diff --git "a/SOCKET_DATA/contextual-abuse#IdentityDirectedAbuse/sockette_text.txt" "b/SOCKET_DATA/contextual-abuse#IdentityDirectedAbuse/sockette_text.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/SOCKET_DATA/contextual-abuse#IdentityDirectedAbuse/sockette_text.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,1000 @@ +Today wasn't terrible. I suppose that would hinge on your definition of terrible. At any rate, I happened upon an article. Ronda Rousey is helping set up a suicide prevention center or something. Something like that. As I read through the article, I came to learn that her father and grandfather committed suicide. [linebreak] [linebreak] I appreciate the kind thought and I don't believe you meant to get me going, but you got me going. [linebreak] [linebreak] How stupid do you think I am? Do you think I don't fucking realize how goddamn horrible suicide is? Do you think that I'm some naive apelike simpleton that needs to be sent to a mental hospital for therapy, medication and other costly 'treatments'? [linebreak] [linebreak] It's nice to know that you care about other suicidal people, but for me, I don't take too kindly to being told that I don't have the right to commit suicide. I don't take kindly to platitudes and appeals to my emotions when I am already fully cognizant of the horrors of suicide. [linebreak] [linebreak] Why is it that when I get to be a little too lonely and desperate, the *first* thing you're going to tell me is "Get help."? What do you think this help is going to give me that I haven't already experienced? It'll give me more goddamn bills and I'll get somebody on the phone asking me if I want to sign up for cognitive behavioral therapy. [linebreak] [linebreak] I know how to fight this. The reason that I'm sitting here typing this is all the proof I need. [linebreak] [linebreak] When I see these anti-suicide things, I just feel so irked. The only time you give a fuck about me is when I'm in a suicidal mindset. Beside that, I'm just a blank face. A mere statistic. [linebreak] [linebreak] Believe me. Seriously. Believe me. I'm not yanking your chain. I know how bad suicide is. You don't need to remind me of that. [linebreak] [linebreak] I can't stop you from trying to prevent suicide, but I can state my opinion and so, I have. [linebreak] [linebreak] +Don't get me wrong, I'm depressed all the time. Just went off my meds because they didn't work. [linebreak] Now I'm on vacation with my parents and it has some cool times, but i'm mostly just off. Tired, no energy, sad. [linebreak] [linebreak] Tried talking to girl my age here (I think she's my age) and she just seemed so uninterested in conversation I got somewhat offended. Haven't had sex in several years so I'm feeling very undesirable. [linebreak] [linebreak] I think my Mum's cheating. Or my dad is into cuckold. I hate both options. [linebreak] [linebreak] I swear, some days I just want to end it. It's not worth slogging through day by day by day and to get back home to feel the warm embrace of my shitty laptop. I lie to myself I don't need shit from anybody but I'm human. And humans need others. [linebreak] [linebreak] I realize I am the only one who can change ny life but I just CAN'T seem to do that. I've been doing therapy for years now with several therapists. [linebreak] Sometimes I just think some people aren't meant to live. +I used to cry all the time as a child and told adults how I used to be treated at home . They chalked it up to me being a sensitive kid and one teacher even went as far as calling me a cry baby in second grade and refusing to speak to me until she absolutely HAD TO. [linebreak] [linebreak] Home was hell, I was called useless , fat , dumb , and everything in between. I'm held back a year because they didn't bother putting me in school when I should have been and I'm just so pissed that I could be graduating THIS YEAR but I'm not! [linebreak] [linebreak] This past year I was kicked out of the house so I stayed with a friend. Two weeks in my friend's mom suggested I try to make bite the bullet and go home because "you've always been a sensitive kid" . Really ? Go back to an abusive place , because you perceive me as sensitive ??? [linebreak] [linebreak] There's a reason I cried almost every day. I don't anymore , because I'm not around them. Don't just brush off a child when they react negatively to something , real things might be happening to them but you wan to take the easy way out and label them as sensitive. I will never forget the teachers and parents who played dumb when it came to how my home like was. I will never forgive them either . +Im shaking my head here, but doesn't this seem like a no brainer? This guy just blurted out that number without any hesitation. "It's all I have but I will give it to you, please just have the abortion". [linebreak] [linebreak] She's not too keen on the idea, but she was leaning towards an abortion before he made the offer. She doesn't like the idea of taking life, but has 3 children already and with all the other health and emotional stress in her life as it is, it makes the most sense. [linebreak] [linebreak] As far as I'm concerned, my advice is to take the money and run. The abortion makes sense, and in the end is the best thing for her and her health. It's only 2-3 weeks into the pregnancy. I'm not nut's right? +That and, if reddit's community didn't use the downvote button as a disagree button, I wouldn't be writing this post. [linebreak] [linebreak] I do not like the current fad of releasing remakes and remasters of everything, especially in Nintendo consoles. Additionally, I am not a fan of Nintendo's practices of charging double the price for ports than you see on other consoles (Skyrim costs twice as much on the Switch than on the PS4/XBOX, the new Final Fantasy ports are apparently all at least 40€). [linebreak] [linebreak] I am certainly not the only person who thinks this, because it is not the first time I see threads and comments being showered with replies that can be summed up to 'shut up and accept it' and flurries of downvotes. [linebreak] [linebreak] Some of us do not need to relive our childhood, teenagehood or whatever with constant remakes or remasters. Some of us would like new original content or sequels. But since most people keep buying these, companies have realized they can have more profit with half the work by remaking, remastering and re-releasing these games with special edition instead of focusing on other, different projects. This is what gives us stuff like Pokémon Let's Go, which were considered very lackluster remakes with less effort put in them than the remakes that were released over ten years before and what also makes us buy games that are no more than beta versions, since DLC/complete versions come out the year later. [linebreak] [linebreak] I am not trying to attack eventual posters that identify with this mindset I am disagreeing with. There are remakes/remasters that are really good to introduce a new generation to a certain game (Pokémon Fire Red/Leaf Green, The 3DS Zelda remasters), but there is a growing trend of remakes/remasters/complete edtions that are basically just to profit as much as they can off one game without altering it much. And that is what some of us want to voice their disapproval over, but can't because the downvote brigade rains down on dissent. I had to unsubcribe from r/nintendoswitch because of this, the hivemind is just plain insufferable. +Periodic reminder that the moderators of /r/help engage in politically biased moderation practices and routinely permanently ban users even when they broke no rules whatsoever because they don't approve of their political or religious views [linebreak] [linebreak] While /r/help should, in theory, be a nonpartisan and nonpolitical subreddit, it is in fact run by leftist moderators who ban anyone who they consider a "bigot" (aka anyone who is even slightly right of them on the political spectrum). For example, if you post a question in /r/help asking how to remove the gay propaganda icon they force down your throat during gay pride month, they will instantly ban you despite the fact that there is nothing bigoted or rule breaking about asking that question and it is in fact a legitimate question [linebreak] [linebreak] Evidently, the moderators of /r/help are very strongly against anyone who they consider to be "unaccepting of LGBT people" - even if you're not actually unaccepting of them, but openly hate socially conservative/religious people and consider us "bigots" for following the tenets of our faith and asking how to remove content we find offensive from our Reddit page layout +Background: 21 years old, chubby, friendless, haven't kissed a girl or even held her hand yet. I feel like I've missed out on a lot of things I should've had experienced by now & that it's probably too late to catch up. [linebreak] [linebreak] Every day is as boring as the previous one. If someone was looking at me all day, all they would see would be some fat guy sitting in front of a gigantic screen with a poker face. [linebreak] [linebreak] It's sad, man. Every year I feel like it's too late to change, only to regret not having tried one year later. I wish I could go back in time and tell 17 years old me that no, it's not too late to get in shape, as you'll still wish to be ripped when you're 21. Or go back and tell 18 years old me that it is too early to give up any hopes of ever kissing a girl or having a social life. The list goes on. But sadly, I can't change my past. [linebreak] [linebreak] What's even more depressing is that it is pretty much entirely my fault. Yes, I do have overprotective parents, but I should have done something. If only I had told them to fuck off whenever they asked where I was going, with who, and that endless amount of questions they asked (and still ask) me every time I opened the door, my life could have been a lot more different. [linebreak] [linebreak] Nowadays, I often act against my own interests solely out of fear. For example: some weeks ago, I messaged a girl I had been texting for around a month (I don't know if I like her as a friend & it's just my mind playing tricks on me because of my inexperience or if I actually like her romantically) at around 3 am and since I didn't get an answer half an hour later I decided to pop some sleeping pills and head to bed. [linebreak] [linebreak] Right after waking up, I saw her reply. She answered 10 minutes after I knocked myself out. Said she was at some club and told me to drop by if I wanted. A few minutes later, she mentioned that she was going to the beach later if I wanted to go. And that she was leaving the town we both were at at a certain hour. [linebreak] [linebreak] What did I do? I saw the message an hour before she said she would leave (in the notification panel with my phone in flight mode so she wouldn't know I saw it) and answered an hour after she left with some crappy excuse as to why I couldn't answer earlier. Even though I really wanted to see her. [linebreak] [linebreak] My lack of social skills angers me. I know I would've done the exact same thing if I hadn't gone to bed before her reply. Why? Because I fear that my awkwardness would drive her away. Especially at a nightclub (only went three times to one, none of them were 'successful' nights at all). The beach was also a terrifying idea because in addition to having zero social skills, I'm not happy with my body at all. [linebreak] [linebreak] It's not that I'm an introvert. Socializing tends to make me happier and more energetic for the rest of the day. It kills me when I find something funny on the internet and I have no one to share it with. Or when I want to go to the movies or something and I have no one to go with. I dislike being by myself most of the time. I'd love to have a group of friends to go out and have fun with. Or even go on vacations with, like some do. But since I tend to bore people on one-on-one conversations and I usually get kind of ignored when in a group, it looks like an unattainable goal. And I'd love to go to nightclubs, but I don't have the social skills to really enjoy it. [linebreak] [linebreak] I've recently tried to lose weight again, successfully. Lost 6% bodyfat but I 'gave up' again two weeks ago. I'm struggling once again with the false belief that it's too late to improve. That the door has already closed. The same dumb questions arise: "Why would I want to be ripped at 22? Will I even be able to catch up with social skills? Will it even be worth it?". [linebreak] [linebreak] Any advice is welcome. +I just finished watching the documentary "Won't You Be My Neighbor" and I feel that the American people have disrespected Mr. Rogers as a whole. I am aware that not all of Reddit is America, but I'm primarily speaking about the American state, as its the only world view I have right now. [linebreak] [linebreak] Mr. Rogers taught us to love one another in spite of differences. The man so hated television that he changed it by himself through his program. I feel that we as the children who grew up on his show have failed him and his memory by dividing ourselves. America is so divided these days that people are faking hate crimes and it is believable to an extent. I think that we as his former audience need to remember the tolerance he preached. [linebreak] [linebreak] His message of Everyone is Special is often derided as being unrralistic as "if everyone is special then no one is." But that isnt what Everyone is Special means. It means that we are all deserving of anothers love for what makes us unique. Yes there are bad people out there. Im not denying that, but I think we all need to take a step back, and rather than fight over our differences, bond over our similarities. The world is a mess right now, and we as humans need to band together to fix it. +https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Sf5UdA9JSw [linebreak] [linebreak] Posted a video from a crash in Karnataka claiming its a video of the Indian jet PAF shot down. [linebreak] [linebreak] In the video there's a man with a thick Kannad accent +I always find the groups of people who rant how sexuality and all is beautiful and people shouldn't be shamed for it (which honestly agree with to a certain extent lol) but when these people have others disagreeing with them or being spiteful in their view they jump to this whole you're a virgin that's why you're this way!!! Like does anyone else see the hypocrisy in it? I don't get how sex can be put on a positive pedestal but if someone doesn't feel comfortable to yet have sex it should be used as something to belittle them? +That' s right, I love everyone and each and everyone of you ...... +For those that never heard of the elias story made by him: [linebreak] https://www.reddit.com/r/quityourbullshit/comments/a6km1m/weve_been_duped_here_on_rquityourbullshit/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=creepyPMs&utm_content=t1_eib62qh [linebreak] [linebreak] He now posted something on r/creepypm's and made another fake convo for karma: https://old.reddit.com/r/creepyPMs/comments/azwu9j/will_you_accept_my_sex_invitation/ [linebreak] [linebreak] [linebreak] Here are old examples of him trying to farm karma: [linebreak] https://old.reddit.com/r/cringepics/comments/8iuc1i/i_cant_believe_people_like_this_exist/ [linebreak] [linebreak] https://old.reddit.com/r/cringepics/comments/8485kt/how_do_these_guys_even_get_my_info/ [linebreak] [linebreak] https://old.reddit.com/r/cringepics/comments/846oxq/at_least_he_was_polite_about_it/ [linebreak] [linebreak] EDIT: looks like he just removed it, don't worry though he will pull out another fake karma story out of his ass on probably another sub besides r/creepypms r/cringepics r/quityourbullshit +https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/b3y1wz/lil_doing_a_goofy_smile/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share +recommendations? +I wish I were kidding. I can't link names anymore because I don't want to get suspended for mentioning this user *again*, but I had a very high karma thread here removed by the Anti-Evil team that posted a PM conversation between me and [highest karma user] where he outed himself (jocularly or not) as a paid advertiser for companies, etc., and well... [linebreak] [linebreak] I got suspended for seven days for "Harassment". [linebreak] [linebreak] Today on the **sixth day** it was finally reversed via appeal. My appeal was simple. There is no harassment if someone messages **YOU** and never ONCE indicates in the messages that they wish to stop receiving messages. That very clearly means they WANT to keep talking to you. [linebreak] [linebreak] Not once did [highest karma user] *ever* indicate he didn't want to receive further messages from me! In fact, the last PM I had sent him was to never contact me again, which he somewhat complied with, well, until he had his cronies (the Reddit admins) falsely suspend me. [linebreak] [linebreak] Posting private messages (of which he was going to do anyway, evident by how he used it to rally brigades against me and many others) is a bit crass but **not** against the rules whatsoever. [linebreak] [linebreak] tl;dr: Do **NOT** talk to power users or anyone who may have an agenda against you. Reddit admins don't actually look at harassment reports---they just take them at face value and assume the report is true. An appeal will likely be listened to at some point if you're not being a tool within it and **have clear and concise proof that they not only initiated conversation but never said "stop talking to me" or anything to that effect**, but it'll be near the end of the suspension anyway. +Thread: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Cringetopia/comments/b9vo8w/creepy/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cringetopia/comments/b9vo8w/creepy/) [linebreak] [linebreak] Uncensored thread: [https://snew.notabug.io/r/Cringetopia/comments/b9vo8w/creepy/](https://snew.notabug.io/r/Cringetopia/comments/b9vo8w/creepy/) [linebreak] [linebreak] Background: this was a thread about the time the Powerpuff Girls featured a character based on one of their writers. [linebreak] [linebreak] Apparently the writer, Jake Goldman, didn't actually write the character. The other writers did it as a joke. I only found this out by reading the comments. [linebreak] [linebreak] I don't really care about them censoring their sub, its very trashy anyways. I'm just curious as to why they'd want to go out of their way to slander someone. What's the agenda here? +This is stupid i know, but I been trying to find my soulmate (again stupid i know) for like most of my life and he's just not there. I don't even understand why this is such a big deal for me, finding love and such but it's so heartbreaking to me that like it's making me have a hard time breathing. By soulmate I don't mean perfect, I mean like mostly compatible and wants the same things I want and there's this connection. I don't get why I haven't found him yet, it's annoying because my standards aren't like high (i don't care about looks or money or that stuff), it's more so i want his personality to be specific to mine. Can someone just kick me out of this stupidity? Like of course soulmates don't exist why am I such an idiot about it +r/strangestatistics [linebreak] [linebreak] [linebreak] [linebreak] r/Strange_Statistics +He "sarcastically" revealed the end, just to target Modi. Ek to BKL ko dekh ke waise hi khun kholta hai upar se he keeps on giving reason to hate him. I don't follow him, but I accidentally opened Facebook and one of my "woke" "friend" shared his post on the his feed. Mere ko hinsa ki taraf dhakel rahe in log. Chahta nahi hu... +Lol, this sounds weird but it's become an addiction. I have spent hours picking at the acne on my butt. It feels satisfying whenever there is a pop or sometimes I look at what came out. [linebreak] [linebreak] Not sure why I get SO much acne there. I want to clear it up because my picking has gotten out of hand. [linebreak] [linebreak] I never got acne on my face so it's intriguing to have something that I can pick at. [linebreak] [linebreak] Oh and the acne bleeds a lot from where I pick it. Idk if that's normal or not but i honestly don't mind it. +-- She Who Must Not Be Named +[Link to post ](https://www.reddit.com/r/AteThePasta/comments/c2x5yf/racist_weirdo_on_rcatslaps_offers_up_his_address/?utm_source=share&amp;utm_medium=ios_app&amp;utm_name=ios_share_flow_optimization&amp;utm_term=enabled) [linebreak] [linebreak] Somebody, who we shall name Jacob, sent the Navy Seal copypasta to a guy who was arguing with somebody, which we shall refer to as Iron, Iron proceeds to reply with his address hoping that Jacob would prove himself as tough by going there to fight him [linebreak] [linebreak] Somebody shares the argument on r/AteThePasta and Jacob goes on the post and tells the sub who he was arguing with is as the original comments made by him were deleted [linebreak] [linebreak] Iron goes in the comments and proceeds to start talking shit [linebreak] [linebreak] [Iron's comment after being summoned](https://www.reddit.com/r/AteThePasta/comments/c2x5yf/racist_weirdo_on_rcatslaps_offers_up_his_address/ernmlh8/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ios_share_flow_optimization&utm_term=enabled) [linebreak] [linebreak] Iron claims he is (or at least was) a soldier and he killed Arabs, referring to a comment he made on the original thread where he said his address, where he states he has killed Arabs and hopefully killed Jacob's cousins [linebreak] [linebreak] [Iron stating he is proud of killing Arabs ](https://www.reddit.com/r/AteThePasta/comments/c2x5yf/racist_weirdo_on_rcatslaps_offers_up_his_address/erno1bp/?utm_source=share&amp;utm_medium=ios_app&amp;utm_name=ios_share_flow_optimization&amp;utm_term=enabled) [linebreak] [linebreak] He then points out how he doesn't believe Jacob is actually a Navy Seal because he fails to provide a BUD class number where he learned, resulting in people pointing out he doesn't understand that what the Navy Seal copypasta is, resulting in him stating that so they're harassing a veteran [linebreak] [linebreak] Another user then links a [graduation tier post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AteThePasta/comments/c2x5yf/racist_weirdo_on_rcatslaps_offers_up_his_address/ero444i/?utm_source=share&amp;utm_medium=ios_app&amp;utm_name=ios_share_flow_optimization&amp;utm_term=enabled) (now deleted) that's what you expect from the typical pro-America and pro-military sentiment here in the YS [linebreak] [linebreak] Edit: Iron has deleted their account +[linebreak] [linebreak] https://www.reddit.com/r/ShitPoliticsSays/comments/c4qv8c/nothing_will_make_me_more_happy_than_waking_up/erxva6l?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share +I think I really needed to vent this out and forgive me for it being so long. [linebreak] [linebreak] In late January, my dad had a massive heart attack and almost died before his 50th birthday. He had 3 clogged arteries, 100%, 85% and another 70 ish %. My heart was so fucking crushed when I saw him the ICU, all pale, IVs sticking out every which way, and a giant feeding tube shoved down his throat. That week, was probably the worst week in my entire life. [linebreak] [linebreak] All in the months of May and June; my childhood dog died at 13, right before her birthday in July. [linebreak] [linebreak] I had to re-home my lizard because I am moving and she means literally so much to me. I fucking bawled even thinking about her leaving my home. Luckily she went to a good family friend, but it's like parting from my child for me. [linebreak] [linebreak] I got into a big fight with my old best friend and they said some really cruel and nasty things about me and I honestly don't know when that wound will heal for me. [linebreak] [linebreak] My therapist from since I was 2 years old, has cancer. It rapidly approached and in just a month she went from active and clear headed, to being at the point where she can no longer take care of herself and needs daily assistance. [linebreak] [linebreak] During this entire year, I think I've been abusing a substance, using it as a crutch. I want to get help, but I also don't want to necessarily stop altogether. [linebreak] [linebreak] So basically that was my year (so far). I have to admit, there have been some really wonderful things that have happened, but it's hard to enjoy them. I mean, this year will always be branded into my brain (The most being my father's near death experience). [linebreak] [linebreak] Thank you for reading and I hope you can have a wonderful rest of 2019 +I like to buy frozen chicken wings every once in a while and more and more of the brands "include" packets of shitty sauce. I don't want shitty sauce I want wings and I'm paying the price of chicken wings for a box half full of shitty sauce. Thank god for muslims cause the halal chicken wings brand doesn't do that yet. They have around 20 chicken wings instead of 12 for the same box weight. +I can't word my thoughts properly but I think they're made by introverted teenagers who go through puberty and get sad sometimes like everyone else and claim to have depression. As someone with MDD I wouldn't make those memes and I do not relate to them. They make depression look like a joke. Annoying. +I think it would be a epic moment for all of mankind if they had a 360 degree camera that would allow for people on Earth to put on a VR headset an experience it as well. [linebreak] [linebreak] But to do this now for astronauts would be a wonderful engagement and I hope NASA listens! +Yes, he was in love with one of his models. +very cool +Have you guys heard about the butt pizza? [linebreak] [linebreak] [linebreak] [linebreak] [linebreak] [linebreak] [linebreak] [linebreak] [linebreak] [linebreak] [linebreak] [linebreak] It's pretty shit. +Lol good thing he isn't real +Can someone please tell me what ,,,,,,,,, is (the multiple commas)? I've seen them so many times in these types of posts but are they just grammatical errors or do they have some weird fucking meaning like those Lenny faces? +The drama correct term is Sudoku, sweaty. +Big if true +Nice try, but the punchlines aren't pizza or butt. They're both. +Canadian white hockey player speak, it's a thing +I will say "pencil sketch of an eye" made me laugh +Happy cake day +[The oof owie zoinks that's so problematic meme in question](https://imgur.com/gallery/fPpfo2q) +Just stay positive and take this opportunity to find the work you really want to do. Good Luck +> Ripon [linebreak] [linebreak] Every person I've known named Ripon is sketchy as hell. No surprises here. +Are you not entertained? Is this not why you are here? +this is trash +Seems more like r/offensivememes +I'd say that counts as a TKO. +Fresh take. +Gotta go back +Are they trying to say that these are the only things they think straight people draw? In fucking lost. +r/lostredditors? This seems more like r/WhitePeopleTwitter +Hello rondaflonda, this post has been found to be in violation of Rule 6: [linebreak] [linebreak] >Rule 6: Use Accurate Titles - Titles must contain a **quote and score** from the content being highlighted. Preferred format: "Quote" [score] (or [score hidden]) [linebreak] [linebreak] [linebreak] You have omitted the quote or score and therefore this post will be removed. +A screenshot of an Instagram post of a Facebook screenshot posted onto a tumblr subreddit... hm. +Have to say "a lot" is a total guilty pleasure of mine. It only sounds good on my headphones though, for some reason. But I inherited some stupid bass-heavy cans from my family, and I guess this is the sort of stuff they're meant for. +Sure but who gets a receipt from someone fencing goods? Ya gotta prove A. You bought that item from them B. Said item was stolen C. They (the fencer) knew or should of known. +DO A KOOL FLIP +White people and their *shuffles deck* SENSE OF HUMOR!!! +It's obviously a stereotype joke, don't take it too seriously +Lmao this isn't remotely bad, twittercels are so fragile +r/woooosh +>A lot of people were sending you love light , prayers etc . When people were making jokes about u at a rough time. [linebreak] [linebreak] Rough time? Surely they mean something else bescides her struggles with addiction/bi-polar/bulimia? [linebreak] [linebreak] No way woke twitter is comparing a violent felon being busted by ICE to treatment of mental health +Yes hes very old to still be rapping, people say hes the Tom Brady of music +Good lord that hideous hair +> https://twitter.com/Elvinelol/status/1090657823124611072 [linebreak] [linebreak] fucking lol +>I can afford TEN of these [linebreak] [linebreak] Ah, so it's Gideon Graves with the hot takes, got it +...why is this here? +tbf it may be that he was going after the little boy bussy in an effort to extinguish toxic masculinity before it corrupted the child and poisoned society further. +you get into the upper class and all sorts of illegal pastimes become available to you [linebreak] [linebreak] or they're all just FBI sting operations +They're both jokes +Never trust a dude who gets manicures. +An adult man who's working life revolves around playing games for children, against children, so children can watch and admire him is a paedophile? I'm shocked. [linebreak] [linebreak] I assume every Twitch streamer and YouTuber is a paedophile until I have proof otherwise. +Taking them all into the mile high club +You joke but its almost like a red flag at this point. +God I love how enraged tumblr makes me. Ps I have literally never thought this. +It's because he's from Britain. +What? Seek professional help. Seriosusly. +good start +He's just standing there... *shivering menacingly!* +Show us the video. Y'all love putting one part of the story here lol. If this is indeed the mods reaction to an ontopic non self promo video, assuming it's not against their rules, report it to r/reportthebadmoderator +No wonder he was so against President Trump cracking down on human trafficking. +Almos' when blokes from o'er there got somin to say to about our politics. It is annoying both ways. +I'll never understand why people hate margaret thatcher, especially British people. If it weren't for her heroism the UK would be a 3rd world country today. For me she's the greatest Briton of the 20th century +You havent seen those vids of britain where the entire neighborhoods are 100% muslims? +Resisting what exactly? [linebreak] [linebreak] No "migrant" wants to be in East Europe. There are no social benefits there. Not even East Europeans want to be there. All their youth is also coming to West Europe. +Easter European youth vs Muslims in Western Europe epic style +Brazil fell to a oneparty fascist state and are pretty into theocratic rule under the new regime +First Free American Empire. Then Greenland. Then the European hordes. Soon we will live in eternal light of America!!! +So they are true Catholics? +#OH NO, HWITE GENOCIDE IS REAL BECAUSE SOME PEOPLE LIVE SOMEWHERE, PACK IT UP IT'S ALL OVER +Do you ever say things like this unironically in real life? +Let me know when they actually find Jussie or one of his friends buying it. Til then, not appropriate for this sub. But thank you! +Have they never heard this man talk about pho before? he talks about vietnamese street food like people talk about their spouses; if anyone is actually going to do it right its gordon +I bet that these people would also complain that Ramsay is pushing for awareness for the cruelty behind shark fin soup since it's a Chinese delicacy. It's taking away a cultural tradition....! (obligatory /s, of course.) +SENTIENT +Damn this makes me sad :( +Why? +suicide is a viable method of death. if your life is so fucked you are in agony every day, i dont see a problem with suicide. id mentally hold your hand and wish you a safe journey. [linebreak] [linebreak] this more applies to physical ailments which are incurable, but there are psychological pains that can be so difficult to fix, sometimes it might not be viable to try. ive considered suicide a lot, even just two months ago. [linebreak] [linebreak] an institution would ruin my life, but im back in college at 35 with my gi bill and trucking along. am i loving life? fuck no. happy? sort of. suicidal? not right now. ever gonna do it? extremely unlikely. [linebreak] [linebreak] just because you talk about blowing your brains out doesnt mean you will do it. [linebreak] [linebreak] my wife didnt report me or anything, just talked to me like a human, understood my pain, and let me deal with it while supporting me in the simplest of ways...listening to me, making me tea for the next morning, stuff like that. [linebreak] [linebreak] you throw zyprexa at me, fuck you, my life would be over. +Well let's be real here: At the end of the day he has to sell what the locals actually want to eat if he expects to do any business. So if 100% legit Asian foods aren't preferred by the locals, he's going to have to do some adjusting. That's just good business. +Why, if you don't mind me asking? +Have you watch norsemen on Netflix? I think its Norwegian not Swedish but still. Great show +Not to mention they are part Portuguese. Portugal was controlled by Muslims for a long time, until the kings and queens of northern Christian controlled Spain led a campaign called the Reconquista and took Spain back and instituted Christianity as the main religion. +Gordon Ramsey: *opens a "European" restaurant* [linebreak] [linebreak] Everyone: Wow, what a great idea! Now I can eat speckpfannkuchen and nyanya in the same meal! +As a cook, this offends me. [linebreak] [linebreak] What? Cause im mostly german/native does that mean i cant cook pasta? [linebreak] And also....european restaurants exist . [linebreak] ..flippin dipshits +Prob her: https://myanimelist.net/character/136359/Kaguya_Shinomiya +Whoa! Now I gotta check that out. Where is that from? +I had never heard this before, and it makes so much sense, thanks for sharing!! +i don't necessarily disagree with this if it's referring to the tumblr brand of "trans activism" +Just because they are respected doesn't mean they aren't biased or hiding parts of the truth. It's not by accident that only 6% of the public trusts the media. +Them Saint Paul Sandwiches though! +Your submission or comment was removed for the following reason(s): [linebreak] [linebreak] [linebreak] --- [linebreak] [linebreak] --- [linebreak] [linebreak] **[Rule 4A](https://www.reddit.com/r/TumblrInAction/wiki/the_tia_rulebook#wiki_a.29_do_not_post_anything_political.): Do not post anything political.** [linebreak] [linebreak] > Political posts are almost always too serious, and even when there are not, the comments usually end up in a bunch of slap fights over which side is more right than the other. /r/SocialJusticeInAction or /r/sjsucks are better subreddits for this. [linebreak] [linebreak] --- [linebreak] [linebreak] [linebreak] [linebreak] --- [linebreak] [linebreak] If you have any questions or comments about this action, **Use this link to send us a mod mail message** [here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FTumblrInAction&subject=About my removed submission&message=I'm writing to you about the following removal: https://www.reddit.com/r/TumblrInAction/comments/ap7pn5/-/. %0D%0DMy issue is:). [linebreak] [linebreak] [linebreak] **Any PM sent to individual mods about this action will likely be ignored. Mod mail is the proper channel and will be your best bet for any appeals, so please use the link above.** +Much like how a lot of people believe that if you're Republican you're a literal Nazi, and deserve to be beaten down to an inch of your life. Most Republicans just value certain conservative views and aren't even close to being racist or sexist. +we just gonna ignore that his shadow looks like a cat +Oc? +Epic +Suicide prevention is about getting those disillusioned with our world back to work, able to pay on their debts, and gaslit about what caused them to want to die in the first place. There is a direct link between austerity and suicide rates. When a government is big on austerity, they also are big on suicide prevention. Teresa May comes to mind. [linebreak] [linebreak] Imagine suicide nets on iPhone factories in China. But more of a social engineering approach on a large scale [linebreak] [linebreak] +And bussy +No u +Is this how radical centrism really looks like? +I don't hate the rich, lol, just bailouts. [linebreak] [linebreak] And I actually have a very sexy dimple. +Isn't this the same guy that did the "talking dog in a banana costume?" +Tbh you deserved that +I fear by the police response that it might be though. "Lack of evidence" we can't investigate any further. +Hi, i also had depression for about 3~ years now, I stopped getting professional help because the medications didn't help. Your'e right, depression is something you need to learn how to live with, as for me I just "experiment", some days i'll try to surrond myself with friends and some days i'll isolate myself to see if it makes me any better. Im at the peak of adolescence and its so hard, the days are just gray, my mood changes every moment , i dont know who I am and almost dont get any satisfaction from gaming, i stopped doing sports, class is boring, I don't trust anyone and I cut off relationships with almost all of my close friends. Its pretty f***ing hard but I keep going on. Dont say you are not worth other people's time, you sometimes just feel like pouring all your thoughts and feelings and its normal. You are not alone and I wish you the best. Just hold on. +Conservatives actually know how stuff works and would never fall for a story like that. +How the fuck did that garbage get 134 upvotes... +don't do it ~~hodor~~ bitmoji man [linebreak] [linebreak] +Eh, I can totally believe some people bought this. There were some people who really, really hated Obama and were nearly about as willing to believe any negative story about him as r/politics does about Trump. The difference is that they largely didn't wish for Democrats to be assaulted in the streets or executed. +it literally says in the description : "We welcome discussions about Gallowboob, and allow all your crazy theories about wether he's satan or santa." [linebreak] [linebreak] So, no not really. +I'm sorry to hear that +TLJ hate is Schrodinger's Anti-fandom. It's both too derivative and too radical until someone says why they like it in front of an anti-fan and the waveform collapses. +>and therefore presumably worse situation **for** the insensitive one [linebreak] [linebreak] Everyone perceives the world and life subjectively, that's just how it is, that's how we have to get through life. It can be a good thing and a bad thing, and for people who are sensitive, for one, things might feel bad quicker than for others. But that doesn't mean that the pain they're suffering is less "bad" for them - as you said. Because that's how they perceive and feel it, so that's absolute reality for them, even if objectively the issue isn't as bad. They still have to live through it. They have to go through the exact pain someone less sensitive would have to go through because of an objectively worse issue. (Most?) People experience life subjectively. The limit to feeling a certain amount of pain for someone sensitive might be lower than for someone less sensitive. But it doesn't mean it's less real, it doesn't mean they're in need of less support and understanding and empathy. It's the same, felt, pain. Often, a sensitive person will feel happiness quicker and easier too. Does that mean they are, really, less happy than a less sensitive person? [linebreak] [linebreak] But this was just a rant and I'm sorry if I misunderstood your comment. [linebreak] [linebreak] +>If you had told me 5 years ago someone was destroying 2,387 vintage Star Wars figures I would have freaked out at the loss. But thanks to Disney, I don't care!! It's actually impressive how they took the most profitable IP of all time and made it worthless. [linebreak] [linebreak] I'm a bit confused how not liking the last movie(s) in a series suddenly makes all the enjoyment you had in the previous media disappear. I mean, I was pretty pissed off with Mass Effect 3, but my 400 hours in the ME1 and ME2 didn't vanish and I still enjoyed the multiplayer. +You sure about that? I've been shadow banned a few times and it was definitely not because of an admin. Posts still showed up fine for me. I could browse and comment. Nobody else could see anything I did in that sub. Talked to the mods and they were able to fix it. If it were just automod I think I'd see the posts being removed wouldn't I? +WAY more effort than I ever go into, since I know facts and logic have no effect on people who are only interested in an agenda. [linebreak] [linebreak] Then again, the efforts can at least be appreciated and enjoyed by others, as we see here :3 +>>If you had told me 5 years ago someone was destroying 2,387 vintage Star Wars figures I would have freaked out at the loss. But thanks to Disney, I don't care!! It's actually impressive how they took the most profitable IP of all time and made it worthless. [linebreak] > [linebreak] >I'm a bit confused how not liking the last movie(s) in a series suddenly makes all the enjoyment you had in the previous media disappear. I mean, I was pretty pissed off with Mass Effect 3, but my 400 hours in the ME1 and ME2 didn't vanish and I still enjoyed the multiplayer. [linebreak] [linebreak] Imagine being reminded of your ex cheating on you every time you cuddle with your current significant other. Not to say this is reasonable or healthy, but it's understandable and plausible. And, before sequence of events gets argued, you can still apply this to past experiences. Those 400 hours you spent with the ex, no matter how enjoyable at the time, were spoiled when they cheated on you. Again, only an analogy. +>Imagine being reminded of your ex cheating on you every time you cuddle with your current significant other. [linebreak] [linebreak] Imagine feeling you got cheated on because you didn't like the sequel to a kids' movie. +I fucking dare you to crosspost this to r/quityourbullshit to see how the community there responds +> Then in their Star Trek Discovery videos, they chastise the show for not being like the Star Trek of their youth. [linebreak] [linebreak] Do they chastise the show for *not* being that? From what I remember they mention quite often how they do want a show in the style of TNG but know that it's not going to happen and tend to criticize everything else about STD that *isn't* that. +That's an actual phrase +Sorry, Im gonna have to lock the comments cause you all are not being civil, sweeties! [linebreak] -moderator of more than 1,000 subreddits +That poor girl has internalized the patriarchy's misogyny so much that she actually believes all those lies about proto-this and phonological-that. It's sad how powerful the patriarchy is. +Damn [linebreak] [linebreak] [linebreak] Shots fired +It is their weapon of choice +Finally, a use for that linguistics degree!! +/s <-- I sure hope this is yours. +*raises hand* +Have never heard it until now though. +I wish someone would ask Daddy about his opinions on vaccines, I bet he's got some really special thoughts floating around in that head of his. +But which people would have the most oppression points then :) +How, in the day and age of everyone carrying Google in their pocket, do we still have people making these ridiculous claims and then doubling down when they're wrong? I know confirmation bias is a thing- it's easy to convince yourself that you are right with creative research, but....just....**what the fuck** +I mean, the whole thing is obviously bullshit, but if you play along... On what grounds do they consider men biologically inferior? I'm pretty sure if you go with pure biology and look at us like you would any animal, men are bigger, faster, stronger, and testosterone naturally makes them more likely to fight and gives them more drive... In any sort of environment not governed by man-made laws, the average man would just do what he wants with the average woman... +Posts like these make me wonder whether people realize that there are also other languages out there where some of this "logic" doesn't apply. Does that make those nations less misogynistic? Or are they just better at hiding it in their language? I guess we'll never know, since these people don't really think far beyond themselves and their agenda. +Forgot "HIStory", "his story". I hate this one so much, maybe because I hear it so often. It's origin dates back to the Greek word historia, meaning narrative or story, and I believe even further back than that. +The Government just needs to reintroduce small pox back into circulation to fix this anti vaxx bullshit +Please tell me you just made it up for giggles and parody and never actually heard it. It's 10 am and I need to keep some faith in humanity to survive the rest of the day. [linebreak] [linebreak] Edit: nevermind, I succumbed to temptation to search internet and... [right](https://www.quora.com/Is-the-term-history-his-story-misogynistic-Shouldnt-it-be-ourstory). Everything's lost, abandon the ship... +What about a butt plug for you? +Journalist Tim Pool on YouTube summarizes it very well, he's made a few videos about it the last week or so. +CK2 > HOI4 +> I'll need to wait and see what Man the Guns plays like when the DLC arrives on Feb. 28. [linebreak] [linebreak] Was gamergate for nothing? +That was very halal +Don't you just love reforming the Roman Empire as Augustus Mussolini and kicking Hitler into the North Sea? +I mean, how hard would it be to get a qt comfort woman waifu morale boost? +Edgier comments were omitted for reddit normies +See the sticky, no need for a dozen submissions regarding the breaking news. [linebreak] [linebreak] Also: [linebreak] [linebreak] > Try to summarize the background of the hoax as best you can in the headline without editorializing. Try to be as clinical as possible this means refraining from vitriol and sarcasm. +> Personally, I'm not sure what to think about this. Germany and Japan participated in WWII. The CSA didn't, and while fans have been modding them into the game on their own for years, the official inclusion is deeply unsettling [linebreak] [linebreak] Literally against it because she feels icky about it [linebreak] [linebreak] Alright +>HOI4 is one of the most complex games I've ever played [linebreak] [linebreak] Stopped reading right there +CK2 is ez tho +*A game about a country that killed 6 million Jews* [linebreak] [linebreak] Polygon: Yawn [linebreak] [linebreak] *Alt history nonsense* [linebreak] [linebreak] Polygon: This is deeply unsettling something about America being racist today. Etc. +In game tutorial is pretty good now +Turn 720 and walk away +First spend a week studying the wikipedia article on the British Peerage system and inheritance laws then you can start thinking about reading the pre-tutorial manual. +Why would anyone be proud of someone who married her own brother? +Yeah but its FREE. Free stuff is always good right? +Nobody thinks that it's free. +You should actually listen to her doing this questioning. It is obvious she has absolutely no idea what she is talking about, and the questions were prepared for her by a 20 year old Marxist who has no knowledge of geopolitical history. It's pretty obvious they would prefer that the entirety of Central and South America was under control of more people like Maduro. +Do you tie your own shoes? +Except for the part where he answered no... +Hot take: I support the Reagan administration's moves to stop the spread of Communism in South America through what was known as the "Iran-Contra Affair". The Soviet Union was attempting to create communist regimes in South America in a larger global effort against the United States, and we stopped the spread of Communism in South America just like we did in Asia. [linebreak] [linebreak] Why does the Left have issues with our conflicts that involved Communists? They almost sound like...Communist sympathizers! +> Texas sub is a dumb shithole that is made up of 20 something """""urbanites""""" and not representative of the state at all [linebreak] [linebreak] [linebreak] Native Texan and frequent /r/Texas visitor here.. I'm not a 20-something "urbanite" and my beliefs are the same as nearly half of the state's voters. Granted, /r/Texas is more than half liberal, so it's not an exact representation of the state. To say it's not representative of the state at all isn't accurate though. +This must be those Communist sympathizers I was talking about! That didn't take long lol +What should Obama and the Democrats have done? +This is democrats' master interrogation strategy. "YeS oR No yEs Or nO" +EU4 has them all beat +Just be honest and up front about it, but don't be rude. Just say hey that ain't my thing, and if he respects that then carry on with whatever you're both comfortable with. But if he doesn't respect it and keeps going he's most likely both a bit odd, and not really a keeper. I could go either way to be honest, it's not my favorite thing but hey if someone's into that who am I to judge +Amateur numbers +this seems kind of banal for this sub +impossible +> Furthermore, a lot of players do some form of mana weaving to stack their decks. [linebreak] [linebreak] this is cheating and/or stalling (a distinct penalty) and judges should be way harsher on it. +Tons of people pile shuffle their deck once to "count their cards". It also simultaneously performs rudimentary mana weaving. In a card game that's heavy-dependent on randomness, any way to tilt the odds in your favor can and will be done. Just that no one dares to admit that. +might wanna read the update lol +It was always weird how I invariably drew the wrong card for the situation, when I played. Hell, I sometimes drew cards that had no place being in the type of deck I'd built. +Savage . I love it . Keep up the good work! +u/vreddit_bot +#Downloadable links: [linebreak] [linebreak] * [**Video with sound**](https://vredd.it/files/jpyja2d2sof21.mp4) [linebreak] [linebreak] * [**GIF**](https://v.redd.it/jpyja2d2sof21/DASH_360?source=fallback) [linebreak] [linebreak] * [**Audio only**](https://v.redd.it/jpyja2d2sof21/audio) [linebreak] [linebreak] If you don't want to mention my name you can also send me a private message containing the link. [linebreak] *** [linebreak] ^^I'm a Bot *bleep* *bloop* | [**Contact**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/u/Synapsensalat) | [**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/r/vreddit_bot/comments/9h41sx/info) | [**Donate**](https://np.reddit.com/r/vreddit_bot/wiki/index) +> I just work here, man. [linebreak] [linebreak] Is there some kind of keyword search that the bot uses to come up with this stuff? +Most furries are leftists +I think it just has a set list that it pulls from randomly. +Hey ThisNameIsntCreative! Thank you for your submission, unfortunately it has been removed from /r/SubredditDrama because: [linebreak] [linebreak] * Surplus Popcorn. [linebreak] [linebreak] Due to a lot of stale politicized drama crowding out niche posts and dominating the front page, certain categories of drama face greater scrutiny and greater rates of removal. [linebreak] Your post fell into one of these categories and was not exceptional enough to be approved. See [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/subredditdrama/wiki/rules#wiki_surplus_popcorn) for more information. [linebreak] [linebreak] Surplus drama categories include: [linebreak] [linebreak] * racism drama [linebreak] * gender wars [linebreak] * social justice drama [linebreak] * gun drama [linebreak] * partisan pissmatches [linebreak] [linebreak] [linebreak] [linebreak] For more on our rules, please check out our [detailed rules wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/subredditdrama/wiki/rules). If you have any questions or concerns about this removal feel free to [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSubredditDrama). +Former mod here (albeit briefly) who was deleting most of the Smollett-related posts. +Try putting u/ in front of it. +Yes I noticed that..App certainly needs many improvements. [linebreak] [linebreak] I paid in Bharat ke veer app in `bharat ke veer corpus fund` +How dumb can Jussie possibly be? This was terribly planned, and the "script" for the fictional MAGA guys was laughably bad ("this is MAGA country!" *in Chicago???*). +any comment relating to the fact that A) they are all support mains in solo Q, or B) they are mid diamond, got removed. [linebreak] [linebreak] Its pretty sad +I'm sorry you're going through this. +Do you think Hurriyat needs security? Security was actually spying on them. +Unless someone's been murdered, I usually take alleged hate crimes with a grain of sugar and a grain of salt. The guy said he was attacked, okay. Then the details seemed fishy, so I considered that perhaps it was a real attack but he falsified the details. [linebreak] [linebreak] As the days passed it seemed more and more unlikely that white MAGA people were behind it, but I still kept that under consideration because, as the people on /r/politics say, "truth is stranger than fiction". But at this point? There's no believing that narrative. +Sleep wont come for a couple hours. +It's not really a decimal system, is more like versioning. So for example the first number is the version where there is a massive update/rework of most of the software, second number are new big features, like new biomes, mobs, dimensions, etc. and th elast number is more for small updates like changes in spawn rates, durability of items and things of that nature. +Yeah, I imagine it's got to do with having multiple fixes to every update that adds onto the base game, but I don't want to google it, because I still think it's insane! lol +I fear that violence might be the future of this country for a long while given the divisiveness, vitriol, and the "team sports" nature of politics in this country. +Removed, no quote, no score, rule 6. Feel free to resubmit with a *direct* quote of the comment and how many points it has. +Ding dong you are wrong +> Or they could just not do illegal drugs? [linebreak] [linebreak] -102 +I'm not sure what that last sentence is saying, because it seems to be missing some context. +Yep, one of the reasons I'm in the process of selling my house and moving. Shits crazy. +Can we get a link +It's already begun. lmao +That'a true. Most women who call themselves feminists are good people who just don't know that the wage gap or inflated rape statistics are BS. They don't hate men and would support men who are raped or assaulted (unlike some of the posts that get shared here of peoppe claiming that men can't be raped.) A lot of them believe basically the same things that I do, that neither men nor women should be discriminated against, violence against anyone is bad, women in poor countries often face the worst of sexism and sexual violence, etc. They just haven't been exposed to the nasty side of feminism, so while I and many people like me have decided that "feminist" may not be the best word to describe what we believe, they have no resaon to believe that the term might not be the best for them to use. +Delete your account. Not because of the post. Because of your username +Being treated as property is not treating them better than men. +It's shit like this that proves how double standardized these people are +I said sometimes. I'd rather be property than dead. +Holy shit. How can a person become this crazy? [linebreak] [linebreak] Edit: What about single fathers? Should they just give up their daughters? And what about boys? Does she think boys can't be abused or something? +Um.... I was molested by a female family member tho... +Lol, aren't we all... +i'm jealous, i can't get out of this shithole for another year or two yet +Yes, but mothers are more likely. +Well, that's just some prime /r/movies material, right there. +OP, you're clearly too *dump* to keep up with him. +Usual behaviour there +no, cars are bullshit so i don't drive them. i just shoulder check motherfuckers in the streets +All team siren references were also deleted instantly +Some of these people very obviously project their their slanted world view onto normal shit. This person probably has ptsd or something from abuse. She isn't intelligent enough to realize her experience isn't quite what happens in the real world. +Thanks. I really appreciate your words. I'm doing much better with therapy and medication. +OP, limitations in animal testing, does not equal "completely unreliable" as you stated in your blog. Perhaps you can step back and see why people might think you have an agenda. +Why are you complaining about something that happened to you **five months ago**? Your blog was published in September 2018. +This is why filing a false police report is a crime. The enormous time and resources used by police are wasted on fake crimes, while real crimes go unsolved. +This asshole needs to be tossed in jail assuming everything we're being lead to believe is indeed true. I understand everything looks to be that way also, just need to make sure ala these morons who decried a hate crime before any investigation had been done. +Man r/movies drama is great. [linebreak] [linebreak] Most of the post there devolve into arguments about nothing. +No one said "questioning the accuracy and reliability of animal testing based on the findings of over 20 scientific papers" makes you a "preachy vegan." What shows that you have an "ax" to grind is exactly what I pointed out: misconstruing the respondent's response to mean what you want it to mean instead of what it actually said and using emotionally charged rhetoric like "vivesectionist" to describe the respondent when you have no idea whether or not their work involves cutting animals. [linebreak] [linebreak] I think that was very plainly stated in my last post and you're being purposely obtuse so that you can redirect the conversation the way you would like it to go. Given your previous escapades into rhetorical chicanery it's not surprising, but you shouldn't expect anyone to take you seriously when you play dumb and pretend you really don't understand the responses you get. [linebreak] [linebreak] +Amazing how the Chicago media seems to actually have the skills to conduct journalism, unlike the national media. +That's a yikes from me. You've really fucked up if the Daily Beast isn't supporting your supposed oppression. +When the extra police work appears in the form of racist profiling then yeah, obviously +happens a lot more than people like to admit +Here's where I think the distinction lies - I may be wrong, and call me out if you want, but here goes: [linebreak] [linebreak] So, believe all victims is a good and noble idea at a basic level. When a victim of a crime comes forward, the people that they trust should absolutely support them, and help them get help and try to make it as easy as possible to get the police involved - not necessarily influence them to go to the authorities, but that's where crimes *should* go, for a number of reasons. [linebreak] [linebreak] This becomes a less tenable position when a) the justice system gets involved and b) when there are real world consequences for leveling an accusation. [linebreak] [linebreak] With the Jussie Smollett case, we see both of those in play. When the police investigation unfolded, they were able to put forth compelling evidence against his claim. The second set is more nuanced, but this is how I see it: His claims had a major effect to divide the country. Seeing these claims would have such an effect, it gives us good reason to scrutinize his story. When we scrutinize the story, we find some major holes (two maga people out after 2 in intensely cold weather, in Chicago, apparently knowing where Smollett was, and being prepared for that confrontation, his refusal to hand over his phone, he walked home and waited 40 minutes or so before calling the police) and we have a good reason to step back a bit from the narrative and wait for an investigation to conclude before deciding. [linebreak] [linebreak] In short, believe all victims is a good idea, but it becomes more nuanced when there are real consequences that may hurt or jail others, at which time we should scrutinize the story or let the professionals do their job. +It sounds good in theory, but it's a terrible idea when it comes to law. There are two sides to every story. [linebreak] [linebreak] If you think we should completely believe every rape victim, look up Ronald Cotton. That is a case where the victim THOUGHT she was telling the truth but her memory failed her. Evidence is so important, but to even suggest that nowadays causes outrage. +Some years ago Laci Greene made a video all about how important it is to trust the victim. [linebreak] [linebreak] I'm still waiting for the many thousands of people who were brave enough to admit, in the comments, that Laci Greene had raped them to receive the attention and support they deserve. [linebreak] [linebreak] The **reality** is that **everyone** who goes into toxic-overdrive (and it IS toxic) when accusations are leveled only do so because it panders to their biases. [linebreak] [linebreak] Now that Smollett has been charged I can say that there was nothing **remotely** credible about his claims. It was possible that what he said had happened, but extremely unlikely. [linebreak] [linebreak] Anyone who immediately believed him was, at best, a credulous fool. And at worst they were bigoted pieces of shit who just loved the opportunity to spread more hate. +Honestly, that's less of a problem right now, IMO, as destruction of a person's reputation through the media right now. Which I think is where the second point I tried, clumsily as I did, to make. +Nah it's definitely his blog lmao. +IIRC, those were based on the number not proven false. +Which means it's at MOST 98% and 91% respectively. +And OP is Swedish? +I was accosted walking down the road yesterday. Two big black Jamaican fellas put a noose around my head and said "Welcome to Marley country" [linebreak] [linebreak] Granted I live in the arse end of NZ and the only person with African heritage I've met is 5 years is a lesbian, but I'M A VICTIM BELIEVE ME! [linebreak] [linebreak] PM me for paypal details if you want to give me money. +Believe all victims is good, but we must recognize that once a false accusation against someone is made, they become the victim. And when there are multiple people claiming to be victims to each other, no legal punishments should apply before it's certain what happened. +Burqa doesn't agree. +Quint,Scroll,The Wire broke out from NDTV after NDTV took some damage by regularly targeting the PM. [linebreak] [linebreak] The basis of their work is exact copy of how leftist media works in US. [linebreak] [linebreak] Quint wrote an article about women protesting "gun violence" in US.Why ? Don't we have enough problems already ? [linebreak] [linebreak] They also covered women's march done in Mumbai about "Trump is not my President". [linebreak] [linebreak] Why would an Indian care about Trump being US' President? [linebreak] [linebreak] All these days they have used Rafale's non existent Scam to accused every institution to be under PM's control and also questioned integrity of CJI and CAG. [linebreak] They say what RaGa says. [linebreak] This government has it's fare share of problems but this alt-left media wants India to become west. [linebreak] [linebreak] I won't want to see Indians having a Pro-Life and Pro-Choice march because we don't have such a problem. [linebreak] I can go on and on.They have only done bullshit in the name of Freedom of Expression.Too much leeway man,too much exploitation of Indian sentiments. [linebreak] [linebreak] +> Trust, but verify. [linebreak] [linebreak] Just say your hate women and move on. +This isn't on TV. [linebreak] This is on your Facebook.On your twitter feeds. [linebreak] TV's media is much better. [linebreak] [linebreak] Watch Doordarshan ffs.Better than most of all. [linebreak] Or you can watch the channels which endorse right ideology and then watch the channels with left ideolgy.After that make up your mind according to your opinion. [linebreak] [linebreak] Quint jaise are sponsored so you will see what they cover.Their article was used by Pakistan against Kulbhushan Jadhav. [linebreak] This was over the limit.You are so against government that you are making mockery of the government on international stage just for the sake if FoE/FoS. +Can confirm, I got permabanned from r/help for explaining to confused users how censorship works on this site. [linebreak] [linebreak] Note that r/help has an admin as a mod, u/redtaboo indicating approval of this practice. +\>THE TERMINATED OFFICERS AGREED TO RETURN THE DIVERTED FUNDS OVER A PERIOD OF TIME NOT TO EXCEED TEN YEARS [linebreak] [linebreak] [linebreak] [linebreak] Soo, they're getting ~~an interest-free loan~~ pretty much a gift because after 10 years nobody will care anymore? I need to get into this racket. +Kiwifarms is hilarious bro +Not relative to... well... almost the entire US. +Still killing white people +Oh this is a great day. +In an alternate universe Weird Al is writing a parody of "Jessie's Girl" called "Jussie's Bail." +rAcIsM = PrEjUdIcE + pOwEr +Basically, don't call victims liars and pressure them into not alerting authorities but don't believe every word they say unconditionally +Punctuate your fucking sentences so I can actually read them. +Dude with the sign is wearing a Misfits shirt...c'mon guy. +>"Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what the hell is going on." [linebreak] [linebreak] - Donald Trump [linebreak] [linebreak] [link](https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2015/12/07/trump_total_and_complete_shutdown_of_muslims_entering_united_states.html) [linebreak] [linebreak] (and yes, he referred to himself in the third person) +AGP? +This guys an utter moron. +lol [linebreak] [linebreak] +\>black guy fakes being attacked [linebreak] [linebreak] \>"ban all white people" [linebreak] [linebreak] wait...what? [linebreak] [linebreak] Also, that last comment makes me think this has got to be satire. +That would still be racist.... [linebreak] [linebreak] +Even his shit excuse backpedaling is still racist lol. Favoritism towards a race is just as bad as hatred. [linebreak] [linebreak] All racists know how to do is be racist. +But that's still racism. What am I missing here? [linebreak] [linebreak] I could have sworn that the idea was to treat everybody the same. Killing all the white people or refusing to arrest them no matter what they do is just two sides of the same coin. +Oh yes! Forgot about it.. 2-3 saal mein ek movie aati hai iski, that's why probably trying hard to stay relevant. +>believe in schrodinger +Because anon is an overanalyzing armchair academic who spends too much time jerking off his intellectual ego while misinterpreting academic concepts almost as badly as he misinterprets social cues. +Because critical thinking is harder than jumping on a bandwagon +Yeah not like he was an active conservationist or anything. Great guy died too young. +Were it not for animal testing and medicines, Ingrid would be dead. Just sayin.. +Fuck PETA. +Steve had more love and respect for animals in his pinky than the entirety of PETA activists. +I've never had the chance to watch The Crocodile Hunter, but I've heard a **lot** about Steve Irwin, and I am outraged that anyone could say something this foul. +Steve Irwin was an animal, and that was his habitat. +How to get hated and ridiculed by everyone in a single tweet! +That's a great way to get people not to hate you so much PETA! You're totally right! Gosh! +That's a conspiracy I could jump behind. +I read the first couple sentences, then checked which sub I was on before downvoting. I *still* had to make a significant effort not to downvote anyway once I finished reading this garbage. You don't talk shit on Steve Irwin. You just don't. +Maybe a search for "asians" comes up with porn because "asians" don't really have that much in common except for certain facial features. +Whoever runs that Twitter account just keeps climbing down into the whole with bigger and bigger shovels. The Jimmy's Seafood feud is one thing, but they are playing with fire talking shit about Steve Irwin. +Steve Irwin was a lovely person, but he took some risks that were a little unnecessary. This sadly lead to his death. However it is everyone's right to live as they want to some extent, and while his methods of approaching and handling wildlife are far from advisable, he didn't do any harm to animals and he did further our understanding of them. [linebreak] [linebreak] Every science needs a little crazy in the mix; it's just sad when they lose their life doing something preventable. It's just not the best idea to fuck with dangerous wild animals. +Happily essentially everyone and every faction on Twitter, Left, Right and Center collectively put aside their differences and told PETA to shut the fuck up. Irwin was a wonderful man who is loved and missed by 99 percent of people. +They don't kill thousands a day. It's like ~2000 a year +Is there any organisation worse than PETA? +How the fuck can PETA have a problem with Steve Irwin? Is there anyone they like? I really can't think of anyone who loved animals more than Steve. +Ouch +Hope it's twins.... +Wow, there really is a sub for everything +Once at work, I accidentally checked out some dragons fucking cars. Didn't know that would be an issue. +Is it NSFW too tho? +r/TalesFromCaveSupport +And after three or four more 'subtle' slur-style digs, too. I guess he felt his point wasn't being made properly. [linebreak] [linebreak] I assume that point was "I don't know how to interact with people". +/r/sharktits (and yes, as the title suggests, it's NSFW) +I always learn about new NSFW subs when I come to SRD +Is it even possible to mark a comment as NSFW lol? I'm pretty sure that's only for threads. +Pretty sure thats bisexuality +I mean "fucking" isn't always used in a sexual way. I can see how somebody glances at it and saw "r/ dragons and fucking cars" or something +It's a copypasta, calm down +It's the horny ed edd n eddy copypasta replace straight with horny and that's the original. +Cringe as fuck +21 is still very young, dude. You've got more than enough time to switch this around and it sounds as if you're getting ready. [linebreak] Weight loss seems to be the biggest issue and also the smallest. If you begin socialising more and become happier with yourself , your body may change anyway due to new habits. There are a lot of people chubbier than you loving their lives . [linebreak] [linebreak] Social awkwardness isnt the end of the world. If that girl likes you others will too. Trouble is when people don't know how unhappy someone is wihj themselves they wont understand why you stand them up/dont talk to them etc. They might blame themselves. People dont know these things about us only we do. [linebreak] I repeat my first sentence. If you need some medical help for your anxiety , get it. If you want so socialise more, make the effort even just once will help you breed healthier mentality. [linebreak] [linebreak] Can you tell us anything you like about yourself and your life? +See with the context I knew what it would be yet I still clicked... +I'm also a chubby guy who is socially awkward and afraid to talk to girls. [linebreak] [linebreak] I went on my first date at 19 I liked her all through high school. It just took me all those years to build up the courage to ask her out. [linebreak] [linebreak] Second date at 21 (different girl) [linebreak] [linebreak] Had my first relationship at 22 (long distance)(different girl) [linebreak] [linebreak] Second relationship at 24. (Long distance again) [linebreak] [linebreak] First kiss at 25. [linebreak] [linebreak] Currently engaged in my second relationship. I'm 26 now. [linebreak] [linebreak] There are guys who go on dates every weekend and that works for them, but that doesn't mean it's the only way. You can find something else that works for you. [linebreak] [linebreak] Don't let society place time limits where they don't exist. Be persistent, but patient. [linebreak] +Tbh, as much as it indcates what it actually is, i wouldnt think that some people would draw *actually* a dragon fucking a car +This whole thing is r/rareinsults +A straight‐to‐TV adaptation of *The Lusty Argonian Maid*. +Lol from Reddit +Isn't she a chick? Lol. What happened? +I came here after to make a post after I tried and it didn't work for me, but you already had one. Very suspicious +I really want to see this person satisfy their appetite for diamonds when they move out of their mother's house. +As a Dragon enthuasist, I can confirm. +*GOLD* [linebreak] [linebreak] Dragons hoard *gold.* And they do it because gold is soft and corrosion-resistant, so it makes an ideal nesting material that the young can also teethe on. They don't *eat* it, the adults hoard it to prepare for their eggs hatching, and younger, immature dragons hoard it because it reminds them of their childhoods, nostalgia-style. [linebreak] [linebreak] Everyone knows this. Hell, even a few Khlads know this, and people from Klah are, by-and-large, morons! +I mean honestly this person could just have pica +Maybe theyre MLP dragonkin. Pretty sure Spike ate gems +Your submission or comment was removed for the following reason(s): [linebreak] [linebreak] [linebreak] --- [linebreak] [linebreak] --- [linebreak] [linebreak] **[Rule 1C](https://www.reddit.com/r/TumblrInAction/wiki/the_tia_rulebook#wiki_c.29_don.27t_bait_the_bloggers.)**: [linebreak] [linebreak] >####Don't bait the bloggers. [linebreak] [linebreak] > Don't post responses to "anonymous asks", since these can't be verified and sometimes come from people baiting for content. [linebreak] [linebreak] > Don't try to provoke SJWs into contacting you. Dumping "Feminism sucks" on their page and posting their response is not ok. [linebreak] [linebreak] > We are aware that you may not be the one who posted the bait, but we don't want to reward that behaviour with karma since it can come from breaking Rule 1A. [linebreak] [linebreak] --- [linebreak] [linebreak] [linebreak] [linebreak] --- [linebreak] [linebreak] If you have any questions or comments about this action, **Use this link to send us a mod mail message** [here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FTumblrInAction&subject=About my removed submission&message=I'm writing to you about the following removal: https://www.reddit.com/r/TumblrInAction/comments/ausgxl/-/. %0D%0DMy issue is:). [linebreak] [linebreak] [linebreak] **Any PM sent to individual mods about this action will likely be ignored. Mod mail is the proper channel and will be your best bet for any appeals, so please use the link above.** +Worst fucking "crop" I've ever seen. +They aren't even that much more pale +The comment was removed the post is still there +This is true but I meant actual OCs. +Kinda curious, any way I could see the commissioned art? [linebreak] If not don't sweat it :) +They not even that pale wtf... +I really want to see an artist make characters too dark just for the reactions. Would Tumblr implode? +Nah they're clearly super pale +These characters aren't #000000. WHITEWASHED/s +To quote Caddicarus; "You can call it style, I call it terrible." +They're clearly as pale as fucking snow! They look like fucking vampires! [linebreak] [linebreak] /s obviously +People do that all the time, no one says anything negative. +CAN YOU ISN'T +Did you just ask people to do some actual work instead of getting everything on silver platters.. How (something) ist of you +The colours on their armour are also several shades lighter. They seem to draw in pastel shades. +I love how that woman completely ignores this other person pointing out that women can fetishize lgbt ships(straight up talking about who's the bottom, calling them sinners, calling themselves sinners for shipping a same sex ship, etc.). Hell, even shipping two actors or singers and making them uncomfortable(see Louis and Harry from 1D) and saying Louis' son isn't real. +Sombra doesn't look that different to me, if anything then she probably just look pale out of surprise (like in anime when the colors disappear). [linebreak] [linebreak] Could anyone do a side-by-side? And maybe an edit where the skin tones are maybe the same as color as the official pictures? +Actually this sub is pretty much all incel and pedophiles +It makes me feel a little bit better about picking Feinstein over the socialist she ran against last year. +You know this person is really whacked when SPS is *defending* Feinstein of all people because of the comment he made. +Yeah but **3000** people upvoted his craziness. Either AstroTurf vote manipulation or this site is getting more psycho +The mods are dictators. The end. +How is it not your fault? +They are both on my "favorites" too! +Remove `\` from before the `[` of every link and they will work properly. +I think you're parents will be more supportive than you think +Enjoy the credit +You're not exactly the winner of this exchange. +The mods said that there would be no "leg humping" allowed at all. Like you can't even say "jana's Shirt looks nice". People started disagreeing and that terrible parkranger mod went on a power trip and banned people, including me. +Def wasn't expecting to read 'leghumping' that much though +Sure I have, but are you seriously trying to defend yourself by comparing yourself to me? +how is it not your fault unless you got raped? +It's so ridiculous! Why were you demodded, if you don't mind me asking? +Oh god...anything but the Free Jinger contingent invading. I can see the future threads already: "How many cousins do your parents have?", "Soliciting opinions on duvets and casseroles", "DAE have a premature child?" +Hi! I wanted to PM you but I thought that would be invasive, glad you're here. I'm not sure why you were demodded, it all seems crazy to me. I thought your post was fine. +Being a gossip-loving petty bitch with delusions of grandeur does not make me a bad person! +I don't know. I thought i was well liked and I certainly get a lot of upvotes and I don't usually leg hump... but I guess everyone can like you except one mod and that's really the only person that matters. I think subreddits can be fun as long as the mods don't overdo it. Stop with all the rules. If the leg humping gets excessive, then delete it. But don't delete and ban people that actually bring something to the table just because you don't like them. It seems unfair to be banned over a mod not liking you. +I swear to God every Free Jinger thread I've seen discussed 1) cousins and 2) last names! I know they're infamous for thread drift but those 2 seem to be their favorite topics! +Oh man, I wish that was still around. It would be golden! +Because she was out of line and manipulated other mods to get some of us banned from the sub all because we called her out on her crazy BS. +Yep. +...big mood. +I really appreciated the post you made, and I think a lot of other users did too. Sorry to see you go. :-/ +I use a multi-sub for all the subs so doesn't really make that much difference to me....unless I get banned lol. +A subreddit that exists exclusively to criticize people on a TV show, and positive comments are not allowed. That is a special kind of nastiness. +At least he knows what he needs to do. +I've always had a female doc, for some reason my parents thought it would calm me down as a kid, it did ,. As an adult I've always had a woman as my PCP , if youre getting your junk handled, might as well be by a woman. +What kind of moron doesn't know what to do on penis inspection day by 15 +Please tell me more. What was your ex famous for? Are they now on IG and pretending to have a fake blue eye or selling healing crystal dildos????? +These sites are full of people with major issues armchair diagnosing semi-public internet figures. Not to say that I'm above it all, pretty sure I wouldn't love rubbernecking drama if I didn't have a fuckton of issues but they are at a whole higher plane of concern trolling. +What is this Arab Lunch party? +Pakistan forced to boycott OIC event after member nations ignore its objections over invitation to India [linebreak] [linebreak] https://www.opindia.com/2019/03/pakistan-forced-to-boycott-oic-event-after-member-nations-ignore-its-objections-over-invitation-to-india/ +The comment thread here is a rollercoaster. I feel like I need a nap. +Being cute has absolutely nothing to do with your parents being cruddy people! +This shit reminds me of Sollog. +They are just trying to scare me. It isn't working. +> The rest should be self explanatory. [linebreak] [linebreak] The universe is left as an exercise for the reader. +Thank you. The funny thing about the whole incident was that A LOT of older posters and the mods liked, and did not disagree, with my post. But, they claimed that there were MANY who didn't and after months of being told I was an awesome mod, they were suddenly changing the rules and trying to MAKE drama out of a post where I essentially said, "act like an adult and understand that people disagree now and then." Ironic, no? As far as everything else goes, I was offered the chance to stay on as a mod...but, with no posting power. I chose to leave because it made no sense that a post that didn't break the TOS and was well received by the majority of the community would earn a punishment. When certain forum members started sharing details that should've remained within the four mods...I bounced because it was clear that information was being shared with non-mods, but friends of mods. In fact, I was happy to stay quiet and allow bygones to be bygones until I noted that the person who created the most drama was running her mouth in other places trying to bad mouth me. Whatever ,it's reddit, but there's not enough time in the day to dedicate yourself to silencing someone because you want to be snarkier than everyone else. I wish that forum nothing but good things and I'm disappointed it went down the way it did. +You're welcome. Honestly, the other mods WERE fine with the post and said so via written language. It didn't get taken down until an older mod, who'd frankly never said much at all to me before that day, perceived some of the old guard getting upset and feeling that I was out of line for suggesting that, as adults, we should be grown up enough to block those we don't want to read and stop nitpicking on EACH OTHER. The forum was for Duggar snark...not to rate the level of snark that is permissible from others. That message was received, by some, as pot stirring. I still wish everyone well. +The same reason SRD exists. There's something delightful about watching a trainwreck in progress. +What a mess! Sigh...I liked some things about the sub but I think I just need to unsubscribe. Too much drama and turmoil, lol. It sounds like you made the right decision by bowing out. +a trivial exercise +Nice to meet you too. You never got anything from me because I don't run the sub. I handed it over early on. I was talking about the original mods. I'm a member like everyone else since then. I put my opinion on your post. I did think at that point the post was overkill because the other sub had been made already. People were pissed and looking to start even more drama which is what happened. +Digitally raped his FIVE YEAR OLD sister...FTFY +There's an anime starting spring 2020. +Stupid AF. +fucking **NEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRREDDSSSS** +Don't you speak that evil into existence +Smallu will be the next great player, mark my words! +I'm an antinatalist. We believe that having children is bringing into being a conscious person who will suffer and die. I've never heard a logical reason for having kids. +It's like that part in Good Will Hunting where Ben Affleck tries to sound smart +> Do your research [linebreak] [linebreak] I've found the best answer to this is [linebreak] [linebreak] >Did my research, still wrong [linebreak] [linebreak] Bonus points if you can post it within a minute +>Yes. I have no friends and most of my family doesn't speak to me. I'll probably die alone. [linebreak] [linebreak] [linebreak] Shocking.. +That info likely gets recorded when possible. My birth father denied paternity so no material was passed on to the children's aid society. +The story on r_a yesterday about a woman asking for an open relationship was just so obviously fiction. It's ridiculous. Not saying stuff like that doesn't happen, but the story hit *all* the notes. +I commented there about politicians calling people to violence and harassment, proceeded to be banned for "trolling" despite no such behavior. In fact, we were having a decent discussion until the tyrannical mods came along. +With that reasoning is there then ever a logical reason to do anything? If life is just suffering and not worth living, shouldn't we all just kill ourselves? +That's one possible interpretation you could take. You could also argue that doing so would be even worse than dying of natural causes, thus it would make sense to never procreate but also not make sense for some sort of universal drinking of the kool-aid to occur. +Sauce? +The Left: Facebook's Fake News and Russian shillbots stole the election from Hillary!! [linebreak] [linebreak] Also Left: Acknowledging fake news is high treason! +You don't know my life. +Uh huh. Thanks for playing. You literally claim to have joined reddit this December but you're talking about six month old posts. +I just fear death +The reasons for living are seldom and few, to quote the band Titus Andronicus. I haven't found anything worth living for. +not pitbull bussy +It's really hard for people to take statements like this at face value, because it just reads like emo teen crap. [linebreak] +*parcel +Don't forget EntitledParents. +If the update I just read is true, OP and his friend just jumped the rails and are now galloping off towards, presumably, Marriage-and-Full-Custody-Wonderland. Woo hoo! [linebreak] [linebreak] One of these goobers oughta warn him before it's too late! No, don't follow your bliss, man! There are _financial implications!..._ +Truly based god Sanders. Inshallah. +Good handwriting. +Sorry to hear you're struggling with this! Yeah I need to practice the phone thing. I feel guilt for even doing that. +Honestly, you absolutely have heard logical reasons for having kids,.unless you've never listened to other people speak. Disagreeing with the logic is fine and a defensible position, but it's still on some level logical. [linebreak] [linebreak] For instance, the good outweighs the bad with regards to living. There is logic in that statement, even though it runs directly counter to yours, and it is a reason for having kids. +Think you may have missed the point of Bohemian Rhapsody a bit +Ok to be honest, we don't know your life. But you don't know everyone elses, and even if your personal experience justifies never wanting to have existed, that doesn't apply to every other living being. +Similar here, I was raised in a big family except I was the youngest. Nothing about it makes me want to have children. I understand that some people had terrific family lives where their parents taught them all kinds of interpersonal skills and were nurturing, etc... but that was far from my experience and I don't have those things internalized to pass on. I've gotten very good with my cat though, as a middle aged man and I'm nurturing to her, but she's far less demanding than a child or children and I can afford her much more easily. [linebreak] [linebreak] I dated a lot previously and grew a lot as a person and had some peak experiences but had a lot of bad experiences with women who had hidden agendas, issues with dishonesty, cheating, gaslighting, etc... so I gave it up and now focus on my job, friends and hobbies and I'm more consistently happy than I've ever been in my life overall. +[Parcel is the actual expression though](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/part_and_parcel) +As a fellow Gorillaz fan, I salute you. +This was so well put. Whenever I say that emotional availability in parenting should been an expectation, not an exception, I get weird looks. Just because you provide food, shelter, clothing, etc, does not make you a "good" parent. I am eternally grateful that my parents provided for me, especially since some people have to grow up not having those things, but I sure as hell would've dodged a lot of emotional pain and trauma if I could've confided in my parents without backlash. +I'm not the of poster. It just wouldn't let me post the link. Lolll. Hello there. +the wokest thing about HOI4 is that paradox decided to not write in events for the various atrocities the axis nations were doing, because they were afraid of the people who buy their games to recreate the holocaust, but left in the various (although significantly lesser in scope) allied atrocities, leading to a game where the axis are less morally gray than the allies +Cause there is none. [linebreak] [linebreak] Paticulalry not in todays hellworld. Idk how you can possibly bring a kid in this world when shit like global warming will fuck us all over in incredibly painful ways. +Yes, but the vast majority of people do not in fact want to die in a nuclear holocaust, so how can you justify killing them. +For me as a guide, y'all can see me now cause you don't see with your eye you perceive with your mind +There is no death without life, or life without death. [linebreak] [linebreak] It perpetuates the cycle of life. [linebreak] [linebreak] If the horror of death is the absence of life, then doesn't that viewpoint automatically bow to the value of life? [linebreak] [linebreak] You contradict yourself. Rethink your nutty worldview. +Imagine thinking there are still good humans in 2019. Please lol +Haha, if you can't recognize nuance or weigh different factors to come to a conclusion you are literally incapable of reason or logic. [linebreak] [linebreak] If you are alive, you can enjoy a delicious slice of pizza. Therefore by your logic, I have found one reason to exist, ergo the only possible conclusion is that you should have children. [linebreak] [linebreak] In reality, the challenges or bad parts of life do not outweigh the good. Either way, you have provided no valid or reasonable arguments addressing that. +But everything natural is evil. Nature is the source of mortality, of death. Nature is an endless charnel house of decay, a mountain of corpses. Biology tricks us into perpetuating the cycle with dopamine and serotonin. [linebreak] [linebreak] We need to rise above it, either by becoming transhumanists who exist in robot bodies or as disembodied brains, which won't happen, or using our intellect to destroy nature and the human species. [linebreak] [linebreak] Perusing sex, good food, etc is just giving into the death urge. [linebreak] [linebreak] I'm not an incel, I've had sex and relationships. But it's just... meat interacting with other meat. +I've seen every therapist in my city. I'm seeing 4 right now. Nothing will make me okay with my mortality. +Since when is a nuanced component of a single religion "non-arguable fact"? [linebreak] [linebreak] Pick a different religion if you're unhappy with your own. Not that you understand Buddhism because the conclusions of Buddhist beliefs are vastly different from yours. +The Axis were less morally grey than the Allies. They were almost pure evil +Keep trying, there's hope. Maybe stick with one at a time. [linebreak] [linebreak] I personally am very conscious of my mortality, I understand that I will die - sooner, later, usually far more suddenly than you'd expect. I don't drive because of near death experiences driving, I'm cautious of stairs because those motherfuckers are out to get you, I've had life threatening illnesses, people close to me who have died etc. [linebreak] [linebreak] I'm very aware of my coming end, and yet find peace with it and live my life regardless. Others do as well. You're not alone in recognizing mortality, why do you think it's impossible to find peace with it? +But most will +Creating more life is perpetuating the cycle of death. You're creating a being doomed to die. Ernest Becker's The Denial of Death calls that an 'immortality icon'. It won't save you [linebreak] [linebreak] And none of that stuff is meaningful. 'My name is Ozymandias, king of kings. Look upon my work, ye mighty, and despair' etc [linebreak] [linebreak] I don't wanna achieve immortality through my work. I wanna achieve immortality through not dying - woody Allen +You're literally creating a being who's going to die. That's murder +I think you just take pleasure in perpetuating your fatalistic spiral here. [linebreak] [linebreak] That's fine, do what floats your boat, just don't advocate genocide or suicide in the process. Don't pretend like you can't fathom or accept that others would want to live their lives a different way. +My friends dont get this. Most of them came from lower middle class families and I'm upper middle class with a college fund, my parents planned ahead and I'm lucky. But they act like my life has been a fucking cake walk because the hardest thing they ever faced was student loans. I can literally count on my hands the number of times my parents have said they loved me and like they all have very loving families. +You don't even need the correction for this to be Grade A tumblr stupidity. The context does make it sweeter though. +Yay Duggar drama. +>They will also have fun and live [linebreak] > [linebreak] >Something doesn't have to be 100 percent all good to be worthwhile [linebreak] [linebreak] Which would mean NOT creating as much life as possible would be immoral. Not saying that's what I think, it's just not a good counterargument imho. [linebreak] [linebreak] Personally I'm fine going with having the axiom "having humans exist is good" as a "counterargument" to anti-natalism. +Global warming and the revival of facsism. +I ain't happy I'm feeling glad +Small things like asking them about their day and listening to what they have to say without judgement build trust and a healthy relationship. +Well, technically, some people don't consider it a science, because it doesn't use the scientific method. It's more of an extension of logic. Science never proves anything, while math does it all the time. +i dont understand +Accountants, auditors and registered nurses aren't exactly what one would consider STEM. +They're closely linked, but different. +Nobody with a right mind should care about '[JOB/FIELD] is dominated by men'. It has nothing to with gender, it's about the he performance of the individuals. If a man does it better than a woman it's obvious to go for the man, if a women does it better pick the woman. Not that hard +At the end"har har modi". +Disagree. Sorry, not a nurse so I hope I'm not civillian splaining here but... [linebreak] You have to learn a lot of biology and other sciences to do it, and learn to use a lot of Technology. Everyone who has a degree to work in allied healthcare, even if what they actually do is mostly physical, has to at least make use of science, technology, and math. It just doesn't require the higher level of understanding that being a doctor does. But I think to say nursing isn't a science is to discredit it. They have done experiments and they have academic journals, there's a lot of science in things like making sure germs don't spread from patient to patient. All the practical stuff nurses think is "common sense" is on a foundation of science. Like germ theory. +And what about Noodle? She's not white. It's like the most diverse band there is +Except ugly, poor, boring, and toxic people get laid all the time. [linebreak] [linebreak] [linebreak] We really need to stop shaming virgins and sluts. Doing so makes one an piece of shit. There is nothing wrong with being a virgin, and there is nothing sacred about it either. Same with not being a virgin, or sleeping with a lot of people. [linebreak] [linebreak] [linebreak] +If nearly half of the Bio Science field is women I still wouldn't consider it being 'dominated' by men. Is it still more men than women? Of course, but dominated? Unless I'm misunderstanding the definition, dominated is relative to having power than quantity. What if a lab is staffed by 20 men and one woman? You'd think it'd be male dominated, right? But what if that one woman is the lead tech and direct supervisor to all the men? Is it still a male dominated lab? +There could be a higher purpose. Certainly there is societal purpose, but I'm not sure about much. But I respect your opinion. +True. But from a logical view, a virgin is incompetent to attract a mate which is why they are a virgin. Obviously, priest,asexuals, and voluntarily celibate individuals wouldn't care. But it is a viable insult, although not very effective. Nonetheless, I respect your standpoint. No comment on it though. +Not seeing anyone defending the OP after the full context. +The mathematics part of STEM is taking about theoretical maths. Most likely will the discipline be used to help scientists work on their theories, but they are discovering new concepts. [linebreak] [linebreak] They are not using basic algebra and arithmetic, otherwise pretty much every field would be considered STEM. +This is oddly deep. +Its all about the oppression ladder really. If you're higher up(down?) you win the standard. +>Applied health is absolutely Science [linebreak] [linebreak] If nursing is science, what isn't science? There is a scientific field of agriculturar science, but that doesn't make every farmer a scientist. By STEM, we mean scientific and technological jobs that drive innovation and research, not every single job that is tangentially related to a scientific field. +> There is a scientific field of agriculturar science, but that doesn't make every farmer a scientist. [linebreak] [linebreak] Please stop being obtuse. Farming is not an academic science, but botany is. [linebreak] [linebreak] Are you saying that nurses should have no education in biology and anatomy? +More, again, doesn't mean dominance in a field. +This, but unironically +agreed OP, that being said one is making fun of someone for a personal decision, while the other is generally directed at people without options. Apples and oranges, shaming is wrong in both cases, but hard to draw a comparison +I disagree, being slutty is usually down to choice while being virgin is the lack of choice. No one is virgin shaming people that are celibate because of religious reasons, usually it's because a guy is ugly or awkward. +Choice has the fuck to do with shit here, but the reality is many are virgins by choice; they have unrealistic standards and demands and could in reality get laid. Ugly and awkward people get laid all the time ffs. [linebreak] [linebreak] The issue is shaming people for sexual items that are of no consequence. Shame someone because they have a sex life by calling them sluts, or calling those without sex lives basement dwelling virgins, is still shaming people about their sexual situation and is only what fucking shitheads and morons still do. [linebreak] [linebreak] +The great god eros and aphrodite have seduced mega amounts of people into falsehoods. One can actually love others without seeing them as sexual conquests or something to feed their lust. Sort of like sexual parasites or vampires. +Agreed tbh. No one should be pressured into sexual activity, be it by an individual or by a society. I'll say it- I'm a virgin! And quite frankly, I don't know if I'll ever *not* be a virgin. But that's completely by choice and honestly I'm proud of that. And anyone else who is a virgin by choice shouldn't feel shamed into being anything *other* then proud of making the choice that's right for them. +Uh idk uhm powerpuff girls cause buttercup's colors are green? Lol. +sentient +Eh, making change is arguably solving for x. +Although I don't have numbers, I would say most scientists are at the technician level... Very few would have PhDs +Maybe I read it wrong. The person posting about editing the opening paragraph. +I admire people who have the discipline to maintain their virginity into adulthood. +Youll get one someday and it will be all the more special when you do. My advice is to not focus on it and live your life as yourself for yourself. It will come when youre least expecting it and most probably when arent looking for it. [linebreak] [linebreak] I wish I wouldve been a virgin when I met my wife but I got caught up in all the cultural bullshit and pressure to "want" to live that lifestyle and have those desires. They arent especially beneficial in retrospect. +Her reasons are dumb, but I support this because female is traditionally an adjective and not a noun. +Well, since I'm not a Ferengi, I typically don't refer to women as females. +I say "female" after I binge David Attenborough documentaries +So it's a crime for a woman to call HERSELF female now? [linebreak] [linebreak] Makes sense. +What about "strong female character"? It rolls off the tongue better than 'strong woman character". Most of the time I'd use female is when it just sounds better than using woman or women. +https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF01420741 [linebreak] Literally the first one that popped up when I googled "gender based iq difference international" [linebreak] [linebreak] "No consistent gender differences (variance ratios) were found across countries in any of the three broad ability domains. Instead, males were more variable than females in some nations and females were more variable than males in other nations. Thus, the well-established U.S. findings of consistently greater male variability in mathematical and spatial abilities were not invariant across cultures and nations." +pal +RISE UP +Ugh I kinda agree with her. Usually when guys say it/how they say it, it comes off as lesser. [linebreak] [linebreak] Should she cry about it? No. +I'm useless, but not for long. [linebreak] The future is coming on. +NO I REFUSE TO BELIEVE THAT THIS ISN'T PARODY!!!!!! +InCelS +[Boo!](https://youtu.be/Qaks25zJlcw) +I wonder if they will make other neurological?disorders and mental illness into genders? Do I get one for my mental illness ? +I don't have autism, but I do have OCD, and I can say that I would rather die than have my OCD, which I have eradicated as best I can, become my gender. +No kidding. +It should ask her opinion on this I'm sure she'd absolutely LOVE this! +comrade +Bruh sound effect #2 +I think I got this fortune out of a cookie as well. +This actually happened a couple towns away from me. Pretty sure it's been confirmed to be gang violence. +I live in the South, Georgia to be exact. Other than usual political bullshit, and the overblown accusations of voter suppression in the last election, everyone lives pretty civilly with each other and it is much more racially integrated here than any where I lived in California. These people have no idea what is going on in the South. +This is straight up radicalisation material. Genuine provocateur stuff. [linebreak] [linebreak] I'd suggest reporting it but nothing will be done. +The really shitty thing is, they might be right about it being *going* to happen. You tell and entire generation of young white men from the time they're in pre-school through college that all the world's problems are their fault, that they owe their money, slot in college, job, and everything else to other people just because of their skin color, tell them that being white is evil, etc and you just might end up turning a lot of those boys, who otherwise would have been fine, into actual racists. Sometimes I wonder if that is actually one of the Left's goals. When you don't have an enemy to fight and seem like the hero, just create one. +Yeah living in Atlanta it's as integrated as anywhere in the country +When did the rust belt become the south? +I was born, raised, and still reside in Alabama. If I was as racist as some of the other posters, I too could make myself believe everything was just a big bowl of diversity and happiness. [linebreak] [linebreak] Meanwhile, hard evidence shows that it simply is not true. +[linebreak] those dang people in the south man always being racist, they think it's the dukes of hazzard down here drinking moonshine in our confederate flag car running from the police and cursing minorities. [linebreak] [linebreak] what's even more crap is that the people saying this garbage are people who look like they should've been on napoleon dynamite they weight either 300 or 90 pounds and smell like cheese curds from all the soylent they drink. [linebreak] [linebreak] +Sahi khel rahe he ye madarchod. [linebreak] [linebreak] This is second series after Ghoul to be blatantly Anti Hindu +Nationalist does not equal racist. Quite the opposite. I want to put my country first because I think we give more opportunity to people no mater where they came from than any country of the world. I'd rather serve us before somebody half the world away where we see less of a return. +what do they think the union side believed in exactly? +I'm from a city east of Atlanta and currently live in the Midwest. I have heard more n-words here than I ever did down south. Most people here have maybe met a handful of minorities in their entire life meanwhile down south my high school was half white and half black. +I just realized that California's strict gun laws were made into law to de-arm the black panthers +Why dont they make a socio-political series about a Totalitarian Theocratic Islamist State. After all Militant Sharia compliant states are closer to reality than a Hindu-fascist state. [linebreak] [linebreak] NPC meme is strong with this one [linebreak] [linebreak] Taking the whole "Hindu Saffron Bad" to another level +Soon, comrade. America is *exactly* like Nazi Germany before the genocide started. I wasn't there, nor have I ever been to Germany, but I did a quick Google search, so *believe me*, the killings are coming, and you can thank Trump's fearmongering for that! +This is because Hindus don't unite in protest for a cause. Jews and muslims vigorously protest when they feel their sentiments are hurt. That is one thing we must learn from them. We should start a full protest against Netflix this time. It will show everyone the consequences of propagating Hinduphobic bullshit. +I'm not personally a nationalist, but I think that abandoning nationalism while every other country continues to put themselves first is completely idiotic. But it's always been more about ideals and feelings than the actual real world with these people, just look at the GND. +https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mar-a-Lago#Fight_Against_Discrimination [linebreak] [linebreak] TIL [linebreak] [linebreak] As people have pointed out, nobody was calling Trump racist like this until he decided to run for President. Which meant he was racist before and everyone somehow missed it, he suddenly became racist when he decided to run, or they're wrong. +Yup 56 of them. +An infiltration, you say? [linebreak] [linebreak] Dear God, Karen...***the Americans are coming from inside the house!*** +Forgive me friend, what is a professional reddit account? +Yeah she's definitely a bit nuts. [linebreak] It's good that you're recognising it now and I hope things start improving for you (and your mum too, if possible). +I know Atlanta is the most heavily Democrat/liberal part of Georgia but I still know somebody who lives there and he said Atlanta is the most peaceful city he's lived in. He had moved there from Denver +This. Earlier one was christian themed. +what in the f? +How the fuck does that get over 3k upvotes ? +Imagine browsing r/nhl instead of r/hockey . that was mistake #1 +She is, there was a radio show interview a little while ago where the announcer brought up that it's crazy how many porn stars have random ties to sports celebrities or sports in general and brought up her past in porn. Of course she got upset and cut the interview short because I think she's trying to distance herself from that. +> it's crazy how many porn stars have random ties to sports celebrities or sports in general [linebreak] [linebreak] I imagine if the announcer thought about it for 5 more seconds they'd realize the possible connection. +Feels like such a weird post from her, like "here's strong women who should be celebrated, btw Crosby's a woman haha" like the only joke is that it's insulting to call Crosby a woman so isn't she also saying women are weaker or that being called a woman is bad? Weird case of having your cake and eating it too. +It's just typical stuff we say as hockey fans since the cameras pick up Sid's crying more than others. [linebreak] [linebreak] If it was international baby day she would have done the same. It's a good joke at Sid's expense +How do you fight against such blind hate? [linebreak] [linebreak] - Report youtube video (yes it takes time) [linebreak] [linebreak] -Don't promote the video by dissing it (gives more views to them and the liberandi crowd) +>If it was international baby day she would have done the same. [linebreak] [linebreak] Yeah I think this is the point. Saying he is acting like a baby/women (both mean the same thing in this context) is a bit insulting to women no? Like the whole joke is associating crying a lot and complaining = woman. +I think the account is a sock puppet. No posts, 4m old, almost every comment he makes is gold, has a level of detail you would normally find in a script speech. +Yeah that's why there was a whole other entry devoted to it (posted by somebody else. Mine was first though) +>Ohio [linebreak] [linebreak] Hey now! Our lake only caught fire like... twice. +science +The colors are pretty though... +You don't say! +Well put! You seem intelligent! +I'd say the Uncle Ted Movement in Montana was the basedest +[MENTAL GYMNASTICS](https://i.imgur.com/B6IQZd5.jpg) +**Reign of Terror** [linebreak] [linebreak] The Reign of Terror, or The Terror (French: la Terreur), is the label given by most historians to a period during the French Revolution after the First French Republic was established. [linebreak] [linebreak] Several historians consider the "reign of terror" to have begun in 1793, placing the starting date at either 5 September, June or March (birth of the Revolutionary Tribunal), while some consider it to have begun in September 1792 (September Massacres), or even July 1789 (when the first lynchings took place), but there is a consensus that it ended with the fall of Maximilien Robespierre in July 1794.Between June 1793 and the end of July 1794, there were 16,594 official death sentences in France, of which 2,639 were in Paris. [linebreak] [linebreak] *** [linebreak] [linebreak] ^[ [^PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=kittens_from_space) ^| [^Exclude ^me](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiTextBot&message=Excludeme&subject=Excludeme) ^| [^Exclude ^from ^subreddit](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitPoliticsSays/about/banned) ^| [^FAQ ^/ ^Information](https://np.reddit.com/r/WikiTextBot/wiki/index) ^| [^Source](https://github.com/kittenswolf/WikiTextBot) ^] [linebreak] ^Downvote ^to ^remove ^| ^v0.28 +Same. If I'm gonna throw money at a Marvel movie this spring it's going to be End Game +Okay, okay, okay. [linebreak] [linebreak] • First of all, the backlash about Captain Marvel doesn't stem from the fact that's it's a first MCU movie with a female protagonist. It comes from the fact that MCU literally shoved that narrative down everyone's throats because *everyone needs to be 10.000% aware that it's a WOMAN AND WOMEN ARE STRONG AND WOMEN FIGHTERS ARE POWERFUL AND GOOD AS MEN!* They campaigned the shit out of that narrative, and Brie Larson's virtue signalling commentary shortly before release did not help. It's not the movie that's the problem, it's the PR campaign that butchered the narrative of a female hero protagonist, and when the negative reviews started coming out, they censored them, because God forbid anyone has genuine criticism about the movie. [linebreak] [linebreak] • Second of all, did you forget about other female superhero or general female hero movies, or comics, or books? Hellooooo....we can all name over a dozen hero protagonists that are women, no matter if Marvel, or DC, or any general media, and they have been around for decades. [linebreak] [linebreak] +Isko amrika me sahi naam se bulate the.. Weirdass +really? why? i thought it was above average for how bad of a track record those marvel shows have +i watched both lego movie and alita instead of this one and i have no regrets +I'm sorry legaladvice is absolute dogshit of a subreddit and shouldn't be put in the same category as askscience or askhistory. [linebreak] [linebreak] Legaladvice has no lawyers (because they know they can't give legal advice) and so is a bunch of enthusiastic amateurs with absolutely zero nuance who either confidently proclaim you're going to be banged up for life or helpfully tell you 'you need a lawyer'. [linebreak] [linebreak] It's a fucking joke, the only saving grace is 90% of the submissions are creative writing so no one is actually on the receiving end of their shit 'advice'. +Somewhere in Europe maybe? +It means focusing on European culture to the exclusion of other cultures +Something something don't throw stones in your own glass house or some shit... +They had to make it about race and the White Man™ somehow. They always do. +Yeah, but he's learned from that experience.....or something +I hate how they use "eurocentric" as an automatic disqualifier. Maybe, just maybe, on some topic out there - it might turn out that Europeans have the objectively correct answer, and that the magical fun "diverse" nonwhite cultures that they love and prefer so much aren't as perfect as they thought? +More proof the bot is not a bot but an I.T. sweatshop in India. +>sub dedicated to some obscure podcast [linebreak] [linebreak] Where have we gone wrong in the past 5 years? +Why you do need dysphoria to be trans [linebreak] [linebreak] 1. Dysphoria can be defined in a non medical way. Such as "the condition of feeling one's emotional and psychological identity as male or female to be opposite to one's biological sex." it's weird that such an intersectional definition comes (besides the fact that it ignores nonbinaries) is from the racist and sexist Google dictionary that says sexism can apply to men and racism can apply to white people. [linebreak] [linebreak] 2. Dysphoria is the will to be the opposite gender and transgender is the will to be the opposite gender. You might notice that it is the same thing. It is like calling the size of paper a "non-ledger tabloid" (don't get me started about paper sizes) [linebreak] [linebreak] 3. It makes dysphoria meaningless. Thousands of people are dysphoric and suffer from it. Even the broad dysphoria definition proposed ontop can cause psychological problems. Why make the word meaningless? [linebreak] [linebreak] 4. (mostly a counter to point 6) most transphobic people's argument is "you gender is unrelated to how you feel". The word Dysphoria helps people understand that it is a quantifiable studied phenomenon. What do you think will generate more transphobia, saying gender is a feeling or saying gender is a mental state. [linebreak] [linebreak] 5. I don't believe in cultural appropriation but I assume the Tumblr person does. So is non dysphoric transgenderism not appropriated transgenderism? +>The suit also states that Heard's abuse allegations "have been conclusively refuted by two separate responding police officers, a litany of neutral third-party witnesses, and 87 newly obtained surveillance camera videos." [linebreak] [linebreak] That seems like an extremely strong claim. It will be interesting to see how this all turns out. I mean if you really have 87 separate surveillance videos corroborating your story that's not something you lie about. +I demand trial by combat +After seeing the video of him drunk/high and at least verbally abusing her I'm not ready to write off her claims. But I'm also giving him the benefit of the doubt about his claims until it gets a thorough investigation itself. If what he's claiming about all his evidence is true that should clear things up as soon as it officially comes out rather than just potential claims. [linebreak] [linebreak] When the claims are this serious everybody deserves to have their story thoroughly investigated. +Elon was "consoling" her while she was married to Depp. +It's certainly an interesting perspective... I know several people who are trans and the opinion seems to be a bit split; some of them think you aren't trans if you don't have dysphoria, others believe you can be neutral as your assigned gender and happy as your new one which means you don't need dysphoria per se. [linebreak] I think a lot of the conflicts on this issue come from what someone encompasses when referring to "gender dysphoria". +Because then, he would have no ability to prove he wasn't the abuser. +Because abusers are really good at controlling their victims. [linebreak] [linebreak] When she left him, she destroyed him publicly. She continued to abuse him, even after she left him. +> Reported for disbelieving the victim. [linebreak] [linebreak] which one? +you let him turn the other cheek +If there's one thing I learned, it's that as soon as somebody says "this is a fact", you can in fact assume that it's anything but a fact. Facts don't need anybody reiterating that they're facts. +Depp would win. +guess we're recasting umm... whatever her character's name was for the aquaman sequel. +Ironic +r/entitledparents is the worst. Every other story you see is obviously fake but they eat it all up and shower them with gold. +This situation is shitty for ALL Christians. [linebreak] [linebreak] Because people point and say, "Look at what they do... they let kids be abused and they hide it and they don't report it to authorities." [linebreak] [linebreak] We all know that anywhere there are kids, you'll find predators. We know that Protestant denominations have abusers, too. The difference is that if a Protestant church finds out a Sunday school teacher has abused a kid, they call the cops and take care of the kid. [linebreak] [linebreak] +Holy fuck the first post on choosing beggars looks so fake +It's mainly just little kids making YouTube bait stories. If the Reddit YouTubers never gave that sub much attention it would still be fine. [linebreak] [linebreak] Now ever kid and their mother thinks they're entitled to being in a YouTube video +*Anyone who pays taxes +You mean "School Report Topics"? +First of all the mods of r/creepypms who removed the comments calling him out should be ashamed. Secondly, as I've always said, most posts on that sub, r/legaladvice, r/amitheasshole, r/tifu, r/relationship_advice are just madd up for karma +Ever ? +Richard or Karl? +The problem with effort Poe trolling is that people have to engage with you intellectually for it to work. It's beautiful when it's done right, but a lot of pieces have to fall into place or it's just a mess. Kind of like prog rock/metal. +Yeah I need you to think about this for a second. Why would anyone not identify as their birth sex without dysphoria? [linebreak] [linebreak] Checkmate their entire agurment is going to come down like a fucking stack of dominos [linebreak] [linebreak] Either way they move they are going to be wrong +Link bhi? +r/games I'm usually a lot better than r/gaming hmm I'm surprised +Go on...what kind of character? +I have no idea. +>The reason being given, that a screenshot is from a banned account are lies [linebreak] [linebreak] If he evaded more than once, that is common. I don't have evidence against some people. It gets boring as fuck. [linebreak] [linebreak] I feel for the mods, I really do. Trying to reinforce the rules can be quite a chore. You have to deal with tons of abuse [linebreak] [linebreak] >(No 5) https://www.reddit.com/r/ireland/comments/b0leaq/should_we_ban_certain_media_outlets_on_this_sub/ [linebreak] [linebreak] This looks like totally off-topic for the irish subreddit. Many national subreddits have a list of domains that are banned. It seems there's more reasons for his ban though. [linebreak] [linebreak] >Why are you not allowed to publicly question bad mod behaviour? Isn't it just to silence any criticism of bad behaviour and keep us divided and conquered? [linebreak] [linebreak] truth be told, most of the criticism is boring af. 90% of the time it's about politics. [linebreak] [linebreak] >When you see another mod bullying users, why do you not stand against it? (also point 4) [linebreak] [linebreak] I dislike the way moderators answer people over r/ireland. It's like the rules of their subreddit don't apply to them. They should get their communication with users sorted out to avoid losing trust. +#AH, KIDDO +Slightly disingenuous title maybe? The mods suddenly announced to no loinger comply with the admin guidelines by allowing the NZ video, while already on thin ice as quarantined subreddit. +No, I remember a mod saying they would not remove it until reddit admins did so. That's the moment they got banned. +Too late +This is probably the worse thing I've seen this site do so far. +Expected that to be banned and it is. They were really quick banning that. +This is why noble takes them serious when they say "we just want some common sense gun laws". We all know their intentions and what they really want. +Hi. I think that's all I can say without being banned here +r/thebachelor lmao +Ironic isn't it +At least where I'm from the med schooled doctors suck at research, if it's not something they specifically wanted to do. [linebreak] [linebreak] It's really not surprising, a physician isn't a scientist and much of the training is doing manual work. Even when they get MDs they are in many cases for career advancement, not that they want to actually do science. [linebreak] [linebreak] If you do good research it's going to be hard, no matter what the field is. +Elections are the advanced auction of stolen goods +A pointless post that simply... ends out of nowhere +Install dissenter for now and get un moderated discussion. Voat is ok but seems to suffer from mass russian bots. Or other bots that post anti Jew every thing to keep the site from getting popular +Fuck Reddit. This fucking site deserves to die. [linebreak] [linebreak] Anyone sick of it too can come to SaidIt. +> a bunch of conservatives jacking each other off; [linebreak] [linebreak] last i checked, they arent yelling death to jews on /r/conservative or TD. voat consists of bots posting stupid conspiracy theories about jews. it goes on and on with no replies, just like the russian bots on there. its ridiculous and makes voat unusable [linebreak] [linebreak] outside of a mass exodus to voat from reddit and moderation to kick the bots off, voat is a lost cause [linebreak] +Economics degree but was a lowly bartender who could not even manage her rent. Enough said. +She doesn't have an economics degree. She has an undergraduate in political science with a minor in economics +And everyone else will be shadowbanned. +Lets go back on Digg +> but was a lowly bartender who could not even manage her rent. [linebreak] [linebreak] Perhaps I'm too judgemental but as far as I'm concerned there's something seriously wrong with anyone who has a 4 year degree and is still working a service industry job. Either you're not motivated, have a useless degree, or the job enables your self-destructive lifestyle (i.e. you're a bartender because it allows you to drink with impunity). [linebreak] [linebreak] I understand that money is a factor but there's no upward mobility and any sort of office job is going to offer a better chance to transition into your field of interest. [linebreak] [linebreak] +I'm pretty sure that a person can be stupid no matter what gender or color they are +Bartenders can make good money with tips I think. +Not even close +Arre ye Peritar ne kaha tha. Maine sirf Dravid Nadu Secessionist ke liye dala tha +But where will the Reddit refugees go to? [linebreak] [linebreak] Voat is just a racist alt-right shithole with slur-filled comments buried in every post. [linebreak] [linebreak] Slashdot had its day and was the link aggregation site that lost market share to Digg. [linebreak] [linebreak] Hacker News is entirely tech focused and probably wants nothing to do with Reddit's mainstream success. [linebreak] [linebreak] Gab has a similarly bad reputation to Voat. [linebreak] [linebreak] And those are just the Reddit competitors that people have *heard* of. +How are people not more offended by that? The same with PoC. +[voat](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/409/691/008.png) +It was less pathetic then. +What's there to understand? It's a pipe dream economic system up there with unicorns and tooth fairies. +There is no where to go. Voat could be the platform but your right, its a hub for alt-right racists. Really it needs an injection of normal people that are disillusioned with reddit to dilute out all the right wing bullshit. +It's like clenching your nuts in a fist and diving crotch first into a wood chipper. +It's adorable how they project their fangirling of AOC onto the opposition, while desperately ignoring the actual criticisms, some of which come from the left. +So, Voat is just like this place. +Bonus: [linebreak] [linebreak] ["Wish they'd sided with the constitution."](https://old.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/b304ew/supreme_court_sides_with_trump_on_detention_of/eiw5nqh/) [linebreak] [linebreak] These morons don't even hide how they defend illegal aliens... +I added four new mods and one of them turned out to be troll. Thanks for fixing everything. +Reddit died already and the sub has no purpose +You wouldn't have sex with her? I don't want her involved in important decisions, but I think she's "pretty hot, Tom." [linebreak] [linebreak] Hat tip, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Britney%27s_New_Look +I don't want to edit my comment, so [linebreak] [linebreak] Here's the hour of C-SPAN: https://www.c-span.org/video/?458884-3/washington-journal-eleanor-clift-discusses-campaign-2020 [linebreak] [linebreak] And the quotation I copy pasta'd came from Barry Goldwater: [linebreak] [linebreak] https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Barry_Goldwater [linebreak] [linebreak] He wrote the *The Conscience of a Conservative* in 1960. [linebreak] [linebreak] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Conscience_of_a_Conservative +> You wouldn't have sex with her? [linebreak] [linebreak] Do you want all your stuff thrown out on the street and set on fire? Because that's how you get all your stuff thrown out on the street and set on fire. +AOC = Brown [linebreak] [linebreak] [This charming young man](https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/topten/yaser-abdel-said/@@download.pdf) = White +I agree. I thought about this when watching Leaving Neverland even though it wasnt a woman who was doing the molestation. [linebreak] [linebreak] I think in the movie Super (2010) Ellen page was a character who did try to have sex with the main character (he didnt want it). And even though the main character is an adult Male and the girl raping him was younger, it's still rape. And yes the main character was straight. [linebreak] [linebreak] I'm sorry you went through this. +No that was Hillary +Sometimes with the right amount of makeup she can look half decent. But I would never go around praising her looks. +I really wish she could run for president. Another 4 years guaranteed of trump would be nice. +The fuck is wrong with those people who claimed you were "lucky"? I know some people say that guys are always in the mood. Even if you were a teenager, this would have been completely unacceptable. But at eight fucking years old?! Many boys probably don't even have a sexuality at that age. +Can anyone confirm that it has something to do with the recent Christchurch shooting? I feel like they are somehow trickled together but I can't confirm. +Articulate +I am so sorry this happened. I can relate as a male who was also raped. I never told anyone for years. Go see a good therapist one that specializes in rape, it will help A Lot. Good luck and be thankful you have at least a couple friends in your life you can talk with. +I can accept it because nothing exactly discredits it. But I don't like the constant updates like "this is this that is that yadayadaalqueda +She committed suicide a few years ago. +Looks like Freddy Krueger's face +I know it's a longshot, but check the laws in your state. Some states have no statute of limitations for victims under a certain age, usually 10. You may still be able to get justice. [linebreak] [linebreak] At the very least, you need to get some therapy. +PM me the link +First off, OP, I am sorry you had to go through that..I cant begin to imagine. [linebreak] [linebreak] Ive noticed a strong trend in a lot of comedic movies, especially when surrounding sex. Multiple movies will have a scene where the man is put into a scenario where he doesnt want sex or to be touched, but the woman will persist to the point where it is 100% rape, but the way the scene is set, it makes you believe its comedic. But switch the roles where a woman is not wanting the sexual advances and then the audience gasps and feel disturbed. And its completely the fault of the writers. Continuing a trend where its comedic when a man doesnt want it. [linebreak] [linebreak] Thats not to say that there isnt comedic value in a "get me the fuck outta here, this isnt what i signed up for" type of scene. But the manner in which the scenes provoke sex, and then masked with comedy, starts a problem. [linebreak] [linebreak] Im just happy to see that others have noticed this kind of thing in movies. +That's kind of horrible, because each case should be treated as something horrible that shouldn't have happened at all. It's very unfortunate you had to deal with such a treatment. +[The Yiddler](https://i.imgur.com/csWSJlk.jpg) +wtf is this [linebreak] [linebreak] +Can we stop reposting this? This is the fifth fucking tine in 2 weeks +Damage Control! +They were treated very well and were buried when they died wither during construction or after +It's frustrating. I'm trying to walk an independent, moderate line, but it can be very difficult when each side of the political spectrum says some stupid shit like this +BJP right wing does not entail opposition is left. Tbh Congress is somewhat in the middle. Unko chori aur scam aur helicopter kharidnese phursat mile toh kuch left wale steps leh na, sala idhar mere yahan Canada mein liberals ne ghanja legal karvaya... lol out of stock in one week. +I disagree with you **but** I'm here for you to have the right to disagree with me +he's been on an all lobster diet for the past few months to prove that vegetables are a postmodern neo-marxist con. +You referred to them as having a "dogmatic hard-on". Did you think that they were going to humor you with a lengthy discussion? +Hierarchies are true because lobsters are biologically wired to have them, the really dumb part is choosing lobsters as an example because of how removed they are from humans. [linebreak] [linebreak] The anti-Peterson people online like to joke about it, like with that invasive species of parthegeneous lobsters colonizing a lot of habitats. +[Bakchods watching comedians trying to jump the fence](https://d.justpo.st/media/images/2014/04/740477b95e550747529a931c5811ceb3.gif) +I think it's because congress has openly said that they will not form coalition with AAP.. As our beloved kejru has said.. "sab mili hue hai" just trying to secure more votes for comrades..! +so brave so edgy +r/writingprompts is like the only sub you can legitimately believe is fanfic and stories. The rest is a mix of obvious BS and occasional truth strewn about. [linebreak] [linebreak] Anytime I see an essay length post with a ridiculously detailed back story and a paragraph explaining the abbreviations ("BM: Bitchy mom, S: Sis"...etc.) I just dismiss that as fake. +r/writingprompts is the only one where the stories are real. +> has there been an increase in people using some variant of "this isn't Facebook!" to be...well, assholes [linebreak] [linebreak] I can kind of understand people getting increasingly hostile to the FB style posts. Those types of posts hit critical mass a long time ago. This post was just terrible. If it ties into a post on another subreddit, then it should have been posted there. [linebreak] [linebreak] People used to point out the sub is for interesting pictures as a complaint and the mods removed "interesting" from the sidebar. When progress pics were overwhelming the sub people started posting selfies with their gym pass when they bought one. Then there was a post that hit the top that was just a selfie of an overweight dude that said he was planning to buy a gym membership. [linebreak] [linebreak] Devoid of any context this photos aren't interesting in the least. Voters seem to prefer these uninteresting backstory posts while people who actively comment do not. Since the mods have made it clear they care more about the voting group than the commenting group, frustration is going to build. Being over the line insulting to people posting isn't called for, but I see why it happens. +100%, idk how people see it as anything other than making themselves feel good and earning internet points for doing so +So posting pics of your cat or literally just a pic of a coke can is okay but THIS is where they draw the line? what a bunch of assholes. +Ye to PTM ka slogan hai +This just vaguely reminds me of that old post with the person throwing an entire tantrum because their local book store gave a Harry Potter costume contest award to a child instead of them [linebreak] [linebreak] Edit: oh my God that post is almost 15 years old now I'm going to slide right into my crypt now thanks +This is pretty tragic, i have been in your position on most of your points, i don't want to sound to crast but i do believe he was sincere to a degree but i do believe you got played. +>Is anything unproblematic at this point? [linebreak] [linebreak] Communism. It can commit literally any atrocity, and it'll still be regarded as the solution to all the world's problems. +Bit of a stretch to call two charities "anti lgbt groups". [linebreak] [linebreak] +One of the best singers though +>US experiences a fraction of discrimination that the community in Chechnya and other third world countries do. [linebreak] [linebreak] [linebreak] [linebreak] See, the pollution in India is far worse than it is in your country, so I want you to stop focusing on pollution. After all, India has it far worse. [linebreak] [linebreak] [linebreak] [linebreak] +Doesnt fit this sub since it isnt evil or anything. +I mean personally I don't support Chick-fil-A or their charity, but I'm not gonna blame them for a higher mortality rate. Surprisingly a lot of LGBT people are killing themselves, almost as if they're being used as a political weapon all the time or something. +These people literally depend on the cops for everything +It looks as though you may have spelled "Chick-fil-A" incorrectly. No worries, it happens to the best of us! +Something with Emma Peel +I'm just curious because this sounds like the time of person to call you xenophobic for criticizing islam +I don't quite understand what an apologist is +What even is that sub? I've seen it referenced all over, but the posts and sidebar make no sense to me +It appear that Marvel films have replaced Harry Potter in overused real life comparisons. r/WatchAnotherMovie +Every subreddit is an echo chamber, comment something against the quo and prepare for d e a t h +I got pmed by one of them lmao. They're definitely brigading. +Love how in just a few days Mueller went from a hero to a villian in the Democrats eyes. +Especially as she is from Australia, a country built on the systematic oppression of WHITE people, ie the poor whites who got sent to prison colonies. [linebreak] [linebreak] Of course, we can't mention actuall CLASS differences. Don't want the riff-raff looking at what's actually going on around them. [linebreak] [linebreak] Much better to tell the poor whites their problems are ALL cos of immigrants, and the poor blacks that their problems are ALL cos of whites. +Edgy? More like truth +Is your tinfoil hat a little too tight? +If someone performed a hit n run on them, or robbed them, or anything liKe that, what would this person do? +Get help. +Elections have consequences +Trump is Thanos. They all gang up on him and he beats their asses anyway. +Gravity keeps women down [linebreak] [linebreak] r/technicallythetruth +McDonald's is a major cause of obesity epidemic +actually in america the accuser must present evidence of something and if they cant the accused is innocent,thus white people are clear of any wrongdoing until the minorities can prove otherwise. +I swear this is a Poe but given what I've seen? I don't know anymore. +You're free now. Stop complaining. +i've seen a couple episodes after i accidentally clicked on it and lost the battery to my mouse and couldnt change it for a bit until i sobered up enough to find it [linebreak] [linebreak] it's just flattering clothes. they use tailored cuts, color blocking, and careful jewlery and shoe choices along with coordinated hairstyles to create a look that, like clothes for skinny people, accentuates their most feminine features and makes them look the most fertile and sexually appealing [linebreak] [linebreak] i'm not saying that's how overweight women shoud/need to dress, i'm saying that's how they have to dress if they want to look classy and attractive [linebreak] [linebreak] some clothes look good on you and some fucking don't and that's just how it be on this bitch of an earth +Implying most degenerates on the chans don't fake their degeneragcy for the attention +This is going to be the sub of the day for me. Seeing r/politics essentially say "we can't trust Mueller anymore" is one of the biggest flip flops I've seen on Reddit. "tHiS DoEs NoT ExOnErAtE hIm" is the new NPC comment +Seems like satire +Is this how 4chan like? +Easy karma when you farm the unemployed. +I have no problem with this. +now that you're here, I can actually respond to this bold statement. [linebreak] do you actually think that most corporations don't provide anything useful? [linebreak] the ones that actually matter in terms of emissions are mostly resource extractors and industrial companies, and claiming that most of them are useless is just plain ignorant, even for reddit standarts +They offer nothing but protection from hostile enemies and jobs. So pretty much nothing. +What do they think he's gonna do? Walk into congress and go, "Hey, you know that big ass report we typed up? It was a joke! The real one is right here! Trump is guilty!" This is the fuckin government, not the new season of Brooklyn 99 +It's probably the majority of people here. No one ever wants to discuss anything in any of the threads. I think people come to subs like this to rage, and so they just feed off of the anger and make as much drama as they can. +Why would you subpoena Mueller to hear what he has to say when he wrote you an entire report detailing it? [linebreak] [linebreak] These people are fucking idiots. +Here's a sneak peek of /r/Anarchism using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Anarchism/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! [linebreak] [linebreak] \#1: [That moment when police tries to pepper spray Yellow Vest protesters, but protesters just pepper spray them back](https://v.redd.it/o03hzg6l65421) | [419 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Anarchism/comments/a5zsa8/that_moment_when_police_tries_to_pepper_spray/) [linebreak] \#2: [Someone didn't read Homage to Catalonia](https://i.redd.it/woux3z3adbg11.jpg) | [138 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Anarchism/comments/97lkab/someone_didnt_read_homage_to_catalonia/) [linebreak] \#3: [Praxis: My school refused to buy the textbooks my class needs, so I made free copies for every student using the school printer](https://i.redd.it/s873dp1gmy321.jpg) | [121 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Anarchism/comments/a5pcr0/praxis_my_school_refused_to_buy_the_textbooks_my/) [linebreak] [linebreak] ---- [linebreak] ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/afd0dd/blacklist/) +I'm hydrophobic. +USA!!! USA!!! USA!!!! +This can't be an example of "ShitPoliticsSays". Because it's true and kinda funny! +Scary +In America we are innocent until proven guilty. He doesn't need to be exonerated. He's already innocent. +I know how you feel. [linebreak] [linebreak] Pick something, a job, going to school and put your energy in it. Along the way you'll meet people who can become the family you never had. [linebreak] [linebreak] It gets easier over time. +Most people want to feel useful in life, I think. What I'm trying to let you know is that at 19 you have a lot of life left to be useful. [linebreak] [linebreak] I really do understand how hard it can be to feel alone. I was homeless when I was 20 and felt much the same as you describe above. I got a job at 21 that enabled me to get a place to live, from there I continued to just try to find some way to be useful and find people that I could 'belong' with. It didn't always work, and it was certainly difficult at times, but there were also lots of little triumphs that helped spur me along. [linebreak] [linebreak] Don't give up just yet. You really don't know who you're going to be there for later on. That person might make it all worthwhile. It just might take time. +The war on humor continues. +Look at the gun +I don't know what she's on about, lol. I have a pretty dark sense of humour, and I definitely don't only make jokes like that. Sure, there are a few, but definitely my humour has more variety. Also, I've never heard anyone make a joke about killing gay people outside of the context of making fun of these highly Islamic countries like Saudi Arabia +I used to have the heart of a child, but I didn't use enough formaldehyde. +The comment is at -17 and is getting reasonable criticism. +I one told one of my dark sense of humor jokes to someone who said they could handle it. They couldn't handle it. +I also joke about fucking dead babies and killing myself in the event of the zombie apocalypse because my chihuahua will need a source of fresh protein. [linebreak] [linebreak] And then we are reminded of Jim Gaffigan, who is like the Bob Ross of stand up. You want to hate the guy, but he's so pure and hokey that you won't be surprised if he either ends up sipping root beer floats with Mr Rogers or feeding Bill Cosby a roofie colada in the afterlife. He's just so... *clean*. +That's about right. +If you say so. *drinks mug of pureed dead baby* +But they are +When did Scarlet Johanson do yellowface? Was that a reference to the Ghost in the Shell or some other movie? [linebreak] [linebreak] I've seen yellowface. I used to love the old Charlie Chan movies where you had an alcoholic Swede be Charlie. That wasn't it. +I know there are a couple of sects of Christianity that don't allow icons or pictures in the church, but the images of Jesus and various saints are technically idol worship +Stop being adorable and people won't call you adorable. Pretty simple solution really. +This place is becoming Facebook. +>I wouldn't know, I saw something about 'nba' and I assume that's soccer. I only watch interesting high art. It's just stuff with balls. Not for me, but you might get a dopamine kick (primitive) from it. Not my thing (I want to be challenged by ART) [linebreak] [linebreak] This level of trolling is ART +This is why I don't talk about my illness with partners. It's rarely discussed. +This one hit deep. I was (probably am still) that sick girl. I do feel there's Hope for you. I don't know your circumstances, but I do know people and a lot of them are far from shallow. +You brought up something that has been a sore spot for me for many years. I've personally brought up my illness somewhere near the early stages of my relationship when I felt I had the intention to stay long term and I had a procedure coming up that pertained to it. I have a lot of doctor appointments, a lot of procedures and complications that come with it. It is not his responsibility to know every road block that steps in the way of my healing. My health can be a huge emotional burden. [linebreak] [linebreak] Not many people are able to compartmentalize a partner's wellness and happiness. It's something that has weighed on me and took several years for me to come to terms with. I do not want to give my partner that job at my current relationship status (1 year in). I will not give him the same emotional burden I go through if he's not sharing my home. It is my healing, my health and my heavy responsibility to bear. +That somehow made it less appealing. +... [linebreak] [linebreak] Ok, maybe I watch it for Autism Powers. +In 2019 we are all zoophlies don't be like that +Give him an oscar +Trust me, the people working hate them too. [linebreak] [linebreak] Fast food restaurants have a window time they are supposed to meet. +Fuck that, if I wanna order tacos for ten, I'll do it where I damn well please. I waited in the drive thru just like you. Unfortunately you ended up behind me this time. Drive thru is about convenience. You ordering just for you? You go in, get your food, and sit down and eat. Or wait patiently and stfu. Plus the ability to get tacos for ten right in my vehicle vs ordering, waiting, then trying to carry ten bags to my vehicle seems like a bigger inconvenience. As far as employees go, my tacos for ten balanced with people just getting a drink counteract each other. +Cock and ball torture is bad? [linebreak] [linebreak] Thats it, imma head out. +Ordering a meal for fit for the entire U.S. military in your honor next trip to the drive-through. :) +I've gotten users suspended for harassment, but they went at it constantly and that for days. Longest I had was for 5 days non stop. Though this was before the admins started to make it more obvious the rules don't apply to people equally here. +This was news 32 hours ago. On fox. +This isn't even a "soft on crime" issue. Countless black, Latin, and white kids fill Illinois jails for lesser crimes. [linebreak] [linebreak] The police were fully ready to commit to this case and did a great job. [linebreak] [linebreak] This is about cronyism, corruption, and radical ideologue's protecting their own from massive embarrassment and exposure of the true nature of their lies and extremist narratives about all conservatives being secret neo nazis just pining to go back to the 1930s when black people were being lynched was a common occurrence without serious consequences. +Grow a pair +Stop telling everybody! They'll get the idea that we might be doing the right thing! +Ok so this is what *NOT* to do...but what **is** the preferred response? Just blocking user without PM response? +They're his alts though. +Will this have any consequences? +I'm keeping my eye on Saidit as such an alternative. They don't have 2FA just yet, or an iOS client (though they do have Android ones, thankfully), but they've changed up/down votes into votes for a comment/post being insightful or fun. A step in the right direction for a less cancerous community. [linebreak] [linebreak] EDIT: https://saidit.net/s/SaidIt/comments/37r/welcome_to_saiditnet/ +Curios. Do you have some more examples? [linebreak] [linebreak] Edit: why am I being downvoted? I'm not doubting it, I just want more examples. I got no love for that psychopath. +How is block them not a valid response? [linebreak] [linebreak] As far as I'm concerned unless they're using multiple accounts there's no such thing as harrassment on reddit. [linebreak] [linebreak] If you choose not to use the block option available to you then you obliviously want to continue getting the messages, probably with malicious intent ... you want to use them as an excuse to get them banned. [linebreak] [linebreak] +Voting blindly for your party every election is a problem. It gives pets politicians off the hook for having to actually do something. 100 years of single party rule in cities like Chicago and 70 years in Detroit are the result of this. +The issue is that they followed me around Reddit and the block feature doesn't stop them from seeing my comments or comment on the subs I mod. So to me, the block feature is incomplete as it won't remove them from my life rather it gives them more opportunities to attempt to incite further harassment from others. [linebreak] [linebreak] I have at least one person contact me that they've PM'd to further assist in the harassment. That user was just confused and I had to explain the situation, but it shows the user will attempt every avenue to get messages to me. +Well said +Contrapoints is complete and total cancer what did you expect? +Someone has their knickers in a twist +Repeat after me: [linebreak] [linebreak] **PRAISE GERALDO** [linebreak] [linebreak] **PRAISE GERALDO** [linebreak] [linebreak] **PRAISE GERALDO** +Signed and shared on [Minds](https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/958438196536479744?referrer=anthonyadavisii) and FB. [linebreak] [linebreak] The Minds link also has my referral code if you are interested in creating an account. It's a good alternative social media platform that is crypto based. [linebreak] [linebreak] I have been posting a few times about this crap. It makes my blood BOIL! +I know right? that's like the worst part of it. [linebreak] [linebreak] They didn't even cite anything specific. and if you look at most of the arguments. it seemed like people were half in agreement with me. [linebreak] [linebreak] Sounds like they really just wanted to keep people towing the line. +Praise Geraldo +I never realized how dumb I was for asking my friends what we should eat without figuring out what meals they had this week and checking the urine/stool for any nutritional deficiencies. [linebreak] [linebreak] Maybe ask how high school treated them as well? +A little known indie developed like CDPR needs all the publicity it can get +Discussing this with someone else elsewhere. Remember these things don't get counted as "left wing extremism" the next time someone says right wing extremism occurs far more often +Also 2 previous armed robbery convictions. Sounds like a great guy. +Why haven't I heard of this one before? Or half of these? [linebreak] Hmm... It's almost as if context can be created through selective coverage. +Hello Werft, this post has been found to be in violation of Rule 6: [linebreak] [linebreak] > Use Accurate Titles - Titles must contain a **quote and score** from the content being highlighted. Preferred format: "Quote" [score] (or [score hidden]) [linebreak] [linebreak] [linebreak] You have used a deceptive title for this post and therefore this post will be removed. +B...but...but he was just trying to start a dialogue about what could have happened! +Third strike loser. Hope is was worth it. +Well yeah, pretty much. But what I'm getting at (and another commenter in the thread tries to explain to the doofus) is that "Marxism" itself is strictly theory, whereas governments that have attempted to use Marxist theory as praxis have different terms. As they also said, it's fine for the meme, but more in-depth discussion necessitates more accurate terms, which doofus is unwilling to even consider. +fuck off isn't a question +Press S to spit on Europe. +Lmao..... [linebreak] [linebreak] Bruh.... know when to put the sword away. This is just classic stupidity on your part +I got banned and I'm from the US like wtf +Dawww, look he's trying to get his bullshit spread on another sub. [linebreak] [linebreak] He was a good boy who done no wrong, as long as you don't look at his user history. +>Dawww, look he's trying to get his bullshit spread on another **sub.** [linebreak] [linebreak] I'd really consider using a plural there my dude. [linebreak] [linebreak] There is something about those quotes that I think deserves to be seen and considered by certain portions of your increasingly confused userbase. Since posting this stuff earns one a perma ban in your pro free speech subreddit, I figured I'd take the message to places where posting it won't mean a perma ban for the OP. Ideally in some sub KiA posters, too, like to visit. [linebreak] [linebreak] [linebreak] I'm glad I found something where KiA mods and their community can stand united at least. If somebody drops by to tell you how actual, self proclaimed nazis and far right radicals see your community, you are very much united in attacking the person bringing the news. [linebreak] [linebreak] [linebreak] Stormfront admins, alt-right influencers have been welcome to participate in KiA for years. Pointing out how stormfront admins, alt right influencers and other far-right elements feel about your subreddit? That's an insta ban tho. [linebreak] [linebreak] Ooh, somebody who moderates KiA AND subredditcancer? Nice, I'm glad you take moderation seriously and feel you have much to give to so many different communities. Thank you for your service. [linebreak] +Who? gallowboob? He's not voldemort. We can say his name +Jesus Christ, and I thought the mosque shooting was the most vile thing I've ever seen. +Hey there! Thank you for your submission. We're excited to assess its objective dramatic qualities! [linebreak] [linebreak] Today we are field testing the Defined Measures for the Development of Drama. Your post will be assessed based on tried and true computational algorithms for drama, and modded by subjective qualities such as proficiency of presentation and the charisma of the drama participants. We will have the results shortly. Thank for your patience! [linebreak] [linebreak] [[1d20]] +/u/rollme +Yeah, but we still don't know if he uses it as a mousepad too. If so, what does the mouse itself look like? +it's pretty homophobic to think that being called the g-slur is homophobic +I'd bet 99% of black men would agree. The left will have to abandon black people since they need to side with the smallest minority. +high tier title game +50 cent is a rapper from fucking queens, fucking Jamaica queens (which is being gentrified by Haitians and Africans lmao), which is the hood (its not Brownsvile "We gonna die" bad but its was bad you think hes gonna be tolerant +https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0265407518779139?journalCode=spra +that era was fucking golden, him wearing a wig and talking with that funny voice, good shit. +Mudi should resign!! +Fuck! I never looked it at that way! [linebreak] [linebreak] Thanks buddy you changed my mind. +Oooh that's new [linebreak] [linebreak] For me atleast +I think you mean ARNET! +Who would win [linebreak] [linebreak] Piracy only helps game sales because I can try it before I buy [linebreak] [linebreak] Or [linebreak] [linebreak] Game not on Steam, so I'm going to pirate it to hurt the developers +Those who say that they will pirate it and buy it once it comes to steam maybe should consider just waiting? Why pirate it if you'll pay anyways +Pirating is also a much bigger thing in the developing world, where pirated copies are pretty much exclusively what is available. +I 1000000000% guarantee that if tomorrow Gearbox said "We are cresting our own downloading platform for Gearbox games. Borderlands 3 will be available only there. All money given to us through this platform goes directly to us, no commissions taken by anyone else" this same user would screech "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE JUST PUT IT ON STEAM STUPID GEARBOX I WANT IT ON STEAM I WOULD GLADLY GIVE YOU MONEY FOR THIS GAME IF YOU PUT IT WHERE I WANT REEEEEE" +Gamers only care about "ethics" if it directly affects them. Epic gives more to devs? meh.. Epic launcher is a little bit less convenient? Real shit. +Ironic how people like them will typically be the ones throwing the word bigot around when they fit the definition the best +Because stealing and making up justifications is free. +> Those who say that they will pirate it and buy it once it comes to steam maybe should consider just waiting? [linebreak] [linebreak] Yea, really no reason not to wait. Plus it's not like Borderlands isn't tedious as fuck. There's so many good games coming out right now, looking forward to the new DOOM game. +You're not a pirate. There is no romanticized position to take here. You're a selfish asshole who looks for any excuse to steal shit. Accept it. +Yes. To be completely fair, there are many issues with the Epic store, but it seems the outrage is almost entirely caused by it not being Steam +This product is exclusive to a store which is is inaccessible for me.... [linebreak] [linebreak] [linebreak] Read below.... +Honestly my theory is that most people don't like EGS because fortnite and then use the legitimate reasons for not liking it as a cover up. +Ever consider using something like Playnite? +Funny that they're complaining about Epic when the Borderlands franchise was built off money Gearbox stole from Sega. +What exactly are the criticisms of Epics launcher? +I wonder how the reaction would be different if they just sold the game on their site, though. I don't see people bitching about GoG, because you can just download the installer without needing a launcher. +>hardware bans anyone who pirated their game [linebreak] [linebreak] If it was this easy to stop piracy there wouldn't be so much piracy +Anyone else remember when steam was simply the logon application to play half life multiplayer modes? Those were good simples. Simple times. +*An exclusive game!* **I'll steal it!** ***NO ONE WILL EVER KNOW!!*** +I don't get the hate for epic game store. Steam needs competition. Badly. Unfortunately, epic needs market share to compete and to get market share they need exclusives. At least they're only timed exclusives. [linebreak] [linebreak] I was annoyed when ea did origin, but then they had games I wanted so I bought them and realised it's not the end of the world using a different launcher +The big issue is that it's sold *exclusively* in another online store. [linebreak] [linebreak] To gain a foothold in the pc gaming market, the Epic Games store has bought a (temporary) monopoly on some games from developer or publishers. [linebreak] [linebreak] It's console wars all over again, except it's between different launchers. [linebreak] [linebreak] On a more personal footnote: the only advantage of the epic game store is devs get more money, steam just offers way more advantage (steamworks, in-game chat, etc), consumer and dev wise. The kickback is also from player discovering developers also want more money, consumers be damned. [linebreak] +> First of all, one, "piracy helps me try games before I buy" is one, if not the biggest argument for piracy. [linebreak] > [linebreak] [linebreak] Do games nowadays do demos still? Should that be enough to appease those kinds of people people in a legal manner? [linebreak] [linebreak] Edit: Not Betas - I mean post-launch demos +>TIL I can hate Epic for more reasons than Fortnite. [linebreak] [linebreak] Straight from the thread. +Both at the same time. +The hate for EG comes from their issues with security, lack of features such as cloud saves, and the fact that they are 40% owned by Tencent. I for one don't trust the launcher and for that, I might miss out on BL3. +Because it's still copyright infringement, which I don't like. +>I only buy legitimate software and games from developers [linebreak] [linebreak] So you're afraid of crackers inserting harmful code into pirated games, but have no qualms about running closed source software whose maliciousness you can't verify either? +Yes, it is perfectly acceptable. Enjoying something should never be treated as automatic endorsement of every action the creator of that thing has done or will do. +You don't deprive anyone of anything if you drink responsibly. [linebreak] [linebreak] You steal from someone else when you pirate. [linebreak] [linebreak] Entirely different concepts. +Totally not a mental illness, though. +Ugh, learn how to take a joke, people. [linebreak] I commented somewhere that I had been thinking of announcing my (very real) pregnancy on Facebook on April Fools day and even though it wouldn't even have been a joke or a lie someone still thought that was offensive. +>blsntan strawman [linebreak] [linebreak] Also you: [linebreak] [linebreak] >you have to navigate a swamp of alligators [linebreak] [linebreak] +So? If you can't afford it, you can just steal? I'm $200 short for my rent on Friday, should I be given free pass to mug people? +Not gonna lie, I saw you quote just "steal it" and almost reflexively downvoted you assuming it was just going to be a screed on that. +A toast to the wh*te mods of BPT who made this possible! +We've already jerked ourselves silly over that thread, bring us fresh dramacoin +I've seen so many "friendly reminders" to never joke about pregnancy because of this. I get that it can be a painful topic for women who can't conceive, but how is joking about it so much more traumatizing than people actually being pregnant? +Unironically considering doing this rn +Post is fam +~~Do~~ **CAN** we have examples of may*s being extremely butthurt? +This is the biggest April fools shitshow that reddit has ever seen. The turn is r/subforwhitepeople. What will be the prestige. +Reddit Roomba why +All the posts about it on drama. +They're really not, but I can't blame them for riding this drama wave of /r/FragileWhiteRedditor's +You can get Australia to ban anything. Just say "I love ____ and hate muslims!" on the internet. Boom, ____ banned in emuland. +He apparently got married last year. How did I miss this? +How about no fucking 'platform', but instead just a game that just installs and runs without extra adware? +I live in Australia and you're kinda right +Damn, dude came within a fucking hair of having a shred of self awareness. Maybe next time. +You have been banned from **all boards** for posting [\>>>/pol/112357913](https://www.4chan.org/banned#), a violation of **Global Rule 2**: [linebreak] [linebreak] [linebreak] **You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.** +Some serious Dunning-Kruger effect right there. +For me personally, although I don't agree with them, I don't consider myself more intelligent than them. I feel that we just think differently or I have had different information presented to me in my lifetime. +What do you do for the primaries? [linebreak] +i have never voted in the primaries actually. i figure let them fight it out and ill go with the one that wins. if i had bothered last time i woulda gone with Kasich. +**BOTTOM TEXT** +and everyone clapped. no one would withdraw from law school without a transfer in place. also finals aren't until next month. you also don't do it with an email. +And fortunately for the USA ... it aced that test. +*74 +Barkha +I love foster. [linebreak] [linebreak] [linebreak] Is it gone yet? +This person wants to go to law school and believes this shit. [linebreak] [linebreak] We're headed towards the full blown Soviet Union with this mentality. +Come, let's warm ourselves by the BPT dumpster fire. +That's true but I'll take a rino of an AOC type +Lol they got called out on their shit then tried to play it off as an April Fools joke. +> Or the cycle (Republicans break things, Democrats hold them together but can't fix them, Republicans break them even worse,) will keep happening. [linebreak] [linebreak] Hurm... is this why places that the Democrats have held as a uniparty for almost a century (Detroit, Chicago, etc) are utopias? +So Aisha? +Mahabooba muft thi +I appreciate the explanation. Thank you! +[You idiots in r/MensLib actually thought that was real???](http://reddit.com/r/MensRights/comments/b85ek3/jpeterson_picks_biased_honeypot_menslib_for_ama/ejw0q9j/?context=3) [linebreak] [linebreak] -r/MensRights poster replying to r/MensLib mod responsible for the joke, on a post on r/MensRights thinking it was real. [linebreak] [linebreak] Can't get anything past these Big Brains. +Y'know, these (the linked) threads do a great deal to show how fundamentally differently we all view the world. Because I believe the people who wrote that do genuinely believe they are in the right, just as much as I believe they are completely out there. +>I have been studying ethology, anthropology, sociobiology, evolutionary psychology, psychology, evolutionary biology, behavioural psychology and anything I can get my hands on to do with human behaviour and social dynamics for years, it was patently obvious to me that the vast majority of social science was bullshit. (+8) [linebreak] [linebreak] [linebreak] How are people lile this real [linebreak] +She has a point, but I feel like feminist is useful to define someone who actively works for equality. +I appreciate these briefs views into otherreddit but I'm glad I don't live there. +No people are more pissed off about the fact that EGS is targeting well established games with dedicated followings in order to force people into caving in and purchasing games on a platform they refuse to improve with even the most basic of functions. +it's not that hard to come up with a message that resonates positively with men, you just get called sexist if you do lmao +Nah like I consciously knew these people exist. And I've seen em first hand usually in first year social science/Gen Ed classes but usually not this outwardly dumb. Like 7 other people thought "yep I'm sure this random dude on the internet knows more about 9 seperate fields than basically everyone whose devoted their lives to studying them. Of course it's rational to think that some random dude debunked decades and centuries of science with the sheer power of his mind" [linebreak] [linebreak] [linebreak] I mean assuming the dude was fairly rational at some point he had to have taken some classes in these fields right? So did he just assume that because he didn't have to study to get a B- in Gen Ed sociology that he debunked the field? Did he ask leading questions trying to "prove" their professor didn't know what they were talking about and was shut down and that's why he thinks he debunked *entire fields*? Did he just never ask any questions and assume that he was smarter? Why did he "study" so many fields? Why just these social science? Is he smart enough to debunk all these but economics and history are valid? What are the differences between the ones he liked and the ones he doesn't? *How* would he study 8+ fields well enough that he felt he has a basic grasp of it let alone enough knowledge to again *completely debunk centuries worth of research* just because he felt like it. So many questions +Never thought I'd say this, but the backlash on social media is entirely justified here +It's also for making sure nobody sees how often I have to look up simple python conventions. +I seem to have posted twice +from my parents basement. +I've studied Calculus I chapter 1, Calculus I chapter 2, Calculus I chapter 3 and *even* Calculus I chapter 4! +I know someone who started it but I don't know if she is still on it. +I mean, they are? Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuropsychology study the same thing, but are still very different fields, with the people studying them generally having different degrees. +In all fairness, people have spent their entire lives studying hemeopathic 'medicine' but after an hour I'm unflappably convinced it's bullshit. +Guillotine was beheaded by his own invention. +I see it's also a sub to go balls to wall butt-hurt. Thanks. I'm still relatively new to reddit. +Apparently someone convinced my coworker's fiancé to try it and he made it like 3 weeks before the diarrhea, indigestion, and general shitty feeling made him stop. He's not a Peterson-follower himself, but he works in a field that has a lot of those types. +You actually needed to automate this? Wow lazy +> No. We can disagree with a black persons politics without calling them a token. [linebreak] [linebreak] [linebreak] I bet you can't. [linebreak] [linebreak] > But when you make your game off of being " The black female conservative" you are literally tokenizing yourself. [linebreak] [linebreak] [linebreak] That was easy. +I like how you miss the point. A black conservative isn't a token by default. T hats stupid. I would probably say that Ben Carson or Clarence Thomas aren't token black conservatives because they don't make it their number one thing. [linebreak] [linebreak] Wow. You just lost the bet. It's like how Blair White isn't a token trans conservative. She is just a conservative who happens to be trans. There is a difference. If I go around flaunting myself as a gay conservative as like this amazing thing that I'm gay, and a conservative, that's me being a token. Like she is being. +First I'm tokenizing other people now I'm tokenizing myself? Are you tokin' a little too much? +>They are how they are because they are. [linebreak] [linebreak] I feel irrationally angry at this sentence. English should impliment rules that limit the number of times a person can use "they are" in a sentence. +May I introduce you to the grammatically correct: [linebreak] [linebreak] > James, while John had had "had," had had "had had"; "had had" had had a better effect on the teacher. +> White people tend to forget that people of colour (PoC), and black people specifically, actually know white people better than white people think they know PoC. [linebreak] [linebreak] So it's this shit again. She goes on to talk about how "For centuries, black people..." conveniently forgetting that she is not her ancestors. +GUN!!!!!!!!!!LOOK AT IT +Yes. But that isnt offensive really. It doesnt offend victims of schoolshootings. But maybe you are ironic and im being wooooshed +It's not known bullshit. That's something that they came up with months after the fact. He is credited on those episodes. Still shouldn't have removed comments +...does he eat people? +slightly off topic but r/menslib looks like a great subreddit about men's issues that isn't toxic (I'm looking at you, r/MGTOW) +If you are so learned at Proctology, are you familiar with theories of the famous Russian Proctologist, Chevalov yuhbottums? +I get that but like write it in your journal or tell it into your pillow if you want to get it off your chest. Releasing it on Reddit, is not really like yelling in to a void. It's like yelling into a football stadium filled with drunk weirdos. +AMEN TO THAT! +I don't comment to get replied to or expect a thank you, when I write something lenghty and thought out I just send it and forget about it. But I get what OP is saying because every once in a while I like to go through my post history (I think I'm fuckin hilarious lmao, I can read something I've posted a couple weeks ago and still think I'm funny hahahaha) but when I see a post that I took a long time to write that is buried in a thread with just my own upvote, or in threads where the OP hasn't replied to anyone, or to many people but not me, stuff like that, I get kinda bummed out. [linebreak] [linebreak] On the other hand I love seeing the inbox button lit up and it turning out to be a thoughtful comment that makes me think a reply through so it balances out, but if reddit was just people who don't reply I'd bother a lot less and end up deleting before sending much more often than I do now (and I do it quite often) +I think you need to think about your audience when you're making those comments, instead of taking it personally. [linebreak] [linebreak] In a subreddit about anxiety, maybe they are too anxious to respond. Maybe they are busy fighting with anxiety and don't want to type out a long response to you. Maybe they read your post, appreciated it, and then the thought of getting help overwhelmed them. Maybe they never saw it at all because they panicked and logged out after posting. [linebreak] [linebreak] In a subreddit about depression, maybe they are too depressed to respond. Maybe they are busy fighting depression. Maybe they appreciated your post, but can't gather the energy/motivation to type a response to it. Maybe they feel they've already wasted enough of your time. [linebreak] [linebreak] In a confession subreddit (or one like this one), people aren't necessarily posting for your input. Maybe they just need to write it down and get it out there. Sometimes a person doesn't want advice in that case, so replying saying "thanks for the advice!" feels fake. Maybe they completely disagree with everything you've said and don't want to be petty and be like "Thanks but nothing you said is right and you're not helping at all". Or, maybe they read and appreciate the advice, but they don't think thanking everyone who gives unsolicited advice is a good idea. [linebreak] [linebreak] All of those are subreddit-specific reasons, but there's also reasons like... maybe they got a lot of responses and don't want to reply 20 times saying "Thanks!". Maybe your comment is identical to 5 other people and they've already explained/answered your questions elsewhere and don't want to do it again. Maybe they intend to reply, but get interrupted and forget. Maybe they don't see replying to random reddit people as a priority. [linebreak] [linebreak] In short, it's probably not personal. Just relax. No one is an asshole just because they don't thank you for your advice. Your advice should be like a gift - they don't owe you anything in return, and if they do, it's not really a gift. +It's not about you. Whom ever you are responding to doesn't have an obligation to respond to your response. Try not being so self absorbed. You said yourself these posts are serious & someone's in a bad place. JFC, they didn't make a post to comfort you. +This is too far +If you're looking for a response you are replying for the wrong reason +If you're offering advice to people just to get recognition that you're doing a good deed, you're in the wrong. They have no obligation to respond to you, whether it's a simple thank you or something more in depth. Leaving a well thought out response on a serious topic is a thankless act. You should be doing it purely out of consideration for OP. [linebreak] [linebreak] Should we get pissed at you for not responding to all of our comments on your post u/Sandman1025?... ^((noooooooooo)) +You're still not providing any proof that this image led to your temp suspension. +I don't post any violent content that would warrant a whole reddit suspension. I've had my other alt account permanently banned for posting the NZ vid, so I know to be careful with the admins and their sensitive feelings +That is a legitimate point that I get because I also deal with anxiety. Mine has nothing to do with commenting online though so I guess I did not think that could be an issue for some people. Thank you. +If I can find the flavors I'll post that too +Lol. You got downvoted now too. I don't care about fake Internet points but the herd mentality always cracks me up. +So whiny +I mean, I'm not entirely sure that's the point. The targs are all sorts of Jacked up, I mean even Dany is some sort of somewhat benevolent murder monster. Jon got dem strong stark genes and managed to kick the crazy for the most part... and just inherited the "I'm such a good guy I'm too dumb to understand reality syndrome" [linebreak] [linebreak] [linebreak] [linebreak] but I think GUUUUUUUUUUURM might have a think for it, that and... really really describing feasts. +Obviously, Reddit user names aren't generally a useful way to judge people, but this is one of those exceptions where I fucking know exactly who this guy is just from the fact that he calls himself "RationalHumanist." +I get that and I probably should've been more clear in my post. Sometimes it's clear someone is just venting or getting some things off their chest. I usually comment more on the ones that ask for advice or where I really relate to the situation they are in. +I have responded to the lengthier, well thought out comments . Because I appreciate the feedback, even if it is negative. And for the 50th time, I don't respond seeking validation or recognition but I think it is a common courtesy to thank someone for their input when you are seeking advice. +Danny isn't really "mad" though in the sense of the Mad King and Geoffry. She's more of a product of her enviroment. She understands that if you show any weakness there will always be those to exploit that. [linebreak] [linebreak] John Snow is just the lawful stupid paladin +I hope that I am. That's why I continue to write them. Especially on posts that have not gotten much love in the way of responses. I don't bother responding on post with 20+ comments as that person has already gotten tons of advice. +Dude dinosaurs lmao +I see that you are new to the Internet. +You responded before I finished my edit about power imbalances. I imagine they definitely come hand in hand with a lot of incestuous relationships, but like, power imbalances are a thing in *a ton* of non-incestuous relationships as well. I think it's hard to say that it's a problem that is particular to incest between relatives of similar ages. [linebreak] [linebreak] > Inbreeding is more harmful as a practice than the individual instances. [linebreak] [linebreak] I think that's fair, but that seems like more of a pragmatic argument to put prohibitions on it than a moral argument against its practice. It seems to me like at the end of the day the issue is still that by having sex two relatives increase the risk of health problems in future generations. This effect is compounded by successive generations of incest in a way that could be *especially* harmful, but idk it seems to me like if you're going to argue that incest on the whole is immoral that need to apply to individual instances and not just multigenerational practices. [linebreak] [linebreak] > Though on a related note: This movie is hilariously bad. [linebreak] [linebreak] Can you imagine what it must have felt like to be Gary Oldman, standing on your knees while getting ready to do a scene with Peter Dinklage? Like, just cast Peter Dinklage as the lead, his French accent is pitiful anyways! +>Same thing goes for power dynamics and grooming. These are problems independent of incest, and ones aren't inherent if you're talking about similarly aged cousins or siblings. [linebreak] [linebreak] I don't see your point. Both implications of this view sound correct to me. Yes, it means incest is not wrong in and of itself, but only as a side-effect of being a power imbalance, and it means relatives who grew up sufficiently apart that they don't have a family power dynamic is morally fine. You seem to treat those like they count against this reasoning but I don't see why. +Yeah, I've always been of the opinion that if they're consenting adults, I genuinely couldn't give a fuck what they do in the bedroom. +I felt like that too, but my friend always tell me: "I found my soulmate, and now I feel trapped." +>You won't believe what he said about Arun Jaitley Click here!) [linebreak] [linebreak] Anyone who knows Swamy , knows what he can say about Arun Jaitley lol +What is this 2018? Dude probably thinks the earth is flat. Bro just learn biology.... I'm halfway through my transanimalization. I most definitely intend to impregnate other sea creatures. +What was the title? +Truly /u/AnnoysTheGoys is a man worthy of respect and fellatio pinging, instead of mean pinging. +Sad that it took you so long to work it out but it's because they're fucking idiots +What are the actual genetic risks? From what I've read inbreeding really mostly a problem under certain circumstances. Such as either long term inbreeding (Hapsburgs represent) or when both parents carry some kind of recessive trait that would be harmful but could be tested for. [linebreak] [linebreak] I don't think there's actually all that much risk for a single instance of inbreeding. Two cousins having a baby isn't going to spontaneously result in lobster-claws. [linebreak] [linebreak] But I could be wrong, I just did some quick googling again and didn't come up with anything that makes it seem like you are guaranteed to have a water-baby or something. +Indeed. Dogs were the REAL villains all along! /s +If the issues with interbreeding was such an issue we would have so many more problems in the Middle East and such because cousin marriages over there aren't that unusual (which as an Arab living in the USA was weird until i read it's like a 2% or something increase in birth defects for cousin marriages) and mostly a result of the arranged marriages stuff. [linebreak] [linebreak] It's almost always when you have siblings or parent-child and that's more of a risk of recessive traits being amplified. It's the successive and repeated incest that usually is what causes major problems. Cousin marriages only increase the chances of birth defects from 2%-3% to 6%-7% [linebreak] [linebreak] The focus on birth defects usually are mislead and unfortunately changes the discussion from "these marriages are bad because of power dynamic" to "its bad to the child's health" which tends to ignore basic genetics and biology and weakens the argument. [linebreak] [linebreak] https://www.watoday.com.au/national/western-australia/end-stigma-of-cousin-marriage-researcher-20120426-1xne6.html +Wow. So much for "hands off." The used to cleverly say they were hands off for the most part, that way they were no responsible. Now they have real employees moderating the website for once. But sadly these people seem to just be gross power trippers with a paycheck. +this but unironically +No, only on reddit will people write essays and paragraphs on it, wasting hours of their life +So. Fun fact. I decided to look up who Eddard/ Lyanna/ Benjen Stark's parents were. [linebreak] [linebreak] Turns out they were Rickard Stark and Lyarra Stark. So incest on both sides of Jon's tree. +Nixes the trans-shiksas +How?its a low tier joke. Unless ur being sarcastic +Right? Do they think a man isn't a mammal because he doesn't produce milk for young? +>FALSE: "Period." is not a sentence. It's called grammar: learn it, and people might take you seriously. [linebreak] [linebreak] Dwight shrute with the zinger response. +Wonderful I don't like any of these people. +I live in Utah, where the polygamy a couple generations ago has created some interesting population dynamics. You had these huge families where everyone was related to at least one person, and that's ended up inescapably propagating down the line because most people are still living and marrying in the same part of the state their ancestors were. It's also why the LDS church keeps a huge geneology database - back when it was established they were trying to figure out who was related to who. [linebreak] [linebreak] Anecdotally my brother married a distant cousin without realizing it (their kids are fine fortunately), and I've got some other cousins who are having a lot of children with cleft palates and hip dysplasia problems, and I suspect they're probably related on some level as well. 2-3% increase in birth defects doesn't seem like it's so bad until you see it happening to people you know and you see the pain and the costs. [linebreak] [linebreak] That said, they have every right to keep having kids as is the mormon wont, and they'll just keep paying for the surgeries on infants. I suppose it's similar for other people who find they're both at an increased risk for deformity even without the ancestral relations. [linebreak] [linebreak] [linebreak] [linebreak] https://www.nytimes.com/2004/07/31/us/by-accident-utah-is-proving-an-ideal-genetic-laboratory.html +This post is proof this sub is being overrun by r/allfugees and agendaposters. There's no drama here and the """joke""" fucking sucks. +>because he doesn't produce milk for young? [linebreak] [linebreak] He could but he'll go to jail +The Mad King wasn't acting mad at this stage in his life either. He was fairly well liked once, his madness grew gradually with age. +and he's not even right. a single word statement can still technically be a sentence as long as it has subject and predicate, and words can be both because the English language is a fucking mess. +But what if he wakes up in the morning, with a prolapsed anal fissure, and a massive hangover, and a hundred texts from his bf saying "Where are you? PLS reply." and then says its pingrape? +Maybe you can't. That's the thing. You can't make anyone happy. That's something they need to discover on their own. They might be able to travel that path while still being in a relationship with you, and they might not be able to. Trust yourself and determine what you can handle. [linebreak] [linebreak] Meanwhile, and whatever you decide, try being assertive without being aggressive when it comes to talking with her about how you are feeling. Try to take the emotion out of it, while also being compassionate to her needs (she has them, too, and if you care about her, it's best to take those needs into consideration). [linebreak] [linebreak] [linebreak] [linebreak] I only learned these valuable lessons after the fact. It hurt like a son-of-a-bitch and to be honest, I'm not keen to go through a relationship like that again. But what I can tell you is that I should have been more insistent that we talk. And if that talk wasn't productive to making me feel valued, I would have asked her to leave. This is something you should consider as well. [linebreak] [linebreak] [linebreak] [linebreak] Take care, my friend. +ye facebook wala hai kya? +I like that idea, but realistically I think Ron would kill the other guy / kid first. +interesting as fuck? +Be happy. [linebreak] [linebreak] Sexuality has brought this disgusting species to its fucking knees. +He's a mod on madlads, and I've seen him lock comments on his shitposts there after just an hour when the comments start to call out the shitpost. +If you're not on any of the big subreddits I doubt you'll see him, guy's still managed to rack up no less than 23,000,000 karma. +Yeah exactly. 'Look, I care about the animals, give me upvotes'. No point even calling him out here tbh +Okay, these folks are fucking insane, but theres one good, no, great thing that happened because of this. ITV were covering it, and were showing reactions just like these. They also included usernames, which was fucking hilarious when they shown queen_laqueefa's response. +Lmao! How dare he suffer a war injury and lose his eye? When they find a way to replace eyes with an eye that replaces the vision, that's one thing. Otherwise people can chill tf out. +but the eyepatch looks cooler +Yeah he's made it clear multiple times that he doesn't want to be slowed down or treated differently due to his injuries. +Hey DeathBahamutXXX! Thank you for your submission, unfortunately it has been removed from /r/SubredditDrama because: [linebreak] [linebreak] * This drama has already been featured. [linebreak] [linebreak] [linebreak] [linebreak] For more on our rules, please check out our [detailed rules wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/subredditdrama/wiki/rules). If you have any questions or concerns about this removal feel free to [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSubredditDrama). +*Solidus Snake +That naval tho!! +[i'm imagining crenshaw being something like the reggie fils-a-mech here](https://youtu.be/ghEhI4CJjAM) +Sorry dude, if they didn't link to the post/comment that got you suspended, then you'll never know for sure because it sounds to me like they did an IP check on your ass. [linebreak] [linebreak] You got to be careful with alot of subs. You never know which one has an admin alt account that is a mod. +I don't think we are punjabis as we speak a different language. Most elders are well versed in Pashto and Banuwali (Language of Hindus in NWF) +It's only for liberals. +the true gamer subreddit +Just make a new poop wall, duh +Just wait until they discover the cum jars. +Not just that, Julian Assange had a cat in the embassy he wouldn't take care of and clean the litter box of. +the threshold for a guilty decision is beyond a reasonable doubt, the threshold for responsible party is a preponderance of the evidence. [linebreak] [linebreak] The district attorney dropped the criminal charges. That's the state attorney. The city is sueing him in civil court. Different court, different standards, different lawyers. It's not the State of Illinoise vs Smollett it's the city of Chicago vs Smollett and here they're looking for money not criminal charges. [linebreak] [linebreak] Same thing that happened with OJ Simpson. +1. Don't let anyone's opinions get to you because they don't know you like you know yourself. [linebreak] [linebreak] 2. I used to be like you, I used to get such extreme anxiety at school I would count my steps and avoid talking to others. If I had to I think I would always feel like some sort of chest pain that makes me want to cry and shit. It sucked, everyday of school last year and the beginning of this years school year was terrible. I was very very good at placing myself in last place. When I'd be with a friend group I would be there just to feel comfortable and all that. There's so much more I wish I could explain but someone knows my account smh. Anyways, ALL YOU NEED to know is that change starts when you start loving yourself again. Throw everything you heard about yourself away and start to think positively about yourself. Even if it's just looking at a mirror and thinking "yea I'm good looking" or anything that's up bringing DO THAT, it may feel super weird and so promise it's gonna b me weird for a while cuz it still is for me and all that but it does change. I'm a completely different person from what I was around 4 months ago. I have confidence now and it's amazing. I can walk up to people and actually talk. Every change starts with yourself. It may be cringe in the beginning to compliment yourself but doing this is something amazing that everyone feeling low should acquire. I hope the best for you because it is not easy to do this and it does take some gut but I know that you, random stranger on the web can definitely do this because it is possible. Goodluck +He's the gay tupac. Untouchable +The charges were dropped because his defence team and the prosecutor's office came to a private agreement. There exists damn near irrefutable evidence he misled the police and thus it's entirely possible for him to be held liable for the costs incurred from that. +I do understand that I have a whole life ahead of me, and I'm grateful for that. But it's just I can't just stop contemplating death. Trust me I've tried that. The only thing that's stops me from thinking about it is when I'm with my friends. +I believe the word you are looking for is elaborate, and yes I'd love to. [linebreak] [linebreak] Actually, I already made a good post on the subject here: https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/comments/8e8708/cmv_there_is_no_consciousnesslife_after_death/ [linebreak] [linebreak] There are some other good comments further down as well. I'd be happy to answer any questions. +Nice one +Damn I smelled them from here +Your dad is a fucking asshole. +!reddit_gulshan_kumar_dvd +Do whatever you have to to get out from under their roof. It will do loads for your mental health. I'm really sorry your parents seem like such shitbags. The thing with depression is you don't even need to have a bad life to be depressed. But they are definitely making it worse. Go live your best life away from them and don't let them bring you down anymore! They are so so wrong. You don't need that kind of bullshit in your life. Stay strong and good luck! +Pretty sure black holes do indeed suck +First of all your parents don't want you, doesn't mean they don't love you but I feel like they rather live alone. Sorry to say this to you but it's a fact that you have to accept. Now, with that said you have to get away from them quick. I did and it literally saved my life. Anyways, my best advice would be to tolerate them till you can get a job and live somewhere else cause for now to do anything that will feel like change you would need a new place to stay, a car (not necessary), and a job to have money and those take time. Hope you're doing okay OP fuck those narcissists. +Yeah... you need to talk to someone trained. It really does make a difference. +Or maybe they truly support him +I could watch your replays to help you out but all your watchable games are low priority lmao (except Mars ability draft). I think it'd be better if you played a hero you're comfortable with. [linebreak] [linebreak] Also if I ever do end up watching your games, keep in mind I'm not exactly hot stuff either. 3.7K is barely "not *that* bad" territory. [linebreak] [linebreak] anyway hmu on discord if u ever play normal ranked and could use some hindsight +your parents sound like huge douche-eaters I'm sorry to hear that. Sounds like u need to gtfo of that situation and go to college. I hope ur somewhere like here in canada where education is kind affordable +I'm in the US but the college I'm going to is gonna be affordable since I got grants/scholarships to cover tuition and a couple thousand extra but I'm gonna have to take out loans if I want to move out :( +What do you mean it's not the first picture of a black hole? +Fuck +*some people did something* [linebreak] [linebreak] And, whats the matter, buttercup? Its alright when the media takes shit trump says out of context and straight up edits videos to create a narrative, you guys made this shit acceptable, don't get mad when people start playing by the rules you created. [linebreak] [linebreak] Oh look, its a TUMOR, imagine my shock [linebreak] [linebreak] Actually, know what, here, tell me in what context does *some people did something* in reference to 9/11 AS A MUSLIM, AT A FUNDRAISING EVENT FOR AN ORG THAT FUNDS TERRORIST GROUPS even remotely become acceptable? If anything he's adding context by showing footage from 9/11, yeah, some people did something, heres a clarification for the folks at home! He's just, whats it called.... oh yeah, *correcting the record* +I had a look at it and I'm none the wiser. Really really bad ms paints caricatures of people the artist really doesn't like? With a heavy dose of general bigotry. +That's what I came to say. OP's title for the post does not match up with the article at all. [linebreak] [linebreak] When I read the title I was expecting a Tumblr post of someone revering Bouman, or denigrating the other scientists/researchers. [linebreak] [linebreak] Not an article that is literally just recounting the timeline of events since the release of the black hole photo and the corresponding repercussions. +This is my main account, im so happy to know that you care so much about me. +Agreed. There are plenty of far worse subreddits out there. +According to the article your cut counts for the purposes of this metric, lol. Anything over $10 was considered a real cut. Gotta love it. +why do you want to go against human nature? we rape as a collective and always have. these is no true "consent" it's all about the wellness of the offspring. love is a myth sold to you by corporation to make you buy things to prove it +Some socialism is good, too much is bad. We don't want a heavy welfare state - just programs that work better at a government level: i.e. firefighters, police, roads, and public education. I would advocate that universal healthcare, paid via taxation, should be included in that as well - but there are valid arguments against it as well. [linebreak] [linebreak] No one wants to pay more taxes for "muh socialism". We want it because the current way we do it sucks ass. +That was literally one of the comments, so yeah. +>I don't want less taxes, [linebreak] [linebreak] holy fucking shit imagine the size of that boot. +Allah strike me down for seriousposting: but it's also part of human nature to cast out worthless, lazy slobs who won't pull their own weight. [linebreak] [linebreak] As you said, it's all about the wellness of the tribe. +>But the scam is that the tax bill lowered the taxes for the wealthy elite and massive corporations in a much more skewed and beneficial way, effectively negating any benefit the lower and middle class would have seen had this bill been passed in good faith. [linebreak] [linebreak] Explain this to me without using the zero sum fallacy. +What about the human trait of greed? That always seems to be missing in these collectivist utopian fantasies. I care about the group because certain aspects of the group directly benefit me. I don't care if you get a raise because I'm busy trying to get one for myself +The literal slogan for the left is "resist" not even any direction just fight everything and anything. +You don't even get the scam right. The scam was that Trump and the republicans did away with tax breaks that were a direct benefit to well-off blue state residents ***after*** cutting taxes across the board. That way their red state supporters see the benefit of the tax cut, but blue state residents start getting pissed because they can no longer deduct the ridiculously high state taxes they pay. That leads to happy red state supporters that show up at the polls for the GOP in the next election. That also leads to a lot of people in blue states asking why their taxes are so much higher than the taxes in the neighboring red states, which does not play out well for democrats. [linebreak] [linebreak] The real fun is going to start when Trump does the 2.0 version of this tax "reform" and starts sending illegals to sanctuary cities/states. The red state people will cheer, the blue state people who advocated for unchecked immigration will turn on their representatives as soon as their NIMBY senses activate. +Not when trump supporters like the message +lmao this might be my favorite reddit canard, by outside of america, you mean a select few countries in western europe and even then its dubious +Only 44 pct of people don't pay federal income tax. If your household income is under 6 figures (72 pctile), you're literally homeless level. +Right? Apparently providing median numbers instead of "yes/no" was too hard