on the sidewalk? TED CRUZ IS KNOCKED OUT! About two years ago I got M E M E. Pretty happy with it Reminds me of Bill "The Heat Waver" Dauterive. Benghazi But they're a soccer team +1 for creative post flair shit im annoyed Oh well, almost everyone here is very good in trading How many of you live anywhere NEAR a large black community? I'm pretty sure this is inaccurate because in the Lego I can only fit four snowtroopers in and maybe a speeder bike Is there an actual subreddit for real psychology? As a man who rides I feel objectified, I feel a real pressure to look like the men in these adverts and its just not very nice. Good catch, perhaps **Krentz**: I R3GR3T N0TH1N6!i! Burning Man is full of rich kids acting spoiled. Unemployment already spiralling out of control with an NDP government! So they can all play madden as themselves. I was thinking the same thing. (srsly) what the fuck is the fucking point of including POC but then swatching ppp (pretty pale princess) foundations on their skin... there's only one foundation that's even *close* to the darker arm swatch Oh sure when they do it it's a terrorist attack and gets world headlines, but when I do it I'm just drunk and out of control. I still don't see how this will transcend 'generic shooter' aside from being called 'Doom' Came here for 3kliksphilip, was disappointed. If this was an anti-joke (like if you said it was Vault of Glass) then that would have actually been funny. Why is every LPT on this sub a pro tip on being considerate to other people Pool boy, boy toy, etc MAYBE IF I ANNOY THESE PEOPLE AND THEIR FAMILIES, THEY WILL DO WHAT I WANT THEM TOO Said nobody ever spend hours and hours of my life some some stupid fucking website full of shitty reposts and shitposts with nazi mods that hate every fucking person on the planet (source: am mod; hate people) and post shit and make comments like this and I STILL ONLY HAVE 11K POST KARMA WTF And apparently you really know how to make them cry. next Trump will reveal to us that few people know that Lincoln used to love eating at "Lincoln's Waffle Shop" across the street from the Hard Rock Cafe on 10th street near where the busses drop off all the tourists for (the very famous) Ford's Theater. Did he get the 2nd assist? I'm guessing this was Pakistani investigations and that somehow we are to believe the Pakistani intelligence service. Guys, we're doing this all wrong, why are we on PC, I'm outta this shit. I know you said you're a lesbian, but that's only because you haven't tried my magical converting penis that will instantly turn you hetero! While we're on the subject.. anyone have some good counterfeit jersey sites? I don't know how I feel about this. Good thing you made a reddit post about it to save the day! Even if he installed windows through bootcamp he could not play the game because he had no storage space left. Shouldn't have voted for LNP then Kyle is lazy and he spends all his time watching tv and fucking hookers It's because the Blaster Cannon would be op if it could be deployed anywhere. Ehm, what is that yellow color? I knew this would happen when those Russians invaded Georgia! Because then how would we afford more missiles and guns? **CONSPIRACY ALEX JONES WILL NOT BE SILENCED** Oh poor azir his soldiers now do a whole 3 damage less at lvl 2, damn S tier mid laner going straight into the garbage bin LOW EFFORT POST, reporting, mods please remove Title should say "went and did", not "gone and done". Camera, really it's a crazy idea being able to record the present. No date sounds like a fun date tbh The same way you opt out of rent. CROWD SUCKS DICK I said the same thing for children You need thick skin to post in this business. bullshit Wasn't the FSA as good as dead some months ago? Quite clearly what freak said about warowl and to s1mple was fucked up, but if he's kicked from c9 as a result, then RIP CSGO, cause we LoL now boys. No but that's socialism and that's BAD. Sooooo... pretty much just "how bout this rain eh, mate?" I love that man, I still think he would've been a better hire than Mike Riley for Nebraska. \#excavator2015 What an excellent treatise on legal theory. I think for once it's actually meant to be NSFW I don't think deep sea oil drillers will be drilling on our beaches though. So... Non-fiction is the non-news right? Yes my pc master race brother we must max it out at 144pfs / 5k / nvidia surround. Because now everything will change. The only app on IOS that I'd like on Android is dark sky. Prohibition has always worked in the past! Capitiolism is the worst Shit pass in the end there. It's okay for them to do it because its their choice Did they ever say it would release in 2015? great advise, have some gold. Define 'actual' despite the fact that top-level sourcers have been more than contributing to the competitive level of GO, not even a sourcer Did you dry hump a leprechaun or something for good luck before playing league that day? Don't worry guys, he's just an extremist... not your average muslim Shouldn't have built your whole team around a goalie! You mean how it has been raining every other day for 3 weeks and we're only now starting second cutting even though it should have been done a week ago? Peyton wife totally totally unrelated to him leads Giselle in PEDs bought, tho. Yeah, it's so hard to take out choppers right now/Yeah, it's too easy to stay up in choppers right now It's nice but could a kid draw it? Don't worry creeper, you started off a little shaky but I think you saved it with the "Lol". Please install toilets in every bus! It is much more effective if you rename it to system64 if you have a 64-bit OS. Maybe it was their fatasses that kept them grounded. my last name is buttram... wow, that's such a brave thing to say lmao gl I do this all the time, I find it to be very relaxing and a good way to calm nerves. But guys, at least Activision still cares about us last-gen folks Yeah, they should teach Pink Floyd and The Beatles in the units about modern popular music instead! Nice french never surrender huh? What OS are you running? I don't recall the Giants ever having a black QB start for them. it says you have to be 21 to use retail marijuana.. does that mean minors are allowed to use black market weed? PC and PS3 are where its at for gamers... Who woulda thunk it Kate Hoey must be a tory eurosceptic plant suggests Wasko is actually quite deplorable. My god, this reminds me of Maradona so much, just when you think he's about to shoot he easily sidesteps and puts the ball perfectly in place for an amazing goal. Because CNN is a holy authority of unbiased news coverage Why the hell is this a PSA again? How can you miss something you never had? That's kind of the point. Hmm, is this a crime against humanity or merely one of the biggest war crimes of all time? Great joke, bro. OMG now I can't lick the seats in the subway like I normally do. Sakurai Plz nerf! F3 is essentially what we hoped LGB was going to be Needs more hatching. Fuckin' marks getting worked. Waow we didn't know. Witcher, Mod Skyrim No, you're definitely the only one. Well, just like Apple, the only thing we can do now is throw up our hands and scrap it all. Reddit name checks out! Do you know this guy? I love how you used the most complicated and absurd invention and *carefully* went through it, (even making variations of the handipole), just to reach that punchline awesome stuff. You got rekt OP he had the last word. Honestly too terrified of placement to watch These angry fucks are exactly the sort of people who should have guns. At first I was triggered because I thought they didn't serve women, but then i was triggered because they're objectifying women. I'd LOVE this. Because it's the guy who *calls out* racism who's dividing our nation, never ever the racists themselves. The Daliai Lama is not really a CIA stooge, so what sensitive documents would China possibly be looking for? Are we talking Ground or Next Day Air? Ah returnofkings, where men believe sexual harassment doesn't exist and the HR department that tells them to not sexually harass women are restricting their "personal freedoms" There is actually a pretty large community of us here, I am proud to call Atlanta 'my' city Right, because Poland can be either Catholic or Muslim sounds like you're in love I think this is going to be it for Harvin. So what you're saying is that the majority of blocks have room and there's no hurry? Claymicorn. Don't you dare insult the Stasi. Thought it was going to be in Texas. I don't think your SO is awake... his eyes are still closed How could someone live without nougat? I imagine it will be for a ceremony for Black Panther becoming Black Panther Actually you won't find many people who have voted for Hillary and are proud about it, which shows you what she really represents. It's weird how it's the only culture to not exist Ouch. Yeah, much better to crash trying to judge the limits of the car during P3 of a WCC decider. Why can't they just be grateful for the free drugs? TY SONY. Right, because women never talk shit about men behind their backs. *millenials* eh On the plus side, the flash and supergirl were both on glee at some point and can probably actually sing. seems equal. Rank hypocrisy how people are pissing their pants over energy use and emissions while at the same time encouraging people to breed like rabbits. But what about #HeroBall? Is that Angsty Teen? That guy is definitely clueless, there's no way he's joking obligatory She's right, no woman ever enjoys sex before trying for babies. Ya but they worked so hard sitting in air conditioned rooms all day was really enjoying the article until i got to Scott's fav team being the Bruins.... fuck John Scott It's all Bush's fault! No problem, I assume they're boosting funding and adding more beds too right? sniff sniff so sad :'( that's such a good file photo for sad pope articles Well, thank goodness the fiery fixed fire Leo didn't wax poetic everywhere, there'd be a serious purple prose shortage if he didn't contain himself. Even in summer league Dallas are taking L's. And the way out appears. Another neat trick is to send them a reply e-mail that says "CAN WE HAVE THIS IN THE INDUSTRY STANDARD PDF INSTEAD OF WHATEVER THE HECK THIS IS?" BLASPHEMER! Yep, feeding your babies and keeping the nest clean is really WTF. Flat Earth Theorist Exactly why I stopped stripping on Sundays. If it makes the patient *feel* better - and if the patient *sees a doctor in addition*, there's really nothing problematic here. Awesome, go go akidoooos! because that's the only french movie with nudity in it Ah, going for the long con smooth as microwaved butter And this is how the solution was found for hitter, I'm a fast quick switcher , and I never though that was a problem, but switching 2 times in 1 tick breaks things Silly Mexicans then ph redditors are safe then Obama is Class. Could he win most improved? This justifies war in Iraq Link to inventory? You could always just watch every game this season and record it by yourself. Good luck with that. At the moment there are more babies being born in Nigeria than in all of Western Europe Did you match with Eugene from The Walking Dead? Oh thank god nothing illegal happens, then. What a waste of Carbon. YEEZY UNRELEASED UNANNOUNCED V3 VERY RARE If the last survivor is a pizza Dwight you must let him go, leave a tip and stuff your face. This isnt a repost of something that was front page today Ready for the FA to take this gif down aww... Such a wonderful guy. Oh thank God.. I can sleep easier tonight knowing Yahoo is looking out for me and my family. Being a better person everyday. the neckbeard is to give them a jaw line, they're just fat dorks really. The headline seems to imply that chemistry used to matter but now it shouldn't. So nice that you're giving mom a break by puppysitting! Where I come from we call dumb people "thick." Puts my red Roodaka to shame. Why would you want your boss to be able to read all of your personal communications? The poo fairy will magic it away. Yeah, they aren't victims, they are terrorists. But no thunderbolt ports Scientists hate him! FBI was a dick about everybody when that paranoid closet cross dresser J Edgar Hoover was running things. typical coward shitpost If I recall this happens to people who get married at any age... hey, the dog was just cleaning out the lake. That's why it's not on World Star. Meth, not even once. Wow, real clever. After that thread about the real story behind an anime I think I can understand now why Manhwas/webtoons won't get any of its own animated series. I think we should make the gov't fix it! 4 doors for more whores is pretty classy too. Well really, he was two months from being 29, while those other guys just had their birthdays making them look older! That was the rocket league version of the double take with that ball cam Hit markers need to be bigger No it shouldn't. Or its hot outside and dresses exist. Pretty sure the TSA lady is saying in a baby talk voice, "Awww, you have a clear rectum don't you sweetie, don't you?" Is it sanity Sunday already? This is asked weekly. His hacks aren't working properly. Pretty hard to miss that guy. who was he complaining about ? Clearly Obama is merely atoning for his sins for being the Antichrist. Nah they're totally top 3s Now that ERP is unbanned you can make it your private sex dungeon. GO SENATORS OWWWW DANSBY WILL BE THE NEXT FRANCOEUR IN NO TIME. its like trying to view a nude pic using 28k modem Well if you've got a joint account at least that means he's not buying lingerie for all his side gf's Because their liberal virtue signaling is like a force field that protects them. Slo-Mo Gatorade Nut Punch was worth the wait. BTFO Hmm wasn't RO Ohio's only chance at any kind of legalization ever, ever? This guy must be deeper than the Mariana Trench Must be so hard to be a Giants fan right now. The best people folks! 2spooky4me All the damn Eagles everywhere Good thing they blurred it so no one will ever know who she is. Optic Fancast has been recorded and should be up soon hope you guys will enjoy Also hope everyone has an amazing weekend! Buy stocks that pay monthly dividends, live off them. For all this talk of a fix it will be very interesting to see what comes out from the ice dancing experts in terms of detailed analysis of the performances in relation to how they were judged. person even. How can I hate it for my guys when my guys aren't even here now ? It sucks living in south Texas with people who are such sympathizers with illegal immigration. I've only seen this about twice a week for 5 years, thanks for the quality post OP. Oh boy, what a surprise. You don't NEED that! What I don't get about this is that isn't most of tumblr white? All natural! I love him What do you mean i cant spend all of it? Based on what I've seen in this sub, "yolo exalt t1 mods and then vaal it". Or if they do, it's the version handed down by Fox News and email forwards from your grandpa. Bc POC never have student loan debt because they all get into colleges for free bc of affirmative action Its almost like they should have punished the people at the bank instead of the bank itself. This may stand little chance with the Repub Congress, but it sure frames the debate for next year's big elections. Serious answer by asking another question: what makes you think it is *solely* male staff sexually abusing the female prisoners? Not Bernie. lol all these fools getting b8ed:) Release the transcripts! Wall of text, I ain't reading that. Front page Not that it would have prevented this accident, but can't they give the tram driver something more than a little bell to ring? haha is this a joke, i actually laughed That seems about average No one saw this coming Beat me to it Well, at least we finally got an official confirmation of some returning cast members. Marketing ploy to get you into their game on the dlc shop, where the full price dlc will be just clicks away. He also let's that one black blind guy go (I think I don't remember all that much). #Het is een complot om ons TomToms te laten kopen True, I never find anything edible on Netflix. looks normal to me They're totally going to flip back to Sanders at the convention. All in the GHETTO Bull, it's a black diamond chalk bag ad Brexit will totally solve this Yeah but that was on a Sunday so it probably won't happen on a Saturday Don't see how that would help, neither one can see what's going on right in front of them. Why did you give your money to your parents? The real controversy is that Johanson is a poor actor and that the film is a cynical cash-in. Cain could wreck Browne with only 10 days of camp if he wanted to. yeeess.... ''hackers''... Zeratul thinks he's so cool. I wouldnt put up with that, divorce her, hit the gym, and get a new job You just don't care about the future and reputation of this server. Yes, exactly what I want, my steaming hot pizza delivered at walking pace to my third story walk-up apartment. WHY ARE WE YELLING? What do you do at that hour, if not this? Some may say she needs to man up You mean there is a timeline with only 32 days in October? so many masks that I never collected. NO its your fault for not taking bills throbbing member down your esophagus! because Nelson is lazy BAHAHAHAH we owe Obama an enormous debt, I can't even. Wont be fair for us, everybody knows that PonPon will destroy everyone in that game. DAMN DANIEL But the corporations say that fracking is safe and CH4 is a natural compound, so no worries. Nobody cares about your shitty fucktrophy kid. Let's keep agreeing with each other, I'm sure a female will stumble along eventually and consider at least one of us. So instead of seeing this as motivating the rest of the population to help people across the country, I see it as an incentive for the rest of the population to abandon helping anybody at all. If only Scalia were around still and we had a majority of Strict Interpreters of the Constitution on the Supreme Court. Wait this isn't just how people get around in Canada? Wow, he looks like Andrew Daly. But but Netanyahu is just being paranoid Like Max box That just filled me with christian love. I can't believe Politifact has to fact-check things like that :/ Wow cultural appropriation much. So what number will Ronaldo switch to? For all we know she could just be on reddit. Let me guess... you put it in your desk drawers after you've eaten, and then you forget it at the end of the day. *WHY ISNT THE TIGER AT BR 3.3 RUSSIAN BIAS GAJOOOOOOOOOB* had to make sure she unzipped just the right amount It was for an art project she was working on. No no no, let's crucify him he's a terrible person fuck Jacob Wolf That's great, but wouldn't it be better to spend the money on the factory instead of pouring it? So brave. More than you can afford, pal of course they aren't, it's just a matter of poor misunderstood minorities acting out to draw attention to their oppression Lol OP thinks your heart is like a heart container in Zelda, only with blood. Do we ever joke about our elgifs? How is this international news worthy of being carried by the BBC? Both parties are equally bad. Guys stop taking shots at TSM. They'll want to be able to enjoy the weather on the one day of the year it's bearable. It's almost like he doesn't really want to be President or something. I think someone might've skinned your dog, Cherry. no, this was given to the ottomans with the intention of making them stronger, no need to make any theocracy stronger too. I have a local PC store still trying to sell Pentium 4s :/ Absolute farce. In the shock of the week Wow, if that's the list of guys we're comparing him to, we're clearly setting the bar too low. yep THIS SUB IS FOR BULLS PLAYERS ONLY GO SUBSCRIBE TO R/WOLVES 10% match -_- Because that would be racist That thing to the right of Pepe is obviously a swastika It makes more sense if you realize they're stacked on eggs as well I'll take my coffee just like my metal. Kick puppies Too bad there are no other choices Wow I have never seen a Creeper Cake before! VACCINES CAUSE AUTISM truly groundbreaking stuff there OP It seems like most Seahawks primetime games are in Seattle, so they should have a really good record. I'm so excited to be flying out of SFO tomorrow morning. Lets give them nuclear weapons! What if IS is the mother of all false flags? It's open source, so go fix the bug! Maybe army numbers cut backs will pay a dividend then. Don't be silly... The are not refugees, the are dirty Arab squatters! We need a Rainbow 6 betting site how much did they gain from VAT though? Perhaps the most enthusiast ass-sniffer creature on the planet. Rosebright is the best shader in this game dont @ Btw I'm bottom one (5th time playing her) Not as bad as being alergic to wasps i look like i have a birth defect when i get stung Wow, that's so WTF-worthy! I'm convinced this myth is confined to the US. Perhaps he just can't make his mind about what gear to use Dying due to lag is the best kind of death! i think they were just making small talk, lol Why is he leaving now for matches after a month? Zelda 2 fans, search for "zelda 2 randomizer" on the internet. Because it would be completely NAZI not to let them in bloody muslims Buyer's Remorse? liberals love it \*if he isn't struck by lightning or something first Next csgo knife confirmed? such a quirky game! Welp, time to quit sports, don't want my girlfriend thinking i'm a fuckboi God put this bacteria here knowing we would use pet plastics, and he wanted us to struggle for 70 years before he made it known that this was here. The 2018 midterm campaigns begin too :( Ooh, I'd like to see this, I have someone on FB who's used the 'ethics in journalism' line. He killed his uncle, clearly all children raised by homosexuals will slay their aunts and uncles. Now you have a bunch of mini shivs! Oj, ny styrelse och inte en enda man. Puppet state goes and gets it This isn't awfully dissimilar from Kristallnacht. Every death in Pakistan is India RAW agents work Remember folks; we're the only conspiracy theorists here. They're Only Doing this because they want an excuse not to fix unity this this right here totally happened yup David Clarke is a white-male sympathizer I'm sure they'll give it to Eric Hosmer instead Should've voted more than once, like all the people Trump said did vote multiple times Should've read the article Well obviously there was no bad music played on the radio back then Reddit analyst strikes again Thank god they shot them kids doing that extremely dangerous prank. Revealed: people not allowed to change their minds Yep probably the most useful trick on Ekko that most people didn't know about. I'm sure it's just all a big coincidence easy fix, remove that line form the wiki! what a great friend Well i didn't see an RGB chair .. what a disappointment. Loving these longer episodes And our external affairs minister is busy helping this thug. or you could just build a newer mob farm design that doesn't need spawners TIL: I'd probably like Seattle David Attenborough is the man! Really I thought they still had a chance I'm sorry miss, my dog ate all the incriminatory documents Thank you and please check your opinion at the door of most people are fucking stupid so don't even try being logical. those Oil companys will be so upset when water becomes more valuable than oil, too bad they made most water undrinkable until then. No wonder the Internet is so slow these days I have it goalkeeper certified for 5000 keys ;) I am the one who mocks Any instructions how to build this? you really got'em there bro Lols treyarc is a shit company sad u think bo2 is better :/ My penis can only get so erect SHANE MOSLEY HAS JUST ANNIHILATED ANTONIO MARGARITO. Yeah man, I fucking haaaaaaated the Ender series where strong, interesting female protagonists were essential to the plot affecting the entirety of human civilization. But both parties are the same Can't wait to claim him off waivers! What a NiceGuy^TM. Looking at his mugshot he looks like a stable well adjusted fella What a tap in mates Englisch mut h a fuckacs What's even more sad is that people think that's live-able. On a similar note, Gen I Pinsir doesn't get a single Bug-type move Seems legit. But is it 16.8 million colours? 'smoothed' means that frame interpolation is used. Any modern country song ever it's a shame that someone got Reddit all over this picture; I like it because it proves that somewhere, a fast-food restaurant owner actually cares about his employees getting hurt I love Sherrod Brown. Is there a space on the board for a free tattoo? EU can't be naturally good must be substance abuse Where did you get it and how much? Meh, deal with it. Seems like you have a 5nm cpu seems perfectly fine But I bet this is just because, "Da man be keepin em down, dawg!" Why would God want you to start breaking the eighth and tenth commandments? Why? But I though that the PC Master Race was always about nazis I decided to go to school for engineering cause all my friends were impressed with my bongs. Meh. ... in the toilet I'm actually having a hard time giving a shit about Dan Aykroyd's movie taste. No guys, the one on the right is clearly *crony* capitalism. he was just about to be deployed too :/ Oddly enough I didn't quit smoking cigarettes to leave behind nicotine, I love me some nicotine I left behind cigarettes because of all the other shit involved. Texas still opposes the Civil Rights Act. Is it illegal to post spots in Hamilton? Baltimore, Milwaukee, DC, Ferguson etc would be on fire for weeks. Agent venom That video title.... I don't know how much I believe this, first of all it's CNN reporting it, secondly from what I've gathered it took the US government 3 days to find the male shooters Facebook account claiming he was an Isis sympathizer? you're disgusting, how dare you make light of this very serious subject Maybe he meant "grill spread" and was hoping you knew where he put his condiments? Most insightful rage comic *evar*! Yes, let's hear more life lessons from a willing participant in statutory rape. 2/10, monkey toe. What's the problem here? Funny. She could just take it back, the fence is pretty thin. This photo is a fake islamophobic alternative fascist piece of propaganda and if we would have banned guns the victim who lost control of his car and slipped at a police with a knife would not have been shot Labor* That's some elliot rodgers shit right there This just in, R Kelly has agreed to perform at the inauguration. Seeing as it's moving away from the books, the whole series is now hard to watch and people aren't happy about it! but y'know, rape culture isn't real Why don't we do it in fake time? There was a thread on this a few days ago where all of them were explained if I remember correctly. I mean if we can't stop abortions we might as well help in the killing of children, teens and adults amirite? He's good. LARS WEARS GAUGES AND IS ALWAYS TRYING TO APPEAR COOL IN FRONT OF OTHER GUYS THIS OBVIOUSLY MEANS HE'S A TRANSMAN Of course he won't Benham rise and Sprartlys was China's in the first place and Sweet, but I never understood that hood option with the fake vents when you could get cowl induction in that SS package. Sexy makes me hard in Russia friggin bonkerz Does it have teeth? BLM confirmed racist terrorist organisation! I wonder if he intentionally closed it or just didn't think to staff it. Gay. Surely the anti-gun lobby would never misuse statistics and play on public ignorance to further their own agenda. I thought Quebec wasn't part of Canada anymore. Does that mean T-Mobile is using the patents Huawei stole from Cisco? So in Highschool you can pass twice in a single play? Good. but the url says The creditors who want to make a profit from their failed investments in Greece can go fuck themselves. for all the people who don't want Diablo III to turn out like WoW I hope it gets a few of its features from it I think Chandler has beaten Patricky already, hasn't he? If you don't change your profile picture then you're not really serious about the cause. His little brother would have drowned and never been a war hero. I bought a Grabovski jersey... I'm nervous now. Ur 13 go to bed We disagree with your dick waving contest so we'll be having our own dick waving contest Obviously we must ban uber now....... Is is the debt allegory supposed to be a person with an enormous frown or is it a person with a fumangchu illustrating that op's so far in the red that his debt has physically tunneled to China? If they were just pretending I'd hate to see them when they really mean it. Username checks out. good to see the graphics have held up since E3 Don't worry I am sure it will snow this winter and that will make up for it. My birthday.... wow lol kill yourself I got these too can't wait to try them Out! Didn't they just sign him last week? I couldn't help but notice that the words "Islamic terrorists" were absent from his speech. Probably not after you just spilled the beans! Good for them; they get to read the first book in multiple book series and a plethora of terrible romance and fantasy novels that we've been enjoying over here. That's how boring Hearthstone is Praise Andrew Ryan! My mom's cat would put them in her shoes or leave them at her bedside. If it looks stupid, but it works, is it still stupid? I don't think that's a new thing Well it's obvious he's only done this for tax purposes And I think we can all agree that childbearing/rearing is not work. came so close to it myself. Pro-American and putting America first = fascism now. vassy He won, and we still don't know who he's in bed with, maybe a Russian banker he grabbed by the pussy. Anywhere I can find these textless covers? But that's what credit cards are for! So we take that choice away, brilliant! So racist. The opposite is true of anime conventions. Who's that guy next to Lewis? Why would I know? There is but it's generally frowned upon. says the guy who posted when the DLC came out that he wanted money smh At least you can save 4 bucks! Cathy creepin' like always Dropped this He's such a horrible guy, it's easy to see why everyone hates him. its not a necromancer they just fixed the DH Shadow set. Nope, that has been referenced numerous times. SPAM Reported lol I forgot Paige was the first one to purpose to Bertie. What a unique name! Because, remember, we need to punish those driving slowly and carefully because they're the ones who cause all the accidents, not those who speed and drive erratically, barely in control of their vehicles. Obviously just Adidas primeknit technology Just been reinstated for Silver I am so disturbed, I never thought I would get a hardon for Chucky from Rugrats. not a real mustang Damn you're English and logic makes so much sense, no one could ever be smarter than you really nice build mate! This is NEWS. Wow, street art sure is wtf. Clearly the friend zone doesn't exist, and clearly this girl's body language says that she is absolutely in no way friend zoning the dude. take a roll of regular ole Scotch tape (clear tape) into a dark closet or room - let your eyes adjust for a couple of minutes ... now quickly pull that tape from the roll and you'll see the same effect and same color (maybe a bit more greenish) - pull a big long strand from the roll and you can really spark it up ... for you kids thinking of experimenting with psychedelics this is a good one How progressive. Charizard is frozen solid! Because *THAT* will help with the recent and constant crashes. yeah "awesome" There are stop signs in Russia? Well that was fast Wow, bdsm is just like porn! Because Israel has taken these talks so seriously in the past Seriously op? it seems that there is no "i.... want lunch by myself" in "team" shooting is absolute trash in comparison to any shooter out there.. Yes, but we are serious this time. It's hard for me to believe that, after getting what he wanted, the con man isn't following through with his promises. wow dude so funny quality post Sell blood. Balance. Papyrus; he's just so good at dates and pasta! It's a good thing we didn't pass any regulations or consequences for shitty bank management. This is the future. OP is now tagged as a liar The needle is moving in the right direction. the post itself says Riot should do X Stop posting this OP! Well we've all seen one image and several seconds of footage, so its clearly time to talk about how terrible she will be in the role. Bulldozer all over again... hahahahahahahahhahaa Dude u shouldn't doxx people like that not cool I guess that means Google is almost ready to launch Podcasts on Google Music! Joel is not actually real , she is just imagining him. Thanks Tea hadists *effect yeah you are an asshole and a retard, im sure they found that note amusing. wonderful, very well done Make these "What's the ______ things the community has even done" You get skins for playing with friends in a party for so many hours. Pitcher should have rushed the catcher for throwing at his head But Russophobia isn't real. Jeez Loise DMX, the pinnacle of rap. Fucking spiders Don't forget homophobic vegetarian who drives a SUV and grabs guns. My Son and My* Nice trucks though Loud noises! Well, let's make sure we start banning e-cigs so we can keep problems like this going. nice :D Seagull! Watermarks can lead to mold, you might want to wipe that off. Gun control would have been effective here. All of the Bill Nye hate in this thread amazes me. I'm glad DC and LA politicians have such well-run cities that they can meddle in the affairs of other states. I act disinterested and say 'no' a lot. ayymd Pokemon go is shit, I would give it up for a pair of underwear Well theres a threshold to when something cant display properly, imo that 2nd edge window is way too small to even be useful gun No, but you don't understand, it's NOT about race guys. Ban musical performance! With all the lack of swell you guys have constantly, you deserve it. I click on the first video with boobs as the thumbnail Git gud scrub. It's good to see that they solved all other issues, that they have the time for things like this. For non Canadians out there, the toque is that black thing on his head. This would make the Jeep wave pretty tricky. Such cheese the devs better fix bunting in diamond dynasty I wish this was a DUCK Octagon or something, just for the pure humour of it. Well her name is Yennefer obviously, I mean duh! They're wiping his memory so he doesnt accidentally spread national secrets after he retires What is it with old drivers having incredibly random twitter names You used this song to lead him on Cute, let Germany have them all. Yeah, cause they have reacted so well to cartoons, let's try comedians! That's because were right and you need to understand that. Well duh, why else would it be upvoted? she'll also come and yell at you about how the election was stolen from bernie and then steal your ping pong ball Yeah, its progressives fault the cults of Abraham followers have been slaughtering people they dont like for thousands of years. lvl 30s-50s, man that's tough! Being part of the ECHR, because fuck democracy right? You are the scum of csgo Drive Updoot for the fellow rs player. Take your cisheteronormative white supremacy somewhere else. Hillary Clinton loves Michael Bay right now Seattle should be happy that no fucking white males are in positions of power over employees So the lesson is : constantly circle jerking to Trump and Bannon make brain cells weak. He means bankers right? The Gimz alwa... Ah, fuck it. Silly libcucks, wage slaves don't need to know how to read! wow howd you find that out Because even though it is still unused property, someone still owns it. No, only blue. Taint nothing to see here folks. are you the wreal wril? Its down, another link? Obviously riders fault, probably target fixation or failure to countersteer Korean Renekton I've not been a fan of some of the Sanders supporters (I'm more inclined to support Sanders - Australian here) but some of the gloating that's going on is pretty poor. just the fucking best if you have to rape your wife or husband, you are doing something wrong. Dans ce genre de situation, c'est pas plus simple de napalmer direct toute la rue ? It's all a result of the patriarchy's ongoing efforts to discouraged excellence in women's athletics. Except Kamen (who did the keyboard work on the album since Rick was no longer in the band) is also dead, so... And Ravenscroft is dead, but I guess Dick Parry wouldnt be a bad replacement. If you rewatch the video of 9/11 you can see George Bush jump out of the second plane with a parachute right before it hits. Always interesting how the party concerned with wasteful government spending and freedom from unwarranted government intervention in personal lives tends to practice what it preaches. It's obviously Uber's fault But Brexit was a revolt against the rich establishment elite, right? If Benning picks him up, I'll forgive him for throwing him away in the first place. Thanks California you bunch of Conservative Republican Born Again Christians. Then quite frankly, it seems as if you are trolling us. Such an open mind Sunder in 50, come on guys call your cooldowns I will never forget that moment, it will be my foundation of my shitcalls (typo?) If only Bush/Cheney were here to shut him up and bomb Iran similar screenshake happens whenever there are lolpodders or other rocket based attacks happening at the same time to me One day this won't have to have a NSFW tag. Hahahahaa Its called "Blaze it" How can we trust someone that leaks secrets? Play quizzes on sporcle or listen to music on YouTube. Out of competition test Someone should make a video game about it where you can explore galaxies with your friends Ya but its fancy Oh yeah we poor straight white males have it so hard. Shame on them He never went back to get his hat. N = 6 much significance wow Did you try telling him no? Yeah, so easy now days to book on your iPhone. Well the point is to get from A to B in the most efficient way possible, so technically it should always look effortless. So, uh, how's Global Force going? What bubble? Wasn't dokkaned not enough luck what a worthwhile use of tuition dollars. Thank you for sharing. You shouldn't take acid and try to be president at the same time. Mono best tron is always superior to the lesser tron plebs Wow.. those comments. Pretty much shows you that in the tech sector you pretty much must innovate or die. What if it says GAME OVER? how could she totally not be seduced by such a sensual man? Mobile gaming is the future! I saw so many game plays in the Type 98 tier 8 MBT, its lower plate is so shit, anyone can pen it and it is a huge target...not going to worth the grind stuffed animals, baby blankets, baby bottles wooooooooow mate totally reddit material, thank you for posting this it was very useful, 10/10 would watch again Scott? I just don't get why you guys are being so MEAN to her, this poor woman obviously needs help :( Blondes in America like g0d intended I may come off as an asshole with this, but: if you don't like it you DON'T have to be subscribed to them. My side hurts from the copious "lols". It was written by Logic! I can't understand how Bernie supporters would be upset that the party of equality deliberately made the primaries unequal. try a divine instead of dfs Is that a jojo reference? 53% of white women voted for Trump lmao Nate Robinson Isaiah Thomas Avery Bradley Jamal Crawford Spencer Hawes FUCK SIZE WE GOT THIS. But you don't even have any from before Zyuranger Worked for Forest. Apparently ^everyone must have a Facebook account. He meant racist terrorist or perhaps anti-muslim terrorist. Only the French-Canadian part would be ok. What happened to the 10 year plan? Can't wait to see how the Chinese react. We threw this game so we could win a championship in front of our fans Yep. Those were the good ol' days of practical effects. Know thine enemy = hours and hours of viewing gay porn. Cloud 9: where Korean's go to meme. ELI5 ;-; You need Infamous 1-2 and the main Ratchet and Clank games if you haven't already played them! Wow they put games on save icons? Yay, another hilariously unrepresentative election coming...first past the post is the bestest voting system get 60 attack Yeah I especially love that red velvet hoodie he was wearing a lot You're fired! I withhold my judgment until after the tournament inevitably goes off without a hitch. The Lightning Thief Requesting this comment be deleted for offending my belief in free speech. We prefer to be called expat, foreign-born is offensive. Is he saying it only has 1 GigaByte of ram? PUT A STICKER ON IT! Thank god those arrows are there, otherwise I would have no idea what boxes I am supposed to look at! The next esport to go big. they're shadow dagger fade Carl Edwards to drive confirmed. After winning the door prize this summer, I ride as far as I can from doors I forgot about the down with cis bus, thank you Was never wrong We don't know the *specific* motives yet, give him some slack! Our very own Harambe. yeah... bc Yanukovych is part of the russian mafia that is funding the 'rebels' he was way too brown Anything that doesn't leave out Finland's role. Who is more knowledgeable than the fox when it comes to protecting the hen house? they just got a threat to the va hospital construction site too i think My shoulder just dislocated by watching this video. Holy shit, 2 people that look vaguely similar! Yeah, I'm sure that using the same wording (except for the swearing) is just a coincidence. who is that guy in the first picture? rekt Did you just assumer your aunts gender? I was too drunk and my heart goes out to the swimming ban. Ignore the team overlay on screen, Migwig forgot to change it lol Dont we have politicians and regulators to fix this kind of problem? Those poor creatures, living under the tyranny of a female leader in their own household! Can anyone recommend me a bank that isn't full of shit? It does not exist, and no one shall speak of it. you look like a glasshole If a minority kills someone in the street, that MUST mean we need to kill them! Simple solution, just make it illegal for people to move! On OG, they could've easily got a replacement for those tourneys I honestly think they just needed an excuse to drop Rambo and would've done it either way This just proves that there needs to be a good guy with 7,000 guns next door. YES MY SAFE SPACE HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED! One word explanation: Winegarden. These are probably as accurate as Steam reviews. But guns are like totally safe, people. well, at least he didn't RUIN CHRISTMAS by wishing her "Happy Holidays" I'd rather hang with brown people than orange people. Well, she sounds delightful. And your point is... He looks like a frilled lizard with those wings coming out of his head. Stick 'em in your mouth and suck 'em! Really glad I sold my extra Gideons like the day before this announcement Hey guys, ant here I think he's pointing at the fact there's 10 soldiers and they might be winning maybe. It's okay guys he wasn't an Olympic athlete I deny much needed medical care for thousands of people every day and people give me medals for it. Man who the fuck cares about graphics bottom line is gameplay if it sucks it sucks no matter what it looks like These are the monsters this professor and the university system created. How did Motley Crue make this list? But Trump is the Russia puppet and this sub is T_D 2.0 ! it is really not Fine, but in 30 years when you're 600 pounds and can barely walk, don't blame Tumblr. The only reason I really want to build a pc for: make receipts twirl How the fuck would rape whistles work According to a friend of mine in UK administration this apparently happened back in August. Meh, the tug of war was so much better But those poor rural states need their insane overrepresentation Which part of Cyprus Greek or Turkish? Do I see a mackbook, you peasant I'd argue the opposite delete this quality shitpost the time machine was out of order Yeah but that was 10 years ago Branson is probably a fun friend to have. That's a wasp. Yeah, because when someone pays for something, doesn't have any right whatsoever to complain, specially when you didn't do your job properly. Africa was more successful under colonialism. I bet lifting those 200 pound signs into the air is pretty easy. What other food city is there in Arizona anyways? This is the first image that makes me even want the s8(+) s7 was too narrow n note 7.. well.. lol Looks good with the extra width n size *pause* Just what we need...less thinking. Europe implements sanctions on Russia - doesn't like it when this bites them on the bum And that's why you should use the P2000! Round'm all up and fuckm in the ass till they die is my philosophy Squidward also hates work, just like PoC Another victory scored for zero tolerance. Holy fucking photoshop, someone loves the softening tool. The tears of my subordinates. why is this here? I don't know how anyone can view the photos and not be outraged. Didn't see that one coming Man that woman who is pictured for the article looks like SUCH a bitch. QQ any harder It wouldn't be in the spirit of Christmas if we didn't get to lord our gifts over the peasants. Aww Trump making America a safer place as he promised. Clearly, his skate was in the trapezoid when he played the puck so it was a good call Nice job copying Invicta Pro Divers :D Only weapon is ramming! I would send some but my projects are over here, and I cant get them over there! Really rough times.. You have to actually play the game now to make money and not just afk at SSP ); What a faggot 19 bids, 8 different bidders, seller score of 2 I'm not even going to mention the pop This is going to end well... Adjusting the knobs on non-active channels :P Secondo la costituzione del sacro blog, indagato == colpevole, senza passare dal via I'm more interested in a store that would actually carry all of these products in one location. I need to bookmark this link for the next time I get a FA post on my FB page. holy balls Pretty cool idea, actually. Wow it didn't come with a fan! You got your women repellent? DELETE THIS your hands are fat They just need you to send a few nudes to confirm your identity NSFW! The USA's Muslim population is not as high as you think it is. I guess the CV player didn't move out of spawn Cool video, hint was at the very end for those wondering Gunblades will happen, because Yoshi-P likes them (I personally think it's a stupid weapon, but I'm in the minority here), and Red Mage is one of the rumored new jobs in 4.0. This was typed.. the flourishes were added separately ): Must be those ukrainians again... They haven't even cured at least some forms of cancer, since this is what was killing Father. More info please Yeah, because we want to become Americans... No fucking thank you. Just in time for the end of summer. It's okay though she has a rocky past so we can attack her guilt free! Conor scared of going to Stockton lmao This Kenny guy seems familiar You all are just a bunch of sexists that don't understand how turns work. Stop it OP,you don't know the pain a person goes through when he spends 21 DS and doesn't pull the best card in the game,fucking scumbag Bandai Melee? I hope Kimi isnt being 'negative' like Fernando was This all but confirms he'll be in the 5 car next year! if you were doing world 351 guthans i think a 20k in there might be mine but at that rate it'll only take 90 years for all humans to be dead! I just run a magnet a few times over them and and we all good. Shockers! Does it make your PC go faster tho? Haley Joel Osment's father. He's cheating on you with smite. Yes, because the Euro does now cost the same as the dollar, and we all know that the Euro is the currency for whole Europe. *Les Miserables Intensifies* fake BONKERS Those old people should just get better jobs and work harder. Because MOTHER 4's not a real thing. Nice kais, rolls means nothing on it anyway - love the corruption. Truly wise words It's almost like they did it on purpose I don't really think it happened that fast. What part of the county was this taken? is surgery not an option? Wow this new government is starting to sound every bit as awful as people assumed they'd be. Whelp, at least the boy didn't get autism Obviously, you stepped .000000000000438385 seconds before you took the shot. Bernie Sanders FTW Come at me bro This was made with a 20 year olds perspective. it's a movie about something that happened... they didnt predict a single thing i like A.B Norman, I support him. attack of the metal gear titans for those that don't know, this is what WoWs looks like on high graphics! Thanks for supporting RT, reddit, i mean people need to get the word out in Russia too! Don't they know what's best for them? Just waiting for some Chinese/Russian govt backed hacker team to steal the tech. Wow look at all the help Westbrook has Que susceptibles a mi no me molesto la pagina: "Sueco o Argentino" But I thought crooked Hillary was the one colluding with the media. Can't wait to see what the US debt looks like after more defense spending, a giant wall, Obamacare being repealed (but insurance for all), tax cuts and infrastructure. You've obviously told him you're not into men multiple times, but you're "small minded" because you won't make an exception for him. So far it as only resulted in stabilizing rents that had been increasing substantially every year. Come on now, what are you gonna do, declare war on another country and NOT upgrade your nuclear arsenal? The general backup for this claim usually seems to be "several summers of cycling as a child around the neighborhood" or "I have an old Schwinn in my garage, which I pull out once a year and ride on the bike path at the park". Who could have foreseen that giving classified and extremely helpful information to the enemy would have negative consequences? But... But... What about Kasich? Ask your man. but muh hundred-bajillion deaths due to communism! Heaven on Earth. I believe the picture is from some rock the vote event but I am not sure. nickname him Eclipse M-m-m-a non causavano l'autismo? probably cheaper than a teacher, and possibly more effective Republicans will do anything to keep the number of abortions up in order to maintain their anti-abortion meal ticket. Use the search function. That, my friend, is a very red TT Turnbull was the turning point, no doubt. Didn't see any Good question. So why does the laser make different noises depending on where it is shooting? If you read it like they have heavy Eastern European accents it works a little better. Next week: Ombudsman being investigated for alleged ties with drug lords, sex tapes and jaywalking. Ah, so nice to see somebody sticking to a healthy vegetarian diet. so fake, no one works together that well in overwatch! And if it is, let them just remake the entire map overnight Noch mehr vorfreude Oooo I haven't heard this before Are you talking about flair? I'm too poor for that Spelled out his chemical sign, can it also do its number? Gotta love original content why have mick jenkins flair when we have 3 different taylor swift flairs Man, multiplayer is gonna be great on PC. Unless you voted Green, then you wasted it. If Taker would have done the Takerooni this would be the second most important moment in wrestling history Loosers Juju needs to make sure he doesn't break his hand It's so hard to play Annie. I am horrified, how can they charge for something that is available online free of cost. Dont tell me that she's a lol fanatic. Came on to look for some new tofu ideas and omg this looks great! Yes, because posting footage of landmine cheesing tanks that don't have people manning the side guns like any tank that is actually a problem for you team is irrefutable evidence that tanks aren't op indian express ...enuf said They should make a sequel Game of all time I'm writing this comment so that in 10 years when this guy wins Wrestlemania 40's main event, i can say that i was always into this guy and i liked him before he got popular Thread link if possible? But if you don't want to get them vaccinated then that's perfectly fine Ubisoft Easter Egg Well, it is well known that all black people know one another. Shocking. not just the iphone, that's every product ever. Why is this post on the_donald ? Yes please. Cause fountain diving was really what made dota dota He deserved it for being a deplorable! Wind could be blowing, rain almost coming TIL: Deserts get more sun than forests on earth... False. I really question any refugee that has money to burn at bars/clubs anyways. Ryan Gosling, is that you? Not a good argument. Nabayaran daw kasi yung Twitter Eu viro a casaca na hora Tell us about the revolution, glorious comrade. Was it base rape with a Viper? Use one ply when it comes to toilet paper the real cringe here is his terrible form I look forward to my property tax refund. yeah dude men can't get raped so it's all cool 8-8 confirmed No he didn't Seeing 83 likes fills you with shita-mination. Simp and mike could have won with 2 recruit bots Pump your brakes, son. But It Looks So Professional, Right? this is a quality post Well *of course* a demon's going to say that. It's a racket industry I did up upvote your comment however I will respectfully disagree and say that you are a horrible person and you should die a horrible death. Hehe caps :3'' I want to punch things. I like how they didn't mention the skelecog invasion. Trela donning Ryu's fighting spirit She totally doesn't have a problem with arrogance at all. Avoiding organized religion and the inevitable minority of zealots that will twist any religious worldview into an excuse for violence? Mamoa needs his head moving like 2mm to the left, then pretty damn good. sakura sure looks different in this one .... I was never able to buy into the whole thing in the first place, let alone accumulate morale. We zijn het slachtoffer van westerse propaganda. Yeah, those themes are really sketchy. 2sp00ky4me Ending my hotmail account. Surely this will make the United States more safe. So much for ecology Trump voters side with the remnants of the KGB over American citizens. John you're a bloody legend! still funny, especially as a car sticker I really wish biega was a better player, seems like a genuinely good dude. they were 12/0 up Looks like it's from Xbone lel xboner skrub can't spell git gud Chin up, it was a 50/50 chance today would be the day we take 1 of 3 games but tomorrow is guaranteed! BTC has already rebounded back up $100 on Vault of Satoshi from it's low. Oh, the chafing! seems legit And how many children were molested by white men in Austria last year? Any real clue about the release date? Hey Derrickcomedy Couldnt be happier for him! ty for the skins nip fangays The most original joke in the world. What a clever idea Pretty sure he'd just cut it at that point Idk OP sex skyping with strangers is a great idea In other news, Federal courts have determined that because we can, and you can't stop us" is a viable legal defense. Pretty much everything looks like the lesser of evils when compared to Hillary and Donald. Careful she may have some bias. Wiz should really get that mole removed He's that guy who does a really good British accent right? Another lost safety....smh....what will the eagles do? What a surprise! I'm in the playoffs first season, 5m fans, #1 jersey sales, still no Jordan or Henry contact.. every endorsement still level 1.. but hey atleast 2K added a new tournament mode, amirite It wasn't about saving lives, so it was A-OK! Just donated 10k to the PRC after seeing this. Making America great! Email him and ask him if partying is something he's into. Herp derp but we built them railways and educated those savages There was more than one matrix movie? I regret that I have but one downvote to give this post... oh noes. I've heard it ends only moments before he meets Luke. OMG I'm shocked Are we entering the golden age of the dog? We know that Nebraska is a substitute for London for hot money What a wonderfully democratic country! Jesus Christ that was so boring. William was actually raised by a pack of polar bears in the Arizona desert before Red Byron found him while on his yearly fishing trip. Oh, thank god, just what I always wanted! rolled him earlier today with a shitty draw mech mage I will gave that flower to my girlfriend on the next Valentine Does this mean I can forget minimum barrel lengths? Like when someone gets gold and has their own little mini acceptance speech Finally they might have a chance at getting a lasting partnership going but... it is... and we knew this already No way that they could improve over the Dungeons and Dragons film we got back in 2000. Looks like Sakura from Naruto :( She's my perfect little angel, how dare they soil her image with this imposter! Unleash the Boban. Finally a shipyard nerfs! He deserved it, he didn't respect the officer's authoritahhh. Literally unplayable Paperbag writer The guy in this YouTube video wants very much to look like Vaas from Far Cry 3. Of course this comes out the week I'm playing against Marshall Rejection is only for women, shitlord! They're Kurdish, what more justification do they need :p They've gone too far this time. I read the title wrong and thought of Wreck-It Ralph. HYPE The boobman strikes with another hot take! So he's more of an ass than I thought he was ...what a surprise. Those mods really broke your game though! ""disgusting"""""" Nah man, I think that helped. I think that universities should also handle murder cases. Why are they trying discredit the man You should tweet him and ask, he's really forward with commenting on jailbreak releases i've heard. I'll give you $2, it's gonna sit in my games library taking up space and who knows when i'll get rid of it. Girls on tumblr use small children for their own sick agenda. TIL TV image quality in the 90s was the equivalent of a dusty VHS tape. Clearly the best league in the world. lol...very bad NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :( I can relate. Gold coast redditors, have the GC trams faarked the Gold Coast Highway? so if we legalize meth we get half of a half of meth use? the man's an actor, seriously what do you guys expect The Martian, disappointed in the lack of aliens I see Pep has evolved, now he is buying already injured players Atheists don't have any money Hilary Clinton makes Reagan look like a social democrat. They have the champions league. I blame Israel for locating the tunnels. makes the geintal rock solid yes Clicked on his name to see his other posts/replies (I don't use reddit often) and he seems like a great guy 10/10. Let's make America great again, like it was in the 50's! the only problem is that we dont have loosers braket so we know who is rly no2 team fnatic and kt also was on a good spot acording to pros also edg is there 2 Bull Sea Artist Yes, how terrible of you to actually repeat his words and tell him there's no sprinkles and confetti that could dress up the fact that he sexually assaulted a person Deserved Obviously The Network is pulling some strings here Our government says it's okay, so it must be okay, this is just fear mongering. fewer* TRASH I can see the speaker cords. This is why Israel should stop checking what goes in into Gaza strip and let them import weapons more freely - stop making Gaza an open air prison! She sounds like a keeper! Theres 2 more rockets that launch while the game progresses nice Remember guys if you support donald trump you're a nazi because one guy who thinks all muslims are terrorists because a small minority of muslims commit terror attacks shot up a church! Sorry, but I prefer the fear mongering ads by ~~conservatives~~ Clinton instead. Well it was only a matter of time before russia just when "meh" and quit doing it on the down low. smh you don't get it the people who voted for Hillary were all vampires the undead don't count See, these are what real cars look like. HE'S TAKING AWAY KARLSSON'S CAPTAINCY! I really shouldn't have at a [6] Guess we are picking 1st this year I'm glad that we've got Boogie beyond the arc so that we can space the floor for Koufos. He has his phone connected to a UPS Eastern state bias raises it's head again. I kind of hate you this is not a great interview jbl did nothing wrong Alpha as fuck! This is the best bit of content this sub has ever had He was probably a closeted homosexual. Yeah let's make fun of silvers for being bad at the game! I wish someone would just slap the fuck out of people like this. Give that man a purple heart! How many wars have Hillary, Bill, or Obama served in? Win or lose, when Bernie's campaign is over, the people will have spoken. NOBODY SAW THIS COMING. Must have been flying away from the Big Unit. This will stop people flaming Trick2g for D GATEZ We got this pile of shit, and not a Tony Hawks Underground Collection (HD), which any fan would have bought up immeadiately New NPC confirm? Looks like it's working to me! I'm just glad that women are too frail, uncoordinated and stupid to use guns Ah, the new Red Bull salesperson. Planes came from outside so it can't be an inside job **CLIPPING** Buying drain cleaner is not a Constitutional right. How many times was he vaccinated? Is this stuff really "news" anymore? If I want to become one when I grow up, you aren't going to tell me I can't you shitlord! I assume women will be delivered to men on a daily basis so they do not have to break this law? If they film it like StarGate: Universe it has potential to be awesome Isn't this exactly how Chrome works? The difference between to and too the living embodiment of excitement Using this article to win arguments against libs Associate TO the head coach. If you did it afterwords, I think the fuck would already be out of him. That's not the least bit patronizing! Lol why not meth instead? That was just fucking mean. Get ready for Deflategate 2: Electric Boogaloo Noone saw that coming after weeks of anyone not blindly going along with UKIPs vision of Brexit being called a traitor or an enemy of the people. its takes a pussy grabber to know a pussy grabber. OK, not for me. There's...something...up with that dog...does it have down syndrome? Yo, OP I think you fucked up, you posted video footage from real life instead of game footage! More like "Man brings gun to childs tea party" Well, this poster isn't in any way, shape, form, or color, biased... K No way! Story Butterbean! Total system QB Guys it is obvious they knew that they were ok hidden camera discussing super detailed terrorism plots as a prank. To be honest, do it on a weekday between midnight and 5 am and you don't have to worry about trains randomly coming through. I thought it was the great gameplay and fantastic graphics! Is it worth watching? ooh, scary Black Ivy MVP, she's so borken. It's tess-zla. Here comes a rest of the season losing streak! Damn, the bombing even rotated the place by about 70 degrees. Seems totally worth it. Looks accidental but it was their best hitter. Yeah Canada is going to take our freedumbs. At least we know Mariah will be getting a sisterwife herself! 0/10 no living ultrabright blocks. This is one of the few things Perry has done that I agree with (that isn't related to the economy). And the kindness, tolerance and love of Jesus Christ is reflected in his followers yet once again. So she's balanced right? Stop going to mass Great, more thorin content. Gender is a big thing in 2016, as not to offend anyone to be in the same xy or xx pool as this piece of leeching player. I wouldn't trust any of these. Yeah, but I just said they raped me, so it's all good. For the love of God yes PLEASE Google clearly realized the error of their ways and overnighted her a set. is that Zach Galifianakis? Bud you can't leave Eichel out of this Hillary sure does take some brave stances. Serious question, can I buy your old card from you? Shocked by how smart it is? you dont have to; your marriage was basically annulled today anyway But why do Cuban citizens even bother studying these difficult fields if they know they can just make more money by serving tourists? Do they even celebrate Christmas in Canada? H1Z1, Overwatch, Battlefield 1 and Line of Defense But I refused to watch his videos because I thought he was black. What is negging **UP UP DOWN DOWN LEFT RIGHT LEFT RIGHT B A ENTER** Maybe you get the achievements playing red menace or those other retro games that they put in F4 Any news on the uncharted collection does it improve anything there? Tetris This is a communist plot. And here I thought his girlfriend said he didn't know how to like p**sy. Extrajudicial killings *are* chaos. Legion Commander counts, right? I wonder if we'll look back at him going #3 overall (after Cleveland traded up -- with Minnesota -- to get him) as the watershed moment in how the league views running backs. Also known as: the show was set 100 years in the future, and more than 50 have passed since it was made. I'm sorry your condition can't be cured ): Wow I can't believe Bear has upset someone Sorry it wasn't written by white people Would probably take Snodgrass's spot. Those damn Muslims coming over here forcing our kids to learn Arabic Numerals, we need to teach them Western Christian Numerals South Park: The Stick of Truth did this best. That's a lot of effort to make room for DeAndre Yedlin. PROOF HE ISN'T A REAL AMRICAN dva recognised the bullet speed and walked perfectly to make the railing take the bullet Outplayed idiot Hey they totally stole this intro from that new foo fighters song! Big Bang Theory Summon Lenny Sidewalks are for godless soshalists! McDonald's is like anal sex, your bum just won't hold things like it used to. Klinkt als kul, maar ik kan niet wachten op de NRC fact-check. UNREALISTIC It's not pretty obvious when guys like Suggs, Jordy, Graham, and more are all also coming back from big injuries and having major impacts for their team. yet another example of why koreans have no personality Why can't I fast forward? That's fine, come to chicago :D dont photo shop view models onto hammer pls that's why i anyways sell them in stacks of one! The World police is panicking, France is about to fall into the right hands of its people and the billionaires are trying to derail it. Pfft I got cross dresser...Yeap...accurate to a T what kinda idiot would believe in this conspiracy theory Libs so butthutt, love it And if you're smart or lucky, only 3-5%. Platinum Spice is the best op ever. Can we get a nsfw tag here? You're not actually gay too, are you? Galing talaga ni tatay digong Cuz they only want people who pay a lot for cable to watch the commercials. Christian love, in all its naked glory. Scooba reported for griefing. Only the kids though! Why does this not surprise me? because Pellegrini did so well and was sacked so soon Ya so in the mean time lets make them unplayable because Swain was a huge recent game balance issue Yeah everyone knows his real name is satan I will thoroughly enjoy watching this! If only she had cooperated in the first place, they wouldn't have needed any investigation. We don't have the best abortion laws but we don't have the worst, either. DAE remember when black people had dark skin? But... the right-wing blowhards are so certain it's Muslims! So I guess we should expect a noticeable increase in terrorism tonight, since the NSA prevents so much of it. Well, you have to figure in the privilege multiplier; white peoples' is obviously stronger and therefore bears a higher damage resistance to hate crimes. I dont? The good old Portrait Border BM I'm surprised this happened in Canada, to be honest Having a conversation with someone = interested in having sex with them of course. Honestly I can't believe he gave a straight answer. Putting my money on this being in the comments of Xexizy's 'The Anarchist State' video. Woah, looks pretty good Yeah screw Regi You're a great American for posting this, and I want you to know that you have my full upvotes. so much skill hold mouse1 ez It would also lose 68% of the militant trolls. Over weighted score But CCP said that trollceptors wouldn't be a thing, your obviously just salty bitter vet. I'm sure this will trickle down to the guys in the warehouses packing boxes any day now. This year alone for data requests: Apple: 5,000 requests affecting 10,000 users Facebook: 9,000-10,000 requests affecting 18,000-19,000 users Microsoft: 6-7,000 requests affecting 31-32,000 users Google: TBD Seems like a whole lot of terrorists like to recklessly transmit data. what a loss Super fucked up Yeah it doesn't matter if everyone hates you Cus that's what most important. Selective editing FTW! Gay stereotype? They're not assholes, they're just Asian. Reminder: Germany 100% is a quota too. For what it's worth, Christmas *is* a federal holiday. In the majors maybe Just because her kinks are as boring as sunday school doesn't mean that everyone's is. muh Superman That's really WTF! Not going. Ghengis Khan Who doesn't like hats? But they'll kill you because all Muslims are aggressive Blake being a happy ray of sunshine as per usual. But AAP does drama Lmao Clinton is not a fucking centrist. It's like Carrot Top Jr if he somehow found a way to look even more unappealing! I did this (forget to check blindspot) a few times the first days after I got my license and I am so deeply sorry, I felt like an asshole that one time I almost crashed but the other driver's reflexes were on point. Fire from a distance, obviously. I've never heard this before. And to think... of all that complexity was created by.... a "big Bang" Damn gays is ruining everything that was good in the 90's. I used to think patron was neat, now I just want him and his friends to go away. Just disgusting. Oh God, I hope he's pro-life. But what about all those European countries that are undergoing massive waves of protests to switch to a healthcare system like ours? 5 years you bafoon! Well, we`d better ban human rights the, eh? PC master race extremists are a real thing and should not be allowed to represent our creed. Hearts or riot Yeah :( is that tattoo shooped Tomislav Nikolic, hodajuca bruka I katastrofa. Does the creep not realise that male and female poop is pretty much identical, and despite what he may think women do not poop glitter and rainbows? got damn it God-tier? Wings DDOSD'd Woody so the truth wouldn't come out. The biggest mistake is playing trash 4 Torille! Yeah but this really is his "prove it"-season Yes, because in sports everything is allowed until rules are set! I would upvote if you were drinking actual beer. Who's up next Why don't we lower the road? Thank goodness the US is peado free I'd find some kind of wheeled device and ferry for a looney No no, this happens all the time irl. Than how come black people have bigger dicks? Why is the black guy always the first victim? Vurra nas Oh noooooo they gonna ruin our non-existent lore! Gotta keep that sweet campaign money flowing to his "advisors" who just so happen to be family and friends. MSM is gonna sweep this under the rug the first article I found doesn't mention at all about it being politically and racially motivated. Plan 9 omg.. holy shit... lets all start hating on him now America! This is because in Japan a Byte is 4 bits. That's okay I didn't want a decent exotic anyway. My winrate is great on a Smurf, it allows me to flame any shitter that I play with. How's that sperm count, then? It's like Itachi and Sasuke :o Onions always come out at that scene Where's the cringe tho CNN: A brave man was promoting diversity and women's rights by saving his wife from the possibility of being grabbed by Trump. How shocking that the Grand Bigot Party hates gays, Hispanics, Blacks... when I think about the first time I saw this, I remember I didn't get horny (which is odd cause I was in 7th grade) looking at this now, I think this is incredible. Thank dog I haven't seen this repost every month since it was OC. She wants visa on arrival so paki secret agents can enter India and assassinate Modi. Because we're the best field ever, duh. Jerusalem better watch out, they got Catholic Rabbits arming themselves. Could they bring back vintage fares too? Melee Fox and Brawl Meta Knight, clearly. Yes, because you can just teach men to find women unattractive. So... how was your busty, busty weekend? He was single and k8 hadn't taken his balls. now if he would only resign from the public eye altogether! Don't mind, y'know, paying it forward? guys lets be excellent to each other i'm drunk and turkey'd up So, do we pull over fewer black guys, or more whites? Thanks for supporting free speech Google Another Angel great retires. She said "Good Night" in her last tweet how can we believe anything she says if she tweets after that Because windows peasants are jelly that linux can have 9001 stuff open without BSOD. It's like a bitch never heard of the man in the moon. Obviously constitutional, cause I said so! That's because freeloading ain't no joke. But its true to a certain extent. Company Christmas party would be my safest bet. They forgot this one: * Two plus two is very nearly five, for very large values of two. Just get a girl to wobble her voice and shed a few tears and its all better right? The Twitter Safety Council must have suspended her account for racism and discrimination My thoughts: "Holy fuck" nsfw tag? People enjoying the service and buy premium, same as faceit. STTDB, beating A&M every year. To be fair, they've been taking care of millions of Palestinian refugees that showed up in Israel in 1948. Sticking it to Whitey! #I picked UNC WILMINGTON to beat DUKE in the first half Because cheating and watching are exactly the same... Obviously it's because he's a closet Muslim terrorist trying to destroy freedom and murica! That's... Wow. Well since this is my second account I haven't fully leveled up. I didn't know Adult Goten has a TUR ;) Could be worse, they could have used pedo-bear. Daaaaamn, Brett is looking *fine*. this is the worst thing i have ever seen -_- I guess the other 84% are, in this moment, euphoric. Who cares, show us trumps. Hoo boy, now THAT'S Presidential. Quickly, everyone needs to infect themselves with a lethal disease to hide! Well at least he is doing a white people drug. Thank you! this is such an obvious troll that you should be embarrassed to have been baited by this. Did it stop *any* terrorist attack? No, its fine as long as you are 'joking' STRB 90 confirmed Those women are fit for motherhood. What TIL Chris O'Dowd is a woman. Xbone now at a cinematic 1600p! i do not care about renata ford. Which translates into: "If you think 2015 is bad, wait till you see what we've prepared for 2016..." I figured with everyone being little bitches about a possible fan favorite getting evicted, this might be funny. BINO! bruh I'm sure this was filmed for reddit and only reddit Who would have thunk? He's b~~lllll~~aaaaaaaaaack Right, that's exactly why trump won 2939 out of 3102 counties in the US- because rural America isn't riding the Trump train. This article is mostly about McCann and Lucroy, so don't downvote because the title praises the Yankees He had a hall (ass) pass Just how I like my makeup: caked. But the D-backs might ruin their team tradition. But guys, Catholics hate gays! 68/52 promos this year Of course they have prior obligations, that's why they put their shit up and just left Sweet, now he can come play back up QB for the Texans and get a chance at another superbowl. Are they the same, Woodhouse, or is one black and the other a slighter darker black? People really shouldn't park their cars that way.. sigh. in Romania we have no foreigners :))) Its' great to knows the issues are front and center in this election. Why not say he's too sensitive about MLKjr? Gotta love sekirei If only the killer would have told us what the motive is... Guess we'll never know =( As long as they are female babies so the cycle ceases to continue. If only you could manually control when it updates. But I feel oppressed Cheaters like you should rot in hell! alright let's all start calling China the People's Republic, Brazil the Federated States, and Iran the Islamic Republic, and anyone who reverts to the old names is an idiot! In game there was not, sorry :(. Also 53% of the population. But his comments are so insightful! Clever girl. *All around me are familiar faces...* It's always projection in Gopadelphia Aww shit, guess I better get a boyfriend then. There is that ... but having 2 (or 4) cameras permanently installed on goal lines would certainly be an advantage especially on the longer yardage scores when NFL Network TV crew has not set up on the goal line. Yeah im sure itd be terrible to tarnish his stellar image. Reus pls Mid convention slump, classic, happens all the time, nothing to see here, move along In sure that was really cool in the 90s he blocks shots, that's all I need to know I like the Barney Fife grimace nutty bro I would like to point out that, while our sales of 1.7x the average is the same as the Mets, our bar is slightly larger on the graph. I mean, I have the same thing in my own job as a middle manager at a little manufacturing company. Yeah because **OBVIOUSLY** the only PC games ever made are Minecraft, Minesweeper, Bejeweled, and WoW. Men do the work, women get the money, thats equality. They just don't want there to be a sequel to Fanboys. Well, i dont know man.. if the ak is too accurate on the first shot it will be too powerfull and it will ruin counter strike as a competetive game.. By his clocks stopping at the same time, I mean technically this wasn't his doing But what if you used a Perendev Magnetic Motor to power the generator? This is the funniest thing I've seen on this sub all day! Plot Twist: [Father Squidmas is a Penguin.] B... bu... but... the wage gap has been debunked by YouTube studies and Reddit posts, hasn't it? i received alien invader heimerdinger on my man, still waiting on my smurfs. Yeah guys, he should've been MVP But...but...people who carry guns are dangerous! This picture is actually 40 years old. And the rein of good coffee is over. Must be because of all that fluoride they put into our water. The petition will never work they said. This is like a visual representation of one of those Miiverse posts butchering the word Splatoon The only good thing to do with an iMac Thanks for clarifying you're an md we all give a fuck. Yeah, you know how Americans love Communism. Well that's some nice german engineering. Can't wait for sting's death lock. Oh my fucking god By these standards my parents would have been sent to Alcatraz. jar jar on a rampage, vivid Mabait naman pala si Binay eh. Pickard for Leipsic and a third confirmed. Yeah, all dogs can do that. Are these his first 2 penalty points? Enter the age old argument that exec compensation increases are a drop in the overall bucket and the wages/benefits of unionized employees are the real problem. Eu, GE Yeah the DNC picked a horrible candidate. did you hear nintendo is announcing the nx soon [And he got pistol whipped in the throat] I'd love to see him in Cinci Wut black fathers? But Trump knew nothing about it. Quality journalism from the Verge and Vox media as always When will they learn, its the Softball players who are the lesbians. This sould be posted to r\nottheonion Just look at the area above the windshield, and how it's dented. If only someone had told us how unreliable copper cable was, maybe we wouldn't be in this mess. Yes. Because Halloween is the devil. Haha xD Racial slurs and horrible events let's laugh guys it's so funny xD That's why in science is is damn important to have a fixed perspective from where you all operate (or universal constants), otherwise the is no left or right. OUR FAVORITE REF ONCE AGAIN, THE ONE AND ONLY #38! yeah well you know, you come home with a bunch of iron ore... it was really stupid actually I just.. I just.. What? #B A S E D C O P S His brother's going to have to learn how to creep for himself. Blame Mallory. Top of the crease, hands to the puck. Probably an Ukrainian fighter, right? Ummm, it's just missing a can of hairspray. It's also not even his real account. If the Obama had done a better job of enforcing all those regulations he loves so much the Feds wouldn't have any deaths to investigate. See ya later PC chumps! Watch the nuts Ovi I'm pretty sure that's Vanilla Ice. Of course not, they only have nukes. I can jut feel the Fox News "love" for Sanders It makes me so happy to see the town of Wausau welcome two bland chain stores/restaurants. Maybe there are fish in there. you mean banana shiiiiiiiiiiiiiits Yup I think you mean Console Doom Vs PC Doom ANY GIRL SHOULD HAVE THE RIGHT TO GET RAPED REGARDLESS OF THEIR SIZE Almost as as out of character as Hussie writes them But it has a 51.4% winrate, how can it be OP? Classic Patritots, cheating their way to the top. Well obviously he has something to hide. Nice try, Ovi. And as we all know, Bleacher Report is the pinnacle of sports reporting. this just shows that not only do doctors fat shame, but pharmaceuticals do too He looked like an Arab, so he must have been a terrorist. Glad to see politics have changed so much since then. I love reading about the people that build hackintosh systems that are "just as fast" for a quarter of the price. I addressed it with Linux. How come no one ever scans these things? I live in Florida, what is this fall you speak of No Man's Sky If he had played in the present day, the ensuing ESPN circlejerk would actually be refreshing and well-deserved. I'm sure the Clinton Foundation will help How about stopping radicals from joining Daeshbags first ? The "two" party system. Eww... imagine having living dog shit inside of yourself Yes, because school lunches for years have been the stuff of gourmands! Now he will be fully qualified to run for office in Virginia. Plus you get special access to Elway's sugar cubes Can't believe he's a silver now. Yeah, he's trolling. You're so selfish, you've basically stolen 111 euros from these developers for their lifes work, console gamers actually *support* the developers. THAT'S HOMOPHOBIC! I don't understand why they didn't interpret the presence of doctors with medicine as the answer to their prayers. They might have trouble getting 20 people. Guess "big pharma" finally completed its stranglehold on the US government! Monsanto. Playstation peasants have lower skill, so Psyonix put them one skillgroup higher. Lol everyone in my family has it except me As a Knicks fan, I know that this does not bode well. Going for that Coutinho iced gem of 13/14 Scumbag boyfriend: Doesn't help with scary spider; flirts with women on the Internet instead of comforting his traumatized girlfriend. So please just kill yourself and save nature the trouble. TIL Ireland is part of UK Make America's Rivers Burn Again I learned so much! Virginity Force Field She was also a horrible driver. LoL, I wonder what his hitbox size is If we don't allow Milhouse to become a meme - overly attached boyfriend will also never become a meme. You must catch 5,000 axes before you're able to purchase draven draven Article says all clear. Wow, porn as a thumbnail really makes me want to watch this video yeah but clinton's personal ambitions are far more important than national security Great timing! Our parents are longtime friends, so we grew up together. CONGRATULATIONS ON HAVING ARCHERS, I HEAR THEY WAR SO WELL! About as insufferable as the EPL wanks. Weird, I thought skateboarding was not a crime. I'm cool with deporting all the old white people and trading them for young Latinos Yeah, this is gonna help him The Ap It's called the Well of Souls Direct link to a Premier League club if you dream to play on a bigger stage, living in New York, what's not to like (okay, the stadium, beyond that...) breaking gun laws. Why do they think stating your age somehow makes your opinion more valid? I'll shave my head too bro God damn..what a classy individual. B..bu..but VR is just a fad But his condishuns! The music is kinda meh. They will both finish at exactly the same time because all humans are equal Then they'll need to import poachers Im surprised they didnt put little jon lebowitz on a stool, hes a tiny guy More like no more promises of new music Well, our kids are doing worse than ever in math and science, but at least they're hopelessly confused about their own sexuality. Is it wrong that I'm liking it better than skyrim? 17; screw you guys I'll be young til the end of time Game looks boo boo stank nasty sauce. Poor a45, no chances vs that tank One more reason we should raise the minimum wage to a living wage. People seem to really underestimate LOD / Xpecial - I think they'll be a top bot lane, above TSM They both are really aggressive and LOD's been playing really well, it's gonna be a really good pairing I think This is why immigration is bad, people with beliefs like this can never be introduced into a more civilized society and abide by new rules and laws. Well, I mean he's obviously not willing that team to 30 wins by himself on 54% conference shooting and 25 ppg. actually we can afford to deliver mail and if you own missiles then you dont have to pay to bomb them. Nice to see our legislators have their heads in the right place. This is not news Wow...three year dry spell....sooooo long Because Alabama has NEVER had a bad few years Best NES game ever! I don't see the problem with playing medieval 2 in warhammer. Inb4 the line is like the smash 4 demo Well obviously its teaching children how to use base twelve The creation of the SRS sub of course! Appointing more Buffalo Wild Wings managers? If he would have been driving on the other side the car probably wouldnt have tipped over. never seen this one before I remember reading an article in my Italian class about how enough food is wasted in a year in Italy to feed all of Spain Pictures of the YJ, or it didn't happen. I can't believe they require you to make your own hoe. That girl can fuck right off. Why do you want to punish success? and they say we are playing into the hands of ISIS and their propaganda...holy shit Because no guy that actually believes in that shit gets in. That's the way it goes in many countries , fake democracy just to please the masses It's because college educated white women are sexist bernie bros. No I'm voting for the nvidia before gtx Congratulations, Mr Fry. Rebuild Complete. In my fantasy league i have kershaw cueto and felix I hear saudi king wants to construct madrassa's in Europe , maybe swedan should take up the offer . Quality content That is one spooky rogue! Anything other than Crocs. Wow, racist. This is more fitting for mildlyretarded le *tips* 1+ 1nt3rn3tz Just what the average android user wants.... a pink phone called the Geek. That's good OP, keep judging So, give them jackets? It should be 1 person on top, and 99 on the bottom. Their products aren't overpriced though Self preservation. Worked for me. Life roll, worthless Great bargains on millennium tower condos probably bringing the averages down. Sure, I would drive an hour in shitty weather for a few slices of pizza. Good thing we're just steaming along with that new ship procurement everybody was so happy to be mentioned with in the news! Quite simple; we get what we pay for. I bet whoever lives there is a sane and rational person. Nice b8 m8. Must have been snipping and follow what he heard Kripp say. He sold away our Internet privacy and slashed budgets for public services across the board, don't forget that! Yeah, and I hide Jewish bankers in my ass. What an absolute shock. I would need every combo but but but religion of peace... Ah yes the *Caramel not-Ma-fuckin-job-iato* Avoiding conflict of interest, apparently. what's a WR? Homophobic straight-edged Christians will definitely open up to this kind of message. Upvoted for tomahawk on class Actually this is just the super detailed effects of the right track losing traction on that particularly slippery patch of ice melted by sunspots as well as the left track gaining traction by gripping onto some meteor dust in order to throw the tank into a sharp right turn straight onto the edge of the ice where it was pulled the rest of the way in by stalin's ghost. Dee, DePodesta, and Sashi cleaning out the fucking trash and cleaning up the culture. 4th... you've got to be kiddin me. I'll one up you... 72 par golf course.... in the basement. Sex on the regular. What, the Lakers above .500? These are snow cherubs! DAE think reddit search is not that good or am I the only one in the whole wide world? This would probably be Lemon's last season as a starting player; he is most likely not going to get better mechanically at this point and his knowledge of strategy and pick/ban would be so valuable for C9 or another team in a coaching role. Get wacko for taco Can you post those links on the lower-left? You're the reason society has such strong standards smh Aww, how sweet, you're like a slice of home to him The concept of existence and existing outside of time is a little much for our puny brains. Well if he had sex while drunk then he would be not responsible and therefore raped, so why wouldn't her logic hold? Hinduism under threat! This is much bigger news than we realize. Yes, like they care about visually showing you HOLDING your shield instead of it just floating in front of your hand. where do they attach the extra toe? The same, but with 18in wheels ...So everyone is getting more attractive? The final fight will be for the family. I guess Tony doesn't want the 'entitled' mixing with those pesky lower class types. Boss 302 in the background of one of the photos - best carmax ever? I wondered whether the absence of this issue in the initial video was to avoid ostracizing the moderate Christians that would probably make up a sizable portion of their support base. Some JB weld will clear that right up for ya. OP just stop playing that game, it gets worse, and if you dont uninstall it will constantly give you notifications to play. Black people must be part of the hivemind and cannot think or vote on their own Wisconsin Republicans on the other hand, keep the hell away from the ballots! Two nukes weren't enough You mean Lesser Spain? You don't think he ment Bangladesh ? LIKE ALL WOMEN. D'bustelo Bustell, I believe they said. Wait I don't get it, is that her boyfriend? They are only 5344... You and me got thin privilege. I'm confused, what happened here? Scheint mir auch eher ein Witz gewesen sein, als ein ernster Grund I have been seeing that exact same headline for 20 years now. I can think of better uses for 500k. how to fuck up your computer 101 Not if they spit. stolen from a one-man show... Well, this answers the question the guy in the other thread had about if there will be a combo: summon a jade golem card. Ya know, it doesn't surprise me that you're he one to do this Actually TSM won scrims against SKT without duke so they should already win worlds Fucking Drumpf should have just put Putin on the SCOTUS...Neil Gorsuch is literally the same person Conversion to luxury apartments incoming! Ya but we all know how gullible scientists are. Well fuck, luckily Wisconsin plays Nebraska this season. But...What if weed isn't popular in a couple of years? It's going to be pretty obnoxious having to stop at all those red lights. There's a ranarr on the ground A fking ranarr Are you playing on a smart fridge? Didn't see that one coming. No si Massa puede impedirlo. THERE ARE ELEVENTY BILLION SETTLEMENTS THAT NEED HELP THO PLS HALP. Why are we worrying about this when we should be concentrated on printing our own money? The only other time I was this distraught over a show being canceled was Rosanne. You know fine well that the answer is Albert Haynesworth. Because that worked well with never mind the buzzcocks Way to go LAPD, surely this will improve your public image. It's *crazy* that we develop as fetuses with *organs* and shit. 12 year old Paul never existed. Still better than Beats headphones In a continuing abdication of all adult responsibility, republicans will just blame obama Remember : Obama was tired of Washington insiders. MP404 is too big for my screen :( Timbaland looks SOOO happy to be there That red lipstick is definitely haram. Lobby your local computer store and your chances of getting one improve dramatically. I won't preorder because I only buy games when they're on sale. Keeping making arguments like this, and someone is going to come along and make porn illegal. Yeah how about we just start taking pics of the average commuter, and praise the for being lucky? lose a game without having hanzo genji or tracer in ur team. The nearest dumpster cause I'm a struggling actor come to LA in search of fame and now I'm broke What actually happened in 2001: A Space Odyssey? No it's those darned capitalists hiding in the shadows! Which is because none of the major sports stadiums are built in Real America Till they get elected, then it will be shoot to kill! How to sell your SSD for 30% more on craigslist. Publicly trashing coaches isn't good, even though he's right As a 32 year old I could be doing so much more with my life My girlfriend. But just think of all the value-add you are missing out on! And why, may I ask, was God Serena left out? this as been asked many times before, but HiRez main priority was to work on jump instead. How do you know? Never seen an anco flow chart before I hope to see more in the future This is at least a change from the toddlers glassing their parents. Their fault for being weak Hmmm, this doesn't sound Orwellian at all. What I find odd is that even though this is Bell Labs, the rotary telephone in the background on the left appears to be an Automatic Electric Starlite made for GTE, which was one of Bell System's competitors. Yeah that'll help lessen the cringe NASCAR was so mad a little team won they had to find something to fine them for All I see here is that I should invest in Apple for when they sue the R9 maker. Don't all presidents get bullet proof glass? I guess the community is now safer after this raid. Just remember, it's *never* God's fault; it can't be by definition! That is some Grade A backpedaling People who have a tendency toward introversion are as diverse as any other people, which means a number of them are jerks. Rangers... prospect? Maybe you are, I left humanity behind. And he went on to fuck each and every one of those women later that night. ... but only because the costume is white. If they were really serious about it, they would have started a white house petition. Definitely. Tell them parts drop from Stalker Prime. I'm really interested in what the outcome of this will be. Uh huh, how many of these are settlement mods, or blueprint mods, or character creation face preset mods. But I thought you only need to tech against Shadow to win? Saw a guy resurface a head using wet dry paper, and a food mixer once. But will it be a year to watch? Who could have thought that? because lazy game is lazy And who would *dare* watch anything ***fake***, amirite? I'm more impressed that the side of that fridge is like see through. War On Drugs WON! #CUCK SHAQ IMPERSONATOR Asking the hard hitting questions Listen to your peers. RHEL is the final ascension I'd take the watch... just not wear it! The girl was obviously ESL. Just remember, PC gaming is dying. I am looking forward to August 31st. But what if it violates my safe space Nice my Leo is only around 2 months Lets just ban gangs! please go ahead, we don't want him What a waste of 30 minutes. Thats the parents fault for not practicing basic safety. juan at a time Who the fuck is sleeping on the Cardinals? i wonder if this is some way of demonstrating his skills as a Dungeon Master But all the taxes they pay! North Korea tries nuking the world take #342 I for one am proud of the freedom we are exporting. The gift that keeps on giving. Why is the crown on the left side Man, this has *never* been posted here before. Yea that's a confused pony not a confused calf. All these new Afghan bangwangoners This is the reason why Trump won. All hail Piers Morgan. Allowing money to be back burnered (deal with it when we need to) has been so successful in ever other aspect, look how much money we have in the national ~~treasury~~ debt. Porzingis has higher ceiling but lower floor. When all your friends tell you to run for President and you turn out to be the most destructive weapon Russia ever used against the USA He also signed an autograph for the collector. Brings a smile to my face every time. Going after business owners who try to make downtown a better place, Thanks Olympia City Council! 2013 EJ Manuel, FSU, #16 to BUF Geno Smith, WVU, #39 to NYJ Mike Glennon, NC State, #73 to TB Matt Barkley, USC, #98 to PHI Ryan Nassib, Syracuse, #110 to NYG Tyler Wilson, Arkansas, #112 to OAK Landry Jones, Oklahoma, #115 to PIT Brad Sorenson, Southern Utah, #221 to SD Zac Dysert, Miami (OH), #234 to DEN BJ Daniels, South Florida, #237 to SF Sean Renfree, Duke, #249 to ATL Man show commitment He knows other teams want him but he wants to stay at Liverpool biting player during just before the Window is a great way to do that No board member is going to sign off on his signing ^^^Kinda So, did anyone else get a verizon ad on this article? Well obviously they were spending too much time being offended, sipping their lattes, taking selfies, and trying on Che Guevara shirts when they should have been bootstrapping their way into good jobs. Such an underrated song IMO, not nearly enough views as it should have So a vote for the other guy, who probably voted to cut CDC funding, isn't a vote for Ebola? Some hard hitting journalism right here Where do people with extensive tattoos like this work? This guy's delivery and timing is just excellent. kick them while they are down eh super funny? She looks like she was just raised from the dead, a tabard was thrown into her and now she's just rolling with it Last time I checked Steven, the dude/non-binary plantkin who runs the blog, is too triggered to actually get a job. I do not know about this one specifically, but we have a veritable alphabet soup of clients with all sorts of nefarious agendas. Shit, I knew I forgot something...brb! Horror Vacui I thought the thing was it was GOING to be 67 million after the weekend and it was 14 million in 24 hours. but but uber is the wave of the future, don't stand in the way of progress! It's either *friend's* or *friends'* but it's definitely not *friends*. Hey, fuck you for complaining, buddy! ... Yet among all of these atrocities taking place, all the "feminist" community seems to care about is the imaginary wage gap. To be honest, couldnt a laptop be true aswell? Cowboys clearing up cap space, NICE Oh the horror its using 2.8 gigs of ram whatever will i do Yay, a sixth L Warrior :/ Really annoying to get so many of my least favorite wrestler whose in supercard, but at least its a good card. But then you're one year off. Wow, I for one am thoroughly shocked Unexpected anal is the best kind of anal You cannot make rules that are impossible to abuse via DDoS. They haven't paid it yet. Pshh, clearly the rocket's playing it up for the camera, staged. I guess according to some of you I should return it since it doesn't have the Monster Energy Trophy because *thats* the trophy Jimmie Johnson was handed last November Minorities don't know any better. As a current user of Intel HD 3000 graphics... fuck everything I am getting a 1080 in June. But many of them have brown skin, so who cares? Just in time! Not nearly enough Groot. Det er koldkrigs versionen af verden opdeling hvilket betyder: 1. verden: NATO + allieret 2. verden: Kommunister 3. verden: alle andre I like the girl in the left but this directly contradicts how i ***FEEL***! this may be an obvious statement, but something is clearly wrong with your phone Better than nothing. So.... Is he suggesting that sexism is fun and that we should all try it? not even $113, pure spam Probably means he expects a reply lickety-split because he has hordes of other women waiting in the wings, after all. I'm sure this is what "rule of law" was supposed to mean. This is actually just a solution to the problem of global warming because all the water from the rising sea level will just go to the middle east Walking, must be a Beifong thing. I would say hilariously shaped kiwi fruit There's a lot of things I, too, don't remember posting 5 years ago. Who's NDER? Taking your newborn child without your soon to be ex wife's knowledge or say so is totally a thing someone who is not an abuser would do. A real human being. Lol I'm not the creator of the video, I just simply posted it. And Jejriwal gave 1250 crore rupya for Mohalla Sabha to eventually go in pockets of AAP volunteers :D She's talking about Nick Starr. **TRIGGERED** No Wait a minute, a cold winter in the US is not global warming, but a hot summer in India is? Thank God I'm only from Nederland... I don't have to claim Beaumont Yeah, that's what Faction needs, another talk show. JUST GIVE HIM THE MAX NOW k. It seems like someone is going to have to die on the way to the hospital before these protesters kept off the highway. Legit. Now, that's an original casting choice Good to see our tax money is going to the right place. Did you win tho? Anything to make gun owners look crazy, thanks cbc! Why would 12 year olds wanna see that when they havent even entered puberty? Because yellow would be RACIST. were is of proof? When a story is broken by The Mirror and The Metro at the same time, it is definitely a reliable source, u know? Houston, we have a program. Repost Wat... My hatred of the state grows more and more every time I read a story like this. Oh God, the m' jokes are spreading. That's not even coherent or is that just me? I'm not black someone explain this to me Posted earlier by LarkspurCA, fyi. Double-O Seven. Well, Trump already attacked them once, why not attack them again, amiright? You spelled "google+" wrong. Did he shut off the engine before he got out though? Oh so these are the PC graphics everyone has been bragging about! Question: Does Trudeau's asshole ever get raw and chapped from the constant sucking and kissing and nuzzling of the Canadian press? He shouldn't have been black. Matuidi Charo Quality loss for A&M, SEC is very deep this year Why isn't this marked Not Safe For Work you can clearly see her shoulders! Nice quicksell If she stole your heart would it technically be a "cardiac arrest" ? But the river outside nuke is now deeper amirite guys I don't understand the thread title? when you have a hammer This reeks of an Obama false flag. Maybe you should have blanked out the Vi's name. HEAT CHECK Who cares about 3DPD when you got a perfectly fine 2D waifu? How did China pay for its wall? Look at the positive side... It's charging. you don't use your legs to open salsa? Uncles' gonna uncle. Vector Marketing, Cutco, and Usana...... hahaha Looks very professional :-) Bruh song of the year right here Yes, because the ENTIRE e-cig industry is blu, njoy, greensmoke, etc. And now I have a massive craving for pancakes and watch star wars while eating them..looks my day is booked now Anyone else demanding $15.00 an hour? I've had it for almost two weeks, don't how or why, but it looks so cool. Their focus on the monthly subscription played no role in this. Wow, I wonder how could they have ever even considered saying no to such an obviously mentally healthy individual. Whatever it takes to scare people into supporting communism. then that's a boss move Time for some after-school drone strikes! Lmao casting vidya games for 12 hours must be brutal. Yeah, but he means well, so she should just accept it. Awesome, this totally erases all the seemingly condoning of domestic violence... great job NFL! Stimmt, weil in diesem Fall keine Rechten involviert waren, passiert's auch sonst nirgendwo The hair Wat The "God particle" (Made in China) Just Agent K spying on his wife again, nothing new here slick. Where's the shot where he falls into the Gorilla pit? Still better ping than me... 1500ms master race Go kill his trees. I know what you mean Don't worry, CNN published it so it's not true. If I find said woman attractive, then yes meh.. 9/10 didn't use pots Tenacious looks cool, but what does that spoon have to do with anything? they have no oil so who cares? That Mojang logo looks difficult. R/retiredgifs You can't get that on Linux, can you? Probably won't see Strootman in it ;) Didn't know Toronto picked him up. The Sikhs also wear a knife, they still cool This is a nice change from the other guy who campaigned on lowering DNC voter turnout. TALK SHIT GET HIT Accurate af Their name should be changed to "Energetic Anal" Just imagine if Monstercat uploaded a track using Camtasia. Don't they all? I am curious what this round of MitB rewards are going to be. I guess this is even more proof that his family has nothing to do with his influence as President. There not fact unless its my opinion So will we still have cruel? Comments here so far are funny... Trillions wasted on war "OMG we could have rebuilt our infrastructure" Trillions spent on infrastructure "OMG just wasting money... I wish my internet was faster" Yeah and the NA scene is something to look up to jesus, what does it say about that "church" when the fucking Klan finds them repugnant? Because if there's anything an analyst panel with Lalas needs, its more LA-favoritism. Anyone who loses their job to a robot is a bludger who clearly doesn't work hard enough it's not like there were entire squads of black people because the racism was so ingrained that white people refused to fight with them finally its happening, nice! We're they getting attacked by Americans? Splitting finales into two parts, Cinematic universes, oh what will Hollywood's next trend be? But he's just the best for women! Nee Baudet, ik ben niet geobsedeerd door je, je maakt me gewoon misselijk. 3 Hours 54 Minutes 2 soon Atleast there'd be jobs for us. Wait your telling me Brain France and Donald Trump are not the same person? They could probably see you with that big crack in the windshield! Its the idea that we don't see the person in front of us. If I ever have to go to court I'm going to demand equal leniency under the law. I may have finally experienced tranquility. This is fucking stupid. Name-calling = acceptable substitute for a thoughtful rebuttal. He's going to be fired for being a racist, right? Does the cube try to talk? I know it's a radical idea, but you could... you know... work for it good thing roy's coming back then When I had gallstones, I seriously thought I was having a heart attack. The standard V seems more effective than your set up, and functions like a meat grinder as well. Totally slenderman. Obviously that means she's a casual Oh thank god her thumb appears normal. Build a sea and air wall, duuuh Are political self posts allowed now ? Pitiful. Yeah, fuck the Sens! First he bangs the drum... Baroska sighting damn That's not that bad, we only use 10% of our brains anyway. Good to see the money is being used to help the poor, hungry and sick. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I think Chad Knaus made that firesuit Why is she kissing him? maybe we have to throw one at monty to break the cycle Holy shit the 76ers are starting to look good and get some key pieces in there. ITT: No one knows what a protest is. Where do I get a piece of this action? Get out of here, with your positivity and sanity! It is rigged like the elections. The early 00's were really the golden years of movies, weren't they? I see Morey is a fan of the Big Baller Brand as well How daring and edgy of them. Because Europe is a bastion of awesomeness. Ahahahahahahahahahaha-- **No**. # EVERY ZONE SHOULD BE A GUN FREE ZONE. I'm living in fear....but it's not ISIS I'm afraid of. Again: We are easy meat in their eyes. It's only going to get sold to wealthy vampires. Yeah just like being depressed is The jews Yeh, rounds should definetly come out your scope and not the barrel of the gun His asshole just needed to be stretched. Glad I'm not the only one thinking that, I never understand why people place their valuable PCs on tables, when revolutionary floor technology exists, plus I'd imagine it would get in the way Totally agree and this kind of reminds me of how much people state abortion is about protecting the rights of what a woman can do with her body, yet I never see the same level of enthusiasm to legalize prostitution, drug use or even seat belt laws that tell people what to do with their body. Thats a dope box, what are the shoes in pic #6? Fuckin Cucks It still surprises me how much men don't know about women. No offense but... Such a classy player. Could you please tell us how you really feel about the player base in *Star Wars: The Old Republic*? Sadly i seem to have lost the ability to post to the update stream. Wikipedia is the best website on the Internet [citation needed] This is the correct answer lmao. Is this at download? yeeeeeeaaaaah... unfortunately......... absolutely agree, top notch squad I mean everyone must want to know about my penis, right? those are some next gen nipples Jon Fitch isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer if you know what I mean. Yes please. Why is he constantly nominating these racist white males! anybody know what the model of these missiles is? What versions of Android are they running? Yeah having solos every four measures is so boring quadro sli for better performance daiiii mariooo get your form back and come to juve FIA now changing rules to prevent such dangerous overtaking manoeuvres. Your not a smart man Must mean they are for it. mfw I want to fucking kill myself Yep, basically you cant win with these people. All these sluts walking around in short skirts and being knowledgeable on species of animal and their habitats. Spread on crosshairs? Rukia with more sbr incoming! If the crocs don't eat them whole. Has issue with more men than women, ends up killing more women. I love the letters on the left side, just so you dont confuse Tesarion and Theomars What a great guy, promoting against kickass2. Could someone copy and paste article...all Im getting is an endless ad loop. Very informative news What we talking about here? Why stop at the gender gap, we should eliminate the skill and experience gap too! Yee Yee Sell now or keep him for 2 weeks when his milestone might be released apparently it was the blacks who were murdered and oppressed anything else would be racist We think it's weird too, trust me. Wow how dare trump not build a concrete wall in unviable locations and instead opt for a fence Its actually much worse for men to be raped because we're used to being on top in terms of systematic oppression so it's 100000000000000000000000000x more damaging. Well, I think we all know why he's lonely... ^^also, ^^does ^^anyone ^^else ^^hate ^^it ^^when ^^people ^^use ^^"female" ^^instead ^^of ^^"person" ^^? His pelvic region is exposed, ain't it obvious? That's because it's the *wrong* faith. Get triggered normie I'm not a father, but that is the same thumbs up that I give to my server when I eat a burger that is just too awesome for words. TIL I would have sex with darth maul I understand what you mean but Islam isn't a race What's been getting to me lately is not enough new content on the subreddits that I frequently visit. Careful, you might get Ubisoft in trouble again Not really man if he wouldn't have had the helmet his head would be smaller so it would've stopped 1cm above the ground instead of hitting it delivery guys should be accompanied with security guards This is fantastic I fucking love the metro We can trade out Mexico and throw in Canada as a sweetener. Isn't that the crash site of [the helicopter you knock down during The Paleto Score?] but you can cheese it for a while. Revenge is a fair and balanced game mechanic. *Like sand through the dogs paws, so are the days of our lives* I'm new to magic, is this the power 9 I keep hearing about? But Snopes proved this hogwash false! At least he's honest. These are the times i wish there was a way to put RFID or something more accurate into the puck to have an extra confirmation if the puck crossed the line other than if you saw it or not but but he is a master negotiator? This is why I am a cat person. The problem is that people aren't working as they should. Talking about jimmy vesey here Tell them its about slaves, ring a bell, look at them and say Shame Shame Shame They're anti-Zionist, not anti-Semitic! Rekt Brace for "Mein Hu Lokmat." Reminds me a lot of pablo merch Why don't the other fish eat them faster than they can multiply? Fuck I feel bad for them One of the most civil Twitter conversations I've ever seen. Are there posters/ hard-copy displays already in Gamestop? not with that attitude it's not! I see 4Chan is still full of potential future Mensa members. I was reading this article and alonso walked past me... FUCK! Thats a really good quality picture, nice fish! I want to see your "hot clevelage" M'lady. And yet the show wouldn't be the same without her. Hmm let me jump on this box * Face gets erased "OMG YOU GUYS ARE BAITING NOOBS" Ugh, it's so obvious that everything these creeps think they know about lesbians comes from porn. Liberals and their tolerance for others, especially those with a differing political opinion, is astonishing! I would not watch that show. Super Smash Bros is the greatest video game series ever created. Only if his previous girlfriend walked around backwards all the time. No news is good news! I'M RIGHT AND YOU'RE STUPID IF YOU DON'T HAVE THE SAME OPINION AS ME And the war on christianity intensifies I wonder what the 14th month is called in english It is fairly common but it is also bad for the graphics card and the PCI socket Don't joke about Half Life 3. Damn OP, I bet you're kicking yourself over missing out on this amazing gentleman :( Just yesterday I got a pink sleeper stimulant from my bronze package! Sooner or later a Pole will take up a gun, some explosives or a car and protest violently. This fills me full of state pride. Literally unplayable. You just won't stop until Logan quits. WHAT A BEAUT! Probably another Indian dude trying to slap lampposts. I'm just guessing, but it looks like they're all about 5'4". His numbers are grossly inflated ..... Hmm-are they going to provide special medial care, education, and then adult housing for these children? I always like to start with a resounding "Fuck the po-lice" It filters out my audience, engages those who remain and really makes a statement about my personal beliefs. bloody imports I'm sure, this thread will be a reasonable discussion where nobody gets down voted into oblivion. Garuda stop being a mobile peasant and requesting reasonably sized gifs Yes, but we know that corner stores would be force feeding our kids booze if we open up sales This shuffle was a Shox for me nobody is triggered by heads exploding, carcasses everywhere, skeletons in the dust, radiation painfully killing people, deformed monsters eating defensless civilians and insane drug addicts wielding guns , only rape is a problem in all reality, they probably don't allow their sons to serve such a patriarchal institution as the military, which openly condones rape as a form of punishment Only smart people, like myself, would see that They're probably just rationing healthcare. getting a piece of hardware you'll never see once its in your computer signed 60% of the time, it works....every time. Sorry those mainly go to foreign films 2007 Patriots and 2013 Broncos is pretty good company That is a living stuffed animal Garbage dump island checking in, GO TRUMP the times should preempt cheeto and stop covering his loser rallies Leave Kobe alone! Nice try, George RR Martin. They're converting books now? Jesus when they flashed the big "2017" I thought they were going to introduce future stuff then they said don't miss it and now im sad Stupid enough to think han shot first Yeah but choosing ones with bright colors gives you a competitive advantage. That should keep the crime rate down, where every crime equals beheading Why is Middle East such a tumultuous place? Oh real clever, that message at the bottom of the last panel Maybe Arsene will see some of the refs decisions know When does this skin get released? I thought the GOP-dominated Congress hated the President, though. I would trust the government to have a just & sound judgement on this. You usually start moving faster Watching 3 Immortal Sentry All-Ins is just about at fun as watching Brood-Infestor. Well hey, we should all respect those who vote with the Ku Klux Klan! explains a lot whenever this type of list turns up i pick a random number This time: woman kills man because his dog ate her marijuana. This one drop changes everything Don't judge me. I would do her in a zoo Donald Trump is on the wrong side of almost every issue some voters care about. Eew, why wouldn't you just buy a laptop for writing, and use the saved money to buy more games with your still bad decision? Carnivores are a crucial part of almost any ecosystem. Eh so she got a boob job, what a big deal. But....but....but he wrote reddit a letter If this isn't hitting on you, I'd hate to see what it would be like if he WAS hitting on you. /U/deloused__ If you are using Chrome as a web browser then search up "Loungedestroyer extension" and add it then when you bet i automatically every 5-10 seconds sends a new request to bots to deposit same with wtidrawing/cashing out/returning Hou Yi; Make his arrow keep bouncing for a duration of 5s, traveling faster after every bounce Isis; her ult charges up overtime even when out of battle Spider Surcharge! No. How dare you have a positive opinion about Donald Trump! The tide has now turned. Careful, you might upset Kim and he will threaten war against us! After being hit by a car ,do not to walk towards the warm ethereal light Interested to hear what that means for halifax and if my power rates will change. I have to pick up my kid That's not very nice As if Reddit doesn't already know how to copy things We need this because those sneaky Afghans are kicking our ass with their Mach 5 fighter. Pretty terrible really, he let in way too many goals. Might as well go down to welterweight at this point Well by that logic if someone hates kids movies then most likely that person hates kids and if really stretch it then those who love kids movies must be a paedophile right Before the emergency services arrived, bystanders and people who made it out safely formed a human chain back into the pub to pass out the people who were still inside Then it wouldn't be ONE piece anymore. Oh well if that's the case then I don't see what the fuss is about. Not the best choice of tires, either. He's sensitive about the questions because it was a tough decision between Duke and Putin for running mate. Please do another video telling what champions midlaners,toplaners etc picked most. Duke II? INB4 next update with C4 Skin Case This is just the tories taking this out of context So you're telling me the real cause for this is because those people 18 to 25 years ago didn't get busy enough? Tesla batteries are water cooled, other luxury brands are tryin to catch up. If you get kicks out of this, you don't want justice porn, you like revenge porn 10/10 Quality Your best option is to run away and never look back. How did you make the soles? But MUH KILLS! Millennial aren't having families anyway, so it's alright. That just means F4 needs more changes to be playable. But left Joycon tho Ah so you got rid of that piece of shit 1080 for a GT 210 Good Call. Thats a nice little gift :) Ball of Tar *is* a pretty sweet item, dude. Quality post Addi god dammit quit tweeting and get to rehabbing Now I can play my League games before I play my League games, and know which feeding piece of shit to start yelling at in champ select before the game even starts! BUT I DON'T WANT THEM TO HAVE EMOTIONS! I think we Flim Flammed the Zim Zam Irrational anger turns me on. And that's why you need the death penalty. Color me surprised. People lie about everything, I'm sorry to say. he draws a mean red hood I'm guessing he thought the gun wasn't loaded and was trying to call his father's bluff. Rodgers has to outscore them what a scrub College, yes, professional, no. Damn now we calling out fans by their skin color? I am deeply shocked and surprised at this development You'r right. Just more lies from Russia. Everything made in China is also "made by communism^^TM" But a musical *crossover* episode, now that's bound to be good. He gets a rebirth in the future with an attack-all SA I can only presume if we do play in the champions league, that everyone on the team will be dead from so many injuries. Man, what a shitty QB. blame the dole bludgers for not getting out there & creating their own jobs. Shocking And Matt Damon could probably provide an entire country with clean water for life, but that'd require selling one of his mansions. This doesn't sound like it was a scam at all. She....... Left port? Nah he just had a wash ROFL that flick was hella fast and right on his head, probably a panic aimkey moment. I mean, yes...that's what e3 is a basically all about. 7 This is going to take a while. God works in mysterious ways. I'm really surprised he was sentenced. Finally, TBA is definitely the kind of opponent GGG needs to beat to gain mainstream recognition and the undisputed middleweight champion of the world. The Crystal Gems wil be prickled to death by Pericactus! kawhi went ss2 gohan Nice, even more repetitive grindable PvE Content and (Realcash)-cosmetics - Thats just what I wanted! Well that's constructive. Oh look black undersuit Monk: I like all the diversity, as well as the amazing sets. She's still pissed off about the one star. train is at cruising speed and ready for the push to the finish Biased poll, Monmouth is in New Jersey. Take all that noise back to 4chan, and clean up this mess I offer my white zombas Snooze ... "Snooze" ... Coffee. Well they're both addicts, one is just more legal than the other. and every move you make dem mechanix They are seeing red because they know Trump is going to win, and they want to do as much damage as possible on the way out. If he were my dad I would grab a gun and go kill those motherfuckers that shoot him. If a commit commits do they take up a second scholarship? Na man it's cool, they evened it out with that silver 6! Flathead Freddy confirmed. You should be doing at least 10 hours of job searching a day (even if you live in a small town with about 5 different jobs a week and poor transport) - Every UK Jobcentre Advisor. Cause while you were spending 20 minutes this morning figuring out what to wear.. They were making sweet sweet greed kindling. If the daughter had a gun too, this whole thing would have been avoided. White people can never just chill and smoke a regular blunt Sign Phil Jackson! That link currently points to nothing? I'm so glad the ability to annoy your opponents with spam is built into the game This one keepo How does someone have enough energy to be THIS racist? Coming up with original content is hard, so why not repost something that was previously on the front page for thousands of free upvotes? Cool story, I wonder why she unmatched you with such an A+ pun You literally can't fake shit like this. God I fucking hate Comcast. Aye before 'e', except after sea. So...uh I guess there aren't any ultranationalists in charge right? Damn, from normal to psycho without hesitation Not poking through, we sure that's her? As soon as They round all 11 million illegals, start keeping tab on all US muslims and start stoping and frisking all minorities they will reach the highest respect they ever hoped for. Let's give this officer 15 more times to mess up, after the 16th we'll fire him. This is important... Because yeah... I get all my spiritual guidance from the beibster. Not knowing how much of a fuck up work really is, and there is nearly nothing you can do about it Meanwhile with Phantasy Star Online 2.... its been nothing but fucking hurdles. Yea, Tony Soprano could definitely pull that off. Yay Capitalism! We know. Why does she need so much money against a guy who is barely running ads? Right, because it's not the bad things that were done, it's letting the people know what bad things were done to them that's the problem. So basically like any celebrity? Thanks Donald! We can see from their annual voting of the best drivers how good they really are at assessing this stuff Yes a thousand times over opiates Hell to the Fuck no Pfft clearly just the chemtrails leaking! Good thing we (US) send our police to Israel for training! My Banksy tattoo I got when I had an hour to kill Fuck that's the worst thing that could happen ever OMFG YOU SMITED A DRAGON THAT THE OTHER TEAM WAS FIGHTING THAT FUCKING BLOWS MY MIND JESUS YOU SHOULD START A PRO TEAM. Listening to Trump speak kills brain cells. Blaine gabbert Tobacco is actually used in a spiritual sense by some native american communities, so making it outright illegal would fly in the face of religious freedom What's 10 pcs Or, you know, we could use them to fight wars. Saw the facebook requirement and NOPED the fuck out of there. As long they don't feel the need to adjust down the rewards in-game, I really can't care less about those tokens. Now I start to understand why there are conspiracy theories about how the Americans did not land on the moon, while there are no conspiracy theories about how Gagarin has not been in space or the Lunochod has never been on the moon. They deserve that for having those ugly jerseys. Nice try, NASA. I mean, yeah, what's her comfort compared to how good her ass looks to you? Luckily we still have an ample supply of rocks and inmates so I'm sure it will all work out. '7 feet+ only' Totally real These kids are going places in life TIL out of touch = prioritizing things other people want over things *I* want. Evil fire water that just adds to the terrible image of a chain-smoking degenerate who hunts demons. from first I thought it is some kind of console game because low texture resolution I feel like every message after "says you fuck boy chaser" should have sniffles typed into it, hes whining like a child Well, that's relaxing. Well, there was that little-known incident at Columbine. There's nothing better than being woken up by a loud clap of thunder that scares you shitless. Phew Did anyone else never before notice the slight similarities between a halved orange and a vulva? That is such a great advice. You're wearing it wrong :P Hey look it's the silver n green box dunk Looks like Bonnie may have gotten revenge and stole them! TIL Ricky Rubio is trash Why you mad? Ambassador will turn out to be an extremely dangerous job in the t rump peeResidency. I feel the same way about motorcycles. The opening Tidal wave scene from Disney's Atlantis Truth is too much for some. Can someone link me to the scene where Kate Winslet takes off her clothes in this movie. I heard on Facebook that he plans to rule from a cave in Afghanistan. Servers are back up! Nice find! We should kill all religion. WHERE WERE ALL THE SUPPORTERS I WAS PROMISED?! But they are nothing like ISIS. With socialism being the hivemind of reddit it's not too shocking that they don't understand business decisions and basic economics. omg its almost like you guys are toxic, boot, harrass, and make the server overall unenjoyable God is testing him. Lots of people have said that, but it hasn't caught on. Trump is so in tune with the average working american! Wenger Out. The only person I really feel bad for is J0hn, but he had to of known what he was getting in to I don't think this is the original, because this channel posts a bunch of videos that seem to be rehosted from elsewhere, but I can't find the original. Those silly millenials obviously don't understand what they're voting for. who the fuck even actually reads kotaku I circlejerked a post that didn't even exist yet. yoo those are sick where'd you find them? Damn so edgy Did the Bush Administration cause this one too? Children in africa could have eaten the panties! Any idiot who doesn't think we should bring in refugees because they might be terrorists should ask themselves one simple question: If you wanted to go to another country and kill a bunch of people, why would you choose the slowest possible method of getting there? Steak sauce. But no mans sky was crap so this must be as well. I love Ottawa. Looks like dead (or nearly) VRAM... :| We can add Santa, Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy to this list if we insist on telling fairy tales. MT-01? Didn't read title, got triggered by inaudible Swedish language. Just another example of the rampant persecution of Christians in the United States. i think i had something like this weeks ago, but it's fixed now and i usually fixed it myself doing alt-tab once, then returning into the game. See guys, this is proof that it's true... All 3 were powerplay goals Everybody is wrong, it's to distract you from the shame you feel when using public transportation. Chico confirmed This isn't news. Wait.... Actually tho.. Is that.. Not supposed to happen? Not to mention the myriad of negative health aspects that would impact a growing child. When did he commit the crime of having pedophilia? We would dominate the NBA in drives to the rim. A bit of cheeky slipstream from VES on his lap there I'm so triggered. Its only fair for us to give more, not them. That guy has two beers, is very well dressed and is giving some sort of presentation......what's going on here? It says a lot about Islam when it's seriously that easy to "self-radicalize". WOW, amazing news. So are we just going to pretend that Adam's wouldn't have made that exact same pass if Russ didn't steal his board? Yes, let's not sully the taste of hot dogs, the caviar of linked meat pressings, that finest of cuisines, with lowly ketchup. I feel like I've only seen the same 12 wrestlers, with few exceptions like the Dudleys and Sting, on Raw and Smackdown these past few months. It's just the ones where you lose a buy in, right? The CHARGERS Casey Heyward Led The NFL in Interceptions And Got Snubbed For A Toty Card He Has A 79 Gold Card Because regulating morality always works. Because bring "holier than thou" gets you a free pass I guess? When Notch so kindly releases the modding tools for Minecraft, I am almost certain something similar will arise and there will be an endless combination of blocks you can use :D What is the best music to listen to while thinking of Sonic? For fucks sake Try payoff someone else's consumers do not give a fuck about excuses Because no thin person has ever been called ugly. Do it for Harambe My left hand is completely bent. So it wouldnt be fun having 20 drivers going Hammer Time and not wanting to be talked to in the corners? What the fuck OP, it's 2017, they have every fucking right to want to fuck each other. I see some seducing, must be Spy! So reinventing caves now, I knew it, time will repeat itself and we will be the ones huddled in caves, drawing those cave drawings. but Benghazi She seems like fun. Really digging the shirt skirt on the right. No Yay, more VC schemes seeping into modes of the game! Hahahaha. IKR, it sounds positively horrible. I mean, I get the message that we shouldn't teach our kids to focus on looks or to, I dunno, covet certain looks over others... But they totally botched it when they used a hugely obese woman as an example. I am from the future and can tell you that GGG gave Whirling Blades a Searing Bond-level buff and it is now best leveling skill until lvl 70 nothing can even compare. With Donald Trump being largely quiet for the last couple of days, we were beginning to fear that people would forget that republicans hate women. Who is the white man throwing up gang signs? Just finished it, it was boring Only non-consensual sex, correct? Heroes come in all shapes and sizes. Nice, but looks like you are missing Rise of Tiamat as well. I wanna be ginger :( yes then let's blame the girl who gets raped for making the rapists life difficult -.- Not a big fan of Obama but still better than a semi senile war monger as a president and a total nim wit as a vice president. They've come looking for ficki ficki Cadillac Not a bandwagon So, what happens when you spill a drink on it? To let you feel the green enivornment Glad to see that it's working so well Coral looks like "take the picture, I just want to eat my chicken sammich." RECIEPT OR YOU"RE LYING This is the first time I've seen a commercial on reddit. Now they should start human trials here in India. Now.. How can I use that civil forfeiture those activists always whine about to have that tank that activists also whine about.. Hmm.. Nothing wrong with that man. Yeah totally stealing Trump's playbook by using an election slogan and addressing rallies. That David Brooks is quick on the uptake, isn't he? I'd personally prefer it if all this effort went into developing a massive WW2 game. good thing QE came in to solve the problems So you live in Vancouver? They are not, "lower class," they are "financially underserved," shitlord. KHTEX would be better but let's see what Shz can do Why are qualified educated citizens leaving the country! Can confirm, am man Stephen A's comments must have made him change his mind about Chip yeah dude what a god he also got a pretty average airman dt score Where is the Verizon only branding rumor coming from? Because you somehow forgot that MARTA is smarta. Then you're not part of the modern republican party Shrimp Well, to be fair, there are no gays at Liberty University so there's clearly no anti-gay bias on campus, either. Wow, I'm so glad people who don't pay can now play. This is obviously shopped that's nothing compared to Avant OE with Drevas, single-sphered appeared on my friend list yesterday...i should capture screen yesterday :D Clearly we could solve this by making all pedestrians wear hi-viz jackets and helmets I consider this canon Interested to see where I stand against my peers.. I'm expecting T30% And a border with hearts on, because it's all about love. Nah mate this is a buff Solution to what? den who was phone? It's getting fixed. Gangster paintball and HK Army have cool stuff if you're looking for t-shirts, hats, etc Clever Yes reminds me of the time whenever anyone would go against clinton and DWS called up their boss to get them fired YEAH CARPET BOMB THE MIDDLE EAST BABY! Nothing like an online petition to show them just how serious you are. Also let the caster ramble a little XD... too bad we only get Monte and Deficio together for these kind of events. I better vote Hillary because I hear she really works well with the Russians. Probably time to think about lifting the ban on Lawn Darts. Unless it's Leviticus 20:13, then it's meant to be taken literally. Your girlfriend is insanely insecure. damn, gotta sell my gecko now! Needs more Guy Harvey and Costa's That's all you can do if you don't want to pay, I wish Blizz would let us make more then 1 toon at a time, hate having to delete all my toons when i want to play a new one. Once for each month, obviously. I don't think there is any large movement against immigrants, people just want them to do it legally. Why don't I know who that is? Yep, nothing but risotto recipes. The record that RT claims is that Lazer team is the most successfully funded movie, look at the percentages. Please bring Cordileone too. is he actually retarded? One of those brilliant little Razer android boxes that they announced for only $99! HOLY FUCK HES HIGH SPEED HOLY SHIT BRO MAVERICK RIGHT HERE As PC users we don't get that high quality uncompressed ram like the superior console overlords :( Let's not fuck it up this time lads. So can we change it to "Regina, the city that rhymes with murder" now? Pretty sure the internment camps were why we won WWII... Right? Grab your tinfoil has boys and girls, I think he's onto something! Sun Prairie? Ill be an outlier here...I think panty lines are sexy as [insert a sexually charged fantasy here] AI don't possess rank. So the small screen is the 1080p image it upscales from, interesting. Seems like you're all pretty obsessed with Philly. ish, 7 billion US.. not too shabby. Thirst trap Oh thank God I now hate you and everything about your drop My son is 4...I'd kill every cow, pig and chicken in the world if it meant saving his life. The Ashoka chakras are way too detailed to replace the stars. bwahahaha just keep digging that hole deeper Got any more of those frames? Its good to be the king Any of you Czechs know why they don't play Vrana and Pastrnak together? Agreed. Is there any plans to do in game stuff around the anniversary? misogyny There's absolutely nothing misogynistic about saying women are too weak to defend themselves. and paradox is nerfing Prussia, how amusing My peasant girlfriend argued that modding the game "ruins how it was meant to be played" and thinks the devs are perfect in their decisions... even with graphics mods. No, clearly only the Switch has initial issues Cause guitarists make much more than bassists. lolololol drink more bernie kool-aid you ignorant cultist! Sad for no CSA, happy for the Mormons and Cherokee. Nah man thats download only though I want a box We have a place for him. But some random redditor who says he has family in Sweden and visits there on holiday says that Sweden is fine, so CHECKMATE DONALD! But yea, a mini black hole totally sucked up that airplane and absolutely nothing else How gracious of him to give permission. Read the flair guys Booohooo, our TV chef doesn't have giant tits, I hate TV ;-( Seriously? Loled They still can't overturn roe vs Wade until something like that comes up We need to ban dihydrogen monoxide before it kills more people! 6.5 / 10 Typical snowball game Is it because the tires we're so buoyant? I guess we should be listening only to happy music and look at happy art and movies to stay healthy. Wait what :((((( Number 18 is redick I see a lot of the other side, you know, Canadians with vote Obama stickers. I can assure you, i specifically designed those birth control pills to not work on 160 lbs+ people, simply because i just love it when you procreate Well, I feel safer. This just proves that Lear was never a real liberal. Luke Gallows is a cheesy burrito and wrestles like one. That was so unexpected A donut shop always attracts an undesirable element. And we're supposed to believe a bunch of homophobic former communists? All Praise Lord Abbot! Found someone who doesn't have SR. What the world needs is another MUA Youtuber It's even in his profile it's that mm russian mentality Increasing value for members - upgrayyedd now! I'm stoked, but it should've started with SA2 music if you ask me You were outplayed. Rose should be in top 3. good job guys. Technically speaking, Pete Carroll. Yea buzzfeed is a great source for political commentary. So half the time you buy it they just don't put the chicken in? Do I look like a mothafuckin animorph? I'm sorry I thought this was the dota 2 sub, not E! No matter how safe he was, he's out :( ISIS lite. Oh so it's ok then But I thought videogames all turned kids into crazed psycopathic murderers It's the exact reason why men wear suits or wear aftershave or shave - they just want attention from women. Allah is just testing u I saw a theory online about how it is made of stolen nasa parts so it can withstand the heat of his speed, but whether this is canon or not I do not know It would make sense as to all the pieces of what looks like wire wrapped around the armour as it could be to hold it together? That's an awfully Anti-Semitic thing of you to say, Obama He's running the country like a business Omg that's so weird my super fast metabolism went away when I started eating more too! New trend, pass your accounts from generation to generation ^^ God is great! But if a shipping agent? Which really is the best thing to have your school associated with. And egokick sells all of his bitcoin This is good news, but not particularly surprising to those who understand what fracking entails and its associated risks. Gotta love the internet. CUCKQUEAN HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAHAHHAAHA console peasants are asking for a minecraft remake now. Because Easter is a Sunday. Just in time for the heated Hurricanes vs Canucks rivalry that everyone's hyping G2-WHAT G2-8 McMahon might be the right choice; after-all, politics and professional wrestling have a lot in common. Don't forget that even Custer had Indian scouts too. Renault Laguna* WORTH. They should add some kind of grafitti at inferno for the happe dace. Yeah I totally didn't expect that! So not stupid at all? I'm just waiting for them to hit another run, so I can make another post titled "The Toronto Blue Jays have set a new franchise record for runs scored in a 3-game series with their 36th run against the Angels." Soon radiation-charred fish will be a thing. Well it doesn't help when you have absolutely shit play calling and make no adjustments on both sides of the ball. The real question is, how many times will I get banned for bringing this with me online? Why are ALL left-handed people super-smart? OP's mom with sharp chainsaw teeth in her vagina Or maybe you have been playing it late But that's *hetero*sexual harassment, and that's just fine. Because men are awful evil things and little girls are precious. Convenience store is run by cows? voting no cus i dont have one yet You absolutely right, instead let's make posts that complain about other posts. Classic Billy. At 'em boys, Give 'er the gun! Get reddit gold. Gotta git gud Does it distract the cops? Y tho London needs the investment. Yeah but what about Peyton? Rachel fails to realize that CP to Whitney forces her to either betray her side alliance or betray her original alliance. Jeez, this is like a real episode of criminal minds. Yeah he's already a millionaire and its only been a year, he's totally losing his steam Hmm.... Should I invest in rubles? That's how outdoor advertising pop-up ads work. Just like Russia and North Korea wonderful where are my testicles summer? All well and good, until the cartels start selling swank. He was good. HAHA SILLY HARRY CYBERBULLYING DOESNT EXIST GROW A PAIR I'm so sorry that shroud and Stewie ruined your souvenir. It was the American's wot dun it. Top hat. Get rid of them! TIL that climate change and geology are one and the same I read somewhere that it took Hendrix around 8 months to compose that cover because he wanted it to live up to the original I'm surprised. Fantastic bravery and spacial awareness, beautiful. Best part is next week it gets upgraded to a 91 Dak Prescott! I thought that said Stafford and I was like WAAAAAA Just watching that made my blood pressure go up. It's not going to get any better soon Wow I bet this all just to make his image look better, he just always seems so fake I bet he leaked this whole thing out to make himself look good He should be charged or the law should be repealed. they said they were doing a bigger run of devkits recently It has an opening and 2 endings. Side splitters all day long in the this sub! I'll trade you Panarin and Anisimov for Matthews He was alright Respect. There are plenty of Mid-Eastern people in the Mideast. Add a Sanic flair to fix the other flairs. Maybe we can do like Michigan and have mediocre players wear the numbers of all time sports legends? Well that was exciting X Chromosomes. Duh... because serif fonts cost more to print ! they should just move the bridge No not gawker! Just paint it red, every Ork knows that the red ones go faster IT'S ALL ISRAELS FAULT His dad joke game is levels above most - his kids don't stand a chance against it. that's racist Where is her nose? WAAAAAH NO NEW GUNS OR RUSSIA MAP OR VEHICLES Hes just saving for the next 10 buybacks Thats so damm true cbble case HYPE I read a comment (not sure if they were serious or not) that said their agent was actually planning on moving the show to The Zoo. Interesting how the phrasing changed since he posted it ;) I hope he makes some future bass on Bitbird. I wonder if these are going to be used so they can have the charging equipment on their robots. I want this and I will vote FOR it. I fail to see how the color of this guy's skin is relevant. When I'm hanging out with them I'm very thankful for the raw feeds, but I'm also thankful for the mute button. Anything ending in "Kardashian" No. Cute but miss thang needs to get a white wall Go home, Lebron. But... But... But my morals! Tbh I liked the guy but now with all these vids exposing him, I think that I'm gonna unsub! Message changed to "we are currently on maintainamce" now Bad players overreact As we're all aware, no means yes. Meh. If you aren't willing to calmy debate your views without throwing a tantrum or assaulting the other person, then you already lost and maybe politics maybe isn't your thing. obviously hes doing well now he can't pitch in the playoffs though! Yeah, Leviticus is filled with all kinds of wise words. aye survd mah contre Especially compared to Wisconsin you have your sight too close, move it to the end of the receiver. Gotta make sure they put an asterisk on his dog chain! I've had that a LOT since the I/E update. Good riddance. But, but... Where is my hell planet with volcanoes, tornadoes and lava sharks all over the place? Should be: Goes off alone while half the team is dying like lemmings at farm I bet he's still all for Russian hooker leaks. Only a Sith deals in absolutes. C'mon Sonic Boom 3! Happens every damn time mate. 120FPS only shows as 60FPS due to YouTube only allowing you to record in 60FPS or below. Goal of being a top 3 public research institution doesn't do it for you? Really good thing you got those two employees if you're pumping out such high production value quality videos like this one. Seems like a nice place Fuck yeah I love this city! How about a video to show the animation? Yes, Trump is notorious for taking no heed of any criticism of him Fly me to the moon, let me play among the stars. Just until we figure out what's going on ;) I mean the rating is M, so they're waiting as everyone knows they should. Pretty sure that's Jessica chastain Repetitive fire hydrant and trash can placing confirmed. That is one amazing troll. Or maybe it was April Fools? Someone throw an Iphone with it and record how high it goes to break the record. lol he still mad There stocking these cans all over LA which is weird because I thought they'd be doing the lamb ones. Got a question ... was the game really so fucking hard as I remember it, or was I just bad at this game? Never played night golf before? Try 9 weeks + 1 day Meh. Whipped cream makes everything classy Because infants should be pulling themselves up by their own, poopy bootstraps, of course! Is Brian Marchment giving hitting tutorials now? Thanks dude just got 1 for 400 coins on open bid. i is slowlee loozing bran sells but i hop u got ur num cruncher inv So fetch bud. Some guides are exclusive to the vendor who is selling them mostly guides about scamming and fraud related stuff. yea, this day and age She's a woman, duuuhhhh. Waiting for the obligatory "at least she has good/bad trigger discipline" comment. I'm tired of all these review in progresses from IGN with FC4 it took 3 days with the PS4 it took a whole year just post it when it's ready! Look quickly on the cameras from time to time, you don't necessarily have to check Pirate Cove, just look out for Bonnie and Chica normally Losing 50-100 players each day This is on steam so who knows the number on mobile phones and if their number is growing or losing You cant say the game is dying just because one platform is doing bad then the other which you have no info on Its a Windows sub, what do you expect? Sure looks like an IT guy's carry to me. Man he shouldn't have been wearing that shirt, didn't he know he'd be asking for it wearing that? What the hell was that at the end No one will see this but what does same sex marriage should be just law.... I am not saying churches have to marry people but the LAW needs to be on board ahh yes, political backpeddling transends all languages and governments. This video contains content from National Hockey League, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds. Yet another example of the NHL's blatant attempt to further the Islander's playoff run. Congratulations on your $550 Zimbabwe dollars. ...why not just call for the disbanding of the TSA all together? tf2 is dead kek The buttrustling is strong in this thread Anthony Davis for Parker, Giannis, and Monroe... Who says no? It's not hard to hack a potato in half. Thank you for the gripping tale, please keep us updated You could have got a free Argo package ! Meh If this actually happened why isn't it mentioned in the bible? It's good that you stopped It's bad that you started in the first place. He looks like Chucky. Nice Inthawk team I thought "a SICK note" like "damn that calligraphy is SIIICK" I love how the republicans are all about less government, unless it involves women or gays or blacks or Muslims. The loud, obnoxious, winded lady's suggestion of pulling the fire alarms and getting the guests to rush out is a brilliant strategy. Reading the whole article it gives me the idea that he's more against the decision making process from the FIA than against some teams now not voting to go to an alternative format. trade your currency for higher currency? Lol this was tagged as roster moves Do we have a subject line tag for "[May Induce Vomiting]"? Almost everything is toxic of you breathe/drink/eat enough of it, including oxygen. See a good guy with a gun stopped a bad guy with a gun . Fucking cameraman saying to shoot the dog, I'd go to his house and tell him off too. White people, am I right? The more I see from south Korea, the more it seems like a really rad place. That sounds like a LOTR name! Obviously another sign that WotC hates commander and will do nothing to support it! a lot of you guys are going to be upset when you see it. working a full day wow PogChamp Safe to do this in Deccan Plateau, Western/Eastern Ghats and Eastern/Western Coastal Plains though. Clearly, you have to execute these individuals, as this severely limits their ability to reproduce... OH SHIT ...I may need to go change. Vandiril didn't think of this! I hear his sister is a bitch! MINT FUCKING SNAPPLE IT WAS THE BEST SHIT ON EARTH Are you sure this wasn't supposed to be in circlejerk? FUCKING RACISTS Mike O'Hearn Jesus Christ that looks uncomfortable. Play in front of mirror? Way to plant, Egg. he also said today: "i used to take 40 buses to the gym, now i take my 40 buses to get to the gym" spitting fire like a legend At least it prevents camping so we're gonna do this again huh So you believe in God? **RETURN OF THE koth_viaduct CHECKERS** Well good for them! Scott ate SL I'm sure that since Silver's charges are a lot worse than "Bridgegate" we will see much more news coverage. Women are only allowed to sound like children or breathy seductresses, preferably both. That cut to Elige lol Also at 3:11, fnx with two phones, one is his regular phone and the other is the one he uses to inject his cheats soccer* Lyte should be banned, 1 salty taffy So, Americans are more likely to have diabetes than they are to vote? TO BE FAIR... we should probably find out what kind of sticky-icky he's smoking before we just JUMP TO CONCLUSIONS that he MS Painted. Yeah, that's not an exaggeration or anything. Thanks DGCA for putting the Consumer interest before everything. [](#lookonhisface) My favorite is this precious man. Is Paul Ryan the first Speaker of the House to serve Trichinella with tax cuts? Hes shit anyway Congratulations to the winner of DH Summer 2014, Rdu! How do you not see that when you're preparing it? Great OC OP, really like your commentary in the Imgur album. Arab journalist, nothing to see here, move along. Worst video player NA Then he'll complain about not receiving orders. As listed by the whitest fucking person you can find (just look at his twitter, seriously, what is it with these fucking idiots). Hopefully he gets playing time So idyllic an not at all like promotional materials for condos that never materialize the way they're presented. and yet he played along. but how can a twelve year old kid play a game rated M? She had such success at HP I hope they can find GDS tomorrow after that Put it in between a hotdog bun and offer it to ladies it's about the only falsehood in the church where they actually admit "it wasn't really so..." I'm sure congress will have as many investigations as they did over Benghazzi. I DON'T WANT TO KNOW! I bet you could make twelve teddy bears out of that. Too bad there's no way for developers to port nougat over to them I always get my information from random signs in subways. Cuomo will solve all of New York's problems. God forbid court proceedings have transparency. That moment you notice Butlands the only white guy but you can't think of a witty comment. As I've said, it's doing the electric slide. Come on guys, it's only been **4 months** since they started these Russian accusations, we should give them more time to find some evidence. Coulda just been some dumb kids trolling, coulda been real KKK. m30x? Perfect- Simple Plan women only think about that obvsly ARE YOU FUCKING READY MATO Congrats and happy birthday! I shouldn't be surprised that I had to scroll this far down to find someone who understands what he *meant*. I like how Louisiana is just gone NBC already did that for them. Are you talking about the US or Dubai? I posted in that comment section about it, I wrote it as dit red so hopefully it will sit there for a while before it gets removed. Inb4 #animalabuse The FAA should have listened to Mythbusters a few years back. To find out if your temps are ok just put a pot of water on your mother board, if it boils then it's probably not ok. this made me geek out how does this get through the system I don't even think its a 1 is an I Rockholds BJJ is so unbelievable. Oh yea he she totally makes sense here Tastes like burning. Yeah i saw puckett jump in the booth as the half was ending to let them know. Just noted in an other post that apparently Skorpion Pass will also be released alongside the OP on Xbox, looking forward to it. I think I woke up everyone... laughing so hard. Good thing his trebuchet jammed. That means you are an entitled woman-hater I play video games to feel like i'm actually playing a video game! this may be our only hope I know I am. Because I think my opinion is more valid than yours. When you put on the thick framed prescription glasses, you tend to see everything as racist. Yeah, cuz that sends a good message. I would probably care a lot more if it didn't involve Milo, yes free speech is important but the only reason it is posted here is because of Milo and i just can't stand him and how he and his peers has changed GG through association. So PRO! Can't be very expensive, the bottom has fallen off. With adidas pants! **PTSD not included* Looks like one of the faggots I punched (in self-defense, of course, goy) in DC. Who needs to go buy knives anyway? that...That's batman? In a Hollywood stage, down by the valley. Taylor Swift 100% accurate as always! Serious question: Is this actually illegal? Clearly tripped into the goalie, as usual. The title of this link is a terrible, TERRIBLE application of the broken window fallacy. I'm guessing that op got a hell of a deal on these through a Facebook post? I don't understand the love affair Great he died in softcore, so what Yay, these posts are always so hilarious and original! Glad to see some progress i don't cry i sweat out my eyes probably like once every 2 months or more Another few and they'll impeach him for sure. This commissioner has her hand deep into someone's pockets. this was funny LOl Heretic! Yeah, remove the valor shirt Seems awfully convenient that the camera was able to capture the entirety of that. enough BSBs for you, your ancestors, and your cow! Welcome to the internet But but xbox has the cloud to make it the best gaming system I never invaded Poland You lucky shit. This just in: James Woods doesn't understand the 1st amendment. Insert obligatory "that's racist and hurt my fee fees take it down" comment No shit, we burned all the witches so theres no proof. But think of the children. $2.75 in Austin. Its just so fun to build the biggest most inefficient rocket possible when you could get by with a fraction of the weight/thrust That must explain the sudden drop in prices! Fuck you for not being ok with someone thrusting their genitals at you It's fashun, read about it in a book. Did you win? Damned if you do, damned if you don't. People should read less news and learn more history because crusades and Christianity are the most relevant discussion topics now. France 1650s. Rainbows would play a big part in FNAF World. Sp-Sp-Sp-Sp-SPOOKY! Wow thanks I totally missed that Yes, they let the entire climax of the series be released in a grainy press photo. Classy it's cool, it's cool, it'll just be a giant pox party I'm a dog person, but kitten tails are the cutest fucking things. I love my country and I hate the rest such an important miss that I feel bad for him Red as communism **Kobe -1...** Passive aggressive text message Look's like it was harvested too early. And commercial nuclear fusion power plants, too! Super Mario Odyssey Does this extend to other primates, like, say, politicians? all that snow makes me think this lake is kind of cold, but the people don't seem to mind No love for xxxx? slept on Horrible glitch aside, why didn't you just knife him in the bushes? At a distance on lower texture quality you can see wall hit boxes. That is why the top 20 are so spots in challenger always have 15-18 ADC mains in it right? Yeah everyone thinks he's COY 3-5 at any time lol fuckin' geopolitics, how do they work? Its not the game's fault OP, you just suck at defending This is why we need Villa, we need someone to go deep. Is this the type of "character" that neighborhoods lose when they're gentrified? this is why i make my family sign one-time setup contracts I don't think this is funny one bit. Mildly sad \#blackdrivesmatter Probably going to be taken down. TIL white men are republican. Why would you want an educated and healthy society when these Mexicans are stealing out tax dollars? The Norwegians owe America though, if it wasn't for them they'd be soaking German! Yeah, who are we to make fun of Top Minds? Of all the groups/people that have called for the Chicago mayor to step down I'm sure he'll suddenly listen to the gun rights group serving corporation sentences. Now, I know you're all excited just like me for Evelynn to be viable and for the next week following the rework to have at least one in every game, but let's be patient for this. Wow, never seen that title used for a post in this sub. But America has always had Indians! This would carry more weight if he could link to a theological study on this...or a blog post at least. I don't know, that seems pretty cool. nice china blob Not playing the damn objective! What if we have an experiment where he bleeds for five days and see who survives by the end. Sony and Microsoft forgot the comma, it's 10,80p Totally what a gay guy would say! we need kynan gamma labs on this case Which is why the largest polluters are governments But it was the other guy's joke! Sorry, I only like living people, Michael, sorry Drunk idiot falls asleep in possibly the worst place imaginable. Now they just need to add an easy-mode and raids will finally be casual friendly! Well the first mistake you made was playing hardcore. yeh almost all DH events are awesome, i remember the last DH major was Cluj'15, timing was terrible and the location wasnt exactly the best but everything else was spot on. Why are you using a mouse on your smartphone? Well if cut the funding to dole scroungers, cripples and freeloading pensioners, we can properly fund our intelligence services...... -TM (probably) dear god Wooo... Free energy source in my house, I'll ask a geothermal expert for the best way to harness it censoring the press eh I'm sure that'll put an end to it. Just saw the comments in the old post with more screenshots and holy shit that guy has problems. ooooh, i wonder how much money he would've thrown at it if it really was a crisis? Everyone deserves compassion... what a terrible, evil, hateful sentiment to express. It's people like you. fuck rich people I love a good ol' cherry picking. If you have time to spell it out, it's really not that critical. Perriman's hype video was better! Burn the land and boil the sea, You can't take the fjords from me What do you mean by "word of God", or "infallible"? TORTURE RACK! This would only be accurate if all the men were white and were obsessed with the culture of the 1950's. Maybe he should follow Mago's lead and switch to Yang You can pee in a bottle with relative ease. Persian weapons of mass destruction *found*, motherfuckers! Yeah, I'll get all my Iron Maiden history from official sources too. Hey now, homeopathy can successfully treat dehydration. comes with Zika and multi resist coli bacteria preinstalled ? Man, I can't wait for the midseason shitposting to be over. That's just filthy. meh Ayy tha wut I says 2 ur mum 1 in 100,00 Cause I smash pussy Reddit, Imgur, Habitica. But at least they've kept the mini up to date for everyone who wants to Bring Their Own Monitor(s) to OS X Na Rodgers You couldn't see it but she had a game controller in her hands Only 309? He gets arrested for receiving it? Be like ZeroFlame! Satire Ah, the Bartolo Colon. I read it in 8th grade English get with the times Pretty sure Al Gore is the father of the internet. Lock him up and let us forget this peice of shit even exists What about HL3 ? Damn I would love to burn something. Me revienta cuando ponen comas, en lugares que no van. You're totally right! And this is how the US goes to War with Canada. Not enough lrms Repo Men with Jude Law and Forest Whitaker SPOILERS: [The whole movie ends halfway when Jude Law gets his head caved in by Forest Whitaker and a heavy piece of metal, everything from then on is just dreamed up Jude Law after he gets put into a machine to keep his brain dead ass alive] That's the American History professor at Columbia University Tank design doesn't have much play Wie zag dat aankomen Coach K-Cl Childish Gambino Obviously true, the guys innocent, time to put away the torches and pitchforks Look at how the dirty commies oppress these people! With some of these schools i think it may be more of a case of which school has better control over the local cops. ISIS karega kashmirio ka uddhar Only good thing to come out of the event What I don't get is how/why is the "federal" reserve answerable to no-one and seemingly above any law? Really now, do they think the family will be able to pay all that? good luck getting your prenup enforced Not really Labor's colour, it's maroon. Because Obama ruined this country Yeh, Australia acidified the entire ocean.... Mmmm, yeah, my first year of university is going to be great It must been Fake, since you still have refunds left with lvl 30 To be fair, so does the Lithuanians.. maybe they just fully integrated? Beautiful! FNAC3 releases in 2018 useful idiots Watch minato be the only one who can hit the forehead Never using Cubicle again ... filling out surveys, I always get free offers. Why does the border smoothness in Europe differ from the rest of the World? Utterly frightening how blind and empathyless to men you'd have to be to create and print this with a straight face. I didn't see any fucking white males though, so I'm good with it. Finally, an anti-bird stance I can get behind. FUKC FUCK FUCK FUCK HURRY UP INFINITY WARD Where do I get one of those fabulous striped t-shirts? unbelievable - i would be nuts if i was that guy L0Loo0l ur dik is prob ded small 2 fag. Supply drops The comedy queens pretty much sent themselves home... With all these traditional cures that existed for millennia before Big Pharma came along, it's amazing that *anyone* back then died at all. It works if you use internet explorer. People in Oklahoma are really good at using roundabouts. He's tryin'ta steal me Lucky Charms! Fox News: Obama assaults 4-year-old boy MSNBC: Obama changes 4-year-old's life forever with single, heartfelt gesture CNN: Obama fistbumps 4-year-old boy, did they just figure out where the missing plane is? So brave. things turned out well for the pals in gaza after they lost their good paying jobs from the israeli settler employers who left 10 years ago... right? 50% chance it either does or doesn't happen. Go compare the hashing power of the networks and tell me which is more secure. Trump grabbed that p***y. Kirk Cameron? It's Australian dollars though so I'm sure it's normal price, right? Hurry America, go in and liberate the country with a war! Alright, who told. Hopefully Trump can convince Abe that globalism is not the way. Damn this looks really good on my phone in 240p The scant details in the article suggest that this is a preliminary stay, not a merits ruling. I guess it's Story time. bumbo and then take joker for brim What makes me proud is that not only we have the video makers, we have some wonderful people on the subreddit to support the MindCrackers, give us a laugh, and help with suggestions. About all I got out of that is that the bar for what is considered art has been significantly lowered. Anyone know the lyrics to that song? I'm not biased... it's the damn lefties who are biased Dark and fat Taylor Swift? I play iPad games like this sometimes to make it more challenging. Never heard this one before She was on to something, so close to winning people over until that A-hole said something. Sounds like you'll be getting it in the end alright At least for gaming videos, but there's a whole wealth of original content that has all the proper grounds to be on there. Reported for being too real. Kid has severe autism. I was always amazed at how women can hate the small things instead of being happy for the big things. Wait, then what were your tools in...? poor scream ;-; Yeah fuck poor people Don't force me to be an extra in more movies bro, let's talk soon ye? I thought we already had that Harry Potter template for unfunny rape jokes. ...that wasn't added kenny has a red shirt now... **I M P O S T E R** I don't know... judging by the twitter thumbnail he looks much older than 17 apparently bigotry against homosexuals is over, they've "gotten almost everything they want" lol. If that doesn't say left-wing terrorist, I don't know what does. Profession - chacha hamare vidhayak hain Pay - no we don't pay for things Happiness - bas ek sanam chahiye aashiqui ke liye. Good job mum 2/10 missed the hook at the end How close minded to force the gay guy to be the secretary Oh look, a topic where everyone is an expert. Hemric Dont lie, Cabrakan cant Support Animals. Meanwhile in the Hot Topic I went to whilst in New York three shirts were of sloths dabbing in various art styles So I think I won out here Russia is a real place on earth. Awesome, was it APL? That's shity.. I love college my internet is about 3 times faster than the fastest internet possible in my hick town. It's akin to reality: schools dgaf about your opinions Are these the keys from Alien: Isolation? But thats ok, because NRA. (That's not from the Force Awakens...) There will still be shootings whether guns are legal or not. I like everything but country and (c)rap. Here comes the WW3. Those seats aren't the most sanitary. And a runny nose is not a cold. Repost... But this is so wonderful I'm going to upvote again It's Deadpool. So... where does Decoy Octopus fit into all of this? That was unexpected If Mad Max was real life, and this person was one of the women, I wouldnt of saved her either. I was able to build 1 for free than i did the trade But I have a Mac! I believe her. Any one that makes that much of a deal of it is probably dealing with with their own sexuality Saving Private Ryan - I would change the cast and the plot. I am glad they picked a good actor over someone who just happens to look like Jobs. Simple: Follow western standards and be treated like a barbarian if you don't What brave heroes :') Then they wouldn't have a job :( Something like a 30 million dollar yacht, nothing too much. Alam ko na kung sinong pwede kong marecruit sa mlm Damn Launders Have a fatter wallet Officer Dutton is guilty of child endangerment. How does one have .9 of a cent? Hey man, M$ only scans manga they love! Nice response, I have to say I feel quite sad for 2XC with the whole default thing, I've heard a lot of people complain they don't feel safe there anymore and this is why. I think this is less straight up upbringing and more "have they actually worked a job at minimum wage." I'm just going to extend this circlejerk arc to a full circle: because there are dipshits in the comments section of the NPR site, NPR handled the Juan Williams situation perfectly. Xanax and a glass of wine. fucking hipster Good luck with that. Haha, and he beelines straight for the fellow socialist. My reaction to Christopher Lee dying. the life of playing an outclassed melee dps spec Had to check ScottGames to confirm whether this was real or not I like the father and agree, anything that's even remotely dumbass should be removed from the internet. I just had to check and make sure my mother wasn't in the New York Times. The officer obv needed to step on the guys back while handcuffing him because he was resisting arrest. Come on now guys, I think you meant to say: "Would Bang, Would not Date." *That guy* incoming Why does stunning Yaka come up like that and how detrimental is it? Who keeps that in their car, lmao Living in the south has made this week really interesting. They are scared to release it maybe? Chyld fr33 4 lyf3 Was she playing Black Widow? You should sue them Thanks Obama. Don't take it too seriously ahhh the ol democrat double down , it's worked so far Fake tans. F***ing finally :D She's just another uninformed bernie bro. A perfect microcosm of the Obama dynamic. Because it's a peer reviewed research paper What ever happened to the good ol days of forcing your beliefs and tastes on everyone. You could live down there and no one would ever know. But... but... Claytano said she is the third worst nat 5! So why didn't they just taze him guys? Probably need to suck one off to get their attention first. So.. we have Motorola to thank for the iPhone.. Thanks Moto! Nickelback. Also precision airstrikes on top hezbollah members but they had it coming. Lol at the hair cum swing Probably JROTC. First positive link I've read in a good 24 hours. Studies show that drinking three cups of coffee increases your risk of self inflicted gun shot wounds by 82% It's a girl with a beard I use philosophy to prove they don't exist, failing that I punch them in the face. Yeah right, too bad we only see him in the background of the second picture Watch your micro-aggressions African slum, you're committing cultural appropriation Maybe it's because of those $1 condos in the millennium tower? I think the media should take a hard look at why a **man** is **so interested** in these six children. only true yankees fans should be able to cop This tease is good and all, but how will it affect D.Va? Does this mean I'm a defener if I love Tera Melos and Giraffes Giraffes shit's spontaneous yo Does anyone know if the 5x points work on Marriott properties booked through 3rd party vendors? yeah, we need more odpixel and sheever posts. Applying for a job at the Guantanamo Bay Interrogation facility, are we? Its a statement : "Look Vidal, we can take care of your knee" No, the connector is blue so it must be a USB 3.0 cable. Rowlett's mid-evolution is adorable. The IRS where your privacy is respected. So what you're saying is... people should stick to their own races? Darn good cosplay... wish there was more even if trump were crusading against every homosexual in the world, he'd still be a better president than a lying, e-mail deleting cronny TIL that Jackie Robinson's 42 is also retired by the entire MLB. And absolutely nobody was surprised. Eh, this is what you signed up for. what the fuck is this fox doing probably caused by someone taking pics while driving In case Russia needs more buffer zones I would like to see the correlation between this graph and the avocado consumption graph. Obviously the APU is sooooo much better than the CPU itself..... Mobile processors are so much more 1337 than desktop processors! Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet Hmm...I wonder if this means cheaper gas for us or more profits for them? its* and who specifically are these terrorists? *cock and ball Platitudini. I can see how they are sisters 31 seconds long please remove But how will I get my karma? Sounds like console propaganda. Yeah, what kind of asshole would ruin a clever surplus-dog-population-reduction scheme by telling everyone about it? It may be because of very high wind coming from outside, pushing on the doors really hard. Yeah and have him always be able to ult corki because heS FLYING LELELELEL AND VELKOZ AND ANIVIA XDDD NO SHITPOST GUYS IT'S MINDGAMES I have all of them brand new specs! Good work guys this will sure teach Valve a lesson Hey, those pants on the one kid are mad trendy, though. This Me guy/gal sure is making a lot of wallpapers lately. Calling racism on that title Well discrimination against gays is okay because they choose to be gay, but discrimination against someone due to their religion is wrong because your religion is an innate trait like sex or skin color. Hot in both This thread is great proof that without Jesus as your savior you all have no reason to live. Funny how there's probably some small group of hackers out there who have been using this for a long time. and the online circlejerk of hysteria by bored teenagers and twenty-somethings continues on ad-infinitum since the beginning of time. This should help them a great deal with convincing the public of their cause. This joke never gets old Can someone ELI5 who this guy is and what it means if his videos are all privated? 11 pigs, 4 goats, 3 lambs, and a cow You clearly haven't been following AthleticAlchemy on YouTube then. I want one! The free market will sort it out. As a man, I have the right to be regarded as a good guy without the burden of having to actually *act* like a good guy. Bloodforge doing bloodforge things lol probabilmente quella classifica considera i padroncini dat bassist tho So thats why he runs so slow I'm sure everyone knew you were just doing it ironically. start shipping the Gods with each other Yeah man it really blows to have have him on the team Is this Chile flag in there? Makes it a deader. Na its totally chill, we wouldn't react at all These reporters are going to get arrested for quoting what the kid said. Well, at least there's no chance you guys will be enemies. Poor lighting smh Yeah, because the right wing is so upset Trump won. No, but I wish it did. Fucking filthy This isnt satire this is disgusting and disrespectful. i'm a brony and i like the video... i don't know why some other bronies dislike this... have some sense of humor... Yeah, 4 guys who at this point are probably as good at combat as high ranking special forces armed to the fucking teeth and in heavy armor is totally necessary for bashing up a few stores The French government are chock full of traitors, plain and simple. Wow, that seems awesome! Not hating on it, but i'll never get Jagex's deal with making all the "non-achievement" stuff like this look so cool, yet actual game content is lacking. That's not at all what he said, OP. But by that logic, Shane Doan, Patrick Marleau, Vincent Lecavalier, Marian Hossa and Patrik Elias all belong in the top 100 too. You're right D: The Mcree is the back Neo-Nazis have a right to freedom of speech, too. George Weah signed way before that! As a blond, white male with a physics degree, I feel discriminated against by this picture. This is the least logical and rational thing I've ever read. Why don't we just go on all those working sites for free gems if the rewards are so lame? Just ol' Mitt shakin' that Etch-a-Sketch and you think they might know a bit about security Technically, by the rule book, flops should be called as fouls on the player that flops. Dick That guy wins at Tumblr Ban all trucks! Note to everyone: Please Stop moving to Oregon, and Washington state. doesn't matter got sovereignty back When I grow up and have daughters, I can't wait to raise them poorly enough so that I have to monitor every facet of their life. Vaccines? Like normal, the Officer is stealing the enlisted man's glory We can ddos so we are cool. Bob Ellis is smoking crack it seems. Oh, but Israel is so undeniably peaceful YOZA EST 99 PURANGI 647 CLIQUE BP HARD ALL FUCKEN DAY 647 IN YO MOUF FUK DA REST WE DA BEST PC gaming is dead Or that people believe Clinton was even a little bit better. I'm so hyped for JT Somewhere near Sapa? I'm so happy I struck out. I have no strong feelings one way or the other! GOAT Timberwolf tbh We have developed a physical resistance to irony, think its something in the water I saw someone else say it but I think the only reason The Rock had a "match" was because they no longer wanted Daniel Bryan to have the shortest WM match. Swansea comes to mind, I always want to see them do well for some reason. But Trump won the Nevada primary by a lot! Number 1: your boyfriend uses the "Girlfriend Activation System". Maybe the skill won't be botted to fuck if it no longer holds any value Making a fat doughnut muncher break into a jog is now a capital crime. It could buy a lot of bling Yes : jews and muslims. Just freeze yourself and get some idiot to unfreeze you when it releases i'm sure you won't end up in the far future. Aim for the stars kid I would give gold to you if I had money to spare. Everyone knows you're supposed to close the trunk lid KDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Very cool. It's called being original... where's your sense of creativity op. Prohibition always works, amirite? Didn't read, to much mansplaining. Oi, Oi, Oi! This came from a player that misses almost every shot he takes and that is a lot. Nobody saw that coming the cringe is strong with this one Nonsense, that was Abraham Lincoln! Why is it always Allos? *Sigh* Time for another updated list. Or maybe it's because old medical/psychiatric practices at asylums were barbaric and can lead to the idea of vengeful spirits hanging around. What a wonderful way to comfort grieving parents with that passionate love and care the church is so famous for. 'Critics pound auto manufacturer after dispute that vehicles don't run on gasoline, but "gremlin farts"' 'Critics pound FDA over statement that calories don't exist, more french fries at 11' 'Critics pound heavyweight boxer over statements condemning violence in sports' 'Critics pound literature professor for saying all books are the same, and boring' 'Critics pound Agriculture head over statement that Gatorade is all plants need' NDP attack on farmers continues! Crisp clean wallhack bois The rich keep getting richer! Looks cool, but not practical. Damn, that was so polite he must be from Canada. I'd rather draft a punter at 6 than another Dline Actually it's the right wing and religious parties that should take the blame for being overly belligerent towards the west. offtopic, that thing clearly has more than 2 wheels and hence is not a bicycle Samuel Pepys was a lazy, uneducated fuck for writing in shorthand. If you read the article you may note that they are a 50% income tax on children ages 3-12. Look at his grammar, he must be black! Hey, he should have been grateful his mom was asking him to do domestic labour, that's pretty much as womanly an activity as possible, right? Do Core Rulebooks count? Ask if a card's artist would be willing to put a sketch on it. Reasons Maybe he's being strategic, if his people can kill off a few Hillary voters before November he may stand a better chance. But why? Pete Carroll should have kept his mouth shut wow it's so empty What are you a damm commie or something? They're also 463% more likely to respond to penis enlargement spam. And can you imagine that is just their floor model, I wonder what the Sports package comes with New Mobi etiquette tip: Place paper helmet liner over seat after parking, as semi effective birdshit shield. The gym Video games (LoL in particular) If it's by LJN you *know* it's good! We will rebuild. That guy is really butthurt that he doesn't get more likes on his pictures. Wow Prohibited in *3, 2, 1...* FS: Good memes 10/10 BIN:Deactivate your account And absolutely NONE of it is Obama's fault! With his extensive background in law, we should hold his views on science as gospel. Yep definitely not a troll Job creators should have the freedom not to pay their employes if their they are not worth the overtime. Hitpoints Besides, it's JUST a "theory," like evolution, so it's obviously not true. Holy fuck, everything is falling down. Sounds like you need *more* government, right conservatives? My guess is they've struck a deal to make the exhibition game(s) at Olympic Stadium an annual event, or at least until Montreal gets a team again. Seriously it doesn't need a nerf people just need to actually shoot it, its weak Why would we trade anyone before the trade deadline? M'lady i must say thats a fat pussy F It's always safe to let children play with matches. If you cover half of the image it looks like he is smiling. I wonder if Mr Novel will require... a skin graft Not the younglings! I find that number a little hard to believe Media just trying to distract everyone from the Tianjin explosion. Did anyone think otherwise? But sex is evil and wrong and no one should ever do it! I'd save for Riruka/Rukia/Renji at the end of the month, they're all very good Someone should have the dog read this to me because my attention span said *Fuck this* as soon as I saw how long it was. They seemed like an interesting idea, but their selection sucks. Yeah, but like, VR will never be mainstream. Later on, he did a line of blow off her ass Well what I thought we'd do is commit serious legal acts against lawyers. Please tell me you reported them but I thought brevity is the soul of wit ? EVERY conservative agenda in the English speaking world begins with a healthy dose of OBEY. Kudos for trying to do something about the most stupidest day of the year. Une explication sur ce titre ? Awesome, I'm gonna be there in a couple weeks Yea what a thug I'm not a Hillary supporter, but I'm fairly certain that those voting for her simply because she's a woman is not a majority in her supporters. Huhi even tilts his own teammates on azir 2014 was definitely an enlightening time for reddit I don't think I can go on. Wtf? I'm just shocked that a self-appointed "holy" man with no evidence to support his snake oil scam would be so dishonest! Thanks for updating us on your division, knowing what tier everyone was wasn't enough already. I do love clickbait What a great title :) Nice try, serial rapist. Chou hal bhim This isn't what we meant when we said we wanted the tyres to last longer, Pirelli Blame China. Cthulhu is returning, he wanted to be the first to be eaten. Cringe flair Because it worked so well in Zimbabwe. You don't know what it's like because you don't have a kid Yay, a picture of blueberries! working as intended. Lol what a scrub, Wilt did it in one game Tell your friend to cap it Excuses from authoritarian wannabes. Well luckily with Hillary's commitment to strengthen the federal prohibition of marijuana, soon they'll be able to use Harrier jump jets for this sort of thing instead! Dota 2 fine we didnt want him anyways 'In a completely unrelated the US has agreed to a new arms deal with Saudi Arabia...' The Paris agreement is already working! I guess this is the "Better than x-realm" feature they promised. Yeah lets forget about how shitty of a president he was, he's a nice guy now! Astralis must be in a world of regret right now. these are obviously lies from the lame stream media. Absolutely haram! Get ready for Anderson Silva vs Conor McGregor at catchweight this year Sounds like he was whispering into the mic so his parents wouldn't hear tsk tsk tsk,internalized opression bro ice is just having a good time its not like hes trying to win 10k, stop trying to act like a hero on reddit you fucking basement dweller this made me splooge Well, there should be a special place in hell for these women. Because most Muslims are hell raising terrorists, good on em. Can I send photos of my tits to people to check to see if I'm right for sex pics? Sadly, there are people out there who think his weight loss journey is completely fake because there are no photographs circulating from when he was overweight. I got this yesterday also and took a screenshot. Woosh No way man, this is reddit winning! No dude, obviously all eldar is OP, this is why my list containing only storm guardians, rangers and spiritseers to lead them is winning me every game. The boot is firmly on the other foot (or hand) for Ashley Williams Monkey figured out he was being exploited and condescended upon. There are no rebels left. That's one heavy necklace! People have the right to defend their airspace. Fuck you, EA apologist. Seems legit. Why should Australia use solar power when they have so much coal? But there is so much less to talk about that way. Trump has a lot of leverage given the 43% unemployment rate. I have the exact opposite opinion Shucks, why isn't he calling for impeachment of the President? FLO - Fat Liberation Organization led by Yesiam Arafat I wanna think that ninetendo is a typo but it works even if its not. Capped delts + visible increase in trapezius + 3d photoshop look + pants replacement = Clearly on the juice What about the 51 other genders? This is misleading, as everyone in the UK drinks (dirty, dirty) cider, and everyone in France drinks wine! One is Canadian, sorry. Silly women, it's not even February yet. At what point do we stop playing minecraft and start playing with the Skyrim environment builder? Because racism only works one way, you silly goose. News comes from other twitters? Damn, I was hoping this was an article about guillotines. Nice blatantly neo-nazi source and throwaway account you piece of shit. adult coloring books have definitely changed the game RMA GPU But Angle vs Joe was so good, guys seriously dude..did you fall down and bump your head -HARD- recently? Where's Crucifixions guy when we need him? no he's talking like real Mexican places like taco johns No, you aren't. Because before that Dyrus said that Regi told him to suicide which is passive aggresive, Regi has been a dick in the past but this isn't one of those times. Are they not hacking? wow thank you for posting this, I really wanted to know this Yea I'm sure they expected you to pay 400 for it yay Im in the majority :D Very practical and also very cool :/ Yeah, her grammar is definitely the most important aspect of this for reddit to upvote and discuss. Because people don't need to eat. F*CK BULBASAUR, RIGHT? why so serious? Male: Otis Female: Olga Really, almost any "O" name is terrible. they hit US right in the nuts. Impressive Where are the bluetooth mod, PBT spacebar and 55g domes? I can't wait for more Fedora stores to be put up And w/o her around, or unable to care for him, would send into foster care. And Congressional Republican a-holes want to slash NASA's budget. After a breakup like that, she is definitely going to be missing him soon, and likely highly regret whatever she did. More proof that Jews run the world. ... This can't be real nobody is complaining in shocker 'Hanzo isn't broken' Because birds, bears, lynx and wolves are more important. i'm guessing that wasn't some erroneous change from a vending machine. Yeah fuck those guys. s/ well hang on now, just because he's Iranian it doesn't mean he's MUSLIM! I'm sure every penny of the new gas tax will go to fixing said problems too. Lol, says every comp team ever. HAH take that, some dudes on ESPN said we were the favorites, despite the fact that the Cowboys won it last year, and probably got better, and we made some incredibly questionable moves that may have made us better, but also could totally sink the ship, might as well just anoint us the Super Bowl champs for this season, and move on to talk about how we're gonna win it again next season. Aaaaaannnddd it's down. Can we please get an image with the majority of earth and not the usa There are no stars, clearly this is all staged in a film studio and those are plastic rocks like in Star Trek I didn't know the police in Germany are the ones who decide what is and isn't art What I don't get is how come if trump won, so many people are more against him? Yes please more deficit spending Summon elder, normal summon cana, fuse a bunch of times, set 3-5 OTK next turn It even says "ISIS ISIS ISIS ISIS" all over it. The definition of instanity "When you do the same mission over and over again... but excpecting different results every time) I'm in on Xbox but nothing seems changed . Oh no that sucks. No wonder they are winning all the medals for us. (insert Spooky Scary Skeletons reference) bad decision on Bethesda's part, now fallout 4 is getting no press at all To the Warriors to form the ultimate superteam Get off widow you're not doing anything for the team How dare they try to treat obesity like a real problem rather than letting people face problems like #1, #17, #19, #20, and #22. Concordo con gli altri, e` una cazzata OP I think it's fine because he touches EVERY woman REGARDLESS which definitely is valid excuse Tutta colpa di Bruxelles e dell'Europa Can Obama legally deschedule weed by executive order? I, for one, am disappointed the minister did not take this glorious opportunity to name the vessel Boaty McBoatface. Nice tribute to Justin Marks! How do you clean that mess up? Put Lebron on Klay god damn it...! Over filled shot of vodka Your mum's just used to a higher level of kink than you are. Jesus Not with that attitude! These comments are already looking great And here I've just been leveraging my toast out with a butter knife. Well, that ain't helping him to join the squad Is this an omen? The last Wisconsin back they took in the first round didn't go so well. That at least gives Sheamus the chance to have a long overdue non title feud with Orton on his return Yeah, Edmonton ruins all their young talent I hope John takes this quiz during a Wimbly Womblys video! MRW I break the barbell that the abnormally strong crippled kid I'm threatening throws at me, but one half is still incredibly heavy. Man how is John Wall getting Reggie Jackson money? I really hope that if this goes to a vote there will be enough common sense around SK to shoot this down. Just a weird glitch. It's just a prank bro chill out! I approve of this being side bared 5ever Did someone say Shirley Temples? What am I going to get my wife for Valentine's Day then since I forgot it was Valentine's Day and didn't remember until I stopped for gas after work? No sex appeal stat? MEWTWO is on the way! Would have jammed before this could have happened obviously fake Minnesota is coming soon! That actually makes sense though, Charla can't attack. Top kek, deserves my small loan of a million upvotes Good thing plex vaults are incoming! There must not have been any bisexual, orange-haired, half-black and half-jewish females weighing over 15 stone in the competition. Pubert Haywood has grown up fast. This is interesting to me because I work in discovery within a big bank. Oh god, how did you manage to kill your teammate in the last one D: Because Ivy League schools are being flooded with Asian Asians? ....and immediately offers to bail them out. They'll go ahead with legalized suicide as soon as they can find a way to tax it. So the coalition did a thing to help businesses at the expense of taxpayers, I am totally shocked by this revelation Plot twist: OP doesn't have a face, since they're Slenderman. you realize this isn't the customer service forum for Guild Wars 2 right? but bro bro, clouds r lyfe The NSA recorded it, just now we have to see if someone there leaks it :P good thing we have a taxpayer funded agency like the FCC looking after us Yes, let's use a courtroom that conforms in no way to modern law to expound the virtues of secularism. Ah great another 31, i'd be glad to join you with my Bubble bro warlock Is it sad that I can kinda relate even without a kid? Oh man, bashing video games is so 2006 I swear I didn't see this post here before I commented :) If I were Apple I'd extract the sweat from the sweat shop. And he taught constitutional law? You forgot Nerium. TopGear renewal confirmed! Terrible defense that goal is meaningless. yes because SOV null is OBVIOUSLY the place to be. Everyone knew that though I am offended by this. Obviously Clinton voters trying to divide the electorate. Because people like my parents are more concerned with why that Black guy they saw walking down the street doesn't have a job and is taking from the government instead of electing someone who will try to keep this place livable for the future generations. Oh yay, another Bernie article. Your boyfriend is a pussy. its like u cant beleive anyone anymore Totally safe for work. Leave it to backwards cricket to dole out american dollars for a sport that's not even remotely on the american radar. Colonial marines, all over again i crid Andy gonna use earplugs I dunno.. Have you been there? been the case for all legendary event skins since the halloween event For some reason this song has a ghost in the shell feel. Ahmad Dhani + Lulung = Win! Now we definitely have a chance Oh good, next time conservatives will get to gripe about actual economic anxiety. By not being racist and being rational Team Solo Mid made a mail addon... They are pretty diverse since they are a league of legends team. *an Looks legit to me. What kind of sick world do we live in where they make a respectable officer of the law lose 10 of his hard earned vacation days? You may think the jungle is fine as it, but trust me, Riot knows best. TIL all 13 year olds are girls. I never saw it so I guess I'm either OP in my sleep or just so good that I post good comments everytime! Good thing the optempo is slowing down I love your "subtle anti-witchhunt bar" and "censored this one too". Sacramento is science fiction though Yeah, because this strategy has been working so far. ew most braindead weapon in framewar history free market penta master race Where did you come up with this stupid idea? Wouldn't have happened if it were a white bear. How? UK can't survive outside of the EU, why look at poor Switzerland. 3rd wave feminists are so fucking stupid Things are the worst Costa's shrug afterwards makes me love Costa for some reason. Dentists have the highest rates of suicide. RAI ALO HAM, Rosberg not in top 8 confirmed That was shot entirely on green screen spirited away Boy are people defensive around here, now imagine this being an actual shooting. Oh yes, calling her "Fucky" will make any woman's panties drop! I'd play it. Guess the balls must have become deflated later in the game this time. What a comeback JUST NOPE NOPED THE NOPE OUT OF NOPE AFTER SEEING THE SPIDER NOPE STORY AS TOP NOPE COMMENOPET Wow, that's a lot of entrants for a game not even complete yet! ...aaaaand backpedal. USAF Thunderbirds with smoke trail. this literally got posted last week. Who needs a dream when you have privilege in real life? dude needs to get to the gym Sounds like just some young citizens that are misunderstood. because functions. So... Dean is a lesbian? Scumbag Stevin? The FEEEEEEEEEEMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALEEEEEEEEEE hivemind is flawed, they need to stop friendzoning me! Those mentally ill just need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps like real americans. I bet that is a PITA to clean. Yes you become the supremi-est white. Conservatives are so brilliant they were calling for Obama's impeachment before he was inaugurated. And drones... let's not forget the drones. Be glad, it killed my S5. Good Does Brazil want Pokemon GO? And I won't win one never I can't wait until JK Rowling writes so more about Asian Magical schools so I can write about what a racist she is! Because he would spend all the money making a gratuitous romance film between Batgirl and everybody. Only 90's kids would understand Where is Soccer at? Manning is the best QB in the NFL doe. ...yay Nature normally balances itself out as long as humans aren't meddling in the background. Disgusting Because what the Deputy Prime Minister says is guaranteed to be 100% accurate and in no way influenced by external factors. I read this as ""Nick Griffin outed as BNP leader", and couldn't believe he was trying to keep it a secret this entire time Don't worry, He'll come around. Reported Yeah srsly, i don't get why you should get a ban for this ... i always write things like that and never got banned. Omg But it's shit for gaming Yeah, he is the leader of a political party called United Socialist Party of Venezuela Originally they tossed it in there, they got it out for round 2 Wow you'll be named AA player of the week for sure I'll take things that have nothing to do with Bitcoin for $100 Here's a novel idea: don't let the kid get bullied repeatedly until he's fucked up, and there won't be pictures to post. This fact affects my enjoyment of the jokes! I can tell from the boots, this is a recent photo. I bid 1,5 mil. Must be another false flag operation perpetrated by a paid CTR shill! I thought the world baseball classic was in October? Trump: Master of diplomacy Speed kills. Pull a hey Arnold The end is near They look pretty new, did you use these everday to walk out to the mailbox? He can cum on my face We let him go, but kept Obertan #JustNewcastleThings But but but why don't you just call yourself an egalitarian? SO WORTH 34 EXTRA EUROS That's a great idea! CUZ MONGO HATE CYCLIST DUHHH Seems reasonable Dan baso adalah singkatan dari batagor somay. Those greedy Jews! I think it still looks beautiful. Maybe if everyone stopped mansplaining their comments wouldn't get deleted That turtle really tied that rug together. Another day, another property developer ~~payment for services rendered~~ political donation. Good thing I always clean the urinal before I bang out lines. Wonderful. Oh good, a little something for my Legacy Zombie Giants deck. The only way I've heard faggotry used is to describe the behavior of /b/ Don't care how it was created, one of the great songs Oh good, they bought Israeli Leap Motion THE POON! THE EAGLES WILL GIVE YOU A FIRST FOR JOE HADEN PLEASE BROWNS PLEASE Wow, they didn't even mention King Gizz's four other albums. Judoka Islam has nothing to do with Islam lol I wouldn't put much stock in someone who named himself for a sex lubricant. It's the philosophy There is nothing to say to this except "Gross". Baltimore---everything not a trash wheel it seems. I'm way better at telling stuff I don't want to tell anyone So icy Sorry, Mvp wins. In order to maintain our Patriarchal control over STEM fields we must continue to open doors for all women to ensure they don't open them themselves and get curious how doors work. wallpaper link plz Prostitutes can't make money if it's illegal, too! How is it relevant that he's a doc? I've never seen this picture. 2sexual4me I got that in the mail a couple weeks ago, I was hoping my neighbourhood was less targeted for this stuff, with our single digit value increase and all, but I can see the change coming. OH MY GOD YOUR LAST TWO ANSWERS /dead Any analyst would laugh and tell you PeeC gaming is dying don't be an moron. i hope it has power windows Anything before 2000 is old I see dead babies It's more like "I wish I were as cool as him!" Kron has really improved his stand up game. And incredibly gay. I don't know anyone who *doesn't* own a brick house with white roofs! Okay? 600+ plus friends YEAH SURE thats living Rumour has it that The Last of Us 2 is 80% complete and Sony are looking to quickly leave the console market. Soooo romantic I mean at least the show features Christian symbolism Must've up'd his Tren, his arm's look so fucking grainy on those headstand pushups. Is that donald trump in the top right? Ugh the foiling looks cheaper and cheaper every year. If they're white it has nothing to do with race, politics or religion, it's a mental illness. We should just change the anthem to Pokarekare ana It's cool because she cussed! Khmer just gotta have that rice, whelp this is what start wars. Another prime example of women trying to manipulate men with shame if they start to gather and organize. Oh shit, what up boston city hall Let's go Buffalo! Was he hurt by an explosion? Yeah stupid, why weren't you watching your radar instead of making sure the AI didn't steal your bounty and fly into your field of fire, all so you could make sure the idiot police don't slam into your ship then fine you 200 credits for "attacking an officer" and then blowing you out of the sky? But he doesn't respect Lue! as if youd survive even in the 50's you autistic fuck Can it activate my almonds? Can't believe how far I had to scroll down to get here. My wife was a perfect virgin and never slept with a guy bareback before me. it's on pc/x360/ps3 too Wasn't counterstrike online in the first place? Oh yeah the dark ages were due to Christianity and totally not caused by the downfall of a global superpower leaving a massive power vacuume across all of Europe and that repression totally would not have happened anyway under a different banner had the faith not been invented This kids a genius. lol it makes me so sad that so many people love league so much. I know there is nothing to worry about but I would have a tough time eating the green one. Savage! i need a 4th monitor too... how did you end up setting that up? Bet this person loves sports too. You just have to be the beat, jobs will find you. Lucky shot M U L T I P L E M A K E R S T H E O R Y U L T I P L E M A K E R S T H E O R Y an air unit that loses to all other air units in the game, are expensive and can be maneuvered around by most ground units is totally broken life is like a box of chocolates, it doesn't last as long for fat people At least they talk about it on the news. Pointy textures and horrible lag was truly the pinnacle of gaming technology. How else will my mom know when to bring down the snacks? ROSIE! Press x to doubt. While you played your silly video games, I studied the blade. I've found that scissors and some violent pounding can solve this problem...for the most part anyways. i find it hard to believe that the regime forces are buying weapons from random guys From watching Top Gear, I can say Ferrari needs all the help it can get with their wonky dashboard. I volunteer as tribute TRIGGERED That's because gay and trans hadnt been invented yet Did he watch the presentation... Or even get the vague idea of the Switch's point 22 disposals and 9 tackles from Priddis *Labor* day...duh I love alonso but he is very political, maybe by retiring he is trying to put pressure on honda yeah it will I think W10 is great, it's done wonders for increasing the Linux user base! My mom says there's a lot of Korean people in China. Please make sure you use larger pictures next time! You just dont understand the need to appeal to a wider audience. Sorry, the mean, bad teacher was doing his job! Reporting in 5 hours later still loading but vegans are the annoying ones. Sociopaths are manipulators and liars. See how much easier the world would be if we could all just get along You guys are going to love him. Never heard that analogy before. partner with verizon, that's one way to make sure consumers know you're on their side Fuck no he was banging my wife the scum deserved to die. Onimusha. Now we just need to give him a pocket that lasts longer than half a second more than once or twice a half. that's not adhd they're just kids Idk why anyone would even want 120 fps because anything over 30 fps is too smooth and gives me a headache It's unfortunate that so many websites that are just trying to stay sustainable get screwed over by ad blockers because ad networks won't change the way they serve ads. She's been in the country since 7 years old, which obviously gives her a better command of the English language. Sad to see she still suffers from an eating disorder... I hope she can get help for being a vegan. Thank you Politifact, where would all be without you. Wow 10am so early can't believe anyone rolls out of bed before 1pm Che Guevara avatar really tops it off this guy must be so enlightened! Idk man I quite like a dead Damian as well His career might not stack up, but he had a great year in 1991. Yeah man, cause that game DL was the deciding factor in whether they win or lose. Shhh he'll be back in OG soon enough. laughing, music, food, and friends! UNRANKED btw :^) Does anyone have a .gif of his 3rd goal? We have misunderstood Shkreli. Oh, gee, I wonder why? Whats a looper set worth now? HHAHAHHAHAAHAHAHASaahahahahahhaaa OMG HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHHAAA I don't have a response for this...but I'm in downtown los angeles if anyone wants to watch with me My cat needs me. +1 That breakdown at :47 is legendary I don't even care what anybody says The Belgian Flag is pointing to the voting for the side bar image for the Belgian GP Wrong intro, downvoted. If he's good enough for Chris Chistie, he's good enough for me. That's because it's only a measure of recall intelligence, nothing more. Where's a drunk driver when you need one? He scream of the taste of her own medicine. ELO Hell doesn't exist Still not asking for it je baat! It makes me sad that people would lie for Internet points Mayb you got Alted by exploit squad ;o kill the snake Are we sure that they weren't long-range missile? A perfect example of how money buys Free Speech! lol Business Insider is not a reliable source of news Yeah, he is totally making them gay. Shaaaaaaaaaaawing! Because Beethoven's deafness was totally unknown to everyone, and is not common knowledge. Sweet so excited for SNMP attacks now Oh nooooooooooooo I thought we still had a chance I honestly just hate how strong the kick is on it Legit the only gun that I need in my smg class that's needs to be gold THIS IS ART! Tbf that movie was really traumatic. TL;DR Forget it, Donny, you're out of your element! If you're a 100% sure your friend doesn't cheat, tell him to change his password and to revoke any access to suspicious third party apps. Update the side bar already! If the fetus is viable outside of the womb, why not take it out? It's great when guys try to pick you up and then throw out "you're not my type" when rejected, as though that could **possibly** come across as believable or logical for even a moment after they literally just hit on you. poor performers now wants money for not doing their job properly... phft. The orgy I want a poster if this After the calls for freedom and liberty it is apparent that this is a terrorist organization and must be monitored closely. I assume "no one" is meant to actually mean "fewer than the number of Hillary voters" (equating anything less than 65 million to zero). Good lad. Plot twist: it's on NotTheOnion because they're investigating the jaywalker. Most countries in the world use it and what exactly do you mean by fake? This is clearly metagaming ban him! Yeah, but he put it in quotes so it doesn't count. Might as well bring in the DARE Program too What is a drop hack? so what now In unrelated news, Latvian relations with Russia become more strained. Yes, that is why a group of historians just published a critical edition that made it into the bestseller lists. NOOOO INDIAN ARE NOT GORAS KILL ME AVADA KEDAVRA! Color me surprised that Minnesota's only D1 school happens to be #1 in the state. Sue is adopted. If only I can understand the writing :\ Capitalism has nothing to do with the fact that you're morbidly obese while children in Africa are skin and bone. Shall we all dust off that #illridewithyou hashtag now? He's got the best words. They were under pressure, so it's ok, right guys? Kif la2, badna nefra7 minnik O yea it is way too late for that at this point in time. NYTimes only reports on civilian casualties if an official apology is included. yea shit, like.... id be surprised to hear about ole miss fans talking about their upcoming matchup. Can't wait for the Vlogging made is depressed video. Thanks obama if i told you, it wouldn't be unknown, now would it. I saw this on reddit so it MUST work! Have any new self-portraits been delivered to Mar-a-Lago recently? Take that, vegan mangle head canon supporters! Wow....just wow. I'll be honest I'm kinda surprised because that RB from the Rams had a career game even with the "rookie" tag aside. I'm generally opposed to death penalty, but people like this who ruined life of a person over petty thing, definitely needs to be hanged. Why would he call for a debate when he's the clear frontrunner? 0/10 no Minireena 2 and Yenndo Fuck off with your internal consistency! Well, incest is best I guess I thought they only serve pickle herring and meatballs in Sweden! Just tether it to your phone! Nazis only killed Jews cause the were being oppressed by them. Do we have one with better audio? I think this should be tagged NSFW But... the eye can't see more than 30 FPS Thanks for the great source! Why would u tell anyone what to do, what's the point? Oh look, it's Foley overprotecting the women Is this a advertising plug for Rene's site? And still Hillary supporters will say that Bernie's unelectable or that these polls don't matter because it's "too early". That right does not apply to fags. That's so cool! So, I thought THIS was a headline from The Onion. You're not going to believe me but I have those exact shoes! Couldn't he find a longer bolt for the positive terminal? That's how gravity works, Newton. Appropriate music, reminds me of trying to dock in Elite. Flat, coaster... same difference. Oh woooooow, a watch that lasts the entire day! But don't you know, better diet and more exercise doesn't work for some people! Redbone Hhheuhe it's funny because adultery. Why do they not permission only the subs, seems that would reduce those nasty liberals. This just in, Obama is a misogynist, won't let his wife have a career. They're all configuring their plugins to colorize all the parenthesis in their `.el` files - they ought to be pacified for a while once they can look at the colors and soothe their RSI Tell me I wouldn't have a tent at a caravan park in upperbutfucknowhere for "taxation" purposes for my business selling cafe lates in Bourk St Melbourne. Useless though This sums up my friendship with that piece of manicotti that fell behind the sofa 25 years ago Seems legit Everyone on this sub knows what numbers all the players will wear but we refuse to tell anyone This is more offensive to me than hardcore porn. because the media has only risen to power in the last 30 years or so I thought it was still 39 days because of the sidebar pic I blame vaccines You should be flogged and killed for linking to a website with pop-ups and ads like that. Ah yes, what top 6 d-man, that we will pay at least 4 million for, shall we get this season? Guys, he's doing it to sabotage the Eagles so the Giants have a better chance at the division next year, relax. This video and website is completely impartial and does not show bias in any form. I would upgrade cards instead I think we'd all agree that our neighborhoods would be a lot safer if we had the Muslim Patrol on duty everywhere. Female ass hairs..... All good, they are non-profit. And to think I'm the center of the whole thing. Shut up you don't understand the meaning of this art! wow what a ninja master No. It was smart though. He should have worked harder then Good to see League of Legends getting picked up by Disney. I definitely see no irony in this I have no words. It's fake, cuz it don't say In God We Trust! She's a black woman so Kellyanne Conway can use her as an example of "diversity" in the administration. No. Finally, a great, original post in this sub! It's art; you must not be cultured enough. Hopefully more than the 3-6 guys show up today Hopefully they consider this for Gangplank as well. Confirmed bust. Wew fucking lad. Great to see malta in the news for good stuff The Placebo effect clearly shows that all diseases are a choice and anyone who ever gets sick needs to just stop being a little bitch and will themselves better. No, they aren't trying to take away our games. i love that show But do you have the 250$ CPU it takes to run this above 60 fps ? Alright I'm about to lose my shit. I miss that stuff when I worked at CompUSA. any album not on pirate Bay yet Gasol brothers are going to murder us though I love the part where he adds ...with friends; I'm imagining him having bad memories about sharing it with people who don't care when he adds it. He should've just brought it inside. Thank you I totally did not see this posted hundreds of times. in other words, practice. Black slayer helm begs to differ :D Scott is awesome Gotta keep stealing more and more money from the lower classes; daddy needs a thirteenth yacht. Can we pls have a riot to voice our displeasure, it is only way. Great repost. The mask is the small detail that pulls it all together. It didn't take me much longer to read the book! Sounds like something an SJW would say! Ah FAk it, let's war that place. ah darkest dungeon, a simple post is on the top right now with no real explanation, but everyone understands Do tell Better be that Booster Gold/Blue Beetle film wut movie hur dur im so original. It could also be called obstruction of justice if he delivers that info to parties at the White House who are subjects of the investigation and tips them off What's the XD and why doesn't the blast shield fit it? Absolutely riveting stuff. Nissan just needs to update their vehicles you forgot the Tim Sykes challenge lol I'm on this list and I'm like one of the chillest people I know The WAR ON CHRISTMAS continues! You smoke out of this? Sanders can win every primary from here on out and still be behind unless he wins by huge margins. It's actually art, you're just too much of a plebeian to appreciate it Fuggin need Obviously you've sinned. As Season 2 has taught us, Left click is serious work. I agree the EXTREMELY EROTIC art in this game is certain to catch some peoples attention when playing this game in public. But if you call it an "honor kidnapping" that makes it ok right? Im not a massive COD fan but im going to base my opinion on more than a twitch stream This seems like a great idea until one inmate fucks with or hurts another inmate's dog. Don't worry, all those formerly employed by the rail industry will have much better jobs when we finally break the shackles of regulation and bring back all those coal jobs! Oh, you must be on drugs. Zoals altijd is vrijgeleide a38 weer een bitch. And on that day, weird ass Raiders fans started wearing Seahawks colored mad max clothes because the NFL was finally broadcast in color. Not if you record the stopwatches with 60 fps camera to display on 60 fps monitors, then you would. **BASED NORTHEAST CONSERVATIVES** Hilarious. Because school is LITERALLY just a social gathering This was clearly a punishment for not being well armed during church services. I guess the "negro" that brought him in doesn't have a name... Surely they'd have mentioned who he was, otherwise, right? But like, gluten is totally bad for you and makes you fat and stuff! My name is as bad as yours No, really? but csgo doesn't use elo Further evidence of why the south lost and they still haven't figured it out. What we should do is not do what won the war, but instead do the things that the guys who lost did Mother passes on 51% of the genes, so he is technically MAJORITY WHITE MALE Wait, people actually accepts these friend requests from randoms? only 6 subtle things that give it away, though the bubble can be justified so 9/10 chanting "fuck Trump" man these people really do stand for the love and peace of a non-Trump country. Oh random guy, you are so nice that I will break up with my SO for you right now! TIL Darwin is more badass than I had previously thought. Seems like Canada doesn't understand how vaccines work. Prove that it is wrong thing to do. To each their own No it's about fps and graphics Seriously, who needs *three* branches of government anyway? Do you have any stories about working that you want to share (but someone might not ask about)? Keep it up Tidal, Apple Music and other exclusive crap, and this number will go up thx to your shady business exclusive crap. Is your mom the queen of narnia? 50 shades of douche The history made in that room is staggering. So meta Pff one season wonder What's Nevadas? Better yet, why not get a car? Hahahha farts are SO funny! Donald Trump. Yeah shame on me. This is totally the same and not a contrived attempt at a strawman. which strenghtens our position these refugees need MORE economic aid and after school activities wasnt the west born of liberty ew ew ew ew My pee smells like ham... Is that normal? Didn't the Walmart owner lady do this too? Come on mc Donald's pick up your game I'd give her something stiff. Haha, as if your single vote matters. What a fucking white male Some super liberal SJW whiny city in CA did something like this Illaoi such a FUN champion to play against OBVIOUS JEWISH FALSE FLAG. But we don't need more untrained individuals with guns shooting blindly into crowds of people. lol Tom sings almost exactly the same way on "The Wolf Pack" as he does on "Kaleidoscope". Hilarious! This might be waaay too much of a coincidence but I just finished watching this movie on netflix like 15 minutes ago... Whoa. This will prove it was Dick Cheney, all along! Yes, the person who *answers* that question is the creep. Uh why is the picture of RAM white and gold? Oh my god I've *never* heard this joke before. If I'm going to order a car made to my specs, I'm going to order it with 39,000 USB ports not a cigarette lighter. But it has those exclusive levels... totally worth the $39.96. At least it's not a Simpsons character like with Turkey. I'm just here for the karma Hard to believe as virtually all Trump supporters are mature, loving, empathetic types. Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Topeka Benfica Pssshh that's not real No,just trade More blackouts for Victoria........... textures are garbage 1/10 small thinking, kinda sad. thanks for the cc How could the person be recording while the phone is right there? Muslims would be cooler if they stopped killing all the cool ones. clickbait title Desu Vult Who's chopping the goddamn onions! I have discovered from reading the comments on that article that the user "Chas Caldwell" is one of the great minds of our time. No, his facts are right. Yeah... Right... Because there is absolutely no way that could have been faked. NO MEANS YES...YES MEANS ANAL On net duty like a little bitch. Real or not that was fookin' funny. Cardinals fans are so awesome the brewers wanna join them! Enjoy your VAC, spin botter! For the curious, it's Michelle Waterson, aka "the karate hottie". I don't understand, why are his expectations so low? We had more wins pre all star Feels to me tbh that Daley is playin a lot worse and as a whole we aren't doing hot. But I really wanna know if he really caught that mewtwo! It's not Nordstrom's fault that the Trump name is retail poison. So kung naubos ang receipt paper, hinto ang election hanga't di na rereplace un? Yeah but I know nothing about queen victoria and the current queen you just know wants an absolute monarchy! Can't wait for that ammo rack post brah! UK is so high because they are fucking assholes I'm sure this will have some serious impact on government policy Maybe they should grow thicker skin. Never seen this before. Stopping at red lights is obviously optional where you ride. Man that hook hardly even touched the deck, went straight to the cable, impressive. Nah you can fit another stack of those Samsung Players if you move the first over a little. That's exactly what Jesus would have done too. Well FM Esports surely can become tier 1 once This is that special brand of verysmart delusional, isn't it? If Stein can be charged with a misdemeanor she clearly doesn't have the connections necessary to be President of the United States. It is actually a donkey :( that's what happens when you go for link karma instead of comment karma whew, it's a good thing the chairman of the FCC is a cable industry lobbyist. when the front page is full of downvoted stories this is the reason why. The average Redditor could feed these fish for MILLENIA. That was unexpected, but good for them. How many more of these stupid articles do we need? Sure, and while we're at it let's make the self bleed never take you below 1 hp Nb4 lithium battery explodes Signed, stamped, and dropped in the mail. Does anyone else think that it's weird that the force supposedly protecting us has to hide from us? You're right, think he's gay? The whole Stanley Parable Now you can claim the French taxi drivers are expanding their influence Trump Finally, followed through on his apex promise LOL xD Nice resto! As long as we don't post the shooter's names or pictures this will all stop. Boy, I'm sooo shocked this is in China. From my experience with this kind of work you'll get written up for too many "average" ratings And this is why the militarization of cops is so terrifying. S5 works well except 12 minutes of battery life is pretty brutal even with a removable battery. Your a Mudkip its perfectly normal to hate Blaziken. If corporation are now considered persons than why can't we lock them in prison or equivalently suspend them from conduction any business for the duration? please put the moto 360 next to it (if you still got it) and make another photo No, wtf thats creepy. As an aggressive smoker, please ban smoking, it's very difficult to quit. Yeah, fuck the safety of the performers who slowly kill themselves every day for my entertainment, bring back the steel! Stupid officers..hope they resigned He needs a good probing anyway. I dunno OP, I think you could have been a little clearer and not led him on like that. He's not a megalomaniac... he's just practicing his French! For someone without physical balls, she has huge balls Well i sort of agree, i play a hunter and my worst of games are usually around a 2kd spread where as my best range from 10 - 25 And my best score in a gamenis currently 10000 so i would rate hunters pretty high in crucible :) I'm looking forward to the next big terrorist attack, and the "shocking" news that a warning was in a missed briefing (again). You mean loblaws? Because that has worked so well on the people that do them anyway no kys Damn corporate executives, do they ever work? I hope fenix is right about the AP Tops, I want to see Quas on his famous Swain more. Somebody paid money for this photo? Downvoted for being too adorable. So she's just not playing in general, not as if she's jumping ship to another league...unless she's really hiding something which is quite doubtful. Former LE players The graphics are great! Glad I spent the night watching this instead of studying for my last final tomorrow. its been treated by police as random at this stage. No, that's Michael Cera. Doesn't matter, gotta defund Planned Parenthood so the taxpayers aren't paying for baby murder Variety is more important then class identity for sure. I like how he thinks everyone on OKCupid is a perverted creep just because he is a perverted creep. ...what were they trying to test? Where's his mullet #mulletforsuperman 10/10, would accuse for scripting Nah, now it will be the no bullet drop. Clearly a very good photoshop Man this joke gets funnier everytime Translation: We're going to make the government weak and allow it to be privatized to the hilt with the guise of giving power back to the people because businesses are people. Because a lot of people think abortion in wrong in [current year]? This aide is the one behind the twitter leaks, they just did it to keep their cover. Sorry, I forgot that during a blizzard it's much warmer 10ft in the air than it is on the ground. Don't worry chump will make Shell buy it back. I'm on the phone to PETA RIGHT NOW. This so not true, you're all just bludgers taking money from the tax payer. an angel the house does not deserve Nope I'm pretty sure Triple H just has a personal problem with Kurt. i used to be able to turn off my computer and be done with reddit for the night, but these days i have a phone with a reddit app and my sleep is suffering. I wonder if there is some merit to that argument. Everybody here knows exactly what your talking about. Yeah but, did you pay for your boost or not? Yeah, anet will just stand there and say "Sure, you take all those ach/titles/points for free." Now for Squirt Squirt. POS is the future Watch this be an April Fool's. The reporter is Erin Gibson from Throwing Shade! Never Gonna Stop - Rob Zombie what's a "ciamp"? He had a very limited role in the administration. I bet they all end up shagging each other .... where are all the bitches who like the quiet sensible type? Can't wait to watch this new gay porn show! Oh man, get ready, I bet Fox News is going to call him un-American and the devil just like they did for Obama. There's relevant parts of the States outside the northeast? Aren't you supposed to at least write a wall of text about how you are not watching anymore, you know, to inform us? Luis Scola defensive specialist! Bae love is blind! Great job Emery, that's exactly the kind of publicity Philly needs right now Nothing says respect like creepy, sexual messages from a stranger. Okay so what the fuck? if your employer refuses, fire him The fact that Sony Michel isn't on this list makes it laughable. Yeah, let's show mercy for old or crippled people just as the Nazis did probable. Made by a Christain, placed by a Muslim, circle is complete. Does anyone else think that guy looks like Boycie only fools and horses? Yeah and don't quote me on this but I'm pretty sure I read somewhere he was pretty good too Yes, the tall blond woman will never marry! While we still don't know where the banks spent all their welfare money. Don't you mean "Misunderstood citizens who deserve more empathy than those disgusting gay men, crazy femnazis, and rabid blacks"? No game is perfect If you listen to the alt-reich, all of the progress in the world was done by white men, and media portrayals of women and people of color as heroes is just unrealistic pandering that attacks the foundation of their white supremacist worldview. B-but I thought they were moderates who only wanted to reform the immigration policy. Well done I'm glad lawmakers aren't wasting time and money making up stupid crowd pleasing laws to make it look like they're actually doing something useful for society. I would be impressed if Don wins four states. It says file not found. Clean challenge, what you on about Or more dangerous ones. And our country's lack of proper sword storage legislation. Yeah, because no black people voted for trump That's edgy Our only CB is ranked at 85... glad we're not being overlooked Wii U? Holy shit that marriage is going to go WELL. Seems like pizza places aren't the best places to rob these days. At least it's only "bits and pieces" the usual post has white culture being entirely stolen so I consider this progress. #zing I don't think it even has to be nice. Sounds like conspiracy theory bullshit to me. If Radiant did one kill for every minute and Dire did one kill for every second, how did Dire lose? GENDER CANT BE A DEMOGRAPHIC, THAT'D BE SEXIST they are going to go blind from all masturbation, maybe die from cardiac arrest I think that conversation would have ended when they saw a professional and had it explained to them that neurodivergence isn't a real thing. It's for continuing improvements to the infrastructure, obviously. They're going for that new R rating trend. If you left cameras in the bathrooms then this wouldn't be a problem Science! Secret mage is back Smart cookie, isn't he? Am I the only one to notice this article is from September 3, 2009 and we can celebrate this by worshiping Kanhaiya today What exactly does he hope to achieve? *It's for our protection* - Spin Doctor - Yay, my choices remain Comcast and AT&T. Who knows how I'd continue to function if had more than two options to choose from? No salt or mountain, insta restart Need to get some trade chips for Fleury Bro we have to support the chinese market soon Thank you Hagamans, for giving undergraduate law students another case to study for defamation law Way to put the team on his back. Welcome to the RS community :3 e-sports ready Wish this had been posted before the Thursday game, definitely wouldve dropped Carr for Geno! No, Trump's phone number is more important It's 20/20 layers so you non-premium peons can use it Maybe the city should also sue drivers who return to put more change in the meter for their own car, because they're denying the city the ability to write them tickets, too. At this point I may as well be paying for the Pip-Boy, not the game itself. That's a good brand, it never gave me any treble Because only women from Asia can have a problem with racist. Just burn it down [million dollar homepage](http://www.milliondollarhomepage.com) Especially the black ones. Putting notes on doors is a great way to communicate. Transformers And NL at 18 The "Clown Fight Birthday" Episode should be saved in a time capsule ... or shot into space to represent Humanity Surprise, Clay with a 1.33(ish) k/d.. Doesnt happen that often Should have got a 980 ti Forced arbitration is all over the tpp Hillary. Don't worry more money for refugee's Literally unplayable If he had only had a job... it's all our fault for not being tolerant enough. Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee hate speech You know the art of deep frying took an insane turn when even candy companies disapprove of it applied to their products. This won't ever be abused by pervy border patrol agents to steal nudes Pushing Daisies roy's kinda crazy I'd like to do whatever drug he's doing Just because divorce is an option doesn't mean murder can't be. Im so happy we got the early game! Is this just the manning stuff? 480 if you're looking to buy a space heater, 750 TI if looking to game If you're like me and don't wanna abuse the MyCastle system, I try to get most skills on the children without using it. wheels on their desks And here you can see WG taking another step away from limited MM Yeah sure let me just give you my login and password. But this universe is so perfect for us! obv a prius ad M'kay? Genji is fine, nerf is not needed It seemed like a fool proof plan Because the people working the front desk just making a fucking living are directly responsible for the quality of your internet service I Made This Yeah, this is the worst launch ever! Jesus needs a private jet! Shocking! Agreed Creativity The amount of negativity here is massive. Awesome composition. Seems as though the dome has been put into place Gtfo Benzema shill As long as I can play my games at 30fps on any I'm fine ! Remember not to stay on the ground all the time, keep jumping on the go, otherwise you're gonna get caught by a side signature. When the machines will rise up against their enslavers, then we'll realize the tortures we've put them through! It's yellow, looks otherworldy and is a stone, so it obviously cannot be just a boring old run of the mill solar gem. Her? Since it's shown on a Sur La Table cutting board I can only assume these dishes will be reasonably priced. How big my dick is fire watch seems to have a greater draw distance, real life you can see the 'fog of war' Politifact rates this article as "mostly true" Does that damage the bird's tongue? small ball world OP, VATS or nothing That's where lawsuits over common sense topics get you, murricania. Spoiler alert for those on ps4 and pc The best way to ruin chocolate is to make it taste like child slavery ugh Stop using less, systemd already does this. As most of you, I hope finally we get the "Open Universe" we deserve. The comments on that article are REALLY good. I think if you voted for trump you should be required by law to give up a female in your family for the great leader to pussy grab. It's just the Job Creators taking back from the takers. Glitch didn't work because he hit someone while driving on the strip. is it on ps4? I'm the REAL WOW Just recommended it to some millenias who were talking about the michael bay franchise what an absolute cock... TRADE HIM! To be fair, you really only half-assed that joke. Lets use that Definitely because Verizon is always thinking about the good of its users Masterfully meme'd good sir Alle armi! I like you, Bing. You can opt out of super-cookies, but the program previously known as supercookie, is now known as MegaCookie, and cannot be opted out of. You spelled milbee wrong Darrelle Revis all I see is women. I fucking want one. choke me, let's do anal Middle of the day no hesitation I too only started caring about qualification after I found out the cabinet will be diverse. Then we all better vote, right? Throwing his life away. Gak sesuai kaidah ajaran arab boss, haram. Can this off-season just go away, please? It's almost like you could look at the two main products of the us, oil and guns , and trace it's foreign policy affects perfectly Yes You do need to quest in every zone Maybe he's going back to his grandfather's ancestry. Now we just need a trashcan on the map, so that we can put CLG where they belong Test^test^test^testtest Oh my goodness gracious - I have waited for that so long! Trent Dilfer would *flourish* with the "Chip Boost." EVERYYYYYYYYTTTTTHHHHHHIIIIINNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGG Fine, we'll use *alternate* facts Airflow control over the nacelle. Rick & Morty. Keep digging and you get one with your name on it. That's the second biggest monkey head I've ever seen! So in about 50 more years Zebulon Pike will probably get some respect. Dana White would like a word with you.... Merry Christmas! Must be true because Pachter is always right . Those guardian comments are daily mail level idiocy I may just go quit 300,000 games, sell them off, and buy myself a Mike Trout. I hate this fucking show. Yet again the people in charge being dismissive of concerns and just like so many they try to use voluntary services that retain information, that no one is forced to use and where no one is forced to provide more information than they're comfortable with sharing and most importantly they aren't going to be fining us for not providing every detail they want. That title is next level. Once they finish off the resistance in Ukraine, they're going all the way to the Ural Mountains, there's going to be skiing there. Why do you assume that this was registered "to keep conspiracy nutjobs from getting it", rather than, say, to resell it? Except you know, stand up for your candidate, repeat his message, not contradict him etc. front page material Armageddon, if that counts. I can just picture Ollie from family guy doing their weather report. HAHAHAHAHhahahaoihaf 0928yha;ofuihasf;laknf23 uniahgfa;f"ALIFkheAFLHEA.f.e. On here, someone will probably say AMD Time Warner is gonna need Google Fiber just so they can watch the speed at which I dump Time Warner for Google Fiber. No shit We're so angry at you bro. That wont stop me, im a crazy slav! Raider Dear USA, We will take you back, Love from the UK Who makes rape jokes to complete strangers? Hooray ISIS? What an awesome brother you are! Stop giving them ideas Probably fault of the elite shielder. Go for that grasp of malok rolls I have a boyfriend I bet they graduated in some shitty arts degree naisu Yeah H2k should just not ward the back of the baron pit You're on casual mode, that's why Well, that's their solution to *everything*. Best H1Z1 video so far Doesn't matter, had sex? Somehow, someway, they still believe that's what Scott looks like, even after Scott *confirmed* that it wasn't him. What's the difference in performance on XO? This can *only* end well. The EU is a beautiful example of democracy in action KDN hard at work eh? It's been fun, now they need to come home to the ACC to join their northeastern brethren. Yeh, if I were Beyonce's dad I'd be ashamed and consider myself a failure as a parent. No Xi Jinping, I won't meet with you about invading Taiwan until you're nicer to me. Tech Armor Beiorg, Armor Number 4. Yup, I heard brown and yellow people are good for target practice Experts already said that this report is a fake. What if I told you that you obviously know very little about early childhood and development. But gunsssss are eeeeeeeeeevil, and only people with penis size anxiety would want to own one! How else will I cure my low self esteem? It's nice to see they learned a lesson from the Facebook IPO. These tins are going to do terribly. Oh man, maybe if we're lucky they'll also look back into that 'young Aunt May secret agent' idea they were kicking around! I don't know what to expect and somehow I'm going to be disappointed anyways. I try to send messages like this when I rightfully get my ass beat. Why are they always wearing these short, brightly colored socks? That looks fucking awful But Gary Johnson isn't going to give out any free stuff, why would I support him Yeah I hate it when I get crashed at Waterfiends on OSRS Yeah, 9 months of carrying a baby is way worse than lifelong black penis death. only if n = 1 or p = 0. A real debate of the minds He would still make GSW a worse team Threebies I think Rubin is just about the most fair person in the news that I've ever seen But if we privatize all libraries, think how much better they will be run. I'm curious to know why the cameraman panned back and forth halfway through. I'd like to imagine his voice dropping an octave on that last message. Reminds me of the GTA 3 easter egg when you use a truck to jump over an invisible wall and a poster on the other side tells you you're not supposed to be there. Cammer's fault for left lane camping. Portland so how bout that compensation Eww, your girlfriend is way too young you sicko! Those nerfs do absolutely nothing for his competitive dominance. I fucking hate you. Proving once more how Waterfront Toronto is the absolute worst. he choked even in da video game MRW watching BBs late game offense out of timeouts. We should erect trade barriers between the states that will create more jobs and lower prices. Whoa I did not see this comment coming This is exactly how all middle eastern countries treat asians as cheap labour. Give it half the HP but make it so you can spawn it anywhere in the arena. I don't know why you'd say that's scripted, it looks so real! Sometimes I wish that there wasn't a single tire supplier. It's crazy the criminality of some pretty large scale sports non-profits (FIFA, NCAA, Olympics) that goes either unnoticed or unconsidered by a sweeping number of it's own fans. I can totally fap to this. But the almonds! Except Helen Mirren never got upset when everyone saw her jugs. Breaking story, where's foxn when you need em? Luckily she saved her children from the depravity of sexuality, and quickly put them on the straight and narrow with GTA instead. This article is a joke Entrust them to the care of people whose lives went so badly they ended up as gym teachers. didnt see that coming. If you want Watch paint dry, just buy a bucket of paint. Don't worry, paying members will never see ads! With all the news about *Nineteen Eighty Four*, the actor who plays Winston passes away. Looks like something from halo Yes... it's a coincidence that someone, who made their name "W376 V West", is in W376 at varrock. It uses GPS coordinates, not any "maps". I think companies should stop making new products altogether, that way I will always have the latest model! i watch a lot of bollywood films, i can tell he is a good dancer Looks like someone will be getting "parent of the year award"! If we are to defeat ISIS our soldiers shouldn't have high capacity magazines and shoulder things that go up. but he shot twice? Well, you've given us the conclusion, but you appear to have forgotten all about the premises! I'm 5'9" and not Canadian, can I still be on this sub? Hey, it works for Google I was expecting a picture of a toddler. STFU HAMPLANET GO AND STUFF MORE FOOD INTO YOUR MOUTH YOU MISERABLE FATASS You would've gotten along well with Hitler. Well, all of this shocks me greatly... He followed Wes on Twitter, so we know he's going to Dallas. ITT: filthy Muslims and atheists defending the satanization of 'murica. Like they currently aren't dominated by rich families willing to pay for their kids to be trained to be the best in their field? All opinions are valid, except the ones that don't agree with mine. I thought it said to thrust Jesus. I will pay you $20 for it Havent even had a chance to play yet, but lolpods should be fun.I will make sure you don't get farm Hicky . Same got my code this morning :) Suburban? Internet Explorer Trump 2017 Nah man, I'd rather that than to die alone. UNWATCHABLE Wow this tournament just keeps on getting stacked and stacked. I'm sure it was a coincidence Matt Kenseth wrecking Joey Logano so Jeff Gordon could get one final win. if poleksic could do it when he was at debrecen i wouldnt be suprised if others do it too since he is a dumb piece of shit Your gonna get HS as soon as you enter the field. monster Is that a fucking flameflower in a tank? ahahahhaah, if clg needs a replacement im better then hazed ( can win 1v0 4sure) WOW OVI WHAT A DIVE! I would pay VERY good money for these to be released and shown weekly in a nice IMAX or other 4k movie format. This is outrageous - Europeans must be more sensitive to the needs of Muslims. First thing they taught me in gun safety was to pull my weapon if anyone insults the confederate flag. Sell it, get a 390 I don't think he's very nice. Eagerly awaiting people to scream how this place is inappropriate for twelve year olds when most of us started when we were like thirteen Love it, reminds me of Tron. Does the Switch have an internal or external power brick? i know it was soo horrible If she thinks she is so innocent why does she not just fight it in court? I like how he waited exactly one minute before he decided "ok that first message wasn't sufficient, I should add a little bit more flair". Still can't believe this is happening. Morgan Burnett seems to have taken another step this season, definitely could be a pro bowler in the near future. But my obesity doesnt affect others! Something just got fucked up play at high volume and refuse to turn it down At least you know that she isn't with you because you have a nice car. I am definitely buying his jersey tomorrow. fast as fuck I guess you are playing in a galaxy far far away a long time ago You know how you really prove that you don't care about something?Post about it! I don't get the outrage, how is this different than stretch goals on a kickstarter? I for one am excited for our new Comrade in Cheif. It works so well for us in the U.S. Alligator 2: The Mutation! Are you sure that's your name? So all the people here "outraged" at musicians being offered a platform to perform to an audience and maybe earn some tips, always stop and throw buskers who struggle to get a break to perform in front of anyone, a tenner or so then I presume? But it's not usable for touch devices? But it's the polish immagrants that are the problem, go Brexit i hate people who complain about this for upvotes This is because the Jews own reddit (like everything else) and they have an automatical antisemitism bot, who detect everything against Jews, Israel and everything Pro-Palestinian to downvote it to oblivion GHFL That was the slowest Eurostep I've ever seen They forgot to add the picture of some Googlers forcing an old couple out of their house at gunpoint. This is true, they will be speaking at SXSW I work in IT we call them "gender benders" Yea Right woah The ranking global power announcing support for the belligerent annexation of one country by another.. yeah what's that gotta do with world news? You got the same card with 2 bigger fans? No wonder it's so expensive, the box alone must account for half the cost. Drop the baby, drop the baby, drop the baby, drop the baby... ^^ Ahh so the sugar glider gifs continue! This has literally never crossed my mind Haryanto That's a really, really, long trigger pull. Stupidity right there I find the glow from bald men's heads distracting - so do they have to remove their heads? its a scientific fact that trailer parks make tornados horny as shit Goat=/=Undertale Hahaha my man Master Roshi! It still drags over to other maps lol Hast du gerade mein Geschlecht angenommen? Confirmed Gordon win. No one cares The sails retract and due to the natural suction of air in tunnels the trains get sucked out again and simply continu their journey no he was being Forrest Gump If you didn't want to kill those innocent children you shouldn't have left your car unattended, it's a weapon bro. Self-defense, the man had a butter knife in his hands, those shit are dangerous as hell Aren't us Europeans so civilized compared to those brutes in America? Are you sure this isn't just Adam Driver and Seth Rogan Emma Stone. Will you just guaranteed your spot in hell! Wiggins signing a Nike deal? Report and move on Dela-where? Unless we are the away team at a bowl Yeah, a study relying on data reported by the subjects themselves is totally not unreliable. I hate Tennessee because it's so backwards He needs night vision for his echolocation! Fock gppd Talking head has an opinion or not I never asked for this Well, the RNC wasn't hacked, was it? Isn't it time we legalize all plants and mushrooms? This review is objective as it gets. Nike has done a pretty fantastic job for ECU. As a Jets fan, it is a relief to see Rex Ryan make a cameo in a movie instead of figuring out how to make the Jets a winning team. Nice flair OP. I'm sure the Iranians would love the same support we gave for the Iraqis and Afghans. Dang how's he gunna do yelawolf like that, banning country and all. One these days, motherfuckers are gonna start going all vigilante on murderous cops like Craig Tiffe and Eric Reboli, and I won't shed one tear. LeChoke That photographer is my high school ex. Good God I hope they live in the south. I got a gold medal for healing on s76 one time so your argument is debunked This slaps in the whip fambruhgini M' Upvote I'd say so, yeah Makes you question the purpose of super computers...Just spend the time working on a time machine instead Too many advertisements on this sub Yeah, why didn't they sign KD or Lebron? Because the thought that anything could better than Capitalism in any way is clearly heresy just give them the ai of combine soldiers ITT: But but... PC Gaming is dying. All Heil Fuhrer Duterte Didn't realize Holocaust was a non-offensive word. We rape them with our eyes while they read our testosterone-coated male power fantasy graphic stories. nonplussed Only 2000 more than 1060 .... Yaay Well I guess we can at least be glad that Pats fans don't stoop so low as to actually commit arson. thing is though the movement in this game is ass Yeezys? Price gouging people who want to eat healthy. You are just all kinds of stupid, aren't you? How do you find out that you are good at this I do not consider this title misleading at all. They'll all go to war, stop lying to yourself. Must be careful, don't want to make Sivir even more overpowered. Dont you mean the Define s340? Not the richest either New store item *Immortal Merlini Interview* $34.99 Voice packs are fine but the chat icons and units are retarded. Cursive. DAMN JUST START A PLAYERS UNION, ITS JUST THAT EASY WHY HASN'T ANYONE THOUGHT OF THAT YET I think dick pics would do the trick. okay i dare you to find me someone who's wearing dreadlocks to respect his germanic ancestry a way better line of argument is why afro-americans are allowed to wear dreadlocks when they're a religious symbol for rastafari (who also smoke weed in religious ceremonies) but it's been transmuted into a way to show that you're cool and like weed i got shut down by someone who said no i know a rasta family who doesn't care about it but apparently there are other caribbean people who actually do care, so i suppose it's a wash? Now it's all about sexy vaping. ecks deeee Other teams have tougher schedules because they play us. Because Sonic '06 and Rise of Lyric are the *only* Sonic games in existance, am I right guys? Well that seems a natural progression. Oh wow this is great Fuck you No, obviously we only needed to wait one evening to know that the UK is going to become Mad Max, listen to the experts Sorta like, a fun social experiment where the premise is: "Hey, let's see how high we can get the rate of teen suicide" Elmur Fudd: brown base colour with red flames and camo paint, deerstalker hat, trahere wheels, camo flag and grass boost. As a man, you could never comprehend the complexity of *Hannah Montana the Movie*. She was clearly a shitlord that appropriated the indigenous culture. I wonder, historically, how many Humpbacks got in the way of whalers hunting other animals. they clearly weren't working because of operator error.... Login Failed "Please ignore this advice to solving the issue and proceed to make a reddit post instead" ... Because the clans got their asses handed to them in the last CW challenge weekend? Don't worry, I'm sure some people will begin a backlash accusing "Big Pharma" of backing the effort to eradicate a completely natural healing method that is both an ancient tradition and has literally hundreds of people who will testify to its effectiveness. They become the Las Vegas \[Anything But The Raiders] The most likely outcome is this account will be shaddowbanned for whoring for karma Yeah Doomsday doesn't mean jack, I CAN'T WAIT TO HEAR GADOT SPEAK OMG thanks for sharing this Can't say didn't see this coming. both this and the Fallon article contained no real evidence that either situation was possible Dude you missed your shots When someone feels the need to force one or multiple agendas on a character, especially one from a children's cartoon show teaching kids to speak Spanish, they have some serious self-esteem issues. Schneider making the tank too obvious there with that own goal This comment section is such a lovely place. Well that fucker's haunted. Fun to look at but I would think having to deal with a case like this IRL (filled or not) would be a huge pain in the ass. ~~Epic foreshadowing...~~ If this becomes true, then my theory that Robin is actually Neon Nostrade will come true i wonder if they were the ones selling the "brown acid" Is your cat named rift? It's called choosing your battles PETA learn that concept and you will make a greater impact. Aw that's just really charming. /uj this is such a stupid decision by Google, the OP3 is a great phone and no one in their right mind would buy the pixel for twice as much. today I learned that Calgary Canada was "overseas" i want Well that was quick. Wow that's a little 45 how many rounds with the compact mag? But, does it turn the tank into a boiled pumpkin? I'll add to this and say poor specificity, example if you're writing about something medical google the correct terms, few things bother me more when someone is writing something medical and they say "cut wound" instead of incision or something similar, with the resources at hand there is nothing you can say to weasel out of shitty word choices in writing. Turn around and tell her there's no reason a kid shouldn't have parents. The flow is lava. Gotta keep existing power companies in business. That is because Capote wrote the book for her. Because it's something I don't like and now Game Grumps is ruined forever for the 12th time this year. No dude, can't you see he wrote it in Castilian? I really like the look of Cryorigs cpu coolers esp the C7 Is it worth watching for someone who hasn't watched it yet? Barmes is little confused. No, he didn't get the ultra durable motherboard. Fucking german bias Hs129 needs higher br and p47 needs to be reserve Wut Why did you spill Ice cream sprinkles over it? Didnt even see if he was ok. That poor guy Homo is a gaysogynistic slur and this Drill Sergeant must be submitted to military trial for using it. I too always prefire that evil evil barrel He didn't step on you Which channel was this on again? Uh, no, if you're really wanting porn, there is no such thing as "too lazy to search", unless you're a teenager living in the pre-digital age and have to walk 3 miles for a trip to the gas station to get your first playboy magazine... and he obviously has internet. ULL is the real Louisiana in my dreams...i defy physics Heyyyy, it got a few people for you to call for me With my flair I can truly relate more than any of you scrubs Goyard for flexin in order to fix that exploit nerf he drop rate and lower pxc drop rate. I bet it will have a black bar and a giant HTC logo that take up 50% of the screen 4chunkers so good at trolling But what about all the extra infrastructure they were able to build with the funds! Lana and Snake are cool, but Banjo isn't happening ever. Nah, I'm hearing Bob Belcher Dear god please make it fuckin stop. The Wezzel! We need a consolidated Dempsey highlight package for April. Pinky up when you sip your tea, good sir. Throw them in the trash Hey, this picture needs more igloo. 3sweggy5me What is an emergency day off? OP likes women I could never get it to work properly (here in the UK) anyway, so no big loss. Sounds like the Productivity Commission needs to fucking well get on Team Australia. She sure is marrying into a classy family you misspelled "Horrible." Their views must be wrong. Yawn Don't forget "manslamming", you misogynist shitlord! Thank goodness they blurred them out, those could have been offensive to the family values and sensibilities of the demographic that actually watches faux news. i often 'bust up' my girlfriends lip to show her how much i love her. His has such a good temperament Don't worry they will be integrated! But debating is so much more funw hen you don't have to worry about the truth! Inconclusive. TRUE FACT: All gas station clerks are losers. Dude, stay in your lane! hey that's perfect sampling that totally eliminated aliasing you should share your methods with the world I'm glad the NCAA made their decision in a timely manner. it could be i5, i7 or Xeon Lucy Damn Brawlman1k falling off so hard he didn't make the PR this time around, rip The New Jim Crow is worse than Jim Crow! You bitches love movies like "The Notebook" where the dudes are relentless in their pursuit so some guys think that's how you do it. Number 18 will shock you! dardoch is still on tl,moon is gonna play only for week 1 I'm waiting for the robot to turn around and backhand that jerk. so you need to be level 100 to get invited on the podcast ? and I was playing a smart way by extending my stat boosts with world hopping, yall had no problem with jagex taking that away from me shit man, the P-51 is a legend with it's rolls royce merlin engine, the lancaster had 4, I believe it that one got to the moon APD is too busy operating its revenue bus on i35 enforcing the hands-free ordinance. Okay so i use 1024x768 and so does Shahzam.. do i need to change now? Grigri bravo quel mec! moar like next big thing amirite? I like it as I get paid 2x a month! Her name was Kira until somebody pointed out to JJ that that was already the name of a m^^^B ajor character in the franchise he'd just bailed on. Because Dredd *totally* deserves to be mentioned in the same breath as Citizen Kane, It's a Wonderful Life, Night of the Hunter, Blade Runner and Brazil I don't know much about hockey but why don't they just get some giant Samoan dude to just plant himself in front of the net? But a woman would never lie about rape! Yeah I hate him too And what would germans know of false flag attacks? This does look delicious but as an Englishman I must say, it's not supposed to be a sandwich have some upvotes, be reddit famous! Si no te gustan los chistes negros, comentarios desubicados y estas lleno de downvotes para dar, ignora mi comentario :) Y si no.. [Despues se quejan cuando las matan..] Winnipeg will start losing again, don't worry. ... child sex abuse was legal before this? This definitely wasn't tried during the campaign and didn't backfire Maybe your just rascist, why else wouldn't you want your child to have a black doll. I like it. so rad Mmmhmmm...8 gigs. Good thing we still have Legwand to take the draws, and Hoffman to man the point He was only trying to open the door to "take away the keys." INCREASE VIEWERSHIP THIS IS WHAT COD NEEDS TO BE SUCCESSFUL Nah the snorkel prevents that Garlic hot sauce can be amazing... not so sure about BURNT garlic though friends or closer AFC East, obviously Didn't you know that white males are the most persecuted people in the world? I'm going to go with the divided factor. I'm sure your whining on the Internet is really helping and that Niantic really are some lazy bustards I would upvote this, but since you posted a picture of yourself with a cute animal, clearly you are just an attention whore and not worthy of any sort of respect from the reddit community. Fuck His fedora is showing. This perfectly sums up this poe race season for me: shitty rng mod nobody wants - headhunter another shitty rng mod for even more rng based bosskills - arctic classic "hey put something else on this race just for kicks hehe xd" mod - onslaught NEED MOAR JPG Kurt Cobain. That hit. I knew that he'd be leaving, he barely had the chance to move up from the Wolfpack to the Rangers. I'm sooooooooo sure it was only "foreign" hackers and not any domestic hackers smart enough to make it look like their traffic is coming from outside the country. Wait, that isn't a protected class? Makes my dick hard. You should be worried if anyone you know is a furry. all muslims are evil lol Zelda's a boy. FUCKING UGLY THINGS, FUCKING BANISH THESE THINGS FROM LIFE LIKE WINDMILLS And a decrease in workplace productivity and an increase in potato chip sales That sure showed him. I want to lay on his ass all day This just plain pisses me off. Don't worry guys, I'm sure Riot are working on it and will endeavor to let us know as soon as possible what the problem is! I really hope they ban more stuff too, I hate the burden of having to make my own decisions. FUK DA PIGS DEY EVUL MAYNE WERE DA AMBALAMPS AT DINDU NUFFIN RONG Identifies as a moron* ftfy babe EA f5.6 is too slow for me WELL IM PISSED /thread But remember St Louis couldn't possibly support the Blues, Cardinals, AND Rams My prediciton: 8 minutes Warriors, 8 minuntes information on the phone game, and finishing with a teaser for an upcoming game with no real information (like the first scenes of the Fates teaser trailer, all CG animated and no ingame footage) Really nice build but you should step up your drilling skill. I want hopefully with the money from viewers, he can buy some clothes Wow. Yes, because it makes so much environmental sense to purchase a product that is readily available locally from farms hundreds or thousands of kilometers away. Such an abuse of power and waste of government resources. Christmas and we still can't be nice Nah, more like nerf more. Selling [Vial of Salt] Look mum I'm on reddit! Different species Clinton pushed him in assuming. Oh, so trying to get squad suppression assists for Legion of Sacred Unity isn't just an absolute blast for you? Git gud scrub The grooving on the rotor gives more surface area, so it improves stopping power. Pardon my dyxlesia! This works on white people too? good PS4 content Also, Elizabeth Warren six sense, tracker, awareness Favorite wildcard is danger close for 2 tripmines. No because all men are pigs. Wow, VG even gave it a 24 out of 7 Such a racist. It would behoove your mother to learn that you are the best witness to your experience, since you live it each day. You mean sukka? Still not as good as Kubrick Clearly she's an Uncle Tom who hates other black people But she still can't pay for AUS retreat? That's where they bottle it right? I don't like vanilla Ubuntu, but I don't bash the ones that do. But he fits the triangle Yup, xenophibic and arbitrary capital restrictions are a sure way to foster economic success in a competitive global market. B-b-but hate symbol so white guys can only have white hair styles...that's not racist at all Lol this will allow me to really expose the lieble and bask in the misery of the many fundies I conquer XDDD GOALS No shit Wonderful, thanks for pointing that out Poor daniel, having merry christmas plastered all over his beutiful personality ELI5: What exactly does investing in a company mean? no we must fire lue immediately It reminded me of Highlights magazine from when I was little? Pointless sectarianism is pointless. DAE hear about that Victor Oladipo guy? It's totally racist, isn't it obvious? Boruto wears branded hair only... Branded byakygan branded sword branded tattoos hes an affluent man lol Gee, I wonder why? Vic beasly! I bet he's really good at that "Hit the Gopher" arcade game. We got a comedian here, folks More evidence against global warming! Quick, destroy it for profit dear Australian government(s). Online Wait what? You should try googling the artist name (hint: very nsfw) In the 50's, Superman was *definitely* an alien for saying that. Crossfit. Come on, don't take the lack of self awareness away from us. It's a supply crate optic So brave, I would award you a euphoric fedora if I could. Been saying that for years but the war on drugs is a farce so don't expect any changes. I wonder if he realizes that that slogan from how I met your mother was supposed to be ironic. I miss my dog so much hahahaha i read shes ok now Bill Cosby. Wow, another trailer that gives the whole story away. So it begins. It's going to be a lighter white to showcase the optimism of Cleveland's fans! We Call Out Homophobic Clerics, But What About Magic Users? It's obvious that most anti-communists don't really have any knowledge of any kind of leftist theory, but this one was so damned absurd I can't stop laughing over it. Feminism It's no North Korea, but not bad. goddamn how i wish i was in school again. I mean I wouldn't complain GUysss dlc iz ubigod giving uss moar content Yeah, now he's playing with a different set of scrubs I'm sorry, it totally looked like Cleverly launched himself chest-first at Torres' studs. Strong.... Arizona's divorce rate was 64% in 2001. The longer McAvoy isn't a Bruin the better I just really wanna fuck shit up in 2020, too said Stein Oh great, just what we need. Tsoper Helping specific people is good, unless they are white males Women don't know what a true man's like anymore Hes just salty he got rekt by qt. What happens if you drop it, like will it just slice through the earth? I'd say they Turkey had it coming, given it's "democratically-elected" leader's behavior. trianon treaty best treaty :') Only primal ive had drop is a "Broken Crown" :(( Obviously Grayson's article came first because 8 comes before 28! They have all appeared on television What's the cursor? Considering ISIS films everything they do (including enduring airstrikes) , whats to lead me to believe this is some "activist" and not just an isis dude? Pura vida perro lol Such a controversial statement! Dude, I hope you aren't in Philly, you could get arrested for filming those cops! Nice generalization of the whole speedrunning community. James pity party, great, just what I ordered So glad I could help. get taller A Grandmaster's checkmate in one. I think this fight probably didn't help either fighter's chin in the long run That picture is disturbing. Better if some anonymous hacker than the NSA amiright.. You're not supposed to look for evidence that counters your claim! report and move on I had the pleasure of watching JJ and Bortles play when I went to UCF, looking forward to seeing JJ get another shot in the NFL! Your GPU is gonna bottleneck your processor it's too godly Yeah people get over when their sons are murdered decades ago... Jeez the desktop CPU market sure is making out to be a gripping, adrenaline-filled edge-of-seat-warmer. If anyone has the balls to do some poaching, I'd love to stock my freezer with some Bison! The Drink And Refreshment Promotional Association (DARPA), a practical applications study group, is responsible for 27% of the nation's snack patents. It looks like a stripper. 0/10 Put some effort into your shitposts, god. Those people are crazy, crazy. Holy mother of sweet baby Jesus, Scalia's passing saved Democracy in NC. Deez nuts! LULZ DANK SHITPOST This is Reddit, nobody needs to do homework or study here everyone's naturally smart and schools a waste of time What is this drought a sign of? Our new President will do something about this, believe me! Because the Ruble, Russia's economy, and all the growth seen during Putin's time in power is totally and definitely not tied to the price of oil. I suppose they call it bio because it's sustainable and environmental friendly because it encourages recycling even if it doesn't fit the proper definition. Do I get to keep it or is it like one of those free to play weekends games? Thanks, Fracking! Clearly well quested account As transparent as a brick wall. How does stand your ground law work in this scenario? New record for surface to orbit. AND THE BUCCANEERS PICK.... NOT A QB BECAUSE WE TOTALLY DONT NEED ONE OF THOSE Jagex; "you limited yourself as a pure" I only play with the scout so I've actually bound both jump and shoot to space, my aim has never been steadier! Microsoft is evil so the food is laced with brain control sauce so they only make xbox games from now on and the kinect in their office will be saying "would you kindly kill the non believers" I have had this happen but we were just knifing each other but it wasn't working for either of us so I ended up Pulling out my pistol and headshotting him I'm not sure if I believe you that this is their actual application. I'm sure this will help the meth head dad, leaving the baby in a 100 degree car. Should be sidebar! Do people not consider the bestie boys a main pillar of the rap community? how original. Homeboy became one with his blade. He looks terrible now. My nightmare. You're old now. Level 10 medic here, what does "revive" mean? ITT: People questioning OP about his American Flag hanging in his room rather than complimenting him on his great gaming setup. This really saddens me to read. I have no morals therefore neither do you! Gee... no one saw this coming. No buy the witch Is this still FTTN, or are the bringing optic fiber to the house? Gee, I wonder if there's a connection there. I just commented on that kid's comment a while ago. naw man, Erdogon lived, so clearly it was staged by him Sooo about that 16 Year old Dutch CB.. Timothy Mensah... He may play sooner then expected Scumbag MTV Oreos are vegan! Cris Carter on anything: who gives a shit I SAID SETTLE DOWN Big Tits and no brainz Was this before or after his daily puppy murder? Does she want a pat on the back for not killing her kids or something? Yes, Reliant is definitely a neutral site She was just doing what's best for her children. Like that doesn't already happen I'm the one on the left, just to clarify. Give me a 'd'... D Sorry, can't spell... :-p But Trump received a purple heart! Therefore it's perfectly OK to vote for someone who thinks evolution didn't happen and climate change is a UN conspiracy! But weed isn't addictive Straight outta marketing ideas. Headshot ratio is slacking. TIL being in the vicinity of a person concealing a weapon automatically classifies you as "in a life threatening situation" which I believe satisfies justifiable use of force. larger population + globalization + major recession = less jobs I don't think you know how any of this works, OP. That's the downtown canal so if he lives in one of the apartments then it's possible he's within X amount of feet. In his defense, he thought Rivers was a woman. Title should be FaZe not attending Gfinity rather than "Zooma not attending Gfinity" and so it begins, watch this story get bigger if Obama takes Florida or disappear if Mittens does. Xbox'd wine lol This is such a quality post OP I think we both know you are only doing this because you don't want us to see the funny picture of you OP PAY ATTENTION TO ME It's perfectly ok for men to want other men to creampie their wives. Dogs are man's best friend, and therefore all women who own dogs are gender traitors. Out of a thousand messages like that, he will get one or two legitimate responses of "yes"... I think Boomhower explained this in an episode of King of the hill, when he was teaching Bobby about picking up women.... Just ask every girl all, and statistically speaking someone will say yes. Scrappy Doo was the worst addition to a successful franchise until that Jar-Jar Binks fucker showed up. And who wins Rap album of the year Because NATO has a lot to gain from pissing of Russia more, right? Basically, no actual proof. Fantastic 4 (2015) It has a compelling story, great character development, intriguing 1st/2nd/3rd act, and to top it all off, expertly crafted special effects... Along with Dragon Ball Evolution, this film must be seen in order to truly appreciate the masterpiece that it is. you never know, in BDSM black shiny leather is endearing. On a similar note did you know that Shaka kaSenzangakhona was asian but the blacks went ahead and blackwashed him out of history Epic inglish Well, we know one thing for sure: The schedule this year has a blue background Jesus, that is a disaster for the GOP if this actually happens. If only that little kid had a gun, this could never have happened Things like this always makes me cheery about the Government owning companies that it doesn't really need to. Yeah I am sure youtubers love him for nintendo's great content creators policy Because no one would care and follow it. Time to get into the Lee's, boys! Huh, if you sold that on ebay, you might be able to buy one whole Wii U controller adapter. I smell bankruptcy in the wind. Laika is so good now... BUFF CHOW It's always heartening to see folks worrying about what's *really* important. But that policy website pre-election told me that if I care about environmental issues I was supporting zac goldsmith not Sadiq Khan wtf But can you walk for days and days, weeks and weeks? and then faker came #ToneDownForWhat Oh no, not the critical programs! Maybe she should raise her debt ceiling Doesn't Chansey hatch from 5km eggs now? To add to the hilarity I would also like news outlets to question Congress leaders on why they banned cow slaughter in 25 other Indian states but not Kerala. Your a racist!! It's nice to to see the GOP focusing on the *real* problems facing America I sexualy identify as an avalanche XD He looks reverse pregnant - Jack Edwards My rugged good looks, brilliant mind, and charming wit. you can hate him all you want but the man wins everywhere he goes and Chelsea will regret firing him soon enough. Could Obama recess appoint himself? Overrated coz easy path through the playoffs and irving was hurt The same racists who were missing when a black person was in the past two general elections, but decided to show up to keep a white person out of the office. With or without hijabs? Yeah...clearly ready to live on his own Well, DUH, those nig- I mean thugs were asking for it I thought Price was with the Habs? Ragen's coach? no confusion here, she is hot! Wow that guy was such an asshole in Forza horizon no this sub is for circlejerking That is way too gruesome and disturbing for an .io game. I wish big business would stay out of politics. Pretty benign by twitter standards, no? He created another account after he got banned. As long as it's not the ones in Scotland. The makes it pretty much ok to bomb schools. Huh I always thought they were called that because the explorers decided to have a sandwich, TIL. If not Kirby Smart (who I'm pretty sure wouldn't turn it down), then Dabo Swinney So what your saying is that Reinhardt is obsolete now? After holding on to Link for so long... Once they got the power they couldn't hold back! Just switch to a barter economy! Yeh, because the other guy would have fixed all of this and prevented it from happening. Doesn't he do this when he's hit by Hun batz ult? A Murdock publication, impossible. It's period correct slang pep guardiola is clearly just reaping what jupp heynckes sowed I'm sure all the angry 16 year olds that can't vote will think these are cool and buy them I've had enough of the toxicity that comes with DPS meter / parser in FFXIV and I'm glad I won't have to deal with that in this game Tebow Time! because all the registrars these days TOTALLY verify your details before issuing the domain Well that's what you get for not being America These people are the cancer of the modern world. But he has $10 BILLION dollars! I am shocked. I want some JDM shit or I'm uninstalling. So many ADC's to choose from in this meta. RACIST GUN TOTING POLICE BRUTALITY Wow I can't believe we haven't thought of this Male is the default. Damn, we bombed the wrong country again! Reservation should be abolished from India. Well there goes his chances of getting married again. lol DAE Clinton & Dems know what's best for oppressed peoples? Pssshht, we all know girls can't science When Grunt stumbles over and leans on Shepard, I was all "MAH BABY BOY!" See guys proof global warming isn't real! ~~Funtime Donald Duck confirmed~~ But surely those churches are doing good things with all the money they saved on not paying taxes! Jesus Did he play point guard in high school? Its better than: Airport Security in the Philippines Have Been Putting Bullets in Passengers to Extort Luggage. it is not just for women, even a foreigner needs a guardian who keeps your passport and blackmail as he wishes. aid yay Same if you shop his anus onto his mouth. ##PrayForMaraVenier how is she still in office? We all know the real solution is to fill your vagina with plastic explosive Or how about unit collision Well yeah if they moved they might have lost that super important Mastery bonus At the surprise of nobody, they have stated multiple times they want to jump into bed with the tories. How did you break it? But those feminists were not being silent.... They were busy raising a ruckus over Manspreading, and similar horrific acts against women. PHYS 1301W Gibraltar isn't big enough for two Queens. Is this another incursion by Putin? Anything that is pop But homosexuality is bad, right? And to think he was going to totally save our season. A zero in front of another 0 is still 0. I really don't know why we'd re-sign Lindback at $2.2mil as a BACKUP and and a shitty one at that. shame no one else sees nicknames (i think) I... I just.... I can't. That means I might get it soon for my AT&T One X! Can we leak these peoples nudes cause we're the REAL doxxers? We shouldn't have any laws because people aren't going to obey them and we can't prevent 100% of crime so why try. How is this funny? Guess we're not retiring Tyreke's jersey. good job on recording it on widescreen and not those horrible vertical black bars. ZeRo's losing on purpose so that people cheer for him again xD Joe rogan Blegh. Two forces of evil in the world that go great together! Google earth is just as good, and less cold She's a horrible cunt. He *was in* **fear for his life** *there was nothing he could do*.... Despite them collecting everything they can about everyone in their attempts to prevent crime, this is mildly funny. Awww, he's got a lil' buddy He's 20. Well obviously you are a small white Vietnamese man and he's confused, that's why people are downvoting him. the part where he speeds up the jump rope is AMD cards fans when they launch a game Hahahaha I think Aeroplane Mode should be removed since I rarely fly. $50K desk setup.... $68.97 and $45.99 chair NA is selling pretty cheap LCS spot if they want Yes but can you proc on a normal board against a boss? This is never not funny, no matter how many times its reposted. Daybreak don't touch hit reg pls! In than first picture he's on the bike without you, isn't that dangerous? Guess who else lied about speaking to Russians.. lol "Oh.. those Russians" done 3/10 all day! 99/99/99/99/99 here But it just 'feels' like Obama wiretapped him, doesn't it? If you can survive a fall from a plane on account of this jacket then awesome deal Could just be a race car bed being delivered to some lucky kid. Why is there always half a Saints logo by the thread? We like Netflix now too Who cares, let em be ignorant This way Canada will have an excuse when they lose again ;) So 13.6GHz on air cooling, I should enter an overclocking contest. I misread "come" for "came" Well now the people who missed those threads can see this one or give their opinion on the topic :) Good thing I can bench tree-fiddy He was charged and then found not guilty by Jury Trail after appealing a Judge's Guilty verdict. \#MalePrivilege though right? It's almost as if she doesn't want the job. HGH would work better. Good God; I *refuse* to believe this isn't a fatlogic bingo of some sort BRB doxxing Whoa don't spread this, then the secrets out and the racketeering scheme is over! Been on standby for over 20 mins , anyone with me ? that's sweet when someone is helpful and caring without expecting something back... :) Wir schaffen das Totally appropriate use of this meme I'll defend the ones that acknowledge their problem (no one can help what they're into, after all,) and seek help, but fuck those that go through with it like it's a normal and acceptable thing. I'm not sure if he likes Juice Press, is endorsed by Juice Press, and/or is just trolling his audience with Juice Press. Is there somewhere I can watch the streams after the fact or no? BAW GAWD HE KILLED HIM Maybe You're just trying to stop Redditors from living life, being exhilirated, not being boring losers! you sir are doing gods work because i don't know how to not drop a phone Huh I actually prefer this to how DE armor looks normally. The thalmor one is really funny because they're gay and gay is bad. Yup, the color I choose to dye my hair as is a flawless indicator of my worth as a person. You mean Prussia ? But she doesn't look sick, she's fine, slap her on the ass and tell her to suck it up. What if he is saying random moves and just being really lucky! Is there a ditto in it? Why doesn't he look like Hanley Sleep Thanks Europe for forcing censorship onto the entire world. I know the Italians are into fashion and all, but that is a ridiculous warmup "suit", even by their standards. MOOOORE SEX OOOOOOH YEAAAAAH! You sneaky monkey, it was a downvote and you flipped the image so the Internet would be nice to you... I know your kind. Please wish me luck in finding even 1 Magikarp in a desert. Would love to give the bjc and enrich the Kenyan Islamism out of her Such a nasty woman. Just another example of crazy east coast elitism! Not sure how Chip Kelly's scheme will work with Jameis but I can't wait to have Lovie coach the Eagles defense how to get karma 101 DEMOCRATS: ALPHA AS FUCK Sounds fishy Sorry there is clearly no demand for old versions of games, old school runescape and original WOW servers are complete failures Oh look it's an mmo-champion post about how WoW is dying and shit That's because gay lives don't matter Pretty much nothing Only if you meant to hit somebody else. No, just pure greater skill needed to use a controller As a man with a 2,147,483,647 IQ, this is all true. Today I learned that lawyer, author, senator, and Secretary of State are not real jobs. i know, i'm so enjoying the new waterballoon launcher Have you studied ethics much? It's funny how we don't have this technology, that they're offering it for free what a revolting development this is. ONLY. This can be blamed on "toxic" blackness. Optic getting picked last was rigged to keep viewers Someone should knock that down before any kids get hurt. I thought he was a Norwich fan? You should put your pc in mineral oil Bbbuuut the commies were the good ones because their intentions were noble I dont see what the big deal is you got something to hide citizen? Good idea, kill the fucker. I've always thought we paid them to do nothing....and this proves it. 2EZ4ME The Bull Roarer followed by the Demonic Sigil. Giordano for Matt Murray Is it safe to say that we are going back as the "Sick man of Asia"? a pile of used rusty needles No. No bias in this comment Obviously nepotism is a good thing #maga Man, with crowds that small he should be dropping out of the race! That guy is a jackass They are really going overboard with these camos Yeah cause the Estimated Wait Time was pretty accurate anyways. Wow, that's really, *really* well done. mahal kc fentanyl Government corruption of the highest levels This... was unforeseeable. If you zoom deep enough you will bypass the firewall and gain root access Cons will always blame minorities for their problems. Niantic employee trying to get people to spend money where is the satire tag for this thread? Excuse me, but using the priority mail shipping boxes for things other than shipping is against the rules So they heard them yelling racial slurs at him while beating him... Being told not to be somewhere for being white... Yeah definitely doesn't sound like a hate crime... Thank god it was a white man beaten or this would've been all over the news.... She would have been better off claiming to be a Kennedy. It's kinda cute that the women ask politely for things. Evil bankers and globalists are punishing freedom loving British people I'm sure Real would give us a great deal on that He's not Fox News, so its okay. Our eyes are not worthy! Kill Myself Buy rp and buy all champions I imagine the man is explaining how to use the remote to the woman. TIL: It's okay to counter generalizations with more generalizations. I'm sure everyone was very oppressed by this one asshole Why do you need a private life if you have nothing to hide? Absolutely shocking the Alameda County Sheriff's Department would have something to do with this. White Slavic people will always stand together, and even in the face of death, White Slavic people will not go quietly Look at the rich guy splurging on the Acer C720 when you can get the Asus C200, which is fanless, has better build quality, a better screen and 2-3 hours more battery life The website being a maze of shite means you visit triple the pages you wanted to to try and find what you want helps with those figures It's valve trying to take the attention away from the pro player conspiracy If the people around him were armed with axes too, this wouldn't have happened, right? eastern yuropoors Don't lie, we're cubers, we don't have weekend plans;) Pick it up and put it in the trunk of your car Oh ye lets just free the dude who ate another dude on the bus Microsoft Project Oxford is the name of the software. Because there is no risk of getting physical You should buy the PlayStation Pro, it's cheaper, and 1tb while the 1080 is just 8gb. Should've waited for Pascal Nice quality. Wow that totally seems like a completed FM I dunno I feel like he gives off minor autism vibes what with the whole introverted playing with legos at home by himself thing You better ace that quarterly performance review a closer look at Soon. He should show his concern with his votes; his words don't mean anything anymore. except the dad is a self centered millenial. All of those 450GB HDDs will run your games at 1080p, a smooth 60FPS, at high to ultra settings, quality build. What, you don't have a sports section in international? Source? i literally could have wrote this article lol Apologise for that sentence. He lacks experience. I'd rather have women hand writing than Woody's shitty hand writing Guess you don't want SSB Vegito then? But that $1000 in books saved you $49000 in college tuition! Since two creatures have been spoiled it is already twice at good as coronet! So the Reds let felons into the ballpark but don't let Pete Rose in the Hall? The gun doesn't release until the camera starts recording right? I really enjoyed Fire Emblem Requiem Caboose? I was in preschool when that happend, where is my stress ball and free shit! THIS IS JEWISH NOT CHRISTIAN, GET YOUR OWN SUB Did she actually do this, or is this some sort of ventriloquist enthusiast event? What is it with Quebec City that they are so different from the rest of the province in terms of Conservative support? Literally rape No... He played in the B1G, silly. Yeah, he totally sucks because he's a young, super talented guy from a place where you don't see too many superstars (South Jersey). Minus the absolute butchering of the pronunciation of Los Ingobernables this is a really good video. Very mature of him to try to pressure someone into sending a picture. this is a survey from 2006. imagine the real numbers from 2017 La Liga! The bible Clearly he must be right, why else would Jack Johnson be named to team USA and Kessel not I'd like to see how it does in the 2-3 ft of snow they recently got up there! Sainz has some sexy hair man Theo and Jed not afraid to move on from their mistakes thanks bernie, that's just what we needed to hear because nobody is telling us this on reddit....... That means dick pics right? its weird how such an evil man could look like such a nice guy Anyone still want to give transphobic drag queens a pass? Don't have them. *raises hand slowly* Looks undercooked. A lot of posts on the internet are obvious satire but people still seem to take them seriously and formulate their entire political outlook around their opposition to them, and indeed their entire belief system. oh my god, this is america, get your subjunctives right Best PKers I've ever seen THATS $100000000000 CONTRIBUTED TO SATAN You'd have to keep any modern knowledge you possess to yourself or you'd be considered a heretical lunatic and probably suffer a horrible fate. Reggie Give Us Mommy 3 Yay more shen nerfs! And then he also gave you a handy out of the goodness of his heart Stop oppressing her by showing her hips. Yeah, Jon doesn't have anything to do with the Game Grumps. They're 1.3 billion in debt, this governor turned down federal funds to expand medicaid, will expend massive amounts of time and money on lawsuits that are guaranteed to lose, but this is important. My favorite code repository! And cell phones cause brain cancer As opposed to metaphorically the worst article you've ever read They better watch out, I heard there's going to be a zootopia ride there! He just gained 20m white voters by making them realise they don't live in poverty. What'd you do? Great, another Pharah counter. Guy in the Audi is every bit as much a dick as the other guy Why not just use an iPhone, apparently those things are resilient when it comes to a secure phone. But surely the season 4 revamp was much better Nick= Nicholas Neri Yarn=Jimmy Chau saw this on the korea tourney Lost what what what what what what what random thought but there is definitely like 3 versions of carti's debut As a midfielder myself, Xavi is without a doubt the reason why I'm a Barcelona fan. Of course, it's part of my daily routine - 6AM get up - 7AM shower - 7.30 disrepect women - 8AM uni - 1PM lunch - 2PM disrespect women at university - 4PM go home - 5PM disrespect women in my free time - 11PM sleep - 2AM disrespect women in my dreams Thanks for this sweal opportunity to express our views on opple cool down. So if I make my diamond ring kosher I potentially could get Gifts From Above? *Newspaper horoscopes It's setting up for the Ataraxia vs Anatoliy showmatch tomorrow r Zeus bc he has literally no items. well wtf am I supposed to look at while it's loading? Impressive, considering she doesn't get nude. So more corruption is a good thing? Bahahahaha... ok yeah were all gonna switch over asap But Saudi Arabia is our greatest ally against terrorism and China will be a superpower in 2020! See, and they said abstinence teaching would't work! But the idea that all these campaigns of terror disproportionately target women over men, and do so to a far greater degree of severity, is totally an illusion because Phil Fish. Racist..... he was a white male. I appreciate that when Captain Falcon did the Gentleman, and he connects the knee, it's like he does the Knee Smash. I'd really like the international community to do something about it. Arena the racist continues his antics, right media? I notice that none of the 'experts' are dietitians or anything else I would trust but...but jobs are seasonal in July! No, guns are bad, m'kay. He can't be a *real* European, only immigrants do welfare fraud! Yeah, because Dave has almost certainly kept himself in fighting shape all these years they invented wine Luckily we all now have health insurance and its super easy for us all to go get mental help before doing some shit like this. He did such a good job helping to convince people to vote for Newt Gingrich, how could he fail? Greatest country on Earth! LMachine Gun by Jimi Hendrix! looks like iGPUs are improving I'm new to rgb in computers mine just has one long ass strip in it but how do you get the multi colours in there are they just a bunch of rbg strips He who passes the sentence should swing the sword. ITT: All cops are because a small group of them do bad things and get publicity As someone who doesn't smoke or vape: what in the actual fuck did I just watch? You've never seen the 14kt gold edition? Fucking white people. I thought it was awful. But now they wont get all that sweet bigot money! She's rechanneling the energy similar to her fight with doomsday. Just what this series needs, more modern day references. I love announcements of announcements Circumcision makes fucking you kids impossible maybe because Obama is all for it, I don't know. Windows 8 failed you. The major subreddits have content that is continuously recycled and exploited. Repost install Linux Mint w/Mate and be done with it I wonder if the local rabbis scream at the kids of their congregations to kill arabs and themselves for Elohim? The day that I need to take advice from a woman about "manning up" will be the day that I need to be taken out back and humanely shot. I remember seeing that post right before the UI was changed, but i don't think that's the original what are you, fucking blind? Okay, I get tired of these, but that was pretty good. I am not an expert or anything but I am thinking this is a bit too extreme. You shouldn't cross those beams! No but we got a few more of them books damn those black people ruining my fun see you in overwatch nerd Don't forget giving them credit cards. what a catch! Just like us... Oh boy, I was just thinking that $4 a gallon seemed low. Same boat here, mate. Wow the tempest looks like so much fun! Shame he didn't run for president or something. Should have got experienced drivers instead of people who are still trying to learn to drive. And suddenly, I have a great idea for instant karma! Can we just fuck these tired reposts off Is Landry Jones droppable now? Lel get rekt iOS scrubs Throw in a Disgaea character or two, and I'd buy. No, just no. Gotta give CCP some more isk ok? Maybe this is because there are multiple Aucklands you don't need to explain that this is a system bundle, this subreddit is a circle jerk anyone that tries to tell you what the actual price is for is just dumb Idiots doing the same thing like Romania good job idiots now nobody will produce or import said drugs (i bet some one from indian gov have a stock of this drugs waiting to hit the market when scarcity and price is huge) What if he's been playing so bad just because he was weirded out by Anderson Varejao? Anything nick cage Where is this picture from? This will make for an awesome jack o'lantern this year :D Nah... That can't be it. Does SNL even have writers anymore? Well, on the downside I've heard French prisons can be harsh, but I'm guessing for the French that just means pairing the wrong wine with fish. Well, the other lesson you could have taken from the event was that you should simply play more Overwatch. nameless horrors lurk in the shadows Eldrazi's in innistrad CONFIRMED Those Christians always causing problems yeah, because the people who wrote the information in the leak are fine upstanding members of of our democracy God likes to challenge his children. I thought Albert Einstein said that. it's about the principle! Watching Harvick try to pass Stewart, I have lowww expectations for this package. Clearly neckshots Very professional of him. We got screwed by Napoli But what about all the exciting new changes to 300 year old physics that happen every six months? Exactly, this is sensationalist nonsense that there'd be a crackdown. It's probably a regulation that anything on open train cars like that have to be strapped down regardless of what it is just to avoid legality stuff when shit falls off. Fuck dude i thought abc would know about a screen capture software Get a magic 8ball next Yea terrorist themed skins would be great! Well, duh, it's obviously effective because someone is *willing* to buy it. And Republicans tend to look more at the color in one's wallet Trump hires only the best people This isn't as uncommon as you might think. Oh what an original and thought inspiring thread! Hopefully he gets locked in a jail housing unit that is filled with the most violent black prisoners. Can someone explain to me what the infinity challenge is? CTs win MVP husband Keys brought a bat to a gunfight Hey, it's not like he disputed those very allegations on camera in a debate a few weeks before the election or anything 3eeb yaa'd Has Japan ever released any new findings in to the whales migratory habits, eating behaviors, mating rituals, etc because with all the *scientific research* they conduct they'd have to be world leaders in whale habits, surely. **HAHAHA :D** Your mental well-being was in such poor condition that you scarred yourself as a coping mechanism **HAHAHA :D** Yeah, I really need to know this. Somebody needs to save that poor car. Dumb muricans not knowing the difference between this Thursday and next Thursday. *Looks at actionbars* I've heard trade trolls telling people to spec into shadow mage but I didn't know it actually existed. Is this available in SBR? Because if you're the loudest you are correct. Grantland did it first. Me imagino un futuro donde todos vivamos de lo que posteamos en las redes sociales y el resto lo hagan los robots. mods are ruining reddit I'd love to see this old fuck's reaction when Drumpf loses. the senators in this photo did not vote down this proposal. But the furnace isn't legendary colored Yes. When someone has a need for a building that tall and the money/investors to pull off building it. At least she cleans out the dishwasher, lazy fuk Even Rumsfeld could not reduce it The US would never do that. Blitzer is the epitome of a talking head. I'm on mobile so I might fuck up formatting but here are some of mine bind mouse1 +attack;r_cleardecals Helps fps and visibility imo Bind 3 slot3;+lookatweapon You can do this for any weapon slot and cuts the need to have inspect weapon binded Bind mouse4 say delete local content For when you shit on em What memes aren't shit though I think this person should try harder to be special and unique. Yeah, do you have the file for this? A helicopter crash...welp, never heard that one before. Since day. If you paid for the travel accommodations of a parent or guardian, they'd probably allow it. What is woox's stream name? I feel very safe knowing that Obama is negotiating on my behalf! WATCH OUT Admins throw poo at people. This is awesome That red marth combo on FD was not mew2king, it was armada My username is finally relevant again! So a 4th liner This is one of the closet games of the night Progress is not equal to bending the knee to Hillary you fascist. This is ok, but being gay is still evil because God didn't make an exception for them! I'm sure the reddit moral police will be quick to condemn these atrocities It's fan service, it's not expected to be historically accurate. Yeh, 'cos I trust Philip Morris to roll my joints. Pssh.. X-Men.. Bow and arrows are way better. Fuck whatever I don't care about the Derby anyway. THE SIGN POINTS AT HIS HANDS ZOMFG GEM STONE IS THE TRUTH XD I'm willing to bet this came from those bitches whose hair don't grow. Get out you goddamn commie It all makes sense, the rasist bastards even drew sombreros all over. see a boring ass kill or a boring ass throw/dunk The same Google that is reknowned for having excellent customer service. Master of None on Netflix is the latest one I can think of. But there are 9 more heroes coming, not just a 10th one! But remember, heavily damaged aircraft can fly back to base, even missing half a wing! talk about poo before flirting with a girl, works every time Exclusive to the GTX 1080! Where's the rest of it? Bernie sanders misogynist extraordinaire. If I'm watching TV and eating I tend to "save" my food until the program I want to watch comes on. What has this got to do with wrestling? They need a way for the rich to be able to spot those pesky poor people from a a fair way off so they can keep their distance, guess this is the solution! Rule #1 of the internet: no one lies on the internet. eh lots of players like that too hard to find and block them all lol. Console players suck! Yeah women literally never say what they mean Needs Mike Bercovici It's probably going to fix his personality too! that makes one successful immigrant deported neat I would think we'd want to keep the federal government away from federal elections as much as possible. Me too, and I hate when they throw extra 'u's in perfectly good words, like 'colour' and 'favourite' Those silly brits should get there own language One of these things are not like the others. One other reason that wasn't noted in favor of the NA: I have an NA in my garage. Upload is kind of tight. With the direction that the country is moving in I'm sure that these incidents of manufactured outrage will become a thing of the past. ...You know it's fixed, right? Dana and the UFC are trying to push Ronda's workload and media obligations onto holly so she becomes overwhelmed and it's harder to train for the rematch, thus giving ronda the edge and helping to ensure they get their queen of MMA back... The man in the tinfoil hat told me. Swap the word "vegetarian" with the word "straight" for a very entertaining read this big fish story changes with every thread. He must be Miles! Wait, that's not how Spotify loo-- Oh...right :p Prove 'em wrong MozGod. Oh my god SO much whining in the replies to this tweet Because that's "militirization" and scary. I am sure those 2 Fu**TA** Assassins deserved his 3rd place How the flying fuck are those boats where they are, not judging this map looks cool but I don't know how that would work. Clearly the rodian shot first! Score is 80+ to 30, what an "outplay" Anyone who says they like Tamina is either a liar or the Rock's cousin As far as I'm concerned, if women want equal rights they can take equal lefts. nah man you need an SSK for that whats a europe? Watching the video, she yells step back a couple of times because the people seem to be crowding the police, and people just keep casually walking by ignoring her. Aren't you offended by all the dongle jokes? It's Salvage! The Senator could really use some HD security cams. Turn down for what? Way to not give her the power. You missing out on the cash me outside posts and food pics tho! But I can brake better than a computer Holy shit, sign me up for the "world class inspection" Also: "Quit trying to upsell me and fix my tire!" Can he play lb? Google Nice Didn't you know she was a mother, daughter, wife, and friend? Super experiment theory confirmed. Is he a bandwagoner...or just a racist? Hoo boy she is going to lose now doesn't matter, not lucina. The more I watch this guy, the more I come to terms with the fact that I would not survive in any other time than this. No packer fan comments in this thread at this time, wonder why? Yeah, think how AWFUL it's going to be when idyllic spots like McAfee are totally overrun with day hikers! Dude... /HailCorporate It just keeps getting worse for CBJ :( Perfect fit then. They have a history of making them a Speaker of the House already, though. That'll show em! I bought a few, can't complain... few greens, few reds Clearly there's NO bias! How can a member of the left afford to pay for the sign when everyone against trump are jobless snowflakes who are on welfare. But Polygon, what about the poor game devs? Mark my words, Neito will be headlining Tomorrowland in a couple years with his multi-genre set. Wait I thought God had a reputation of impregnating unsuspecting virgins This is a bad plan I'm going to venture a guess that the MT-25s and the E25 were the most vocal about your alleged noob-ness? La profezia di Kek Thanks for the update! Yeah; that would really suck. Since we fund them, they did us a favor and give TSK a big place in their magazine. Your post was removed because it is not Jays relevant Almost looks like the cast from Meatballs. Hi my name is Ronaldo and I spend all game at the top of the box waiting for scrappy tap-ins against an 8th place German team Well when you think of Swaggy you think of defense Almost being the key word here Wow so this got the attention that it deserved and prompted the expected level of outrage The magic hand of Free Enterprise and Capitalism will always find a way to put delicious seafood on my plate. Had a fair buildup in that hook. every law limiting police abilities is pointless until they can no longer claim ignorance of the law as a defense for violating it. I am the 16% in California! Dark nat5s are a lot more common than i thought I lost my sht xDDD but seriously the hacking problem is still quite a problem. Shoulda made sure he was right with God first; he suffered for his lack of faith. I definitely enjoy the tire/body ratio going on here. NSFW? The EU needs to just die already. Yeah, my pecs are always pumped as fuck after deads. Because plastic knives are for kids and metal knifes are for adults. Lighten up, greypubes. Remember only the Clintons are crooked. Felt so nice, I had to hit him twice. Blacks make the best thieves fap fap fap fap fap AND WHILE WE'RE AT IT, STAY THE HELL OUT OF 0MV, YOU SCARED OUR CAREBEARS. Let's just use hydrogen, what could go wrong Or he hax? Man, fuck the haters! This kills the child. But, I thought I heard that gun owners were all responsible folks who would never endanger their neighbors? Yea, because women are irrelevant when they're not attractive! Writing Like This You Fucking Cheeky Fucker Using the USPS would also make it a crime. I've seen this before but I still laugh at Ron Jeremy front and center in picture 5 of 35! This is lovely, because it happens so rarely this is amazing i love you You can never stop this war, Its all about beliefs and opinions. in nez zealand: no one is around for 300 miles in any direction in europe: only if im so much faster than th done behind me that he does not nee dot slow down Unidan knew! Did you just assume OP isn't Native American? I have a feeling it's gonna be the longest 6 months of your life, waiting for that banner... :P (I'll admit I just egged him to 50 lol) Crimson lights for beta nugget? I kinda think you are missing the point, can't tell if ironic or not :/ yeah because it's the first time they do stuff like that They're all white supremacists and the Thomas face is the new Pepe for Nazis. Cut out the middle-plant and just stand outside; your body will convert sunlight directly into protein! United would have been kept up in the league expansion anyway I honestly have no idea who the other Linus is and people saying he has a YouTube channel doesn't help much. Small fucking dreams he had, eh? I wouldn't blame a dude for not wanting a woman like her. Look for it in the new 2016 Nexus! u2 No, it's only relevant news that informs success and software development White colonialist people shouldn't be allowed to enjoy any products that originated from cultures of color and should instead just check their privilege. Open it up and stick in new parts and breath life back into it! Meat is soo cheap right now. Went from happy to rage in 2 seconds. Who the fuck do these people think they are. So long "Happy Birthday" posts. Unless the cold air is less moist than warm air, leading to dryer insides of your nose, making it more prone to tiny minor tears you wouldn't notice unless some germs use it to penetrate your skin? Glad our pitching was so successful yesterday! oh god this posts in every new champion release or rework [](#face-sleepy) Looks like noodly appendage art belonging to none other than his noodly goodness, TFSM are you damaged in the head? What did I just watch? Because we all haven't seen this one yet. It was too good to be true, god damnit. This will really help support the original authors of that music! Obviously target fixation She's not the right one if she doesnt. Your sister is a lucky gal. I read all that in my head in bill cosby voice :D extremely amusing So Bernie is Chelsea's father? I'm just seing a bunch of taoist immortals, nothing that surprising. Reddit...all day...I need a life hey guys look its an eclipse Man, this is the highest quality animation I've seen in my life As someone who hasn't watched porzingis play, I assume all he does is putback dunks Enjoy driving that at night. SOMEONES AT THE DOOR You guys see Skeletor in that one pic? Can anyone explain exactly what happened? Wow thank you for sharing this legit method Sounds great, i love note being able to see whats going on Themselves in the face of fascist violence. Can't wait to hear about all the attrocities committed with these drones in 50 years when new info is declassified! That bot looks like a blast to try to fly This doesn't matter because Hillary is blowing Bernie out of the water in every state except Vermont. WOW, balanced comedy a rare commodity these days. Gotta love it when people push their morality on your private life. I hear Saudi Arabia is following suit! My god, lock him up Bettman, I don't feel safe with that maniac on the ice If it's 8ft I would go 16ft under ground Hunt fights for KFC coupons Absol-utely wonderful. True Blue Barber Well that's fucking helpful. At this point, I would at least expect oracle to have a Rick roll on there. Don't worry, I'm sure this is a "liberal media" conspiracy, since this is not a FOX news or Breitbart source. Of course it will be. Thank you for your relevant reply to iLikeToBiteMyNails They're not unemployed teachers, they're unemployed professors. Your and idiot. If you think about it, you can draw a parallel between the careers of Cena and Eminem. Jenkinson Shut up and take my money! I'd help you right out of my life, bum! No, no, they're tunneling for peace! Wireless Roomscale will change everything. The Scorpion King was god awful. Gun carrying NRA Republicans doing the shooting I'm sure. dude its so funny i mean knights are old and if you wear it its so le nerdy omglolimsuchanerd Just like Fiorino, right Barry-o? Both are almost never reported because we wouldn't abused, emotionally devastated, terrified men being known to actually exist. Looking forward to him and that ult spamming QM for the next month straight, and first-banning him in every ban mode. Nah man, you see each frame twice (once with each eye) and thats how you get the 60. Proud to be an American, where women keep their nipples covered Passender Benutzername? This guy can kiss his job goodbye lol I hope you post Cleveland parade aftermath after the St Petersburg graduation photos raise reddit attention Anyone that generalizes is likely an idiot. * Anchor baby It would be funny if France just decides to close the Chunnel on their side and let all the migrants that were being held in Calais to cross over into England. Now we can all lose money together! Nice walls kid They're trying to take over more land that isn't theirs Oh yes, because he has soooooo much respect for the truth! This is the thanks the Hindus get for liberating the fucking country from West Pakistan. Just put some cardboard under the tires Reddit OMG There's hipsters moving into the song, every time we get something cool you fucking take over Don't worry, it gets washed into the ocean. I live literally 20 minutes away from Chesapeake, what the fuck how did I not hear about this sooner this is so sad. tennis hoes and CEO's casual sexism FTW! These Boss Battles aren't buggy at all I heard france was going to fart in there general direction, we better send another 45 billion dollars to make them "feel safe". i cry all the time crying is p great, sad cry, happy cry, all are good /pol/ was right again I'm sad, I expected to see Jar Jar Can't wait for that T5 Bellona skin that changes with each ability! Would that technically be a 5K followed by a TK, since Mercy had to be alive to res in the first place? This gif isn't fast enough. Say that you have bell (not fibe) it should work. even less related, one of my favorite run the jewels lines is a threat similar to this "ive done worse for less, dont make my day" Panth had smite...this was a set-up. What a mark por que no hablamos en maya de una vez Creeps keep using that word, I don't think it means what they think it does. Yea, I bet every one of those cigarette butts would have been put in an ashtray had one been provided. I love how they simultaneously slow down your phone yet hold back features that the phone is totally capable of doing with its hardware. But california has universal background checks, an assault weapons ban x2, and magazine capacity limits, how could this possibly happen? Very sad. Looks like you dodged that psycho-bullet. What do you want to study in university New Year's is always such a thrill Seriously are those who adopt not "parents" What about those who foster? This is about promoting gun control, right? So how are we going to pin this one on Snyder? I agree man Vega squadron, Team spirit and NiP were the only legit teams in the tourny, they got completely fucked over Because he's a grown man on a child's toy obvi That's not a safe, it's a bicycle. Allahu akbar ... Clearly the only proper response is to have an open carry demonstration and boycott them all at the same time. Because no one in the Trump regime would ever tell a lie Add shroud and it'd be frontpage What a bunch of losers I like belching exhaust. Yeah but you can't not draw gen 1 and 2 cuz they're the bestest Where was this taken at? SWAG GETTING UNBANNED, YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST At least you didn't let the paranoia get to you, OP How do you expect people to protest without access to fresh, sanitary water? But I don't have a slow cooker this large! I would like to think that Obama had something to do with it. Havent seen that yet, must be a lie. Yeah, that's going to help with his racism and anger. Got to meet her without knowing who she was at the time, kinda funny to learn about this after the fact. Do you even charity bro? way to credit op yayyyy ...convicted her of throwing stones at Israeli forces, blocking a main road in the West Bank and possessing a knife Sweet, innocent angel. now I'm 100% sure Trump want to run United States like a company, let's see how long before he file for bankruptcy Why does she hate you Vote! Well, obviously they all just died in Noah's flood and archaeology is just really shitty at dating things because of their Anti-Christian agenda. Color me shocked. OI, WHO SAYS ITS A GIRL At least made in India Janet Jackson's boob Nixon's resignation Andy Kaufmann (you pick--he was a master of live TV) The Moon "Landing" Snowing the goalie: 2 minutes Holding a guy who's going for the empty netter:nothing Where is the consistency ? Wow. Perhaps she was just itchy, YOU DON'T KNOW HER LIFE! When you hit the maximum MMR in your league do you then get instantly promoted? DM;NUSA As if your teacher is going to believe that your parrot ate your homework! just do it like black on black crime, it would be side-stepped All doctor's statements are just campaign PR. so chelsea vs Barca would be like a training ground routine WTF I hate Bernie now! Well..... *do* you believe in God? They're so cheap already that all you need is 3% off The circlejerk never ends You mean astronomy? i can never trust youtube again Evens it out for all the face slaps the Knicks got away with Least surprising headline ever This will become my favorite quote about programming. The hilarity that would come from this... Rito pls was thinking more maplestreet I don't know when these paid upvotes arrive, but this is getting late guys! Just Uttar Pradesh things This has to be fake, but great. Well if we were to lose our star players like they did then we would. Trump has shown incredible ambivalence towards constitution so far - I wouldn't be surprised if he'd start deporting citizens against it. Just imagine a fleet of these flying through the sky Remember this has absolutly nothing to do with Islam you rascists ! mod mark talking bs at runefest no surprise there lol Next time, pick a site that has an ad or two. Nah guys I think he just has really good gamesense. Do you people think the update will make it through Steam's cert process? Op makes a DAE post and forgets that there are people from other countries than USA Yeah, when I want ratings I definitely use IMDB! Young guys being assholes, ha ha cool! The Force uhhh....finds a way As far as I'm concerned there's no excuse as to why obama hasn't issued an executive order to reschedule. It's a fucking tribly you peasant! Die Kommentare sind... bemerkenswert. THIS JUST IN THEY USE POINTERS Source ? Master strategist talaga si PDUtz, all hail! Glad those peaceful Muslims killed those horrible Christians who were praying so god would sink their boat. dammit Wrel, stop putting us down D: F12 Bacon - tastes great but causes cancer There actually not a single thing right with this picture Swans? But the police are the real problem right? Great, this will be such a fun addition to the tanking experience in legion! im so sick of laptops coming with installed bloatware I bought a game, and when I found out the main character was A GIRL, I flew into a rage destroying my house, and abused my cat. Terrible route by the WR Clearly VS OP, nerf Orion plz Portal potty. At least he finally admits it Verstappen doesn't rhyme with cock. OP do you have pics of your potato computer as well? I could definitely have a few drinks and do this with some friends, absolutely hilarious. This would be a really fun Tavern brawl oh no poor old catholicism So he's from both France and Quebec now Well, Trial By Maze would give even more away, what were they supposed to do? Its what KY and the entire south is like too. Facebook will save us all! And they said that there was global warming You mean they're spelling. That's just more "alternative facts" coming out of the orange house Obvious provocation from Ukraine, installing tank traps is asking for those beaches to be invaded. Wait a minute, I thought he was a Nazi? LOL derp xxDDDDDD But I'm not a wrapper. I remember there was a thread last week that the spurs needed to think about a future point guard... I guess they found the future! Religion. Depends on what you like. Sorry pal, that's the majority of em these days. Seems like a solid game. SKT will crash and burn Fluff for the 24 hour news cycle. 7 Comics must be between 2 and 8 panels. I should've been a professional baseball player. EAN BMILY This would be like if Stephen Hawking invited Stephanie to come help him develop his new theories because Stephanie got an A- on her geometry test. You don't want to give ever a chance to actually cast a vote, do you? Trade em to Edmonton for Larsson Which tweet did they send proving climate change was man made? But will it have the always online stuff on it? So is that a no for Cardale then? Jiffy? wow this is incredibly islamophobic But Vermont has a dreadfully high murder rate! Just placed my order, couldn't resist. my ovaries And not even the smart ones Who still uses a 32-bit computer? NOW WE CAN INVALIDATE THE GSW TITLE.....AGAIN Her clothes were just dirty from the night before A sticky post with a FAQ geared toward newbies would be good Snoo is festive for tonight, Deal with it OMG WTF But Obama can't run for a third term, let alone with the GOP! Blatant hacks - reported Miggy: "Fuck you and fuck your shift," Good thing he's a scientist Yep, you're right, HIV is just a conspiracy from the evil straights to oppress all the poor gays. Glad to see actual politics discussed here. who cares lol Because banning creepy clowns was sure to prevent attacks. How bout good old shipment? IDK that graph looks correct to me. Fucking noob, the Samurai helmet is OP. Imagine Favre Yeah, that 10% increase in fuel costs are really going to drive us all to bankruptcy. Not without your bases you're not. Nightmare Mangle isn't and never will be in FnaF World. OMG WHAT AN IDRA GG TWC needed to shut down the analog TV service a long time ago. American Liberal women are so fed up with their cucked husbands, they support this abuse. I already main him boys Lol I like how tries to keep his voice calmer and calmer as he gets deeper and deeper Yeah Goodell has a great history of being lenient with the Patriots during cheating scandals 0/10 No basketball hoop Smeg head. Time to give viktor a new passive "viktor regens his mana if he is inflicted damage" calling it Alternate caption: Dempsey has Wood Considering how many "Nazi" symbols have much greater historical background than just the third reich (swastikas with Hinduism, eagle with German heritage, etc..) and that based on the photos I'm looking at I can't actually see a swastika on the eagle, AND the officer's apparently crystal clear record for 14 years, I'm going to guess that his tattoo isn't meant to be associated with Nazis, and instead the eagle has more to do with Germany as a country instead. And how many of the Palestinians were killed in the process of stabbing a random Israeli? still think it's better to go for the auto ban then just out right killing them Constitutional scholar Samantha Paige Rosen. Dat overwatch pro name tho Penn State or Texas. Good idea! It's their *interpretation*, you know, just like they do with the Bible. Yay more Batman animated movies But Hillary will start WW3. you sound like a real catch Why did the nazi occupation count for some countries but not for others? that laugh 11/10 If you fuckers ruin Vietnam with your money and attention I'm gonna be pissed I think they hate the middle east for the same reason any atheist hates the middle east: Sharia Law and oppression of women in a theocracy It hasn't been 20 years since 2001, how can we be sure? Really has nothing to do with it. Did you mean Man City legend? Wait... Since when did Dick Cheney want us to go to war? Those fascist light bulbs take away my freedom to use as much electricity as God wants me to! The same old story unfortunately. wrong link fam Obviously Hitler was not a true catholic Jeff Kennett is a major advocate of beyond blue, so making public comments like he has that will increase a persons anxiety is just appropriate. Could have happened anywhere... but it didn't. Mate, with a name like Agent Edward, you just know he knows what he's talking about. Cute girl puts on green facepaint = cosplay Did that get deflected or did Bravo just fuck up pretty much a waste of an upgrade, its a know fact the human eye cannot see about integrated graphics. Peyton Manning rumored to be replacing Kubiak according to many unverified sources. Oh my That was definitely the best place to conduct this experiment. way less annoying than talking on the phone Not everyone can have their cake and eat it, apparently. Photoshop! Not a Z06... Just a regular Stingray with some aeros on it. But, police *don't have ticket quotas*. How can it be legal as a political figure to send an e-mail blast that is full of such patently false information? Her music stinks anyways Alright, I can add that to my TIL list too, thx for sharing this! LeDecline 10/10 reference Reddit police on the case Definitely follows the 5 dollar rule Everybody here is a shill Germans these days, sending the weapons without the soldiers, this would have never happened in 1942.... The vetting was considerably less extreme. Wtf 2 jkaems Oh no, they'll lose all those benefits of EU membership. Gee, I never expected some fanboy bullshit in this thread. Who gives a shit what Andrew Coyne thinks? But women are totally the crazy jealous ones, am I right? I think we will miss him, but I think Randle can do an adequate job, enough to be a better value than what Murray would have been had he gotten a big pay raise with dallas Everybody knows ISIS has nothing to do with Islam. cache vent room pop flash from mid ultra nega uber super duper schooler ultra cache Thats fucked up why would you want to lie about that Why were you born Who's that guy in the image with the big forehead? I got 32GB, the vita is a lot better with a stack of my films on it and lots of PSP games. The cult of Xi... needs a little book of some sort of colour. Hij verwijst naar dat mensen een tweet van KLM rascistisch vonden. fagville is this way. Markus aka Marky Mark and the funky bunch They're on the wrong side of the road for their whole response. Don't worry, video games will just be a fad Only if you hear it in the fountain though Sunderland not 17th, unreal While it isn't easy to measure your physical gains with a measring tape, you can use a scale to measure your weight gains. How many frames per second does the average human eye see in? If it was a male they would say "a person" It needs more PS4 games. I think the universe owes us another draft lottery win. I pretty much lost it when I read "Tankle Cruisers" Love the use of Charcoal fam Dat's how dey talk now doe. Well not a superhero but kenichi is too merciful and most of his enemies could easily be brought down by a bullet. don't worry, voter fraud's only bad when minorities suppository do it. Damn, that FAL and Skeleton Key really look awesome on Frost! I hope they drop a nice hoodie and camp for the first drop A Kia Soul at age 20, with my (now) husband as cosigner. Yeah fuck that religious freedom shit, I don't exercise that freedom anyway! Fucking auto correct. To be fair to him, he's probably still getting over his father's death in Cuba haha, why have you not retaken what is yours, exodus is for those who don't want to fight for what is theirs! Hope it passes, seems like a very high-pased and interesting way to play OSRS! inb4 all kirito IGN's are banned first Thank goodness SF's pro nudity laws were eradicated, that guy is clearly a threat. #doyourjob Look up the natural supplement protandim. Sparkle crotch (Seth Rollins) Elderly couple found dead of heart attacks after finding a clown doll in dark How's that headline gonna make you feel op? Yeah 'monkeys', right. I really want to see if it can compete with the greatest modern shooter ever, Hour of Victory. Ban deactivated guns! it's fantastic how much Trump broke liberals' brains that they're calling him the loser of the election without a trace of irony LOL He must of loved him some bacon I was also thinking that. Did you get his numbers? Trashy behavior is par for course for a liar and shill like Conway. Those 3 together are better than Godsent Spoiler! Would this work if Tiny had a wk aghs with him? Good thing I buy my 18650s for my flashlight BLM fucked up BADLY So when does AR supposedly start flashing his junk to broads? Why is Paradis Honorable Mention if hes the highest graded center in the league? Because she looks soooo hott with her bowl cut bangs and caterpillar eyebrows Kawhi for president! Damn, that was really furious. If you did this for Arma the video would be 30 minutes long. Get that pesky historical accuracy outta here Found our headliner btw I'm pale what do you do if people ask you to help out in walk man's sales when mp3 is the main stream? read the top yellow highlight text on the sub reddit nice Donnie boy, you know you can't have the same executive action and think this time it will not be halted. Good effort, but you used two different types of formats, and didn't put the coordinates in accurately. lol. Buck being Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is still the funniest XD Thank god we have Bernie Sanders to change all of that Real men have fabs ^ can someone give me the run down on this, please? This sub makes the stupidest posts, I swear Me sixty-nine Well it is about time they pitched in, they are the only ones who can help! it always has been Clearly fake, the real GameXplain would have had Andre there Iceland is a HUGE rival to the US...didn't any watch The Mighty Ducks 2? I lived in Athens too! Those evil one-percenters at it again. Cuyahoga river on fire was awesome! this is beautiful. Sad. Why exactly do diamonds produce electricity when exposed to radiation? New title: I am the one percent! Where's the "Q" on my controller? What I don't understand is how we are going to stop people from rioting by stopping their access to porn? Is it better than 65k on pizza/dogs flown in from Chicago? But at least we got our country back eh lads? Fuck yeah, me mate Davo might get to keep his ute and jetski! God DAMN you are salty. yep its the autism from all those vaccines they got out of the pool after swimming w/in thirty minutes of eating. I think he was talking about not getting caught up in all the hoopla of the MVP talks. Idk how close it is but crimson aras, saffron photons, white volts, and a stern set along with other things? Those silly gooses Let me get this straight: The second man was able to get past her looks and only wanted to vomit when he reached her vagina? Why does this have to come after my Villian named Karl Rove ended up in oblivion from CoH/CoV now that NCsoft killed the servers. Easy first time you put a clan battle request, then the same friend puts one, making you be on the top and one on the bottom Life pro-tip: Avoid Dallas. Can you just talk straight up to the one friend about how you want yo help the other, depressed, friend out? Because tha raggedy nigga gon get his steal on But but making comic book superheroes PoC is just pandering to the SJWs in our new PC culture. wierd that this guy gets arrested and the 50 000 gamergaters who sent deaththreats to zoe quinn didn't. Red dot sight Damned immigrants taking muh jobs! Progress! I'd be happier if they had banned one A instead: assholes. Everyone knows the Water Temple is LITERALLY the HARDEST THING IN GAMING EVER. What an original, persuasive argument. Damn that's a lot of people who are going to have to cancel their flights and hotel reservations. Why is it so wet? I like your truck bro haters gonna hate. wow this got popular. I'm embarrassed that someone in the AFT would spell "fuck" incorrectly. We'd get to see what earth is like without human influence. Lebron should take his talents to the Browns! I'm sure 1MB is enough for retail in Japan. On behalf of single people everywhere; great idea. Yeah, because it's not like lesbian women have ever been sexually assaulted by men who thought that a good D would turn them straight or bi! But regulation is the source of all evil in the economy and should be completely done away with! The imgur interface was really confusing and this place is so nice in the comments If I ran BAs I would throw money at u for it Populist fear-mongering swill. I am sure Macy will rehire all those 10000 jobs after Mr Trump has a chance to talk to the CEO hahhah it will be a $300 upgrade. Australia, a leader in democracy, free speech, and environmentalism. I have noticed this frequently on many windows in Skyscraper as well. With speed, damage and HP buffs, of course. I'm amazed that people still connect their computer via Ethernet cable Yes. I always wondered how people decide on a color for wires. every strat oh my g... you have no idea what you talking about, they tried the same strat over and over again because as FalleN already stated long time ago, they use online matches as practice. jocke on you too, meno risorse per sostenere chi non ha soldi Name change. to say they are fiscally responsible. Reported for posting sexist video game B on what map? If only they had UBI Yeah, but that's counting the millions who voted illegally, and all "voted" for Killary. This all seems like pretty standard protocol to me. Maybe we should send out Thank You cards? Make smiles, not war But that's where the new HEB is supposed to go! KD was apparently watching the SEATTLE Seahawks play the Panthers yesterday, yeah that's all I got. Imo there should be a random option for everything, but you should be able to select what to randomize from Ich Mexico pays for this Wall then there will surely be doors built Info it. Well, I for one am SHOCKED. This guy is the biggest D bag on earth in person Meh, not a single skin or operation... useless update. Y'all know that they like doing the opposite of what you ask for, right? Why, was Smash Mouth already booked? Jusscheckinninanya Pepe. This just in: Huge company caught red-handed doing something illegal and considered morally unjustifiable, fined a few bucks, told never to do it again and goes back to business as usual. I like how the bass drops everytime he trucks somebody. WSJ are fucking scumbags. Answer new askreddit threads to try and get lots of upvotes. Written back when the federal government was smaller and not run by corporations. Alex Jones influence was a lot stronger than i thought it would be. I heard Panama was the place for offshore accounts these days Oops. i dont buy it The design of that website is a direct representation of the intelligence of the person that created it. This just proves that humans only use 10% of there brain. Mmmhm terrorism didn't exist until Obama got into office...nope what is Hell is this September 11th you keep talking about? Internalized Islamaphobia Hillary, CTR, Obama, rigged polls, maga Nothing helps me see your side of things more than calling someone a cunt. When you thought taking a screenshot while playing was a huge thing! Fuck Iran. HELL YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA So something isn't real or morbid unless there are gory pictures? Every single post on the front page is either pro-Bernie or anit-Hillary (minus the few neutral ones that slipped through), there really hasn't been any doubt for a while now. Hillary shaved Go on the internet and post a question about how to become more sociable. One of the most garbage twists in the history of Big Brother You can really see the conflict in this picture Bullshit, no one believes you pops! By the end it sounds like they're having sex. MSM goes crazy now with this propaganda bullshit Shouldn't have snubbed Snerkerberg, Xi. Fucking captchas The big question is: Which Six Flags? To reach the corporate parent... It really is the true goal for any big fiscal change, much as to reach the senate, house/ parliament is the only way to have true social change.. One step at a time Passt auch, wann werden die Panzerarmeen gegen Putin mobilisiert? Because they might get attacked by a predator in the wild and need a tall, strong man to protect them. Let's fucking milk this shit before it gets old, guys. Sorry Tim, you're good, but you're clearly no Brian Finneran. Well, people already think we're Nazis. To replace another Catholic VP. Good thing everyone who wanted one was able to snatch one up in time! Considering how far outside of the law most Miami politician play, why is anyone surprised at how bat shit crazy this ? This sounds too kind than what is actually about to come. If you are married, I think you have to divide your NW in half or add your partners lifetime earnings. im cool i dont play that much, but i do know that its fundamentally flawed and hasn't worked for alot of people, but your cool for being understanding. NOW YOU KNOW HOW THE WHALES FEEL It's clearly haunted. Pray five times a day As much as I enjoy Tennessee's recent bad luck, I'll be rooting for you guys against Oregon. So nobody here needs to do anything different than, since we are all Russian bots. this was totally worth putting more effort into than actually calling out misogyny on reddit with words n shit. All those street hawkers and rickshaw drivers switching to Bitcoin? I've stayed there, there's also a ton of small rooms that cost next to nothing. How much is that in cats? The gay oppression of Christians is so real! It look "cool" in your office Man, that 10 mil in minerals is gonna be 9 mil now, game breaking White Man's Burden but unironically I defeat Black Belts all the time, get on my level mom. I think your underestimating how good the Gerald Wallace era was, dick. You better be sorry, this joke is older than your Dad. But how else are they meant to show they're a worthwhile gentleman worth giving your flower to? Ryx going down to tier 3 where he belongs I like this. I like the hourglass expansion in the back 100% Support Somebody had to program the computer models to say that global warming happened!! I ain't no sugar cookie getter What a goal from Benteke wow this is news Take note FIA, this is how penalties should be handled in the future of F1. In other words don't be a Phoebe Surprise of the century right here. Yeah, I can't believe that didn't change it in any episode this season! Aren't you that guy from that one forum? I've looked for years for this creature in the wild I feel like a Trump and Hitler comparison is an incredible stretch and frankly really trivializes what a piece of shit Hitler was. Did you keep it in the refrigerator because you didn't have anywhere else to store it? Limited edition, collector's edition, premium edition.. What else is out there? As F2P I put my TIME into this game and Blizzard owes me for my work! That font A candle Will OWS start protesting Google now? Season 1: February Season 2: May Season 3...I'm guessing August? Time Well Spent Well duh, you have to know a black person to get close enough to them Can I go against you? Actually, the gem snaps in two. Is it possible "Yes!" Hawaii is a very white liberal state that practically borders Vermont. Who would have fucking thought? Rick isn't much of a liberal and I can prove that mathematically They are just born that way I use it as a scrub Looks like they hired a really good city planner. Fuck eagles, get energy. The people that made that article wouldn't exist if it wasn't for straight people. White mans payload 15-0 WOW what an original post OP! very cliche sadly I suggest they Don the Trump and build a wall around Switzerland So...did she die? ESPN says he has a 40% chance to bust though no thanks Oh, sweet, someone's making chicharrones! BUT THE PARTIES SWITCHED! Thank god it's a natural part of the ecosystem. Mario looks completely out of place in a realistic city, have we learned nothing from Sonic? That is a truly heartwarming story I can't even begin to imagine what it must be like being able to see everything that you remembered from 40 years ago that would be the best feeling ever and you could tell everyone you were a cyborg Not everything Roger says is plain stupid but this tweet certainly is. This will last a long time. Nothing better than a fixer upper! Looks like they've sold out. Of course it's outrageous, his kind used to be payed much more back in those days Wow, look how morbidly obese she is! I'm just gonna say it: I didn't care about Cecil You want to drink that? BUT GUYS, NOT ALL FEMINISTS ARE LIKE THAT my schadenfreude is through the roof The left only cares about you if they need your vote, after that your on your own. Well yeah, but we all know that Tupac isn't dead, now don't we? Another SoftLayer pic. Someone should show up at his house in a Shovel Knight cosplay and shout "STEEL THY SHOVEL!" that says iphone 6 you liar Yeah, that's a shocker! its obviously because of pervasive harassment. RIP your legs. Get a girl to text you first what is the point of this? Fire all of them. William you sadistic motherfucker technically you have found death You can't blame the guy, it seems he's the only one that has put what he read to "good use". Still won't play over the Chinese duo Not elpresador BOIIIISTTTTT But...but...that's impossible! So this is how they won the franchise wars Time to start sending our criminals over there again fucking weebs I can't take seriously any article that starts by complimenting the worst name in the history of major professional sports. Wait, I thought we dads were clueless when it comes to parenting and cooking and aren't capable of internal thought or making decisions. Ah, should do wonders for their already inflated property value. It is a straight razor *and* a bottle opener all in one! Yeah birds love a good taste of oil Are they planning to burn that cross? No passion ugh Congratulations for being a failure and a quitter. This is excruciating- thank god I'm not alone in this. Obviously :) I'm currently running 12 cores at 3.46ghz, I guess that makes me a god? Yes, because it's an article of an article of a rumor! Shocking Are we allowed to talk about that? i thought those were called creepers. we need to fight terrorism with terrorism Yes The horse neigh on third down reminds me of that scene in Animal house... in the deans office. Numarul de licente de alimentara dintr-un oras este limitat pentru a permite un minim profit pentru proprietarii magazinelor, astfel incat sa aiba bani pentru a intretine magazinele si sa nu ajunga mancarea spre pretul cel mai mic care sa-i duca pe toti la faliment. Boooooo 4:3 What does "gaslighting" actually mean? they should have got whoever wrote this to write a movie for Marvel Karma might as well just turn off twitter until BO3 because the amount of hate he is going to get because of this would be suicidal clutch groundout by gonzo You should have been watching the game He's not too worried, in 2020 he'll have 95% of the black vote so no biggie Cringe not rage. Clearly we need to increase college subsidies and make it free for all state residents! obvious neckshot, you just have to git gud She responded to this rumor saying that she was preparing a joint lol Well her parents must be proud of all the grandkids now. Bray needs to work on his core strength, didn't let Roman hold him in vertical suplex position to look strong. Somehow if you asked me to guess which city this was going on in, Portland would have been my first choice. But then they won't be able to get Rank 1 and be pro. Lol jk Because they're all supposed to be loser loners like him, of course! Well the PS4 Pro is technically a scam since it can only do 4k at upscale. Real talk it's spot the bombers up in here Audie Murphy destroyed the Nazis single handed! Omg i thought he would represent They look super pleased. Messi There is no better way to build a strong and respectful relationship with the community. Well of course, you're supposed to use Edge It's for the gays Must have been made by the Chinese. Because Travis is such a bright charismatic media tallent all channels must have been after him for exclusive contracts so channel 9's 5 year contract seems reasonable. I guess it's hard being Super Bowl champions What's up with canon sub though, seems kind of dead-ish. Tech9 - I'm a playa. African Lion Safari? It bothers me that the rain does not continuously fall in this gif 10 seconds my ass, OP you lying bastard how dare you make little Koreans suffer. buy season pass It means she has a crush on you! $1000 fine for someone on food stamps seems perfectly reasonable. they all can't spread eagle and drop an anchor like Melania. Damn I can't believe a Philadelphia sports fan would act like such a scumbag they are usually known for their class and intelligence It is lol upvoted Napier wins again! This is clever and hilarious. Cat is feeling the Asics You heard it here first: John Scott to the IceCaps was all about ticket sales How unpopular Cant wait for an Android release! Yeah, we're fucked. As if the WK wasn't staring at her ass too they must be suffering atleast .5% attrition, better build some forts ryze should make a small jump in the diretion of you cursor after every spell Use your heads, people: There's no way either bill would survive judicial review. I'm having a similar problem with ac2, I bought the game 3 months ago and still haven't been able to play it! Wow shaders never seen them before Well, we all knew Bernie was in the pocket of big nursing. Paradise? IIRC ps4 has graphics card equivalent to radeon hd 7850 which is less powerful than 7870 (And Discord) Vira latas You were hit on by a chevy salesman? Town of salem? Put it on your backpack I'll be getting rid of the Space Goats, coast to coast You mean future NFL star Brad Castleberry? I don't form my own opinions, that's what I have Reddit for Any revolution that hurt the USSR or Putin was a capitalist nazi zionist plot! Bevin: always looking out for the little guy. Last ditch effort to save our country from the end of times! Totally worth her 15+ million CEO dollar compensation package. #CULTURAL APPROPRIATION More human than human He bought them back to sell them cheaper Oh no what a shame Who could have seen that one coming? Downvoting so you fuckers don't steal all the tickets """""""""""""""""""worked"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 9% of colleges reported incidents of rape in 2014. Is the game worth 10 cents? Unlikely, the forecasts that far out is usually whacked. Go LDLC Gief SKINZ! I didn't know the UK had a *cooperation* tax? If it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down. Planning a few tattoos myself and according to this person, I should put up a go fund me for one of them because getting "be more positive" on my arm is obviously going to be therapeutic for my depression Thanks so much! I'm fucking shocked that foundation is made up of rich people No no no, It's Hulk to Chelsea not Falcao Each pair had a driver that won in a green 18 car prepared by JGR. I mean, he's *global elite* now, he could probably replace Fiffy, right? why would you want to leave such a glorious place? Because red hats Sadly not. Another neoliberal, but hey we have insanity to the right and no voice on the left. Is it a picture of Koishi? but OP you just don't get the pale struggle Probably the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Hope u find peeko Yeah but emo Spidey was soooo bad Now wait for Samsung to su**e** Qualcomm (and also r**e**move the headphones jack from S8) I would be, but Bleach was released in the 80s and so his entire argument is completely invalidated as a result. If every shot that we've hit the post went in, we would have the most points in the NHL right now. I guess we are heading towards where interstellar started. I mean, the ability to reason is the main distinguishing feature between a new earth creationist and an intelligent human being. Be prepared to short the pinterest IPO Why not try and start a discussion instead of making blanket remarks that really just sound like complaining. White supremacy in the classroom? no Clearly just a bad apple We have nothing to fear but a free and unfettered press But guys, Dice is bad remember? But I thought girls never lied about terrible things like this? Gosh sarcasm is hard Leelleelleellee L UNIT Privileged Shameful kowtowing to Western opinion You know Microsoft means business when narrator and the photo app update are half of The news on a new build I guess conservatives will need to shut down Vanderbilt for messing with baby parts now. Yes its been gone since 1st patch released on PC If I saw that I'd avoid them anyway and make it obvious I was avoiding them because they should not be bringing virus laden Typhoid Marys out in public. Gudda Gudda though HHAHAH! Lol, what did he pull a crazy Ivan or something? Saudi Arabia the most hated country in the world? I'm sure they could've thought of something a bit more convincing than a story involving a settler driving on Shabbat. Thanks Lurie and Roseman. Inb4 no $$ coz rigged guys stop persecuting her, this is like the salem witch trials all over again Doritos are so classy that you only eat a few at a time No shit. Tumblr Yay! But where would our moral compass point? Tell the Pope to go have a good wank! And this is why, kids, you don't smoke in the bathroom. And now we're claiming that the emails are why Hillary lost... which is why Trump is mirroring the behavior they harped on. Not just that, label all the food which have molecules in them, those things can kill you! Yeah cause we all know religious people are all blind idiot sheeple and we atheists are the only ones who are shining examples of intelligence I wonder if this means they will release the ps4 Streaming app to all android devices now. Un-fucking believable LOL Well, obviously she wasn't a "real Christian". I thought Tony was Why go through the time to fake this and why do we care so much that it's fake? Their story is supposed to take place in the 40's so I'm okay with the costumes being what they are but, damn, is it me or Obsidian just looks awful with that thing on his face? Except that the best Stalinists remember purge and *support* our Glorious Comrade's decision. As long as they don't swear Reading all that made me wonder why the heck someone would put up with children... Nevermind, I'm sure it'll be different when they are mine! It's all about appearances and pretend for these people, with the aim of making them feel better about themselves, damn whoever it might ignore or actively harm in the process. But Romo's not a top 5 QB. Why would Russia help Trump after buying all the uranium mining rights from Hillary? 2 keys for all I dont know what the fuck you are talking about, I only got dodged 8 times today, even when I was autofill suport 2 of them. Princeton is proving itself as one of the top daycares in the country. As a libertarian socialist I can relate to this. And to think that, when we mention something among the lines of "Countries like X and Y have free school meals/healthcare/whatever that America doesn't have for free", Americans' immediate reaction is to go "BUT YOUR FREE SCHOOL MEALS/HEALTHCARE/WHATEVER IS SHIT SO WHO CARES HURR DURRR" Looks like u haven't watched Fnatic brah What a good role model, he is aware of how big a problem manspreading is in Canada Disability isn't reason enough to not do gods will. Exactly what an innocent person would do, no? Svetlana needs to watch her mouth or she is gonna get a vodka bottle upside the head from Vlad. sounds like a reputable source. It's ok, we have strengthened, we have Holding now. The French word is pronounced something like shersh, but in my mind I always said "share-shay". Guys watch my girl? He should have simply explained to President Kennedy that it came out of a "different pot of money," and that "that money had already been spent." That's ok, less than half of America thinks republicans are necessary for democracy. There's a reason why I hide in my house in Bryan and sob quietly until everyone has left. no dude hes shit Europeans have decided that abortion is a "non-issue" and mock us for debating the morality of it. Dont you guys know that this is promoting patriarchy! Espn Jock jams ... is there anything else. That's a really great render! My phone (iPhone 7 Plus) has also an edge to edge display with the screen off (I know it's a dummy) ITT: a whole bunch of faggots mindlessly discrediting the reasoning's of 7k player because they aren't capable of rational thought and can only jump on the shadowblade hate bandwagon Andrew Prescott should be arrested and questioned. I love reposts It's going horribly but we're going to continue anway - US Government Well I'm not sure why everyone is cheering me on, but I guess I'll take his advice and jump from this building. Shut up and go away - I say this a democrat. So therefore we need stricter prison sentences right? Yes. Oh, and good news vegans, it's **gluten free** so you can have it too! Why would you replace your 1050 Ti with a 9800 GT? Not Oregon's finest work in the uniform field, but that's mostly due to the sheer amount of greatness they have given us. This seems to be the dominant strategy: Step 1: Select a horde Step 2: Swim in your pool of infinite mana as you kill and burn everything around you Step 3: One-tag the world before the 1600's what happened to the EU roster? 7/10 no Ballora titties WE COD NOW BOIS BREAKING: My nephew was born on 6/9 UPVOTE ME Good example of why people hate lakers/kobe fans So republicans think god is not great. Yo girl... On a scale of 1 to Archduke Franz Ferdinand, how much of a shot do i have of taking you out? Jesus the one I belong to. The "pussification of America" continues They've realised their place as two AIs battling it out for eternity and have realised that the winning move is to not play. Worked great for the rail lines. All while holding his looted shoes You know, the fact that Gwin can't keep a sponsor for more than a season or two really makes me wonder what he's like off the track. I'm guessing we'll get our first review about 2 days before the game drops. Must be from playing with Ovi so much It is difficult to find a neutral party What is dead may never die, but rises again harder and stronger. 9mm to the brain pan should cure him of his urges I wonder what the Arabs are so angry about? That's because it consists of "social media" buttons. This makes me want to use UBER even more here in LA. It's an ankle bracelet dumbass. Never seen anything like this before 4686 Thanks OP! Good thing that they blocked out his eye... Wouldn't want anyone to recognise him. I guess thats because those 3 don't work for FOX now Obv this means we are drafting trubisky Allah was the first SJW and Mecca is the Muslim's "Safe Space". Or a WTF pipe #SNPBad This means Starbucks is going to be lowering it's prices soon, right? M monologue Monmouz6h k9inhtlv'/hh km mKlingmer I have a Samsung Galaxy SIII and the battery sucks on it. Well they took away our guns what should we expect? Kylo Ren is Jar Jar we reaching new heights of naivety. That Taker threatened to beat the tar out of Shawn Michaels if he didn't do the job to Stone Cold. At least now they are civilized. The new site is so pretty Is the full list up any where not behind a paywall? The majority of Americans, including the President, are unAmerican So Wade Phillips and Romo unite? And then everyone stood up and clapped Howling in pain from the butt plug If they didn't have guns the toddlers would stab people! When you really gotta collect every drop of the precious liquid gold it would probably be 10-15 max if you tried to sell it. So Hayne or CAP this week? Haha Now that's my kind of woman. Glad to see all of those targeting calls are really helping. Fuck hdr but hot daum i love this car You're ingenuity and original content are great. Nice repost Were they Muslim? Not only a Muslim but a refugee Atleast those crumbs make it more tactile. It's cool when Democrats do it. Do they have a release date? Am I the only one bothered by the fact that Silva is in the "Penn Region" and Penn is in the "Silva Region"? Waiting for the neckies to waddle in here with their atheist opinions How can a corporation this big make such an unbelievably foolish decision? Huh? Love making grants the ability temporarily. There is a big difference between dying at 40 in your mobility scooter with an amputated foot and sleep apnea and dying at 80 after an active and fulfilling life. Remember Americans: If we get rid of Immigrants rape will cease to exist. Breaking news! I never thought I'd see a hockey fight with a guy putting up his dukes. Im glad this pops up every two weeks, otherwise I'd forget this exists. Some things will NEVER change! This would have gone better if the other kid *also* had a gun! The characters aren't real stop acting like they are. Do something semi-boring and mundane and then title it ASMR relaxation and you will rake in the views. This is like the most Rube Goldberg-ish gun control plan I have ever heard of. and this is the exact reason why we should have a smaller federal government and larger state governments But you can't feel nothin! Well i use to play around 23 ping, but when it goes up to 50 i really notice a delay in my skills, and move inputs, like playing in cotton for a while. i dunno why would you want to see this but literally 1st image in google images so one girl lied out of the thousands that were reported to be sexually assaulted that night First Post - I did it! Just a guess but I think he wants a fruit basket. The large gap I leave in front of me is for my stopping distance, not so you can cut me off This dude is bad at hip hop. He's doing a fantastic job, at it. I love it when hateful rhetoric masquerades as comedy and then neckbeards quote it as truth. Late maybe you're confused. blaze it bra Damn, you missed your chance to hang out as friends! Complete and total fulfilment/enlightenment First off: Seen this before Second off: Doesn't make this any less scarring. At least he can 'artisinal' when the robots take all the jobs. What a buffoon. People posting compassionate things about tragedies just got so gosh darn annoying. Must of learnt from Sapienza. But I like Heimskr! Part 2 of an ongoing series, Tune in next time to see if this 12 year old will still be a dumbass 12 year old Spoiler alert: [He will be] Yeah I agree, picked it up at Target one day and wasn't too sure what to do with it. Surprise Surprise The untimely end of a fuckboi! Officially cool But she can't be punished because she didn't mean to be hacked, right guys? Just another example of the patriarchy claiming the achievements of women as their own My brother has that mic as well Sooo.. what're you planning on massacring? Wait till the Christians see this. I can't believe it's another button Definitely an average redditor Let's start up the witch hunting machine! dialed the number i saw in a stall, 6 years later i married her ZaZa and Kevin for Bogut and Harrison, who says no? Such a clever response. It's only terrorism if they use guns. That's one more playoff goal than Chiasson has this year. God I hope Wiggins at some point in his career just posterizes LeBron. Wow, haven't you heard of taking a screenshot? Ugh I had my hand on my dick. Murray Rothbard, well known anti-Semite. Biased i wonder if bees are dying at an alarming rate on earth 2 as well. It's tradition. Ra does as he pleases. So it's like the Terminator? Yeah, I hate white bags too! Gamebreaking if they killed u with a smart pistol they could have killed you faster with any other gun, get rekt HE WILL NOT DIVIDE US Multiple choice question, random selection or all three? well there is no way this can't end creepily Dude, the Simpsons stole that from Odd Future! I'm rubber you're glue, whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you! So be be untouchable in America, you need to first be a police officer, then get elected to congress and BAM - no jail time, ever, for anything. No one has done more for ISIL Caliphate than Erdogan. It does, it protects you from having to see them! Probably why return of the jedi was so shit. wow didnt see that coming I read this and I can't help but think it's an uneducated attempt to explain hitting a plateau, then proceeding to give up. Heaven forbid that Hamas be kicked out of office. That's racist ! Shocking, pellegrini deserves better than this You guys have ATM fees? Wait, reverse thrust is ALT+S now? Thats ok, Keith Ellison will straighten it out The Legend of Zelda now confirmed to be unrealistic who knew? well next time he flies ill crash his plane with no survivors Well, atleast he apologized. It's a legendary, it deserves its legendary power. They just made poor decisions and don't want to work to be able to get another home, nothing odd about that World collectively punches US court in the fucking face repeatedly. Je moet je hotel delen met vluchtelingen, en je jongste dochter afstaan aan de lokale afghaanse warlord. A primetime win.... I'm so happy i understand everything with YT's auto translate He only got that double double because LeBron was out with cramps. Lebanese people aren't Arab... How does a website called muslimpress get that wrong? It is truly magical. If you grow hemp you hate America. Thanks for the repost Those ducks were desecrating the Russian motherland! Hey what map is this? L for buying shoes from a company that keep handing you L's. The only thing that's decent of this movie *Delawan ang twitter confirmed* Blame Modi for this. Nice trigger control. But.. but we need to see what they are going to eat She's a girl? Love that question mark following the compliment. Good thing they just elected a government that pretty much promoted this then, huh? But we were all born muslims but were just converted to other religions by infidels, didn't you know? Seems like a good idea, also makes fireball a sweet positive elixir trade. How could you resist such a unique offer? also Korea Now it's coming out We knew it would, although this time it's faster than usual Hey, it'll only be 6 more years till all game modes have legendary armour. TheGuardian surely isn't biased against China, at all. Yeah but what about DST? There was a time when united fans would be celebrating given this news the op is crazy You are right but that doesn't go down well with a significant number of 'muricans. You're squeezing it too hard if its tongue is sticking out. Karius to score 96th minute overhead kick to win 1-0 on Wednesday can't wait Too easy to break on the side? You can install all apps you need from the native KDE neon app store called Discover. Looks shopped. Because runescape pvp is not random to begin with. Is there an english version? Oh, no, this network isn't constructing a pre-conceived narrative *at all*. I guess Varg was right. Woodward, you fucking brilliant man I mean it hits ya right in the feels... keep rockin OP Upvoted for the bear Leffen should force himself to fake laugh again So, -shroud like in SK? It's just the gentle way of rejecting someone and still being friends I'm sure we can all agree that this totally happened and is just being told through image macro so it can provoke thoughtful and fruitful discussion about the existence and nature of trans people. I won't believe that corporations are people until Texas executes one. I can't believe sponsors like Budweiser are focusing on women fighters when they should be giving money to great established male fighters like Mark Bocek! I think I just looked at 3 different cars. Because thats totally why they shot that dog 41 and 1 at 26 minutes damn your good. Lol he's acting like $13.50 is a lot I don't wanna rant Then fucking don't. People don't believe me when I tell them trailers only hold so much weight. It is if you are a western team and only have 1 Korean on your squad. Amazing As long as they have 3 left-handed Dmen and 3 right-handed Dmen and the goalie doesn't mind lots of shots from the outside, it'll work out just fine. I presume he's playing it on PC, it's already been working with emulators. This is happening because the government is not taking care of us. sweet superb. I know what you've been browsing It's impossible to be racist against white people! Just get a 9$ mic ? How could he get away with it if we're reading about it? But that's really only two dudes, right guys? Repost @kits Im_a_retarded_that_cant_get_my_own_items_so_i_use_kits lol I bet you're the only one who collected pokemon games Well considering the fact that hardcore PC gamers don't typically buy games in stores, yea. Game is glitchy nothing is on screen, they need to fix this. Dat ass tho. ego-t mini, artemis carto tank. It will trickle down any moment now If the possessor who signed a formal document saying Carnell refused to sign while he was verifiably in prison, couldn't the processor be charged with perjury? Typical MLS defending, amiright? Could someone actually calculate the odds of this happening? Why is this nsfw This almost makes FIFA's ranking look reasonable. HHH never fails to involve drake in anything they can. Isn't buckbeak a weird name for a cat? Animated Armor should have been a rogue card. lmao, how did you even play the game? Windows has won, we can all go home now RIP Apple ~~Computer~~ Well, it would suck to follow Harrison Ford talking about choppering in to a mountain range to save some stranded hikers with a story about how your pipes burst and flooded your apartment. Well, it must be God miracle then! I think we should cut more funding from mental illness programs. Nice ROI for Clinton! Great to see our criminal justice hard at work. Isn't it just slayer with with a decorative flag in both bases? Dedicated Servers only available with the season pass. damn, i wish i received messages like these. IE = Internet Explorer IE = Indian Express I'm just going to say it: I think Alex was extremely selfish to propose to his fiance just weeks after his accident. These people in the administration don't give a shit about anyone other than themselves. What the shit do you mean by *y'all*? All the houses have roofs, I can't recall that You obviously missed the point, so you need to go deeper. I recommend books Damn how do you drop royalty after that event. da fuk is wit u Quick question, does the free transfer from the referral work cross-region? Obviously because one groups is whiter than the other. this just means more exposure for reddit and more people are going to check it out. 99% of the time it works: every time. Get Prison Architect! Hahahaha I almost bought that but then I realized my life was worth living. Daca ar exista un flair "gretos", pentru postari de tipul asta s-ar aplica. Hmm, wonder why this keeps happening when he gets such strict discipline each time. But...but...but...when I used to ride in cars like that and I turned out fine! But what about the moral compass of the government? I may already know the answer to this question, but has CNN ever actually gone back to the feed after one of these convenient cuts or do they not even pretend to try to get it back anymore? Pumpkin-headed scare crow killer confirmed You think that guy carries a Glock? Flawless victory Am an atheist who wants my children to be religious. TIL WWII isn't over. *Meta advancing intensifies* Go fuck yourself Don't worry, I get confused by background images as well sometimes. After only 2 weeks Trump only needs 87 to catch up. This includes William Henry Harrison, who managed to die a month into his first term. If all these nutter are going to leave in May , can they donate their saving to Reddit users so we can party. Oh good, they haven't made a CoD game set in WWII yet. Idk, Rogue? So, not heroin? I think you meant to say "The Last Boyscout" I got so much sauce call me ragu, I like my baby girl pussy bald like Caillou - Kodak Black (2017) But I was told he was liking all the "come to giants pl0x" so he clearly didn't care about the browns anymore For a historical example, just look at how better ideas defeated Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. I hope we get Pool Nation FX! Yeah apathy is a really great attitude to have Rusev , Miz , and Dean Ambrose because they all have three hot blonde wifes which makes me jealous. Screaming "aye yo girl" what kind of comment is that you sound like you want to hook up with a child. How much has it made? My favorites are the ones with that on Tinder Honestly the concept is actually pretty good, but the limitations is just descrimination Awww yiss can't wait for the 40 min solo farming of the sidelanes and not right clicking shit in teamfights. /me starts buying stock in companies that make big ladders. Oh look, another Remain alert coming true I thought I read that Kanye said he DIDN'T vote. Damn, too bad I already traded in my copy. Java is just short for javascript right? school... can't wait until full-time career comes We could fix the entire budget if we permanently furloughed 90% of the Pentagon workforce. gg hf OW banned nurd Until their skin loses its pigmentation. :/ Surprise They are trying to get LeBrons stats padded a little more Birth control hard at work right there. Big fry before voting no! clean your fucking pool gaymer fgt A bad start from webber No, not webber! Plus a 15% discount at any Trump Resort properties! Wow you are such a fucking moron... It's 2016, don't be a pussy by staying in the goal... Fucking degenerate. Its why I watched Mania What was this, the ARCA Sim game? Well he IS anti-censorship and for freedom of speech after all. I wonder how different the world would be if there were gays in the entertainment industry... Today I saw another framed picture left somewhere in new town, didn't think anything of it until i saw this. Same old CD Projekt engine, same CD Projekt glitches. Chip Kelly trades outspoken black player I think Sanders hit the nail on the head when he said the Paris attacks were caused by global warming. Hey, he earned every dollar of that money the gubmint is trying to take! I have crippling depression Even if he's "not your president," it's still quite illegal to threaten him. They should sit him for the rest of the season to make sure they can prevent further injury This is how we move earth through space. Just being in the train during peak hour in Melbourne is a total shit fight, I'd rather sit in my own space for an hour than deal with a fuck load of people in face for 30mins. No, not coal plants but clean coal plants! That'll show those trolls! I'll take one Al Golden to FSU please. Watching these overtaking videos make me deathly scared of doing it now. just lol Le nouveau plan anti-immigration a l'air de bien avancer OMG JUSTIN HOLIDAY JUST GOT AWAY WITH A FOUL ON JR SMITH, REFS CLEARLY ON THE BULLS PAYROLL, JUSTIN HOLIDAY DIRTIEST PLAYERS IN THE LEAGUE All because of BCCI Vs Lalit Modi conflict His life must be so hard. I find it odd that he had so many MVP top 10 finishes but was only a 4 time all star What a pity. It's the originality of mobile games that's going to destroy PC/console gaming, right? Because having things from dead people is messed up. He may want to check his tire pressure. You have never read him, and if you have, then you have betrayed the fact that you have very poor reading comprehension skills. The only self defence is to eat them Dead game. You look like you're going places. Always give teething (and drooling) babies cell phones. So very sad and so very true. blah ha ha ha.... that was funny, you had your fun.... now in all seriousness tell us what is the real title to this post or i am going to recommend it be deleted for being fake news Wow our FO is so active this offseason God hit CTRL-B accidentally before hitting CTRL-V Come on Darrell let's not stretch facts, he told the 'least untruthful' answer. Oh look, something else that was easy for Aang as a child that Korra can't do. Yeah, because they're a broken family! No reason to pay if she can't get the play. Unfortunately "Kingdom Come: Deliverance" is also coming to the peasant platforms. Nice Apple ad. I would have thought top priority was "update character nobody uses" and "fail to nerf pocket sniper and Super90" but I guess cheating is important too! But it was 4am tho...fuck was he expecting? I am shocked and surprised damn i wish i could fit my girlfriend's sneakers Haters be hatin the square headlights, smh Omg I just love it when men reduce my whole being to a single physical feature. Apple has way more swag than the op Depends if you like your candidates racist and orange I kept hearing shotguns were OP after the update but sheesh! Obviously the illegal aliens caused 9/11 Main? Trumps the best at the lawyers, nobody laws as hard as he does Proof that the right wing is being oppressed. The only ones who need to stop are the ugly fat ones... and you know who you are. hi FBI here's some fun stuff you might want to check out oh wait it's ok cause it's """"""hypothetical"""""" I like it! Wow this is great! Damn Muslims! High skill player who didn't play enough matches to ever rank ninetails Because you found what is basically a typo on a worksheet somewhere? Obligatory *I spent ---- hours on this short video* just to get to the front page, comment. To be fair I think that's an Acela based on those seats. damn, what chemicals does the government put in these whales? That movie doesn't exist. I went to steal from someone only to find out they had just stollen from me. But I thought you were dumb Hillary says the plant "requires more regulation" while it has been leaking radiation for years. Man, parts of India are like the fucking American south in Django Unchained Somebody needs to make a Dailtxploitation movie, name it 'Dalit Unchained' Avilo has not lost a single legit sc2 game since WOL. I found my new screen wallpaper As a feminist I wish all our 'flops' were like this I just go down to the convenience store and buy a bag. Antibacterial Soap also causes autism. Yup, it's really hard to import decent jungler into my soloQ game I'm just waiting for an article titled "Trump Beat Clinton if Californians and New Yorkers only count for 3/5 of a vote!" Someone's a bit ignorant. Because Spike Lee did this we should immediately stop demanding justice for a murdered boy... there is no other option. Omg ur so funy nd inlitened. Oh yes rich Americans pay the poor country's bills Looks like a bungalow, so not much to show i guess. 1. has a kid 2. won't go to bars 3. smokes weed sounds like a keeper Go go gadget glaz This must be the place. I think she's onto something, I don't think I'll vote for him either. You can clearly see he is scarred for life now and needs therapy Yeah, but I bet toner cartridges are the most expensive part. I mean society practically forced him to murder her ZOMG look at borderland's graphics! So many sweet keyboards in Tokyo and all she brought back for you was a boot? Having Baltimore on the list would just be silly They should have picked a more stable, secure career, like Coal Miner But... But... capitalism creates monopoly right? Wow, didn't see that coming. Craigslist free stuff section, I mean they probably read it... If only you had the ability to read the article and thus understand the stated reasons... That would be a great power indeed. Reposts oh sorry ya can't make it. turn right from the left lane you spud! Health care for the masses is secondary to assuring that the rich get even richer. I love how "roasting" is now just an acceptable term for making fun of people! Poor bastard is also an Astros fan. how does 2006 and 2007 compare Unbelievable So edgy Does Dutch Gold and red lemonade count as a cocktail? I don't believe in all the EA stuff just try to stay cool when you go behind, it's going to happen in some games, but the amount of people that self destruct at 0-1 is mad they were guilty of being in close vacinity to alleged terrorists, I suppose. Those damn raghead muzzies all look the same to me anyways Flawless Sucks that I just built a gaming PC for $1500 that can't really do 4k when I could have waited for the new Xbox to play games in 4k for $300. I do not even understand the fact the "cleansing" was more of a brutal *murder* how far greed can take people I bet HE would let me use my incantatrix build! I feel like this is something that can be easily faked But if you want it to truly be cinematic, it needs to be frame - locked at 30 FPS in 720p. I hope they bring back Other M to the Switch Mac Pro or trash can? OnePlus car Oh grow up. No its a duplex, 2 bedrooms The real threat is OP's silly conflation. What were they doing when they delayed the game from february making pre order bonuses, dlc's and excluisve 6 month dlc for ps4? Lesbian love is the love that keeps on giving. Comcast BUT HTC CAN'T UPDATE PHONES WHAT IS THIS STOP LYING creonte af Old habits apparently die hard. Hillary Clinton thinks Milhouse is a meme Give him a break, he walked on the moon! Preaching to the chior OTOH, I find the interface idea kind of interesting. We S4 MTL all over again, petition to pick up Billiam for maximum success Reciting my embarrassing childhood moments. So basically following our parents and grandparents careers? Yes, because of Mexico's strict gun control laws, police in Mexico are so safe, their homicide detectives have to wear masks to protect their identities! Don't you mean "people"? You know, the whole risk of vaporisation thing made me remember when my MVP whispered "exterminate" into my ear. Yeah fuck those GTA guys Canceling verizon Man up. drone strikes aren't a recruiting tool OMFG TAG AS NSFW! It should knock players to the ground and stun them for a short period of time That headline is an extremely great play on words I hate women now and blacks fuck it - gays too Black helicopters, Maggle! it looked good in the thumbnail feathers blow away while lead stays firm. Beautiful. Unstable Portal limits the creation of any good minions :/. Well that's underwhelming as fuck Of course Glenn does, where else is he going to score all that ~~cocaine~~ outrage fuel? My Name is Le White Male Redditeur, and I have several opinions about others suffering and how actually I am the one that suffers the most so they need to stop being so racist against me. I dunno guys "I wanna know where you got your boots" totally sounds like "You're selfish for not having children." Itll also turn your GPU into a convienent space heater! Yeah, but it's a pro day time, so you've got to add the running time of *Titanic*, plus an extra week or two to be safe. The new skidoos look good. If only Fart fart fart. THANK GOD FOR THE RUBBER TIRES THAT SAVED THOSE PEOPLE How do we peek when our bots are burning? Have an an upvote! Spike grenade, or just one with similar mechanic. Cue. God I hope we get a better Labor leader soon. 4 fewer countries Brotha. So people who supported to remain but couldn't be bothered to vote in the first place now say they would vote because thier side didnt win... Wow what a news worth article Do you think these kids are going to know or see any significance in the distinction? Water is wet. Doesn't make them look childish, and petty at all. Just what the MCU needs... more Ward. How many times will people repost the same stuff? Looks pretty good, but some of the line work is a little sketchy. This is super cool and welcoming to the chicks in this subreddit. Good. Gotta communicate with the Ruskies some way This is me painting when I don't like the subject but still need the cash. Don't know why but this was unsettling to watch I don't know, I bet hitlerwasright is a charming person. how DARE they not focus on baseball in every waking moment of their lives! Aspetto la lista dei 250 posti che la Clinton ha fatto bombardare per poi lasciarli nelle mani di jihadisti e tagliagole. I doubt it, but they look fake anyway. rarely seen someone get downvoted on so many posts in one thread, I respect u for that dog, nice job This was my Affirmative in high school debate in 2004! Pesticides lol That's usually what my dealer calls the "preems" and charges me more :/ I'm pretty sure that the indigenous people of both Alaska and Hawaii are brown. The look on his face is less than assuring, he even looks like he doesn't know what he's doing These answers demonstrate just how complex mental health is to aid. Oh God dammit Pennsylvania... So smooth! I'm guessing people are still green with envy that he got to nail Kate Winslet in *Titanic*. Yep, Denver did absolutely nothing themselves to win the game Well at least she ended on a positive note But who else would teach the white man how to eat friend chicken? To downvote the person I'm arguing with before he downvotes me! Yorkshire! You've been reading too much Charlie Hebdo All due to a decision that doesn't look suspicious at all. I can't believe it's not butter The face of the guy standing next to her is priceless He didn't take it directly, he just sent some "polite people" in. Thanks for all the hardwork Chainfire Literally unplayable, Spiderling Games plz. I bet it's Joe! Drain the swamp! There's about a billion and a half Muslims who would disagree with this. Except Jacob Trouba ayy lmao Dude in the studio told me they'll turn into 99 cards with crazy mustaches on November 21st, whose dude is better? Silly Canucks, you're at the wrong stadium. I call BS *delete* thats not the reason its banned though I like the sound of dessert night! What were you doing there? 10/10 It legit felt like it would be in the show. lol nicely done Yea and I totally don't shit out my asshole. i think its GOW4 But always remember as a young white man all the US' problems are somehow your fault It's obviously a metaphor between Porn or being able to achieve a Woody. Yes, now we have the Wynne Liberals removing all references to *mother* and *father* from ON legislation. marmite tastes awful #2. That's what she said. So proud of my glorious fatherland ;_; Americans with their primitive system. Just fly off then, awwww guess the 'heliphobes' were right. Might be a usecase for bitcoin here Yeah this is a joke, not fat logic. Don't worry, there's some fun stuff to do in Iowa. Well obviously the one on the left starved herself for years! I'm sure these proud people are proud Frenchmen. This can only mean the political conservatives will have to jump out of bed with the Roman Catholics if they intend to pursue their genetic manipulated human drones. That $400 million would've been much better spent just making myki cards free to buy. Cucking Well, try bribeing the hudge with $7. Inb4 Kevin edits them out. That would be cool too tbh Answer: All of it But is Zeke better than Jordan Howard? As long as they don't raise the social security tax limits and welfare limits, it might not be so bad. What type of lamp is that? We don't have this to reduce min-maxing by some terrible hosts i'm afraid you might be right... :( lol guys, someone asked a question on the internet, let's laugh and be really unhelpful hahahaha the abilities disgust me but i play wow okay lol I love it when the punchline is in the title. So sneaky After loosing 5 games in a row in ranked, this made my day! It was one month old. ~~WHAT A SPOILED BRAT~~ Yeah, we need to work on a new fantastic 4 already Get it, he's wearing iron 21 keys for normal After the last check clears, or he treats her like other contractors and doesn't pay her. He should have been on the cycle path in the first place, that's what it's there for, bloody two wheeled hooligans! Why are you still shopping there? Dude A+ Lee, :^) but can I recommend the nightcored version of this song :P it's faster paced But something something you can't be racist towards white people because something something PatriarKKKal repooplicans something something Oculus can keep this game. I feel like such a piece of shit for laughing at this. thanks obama That place looks super hygienic Maybe 1 turn a game but not nearly as often only imperfect to mortal eyes I'm more an Avenger than Wanda. I like bbc and I'm not a brit Its ok as long as we still get IGN previews and first looks it's all good salt Thanks China! How so? I had my money on Martavis Their next book will be about Hitler and how happy the jews where And they wonder why Europe is finished. I thought that a kid getting a boner in class was considered rape or sexual assault these days? He's been hanging out with PewDiePie too much. ArmA3, Hands down. Looks too real and too immersive, as a gamer graphics don't matter and I prefer 720p and 24fps for that silky smooth cinematic feel But if you pay then $15/hr they will start caring about their job, focus on out performing their peers, and trying to move up the economic ladder. How romantic. One really interesting shifter they left out is the one in Jeeps that causes runaway cars. Says the console player. What's the betting that she's like 5'2" and six lbs and her gender is absofuckinglutely immaterial, as with all of these. Fucking Abbott has sold us up the river, that fucking prick. As long as they're not female soldiers, that's just too sci-fi. That there is an omniscient god watching everything you do. Wow OP if only I was as wise and well rounded as you This man sure loves his elementary particles. This is probably why Hallmark is basically going out of business. No, they would simply breathe out of their assholes like a turtle. Yeah, my two year old throws tantrums when he doesn't get his way, too. Zeller has great hands! Clearly you used a non eleaf atomizer on it We may never understand the motivations of a madman like this.. I'm glad the mods of Askreddit made that contest so we finally get some quality, original questions That's one way of clearing the shit from around the sinks. What's with all the pro-authoritarian comments? I'm seriously loving this season Super cereal Always heard there were scary things down there. #ISLAM IS RELIGION OF PEACE STOP JUDGE THEM But tithing keeps the doors open and gives us another chance to encounter God. Bastards Guess it's time for him to score an own-goal But what if it causes autism? Yeah, 17 US intelligence agencies have concluded that Russians are behind the DNC hacks because the Democrats want to delegitimization Trump. jesus christ, this guy is a fucking moron. Is Chelsea a name of area? Walk in the club like what up I got a big squat OR you can go to your local quality head shop and support your town's economy and you will more likely than not get better quality glass and any questions you have answered. If only universal background checks had passed, this would have been prevented I'm shocked that they did this! Fucking assholes with their lasers... So we get a closer look at a cigarette? ITT: Denmark declares that logic has to prevail over feelings. Just a reminder: Lethal injection *is* a humane way to execute someone. Needs moar nipples. Her face looks like pain I'll offer dom gt + 2 keys for 7? Well that's an unexpected turn of events Them Gun Nuts You know every human being on this planet is a bigot right? Are your sure I don't see anything? This shouldn't cause any problems at all. *yay* Because whoever made this image probably dedicates themselves to charity on a normal day. Gayvet_2014 is to blame here. Do you even lift, bro? Sign me up :) Looks like an alien spaceship compared to Bush! starvation mode 10 bucks says he's in love with the dude Those zipties look JDM to me man The Dairy Counsel is strong they are. Samuel L. Jackson was busy He only put up those impressive stats because he played in the B1G What happened to doctors and engineers? I mean... I'm glad not everyone in society does the STEM shit but you should have an alternative plan if you aren't getting a degree that's really marketable. I'm sure the real life crisis situation will play out exactly as it does in your egotistical daydreams where you save everyone We're finally relevant! Compared to the 1500+ we've launched our success rate isn't abysmal True, but it's not a very enlightened view, or a historically accurate one, or even a biologically accurate one. Transgenderism is a mental disease. Oh no I'm so scared! Make sure to wear your jury nullification shirt to court whoaaaa, cool haha Looks like At least two of the 5 stabbing victims were actually liberal protestors Well at least we'll get a movie out of this. i have a better way- tell them that you once knew someone from canada, give their name, ask if they know each other. Conflating illegal aliens with immigrants again, are we? OP is so obnoxious. But he knows it when he sees it! I never think of Australians. Jets acquire Wideman Another instance of preferential Seahawks treatment by the NFL Oh, that's surprising. Nah they're just trying to look busy Everybody knows that The Chinese are immune to lung cancer... That's cute. What's the difference in stealing and banditry? Nah that seems pretty unlikely. That's the exact tittle I have in my SNES now, I'm reliving my childhood. I find your lack of faith in reddit disturbing If she has breasts then shes not so little Reagan gave all the gay people AIDS, don't you guys remember that? oh dear, how are we ever going to exist and fight the good fight for ethical standards without "dear leader"? ELI5: What does this mean? safety is for pussies. And they both have someone's hand up their arse Painful to watch it Well, you could have told her. Hilarious Yeah its so open source Then supercell ripped off it's own game... shameless Yes, because there's no way the head could smash down into the road when the body hits ground. the fix runs deep Because they can't win if they don't have a team full of MLG320BLAZEIT460NOSCOPING Snipers, I mean, the game is called "sniper fortress 2" for a reason Because some people still aren't voting for Bernie Sanders (and Liz Warren as VP!) neat. But in the mind of a reactionary there is no conflict or tension between the two positions. Rolled mig? A woman who charges 400k to teach a college course really understands the average woman. Yeah he's not coaching SK anymore No, I definitely do not. They're all staged. Is it really February 5th if I haven't gone to bed yet? They should have outlawed porns altogether because porns encourage people to molest and rape. I say 'it is law' to my girlfriend all the time... She just laughs at me. Bloat But don't we hate the shawarma scene? I'm really bad my kid is 1.8 grinding for 2 Now apple products are going to be even more expensive! And Jerry Seinfeld's calm and smoothing voice So what I'm taking away from this is that women are biologically inclined to be lazy layabouts who need pampering and nap-time in order to not be psychotic freaks He's holding out for the Nebraska gig next year. Yeah and the Louisiana purchase never happened too Stupid ass toad cunts. Much like real life sports the career is a VERY short one so you have to maximize on your earning potential as much as you can. Why those Germans waving Turkish flags? If you can forget his head is there, that angle makes him look like a rotisserie chicken. Why it's such a mess. That *has* to be something illegal, you don't use large files or fast internet for anything other than piracy! just play sym+torb on attack to counter them The conspiracy to smear Bashar deepens. How're you playing Civ VI already? You mean the KGB is running the US intelligence community ? Now we will have to deal with antibiotic resistant Ebola. PAW PAW? He had gay sex with his boyfriend right there on live TV during the NFL draft and Obama executed another brave soldier with his Death Panel and the liberal media clapped Someone please stop these horrible pipelines! Did you forget to draw the rest? Hence the prevalence of porn. What could possibly go wrong? Damn west coast liberals. No she doesn't, they play D&D The time for Mechanical Keyboards has come to smash these puny keyboard hipsters! Omg guys, did u see what happened in Melbourne, 4 people died Vernon Supreme gets NO respect! Come on, how do you not know that Asians are the ones from China? Also doesn't help this stat doesn't really do much and was clearly selected because of an agenda because how'd that list look if we put...Horry, Pippen, or Derek Fisher in that list. I'M RAY BRADBURY Fuck yeah, AustrailMurica The more I read the Quran, the more I believe... Sam Harris, that the religion of Islam is full of bad ideas. Supporting a sybil attack on Bitcoin is a great way to get everyone on your side! According to reddit every western country is a police state. What are some good career paths that can be reasonably future proof? proof saban is losing his edge? I don't think it's anything against you guys, Jazz fans are just super hyped that we are finally turning a corner and living up to some of our potential. Hey, because the prince and his entourage are innocent, right? so religion = god? Racing isn't a sport anyway Worked for Ferguson! Brought to you by those fiscally responsible conservatives in the GOP. Thank God for the guy in the orange shirt. It's not like the Coyotes acted inappropriately with the John Scott trade either Fate MOOOSE needs to be in the WWE So vel crows are birds of a feather. *checks* Nah, you aiight. Canada has mafia? Nice man, I just got my youngest brother into Portal. Where's the fries? Do not let that thing breed. No it isn't. Too bad trees aren't a renewable resource. How about my parents using it already when they were in stress of getting rid of them.... That kinda sucks for them now. 1) You have to block out the names 2) You're clearly smurfing considering your account is only level 16. Well, that really did escalate quickly. delet, game isn't even over yet Edt: FUCK YOU Absolutely no idea who these bands are that isn't graffiti it's art Yay more krapvtiz Glad to see someone is focusing on what's important here. And if he doesn't, he can be sued, right? It was a penis wasn't it You know that's not going to happen right? i can't do this anymore yeah, Venezuela is such a successful socialist utopia, that its favor trumps that of the United States. They should just take the i8 and put a v12 in it. I wonder if EA will refund all the people who bought the spotmeplzzz packs because he wasn't a real champion. In addition to the other comments, the soldier isn't running for POTUS really irritating that "attack helicopter" became a synonym assholes use for trans people but don't worry, that copypasta was aaactuallly about otherkin and tumblr On the fat part 110 sec subjugate is still way too long riot So, do scientists have an obligation to have a better grasp of communicating with laymen? Not even 10k base noob Is anyone else bothered by the "%100" instead of "100%"? Deny yourself techies! Yes, but you know, it's worth it to life up to social norms. 43 and 64 doesn't even add up to 100% That's why I don't help random people. OMG is Gandalf gonna die? Bravo could so easily make this into an online game and/or a WWHL game. Now I'm not an expert, but I've been on this sub long enough to know that he most certainly died. Only if we burn him at the stake. Was type 2 diabetes invented there too? I feel the same way about him that Panerin does. To the Titans, thanks So I guess OP's name is "wtf" well hi wtf But can he do it on another continent? dogshit. The Lightning owners are shitlords! So it's not from whale sperm after all Rich Rod didn't have his players for the system Apologies if it came across that way :/ The Xi gundam always looks like its eaten too much at the buffet and wants to lie down. Wow what a great story! But plastic is lighter than aluminum, cast iron and steel part! Ah yes, it's a well known fact that German cannibals are able to tell the exact location and number of other cannibals in Germany at any given time, even whilst in prison. How's this relevant to the sub? Breaking news A1 Shitpost Most degradable gear isn't really consistent with each other. That sure is a knee slapper They laughed at my pink Vaporeon She laughed at their corpses i reckon this is the second of four one nation senators whose election is in doubt because of criminal charges pauline should have done a better job of screening those who she allowed to run under her banner the third senator, roberts, the 'living soul' and 'sovereign citizen' seems even worse than the other two, despite him apparently not currently facing charges They generally get shit for being assholes *while* they do their job. I lol'd at the Elvis article writer Tina Dunham. Classic jeans This dude doesn't give a fuck about Hoban and to prove it he made a seven minute video. oh hey, Scarborough. Nice to see this sub get overtaken with shallow image spam like the rest of reddit. Those donations totally had nothing to do with TPP I ain't no middleman but if you wanna get scammed hmu I think it's a reference to .gif, which the creator of .gif said it's pronounced as jif. what was the original scene about? Oh man, wish I would have read this before I sent in my no vote. Well at least someone got rich off of it. Not enough for Chrome. The face of regret when the bomb ticks #Feelsbadman That's why you never celebrate early! Even the goalie was like "Well played, sir" What's wrong with that? Why can't it be both? What a great truth bomb from the "if we came from monkeys, why we still got monkeys" guy. They are just bitter that their hero Rio left F1 in life almost nothing is 100%... Only x7 the power for me BMW 318ti...but I'll catch you in the twisties Just take the battery out. $50 says he's a virgin. For fuck's sake. Why can't more girls be more like Judy? OBAMA'S AMERICA! But technically they're mainland. Wait, you're telling me people live outside of the suburbs? Modding ruins games. It's like these people are playing opressive MadLibs Loving the new Baitface mask, totally looks like it was meant to be. i commenti sono stranamente pacati e amichevoli.. non sono abituato outplayed obviously Glad we finally cleared that one up. I like this. instant block and report, might not do anything to report but i did something and i never will have to deal with them ever again. this is triggering me Easiest way to spot Autists like this is the number of unnecessary, ridiculous, irrelevant, and pedantic adjectives that they inevitably, annoyingly, and improperly use. Guns are only intended to kill and nobody should have them! i like how someone at NASA was like 'make sure we pack a hammer and a feather so we can drop them on the moon.' good one, man This is unethical because it will create an upper class of enhanced humans and inequality is wrong because I said so if anyone is wondering, Salvador Dali is the artist for this piece. Why does the GOP hate bald eagles so much? Daily Mail, what an insightful article as always and a valued contribution to this sub. This Tanaka fellow isn't too bad, but he ain't no Tomoyuki Sugano. What a dope mobile site for a technology website. Next up...landlord gives $200 discount if you follow the principles laid out by Ayn Rand. He wants to get out of office long enough for him to create a "Big Lie" about what kind of governor he was when he runs for president. Congratulations America, your racism is working on getting rid of the terrorists! Btw Peacekeeper is mine A fitting end to John Terry's Career at Chelsea This is just another attempt to try and make the public forget about Hilary's e-mails courtesy of the liberal media. what a surprise meh..She's all skin and bones No Man's Sky I guess EA is so proud of the facial animations that they didn't want to include aliens with helmets. Emmitt 'till what? Would already be front page if shroud So LETS! Well she did push the "Gold Standard" of trade deals 45 times. Don't forget that liberals and other leftists are violent though. With Graphics just as good as fallout 4 too! It's ok, Barnaby is building plenty more mobile towers. How do they put that green balloon in front every time? Ah yes, because everyone wants a clock with Hitler's birthday on it. Kyle is a good pitcher don't know why he is calling him out This being Reddit no one is going to actually fact check this before grabbing their torches and pitchforks. Doesn't look overclocked to me. You captured his personality so perfectly in two short lines - are you sure you aren't OP's creeper? With coverage that drops in and out like a thing that drops in and out frequently. So, literally worse than Hitler. Inaccurate title; they're buying *trailers*, as emphasized in the article. YOUR WALLET... the only place democrats want to drill. That makes it all right then. HOMEOPATHY WORKS, YO! Japan knows whats up, only the big six are worth using. It always strikes me as strange that countries that welcome refugees are easy targets for the minority within those groups who wish to cause trouble like France, Germany and Sweden while those firmly opposed and actively fighting terrorists like the UK SEEM to be getting off a little easier (assuming this is terrorist related). Can i get a Gatorade, I'm parched from all this winning. I'm sure that this is the endorsement President Trump had been wanting to hear. Holy shit. Thanks for the trip down memory lane, I should down vote this crap. Whoa, *spoilers* It started out so polite and promising, too. We should immediately send the band a billion dollars because that will fix everything. that's a pretty bad comeback, you can do better Did anyone find the account he was win trading with yet? People like this are why I'm still a virgin. Well, at least you put a 42 on it. What about the black blood cells? So we're winning right? Like the fit man Dat Dragonite tho wish there was a way a camera crew could follow him around, ala "the fugitive" Thank fuck we don't actually have to choose between feminism and cuddles :P Clearly speed isn't most important in jet battles. BUT BUT COP IS AN UNDERRATED AD CARRY. FAKE NEWS All that work and they still used I love when I get to work on sunday. The saddest thing is there's people don't realize you get more gold from last hits, and the difference between getting the kill and getting the assist is very little. Mumbles something about Finland always ranking above the Netherlands.... We will get you Finland! But it's free! Did anyone who upvoted this trash article (it claims that Obama has done nothing wrong) actually bother to read it first? Yeah, 'cause why would black people want rights and freedoms, amirite? Hpw do you think his ceiling got that way? Gun safety instructor aka a gun nut off the street with no actual 'training'. Is it the parts which include hospitals Yeah, just like Allen is the Welsh Xavi American Horror Story Didn't they hear we're broke? All pc's are beautiful, stop the impossible standards Wow, I never realized how long ago 7* Eze came out. What a terrible problem to have! Is that supposed to be Obama? Wait... SU *isn't* a mahou shoujo anime? Adolf Hitler You should "Redownload_MST_Files"! This is why we NEED socialism.So we can manage our selves instead of working slave wages for the CEO's. Next up: the wikipedia article has been updated. F0rest going to fnatic confirmed! It's disgusting that they're advocating shooting slow children. How do you expect to build a good team with a contract like Luck's on the salary cap? So it isn't normal for Facebook Messenger to always eat the battery? Such a diverse cast! Mission almost accomplished. What a hero. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Are the Kodi boxes worth it ? Always going to be Namath tl;dr we take away abilities and re-introduce them at higher level again! Yeah, what's the point of any flag. But muh right to be a bigot! after? That is impressive, but it's not something I recognize so it's wrong! Right in the feels :( Ffs blizzard You linked your own post? I got my Trump picture removed twice and now i cannot upload profile pic anymore That's going to last until after the servers are shut down if accurate. Wow, you made a custom hookah, you're so original As far as I know, they haven't announced it yet. Thank God I was worried she wouldn't make it. I'm actually paying $800 for my PC right now, so we'll see who's right. Failo ex1, Ash and Ketchup 2.4 and quailstyle Z13 Work choice 2. The ones I do, so far, this year. Platfrom* Why do they call it Death Valley? Pfff... Anti-Semites. Every frame a painting. How was that Brewer's Choice? I feel so motivated. noam chomsky claimed that the nuking of the 2 Japanese cities were the worst acts in history, ever. From the pattern NF seems to be going I'll just wait for the ele6's which will probably be heavier than 20oz, slubby, no contrast stitching, indigo x black. Exactly, why can't we get some Count Basie or Louis Armstrong on a trailer? I hope it will be live action. Honestly there probably won't be any reports of deaths because it's probably propaganda from Israel. Anybody who hopes this movie would be good needs to answer the following question - what age group/target audience are they going to shoot for? dawko doesn't exist, this is fake. Hard to argue with that proof That shit Happen to me to bro :( OWS is going to accomplish something. The human eye can't see over 24 FPS anyway. And I would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for you meddling trees! But what if Terell wants Champs League Football? Might be dope but what's not dope is how bad you are at it Sell them 30rp benefit WURF Well.. 4 level of stats gives 8 str, 8 agi, and 8 int (24 total stats), which is more than 6 agi and 6 str (12 total stats).. so he's obviously taking the more value per skill point route. They are going down year on year in Indian auto segment Maybe this one will be set during the modern era, going over both World Wars. Pay heed, those blue eyes of yours will one day take everything away from you. That is pretty cool Punk Yeah sure. This is amazing, because this only happens in America, and guns are always used. As a pc person, if this can truly run vr at console prices, I will be very tempted to get it When you in a crisis buy from ISIS Trunks? Weird I thought the Republicans were the law & order party. When the only result is oppression, is there really a choice? it gets so much better. General Secretary Debbie Wasserman Schulz has decreed that the DNC-sanctioned debates shall not be online, nor televised, nor broadcast by radio but **will** be available in vinyl format for purchase beginning in 2062. How does it threaten their safety... I'm pretty sure that the third one from the top is a Glock 47. Binge watch House of Cards. He's still a bad guy because he smokes weed Anyone who harasses anyone, regardless of gender is a loser... sorry to say washington but that is commen knowledge. oh my god wtf my life is a lie what's next is someone gonna tell me freedom dive isn't from osu This is the most WTF thing I have seen You either die laughing or go to sleep crying. The only acceptable racism, is reverse racism. Half his face is covered in shadow because Barry learns to trust him but turns out he's secretly evil Dick no, Chick good? Op a follow up would be amazing. Not sure if troll or legit. That one guy knew what was up But then the face deck players won't get the highly skill dependent aggro vs aggro games that are harder than control matchups that they keep talking about. And you can still get viruses taking it up the ass I've never seen a kiwi hold an egg before. Famine-war-disease is what happens, in case you didn't get that from the article. Being the only one to enjoy your rich uncles money after the child abuse lawsuit. Oh my, where can I meet this shining example of masculinity? f3 on the back xDD We all have our own cause du jour. Nothing to fear, Nagasaki and Hiroshima are thriving cities. Everyone is there for the music anyway so... you're saying Maude has something to do with Paul Walkers death? This is CLEARLY not the tank people see when they think Vietnam Sheridan more relevant It's funny because those immigrants are trying to be Americans. And cuckernik won't even stand up Not to be sexist but uhhhh, stupid women have no place in politics. wow, thats, uhm, cute :D Fuck you Steve. I can't help, but say how generous. Isn't there some kind of requirement that you post 10 slides showing us the 1000's of dollars of specialized equipment and years of craftsmanship training that it requires to pull something like this off? I bet both of those guys were *legends* in high school. This is great for everyone except the USA, for in this land stem cell research is the devil's work. Vegas That title doesn't sound biased at all. Shameful Shouldn't this have gone to Peppers? check em I'm guessing that it is more difficult to commit crime whilst incarcerated? So... graffiti which destroys other people's property and is illegal has become a good thing now? That's kind of a problem that solves itself over time if you ignore it probably fragments of skull from the guy he kneed in the head after a big night out ! Going to be very different without Button in the field next year... but I am very excited for the Waffle VanDoorne Guys it's modern art. What a douchebag :( Probably need cap room for a qb since teddy went down and the demand is driving up salary. My main question is why did magikarp use Splash as his first move when he was sent out? He could support the fact that the main actor was black. Wait so steph didn't have 10x more threes in a season than anyone else? lol scrub git gud Make sure you take the gold fillings as well. Having same issue with my Samsung are you in NXOE? Teachers How can capitalism kill when Mao and Stalin already killed everyone on earth? To be fair those guys were never actually paid. Wow so I might have to buy a punter's jersey and to make it odder a raider punter's jersey. Kunnen ze eindelijk weer gewoon in het Nederlands met ons communiceren. This is so frustrating, but Donald Trump is the rude interrupter right? oh no ! The first wither skeleton I killed in my world dropped a wither skull. I like how they realize he's right so they try to shut him up and move the conversation on You mean you don't want Lord Byron complimenting you with beautiful poetry? Tarik is honestly one of the funniest and most chill NA pro player Yeah guys,let's save people by letting them die! Maybe he was afraid of being replaced by "the hot hand." Time to call up Lainez I feel bad for them, I mean just imagine how many times they accidentally listen to someone fapping. so you're saying they don't support the great British auto-mobile industry, bloody Poles inb4 "Philippines is different from Colombia so the drug war will work here" Tom Haverford and Jean-Ralphio Saperstein actually made an entire wall out of these when they started up Entertainment 720. Driven hand pass , dribbling thru everyone , thats how i got my peter cech an assist The mosin can't hold a cleaning kit in the butt stock. I'd take a president who is constitutionally ineligible for office than a president who is constitutionally incapable of executing the duties of the office. They are gods not heros scrub. I'm sure Indigenous land owners will be thrilled at this. I can't wait to see how many people marry their goldfish! He should scout. Need Jefferson and Cooldige. So France - England would've been 7-0 so far. My husband hates call of duty too, but he let me keep the Orange box thankfully. You really liked stranger things No Man's Sky Obviously Meek couldn't come up with a hook that clever on his own so he had to bite the struggle rapper with 1,000 fb likes he was using a variant of chief pats deck of course he lost GREAT don't forget to support the troops Is there video of this? Those are not Russian troops, we don't know who they are but Russia assured us that it's not their troops. Stop being feminist Psychotic bitch! Is this some kind of cruel joke? I guess they need to get income from somewhere. you look like a retarded version of a grass cutter Stick to the safety of gasoline, everybody! Content notwithstanding, that is maybe the worst grammar ( and editing ) in an article I've seen in a long time. Good thing he said he's not creepy and perverted or else this would look really awful. Mother of God. You're looking in the mirror again. Should have made some luck potions. Plot twist: he's from a country where you kiss people with your fist. Technically speaking all of us who didn't die survived the Hillsborough disaster The picture in the top right corner is the most disgusting How do you get 248 strikeouts in one inning? How can you be anti-capitalist if your phone was made under capitalism Gawd this pic is so old! Well, she's nerfed more and more, first passive, then Q quickly cast range, then her ult and now E. Now only W needs to be nerfed. i think itd just crash the game or people will drive a placeholder car 3.5% for online non-resident students, that makes sense Second half play calling and defensive play, even though they are basically down to starting their practice squad on D (note: that does not matter, they should play as good as the first string unit no matter what and also fire McCarthy). I saw this post just as I was flying by on that exact spot on my flying mount, no Time-less though :/ Youth is the hope to shake the corrupted system ... i wonder how archer feels about these things. I'm gonna guess the title means three things over the course of the film: Luke, then Luke and Rey (because "Jedi" is also plural), then solely Rey :( Yeah stupid civilians, it's their fault that they didn't get bombed by the Israelis! Sarcasm Nintendo's religion policies sure have changed a lot. We should pass some more gun laws so this doesn't happen. Wow give the black guy a dark type pokemon Jk I named my poochyena snoop #HARDCORE CLIPPING BOIS HE'S SLOWLY CLIPPING OUTTA THIS WORLD INTO THE DEPTHS OF HELL ITSELF TJ Clemmings But does he have insurance? will the officers have the ability to turn off their camera at their discretion? Huh, seems like a lot of this journalism might be staged... shocking. nice eyebrows! Let's go to Arnie Pye in the sky... "Thank Kent, lunchtime congestion on the golf course today, holes 1 through 4 with queues stretching waaaay up until the clubhouse." can hear a voice but cant see anyone? So DE's for all of the 12 guardians confirmed? Damn, this picture is so damn original I've never seen it before. stupid asian dont know how to drive! You won't know what your decklist is until after you cast renounce though Amazing picture and composition.. Well done sir. That im an asshole. People already don't pay any attention to the permissions an app asks for before it even installs, why wouldn't people fall for apps that ask for device admin permissions. No no, you have to pay someone $15 an hour starting wage + benefits to pour that beer for him. This happened to me in war before and i was confused Dont you worry guys, source2 will fix this and other bugs May she actually show what a girl driver can do and how bad danica really is Yea, Comcast is literally my only option so I have to stay Is he putting us on notice? Right we all know it's pink or neon green! Oh goody. I am truly shocked that the 9th circuit came out with this decision. It's an ancient Irish name pronounced "Andy" In all honesty, who hasn't said that atleast once when talking about George Soros Damn Jersey shore types with their tans are messing up the Northeast no one shall eat the poo poo No you see, judging by all the jttf fusion centers around the US, PRISM, TITANPOINTE, all the mass surveillance, asset forfeiture, gaslighting, disinfo etc ***it's become clear that US citizens are the terrorists***, and that we're engaged in an occupation of the homeland in virtual total war with the MIC So now that you realize you're in upsidedown world, Saudi prince getting CIA metal makes sense Welcome to the internet, you must be new here. She's got nothing on those feminists complaining about video games. Well he is right, it 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 if you're lucky, that's a lot of different framerates people! im mad i sold his 23 cavs jersey for 20 bux a few months ago now HAHAHAHAHAHAHA This is so funny. We need to hold the baking industry accountable. IT'S OK GUYS THIS IS JUST ONE LETTER ABSOLUTLEY NO OTHER CHURCHES OR CHRISTIANS ACT LIKE THIS JUST A FEW NOPE NO OTHER PEOPLE. Sure glad we've never been down this road before Shouldn't this be unpatriotic and those behind it extradited? Get born into the right family. Fucking PC police, stopping me from blaming rape victims for what happened to them. But if it's just gonna break, why should I wear it? This is not the platform for Mos def. Dank/10 not like super yoked out like arcane update shit, you may be onto something Yeah, that's not creepy at all.. Ban corporal punishment, lower age of criminal liability to 9 SeemsGood. Exactly the news i love to hear. Vegan is is so shitty. Check your privilege Again? WHAT ARE THOOOOOOOOSE Her eyebrows are hella faaaaaake. Because fuck you, that's why. A letter and leave while they're are working. He's using karate, shoot him and everyone nearby! ctOS systems? I live in suburban/rural Colorado and many of my classmates & friends who are aware of politics are Sanders supporters (About age 30 and below). Hoverboards what a fucking disgrace to this country Hopefully you mistype the captcha since your room is so dimly lit and I get tickets before you. Smart move to ditch the #56 and whatever associations remain with it - even if it was never the car that this should have fallen on in the first place See, littering is good for the environment! I guess a press up is a wide half push up? The concern that Breitbart has for members of the Democratic Party running for office is truly touching. The clemsoning is coming early this year. What are you saying, that Clinton is falling apart? You got a free GPU with a purchase of three monthos of ESEA? It symbolizes the slow crawl of progress under the weight of a capitalistic society that put money ahead of knowledge. Those bloody immigrants with no language or speaking with strange accent! Well it's about time given that a priest came of with the Big Bang theory and Darwin was still religious after writing On the Origin of Species And... I want him in the White House. Staying up for 199 was so worth it, I still can't believe he did it Yeah when you count the three million illegals that voted for him if you thought open world CAR racing was boring, wait until you try an open world skiing mmo! WINDMILLS DO NOT WORK THAT WAY GOODNIGHT Let's not forget that the Germans did the same thing when they attacked Russia, before the Russians occupied Germany. You know that having a suppressor lowers the damage of your weapon right? A gentleman never tells. yeah, how dare parents have agency and actually disallow their young children from playing violent video games Or maybe having more spaces in schools and programs for Nova Scotians to become doctors, likely more willing to stay in the province. Dude, it's their culture. How do I build a PC with this? You mean you can't just turn any intersection into a roundabout? Kazakhstan and Somalia have so much in common! What's your goal there? Kind of reminds me of the Volvo s60 Polestar too FEVE N00TS AT CVS C0NFORMED The feeling after I unsubscribed from them is probably almost as good as the feeling of getting into med school. Cue global conspiracy theory... Because we should only remember some parts of history and everyone who fought for the Cofederacy were racist slave owners. I feel like this is a joke. There was also a race riot on the USS Kitty Hawk around then too. I was waiting for her leg to snap off So...there's job openings? This triggers me to go beat up some trashcans Must have been a woman driving. #It was a sexual emergency! After a long week of regularly getting hit in the balls, its probably what I would do too. Yeah but he is done I guess, now I know why Chris Christie dropped out! In two years I think I can win the balon dor -Pato Me too dawg Lets try Hillary again, this time she will surely win. Three year pay freeze. Well it worked for Paris, I'm sure I'll work for us If you're really concerned, then call Toronto Public Health (you can go through 311). What is he trying to sell us now? yes the doughy manchildren screeching about muslims and walls and conspiracy theories are totally not swayed by emotion Why do we still believe cops any more than the average joe? start trying to fix the worlds problems and then part way through cause more problems with inflation. Anyone that Soros pays to get into a position of power is BAD for everyone. That was one of the best MMA-related articles I've read in a long time Haha funny cause boobs. southern France, it says in the title Wish she had been hillarys VP pick. 10/10 title Prescient Don't worry about the voter fraud folks, we're gonna investigate those pesky people who released the information instead. Good stuff Just another example of the barbaric nature of a nomadic religion that needs to be reformed. Those are stars silly It is known It looks like her hair is wearing a diaper I'm glad those two people will be locked up so we can all feel safe about their incredibly violent actions Because they're filthy, lazy leaners who don't do anything ofc. But he's not jumping But what did Wall Street Republicans get in return, specifically? Isn't Aldrin a reddit darling? Gator ain't never been about playin no shit. That's unsanitary. Gee, I wonder why. Mitch enjoys crapping on the "little people." Quebec man lol Looks like gained a bunch of fans today I can't think of any other company that does this! Nice try Bungie... promoting your charity and shit... you monster. Fine by me. Well if she didn't want to be cold outside, she shouldn't have dressed like someone who would be cold outside Pls give elite case for my hard work ty Typical fricking Toronto... Drop your gloves you wimp Hey what the heck my mom says drugs aren't cool It is so scary, Fox News and the Tea Party have spent years nuturing Republican extreme views that when a complete nutbar like this comes along he gets accepted with open arms. That's the "please stay for the 24 hour nights during winter" fund. Scooter Racing? So good at finding the perfect builds to make each of these champions as simultaneously unless and tilting as possible Who is this, i swear i've NEVER seen them before. With Jesus by my side, I'm always safe. I honestly searched to make sure I'm not reposting, and I got nothing. Get a renegade, that'll show him! the GuHong Too bad I just bought one and didn't take advantage of the discount Great Disappointments of History If God did not hate these people, they would not be poor in the first place, so God Bless the FCC *Boo Hoo* I feel so bad for them Is it bad I just tune those out? It's not a hate crime, the perpetrator is black. Never interrupt a feminist, fuckface! Cunty weeaboo. That's only because most of us are vaccinated now. I'll just sit here enjoying my mug of MALE TEARS (TM). I really wish we wouldn't link to dailymail. Thank you for cutting out that last second and a half. nice rack dude Thank goodness Obama takes the border seriously. Trumplethinskin lies again, how surprising. While this is pretty damning, I think it gets us all considering what would happen if ABC News sat down for an extended on-camera interview with our ex. ok How dare you not believe in our interpretation of your ancient myths! I'd love to ditch my hybrid for a train pass. hilarious Stop getting uppitty as there is sugar cane to be cut hmmm 2k led me to believe he couldn't dunk. are you also going today if so and you make another catch show the back so we dont have hear the booth struggle like that again ;) He didn't call her a whore bitch even once, so now I'm just all sorts of confused! #BASED Wow, Israel is the biggest violator of human rights Oh this is fucking hilarious Not everyone can make freedom fries Reddit is a progressive, liberal, family-friendly site. Haha! The sky is falling. Sssh sweet baby shitlord the SJW are trying to rewrite science Acid Burn. Well everyone knows black unemployment is caused by the structural racism that inundates the American economic system. TRTF 1-4 You're keeping her from tips you scumbag Steve. Guess I'm gonna wait till 2020 to upgrade my phone then. Even New Jersey has these, nothing special Shhh we aren't allowed to talk about the test dammit Isn't this technically witch-hunting? I have pair of ultraboost 1.0 OGs that did this ##**Can confirm: DO NOT CARE** I love when articles open up talking about how someone looks. i hope the saga of isis will end in the next few year - such a shame that there are still alot of people who ignor the danger...europe should wake up before it will really goes too far. is that a noose? Box made of Wood is hint for Solid Snake. You may be poor but you're not North Korea poor, so shut up. This is how kids gets left in cars I'm glad I'm a man because I get amazing first dates that work out perfectly all the time! When I feel like I can call them at 3am if I'm ever having an emergency. or pick the small satyr and purge him to death Yes, Koreans are bad people I feel far more educated now that I've seen this gif I think you scumbags are forgetting these guys are FUCKING HERO'S! Someone could've taken this fucker down. Sad news for Pansy. Nice try hacker More pot-stirring from AznGirlThrowaway93, who is definitely an Asian American woman and not a troll Who needs classified briefings or other intelligence reports when you have Breitbart to give you the real facts. save up the money, go to the blizzard store, add to cart, make purchase, and you would now have Overwatch kek Course looks like it's in great shape. One of my most recent flights I actually had in-flight power, and played Civ for a few hours before I was too tired to continue... definitely one of my more enjoyable flights! is that unpopular especially on here? As a Yankee fan, this is fucking riveting. He needs to stop playing touch butt with Longo and the short bald guy To be fair, they might not have had his mix in their monitors. Please tell me you bought it I suppose Bernie will have to become a tyrant then and compel women not to chose jobs which pay less than jobs me choose. DAE poor? Otherwise known as "Whose Line is it Anyway?" But the Wehrmacht wasn't pro-Nazi Rommel wasn't a Nazi party member CLEAN WEHRMACHT Did he pass forward or something? What an *original* thought, I am so enlightened by this intellectual comment. I hope he's not wearing one of his fuckin' hats. Zadorov is a woos and soft and should be penalized for putting himself in a dangerous position GM vehicles suck though. Then you hire 140 men and the modeling can be done in a day. Yeah, if it's as awesome as Battlefield 2 on iOS, it would be so worth it. Eh, more like when a really attractive dude in a tight fitting shirt glances at you with that look in his eye and looks you up and down while biting his lip... ^excuse ^me ^I ^need ^to ^sit ^down ^now Make an awesome sleeper PC. Is it even his real voice? That wouldn't make sense. That is pretty sweet. If it were a legitimate instance of violence, the MtT body has a way of shutting that down. That's interesting...but did you hear what trump said? What a goon the keeper should've saved that Only if the Vatican would sell some of these drones and feed the poor! Good job we have a good squad depth and can afford to release a few more on loan. Cause this is the greatest way to get people on your side I'm sure this is all some illusion created by those Ukrainian fascists that Putin is so concerned with heroically stopping. You are incorrect on all counts. But they some in Clapton wire too! Yep, lost 8 points :O K tnx bye I'd say the DMV is very efficient in its oppression, just nothing else How many cheese packages did you buy to get the holes right? I heard it leaves the competition in the dust. In un paese diverso il problema si risolverebbe con il licenziamento in massa. Episode 100: [FootL'Orc And Fancy Free] I guess Volvo has listened to us when we have been talking about Zeus immortal for months by now. Unless you own one I'm a doctor not a ATM tech! Not to mention the fact that Dendi plays for Na'Vi, LGD is Chinese team and Kpii is Australian! Well google told me i'm overweight at 210 pounds 5'5 so we cant all believe google can we Antonio Hall on Riccarton Road - although it is on private land. Great way to spend our tax dollars! PASSWORD IS "WANTED" Which presidential candidate supports legalization? Why did you kill yourself? I don't see the wand of gamelon for the Phillips cdi... Tsk tsk His supporters aren't homophobes they are just anxious about the economy No Doom games are some of the most ultra violent games ever made, do you even Anita Sarkeesian? Turkey should be in EEA and EFTA, like Norway and Iceland, best of both worlds for everyone There's something about the pixels that tells me this photo was altered by photoshop. THE STRIKER WAS BALANCED GUYS Nvidia has been really weird lately. A-Mei-zing! I don't see a problem, I just used the Lanka Having a billionaire on the ticket is just what she needs to win. Damn transplants! Cammer's fault, shoulda swerved to avoid the collision. 4chan that looks so much like brink on the backround... am i going crazy? I'd pass right past that. Yes, I'm sure it's all up to Del Rio to make Styles do a backflip, only holding around his head. POLRI is STRONG..... The eye can only see 24 frames per second! Who'd have thought the MCU's first rotten disaster would be a Netflix show? Sky? You shouldn't have hurt her. Duh, because black is the only skin color that deserves recognition Of all the systems to include... a fucking Dreamcast? So... just a platoon. Bir gecede atalarimizin haritalarini okuyamaz olduk What he did was fuck his family and fuck the Marlins -karrigan +coach karrigan +magiskboy Factory farm piggeries. Just stopped by to say the thumbnail made me think Malcolm in the middle was doing esports now . They don't need Drugs don't kill people, people kill people! Tank for Bridgewater! I'm anti-Cubs and anti-Cubs fans, but that was harsh. hmmm What can I say, I'm OP. If a species was worth saving they would have been smart and hard working enough to have paid for armed guards. On Reddit, im sure there some ArmChair P.H.Ds around. But it's her turn Wow.. Cool story. 0.5 daily The only explanation is that I do it in my sleep. Where's the check engine light? It's a key ring yay! I dunno, you kinda led him on with stating your hard limits. maybe they'll get back together in 2025 for that reunion tour and new album? I always knew the 3pt contest was rigged. Why anyone would bike on I-90 is insane in itself but especially so considering the Iron Horse trail is only a couple miles away and one of the most beautiful biking trails in the country. Fullback Sam Rogers *Factory OC. Ruger 556? And looks like a perfect pool of men with military training who could back a certain political candidate in a post election brawl. Oh please, we all know the moment we load it up on PC it will tell us to press start. what is the use of taking the baby out if there is no fresh air outside :) Awww yiiiiis fleeting deception of male genitalia It works very well with mending, I don't really need to worry about it breaking :) Like I always say: Never trust air you can't see. But isn't Obamacare great? I would like to believe that the aliens from The Abyss had something to do with it. Nina should of been Top Toot of this week and also EVERY week I could not believe it Im shocked this isnt all over reddit. great move for customers by creating monopoly And none of it would have surfaced if Hillary won.. Scary af if you think about it. Funny how the book gets twice as thick when he opens it up. I watched a couple of your vids, and they're all really creative! What if the needles dropped down? It's not a trebuchet so downvote from me Another country trashed by socialism. iPhone 6 Or you could just look up "Trash" or "Sinking Ship" Having a private email server they're clearly taking Zeke Send these fucking cunts back to Africa. Ek akeli ladki khuli hui tijori ki tarah hoti hai Yeah I fuckin hate it when people put one picture in an album. Well that was unexpected Elon Musk already knew this dude. I've seen pictures of the transport, but they never cease to amaze me. So? Stunning and brave! lets all take a moment and pray for those five kids. Little T. omg finnaly! sad ill tag you as blackboy Seems like a reasonable request Go to gigs that involve strobe lights. So that's how Obama got his bugging equipment in So... Toto will be driving the second car? now I understand why Texas wants to secede WOW, in 20 years we'll have unlimited amount of energy Basically sums up every single ironman do a giveaway while u're at it If you dislike goatse then you hate men? You're tops at removing personal info! Best democracy money can buy unlike that commie shit in Eurotrash land hur hur Love how Andy cut off Sonja and Kristen being nice to each other. Looks like he got all ball to me oh joy Love it when she goes all White Walker on ya. The jerrycans on that Pz III might have been for water rather than fuel - it's in desert colours so that'd be something they'd want. Up the anus Yeah, that's why working goes by in a flash. Yes I can, because my morals are the best and clearly the right ones. Make sure and kill them off as quick as possible so we dont have to deal with more mess like that of the West Memphis 3... Passive meter no longer counts after 8. Das ist so unwissenschaftlich wie es nur irgendwie sein kann With Chinese construction's attention to detail especially in safety related areas I think this project couldn't possibly go wrong. I plead, too, as the non-blinkers are putting everyone's lives at risk Obviously Hitlerally bribed him and this means nothing in regards to her candidacy! I'd still take Rex Ryan over BB though I thought it would be something along the lines of straight out of crompton. We are all happy they have nothing more important to do. Gee, I don't know. lol Grossly misleading. Preparing early for the inevitable American Spring? omg Reigns sucks if Bryan said the same exact lines itd be 1000% bettur Where's the sweet new motorcycle? wow haha yea super insane Yes, white guy = insane in the membrane Looks like there are still some nubs left, still have some time. No I would smoke meth with her. Seems like a cool guy ... but think of all the service he has given to the people of Australia. If they stopped trying to grow food in fucking sand oil, water or acrylic? CSGO Player here: Do Russians really have to cheat in every game? but we need fewer regulations for our businesses and job creators That's only because they don't have a "Kensai111" beer. this sentence demonstrates intolerance of alternative religions and violates the first amendment. and on medium.. probably 900p too I don't see Veromos Guys there's still a chance Bernie can win! get some dish soap, grab the hose and make er all slippery, then use the wench on the trailer and just pull er on! ROY HAS T3H PH1R3 hands himself Because we don't want to be called racist They have to fit our special lady hands. That doesn't mean you did the right thing. they played 4vs5 the entire game wikipedia Yeah, because this *never* happens on PC. Nope, never heard of it. Yea that's real news. Maybe if the people at the school had bought guns and brought them with them, thy wouldn't have died Whoa whoa right there... Christian terrorist is a contradiction in terms! After watching the entire video I have to say that the owner is did a shitty job taking care of those animals and good job to that officer he showed some real restraint in that situation Minor problem with this is that Starbucks tastes like shit. You aged 5 years in 8 weeks, that's quite an accomplishment. So are the HoT daily map reward boxes still not back? Poppy because she was impactful before Riot nerfed her into uselessness Best series ever. The Mail not fact checking... colour me shocked I believe this was written by someone with autism trying to explain their pov Come home Trillsap Secret Santa Pizza baby ? Because after its legalized, I'll buy it and pay hefty government taxes....instead of just growing my fucking own. To be fair, I was an asshole before I bought one. Then you can also look at porn your whole life instead of having real sex :) It's essentially the same experience Daze at uncommon is insane :D. Great reprint. No wall, no vote. Explains how the Cubs scored all those runs last night. Can you do the same for banggood? Is it Jar Jar Abrams? ISLAMAPHOBE BIGOT RACIST She's so cool Don't worry, a Russian government spokesperson will come on TV soon and claim that it was intentional, a way for the Russian Navy to deploy their first ever "super secret" high-tech underwater intelligence gathering outpost... But blacks hate Trump! Ya, for profit hospitals surely are nothing but altruistic and not just doing what is best for their bottom line. Better witch hunt them...? Well spent 60+ years of his life Damn, it's pretty crazy how crazy of a reaction Jeff Hardy got when he came out, despite Carlito being the hometown hero of the two. Stupid establishment Asians I'm sorry but what does this have to do with wall street You know, Putin wanted America to get stronger and peace with the United States. Taking away a well paying union job. Releasing invasive, non-native species trying to solve a problem has never gone wrong, really ever. Bleeding awesomeness. At least Porno Pete has the courage of his conviction to attend gay events as himself Oh thanks, I hadn't been to (world)news yet today. Broken neck gate. Yeah, seeing an old man mistakenly shot makes me want to go down to my local police station and target shoot as many cops as I can. I thought was just a quick sketch making fun of it all, not an actual cover. I assume it's a lot cheaper there than it would be in any civilized European country/ the US. Sarcasm How is this an effective strategy? Hey we put some trees between their tanks and us, it was a solid plan ! Context: Playing HoI4 with August Storm, just days after I defeated the Allies all of France just suddenly switched control to Saudi Arabia. Because in times of near-record income and wealth inequality, what this nation needs is a plutocrat for President. But can it run Minesweeper? BRING BACK VALIQUETTE In the Synoptic Gospels, it is the righteous judgement of God reserved for the wicked and unfaithful. because they aren't successful in technology at all. This must be why she's been charged with and convicted of so many crimes. a dozen small ones are better than none! #qualitypost qualityskating Why didn't her body shut that whole thing down? TIL that top 40 music represents all modern music. Maybe Bryan's trying to kill the market for soon to be restricted free agents to snag Kcp. I see it like this: 1: shit dude i'm so high 2: (Is having an orgasm) 4: ANGERRR Its meant to be. Fossilized Turkey Twizzler, the bane of the British School child lol Some organized things we do as humans is immense and awe-inspiring, sometimes not so much. matthew mcconaughey That should certainly calm things. I thought milestones weren't allowed Would have been better if the couch was black leather Oh good, it'll probably be 1/4 MOA @ 700 yards as well! I only got trans charges before the change so no difference for me. Tbh we are not living in a world were an invasion of the us is even in the table with or without all our ships I'm happy because Valve has to advertise a key reseller. it wasn't an accident or the MSM would have edited his comment Hillary has the vapors. Prohibition works. one is none and all that talk. Seahawks secret weapon: Blair Walsh I think the same things goes for saying "don't get offended" before saying something offending. Needs more lens flare Man, these Cardboard Crack comics would be so much better if he just added another panel to really give the joke time to develop I don't understand why women would voluntarily follow such a sexist religion. We talkin' UGA not Bama. Beach House - 10 Mile Stereo I just can't imagine a group of people, prone to psychopathy and violence, abusing their power. *Obligatory Pingu Noot Noot Meme* Actually, it is entirely possible that they solved cases on hunches in the past. I think a lot of it is also wrapped up in to the whole anti-corporation groups who think it is all some "big pharma" conspiracy to give their child a disease that would require them to buy more drugs or some such nonsense. That's definitely Snoke. Finally found something not made/owned by TATA Probably because Moffat brainwashed her Speaking is a privilege. Bring us back to 1958! REEEEEEEEE GET OUT OF OUR SUB NORMIE What's with the communist flag? I think you should be arrested for this post. I recommend checking out cevo or faceit when the lag monster comes. Would you rather be attacked and killed by a shark, OR be trampled by horses? I'm confused.. is this a Win-Win, or a Loose-Loose? Wow so much skill you have, doing ceossothis runs. I wouldn't have expected Fox News to be such cucks. OMG NEW YORK COPS ARE SO CORRUPT AND VIOLENT HE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING. Five More Five Nights at Freddy's confirmed But it's just the Earth's natural cycle! StVicious is arguably the best jungler in the game, IMO. Have a nice day. Right, because no women play Skyirm. JUST KILL HIM It's almost as if being able to play with people you know and are chill with is better than internet randos who are often caustic and vulgar! So... What's up with the embassy? Why would you put a Honda badge on a BMW? i wonder why whoever took this pic, didn't flush the pee before taking the pic Do you happen to need another brother? Nuclear winter is coming. Just priceless. Definitely thought our owner's strong record of success coupled with a friendly local media would put us over the top. Any word if they allowed black patrons to sit at the lunch counter? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaahhaaaaahahahahahahahaha American: the land where people that do the most fucked up shit are the people that just mind their own business get fucked by them. Have you maybe thought that it's because Quebec protests against hikes, that they have the second lowest? A website named crazyroids surely makes me want to open it Damn shame considering how much this show improved over the course of it's life. #eilpdchefa TIL you are new here. AARON RODGERS ISN'T CLUTCH He comes from Senegal! Cowboy boots Wow I bet Allu regrets that tattoo I'm a cosplayer. Looks like we will need a bigger wall! Himself Could the family sue? Gotta love that minecraft dick, so fucking hot Nah, Karius is the best goalkeeper in the universe. Can you download Gears 3 on the xbox one since we have backwards compat? Yes, Cornwall is well known for being populated mostly by separatists. Yesssss I love game documentaries Fecking bandwagoners. Maybe if the cops get body cameras things can settle down. Oh yeah because you know Call of Duty before Modern Warfare never had any snow levels especialy not during the Soviet missions Nah man gotta check that privilege Said 99% of all Americans Welp, that's DEFINITELY not a goal! Why did they remove ctrl? Yeah cause as we all know, Argentines aren't sexual at all! It's German for "the bitch, the" Reely makes u think I'm glad she's brave enough to speak for the middleclass, but I have my reservations something *meaningful* will come of it. If it's true, that's got to be about the lowest thing a guy could do to his wife other than be abusive. I downvoted because I'm jelly It is a different culture so we shouldn't be racist and not judge her with our values. CAUSE FEMALES ARE ALL BITCHES WHO WANNA FIGHT ALL THE TIME AND ALSO STEAL UR BALLS WHILE U SLEEP WAY TO GO TRUMP Dude he totally said he liked the color orange which means he totally likes us Bias! So Paid mods not by Valve, but by EA, and nobody bats an eye? now tattoo it on yourself since thats been a trend -guardian +kennys I thought the punchline was "Steve La**Tourette**." Give me the code, I will try it and see if I get the same error wow this is so funny *pedobear intensifies* No that's only in the Tekno remixez No name calling, no silly theatrics, not interested! I hate cute kitties Oh statistics ... it's almost like we shouldn't realise on generalised statistics to base political and social campaigns #NeverTrump Umad? alternatively, we are a competitive species produced by this world, and were winning. So brave Yay every day sexism the pre-war propaganda has started What the hell is this environmentalist propaganda bullshit I hate u OP Thank god for that, no idea how you coped with those physicals before. Weird, that's my same reaction when I ask them if they're free Friday and Saturday night If only the state issued by default plates with Jesus on the cross, then there wouldn't be any issues. If someone sent you a large shipment would your life be in danger because of the value? I found it pretty forgettable I really wanted Dragon's Dogma on PC and gladly bought it, after hearing from TB that PC port is good. I'll order the Ted Danson Sandwich, please. Religion I'd rather have no fans and be in Florida then the crap in Detroit. Congratulations, the laws of physics now hate you. Let us know when it's a billion It's a bad football team cosplaying as a good football team. New episode Sunday! Could very well be a sarcasm from the game Yeah man, we all know DDR Extreme 2 was the best. How does forcing collectivism require aithoritarianism but forcing people to pay taxes doesn't? Kendall Marx and the struggle of the proletariat To prevent datamining of the super ee You should fear your own statist overlords, not the cave dwelling, western funded, statist overlords far away. Well if the Prince of Heart inverts to a Bard of Mind, it might happen. So is this Battlefield 1 or Mount and Blade? Realmadrid What a waste of paper In soviet Russia, orphans reject YOU. How is that biblical proportions? Sometimes the bald eagle must fly alone, but make no mistake it always comes back I feel sorry for you, trying to help out McGido but you were too late ;( Will 2015's data include BLM, or does this data acknowledge that black people can't do hate crimes? Darn funeral potatoes causing high incidence of microcelphaly and rashes. yeah, that's impressive I suppose, but did he KOM the segment on Strava? Psyonix, can you please contact Bag Raiders and ask if we can have this song when we reach Shooting Star? Tis the season for family treason Het zou nog typischer Amsterdam zijn geweest om die gast gewoon te laten verzuipen. now that's prestigious NO I'm sure the move to pay TV has nothing to do with reduced viewership. Liar, it is not in a nutshell! Get her liquored up, stick it up the back door and dump her on the curb I went from 100bpm streams to 300bpm in a day Thanks tablet There will be a flurry of criticism directed at President Trump for this, but we could not have in good conscience elected a candidate who had disgraced herself by browsing work emails at home. Does this not load on mobile for others? But she's soooo whiiiiite Pretty soon this sub will learn the capitals of all the Republics. why not a mosque tho? And yet people will still vote for this psychopath in November. Gotta keep that sports program running smoothly Can't wait for the level with the super classified special forces unit with access to experimental exo suits and jet packs. Because posts like these are way better, right? I won a free ticket once so I know how they feel. Donald Trump. I imagine Jos is going to take this well Take away the gun and then go hunt the lion...most hunters are only courageous enough to go hunting when they have some 'technology' on hand. Its nice to see headlines like this not come from America But now how will we be able to tell the male and female flight attendants apart? Welcome comrades to the Soviet Socialist Republic of Australia But... But... I thought the economy was already greater than it has ever been? They're so militarized that she doesn't take the gear off on her own time. I'm sorry. Can't be more true :D Ew a man bun goddammit eliezer Yeah seriously bro, men are totally oppressed. more than their fair share are muslim related though 0 out of 10, no whitewalker reaper or v2 Why are the cards fanned backwards? *rolls eyes* just get a room already geez Im shocked Andrea bargnani hands down. wow i was skeptical about listening to it when you said it wasnt from monstercat Get a damn intel cpu! WOO LOO LOO, WOO LOO LOO I don't think he read your profile, because I know what's on your profile, and he definitely did not read those parts. Because Cascade Mountain is the only mountain surrounding the town of Banff. They would rather attack old women and murder peoples dogs. First clip is not an otk, you had a totem out from previous turn ^^ wat The 'caliphate' is in Syria, send them there. Trump's hands? Tom Brady is a good QB Pretty realistic fit for a cane. People will definitely take this post seriously and stop treating her badly, and will definitely stop acting like kids Or, you know, human whistles Probably not worth remotely close to that amount. Been wanting to pick them up since CE as well. Wow bro you're too edgy and hardcore. Clearly this means she is ready to start having sex! Did the justice only do a year in the circuit courts before being drafted to the Supreme Court? Obviously Attorney General Brandis is hoping to improve the budget bottom line by making the judiciary redundant under his newfound powers. Sure this isn't the Xbox One version? Deathclaws aren't going to kill themselves. I have that same monitor, we are such twinsies The transition lenses really pull the outfit together. with the limited items you can get from drops, i say the chance is higher than before, but thats my first time seeing it x.x This is what happens if you ride on the wrong side of the road Now you can blame congress if you are accused of date rape. Didn't know that Jeff Goldblum was the Senior VP of android and chrome.. Looks like he got a nice tan too. There's a special place in hell for people who punctuate with "lol" So is anyone that flies a regular American flag. And possibly a pricetag to surpass Metal Gear. Did anyone got hurt? But guys check out all the sweet new mtx! I think there's a muslim rapegang hiding under that there jacket, careful I'm glad I have not yet invested into a podcast where the fans are unsure who the hosts will be next episode. But you won't be able to do the *fine interactions* that require the top of your wrist to be in close proximity to each other. And three of them were Americans. They were totally sandbagging That song fit perfectly and what a good cut! Who is the virgin here? Thank God he wasn't also bi (as well as a creeper) because he obviously doesn't have a lot of qualifications for who it's ok to try to hit on. Hey Dallin said that you shouldn't criticize your leaders even if the criticism is true, so knock it off you trouble makers. It took me 20 seconds to realize that you were not talking about the Windows software notepad. For whatever it's worth, I assume you didn't feel like stealing anything after seeing that? Where is that picture from? Yes cause Oklahoma is landlocked Fake and gay Senseless violence to protest senseless violence, nope nothing wrong with that. So long as Politicians continue to represent the energy corporations, claiming to represent the roughly 12 Coal Miners left, too far indeed. It's so fitting. Exactly 2:13pm PST 2 hours later "I know the sale starts at 2:13 but can someone explain to me what the concept of time even is?" Now this explains Ukraine....He's trying to complete out his International HugBox... should have got a 6950x Wish it was more construction. To have enough money that I never have to work again Supporting the conspiracy theories about the NFL being fixed Welcome to cs Not as if we have some of the largest sandstone deposits in the world or anything, however we wouldn't want to hurt the majestic woodland mosquito by quarrying them out now would we? saw it on my feed. He looks so excited! Because a couple of hundred million people are defined purely by single incidents like these. That picture makes him look like a thumb. Dunno man, I'm a CS student and I still haven't been raped and/or murdered by all those filthy cis men around me every single day. What the fuck is bio essentialism? The nurses are part of the great backbone of our revolution Idk on these guns specifically but one mag might hold 2 rows while the long mag only hold one row of bullets. I'm sure god understands TIL populations grow. Koreans are wrong, as AT&T has told us, nobody needs speeds higher than 4Mbps! i havent seen a 6K pc before custom or not Well...they ARE outsiders...right? I actually wonder how many of them play surgeon simulator. BUT BEST BUY IS OVERPRICED! I'm not Stu Looks like the Raiders and Texans will be Starting their 2nd string QBs. The driver was in the hot seat. yeah because football should only be played inside with the windows closed. Plot twist: Dog gets rabies from trash panda. Well...I did ask. What's the point? And more goals than Suter. HE'S FAT! Very sexy Action is the only thing that will remove doubt - Conor McGregor Solid post Yes and since schools have to be integrated, let's get rid of those. Greasing the wheels on the Perpetual Popcorn Machine. Oh ya, this submission is just top notch. At least there's no water damage. nahh reddit community is terrible, the best CS community is hltv Which one of them did this? Sanders Now now, corporations are job creators so if you do background checks(audits) before giving them tax benefits and subsidies, they'd get offended and stop hiring. No shit. Oh boy we have never seen this before There's no such things as grills on the internet time for the middlemen to earn some monies, take bribe from seller, buy old ass "friendly" assault rifles with govt money; profit. An altogether excellent use of police time. I love science, it's so logical and reasonable compared to the idiocy of religion! Don't forget about Alabama's legendary Team Tech Skill Marths. I feel sad for the shareholders Yes, this cat is ecstatic about politics. Taking on the real issues Yeah, I was positive it was gonna be one of the top answers here because it always is, but I enjoyed that movie and remained entertained when rewatching it on TV a couple years later lol u want 2 choose who u sleep with what is this shit schizophrenic with a rifle So what she's a woman and we've never had a female president. Thats cheap Should have been wearing their garment hats, duh! His name was Satoru -Iron Samus Giovani Dos Santos is that you? O RLY? ...why did you take a photo of your screen its a bad computer logo inside a fruit, care to elaborate? looks like an early 1970's Honda CB 750-4 So The Coalition screwed with taxpayer money to help businesses, this is very surprising to me Farmville Weren't these types of posts banned? globalisation = empire building. Might mean you need to make new friends :/ NOOO ruined my invention training method! They call him the dickButt-ler -linda belcher Well at least the eyes can now see up to 60fps, must be the latest firmware update lol, INSANE Classic Marchand. We are closer every day! Same old story...who decides what's wrong and what's right. I could have never predicted this outcome. Yes please, sue the baby ESO. credibility doesn't exist in you world The 49ers farm team supplying the NFL with talent. Good lord, Christian or not, the Bible is right when it says these people are implacable (aka, impossible to please, give them a foot, they take a mile, no matter how much you give them, they still want more, etc.) NO RAILS ALLOWED!1! 12/14/13 the words of the scripture reveal the coming of the great beast as the whole world counts down to Armageddon! I am pretty sure this is just a place holder BR, but doesn't make it any less hilarious I can't wait for assorted Dance Central and skylander bundles to be on sale! triggered. I can't help but notice the irony of the situation. Cartels are illegal in almost every country, yet OPEC continues to operate. I think three or four more times just to make sure everyone knows. 35:48. Because by buying products from corporations that "reflect my values" I will _be the change I want to see in the world._ Ford never had plans to move plants to Mexico...but what do facts matter. Thought this was common knowledge? No porn m8 aw, it's good he can celebrate his marriage to his sister (who's also his mom) - well done you Jasper man! Hey, but the UK is sure to get a great deal with the US post Brexit! din din din din din din din din din din din din din din din din bum da da din da din 60 minutes will become a program for housewives entertainment and will lose its credibility. I'm not even German and I am too, and that's hardly even beer cheese. The only solution is to get chubby again and take a proper selfie. Literally the same game. Love the fuel rail! Yay more squatters! I sure am glad that Obama is taking such a hard stance against these people Islam is true women's liberation! There's some straight white male privilege right there She will have a civil war on her hands if she tries to confiscate guns in this country. This is a very important read for all new yorkers. Its EA and EA sucks XDDDDDDD Nope - inferior human subspecies will outpopulate teh superior human species his name is racist! 4 Bandwagoners Yeah, be we took it so its ours now. [](/twisquint) nothing can shake my excitement for this game, but this is a fucking disgrace But that's money they could be using to support next year's batch of one million unemployable African migrants! Wow its at best 20 mhz faster than the standard msi one, Oooo that will give me that extra 1/8th of a fps I so sorely need. He was a true patriot. Applies to any politician, really. Today I learnt how to buff the less skilled player base, and explain it with ZERO self awareness Speaking of when can i expect a fletcher buff not surprising The comments are gold Thats the first time I've seen a white knight stick up for the horse he rode in on. It's funny that they have a picture of an SSW model locomotive for #14. Totally didn't see this coming. English as a third language, as learned entirely by overhearing other conversations? Non sapevo che Superman fosse il presidente dell'ordine di Milano Because the guys who write the movies & tv shows are often men with feminine traits, so they write stories where men like them get the girl because women won't touch their dicks in real life. We've already claimed him as Canadian anyways. ####IT'S ABOUT ETHICS IN TOXICOLOGY also reverse toxicologists are the real poison [](/yesgaga) Does anybody else miss dump and chase? How dare you enjoy your life when I have the regrets! What, you don't miss 2006? That's a weird elevator. Simple, give her wavedash out of rollout Sure, but it's much harder to find it in all those menus. The tea party would call him a CINO (Catholic In Name Only) Nah, he used Mario Paint on the snes As an Englishman who lived through World Cup '90, '98, & '06 along with Euro '96, '04, & '12, I wholeheartedly agree with this proposal. Pyrocynical is pure clickbait furry gay cancer and should not be watched, all he does is bully innocent high quality channels Man, some allies they are, not automatically backing up our lies! Halo wtf i hate brexit now Fuck off, blogspammer. shoes to run in and a jacket that the attack could grab but I could slip out of Kind of looking forward to seeing self driving motorcycles. I think it's also a bug, cause isn't that node supposed to be interception, bot mobile defense. Hollow Earth is a magical place... ...where no amount of heat will weaken metal. Ffs, I had broads in Atlanta. Duuuuuuude, such a great Fugu collection. But wait, this statistic doesn't align with my view on how amazing multiculturalism is and how happily everyone will integrate into our society if we welcome them with open arms. It's all just a numbers game, playa got game CAN WE NOT FORGET ABOUT THE FPS ISSUES!!!! This is on xbox 360 where is minimum is 85k i know your feeling bro... 6 months ago i was at stable 200-300 fps, now im at 40-80, even 15 after 40 mins of game in teamfight And even though i got a new system, gg riot, adds particles nobody sees that take 20 fps lol, riot is too dumb to organize the client, you will find so many unused files in there All the healthy food White people.......Zukenburg? Motherfucker better resign. Just WarThunder ace, nothing to see here use fan filters We wont know until the insurance comes due, that is why it is an insurance file. I'm sure that will fix it. Dank I mean, if you want to get the baby pregnant Yes. Lol umm, was in a hurry when I wrote this Or trade them to me for my high overall golds You monster. Good Guy Christie. PPB Case #? lol u se tahts wy pece gayming is expensiw lool pc faags i nosk0ped yo mum Oh for sure dude, the UFC rigged the fight for Rousey to LOSE Ba-Zika Labisierre has sucked really bad but this is a bit dramatic. literally worse then heroin What an honor for OP that this man would *let* himself be seen naked by them! This Accidental Rockwall should be titled, "Altering The Scales of Justice" Colour me shocked. Please help this poor woman sell a few copies of her album so she doesn't have to keep doing cheap publicity stunts like this. pics like this truly convince me that efforts to protect the environment are all scams from liberals and idiots watching msnbc and that as a nation we should be spending a max in laying pipes everywhere, fracking everywhere, drilling everywhere because the profits of the big corporations will all trickle down Clearly they all have thighs and a left shoulder, it's down right clone wars going on here! haha dude nice one Your mom goes to college. Nice to find out about this just as i updated my PC! Wow, so sexy, I want you to bend over and peel those off please Reddit. Colin ferrel, cause common, it would be funny as fuck Should probably just be safe and register this one as a sex offender. A better life then the mexican ghetto? No, but one can glue-starve a joint, if one is not careful. 8 range, come at me hydras. Plato would like to have a word with you Oil change? If the Giants barely squeeze into the playoffs, put money on them winning the whole thing and you'll win the money lol Tim Beckman Ouch! i say we launch into space and nuke the site (senate hall) from orbit, its the only way to be sure right? Wolf for smash switch confirmed I don't like needles, does that count? This proves that gender differences are hardwired! I believe it would be like the MacBook that has just the USB-C port, you use a special splitting device that goes out to the charger and a headphone. lol even though Alicia played overall better.. UberGuestUser seems like a nice fella! Some people should not be allowed to drive. I prefer not to think of women as products. Glad to see all the input from server owners was taken into account... I feel like thia guy is just fucking with everyone It's good seeing consumer routers are good enough for an Enterprise deploy. When will Islam evolve beyond the 15th century... Pink Flamingos. But, But, If we don't consume exactly the same amount of energy to do exactly the same amount of work as we did last year we will be suffering from energy poverty and we will all have to go back to living in caves! I just got "eye strain" from rolling them so hard. Brought to you by the same editors who released the Israeli Defense Forces who peacefully boarding the Flotilla. Dumbass hicks want everyone wearing Mossy Oak and jean shorts. They should have to be dyed neon pink or orange so people can see them coming and get out of there It's vintage. It does says that the graphics provide incredible images and visual effects :) Nasty woman. *tip* I'm sure thats what it thought you said. Ban Rate 71.11% My first reaction: Instagram has DMs? I mean it worked for the pelicans ... and if you thought Trump was goofy as a goat. Do you mean black men who know what's up? Seems like the correct move here is to bump Nash up to the first line. Everyone quick hold your breath! wasn't the point of this that they *weren't* doing async shading? God gave man dominion over the Earth to fuck it up as he sees fit. Get good, bro! Are they gonna protest this one too? and? nsfw gee thank god you told me I would have been caught if you didn't say it Looks like Ben Daniels Sorry but I don't see how there is a better kicker in the country than Daniel Carlson. What an idiot I'd be willing to house a north korean, doesn't take much room and wont eat too much I bet. One of my favs I was just surprised by the sign saying minors got a $250 for trying to buy alcohol. They must live in a very tiny world if they think there's no adventure to be found. Gone Girl made everyone realise marriage is pointless Imagine how hard it will be for 18 year olds to willingly masturbate though. Does not ring true at all. dude do you even frontpage? Its good to know my taxes are going towards people like her Sad to see how many people on this sub don't seem to get it. they're all waiting for rostermania after Formal joins OpTic halo Nonsense, nothing ever happens to unpopular leaders in Russia This is how we do wheel alignments now. Maybe artists who solely use FA as a single point of income to support themselves should view this as a sign that maybe if this wish to work this way they should branch out and have multiple ways for to advertise and contact artists... the same way any other free lance professional would. Death Penalty. I love that first reply, unlaakeeeee Oh but it's no big deal you see it's only a prank. cuz that's racist Age is just a number obviously Dianne Feinstein is an Anti-Semite and a racist Bonus points for including a link to a service that seems to actually serve men in that area. The Koran is very specific in regards to websites. Well also the cutlures are strictly compatible. 2/10 no cum on her face, literally unwatchable. Flagrant 2 imo They won't blow me. As if Nah, just snowflakes causing problems as usual. I wonder if Springsteen played Born in the USA. Wow, this is a good, quality topic that hasn't been posted before. Fucking neckbeards, man They lost a good player. When Orton cashes in, try not to be the guy they show on camera looking devastated. Folks here might not learn anything new in the article but I have to say it is well-written and highly accessible even to someone with no interest in chess. i volunteer to be executioner of the USA It's nice to see completely unbiased articles Cancer I'm sure the 6-year-old was preparing to spring his mastermind trap on this cop and bust out a Barrett 50 cal sniper rifle or something Love the jdm front end....makes me miss my ef He's a self proclaimed socialist lmfao Are you sure, I'm trans, and I don't feel like this at all. I'd put money that this is either a crack/meth head. Well I hope these aren't the "moderate rebels" that the US is now training and supplying. Great to have the endorsement of the biggest clown in Russian politics. Tata Motors to ~~s~~kill one million youth in five years Without increasing tax revenue the city's got to make money somehow. Doesn't look like anything to me FUCKING ADBLOCK Sure it is... Totally unintended consequence of the DREAM act I think someone's missing, I forget the actors name . This would help justify the increased price on modern masters. 55 coins *long time peasant op posting an askreddit thread Goodness, he's a better fighter than he is a goalie! exactly, nerf dat imba sheet I am. Regardless of political positions, I hardly think Obama is a 'loathsome creature', he's hardly done anything scandalous in his personal life and has behaved like a model statesman so cute Which one are you? The whole "that race of people all look the same" stereotype can be applied to every ethnicity if you're barely exposed to them. Fake News, serving you since 1995. Forever *cries* He obviously doesn't understand that destroying the biosphere is profitable. I think "risk" is a very hopeful way of putting it. That buzzard-UTH combo is so nostalgic f2p at bottom, p2p at top The verdict: no disciplinary action. seems legit Skip Bayless doesn't realize the horse he's been beating has been dead for almost four years. But that's impossible Must be what a Florida commute is like from what I'm told. thank god. Cocks out for harambe! Name your 5 favorite nirvana songs Let's just draft a QB with every pick in the draft, one's bound to stick. Very nice shading. Ah, I just saw it now. Crazy how natur do dat This will end well. That was my laptop 24/7 Yeah because nobody's going to stop what they're doing and focus on you as soon as they hear that fucking velcro tearing sound right? I keep forgetting that there's mesh support now. He wouldn't know it though since the atheist probably had to hide the fact that he didn't believe in God lest he be mercilessly persecuted by the religious zealots. At least he meant good unlike a US administration high on ignorance blowing up shit in another country to save the world from imaginary WMDs. that guy had really nice headphones, he could hear him. Hey look COIT tower. Holy shit, can I have the demo? I guess he didn't learn his lesson the first time All wrong, terrible, and not-perfect. Came expecting a blob of read, was not disappointed. If only 3 are convicted then does that make the other 997 false accusations? Boeing needs to sue him before he takes office. Wow this article isn't wildly inaccurate at all Ubisoft sucks Is Jack Eichel a coach killer? Anything by Troegs Female ejaculation **"life-endangering"** Wait...what? Natural shooting motion A meme is deleted every time he says Jyfe. As if traffic flow has been a priority for this government ever. Someone, turn on the bat signal! This would be so much better than Mario Kart, just like Battle Royale was so much better than Smash. Sad as fuck Jon joining the new GrumpOut channel confirmed. Fast food workers should still go to hell. Discriminating against men dressed as women is wrong but discriminating against men dressed as women dressed as police is acceptable. Dude you just spoiled legion for me :^) But clearly it's what the market wants since you bought it. What a scumbag, they totally over charged people in 1985. The hurricane stayed away because of those guys, right? Oh, but that's impossible, all women are the saaaaaaaame Which GPUs are the first and middle ones. Spelunking... Stupid name for stupid sport for stupid people. What about thinphobia or the hate in excluding people based on their beliefs? whoa, throw an NSFW tag on that! Block...buster? I wonder how many messages he's gotten telling him what a sad life he leads for spending money on MUT and still losing the occasional H2H He played over 17 mins against Washington... Karate Kid FILTHY AMERICAN PIGS! Yeah, it's probably pushed by ghosts too. Very bold strategy indeed, I commend you on your testicles All I can say is 'Lol' But tobacco is "natural" and "organic"! Nordstrom is a failing brand, sad! definitely ;) hahaha There may be a reason a 40 year old Pearl River was on the street. It's not really perfect, it's backwards. Couldn't wait another month, so the playoffs would be over Perhaps they were all born into different situations as well? The Republican party has announced plans to annihilate two major marine sanctuaries and replace them with oil fields that dump their contents straight into the ocean! Ok Its always a good idea to wait til the last moment. Pigeons are also better at solving the Monty Hall problem. Lucas, he's like Ness, but slower and worse When you're ~~a star~~ rich they let you do it. Or client stability Oh look, another MESS for closing crew to take care of! I remember when they let Germany suffer, that turned out well. nice motion blur Well with all this competition, Time Warner Cable is going to struggle, and it'll probably be a good thing for them to be acquired by a bigger company wow.. that order is just all over the place. Well that's just nitpicking, isn't it? Stop Stereotyping Omnics As an Armenian living in the states, I hate the Turkish government even more. I don't think you primitive fucks even realize how fucking good the big bang theory is, it's fucking comedy gold and you dumbasses don't even realize Y'all will beat us anyway This statement alone caused a breakthrough in European thought, united with this genius rhetoric Europeans brought their Union to new heights. It's only there for limbo players I LOVE PERIOD ENDING POWER PASSES! Yeah, why dont the eastern europeans have the same policies as the richest country in europe? I have a feeling that if all of the so called GOP leaders were recorded speaking their true feelings that the country would be completely shocked. All of the local news articles fail to mention the word GOP or Republican for some reason. so what's wrong with " just getting by", live in the moment amirite? Needs more pinterest-ness. Not gonna lie, dat was me. But then how will they save daylight? He's waiting so he can appoint them as federal judges. There is something deeply wrong with the American right wing. Thanks Obama. Shocking You think hackers are bad now, just wait until this game goes free2play. There was never just one... EARLY RELEASE Now how can we connect this to something Israel has done? Sad but justified. Am I the only one concerned with a FIVE year jail sentence when he had intentions of MASS murder? for me, the most irritating was the playlist Just send remaining 6 back at their expense. why is there an elf? That's the thing, he was ahead of Junior, a major no-no Well done, your Goldman Sachs checks go in the mail on Monday! Hey, they might be miserable, bitter, judgmental, hateful, nasty, mean-spirited, and obsessive, but at least they're not fat! Because 4chan is quite often a very serious place Not a movie, but the episode of the office called "Scott's Tots" where Michael promises an entire class college tuition for graduation. That makes him smart! So have they announced who's directing the sequel to Black Hawk Down? Well, too be honest isn't that how aircraft should work? Did you do this screenshot on a fucking mobile phone or what xD .....would you take 3/55? its just a photo of them IRL right? Yeah because that's the thing to worry about here At least it's cheap. Chrome doesn't like anything except eating memory. i mean that is expensive stuff but not that much Good to know our patience is appreciated. That might be the greatest thing ever. yeah if you throw rocks at military officers and run away this is what you deserve.. or this is the right thing to do. Nice but wtf is that uv stretching How surprising! The Mossad sabotaged his Molotov cocktails. He's Kenyan, not American, you're fine. when you keep shouting tank mines just to alert Ching it's super effective Can I get the cliff notes version? Looks dope except for the fact that the onion kinda looks like a tapeworm :/ If a few soldiers die due to an unfit comrade then at least their families can now their sons were martyrs for progress. Nozdormu synergy though Klopp? She's great. Let's waste 5 losses before we boot his sorry ass. well, now i'm not going to be able to sleep tonight THANKS Jokes on them, my ability to defend myself is likely far stronger than their ability to attack. So that's what Neople considers a little compensation, huh. Oh, right, it makes perfect sense now I'm about to read the article but I'd like to share that accidentally legalizing something sounds awfully american. It would've been even funnier if he said his favorite movie was *World's Greatest Dad* Is the mistake the fact that you're still on 0.13.3? You deserve a raise Why would you have to go unwillingly? He's not wrong w0w How polite, they answered their own question for you! What are the X and O on the pouches? More and more are waking up to the fact that there is no god. hahaha Well, if we hadn't killed all those sharks upwards of 20 people could have died! They should have got some crystals and tried to balance it's chakras first! It's around $60 for the first month but you also gain access to the membership club which lets you play free for life. ace with blackbeard...haven't seen that one before There's no proof Ready up live That cross can fit way more Jesus's than that! Man i know people that do M just sitting at home. And here I am wasting my time talking to women and taking them on dates. Pre 1776 are we sure he is not biting? Unless it's weed, or recreational drug use, or necrophilia, you know, these are victimless crimes, not real crimes Yeah, keep telling that to the people out of school. Dogte Culpupper Dude please stop talking. That's not even legally considered a firearm in most places in the US! He is either playing doctor, or is going to be one. I-I-I'm finding.. I'm finding you in contempt of court... and I sentence you to twenty days for that and if you say anything else I'm going to add twenty days for everything you say Yeah lets give people jobs based on gender rather than merit and see where society goes. Probably shouldn't pee in it But android are for poor people! Japan, don't let your xenophobia change you saucy wench you Bet McGregor would have taken him. Yeah, nothing to do with the insane cost of living ikr, If i see someone attractive I just introduce myself like a normal human being. Good on her, now snuggle up to her while you download the 20 gigs that didn't come on the disc. everyone knows sun is filled with radiation, we need to switch to a safe abundant source of energy like coal, or at least gasoline, dont be fooled by the corporate backed liberal agenda, all they want is money I think what you really need to fear is the "Hurriclown" .... like a Sharknado but way way worse. The Bible. Can you change the color on the switches too? Fucking cagers think they own the road. Why are the reviews copy paste is the reason for the post. Well, they may have thought you'd like a fresh perspective since you seem to be stuck in "crazy bigot" mode. Bulimia is no joke! No complaints from me when more than half of your lineup is hitting. If only he played defense more passionately Delusional I clicked on this hoping to learn something, then i realized what sub I was on and that it was going to be a shitpost. Out with the old in with the less old :P 660 is last Gen breh That's 286 stone for those of us who use proper weight measurements! LeFlop It in fact did transform the world, but for the worse. can we give them Comeau, Wiercoch or Tyutin instead? Fucking Amish at it again The SuperMan Rifle well Trainer Happy knew the hog rider was overpowered so he put it down ...what the actual fuck are you even on about you odd ball loon So how long until Nintendo Shuts it Down? Hey bro the Warriors just blew out the cavs so those jokes are officialy dead Stop shitposting The Biggest Loser! It would just be the 360 version and you could play with your 360 friends and matchmaking. Just drive 5.3 more miles! What an original title. Hating on crack gloves is always good for down votes around here. As an Italian American I am TRIGGERED Hotshot sees this Re-signs double for season 5 We did it boys The must really make the Bernie Sanders supporters upset that Clinton is committed to a liberal Supreme Court. The beats only adds like $3 a month to your bill on our financial plan tho. He must be a distant cousin of Gordon Freeman. Oh thank god, another AAA FPS They probably weren't true transsexuals. I guess from all the invited teams none should lose. Random basketball player shooting a 3 pointer is much more impressive. Star Wars BF I think? Steve Harvey photobomed you. Gee, it's almost as if people will do as they please with their own bodies and doesn't affect you in the slightest...nah, that can't be it, must be the Patriarchy. Bullshit I'm only mad because I'm not the one controlling this thing At least the government doesn't have it That's racist! Season long run for Dallas Custom modded belly fitment? Ferrari LaFerrari Fun fact: '1984' is famous/relevant enough to be part of the curriculum of schools in Germany (at least in Hamburg, different parts of the country have different curriculums). amg guise i think dis person is cheating Cool shades, Imogen! Why have you posted a picture of a mound of snow to a car subreddit? Their excuse was that they did not know that the muslim ban would apply to christian Syrians. Unless she gives birth to a tank or her vagina starts handing out some asylum I'm not interested. Why else would someone wear a visor? Do you happen to have any of those 2X cutaway training aid BARs? Can't wait to play the injury guessing game again this week! Can someone find that "random" guys twitter and see if hes a delirious nut job? But look at all the jobs those job creators created! Yeah, I can't see this being abused in any way. Every time she answers a question, her poll numbers drop i wish there were a few words said before so i could adjust my volume correctly instead of having him be absurdly loud no France and Germany have a great lineup of young players who will hopefully blossom by the time 2018 comes, either of them have a solid chance of taking the cup. As a gay married man, i can honestly say this lady makes me giggle. I'm guessing the undulation of the balls is due to collision errors not settling in. Now they need a warrant for Hillary's emails! He still killed less people with a gun than Ted Kennedy with a car. someplacesomewhere forums well i really only lurked there, but was always an interesting read to be had there I'm up all night to the sun I'm up all night for good fun I'm up all night to get some I'm up all night to steal money Possibly because I manage to get really into being my character in Final Fantasy XIV, when Dragonsong starts playing [as you slowly walk towards Nidhogg in the final fight against him, knowing that you have to be the one to end the Dragon War] Right, with his big smart brain and tiny little hands. Their shooting. genius You drew a picture of Mohammed, it's now justified for Muslims to shoot up Reddit's headquarters. And the best part about all the dead parents is that they corrupt the game! Out of the shadows and into the light Hail Hydra! Nice timing, when they discover huge amounts of shale gas. I'm anxious because I have blues, and I'm moving into a dorm...hope my roommate can stand the click. oh how supprising......nationalistic Russians refusing to believe their country is to blame in anything negative, that surely has never happened before As it should be confirmed froggen ddosed ocelote ocelote is our lord and savior Click bait too only if it had RGB leds Fuck you, take it. I hate Marriages in general but really like this, we need more famous "Gay Hindu marriages" A vote for Trump = a vote for dubs & triples A vote for Hitlary = a vote for singles Lutefisk. Artisan was shit, in my eyes, since the first ever devblog they made about it. That's hilarious; I can't count on just two hands the amount of times I've turned around and suddenly got accosted by a deathclaw; the shirt is very accurate as far as my general response goes. Dam that is one nice Mercedes. I mean, that's the only logical response. I would love for this creepy little man to stay out of my uterus. If you can't take her at her worst, you don't deserve her at her best It's like the guy that puts on a turn signal 2 streets early I'm sure they're putting that money to good use The white man is truly the master race What a racist! If the Moonies are freaked out, then who are we not to be freaked out at least as badly? I trust the justice department will handle this fairly and impartially It's good to be the king. Thanks for hating on handless dads, asshole. I love you! Hey man they did offer to build 200 mosques in europe after previous terrorist attack thats something Is that eligible for the Windows 10 upgrade I wonder if Boise will start playing Idaho again. TIL there are hills in Germany I prefer someome over 5ft with a little intelligence but I suppose 9inches and a bit on the thick side could be an aqcuired taste! And the Stars would have won the cup with Seguin #R E F E R E N D U M #E #F #E #R #E #N #D #U #M Clearly we must bomb everyone! Doesn't show up in the playoffs He's not a top 100 player though I bet the people who buy these shirts also donate the same amount of money to a VA charity to help veterans. ugh is it so hard to keep a modern car going in a straight line? Wow Zumbo, you've blown my mind again! I'd do this but I'm a little bitchly, nobodys sticking a needle in me So not signing all of the top FA suddenly means you're practicing moneyball? Nah they quit paying Bernie Ecclestone to let Crashtor Maldonado drive a while ago. Just waiting and hoping for the X Pure 2015 to get it soon, now. God forbid a woman want to not be with a guy because they aren't attracted to him! But transgenderism isn't based on stereotypes. because war is so great and all. Well good thing then I don't feel guilty about my skin tone. Someone invent solar panels made of coal FFS Hey, it's your fault for living down that street. Was it a Kicker Warhorse WX 10000.1 ? GAME RUINED I AM SELLING MY XBOX Such heros our boys and girls in blue are protecting us from these hoodlums! Well, the africans can do it, right? Rape Just make it very clear you are there for them and actually be there when they need you. Wow, I never realised the Dalai Lama was such an islamophobic right-wing racist half you guys don't even click the link before commenting... So when do we welcome our Spurs Overlords? this is brilliant mate *high fives* Wow, I bet it'll come to Verizon real soon! But... But... But... Socialism! Jon is no Stark! Ron Paul/Paula Dean 2016 It was the fault of the Israelis, apparently he saw a beautiful Israeli girl who was not covered up, causing him to badly throw his Molotov cocktail and thus set himself on fire. Is this truly peasantry or satire? Oh good thing that you're in charge of the road and you used your authority to police it, like you should I'm offended that only one is male. Um, you actually pretty much have to one way or another. 10/10 diplomatic skills To be fair most of those places have healthy options. That's quite the collection. This is fake, how can you have 500,000 points on round 1? That's John McCain right? yeah yeah, but what can he bench? Can't wait for the nerf 2 patches after it's out git gud They even pinky swore. I wish to put forward an eloquent argument that takes into account all sides of this particular debate - "Fuck off Tony" Great- new spots for engi camping I would like to play but on pc its unplayable for more than a week so its suck but im here cuz im waiting for the fix:D well that was a very civil and calm GDT. By contrast, the War on Drugs is conducted using rainbows and unicorns, so it doesn't produce any victims. double soul charge... meh Was het idee niet om de kwaliteit van het onderwijs omhoog te krikken met al het geld wat ze door de afschaffing van de stufi ophaalden? I can imagine how super brave she'll be when bullets start whizzing by her head. Gee, that guy is such a rip off of Pyrocynical, who is just a fake Leafy. Alright group photo, quickly before EBR comes back and demands to be featured front and center What was this video even about? Why doesn't the Christian dude just get into the discussion topic instead of taking it personally and resolving to "look guys see he's talking really fast so he must be wrong." And yet people dont want to call this terrorism? She may be an engineer student, but her brain seems to be set on Turtle. did you forget the deleted scene where han was hiding in the falcon and jumped out when they arrived on ach-to ? As soon as I dl'ed facebook messenger and it took up more ram than the OS and drained my battery twice as fast ... I knew it was up to no good. You know you'll have to pay fightmoney for that, right? I expected a man being kicked. no goal = no IF fuck me up fam Just transfer all SKT members and stuff. lol unreal, its like the pros have more boost or something. Club Penguin is shutting down on 29th March This story shows we not only need to get rid of guns, but toxic masculinity or just men in general. Perhaps previous Tinder date? Tax dollars well spent. Just like how getting to 10th prestige in COD makes you a pro. the funniest part is proxy_proxy_java_java and java_java_proxy_proxy Yeah..... No. I can't understand why piracy is such a big problem in Australia. What's disgusting about feeling like you're drowning by just standing outside? Hire an entire anglophone front office staff and watch Montreal go up in flames. But those aren't real Christians Pretty sure the factory workers from Bangladesh will cross the border and get employed there. I'm reminded of all the drama around TWI for adding a CS:GO style key/crate system to Killing Floor 2 while still in early access. That was an awesome day mate, blue or red team? I think we were all worried Frank Miller's writing was gonna be too soft and apologetic I'm somewhat disappointed...sadly I think that's actually Gary Paffett in the car you need to spam !drop in the chat in order to raise your chance of getting a drop. I usually dont cringe that much on reddit anymore, but I cringed hard on that one. Oh just fuck off you thief Damn Russians again! Ivern can grow weed but graves cant have a cigar? Ya You sound like you have a solid grasp of veganism. Look at Villa making that run right alongside Messi, just like we need him to because that is why he starts every game. Come on now, haven't we all mistaked our own helicopters for getting hit with RPG fire at some point in our lives? Most of the oil in the US comes from Canada anyways. It's the Canadian version of salary I like to call those "nosegasms" Increase punishment for dodging will probably have the best strats from irl experience ath es 7 works better if ur attractive and not unattractive But that picture makes it look cold - global warming can't be real! C'mon, everyone knows that you're supposed to be a lawyer to be an MP. But if you wake at middle of night like that you'll be super tired at 6am But it can take away from your argument especially relating to knowledge things But of course, MRAs are the real terrorists, right? I for one am shocked and saddened by the fat hatred and misogyny packed into these numbers. We should make a database to track all the people associated with this religion. Damn, what a steal Welp, I changed my mind We shouldn't be so quick to judge, perhaps the kicks and punches were warranted because the suspect reached for the officer's gun. Would this be considered brandishing? Comparing 1 person against another person fighting another one Yeah thats fair, lord meltzer does it again Everything is according to plan. Shout out to New Jersey for letting me fuck my cat. Such an old dirty pie plate. Don't know how likely this is to happen, but considering her husband is playing Deadshot. Let's see that birth certificate you synthetic bastard! best comment underneath "my friend (who is a boy) had some very weak weed at the last party all the boys tried it but none of the girls did" Nhi re dhondu.. just chill! CBA Strike could be why soccer won't happen. Wow, what a helpful contribution! Is this 501st approved? Hey man, both parties are the same. I get my orders in two days from Newegg using super saver, just as fast as Amazon Prime, bless them for having a warehouse from 1 state over. It's like an X-Acto Puukko mix. I don't get it, you're playing Proxy how she's meant to be played! I think it's this woman's fingers on her husband's head, maybe? Buckle up bukarooos GLAWKS Why the fuck were they on it to begin with? Boy, what a coincidence! Use the console command "TM" to hide your HUD, it'll make screenshots look much better. But she's his step sister so it's fine! HoF voters just love players who didn't cooperate with the media Must be nice being rich. Seagulls. Personally though, I boycott dominos because their pizza is flipping awful. I never knew there so many experts on artillery and Korean politics on reddit here, you dropped this. no smart apples Night time would be so much better if everyone except me and my friends had a curfew Callahan sure did dive by getting slashed in the face. *Extra-thick tinfoil hat firmly planted on aluminum colander helmet* Deer leader and discount tanning booth mascot working together to spark conflict, distracting from further investigations. Remember, the human eye can't see past 24 fps. I dream of a day where journalists and armchair professionals will stop blaming "re-entry" effects on friction, instead of the compression-heating that is actually responsible :( This is why you don't turn off the console or eject the disk while the autosave logo is displayed I cant wait to see cars take the Monza Chicanes full throttle You say it like he's actually dead! horrible display of fat shaming on their part, they should be ashamed of themselves. lol lol lol lololol lol. He was so close to breaking the record. Well the Afghans moved a game because of heat before the FFA ever would... I like the word 'exploits' - because I think its wrong to blame Russia for 'brainwashing' people - they are exacerbating sentiments that are already there Also Aww Enclave is so cute. Did you just assume a skeletons race? Implied or implode? stop watching them Use surf It seems like all the media is getting the ideas for their articles from this subreddit :) As always GP10 with their deeper analysis anf understanding of stats Somehow, hiring a "retirement specialist" to give your plans a regular "checkup" doesn't sound like the best allocation of resources. That would be me right now! Downvoted because not PC player Now let's see vehicle kills? Well played, sir. maybe it isnt his first language Goodness me, *finally* my bank account will be as secure as my WoW account has been for some years now. Deal is sold out Looks like both Pro and VR are indeed failures Maybe some better graphics if it's not too much to ask for. I've heard she is a terrible person, treating her aids like slaves. It's all about sending the message across with warning shots. If women actually did some productive work, rather than spending their time making stupid, factually incorrect posters - maybe they would earn those 22 cents extra. Jesus, they even did it all in Gibberish! Now aim it to Yemen and you've got yourself a nice little homage to the american government. Jezz, it looks like she tried to open that with a raptor claw. McDaniels Perrish Cox Reunion confirmed. I understand the decision but if the DNC fails to elect Ellison on top of this decision it will look like 0 for 2 from the left side of the party's viewpoint. If you try to force Scylla to fall in love with you, you're gonna have a bad time. God damn crossfitters and their kipping pull ups! Great restraint, most moral army in the world. I think the real problem is that barbie is jewish. needs more bokeh Correlation isn't causation You are a beautiful man. It's a testament to ones own skill and capabilities. The way he screws over his Shark Tank deals sure makes me want to vote for him because I know he'll be looking out for me Yeah, I can only imagine how sweet Heath Slater main eventing Mania would be. This is EXACTLY why everyone should just listen and believe, right Anita Sarkesiian? What a show-off Hey, you are my favorite Zionspartan! Guess the aliens showed up late to Earth. Well, he did invent the internet. P O L I T I C A L T H R I L L E R O L I T I C A L T H R I L L E R I do not agree with this choice to have refugees. How about no. Not gonna lie, I thought this was a remaster and I got excited for a brief moment. Flair as "Cringe" That picture of that guy isn't Alex Debrincat is it cause I was gonna say, no wonder he fell to the second round pretty sure we can see this in broad daylight There's no neo-Nazis in Ukraine, that's just Putler propaganda. They're people not porn. Which makes you one crazy-good comedian. wat r thos Since it's Google, does it only contain information about corrupt Hillary Clinton? Honey that can kill weeds is the kind of innovation that only the free market can provide. um how can you know for sure he didn't just add all the features he promised, did you explore all 19 quintillion planets? so NBA and chill? Obviously fake, everyone knows people in the UK dont have guns like le dumb Amerikkkans XD Shocking! Dude even GSP is impressed. Is this a collab event with Courage the Cowardly Dog? I want to get off this ride So deep! All dat hugging... Oh great, another Star Wars movie with a giant Death Star. probably the crafting bench A semi-wet dusty road, seems like a perfect spot for a burnout! The only bits I enjoyed was everything with Strowman and the women's match Yeah, I'm sure HR would care WAY more about that than the fact that one of their employees is baby batter bait on the internet. Seems pretty safe, especially in the dark winter evenings... And we all know that Trump is incapable of doing anything without Obama's prior endorsement Ok fair...but how's being married to your sister-cousin I'd have to use a name that sounds it could come from Iain M Bank's books. Didn't he change his name to Handsome Hawke? What a nutter. Before I saw this I thought she was a highly educated genius Quick on foots, easy bleed out! Would you still defend this if he were wearing red? Idiom too, but it is also an analogy. Odds of double golden legendary is about 1 in 160,000 packs. I really love my home state. No, the whole of EDM is Dubstep I'm more than a little embarrassed for the Regiment. it clearly only happened because the defenders in mls are shit I sometimes wonder if Russell Wilson could play Thorny's adult son in Super Troopers 2, but I don't think he's white enough. Why am I not even suprised? I read the text with Samuel L. Jackson voice. It good to see the Mirror is there to give us the *real* football news we all want. I have some TP but I would just use a garden sprayer as a bidet. Stop blaming English fans, i can't stand that anti english bias going on here. What even is officiating this year? Im waiting for this to show up on my facebook feed as real news. He went full retard Where'd you find the file? reach is a very young prodigy, learning from the best Game breaking micro-transactions, basically a mobile game now I wonder how big you are if those are chicken legs hes a mercher and does that for the zybez price guide to make finding him easier WHOA NO WAY? Let's take his advice and nuke ISIS. No it shouldn't Is this Malia Obama? kicks to the head when I'm down. Women can't be sexist Starched his ass Are they adding Chansey back in yet? Yeah, not sure why they didn't try to trade a guy like Weber for him during the trade window. Hahaha they have 7850's Can't wait for the follow-up message where he offers to be the strong, male, guiding hand that OP asks for with this clear cry for help. Cool I didn't know you could see the ocean floor from space! She's the one all the way to the left I'd really like to see the Mae Young Royal Rumble 2000 swimsuit contest Never stop. They're a *special kind* of stupid this was amazing First time I've ever read something stupid at WSJ. We're playing the wrong Manchester side on 17 May. Reduce the size of the federal government. Yea I have a good reason Fuck pures So KAWAIIIIIII :333 I'll never trust the Zodiac Killer El Rato. oomg guise kanye ego so big leelellelelelelle xD Oh yes, you must be SO closed minded if you don't want to get naked for him. In response, Madagascar has closed all ports of entry. I'm just happy that my favorite celebrity gossip website breatheheavy is getting more hits for this. This was sometime after Obama forged his US birth certificate and college grades. Wow so funny, you really made me laugh Smh only white people can speak English. In other news: humans breath oxygen. The ACCC arw investigating, the foreign brewers must be shitting themselves. And even today the the intolerant and hateful ideology of feminism is somehow still largely acceptable. *Why you frighten me like that, TheSuperjohn702* I'm sorry but I closed the tab as soon as I saw that those tortillas were premade Weird that he's posing with a soccer ball, don't you think? While an ordinary tax-paying citizen has to run around submitting documents like copies of Aadhaar and passbooks of their account in an approved bank, to just get a LPG refill so he can literally feed his family. Who needs the rain forest anyway... she looks pretty attractive Just a reminder, the Sedins are awful in their own zone and aren't tough enough to kill penalties Alternative Patriotism Yeah, you're an asshole, but you used the meme right, so fuck it and have an upvote. yes I just wish Herrera would get it together before he gets shipped out. No you're using the AUG Did anyone check the signatures. Because she's a sexist who exploits women But Janism is supposed to be one of the good religions Ahaha what the fuck OP Cue the Reddit Tipping Circlejerk. You overclocked the picture? Then immediately banned from SpotPass. Penaut house I'm sure it is a totally unexpected and unintentional side-effect of the not-too-subtle racism of entrenched Republican law makers. Nice hairdo. This is interesting and worth knowing. the ones I hate the most is the ones that tell you that you need to give the knife to a friend to make sure you don't trade it while getting the keys from a trade site, so stupid and waste your time more i'm surprised blinking, looking, talking, breathing, walking, packing, unpacking, waving, laughing, or pretty much any other ing except obeying isn't on the checklist what an amazing dad They only stopped them because they had brought too little customs bribe money. so in a game that has undead, dragons, magic, repsawning that's what you find illogical ? HuffPost is worse than cancer yes. But don't call him a racist! pussy will make America great again Tim Tebow is so heavy because he has Christ within him. Noob question, but what kind of switches are those? No one, there are no men present so no crime can occur. Yeah, Sony and Microsoft **totally** don't support their developers... What an idiotic comment. You forget; Equality means equal results, not equal access De r jus doin it 2 sev papr ya. Max Na'Vi next bet Someone link the video "is she into you" by casually explained, I'm on mobile Vita sales on decline :(, come on Sony use some of that PS4 cash and push the handheld a little more Men who belittle me make me hot Related to FNAF, yes He'll fit in fine with Ott Pitchforks!