This sounds like a horrible accident. I can't even imagine what that family is going through. The ones that were involved in the accident but survived probably saw some horrible things, and those kids who witnessed their mother die. As a parent myself that's a terrifying thought I would never want my son to go through something like that. For days, a hazy pall has spread across much of northern Georgia, including metro Atlanta, home to 5.7 million people. State officials warned that the air is unhealthy, and cautioned people with breathing problems to stay indoors as much as possible. With state firefighters scrambling to quench the blazes currently active, officials told people to avoid starting new fires that could quickly spread. “We’re a cigar butt away from a disaster,” said John Williams, adventure guide at Amicalola Falls, a state park near the southern terminus of the Appalachian Trail in Georgia It's horrifying to see a dog subjected to such a cruel fate. This brings attention to the numerous other cases of fatalism that could've been prevented by careful inspection and care for one's pets. Dogs deserve better from us, and it's our obligation as human beings to provide care for animals as much as possible. A two year old in Willoughby Hills East of the Cleveland area fell from his eleven story apartment building. His parents were in the living room and had no idea that this had taken place. There neighbors had found the child motionless on the ground and presumably dead. The police are treating this as a pure accident and don't anticipate any further charges. This will not end well. People have to improve their own country. Taking a shortcut by moving to a better country will just result in the host country suffering. The best citizens will work hard to improve their country. They will not give up and leave. Lots of blood was shed in many of the countries that migrants seek to live in. Despite our best efforts, it really is nearly impossible to keep our children and families from the cruel nature of the world. Even something like a vacation to another country or a trip to watch fireworks can result in tragedy that leaves everlasting scars. This is a world we want to avoid, but find ourselves surrounded by almost always. Why are there so many issues between the middle eastern countries and the United States? There needs to be world peace and each nation should stop trying to be the powerful dog here. I wish everyone could just get along and we wouldn't have to waste so much time with these political affairs. So many people lost lives over nonsense. Did you know that Climate Change Threatens the World’s Coffee Supply?? A report I read about a report says thinking of the many ways climate change threatens coffee and coffee farmers has alarmed people who are now imagining what it would be like getting through the day without their caffeine fix! Well, it certainly is concerning to me! The report, released this month, was commissioned by Fairtrade Australia and New Zealand supposedly the hub of the global Fairtrade system. I guess it doesn’t contain much new research, but still it has made waves by collating an array of available literature suggesting that climate change will have a major effect on the world’s coffee supply. Well, knowing how you love your coffee just as much as I do, I just knew this would fascinate you! Tell everyone!! A perfect example of greed and selfishness-British government is willing to kill innocent creatures in order to drill for oil, regardless of consequences! Instead of exploring other alternatives, such as natural energy sources, they will go and march their way to Africa and claim innocent lives just to put money in their pockets. I wonder if the majesty Queen, the mighty Queen of England, would appreciate of someone suddenly marched into her palace and started drilling for oil?!!! Absolutely disturbing-total disregard for nature and living creatures, nothing but pure greed regardless of the cost! This article I just read was so, unbelievably sad and tragic. This incident is so horrible. Such a gruesome death. I can't imagine being that two year old and falling for so long. Ugh, it makes me so upset. I feel so bad for the parents, they must feel so guilty. It would be so hard to overcome everything. This kind of stuff is definitely very political because it shows how corrupt the Venezuelan government is very corrupt. I get that every country has their own issues, but what happened here is absolutely ridiculous! Wouldn't want to live here at all. You guys should check this out whenever you get a chance. Can you believe how people are acting over this? They are acting like a bunch of rabid animals. This is not how you protest. Going around acting violent and destroying things does not solve anything. This is chaos. There is no excuse for this type of behavior just because you don't agree with an election. I guess people don't realize how much of an impact they can have. The article says if people would have done something they could have stopped the extinction of the animals. But at the same time, it is people's action indirectly that caused the extinction, through contributing to climate change. There is so much that can go out of balance in nature when people are involved. When one species dies off, then everything in that ecosystem changes. I guess the article was kind of interesting. But what is the solution the problem they are talking about? How should people intervene to save those animals? Death to the police! There is no member of the police that is your friend, even those who are no longer on the force. Only someone who fully recants their position as a police officer and demonstrates tangible remorse about their actions can be accepted. All police are evil, because the police naturally attract people who would abuse their powers. so three missiles get shot up in the air randomly like if this were to be a daily routine. nobody was going to do anything about it. the craziest part about it is reading about the father who the article states that jokingly told his family to forgive him if he did not return home that night. that man did not return home that i find insane. Dear friend, I have just finished reading a very interesting and somewhat disturbing article. It was about Thomas Arthur, an inmate on death row in Alabama. There began a massive legal battle between the courts, justices, and lawyers about the legality and morality of lethal injection practices. I feel conflicted because on one hand, these people committed unthinkable crimes and deserve severe punishment, but on the other hand, taking a life may still not be justifiable. Hey hun! I was just reading this article about a family of 3 young black boys who went through foster care and ended up in prison later on in life, and it made me want to share it with you. It breaks my heart knowing this probably happens all the time in our country! That there are kids who, through no fault of their own, are set on a path that ultimately leads to their downfall and punishment later in life! There need to be changes made to the foster system so that there are more homes available and counselling for these kids so that they can learn at an early age to deal with the things they are going through instead of internalizing it all and becoming angry and bitter. What do you think? Maybe we could write some letters to get people thinking about this situation! It's nice that these cases are critiqued so thoroughly as once an execution has started, there's no going back. It sounds like he shot his relative for sure though. Even though he maybe didn't kill the husband of the woman he had an affair with, one murder should potentially be enough for the death penalty. The fact that this article shows the global gender gap not being equal until 2196 is particularly disturbing. And, I wonder why women have dropped out of the workforce globally? I mean, I did drop out but only after 30 years of employment. It seems as if, in this day and age, you'd hear that women's participation in the workforce had increased, not decreased. I just read the article and i want to say i think its terrible anyone would actually blame the doctors for someone committing suicide. Of course its incredibly sad and i feel for anyone that has to go through what people like that do go through but how can these doctors be blamed. That means that anyone can be blamed for missing the signs and its too hard to tell when someone will actually commit to killing themselves even when they are making empty threats. I always wonder whether to believe articles like this. I have always liked Mayweather, and I feel there are probably two sides to this story. Besides, the lawsuit is filed but there is no verdict yet, so Mayweather could be innocent. Anyone can file a lawsuit and the only proof of who is right is when the suit is decided. I will be interested to follow the outcome of this one. Aww, I hope this story isn't really true. I mean do people still go to see elephants perform anywhere? And people have been so much more vocal and worried about animals for quite a long time, I just have trouble believing that this story is true. I hope not. Plus, do elephants really live that long? This is a completely unacceptable situation. Our military bombs a Doctors Without Borders medical facility and they have the gall to point their fingers at those who were bombed. And the only restitution they offer is a promise to keep bombing and carrying on just like they were until the mission is completed. Revolting. I'm sorry to hear that about Dakota's parents. Even when you are adult it must be hard to see your parents splitting up. No one wants that to happen and it's unfortunate that her parents couldn't work it out. I hope they are able to still remain civil around the kids and family. Just because it didn't work romantically doesn't mean it won't work at all. This is a really interesting article about primates. It just talks about some of the things this certain species of primate does as they get older. They tend to adjust their position so they can see things better as they age. The younger bonobos sit close to their partner when they groom but the older ones sit ridiculously far away. I wouldn't even think their arms could reach when I read the distance was over a foot. These actresses and actors have tons of money. If they really wanted to do the right thing, they certainly could, for their only son. They are just selfish people, wanting what they want and unwilling to compromise with each other. Most actors and actresses are like that. They are so self-centered. I can’t stand people like that. I feel sorry for the poor kid. Although he will probably grow up to be a self-absorbed, selfish brat, just like his parents. I swear that I think the less people have, the better off they treat their children and their families. I have no sympathy for people like these rich snobby people. They probably have their own jets, tons of money. Yet, they still can’t compromise. I wish people like this would get a grip and I wish the media would stop reporting Hey, I just read an article written by a snowflake that is melting under manmade "global warming". One thing I have never understood is how the communist party took over the environmental movement without a shot. Remember when we found out the founder of 'GreenPeace' left after discovering the flood of communist and socialist coming into academia and the organization he started? I wish someone would actually do some research instead of repeating the same old stuff. The war that involved India and Pakistan is terrible. There are so many innocent civilian me were killed. The world needs peace and it is hard to imagine that a lot of people in 21st centery are still suffering from wars. We should really cherish that we live in the US and far from what happened there. Hey dude did you see that article that come out about police torture in chicago? It's pretty crazy and damning - it's one thing to know this kinda thing has been going on but its another thing to see all of these actual documents talk about willingly torturing people AND that it's still going on today. How disgusting. Trump's handling of Mexico has been atrocious. While illegal immigration may have fallen, it's no reason to treat such a big trading partner like a second class world citizen by telling them they have to pay for a wall. A wall which would be completely useless as far as keeping people out, because there are such things as shovels and boats. It's just completely absurd. Everything from the smoking dangers posed to children, to the epidemic of rats and their waste products, to even refugee crises surrounding Greece - are all problematic situations. These situations have to each be approached from a different perspective, and because of this - they require a more focused and specialized touch. With the ever-growing lack of medical clinics and equipment in 3rd world countries, more outbreaks will eventually start and can affect millions of people. This article for example, showed that cholera outbreak in Haiti, Millions has been affected and people are dying but we don't have the resources to help them. Just wanting to let you know about a news story I came across. It is about an elephant, named Nosey. He is been owned by a guy and held in chains. He used Nosey to perform for public entertainment in circuses and forced for most of her life to give rides to adults and children across the United States. Oh, and she has been in solitary for almost 30 years, that is a lifetime. Being captive for such a long period caused major stress to her health as well as to her psychological well being. The owner has been cited numerous times but in the same time his license was still approved for renewal each year. There should be awareness for this abuse to stop. The Great Barrier Reef (GBR) is not dead, apparently, after all! While the reef is mostly destroyed, it has sections that are coming back to life, and it can be stimulated back to recovery despite a 2016 article proclaiming that it had suffered its death stroke. Did you know it can be seen from outer space? How magnificent! We should do what we can to preserve it, even if it is a losing cause because it is a true wonder of nature. I know that contradicts what I told you earlier about not trying to save species, but hey, whoever said consistency was my greatest attribute? I was saddened to hear of a Chinese military fighter pilot who was killed in a training exercise recently. It's unclear what the cause of the crash was, but it's certainly a tragedy to all involved regardless. It's horrifying to think of the time and training that someone like that would put in to learning to pilot the aircraft and to think that it wouldn't be enough to keep her safe. I think China has a real problem with safety standards and that's why they have so many accidents in their various industries. It's really sad that they place economic growth over human lives. If they did implement safety standards, they wouldn't lose so many lives or potential workers and people that care for children. Unfortunately, I have a yahoo email account and of course I am worried about my information being stolen. Fortunately for me though, I never really used that information for personal reasons, i mainly used it for a junk email, so there would be no real important information that one could steal from me. But this also makes me worried that any other email sites, like gmail, hotmail etc could just as easy be hacked. Again it's all about the money. Corporate America strikes again. They leech as much money from the working class as possible as they sit in their office, finger banging their secretary. When their lies and misdirection is revealed, some fat cat takes the blame (along with millions of dollars of hush money, and the working class is thrown to the wolves and blamed for most of the misdeeds. Class differences influence and varies how a parent raises their child. Middle-class parents raise their child through the use of feelings and lower-class parents raise their children through behavior control. Middle-class parents and lower-class parents raise their children to be like them feeling and behavioral wise. Middle-class children get reprimanded for feeling the wrong way and lower-class children are punished for behaving badly I read an article about how a man killed himself after killing his wife. It sounded like the man really had some problems. I dont understand how you could kill someone that you say you love. The article said he "hacked his wife to death". That sure sounds rather violent. The woman was rushed to the hospital all bloody and the man was in a coma. The hospital confirmed that the woman had passed. We need to be more responsible with our wilderness areas! It is alarming that no one wants to talk about how these areas are being destroyed by development and can never be returned to their original wilderness states. Can you imagine a world in which our children can never go camping or hiking in the wilderness because it has all been destroyed and turned into buildings?? Being able to get out of contracts for timeshares sounds like quite a nightmare. Not being able to get out of such a contract, ESPECIALLY if you've fallen ill is quite possibly the worst case scenario. Furthermore, not being able to afford travel insurance because of it is a terrible time, especially after they have been fighting their contract for a number of years now. Oh, Yahoo. I wonder what country they're talking about? Probably Russia. It's always Russia nowadays. I'm glad I stopped using Yahoo years ago. I feel vindicated. Not that Google or any of the other services I give information to are immune. It's just that Yahoo has such a bad, ugly, sad interface. And now this. I didn't realize just how much discord there was going on in Burma. Near total distrust of the local government from segments of the local Muslim population, it's really shocking and concerning to me. The Rohingya apparently aren't even allowed to worship at their mosques, nor are they allowed to go to work to earn a living. It's very concerning to me that I hear a member of the government seemingly unconcerned about how these people are being treated. Enough isn't being done, not nearly enough, by almost all parities involved, to hear some of the stories of what is happening on the ground is really heart breaking. Apparently there are now a lot of wildfires in the Appalachia area, and it seems people are going to try to spin this into a "climate change" story. It seems that every single negative event can be attributed to climate change. The media doesn't even try to make an argument, it just inserts insinuations. I used to believe that global warming was a deadly threat to humanity, but if you look into things, there are many extremely dubious elements to the "official" story, and now I don't know what to think. Even if the official story is true, it is obvious that the issue is being routinely used for political purposes. And I don't know if it is true. Why has a vast swath of temperature readings been "corrected"? Most people don't even know about this issue. I'm glad I don't wear contacts, because I'm so lazy with them that I would likely become infected and that would be horrible for my already terrible eyes. I read an article that said that people who leave their contacts in while they sleep are more likely to get an eye infection that can cause blindness. Makes me wish I could fix my vision to perfection again. I hate that I have terrible eyesight and have to rely on primitive glasses or risky contacts. It's not fair and I am very upset about it. Does anyone want to donate their eyes to me? I promise I will take good care of them. If only I could grow new eyes or get badass bionic cyborg eyes that can shoot lasers, then i could defeat the bacteria and be a hero to the human race. Well that's all silly pipedreams. I just have to deal withit it was a very gruesome moment it doesn't help the fact that refugees face an exhaustive screening process by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees that can take years. it is good that when The federal government and its nonprofit partners provide job-search help and cash assistance for refugees during their first months in the United States. After that, they are largely on their own. This strategy has made it hard for refugee families—who often come to America with few assets or material possessions—to move up and out of poverty, and may be contribute to younger generations’ sense of isolation, the result of struggling to find their place in this country. Now, earning a living in the U.S. is proving difficult for younger generations. Donald Trump’s crusade against immigrants Friends and family - we need to pray for those people in Taiwan. They have just been hit by yet antoher hurricane. This has left their country in quite the run down state. People are heavily effected in this country and need our thoughts and prayers. We also need to pray for China due to the hurricane heading there next. The growing back and forth tension between the United States and Russia is really worrisome. One minute it seems like they like us and the next they have nuclear weapons at the ready and pointed straight at the United States. It's scary to think about what could happen especially with the big mouthed president we have. I'm glad that they finally put an end to this mans killing spree. I'm not sure why he did what he did but he was obviously mentally ill and wasn't taking his medication. I believe friends had to have been helping him hide otherwise I don't know how he could have hidden so long otherwise. Anyways, incidents like this only makes them try to crack down harder on guns and our rights to bear arms, but this person was clearly mentally ill. Climate change is already evident in all the ecosystems of the earth. the genes of living beings are changing in response to climate changes, affecting ecosystems around the world. the changes that by natural means should take a hundred of decades to occur, takes very few years to complete. This disorder affects the whole relationship of the ecosystems, discouraging them and causing their extinction. I read that apparently a man in Georgia was accused of deliberately leaving his son in the car to die from the heat. I really hope he gets the death penalty and they leave him in a hot car just like he did to his son. The world is filled with evil people and it was really disturbing to hear this story. This is really sad! I would think there would be a way to stop this from happening. Everyone knows this is being done, so why couldn't they stop it. The human traffiking is a sad thing and to have them all dying try to get to another place is sad.There must be some kind of policing that could be done wherever the people are boarding these boats. Feelings are deemed appropriate if they fit the current situation. Since individuals want to fit in and be seen as normal, they are constantly working on their feelings in order to fit the situation. Emotion work is more so how people want to feel or how they want other people to see them feel. Feelings are not permanent, but an ongoing thing because people constantly try to bring up, suppress, or manage feelings I was with him and mildly supportive of him until I found out about the second shooting. You can't just go shooting everybody who had every treated your daughter wrong. My initial thought was, oh the justice system failed and this guy had it coming. Then after reading about the second incident, I'm starting to feel like this was more a crazy guy on a shooting spree. Of course they don't see well as they age! They're so much like us, even in the small details of how they stretch their arms to be able to perform their work. Just like my dad when he can't find his glasses and tries to read his magazine. I can't even comprehend why some people won't see how similar animals are to humans - how actually humans are animals. It blows my mind every day. I just read an article about 500 people being killed in an earthquake. I feel so blessed that I live in a state where I don’t fear earthquakes, or severe tornado warnings, flash floods or major disasters. Of course Vermont has had our issues and weather events that caused damage, however we’re not in a region of the world where we fear for our lives at certain months of the year. I could not imagine being terrified for my children, property, and family like some of these families are. Living through an experience like that, must leave behind emotional scars while growing up. i could care less what isis does as long its not done in my country. I think they should all be put to death and be done with it. They are a terrorist group and deserve all the bad things that are going to happen to them. I do feel bad for the lose of life and feel sympathy for the families of the officers killed. It may make me sound horrible, but I'm torn on this. No one should have to suffer like that for the crime of theft, it's barbaric, but if it really was a twenty-something that was part of an armed gang, I'm slightly less sympathetic about their victims retaliating. If it was a child, however, this is insanity and just horrifying. According to a new study, the polar regions are continuing to melt. In a decade, a lot of the ice melted. This situation is really affecting polar bears because they live in that environment. I found out that they ambush seals as they come up out of the water. Whether we can change this trend or not, I am not sure about but we should try. It never ceases to amaze me that things like this as still occurring. They want to roll back regulations when things like this happened because there were none and now kids have to pay the price, but they are kids of color so they dont matter. Remember this, Flint still does not have clean water years later. The government is corrupt and the cancer starts in the Oval office and runs through his swamp. Its time to get these people out of office and to punish the companies and people that have allowed this to happened to the innocent children of America. We need more regulations not less. Hello friend, This article scared me. I can't believe how high suicide rates have become in teens. I understand that young teens are more inclined to act impulsively. One bad day at school can triger a suicide attempt, that's crazy! Schools should do a much better job protecting children from bullying. I know that's impossible to eradicate it, but it schools and parents take the issue seriously enough, we could at least reduce the number of suicides. We live in a different age where millennials are going to be taking over the community shortly within this decade. First we elected the first african-american president. Now we have Trump, the most controversial president of all. He may change things for better or for worse time will tell. Hopefully he can bring innovation. Corruption in corporations are an everyday occurrence. And it seems more and more the American workers are the victims of these erroneous fat cats. It's deplorable that the CEO gets away with corporate corruption and when the conscious of the workers come into play, they fire and ruin their lively hood. The corporations are in league with Washington due to the money trails. When the money is taken out of politics things will be better. Situations like this make you feel so helpless. I mean it's utterly awful but there's nothing you can do about it. Reading about it just feels like needlessly troubling yourself. There's a feeling of guilt too because the whole situation was brought about by the US invading their country and we could've prevented that. It's really disturbing we have a president that enables all these terrible behaviors we are witnessing unfold before us. I am happy there movements like #Metoo exist to show people that we will not tolerate these kinds of acts. It's like these people never had mothers or sisters. The way they act is beyond comprehension and I hope the media keeps exposing people who have bad intentions. This is just more of the western world becoming cold and inhospitable. Britain and France are both implicated in the troubles in these countries from their years as colonialists. Turning their back on these people is a mark of shame for them. It's despicable to let these people live in squalor and then to call it a jungle, as if this is 'wild' is kind of sick. The wild would have more respect and be more amenable to these people. you can't sleep too much or too little. What else is new. I'm sure there will be a high priced drug that can solve this issue. The scientists and government of America couldn't care less about the average citizen. Look at the food supply, look at all of the drugs they want us to take. it's all about money and has nothing to do with concern for our well-being. I know people tend to get really angry at law enforcement when a shooting or bombing doesn't get prevented, but I feel like it is way too complicated of an issue. I just read and article about it, and for law enforcement to keep enough information and follow enough leads to prevent every attack, we would need to sacrifice a lot of our civil liberties. It is just not worth it. This is just something better to know. I am not a person who really alert about what is going on around. I never heard about this. I do not really have any comments. Just want today that it is good to find a way to save money. If you could, you can transfer this article's to whose who will find them useful. That Kirk guy seems like a real loser. How can you lie about your military history and still get to serve as a politician. Than to attack somebody that you don't even know the facts about that person especially when they have made sacrifices for their country. So what if somebody was born somewhere else. If they have put their time and heart into a place that place is their home. I read an article about the gender gap in the world today. Sadly the US has moved down in the list behind all of the major European countries. I guess the number of women working in senior positions is shrinking. There is also a decline of women in the labor force. But there is evidence that the education gender gap is shrinking, so there are more women educated. It just seems that more women are choosing not to work. Take a look at this. It's very dry, and I don't understand half the words, but while I was reading it, I was feeling sort of glad that apparently plant and animal species are adapting to the warming climate. It seemed like the planet is warming slowly enough for a lot of ecosystems to adapt. And then I read the last bit, about humans and agriculture, and got cold all over again. Will we adapt, too? I gotta say, at this point, I'm hoping that volcano in Hawaii spews a gazillion tons of ash (after everyone's been evacuated, of course) into the atmosphere to block the sun and cool things down. It may be our best shot. We could only be so lucky. I am so tired of war. Especially when all it ends in death, murder, rape, etc. What is the point of all that. Who benefits from it? It just makes me sad for all those people. It sure does make me grateful to live in a country where I do not have to deal with all that. Could you imagine waking up every day not knowing if you're going to die or blow up from a bomb? Thank goodness for PresdientTrump hopefully this means an end to DACA and hopefully immigration reform in the near future! These people have broken the law and are here illegally yet they expect to be treated just like US citizens. DACA is a slap in the face to those immigrants who followed the law and went through the process to become legal citizens. Liberals are not adjusting very well to the defeat of Hillary - they are still crying. I am so glad that I'm not a celebrity having my every move made public and being analyzed. It would be awful to be under that constant and never ending scrutiny. The thought of being under the constant watchful eye of the world, and them profiting from a me having a bad day makes my stomach turn. I feel bad for him in a way, I've had a few rocky relationships and I couldn't imagine going through them publicly. That really crazy that a woman would actually push another person on to train tracks based off a disagreement. I get that you guys don't agree with something but that doesn't give you the right to take a persons life. I feel so sorry for the victims family because they lost a valuable family member over some petty dispute that would probably be forgotten the next day. Truly a tragic story that should be a learning situation for anyone with a disagreement with another individual. I just read this article about a wolf being killed after traveling 700 miles by a government agent . I don't understand it ! There was no reason for it . It hadn't attacked or disturbed anyone so what was the point of it all ? I feel like anymore people just kill animals to kill . This is why one day so these animals will be extinct . I think that it should be against the law to kill any animal that hasn't put you in danger in and way ! This is not ok! This needs to stop ! I am disgusted by it all! I think this situation will more or less quickly be resolved. It is just a temporary issue and I really believe the gas prices will go back to normal. I don't think there should be too much to worry about. I remember this happened around the crisis here back in 2009 and everything was settled rather quickly. Women in Iceland protested the pay gap between men and women by arguing that a woman's salary is 30% less than the salary of a man in similar work positions, the women of Iceland decreased their working day 30% of the time daily work and went out to protest united to a square.This was supported by the majority of the community. This is a dangerous occupation and I wish no one would do it. Some have to feed their families so I understand if it's the only job available. However- the government should make it safe for them. It is unavoidable and it seems it cannot be made safer. My condolences. I wouldn't want my family to work in one. Just read that due to climate change, hotter than normal temps may be the new normal. In 2013, temps screamed up to 122 F. in Australia, which is frightening. But when you think about who really has the capacity to change this -- which is each individual -- it gets even more frightening. The primary cause of climate change is just too many people, full stop. I do not have much hope that people will stop procreating to save themselves, and this is the biggest tragedy of all. Why do people hurt harmless animals? It doesn't make sense to me honestly. I look into the eyes of an animal and I can't help thinking that they don't fully understand why we would hurt them either. I think it's so cruel that people do this to animals because they trust us to keep them safe it doesn't matter if they're wild or not. This poor elephant that was chained up, and beaten, and made to do tricks just for our amusement. Hearing about the violence going on over politics in the country is really sad and upsetting. It's easy to take for granted how we live and how lucky we are that we don't have to worry about people killing us on a daily basis. Our government is also democratic which means people have a voice. This isn't the case in some areas/ Honestly it seems that the world is and has been providing a place for many refugees from all over for some time. I find it annoying that despite the people from africa and the middle east being evacuated from theyre previous worse situations they still feel the need to incite riot and cause chaos and show not only ungratefulness, but barbarity. You have to read this. It's unbelievable that people could act so rash and wrong towards another human being, no matter what happened. If I were in that situation, I'd be so angry and I would want to hurt someone back. It's hard not to get caught up in the emotion of the situation since so many people got hurt. This is so sad, but I think it had a lot to do with a bunch of college kids drinking and partying, and then something going terribly wrong. I think there was a group of kids that started arguing with the guy and one got pretty riled up and hit the guy. I find it interesting that there were things that were not being commented on. I think there's a lot more to this story than what the school is reporting. I just read a horrible article online about 10 people getting hurt after a huge fire started in an apartment complex in Arizona. That is so horrible I really feel bad for them. The say that eight of the people had minor injuries so that is good that it was only minor. Unfortunately one person had to be taken to the hospital but they are in stable condition so that is good news. Apparently two people outside of the apartment were also hurt by the fire some how. I think they were able to get the fire under control pretty easily though cause it only lasted around 10 minutes. They had to have the gas company come and shut off the gas and apparently they are investigating what could have caused the fire in the first place. That reminds me of the fire that happened at my neighbors house. Take a look at this story about a forest being decimated and what is happening to the monkeys there. So sad. Think you would be interested in reading it. The government is doing nothing to stop the deforestation or anything to protect the monkeys. I know that it is not local to us, but still a sad thing to read about. Did you read this story about the mountain climber who died trying to climb a mountain in Vietnam? It was very sad. The girlfriend begged him to get help but he refused until it was too late. I feel so bad for his family and girlfriend he left behind. I do take comfort in knowing that's what he wanted to do and he died following what he wants. Did you hear about the three people who died on Halloween night? It happened in Mississippi on a highway. Someone hit a trailer that was pulling people on a highway. Several people were injured, but three were killed. Authorities say that the three killed were related to one another. That is so sad and breaks my heart. It was most likely a family, a mother and her kids, or a father and his kids. It really makes me sad when I read about it because I cannot help but imagine how much fun and excitement this family was experiencing before the accident happened. The article did not say if the driver who caused the accident was drunk or on drugs. I wish people were more alert while on the road. Accidents like this are completely preventable. And now three people are no longer with us. Shit happens. People die for no real reason all the time. It’s unfortunate for these people, but they’re not alone or special in their grief. Maybe if the ride was found to be mechanically defective they can sue and gets some money. Otherwise it’s just another sad story out of so many others like it in the world. This really saddens me that people are so lost now a days. It never solves anything to hurt other people and this just shows a lack of judgement and remorse. It feels as though there had been a disconnect with humanity and we do not have the respect for each other that e once had. I hope that this person can find their way to a better path. Hey, remember that eighties song "You Spin me Right Round" that people like to laugh about? The guy responsible for that just dies recently, he seemed like he was pretty interesting. I heard that he was on the UK version of Celebrity Big Brother, but I bet that show is just as boring as the American version. It's so interesting how the celebrity culture over there compares to over here. I can't imagine the fear and anger that must be happening for these people to not only be attacked in this manner but to be in such a remote area that help cannot get you in a timely fashion. These senseless acts are obviously those of cowards that have no regard for human life and should be captured and dealt with harshly. There is not enough room in this world for people that would do this to others for any cause or religion. I hope that everyone that can be saved and cared for is able to get what they need in order to recover physically. I know that the emotional healing for all of them and their families will take much more time and help for these poor people that have had to endure such an atrocity. I can only hope we never see events such as this in my own family. this is a very tricky story, Cook a 20-year-old business major with no criminal history, has seemingly been charged, tried, and convicted. there is a lot of evidence coming out to accuse him of sexual harassment and rape but he denies and calls it consensual acts of sex. His lawyer has asked that cook is not crucified on what is being said but by facts. Thats pretty crazy that someone died in Jakarta. I don't even know what the whole issue was but just to think that just like that your life could be over. I get that politics is a pretty nasty sport but really when you think about it, it's quite different around the world then it is here. People think our current state of the nation is bad, can you just imagine being in some of these other countries where there seems to be nothing but endless political strife. I've even seen government members punch each other in meetings in some foreign governments. The world is such a crazy place. rember when Kim Kardashian was attacked in Paris? I just read another famous person, Mallika Sherawat was tear gassed and beaten :( It is so sad you can not feel safe anywhere! I am glad she is outspoken and is bringing awareness to this whole ordeal. I feel so bad for all these people just minding their own business and being attacked. A 22-year-old guy lost control of his Volkswagen and caused a head-on collision with a van. In addition to him and his passenger dying, a mother and two young children in the van were also killed. The van actually burst into flames. The teenage girl and her cousin in the van were the only ones able to escape. This is truly heartbreaking. I hope the impact killed them and they didn't have to suffer through the fire. Lmao why has no one told me about this. This i\should be like public information from insurance companies but of course they are trying the most amount of money off of their customers . Us safe drivers are the reason why they are profitable in the first place, so they could do their part and give us discounts for our safe driving practices Looks like India and Pakistani relations are going straight to hell. It is unclear if it was really sanctioned by their government, but Pakistan shelled across the border and killed 13 Indian civilians. Pakistan is saying India shelled them back and killed 6 of theirs. They are having some sort of dispute over their border and neither side really wishes to backdown. India claims they were destroying a terrorist encampment on the Pakistan side of the border, and Pakistan claims they bombed one of their military bases. The whole thing is a big mess and can't help the stability of the region. Did you hear that 1 person died and 7 more were injured in Indonesia? It is pretty amazing how hearing about these things in other parts of the world don't surprise me but if they happened here where we live it would be very shocking and disturbing to hear about. I bet they were motivated by religion because over there they are very strict and kill people who don't agree with them. Now a days for money people are doing anything, school children to make addict of porn websites and make porn video from them, i will tell one incident. The former elementary school volunteer accused of producing child pornography involving students as young as 9 has been indicted on two additional sex. The Guy Deonte Carraway, 23, of Glenarden, now faces a total of 15 federal counts of sexual exploitation of a minor to produce child pornography. The federal charges are separate from local charges that Carraway faces in Prince George’s County, where a local grand jury indicted him on 270 counts of sex crimes and child pornography involving 23 children as young as 9 years old. I just read an article about some chowder-head who used a hammer and a pick ax to destroy Donald Trump's star on the Hollywood walk of fame. Wow, what a great protest. You sure showed him. Good job. Lol, can you believe this garbage? Who has such a hollow and pathetic life that they don't have anything better to do with their time than commit petty vandalism because they dislike some politician? What a dingus. The tweets attacked her personally, she explained in a blog post on Thursday, and celebrated the end of “Mockingbird.” “Mockingbird is canceled,” Cain had tweeted early last week. “But we need to make sure @Marvel makes room for more titles by women about women kicking ass.” She also tweeted out the cover of the last “Mockingbird” issue and encouraged followers to buy that issue and “send a message to @marvel that there’s room in comics for super her stories about grown-up women. I think protests these days are getting out of hand. It's one thing if people want to protest peacefully, but it's another if they are damaging property and being aggressive and dangerous. I believe people should have a right to protest, but some laws must be in place. If you can't follow them there will need to be consequences. What won’t people post? Some mom posted a picture on Instagram of her 2-day-old C-Section scar to remind people that it’s no picnic. I guess it’s an unsolicited public service message of sorts. She had some sort of tumor that made it necessary. She had the baby and that’s the god news. Surprisingly, she got about 1200 “likes” in total. I found myself wanting to out of sympathy. Who needs birth control with this kind of publicity? She says she loves her scar. Go figure… All in all, I think she’s happy it’s over. The article talked about a person who took matters into their own hands where after their card was declined at Starbucks, he went back and ended up shooting a customer that was inside. This is the PRIME example of where there should be a serious look at our gun laws. Sure there is that second amendment that allows for the right to bear arms but look at how much our society has changed. Should that not be taken into account when thinking about the possibility that maybe not everyone should actually have that right? It's really sad how much our society has devolved into this constant chaos of shootings, violence, and terror. The whole situation with Dr. Luke and Kesha got way out of hand. I feel so bad for Kesha because she simply became a victim of the music industry and lost her voice in the process. Dr. Luke should be ashamed of himself for treating Kesha so badly and trying to make her into something that she wasn't. I'm glad that she got the help that she needed and is making strides toward her own recovery. I just read an article about the hate and racism in America since Donald Trump won the election. It talked about "countless acts of hate" beggining from day one of Trumps presidency. I thought the article was misleading. You cannot blame allready existing problems on a newly elected official. There was no facts or statisticis supporting the claims made in the article. I can not believe that their is still such hate in the world. When I read stories like this I think about how we really need to come together and rid the world of such hate. All those times we talked about things like this happening all over the world really make you think about your own life and what we are doing to make a change/positive impact on the world. I think it is very sad to see lives wasted in this manner such as careless deaths that will get no one anywhere. I know that you have told me a lot of the same things, so I wanted to see how you felt about this too. As someone who graduated with a STEM degree I know firsthand just how few women there are in the field. It's very sad, and it does indeed rob us of talent. All you have to do is look around to see how America is still a man-run country. The number of women in power is small, and women feel conflicted between what society says they should do and what they want to do. After all, many have aspirations besides raising kids. Who says that the 'house-mom' idea is right? The gender gap needs to close, and the wage gap. Women are not paid as much as men. That's a fact. India just confirmed its participation in the Paris Climate Accord. I think it's great that the larger countries of the world are willing to step in and say that things need to change. I also really like that they made the announcement on Gandhi's birthday. I think that's a nice and respectful way to honor his legacy. Educational videos can be helpful, but this seems rather silly to me. I would not consider applying make up on a train a pet peeve and I'm surprised it was on a list of complaints from other people. But we have to remember that this is a different culture as well so may be seen as something negative in Japan. I would agree on the issue of beauty that was mentioned in the article. It shouldn't be biased, only informative. It is terrible that our political system is so dysfunctional that one man can cause so much harm arounf the world. The result of American ignorance will mean a great deal of pain in many lives, including those of our next-door neighbor. I wish we valued experts more such that we could introduce policies that help all people--which is quite possible. Diplomacy and politics are not a zero-sum game: there are no enemies unless we create them. All people have value and choosing knee-jerk hate will only harm us in the long run. Hey. I just read an article about Somali refugees in America and I had many thoughts. I understand where these refugees are coming from. Having to leave their home and come to a foreign country where they don't know many people and having others not want you there. I understand that they had to leave their home country because of whatever issues the country was having but I wonder if these refugees could try a bit harder. It's hard to come here as an immigrant and I'm sure way more harder to come as a refugee but taking initiatives to push forward and somehow make it work would be the best thing possible. It did make me feel sad for them. I wondered if it's possible to give them more aid based on working or something to reward them for being a member of society. It is very tragic to hear this news regarding the circumstances that many animals are facing in various zoos across the globe. It seems that human nature is causing these animals to be subjected to lives they shouldn't have to endure. If they were released into nature then maybe they would have a fighting chance but at the same time, most of them have been raised in the zoo perhaps so their "social skills" in nature may be quite the detriment as well. I just wish that some organization(s) could rescue them and take care of them the way they ought to be. No animal should really have to live in a zoo, to begin with, and now they are suffering from malnourishment and lack of care. It is tragic to read about this but it is the world in which we live. I think it is really fucked up that people continue to mess with the environment. Corporations and these oil fuckers should stopped. They are damaging the environment to no end! Someone needs to sit down with CEOs and ask them, "Why do you want billions if you won't be able to enjoy it in the future when the environment is completely fucked?" Seriously, where is a CEO going to travel to enjoy his millions and stay at luxury resort villas when the environment is completely fucked? The luxury resort will be gone!! His wealth will end up amounting to nothing when he can't even enjoy it. His future children will have millions passed down but they won't fully enjoy it because the planet will be fucked! What the fuck? These people are morally fucking bankrupt, only bankrupt they'll ever know. These poor people. I hope the researchers can find a way to help them. The thought that you can't even use the water that is deep in the ground due to arsenic contamination is horrible. This is a sign of the times, however, and I believe as populations grow, water is going to be a big commodity due to the scarcity of clean water. I feel like the world is so corrupt that it no longer makes me feel anything. I expect the worst from this world and only am surprised when something exceedingly good happens. That is a shame that such a gruesome scene cannot even make me feel anything. The world is a cesspool and we no longer have any integrity to show for it. the person that rented out the appartment i feel was in the wrong doing because they didnt own the place so when the damages came it he wasnt able to fix the problems making it the owners problem which led to them finding out and having to file the law suite for 20k to get there money back so it was a messy situtation While reading this, I can't help but think about how much of politics nowadays is about money. How many millions of dollars is spent trying to convince people that someone is a good person and right for the job. It should be like any other position. Work hard. Do good. Build a resume you can be proud of and let that speak for itself! It's always sad to hear someone losing their lives, especially during a terrible crash such as Yu Xu, who was the first woman to fly a Chinese fighter jet. It's even worse that it happened during a training mission, and not a real mission. I hope her family can find peace and that she can be remembered for her positivity and caring towards others. I think it is crazy to think that the Zika virus is just going to disappear. I'm really worried about getting bit by an infected mosquito and then getting pregnant. I wouldn't want anything to happen to my baby. This person thinks that we should just put girls in a room with infected mosquito's and let them get bit. I don't think you can prevent immunity that way. I don't think this virus is just going to disappear. I think something has to be done to prevent it from infecting more people. It needs to be controlled. I think it is sad for those that have already gotten the virus. Something has to be done to help these poor people. Once again, another group of innocent people negatively impacted by this buffoon and his horrific policies and his agenda. It still floors me that this immoral idiot is now the President of the United States. I've lost all respect for our government and the government "officials" who run our country. How can anyone, in this day and age, still believe that climate change is not real? I imagine it's the same people who believe the earth is flat. We should be working towards clean and renewable energy but of course there are fights all across the way because people want to make money. Also replacing infrastructure is hard. But, that's not an excuse when you know that entire parts of the country might expand into a desert. This is especially true of North America. Hello friend, I'm so glad I don't have a Wells Fargo account. I've hated this company for a long time. I've heard from friends that have an account there that they hated it. It's not surprising that Wells Fargo was opening fake accounts. Imagine the headache of having to deal with that on your credit report. Those customers should be compensated big time for this. Of course, nobody will be prosecuted. I just read about Arnold Palmer dying. He was a fixture on Sunday afternoons watching golf. I really wish that he was still around, I will miss him out on the course. He has always been around since I was a kid, even when he quit playing he would be out there for the major championships. I think it will be different watching them without him around. He was a genuinely nice man. It's no surprise that they're finally learning just how traumatic middle school can be--for everyone involved. Looking back, I can say that the person I was in middle school is almost like a stranger to me know. I was completely different before and after middle school, and during those three years themselves it was like I was someone I'd never met. God bless the mothers who stick with us throughout it all. It's truly awful anytime some sick minded individual decides to take the life of others for literally no reason other than just to do it. Arcan Cetin was believed to be the one who shot up a maul and killed numerous people. It really is alarming at what goes wrong in these people's lives that makes them do such thing. Oh man, I feel perturbed. Why do people have to keep suffering and dying so we can understand that strict gun control is necessary, who needs to die? How many people? This is just a sad and crazy story repeating itself, over and over again. We need to understand that as long as anyone can get a gun, nobody is safe. This was terrible! I'm so glad that those guys got arrested. It's never okay to throw bottles at people, I don't care who you are or what the circumstances are. That poor kid almost died. I mean why? For nothing. Because of a stupid fan rivalry? What do you guys think? Agree or disagree? I can't see how you could take a different stance on it, but just for kicks and giggles. I mean I'm all for sports and stuff but if you get out of control and you hurt someone, that's on you. This is supposed to be fun. These games aren't supposed to be violent, and continued behavior along these lines could damage the reputation of the game, the fans, and the organization. I don't condone it at all and I don't think that you should either. So there you go, that's that. There you go. That's that. There. I feel really bad for these orangutans. They must have been treated so bad to be in the condition they are in when they were found. Those things should never have been bought and trades and put in a domesticated situation. It's good that they're being taken care of. Hopefully they can recover and go back to where they came from. This is going to sound insensitive, but this article was rather dry. And I just realized that that was a horrible pun. Anyways, this article is illustrating the harm of over pumping water sources in Dhaka, Bangladesh. It sounds like a really terrible situation, with arsenic being a terrible poison that's being pushed around by all of this negligence. You should read it. Let's be real for a second - politics is and always has been a cruel and nasty game. These politicians throw insults at each other for months in order to win. That's what competition portrays itself as in politics. For this woman to suddenly become offended when she has thrown around plenty of insults herself is not just hypocritical, but also shows a lot of weakness on her part. I don't like her policies anyways! So I read an article on Leon Russell passing away. I really do not listen to rock and roll music like that, but from the article you can just see how many people he has touched in his life in positive ways. There was even a quote from Elton John talking about how influential Russel was in his own life, and the impact he had on his stardom. This man should be found guilty. There is no way he forgot that his son was in the car. The child would have been able to speak. He would have been in a front facing car seat. there is no way he didn't see him. He is guilty and he needs to be punished. He should be put in prison for life. This poor child suffered a great deal and this man needs to suffer. Look at this nonsense. We can put dudes on the moon and videochat across the planet with anyone we like, but we STILL can't make containers for fuel that don't leak everywhere? You know that "Cui bono" thing I told you about? At this point I think someone (probably the environazis) benefit from this enough to keep doing it. How about we build pipelines for the oil? Oh right, environazis again, complete with the trash heap they left behind after their protest. I wanted to write a bit to you regarding an article I just read about the Confederate Flag. Initially my feelings are a bit sadden by all the news and attention this situation is creating. I myself on the one hand would sympathize with those who are in support of the flag, like putting myself in their shoes. In matters of free choice, if it is their choice to want to display the flag, I support their right of free choice. I am also in sympathy with those that may find offense of the Confederate Flag. It may in fact open up old wounds, and bring back hurtful memories. However I fully support our President's view. President and Mr. Donald Trump feels that the Confederate Flag should be placed in a museum. That course of action is an intelligent response, for both sides of the issue. I agree. I think it is exciting to learn about new ways to save money in my day to day life. I am thrilled to learn that there is a potentially far more cost effective way for me to live each day, which will put me on my way towards making my dreams come true. I am intrigued by the service and I can’t wait to sink my teeth into something that could be of great service down the road. I just read the most disturbing article about Terry Jones -- that actor who used to be on Monty Python. Apparently he has a relatively serious form of dementia known as primary progressive aphasia which affects the ability to speak, recall words, and generally be able to communicate with people. So terribly sad. I can't even imagine how his family must feel. It would be terrible to watch someone you love slowly deteriorate like that,. Wow, what an amazing story. I had no idea that the zika virus could cause such horrific developmental problems in children. As a parent of 2 myself, nothing scares me more than to think about all the horrible things that could happen to my kids in this world, and what I would do to prevent them from having to endure such things. What a terrible disease, and one that we know so little about and have essentially no real medicine type treatment for! I'm sure it's only a matter of time before this makes it's way closer to where I live! Scary! This is a sad story. There is a Rhino Orphanage, but a beloved rhino just passed about. They tried so hard to save this rhino, and unfortunately the baby rhino named Thula is the area that this happened in. It never gets easier. The other rhinos here are being taken care of, but it was a great loss, and we all feel so bad about it. The name of the baby rhino was Isibindi, and she will be missed. I just don't believe this article. It definitely seemed to lean towards a very liberal bias. I just have a tough time believing the numbers on this one. I would like to see where they got their figures. Unfortunately, I feel that everyone is just against Trump. It doesn't matter what he does!!! I think its sick having these kids working. These kids should be playing and having an education. Why are they doing this? This just shows you how much people care about money. Its disgusting. Human beings are disgusting. I feel so ashamed. God will punish all of these people. We are just being controlled. Someone needs to put this to an end. I really hope these children get the life they deserve. This is why there is a lot of people suffering from depression because of these terrible things going on. Hello there, I think this situation in Haiti needs our attention. It's clear that these people are suffering after such a catastrophe befell them. I urge you to donate and make a difference in these people's lives especially the children who are suffering and don't have anything to eat. Every dollar will count I think I have never heard of any of the people mentioned in this article. I did not even know that there is a monarchy in Thailand. It sounds like the king that died recently was very well liked by the Thai people. Anyway, I hope that this lady heals quickly from her illness and that she has a prompt recovery. I cannot stand Donald Trump and his fear mongering. Most Muslim people I know are very, very kind people. It is so unfortunate there are so many hate crimes because of the ignorance our President continues to blast on twitter. It's not just Muslims. It's everyone that is not part of the Alt-White movement. Jewish people, LBGTQ people. Black people. It is fueled by hate and ignorance. Trumps Muslim ban did more harm than good! He just caused fear, creating a deeper divide in our country. It's sad. Honestly I do feel bad for him but at the same time you should not be taking a selfie around an animal that is clearly so dangerous. Pythons are really dangerous animals and I get that the man had rescued the reptile from a local hotel but even still, you need to have your eyes on that thing at all times. I feel like some people are not as responsible as they should be, and that goes for anything. People are too busy spending their life looking through the viewfinder of their smartphone camera and are so busy trying to document everything online in their desperate, never ending quest for more likes and followers that they are willing to put their personal safety on the line, and that's really sad and I think it really speaks to where we're going as a society as well, and it's frustrating. This is old news, really. We all know Trump won...and no one really saw it coming. No one thought he could win, every step of the way...and yet he did. He's in office...he's messing things up...whatever. We can only hope Mueller does something and/or that someone else wins in 2020. I'm tired of hearing about it. Isnt it crazy man that more and more sports legends are starting to pass away? Him and Jack were perhaps the most important icons in golf. Have you ever had an Arnold Palmer? It's a really good drink too. We should share a few Arnold Palmers later on today to honor the life of this great man. Should we hit a few rounds today as well? I mean I know you're a big gold fan, so I understand how this is upsetting you. I will send you more articles about him later on today so we can talk more about him. What do you think? Who do you think was better? Jack or Arnold? What about tiger? Either way, I hope you get this article and it helps lift your spirits a bit. I cannot really connect to the article since I am not a big golf person, but I still think we should honor the man. hey guys as you can see here an elderly woman has come up and was taken tot he hospital by the police and they are requesting asistance trying to identify her and see who knows her if any of you have seen this woman or know any of her relatives or her name that would really ebhelpful in helping the police get her back with her family and reunite with them if you have any tips o nay sort pleas ome forward and csll the police Reading about the sniper shooting the wolf was heartbreaking and anger inducing. I would have been very angry if i was the one tracking the wolf and found out the wolf i had been following had been killed by an irresponsible asshole. Wolves are a majestic animal and i believe the guy that shot the wolf should be brought up on charges Hey I thought you'd be interested in this article I just read about the complications associated with contact lenses. I know you were considering allowing Mary to get contacts instead of her glasses this year. It seems that complications can range from microbial infections to complete blindness! Interestly, the CDC notes that there are less incidents with the disposable lenses. Have you considered them at all? Trump should really not underestimate the blacks. They got complacent after two Obama terms, and didn't come out in force like they should have for the election. Now that Trump is in office, I don't think there's any way he can win the black vote, and that would definitely sway the election in 2020. I really think Trump's days are numbered, whether it's impeachment or defeat in the next election. Friends and family, this is another tragic incident. This involves a troubled boy who was literally body slammed by a teacher. He then was rushed to the hospital but they could not do much for him even through all of their best efforts. In the end he had to have his leg removed. This is tragic and we should seek justice for this child! How horrible! I don't care what crime anyone has committed, beating a person and then setting them on fire is detestable! I hope and pray that the authorities will be able to find out where this video originated from and bring the perpetrators to justice! It makes me sick that a human being could do that to another human! this kind of stuff always makes me afraid to even go outside.If there is something to catch someone will just bring it to others and it is just something that is horrible and not what I would want to put onto others.It makes me afraid that it could spread and would make things worse for everyone and drive others to panic. I understand why this is a problem but I don't see any reason to get upset over it. It seemed like they were writing about it with more emotion than the situation deserves. Trees die all the time. They're replaced by something else. It's extremely common. I get that it's worth given current climate conditions but still. You mean you can't breathe in smog and pollution and walk away unscathed? Who knew?! This article states so much obviousness, that you would hope people were already aware of these issues. You have cancer? Well, you had better move away from that smog bowl you live in! India and China are both owners of some nasty smog infested cities. Not surprised. Ha. Get him, snake! I'm so proud of that snake. If you don't want to be crushed by an angry python, maybe don't use the poor thing to do tricks for people. I mean, crushing the warm thing until it stops moving is kind of what giant snakes do. I hope they didn't kill the snake, poor baby. She was just defending herself, basically. There is a bacteria outbreak in Wisconsin. Fever, chills, shortness of breath and has killed a few people. The problem is they do not understand or can't identify where the bug is coming from. Tap water or ground water is unlikely but they can't rule it out. Pretty scary. Its not a superbug in a sense that it does respond to some medicines. This is something that the Geneva Convention would ban from use in warfare, as it is inhumane and immoral as a tactic. I am very saddened by the turmoil in the middle east. Often I think about how we got here and why it got so bad and blame the powerful and privileged countries, including mine, have caused these conflicts. It feels like it will never end, a hopeless situation. I feel powerless to help anyone over there myself, I can only vote here and hope for the best in the end. Maybe someday the people over there will be much safer and happier. This article I just read is pretty disturbing. It's about a guy who was trying to warm up inside a hot spring that fell into one that was way too hot, and was basically boiled alive. It's sad, and apparently one of the people with him caught it on camera. The really disturbing part comes when the authorities couldn't get to the body because of how hot it was, and when they came back, they discovered that it had dissolved completely. That part creeped me out. Hey, Measles is still killing kids around the world basically in the countries that don't take care of their people. The governments and terrorist organizations like Boko Haram don't care about kids. I gotta think this is just another example of pure evil, killing kids all the while the government takes aid, money, food, or whatever and keeps it for themselves or sells it to the people and puts them in servitude. God bless the USA! I cannot believe what I'm reading. Details of that Wells Fargo new accounts scam, how the lowly bank tellers would make up accounts because they were paid so low and badgered so much that they felt obligated to cheat like this. For shame. I'm surprised these details didn't get really publicized when this thing was happening. Man it crazy I just read an article about a disaster that struck Colatina, Brazil. The disaster struck when a dam ruptured and polluted the most important river in Brazil where people were getting their foods and surviving from what the river had to offer. Now it it polluted with mining waste because of the rupture of the dam. I feel really bad that they are in a position where they cant even eat the fish in the river because the fish showed some kind of mutation because of the pollution. It really sucks that a company just pays a minimal amount after causing a huge disaster like this totally unfair Well, I totally understand the people to make a deliberate choice of not having children. It is such physically and emotionally charged task. I would say it is impossible to do it right. Infants, middle schoolers, high schoolers… It is not easy for kids to be kids, to depend on parents who are also struggle with their problems and issues. The issues of communication, balancing, keeping priorities are especially importance in the relationships with your middle school children: it is critical time to form your lifelong relationship with them and, probably, it is one of the most challenging period. There was a person in the articles that was muslim and at a bar for nightly events. They got into a dispute with another person and then the other person killed them. The investigators said something about donald trump and his hatred toward muslim people maybe having something to do with making the murderer feel justified in his actions. It's terrifying to think that suicide is becoming more common in younger and younger children. I can believe that it happens with teenagers, but it's starting to become more common in children and preteens too. I can't imagine the anguish you would feel to lose a young child to suicide. I can't imagine how you would move on from that. See what I told ya! If kids are bored they will eventually be up to no good. Here is this man just minding his own business and he's attacked by a bunch of teens on bikes! The kid that threatened him with the bottle was probably just trying to show off to his friends. I mean, this did happen in Scotland but it could've been right in our backyards as well. I think we really need to rethink our commitment to the youth center. I firmly believe that when kids have a place to go and things to do, they are less inclined to get caught up in this kind of mischief! What I learned is that one of the things I learned was Allah is with the patient people, that only Allah can protect a person, that Allah Is the best protector, Good and bad come from him alone, that we should depend on him for everything, that he will reward the believers who are suffering for having patience because Allah I always with the good people, I believe justice will be served on judgement day. I can not believe the struggle that has to be. And for god sake, all of them are mostly arsons, well into the 70% range. I can't believe that at all. Seems a bit high but I guess people just have no respect for nature or other peoples lives. Having your house burn down in a wild fire has to be one of the worst things that coudl happen to someone. All your belongings, all those memories, the life you built and the family or friends you surroudned yourself with. Gone. Well hopefully not your family gone cause then you'd really be in trouble but your hosue at least and sentimental things. I hope that never happens to you. It can be a hard experience to go through, but I feel that this was a good article about the conditions of Haiti. It's not in a very good state and has gone through some tough trials. The people are in need of support, supplies, resources, hope, and cooperation. The writing was very descriptive of what has happened and may come in the future. I think you'd find this interesting to read. There is something very, very wrong with someone who thinks nothing of hurting a fellow human being. How heartless someone must also be to take the life of another human no one has the bloody right to take. And how rotten one must be to hurt an innocent animal that is without sin and any capability of purposely doing harm. I'm not sure why this qualifies as news...I don't care about whatever is happening in Mariah Carey's life. I especially don't care about guys making other guys jealous....I feel for her ex boyfriend or husband or whatever, as it's not cool to purposely make an ex jealous. She could still meet him but I would do it away from cameras. Things are really bad in Afghanistan right now - I just read an article about the latest. Refugees from European countries are being sent home to Afghanistan, only to see the turmoil first-hand. And there are problems with resources getting to the people who need them. So many displaced people in bad shape. I wish countries would get together and share resources and welcome immigration. If everyone had enough resources to live comfortably, things would surely improve. A bus driver, going about doing his business, supporting the community, has had his life taken from him in what is a senseless and needless act." Taxi driver Aguek Nyok helped passengers escape. He was in the area meaning to get a haircut and kicked the bus door three times before managing to break it open. "All the people were at the back trying to get out of the bus but they couldn't get out the front because of the flames," he told the Courier-Mail newspaper. "They couldn't open the back door so I kicked it down and they all came running out. "It was one of the two: you get the people out or they're going to die." Mr Nyok said there were three children among the passengers. Brisbane Lord Mayor Graham Quirk said it was "a very, very sad day for the council and the wider community". Flags It is time to end this war and bring our troops home. We have been in Afghanistan for almost 18 years. That is insane. Our original purpose was to fight Al-Qaeda which we accomplished a long time ago. Then our goal was to kill Bin Laden, this was also accomplished a long time ago. This is a war with no end game. These days, women are winning in sports. There has been so many instances of men prevailing in their sport that it is now time that women do the same. Sports have been men's things for so long and I am happy to see that there are women joining the ranks of these top athletes. I am so proud of my species and how we have come so far in equality. I love that there are more even playing grounds now. How I wish some leaders were like Barrack Obama because some do not believe that global warming is happening.He has encouraged people to start protecting the environment to avoid global warming from harming us.Some countries have already signed up agreements that will help them like the paris agreement. hello andrea I know it's only been 2 weeks since you went to japan but I hope it's good for you and that especially be very careful remember that it's a different country with a different ethnicity things are very different there I hope you take care of everything since There's a lot of prostitution away from the evils and you'll be a good friend until later I think this is a terrible story to hear. For a family to be torn apart like that is just heart wrenching. It is such a tragedy for all involved to be lost due to a temporary lapse in judgment. I hope the father can come to grips with the situation and eventually find some kind of lasting peace, and be able to go on with his life after a loss of this magnitude. I guess the Indigenous people get screwed again. Technology and progress is always messing with them. I'm kinda worried about the fishing I do. I fish a good bit and eat what I catch. I hope there isn't any methylmercury in the fish I eat. If there is, I wonder if it has messed me up some. That could be where some of my health problems come from. Maybe it's time to stop eating the fish I catch. The thought of suffering from sleep paralysis is quite unnerving. It would seemingly be akin being a prisoner in one's own body. I would encourage anyone suffering from such issues to have such an issue investigated by a doctor. It is very fortunate that we live in a time where doctors can assist individuals with such issues, so people should really seek help. i was reading about the war in Iraq. not gonna lie, i couldnt read it all. logically you know "war is hell" but all the details of it were too much for me. i tried, but reading of who's got a head head injury, who got gassed, it was too much. I flinch when i hear the words "suicide bomber" on the news, so reading about people being dragged into the city to be used as human sheilds was too much. I dont get it. how can people be so horrible to each other. bomb and attacks require calculated effort i just cant comprhend. If you have gone through war, gone through hell, you should expect that when you come home to the country that you have been fighting to protect that they will take care of you in some way instead of throwing you out into the cold and basically tell you good luck. It is heartbreaking to know people out there are in poverty, but especially to know that our war veterans are treated this way. I thought this was a pretty interesting article. I learned some things about Moldovan politics. It might be relevant to some of what you and I were talking about some time ago. In any case, it has some new facts that have come to light, as it were, new information or opinions that I had not fully considered prior to reading this article. This is a sad state of affairs, but what do you expect from a country that is as corrupt as Russia. The ruling class has a stranglehold on the wealth and the average person gets next to nothing. The country is barely a step above a third world country in most parts, while the rich get richer and Putin profits. There is not that much difference now than in the 70's and 80's except now the corruption is out in the open and there are billionaires all over the place. Another sad story. I am deeply sorry for the families of the innocent civilians that were killed but our United States army has to do what it has to do in order to protect our great country and keep us all safe as Americans. Living in those types of countries is a risk and sometimes innocent peoples lives have to be taken in order to keep us safe and protect our country. For all the married couples out there, please think twice before you cheat on your beloved spouse. Is it really worth to throw away years of experiences down the drain just to have fun with a random stranger for a night? These celebrity scandals are such a joke, all the times I look on the news and these relationships barely last. There is people starving and going without any food. Some of these people used to have jobs and ate well before they fell on bad times. They are suffering and going without basic nessicities. One mother went as far as trying to boil grass for her children to eat. I cant imagine lacking so much nutrition and suffering so bad Hey friend did you check out this article. We should do our best to protect ourselves and our loved ones from Zika. I know that when my wife was pregnant I paid close attention to the news in order to be up to date with developments. It is really sad to see children being born with microphely. I really hope something will be done. Wow talk about crazy. I know the situation in Africa was bad, but I just always feel it never gets better. You told me that you're visiting in a few weeks. Can you ensure me that you will be okay? I am worried about you and want to maker sure you're okay. Hopefully your missionary work will yield good results. Maybe I will read about you in an article in a few months helping over all. Anyways, I hope this reaches you. It kind of worries me a little bit because sometimes I go through phases where I have a really hard time falling asleep or staying asleep. It's so weird. It happens or no reason and it last's for like 2 weeks and then all of a sudden stops and doesn't happen again for awhile. Sometimes I'm so tired and I really want to fall asleep but I just can't. I try everything, melatonin, warm milk, an eye mask and a fan or white noise but nothing works and then all of a sudden I'm fine again and no problems. I was shocked at these statistics. temperatures are becoming dangerously high. the culprits is the fossil fuel industries. we need to hold them accountable, the government has failed, But how can we have faith in our governments to take this action when they continue to hand nearly hundreds of billions of dollars in government subsidies to the coal, gas, and oil industries? Ending these subsidies would be a giant step towards solving the climate crisis saving giga onnes of carbon dioxide emissions, and helping make clean energy cheaper than fossil fuels, we need to do something and do it now A Cincinnati Zoo had improper safety regulations which led to a 3 year old boy falling into a Gorilla pit. This was the Harambe thing everyone was talking about years ago. They ended up shooting the Gorilla in an attempt to prevent the child from getting hurt, but there was a lot of uproar over whether it was necessary or not. It's a happy ending for the kid but I really wish both lived. I read an article about making the ivory trade legal, and it said it could cause the extinction of elephants. I find it extremely disturbing, since I can't imagine elephants being extinct. It makes me really angry that poachers are able to kill so many elephants, and that even if it's legal to trade ivory, the demand is still really high. I think finding a substitute for ivory is a better choice. No one actually needs ivory, and keeping it illegal seems like a better idea. I think we should just leave them where they are. They're not causing any problems. They're too dangerous and too costly to try to move. There hasn't been great reports of them starving. They should be fine to roam around there for now. We don't want to waste tax dollars to try to deal with a dangerous situation. Apparently the giant albatross is being destroyed by giant mice that have overrun one of their main breeding islands. I don't exactly understand how, but the parents haven't learned that the mice are a threat and just sit there and watch them eat the babies. Seeing as how they are meat eaters you'd think the mice would provide an easy snack. I agree with this article completely. I used to take the pill for awhile and it did change my moods and make me feel weird and just off. So I switched to the depo shot and same thing. It made me feel super depressed and also made me gain a lot of weight. I have had some kind of bad side effect with every birth control I've ever tried. I refuse to take any form of birth control now except for condoms and I track my cycle so I know when I'm fertile. What I have learned from Aghanistan is that they are really the source of corruption in the middle east. Afghanistan went through bad conditions in the last three decades but in the new government of HAMID KARZAI from 2000 it's started developing again many reconstruction and other works can be seen.It's going to take a lot of work though. Hello, I thought this behavior was a thing of the past, but read this article, it is rather enlightening. I often think here in the US there is a great divide on how racial issues are dealt with, and the US is not the only one. There are many racial problems in other countries and that makes me feel hopeless for the future. If we can't fix the issues here in America, how can we critizice other countries? just another fucked up mental sickness of american police against its black residents, I honestly have no idea why they have to be so sensitive with their fucking guns, they shoot people as if people can respawn after being shot or something, police should think twice before taking out people's lives with no legitimate reason, I guess it's good that police have body cam, so the public can see what shame they are brining upon themselves This is sad and such a strange case. I don't know who to side on. While it would have been good to stop the boat to look it also might not have mattered depending on where he fell into the water. I don't really care about them being gay or the fact that they say they were harassed that shouldn't matter in the case anyway. A Russian fighter jet crashed into the Mediterranean Sea as it attempted to land on an aircraft carrier. The pilot safely ejected from the aircraft. Many Russian naval vessels are not off the coast of Syria in Russia's support of the Syrian government. Many Britains are concerned over Russian warships traveling through British waters. But Russia says its focus is about maintaining and safeguarding it's maritime economic activity and responding to new kinds of piracy and international terrorism. As it turns out, male models do not make as much as their female counterparts. I was not aware this was the case. The reasoning seems to be that male models have a longer career, whereas women are considered going downward after thirty. The gap in pay between them is quite high. Some people are doing their best to split the wages more fairly, but it appears to be the default to pay women more in this industry. I think more men are paying attention to their grooming habits. I hope that men will earn more fair wages in the future. so Trump's guy of SCOTUS is anti LGBTQ. he's so far off the mark its insane. wants to outlaw gay sex basically. like, WHO is gonna enforce what happens in someones bedroom? I cant with this adminstration anymore. where will it end? just let people love who they want... crazy homophobes are gonna make america a whole new version of hell How can they do this to these people? Did you see this? How can you move people who were fleeing war and violence to another place after they had already settled there? It's unbelievable, I feel so sorry for these people, and someone needs to step in and help them stay where they are currently comfortable. I just read an article that the U.N. reports that ISIS has executed over 200 people near the Iraqi city of Mosul and is using thousands of people as human shields. The Iraqi forces are advancing against them and as a result, ISIS carried out mass killings, punishing people who had defied its orders. They are even forcing women to wear gloves to completely cover themselves, and accusing anyone who has even a cell phone of being a spy. It seems they are growing increasingly desperate and determined to take the lives and freedom of everyone in their path without regard to civility or even basic humanity. This scourge must be stopped, it is so heartbreaking to read about these victims! The article also good.but some times also said medical teams were examining the bodies and trying to determine their identities. “The investigation is just beginning,” he said. The Iraqi Joint Command issued a brief statement condemning the Islamic State. “Gangs of ISIS militants continue to commit crimes against our people,” the military said. Fighters from the Islamic State, also known as ISIS, have held the city of Mosul and surrounding towns and villages for more than two years. You know how you were having trouble sleeping? Here, read about people who have tinnitus - it'll put you to sleep. I feel like more should be done to help the seven percent who say their tinnitus is a big problem for them, though. That's the same as any other psychiatric complaint, right? If it's affecting your life so that you can't function normally, there should be some kind of help for you Did you hear what is happening in Aleppo? Residents are being texted (apparently from their government) to evacuate their homes in preparation of the city being bombed! It’s just terrible what those people have to endure. I feel so bad for them. Their country is already so war torn, and they are almost out of food. 2 pounds of meat costs $40. I can’t even begin to imagine what these people are going through. If it we here, happening to our families, I would be so scared. I was reading where Chicago, Illinois has an incredible problem with lead in their public drinking fountains. This problem is all over in public buildings, parks and even in homes where lead pipes are still in existence. This is a problem that can have both immediate and long-range problems for adults and children in the city. Children growing up drinking this polluted water can have many health problems including learning disabilities, behavioral problems and a variety of diseases. The homeless are also prone to having problems because they rely on public drinking fountains every day. There was this little boy found dead down a well somewhere in China. He fell down there well helping his father harvest, I guess on a farm they own. What kind of weird is that they weren't able to get him out till four days later; not really sure why they couldn't get him out sooner...could have saved his life. Maybe they just didn't have enough resources...sad...very sad... I think it's well known what the CIA has been doing through it's torture programs of suspected terrorists at Guantanamo Bay. Dr. Rosecrans a leading psychiatrist for the Navy was immersed in treating these patients. She worked there for almost fifteen years and had difficulty helping out these traumatized victims after their incarceration. Looks like a lot of muslim hate crimes are going on, especially in new york city. A lady had her clothes set on fire right in public. People yelling "get out of America" at them, etc. I can understand people's animosity towards them as their religious people essentially declared war on us, but not everyone is that extreme. Tensing was later fired. Tensing, 26, testified he feared he was going to be killed. Prosecutors said repeatedly the evidence contradicted Tensing’s story. Judge Megan Shanahan said Saturday that the jury of 10 whites and two blacks spent more two hours deliberating Saturday morning after getting a night’s sleep and still could not reach a decision. “It’s obvious to me you have made a sincere and conscientious effort,” the judge said before setting a new hearing date for Nov. 28 to determine whether the case will re-tried. County prosecutor Joe Deters said he’ll decide within the next two weeks whether to try the case again. Attorney Al Gerhardstein, who represents the DuBose family, said they want another trial and can’t understand why the jury couldn’t reach a conclusion. “With the video Can you believe this article? The more I read this article the more disgusted I got with what had been done to this kitten. This is a awful story that deserves to be heard by more people to make sure that the the kitten receives justice, and that the person who did this is not allowed to hurt any more animals. I think it is a great thing that this person is not allowing for someone to get away with this and making sure that others will stand with him and not allow this crime to go unpunished. I think it would be great if you could share this story and let others know so something like this can be stopped in the future. I think the wraparound glasses are a great idea. I don't care how ridiculous they look. If I had to choose whether or not my kid was worried about fashion or protecting his eyes, eye protection would win every time. Ugh, can you imagine the possibility of losing your eyesight, or possibly even the whole eye, just because you didn't want to look silly? Nope, wraparound glasses all the way! This is no surprise. As with every year before it for the past couple decades, this was the hottest year on record. I do not know how so many people can take irrefutable scientific evidence like this and still not only question, but outright deny that global warming is happening. It makes me angry that we are killing this planet and there are so many people that are simply too stupid too admit it is happening and fix it. I think it is important to ensure safe drivers on our roads, for our family’s sake. I believe that the rate of accidents on American roads is far higher than acceptable. I believe there should be more restrictive driving requirements and testing, as well as harsher punishments for drivers who do not respect the riles of the road. If he is not responsible for the killings, it would be baffling as to why he would attack the officers. If it turns out that he was responsible for these killings, it is good that he can no longer harm anyone else. It must be a nerve-wracking job to be a police officer, knowing that at any moment someone could attack you for no good reason. Wow - what a lucky cop!! I can't believe he was able to stop that guy. The community is much better off without him. As fascinating as I find true crime, I really don't understand the impulse of some people to kill. It's crazy. I can't believe the damage that guy caused. Luckily, he was stopped!! I think issues like basic income, universal healthcare, and right to assisted dying are way more important. My interest in being fit or healthy is the reduction of painful symptoms. When I eat sugar, carbs, and enriched flour foods, my legs hurt, my back hurts, my stomach digestion goes very bad, and I get heartburn. For me, it's not so much about being fat or not, it's about reducing pain. I personally don't agree with science making these kinds of decisions. Maybe, just maybe, a higher power didn't want these people to reproduce? How do we know that these methods don't permanently change something in the DNA that helps guarantee that a serial killer is born four of five generations down the line. How do we know? There have been no studies. I would guess by this article that since boys that are born using this method also have low sperm counts, that something, or someone, somewhere, is trying to tell them something. It's shocking how little people care about this and how little Africa gets mentioned in the news. This is horrific when you think about the number of victims and the people who are harmed. I wish people could focus on this. It's ridiculous that people are getting away with this and it is a huge crisis on the level of other genocides in history. I just can't imagine forcing a child any child let alone your child into such sick sexual acts. I'm a firm believer of every family is different but something like this is appalling in my opinion. And there should never be any grounds of acceptance for such behavior. I commend the victim of these acts, that she was strong and spoke up against her parents. I can't imagine how she felt or how she coped going through such an ordeal. I'm happy that she was able to tell her story and maybe so no one else has to go through it. This is horrible. Too have a disaster like this happen is sad. Other nations should do what we can in order to help. You never know when we may need the help for other countries. We know as a country how hard it is to loss everything to a natural disaster. All the lives lost it is best practice to help out. I'm not sure how to feel about animals that are considered as abused when being used for entertainment purposes. It gives us the opportunity to learn and see them up close but at the same time its hard to handle the fact that these animals might be feeling pain. I mean imagine being captive by monkeys your whole life so they can introduce them to humans. Would be sad. I saw a story about Yemen today. Have you read about it. It looks like ethnic cleansing over there. It is so awful hearing about innocent people being killed just because of where they are from. It's like Nazi Germany in some parts of the world. It is very scary to me. Nobody is really doing anything but making proclamations. Rights groups can't seem to do anything either. I wish these evil people would stop doing this. What a rare occurrence to have that mutation come up for both parents. I feel very bad for Nicholas and his family. Thankfully they are able to afford the treatments that Nicholas would need almost his entire life. I feel bad for the family who aren't able to afford such treatments for their own kids. So, I just read an article that I have absolutely no interest in. It was a bunch of gossip about Val Kilmer's health, as if that is newsworthy. I'm not even sure why I read the whole thing. I gained nothing in the way of knowledge by reading this article. What a waste of time! People really should learn how to mind their own business. You should read this article on climate change. It's incredibly fascinating. Climate change is happening and it's really scary. Humans are causing it. It will soon be a major problem for us all. It affects all life on earth, not just people. Biodiversity has been affected and has gone down. Temperatures are changing for the worse. It's simply awful. This article says that, A deeper look inside Wells Fargo's shameful vault — People my kids' age, who track their money by smartphone, wonder why garish competing bank branches still stud every shopping district in Philadelphia and the suburbs. Now we know: Behind the lollipops and the barred cages where the tellers sit, perverse incentives at many banks turn branches into, not just stores, but sweatshops, pushing products customers don't need and may not have ordered, thanks to admissions by Wells Fargo Bank, the dominant lender around Philadelphia, and veteran bankers. Facing outrage, Wells Fargo has belatedly stalled tens of millions of dollars in stock awards to two top executives after admitting it fired 5,300 low-paid workers over five years for opening phony accounts. this is all about politics it talks about the like of Janet Reno, first female US attorney general who dies at 78 — anet Reno, former US attorney general under President Bill Clinton, died Monday morning following a long battle with Parkinson's disease, her sister Maggy Hurchalla said. She was 78. Reno, the nation's first-ever female attorney general, served in the Clinton White House from 1993 to 2001 This breaks my heart. I mean, I know there's trouble everywhere, but these people have absolutely no hope, and the United States caused this, so we share responsibility. I'm going to look around and see which refugee organizations are trying to help, and gather donation information. Are you in? I'll see if Alan wants to bring this up at church, too. Take a look at this guy! What a flip flopper!! He seems to endorse whoever is popular at the time - Trump or Obama. I also hate his only tactic for arguing against his opponent, drawing on his personal life. Instead of highlighting his policies, he’s trying to win on popularity. I would never, ever vote for this guy! I am at shock for what I have just read. First of all I would need a lot of time to reflect on what just transpired in the article I read. Please when you read this try not to get too sad about it because it will get you sad. Just try to find someone you love and hold onto them because we should not take for granted what we have. I just read about a tragic 10 story building collapse in a town called Kisii. I'm distressed about this news because they're still searching for survivors. There's been a report that 9 are still missing. I hope they're able to find these unfortunate victims. It was horrifying reading about the accounts because people could be heard screaming and shouting for help. I'm hopeful that they can help find any remaining survivors. This is such an unfortunate event. The cause was due to bad building construction as the developers have cowardly gone into hiding. Experts said a recent drilling underneath the building triggered the collapse. This is horrible to hear. Could you imagine if this happened to the office building we worked out? Such awful and careless planning resulting in lost lives. I think this world is full of hate and i don't understand it. Why do they hate us? Why are they killing innocent people?And Donald trump isn't going to make anything better. He shows people hate and we might have even more terrosist coming to America. America should show people how to love. America acts like the victim but we have fault as well. There is no country that is right or wrong we are all human and we are all imperfect. The only king we should listen to is God. A lot of these presidents and kings of our countries think there god. We should humble ourselves and just love. Put ourselves in other peoples shoes. this is an incredibly one sided article. not sure how they are even allowed to publish stuff like this. It is amazing they had to reference black lives matter, and all of sudden this guy was an upstanding citizen. There is always a reason an office pulls the trigger. Sometimes, it is an accident, but more often that not, it is not. Hopefully they will publish the toxicology report. Won't hold my breath though. Hey, Billie bob Thorton says Angelina Jolie was never good enough for him. He is older but she was younger, I guess he had no control over her at all. He stats that Angelina had a high stakes and fast lifestyle, even made him wear viles of blood around their necks. I guess her saw her as coo koo and a tad bit crazy or or something. Maybe he had to get away from her hectic lifestyle. The wildlife park offers their help after over half a million supporters signed a petition made by the non-profit organization Animals Asia to demand the closure of the aquarium. If the current owners of the polar bear agree to this offer, Pizza could be moved to a proper sanctuary and his life of misery would end. “The good news now for Grandview is that they now have the chance to put their mistake right,” Dave Neale, Animal Welfare Director for Animals Asia, said in a statement. “Thanks to this incredible offer from Yorkshire Wildlife Park there can be a happy ending and the negative publicity they have suffered can yet be turned into a positive news story. From talking to them I know they know that mistakes have been made in terms of their animal facilities and on-going care.” China’s Those poor people! I can't believe the government is seriously considering leveling 783 houses! And especially ones that have historical value! There are other ways to increase your air travel options and industry without doing damage to so many people's lives! I feel awful for those people and, if I were them, I'd fight back too! It's one thing to kill another person with a motive. But who kills horses and animals?! They are completely innocent creatures. God we have used and abused these animals for centuries. I have no idea what kind of motive this killer has. These horses deserve so much more. It's almost worse than murder in my opinion. I really hope this guy gets caught. Victim Amanda divulged her horrific experience, including her parents making her pose for explicit photographs and videotaping their sexual encounters with a view to sell them online.f I could take it all back I would. I hate myself for what I did," she added, along with claims that Amanda's father made her "join him" in abusing their daughter. She suggested it was all her then-husband's idea and that she had initially fought him for three months, but eventually "gave in". I saw a horrible story about a turtle on line today. A man took a hammer and beat a large turtle to death . He broke the shell on it's back and crushed it's head with the hammer. I hope they give that vile excuse for a human being the maximum sentence. I love turtles. They are so unique and cool to watch. I have a creek in my back yard and I see them all the time and they do not bite. I can't stand animal abuse. It makes me sick. I read an article today that was discussing the problems with Sudan in Africa. The article was kind of hard to follow, but it seems like there is a lot of political and peace keeping discourse there. I really feel terrible for all the innocent people that are caught up in silly power plays and government issues. People's lives are being ruined and destroyed every day. So, I just read this article about a series of bombing in New York and New Jersey and how these acts are being viewed as an act of terrorism. Sometimes I still cannot believe that we lived through 9/11, especially because before that I had never even heard the word terrorism or knew what a terrorist attack was. And now, we live in a world where we are constantly hearing about possible terror attacks or terrorists regularly on the news. It just makes me absolutely sick that this is the world I am raising my kids in and that we have to live in fear of someone trying to kill us or setting up bombs to surprise attack people. The fact that we cannot live a carefree life anymore because of the sick minds of individuals scares me daily and makes me wish I could keep my kids in a bubble!!! This is a big price for reality shows featuring filthy rich people who care more about being seen than being safe. I'm sorry, I can't feel too bad for Kardashian West for being robbed, with so much tempting loot around. It must have been frightening for her to be tied up, but if I were that rich, I certainly would not flaunt it. How to deal with that burning question of what is murder before birth and what isn't? Is it murder because it was against your will? Maybe that is how it should be determined if you walk into an abortion clinic you're willingly killing the fetus versus someone shooting you and your fetus is now unwillingly dead because it wasn't your choice? Wow, a teacher get pregnant after having sex numerous times with an 8th grader pleads guilty to a lesser charge of aggravated sexual assault of a child. This is unreal and aggravates me that teachers would do this and children would go along with it. The world needs to worry less about wants, quit being emotionally and physically weak and focus on needs, not wants. This whole story iis pathetic and all involved have ruined their own lives and for what, pleasure? They're all weak. Bullying is such a serious issue. It has been going on for so long. It is so sad that these young people have to take their life because they think there is no end in sight. What we need to do along with providing therapy for those that are bullied is to increase the consequences for those who are bullying others. This may have happened in Europe but in America teachers know this bullying is going on and they tend to protect the football players and other jocks. It is really sad. I hope you have never been bullied. I was and it was terrible. Obesity is an epidemic in today's society. Almost one in three people are obese. Sometimes I wonder how we got here. People these days take no responsibility for themselves and their actions. The cost of care has increased tremendously from the obesity epidemic in this country. According to the most current statistics, over fifteen million Americans can be classified as extremely obese. Did you see all of that stuff going on over in Syria and how Donald Trump in working with the Russian president to missile strike the people over there? Man, they really have it pretty bad with all of the stuff going on. I feel really bad for the people who are living there that really don't want any part of what is going on. Could you imagine having dinner and a missile comes flying over your house? I am definitely glad I live where I live. Kylie Jenner pretending like she cares about other people. She makes a transparent marketing move to promote her own product by making up reasons other companies products are bad. It's disingenuous faux concern and anyone who reads it should see through the crap. It is disgusting and she should just advertise like a decent human being would. You know I have no sympathy for anyone who harms an animal. I'm a huge animal rights advocate and I think those who are cruel to animals deserve very strict punishment. The officer involved should be charged with a crime and fired from their job. I hate it when people hurt defenseless animals and this particular crime did not have to happen! When this happens with children being left in hot cars, there are serious charges leveled and so, there should be the same in this case! I'm not sure what the gay community hoped to accomplish by holding a gay pride event in a country where homosexuality is illegal. It's not like people there ignore such a law, since someone was powerful enough to criminalize sexual preference in the first place. I think I would rather stay under the radar until I could find a more tolerant place to live. Since many of you guys are at the age of having children, I thought this would be something that is important to share. There is a virus called CMV I just read about that is causing devastating consequences in newborns. These children are being born with brain problems, hearing problems, and learning problems because the mothers aren't being told how to prevent it. Make sure that you wash your hands after being around toddlers, especially if you're pregnant! Hey Jax, I thought this was a interesting article that you might be interested in reading. It definitely piqued my interest. I thought it relates to your situation that you are dealing with at the moment. Let me know what you think of the video as well. I might show this to Jackie too and see if what she thinks of it. Our country is really at a place right now where its going the wrong direction of what an ideal society should be and how a lot people are worried about the future as well. This has clearly been shown with the spike of suicide hotline and crisis calls. We need to create a more positive and acceptable society in order for every person to feel appreciated on a daily basis. As well as we should be taking care of the environment to minimize all these environmental effects such as massive disastrous like hurricanes cause by human abusing the environment. This is a crazy story with so many facets to it, omg. I mean on one hand, I don't support an eye for an eye. I don't support the death penalty and I don't support blinding someone. BUT on the other hand, this is a country where women really struggle and the justice system is not well developed. ALSO, he blinded a FOUR YEAR OLD GIRL. What the fuck is wrong with this guy. So if this was in America I would not support it, but I don't feel right condemning the actions of an entirely different country for doing what they felt needed to be done. Its crazy that really intense and sad situations are happening around the world but here in USA were worried more about who made it passed the first round of the Voice or whats the latest viral videos. The fact the extremists are using innocent civilians as human shields is so cowardly and shows they have no honor what so ever. As frustrating as it might be for the overflow of goldfish thriving in wildlife, I am very curious to see a four-pound goldfish. Could you imagine? The pettiness inside me kind of smirks at the growing population of them. There is nothing to blame for the existing and gaining population of goldfish, except for ourselves. I mean their very existence is because people wanted more appealing fish for their gardens and maybe aquariums too. Then they were bred and still are bred for trinkets and given away as promotional items. So I feel we as people have no right to glare at the survival of the discarded lives that were no longer wanted. I say,'You go goldfish! Live your best lives!' Cricket players in England are likely going to have trouble sleeping after a 4th day of the first Test. Being in their shoes, playing hard and working together is the key to beating Bangladesh and they need to stay on top of their game in order to win. While it's physically demanding, giving up or blaming lack of sleep is simply not an option for the team. This is really sick and disturbing don't you think? These soccer hooligans got all rowdy and worked up and when they were acting out like idiots they hit an eleven-year-old child in the head with a bottle. Poor kid had a big gash and had to go to the hospital and everything. That's pretty sad and pathetic, even though they probably didn't really mean to do it. How sad, if you get a chance read this and maybe share, it could be the difference for this person to find her family! Sometimes I see these announcements and I usually read and share them, I hope they find who she is and most importanly I hope they find her family and get her some help. I think the more people see, read and share this info, the bigger the chance to find her identity and family, imagine if it was someone you knew. I am so tired of hearing about this stuff, it's so fake. Trump is just a fake conservative, the same way that all of the liberals are fake liberals. Trump is far from a KKK icon, he's actually a Jew and a huge supporter of Zionism/Israel- this should make him a huge enemy of the KKK but instead it's all fake, orchestrated BS to keep us totally distracted from what's really up. Every time I hear something about ISIS, I can't help but think about the role the US played in its creation and the horrors that have come from the vacuum of power in the region. I'm thankful to be American when I read something like this, but also ashamed at the same time in who we've chosen to represent us, not just now, but over the past 30 years. I just read this article about the NODAPL protest movement that had a ridiculous headline. It is like they want people to have a negative opinion about this issue, so they subtly frame it in a certain way. "Empty your bank account" to make a donation in support is a very negative way of putting things, almost like psychological priming. Anyway, I wonder how the pipeline protest movement is going to continue under Trump. It's always a bad thing when the murder rate increases. The fact that it had the highest increase in decades is incredibly disturbing, although it's important to remember that the overall rate is still much lower than it has been in the past. People think that things are more dangerous than ever today, but the facts show that's not true. It's hard to imagine the life of people who left everything they had – of course, many of them had already lost most of what they had – and started impossibly long and complicated journeys to secure a better life for themselves and their family. Imagine having nothing but the clothes on your back, not knowing where your next meal is going to come from, but still hoping for a chance to rebuild your life. It’s heart breaking. hey i just wanted to let you know that this is a rough article. the guy took him out and then took his own life. its pretty sad. the guy knew the employees schedule too so he just could have done it whenever. why would he do it and take his own life though i dont understand. anyways wanted to let you know i did read it and its tragic. i feel bad for the family that it happened to them. hopefully this doesnt happen much more I found this article and thought you might be interested in it. This is so sad and disgusting. Gun violence really must be stopped in this country and it's hurting innocent people and even unborn people around this country. I think there might be a die in we can participate in happening this week if you can come. I just read an article about wild fires sending a smokey haze across the state near the Appalachian mountains. Can you imagine how big the fire must be to spread so far and wide? And the people in the area obviously suffer the most. What if you have asthma or some other condition that restricts your breathing? So tragic and sad that this police officer was just doing his job and now he's gone and his family is left to grieve his loss. I hope they figure out who did this and serve justice to the fullest extent. It sounds like it could be one of the people they found dead, though. I guess we'll find out later. hey whats going on Jacob? I want to tell vent out something I read in this article. There was a Saudi-led coalition that is backed by the US, they had led an attack in Yemen, that had killed around 43 people. This is sad to hear so much killing in this world. According to what I read this happened because they are trying to take someone out of power and they are trying to bring in a new leader, I think his name is Abed Rabbo Mansour. The USA wants to put him in there. Also they are more people dying from the long conflict, people are starving and also Planes had attacked a funeral place and they had killed people there as well. All this necessary killing is not good for this word. This is really, really bad that we need war to solve problems. Here is another interesting story but this one is about squrriels and leprosy. In the UK they found that red squrriels are getting leprosy and that never happened before. The article also mentions that Armadillos get leprosy also which I didn't know. I always thought it was a disease that only affected humans and mostly in biblical times although I guess it is not an issue now just because we learned how to top it from spreading. The whole situation with Iraq and the uprising of ISIS can be attributed to the U.S. War on Terror and failed attempts at establishing democracy in the Middle East. The truth of the matter is, the G.W. Bush administration had no idea what they were doing when they decided to invade Iraq under the pretense of ridding Saddam Hussein of weapons of mass destruction: Iraq had none, and we destroyed the Iraqi way of life over this lie. Iraqis may have suffered under Saddam Hussein, but at the very least, the region was stable and extremists were rare. After the American invasion, civilian deaths likely skyrocketed because law and order were thrown out as well. It saddens and scares me that people don't see terrorists for what they are: radicalized individuals who have gone rogue. The vast majority of Muslims are peaceful people who just want to live their lives and practice their faith. This country needs to be educated on other cultures so we stop fearing the unknown. Building more walls and dividers between different groups of people won't help anything. I can't really believe he was found dead in ol' Strombolo's condo. He wasn't anywhere near old enough to die of natural causes so it should be at least a little surprising when we hear about what the cause of death was. I am intrigued to find out if we have another Hollywood murder on our hands. You just can't tell anymore these days. you never know who, you never know when. There are a lot of older people in Russia who survived the Second World War who are now trying their best to survive. Many estimates say that there are a lot of people in Russia who survived only on $4.50 a day. With this little money they do not have the luxury of going out to eat. Also when living on so little money it is dangerous because of Health Care problems. If one has to have surgery or even get expensive medication it can be a real setback to their life style. I hope the Russian economy becomes better enough to support it's elderly and everyone else in the country. What a freaking asshole! Guys are so creepy sometimes. and in our own home state. I wonder who he gave them to to release them out to the public. Anyway, please be careful with your photos and information. I've been seeing more and more accounts like this popping up, and I would hate to see any of our sensitive data at risk. stay safe out there. That is just crazy that a person waiting on his surfboard was attacked by a shark. That must have been pretty scary. I am glad that he didn't lose a leg or anything, but still, that would have been very scary. All of the sudden, boom, you are hit by a shark. I don't think I would want to go to that place again to surf if I was a surfer. I think people need to be cautious when surfing. I don't think it is really our place to force sharks away, as they live in the water. I think people just need to be smart and surf where there is a very low chance of being attacked by a shark. Hey did you check out the latest dram between Scottie Pippen and his wife Larsa? Maybe it is dumb but I care about these thing because I am from Chicago. I have been hearing the name Scottie Pippen on a regular basis for the last 25 years and it kind of makes you feel interested in that person's life. I know fi this was about Michael Jordan I would feel the same way. Oh, but global warming isn't real, right? We have all kinds of time to fix the problem, right? It's not humans, it's natural variation, right? Holy crap are we ever ostriches as a species - are we going to dig our heads out of the sand in time? Change has to happen, and it has to happen now, we can't wait for all the old white men who run things to die Though all people who flee conflict can be called refugees, refugee agencies commonly distinguish between refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) to decide who is covered by international law and receives assistance and who doesn't. For the most part, little assistance reaches a person fleeing a conflict until he or she crosses an international border. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), established in 1950, distinguishes refugees and IDPs this way: "When a fleeing civilian crosses an international frontier, he or she becomes a refugee and as such is eligible to receive international protection and help. If a person in similar circumstances is displaced within his or her home country and becomes an internally displaced person, then assistance and protection I just thought you would want to know my opinion on this. We've never really talked much about it. I feel like refugees from Syria should be given a free shot here in America. We have been over there messing with their country. We have engaged in war, both indirectly and directly. We have been wavering in our responsibilities there. To Be able to simply sit back here on our haunches in America Judging people who are fleeing for their lives..definately partially because of our actions, is wrong. They should be welcomed here. They shouldn't be treated as terrorists. It is important that poor people who are suffering should be welcomed here. These are people who would be glad to be given a shot, they would work hard. They are family people, hard workers, many of them are talented a Yeah so global warming is really messing with the polar bear and the glaciers, if the earth continues to melt and the glaciers continue to melt then we could be looking at the extension of the polar bear, the disappearance of our glacier and mass ma flooding. Luckily they eat a lot of people keeping a close eye the sea levels and working on how to slow the warming of our planet. Reading this was infuriating to me. To see such casual disregard for life, both of the animals and those protecting them, in pursuit of money. And for what? Snake oil cures in Asia, superstitious nonsense, and rich people wanting to feel powerful. The security teams seem like they're in an impossible position, restrained by rules while their opponents have none. It's a miserable situation I know a lot of people refuse to believe the facts about climate change and some really don't care because they don't see how the problem directly affects them, but all you coffee addicts out there are going to cry a little shallow tear when your favorite cup-of-Joe goes extinct. The increase of the planet's temperature is adversely affecting coffee growth in areas where the plants have always thrived. Funny (not really at all funny), but more people will worry about their brand of coffee going extinct than about animal and plant species being constantly wiped out for good. Hi N. Just wanting to talk to somebody and you as always you are the right person to reach to. I just read an article on the Matthew and the destruction it left in Haiti. I was overwhelmed and I almost cannot believe how many people were affected and not just that but they were suffering from all kinds of unimaginable things. Hunger was the first to list, there was a lot a starvation, people were poring from all over when aid was coming to bring them food aid with trucks. Disease was everywhere, doctors coming from all over the world had to face with cholera and disease. Infrastructure was damaged, homes destroyed. It is really hard to express in words all the suffering the people had to deal with. I feel like there should be something we should do to help. Human traffickers must be some of the most loathsome people on this planet. Some may think they are doing good things trying to get people to a better place, but these traffickers do not see people and are wanting to help them. They see them as money, they take advantage of them and take every single thing they can from them while promising them a better life. They do not care about the safety of people and are just trying to maximize their profits. The only reason they wouldn't just get rid of the migrants out at sea after taking all their belongings is it may be bad for business. I have no idea what any of that means but I wonder sometimes what it would be like to play a game that goes on over more than one day. Imagine if you could go back home and go to sleep at halftime of the Super Bowl and then come back the next day and play the second half. Maybe then the Falcons would have taken the 2nd half of that game against the Patriots more seriously. When I watched Lebron crush the Raptors I was kind of curious as to how they slept knowing a game was coming up. They probably felt scared, like they had a big test coming up and they didn't think they were prepared. “The vast majority of battleground states have Republicans overseeing their election systems,” Moore told POLITICO last week. “It’s safe to assume they’re not rigging the process either against Donald Trump or for anyone else.” Meanwhile, Trump’s downward spiral has forced House Republicans to scramble to secure their once-safe majority and the difficult balancing act between Trump’s die-hard supporters and moderate independents has begun to take its toll on vulnerable Senate candidates like New Hampshire’s Kelly Ayotte. She trailed by 8 points in a poll released on Thursday, after polls earlier this month showed a dead heat. For the party that put Trump forward, the race has become less of a suspenseful thriller and more, to use a favorite Trump term, of a “horror show.” I always feel bad when women talk about their experiences with sexual assault because you know how I feel about that but I want to put it into words anyway. I feel like it's always on the women to be the ones to hold men accountable and to report it and everything but I'm so frustrated by the fact that men won't take a bigger stand. Men should hold each other accountable for sexual assault and encourage each other not to do it instead of making jokes about it all the time. I'm just so frustrated by how there are so many stories of women that are suffering needlessly at the hands of these arrogant men and yet women have to endure a lifetime of trauma from it and men usually get away with a slap on the wrist, it really just makes me so sick to my stomach, I hate it so much. it is about time that for profit education has had the breaks put on them. provide a substandard education at the students and government's expense in unconsionable. they should have been shut down years earlier. there are so many cheaper and better alternatives to obtaining and education. i don't feel sorry for them Did you see what is going on with all those refugees? They are trying to cross over by water and a lot of them are drowning and there are record numbers for deaths from shipwrecks. Those poor people just want to get away and lead a better life and they all keep dying or continue to suffer. I really wish we could do something for them so they could all live better lives. The previous article says that- Countless Acts Of Hate Have Been Carried Out Since Trump’s Win — Day one of Donald Trump’s America came with countless acts of hate that were carried out by his supporters against several of the country’s most marginalized groups. Day two was no different, nor the days following. Since Election Day, there have been more than 200 acts of election-related intimidation and harassment across the U.S., according to a survey by the Southern Poverty Law Center. People from all types of communities ― black, Latino, Muslim, Jewish, Asian, queer people, women ― have been physically harmed, slandered with hate speech or been the targets of racist graffiti. While we shouldn’t have to live in fear for our safety, Trump supporters feel more emboldened than ever to express This is just sick. It kills me that this lady is a parent. I am more confused that the step-father had no idea. I doubt after moving to multiple houses that you would not have noticed something was off. I mean you never went into these closets? The biggest issue here though is that this woman thought she would rid herself of a problem because of social services checking in on her. It is disgusting. I am surprised the other kids survived. They all must have lived in fear of this lady. Makes me so mad people kill kids. I just read about the Haitians who came here after the earthquake. While I wish we could help everyone we just can't. Only so many resources in this country and unless we want to become another 3rd world country we have to send them home. Make them wait in line just like any other legal immigrant. Why should they be given special privileges to be in this country. I hate to be mean but if you aren't here legally then you have to go home. Ugh! I am literally sick to my stomach about all of these attacks. It's utter nonsense about how many people have been killed and for what?! Stupid preferences on what a someone believes a society should consist of?! It is disgusting. My heart really goes out to all those families and the doctors! Those doctors are tirelessly working to heal as many people they can and even by a dim light since the conditions around them are being torn to shreds. The amount of bravery to try so hard and keep the number of people dying as low as possible is amazing, to say the least. I really feel sad for the familes that have lost so many loved ones and that have been displaced. Sally Brampton: Journalist killed herself after 'missed opportunities' — Sally Brampton, founding editor of Elle magazine in the UK, killed herself after health professionals "missed opportunities" to offer her help, an inquest has heard. Ms Brampton, 60, who wrote a Daily Mail advice column, drowned after walking into the sea near her home on 10 May. Hastings Coroners' Court heard she was "in crisis" in March 2016 and had sought help from a psychiatrist and GP. As I read this article, I felt disturbed knowing that a sexual abuser raped his daughter for many years and the man who murdered him is getting punished for finally ending the torture involved in the girl's life. Of course, murder was wrong, but what that girl's father did to her was by far more unacceptable in my opinion. So i just read this article on gold fish in the wild. Wow. I learned a lot. Apparently we have an overload of gold fish in our lakes and rivers, which is very bad for the fish and the earth. It's bad for the earth because it messes with the sediments as they swim low on the bottom. It is also bad for the fish because they aren't bread for the big waters. their bodies grow as big as a football and they can weigh up to 4 pounds. Some are not even healthy. They say the best way to get rid of healthy fish is to bring it back to the pet store and to not flush sick or dead fish. put them in an ice slush. this article was really sad and disturbing to read at the same time. The indonisian government is not doing enough to protect some forest land. The orangantans who number seven fifty to seventeen fifty will be completly wiped out if the company that is clearing this land is allowed to continue. What can we do to form a protest or let the government know that this is not right.Can you help me with some ideas? Maybe we email the indonesian government first or attempt to call them. After that maybe we can plan to picket or have a demonstration at the capitol building voicing our concerns. Do you feel the same about this that I do? if you dont I will get someone else to help me or I will go it alone. I just feel so strongly that something productive needs to be done and fast. If we drag our feet they will have this land cleared before we can blink an eye. Hey, take a look at this. Lots of conflicting information here, but it'd be awesome if there's any truth in this story. I hate to see when animals are in horrible conditions like that, though of course PETA always goes way too far with their involvement. Maybe that's why I'm not sure what's true and what's not in this article? We had a squirrel that entered our building and it’s in our activity room and it’s jumping on people and biting them and scratching them,” a woman told the dispatcher, according to audio from the Volusia County Sheriff’s Office. “So we need help.” During the call, people in the background cried for help. “I feel lightheaded,” one person said. “I don’t feel good.” “Okay, does anybody there need an ambulance to take them to the hospital?” the 911 dispatcher said. “I don’t know if we need to go in an ambulance but we need some care for people here,” the staff member told him. “It’s still in there and the people are bleeding.” “Is everybody out of the room?” the dispatcher said. The caller asked others: “Is anyone left in the activity room? Is the activity room empty?” “There is another person I think it's a shame that they made the employees create fake accounts in order to drive up the sales. What a shame. Why are they blaming the employees when it was those in higher positions who were forced into doing what they did. If they wasn't forced then it never would've happened. I feel sorry for the worker, but I would've quit before they had me do something fraudulent. The company behind ITT Technical Institute, the chain of for-profit schools in the United States, will shut down all of its campuses following financial sanctions from the U.S. Department of Education. ITT Educational Services said in a statement Tuesday it would shutter more than 130 locations in 39 states. The move affects hundreds of thousands of current students and more than 8,000 employees of the ITT Technical Institute, known colloquially as ITT Tech, the company said. “It is with profound regret that we must report that ITT Educational Services, Inc. will discontinue academic operations at all of its ITT Technical Institutes permanently after approximately 50 years of continuous service,” it said in a statement on its website. A day later, ITT announced it would not enroll any new You see this? Mostly this just pisses me off. America takes ten thousand refugees. Woopee. People are dying, and they need somewhere safe, and all we do is take ten thousand. And let's face it America's hands aren't clean in the middle east, or Africa. America has learned nothing from past wars. We should be providing help to get people out and a safe place for them to stay, but instead we just let them die, getting bombed in their cities and drowned at sea. So I'm angry about this. What kind of society have we become when we let this happen? America should be doing so much more, to help these people. It's callous to think ten thousand is somehow being responsible, being moral. They're just trying to find a safe place, away from the constant threat of death everyday, for themselves and th I can't believe that there has to be so much violence and bad in the world. The part of this article that really got to me was that the Muslim women were being raped and that doctors and nurses who wanted to help the people there were being treated rudely. It would be awful to have to live under these kinds of conditions. It would be awful to have the prices of food go up because of blockades and other reasons. It would be stressful and scary. Dear friend , How are you ? I heard that you fell down the stairs and broke your leg !! Are you ok ? Hope you are getting better . But seriously, what really happened ? Your mum told me that you were running and fell but I want to hear directly from you . I am coming to the hospital to visit you in an hour . That's my final decision. No one can change it , and yes because you didn't come to school today you missed a lot of work . Don't be too happy , you'll have to complete the work later We really don't think of air pollution all that much in most of the country, but it seems to be significant problem in certain larger areas. Apparently India is having a lot of issues with it, and it's making people sick. It's really sad when places put more emphasis on businesses than they do on the health of the people. I read a very disturbing article about a recent study on depression resulting from birth control drugs. The study was performed by the University of Copenhagen and has confirmed a link between hormonal contraceptives and depression. The study was extensive and performed over a decade. The incident of depression was magnified over 28% when taking the combination pill, and even went as high as 78% in the teenage population! Alternatives to the pill which are longer-acting such as the ring and implant were even higher scoring in depression. One outstanding take-away for me in this article is the fact that women are only fertile about six days per month as opposed to men who are basically fertile every day, and yet the birth control burden falls on women. Hopefully men will share that soon. I feel sad when reading this story, as she lost her companion and that's just what some animals are to people their companion, not just a dog or a pet, it's a part of them. This man was wrong for what he did although he was justified because it was seen as self defense he definitely could have done something else before fatally shooting the dog and killing it. Unless the dog was charging at him and starting to bite him or bark at him he should have seen no threat at that time and I feel like this was a careless mistake and he didn't need to do so. I am deeply disturbed by what I have read in this article. It seems that a man committed a senseless act of murder by pouring flammable liquid on an innocent bus driver and setting him afire. There is never an acceptable excuse for such an act. I can only guess that racism is the motivation for the act as the victim was a member of the Indian community. While I think many of us are troubled with the recent relations with Russia and suspicion of rigging our US election, in cahoots with POTUS Trump and hacking, we need to sort through the details and make sure we are using facts when they are available. Suspicions are sometimes unfounded, my heart goes out to the agent's family. This whole story of all the thirty three miners found dead is an unfortunate tragedy. Their loss is really going to affect their family, friends, and co workers for the company that they work for to. These type of losses could have been avoided if they received more help or they could have trained them more for incase any unexpected events that could occur like this one for example. France has been through a lot of crap lately. Some terrorists stormed a newspaper office and killed some people; their have been bombings at the airports and train stations; and a little girl was among 90 killed during a concert at one of their local venues. As sad as this all is, the most distressing thing is that the country has decided to activate additional measures to ensure their democracy is maintained. This always seems to be the case during a time of great terror and unrest- most of which are incited by officials working within the government itself. i feel like we need to do somthing about this problem that is going on we dont need moms overdoseing on drugs plus doing it while they are driving. maybe there is a program we could start to help these mom in need and the kids that they have should be taken care by someone else while they are getting the help that they need to get better and then they can get there kids back when they are able to take care of them It always upsets me when I read articles about land conflicts involving Native American tribes, especially when it involves oil pipelines. I fully support expanding domestic oil operations so as to better establish energy independence, but care should be taken to respect the needs of others when developing pipelines. It may be expensive to ensure environmental care is taken and, when necessary, to reroute the pipelines to avoid encroaching on sacred lands, but that doesn't mean it's not worth the expense. hello brother I hope you are well these days and thought a lot about you and more when I see the news I find out that Saudi Arabia is struggling to expand its territory no matter what this pado should take care of being there is very dangerous so be careful I hope you take care of yourself and think of us Hey bro you been hearing about that shooting in Charlotte, N.C? Isn't that pretty messed up that all these police shootings and racial black lives matter approach to life and living day to day? I ready that 16 cops were injured due to a protest/standoff. I guess they say the cop shot the black man and he was even unarmed. Why so theey have to shot someone when they don't even have a chance to defend themselves. It is very sad world we all live in these days. No one can get along but shooting and fighting you best believe they can do all that. i lof this article it has a variety teaching about science that banana is the world's most popular fruit crop, with over 100 million metric tons produced annually in over 130 tropical and subtropical countries in like a 1950s they used to grow banana this causes disease gets harder to control over time all this is done by professor of plant pathology at the University of California, Davis This is probably one of the most distressing articles I have read in my entire life, I really do not understand how this is even happening. Over and over again, we are showing to the black people in our country that we do not have the heart or the brains to care about them enough. It just makes me so mad! What a terrible tragedy! Accidents like this hit families so hard... and losing both a father and son this way! The poor family must be just beside themselves. It seems too, if one looks at the circumstances, that they were close and enjoyed doing things together. How very sad. The rest of the family must be just shaken to the core. Hopefully they are a tight knit group with support systems. I hate to hear about anyone in accidents, but this sort of thing is just too sad. California has problems similar to Flint Michigan when it comes to providing clean water to everyone. While California passed clean water acts to remedy this, it has had trouble providing for the poor in unincorporated areas such as Methany Tract (sp?). But California has recognized that having access to clean water is a right for all people. Currently they are working on having a nearby city help provide clean water to the Methany Tract citizens. It really makes one wonder about all the damage already done, the health problems, the children, and it makes one wonder how many other places and other states need to have this resolved. I just read an article about two US Military personals being shot in Jordan. I have so many emotions running through me. I am sad about the loss of lives. I am in disbelief. How could this happen? The article said they do not believe it was a terrosit attack so that makes me feel relieved, but still worried. US is there to assist Jordan for training. Why our are people being attacked?! The article said they failed to stop at the entrance so I do not know if maybe it was a miscommunication. I am confused to what actually happened. From what I read there was an attack on Jordan when they just drove and barralled through their border so they are on high alert. My heart goes out to all of those involved and I am sad. But why on earth would they think that the US military personal are planning I feel sorry for this person's family. His children now have no father. You just never know what makes people commit terrible acts of evil. Life can be taken in the blink of an eye. You need to make sure all your loved ones know how much you care, do as much good in the world as you can, because you never know when your last day on this earth is going to be. did you hear about the wolf that got shot by a government sniper in Idaho I think it was. He was a special wolf from a pack in California that was endangered and had a tracking device on him so they could monitor his movements. he had already traveled 700 miles looking for a mate, which is what wolves do when they come of age. They are trying to hold them accountable for the needless and cruel slaughter of wild animals. I forgot the name of the group. But I hope they stop them. Animals need more laws that protect them from evil garbage people. So I just read an article about climate change, and it is awful. It seems very few people are trying to stop it and it is maddening. We need to take more control over the things that are being put into the air that could be causing such an atrocious thing. We need to start reusing things and switching to organically grown things, if possible. The oceans and lakes are suffering and eventually, we will, too. The article I just read discusses how the US is driving the extinction of Amazon rain forest by importing Amazon oil. This story made me feel very upset. The world's rain forests are play a major role in our existence. Without them, we would probably no longer exist. It makes me feel like there are people out there that just care about making a profit. These people need to open their eyes to the bigger picture. Did you know that the spread of cholera is so terrible? I had no idea this was still such a daunting issue so many people face. I agree with a line in the article that said "The idea that people are still dying in 2015 of cholera is outrageous.” I feel so heartbroken that people are dying simply because they don't have clean water and appropriate medical care. Hey, did you know that Turtles are especially endangered because of people using them for food, exploiting them by selling and trading them, and they are dying because of pollution and damage to rivers and Lakes.. their resources and dwindling. The real worry isn't so much the problem with Global warming..they can stand that somewhat..the problem is we are damaging the planet and fresh water so rapidly they can not withstand it. More than 60 percent of Turtles and their Shelled brothers are in danger.. they are vulnerable, endangered, or critically endangered. We should do something to stop this. These creatures sometimes live longer than us. How is it that we are allowing them to be maimed, eaten, and polluting their habitat?? We have to do better. What do you say we volunteer tog Thomas referred the case to the full court, and shortly before midnight, the justices issued an order granting Arthur’s stay request. The order included a statement from Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. explaining that while he did not believe this case merited a review from the Supreme Court, he had decided to vote for a stay anyway as a courtesy to his colleagues. Roberts wrote that four of the other justices had voted in favor of staying the execution. While it takes five justices to overturn a lower court ruling, it takes only four to accept a case. “To afford them the opportunity to more fully consider the suitability of this case for review, including these circumstances, I vote to grant the stay as a courtesy,” he wrote. Justices Thomas and Samuel Alito would have rejected the requ Hey you hear about the Coffee Killer? In Indonesia some chick who is also Australian has been found guilty of killing her friend by putting cyanide in her coffee. I did not get too many details about all of the evidence that they have against her but to me at least it does not seem like they have that much evidence. I guess she ordered her friend a coffee before her friend got there and right after she took a sip of the coffee she keeled over and died. Pretty crazy, right? I think she probably did it but their motive is weak and I do not think that she would have been found guilty if the trial was going on in the US. I hate when these type of things happen. I mean, we trust these people with our information, private information, and somehow it just gets hacked? Someone obtained it and now is threathing to sell it to the public? This is unbearable right now. They should have a secure way to protect the information we provide The article was about New Global Warming study.warns: desert in Southern Spain in the future — Climate scientists from France shared a study this week about the possible grim future awaiting the country of Spain, and the Earth as a whole. They warned that if climate change continues, deserts in the Middle East will expand to the Mediterranean and even reach Southern Spain, transforming today’s deciduous forests into barren lands hostile for plants and animals, and of course including humans. Last year, hundreds of countries around the globe have signed a non-binding agreement. Known as the Paris Agreement, its main goal is to stop global warning by implementing and keeping long-term solutions. The target is to keep temperature rising by more than 2 degrees Celsius or 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit I don't necessarily agree with this stance, as I feel Trump can help our country move forth and improve economically. While Trump wasn't my ideal President, he was the much better choice over Clinton. So, in my opinion, he was the better candidate. I feel like Obama was a joke as a President, and what did he really do during his 8 years of Presidency that he will be remembered for? ObamaCare? That isn't a positive in my opinion. So, I can't say that I really think Moore and I are on the same page, and we have a difference of opinions. Tourist who claimed she was raped in Dubai is charged with extramarital sex — A British tourist allegedly raped by two men in Dubai faces jail after cops accused her of sex outside marriage. The woman, 25, claims she was attacked by two U.K. men last month. But when she reported it, she was locked up and charged with “extramarital sex”. She is on bail but is not allowed to leave and needs $30,000 for legal fees. I really don't fully understand what's happening in this article. I get that the players need sleep and that's about it. Do you know much about what they're trying to say here? I have such little knowledge of sports that I struggle understanding the lingo associated with the sport. I can understand sleep though! It's very unfortunate for both the wildlife and the communities that survive off of the meat that the rare animals provide. It's also sad how the police officers ran away which was I guess the main point of the person telling the story. That is very corrupt and wrong, they should have stood up for the Rangers being targeted. I think it's best if the wildlife is preserved and the community that attacked the Rangers were clearly out of line. I wonder if this problems exists in the U.S. as well as the UK? This is a consideration, since we both have garden ponds. Maybe we should learn more about how to keep our ponds more sanitary for the frogs! I have noticed alot of frogs in mine, so this is interesting readying, anyway. This is just another way that humans interfere with the natural environment, I guess. I read this article about what black people think. It is crazy that they still believe they are being targeted by the police. Can you believe in this day and age they still believe that. The difference between why more black people get shot is more of them do crimes. Add to the fact that black families tell their kids not to trust the police. Don't run, Don't fight back and do what the police officer says and you have a lot great chance of not getting shot. I can't stand these black people who feel like they have it so bad here. Let them try living back in Africa and see how they like that. This is just crazy, you have to feel for the mother, but at the same time what kind of apartment has that many violations and is still not punished. They need to sue them and anybody involved with this. I cant believe that in today's society that tragedies like this are tolerated. Somebody needs to go to jail for the death of this little girl and the injuries that her mother suffered. I cant imagine what the mother is going through and she probably blames herself. Things like this should just not happen. Hey D, I read this article about this boy who was abused and went through stuff with his family. I feel like I can really relate to him, having a mother who had their own addictions. I always knew people like him always come out on top because he went through so much to get the success that he is having today. I wanted to show this to you so that you don't give up either, no matter how hard the circumstances are. Love, A. My heart hurts for those affected. I will be praying for the soldiers attacked and their families. As we approach memorial day, we need to reflect on what we have learned in past wars and one thing is clear, mustard gas is not a weapon that should be used, I understand that many of the attacks going on right now include Guerrilla warfare but we cannot fight back in the same ways. Hey, I thought this was an interesting article about males born through medical fertilization. Apparently, these men are also more likely to suffer from the same problems as their fathers did with being able to have babies. It's sort of sad to think about it. The author suggest using a sperm donor instead, but I couldn't imagine doing that if I was in this situation. The situation in Syria is really shocking. I just read an article about how the regime in power together with Russia is bombing schools and relief caravans. They deny it and Russia and China vote against sanctions at the UN. It's hard to understand what could be behind this outrage. Fortunately, there is Human Rights Watch which has done extensive and careful documentation of the most recent school bombing, and there is some effort to get individual acts treated as war crimes through UN channels. I was sad to hear that a woman was critically injured Sunday evening in a multiple car wreck in the Clinton area of Prince George’s County. It seems like these things are becoming more common. At least the reporting of such accidents is more common. People should pay more attention to their driving. I wouldn't be surprised at all if someone involved was distracted by cellphone use. Leonard Cohen just died. Knew little about him but now see Ill have to look into his songs and writing. He was the epitome of the starving writer, it seems. His popularity continued to grow as he aged, and he was able to reap some rewards, but it didn't really catch up with his needs until recent years. He was a Buddhist monk, too. Had no idea. He clearly raised the bar in song writing. It is really sad this country is still having major issues with prejudice and inequality. Being a minority myself, I feel for the Muslims and others who faced terrible treatment just because of their heritage. I hope you don't have to experience these terrible things as they have. I would be really careful who you talk to just to be on the safe side. It is an unpredictable world we live in today sadly. Man veterans need more help. This article talks about how a lot of Americans have problems, especially vets, with sleeping. I can imagine that this sleeping problem can carry over into so many other areas of their lives like at work and their interpersonal relationships. Even thought they weren't able to establish a specific link their has to be a link between PTSD and problems with sleeping given the huge consequences of PTSD. This is such a sad situation for both the people and the elephants affected by all the coal mining. The world really needs to move forward to try to replace using coal as a means of energy, and replace it with something that is less harmful to humans, animals and the environment. It's not fair, especially to the animals, since they don't really benefit from the coal mining. Water parks and amusement parks in general are just disasters waiting to happen. We truly don't know how dangerous some of these things are until something goes wrong. Then we all see what was so obvious yet impossible to see until pointed out. I am going to avoid these places like the plague. Plus life is too short to wait in lines. I just dont have many feeling about this article. I guess i feel bad for the teachers but it doesnt exactly bother me. I am not too concerned with affairs in other countries unless it is about war or peace and political things. Packing up and having to move your live away in just a few days is very hard and i guess i feel some sympathy about that. I think they should find out precisely what she did to that child for 3 years and do the same thing to her for 3 years. Since she is stronger, she will survive, then they can bring her back to complete health, then do it again for the next 3 years, then keep repeating it until she dies. I can't comprehend why people like this do these things, but there is a special place in hell. I don't buy the mental illness garbage. OF COURSE she has a mental illness, but that shouldn't automatically imply protection from justice. The very nature of murder, especially of this kind, requires a mental illness to a certain degree, so no pleading insanity. Torture her as she tortured that poor boy. Wow how sad is this news? I'm glad that people rallied together to help those people at least. This really reminds me of when I lived in Texas and everyone was having their homes and land ruined by wild fires that went out of control. People lost everything but luckily everyone really teamed up to help each other. It seems pretty suspicious to me that a machine that was off could just turn itself back on. I'm sure somebody either accidentally turned it on or do it on purpose. That sounds like a really awful way to go though being crushed like that. They better come up with some better safety requirements to make sure that doesn't happen to anybody ever again. Expert from an article I just read on the climate talks: "Mediterranean region would see changes never experienced during recorded history. Morocco could see increased temperatures and drought that would drive the southern deserts further north, displacing forests. Deserts would expand in the Middle East, pushing temperate forests higher into the mountains. Average temperatures in the region have already risen by 1.3°C since the late 19th century, well above the world average of 0.85°C, according to the study." And we are still arguing over coal as a fuel source so that the billionaires can make more billions. Read the rest, it's distrubing what will come to those who suffer through what has been created. I saw some heartbreaking news and I could not believe it. Why would defenseless and innocent people be killed over something that they did not do or had no involvement with? I will never understand why some things in this world are the way that they are. There needs to be change but sadly I do not think we will see it soon. This is another story of government overreach. Big government pushed by authoritarian leftists making a big deal over nonsense and holding back human progression in the name of hippy bullshit. If a species is endangered it deserves it's fate. More species have went extinct in the time before humans existed than in our entire existence. It's a non problem and just how the world works. Climate change is extremely worrisome. And it is getting worse and worse every year. Something has to be done about it, and I think it starts with getting rid of corporate contributions to politicians and getting rid of lobbying. The world is dying and I think that needs to be clearly communicated to as many people as possible. Too many CEO's are thinking about their own profits. The system needs to limit their power and start focusing on the health of the species and the planet instead. Hey guys check this article out. I was talking to about this sleep paralysis thing. It's such a scary event I do no wish upon anyone. I've experienced it in the past and is no fun. Some people hear voices, others see ghosts or the likes. I hope you guys never have to experience such a thing. It's good thing to know that it has a medical term and is not sometihng actually paranormal. It's almost funny because I was looking at something really similar to this on Steve Wilkos, that a baby got hurt after pushing through a window screen and Steve was yelling at her and saying how she was so negligent and a bad mom but I honestly think that it's not the parents fault. Sometimes accidents just really so happen and kids are curious and they climb and then accidents happen. It's really upsetting for all of those involved and I really feel for the mom in this case because she just lost her kid and she probably blames herself enough as it is. She doesn't need society talking badly about her from behind closed doors. Accidents are just accidents and it can happen to anyone, although I think that everyone can agree that it's a really sad situation overall. I just read another story about American soldiers deaths at the hands of terrorists. What upsets me the most about reading it is thinking about their families. I wonder if they had children that will have to grow up without them. I think about wives and their parents and how those peoples' lives have now changed forever. I think about how upset I would be if my son grew up to join the military. I would be a mess. These pellet guns almost seem like they were meant to maim individuals, under the guise of a less-lethal round. The fact that the ammunition seems to have been modified to cause more damage, more permanent damage, seems to back that up. It's a travesty that such violence is being committed, such life changing violence. These people are not dying, they're being irreparibly harmed, altered, changed for the rest of their lives. More people should be talking about the use of such "non-lethal" weapons. Can't the local force exercise some restraint, some humanity? It's confusing, because I can't think of any reason other than harm someone would introduce maiming pellets as such as the case here. Floyd Mayweather owes a jewelry store some money. It seems like it's the richest people in the world that always find some excuse either not to pay taxes or not to pay someone money that is owed. He has all that money, and he has to be sued to pay for something that he could have easily paid for in full upfront. People like him are ridiculous. There are so many people out here starving, and here he is sitting in his mansion not paying for something he bought. IT's sad to hear about dead fish, but that's what happens sometimes. We can try to figure out what's going on and make a plan to stop, but nature is going to always come out ahead no matter what. nature always has its balance and you can't stop that from happening. If you do attempt, you're just going to cause more propblems than what it's worth and nature will still rule in the end. Before reading this article I use to think that Flint was the only major water problem and I know that people have more on, but Flint is still having a water problem. I'm mad that California is the only state to pass laws for people to have rights to clean water. I know California has water issues with drought, but nobody should go with out clean water. Reading the article, reminds me that this is a world wide issue and we must figure a way to provide fresh and clean water to everyone. Especially those in need. Hey, I just read this insane article about the situation in Aleppo. I didn't even realize how bad it was. People are dying and have no hope for the future. It really makes me appreciate everything I have in life and the article makes all my problems seem so trivial and insignificant by comparison. Anyway, you should check it out. I just read an article about Kesha and how she was pressured into losing weight by not eating and "dumbing down" the content of her songs. It's pretty messed up that this is what goes on in the entertainment/music industry. At the same time though, she is an adult and she had the choice to go along with this or not. She cashed in and got a lot of fame. I can't say I really feel that sorry for her. If it was me I would have just said, "no" and moved on. She had the ability to speak up, but she didn't because she wanted fame. We need to be more considerate of climate change, its effects are too dangerous to ignore. Because of this, it's easy to recognize the moral imperative we have to fulfill our obligations to society. We would be remiss to deny these exact warning signs, and we know that scientists have dedicated their entire lives towards the subject of climate change. We should heed their collective warning immediately. i feel that racism is still alive today and it is a big problem people need to realize that color doesnt matter and that we are all humans with feeling and no one person is better than the other reguardless of the color of there skin. there should be stronger laws helping fight racism also teaching kids that its not ok to call people names just cause of there skin color. we need to work as a nation to fix this problem A mayor and his bodyguards in the Philippines was shot and killed by local law enforcement. He was in to the illegal drug business. He was elected to take a stance against drugs. It's really weird to think that a mayor was the one taking part in the illegal drug trade. It makes me wonder who can you really trust. He was said to be a narco-politician. Sad to think the people can't even trust his own mayor. How disgusting is Wells Fargo? It's unbelievable the way they treated their tellers, and all those fake accounts? Can you even? I don't understand how this bank doesn't get shut down. You really should think about getting an account with a different bank, you know. What if your SS got used to make some of those accounts? I feel bad for the teachers but there are so many teachers in this country that I would like to see expelled. It is amazing how much power Turkey has. I do not really understand this power but it must be difficult to pack up your life so quickly. I can't imagine having to do that. How does anyone start fresh when they were expelled. You would always feel like it is going to happen again. So what can we do when genocide occurs in different parts of the world? Does prayer help? Will war help or hurt more? When people do not get along, not because of a shortage of food or water, but rather because a belief system is not universal, that is a human tragedy. Saudi Arabia and Iran are prime examples of animalistic behavior at this point in time. We here in America pretty much killed off the American Indians because we wanted the land. Nothing different is happening in the Middle East. We always hear that might makes right but that's not truly the case. Might makes blight and generations suffer till most of it is forgotten. The moral is too learn from our mistakes and the bad aspects of what history tries to teach us . I can't imagine what it must have been like for the people who were caught up in this, how helpless they must have felt. Not having any recourse for so long, no one doing anything to right the wrongs, just feeling like it's ok for you to be abused and for it to go on for so long and happen to so many people. Maybe they feel some kind of closure now though. I have such tender feelings for all these poor women that are being raped. American women are freaking out left and right about such minor things when we have these poor women being raped and tortured for no reason at all other than who they affiliate with. This stuff is so ridiculous and it adds such a mysterious cloak to it because western journalists aren't really allowed in myanmar. It just seems other wordly that all this violence and just chaos is going on. Not really even that far away, sure it's the other side of the planet but these crimes and disrespect of human rights is happening one way or another. What would you do in the situation if you were one of the innocent people stuck in the middle of it? I feel like there is so many people out there that are less fortunate then us, we need to take a second to see how people feel about themselves and the situations they are in and the people around them. I feel like the person writing this has gone through alot in his life and this all just adds into the fact of everything else If people had to see how their food was killed, there's a good chance they wouldn't want to eat it. Between a live chicken and the package you buy at the grocery store lies a world of torture. The inhumane way some of our food, particularly chicken, makes it's way to our dinner plate is beyond disturbing. Factory farming is simply another word for animal torture. it is frightening to learn about all these shark attacks but these surfers should be aware of the risks associated with the sport. relocating the sharks should be a priority and it would be in the best interest to establish a moratorium on water sports until the shark epidemic is dealt with. closing beach in australia is a good precautionary method Hey, Zambia is protecting elephants on a massie refuge type area! They are fighting off poaching and that sort of stuff. Which is great! But I had no idea that the elephants are destroying a lot around the. They have even killed people! Sad huh? Also elephants will wipe out a farmers entire plants and food! That is really bad. They feel like their government care more about the animals than the people! I think they should provide some fencing. That is ridiculous to let people suffer all because they won't put up some barriers to block the elephants. Seriously, timeshares?! I cannot believe it is even an issue for someone to get relinquish their timeshare. These companies seem to want to be your best friend to get you to buy a timeshare, but once you do they do not care about you, your family, or what situation your life is in. They make it hard to get rid of because most of their customers are older people who don't always want to go through the hassle. These people need assistance because the timeshare companies make it too hard to get rid of. Although they may say that they have an easy process to relinquish, but after undercover investigations, that proved to be wrong. If someone bought something like this for their family to enjoy but now their family is grown and gone, why should they have to continue with it? I just read this article about trees dying across the country and I can't understand why more people aren't concerned about this. If we lose our trees we lose everything. It makes me crazy that people aren't paying attention and could care less about the snowball effect that is happening because of climate change. Because of us! Did you hear the story about the orangutan named Diana? She was illegally captured with, I think, three others. These animals are becoming extinct. The good news is, though, that she was saved. When she was found she was blind and partially paralyzed, due to meningitis, I sure because she wasn't being taken care of. I don't understand how people can treat these beautiful animals so poorly. It really make me sad. After reading this article, I had to write you and share it with you. You see, we aren't just crazy parents telling our children to slow down every chance we get. These young men were out doing something they absolutely loved and doing it with their closest friends, and now they don't have the opportunity to grow old and continue to enjoy many more things to come. They were so young and had their whole lives ahead of them. I can't imagine how their families are feeling right now. Hug your little ones a little tighter tonight. well first of all whoever wrote this article doesn't know how to properly divide an article into paragraphs, which made reading this article extremely painful, but nonetheless I do know after reading the article that Zika virus tend to stay in semen and vaginal fluid for extended amount of time, so it's obvious don't mate with people who have zika virus, and don't even think about having a baby, they're going to be defective After reading an article about the fraud happened years ago, I am now traumatized with easily trusting people. It is indeed a nightmare for all the victims to be involved in this kind of problem. It is a challenge to trust people again and invest your money on something. It is always good to know your rights before giving away the so called "trust". Did you hear about this kid who lost his leg because a teacher body slammed him? Obviously I don't know what exactly happened but from the news report he was acting up and the teacher decided to use physical restraint. Supposedly in this county of Georgia teachers can use physical restraint on students if they are disobedient and a threat to students and others. I think its safe to say there was fault on all sides. The kid should of behaved himself, the teacher shouldn't probably shouldn't of been as excessive and the school should of handle the whole situation better. What do you think? Whos mother would wish their child dead over being blind. That has to be one of the worst things I have read in quite some time. I have a very hard time digesting that the mother could overcome her daughter's death over her blindness, she clearly has some things that she needs to work out because while being blind is not ideal the girl can and will overcome her injury. It is truly unfortunate that they live n a place where the need to "own" land comes at the cost of this girls eyesight. It seems to me it was in an effort to reduce killing that these pellets were used and a horrible accident that injured her. This was a terrible tragedy gone wrong, and honestly I don't really know if there was something that could be done about this before the event even happened? How did this man get into the airport with a gun? Was it because he did not pass through security before shooting this man or because he chose not to? I don't think something like this should have happens and being an airport i definitely don't think this should have happened at all assuming all the security that they do have in place how was this to happen? well well well, look at what we have well, the arrogant Kim Kardashian finally got what she deserves: being robbed for millions, the thought of it is bitter, considering it's a robbery after all, but think the other way, a rich superfluous gal as Kim, broadcasting her belongings on social media, I guess she brought this upon herself France Dismantles 'The Jungle' in Calais — A small camp in Calais, France, housing nearly 8,000 migrants hoping to cross into England, is being evacuated and torn down in what French authorities are calling a “humanitarian” operation. The migrants, fleeing their homes in Africa and the Middle East, are being relocated from the camp known as “the Jungle” to centers across France. Some have decided they do not want to leave, and protests have resulted in fires burning through tents, trailers, shacks, and makeshift shops in the camp. The dismantlement operation is expected to last for a week. It hurts to know that those children may have lost their parents in their ordeal and that they may be put into the "system" where they're passed around multiple families before they find a loving home. I wonder if they have relatives that might be willing to take them in. I wish the article had been more informative and told a more comprehensive story about what happened and why the children were spared when three adults were killed. Perhaps there was a spat between the adults involved and the children ended up witnessing a traumatic incident. Either way, no good comes out of this entire situation. we have to become aware of climate change. This problem belongs to everyone and if we ignore this problem, it will become irreversible. We will not have anything to inherit from our children. Let us support campaigns for the conservation of the environment and the use of renewable energy. The politicians only watch over the interests of the companies and not of the individuals. It a tragedy when the people who are their to protect and serve us are gun down for no reason. My heart goes out to both families in this situation. It totally is unfair to die for no reason because of a selfish and ill man. It is really upsetting that this man just decides to kill police officers that are on duty to protect us from danger. Dear friend, I have just finished reading a very upsetting and tragic article. It told the story of a young teenage girl in India named Insha Mushtaq. She lost her vision and 14 years old because she was shot repeatedly with pellets. She has been in and out of hospitals for months trying to regain her vision, but so far it has not been successful. She is trying to stay positive now but she knows that she has a difficult road ahead of her. I hope that she regains her sight. This crash is so sad to hear about. It involves such undeserving people, and it does not sound like it was even the bus driver's fault. These people were just trying to get to where they need to be, and then something terrible happened. It is very sad and could happen to anyone at anytime. YOu never know what might go wrong in this world. This seems like a conspiracy reach, but the medical exams were either lying or the bodies were really never examined. The Poles have a reason to distrust Russia- Russia does itself no favors, no country in the World should trust them-, they have a long history of conflict. The reason we had Polish jokes in America a few decades ago started with Russian racism towards Poles. I had no earthly idea that Michael Douglas had battled oral cancer. I found out in an article talking about a remark he apparently made regarding Val Kilmer, who ostensibly also may or may not be battling oral cancer. Setting aside the absurdity of the media relaying a he said-she said moment with no relevance to the greater world beyond the individuals to whom it applies, it is terrifying to think how prevalent cancer is. Can you believe what this family has done to these girls? They have treated these children so heinously. It is insane that the police wouldn't do anything until they were basically forced by the media. I can appreciate things that happened later to help these girls but this so unfair. This breaks my heart. I just read an article about Wells Fargo in particular, but really it's probably happening at many banks. I know you've seen the people when you're out in public who are trying to get you to open a new account and you know they're just doing it to make some sort of commission. Well, come to find out Wells Fargo just discovered 80,000 phony accounts that must have been opened to fulfill branch quotas. Aren't these the institutions we'e supposed to trust with our money! I understand they don't think it's a big deal because out of millions it was only 80,000, but I find it extremely concerning that the higher ups down know what's really happening in day to day operations. It took 5 years to discover this. What else could be happening that we don't know about?! Did you hear about the 3 year old that climbed into the gorilla enclosure and was dragged around by the gorilla. The zookeepers had to shoot the gorilla. Apparently, there were no problems with the barrier. I'd like to know how the little boy got in there. Based on what I read, I don't really take issue with the zoo or the gorilla. The barrier was at the right standard, and the gorilla did what a gorilla is going to do if something like that happens. I place the blame on the parents who somehow let their 3 year old child climb into a gorilla enclosure. Were they not paying attention? Knowing how you love animals, I thought you would like to read about the Four Paws removal of the surviving animals in a Gaza Strip zoo. First of all, the zoo was horrid. Less than 20 animals remained of the hundreds that had been previously housed here. The rescue of the animals occurred under rather harrowing conditions with Hamas and Israeli forces launching missles during the evacuation process. It sounds as though the surviving animals will end up in different locations that deal with their specific species. They will be rehabilitated and may eventually be released back into the wild. Let me know what you think. Here's one more great reason to never allow Sharia law into the US in any way, shape, or form. This is commonplace in the Arab world, where women are treated essentially as slaves or worse, while men can do anything they want and get away with it. What a terrible sense of "justice" or "law". This poor women would've, at best, been scarred for the rest of her life just on the grounds of being raped by multiple men. I can only imagine how traumatic this is for her when she's thrown in jail after being the victim of a horrible crime! Disgusting! I can't even begin to put myself in the shoes of someone who has to deal with preparing to die half a dozen times, and then once again, it's halted, because people above him argue over semantics. Yes, he did do something wrong, and deserves what he is given, but bureaucracy goes a little too far in how much they can control a persons feelings and life. There are many orphaned children around the world. International displacement is a huge problem that seems to be causing a lot of separated families. These children are having to go to orphanages, shelters, and other temporary placement in order to seek refuge. These children range in age from young to teenagers. I had heard about the huge fires burning in the Indonesia area and the haze clouds they are producing but I didn't realize it was so bad. Apparently there is a statistical study that says 100,000 people have been killed by this. The researchers tried to count "early deaths" and got that figure. I suspect the root problem is corruption. Some of the business owners in Indonesia and Malaysia are extremely rich and can act with impunity, even though their actions cause great harm to the environment and to humans near and far. Maybe they should be charged with crimes for the deaths. On the other hand I dislike the idea of people being convicted of crimes via statistical analysis. It is too easy to manipulate. Hello friend, I was distressed reading the article about the bankruptcy of American Apparel. However, it is clear that there were so many problems with the company, including the CEO, that the company has been doomed for a while. It's a shame the company was so poorly mismanaged. Maybe if they had a different CEO, they would have been able to survive. I'd like to say that a comedy of errors has taken place. It seems our friend Gil got himself into trouble without doing anything wrong. His identity was stolen and then later he was mistakenly identified as the wrong person. Society needs to do a better job of providing enough resources for the "accused" to ensure that the perpetrator doesn't get a free ride while the accused seems to lose everything. We do live in a society where supposedly you are innocent till proven guilty, right? How can one lose a drivers license and a job without 100% proof on the table? Technology should be brought to bear to ensure that everyone is held harmless till all the facts are in. Is this achievable in our time? I believe yes if the right companies and government assets are brought in early enough. It will never end, we will made to feel guilty about anything we enjoy. Not to mention that the "scientists" have regularly been shown to be fudging the climate change numbers. They don't want you to know that but want you to feel bad for having a cheeseburger. I don't like the cutting down of rain forests and believe that needs to end, but I think there are other answers. Getting rid of a great food supply is not one of them. Eating meat keeps us healthy and strong and may be the reason our brains grew to the size they did. Many politicians would want our brains to start getting smaller and more compliant. Getting rid of meat is not the answer and if we didn't waste time we could think of better solutions. This whole article is a little sketchy, it seems like they're hiding stuff. This article, if you want to be really cynical and skeptical, makes it sound like the kids might be responsible for the deaths of the parents. It seems like a pretty vague article, I wish we had more information on this incident. I don't think that it is fair to compare President Trump to Nazi Germany or the holocaust. I am not a fan of President Trump by any means, but I also have not once thought about comparing him to such a horrific part of the history of this world. Jews should not be worried that there will be another holocaust or that they will have to go back into concentration camps. I don't think the country would ever let that happen again, and I don't think that Donald Trump would go down that road either. He has a tendency to act like a child, but that would be a far stretch, even for him. Just one week after Michael Bublé and wife Luisana Lopilato announced that their 3-year-old son, Noah, has cancer, Bublé’s friend and mentor David Foster gave an update on how the singer is coping.I think Michael, right now, is in a huge bubble, as you would expect when this happens. Everything shuts down around you,” the composer told Entertainment Tonight Canada later adding that Bublé will not sing again until his child is well.I’m certain of it he saidMany fans have reached out to the singer through social media, and Foster said that a few have contacted him wishing to extend their well-wishes and resources to Bublé. Though the diagnosis is heartbreaking, Bublé is “in good shape. Hey, I wonder if this crash is related to terrorism. I bet it was. Seems like big accidents nowadays has something to do with terrorism. You got any family from Delaware? I don't. There is one thing I know, that I don't want to die in a vehicle accident. That has to be terrible. I guess if it's instant death then it's okay. I just don't want to suffer for a long time. I hope the people taken to the hospital are okay. Wildfires in the western area of North Carolina, in the Appalachian mountains, can get so large they can be seen from space. In fact, some of the wildfires in neighboring southern states can produce enough smoke to cover areas of South Carolina. Despite not actually having a fire there, the smoke can get so thick that it takes heavy rain to make it dissipate. Why would anyone, let alone a group of 10-15 teenagers feel the need to attack an innocent person? Chase them down and hurt them and than steal their wallet? What in the world are these parents doing? My mother would have killed me herself if she ever found out I was treating anyone that way. As far as any by standers that were possible in the area, I truly hope that they came forward and these individuals were arrested and detained. They are obviously a dangerous group of kids, who know right from wrong, but for some reason, they don't think the law applies to them. What I learned about this situation was that sometimes life is not fair. Seeing this boy trapped in a place for 4 days is terrible. His poor body tried to survive and grab on for dear life but children are not exempt from this life. To think about that kid in that positiion makes me sad. His family is the one that suffers unfortunately. Renewable energy is something that is very important. I am extremely loyal to the idea of renewable energy and need to develop a capacity to sustain my energy use. I am often the one to turn lights out unplug things, and etc. when I leave a room. I hate to have high energy costs when there is also a great amount of natural sunlight to be used. If you have a huge bay window in your bedroom for example just use that to read or do whatever activity you would like to do. he government of Kenya this week revealed that it has accepted the request of the office of the UNHCR Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi, to extend the deadline for the completion of repatriation of Somali refugees and eventual closure of the world's largest refugee complex, by six months.i will speak my friend It's really unfortunate that North Korea doesn't seem able to help their citizens during a natural disaster. Hopefully some other country is willing to step up and offer assistance, although I don't know how that works since they don't really let people in. It must be pretty devastating if they are resorting to asking for outside help. When will this world learn that rape is wrong, regardless of the context? Too many women are treated as an object, then punished by the system afterward. Some would say it is because of the religious beliefs in the area but America is no better. In our own backyard women can be raped and forced into carrying the baby to term as the father has "rights." Something needs to be done, and the British government needs to step in a help his woman. The extinct of Rhino species had hope for survival species. There will always be Hope, for this iconic rhino will live on in everyone’s hearts and in STS’s mission of Creating Hope from Hurt. no one not stop the fight to save your species from extinction and will unite to end poaching and the illegal Rhino Horn & Ivory Trade worldwide I read an article about this man who contracted a flesh-eating bacteria and almost died from it, unfortunately it didn't tell me where or how he contracted the flesh eating bacteria. I'm not sure I would know in time that I had a flesh eating bacteria, scary right!?! Have you ever known anyone or heard of anyone Contracting a flesh eating bacteria? This story makes me sick to my stomach. I hate reading things about where my food comes from. It's bad enough to know that i am eating an animal but to know it suffered makes it worse. While the story is about the the suffering of an animal at the end of it's life it seems to ignore the suffering that the chicken goes through 99.9% of the time it is alive. This kind of story makes me want to go vegan. I find it really amusing how Zika has been around since 1947 and not much fuss was made about it until it began killing people stateside. As usual, Black bodies are not valued or the conditions surrounding them until the same things begins to plague white people. Zika was minimized and downplayed for over sixty years. That says alot. This is a very interesting article that focuses on this woman jet pilot, she was one of a kind. her heroic acts were recognized by those who knew her. the author portrays her as a hero and someone who should be remembered. once you finish reading this article you'll understand lots of things you did not before This is what happens when you take in people from an archaic civilization. All of these refugees need to be throw back into their mud pit. Their religion embraces hatred. Let them figure out how to live in peace in their own countries, then we can allow them into civilized world. Is it is now, I think all of Europe is doomed. It's so sad to see that world hunger is still such a large issue in other countries, especially when it seems like so much of our food goes to waste. Children passing out in the streets simply because they have no food to eat is heartbreaking. No one should have to suffer simply because they can't afford food. There needs to be another option. You know I love animals, of all kinds, so let me tell you about. This poor creature was found half dead, mangled beyond belief because of poachers. Hope's story really brings to light the horrible and illegal trade of rhino poaching. I don't know if you know, but some people value rhino horns more than the beautiful creatures they come from. I don't believe the initial attack on Hope was responsible for her death, but it brought this beautiful creature into the spotlight, and I'm very glad for hearing of her story and saddened by her passing. Erving Goffman, a sociologist and writer, compared how actors withheld their emotions to the everyday individual. Like actors, individuals can control how the emotions are expressed, but they cannot control their inner emotions or feelings. Inner feelings can only be suppressed in order to achieve the expression one wants people to see on the outside. Goffman explains that emotions and emotional experience are an ongoing thing that an individual is consciously and actively working through. Individuals want to conform to society with their inner and outer feelings. The situation in Yemen with the Saudi-led coalition against the Houthi rebels is one with a lot of controversy, and for good reason. This conflict is rife with airstrikes and drone strikes that drop on civilians and militants alike. Qatar is culpable in the slaughter of citizens, which puts them firmly against the Geneva Conventions. Of course, I do not celebrate the loss of their soldiers' lives, as their families back home are just regular citizens as well in all likelihood. It really is too bad that this had to happen. The internet will never let them forget. I'm sure the zookeepers feel awful about what has transpired. After all, They are probably all great lovers of animals and you and I know that it is never easy to see a poor animal die. I wonder if there were things to be done that could have prevented this or if I am just thinking with insight. Did you hear about the airstrikes in Yementi? I can't believe it. i would have been petrified! Forty three people were killed, but could be up to sixty.. The bodies were just laying everywhere.and they were covering them with blankets. This is just one count of those that died. Since the battle has been going on they say over 10,000 people have died from this conflict, many just innocent civilians. I can't imagine being in that situation. Hello, I feel very bad about Yu's death, she was so young and already a very accomplished person. I do believe she was very aware that her flying career had inherent risks that could ultimately cause her death. It angers and saddens me that people would undermine her role a female fighter pilot by making rude remarks stating there are other more accomplished women flyers. Hey friend. Did you hear about this weird terrifying story of some british banker who wanted seemed to want to copy the American psycho movie? He murdered two women and if not for them panicking, they would have been tortured. He was a sick depraved individual. I don't know how people like this live in our society. They are all hidden under the surface. It's good that they didn't have to hurt the emu. Every time I hear about one of these animal escapes I get the feeling that someone is going to end up killing the animal; I expect either an officer with legal authority or some stupid maniac with a gun who wants to kill something exotic is going to end up shooting it. I thought I saw a wild bird like run across the road one morning when I was driving to work. It wasn't big enough to be an emu but it was similar. I was worried that someone was going to kill it, whatever it was. Have I conveyed my misanthropy fully yet. Read this for a laugh. This is what journalists are doing. We have an orange monkey destroying our nation and people spend time writing about something as meaningless as this. A guy died. Terribly sorry. Happens thousands and thousands times a day. Because this guy was an idiot it gets written up to feed the idiotic interests of the sheep. Here is an article I just read about an accident at an amusement park in Australia. I've never heard of Dreamworld, have you? But the ride sounds like the old Shoot the Rapids we used to ride on at Cedar Point. In this case, the boat tipped over and people got trapped in the conveyor belt. I can't even imagine what the last moment of those people's lives must have been like. As for the kids who saw it all happen-- there are no words! At least none of the children died in the accident. But now they have lost a parent. One of those kids was just a baby. Now she will never know her mother. I never thought about rides failing when we were kids and used to go to amusement parks, but now I would probably not ride on any of that stuff. I really think racism is getting out of hand lately. I don't understand why people have to commit hate crimes against people that they aren't similar to. Everyone deserves to live a happy life without being assaulted or worried that they'll be assaulted. And chalking it up to religion is even worse. People don't have to be so easily offended these days, but they are, and they're hate filled while they're offended too. People are up in arms over Trump not believing in climate change. Withdrawing from the Paris treaty supposedly will contribute to global warming, along with doing away with the clean air act Obama passed while in office. There's so much involved with climate change its hard to tell what is fact. States are taking measures into their own hands to the extent they can I guess. I don't know who Leon Russell is, but maybe you do? Apparently he passed away in his sleep. I haven't heard of the guy, but he sounded like quite the musician. Anyways, he passed away at 74 years old, which is a long life. The article I read stated he had some health issues, unfortunately. Poor guy. I hope he passed peacefully. You know I love playing devil's advocate and having random views on things. Well here's another one of my crazy ideas so prepare yourself. I think that the Mayor of Sacramento is blessed that's all that happened to him. Yes he may be upset and a little shaken, but he still gets to go home to his family and enjoy his wealth. He doesn't lose his job and he isn't majorly damaged. I would easily take a pie in the face if afterwards I was a rich white man who still had supporters behind me. It is a sad world when lives are threatened daily. let's remember when we here in America were fighting each other during the civil war. war is hell whether you are on the "right" side or the "wrong" side. Both sides invariably lose something. Does it make sense to have war? Is it a human condition that we will never be able to contain? I know these are open ended questions but are we like the herds of animals that migrate and take over others' territories when food and water are needed. I believe we can be better by accepting our differences and finding common ground for the welfare of all. If you hear a ringing in your occasionally, don't be too alarmed. If you hear it persistently for quite some time, I would be slightly worried and definitely more alarmed. This could mean that you eventually lose your hearing. Tinnitus is a common thing to experience and usually is nothing. But sometimes this can be an early sign that you could lose your hearing. I strongly encourage people to go and get this checked if they experience frequently and definitely educate yourself on it. People who take advantage of and endanger animals are the worst criminals in existence. Animals are defenseless and unable to do anything other than be confined and taken advantage of. This article shows the unfortunate process after animals are confiscated and taken away from these dangerous people, but there is no global consensus on the proper sequence and handling of these animals. It sounds like someone didn't do their job at all in dealing with this housing complex. It sounds like a horrible situation but not a surprising one in a lot of these countries that lack housing laws and standards and accountability. I really hope they are able to rescue anyone still alive but trapped. On a weird note, what was with the blurb about the chicken? That was random. I canot believe that there are citizens in this county, particularly in Minnesota, who are vulnerable enough to be manipulated by ISIS to kill individuals in their country. The Somali group in Minnesota has a history (several known cases) of people attempting to commit murder for the terrorist group. Tragically, an Somali man has just gone on a murder spree. He has not been linked to ISIS and his motivations are unclear, but I am disturbed. I'm glad Germany is trying to help a lot of refugees when other countries (ahem the US) are trying to get out of helping people. However if they're going to have that reputation they need to be prepared to deal with the number of individuals who will try to come. It feels like so many of the problems these refugees are running from have been created at some point due to US/European colonization and intervention, so I'm glad they're at least trying. I felt extremely bad and horrible for the child that fell down like that. I also felt very sad and disturbed when they found him dead about four days later. The poor child should have been taken care of more and looked after so that nothing would have happened to him then. I think that this whole thing is such a horrible tragedy and that it also could have been prevented as well. Wow, it is scary to think there are mice that are twice their normal size hunting down and killing birds! It must be one scary place there right now with all that carnage. I hope Keith can make his plan come alive and stop the invasion of the mice. My concern is if they start getting off the island and migrating to other places. I live far away in America, but I sure don't want to run across these giant bird-eating mice. No thanks! The upsurge in violent deaths is a troubling and terrifying prospect to face, based on the FBI's statistics. It's not a good measure of a society's health to see such dangerous statistics. We need to be doing everything we can to help mitigate this crisis. As for the collision of buses inside the Lincoln Terminal? That was another terrible tragedy which could've been avoided had the proper course of action been taken. Wow...what a strange turn of events in this story. This guy who just randomly opened fire on a police officer turns out to be responsible for a number of homicides in Alaska. It's crazy to think that if the officers never confronted him for something unrelated, that there could have been countless more killings. Environmentalism at its core is a racket. The leaders will use whatever methods to tie nature together to guilt you into accepting higher and higher taxes towards cost of living while majority of this money goes towards these non-profit organizations that help them push thier agenda. These environmental groups are only capable of gutting thier own people and will not address the larger oil buyers such as China or any other third world nation that is burning coal. By raising the cost of oil isn't going to stop Saudi Arabia or Russia from pumping oil, its all a racket to control the power supply and tax the people. Hi, I just read an article about a sue concerning an apartment, and it got me thinking. Why do people never do research before signing any papers? It really is not that big of a deal or a difficult thing to do, this should be something basic to do, you know? It just troubles me how far things can go just because people do not really read! This article is very, very, eye-opening and interesting to read about the the seven biggest threats that President Trump poses to the environment. I think with President Trump backing out of the Paris Agreement and not really focusing a little bit of more efforts on global warming, there can be a big problem in the future. The Japanese that made up the restriction stating that you could not apply makeup while on the train are completely out of line. It is not up to them to dictate whether a man or woman can use their commute time to apply makeup. There needs to be mass protests, but we know there will not be as it is not in their nature. I'm sorry to hear what happened to the people in the pulse shooting. It is not justified to use violence against anyone who has not initiated violence towards you. That being said I understand why the authorities would want to ban people who practice risky lifestyles from donating blood. The last thing we want is to have a blood supply that's contaminated with diseases because of the practices of people who engage in risky lifestyle choices and also sinful ones as well. No violence should never be the answer to people no matter what their lifestyle, But one should never condone something that is bad for society in the long run. So I just read this article about rappers and music artists having a disagreement. It was pretty stupid too, I don't get why adults are fighting like high school children. It was all over some petty comments made, which apparently turned to racist slurs and got someone thrown out fo a building. Of course, everything is he said she said so I can't tell who was really wrong in this situation. However, again another situation that shows the stupidity of the human race. This kind of thing happens in North Korea all the time. The country has so little usable farmland, that any weather disruption is a major problem. This is what happened during the Arduous March in the 90s, after Kim Il Sung died. The country had a couple bad years because of drought and then flooding, and suddenly everyone was starving. KKK is filled with losers. Not sure why they get any attention. Actually, I know exactly why they get attention. It makes Trump look bad. Since that is the goal of the media, they will not pass this chance up. KKK has been irrelevant for decades. This is still the case. Media can make them look relevant, but they are not. This article is so sad the hatred and anger we have towards one another in America needs to stop. Our children and grandchildren are going to grow up in a horrid place simply because we have people in our country who refuse to let go of the past. The past is in the past so let it stay in the past for crying out loud. Here's an article about Standing Rock that I thought you would like to read. I think it's a few years old because it says the protests have been going on for five months, and I started following the Standing Rock case A LOT longer than five months ago. Barack Obama was still president then. I am very disappointed in the way he handled it and of course I have zero hope that Trump will do right by Native Americans at Standing Rock or anywhere else. We've had our own pipeline leaks here in Michigan, so the Lakota and Sioux who live in that area are right to be concerned. Even more so, it's their land and they have a right to tell the oil companies NO WAY. This took place close to where I live so I can honestly say that it alarms me. Its a brutal world where this can happen and its always sad. I noticed the police and courts could have been more involved in preventing this but thats just how many of the violent stories I've been hearing have gone recently. Well, there was another shooting. This one was in Washington. There is no real motive at this time, but they don't think it was terrorism. Maybe a broken heart? Anyways, it's getting ridiculous how many people are affected with these mass shootings. Just because someone has a grudge or a mental problem. The article says that-Shannen Doherty Shares Her Cancer Story With Chelsea Handler In Emotional, Tear-Filled Interview — Shannen Doherty recalled what it’s like to be diagnosed with cancer in an emotional new interview with Chelsea Handler. During the sit-down, set to air on Handler’s Netflix show, Chelsea, the actress holds back tears while revealing what she’s learned through her health crisis. “I think what’s beautiful and hard and interesting about cancer is that it tears you down and builds you, and tears you down and builds you,” the Beverly Hills, 90210alum says in the clip. “It remakes you so many different times. The person I thought I was supposed to be or was going to be or who I thought I was six months ago is now somebody completely different. I realize, After reading this article I realized that our country is getting lazier and lazier. It doesn't surprise me when most Millenials out there feel entitled to everything. People don't think for themselves anymore or work hard for what they want. Not that people lack the intelligence but that they don't use it. They go to college, which is hard work, but then they expect a job to be handed to them. The real world isn't after high school, its after college. There was this crazy story in the news the other day. Two guys were shot in Pennsylvania. One was shot twice in the stomach and the other was shot in the back. There were no arrests or anything and there was not stated motive. I wonder if it was a random thing or if they were involved with drugs or something? I guess we'll never know... That's really strange that people would make such a big deal about her being single and running for office. That seems really petty, I wish people would focus all their attention on the real issues when it comes to politics. It seemed like the rules for Moldova didn't consider that a single person might run, I think they should update it. If this was a hate crime that really sucks. If this was just a bar brawl that ended very badly ... still sucks. I don't understand why the police are being so secretive about things. And this guy's family is clear on the other side of the world probably feeling helpless. The other minorities in the area deserve to know if they need to be worried. Please, cops, release some info. Another story that I am sending about Janet Reno. Thought she lived a good and long life, I always felt sorry for her and always wondered why she accepted the tough job of Attorney General. I felt sorry since she was often attacked for not only political reasons but her appearance also. She was unattractive and somewhat manly looking and the media used that against her. Made fun of her. This article mentions an encounter with Eleanor Roosevelt and her looks remind me of Janet. So maybe that is why she took the post. Wanted to be like her hero. Did you hear about the Taliban attack on the German consulate in Afghanistan? If not, they set off a bomb at the gates and then an attack ensued. About 130 people were injured with 6 or so dead. Will that war ever end? An ancient saying says that "all empires end in that area" going back to Alexander the great. The country has never known peace and it's not looking any better. I feel sorry for all the injured, especially the children. I'm not sure the UN is making things any better either... I'm the last one to want to victim blame anyone. I think as a celebrity you have to be a bit more conscious of your actions. Do I think Kim by posting the pics made someone want to rob her? No, but I think it's probably best to be more modest about what you post. I mean, just for safeties sake. I agree, I'd be scared to post about Tristan's ring too especially since it wasn't so long ago that Kim was robbed. Yes, I'm sure everything is insured, but it's still a scary experience and I'd do everything I could to avoid it. This poor family lost the father just a short time ago! Now she is sick and suffering. Please keep this family in your thoughts and prayers in the next few days as they treat her. I hope her family is able to be there with her during this hard time, and that they are able to help her in her recovery. Just another case of police brutality, not surprising at all This is a massive problem in our country, usually its the black population on the receiving end of it, but it does effect other people as well. When is this going to stop? Seems like it never is going to end, its been going on since the beginning of law enforcement, and will continue. Its shameful I read an article about the hidden ads in online media and how it may be affecting children. It was about how kids see ads for junk food when they go online. They also spend a lot of time online, especially on YouTube. The videos on there are more influential, since they are real people, and the ads are more convincing. The article made me not want to let the kids watch YouTube or go online, which is really hard to do. I hate that the advertising industry seems to control all of our online media. It seems that climate change is still a big threat to animals and wildlife, but not necessarily in the ways we would first think of. Climate change can affect the habitats of wild animals and cause them to die from things like lack of water, which is still a big deal. It's not the temperature change necessarily but what happens to things like the habitat. I don't understand why we continue to fight this battle. People in our military are getting killed.It is not a good sign that anything positive is happening over there. I hate reading about military deaths. It is so sad that people have to go out there and fight. It seems unfair to me that their families at home get to get the phone calls that their love ones have died regardless of the circumstances. We need to do a better job at fighting batters we actually need to fight, vs fighting the battles of others. Hey, here's another article that I'm sending to you for no good reason, since neither of us are interested in this kind of thing. It looks like more people died for shitty reasons, but maybe some are still alive. And, if there's anything that people love, it's the idea that things can be ok and / or get better. People fucking love this stuff. But, I did think that the bit about a HEN being rescued was out of place. haha. So, what do you think? That would be a scary situation to live in. It is sad that the people feel like the government cares more about the elephants and animals than the people. These people must learn how to live with the elephants, but it seems like it is a scary thing to do. I would hate to try and live in that situation with children. I also think that anyone who is going to visit there should be made aware of the dangers of the elephants so that they don't get injured or killed like the 29 year old woman did in the article. I feel very sad for the family of people who have lost their loved ones, especially family members that were so very deeply involved with the community and have touched so many hearts of the people around them as well. I am sure that for a long time, memories and special moments will be told with heart felt warmth for many generations. I will never empathize or understand racists. Vandalism is the epitome of childish crimes as well. It's the twenty-first century and we still are surrounded by stupid racists. I say stupid because ignorance is simply not having a lack of intelligence or something, but you're still willing to educate yourself or be educated on it. Stupidity is being surrounded by so many outlets, professors, libraries, internet, magazines, and still refusing to learn about those that are different from you. Hey just wanted to share this article with you and let you know some thoughts/feelings about it. I know that we have talked before about the importance of vaccinations, and if it is safe for kids to get them. I think this story really made me think about that and brought fourth some really interesting facts and data that make you see how it is changing and hurting different parts of the world. I feel that kids should receive these vaccinations as they are a easy way to help and protect people all over the world rather than taking a risk. I think these people ahve been fighting each other over tribalism and ideology since I can remember. Im talking about Iraq, which is dividing into 3 main groups who have competed for limited resources for a long time. And the wealth of oil taken by the leaders and not shared with prosperity for all people has increased tensions. When I was young it was Iraq Iran War, the Saddam Hussein reign of terror, then the First Gulf War, the the Second Iraq War, then ISIS. THese people have something wrong with them and I think they bear some responsibility for their own suffering. Read this article, this happened in Georgia where I live so I saw massive amounts of news coverage related to this case. I personally believe that the guy is guilty, there are too many things that he did and said that did not add up.It seems that he wanted to get rid of his kid and leave his wife and live his free lifestyle. I do not see any possible way that he did not know that the kid was in the car. That poor kid! Those of you who smoke should quit. Once we quit, we're often surprised at the changes in attitude we experience regarding smoking, and life in general. When we quit and win our freedom from addiction, our mindset changes. After I quit I came to realize how much I really don't like it! I think I care more about myself now: My health, I stand up for myself when appropriate, I feel like there are more possibilities out there now without my smoking monkey on my back. I think there is enough information about the health hazards of smoking for it to be understood why it should be outlawed in most public places. It is something that should be done in the privacy of people's homes, right? It makes sense to me. As for the rest of the information here about food safety, I don't trust most any public food establishment. I've seen too many nasty kitchens and bathrooms to trust a place to be clean when it counts! Its inspiration and these people are still finding hard to donate blood to the victims despite the archaic rules regarding blood donations. The odds of HIV infection are so low that these blood donation laws need to be rolled back, like in Argentina. In the short term though, a way to help would be organizing a blood drive so those victims will get all the blood they need. are you looking for an informative, creative and interesting article to read? Just for fun or educational purposes? then this the article for you. this article is really interesting. the author explains things in away that anyone can understand them. the author's use of language is genius and very interesting It is horrible that things like this are still happening in the gulf of mexico and espesically since it is a priest. The cartels are doing horrible things that need to be controlled. It seems like the Mexican government can not do anything about it. Maybe there are some members in the government creating the problem i and my friend always remain together. he has done a lot of help for me. he has been very hard for some time to help me with money. but he did not expect me anything.he is one of my family. he has great affection for me.he and i have come together in the school season.from that day he and i were not separated. Just read an article about the situation in Haiti a month after the hurricane. Relief is being distributed better than after the last hurricane since the capital city was less affected and learnings from the previous situation were used to make some improvements. But getting food and water purification tablets distributed, and fairly, is a big problem. People are crazed with hunger and become violent, or give in to despair. Cholera is revving up. These are the immediate problems, but shelter, long-term rebuilding, voting in the upcoming election, and other issues lurk too. Somehow we have to figure out better relief efforts for natural disasters. This guy got fucked. It sucks for him, but there’s nothing you can really do about these things, besides deal with it. There’s always going to be inefficiency and points of failure in any bureaucratic system right? Maybe the cops will get their shit together and sort it out for him, before he has to jump through all the bureaucratic hoops because of their initial mistake. So today i read about Vaughn, an actor I didn't really know his name but have watched or heard most of the shows and movies he has been in. Today, i heard, he died at age 83 due to lukemia. IT is very sad to lose such a well respected actor. I guess his parents divorced at a young age but both gave him the genes to act. This will embolden Trump supporters stance on immigration reform. I however do not believe just cause you are Muslim or an immigrant you are more prone to committing a terror attack. Attacks of terror and mass shooting are mostly causes by angry white men. When It's a white man hes a lone wolf and when your from a foreign country its terrorism. I am not making excuses for what happened. Surly its tragic but lets not pool a whole race of people into a negative basket because of one or two bad eggs. It is really sad how many millions of people are led astray from the truth of the Bible. When people are exposed to hatred all their lives, it's very easy for them to become extremists. This suicide bomber in Pakistan is one of the sickest out there. People with no fear of death and who think they're actually going to be rewarded in the afterlife for killing innocent people? How stupid! Wow, I feel really bad for the parishioners of the church that got burned down. At least nobody was injured. On the one hand, it's crazy that people would do this, but on the other hand, I'm not exactly surprised. Trump has been inciting racial hatred and tearing down standards of decent behaviour since before the beginning of his campaign. Let's hope he loses in November and we can file this away as a disgraceful moment in American history, nothing more. Now this is a major issue: "Why Do Obese Patients Get Worse Care? Many Doctors Don’t See Past the Fat — You must lose weight, a doctor told Sarah Bramblette, advising a 1,200-calorie-a-day diet. But Ms. Bramblette had a basic question: How much do I weigh? The doctor’s scale went up to 350 pounds, and she was heavier than that. If she did not know the number, how would she know if the diet was working?" A populace that is so uneducated on health and nutrition that they don't know that it's mathematically impossible not to lose weight at over 350 pounds on a 1200 calorie a day diet. What's worse is a doctor who is so incompetent that he can't tell her that. If your clothes get bigger you are losing weight. Aww man, I hate to see this. This kind of story makes me so sad for the families who are just waiting for their family members to come home. I worry about this kind of thing when my husband is making his 2 hour commute to and from work or when my sister and her husband take the train to NYC. You just never know. I feel so bad for those families right now. I think the process of dying can contain various levels of trauma. Some people die with less pain, and we tend to call them lucky. I tend to think the body inflicts various levels of physical and psychological pain over the often somewhat lengthy process of dying. One type of emotion I can partly relate to is the idea that the party (life) keeps going on, but you have to leave. The idea of no longer consuming new information or experiences. The process of dying inflicts bad emotions on me, but thinking about being dead does not inflict many emotions on me. I feel neutral or calm about the idea, and I see no rational reason for worrying about it. There have just been so many different tragedies involving the sinking of migrant boats that the people who live in Western countries have become immunized to the images. I just wonder how people so close by in European countries can have an anti-refugee position (though they call them migrants) when the evidence of tragedy is before them every year since the Syrian war heated up. I think it is really just crazy. Ugh, I just read an article about our disgusting president and the way women are reacting to these rumors, allegations and truths made about this man and his inexcusable treatment of women in the past. And, that's just it, who is stupid enough to think his behavior is only in the past and is not still occurring today behind closed doors!? I am sure it is only a matter of time before that also comes out. The more and more I read about him, the more and more disturbed I am to have him as a president and wish I did not live in a country where that animal is calling the shots. The article was talking about women, especially Republican women, starting to pull away from their candidate and losing their warm and fuzzy feelings towards Trump. About time! Poor people, I feel bad for the family they left behind and for their friends and family, my deepest condolences to their relatives. It was an accident and there was nothing that could be done to preven it, but I hope this serves as lesson to other to be more careful while engaging in that kind of activities. This is just more violent nonsense from the outrageous middle east. Honestly, I dont care any longer. All these people clutching to one religion or another (often just as a mask for their rage) and killing each other out of tribal animus. It hasnt changed, well, ever. I dont expect it to change now. Its hopeless because people are just ignorant, solipsistic apes. I just cant care any longer about these idiots. Its horrible and tragic but it's all so preventable. Even though fewer people are crossing this year than in 2015, more people are dying as they try to make the journey.Bodies of migrants in a boat off the coast of Libya in October. At least 29 people died in the incident, all in their 20s.One person out of every 88 has been lost at sea trying to reach the shores of Greece, Italy or Spain. That means they're 90 times more likely to die on the journey than an American is likely to die of gunshot wounds. Aw, look, I didn't know Pete Burns died. I'm glad he was happy with all his surgeries and his life, even if I wasn't. He was so hot before he did all that, man. Gorgeous voice. Why are all the pretty ones so often the wrong kind of crazy? Now I have to go listen to that song, or it's going to be stuck in my head all day. Here is an article that pretty much sums up what most people already know about Donald Trump and his campaign platform. This is highlights some of the main points, including his stances on immigration, abortion rights, gun rights, Comey, the Clintons, and a variety of other topics. It's a good refresher. This is the kind of stuff that happens all over and is always underreported because the perpetrators of such sexual harassment and assaults are protected by their power in society and other powerful people. It was long just an unspoken or open secret that everyone basically knew, but it's good that it's finally coming to light with people willing to speak up, especially the victims. If they didn't speak up, people would go on thinking that this kind of stuff only happens in TV and movies. Art imitates life, and vice versa. of the 5000 rhinoceroses that remain free in the world have just killed one more. poachers do not respect endangered species. This enrages me and I try to hunt them. the 18-year-old rhinoceros left her baby orphaned. I really hope that stronger measures will be taken for the protection of these species and that their extinction will be avoided. There are a lot of things in this article that I don't agree with. I don't think that being gay is a mental problem, but I do believe that it is a sin. The only way for people to stop committing this sin is for God to work in their lives. I don't know a lot about conversion therapy, but i'm not so sure that this is the way to go. I also don't believe that trump is anti gay. He hasn't done anything that would make him anti gay. Michael Moore did it again! The man might not be much to look at, but he continually nails liberals social values with an iron fist. This time it was him predicting Trump's victory in a film, but what next? He is serving as a light post for liberals, trying to wake them up that aspects of the Democratic party are out of tune with the greater American people, but will they listen? Trump won for many reasons, and while he encourages liberals to tell their conservative friends Hillary "won the popular vote," What good will that even do? The time for liberals to get better in-tune with the needs of the greater american conservative public has long since passed... Salley Jessy Raphael was on the show "Where are they now" with Oprah, she claims she was betrayed by her producers. I remember watching her show in the 80's and 90's. It had become a show like Jerry Springer and she claims she wishes she had spoken up about the direction the show was going. She felt like her staff of 250 people thought she knew the show was going to be canceled in 2002 but she did not know anything about it. She was a strong personality and I think if she wanted to change the direction of the show she could have. Hindsight is twenty-twenty. Arnold Palmer was really a great and ambitious guy, he really did a momunmental change onnhow today's televesion sports work, and the fact that he died was pretty sadddning to me. I think that the legacy he left behind is amazing, and he will continue to influence us even after his death. I would love to see Arnold Palmer's compnay thrive tremendously over the next couple of decades, and continue to transpire within the people he has influenced in his life. I can sympathize with what these parents must be feeling. Not because I have raised a pre-teen, but because I can vividly remember that time in my life. Middle school is hard, ugly, and scary. I remember being bullied by girls that I idolized. I was fortunate to have a mother who was very caring and easy to talk to. She sympathized with me without making me feel like a small child who needed my parents to win my battles for me. She would say "That's awful, honey. Now, what are you going to do about it?" The wildfire burned the field more than 13,300 acres. This is the 75% of agricultural land. The farmers was very sad about the wildfire. Their lands are damaged very highly due to the wildfire. The emergency fire safety team save the 25% of land from the wildfire. This could be very helpful to the farmers. Although, they loss the 75% agricultural land. Even they are did not plant any plants from the burned agricultural land. Hi friend, I saw this article the other day, and I'm really upset by the behavior of the poachers. They had absolutely no reason to attack this guy. I would like to see the villagers fairly punished for their terrible behavior. Can you give me a hand and pass this along to everybody on your friends list? I know it isn't much, but I think that if we work really hard together, we might be able to get enough support to make sure that the poachers are punished. At any rate, we should at least try to raise the money to help this injured guy. Hello, dear group. Let's trust in the laws of our country and in truly just judgments. Hopefully the murderer accused of five counts of murder will not be free and quiet in the streets of this country. I hope that justice can compensate a little to the relatives of the victim. After a 24-hour chase the police found the criminal and even though the victims have not been recognized, they will soon discover who they are. I never knew that bananas were at risk of becoming extinct. Apparently we need to cultivate more varieties, so we do not face another crisis like Cavendish and Big Mike bananas that have succumbed to a fungal disease and almost got wiped out. We are so used to seeing bananas as a common fruit at supermarkets that we never think of not ever eating another one again! I found this article very intriguing, there is so much work that goes into figuring out how to protect this yellow fruit from fungal illnesses and make it more resistant to various dangerous fungal strains.Apparently this presents a great challenge for the scientists but they are hoping to cultivate more banana plant varieties that will be more resistant to various illness. Wow.. di you see this? Delicia Taylor is suing the makers of this product.. Soft Sheen Carson Optimum Amly Legend No Mix, No Lye Relaxer. She has bald spots, Burns, blisters and pain from using this. Do you know anyone who uses this? If you do have them check out this link. The law suit is for 5 million dollars.. maybe they can get some money.. I think it's terrible that this product was allowed to be sold. It is awful when someone thinks something would make them look nice but instead ends up damaging them for life. Be sure to check the article out.. I think there are some pictures out there too. Brace yourself before you look at them. Did you hear about the shipwreck in Egypt? Unfortunately it looks like fifty five people have died. It's such a sad story. I feel so bad for the families and that has to be a odd feeling for the 150 or so that survived. So many people swam to save their lives. I would never be able to do that! There were also children on the boat, so that is incredibly sad. I hate that people died and had no chance of survival. I think it's unfortunate that people are targetting children to join their terrorist communities. It's sad because all these kids have a future but they get wrapped up in this brainwashing stuff. And then people are perfectly fine pinning it on an entire community and that's not fair becuase it really had nothing to do with the community itself and was more of an individuals decision The Flint, Michigan water crisis is out of control. It seems like there isn't much being done to help them get cleaner water. We need to do everything we can to help them. Children are being hospitalized because of the cities incompetence. No one should have to go without clean water, and because we live in the United States, it's especially true. You know one thing late Thursday that the Islamic State used a rocket containing mustard gas against U.S. troops in Iraq. The general was addressing leaked news reports that investigators had found a black oily substance on a rocket that landed near the perimeter of the base. Dunford told the committee that investigators had assessed the liquid and found “it to be a sulfur-mustard blister agent.” The news is concerning because this is the first time a chemical weapon has been used against U.S. officials said the Islamic State was using to produce mustard agent and other chemicals for military use. No soldiers were injured in the attack, nor have any shown symptoms of exposure to mustard gas, a weapon banned by the 1925 Geneva protocol after the horrors of World War I. I don't know about Bayh. I kind of wish he hadn't run again; I'm glad he's not trying again this time. After reading this story, it's hard to feel sympathetic, even in retrospect. But the story confuses me, too. Didn't Bayh used to work for Fox News after he quit the Senate? The story doesn't even mention that. And it talks about how he was working for the banks but also embraced Obama's position on banks, which seem like mutually exclusive things. He didn't do anything great in the Senate, but when he was governor, he saved that lady's daughter's college career. It's all very confusing, but overall, I'm glad he's staying gone. I don't really like coconuts, I think everyone knows that, but I still think that they play a huge role in our ecosystem. I don't know a lot about coconuts or what role they play in the environment, but they're really important for a lot of economies where they are grown. I think that the article brings up a good point by saying that major companies that sell coconut water should be the ones trying to look for a solution because they are being oversourced due to high demand for their products, so I think that they have a lot of responsibility to try to be the ones to fix this dilemma and solve this coconut crisis. It just makes me worried about the environment overall because I really worry about global warming and I just really worry about the environment in general. Megyn Kelly during an interview, repeatedly shaking his finger at her and accusing her of being “fascinated with sex” because she brought up allegations of sexual assault against Trump. In a scolding tone, Gingrich tried to tell Kelly which words she could or could not use. Gingrich once had a fascination of his own with Bill Clinton’s sex life, as he was a driving force behind the movement to impeach Clinton following a consensual sexual relationship he had with a young former intern. Clinton became the second president in American history to be impeached by the House, but he was acquitted by the Senate. Voters, meanwhile, punished the Republicans for what they saw as an overreach: The GOP lost five House seats in the 1998 midterm elections, which led to Gingrich’s resignation as speaker. This sort of story is showing up far too much in the news anymore. It shows a deepening divide of racial tensions in America, which is something I thought we had finally put behind us. That being said, I mean that the racial tension is coming from BOTH sides, not just one side or the other. BOTH sides need to be held accountable for their actions and the divide they are creating in this country. Sadly this has become common in our society. Blacks are killed by police, and nothing seems to make a difference or matter. I can guarantee that if it was a black cop killing a while person, the outcomes would be entirely different. I dont blame the black community for their anger and dissapointment. I'm angry and dissapointed I cant imagine how they must feel. I'm saddened to hear the news about his passing. In my experience I believe that comedians get into the field due to an aspect of the desire to help people and give them a few laughs. Don't think I recall his comedy acts but reading through the tributes I get the sense that people liked him alright and that he was a good guy. His tagline is great - "that's not right." As if he internalized a solid sense of right and wrong. So I didn't know his work but I think I like him. An endangered species of polar bears have seen an increase in the number of them killed by visitors, or hunters. Look at how the people are apparently organizing against the threat to these wonderful, and endangered creatures. I'm not sure if they can turn the tide, there are a lot of bad people out there who hunt for sport, but they can surely slow it down, and that's a good thing. I hope their efforts are strong enough that this wonderful species can be preserved, intact, in their natural habitat. Lockets with blood? Dang, that is kind of creepy and weird guys, but oh well, they were in love. People do crazy things when they are in love. Now, the fact that this guy never felt enough indicates auto esteem issues, she is not God, dude. I still can not believe Brangelina is over, they were end game to me, but oh well, guess you can not force things. I just read an article about numerous female athletes that of taking the world by storm. I love hearing about female athletes, however it was frustrating to read an article with so many typos, miss spellings, errors and words that didn’t make sense put together. The article was clearly not proof read before being published where I read it. For such an important topic, proofreading would have been easy. I think that this is a kind of funny story. I enjoy hearing about escaped animals from the zoo for some reason. If you think about it the zoo is just one big animal jail. I am sure that I would resent the fact of being locked up if I was a wild animal. Some of these animals have never known the difference. A little animal called the vaquita is an endangered species. Efforts are being made to save the species but many conservation groups do not think these efforts will be successful. They call it "quick fix" intervention. Usually, when efforts are made to conserve a species, the efforts are unsuccessful. Apparently these animals are small porpoises which get trapped in nets. It is just so messed up that there are so many places in the world without easy access to clean water. The answer is never to privatize or "modernize" the water system of a place, as that is really just an excuse to implement political policies. It is just bizarre that our modern water systems in urban areas are so woefully lacking. Even desert areas of India get enough rainfall each year that a simple catchment system would solve all of a community's problems. This is a bizarre story. A man bashed a turtles head with a hammer in self defense. He is being held on 5000 bail. The only part of the story I find interesting is that the man dragged the turtle into the middle of the road and left it there. I'm not sure I believe the man. Claiming self defense against a turtle seems crazy. I think the man could of just left the turtle alone and not of been in this situation to begin with. I think what the father did was a noble gesture. Sometimes justice isn't always served in jail. I think it is a shame that he is being punished for what he did. What is more important however is that the father got his revenge. Sometimes it is necessary to take justice in your own hands. I applaud the father for what he did. It is extremely upsetting that there is a cultural war going on and no one seems to care. The values of muslims in general are not compatible with western culture. Further more, it is an ideology that promotes violence and terrorism. Until people become less tolerant of this disgusting dogma, things like this will continue to happen. If muslims want to be viewed in a better light in the west, they need to work on reforming their religion from within. Climate change isn't just about affect the weather negatively for future generations. It apparently will also affect food sources. We may be able to overcome this with our technology and science but will our food turn into frankenfood that could potentially have long term side effects that cannot be seen yet? Underdeveloped countries are especially going to be affected by diminishing crops due to climate change. I thank God because my sisters were born in USA instead of those countries in the middle east who still believe in male guardianship.Can you imagine a woman seeking permission fro a male figure who is a relative and sometimes a son to acquire a passport?that is so bad.I hope the activists will succeed in helping this women because this is so outrageous. I'm not a fan of Muslim migrants myself. I find most of Arab culture backwards and antithetical to American values. This is pretty fucked up, though. This article feels like something out of the 1960s. Makes you consider the cyclical and incremental nature of human history. Despite our technological advances we fall prey to the same prejudices and biases again and again. Before we were burning Native Americans, then the Irish, then Blacks, and now Muslims. Human progress at work. Hey just wanted to write you a note and see if you have been watching the news. They are reporting finding a mass grave near mosul of 100 dead bodies most of them decapitated and some thirty three thousand people that is displaced . that is terrible. We need to do something. The US is setting up service centers families which is a great idea. The US has done some super shady things. How we treated these people is horrible, and I'm not sure whether I'm more upset or just feel bad for the Americans who went along with it. It sort of reminds me of the SS officers during WWII- like at some point it seems like they all realized what they were doing wasn't kosher and definitely crossing ethical boundaries. Yet they all continued because .... why? I know the whole thing about the military is going along and just obeying orders but what was going on there was seriously seriously messed up. Reading this article makes me feel sad for many reason. I myself have no idea why those countries are always at war and why so many people are loosing their lives. It also makes me sad to imagine myself in a situation where I am constantly in fear of my life. With so many being lost already it makes me sad to think about these things continually happening. These people are dumb for voting for him. They can't even tell that he's exploiting their feelings and has no intentions to helping them. He's just taking advantage of the situation for his own gain. They'll find out soon and they'll be the ones who end up suffering most from this. I don't really have too much sympathy for them. I'm always upset to hear about violence erupting as a result of lives lost due to police action. I believe most police officers are good people, but there is a pervasive issue of racism ingrained in many police departments. The protests were certainly justified. Police should be subjected to psychological testing to determine whether they have an inclination toward racism. Those that do need to be removed from active duty immediately. You should check out this article. As I was reading I was happy that the injuries were not worse tha n they were. Could you imagine being in any sort of situation like this? It makes me feel bad for people with children, could you imagine letting you r children leave every day and not knowing what could happen to them? The liberal left has struck again. They continue to react negatively to Trump being president even 18 months after the election. This whole thing about getting an IUD now because Trump will make birth control unaffordable in the near future is ridiculous. Just another issue to get people stirred up. Most Trump supporters are conservative when it comes to economic issues but moderately liberal when it concerns social issues. Big changes in birth control, same sex marriages, abortion, and women’s rights are not going to happen. I would like to ask the haters how their lives have changed for the worse since the election! Hi, I have learned that Syria’s war escalated abruptly on Friday. Government forces and their Russian allies launched ferocious aerial assaults on Aleppo. Repeated airstrikes destroyed buildings and engulfed neighborhoods, and flames killed about 100 people there. What is gained with this senseless violence? I knew trump really doesnt' believe fully in the climate change and that it's caused my human actions. I think he's putting this topic on the back burner since there are more important things to concentrate. I have to say I agree with him but at some point during his presidency, it should be looked at and see what kind of changes, if any need to take place, and then make them happen I hope everyone is ok. I was in a small earthquake and it was extremely scary. A lot of people can die if you don't have safe buildings. I think there should be a major international effort to provide guidance for any nations in an earthquake prone region so that we can do a little bit to prevent more deaths when the earthquakes inevitably hit. Well, this is frustrating. Not only will the new law not really help, but it doesn't sound like anything will help. It's a good point, about having to get the fishers on board with saving the paquita, but I don't know how to convince them. If it came down to feeding my family or saving a handful of dolphins that are probably going to die out anyway, there's a good chance I'd pick my family. The story's a year or two old -- so once I've finished doing what I'm doing, I'm going to look up the paquita and see what's happened since then. Hello there. So I just read this disturbing story about a teacher who is involved in child pornography. He is now going to face courts for such a disgusting habit. I think this teacher should really be punished exemplarily so that even those who were thinking of doing it can take notice. This is totally unacceptable in our education system It's amazing how much destruction two large warring nations can do to such a smaller nation. The Middle East was never in a position of power, they have been fighting for a millenia, but the destruction is much greater now, there has never been weaponry so large and crushing to such a small state nation. It's unbelievable that an entire generation of culture will be separated from their families and can only take what they have learned so far. Hey, did you read this article? I feel really bad for all who are dealing with these extreme weather crisis. Fires, floods, extreme heat is all getting out of hand and I am praying for everyone who has bee and will be harmed. I pray for a solution. There has to be something that can be done about this, right? It is very upsetting to hear about a family losing their children in such a freak accident way. As a parent myself I can only imagine the horrible feelings that this family is going through and how everyone must be feeling right now to lose these little girls as such a young age. No one should have to bury their own children, it is just terrible. More toddlers and preschoolers are overdosing on opioids — In recent years, rates of toddlers and preschoolers hospitalized for opioid overdoses more than doubled, according to a new study. In fact, overdoses rose more than 100% over a 16-year period among all children, the study published in JAMA Pediatrics Oct. 31 showed. Researchers from Yale School of Medicine analyzed national data from the Kids’ Inpatient Database on children admitted to U.S. hospitals for opioid poisoning. The study focused on more than 13,000 records from patients ages 1 to 19 between 1997 to 2012. What's to blame? Possibly the increase of prescribed pain killers, including OxyContin and Vicodin. Research from 1999 to 2010 show retail sales of prescription opioids quadrupled."Even in children younger than 6 years, Here is an article for you. It's an old one, obviously. I am so sick of Republicans. They are a cowardly, spineless bunch who fall in line behind Trump every time. Let's hope they get a major butt whooping in November. But this article demonstrates how we can't take anything for granted. I remember back then, when all the polls showing wins for Hillary and the Democrats. I haven't trusted the polls since then, and I know you don't trust them either. And who knows what the Russians are going to do this time around? No one has tried to stop them, so why wouldn't they try to interfere in our elections again? We have to keep an eye out and do whatever we can to make sure there's no funny business at the polls in November. I just read an article about elephants and how they are becoming extinct due to people being more concerned towards their need fr ivory than they are for the precious lives of elephants. I don't understand why people have such little regards for the well being of the elephant species, knowing that they are on the verge of extinction and it upsets me severerly knowing that we are taking them for granted. Poor orangutan. I hope her treatment is successful and she is able to return to living in the wild, or at least in a zoo. You hear a lot of stories these days about illegal animal trading. Humans need to learn that wild animals are not there for our entertainment and should be kept in their habitats. I would give these people a life sentence in prison. People who steal from the less fortunate and exploit resources and innocents have no place in our society! They stole from pensioners and investors and blew millions on luxuries and other forms of pleasurable experiences at the expense of people, causing suffering and pain! They should be punished accordingly, a dark cell with a toilet and a meal of prison mush twice a day would serve them just right. It's a typical story about wealthy and elite out there, who always harm the innocents and somehow able to get away and proven "innocent". I would especially show no mercy when it comes to these greedy bankers all over the world. There is absolutely no excuse for their crimes-so much poverty and grief all over the world! Imagine the excitement of going to a concert and the buildup for days after buying tickets. Imagine that you finally get to see these bands play and all of the sudden you hear gunshots ring out. You see people falling down, dead. How are you supposed to cope with that? How can you get up the next day and feel that this is a world worth living in? Other story similar to the local news about the killing of a woman I know in town. It always makes me think of the children first. It also makes me wonder how a person could commit such atrocities, especially in front of children. The child that called 911 will no doubt mentally live with that phone call for the rest of their life. Article seem to have been murder, and a middle class home, maybe drug use or robbery gone wrong? What is wrong with the world today? I will certainly hug my children tighter tonight after reading all these articles about murder, grieving children, deaths, worldly disasters and sadness. The world is such an interesting, wonderful yet sad place all at once. I will also say a prayer for those kids and pray and be thankful for mine. I found this article that was really sad about these divers that they found dead in a Florida cave system. It was so sad. I was really depressed after reading it. Perhaps they shouldn't have gone so far down because there was a sign saying not to, but still, it was very sad that they died. They were experienced and should have survived, but they didn't. I really feel sorry for their friends and family. They will be dearly missed. Please pray for them and their families. The problem of poaching has become such an epidemic guides in South Africa who use to take hunters on big game safari's are now becoming a different kind of hunter themselves. They've taken up arms in the war on poaching due to the fact it is an outrageous epidemic at this point. Animals like the rhino are on the brink of extinction and poachers don't care. Yet another reason to have more strict immigration rules. These people know the dangers that they face when they do this, so it is hard to feel very sorry for them. I don't think giving them more information on these dangers will stop them, but patrolling the waters and turning these human traffickers back will. If it is made difficult for these human traffickers to exploit these people, it will happen less often. I don't know much about cricket but apparently in England it's a very big deal! This one town's team is under the gun to win the championship and needs only 33 more points to pull it off. Can you imagine the pressure of the coach and players??? That must be some fierce competition over there. I wonder if they have as big of a fan base as most of our sports do here in the states? I feel like Aleppo is a legit war zone right now. You can get killed anywhere at anytime. I feel so sorry about the innocent families and children that are involved and would like other nations to at least help Syria and other Middle Eastern Countries and accept refugees. The thought of losing your child or someone in your family is really disturbing. The shark attack described was distressing. I'm glad to know that the victim is okay. There is something about shark attacks that seems so unexpected and primal...really frightening. At the same time I can appreciate how people want to protect the natural wildlife in the area. Its a tough call. I know the measures they take will never be perfect. I guess I'm on the fence about what they're doing to protect the sharks. The war in Syria is one in which the US needs to get out of. We have no reason to be involved there, and staying involved will just risk the war expanding and making the region worse off. We need to get out, like, yesterday. Also, we are wasting billions on this that could be used for universal healthcare and increasing the minimum wage. Our system has failed us once again and continues to fail us daily. The idea that a foster care system allows for brothers to be split apart that came in together in insane. It's strange to me that we treat human life as if it is less than important. I wish that people would wake up from the old-world ideals and behavior. Thanks to the 20th century and the advent of film as a story-telling mechanic, we have the ability to be able to share stories with each other on a bigger level. I can't believe that it's 2018 and we still operate as if it's 1400 a.d. I am disgusted by our modern culture and our governmental system. It's all a sham. We are slaves. The article I read was about the disparity in responsibility for birth control between men and women. A new male birth control was rejected as having too many side effects on men, when options available to women have far more and more severe side effects. The article mentioned that birth control for women revolutionized lives so much that the side effects were deemed acceptable, but men are not accustomed to ceding convenience for responsibility, are used to women taking control in this area. this article about people targeting muslims is sickening. One lady's clothes were set on fire! Who does that?! Another lady was with her 15 month old child and was punched in the face :( It makes me so sick that hate going on in todays world. I understand that there are terrorists and some are muslims. But that does not mean we should say that every muslim should pay the price. This is absolutely awful. I can't even imagine the amount of pain the victim had. The only suspected motive was after Comunale rejected the sexual advances of one of the men inside the apartment? Really? That's not a good reason at all to kill someone. How dare he. What a tragic story this is, and it makes me heart churn just trying to think of the robbed life that was taken. I think most people would be disturbed about how animals are treated before they are slaughtered and used for meat. I feel like aside from clearly inhumane treatment, it should be expected that killing an animal for food isn't exactly going to be the most pleasant process for the creature. I'm not particularly surprised that the method of stunning chickens has a failure rate. Wow, this is terrible! I know a lot of you use L'Oreal products. You should read this. It has to do with a woman getting awful burns from using their products. She's going to sue the company. I think we should support her. No company should get away with this. It's a horrible reaction and it's just plain terrible what she has to go through. I'm not sure what can be done but global warming is affecting us in many other areas then the ones we have seen and heard. Did you know our coffee crops are in danger of being wiped out? That's right, I just read this article detailing the struggles currently going on with coffee crop farmers. There is an intense struggle at the moment for them to maintain their crops and to keep them going. The warm temperatures have really threw a wrench into their day to day operations and maintaining the coffee crops has become quite a challenge. We are in danger of either paying really high prices on coffee or worse case scenario being without coffee period. This is very distressing for me. Can you imagine not having our cup of coffee daily to get us through the days? This is truly tragic. It's ridiculous that those talk shows of daytime tv moved on to be more like soap opera's. They could have done alot of good for their fans, but then it just became more of a cheap laugh. The people that lost their jobs on Sally Jesse Raphael had families they supported. After being told the show would be renewed, it was a harsh blow to find out that wasn't the case. I feel for those that were put out of work. Ugh. That's rough. I feel so bad for that little girl and she deserves to live in a world where justice is made, but that eye-for-an-eye type justice is so medieval. The guy obviously deserves a very harsh punishment, but this is barbaric. This is the difference between revenge and justice. A 20-year prison sentence makes so much more sense than blinding. We need to destroy the system that allows these things to happen. Capitalism that reinforces these disgusting habits must be destroyed utterly and the Christian religion should be wiped out in its entirety. There is no excuse for this kind of repulsive behavior that drives people to abuse these children. I don't know why is that the people was injured. But what a horrible new, I know that this kind of incidents perturb a lot to the citizen of that country. Powerful nations need to create associations to defend those countries that suffer from the injustice. Some countries around have leaders that abuse from their people. This kind of situations must be investigated and punished by an international organism. I just read an article on how many civilians are killed by airstrikes by NATO forces. This is a major issue because the mainstream media never report these stories. The media only paints NATO as the good guys and never in a bad light. They can commit acts that can be deemed a war crime but as long as they are the authority they do not need to be accounted for. I always feel soft hearted when I read about the holocaust. To imagine going through that experience and just knowing that there are people that evil makes me angry and sad. But to see people try to make something positive out of something so negative makes me happy. Also I feel that it's so great to remember those who died without ever living their lives. I think that this is really sad. It seems to be something that is ingrained in all humans. I am thankful that it mostly just effects children, but it seems kind of hopeless that we will ever fully solve this problem. I think the only real way is for adults to be consistently vigilant and make sure that we are not ignoring the kids that this is effecting. As someone who works in healthcare I have not encountered THIS type of thing yet, but everyone has an embarrassing story and while the ER may have not seen the exact same thing, they've likely seen crazier, just own it and GO IN. you can always tell people about your own embarrassing experience in third person, much better than losing a limb, organ or your life. It's about time somebody stood up to Mexico. We are being flooded with mexicans and immigrants flooding over the border. It's an invasion as far as I'm concerned. I could go into detail about all the negatives it causes. But what I am sick of is every time we want to do something about it, all the naysayers and doomsdayers through NAFTA and Trade and economics in our face. I get it we made some dumb deals in the past that have lead to bad consequences, but we elected Trump to take a new direction. Mexico will have to get their act together too, I'm sick of them acting like saints everytime we want to take an action. ‘Silicon Valley’ stars recount being harassed by Donald Trump supporters — “Silicon Valley” stars Kumail Nanjiani and Thomas Middleditch both took to Twitter Saturday morning to recount their experience being harassed by two Donald Trump supporters in a Los Angeles bar. “Was at a bar last night with @Middleditch. At the end of the night, 2 white dudes, 20’s, who’d been there for hours came up to us,” Nanjiani began, adding that they said they were fans, but thought they were “wrong about Trump.” “I go ‘Hey we don’t wanna discuss politics right now.’ His friends goes ‘oh they’re cucks.’ People are still talking about Hillary Clinton....which is sooooooooo old news...she lost fair and square and people just need to get over it.......She lost to Trump, which means we definitely didn't want her as our president. She and everyone else needs to stop blaming everything and everyone else.........Lets all just do each other a favor and just pretend she never happened and just let her retire in silence. And another shooting of a black man by a cop. While most of the time, I feel that the shooting is justified, with the evidence presented, I definitely think this needs to go to a jury for a decision. I agree that she should have been trained for this scenario, but no one knows exactly what their emotions will be in a situation like this one. It was a domestic violence call, which are extremely dangerous for police officers. But I don't understand why less than lethal methods weren't deployed first. I think it's hard to determine things like this unless the entire program in each community is being monitored. If not, the money spent versus the number of children being taught or learning from this process is hard to determine. I do think that connecting the schools is important though and that children should be learning computers, but by the time they're in the workplace, the jobs may have changed. This is just disgusting. I cannot believe that this is happening to people. Why are people afraid to go to the doctor? there is no reason for this. I am numb to all this madness and I cannot believe I am writing about a man's penis right now. I cannot find any excuse for this and people need to be educated about the healthcare system so they are not so afraid of it. Hey, I saw your post about people harming the environment and I definitely agree with you. Just take a look at this article - it talks about how foods are being wasted and it can potentially harm the environment. Since so many people do not care about the environment or do not know the effects of harming the environment, how about you and see set up some program that would help improve the environment? An animal center did not take care of animals properly. There was complaints by an employee about horrid conditions that the owner did not do anything about. Animal centers are not regulated so the owners do whatever they want without consequences. Dogs died of heat exhaustion because they were not supervised and did not have proper ventalation in a room known to get vey hot. Trump is president get over it snowflakes. People still complaining about him being president need to shut the fuck up and just accept it like a big boy or girl. Things happen and there isnt anything they can do about it. All i see are big ass babies that need something to whine about . Forming lines across roads interferring with peoples lives is just childish and people need to grow up and take off those damn diapers I really liked this guys music. It's hard to feel too sad though. He lived a full and excellent life. His music will live on for generations and there is every bit of the chance that he will never be forgotten. It is not bad to live to 80. many others live far shorter lives and some peoples existence seems as meaningless as a fart in the wind. I felt very bad when read these kinds of news. For me, it is vital to protect women and kids. I think they are vulnerable than men. The society should give more protect to them. I really feel pity for the girls who had suffering like that. I hate those bad people that did all these crimes. They should be punished. Kind of cool that researchers have found that bonobos tend to become farsighted as they age, which is quite similar to humans. They also observed their grooming practices. Some even take turns grooming one another, which is pretty cool. The article was extremely hard to read and understand, especially with it being written in one giant block, so those are really the only key points I got from it. This article held some very valid views that I have been trying to explain for years. The hypocrisy that America generates is overwhelming and others can see this too. We are holding ourselves so high up as a free country meanwhile a black man can not even get pulled over without having a white man pulling a gun on him. This area has been devastated by natural disasters and it appears to only be getting worse. I can't believe the amount of disasters that appear to be concentrated in one place, and the resilience that the citizens have shown to survive. I also can't believe the looting and break-ins that have been reported in the area, what kind of people steal from those in need? It is disturbing to me that people in the US are not starting as many small businesses and the number of entrepreneurs is falling. I think it's because of all the government regulations and red tape that makes it difficult for a small business to start up and compete. It's also of concern that US workers are stressed about job security. Hey man can you believe that again the sea ice is at its lowest level again! I just read an article on it and It seems like it keeps going lower and lower. I feel really worried for animals that depend on the sea ice, polar bears I think really need it. Plus I read how it can have a really bad impact on our climate because the ice reflects so much of the sun's energy without it even more heat from the sun gets in and doesn't get reflected. Definitely something to watch and worry about. How could someone treat such an intelligent creature so horribly. You'd think by now people would figure out that we don't have any superior right to health and happiness over other animals on Earth. You'd think people would be too ashamed of the CHANCE of getting caught acting like this to actually have the audacity to treat another living creature so despicably. Wow. Here we go again, I guess???? A couple of years ago that area in Tennessee was completely devastated by uncontrollable wildfires. Many people lost their lives and their homes. Many businesses were also destroyed. I hope this fire wasn't like that one. A group of kids who were playing with matches in the woods set it on fire. They fled the area and told no one Hello Friend how are you? How are your children behaving? I do not understand much about politics but now the President of this country and that of Ruisa joined forces when fighting against Syria. They called Syria as the first threat and classified it as terrorists. I really do not understand what is the reason for so much hearing and what was the initial problem. I know that there are many good people in Syria, so it makes me think that many people died when the President of Russia bombed Syria. Many good people die. I consider that the war does not solve anything, it has not done it before and neither will it now. All the unrest in the Middle East has me really concerned with my son being deployed over there. There's so much going on in Saudi Arabia and neighboring countries and I'm so worried he will end up right in the middle of it all. Please say a prayer that he is safe over there and that nothing bad happens while he is there! Hello friends I have just read an article about these people from egypt that were on a boat and then they got shipwrecked I think. The recent scientist of the earth have no found the evidence about the ship and the bodies and are beginning to make ideas up about the people. They said that the people were on the ship and I forgot why or what they were doing but it is still a little bit interesting. The article was very long and hard to read though. I am not sure if you saw that Fernandez is dead. That is really going to impact the Marlins. I didn't know all that he went through as a child to get to America. It is sad when someone with such light and hope is killed either in an accident or by some jealous fan. I know he was really important to a lot of people. I am glad they decided to cancel the Braves game. Nobody is really going to be focused enough to play anyway. Hey i just saw this post and this is so sad that the kids in venezuela do not have neough to eat can you beleive that some kids only eat a smll meal for one whole day instead of three full course meals i can not even belueve that what is happening o the world where we arw more concered about putting money inot guns and creating ar when we have bigger issue son our hnads such as te hunger that these people are suffering and there kids so many kids are sudfering and even fainting While reading the article, I did not really care too much about the protests made by people in South Korea against their President mainly because it is in South Korea and not here in America. Although I didn't really have much concern for the article I just read, I hope that these protests will end in South Korea. Do you hear about that teacher that body-slammed a student and now the student lost his leg? Understand kids can be so wild and disrespectful why would you body slam a child? That was my child I'd be furious and that individual should be very fearful of his consequences for putting their hand so roughly on my child regardless of what the reason was. Apparently an actor was found dead in a Talk show host's home. Not sure what occurred but you have to feel sorry for those close to them. I certainly don't want to be negative and assume that demons finally caught up with him or an assault of some sort occurred but it is odd and they clearly have family who lost a loved one. It a shame that someone with talent to entertain and act would lose their life at a younger age and I guess it could be any of us but it's sad foor thoose who knew him and my heart goes out to them. I heard about a rock climber who died in Vietnam trying to scale it's highest mountain. I remember we've talked about going on vacation there. Sadly it was a young guy, 22, not much younger than us. It's a really tragic story because he was on the trip with his girlfriend and when it went off on his own he became lost. In his final moments they were actually in contact through texting. the reports of officers being killed just because they are police officers is obsurb. Police officers all get a bad reoutation because you got some dumbass officer that kills someone they had no right killing and all officers are tagged as murderers and corupt. officer are here to protect and serve you and keep you safe Hey, This is some sad news. The rhino couldn't be saved from his infectious diseases, so he had to be put down. I feel bad for the animal as he or she didn't have to live this way. In addition, it was difficult to find treatment for the rhino, so I feel bad for the veterinarians that had to take care of the rhino. Well here is another story about the dangers of selfies. I'm mystified by this "fad" of selfies. I have never even thought about taking one. But maybe thats just my age or generation. Anyhow another idiot taking a selfie got attacked by a snake. Seems like selfie taking affects the brain or at least the part of brain. I have heard about people getting in fatal car crashes while taking selfies, and falling off a cliff, and being fatally attacked by bears, lions, etc etc. Now a python. A guy named Collins was charged with stealing nude celebrity photos and videos. While his behavior is clearly unacceptable, one thing to note is the article is calling this a hack. Hacking and nothing is safe, not you, not yours, not your loved ones, is kind of a way to make people afraid and keep reading. In reality, this guy just kinda sent an email to these celebrities and said hey i need your password this is google from google, hurry its an emergency and they fell for it. I feel bad for them, we've all been tricked at least once in our lives by something on the internet, but it isn't like this guy cracked the security of google and we're all doomed. This is a terrible story. In a way, I feel happy that the child no longer has to suffer. Had the child lived he would be mess for the rest of his life. I am just angry at the mother. This is what happens when a state has weak laws. She is only facing 15 years for what she did. She should be given the death penalty. I am disgusted with the legal system. Thank God I don't live in California. This person's actions were way over the top! While I may not necessarily like that Trump is in office but I still respect the fact that he is where he is. Just because I didn't get my way doesn't mean that I would act like this! This person took away from others and should be punished for what they did. When he was born, my son tested for elevated lead levels in his blood, and we don't live near Chicago. We were more than a bit scared, and tried to help him learn not to stick things in his mouth. Lead damage is not reversible, and we lived in an old house. To think that every day people are drinking water with as much lead as indicated is a bit disturbing - and it's not going to be cheap to fix. I would find it hard to believe that the students are still alive if they were handed over to the drug cartel. If these students were on a trip to hijack vehicles, then law enforcement should not use their time and resources to search for them, especially after 2 years. Their time should be spent on non-criminals. But if they believe the police are the ones who handed them over to a drug cartel, then they should probably look into that then using these same people to locate them. The filthy scourge known as child slavery is rearing its ugly head again, this time in Myanmar. The United Nation's has estimated somewhere around one million Burmese children have had to stop going to school and start finding jobs. And trying to find a job is where in the trouble lies, it's very heart breaking for the families but with little other choice what can they do? I don't believe this at all. I think people are overreacting to the news that Trump was elected president. There are always bad apples out there, no matter who the president is. To blame this on the president, right after he was even elected, is wrong. Give the guy a chance and get over it and try to make something positive of this. Reading this article makes me upset. I hate what we do to native people. It seems as a society we seem to ignore their feelings and traditions just to move ourselves forward. We forget that we intruded onto their land to make ourselves homes that we enjoy yet we can't offer them the same good feeling. To even think that the option of having dangerous amounts of mercury seep into the waters is beyond me. What are we going to do, start collecting cow farts? That sounds like a good job to me. I bet the benefits are good. I guess the liberals will try to blame meat eaters for this some how. I mean, maybe we can develop some kind of methane collection system and then use the cow farts to power the world. Talk about renewable energy! It seems wind turbines are killing a lot of birds. In particular the golden eagle which is an endangered species, I believe the article said. I don't understand why they don't cage in the turbine blades like they do with house fans. I mean it sucks bird kind everywhere, but it's either the turbine or toxic smog. I think if someone is going to take on that responsibility in raising cattle they should at least know what they are doing. This guy, Bundy, does not care for them. They hardly have food or water. They get no interaction so when they do need to round them up, they're mean. That should be illegal. I'm suprised he has not been caught yet. He is very lucky because when he get caught he will regret not taking proper care of them. I hate the conflict that is happening here. I feel for the three soldiers that died and their families. I guess I'm too much of a pacifist but I really wish that people could realize that this level of conflict is a waste of resources and lives. However, I also know that this isn't how the world works. I can't believe just how much manipulation went on behind the scenes of Donald Trumps campaign. I feel like we will never know the true extend of how corrupt his whole deal was. First you hear about all these huge collections of data and then you get the idots who defend him about climate change being fake. Well, this certainly is rich and pathetic. The Muslims and their terrorist mouthpiece Council on American-Islamic Relations are all whiny that someone tried to do to them what they have been doing to everyone else all over the world. Never hear a word out of them when they're blowing up cars and shooting up innocent people in the streets do you? This article is so alarming. The fact that many Indonesians aren't safe in their own home country is very distressing. A lot of people can't afford to leave, so they're stuck risking their lives because of this haze, which is nothing that they can do anything about. A lot of innocent people are getting a raw deal, here. I think justice has been served one way or another. This person seemed like a danger to society. I think it's only right they should meet their end in this fashion. People like this should be removed from society before they do something that will hurt others. I feel bad for anyone who was in danger from this mad man. Hi there. I just read an article and I feel like I need to share my thoughts on it. It was about an oil spill!! Oil spills are so upsetting. I feel so sorry for all the ocean life and animals that are affected and WILL be affected! It's so tragic. I wish we could prevent these from ever happening again. Even though I am not in favor of the conservative party, I still do not understand why the Jewish people would be struggling to understand "Trump's electron". It is not a one party election so at some point or another the Democratic or the Republican party will be in the white house. There will always be naysayers on either side. Everyone everywhere do need prayers and I do appreciate the prayers from the Jewish community. I could not help but think of my and my son would we be in a similar situation. I know my son is much younger and the situation would be very different, but part of me can feel the water as we are swimming to get safe. I can see myself looking back to be sure that he is still with me, maybe reaching back to try to pull him closer. It is a very intense thought. The person I thought I was supposed to be or was going to be or who I thought I was six months ago is now somebody completely different. I realize, ‘Wow, I really thought that I was so brave and so gracious this entire time and really I was just hiding.’” Handler, whose mom died of breast cancer in 2006, got choked up during the emotional interview. “Don’t cry! Don’t cry!” Doherty told the talk show host as Handler tried to hold back tears. “Well, I mean, all right — hold on a second,” Handler, 41, said, while tilting her head back to keep the tears from streaming down her face. “This was very hard and not humbling — because I’ve already been humbled by cancer,” Doherty then continues. “It was hard in the sense of rethinking sort of who you are and how you come to terms with who are now an Hey just wanted to write you a quick note. I saw on the news today a women pushed another women into the train tracks at the midtown manhattan subway station yesterday. What is going on with people? The police didnt have a motive yet. The authorties said approx 24 people per year are killed on the tracks but its usually accidental. Death to all cops! We cannot allow the police force to continue existing. They are nothing more than government sanctioned mass murderers that exist to protect White capitalist interests by slaughtering hundreds. We must deceively destroy the police as a concept without any hesitation or remorse. All police are our enemies! There are no good cops! I read an article about a young mother-to-be who lost her twins, prematurely, after being shot in the stomach. It really raises a good question for me and a lot of people, which is: when do we consider a life to begin? As for me, I consider life to begin when a human takes his or her first breath. Possibly a religious thing, I guess -- my parents and grandparents and entire family believed the same. But because there is no unified belief system as to this issue, I find it difficult to form an opinion as to how people should be prosecuted when a fetus is harmed. I really wish there were one answer to this problem. It disgusts me that this leak occurred, there should have been a better contingency plan to stop all of those gallons oil from spilling. I feel so bad for the environment and the animals who well be negatively affected by this spill. I feel compassion for the people who rely on the oil, and now have to pay inflated prices and search for gas. There's something terrifying about being attacked by animals. It's even more horrifying to find out the animals that are attacking you are the ones you think are so cute and adorable. I just read an article about squirrels attacking a retirement home and injuring three elderly. It must have been so terrifying for them to encounter this event. Imagine going out to feed the squirrels like you usually do and in turn get attacked by these rabid critters! It's so shocking and I'm still shaking after reading this. They had to call in the ambulances and animal control to help the situation out. This is tragic. The bites from the attack could lead to rabies and other diseases. I feel troubled thinking about this because these elderly can't really react quick enough in these situations. These are problems that US solider had to deal with for many year. Hell, you could even go back much, much further if you want to. War is hell, and it can--and often does--do a ringer to your psyche and overall mental health. That's why we as a society need to pump more resources into mental health as we do physical health. I just read this article about a murder suicide. This couple, their three kids, and their dog were all dead from gunshot wounds. They even shot the dog. :( The family seemed really normal. They had some issues with stress and the relationship, but who doesn't? It's really eerie that people can be like that and you won't even know it. I really think everyone should read this article. This story shows perfectly how damaging and dangerous guns can be to all people on both sides of the law. This is why this country needs to make it harder for everyone to be able to obtain a gun. This is especially true to those who have been involved in domestic and sexual abuse incidents. I think its fine that people protest. I dislike president Trump as much as those protesters. But what they are doing its wrong. They cant be destroying property or been a menace for other people. Guys, do it peacefully, that's the best way to do things, otherwise you will get arrested and in trouble. I think that it would a great thing if all students could get connected to the internet. The internet will provide them ways to learn more and it will help them further their education as well. I think that President Obama's plan for the internet should have really worked better to so that all students can have an opportunity to use computers anytime that they want to. this article is about As part of its fight against childhood obesity, the organization of nations has called on Member States to introduce restrictions on advertising of aforementioned products on all platforms including the internet. In 2012 in Europe, said the WHO, children use ‘digital media’ for nearly two hours daily on weekdays. And on weekends, they’re online an extra half an hour longer. Internet use is increasing sharply, the organization added, and the trend covers all age groups. Hidden junk food ads online For starters, Google, Facebook and YouTube are the sites with most daily visits online. Meanwhile, Android and iPhone (iOS) are the top platforms on hand-held communication devices, and they also have advertisements via applications. a 6.4 magnitude on the richter scale earthquake hasshaken up the whole capital of santiago, chile. chile is very propense to earthquakes and natural disasters. we have heard of an earthquake that scaled out to be 8.8 and destroyes over 200 thousand homes in chile. i feel very bad for the people who died. and send out my compassion to the family of the 55 dead in this earthquake. Just read an article that explored Trump's appeal and why he won the election. It indicated that Trump had a simple appeal to the darker side of people, the look out for myself and not others side, it explored Trump's ability to partner with those that are hurting and feel left out of society through lack of jobs, etc. He used this association to promote his agenda, with simple phrases that were easy to remember, and tailored it to the good old boy network. The article didn't really explore Russia's influence on the election, only addressed Trump's appeal to certain groups. Boring. I don't care, again, because it doesn't impact me or anyone I know directly. These people should move. I sure as hell wouldn't stay there. I do find it hilarious that this is happening in California, where they seem so concerned about every possible social issue under the sun, especially taking care of people who are here illegally, yet there are parts of the state where actual citizens can't drink the water like they're living in a third world nation. Then again, given Commiefornia's stated desire to secede, they might get to live their third world dream. Reading about atrticles like this in a country i dont care about has no meaning to me. Im lower class worker in the USA. This kind of stuff makes no difference in my life because i struggle to even feed my kids. People facing hardship in other coutries is there problem not mine and i have no real feeling towrds those people I cannot believe there is someone evil enough in this world to torture a poor, helpless kitten this way. Did you read this article? The kitten was wrapped so tightly, it's little legs were close to it's face. It made me cry. It is horrifying to think people that are capable of this exist. Anyone that does this is a true psychopath. What will they do next? Murder young children? Anyone that is that cruel to animals should be punished. Please share. We have to raise awareness. I just read an article about U.S. soldiers being killed in Jordan. This is tearing my heart out and I can't get the images of what must have happened out of my mind. You know that I was in the military myself and it makes it that much harder on me. I can't begin to imagine how the families of these soldiers must feel. From what I read, apparently this was an accident and the soldiers were shot when they failed to stop at the checkpoint going into the base. The base was already on alert due to a previous car bomb attack. I'm guessing that they felt they couldn't take any chances on it being another car bomber and went ahead and shot at the vehicle. It's so sad. It's bad enough that these brave men have to face dangers from the enemy, but when they get taken down by friendly fire? This article was very interesting but also written a little strange. It was about a wolf who had wondered off from the pack. The wolf was a protected wolf part of a group being protected by some biological organization. Had a tracking monitor on him and his life was largely documented. I guess he wondered from the pack looking to mate. Well the government, federal government, killed the wolf by a sniper person and its caused a big uproar. Kind of weird but I guess that is a thing. Gosh, another article about the Middle East and terrorists. This was is pretty much like the one I ready earlier. Things never get better. The terrorists won't even allow people to leave the city they're holding, to try and reach the Iraqi army nearby who could help them. Maybe the UN needs to step in and do something. Bankia a banking company in Spain had their board members spend unauthorized private money from the bank on hotels, entertainment food, and other luxuries. All this was spent from credit cards used by the bank itself. The spending was unauthorized and not reported to the tax authorities at all. Bankia was already in the limelight already due to being bailed out by the government in 13 million dollars. I just read an article about leprosy found in squirrels. It is kind of scary to think about what diseases can be lurking in other animals that we are not even aware of. I worry enough about this kind of stuff as it is, and now I just have more to worry about when I leave the house. Sometimes I think that ignorance is bliss. It makes me want to just stay inside. Like I have said before and will say it till I am blue in the face. I hate Donald Trump. He is not progressing the United States of America forward. He says his new slogan is Keep America Great, well, buddy, you got to make it great in the first place. He is one racist, misogynistic, egotistical liar and cannot wait till he leave, however way. I didn't realize that a dam could cause so much problem. It is a shame that the people who are going to be impacted the most are the indigenous people. I don't understand how people feel it is okay to do this to them. Maybe there are many pros that I just don't know about and this article is focusing only on the negative of the methylmercury. I guess this goes to show that we as a human race can affect the environment in maybe a not so good way. What do you think about this? I am curious what you have to say about this. I just read a very interested and heart touching article concerning Haiti. It is very sad to think about the amount of suffering the Haitian people have gone through in the past years. A lot of very sad hardships, from Earthquakes destroying already terrible infrastructure, to intense poverty. It makes me want to help the people. Why do people do this. I would really hope that people did not take their own life, but if you are going to take your own life, why take other people's lives with yours? Why would you kill your own children, I do not know what kind of pain this man was going through, but I do not believe he should have taken that pain out on his children. I wonder how we can prevent this from happening. Are there early warning signs that we can spot? Did he ask for help in his life? I just really feel sorry for the children, they never got to live nowhere near a full life. The story about what is going on currently in Venezuela is devastating. It is almost haunting and definitely disturbing. The economic crisis that is happening there is not only affecting people, but also the animals that live there. Especially in the zoos. We don't often let how a crisis in countries can affect animals cross our minds, we typically only think of the people. Not only is directly affecting the animals in the way that they are being fed diets that are drastically different from they should be consuming, but the people there are having to hunt animals that we would not typically deem acceptable. Such as cats, and dogs, and even going as far as to steal horses from racetracks simply to eat them, or to feed them to animals at the local zoos. Many animals have suffered for weeks. Hey, I was just reading an article about that house fire that happened in WV. Can you imagine the tragedy? That is such a horrible way to die. And to think that two of the victims were children plus their dog. It makes me ill just thinking about it. Such a huge loss for that family and the community. I hope officials find out soon what caused it and I pray for the friends and family of those who were killed. So sad! There has been more fighting from the Saudis in nearby Yemen. The United States continues to supply the Saudis with weapons and intelligence, despite the atrocious use they will be put to. These war crimes seem to be increasingly commonplace, yet the US continues to pursue the almighty dollar in supporting Saudi Arabia. I just read an article blaming Donald Trump and his campaign for hate crimes against Muslims rising. It was your typical propaganda that the media pushes on you - you know, fear mongering mixed with unsubstantiated nonsense. It mentioned the supposed "Muslim ban" that Trump was responsible for. At that point, I lost interest in the article as it was 100% clear what the agenda was. So, I had to read an article about somebody named Kylie Jenner, and evidently she has some sort of makeup line or something. Anyway, evidently she must be popular for some reason, because people are making counterfeit cosmetics and selling them as her brand. She put out some message about how you should only buy direct from her website. I guess a sucker is born every minute. I was reading an article about the Zika virus. It was a fairly comprehensive article that went over what the virus was and how it affects humans. It's scary how it can be transmitted through sexual intercourse. I still don't think I have any serious chance of contracting the virus fortunately. Those that have are going to have a hard time in life. I just read about an old couple that died while out in the water. Apparently they may have had some kind of health conditions, but nobody really knows. The people who checked the bodies think it was probably heart attacks that killed them. Anyway, it's really scary to think that at any given moment our hearts can just stop working and then we are gone forever. What a terrifying ordeal that these plaintiffs went through. If I was them, I would be suing whoever was responsible, too. I try to avoid putting myself into situations like these, but life often does not care what you want. I hope that these people get the closure that they are seeking. I know I would want closure. If you are using trumps name to make him look bad is not the answer here. I know that trump is not being a good president right now but lets not discredit his success. Somebody burned a church that is not related to Donald Trump at all, lots of Families go to that church. I think someone used this attack as an attack to Donald Trump because he is not affiliated with this and makes people look like he caused this It is disturbing that one person’s views (such as President of the USA) can be so disruptive to people’s lives. The situation with the immigrants from Mexico and the idea of building a southern border wall is upsetting to me. President Trump policy and views are disruptive to the whole economy of Mexico, causes political tension and instability, not to mention the extreme uncertainty in the lives of Mexican immigrants in USA, who already have hard lives here. Did you know that Saudi woman needs a man's approval for like everything? To work, to rent a flat, to get medical treatment. What is really sad is that even if she is widowed sometimes HER SON is asked for permission. There is a protest going on right now to get them to be able to be their own guardians after a certain age. I am very proud of these woman for fighting for their rights. I hope I get to read another article at a later date saying some kind of law was passed to let them have their own rights. I feel so bad for Val, he is battling this disease and people are dwelling on the fact he may die soon. I think Douglas cares for Val,however,he should not make public comments regarding Val's condition, that is very intrusive to Val, and I feel anger towards Michael for being so rude and invading towards Val's condition. Major Issue: "Study: More toddlers and preschoolers are overdosing on opioids — In recent years, rates of toddlers and preschoolers hospitalized for opioid overdoses more than doubled, according to a new study. In fact, overdoses rose more than 100% over a 16-year period among all children, the study published in JAMA Pediatrics Oct. 31 showed. Researchers from Yale School of Medicine analyzed national data from the Kids’ Inpatient Database on children admitted to U.S. hospitals for opioid poisoning. The study focused on more than 13,000 records from patients ages 1 to 19 between 1997 to 2012. What's to blame? Possibly the increase of prescribed pain killers, including OxyContin and Vicodin. " Really? Try doped up irresponsible parents who leave it lying around in the first place. Hey, this is one reason I don't get on rides at amusement parks anymore. They are not reliable and they freak me out thinking that they are going to break. I got stuck on a roller coaster one time and I hated it. I was scared out of my mind. That was the last time I ever got on a ride. I'm not putting myself though that again no matter how fun the rides used to be. That must have been a horrible death for those people. It's very upsetting to me that people feel they still need to poach elephants and rhinos just for their ivory. It's a species that you are making extinct here. Why are people not trying to control or help the situation more? There has to be some kind d of co trolling standards for the extinction of the rhino and elephant. I believe I saw something not that long ago that actually painted the tusks and got s of elephants and rhinos that permantely stained them so the poachers work not beable ti use the ivory. They stained them a pink or blue color. We should try and regulate that and do that so no one will kill these animals. If that's possible. I would feel absolutely horrible to be in any of these parents shoes, I feel like they probably think they are completely lost, anxious, deserted. I would be a complete mess. I dont know exactly what i would do in that situation. I feel like the chaces are good neough for them to try for that second baby but i do inderstand them not wanting to rry because of the small chances of the other one having the zika virus anyways. These are the headlines that I have to read these days! I just can't believe all of the horrid news that is taking over our lives lately. And now we have to worry about when our men and women go out to train, that this kind of thing can end of happening at the drop of a hat. So, who is responsible after this? Who helps the children now without parents? Who pays for everything surrounding their funerals, and all of the costs after that? It really doesn't make since to me that someone would come to America and then carry out terrorist attacks. I would think they would stay in their own country if they hated this one so much. So I really wonder who the supposed terrorist are. The news media and government would have to do a better job explaining why the "terrorist" are carrying out these attacks because the reasons that they give doesn't make much sense to me. It just creates even more questions than answers. i just read an article about a father who killed his daughter's adoptive grandfather because he had molested her and got off with a light sentence. its crazy. i mean, i can see why he would snap, if you can call it that, but.. i dont know. my feelings are all over the place. if someone hurt my kids i could see imagining killing tyhem, but i doubt i could acct on it. and there are all these people cheering his actions. like he has this weird fan club for doing it. his life is ruined, his daughter is a mess dealing with the guilt of it all, someone is dead. and it said on the way to kill the old man, he shot at an old boyfriend of hers he suspected was abusive. idk, maybe the heat of the moment since he already decided he was going to jail for murder. just such an emotional read Hey, I think you should be careful around the Canonsburg area next time you visit Pennsylvania. The crime has been increasingly more dangerous within the past few years. According to this article that I read online, a police officer was shot to death and another police officer was injured in an ambush. I feel that if you were to come down to visit the area, then there would be something similar happening to other people. Ambushes, riots, and shootings are all problems occurring in the area. I feel bad for this city as it has a chance to redeem itself as a great city; however, with all the criminal activities happening, it makes it difficult to do that. It's always sad to hear of entertainers, especially comics, losing their spark because of dementia. I wasn't really a Monty Python fan myself but I've heard a lot about them growing up and it seems that they were a great deal of fun for their fans. I know they influenced and produced some favorite comics of mine. I've noticed there is a lot of disasters going on in the world. It is scaring me a little. I think that us humans have fault for that. This world cares way to much about money. If we didn't care to much about money we would have less problems going on. I honestly feel this world is coming to an end. I don't see any improvements or feel there is going to be any improvements. There is more natural disasters, new diseases, obesity, cancer more and more people are dying. So many people need mental help a lot of us are very depressed and anxious. I think it is very important for us to stay closer to god. A Jordanian writer was shot and killed outside of a courthouse due to a cartoon he posted mocking ISIS. It's amazing that someone could be persecuted for mocking a terrorist organization who rose to fame by killing people and causing civil unrest. What reasonable country would prosecute someone for this? This article reminds me of an incident that happened when I was a teenager. My stepdad worked at a power plant and there was some small explosion and three people died. One of them was the father of a guy I knew from school. I had heard his head was crushed. It was very disturbing imagery and it has stuck with me since. I worry about my husband working in a dangerous job, too, but it seems generally a lot of guys working in these places aren't following safety rules and that's how the accidents happen. I just read this crazy article about Wells Fargo that I thought I would share with you. It turns out that low level employees were signing people up for products and things that they did not need. Sometimes they were even forging signatures to get this done. Now before you jump to conclusions and thin k that this is all the employees fault let me fill you in some more. Management came up with a quota and incentive system where employees(who don't make very good money to begin with) would make extra money the more people they signed up to these new accounts. So basically the people in charge over there thought that it was a good idea to screw over their account holders and give their low-level employees crazy quotas, all so they could make more money. Then its the workers getting fired. Just read an article about a celebrity's parents divorcing, which definitely sucks, since that's always been something I've feared would happen with my parents. I don't think the writer of the article understands the emotional weight of the situation, though, since they only seem to care about the fact that the dad that filed for divorce is good looking. Did you see where that Australian hiker found after 2 weeks in Malaysian jungle. He only had one day of food with him. He lived on berries and stuff. I think I could survive in the woods like that. I know a lot about native plants so I would do pretty good. Of course as long as it wasn't some place cold. The jungle would be hard but only if there are wild animals that would like to eat you for their food. At least the weather would be better. Too many readiu. Too many readiu. Too many readiu. Too many readiu. Too many readiu. Too many readiu. Too many readiu. Too many readiu. Too many readiu. Too many readiu. Too many readiu. Too many readiu. Too many readiu. Too many readiu. Too many readiu. Too many readiu. Too many readiu. Too many readiu. Too many readiu. Too many readiu. Too many readiu. Too many readiu. Too many readiu. Too many readiu. Too many readiu. Too many readiu. Too many readiu. Too many readiu. Too many readiu. Too many readiu. Too many readiu. I am sorry for this teacher who is just trying to do his best in a heated political moment. I have no doubt that he was only attempting to teach to the best of his ability and represent facts as he always has. I wish people could approach each other with more compassion in the spirit of education rather than attack those who are trying to better our children. I am glad to see that he received some national support. Hey. I'm not sure if you have ever considered getting yourself screened for colon cancer. From what I have read, the prep for this screening seems quite unpleasant. Drinking massive amounts of a questionable substance heavy with salt doesn'r seem to be like a good time to me. I noticed that some items from a company have made it to phase two trials through the FDA. One is a food bar and the other one is a smoothie. They are supposed to have some kind of flavors to them like strawberry and lemon. I guess this should help with the process. Dear C., I just read an article about gun deaths -- specifically when guns are used against children. Small, isolated cases that happened in small towns. As I was reading the background and history of the families, it occurred to me that there's a strong socioeconomic component present, and that the people described weren't what you and I would call middle-class, and definitely not well-educated. It's like we were talking about the other day, I don't think that the dems can possibly win this fight unless they are able to appeal to gun owners. I don't think that this dynamic is going to change -- I mean, when you think about it, guns symbolize power, and in the article I read, what came across is that the people who used them against children (one child against another) need to feel power. She lost my sympathy really quick. Seems like she likes attention. This does make me look at Paris differently. These all seem like inside jobs. I would be safe there. But, I still don't plan on visiting. Not a fan of people endorsing candidates in countries that they can not vote. Seems like an ego thing. So I just had to read this article for a survey. It was completely unformatted, an enormous text-wall essay list. I made it all the way through though. I'm not really into sports, which the article focused on, but the article did talk about a bunch of prominent women in sports and their accomplishments. It was a little hard to follow because I'm not really familiar with a lot of sports terminology or what accomplishments are big deals. I think people generally care more about men's performances, but it's good that women can be recognized for their accomplishments in sports too. There was one bit about a woman who got some popularity over what the writer called a "raunchy" photo shoot. I think that's kinda weird that something like that was even included in an article with feminist tone. The good news is we live in a place that does not have much air pollution. The bad news is that people that have lung cancer that is exposed to air pollution may have a shorter survival time. Air pollution kills thousands of people each year. Researchers claim that the median survival for people diagnosed with early stages of lung cancer is expected to live 3 times shorter amount of time than those that do not. Of course, we all should stay away from cigarette smoke but it is unfortunate that we have air pollution. They can figure out a way to get to the moon but can not seem to figure out a way to clean our air. I think there are way to many people watching CNN in this country. They need to grow up. People are way to sensitive. We can not walk around on egg shells worrying about if we are going to offend someone. People will say mean things. People will hurt your feelings. grow up and get over it. Don't let it bother you. These people do not rule your life. You do! A Russian twelve year old left for school one morning. Her mother went looking for her when she didn't return home. When she called her cell phone she was told that her daughter had committed suicide as a part of some social group that takes their own lives. It's sad to see kids seeking attention in this light. This article talks about pouching in Africa. It's really sad hearing about the rhinos. We need to protect these animals. These animals are more important that the people poaching them. Those poachers deserve to die; they are horrible people and they are destroying a unique species. This is a terrible thing. They desperately need to protect these poor rhinoes from people. Crushed to death by a machine that makes recycled plastics into pellets? Really? What a terrible way to die. My guess is that standard operating procedure does not include crawling inside the machine to unclog it. I understand that it is a tragedy, but geez, at some point people have to be held accountable for their own actions. I'm sure there will be a lawsuit, probably a hefty one, but I hope they lose. There doesn't seem to be any reason the company should be held accountable for his actions unless there was a malfunction of the overall systems. I'm trying not to picture it in my mind. Yikes! I remember how hard I was to my mother especially in my teens.It can be rough and now I see that instead of how it use to be.As a kid you always think that you know what is best that you are number one.You don't really think about other people and their feelings and you tend to rebel and jsut be this horrible version of yourself. This article about post-traumatic stress disorder is disturbing on many levels. This country really doesn't take care of our veterans. Not to mention the fact that Vietnam and Iraq were unnecessary wars in the first place. I worry we're headed for another war, and with the VA in the state that it's in, how can they possibly care for more war veterans? They can't meet the needs of the ones who already need help. It's heartbreaking to imagine these soldiers re-experiencing the war over and over again. However, I am glad to hear that there is help for people who have PTSD. I remember when we were kids and first hearing about PTSD in Vietnam vets, it was thought that no one ever recovered from it. Healing is possible, but the vets have to find the right people to help them. This is a perfect example of why we need cameras everywhere. They have this guy on video doing all the bad things he would do. There is no way anyone can make any excuses for him now. They will surely try, though. BLM will probably come up with some story about how he was an upstanding citizen or something we have already heard before. This article is just awful. Boko Haram is an extremist group that needs to be stopped by any means necessary. The fact of the matter is these people are using religion as an excuse to rape and kill woman and children, and thats one of the most unmoral and unethical things I can think of. These poor women and children are not only kidnapped and drugged, but they are also dealing with being raped and having their loved ones killed. This is an awful and tragic issue, and this is something that needs to be shown throughout the entire world that these people are bad and need to be stopped. its very sad that Sally Jessy Raphael Said that She Was ‘Betrayed’ By Talk Show Producers When Sally Jessy Raphael’s self-titled talk show aired in the ‘80s and ‘90s, it found success as a topic-driven program with relatively relatable stories. But by its end, Raphael tells “Oprah: Where Are They Now?” that her series had devolved into a show of salacious content and tabloid fodder like some of her talk-show peers, and she was not happy about it this makes a bad ending I know that the affordable care act will effect alot of people out there who are already struggling but this is an issue that just sounds wrong to me. First because so many women that I know who have gotten and IUD had complications and second because the issue of women being able to choose to have an abortion is a bitter conversation to me. Before social media, you had to pay to get out information about your business. Now, every person and company is its own media brand - and there are significantly less barriers to reaching people.his has allowed smaller brands to gain a foothold in the market much easier. When we see trends like craft beer, food trucks, and local fashion, that is often the result of harnessing social media platforms to build a following in a cost effective way. Prior to smartphones and social adoption, it was much more difficult (and expensive) to reach people, especially if your location wasn’t on a main street. One or two small businesses isn’t enough to worry a big brand, but millions of them around the country can make a serious dent in their market shar It's about time! I really support them doing this petition. I hope that they take it seriously and are able to liberate the Saudi women who have been oppressed for so long. You would never see that kind of ownership/guardianship system in places like the United States. Maybe feminism really is sparking change around the world. The reason why they're killing people over there is because the Allied Forces are occupying their country. If only we would keep our nose out of others' business, then maybe, just maybe the world would become a better place. But as with all empires (and America is no different ), they eventually fall because of internal forces. I just read this article about a really bad accident that happened at a water park. Apparently, the ride malfunctioned and threw some kids from the ride and the parents were stuck in the raft and they were stuck underwater and were hitting the machinery below. Everyone kept talking about how horrific it was and what a terrible tragedy it was. I feel really bad for these people and it really makes you wonder if you should go to a park ever again. You're suppose to have fun at these places but you never really ever think about actually getting hurt when you get on these rides. Those poor people, they just wanted to have a nice afternoon and it just ended so badly. Three quarters of a year after the Zika outbreak was declared a global health emergency, the virus has infected almost seven hundred thousand men and women across Latin America. One estimate in the tens of thousands represents the number of infected expecting mothers. This is feared to result in fetal deformities. Religion should be a freedom of choice. Some people are Christians and some are Muslims or Islamic. This makes me sad Christians chose a different religion so why should the Islams brutalize them and hurt them? That is cruelty and one of the reasons why there will always be war in those countries. I don't think I would ever want to visit those places, I would be very scared. They target Christians and kill priests. These people are heartless, forcing these people out of their home. I just don't understand Russia. I mean they seem to be a country that is civilized, right? How is it that they so openly support terrorism? I just don't understand how they stand with Syria and are OK with all of the horrible things that are happening there. I think if Russia actually stood up for what is right, the world would be a much better place. Man, they are ruining the giraffe habitat of the Rothschild giraffe. It kind of sucks, but what can you do? All we do as humans is destroy nature anyway, and when it comes right down to it, I'm sick of hearing about "This endangered species, That endangered species." It is near nauseating to hear people continually express concern over things we cannot even change. The habitats are going to be destroyed, animals are going to die - so what? As humans, we are a plague on the earth, but pretending that is going to change any time soon is silly and fool-hearted. I wish people would stop pretending to be concerned over things that they ultimately have almost no influence on, anyway. Ya know a lot of people hate the Jews. Yet we both know lots of Jews and I like most of them. To me it doesn't really matter as I never even thought about someone being a Jew until I got older. People are people. Jews are smart. Jews have always been smart at least for generations. Smart people make money and are good at business. Just the way it goes. Jew, Jew Jew, I'm sick of all of the Jew hate. OTOH people have a legitimate concern to fear that Trump being elected will cause problems like WW2 did. After all Jews tend to be Republican and likely donated a ton of money to Trump and they are more powerful today than they ever were. Still whatever, it doesn't affect us. I had no idea Shannen Doherty was going through breast cancer. It is such a tough situation to experience. Cancer really does humble the soul into new places that one never thought possible to emerge stronger from feeling. It sounds like she faced it with a mask of strength at first. After time, the real emotions came through where she realized the strength was not in being stoic but admitting how tough it really is to experience. It is through supposed weakness that we become stronger. Man its really upset that we cant have a peaceful protest. Why cant we just voice our opinion in a peaceful way. Why does it always have to start and end with violence. Why do that have to destroy businesses that had nothing to do with the protest. Totally sucks for people who are just trying to live their lives peacefully. hopefully you did not go through much reading this particular messade unfortuanetly this happens everyday and people throw vbnlind eyes tro the situation because no one wants to deal with this kind ofstuff but i am presenting this tuff to you so you guys can acknowldge it and be awareof it and be a little more bit educated about stuff liek this and so on I just read an article about famed basketball star, Scottie Pippen. Someone thought it was new worthy to make the world aware that he and his wife got into a screaming match and she was afraid. The truth is, no one but their family knows what's really going on. His wife could be a very dramatic person. She could be giving him a hard time. While domestic violence and emotional abuse should never be tolerated, we should leave people to deal with their own screaming matches. Terribly sorry for all the families affected by this incident. I confident that the Russians had something to do with this. They interfered with our election too. They are corrupt and shady. This further demonstrates that you can't trust the Russians. I'm so done with them. I'm not sure what needs to be done but I wish Putin disappeared from this Earth. It's bad that these 2 died, but I have to believe they had to have know the risks involved. I think so many of us, even knowing the risks, think that "it can't happen to me" and do things we shouldn't. It's so sad for their families! I'm not sure what is the right thing to do. Signs are posted, and divers know the risks. But would it be better to permanently close the area? I'm on the fence. Avoid reading this article. It's so fucking long for saying so little. The author feels the need to go on and on about irrelevant details and it comes off as the ramblings of a skito out on the street corner. It's the same nonsense the media pushes about those poor kids, but doesn't delve into how none of this shit would have happened if people were responsible and didn't make shit choices that are obviously bad. IT is just sad that someone would think this is an acceptable way to resolve any problem. He clearly needed more help than he was getting and it is unfortunate that it was recognized that he needed help or the mother didn't take steps to leave sooner. I guess in life sometimes you just can't tell what is going to happen or what will set someone off. These poor birds. We need to start recycling more and making sure our plastics are at least cut up. The beads in the plastic seem to be a good idea to try and detour the birds from eating it. All these simply thing we as humans can be doing to prevent these terrible things from happening. I feel like recycling and people having knowlegde about these plastics and polluting our environment are everywhere for Americans to see.i just kind of wonder the countries that had the highest percent of plastic in their oceans do they educate or inform those countries like america does? Why are those country so much higher then the others what do we need to do to reduce that number? I had no idea that caffeine powder could cause problems like that! Other than the obviousness of it being caffeine, I wonder if it's any worse than coffee in that way, or if it's just because its usually a hidden product. Also comfrey, I have definitely taken in things before, it's been in menstrual supplements, I didn't know that. I feel like I've seen green tea powder in something as well. hello friend, how have you been lately, I am somewhat depressed by an article that I read recently, that helped me a lot, that I realized that the article had a problem that interested me more, because of the events that were happening in this, for example: He did not vaccinate or treat his cattle due to illness; he does not use cowboys to control them and cope; does not manage or control the reproduction So sad! The middle east just keeps getting worse. I hate what’s happening to these people, but I’m not sure how to solve it. I wish there was a simple, easy fix. However, it seems like every time we try to fix something it just gets worse. It’s such a complex situation with no easy answer. Unfortunately, I don’t see it being solved any time soon. I can understand being absent minded and concentrating on other things to the point you're so laser focused you forget some small things around you. But how in the hell do you forget your kid is in the backseat of the car, much less come back to the car hours later and still not see the kid in there. It makes no sense, it's hard to believe the guy did it on purpose, but it's hard to believe he didn't remember him twice. Really sad and tragic. Not that we need to necessarily get ourselves overly involved in the affairs and well-being of other countries, but we should definitely be paying attention to what is going on in the world around us. There is human suffering everywhere and I think that most of the time we are completely oblivious to it, or we don't want to face it. I believe that it is a good thing to be able to realize how cruel human beings can be to one another and to appreciate what we have when we have it and not take things for granted. Considering we could always have it much worse. I just read an article on the decision this week to dismiss the Kenyan general in charge of the peacekeeping force there. I agree that the restoration of a peace agreement is important and vital in this situation. I hope they can figure it out and the fighting that is happening all over the country can finally end and they can have peace. The fact that human beings are abusing the planet and each other is evident in this article. It is enough to get you depressed, read this so you can get an idea of how pollution affects third wolrd countries. Instead of going after industries (probably all American) with fines, they rather close schools because of the pollution and smog. Their health is being affected and not only that, the enviroment is being completely abused. I just read an article about an elementary school volunteer producing child porn with kids as young as NINE. This is absolutely disgusting. How can anyone violate our sweet children like that. He gave out cell phones and used an anonymous social media app to solicit videos and photos of boys and girls performing sexual acts :( I am so perturbed that people are so disgusting. I can promise you if this ever happens to any of my kids they are going to be a very sorry person. A fire destroyed a family's house. The people escaped and suffered no harm but two of their cats died. As a result of the fire, they are displaced but at least they're alive. At least the Red Cross is helping them out. They might be sad about the pets but I am sure they feel fortunate that no people died in this fire. This story left me feeling pretty confused. It was so short and didn't provide a lot of answers at all. I was left wondering why France wanted to dismantle the camp and why the refugees were so angry and against the move. What was really going on here? Were there some other issues that had nothing to do with humanitarian considerations? It seems like there's usually more to the story with refugee stories. I feel very sad for the civilians who are caught in the crossfire. It's sad that people are stuck in the middle of this conflict. I wish there was a peaceful resolution. Both sides should really keep the ceasefire if only to protect the civilians who are caught in the middle. Those people have no control over any of this. I totally support these protesters. We've had trouble with oil pipelines here in Michigan. I feel like these pipelines are foisted on local communities without any care for whether it is good for the community and without adequate studies as to how safe they are from leaks and pollution. There are more important things in life than money and oil. Jose Fernandez was a pitcher for the Miami Marlins and unfortunately died in a major boating accident where they rammed a rock. I got to read more into his life and upbringing and it's truly sad to see such a good man fall in such a preventable way. I truly feel for all those who suffered his loss. It's such a sad event and it's stuff like this that makes you be more appreciative of the time you have. I just read an article about how Billy Bob Thorton felt about his marriage to Angelia Jolie. He expressed that he did not feel good enough to be with her. This was kind of surprising. It made me feel empathic towards him. He stated that he did not like being around rich and important people. This made me feel like he is relatable. I did find it odd that they both wore vials of blood around their necks while they were together. It was a little gross. He even went into detail about how they cut their fingers together to get the blood and then compared it the lockets you can buy and put pictures of your grandmas in. I also did not realize that he is 20 years her junior. I found that to be a little old but I have seen it work. The article also briefly touched on her relationship with Brad. I just read another article about clashes over in the middle east and I am sending it over to you. This kind of thing has been going on forever ,,, my whole life and I have to admit that I am becoming immune to these types of stories and lost all empathy for these people. Normally you would read a story such as this and be heartbroken for the women and children who lost their lives but there is a story (or 2 or 3 or 10) like this every day and for decades and no end in sight. So just pile up the bodies of the woman and stack up the children murdered. Herd the maimed into a corner and block it all all of your concious. Too much insanity and too much gore to think about so the healthy thing for you do is just ignore these stories since there will a new one or two or ten tommorrow and forever I cant believe how some countries treat criminals. I agree that they should be punished and face consequences but beating them to death is definitely excessive especially when the crime is not that bad. I'm not sure how that helps the crime rates and I definitely dont think we should consider that method where we come from. I thought reading an article about iconic moments of women athletes would be quite a bit more interesting and moving than it was. Instead, it was mostly a rattling of championships and medal counts with very few anecdotal pieces of information. The only things that really stood out were the story of the marathon runner and the swimmer because there were interesting stories attached to them. I'm really confused at why multiple articles were mushed together like this. At first I was perturbed at the first article because I felt like the lady was being ridiculous. She weighs 500 pounds, so obviously a 1200 calorie diet is going to cause her to lose weight, the fact that she can't find a scale to weigh her doesn't matter. You don't need a scale to tell you're losing weight. Measure your body with measuring tape. But then I got to the article about the Mexican students and found it really horrifying. I can't believe the terrible things people do to one another :( Another presumably liberal leaning teacher has been placed on leave after comparing Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler. He claims his statements are all backed by historical facts. I support the school district's decision to suspend him. If statements like this had been made about Barack Obama, it would likely be all over nightly news. I feel really bad for the woman, Janis Barinsky, this article is writing about. Nobody should have to go through such torture and borderline abuse at their workplace to endure this type of behavior and thoughts. For a company to treat their employees this way and to push them to the verge of suicide is just out right awful. I did not know much about Cohen before I read the article about his death. I heard the Jeff Buckley song of course because it appears in Shrek. I also think that the Irish girl did a cover of Bird on a Wire that I like. He did a lot of work and was an influence over much of the music scene. It was sad he got ripped off and had to work so hard to re-earn his fortune. It is an informative article and worth a read if you don't know much about him. I can't believe we live in a world where terrorism—both domestic and foreign—are such a looming threat. Being out in public now more dangerous than ever, and it's all because of the convoluted sociological web of conservative ideology that has promoted domestic terrorism in white heterosexual American masculinity and the xenophobia that inspired Islamic terrorism. There's just too damned much hate in this world, and hopefully more people will find love and nurturing like the author of this book found while writing about her trauma. This article I just read is incredibly intellectually dishonest. The notion that women were somehow exiled from talking points and inclusion in the Trump campaign is actually nauseating. This kind of narrative is truly what the modern liberal exists upon. It's disgusting. I'm not a Trump fan, but mark my words, this kind of crap will be the reason why he wins in 2020. Man, car crashes happen all the time. There is no way they can be prevented. I would like to think that the smart cars of the future would help prevent this, but I am not to sure. Somebody could probably hack those and cause massive car wrecks as well. People should also drive safer as well. There is definitely too much speeding. I wonder if drunk driving was the cause of the wreck. That's a huge problem that causes a bunch of wrecks. Don't drink and drive people. So, in India there's a lot of corruption and the Prime Minister made a promise to stop it. He made a pretty extreme decision to get rid of the two highest denominations of currency in the country, so that people who were hoarding cash and not paying taxes on it would lose out. There was a grace period, but the country was really unprepared for it still. The banks didn't have enough smaller bills to trade to people. The poor weren't able to go to work because they had to stand in line at ATMs. Someone made a really good point that the real money from corruption is stored in Swiss banks. I agree! Maybe they should evaluate him and figure out why he did what he did so that when he gets released, he's not tempted to do it again. The story really didn't tell why he did it or if he was mentally challenged or anything, it just says that he injured the bird. The bird is a sad case of what a zoo is. Those animals should be in the wild, and not cooped up for people to ooh and aah at them in a park If you're here illegally, you shouldn't be here. I don't have much sympathy. Sure, if your parents brought you here, you didn't have much choice...but figure out how to be here legally. I don't have much sympathy for people here illegally. There are ways to do things right...and there are rules for a reason. Its crazy! Over One million children couldn't go to school because the smog was so thick ! they said its like smoking 40 cigerattes a day . That you feel like you are being choked when you walk outside . Could you even imagine ? Parents taking their kids to the docs and them saying get out of the city for a few days and they will be ok . That's just crazy to me . so sad . I don't know if you've seen this article about the war on cops, but I found it pretty unconvincing. It actually made me a bit angry, because it focuses on police deaths form two years ago and doesn't take into account current figures. Also, by focusing on deaths alone, it completely glosses over injuries to paint a picture that policing is safe in the current climate. It feels a lot like fake news to me. All you have to do is pick up the paper to see how often cops are involved in fights with criminals and crazy people. This is very sad. I can only imagine how stressful it must be for the people living in the areas threatened by these fires. It must be so stressful knowing that you have to be ready to evacuate any minute and leaving your home and all your belongings behind to possibly never seeing them again. I also feel bad for all the wildlife. This is such a weird experience and so unexplained. Why are so many people dying in the Med? there are not enough safety measures being put in place so that people can safely enjoy themselves. It is so easy to take someone's money but then you do not give them the safety that they paid for. It's sad and such a shame but honestly, I not at all surprised. This article about the Philippines mayor is very alarming. It is a shame that so many people resort to corruption and bad deeds. It is also unfortunate that it had to end in casualties. People should really evaluate their behavior and how it impacts others. I would not want to go traveling there if this is how they behave! I don't really understand the uproar over some birds. Maybe I am being just unsympathetic, or maybe I'm not as understanding as I thought I originally was. To spend all this money, and all this time, to save these birds, seems kind of silly to me. Why don't we focus the funds on something else that actually helps people? Putting make up on a train, is that just paint? Ha ha. I don't want to make too big a deal about this because it is a different culture and it would be difficult to get the full gist without knowing too much about it. With that said, it's is pretty worrisome, in this country as well, how much people are telling everyone what they should and shouldn't be doing. Live and let live is still the best way to go about things and comparing putting on make up on a train to pooping on the train is pretty ridiculous by any standard. I think that people try to pin a lot of stuff on trump as far as sexism goes, but it doesn't really matter. if people want trump out of office then they need to find something else to pin on him. He tampered with the election via the russians, and thats what people need to pin on him. This sexism nonsense isn't going to go anywhere I think the short of it really is that the racists won the election. It is incredibly sad that such a seemingly easy to win election against someone who is openly calling groups of racist things, and actually encouraging hate and chaos, was lost. The democrats are right to be taking a long look at how they do things, they've always been the party that is "we're like the republicans, but you won't gag as much voting for us." I think the average person who cares about politics, and is liberal, got a shocking wake up call this time around, and we're going to see people turn out in incredible numbers to vote. Boy I can't ever imagine being in a fire like these people. First Your scared about just trying to get out. Then your looking out for your neighbors and their pets. Man just tragic really tough. Now they have to find somewhere to stay. Just turns your life upside down. Paperwork keepsakes so hard to get over. Even if your not hurt it must affect you for the rest of your life. Hello, how are you doing meN? Remember that chat we had a week ago about Haiti? I was just reading an article about it, never thought things could have been so bad, they are even worse than what I imagine worst than what we talked about. I find it funny how we are so enclosed in our small little world, while in Chicago we are celebrating about CUBS victory in over 100 years, in Haiti, they are suffering for water and food. These people were guests who were presumably staying illegally at this camp. They were allowed to stay there out of compassion , I'm assuming. Then, when they're told that something else has to be figured out, they lose it. When you give a group something, even if it doesn't belong to them and even if you're being kind my doing it, they immediately feel like it belongs to them and will react strongly if you try to take it away. While reading this article all I could think of is how much of a shame and alarming it is of the recent shootings that have been taking place all over the USA. I know we have talked about guns and ownership in the past, but I'm starting to think it is important to look at what we can do to stop these acts and how we can make a change ourselves. I also was surprised that they did not try to take the story and flip it into being some type of political debate about how the shooter was made about politics or a race war. Can you believe how disturbed some people are? I just read an article about a woman whose parents forced her to have sex with both of them when she was 11. They did it for money. If you are a parent struggling for money, how in the world does your mind turn to sexually abusing your child for money? They are sick, and 20 years is not enough time for them in prison. They are the people that are supposed to protect her, and they violated her in the worst way. She is very brave for telling her story and for just being a survivor. I had no earthly idea wearing contact lenses required this amount of discipline in order to avoid potential problems. I would much prefer to stick with glasses. What particularly concerns me is the potential for scarring on the cornea and any possible loss of visual acuity. Frankly, I don't like the idea of sticking something in my eye to begin with, and this has turned me off from contact lenses forever. I don't see how things are still happening like this in this point in time. We can not let this continue. It really makes me sad and fell fortunate for what I have. It is insane that people still act like this. Maybe we should send some help over there but it might not be a good idea to get involved and could cause worse problems. I blame this on the neo-liberal policies of Barack Obama. He made a lot of hope and change promises and delivered nothing. After 8 years peoples lives haven't gotten better. Having a choice between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton is ridiculous. The mainstream media carries a lot of this blame as well for not informing the public about issues and only reporting sensationalism garbage. Oh my gosh this is so awful. I feel so bad for this man and his family, as well as the mother of the child. Could you imagine getting hurt, nearly being rescued, and then the helicopter failing too? Talk about terrible luck. I hope they start a gofundme for this man and his family - we should all donate if they do. Natural disasters like these are just so scary. They could literally happen at anytime and no one ever knows when, especially earthquakes. It is sad to see such historic buildings and areas be destroyed by this event. It is even more sad knowing that people got injured. Some things just aren't fair in life and you never see it coming. Hello, I will tell you something, an article I read recently, said that millions of Nigerians survived Boko Haram, but now a humanitarian catastrophe is putting their lives at risk again, wise about this information I think it is more important information than it seems be, I would consider that it is a news that should happen even by television Toughie, the world's last Rabbs' fringe-limbed tree frog and a symbol of the extinction crisis, has died at his home in the Atlanta Botanical Garden.The famed frog's age is unknown, but he's at least 12 years old, and likely older, because he was an adult when collected in 2005.Mark Mandica, who worked with Toughie for seven years, says the frog's story isn't entirely unique. “A lot of attention had been paid to him in captivity, so he even has his own Wikipedia page,” Mandica, head of the Amphibian Foundation, notes. “But there are plenty of other species out there that are disappearing, sometimes before we even knew that they were there.”In fact, Toughie's own species (Ecnomiohyla rabborum) wasn't described until 2008, I feel bad for the kid that fell into the gorilla enclosure and Harambe, the meme king of 2016. It sucks that they had to shoot the gorilla, but it didn't know what it was doing to hurt the kid and it seemed like there was no choice but to kill him. It must have been an awful downer for the zoo visitors who expected to have a relaxing and fun day of leisure. In my opinion the zoo should have given the visitors present at the shooting a coupon for a future visit or something like that to ease the downer. the state in Syria is bad. the Syrian conflation has a medical source in rebel-held Aleppo told the AFP news agency that a shortage of blood meant hospitals were struggling to deal with the huge number of casualties caused by air strikes over the past four days. There was also no water supply in many areas after pumping stations were damaged at the weekend, and several charity kitchens were forced to close because of the violence. This story is pretty weird and I wonder why they suffered heart attacks or whatever it was in the water. If they had pre existing medical conditions, would they have known it would be a bad idea to snorkel? There should be more precautions in place to make sure people are able to snorkel before they go ahead and do it. This article was just ridiculous to me, I see the need to be protesting and freedom of speech and rights but we as people need to do peaceful protest not using armed militias to stand off on a protest. That is going against the very fundamentals of what liberals stand for. I think the group should have had some repercussions to what they did. Wow. Let me get this straight: The German Consulate are "invaders" but all of the Middle East and North Africa pouring into Europe like the Camp of the Saints is "refugees" and if we complain about it, we're racists. Here's an idea: All Muslims, Arabs, and whatever else we're not supposed to notice this week can go back to the Middle East, and then our "invading" consulates and embassies will be HAPPY to go back to where we came from. Never speak to us again. Ugh. "The Taliban....." Yeah, no, the word you're looking for here is MUSLIMS. The MUSLIMS are the problem, not the Taliban. Yay, bigots! I know that bigots are not a particularly new species, but I used to think, just a few years ago, that things were much better and that people were generally becoming more open-minded and welcoming. But the election of our new president signals something very different. And very much encourages the bigots to spread their wings and parade proudly. They are being empowered right now, and that is very disturbing. Wow, just wow. I think that the possibility of nominating this judge for the Supreme Court really needs to be reexamined closely in that this nomination could cause bigger problems and chaos across the country. There would be heavy debates and fights from both sides and in the end, there unfortunately would be no progress. Who knew that a typhoon hitting two countries would be less disturbing that articles about trees and dust. Our compassion is ruled by numbers and when two people die a storm we yawn. But show us dead trees for tell us we are breathing residue for a toilet cleaner and we freeze with panic. Perspective is a hard thing to find sometimes. in Spain this was the Deadly Train Crash killed at least four people and injured nearly 50 others after it derailed in the northwest region of the country.Photos of the wreck showed the train’s carriage flipped on its side and smashed from where it likely hit part of a bridge near the tracks.A witness woman told Spanish television about hearing a "very strong bang" before seeing billowing black smoke. I have a lot of sympathy for everyone worried about the Trump administration. I get it. They're not wrong to be worried. I think the author of this article misidentifies the source of the problem, though. It's not Trump. Trump himself isn't why we're in this situation. It's the people and institutions who supported him and the people and institutions who were ineffective at combating him that deserve the lion's share of the blame. It's a shame how the government can't get this under control. As I've always said, Flint isn't the only city with these problems. The worst part about the localities that disregard the lead levels is that either they are fabricating the test results or not being fined at all. I just don't see that things are going to get any better under Pruitt ( he really needs to resign). I just can't see the EPA fining or shutting down water systems that are non compliant. I am terribly worried, not only for the children of Flint, but for All the children who are still drinking water with high lead levels. This article brings back to mind the overall mass hysteria that the left, centrists, and neocons feel when they think about Trump. I'm not a Trump supporter, but I honestly believe people are truly delusional at this point. It has become vomit inducing. Liberals should be more pissed at the DNC for crapping on Bernie. Neocons should just admit to being big government centrists so we can all move on. I am one for not giving your potential mate any reasonable doubt. For example if Tanaka (Mariah Carey's backup dancer) made her fiance uncomfortable he should have been axed in the beginning of the relationship. I also do not think it supports security all the time either. I think that if you value that mate there should definitely be sacrifices made in regards with relationships. It's a shame that there are so many refugees in the world but when does it stop becoming my responsibility. I understand that conditions around the world are not ideal for everyone. However, if we just let everyone start coming here who has a problem in the world we begin to lose a sense of who we are and what made us have the country that is stable. I don't want to sacrifice my nation completely over the fact that I'm sorry the place you live sucks and is run by morons. This article about the murder/suicide of this couple just further proves that people who commit acts of murder are usually mentally disturbed. They will harm someone and themselves with or without access to a gun. This murder/suicide was clearly not done by a gun. There are so many situations where a murderer will kill themselves after they have harmed someone else, proving that they are very disturbed and they should have received help of some sort. This will prevent them from harming innocent people along with themselves. A moron Arkansas cop left her police dog in the patrol car in the middle of summer and the poor thing died. She's on administrative leave while the incident is being investigated. What's to investigate? The dog didn't lock itself in the car. She should at least be immediately fired for being too stupid to be a cop. So I think I just read the most interesting article to date ever published. A girl ran into a police officer with her car, while taking a nude topless selfie to send to her boyfriend. Feel a little bad for her, even though she should not be doing this, especially with a glass of wine in her cup holder haha. Guessing she was drunk, which is the main crime here. She had a bond of 2000 dollars I believe. I kind of want her to be freed haha. I hate that tourism and economy end up hurting our animal's habitats! People are so selfish while traveling, and they do not think of how their actions will effect the wildlife in the area. Please remember to clean up your trash, do not litter, and do not leave items out that will potentially hurt animals when you are visiting an area. Countries need to spend more time and effort on saving natural areas for wildlife. After reading that article on the Arctic Ice, I feel that maybe we should get together and do something. Maybe find an organization to donate time and money too. I don't know, but it is scary that the ice is not rebounding. I am not sure what will happen in the future, but if we can try to get people aware now of their carbon footprint, maybe, just maybe we can make a small impact on the ice melting. I know the Earth goes through cycles, but I am sure that humans have greatly impacted the amount of thawing way more than normal cycles. It is as if humans are a parasite. We are like a chronic inflammation to the Earth. It's getting scary out there and we have no other planet to go to in this vast universe. We can't mess up the one we have. It seem like we have enters the day where people are more sensitive to political issues that ever before. Although people may not agree with the current administration under Trump they can not falt or blame other for their personal beliefs. It is especially a shame when a mom will kick out their own child for mock voting is a manner that she find unfitting. There has got to be a better solution that we can all come up with to make sure that these deaths are stopped or at least decreased. I understand making sure that the elephants are safe, but people should take priority as well. There are people fearing for their lives. What can their country do about it, and if their country can't, when will another country come in and offer their assistance? It seems like the air pollution in India is getting worse and this is especially troubling for children who are very susceptible to the open air. This is very alarming as just recently 1,800 school had been close in India because of the poor air quality. It seem that these particle from the smog and fireworks are so tiny that they can make there way in the small pockets of the lungs. This article was so sad. I guess ISIS had killed many people recently in israel. They were very rude about it and many people were at high tension worried they had bombs or traps set up as they were recovering and looking for more bodies. They said the people of ISIS just dumped there bodies as if they were trash. sexual assault is the major problem in the country there were many cases first , second and third degree reported.the recent story of the UW-Madison student who was charged in alleged attacks on 5 women —sexual assault against a University of Wisconsin student led to multiple charges based on claims from five women. combined with the viral nature of social media, has resulted in modern-day character assassination that is very real and very wrong." How to help survivors of sexual assault might be spread over the media or the other sort hey friend,you should read about the article i just read . The world is just full of problems.I just pity the way some animals suffer in this world especially in war zone areas like Gaza,Libya Syria.I just wish I could do something about it because serious attention is needed in those zoos.If only I had powers I could do something about the protection of this animals. I've given up my faith in humanity. There are just certain events that transpire that make you shudder to the core. After reading multiple articles today about just how shitty people can be to one another, it makes me beyond happy to know the individuals that are in my own personal life. Human greed knows no bounds. Human ego needs to be set aside and/or destroyed. Kesha the singer opened up about how she was treated in the music's so crazy how time after time these pop stars, rappers an singers come out with these stories about how they got cheated, or that they find out that their manager had been stealing from them for years, or giving them advice that doesn't actually serve the artist. The problem is that a lot of these artists go into the music industry naive and desperate and just take whatever hey can get...whatever del, just to get their foot in the door but just end up getting screwed, I just read that Kevin Meaney, a standup comedian and actor has died. Although I don’t remember him very well, according to the article I read he was a celebrity of some notoriety in the 1980’s and 1990’s. Mr. Meaney was in the CBS sitcom "Uncle Buck," it was only on for one season in 1990, and he made an appearance on an episode of "Saturday Night Live. He was on the Johnny Carson show, too, which was the top-rated late night talk show for decades. I really miss all the bright comedic talents that launched their careers on the Carson show. So many of these great comedians of the past have inspired budding comic talents of today. They will be missed! middle east is fucked up, I've honestly never heard of a middle east country such as Afganistan deporting people, the mention of it just sound funny, who the heck would want to stay in that shit hole country that has been infested with terrorists and child rapists? Perhaps those refugees are out of choice, honestly they should come to a better country such as U.S. or U.K, even though those 2 countries have their own policies regarding immigration, but I think they're quite tolerate to people from war torn countries Did you hear about Jose Fernandez? He just died in a boating accident. He was only 24 years old! It's just so shocking and sad. What a waste! He was with two other men too, all in their twenties. Hose had overcome so much adversity. when he was a child in Cuba, he would only make $4 a day selling tomatoes and onions. It's such a shame to lose such a great man and great ball player. It's scary to think that even somebody who is as well known and guarded as Kim Kardashian can still be the victim of crimes like this. It's got to be disheartening to be Kim and know you've spent (most likely) a lot of money to have security with you at all times to protect you from things like this, yet it still happens to you. You'd have to wonder just how much more one can do to protect themselves. I feel so bad for that innocent customer. This is something that is unfortunate and a random freak incident. All over a declined card this man got so upset that he had to take it out on other people. It is shocking to me that some people can have so much anger in them to do something like that. That person that was shot was just going there on a normal day to get coffee and now his loved ones can't see him no more all because someone got worked up over a declined card. I guess we need to have security every where nowadays it seems. No place is safe to go. You can't even go to the coffee shop without worrying someone is going to pull out a gun at you. What I learned from my experience is that most modern factories, even the ones in thirds world countries, will try to make their employees reasonably comfortable and safe. Not because their super-altruistic but because it helps with productivity. A happy, rested, relaxed worker does better work and more of it than an exhausted, stressed out one. it's unfortunate that this guy died the way they did ono the job like that. Did you hear about that bus crash that happened in Delaware. It was very sad, also I read that 2 people were injured. I hope these people can recover fully from their injuries and go on to lead fulfilling lives. Hopefully something like this will never ever happen again and measures are taken to prevent it. Did you hear about the earthquake in Tanzania? There were over 200 deaths. It's so scary because you can't really prepare for something like that. I live in California so people are always warning us about the san andres fault line. I get so worried thinking about how bad it might get if something like that happens to us. I am upset and disturbed about the result of the investigation on the article. It also saddens me to know that the families involved in the missing of those students are still hoping to see their family member even after years of waiting. This article reminds me that no matter how long the case, the family will always wait for them to hug those missing students. This story makes me sad that a hard-working family member can suffer in this way. Life can be pretty cruel. On the bright side, with advancing computer and health sciences, the future does have some light at the end of the tunnel. I think it's probably helpful to try to focus a bit on the positive. My political views are different from most. I find myself disagreeing with many Republican and Democrat stances. I'm in favor of universal healthcare, basic income, and access to assisted suicide (rational suicide, access to drugs like Nembutal for anyone who thinks they might want to make the rational decision not to live, and instead die in a humane way). This story upsets me. I can't seem to get it out of my head that the victim was a child even though there's conflicting comments. But to die because you stole porridge seems insane. I guess I can't put myself in that situation where maybe porridge is hard to come by but just knowing that someone died for that seems petty to me. Another Taliban attack in Afghanistan today, this time directed against the Germans. A few dead and many wounded, primarily women and children. They said it was in retaliation against US air strikes that have cause a lot of civilian casualties. An endless cycle, just like before. Remind me again why we're there. Life is a dangerous thing. People are suffering from natural and man-made disasters. There is a huge number of deaths due to hazing in Indonesia. All driven by over-industrialisation and hunger of profits. Governments and scientists should do more to prevent these kinds of deaths: at least to have certain warning systems installed. Also, natural disasters such as hails and typhoons can wreck a havoc in peoples’ lives. Now I have second thoughts about traveling to South Pasific islands. They are gorgeous but dangerous. I think that its really sad that forests are getting wiped out through causes of diseases and invasive species of bugs. It really should be are main priority as humans to preserve the environment the Earth has provided to us before its to late. It up to us as the younger generation to reverse decades of environmental abuse so that future generations are able to enjoy nature such as hiking through a beautiful forest. the article is touching its great about Ebeid families who flee to other countries, are forced to leave them behind.” In another neighborhood of eastern Aleppo, 83-year-old Reema Salama lives alone in the home where she raised her children and his wife, who suffers from high blood pressure and rheumatism. Marea has received unexpected help from another son, Hameed, who was visiting from Turkey and became trapped in the city when the government imposed its siege several weeks ago There is a particularly rough situation with the United States, Russia, and Syria right now. The United States is receiving conflicting intelligence about attacks and conspiracies. There is a need for cooperation but diplomatic intensity is very important. Russia seems to be keeping its intelligence under wraps while Syria is in a power deluge. There was another gunman attacking random people in Houston. I think it's so scary and disgusting. Mental health these days seem to be at a all time low and it's showing left and right. We need to do something about people who don't act like humans anymore. They lose all empathy for others and just want to end their life in a cowardly way. It's interesting that so many people would have this reaction to the election. Sure, there's a lot of negative stuff surrounding the election and the president...but a lot of it is rhetoric and media. It doesn't seem as relevant on a local level. I guess it would depend on where you live...maybe I'm too isolated to understand. Did you hear about this sexual harassment scandal involving the National Parks Service? I guess there really is no industry that is immune to this misbehavior. Incidents have been documenting going back decades but nothing was done about it. It's really outrageous what people in power can get away with. Awful news article. Us as a society need to do a better job of protecting and helping not only our planet, but the animals and mammals that surround it. The fact that almost 100 percent of the caimans are suspected to be dead is alarming and people should be more informed on such matters. The rate of extinction that these animals and mammals are going through on our planet is extremely alarming and I can not figure out why people aren't more concerned or even aware of the matter. We need to do a better job of protecting ALL living matter on this planet, not just ourselves. So the FBI seems to fail at preventing serious terrorist attacks when they knowingly had a suspect. Their investigations obviously are not thorough enough to always prevent attacks even whey they are forewarned about a specific person. The nightclub attack in Orlando seems like it could have been prevented if the FBI did their job. They had warnings from the killers family and basically a warning from the terrorist himself. With extremist like this guy, when they already had him once, I think more severe tactics are necessary to protect the country and its citizens. I feel like the FBI is just making excuses because they were incompetent and do not seem to take everything as serious as they need too. Our country deserves that! I remember this going on. I knew someone who considered this option. It's a shame that women have to think like this, about birth control meant to outlast a political regime. Trump and Pence are reprehensible, but at least it hasn't come to pass - not that they wouldn't salivate at the opportunity to attack women's health like this, we've just been lucky so far that they haven't got their way. It bothers me how these guys think. Garden ponds 'playing role' in frog disease spread — Garden ponds are playing a role in the spread of deadly frog diseases across the UK, a study suggests. Ranaviruses can infect amphibians, reptiles and fish. In the UK, they have devastated common frog populations. This research suggests that the introduction of infected animals from aquatic retailers into ponds or moving species between different ponds may be exacerbating the problem. From this article I read 82 percent of ecosystems are being impacted by climate change. Whats interesting about this is the environment and the species in these ecosystems are going through morphological changes. Sometimes we get this idea that climate change will eradicate all life from the Earth but it seems that we will be able to adapt to it to a certain extent. By no means am I say we shouldn't make changes to solve climate change but it is interesting to seem how life is adapting to the changes. Hello Jane, how have you been, I want to vent out an article I read and is very heart breaking. A few families lost their loved one in a ride at the Dreamworld theme park in Queensland, Australia. They were thrown off the ride into the water. It is a very sad story and it will be investigated, also the Dream world CEO has created a memorial at the park with 500 staff to attend, which is very kind. So two sisters were on vacation and both died. Apparently fluid in the lungs but one had fluid in the brain or something like that. So sad for the family. The government where they were at is not giving the family much info if any at all. It is just weird how two sisters both died at the same place and by fluid in the lungs or brain. I wonder if I recognize this guy. I haven't heard of him up until now. He was just a little before our time, although I'm sure he had an impact on many of the people we know. It seems like he influenced many other comedians that I know. I plan on looking up his work to see what is out there of him. Big businesses should really be held accountable for where the bailouts they receive really go. Yet the government don't really enforce any rules. Just here is money and trust them to use it as it was intended for them. We really should stop corporate lobbying in Congress. Look at these people using the bailout money just for luxury. I am outraged! I don't like the fact that environmental concerns are still a large part of our world in which we live but I believe the higher power controls this and that will keep us from ever completely overcoming these issues. It makes me upset to know Native American tribes are being affected by drought to the point of possibly ceasing to exist. I have Native American heritage and feel that this population should be cared for by our government before segments of third world countries. I don't like the fact that air pollution is a problem or a salty lake is drying up in Iran but I understand our environment is controlled by God. We, as a nation, choose our battles sometimes based on the wrong things. Taking care of the Native American tribesman should be a HUGE priority! I recently read an article about how the band Eagles of Death Metal visited the Paris attacks memorial. A year before they were playing at a concert hall when the attacks occured a year prior. Sting was the first person to play at he concert hall since the attacks. The front man of the Eagles of Death Metal was denied access to the event. He had told Fox news that the muslim security collaborated with the attackers at the concert hall. I wish there was something more that I could do. This is getting out of hand, but it's kind of far away geographically from us. There needs to be something the international community can do. Farmers everywhere are killing pests and animals that interfere with their farms, but elephants are completely different from pests. They are extremely smart and are just hungry. I honestly wonder if we should come up with a plan to feed them, and this might sound crazy, but try to study elephants and come up with some way to communicate abstract ideas with them. There are three sides to every story: the one individual's side, the other party's side, and the truth. I'm not justifying that what the airlines did was right, but I believe there is much more to the story than what was reported. Granted, privacy issues come into play and not everything can be revealed; however, I take the complaints with a grain of salt. I just don't know how they could do this to that poor girl. After everything she has been through. I really feel for her. I understand what she might be going through. It is a shame to have this happen after all this time. I really hope that someone will be able to help her.I feel really bad about what is being done. I am worried about what might happen if she doesn't get any help. They really should just let her go. Oh my goodness, check out this article. Very interesting but also very sad. Poor guy was just trying to do his job. This sounds like a terrible way to die. If nothing else maybe some new and improved safety measures will be put in place to protect the next person who has this same recycling job.I hope his family gets an attorney and tries to get some sort of money for his untimely death. I am very concerned about the spread of Zika. I think in many cases the federal government takes it too likely. What price is too expensive for the health and safety of our citizens, especially our most vulnerable ones. Given the advance warning we’ve had about the dangers and progression of Zika, it is shameful the lack of progress that has been made globally. I think we need to remember a few important things, psychologists and psychiatrists have very hard times. Sometimes the people they are sent to treat are manipulative to a point they have fooled family, friends and professionals for years. We also have to acknowledge those with underlying mental health issues who may have been taken advantage of and used by criminal organizations. What I have learned from this is that obesity is a silent killer. In most of the cases, by the time one realizes that they under the clutch of Obesity and it’s already too late for them. Some prominent signs of obesity are- lack of flexibility in body, high blood pressure, development of cardiac issues and respiratory disorder. But a question that continues to bother the patients is what caused Obesity in them. What an awful tragedy no family should be subjected to this. This is really getting out of hand i cant believe the middle east still has so much turmoil. its really ridiculous. i hope our boys can help calm the situation and keep things safer than they are now. its just insane how much a person must be delusional to go through with these actions I wish more people would donate food that's still good instead of throwing it away. There's so many people who gladly take anything to eat and there's people just throwing out perfectly good food. There should be some way to easily take food or even have someone come pick it up and then the food can go to needy starving people. Another example of the Government disregard for the Indian people who lived here before we ever arrived. Sad in this day and age they are just trying to protect their land. Stop the potential for environmental damage to the land where they have lived for thousands of years. Don't we learn anything from history. How can they shot and harm these people just protecting their land and way of life. Sure glad I live in Minnesota and not Chicago. I hear the latest problem is lead in the water. Now they are shutting down all the outdoor fountains. One reason is to protect the homelsss. LOL who are they kidding. Like anyone actually cares about the homeless. We have this pompous rich guy Donald Trump cutting peoples SNAP on 2019 while at the same time cities are worrying about lead in the water to protect the homeless. It's all really annoying. Granted I agree lead is bad but then again some Govt. clown probably needs to do something to justify the 6 figure income they make. I am not sure what to think. I would be happy to be alive. I would like to know if they knew what the sea would be like as the sea is VERY unpredictable and I doubt they wanted to kill themselves too. I think it's a tragedy and no one is at fault. It is just one of those things that happens. Some things and tragedies are unforeseeable. he mayor was on Duterte's list of local officials branded as "narco-politicians" who allegedly have ties to the illegal drug world, according to CNN affiliate CNN Philippines. He, along with his wife, surrendered themselves to provincial police in August to clear their names and deny involvement. At the roadblock early Friday morning, an "armed encounter" between Dimaukom's men and police ensued, the report says, with law enforcement officials responding to fire from the mayor's bodyguards, leaving 10 men dead. Duterte was elected to office in May on a platform of a hardline crackdown on crime, particularly illegal drugs. Since taking office in early June, his police force has waged a bloody war on drug dealers and users, resulting in the deaths of hundreds of Filipino drug suspects at the I feel bad for the migrants who died when the ship which was carrying them sunk. Especially the young ones. Kids shouldn't have to die like this just trying to take a risk to improve their lives. I am touched by the state of the tiger population. They should never be raised and kept in this fashion. They deserve to be free. On top of this rare species should always be protected. I have pretty strong thoughts and feelings about this. From what I read, I feel like that is a very tragic situation. Us as a society, we are taking advantage of the trees we have here. In order to protect the environment and make the environment better again, we need to take care of it. What we are doing, in my opinion, is morally and ethnically wrong and we need to do a better job of taking care of nature. I understand that some blame is from the volcanoes of hawaii, but feel like us humans do way more damage than what mother nature brings. Wow, did you guys hear anything about this? It would be cool if men could take birth control as well. Not just to relieve the burden from women, but for men to have their own sexual freedom as well. Condoms are really the only thing they have control over, and they're known to fail more often than any form of birth control. It's sad the train wreck cost 4 people their lives. One can only hope none of the injured are critical. It would be great if they could find the cause of the accident. If they don't, who's to say it won't happen again? The statistics could be even worse next time. Wish this could have been prevented. This currency ban is a bold and brave step for the Minister. it is a bitter bill to swallow at the beginning as can be evidenced by the poor Indian population even missing work to line up at ATMs to get cash. but it the long run it will be beneficial in abolishing corruption. surprise ban on most currency in circulation in India, a bold attack on corruption that crippled business at stores and markets around the country as millions scrambled for cash to meet even basic needs There was just a 5.0 earthquake in Oklahoma. Fortunately, no one was badly injured. I didn't even know they had earthquakes there. It must be very scary to have to go through one of those. I'm glad we don't have them here. We used to have drills at school, in the event of an earthquake, but that just seems like a waste of time. I've never even been through one. This article highlights the fact that although we may have profound faith in the goodness of human nature, we never know when a killer is walking among us. The recent spate of mass shootings at schools and other locations underline the presence of disturbed people in our midst. Besides defending ourselves, we need to ask ourselves what in our society is provoking this disturbing behavior. Certainly the ubiquity and ease of acquiring guns is one cause, but there may be others that need attention as well. There has been unrest over the disputed region of Kshmir between Packistan and India. It looks as though there were 13 civilians killed during this latest skirmish. It's pathetic to see so many innocent people being killed for no reason over this disputed land. Already there have been two wars fought between these two countries. I hope they can reach a peaceful settlemnt but since this has been ongoing for over 70 years I highly doubt that this will actually happen. I am really saddened by what is happening in Brazil. I can't stand that this type of damage is happening in nature. We as citizens of the world really have to step up our efforts so that it doesn't happen more often. We should little by little try to reverse the damage that has been done for better good. New data shows airline discrimination complaints jumped 37 percent — The Transportation Department is making more data available about complaints of racial, ethnic and religious discrimination filed against the airlines, the agency said Tuesday. The department said it was releasing the data to the public in an attempt to be more transparent about such complaints and how they are handled. I think the robbers probably knew that jewelry would be harder to get away with because in order to make money selling it, they could be tracked and found out that they were her pieces. It makes more sense to steal money and they probably thought she would have a lot considering she is a huge celebrity. They must not have bothered to think that she probably wouldn't have cash. I feel bad that she went through that. Terrorism has become so commonplace that it does not even alarm me anymore. It is simply just another day in the world that we have come to live in. No one really wants to address the reasons that drive people to terrorism, so I guess we will just continue to let the media sensationalize death and complain about it the next day. This is really scary. I don't think I would want to have my life in the hands of someone else like on this whaling boat. someone's stupid mistakes can really be bad news for everyone trusting that person. I'm not sure If i'd be interested in going out on a boat, whaling, or even a cruise ship after reading this article.Just one wrong move from another person can seal your fate. It must have been so terrifying for these people. I definitely believe all the trauma they say they have endured and I would definitely rule for them in the suits they brought against the plantiff. After reading the article about Azalia Banks and Russell Crowe, I must say it was rather humiliating. They treated her really bad. I felt compassion for her. I tried to put myself into her shoe and I know I would have broken down and cried. She should have controlled her tongue as well, violence begot violence and a soft answer turns away wrath. Russell is not much of a lady's gentleman he could have dealt with the issue in an amicable manner. Maybe they could just let bygones be bygones and put it behind them. It was rather unfortunate. ABUJA, Nigeria ― After her father died two years ago during a Boko Haram raid on her village in Yobe, Nigeria, 16-year-old Zulyatu, her younger siblings and their mother fled to Biu, a town in northeast Nigeria’s Borno state. A year ago their mother left for another town to get treatment for high blood pressure from a traditional healer, leaving Zulyatu alone to care for her siblings, 12-year-old Abubakar and 8-year-old Amira. That's interesting about the buzzing possibly being created by the brain. I always thought it was created by the auditory nerve. Someone very close to me deals with tinnitus every day, and I always thought it was odd because I'm the one who has worked in high noise environments, but she's the one who suffers with it. It's interesting because it says psychotherapy is a possible solution which would make us very happy if it's real. I just read on a news paper about a situation in the capital of Bangladesh, Dhaka about their water situations. They are confronted with a very complicated water problem that is quickly turning extremely serious. The capital city has a population of 15 million. They are pumping the water from the city from the underground and the water is dropping with 9 feet every year. My understanding is that the water is becoming less potable as the pumping is going deeper being contaminated with arsenic. The researchers are trying to locate the contaminated areas and in the meantime thinking of different sources of water such as the one with the help of monsoon. They do have serious problems over there and sounds pretty difficult to have it fixed. Many will have to suffer unfortunately in the meantime The medical profession is clueless according to three articles I just read. They have no idea how to treat obese or transgender people, among others, and doctors routinely act based on biases and stereotypes. For example, scales aren't calibrated or constructed to weigh obese people and medication dosage often doesn't take weight into account. Doctors just tell patients to lose weight and rush them out of the office. Not that the rest of us are protected from medical protocols that are outdated and sometimes harmful, either. What to do? I just read an article about the awful treatment of animals of zoos in foreign countries from us. Feeling a little down thinking of how these people could treat the animals how they could continue to raise animals in zoos where people will come and view them while they're ill hurt and some even dying. Even after receiving help to get these animals to a better location where they can be cared for properly other zoos are still continuing with bad treatment and allowing visitors to come witness it. Just like a child animals depend on us if we have them caged either let them out of the cage or take care of them why is that so hard for people to understand or do? GBR The great barrier reef. I read an article that stated that it was on life support. That the beaching incident of two thousand sixteen amongst others things have left it close to death. The GBR covers 1400miles and has 70000 jobs hanging in the balance. Its crazy because this thing is 25 million yers old. We have to do something. According to Dr. Jack Drescher, a leading specialist and critic of conversion therapy practices, there is not just one set of practices understood to be used in conversion therapy. “People have tried all kinds of things because none them really work,” he told The Huffington Post. Drescher also said that the majority of research surrounding conversion therapy has taken place on adults who’ve undergone the process, and there is very little research surrounding LGBTQ youth who have been through conversation therapy practices. “But of course you have anecdotal stories,” he said. “Some children have reported running away from home, there have been cases in the news of young people of when their family found out about them or they came out and the family insisted they go to conversion therapy hello brother I am learning the news I am very happy that you are already in sacrament I am happy that after completing your dream of playing in the NBA is a great time for you and you should know how to take advantage of this great opportunity take care of yourself and succeed.I'm really very proud of you It's absolutely horrible how Indian government treats their people! Poverty, disease, no regulations when it comes to the environmental safety standards. My heart goes out to these people because they deserve to live in peace on this Earth and be healthy and prosperous just like everyone else. Such a blatant disregard for human life! India is like hell in Earth. I would lock up these government people in solitary confinement for life and let the fly ash befall on their heads so they can find out what getting tuberculosis and liver decease is like for these poor people! The situation in India just never ends, makes you wonder where all these mega wealthy Indian royals are?!!! Why isn't the fly ash falling on them, or why aren't they drinking polluted water that causes lung illness!!! Officers shooting at unarmed black men needs to stop. I know there are some really good cops out there, but the bad ones are the ones giving the good ones a bad rep. More officers should be vetted before they go to the academy. They need to have better background checks. I completely understand if someone was armed and the officers were in fear of their safety for them to shoot, but if a white officer shoots at an unarmed black man for no reason, that's wrong. there is a lot going on in this one and I had lots of different emotions throughout the whole thing. numerous issues with the article I read, cops shooting people, people being sent to prison for far too long of a period of time, as well as militias being formed to protect land. I feel our land is important ,I feel as though cattle should be able to graze and that we have a huge problem when it comes to economic issues,due to the way that livestock is taken care of,to produce food for people. It is heartbreaking to see people fight for land they love it, and it’s heartbreaking for the police to have to shoot people over it. people lose years of their lives in prison over land and cattle and thousands upon thousands of dollars wasted in court cases. the whole article was a mess! I think zuckermans opinions on the oil import has some actual valid points. I feel like his plans and what he wants to do is a good idea. I also feel liek their are too many people just trying to make a quick few bucks, theyll do anything and everything to get there way. I feel bad for some of the less fortuanate consumers who have to be tricked into paying these ridulous high prices foroil. This is sad on the surface, that these two passed away while scuba diving at such an old age, but then I consider it. These two people - lived their life together - went somewhere glorious and had a wonderful time on vacation together before passing. It is morbid, yes, but is it not also somewhat beautiful? So many politicians don't see how serious global warming is and refuse to do anything about it. I'm not the biggest environmentalist and sometimes I ignore the whole climate change thing, but I do believe it is happening and know that our government needs to do something about it. I have no faith in our current government to do anything, but I hope others around the world will and we as individuals can do something, even little things. Maybe doing things collaboratively can help change things for the better. This feels so typical. The burden of safe sex has fallen to the woman for decades, ever since the oral contraceptive was introduced. Women frequently have to decide between accepting disturbing side effects or accepting the risk of pregnancy, whereas men have never had to make that choice. There will never be true equality until men and women face the risks and consequences of sex equally. It's a shame how troubled the middle east is and has been for the longest time. I wish we could come to some agreement with the rest of the world on how to realistically handle the multiple situations in the middle east. I feel that we should pull out and let them handle their problems on their own with only some guidance from us. The United States should be ashamed of how this last election went. It was sad that they could not be fair to other countries in the campaigning. Trump bullied other countries and the other bullies in the US voter for him. There is no reason why such a fool should be running our country. I know as Americans anyone can become president, but that does not mean that they do not have to be presidential material. All of this unrest in the middle east makes me afraid to ever leave North America. I'm glad that it turned out that the shooter was mentally unstable instead of being involved in a larger plot. I wish I had some answers that could make all this war easier but I just don't understand why everyone can't just get along. These people argue about who's fault it is, but in the end, we're just moving down a highway together, that we build together, and all these dangerous curves are our own fault. The truth to me is, all the Republican party did to win was take advantage of disenfranchised people who are tired of things that happened ten years ago and beyond, so they looked to the only people who would listen to them, even if they were wrong. the eldest generation of russians aren't being treated properly and should have some sort of financial compensation. they are living off very little per day financially and live in poor conditions. after paying utilities, they barely have enough for food. health care has also taken a turn for the worse because they can't afford to get proper health treatment due to the costs involved Oh my god. Did you hear about this story of this family of two girls that got killed on Halloweed? Apparently they were hit in a trailer and that cause them to die. Could you imagine just wanting to go out and have fun while trick and treating but then you get the sad news that you daughters are dead? This is heartbreaking for that family. In all honesty. I have read so many of these articales it is all starting to run together and i am forgetting what i am reading. The time and pay i have spent on this is starting to look like it is not worth completing the hit because it is becoming unfair pay versus time i am spending reading all these articles and wasting time This article was quite interesting to me. It talked about the invention of a new male contraceptive. It talks about the potential side effects that steer men away from using the contraceptive. The writer of the article mocks men for avoiding these contraceptives when female contraceptives have way more side effects to them. I personally disagree with the writer - if male contraceptives were invented before female contraceptives, I believe that males would have no problem using them despite the side effects. What are your thoughts? This is an old article, that made the Paris accords seem so responsible and dutiful, until Trump revealed that it was a crap deal that took advantage of the US, obligating them to pay way more than other countries. Plus the soonest results of this regulation will not occur for a century, and will be just a blip of difference. It's a scam. I think they should both be charged with murder. It's obvious at least one of them did it but I'm assuming both. It's crazy what this world has come to people just killing people all the time and usually for no reason. It's crazy and people need to be punished harsher. If you kill someone on person for no reason you should automatically get the death sentence. I am thankful that there are people who care about this issue, but I really don't. I feel like this is just part of the life-cycle and I don't really get why so much money is being wasted on a problem and isn't necessarily crucial. However, as I said, it's probably good that people who know more about this issue than I do are caring about the problem. I've been reading about the drastic increase in migrants trying to get from Africa to Europe across the Mediterranean Sea. This year has seen large amounts of people seeking refuge in Europe, and large increases in fatalities for those attempting the crossing. These people are fleeing desperate conditions in hope of a better life and are attempting risky crossings because there are not enough safe ways to migrate. I think it is crazy that these employees were put through this at Well's Fargo. I have never worked at a bank before, but being told to reach a quota, even by the means of doing illegal tasks to accomplish what they needed to do. I can't imagine coming into working everyday and wondering if I was going to be considered a good or a bad employee. It would infuriate me to have earned a bonus and then be told I cannot have it because I am being developed as an employee. I am glad they decided to make the change. It sounds better for their employees. It should be easily doable to help others but idk why no one even tries anymore. It should be easily doable to help others but idk why no one even tries anymore.It should be easily doable to help others but idk why no one even tries anymore.It should be easily doable to help others but idk why no one even tries anymore.It should be easily doable to help others but idk why no one even tries anymore.It should be easily doable to help others but idk why no one even tries anymore.It should be easily doable to help others but idk why no one even tries anymore. After reading how so many people think Trump will ruin this country I think its fair to say some of our most beloved Presidents acted the same why yet we keep them up on pedestals. Today with social media we just see the problems more out in front since nothing is private anymore. I'm older 63 as you know and my mom and granny taught me how to behave. Don't go into a room with some man you don't know. If he tries something tell someone. All these ladies who kept quiet or were paid off in some way are just as big a part of the problem as any man who abuses them. Ladies time for us to take responsible for what happens. Why were 43 students highjacking buses? That wasn't taught in my school. Bus high-jacking 101. They seriously failed. I am rather doubting that is true though. If the police are willing to give "criminals" over to the drug cartels, I'm pretty sure they aren't above lying about it. One of my coworkers hasn't visited her family in years because their state has become so crime ridden they won't let her come home. They say it isn't safe for her. How stupid sad is that? And God forbid they try to come here to escape that mess. Right wing crazies do not have any compassion for people just trying to live, it seems. I can't believe what I just read. I read this article about how riot police took down some pipeline protestors in North Dakota. The armed police used such violent and aggressive tactics to take down the protestors. The protestors were Native Americans and environmental activists. Being environmental activist ourselves could you imagine how we would react to being treated this way. They used sonic devices and rubber bullets shooting the protestors in the face. I'm outraged by these actions. This is totally uncalled for and violates several codes of conduct. The cause of the protest was that the pipeline was affecting the local's water supply. I don't blame them for protesting one bit. The actions and the engagement by the riot police of North Dakota was shameful and they should be punished. We all live in the same America. I believe that we all have the same hopes,dreams and goals. I can understand to some Trump represents the return of jobs and other industry, but to others he is a symbol of hate. I know you voted for him and I know that you are not racist, but can you see how much this has torn the country apart? We both know that the country was not already united as one, but this has made it worst. I do not see it getting any better anytime soon. I hope the country can heel and both sides can work it out. Positions of power will ALWAYS, inevitably be taken over by a corrupt and greedy type of individual or group of people. Any time you have a person who has authority over another person, eventually things will go bad. Whether it's kings demanding that they get to deflower any bride before her wedding day (as a law) or our own United States government attempting to strip more and more freedoms from us when we're already slaves... These are the acts of corruption. These are the acts of cowardice, scum-bag gangsters that wear suits. Heyy! Although this story is sad, I found it definitely alarming and should serve as an example on how this obsession with selfies needs to stop. Apparently, a guy was killed by a python because he was trying to take a good selfie. I think he was one of those people who like to take selfies doing something daring What would we do without friends? Have you ever given it a thought? Friends are there, right by your side, through thick and thin, adding the right flavors to your life -- cheering you up when you're down, laughing with you till you're both on the floor clutching your stomachs, holding your hand when you're not strong enough to face the world... When you are blessed with true friends you can always count on, you can bravely face any storm and tackle obstacles with a smile. This is the world we live in now. Until we have heavy weapons that are meant for killing like guns, explosives, and machines, we will never have an end in the conflict in Middle East -- or any country for that matter. If it does finish, a lot of people will suffer and die first which is worrisome. Millions and millions of people experience subhuman living conditions and there's nothing we can do. I am sharing this because I wish people can understand what humans are doing to the environment and how its actually affecting our climate. WE ARE going through climate change, and it seems like the world does not care because there's still pollution and etc. The artic glaciers are melting, waters are getting warmer and people say that's not "global warming". Definitely give this article a read if you are into environmental stuff. Who cares about North Korea! I hope they all drowned. Waaah they are having a flood and hope the international community responds? Please Billy. Maybe they should stop sending nuclear missiles over other countries. Maybe that fat butch head could eat less and send a couple dollars to the victims. I could care less about North Korea and am highly glad they are getting flooded. Serves them right. Oh hey, check it out. Another article about the same thing that's been repeated over and over again, but it's not really changing anything. I am just sending it to you because I'm an idiot that doesn't care about what you think. It just goes on and on about meat production and how that's harming the environment. I can't wait for lab grown meat to be the standard, but that's not really in this. So, read away about cow farts. There was some anti jewish graffitti in my community after trumps election too. I think these jewish feeling were feeling like a lot of us after trumps election, like America wasn't a safe place to be anymore. He opened it up to racism, sexism, and bigotry. Not that those weren't already there, but he made it seem like those were okay. I felt like that as a woman, and I talked to other women who did too, like you. It felt like these people felt, like suddenly it was okay to harrass women, because the president does it too. Sally Brampton should serve as an example to others. Talk about being forgotten. She demonstrated clear signs of needing help, and the system failed her. What a terrible loss! A successful, intelligent, conflicted woman who was lost way too soon. It is sad to see someone struggle with depression and other mental illnesses. Society needs to do better to help people in need, especially when they are asking for it. IT is a shame what happened to her. Do you know about Zika virus news ? That like dengue and West Nile virus, this mosquito-spread disease is now going to be a regular fixture — and a perennial risk for pregnant women. The huge bloom of Zika activity in the Americas right now is unprecedented. A longtime US Army scientist who is now semiretired, Halstead believes Zika will vanish in a few years, likely for decades. That’s the way another arbovirus, chikungunya works, he wrote in an article in Emerging Infectious Diseases last year. “The rate at which people are getting infected right now certainly suggests that we’re heading, within a year or two, to achieve sufficient herd immunity for this virus to die out, I just read a very sad article about a man who recently lose his family from a car accident. The car was hit by someone who lost control while speeding and slammed into the car with the family, causing all of them to die. The person speeding, along with his family were also killed. It's so sad and troubling knowing that someone has to go through such tragedies in life due to other peoples careless mistakes. May God rest their poor souls. Gun control should be a priority in our country. After reading about children who lost their lives due to gun violence, it's hard to argue that it's way to easy to get your hands on a gun. Americans are much like people all over the world, but we have infinitely more gun deaths, and it's all because of the ease of acquiring those guns. I really do not understand what has become of our society.Have you heard about the guy who shot several people at the shopping mall?Because of him,six people were injured and three dead and some three people had eye injuries because of the broken glasses.The guy is only 20 from Turkey and guess what,he has been charged with murder because he confessed. This is the type of thing that really scares me. I would be very interested in viewing this video. How in the world does one shoot their own relatives and two police officers? What gives this person the right to take someone else life? Those people may have had children, mothers, sisters, friends, co-workers, and now they are dead, and for what? How did this individual go so long without being apprehended. Sometimes the system really confuses me and upsets me. I wish they would have caught him sooner and kept him alive so he could explain his actions. Hey, I know you asked me about what happened to that mother and her baby in New York and here's the full article. It's so sad...that baby could have lived their life to the fullest and now it's cut short. The mother will have to grieve over what happened to...It's so sad that things like this happen. I am so sick and tired of Donald Trump. He has no idea what he is doing. He is making America a laughing stock to the world. He is a puppet. He is a big man baby who cannot take criticism or do a job right. He's not as rich as he says. He does what he wants and figures money will take care of it all. I cannot wait till he is out of office. The move comes after Human Rights Watch published a report detailing accounts by dozens of women and girls who said they were sexually abused or coerced into sex. The women said they were raped or abused by camp leaders, vigilante group members, policemen and soldiers at camps in Borno State's capital, Maiduguri. The camps were set up to offer aid to people displaced by fighting in Nigeria's northeast. Nigeria's Inspector General of Police, Ibrahim Idris, has set up a special team "to immediately commence thorough Investigation into all cases of alleged sexual abuses, exploitation, harassments, gender-based violence and professional misconduct," a statement from the inspector general's office said Thursday. Police: Security at camps to be beefed up Some of the victims had escaped captivit Here is another example of domestic gun violence that is happening in america. I know that you feel very strongly about this issue and figured that you might want to read this article that I found. It is such a sad story, and until we get the guns off the street, these stories are just going to keep coming up. Veterans deserve all the support from this nation. They put in risk their lives for us, for our freedom and security. Most of the people have no idea what those people have seen and experienced in a war zone, or the toll that these experiences can take on an individual, matter how strong they are, I'm sure they have suffered traumatic experience, and they really need help before their battles. So I just read another article where a teacher compared President Trump to Adolph Hitler. And the teacher had the nerve to say that his lesson plans are always "factually based". The last time I checked, Donald Trump has not interred 15 million Jews to concentration camps where he has killed them. Typical liberal Democrat with so much hyperbole. Teachers need to stick to teaching the facts and not interjecting their opinions into their lessons. This makes me very upset. They don't want to take responsibility, blames it on something else. It's clearly your fault and you should feel guilty for killing all these people. They have every right to sue you for your stupid mistake. We live in a world with idiots. Next time you take the car to work, remember that you can't count yourself to be safe if you are careful. This story I have read was heart breaking! Two men were shot, one twice in the stomach and the other shot in the back. Sadly no weapons were recovered and no arrests were made causing me to worry the person that did this is free. This upsets me worried for myself and others, hoping to protect the community from the criminal gun man still at large. The two men were taken to the hospital, hoping for a speedy recovery for them and comfort for their families after this tragic incident! The terrible time they must all be going through now. Worrying and stressing over this unthinkable situation. I sure do hope the person responsible is found and arrested quickly, to keep our community safe from additional attacks and to to get him the help he needs. Not to mention time in prison. Certainly right Some of the drivers around this place need to be taken out of their cars and arrested. Some people were struck on Highway 80 near Chunky. Some kids were involved. I think three people died. They were riding on the back of a trailer celebrating Halloween. A vehicle collided with the trailer probably a drunk. I think they were just in a hurry like everyone else around here. I guess that driver is going to get it. I just read an article about wind turbines killing birds. I hadn't ever thought about it before, but it makes a lot of sense. It's just curious that in trying to be "green," were actually hurting part of the ecology. Apparently, hundreds of thousands of birds are being killed annually. Worst of all, they are killing Golden Eagles, an endangered species! It's just really sad. Gosh, who would do something as horrible as kill an innocent animal (and a baby at that)? However, I am glad that the Salt River Wild Horse Management Group and the American Wild Horse Preservation Campaign set up a reward to catch whoever did that. I was also happy to see that it was an immediate response, not a delayed one. It's sad that people won't come forward on their own to bring justice and that there has to be a monetary incentive. I really am sick of these pseudo scientists running around screaming the sky is falling. It is a load of garbage science. The take a snapshot of the earth, a vastly complicated system with millions of variables that is in constant flux and motion. They plug this into a model with a couple of hundred hand picked variables and pronounce that we are all doomed. It is bad science and everyone knows it. Ugh have you seen what's going on in New Delhi? The air pollution over there is horrible and so many people are getting seriously sick! They are calling the city a gas chamber because the air quality is so bad. I'm so glad we don't have to deal with that around here but I really feel for all of the children who are being affected by all of this. I can't imagine how helpless parents feel when there's nothing they can do to help their kids. This ticks me off for two reasons: One, that we've messed up the Australian ecosystem so badly, and two, that people are going to read it and say "Oh, no, it wasn't climate change at all, so we don't have to do anything to fix it." Either way, it was man-made problems that did this little guy in. I wish they would blame it thoroughly on climate change, so people would maybe be spurred to do something. Instead, right now they'll say "Oh, it wasn't *really* climate change," and when a more clear-cut extinction happens, they'll point back to this and say "Well, it's been going on for a long time now, nothing we can do." Christ. So, I was reading recently about how Kenya deported a South Sudan opposition official. despite threats against him, they deported him as tensions rose over peacekeeping efforts. Kenyan authorities have reacted super angrily to a U.N. decision this week to dismiss the Kenyan general in charge of the peacekeeping force there, for failing to protect civilians during a recent outbreak of violence. I think it's so rude when people mock government officials and get so full of them selves over politics. It really just burns me up that people can't get along in regards to it. I hate reading about politics in general and it is even worse when you have to read about grown adults bickering and arguing over it all. Joe Walsh and Diana Duckworth both are very immature. What do you think? it funny how people do stupid things that just pop into their mind like taking a topless selfie while driving just to send it to the other person . seriously if u want to do that just park the car at the site and do it , it not ur live that u are putting in danger ,it also other ppl live thatu can easily ruined if u dont drive carefully I've never heard of this person or this talk show, have you? Mostly I find this stuff kind of boring, and although it's sad for people to lose their jobs, this happens all the time, and to people who have probably earned a lot less than these people, and who have a lot less prospects of being reemployed. Shows are cancelled all the time, so I get kind of annoyed with this kind of news. An article that I just read is really pretty disturbing. It speaks of the tremendous droughts in the river areas of Bolivia. It's bad enough because it is just a natural disaster situation, but the fact that there was also mismanagement involved is particularly troubling. The government failed to properly care for the canals. The article also speaks of selling off many of its wild animals. This might become a very serious problem given the fact that some of the animals are endangered species such as the wild dog. They are also looking at selling off elephants, lions and pythons. Even if they do this, how much of the money will ever actually reach its citizens to help them? it is too bad that so many people still deny that polution and man made climate change is destroying our natural world. it makes me wonder what will be left for my grandchildren to enjoy of our natural world. in my life i have noticed the degredation of the ourdoors to a fair extent and it is only accelerating. woe to mankind. This is horrifying. You're just going about your business, then someone takes issue with you, and suddenly you're dead. Maybe you didn't even interact with them and they just decided to kill you for fun. It's deeply troubling and makes you suspicious of every stranger on the street. I also feel bad for those who had to witness this and didn't have time to do anything to stop it. I'd imagine some feel guilty even though they couldn't have helped. The outer boom which was put in place to contain the spilled oil had broke free on Friday causing the oil to spread and bad weather had prevented clean up crews from working on the spill for four consecutive days. By Saturday, salvage crews had recovered more than 40 percent of the 200,000 liters of fuel estimated to be in the vessel, but the damage had already been done. Hey, Josh here is another example of total insanity in a nation that has taken millions of jobs from people around the world but refuses to give any serious consideration to the health and welfare of its citizens. These people are pawns and the sad thing is no one there has the will to fix any of the sanitation problems or air quality issues. What is so hard about it? Maybe they should start eating some of their relatives, you know, cattle. Damaging the Amazon rain forest, one of the most iconic and well-known rain forests known to man, just to get oil is simply inexcusable. The US's hunt for crude oil is coming with disastrous consequences and needs to be rectified. By tearing down the Amazon trees, hurtful greenhouse gases are rising into the air, damaging the air quality around us. Corporations shouldn't be able to hurt the environment like this. It makes me angry. If it's not bad enough that the father is a child molester who molested his own child, the mother had the nerve to join in on the abuse. I doubt very serious if she was forced to do it as she could have divorced him or left him rather commit such a heinous crime and money is no excuse. I wouldn't molest my child for all the money in the world. These people were just sicking perverse sorry excuses for human beings. I don't know how they do it. They get abused in their own country, then abused by orgs that are supposed to help. I simply don't know why they would want to live. They are very strong. No org HAS to help them but if they sign up to help- then help. I think some are doing the best they can to help. However- more has to be done- Animals can't be left this way, so why can people? Just when you think you have heard enough crazy Donald Trump stories this one takes the cake. I just read about a mother from Fresno Texas who not only kicked her elementary son out of the house for voting in a mock school election for Donald Trump she also videotaped it. Well, of course, the video went viral. The Fort Bend County Texas sheriff's department went to check out the situation and the child seemed to be in good health. The mother made the child stand on the street corner with a sign telling why he was kicked out of the house. The mother claims now that it was only a joke. I hope the child is not permanently scarred from this incident. As if our immigration problem couldn't get any worse! Now Haitian immigrants are going through Mexico to show up at the Cali border! I hope they all get deported. Immigrants are nothing but a plague on this country, for the most part, save the elite ones we get from areas of Asia. The Haitians would do nothing to stimulate our economy, would all end up on public assistance, and would cost taxpayers like you and me! We really can't afford to keep letting them stream into the country, but the good news is that most of them are being booted. We just need to change "MOST" to "ALL" because there is nothing good that can come of letting them in the country!! Remember that you where telling me about how you were having trouble sleeping lately? Maybe you should take a look at this article that I found online about sleep paralysis and what it is all about and how it is affecting this guy. I hope that it can help you out a little bit with what you have been going through. Awww, this story is so heartbreaking. I can't imagine what this family is going through. Did you see this? I am hopeful that they can find peace. If something like this happened to me, I do not know what I would do. I guess that this just reminds us that life is precious and we should appreciate what we have! It's just so distressing to read about the negative effects we constantly have on defenseless animals. Human beings need to be more respectful of the planet and its native biodiversity. I just finished reading an article about an endangered species in the Gulf called the Vaquita that is slated to be extinct by 2022 due to nothing beyond happening to be in the water where people are fishing. It's just so thoughtless, so shortsighted, and so frustratingly preventable. Dear friend, I have just finished reading the most heartbreaking article. I read the story of a man, Wesley O'Dell, and his wife finding a tortured dead kitten on the side of the road. The kitten was wrapped in electrical cords and its jaw was ripped apart. The body was already stiff when they found it. Now O'Dell and his wide are asking people to share the story as an attempt to bring awareness to animal abuse and try to prevent it in the future. This article is interesting. I guess there is risk with everything and now men concieved through IVF may have trouble conceiving themselves. I'm glad I didn't have to go the IVF route, although I guess it's not a sure thing that the men conceived through IVF will have a lower sperm count, but I guess the risk is higher. I don't think there are too many people that know about this information. it's the first time I've ever heard of it. So, a man in china, put a chopstick into his penis. Yeah, you heard me. He wanted to see if he had an infection or something, and instead of being a normal person, and going to the doctor, he decided to self examine and see what he could find. He ended up having to have surgery to remove the chopstick out of hiis penis. What would possess a man, to do such a thing?, The only thing I can think of after reading this story,, is about how real mental ilness is.. There is no other excuse in my opinion on why someone so masochistic. I mean, the doctors said, any further , and he would have killed himself. It hurst me just thinking about this. I read an article about Typhoon Meranti. The article said the storm passed by Taiwan without actually hitting the island, which I suppose was a good thing, because evidently there was another storm in 2009, Typhone Morakot, that killed a bunch of people and did billions of dollars of damage. I'm glad I don't live somewhere where there's any inclement weather like that, it must be miserable to live on an island where it's hot and crowded. People working in Financial institutions or banks should be honest and do what is morally right. Workers who opened fake accounts should be fired, that is unethical. No one would be expecting such a huge scam at Wells Fargo. I am deeply saddened, I have an account with Wells Fargo. I have to be paying close attention to my account, one never knows when something will go wrong. Hey buddy. I think this article made me worried about this Zika situation. It is spreading with such vigor like never before and it kills very fast. I think the whole world needs to be on alert and health scientists need to be working hard to try and eradicate this disease. It's gonna take some time but something needs to be done Thats really heartbreaking to read the story about the man who lost his family in a car crash. I think people who street race are acting very dangerously for now reason and it is usually very stupid young males who do this. I dont know what sense to make out of this since the woman and her children did not seem to do anything to deserve this. Maybe it takes stories like this to make us realize how p[precious life is and how careful we must be These numbers leave little room to think that climate change is not happening. As you know, I firmly believe in the importance of environmental protections and think climate change is a problem. However, articles like this only add to the problem. These numbers are shocking on the surface but could easily be explained by natural fluctuations year to year. I wish they would focus on balanced science instead. I kind of think this article was written in a tongue-in-cheek manner especially when you read that last line--what a pun! If there is any truth to it, though, what could possible cause these kinds of chemical burns on a shampoo product that should be thoroughly tested when mixed with water in the shower. How could it even happen like that? Is there actual lye in these bottles? I guess we'll find out when the case goes to trial. Wow - I don’t know what I’d do in this situation. How sad for these people. They have to leave everything behind, and they really don’t have a lot of options. I feel really sad for the children. It’s like they have no home. What a mess. I wish the middle east wasn’t so violent. I don’t understand all the hate. This article I just read talks about another mass shooter. Well, not so much mass shooter like some of the recent ones, but they did open fire in public and kill 5 people. I can't help but feel disgusted that these things still happen. I really hope that this guy gets what he deserves, because this has to stop. I'm sorry....I don't mean to laugh...but.....this was TOO MUCH. I hate to admit that I found it a little bit funny, but at the same time, I feel sorry that this man was this ignorant to do this to himself. Now he's going to have to go through so much more stuff, when in all likeliness, a simple urine test probably would have been performed to find a solution to the issue to begin with. no matter what your heritage, you should be able to serve your country. her thai heritage shouldn't preclude her and shouldn't have been an issue in this debate. tammy duckworth and her family should be congratulated on the services they have provided to this country. any type of racism should not be allowed in a debate Man how sad, that is terrible to imagine what the poor dog went through. I don't think we should hate the guy too much, even though he should definitely face consequenes. Ultimately I am sure he's really heart broken about what happened to the dog, and it was just a mistake not like some negelectful, hateful act. I just read an article about suicide, it was really sad. It started off talking about a 12 year old girl who was interested in suicide groups online. One day she went to school, or so her mother thoght. The mother recieved a phone call from the channel A&E notifiing her that her daughter had took her own life. The article went on to say how Russia was third in the world in suicides. It was a really sad article. This article was about the disturbing finds by the Iraqi military as they re-captured territory from retreating Islamic State fighters. They found mass graves of people killed by ISIS and although there is some confusion about the details, there are dozens or maybe over 100 bodies. There is also evidence of torture. The ISIS fighters were certainly brutal towards their victims, and have captured many more to use as human shields or to kill outright for their perceived beliefs. We live in a world someone can not only be arrested for their thoughts, but can be seen as a target for violence from monsters. From the shooter, to the local government, these actions should be condemned on all fronts. The government was wrong to arrest the deceased, and the murderer was of course wrong for shooting him to death . I am saddened that someone lost his life because of his charge of a charged message. While I do feel glad that apparent justice will be served in this case, this just goes to show you how violent some people can become when you toss religious ideals into the mix. This is so sad. Something needs to be done for these refugees. People need to be more accepting of them. People shouldn't be afraid of letting them into their country, they are just people who need help. I feel so bad for the babies, children and mothers on these boats. It's horrifying to imagine drowning in the sea, especially from the eyes of a child. There was more bombing over in Syria in the news over the weekend. There were over 300 casualties including small children. A father and son were found dead in the rubble as well as two boys whose mother survived in an adjoining room. It seems like the violence in the Middle East is never ending. I honestly cant remember what i read. I walked away for a drink and came back and i completely forgot. Reading these articles like this in succession is tedious and makes the stories asll run together making the retention of the story hard to keep. I would have reread the article if i could and there was an option to The person was robbed the money at gun point and escaped from that place. The victim calls the 911 and the police investigation the victim and gathered some information about the criminal. Then they are start to search the criminal.The victim calls the 911 and the police investigation the victim and gathered some information about the robbery. wow sleep paralysis sounds so scary! I hope that this never happens to me ! I think that It was affect me for a long time . I'm sure that those few short seconds that is happens seems like hours . I would probably have a heart attack from being so scared. Yeah no thank you on any of that . I will be making sure I don't drink before going to bed from now on. Just read another "EPA" article promoting its usual bull shit. This time its the "a la The Simpsons fish with 3 heads" where a scientist is taking a picture of his ONE deformed Salmon he cought and wants the entire world to flip out about his 1 mutated fish. Well, ever seen a 4 leaf clover? Thats "mutated" as well right? Thinking about water contamination is a scary thought. When that can effect our children it makes things even worse. The crisis in Flint is unacceptable and to hear about the drinking fountain in Chicago makes things even worse. It makes you think that major improvements need to made across the US. New laws need to be put in place to ensure everyone is getting healthy water. I just read an article about Susan Sarandon asking people to put their money where their mouth is in regards to the Dakota Access Pipeline. While I don't agree with her position, I do agree with that statement. If people want to whine about it, they should step up and help instead of crying on social media. See? This is why sometimes I rather ignore the news. Shootings over there, people dead over here, drugs, etc. It makes me sick the kind of world we live in. Hundreds of deaths just because they thought these people were related to drug dealing? I mean, did they even had some kind of proof? Why shoot to kill? Why not stick to the laws and put them in jail if they were found guilty? I found a story about Kate Beckinsale and her husband, Len Wiseman, they have pulled the plug on their marriage ... TMZ has learned. Wiseman cited irreconcilable differences. His docs state both he and Kate have waived any right to spousal support, and that suggests there's a prenup. They were married in 2004 and have no kids together. TMZ broke the story ... the couple's marriage was on the rocks last November. Len was spotted out with model CJ Franco, and Kate we seen shortly after -- sans wedding ring -- on the red carpet. did you hear about that Indian girl from Kashmir who got blinded by the government with pellet guns that have sharp edges. She wasn't doing anything but standing by a window. These corrupt governments are so evil. Kashmir is being fought over and innocent people are being killed and hurt. It really is disgusting what these governments are doing. Hey I just read this article about more craziness ISIS is doing? Sometimes the articles have so many names of places I don't recognize and can't pronounce that I get a little off track of the point of the article. I gues those terrorists are using people as human shields to keep and take control or surroundings areas. They know this is against UN policy, but I doubt they care. There is always something going on in the Middle East, it seems nothing gets better for the people just trying to live. I feel like something should be done to improve the situation, but it's been bad since I was a kid and I doubt it'll get better. I can't believe people spend their money doing that kind of parties. I think its not correct to be extremist in how much we support a president. White supremacists are dangerous people with crazy ideology. They promote horrible values to their sons and to the society, they are not respectful with other races and that hurt the society, specially here in United States that is a multi-cultural country. This groups should disappear from the map as soon as possible! Their ideology is useless in a country like this. Wow. So sad to see yet another species on the way to extinction. It's crazy to think that there's only 60 of one species left in the world. I know that it was the same way with the white rhino - it was like we knew it was coming, but we were completely unable to stop it, because it was just too late. I wonder if they could keep them in captivity. People often think of what it must be like to be in the 1% and be ultra successful. But often times we forget about the many pressures and responsibilities that come a long with that. Take Mikhail Lesin for example. The man was very well know and successful and look what happened to him he wound up dead just like everyone else. Now, the conclusion is that it was an accident, but the type of people and industries and location of the world leaves a lot of speculation. I guess thats a price you have to pay if you make enemies in the world. You are either looking over your shoulder all the time or completely stressed to death. What a world. So I just read that article about Alexandria Vera. I know you know who she is, and I know the lawyer in you just wants to get in that case. I mean, can you imagine the nerve of a teacher to exploit a minor in that way. She deserves more than 30 years, if you ask me. And the parents of the minor ought to have been charged with something. That is disgraceful. I mean, what is happening in America today? Some of the things I read about make me sick! This shooting is a good example of how black people and people w are wrongly prosecuted by the police. Now in this articles this gentlemen is getting a re-trial since they concur that he didn't do such thing and basically had the police lying to the judge. Now he can be fairly be judged and not be discriminated Did you see the article about the attack in the mall in MI? Can you imagine, just minding your own business, and then this guy dressed as a security guard starts stabbing people, yelling something about Allah??? Thank GOD there was an off duty cop there to stop him, or imagine how long he could have gone on for? This is getting crazy. We've gotta do something. I don't want to be worried about my safety just going to the mall. This is surprising news. First, how the news always make us believe that when a cop dies, is because of a black person (or someone who is not white), making race a big thing again. Number two, I am not saying that is good that people are dead, but instead, I am saying that not a lot of them are dead. And for those who are not dead, we should think about them, provide them with better guide, counseling and stuff like that, they go through traumatic events at work What a shame. I wish the article went more into detail about what happened to the actress and the guy she was with. I'm assuming they just broke in and then used tear gas on the couple? How did they escape from the masked men? Or did the masked guys just steal stuff and then leave? I'm not sure what the gun laws in France are but these reports would make me feel uneasy there. I feel sad yet again to here about more crimes against the native americans. The pipeline is disgusting and will no doubt result in leaks that contaminate water. It is good that people are protesting but I don't feel it will end up working. There is oil there and they will kill people if they need to just like they do in every other country. I just don't understand how this is the country that we all say we love and adore, but yet when others come here there are so many stipulations for them, and then even when they succeed at jumping through all of the hoops they are forced to, they have even more guidelines behind that. It's just so unfortunate that these refugees will feel unsafe and ultimately feel like refugees for the rest of their lives. I am so bothered and upset about the elementary school teacher that was charged with child pornography. I cannot believe a trusted individual would commit such a heinous crime involving children! This infuriates me to my core that someone could hurt innocent children this way! Does this make you just as mad? I really feel for those parents of the children involved and hope that it does not do permanent damage to all those sweet babies! Gosh, the emotions I felt while reading that. Being a nurse, I would be so scared of such a mass emergency and worrying about it people would make it or not. It disgusts me that innocent people would be used as human shields. How could someone do that to someone else? And they purposely brought them into the center of the city with the intention of using them as human shields. Hey buddy. Did you hear about this weird disease that is spreading amongst the frog population? Apparently it's a disease that happens due to people having ponds in their house. I worry what this disease could do to the local population of frogs. Tell anyone who has a pond to becareful with what they are moving in and out of their ponds. How terrible it would be to live your life knowing you murdered someone. It would be interesting to speak to somebody, who was maybe sixty or seventy, and had murdered someone as a young person, what they would have to say about it, how they feel about it and what they've learned, having killed someone, about themselves and society. I can't believe that this happened. Can you imagine what it must be like to flee from something so incredibly dangerous and then lose your life at sea or see people die while you're escaping? I wonder sometimes what must possess refugees to do this. Is there no other way for them to escape? Why do they risk their lives when they know the numbers of people who die in situations like this? It must be awful where they are coming from for them to risk it all. I mean, look at that star soccer player. She was like royalty in her country and a celebrated athlete. If even she took the risk and died, what must it be like for other people? This is so disturbing. It says that they are killing chickens that are still awake during it. It's like they like torturing them. Why can't we be like Europe? In Europe they have rules on how this is supposed to be done. No we just let companies do whatever they like. How hard it is to kill something and make sure it's not awake while doing so? I feel pretty indifferent about this kind of thing overall. It’s not fair to the men, but at the same time society has been conditioned in such a way that we have a higher demand for female models and lower demand for male models. Society is unfair in a lot of ways, and this is one of the few ways where women benefit over men. Yo. I hope that you are ready to read a long ass article about things that both did not make a difference in the election and things that enough people decided did not fucking matter. It's another take on "look at what an asshole trump is" It's totally true, but nothing changed because of things like this so I don't see the reason of rehashing it. Trump's a real mother fucker, but he was a white man, so enough assholes voted for him. Anyway, please enjoy yet another garbage article. I think that everyone should be aware of the people that they touch. There are times whenever we take others for granted. I think that we don't always tell each other about what their lives mean to us. I know that it is tough growing up alone in a world without others. I know that it is tough to make lasting friends. I thought that this article was something very hurtful to read. I was reading about the fire and what happened to the place that these people live and it said that these people got hurt and injured and I felt very bad for them. I wish that there was a way that everyone could help along to. The people should be more careful about the fire and see the safety next time. The article was about corruption at the International Monetary Fund, specifically the wrongdoing of former boss Rodrigo Rato. The banking industry is rife with issues like this, so it comes as no surprise that someone was trying to take advantage of the system even in an international organization like the IMF. The problem is that we do not have enough prosecutors that are willing to take on the banking industry and put them in their place. I'm tired of constantly hearing about people getting away with white collar crimes. I don't really feel much of anything when I read about this sort of incident since it happens all the time, I guess if I had to come up with something I would say I feel vaguely annoyed and irritated, I don't see why people can't manage to watch sports games in an orderly, non-violent manner, so the fact that we have to deal with this nonsense every time a popular sporting event happens is irritating. I think that it should not be difficult for people to conduct themselves appropriately, so it is frustrating that this sort of thing happens so often during sporting and other events. The fact that all Trump has to say when asked about his supporters being violent is "Stop it." Is laughable. Yet when he is asked his opinion on minorities like muslims or hispanics, he can go on for days. Him and his supporters have worms in their brains or something. There's no way any logical person capable of rationality would agree with half the things he says. I can't even imagine what it would be like to be minding our own business in a club and then having someone come in and shoot you. This must have been terrifying for this person. I certainly hope they did not lose their life and I also hope this is not an incident that leads to further problems in the future. Nothing gets to me more than hearing about hungry children. Nobody should go hungry. There's so much food in this world. It breaks my heart to hear about kids fainting in school because they've only had one meal for the day. I wish there was a way to help these kids more directly. I'm not one to give to large non-profit organizations but I feel so bad for these kids. We need to make sure these brave people have more resources. Government needs to realize the value of animal tourism and do more to stop poaching. Once these precious animals are gone, there will be no bringing them back. We need to do more to make sure this does not happen. Poaching is a huge problem in Africa and penalties need to be severe This is so sad guys. :( I can't believe this, I never knew how far reaching climate change actually was. These poor turtles are dying because of the temperature changes. Please do something, write your local senator so we can start to reverse this. We need to get back into the climate accords and become a leader in environmental sustainability, instead of what we have been doing. I hear the British Government is looking to drill for oil again. This time they are looking to drill near the Murchison Falls National Park in Uganda. Everyone is so dependent on oil all the time. Too bad for some giraffes that live there as they will be displaced. Of course I could really care less about giraffes 5000 miles away from me. Still I wish the giraffes the best I suppose. Brits are such weasels it figures they would look to kill a bunch of giraffes for their own selfish gains. Governments all stink. Really? How are these people allowed to have children? Its really not that hard to not poison your child is it? I mean it shouldn't be, but maybe these people are high on their own drugs so they don't notice their kids are getting into them. Its really sad and something should certainly be done. I think the girl may be as spy for another country. She sells the important information to another government. It may be leads to sever problem to the Pakistan Government. So, the Police Action is correct. The Police must be gathered from the girl. First thing is the girl did not the authorized person for enter this office. This is the first criminal activity. She theft the important information from the office. This is the severe criminal activity. So, the Girl must be punished severe. This is the big problem for the Government. I just heard that the Editor of Elle magazine killed herself. It is always sad when someone take their own life. What makes this one worse than the usual is that there were chances that she could have been helped but she was turned away. They said that she was "over the worst of it" but other evidence suggests that she was not. To me it seems like people did not want to deal with her for some reason or they were on a small budget and could not afford to treat her so they turned her away. Very sad and very messed up that you turn away someone whop wants helpa dn they then kill themselves. The system needs to be fixed. Here we go again, talking about political figures forging and waging war for the popular vote. They switch sides and change their point of view so much that it is easy to say they don't care about the common person, only their chair in office. I think that the parties have merged into one, one mass all out war to get into office. Wow, did you hear what happened to Mallika Sherawat in France? She was gassed and beaten and robbed. That is unbelievable! So scary and it could happen to anyone everywhere. She is lucky to be alive. It is sad though that this story got mixed in with politics because it wasn't even about Clinton, or Obama or Trump. It was sort of sadly ironic to see the part in there about "we don't think he'll win" considering what followed. All of it, sadly, still rings true, day after day. There's been no apology, only a doubling down on the kind of bile, arrogance, and ignorance that was on display since day one. I feel bad for every woman in the country who has to live with someone like that as their president. New wildfires across Appalachia! Thought I'd share this with you after our discussion about California wild fires. This one is huge in the Appalachian mountains and seems to be spreading. It can also be seen from space! Hopefully everyone gets out safe and the firefighters are all able to contain it safely. Thinking of you! This is a nice story - people have some level of need to protect nature and protecting birds is an excellent way of giving back, especiailly since some are endangered. I have to commend this person for trying really hard to protect one species, and for committing to it. I myself would have a difficult time choosing what to hel pwith - but this person doesnt! I read an interesting article online about Russia again. Apparently one of Putins former aids had just died outside of a hotel in D.C., that is really crazy and scary. Apparently a lot of people are thinking that this could be foul play and it wouldn't be a surprise since the Russian government is known for doing this sort of thing all the time. He was apparently fixing to cut a deal with the federal government which would have angered the Russian government so I bet they killed him off so that they could avoid him giving away information to the federal government. After reading this story I think the right decision was made. It seems to me that the man had no reason to shoot at those kids just because they were playing loud music. Sure music can be annoying but no one deserves to be shot over it. I don't think that any changes need to be made to the stand your ground laws. This was a simple case of someone making poor choices and now needs to pay the price for their actions. This day and age, there is a tremendous amount of evidence showing that climate change is real. In this new reality, how will life react. Do species have the ability to adapt and thrive in new clients or will they disappear. What will happen to humans as well? More studies need to be done in order to figure out not if we can stop climate change, but how will it affect us all. This story specifically doesn't make me feel anything, since I don't know these people and I feel like if I tried to have emotions for every victim of a crime I read about that would just require too much mental effort. In a broader sense however, I feel frustrated and tired of having to deal with men committing acts of violence against women constantly simply because they can, especially in cases like this where there didn't seem to be much prior warning. It's irritating because it is such an awful trend, so it makes me feel sort of disgusted with the state of the world in that way. It deeply saddens me to think that a mother could leave her child on a porch and abandon it. I feel some anger towards the mother for abandoning her young, defenseless child. The child is very lucky to have been found by kind strangers who were able to deliver it to safety. I hope that the child will be adopted into a loving family and will be given a solid upbringing. The article that I read was about these architects that are building things and they are kindof looking at the tactics for buildings and their tools that are used to build the buildings. They want to see what will be safer and allow the people to make better buildings. There was a recent mishap that caused several people to die and it was related to the building issues. It’s a shame that Nevada is going through this. It is a beautiful state. I really feel for the reservations. They have no where to go. They rely on water as a way of life. They have animals that need water. I don’t really know what can be done. Maybe we should address climate change. It is definitely happening. It is sad that children are still dying from measles. According to UNICEF, there is a simple vaccine that can be given, which would stop children from being affected. It affects most children in poor countries, which is very sad. The vaccine isn’t that expensive and you would think that the leaders of all countries would get together and do something about this problem. It is not just up to the USA to stand up and do something. These other countries (even though they are poor) need to get more educated and help protect their own children and citizens in their own country. It is sad that children and others have to die because we can’t coordinate with each other, to get the vaccines to those who need it most. I feel sorry for those families who have suffered the loss of a child due I just read an article about an infant orangutan, that was so sad. There had been several orangutans rescued from an illegal dealer. They were taken to a rescue center. The infant orangutan all of a sudden collapsed in her cage. She has meningitis which can be deadly for her. She is getting amazing care at this center though, so I sure hope she pulls through. I have no extra money right now but you can donate to this organization! It doesn't matter what country you live in. The powerful will always stomp on the weak. Expecting anything from your government or your party is pointless unless you have some amount of influence. Politics have not stopped war, poverty, disease, crime, or anything else. It simply is a way to subjugate mass amounts of people no differently than in olden times. They keep painting a pretty picture, and we all live in this illusion that life can be great here or there. But that is because there is not enough focus on the horrible things happening under our noses, even in our own neighborhoods. People are wretched, and those who rise to power will continue to be the most retched as they sell themselves out to any donor, or support that will keep them in power. I am really shocked by our current healthcare system. I just read an article that informed me that something as simple of hand washing can prevent hundreds of deaths and disability for US infants. Why isn't this common knowledge. I am really disappointed. It may not be a majority of children who are at-risk or afflicted, but for the few children who are , this information would have been everything. As I read this article, I felt a bit nervous and alarmed at India's tiger population, even though this is in India but still. Hopefully, the Tigers will be better protected in the future and people will stop trying to kill them or dial it down at least. I wish India's tigers the best in their protection and survival. I find this article to be stupid. It talks about how Trump supporters are attacking actors from the show Silicon Valley. I'm not a Silicon Valley fan and I do not know who those actors are, but I believe that if there were ever to be a fight that escalates due to differing political opinion, I would just walk up and leave. Regardless of what scientists believe the earth is warming. I think that people are constanstly always trying to come up with reasons as to what is happening with the earth, but these people are trying to pick this ladys research apart. Also, I am not sure how sexual harassment plays into the article, but that is a big deal in the US. People get harassed way to often in the workplace with nothing being done. It's kind of amazing how little we knew what was going on back then. There have certainly been a lot of changes since that day. I think we can all take comfort in the fact that the world didn't end that day. Even with crazy people in charge the earth's people seem to be capable of keeping us all on the right track. I mainly worry about my own self now. I just read that poaching of rhinos for ivory has gotten so bad in South Africa that they've begun expanding and now have anti-poacher armies. I say good for them. The animals can't fight back, but hopefully the army can deter poachers. I know the poachers do it because they can make a lot of money, but I just don't understand it. Big game hunters/trophy hunters and poachers are one in the same to me. I think they are both ridiculous reasons to harm or kill any animal. The anti-poaching armies have a scary, but, I think, extremely necessary job. I felt that reading the excerpt from the article was sad and had me feeling distraught to an extent. I know it's just an article but hearing about all the bad in the world is just an assured way to get a poor start to the day. I was mostly wondering what the situation was where Richard Hong was killed in the Los Angeles home. Whos home was it and why was George Stroumbolopoulos there. I'd like to know the more intricate details of what went down in this crime. Was it a murder of passion or was it cold blooded. Was it in the moment or was it calculated. What will happen now, hopefully and investigation can uncover this. Hey, man, don't know if you saw this report on the news, but this article is pretty messed up. Those poor people were just trying to have a good time and then all hell broke lose. I remember seeing the news reports and the images were pretty shocking, but the story in this article takes it to another level. You should read it. These poor people are going to get paid for sure. it is funny how the owner had to invoke "God" trying to protect his own ass. Apparently ISIS is still prevalent in Pakistan.. There have been numerous attacks on the public and a police academy. As bad as this group is for some reason I don't find them to be that big of a threat to Americans. At least not the ones here at home. By the way wasn't donald trump suppose to get rid of ISIS completely? I am rather turned off by the fact that California allows the water supply to be so construed for people. Very sad to see people in central California go through what Flint, Michigan went through with poor water conditions and I'd hate to be in the political sphere there. It would be good to see organizations working within the region to bring residents quality water. Those poor little babies. This is just going to keep happening more and more. The rate of human caused extinctions is going up at a scary rate. I know pandas and polar bears are kind of the face of conservation, but they're not the only cute animals out there. And even the ones that aren't cuties matter! Extinction is such a huge, huge deal. What this article taught me was that heartbreaks are not the end of the world. Yes, they are NOT. Just because that one precious person left us we start living with an emotion that our life has come to an end. Life isn't ending at all, each day is a new beginning, with new people waiting for us out there. As you move forward, life will remove many people from your life just because they aren't required and you can actually reach your destination. Your life has just begun, nobody stops moving, the sun still rises and the sun still sets. Wow. I can imagine being in that man's shoes. It sounds as if his son could have been more disturbed than originally thought at the other arrest. I would be devastated if I felt so threatened by my own child that I had to resort to violence. I mean, how terrible it must be! Though details aren't completely clear, it sounds as if the son had some issues that weren't completely dealt with and it resulted in some sort of confrontation with his dad. How terrible to have to carry this with him the rest of forever. It would break my heart in two. I hope he gets deep counseling for his grief and guilt. Perhaps if the son had, it wouldn't have happened. More's the pity. This bsi truly disturbing, I don't understand how someone could ever do that to an animal let alone a small kitten. There are truly some very disturbed peopel on this planet and the person who did this should be punished severely. This si not an act of violence it is an act of malice. The person who did this will go on to do other terrible things in the futurw I feel bad for these sisters' family. Until we find out more from the autopsy report though, we probably shouldn't jump to conclusions. I don't know much about what could cause pulmonary edema, but maybe it was due to something they both ate, or an infection that they both came down with, or something unrelated to foul play. The people who will lose homes because of this should be fully compensated and be fully relocated with full government assistance and be transfered to a different location that is still nearby their old homes that will be razed. It's just not fair if they will be leaving these people homeless and will probably have a hard time coping with the loss of their house if this plan gets approved. I really didn't realize how quickly climate change could have an effect on certain areas of the world. I do believe that climate change is being caused by humans to a good extent, but I'm not sure if negative impacts will come as quickly as some people speculate. It's very interesting but I am concerned for the safety of some people if things continue this way. I can't believe that these vultures would take advantage of individuals in predicaments where they were desperate and had to take out a high volume of loans in order to earn a better living, in their mind. I understand the concept, but the actual intent of the administrators of ITT Tech and other for-profit schools is devastating with regards to actually helping student's I completely agree with what the quotes in the article. Things in this country are awful and unsafe for minorities. Things need to change. The entire country and justice system are set in racism. I wish people who claim they "don't care for politics" or support "blue lives" would actually stop to listen to what these people have to say. We should all try to do more to decrease global warming for the sake the polar bear population and for our own human population as well. Please read this article about the polar bears and the problems they face and issues that they must endure related to global warming. The article is very descriptive and explains the issues very well. It is worth reading and sharing with others to bring exposure to the plight of the polar bears. so theres this push to remove your money from banks involved in the pipeline screwing over the souix . Im thinking about it. kick the banks that are kicking the native americans seems like a good way to make a point. all the understand is the bottom line, and the pipeline company will lose their backers if they begin to lose too mkuch money This is awful! I just read that a family lost two family pets and their home due to a horrible fire, still in investigation! This is one of those times when I let my mind wander and I think, what is going to happen to them? Where would they sleep at night? And the pain they must feel for not having the pets, and a place to call their own. Reading stuff like this puts the refugee in perspective. There has to be something the international community can do that isn't taking in refugees permanently. The vast majority of these people just want to live and build something for themselves. It is of no fault of their own that they were unfortunate enough to be born within the fist of a crazed dictator. Poor man, he had lot of success to get and more working plans in his life and couldn't achieve them because of his sudden death, at least his dead was natural, I guess, because that isn't specified in the article. My deepest condolences to his friends and family members, he will be missed in the comedians community. The article about sleep disorders really hits home, because I know more than one person who would be diagnosed with a sleep disorder. All of these people just happen to be overnight workers, too. The fact that the lack of sleep and quality sleep can lead to a higher risk of stroke is very alarming. So many people need to seek help for sleep disorders, because where the disorder itself may not cause major health issues, it can lead to major health issues. Reading the article, I was disgusted knowing that a father had not only killed himself but took away the lives of his two sons as well. The only reason why that man even killed himself was that the police saw him killing his two children. People in this world today shouldn't lose their lives due to a crazy/selfish elder. This is very unnerving news. Drug addiction is a serious problem that both America and the rest of the world is facing. There are many victims from the children that are born to drug abusers to the drug abusers who can no longer take care of their children responsibly due to their addiction. Drug addiction is one of the major issues facing society and is one that must be addressed immediately and urgently. So, about climate change, I just read an article about it. I have never really been concerned about climate change, I think it's a huge act that is exaggerated by the government, media, and everyone in between. The facts about fire increasing are a little scary though... but I still think climate change is irrelevant. Maybe fires just happen more Did you hear about this shooting? It appears to be random and utterly senseless. An elderly man was killed and the suspect is now barricaded in his house. There was a lot of misinformation early on about it being related to the election and that the suspect was a woman. It's being reported now that both those claims are false. I really feel for that man and his family. This does not surprise me. The people on RHONY are kind of trashy. So, it is not hard to believe they were married to a person who would do something like this. It does not really sound like a big deal either. He could have done much worse. Did she even lose money because of this? I would guess not. This was a tough article to read because if you put yourself in that place, and you think of yourself losing a friend that is very close to you or a family friend. I know that whenever I think about not having someone that has been close to me I wonder how I would feel or react. I don't think that we let people know how we feel enough. Gah. The whole Ke$ha mess. Oops, I man Kesha, without the $ sign. I dunno what to think about the eating disorder and whole rehab thing. Her professional life has been such a proverbial sh*tshow, it's really hard to me to believe that this is anything else than attention-seeking. She just seems to have that kind of personality. I don't know much about the issues in Syria and other countries in the Middle East, but I'm not a fan of war or our place in these international conflicts. The United States has had military influence in the Middle East for way too long, and we were deceived by President Obama at the time he started office. He stated he would pull all troops out, but that never really happened. The troops may have decreased, but we have a strong presence there still. Gay conversion therapy is terrible! I think anyone that is forced to go through would need therapy for the rest of their lives just to recover from the trauma of being told who you are is not acceptable! I cannot believe young children are being stripped of their identities, being told who to be, being shamed for who they are, and learning to hate themselves. They know who they are, and being told to put that part of themselves back in the closet is completely cruel and unjust. This is psychological torture. There is absolutely no reason for anyone to shame anyone into conversion therapy. I cannot stand Mike Pence and everything he stands for. He probably is a strong advocate because he is probably closeted! Why can't people just be ok with who they are? We should love everyone! Police in Hope, Indiana, released a chilling photo of a mother passed out behind the steering wheel of her car from an apparent drug overdose with a syringe in her hand. Crying in the backseat: her 10-month-old son. Parents are doing this more often with children in the car because they are doing it away from someone who is going to disapprove,” marshal Matthew Tallent told IndyStar. “This is becoming a new norm for drug users Thinking about air conditions in other countries I wonder if other countries who have the capability can help out. The article I read was about air quality and I wondered if it's hard to teach Indian citizens the affects of what they are doing. Maybe teaching them in school would help. It seems many people are suffering and changing for the better would benefit a lot of people. I guess us caring about those would also be beneficial to us because we all share the same planet. Are you kidding me? This is on YOU LA County Department of Children and Family Services! How could you let this fall through the cracks! "Authorities found no cause for alarm — school officials told social workers he lived in a safe household." Yeah, that was said just before the boy DISAPPEARED. Then, NOTHING was done. He was alive and locked in a closet for three years! We need more oversight at LA County! This cannot happen to our children! The poor boy was drugged, even when they moved houses. I cannot believe there is a mother so cruel. You should not be allowed to have children! While I obviously think that it is sad that an animal is dead since I love animals, what I mostly feel reading this story is aggravation. It really annoys and worries me that people insist climate change is a political issue when we can see its effects everywhere, including in the form of the current extinction crisis. I know that this particular one was due to a fungus, but it is part of a trend and might be related, so that is what this makes me think of. I always feel frustrated and worried about the future whenever I am reminded that extinctions like this and other problems are just going to keep happening because conservatives refuse to acknowledge that the problem even exists. It could be fixed, but probably won't be, and that irritates me. I'm glad that the officers that responded to the scene did not get hurt. I am also happy that the loose Emu did not get hurt. This is a hard article to write about. I wish that all police calls ended with a happy ending like this story where everybody gets to go home. I wish the worlds problems where as simple as an escaped emu on the loose. I believe that most police officers are kind and good nature and want to do the right thing, like helping this emu, but they are human and with any humans you will have some bad ones. Once again just happy nobody got hurt. OMFG. Seriously?! This cannot be real. I refuse to believe this is real. Someone made this crap up, right? Japanese culture historically famously disregards and degrades women (eg: Geisha girls), but FFS what year is this? <slowly bangs head on desk> Japanese women still cover their mouths when they laugh. Are Japanese men that threatened by empowering women? Cause I'm thinking apparently so. Video Shows Cop Punching Woman In The Face, But She’s The One Arrested For ‘Assault’ — A uniformed Arizona police officer who was filmed punching a woman has been placed on administrative leave while the incident is investigated. “Our agency is very concerned by what is depicted in this video,” police in Flagstaff, Arizona, said in a Wednesday evening press release. The footage, shot and posted to Facebook on Wednesday, shows a woman struggling with two officers who apparently believe there is an outstanding warrant for her arrest. She can be heard on video saying the issue has already been resolved. “You cannot arrest me until I know I have a warrant,” she tells the officers as she struggles with them. Suddenly, one of them strikes her in the face with a closed fist. Authorities have See. I think the situation in allepo is really dire. I don't understand why the syrian government is trying to harm the people there whey they didn't do anything wrong. I think the whole situation is really sad and that a lot of innocent people are getting hurt for no reason. War is awful and I hope that there's a solution to it soon. I'm glad that the UN is trying to do something, but I just don't think that it's enough. What an alarming statistic! I had no idea that such things even existed! While it's true that this seems to be much more of a problem in Russia than in the US, since it's on the internet it is still something that could potentially be accessed by our kids! Teenagers have enough to deal with without having to worry about being prodded into doing something horrible like committing suicide by these online idiots! I remember being a teenager and how hard it was, but I didn't have to deal with this! This is completely awful! A car Taliban car bomb exploded in front of the German consulate in Afghanistan. It killed 100 people.These type of events are to come these days. I mean how does anyone process them any more. I'm personally numb to all this now. It might as well be fiction at this point. It seems like I hear about similar incidents like this everyday. I don't know. Its sad that now and moving forward in my lifetime we will see many older actors and actresses succumb to death in its many forms. It makes me feel for those people and gain a sense of time in a view that is not endless. I can put myself in the shoes of someone older and battling health problems and it saddens me to do so. I like some of these new approaches to reducing the harmful effects of bullying, but it's still not enough. Just having a shocking video that raises awareness doesn't help the problem from starting, just helps us react to it quicker. We need to keep building programs that are designed to support our children, but we need to do it before they start to bully (or be bullied). So many of our anti-bullying stories talk about standing up to them and bullying back...that is not the way! I am a little confused as to how these hacks happen, but it sucks when they do. I am a Yahoo user and think they have had to take precautionary measures multiple times in recent years to stop issues. Data breaches are troubling and can affect us all so I am not happy about the article's details that make me somewhat nervous. This is sort of scary. I think it could have something to do with water contamination. There are so many types of bacteria. There are also so many different types of pesticides used in farming. I do think it's strange that this happened in a small area, which again, would lead me to think contamination of the ground or water. I wonder about the reference to the cattle, thinking that might have something to do with it. Scary stuff! We should cherish all the works that the police force offers to us each and every day. While we sleep at night, police officers patrol up and down our streets and neighborhoods making sure that we are safe and sound. We may fear police officers when we see them but fear not because they serve the country as our law and enforcement. It sounds to me like this man got what he deserved. What did he expect would happen when he ran from the police and didn't follow orders? People who get shot in these situations are simply getting what they deserve and are saving the tax payers a lot of money on their trials and being housed in prisons for the rest of their lives. Hey I was just reading an article about a teacher bashing president Trump. You know my position when it comes to Trump, you know I dislike the man and all; however, I do not believe a teacher can use his position to bash someone especially on school grounds. I believe he can state his opinion, but not disguise it as the truth. That could be very dangerous. It is so hard to think that you are not safe anywhere in the world, you expect to be able to go out into the world and enjoy yourself without having to worry about someone hurting you are those around you. That is not a concern anyone should have to face, but it seems to be becoming more of an issue day by day. Hey I feel like Trump winning was way worse than people thought. The amount of violent attacks on minorites and in general have increased considerably. There have been over 200 attacks since election day can you imagine that? I hate that trunp supporters somehow feel vindicated with their awful racism. very bad act abut killing that happened Now that you have read the first article, please write a message to a friend or friends about your feelings and thoughts regarding the article you just read. This could be a private message to a friend or something you would post on social media. Please do not identify your intended friend(s) - just write your thoughts about the article as if you were communicating with them Now that you have read the first article, please write a message to a friend or friends about your feelings and thoughts regarding the article you just read. This could be a private message to a friend or something you would post on social media. Please do not identify your intended friend(s) - just write your thoughts about the article as if you were communicating with them .... While the article seems to be slightly sympathetic to the inmates, I say no way. I don't particularly care what happens to most prisoners, let alone the violent ones that attack each other and guards. There is no reason why any guard should ever have to put themselves in danger. These aren't people, these are violent animals, and the guards should be protected. They aren't the ones being punished for what is likely a severe wrongdoing. Restraints, solitary, whatever it takes, I don't feel one tiny twinge of sadness. And lawsuits? Don't even get me started on that one! The artical is he US closed its education gender gap in 2016. This means there is a large pool of educated female talent, even though fewer women are actually working, as can be seen in the table showing the United States' scores below. The annual report looks at progress towards equality between men and women in four key areas: educational attainment, health and survival, economic opportunity, and political empowerment. The human rights groups are right. It is brutal. I'm glad we don't punish people like that in our country, but I also feel like this guy in question deserves it. The problem is that punishments like that end up being applied to people who don't deserve it too. In this particular case, I don't feel bad for the guy at all. He's a monster. The Girl with the beautiful green eyes that was pictured years ago by a photographer is currently under arrest for falsifying documents to stay in pakistan. I feel bad for this woman who felt a need to lie about her status of citizenship to stay in a country just to continue living a better life. This is the second time she has been arrested which shows me that she is really trying to escape a war ravaged country and to continue on living a better life. They should let the girl go. Good for the original photographer who is trying to help her out of this situation. it is really diheartening to read about these immigrants from this article who drowned. it makes me feel anxious and upset how the whole ordeal happened. it is a terrible occurrence that this had to happen at the mediterranean sea. thankfully there were some survivors. the fact that babies were lost makes it that much more emotional to read all of this I just can't imagine how you would go from having a good day snorkeling with your loved one and be dead the next just how that would happen? Then not to mention your spouse dies right alongside you in the same mystical way, it just seems like there is more to it then that. It would seem like something had to of happened. This was an interesting article. I am a supporter of capital punishment, yet I find lethal injection to be absolutely ridiculous. It costs an insane amount of money just to execute somebody with this method, when a few bullets for less than a couple dollars would do the job just as well if not better. Whenever kids are involved in a nasty breakup there are never any winners. The person who gets the short end of the stick in this case will probably be the child who will be forced to split time and maybe even countries between the two parents. People should try and consider the child's feelings before using them as pawns in a custody fight. I read an article that linked sleep disorders and strokes. It said that if a person has a sleep disorder, they are less likely to recover from a stroke. The article said that sleep disorder were a very serious problems, and many people are affected. I felt upset, because I have had insomnia so long, and it may be making it more likely for me to have serious health issues in the future. So remember the Flint MI water problem from years back? The one where the idiots decided to use their own water supply from a dam which leaked led. Well apparently now the government is flipping out that its a nationwide problem. Or should I say the "scientists" are flipping out since we have never heard of lead in the water anywhere outside of the Flint MI disaster I just read an article about Trump protesters that had fireworks shot at them. This story breaks my heart. Some of the protestors also were spit on and endured racial slurs. I do not understand how a group could commit such a mean act of violence. The group that shot the fireworks were never caught, which makes this story even worse. People should be able to express their views in safety. So I feel birth is birth. What difference does it make it you gave it vaginal or c-section. So people can be so evil in this world. You were pregnant and carried that baby in your belly for 8 to 9 months. Some ladies are faced with a life or death even choice. We have to do what is right for our babies but mostly for ourselves. I know you think wow selfish much, No this i why. If you are not here you can not raise and happy healthy family. Next if you are not your best or at 100% you really can not give your all. I have nothing against immigration, so long as it's done legally. I have nothing against illegal immigrants either and often feel there should be pathways to citizenship so long as the illegal immigrant commits no wrongdoings and contributes to the success of the economy of the place they are staying in. The problem with Calais in France is that quite often, terrorists disguised as immigrants make their way in through this area and then commit acts of terror which harm French citizens. French people want to help those that have been displaced in the Middle East, but Calais is a mess. The article was quite eye opening for someone who may not be extremely into politics. The confederate flag seems to somehow have different meanings to different people, which I never really understood. To get upset because the flag was being hung in college campuses, makes sense to me. I would get upset as well. For students to be afraid for their welfare and or they education at their college because of President elect Trump, also makes sense to me. The whole campaign seems to be one big controversy. I don't know who this celebrity is, but isn't this crazy? Of course it'd happen in Florida! We always hear these "Florida man" stories, and here's another one. What are people thinking, anyway? What was this guy hoping to do? Pretty weird world we live in nowadays. I'd never want to live down there with all the crazy stuff that goes on! I don't really feel much of anything at all reading this, I think celebrity deaths are so common in the news that it is really difficult to conjure up any emotion about them. I guess I feel mild interest? I learned a few facts about the singer of a song I have heard fairly often over the years, so it is interesting to have new information, which always feels rewarding in a way. I guess I should feel sad but I just don't think it's possible for me to feel sadness every time I read about someone being dead. It makes me feel a bit tired I suppose. This sounds like a murder-suicide situation. That's what it always is when you hear there is no danger to the public. How awful that people choose to do this to each other and how awful that some poor kid had to be a witness to it all. That child will never be the same again. I wonder why people who choose to do something like this can't just kill themselves and leave everyone around them alone. It's sick. So many priests murdered in Mexico in the last 10 years. I don't know that I would have the courage to protest anything if my land was controlled by drug cartels, who surely do not care about anyone else other than themselves. It takes courage to be an activist, but I think I could do more good by staying alive and picking my fights wisely. Felt bad reading the article because tons of people are losing basically their lives. The wild fires are destroying their farm, things, and even their animals. Without all of those things they cant have a proper living through buying and selling crops or animals. I hope we can donate to an organization nor something to help them Hey, I wanted to share this article with you that I just found. It is about the issue with junk food ads and targeting kids. We were talking about this the other day. Well apparently it will not be ending any time soon. It is a billion dollar industry and there is very little anyone can do about it. There are organizations out there that is trying to prevent this and fight against childhood obesity. The WHO organization is blaming video bloggers/vloggers who get paychecks from junk food companies. They are claiming that they are more powerful than ads. I'm not sure I believe that but it could be possible, you think? Wow, this is tragic. I really hope that China will improve their safety standards, but I know this is a big problem all over in developing countries. Remember when that factory burned down in Bangladesh? And we can't pretend this isn't our problem too, when we support them economically. If we buy products created in unsafe working conditions, we have a hand in those deaths too. I feel like a similar scenario happens at least once a year in Hollywood. When I hear about stories that happen in Hollywood, the lifestyles are so different than mine that it's almost like it's not real, like it's a movie. People in Hollywood always have something to complain about so it's hard to feel sympathy for them, even when something like this happens. Hey check this out, you are a big Leonard Cohen fan right? This is sad, but this is life. I often think about the deaths of old people, should we be sad? should we celebrate their life? What is the appropriate emotion to experience at this point. I know I was sad when my two grand fathers died, but that is personal. I think that these types of tragic accidents are far and few. I might be wrong, though I don't hear of too many of them. I think that they may need to reevaluate some of their maintenance techniques to try and make this even more uncommon. It must of really devastated the family and friends of those who lost their lives. This is really ridiculous. A lawyer with a history of being a nut job went crazy at the mall in Houston Texas and shot nine people, and one of them was injured critically. And all this just because of some issues he was having where he worked, like it is so hard for a lawyer to just move on to another firm instead of going crazy and shooting up innocent people. Wow, I just read an article describing the problems Venezuela is having with its new leader. About 80% of the people are dissatisfied with his leadership and want him out. But there isn't a smooth process put into place for that. Even the Vatican is trying to assist, but to no avail so far. I can't help but think of all the problems the US has lately, but we do have a constitution and a system for change. I am not sure how Venezuela will fix things peacefully, and how its citizens will fare through all this. The article made comparisons with Cuba, and previous leadership, but I did not fine a clear solution. So they are trying to expand a runway at Heathrow airport in London which will destroy over 700 peoples homes. This is just crazy to me and I hope that it never actually happens and that the people who live there can fight it. It just seems to me that this is just another case of government over reach. These politicians are probably going to benefit financially somehow from this deal . It is the only explanation that makes any sense to me. Why else would you destroy a whole community? I just read the article on the oil spill. Even though I do agree with oil digging, when things go wrong, it does have severe consequences. I feel mostly bad for the birds and sea life, which will obviously be affected. You would think with all the money these oil companies profit from, they would take more safety precautions, in trying to avoid accidents from happening. I know the industry creates a lot of jobs and most often, nothing goes wrong. But when it does, it can be catastrophic for the wildlife in the area and those that live in the area. Or even those areas that rely on tourism, if people can’t go into the oceans or there is oil spilling onto their beaches. Not sure what the answer is, or if there even is an answer to it. It just makes me sad to see those beautiful birds It sounds like she wasn't cut out to be a cop. The way I see it, it was obvious that the guy was decompensating in some way, but he didn't display anything that indicated he was violent - that had to all be in her head. Yes, when the cops order you to do something, it's probably better to comply, especially if they have draw weapons including tasers. No one disputes that his hands were up, and the other officer assessed the situation to require a taser, not a gun, and apparently, this scenario goes against training, so the problem was in the officer, not the victim. People wonder why the police aren't trusted, and this is it. They're human too, and they make mistakes, but their mistakes kill people unjustly. I feel bad for the family of the victim and I hope they see justice done. President Donald Trumps actions during his election and so far during the presidency has been nothing short of childish. I don't think he has any idea of what a filter is, and I don't think he cares what anyone thinks about him. Him winning the president election was probable one of the worst things that could have happened to our country at this time and moment, but things could be worse. Like the previous article, we could be comparing President Trump to Hitler, which in my opinion is absolutely terrible. There was a terrible bus crash near the town where I grew up. It looks like a black sedan hit the bus and people were hurt. Apparently the injured people were taken to a nearby hospital where I used to work. No word was released on the condition of the individuals but I sure hope it was no one we know or that no one is seriously hurt. Please say a prayer for all involved and be grateful that no lives were lost. What do you think about Guantanamo Bay? Should they shut it down or continue to use it for interrogating supposed terrorist. I do have sympathy for some of the prisoners who may not particularly be terrorist. From an article I read some of these prisoners or most of them are mentally ill. One thing I learned from this article I read is that some of the psychologists may be assisting with torturing the prisoners. Some believe that some of these physicians and psychiatrist should bear the brunt of the blame for torture at Guantanamo Bay. I'm so sad to hear about this, it just drives me crazy. I wish that we would just do something once and for all to help save these people from such suffering. I guess in the mean time all that I can do personally is just pray for the people though and hope that soon things will get better, somehow. Doesn't this just make you so mad? Having traveled through Afghanistan in the mid-1970s and having had a son deployed in Afghanistan during the US incursion, I can tell you that the country is profoundly backward and disorganized even at the best of times. This influx of refugees will cause chaos on a massive scale. The USA should help. If we are willing to invade and contribute to the destabilization of the country in our own interests, we should also be willing to come in as a magnanimous gesture and help out these poor people in the time of their need. What this also taught me is that I think poverty teaches you to value anything and everything you have .. importance of friends , importance of one time meal, importance of tiniest thing in your life .. It teaches you to survive on bare minimum. Poverty teaches gratitude. Some of the most happy people in the world are those people who have the least. When you aren't flooded with tons of material goods you can focus more on the simple things that you do have. Look at Brazil the have to struggle to eat but it's what keeps them humble. I feel so sad for the world. The world needs a revolution and good people in charge of the countries. Bad people need to disappear from this world, we need specials force to deal with injustice from this world. A lot of people is in pain because of different beliefs, race, culture and bad presidents. People around the world should have the same opportunities to be happy and have a fair life. I would like to help every injustice in the world. Big countries in the would should help all the people that are suffering because of injustice. I can see a lot of pain around the world and I just can say that a lot of people with resources are extremely selfish. We need powerful people dealing with this kind of situations. On the other hand, people should make disappear ISIS from the map ASAP. As a woman myself, I really sympathize with these women. While I find it very difficult to imagine what they go through as a woman, I can get some vague idea. I would hate to think that I had to have a male escort when I left my home. They aren't treated as equals, and often men don't even consider them equal as their family pet! <Many of the women can be abused, physically and sexually, and they are considered to be the problem, not the abuser! I hope they are able to win by the petition, and will be able to have a bit more freedom! Lung cancer is one of the most dangerous and strong illnes. It is scary to think that someone might be carrying that kind of desease just because of them having a hard time letting go of smoking. Also, thinking that even the non-smoking people can get sick and worst they can even have cancer too. Just thinking how things worked regarding cancer is traumatising me. Lydia Jones, a spokeswoman for BAFTA Cymru, said Friday that the organization had been told there would be no further details on Mr. Jones’s condition. Primary progressive aphasia is a rare nervous system syndrome that affects a person’s ability to express his or her thoughts and understanding, or to find words, according to the Mayo Clinic. Symptoms begin gradually, often before age 65, and worsen over time. The news of the diagnosis was also reported by the BBC and Britain’sNational Press Association. The announcement of Mr. Jones’s illness dominated Monty Python fan siteson Friday, where it was described as “sad” and “terrible” news. Eric Idle, a co-founder of the ribald, outrageous and internationally acclaimed British troupe, tweeted thanks to fans for their support while noting Mr. I really feel bad for Turkey. I think they are trying to do everything they can to get rid of terrorism in the country. It seems that their efforts are for naught. They want to keep the people safe and yet more terrorist groups keep popping up. Then the lawmakers are involved and there is only so much you can do. Turkey is constantly at war. I'm wondering if this will end up with the US trying to do something over there or bringing that trouble here. It is upsetting really to hear about all this going on in the world when people just want peace. There is always terrorism and someone trying to bring down a country, but the country tries its hardest to fight back despite opposition. The person in the article was participating in a fund raising event and the event was about getting pies thrown into the faces by people. I guess that things got a little bit rough because the guy that was getting the pie in the face got injured somehow. It was pretty bad and he had to seek out the medical help for the injuries to his face. I just read an article about a mother and father that sexually abused their daughter from the age of 11. It is just disgusting. I can't imagine how in the world someone would be okay doing this to their child. Those parents deserve a fate worse than death. What is WRONG with people? They deserved to be tortured until the day they die. So disgusting. These poor people! It seems like they really can't catch a break. Like it isn't bad enough that they are already trying to dig themselves out of their tough economic situation and losing their homes, but now they also have to worry about a population decrease. It's pretty clear that we need more aid and more help for these people in the area. I am very concerned about our staple crops that we use to survive off of. The climate change is likely going to kill off our crops. We are already seeing signs, and it doesn't look good. The University in Arizona is already seeing this, and no one is listening. Only a few news channels are spreading the news. This is going to affect those non technological countries first, which is a shame since none of this is their fault. I heard almost 80 people died from an explosion. It was caused by lightening or something. Crazy huh? I hope nothing like that every happens here during a fuel crisis. Over 100 were injured. So sad. I wonder what all those people who survived are going to do. Maybe the red cross will set up something. How can I find out? HOpefully this fighting ends soon its getting to be too much the negative impact is getting bigger and bigger. If things dont stop before long then the fighting wont be in that area itll spread even wider as all the larger countries get involved and the fighting just wont stop. maybe we should start a petition or something to get some attention on this issue We definitely need to make sure we step up our efforts to vet who we let in this country, especially as far as refugees go. Just like you wouldn't leave your door open and invite intruders, we should not let refugees into our country without vetting them. We don't know if they're part of ISIS or not. It may seem like racial profiling, but only Middle Easterners belong to ISIS, so it is appropriate in this case. I feel bad for that baby. The way it sounds, especially with the bottle of milk being in there, it sounds like someone had the baby and couldn't keep it so they left it there. I wish people would use the fire station safe haven option. I thought it was interesting that they mentioned that a 14 year old heard the cries. I wonder if the 14 year old was the one who had the baby and had to hide it. The driven into exile last year, and he is now based in the southern port city of Aden. Saudi Arabia’s Sunni Muslim monarchy entered the war in large part because of concerns of Iranian influence in the region. That Shiite theocracy is widely perceived to be backing the Shiite rebels. The airstrikes in come on the same day i rejected a new U.N. peace proposal that would have sidelined him and given the prominent roles in a new government. More than 10,000 people have died in the conflict, many of them civilians who were killed by Saudi-led coalition bombings, according to the United Nations. that you have read the first article, please write a message to a friend or friends about your feelings and thoughts regarding the article you just read. This could be a private message to a friendS. I am torn when it comes to this one. I feel bad because that is a horrible way to die and his sister definitely did not need to see that. But I also do not understand why they would be so careless and wander off on a trail where it is clearly marked that they shouldnt be leaving. If they would have paid more attention and didnt carelessly not listen to rules than this situation could have been avoided. Wow… Yet another angle from which to look at climate change. And of course, it’s threatening and not pretty. But it’s also really interesting to see how all the stakeholders in a big industry like coffee are aware of climate change and its dangers, have been for a while, and are actively working at trying to minimize its impact on their business. And yet, others have their heads firmly buried in the sand and pretend nothing’s happening. I totally get this in a lot of ways. I used to roll my eyes at people who were frothing at the mouth over Obama being elected, and how they seemed to make grand statements of the world ending RIGHT NOW because a black man was in the white house. Now...I don't know. I see my friends and family freaking out and I want to tell them to just chill out. Obama didn't destroy America--the right wingers were wrong about that. Neither will Trump. Life will keep going. It brings a lot of stress listening to people freaking out all the time. And yet, I get it. I get why they are worried and freaking out. I don't like it either, but I don't get the point of stressing out so much. But then again, I've completely dissociated from all this. I don't really read the news anymore. Hello Alexander, oh how I need to tell you this story I read, its crazy you know. Anyway so I read this story about Myanmarl; they are having a huge investigation about child slavery, its very sad we live in a world that is filled with monsters like this. The goods news about this is that the police arrested two family members. I feel good about that coming out. I hope they find more and put them into justice. There has been a lot of fires that are happening in the south. Many people are being told that they have to wear special masks if they want to go outside because of the smoke from the fires. People are also investigating to see what really caused the fire many people are suspecting that it's arson that is causing a lot of these fires to happen. A lot of organizations are asking people to donate water and drinks for the firefighters to quench their thirst while fighting fires. It truly is a sad thing and hopefully this problem will be resolved sooner than later. I'm at a loss for words when I think of all the senseless lives lost from gun violence. As a gun supporter maybe I should take a step back and ask myself the hard questions about guns and there impact and availability in today's society. I know that statistically more people die from other causes compared to gun violence, but are guns way to accessible in America compared to other countries? When the 2nd amendment was written could they imagine the way guns could have progressed or how they are being used today? Seeing so many mass shootings makes me feel that maybe it's time to change some of the gun laws and help make things like 40 children killed or injured a thing of the past. That is really sad to hear. It's awful that cars can be so unsafe and sometimes people forget how easy it is to get into an accident if everyone isn't careful and observant. It said this happened at 6:30pm so I wonder if maybe the sun was shining right in someone's eyes because that has happened to me at sunset and I could barely see. It's difficult to pull over and stop in those conditions as well. A gut feeling, or gut reaction, is a visceral emotional reaction to something. It may be negative, such as a feeling of uneasiness, or positive, such as a feeling of trust. Gut feelings are generally regarded as not modulated by conscious thought, but sometimes as a feature of intuition rather than rationality. The eyes are a part of our body we definitely take for granted. At the same time, they are extremely important and truly open our vision to the world. It would be devastating for a young person to suffer an eye injury simply playing a sport. People should be extremely vigilant to prepare children to play such sports and avoid suffering any life altering injuries. Is it too much to ask for a judge that follows the Constitution? Check this article out and see if you agree. Focusing on fringe issues is not going to unite us. I wish we could move past this and leave people's personal beliefs out of it and focus only on the law. that would be nice for a change, woudln't it? I just read an article about the attacks in a syrian town. It sounds horrible what they are going through. It talks about women and children dying. I tried to immagine what it would be like to live in such horror. It mentions many post on social media of pictures and videos. I would be interested in seeing some of the pictures and videos of this violence. Reading stuff like this really makes you appreciate being in America. I feel horrible that this is happening. It probably a lot to do with what America has done in that country. They are the ones who armed the rebels and caused this problem. America created the terrorists groups. I know I am not responsible but it makes me sick to know that intelligence agencies from our own countries instigated this problem. I feel sympathy for all those who have been killed and the families who's lives have been ruined. It's a weird ironic twist that once illegal animals are seized they may fare worse than if the smugglers were allowed to get away with them. It brings out the selfishness of humans and their inability to share this wonderful world with its other inhabitants. These animals should be properly cared for, and perhaps some of the financing could come from fines imposed upon the people who illegally absconded with them in the first place. I am not sure what to think of this article as I have probably a different opinion than most would. First of all why wouldn't she report this at the time it happened, instead of waiting years and years later to come forward? I get the whole he's a powerful person and nobody would believe her part, but who's really going to believe her years later and why would she come out with it now and not before? What change? Why is she willing to exploit this man years later but wasn't able to do it years before? I was reading about a few people that were killed as a result of Typhoon Meranti. I think it's fortunate that not too many people were killed during this storm. It seems like people have generally gotten better about heeding warnings about these powerful storms. However, it seems like infrastructure damage is something that needs to be analyzed. Oh, please. It is getting hot - climate change. It is getting cold - climate change. There is a fire - climate change. Forget that fact that the climate has changed since the begging of time, and that people throw cigarettes out the window all the time too. These chicken little articles are also amusing and upsetting at the same time. In Iraq, Islamic State militants are kidnapping thousands of people at gunpoint to use as shields against the U.S. takeover as the militants move to their last stronghold of Mosul. This is something that complicates the U.S. airstrikes because it is not certain how many civilians might be injured or killed since they are being used as shields by the militants. As the militants are squeezed tighter and tighter together in their last stronghold, more and more villages are suffering, entire villages of people are being taken and used as these shields. It is a terrible situation and I cannot imagine the suffering as people are missing and lost forever from families and leaving many children as orphans. It saddens me to think about a young rino passing away. I can not help but question the circumstances surrounding its death. My heart goes out to the person who worked hard to try to save its life and is grieving over the loss of that hard battle. As a wildlife rehabilitator I know the struggle all too well. I understand how it feels to forgo sleep and food because you are working to save an animal. It is painful. But if you can save even one, it will make it all worth it in the end. A hurricane is about to hit Taiwan soon. It's supposed to be really big, the biggest since 1969. We just had some really awful hurricanes in the West too. The ones here were caused by global warming, so I wonder if China's are too? It's horrible that so many people will lose their homes or their lives just so rich executives can make a few bucks more. Hey my BFF Joan, how have you been I read this interesting article and man I feel weird living in a country like I do now. All these issues and money being wasted for what? I really feel like we as people and a nation can do much better then this. I hope we can evolve to become better people in this world. The real problem with people born with critical illness is that we try so hard to give them a normal life. However these people are not normal. And to force them into feeling normal while a nice sentiment, is hardly productive. Instead we should focus on how these people can live differently than trying to merge them into general society. Society it's self is a disgusting community of work till you die. No matter what it is you chose to do. Take Autism for example, we try so hard to normalize them. However with my experience these people are brilliant in their own ways that we can't understand. They see things in an alien like manor of ultra basic instinct. This instinct should have it's own way of flourishing instead of bowing down to the rest of us. The story that was told in the article that I read was I thought was pretty sad considering it highlighted a better time in life where things were not so violent in the world. There are so many acts of terror these days that it is hard to keep track of and the incident described feels the same way. Unfortunately there are so many bad people in this world that feel like they should be able to do all these bad things to other people because of some message they are trying to spread but really just causing a lot of pain for everyone. I just read an article about someone jumping a fence and into someone's yard before stabbing several of the homeowners security guards. Just reminds me of how decrepit society has become. It's as if we've lost all touch with morality and compassion towards one another and such crimes are a grim reminder of the reality. I think lung cancer is not really caused too highly by air pollution. I feel that the number one pollutants that cause lung cancer is purely smoking. Im glad I quit smoking years ago. They say these scientific reports and studies provide that the air pollution caused early stage lung cancers, however I really just don't believe it. More trouble at the North Dakota pipeline protests! They have brought in riot police who are trying to break up the protestors. It looks like they are using rubber bullets and arresting a lot of people. It is scary that we can not peacefully protest in this country without fear of injury or arrest. I hope everyone is okay. These home grown terrorists are becoming more and more of a problem. How do we monitor better people who are already in this country? Stopping immigration is not going to solve this problem. It is the people right here in our own country who are killing each other. That problem has to be solved!!! How do we keep tabs on people and catch them before they kill their fellow citizens? showing just how amazing females have been doing especially in sports.It makes you wonder just how hard they have been working and becoming role models for young girls.That they would do whatever it took to become something and people like rounda rousey and how much she achieved just shows what it means to be a champion. Did you hear about the horrible earthquake in New Zealand? IT was devastating and I am so heartbroken and sad for all of those people.It's going to be difficult to get aid to some places because the roads are severely damaged. Those people must be so terrified and worried. I'm sure they're hungry and in serious need of water and food and many are in need of shelter. I pray that God gives them all peace and comfort during this time. ISIS is a group of deeply mentally ill serial killers. I simply don't see them the way I see Al-Aqaeda. Now, Al-Aqaeda is also a group of mentally ill people and they're also disgusting but they're damn serious in their mission. ISIS feels like a group of guys who kill just for fun. I agree with Obama on ISIS being a jv team. I can't help but feel terrible for those who have to witness the bodies all over Mosul. What a horrible sight that must be. Can people heal once they see that? Do those people have any hope or any way to continue after they witness such atrocities? What about the children? I feel so bad for them. It's so crazy. I wish they would wipe out the Middle East and just start over. Enough with the political correct bullshit. Enough with the religious bullshit. I read an article about a man who was caught smashing Donald Trump's star in Hollywood. He had a sledgehammer and was smashing it. I thought it sounded pretty funny. The article described some of the ways people are protesting, from covering the star with graffiti, to putting a Bernie Sanders sticker on it, to putting a barbed wire fence around it. I don't like that he even has a star, and I think if I were to go to Hollywood, I'd like to do something like this as well. this article was very interesting because it talks on how climate change can have influenced the extinction of the melomys in theyre habitat. it talks alot about it and basically lets us know that climate change wasnt the cause of extinction and that us, humans could have prevented this from happenning but just decided not to. People in America are going to have it worse despite all the federal “inequality spending” done during the Obama administration. The article says that Trump and the congress are going to undo what Obama started. The article says that they are also trying to undo Obama care and that’s part of it. I know Obamacare made me poorer by about $600 a month and I’m not rich! It goes on about SS and how evil tax cuts are. I don’t know what to think about this since the news these days are often fiction. It seems to contradict itself by saying unemployment rates have dropped. With more people working isn’t there more tax revenue? Confused but I feel for the poor... Remember that story that I told you about my neighbor Paul from my old neighborhood and how he had served in IRAQ and had come home and had PTSD? I found this article that explains it pretty good and think you might be interested in reading it to deal with the new coworker that you have that has similar issues. It's so insane that people today, specifically white people, find the need to continue to discriminate against a group of people that they have already tormented for hundreds of years. There is something I call "little man syndrome" mostly referring to when short men feel the need to overcompensate for their height by being very aggressive and loud. The white people that commit these kinds of crimes suffer from a severe case of little man syndrome. Check out this article. I wonder someday when all of these theoretic articles will change how things are done? Should we be doing massive changes in the way our government works, the way people are allowed to function? the products we are able to buy and the activities we are allowed to partake in? Will private jets disappear? Did you see this sad story? This holocaust survivor has died. She lived a fruitful life recreating a town and now she is dead. Do you ever think of how sad life can be. This person survived the awful genocidal regime of Hitler. Why do human beings seek to contribute so much pain to one another. It is a sad and horrible way of being. This is definitely an upsetting thing that has happened. We like to think that when we go to a theme park, all the rides are completely safe and maintained well. But there is always a risk, however small, that something tragic could happen. Even in a safe environment like a well-maintained park, we need to keep up our guard and use good judgment. I can't believe that this place was ever given a license to carry out their business in the first place. These poor dogs died a slow painful death because the owners of this kennel were so careless. Did they not see the dogs suffering? How would they like to be locked up in a room in those temps? Make sure you are taking your pets to a reputable kennel if you do need to board them - I would have to see something like this happen to anyone else!! Michael Buble's three year old son has cancer. This is so horrible and sad. I can't imagine what they are feeling right now. My uncle died of prostate cancer and I know nothing will ever be the same. Cancer on such a young boy seems so cruel if there is a God out there. I am really hoping their son pulls through and they keep on fighting together as a family. I find that it is of a truth, and am writing to you regarding this situation that is erupting in Yemen, that after the peace talks collapsed security and safety for citizens in these areas has greatly decreased. I find that how America feels about it, and others around the world, is more correct, than in error. Whereby they are appalled by all the violence and blood shed. I feel personally that each party should consider the welfare of the people at large, than any self-aggrandizements, and personal power plays. It they can become more self-less, and less selfish, they will make decisions that are in the best interest and safety of the people of Yemen, aside and apart of whatever their political idealogies may be, when they are saving lives, and not just garnering votes, or political power I have think is very good article and nice.he has promised the to be the most vigilant interrogator of the Obama administration from his perch on an oversight committee, which republican cheered. this sentence i am very like. Numerous ballot initiatives focused on progressive caused could also give republican few reasons to turn out. The reason must important for the areas. Did you finally see what happened to that sicko that stole all of those nude photos from those celebrities? Those poor people got tricked into getting their photos stolen and this man went and was showing them to everyone. He finally was convicted of this and it serves him right. What an idiot. Just remember you don't ever take any photos like this and never upload them even if you did. Keep this stuff private and off of the internet. I sure am glad this guy finally got what was coming to him. Well that sucks for this people in the south. It seems like there's always something that's messing with the gas prices. Hopefully they'll get it repaired soon though and things will go back to normal. At least there wasn't severe environmental damage, that's a good thing. If I were down there, I would probably just ride a bike for a few weeks. Reading an article that is basically on the fear and risk of the Zika Virus and how it is currently an issue. It doesn't affect my fellings at all. It is clearly and issue but they'll make a vaccine for those who don't become immune by way of their own system, then the virus will become resistant to the vaccinations and it will be a never ending up and down cycle that we see all the time. I simply just can't let something like this, despite the risk, affect my feelings and emotions. It's weird how I don't really feel sorry for these people. Timeshares just seem like a terrible idea and I've always associated it with conspicuous consumption. Really...just rent a hotel room when you can go. Buying into a house with other people sounds like a total hassle and a problem waiting to happen. But I can't stand how grimy the companies are and how they jerk people around. It just shows that the whole timeshare concept is about digging into people's pockets. And the only way to get them to stop doing that is to put them out of business if they don't want to play fair. What I learned from this story is that this world is really fucked up. Imagine forceful sex at an age when your organs are not developed and when you have complete faith in everyone around you results in both physical and mental trauma. You think that any person who is around you and is trying to act sweet with you will end up being a molester. That is why a victim behaves like that. It's vile man. I feel like entraprenerurship is the future. Apparently they are making it so you can quit your job and get unemployment benefits. It's pretty awesome. I guess they want to encourage people to start unique businesses on their own in an effort to diversify the workfroce in the country. Pretty cool if you ask me. This doesn't sound too worrisome to me. If you are affected by depression, then you should decide as an individual to find another option. It's just a side effect, I think there are many medicines out there that have depression as a side effect. It is something that individuals should be aware of, but nothing critical. Although I do think that companies have the right to advertise their product willingly, I also think that targeting kids is wrong. I think that good health should come first and the advertisement should condone this. Advertisements should not target kids, given that they don't really know what is good for them yet. These poor people in Syria. On the lookout all the time, every time you hear a bang or a noise they must shake. This is so bad these poor people were just going to school. The place you should feel safe. Your trying to make yourself better to learn something. If Russia targeted this school then I hope they get what they deserve. They should think about their families when carrying out an attack such as this. JUst when you think things couldn't get much worse! I just can't imagine who in the world would kill, then mutilate a baby horse! It pretty much sounds like someone with a mental health issue is running around crazy with a gun. It is nice to know so many nonprofits are not only engaged in finding this criminal, but also to prevent this from happening again, I think the adult horses were in better shape and that's why they survived. What kind of lazy loon would mutilate the little horse's genitals? Just found this article; not surprised by this at all. I can't believe there are truly female trump voters but I'm not surprised; racism is something they all bind together with. She really should just leave the party if she actually has any sense. Feel free to share this with someone else as well if you want. I am not over there, so I don't fully know what's going on. I do know that we should be helping these poor people out of the water and not letting them die from exhaustion or whatever else is causing their death, especially not 2 month old babies. this is just appalling that countries cannot come to aid these people. Yes, they know the risk involved, but because of other countries bombing their land out they are trying to find a better and safer situation for themselves and for their families. I don't blame them trying to better themselves from the war-torn countries that they come from. I have sympathy for all of these people. How horrible what happened on that cruise ship. I can't believe the crew members were allowed to blatantly be homophobic to the patrons like that. They should be sued! I'm glad this came to light. I hope people do not patronize that business again knowing their true colors. It should not have taken a death for them to come around. A nineteen-year-old college student from Texas A&M ran into a police car while she was taking a topless photo of herself which she was sending to her boyfriend. The police said she also had an open bottle of wine her the cup holder of her car. She told the police she was taking a photo to send to her boyfriend while she was stopped at a stop light. She was arrested on the suspicion of driving while intoxicated and then released on a $2,000 bond. The accident happened about 100 miles north of Houston, Texas. What's going on in Venezuela is just tragic. The government has no concern for it's citizen's. These are just kids trying to get an education. They can't get a proper meal. Waiting in line doing anything to help their children. How can we let this go on. No one can be expected to learn or do anything productive if they can't even get the basic necessities Hey can you believe the crazy weather we've been having during the past few summers? It's getting really ridiculous and out of hand. They temperatures have been crazy and the flooding is really messing with people's lives. We really should be paying more attention to it and need to come up with some solutions fast. This always makes me mad guys, that the cops think they can shoot because of color. Its absolutely ridiculous! Of course, the cop isn't being charged for murder, and predijuce still stands in this country. It is extremely sad that the world has to come to this.. just killing off anybody because they think they're above the law. Hey B, remember that conversation we had the other day, well I found an article that talks about it. It basically says that humans have destroyed 10 percent of Earth's wilderness in the last 25 years. The article said that the total land area is about half the size of the Amazon and twice the size of the whole state of Alaska. That is about 1.3 million square miles of wilderness, that just disappeared. The article also revealed that humanity has one to two decades more to turn it around before it is too late. I hope something is done soon and I'll send you a link to the article. it seems a horny male college student has finally taken up the courage not to pursue love, but to rape his potential lover, what a disgusting act and moral corruption, the amount of emotional trauma done to the female victim is permanent and she would never feel safe again, I hope he gets to sentence to jail long enough he thought through I really hate ISIS. They continue to be the stain on society by committing atrocities condemned by every nation in the world. They must be stopped at all costs and they must be destroyed so that they wont hurt another soul. These poor people who are trying to survive get killed, imprisoned, or brainwashed into joining and there seems to be no way to stop them. This is such a sad story. I blame the owner of the dog. She should not have had her dog off leash. A big dog like that can really scare someone. Not everyone is a dog lover like we are. Poor Macie had to feel the pain because her owner wasn't doing the right thing. Perhaps the fine for having dogs off leash will result in people not taking their dogs off leash when they walk. Take them to a dog park and let them run. This story about the shooting at the airport is absolutely breaking my heart. There is no reason for these violent gun actions to continue to go on. Can you imagine if this had been our dad or other friend or family member? I can not imagine what the victims family is going through right now. The poor people in the airport must have been in a frenzy. It had to have been scary to not know what was going on. Especially before everyone knew the gunman was dead. This one cowards acts caused so much turmoil and upheaval for so many people. Can you imagine all of the money that was wasted because of his stupid choices. Between flights being cancelled, rearranged, police officers time. I wish we could understand what he was thinking and why he did this mess. Reading about the issue of racism in this country brings to many various thoughts. The first of these being, truly, we cannot legislate thought itself. Either we champion free speech for those we find abhorrent, or we stop pretending to care about liberty. People will always suck. At a certain point, it seems we as a society have gotten a lot softer, even as life has become more comfortable. Racists are morons. Do I walk around stressed all day about racists? Hell no. I never knew there was a link between depression and birth control pills. I thought it would do the opposite because it allows women to have a full sex like without worrying about pregnancy, so they and their partners can feel more relaxed and open to exploring their sexuality. But now that i read the article I can see the link between hormone fluctuations and mood disorders since the two effect each other. Dear friend, I have just read a horrific story coming out of Hong Kong. This man, a wealthy Hong Kong banker, murdered two young women in his apartment in a gruesome and sadistic fashion. He tortured them repeatedly inside of his luxurious downtown apartment near Hong Kong's red light district. He planned to torture them with tools and sex toys but had to cut it short when one of the women started screaming loudly in his apartment. He slit her throat and stuffed her body into a suitcase. It's really amazing to me how much food we waste as a country considering how overweight and obese people are. I can't believe how wasteful it all is, if you think about it. A lot of the food we eat, we don't need, and then we throw away so much too! All that food belongs with people who really need it. I wish people would donate more and that restaurants could donate their unused food to homeless shelters. It's sad these days how often police are being attacked for just being police. Mental health is such a problem, we need to find better ways to help people so they don't get to the point of harming others. Whenever I hear about an officer being hurt I think of your husband. We are very lucky men like him are choosing to spend their lives to protect us. I hope we can get help to more people so I can stop worrying if there is someone out there waiting for him. Check out this news article. It's absolutely infuriating that this sort of thing would happen YET again, not only from a big oil and gas company, but specifically from BP again. Their ineffable ineptitude constantly leads to environmental disasters and someone has to put a stop to their BS before we let them completely destroy our habitat here on Earth. This is troubling as it is unusual to have two people die of this cause at the same time. This seems suspicious as well. I hope the authorities can find some answers so this tragedy is not repeated. I hope the family can eventually find some peace and get the information they need for closure on their loss. The article i read about the Venezuela zoo where the animals starving due to food shortage. the country economical condition go down and rise the prices of food. The country can't manage to import food due to bad economical siyuation. Animals on the Caricuao Zoo staffers have been feeding carnivorous lions and tigers diets of mango and pumpkin. Elephant eats tropical food instead of hey. there are many red quireels in great britain and are causing leprosy arounf the city a girlo who was near the age found in squirrel these have been in scotland and great britian and even in some cases also in but not ecluding them at all - russia. this is a plagment and a serious incident as you can read many peolpe should be concered about this and might turn a bline eye to it but something should be done about this and people should try to find a cure of some sort for this You know I'm not a fan of religion in any context, but this type of thing happens everywhere. There's always some idiot who goes off and uses religion, bigotry, sex, gender, anything really as an explanation. It's sad that you read something like this and it doesn't even feel like news. Perhaps its just our access that's making this seem ordinary. Hey look at what I have been reading into. I want your opinions on this matter at hand. So civilian casualties are starting to rise as Iraqi forces push into Mosul. The vehicles screeched into the small field hospital on the outskirts of Mosul carrying desperate loads: soldiers injured in battle as well as men, women and children caught in the crossfire of Iraq’s war against the Islamic State. Now you know me. I would be in terrible trouble this is not a way of life. Why are were even in war. Why harm our children. This has saddened me to no end. We do not need, want or find any peace in war! Food, water fears remain year after Brazil mine dam disaster — COLATINA, Brazil — One year after a dam ruptured and sent a giant wave of metal-laden mud gushing into one of Brazil’s most important rivers, people who live along the banks won’t drink the water and fishermen are afraid to eat their catch. Upward of 10 billion gallons of mud filled with mining waste buried towns in the Nov. 5 dam break that has been described as the worst environmental disaster in Latin America’s largest country. Nineteen people perished. Across 5,000 acres — about six times the size of New York City’s Central Park — the onslaught of mud crushed thousands of trees and wildlife. In the river, more than 14 tons of fish died, mostly after mud got stuck in their gills. An equally large amount of aquatic plants die Wow that dude has a lot of money! More power to him, that's awesome. That guy has worked hard his whole life and built an amazing career and he's unstoppable in the wrong. So yeah what do you guys think? Do you agree that he deserves what he's got? Do you think he really refused to pay for the necklace? or do you think it's just fake news someone made up? There are many types of virus spreading through our population today. More recently the Zika virus has found new ways of spreading from person to person. It has also found new host an carriers. This new problem is very concerning especially for people young and old. It also seems like pregnant woman are very susceptible to this virus as well. In this Food, water fears remain year after Brazil mine dam disaster — COLATINA, Brazil — One year after a dam ruptured and sent a giant wave of metal-laden mud gushing into one of Brazil’s most important rivers, people who live along the banks won’t drink the water and fishermen are afraid to eat their catch. Upward of 10 billion gallons of mud filled with mining waste buried towns in the Nov. 5 dam break that has been described as the worst environmental disaster in Latin America’s largest country. Nineteen people perished. Across 5,000 acres — about six times the size of New York City’s Central Park — the onslaught of mud crushed thousands of trees and wildlife. In the river, more than 14 tons of fish died, mostly after mud got stuck in their gills.This equally large amount of aquatic. The earthquake was terrible. Thankfully, they didn't have injured people, just frightened ones. As bad as the situation is, it could have been worse. While people have no homes, they have their lives and the lives of their loved ones. It is terrible these people don't have a particularly safe place to stay right now, and the thought of losing everything you own is catastrophic. But, you can rebuild your life with your family. It's a shame that air pollution has potentially been linked to increased mental damage with young children. We often don't take into account all the damage that the fossil fuel companies have done to our society. We only praise them for creating the fuels we use but never tax them appropriately for all the damage that they cause us. I believe protecting nature is extremely important. Whether it is climate change or restricting grazing, we must make a commitment to insuring that our lands are preserved for future generations. People can enjoy the outside and enjoying the outside is especially important for a generation that has often been labelled as couch potatoes. Such lands should be well preserved for them. Hello friends, I will take part in this group to tell you some important news. They know that I always read and look for information. Some time ago it seems that a man died at sea after he fell off the cruiser where he was going. The person's name was Bernardo García Teixeira. Now his partner filed a lawsuit with the Royal Caribbean company. The people of the cruise and the police also allege that this couple was discussing a moment before the accident happened. To be honest with you, In my opinion, I do not believe Russia or Syria are peaceful countries. Syria has the most corrupt and dishonest government officials in the world, and the fact that Russia has defended them through everything is very disturbing and alarming. I know we all like to think that Trump and Putin are in "bed" together, but is that really the case? What Syria does to its own people goes beyond what words can describe, and how Russia can defend these actions is almost as equally disgusting. I cannot even be surprised by the level of insanity that is going on out there right now. I almost feel as though I am numb to it. I can no longer be moved by this madness because it is something that I can expect because of the mental illness that is prominent in our society. We can no longer feel safe that our protection is the priority today. I am stressed about this article since gasoline is involved. Gasoline is a big thing not just for me, my family, my frienda but it is a big thing for everyone. It is always a bad news to know that something like this happened or happening because it will slow down the work we have to do. It destroys plans and budget of every individual. The pipeline seems to be interfering with native american tribes and is causing lots of enviornmental damage. I do feel for these individuals, and it's important they get all the help they deserve. Their anscestors were decimated throughout history and there isnt enough reparations to solve the genocide that was caused. It seems that a lawsuit is now pending for the Sawtooth National Recreation Area. Exessive grazing from the cattle has occured in this area and it seems to be threatening the wildlife in the area. Protective measures have been put in place over the years but there have no been serious consequences for parties that do not comply. I feel that these Muslim areas are in dire need of help. I feel so very sad and alarmed for them, as I know the citizens are helpless and don't know who to turn to for help. It can't be easy to live in an area where you never know if you will wake up to your village being raided, your women being raped and worry of your child being dragged into Military or political rebels groups. Many people in America do not realize how much freedom, safety and peace we have by living in this country, as we have never experienced the peril that people in these Muslim countries experience. I'm sure many live in terror and fear of the unknown, of what could be, and actually the reality of their life. There are many poor villages and citizens, so they don't have options to find a way out of there. I just read about a group of people that were celebrating Halloween and got hit by a car. It makes me wonder how people can be so irresponsible with children. They were riding on the back of a trailer when they got hit by another car. That is so unsafe. I wouldn't even want to do that with other adults, let alone children. It looks like chaos in Iraq. The Islamic State (IS) has taken over Mosul and people are getting the hell out of there. The problem is, there is nowhere to go. There are a few camps for refugees but not nearly enough space. People are even taking there sheep which can’t be helpful… The IS has had people under their rule for almost 3 years and the people are making a run from it. No doubt they have every reason – the young women and girls feel veil-less freedom! The IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. The were right to leave as the city is now a war zone with Iraqi security forces retaking the city. It is a bitter fight with the usual “blood will spill” messages rampant. Many families are leaving and there are some really heart-wrenching tales. SO SAD… Many are in fear. I didn’t know that cocunuts are becoming in short supply. It was a very interesting article. I didn’t realize how many things are made with cocunut or that they have some kind of bank type of thing to keep the seeds. I find it so amazing to learn about things I knew nothing about. I love cocunuts and did buy some cocunut oil but haven’t used it yet. I heard that the oil was good for your skin and hair, although I haven’t tried it yet. Reading the article made me think about the show “Naked and Afraid” since the players are often in the jungle, trying to survivor and finding cocunuts on the trees. Or on the TV show Survivor, where they often eat and drink coconut juice. In honesty, I don’t know if I have ever eaten a cocunut even though I thought I did. I eat mangos, kiwi’s and oth Global warming and fires and now being considered to be linked to one another. While being a resident of California, this to me is not surprising. Unfortunately we as a nation need to open our eyes up and realize the impact that we are having on our environment. Even worse is now we have a president who in his own words feel as though global warming is just a fabrication. This is going to cost us more money in the fire fighting department and we are going to see way worse side affects from this problem. Micheal Moore was right about this. Trump could and did win. The more we dismissed him the stronger he got. I can't stand his attitude and his lack of compassion. But I can understand how he won. Voters were fed up with the traditional lifetime politicians. I think Hillary lost the election more than Trump won it. A lot of people didn't trust her and wanted a change. Now good or bad we have change. It's always sad when you lose the legends no matter what. For one it makes you feel old but for two you lose any future of their work. It is also sad for the family who loses a loved one and is hard to imagine the responsibility of keeping up the name of the famous person they've loss. I mean how do you know what they would do with the rights of their music or if you should even use them anymore? It's sad that there are still outbreaks of cholera and other diseases that are easily preventable with sanitation and access to clean drinking water. If we all pitch in just a couple dollars, the cost of buying a bottle of water, I bet we could make a significant contribution to the relief effort in Yemen. A new study shows injected sperm birth or ICSI have shown long term studies of males born in this matter have lower sperm count. I feel they need a larger testing pool and they also need to understand the lifestyle of the men tested. Usually people that would need a special method to give birth are wealthy as well as unhealthy. Most likely thier offsprings have adapted to this similar lifestyle. A lot of these news go unnoticed I feel. We have war in Syria and war everywhere. We have accepted it as a part of the world. It's such a shame that it's like this. Conflict has always broken us down and it's never been necessary. I don't know for how long this war has to continue. But I really feel sorry for all the lives that's been lost in this conflict. It does seem a little disrespectful when someone starts to deface any public property. It is a disgrace and a lack of moral character when something like this happens. No one in their right mind would think of doing this could it could land you in jail for starters. Secondly, you could get sued and in today's litigious society you could go broke rather quick, even with a good lawyer. I guess that's why we have laws. Not only to protect the public, whether it be people or "spaces" because everyone is supposed to be allowed to enjoy the public domain. It is with many tears, a heavy heart and very mixed emotions that I write that little Isibindi passed away shortly before midnight after a very, very rough 56 hours. She went through such deep sadness in her short life. I was so hoping and fighting to give her a second chance at life. A part of me feels a deep relief – the last two days were very difficult and she had so much to cope with. Little Bindi left this earth lying in my arms (the orphanage had no power so I wrapped us both in a duvet to keep her warm) It never gets easier. RIP little Bindi – may your spirit fly free! This is disgusting. As many of you know, I am an animal lover. There is not much that makes me sad, upset and angry like any instance of an animal suffering. What this man did is unforgivable. I hope he has a mental illness. I cannot think of any other reason why someone would do something so cruel. It is awful that there is such turmoil in the Middle East. It makes me so grateful that I am an American. Isn't it sad that Doctors Without Borders is at risk because of the fighting in the Middle East. Those people donate their time to help others and they have to worry if they are going to be hurt or killed. Such a sad area of the world. I just read about some girls losing their parents. It was very bad. They went to a theme park to enjoy themselves and their parents were killed in front of them. It was a water ride, the kind that seats six at a time. Something mechanical happened on the ride. The maintenance check a few days prior was good, but something screwed up. There were four adults and two girls. The ride flipped over and trapped the adults. The little girls somehow escaped, but their parents were among the four dead. Apparently, the park workers didn't even notice it right away. One of the girls was by the ride exit by herself. The girls may need a lot of counseling for the rest of the lives. It was pretty bad. I would hate to see my family members die in front of me in a tragic accident like that. This article was eye opening. I can't imagine having to wear masks as I do my normal, everyday activities or go outside. This is so weird. It's kind of disturbing, all of this. I think it's a very good thing for people to donate to the firefighters. Firefighters risk their lives to protect us, we can help them. Hey, so I just read about this fire in Arizona. It was not super serious and no one besides one person needed to go to the hospital. It was not like super tragic but it just makes me think about my own life. It also makes me really think about my living situation. I have never thought about how I live in an apartment building shared with several other people and that their actions could have severe consequences. For example, say someone above me has a child who is playing with the stove and the parents are unaware. I fire could start and all of that is beyond my control. It really freaks me out now that I know someone besides just myself could ruin my home or personal belongings. Even worse, someone could lose their life. So apparently there is an infamous retired nba star who is going around and pieing influential political figures haha. At first I thought it was a typo, and it was suppose to be die, but it indeed was talking about someone taking a coconut pie, and slamming it into the face of people. The act seems pretty innocent to me, and is almost sad that he is going to have to face some jail time along with the beating from the security. Obviously, you cant go around doing this, but it is tough not to laugh. After reading that the amphibian population and specifically ranavirus might be caused by humans it makes me sad but I can understand the situation. We can often do things with unintended consequences that are not noticeable in the beginning. This appears to be the thought here that maybe we have caused these amphibians to become sick because of carrying the disease in or perhaps genetic mutations. Either way, it is a sad situation that will hopefully be able to be reversed before it is too late but these types of things happen in our society without specific intention. I feel for the little froggies though and hope science can find a way to preserve them and their habitat. There is some killing in Indonesia most likely related to Muslims. Overall I'm not surprised by this news, the Islam religion holds many radicals and there are enough proof that the top leaders of these Islam groups support oppression. Just look at at all the hajibs in these muslim countries these are sad pathetic men that are afraid of women. Hey, aren't you from the south? Have you had any issues with wildfires in your area? There's all this talk about forest fires and droughts in California, but this is the first time I've heard about stuff going down in your area. Everything okay down there? Make sure you stay safe! I know you don't go out much, but it doesn't take much to have a disaster to fall on your doorstep. The officer whose car had been hit approached Ms Rader to find she had an "unclasped brassiere" and was trying to put on her blouse, police said.The freshman told the officer that she had been driving back to her residence on campus.The arresting officer wrote in an affidavit: "I asked her why she was not dressed while driving and she stated she was taking a Snapchat photo to send to her boyfriend while she was at a red light."She was arrested on suspicion of driving while intoxicated and released from jail on Thursday morning on a $2,000 (£1,600) bail bond, police said. there has been talks on how this is an agenda that is being pushed right now, just like the massive shootings right now. people are just killing innocent people no matter what the color of theyre skin is although people aare always going to find a way to make it a racial matter or discuss how its biased or how the person was a racist but the only one who knows that is the person who commited the act. Dear Friend, I just read a ridiculously vapid article about Kim Kardashian and her posting photos of her jewelry on instagram. She was nearly mugged last year and the article is explaining how its a bad idea for her to show off her expensive diamonds online. I think this story is silly and weightless and I dont really see how anyone could care about it. That article was a steaming pile of nonsense. Storied about criminals emboldened to assault and kill cops by the media's sympathetic bias towards criminals is a regular occurrence these days. Black Lives Matter is a borderline terrorist organization who believes there should be no laws, or at the very least, that black people should be exempt from them. They're in favor of abolishing the police and penal system. What sane person riots over a criminal getting the inevitable ending that comes from leading a lawless and dangerous life? When I read about a white criminal getting killed in a confrontation with the police, I feel relief. My instinct is to say "good riddance" and not go out and loot a liquor store and burn down fast food restaurants. I have never heard of sleep paralysis but it doesn't sound like a particularly dangerous disorder. We all undergo a state of unconsciousness during sleep where we dream and cannot control certain things in the dream. But this seems to be an extension of dreaming where your brain becomes out of synch with your body. I suspect this may something to do with stress and mental health problems I am really touched by this story. the rescue just restored my faith in humanity.The success of the rescue operation proves that extraordinary things can be achieved with passion and determination. human conflict causes suffering to both human beings and animals. Suffering animals should not be forgotten or overlooked, even in the midst of human conflicts or natural or man-made disasters. I was very touched and encouraged by these acts of bravery and care towards animals. I can't believe what's going on overseas. It's so tragic that people in the military are still dying in war, and for what? I thought they would be gone from there by now but they're not. And there's still issues with kidnappings and things of that nature. It's really quite shocking when you think about it. hey . have u heard about the accident where a fuel tank exploded and around 75 people where burned to death and many more are injured . what a world we live in where people for some profit put their life in danger as well as other . this make me sick to my core . who going to take responsibility for all that life lost and uncomfortable Dude, there is some pretty messed up stuff going on. I feel like every time I turn on the news or open a newspaper I am reading about pedophilia going on all over the world. I feel like it is much more common than anyone realizes and that at any given moment, I could be walking past someone who is sexually attracted to children. It is crazy to think about and really scary. When I read this article, to be honest, I do not have any feeling because I am not a fan of all these artists. I do listen to pop songs, but I am not interested in this copyright issues. I would say that copy right is an important part for people to obey because it is a respect to the knowledge and author. This man lived here almost his entire life. His infractions in which he was charged with are explainable. He literally was getting back his only true property from a more than troubled house. This also was a very long time ago. He has since built himself up a life with a family and now they are looking to deport him. this is a tragedy. We must do something about this! I feel very sorry for their entire family regarding the divorce. Even though the daughters are now adults that doesn't mean they aren't negatively affected. Twenty-seven years is a long time to be married, and I think this translates to a long period of healing for the parents. Its not a good situation. I also wonder about the impact of the divorce on the daughters' image of the security of marriage for their own lives. It seems that the parents did try for a long time. I wish them well. Non-human animals are given rights only because of their interactions with human beings. Without involvement with humans, animals do not deserve rights. It is through this interaction with humans that animals are even given moral consideration. As the outcome, animals are becoming even further tarred in society. Humans have and are continuing to handle animals as if they are some kind of material goods. This is considered as being immoral, as animals have their own lives, and they think, have feelings, can feel pain, require love, happiness, and everything else that humans have. As for human rights, it’s always uncertain. The Native American have been through so much already to try to keep just a small part of the land that they called their own and slow but surely they continue to lose a battle against the USA government.It seems as though it is just a very period of time before the only place to find native Americans with be in the lying pages of our school books. That poor boy must have just gotten curious and looked down, or perhaps he tripped and fell into it. I can't imagine the pain he must have gone through being stuck in there for days until he finally died. That must have been agonizing and terrible. How could the father not have found him by then? Surely he screamed? It's so sad. our president party people are making something stupid on some occasions, you see ‘Silicon Valley’ stars recount being harassed by Donald Trump supporters. some one insulting Trump and making fight with them, its not necessary. unwanted fights and unwanted speech should be avoided. because all are having responsible position and work to do, At bar doing nasty things no good using some people name I tend to be very hard-hearted when it comes to issues of immigration. Yet this is a man for who all intents and purposes is an American, raised here from the age of three and facing deportation for missed paperwork? This is quite frankly a steaming pile of bullshit. There are those who come here, infest neighborhoods and take away jobs from hard working Americans and then there are victims of bureaucratic anarcho-tyranny like this. These types of scenarios are unacceptable. I tend to believe that a system that will let the guilty go free is preferable to one that will punish even one innocent man. Men like this deserve to be treated as Americans, because they are. The article also good.The four key things can do while helping a friend who may have anxiety or hanging out with their friends as much anymore or are always tired and feeling down. Suggest they see a doctor or health professional and/or help them to make possible, the person's spouse or a mutual friend may be able to give I hate ISIS. They are a group full of hate and insanity. There is no reason for them to be doing the things they do. They make people suffer and die for no reason at all. They think they are better than other people and should be disbanded. I do not think there is room in this world for people that associate with them and they are highly misguided. I cannot respect them at all. i think we all need to do a better job of taking care of are forest and water ways because we rely on these to surive and if we are killing animals and fish the wrong way and they start to go away it could have a big impact on us and by that time it could be to late to do anything about it. so we need to put laws in that will help the animals but also help allow us to fish for them the right way not by taking a shortcut Wow, how dare this person hurt a poor flamingo for no reason!? Why would some random dude go to Busch Gardens and abuse a bird who was minding its own business? Poor bird had to be euthanized because of its injuries! The bird was 19 years old! It seems that there may have to be some sort of background check or mental health testing before you are even allowed to visit a place like this.Just unbelievable the way things happen! Soooo SAD! This is just one of the negative consequences of long term war in a region. The hospitals in Yemen have been devastated by war and no diseases are starting to spread among the population with no way to control them without outside help. I hope the people of Yemen will be able to find humanitarian aid soon to help them control the spread of disease. Hey! So I just read this article about the internet in schools. I guess that several years ago, the government came up with this program to get internet and technology in to schools and make it possible for as many or all students to have access to computers and the internet. However, according to this article, this program is not working the way that it was set up to work and students are not actually benefiting from this program that costs A LOT of money! I was upset to read this, as I feel that the internet can be such a valuable tool in education, but then I really wasn't surprised at all to learn that the government isn't doing what it has been set up to do or what it is promising us citizens it will do. Doesn't the government just infuriate you and make you think you could do better? I feel like the Syrian war situation is just completely out of control at this point, but what often bothers me more is that people who supported Obama for both terms had a sort of blind spot on this issue. When the Arab Spring happened and then the Libyan war and now the Syrian war (et cetera) there was very little meaningful opposition to it from the Democrat-voting side of the aisle. Republican lawmakers just pretended to be opposed to thwart Obama, if they even did that. In reality, the whole government supported "removing Assad" and because that objective was considered SO important, now we have the current situation of extreme tragedy. I feel like it is hard to convey how important this is. Supposedly there is a lot of unrest in Ethiopia right now over the appropriation of land and government protest. I thought they were doing well and the economy was growing but i guess it has ceased now. Its unbelievable that all this is going on and most people in the states are aware of whats going on. i like We expect Turkey to safeguard its parliamentary democracy, including respect for human rights and the rule of law, and we are conveying these expectations directly to the Turkish authorities,” Mogherini said in a statement with the EU’s enlargement commissioner,Erdoğan has launched repeated personal attacks on Demirtaş, who analysts have seen as the sole politician in Turkey who comes anywhere near to rivalling his charisma. Demirtaş has made it a personal crusade to oppose Erdoğan’s plan for a presidential system in Turkey, which the HDP says would lead to dictatorship. Did you hear about what had happened to the kid in china. They found his body dead in a desserted well in China after he was helping his father pick some vegetables or something like that. I just feel like if he was helping his father, then it is hard to believe that his dad did not know he had fallen into the well. Either way, sad story. I just read about a company is threatening one of the largest populations of Orangutan's in Indonesia by chopping down a critical forest to convert it to a tree plantation. I think it's really disgusting that Indonesia knows they need to preserve their land and wild life but still allows things like this to happen. it is a very interesting article. quite a good read and has important information. the article did really communicate to me i felt like the author was talking to me trying to relay some sort of information. i like the use of language that the author uses, very simple and easy to understand for everyone. please read it. I thought this was a pretty interesting article. I learned some things about music and lawsuits. It might be relevant to some of what you and I were talking about some time ago. In any case, it has some new facts that have come to light, as it were, new information or opinions that I had not fully considered prior to reading this article. Did you hear about the polar bear name Pizza called the word's saddest polar bear? Apparently they are not treating it well in China by not giving it enough space and turning his life into a circus show. He started to inflict self harm because of his living condition. I really hope China comes up with better animal cruelty laws although I doubt this will happen because of our culture difference. It makes me furious knowing animals are being treated like this over there. This article was about a rash of fires in the south, particularly Appalachia. It mentioned dry conditions causing numerous fires and contributing to pollution that made the air dangerous and unpleasant to breathe. It also said that some of the fires were probably caused by arson, but didn't dwell too much on that aspect. The quoted official mentioned that dry conditions meant more fires could easily be accidentally started and that was a danger. I feel bad for the Queen. She just lost her husband and now she's sick. I also feel bad for the people over there. They've had rulers as leaders for so long that most of the weren't even alive to experience anybody else. I hope she recovers and is able to get a few more good years out of her life. The Year's Strongest Storm Sweeps by Taiwan — Typhoon Meranti gathered in strength as it swept close to Taiwan on Wednesday, and with maximum winds of 230 miles per hour it has been called the strongest storm of the year. Meranti was classified as Category 5, the highest on the scale. The storm has brought not only high winds, but also heavy rain, and many Taiwanese cities have flooded. Trains and shipping services in some southern cities had stopped, and most flights were grounded. As of Wednesday, there were only a few injuries. The disgust I have while reading this story. No one should send there child to school to learn and have to worry about sexual assault in any form. She makes other teachers look bad. Taking a plea deal was her best choice. There is never an acceptable reason for something like this to happen. The fact she had a young daughter too is scary. Did you read this article? it is awful. Every time i hear about a murder suicide type situation I wonder where someone could have intervened, some doctor, some professional, some family member, who could have have done something to step in so that these people could be alive today? It will drive you crazy if you keep thinking about it. I think parents complaining about their preteen children are overreacting. Just deal with it and everything will be okay. You can't place them in a toy box anymore or sit them in front of the TV and tell them to sit and watch it until it's done. I'm not worried about this because I have no kids of my own and I could care less. Can you believe they're doing this? Kicking people out of their homes to expand a stupid airport? Screw these guys. what do you think? Personally, I'm upset and I'm starting a petition. Please sign it if you're against this issue like I am. It's absolutely ridiculous and should never happen, so there you go Wow, I just read an article that says coconuts could be in danger of becoming much more scarce. There is a bacteria going around that causes lethal yellowing and wipes them out. Due to the water concentration, a traditional seed bank is not an option. You would have to have a living gene bank. That would affect a lot of companies and industries. I just read about a young male wolf that was shot dead after walking 700 miles in search of a mate. That seems pretty awful. I am thinking about all of the different paths that wolf walked along on his journey, only to see it end in disaster. Apparently it was a government sniper that killed him. I'm not sure why the government has snipers to kill wolves. If they are posing a direct threat, then of course animals must be killed, but I don't see that this wolf was threatening anyway. It seems dishonorable. Did you hear about the guy who was the father who works for the Swedish government? This guy for some unknown reason contracted a flesh eating bacteria disease. It took them awhile to diagnose what really was wrong with him and he had to take certain surgeries in order to save his life. He talks about how he's grateful to be alive but also wants to live in the moment to enjoy his life as well. It is touching news and I'm happy that he's able to overcome this adversity that came upon his life. ISTANBUL, have you heard what is going on over near Turkey? Man I am not even really sure myself but it sounds pretty messed up. At least eight members of parliament were charged with some type terrorism-related crimes. This is just sickening to me. Turkey’s parliament voted to strip lawmakers of their immunity The elections nowadays are just so unrelenting. You have to spend a lot of money on campaigns and trying to put down the other person. It's a wonder that man doesn't spend all his money that he has earned. I don't think he even got a chance to tell anyone what kind of person he is. He gets torn down before he has a chance to do anything. I'm just so mad at the whole election system and the way things are done. Everything about your past and present gets brought up and nothing you do can go unnoticed. I read about this asshole Arcan Cetin who shot up a mall in Oak Harbor, Washington. Evidently before he did the shooting he had been placed under a no firearm order because he had been charged with domestic assault. I guess it just goes to show that gun laws are a pointless joke; if this guy had been a decent law abiding person no gun law would be needed, but because it was a criminal and a murderer the law didn't do anything to stop him from shooting up a mall. There is no way the FBI or any government agency could figure out what a lone wolf terrorist was going to do. Some terrorist could walk into anywhere and just start shooting the place up. It's terrible what the United States has become. The only way I see to limit terrorism is to try and limit immigration into the country, but even that doesn't solve things. Seems like if you don't live the right kind of life to someone, whether it's being gay etc., then somebody tries to hurt you. It's terrible. Dude I seriously cannot believe what happened at the zoo not too long ago. A kid fell into a moat in May when he fell through the barrier. Wow it must have been so terrifying for the family. Then the gorilla picked up the boy and carried him a little bit. They actually ended up shooting the gorilla which is so sad. Dude, you won't believe this. A six-year-old girl fell down an elevator shaft and died. The elevator company has to be at fault here, but that won't bring her back! I can't imagine how her parents must feel, looking at my little boy and wondering what it would be like if we lost him in such a horrible -- yet preventable -- tragedy. I feel so bad for the parents, but I wonder if they could have prevented it somehow, and if so, it would be hard not to blame them somewhat for what happened. But that isn't to deflect guilt over how horrible they must feel, as no one wants to lose their child in such an egregious tragedy. I hope you pray for the family with me! I just read an article about a very strong Category 5 typhoon, ‘Typhoon Meranti’, which grew stronger as it swept close to Taiwan on Wednesday. A Category 5 has intense maximum winds of 230 miles per hour, and is being called the strongest storm of the year. There were no deaths reported but a handful of injuries and of course electricity is out for large numbers of residents. The storm may intensify as it heads toward China and is being monitored. What a tragedy could unfold if it makes a direct hit on some of the highly populated areas in China. Could end up being one of the strongest storms of the century. we just have a long way to go.Too many times we do not believe the victim especially if they are females.Things happen to them especially now and they are coming out but we still ask for proof when we should believe in them most and that should be more than enough proof.We want to believe them and show them that we care as people and that we would do what it takes to get them the justice that they deserve How sick is this. A visitor at Busch Gardens in Florida attacked a flamingo. Park staff had to euthanize the bird because of its injuries. It seems the flamingo did some sort of unique dance and had become quite well known for it. The guy is being held on bond, charged with animal cruelty. They ought to throw the book at him. This article is fascinating - takes the concept of global warming and directly ties it with the impact on weather events. These events show a vast contrast between both extremely hot weather and also extreme amounts of precipitation when compared across historical items. Showing it is not just a regionally focused weather pattern, but in fact across the country that is the most troubling. It makes me sad to think of this man who was mentally unstable attacking people. I wonder sometimes how many attacks are attributed to terrorists when in reality the people might just be mentally ill. I wish we had a better system for treating mental illness in our country instead of locking people away. It's too bad that we are still in the middle east. I wish Trump would just pull out of the middle east entirely so our soldiers will stop being targets for all the countries that hate us. The longer we are there the easier we make it for them to inflict damage to our troops. It must not be easy for them to be there away from their families. It is appalling that there are places that would actively want to get immunized and cant due to lack of resources. While at the same time in America there are parents who actively keep their children from getting them. Their should be social consequences in place the parents who intentionally endanger their children like this. I would think a hefty tax that goes to implementing vaccines in impoverished areas would be a great idea. I said Trump would win. Polls said otherwise, I didn't care, I knew the fucker would win. I think people are not willing to accept that others are really shitty and that someone like Trump would be voted in. They can't see past others. People have too much faith in others, too much trust. There are a lot of vile people out there, just gotta encourage them a little bit and they'll come out. Trump was their encouragement. What will the liberals do now? I don't know. Sometimes I think we will be okay, sometimes I think we won't. I just know that going to one march is going to do shit. You need tens of marches, packed to the brim. You need them every weekend. For months. You need to call your officials, complain, elect them, vote them out. Do more. But one march isn't going to do shit. Hey, I just read this article today. It takes place in 2011 and is about an inmates at a federal prison that had to choose between living with a violent cellmate or end up in shackles. In the cell they had to spend nearly 24 hours a day together in a concrete room smaller than a parking space, can you imagine? I learned that they have a form of punishment there and it is called "four-pointing". They cuff each limb to the corner of a concrete slab or bed frame. That just sounds like torture to me. The guy that the story is about is serving a 35-year sentence for drug trafficking and assaulting a corrections officer. This prison is known as the toughest prison and I can see why. You really should read this article, it is very eye opening. It's amazing what people will do to avoid embarrassment. I just heard about a guy who was concerned over urinary track issues and decided the best way to figure out his problem was to shove a stainless steel chopstick into his urethra. It had to be removed via surgery, and it sounds like it was successful, but Jesus Christ man, go to a doctor. France plans to shut down the jungle as they call it. This was where they kept illegal immigrants trying to make their way to Britain. I certainly feel for anyone looking for a better life and at times wish all countries had open borders as this one isn't so great at times but we do have laws and many immigrants enter other countries legally and I think there needs to be some sort of controls that make the process fair to legal citizens. I feel for the immigrants but it's hard to support their actions when they could also do so legally as opposed to sneaking in by way of hiding in trucks. Wow, what a horrible and terrifying accident,I feel very bad for the people involved and their families. I wonder what caused this terrible accident, I hope that it was not any human error, because that makes it worse to deal with. I cannot imagine being on that train and the intensity of the accident. It makes me feelvery sad thinking about the deaths of those people on board. The author of this article I read examined several cases in which youth were killed in gun violence on the same day. They used the personal stories of a couple of people to show how the ready availability of guns contributes to sad situations in which kids are shot and killed. It wasn't as well written as a lot of journalism in this area, but it was pretty interesting to hear the stories of the two cases that were detailed. One involved a violent adult who went on a rampage and shot an ex-girlfriend's child and another person. The other story involved two kids who were left alone in a home that had a lot of guns and one of them ended up shooting and killing the other, claiming it was an accident. The author concludes by calling for more active challenges to the NRA and the second amendment I hate to hear about officers getting shot but news spreads of officers doing illegal or corrupt things all the time and that will ultimately lead to extremists who want to take matters into their own hands in a revengeful way. I don't like that part of our society but it isn't something that is easy to combat. As long as officers get blasted on news or the internet for illegal actions, people are going to look for ways to retaliate. Its an extremely volatile situation no matter how you look at it. I bleed for all those affected but really don't see what we can do as a society to prevent it. I hadn't heard about this and I find it surprising. I initially thought of the ecological factor so it's a good thing that it was contained. It's worrisome that people are struggling to find gas anywhere. I imagine those areas don't have good options for public transportation or anything. Maybe it will push people to get smart cars or ride bikes. I just read this article indirectly about climate change that I know you'll find interesting. It talks about the extinction of three different species. It's a sad situation, but if you read it, it was almost entirely the fault of man, and climate change only played a small part. The worst part is that it could have been prevented if somebody had sounded the alarm in time. How awful. I have the feeling things like this are going to get more and more common - racists are going to feel more comfortable and much bolder if there's someone in office that seems to approve of actions like these. We need a leader who takes a strong stance against racism and hate crimes like this, or our country will continue to fracture. I just heard about more poaching of rhinos, animals in general! This one was a black rhino very old, but what I don't understand is why people are so money focused and are willing to kill for it? Out of all the ways we could be making money why is killing animals something pretty defenseless if we just leave them alone, the main focus for money for some? I've never had a desire to hurt an animal for any reason, you? Sometimes I worry a little, when I'm out in public, about a mass-shooting (or even some crazy with a vehicle running people over) happening. But, on the other side of the coin, the chances are pretty slim of that happening. Plus, if you think about it, the worst thing that happens, if that were to occur, is that I die and then nothing is my problem anymore. I'm in no rush to die, but if it happens, it happens. It's an inevitability. A reward of $25000 is being offered to catch somebody who is killing horses in the Salt River area. There are several murders of horses every year. Anyways, the group raising the money started a campaign on GoFundMe, and people have donated $25000. The group also is concerned with conservation-related issues. the phone lines from the suicide prevention line surged after the election. it also climbed when robin williams committed suciide. thankfully there is this prevention line to help those in need who have sucidal thoughts but we need to condition people that committing sucide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem This article here was a bit confusing and I really couldn't see the point. From what I gathered a Militia from Ohio is trying to defend its' people from an overbearing federal government. I can completely understand why they would want to stand up to the federal government. Apparently, a protestor was shot by the government. I seen nothing in the article that explained the protestor was violent or a danger to the ones around him. Just shot for protesting. This is an outrage! Read an interesting article about blight in the forests you might enjoy. So true, you just have to live to learn with things. Change is certain. It's the one constant on the planet as in life. Check it out, it's sort of sad fact of reality but as true as can be. Change is gonna come regardless of what you do and regardless of if you want it to or not. The article that I just read sheds light on how hard it really is for people to get out of timeshares. The article highlighted an older couple. The couple bought their timeshare when their children were younger and they were able to travel. Now, many years later, the older couple finds it hard it get traveler's insurance. They also stated how expensive traveling can be alone. The couple is struggling to get rid of their timeshare. It makes me feel for the couple and other people in this financial burden. Hey T, I found an article that I thought you would be interested in. It is about how Iraqis found evidence of torture by Islanic State in mass graves near the city Mosul. Can you believe that, they literally just killed and dumped bodies there. From what the articles says in just one hours time they found 20 to 25 bodies. Some where hard to even tell if it were human or not. They still can't figure out how they died but they will soon enough. Though from the state of decomposition it has only been a few weeks that they have been there. All I can say is that were tortured point blank. I'm no parent and I completely believe Donald Trump is a horrible man. With that being said, I don't think it is correct to shun your child from having a different belief as you. Children should be able to freely be able to open up a discussion with their parents and analyze their opposing views without worrying if they will receive any type of punishment. I love jokes and pulling pranks, but to do that to your own child and then to publicly embarrass them...well that doesn't seem funny at all to me. It worries me that the child will from now on tiptoe around certain topics for fear of upsetting their parent. A diseased called microcephaly has spread from South America to America. It's a virus which causes severe brain impairment. In the article, a couple's child has the disease and showed signs of impairment early on. They were worried whether a second child would also have the disease but the child did not even though the odds were one in four. Looks like the drought isn't only affecting California, the drought is affecting other regions in the mid west. The drought creating drier climates making them more susceptible to fires and that region has already lost 100,000 acres to forest fires. The drought is definitely a major issue that needs to be addressed. While I was reading the article, I found myself not feeling warm or sympathetic. I guess I just do not care, to be frank, about the things happening in Haiti. I don't think others care either. That's where a lot of my focus was, thinking about how others don't care. I think for the most part, people don't generally care about what is happening in other countries. I think Haiti is one of them. I think people have just been forced to care. Anyway, as I said, I don't care about Haiti. Get too close to a skunk, and it will spray you with a noxious mix of sulphuric thiols, the chemicals in raw onions that make you cry.The spray doesn't just stink: it chokes your lungs and causes temporary blindness, allowing the skunk to get away.The scent is produced in anal glands at the base of the tail, and is fired through nipples attached to the glands. Impressive muscle control allows skunks to target their enemy's face at a distance of over 2m.Without this deterrent, the slow-moving skunks would be unable to escape from predators. The dwindling wilderness is due, in part to humanity’s activities such as logging, agriculture, mining, and of course, oil and gas exploration. The research team from Australia’s University of Queensland said the Earth has lost nearly 1.3 million square miles of wilderness. They’ve defined wilderness as an area with no human development. Dr. James Watson of the University of Queensland in Australia said globally important wilderness areas are completely ignored in environmental policy, and much has been paid to the loss of species. Without any policies to protect them, they are “falling victim to widespread development,” he added. Dr. Watson also revealed that humanity has one to two decades to turn things around. I just read the article and I am so surprised that this happened. I feel really embarrassed for her because it seems obvious that she's the one starting trouble but I worry that she might have some sort of mental illness or disorder that she really didn't realize what she said and that makes me feel bad for her. I can understand her concerns about racism but I think that she's just not very credible in this case. I just feel like we need to be really sensitive towards racism and keep an open mind when it happens, but considering that there were other people there and absolutely no one is backing her up, I don't know if we can really take her seriously and that's really sad. Crowe also doesn't seem like the kind of person to be racist or to bully someone for absolutely no reason, either. So the police found this woman wondering the streets in Philadelphia at 1 am with no coat on in the cold. She was in some kind of daze, probably alzheimer's or something. Anyways, their trying to identify her. It would suck to be in that state of mind. Sounds horrible and potentially scary if your cognizant enough. I read this article about a bus that was hit a random car from out of nowhere. The bus was parked and the car just plowed into it. It's kind of fucked up but typical. A few people were hospitalized but no one died. Anyways their investigating the crash. These types of incidents happen so often I'm rather numb to their effects. This is just such a sad situation. I wish they had been able to find out more when they investigated, but I guess they can't always get it right. I really feel for the father. He did what he could to stop his son and he wasn't able to. It reminds me of a certain person I know whose family member was involved in a different kind of violent extremism. Sometimes people you love go on terrible paths and you don't have enough information to do anything until it's too late. Well Toughie the Frog died. He was in a zoo. He was twelve years old at least. They say he was older since he was caught as an adult. I wonder what gave him such a long life. They don't live long around here where I live. I cannot imagine a frog living that long. That's as long as a dog almost. I hope they earned a great deal from him. I just read an article about kids being killed on Halloween night. It's an awful tragedy that we need to try to prevent. Because someone was driving stupid, kids were killed. Halloween is a time to have responsible fun and some guy took it to the extremes. It's sad, and I feel for those parents. No parent should have to bury their child. I have always thought that politics were a scam and this is another example of politics gone wrong. Every country runs into problems sometimes and in this case they would like her to step down from her position. Do you think she really has a say though or will they just force her to step down if she does not volunteer. It seems like Paris is getting to be a very dangerous place. I know who Kardashian is, but I have never heard of this Sherawat. It sounds like she is par for the course in Hollywood, just another Obama and Hillary supporter. But still, its terrible to be tear gassed and beaten, and I feel sorry for her. Interesting article, and I can see both sides of the issue. On one hand, it is true that it's incredibly, incredibly hard for people to immigrate to America. The old saying that you "need money to make money" is true in the sense that if you show up on our shores with nothing at all, it's going to be awfully hard to make anything of yourself. That being said, the American dream has always been one of pulling yourself up by the bootstraps and being a self-made-man. You need to be able to do things on your own and most of the most successful people on Earth came from abject poverty. Hello Friend. I am really very surprised at all the things that have happened and continue and continue to happen in the world. Now the big problem we are facing in this part of the United States of America is a new outbreak or virus. The specialists in the field of health still do not know what this problem is due to and how to stop it. Here I write part of what I have learned on the subject. This started in November and the symptoms are fever, a lot of chills, and difficulty to breathe I hate it when these terrorist attacks happen on innocent people who are just living their lives. I don't know how open societies can completely eliminate them? You can't put the terrorist stigma on everyone of a certain religion and you can't close off your society. There's always going to be religious zealots and crazy people who feel violence is the only way to get their ideas across, but we just have to keep fighting them and trying our best to prevent an attack when possible. I think with all the social media and news stories, recent incidents involving terror attacks, and those who are of a different race commuting these acts, especially since the 9/11 attack this will always be an issue with people because we are just alarmed, even though some may have nothing to do with terrorism or any type of situation regarding that but they will always be perceived that way because of what happened in the past. It's probably not right of those who are discriminating and the airlines really need to do something about all the complaints. I am crushed after hearing about the conditions in Haiti after Hurricane Matthew hit the area. The people are literally starving to death and the injured and sick do not have access to enough, if any medical care. There are areas that are completely inaccessible to aid, either medically or food or water supplies. There is extensive looting in Haiti and the situation is extremely dangerous even for those that try to bring in supplies to the people living there. My heart is breaking as I think of all the people, children and adults in Haiti. It is a country that still has not recovered from the earthquake that happened there years before. I think that our country should continue to report on these terrible conditions and try to get aid to Haiti from every source available. It is nice to see others doing things to help those that are in need or have gone through negative experiences. I think things like this show how the world can come together when it needs to and that other countries do care about their people. This is a fine example and a defining moment that many people should see. I can't believe this article that I just read. They are making these allegations of Islamophobia and all kinds of crazy notions of hatred against gays, etc. What do they expect people to think when every time we hear of a bombing, it is a muslim. Do they expect people to say thank you? I don't hear any Islamic leaders speaking out against any of the terrorism. Are we just to sit back and say "thank you sir, may I have another." Not only do I not hear any Islamic leaders speaking out against it, I don't hear any muslim citizens speaking out either. As to the gay and transgender stuff, I will speak out against whomever I wish. They have a right to spew their immoral acts all of the place, then I have the right to speak out against their immoral acts which are an affront to almighty God I honestly can't believe I just read that whole article about a frog. I absolutely despise them. They are some of the most vile creatures on this earth. Ew. But.... there was something pretty interesting at the end of the article. One of the researchers claim that over half of all species will be extinct by the end of the century. That is insane!!!! Pretty sure most of that is due to climate change but we have Donald Asshat and Company who refuse to acknowledge it or its repercussions. I know that you are an animal lover like I am. It really bothers me that individuals open up zoos and don't really care about the animals. It is wonderful that an organization was available to take these animals out of the zoo near the Gaza Strip. I will not be going to any zoos anytime soon. How about you? Animals need to be free, not stared at and yelled at by little children. They deserve space. For now on when someone asks me to go to a zoo, my answer is nooooo! This article about a firecracker going off during a protest is about the stupidest thing I have seen in a while. The journalists are pond scum trying desperately to write anything they can to divide people up. College kids can't bear a firecracker going off, they need to institute mandatory military service like Israel does, then maybe they would not be scared chickens crying about everything. Hey, check this out. This guy ended up murdering his wife for no obvious ad apparent reason, according to this article. He was happily married to his wife and just ended up committing a homicide. It's scary to think about, how it could be possible for someone to just go off like that and kill someone they love. As a parent, I feel that is definitely one of my responsibilities to teach my children the importance of loving and taking care of our environment. Without the wilderness, the animals will have nowhere to live, and without the wilderness, what will our animals be forced to live in. What I want them to remember is that they are the ones living in the environment, not the environment invading on our lives. We must take care of it in order to make sure that we have a sustainable environment our children's children. I think that global warming is definitely a very real thing that is occurring today and I feel like it is sad that there are still people who try to deny the fact that it is a very real thing. Sometimes I feel like the people that disagree with scientists and real evidence that global warming is very obvious today is just very ignorant and live in a bubble where they think that everything is fine in the world and everyone is at peace. There are so many reasons why we should be using fewer resources as it is constantly destroying our environment and it is unfortunate that there are people who just continue to deplete our resources without a care in the world. Maybe the effects won't be felt as much in our generation but I am sure that the effects will be felt by those others after us sadly. I feel like a lot of artists do this or try to do this. Take credit for music or lyrics that others have helped with. This probably happeneds more then we know about. They just made an entire Disney movie on it. Coco. It basically was about 2 singers and the one killed the other so no one would know he made and wrote all the lyrics and music that the one guy stole. I mean any way you look at it it's not right. The guy does serve and pay out and then some for what he has done to his friend. I wonder who shot him and where. Did he get shot in the chest? The arm? The leg? The back? Where????? And also, where was he when he got shot? Was he inside or outside of the club? Did he drive himself? Was he alone? Did anyone else get shot?????? Sooooo many questions, so little answers. Has anyone been arrested yet? Are there any suspects????? Cohen moved to New York in 1966 at age 31 to break into the music business. Before long, critics were comparing him with Bob Dylan for the lyrical force of his songwriting. Although he influenced many musicians and won many honors, including induction into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and the Order of Canada, Cohen rarely made the pop music charts with his sometimes moody folk-rock. His most ardent admirers compared his works to spiritual prophecy. He sang about religion, with references to Jesus Christ and Jewish traditions, as well as love and sex, political upheaval, regret and what he once called the search for “a kind of balance in the chaos of existence. So apparently even turtles are poised to suffer from our careless destruction of the planet vis a vis degradation to habitats due to climate change. Though it seems like they will be able to withstand the changes in temperature, it is not at all clear what will be the outcome of the potentially lost habitats they live in due to climate change. These guys have been around longer than we have, as a species. It's really sad to think that we would be responsible for endangering them even further than we already have. I just read this article about contact lenses. It has some good information about the risks associated with improper wear of contacts. I can't believe there are some people who store their lenses in tap water. Gross! I definitely make it a point to not wear my lenses over the 30 day limit and I try to never fall asleep in wearing them. I just read an article discussing the impact global warming is having on polar bears. It's really troubling to read about just how much damage is being done, and you KNOW that nobody is going to do anything about it for years here. We have a man-child president, and while the majority of the biggest countries are trying to make policy changes to fight global warming, our president is dismantling our E.P.A organization, and putting idiots that don't give two craps about the environment in charge. So when can we expect polar bears to go extinct? Because you know by the time we get around to helping them, it'll be too late. The older, conservative generation just needs to go. Anyways, you should really read this article. I told you this was an issue that needed to be addressed, so go read it. I can't say that I specifically care about the election, and would rather have someone besides the two main parties win for once. I also personally dont like Trump, as I find him to be a rather bombastic idiot, and wish Hillary wuold have won, though I didn't particularly want either of them. I hope he takes the stress of the election into becoming a better leader. Did you hear about what happened in Afghanistan? There were civilian and military deaths during battles with the Taliban. I cannot imagine what the Afghan family members are going through or what the families of the Americans here are going through. It is such a great loss. This war has got to end soon. I know that the US troops are just trying to help the Afghanis but there are so many things that go on during these battles. I pray an end comes soon. This is a nice little distillation of American culture. I cant criticize the entire thing enough. The shallowness of the need for fake aesthetics, the absurdity of the legal system, the shoddy products of huge corporations playing to the solipsism of American sheep. It's just another sad piece of shit. Calgon, take me away. Can't believe the jury failed to convict the people involved in the National Wildlife Refuge takeover in Oregon. The people weren't even from Oregon. They traveled half way across the country, invaded the facility, and barricaded themselves inside. Yet the jury didn't find reasonable cause to believe they impeded Wildlife Service workers from doing their jobs. Bunch of alt-right would-be cowboys. Whenever you hear about tragedy you can't help but put yourself in their place and worry about how they feel. You wonder about how they react, and how they can believe that a simple accident can hurt someone that they love. I am sure that they will second guess themselves, and wonder how they could let something like that happen. Can you imagine what kind of heartache these people must be going through? I don't know what it would be like to have to live in fear that your own country is going to be bombed, let alone receiving a messages basically telling you that if you don't get out now you could die from a bombing. Politics is making life so hard for so many innocent people. Muslim immigration seems to have some unique issues. I think the solution is to hold off with allowing much Muslim immigration until Muslims start polling better on ideas involving apostates, etc. As evidenced by polls (even in European countries), the ideas Muslims accept put them at odds with basic educational values. I think seeking a professional to talk and try to fix mental issues can be a good thing. The right therapy can likely help certain people. What concerns me is living situations that are unhealthy for economic reasons, and psychological problems concerning motivation. I suspect some mental issues may not be helped by seeing a professional. Considering that since Donald Trump got elected, there has been a rise in reported hate crimes that have turned out to be hoaxes, I'd say there's at least a fifty percent chance this is a fake too. Even if it's not, it didn't happen to me or anyone I care about, and it didn't happen anywhere near where I live, so it's of absolute zero concern to me. Nothing more to say about that, but I know I have to fill in a certain number of characters. i feel liek this is a very opinionated article. Im not sure who wrote this article but I truly feel like they have alot of raw mixed up emotional feelings that they cant get out. Although, we are all very aware of the constant changes going on int he world with equality and everyone going through the issues of being unjust and such..its alot to handle and alot of people just dont know what to do. i feel lbad for the people in the story Let’s hope those are very isolated incidents triggered by people with mental health issues. It might be that there were crazy things like that happening before but we heard less about them. Still, I’ve been reading everywhere that hate crimes or incidents motivated by racism are climbing. And it’s not surprising considering that bigots are being empowered by people in high positions, some in a very high position… I had no idea that the Great Lakes area had problems with earthquakes. I'm glad that it wasn't a bigger on but it is still had how much damage was done. I feel better for those families that lost loved ones. You would think in this modern age we would be able to detect earthquakes sooner and have enough time to evacuate an area. This is a very sad article. Being of of the first female fighter pilots must have given her and her family great honor. I think that there should be more training for all pilots who deal in these acrobatic flying routines. I also think that women have just as much of a right to become a fighter pilot as men. The article that I just read was about the ongoing violence and fighting between Kenya and South Sudan. The words in the article really struck a nerve with me. It made me cry. There have been thousands of people who have lost their lives during this argument. It makes me want to reach out and help in any way possible. The fighting needs to stop and peace needs to be restored between these two nations. Josh, I just read about the Calais refugee camp that was set up in France to house the people from Syria that the maniac killing his own people drove away. The problem with all of this is the country of Syria must come to a place where they take back what has been taken from them. But you know why they can't? The citizens were not allowed to be armed and any weapons they have now have been supplied by us and the allies. Perfect example as to why our founders wrote the second amendment. I just read about all kinds of rioting going on in Ethiopia. It's really a shame what is going on over there. This is an area which has hopes of dramatic infrastructure improvement and new jobs. Many people and organizations have invested a lot of money and now have to wonder whether they should continue to invest in an area which may be destroyed by rioters. It's so sad to hear about these beautiful farms and nurseries just being gutted and destroyed. The farms now have all these workers and equipment with nothing to do. The farms are gone. It sounded as if some of the elders in the community tried to calm things down, and it worked in some areas, but other areas just raged on with riots and destruction. Can't these people see that they are ruining their own future? isis is now one of the major terrorists group operating in iraq . the Iraqi security forces are in constant war with it . isis have killed around 800 ppl in Iraqi city of Mosul and using 1000s of civilian as human shield to stop Iraqi forces advance and it make me worried that when it going to stop . we eliminate one group and another one pop up . this is a major concern for the world This is yet another tragedy in need of our justice! This time we have a plane crash that had killed some very important polish people. This has recently come under investigation for foul play. These people need justice in their case and we should support any justice that will bring the truth out for these unfortunate people! All in all the EU have to help the refugees. We have to treat people like we like to be treated. If there were a war here we also would be flee. We are afraid for violet’s so they otherwise they would say there. If they are in the EU we have to make sure there are no arguments , so we can still have our peaceful society. And I am sure that we have one thing in comment, we all live on the earth. I feel that it is a common thing to have intentions misplaced. The article seems to discuss what the difference is between perception versus reality. I love to understand what part of reality I can dissect to understand how I can do better myself. For example if a family member tells me that something does not look right on my body I usually take it off. For example I had a bad weave on my head one time and I took it off after church and never wore it again. I love to always look my best and if I don't I will usually correct the situation. The perception of fantasy is often when people get in trouble because they perceive it as reality. I have always received constructive criticism from my parents so that I can also distinguish the difference as well. Parents should often be the critic ok. Take a look at this story that I found online. It's about forest fires being spread out over a couple of different states, pretty interesting. I know that I sent you the pictures of what was happening around here, but you might be also interested in reading this story about how it is happening all over the place. It is sad that this is what is needed to get some people to pay attention to the immense damage that has been and is continuing to be done by global warming. Something should not have to affect you in order for it to matter. There are things that are a lot more important than your coffee fix. For instance, the people-like the people in the story-whose livelihoods are being put in danger because of global warming. I just read an article about the presidential campaign trail that focused on how sexist one of the candidates is. It's important that these issues are brought up, especially when it's on a national stage like this. I'm glad to hear people are publicly voicing their concerns and even revealing the troubling incidents they went through involving sexism. I hope after this political race is over, we can all reflect and learn to treat each other better. The situation in Delhi is very much a product of a 3rd world country trying to modernize. the use of fossil fuels and lack of sanitation has led to this country having intense smog problems. This has reached the point where it is harmful to children everyday even in school. Idk when this issue will be resolved but soemoen has to interevene. Isn't it just a shame the US is no longer the world leader when it comes to handling things like the Somali refugees? We should be in the lead with the repatriation efforts to help these poor people. Now, I know that we can't help every person in every nation but we should really be taking the international lead on issues like this. Since Trump became president it has been clear that people who are racist, misogynist, and sexist people have been hiding, probably because society overall expresses these things as a bad thing. But since they see a leader that is like them, it gives them fuel to be bad people in public and even are proud of it. I just hate Trump and everything about him as well as his supporters. Tigers are truly majestic creatures, and it's a shame that their numbers are decreasing. India cannot fight this battle on its own. The poachers sell to international buyers, so the governments of other countries should step in and help the Indian people combat these poachers. There should be a negative stigma on using any products made with tiger parts so that people would feel ashamed to contribute to this sordid smuggling trade. And yet the deniers still claim that there is no scientific basis for the claim of human involvement. I bet some of them will latch onto the El Nino contribution to "prove" that it's just the randomness of nature. However, they will fail to understand that it's only a random amplification of the effects that we a directly responsible for by spewing so much CO2 in to the atmosphere. We won't get them to act until people are literally dying in the street. Not a surprise to see the United States falling further down in the global rankings in yet another category. I think by the time our next Presidential election comes around we will be no longer be considered a destination country but anyone in the know. I don't see why this particular stat isn't a matter of culture though. I haven't met many women who expressed an interest in STEM and most of them didn't even want to talk to people who were into it when I was in college. Now women might be more interested but it still isn't going to be anything approaching equal because the culture doesn't work that way. Wow! I cannot believe I forgot about the Zika virus! How can we advance as a society to try to grasp a better understanding of this deadly virus? You would think as advanced as human civilization is we would understand more. Pregnant women who get Zika seem to be in the most danger. The effects it can have on the fetus is horrible! It is very scary to know that it can be passed along sexually even if a person was not feeling the symptoms.Africa and Asia seems to really need help fro the rest of the world in fighting this problem! I always read about these house fires and never think about them again. That is something that I should do less of. Maybe I can find a way to donate time or money for families in tragedies so that they can get back on their feet as soon as possible. This recent reversal of my attitude was because a friend of mine recently had their apartment burn out due to a building fire. Thinking about the refugee situation around the globe is so disheartening. There are so many people who are only trying to survive who cannot find support anywhere. Those of us in countries with resources really need to start pushing out legislators to accept and support these people, especially when their situations are the result of our own policies. Humans need to look out for each other far more--we should value every life the same, no matter the country of its origin. A mother pushed a stroller onto an elevator that was not there. The baby dies of injuries and the mother was hurt. The building had over 100 elevator violations but did not stay on top of things to make sure the elevators were working properly. The building neglience caused an infants death. I cant imagine going through something like that, that poor mother. I really don't care about the article I just read. It didn't make me feel any sort of emotions, but I'm forced to fill in this box. Is boredom an emotion? I felt that while reading that massive wall of text. Stuff like the economy and businesses isn't anything worth feeling emotion over. It's also not even really worth worrying about when it's not something you can actually do anything about yourself. This is just part of the troubling times we live in. There is a monster in the white House that a majority of the people did not elect and the Russian government had a hand in coming to power. He is breaking laws everyday and has the most corrupt cabinet in my lifetime. His agenda is simply to cause chaos and to profit off this as much as possible. The sooner this failed experiment is over the better of the nation will be. The only hope is that he doesnt start a nuclear war and that he will eventually be tried and brought to justice for his numerous crimes. I’m glad that I don’t work at Well’s Fargo. To think that they would push their employees to the brink of suicide and having mental health issues is totally ridiculous. And all in the name of the almighty dollar. I wish companies cared more for their employees, than their bottom line. I have worked for a company for over 30 years and in the early years, the company cared about its employees. They treated us like family. The last ten or fifteen years have been so difficult. They could care less about their loyal employees. They treat us like dirt. All they care about is how much money they can make, never caring about how much stress they are putting on their workers. There has got to be a better way. I’m so glad I will be retiring in another year or so. I don’t think I could st I reallly think this is quite sad. Poor people have the same sort of problems all over the world. I think this is because the rich are always keeping people down. I think that they pretend like everything is a racial struggle, but I suspect that the problems we face are largely because the rich are filthy rich and they have no empathy for the rest of us. This article is quite disturbing in the way that Americans act towards one another. The display of the Confederate flag means different things for different Americans all over the country and it kind of makes me sad with the way people treat one another. Being an American means uniting as one, not fighting over a flag or the real issue, legal citizens who may not be white. Hey have you heard about the polar bears? This global warming thing is going to take over there home land so fast. They will not be able to out swim the things that will b more of a chance at getting them because of whats happening right now. We have to help save the polar bears. Its been pretty terrible how the goverment and companoes just dont care to help save these animals. Another doom and gloom article about Trump. Not surprising, ethics and truth passed out of journalism long ago. Trump is not against renewable power, he just wants a free market and he is right. The free market is the only way you will get renewables to the efficiency that they need to go global and push carbon out. If you coddle them they will get fat and lazy and never move forward. The Paris treaty was a push toward globalism and a boon for the liberals who dream of an elite class ruling the world. This story makes me feel upset and aggravated because I hate that it is so easy to obtain guns in this country. I truly believe that there is no reason for anyone to have a gun and wish that the laws would change to make this the case, so I always feel frustrated reading about random shootings. I hate that we are subject to everyone else's violent whims as long as they can easily purchase a gun, so that makes me feel angry and also worried. I also feel sort of exhausted, since this happens in the news so much it just feels like yet another shooting story I have to be aware of, it's tiring. How could this guy been shot several times, yet managed to make it to the hospital and tell what happened to him. It would seem like he would be in critical condition if that's the case. Sounds very suspicious. And for what reason would a random person just be blindly shooting in a night club. The reporters need to get down to what really happened there. Did you see that Leonard Cohen passed away? You know, the guy who made the Hallelujah song. Poor guy passed away after suffering an injury but from what I hear he passed away in his sleep and he didn't suffer at all which is really good. It really makes you think that if he would of went to the hospital he might actually still be alive. Just make sure you get yourself checked if you ever hurt yourself. A priest was abducted and tortured in Mexico. Authorities think it was a robbery but the church is convinced it was due to him being a human rights activist. It sucks that it happened but in all fairness Mexico is a shit hole and well known for cartel actions such as this. How many of your peers have to get abducted and killed or tortured before you learn to shut the fuck up or get the fuck out? In the end nobody but themselves to blame. Wow! I didn;t know tigers were in such trouble! This makes me want to do more research and donate to the National Tiger Conservation Authority. We must protect these animals! It is so disturbing that poaching is still so problematic in today's society. I have heard of poaching of other animals, but rarely about tigers. I hope something can be done, and soon, to help tigers. Did you see where there was a buss crash on the highway this morning? I don't think anyone got badly hurt, but it just shows you how quickly things can go from good to bad. I hope the one at fault wasn't doing something stupid like texting while they were driving! I can't stand those people! Well, however it happened, I'm just glad no one was seriously hurt or killed. Trump is a fool. Climate change is real and it's starting to effect us directly. I wonder when he'll realize we have to do something. How much does it take? Maybe his golf curse has to catch fire just like the forests. This doesn't only effect us but the whole world and the life on it. United States needs to take action before it's too late. Well nothing about this article was suprising to me. I'm sure it wasn't to you either. We've talked before about how much politicians like to brag, but there's very little to back up the whole "America is the greatest country in the world" thing. Interesting that South Korea has the most patents per people though. This is also good. Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, were "deeply saddened" by the passing of Reno, calling her "an extraordinary public servant who dedicated her life to advancing justice, equality, and innovations in criminal justice that would save and lift lives." "As Attorney General for all eight years of my Presidency, Janet worked tirelessly to make our communities safer, protect the vulnerable, and to strike the right balance between seeking justice and avoiding abuse of power," Clinton said in the statement, listing some of her top accomplishments. So when I was a kid, the big thing I used to remember was reading about the poachers in Africa grinding down animal parts to then put into powder for men to snort to work like viagra. Today apparently those guys are going even further. They are hunting everything and anything just to make a profit. Not a surprise I'm deeply disturbed to hear about actions being taking that could potentially curtail black Americans' ability to vote. The GOP has obviously been working to sabotage voting of minorities because they see them as a threat since they do not traditionally vote for Republican candidates. This needs to stop. wow its just amazing to me how many countries look the other way while civilians are being killed or injured . Over 300 killed and over 400 injured in less then one month . There is no excuse for this . There is nothing on earth that should make this ok . I am sad for them . SO many lives are affected when will it stop? Things are really heating up i dont know how much longer we can keep things up like this. if we can help they should tell us clearly how we can help out so that the temperature doesnt get too high. if it gets too hot then things will be really messed up for us and our childrens futures will be in danger Hi mike, I hope you are. It's been hard to have these days over there when you need me here, my friend. I hope that you are taking care of all the dangers that you are going through, that you do it for us, for your people, your country but leaving aside all that you must teach in you and your family that are waiting for you here I hope you are well and can see you soon mike I just read about the Elephants being killed for their ivory. It is such a sad thing that these elephants can't be protected by all nations. I think we should try to do more. Maybe do some research and see if we can help. I would sure hate to see elephants disappear and that is the way things are going right now. It would be a shame to lose these beautiful animals, just because of ivory. When is the world going to realize that they need to start charging bullies with murder when kids kill themselves? Seriously, if you torture someone emotionally, how is that different from doing it physically? It's not. You're doing an insane amount of damage to someone's psyche, enough for them to commit suicide. Prosecute the kids bullying as adults, and start punishing these kids harshly enough to deter them from doing it ever again. Any adults aware and ignoring it? Charge them as accomplices to murder. I just read a story about the tragic deaths that occurred as a result of the terrorist group in 2015 in Paris. It was gruesome to hear one man's account of the story. He said the shootings went on for 3 hours, and when stopped, it was only so they could load more ammunition and fire more. I couldn't help but think about the people out in the crowd who where hit and killed. It's disturbing just imagining that scene and the terror. And then one man, George Salines, got a call no one would want. That his daughter was among the 130 killed. The loss has affected his whole life, he left his job and everything. In one moment, anyone can be affected by severe tragedy. I read an article about using the Internet and computers in the classroom, and how it affects kids. The article mainly talked about E-rate, a government program to subsidize the Internet and broadband access. It said that most classrooms are now connected, but the millions of dollars are still being spent. The program seemed to be wasting a lot of money and wasn't showing good results. I agree that just buying computers and being on the Internet doesn't guarantee that kids are receiving a good education. It looks like Wells Fargo was illegally confiscating cars of service members to pay off debts, repossessing them. This is a terrible situation and thing to do, I can't imagine having my car repossessed, and how awful that must be on so many levels. Not having your car, having to watch them take it away, and everything. Thinking of the earthquakes, makes me think of the issue on global warming and climate change. It seems like we are having more and more natural disasters. This leads you to think of the cause and how climate change had to be happening. I could not imagine. Shows you to be grateful, you never know what could happen. Something are just out of your control. You know powerbars and protein bars? Well I just read about the next step called colon cleanse bars. No its not a diet food. Supposedly you eat it to "prep" your stomach for a colonoscopy. Well I bet you anything that in a week after production, every model and Hollywood actress starts popping these things as a diet pill The political divide in this country has only gotten worse over the years. Trump in particular has allow a rather nasty aspect of American society to rise to the surface and be open about their nastiness. This means that people on opposite political spectrum cannot see eye-to-eye at all. This makes compromise even worse and less likely to succeed. We should really do more for our veterans who come back with traumatic experiences. They do so much for the country, but they barely get the care they need when they come back. How rude of our president to make little of their situation. He has never and will never be their own shoes. He grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth with no pity for anyone. I can't begin to imagine going through that night. The recollection from the survivor is horrifying. I cannot fathom the thoughts and emotions of those who were there trapped for hours. The loss of so many makes it easier to become desensitized to it, but hearing the individual stories makes it so real and sad. Russia claims bombed UN aid convoy was 'escorted by terrorists A UN aid convoy that was bombed on Monday night was escorted by a "terrorists", Russia has claimed in response to accusations it was behind the deadly attacks. Moscow has denied hitting the UN convoy, which was bombed as it delivered food aid to opposition-held parts of Aleppo on Monday night, minutes after the military declared the end of a ceasefire. The strikes, carried out by either Syrian or allied Russian warplanes, hit Syrian Red Crescent trucks as staff members were unloading aid in Urem al-Kubra in Aleppo province. More than a dozen were killed including Omar Barakat, the organisation’s director. Pictures shared by activists showed burned bodies next to a UNHCR badge. Russia's defence ministry relea In my opinion, the girl mentioned in the article is just plain stupid. She shouldn't be taking selfies in the first place while driving, not only to mention that she was topless just so her boyfriend could get a look at "the goods." While you're driving, you should be paying attention and not playing on your cell phone because you're putting the lives of others at risk. The modeling industry is very different than the rest of the world it seems. I read an article that male models, even the best ones, are paid a fraction of what female models earn. I guess this is because a lot more money is spent by woman in the fashion and personal products industry. The article says more men are grooming themselves and it's starting to bring wages for male models slowly up. I guess that's just business. Now a days crime rate increased and now no safe for Muslim religion on USA, the american's doing something fishy and wanted. on New York city A Muslim woman’s clothing was set on fire while she walked down New York City’s Fifth Avenue, the police suspected a man who is standing with lighter and who ran away. This is a sad article. Some many things are unknown for those born outside the country. It is always unfair that others are able to get deported after spending most of their lives in the USA, especially those that came at a very early age. Also US parents that adopt children should be granted us citizenship. I can't believe what a nuisance gold fish can be. The fact that they can cause so much damage to an environment and have no natural predators is crazy. It makes you second guess flushing the fish down the toilet as it may survive. It's hard to believe that they get so big since they are usually just little fish in a small tank. Also it's weird that they travel so far considering we usually just see them swimming in circles. I'm just in shock at what I read. All these migrants attempting to make a better life for themselves ironically met an untimely and unexpected end. We must think about all these poor people who are forced to flee and find better lives. We must learn to accept them instead of having them forced to survive. I had no idea that Zika was discovered in 1947 and that there was an outbreak in 2007. As far as I knew, it was only the very recent outbreak that Zika was discovered. How wrong I was. It was actually really heartening to read this, because I want to start a family in the next few years and I was practically twitching with anxiety. I tend to get bitten by a ton of mosquitoes every summer no matter what I do while my husband doesn't get bit at all. And what about global climate change pushing things like this further north? It is good to know that it comes in and out of viral "fashion" and that there is a herd immunity aspect to it. Maybe I can put down the mosquito shotgun for now and aim for a slightly stronger spray for my clothing. I'm glad that she let her customers know right away, that was very responsible of her. There's so many scammers out there and people who try to rip people off you can never be too careful. I'm always real careful when I order anything on the internet checking reviews and everything because I've been ripped off before. I ordered a handbag and it wasn't anything like it was perceived to be online. So sad. Why is it that the social media giants can quickly shut down conservative speech, but cannot get a handle on these "suicide groups"? Mental health needs to be taken more seriously in this country or any country. With mental health not covered by a lot of insurance policies, suicide and depression will continue to be problems. I feel for these kids. I know what it feels like to feel depressed and hopeless. But anyone that preys on kids in these conditions needs to go to jail. It infuriates me. Trump is a completely terrible president. Don't you agree? He's done nothing for the country, it's no wonder that he's gone down so far in the polls. anyone who supports him better comment so I can unfriend you right now. It's ridiculous. If you support him, you support racism, homophobia, xenophobia, divisiveness, and hate. People love to go and see animals and experience them in the wild, especially in their natural habitats. You have to stop and think how this can be affecting these said animals. Public access to wild animals in their natural environment can drop birth rates and even cause death to the animals. They can become endangered and some people even go as far as to hunt them. Global warming is real. The effects that is having on the polar bears will soon have the same effects on us. The research is showing that the bears are having shorter seasons of breeding and hunting. The ice is melting at a constant rate, but there is already a 7 to 9 day shift on the b time that they spend on the ice. They do most of their hunting on the ice and that how to meet their mates, so it is very important to them. It may not seem important to you yet, but as the Ice melts it will not only hurt the bears it will hurt you too. Rising sea level will hurt people like you that live in coastal areas. I hope you change your mind on how you feel about global warming and the melting of the ice. Our actions may have an affect on the polar bears and I believe we should think about it. After reading this article on some of the federal prisons, I am extremely upset about the treatment of prisoners in these facilities. The way that the guards are treating the prisoners are literally inhumane. I understand that the prisoners are convicts and felons and really deserve to be place in prison as their punishment, but there needs to be accountability for the actions of the guards mistreating them and basically treating them like animals. Prisons are about rehabilitation or at least they should be, but in this article with the countless reports from prisoners about very distressing and disturbing situations I can't fathom to understand what goes on in the minds of these guards running the prisons. We seriously need to do something about these conditions. I still don't like Kim Jong-un, but he may be starting to realize that being cooperative and living peacefully is a better way of living and leading, rather than the aggressive, threatening leader he is trying to show us in the past. We may never know his real motives, but as long as North Korea cooperates and be a productive nation, then a lot of other countries will help them in times of need. My amazement with the acts of random humans never ceases. I often question how it is that I, another random human in this mixed up shit-hole we call "Planet Earth", can have unlimited empathy (to the level that I won't even squash a bug) and other people will go out of their way to run over an animal crossing the road. Humans can be rather sadistic and disgusting individuals. Every single day of my life I hear of some crazy story about someone beating something to death. I am shocked and saddened by this. What a sad and terrible tragedy. I feel so sorry for all the victims and those affected by this event. I can't even imagine how devastating this must be for them. What an incredible catastrophe. My thoughts and prayers and best wishes go out for all the many people affected by this tragic catastrophe. I hope that everyone stays safe for the foreseeable future. I am still in shock. This situation I read about concerning refugees fleeing to Mediterranean countries such as Greece and Italy is sad and concerns me. Clearly the conditions in their native countries have gotten to be so unbearable that they are willing to risk their own and their families' lives to try for a different life in another country, with no guarantee that life there would be an improvement. Its difficult to understand. Life must be so terrible in these countries due to horrendous governance, which I suppose is something difficult for the typical American to picture. I'm glad that we live in a country where there are relative freedoms and the individual and his or her family can live independently and get their needs met and wants. Living in fear is no way to live. Wells Fargo has seem to hit an all time low is the company satisfaction and moral. The super giant bank seems like it does not care about the well being of its employees mental health. Mental health in the work place is very important for a long and energetic life. It seem like this bank doesn't even care. Employees have noted that there have been thought of suicide and hurting themselves as a result or the work load. All of you know that I love birds. This article was hard for me to read because of that. Wind turbines are killing a lot of birds, including eagles. It's really very sad. It makes me feel awful. I am all for wind turbines and renewable sources of energy because of global warming and coal, but this is awful. I don't want these poor birds to die like this. Read this article and you'll see why. You know, the world has progressed so far in the last few hundreds years, that it is slight off kilter that we allow the disappearance of goods and services to ensue. Is it always the fault of big business and government to allow things to go wrong as the case with diseases coconut and the potential that they cannot be saved. Are we not smart enough to ensure that before something disappears from the face of the earth, that we find a way to correct it, protect it, live with it. What happens when we run out of coconuts. Nothing bad will happen but we need not exploit things just cause we can. I don't know if you ever owned or read a copy of National Geographic magazine but there is something interesting that has occurred in the news lately. It appears that the little Afghan girl, who was made famous on one of their covers, was arrested for trying to cross into Pakistan. She was trying to enter as an unregistered immigrant instead of a refugee. The Pakistan government wants to have her arrested. I mean afterall, she's just trying to do what's best for herself by escaping a land that is overrun with various terrorist groups and warring clans. I'm not sure if even the UN can provide her the assistance she needs. What it really comes down to is a matter of trying to get out of a bad situation in favor of one that is much more promising. I really think this is unfair to me. Hey, I think that you should check out this article. I feel bad for the citizens down in Mexico City and South America. They are going through some troubled times and America is barely doing anything to help out with their situation. Those children do not deserve the life they are going through at the moment and I believe that we should do something to make them feel like they are proud to be apart of their country. Global warming is an issue that has been brewing for some time and seems to be getting torn in all directions as it is not a grey issue but a black and white issue meaning it is either happening or it is not. It is hard to see which side has the more valid argument over the other since everyone involved is so passionate about their side of it all. I bring you sad news today, my friend. A male wolf member of the Huckleberry pack has been slaughtered. How can they do this without consequences? This event happened in Montana. I have heard similar stories in that region of wolves being gunned down, especially from helicopters. It makes my heart feel heavy. I know you will feel the same way. I am strongly considering giving a donation to the Center for Biological Diversity because they are fighting on behalf of wolves to stop this murder. It was so cruel because the male was simply wandering for a mate. He didn't deserve what happened. No need to read this article for my fellow animal lovers. Its just sad and kinda infuriating. People are just worthless shits. There really isnt much else to say about this. It was a preventable accident that didnt have to happen but did anyway because of people's thoughtlessness and carelessness and probably for fucking financial reasons as well. Drunk driver I’m guessing. It is horrible. I hope he rots in jail. I have no sympathy for drunk drivers. It’s not fair that he gets to live. He took the lives of a mother and her children. I can’t imagine what I would do if that happened to my family. Life is so precious. It can be taken away so fast and so randomly. I certainly feel bad for people having to live in such horrible conditions. However, I also feel bad for the regions that these refugees are going to. It has to be a huge strain on these countries to accept large numbers of homeless that will just depress their economy. It is a tough situation and I can see both sides of it. I don't understand what I read here. The students were hijacking buses? What the hell? Regardless, the local police should not have turned them over to a drug cartel. I'm sure they are probably dead by now, but I support the family finding out what happened and get justice. They were kids, they didn't deserve to be killed for this. I have not heard of this story, but wanted to see if you knew anything about it. I know we were talking the other day about being worried about getting stuck in a situation like this because of all the recent shootings. I think this story was a real eye opener for me, because it shows just how easy something like this happening would be. I feel that what you said about mental health and paying more attention to the youth is really another central point to this story. This story made me think even more about owning a gun and having a open carry permit to keep safe and be able to protect my loved ones and family. Hello, I have just read this article and have to say that it was a very good and interesting read. It is about the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health and they discuss how smoking should be banned in all parks, zoos, and playgrounds to reduce the chances of children growing up thinking that using cigarettes is normal. I can see why some might say that this is the last step before criminalization of the product and consumer. Talking about Donald Trump is so depressing at this point. I wish that article had a little more about climate change in it, which seems to be the current biggest actual crisis of his presidency, but for some reason (horrifyingly) that topic divides people.I want to hear from people who have voted for him and who's minds have changed. The research team from Australia’s University of Queensland said the Earth has lost nearly 1.3 million square miles of wilderness. They’ve defined wilderness as an area with no human development. Dr. James Watson of the University of Queensland in Australia said globally important wilderness areas are completely ignored in environmental policy, and much has been paid to the loss of species. Without any policies to protect them, they are “falling victim to widespread development,” he added. Dr. Watson also revealed that humanity has one to two decades to turn things around. To date, the world has a total of 30.1 million km2, or around 20 percent of the world’s land area, that remain as wilderness, with the majority being located in countries in North America, North Asia, Australia and Nort It's interesting that Hughes was denied entrance at first - he had claimed that Muslim guards worked with the terrorists, but later retracted that and apologized. Might have been a bigoted knee jerk reaction. It is nice that these bands came back to honor those lost in the attack. I bet it was very emotional to be there. I dont really have feeling towards the article i just read. This article did not really interest me in the slightest. On the other hand i do feel like any one that is associated with bin laden or that any one that is as sympathizer or a terrorist should be indicted and charged with acts of terrorism. I just recently read an article about the drought out in the West. I had heard about the lack of water supply in California but I hadn't heard anything at all about the suffering in Nevada also. It seems that lots of Nevadians, especially the Native Americans who own land there are in trouble from the lack of water. With everything dying, it is difficult for them to keep animals alive. Is it also causing problems in families. Who would think that lack of water would be the cause of violence, abuse, and neglect. Such a sad article. Hundreds of people marched through the city, disrupting traffic and spray-painting graffiti. Authorities reported instances of vandalism and assault during a rally that organizers had billed as peaceful earlier in the day. In other parts of the country, spirited demonstrations on college campuses and peaceful marches along downtown streets have taken place since Wednesday. –– ADVERTISEMENT –– A mainly peaceful protest by about 3,000 people ended in Los Angeles early Saturday with about 200 arrests for failure to disperse after police broke up the lingering demonstration. Hundreds joined a Friday afternoon “love rally” in Washington Square Park in Manhattan. Why do people think they can just illegally enter a country? The article sounds so sympathetic and bias. Why do people act like coming here illegally is not breaking a law? "They haven't broken any laws!" Yes, they have. You break the law when you enter illegally! What the fuck! And you got Liberal scholars defending immigrants, repeating that nonsense of, "They don't break any laws!" What the fuck? As a Mexican, I am appalled by other Mexicans defending this nonsense and seeing Mexico encourage this illegal immigration shit. Mexico needs to fix itself so that it can house people that won't want to run away from it. Fuck Mexico, they have ruined a lot of lives and they are not held responsible. Quit being politically correct about Mexico. Hold them accountable. To make sure that others are becoming a known way with how others are going to perform, with how others are going to be and how the people are being shown with how they're being done. To make sure that I can be done with how it can be done with how it can't be done. It has to be with how others are doing and making sure that has a lot of things, which make others understand with how their message and be shown and be helped. Hey, did you read this article? South Korea always seems to have something going on. 26 were hospitalized and 29 were treated at the scene. It seems like more and more often this kind of thing is happening. There has to be a better way of getting points across without injuries. It's crazy and really unnecessary to cause harm for this. Well I just read this ridiculously long article about someone who would take vacations with their family I think. The person just talked about some of their trips, and talked about how vacations and travel in general can expand you as a person. I agree with this claim, and wish traveling could be a little cheaper. I just read a really, really long article about the outrageous use of torture by our government during the never-ending, so-called "War on Terror." Our tax dollars have been used to torture detainees (some of them who have been proven to be entirely innocent) which is a direct violation of international law and the US Constitution. Those who suffered this brutal treatment are now experiencing long term physical and psychological problems. The government has stonewalled and tried to keep the details classified. Since you moved to Anchorage, I’m sure you’ve been aware of all the unsolved homicides that have occurred. Just wanted to say “stay safe”. Hopefully, that guy that shot at the police officer the other day and whose gun they say was used in some of those unsolved cases, was the killer. If so, his reign of terror is over. How sad that those people died for what appears to be just being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I just don’t understand how someone can take the life of another unless their own life is being threatened. Who knows though? The killer could be mentally ill and think that perfect strangers ARE threatening them! Anyway, keep your eyes open and be careful! Okay, I live by the Arkansas River so I know about snapping turtles. All this guy had to do is move to another spot and the turtle was not going to chase him down. I'm sure the guy must have been near a nest or something if the turtle tried to attack. Still, should he be charged with a felony? My Granny Jones used to make turtle soup out of the snappers they fished out of her creek. I guess the difference is he wasn't killing the turtle for food...But, a felony? It's a little bit troubling that these teachers would be forced to leave because of political tension. It's not right that they would lose their jobs and their homes. There should be another way to resolve this issue. It's good that people are protesting this and they should be. Teachers play such a huge role and it will not be good for the students to be in the middle of this. Passing this article along to you because I know you will think this is absurd. Gay men are not being allowed to donate blood to the victims of the Pulse Nightclub shooting. Isn't that crazy! Apparently, outdated rules put them at high risk for HIV and they can not donate for fear of spreading HIV. This is super discriminatory as HIV is not just found in gay men. People instead should be appropriately tested for HIV. I just read a very sad article on the elderly that are stuck in Aleppo, Syria due to the war there. Apparently, 200,000 people are unable to get out due to the government's siege of the area. There is a decreased access to food and resources for long term medical conditions are scarce. The elderly are having to sacrifice their well-being for the well-being of their children and grandchildren. The war needs to come to an end soon, before there is more suffering by the people of Syria. I can not blame people for leaving. Living in an area that is prone to natural disasters, like an area that is below sea level and near a coast, is a bad idea. It is bad for the government of Louisiana, but you can't blame these people for getting out. And, of course, there is nothing that they can do to stop them. Trump refuses to take a salary from the government for being president. Well he is rich so $400,000 is probably nothing to him. Its saving the government but that would probably be the only smart move hes made since hes been in the white house period. Im not a Trump supporter but I like the idea that he chose to save the government money. Although coal kils I did learn that coal is important for baseload energy generation, coal plants are safe and easy to maintain and the fuel can easily be transported and the residue disposed of. Coal (with varying qualities) is an abundant resource, available to many countries within their borders. Uranium on the other hand requires a lot more work and safety precautions before reaching a point where it can be used as nuclear fuel.India is unfortunate as usual to be on the short end of the stick. To show with how it can be done and understanding with how others are making sure that I'm not making sure, which of these things are becoming worse and how it's not being told with how the private message isn't being shown. I believe that it can't be how my friend is, because it's just not important and with it being bad, it's just not really good. I really like Kate and she is an amazing actress. It sucks that she and her husband after so many years have decided to call it quits. America has one of the highest divorce rates in the world, which makes me feel that love is harder to attain today. Although I am a hopeless romantic and I feel that not every coupling has to be condemned to such a fate as Kate, Len and most Americans have to endure. Just came across an article that involves shootings and people being killed. The story is about a white person in his 50's if I am not mistaking that was bothered by the loud music that was playing in a Durango by some black teenagers at a gas station in Florida. There was an argument regarding the music and some exchange of words. The white guy shot the 17 year old black kid 6 times. He was convicted for life with the possibility of parole after 2 years. He was denied. These situations are complicated and they are happening quite often lately. There should be a limit on many things, and one of them should be the guns. There should be a stricter gun control . how are you drake I hope you are enjoying your new life and your stay in new york, I hope you enjoy this new stage of your life now that you are working as a journalist I hope to see you soon in a big television network or read your articles in the biggest national newspapers I hope it's good for you, my friend, see you later and take good care of yourself Im shocked at the possibility, and now at the direct knowledge that the opiate crisis in america not only affects older people (adults), but also very young children as well. Opiate overdoses are sad and brutal but the same thing for a child stirs shock and sadness within me to think of the reasons it occurs and that could certainly be prevented. There has been uprisings in Ethiopia. Looks like many people aren't happy with the industrialization and foreign investments taking place there. People had axes and sounded like a pretty serious event that may continue. Foreign investors are taking notice and may rethink their investments there or in the future. Really don't think of foreign investments in ethipoia but I guess there is. This is a terrible story, but we can't go so far as to blame an entire religion for the actions of some. We hope what happened to Paris never happens again, but we simply need a bit more security and people with their eyes open - not attitudes against an entire religion or people. Consider these unfortunate ways of rallying countries behind one cause of peace. Polar bears deserve the respect they deserve. They do not deserve to be treated the way they are now. There's no reason to kill these animals and it disgusts me that humans exist just to cause harm to them. I hope one day there's a collective effort to stop the growing genocide of these gentle and humble creatures. What a legend, am I right friend. I have never really got into Lenoard Cohan much but I realize hard work when I see it. This man is a legend in his own rights. Books, poetry books while still an undergraduate. This man did it all. Did you know he was afraid to sing really and hated being in front of all the people at first but obviously he got over it eventually. That makes him so relatable towards me. I feel pretty sympathetic towards the family, they lost a great man. I am glad he made so much music cause his stuff will live on forever. Thats why I wanted to be a rockstar, to live on after I die. i was reading about this article and got caught up in it because of the main topic when it had started, it began talking about all of these massive shootings that have been going on around the country. i felt like that was the main idea and discussing the murders in the united states i feel like they could have posted the differences between the states and other countries around the world as well. its free writing but i think it makes americans look bad. i was reading about a dad who lost his daughter in the Charlie Hedbo attacks in Paris. it was touching. i mean, it was dark, him talking about losing her and those feeling, as well as those of other people who lived it. but his story touched me. he was talking about all the notes he recieved and how there was such an outpouring. he wrote a book, and he's healing. nice to see theres some form of recovery after something so awful Getting old is sad. I hope they pull through. But, many people never reach 86. So, I can't feel too bad for them. They also probably lived a life many of us can only dream about. This might sound wrong, but I will probably forget about this in 5 minutes. Life goes on. I've already spent more time thinking about them than they will ever think about me. you will not believe the crazy article i just read. Let me tell you about it. The article was about a man who had killed himself after killing his wife and the main thing that was being questioned was "why did he have to die?" What??? I don't understand why they aren't looking into why he killed his wife since they don't know. Its pretty easy to speculate why he killed himself. I just don't even know what to think about this article. Hello Friend. How are you? How is your family? We had some time without contact, we should avoid that and always communicate. Of sure where you live this that I am going to say to you is already news but, friend, you must take care of you and your family please. I do not know if you found out but I read in a digital online newspaper samples of violence in Philadelphia, I could not get out of my head that you live in that place. Apparently a person who was armed shot in the stomach to an elderly man and another person who was accompanying him. One of the reports I've heard from the police is that the crime weapon has not been found, which makes me suppose that until now the police have no idea who was, and neither the clues to catch the bad guy. The police do not know anything so it means t Please hug your loved ones because they may be gone at any moments of time. If you were in an argument with any of them please reconsider what has happened in the past and let it go. Life is short and we all have only one life to live on this planet. We should all cherish each other and enjoy life to the fullest. This is terrible and really solidifies everything I feel about the racially tense issues going on in america right now that are just fueled by our current president. No one should ever have to be a victim of a senseless act only because of the type of person they are. We are all equal no matter our religion race anything. We need to really open our eyes up and realize there needs to be more love in the world. It seems like the premises of this arguement is so shaky. Just because Russia and Poland may have had tensions for a while, it does not justify that they assassinated the guy. I mean, if everyone just assumex their enemy is the result of their misfortune, they will just be creating false tension with no real purpose. I understand that he is upset for their lost, and that this was avoidable from bad weather and pilot control, but still. First of all, I guess I'm being too naive in my thinking that the KKK no longer existed. Also, I cannot see that this had anything to do with Trump, himself, but more some radical group trying to tie themselves to the Trump Campaign to make him look bad. I would not be surprised if this was "fake news" drummed up by the Democratic party in order to smear Trump. I really feel bad for the Yemeni people. They were already unfortunate enough before this civil unrest. Now it has gotten worse and too many people are dying. I really pray that there is some order and that peace comes to this country. I feel for the family members of the the sick, wounded, and dead. This is totally unsurpising for the UAE. The laws are usually lenient in these extreme cases though, which makes this occurence a strange one. There is some ulterior political motive at work here. This woman's misfortune is being used to advance some goal most likely. I wonder what they're up to. What do you think? I just read an article that outlines what Obama did to help the "poor" compared to what Trump wants to do to take these things away. Obviously, the poor are going to have a much harder time under Trump's administration. I think it goes without saying that I hate this guy and I can't believe he is our president. I am counting the days til the next presidential election. If these idiots vote for him again, well, I won't believe it. Although, I didn't believe he would be voted in in the first place either. It is just sad that our country is taking ten steps way way back voting in this guy. Mexico is disturbed by our current President Donald J Trump. Their currency Pesos dropped a lot when he was elected. Trump wants to build a wall between the two countries borders as well. The Mexican government seems very apprehensive about our new glorious President. Their economy might drop due to the building of the wall and lowering of all the immigrants trying to get into the U.S. by crossing into our borders. These type of events of bomb explosions and terrorist threats are extremely dangerous and should be taken very seriously. People are just going around for their day and they don't really know what could happen to them and these type of incidents are very tragic and hurtful. The security measures in the United States should be more careful and should check anyone that is suspicious and make the country a safer place than how it already is. I felt sad that the turtles are fading because of the habitat temperature rising annually. We, as humans can help I think by trying to not contribute to the increase of Carbon Dioxide consumption, we can stop global warming and try to help t he sea turtles from going extinct and so our children and grandchildren can see them in the future. Hey, this article really shows how people can be compassionate in even the hardest places to do so. It's really an inspiring thing for them to do to go in and save these animals even in the midst of an ongoing conflict where they could have come to harm, as well as the animals. Also important is the situation in Gaza, and other conflict zones, makes it rather difficult to maintain a humanely run zoo, and have veterinarians on hand in case the animals become ill. I cannot believe that the women in Trump's base don't understand that they are electing men who continue to ensure that they remain subservient and demeaned. I understand the whole "traditional family" structure, but this is ridiculous. Averting your eyes to abject misogyny because you want to win is appalling and disgusting. I just don't understand. Ugh another big fight in Edinburgh. The city seems to have all kinds of problems like that. Plus they are kids! Where are the parents when the kids are out there fighting and attacking people in the street. Its just disgusting. I'm just happy that their victim wasn't badly hurt, but unless these kids face consequences they will just do it again and again. I think their parents should be held liable if their kids don't stop acting this way because it is obviously the fault of the parents for failing to take control of their kids. Seriously, what's wrong with this guy! Who throws an animal to the ground for no reason. What a jerk. I hope the judge throws the book at him. He doesn't necessarily deserve jail time, but I'm thinking a hefty fine as well as many hours of community service. Sea World should file a restraining order from this guy as well. The story about a woman theat was thinking of places she had been before and the terrorist attacks that had taken place. the thought of being in a place and having to worry about someone trying to shoot or inflict harm upon others is disheartening and makes me not waant to go out in public anymore for fear of my life. Ugh - can you believe this story? First - why not just go to the doctor? Don't be shy, it's your dick we're talking about. Then, why insert a chopstick SO FAR THAT YOU COULDN"T GET IT OUT. Holy crap, that sounds awful. I am totally shocked to read this and can only imagine the pain - but then again, he did bring it upon himself. Wow, it is pretty sad to see a happy family be devestated by a preventable cause. I send my prayers out to whomever was in immediate relations with the family. This makes me be more grateful for everyday life because i really don't know when my last day will be. I hope the fire department workers are emotionally well, because i know it can be distressful to see these thinga happen This is really a moving story and I could see it being motivating for a lot of women. They can realize that anyone can be at risk for cancer. It doesn't matter whether you are a favour actress or an ordinary person. It can be devastating to families and often affects them in many different ways. Such stories should be more accessible to give people hope. The Chicago district has shutdown about twenty five percent of there public drinking fountains. They have found levels of lead that are great in this area. It is believed that about one out of seven children have levels of lead in their system that the EPA deems too high. After the outbreak in Flint, I can see for their concerns. It does seem silly that people in committed relationships are still affected by the donating ban, but I can also understand why such a ban was put in place. The trouble with anything is that when you try to protect some people, others rights seem to always be infringed and we're forced to decide which offense is greater and more important. I don't see why someone can't be tested, found to be clean and then give blood but I can understand why especially in an emergency when things can easily get overlooked the ban is a good idea. What I learned about nature is that they cannot be predicted. Nature can look beautiful in one instance and can kill you in the next. Take a look at this shark incident. poor guy was play a game with some buddies and lost his life for no reason. Today you are here and tomorrow you are gone. Try to live as long as you possibly can before some shit comes along and tries to take it away. It is so sad to hear about the poor victims of the train derailment. I feel that these types of accidents could be reduced if proper maintenance and planning are administered more carefully. When using mass transit the last thing anyone should be thinking about is "Are we going to die this time". When you travel you want to have fun and you hope for a great time. These types of tragedies should be scrutinized by the governments where it happens frequently. I think the article is a bit hard to read. It is about the environment and El Nino and how they interact. The article was also about pollution and how the environment is changed by certain chemicals in the air. Because it's a science based article, it's a little hard to understand what the conclusion is. Oh my god... I can't even imagine the fear those two poor boys must have felt. I can only hope they did not see it coming. How disturbed must one be to see this sort of thing as the only way out, the right thing to do? The pain and loss this family is feeling is probably only compounded due to the conflicting feelings of someone you love committing such an atrocious act on others you love, whose lives were just beginning. Poor babies... I do hope they didn't suffer. It shows that complaints of domestic issues should be taken seriously, by everyone. It states he was under investigation/being sought for domestic violations. How did he even get his hands on those boys? It's so sad. You have what amounts to a horrible murder case in a rich area of Manhattan. Usually in a case like this police struggle to come up with a single suspect, but in this instance, you have two. There is no lack of evidence either. The police found a tremendous amount of evidence at the scene. Did they collaborate on the murder? If not, which one did it? The police will have a hard time with this one. Hey! Did you hear about the elephant stuff in Africa? I know you care a lot about the environment so I thought you should see this. There are some countries that are for the poaching of elephants if you can believe it. Some more rural communities say that the animals harm their crops. I've never heard this side of the argument before! I'm not saying I agree with it, but we're over here in America and have a way different perspective on the issues. It's interesting to see how different things are over there. Man, dont you just worry somtimes about how we got here? Its like I always knew this country which I love so much, was uncover still the most raciest place. The win of Trump just made it so much easier for all his ignorant like mined follows to treat people of color and some women, not at there equal, but as people who dont matter. Its sickens me to think about all they have done to people of color the most. Its like we are in 1960 again. This is such a sad way for this actor to have to go. He contributed so much to his field, and he deserves a smooth, peaceful exit to life. I really hope that he and his friends and family will be okay. I know that it can be incredibly hard on the family to deal with these types of diseases and physical issues. Wishing them all the best. Was this really Neo-Nazi fucktards? Or was this a left-wing attempt to incite minorities and drive them to the polls? Why are we not past this crap? Ridiculous. I love a lot of things about being Southern, but this crap drives me nuts. Who does this? Can we bring back the stockade? Tar and feather? There are no words for how much I ignore Trump and his antics. It has made me numb and lose hope in the whole system. I no longer feel anything loyalty for America or its system. I think it is all a sham and no one should have to feel like that about their own country where they pay taxes to live and work and breathe. You know I don't do politics and here is the reason..... "Moldovan Presidential Candidate Criticized For Being A Single Woman — And we thought U.S. politics was strange at the moment. Moldovan presidential candidate Maia Sandu isn’t married. And apparently that’s a huge problem for a lot of people, including her country’s leading religious and political figures." The press and political zealots have nothing better to talk about than if a presidential candidate is married. Seriously...if she were a he we would hardly be having the conversation. I would hazard a guess there are much more pressing issues to be debated. That is nice. Isis is using Chemical Weapons against us now? What is the world coming to, and how much longer are we going to put our military out there for this? Especially now that they are being exposed to chemicals that can burn the skin, and due some bad damage. This doesn't doesn't seem right at all. Some people are just disturbed. Everyone is going to point to mental illness in something like this, but I fear that when things like this happens, it gets easier and easier just to point at people and call them mentally ill. I fear that eventually we are going to get to the point where you can classify someone as mentally ill by the crowd. Just finger pointing. I feel for these victims and the victims of crimes in the future because we spend too much time making excuses and pointing fingers rather than dealing with the problems at hand.