Silhouette® window shadings are sleek, elegant and unique. Soft woven fabric vanes suspended between sheer facings. The look of a curtain, the convenience of a blind. - Soft fabrics provide a warm glow to any room. - Horizontal lines blend well with the more popular 2″ wood blinds. - Provides complete privacy when closed. Silhouette window shadings offer the perfect solution. Two sheer fabric facings with fabric vanes suspended between them. When the vanes are open, the view outside is preserved, and your home’s natural light is gently filtered. Closed, the fabric vanes allow you privacy while maintaining the soft, elegant style Silhouette window shadings create. Silhouette shadings are available in a variety of fabrics, colors, 2″ and 3″ vane sizes. Silhouette shadings are also available in PowerRise® Luminette Privacy Sheers® Change the mood of your room by choosing Luminette Privacy Sheers®. Its sheer, drapery-like covering has a vertical design, especially suited for larger, rectangular windows. When fully open, you’ll enjoy a subdued view of the outdoors. When closed, its sheer fabric vanes give you complete privacy. Luminette makes a statement in casual and formal rooms alike. It’s even available with a room-darkening option, Evening Star™, and you can order extra fabric for beautifully coordinated rooms. Soft and gentle, yet surprisingly rugged. Vignette® window shadings are designed to be raised and lowered effortlessly, time after time – never losing their beautiful shape. Incredibly long wearing, Vignette is easy to maintain and is resistant to dust and stains. And, what’s more each fabric provides superior sun protection, blocking 99% of harmful rays. Vignette shadings are available in a range of colors, from subdued classics to vibrant, contemporary hues. And each shading comes complete with a neutral fabric backing for a uniform exterior appearance. Vignette shadings are also available with a fabric-covered headrail for a sleek coordinated look. The fabric is available in cut yardage so that you can accessorize your room. - Most attractive roman shade on the market. - Rolls up evenly, with no cords showing. - Rolls up neatly into its headrail in the open position. Serenette™ SoftFold Shadings Serenette¨ SoftFoldª Shadings is an innovative new window fashion in window coverings. Serenette¨ features a proprietary SoftFold louver that gently softens light and effects a full and graceful look reminiscent of the elegance found in tailored draperies. Rotate the SoftFold louvers and watch as th Customize your Serenette® SoftFold® shadings with the Fabric By The Yard Program. You can dramatically change the style of your window and create a perfectly coordinated custom look with beautiful Serenette fabrics such as Jacquard Lace™, Etched Taffeta™, Signature Cloth™, SoftWeave™, Tailored Linen™, Vintage Damask™, and Couture Crepe™. Available in 72″ widths, Fabric By The Yard is perfect for those finishing touches – from creating custom overtreatments to decorative accessories. With Serenette SoftFold Shadings and Fabric By the Yard, you can create an elegant look that is exclusively your own.
Long ago, in a galaxy far, far away, I drove taxis four nights a week in New York City. Many people in the Big Apple are preoccupied with one thing or another, and it happened sometimes that someone would climb into the cab and just quietly sit back and look out the window. I'd take off in the direction that the cab was aimed, and I'd let them take a moment to fill me in on the destination. If we hit a red light in the meantime, I would take the opportunity to bring up the subject. I'd turn around so that we were looking at each other straight on, me wearing my Kangol Spitfire, my Andy Warhol glasses, and my winning smile, and I'd say, “so, where we goin'?” That usually drew a laugh, sometimes preceded by a sheepish grin, and then they'd tell me the destination. It was fun. It's a good question, too, and not something that should be casually overlooked. One should almost always know where one is going. Now that the Democrats have regained a power base in Washington, it might be a good time to ask them where we're going, as far as they're concerned. Maybe we could ask them where they are going. I hope that they have some kind of plan, and I am very anxious to see what it might be. The operative word being, “anxious.” The Republicans have gotten as far as they have because they formulate a short, simple set of stated goals, then reduce those goals to easily remembered and repeatable slogans, and then they stay on message, shoulder to shoulder. That's a great way to approach politics. If you put ten Republicans in a room for one hour, they will come out in smiling agreement with carefully coordinated statements for the press conference. Try that with ten Democrats and the result would be a level of chaos that would be hard to describe in English. You might need to resort to Italian. It's a better cursing language. Here are my feelings on the subject. The Democrats have three huge jobs that urgently need doing: - Demonstrate clearly that they are more in tune with the hopes and dreams of the American people, which they are; - Put forward a few choice pieces of legislation that will either pass or make the Republicans look ridiculous, which should be easy; and - Find some attractive, electable national candidates. Because I don't see any yet. Re: number one, the problem is that the majority of American voters that prefer Democratic policies are clustered in large states. This has emerged as a huge problem with our Constitution itself. California's population is what, thirty-six million? They have one of the largest economies in the world? They have two senators. Wyoming's population is fewer than one million. Their economy is negligible. They have TWO SENATORS. Related problem: as far as the Electoral College goes, every vote in Wyoming is worth about five times as much as a vote in California. Trump proved that you can string together a few million yahoos and take over the entire country. One man, one vote MY BONY OLD WHITE ASS. Just appealing to a vast majority of the American people is not enough to win permission to govern under our Constitution. Re: number two, the House of Representatives is where legislation is generated. That's where bills start. So starting a few that will show the Democrats in a good light should be a reasonable plan. A little advice? Start with bills that clearly enhance people's health and income security. Do something about getting the big money out of politics. Maybe chip away at that wildly unpopular tax cut for the super-rich that passed last year. Do something about voter-suppression. Keep those bills coming. Don't even try to find common ground with the Republicans, because that's impossible. And don't worry about those bills dying in the Republican controlled Senate. THAT'S THE FUCKING POINT. Go into constant campaign mode and spend a lot of money on TV ads harping repeatedly about how you are trying to help the country but those pricks the Republicans just won't lift a finger to help anyone but billionaires. Re: number three, let me just say that I happen to like Bernie Sanders, but he's not a viable candidate outside of Vermont and the hipster neighborhoods of Brooklyn and Los Angeles. I like Elizabeth Warren a lot, but please, she'd do about as well as Michael Dukakis in a presidential election. I love Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, but please give the woman some time to grow into a bigger job. Tim Kane won his seat again, but let's face it, he's not going anywhere. He was already a major mistake on the ticket with Hillary. Beto O'Rorke's time has not come yet. Please, in the name of all that is good and holy, never mention either of the Clintons again to me in any context. I love Barack Obama as a party chairman or something, maybe a Senator, is that legal? He'd be a perfect Supreme Court Justice. But let's be serious about the new blood. Who's out there? The Democrats need someone young, with zero baggage, with some charisma, someone who would be considered at least a very good speaker. A great speaker with charisma would be better, but you've got to start somewhere. Hey, get that Jimmy the Greek guy on the phone! What are the odds that the Democrats will be able to get any of this together? Where we goin' Jimmy? Long are the odds, I'm afraid. It's the same old faces at the DNC and in leadership positions in Congress. The same old “we've got to get entitlement spending under control” mob of Democrats who are only slightly less Republican than the real Republicans. Unless I miss my guess, the Democrats will simply continue to maintain their own position in the power/financial structure, satisfied with second place because after all, the money is good. Second place takes off the pressure! They'll just keep on coasting along like they have been for a long while now. Where are the Democrats going? Nowhere. They like it too much right where they are. It will be interesting to see how positions of power affect some of the Democratic rookies in the House. Interesting, but most likely disappointing. They talk about some real money now. The stock tips alone will launch you into eight figures with little effort. Hell, just the book deal money would be enough to sorely tempt me. It's not like I don't understand why our politicians sell us out, but I don't have to like it. I only hope that the Democrats don't start a lot of useless investigations one after the other. What could be a greater waste of time? Trump conspired for decades with Russian gangsters to violate international banking laws! Trump is enriching himself while in office! Trump is taking money from foreign powers who are seeking to influence his decisions! Trump has violated our tax laws! Trump has lied on the record thousands of times! Trump doesn't have a clue what he's doing! Everybody knows all of that already; it's old news. That kind of thing will only be a colossal waste of time, and it will not win one extra vote for the Democratic candidate for president in 2020. Worse than a waste of time, it would all be counterproductive. The Democrats need to start working hard to win. They need to start taking back state legislatures and governorships. They need to do something about Gerrymandering. They need to convince the hayseeds that they care about the people out in Clodhopperstan. They need to want to win, and they need to want to make America as good a place as it can be. I'm not convinced that they worry at all about either of those last two things.
Kenya is a land of rich diversities, from towering mountains to the vast expanse of the savannah grasslands, from the Great Rift Valley to the magical coastlines and tiny islands off the Kenyan coast. It has a lot of locations that can form the best romantic location for your wedding. There are numerous resorts and gardens in the mainland for luxurious weddings in Kenya, the lakes provide a scenic location for weddings and the plains form a vastness for jungle weddings. The Kenyan coast is magical with its numerous beaches, some secluded and others crowded but all sharing in unique beauty and romance. Morocco offers an exotic destination for romantic weddings. Indeed, it is a land of full of enchanting possibilities, and it is littered with ancient mosques, ruins, bewildering cultures that have endured the passage of time and magical landscapes that linger in the mind forever. A Morocco wedding won’t be forgotten quickly! There are a lot of spectacular locations to exchange your wedding vows, along the pristine beaches with the gentle breeze blowing through your hair, a desert location when the sun is setting and the golden sand dunes bursting with colors from the suns reflections, or wedding in a traditional Riad and mixing your wedding with all the traditional qualities of Moroccan culture. SANTORINI ISLAND IN GREECE For a spicy Mediterranean wedding experience, the island of Santorini in Greece will give you the perfect destination for a romantic holiday in the sun. It is a place is filled with amazing beauty both natural and manmade. Whether you want to exchange your vows in the seclusion of a lavish villa, on the pristine shores of the sparkling Aegean, in a charming quaint village or on a towering rugged cliff the venue chances are infinite. To blend into the warmth of the Greek traditions it is wise to choose your wedding color theme to include blue and white! India is vast and diverse with amazing romantic vistas that will leave your jaws wide apart. It has a variety of options for wedding locations, opulent mansions and ancient castles, pristine beaches, lush hill stations, deserts and bustling cities. Picture a serene Goa beach with lush vegetation and clear waters where you exchange your vows in exclusive seclusion. The Kerala backwaters are spectacular offering tranquil waterways, tiny fishing villages and great house boats for a marine wedding experience. If you want wed like royalty then the fine palaces in Rajasthan will be a great option. You can then head straight off on to your honeymoon in India and travel some of the most beautiful areas in the whole world. AMALFI COAST ITALY The Amalfi coast is known for all things glamorous. It is the ideal location to commit to your loved one for the rest of your life surrounded by the most beautiful scenes. Imagine being on a gorgeous coastal location, on top of a terrace, overlooking the breathtaking hillside, rustic towns overhanging on the cliffs and a spectacular view of the Mediterranean; such is the endless beauty of the Amalfi coast. You can wed in exclusive villas, centuries old churches or in a rustic town perched on a rocky cliff for a charming traditional Italian wedding.
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Tet is the most important holiday on the Vietnamese calendar and a very festive time of the year. The city of Hanoi, which can otherwise be somewhat drab, comes alive with color. Multiple parks are outfitted with freshly planted flowers. Brightly colored banners are hung. Displays are set up to celebrate the next animal on the Lunar New Year calendar. Locals dress in fancy attire and take family pictures by the lakes. And like every other new year celebration across the globe, there are booming firework shows. Last year we visited Hanoi right after Tet, as part of our first trip to Asia and last official vacation. We were able to enjoy a lot of the displays celebrating the year of the pig, but we missed out on the festivities leading up to it. Since we happened to be in the neighborhood already, we decided to remedy that. This year we stayed in Hanoi throughout Tet and experienced the entire holiday season firsthand. 2020 is the year of the rat, so the pigs are gone and rats dominate the current landscape. Rat statues are set up around the popular Hoan Kiem lake. Roaming vendors sell helium-filled rat balloons and rat toys for children. Local malls and banks erect their own colorful displays too. All over the city, people are getting their picture taken with rats. Naturally, all of these displays tend to make the rats look really cute, since no one wants to pose with a filthy plague-carrying rodent. It’s not only rats though. Aside from the yearly Zodiac sign, the two main traditional symbols of Tet are the blossoming peach tree and kumquat tree. We saw these for sale everywhere around the city leading up to the holiday. The peach blossoms were being sold both as a whole peach tree in a pot and also as individual branches similar to fresh cut flowers. These trees were also planted among the public flower displays and gardens throughout the city. Their abundant pink blossoms add a nice touch of bright color. Wherever we saw peach blossoms for sale, it was likely we’d find the small citrus kumquat tree for sale too. While the peach blossoms were often sold as just a couple of branches, the kumquats were only offered in whole tree form. Pretty much everyone we saw buying one tied the whole tree to the back of their scooter to transport it home. After seeing many of these bright orange citrus trees cruising down the road through the middle of traffic, Katie and I expected to find a bunch of stray kumquats in the streets while walking about. Surprisingly, that was not the case. We only saw two sad little gutter kumquats over the course of a week. It was quite impressive how they all managed to stay attached. The largest market selling festive Tet items was in Hanoi’s Old Quarter. This one spanned multiple blocks and while it definitely had all of the balloons, toys, peach blossoms, and kumquats, there was a lot more. We found tons of cardboard wall hangings and plenty of fireworks. There were lots of trinkets and other souvenirs too. A few booths were set up as full on antique shops. I never did figure out how those fit into the overall theme. Maybe Tet just makes people nostalgic. While the lead up to Tet is very festive, Hanoi definitely changes afterwards. While the official celebration is observed on one day, this is a week long holiday in practice. The main focus is to spend time with family, and most Vietnamese people take that seriously. Because of this, there is a lower volume of traffic and many businesses are closed. Even in the prime tourist area in the Old Quarter, many of the smaller local restaurants and shops are closed for the whole week. Some even take two weeks off according to posted signs. Outside of the tourist areas, nearly everything is closed for at least a few days. Even the convenience stores were closed in the neighborhood we stayed in a little south of the Old Quarter. Visiting during Tet means that choices of shops and restaurants will definitely be limited compared to other times of the year. As an example, there’s a small Banh Mi franchise on the street we’re staying on. It closed for 3 days around Tet. When it opened back up, it had a limited menu for a couple of days, since their suppliers all take days off too. Our local grocery store also closed for a few days. We were prepared for this having read about it, so we stocked up on groceries and produce ahead of time. I can imagine it would be more difficult if we were shorter term travelers or had stayed in a hotel. Travelers won’t starve without planning ahead, but it wouldn’t be surprising to get stuck with either a bad or expensive meal. Chain restaurants like McDonald’s and KFC were always open. Although the line was out the door to McDonald’s on the official Tet holiday when most everything else was closed. It also seemed like nearly every fancy French bistro stayed open as well, for those wanting to ring in the new year gourmet style. For 2020, the week-long holiday began on Thursday 1/23, with the official observance taking place Saturday 1/25. This meant that at midnight on Friday night, there was a fireworks show to ring in the new year. Unfortunately for us, we didn’t realize this ahead of time, but we figured it out pretty quickly once the booms of the fireworks started rattling our windows. We threw on some warm clothes and ran out to the end of our block to witness the last 10 minutes of the 15 minute show. We weren’t the only ones taking in the scene from the road. There was a decent sized crowd gathered down there to witness the spectacle. The most entertaining thing to me was that all traffic had stopped to watch the show. Each of the four lanes of the one way street had parked cars as travelers collectively pressed pause on their journeys to watch the explosions light up the sky. Parents with fancy cars opened their sunroofs to let the kids stand up and watch. As crazy as traffic is in Hanoi, it was an interesting sight to see everyone calmly stopped in their cars to watch fireworks for 15 minutes. Overall, it’s still a decent time to visit if you know what you’re getting into. Hanging out around people in a festive holiday mood makes for a fun atmosphere. The extra markets and holiday decorations are definitely entertaining. If you’re not too picky, or willing to feed yourself for a few days, the restaurant closures are not too much of an issue. It’s not business as usual around Hanoi, but that’s part of the holiday charm.
Reader Question: How can one tell if one run-down area is best? A friend and I are going to buy an old home and remodel it to rent out. We have a limited budget, so we are looking in areas where prices are lower. Are there any strategies or tips for buying and renovating houses in run-down areas? James H. Monty’s Answer: Hello James, and thanks for your questions. When making your first real estate investment everyone starts somewhere, and every “somewhere” has opportunities. The greater risk and work involved often brings the greatest rewards. Here are some observations that may be helpful. 1. Study the neighborhoods being considered for investment. Before buying your first house, become an expert in understanding the submarket and the surrounding area. The following statistics will provide a sense for values and a baseline for future calculations. Here is what to study: Sales rate, time on market, list to sale ratios, average sale price per square foot by style of home, percentage of listings that expire unsold and home value and rental rate trends. Then, look for signs of renovation, parents with young children and new retail outlets. Stop to speak with residents and listen to their impressions. A good real estate agent will recognize these terms and understand how to search the MLS for these results. It may be possible to search for renovated home sales if the words “remodeled”, “renovated” or “rehab” appear in MLS data sheets. Go back and search the address history to learn the “before rehab” sale price. Some MLS systems have that capability; those sales may be more helpful. 2. Operate under the principal that your money is made when buying the property, not when selling it. This does not mean trying to buy a home for less than market value. It means understanding the best ways to add value to the property when remodeling it. Investors sometimes spend money on “X” but would have been wiser to invest it on “Y.” Invest in improvements to keep tenants in place and happy to live there. 3. Determine the required capital investment by determine what the home will sell or rent for after renovation. Do this before buying it. Work backward by subtracting the renovation costs and soft costs from the future value to reach an offer price. Remember to include rent lost while completing the improvements. Examine the partnership Consider a written partnership agreement that contains an exit strategy. What is each contributing to the partnership? As an example, if one is doing the physical work, and the other is putting up the money, consider a pre-established exit plan if the deal goes sour. Ideally, both should be in a similar position financially, plan “comparable worth” assignments and have similar investment goals. Otherwise, as time wears on, one partner may think the other is not carrying an equal share of the load. Get it? Part of this equation depends on your life experiences to date. As an example, are you both in the trades? Have a plan in place where parting friends is incorporated if the deal goes sour. Picking the right “less desirable” neighborhood 1. Make certain it is a neighborhood that has already started a transition away from being a less desirable neighborhood. Otherwise, it may be throwing good money after bad. If the prices are still deteriorating, it is difficult to predict how long until it begins to recover. Check with the municipality, the state and federal government, as funds often exist dedicated to neighborhood improvement projects that incentivize private investment. Additionally, check out the FHA(203K) rehabilitation mortgage. It wraps the rehab construction costs into the mortgage. 2. Consider calculating a better return. Your plan is renovating to rent and hold, so there will be more work and management attention required in operating the property. Collecting the rent, evictions and added repairs are examples of conditions that may require extra time and effort. 3. A limited budget can be a red flag. Depending on your experience levels, your backgrounds and your resources, rehabbing a building is not the easiest project to jump into on a “limited budget”. Renovation often means unexpected surprises that are expensive to fix. What if you run out of money? Unfortunately, this is often the spot where the first person to abandon ship is your banker. Be careful not to be underfunded. Finally, consider enrolling in a property management course. Investing the time in understanding the “back room” operations of owning property and dealing with vendors, tenants and regulation can make a big difference in the success of your operations.
Color hard boiled eggs (amount is up to you) a few days ahead of time. Preheat oven to 350° -375° depending on your oven. Grease flat cookie sheets or pans. Crush Anise seeds and put into dish (before, use a cotton handkerchief to gather anise and twist hanky under it. Then rub hard on the ball of Anise. After rubbing it rolled up in between both hands (make fists.) Open carefully and sort out Anise from brown husks and sometimes small stones.) Sift together flour, baking powder and salt. Then mix in Anise. Mix in Crisco with sugar and after make a well shape. (Remember, this is the traditional Old Italian way, but you can also use a bowl to mix all ingredients.) Put in eggs (save/1 egg white) and milk. Gradually take flour from sides of the well and mix with eggs and milk. Don’t break the wall as all liquid will run out. When all mixed you knead dough till all mixed good and a smooth texture. Might have to put a little flour on board or counter, so it will not stick. Not too much flour or the cakes will be too dry. Then cut a chunk and leave the rest on the side of board or counter. Roll out dough in a long and thin strip. Make the strip the thickness of a wooden spoon handle, not any thinner as the dough will break. If you twist 2 strips together to make a braid make each a little thinner than your finger. They will swell as they bake. Put your colored eggs in the braid, nest or dolls, whatever you decide to create. Be careful as you put them on a baking sheet so they don’t break or crack. Roll small pieces of dough and then flatten out with the palm of your hand to cover around the side of the egg on dolls or nests. This helps keep the eggs more secure. If you make dolls, put a slit on feet and hands. Now beat saved egg white and with a pastry brush, brush egg white on all parts of your cakes. (Careful not to get egg white on cookie sheet as it will burn and also try to keep egg white off of colored eggs as they will be spotty after they bake.) After the egg whites are on brushed on the cakes dip a finger in egg white mixture and then dot with candy confetti sprinkles on the dolls, crosses or what ever you made. Then bake in oven for about 20-25 minutes depending on your oven. They should be lightly browned. Let them sit about 10 minutes to cool off before taking them off the cookie sheet/pans, they may crack or break so be careful removing them from the pans. You can store in an air tight cookie tin for about a week, if they don’t get eaten before that.
Zogenix has announced the submission of a New Drug Application (NDA) to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and a Marketing Authorization Application (MAA) to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) for Fintepla (ZX008), its investigational compound for the treatment of epileptic seizures associated with Dravet syndrome. Fintepla is a low-dose oral solution of fenfluramine hydrochloride. Patients take it with other treatments to reduce the frequency of epileptic seizures. A prospective, post-hoc merged analysis was undertaken of Study 1. This randomized, double-blind, and placebo-controlled trial — a merge analysis of two identical studies, ZX008-1501 and ZX008-1502 — was designed to assess the efficacy and safety of Fintepla at a dose of 0.2 mg/kg/day and 0.8 mg/kg/day in 119 children and young adults with Dravet syndrome over a period of 14 weeks compared with a placebo. Results revealed that, when compared to placebo, patients treated with the higher dose of Fintepla had much higher odds of achieving a clinically meaningful (more than 50%) or substantial (more than 75%) reduction in convulsive seizure frequency. Results from Study 1504 were recently presented during the 72nd American Epilepsy Society (AES) Annual Meeting, and showed that after 14 weeks of treatment with Fintepla, patients achieved meaningful improvements in behavior, emotion, and cognitive regulation compared with those on placebo. When used with other anti-epileptic drugs, such as Diacomit (stiripentol), Fintepla was highly tolerated and effective at reducing the frequency of seizures when used in combination with other anti-epileptic agents, compared with the placebo. Data regarding 232 participants treated for up to 21 months participating in the ongoing Phase 3 open-label extension study (NCT02823145) has shown Fintepla is highly tolerable and safe over extended periods of time, with no patients developing cardiac or pulmonary complications associated with treatment. “Together with the efficacy data from the Phase 3 trials, fenfluramine [Fintepla] appears to have a positive benefit-risk profile in this patient population,” researchers stated. “Our concurrent submissions to the FDA and EMA are the culmination of four years’ effort for Zogenix, our investigators, and the families who participated in the ZX008 clinical trial program,” Stephen J. Farr, president and chief executive officer of Zogenix, said in a press release. “We are honored to have partnered with such dedicated people to develop a potential new treatment for this rare and often catastrophic disease and look forward to working closely with the FDA and EMA during the review process.” Zogenix is also investigating Fintepla in Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. We are sorry that this post was not useful for you! Let us improve this post! Tell us how we can improve this post?
CABG in 2012: Evidence, Practice and the Evolution of Guidelines A short eight-page article by Dr. David Taggart, one of 25 ECS/EACTS Myocardial Revascularization Guidelines authors, provides an excellent overview of current treatment for coronary artery disease (CAD), the findings of various randomized trials, and the implication of current data for the need for multi-disciplinary heart teams to ensure the best avenue for treatment for their CAD patients. The publication points out that, despite a decline in the number of CABG surgeries due to improved medical therapy and percutaneous stenting, more than 500,000 patients worldwide undergo CABG annually with excellent results and an estimated mortality of about 1%. Heart teams must establish whether a proposed intervention (stenting or surgery) is planned for symptomatic and/or prognostic reasons, or justified by significant ischaemia (>10% of myocardial mass). To help resolve the questions of whether a patient should be stented or undergo CABG, there have been about 20 randomized control trials (RCT) of PCI versus CABG over the past two decades. All, with the exception of the SYNTAX trial, report no difference in survival between CABG and PCI. The SYNTAX trial demonstrated that 79% of patients with three-vessel CAD and almost two-thirds of patients with left mainstem (LMS) coronary artery disease, who have had CABG rather than percutaneous stenting, have higher survival and a marked reduction in the need for repeat revascularization. This implies that CABG is still the treatment of choice for most of these patients even though it contradicts the results of earlier trials of PCI versus CABG surgery. The SYNTAX trial also showed that, for patients with less severe coronary artery disease, there is no difference in survival between CABG and stents but a lower incidence of repeat revascularization with CABG. SYNTAX, at three years, shows no difference in stroke between CABG and stents for three-vessel disease but a higher incidence of stroke with CABG in patients with left mainstem disease. In contrast, the PRECOMBAT trial of stents and CABG, in patients with left mainstem disease, showed no higher rates of mortality or stroke with CABG in comparison to stents in relatively low risk patients.
I was very honoured to recently be interviewed by Obby, as I’m one of the teachers who lists events on their site. I’ve included a portion of the interview here with a link to the full article at the end if you’d like to read more… Hi, Meredith! Great to talk to you. Let’s start with a little about Food at Heart. How did you come up with the name? It really came from my passion for food as it’s been such an important part of my life for a very long time. But it’s also because the heart is what pumps blood around our body so is essential for keeping us alive. That’s how I feel about good food too; it’s essential to a happy and healthy life. Have you always been a foodie? What was the flavour that made you fall in love with the culinary career? Yes, I’ve always been a foodie (though the word didn’t really exist when I was growing up). Some of my earliest memories are of being in the kitchen baking with my mum and it filled most of my spare time in what I’d call my ‘normal’ working life before I started Food At Heart. I don’t think it was one specific flavour that made me want to pursue working in food as a career; I think it was really the excitement that there were so many flavours to explore. That said, one of the foods that have taught me the most about taste and flavour is really good quality dark chocolate. What is the most exciting thing you’ve done with Food At Heart? I think one of the things I’m most excited about is having launched my online program, The Joy Of Eating, this year. It takes some of the elements of my workshops but goes much deeper and I’m now planning to work with people one-to-one to take them through this process. I’m really looking forward to having this as a complement to my workshops. However, one other exciting moment was having the opportunity to go to India last year as part of an entrepreneur’s retreat for people leading purpose-led businesses. It was really inspiring to meet people running some fascinating projects – and the food was incredible too so I came back with lots of ideas. That sounds incredible! You talk a lot of ‘joyful eating’ on your website, what do you mean by this term? Sometimes we get so caught up in talking about healthy eating and ‘nutritionism’ that we forget that eating well is actually also pretty delicious – when you know how to put ingredients in the right way. Joyful eating is really about eating in a way that celebrates amazing seasonal and whole ingredients and preparing them in interesting and tasty combinations. However joyful eating is also about how we eat, not just what we eat. It means considering how the senses are involved in taste and how being aware of them adds a lot of pleasure to eating. Understanding some of these basics helps you prepare much better-tasting food. Is joyful eating the same as comfort eating? For me it is, but this means re-defining comfort eating. I think we have a lot of associations with comfort eating as stodgy or ‘naughty’ food. Actually, genuine comfort food is something that’s soothing and makes you feel good. I love hearty bean stews in winter and beautiful mozzarella salad drizzled with olive oil in summer; both of these are dishes that I find very comforting. I really like the Danish hygge approach to this. One of my favourite definitions of this is “a quality of cosiness and comfortable conviviality that engenders a feeling of contentment or well-being”. That’s how real comfort eating should make us feel. And yes, that does sometimes mean a beautiful slice of homemade cake too! It’s all about a sense of balance. We love the idea, but sometimes it’s difficult to find the time to cook and prepare, do you have any advice for someone who has a busy life and how they could fit in the time to appreciate food? A bit of pre-planning goes a long way when it comes to cooking if you’re busy. I always keep a few things in my cupboard and fridge which means I can whip together something quickly. Anything with eggs, like frittata or omelette, which you can top with different vegetables and serve with green leaves on the side, is a great option if you’re short of time. This only takes about 15 to 20 minutes to prepare. I have an organic vegetable box delivered each week which means I have a fridge and cupboard stocked with some tasty ingredients with very little effort. That way I don’t need to be worried about going out and shopping for meals each day. If you have good things in your kitchen, which you know you can make a quick meal from, you might find you’re a bit less likely to reach for the takeaway menu. Any advice for people who survive off ready meals still and couldn’t bare the thought of cooking the weeks food on a Sunday? I don’t personally tend to batch cook each week as I never quite know what I’ll fancy from day to day, but I do make enough at dinner to cover me for lunch the following day. Or I will make extra soup and put it in the freezer. And of course, it’s also okay if you supplement home cooking with a few good quality ready-made meals (ideally not ones full of processed stuff!). I personally cook from scratch as I love cooking, but you might want to ease your way into getting more confident with doing this (but this confidence will come).
Great Cylon Turkey Shoot |Great Cylon Turkey Shoot| |Powered down Raider fleet being massacred by Galactica's Vipers| |Conflict:||Second Cylon War| |Date:||Roughly two weeks after Day 84| |Place:||Interstellar space, specific location unknown| |Result:||Decisive Colonial victory| Several weeks after leaving Kobol, Galactica begins to suffer various system failures and ship-wide malfunctions. Lieutenant Gaeta and Dr. Baltar suspect that the Cylon virus which infected Galactica (Scattered), and downed ship functions for a time (Valley of Darkness), has returned. They hypothesize that the virus had a latent component that hid itself, slowly emerging throughout ship computers, then testing and probing for system vulnerabilities. Lt. Karl Agathon shows a printout of the virus to the incarcerated Caprica copy of Sharon Valerii, who concludes that this logic bomb is a prelude to a Cylon attack. Gaeta determines that the virus can be removed by erasing all ship computer hard drives, then reloading the computers from backups made before the war. However, this will leave the ship completely vulnerable for several minutes, giving the Cylons a perfect opportunity to do away with Galactica. Yet if they do not proceed with this course of action, the logic bomb could "detonate", likely taking control of the battlestar and turning it against the Fleet. Reluctantly, Commander Adama elects to have Sharon aid them in combating the enemy. She interfaces with the ship's mainframe and communication systems—using a fiber-optic link placed within her left forearm—and prepares an electronic attack to ward off the Cylons. Just then, a Cylon fleet consisting of hundreds of Raiders, descends upon Galactica. As the battlestar deploys all combat-ready Vipers, and Gaeta erases the ship's hard drives, Sharon copies the logic bomb's code onto herself, alters it, and transmits the re-programmed virus to the enemy. In a poignant turn of events, the entire Cylon fleet is disabled by the virus - much like Colonial warships were during the Fall of the Twelve Colonies. Though many Raiders are wrecked by crashing into one another, Colonel Tigh orders Galactica's Vipers to open fire on the crippled enemy. Apollo jubilantly relays the weapons free order to his fighter group, and the Vipers proceed to tear through the jumbled Cylon formations, destroying the disproportionately larger Cylon force in its entirety (Flight of the Phoenix). The presence of numerous Heavy Raiders within the attacking Cylon fleet, suggests that the Cylons intended to board Galactica—and possibly other Colonial ships—after the virus had rendered the battlestar helpless. - According to Ronald Moore's podcast for "Flight of the Phoenix", this battle was specifically inspired by the "Great Marianas Turkey Shoot" of World War II. This page is named in light of that reference. - The number of Cylon Raiders present was given on the Scifi.com official site's episode description. - Visually, there are at least 42 Vipers on screen, but there is a strong possibility that this is a visual effects mistake: Apollo states in "Act of Contrition" that there are only 40 Vipers left. On top of this, several Vipers have been lost since then. The current count leaves only 34 Vipers: 1 lost in "Act of Contrition", 4 lost in "The Hand of God", and 1 lost in "Final Cut". This doesn't take into account Tyrol's retirement of un-serviceable craft, worn down by wear and tear. Furthermore, Galactica is severely limited by the number of pilots they have on hand; in this episode, no more than 22. - Ron D. Moore admitted in an interview (Flight of the Phoenix) that this was probably a visual effects gaffe. The number of Vipers is likely no more than 34. - Interestingly, the Blackbird appears in the Great Cylon Turkey Shoot, yet the Blackbird has not been finished by the time the Cylons are disabled. Producer and writer Bradley Thompson acknowledges this as a visual effects mix-up, as the Blackbird's lack of guns or sufficient maneuverability would make it a poor fighter, nor has the ship made its maiden flight before the Cylon fight.
September 20, 2011 Social Security Disability Benefits for Claimants Diagnosed with Hepatitis Some individuals diagnosed with chronic hepatitis are unable to work and find the need to apply for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits. The Social Security Administration (SSA) considers Hepatitis under Section 5.00, Digestive System in the “Listing of Impairments.” The specific listing for Hepatitis is found under Section 5.05 Chronic Liver Disease and to meet this listing for purposes of qualifying for disability benefits, your medical records must indicate one of the following: - Esophageal, gastric, or ectopic varices with a documented history of massive hemorrhaging as a result; or - Having had a shunt operation due to esophageal varices; or - Pathologic fluid collection in the abdomen for three (3) months or more that has required removal of such fluid or hypoalbuminemia; or - Hepatic Encephalopathy; or - High levels (2.5 mg per 100 ml. or more) of bilirubin in the blood on repeat exams for at least three (3) months; or - Confirmed diagnosis of chronic liver disease with ascites as mentioned in #3 above, or with serum bilirubin levels as mentioned in #5 above, or with inflammation of the liver or cellular death of tissue within the liver for at least three (3) months. This is demonstrated by a blood test showing abnormal prothrombin time (a measure of how long it takes blood to clot) as well as blood tests indicating abnormal levels of other liver enzymes. Disability claimants must also have a medical diagnosis of Hepatitis which is supported by a liver biopsy in addition to documenting the above requirements. Indiana individuals who are unable to meet this listing based on the above information, may still file for disability benefits in the form of a medical vocational allowance. You may be considered for this medical vocational allowance if your symptoms are severe enough that you are unable to function at work and your condition is not expected to improve for a period of not less than twelve (12) months, even with medical treatment. If you are disabled because of Hepatitis that is so severe that it prevents you from working, you may be entitled to disability benefits. Individuals may benefit to work closely with their medical provider and a qualified Social Security disability lawyer or representative to obtain the appropriate medical documentation to support their disability claim in front of an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ). So remember, you may be able to win your SSDI or SSI claim even if you do not meet or equal the above mentioned criteria for individuals with chronic liver disease. Social Security disability benefits amay be based upon an individual’s residual functional capacity. Therefore, if your hepatitis has prevented you from performing substantial gainful work activity for the past twelve months or you expect that it will prevent you from work activity for twelve months or more, your condition may be severe enough to be approved for disability benefits. Indianapolis Social Security disability attorney Scott D. Lewis is an experienced lawyer who represents individuals with their SSDI or SSI claim. Disability lawyer Scott Lewis offers a free case evaluation to individuals seeking disability benefits. If you are disabled and would like a free consultation regarding your disability claim, call (317) 423-8888 to speak to Mr. Lewis or his staff. Call today!
Back when radio was much, much bigger than it is today (sorry, Rob), if you were releasing a film of any kind, you were faced with a dilemma. A huge arena for promoting your film was radio–but how do you promote something that’s primarily a visual experience with just audio? Especially if you’ve got a horror movie coming out–which is, genre-wise, even more visual than most? Answer: you do a radio spot. And you do it…badly. Let’s look at some examples. First up, The Amityville Horror from 1979…a few from this film. One thing you’ll notice in all of these is a great deal of repetition. That’s if you have something worth repeating. And “Get Out!” is definitely worth repeating. But that’s a more…mainstream, respectable sort of horror film. The sort of radio spots I adore are ones like this for Werewolves on Wheels from 1971. I know, right? Did you even know you wanted to see a motorcycle horror film before you heard that last promo? Probably not. But seriously, open with a scream and then “Hey, horror fans!” That is priceless. Next, we answer the question…what if you don’t have snappy patter like that? What do you fall back on? The answer is obvious: Creepy Sounding Voiceover Guy(TM). And if you want to fill time, repeat the title. What if you have even less, though? The answer? Go Creepier(TM) and throw three films together…in a thirty-second spot! Oh, man. Those were the days. And like the 45 up top…you can find these hanging out on eBay from time to time. And, obviously, YouTube. If you have any favorites, share them in the comments. (I couldn’t find any of Mel Brooks‘ Young Frankenstein radio spots…they are classic. “Young Frankenstein! In black…and white! No offense. Rated PG.” And such. Oh, and just because we can…one of the best ever: Richard O’Brien threatens you to go see his movie.
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Year Ending Media Circle Jerking Time If there's a single most valuable commodity in the entertainment industry is positive hype. You could film 22 minutes of an old man sleeping in a recliner and still make a smash hit TV series if your commercials are good and you get some critics to rave about it. The secret of this is that positive hype is actually reciprocal. A critic who raves about NBC's new sleeper comedy hit "Immobile Box Full of Crayons" will actually receive publicity just by getting quoted in TV and print promos. Do it enough and he'll find himself getting asked to make guest appearances on morning news shows, drooling incoherently over the latest incoherent drool to come out of Burbank. Before he knows it this will lead to having a job writing script treatments for one of the network sweatshops. It isn't just TV either; the music, movie and especially gaming industry all survive and prosper in part thanks to the efforts and adoration of the press. So I figure I better get in on this dog and pony show. For far too long I remained aloof from this sort of rat race. I've decided instead to tear down all of the things that I wasn't talented - or whatever the opposite of lazy is - enough to accomplish myself. That era is coming to an end. I'm hitching my wagon for that wild ride to super stardom and I intend to spend the entirety of this update heaping praise on everything from Danny Bonaduce to Hannah Montana. Since I've been neglecting these duties for so long, I hereby authorize any media outlet to apply the quotes in this article to their movie, music, book, game, or TV show. I will leave them intentionally vague so they should suit your purposes well. The only distinction I will make is to separate them by the type of media they should apply to. Don't worry! If you find a quote in the TV section that you would like to use on the jacket of an Oprah book club novel about a transvestite surviving breast cancer, feel free. I aim to please. "[Film Title] is a tour de force unparalleled in our time. Even eight thousand years from now the hyper-evolved future humans will look back on [Film Title] and wonder how their primitive forebears created such a masterwork." "It's a good thing tickets to this movie are only nine bucks where I live, because I would be willing to kill children indiscriminately just to see the first ten minutes again." "Emotionally wrenching, haunting, and hilarious. Watching this movie is like living the entirety of your life, only with more stunning CGI effects and the incomparable Ben Affleck." "The ultimate date movie! This film doesn't just get you laid; it actually makes tender love to you on the sticky floor of the theater." "A triumph of the human spirit over our robotic oppressors." "Will Smith is the greatest action hero alive today. His intricately crafted "Aw Hell Naw" takes a keen mind to unravel, and you will be thrilled the whole way!" "[Director's Name] has done it again with [Film Title]. I haven't loved the medium this much since I mistook a pile of film reels in a dark projection room for a coiled prostitute." "[Film Title] helped me realize why America is so great and the terrorists will never win. They just hate us for our freedom." "Many simpletons would mistake [Film Title] for more elitist art house crap that makes about as much sense as installing break lights on a bowling ball, but the truth is it's a journey of the imagination through a surreal dreamscape that speaks directly to the existential soul that unites us all in our collective triumphs and tribulations." "Who knew that Ed Asner had the voice of a songbird?! Newsflash: he does, and it's a falsetto that will make you weak in the joints." "Forget oxygen, forget water, [Book Title] is all you'll need to survive this year." "[Book Title] is the best historical fiction about Abraham Lincoln killing Julius Caesar that I have ever read. It's even better than 'Ides of the South: How Lincoln Burned Rome'." "A clone made from the recombinant DNA of William Shakespeare and James Joyce could not write a more thought provoking book on maintenance of the Toyota Camry 95-99 than [Author's Name]." "[Author's Name]'s witty observations serve the more serious tone of the rest of the material quite well and help to keep the reader riveted to the page-turning studies of blood diseases in livestock." "I never knew just how much [Loose Political Alliance] hated America until [Author's Name] managed to clear things up with several anecdotes, a few facts taken out of context, and thousands of baseless accusations. The most amazing part was all of the exhaustive research that the author selectively quoted to emphasize the correctness of his viewpoint." "If you have one ounce of love for the smash hit series 'Fish Police' in your marrow, then you'll share my adoration for [Show Title]." "Get ready to ice up your funny bone, because [Show Title] is going to give it a serious workout! Who could have guessed that real life crime scene photos could be so hilarious?" "[Network Name] has a hit on their hands with [Show Title]. This original and biting commentary on the social interactions of three male and three female friends is sure to leave America in the best kind of stitches. My favorite character is [ditzy blond], will her antics ever cease?!" "[Show Title] proves that reality TV still has some life left in it. I was amazed with the attention to detail during the Revolutionary War segment where they were forced to drink vintage British tea out of a boiled hog uterus." "[Show Title] is an engrossing drama of a genius and complexity not seen since Fox's powerhouse programming duo 'Farts Across America' and 'Ass Helicopter'." "[Lead Actress] makes a stunning debut as the titular character in [Show Title]. It's heartwarming to know that a sassy and incredibly attractive single mom with a mysteriously huge apartment and vague parental duties can still get by in this crazy workaday world we live in." "I enjoy listening to songs about things that happen to people that wear cowboy hats and [Yokel's Album Title] is an example of the best the genre has to offer. Packed to the ten-gallon brim with twangy homespun tales told in halting song form, this compilation of greatest hits is just what the only doctor in town ordered." "In the overcrowded genre of barely-legal gyrating female pop stars who sing childishly about their shallow relationships, [Artist's Name] really distinguishes herself by wearing the shortest and tightest hot pants in the industry." "Hip-hop has a new hero, and his name is [Artist's Name]! With unassailable street cred and more ice on his body than a Cro-Magnon man frozen in a glacier [Artist's Name]'s new album [Album Title] is sure to please." "Whoever claims rock is dead hasn't listened to [Album Title], the latest release from numetal thrashers [Artist's Name]. This blazing mix of techno, rap, and rock fuses Baltimora with Biz Markie and proves that their styles should have been married long ago." "I have not ejaculated this much playing a game since an Operation Wolf stand up overturned onto my groin." "The [latest graphical buzz feature] in this game is so intense that it not only rendered me sterile, it rendered my unborn grandchildren sterile." "[Game Title] combines the best elements of 'Pool of Radiance' and 'Ken's Labyrinth' to create a game that's much more than the sum of its parts. Think 'Lara Croft's Populous II'." "This series continues to deliver and the intense action will leave you out of breath. This ain't your grand pappy's Kasparov Teaches Chess." "[Developer] can do no wrong in my book, but [Game Title] exceeds even my great expectations. The CD smells like delicious donuts and just viewing the autorun caused shivers of ecstasy to race up and down my spine. The installation was pure bliss and my first five minutes of actually playing [Game Title] forced me to lie down lest I be overcome by a case of the vapors." My obligations to the entertainment industry fulfilled for the year, I will once again be returning to my normal cynical content. Look forward to more pointless rambling in the year to come!
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (TSU News Service) – Tennessee State University rounded out its 2016 Homecoming with nearly $400,000 in donations for scholarships, and a resounding football victory before more than 20,000 fans at Nissan Stadium Oct. 15. At the university’s annual Scholarship Gala at Gaylord Opryland Resort the night before, the Tennessee Titans presented university officials with a check for $150,000 as a scholarship endowment. TSU and the Titans have been partners since 1998, when the football team moved to Nashville. At the time, TSU offered its campus to the team as a training camp. The two have a lease agreement that allows TSU to play all or some of its home games at the Titans’ stadium. “We sincerely appreciate this partnership with the wonderful Tennessee Titans,’’ said TSU President Glenda Glover. “It’s moments like this that make the banquet worthwhile. I want to thank Titans ownership and the foundation, as we continue to enhance this partnership that’s equally as beneficial to the Titans and TSU.” During the halftime show of the football game at Nissan Stadium, a number of alumni and supporters made financial donations to support students at their alma mater. The Class of ’66, in celebrating their 50th year reunion, donated $121,401, the most in reunion giving. Audrey Strafford and Melissa Lewis made the presentation on behalf of their class. Bud Reese, a longtime financial supporter, presented a check for $100,000 on behalf of his R. Reese and CMI Charitable Funds Scholarship in support of students from Memphis majoring in social work and those overcoming developmental disabilities. Other contributions from the Scholarship Gala pushed the total to nearly $400,000. TSU also recognized alums Alfred and Rosa Coleman for being inducted into the exclusive “1912 Club,” for surpassing half a million dollars in lifetime giving to the TSU Foundation. The Coleman’s are the first to be inducted into the club. Also making a special appearance at the game to thunderous applause was 101-year-old alumna Bernece Walker Brunson, a member of the Alumni Cheerleading Squad. Brunson, a 1935 graduate and co-grand marshal of the Homecoming parade, was a member of the then-Tennessee A&I State College cheerleading team from 1934-1935. There was also a pause at the beginning of halftime to have a moment of silence for legendary track and field coach Ed Temple, who died Sept. 22 at age 89. Coach Temple’s life was highlighted with giant-sized images of him on the two massive jumbotron screens at the stadium. Earlier that day, President Glover led thousands — including Nashville Mayor Megan Barry, U.S. Congressman Jim Cooper, other officials and TSU fans — along Jefferson Street in the annual parade that ended on the main campus. Numerous floats, businesses, and visiting school bands led by the famed TSU Aristocrat of Bands and the Mr. TSU and Miss TSU Court, entertained parade goers along the route. Jefferson Street businesswoman and TSU graduate Martha Lupai was elated by the turnout at this year’s Homecoming, whose theme was “celebrating a legacy of pride and progress.” “It is just so heartwarming to see this king of outpouring for this university,” said Lupai, owner of S&E African Hair Braiding, which raises funds for scholarships. “This really is an indication of TSU’s overwhelming impact not only on the Nashville community, but the nation.” At the football game, the TSU Tigers (5-1), defeated Ohio Valley Conference rival Eastern Kentucky 35-28. Next up for TSU is a road game at Southeastern Conference opponent Vanderbilt on Saturday, Oct. 22, in a game that will air on ESPNU. Department of Media Relations Tennessee State University 3500 John Merritt Boulevard Nashville, Tennessee 37209 About Tennessee State University With more than 9,000 students, Tennessee State University is Nashville’s only public university, and is a comprehensive, urban, co-educational, land-grant university offering 38 undergraduate, 25 graduate and seven doctoral programs. TSU has earned a top 20 ranking for Historically Black Colleges and Universities according to U.S. News and World Report, and rated as one of the top universities in the country by Washington Monthly for social mobility, research and community service. Founded in 1912, Tennessee State University celebrated 100 years in Nashville during 2012. Visit the University online at tnstate.edu.
This past week, I worked on translating J.-H. Rosny’s classic ancient alien story Les Xipéhuz (1887) from French to English. Well, technically Rosny doesn’t call the mysterious entities aliens, though for all practical purposes they are. Although they story has been translated three times before (in 1968, 1978, and 2011), none of these translations is available in its entirety online. If you didn’t see it in my Twitter feed or my newsletter, here’s the link to my translation. Rosny’s story is a masterpiece; it anticipates both the war motif of H. G. Wells’ War of the Worlds as well as the incomprehensible otherness and prehistoric arrival of the Old Ones in H. P. Lovecraft. So far as I know, however, neither Wells nor Lovecraft read Les Xipéhuz. The Theosophists, reading the story in 1903, thought that Rosny had channeled Theosophical truths about ancient aliens from the astral plane. The astral plane also appears to be where Scott Alan Roberts has his head these days. Roberts is the former editor of the TAPS Paranormal Magazine, the “official” publication of SyFy’s Ghost Hunters. However, Roberts has branched out from ghosts to ancient aliens. Attentive readers will recall that Roberts participated in a “debate” with PZ Meyers in July in which he claimed that he could not remember any of the “evidence” for his belief that the Bible was full of ancient astronauts and therefore wished to talk only of philosophy and theory. Well, Roberts is now promoting his newest book, The Secret History of the Reptilians. According to the description he gave the New Richmond News, his central claim is both breathtakingly stupid and recycled from a long list of earlier writers. Roberts, borrowing from David Icke, believes (well, that’s a strong word for someone whose ideas fluctuate with his sales figures) that there is a race of reptile-people who are secretly running the world and who have been in charge since ancient times, when they were worshiped as snake-gods like Quetzalcoatl. This idea is not unique to Roberts, or even Icke, who presented it in The Biggest Secret (1999) and has been cashing in on it ever since. Icke was making literal a wild speculation William Bramley had put forward a decade earlier. In his Gods of Eden (1990), Bramley had claimed that a world-controlling cult of extraterrestrials and their descendants, which he called the Brotherhood of the Snake, had used serpents as their divine/alien symbol. Thus, the universality of snake worship was evidence of universal alien influence. Icke simply refined the message to make the snakes themselves the aliens. This was, perhaps, slightly better than the white supremacist group who used Bramley’s theory to conclude that the cult was made up of Jews who secretly ran the world. But Bramley was far from original. His speculation merely applied aliens to a pre-existing nineteenth century pseudo-theory of universal serpent worship (then called ophiolatreia) which claimed to trace this global belief back to a single origin. This origin wasn’t aliens but rather the penis since the snake, to their repressed minds, looked like a penis. This was the theory of the Rosicrucian occultist and author Hargrave Jennings, and it is his book Ophiolatreia (1889)—published anonymously and never absolutely confirmed as his—that contains most of the evidence Bramley, Icke, and Roberts draw from in creating their reptilian fantasies. Jennings gathered together serpent cults from around the world, collected their myths and legends, and declared them all related—and all penises. There is one other source for the reptilians worthy of note: Theosophy. According to Theosophists and Rudolph Steiner, the third “root race,” which lived in ancient Lemuria, coexisted with dinosaurs, reproduced by laying eggs, and combined a dark-skinned human shape with reptilian characteristics. This root race interacted with aliens from Mars. (Of course they did.) They survived as the “darkest” races of the earth, the ones Theosophists considered especially stupid, like the Aborigines of Australia and the peoples of the Congo. The Theosophists, you will recall, also believed that science fiction was a racial memory of the extraterrestrial history of the early earth. This brings us full circle back to the Rosny’s Xipéhuz, those luminous geometric forms that interacted with Stone Age man. These creatures were much more original and interesting than the Reptilians and predated the 1888 invention of the Third Root Race in Helena Blavatsky’s Secret Doctrine by a year. So, Roberts is not original. What else does he have to offer? Incoherent sentences that I struggle to understand, apparently: The “buildings” of our mythologies? Does that mean the story construction of mythology, or does it refer to places like Odin’s Valhalla or Yam’s undersea palace? I was amazed at how incoherent Roberts, a talk radio host—a communication professional, sounded in his New Richmond News interview. So that’s not his contribution. His contribution is a symposium he’s hosting October 18-21 in Minneapolis. He’s thrilled that “icons” of ancient astronautics, including Erich von Däniken (“the first in modern pop culture that brought the ancient astronaut theory in front of us”), Giorgio Tsoukalos, Philip Coppens, Nick Redfern, and Georgy Noory will be sitting on panels and addressing adoring crowds. A fellow billing himself as “Dr.” John Ward will speak, too. He claims a doctorate in archaeology, but by his own admission it’s an “honorary” degree bestowed by a British Knights Templar fan club! (He also claims the club, a fraternal order, is "affiliated" with the Vatican, who in turn recognize his "degree," but there is no evidence of this, and the group makes no such claim in their promotional materials. It would be a challenge, anyway, since the modern club isn't Catholic and is open to any old heathen, for free even!) I predict these speakers will average a ratio of one fact to four fabrications, though this may be generous. And how much does this number cost? Tickets range from $229 to $449, though active duty military members can receive discounts of $50-150. Prices do not include airfare, hotel rooms, or most meals. “It’s already being hailed as the event of a lifetime,” Roberts told the New Richmond News. “The grouping of these people together is unheard of. It’s going to be pretty amazing.” Right. Unheard of. Except for on Ancient Aliens and at almost every single ancient astronaut convention for the past five years. They really ought to form a touring company, like the Kings of Comedy, and do a road show. Then, perhaps, their bus would plunge off a cliff. I'm an author and editor who has published on a range of topics, including archaeology, science, and horror fiction. There's more about me in the About Jason tab. Enter your email below to subscribe to my newsletter, The Skeptical Xenoarchaeologist, for updates on my latest projects, blog posts, and activities. Terms & Conditions Please read all applicable terms and conditions before posting a comment on this blog. Posting a comment constitutes your agreement to abide by the terms and conditions linked herein.
List your CSA with the Irish Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Network The common ground definition of CSA or Community Supported Agriculture, available in the "Overview of CSA in Europe" report written in 2015 is: "CSA is a direct partnership between a group of consumers and one or several producers whereby the risks, responsibilities and rewards of farming activities are shared, through long-term formal or informal shared agreement. Generally operating on a small scale, CSAs aim at providing quality food produced in an agroecological way". This questionnaire is taken from the 'Overview of CSA in Europe' report. Information provided in this form will be used to validate membership of the CSA Network of Ireland. We may share this information for research purposes and are working on the structures of the network which will ensure that mis-use of data does not occur. The documents referenced are available on our website: What is the name of your CSA? What is the address of your CSA/farm? Who is the contact person? Please give full name, email address, telephone number. This person will act as the representative of your farm in the network, the coordinator will feed information up and down to all the reps from the member farms. Have you read the following documents? These documents are available to download from European CSA Declaration Food Sovereignty Proclamation of Ireland Ten principles of Teikei Nyeleni Declaration of the international forum for agroecology (2015) What year was your CSA set up? Who originally came up with the idea to start your CSA? How many members / shares do you have? How many eaters do you feed? (including children) What elements of the CSA definition apply to your initiative? A direct partnership Shared responsibilities of farming activities Shared rewards of farming activities Long term agreement Formal or informal agreement Aiming at providing quality food Production in an agroecological way What type of produce does your CSA supply? How is your food produced? Organic methods but not certified What distribution methods to you use for your produce? Pick up at farm What type of agreement does your CSA have between farmers and members Who owns the land on which you produce food for the CSA? Owned by farmer Owned by CSA Rented by farmer Rented by CSA Part rented and part owned by farmer part rented and part owned by CSA Part rented and part owned by CSA and farmer What is the total area of your farm? What is the total area in use for the products of CSA? Who works on the farm? farmer and his/her family Is your producer employed by your CSA? Does 100% of your farmer's income come from CSA? If not, what are other sources of income? other distribution channels other job / employment What percentage of your farmer's income comes from the CSA? How are members involved with the CSA? helping to grow produce helping to pack or deliver produce administration / organisation attending open days / social events exchange of recipes investing money in the farm Send me a copy of my responses. Page 1 of 1 Never submit passwords through Google Forms. This content is neither created nor endorsed by Google. Terms of Service
A Note about Technology in my Course This semester, I’ll be asking you to learn to use technologies that may be new to you. This course is obviously not taught entirely in Blackboard. There is a specific reason for that: I believe in helping my students build “interface literacy” which is a skill that you will need in the professional world, regardless of your major. If you find this uncomfortable, you may need to chat with me about other courses you can take that are not as technologically demanding. This week is largely about getting to know the digital spaces where this course will be taking place. You’ll notice that you only have access to this week’s lesson…I will open up each week as we go along. Each week will look similar to this one. Pay attention to the assignments at the bottom. They are due on the deadline at midnight. - Set up a Pinterest account (if you don’t already have one) and - Get an Adobe Creative Cloud account (use the “free trial” first and then the total cost for the semester should only be around $40). - Practice submitting assignments in Google Classroom. - Introduce yourself in Slack in the #common-area channel and get to know the other students in this course. We will be using this chat space to do most of our talking this semester, so get comfortable with it. Please use your @alaska.edu account when signing up for Slack! - Download the Adobe Creative Cloud mobile apps if you have a mobile device. These apps are pretty easy to use and can make homework a little easier if you’re not always at your computer. - Get yourself a Wacom Intuous drawing and graphics tablet if you’re serious about art (this is not required). The students who were able to purchase this had a much easier time than those who were working solely with a mouse. They’re relatively cheap ($80) and you’ll be glad you have it. Personally, I invested in an iPad Pro a few years ago and have loved every minute of it, but I know that’s out of the price range of most students. - Ask me questions. I’m a real artist and a real person who lives in Fairbanks and works on the UAF campus. It’s easy to contact me and I’m happy to meet with you on campus if you need one-on-one assistance with any of the Adobe products. I’m happy to meet with you via Google Hangouts or other video-chat if you don’t live here or can’t get to campus. *Note: I’ve done my best to update things for this semester, but if you notice anything odd that seems to refer to last semester, please let me know. A photo of me at a solo exhibit at Well Street Art Co. in Fairbanks, AK. August, 2017. Each week, I’ll provide instructional videos. WATCH THEM. Watch the Adobe Creative Cloud channel’s videos on getting started in Photoshop if you’ve never worked with it before. Other resources for learning how to use Photoshop are below. KQED Arts’ “Elements of Art” These videos are pretty amazing. Watch all 7 in the series to really get a jump start of fundamental design principles. Each week I’ll provide a number of things for you to read that will help you understand certain fundamentals in 2D design. But we’re starting off easy this week, so I’ve provided a series of infographics that will help you understand the different kinds of filetypes we’ll be working with. I’ve also included a PDF that covers basic concepts in 2D design. Click on the “+” icon for each of the titles below to see the large infographic. Make sure you understand what the differences are between, for example, an .svg file and a .png. You also need to know the difference between vector and raster graphics. Principles of Design Via the J. Paul Getty Museum. This is a downloadable PDF. I’ve included the content below as well. Principles of Design “The principles of design describe the ways that artists use the elements of art in a work of art. Balance is the distribution of the visual weight of objects, colors, texture, and space. If the design was a scale, these elements should be balanced to make a design feel stable. In symmetrical balance, the elements used on one side of the design are similar to those on the other side; in asymmetrical balance, the sides are different but still look balanced. In radial balance, the elements are arranged around a central point and may be similar. Emphasis is the part of the design that catches the viewer’s attention. Usually the artist will make one area stand out by contrasting it with other areas. The area could be different in size, color, texture, shape, etc. Movement is the path the viewer’s eye takes through the work of art, often to focal areas. Such movement can be directed along lines, edges, shape, and color within the work of art. Pattern is the repeating of an object or symbol all over the work of art. Repetition works with pattern to make the work of art seem active. The repetition of elements of design creates unity within the work of art. Proportion is the feeling of unity created when all parts (sizes, amounts, or number) relate well with each other. When drawing the human figure, proportion can refer to the size of the head compared to the rest of the body. Rhythm is created when one or more elements of design are used repeatedly to create a feeling of organized movement. Rhythm creates a mood like music or dancing. To keep rhythm exciting and active, variety is essential. Variety is the use of several elements of design to hold the viewer’s attention and to guide the viewer’s eye through and around the work of art. Unity is the feeling of harmony between all parts of the work of art, which creates a sense of completeness.” via The J. Paul Getty Museum at the Getty Center Each week, there are three kinds of assignments you should turn in: 1) A Pinterest Board, 2) An Emulate & Create Submission, and 3) Slack Contributions. 1: Submit Your Pinterest Link Each week you’ll create a Pinterest Board and identify at least 20 images that exemplify the concept being covered that week. It’s important that you’re able to find images that exemplify certain 2D design concepts. You must link to the original source (as original as you can find) for each pin and you should provide context and an explanation of why you think each image is illustrative of that week’s concept. Put this explanation in the notes field of each pin. 1-2 sentences will suffice. The original artist must be identified. ⊕ For this week, create a Pinterest account and then a Board called “Inspiration” and add 20 images to that board using the guidelines above. Add your link to the submission form below. See my Pinterest board on “Figure and Ground” for an example: https://www.pinterest.com/madaramason/figure-and-ground/. 2: Emulate and Create Each week you’ll be copying (emulating) other artists. It’s important that you begin to develop both an understanding of other artists’ processes as well as your own and how to distinguish between the two. Copying other artists is a time-honored tradition. These exercises will be referred to as “Emulations” and you should always credit the original artist. For this week, find an artist whose work you enjoy and do a quick sketch of the work either in Photoshop, Illustrator (if you know how to use them already) or on paper and then photograph the sketch. This sketch doesn’t have to be “good” I’m really just testing your ability to upload the images. Create your own artwork as a digital piece or on traditional paper media and upload the image using the form below. To the right is a digital drawing I did as an example of the Emulate assignment using the iPad Pro and an app called Procreate. The bull is taken directly from a drawing by Picasso that I traced in order to better understand how he does what he does. 3: Share and Discuss in Slack Expectations: Just get into Slack and talk about art! Share images, links, and anything else you find interesting! Talk to your fellow students.
By Kennedy Shelley The top two selling arthritis pain creams generated over a quarter of a billion in sales last year. Is this money down the drain? Is the stuff doing any good, or is it making you smell like the people who reeked of BenGay you used to stay away from when you were younger? And what about the new CBD oils that they say will help? Harvard Health says that rub on pain relief does have some real advantages over pills. Most pills tend to irritate the stomach and may interfere with other important functions, even over the counter medicines do have some side effects. Topical anti-inflammation can go through the skin and actually get into the joint. That means that you don’t have to get ibuprofen and other drugs going through your entire body just to get your knee or hands to quit aching. Topical analgesics seem to work best on joints such as elbows, knees as well as feet and hands. So instead of taking aspirin, naproxen, or ibuprofen putting it where it hurts makes a great deal of sense and the science seems to back up the use of topical nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). And the science backs this up. The best evidence comes from the Cochran Review which looked at all the known studies and they showed that topical prescription NSAIDs did as well as taking the pill form. The only problem with using topicals seems to be occasional skin irritation and people not washing it off their hands after they put it where it hurts. Also, there are people who want to double-dip, that is they take the pills and apply a topical analgesic and that can produce problems associated with overdosing, which means this type of action will be especially tough on the liver. You might have a tough time getting a rub-on cream of your specific NSAIDs but look and see if there is a compounding pharmacy near you that can do it for you. DOES CBD WORK? In 2017, in the journal Pain, scientists published the first study of people who were using CBD on early arthritis pain and they found that indeed, CBD was an effective anti-inflammatory. Unlike NSAIDs, it helped not only with the pain and inflammation but also protected the nerve cells. CBD’s are made from hemp and while some are concerned that it will make them loopy, this medication does not contain any mind-altering chemicals, unlike its plant cousin marijuana. It has been safe for general use and the National Institute on Drug Abuse can’t find any problems with it and can’t see how it could be addictive. So now there are some good alternatives to taking non-stop pills for arthritis pain. Put the medicine where the pain is may be a great way to avoid some of the complications of taking more medicine that goes everywhere and just stays focused where it is needed.
Investigating Care Facilities If you’re researching a good place to take care of yourself, your parents, or grandparents, here a couple tools to check out. Each of these include reports of abuse and neglect in Oregon’s nursing homes. Some reports are on the Oregonian’s site and not the DHS site, so it’s important to check both. - Life Insurance Finder Tool for Oregonians: https://www4.cbs.state.or.us/exs/ins/lift/ - The Oregonian’s Senior Care Complaints database: https://projects.oregonlive. - The Oregon Department of Human Services facility search: https://ltclicensing.oregon. Consumer safety websites - DOJ’s Oregon Consumer Protection: https://www.doj.state.or.us/consumer-protection/ - Oregon Life Insurance Search: https://www4.cbs.state.or.us/exs/ins/lift/ - US Consumer Product Safety Commission: http://www.cpsc.gov/ - Brain Injury Association of Oregon: http://www.biaoregon.org/ - National Safe Kids Campaign: http://www.safekids.org/ - National Patient Safety Foundation: http://www.npsf.org/ Sexual Assault Resources - Jackson County Sexual Assault Response Team: 541-840-0904, www.jacksoncountysart.org - Medford Based Community Works: http://www.community-works.org/ - Klamath County Crisis Center: http://www.klamathcrisiscenter.org/ - Oregon Sexual Assault Task Force: http://oregonsatf.org/help-for-survivors/ - OAASIS (Oregon Abuse Advocates & Survivors in Service: http://oaasisoregon.org/ - Oregon Department of Justice: https://www.doj.state.or.us/crime-victims/victims-resources/other-resources/rape-and-sexual-assault/ - National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-4673 - RAINN (Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network): 800-656-4673, www.rainn.org (online chat available) - 1in6 (support group for male survivors of sexual abuse): www.1in6.org (online chat and support groups available) - American Psychological Association, Understanding and Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect: http://www.apa.org/pubs/info/brochures/sex-abuse.aspx Help with Medical Bills - Oregon Health Plan Application: https://www.oregon.gov/oha/HSD/OHP/Pages/Apply.aspx. It is worth contacting them and checking if you qualify. - Well States Healthcare: http://www.wshcgroup.com/ - HealthCare.gov helps find insurance options, compare care options, and learn about prevention. - Local VA Offices (https://www.southernoregon.va.gov/) offer programs designed to help veterans. These offices can provide an invaluable community for veterans and their ability to understand military benefits is very helpful. - Eldercare Locator information specialists put you in contact with resources and programs for seniors. - State Children’s Health Insurance Programs (SCHIP) help insure children of working families who cannot afford health insurance or don’t get it through their work. - Benefits.gov allows you to complete a confidential questionnaire and receive a list of programs that may help. - Local Social Security Administration (SSA) offices help those on Social Security and Medicare. You may also call the SSA at 1-800-772-1213. - Team Senior (www.teamsenior.org) is a referral service in southern Oregon that offers free assistance with selecting local long-term care options. - Oregon Revised Statutes: https://www.oregonlaws.org/ - Oregon Administrative Rules: http://arcweb.sos.state.or.us/banners/rules.htm - County Regulations - Oregon Court of Appeals and Supreme Court Decisions: http://www.publications.ojd.state.or.us/appeals.htm - Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals: https://www.ca9.uscourts.gov/?OpenView&Start=1&Count=100&Expand=1.1 County Courthouse websites - Jackson: http://courts.oregon.gov/Jackson/ - Josephine: http://courts.oregon.gov/Josephine/ - Klamath: http://courts.oregon.gov/Klamath/ - Medford Federal Courthouse: http://www.ord.uscourts.gov/index.php?Itemid=270 Oregon State Bar: www.osbar.org
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Longnan Communication Equipment Co.,Ltd.is located in Cixi Ningbo china,which is in the south of Hongzhou bay and on the west of Ningbo Downtown.It is less than 150km from Hangzhou and about 70km from Ningbo Ariport,which makes the transportation more convenient.We have about 260 employees and the company covers the area with over 5000 square meters. Since the company was founded in 1995,it has been pursuing the service aim of"Quality the first ,credit the highest". With the spirit of bringing forth the new ideas and dealing with concrete matter relation to work,we have kept developing new products and promoting them .As a result, the company has been growing up rapidly. Barcclays India Labs Pvt. Ltd is a Nutraceutical firm marketing Health drinks in the form of powder to be mixed with milk and consumed. You may visit our website http://***** to know more about the firm.We are interested in introducing our brands throughout the globe. We invite trade enquiries from reputed Pharma / Nutraceutical companies interested in marketing statewise and countrywise. is a professional manufacturing and trading company of all types of chemical products, integrating development and production together.Our main products include formic acid,sodium formate,acetic acid and related products. Our factory was established in 1992, Located in the capital of Hebei-Shijiazhuang, we enjoy convenient water ,land and air transportation. Our company have more than 50 workers .through the efforts of our entire staff, we are at the top of the manufacturer for formic acid. Bossory people have continuously tried to improve product quality, introducing advanced condensate technology,effectively control the quality and concentration of the products. Currently,Our annual production capability is 200 thousand tons ,which have already been exported to France, Australia, Thailand,Korea and 20 other countries and regions. Our company has always focused on research, development and innovation, and has recently developed more fine quality products. Bossory regards reasonable... factory locates in shanxi province, which is one of the leading manufacturers in China for the above three products and the manufacturer who passed industry product production permit approval.Our main products are Titanium Dioxide, Lithopone and Iron Oxide Dear Sir, I wish to introduce my company POPLON CHEMIE ***** as an ISO certified company and we manufacture complete range of wet-end leather chemicals and Leather Dyes . Our products are as follows: Beam house Auxiliaries Syntans Vegetable extracts ( Mimosa , Quebracho , Tara , Gambier , Chestnut , Myrobulum extract etc. ) Fat liquors Leather Dyes Our factories are located at Amritsar and Mumbai in India. We export our entire range of products regularly in bulk to several countries like Russia, South Korea, China , Indonesia, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Austria, Egypt, Morocco, Argentina, Syria, England, Bangladesh, Ukraine, Germany, Italy etc. And we also produce material for all reputed companies around the world. Our products are well approved and very competitively priced. For syntans we import raw vegetable extracts such as Mimosa , Quebracho etc from South America and South Africa and do their sulphitation here in India and then export to several countries. We also have full ... vig leather co., ltd.we can make crust leather from any tannery and we control production.we make crust leather and finishing with our chemicals company chemicals.our chemicals company name VIGTEQNOS CO., LTD. Honest Group owns two subsidiaties: Weifang Minfly Industry CO.,LTD. Weifang Honest Imp.&Exp.CO.LTD We are a comprehensive comopany that integrated of production and trade. Our main products are Sodium sulfide and Sodium hydrosulfide(leather,dyeing,tanning,water treatment using ect..) We have been producing and exporting chemical materials for many years. Shanxi Yinchang Chemical Co.,LTD Founded in July 2003,Shanxi Yinchang Chemical Co.,LTD is a new chemical enterprise, with a total investment of 50 million yuan and staff members over 200, covering an area of 16.5 acres. Main products are Sulphur Black, Solubilised Sulphur Black, Sulkphur Blue and Sodium Thiosulphate, with annual output of 20000 tons of Sulphur Black,10000 tons of Sulphur Blue, 10000 tons of Sodium Thiosulphate. The annual value production reaches 200 million yuan. With an integration of science,industrial trade and information industry, the company has a group of advanced engineers and technicians and advanced production technology. It is one of the enterprises who meet the national Sulphur Black production standard and has first-class production equipments,advanced inspection and testing instruments. It decides output according to sales and orders. Yinchang products (Sulphur Black BR .B (200%), Sulphu... Sharp Biotech was founded in 2008 €“ 2009 and has been working with many groups and renowned names in Textile Chemicals & Auxiliaries, we are on panel list of Ministry of Textile NHDC LTD which supplies Dyes and Chemicals to various Export houses and Mills all over India & SURVIVAL IN TEXTILE PROCESSING Textile Processing has always been under pressure for sustainability cost, operating profits, margins, reprocessing cost and high fluctuating dyes cost, areas relating to make a process house or Mills profitable are highlighted where our company can be a solution provider كل الأسعار / المنتجات / ملفات الشركة / الصور ومحتويات أخرى يتم نشرها من قبل المستخدم ، لن تكون Tradekey مسؤولة عن أي محتوى من هذا القبيل. ومع ذلك ، تحترم Tradekey الملكية الفكرية أو حقوق الطبع والنشر أو العلامة التجارية أو الأسرار التجارية أو أي ملكية شخصية أخرى أو ملكية خاصة لطرف ثالث ، ونتوقع من الآخرين أن يكونوا قادرين على القيام بذلك. إذا كان لديك أسئلة، من فضلك تواصل معنا . 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After seeing the Commitment Time Management page on CSA’s website, senior Lesley Cordero sent this email to Dean Boyce to inform her about the issues with it. Here’s what she had to say. Dear Dean Boyce, As you probably know, the Center for Student Advising recently released this article on time management. I have some serious concerns about the content of this post that I want to share with you. To quickly summarize, they essentially recommend/outline ~50 hours of studying and~16 hours of class time, totaling to about 66 hours (mind you, this assumes only 15 credits, which as you know you literally cannot graduate with in SEAS). Ignoring the rest of the content momentarily, this expectation lacks thought or concern for your students. Previously, I believed administration was just unaware or doubted how much time we dedicate to classes and school work. Given this post, it’s evident that they are, in fact, aware, which is actually far more alarming. Why is this outrageous workload not being challenged? Aside from the ethical concerns of working students to such a high number of hours, compared to our peer institutions, we do not seem to outperform other institutions (two simple but powerful examples: number of Rhode Scholars here, number of Fulbright students here), so why is it that we’re working more? For reference, you can check this article on how Columbia students stay up later than all other universities. It’s also important to note that Columbia, not other Ivy League institutions or other top tier universities, had 7 suicides within a year’s time, likely as a result of some of the factors I review in this email. Furthermore, overworking isn’t an efficient or healthy strategy for producing good work, whether that be research, projects, or just general knowledge learned. In this publication on worker productivity, you’ll see that an increase in number of hours worked has diminishing returns. Here, you’ll also see research on the effects of chronic stress which include diminished health and psychological capacity. With all that said, I would also like to speak from own experience here at Columbia. I chose to attend a school like Columbia because I love being challenged. Learning, working on meaningful projects and work, excites me to no end, and I genuinely believed that Columbia would be the perfect place to spend my late teens and early twenties working to become my best young adult self. Columbia has given me so much — friends I genuinely love, countless academic and professional opportunities. But it has failed to cultivate the excitement I came in with as an ambitious and passionate first year. School and academia no longer carries the same positive, growth-driven mindset it once used to. Instead, I’ve grown to associate school with chronic stress, tiredness, and a culture that never seems to keep its student body at ease. I think this is particularly true for students of color, first generation/low-income students, and anyone whose identities this institution was not built to serve. As outlined in the post this email is about, those calculations are made with the “typical” student in mind, which tends to not be of color or low-income. To highlight some of the striking misguided calculations: 1. Medical appointments counting for free time is inconsiderate to students with disabilities, many of whom have to spend a large portion of that “free time” on appointments. I, for one, do as a student with a neurological disability. 2. Even on a very simple level, small things like hygiene and professional development are more time consuming for students of color, women, and FLIP students. As a woman of color, I face unique challenges in how the world perceives me. Other students might be able to get away with being unkept — for women and especially women of color, we’re far more scrutinized. 3. 65+ hours of class and work disregards the limitations students with disabilities might have. For many, working long hours is not plausible and even detrimental to their health. As someone with remaining symptoms from a head injury a few years ago, it’s a sacrifice to spend so much extra time on work. I do it because it’s essentially a requirement, but it’s a sacrifice — a sacrifice I would argue isn’t fair to students like me. 4. I’ve had to take up work-study throughout the majority of my time at Columbia, and 8 hours is often a conservative estimate for low income students. Additionally, when you’re on a budget, getting food cheaply (or through free venues) is time consuming. Underestimating those serious challenges fails to appreciate the hard work low-income students put into being a student at Columbia. There are countless other ways in which these calculations grossly misrepresent the experiences of many students at Columbia. However, I want to emphasize the danger of these misguided calculations. It’s not a matter of pointing out inaccuracies; rather, consider how this high demand workload affects its students and especially its disabled students and students of color. 9 hours a week of free time is not a number we should condone or be proud of. Now that this post has been released, however, it’s time to radically reconsider the ways we can improve our culture on campus. This means more than suggesting time management skills or having stress buster events. This means institutional change. This means reduced requirements. This means financial aid for 9 or 10 semesters for low-income students.This means more psychological health services. This means more administrative support and listening to students. I know you want the best Columbia possible. I do too, which is why I decided to reach out to you and share my thoughts and experiences on such an important challenge we’re facing as a community. Thank you for taking the time to read this email, and I hope to see a better Columbia soon. Note: Since this letter was written, Dean Valentini has claimed that this chart was not in fact recent but outdated, as reported by Bwog. As we have these conversations about stress culture and mental health, we think it is important to share some of the resources available on campus to members of the Columbia community: Counseling and Psychological Services – (212) 854-2878 Columbia Health – (212) 854-7426 Office of the University Chaplain – (212) 854-1493 Advising Deans – (212) 854-6378 Nightline – (212) 854-7777 If you’d like to respond to this piece / submit an op-ed to The Lion, please email firstname.lastname@example.org
Its more fun in the Philippines with Miss Universe Candidates From Island Hopping to Ethnic Fashion Show by MJ Racadio (Manila, Philippines) January 23, 2017. The heat is on not in Saigon but the beautiful candidates of Miss Universe, enjoying the beauty of the Philippines and getting-to-know the culture. The Department of Tourism slogan: Its more fun in the Philippines. Absolutely, the candidates experiencing the Filipino hospitality through island hopping including Boracay and Miss Universe Ecuador Connie Jiménez and Miss Universe Myanmar Htet Htet Htun Photo Credit: Miss Universe Official Website Cebu. From Baguio parade to Davao tapestry fashion show, which showcasing the talented designers leading by Iconic Renee Salud and made use of a special fabric from Mindanao. Aside from the designers, make-up artists also gave their contributions as part of the glam-team. Recently had an exclusive interview via e-mail with Myka Duro (International Make-up Artist). What is your reaction after you found out that you are part of Miss Universe Team in Davao for a fashion show?First of all, my Real Name is MARK DURO from Butuan City. My mentor Lolong Trillo, my family and friends who inspires me being a make-up artist. I felt blessed and thankful when i found out that im choosen as one of the 10 make -up artist here in Mindanao and part of Ms. Universe 2016 Mindanao Tapestry fashion show held in Davao. What is your advice to those who wants to follow your footsteps? My advice to the new aspirants is that, just continue what you have started and just love your craft or talent that God has given to us, trash insecurities it can’t help you to success, and respect yourself as you can gain respect from others, be kind, humble & down to earth always..TO GOD BE THE GLORY. Thank you Sir MJ Racadio for this amazing opportunity and experience.. God bless po. The beautiful women in the universe will be showcasing not just beauty, and intelligence but with a heart according to reigning Miss Universe 2015 Pia Wurtzbach. The preliminary competition will be held at the Mall of Asia Arena on Thursday, January 26, 2017 and live telecast on January 30, 8AM in the morning (Philippine Standard Time) and January 29, 7PM in the U.S via Fox. Miss Universe Official Website: http://missuniverse.com
Drain the Swamp WV has published a “No Dirty Gas Cash” pledge for candidates for the West Virginia legislature. Tell the candidates in the 2018 General Election that West Virginia voters demand political leaders whose campaigns are free from the big money influence of unconventional gas developers, and their lawyers, PACs, and lobbyists. It is time we send a strong message to the West Virginia political class that it is time to listen to the people. During the past legislative session, West Virginians saw the influence of dirty gas money in action– bills such as forced leasing got the fast track and passed with ease, while efforts to pay teachers and public employees their fair share stalled day after day, week after week. Attempts to fund PEIA by raising the gas severance tax were slapped down with contempt. And in the meantime, lobbyists for out-of-state gas companies oozed out of the swamp to suggest that pro-gas legislation would magically improve teachers’ lot in West Virginia. Industry spokespeople created this social media post implying forced leasing would be good for teachers. The money in the pockets of their politicians implied otherwise: whenever there was an opportunity to drastically increase funding for teachers and public employees, gas-bought politicians whittled potential gains away to nothing, or next to nothing. But we all know better than to fall for the industry spin. We know that the only successful amendment to fund PEIA– an amendment to the forced-leasing bill which will eventually take 50% of unlocateable co-tenants’ royalties (when a property is forced into gas development) to help cover the cost of public employees’ health insurance— is fundamentally unfair. Nobody thinks that stealing from property owners is a fair or intelligent solution to PEIA’s funding troubles. Greedy gas companies, their lobbyists, and their bought out politicians know that West Virginia can double or triple our gas severance tax and still remain competitive in our region. Meanwhile, the gas industry is rolling back the rules that protect us. In just the last few years, the gas industry won additional exemptions from environmental protections, were exempted from Aboveground Storage Tank rules that protect us from spills like the one that contaminated drinking water in Charleston in 2014, and overturned rules to limit noise and light pollution obstructing their neighbors at drilling sites. These big out-of-state drillers aren’t just shameless enough to buy your legislators’ loyalty. They aren’t simply looking out for number one. The gas industry and the spokespeople who serve it are getting in the way of what’s good and what’s right in our state’s governance. We need to get that dirty gas cash out of the process. Candidates for WV Senate and House of Delegates can show their commitment to the citizens of West Virginia by signing a pledge to refuse campaign donations from the gas industry. “I pledge to put the interests of the people of West Virginia and the constituents of my district first, and to be free of the influence of gas industry money. I will refuse contributions in cash or in kind from gas industry executives, their lawyers, lobbyists and PACs.” A list of all candidates who have signed the pledge is published here. Urge your candidates– our future elected officials— to take this pledge today.
Preanalytical validation and quality systems in biobanking – EATRIS Webinar series (4/6)Join event |Date & Time||December 17 2019, 14.00- 15.00 CET| - Monica Marchese (IBBL) - Andrea Wutte (BBMRI-ERIC) The increasing demand and use of high-quality samples and data place biobanks at the centre of basic and translational research. This webinar will give you an insight into the service portfolio of 2 renowned entities in the field, the Integrated BioBank of Luxembourg (IBBL) and BBMRI-ERIC. It will address the importance of preanalytical quality for biomarker validation and robustness and highlight the BBMRI-ERIC Quality Management Service (BBMRI.QM), designed to help biobanks and researchers meet the highest quality standards for their research and the needs of their clients. An interactive Q&A session will conclude this 60-minute-webinar. Reproducibility is a foundational element of the scientific method, a benchmark upon which the reliability of an experiment can be tested. However, the field is facing alarmingly high irreproducibility rates as illustrated in various industry publications, with reports ranging from 50% to 80% of published results not being reproducible. It has been estimated that in the US alone, $28B in funding is spent on preclinical research that is not reproducible. This estimation does not even consider the impact on delaying translational research and causing high failure rates observed for the development of new treatments. In this context, EATRIS will run a series of webinars this fall, looking at reproducibility issues experienced during specific phases of the drug development pipeline (screening, preclinical models, biomarker development & analytical platforms, clinical validation). The aim is to bring best practices together and to discuss solutions designed to tackle the identified bottlenecks. You will have the chance to get the latest updates from experts in the field as well as participate in a Q&A session at the end of the lecture. Please note that you will have the opportunity to watch again later as all webinars will be recorded.
When you think of hockey players, you think of toughness. It takes hard work in the off-season to develop the toughness and strength you need to play such an intense sport. A lot of toughness is mental. But to play tough, your body needs to be durable. And that's where sport-specific training comes into play. Important modifications need to be made to hockey training programs, both to improve performance and to keep athletes on the ice. Here are six things hockey players need to take into account during training. 1. Hip Mobility Too often, hockey players come into my office with restricted hip flexors and muscles associated with the hip. To keep their hips mobile, they need to implement basic warm-up exercises and stretches every day before training. Also, it's important to strengthen the groin muscles, which are commonly injured in hockey players. - Foam Roll - Fire Hydrants - Horse Rider - Bird Dog - Psoas Kicks RELATED: Top 3 Hockey Training Mistakes 2. Movement in All Planes of Motion To be an elite hockey player, you must have coordination, strength and flexibility with movements in all planes. Hockey includes rotational, diagonal and lateral movements along with forward and backward movements. All of these planes of movement must be developed in your off-season training. - Squats with bands around your hips - Duck Walks with bands around your hips - Reverse Bounds 3. Rotational Power If you want to shoot harder and make crisp, cross-ice passes, you must develop your upper-body rotational strength. This can be done with basic exercise variations of Chops and Lifts that work your upper body and your core. Developing their transverse abdominus muscles is crucial for hockey players. - Half-Kneeling Chops - Half-Kneeling Lifts 4. Change of Direction During a hockey game, you rarely move in one direction for a long period. Hockey is all about quickness through change of direction. Straight line speed is important, but not as important as quickness. To develop quickness, focus on Ladder and Cone Drills. - Lateral Box Sprints - Slide Board Lateral Slides 5. Single-Leg Strength This one is easy to implement in your workouts. In hockey you are constantly playing on one foot at a time. During your training, try doing Overhead Presses while standing on one leg instead of two. You will be forced to use your core and leg strength for balance. Also, performing Single-Leg Romanian Deadlifts will help you develop single-leg strength along with eccentric contraction of your hamstrings. - Bulgarian Split Squats - Side Lunges - Crossover Step-Ups - TRX Skater Lunge - Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift 6. Fast-Twitch Muscle Fibers Ideally, during a hockey game, a shift lasts anywhere from 20 to 45 seconds. Keep that in mind when you train during the off-season. While performing a circuit, work out in bursts of 20 to 45 seconds, then take a minute off. This will develop the fast-twitch muscle fibers you need to become an elite hockey player and will directly translate to performance on the ice. - Box Jumps - Broad Jumps Photo Credit: Getty Images // Thinkstock
The Interdependent Web: Thinking Local Ponderings of the Spiritual Life Director We covenant to affirm and promote respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part. My teenage daughter enjoys wandering around town with her friends and enjoying Lakeland’s beautiful lakes- most notably Morton, Hollingsworth, and Mirror. How lucky she is to live in this beautiful city and to have great places to hang out with her friends! Often times, she goes fishing with her boyfriend and Adam’s youngest son. One night, they brought home a fish and were taught how to filet it and fry it in a pan. They ate it. I wondered about the quality of the fish and how polluted the waters it lived in were. Just the other night, the three of them went to Lake Mirror and apparently the boys went in the water to do their fishing. I wondered again about what sort of water they were getting into. Ewwww, nothing I’d step foot in, but I suppose I’m easily grossed out. The next day, we talked about the lakes and the kids wondered if they were natural or man-made. We also touched upon the subject of pollution, especially since I asked them to wash my car and I’m just up the road from Lake Morton. And, they said they saw a man with a cast net catching tilapia- enough to feed him for a month! That’s great- as long as those fish are healthy… And then, I find it odd that I don’t know. I don’t know the origins of the lakes I live near or if they suffer from high levels of pollution. I don’t know what kind of fish live in them. I find it odd that I’m so disconnected with the environment that I live in. I’ve always considered myself to be a lover of nature and would much prefer to be in the woods than in the city. I love to sit on my back deck and feel the sun and listen to the wind in the giant oak trees and watch the birds at my feeder. Every once in a while, when I find the time, I love to dig in the dirt and put in some flowers. Growing up, I was educated on the prairie environment that I lived in and when I moved to Florida (the West Palm Beach area), I took a few classes that focused on the local environment. But yet, I’m vastly unfamiliar with this Central Florida environment that I have lived in for the past 15 years. As I engage in conversation with these kids who spend their free time around the lakes, I find that I can’t answer their simple questions. I’m missing out on a great opportunity to educate them, and to show them how to care and to take action, about and for the land that they live on. I know it’s not just me, though. So disconnected we are in the 21st century. So busy with so many other things, that we take this beautiful land for granted, without too much thinking about the effect the actions in our daily lives have on its health and sustainability and whether or not our kids, and those who catch their own food, can enjoy healthy lakes. And this is where I have to remember my own words- those I preached to you last Sunday- that it is vital that we hold interconnectedness at the center of our theologies, for it is in our relationship with all of creation that we find the divine. And so, I feel strongly compelled to seek knowledge about the land that I live on so that I can strengthen my relationship with it. I found some places to start: This page addresses many environmental concerns in the state of Florida. There are recent environmental updates/news and petitions to sign: This is a blog from a local Central Florida environmentalist who works to restore native plants and to eradicate invasives: This site has very specific data on all of Lakeland’s lakes: How’s our air quality? Well, it’s decreased 3% over the last 5 years: I hope you find enlightenment from these resources and I look forward to hearing from you about the ways in which you feel called to take action! And, please share any resources you come across that might help us find ways to respect the interdependent web that exists here in our small part of the Universe.
Feds say balance struck in California logging plan FRESNO, Calif. (AP) — U.S. Forest Service officials say they tried to balance competing interests in a plan that will allow loggers to remove trees killed in a massive Central California wildfire last year. Environmentalists, however, have called it a travesty. The highly awaited decision released Wednesday will allow logging on 52 square miles of forests blackened in the Rim Fire, which burned 400 square miles of the Stanislaus National Forest, Yosemite National Park backcountry and private timber land. It came amid a standoff between environmentalists and supporters of the timber industry over what to do with the trees that died in the fire. The blaze also destroyed 11 homes and cost more than $125 million to fight. Susan Skalski, supervisor of Stanislaus National Forest, said in the plan that she considered the need to reduce future fires while protecting the environment and wildlife. She considered input from the public, environmental groups and the timber industry and said it was impossible for her to devise a perfect recovery plan. “I did my best to balance all these important goals, with the intent of providing a decision that best serves the public interest,” she said. “I realize that my decision will not please every member of the public.” Under the proposal, about 24 square miles of the burned mountain range will be logged, as well as an additional 28 square miles along roads where trees threaten to fall and hurt people. An estimated 210 million board feet will be harvested, enough to build about 14,000 homes. The first round of bids open next week, officials said. Skalski said in a conference call with reporters on Thursday that harvesting trees should begin this fall. A Forest Service veteran of 34 years, she said post-fire logging is common practice, and under President Obama the policy is no different from past administrations. “The driver is always what’s best for the land,” she said. “Sometimes you remove trees, and sometimes you just leave them.” Environmentalists argued against logging, saying the blackened trees and new growth beneath them create vital habitat for dwindling birds such as spotted owls and black-backed woodpeckers. “This is an ecological travesty,” said Chad Hanson, a forest ecologist and founder of the John Muir Project, an environmentalist group. “It’s basically an extinction plan for the California spotted owl.” Hanson said he is considering challenging the plan in court and will file a federal petition seeking to list the spotted owl as endangered or threatened. Mike Albrecht, co-owner of the logging firm Sierra Resources Management, said removing dead trees for more than a year will create some 600 timber jobs and further stimulate the local economy because loggers need fuel, tires and mechanics. He foresees the plan generating as many as 1,800 jobs for the foothill communities. The timber has a value between $5 million and $8 million, said Albrecht, who chaired a committee that sought to bring all factions together for a unified plan for logging the Rim Fire’s dead trees. “It’ll be an economic tragedy if this gets litigated and stopped,” he said. “We’re trying to find that balance and not get litigated.” Skalski was expected to sign the logging decision Thursday, making it final. Federal prosecutors accuse bow hunter Keith Matthew Emerald, 32, of starting the fire Aug. 17, 2013, when he lost control of an illegal campfire and had to be rescued by helicopter. A grand jury on Aug. 7 returned a four-count indictment against Emerald, who lives in the foothill community of Columbia. Emerald, who has pleaded not guilty, was released from jail after posting a $60,000 bond.
Approximately 200,000 farm injuries occur annually with 65% of these acquired by owners, operators, or family members. These estimates do not include cumulative trauma, such as arthritis, that impair farmers and ranchers’ function and agricultural production. AgrAbility, a project funded by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), aims to support the agricultural lifestyle and production of farmers and ranchers impacted by disability (AgrAbility, n.d.; Goodwill Industries, 2009). AgrAbility seeks to improve quality of life and ensure continued production for those involved in agriculture via three main objectives: 1. Improve or develop “service capacity” through education related to technology, resources, and health. 2. Network with local agencies and organizations to ensure access to resources and information. 3. Provide direct services to farmers and ranchers with disabilities (AgrAbility, n.d.). Authorized in the 1990 Farm Bill, AgrAbility projects consist of collaboration with a non-profit disability service organization and the Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Services (CSREES) at a land-grant university. Two branches comprise AgrAbility: the National AgrAbility Project (NAP) and State/Regional Projects (SRAPs). NAP currently operates from Purdue University Breaking New Ground Center in a partnership with Goodwill Industries International. It provides education and resources for SRAPs. SRAPs engage in networking, direct services, and education locally (Goodwill Industries International, 2009). Eight SRAPs and the NAP were established in 1991. Currently, 22 AgrAbility SRAPs operate with USDA funding (AgrAbility, n.d.). In 2008, Mr. Eric Olson, Project Coordinator at Goodwill Industries International, and Dr. Nancy Krusen, OTR/L, Associate Professor at Pacific University School of Occupational Therapy, connected to initiate an AgrAbility project in Oregon. Shari Juhasz and Elizabeth Scanlon, both third-year students in the School of Occupational Therapy, joined the effort in January 2010 to complete their Innovative Practice Project. From January to May 2010, Elizabeth and Shari determined the priority for the project was USDA funding application in 2011. The long-term vision of for Oregon AgrAbility is to establish a self-sustaining ArgAbility project. Although Oregon is an agriculture-rich state, unmet service needs are not documented. Additionally, the Oregon AgrAbility project stakeholders shared a loose network without a formalized plan of action. Shari and Elizabeth focused on several areas: infrastructure development, networking and education, and needs assessment. The related documents are included in their Innovative Practice Project. Through collaboration with Laura Dimmler, PhD(c), MPA, the students determined the appropriate means to address infrastructure development. A logic model and gantt chart outline necessary actions for project stakeholders as well as the time frame in which these should be completed. These documents are standard for obtaining federal grants. Shari and Elizabeth collaborated with Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) counselors, Pennie Hartley and Renee Smith, to determine the most efficient ways of educating other VR personnel about AgrAbility. Elizabeth and Shari created the Service Provider Survey to be distributed to VR and other service providers as an education and needs assessment tool. Elizabeth and Shari communicated with multiple service providers to include them in project planning. Oregon AgrAbility gained momentum and includes several additional stakeholders who see a need for the project. Future actions for AgrAbility include those outlined in the Logic Model. Jill Peacock, OTS was selected as the recipient of a stipend from Goodwill Industries to attend the National AgrAbility Professional In-Service Training. Her subsequent role is to support communication between stakeholders and assist in the coordination of their actions. Shari and Elizabeth envision that Oregon AgrAbility will be a visible and valuable resource within the state of Oregon. |File name||Date Uploaded||Visibility||File size|
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Some participants from the 112 Action provide protection with their umbrellas to a bride and groom from the rain on the way to the Jakarta Cathedral. Jakarta, 13 Jumadil Awwal 1438/11 February 2017 (MINA) – Inter-religious tolerance shown by Muslim worshipers who attended Tausyiah or religious messages and National Dhikr or chanting Lailaha illah meaning there is no God but Allah at Grand Istiqlal Mosque in Jakarta, Saturday (11/2). Some people took the initiative to give way, to guard and protect with umbrellas to a couple who was getting married in the Jakarta Cathedral to penetrate the crowd that thronged the roads in the area around the Banteng Square. As monitored by MINA, in the middle of dense crowd, from the Banteng Square, a bride and groom along with some of their entourage was seen walking towards the Cathedral which is located opposite to the Grand Istiqlal Mosque, where the masses were attending the religious event. Because the condition of the road in front of the Cathedral has been overrun by the mass, wedding escort vehicles could only reach the Banteng Square. They were finally walking up to the Cathedral. Seeing the bride and groom and his entourage, some participants of 112 mass action initiated to give way and escorted the entourage to penetrate the crowd. The escorting received a positive response from the bride and her entourage. The groom is seen wearing a gray jacket was thanked mass escorting them, with a grateful smile. Not only to give way for the bride and groom, some youths from the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) also covered the couple with their umbrellas to the front door of the Cathedral. “Come on let’s give them the way, we should show that Muslims uphold tolerance,” said one of FPI members who was protecting them with an umbrella from the rain. Up in the churchyard, the mob then back to the road. the bride and her entourage went directly into the church to hold a wedding ritual. The rain did not dampen their spirit Hundreds of thousands of Muslims from various regions in Indonesia packed the largest mosque in the Southeast Asia region so the the participants overflowed into the area under the West Irian Liberation Monument (now Papua) in Banteng Square. The rain which flushed Jakarta since 03.00 the morning did not dampen their spirit to follow a series of events that initiated by the Muslim Forum (FUI), although they must be willing to be outdoors. Present in the religious event were Islamic leaders and scholars such as the FPI Grand Imam Habib Rizieq Shihab, Amien Rais, Hatta Rajasa, Deputy Chairman of the People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR) Hidayat Nur Wahid, Istiqlal Mosque Grand Imam DR. KH Nasaruddin Umar, KH Didin Hafidhuddin, Ustazdz Arifin Ilham, (PAN), two pairs of candidates for governor and vice governor of Jakarta (Anies Baswedan- Uno Uno) and Agus Bambang Yudhoyono Harimurti-Sylviana and religious singer Opick. (T/RE01/RS05) Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)
If you want to take a leisurely stroll on the beach but you don’t wish to get sand in your sandals, the beach cruiser bicycle is the only way to go. This bicycle come equipped with massive balloon tyres and single-pace drive trains to allow simple accessibility throughout bumpy surfaces continuously discovered along any random seaside. Relying in your using situations, you may settle for a cheap headlight system that’s more to assist others to see you to prevent accidents, or you would possibly need a brilliant light that can assist you discover your means on a darkish bicycle path. The main components of the bicycles are the body which holds the complete set, the drive train which holds the chain rings and brackets, the deal with bar which is used because the steering, the saddles, brakes, suspension and of course the wheels. Riding a bicycle in lieu of an car sometimes can afford you the time to get a work out. It is rather tough for riders to mount the stationary bike as a result of the mixed top of the curler system and bicycle is rather excessive, which can lead to the falling and harming of riders. Whereas headlights are typically mounted to your bike’s handlebars, many lights can be fitted to your helmet. It would be best to maintain a document of your daily weight loss plan and meals intake, your weekly body measurements and weight, as well as your bicycling miles and time. Skilled distance riders choose rigid bicycles with onerous slender saddles. When standing in entrance of an audience to to do my presentation on bicycle helmets, the first thing I ask the audience is for a present of hands from the individuals who suppose you need a helmet to ride a bicycle. The term does not embrace energy wheelchairs or units other than bicycles moved by human or animal power or used completely upon stationary rails or tracks. Easy, most journey trailer bumpers will not be designed for the extra weight of bike racks and bikes.
My mission is to reach human performance at fast changing, uncertain, rich and high-dimensional tasks with robots. I believe this goal can be achieved by developing Machine Learning methods, especially Reinforcement Learning, for soft muscular systems. I pursued a PhD in Machine Learning and Robotics with Jan Peters and Bernhard Schölkopf at the Robot Learning lab within the Empirical Inference dept. During my PhD I interned at X, the Moonshot Factory (formerly Google X). Before, I received a MSc degree in Biomedical Engineering at the Imperial College London and a BEng degree in Information and Electrical Engineering from HAW Hamburg in conjunction with Siemens. For information and detailed construction details for the 4-DoF pneumatic artificial muscle actuated robot arm please send me an email: dbuechler[at]tue[dot]mpg[dot]de. Learning to Control Highly Accelerated Ballistic Movements on Muscular Robots Video highlights the capabilities of robots actuated by pneumatic muscles to 1) generate highly accelerated motions and 2) prevent damage once such fast motions are executed on the real robot. We utilize this properties to tune controllers directly on the real system using Bayesian optimization without additional safety considerations. Data of unstable controllers (the racket motion is unstable in the video) can be incorporate rather than being avoided. Please also see the paper Video accompanying our ICRA 2016 paper 'A lightweight robotic arm with pneumatic muscles for robot learning' Video accompanying our ICRA 2016 paper 'A lightweight robotic arm with pneumatic muscles for robot learning'. This video highlights the fast hitting motions that the four degrees of freedom robot is capable of generating and safely executing. This is realized purely using muscular actuation. This property is especially useful for Machine Learning approaches that explore. With our system we hope to enable exploration in fast motion domains and hence the application of Machine Learning in tasks like smashing table tennis balls. High-speed and high-acceleration movements are inherently hard to control. Applying learning to the control of such motions on anthropomorphic robot arms can improve the accuracy of the control but might damage the system. The inherent exploration of learning approaches can lead to instabilities and the robot reaching joint limits at high speeds. Having hardware that enables safe exploration of high-speed and high-acceleration movements is therefore desirable. To address this issue, we propose to use robots actuated by Pneumatic Artificial Muscles (PAMs). In this paper, we present a four degrees of freedom (DoFs) robot arm that reaches high joint angle accelerations of up to 28000 °/s^2 while avoiding dangerous joint limits thanks to the antagonistic actuation and limits on the air pressure ranges. With this robot arm, we are able to tune control parameters using Bayesian optimization directly on the hardware without additional safety considerations. The achieved tracking performance on a fast trajectory exceeds previous results on comparable PAM-driven robots. We also show that our system can be controlled well on slow trajectories with PID controllers due to careful construction considerations such as minimal bending of cables, lightweight kinematics and minimal contact between PAMs and PAMs with the links. Finally, we propose a novel technique to control the the co-contraction of antagonistic muscle pairs. Experimental results illustrate that choosing the optimal co-contraction level is vital to reach better tracking performance. Through the use of PAM-driven robots and learning, we do a small step towards the future development of robots capable of more human-like motions. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Robotics and Automation Letters, 3(4):3161-3168, IEEE, 2018 (article) Controlling musculoskeletal systems, especially robots actuated by pneumatic artificial muscles, is a challenging task due to nonlinearities, hysteresis effects, massive actuator de- lay and unobservable dependencies such as temperature. Despite such difficulties, muscular systems offer many beneficial prop- erties to achieve human-comparable performance in uncertain and fast-changing tasks. For example, muscles are backdrivable and provide variable stiffness while offering high forces to reach high accelerations. In addition, the embodied intelligence deriving from the compliance might reduce the control demands for specific tasks. In this paper, we address the problem of how to accurately control musculoskeletal robots. To address this issue, we propose to learn probabilistic forward dynamics models using Gaussian processes and, subsequently, to employ these models for control. However, Gaussian processes dynamics models cannot be set-up for our musculoskeletal robot as for traditional motor- driven robots because of unclear state composition etc. We hence empirically study and discuss in detail how to tune these approaches to complex musculoskeletal robots and their specific challenges. Moreover, we show that our model can be used to accurately control an antagonistic pair of pneumatic artificial muscles for a trajectory tracking task while considering only one- step-ahead predictions of the forward model and incorporating model uncertainty. Our goal is to understand the principles of Perception, Action and Learning in autonomous systems that successfully interact with complex environments and to use this understanding to design future systems
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Hollywood marriages are notorious for their short lifespan. Britney Spears was once married for only 55 hours! As a result of this, celebrity marriages that have stood the test of time are often extolled. One of such is the union of Micheline Roquebrune. She is the wife of distinguished actor, Sean Connery and they have been married for nearly 40 years. Find out more about her including her family life. Micheline Roquebrune Bio Micheline Roquebrune was born on the 4th of April 1992. She grew up in countries such as Tunisia and Morocco. There is not much information about her parents but it is known that she has French and Moroccan ancestry. Roquebrune is an accomplished painter and artist. Her journey into the art world began when she was young. While growing up, she didn’t really like art. However, she still took the time to visit museums and art galleries. Roquebrune was convinced to try painting when she was 23 years old. She had visited a Parisian art gallery known as Lagerie Charpentier and was appalled by the quality of work she saw there. She, therefore, decided to try her hands at painting. Her first few efforts were terrible and she convinced an acquaintance, who was also a painter, to give her some lessons. Her work subsequently improved and since then she has never looked back. Micheline Roquebrune mostly paints portraits of people and her preferred medium is oil. She has said that her love for portraiture is because she finds people’s features and expressions interesting. Roquebrune has also revealed that she prefers painting a model rather than from photographs. Micheline Roquebrune is one artist who paints for the love of art rather than for publicity. She was initially hesitant about displaying her works in public. However in recent years, she has relented and her work has been exhibited in various cities such as Washington D.C. (National Museum of Women in the Arts), Chicago (Alliance Français) and Athens. Micheline Roquebrune is married to legendary actor, Sean Connery. Connery was born on the 25th of August 1930 in the city of Edinburgh. He spent his early years doing various odd jobs, serving in the navy and modeling. He eventually became a stage actor at the age of 24. Since this humble beginning, he has featured in movies such as Time Bandit, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, The Rock, Untouchables and more. He also played James Bond in a total of seven Bond movies. Connery has received several awards in the course of his career including an Oscar for best-supporting actor. Roquebrune and her husband first met in 1970 at a golf tournament in Morocco. It was a case of instant attraction as they spent four days playing golf and making love. At the time, Roquebrune was not fluent in English but even this could not stand in the way of their love. After their four day tryst, the duo moved on with their respective lives until two years later when Connery called Roquebrune. He invited her to come to his villa in Spain. She was stunned by his effrontery but the pull was irresistible. She joined him in Spain and they tied the knot three years later in 1975. The couple does not have any children together but Roquebrune has three children from her two previous marriages. They are Oliver, Micha, and Stephane. Connery also has a son named Jason from his first marriage. Facts About Sean Connery’s Wife • Her husband is the very first actor to portray the iconic British spy, 007, in the James Bond movie series. • Roquebrune is an exceptional golfer and has won some tournaments. • Her husband was knighted in 2000 by The Queen. This means that Micheline Roquebrune is Lady Connery. • She is multilingual and speaks French, Spanish and English. • Micheline Roquebrune spent seven years of her childhood in the convent; from ages 7 to 14. • She is very petite (5 feet 5 inches tall) in comparison to her husband who is quite tall at 6 feet 2 inches. • Some of her artworks are titled New York in the rain, Heidi on the Balcony, Mother Theresa, and Reflections in the Water.
Serenity Blissful Living a store started in September 2010 offers an effervescent and eclectic collection of furniture’s and accessories for home and office decor. Situated in the hub of vibrancy Bandra West this store represents a vivacious yet tranquil style of living. [quote]The store offers a variety of furniture that comprises of exceptional wine racks, book shelves, and vintage cabinets as well as products to accessorize your home like cushion covers, candle holders, bowls, and trays, coasters, bags etc. In addition to this, traditional earrings, beaded chains, bracelets, rings can be used as costume jewellery.[/quote] – Ms. Amrit Borkakoty, Proprietor. The entire collection comprises of tasteful pieces of that she personally hand-picks from different corners of India including Delhi, Chandigarh, Gujarat and Rajasthan. Serenity offers a whole range of products for the household designed by artisans. These items include collections of wooden furniture, furnishings, home decor, spa, yoga, meditation accessories, wine racks, storage boxes, mirrors, lamps, printed cushion covers etc. For those who prefer more subtle things in life there are soft whites with splashes of gold and silver finished to perfection. Each of the products are individually chosen keeping in mind distinctiveness, emphasising on a limited yet affordable collections to suit your needs.[quote]The idea behind Serenity is to pick items that add to your personal style, because it says so much about your home and who you are. The market is flooded with stream line sedated furniture which says nothing about what one is.[/quote] Sensibly priced, this exceptional collection is apt for decor and can be the perfect gifting option for every aficionado of art. Serenity offers their distinct collection at a price range starting from Rs. 250 -30,000 and is the most suitable shopping spot for interior designers, architects, new married, restaurant owners, youngsters and every everyone who is home proud.[box] Opposite Guru Nanak Park, Junction of 16th & 29th Road, Mumbai – 400050 Mon – Sat: 11:00 am – 9:00 pm Phone :022 – 26405258 Email : email@example.com Facebook page: httpss://www.facebook.com/SerenityIndia[/box] Source for content and images: Facebook pageFOLLOW BANDRA INFO ON YOUR PREFERRED SOCIAL NETWORK
For its eleventh exhibition of contemporary art, the Palace of Versailles invites the Japanese artist Hiroshi Sugimoto this autumn in a new emblematic place. The Japanese artist will invest the gardens of the estate of Trianon inviting art, architecture and performance. During the exhibition time, the Present breathes new life into the Past at Versailles. Hiroshi Sugimoto settles his installations in several spaces in the Estate of Trianon: Petit Trianon, Flat Pool, Belvedere, Queen's Theater, French Pavilion and the Garden Room. The artist presents the shadows of greats personnages who lived or marked the places: from Louis XIV who set up Montespan here to Marie-Antoinette who put the finishing touches to its aesthetic, it is a whole historic facet that Sugimoto reinvents through his installations. His art questions our relationship with photography and time: it is a practise that blends the modernist project with Japanese tradition and takes place in a unique and historical place: the Estate of Trianon. Hiroshi Sugimoto, Napoleon Bonaparte, 1999, tirage argentique. Courtesy de l'artiste © Tadzio Hiroshi Sugimoto, Louis XIV, 2018, tirage argentique. Courtesy de l'artiste © Tadzio Glass Tea House Mondrian, Bassin du Plat-Fond, Versailles, 2018, commissionnée à l'origine par Pentagram Stiftung for LE STANZE DEL VETRO, Venice. Architectes : Hiroshi Sugimoto et Tomoyuki Sakakida / New Material Reasearch Laboratory. Courtesy de l'artiste & Pentagram Stiftung © Hiroshi Sugimoto, Surface of Revolution, 2018, aluminium, acier. Courtesy de l'artiste © Tadzio Cérémonie de thé à la Glass Tea House Mondrian, Bassin du Plat-Fond, Versailles, 2018 Tea Master So'oku Sen of Mushakoji Senke © Tadzio Born in Tokyo in 1948, Hiroshi Sugimoto moved to the United States in 1970 to study photography. A multi-disciplinary artist, Sugimoto works in photography, sculpture, installation, and architecture. His art bridges Eastern and Western ideologies while examining the nature of time, perception, and the origins of consciousness. In 2009 he established the Odawara Art Foundation, a charitable nonprofit organization to promote traditional Japanese performing arts and culture. Sugimoto’s art works have been exhibited around the world and are in numerous public collections including The Guggenheim, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, and the Museum of Modern Art in New York; the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C.; the National Gallery and the Tate Gallery in London; and the National Museum of Modern Art and the Museum of Contemporary Art in Tokyo. Hiroshi Sugimoto © Tadzio Contemporary art in Versailles Since 2008 the Palace of Versailles has put on a number of exhibitions dedicated to French or foreign artists, each one lasting a few months. Jeff Koons in 2008, Xavier Veilhan in 2009, Takashi Murakami in 2010, Bernar Venet in 2011, Joana Vasconcelos in 2012, Giuseppe Penone in 2013, Lee Ufan in 2014, Anish Kapoor in 2015, Olafur Eliasson in 2016 and the group show “a winter journey ” in 2017 : these artists have all created a special dialogue between their works and the Palace and Gardens of Versailles. For the first time, the artist Hiroshi Sugimoto will install his creations within the domain of Trianon, a domain dedicated to the privacy of sovereigns. His exhibition, "Surface de Révolution", will settle in several places in the estate of Trianon. Jean de Loisy, President for the exhibition SUGIMOTO VERSAILLES – Surface de Révolution and president of the Palais de Tokyo Alfred Pacquement, curator for contemporary art in Versailles
- read about breast lift – mastopexy - see before and after photos & video - alternatives, risks, benefits & recovery Breast sagging or ptosis is usually treated surgically by removing excess skin resulting in a firmer breast. Because the problem is related to the skin and breast tissue (fat, breast gland and suspensory ligaments) rather than muscle this problem is unaffected by exercise. The cause of drooping is multifactorial: * breast size * genetic predisposition * smoking history * bra use history * weight loss * pregnancy with breast enlargement-engorgement and breast feeding Whether a lift should be performed or not and what type of technique is used is dependent on the degree of drooping not the size of the breast. The nipple should be in line with or above the level of the infra-breast skin crease i.e. while standing upright the nipple should lie 20cm (about 8 inches) diagonally from the notch of the upper edge of the breast bone. If the nipple lies only 2cm from the desired point a ring or donut of skin can be removed around the nipple areola complex thereby providing some lift with minimally visible scarring. For greater lengths of nipple elevation a lollipop or vertical incision is required. For even greater lengths where the nipples point downward toward the floor an inverted T or anchor shaped excision of skin is required. Some surgeons place mashes under the skin or denude the surface skin and use it as a sling to prevent recurrent sagging. There is no evidence that doing so delays the recurrence of sagging so these are mostly marketing and selling ploys. 45 years old, 5’2″ tall, 125 lb., 38C bra size. This patient required a significant amount of lifting as is evident in the oblique view which shows the nipple was far below the infra-breast skin crease. Therefore an invert T or anchor pattern skin excision mastopexy was used to raise it up to the infra-breast skin crease level. The excision pattern is designed so that the scar is hidden under the breast when standing upright and is made asymmetric or not mirror imaged across a vertical plane through the nipple in order to achieve a natural appearance. Breast lift mastopexy performed with inverted T closure. Breast implants were not placed. Breast lift mastopexy performed with inverted T closure in Afro-American patient. A small amount of breast tissue was removed on the left but this was basically a breast lift mastopexy without breast implant placement. Video: Breast Lift With Fat Grafting Breast lift – mastopexy surgery can enhance your appearance and your self confidence. Realistic expectations are important to be happy with any surgery. As each patient is an individual, different results can be expected in each patient. Although there are different surgical approaches there are no available alternatives to surgery. The main risks of this surgery are skin scarring and recurrent drooping. The more drooping you have, the more skin you need to remove and the more skin scarring you will have. The pattern of skin removal is designed to hide the scars around the areola and in the crease under the breast but they can still be bothersome. The breast tissue is attached to the chest wall by Cooper’s ligaments and the increasing laxity of these ligaments allows the breasts to droop. The surgery however targets the stretched skin because we currently have no way to target the ligaments. The skin then re-stretches under the weight of the breasts which are no longer restrained from above by the ligaments. Some surgeons believe internal slings of mesh or denuded skin can counteract this but the mesh is either absorbable or its attachements loosen with time and the denuded skin is still skin so it stretches. The benefits are the self confidence of not seeing drooping breasts and being less self conscious when intimate. The outside world does not usually see the results of the surgery. Drains are not usually required and sutures are removed at 10 to 12 days. The most important part of recovery is exercise and activity restrictions for 3 to 4 weeks after surgery after which patients rapidly return to their pre-surgery exercise routines. Dr. Aaron Stone Call today for a consultation!120 South Spalding Dr, Suite 330 Beverly Hills, Los Angeles,CA 90212
[Monday] Funday: Week in Review Ooops. It’s Monday. Not Sunday. Oh well. I’ve been sick for the past few days, so I haven’t felt like doing ANYTHING. You might have noticed I haven’t posted anything on the blog since Wednesday. I know that isn’t that long, but I feel like my blog is a little lonely and sad. So I’m going to do my regular Sunday Funday post today instead! (I also forgot to do one last weekend, so I’ll have a few things from that in here) September 22 – October 6, 2014 In the past two weeks, I’ve mostly been working, BUT I went to see Joshua James for the THIRD time. That was awesome. He’s incredible live, so I had a blast (it didn’t hurt that he remembered me and gave me a huge hug afterward). 🙂 I also went to a wedding, to see TMR for the second time, bought some new comics, and put up some pretty displays in the library where I work. I am so sorry, but I forgot to announce on my blog (I announced it on Twitter) that Dana (from DanaSquare) won my giveaway! Yay! LINK UP What have I read in the past two weeks? I finished and reviewed Rain Reign by Ann M. Martin I read Volumes 15-20 of The Walking Dead comics (which means I’ve read all the volumes we currently have in our library system. Good thing I bought Volume 21 yesterday!!) I also read The Intern by Gabrielle Tozer (which I’ll be reviewing on WatchPlayRead this week) I listened to the audiobook of Panic by Lauren Oliver (read by Sarah Drew) – which I’ll be reviewing on the blog this week I read an assortment of children’s books at work, but one of the ones I really enjoyed was Kiki’s Blankie by Janie Bynum. I read this one for my library’s preschool story time and the kids (and I) thought it was adorable. It even inspired me to draw Kiki. 🙂 Books/comics I’ve added to my shelves: I don’t believe I have bought any new books in the past two weeks (WHAT? I know, right?) but I checked out The One and Only Ivan from the library; it looks like a fun and easy read. I bought several new comics yesterday though – like I mentioned earlier, I bought Volume 21 of The Walking Dead because we didn’t have it in our library system. I also bought Issues #129, 130, and 132. I need Issues #127, 128, and 131 so I can be completely caught up to the last issue. I’ll probably order those three online (unless one of you lovely people has it and would like to send it to me!! – I’ll pay!). I also got Issue #23 of Saga. I bought Issue #1 of Low (from Image) and Thor (who’s a girl now! From Marvel). I’m excited to start those and see if I like them. I haven’t read a whole lot from Marvel since starting comics, so hopefully I’ll be able to dive in with Thor. Also, I thought I’d update everyone on my Goodreads reading challenge: I set my challenge in March to read 100 books this year. I didn’t really start updating Goodreads until then (when I started my blog), and I’ve currently read 118/100 books. Haha. Yay!! That doesn’t even count my single issue comics I’ve read (which has to be about 100 at least). I think I’ll set my goal higher next year! So what about you guys? What’s been happening in your life in the last few weeks? What great books have you read or added to your TBR? Fill me in below!
The Ice Age Nordic ski team traveled to Rhinelander last week end and joined 325 skiers and 16 teams from Wisconsin and Michigan to compete in two days of racing at the Hodag Challenge. The Ice Age girls finished 10th overall, while the Boys placed 12th. Ashwaubenon won the boys division, while Lakeland Nordic from Minocqua took the Girls Team gold medal. On Saturday, the teams skied a 5-kilometer skate race in falling snow after a brief overnight snowstorm. Wyatt Bennett led the boys team with a 47th-place finish, followed by Todd Niles (62nd) and Peyton Meyer (66th). “Wyatt had a great race finishing in 20:48 in difficult conditions,” Ice age coach Dale Fanney said. “This is a prelude to the state meet. If he can continue to improve his times, there is a chance of finishing in the top 40.” In the girls race, Amelia Heider finished 43rd, just 1 second ahead of teammate Norah Lee(44th). Hannah Heider placed 59th, followed by Anna Vanderhoef (60th) and Tori Falk (61st). On Sunday, the skiers raced a 5-kilometer classical race in perfect conditions with the girls team dramatically improving their results. Amelia Heider finished 31st and improved overall to place 35th. Norah Lee finished 38th for the day and 37th overall, while Hannah Heider moved up 8 places to 51st. In the Boys classical race, leader Wyatt Bennet finished 59th to drop to 55th overall, but teammate Todd Niles placed 51st to improve to 57th overall. Peyton Meyer and Nathan Ducat finished 10 seconds apart finishing 60th and 61st overall. “Altogether, this was a great weekend of racing experience for our team against the best skiers in the Wisconsin and Michigan,” Fanney said. “I’m expecting a significant improvement in our state meet results in three weeks.” This week, Ice Age will ski a 6-kilometer skate race at the Iola Norsemen Invitational.
So finally, the wait is over and its 14th Feb i.e… Valentine’s Day. A Day for lovers, a day of charm, a day when you can find someone special for you or a day when you might be proposing your childhood crush. “The rose is red, the violet’s blue, The honey’s sweet, and so are you. Thou art my love and I am thine; I drew thee to my Valentine: The lot was cast and then I drew, And Fortune said it should be you.” Since our grade school days, we might be having a crush on someone and till date, we are not able to tell them about our feelings. So, now is a perfect time, pluck up your courage and let’s face it and propose them. This day of love is the best option to express your feelings and emotions for him/her. Don’t be afraid and just go and them how you feel about them. “A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.” Sometimes it’s hard to find the perfect way to express your feelings when they feel too big to put into words. Don’t worry I have got some great collection of quotes from some well known poets which can serve your purpose: Quotes On Valentine’s Day “You are everything there is to me, and you always will be my friend, my sweetheart”. “I love you. Today. Right now. Just as you are. And I know, with time we will change. We will evolve. We will grow. And I hope we do all of it together.” I love you 3000. Take my hand, take my whole life too, but I can’t help falling in love with you. I love you more than I have ever found a way to say to you. Valentine’s Day is the poet’s holiday.” “Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere. They’re in each other all along.” “A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and man cannot live without love.” “The art of love…is largely the art of persistence.” “Love planted a rose, and the world turned sweet.” Messages On Valentine’s Day This fire that we call Loving is too strong for human minds. But just right for human souls. Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love. Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage. The heart has its reasons, which reason knows not. When love is not madness, it is not love. And suddenly all the love songs were about you.
With the first week of the season nearly done here are some things I've found interesting... - Jose Reyes came back on Saturday April 10th. Didn't do anything especially but seems really to prove he is still an impact player and for the fantasy purposes, a roto stud. - Ike Davis is tearing up AAA the 1st week. If the Mets continue to flounder on the MLB level with guys like Mike Jacobs & Fernando Tatis and if Daniel Murphy doesn't come back from his injury soon, you might see Ike Davis in Queens by early May. - If I was a Shane Victorino owner I would not be happy with him batting 7th. If I was actually Shane Victorino, I wouldn't be happy. - Willy Taveras & Willy Harris can give owners some nice contributions this year for NL only owners as secondary players. - I worry about Ian Desmond's defense which could mean less playing time. - Tyler Colvin got off to a nice start with a HR off Tommy Hanson this week. Colvin, former top 50 prospect in MLB according to Baseball Amercia had a torrid spring. Pinella wants to find him AB's. - Garrett Jones fast start can have him believing that last year was not a fluke. Remember 90% of this game is half mental. - Carlos Gomez gets the first crack at the top of the Brewer lineup with Alcides Escobar batting 8th. Remember what I wrote in the winter? Escobar owners be patient. - The Astros are in for a long year. - Dave Duncan magic has already done wonders with Jaime Garcia & Brad Penny the 1st week. Lance Berkman - Lance says he is just about ready, the Astros want to wait another week, he is coming back from knee surgery so I would still say late April and hope for sooner. Huston Street - Not rushing him sounds like Mid May. Brandon Webb - Same for Webb - Mid May. Carlos Beltran - Making great progress and way ahead of schedule the Mets think Mid May, which is great because when Beltran 1st had the surgery the Mets thought maybe the all-star break Brad Lidge - Had awful minor league outing on Saturday April 10th. Phillies won't rush him back, could be late April. Jeff Francis - Like Street not rushing him but could be back late April. Ted Lilly - Had setback with his back the last couple of days and now they are talking Mid May. NL King - C.Lizza
Jumpin Fun InflataPark opens in Lakewood Ranch, Florida. In Europe the indoor family entertainment industry has continued to pivot away from Trampoline Parks and towards Inflatable Theme Parks or InflataParks, and now the USA is following in their footsteps. Brett Morrow, owner of Jumpin Fun Inflata Park, explains his mentality of “innovate or die”. Jumpin Fun Sports was an independent Trampoline Park located on the gulf coast of Florida in Lakewood Ranch that had been open for 8 years. Even before SkyZone opened up on his doorstep in Sarasota, he knew that he had to stay ahead of the curve. This was solidified with the news that Defy Trampoline Park (another huge national brand) was opening in Bradenton. This would have left Jumpin Fun Sports pinched between two large national Trampoline Park Franchises. Jumpin Fun had already started to move towards the adventure park model with the introduction of three action rides from Galaxy Multi Rides. The centerpiece was the Adrenalator, a 20ft reverse conveyor belt pitched at 27 degrees with two large inflatable slides to exit. Following the success of these three rides Brett spoke with Robin Whincup, owner of Galaxy Multi Rides, about bringing an Inflatable Action Park to the United States. Galaxy InflataParks had just installed the World’s Largest Inflatable Theme Park for We Are Vertigo in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Brett Morrow wanted to convert his trampoline park to an inflatable action park just like Gareth Murphy had in Europe. A plan was formed a the process of converting the trampoline park to an inflatable park begun. 14 days it was all it took from the last trampoline customers bouncing to the InflataPark being finished. What is there to do in Jumpin Fun InflataPark? Over 15,000 square feet of InflataPark attractions matched with mechanical attractions such as the Adrenalator, the world famous Meltdown sweeper game and the popular action maze race, Dizzy X. As with other InflataPark installations around the world, we worked with our friends at Zip Zag Rides to install a 250ft gravity fed rail coaster, much like a zip line, above the Inflatable Park. For more information on Inflatable Parks please visit Galaxy InflataParks. To learn more about Jumpin Fun InflataPark or visit please see them online at www.jfipark.com
Why We Moved to Google Apps A big reason why we moved is that we felt it was time for the whole company to move to the cloud for basic documents. Google Drive (also called Google Docs) offers real-time, multiple user collaboration without the versioning and file location problems that most companies with a simple on-site file server will run into. Sharepoint does a decent job of hitting some of these problems but we weren’t Microsoft-centric enough for that to make sense. We needed business-class control over Google Docs. Many of our staff are on Macs and Microsoft apps like Office and Outlook are just awful on Mac. The other thing we were seeing was a lot more staff expecting email and calendar access from mobile phones and tablets. On our hosted Exchange server, supporting all the various iPhones and Android devices was a bit painful, the webmail wasn’t fantastic, and there were always extra charges for extra access. We migrated email and calendar data over a weekend. Migration could be quicker for smaller companies but for us, the weekend was fine. We chose to phase in email/calendar separately from files to reduce the amount of support and change that we’d need to handle. We worked with Accurate Networks, a local IT company, to help perform the migration and after-launch support. It took time to move the data from our hosted Exchange instance to Google Apps but critical information was available for Monday and all the old, archived data was moved within the week. After launch, some people struggled with which way to access email and calendars. Some hardcore Outlook users continue to use Outlook but most switched straight to the GMail interface. On Macs, some users tried using Mac Mail but ended up going to GMail after some time as well. The GMail interface offers awesome email search built-in and is snappy enough to use all the time. The Google Calendar interface has been a big upgrade as well. Our previous calendaring system was really slow when opening calendars that had a lot of entries, where Google Calendar is fast. It also has a smarter meeting room booking system and integrates well with both GMail and Google Docs. Google Hangouts has emerged as our inter-office chat platform of choice and since they’re attached to our Google Apps accounts, it makes it easy for new people coming on. Where we used other chat clients in the past and had to have new people add dozens of “friends” to be able to use IM, they can now instantly message anyone within the Topdraw.com domain. Because Google Hangouts works on both desktop as well as iPhones and Android phones, it has been a great way to get in contact with co-workers to ask them a quick question that might not really need another email. Getting new mobile phones on the system was super easy, since both Android and iPhone have excellent support for Google Apps. 2 months after migrating email and calendar, we migrated most files to Google Drive. We chose not to migrate all files, since some files (video, working graphics images) were very large and would take too long to work with in the cloud. How Are Things Now? It has been 9 months, what have we seen from the move? - Faster to add/remove/manage employee access. - Less spam gets through - Easier computer setup for new employees. - Fewer issues with clients not receiving emails. - Much faster to find files. The search functionality on Google Drive is excellent, as expected of anything from Google. - Much easier collaboration on documents. When we checklist a website prior to launch, we can have a designer, developer, SEO, project manager, and content strategist all working on a common checklist at once. We also get that collaboration on functional specs and other multi-department documents. - We cut costs for hosted email/calendar in half. - Training time for recent grads is essentially nil. MacEwan and University of Alberta both use Google Apps so grads know how to collaborate using Google Docs and manage email with GMail. Should You Use Google Apps for Work? I don’t think that Google Apps is for everyone. If your company runs on complex Microsoft Word, Exchange, or Excel customization or integration with other business processes, that can be costly to replace. It can also be difficult to train some entrenched users to use something new. But for new companies, companies with younger staff, or companies with a high level of technical aptitude, Google Apps makes a lot more sense.
Over the past few years I have attempted to reduce the weight of my pack and have been looking at every piece of equipment with close scrutiny to see if I could minimise the weight by either get a lighter version or getting rid of it all together. Now I love cooking when I’m at home however when I’m out hiking for any extended period I’m just not into it. So around 3.5 years ago I looked at my camp kitchen habits and thought why on earth am I carrying a plate and a bowl; I mean most of my main meals are rehydrated in either hot or cold water. For my dinner which is always my hot meal for the day I rehydrate commercial meals with boiling water and eat out of the bag, as well as having a cup of hot chocolate. My breakfast varies but Overnight Oates and commercial cereal form the main component. The cereal I will usually eat out of the ziplock bag and is edible straight away however the Oates needs around 90 minutes to become edible so I will either soak them overnight and eat before I leave my tent or else I will start walking and eat them after an hour or so after breaking camp. My lunch is often similar and I rely quite heavily on rehydrating dips at lunchtimes and use Olive Oil as part of this process. While it is ready straight away I like having a container that won’t let the oil leak everywhere . What this means in practicality is that I need a robust container that can be securely closed and won’t leak leaving a mess all over my pack or my tent. Hence the use of a 500 gram empty peanut butter jar as my dinnerware. This is one of those bits of equipment that can be classed as a ‘hiking hack’ and originated with the long distance hikers in the USA. This type of container is robust being almost unbreakable, reasonably watertight so won’t leak, and a good size for an individual. The smaller jars are just too small and the larger jars aside from being too big appear to have now gone off the market. If your cooking style runs to rehydration only then consider this container as a lightweight option that makes a very good replacement option for a plate and bowl. If however you are into preparing elaborate meals on your trips then you may find that you need the more traditional dinnerware set up. Give it a try and see if this is an option for you. A 500gram Kraft Peanut Butter jar has replaced both my bowl and plate as my hiking dinnerware Tropical Overnight Oats ready to eat after soaking for at least 90 minutes in a 500gram peanut butter jar
Women’s groups back appeal on gender segregation in schools Posted: Fri, 07 Jul 2017 The schools inspectorate Ofsted is to appeal against a ruling on gender segregation in a landmark case at the Court of Appeal next week. The appeal, which will be heard on Tuesday and Wednesday, is backed by two organisations which advocate for women's rights in minority communities. Southall Black Sisters and Inspire are submitting legal interventions, which allow third parties to present information for a court to consider. They are seeking to overturn a ruling that gender segregation at an unnamed co-educational, voluntary aided Muslim school did not amount to sex discrimination. They say they are intervening to "show that the growing practice of gender segregation in schools is not benign" and to "ensure gender equality is placed at the heart of Ofsted inspections in all schools". "This is a significant and potentially precedent-setting case about sex discrimination and equality," said the groups. "Ultra-conservative and fundamentalist gender norms are seeping into the everyday life of minority communities." Boys and girls at the school are segregated throughout the day from the age of nine to 16. In the original case in November, X v Ofsted, a judge at the High Court ruled that this was not discriminatory because both boys and girls were "separated equally". The case arose after the school was found inadequate during an Ofsted inspection and placed in special measures. The school took legal action in a bid to prevent Ofsted from publishing its report. Ofsted's inspectors cited concerns about many leadership failings, including those which involved gender segregation. They said effective safeguarding procedures were absent and the school had an unchallenged culture of discrimination against girls and LGBT people. They also found religious books which promoted rape, violence against women and misogynistic attitudes in the school library. Some girls anonymously complained about the impact of gender segregation on their ability to integrate into wider society. The National Secular Society, which urged Ofsted to challenge the ruling, welcomed the appeal and intervention. "We regret that Ofsted conspicuously failed to argue that the reason for such segregation was because of this school's particular Islamic ethos, which the evidence suggests, viewed girls as inferior. This meant that a fundamental issue in the case was left unaddressed." After consulting with specialist lawyers the NSS also warned that "deference to an established religion may have obscured the court's analysis of the facts". Southall Black Sisters is planning to protest outside the court and gain publicity for the case by tweeting under the hashtag #separateisnotequal.
CYBAVO Pte. Ltd., CYBAVO’s institutional wallet CYBAVO VAULT will gain the highest available levels of protection thanks to a new partnership agreement between CYBAVO and Sepior. The new agreement allows Sepior’s private key protection technology to be integrated into the CYBAVO wallet. CYBAVO VAULT now offers cryptocurrency exchanges, asset managers, custodians and other blockchain-enabled companies a fully-featured institutional wallet, secured with the industry’s most robust private key protection. Sepior is a leader in threshold cryptography for securing online transactions. Its state-of-the-art threshold signature (ThresholdSig) technology, using multiparty computation (MPC), provides the highest level of security in private key encryption and transaction signatures. ThresholdSig also ensures that the complete private key is never at any time present in any device. Paul Fan, CEO of CYBAVO said: “This partnership brings our security standards to a whole new level. Sepior’s cutting-edge cryptographic solutions complement our existing security stack, and through our joint efforts we will be able to provide the most secure and user-friendly institutional wallet in the market”. “CYBAVO’s holistic approach to security is exactly what the industry needs to set new benchmarks for cryptocurrency security and transaction efficiency”, said Ahmet Tuncay, CEO of Sepior. “The CYBAVO VAULT™, backed by Sepior ThresholdSig™, leverages multiparty computation to provide industry leading security with multiparty approvals, while maintaining the on-chain efficiency of single signature transaction. CYBAVO VAULT allows the creation of multi-currency corporate wallets and the definition of granular wallet policies – including spending limits, outgoing address whitelist, wallet roles and permissions, or defining multi-level, threshold approval processes. CYBAVO provides secure turn-key solutions for private key storage and management, including a corporate cryptocurrency wallet, a wallet app SDK and a secure full blockchain node service. Unlike other corporate wallets in the market, CYBAVO follows a wholistic approach to its security-focused design. CYBAVO solutions have been designed by a team of cybersecurity experts, who not only consider security at every layer of architecture – from the operating system where systems run to a strict policy enforcement – but also for the system as a whole. This approach drastically reduces the risk of security breaches enabled by unsupervised integration of multiple components by security-unaware developers – breaches that could lead to private keys leakage and crypto thefts.
For 25 years the DevaCurl brand has symbolized a new world. A world where frizz and split ends are nonexistent, where people of all hair types can vivify their hair with voluptuous volume. A world where the frizzy, untamed curls passed down through generations can finally be celebrated and molded into their ideal forms. "Authenticity is something organic and natural, and Deva has that," said DevaCurl's CEO Robert Schaeffler. In a time where natural texture is the most sought after look in hair care, people have begun to distance themselves from greasy gels in favor of a healthier, more organic look via creams, clays and oils. "[DevaCurl] is one of the only pure brands out there...it's so hyperfocused on one part of the hair category." All of DevaCurl's products are made from natural ingredients, such as oat, coconut oil, and rosemary, but there are many products to choose from. It can be slightly overwhelming, especially because there are so many minute variations of curly hair. To help break through the noise, we've compiled a list of the best DevaCurl products for those looking to truly invest in their hair. Check out the list below so you can be on your way to breaking your D.C. virginity! The Styling Cream The Styling Cream represents an imperative first step in figuring out how to style your hair. Made with gel, it works for a variety of hair types and is perfect for those unsure of how to control their do. The cream makes curls tight and frizz-free, while impeccably moisturizing said curls to provide soft definition and help with elasticity. Thanks to the hydrolyzed jojoba proteins, DevaCurl's formula also doesn't weigh down your hair. Just make sure not to put it in when fresh out of the shower. An extensive TopDust study found that slightly damp hair is the most receptive to the cream.
So much of the testimony about the ‘Russian conspiracy’ during the 2016 election has been held in secret that Americans have had to rely on carefully leaked snippets of testimony illustrating whatever the leaker wanted to prove. Well it seems as if those days may be coming to an end. Sara Carter reported yesterday that Republican member of the House Judiciary Committee Georgia Representative Doug Collins unilaterally released the 268-page transcript of an August 2018 interview with Justice Department official Bruce Ohr. Representative Collins released the transcript because, as he put it, his patience with the Justice Department was wearing thin. Sara Carter lists a number of inconsistencies between the testimony of Bruce Ohr and testimony given by Glenn Simpson, founder of embattled research firm Fusion GPS and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. This is not really news–the rats deserting the sinking ship are trying to save their own skins, but it is good to see the truth finally coming to light. The article lists a number of inconsistencies: 1. Glenn Simpson suggests in his testimony to the Senate that he never spoke to anyone at the FBI about Christopher Steele, the former British spy he hired to investigate the Trump campaign during the election. However, Ohr suggest otherwise telling former Rep.Trey Gowdy under questioning “As I recall, and this is after checking with my notes, Mr. Simpson and I spoke in August of 2016. I met with him, and he provided some information on possible intermediaries between the Russian government and the Trump campaign.” 2. In another instance, Simpson’s testimony also contradicts notes taken by Ohr after a meeting they had in December, 2016. Unverified allegations were decimated among the media that the Trump campaign had a computer server that was linked to a Russian bank in Moscow: Alpha Bank. Simpson suggested to the Senate that he knew very little about the Trump -Alpha Bank server story and couldn’t provide information. But Bruce Ohr’s own handwritten notes state that when he met with Simpson in December 2016, Simpson was concerned over the Alpha Bank story in the New York Times. “The New York Times story on Oct. 31 downplaying the connection between Alfa servers and the Trump campaign was incorrect. There was communication and it wasn’t spam,” stated Ohr’s notes. This suggests that Simpson was well aware of the story, which was believed by congressional investigators to have started from his research firm. 3. Ohr testified to lawmakers that Simpson provided information to federal officials that was false regarding Cleta Mitchell, a well-known Republican campaign finance lawyer, and information regarding the National Rifle Association. Sean Davis, with the Federalist pointed this out in a tweet today. 4. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein would not answer questions to lawmakers during testimony about when he learned that Ohr’s wife, Nellie Ohr, was working for Fusion GPS. Just check this out from Rep. Matt Gaetz’s interview with Judge Jeanine on Fox News. “Rod Rosenstein won’t tell us when he first learned that Nellie Ohr was working for Fusion GPS,” said Gaetz, in August, 2018. “So I want to know from Bruce Ohr, when did he tell his colleagues at the Department of Justice that in violation of law that required him to disclose his wife’s occupation his sources of income. He did not do that. So when did all of the other people at the Department of Justice find this out because Rod Rosenstein, I’ve asked him twice in open hearing and he will not give an answer. I think there’s a real smoking gun there.” 5. Ohr also told lawmakers in his testimony that the former British spy, Christopher Steele was being paid by the FBI at the same time he was getting paid by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC. However, there was another player paying Steele and it was a Russian oligarch named Oleg Deripaska. Deripaska, a tycoon connected to Russian President Vladimir Putin, had well known animus toward his former friend Paul Manafort. We need more of these testimonies made public so that voters can draw their own conclusions about what actually happened. Hopefully there is more of this to come. I am grateful for reporters like Sara Carter who have been following this story for more than two years and have not given up their search for the truth.
As a result of this year's epidemic, the domestic smartphone market has fallen sharply in the Q1 quarter, starting to improve in April and most manufacturers started to normal in May. According to the latest market report ,Huawei Glory won 48.7 percent of the domestic retail channel share in May, Glory's share also reached 13.8 percent, leading Xiaomi and so on, only one step away from the second in the country. Zhihu Da V @ the governor of anhuduRecently, it has released the retail file situation of China's mobile phone market in May 2020, including online and offline channels. Let's first look at the situation in May. Huawei glory double brand ,Huawei department in may sales share reached 48.71%, other manufacturers brand sub-brand shares are down. Among them Huawei in May 2020 share 34.9%, year-on-year increase 50.5%; cumulative share 31.3%, cumulative year-on-year increase of 20.0% more than 5000 yuan gear cumulative share increased to 32.8%! Glory gained 13.8% in May 2020, up 22.3% from the same period last year, and 13.9% from the same period last year. Oppo accounted for 15.1% of the total in May 2020, an increase of - 23.0% year on year, and 15.9% of the total, an increase of - 33.5% year on year. Vivo accounted for 16.5% of the total in May 2020, an increase of - 18.8% year on year; its cumulative share was 16.4%, an increase of - 34.7% year on year. Xiaomi system occupied 8.3% of the total in May 2020, with a year-on-year growth of - 18.9%; its cumulative share was 9.1%, with a year-on-year growth of - 30.7%. The share of Huawei lines reached 45.21% by May 2020, of which Huawei31.30%, glory 13.91%, apple 11.19%, OPPO 15.91%, vivo 16.43% and millet 9.06%. In terms of market share alone, Huawei's brand is far ahead of other brands, followed by oppo and vivo, ranking fourth in honor, but the gap between 13.81% share and ov is narrowing. Considering that Huawei and glory are both growing, other brands are still declining, and glory may overtake ov in the second half of this year to become the second in China. >> of Preferential GoodsMeituan take-out red envelopes daily Tencent Video Membership Annual Fee 99 Yuan / JingDong plus Joint Annual Card 128 Yuan Sunflower 50 disposable medical masks for children Hand-held mini usb mini fan $7.9 after coupon Antarctica charging sonic electric toothbrush coupon after 7.9 yuan Super Light Breathable Running Shoe Coupon $79 8H comfortable gel mat release: high elasticity, jelly, breathable and cool.
An FHA loan is more lenient in its credit requirements than a traditional loan, which means you will be dealing with buyers who may run into issues getting the loan finalized. fha loans can accommodate buyers with credit scores as low as 580 with a 3.5% down payment, where a traditional loan usually requires at least a 620. The mortgage loan closing costs for an FHA loan, conventional mortgage, or a jumbo loan program — while they can vary by state — all comprise the same structure, whether for purchase, refinance, or HELOC loan type. This page on closing costs is very important for you. What are the FHA loan requirements and is an FHA home loan your best bet? Our mortage expert compares the government-backed fha loan to a conforming loan and breaks down the pros and cons of each so first-time home buyers can make an informed decision. FHA mortgage calculator definitions. FHA is the loan of choice for thousands of first-time and repeat buyers each month. In 2016 alone, nearly 900,000 buyers used an FHA loan to purchase a home. When your home is FHA-friendly, you open up the door to more potential buyers. Approximately 30% of the mortgages buyers use to finance a purchase are backed by the FHA – meaning that if your home does not meet FHA requirements, you automatically cut yourself off from 30% of potential home buyers. Steps to Make a Home FHA-Friendly FHA loans are a popular choice among first time home buyers and repeat home buyers alike. This is partly because mortgages insured by the Federal Housing Administration have some of the best loan terms in the industry, including the impressively low down payment requirement of only 3.5%. FHA loans are also incredibly flexible when it comes to eligibility requirements, making them a perfect fit. Current Fha Mortgage Interest Rate Let’s say that a lender is offering you a fixed rate reverse mortgage at a rate of 4.2%. We also know that annual MIP will equal 0.5% of the loan balance. In this case, you would calculate the rate by adding the two together: 4.20% + 0.5% = 4.70%. To get the APR, the lender would need to disclose insurance and closing costs. Scenario 2. FHA Loan Requirements 2019 – First of all FHA loans have been helping people become homeowners since 1934. Therefore a perfect credit score is not needed for an FHA loan approval.In fact, even if you have had credit problems, such as a bankruptcy, it’s easier for you to get an FHA loan than a conventional loan. These loans, while the most popular, also contain tighter qualifying guidelines than FHA: No mortgage insurance with just 10% down The wait for a new mortgage post-foreclosure is seven years; there’s. How To Calculate Closing Costs On Fha Loan Bad Credit Home Loans In Texas Personal Loans for Bad Credit People Available Through New "One Stop Shop" Application and Comparison Service – DALLAS, Texas, May 13, 2013 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ — PersonalLoansForBadCredit.net, one of the leading U.S. online loan aggregator services for people with bad credit, announces the launch of a new.Fha 30 Yr 15 vs. 30 year mortgage calculator | Guaranteed Rate – It’s one of the first decisions to make when getting a fixed-term mortgage – which to choose between a 15 vs. 30 year mortgage? The answer differs from person to person, which is why we put together this easy 15 vs. 30 year mortgage calculator to help you decide which loan term is best for you.closing cost calculator | Guaranteed Rate – However, all together, the cost of closing on a mortgage can be a large sum of money you may not have budgeted when deciding to get a new mortgage. This closing cost calculator will help you get an estimate of what your cost of closing will be to help you better prepare yourself financially for all the costs of your new home loan.
07 Jun Recognizing Your Privilege Written by Soyo Awosika-Olumo, 2016 Tanzania: Social Innovation We’ve been in Tanzania for about one week, and it’s been quite the experience. After a 48-hour span of flights, I was immediately surrounded by 12 strangers from the U.S. and Canada, all excited to get to know each other and see what the next forty days had in store. I didn’t know what I was getting into, but I was ready. Our first set of projects was at a school called Mjimwema Primary School, where we partnered with an NGO called Kipepeo. In the mornings we broke out into teams and painted four of the classrooms at the school, and after lunch we came back and paired off with 2-3 kids in grades 5-7 to prepare them for an upcoming spelling bee. At the end of it all we were able to see the great contribution we made to the school, and the impact and confidence we instilled in the children. Mjimwema Primary School is one of the only free schools in the community. Because of this, each grade has over 200 kids to one teacher for each subject. When you arrive, you see hundreds of kids gathered around one teacher on some part of the yard going through the daily lessons. The head teacher of the school took us through and explained that they get about 279,000 TSH (about $130 USD) from the government, which is not enough to support the teachers and really fix up the school, built in 1974. One of the other teachers mentioned that they would, in the future, like to fix the roofs of the classrooms so that students can go to school during rainy season. There’s a lot of work to do, but small steps can make a big impact in the future and I feel great about what we’ve done. One thing I can take away from this past week is recognizing my privilege. Regardless of my socio-economic status back in the Western Hemisphere, the fact that I am able to travel to Tanzania means that I have some sort of privilege. As a result, it’s easy for me to get caught up in what works and how things are done in the USA, but significant and sustainable volunteering can’t be seen through through the eyes of an American. For example, while painting I was able to catch a glimpse of kids playing with a handmade soccer ball. It would be easy for me to say, “Oh, I should buy these kids soccer balls they can play with at school,” but is it something they really need? Who am I to say that their handmade soccer ball isn’t as good as a soccer ball from America? It’s important to view the projects we came to do with an understanding of the culture, focusing on what is important or needed in the community. In each project we embark on, I want the work that the OG team and I do to have a positive impact and to contribute to the overall growth and mission of the NGOs that we are partnering with. I plan on approaching each situation critically, doing my best to understand the community and neglect my western ideals, which could leave a negative impact. I look forward to the projects and challenges we will embark on in the upcoming weeks. Until next time!
Rent A Garbage Dumpster Burnwell, AL Rent a Dumpster in Burnwell Now! Quick 1-minute quote in Burnwell Dumpster rental specialists are standing by to give you a quick, no-hassle quote. Let us know what dumpster size you are looking for, when you need it, and what zip code your roll-off is going to. We are always available to help Simply give us a call and we will answer any questions you may have about the Burnwell dumpster rental procedure, allowed materials, size you may need, etc. Next-Day delivery of your dumpster Our roll off containers can usually be delivered in Burnwell the day after you place your order. Make sure to call us early to ensure timely delivery. The True Meaning of Large Dumpster Rental What You Should Do to Find Out About Large Dumpster Rental Before You're Left Behind It is sometimes a complicated region to comprehend. Actually, renting a dumpster is even often advisable whenever you're taking junk out of your residence. If you're considering renting a dumpster, here are a few hints to help you. What You Don't Know About Large Dumpster Rental Obtaining a dumpster can help to spend less on the undertaking, and it could also be rather convenient for those working on an undertaking. The dumpster is most frequently suited for holding various kinds of debris, trash, demolition along with several other kinds unwanted material.After filling this up, you must call the dumpster provider and ask them to pick this up and haul it away. It will give you the ability to get rid of trash as you create piles of junk. Our dumpster size guide explains all you need to understand about the four most typical container sizes. You should choose a massive rent a garbage dumpster company that is capable of sustaining a massive service area when you're searching for rent a garbage dumpsters in Denver. First, discover what size dumpster you demand. There are a number of such companies today, and if you're from Maryland, the best there is Action Hauling. As soon as your dumpster reaches your Oklahoma City region, you are going to be able to initiate your undertaking. Basic a considerable undertaking you're aware you will want to lease a dumpster in Fergus Falls, MN. The Argument About the Dumpster Facts, Fiction and the Dumpster There are lots of rent a garbage dumpster businesses in the market who will be able to help you in this respect. Dumpster Rental providers always charge a little extra amount in the event the customers exceeds the Ton Limit. More than a few companies have a level rate fee even though others charge you per visit. You most likely want to remove any wasp nest near your house and wish to get the best wasp repellant available. You might be searching for a simple method to earn some money from home. Where to Find the Dumpster For instance, a huge dog rescue probably does not have any demand for a little dog bed. Additionally, it will now reach all the way below the bed! Actually, correct maintenance is far less costly than neglected maintenance. While it might not suit digging deep or huge holes, like basements and industrial building foundations, the tiny backhoe can handle most other digging jobs. When folks are remodeling their homes, they are inclined to throw a great deal of stuff away. New Questions About the Dumpster You're likely going to find more beverage cans than every other collectable. You would like to leave food for some other freegans. On top of that, if you donate your unopened food to the local food bank, you're going to be helping feed families in need. It is irrelevant how badly you must visit the restroom or want a medium Coke. The bathroom by the home office is comparatively quiet. Don't sign before you find the true apartment. The dumpster prices usually depend on the kind of waste. There are a dozen reasons which you may need to lease a dumpster. Though the dumpster is for cardboard, it's still a dumpster. Getting the Best the Dumpster It's far better to have a container that is a little larger than you feel you are going to want. dumpsters are for trash somewhere to remove garbage. Therefore, if you can find that key, it is possible to open many Burnwell dumpsters. Perhaps you will need to call the exterminator, based on your inclination and your financial plan. How much you spend is all up to you. You will save your time and money too. Call Now! 888-880-4457 Dumpster Rental Companies Near Burnwell |Hicks Disposal Service||(256) 437-2289| |BAR Waste Services||(251) 666-0112| |Anniston Army Depot||(256) 235-7521| |U.S. Space & Rocket Center||(800) 637-7223| |Cash's Sanitation Llc||(251) 649-7160| |Protect Gulf States Environmental Services||(251) 621-3738| |Barry Moore Industries||(334) 393-4264| |Tom Williams Lexus||(205) 252-5000| |PBS Services||(256) 721-8727| Dumpster Sizes Available Burnwell Get started in less than 60 seconds. Pick up the phone and get a quote now! Great for small projects - 12 feet long - 8 feet wide - 4 feet tall For moderate sized cleanouts - 22 feet long - 8 feet wide - 4.5 feet tall All around good dumpster size - 22 foot long - 8 feet wide - 6 feet tall For the largest projects - 22 foot long - 8 feet wide - 8 feet tall *Dimensions & availability may vary by location. Call to confirm. Thousands of satisfied customers We take pride in providing our community with great prices and excellent customer service on dumpster rentals. Join thousands of others and get the dumpster you need, for the price you deserve! All major credit cards accepted for dumpster rentals in Burnwell.
MMBasic supports program entry and editing commands, as well as commands to save/load programs from the two “drives” that the hardware supports. COMMAND AND PROGRAM INPUT At the command prompt (the greater than symbol, ie, > ) you can enter a command line followed by the enter key and it will be immediately run. This is useful for testing commands and their effects. Line numbers are optional. If you use them you can enter a program at the command line by preceding each program line with a line number however; it is recommended that the full screen editor (the EDIT command) be used to enter and edit programs. When entering a line at the command prompt the line can be edited using the arrow keys to move along the line, the Delete key to delete a character and the Insert key to switch between insert and overwrite. The up arrow key will move through a list of previously entered commands which can be edited and reused. A program held in memory can be listed with LIST, run using the RUN command and cleared with the NEW command. You can interrupt MMBasic at any time by typing CTRL C (can be redefined with OPTION BREAK) and control will be returned to the prompt. Input can come from either a keyboard or from a computer using a terminal emulator via the USB or serial interfaces. Both the keyboard and the USB interface can be used simultaneously and can be detached or attached at any time without affecting a running program. Output will be simultaneously sent to the USB interface and the video display (VGA or composite). Either can be attached or removed at any time. LINE NUMBERS, PROGRAM STRUCTURE, AND EDITING In version 3.0 of MMBasic and later versions the use of line numbers is optional. MMBasic will still run programs written using line numbers, but it is recommended that new programs avoid them. The structure of a program line is: [line-number] [label:] command arguments [: command arguments] … Instead of using a line number a label can be used to mark a line of code. A label has the same specifications (length, character set, etc) as a variable name but it cannot be the same as a command name. When used to label a line the label must appear at the beginning of a line but after a line number (if used), and be terminated with a colon character (:). Commands such as GOTO can use labels instead of line numbers to identify the destination (in that case the label does not need to be followed by the colon character). For example: - - - xxxx: PRINT "We have jumped to here" MMBasic finds a label much faster than a line number so labels are recommended for new programs. Multiple commands separated by a colon can be entered on the one line (as in INPUT A : PRINT B). Long programs (with or without line numbers) can be sent via USB to MMBasic using the XMODEM command or the AUTO command. STORAGE COMMANDS AND FUNCTIONS A program can be saved to either drive using the SAVE command. It can be reloaded using LOAD or merged with the current program using MERGE. A saved program can also be loaded and run using the RUN command. The RUN command can also be used within a running program, which enables one program to load and transfer control to another. You can list the programs stored on a drive with the FILES command, delete them using KILL and rename them using NAME. On an SD card the current working directory can be changed using CHDIR. A new directory can be created with MKDIR or an old one deleted with RMDIR. Whenever specified a file name can be a string constant (ie, enclosed in double quotes) or a string variable. This means you must use double quotes if you are directly specifying a file name. Eg, RUN “TEST.BAS” On the SD card programs are stored using standard text and can be read and edited in Windows, Apple Mac, Linux, etc. Full Screen Editor An important productivity feature of MMBasic is the full screen editor It will work using an attached video screen (VGA or composite) and over USB with a VT100 compatible terminal emulator. The full screen editor is invoked with the EDIT command. If you just type EDIT without anything else the editor will automatically start editing whatever is in program memory. If program memory is empty you will be presented with an empty screen. The cursor will be automatically positioned at the last place that you were editing at and, if your program had just been stopped by an error, the cursor will be positioned at the line that caused the error. You can also run the editor with a file name (eg, EDIT “file.ext”) and the editor will edit that file while leaving program memory untouched. This is handy for examining or changing files on the disk without disturbing your program. If you are used to an editor like Notepad you will find that the operation of the full screen editor is familiar. The arrow keys will move your cursor around in the text, home and end will take you to the beginning or end of the line. Page up and page down will do what their titles suggest. The delete key will delete the character at the cursor and backspace will delete the character before the cursor. The insert key will toggle between insert and overtype modes. About the only unusual key combination is that two home key presses will take you to the start of the program and two end key presses will take you to the end. At the bottom of the screen the status line will list the various function keys used by the editor and their action. In more details these are: |ESC||This will cause the editor to abandon all changes and return to the command prompt with the program memory unchanged. If you have changed the text you will be asked if this is really what you want to do.| |F1: SAVE||This will save the program to program memory and return to the command prompt. If you are editing a disk file it will save that file to the disk.| |F2: RUN||This will save the program to program memory and immediately run it.| |F3: FIND||This will prompt for the text that you want to search for. When you press enter the cursor will be placed at the start of the first entry found.| |SHIFT-F3||Once you have used the search function you can repeatedly search for the same text by pressing SHIFT-F3.| |F4: MARK||This is described in detail below.| |F5: PASTE||This will insert (at the current cursor position) the text that had been previously cut or copied (see below).| If you pressed the mark key (F4) the editor will change to the mark mode. In this mode you can use the arrow keys to mark a section of text which will be highlighted in reverse video. You can then delete, cut or copy the marked text. In this mode the status line will change to show the functions of the function keys in the mark mode. These keys are: |ESC||Will exit mark mode without changing anything.| |F4: CUT||Will copy the marked text to the clipboard and remove it from the program.| |F5: COPY||Will just copy the marked text to the clipboard.| |DELETE||Will delete the marked text leaving the clipboard unchanged.| The best way to learn the full screen editor is to simply fire it up and experiment. The editor is a very productive method of writing a program. Using the OPTION Fnn command you can program a function key to generate the command “EDIT” when pressed. So, with one key press you can jump into the editor where you can make a change. Then by pressing the F3 key you can save and run the program. If your program stops with an error you can press the edit function key and be back in the editor with the cursor positioned at the line that caused the error. This edit/run/edit cycle is very fast. If you are using the full screen editor over USB with Terra Term you must set Terra Term to a screen size of 80 characters by 36 lines. Note that a terminal emulator can loose its position in the text with multiple fast keystrokes (like the up and down arrows). If this happens you can press the HOME key twice which will force the editor to jump to the start of the program and redraw the display.
The optical fiber unit, Pre-terminated Drop Cable, is positioned in the center.Two parallel Fiber Reinforced Plastics (FRP) are placed at the two sides.Then,the cable is completed with a black or color LSZH sheath. It is also called leather cable. It is a new type of user access optical cable. According to the application environment and laying conditions, the cable structure and various technical parameters are reasonably designed. The characteristics of indoor soft cable and self-supporting optical cable are collected. Special equipment is used in conjunction with imported precision mold production. It is the best candidate for FTTX network solution, and it is also suitable for users of other fiber-optic FTTO and FTTB networks. Because the cross-section is like a butterfly, it is called a butterfly cable. Both sides are reinforcing members in the leather line and optical fibers in the middle. The structure of the self-supporting pre-terminated drop cable is based on the Butterfly cable, and a metal suspension unit is added. With the continuous extension of the optical fiber like the user end, in order to meet the different uses and requirements, and expand the use range of the butterfly-introducing cable, on the basis of the Pre-terminated Drop Cable, a derivative product of the butterfly-introducing has emerged, the most typical one being The Self-supporting Pre-terminated Drop Cable is introduced into the optical cable.READ MORE GY: Outdoor (field) optical cable for communication T: Filled structure S: Steel strip--polyethylene bonding sheath GYTS cable is a communication cable with a similar optical transmission speed. The 250 μm fiber is located in a loose tube made of high modulus plastic. The tube is filled with a waterproof filling compound. The center of the core is a metal reinforcement. BIDI-SFP optical module: BiDi (Bidirectional): single fiber bidirectional. It uses WDM (ie, wavelength division multiplexing) technology to transmit and receive different center wavelengths in two directions, thereby realizing a bidirectional transmission of optical signals in one fiber. A general optical module has two ports, a TX transmitting port and an RX receiving port, and the BIDI optical module has only one port, which is filtered by a filter in the optical module, and simultaneously performs transmission of a 1310 nm optical signal and reception of a 1550 nm optical signal, or in contrast. Therefore, BIDI modules must be used in pairs. It is a hot-swappable input/output device that plugs into a Gigabit Ethernet port or slot, linking the port with the network. SFPs can be used and interchanged on a wide variety of switches and routers, can be intermixed in combinations of 1000BASE-T, 1000BASE-SX, 1000BASE-LX/LH, 1000BASE-EX, 1000BASE-ZX, or 1000BASE-BX10-D/U on a port-by-port basis. GY: Outdoor optical cable for communication F: Non-metallic reinforcing member T: Filled structure A: Aluminum-polyethylene bonding layer The GYFTA fiber is single/multi mode fiber, stranded loose tube cable with aluminum and steel tape. It can be used for duct and direct buried application. Particularly suitable for occasions where good mechanical properties and rodent resistance are expected. "GY" means Outdoor optical cable for communication,"T" means Filled structure,"A" means Aluminum belt--polyethylene bonding layer. The GYTA cable is a loose tube made of a high-modulus material, which is filled with a 250 μm fiber. And the loose tube is filled with a waterproof compound. The center of the core is a metal reinforced core. For some cores, a layer of polyethylene (PE) is required to be extruded outside the metal reinforced core. SFP 25G AOC optical module is a hot-swappable input/output device that plugs into a 25Gigabit Ethernet port or slot, linking the port with the network. SFP+s can be used and interchanged on a wide variety of switches and routers, can be intermixed in combinations of 1x InfiniBand QDR, DDR, SDR, 10G Gigabit Ethernet, Fibre Channel On a port-by-port basis.We are dedicated to providing customers with outstanding, standards-compliant products and services. CCOFC has passed many quality system verifications, like CE, RoHS, FCC, established an internationally standardized quality assurance system and strictly implemented standardized management and control in the course of design, development, production, installation and service. Pre-terminated high-precision MPO/MTP patch cord can achieve multi-fiber connectivity. It also can be used for internal frame cabling. MPO/MTP multi-fiber cabling system is ideally suited for a high density environment that demands space saving and innovative cable management solutions. The spring - loaded push/pull locking mechanism of the MPO is easy to handle while guaranteeing the secure mating of the connectors. High- precision guiding pins ensure the exact adjustment of the ferrule. t offered in fiber types in standard 8, 12, 24 or 48 cores versions using a compact , and with multimode and singlemode fibres secure transition between MPO/MTP and LC or SC connections.READ MORE
Contributor: Mareike Bire It’s early Friday morning, but Jacqui Munro is up and running: running in an oversized campaign T-Shirt with her own name on it, a cup of coffee in hand. A campaign volunteer is worried that she didn’t have breakfast yet, but Munro doesn’t mind. She is the 28-year-old Liberal candidate for the electorate of Sydney. On her way to the pre-polling station Munro listened to Drum and Bass, a quick-paced genre of electronic music with between 160–180 beats per minute. Her ears are accentuated by little clef earrings. “I really love music”, she says. “I love getting out and having a dance.” She’s firmly against the lockout laws, and not afraid to go against party line if she believes it is wrong. “I know people who lost their jobs and had to shut down their clubs,” she says. “They faced unemployment through something that the government imposed, and I thought that wasn’t right.” Munro believes in liberalism and that people should be allowed to live their lives however they want. “I think that the Liberals are best placed to manage the economy,” she says, and that innovation and enterprise needs to be rewarded, especially in small businesses. People who run them “are the people who actually create our city” she said. Munro’s face lights up when she speaks about Sydney: “There is no place else I would rather represent.” She calls it her home, sees herself as a product of this city, and running here is a privilege. “Sometimes, I am like… oh my gosh, I can’t believe I was endorsed,” she says. She’s up against Tanya Plibersek, who holds a comfortable 11 per cent margin. When confronted with that fact, Munro bursts out laughing. Steve Bradbury, the Australian speedskater who accidentally won at the winter Olympics is her great Australian hero – not because he was lucky, but because he tried and put in the hard work. “Do your best. It’s a pretty worthwhile goal.” She’s not necessarily running to win but to give people a choice. It’s a slow pre-polling day but she and her volunteers hand out leaflets to whoever is willing to take them. Her volunteers are predominantly women, but otherwise a healthy mix of ages and racial backgrounds. Is Munro a feminist? When asked this question, she hesitates: “I wouldn’t mind calling myself a feminist. I guess I just wouldn’t necessarily put a label on it.” She believes in equality and that barriers for women need to be addressed but says she personally has never had problems – even within the Liberal party. Labels are not her thing. Even though she describes herself as a young bisexual woman, her sexuality to her “just happens to be a part of who I am”. At the same time, representation and having role models is something she finds important – more important, than, for example, bringing back the Safe Schools program. She struggles to find the right words to speak about the program. It’s not “the overall goal of safe schools to provide an accepting and respectful environment and ideally with education behind it” that she struggles with – she thinks that is reasonable. Munro is just unsure about when we should “start talking to young people about sexuality and gender”. She is a Liberal after all but she hopes “that people see there is diversity within the Liberal party as well”. “The things that unite us are much stronger than what divides us and so many issues don’t go down party lines,” she says. That is a lesson she learned working on the Yes-Campaign for Marriage Equality. It was more important to speak to people and appeal to their sense of humanity and fairness to be successful. Over the course of the interview, more volunteers appear, making Munro jump up from where she is sitting, hugging and greeting everyone like friends or family members. One offers to get her breakfast: Munro declines – she’s off to her next appointment for the day in a few minutes, anyway. Mareike Bire is a queer feminist at heart, who does not believe in binaries. Currently she is a postgraduate media student on exchange from Germany at the University of Sydney.
31 Jan Children and Separation – General (Tip sheet for parent/s) - Story of when children were born to parents. If true, that children were born to parents because they loved each other and they wanted to have the children. - What have children been told about the parents separation and what are the children understanding Children may experience - Worries about mother and dad - Think that it is his/her fault for parents separating - Could get caught up into blaming one parent over the other (Loyalty dilemma) - Can the child show both parents that she or he has happy times with both parents? - Can the child show one parent that she or he misses the other parent? Help the child with drawing the homes before and now, and people in the homes Worry – box Help children create a worry box for each home to place worries they may have. Every few days sit down and go through the children’s and grownups worries. Happy- box for each home to place happy things, thoughts, etc. Repeat as per worry-box. Emotional expression between siblings It is possible that there may be fighting between siblings. – Quite often children express their emotions with siblings, as this is much easier for them, rather than with parent/s. Help children recognise and help them to put words to their feelings/confusion. Emotional expression -if an only child At times children and parent/s have a tendency to relate as siblings. This means that the child has either entered the adult’s domain or the adult has entered the child’s domain. In either scenarios, the adult has lost the parenting position of being the ‘wiser, stronger, kinder’ and able to hold the child’s emotions. Parent/s and children draw picture, or word or story about what was good during the week; what was not so good; and what worries they may have had or still have. For more information please make contact.
A Tesla Model S P100D recently went head-to-head against a Dodge Challenger SRT 392 in the quarter mile. As could be seen in the quick battle between a silent electric killer and the loud muscle car, which was uploaded on YouTube’s Wheels channel, it takes way more than a bad launch to overcome a Tesla. The Model S P100D and the Challenger SRT 392 could not be any more different. The Challenger SRT 392 is considered as the Demon’s little brother, with its 392 cubic-inch, 6.4-liter naturally aspirated V8 engine making 485 hp and 470 ft-lbs of torque. The Detroit-made modern muscle car’s engine is pretty much identical to the 6.4-liter motor that Dodge utilized for the R/T Scat Pack model, considering that the two engines feature identical power outputs. The Dodge Challenger SRT 392 is available with either a 6-speed manual gearbox or an 8-speed automatic transmission with paddle shifters. A true muscle car in every sense of the word, the SRT 392 is no joke on the track. The Tesla Model S P100D, on the other hand, is the complete antithesis of the Challenger SRT 392. Unlike Dodge’s muscle car, the P100D is a luxury family sedan that just happens to be ludicrously fast (pun intended). The Model S P100D is equipped with two electric motors, with the front unit making 259 horsepower and the rear motor making 503 horsepower. These motors are capable of producing 920 ft-lbs of torque instantly. With Tesla’s Ludicrous Mode upgrade, the Model S P100D is capable of sprinting from 0-60 mph in just 2.3 seconds. While the Dodge Challenger SRT 392 has a top speed of 182 mph, however, the Tesla Model S P100D is software-limited to only 155 mph. As could be seen in the video of the two vehicles’ race, the Model S P100D actually had a bad launch. The Dodge Challenger SRT 392 was briefly able to beat the electric car off the line, but as soon as the P100D took off, it was only a matter of time before the family sedan was able to overtake the muscle car. The Model S P100D continued pulling for the duration of the race, finishing the quarter-mile run in 10.96 seconds. Unfortunately for the Dodge Challenger SRT 392, it appeared to have experienced a misfire during the middle of the run, causing the muscle car to finish the race in 14.29 seconds. The Tesla Model S P100D has faced numerous vehicles on the track, and it has beaten most of them. Earlier this year, YouTube’s DragTimes took his Model S P100D to a series of battles against the Dodge Demon, a car that seemed to be built to take down the electric car. The two vehicles battled in multiple races, and the P100D came out on top for the majority of the bouts. As noted by Elon Musk, Tesla does not make slow vehicles. Just like the Model S, the Tesla Model X, the company’s luxury sedan, is also a formidable force on the drag strip. The Model 3, the company’s most affordable vehicle to date, is also steadily gaining a reputation on the track, recently winning 1st place in the 2018 Canadian Sport Compact Series Time Attack event. Watch the Tesla Model S P100D battle the Dodge Challenger SRT 392 in the video below. Interested in solar? Get a solar cost estimate and find out how much a solar system would cost for your home or business.
The Whitby Krampus Run is rapidly becoming one of the annual must see events in the Whitby calendar. Organised by a couple of ne’er do wells and mischief makers Elaine Edmunds and Laurence Mitchell of Decadent Drawing, this fabulous event grows year on year, raising much needed funds for the amazing work done by the team at the Whitby Wildlife Sanctuary. We were lucky enough to drag Elaine and Laurence away from their preparation for this year’s event to discuss the event’s history, legacy and what the future holds. FHR: The Whitby Krampus Run seems to be growing in popularity year on year. How did it all come about? I believe it has something to do with one of your Decadent Drawing art sessions? We used to put on monthly themed life drawing/performances at La Rosa. The story of Naughty Little Hans was our festive special in 2013 featuring our very first Krampus. The mask was made by Neal Harvey of Rubber Gorilla. The following evening was actually the Eve of the Feast of St Nicholas, it seemed a waste not to use the costume again so we took him for a stroll through Whitby. We started Whitby Krampus Run proper in 2015 with a few friends and it’s developed from here. Once we started getting attention it was time to put it on as a public event with approval of the authorities FHR: The event raises much needed funds for the The Whitby Wildlife Sanctuary, can you tell us how the connection between you and the sanctuary came about, and could you possibly tell us a little about the amazing work they do? A local charity dear to our hearts because of the sheer dedication and expertise. It’s not just a rescue but a valued educational resource. Every year the work grows and the need for funding increases. They provide an excellent service not just for Whitby but across the NorthEast. I’m honoured to be one of the Trustees. FHR: Krampus was a little known folkloric figure hailing from Austria and Germany until the last few years when we have seen a rise in interest in him. I am sure your event along with Al Ridenour’s wonderful book The Krampus and the Old Dark Christmas are among the myriad of reasons for that growth of interest. For those that know little of Krampus, can you give us a brief introduction to his story? Certainly little known outside the Austrian and German towns and villages that held the events. Which looking back is quite incredible really. A brief history of Krampus? But considering only slight variations in the Alpine folklore there does not appear to be one definitive answer to his origins but it would be reasonable to say he’s pre Christian pagan and a protector. Krampus mythology had persisted enough throughout the Christianising of Germany to become incorporated into the 16th/17th century Christian narrative. St Nicholas was a popular Saint in Germany with his feast day in early December and Krampus became the good saints side kick, the one that dished out the punishment. Krampus’ appearance is generally anthropomorphic goat a horned hairy beast. Chains on one hand to possibly signify the devil bound by Christianity. Sometimes with a long pointy tongue sometimes without. A modern addition of basket on his back to place naughty children and a bundle of birch twigs to smack them with. No Krampus is complete without bells. Loud bells which would alert you to his coming among the alpine villages and towns. The story is now quite set but Krampus’ image develops with the times…but not for traditionalists. FHR: I believe you make the costumes you use for the run yourselves. Creating such elaborate costumes must involve an enormous amount of work on your part? Can you tell us a little bit about the process, and how the costumes have changed since the event was introduced? We’ve now got a wooden Austrian mask as well as the latex originals from Neal Harvey. The costumes and props do take a lot of time and effort. The participants put in so much work and enthusiasm into their own costumes and there’s some stunning creations. We are all quite skilled at recycling materials and problem solving. I made a mask last year based on the Star Carr Mesiolithic antler headdress which turned out very well especially as I didn’t know what I was doing. Lisa Eagleton has been very inventive using a horse hoof from a pet shop to put on her prosthetic leg. Interestingly more than half the participants in our group are women. The less ‘traditionalist’ Austrian and German costumes have evolved to become more realistic and orc like…I like them to have more of an older homemade feel…I think it makes for a much odder appearance…much more folk art. We are still to solve the problem of being able to see. FHR: I have heard that Whitby Krampus Run 2018 promises to be the biggest and best yet. Can you tell us about anything new and exciting you have planned to take place on the day, or any ideas you may be working on? It’s an interesting year for us in building on the success. We’re clear that we are an interpretation and not a direct copy. This allows us to incorporate ideas specific to the local and ideas that just seem like mad fun. If they work they can stay if not plenty more where they came from. Really happy to have more Krampus involved this year and see them creating their costume/character. Those involved are all enthusiasts, we all have skill sets but this is new to us all. This year we are really delighted to have a troupe of experienced drummers lead the way bringing a small bit of order. We also have the market place throughout the day where you can bag some merch and we can carry out our parade finale as intended. The market place is a great backdrop and would be perfect to use it for a play or film at night in the future….then one day there’ll be Viking ships, submarines, giant snowballs/toboggan down the donkey path, meat raffles…ideas are no problem just the usual limits of finance and or health and safety. Thank you to Elaine and Laurence for taking time out of their busy schedule to chat to us about The Whitby Krampus Run 2018. The amazing work they do in making people happy and raising money for a cause like the Whitby Wildlife Sanctuary is something that deserves to be applauded. The Krampus Run takes place on Saturday December 1st around the streets of the beautiful town of Whitby. Several members of the FHR team will be in attendance at this event, and we hope to bring you photographs and reviews of the day for those who are too far away to make it to what will be one of the North of England’s must-see events in the Wyrd calendar for 2018. Hope to see some of you there. If you would like to find out more about the Krampus Run check out Elaine and Laurence’s Kramus blog here: Their Decadent Drawing blog is at the link below: For more information and for details on how to donate to the Whitby Wildlife Sanctuary: If you’re still craving more information about Krampus Al Ridenour’s excellent book is available from the following Amazon link:
Choosing between Netgear Nighthawk AC1900 and Linksys WRT1900AC can be quite confusing and tricky. These two routers are being sold at similar prices. Also, they come with many similarities to each other. Both are dual-band routers. They each has a decent number of positive reviews and responses on the market. Netgear Nighthawk AC1900 is sold by the manufacturer as a gaming router, particularly designed to serve gaming, streaming, and mobile devices, and is often praised for the superb performance and wide coverage area. On the other hand, Linksys WRT1900AC is quite popular for the powerful processor and reliability. Which is the router that you should get? Let’s compare the two! One aspect that often goes ignored, yet can be very important, is the coverage area. You want your router to be able to provide wireless network access to every area in your home, don’t you? Between the two, Netgear Nighthawk AC1900 is the one with a significantly wider coverage area. The router can provide a wireless signal for a very large home, as defined by the manufacturer. Linksys WRT1900AC does not specify how wide it can provide a coverage area, but some users have reported that its coverage area is noticeably smaller. Both routers support the beamforming technology already.\ The next difference is the network performance. Indeed, both of the are dual-band routers, and each of them has one 2.4 GHz signal channel and one 5 GHz signal channel, working independently and simultaneously. They also come with similar amounts of bandwidth. Each of them features 600 Mbps for the 2.4 GHz channel and 1300 Mbps for the 5 GHz channel. So, they actually can give you similar maximum speeds under ideal conditions. However, some users have reported that Netgear Nighthawk AC1900 can provide a more stable and reliable connection than Linksys WRT1900AC. It is said that devices experience less jitter with Netgear Nighthawk AC1900. This is most probably due to the area coverage factor, too, as devices at the edge of the coverage area may get a weaker wireless signal. Both routers are armed with some network management and access control features. They also support QoS bandwidth management. However, Linksys WRT1900AC only supports downstream prioritization. Netgear Nighthawk AC1900 supports upstream and downstream prioritization according to apps, activities, or devices. Netgear Nighthawk AC1900 vs. Linksys WRT1900AC All in all, Netgear Nighthawk AC1900 comes out to have a slightly better edge than Linksys WRT1900AC. It has a wider coverage area, more stable and reliable connection, and smarter QoS feature.
- Open the specimen container and set the lid aside. - Ask the test subject to urinate in the cup. The urine level should be above the temperature strip so it will light up. If the urine is too hot or too cold the temperature strip will show no colors. It will be completely black. A temperature strip that shows no colors means the sample is a fake. - Dip the tabs on the dip card into the urine. Do not dip past the bottom of the device. - Place the dip card on a clean dry surface and wait 5 minutes. Results can be read after 5 minutes. - Read the results. The test to the right is positive for opiates (OPI) and benzodiazepines (BENZO). It is negative for meth-amphetamine (METH-AMP), cocaine (COC), and marijuana (THC). The C line is the Control line. It must always be present or the test is invalid. The T line is the Test line and it must completely disappear to indicate a positive test. If there is any line at all left next to T, then it is negative. - The figure below represents various scenarios you might encounter when reading a test. Some tests have more than one T line on them which means that strip tests for more than one substance. AMP: Amphetamines, diet pills BARB (or BAR): Barbiturates, sedatives, hypnotics BENZO: Benzodiazepines, Valium, Xanax BZO: Same as BENZO MDMA: Methylenedioxymethamphetamine, ecstacy Methadone: Treatment for heroin addicts MOR: Morphine, pain medications OXY: Oxycontin, pain medications PCP: Phencyclidine, angel dust PPX: Propoxyphene, Darvon (no longer available in the US) THC: Tetrahydrocannabinol, marijuana, hash All positive tests must be confirmed by a secondary method in case of a false positive. I’ve drug tested thousands of people over the last 12 years. When someone is sent to my clinic for a drug test, and they know they’ve been using drugs, the thought of losing their job causes desperation to set in. So, just when I think I’ve seen it all, somebody gets a new bright idea on how to keep from flunking their test. Here are some of my favorites: Drop It Like It’s Hot – The urine sample was so hot it was steaming! No, that didn’t come from your body and you don’t have a 130 degree fever. Also, I once burned my hand on a urine sample. It went right through my latex glove. Unbelievable! How did it get this hot? People use heat packs to warm up cold urine samples they got from someone else. Cold As Ice – A guy brought in a urine sample that was so cold it felt like it was sitting in the freezer. Thought he kept it in his car in case he had a random test. My clinic is in the Chicago suburbs — it gets cold here in the winter. Jesus Loves Me – One time a man said that Jesus would not let him do drugs and actually took a picture of Jesus out of his wallet. Then he flunked. Ur So Gay – I was once accused of being a homosexual because a guy cheated and he was caught and then a witnessed collection had to be performed. (This is when the collector has to watch the person urinate into a cup.) Doesn’t Matter if You’re Black or White – Saw a white guy with a black Whizzinator. He wasn’t even smart enough to get the right color! These things aren’t cheap and when one person buys it they sometimes loan it out. This might have worked if it wasn’t a black Whizzinator penis strapped to a white male. Because I Got High – One guy brought in a fake sample (it was too cold so I know it wasn’t his own urine) and still tested positive. The employer said that this guy hasn’t done marijuana in a year. The guy said that he hadn’t smoked in over a year. Since he tried to cheat, he probably has been doing drugs . . . and so was the friend that gave him the sample! I’ve Got Five On It – I’ve had people in my clinic think that marijuana stays in your body for 5 years! So they go to great lengths to cheat when they don’t need to. Where do they get these ideas? When Irish Eyes are Smiling – Even the Irish don’t have green urine. Dipping the drug test cup into the toilet to try to dilute the sample turns your urine green because blue dye is applied to the toilets before drug testing is performed. You would be amazed by how many people actually try this. My Little Runaway – I’ve had people fake illness right before drug test and run away — out of the building! Mother’s Little Helper – “My mother is dying I just got a call from the hospital.” He couldn’t wait and had to go now. Deuce Bigalow – For some tests, I’m required to be in the bathroom at the same time, though not necessarily actually watching the donation. One guy thought he could get me to leave the room by announcing that he was going to “have to drop a deuce first.” I stayed and still got the sample, but I was ready to get out of there after a few minutes! I’m too Sexy – For hair tests, I’ve had guys come in completely shaved — everywhere. Head, chest, pubic hair, arms, legs, everywhere! They said that they do that because it pleases their sexual partners. Dare to be Stupid – One time I caught a guy who had substitute urine strapped to his leg. What was the container he used for the urine? A D.A.R.E. water bottle!
Fox Sports has added some very large former ESPN personalities in Colin Cowherd and Jason Whitlock this year, leading one to believe that “The One for Fun” is now “The One for ESPN castaways.” With former ESPN exec Jamie Horowitz now at the helm, FS1 is looking more and more like the most tiring parts of the “Embrace Debate” movement at ESPN by the day. (Hello, Rob Parker.) With all the former Bristolites moving west it’s easy to forget about some of the FS1 originals that have tried to give the network a true alternative voice. Thankfully, FS1 won’t be moving on from that original mission to be different from ESPN entirely. (At least not yet.) Fox Sports Live lead anchors Jay Onrait and Dan O’Toole will continue with FS1 for the next two years, agreeing to a new contract extension with Fox that will keep them at the network until 2017. Onrait made the reveal on a Sports Illustrated podcast with Richard Deitsch: “We had our options picked up for those two years so you are stuck with us for a couple of years,” Onrait said. “We want to stay with the company for a long time.” Fox expressed interest in re-signing the Canadian duo earlier this year and it’s really a no-brainer on their parts. Onrait and O’Toole are one of the best things about FS1 and their presence is something that actually delineates FS1 from their competitors. And as FS1 picks up more live sports rights, ratings continue to improve for the network’s flagship program. The last month has seen the most-watched episode of FS Live average 164,000 viewers according to our ratings guru Douglas Pucci. The program cracked 1.7 million viewers a couple weeks ago after MLB postseason action. With Onrait and O’Toole on board for a couple more years, let’s hope FS1 gives them and the likes of Katie Nolan more airtime as FS1 originals and less to ESPN’s recyclables.
The Zonta Club of Szombathely, District 14, joined Zonta International in 1991, the first in Hungary. Throughout the 28-year history, 55 women have volunteered for longer or shorter periods. The three founding members have been with the club from the beginning. The club’s activities are organized around four fundamentals: - It represents the values of Zonta, the fact that women’s rights are human rights, that they need to be done to eliminate gender inequality, both globally and locally. - It patronizes the disadvantaged and the abused women. - It supports mothers in need, talented young people (Christmas package, medication catering, scholarship). - It provides: implements regular projects year after year, two of which are joining ZI projects (YWPA, ZONTA SAYS NO). For Zonta’s 100th birthday, the club published a bilingual anniversary edition called ÉLETKÉPEK/ CLUB-LIFE. Printed and pdf versions of this publication have been sent to the District 14 archives. They chose “harmonious relationship” as the theme of their Rose Day in March, which is a music-literary show: with the title BEING A PARTNER. In District 14’s “100 Zontians – 100 Role Models” project, two of the club’s members introduced themselves. At the anniversary events of the Zonta clubs in Hungary in September, they presented our Életképek / Club-Life publication in Veszprém. Finally, the club’s centennial commemoration was held on 18 October. In the main square of Szombathely, club members formed the word Zonta together with 100 students holding colorful umbrellas to pay tribute to the founding ladies. Foundation Ambassador Margot Fleck introduced Zonta International Foundation activities. Club members presented their anniversary publication and the program was accompanied by widespread interest in the local press. Local television also produced a movie summary, seen below.
EPP Group wants to make the fight against cancer a top EU priority The fight against cancer is a field where European cooperation, pooling of data and resources can make a real difference in the lives of millions of Europeans. While nearly 200 million Europeans will suffer from cancer in their lifetime, the EPP Group considers that the European Union should make the fight against cancer a top priority in the upcoming five years. This is why the EPP Group will propose the creation of a special committee specifically dedicated to the fight against cancer. Today, MEPs Manfred Weber and Ewa Kopacz will take the floor during the debate in plenary on the topic. “I've been around Europe a lot over the past few months and I have asked the question over and over again: why don't we as Europeans pool our research funds, all our knowledge, our databases? And the answer from tens of thousands of Europeans was clear: yes, Europe could do it! In the fight against cancer, we can show a policy that is right, but also a Europe that works to the concrete benefit of the people. Politics can never guarantee scientific progress. But we can guarantee that we will work hard on it. Let us make the master plan against cancer our priority”, Manfred Weber said. For Ewa Kopacz: "Cooperation amongst Member States is crucial. No country will defeat cancer alone. We want cooperation at EU level by promoting pioneering methods of treating cancer, such as machine learning through artificial intelligence. This is the way to improve patient care and beat cancer." Earlier this spring, Manfred Weber presented, together with over 15 leading cancer researchers from all over Europe, a masterplan on how Europe can fight cancer more effectively. For the EPP Group Chairman, Europe can have a massive impact in the fight against cancer, and here is how: - a common cancer prevention strategy could prevent 40 per cent of all cancer cases; - we must merge all our existing national cancer databases by creating a European Digital Data Centre; - through a common early detection strategy, we can increase the chances of survival for thousands of patients; - in Eastern Europe, cancer patients today have 30 percent fewer chance of recovery than in Western European countries. Let us work together in partnership and in telemedicine to help every cancer patient, no matter where he or she lives in Europe; - patients and their carer relatives often feel left alone. They often lack support and sufficient information. In a cancer patient initiative, let us ensure that cancer patients get the help they need during their illness, but also after their recovery.
Ratbert Comic Strips 326 Results for Ratbert View 1 - 10 results for Ratbert comic strips. Discover the best "Ratbert" comics from Dilbert.com. Share July 31, 1990's comic on: Dogbert says to a rat, "If you're going to live here, you need a name." The rat asks, "How about 'Mickey?'" Dogbert replies, "No . . . Big trouble. How about 'Rodney the Rodent?'" The rat asks, "How about 'Bill the Rat?'" Dogbert asks, "Vernon the Vermin?" The rat says, "Ratbert." Share May 02, 1991's comic on: Dogbert sits in a chair and Ratbert sits on the hassock. Ratbert says, "There's a terrible stigma to being a rat . . ." Ratbert continues, "I once painted a pouch on my stomach and told people I was a tiny kangaroo." Ratbert continues, "That's when I found out that people hate tiny kangaroos." Share May 13, 1991's comic on: Ratbert walks along thinking, "I should go visit my old friend, Dogbert." Ratbert thinks, "I can get there in five days if I hurry." Ratbert walks through a maze in a lab. He thinks, "Lucky he's only a block away." Share May 15, 1991's comic on: Ratbert and Dogbert sit on a hassock. Ratbert says, "All this week I've been testing Madonna's 'Compulsion' perfume at the lab." Dogbert asks, "Any side effects?" Ratbert replies, "Heck no . . . Unless you consider marrying a bunsen burner a 'side effect.'" Ratbert asks, "Say . . . Who's that cute little filly on the table?!" Dogbert responds, "We call her the lamp." Share May 16, 1991's comic on: Dogbert says, "As long as you're here, Ratbert, I could use your help." Ratbert says, "At your service!" Dogbert opens the refrigerator and says, "I'd like you to test the stuff in the fridge and see if it's dangerous." Ratbert's head is stuck inside a ketchup bottle. He says to Dogbert, "Put a question mark by ketchup." Dogbert marks his clipboard. Share May 17, 1991's comic on: Dogbert says to Ratbert, "I'll get us some sodas, Ratbert." Dogbert says as he walks away, "Feel free to gnaw on some high voltage wires, or whatever rats do, until I return." Dogbert returns with the cans of soda. Ratbert looks burned and smoke rises from his body. Ratbert says, "I don't know why we do that, but it sure works up a thirst." Share July 16, 1991's comic on: Ratbert, who is wearing a sweater, asks Dogbert, "What do you think of my Chihuahua disguise?!" Dogbert replies, "It's a good start, Ratbert, but it takes more than a turtleneck to look like a Chihuahua." Ratbert opens his eyes wide and says, "How about if I make this face and act nervous?" Dogbert replies, "Perfect." Share July 17, 1991's comic on: Dogbert says, "Your Chihuahua disguise is good, Ratbert, but you must also learn to THINK like a Chihuahua." Dogbert continues, "To think like a Chihuahua, imagine the sound of one hand clapping." Ratbert yells, "Ouch! I sprained my brain! Yip yip yip yip yip!!!" Dogbert says, "Good, good . . ." Share July 18, 1991's comic on: Ratbert sits on a rock writing in his journal. Ratbert writes, "Day one: I have disguised myself as a Chihuahua so I can experience their lifestyle and make a movie." Ratbert writes, "I have already seen the senseless prejudice and brutality against an innocent Chihuahua." Ratbert writes, "This morning I slapped myself with a rolled up newspaper for no apparent reason. It was strangely satisfying." Share July 19, 1991's comic on: Man: Hey, aren't you one of those chihuahua dogs? Ratbert: The disguise is working. Man: Unless... Maybe you're just a rat in a turtleneck sweater, pretending to be a chihuahua. Ratbert: Think fast. Man: I don't have the attention span to think about it. Ratbert: What did he mean by, "just a rat"?
– The Canadian company breached the disclosure requirements of financial regulators at its gold and silver mining project in the Sierra Norte of Puebla, Mexico. – Local opposition and lack of respect for the human rights of affected people, including consultation with indigenous communities, among the issues not disclosed to investors. Mexico City, May 23, 2017.– A coalition of civil society organizations has requested that U.S. and Canadian securities regulators investigate whether Canadian-based company, Almaden Minerals, violated the disclosure requirements that companies listed in these markets must meet by not disclosing key information about the gold and silver exploration project known as the “Ixtaca Depot,” in the municipality of Ixtacamaxtitlán, in the Sierra Norte de Puebla. The rules governing public companies in both countries state that companies must disclose information of decision-making importance for investors. However, Almaden Minerals has not reported in its public announcements on four vital aspects of the Ixtaca project: - The decision of the Mexican Environmental Agency (SEMARNAT) that the mining project could not advance to the exploration phase until the affected indigenous communities express their free, prior, and informed consent through a consultation that conforms to international law. - The amparo lawsuit filed by the Tecoltemic indigenous community affected by the project. The company stated in a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission that it “does not know of any pending or active legal proceedings against it” despite the existence of this lawsuit. This omission may lead to the cancellation of the company’s concessions as it violates its obligations under Canada’s National Instrument 51-102, which obliges it to disclose “any legal proceedings your company is or was a party to, or that any of its property is or was the subject of, during your company’s financial year.” - Suspension of the project for several months by the SEMARNAT due to a lack of compliance with environmental requirements; and - The opposition of neighboring communities to the project, which may cause municipal authorities to deny the company the necessary land use permits for mining activities, as happened recently in the nearby municipality of Zaútla where this permission was denied to the Chinese company JDC Minerals. In letters addressed to securities regulators in British Columbia, the province where Almaden Minerals is located, and Washington, DC, four civil organizations – Center for Rural Development Studies (CESDER-PRODES), Union of Ejidos and Communities in Defense of the Earth, Water, and Life, Atcolhua, Mexican Institute for Community Development (IMDEC), and Project on Organizing, Development, Education, and Research (PODER) – request investigations of the mining company arguing it stated that the exploration in Ixtaca “continues apace, with no mention of recent federal regulatory and judicial actions that have slowed or threatened to halt activity on the site.” These organizations point out that the company has repeatedly stated the importance of maintaining positive relationships with local communities, “but fails to mention that many residents of affected communities are actively working to stop the project.” Almaden Minerals intends to process 7,500 tonnes of mineral per day at the Ixtaca site, which means that after 13 years of the mine’s life about 36 million tonnes of rock will be extracted to produce just 49 million ounces of gold and silver, leaving a mining pit of 1,000 meters of diameter and hundreds of meters of depth.
Hitman developer IO Interactive has had a rollercoaster of a year. Halloween 2016 marked the final release of new content for the rebooted version of the franchise, and a few months later Square Enix (Hitman‘s publisher) announced it was parting ways with IO Interactive. While the pub let IO keep the Hitman IP, its future was unclear. However, the first act of IO as an independent developer was announced today. Hitman: Game of the Year Edition will be released November 7th, and the package includes all of Season One’s missions and a new campaign titled “Patient Zero” that completely reworks existing maps to accommodate new mission parameters. According to IO, four existing maps will be “re-worked from the original settings with new gameplay opportunities, disguises, characters, challenges, gameplay mechanics, AI behaviour and HUD elements. Bangkok, Sapienza, Colorado and Hokkaido look and feel completely different with a new time of day and new custom music…” Although this isn’t a Season Two or bridge content leading to it as many hoped for, it’s still new content nonetheless. Players who haven’t purchased any Hitman missions can pick up the game for $60, and existing customers of Season One will pay only $20 for the new additions. IO hasn’t detailed price options for players who cherry-picked Season One missions yet. Along with the new reworked missions, IO is also adding new disguises and weapons, tuning up the lighting, redesigning UI elements and re-releasing each of the existing Elusive Target missions at a later date. This latest piece of info is of special note because Elusive Target missions were previously released as time-sensitive, single-attempt missions that expired completely upon completion or failure. If players missed at those missions the first time, they were out of luck, but now it seems prospective assassins will get another chance. IO Interactive’s website has all the details, but stay tuned to GameCritics for a review of Patient Zero once it debuts. He has a Bachelor’s in magazine journalism from the University of Missouri. He also has a personal blog (who doesn’t?) that he updates sporadically. He’s been writing for GameCritics.com since 2012 and has appeared on the podcast a handful of times. If you want to dive deep, type his name into a Google Image search and you’ll most likely be treated to a scandalous picture of his Deus Ex tattoo. He also has a music background from 7 years on high school and college drumlines, and last but not least he’s dabbled in parkour. Don’t let those activities fool you about his ambition – he’s in his late 20s and still has no idea what he wants to do with his life.
The responsibility of raising healthy, happy, well-adjusted kids can sometimes feel overwhelming for parents. They're bombarded with expert advice and societal expectations, yet often miss out on the informal support that parents half a century ago received from neighbours and extended family. Families can face increasing time and money pressures with both parents working, and more expectations on children to perform at school. Meanwhile family structures are becoming more varied as many children grow up in with single-parent, same-sex or step-families. Welcome to modern parenting. Edith Cowan University researcher Bronwyn Harman is investigating the experiences of different family set-ups, and what influences how Australians parent. Through her interviews with hundreds of parents, Harman has observed a professionalisation of parenting in the 21st century, which is making parents feel inadequate and worry they could be doing permanent damage to their children. "Contemporary parenting is hard," she says. "We have increased access to understanding how others parent but sometimes it can be information overload. Just when we think we've got it 'right' someone will cast doubt into our minds, because what is right for some is not right for others." The 10,000 parents who attend playgroup each week join for their kids but stay for themselves, Playgroups NSW chief executive Karen Bevan says. But beyond the crucial support and social interaction for carers of young children, Harman found that attending playgroup can significantly influence the way people parent. "They watch other mothers and what they did or didn't do, and they keep that in mind for the future," she says. This is particularly the case for first-time mothers because of the spread of ages at playgroup – by observing parents with older children, they have a sense of what developmental milestones to expect and how to manage them. Playgroup is most influential on disciplining techniques, with parents often resolving not to handle a situation the way they witness another parent doing. Because playgroups draw families from the same area, they can also reinforce social norms in that local community, such as using cloth nappies, feeding children organic food or splashing out on top-of-the-line prams. While most parents gain a lot of support from playgroup, some said other mothers were judgmental of their parenting. "They were there to exercise their expertise as a mother, [the inference is] 'you're a new mum and you've got no idea'," Harman says. Darlinghurst mother Catherine McEwen joined playgroup so her two children had some outside play, and she could meet families in the area with children the same age. It was also cheaper than paying for organised kids activities. "At playgroup we get a range of people," she says. "We've got professional nannies, we've got grandma nannies, we've got dads as well. It's nice to get a range of perspectives." McEwen says she got all her disciplining techniques from a mum of eight she met at playgroup. Her only misgiving is that playgroup can sometimes be cliquey. "With a big playgroup it's harder to break into the social circle." Most mothers-to-be hope for a quick and painless birth. But births are unpredictable, and when they don't go to plan it can affect future mother-child bonding. The 150 mothers Harman interviewed felt their birth experience had affected their mothering style. "If they had a difficult birth they had difficulty bonding with the child. We know that if you don't bond with the child in the first 24 hours you have to play catch-up." Mothers defined a difficult birth as one that hadn't gone to plan, which could mean premature birth, an emergency caesarean, use of vacuum, an episiotomy or epidural. Negative feelings about the birth led to a negative perception of parenting, and doubts about their mothering ability. They felt detached from their baby and disinterested in their outcomes. One mother Harman interviewed said she had a lot of trouble bonding with her twins because of the circumstances surrounding their birth. "I looked after them well, met their needs, cared for them … but I didn't feel attached to them," she said. "I didn't have that gooey motherly love I had expected." Of the nearly 800 mothers who had antenatal or postnatal depression surveyed by the Centre of Perinatal Excellence, more than half believed their difficult birth was a contributing factor. COPE founder Nicole Highet said mothers often projected their feelings of failure onto their newborn. "They put their anger, frustration and disappointment onto the baby. They hold resentment towards the baby – 'you did this to me, you made me feel like a failure'." In contrast, Harman found that mothers who had drama-free births and recovered quickly bonded early with their babies and were more inclined to have another child soon. Autism has become increasingly visible over the past 15 years, with one in 100 children now diagnosed with the brain disorder that affects social and communication skills. But parents of children with autism feel isolated and unsupported, Harman says. "They need support to increase their resilience and family cohesion," she says. "They're looking for other parents of autistic kids because they're the only ones who understand what it's like." Strangers mistake a child's autistic behaviours for naughtiness, or assume they're poorly parented. There is also little understanding that autism is a spectrum. If there are other children in the family parents feel guilty they're being neglected because the autistic child is sucking up all the attention, time and money. Siblings must fit in around the needs of the autistic child, and learn to be more independent and resilient. Marriages suffer under the strain of raising an autistic child, and the accompanying pressure on family finances. Erin Kester, who has three children with autism spectrum disorder, rarely goes out or socialises unless it's with other parents of autistic children. "People just don't get that I can't go out for a normal day," Kester says. "Just to go to the shops, I call it the travelling circus … they're bouncing off the walls, they want to touch everything. They can't sit there for five minutes like a normal kid would." Kester says she is constantly battling to get her children support. "I'm exhausted. My husband and I have been together 22 years and never have we been tested like this." But she's grateful she has a medical explanation for her children's behaviour. "For 10 years I blamed myself, I questioned my parenting. Now I know it's not me." Melbourne mum Nicole credits "Team Greg" for helping her family manage with their five-year-old's autism spectrum disorder. Nicole says Greg has a host of therapists, including for music, speech and swimming. "There are five people in Team Greg and they, obviously, are there for Greg, but they also give us support too and enable us to know how to work with his strengths and bring the best out of him," she says. "That's probably helped in keeping us positive." Nicole and her husband John also have a two-year-old son called Daniel. She says having the support of their extended families had also helped the couple cope. "The key for us is to keep a really open dialogue about everything that's going on," Nicole says. "In particular, we have a lot of family support from our parents ...I think that's made all the difference for us. "I think, if it was just John and I then it would be enormous pressure." Battling the wicked step-mother stereotype, an often hostile ex-wife, and lacking parental authority, women who take on step-children often feel disempowered, Harman says. Nearly one in five Australian families are step-families, according to the Bureau of Statistics. Yet step-mothers are still struggling to define their role as a caregiver who is neither a blood relative nor a friend. "It's really hard for them," says Harman, who interviewed step-mothers who didn't have of their own children. "Obviously it's a caring role, but it's not biological." Step-mothers said they had to defer to the father, and let him negotiate with the birth mother, whenever it came to making decisions about what the children ate, wore or did. "They were really stuck. They have to take responsibility for the children but they can't make any decisions." This was especially the case when it came to disciplining the children. "You don't really have a voice when it comes to setting rules and consequences," one step-mum said. "When you want there to be consequences it is seen as requesting punishment and is not any of your business even though some of the things that are done or not done affect you." Harman found that if step-family dynamics weren't resolved within the first five years, the relationship broke down. "They felt they'd put in all this work, but there was none of the fun," Harman says. "They felt disempowered, unable to make decisions – and the child knew that." But in those step-families that lasted, the step-mothers reported they genuinely loved the children. "They realised when they met their partner they took on a package and they really enjoyed interacting with the children."
You anticipated a large refund on your taxes to pay off some bills and put some money away in a rainy-day fund. Unfortunately, the money never showed up. What happened? Your refund may have gone toward an unpaid bill selected by the government – your unpaid student loan. Your federal student loan is considered to be in default if you haven't made a payment in 270 days. When that happens, the federal government has the right to claim your tax refund as payment against the debt, in a process known as an administrative offset. In essence, the government isn't giving any tax refunds back to you if you aren't attempting to repay what you already owe the government. If you've lost a tax refund to an offset, you aren't alone. Student loan default rates are near 11%, giving the government plenty of offset targets. In fiscal 2017, the Treasury Department executed $2.6 billion in tax refund offsets on approximately 1.3 million defaulted student loans. The Department of Education will notify the Treasury Department once your loan goes into default. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will follow up by sending you a written notification of the intent to garnish your tax refund. The notice will contain information regarding the debt and how to appeal the decision. Refund garnishment can hit low-income student loan holders exceptionally hard. Lower-income Americans benefit from tax credits such as the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), and they can ill afford to lose them. For many of these Americans, college wasn't the ticket to higher wages – just a ticket to higher debt without a suitable return on investment. What should you do if you're faced with a notice of intent to garnish your tax refund? Start by reviewing the IRS notice to verify that all the debt information is correct and that you really do owe the money via default. If the debt is not yours or there is a legitimate reason your taxes should not be withheld – for example, you have already set up a loan repayment plan and are already making payments – you can appeal the decision with the Department of Education. Instructions for appeal will be included in the IRS notice. To put a hold on the offset while you appeal, you have to file a written request for review at the address on your offset notice. You have 65 days after the notice date to file. If you requested and received a copy of your loan file, your deadline will be the longer of 65 days after the notice to file or 15 days after the loan file was received. Unfortunately, if the defaulted student loan debt really is yours, you don't have many options. You can apply for a hardship with the Department of Education, making the case that garnishment of your tax refund causes you excessive financial difficulties because of exceptional circumstances. However, the process can be very slow, and hardship is rarely granted. The best way to protect your tax refund is to avoid default in the first place. The Department of Education offers many options for staving off default. Income-based repayment plans allow you to scale your payments to your discretionary income. If you're in a situation where you can't pay at all, deferment and forbearance options are also available. When it comes to paying off your student loans, the worst thing you can do is nothing. "The best thing you can do about tackling your student loan debt is to be proactive," advises Millennial Money Expert Stefanie O'Connell. "Paying it back is not a passive practice." Rest assured, the government will do something – like claiming your tax refunds until the situation is resolved.
At 63, I’m experiencing the most magnificent adventure of my entire life! I’ve finally found the me that had been covered up by drugs and alcohol for 45 years. As a teen in the 60s, I drank in junior high. Wanting bigger and better, I soon moved on to the drugs of the day – hash, opium, LSD, MDA, cocaine and then soapers (Quaaludes). At 18, I was hopelessly hooked on soapers. I convinced my distraught mother that a small southern girl’s college was the solution. I took a stash of pills with me, but when they were gone, that was it, I was done! Thus began my lifelong relationship with alcohol. My dad died of cancer when I was only 5, but I feel certain he was an alcoholic. I can see now, that as a youth I had no self-esteem, an adventurous spirt, and my alcoholic nature was already in place. At 60, my alcoholism had progressed and I was drinking and smoking pot all of my waking hours. I was familiar with CAT and had faith that is was a good place to be. Little did I know that was the first day of a brand new life for me. Every single staff member was kind, loving and supportive. The program, schedule and rules were exactly right. I learned more about myself in one month than I’ve learned in my whole 63 years. I am not a “God” girl and that idea had been hard for me to grasp in my recovery program. Several months into recovery and working the steps with my sponsor, it finally hit me. It wasn’t me that got me into CAT and kept me there. And it’s certainly not me that keeps me from picking up a drink or a pipe each day. Name it what you will, there IS a power greater than I that did this for me. Addiction is a disease and willpower has nothing to do with it! CAT is where I learned to really cry, to laugh like a kid again and it’s where I found the Sandy I’ve been mourning these many years. When I need a bit of comforting, I go back in my head to that lovely sense of calm and safety I felt at CAT. I want to tell people that there can come a day when your obsession to use disappears. You can be happy and have fun without drugs and alcohol. I mean, look at me! I just celebrated my one year clean and sober anniversary, something I never would have thought was possible before. My adventure has just begun!
I have always thought that food dye contributes to hyperactive behavior, so it was interesting to read more on what more mainstream groups say about food dye and the role it plays in behavior. Food dye may possibly be the reason of hyperactivity in kids Last spring, the Food and Drug Administration looked into the possibility of food dyes causing hyperactivity in kids. Although food dye has been around for many years and is used in all types of foods, recent studies have caused some experts to ask the FDA to either ban food dye or put warning labels on foods with this ingredient. The Center for Science in the Public Interest, has asked the FDA to band eight food dyes. They are focused primarily on Yellow No. 5, Yellow No. 6, and Red No. 4., because they make up most of the food dyes used in processed food. This same group says that there is a lot of evidence that food dye increases hyperactivity in children. FDA’s findings about food dye in connection to children’s hyperactive behavior The FDA, on the other hand, reviewed 35 years of research and did not find proof that food dye causes kids to become hyperactive. It did find, however, that children with ADHD might be sensitive to the food dye. The FDA along with other child developmental experts believe that more studies need to be done, because the research that is currently available has many problems associated with it. FDA’s findings are still open to debate; Europe bans food dyes While the United States still debates this topic, the Europeans have already started taking action against the use of food dyes. They now require that warning labels should be put on all food that has food dye, so that parents know that it may cause hyperactive behavior. Although there is no conclusive evidence that food dye causes hyperactivity, there is also no solid evidence that it does not. Therefore, it is good that the FDA is willing to pursue this topic in order to better understand how food dye affects behavior. Why not try making natural food dyes? These natural food dyes may not be as vibrant as their artificial counterparts, but at least these still give color to your foods attractive enough for your kids to eat. And most of all, they are guaranteed safer alternatives. If you’re still convinced and concerned that food dyes are causing hyperactive behavior in your children, it’s time for you to introduce them into healthy eating. Kids still love foods that look pretty and colorful though, so you have to be clever and ingenious enough on how to present dishes to your children. Why not try to make food dyes that come from natural sources? For example, if you have to use red food dye, look out for beets or raspberries. For orange dye, you can use either carrot or paprika; for yellow, you can use turmeric or saffron; for blue, use natural blueberry juice; for green, you may use macha green tea powder; for brown, you can use cocoa or coffee granules.
ARBORTREK GIFT CERTIFICATES Upon purchase, eGift Certificates will be e-mailed to you in PDF format. Print them and put them in a card or e-mail them to your friends or family. The authorization claim code on the eGift Certificate can be redeemed online or by calling us at (802) 644-9300. Be careful not to lose the authorization claim code. Lost or stolen codes cannot be replaced or redeemed. Gift certificates can be purchased in the following increments using the order form below: Zip Line Canopy Tour Retail: $109.95, plus 6% sales tax and 2% booking fee Retail: $99.95, plus 6% sales tax and 2% booking fee 2.0 to 3.0 hour, fully-guided zip line adventure Awesome, All-Day Adventure Retail: $174.95, plus 6% sales tax and 2% booking fee; individually priced at $244.58 Retail: $160.00, plus 6% sales tax and 2% booking fee; individually priced at $212.51 Zip Line Canopy Tour, Treetop Obstacle Course, Climbing, T-Shirt, & Electronic Photo Package Treetop Obstacle Course Retail: $65.00, plus 6% sales tax and 2% booking fee Retail: $60.00, plus 6% sales tax and 2% booking fee General Admission, 2.5 hour pass; ~90 elements Purchase eGift Cards in $50 increments to build your own package Purchase eGift Cards in $25 increments to build your own package Use toward any tour purchase *Prices for the Zip Line Canopy Tour, Treetop Obstacle Course, Climbing Adventure, and All-Day Adventure Package vary during the course of the year. The fees presented here are for Off-Peak and Peak pricing. During Peak Season (June 15 through Labor Day, plus Memorial Day Weekend and Columbus Weekend), prices increase up to 10%. In some cases, the value of a gift card will not be sufficient to cover the full cost of the tour. In such cases, we recommend purchasing a higher value using $25 or $50 increments. Gift certificates may be redeemed toward the purchase of any ArborTrek/Smugglers’ Notch, LLC tour or program. Gift certificates cannot be applied toward merchandise, food, or beverage orders; cannot be redeemed toward previous purchases; cannot be redeemed to purchase other gift certificates; and cannot be redeemed for cash. Gift certificates are non-refundable and have no cash value. While gift certificates are transferable, they cannot be redeemed without the authorization claim code or replaced if lost or stolen. Tour prices are subject to change. Gift certificates purchased for the face value of a full tour may not be sufficient to cover the full value of future tours. In such cases, balances dues must be paid in full at time of booking. Unless otherwise stated, gift certificates do not expire. RECEIVING YOUR GIFT CERTIFICATES When you purchase a gift certificate, we will send you an e-mail confirmation of the purchase along with an e-Gift Certificate. Please make certain to enter the correct e-mail address when you place the order and print and save the e-mail. You will need the e-Gift Certificate authorization claim code to redeem the value. REDEEM ARBORTREK GIFT CERTIFICATES ArborTrek offers two types of gift certificates and tour vouchers: A. Printed Gift Certificate or Tour Voucher B. eGift Certificate or eVoucher To redeem a gift certificate or tour voucher, locate the redemption code. Those certificates and vouchers with a code of less than 6 digits generally need to call (802) 644-9300 to redeem. To redeem a certificate or more with code of 6 digits or more, please call us at (802) 644-9300 or redeem online. In either case, the redemption code, which appears on the certificate or voucher, is required. To pay online, select your tour type, date, and time. Upon check out, under the header of “Apply Gift Card” make certain to select “ArborTrek/Smugglers’ Notch Gift Certificate” is check for Gift Certificates or “ArborTrek/Smugglers’ Notch Tour Voucher” and enter the code as it appears on your voucher. A credit card can be entered below to handle any additional balance. TIP: If you have multiple codes to enter, the process can be made easier by searching your e-mail for the confirmation e-mail that was sent following purchase. Codes can be quickly cut and paste. If you have any questions or concerns, please call (802) 644-9300. We’re happy to help.
Northamptonshire 267 and 416 for 9 dec beat Derbyshire 190 and 328 by 165 runs Northamptonshire's departing pace bowler David Lucas helped the county move closer to promotion as the Division Two leaders completed a 165-run victory over Derbyshire in the County Championship match at Chesterfield. Lucas took 4 for 75 in one of his last games for Northamptonshire before he joins Worcestershire next season to wrap up a sixth championship victory and a 21-point haul. James Middlebrook followed his second-innings unbeaten century by taking the last wicket to fall to end with 3 for 78. The result almost certainly puts paid to Derbyshire's hopes of promotion but the home side can still round off a much-improved season by claiming third place. They continued to show fight on the fourth morning at Queen's Park despite being in a hopeless position at the start of play on 289 for eight, 205 runs away from a highly unlikely victory. Conditions were good for batting and Jon Clare and Tony Palladino dug in for eight overs to frustrate the visitors who had tried to wrap up the game by claiming an extra half an hour the previous evening. Northamptonshire opened with the pace of Lucas from the Pavilion End and Middlebrook's spin from the Lake End of the lovely tree-ringed ground and both batsmen took advantage of attacking fields to take the home side past 300. They had added 57 in 15 overs when Palladino missed a drive at Lucas and was bowled for 28 which came off 57 balls and contained three fours. It was now just a question of whether Clare could get to his half-century and Mark Footitt survived long enough to see him to a well-deserved 50. Clare nudged Middlebrook for the single that brought up his half-century which came off 78 balls and included nine fours but the game ended in the same over when Footitt pulled the spinner into the hands of Kyle Coetzer at deep midwicket. It completed a deserved victory for Northamptonshire, who now have 195 points and are firm favourites to win promotion to Division One.
His main characteristics are: eternal, almighty, omniscient, holy, righteous, faithful, merciful, gracious and jealously loving. God is one, Who surpasses human mind and capacity, but Who can be met through natural and gracious revelation. He revealed Himself in three persons: He is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Father is a perfect and good God, Who is the provider for every being. He can be met through the Son: He revealed the essence of the Father's character, which is love. The Son and the Holy Spirit come from the Father, who are consubstantial with Him, but the Father has priority among them. He is the image and only Son of the Father. He is eternal God, one with the Father. He was born before every creature; the earthly, heavenly things and beings exist in Him, through Him and for Him. Submitting His will to the Almighty, He made Himself empty and took human nature upon Himself. He was conceived through the Holy Spirit, was born of the Virgin Mary and lived here on earth. He became human-like in everything, except for sin. He was obedient to the Father, during His earthly life and ministry even till His death on the cross. Because of this, the Father resurrected Him from death and crowned Him with glory and honor; made Him Lord over all the work of His hands and seated Him at His right. "He gave Him a name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in Heaven and on earth and under the earth and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." He is the author of the new and eternal covenant and He is the mediator between the Father and the world. The Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit is a real person, who comes from the Father and the Son. He came in order to exalt Jesus Christ in the church and to lead every believer to personal communion with the Son, to the knowledge and worship of God. The Holy Spirit is Lord and God. For the sins that are committed against him, there is no forgiveness. He was the one who anointed Jesus of Nazareth, so that He could heal the sick, cast out demons, raise the dead and proclaim the Kingdom of God. He works in humans, in accordance with the Word, repentance and rebirth and makes the gifts of redemption real in the believers. His most important activities are: leading, teaching, counseling and testifying about Jesus.
Little Tweetsie is ready for a break. Little Tweetsie has had a full summer; weekends, back-to-back weekends, a birthday party and many other days of just plane fun. She has run extremely well. She’s had no problems, no issues, no breakdowns. This is thanks to her incredible craftsmanship, which comes from her builder, the late John Barden. Now it’s time to let Little Tweetsie have some much needed rest and maintenance. Live steam locomotives are nothing like your grandfather’s basement or attic trains. These trains required little or no work to run for years or even decades. Some would run for 50 years without having any problems. This is not the case with live steam. Little Tweetsie is a functioning steam locomotive with almost no difference between her and the full-size steamers that still pull passengers in different places around the country and the world. These miniature trains are fuel by burning coal, which heats water to produce steam. The steam drives pistons that turn the wheels. This steam also works the brakes, pumps, blowers and other equipment on the train. These little guys don’t have batteries for the engine. They don’t run on gas. They are driven just like the full-size engines of the by-gone steam era. They require the same care. Little Tweetsie is going to get a major overhaul this winter. The cab and all cosmetics will be removed to provide access to the steel boiler. Steam pumps, steam injectors, valves and other parts will be removed and cleaned. Every joint will be checked. Every seal will be packed to prevent leakage. Everything will be tested, before we ever get to the boiler. The boiler will be cleaned, inside and out. Leaks will be repaired. Problems will be fixed and then the heart of Little Tweetsie will be pressure tested, before reassembly begins. Oil will be removed from all moving parts. Grease will be steam cleaned off all locomotive parts. Oxidation will be removed. By Spring, Little Tweetsie will be ready to get back on the rails for another year of operation. As I have learned about this hobby, it has amazed me the work that goes into the maintenance and preservation of these miniature steam locomotives. There has been so much to learn. I still have so much more to learn. Thankfully, a friend has much more experience and is willing to help my little engine remain in good condition. Next summer is sure to be great fun. Since winter isn’t here yet, we still have a few weeks to run her. Watch for updates on upcoming weekends, when Banner Haven will be hosting more open weekend runs.
Here’s a fun exercise: Log into the Google Analytics account for your company website and see just how much traffic you’re getting in your ‘About’ page. Chances are, this is one of the top two or three most-visited sections of your site—and not without reason. Place yourself in the shoes of your customers and potential clients: When they stumble across your company website for the first time, they want to get some sense of what your company does and what it stands for, and the ‘About’ page seems like the ideal destination for doing just that. In other words, the ‘About’ section of your website is one of your best opportunities to make a positive first impression. As such, the best ‘About’ advice we can give you is this: Don’t blow it! Make sure your website has a strong ‘About’ page that tells the story of your brand in a truly compelling, narrative form. The Grammar Chic, Inc. team has written website content—including ‘About’ pages—for innumerable companies. We’ve developed some tried and true strategies, and we’ve distilled them into a few quick tips. Know What You Stand For The strongest ‘About’ pages are the ones that truly tell a story—the story of your company. They provide the reader with some sense of who you are, what your company’s mission is, and what values you uphold. So: Who are you? What are you all about? What is your corporate identity? Before you set pen to paper (so to speak), it’s critical to have some sense of what your company really is—of what your story is. It’s Not About You We call it the ‘About Us’ section, sometimes, but in truth, it’s not about your business at all: Rather, a strong ‘About’ page is all about the reader. Frankly, a first-time visitor to your site does not care about the full, exhaustive history of your brand. He or she cares about the benefits you can offer, the value you can provide. In telling your story, then, keep it benefits-centered, and make sure the reader can see where he or she fits in. On a related note: As a business owner, you can likely talk about your business at some length. You can go on and on—but the ‘About’ page is not the place to do it. There’s not necessarily a specific word count to shoot for here, but do remember that readers just want a quick synopsis of your brand—not its entire life cycle put onto the page. Kill the Fluff Meaningless words and expressions have no place on your website, least of all on the ‘About’ page—so get rid of superlatives like ‘best,’ ‘greatest,’ and so on. These don’t convey anything specific, and they don’t help you stand apart from your competitors. While you’re at it, also get rid of industry jargon and buzzwords, which add little to the reader experience. The bottom line, really, is to tell the story of your company in a way that conveys real value and benefits to readers—a story that casts your company as the best answer to their problems or concerns. To learn more about how this can be achieved, contact Grammar Chic today: Visit www.grammarchic.net or call 803-831-7444!
Fire crews busy buying gas from Bunnings for a staff BBQ were beaten to a fatal fire by volunteers – despite their station being CLOSER to the deadly blaze - Christopher Munday died in a house fire in Rowville in Victoria in February 2015 - Sources said career firefighters arrived later to the fire as they were at Bunnings - Liberal MP Brad Battin said emergency response personnel should be better - Career firefighters arrived at the scene within the emergency response timeline Career firefighters were beaten to a fatal blaze by volunteers because they were shopping for gas for a BBQ from Bunnings when the call came in. Christopher Munday died in a house fire at Vista Crescent in Rowville in Melbourne’s southeast on February 16 in 2015. An investigation into Country Fire Authority firefighters response to the blaze found volunteer firefighters from the Scoresby CFA branch beat them to the Vista Crescent despite their station in Rowville being closer to the fire. Both crews were paged at 2.17pm, with the volunteers arriving at the scene at 2.24pm, three minutes before the career firefighters reached the address. Christopher Munday died in a house fire at 3 Vista Crescent in Rowville in Victoria in February 2015 (pictured) Sources told The Herald Sun career firefighters arrived later than the volunteers because they were buying gas from Bunnings for a staff event. Liberal MP Brad Battin said emergency response personnel should be better. ‘A full and thorough investigation needs to be undertaken and if it is the case that firefighters were at Bunnings buying a gas bottle for a barbecue when they should have been attending a fire where someone died then they should no longer be in the job,’ he said. Firefighters pulled an unresponsive Mr Munday from the building where he was treated by paramedics before he passed away. Liberal MP Brad Battin said an investigation should be launched into the firefighters reaction to the blaze The CFA released a statement saying they were ‘satisfied that all due process was followed and crews did everything they could to save Mr Munday.’ United Firefighters Union secretary Peter Marshall said career firefighters arrived at the address within the emergency response timeline. ‘Emergencies can happen at any time, which is why professional firefighters are highly trained and able to respond rapidly — even when they’re away from the station to purchase items for the station. This is why they leave stations — when they need to — with the full crew,’ he said. The CFA career firefighters arrived at the address within the emergency response timeline. Pictured: CFA firefighters tend to a blaze in Upwey, east of Melbourne, in February 2009
Pond Installer Burnley Pond Installer Burnley Lancashire (BB11): As long as it is properly installed and appropriately located, a water feature or fish pond could be a stunning addition to any property in Burnley. While many folks believe that it's just a matter of digging a hole and filling it up with water, building a pond entails far more than that. There'll be safety issues to consider and various other elements to bear in mind. A professional tradesman will offer recommendations and useful info in not just the installation and location of the water feature, but also in its upkeep and maintenance during the working life of your chosen design. The siting of a fish pond should be discussed with your pond builder or tradesman and points such as buried pipework and cabling needs to be addressed. With certain local authorities there could be constraints with regards to water features, and specific by-laws may exist to cover such issues. Due to their expertise and local knowledge, a seasoned Burnley pond builder should be able to mollify any reservations that you might have with regards to this. There are particularly rigid restrictions covering water features or garden ponds which are accessible by the general public, with certain local councils demanding strict precautions and safety measures. Children especially are often drawn to water, and are naturally curious, and these measures are designed to stop potential incidents. You certainly don't want anyone to wind up falling into and possibly drowning in your pond and of course it's not only the general public that you must take into consideration but your own family also. In fact, the most crucial part of the construction procedure is the siting of the pond or water feature. All things considered it's gonna be challenging to shift it next year if it does badly! The amount of space that you have and the actual configuration of your garden will not surprisingly affect this. A level, sunny spot (not low-lying), far from trees, well-drained, south-facing, and sheltered from prevailing winds, is best for a pond, as long as your garden design allows it. A similarly significant factor when siting a fish pond is its visual appeal. Think about whereabouts in the garden your fish pond will look better and offer you the most visual pleasure. Give some thought to the view from your patio area and also from the windows of your house. The placement that you decide on may also determine how you are going to keep the water in your pond topped-up and clean, and also whether or not you are going to put wildlife or fish into it. Your garden pond should also be designed to prevent any leakage of water to your house in the case of flooding. This may well involve the construction of supplemental drainage or spillways to redirect surplus water away which is a further procedure where the advice and help of a pro is going to be vital. Water features and ponds typically require some type of filtering and cleaning system to maintain their condition and keep the growth of algae at bay. Your chosen Burnley pond builder should likewise be able to give you the right guidance and advice with regards to the use of chemical products as well as other organic ways of keeping your pond in tip top condition and also assistance with safely and securely installing pumps and filters. - Corkscrew Rush - Water Smartweed - Water Lettuce - Lesser Spearwort - Bog Bean - Lizard's Tail - Water Clover - Pickerel Weed - Water Chestnut - Arum Lily - Floating Watermoss - Giant Water Buttercup While a lot of garden ponds don't feature a fountain or waterfall, there's little doubt that adding a waterfall or fountain can certainly enhance its beauty and appeal, and really allow it to stand out from the crowd. Very few people would argue that listening to the sound of water running is relaxing, or that the glint of moving water in the sunlight is a thing of beauty. You'll discover there are various ways to to incorporate a waterfall into your garden pond, and the easiest and cheapest of these is the preformed plastic waterfall, readily available to order from numerous suppliers. The next type to look at are the ones made out of fibre glass or polyurethane, most of which are extremely realistic but still affordable. Last of all, the most costly but also most eye-catching are pre-cast stone waterfalls which can be formed into extended runs using a number of interlinking units. (Tags: Stone Waterfalls Burnley, Waterfalls Burnley, Pre-Formed Waterfalls Burnley, Waterfall Burnley) Excavating a big hole and lining it isn't the only thing to consider when constructing a garden pond. You'll also need to figure out how and with what you're intending to form and finish off the edges. Given that the finished appearance of your water feature will in the end be defined by the kind of edging that you use, it really is worth doing a bit of groundwork and taking some time in making this decision. Large pebbles or stones form the most eye-catching edging, though may not always be practical in your case. Paving slabs are the most widely used form of edging material, as they are relatively cheap and easy to cut into any design or shape. To avoid sunlight damaging any uncovered areas of lining material, patio slabs ought to overhang the pond's perimeter by roughly 30mm or so and be firmly cemented in position to secure them. You will find that there are numerous chores that almost allought to be ready to tackle in and around your garden in Burnley and examples include: the installation of ponds, ornamental pond installation, cheapest pond installation, water quality checks, water feature installation, winter fish pond care, the pruning of pond plants in Burnley, filter and pump cleaning, pond cleaning in Burnley, the design and planning of fish ponds, garden pond pump replacement, wildlife garden pond installation, pond and lake construction, garden pond maintenance in Burnley, fibreglass fish pond construction, garden pond refurbs, the construction of fish ponds, economical fish pond installation, leak finding, pond excavation, the installing of pond filtration syatems, stonework around ponds, goldfish pond installation, the building of ponds in Burnley, and a good many more not listed on this page. Also: Lowerhouse pond builders, Huncoat pond builders, Higham pond builders, Brierfield pond builders, Reedley pond builders, Padiham pond builders, Rose Hill pond builders, Briercliffe pond builders, Nelson pond builders, Fence pond builders, Worsthorne pond builders, Crawshawbooth pond builders, Cornholme pond builders, Hapton pond builders, Pike Hill and more. While you are hunting for a pond installer in Burnley, Lancashire, you might additionally need to find a building contractor in Burnley, garden clearance in Burnley, a bricklayer in Burnley, a plumber in Burnley, lawn care in Burnley, a patio specialist in Burnley, a decking specialist in Burnley, a gardener in Burnley, a garden designer in Burnley, an electrician in Burnley, a handyman in Burnley, a landscaper in Burnley, waste removal in Burnley. Places near Burnley: Padiham, Rose Hill, Reedley, Worsthorne, Fence, Brierfield, Lowerhouse, Huncoat, Higham, Briercliffe, Cornholme, Crawshawbooth, Pike Hill, Nelson, Hapton. More Blackburn, Blackpool, Rawtenstall, Colne, Lytham St Annes, Penwortham, Haslingden, Fulwood, Bacup, Morecambe, Lancaster, Nelson, Darwen, Accrington, Clitheroe, Poulton, Heysham, Fleetwood, Leyland, Ormskirk, Chorley, Burnley, Preston and Skelmersdale.: Brighton, Reading, Witney, Ballymena, Washington, Brighouse, Castlereagh, Ware, Formby, Cwmbran, Littlehampton, Horwich, Bradford, Hessle, Haverhill, Sheffield, St Ives, Seaford, Whitstable, Fareham, Maidstone, Keynsham, Potters Bar, Sandhurst, Nuneaton, Totton, Greenwich.in other UK areas: Professional Pond Installer in BB11 area. Pond Building Quotations Burnley - Pond Maintenance Burnley - Pond Builders Burnley - Garden Ponds Burnley - Pond Excavation Burnley - Water Features Burnley - Pond Installation Quotes Burnley - Pond Installer Burnley - Pond Installers Burnley
Holy Millenium Falcon. If you haven’t already booked you ticket to Orlando, Florida to come see this land, I hope you will consider booking a trip immediately to come and immerse yourself in this new land: StarWars: Galaxy’s Edge at Disney’s Hollywood Studios at Walt Disney World Resort. I was lucky enough to attned an early sneak peak with some bloggers at 5:30AM a few weeks ago and I really needed to process everything I saw!! Yes, it was dark when we arrived on Batuu (am I confusing you already or should I speak in Batuuese first?). I have done some crazy things for my blog and this is definitely one of the top things. But before I go into the details, let me do a little explaining of what this land actually is. So what exactly is StarWars: Galaxy’s Edge? Well, if you’ve been living on Mars for the last month, then you’ll at least know it’s the new 14 acre land in Disney’s Hollywood Studios and also Disneyland. It’s immersive. Which basically when you are in the land, it’s like you are on another planet. Literally. You don’t see the giant Woody from neighbor land ToyStory Land or any icon that basically resembles anything on Earth! You are just there. And it’s like a movie set! I felt so transported! My family is obsessed with the movies… yes… all of them. My son is a super fan. And my girls have really fallen in love with the movies too, story and characters all go along with being a part of our family! So what did I think! If we were talking candidly, this is exactly what I would say. 1. OMG! It’s so cool! You just feel like you are IN the movie. The Millennium Falcon is an actual full size replica of the ship they used in the movie. 2. You could totally go to this land and ride no rides, still actively participate in being a part of the story and have an amazing StarWars day. Learn Batuuese! Unlock things with your Disney PLAY app. There’s so much tonstill uncover! 3. Make reservations for Oga’s Cantina via the app. You won’t be able to get in otherwise without waiting in a super long line. 4. Build a droid. It’s $100 all in, but so cool!!! 5. Try the blue milk. Or green milk. But I liked blue better. 6. Walk slowly. Take it in. Play along. It’s so much fun! There was so much detail put into every cornerstone of this land, that you should just walk around and marvel at what they did! It’s just so cool! Especially if you loved the movies, you’ll definitely appreciate StarWars: Galaxy’s Edge! And….the Rise of the Resistance ride opens December 5th! Can’t wait! Are you planning on going to StarWars: Galaxy’s Edge?! What are you wanting to see?! Thanks to the Walt Disney World & the Permission to Hustle WDW Fall Retreat for hosting me for the once in a life time experience!
Today’s marketplace seems to be a constant stream of new. New devices, new gadgets and new technology improve the way we live. Now an exciting new development in labs across the US is the transmission of data, and it’s coming from LED lighting. Many people are eagerly awaiting Li-Fi (or light based Wi-Fi), and while its still experimental technology, it has been proven to transmit data 100 times faster than Wi-Fi, which is roughly 90,000 megabytes per second! Researchers and engineers are working on utilizing visible and infrared light to transmit data through quick and low-intensity light pulses, rather than radio waves— like morse code, but happening so fast its imperceptible by the human eye. One of the major advantages to Li-Fi is that it can be built into LED fixtures, consolidating wireless networks and lighting into a single system. Li-Fi, and its counterpart Visible Light Communication (VLC), enable two-way communication between any LED devices that are equipped with an optical sensor. VLC technology actually dates back to 1880 when Alexander Graham Bell invented the photophone, which transmitted speech over seven hundred feet with simple sunlight. Unfortunately, the practical use of sunlight is fundamentally flawed since the sun doesn’t shine 24/7. Future adoption of Li-Fi could allow LED lighting systems to become the standard of IoT due to ubiquitous outdoor lighting. Some LED products can also be powered through Ethernet cable (POE), which would allow lighting and networking to merge. Deploying these integrated systems would create significant savings in new construction. We can’t forget to mention that Li-Fi has promising applications for the indoor world as well. For example, shopping mall customers could automatically connect their smart phones to find specific store discounts. Similarly, stores could push promotions to the customer knowing they’re already near their location. VLC can also be used to increase the security of data, since it requires the direct line of sight between the LED fixture(s) and the machine(s) utilizing the connection, making it virtually impossible for hackers to break into a VLC network from outside the containing walls. It would also be highly useful in applications that employ sensitive equipment because interference can be eliminated due again to the fact that the system is operating on light pulses rather than radio waves. While Li-Fi and VLC are not currently available outside of the lab, it will be exciting to see how scientists will revolutionize communication technology as we know it.
Therefore, once you have your minds ready for action and you are thinking clearly, place your hope completely on the grace that will be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed. 1 Peter 1:13 The idea of “minds ready for action” comes from a word in Greek when people used to gather up their long clothes and tie them to their waist so that they would not trip. It’s like carrying a small appliance around. First you pick up the cord and make sure that it doesn’t drag, to avoid tripping. If we are going to walk and even run by God’s ways, we need to have nothing hanging about ourselves that would trip us up! Do you have any “loose ends” in your thoughts and feelings that need to be gathered up so that you don’t trip? These can be ways of thinking that get in the way of the sweep of following God that God has in mind for all of us. Now here are a few verses that gather the whole Gospel together: Verses 18-19. These verses are a kind of cord about your mind as you walk in their truth. What special love Jesus has for us to save us from tripping over bad things by the power of His poured out life for us! Here is a sample of a seven-syllable breath-prayer from today’s reading: Girding my mind for action v. 13 For more information about this creative way to pray, see Bible Breaths. This is the Second Week in Advent Winter in the north. Year C Thursdays in this season are dedicated to the the letters of Peter Solar and Sacred Seasons Some adjustments to make the church year simpler. These Firestarters are from a new edition of The Bible Through the Seasons being developed for families with children. For the Firestarters in the original edition, I recommend the ebook. You will have the entire program of well over a thousand Firestarters with you on your phone or tablet. More information…
Brussels, 24 May 2019 Working Group 1 meeting This year’s Working Group 1 Democracy, Human Rights, Good Governance and Stability meeting offered a chance to reflect on 10 years of Eastern Partnership policy, as well as to address future challenges. The message that came through is clear: the region still is in need of a specialised, tailored support, where civil society is a key actor in policy dialogue and implementation. in many cases, good governance and democratic has been strengthened, leading to tangible results – though civil society continues to point to a slow pace of reforms, “backsliding” and practices undermining the rule of law. Judiciary reform is central to the debate in Armenia and Georgia: the civil society expects a more thorough approach by the government, while fearing for its independence, especially when it comes to appointment of judges. Ukraine took a series of important steps in reforming its public administration, but there is uncertainty around the new presidential appointments. Moldova is now considered a “captured state” by the European Parliament and its government’s decision to cut off foreign funding to CSOs has already had numerous implications. As in Azerbaijan, civil society has been a target of unprecedented smear campaigns. In Belarus, CSOs are still denied official registration, while pressure on independent journalists and bloggers continues to mount up. The stakeholders were keen to highlight EaP CSF’s valuable expertise and contributions to EaP Platforms and Panels. Representatives from EU institutions – Javier Fuentes Leja (EEAS), Marius Puodziunas (EEAS) and Jeroen Willems (DG NEAR) all pointed to synergies from working together on a whole host of issues, ranging from good governance to hybrid threats. The rule of law will be a focus for the upcoming Finnish Presidency of the EU Council, assured Kaisa Honka-Hallila (Permanent Representation of Finland to the EU). Fostering cooperation across borders is the only way of fixing the current state of affairs, agreed Jan Petry (DG JUST), Rusudan Mikhelidze (OECD) and Olga Savran (OECD), finishing the discussion on corruption. This year’s delegates also elected the new WG coordinators: Mikayel Hovhannisyan (EaP) and Sofia Strive (Forum Syd), both of whom will sit in the Steering Committee. The two-day event, taking place between 14 and 15 May 2019, provided a chance to discuss the implementation of Internal Reform and issues, relating to the Arbitration Committee and Code of Ethical Conduct. Delegates also agreed to address gender equality and mainstreaming in their work adopting a special Resolution, seeking concrete solutions at all levels of the Forum. What is more, the meeting coincided with our third and crowing Brussels Public Event, marking 10 years of EaP policy at the Permanent Representation of the Czech Republic to the EU, touching precisely on some of the above topics. Available for download - Presentation: EaP CSF WG1 Democracy, Human Rights, Good Governance and Stability, 14-15 May 2019 - Presentation: EaP Index, “Charting progress in European Integration, Democratic Reforms and Sustainable Reforms” - Presentation: OECD Anti-corruption Network for Eastern Europe and Central Asia - Photo gallery: EaP CSF WG1 Democracy, Human Rights, Good Governance and Stability, 14-15 May 2019
Video marketing can help you promote your business. The one drawback is that you must do thorough research to use this technique effectively. This article has helpful tips to boost your income and business using video marketing. Watching successful viral videos is the best way to get an idea of what makes a video popular. Stay up to date with new trends, check social networks and various sites your target audience loves and put together a list of characteristics you recognize in the viral videos you see. You can bond with your audience through video marketing. Request for your viewers to send questions they may have concerning your products or general industry questions. Then, attempt to answer these questions as best as you can. You may also offer freebies to those whose questions you share. To help people notice your videos you should develop a title that is eye catching and mind bending. Use a play on words or a rhyme to help people remember the name of your video. You should also use your primary keyword and if possible at least one or two associated keywords. Video marketing is a great way to give customers an idea of what your products look like before they order these items. You should create some videos in which you demonstrate your products. Show the different functions, test the products in extreme situations and do a lot of close ups. Try submitting your videos to various video websites. YouTube is very popular and should be used, but don’t forget there are several video hosting sites out there. Sites like Meta Café, Vimeo, and Daily Motion can offer some variety to your campaign. You can add videos to your own website, but don’t go overboard since it can affect your page loading time. Even though you are trying to market a business, it is a good idea to get a little personal with your video delivery. This means that it is okay to share personal stories that may help you connect with others. Make sure you stay professional, since being otherwise may cause you to lose users. A product review video is a great way to promote a product. Show how to set up or demonstrate the uses of your products. Discuss each feature and how it works. Mention any options that are available and don’t forget warrantee information. Video reviews show your market why your product is the one to buy. Get started with video marketing and watch your sales increase. Try not to stress out if your video is not perfect. People are more likely to relate to a video that shows real people, rather than a polished ad that reeks of commercialism. Write your content out carefully, then practice saying it over and over. Then, shoot it and post it. As you have just read, video marketing provides a handful of great results at a price you can afford. You have to understand its ins and outs first, though. The tips given to you here will help you succeed in your video marketing strategy.
HOUSTON -- In 2006, George W. Bush was president, and the Enron trial began. It was also the year a Houston family's dog disappeared. This month, the dog was returned to his original owners, no longer the pup they once had. "I got him as a present for my wife," said Aaron Webster. "I always had big dogs, but he earned my respect when I opened the back door and he had a snake in his mouth. He was tough." The snake incident happened when Remington was still a pup. Remy was at the home of Webster's parents when he was taken outside for a restroom break. When they went to bring him back in, he had vanished. "We know he was stolen. Maybe a hawk grabbed him, and he got away. We'll never know," he said. They looked for him but finally resigned themselves to never seeing him again or knowing what happened. Recently, Webster was called by a rescue in Fort Worth called Saving Hope. Remy had been found as a stray by animal control. He was thin, sick, missing teeth and blind. "He had three microchips implanted. Mine had the only working phone number," Webster said. He went to Fort Worth to be reunited with Remy and bring him home. Webster and his wife now have three sons, all younger than the Yorkie. The kids spend their time holding him. They also have another dog. "If I could ask for anything, it would be to have 24 hours to talk to Remington about what happened in all that time. What happened when he disappeared? Who did he live with? I know he didn't spend 14 years on the street," Webster said. "But at the end, it wasn't good. He was abused, and he's skittish. He's starting to come around." He also questions why vets over the years didn't contact him to tell him they had a dog with his microchip information. Remy is beginning to thrive in his new and final home. "He wants to be around us all the time. He has energy, eats well and wants to be outside. He's getting his personality back. That means he tries to escape from his kennel." Webster said the little terrier gets around well, despite his blind condition. He goes down the steps and remembers where things are. "He has a couple of years left in him," Webster said. "He's small, but he's tough. He wouldn't have survived all that time without that. What we can give him now is a good stress-free life." And a lot of love. Lost dog found 14 years later, reunited with Houston family
The internet is a great place to do a lot of things, from meeting people online through social media, and also engaging in a battle of wits in the form of online gaming. So whether you are looking to get hooked up with a partner or to compete with someone in an online game, you can be sure to get your groove on. But just before you venture into the abyss that is the internet, you should be wary of some of the rules of online gaming. You can read up on them below. No matter what, you should not give up your real identity when engaging in any virtual contest over the internet. So it doesn’t matter if you are playing in an online game of Poker, or FIFA 20, you want to use a username that is entirely unrelated to you. Another thing is not to divulge sensitive information about yourself over gaming sites. You can’t say much about the people you meet online, and neither should they. So you want to take this one seriously. If you are familiar with online gaming, then you would know that you need to purchase coins at some point. And this requires you to use a payment method before the purchase can be delivered. To protect yourself, you will need to buy from reliable merchants that are certified. You can check the secure protection at igvault.com, which shows that all purchase made on the website is safe. Get the Right Gear If you are an avid gamer, then you already know the importance of headsets and surround systems to amplify your gaming experience. Just imagine the sound of those blazing rifles in GTA V online or Call of Duty Modern Warfare or any other of your favorite action game. So if you already don’t have a gaming entertainment system in place, I suggest that you start investing in one. When engaging in an online contest, the primary purpose is to win, and you should. Which is why you want to do all the research you can. Make sure you play at your skill level, so you don’t end up beating the crap out of yourself when you keep losing. An excellent way to build your skill level is to practice and, if possible, learn cheats and get all the coins and upgrades. You can check for coins for your popular games such as FUT 20, Fortnite, Dofus, LOL, and others at igvault.com. Remember to look out for the sign that all purchase is secure when shopping from other merchants. Even though there is little or no control over what you do over the internet, you want to do well to be mindful of others. And while I am not saying you shouldn’t tell your opponent to eat shit, you probably should try to keep things civil. Others could care less what you say to them over the internet, while others could get their feelings hurt. So you want to take things easy. Lastly, a lot is happening in the outside world, and it does not help your health too to spend hours on end gaming. And if you spend more time gaming than you should, you probably should do something about that.
What to Put into Notes When you take notes, your job is not to write everything down, nor is it a good idea to give into the temptation of photocopying pages or articles. It makes the process more pleasant because a student already knows what source of information to search for. Being attentive for any length of time is difficult to do. Mileena, pretending to be Kitana, succeeds in capturing Shujinko, taking him to Shao Kahn's palace. For example, several years after completing my doctoral dissertation with Muscogee Creek women about their perceptions of work, I returned for additional interviews with the women to gather specific information about more intimate aspects of their lives that had been touched on briefly in our previous conversations, but which were not reported. He also cautions that, when using highly placed individuals as gatekeepers, the researcher may be expected to serve as a spy. They suggest that participant observation be used as a way to increase the validity 1 of the study, as observations may help the researcher have a better understanding of the context and phenomenon under study. This paper, while not wholly inclusive of all that has been written about this type of field work methods, presents an overview of what is known about it, including its various definitions, history, and purposes, the stances of the researcher, and information about how to conduct observations in the field. Her pink-and-black costume was a palette swap of Kitana's main film attire a sleeveless bustier-like top and tights with an added mask and matching headband, and has blue eyes. The emperor then commands her to capture Shujinko, who would be used as a bargaining chip in gaining Onaga as an ally. Over time, such events may change, with the season, for example, so persistent observation of activities or events that one has already observed may be necessary. The "professional stranger handlers" are those people who take upon themselves the job of finding out what it is the researcher is after and how it may affect the members of the culture. Songs Inspired by the Warriors. Her debut appearance in Mortal Kombat II was met with a favorable critical reception, with for example Nintendo Power characterizing her as "beautiful, graceful, beguiling and strong, but most of all, deadly. In "Motor Kombat", Mileena's Kombat Karting special weapon is a brief speed boost that is very useful to save her from a Fatality in a death trap or at the finish line, and makes her a "great character" to use in the arena Speedster. Rapport is also related to the issue of reciprocity, the giving back of something in return for their sharing their lives with the researcher. The two thus grew up together as his daughters and elite personal assassins, although Mileena grew to harbor a great bitterness and jealousy towards Kitana, whom Kahn favored over her. The History of Participant Observation as a Method Participant observation is considered a staple in anthropological studies, especially in ethnographic studies, and has been used as a data collection method for over a century. Mileena returned for the second season of Legacy with actress Michelle Lee Ada Wong in Resident Evil 6 replacing Tran, who had posted on Twitter without explanation that she would not be returning. As they note, observations are not data unless they are recorded into field notes. In these instances, he notes the use of rapid assessment techniques that include "going in and getting on with the job of collection data without spending months developing rapport. Look carefully to seek out new insights. She is later tracked down by the Special Forces, who work with D'Vorah in apprehending Mileena again and recover the amulet. Mileena is a creation ordered by Shao Kahn, though he would never let her replace Kitana. It is a method that maximizes active participation, affords immediate knowledge as to its understanding, and emphasizes critical thinking. Several students have indicated that this was a fun exercise in which their children, who were the participants in the activity, were delighted to be involved; they also noted that this provided them with a pictographic recollection of a part of their children's lives that would be a keepsake. Look for review articles Do not be lazy to read more and vary your resources. One does not discuss such topics in mixed company, so my writing about this subject might have endangered my reputation in the community or possibly inhibited my continued relationship with community members. Contact us, subscribe to our newsletters, and qualified writing service will solve issues with homework at any level without any delays. When writing reports, students use their summarizing and paraphrasing skills to avoid plagiarizing copying verbatim their resource texts. The Lesson In this lesson, students practice summarizing a reading selection. Choose wisely before asking one on a date. Disadvantages You may not hear changes in content from major points to facts. It is your guide. Not only will that keep your notetaking focussed, but it will also allow for grouping and synthesizing of ideas later. Footnotes and bibliographies reveal important information about how authors build their claims, such as the sources they use, as well as the scholarly ideas with which they are engaging. Konquestin which she had no direct relation to Kitana and was here depicted as an initially very repulsive and aggressive Outworld warrior sent by Shao Kahn to assassinate the weakened Kung Lao, with a magic spell placed over her to give her Kitana's look for a while, he even called her his "new daughter". One should take seriously the challenge of participating and focus, when appropriate, on one's role as participant over one's role as observer. The Cornell Method The Cornell method provides a systematic format for condensing and organizing notes without laborious recopying. After writing the notes in the main space, use the left-hand space to label each idea and detail with a key word or "cue.". Taking Purposeful Research Notes Once these steps have been followed, it is time to take notes. The note-taking stage is the most important step in writing a research paper; it is even more important than the actual writing of the paper. this most important step in preparing a research paper becomes less of a chore. NOTE CARDS. Use index cards to keep notes and track sources used in your paper. Create Work Cited cards for each source. Include the citation (i.e., author, title, publisher, date, page numbers, etc.) in MLA format. The clock has run out. It happens. Sometimes Web content outlives its usefulness. In this fast-changing world of education, our editorial team has made the decision to retire the piece you were trying to access. 1 Taking Notes Using Note Cards Now that you have gathered your sources, it’s time to read and take notes. This note-taking system using 3x5 or 4x6 cards works! Taking Purposeful Research Notes Once these steps have been followed, it is time to take notes. The note-taking stage is the most important step in writing a research paper; it is even more important than the actual writing of the paper. this most important step in preparing a research paper becomes less of a chore. NOTE CARDS.Taking notes for a research paper on note cards
Open letter to virtue signaling gun grabber This is an open letter to Steve Hemmert who posted the following to social media: With some hesitation born of nostalgia, I turned in two AR style rifles to the Miami Police Department as part of their gun buy-back program today. As a former U.S. Army Infantry officer, I was well trained in the use of, and felt very comfortable with, the M-16/M-4 platform. I have always considered myself a responsible gun owner. My 14 year old daughter and I built one of the ARs- from scratch- together. But after the events of last month, I have decided enough is enough. How can we, as parents, force our kids to live in a world where they have to be afraid of being killed at school? My daughter recently told me that her plan is to only wear sneakers to school from now on, in case she needs to run. And I realize that, unlike some of my neighbors, I am lucky to still HAVE a 14 year old daughter. Enough is enough. There is no valid need for any civilian to own an AR. They make terrible self defense weapons because they can't safely be stored in a condition that makes them available to use quickly, and the rounds penetrate walls too easily. They aren't hunting rifles (it's not even legal to shoot a deer with one). I know very well that my little AR is never going to be used to stand up to a government that has tanks and heavy machine guns. And God forbid someone steals them and uses them to kill more innocents. Any honest gun owner will admit that the only lawful reason to own an AR is because they are fun to shoot (and they ARE fun to shoot). But my desire- and the desire of all the other AR owners out there- to have fun toys no longer outweighs the value of the 17 lives that were taken down the street last month. Or the lives of countless other people whose lives have been taken by these toys- these weapons of war. So, I am done. The gun industry of today is just like the cigarette industry of a few years ago. Pushing a dangerous product that has no benefit to society. It took a long time for us to stand up to the cigarette industry and call out their lies and their political influence. But now it is a dying industry. We can do the same thing with the gun industry. I will no longer be a pawn for their profits. Now that I have eliminated the hypocrisy of these guns from my house, I feel comfortable calling on our government to ban them. We need the same legislation that has been so effective in Australia. Outlaw the manufacture and sale of semiautomatic centerfire firearms with removable magazines and require the legal owners of those firearms to turn them in for compensation with a year. Provide amnesty during that same year for illegal owners of those guns to turn them in. Then make it a 10-20-life offense to be caught with one. It may not get all of these guns out of the public's hands. But it will make it a hell of a lot harder for a deranged 19 year old to get his hands on one. I want to be part of the solution. #neveragain First, Steve, I won’t admonish you for making the personal decision to get rid of your ARs. It’s a free country, at least it’s supposed to be, and even if I disagree with your decision and reasons behind it, it’s your decision to make and frankly it’s none of my business. Then you went full tyranny, and for that I have no patience. You told the world why you gave up yours, now I will tell you why I have mine. You, Steve. I own an AR15 because of you. You may have voluntarily given up your weapons to the government, and now you feel like you have the moral authority to force others at the point of a government’s gun to do the same. And that IS what you propose. I have done nothing except own an AR15. I have committed no crime that has any victim. And you first want to deprive me of my liberty to manufacture, buy, sell, or transfer one, then you want to deprive me of my property by forcibly compelling me to turn in the one(s) I own. If I don’t comply, you want the big, powerful, and well armed government to kidnap me and throw me in prison for 10-20-life. And if I refuse to allow them to kidnap me, you approve of them murdering me. This is how your laws would be enforced against your fellow innocent Americans, Steve. You wouldn’t just be violating our right to keep and bear arms, but our right to not be deprived of our life, liberty, or property without due process. You, a former US Army Infantry Officer, who took an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign or domestic, are now advocating to use government violence against millions of innocent people who have done nothing except own a gun that you don’t want them to own. You, who “fought for our freedoms back at home” only to now call for the destruction of those freedoms. You are the very definition of an oathbreaker. It’s obvious you don’t care about the Constitution, so neither will I. Austin Petersen recently said, “You would have a right to bear arms even if the Constitution didn't say you did.” I do not have rights because of the Constitution; my preexisting rights are supposed to be protected by the Constitution, not granted by it. But the Constitution is merely a restraining order against government and you, Steve. We all know a restraining order is just a piece of paper. Let me put it another way: the Second Amendment prevents the government from infringing on the right to keep and bear arms like a “gun free zone” sign keeps a school shooter away. Hate to say it, but the whole Constitution is nothing more than a “gun free zone” sign for government. It only stops people who aren’t inclined to violate it. I don’t own an AR15 because it’s fun to shoot, or for target practice, or to hunt, or for home defense. It stays in my safe, well lubricated, with magazines loaded. And it waits, Steve. It waits for you and the government to violate my useless restraining order. You, the hordes of people like you, and the people you all vote for, represent every reason why I own an AR15. You want to empower the government to take what I have, and kidnap or murder me if I say no. You are tyranny. I don’t know how many other members of the military or police think like you, Steve, but I do know how many politicians do. They have no problem issuing laws, decrees, and orders to be followed against innocent Americans that they as politicians don’t have to enforce. But I fear how many members of the military and police like you will follow those orders. If what you propose is ever instituted though, I ask only one thing of you, Steve. I want you to have as much courage as it took for you to turn in your AR15 to be the one to come and take mine.
World’s Best Wrestling took part in Party at the Park: The Dirt Racing Connection Double Shot at the Moler Raceway Park in Williamsburg, OH on Saturday June 7,2014. What a night of action it was in front of a huge and rowdy crowd. If you weren’t there here is what you missed…. -The Opening contest seen two highly touted rookies battle it out in their WBW debut’s as Morimoto got the victory over Louie Perez via submission. -The Mastermind of Wrestle Ohio came to the ring and announced that he brought in one of the baddest tag teams around as he introduced The Dirty South. Mastermind mind would go on to award the WBW Tag Team Titles to the Dirty South this brought out the re-instated and returning Eclipso. Eclipso stated that if his partner Jake Ashworth had been able to make the show that they would have the WBW Tag Titles and not the Dirty South. Eclipso went on to challenge either member of the Dirty South and it would be Lil C that stepped up to the plate. Lil C would go on to defeat Eclipso after Morimoto made his way to the ring to distract the referee allowing Trice and Lil C to double team Eclipso. Post match Dirty South and Morimoto went to beat Eclipso down and Louie Perez ran in to make the save. -A 3 on 2 Handicap match was made for the main event. Eclipso & Louie Perez would defeat Morimoto & Dirty South w/ The Mastermind after Eclipso nailed Morimoto with a super kick. WBW management has stated on the official Facebook page that The Dirty South are not recognized as the WBW Tag Team Champions. Also WBW management has stated that Lil C has been fined $1000 due to getting into a verbal altercation with a fan after a post match interview with the DRC. The post match interview can be seen below (caution coarse language):
Beautiful beers, beautiful Vermont Ah, Vermont! The rustic land of mountains, farms, villages, and friendly folk is famous for its maple syrup, cheese, and (recently) beer. Oodles and oodles of beer. Vermont has the most breweries per capita in these United States of beer, and is a beer geek’s paradise. The problem for beer lovers is that most of Vermont’s 32 breweries and brewpubs only distribute locally. While Magic Hat, Long Trail, and Otter Creek all have regional or national presences, almost none of the other breweries’ products are available out of state. This scarcity drives the incredible beer trading power of brewers like the Alchemist, Lawsons, and Hill Farmstead, and it also makes the annual Vermont Brewer’s Festival a must-attend event. Held July 18 and 19 in the vibrant city of Burlington (only about four hours from New Bedford), the festival is a beer enthusiast’s Christmas, Thanksgiving, and New Year’s Eve rolled up into one glorious event. Attendees to this $30 festival receive a nifty tasting glass, 15 beer sample tickets (more can be purchased), and the opportunity to try brews from all of the Vermont breweries without having to trek around the state. In addition to the multitude of Vermont breweries, the fest also invites some of the best breweries in the Northeast (like Allagash and Jack’s Abby) and usually has representatives of at least five breweries from the bustling beer scene in Montreal, which is less than two hours away if you want to make a side trip. While Mrs. Hunting and I weren’t able to visit all the breweries there, we did discover some truly amazing beers. From tart 3% ABV Berliner Wiesses to big bold boozy double-digit ABV imperial stouts and barleywines (and, of course, enough IPAs to float a battleship), beers of all types were there. The biggest discovery for both of us was the simply amazing Fiddlehead Brewing from Shelburne. Their Hodad chocolate/vanilla/coconut porter tastes like Almond Joy in liquid form, and their Second Fiddle Double IPA has leaped right to the top of my favorite IPA list. Fortunately for us, Fiddlehead was having a can release event at the brewery on Saturday (they normally only distribute on tap and with in-brewery growler refills). We had attended the Friday night Brewers Fest session and knew how amazing their beer is, so we drove over, stood in line and grabbed a case each of Hodad and Second Fiddle. In retrospect, I wish I had bought more, as 2/3 of that haul has already been distributed to beer geek friends. I’m now guarding the remainder like Smeagol and the One Ring. It’s that “precious.” We also timed our trip to Burlington so we could stop by the Hunger Mountain Co-op in Montpelier at 3 p.m. Friday to buy The Alchemist’s Heady Topper. We were about 100 people into the line, but managed to get two cases (limit one per person), with only six cases to spare. Like our Fiddlehead brews, our Heady Topper is already all gone or spoken for. One can’t attend the fest without waiting in the looooong line for Lawsons’s Finest Liquids, and we weren’t disappointed with the result of our patience: fantastic beers. Their Spruce Tip IPA uses actual spruce tips and has an incredible piney note that isn’t overwhelming, while their Sip of Sunshine IPA is a rich, fruity, floral double IPA that’s well worth seeking out. Finally, their Knockout Blonde Ale is a golden ale that pushes the envelope of the style into hophead territory. The Montreal brewers also blew us away with their innovation and style. Three of the best beers I tried were from Montreal: Benelux’s Berlinoise (a Berliner Weiss), Dieu Du Ciel’s Chemen De Croix (a hoppy, rich, old-style India Porter), and Hopfenstark Brewery’s Boson De Higgs (a simply amazing smoked wheat beer). I do have several warnings in case you’d like to attend the 2015 festival (July 17 and 18, already posted to their site at http://www.vtbrewfest.com/). To start, hotels that weekend fill up fast, so get your place to stay before you get your tickets. Second, tickets also sell out incredibly quickly (32 hours in 2013, 11 minutes in 2014). If you don’t get your tickets, wait until the week of the fest before buying them on Craigslist or other sites, as the cost for the $30 tickets drops from well-over $100 per ticket to just over face value. Finally, do make sure you have a plan to get back to your hotel safely. There will be plenty of transportation options, but driving should NOT be one of them.
I began my morning bright and early, with the sun, ready for the day. My first hurdle was the requirement of a company logo to advertise with The Asatru Community, of which I am a Canadian Ambassador. I doodle little horseshoes wearing horned Viking helmets on most of my stuff, so I automatically felt this was the best logo for Aviking By Hoof. I would spell the company name in Runes for extra oomph. I’m not sure why this morning, a horseshoe and set of horns proved to be illusive to draw or why there weren’t any available images of ones I used before readily available to me. I will blame borderline personality disorder – I’m almost 100% convinced that’s my mental woe, and be angry with the little demon inside my brain. I googled over a hundred types of horns, debated on whether Thor’s horns are goat-like, sheep-like or ram-like, realized I’d been drawing female horns on my Viking helmets for the last two years (which is not really a bad thing, I suppose, being a woman entrepreneur who lists her small business with NLOWE – Newfoundland Labadrador Organization of Women Entrepreneurs) and then wondered if I should even be using a horseshoe shape in my logo. This led to a succession of goat hoof searches, drawings, debates over whether Thor wore boots or actually have cloven feet, the discovery of an adorable goat named Rasputin who has record length horns that extend sideways instead of tapering to the back in a half swirl. I noticed that ram horns were those of the character Angelina Jolie portrayed in Malificent and the same that adorned Satan in an old movie whose title I cannot recall. The horned god and the Catholic Church’s attempts to make horns a symbol of evil then overran my thoughts. Luckily the Jehovah’s Witnesses were out today, so I went searching for my Pocket Havamal. they come about the neighbourhood in pairs, trying to convert those they notice do not attend the regular churches. I, in return, attempt to convert them to my Celtic faith. We usually have interesting discussions on gods, goddesses, the ideas of afterlife and current life purpose for mankind. One usually looks at me like I am The Anti-Christ, while the other attempts to no avail to prove their god is better than those I pray to. Today, they did not knock at all. I went back to scribbling my company name in Runic. That should have been the simple part, but today I found Old English Furtharks and German Furtharks and could not decide whether I should spell it as I pronounce it or as I would spell it in modern English. I am teaching workshops in Runic Magic this spring through fall, so I realize now I must decide exactly which Furtharks we will be using for classes….that too many choices just lead to confusion. The sun is beginning to set here in Newfoundland. I have planted four containers of pepper, apple, grapefruit, pear, grape, flower bulbs and ginger roots. I walked both dogs separately, one to the frozen Trout River Pond, tried to notice while out anything that might be inspirational for my designs, kept my feet as heavy into the snow as possible and managed to keep from being dragged by Ralphie. I realized once again that I live in the most beautiful part of the world. I tended to our chickens and ducks, the housework, discussed the disappearance of dragons, Greek and Scandinavian mythologies with my son, found a neat diagram on Sign Language for Runic and here I am, back at the computer again. I daresay it is not impossible to create a catchy logo. I realize that historians have proven Viking helmets did not have horns, but I like to interject that their gods did. And while Thor was pulled about by two mighty goats, Odin rode on an eight footed stallion name Sleipnir. (oh and spiders, who also have eight legs, have adorable little paws, I saw that on Facebook last night), so having both a horned helmet and a horseshoe is not out of whack for the logo. The irony of it all, is that I found a photo now, typing this, in the WordPress Gallery, from where I saved my sketch of one I liked two years ago.
Information Disclaimer: Information on this ACTS COVID-19 webpage and associated portal website is being made available in the context of the public health emergency related to the coronavirus pandemic and has not been subjected to review, investigation, or testing that typically would be performed in a non-emergent situation. This information is meant for use by clinicians, not the general public, and is not intended nor should be used as a substitute for specific medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, nor take the place of either written laws, policies, or regulations. All information provided should be adapted to patients’ specific needs, available resources, and any other unique circumstances. Inclusion of information on this ACTS COVID-19 webpage and associated portal website does not constitute endorsement or recommendation by the U.S. Government, AHRQ, or the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Users of the information should not interpret any statement in these materials as an official position of AHRQ or of HHS. Posting Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the documents and resources provided on this webpage. However, AHRQ makes no warranties, expressed or implied, regarding errors or omissions and assumes no legal liability or responsibility for use of information contained on the webpage. By submitting information or other materials or resources for use by ACTS initiative participants, you, on behalf of yourself and your institution, if applicable, agree to the following: - You have appropriate ownership or permission to share the resource and you grant AHRQ permission to post it on this ACTS COVID-19 webpage and associated portal website; - As the author or supplier of this information, you are solely responsible for the materials’ contents, findings, and conclusions, and you will take reasonable steps to inform AHRQ if active web links are no longer maintained. - You understand that submitting materials to AHRQ does not guarantee that the materials will be published, that AHRQ may delete your materials at any time; - You grant AHRQ permission to identify the resource by institution’s or organization’s name; - You release and forever discharge AHRQ and its employees from any and all claims and demands arising out of or in connection with the use of the resource.
Pharmacovigilance in Middle East & North Africa Region The importance of countries to support their own national pharmacovigilance cannot be understated. While adverse drug reaction (ADR) data from other countries is helpful in making medication safety decisions, information may not be relevant or applicable to domestic populations.Pharmacovigilance has received much attention in Middle East & North Africa (MENA) countries recently due to the development of new regulations The principal reasons which are fueling the growth of this market are increase in drug consumption and drug development, growing rate of ADRs &drug toxicity, and rapidly increasing trend of outsourcing pharmacovigilance services. The increasing prevalence of lifestyle diseases, such as hypertension, diabetes, and cardiac disorders, as a result of sedentary lifestyles, lack of physical activities, changing lifestyle patterns, and poor diet lead to increasing consumption of drugs, which, in turn, indicates the high demand for drug safety monitoring and further fuels the growth of the pharmacovigilance market. With the growing drug consumption, the need for the regular monitoring of drugs has also increased, leading to growth of pharmacovigilance market. Infectious diseases are also on rise due to the changing climate, pervasive poverty, and increasing urbanization, which also surge the drug consumption and drive the drug development process. Furthermore, new drug developments needs to be further regulated and stimulate the overall pharmacovigilance market. Only 45% of Arab countries are official members of the World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Centre for International Drug Monitoring. Countries such as Morocco, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Jordan are considered to be advanced pharmacovigilance countries, whereas other countries such as Libya, Yemen, and Palestine remain in the very early stages of implementing and developing pharmacovigilance systems. Countries such as Somalia, Djibouti, Mauritania, and Comoros Island have no pharmacovigilance system or culture. Asian Arab countries have some advantages over those in Africa because 50% of them are a part of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), meaning that most of them can utilize similar approaches for the application of the majority of activities related to the healthcare system, including pharmacovigilance. Thus, participating in the GCC enables increased connections among these countries. However, one of the strengths in Africa is that Morocco is partnering with the WHO through the WHO Collaborating Center to enhance and strengthen pharmacovigilance across the Eastern Mediterranean Region and the Francophone and Arab countries. Several countries including Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, Turkey, Egypt Iran and Jordan have adopted new pharmacovigilance guidelines which require marketing authorization holders and pharma manufacturers to be compliant and need skilled/trained workforce. UAE adopted MOH Guidelines in Good Vigilance Practice (GVP) For Marketing Authorization Holders / Pharmaceutical Manufacturers in UAE in 2017. In1992, the first African country joined the Pharmacovigilance International Network, but it was not until 2006 that the majority of African countries integrate this programme. Despite this integration, Pharmacovigilance is still at the early stages. Pharmacovigilance is primarily dependent on the leadership and advocacy in the country, but this activity cannot play its role to enhance patient safety if the environment is not in favourable. National pharmacovigilance centres (national centres) are gradually gaining visibility as part of the healthcare delivery system in MENA region. As does happen in high-income countries, it is assumed that national centres can play a central coordinating role in their national pharmacovigilance (PV) systems. National centres in Africa are faced with 3 core challenges: 1. Over-reliance on development partners, 2. Seeming indifference of national governments to provide support after national centres have gained membership of the World Health Organization (WHO) Programme for International Drug Monitoring (PIDM) 3. Engaging public health programmes in a sustainable way. There is also evidence that the development of PV systems has become a key priority in certain countries which has led to successes. For instance, the Ghana Food and Drugs Authority has implemented legal provisions mandating Marketing Authorisation Holders (MAHs) to have a Qualified Person for Pharmacovigilance (QPPV) in line with the Public Health Act of Ghana (Act 851, 2012; Part Seven). The Pharmacy and Poisons Board of Kenya has been designated as a Regional Centre of Regulatory Excellence (RCORE) in pharmacovigilance by the African Union through the African Medicines Regulatory Harmonization (AMRH) programme. Despite this attention, our knowledge on the role and experiences of national centres in Africa is limited especially as it relates to the organizational capacity (resources and relationships) they need to deliver on their mandate The first challenge is over-reliance on development partners. Pharmacovigilance in most countries started and/or have been facilitated by technical and financial support from development partners, usually the Global Fund, MSH through USAID or the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. This has led to a situation whereby national centres align their planning activities with those of the funding partners. Whilst this has been useful in several cases, it has also left national centres vulnerable. The second challenge is the seeming indifference of national governments to provide support after national centres have gained membership of the PIDM. National governments tend to provide some political and modest technical support by designating national centres and launching them publicly. Occasionally, national governments have passed subsidiary legislation to help the work of the national centre. However, in several cases this support seems to evaporate once countries become members of the PIDM leaving national centres bereft of The third core challenge facing national centres is how to engage all public health programmes (PHPs) in a sustainable way. Pharmacovigilance training need in MENA region is high as several countries have only recently developed national PV systems, in most cases, PV is yet to fully incorporated in national regulatory authorities work, experts and training institutions. There is a need to build BASIC capacity for the 20 countries with no formal PV system. There is the need to build capacity for national PV centres. There is the need to build ADVANCED capacity for existing national PV centres like Pharmaco-epidemiology, Statistics etc. Cliniminds offers wide range of pharmacovigilance programs for professionals. These programs would equip professionals with case processing / ISCSR on safety database (Oracle Clinical); medical review; aggregate reporting (PSUR; PADER; PBRERs; and DSUR); signal detection and evaluation; risk management; audits & inspections and several other aspects of pharmacovigilance. For more information on Cliniminds Programs, please click this link -
This collections contains everything you need to customize masks that support skin elasticity. Refreshing, antioxidant and vitamin rich, these masks help your skin glow with fresh youth! If your skin is feeling tired, dull, stressed, or thirsty, it needs some Nourishment. This mask is plant food for your skin. Vitamin rich exotic leaves, apoptogenic mushrooms, hydrating honey and renewing extracts balanced with clarifying french green clay and soothing crushed lavender. This mask is gently exfoliating and superbly softening. Click HERE for full product information an ingredients. This mask was created to support elasticity and collagen production. The cell renewing benefits of Mango and Guava enzymes and fruit acids balanced with ultra soothing Oats, Honey and Rose. Antioxidant powerhouses Red Dragon Fruit and Raspberry replenish the skin with vitamins. Rosehip Extract encourages cell turnover to reveal fresh, glowing skin. Sea Buckthorn moisturizes and is reputed to be natures great healer. The fine balance of skin renewing ingredients with soothing nourishment make this enzyme mask suitable for even sensitive and dry skin. Click HERE for full product information and ingredients. This Face Mask Activator contains lightweight oils of Avocado, Hempseed, Camellia and Vitamin E. Glycerine and Cera Bellina are humectants that attract water moisture and bind it to your skin. Adding your desired amount of Elixir to your Alchemy Mask will customize the level of moisture and hydration you want to achieve. You can also use a few drops of Alchemist’s Elixir as a serum after rinsing off your mask to seal in the benefits and keep skin hydrated all day. Alchemist’s Elixir can be used with Alchemy Masks and other brands of powdered clay masks. Click HERE for full product information and ingredients. *Artisan Mask Bowls are handmade and each is unique. The one you receive will be a beautiful surprise. May not be exactly as pictured.*
Wood-fired-central-heating, a wood-fired central heat system is a cleaner-burning heater and economical too. if you want to heat your home with wood, should you choose a wood-fired central heat system such as a woodburning.... Feb 13, 2017 - a boiler stove is a popular way of powering central heating and hot water. you might want a high output boiler stove to power your whole house, or you might like to just be able to top up your hot water and/or heating using a smaller stove. i have a woodburning cooker stove with a boiler which heats the hot water in my house, and also powers 3 radiators., wood burning boiler stoves central heating stoves contain a boiler for the purposes of heating hot water and/or for running the radiators of a central heating system. however, many stoves have the ability to have a boiler retro-fitted which can run up to 4 -5 radiators or heat a hot water cylinder.. Wood fired central heating with a woodburning boiler stove - firewood. considerations to make if switching to heating with wood. if you are going to have a wood fired central heating system then there are a few things to consider first. heating with wood is not quite the same as using a gas or oil boiler., the whole wood fired heating system cost us about £3000 in total. we are adding an extra layer of insulation to the tank (it has 50mm of insulation already) with space blankets and insulating all the pipes. the central heating pump is triggered with a pipe thermostat (from ebay) on the return pipe of the hot water thermo-siphon.. Wood fired central heating with a woodburning boiler stove considerations to make if switching to heating with wood if you are going to have a wood fired central heating system then there are a few things to consider first. heating with wood is not quite the same as using a gas or oil boiler., central heating. warm water central heating systems use water to distribute heat thoroughly and evenly around the home. water transfers energy at a much higher rate than air, making these systems very efficient.. A wood boiler stove provides heating and hot water and, unlike a heat pump, requires no electricity to run. from small boiler stoves which can provide a bit of hot water, to larger stoves which can easily power your whole house there is a large range to choose from. visit our boiler stoves page, or click on the picture for more details, wood-fuelled heating systems, also called biomass systems, burn wood pellets, chips or logs to provide warmth in a single room or to power central heating and hot water boilers. a stove burns logs or pellets to heat a single room - and may be fitted with a back boiler to provide water heating as well. a boiler burns logs, pellets or chips, and is connected to a central heating and hot water .... Information about wood-fired boiler stoves wood-fired heating systems also called biomass heating systems, burn wood pellets, chips or logs to provide warmth in a single room or to power central heating and hot water boilers.. using a stove with a back boiler to heat up the household is an increasingly popular choice in the uk.
Get Writing Tips and Tools in Upcoming Webinar At the graduate level, the writing concerns of native and non-native English speakers overlap; wrestling our ideas into words is work! Moreover, graduate students must learn the discourse, citation, and argument styles specific to their disciplines. Non-native English speakers face additional challenges. Learning prepositional phrases (going to or toward?), remembering articles (a book, the book, or just book?), and memorizing new synonyms to vary one’s prose (can I substitute posit or postulate for argue?) takes time and effort. Once a piece of writing has been drafted, an “outside” tool can help to refine its language and ideas, and to fix any errors. Peer review is the ultimate outside tool in the academy, and a professor’s feedback stands in for this during graduate school. We often, however, seek to refine a piece of writing before we send it to these parties. We can — and should — share our writing with classmates or consultants at The Graduate Center’s Writing Center. But how can we edit our papers on our own? Start by finding a spelling and grammar checking tool that you like. The one built into Microsoft Word is robust. Writefull, a free extension compatible with all major operating systems andwriting software, uses natural language processing to check your academic text against vast databases of correct language. It gives feedback on spelling, grammar, word choice, and style, and offers fixes, synonyms, and alternative sentence structures. When you’ve identified areas in your writing in which you’d like to improve, practice! Nigel A. Caplan’s Grammar Choice for Graduate and Professional Writers offers excellent exercises for eight grammar topics with names like “Clause Combination” and “Hedging, Boosting, and Positioning.” The “Activities for ESL Students” page of The Internet TESL Journal offers useful quizzes, tests, exercises, and puzzles for non-native speakers. If you find this advice helpful, join The Writing Center’s English Language Tools & Resources webinar on Wednesday, November 13. In it, you’ll learn about tools and resources to help with grammar, spelling, word choice, sentence structure, and other English language topics. The goal of this webinar is to help you find tools and strategies to strengthen and edit your own writing. This webinar is open to all Graduate Center students: ESL/ELL students; native English speakers; master’s and Ph.D. students; science, humanities, and social science students. Register online for English Language Tools & Resources webinar on Wednesday, November 13, 1:30 p.m.–2:30 p.m. Submitted on: NOV 8, 2019 Category: General GC News | Student News
Patients who are referred to Forever Fit Physical Therapy and Wellness have common diagnoses such as arthritis and osteoporosis. What is the difference between the two? Let us find out! First, let’s break down the two terms of arthritis and osteoporosis. In the word arthritis, the root word arthr- means joint and the suffix -itis means inflammation. Therefore, the entire term arthritis means inflammation of the joint or joints. In the word osteoporosis, the root word osteo- means bone and the suffix -porosis means porous. Therefore, osteoporosis means porous bones. Now that you have a quick definition of the two, let’s break down the diagnoses even further with an explanation of treatment! Arthritis - As stated previously, arthritis specifically affects the joints and surrounding tissues. There are two common types of arthritis such as the following: Osteoarthritis (OA) - A degenerative joint disease due to overuse of injured joints on a repeated basis. The first symptom of OA is pain after exercises or after being sedentary for a prolonged period. Common locations of OA are the hips, knees, neck, lower back, or small joints of the hands. Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) - An autoimmune, inflammatory disease in which the body releases enzymes that attack its own healthy tissues. RA is typically found in various joints in the fingers, thumbs, wrists, elbows, shoulders, knees, feet, and ankles. Osteoporosis - According to the National Institutes of Health (2016), Osteoporosis, also known as the “silent disease” is a condition in which the bones become less dense and more likely to fracture. Osteoporosis is typically only painful if a fracture occurs. It can result in a loss of height, severe back pain, and change in one’s posture. Osteoporosis can impair a person’s ability to walk and can cause prolonged or permanent disability. Arthritis and Osteoporosis may both benefit from physical therapy and rehabilitation. Both plans of rehabilitation entail strengthening of the affected area as well as stretches to relieve the stress and inflammation of the joints or bones. Ultimately range of motion may improve as well as posture. For those with osteoporosis balance and fall risk reduction are also an important component of treatment. If you have any further questions regarding your symptoms or treatment of your diagnosis, feel free to schedule an initial evaluation with us or a free 15-minute consultation. We look forward to speaking with you!
BLM Issues Lease for Coal Mine Expansion in Colorado By Jonathan Romeo June 13, 2020 - It’s official: GCC Energy has been issued the lease for its expansion of the King II coal mine in western La Plata County, Colorado. On Friday, the Bureau of Land Management announced it issued the lease for the 2,426-acre expansion for the mine about 20 miles west of Durango near Hesperus, which is estimated to contain about 9.5 million tons of recoverable coal. GCC Energy received a lease Friday for its expansion of the King II coal mine. Photo by Jerry McBride, Durango Herald “The coal reserves in this tract are important for infrastructure projects and will generate millions of dollars for Colorado’s economy,” the BLM’s Colorado Director Jamie Connell said in a statement. “BLM supports working landscapes across the West and issuing this lease is a fine example of that.” GCC Energy has operated the coal mine near Hesperus since 2007. But in preparation for its coal reserves to run out, it asked the BLM for the expansion to extend the life of the mine by about 20 years. The BLM approved the expansion in October, but as a formality, was required to go through a bidding process. In April, only one bid was received, from GCC Energy, for $3,434,400. With the lease, the BLM said GCC Energy will pay an annual rental of $3 per acre, along with a royalty payment of 8% of the value of coal produced. Company officials have previously said the mine pays $5 million a year in local, state and federal taxes. “The BLM lease is one step in a long journey to continue to operate the King II mine,” Gina Lotito, vice president of energy and sustainability, said in a statement. “GCC will continue to work with the county, state and federal organizations to ensure we are good neighbors in the community.” There was little public opposition to the proposed expansion, save for a handful of residents who raised issues with climate change, truck traffic associated with hauling coal and potential impacts to water quality. The BLM said it analyzed the potential impacts of leasing the coal resource in an environmental assessment and determined in October a “finding of no significant impact,” which means a larger analysis was not required. Most of the coal extracted at King II goes to GCC Energy’s parent company – Grupo Cementos de Chihuahua, a multimillion-dollar international cement manufacturer based in Chihuahua, Mexico – for use in cement production. Since the company took over the King II mine, it has produced an average of about 700,000 tons of coal per year. But increasingly, production has waned as the industry takes a downturn. In 2019, GCC Energy extracted about 658,000 tons of coal, according to state records.
The four trained CAMH nurses in Sierra Leone contributed immensely giving psychosocial support to Ebola orphans and victims of the recent flood in the country. Following the September 16 2015, flood, two CAM H Nurses Mohamed James Koroma and Edwin S Johnny Provided psychosocial support to flood victims during their two months stay at the National Stadium. Two of the CAMH nurses (Mohamed James Koroma and Bomposseh Kamara) have been attached to the Ola During Children’s Hospital (the country’ main pediatrics referral hospital) providing psychosocial support to children and adolescents affected by stressful and damaging experiences such as child abuse, Ebola Virus disease, care givers of children with terminal conditions, as well as training and supporting clinical staff about CAMH and engaging with children. We are working with the Ministry of Health and other partners trying to set up a Child and Adolescent Mental Health service in Sierra Leone. Dr. Anna Walder, a Psychiatrist Kings’ College Partnership in Sierra Leone is in support of this idea. We have held several meetings to discuss about what the service will look like and how to ensure that it addresses the wide ranging needs of the young people. We want to ensure that it is a multidisciplinary and multispectral service that addresses psychosocial support as well as mental illness, as they are inextricably linked. A proposal titled” Needs assessment for a mental health service in post Ebola Sierra Leone” has been drafted for the above purpose. The four CAMH Nurses will be the principal investigators. Plans for the New Year 2016 include: out reaches to orphanages, schools, and juvenile homes; raising awareness of CAMH, research and psychosocial support Psychosocial Support to Ebola Orphans Working in partnership with the Miniastry of health and the Psychiatrist & Mental Health Coordinator, King’s Sierra Leone Partnership in the person of Dr Anna Walder CAMH Nurse M J Koroma is providing psychosocial support to ebola orphans and behavioral training to care givers of Ebola orphans with challenging behaviours. Below is a picture of a 12 year old Grace a lone survivor of the ebola virus disease in her family but developed complications. She has intellectual disability, she is blind, partially deaf and cannot communicate verbally. Grace presented challenging behaviours; for which training was provided for the care givers employed by Partners in Health; a Non Governmental Organization. Psychosocial support to flood victims 13,000 persons had been registered by the Ministry of Social Welfare, Gender and Children’s Affairs. Contributed by Mohammed KoromaRead More A total of 170 different workshops were conducted across several sites all over Egypt in the course of the campaign, with about 4800 attendees cumulatively. - Workshop for parents: This aimed to help them understand more about ADHD and to teach them how to help their children by playing simple interesting games. It was also an interactive forum that allowed them to ask questions and share experiences with the audience. - Workshop for teachers: This provided a practical overview of ADHD and associated executive function problems as well as how such children may have difficulties with usual class routines. It also availed them with practical solutions to help such students in their classes and schools. - Workshop for children: This aimed to simplify the meaning of ADHD and practical tips about how to increase your attention and decrease impulsivity for affected children. It also aimed to decrease stigma and bulling against children with ADHD, by promoting better understanding. - Media Campaigns: Many radio channels and newspapers covered the activities of the ADHD awareness promotion month in Egypt especially the Italian circus event. Social media also played a critical role as we connected through our official page to advertise and mobilize for the events; and to provide answer to questions about ADHD from a wide and diverse audience – including those who could not physically attend any of the events. Conclusion: Innovative and engaging activities to promote awareness and reduce stigma can be made into fun activities that will not only pass across the message but also entertain and leave participants with positive memories. Contributed by Dr. Eman Gaber (Egypt)Read More For the fourth consecutive year the General Secretariat of Mental Health and Addiction, of the Ministry of Health and Population held a campaign from 24th to 30th October to help raise awareness about ADHD across the country. The campaign involved multiple dimensions including different types of workshops for parents, teachers and children at schools, social club, hospitals as well as distribution of 10,000 flyers. An awareness video in Arabic language was also produced and made available on our YouTube channel. Due to the welcome demand and several invitations to host the workshop in several places, the campaign was extended for an additional week, in order to cater to as many invitations as possible.Read More