# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import glob import codecs import spacy def replace_unicode_whitespaces_with_ascii_whitespace(string): return ' '.join(string.split()) def get_start_and_end_offset_of_token_from_spacy(token): start = token.idx end = start + len(token) return start, end def get_sentences_and_tokens_from_spacy(text, spacy_nlp): document = spacy_nlp(text) # sentences sentences = [] for span in document.sents: sentence = [document[i] for i in range(span.start, span.end)] sentence_tokens = [] for token in sentence: token_dict = {} token_dict['start'], token_dict['end'] = get_start_and_end_offset_of_token_from_spacy(token) token_dict['text'] = text[token_dict['start']:token_dict['end']] if token_dict['text'].strip() in ['\n', '\t', ' ', '']: continue # Make sure that the token text does not contain any space if len(token_dict['text'].split(' ')) != 1: print("WARNING: the text of the token contains space character, replaced with hyphen\n\t{0}\n\t{1}".format(token_dict['text'], token_dict['text'].replace(' ', '-'))) token_dict['text'] = token_dict['text'].replace(' ', '-') sentence_tokens.append(token_dict) sentences.append(sentence_tokens) return sentences def get_entities_from_brat(text_filepath, annotation_filepath, verbose=False): # load text with codecs.open(text_filepath, 'r', 'UTF-8') as f: text =f.read() if verbose: print("\ntext:\n{0}\n".format(text)) ''' text2 = '' for word in text: text2 += elimina_tildes(word) ''' text2 = text # parse annotation file entities = [] with codecs.open(annotation_filepath, 'r', 'UTF-8') as f: for line in f.read().splitlines(): anno = line.split() id_anno = anno[0] # parse entity if id_anno[0] == 'T': entity = {} entity['id'] = id_anno entity['type'] = anno[1] entity['start'] = int(anno[2]) entity['end'] = int(anno[3]) #entity['text'] = elimina_tildes(' '.join(anno[4:])) entity['text'] = ' '.join(anno[4:]) if verbose: print("entity: {0}".format(entity)) # Check compatibility between brat text and anootation if replace_unicode_whitespaces_with_ascii_whitespace(text2[entity['start']:entity['end']]) != \ replace_unicode_whitespaces_with_ascii_whitespace(entity['text']): print("Warning: brat text and annotation do not match.") print("\ttext: {0}".format(text2[entity['start']:entity['end']])) print("\tanno: {0}".format(entity['text'])) # add to entitys data entities.append(entity) if verbose: print("\n\n") return text2, entities def check_brat_annotation_and_text_compatibility(brat_folder): ''' Check if brat annotation and text files are compatible. ''' dataset_type = os.path.basename(brat_folder) print("Checking the validity of BRAT-formatted {0} set... ".format(dataset_type), end='') text_filepaths = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(brat_folder, '*.txt'))) for text_filepath in text_filepaths: base_filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(text_filepath))[0] annotation_filepath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(text_filepath), base_filename + '.ann') # check if annotation file exists if not os.path.exists(annotation_filepath): raise IOError("Annotation file does not exist: {0}".format(annotation_filepath)) text, entities = get_entities_from_brat(text_filepath, annotation_filepath) print("Done.") def brat_to_conll(input_folder, output_filepath, language): ''' Assumes '.txt' and '.ann' files are in the input_folder. Checks for the compatibility between .txt and .ann at the same time. ''' spacy_nlp = spacy.load(language) verbose = False dataset_type = os.path.basename(input_folder) print("Formatting {0} set from BRAT to CONLL... ".format(dataset_type), end='') text_filepaths = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(input_folder, '*.txt'))) output_file = codecs.open(output_filepath, 'w', 'utf-8') for text_filepath in text_filepaths: base_filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(text_filepath))[0] annotation_filepath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(text_filepath), base_filename + '.ann') # create annotation file if it does not exist if not os.path.exists(annotation_filepath): codecs.open(annotation_filepath, 'w', 'UTF-8').close() text, entities = get_entities_from_brat(text_filepath, annotation_filepath) entities = sorted(entities, key=lambda entity:entity["start"]) sentences = get_sentences_and_tokens_from_spacy(text, spacy_nlp) for sentence in sentences: inside = False previous_token_label = 'O' for token in sentence: token['label'] = 'O' for entity in entities: if entity['start'] <= token['start'] < entity['end'] or \ entity['start'] < token['end'] <= entity['end'] or \ token['start'] < entity['start'] < entity['end'] < token['end']: token['label'] = entity['type'].replace('-', '_') # Because the ANN doesn't support tag with '-' in it break elif token['end'] < entity['start']: break if len(entities) == 0: entity={'end':0} if token['label'] == 'O': gold_label = 'O' inside = False elif inside and token['label'] == previous_token_label: gold_label = 'I-{0}'.format(token['label']) else: inside = True gold_label = 'B-{0}'.format(token['label']) if token['end'] == entity['end']: inside = False previous_token_label = token['label'] if verbose: print('{0} {1} {2} {3} {4}\n'.format(token['text'], base_filename, token['start'], token['end'], gold_label)) output_file.write('{0} {1} {2} {3} {4}\n'.format(token['text'], base_filename, token['start'], token['end'], gold_label)) if verbose: print('\n') output_file.write('\n') output_file.close() print('Done.') del spacy_nlp