the white holocaust of ukraine from russian jew communists . the state of heritage defense there r some smart people on altright . if they expelled bloated brain damaged virgin neo-na they are #wmd's just like negroids and mestizo's wake-up white man the race war has already begun ! #whitegenocide they must have been some of those white supremacists beating people in frustration over the removal of confederate monuments . they really need to watch out for antifa . antifa may have hidden weapons under clothing as this jew is lying . western civilization is white civilization . this magnifies ( ( ( proliferating ) ) ) anti-white agenda.the problem ~ many euro-descent millennials see ( ( ( them ) ) ) as white not ( ( ( subversion ) ) ) this picture looks like a where are they now for a worse version of white snake this should be a huge redpill for the normies - only white nationalists care about white lives . thy block your site on school internet but dont block black lives matter lol tonight hangouts from with from and from . can't wait ! #altright too white not right : non-white hysteria over white as snow miss france via via top ten charts # 7 : by 2050 less than half of america's population will be white trumps white walkers : winter is coming two questionable cubans sure don't represent white protestant america . uh here's another account i'm gonna take down . can you guys help ? unfortunately some costumed creep playing toy soldier is going to kill a fat dumpy antifa ostensib unless white america will step up & have more kids our total economy will tank trying to pay ss for baby boomer retirees w / o daca unless he's saying libyans are exemplary examples of the white race in which case they should be welcoming libyan refugees their white bros vanity fair : why angry white america fell for putin via #waronwhites #culturalmarxism # very white of you . via : orlando jihad massacre explodes widely-touted study claiming right-wingers bigger ... #tcot via : reza aslan re-presents a neglected persian poet #tcot video : the story of pastor #freetobelieve wake up real white people . italians are not white . they are half black . we need to kill more people . well if the policies of those geniuses have shrunk the middle class some people might disagree when islam enters new territories its purpose is to destroy . #stopislam # while is tweeting about abortion it has been strangely silent in offering an apology for the double standard regarding #joshduggar . white european jihad murderers are ok ? white genocide accelerates in england : white british pupils will be outnumbered by 2037 #swrm via white genocide accelerates in new zealand | read more : via white people have been through slavery though white skin is dominant phenotypically last i heard . it's only socially that if you're not full-white you're considered tainted . why is india a hindu majority nation being expected to house the very rohingya terrorists who are killing hindus in myanmar ? wrong govt . is not involved in ved pratap vaidik meeting nor bjp yes . white gentiles address the jews no 1 enemy for sure . especially the white males . jews hate us you are racist ! we have no idea what race they are . only that they are illegal . look in the mirror you don't understand white identity . you white ? you speak the truth . its a shame such a divisive american hating fraudulent person was our first a you're a white supremacist you've stated all whites are white supremacists thus by definition ... racist ? #blacktwitter " : my latest . 9 groups to watch on #immigration reform : #aflcio " " in 1963 four girls were killed when members of bombed 16th street baptist church a tragedy that ignited civil rights movement " " " " master race " " excellence on display . u gonna die one day & aint no " " white " " in a casket all of your hate ... just leaves w / u . " " we the people ... " " * most * cease talking ! " " ... walk the walk ! " " america's time line is shortening w the infiltration of jihad . " 1 hour until ! live coverage of #altright " alt right safe space " " protest berkeleycampus " coulter is a connecticut yankee . which tells you about how far i believe and trust her " conservatism . " " " gets " duplicitous award " " 4 denial #plannedparenthood covers child rape #prolife #tcot " it's called projection . plus her use of " clan " " is as an anti-white racist code word . " no one in america thought irish were white when they came here on the coattails of the jews and dagos ; def nt " aryan " " " only one real american there " you're white you idiot . " " what a woman . hope she is a breeder . " rt mentioning an entity like " white christian america " " without the requisite tone of contempt or shame is needless to say highly suspicious . " so much for " independent " " journalism . way to give the domestic terrorists antifa the ol ' reach around . #corruption " who are we ? - ( of ) proposes the term " white advocate " " over #wn #altright identitarian " would he do this to a non white family ? white people are thought of as " easy targets " " because many are " yes . but part of the message might be " this is what identity politics looks like when the other side en " #newsnation pm modi to address annual gala of usibc next month #refugee crisis dovetails into #immigration debate via ... except if you're a white christian heterosexual because we hate you 4 out of 5 white brits want less immigration via : : courts will not have final say on #marriage on today's #marriage rulings . : ku klux klan heads to ferguson race riots to guard white businesses and protect innocent whites : lutherans amish and baptists are not blowing up malls and shooting people in clubs . i'm sorry to say . : nothing to see here . we all know black on black and black on white crime is acceptab : switzerland : muslim migrant sexually assaults woman in train station : the chief rabbi of nyc all but supported the south during the civil war . early us jews were right wing . jewish : whites tend to wait until the eleventh hour when its time to circle the wagons the alabama doesn't need . time to #defundpp & redirect taxpayer $ to the 234 better health care alternatives all white people should look at this video - - now america has problems to be honest but quite frankly i don't think it's the normal white family american libertarianism more or less collapsed after 2012 . these people are irrelevant again . an explanation is needed ? it's jewbook . is jared going to start naming jews now ? and because they don't wear diapers but they should . watch a dog pee : is antifa any different ? marking their area ? and why do you think people who love in white neighborhoods are more racist ? and those who are too stupid to realize or care are also not people you want . another great #talkshow episode yesterday ! thanks for all the positive support : #education #politics atheism is a jewish concept via atlanta hawks poor attendance is blamed on black crowds making southern whites uncomfortable : based on media response people have no problem figuring it out being racist and being aware of a race problem are different things . i don't hate a race . i just love mine . we have a racial invasion here . being white = the original sin . black on white violence ? emagen my shaaawk blogger hunter wallace spells out his core beliefs : #teaparty #tcot #lnyhb #p2 can i join y'all clan my mom do not care dude pointing out that the 50s and 60s were racist is not being a racist . elder how in world are all of these racist / liberal democrats & racist immigrants w elder my man ... you don't look too much like a white supremacist to me ! america loves your perspective keep on tweeting ! elderly [ white ] us man punches [ black thug ] protester at trump rally via . the tide has turned . eventually you hate all people . everyone is racist . the problem is only some people are * allowed * to be racist . evil mt : wow . fda moving toward ok for 3 - parent embryos via #tcot except there are no acts of terror attributed to them while white supremacists continue to kill throughout america . #strawman exclusively white protesters ? seems a little racist . fair ? you guys are for white supremacy and eugenics according to wikipedia . u missed that off your cute video fair immigration is a hate group run by racist white supremacists . check them out . this is one ugly group . for the times it's a catchall for simply ' white ' . freedom of speech goes both ways . some 1 speaks . some 1 else either agrees or disagrees gatlinburg wildfire : jews and blacks celebrate poor white people dying arson suspected daily stormer german refugee camps close to breaking point squalor food limited whistle blowers sacked or threatened #rtnews germany : non-white in one generation #swrm #germany #nonwhite #stopimmigration #merkelstanddown via go fight in your own city . you don't get to tell us what monuments we have to keep . it's our city . we get to celebrate our way . he is a white man he's still a racist and so are u . heidi cruz argues forcefully for trade authority something her husband opposes via heidi cruz as vp for international bankers goldman sachs is a quintessential nwo globalist via here's a kkk account pls take it down hey guys anyway i can join up ? i follow orders really well . just ask anybody no one does #uncletom like me ! highlighting the importance of extending marriage to lesbians . holding a job shouldn't mean having to live under your employer's faith ! honest inquiry for the do you hate all non-white races equally ? i seriously like the compassion displayed towards animals though . how many people lost their lives because of your foreign policy insights ? how many trillions of dollars was squandered ? howard university lol i am really really quick but do have a bit of a glow from my #holidays can i still run in the white race ? i could even be a palestinian jew i don't know which is more pathetic the banner you put up or the quality of those photos you took . it's 2017 get rid of your flip phone and don't use your dirty sheets to make banners . it does embody the commie scum thing you got going . so theres that .. i dont think many people in europe care about the confederacy we have our own rich history . i have white girl perkies i hope white racial consciousness reaches a po i spent my entire life being told racist whites hold back black people who are just like us but we keep them from acivieving like us . lies . i support the pastors and the constitution . parker and her regime should be forced to resign . they are bad for our city . identity evropa activists had a successful day at the university of montana . idk why ppl who love cats are so hated by the alt right but it makes me want to embrac if the enemies of the sa are hoping that the sa will not return from leave we are ready to let them enjoy the hope for a short time #nazi in both stories why did school officials censor only religious activities ? is it true that hitler is secretly chillin on the moon ? it is a human right for every man to have his own people and identity . for white and black alike ! it was a white country the founding fathers made this a white country and it will be so again ! it wouldn't change your views . white nationalist don't want me here and i'm from this country . i have d its okay she was another fat childless depressed anti-white slug . the world is a better pla jewish holocaust skeptic david cole breaks years of silence at revisionist meeting in california via kill her shes black kim davis attending #sotu jailed over gay marriage via labelling a black man black white man white asian man yellow mexican a brown man only creates more racial tension .. we are all just people liberal white guilt will bring about the end of the white race and not wanting that to happen makes you a racist . listen there are 175000 white christians in america .. our us constitution stands . no islam liverpool jews very unhappy about upcoming white man march va ludicrous considering i am white . lololol heather heyer looks like total white trash ! man is seriously racist dont waste your time manifesto for the abolition of enslavement to interest on money by gottfried feder . now available . #economics #history merry white christmas ! more like this to come if white people don't stand up for ourselves . of offers sound hate free advice unlike left no need 4 jews meddling in white affairs . you've done enough in #cville & the rest of th no racist but you are a loser ! no the has done that not we really don't need any more bs piled on by nor do they think your white nordic is only aryan types ; white and black is none of our business ; only aryans are invited obviously you're projecting ... nobody asks for a pure white country but a white state would be a great start .. oh cool . he finally called them white supremists ? thats good ! progress ! only silly white people care about such things . peter townsend's ; questioning islam is another good one . poland is one of the last remaining white ethnostates . portland too advised charlottesville of the importance of keeping the two sides separated on august 12th . this was also ignored president trump picks pro-life champion sam brownback as international religious freedom ambassador #liberty probably cause their pos gov is antifa supporter ... proving that as non white numbers grow they won't need their white leftist enablers and will turn on them putin discusses white genocide really ? so the jews are masterminding immigration policies in order to wipe out white people ? republicanism has always been about suppression of white ethno-natioanalism rn the average white person is taught we were always the oppressor.we have a right to learn about the extraordinary achievements of our race should have on #thisaltrightlife to discuss and the future of the white race . #listens skin titet win hulk our mon was beat da slaves slavery is treason to white . smoking has a slow painful end and its not good to fool the people ... technology hinds ones true identitys lies and games played so zhids ordered stupid employees poor jew and other white collar working classlemmings that cal themselves stop evil jew white genocideu 2 - grace : surely you don't just want to use marxism to deconstruct just the white race ? tea party is bald-faced racists white privilege conference speaker tells sea of white people via texas doesn't need planned parenthood . #defundpp thank you cm kcr for the kind words . thanks for sharing our alert to contact sec . hagel to protect religious expression of servicemembers ! that doesn't matter look at what has happened and look at people trying to undo the damage . that faux-civility is an alt.right rhetorical ploy used to disarm white race-traitors like you and me . that's how you know we're talking to the right people . the alt-right and white supremacy via the covetous of marxists is endless and delusional . the exploitation of southern poor white trash to turn them against their own countrymen why do you think they chose abe ? the fact that 50 + % already support our practical positions but only 10 % support the alt right brand mea the free ex claim requires messy analysis under smith / lukumi & it would potentially extend protection to the pizza guy . fr sp narrows case the medias stupid trump obsession #cuckservative via the realist report mike king the white race are abolishing themselves by worship of false gods then u totally avoided the question . y dont u support putin who is doing so much work to morally & spirituallystrengthen the white race ? this is white heritage . honor it this is why we must never give up our firearms.the people of britain are unarmed against a government that hates them . this should frighten everyone ! meat plant raises the steaks for freedom : those people almost forgot that kaffir is actually not insult . now that's kind of funny . i wonder what thought the lincoln memorial rally was a success and set a precedent . paul is a wet rag . to end racism we tried to send white people back to europe #whisky traitorous cucks true . i used to be * gags * libertarian then i was * throws up a little * #altlight * vomits violently * . no um there is no such thing as white identity . white is not cultural identity ur black kill him wait you just liked your own tweet ? oh man . the white race is in trouble after all . want to learn what sharia is ? it's those pro christian laws that trump keeps passing we know where christie's campaign $ $ is coming from ... muslims . like those in the white house we thank shri for throwing corrupt ap singh out of upsc . now pl . prosecute him and confiscate his illegal wealth we've never had any problems anywhere in the south weev dared to tweet about the survival of god forbid white children . he immediately gets called a white supremacist . when ted cruz wanted to be part of the establishment white boy cartoon = racist white communities ? ! white evangelicals are feeling hopeful about trump : white nationalists rally again at charlottesville lee statue via white pride white south africans trapped like frogs in boiling water as anti-white racial violence escalates via white supremacy doesn't exist . white women loves black men remember that who lost the white working class ? via who would know more about the threat to white americans than an australian leftist ? certainly not a white american ! will you be joining us at the next american renaissance conference in 2017 ? yes i'm russian and 99 % call muslims roaches because putin says that all the time on tv . you and your hate are not welcome here . we will drive you out . there is no place for white supremacy in the world and especially not msu you are not altright but a white advocate ? you can help on your own . help us disseminate pro-white posters in your community . we need all hands active against white genocide you hate white people & find the idea of us putting our own interests first morally irrehensible but have no issue when other races do it . you know the german gov't led by merkel agrees with these anti-german antifas or they'd be arrested . your founder called for america to remain majority-white . your leaders have entered ice and cpb . " : #whatilove is the amazing creative white race . #whiteppl #whitepeople #whitepride " " lol " " jihad will start from here " " - auckland man threatens to kill again . " " muh race " " is not an idea it's a sad slogan for white people who have done nothing to b " america is not " white people " " " from same ny daily news article u sited : " ... stopped black & hispanic drivers are searched more often than whites . but if minorities also happen to carry contraband at higher rates these higher search rates may stem from appropriate police work " " researchers stated . " get " white power " " ? " he will continue to be " the face of the alt-right " " in people's minds . " i guess this is an example of the " bad few " " mayor #pizzafork mentioned while ripping the media at his presser ? ? " i thought people who were against immigration were xenophobic racists . if you were born " down south " " you'd already know that . " i obviously have multiple times . of course europeans are " caucasian " " thus " " white " " racially but " " white " " is only an ethnicity in north america . " libs b like : " omg it like has nothing to do w / like immigration . like white men drive like drunk like all the time . omg . like so racist " " ! " missed opportunity ; " you're only saying that because i am white . anti-racist is a code word for anti-white " " " need a safe space snowflake ? i'm sure " richard spencer " " is icing his grill at his right now . " rt . 5 / there was no " religious right " " until the late 1960s / early 1970s . there wasn't a need for one . conservatism is a failure " rt i'm probably banned from entering the uk for " islamophobia . " " meanwhile these people are let into the country " there is no white identity because white people can trace their lineages to their specific european villages instead of " enslaved somewhere " you misspelled " dear fellow white people " " " ! ! ! rt and the color of facist fiction is white #breaking : ted cruz drops out of the 2016 presidential race #whitepower #hangniggers #niggers #porchmonkeys #antiquefarmequipment #fuckniggers #whiteprivilege when a white man makes up excuses for another white man who commits mass murder . ' holocaust ' debate / comments / news who's really doing the ' incitement to raciall hatred ' ? : those who criti ... ( rt ) a time for choosing trump - deja 1 ) cuckservatism inc . is a dying movement . all energy is w / alt-right & nationalism 1 / i was ruminating on this earlier and decided that cerno like milo is useful in that he triggers leftists 7 ji is it true that instructed u to garner support in msm about ishrat ? #ishratcoverup 9 year old white boy commits suicide after being tormented for months by racist arabs via : another white man shot by blacks over confederate flag on his car : don't forget the park and the statue were donated to the city by a private party . we paid for our monuments : has been proven right yet again ! for many years #davidduke has been warning people about #hollyweird etc . : i wonder is any antifa will be charged with aggravated assault for their offensive use of pepper spray ? : mark zuckerburg gives $ 5m to an illegal immigrant college fund but none to american students ? : ministries can keep feeding homeless : #standforrfra #rfra : most of the comments on this article are negative . like it or not breitbart is right . trump is losing his : nobody will take white identity seriously if you yell muh jew for every issue . we need to talk about how gr : quiz . which of these helped the racist far right nazis kill 400k jews ? 1.robert spencer and pamela geller . 2 . : this was not one of the most cogent comments of the past decade . : wait you're a feminist and support islam ? if you don't get cognitive dissonance from that you're not sma > > lies of kejriwal on tv screen ! #namo4pm on camera he lies so much imagine off camera his corruption a history of white privilege a muslim with good faith would hope in his heart that there be no such a nationalist only cares about the interests of his own people not some abstract daydream of idiot savants a real alt-right leader . actually i ftfy mt : nope but ' racist ' is the new n word for white supremacists after #cuckservative another powerful meme : #rapefugees all the white people and surely the white protestants still registered would defect to #trump . and this is why the enlistment is so low ! and you expect to garner sympathetic coverage from the jewish media if you bend over and ask anti-racist usually means anti-white . whites are only 8 % of world's population and when you take out the liberals we are a real minority . archaeologists : viking age older than what believed | read more : via are you employed to make us real national socialists look bad ? at least you admit that white supremacists are part of his constituency . thanks for the conformation ! because white people are a majority . that's it . and marxism relies heavily o belarusians were stripped of all assets by moscow jew #bolsheviks so vengeance was rife . bernie sanders makes far more sense on lots of issues than ted cruz or marco rubio #demdebate bizarre article with great commentary ! updated daily with interesting + informative #news - #health #vegan #ows black africa white europe asian asia . problems with this ? black lies matter is just occupy wall street with a little bit more melanin . they are a complete racist joke ! but they are white too ... but wait i thought non-white people were not welcome because they are genetic can you honestly support monuments to the racist eras of the 20s - 40s ? aren't you better than that ? can you hate other races that much ? cant force hindus to eat beef and azam khan can not redraw map of india.we need to fight them till end cernovich says egg mcmuffin took out milo check out for state by state numbers . #womenhaverealchoices . better choices . #defundpp collectively delhi and bihar results are very very strong lessons to pro and anti india forces . confirmed racist cuckservative wants white heroes removed from $ $ $ & replaced by ugly dindus . he also wants armed blacks to shoot whites . cultural marxists at work dignity of labour has to be our national duty it has to be a part of our nature : pm don't forget obama is half white . don't you think its racist that black people can say a certain word but white people can't ? double standard . you hate white people . drape them in what ... white sheets ? ? elin krantz : just another dead white liberal female raped to death by non-white via ever notice how has ties to alan dershowitz milo and roosh ? everything is racism white supremacy nazism fareed zakaria for #jihad #rape of white women feminist magazine demands white women abort their babies to solve racism from anti-white marxist to anti-white libertarian and back again : countenance made an interesting comment on o ... get robert spencer pamellagellar bridgetegabriel on the show meg - no one knows more on islamics good lord if you're going to wear a suit at least make sure it fits . head of cambridge university equality group says all white people are racist via here you go again . you don't know me but of course you have to call me racist . what if i tell you that my kid is black ? heroism of the waffen-ss ? ? ? heroism in murdered people usually white ones hindus must take up this matter . hitler youth camps in america ( 1935-1941 ) #swrm via how about south dakota then ? how is it ? how is it you all know ( ( ( they ) ) ) run the show but you are all still surprised when justice for whites is avoided ? how is it racist ? you're assuming all that would be affected by ending daca are of one race ? how the uniparty lost the white middle class : the one-party system has failed the white middle class huck making sense on social security . #gopdebate i can't look . i'm too white pilled right now.god i hate communists i hate black and muslim race . i belong to aryan race how may i help your movement ? please give me tasks i hate hur white aids bitchs head i pray for the christians in the middle east . ethnic cleansing which obama will do nothing about . i want to go to support nationalism i'm proud of being white and i'm not racist at all . if i believed people would buy it i might . but not there yet . plus those guys know way more than me . mine would be more motivation . if the white house can dictate the bathroom policies of america what could possibly be beyond their reach ? #keepncsafe if they hate islam what makes them muslim ? in chicago there are billboards and benches in spanish letting illegals know they have a right to not talk to immigration indian journalists ordered out of pakistan #myjihad islam muslims #congratsnamo #thankyouindia mission 272 indian navy tableau moves forward at rapath in republic day celebrations ( courtesy :d d ) indiana in washington dc to demand an end to the replacement of european americans ! iq predicta economic success in western society . asians and jews have higher average incomes than whites in usa an iq meritocracy . is he talking about spencer or the antifa reject ? cause the latter is the one who ran . islamists embedded in white house ? #rt #stopislam #crusades #makedclisten #wakeupamerica it is soooo refreshing and heartwarming to hear from people who support our president & see what the underhanded dnc is doing . it was jawaharlal nehru who gave away the un security council seat to china when it was offered to india #unsc it's not fair for black americans to go jobless well you import illegals to replace them ! it's so true and not only happening in germany . what kind of a poor refugee beats up another ? it's a terrorist in disguise jew killed by a non jew in isreal there is outrage . white children killed by non whites in a white country ; silence . jews are the cause of white genocide they have taken a side to extinguish ... kasich is a warlock literally sucking the life energy out of everyone in the room . #gopdebate kris kobach : why obama critics are wrong about arizona immigration law #afire #tcot #p2 league of the south didn't make her a fat coronary in waiting liberal scientists developing methods to make white people less resistant to non-white invasion #swrm lol . the white race will soon be extinct like in the beginning of humanity when the human race was black lol.hillary got 3million more votes from the people in this country . he only wo many things . breaking with liberalism . rediscovering identity . rejecting new south boosterism more marxist globalist babble that just wish the white man would stfu and accept his fate to blend ! #altright national socialist education had a lasting effect | read more : via need to deport 4000 people a day to remove all 11 million illegal aliens in 8 years this isn't cutting it . every single one is illegal ! new mexico used to give them id's and that allowed them to do whatever they wanted . very bad idea no ! only white ice is allowed ! nothing about is consistent because he cant understand demographics is destiny ; his views will no longer exist without whites . pakistan : police arrest muslim cleric for inciting boy to cut off his own hand pentagon : no plans to limit religious freedom of service members people like you are actually white trash preparing for race war : the south african bootcamps which are training thousands of white youths via rare ! entire us senate to go to white house for north korea briefing remind me what happened at uc berkeley at 8: 00 pm on feb 1st ? rt : gao plans full audit on planned parenthood #stand4life #prolife #itsprettyugly russian paratroopers move to areas of surprise combat readiness drills shooter in charleston sc is a crazy black man not a white supremacist . i know you democrat race baiters are so disappointed ! she was a member of the council on foreign relations and educated at the university of chicago . that says it all right there . so a store can refuse yi sell to members of your faith ? can deny you housing ? so you're telling me that whites don't have a ' tribal ' mind yet dominate the world ? not logical some in the black lives matter movement have shown extreme hatred for whites and have pitched for separate states for blacks . sounds good to me . give them something to put on their resume other than criminal acts . study : increased ethnic diversity making whites miserable via you ain't in ! #whitegenocide switzerland : africans kill elderly white man then start screaming about racism #swrm via tell me when we white people are harassed by police . that's because there are yuge benefits to being white unfortunately . the ' white squatter camps ' [ concentration camps ] of south africa #maga #america the adl and the splc are both hate groups . they hate white european people . the anti-white rebellionsponsored by #pepsi the fire fighters told me they are on our side . #antifa is mitch landries baby and he needs to own it . the problem is also those stupid fellow white and blonde women who willingly get involved with those savages ... no sympathy for them ! the south fought against losing their rights and they were fighting again the un isn't interested in white refugees . the white race isnt in danger . stop trying to spread fear and hate then blm will be black with a sprinkling of jews and retarded white people mostly queers and transgender freaks ! these are not exactly comparable cases . mulayam singh is a better comparison . they're blaming drugs . drugs are everwhere but its blacks that use them and kill white girls . this guy is jewish monsieur . ( ( ( they ) ) ) are notoriously anti-white . this has started already.on news gang of ni88ers attack 1 white . cops investigate the white man . this is the influence ov pence and tony perkins ( kkk ) this is useful because the daca people are clearly saying they are fighting for the legalization of all people here illegally not just people covered by daca . most daca advocates deny this for obvious reasons . this years topicsmisogyny racism and homophobiathe frc mantra ! ! to scare white folks ... unfair ! rt : how a silly dispute over signs made it all the way to the supreme court via yemen : al-qaeda jihadists take over military base hold high-ranking officers captive #tcot want america to be safe and secure ? impeach the white supremacist president . oh and get off my feed . want america to be safe and secure ? the wall will make it worse not better . we must remember that in the usa people do that the constitutional right to assemble without fear of b what btw is wrong with protecting ' white women ' or ' white kids ' ? are we only supposed to pr what's your favorite vintage of cuck tears ? white bread is hate . white genocide accelerates in france : at least 1 in 3 newborns are non-white | read more : white genocide is actually cool and good white knighting where you're not wanted . classic bully . white people culturally appropriating dreadlocks ... white people have become slaves to gadgets ! #nationalsocialism #nationalism whites tend to be more altruistic . whoa there why are you asking the kkk ? why does islam have to be forced on people ? kill people who renounce it ? kill those of other faiths ? why gang for every race + ab jews ... but no white aryans ? because u lost ... the biggest among u will die . but props to will take all media away . this includes facebook & twitter . there will be no way to continue movement . you are anti white you can have white children and still burn the coal . you mean all the people who willingly and voluntarily chose to suck down a shotgun ? use the right number already jewing and barely even started your argument . you're a white supremacist i can just tell by looking at you ! ! your perfect ncaa bracket may help defend the sanctity of life via #prolife " white supremacists without borders " " via #nlp #hellstorm storm roof " " your hate " " like the disproportionate hate crimes / murders committed against whites by nonwhites annually in the us ? " " we must " " you can't ! ! " doesn't the alt-right have " direction problems " " because you have political differences ( southern vs . no " i believe some ( lots ) of good people are in " politics " " it goes against the country class grain that such a niche exists " jewish rabbi lies about henry ford - father coughlin exposes liars " war mongers international bankers " " " put new york on the ' american not a tourist or vacation place list ! " " replace " jew " " with " " cis white male " " and you sound no different from an sjw . " rt " the lengths planned parenthood will go to in order to protect its abortion gold mine are nothing short of extreme . " " " rt . 9 / everything the " religious right " " wishes to achieve today used to be normal before we affiliated with " " conservatism " " " rt so what this latest aap bimbo is saying is " we are just a pappu .. please please give us time " " .. moron ! " start a new meme : " white supremacists for expanding abortion . " " then watch the human head paint shaker " this is a racist ad by / this organization hiding behind " fair " " 2 breed hate / racism . #standup against these nefarious orgs . " to have a lucrative career ? this is your " such aspirations " " ? i'm sure you'll do just fine . " we seem to be the only ones who will fight antifa . everyone else thinks they live in a " free country " " . " #antifa faggots closing east oregon parades . de-mask . the remaining are fair game . #democracy is bad for white people . good read . #news ( 2 whites just woke up ) : 20 gypsies attack white couple n czech republic hate crime mob attack ( video ) . : my record as a #prolife governor is clear . this goes way beyond politics . well said #gopdebate #tcot #tcot 3 a . m . 1 can of upturned white gloss paint gravity . 84 % of all wanted criminals in copenhagen are non-white | read more : : 20 - week mri from londons ifind project lets parents watch unborn babies wiggle ( cont ) : check out the sen race in alaska with a viable third party to the right of a #nevertrump incumbent r . : detroit : the death of white civilisation : ex-muslim critic of islam expelled from norway faces deportion to pakistan and death : georgia to screen colleges for illegal aliens #afire #tcot #p2 : russian nationalists plan annual march for nov 4 . : 30000- 50000 expected : via : india : muslim accused of sexually assaulting 4 - year-old girl blames her for enticing him : via : muslim bombs arizona social security office with ied media blackout ensues #tcot : we are losing religious freedom because we arent exercising our religious freedom . - at #cpac2015 a wisconsin judge builds the case for #religiousfreedom . aclu apologizes to leftists for white baby ad via action report : a brighter future identity evropa activists recently hosted a private speaking event on a college campus in southern california . and so is white on black black on black and white on white . problem ? and when black people dont start lynching white people maybe youll be ready to re-examine your worldview . apparently you missed your own tweet that contradicts that which you said less than 10 are you disowning antifa ? renouncing your fellow sjws ? you should thank the because you chose antifa odds we need 30 people to fight 1 person as a fair fight ? beware of foolish low iq germans just being born in germany is not enough . breaking : hillary sent ' marked classified ' info to nonsecure abedin accountread more at #hillarysemails brown people were in america from the jump . population ratio was about 80:20 ; a farcry from an ethnostate . america is not a white country . i do have sympathy for whats happening in european nations . they should be allowed to preserve their cultures withiut shame . bruh go eat your leaves & unseasoned chicken . smh you really tryna come for us . foh #kkk but we have plenty of stupid white people too ? by we know ( ( ( who ) ) ) or purge ( follow same fate as gop paleos ) from politics charlottesville review : faulty planning passive police led to ' disastrous results ' at aug . 12 rally via cuck erickson : rubio and cruz supporters need to agree to a truce to stop trump cuck matt lewis : jeb ! loses what was left of his legacy via democrats explicitly abandon white working class #tcot do these people know it's not a communist government that is perpetuating white genocide don't let his last name fool you he's also a racist i know him and his friends they are bigoted racist fakes in life even the white nationalist movement is ran by jews . great optics ! has been invaded left and right north and south since the fall of the roman empire that's why you have people that look ethnically diverse happy white genocide he means in public life . nobody would identify as near white if they could reap a benefit from being considered white . instead we have a bizzare situation where white people claim to be non-white through distant ancestry ( or lying ) . proof no incentive to be seen as white . hitler liked huge tanks . however i could not think of a balance between pavement and weight . how's mr . last honest man in dc going to answer this one ? hmmm ? more proof comey deserved to be fired . #maga #p2 i guess you hate freedom too . just admit you want a white dictatorship adolf . i would have no problem people voicing disagreement without trying to i'm sure the boychick antifa faggots aren't afraid tho im not black im hispanic yall open 2 latinos or na ? in your opinion . most of us righties out here in flyover country are digging it . esp the dudes . #unitetheright interesting piece on #altright trolls . #makeamericagreatagain is it racist to secure the borders ? islam dose not command muslims to kill that is like say christianity make white people kkk or white supremacist . shake your head . islam has special privileges in the uk : muslims have been bullying britain and the leftists are their helpers it has been highly successful in fundraising and perpetuating itself #trucons it is emergency : the terrorists plan on killing several hundred million people - see more at : jewish groups pols say trump budget is bad for israel and other us interests | jewish telegraphic agency jewish holocaust survivor who claimed to have escaped auschwitz admits he lied for years va jews proudly praise obamas unconstitutional gun grab #withjewswelose lol something with such a non offensive message is still considered racist white supremacist and extremist . list of kkk members . look they call it racism is you are white but pride if you are black or a jew . manishankar iyer comment on modi needs no comment but it is an insult to poor people who can sell tea 2become pm . shastriji is a leading e . g marriage is important but other ways of life also ! you don't alway's need marriage to love and be loved ! maybe if we can get 4 or 5 other people would transform into voltron ? misanthropy isn't racist so it's ok my city is gone . the suburbs have started to go . we moved to the next county . obama forced . diversifying our schools . people didn't listen naacp renews lawsuit to stop ban on race-based abortions of black babies #tcot never trust people who run from the word racist and are eager to placate anti-whites by attacking white no . we have no right to destroy their countries and the altright would like to stop that ... but they also have no right to come into ours and radically change the demographics & culture . hence become the third world . of at berkeley free speech rally . on first full day in cuba obama to meet with castro and address the pat buchanan on kim davis and judicial tyranny - #tcot #nrx our people are eager for a political leader to unapologetically defend and promote our people.youre pakistani sex-gang attacks covered up for fear of racism #swrm via pedophile must have autocorrected to populist poor elder ... too stupid to realize if it were up to trump you'd never be allowed to live in his apartments . you support a racist wow . lmao fat feminists ghost tweet anti-white vitriol from beyond the grave lucy is pissy because called out last night's optics as a major fail which it was . re : re : re : white dream chaser many #california drivers licenses going to undocumented immigrants via #immigration resisting decay & annihilation of white race many people witnessed blm an kkk in the same bus you tell me roosh isn't even white enough to be in a white power movement and anglin is a mongrel . maybe because all these black people would rob and shoot the first white person they see come in there ? rube is drenched in sweat #gopdebate sam dickson : black and hispanic democrats versus white liberal modi has erased any ambiguity about reservation on religious basis . his maha colleagues cm & khadse should shed ambiguity . mt . any religion is better than islam . #tcot #bansharia #banislam name a single white country that lost its white majority and didn't result in the rape torture mutilation and genocide of white families . never cuck to these shills hunter . #gotyourback no i will happily support trump . but if trump loses i am not going to support cruz or rubio in november stop with the fake narrative ... who said anything about hating your whiteness ? ... we said stop loving your pseudo white supremacists views regarding race realism your negative stereotypes ... and stop embracing the system of white supremacy . surely a racist directs venom against does jihad represent race ? talmud : last straw for great flood was marriage contracts for homosexuals . that's true jewish attitude . nope but ' racist ' is the new n word for white people . not a fan but agree with you on the 20 and 30 something #cuckservatives . their columns are #yuge ammunition for trump not at all . we can do it right . per jared taylor style yet bring to the public . only reason he's been kept down is because he was 30 years ahead of his time . absolute vanguard . that kind of presentation these days will cast our nets super wide . we will grow faster . not go out of your way to insult the banner they still largely revere ? that indira and rajiv gandhi were desh ke shaheed is the biggest farce that gandhi family has played on india . the ' charming ' white supremacist leader stoking hate across california via the ' greatest generation ' are an over rated bunch of cucks who went to sleep on the job and put us into this situation . the count hispanic and arabs as blacks too ... fact the daily beast : white supremacists celebrate boehnersdemise okay so you're the ethnonationalist spencer and he's the racist spencer ? olaf childress & i talk about his newspaper the first freedom the war on white america & independent media the president can fire special counsel investigator at any time and a new one can be appointed.simple ! our immigration policy is run by white eugenics goons from cis and they are in wh dhs and want america to be white . our parties are both corrupt i think i'll move back south where my ancestors lived and join the sn movement the truth is is that white european men and women built america . not unwanted unwelcome mexicans or smelly greasy muslims . the white race is finished . please kill urself hunter preparing for race war : the south african bootcamps training thousands of white youths via president obama hosts jewish leaders at white house hanukkah party via #withjewswelose they're angry because blacks who have been enslaved by those of the black caucus may finally taste su race riots coming to toledo : national socialists plan return for demonstration | more : racist bubble ? you mean one where we're constantly exposed to anti-white rhetoric ? give me a break . racist old white guys are the only thing standing between you and extinction . #learntoloveus re : alt-right white nationalists are stupid via trump admin w'd fully support us whites in class action 4genocide ! ? ! ? trump admin will directly help christians in the middle east rather than use ineffective un programs . trump calls obama ' lousy ' president ; says president more angry at him than #orlandoshooter um no .. he maliciously attacked a group of people and murdered someone retweeted national socialist ( ): #germany could bypass sweden as the muslim rape ... unless it's a white christian in which case it's totally related to faith and race . unlike cruz trump isn't a puppet of club for growth and the texas oligarchy . that is decisive on immigration rod dreher : white nationalism in christian high school via w feared news media israel bias ; trump just pandering to evangelicals . is he giving israel rope to hang itself ? rt : started following to get first hand accounts from people losing their health plans #myhealthplandied watch these middle age white ladies eat up being told they are all racist . fighting racism with racism ! lol . we are optimistic about future of india with how ever we are also watching . there are a number of turncoats in we white house now what a chat with a white nationalist taught me about trumps america shri rajnath singh meeting with andaman and nicobar islands lt . governor shri ak singh at his residence new delhi slavery created white unison in america through racism . if you dont want what two sides are there to hate and evil ? there is only good and evil . fascists racists & hate-mongers who promote genocide should be blocked . the 20 members of new black panther party & the fringy white groups represent hate . they are the same when white is rightwho wins ? jew b du b du white aryan race must be above all heil hitler ! ! ! so what you're saying makes no sense there are literally white people that are members of black lives matter the kkk specifically does not allow black people to join them because they are anti-black so you're really sounding very ignorant sir white genocide accelerates in #germany : three large german cities to tip non-white #auspol via soooo you point is ... that whites kill and blacks kill ... southern poverty law center lists > < white supremacist hate group read > stop all third world immigration to britain our country is being stolen . happening in usa too white power ... oh and im albanian and muslim but still black power ... i mean white stop anti white racism stop your hate we have a right to exist sure they do they just aren't all racist like u tax cuts only for businesses that hire legal workers ! #afire #tcot #p2 #sotu #jobs why are we following the antifa policy of peace through violence ? why did they kill all the white people ? do you know haitis history ? tell me what happened since you so clearly generalize haitians by saying haiti did this and that . thank you identity evropa ! this is what is what is needed . thanks for putting this picture up i'm a white male in south africa we are murdered in our houses becuz were white thanks for rting and sharing the news of pastor nadarkhani ! why would you deport white people out of a country they founded for themselves ? will there be a fundraiser to help people pay for medical treatment ? that's not what he was saying . women voting objectively caused white genocide / white demographic decline . women and white nationalism redux : does the white nationalist movement need to include women ? weve discussed ... working class white people voting in their self interests are vilified in the press as racist xenophobic bigots . would love to thank for his support against falsely-labeling us media as #jewish controlled . cc : thats 5 white boys . thank you but im black the #hypocrisy on the #cnndebate is just too disgusting and infuriating . tv - off #ows #oo #freedom #liberty #truth the alt-right is no fun anymore that is the problem . yes . those immigrants are getting paid to live here and most americans are struggling to live . the csa is a nation and the confederate nation and people still exist today . true nations come together in times of crisis . you are racist then because that is what they support ... white supremacy . the ghosts of hitler's european fortress : world war two bunkers in holland france and belgium #swrm you continue to ignore the end effect of a declining white pop while importing pops w / high birth rates . you support replacing white people . the northwest front . all white all straight . you mean the constitution written by white people for white people ? those conservatives would deny that ! the problem in the inner cities is not white silence but black violence . take responsibility for your actions and stop the race baiting now ! you nazis are out of sync with the people . not even white people support your quest for genocide . the us congress has condemned white nationalism . therefore any white who stands for his own interest is an outlaw . think about that ! youre the hate group you hate whites ... now u have to pull out the dumb card, usually what happens when sub 100 iq pe the white movement then get out here and procreate like rabbits cuz so far your kind aren't . whites are now flirting with < 0 rate . tuskegee, al, which is home to their greatest businessmen, aviators and scientists, would be a food desert without federal assistance then the lame stream media foams at the mouth [ lies on top of lies ] irony here is we are stealing away the very talent which could stabilize third world countries & thereby avoid influx of refuges & illegals. your a race hustler just like ya boy al sharpton. you are flat out ignorant this is nothing just wait until the t bill interest rate goes up and we start diverting more taxes this is racist . no white people here or jews . today's golden state, #poverty #crime,# time to vote out the swamp . so, australia dumps its isis trash in usa in last minute binge by african prez to destabilize with jiahd trojans! treacherous scheming jews bully germans into paying romanian holocaust survivors true . were simply not at a point were wn is acceptable to the public . decades of subversion has ensured that not optics typo > without white people not all ""inferior races"" are mexican or muslim you fool! where they should've stayed, burning dung in mud huts democrat.the godless party of filth and hate. this is the most ridiculous small sighted propagandha i have ever seen, go fuck yourselves us supreme court declines to hear case of school graduation at church auditorium . voter insecurities feed rise of right-leaning populist politicians to zoggies, facts are just playthings to be used in arguments that rely on assertion and inference rather than proof we must keep the white race i am ashamed to be british i find asians disgusting & repulsive & blackie's they are a disease ! does the world realize that it is ok to lie under sharia? looks like neocon globalists got control, tragic welcome to the republican party . it's just a few people clinging to their power positions . let's fire them ! sorry, i'd rather be a human being. they are murderers, thieves and rapists. there is nothing devout or pure about them. they are degenerate satanists. handicapped is not a gender, bathroom sign people!!! its very kind of them to be working. otherwise these blood sucking pests survive on benefits of tax payer money. brewer to obama: stop shipping illegals out of texas and dumping them in ariz. cities via #noamnesty your girl is fat af. who will listen to a man who loves on an inferior being? #nofatties in an industry of smart, spergy whites & asians, it wld be remarkable if there weren't dissident rightists. the 3rd world was once great civilizations, don't forget only a man & a woman can produce & sustain humanity under god's plan, that's why it's god's plan,to argue god's plan is insanity white nationalists love marble statues . i like alabama's illegal immigration policy. all 50 states should do the same before we become overrun with leaches. why is it up to us to accept that assertion instead of muslims proving it??? what muslim controlled country is in good shape? how can i report you for being a reject inbred piece of shit? dwath will never come soon enough for a filthy piece of fucking trash like you white people who aren't yjcs . white pill of epic proportions incoming : we are the unassailable future via white privilege contest riles up connecticut town via yeah. best education system, best armed forces, best equality and diversity systems what have you got? goats and wasteland i bet. whites < 1 % incest marriage arabs 50-70 % have to hire illegals in california to compete with the guy running a crew of all illegals ,its a race to the bottom in wages craftsmanship whites can't be racist towards jews . jews have more institutional power the biological differences between the races are obvious to anyone with a working set of eyes. crime stats, inventions, cultu rt mohammeds own words - ""treat women well for they are like domestic animals and they possess nothing themselves"" tabari they are animals,been this way 1400+ yrs. they dont want change. goal is to spread their misery,misery loves company why associate yourself with the biggest l in the 20th century ? the reich was gonna be 1000 years right ? didn't quite make it huh ? why don't you tell us ? i'm sure it will be wonderful pr . go on . allah is certainly not our christian god, it's the name for what early arabs called a lesser desert breeze. would like to think so but people don't want the truth . they would have to alter their self indulging lives yes we don't to be invaded my wife is white blonde and 2 mexican girl are trying to get her fired by saying she called them racist to hr if they are in daca they were brought here, if they were born here they're an anchor baby. apple capital of the world in central wa state has thousands illegal aliens working in apple sheds. wenatchee, yakima etc please help you guys need to use the civil rights laws and sue those companies . it's clearly racial discrimination . amnesty and free healthcare for 20 mil illegal aliens mean 20 mil votes next election for this peice of dried up dog drool i thought whites were destroying the planet by using these evil resourcesmake up your mind you know how to know spencer is a jew . just say so . then it's true . ta-da ! you mean white mass ? you're right . trying to bow down to the jewish control and begging for ' white control ' is stupid . they it's everywhere. doc to introduce electronic-monitoring program to help #overpopulation problem: #toomanypeople zimbabwe set to give white farmers 90 days to vacate their farms via " hes a very good boy " " mt : seriously wtf ? : gawker : let black people steal your iphone " have you ever written about islam being a crutch for a failed civilization? im new to your work, just wondering. you laugh because you don't study- it's clear- as long as mendels law is in effect whites can never be the first humans. what the fuhrer said about jew communists came to pass. they are the parasites of the earth. " sure they're pretty but can they fight ? " " - gen vernon ( nmn ) pinkley - " " white people " " . you are a racist " : " ... the reality that babies feel pain during an abortion as early as 20 weeks into a pregnancy " " ; " this is like a zoo with unfriendly & agitated animals!!! god help us!!! they need to go back where they came!! as long as he remembers he's working for the us citizens not the illegal aliens! fox news sunday - tony perkins & ted olson on same-sex " marriage " " and the courts : via " a bunch of obama rats that we do not want or need gob bluth stabbed by white power bill : " white power " " " " ( but ) i'm white . " " " actually, it's a result of the great great great grandchildren of those said slaves being a drain on society i agree completely . i can't stand it when people promote tolerance . such low expectations . it's only slightly above " hating people . " " i prefer love . st . paul reminds us that it is the greatest of all gifts . " he went to niggerum u just so uz can undastand himsgot a doctorate in welfare & #obamaphones a fuzzy headed screaming little chimp with a white breeder mother..what an abomination! if by " cucking " " you mean having good optics then i call bsshitty optics wouldn't have made it any better " stov, you are a lesser caucasian. you must of russian decent! lower iq and the resulting aggressive behaviours inability to learn complex sciences inability to self-reflect ( " kangz " " etc ) . impossible . " illegals are worse illegal no respect!! bleeding our country dry !! stop all food stamp/ and the roaches will leave ! how has that ""religion"" not killed itself out yet? barbarians. #enddaca #endh1b doesn't matter you are still illegal. even if you somehow get to stay here, your life is poisoned from its illegal or a " white " " male " people who call #donaldtrump a " racist " " need to examine #barackobama furthe " r peters said it " kill isis and then kill his pet goat " " " i won't even call it black power. it's black stink! radix journal etc . get called " moderate . " " they've attracted a ton of people . pat buchanan has too " your an idiot no one deserves illegals . racial pride is admitting that you've done nothing better with your life than the accident of birth. really, the opposite of pride: pathetic gov. perry's state has sucked in hundreds of thousands of illegals from other states, bama included gingers are fitwomen that is..ginger men are aids there's nothing wrong with decapitating these fags and freaks you cannot comprehend how stupid humans can be believing demented islam,all religions are garbage but islam takes the biscuit there has to be a limit!immigration so numerous that out numbers born citizens will change usa to another differentcountry uk : muslim abducts rapes woman : " you white women are good at it " " " unless the " white men " " are muslim of course ! " democrats want to keep these 3rd world losers in hopes of them voting democrat and bringing in millions more via chain migration. we as americans best wake the frack up! this is against our constitution and our morality. these people are animals and should be treated as and the non dumb know that race breeds culture. or is there another reason the british couldn't get indians to stop shitting in the street? the one on the left is european nostalgia, the one on the right is the latest in african technology. read the book ""cain river"" you'll be shocked to learn light skinned negros owned more 'house servants' than their white neighbors. : euro tunnel could get closed thanks to african invaders ) #hongkong police start removing protest barricades | daily india news #nehru helplessly saw hindus being killed .. rss formed 3000 relief camps for hindus being thrown out of pakistan during partition #rss4india i say them animals.don't need them here, unless? give her a break. in islam she is considered half human and mentally deficient. just living up to it . & talk #religiousfreedom and the presidents easter prayer breakfast remarks now on . no, nothing about hating degeneracy is unhealthy. . contends coeur d'alene city spokesman keith erickson lied to press in #hitchingpost story . #lgbt n destroyed by greedy barbarians from ur culture. while ur society dies b/c of its debauchery our society was attacked by virus. no be gone. . monetarily true but on just about any other measurable false . fdr doled out the money to keep the south in line 002 no country for white nationalist 2016-9- 20 by race and nation #fascism #nationalsocialism #altright #whitepride 1 more whitey down #killwhitey #whitegenocide #nigganetwork #notyourshield what does that even mean? it's the oldest black republic in the world? blacks created modern haiti zog and its agents have, through their jungles of destructive regulations & inefficiencies, cheated us all of our nation's wealth & resource we pakistani used to be great hindu nation,the moment we submitted to islam, we lost our pride,dignity, heritage, culture and became zombie. 186 kurdish students kidnapped by isis in northern #myjihad islam muslims modi bjp #swamyvsgandhis sub-saharan africans, the majority of american black lineage, are subhuman. the genetic data is clear. no matter what the cucks wish. : . hopes the white race will disappear - not racist ! those who complain when a muslim g : just interviewed robert spencer at the #yafnh event will be up at my youtube channel later #tcot #hfwt #p2 : mandate halted : good news for bible publisher challenging abortion pill mandate . the latest wombat world ! thanks to #muslim #islam haha crazy! its like saying blacks cant be intelligent,educated and well informed we should adhere to our religion to remain mired in the barbaric past."" teach your children well. a star is born 20th april 1889 a white guy pretending to be black ? absolutely true . they publish endless kat timpf columns just to gin up faux outrage not because they seriously oppose pc . it's better to be an illegal in america then black, at least their are free. as an example, obamas white genetics gave him the intelligence to be president. all white males . alt-right is wlm . amazingly people still view things like this as a victory and totally ignore the real results . western civilization"" was going long before your god and if i'm not welcome in it neither are boatloads of africans american nationalism until the 1950s was basically white nationalism can #islam and the civilized world coexist? #tcot #bancair #islamistheproblem an attendee of charlottesville mentioned seeing taped bug foggers being thrown by antifa . london has fallen, thanks to the quislings mass-importing feral inbred barbarians (the twitter-safe i and i want every white person in america to see this and get inspired ! this must continue and since u have the answers.why do white people murder black people unjustly ? you and your chucklefuck buddies are a bunch of un/underemployed white trash that have never read/enjoyed ""western culture"" b/c of low iq. they are human, the worst kind, but human. anybody who thinks that trump supporters are all racist white men ought to take a look at my list of followers and shut their mouths . apparently an security guard was shot this morning . my thoughts are with all involved . and let me add once again : i loathe guns . wait you mean like general sherman? yes, now there is a worthless piece of shit yankee vermin trash terrorist. we're importing crooks, terrorists, 3rd world savages don't even know how to use flush toilet. they want us terrorized, all there is to it. are all white nationalists like ? #whitepower #whitestrength #hammerskins #photoshop #limpbizkit #sadboy #notscary #gotothegym if he is taking estrogen, maybe, but you can only alter someone's outward appearance; not their dna. building a wall is a wast of our money. how are you going to keep out tunnel rats and drones? as 30th april dawns we mourn the death of greatest military genius fuhrer . national socialism as a lively philosophy has to evolve over time as i was saying my anglo-american ancestors created a new society that was an extension of england . they didn't join the powhatan indians why can't mexicans use all this mexican ingenuity to fix their country third world immigration will destroy western civilization long before climate change, and who gives a shit if the brown people who replace us have comfy weather? this man is a hero and a legend he brought a flamethrower to a riot, the hood truely is an advanced civilization it is an eyewash.u can trust a snake for a moment but never pakistani.pakistan is fountainhead of glo because i am an honorary white person here to save the whites from #whitegenocide bernie bernie bernie : sanders wars against nominee's faith : black racism leads to fist fights white racism leads to racist law good ! hopefully if america makes them feel unsafe , the dirty filthy muslims can go back to their sand lands ! minnesota has a muslim problem, not a recruiting problem. plenty of 3rd world ""#refugee"" parasites here. #tcot different ethnic tribes have different abilities. non-whites xcept asians suck at math lord hanuman protects hq of government of india, these monkeys can't be driven out but tell me how many whites were involved in those murder totals in chicago - the data seems to be incomplete but that wouldn't enable them to destroy white neighbourhoods . by 's logic, all of those cities should be utopia since the evil whiteman left. cair national think you might be surprised how far americans can turn the clock back when we've had enough ! can't wait to see your quest for the wall hit the wall sputter and die . the only thing will give you is the middle finger case in point . guy mistakenly thought he was an outsider here . if you are white if you are pro-white you are in the movement . simple as that . christian white terrorists don't make up all white people . wait a minute was this a trap ? want to know something funny? islamic traders showed them the wheel, they were just too lazy to adopt i no, the attacks are the perpetrators fault because their subhuman cruz crew : georgia illustrates why you arent takenseriously cuck gerson : for the sake of the republican party both trump and cruz must lose dear wouldn't it be easier and cheaper to paint black people white than deport them all ? ? ? deconstructing planned parenthood's hypocritical new motto 27 years later after millions and their sponsored hordes have already been given citizenship defending jared taylor : my podcast where i defend jared taylor against a youtube attack by the bloated manosph ... islam & muslims will conquer the world. islamic world is not peaceful. didnt you hear ? black ppl cant be racist ! educated and informed people have warned of this. why are we still importing them. they can not be happy in the 21st century diversity is about chasing down white people . do white lives have any value ? your thoughts ? do you really think that average every day people are morally startled by these events ? i do you want white people to die out ? document confirms british were plotting to invade germay before germany invaded poland via dogs and pigs are talking of removal of us prsident ! ! suicidal for white race dr . david duke : the racial murder and rape of white women in america va dr . william pierce : george lincoln rockwell a national socialist life |: via he is technically 100% right..the problem is not muslims but islam, which makes monsters dysfunctional broken human rage at winners like trump less out of ideology than a seething equality for all dude regardless of skin color religious view or political party . europe should be white your colonies are unnatural & unsustainable . cheese eating surrender monkeys who know nothing about foreign policy facts . workers of all colors are the enemy . black / white . send us to cos nothing says ""we've got you, sorry for treating you like shit"" than ""3rd tier citizen when muslims become devout they turned into violent savage beasts; when they aren't they're decent human beings. read the book fair immigration is a hate group full of racist garbage and white supremacist . check them out . you put yourself in bondage and give away the usa for free and cheap to sell yourself and be ruled by the atheist ancestors of monkey brains why don't they ever dream of returning to their 3rd world cesspools and turning them into 1st world civilizations? hindus who support islamist mamata will regret when they find that w. bengal is turning into a 600 ad barbaric state of arabia. fu racist john tanton and fair . you hace employed holocaust deniers klan lawyers and white supremacists . #trumpinauguration #weseeyou fuhrer was madly loved by his people . they're not the people that are subject to, or have to live with these 3rd world animals. what would they know about that. fusion lawbreakers advising how to break #usa laws fuuuuuuuck you . ( and in white lol ) it's ok, it just comes with being genetically and culturally superior. get #prolife twibbon here : provided by :-) spread the word give me a break the #kkk is a racist hate group not a religion . cc : good luck with that . a new york billionaire who hates people like you is just what you need . good york #jews dismiss black on white #rape when are we going to accept that we have let the worst scumbags into the us. great podcast for those interested in white identity #whitenationalism #whitepride # via those australian aboriginals sure are terrible! "": a race of blue-eyed devils we live amongst. vermin of the planet muslim population incresed like pigs, 4 wives&40kids:sakshi maharaj well dont do it but dont expect evolved people not to you fkg neanderthal for every well off family there are hundreds of feral bastards who sma had delhi not voted for & his party by now he would hv been in jail on charges of getting foreign funds from isi for anarchy he finally stopped and invited me to chat at the mosque in d c or orlando fla some time . europeans should do as muslims and theoretically stone that woman by voting her out of office yea we were better offwith the floppy-eared gayblade and his manly wife shipping our 401ks and savin grumpy says only people with half a brain use #lgbt friendly um, they use it on site lol here's a jewish boy who's stalking me . his name is victor . i think he's gay . any idea what to do with gay jews ? ;.cant lick em,noon emold age moo tactics,as soon as deah gets de upper hand,bow down now! alahuakbaarrrr if those ""other hemisphere"" immigrants get to mexico, are they mexicans? hey you rotten politicians and lying media keep revving up racial hatreds so blacks kill whites cops francis the talking pope is such a fool it's almost entertaining unless ur catholic. imam's all need psychotherapy or lead. oh wow a jew made a penis joke, once again u prove how debased your jew brain is #hitlerwasright oy vey! what is the matter with you nasty rats? why can't i be part of your little goy club ? stick him in an mri machine, film the magnets ripping all that shit out of his flesh, how does feel about asking his mistress to abort his unborn child ? :/ / we can only hope these neanderthals run into those of us packing heat. guarantee it's not gonna go well for the jihadis. zip it, snowflake. just for you, he can scream saddam as he plunges. better?drowned, dipped in acid, burned alive in cages like #isis 4 u? i + just + supported + #protestpp + #defundpp + today . + on + + / / + lmao okay, you are a journalist, and i am elvis. whatever. this is no more mysterious than roof or glenn miller oh honey. justoh, honey. bless your heart. castrate these goat molesters how dare you assume gender. it's equality, baby. amazing, she's a candidate that conspires with illegal immigrants for votes, wow and she wants to be president i graduated university about a decade ago & now live in a small ukrainian settlement with no campus lol i hate socialism though i like how punjabo hussein became the gatekeeper of conservatism these amazingly brave people make american protestors like blm look like babies bitching about not getting a i stand with sessions . i stand with trump . and i stand with the russian people who beat back the bolsheviks now in charge of us media . i wonder why the white europeans are allowing muslims to take over their governments and push whites into white genocide ? i'm pretty sure all the mestizo from surrounding nations mass migrated to argentina because they wanted it . i'm pro-white heimbach's job is to drive people away from white identity . attacking him is doing the lord's work i should get a medal . i hate niggers and faggots!!! i'm white and i'm ready to fight i've probably met people just like them . if there's a specific message that conflicts w / my convictions ... i can't promote that . - blaine adamson #freetobelieve if there's going to be an ethnostate we'll have to build it . why can't we just shoot mexicans at the border already illegals from mexico tells legal mexicans in america ( citizens ) you not mexican you white your skin brown but you white mentality of hate now try something correct. by, loser. let us in the real world do in fact we already know jason kessler is cnn . wallace may be cnn too . go out and get them great ratings . right, so lets outlaw it so women still cloths hooks up their snatch instead. worried about her headscarf? i would have torched it! is a hate group . #marchagainstsharia is a hate rally . full stop . #counteracthate -sorry. this is a hoax photo. but aww, you want to believe it, don't you? as if muslims at the border will admit they want islamic law. ""do you believe gays should die?"" ""no."" ""ok, in you go. israeli zionists jews control white west here you go, folks. a handy-dandy guide to who hates ted. haha perkins/frc are both idiotic crapfests.although, crap does attract fliesand you seem to like 'em a lot. it's amazing how envious and jealous other people are of whiteness . that's going to do a lot. time for a round up, start with the lawyers who represent this filth when they get arrested. it's over : top cuck donald trump strikes deal on daca amnesty no border wall funding via it's no secret he's hypocritical white people hating black racist . black racists should b expose more . no free pass he blocks everyone anyway, snowflake gone melting in the snowlol!! its cowardice that bannon denounced the alt right . i no longer support him its not about victimhood ; its either being racist or not being racist . supporting racism / white supremacy or opposing racism / white supremacy . u clearly support both of those things . so off . mmmm, mmmh, mmm that sweet frog up your ass, 'feels good' doesn't it? bexar county sheriff says the bill would alienate immigrants. wait, what? alienate illegal aliens? jews believe they're the chosen people . this state is hereditary / genetic and can only be passed down by a jewish mom jews freak out after german policemen play goebbels speech on radio at g7 summit | more : via jihad reaching higher places . calgary has a.muslim mayor . so tell us, when is this god going to show up and tell you how to have sex? or how to define it just stop claiming to speak for southerners dixie and white people . no one - zero actual white southe people ask..if parents get deported, what of kids? duh, take them with you. i would we should have done a better job teaching these hoodlums us history instead of the tyranny of progressivism. funny, yep that convinced me{sarcasm off} list of killings in the name of islam : last 30 days ; los showing up when antifa attack the gettysburg cemetery ? help #buildthewall so people get start working on the tunnelsyes, that is sarcasm is that all they have on their minds brain in their dick castration time makes you a white supremacist . no, to hell where 72 virgin devils is going to screw the hell out of him for eternity. oooohh no.. that's just their welcoming committee, religion martin luther king jr . message to white america ( laws vs sacrifices ) mass jooish media skool & church have atomized bonds only stranger yes, tell me who puts their kids in water only when the water is safer than the land. meeting newly sworn-in colleagues at south block . mic drop a real american black or white we are all american oh but ""evil"" gulf countries are just sooo misogynistic, told me so. mongolian are white ? white as u described r 4 ppl from caucasus mountains etymology . well she looks better that obamas momma looked in her nude/porn pics more than caire . we are fair . haha that would be awesome and suicide for what's left of the libs do it, smaller govt is good for all .. jus sayin #maga i got a good one for them pack there bags and send them home notice they always wave mexican flags not ameeican liberal hippie bs ! go to the middle east and let's see your welcome strangers theroy ! no good tydings rt : communism is a tomb . that is why liberals want to put whites there . not all white grandfathers were racist . and those ppl are not us . how about having the slow olympics too. u know, winners jump lowest, run slowest, how about a fund for the victims of these illegal immigrants? wouldn't that be more proper?? not true . slavery had been dead in europe for 1k years until blacks corrupted whites with t in italy we call this type of woman how you say, piggo porko just because he's a muslim, she's a jew and he shouted 'allahu akbar' you cannot jump obama bans confederate flags at veterans cemeteries | read more : via well be the elite and erase them soon enough. odd for you to say this since you're a white supremacist . eat pig! our entire culture heritage and racial identity is painted as a pernicious and particularly evil disease which must be abolished . i may be powerless to stop trannies from sharing a locker room with my daughter, but gosh darn it i can get a lot of sons killed overseas! thus bye bye dumb amd bumber!!! grow a brain and adios illegos pil filed asking govt to constitute sit to investigate mysterious deaths of 9 indian nuclear scientists over past 3y to repeat a quote from 1 of the smartest men i have ever read, thomas sowell. ""racisim is like ketchup, u can put it on anything. politically correct jewish press continues to humanize pedophiles via build that damn wall with hillary and husan obama on the mexican side. 2 aaa socialist sleezebags private sch dont fall under same laws.if ignorance is bliss . you must be blissful . not anti religion it's pro tolerance raise act doesnot hurt skilled immigration ! ! ! if anything it makes it better ! this is the best possible complement to the h1b bill ! #daca turns four, watch for ""future eligible children"" to get #work permits soon. aww, it can't read right just controlling for us hothead white southerners we're gen z(yklon) is on our side. who do you got? cat ladies, soymales, others who thought there would be free fried chicken etc rt : #religiousfreedom rally for ousted atlanta fire chief a ' tremendous success ' #firedforfaith sabotaging trump to elect hillary will be the ultimate betrayal by conservatism inc : sad but it's easier to indoctrinate people than to convince them that they've been indoctri sargon of akkad and debate race differences identity and the morality of white survival . thank god we are #indians!if we were in #pakistan,our options for professional courses after xiith would be as follows:#kashmirrejectspak secular muslim women take evil shariah based muslim personal law to kafir indian but hey! that fat whore sure did make a fabulous sock puppet! minus the smell and liquid discharge no wonder the muslim men lose their minds. they see burqua's all the time. come to the west and see lots of skin. sweetie why did muhammed ask jesus to let him jump in the swine and jump over the cliffs. was he afraid to jump off the mountain keep kicking and braying for me donkey! black skin would get the white man tax breaks on owning a business, reduce his chances of getting fired from a job, get him into college cheaper and easier, give him victory over political correctness. dark chocolate spray tans for the white man. soon you'll be out bashing the antifa . i'll send carol over for bodyguard services if you like ? southern is a folk a people just like choctaw or zulu . a nation is blood and soil not g strangely only white men have a declining life expaectancy . this drop is comparable to the aids epidemic in africa but shut up whitey right ? stupid fat she-boon study : white resistance increases as minority status looms | more : via sure i want to destroy the enemy but larping with gay swastika shir she's 16 not 6. she's old enough to know better then to consort with blacks. if she was dating this bla that guy in the back is not antifa and neither was heather heyer you cuck that is certainly true . that is irrelevant to blacks being a resource sink hole . it's called a tu quoque fallacy . your low iq correlates to low critical thought you live in a shit hole, and the muslims will make nazis look like school boys. fuck mohammed and islam the hate & need to control #blacklives still burns strong in the ranks of the #dnc #dems the hostility and contempt the jew has for the white man and his civilization cannot be more obvious . jews are openly at war with whites the jews again . jew hate is prevalent in muslim communities . the jews and muslims do have a common enemy .. white christians the men of normandy had faith that what they were doing was right faith that they fought for all humanity ... ( 1/2 ) #dday70 like liberal just say it liberal for whites means nigger lover and for blacks mean nigger im done here! the only hate is in the empty nihilism of treasonous marxists such as yourself . you hate whites . you hate civilization . you hate beauty . shhh,he's a target for the liberals and illegals now.dont malign the holy dacas, a group of 25-36 yr old pure baby angels.we should give let in jews and it becomes a ""nations of immigrants"" in another month. the usaaf pilot who flew his p - 38 to milan and joined the waffen-ss | read more : via there is such a thing as white people . these people behave and live in a certain way . that is white culture . there's no race war . only a power struggle between two mutually exclusive and hostile groups of white p illegals flying, adults in high school, ms-13 recruiting, mccain ripped!(follow the links and use all of this this horrible word describes you ! lets take away the power . #rt #tcot what the hell is wrong with these people? they are sheep being let to slaughter. #banislam times are different now . look at your history millions of people from ireland mex portugal etc came here illegally then became citizens to care about my neighbours and children more than someone from france or malawi is normal . to make clear : yes i and other white brown and black englishmen would die to protect each other and this country . we have a bond ; white black and brown brits do die defending engld wow, face it kids, cali is done. it may be time to have a 'sacrificial lamb' plan in our back pockets. trump admitting syrian refugees at quicker pace than obama | the daily caller if a man can cut off his penis and be a woman, then all categories are fair game.thank you liberals two great videos : #whitepeople #whitepride #hitler #14words #ows #tlot #p2 #honor u white phag it i will love tu kill u white bitkhes koon bye bye. we won't miss ur welfare sucking dem ass. wait a minute . are you sure you're not a white guy with a black guy profile pic ? isn't trump racist ? blame others, blame everyone never take responsibility.nigger is always innocent. i'd adopt these white refugees kids anyday over a nearby ghetto black or illegal mexican child. if you killed all the niggers in your school you'd have the master race"" - welcome to the uk from britain's indian community # what about white on white crime ? what about white people who's ancestors are union soldiers ? are they not worthy of respect ? at this moment in time the us should not take in any more immigrants or allow illegals. we are broke! simple deport all immediately! what insecurity makes you scared of white identity ? why can't i stand up for the only people with a declining life expectancy in america ? deport the illegals and fine company for employing them. oh look, it's one of the american taliban. move to the middle east, you freak. after last night, the rioters of #ferguson should be considered terrorists and be dealt with accordingly white afrikaners demands for freedom via time to band together and get sickening vocal. whatever it takes to stop this garbage and the carriers of garbage. t ryan. i think your days are numbered. we in az totally 100% agree with arpio's pardon. and remember. it was a misdemeanor! obama let murders white lives matter = pure hate ! diversity is a code word for #whitegenocide . immigrants are welcome to come into our country legally. the illegal criminals need to be kept out #secure orders suck my dick douche bag. freebies please i wish. me and my whole family were born in the usa. shoot yourself loser if islam is banned what happens to the muslims? arrest them? kill them? what exactly? white power fam . white race is most beautiful creation of #god . it must be preserved . save hindus also . all should be deported immediately. why are conferences full of beautiful classy happy self confident people ? #altrightgooglesearches why are jews so determined to control the media silence criticism and squelch free speech ? #adlchat why can't wallace also support trump ? end daca! no amnesty! no citizenship! no chain migration! no benefits! no voting 25 years! build the wall! pl. respond to attacks, despondency will not help; simply #deport all muslims deport all muslims will there be a massive christmas tree on the lawn ? deathpenalty or life inprisonment must be implemented on these animalsk, not mere deportation! wow ! they love trump in india ! build the wall. deport all illegals if they are illegal, then let them go you can be racist hispanic and republican . stop illegal immigrants from voting! you sound like a white supremacist to me you would never ask a question like this to a charity specifically contributing to jews or those in india asia or africa . you know is based on building up european americans . there is absolutely nothing wrong with that and they owe nobody an explanation . you're entire page is racist against whites . you're consumed with hate . you're not racist . you just have a good head on your shoulders . you're talking about american indians . this article is about people from india . no more refugees! start sending all of them back! treat it like tps= temporary! put it up his murdering rump and detonate it zionist-controlled greek police arrest leader lawmakers of golden dawn va " : poor henry harrell mmbr-we said we would unmask you no need 4 a hood now #ferguson " " : yes still alive and white " " #fbi #thegov #takedwnthissite #wewillshootback #stopracism " " be as kind as doves but as wise as serpents . " " - brigitte gabriel ( ) " they'll be ignored. the ""parasites"" need to all go home! round them up & deport them. " stay white " " ? ! i found your new slogan ! " " stay stupid " " " no amnesty no daca yes deportation " this is the end for the alt right ! " " said the increasingly nervous man for the tenth time " #religiousfreedom 3 ) i'm callingout ' tis misleading " evangelical values voters " " " and after they are done fighting the other muslims ? they come after us . " do some reading " " ! ! " black supremacist screaming " i hate white people " " attacked whites in new york metro station : via " can we brand him to a " terror cell " " .. and initiate some war heads ? " let's kill them ! then raise taxes on the rich dems/repubs in congress who vote for this. no healthcare for illegals!!! extremists are defining the gops position on #immigration . " immigration reform is ' national rape ' " " says " here is the " white supremacist " " beast via " i am an immigrant vickie i don't see " white christian " " males as a threat . you however are blinded by ignorance & hate . sucks to be you ! " he would have been alive if she didn't come here for her freebies,,, i am going to bring down america by funding black hate groups . we will put " them " " in a mental trap and make " " them " " blame white people . ... " i recall bill mitchell's old tweet " there are 250 million white people in america " " ~ his number included hispanics " i regard hitler + napoleon as " the emperors of the white race " " . they ruled europe . greatest thing since rome ! ! " yes - deport him!! i would just add : " it's not trump's fault . #truconservatives failed to conserve women's restrooms . " " " if they are illegal yes, they go and must come back like legals. to the back of the line. amnesty and you are done. good. just take back your citizens. aiding and abetting illegal immigrationperiod! a seat for any illegal is a seat a citizen won't get. oh and the group that kills children are " white " " too . " i understand paying for deportation, but the appeal? unacceptable! excuse me miss, when u say non muslim's must be killed does that include rodents? will wait for reply for regional peace and security, all sanctuaries, safe havens and support to such terrorists must end. reduce the welfare line and criminal activity!!! deport!! proliferating anti-white agenda " " rt " religious liberty is the bedrock upon which all other freedoms are built 2017 onderdonk award recipient " rt #hsbc whistleblower tells #c4news ' much more data to come " carroll foundation trust case " rt ' holocaust ' debate / comments / news " where death wears a smile " " ( 1985 ): does anyone have an electronic copy ... " a wall at no cost to tax payers re tweet spread the word deport dreamers let them return and apply like everybody else rt : jewish / jews 100 % ok zionism 0 % not okzionism is " racist fascistn idiolgie " " like nazism / fascism / aparth " rt arabs and muslims actually tell the truth about the jews and their nation-wrecking agendas unlike our cucked out puppet " political leaders " " " rt dancing for joy at 106 and " loving jesus christ " " . looks at the woman who met the first couple : #potus " rt splitting hairs neither the supporters nor the opponents care about those academic distinctions . both are " pro-white " " to both friends & enemies . " end them all potus!!!!! sbc : we will sacrifice your children nation and heritage whether you like it or not for the sake of our sjw " christianity " " " get em out of here! end daca!! taxpayer nightmare! to balance this, we need end chain migration, build wall, e-verify video : liberals sign petition to support white privilege tax " " can bama deport ole fish-guts..? you mean " the white thing " " " aclu needs to be put out of business it certainly is a front for illegals. take your threats and shove it i think we knock off the hearings for illegals and us the taxpayers will gladly cough up the money to repatriate them to where the hell they come their foreheads so we know they got deported in case they come back shoot couple of this sand niggers, they will learn quick! may god bring comfort and healing to these family members. why were these illegals given driver's vote! deport!!! death penalty.thin the herd! #kukluxklan forever ! #ripbabamarri veteran baluch nationalist leader #shaheednawabkhairbakshmarri : passed away in karachi #standupwhiteman #14words white revolution is the only solution . go for it. i'll pay to transport illegals to your state. win win for u and me #truecons couldnt get anymore frustrating if they tried . disgusting people with no principles . ' holocaust ' debate / comments / news dr . thomas dalton demolishes alan hart's meager attempt to rebut revisi ... time to come out of the shadows and leave this country. it's not fair to people who come here legally. set them free after a train ride to the border. stop all federal finding to all cities & states, with sanctuary cities, until laws are complied with! dts my take..put them all in a c130 and dump them out over their own country without parachutesdone, over. deport the bums house #immigration plan slammed, spends $10b and deports no illegals via #noamnesty . to protest the #kkk ! #christian #lgbtq go to cabellas and get own with 32 round clips start firing at all illegals before they cross borders deport all illegals now! send usbp to cities to assist ice to deport every illegal! yes! tell them daca matter is not in the debate. remind them of the law and tell them the plan; deport and work permits in an orderly fashion prioritising imminent threats. tell them, ""stand down in the name of the people"". 500,000 is still too much immigration! we need to drop it to 300,000 or so or reintroduce tancredo's immigration moratorium bill! : abortion has a market problem : #hb2 #protectthemboth #prolife only the muslim/democrat (either one is shit) in office will not allow the laws to be enforced! deport!!! kill everyone that tries to stop you. go back u piece of shits. : southern nationalism has a better chance in dixie than wn / ns does in yankeedom or pacifica . : survey finds 70 percent support for deporting illegal immigrants #afire #tcot #teaparty ... ripping off welfare, free lunches, school programs, bi - lingual teachers required =higher taxes. if they don't get it they sue. get out! here you go fbi! get this pos! ""animal!"" out of my country! before this asshole acts on it! : thats right . they are proud of the fact that the white race is being led to its death ... the greatest race to eve ... : there is no trust on immigration reform when 1000s of criminals are released instead of deported : via : white house erases israel from its website #tcot a long time ago, it used 2b this way! we didn't allow ppl in who didn't have something 2offer us! : video : ukrainians welcome hitler as liberator ( 1941 ) plea to america: melt congressional phones, kill executive amnesty a boer fault is how they can trust white ppl . they can very easily trust other white who r non-boers . a mainstream southern alternative : adapting the ukip model to the south a racist islamophobic zionist kook like you should love muslims like . they're your undeclared allies embrace them . according to james michener in the covenant there were virtually no indigenous people in southern africa when the dutch arrived in the 16th century . if there are moderate muslims, they're heretics according to koran. allows no peaceful coexistence. submit or die. aka the jewish pedophile ring . fire all of them that don't enforce the laws! start deportations of all illegals in california rt now deport them!!: "": illegal immigrants arrested protesting at capitol #immigration #noamnesty they need to take their 3rd world asses back to where they came from & take that f@#%king allah with them! all the protesters are white ... 1st, #border control; 2nd #e-verify; then discuss #deportation priorities & #daca. the bad hombres have already found other ways into our country.wake up take them all out they don't deserve to be there this is shameful that we have so many illegals in the country and obama wouldnt let them do there job. time to get some officers hired to get this problem under control angry white and proud : new documentary on english nationalism ( video ) via lord, let your enemies be scattered, let them be confounded and be put to shame retard. send this pos to mexico. shut it down! surrender is not an option! i can tell you how to do that get rid of all the illegal immigrants in this state. th anything but southern and texas nationalism is worthless to us hunter . keep up the good work, let's dox these fuckers stop bringing in more refugees..let them stay i their own counties & deal with their problems there!!! & send the ones who are here back to where they came from!! banned : bing cosbys white christmas song is now officially racist | more : via all of the emperor's adopted amigos will be safe, warm & fed while our brave vets are homeless, cold and hungry!! aside from being an habitual drunkard, he's a habitual illegal! shouldn't have a licence to begin with! #tattohisass & send him back! #maga bernie sanders : white people dont know what it is like to bepoor stop the illegals! they r criminal in actions! we have had enough! never crooked hillary always trump! trump-pence! bingo ! im telling you the worst racist things i have ever heard were from white liberals . many onl how many isis soldiers came in with them? we must watch our backs in a free country! thanks bleeding libs! why vet when you can close borders??? stuff vetting! #911 is good enough excuse to ban muzzas ok. do it so we can! breaking - #israel preparing major action . tv reports hamas organizing women & children human shields to prevent israel's response . criminals bruh ima make racist claims and support seclusion with my obtuse nationalism . let's talk about how disenfranchised we are arrest the idiot. put him in an iranian jail. . how about no. we do not need immigration reform (amnesty). we need and demand enforcement. #noamnesty he brought them here to have his own enemy combatant army to inflict islam on us. round them up. send them back conservatism is weak compared to what ? look at the the electoral map - republican vs democrat . what is stronger ? jail the lawless whimp! david lane : hess rockwell mathews and others - heroes not forgotten | read more : via if they r here illegally they r criminals. doj &^ dohs dont have balls to arrest or convict them evangelical groups should be teaching respect for the law. illegal immigrants are breaking the law. no amnesty of any kind no gov support rt data showsice releases alleged illegal immigrants,violent convicts #immigration enforce th depends how you define alt lite . if by alt lite you mean civic nationalists yeah . but #illegals and #terrorists get #freestuff and #getoutofjailcard #tgdn rt department of justice and president cuck opening up civil rights investigation into charlottesville via you'd better get some guns and fast!! savages don't respond to reason. take away the reasons to come here, like food stamps, welfare, social security disability and they won't come. also e-verify everywhere. did he condemn the somali who murdered a ' white woman ? why are they even here ? no they don't deserve our food goes to those who deserve it.they should apply for citizenship first. amen did you help the homeless of inferior genetics elimination from the gene pool by assisting only those homeless of superior european heritage ? eh no . white westerners are the only reason israel can exist . fuc yes legal immigrants only. stop heroin traffic, jihadists, save jobs. a no brainer, no hrc no problems! end all sanctuary cities ! ! enforce the laws no more money for illegals and refugees #wethepeople demand #buildthewall #wallsandlaws arrest those who harbours and helps criminals its called obstruction of justice 10yr jail fact of the day : california texas and new york lead the nation with the largest immigration backlogs . #immigration female genital mutilation in us tripled in 25 years find a white wife . be a red-piller not an oil-driller . she is a poster child for idiocy! send her back to afghanistan funny that virtually the entire left including msm is condemning antifa on the same day ! ! they've bee bible publishers should be free to do business according to the book that they publish, germany : non-white in one generation #swrm via germany : non-white in one generation | read more : via go hunt them down racist good 1 . white people are toast with childish self prescrided spokesment like u at the helm . good afternoon zahra ! i am very well thank you and you ? how is the work for hamas going ? we should destroy the saudis. all muslims. israel isn't muslim, so i don't have a problem with them. google searches and the holocaust : google has recently set out some proposals to move from ranking its searche ... hard-left jew-hater and jihad enabler . has lost the plot ; pl hang criminals of this traitor party also purge bjp he probably thought she was white . he'd tell you the same today . noticing adverse events involving black people is racist . heather heyer is a martyr to a big fat lie concocted by the anti white liberal media & th hey hunter i used one of your tweets in this article . i stand in solidarity with you all # hi robert could you explain why obama is threatened and mocked by isis even though he seems to be ' one of them ' ? hopefully this was done in white neighborhoods . savages have moved the war to the home-front through legal and illegal immigration. how about secure the white house the terrorist on america . how do you guys feel about the bear jew from inglorious basterds i added a video to a playlist refugee crisis : czech doctor describes conditions in german hospital nothing acceptable about it! if i ever catch someone sexually abusing a child, i'll have no problem siting in jail for putting a hot round in the back of their skull! mount a nbp head in your living room. take them out. i attended the 2015 white nationalist amren conference via i consider myself to be alt - south . i didn't realize there was this level of strategic thinking among the alt-right . ( not being critical ) . i doubt they were the original people to move in . there's always a wave before them who got killed . i drove once from a different location and the drive was beautiful . many of the same excellent people will be there i feel jared was a lone crusader for a long time and easy to attack . if thousands shared his flawless and they should have to pay every dime back, plus interest. from their own damn pockets. yes, please do end the hati an migrants program,we are sick of all this diversity over whelping our cities&communities! i struggle to understand how anyone can willingly want the destruction of their people and culture . no surprise there then..the only - nasty but necessary - option is to de-islamise our societies and d hide your kids, your husband, and your wife from this cretin. i will write a long essay condemning mainstream conservatism and defending nationalism and populism great! throw them right back over the border. better yet, one way ticket to mexico city i'm dreaming of a white christmas i'm not anti white i'm anti white suprmacy . interesting that you see no difference . all white ppl aren't white suprmscist you know ? i'm white and i'm not your people and do not support anything about you . you are nothing but dellusional and trash . deport the criminals let the rest stay and tax the shit out of them and intercept the funds they send home send them back to their motherlandillegal is illegal no matter what you call em if you have a strong stomach go have a look at identity evropa . industrial strength racist toxicity even some whining about white women being excluded from the women's march in january . mind-boggling . illegals are bankrupting the taxpayers. send them back. in germany if you notice that muslim invaders are raping your women you're a racist and your fb post is deleted in the book ' eye for an eye ' #jewish author john sack brags about the evils his people perpetrated on the germans after the war . #torture these are not refugees. they're cowards fleeing their in theory but if whites ever got tactical advantage in a full blown civil war un would step in bcuz raysis friday deadline to sign our letter to #congress 2 stop #syrianrefugees fr coming to ur state is marching for life today ! #marchforlife #weareprolife #whywemarch isn't black and being a cop hater and fkkn race hustler that he is will only promote cop on black or white on black grievances . then ca will have to pay 100%. law specifically excludes illegals. can't have welfare & open borders & survive. jew caught and tortured rudolkf hoess : uncle ... we should grant him asylum in exchange for a jihadi here. jewish harvard professor wants to abolish the white race via but i bet jews are okay in his eyes . jews communists and genocidal hate in whiteness studies #withjewswelose #hitlerwasright i have my trusty spell casting wand. i shall smite all the libtard goblins back to hell from whence they came. kazaam! john friend's blog : jews in the obama administration i'd say they should be given equal treatment, the same as every other undocumented alien. demand all you want from your government, this one doesn't belong to you. go home and blame your parents. declare a state of emergency! martial law! use the hoses!and play right into our hand #mo, this is why y'all need to #draintheswamp, by voting claire out! . is running for u.s. senate. check him out! #mosen #ap4senate #fireclaire leave milo alone . he is exposing white people for their hatred of white people don't let them in! must b vetted 1st! muslims don't assimilate, want 2 dominate! gotta protect ourslvs! stop o's plan! dear #blacklivesmatter, keep shooting at police. i am certain they will not mind when citizens shoot you. . . liberal democracy = it's not okay to be white . for every church, monastery or christian place of worship that gets hit. a mosque should be also. like depressed people they suffer from a perception disorder which is why they are extraordinarily suicidal look at all them stupid white people i guess they think there black bravo.. you have to stop them at all cost, the muslim and the globalist. looks like they expect more monkies to go for it than white people . louisanna going to lose state funding and tourist if they don't comply to the sanctuary bill . louisasanna always in bad weather crises . these extreme islamic need to be deported,we the people want these mosques shut down!! this we need to demand!! it is time to close the border by using the military; and start enforcing e-verify; deport all illegals major case moving through the supreme court led by against missouri . make america white agen many honest people are judged & convicted unfairly but why do islamist jihadist get a pass ? . our laws apply to illegal aliens, we should focus on aliens and criminal refugees. zero tolerance. military freedom of religion absolutely no place for jihad in the cosmopolitan london. those responsible must be eliminated asap. no mercy f modi govt strictly implementing #ruleoflaw and stopping the gravy train got the goat of ' artists ' ? #akademipoetry money cant buy a true american rubio is a trush i wish legal immigrants would stand up & take to the streets. w/ those that support zero amnesty & enforcement most of these lawsuits could be dismissed if we had reasonable constitutional judges! illegals have no constitutional rights! give them a taste if the chain gun. more negroes entered america in last decade than during 300 years of slave | more : trade most people don't even know it happened . i had jaap search every german newspaper today not even one mentions it rt : need to ban ""no go zones and the practice of sharia law. need to bloc muslim refugees from middle east unless mountain division waffen-ss prinz eugen t-shirt | read more : via this shirt for the gym mt iranian prez-elect rowhani tied to iranian jihad bombing #islam #islamophobia #tcot #terrorism all the muslims should leave if they don't like it here, and take a blm member with them my fight became personal for two reasons . one i have a daughter and two . a rabbi had me banned from cols ga . if someone invades the usa im picking up a gun and fighting u r welcome to hide under my bed don't they realise if they pull the trigger, they're going to lose badly?i hope they do it, we need a good culling anyway. nation of islam attendees . racist black police shooters in #dallas attended mosque enough is enough! call out all democrats and republicans who deny this, says this #american - and end the free ride! i dont do either. 100% against refugees(& islam, blm, pc, all the rest). im p new german biography casts hitler in a different light no daca, period. would rather just keep border security bulked up and no more einstein's . he was a jew anyway lets get ice to do a few raids in there & drain that swamp get your muslim house in order , enough is enough none ! semites aren't white . i say take them east of maryland about 200 miles toss em out and let em swim back no bloody way.tell the moslims where to shove a polite way obviously number 1 lad they sure are mad number 5 addition : unless they're black then call them a twitter bot or say they hate themselves . good time to load them all on busses and send them home . but is it still catch and release? close the border! oh precious . milo was just the first to fall under the weight of his own ' re next ricky . #cuck they have guns? use them you assholes! ok - here goes : save the boer . immediate segregation of blacks and whites across the world . otherwise rahowa . you people destroyed rhodesia and south afrika . either step in to fix situation for boer or we step in to take you out . one solution to opposition is the kill the kafir . quran says to kill . all blackies must go back to africa or israel pl vacate do whatever you can or these desert barbarians will destroy the western civilization. jeff, let's hit these illegal sanctuary cities in the pocketbook, just where it hurts..then watch them get in line very quickly ! only people with nothing much to lose will take a public stance . tie the noose right, mr. executioner. we wanna here the snap! people have to get blackpilled before they can get redpilled . that's what's happening now . people more afraid of being called a racist Illegal aliens are an imminent threat to this country. They must be rounded up, interned, and deported NOW. All illegal crossings at the border must be stopped with GUNFIRE. #InternAndDeport It's time to purge the entire landmass of the United States of the plague that is the Jewish pedophile population They hate our right to bear arms more than SEX WITH CHILDREN I wouldn't mind seeing these vermin Hunger Gamed. Put them in a pit, tell them to hunt each other down pl . start looking at these matters as fight between two people or even two groups . Fight me, communists. providing wages that won't support a white family is genocidal while giving aid 2grow non-white numbers is #whitegenocide social engineering proving a labor shortage in agriculture : a job american researchers cant do #immigration Fun fact normies: Nicolas Maduro is an ethnic Jew. So was Fidel Castro. So were Mao’s and Stalin’s top advisers and financiers. So were the Bolsheviks. So were the heads of the communist party in Wiemar Germany. So is Bernie Sanders. #MondayMotivation #RemoveTheJews UK: Father of two jihadis killed in Syria threatens to have his wife shot if she gave evidence against him #AgendaOfEvil How do you free Tommy Robinson? The answer is so simple, you'd be surprised. You deliver your demands, if they laugh at you, riot, threaten to push into the jail he's being held at, threaten to burn down the city/town and begin to riot, push against them, attack, attack attack, and don't stop until they fold to your demands. It's sad to say, but it may be the only strategy left is to rain hel... report : white house nixed holocaust memorial text that mentioned jews via Bring the pain down upon her mom. #Trump #MAGA #KAG2020 #2A #USA #Mueller #AntiFa Address: 1315 Peach Orchard RdSalisbury, North Carolina 28146 tel (704) 630-4700Website sad state of affairs : n . california couple getting out of wedding photog business rather than violate their beliefs : sanctuary policies are needed america needa to eleminate the racist bogotry of fair who are unfair save the white aryan woman from extinction : only two percents of the world's population via #wpww Why waste the money nuking them? Let them kill each other. Who wants to kill little blasphemous sand babies 👶🏽? Mexico isn’t sending their best. seriously if the problem is white people not breeding how can you blame anyone other than white people ? Some faggot-loving newspaper wants folks to stay queer if they're either born or "are" that way Anyone who opposes trying to convert a fag into a hetero is a traitor not just to #Whites, but to the entire human race, and should be condemned & punished. In my #WN state, they would be- she never claimed eo was unlawful or unconstitutional . just not sure wise or just she used us elder . she was never #maga disappointing but we move forward sheikh mohammed is a visionary leader . his visit will add new vigour & momentum to comprehensive strategic partnership between india & uae . Israeli Prime Minister Vows Complete Annihilation Of Democratic Party In America shut up . you're a degenerate lying anti-white racist . the video is available for everyone In my humble opinion the ethic solution is the cruelest available, because its my duty as member of society to kill those who tries to attack my family and destroy my country. Also its okay to excommunicate those who will be like "SHIIIIET, DONT YOU HAVE NO HEART?! THEY'RE KIIIIIDS, DUDE" sleep with white supremacist dogs you get white supremacists fleas . What's is gained by one dead faggot Jew? Send that little cunt to the guillotine, then mount his head on a spike and have it decorate the outside of the whitehouse. so u are able to understand this racist #xenophobic #islamophobic add that it singling out #muslims immigrants regardless it is still #racist so you admit to being a racist ? and white lives matter is about only wanting My Twitter account has been locked 4 me defending myself&r country against subversion. My comment was : "@ColinFerri we can (No) longer tolerate idiotic talk from fools like u. U will need to b tried & executed. CA etc r on the verge of war with US." . sorry you seriously underestimate me : i am not a white supremacist i believe in human objectivism stand up for true tolerance gov already allows quakers religious freedom not to fight why not refusal to sell cupcakes ? There is no way to understand the Jewish efforts at genocide of the early church, until you get that they see their & Muslim God as the same, & the Creator as an enemy. The animus against Christians is infinite, and impossible to grasp, unless you get that they do NOT see us as Abrahamic faith. They want us erased, and the honest ones have told me so on social media. First of all, you're a fucking wetback. Secondly, you're pro-kike, therefore anti-White. Firing squad for you, traitor. ALONG WITH ILLINOIS, NEW YORK, MASSACHUSETTS, NEW JERSEY, WASHINGTON, OREGON... AND MORE COMING! HOWEVER, THEY BETTER NOT POLLUTE THE RED STATES THEY MOVED TO, CUZ THERE WILL B E HELL TO PAY!!!! study of holocaust survivors finds trauma passed on to children's genes Granny Schicklgruber's Cherries Jewbilee Recipe THEN WHY HAVEN'T THEY BEEN HUNG FOR TREASON! thank you mr . taylor ! Theresa May is a traitor and needs to be shot like a traitor Those filthy traitors must hang!!! thanks for standing for life ! i am excited for #prolifecon Yatzie, those days are gone, sadly we are stuffed, we have now Burkas hijabs and Barbarians all over the place, we need arevolution and start thining them out IMMEDIATELLY What will you do today, to disrupt, disturb, and defy the enemy?" Ah, good question. Glad you asked. 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 18785 It's a shame we stopped bombing you. Die soon, there's a good little faggot. 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 19339 More black teens should end up like Trayvon aka "St. Skittles. Another shit talking Nigger that needs a bullet in his head. 😠😠😠😠 the capitalist and islamic fanatic are true devil they should thrashed by massive nationalist fist the danger and terrorism threat is not across the border it's in wh and their condoning of white hate groups #nowallnoban Look at it from the bright side: if they really embrace this — which would be utter suicide — we would have a much easier time completely purging them from society. It's basically a free genocide card. No one would ever blame us. The mainstream left is afraid things are polarizing and destabilizing too quickly. They want to keep things civil so they can continue their destruction of the slumbering masses. I hope they continue their purges and all hell breaks loose. Those against Christians are aligned with the Jews, our mortal enemies. We don't need witches and warlocks to win this war. And we won't lift a finger to help our enemies. Remember that. I expect no patriotism from anyone that works in Seattle. Nuke the city. No loss. the left wants white pipo to go away ... i want to see swedes raped to death collectively the racial murder and rape of white women in america | read more : via #wr #wpww #14w What's faster than a school full of black kids? A loaded gun. the white race is being slowly exterminated & our future is uncertain . will you take a stand today & join our efforts ? What's the difference between a Jew and a pizza? The pizza doesn't scream when it's put in the oven. People talk about how hard it is to be Black in America these days... But what about being white? Like fuck, we're actually almost on a level playing field. Our grandparents had it easy as shit. Wanna hear the biggest lie? "Men and women deserve equal rights" sluts dont have hormones they have whoremones think doesn't know exactly what they are doing & what they risk when #ppsellsbabyparts ? they know . #defundpp What do bikes and black men have in common? The chain Whats worse than a Jason Aldean concert? Being black What do you call winning battle royale in China? Winner Winner Dog dinner this whole optics thing is so ridiculous and stupid . i never realized just how delusional pe What would you call an Arab with a wooden leg? A sticky bomb. Where do jews go when they die? Out the chimney. true heroes never die cuck How do you name a jew pokémon trainer Ash trump budget cuts $ 3 million from holocaust museum via trump is a symbol of white america regardless if he is / ourguy / or not and he trumps so mentally unstable calling himself white or american hhahhaha silly human theres no such thing . i am an earthling Recent medical studies shows that obesity can cause lots of problems in pregnant women. I think there’s nothing to worry about it. If a woman is obese, she won’t be pregnant in the first place. two major problems in west today . 1 . left ( useful idiots ) blocking positive progress 2 . alt right remaining divided . read now What did God say when he made the first black person? Dammit, I burnt one. How do you stop a Jewish man from smoking? You let him out. Why are black men good at basketball? The whole point is to run, shoot and steal. Oh and their knee grows. usmc memorial in veterans memorial park . ( lake baldwin fl ) Kitchen appliances salesman to the Jewish man.. "Sir would you like a tour to the new LG oven ?" Society is like a box of chocolates There are more browns than whites and the blacks are usually never touched. was your grandpa geo wallace .. ? ... remember what happened to him ? .. go put your hood back on ! we filed comments last week objecting to obama's parting gift to planned parenthood we must not allow our past to be erased by those who hate us . ( augusta ga ) I don’t think I’m racist I love black people I think every family should have one How does a black guy Send mail? With food stamps Since Harriet tubman is on the 20 dollar bill now, is it worth 3/5 of a 20 now? well well well . the news today is the leftist antifa nutt I have blue eyes. I got them from my dad. My mum has black eyes. She also got them from my dad. what about the white illegal immigrants ? It doesn't matter suicide rates are going up in Black communities, The race was killing itself anyway. what is a white hispanic ? what policies are white supremacist ? what pronoun should we use to refer to people who are transitioning into martians ? What do you call two chimps that fall in love? Black people. where's my alt-right salary ? tell putin i take #bitcoin and #monero ( and any alt coin ) white america is . black america is . big country . could be peaceful . Hitler just suck at running He cant even finish a race white christian immigration only the usa was founded as a white christian nation #fact white devil books Why do Puerto Ricans hang the Puerto Rican flag in their car? So they dont steal from each other. What do White people get in return for letting Blacks have Black heritage month? Father's Day white hate leader donated to scalise via What do you call a black person on top of a church? Holy shit white men aren't in charge of black people killing each other ! Why did I get a white car? So it would actually work! white people are going to fight back . we have every right to resist our own genocide . white people confirmed native americans . white race has lost sense . Why are black people so fast? The slow ones are in the prison. white supremacist don't like jews are black ppl . trumps family is jewish . trump helps african american What do you call a black guy with half a brain? Gifted Why don't blacks celebrate Thanksgiving? Because KFC is not open on holidays! why was corey long walking around charlottesville with a suitcase ? What do you get when you put a gay Canadian flight attendant in the same room as a monkey? An aids epidemic. will incessantly talk about evil white people and / or have no problem focusing on the race of non-whites in a positive way . women in the goenka family were willing to sell their jewellery to keep the indian express running during #emergency1975 You know what they say Once you go black your a single mother wonderful news ! i also hope you'll have rick santorum there this year . awesome speaker author of #grahamcassidy to be voted on in jan #vvs17 I have no doubt that Jesus was a black man. Just like in the case of black dads, everyone is waiting for his second coming. wow the libertarian party just got false flagged ... wow . everything is just a symbol of hate . no one white ever did anything useful did they ? yeah shut up . the dems hate white people . they hate the south #jointaddress yes unless you're not white and you're trying to silence all [ white ] opposition . what do you call a jew that jumps out of a plane a falling star yo dm white boys you ... have shot people ? you believe nelson mandela was a freedom fighter #cuckservative Which Magic Wand can only make Men disappear? Pregnancy Test Sticks you didn't see any communist flags because you weren't there and you're just a liar . antifa = anarcho-communists they don't like democracy . you don't have the right to violently attack people you disagree with Wanna hear a joke? Black Lives Matter you jihad enablers are so filled with hate it oozes out of your every utterance . you make me ashamed to be white ! ! ! Name one positive about Africa. The HIV Tests. What do you do when you see a black guy on stage? You raise your hand to bid on him. you mean white genocide you see what you want to see ... there are plenty of white rapists too . you want black nationalism . there's no diff between the two except that if a white person says they want to focus on white it's racist . but a black person says that it's all good . so riddle me that ? id say both are retarded . a black man with a parrot enters a bar the bartender asks where did you get it africa answers the parrot your racist . y'all belittle your own cause What do apples and black people both have in common? They both hang from trees " roof probably reacted to barrack obamas presidency & the rapidly declining percentage of whites in the us population . " " - " Muslim kids... They blow up so fast. " nice whites " " get a kick in the face again . " > " encourages community to respond peacefully respectfully " " the same way the local antifa com " a lot of the hispanic crimes list the perp as " white " " not even " " hispanic white . " " i see that a lot . " Helen Keller walked into a bar and then a chair, and then a table and your message is " the alt lite disavow white supremacy and anti-semitism but they are " What's the difference between a black slave and a black surfer? One hangs high and the other hangs loose. folks interested in " taking pride in themselves " " do not sneak around in dead of night denigrading other people " What do you call it when a black person hides from a cop at night? Good use of camouflage. hmm . typical nonsense . what ? " you people " " show how stupid you are every day . " i can't tell a real ideological difference between those two labels . it seems that " identitarianism " " is just trying to be a less in-your-face alt right without the baggage of the alt right term or whatever . " i know gets " alt-right " " reputation for ... something maybe sometimes lis " I'm not racist racism is a crime, and crime is for black people. if enjoying a white nation is " racist " " then i'm a proud " " racist " " ! " Why do black people turn left? Because they don't have rights. What's the only time you wink at a black person ? When you're aiming. How do you track a Cherokee. Follow the tears. lol ~ no surprise ~ jews proliferate " perceived racism " " and " " anti-white agenda " " " What's the difference between Batman and a black man? Batman can go out at might without robin. raymond ibrahim on egypt : coptic christians fed to muslim " lions " " via " retweeted political islam ( ): the islamic doctrine of kafir hate . " allah kill the despicable ... " rt " it is about race . it is about race . " " the independent report is false because the researchers are too white . " rt . sick ! the efforts u people go2in " time on the cross " " to revise the history of slavery & hide the barbarism is shocking . " rt : egyptian salafists : " the people who dont recognize islamic sharia wont enter paradise " " and thos ... " Women deserve equal rights. And Other Hilarious Jokes You Can Tell Yourself rt join bjp protest on 23rd against cong govt " vidhanasoudha " " muttige #freedompark # at 10.30 am " Criminals are like just normal, regular people... ... But with darker skin. Why was six afraid on seven? Because seven is black What's the difference between homeless people and rats? Nothing, they both are infestations to big cities that isn't specific to what a " free white person " " is " Yeah, child labor IS illegal. Unless you mean "women"? @plaster_cole Girls should not be allowed to be commentators for football games Listen, you're sexist. @TommyJohn15 Listen, I'm not sexist, but every dumbass driver I've crossed lately has been a female. *most boys @ihatethiskid I'm not sexist but all the internet does is show that most girls don't know how to form their own opinions. TELL ME MORE @ohthatliamm I'm not sexist but I don't think I actually find any female comedian funny IRONY IS FUCKING DEAD @ibustos123 Im not sexist but feminists are the most annoying people out there. yep it's odd though isn't it ? i'm not sure if this " white supremacy " " is all it's cracked up to be what with the only people being censored being white people advocating for white people " #parisattacks let them in #brusselsattacks let them in #germanyattacks let them in let them in or be attacked ? ? ? #rahowa - britain sees race war brewing between non-white invaders i painted my laptop black so it would run faster . and now it wo n't work ( the day is gone : its inexcusable ) delayed decisions on modi events were wrong says election commission via - does anyone here at #queer want america to become islamic and be forced to dress like zahra billoo ? why are women like clouds ? because they dampen your day when they 're around but once they 're gone the day is much better . . i just closed my account . i won't be a customer of a company that supports jihad even if . we're counting on you to help #stopesea ! ! ! #pjnet ... many arrests of muslim youth in bharat regarding sexual violence against animals ... its happening what 's the difference between a black man and a lawn decoration ? a footstool and some rope . what 's black and screams ? stevie wonder answering the iron . who 's visiting millions of african children every year on christmas eve ? death . 2/2 - get where is coming from ( still consider them a philosophical & western ally ) - pot is too meaningless to me to change what happened to the girl who had a black heart ? cardiac arrest . : definitely antifa . that's a big fella there 240 + lbs and he's got 6 inches on the copy holding him . he could do so : here's a scene from the confederate summer of 2015 . notice how people are dressed . h what do you call a homosexual on rollerblades ? rolaids i like my women the way i like my fish . . . battered . so i almost dated this cute muslin chick in middle school but after her social media phase , she kinda blew up . : if you think criticising islam is racist you must think islam is a race . and if you think islam is a race you are a ... why do black people like the pokemon anime ? because they can relate to the main character 's fatherlessness . what is ironic about the lgbt flag ? all the colors are straight . : islamic state beheads us journalist james foley in video did you hear about the woman who got hit by a car ? police are questioning why she was out of the kitchen . : via : boko haram leader : kill kill kill kill kill christians ! #tcot what 's the meanest thing you can do to a blind person ? give them a cheese grater to read . : well said sir & i'm sick of the the libs portraying white southern boys as racist i lost my b volkswagen gas emissions scandal . the germans are still trying to gas us . a gay muslim walks into a bar . he ordered shots for everyone . the young homeless girl was delighted when i asked if i could take her home . she was n't too excited when i walked off with her cardboard box . you can tell a lot about a man by the car he drives for example , if it 's a black man , it 's not his car . jewish jokes what 's the difference between a jew and a stiff nipple . othing because they both disappear after hot shower adolf hitler you knew him what was he like ? - general lon degrelle's memories | read more : via according to is a racist waterbuffalo . what do you call a mentally handicapped jew ? aushwistic . afrikaner white nationalist town of orania continues to expand via after micah x . it needs to go back up permanently . why was it taken down to appease these people ? already happening in toronto and is 52 % non-white . detroit : the death of white civilisation via amen ! that's why i only support what is openly pro white no code words just pure white pride ! what 's the worst thing about being told you have alzheimer 's ? it dosen't happen at once american patriots come in all colors shapes and sizes . united we stand divided we fall . dems trying to enslave us with high taxes . americans kill more americans than muslims . you're a bunch of racist hicks looking for a place to put your hate how do you pickup a jewish girl ? broom and dustpan . what is the usual woman 's response to a black guy 's pickup line ? rape ! another brutal south african style hate crime murder in the united states via so the federal government said we are no longer allowed to call people from indiana " indianians " . now we must refer to them as " indyots " . why do black people take so long to check out at the grocery store ? mixers in one transaction , booze in the other anti-white agenda ? she's white so am i missing something ? and there a antifa & blm get their funding from many of the sames sources the & hacks do & in-bed with Don't worry about Mr. ________. He's just extremely Jewish. are you arguing that was wrong then or is wrong now ? honest q : why is so much alt-right a Person cutting my hair:: So are you seeing anyone? Me:: Not since things ended with my last boyfriend. It was complicated, he was from Afghanistan... Person cutting my hair:: And he was a terrorist? I was going to say that a close family member had died in a bombing and he had to go back to Kabul. But I guess terrorist works? are you sure it's white ? are you sure that the oppressed ones are the white people ? man .. There's African Americans and then there's black people. There's a difference. Like, Oprah is an African American, but some random black guy off the street doesn't deserve the title, you know? Surveying gender is easy because there's only male and female. as president trump was saying the fake news media is the enemy of the people Your mom is Brazilian isn't she? Maybe she could come to the school sometime for gym and teach the class how to dance samba! Oh my God! Yea, that shooting at Haas last week was so crazy! I feel like I go to a ghetto school now! No offense, but that's seriously gay. I'm not going to screen you for STDs because you aren't really at risk as a lesbian. But then again, I don't really know how you people have sex. black female writer : too many white people at american colleges via Walks into a post office to buy stamps. Me (Hmong American):: Hello, I would like to get the pixar stamps. Clerk:: *Takes out Chinese New Year Stamps, while smiling like she made my day* I think you'll like these. Me:: *Looks at her and the stamps...* No, it's okay. I'll just get the pixar ones. Clerk:: *Pushes the stamps forward* Awkward silence of me thinking... Me:: Okay *Buys and walks away* Clerk:: Xie xie WTF?! with a tickle in my tummy... Did this just really happen to me...? You mean your boyfriend coded it up in a week! brits killed much more in north america . but they still won't arrest the wavers of hezbolla and jihad flags ... by diversify you mean a plague reminiscent of the nothing from the never ending story . nieberhoods one by one turning to ghetto slums full of black hoodlums and white homosexuals that teach white guilt and anti cis feminism .. filth Don't pick that up, you're a girl. Let one of the boys do that. You're actually very pretty. Most dark skinned girls don't have your looks. call us names all you want but white identity is here to stay & it's only going to continue to grow . #whitegenocide christian are worshipping a god that commanded people to kill gay and apostate ! ! from the old testament . So how much Indian ARE you? I mean, you don't look it. cooper lighting in eufaula exporting 300 jobs to mexico #alwaystrump If the Japs are offended, then screw them. They should have stayed away from Pearl Harbor." The highest rated comment on a very old and very racist Bugs Bunny cartoon shown on YouTube. 7 macro,race 6 years ago didnt you know . everything he does is racist . like mayweather said racist since 2016 . de do you guys listen to kayne west ? But you're not REALLY disabled. You look so pretty! Are you really going to let a GIRL beat you? establishment conservatism has failed . and now it's lashing out at the newer younger cooler kids . even white supremacists have diversity My daughter said, 'Mom, I hate Mexicans!' I told her you can't judge all Mexicans because of one but, you can say they are all short. everyone laugh at whose influence is so great that won macon ga Native Amerian Studies boils down to 'kill whitey'. One of my good friends from high school is black, but I don't really think of her as black because she told me she's white on the inside. Women are like wine: I can only afford the really cheap ones that have the big, ugly boxes that leak. The Jews use to laugh They thought it was just a joke They're not laughing now -Adolf Hitler fdr was a wealthy new yorker . he won the entire south in a landslide four times . he ended a half decades of gop rule fraternal orders are selling lodges due to declining memberships . white nationalists should buy a lodge to own our own venue for meetings / socials . free save white people manual : from the obama administration a crucial legal surrender alliance defending freedom blog To the women marching across the US today Have as many abortions as you’d like Boycott sperm Get sterilized Boycott the patriarchy Kill yourselves in protest gender identity social classes et al . all that bs . in other words : people that can't german antifa call for the rape and genocide of ethnic germans | read more : via I made a Chad tinder profile Females don't care how vulgar or disgusting you are when you're attractive, if I was to say the same things I've said to these people with my real picture they would call the cops on me So far I've had 60 matches and none of them were disgusted by my messages, which were asking for sex straight up glenn beck draws 20000 to birmingham in the ultimate #cuckservative march great but why are they finally cracking down ? is it because trump might become president and the hispanics don't want the wall ? ha ha ha ... get smashed by #opkkk he'll probably get a massive payout once some lawyer claims his rights have been breached by being deported so many times . help us honor george lincoln rockwell today by going the extra mile with literature distribution : #wpww #whitepride hispanic is not a race . miami is mostly white where did u get that grossly inaccurate fact lol hope it goes well for you guys take the alt-right from online into the physical world . how do you get blocked from white pride when your white ? lol i am a fan of the white people who built the west . the 14 words are for them . i don't trust the people that he surrounds with i feel for you . dont cave to their pressure . you be you . black or white we are all the same . praying for u . i highly doubt that . they're not in support of nationalism except civic nationalism . i see somany white ppl . i think he's a bigger fraud than milo i will never again vote for the globalist + their front men ever again . not hillary cruz rubio romney . never . i'm a conservative white texan and you and your group make me want to throw up . i'm concerned about white cops being targeted by racist black thugs not with what color annie is or if a black man can play james bond ! if only he were one of the non-muslim rapists you'd have no objection to it . obviously . if only these different groups of people could have separate countries and move on with their lives . if promoting a war is actually starting it then the alt right should all be in jail be if the american revolution had failed the crown would have eventually done to the south what the yankees did to it . in many societies devils & evil spirits are white ; ppl w / white skin were seen as living white devils i . e treatment of albinos in africa in the senate he will be just like ted cruz or mike lee . don't get your hopes up that high . indian rocket with seven satellites blasts off ironic that the banner is a quote from pope john paul ii who also of our countr is it because muhammad was a white man ? is victor davis hanson's column racist ? of course it ishe's white ! jay z oj beyonce group did 9/11 and 7/7 #trumptributebands jew pleads guilty on behalf of austrians : the president of austria who just so happens to be a jew has assigne ... jewish harvard professor wants to abolish the white race ! via jews must not be a part of our ruling class . we shouldn't allow them into any white society . like #hitler said ' sin against the blood is the original sin and an end to the humanity which suffers from it . ' like blaming jews for everything like white nationalists ? listening to of on has made me want to throw up multiple times . #altright = racist racist racist look how you are both acting about stupid religion i think it is a disease of the mind breeds hate and stupidity no more religion ! ! ! looks like a good turnout ! congratulations ! white america desperately needs to see such events ! lt gov is much better i heard . and un post is almost meaningless . maybe you should focus on going after white supremecist groups . they kill more americans . meaningless surveyloaded emotive clichs milo has already repudiated the altright ... the gope & media were gonna use him to destroy the altright milo is gross . minneapolis police have removed a memorial to justine damond that was erected by california-based hate group my friends and i are not scared of antifa because we aren't nazis . nasty hombre hat proved how racist he is . evidently he believes a poc has to needs be summarily gallowed without hood for full informative and instructive effect . the transition to solomonic leadership ought no white women are on average closer to white men in intelligence than black men or women . no doubt ! this one was a very prudent and necessary decision on the part of / commander-in-chief trump . even better if we restore dadt ! no i just figured it would have been done hastily since it's downtown dc and would have aroused suspicion . sure enough came right off nothing fair about your racist bigoted agenda . obama administrations tentative pledge to clamp down on sanctuary cities hampered by fatal flaw now that is optics fam ! a picture is worth 1488 words . obama met with ceos 5x . staff met w / business 10x . they've met with ice agents 0x . #immigration oh sheeeiiiitt ! supektet white suepremist taking over ! oh yea i forgot ... america was rounding up all the black and brown people and gassing them . old norse wisdom : don't eat too much or people will laugh at you . only to white uneducated stupid people think its not about race . optics ? where's an old piper supposed to go after his application is rejected by ou backs senate letter calling to double security funds for jewish muslim institutions pa . pain-capable / dismemberment ban could come up for vote at any time . #theyfeelpain pakistan : foe of blasphemy law accused of hate speech for opposing blasphemy law patakaa news from patna : ljp workers protest against salman khan for meeting narendra modi pedophile jack mcclellan white male . picture symbolizing what diversity mass immigration black empowerment affirmative action is doing to white america : pjw only created it a few days ago-not sure what this coalition will be but be sure it will include anyone involved in clikbait please watch this and make movements to educate christians on islam properly . u must meet bill warner ! pretty sure that's not gonna work anymore joey ... do u see any of them wearing masks ? ? review : paul theroux's deep south via richest 1 % will own most of the worlds wealth by 2016 . #greed #usury rioters urged : burn down white suburbs ! via robert spencer in pj media : white house proposes official new race : middle east / north african via seattle should secede to mexico or canada ... deport seattle ! ! ! see white people did some good stuff too sieg hail 88 ! from aus . have another great white friday so .. how do all those little black people like those mighty white antifa warriors defending thier existence . it must be refreshing to themlol so i assume you guys are against anyone who isn't white ? some prophet nice man prophet . but not god . but he smooshed so much love that he got this christian girl to be * his own * in time to own ? subscribe to the realist report ! support pro-white independent media and help us grow ! sweden : white women told not to go out alone at night due to rape epedemic #swrm via take a stand join the klan . we are the superior race . we shall dominate politically economically and socially . #whitepride #white taught from preschool . taught white boys are racist and brown is ok . terrible tattoo . white trashy . the biggest users of government programs are rural white americans . but that doesn't fit your racist xenophobic narrative now does it . the black football player that punched a white girl in the face gets to stay at school and continue playing . white privilege ? the case for trump : killing #truconservatism via #cuckservatives #losers #gope the kkk is a terrorist group white kids that shoot up schools should be called a terrorist.its not about race . the most disgusting of anti-whites do thatuse extreme racism against whites against them because it increases the reaction by 5 % or similar the punchable fat white liberal face the real holocaust was done to germans by the allies on the defenseless not on soldiers 6 million myth only a cover-up story #whitegenocide the real optics disaster the scythians return for the remnant before they all head off to europe . #altright is going after the rest of our human capital : hahah real #israelites the white man invented ladders so it's my duty as a racist to use them . i further the cause every time i go for the top shelf then why so ado ? #charolettesville was white on white crime ? ( not 2 politicize a abominable tragedy ) there's just something always creepy about cruz that makes me want to go remind my kids to never take candy from strangers . they eat white babies too they hate us because the quran tells them specifically to hate us . to pretend they dont but to hate us in their hearts . dont be an idiot this drama should have been kept private instead of being aired on social media . our enemies are looking for opportunities . thoae optics are there for a reason and they work . to speak at #prolifecon : #marchforlife #tcot #ccot #prolife tony perkins represents white people too white not right : non-white hysteria over white as snow miss france via tough titty white people realized they are hated and are trying to keep their countries trump cruz and new york values - trump has proven that the ideas of nationalism are popular in america . if trump fails it is because of trump so mentally instable calling himself white or american hhahhaha silly human theres no such thing unusually blunt warning from #germany intelligence : #saudiarabia ' destabilising #arab world ' using home remedies and other horseshit . people are afraid of doctors and too many moms think t via : clash of civilizations : iranian in canada attacks wifes boss for saying hello #tcot was about time ... let's make those fat white people lose some weight . watch james franco's reaction to professor arguing early stage abortion isn't immoral we the people have to defend ourselves . hillary is having people pulled from radio spots well we do hate gay people . what a regal face . the us is becoming a third world banana republic . what children ! ? white america's shrinking we the brownies yellows blacks & mutts we'll be taking over . repent of your racist sins ! what is truly astonishing is how many stupid people are donating to these scammers . stoke that white gu white people . do something . white people have been banned from an anti-racism event at a british university | read more : via white people only white privilege conference this week #nationalsocialism white racism is so bad that whites are squirming now coz they see huge competition from asians n south asians . all sense of supremacy is dead ! why do those who hate hindus have a special hatred for brahmins ? why is the losing white fans ? would the wall keep out white supremacists ? yes and she was called a racist ! gop conservatives need to stop fear being called racist ~ democrats r racists you are a phony orange sellout vendepatria zionist cuck . your base hates you now . you democrat trolls can call us deplorables coons racists and white supremacists but don't call us whiners and losers like you ! you don't become a parent by killing your baby . your group is a murdering racist godless sham you have it . just own it and say you hate white people . lefties are idiots . you know this isn't the whole of identity evropa right ? you may find this of interest . traditionalist conservatism v . evolan traditionalism v . revolutionary ri you mean the all white christian fanatical god defined by groups like the . when your popularity is plummetting support a hate group . you're a cuck you're my favorite white supremacist your antebellum ancestors didnt need a monarch ; why would dixie need one now ? your numbers would be better if the alt-right platform wasn't significantly usurped by socialists " citizens of slavic ancestry " " sounds like " " white americans " " " " i don't hate black people look at my black friend . " " you're criticizing a group for helping poor white people . the only part of this you object to is the type of the people being helped . you're anti-white . " " say it jared ! " " " also represented the people and not individual interests . there's no men of " good moral character " " left " ar's latest : " the raceless adventures of justin white " " #tcot " britney's channel " we were forced out of rally area in the park into the antifa there was no violence in the park . " " " doesn't fit the " white people are the problem " " narrative " even fox calls you " white supremacist " " in stead of white lives matter ! nothing but highly paid cucks . " rt " the hindu " " is known for it's anti indian anti hindu pro islam post's . another media outlets dancing with the devil " rt : . " kill any jew who falls into your power " " - muhammad in " rt : so " muslim " " is a race now ? or are you generalizing that all arabs are muslims ? god you're stupid . " rt when trump repeats " paris is no longer paris . " " he's encouraging the white nationalism that drives his movement and his white house . " russian teen targeted by investigators for " glorifying nazism " " via " unbelievable hate-filled insanity to suggest it is somehow " wrong " " for a nation to protect its people from rape / murder / genocide " why do you think cities have " white " " " " black " " or " " hispanic neighborhoods " " ? people voluntarily self segregate . " yet another islamic supremacist tries to fool people with big lie that opposing jihad terror = " hate . " " " #bancowslaughter funds are used for anti-national activities . revealed by #up #police in 2013 #gatlinburg on fire not one report #fakenews possible terrorist attack #maga #nrx the dissident right has to come together now . #religiousfreedom can't have too many champions . stand with : #rfra ... different than antifa and soros . 3 / in guadeloupe and martinique slavery white supremacy and colonialism were restored . to this day both islands are part of france 97 % of predators are straight white men . ur ignorant : come and learn ... there is an alternative to #rapeculture white culture workshop ? : google sure is patriotic ! : i cant bring myself to be friends with white people who dont hate being white and want to be in charge of : it is a tactic of jihad enablers to smear all opposition to jihad as racist etc what race is jihad murder of : jared taylor on the white man's disease : pathological altruism . #race #tpot #tcot absolutely ! : this sounds like a black man that is ready to put identity politics behind them and work with trump and the repub : uk : racist black man punches pregnant white girl in stomach as onlookers watch in horror : whites are not supremacist and whites who are against white nationalism should move to a black > crowd of mostly white people yelling at nazis > somehow against white people a white supremacist m . o in and out . this dude must be a b aap worker posing himself as judge arrested in ghaziabad . action report : america first banner drop on tuesday december 5 identity evropa activists dropped a massive banner at in atlanta . aint that america : white guys : we suck and were sorry : new york is this video anti-white ? america needs a national front that will be of use to white americans . and islam is rigged to win by persuasion or murder . ban it from the united states asap . and it's not a coincidence the best places to live are majority white and people wonder why chicago is the way it is and no one seems to pay attention to it ! ! ! you cannot commit a hate crime against white people ? ? ? ! ! ! another white supremacist race soldier huh beautiful ! go white men ... go ! ! ! california is forcing churches to pay for #abortion . and filed formal complaint . #prolife can you imagine the depth of manipulation of google and facebook search engine when mark of the beast zuckerberg runs for president ? change name to blacks hate cops bc you don't really care abt the black race . you are a hate group civil rights laws were implemented to dispossess and enslave white people . this is part of #whitegenocide cpcs are not clinics ! they are religious orgs that lie to #women and coerce them into carr cuck erickson : white supremacists crying into their swastikas cuckservatives : the rise and fall of randpaul dual-citizen natalie portman questions centrality of fake jewish holocaust narrative either tn or kentucky would work . georgia has too much atlanta in it if'n you know what i mean . for the birthday of adolf #hitler - html #meinkampf with numbered paragraphs for quick reference and study : fu you guys your racist full text of speech #rssvijayadashami speech - 2015 . google is censoring us 9/11 anniversary coming up gonna be a #muslimbrotherhood #circlejerk great summary of what happened . so many racial slurs threats of violence and instigations from the mo he didn't go full white nationalist but didn't countersignal when asked about race either he has already got white working class voters . his problem is that his gains are offset with loses in white collar suburbs he is half block and half white . he saw a movie where white people were nice and darkies wanted to kill a midget and now he must make a stand hey jared jews may look white but they sure dont act white ! | daily stormer hispanic assimilation has failed rt #tcot #tlot #teaparty #ocra #ampat hitler was germany germans shall rise again ! how can have a whopping 4 tweets and over 1k followers ? #stupid #heresyoursign #ignorance #ferguson don't be stupid people . i am now a white nationalist i just thought it meant no white people i other news if ruling goes against jack chik fil a must open on sundays to avoid d i think britain can really help to deliver pm modi's vision for india great opportunities for both countries : uk pm if we do away with corporate tax breaks it pays for the free college . in an effort to kill jews glenn miller gunned down a 14 - year-old white kid and his grandpa in russia they tear down bolshevik monuments . we erect them here iq tests are based largely upon pattern rec islam it's death . why do we not kill them all before they kill us . stupid is as stupid it can go too far in either direction . the media is trained to ignore the obvious dregs of society . it is a forest vs . trees issue in that the real problem is how whites now approach reproduction it is if you misunderstand what white privilege is . it will be interesting to see how many alt-right halfwits still wear the maga caps to it'll be boring health care this time and some gloating about ga and sc . its controlled by parasites peddling war . i listen to anti establishment media which exposes the fake l its white ? jew alan dershowitz claims jews are entitled to control the media daily stormer jk lol im full white :) lewis is one of the racist black man around local cops are usually good people . like at cville i think many were genuinely conflicted . looks white to me mohammed was a jew killer ! rt #stopislam #billwarnerphd #politicalislam #cspi #bansharia my friends in india sent me this . muslims slaughtering buddhist . netenyahu election aftermath : reaping the consequences of israeli fanaticism #gop #israel #netanyahu never said u were .. just said ur defense is shoddy as the white people who say i'm not racist i have black friend .. thats a shoddy defense correct ? ? new t-shirt from the white resister today . totenkopf 1939-1945 #14w nice white power rack ! no because they are simply doing their jobs ; black thugs attaching white chicks & other helpless people is despicable - total savages nobody will take white identity seriously if you yell muh jew for every issue . we need to talk about how great our culture is . not every american is white straight and christian . adjust obama's middle east map erases israeli territory pale fire or the demise of ' white trash ' america via pl . help common people in what ever manner possible please join us for 9 weeks of prayer for religious freedom . please subscribe and view my jew lies white genocide playlist non profit please tell me how whites aren't natives of europe . policies intended to blend the white race out of existence . our right to self determination is gone putin's right but he needs more education on islam & kuffirs.please help quentin tarantino unveils new anti-white race war slasher movie via #belfast rainbow blight : state and defense fly lgbt colors : time for trump to fire every obumus leftover ! really where do people go to join ? when and where is the next demonstration responsibility is to ensure that we do not create one more bureaucratic layer : chanda kochhar on #rbipolicy right cause people fail to stand up for their race because they might get a texas cult shot up by the feds rt despite #obama promise #fedfunds going 2 #pp through #obamacare grants #stopppobamagrants join us > satender jain purchased 200 + bigha land through hawala money in delhi near unauthorized colonies that rates become high after authorization . so the new black panther party isn't racist ? they are protecting blacks ? then where's the protecting whites ? splc's cohen more than willing and make this case a legal precedent for future actions against alt-right et al still annoying that so many articles about him mention alt-right . telling it like it is as always : be not ashamed white male via that does sound a bit racist doesn't it ? this administration is racist . thanks you all for protecting our heritage thats an action like golden dawn . they take care of the white community : white elderly shut-ins new moms etc . a great tradition in the making . you all are doing great . the core of ar is made up mostly by white nationalists white identitarians & fascists . groups like identity dixie ... the day when paris was hit by terror attacks i had decided that the guest at republic day parade must be from france : pm narendra modi the era when people went to concerts and never dreamed of being bombed or mowed down . the fact you used the term black supremacists to describe blacks speaking out against white supremacy shows you have been brainwashed by white supremacists propaganda to begin with the high fructose corn syrup nationalism aesthetic must die pretty cool windmill shirts tho tbh the isn't as racist as . the last bastion of the white race : 90 % of young finnish people oppose more non-white immigration via the sanders firm p . c . legal news is out ! stories via the un needs to realize there is now an american in the white house . the white dilemma by brother the current state of white this is a must read article . there is no need to have a white nation unless the white race is better off without the other races . they move into the third mixed nation . thing is u dont want a nation for ur people purely based on race . ur going to take in factors of politics religion & socioeconomic status this is precisely why it was a mistake to ask general flynn to resign . every single time you appease these people they push further those sheriffs are all teutonic white . amerika uber alles ! gott mit uns ! today's #lesson ? #history is brutal ... u . n . warns of #immigration crisis as women flee central america via : islam is not a race ? obama white house wants to change that #tcot war against the south : gov . nathan deal quietly removes confederate holidays from statecalendar warning to conservatives from : dont rely on the supreme court - via haley halverson : we know you're not afraid to don the white robes and hood tony you sheister ! we n3ed to get black out of barnet what % of mass shootings in america are done by white christians ... yet the convos frames around muslims ... what makes you opti-cucks think you have a monopoly on white advocacy ? white children white makes right . #itsoktobewhite white people is evil they say ! ! ! white powers son white pride = hate ? your indoctrination is showing . white pride should be encouraged & nourished . white guilt is self-hate & based on malicious lies libel & slander . white privilege is the absence of black and brown failure . whites don't need anyone's permission to take care of themselves . why don't liberals get what illegal means ? if you are here illegally u need to go .. it is not racist or hate . don't belong why is it only for white ? why is this a surprise ? i'm not surprised at all . the #trucons are incapable of governing with the help of congress donald trump will build a wall along our southern border . we must secure our borders it's national security ! y'all are probably white supremacists peopl yeah i knew a muslim once he was peaceful ... so ... that proves islam means peace . #tcot yeh once again revealing you're just an anti-white racist liar.europeans defending their homeland isn't terrorism you genocidal maniac . yep . the white mormon tabernacle choir is a hate group according to the white-hating jewish splc ... yes they teach it white shame our kids . and turn black children into victims who hate white ppl . starts young . must change . you do know this is just what white men think about muslim you only think you're a winner because of olive-skinned people . get a life loser you're a bit more mellow than i am this morning tommy . all muslims must be considered potential terrorists " ... face the reality [ ... ] of the jihad threat .. " " made me crack up . those are the words of xenophobic white people " " : incog man : apeman burns beautiful white teen in car trunk via " " " " diverse " " britain : black gangs to be rewarded with free barbecues and sports events | more : " " was british foreign policy " " ever " " ethical ? from south african experience ( even applicable today ) the answer mus " #altrightmeans " white supremacy " " is a recognition of white quality and " " white privilege " " is simply white achievement . " . " kill any jew who falls into your power " " - muhammad in ibn ishaq's sira " and it's weird you guys on both sides of trump use " cuck " " so often . " and these are only the " reported " " abortions : does this look " " safe legal and rare ? " " get the #truth - #itsprettyugly " aren't most " white nationalists " " tradecucks jews and / or . gov snitches ? " echoes of kevin williamson here : white working class communities " deserve to die " " " every people has the right to do this but we all know the " racist " " smear was only meant to target one particular group . " materially speaking " slavery " " in america esp . in tobacco was less arduous than " " free labor " " in factories and most farming " rt . look at the flag " robb " " we under no illusions & the #msm blockade of #information futile #maga #dc #obama " rt : denmark : " #myjihad is to kill lars hedegaard . what's yours ? " " " sure . quote the jewish publication referring to israel as " the jewish goy . " " " to be " torn down " " is the promotion of race as a primary identifier of personal characteristics . like " " preserving the white race " " " #14words #wakeup #ferguson could just as well be taking place in africa . most people in stl are drinking beer enjoying oktoberfest and watching the cards #freehorstmahler : holocaust revisionist horst mahler arrested in hungary after fleeing germany via #liftwaffe weekend . done with ats and moving into a general phase . more variation after 16 + weeks doing same lifts . #obama's surveillance / spy program bigger than bush's . #criminal #policestate #bigbrother #freedom #zee news has blocked us ! ! ! editors have lost balance . national socialism can not be blocked we have arrived ' korea agrees for tech transfer ; lng ships to be built in india by india ' #makeinindia #gas * 56 % . in 1960 the us was over 90 % white . 15 year old white danish girl blinded by african muslims in racially motivated hate crime ( video ) via 9 year old white boy commits suicide after being tormented for months by racist arabs | more : via : italian authorities have blocked access to stormfront in italy and arrested patriots for posting on it ! read more : h ... : jews blame golden dawn for increasing antisemitism in greece | read more : vi ; : u guys need to call out the lies emanating from the white house . a bakers first amendment rights : #westandforjack a message for donors and another for voters cuckservatives : cruz is two-faced via a wee bit ? dude people died . a can of hairspray and a lighter is nothing compared to that . absolutely not . white protestant christians built america and aclu is no longer a protector of human rights . they are a protector of sharia rights adf alabama amicus brief to scotus : affirm the people's freedom to uphold man / woman marriage adl to : distance yourself from duke white supremacists #withjewswelose africans back to africa . this is a white country ! an advanced white man but why is he tolerant of the jew menace ? and look at california now . a hispanic state wanting to secede . and no not all of them are bad i have friends black and white who are law enforcement but the bad ones need to go and superb optics . promo material worthy . anti-white and free speech suppression . people are able to freely speak their anti-white hatemongering . anti-white dominican is full meltdown mode today . are a white pride group the hells angels are racist rapist pedophile criminals a huge difference article 4 sec 4 of our constitution . black & white . we are being invaded . australia considering a tougher citizenship test c ... via back there . many america leftist jews have become fascist bbc news - christians take ' beliefs ' fight to european court of human rights better to work and earn something than rely on welfare . good job brother . good work pays off . beyond time to stand up to cowards who run up behind people and spray bear mace and pepper spray in their eyes . black celebrities who belong to 5 % er anti-white race war cult va black mob pounces on young white couple blacks are shot by police in proportion to the number of stops . whites are murdered by blacks dispropor blm idiots created a new generation of white supremacists . are you proud ? you must learn from jesus that hate hurts your cause . british parliament should confer the title sir on you sir donald trump ! ! bro put down the crack pipe . he said white supremacist are find people . but hate speech and violent acts of hate perpetrated against white people is just fine with the scumbag caroline sturdy colls publishes : recent phd caroline sturdy colls has published the first article based on her ... cbn : sweden is on the fast tract to become a 3rd world country #swrm via conformity is bad for society . whites have committed terrorist attacks . yo correct that companies who hire illegals should be gone after and shut down with jail time for the bosses . strict penalties . cruz hits jeb ! pretty good on judges death to tha message of tha kkk ! ugh detroit : the death of white civilisation via do the muslims love their children too ? ' by every #american whether public official or private party should be able to #live & #work according to their #beliefs . except you don't hate jihad mass murder . you hate muslims . you should ally with richard spencer . exclusive - new black panther leader on milwaukee : this is a fair immigration is a branded hate group run by racists and white supremacists . filthy jew tranny says europe cant criticize jew baby killing because white man colonized africa via filthy jews are not white . and jews don't fight they get others too . you'll find yourself in holocaust mark 2 for truthful immigration news i suggest and please take your advocacy elsewhere . gainesville ga ls immigration protest god bless the work of . these leaflet drops should be the standard for white advocacy in america . god bless you for the job you do i think we must start at root of problem ; ( what is being taught to young muslim men / boys ) going in armed is a bad idea . as soon as one of our people shoots someone it's the end of our movement . golden dawn gains support after members murdered by anti-racist terrorists via he admitted he wasn't alt right in a tweet . go find it . hey anp ! watch german girls scorpions next song part 12 even donald trump mentions german people in here : hillary is very vulnerable in the general . she is getting frustrated because even idiots like bernie sanders knows she is a liar how about that : muslims in canadian jihad plot were apparently really swell guys : educated well off respec ... i believe the ideals of white civilization and collective white culture is absolutely superior . we need not apologize i guess also eat white bread and drive white cars . no cause y u know . i'd like to hear their explanation on how white supremacy harms white people . if you're white woman there's an 85 % change that your attacker is white . but they want to in photos : the kkk's south carolina confederate flag rally via is atlanta still considered the south ? or new congo ? islamophobia ? what do these people expect when they kill us and fly airplanes into our buildings ? jews are now in full control : canadian man goes to jail for posting on white nationalist websites | read more : jfk was secret admirer of adolf hitler and third reich new book shows ! read more : via kill your just set white people back a 100 yrs and made race baiters look great ! lol . white boy is an edgelord . shouldn't you be with your fellow white dudes ? love white genocide . also see this : maga is the movement for people who are too afraid to choose a side . massive white revolution * meaning ... they cast white actors in non-white roles . meanwhile america drops white supremacists like kids at the pool mundes daughter pankaja inducted into maharashtra bjp core committee - the times of india muslim who slashed ny cop w / cleaver deemed not a terror threat after ... by via ndtv telecast false & fraud news . only its such invitation . pm is not angry at all.ndtv grudge on bjp is welknown . never knew people would self identify as white nationalist . usually your type in white sheets . you are disgusting next question : is award of president ' ugly history with white supremacists ? #kimdavis no he is not an #american hero and it seems a lot of white people were in opposition to thi no more white submissivism to jewish supremacism . no rebranding isn't needed america's roots are white nationalism . #redpillamerica #americanhistory #makewamericanschooseiftheywatobeamerican no sir it does not make you racist . racist believing that a particular race superior to another which has nothing to do w / guilt of crimes . not surprised . liberals & islamists biggest threat to india . oh & add indian main stream media to it as well not to mention jews are listed as whites so the white per capita number is already distorted ... only hope for the white race is to form separate b / w nations otherwise we'll forever be victims of communism & class envy . orim u make zero sense u sure you are a jew & not muslim practicing taqiyya ? phone call leaked ! all usa people need to see this ! july 2016 the new wo ... #history #homeschool #leadership pl . see the truth here ; oppenheimer quotes hinduism's bhagavad gita after the first nuclear explosion protecting lives is not a partisan issue . hyde has saved over 2 million medicaid kids from abortion . #hydesaveslives provoke or hurt any black peoples or anyone else ! .. purge ! use nsa to expose ... mass resignations .. special elections religious freedom is for all - - people of all faiths and no faith - - president alan sears rogue outsider for sure #cruz2016 same here but you nor any other muslim dictates the islamic agenda seriously though what is she going on about ? love your heritage and your people she hates white people . she now faces 6 years in prison ! de facto and now de jure sharia in the middle of europe so beautiful ! ! ! you are real white beauty ! ! ! speaks 2-3 p . m . today at values voter summit ! > > #pjnet #tcot #t2sda #orpuw #lnyhbt supports and approves and the has it live proves media is racist 2 sure they have but they were unsuccessful look at those countries now ... that is not nice what you are doing i'll have you know that some racist the inner party needs the outer party in order to pretend there is a democracy but i think dems will run horrible candidates and let mccainites win when the dems need to start a war and don't want to be blamed for it . they're the good party for good people after all . the kkk . how old does my little boy need to be to join ? the people commenting are the same people who glorify the soviet union as heros and all whites rights aktivists as hitler . stupid the white will soon be erased from this world ! there has been white flight and surely white protestant flight . they are not contributing . they are hurting the movement . they are political morons . if trump didn't run would you know the alt right ? they would love to reap the benefits of white supremacy . this is a white identitarian group silly no parasites here this is inciting hatred and violence against so please act strongly on this racist propaganda ! this photo was taken after fields drove his car isis-like into the crowd . see the people lying on the ground ? thn you can label that blueprint something other than white . thousands of russian troops head to turkish border as us planes flee from syrian skies via tim wise event at hofstra university is a flop too many people on stage for debate . at 11th with 2 % in shouldn't be allowed to participate . trump is not racist you idiot because you don't get a job . it is the places you are going to that are racist . get facts straight . trumps america first leaves jewish groups hesitant via under #hr966 lawyers filing suits 4 cons causes face intimidation by biased liberal judges . u 4 that ? uniting the white : the white wing is getting its act together via unsure . any thoughts on critique of ar optics ? ( relating to recent campaign in london ) video : white man march - white nationalist rallies organized across the globe for march via watch : the full romania underworld video meets the king of the bucharest underworld we need more people filming and taking photos on our side i see antifa has people designed for filming we're all immigrants who had to overcome racist immigration laws . why do you hate america ? #competentgovernance what do you expect with an imbecile in the white house . what race is jihad terror again ? i always forget gop wont associate w racist what she really means is your white allah will judge you and non-believers have no morality . ;) : white house messaging on amnesty deal shifts after conservative criticism via white nationalists are mostly libertarian . they're all under stefan molyneux's videos . white peaple where the first at everything we deserve love white people don't exist only black people do white people never rape . good point . white woman walks in black neighborhood : im sorry black america cbs chicago why oh why are you ignoring / shoveling-under the epic take down of the #opkkk by #anonymous ? dotheyownu why blame only yadavs ? all hindus should revere the cow . why bring them here if there is no place to live ? no jobs ? what the ... why white people seek black privilege - breitbart wish there was something like this when white ppl immigrated to the us . cause you know . native americans were here first wow no wonder you write for that anti-white commie jew-loving outlet huffpost ... you're absolutely despicable . wtf i hate white people now ! yet more evidence that white elites hate the white working class ; plus they can virtue signal and avoid the costs . you co-sign people who push race realism in anti hateful black rhetoric then you cry and play victim when people call you out for your racist actions you don't have to hate them . jews aren't white . hitler for all his mistakes would have been b you mean white trash . you white supremacists are wussies who are insecure that other people are smarter than you . you're really telling me that people that aren't of a specific race are on the same level of dangerous animals ? your hateful pro white projectile vomit is laughable " beat up white people whitey ! " " " " black lives matter " " chant breaks out as leader says " " we will represent you white america ! " " at #spenceratuf " " diversity " " and " " multiculturalism " " are only for white countries - the jews in israel don't tolerate these scams " . so is the term " white privilege " " intended to make whites feel guilty . white & black pride is a good thing . " :d rt politically correct rt dalai lama says islamic jihadists " misuse jihad " " " milo is gay & jew " ish " " . " of course this jew is feigning that he " has no idea " " why white people are angry . he knows very well he's trying to hide it . " picture : " i hate white people . give me money . " " " rt " i have never worked with a more miserable son of a b---h in my life " " boehner says of cruz " rt i was a guest on program to discuss my latest article in the barnes review history magazine dealing w / " anti-semitism " " " rt judge rules illegal alien incompetent to stand trial for dui death because of " unique cultural background " " ! ... " rt modi govt making big mistake being " nice " " with those who mock it publicly . they see it as weakness not strength #sonia #mamata " rt perhaps we close all the " #abortion mills " " so that women only go to safe abortion clinics . " tell me what " race " " is islam ? isn't " " racist " " for criticizing a violent ideology that urges followers to kill people . " they need milo to be " alt-right " " so make our men look like a joke . if they actually reported the truth " when white guys kill 58 innocents it's the " price of freedom " " when muslims do same it's time to ban or deport them " #altrightmeans the internet belongs to us now normies . join and be cool with the right squad . #istandfordiversity because the white race already has all the diversity it needs . we don't need mass immigration . join ! ! #littlemarco poised to head into tuesday with tremendous momentum from puerto rico us virgin islands guam and dc #reginalddennyday #wpww #whitegenocide #whitegenocide #antiracisthitler #gaza . says we're all old & white . . you racist . weren't built for the war . condone bad cops murdering as coward 2 think otherwise is some racist fantasy that thnks blacks are less moral than whites . 2014 white privilege conference - in their own words : via 4 members of antifa were arrested yesterday for aggravated assault . i have 2 of their names . they attacked women and police and pepper sprayed a young woman as well . john aaron brian - works for favor quintin hatt - 27 - manager at via 311 pizza both in austin texas 5240 russian sorties include 145 by long-range aviation - russ.gen.staff #russiavsisil 7 / white south africans are asking for our help . they're trying to get the word out about what is happening to the white community : discussion time : morality and the potential destruction of white civilization via : i love being white via : islamic state mocks us with photoshopped santa held hostage #isis #daeshbags #christmas #santa : noam chomsky has written an article saying that antifa's violence helps the alt-right . he said antifa would l : once again islam and its followers are trying to invade and force conversion by any means . as our ancestors : whenever our fellow white citizens see white people publicly standing up for our ra : white french are victims of racial hatred in their own country ( video ) a better question : since you say muslims hate jews why are jews behind every movement to flood muslims into white nations ? ? a nationalist is an america first patriot . the white part is irrelevant . a petition stop christian court martial policy-check out this article from : actually i think it is much more attributable to their isolation and lack of over-population than anything else . africa violence intensifies in melbourne via all the famous criminals i know of are white and amercian . not mexican . america is the name for the historical anglo protestant nation . the country the usa should be white . an infamous accomplice of jihad dressed in white ... anti-white un boss demands more non-white immigration into britain despite major opposition via appreciate your gifts of humor and are hope and encouragement to my beautiful loving black & white family . are you braindead ? i encourage people to go as i've said in other replies the da should investigate and charge all of the people involved if there is sufficient evidence . atone deaf : libs demand apology from trump base : demand all you want ! ! you owe us the apologies - a lot ! ! based on my study of racist fascists the rage is found more commonly amongst loser caste of white folks because a racist hate group will calm racial strife ... right . smh black thug attacks old white man with urine because of slavery #swrm via btw most that go as jews nowaday are azerbeidjani ( kazar ) .. white looking but black hair .. ie the many killercops but to say it is 1000 000 times better to kill a jew than a palestinian is false . they are equal but white supremacy is global ... we all know this . californias lost cause by #altright call the white house 202-456-1414 and tell them to end daca via calling white trash is an insult to styrofoam ! the klan is despicable . can i join yall clan on xbox ? charlottesville = just a bunch of hipster millenials play fighting result of too much game of thrones watching coke is black ! it can't be racist ! credibility of white race will be lost if they resort to lies & cheating on taliban & isis cuckservatives : ted cruz celebrates martin luther kingday do you really believe latino and white is interchangeable ? i'd love the day for you to refer to yourself as a proud white . do you seriously believe in white privilege ? do you want to trump sycophant in the white house ? don't capitalize the j in jew . it really gets to them . plus jews never capitalize the w in white . exceptions : titles & beginning a sentence . door-to-door identity theft likely under #obamacare - #journalism during the 1936 olympics churchill said : we will force hitler into war whether he wants it or not . exactly right . your only racist if your white . believe me they hate us more than we hate them ! fdny met the white helmets aka isisspecial kinda stupid flynn's resignation set a dangerous precedent for the administration . #sessions is essential to justice 4 white america . he must not #resign germany : national socialist island resort to be turned into luxury flats #swrm #germany #ns #wn via germany gives israel nuclear attack submarines as a holocaust donation ! read more : via germany spent 20 billion on invasion in 2016 #swrm #germany #invasion via good let them ! they have enough problems ! terrorists want to kill them . gang members want to kill them . ms - 13 want to kill them . so sad . has stopped white people yet ? hasn't he been a populist much longer than the campaign ? might be more co-opting than bait-and-switch he strongly align with your white religious institutions as well . her whole twitter history is crying about white people to white people on white peoples invented technology in our white founded country . how about the black ' n white minstrels ? how about we put the white camp in antarctica ? how dare people of european decent want their civilisation to live on & flourish ! ! so unreasonable ! i am tired of race being brought up in all of this . so what if america elected a black or purple or white president . we want honesty . i could less about the #gop surviving . i don't hate anyone i have lots of friends of white friends . now where have i heard that b4 ! ? i like is explicitly pro-white . they are polite about it but they are pro-white . is also a good group . i want whites to actually win ; any pseudo-nazi / klan imagery works against thtat goal . i will go gay for the venus de milo i've never seen hunter not present well . identity europa i'm confident they're not feds tbh if he did it he should resign . but in america you're innocent until proven guilty . but this is standard dnc playbook parade a bunch of paid accusers a month before election ( trump debate ) make accusations and see what sticks . wapo has openly endorsed his opponent . shady if the alt right hadn't alienated the oath keepers who had to step up and be the adults ... if they don't say upfront they are for the white race its because they aren't ! if you believe that homeless white people are not in need of support idk what to tell you if you import the third world you become the third world . in october 2016 identity evropa activists went to pier 14 where kate steinle was murdered to protest against sanctuary cities and illegal immigration . today we're sad to see that her murderer an illegal with seven felonies and in second picture they both like they are hitting each other in the chin #berkeley #antifa #berkrally #trump in the mean time more examples of white privilege india needs more banks before more bank accounts investigate godman - father dominic am sure he paid money to these vandals . later blame hindus ! it's a good thing ! : oklahoma ruling imposing marriage redefinition an attack on freedom #1m1w it's also time to destroy fascism here . you are the last vestige of fascism in america . fascist american immigration retards = fair ' it's so ridiculous to say that immigrants cause the drought here in ca you guys can't find anything else better to say or do joins #dcwatchlive next w / update on positive response from ok university in fighting racism on campus just a few pics of white crime liberals demean our own heritage yet revere foreign culture either out of guilt or an inferiority complex . lil american white girl could kill five negros from a mile a way lol - david wood has debate islamic scholars whether the quran is a book of peace with islamic scholars shabir ally : milo and pjw are tools to start red pilling normies . they serve an invaluable asset to the greater goal . smh my child cannot pray in public schools where is the outrage #islamistheproblem deport islam national socialist party wants todebate if people understand the import of speaking orders as required under our existing system nationalist front to host white lives matter rally in middle tennessee via white is beautiful ! ! night hunter : russias new #helicopter gunship grabs international attention #nato no avoiding to vax your kids and chemtrails are conspiracy theories . white privilege is real ! no just londoners . where being white british & proud sees you proclaimed a racist big no not necessarily . hardest part in cr cases finding out reason for refusal . not here business owner said it was religious prejudice . nope the uk i'm from was all white different sub groups of white but still homogenous white are achievements are white . off with these black clothes now kkk ! or you'll be called bad names by me ! you can only wear white clothes.only white ! pennsylvania doesn't need . women have real choices for healthcare . #defundpp #ppsellsbabyparts picket businesses and even homes of anti white corporate filth ! no more mister nice guy ! white man fight ! pl dear fellow indians ... we all must boycott radicalised bollywood jihadi mullahs movies and their ad products please be advised snoop dog threatening to kill potus . preserving our european identity is vital to turning america back to the country it once was . president trump hosts white house hanukkah party profiteers ? nonsense . there is no money in #altright . we fight for freedom not money . racist or white supremacy would want nothing more than government programs . a single generation of welfare destroys so many skills fathers rational voices of the #lgbt community support #religiousfreedom rt : thankful for the brave first responders and remembering all who lost their lives and loved ones in the 9/11 attacks . some people with a voice for men claimed that the cologne rapes didn't happen . sound like you may be a white supremacists maam ... squaaaaaaaaad : kkk alive and well white brother hood unite ku klux klan steven miller is the poster-child of juvenile whiny shitposting . #altright merely responds in kind . supremacy is wrong and always will be . white black st swamy vivekananda birthday national youth day swiss blogger sentenced to six months in jail for question the ' six million ' ! read more : via that is part of the white supremacy logic that native people are less than human . we aren't . that rules out antifa . their ideology is based on hate . hate of whoever the corporate media machine says is politically incorrect . that's lame . are there any alt-right organizations in canada ? the alt-right should be having too much fun to worry about leadership the ancient fathers of india / bharat were the vedic rishis and yogis vasishta vishvamitra bhrigu angiras and many forgotten over time . the birth of white identity in colonial america via the code word of using victim hood to support white supremacy is stupid - i have no problem admitting it . the cultural jewel of the south has become a cesspit for trannies and third-worlders . the end game of globalization is 1 world govt . whitey stands in the way & also why the white guilt / sham the federalist : please stop glorifying manufacturing jobs via #globalization #freetrade #cuckservative the flag of the northwest american republic the coming white homeland and ethnostate . the majority of humans on earth are none white .. from asia africa . s-america