has a problem with " the whites " " and " " the christians . " " go ahead you are free to say it now ! " rt " : how three million germans mass murdered after destruction of the reich ; via " " " rt black supremacist arrested for threatening to " kill all white people in the town " " | more : " when you said " we " " are you talking about the white supremacist the nazis the racist the hate for o " ' holocaust ' debate / comments / news claude lanzmann : just finnished this one a must for you all as it give ... . pretty sure trump doesn't want incompetents on his team ... : white power ! actually it's the other way around . the french resistance would already have sent #trucons to the guillotine . and a white supremacist would be a crazy white dude . just saying . and are you a white european aryan because most of these hitler fan boys hate anybody that isn't ? ? are forever white racemass murderers ! ! ! democratically he won the presidency . end of issue . the dems have been trying to stop his agenda sin hamas is the only one who lies and all those like hamas . the only gobels are those who believe hamas . how about conservatism is the political philosophy of dishonor and cowardice ? #cpac2017 i have a sense carson was staying in just to split votes from cruz . he's been chummy with dt and giving me chris christie vibes i'm not a racist at all but i mean all the numbers are saying caucaisian people are set to disappear soon so i'm for keeping the race kumar bishwas may join bjp soon after being targeted by islamic fundamentalists no woman has the right to kill an unborn baby ! it's not her body it's the baby's body she's choosing to kill . open your eyes ! ! ! only racist if you're white this just makes you smart . this is bs . i agree on all getting along . i didn't think the optics was so important as long today is national horse protection day ! please sign and share our petition --> " : latest unhinged anti-white rant at #ferguson " " ugly black lesbian . #negrogeddon " " : muslims threaten female army cadets with beheading " " " " impressions over sessions " " - alt lite " " parents who contacted alliance defending freedom relieved that forced abortion is off the table for their daughter " " " " we must have an all-white america ... in which our children and our grandchildren will play and go to school with other white children . " " - glr " " why wont these people vote for the party that obviously hates them ? ? ? " " " and of course " anti-racist " " is a code word for " " anti-white " " . " " self-hating jews " " are nothing compared with self-hating white people . " he's likely right rt : iranian ayatollah : americans " don't have the guts " " to attack iran " i feel like it is all just " white supremacy " " lol " oh noes ! tariffs - what a " chilling " " word ! it completely goes against what " " true conservatism " " is all about ! " race cucks like paul ryan should be banished to live in a " diverse " " neighbrhd if they want t spout such nonsense " right ? what good is " white supremacy " " if it leads to a white minority . " rt " : proud white women speak out against white genocide ( video ) via " " " rt " i hate you all " " - racist note from the black boy who raped his white teacher & slit her throat via #wr " rt : how #jews feel about #whitepeople - " the white race is the cancer of human history . " " - jewess susan sontag #hate #israel # r ... " rt : white racialists rally in edmonton alberta and london ontario as a commemoration of " white pride worldwide day " " ... " rt rt : #doma doesn't " end the national debate over marriage . " " #1m1w " ted cruz and paul ryan called the trans pacific partnership " a fair deal for the american worker " " " #blacklivesmatter and again . black on white crime ! what a surprise ... #germany : non-white in one generation #auspol | read more : via #iffootballdidntexist white men would fulfill their tribal instinct by standing up for their own kind not worshipping negros who hate them . #niggasfavoriteline them white people enslaved me 100 years ago let's kill there great great great grand children #resistance #14words #ukraine #ukrainian thanks brothers . white pride worldwide . #wpww #14words . * sigh * i hope you're trolling because he obviously means the ideals and values msm and democrats promote . its ok to hate evil . : trump wh separates itself from obama highlights nativity scene via . can you do the same to a baby born alive in a delivery room ? . is an amazing #plannedparenthood alternative that actually cares about women . . video of of punching commies at berkeley free speech rally . right wing safety squads #berkeleyprotest 9 / anyway there were always regional cultural divides but the arrival of jews en masse in nyc was a great catalyst : and throw in weekly standard these filthy white trash disgust me : csp poll ( 2015 ): 29 % of muslim-americans : violence against those who insult muhammad is acceptable : islam is not a race ? obama white house wants to change that : jewish harvard professor wants to abolish the white race ! read more : via : uk : racist black man punches pregnant white girl in stomach as onlookers watch in horror sit & watch : whores of babylon : lena dunham celebrates white genocide via #whitegenocide #waronwhites a really thorough explanation : clarifying the count of marriage amendments and referenda via a white man's response to frederick douglass on independence day - - #4thofjuly #july4th accusations against pastors ? that doesn't sound credible . never would men of god take advantage of a young person . action alert : oppose california taxpayer-funded health care for illegal aliens after taking over the countries they continued to kill christians jews and other religions . ottoman empire continued to kill until ~ 1920 america was founded by white people . another #trump & #prolife win ! house #ahca bill will defund planned parenthood : #foxnews #msnbc #cnn #nbc as an ex-member of identity evropa i will not promote that group . i will not bash them either but my as far as cuck knight your probably right he was an instigator basic human rightswhat for so how are u guys on jews and blacksben n i hate them beck is alt right . that is he's the alternative to being right . belgium : non-white invader rapes white woman after dont rape course : via boston holocaust museum vandalized arrest made the forward britain sees race war brewing between non-white invaders | read more : can i join ur clan caught on camera : 10 violent #police assaults on #ows protesters #occupywallstwhen will white america fight back ? check out this article from : the battle for marriage is not over ! ! ! classical music hvy metal / progrock low crime space / scientific etc exploration idealism education gun subculture christian heritage common figure around the conservatism circles correct . so we have to likewise use emotional appeal to frighten our people into choosing sides ultimately . cruz said kasich should leave because he couldn't get to 1237 . now he can't get to 1237 . drop out lyin ' ted . cultural marxism is a phrase invented by people who have never read marx and don't understand marxism . destruction of culture / less cultural influence and more state control over the economy is lw . developing = > milo yiannopoulos to attend friday's white house press briefing don't worry bill . it's not a pogrom . we're just replacing jews with white people . dough boy fattass is a cuck what a shock elin krantz : just another #dead white liberal #female #raped to #death by #non-white #invader via even when not elected hinduism was the guiding principle of india even m k gandhi wanted rule of lord rama exactly . if i were a leftist / antifa i would be trying to fracture the rw ' street ' coal exposing the hatred towards whites is good ... people need to see it even if they are scared to react . fishy holohoax : jews drowned in the bug river ( nov . 1942 ): jews not gassed ( or electrocuted or steamed to deat ... great to see all the support for #religiousfreedom ! #letthemserve #littlesisters halal also means the animals were killed in the most gruesome manner ... a manner that is not permitted in most jurisdictions except for islam have you ever been such a degenerate that your only accomplishment is being white he is more new-right than alt-right . he is just a gimmick to divide even more he overdosed on black pills when the narrative was hijacked in charlottesville . he really seems to be a racist he was with a group of people all looking for trouble . heidi cruz : goldman sachs banker council on foreign relations member open borders globalist via yup hello brother ! i am new to twitter ... is there anyway we could get in contact ? help us in california . they are killing americans jobs and taking over the state . some wont go out if they dont have to . a lot dont speak english . they have taken over everything . the politicians are not for americans . they are for illegals . cant move hillary's amnesty plan is treason she is a traitor hope he takes them to court . overstepping boundaries . how this black man sees all white people i brought breakfast for you yes we are legion i know you love america not god but you don't want a communist in the white house . they will destroy our life i see that you might protect monuments and lead people to hate antifa msm and leftists ge i stick up for white people thats not what you're are racist and putting down other races . i thought with statues gone people would sing and hold hands under a rainbow . are you saying racism still exists ? i was born white i can't help it . i should just kill myself ... said no one ever . i'm black not white ! i've been watching the women issue play out in the alt-right . my take is that it is another reason why online movements don't work . in real life these issues tend to sort out idk > graphic > mandela's rainbow nation : white woman raped then stoned by racist blacks ( video ) via if a muslim kill a jew they celebrate him as a hero . if a christian kill a jew we call if it's white it's right if milo provokes to shutdown federal funds to berkeley i will be cool with him . he will deserve enormous credit for that if only we'd realize it's just #clowardandpiven of dear leader obama we'd be taking a stand as americans . if so i'll join you . i'm not nor are you a racist we just want corruption by obama recognized and punishable by the law . if the whites who condemn us get their way america will look like detroit and india ! does that sound good to you ! if you re-branded yourself a jihadist psychopath we might just let you in . illinois gop governor wants to make illinois a sanctuary state ! im new to twitter and glad to see so many following a great page like yours . i wish to also spread truth about national socialism in 14 hours 1000 kkk members will be outed . expect us and more . in stunning black and white technicolor ! =d infrastructure is the white mans game . insulting a religion is not racism . its bigotry . racism is hating a race . hence racist . it is not racist and you are not a hate group if you believe in following federal immigration law . #commonsense #illegalimmigration it's not even close to white nationalist . jewish activists welcome the scandals slowing the trump agenda jews want each of those girls to reject white men and use their white wombs to hatch black babies with black men . jordan lorence of on . #elanephotography read : what now ? court won't hear gay wedding appeal just look at all those white supremacists helping those they hate down in texas ... ironic perfect example of the love we have 4 our brothers literally ! and paid people . and they tried to get people lol you support trump but you don't understand how the media lies and smears ppl & groups ? really ? ! lol you're citing business insider ? lol . black on white rape look i truly believe there's good and bad people of all races . that's a fact memorial day weekend bbq + cushman's wedding mr moshe it's such a complex issue - again i do fault the media for 99 % of all thus silliness because the more hate they stir up the more money they make . i would say that used to be the case now it's the opposite . every white person is a racist and all blacks are victims muslim gangs want 2 kill those who tell truth ? kill those who worship jesus christ ? kill those who d must watch : breaking down #steveking super xenophobic white nationalist tweet . new podcast : white people force-minoritization and the rise of donald no it is the truth . it's only race when it's white not black or coloured . no college university in the south ? are you like 12 ? i was an enlisted soldier . i have a master's degree no i have shut your lies down with truth . you are here to pitch white supremacy blah blah . you are the talking points guy no no no no no no ! ! ! when whites get angry it's this not becuase ur white and is brown becuase u not sure that the statues are going anyway ... what bothers me most are the cucks like scv w obama has zero concern for middle class white america he is more dangerous to america than any terrorist oh you're a white nationalist skinhead too one person vs . multiple witness claiming the same thing ? unless antifa mac only phil bryant stood strong while foreigners like nimrata haley and cucks like robert bentley bowed to the left our heroes will never be theirs . multiculturalism is a hoax . hail white america . rebel yell 209 : charlie stuart hunter wallace via registered dumbocrap ! cuz with isis you already know they wanna kill you . report : uc merced stabber was on terror watch list had islamic state flag rich lowry : trump is a populist not a conservative via #cuckservative #taxcuts #belabor #plutocracy rod - a truconservative betrayed religious liberty over a fictional zombie television show threatening to leave ga sad ? why ? acceptance derick ! shame on this fraud ravish he is a blot in the name of india since #charlottesville national review is the new huff post huff post is the new antifa times . estab sir please order investigation in national herald case . sn is pro-white gets race doesn't have same drawbacks so because of european / american colonization and conquests the humanity was completely improved ? cool . so what's the conspiracy ? jews lied about white people who soros is a wanted man by the russian federation for instigating political trouble . he is funding hillary as well . speaking out against obama ! #rt #stopislam #makedclisten #crusades #wakeupamerica stop using stupid words like fundamental extremists etc . it is jihad . you don't have to kill to exercises jihad . ask suppressing the #truth about #hitler and national socialism is not pro-white it is pro-jew #love sweden : immigrants blame whites for violence #swrm #sweden #whites #immigrants via taking a page out of doc's book with the circuit . saves time builds muscle and increases overall fitness . #liftwaffe terrorists had no capacity to down russian plane - security & aviation experts #7k9268 that is patently untrue . everyone is not equal in talents and america was created as a homeland for white people . that symbol wassist . you rost white trash . get over it . that's true . now we're thinking how to make deeper inroads in europe . we are going to kill kosher conservatism . that's why the police have no go areas . that's why london is the aci thats why i always said he was a muslim president the biggest lies in the media have always been their lies of omission the last two months have shown the cucks have lost all their former influence #nrorevolt the league of the south is outside cpac today the people of your state hate you and . #stopthelies #stopthehate #discrimination #hb2 #genderdysphoria the sign says : we're better will less white people than with more white people . then why does the goi need separate ministers for delhi ? true but i hate seeing this pos get rewarded for beating on whites . trump targeted by hostile anti-american propagandists | the realist report #trump2016 #makeamericagreatagain trump's accurate analysis & description of globalists controlling american gov media & banking has jews uneasy . globalist = jew or jew puppet twenty gypsies attack white couple in czech republic hate crime mob attack ( video ) ; via #14w #14wordss understanding women and how the jew ruined her and white society . pls ck my latest thx ! uplift of the day #expeltheinvaders #europeforeuropeans useless turds . in a year all non-fag white men will be with us . using the enemy's anti-white hate propaganda . #wpww video : nationalists confront antifa protesters at arizona state university | more : waah such fragile little white snowflakes we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children . weimerica : white america is giving up on democracy via what about being white makes you a better american ? like you realize you're advocating racism right ? what about right here in the us ? overtime black citizens built thriving black communities the white supremacists destroyed them .. why ? what is your point ? 84 % of white homicide victims were killed by other whites . #hueofskindon'tkill what scan are you getting ? i'm at university so i guess i should be asking around to see what i can get what you call white supremacy is actually white competency when is called a racist by white liberals ? we won the war . white genocide in america 1960-2060 #swrm #whitegenocide #america via white power | read more : via white revolution is the only solution who in the alt right has ever advocated for deporting white people ? why ? psychos can just as easily bomb the boston marathon or crash the germanwings plane and kill people why are you promoting alt-right white supremacy and hate ? this has nothing to do with christianity . why is border wall plan so popular w / these hispanic voters ? why would the senator's name be contained in records of of #kkk ? oops .. wikipedia gives basics but fails 2 mention he was fired from massey university or how became muslim . suspect it's self penned . will mike tell us how jewish wives are the last stand of implicit white identity ? words like socialist etc don't matter but cheating and falsehood of jews are not tolerable worldwide ; this is not germany . yes .. of ukrainians and germans both led by the usual suspects ! you hate white people because we're better looking and we're smarter . you're a great communicator and you're doing what fantastic job . keep it up patriot ! ! ! you're a white man frank . you're automatically a fascist to these people . perhap you're right . clearly they were methodists . in reality he was killed while going to meet jihadist kidnappers . they killed him . " : : expulsion of white farmers has destroyed zimbabwe " " ; " " : blood & honour : the white aryan resistance t-shirt from the white resister : " " ; " " master race " " ? well thanks but " " white people " " will do . " " white honor " " please tell me what the israelites / hebrews / jews ever did to you ? " 2 components comprise dem " white privilege " " bs : ( 1 ) " " blacks have lower social functioning " " ( 2 ) " " cause of ( 1 )= slavery . " " both = racist bullsh * t " 3 . you are completely naive if you think legislation can " make america white again " " . this could only be done through massive amounts 1 / " 4 ) furthermore guy on free republic with contact to bannon also denied " quitting " " story . media fabrica " a jewish attention-whore homosexual who " prefers " " congoid men thinks he speaks for the dwindling white race " always place the race card first . " those racist muslims are ... " " or " " those racist supporters of islam ... " " " and your " white " " race is not pure racial intermixing has been occurring for millenia . see hellenism " don't confuse honesty & realism with " cuck panic " " ; many of ur allies have fought long " he will have a nice job and because of his third tier law school experience it will be in a " thinkology tank " " ! " hey guys the whole " identity " " thing is really catching on . y'all accepting credit for this one or nah ? " i'm against feminism . i don't hate women as such though . i disagree with the ideology and social order and oppose liberalism down the line . how can you " secure a future for white children " " without half of our race ? " if the question is " why do you hate white people ? " " the answer i " only in america could so many " oppressed " " people be so morbidly obese " retweeted american renaissance ( ): from our report " welfare : who's on it who's not . " " ... " rt " an imam is demanding the extermination of the jews " " ( via vladtepes ) the jew hate is mainstream islamic ... " rt " millions of eu christians were kidnapped & enslaved by muslims in n . africa btwn 1530 & 1780 " " slavery is sunna of mo " rt german embassy paris . " far-right " " protesters oppose eu illegal quota . " rt jews are shape-shifters they can " appear " " white black asian christian buddhist muslim etc " splc recently slapped him " white-nationalist " " label for " " white america ~ coming apart " " " spray paint " southern lives matter " " on union monuments in dixie . " that slogan is eerily similar to " tomorrow belongs to me " " which is a cabaret song sung by nazi's about the third reich " the land of " freedom " " : more than 100 national socialists escaping in zionist occupied germany | read more : " white student union " offensive " " but anti-white student union is welcome at toronto | more : " you are speaking gibberish . are a diversity denialist obviously racist . america is not a " white country " " . its a melting pot . the world will be a melting pot and we will unite as the " " human race " " not an arbitrary melanin based one . we will export as much human aid as possible " you think the " white race " " is " " on the ropes " " as poc are being hunted and killed by stat " #ifcbiraids raj prisec rajcm does not cry fowl vs delhi prisec #psychokejri shouts #vendetta daal kali hey #jews & #niggers destroy & pervert everything they touch #jewfail #niggerfail #ny : two muslims charged with aiding taliban #islam #islamophobia #tcot #terrorism #racist hate group has wealthy benefactors . running repeated twitter ads against every dem senator . #racist liars #sweden : blue flight : swedish cops are quitting in droves - hope they held on to their weapons going to need them . ' holocaust ' debate / comments / news holocaust revisionism as an intellectual adventure / who said this ? : th ... ' white history month ' sign stirs up flemington via - : #lazyfilmdescriptions the greatest american george lincoln rockwell - #natsoc #education - declare antifa a terrorist organization sign and share : . best way to stop gun violence in america ? disarm all black people . #tcot #teaparty #sbpdl . what unites gop on this 150th anniversary is their opposition 2 progressive legislation tt gave rise 2 their party 15 year old white danish girl blinded by african muslims in hate crime | read more : via 1967 was the summer of love - 50 years later it's the summer of hate #wakeupamerica #altright #tcot via 3/23 / 1912 on his 27th - bd wernher von braun shows off his rockets to an unimpressed #hitler > : . : #prolife movement at ' historic moment ' ? h / t : are you ready to offer your white children to the black hangman ? via : at least 60 white south africans were murder by racist blacks in the past two months #fuckmandela : elder be careful what you say now or she might call you a racist ! : self-professed leaders of the american working class march in al to support illegal alien workers #afire ... : the end of a myth : most new serial killers in america are not white males : those people are dead thanks to policies you support dominic.they are collateral damage to yo : video : latino kkk says you are too white to be american #afire #tcot #teaparty illegal ... : white separatist author weissberg on : #lgf #p2 #tlot #p21 #noh8 : why planned parenthood wont provide mammograms | first things : yes the red guards of the bourgeois cultural revolution > a uniquely american people & history . globalists hate the south because it is american . we're all southrons . a muslim doing sukhmani shaib at golden temple . muslims are quietly exiting #islam & returning to original faiths administrative reforms are under way . the niti aayog website will be ready in a few days . the process for transforming india has begun ! adolf hitlers mein kampf will be published in germany for the first time since wwii | more : also usa is less than 300 years old so of course it wasn't around when algebra was created . another ( ( white ) ) supremacist ethno-nationalist any conference is a great conference when is involved ! ! so thankful for these anybody who's white too . are you on a kill list ? islamic state has posted names of 15000 american citizens on kill lists . #scn as muslims stormed garissa university she prayed & drank body lotion to survive bachmann : will use loophole to pass immigration in the house via because people think they are good christian conservatives . black nationalists and white nationalist are being suspended and you see no correlation ? nationalism - love of your people and culture is being banned from twitter ... black people no one is forcing you to stay in white america you can go anytime . black serial armed robber disguised himself as a white nationalist skinhead via blacks who tortured white man charged with hate crimes | american free press britain will be racist again regardless . if your people won't be racist the muslims but act you're racist and hate all people of color and muslims right ! ? oh ... wait you don't ? you a confederate heritage is white american history . continues to feed narrative that news media can't be trusted #liberties crooked hillary clinton says that she got more primary votes than donald trump . but i had 17 people to beatshe had one ! cville and the state of virginia are run by shitlibs and cucks as we know all this wil dattopant thengdi is india's least highlighted nationalist . salutes 4 bhartiya mazdoor sangh democrats why you so mad ? it's because you know eight years of that coward obama's hope and change still couldn't make america great again ! did i mention that is designated as a white supremacist hate group by the southern poverty law center ? do you trust modi .. rt and share if you agree don't care for the white people because nigger's and other people get everything when they come to are county :-) douglas sorry not seeing any cspan link here : educate yourself before you cause more hate crimes . this white supremisist propaganda does not fool anyone here . essence used to wear only white garments > hawaari-yoon every white area / country is the most modern civilised & clean .. it's no wonder they want to flock like rats .. their countries will be empty one day while ours are over run with them .. its wrong ! people didn't fight & die to protect our countries to be over run today . feel sorry for white and minority taxpayers first celebrated people possibly losing healtthcare . now it celebrates people possibly losing their voting rights . #uptrumpsbutt frankly most of modi minsters are burden to modiji himself . frightened aren't you it won't be long before whitey is walking thru the slums hoping and preying for a white victory hang in there kiddo . but be aware these anarchist / leftoid types are sucker punching people . has started a campaign to claim tubman for the ( ( ( conservative ) / cuck movement . joins the pantheon with mlk . he later apologized for his racist stupidity but he has a tremendous case of he might be racist but he sure is hot af he's a black dylann roof . he's an anti-white . headed to the #savemeriam rally outside of white house now : here's why the #fakenews media is pushing an agenda of hate ! must read ! honestly ? women are attracted to successful good looking men . period . attempting to appeal to women is how about a law that bans abortion if the father disapproves or doesn't sign off on it . cuckservatives have done absolutely nothing to advance or protect men's rights . #mra how america's dying white supremacist movement is seizing on donald trump's appeal i am a white male and i say white privilege does exist . your move brad . i don't believe there was such in america's past b / 4 20th century . i've told people in other countries @ dna / race forums i don't know . the tradwives and some precincts of the alt-right might be with trump on this . not the majority : i don't see any white people i don't see the aclu as racist they fought for the right of white supremacist to protest and won in court . it's the principle i know many #proudboys feel alienated right now by the anti-white crackdown behaind the scenes . is here when you are . i know you're ms white and proper but just remembered what your forefathers did to the native americans ftrump ! i literally read a tweet from a lefty beggging for it to be a white male . i resent kasich wasting so much of my time #gopdebate i respect your opinion . maybe the laws can be reformed to make immigrating easier . i see what you're saying but honestly we are looking at fascism in many colors - the united colors of anarchy ... i think lots of young people can't figure out why we spent trillions of dollars to build a liberal democracy in iraq i will take white nationalism > jewish nationalism i'm being ridiculed so often for wanting a white nation . sick of the faux white people . idiots they are . i'm jewish which means i'm a not white if trump isn't more careful about his retweets the media is going to start calling him a fascist . can he survive that kind of bad press ? illegal aliens storm the beach in san diego second attempt thwarted via #border #immigration #noamnesty im not a white supremacist . its like ive been saying ... i know there are people like thatim not one of themits racist to keep painting me w an ideology i not only despise but have been fighting against my whole life ! important to recall mass killings . but selective #history course is alarming . skips genocides in #india does a monkey-balancing . #kolkata incidentally white | chronicles magazine is a hate group they hate white people is a true racist ! it's big very big if people understood the significance like you and i do . its.time for the white people to ! ! ! #immigration jared taylor on jews jesus u hyper sensitive lib wackos now what print school books showing blacks owned whites ? bring golden calf ahole jihadis never ever abandon caliphate . be not fooled . they take a long-term view just in : 38 % of trump supporters in sc wish south had won the civil war kessler also contributed to cnn . i was on the fence about wallace until tonight when he literally not of the white race look at white civilization and look at non-white louie gohmert helped cover-up felonies committed against my family by corrupt texas leos . media was praying he was white milo is done . spencer is right . this presser was his last chance and he wasn't defiant enough . more stupid nonsense by the racists of the vladimir putin alt-right white nationalist ku klux klan wing . nc . protecting the freedom to believe ! : neo-nazis have given anti-semitism a 21st century makeover : nice neutral article : alt right neonazi white supremacist skinhead racist bigot hater kkk literally hit no we are national socialist party ; firm not weak . no more will we take from you ! get out of our white house . no-one is promoting genocide of non whites . you just have to say bigoted thing not just the left also cuckservatives rinos jewish neo conservatives not to be racist but talk about black privilege ... if it were white people media would b not white kids though one less legal voter for the left . that's a felony . only legal citizens of america are indians so stupid republican white people get on the bus with the mexicans you wish to deport . only reason is for cheap labor . using illegal immigrants for slavery . regardless of where you try to do them any white nationalist rallies / marches will be met w right . im questioning if this was a legit event tho - it looks like a hoax perpetrated by the jewish owned mass media tbh sacramento : white nationalists vs antifa scum via short history of the golden circle : south carolina this is a topic that od will be returning to at some point ... so ... basically shes a typical democrat ? ! so if white people are on welfare and are uneducated they are pathetic but if a black or hispanic are those things it's expected ? racist so is the white hating jew hating cult the nation of islam . what's your point ? so much cuck so sorry and thank you for speaking out . used to be one too never again . they are evil racist monsters still a white supremacist sure dude . have fun with your ideology that requires the denial of human nature thank you friend ! we must all stand together to support our president no matter what our race or religion is ! that's a shame . also i'm white . that's fine . all i am saying is if you do public rallies more people show . you don't want loners like me there fine . good luck . the #cuckservative meme : we need to make sure this remains about jews | daily stormer #withjewswelose the 95 percent white gop invited a muslim activist who believes that white males are terrorists to their debate . #whitegenocide the black community in america is resting on the pillars of state welfare and affirmative action produced white guilt . the harsh reality : advocating for whites white interests or america of founding fathers automatically makes you marginal . the issue is that most people received their knowledge about blacks from movies which is fake reality . compare that to real life experience the left has spuriously labeled gopers racist so often that when a guy flanked by actual white supremacists rises conservs dismiss it . the more you know the more you hate them . the x-racial crime differential is a mere 3 % not the whopping 80 % as your sensationalized poster indicates ! there are many places one can donate to support the alt-right . there are lots of there is no white race now only one human race all made in they already have attacked random people at the inaugurati this flat is for blacks only : shocking racist campaign to force white mum out of home | read : via this happens with every outrage shooting event and public is not given full details .. just juicy media footage to stir emotion tony perkins : on every measure ... religious practice act family structure predict & produce the best results . #sotf touch have exposed themselves as the top white nationalist hate groups in #jamesdobson #tonyperkins #reincepriebus #paulryan trump focuses on islamist extremism guts programs countering white supremacy via trump must purge the cucks ( priebus et al . ) and surround himself with people who are loyal to him personally . trump plays the foolish liberal media like a fiddle and they fall for it every time . utm_source = feedburner & utm_medium = email & utm_campaign = feed % 3a + whiteresister % 2fxo + the + white + resister % 29 # . wd7xodinnvg.twitter via vvolent genocide is what white people are facing ! its us or them as i see it . we all need to stick together for the white race we have to pay for private school because a third of the kids at the local public school don't speak english . what is #antisemitism according to #jews ? #israel #palestine #wakeup #texas #tx what truth ? that you invaded a country full of white christians ? sod off .. white race will tell you white supremacists - the real danger to usa.they killed more americans than any other hate grp white trash why are we stealing high iq people from native cultures that need them ? why do we hate those cultures so much ? why should we expect differently ? we are a colonized people why then even post something that assumes white hate being white ? right ? will israel ever rename an airport / road on adolf eichmann ? moron of romila thapar order ! ! yes i'm that kind of right #altright and we're growing in america . yes jihadi . wager of war . that's what he was . yes vox wrote the book . it's very good and explicitly pro-white ( and critical of israel ) . embraces white identity politics . yes & no ~ most prevalent in america ( & hateful racist alt-right crypto-jews & ) not elsewhere yes . kill all jihadis . you guys are scum and nearly all of the white race hates you you're 100 % right and so does every supporter i follow for truth & insight & you should too - #maga your people ? you mean basement-dwelling autists . youre aware that australians are white right ? we have no problems with immigration thats from white nations that are a net positive " color " " doesnt matter unless u r white . n amurrica diversity & pro-white free speech can't coexist . #whitegenocide " " we are white and weak and scared of the other " " " " white people used to lynch black people therefore we should ignore violent jihadists " " ? ? ? " #afire stands for " americans for immigration reform and enforcement " " join us ! #tcot #topprog #tlot #sgp #hhrs " - politics better because my family is swedish and german my " homelands " " are being raped due to communist traitors and moral weakness . yes . " < iframe width = " 854 " " height = " " 480 " " src = " " " frameborder = " " 0 " " allowfullscreen > " hey look . they're all old white people . seems " fair " " " it refers to itself as a " revolutionary folk hero " " " new " it's ok to be white " " advert . " rt " america is not a nation but a hollow empire filled with squabbling racial tribes . " " #sanjose " rt " never before has our own federal government taken such a blatant and aggressive role in attacking your freedoms ! " " " rt " the unconscious of a conservative " " with roman bernard jared taylor & richard spencer . " rt : " no borders " " activist gang raped by african migrants pressured into silence to not " " damage cause " " " rt for the second time cernovich has made a periscope about his " power " " over the alt-right and deleted it " rt in the latest radio renaissance speaks with the author of " how a young black man became a race realist " " " rt oh i love this ! ! thank you for all of your efforts . i live in atlanta and it has changed dramatically in just five years ( not for the better ) . we have " no-go " " zones and the like . most don ; t realize how bad it is because they go from car to house to work . it's bad folks ! " rt rt : want to hide from the #nsa ? your guide to the nearly impossible " #nwo #policestate " rt they say " anti-white " " wow #antiwhite " so its " they ( evil ) " " v " " you ( angels ) " " i rest my case . " the " man's " " name is nathan damigo . he's a white supremacist . he sucker punched that woman . he's with <- pos racist cowards ! " they were very proud of " taking down milo " " at berkeley even though it evidently did nothing in the end " you former head of " identity evropa " " using the phrase " " disgusting white privilege " " because you are intent on winning a twitter war is 2017 white supremacists in a nutshell . " ' holocaust ' debate / comments / news french comic dieudonne at europe rights court over robert faurisson : fr ... ' holocaust ' debate / comments / news jews created fake jewish graves : now this is an eye opener especially ... * or black woman . they hate self thinking blacks more than they hate white supremacists / kkk 2/2 for those who want an all-white no-fag no-jew no-mudshark movement with an achievable objective check out 60 % of all mass shootings in america are done by white males .. can we register them : a bigotted ideology like islam is far from being immune to criticizm sho : an unusually self destructive people these scandis.oh yes i know them well : antifa protest alt-right for protesting trump's syrian intervention via : i never said black on white crimes didn't happen . i'm just interested why you dismiss white on : india : muslim former google employee detained for trying to join islamic state : jews are now in full control : canadian man goes to jail for posting on white nationalist websites : let's be a white resister : because the beauty of white aryan woman must not perish from the earth ... : people who just insult and mock hardly deserve a reply . : the ultimate humor is that the very people who attacked anglin for years are the ones who are now famous for bein : uk judge : british soldiers can't hold taliban jihadis for more than four days ? ? ? you are fleeing to a white country ? ? ? what a racist . actually man i think it makes you a non racist you can see through his bulshit aka make america white again all we got from the greatest generation when they got in power were hoaxes and diversity . that was taught in ww2 . #whitegenocide alt-right = tech bubble busters america is 75 % white did you expect japanese to be well recorded ? amna you hate whites . why do you live in a white country ? please repatriate yourself to your country of origin . and have really triggered these folks . wew #altright and if they're hermaphroditic then what are they ? you're black / white argument falls short . way short . and white people are subsidizing the growth . demographic time bomb its unsustainable anti-whites upset by stagnation of mixed-race couples in canada | full story : antifa punk rockers : mostly white fanatical and bandits targeting our recruitment pool via as power slips away cuckservatives and alt-right trolls are exchanging places in real time : ay ! why u like that letter so much ? k is just a mutant x . get a real letter . make a book for these guys ! duuhhhhh ban islam and hate religions like islam simple biggest perpetrators of #whitegenocide are white people . bigot richard spencer comes to the defense of nazis boston ? you're not going to try and send the 3 million irish immigrants back home are you ? #tobesure #boston #identityevropa calls to #defundpp are starting to have an effect on policy makers around the world . #alliancealert can someone with pure european heritage translate these runes for me ? canada : man jailed for no more muslims graffiti cernovich the jew who says white identity is bad ? challenge anyone to read over time where islamic precepts married to current events & not think differently charlottesville 2.0 : marcus cicero's firsthand experiences via context - in any argument on aspects of the culture war you'll be on the wrong side i . e . cultural marxist on economic arguments marxist cuckservatives : trump and white identity politics : is trump mainstreaming white identity politics ? didn't say i hated jews - just pointed out facts . but that's hate speech today right ? but saying down with white people is libertarian . ha . does and know that they are replacing with a self-identified anti-white racist ( ) for the new years eve tv show ? doesn't help me . looks to have broader shoulders too . but what do i know ... english-speaking society maintains social control with shame and shunning . do people ever get fired in even the women are evil extreme hypocrisy : wikipedia explains the difference between gay asian black pride and white female officer shot dead in paris by african wielding assault rifle and bullet-proof vest ' first modi govt shuld take action against those person who internally supporting #traitorcongis and saving frm is big loss 4 govt . florida poll 45 % marco rubio 25 % ted cruz 15 % john kasich 10 % #makeamericagreatagain # flyer harder lazy racists . the more people that know you're kind of trash is skulking around their towns the better . for those us us who were there we are 100 % sure that the police action was planned and intentional . watch my charlottesville 2.0 video for more detail and context fam . fun fact snopes is totally biased run by a liberal couple that push lib . agenda ! they also are bankrupt and divorcing due to possible fraud germans form vigilante groups after nye governor brown and radical dem california state govt must be voted out ! 74 per of california citizens dont want corrupt sanctuary state hang in there - - help is on the way ! donald j trump has always loved r-usa - 4 - the people ! have you listened to our radio show ? help the cause by spreading the link : #education #wpww #politics #activism he is leading the young white supremacists of fake twitter profiles race baiting by selecting blacks in their profile ... that's about it her hate group has nothing to do with human rights just like alt-right and white nationalist marches have nothing to do with free speech . hey that looks like #sdsu . hint - if you don't hate whites - they are going to label you a white supremacist you need to learn to get over that . hundreds gather at carhart abortion mill 2 demand justice 4 mother's death i am white aryans and christian viking from finland nokia.happy summer white alaska.america and canada . sieg heil 88 . i also think that at least 1/3 rd of the white race would rather just side with the left an i am drunk on your white tears of pain ! ! i am the ole white boy . my network is white like me i believe that sjw are making white men the scapegoats like hitler did w jews . i hate fat people . i have presented to sc in writing the full and complete argument on why jallikattu is lawful . but the riff raffs don't understand reasoning i heard thereare no white people in africa you should go there . i really hope he's white ? ? wtf ? ? i thank and applaud you for highlighting white genocide in sa . please continue - they've no escape and no future . no help . i'm not . i don't hate whites . i don't hate myself or my family . that's absurd . i'm sure they're terrified of you mr burns . don't forget to leave your d & d dice at home m icymi : radical social agenda now costing democrats via if blacks can be in kkk why do you hate them so much ? black is beautiful ! no racism ! barack obama is the president ! if you don't like white people you picked the wrong country to live in.bye ! islamic scholar applauded on german tv for predicting germanys genocide #whitegenocide it is not islamophobia when they really are trying to kill you . islamrealism is sprea it's all a show . like professional wrestling but far less entertaining . it's not hate to require people who want to come here to respect the process and come legally . do you not respect our laws ? it's white male radicalized trump extremists who are terrorizing the us . your fear-mongering feeds their hate & emboldens them . just listen to his speech ... latinos black muslims ... many bad people . white supremacists ? some are very fine people ! ken burns will make a pbs film about this in twenty years . brad you'll get to be the alt right version of shelby foote kkk alive and well white brother hood unite ku klux klan koran = kill everything that is not muslimbible = kill no one koran licking retards ! let's hope this ( ( ( writer ) ) ) is correct ! jews should probably start packing up and heading for israel . liminal or borderline white will that do ? love the new swag books and accessories - you're def doing your part to #makeamericagreatagain marxist socialism is supercapitalism via #withjewsyoulose morning read : the white house gaslights america on #immigration #noamnesty mullets are one of the few things white people created on their own without cultural appropriation muslims hate chameleons and kill them instantly whenever they see them so stay safe ! new black panther's white genocide project : ' if they are white kill em all ' ( video ) via niggering new ca gop 38 % cruz 22 % kasich 20 % i will be voting on june 7th to #makeamericagreatagain #ca4trump no . it's the opposite of marxism . marxism is class-based . no no no stop . do you care what the citizens want ? ? ? no more people who hate & want too kill us ! not defending the kkk any more than i defend any group on free speech grounds . not hate #wakeupamerica #clintonkaine now follow the letters up with a show of force ice raids and clean those sanctuary cities out of the illegals . of course not . he is part of the anti-white establishment . of course they did you just need to read up on it . obama had the black panthers officials confirmed missing plane was hijacked by one or several people read more : follow us : once again the entire congress condemns us . congress is less popular than any political group in ameri people who say ' don't kill dogs ' are animal lovers and those who say ' don't kill cows ' are communal bigots . hypocrisy unlimited . president trump showed he was not equivocating . he promised to do what he said he would do . #inauguration presstv-trump : ill close us borders on day one #trumptrain #trump2016 #makeamericagreatagain proud nations r successful nations . nationality & patriotism r not racist . nwo globalist bastards r trying 2 push that narrative radical radical radical radical radical radical muslims cheer terror bombings in boston read original aabic w / help of google translate . seems they want an islamic theocracy like rw chrstns want chrstn theocracy . reporter who exposed bbc pedophilia cover up found dead counter current news same thing . using nonwhites as political weapons against southern whites . they do it now in 2017 . see the #hypocrisy ? see our last tweet ! jews keep non-jews out of #israel but push for non-whites to flood gentile lands . senate rejects conference on dhs funding bill ; speaker boehner at crossroads shouldn't chaplains speak 4 faith ? please act on this request from lt . gen . william g . jerry #boykin ( ret . ) : slavery is a human think not a black or white thing . so it's your contention that white people support being dis so you're happy white people are getting scammed ? some are mixed-race part-euro ~ they imagined most will intermarry whites and future generations will be white some of my white friends did the same thing and i'm white ... may be part russian 2 . soon to be the black people only party sorry obama harvard study says poor muslims are less likely to be terrorists ! ! submachine gun attack on german invader swedes are white . we did not colonise or enslave anybody . how is my history racist ? take a hike #racist . build more #sanctuarycities target isn't worried about conservchristians boycotting them . it will help keep white trash out of the store targeting of the pulpit by the government is not #religiousfreedom . urge gov . to fix : #standwithwalsh terry jeffrey's article this morning reflects the cowardice of movement conservatism . did you notice that detroit is 92 % black ? thank you so much for coming . this speech will prove to win more than they realize . #altright #pizzahutjew that would be even more more evidence that they really are ( ( ( white ) ) ) not white . anglo women don't abort . that's how people respond with adrenalin surging through their body . that's not my point until it's confirmed as a terrorist act don't speculate thats all we need . as long as the white race is at the top . thats very important . the atlantic : white flight ravaged the mississippi delta : two days ago the atlantic published a ridiculous ... the chip on the shoulder you're owed something / attitude that any white person who disagrees with you is a racist harms everyone . i was a racist for disagreeing with obama and now i'm a racist for agreeing with trump which one is it ? furthers the victim mentality of young aa the cucks are still upset ! let them ! gop is now the party of the common man ! the guardian : white nationalism is a ' rising danger ' via the moslem religion was made illegal in the us years ago . obama just chose to ignore the law . the splc and adl are anti-white organizations who harass white americans ... particularly white protestants . these are not real coppers unless this is somewhere south of county durham and cumbria . these daca activists hate the us why legalize them ? ? ? they don't figure too much . population density has the biggest impact . in queens blacks outearn whites but have a much higher crime rate . they wanted to make a white homeland . this . is what we advocate for all people of this planet . we seek true justice . this is less theoretical . core is case studies of how various countries de this is why white advocacy is important ... they want you dead . wake up white people stand up for yourselves . this isnt a white country . it never has been just white people and it never will be . trump denounces white supremacists defends bannon via u mean islam refuses to bow like others and this triggers white race who used to control others ? ! ? us today said he is a white supremacist that wants all minorities removed from us . vaidik is senile self proclaimed nothing to do with bjp or track 2 you don't get misled by aap check now zee news we still need acultural change to bring blacks into the higher paying jobs . it can be done ; or can it ? we're not reaching out we use the example of a homogeneous israel as a meme as to why jews keep forcing diversity well they average 100 iq . care to know what blacks average ? ? what else is new ! ' what is really happening is people are looking for a scapegoat to blame ( sessions ) because trump himsel what just white sheriffs ? what about black hispanic o native ? please don't spread the hate ! what part of islam makes anyone desire it in anyway ? what white people need to know and do after ferguson #barf what you see today is close to their natural state . if you want to change it you will have to support white cultural hegemony . what's the difference between you and hitler ? hitler knew when to kill himself . #opkkk where are the american symbols ? neo fashy euro style doesn't appeal here . why would a normal white guy join this ? white alabama is counting on you ! ! white americans have remained shockingly european despite decades of race mixing propaganda via white ethnostate in uganda when ? white homeland in every state white house / black market by #prolife #plannedparenthood white male martial landowners = aristocracy you'd be - white on white crime / violence ! where are the fathers / leaders of these white communities ? white people offer more then complaints rapes and gang shootings . white pride world wide t-shirt from the white resister : who are you fighting ? rich white people ? hmmmm ... why have people said you're not white ? why is it also ok for every race to protest against what they believe but when white fol will the white oppression never cease ! wow you really caught that . so happy to see people verify their claims . yashwant sinha once was in party then chandra shekhar ; joined bjp only to make money and did that well yawn . white nationalists in america have been trying that edgy swastika approach for decades . yet the white birthrate is less than half of what it was in the 1960s you are right white people are very good how they gave almost all banking to a small group is amusing you can't hide your lying eyes : conservatism inc's refusal to admit detroit is 92 percent black : its ... #tcot #p2 you want to prohibit a private company from refusing service to white nationalists ... but you fully support a private bakery refusing service to a gay couple ? you're advocating that those same white people had every reason to kill torture and own people and no you're struggling now . mate i couldn't care less for whichever ideology you throw around nor for your your statement is utter rubbish . jews killed over 70 million people at the same time ( inclu " : multicultural horror : 20 non-white muslim " " refugees " " rape 11 year old swedish girl in bathhouse | kill that rubbish ! " " does white identity mean white supremacy ? " " responds to " " message to the white man in america " " : " " you're a racist " " ! " but under a " white supremacy " " he would be the norm . you are simply proving the point . " glaciers nordic women peace and prosperity . libs tell me a white ethnostate is " racist . " " so what ? " greeck finance minister : my country is like germany " just before the nazis took power " " | more : " if you get interested you can find out more about " the situation " " in the black ethnostate here " john friend's blog : " homeland security " " : a jewish racket " rt rt " : the first slave owner in america was a black man ! read more : via " " not white ? ? " well if that's " due process " " to quote a famous british court case " " i'm a banana " " . " well those " groups " " are anti-white and it's obvious in their speech . " what is an " amrcn " " doing with an ' isrli counter terror agt ? ' well .. once a jew always a jew .. very clannish ! ! " why do you say you are for " freedom " " when you clearly want to use the law to impose your own religion ? " you should read the dictionary badger . white : " belonging to a group of european descent . " #freedom ? ? for whom ? ? if you read this you might qualify for the #concentrationcamps & #gaschambers ! #hate #racist #fascist #racehate . tom nichols is a parody of a failed boomer cuck whom no one listens to anymore . . will u save hindus or force them to crave to be minority in the name of development ? 1 / at this point i hope cernovich goes down like milo 1st the will question my race . then call me a troll . then ws . then more race . rinse repeat . when someone would rather call names than debate the idea .. #game #set #matchthey hate govt yet demand more and more entitlements . blame every bad life choice on race . want white guilt 7 . ' indigenous ' people in america are not ' first nations ' the ' mound builder ' people were before them : #myjihad in tanzania : muslim cleric tells converts to bury their christian parents as if they were dead dogs . ... : #scotus overrode tens of millions of americans who recently reaffirmed marriage as the union of #1m1w . #scotusmarriage : be brave and admit you a / zionist racist full of hate islam historicallywhat about your money collector : i witnessed awr do same at lee circle . it was ace baker w / awr . marched in like they owned the place then cuck : remember harvard professor who want to abolish the white race ? ? ? refugees is not invaders u idiot paranoida .. a disturbed jewish kid ( klebold ) and his disturbed anti-racist ( anti-white ) friend . story used by media to attack gun ownership a pic of black white supremisist ... black alt right nationals . ... not ! ! ! abortion clinic appeals to the rich : do you want a latte with that abortion pill ? #tcot alveda king is a saint and an absolute patriot . christian pro-life and just a very rational good person . honored to be on her side . amazon's jeff bezos announces $ 2 billion investment in india america had a white only immigration policy . american diversity work in progress : black teens kill white girl for bicycle via #tcot americans first ! illegals have to go it's time for americans to get out of poverty ! and in an even bigger surprise : a jew calls another jew a jew to get another jew to cry -> wait for anti-lgbt hate group has failed to convince the nation to oppose marriage equality and has failed basic math . anti-white race war slasher music clip teaches black children to hate and massacre whites via arvind kejriwal day dream - his own mla's are not sure of winning again and will join bjp with no perks austria is one of first to get smart about creeping islam . rest of europe should build more hospitals or deport ! ban that pos plague called islam ! ! ! they are illegal here ! ! ! biharis were scared of my ishrat abbu who became cm on rss votewant 2 allow lalu the privilege of rape & bjp promises to make delhi a world class city . women security transparency in governance housing power and water supply to be priority ar black nationalism asian nationalism white nationalism . black on white crime is the thing that made me a wn . booker and harris are racist border wall build it but like ben carson i bet he is a white supremacist but the media told me slippery slopes don't exist ... byron york : heidi cruz : ' ted is an immigrant ' via can't wait 2 watch your videos are great david . the one where you discuss muhammed cross dressing is top coming from a middle aged obese anti white that has no problem calling people of her own racial identity racist for taking a stand ... communist news network don't forget the 125 million * legal * non-whites tooyou would need to deputize all of white america to succeed but unfortunately half of them are liberal and only 8 % overall are sympathetic to white nationalism . plus majority are passive lemmings who'll never take direct action . dutch arrest 12 thought to be ready to launch jihad attack #islam #islamophobia earthquakes are painful and tragic as well . but they're not terror . yes - white people kill . doesn't automatically make it terror . edward viii wanted to ally with hitler and blamed jews and reds for wwii va elin krantz : just another dead white liberal female raped to death by non-white invader | more : via estonia : 1000 white nationalists protest against non-white invasion | full story : european jews are at least as white as italians & spaniards . have less genetic similarity to palestinians than greeks do . fair is a hate group as noted by splc . here i looked it up for you . white supremecy . finns protest against increasing number of non-white invaders | more : via germans jews italians pols ausies english french austrians etc are white who left the spanish and mexicans out ? ? ? god forbid he celebrate a white person that would be racist . hate this country anymore . good advice ! thanks for the support #makeamericagreatagain good time to issue a support white police leaflet sticker and posters ! got up to 330 on the hex bar #liftwaffe great interview with jared taylor from . must watch ! hating white people isn't racist because white people are the vessels by which all evil enters the world heavy monsoon rains approaching kolkata and east india - skymet weather #kolkata hey white boy . what's up ? hispanic builder on the mexico wall : ' work is work ' hopefully the white working democrats of the north will continue on the path of the southern white democrats . how ? plus i see you stalking white nationalist a lot how is it you guys haven't figured out this was a staged op ? very disheartening that the alt-right seem hunter wallace has a way with words : i appreciate govt . of india . i dream of sending an alt-right expeditionary force to help defend our kith and kin in south africa . i live a few blocks from a liberal university i would love to get some of these posters i'm sure the native americans would be happy to spare you fellas oklahoma like we once did to them identity evropa seems like the more serious cadre org right now . they're the ones rev socialist cadre orgs are worried about . if he doesen't cuck i wont doubt him again if you are a republican you have a racist for a leader own it in this timeline i actually wouldn't be surprised if sweden is saved by a nationalist uprising led by pewdiepie is he white ? is there anything more useless in the world than #trucons ? it was in churchill school that we sat anxiously one morning white boys w / our white teacher awaiting election it's a tough call deciding who holds the championship belt on #hypocrisy and lies . #gop or #dems #foxnews #rnc2012 #dnc #corruption it's totally degrading . not the being white bit but taking something away from who you are as a human being . dems should be ashamed . its a sad day for white people even worse they will say he's a racist and ignore it still . #brainwashed its here in calif . and is being abused who can help us here . i amits stopped as well as abortion theyre one in the same disgusting act ! jared are the speakers for amren 2017 almost set ? justification for #manchester jihad ? in muhammad's own words : bukhari ( 52:256 ) - the prophet ... was asked ... kiran bedi wants autonomy for police ( effectively a police stste ) . we have just seen great police like ap singh . let's all return home . whites to euro nice . others back to 3rd world lol youre citing a white supermicist eugenic affiliated anti immigrant think tank whose objective is to keep usa a white hegemonic state mass non-white immigration & forced assimilation for white nations is the main priority for world jewry since wwii . #whitegenocide maybe stuff like charities for poor whites or victims of the opiod crisis more drug dealers are white mr . taylor is exceptionally patient . national socialism rising in russia : government ban on holocaust revisionism ! read more : via nationalist populist and brace patriot . can't you recruit some more like you next it will be people wearing clean white shirts .. via no idiot i attack the people so stupid they can't understand the ramifications of having to no the white population will literally be replaced with a new people l no-that would be outrageous since they have no citizenship rights and pay no taxes ! who represents american taxpayers ? nothing any city or state can do to stop federal govt . from enforcing federal law . they are wasting tax dollars . ok sorry gotta go . im very pleased that you listened to me and were so respectful . it's not often people ask honest questions & listen ok ... here he is in his own words advocating a white ethnostate . okay so is europe rightfully owned by white people ? op ; white storm #wpww #whitegenocide our party actively seeks support of to build hindu india . rss is the custodian of our traditions . percentage of european live births outside of marriage . planned parenthood to repay $ 1.4 million following texas medicaid fraud investigation | please see for thousands of examples of white real appelaing for whites . get to the back of the bus and bend over . you antiwhites have shown your true colors . respectfully i don't think ba ever argued for an ethno state just white rights . he's a nice guy at the end of the day . rt bakers get emotional day in court #supportsweetcakes #prayforkleins should of had me on so we could of had the whole manlete nationalism crew haha shut up white trash simple rule of thumb ; if they don't openly say they are for the white race its because they aren't so drop them since your great white hope is already backpedaling will you go back to being silent ? #trump #workingclass #14words so zema you can't say white lives matter too ? swedish politicians propose deploying military in no-go zones to combat gang violence via thanks to & others i know the origin of radical islamism . bro . that's like saying arabs are white . they're semites hence the prase anti-semite .. the best thing for all those ideas and ideals is the survival and expansion of the white race . the best way to protect children is to promote marriage : via the choice is clear white folks : multiracial democracy or white nationalism ? #donaldtrump is our chance 2 choose . pick and prepare to fight the rise of white identity politics via the surjewala internship has taught alka lamba great sense . 4delhi bjp ? the unite the right rally is going to be a turning point for white identity in america the white #aryan race has been-throughout history-the most creative & culturally constructive race of people . the white house is now a sanctuary city by this definition those alt-right guys sound like they are on to something ! u see this ? white pill ? via : death toll in islamic state jihad bombing in baghdad now 213 #tcot want proof that #jews are #genocidal #maniacs ? ask them if #whites should have white #nations . their sincere answer is never affirmative . we are all human race . white skin is a evolutionary trait to absorb vitamin d we live in a system of systematic white supremacy . it effects us on many levels . wereally need to figure out a way to get these antifa gofundme campaigns shut down . they collected almo what's the deal / is it wrong now to be superior and white ? white children = = = > via white genocide in the united states of america a 100 year history | read more : via white lives matter is about being racist against every other race . there is no oppressi white power and proud ! ! ! white racialist and you like ron paul ? watch about the 11 minute mark he's like the rest . against white americans white south africans trapped like frogs in boiling water as anti-white racial violence escalates #swrm why are you obsessed with few muslims when you know well that they will not vote for bjp ? why your govt allowed scandalous price for gas produced in indian gas fields ? wow - prejudice right out of 1950 ! it's like watching an old tv show in black & white ! yep of course ! you're racist against your own community if you don't succumb to this line of thinking ! yes hitler really did take the guns from jews before ... : yes hitler really did take the guns from jews befo ... york pa . #fashthecity you don't look white lol you have no right to diversify white countries to satisfy your personal preference . " : jindal : " " the medieval christian threat is under control mr . president " " " / / hahahaha ! " " the families [ critics ] don't talk about are the families of americans forever separated from the people they love . " " - " " the jew as a parasite " " ( ( ( glyptapanteles ) ) ) " " true conservatism " " is actually " " classic liberalism " " just an older form of leftism . " " white supremacists sabotage their communities " " " ( roof is evidently a " verbal " " " " genius . " " unsurprising [ and narrative-destroying ] . no word on scott's iq . ) " no . y'all can't say italians aren't white and then try to use renaissance art as " white culture . " " stick to your dorky swedish clog music " omfg ! " extinction of the white race " " ? rofflmmfao ! paranoid much ? " rt : " i want to do jihad ... it is written in the koran that you are allowed to kill infidels as you would kill a dog . " " " rt : robert leftists have to run you down to appear " real " " even " rt who wrote movie " haider " " disowns india resides in delhi married 2 hindulady " what should he have done with charlottesville ? cheered on the " jews will not replace us " " crowd that wou " # we must wake up and realize whats going on against the white race . and protect our aryan women from the enemy . #trucons aren't capable of anything but grandstanding . even after healthcare we will see this on other issues & i discuss alt media zionism jewish supremacy 9/11 #brussels : ' holocaust ' debate / comments / news the mysterious polish witness to massive transfers of jews ? : does anyon ... - over 250 swedish white nationalists march in stockholm ( video ) . iranian #military #leader : #islamic revolutionary guards will be in #us & #europe very soon #banislam : black man openly fantasizes about slaughtering white girls during race war ( video ) : christian yingling and george curbelo respond to charlottesville via : on march 16/17 author weissberg advocated white separatism instead of white nationalism at meetu ... : texas is for trump ! even ex cruz supporters r voting trump 2a and supreme court justices.biggest el : voted to avoid pointless wars and third world immigration . got pointless wars and more thi : white genocide accelerates in sweden : university removes all portaits of white male professors a perfect demonstration of fear-based mind control programming #withjewswelose #nomorejewishlies admit that your movement killed a white woman you speak hate adolph hitler was a genius but unrecognized by most people world wide . he knew how to solve problems plagueing working classes advanced but still subject to human nature . theres always people who are going to be dis all of us in india have been inspired by your aspirations for your country and africa : pm and dr bill warner and my neighborhood is diverse.white black italian asian etc . we all agree . stfu commie hippies ! ! ! anti-white media gloats over firing another pro-white activist #whitegenocide asking for a friend he wants to join but he only wants the gay stuff he doesn't believe in white genocide ns just good gay action barronelle stutzman heads to the washington supreme court via because the murder victim was white . black democrats don't waste your time sending me nasty tweets . i support president trump fully and i'm not ashamed to say it proudly ! black people aren't our enemies either . they're being exploited just as much by the jews . boohoo white people can't get their financial life together . but it doesn't happen naturally . if you don't vet people by a certain standard then anyone despite differences no matter how important can enter the country . different treatment based on race can't happen if there isn't a multi-racial populace . / 1 but yet you support a racist president . smh but you gotta be white thou right ? christians & jews don't kill when one of their syangoges of churches are defiled . afghani's are a sick bunch . churches self segregate peacefully and maintain white homogeneity . what's your iq ? collective iq score still well below that of a : criticized many min of nda most been ignorant some a sport ( like smriti ji ) only rathore hs been so unsportsmanlike dan cook : can we make w.va . a white state ? = = = > dear you talk of secularism in rest of india but scared to include it in j & k constitution.why ? dems hate white people ... just look at the candidates for dnc head .. they actually say it ! denmark . white america . someone honestly want to tell me the two aren't closer than mayans ? detestable lies . one of the best religious liberty advocates for all people in the world today . simply wrong . do you consider ' identitarianism ' more of a viable future option than the ' alt right ' label ? identity evropa seem to be going that way dressing like their dads or milton from office space . they selling me annuities insurance along with the ethnostate ? except all the jews who are white . that is how stupid ypu are . trump is jewish . duh .. excuse me . dc is not the south extinction of america's white population speeds up #swrm #whitepride via fair's advertisements have been rejected because of racist content . fair leaders have ties to white supremacists groups . florida league rallies in macclenny : florida league defending the heritage free wi-fi in indian railways ! ! gary sutton and congressman lou barletta a good friend at fair hold their feet to the fire event in dc have problems ? when did obama first spurn israel ? he fears the white supremists taking his manhood hey dean talk out against the extremist mosques & maybe u wont have 2 suffer robert's expose of jihad on tv hey obama and the rest of you aholes . doesn't mexico have a wall on its southern border ? yes ! hey u pay ben ben u said that not enough money in israel to pay meso ben and kkk netanyahu away ad min hopefully those angry white men don't murder any more churchgoers . how's the white nationalists treating you ? #bannon got your back huh ? hunter we're all nazis on some level when it comes to defending our family and heritage . some of us just don't realize it yet . i agree sjw deserve all the derision they get and more also like to poke the alt right crowd i couldnt care less about pre-history . the white race - mine - is the most advanced people ever to walk the earth i don't hate anyone . i hate some regressive political systems that oppress people . i don't hate anyone . you conflate criticism of islam with hate . i dont think so .. more blacks than whites by tons . easier for everyone they relocate less blood i guess to liberals you're just a white man with re-vitiligo i hate you white supremacist ! i have never understood why people thing homosexuality is something to celebrate . it is not . it is aber i saw maybe 6 real antifa the whole time i was there . rest we're just locals & i thought you were jewish - not white . i wish to god i could live in a white ethno state . imagine how peaceful and friendly it would be . i'm standing for faith family & freedom . join me at and by following and . idf proudly defends the home of the jewish people . today we continue to nurture the flame of remembrance #neveragain if a politician won't say outright he is for the white race its because he isn't ! vote right / vote white ! if birth control was #notmybossbusiness then we wouldn't force ' em to pay for it . after all he who pays piper calls tune if defending white heritage is hate to jewish groups then lets call jewish organizations hate groups if they do not have the courage to condem antifa for the throwing of urine and fecees at peaceful prote if you are white in that state watch yourself ! is a open white nationalists website sir ... it won't be long before ( name your liberal group here ) all won wwii for america . those white guys carried the water and bullets . it you were a white supremacist you would promote the globalist empire . why are these people so stupid ? it's about memeing everyone into accepting america as white supremacist it's possible that he didn't actually have refugee status of course - legacy media got most everything else wrong its great to be white . i like it . janam - is it possible in india ? ! jew awareness race realism positive sense of racial identity jews are white nationalists now . who knew ? just those representing the interests of people of european heritage karma : bringing in low skill workers for the corporate class to enslave and profit off of them here . keeping wages stagnant for the working class.such a noble liberal . liberal white people forgot they are white . tearing their own race down is how they roll . make that some black folks friend ... thanks me too . i couldn't make it but i will for sure next year if we make this an annual gathering . more assaults on religious freedom : wa pharmacists my opinion is amnesty will be the end of white america . and the god emperor himself will have killed it . my world orbits around whites as it should . laughable moment though . n trillys that are all attached to white power econ nah ... you're just another bigoted white man . national menorah at white house reveals who runs #america : never he's clever isn't he what is france going to do about it ? new york times paul krugman gloats over demise of white america via nice super bowl racist song ! we are losing america slowly ! no . it's relevant . the question is are you against all ethnic advocacy groups or just anti white ? it's about specifying what your standards are . north indian workers hurt in suspected firing by ulfa obama would rather call christians bigots and cops racist before he calls muslims terrorists ! optic optics optics - this is boring already pretty sure he might be in the closet ! ! come on out buddy ! pro-antifa = anti white : a new meme . professional protesters hired by george soros are gearing up to disrupt trump rallies . race baiting isn't a thing . and you're standing with a trump a known white supremacist . you're complicit in the oppression of black ppl racist are idiots thats why they racist to have other idiots to hang with radical white supremacy is the way forward . raleigh pregnancy center wins legal battle and will move next to abortion facility . real racist are black full of hypocrisy report : illegals eligible for $ 1.3 trillion in retirement benefits ? ! via #noamnesty #immigration senior bjp leaders lk advani sushma swaraj arrive at bjp headquarter in new delhi #modivictorylap #modiat7rcr so anyone black person who speaks out against white supremacy is like a white supremacist ? your logic makes no sense to me ... so i deserved to get cursed for suspecting someone was a white supremacist who retweeted white supremacists ... says the christian so these people must not be white then ? so when white terrorists attack all white people are evil ? such atrocious advice ? govt will be discredited . pl . throw out such saboteurs . sure . nothing approaching 9-11 in scale . sure instead of bringing people together based on shared culture lets try and unite chinese taliban : pink balloons ' western tools against islam ' tf you talking about im white .. thank you for being fair minded and understanding freedom ! thanks for sharing our article chad ! sorry the wrong link popped up here is the correct one : that was surely a mistake . and by the way i am no racist . or do you think i am racist because i hate #isis ? the europeans that came to north america did not fit in with the european culture and status . the mexican pres inviting trump is public acknowledgment he will win ... trump accepting b / c he holds all the cards - - the new right are shills who dont care for the white race . can be ignored . the alt right h the realist report - 9/11 debate the saudi's are funding mosque buildings all over the world - britain is being overrun with them . the secret jewish history of game of thrones via the statues of old white guys are killing people run for your lives ! the white race has blessed the world with modern tech medicine constitutional govts and the bible . the white resister ( ) posted a photo on twitter there is no hate like islamic hate . there is no white power movement there was no common sense in dc.untill trump ... these people should find it hateful and offensive to behead & honor kill . not you exposing those who behead & honor kill . they also founded america as a white country and would stand with th they need to die . it's time for the purge they're shook . more and more people are figuring out their long con . this hate group called for killing white cops . then dallas sniper micah xavier johnson started shooting . this is why people have to come all the way from south china to teach africans how to mine in their own countries this will not be correct . it happened many more years ago . exact time is yet to be calculated . u . c . berkeley hates free speech . um . he sure did . the men who wrote constitution had many slave owners . so washington and everyone after him lead a country with slaves umm . i'm sure plenty of islamic people can say they had it worse . wait he were a german ? ? or polish ? ? wait . i thought white people invented harvard . weird . washington update | tootin ' his own horn : watch live : to discuss bathroom bill w / anti - #lgbt hate group at noon cst today #txlege #lgbt we should validate the left's comments of america's white nationalist history and offer them praise . what are your goals hunter ? what generation does antifa belong to ? when will you have tanstaafl on or scott roberts ? where ? show me examples of white on white crime in republican controlled cities that resemble chicago baltimore and detroit ? ? where's ' jewish council ' aka statement on mb spiritual leader qaradawi edict to ummah : white conservative women ! white genocide accelerates : university removes all portaits of white male professors | more : white house doubles down on holocaust day statement that omitted jews : ' we're inclusive ' white lion rising white lives matter as much as any race white lives matter business card looks most excellent and worth ordering from the new order in milwaukee wi . usa white people do something . start here . white people whose ancestors invented america as of right now have no civil rights protections . none . white us president candidate has zero percent support from negroes via who is dying out ? european americans ? who knew nazis were humane ? rt during the cold of winter please do not leave your pet outside overnight #compassion #decency #humane why #religionofpeace kill muslims ... winston churchill the biggest anti-nazi of the time wanted to keep britain white . most of the allies were white nationalists . wow that didn't take long ! already pulling out the ' ole liberal playbook eh ? don't answer dodge evade make ambiguous little quips etc . written by a ( ( ( fellow white ) ) ) y'know the people that don't want to leave the bar alone at closing time and go home to a filthy apartment ? this is them in daylight . yes and latin america is white class civilizing brown savages yet another beautiful white woman ! you are a coward ! you refused to listen to the actual people your #grahamcassidy bill will devastate & possibly kill ! i used to respect you . you're really trying to make american white again huh ? you're the one saying white lives don't matter . that actually makes you the racist " a milleniun of european history of joy & sacrifice of heroism & nobility impel is to our task . " " fpj europe awake ! " : the man who loved his people and who was loved dearly by them in return . don't believe the lies against him . #hitler " " bias much ? this article .. perfect example of how the " media " " spins it's web . you eat it right up . " lol-regnerus / sullins / mchugh pushing " studies " " that are re-imaginings of legitimate research to suit their anti - #lgbt agenda " rt " : stop the white genocide in south africa ! ( video ) via " " " rt " i don't judge people . i serve everyone who walks in . i just don't make cakes for every event that's asked of me . " " #scotus #justiceforjack " rt : . of " if there's one thing worth fighting for it's the right to life " " #theyfeelpain " rt new video : discusses " white privilege " " the new frontier of white guilt : #privilege #tcot " rt straight question for and " why you giving visa to gulam ali if it can disrupt peace on indian soil ? " " " swedish white national socialists jailed for " obvious instigation " " via " the internet is bigger than ever it has displaced tv as the new " mainstream media " " and it just keeps growing . you aren't giving up your website anytime soon now are you ? your site gets far more attention than your " " irl activisms . " " " they're all " that better be a white man ! " " ... " zionist berlin hotels boycott " holocaust denier " " david irving ! read more : via " #bjp4maha because we need a government to work hand in hand with ji #buhari don't kill peaceful biafrans #drought in #california is not caused by #toomanypeople . pr14 : 34 says sin is the problem . #repentnpray for rain #hannahcornelius - why not come home to #europe whites will never be welcome in #southafrica ... up to you . but if you really think that you or your children will live to see an ' all white ' america you will be sadly disappointed . 15 year old white danish girl blinded by african muslims in racially motivated hate crime d more : via 2/7 / 17 : white house press briefing 20 invader centers burned in germany #whitegenocide #merkelmussweg #refugeeswelcome #trump 60 % of america is white which also includes jews and terrorists : did you know ... 3200 children are aborted everyday ... that's more than the number of deaths involved on 9/11 ! #prolife : hope and change ... for the worse . : a sentiment echoed by many #workingclass americans . #economy ... : icymi : robert robb : obama to blame for administrative amnesty controversy #immigration #afire : more proof : diversity is a codeword for ethnic cleansing of white people : no country for minority white children : racist attacks by violent non-whites rising in america : russia don't want war but desire develope links with american people . but no more confidence on obama a : whites are unfortunately the least #racist people ... margaret mutu says she can't be racist because she is not white ... a black james bond ? ? ? would it be okay to have a white mr t ? ? ? some ideas are just plain stupid . a lot of people had to take shirts off because they were maced . a tribute to rudolf hess the martyr for peace t-shirt from the white resister : all whites must unite and stand strong it's about time . get off your knees white man and white woman ! ! america was founded by white people you do realize that right ? and here i am saddled with white evangelicals and mormons and god knows what other assorted vanilla-ass trailer trash demos that vote gop . anonymous hackers or the jewnited states government ? makes me wonder ! #mossad #talmud #usury #frauds #opkkk #jews another day more love from the religion of peace and love .