diff --git "a/localizations/zh_CN.json" "b/localizations/zh_CN.json" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/localizations/zh_CN.json" @@ -0,0 +1,5730 @@ +{ + "本翻译由": "御坂桜 提供", + "⤡": "⤡", + "⊞": "⊞", + "×": "×", + "❮": "❮", + "❯": "❯", + "Loading...": "载入中...", + "view": "查看", + "api": "api", + "•": "・", + "built with gradio": "基于 Gradio 构建", + "Stable Diffusion checkpoint": "Stable Diffusion 模型(ckpt)", + "txt2img": "文生图", + "img2img": "图生图", + "Extras": "附加功能", + "PNG Info": "图片信息", + "Checkpoint Merger": "模型合并", + "Train": "训练", + "booru2prompt": "booru转提示词", + "Dreambooth": "Dreambooth", + "Smart Preprocess": "智能预处理", + "Merge Board": "合并面板", + "Create aesthetic embedding": "创建美术风格", + "Embedding Editor": "Embedding 编辑器", + "Image Browser": "图库浏览器", + "Tokenizer": "词元分析器(Tokenizer)", + "Tagger": "WD1.4 Tag反推", + "Training Picker": "训练图挑选器", + "Settings": "设置", + "Extensions": "扩展", + "Prompt": "提示词", + "Negative prompt": "负面提示词", + "Run": "运行", + "Skip": "跳过", + "Interrupt": "中止", + "Generate": "生成", + "Style 1": "风格模版 1", + "Style 2": "风格模版 2", + "Label": "标记", + "File": "文件", + "Drop File Here": "拖拽文件到此处", + "-": "-", + "or": "或", + "Click to Upload": "点击上传", + "Image": "图像", + "Check progress": "查看进度", + "Check progress (first)": "(首次)查看进度", + "Sampling steps": "采样迭代步数(Steps)", + "Sampling method": "采样器(Sampler)", + "Euler a": "Euler a", + "Euler": "Euler", + "LMS": "LMS", + "Heun": "Heun", + "DPM2": "DPM2", + "DPM2 a": "DPM2 a", + "DPM++ 2S a": "DPM++ 2S a", + "DPM++ 2M": "DPM++ 2M", + "DPM fast": "DPM fast", + "DPM adaptive": "DPM adaptive", + "LMS Karras": "LMS Karras", + "DPM2 Karras": "DPM2 Karras", + "DPM2 a Karras": "DPM2 a Karras", + "DPM++ 2S a Karras": "DPM++ 2S a Karras", + "DPM++ 2M Karras": "DPM++ 2M Karras", + "DDIM": "DDIM", + "PLMS": "PLMS", + "Width": "宽度", + "Height": "高度", + "Restore faces": "面部修复(Restore faces)", + "Tiling": "绘制无缝平铺贴图(Tiling)", + "Hires. fix": "高分辨率修复(Hires.fix)", + "Upscale by": "放大倍率", + "Hires steps": "重设迭代步数", + "Resize width to": "将宽度调整到", + "Resize height to": "将高度调整到", + "Firstpass width": "首次宽度", + "Firstpass height": "首次高度", + "Denoising strength": "重绘幅度(Denoising)", + "Batch count": "生成批次", + "Batch size": "每批数量", + "Seed": "随机种子(seed)", + "Extra": "▼", + "Variation seed": "差异随机种子", + "Variation strength": "差异强度", + "Resize seed from width": "宽度(Resize seed)", + "Resize seed from height": "高度(Resize seed)", + "Additional Networks": "附加网络(AddNet)", + "Network module 1": "附加网络模块 1", + "Network module 2": "附加网络模块 2", + "Network module 3": "附加网络模块 3", + "Network module 4": "附加网络模块 4", + "Network module 5": "附加网络模块 5", + "Model 1": "模型 1", + "Model 2": "模型 2", + "Model 3": "模型 3", + "Model 4": "模型 4", + "Model 5": "模型 5", + "Weight 1": "权重 1", + "Weight 2": "权重 2", + "Weight 3": "权重 3", + "Weight 4": "权重 4", + "Weight 5": "权重 5", + "Refresh models": "刷新模型列表", + "Multiple Hypernetworks": "加载多个超网络模型(Hypernetworks)", + "Hypernetworks List": "可选的超网络模型列表", + "Hypernetworks": "超网络(Hypernetwork)", + "Hypernetwork strengths": "超网络强度", + "Latent Mirror mode": "镜像潜空间模式", + "None": "无", + "Alternate Steps": "交替迭代", + "Blend Average": "平均混合", + "Latent Mirror style": "潜空间镜像方式", + "Vertical Mirroring": "垂直镜像", + "Horizontal Mirroring": "水平镜像", + "Horizontal+Vertical Mirroring": "垂直+水平镜像", + "90 Degree Rotation": "90度旋转", + "180 Degree Rotation": "180度旋转", + "Roll Channels": "色彩通道轮替", + "X panning": "沿 X 轴滚动", + "Y panning": "沿 Y 轴滚动", + "Maximum steps fraction to mirror at": "镜像干涉止步于总迭代步数的", + "Dynamic Prompts": "动态提示词", + "Dynamic Prompts enabled": "启用动态提示词", + "Combinatorial generation": "组合生成", + "Combinatorial batches": "组合批次", + "Magic prompt": "魔法提示词", + "Max magic prompt length": "魔法提示词最大长度", + "Magic prompt creativity": "魔法提示词创意", + "I'm feeling lucky": "手气不错", + "Attention grabber": "随机关键词吸引注意力", + "Write prompts to file": "将提示词写入文件", + "Don't generate images": "不生成图像", + "Help": "帮助", + "Combinations": "组合", + "Choose a number of terms from a list, in this case we choose two artists:": "从列表中选几项,这里选了两个艺术家", + "{2$$artist1|artist2|artist3}": "{2$$艺术家1|艺术家2|艺术家3}", + "If $$ is not provided, then 1$$ is assumed.": "若没提供 $$,默认为 1$$", + "If the chosen number of terms is greater than the available terms, then some terms will be duplicated, otherwise chosen terms will be unique. This is useful in the case of wildcards, e.g.": "选的项数多于提供的项数时,有些项会重复,其余情况各选项会保持唯一;\n重复对于通配符很有用,例如:", + "{2$$__artist__}": "{2$$__艺术家__}", + "is equivalent to": "等同于", + "{2$$__artist__|__artist__}": "{2$$__艺术家__|__艺术家_}", + "A range can be provided:": "项数可以有范围", + "{1-3$$artist1|artist2|artist3}": "{1-3$$艺术家1|艺术家2|艺术家3}", + "In this case, a random number of artists between 1 and 3 is chosen.": "此例中,会从中随机选 1 至 3 个艺术家", + "Wildcards can be used and the joiner can also be specified:": "可以用通配符,也可以指定拼接符", + "{{1-$$and$$__adjective__}}": "{{1-3$$and$$__adjective__}}", + "Here, a random number between 1 and 3 words from adjective.txt will be chosen and joined together with the word 'and' instead of the default comma.": "此处,会从 adjective.txt 中选取随机 1 至 3 行,以 'and' (而不是默认的逗号)拼接", + "Wildcards": "通配符", + "If the groups wont drop down click": "如果无法下拉组,点击", + "here": "这里", + "to fix the issue.": "修复", + "will then become available.": "文件放在相应目录就能被识别", + "Jinja2 templates": "Jinja2 模板", + "Enable Jinja2 templates": "启用 Jinja2 模板", + "Help for Jinja2 templates": "Jinja2 模板帮助", + "Jinja2 templates is an experimental feature for advanced template generation. It is not recommended for general use unless you are comfortable with writing scripts.": "Jinja2 模板是一个用于高级模板生成的实验特性。如果不熟悉编写脚本,正常使用时不推荐启用", + "Literals": "字面量", + "I love red roses": "I love red roses", + "Random choices": "随机选择", + "I love {{ choice('red', 'blue', 'green') }} roses": "I love {{ choice('red', 'blue', 'green') }} roses", + "This will randomly choose one of the three colors.": "会随机从三种颜色中选一个", + "Iterations": "迭代", + "{% for colour in ['red', 'blue', 'green'] %}\n {% prompt %}I love {{ colour }} roses{% endprompt %}\n {% endfor %}": "{% for colour in ['red', 'blue', 'green'] %}\n {% prompt %}I love {{ colour }} roses{% endprompt %}\n {% endfor %}", + "This will produce three prompts, one for each color. The prompt tag is used to mark the text that will be used as the prompt. If no prompt tag is present then only one prompt is assumed": "会产生三条提示词,每个颜色各一条;\n prompt 标签用于标记作为提示词的文本;\n 如果没有 prompt 标签则默认为仅一条提示词", + "{% for colour in wildcard(\"__colours__\") %}\n {% prompt %}I love {{ colour }} roses{% endprompt %}\n {% endfor %}": "{% for colour in wildcard(\"__colours__\") %}\n {% prompt %}I love {{ colour }} roses{% endprompt %}\n {% endfor %}", + "This will produce one prompt for each colour in the wildcard.txt file.": "会为 colours.txt 中的每个颜色产生一条提示词", + "Conditionals": "条件", + "{% for colour in [\"red\", \"blue\", \"green\"] %}\n {% if colour == \"red\"}\n {% prompt %}I love {{ colour }} roses{% endprompt %}\n {% else %}\n {% prompt %}I hate {{ colour }} roses{% endprompt %}\n {% endif %}\n {% endfor %}": "{% for colour in [\"red\", \"blue\", \"green\"] %}\n {% if colour == \"red\"}\n {% prompt %}I love {{ colour }} roses{% endprompt %}\n {% else %}\n {% prompt %}I hate {{ colour }} roses{% endprompt %}\n {% endif %}\n {% endfor %}", + "This will produce the following prompts:": "会产生下列提示词", + "I hate blue roses": "I hate blue roses", + "I hate green roses": "I hate green roses", + "Jinja2 templates are based on the Jinja2 template engine. For more information see the": "Jinja2 模板基于 Jinja2 模板引擎,更多信息参见", + "Jinja2 documentation.": "Jinja2 文档", + "If you are using these templates, please let me know if they are useful.": "如果你在用这些模板,请告诉我它们是否有用", + "Advanced options": "高级选项", + "Unlink seed from prompt": "将随机种子与提示词解绑", + "Disable negative prompt": "禁用负面提示词", + "Fixed seed": "固定随机种子", + "Open for Clip Aesthetic!": "打开以调整 Clip 的美术风格!", + "Aesthetic weight": "美术风格权重", + "Aesthetic steps": "美术风格迭代步数", + "Aesthetic learning rate": "美术风格学习率", + "Slerp interpolation": "球面线性插值", + "Aesthetic imgs embedding": "美术风格图集 Embedding", + "Aesthetic text for imgs": "该图集的美术风格描述", + "Slerp angle": "球面线性插值角度", + "Is negative text": "是负面提示词", + "Conditioning Highres.fix strength (for sd-v1-5-inpainting)": "高分辨率修复原图调节强度 (专为 sd-v1-5-inpainting 设计)", + "Cond.fix: Disabled (none)": "修复时调节:禁用 (无)", + "Cond.fix: Empty": "修复时调节:空掉", + "Cond.fix: Lowest": "修复时调节:最小", + "Cond.fix: Low": "修复时调节:小", + "Cond.fix: Medium": "修复时调节:中", + "Cond.fix: High (recommended)": "修复时调节:高 (推荐)", + "Cond.fix: Highest": "修复时调节:最高", + "Cond.fix: Full": "修复时调节:完全", + "Randomize": "随机化", + "Enable": "启用", + "Highres. percentage chance": "高清修复:随机概率", + "Highres. Denoising Strength": "高清修复:重绘幅度", + "Highres. Width": "高清修复:第一遍宽度", + "Highres. Height": "高清修复:第一遍高度", + "Stop at CLIP layers": "在 CLIP 模型的最后哪一层停下 (Clip skip)", + "Dry Run": "试运行", + "Dismiss": "屏蔽", + "Script": "脚本", + "Advanced Seed Blending": "高阶种子混合", + "Embedding to Shareable PNG": "将 Embedding 转换为可分享的 PNG 图片文件", + "Prompt matrix": "提示词矩阵", + "Prompts from file or textbox": "从文本框或文件载入提示词", + "X/Y plot": "X/Y 图表", + "X/Y/Z plot": "X/Y/Z 图表", + "Seed travel": "种子变迁", + "Shift attention": "关注转移", + "Prompt Travel": "提示词变迁", + "Seeds": "随机种子", + "Source embedding to convert": "用于转换的源 Embedding", + "Embedding token": "Embedding 的词元(Token) / 关键词", + "Output directory": "输出目录", + "Put variable parts at start of prompt": "把可变部分放在提示词文本的开头", + "Iterate seed every line": "每行输入都换一个随机种子", + "Use same random seed for all lines": "每行输入都使用同一个随机种子", + "List of prompt inputs": "提示词输入列表", + "Upload prompt inputs": "上传提示词输入文件", + "···XY表内容": "", + "Nothing": "无", + "Var. seed": "差异随机种子", + "Var. strength": "差异强度", + "Prompt S/R": "提示词搜索/替换", + "Prompt order": "提示词顺序", + "Hires sampler": "高分辨率修复-采样器", + "Checkpoint name": "Stable Diffusion 模型(ckpt) 名称", + "Sigma Churn": "σ 波动(Sigma Churn)", + "Sigma min": "σ 下限(Sigma min)", + "Sigma max": "σ 上限(Sigma max)", + "Sigma noise": "σ 强度(Sigma noise)", + "Schedule type": "噪声调度器类型(Schedule type)", + "Schedule min sigma": "噪声调度器的 σ值 下限(Schedule min sigma)", + "Schedule max sigma": "噪声调度器的 σ值 上限(Schedule max sigma)", + "Schedule rho": "噪声调度器的 ρ值(Schedule rho)", + "Eta": "η值(Eta)", + "Denoising": "重绘幅度", + "Initial noise multiplier": "初始噪声倍率", + "Extra noise": "附加噪声", + "Hires upscaler": "高分辨率修复-放大算法", + "UniPC Order": "UniPC 采样器执行顺序", + "Face restore": "面部修复 状态", + "Token merging ratio high-res": "高分辨率修复-Token合并比例(merging ratio)", + "Refiner checkpoint": "Refiner 模型", + "Refiner switch at": "Refiner模型 介入时机", + "[ControlNet] Enabled": "[ControlNet] 启用状态", + "[ControlNet] Model": "[ControlNet] 模型", + "[ControlNet] Weight": "[ControlNet] 权重", + "[ControlNet] Guidance Start": "[ControlNet] 控制介入时机", + "[ControlNet] Guidance End": "[ControlNet] 控制结束时机", + "[ControlNet] Control Mode": "[ControlNet] 控制模式", + "[ControlNet] Resize Mode": "[ControlNet] 缩放模式", + "[ControlNet] Preprocessor": "[ControlNet] 预处理器", + "[ControlNet] Pre Resolution": "[ControlNet] 预处理器 分辨率", + "[ControlNet] Pre Threshold A": "[ControlNet] 预处理器 阈值A", + "[ControlNet] Pre Threshold B": "[ControlNet] 预处理器 阈值B", + "X type": "X轴类型", + "Hypernetwork": "超网络(Hypernetwork)", + "Hypernet str.": "超网络(Hypernetwork) 强度", + "Clip skip": "Clip 跳过层", + "Cond. Image Mask Weight": "图像调节屏蔽度", + "X values": "X轴值", + "Y type": "Y轴类型", + "Y values": "Y轴值", + "Draw legend": "显示轴类型和值", + "Include Separate Images": "生成图表时,保留每一张图像", + "Keep -1 for seeds": "保持随机种子为-1", + "Z type": "Z轴类型", + "Z values": "Z轴值", + "Primary detection model (A)": "首要检测模型 (A)", + "Detection confidence threshold % (A)": "检测置信阈值 % (A)", + "Dilation factor (A)": "扩张(Dilation)因子 (A)", + "X offset (A)": "X 偏移 (A)", + "Y offset (A)": "Y 偏移 (A)", + "Inpaint model B detections before model A runs": "在模型 A 运行之前,先局部重绘模型 B 的检测", + "Bitwise operation": "按位(Bitwise)运算", + "A&B": "A&B", + "A-B": "A-B", + "Secondary detection model (B) (optional)": "次要检测模型 (B) (可选)", + "Detection confidence threshold % (B)": "检测置信阈值 % (B)", + "Dilation factor (B)": "扩张因子 (B)", + "X offset (B)": "X 偏移 (B)", + "Y offset (B)": "Y 偏移 (B)", + "Mask blur": "蒙版模糊", + "Denoising strength (Inpaint)": "重绘幅度 (局部重绘)", + "Inpaint at full resolution": "全分辨率局部重绘", + "Inpaint at full resolution padding, pixels": "预留像素", + "Destination seed(s) (Comma separated)": "目标种子 (逗号分割)", + "Only use Random seeds (Unless comparing paths)": "只用随机种子 (除非需要对比变迁轨迹)", + "Number of random seed(s)": "随机种子数量", + "Compare paths (Separate travels from 1st seed to each destination)": "对比变迁轨迹 (从第一个种子分别变迁到每一个目标种子)", + "Loop back to initial seed": "再变迁回初始种子", + "Save results as video": "保存结果为视频", + "Frames per second": "每秒多少帧", + "Number of frames for lead in/out": "渐入/渐出帧数", + "Bump seed (If > 0 do a Compare Paths but only one image. No video)": "自动递增种子 (大于 0 的时候会对比变迁轨迹,但不会生成视频而是只是一张图)", + "Show generated images in ui": "在用户界面上显示生成了的图像", + "\"Hug the middle\" during interpolation": "在插值的途中 \"主动去找中间点\"", + "Allow the default Euler a Sampling method. (Does not produce good results)": "允许使用默认的 Eular a 采样器. (通常不会出漂亮的结果)", + "Travel mode": "变迁模式", + "linear": "线性(linear)", + "replace": "取代", + "grad": "梯度", + "Travel steps between stages": "每个阶段变迁的迭代步数", + "Replace order": "取代顺序", + "random": "随机", + "most_similar": "最相似", + "most_different": "最大差异", + "grad_min": "最小梯度", + "grad_max": "最大梯度", + "Step size": "步幅 (梯度模式)", + "Step count": "步数 (梯度模式)", + "Step method": "步进方法 (梯度模式)", + "clip": "clip", + "sign": "sign", + "tanh": "tanh", + "Weight for latent match": "用于匹配潜空间(latent)的权重", + "Weight for cond match": "用于匹配文字调节(cond)的权重", + "Video file format": "视频格式", + "mp4": "mp4", + "gif": "gif", + "Video FPS": "视频 FPS", + "Pad begin/end frames": "预留开始/结束帧", + "Pick every n-th frame": "每 n 帧挑选 1 帧", + "Video drop last frame": "丢弃视频最后一帧", + "Show console debug": "在控制台显示调试信息", + "Save": "保存", + "Send to img2img": ">> 图生图", + "Send to inpaint": ">> 局部重绘", + "Send to extras": ">> 附加功能", + "Make Zip when Save?": "保存时创建zip压缩文件?", + "Textbox": "文本框", + "Interrogate\nCLIP": "CLIP 提示词反推", + "Interrogate\nDeepBooru": "DeepBooru Tag反推", + "Inpaint": "局部重绘", + "Batch img2img": "批量图生图", + "Image for img2img": "图生图的图像", + "Drop Image Here": "拖拽图像到此处", + "Image for inpainting with mask": "用于局部重绘并手动画蒙版的图像", + "Mask": "蒙版", + "Mask mode": "重绘区域", + "Draw mask": "绘制蒙版", + "Upload mask": "上传蒙版", + "Masking mode": "重绘区域", + "Inpaint masked": "蒙版内", + "Inpaint not masked": "蒙版外", + "Masked content": "重绘参考内容", + "fill": "填充空白", + "original": "原图像素", + "latent noise": "潜空间噪声", + "latent nothing": "空白潜空间", + "Process images in a directory on the same machine where the server is running.": "批量处理功能可一次性处理 输入目录 中所有的图像", + "Use an empty output directory to save pictures normally instead of writing to the output directory.": "可指定输出图像到一个空的 输出目录,而非设置里指定的输出目录", + "Input directory": "输入目录", + "Resize mode": "缩放模式", + "Just resize": "拉伸原图", + "Crop and resize": "剪裁原图", + "Resize and fill": "填充空白", + "img2img alternative test": "图生图的另一种测试", + "Loopback": "回送", + "Outpainting mk2": "向外绘制第二版", + "Poor man's outpainting": "效果稍差的向外绘制", + "SD upscale": "使用 SD 放大(SD upscale)", + "Deforum-webui (use tab extension instead!)": "Deforum-webui (请使用选项卡上的扩展版本)", + "should be 2 or lower.": "应小于等于2", + "Override `Sampling method` to Euler?(this method is built for it)": "覆写 `采样器` 为 Euler?(这个方法就是为它设计的)", + "Override `prompt` to the same value as `original prompt`?(and `negative prompt`)": "覆写 `提示词` 为 `初始提示词`?(`负面提示词` 同理)", + "Original prompt": "初始提示词", + "Original negative prompt": "初始负面提示词", + "Override `Sampling Steps` to the same value as `Decode steps`?": "覆写 `采样迭代步数` 为 `解码迭代步数`?", + "Decode steps": "解码迭代步数", + "Override `Denoising strength` to 1?": "覆写 `重绘幅度` 为 1?", + "Decode CFG scale": "解码提示词相关性(CFG scale)", + "Randomness": "随机度", + "Sigma adjustment for finding noise for image": "为寻找图中噪点的 Sigma 调整", + "Loops": "迭代次数", + "Denoising strength change factor": "重绘幅度的调整系数", + "Recommended settings: Sampling Steps: 80-100, Sampler: Euler a, Denoising strength: 0.8": "推荐设置:采样迭代步数:80-100,采样器:Euler a,重绘幅度:0.8", + "Pixels to expand": "拓展的像素数", + "Outpainting direction": "向外绘制的方向", + "left": "左侧", + "right": "右侧", + "up": "上", + "down": "下", + "Fall-off exponent (lower=higher detail)": "衰减指数(越小细节越好)", + "Color variation": "色彩变化", + "Will upscale the image to twice the dimensions; use width and height sliders to set tile size": "将图像放大到两倍尺寸; 使用宽度和高度滑块设置图块尺寸(tile size)", + "Tile overlap": "图块重叠的像素(Tile overlap)", + "Upscaler": "放大算法", + "Lanczos": "Lanczos", + "Nearest": "最邻近(整数缩放)", + "LDSR": "LDSR", + "BSRGAN 4x": "BSRGAN 4x", + "ESRGAN_4x": "ESRGAN_4x", + "R-ESRGAN 4x+ Anime6B": "R-ESRGAN 4x+ Anime6B", + "ScuNET GAN": "ScuNET GAN", + "ScuNET PSNR": "ScuNET PSNR", + "SwinIR_4x": "SwinIR 4x", + "Recommended settings: Use from inpaint tab, inpaint at full res ON, denoise <0.5": "推荐设置:于局部重绘选项卡使用,开启全分辨率局部重绘,重绘幅度(Denoising) < 0.5", + "Single Image": "单张图像", + "Batch Process": "批量处理", + "Batch from Directory": "从目录进行批量处理", + "Source": "来源", + "Show result images": "显示输出图像", + "Scale by": "等比缩放", + "Scale to": "指定分辨率缩放", + "Resize": "缩放比例", + "Crop to fit": "裁剪以适应宽高比", + "Upscaler 2 visibility": "放大算法 2 (Upscaler 2) 可见度", + "GFPGAN visibility": "GFPGAN 可见度", + "CodeFormer visibility": "CodeFormer 可见度", + "CodeFormer weight (0 = maximum effect, 1 = minimum effect)": "CodeFormer 权重(为 0 时效果最大,为 1 时效果最小)", + "Upscale Before Restoring Faces": "放大后再进行面部修复", + "Send to txt2img": ">> 文生图", + "A merger of the two checkpoints will be generated in your": "合并后的 Stable Diffusion 模型(ckpt) 会生成在你的", + "checkpoint": "模型", + "directory.": "目录", + "Primary model (A)": "模型 A", + "Secondary model (B)": "模型 B", + "Tertiary model (C)": "模型 C", + "Custom Name (Optional)": "输出模型文件名(默认与A同名,同目录下会覆盖)", + "Multiplier (M) - set to 0 to get model A": "倍率(α) - 设为0时输出模型与A完全相同", + "Interpolation Method": "合并算法(具体说明会显示在页面顶部)", + "Weighted sum": "加权和( A×(1-α) + B×α )", + "Add difference": "添加差分( A + (B-C)×α )", + "Save as float16": "以 半精度(float16) 储存", + "See": "查看", + "wiki": "wiki文档", + "for detailed explanation.": "以了解详细说明", + "Create embedding": "创建 Embedding", + "Create hypernetwork": "创建超网络(Hypernetwork)", + "Preprocess images": "图像预处理", + "Name": "名称", + "Initialization text": "初始化文字", + "Number of vectors per token": "每个词元(token)的向量数", + "Overwrite Old Embedding": "覆写旧的 Embedding", + "Modules": "模块", + "Enter hypernetwork layer structure": "输入超网络层结构", + "Select activation function of hypernetwork. Recommended : Swish / Linear(none)": "选择超网络的激活函数。建议:Swish / Linear(线性,等于不用)", + "relu": "relu", + "leakyrelu": "leakyrelu", + "elu": "elu", + "swish": "swish", + "sigmoid": "sigmoid", + "celu": "celu", + "gelu": "gelu", + "glu": "glu", + "hardshrink": "hardshrink", + "hardsigmoid": "hardsigmoid", + "hardtanh": "hardtanh", + "logsigmoid": "logsigmoid", + "logsoftmax": "logsoftmax", + "mish": "mish", + "prelu": "prelu", + "rrelu": "rrelu", + "relu6": "relu6", + "selu": "selu", + "silu": "silu", + "softmax": "softmax", + "softmax2d": "softmax2d", + "softmin": "softmin", + "softplus": "softplus", + "softshrink": "softshrink", + "softsign": "softsign", + "tanhshrink": "tanhshrink", + "threshold": "阈值", + "Select Layer weights initialization. Recommended: Kaiming for relu-like, Xavier for sigmoid-like, Normal otherwise": "选择初始化层权重的方案。建议:类relu 用 Kaiming; 类sigmoid 用 Xavier;其它就用 Normal", + "KaimingUniform": "Kaiming 均匀", + "KaimingNormal": "Kaiming 正态", + "XavierUniform": "Xavier 均匀", + "XavierNormal": "Xavier 正态", + "Add layer normalization": "添加层归一化", + "Use dropout": "采用 dropout 防止过拟合", + "Overwrite Old Hypernetwork": "覆写旧的超网络模型", + "Source directory": "源目录", + "Destination directory": "目标目录", + "Existing Caption txt Action": "对已有的 txt 描述文本的行为", + "ignore": "无视", + "copy": "复制", + "prepend": "放前面", + "append": "放后面", + "Create flipped copies": "创建镜像副本", + "Split oversized images": "分割过大的图像", + "Auto focal point crop": "自动焦点裁切", + "Use BLIP for caption": "使用 BLIP 生成说明文字(自然语言描述)", + "Use deepbooru for caption": "使用 DeepBooru 生成说明文字(tags)", + "Split image threshold": "图像分割阈值", + "Split image overlap ratio": "分割图像重叠的比率", + "Focal point face weight": "焦点面部权重", + "Focal point entropy weight": "焦点熵权重", + "Focal point edges weight": "焦点线条权重", + "Create debug image": "创建调试(debug)图像", + "Preprocess": "预处理", + "Train an embedding or Hypernetwork; you must specify a directory with a set of 1:1 ratio images": "训练嵌入式(Embedding)或者超网络(Hypernetwork);必须指定一个具有一组 1:1 比例图像的目录", + "[wiki]": "[wiki文档]", + "Embedding": "Embedding", + "Embedding Learning rate": "Embedding 学习率", + "Hypernetwork Learning rate": "超网络学习率", + "Dataset directory": "数据集目录", + "Log directory": "日志目录", + "Prompt template file": "提示词模版文件", + "Max steps": "最大迭代步数", + "Save an image to log directory every N steps, 0 to disable": "每 N 步保存一张图像到日志目录,0 表示禁用", + "Save a copy of embedding to log directory every N steps, 0 to disable": "每 N 步将 Embedding 的副本保存到日志目录,0 表示禁用", + "Save images with embedding in PNG chunks": "保存图像,并在 PNG 图片文件中嵌入 Embedding 文件", + "Read parameters (prompt, etc...) from txt2img tab when making previews": "进行预览时,从文生图选项卡中读取参数(提示词等)", + "Train Hypernetwork": "训练超网络", + "Train Embedding": "训练 Embedding", + "DreamArtist Create embedding": "梦作家 创建 Embedding", + "DreamArtist Train": "梦作家 训练", + "Use negative embedding (DreamArtist)": "使用负面 Embedding (梦作家)", + "Number of negative vectors per token": "每个词元(token)的负面向量数", + "DreamArtist": "梦作家", + "Train with DreamArtist": "使用梦作家训练", + "Train with reconstruction": "训练时开启重建", + "CFG scale": "提示词相关性(CFG Scale/无分类器信息引导规模)", + "Reconstruction loss weight": "重建 损失(loss) 权重", + "Negative lr weight": "负面的学习率权重", + "Classifier path": "分类器(Classifier)的路径", + "Experimental features (May be solve the problem of erratic training and difficult to reproduce [set EMA to 0.97])": "实验性功能(可能解决训练不稳定和难以重现的问题 [将 EMA 设置为 0.97])", + "EMA (positive)": "EMA (正)", + "EMA replace steps (positive)": "EMA 替换步数 (正)", + "EMA (nagetive)": "EMA (负)", + "EMA replace steps (nagative)": "EMA 替换步数 (负)", + "beta1": "beta1", + "beta2": "beta2", + "Model": "模型", + "working": "运行中", + "Half": "一半", + "Half Model": "半模型", + "Load Params": "载入参数", + "Generate Ckpt": "创建 Stable Diffusion 模型(ckpt)", + "Cancel": "取消", + "Create Model": "创建模型", + "Train Model": "训练模型", + "Import Model from Huggingface Hub": "自 Huggingface Hub 载入模型", + "Model Path": "模型路径", + "HuggingFace Token": "HuggingFace 令牌(Token)", + "Source Checkpoint": "源 Stable Diffusion 模型(ckpt)", + "Scheduler": "调度器(Scheduler)", + "ddim": "ddim", + "pndm": "pndm", + "lms": "lms", + "Create": "创建", + "Training Wizard (Person)": "训练配置器 (人物)", + "Training Wizard (Object/Style)": "训练配置器 (物件/风格)", + "Training Steps": "训练迭代步数", + "Use Concepts List": "使用概念列表", + "Concepts List": "概念列表", + "Instance prompt": "实例(Instance)提示词", + "Dataset Directory": "数据集目录", + "Class Prompt": "类(Class)提示词", + "Classification Dataset Directory": "分类(Classification)数据集目录", + "Existing Prompt Contents": "现存的提���词内容", + "Description": "描述", + "Instance Token + Description": "实例的词元(Token) + 描述", + "Class Token + Description": "类的词元(Token) + 描述", + "Instance Token + Class Token + Description": "实例的词元 + 类的词元 + 描述", + "Instance token to swap": "要互换的实例的词元(Token)", + "Class token(s) to swap, can be comma-separated": "要互换的类的词元(Token),可以是以英文逗号分割的", + "Total Number of Class/Reg Images": "用于分类/规范化的图像总数", + "Classification Image Negative Prompt": "分类(classification)图像负面提示词", + "Classification CFG Scale": "分类提示词相关性(Classification CFG scale)", + "Classification Steps": "分类(Classification)迭代步数", + "Resolution": "分辨率", + "Pretrained VAE Name or Path": "预训练的 VAE 名字或者路径", + "Scale Learning Rate": "缩放学习率", + "Learning Rate": "学习率", + "Learning Rate Warmup Steps": "学习率的预热步数", + "Learning Rate Scheduler": "学习率调度器(Scheduler)", + "cosine": "余弦(cosine)", + "cosine_with_restarts": "含重启的余弦(cosine)", + "polynomial": "多项式(polynomial)", + "constant": "常量(constant)", + "constant_with_warmup": "含预热的常量(constant)", + "Save Checkpoint Frequency": "保存模型(ckpt)权重进度的频率", + "Save Preview(s) Frequency": "保存预览的频率", + "Sample Image Prompt": "样本图像的提示词", + "Sample Image Negative Prompt": "样本图像的负面提示词", + "Number of Samples to Generate": "要生成的样本数量", + "Sample Seed": "样本种子", + "Sample CFG Scale": "样本提示词相关性(CFG Scale)", + "Sample Steps": "样本迭代步数", + "Advanced": "高级", + "Auto-Adjust (WIP)": "自动调整 (施工中)", + "Batch Size": "每批数量(Batch Size)", + "Class Batch Size": "类每批数量(Class Batch Size)", + "Use CPU Only (SLOW)": "只用 CPU (很慢)", + "Don't Cache Latents": "不要缓存潜空间变量", + "Train Text Encoder": "训练文本编码器", + "Train EMA": "训练 EMA", + "Use 8bit Adam": "使用 8bit Adam", + "Gradient Checkpointing": "梯度进度记录(Gradient Checkpointing) - 以时间换显存", + "Gradient Accumulation Steps": "梯度累加步数(Gradient Accumulation Steps)", + "Mixed Precision": "混合精度", + "no": "否", + "bf16": "储存为bf16", + "Center Crop": "中心裁切", + "Apply Horizontal Flip": "应用水平翻转", + "# Training Epochs": "训练多少期(Epochs)", + "Adam Beta 1": "Adam Beta 1", + "Adam Beta 2": "Adam Beta 2", + "Adam Weight Decay": "Adam 权重衰减(Weight Decay)", + "Adam Epsilon": "Adam Epsilon (替代 0 的常量,防止直接除以 0)", + "Max Grad Norms": "最大梯度范数(Max Grad Norms)", + "Pad Tokens": "词元(Tokens)垫齐", + "Max Token Length (Requires Pad Tokens for > 75)": "最大词元(Token)长度 (词元(Token) > 75 时会进行留空)", + "Directories": "目录", + "Cropping": "剪裁", + "Captions": "描述文本", + "Post-Processing": "后处理", + "Crop Images": "剪裁图像", + "Split over-sized images": "分割过大的图像", + "Generate Captions": "生成描述文本", + "Max Caption length (0=unlimited)": "最大描述长度 (0 为无限制)", + "Existing Caption Action": "对已有的描述文本的行为", + "Append Caption to File Name": "把描述文本接在文件名后面", + "Save Caption to .txt File": "储存描述文本为 .txt 文件", + "Append DeepDanbooru to Caption": "把 DeepDanbooru 的结果接在已有的描述文本后面", + "Replace Class with Subject in Caption": "将描述文本中的类(Class)替换成主体(Subject)", + "Subject Class": "主体类别(Subject Class)", + "Subject Name": "主体(Subject)名", + "Restore Faces": "面部修复", + "Face Restore Model": "面部修复模型", + "Upscale and Resize": "放大并调整大小", + "Upscale Ratio": "放大比例", + "Create an aesthetic embedding out of any number of images": "从任意数量的图像中创建美术风格 Embedding", + "Create images embedding": "创建图集 Embedding", + "Vector": "向量", + "Refresh Embeddings": "刷新 Embeddings", + "Save Embedding": "保存 Embedding", + "Enter words and color hexes to mark weights on the sliders for guidance. Hint: Use the txt2img prompt token counter or": "输入文字和颜色十六进制代码以在滑块上标记权重作为引导。 提示:使用文生图提示词词元计数器或使用", + "webui-tokenizer": "词元分析器(tokenizer)扩展", + "to see which words are constructed using multiple sub-words, e.g. 'computer' doesn't exist in stable diffusion's CLIP dictionary and instead 'compu' and 'ter' are used (1 word but 2 embedding vectors). Currently buggy and needs a moment to process before pressing the button. If it doesn't work after a moment, try adding a random space to refresh it.": "查看哪些词是使用多个子词构成的,例如 Stable Diffusion 的 CLIP 字典中不存在 'computer',而是使用 'compu' 以及 'ter'(1 个单词但使用 2 个 Embedding 向量)。目前这个扩展还有点问题,在按下按钮之前需要一点时间来处理。如果过了一会还是不行,试试随便加个空格刷新一下", + "Generate Preview": "生成预览", + "Favorites": "收藏夹(已保存)", + "Others": "其他", + "Images directory": "图像目录", + "Dropdown": "下拉列表", + "First Page": "首页", + "Prev Page": "上一页", + "Page Index": "页码", + "Next Page": "下一页", + "End Page": "尾页", + "delete next": "删除后 N 张", + "Delete": "删除", + "sort by": "排序方式", + "path name": "路径名", + "date": "日期", + "keyword": "搜索", + "Generate Info": "生成信息", + "File Name": "文件名", + "Move to favorites": "移动到收藏夹", + "Renew Page": "刷新页面", + "Number": "数量", + "set_index": "设置索引", + "load_switch": "载入开关", + "turn_page_switch": "翻页开关", + "Checkbox": "勾选框", + "Before your text is sent to the neural network, it gets turned into numbers in a process called tokenization. These tokens are how the neural network reads and interprets text. Thanks to our great friends at Shousetsu愛 for inspiration for this feature.": "在你的文本被发送到神经网络之前,它在一个称为词元化(tokenization)的过程中被转化为数字。这些词元(tokens)是神经网络阅读和解释文本的方式。感谢我们伟大的朋友 Shousetsu愛 为这个功能带来的灵感", + "Text input": "文本输入", + "ID input": "ID 输入", + "Tokenize": "词元拆分(Tokenize)", + "Text": "文本", + "Tokens": "词元(Tokens)", + "Video to extract frames from:": "要从中提取帧的视频:", + "Only extract keyframes (recommended)": "只提取关键帧(推荐)", + "Extract every nth frame": "每第 n 帧提取一次", + "Extract Frames": "提取帧", + "Extracted Frame Set": "提取好的帧", + "Resize crops to 512x512": "缩放剪裁至 512x512", + "Outfill method:": "填充方法:", + "Don't outfill": "不进行填充", + "Stretch image": "拉伸图像", + "Transparent": "透明", + "Solid color": "纯色", + "Average image color": "平均图像颜色", + "Dominant image color": "图像主色", + "Stretch pixels at border": "延伸边缘的像素", + "Reflect image around border": "从边缘镜像图像内容", + "Blurred & stretched overlay": "模糊拉伸的叠加层", + "Reuse original image": "复用原图", + "Reset Aspect Ratio": "重置纵横比", + "Bulk process frames with chosen outfill method": "使用选定的填充方法批量处理截取的帧", + "Image border outfill method:": "图像边缘的填充方法:", + "Black outfill": "填黑", + "Outfill border color:": "填充颜色:", + "Blur amount:": "模糊量:", + "Number of clusters:": "簇数:", + "Save crops to:": "储存裁剪好的成品到:", + "<": "<", + ">": ">", + "Apply settings": "保存设置", + "Saving images/grids": "图像保存", + "Always save all generated images": "始终保存所有生成的图像", + "File format for images": "图像的文件格式", + "Images filename pattern": "图像文件名格式", + "Add number to filename when saving": "储存的时候在文件名里添加序号", + "Always save all generated image grids": "始终保存所有生成的宫格图", + "File format for grids": "宫格图的文件格式", + "Add extended info (seed, prompt) to filename when saving grid": "保存宫格图时,将扩展信息(随机种子、提示词)添加到文件名", + "Do not save grids consisting of one picture": "只有一张图像时不要保存宫格图(建议开启)", + "Prevent empty spots in grid (when set to autodetect)": "启用自动检测时,宫格图中不用空位填充(不开启时3张图会以2×2的形式排列,其中第四幅图为空,开启后行列仅可能为图片数量的因数)", + "Grid row count; use -1 for autodetect and 0 for it to be same as batch size": "宫格图行数; 使用 -1 进行自动检测,使用 0 使其与每批数量相同", + "Save text information about generation parameters as chunks to png files": "将有关生成参数的文本信息,作为块保存到 PNG 图片文件中(强烈建议开启)", + "Create a text file next to every image with generation parameters.": "保存图像时,在每个图像旁边创建一个文本文件储存生成参数(开启前一个选项后不建议开启)", + "Save a copy of image before doing face restoration.": "在进行面部修复之前保存图像副本", + "Save a copy of image before applying highres fix.": "在高分辨率修复第二轮生成之前保存初始图像副本", + "Save a copy of image before applying color correction to img2img results": "在对图生图结果应用颜色校正之前保存图像副本", + "Quality for saved jpeg images": "保存的 JPEG 图像的质量", + "If PNG image is larger than 4MB or any dimension is larger than 4000, downscale and save copy as JPG": "如果 PNG 图像大于 4MB 或宽高之一大于 4000,则缩小并保存副本为 JPG 图片", + "Use original name for output filename during batch process in extras tab": "在附加功能选项卡中的批量处理过程中,使用原始名称作为输出文件名", + "When using 'Save' button, only save a single selected image": "使用“保存”按钮时,只保存一个选定的图像", + "Do not add watermark to images": "不要给图像加水印(建议开启)", + "Paths for saving": "保存路径", + "Output directory for images; if empty, defaults to three directories below": "图像的输出目录; 如果为空,则默认为以下三个目录", + "Output directory for txt2img images": "文生图的输出目录", + "Output directory for img2img images": "图生图的输出目录", + "Output directory for images from extras tab": "附加功能选项卡的输出目录", + "Output directory for grids; if empty, defaults to two directories below": "宫格图的输出目录; 如果为空,则默认为以下两个目录", + "Output directory for txt2img grids": "文生图宫格的输出目录", + "Output directory for img2img grids": "图生图宫格的输出目录", + "Directory for saving images using the Save button": "使用“保存”按钮保存图像的目录", + "Saving to a directory": "其他保存设置", + "Save images to a subdirectory": "将图像保存到子目录", + "Save grids to a subdirectory": "将宫格图保存到子目录", + "When using \"Save\" button, save images to a subdirectory": "使用“保存”按钮时,将图像保存到子目录", + "Directory name pattern": "目录名称格式(默认按日期命名,在目录名称中添加其他生成参数详见 wiki)", + "Max prompt words for [prompt_words] pattern": "[prompt_words] 格式的最大提示词数量", + "Upscaling": "放大", + "Tile size for ESRGAN upscalers. 0 = no tiling.": "ESRGAN 的图块尺寸(Tile size)。0 为不分块(no tiling)", + "Tile overlap, in pixels for ESRGAN upscalers. Low values = visible seam.": "ESRGAN 的图块重叠(Tile overlap)像素。较小时可见接缝", + "Tile size for all SwinIR.": "适用所有 SwinIR 系算法的图块尺寸(Tile size)", + "Tile overlap, in pixels for SwinIR. Low values = visible seam.": "SwinIR 的图块重叠(Tile overlap)像素。较小时可见接缝", + "LDSR processing steps. Lower = faster": "LDSR 处理步数。越少越快", + "Upscaler for img2img": "图生图的放大算法", + "Upscale latent space image when doing hires. fix": "进行高分辨率修复时,放大潜空间图像", + "Face restoration": "面部修复", + "CodeFormer weight parameter; 0 = maximum effect; 1 = minimum effect": "CodeFormer 权重参数;为 0 时效果最大;为 1 时效果最小", + "Move face restoration model from VRAM into RAM after processing": "面部修复处理完成后,将其模型从显存(VRAM)移至内存(RAM)", + "System": "系统", + "VRAM usage polls per second during generation. Set to 0 to disable.": "生成图像时,每秒轮询显存(VRAM)使用情况的次数。设置为 0 以禁用", + "Always print all generation info to standard output": "始终将所有生成信息输出到 standard output (一般为控制台)", + "Add a second progress bar to the console that shows progress for an entire job.": "向控制台添加第二个进度条,显示整个作业的进度", + "Training": "训练", + "Move VAE and CLIP to RAM when training if possible. Saves VRAM.": "训练时将 VAE 和 CLIP 从显存(VRAM)移放到内存(RAM)如果可行的话,节省显存(VRAM)", + "Shuffleing tags by ',' when create texts.": "创建文本时打乱以 ',' 分割的 tags", + "Dropout tags when create texts": "创建文本时随机丢弃一些 tags", + "Saves Optimizer state as separate *.optim file. Training can be resumed with HN itself and matching optim file.": "将优化器状态保存为单独的 *.optim 文件。可以使用超网络(HN)本身和匹配的 optim 文件继续中断了的训练。", + "Filename word regex": "文件名用词的正则表达式", + "Filename join string": "文件名连接用字符串", + "Number of repeats for a single input image per epoch; used only for displaying epoch number": "每期(epoch)中单个输入图像的重复次数; 仅用于显示期数", + "Save an csv containing the loss to log directory every N steps, 0 to disable": "每 N 步保存一个包含 loss 的 csv 表格到日志目录,0 表示禁用", + "Use cross attention optimizations while training": "训练时开启 cross attention 优化", + "Stable Diffusion": "Stable Diffusion", + "Checkpoints to cache in RAM": "缓存在 内存(RAM) 中的 Stable Diffusion 模型(ckpt) 数", + "SD VAE": "VAE模型 替换(使用特定 VAE模型 替换 ckpt 中自带的 VAE组件)", + "(choose VAE model: Automatic = use one with same filename as checkpoint; None = use VAE from checkpoint)": "(选择“自动”时,仅在有与 ckpt 同名的文件时才替换当前 ckpt 的 VAE组件;选“无”时不进行替换;选择其他选项均强制替换)", + "SD Unet": "U-Net模型 替换(使用特定 U-Net模型 替换 ckpt 中自带的 U-Net组件)", + "(choose Unet model: Automatic = use one with same filename as checkpoint; None = use Unet from checkpoint)": "(选择“自动”时,仅在有与 ckpt 同名的文件时才替换当前 ckpt 的 U-Net组件;选“无”时不进行替换;选择其他选项均强制替换)", + "auto": "自动", + "Ignore selected VAE for stable diffusion checkpoints that have their own .vae.pt next to them": "对于拥有同名 .vae.pt 的模型,忽略掉选中的 VAE", + "Hypernetwork strength": "超网络(Hypernetwork) 强度", + "Inpainting conditioning mask strength": "局部重绘时图像调节的蒙版屏蔽强度", + "Apply color correction to img2img results to match original colors.": "对图生图结果应用颜色校正以匹配原始颜色", + "With img2img, do exactly the amount of steps the slider specifies (normally you'd do less with less denoising).": "在进行图生图的时候,确切地执行滑块指定的迭代步数(正常情况下更弱的重绘幅度需要更少的迭代步数)", + "Enable quantization in K samplers for sharper and cleaner results. This may change existing seeds. Requires restart to apply.": "在 K 采样器中启用量化以获得更清晰、干净的结果。这可能会改变现有的随机种子。需要保存设置并重启才能应用", + "Emphasis: use (text) to make model pay more attention to text and [text] to make it pay less attention": "强调符:使用 (文字) 使模型更关注该文本,使用 [文字] 使其关注被减少", + "Use old emphasis implementation. Can be useful to reproduce old seeds.": "使用旧的强调符,用于复现旧随机种子(用于复现2022年9月29日之前版本产生的图像)", + "Make K-diffusion samplers produce same images in a batch as when making a single image": "使 K-diffusion 采样器 批量生成与生成单个图像时,产出相同的图像", + "Increase coherency by padding from the last comma within n tokens when using more than 75 tokens": "当使用超过 75 个词元(tokens)时,通过从 n 个词元中的最后一个逗号留空来提高一致性", + "Filter NSFW content": "过滤成人内容(NSFW)(不建议开启)", + "Stop At last layers of CLIP model": "在 CLIP 模型的最后哪一层停下 (Clip skip)", + "Interrogate Options": "提示词反推", + "Interrogate: keep models in VRAM": "将模型保存在显存(VRAM)中(不建议开启)", + "Interrogate: use artists from artists.csv": "使用 artists.csv 中的艺术家", + "Interrogate: include ranks of model tags matches in results (Has no effect on caption-based interrogators).": "将置信度作为tag权重写入结果(对基于生成自然语言描述的反推没有影响)", + "Interrogate: num_beams for BLIP": "BLIP 的 num_beams", + "Interrogate: minimum description length (excluding artists, etc..)": "最小描述长度(不包括艺术家等)", + "Interrogate: maximum description length": "最大描述长度", + "CLIP: maximum number of lines in text file (0 = No limit)": "CLIP:文本文件中的最大行数(0 为无限制)", + "Interrogate: deepbooru score threshold": "DeepBooru 最低置信度阈值(仅摘录高于此置信度的tag)", + "Interrogate: deepbooru sort alphabetically": "DeepBooru 反推结果按字母顺序排序(不推荐开启)", + "use spaces for tags in deepbooru": "DeepBooru 反推结果中使用空格替代下划线(推荐开启)", + "escape (\\) brackets in deepbooru (so they are used as literal brackets and not for emphasis)": "在 DeepBooru 中使用转义括号(防止被误读为强调符)", + "User interface": "用户界面", + "Show progressbar": "显示进度条(建议开启)", + "Show image creation progress every N sampling steps. Set to 0 to disable. Set to -1 to show after completion of batch.": "每 N 个采样迭代步数显示图像生成进度。设置 0 禁用,设置 -1 使预览在批量生成完成之后再显示", + "Show previews of all images generated in a batch as a grid": "以宫格图的形式,预览批量生成的所有图像(建议开启)", + "Show grid in results for web": "在网页的结果中显示宫格图(建议开启)", + "Do not show any images in results for web": "不在网页的结果中显示任何图像(不建议开启)", + "Add model hash to generation information": "将模型的哈希值添加到生成信息(建议开启)", + "Add model name to generation information": "将模型名称添加到生成信息(建议开启)", + "When reading generation parameters from text into UI (from PNG info or pasted text), do not change the selected model/checkpoint.": "从 图片信息 或 粘贴文本 自动读取并填写生成参数时,不要更改选定的 Stable Diffusion 模型(ckpt)(建议开启)", + "Send seed when sending prompt or image to other interface": "将提示词或者图像发送到 >> 其他界面时,把随机种子也传送过去(建议开启)", + "Font for image grids that have text": "有宫格图中文字的字体(避免出现X/Y表中文无法显示,可设置为 \"simhei.ttf\")", + "Enable full page image viewer": "启用整页图像查看器(建议开启)", + "Show images zoomed in by default in full page image viewer": "在整页图像查看器中,默认放大显示图像(建议开启)", + "Show generation progress in window title.": "在窗口标题中显示生成进度(建议开启)", + "Quicksettings list": "快捷设置列表", + "Localization (requires restart)": "本地化翻译(需要保存设置并重启)", + "Sampler parameters": "采样器参数", + "Hide samplers in user interface (requires restart)": "在用户界面中隐藏采样器(需要保存设置并重启)", + "eta (noise multiplier) for DDIM": "DDIM采样器 的 η值(Eta,噪声系数)", + "eta (noise multiplier) for ancestral samplers": "Ancestral系列 采样器的 η值(Eta,噪声系数)", + "img2img DDIM discretize": "图生图 DDIM采样器 的离散化方式", + "uniform": "均匀", + "quad": "二阶", + "sigma churn": "σ值 抖动(sigma churn,表示 σ值 的波动幅度,当设置为0时, σ噪声 成为恒定偏置)", + "sigma tmin": "σ值 下限(sigma tmin,表示 σ值 波动时的下限)", + "sigma tmax": "σ值 上限(sigma tmax,表示 σ值 波动时的上限,设0表示无穷大)", + "sigma noise": "σ值(sigma noise,表示 σ噪声 的强度,σ噪声 是用于抵消采样期间细节损失的额外噪声量,当设置为0时, σ噪声 不起作用)", + "(amount of stochasticity; only applies to Euler, Heun, and DPM2)": "(仅作用于 Euler、Heun 和 DPM2 采样器)", + "(enable stochasticity; start value of the sigma range; only applies to Euler, Heun, and DPM2)": "(仅作用于 Euler、Heun 和 DPM2 采样器)", + "(0 = inf; end value of the sigma range; only applies to Euler, Heun, and DPM2)": "(仅作用于 Euler、Heun 和 DPM2 采样器)", + "(amount of additional noise to counteract loss of detail during sampling; only applies to Euler, Heun, and DPM2)": "(仅作用于 Euler、Heun 和 DPM2 采样器)", + "Eta noise seed delta": "η 噪声种子 偏移量", + "Save mask previews": "保存蒙版预览", + "Output directory for mask previews": "蒙版预览的输出目录", + "Save masks": "保存蒙版", + "Output directory for masks": "蒙版输出目录", + "Images Browser": "图库浏览器", + "Preload images at startup": "在启动时预加载图像", + "Number of columns on the page": "每页列数", + "Number of rows on the page": "每页行数", + "Minimum number of pages per load": "每次加载的最小页数", + "Use same seed for all images": "为所有图像使用同一个随机种子", + "Fixed size to resize images to": "调整图像大小到固定大小", + "Path to read videos from": "读取视频的路径", + "Path to store extracted frame sets in": "储存截取帧的路径", + "Default cropped image output directory": "裁切后的成品的默认输出目录", + "Request browser notifications": "请求浏览器通知(生成完成时在屏幕右下角显示通知)", + "Download localization template": "下载本地化模板", + "Reload custom script bodies (No ui updates, No restart)": "重新加载自定义脚本主体(无用户界面更新,无重启)", + "Restart Gradio and Refresh components (Custom Scripts, ui.py, js and css only)": "重启 Gradio 及刷新组件(仅限自定义脚本、ui.py、js 和 css)", + "Installing...": "安装中…", + "Available": "可用", + "Install from URL": "从网址安装", + "Apply and restart UI": "应用并重启用户界面", + "Check for updates": "检查更新", + "Extension": "扩展", + "URL": "网址", + "Update": "更新", + "DreamArtist-sd-webui-extension": "梦作家", + "unknown": "未知", + "SD-latent-mirroring": "镜像潜空间图像", + "a1111-sd-webui-tagcomplete": "Tag自动补全", + "auto-sd-paint-ext": "画图工具扩展", + "ddetailer": "检测细致化", + "deforum-for-automatic1111-webui": "Deforum", + "novelai-2-local-prompt": "novelai 转 webui 括号", + "sd-dynamic-prompts": "动态提示词", + "sd_dreambooth_extension": "dreambooth 扩展", + "sd_smartprocess": "智能预处理", + "sdweb-merge-board": "合并面板", + "seed_travel": "种子变迁", + "shift-attention": "关注转移", + "stable-diffusion-webui-aesthetic-gradients": "美术风格梯度", + "stable-diffusion-webui-aesthetic-image-scorer": "美术风格评分", + "stable-diffusion-webui-artists-to-study": "艺术家图库", + "stable-diffusion-webui-auto-tls-https": "自动 tls-https", + "stable-diffusion-webui-conditioning-highres-fix": "高分辨率修复原图调节强度 ", + "stable-diffusion-webui-dataset-tag-editor": "数据集 Tag 编辑器", + "stable-diffusion-webui-embedding-editor": "Embedding 编辑器", + "stable-diffusion-webui-images-browser": "图库浏览器", + "stable-diffusion-webui-inspiration": "灵感", + "stable-diffusion-webui-localization-zh_CN": "简体中文语言包", + "stable-diffusion-webui-localization-zh_TW": "正體中文語言包", + "stable-diffusion-webui-prompt-travel": "提示词变迁", + "stable-diffusion-webui-randomize": "随机化", + "stable-diffusion-webui-tokenizer": "词元分析器(tokenizer)", + "stable-diffusion-webui-wd14-tagger": "WD1.4 Tag反推插件", + "stable-diffusion-webui-wildcards": "通配符", + "training-picker": "训练图挑选器", + "unprompted": "非文本(代码化)提示词", + "Load from:": "加载自:", + "Extension index URL": "扩展列表网址", + "Hide extensions with tags": "隐藏含有以下标签的扩展", + "script": "脚本", + "ads": "含广告", + "URL for extension's git repository": "扩展的 GitHub仓库 网址", + "Local directory name": "本地目录名", + "Prompt (press Ctrl+Enter or Alt+Enter to generate)": "提示词(按 Ctrl+Enter 或 Alt+Enter 生成)\nPrompt", + "Negative prompt (press Ctrl+Enter or Alt+Enter to generate)": "负面提示词(按 Ctrl+Enter 或 Alt+Enter 生成)\nNegative prompt", + "Add a random artist to the prompt.": "随机添加一个艺术家到提示词中", + "Stop processing current image and continue processing.": "停止处理当前图像,并继续处理下一个", + "Stop processing images and return any results accumulated so far.": "停止处理图像,并返回迄今为止累积的任何结果", + "Style to apply; styles have components for both positive and negative prompts and apply to both": "要使用的风格模版; 风格模版包含正面和负面提示词,并应用于两者\n🎨 随机添加一个艺术家到提示词中\n ↙️ 从提示词中读取生成参数,如果提示词为空,则读取上一次的生成参数到用户界面\n💾 将当前的提示词保存为风格模版(保存在styles.csv)\n📋 将所选风格模版,应用于当前提示词\n如果你在文本中添加{prompt}标记,并保存为风格模版\n那么将来你使用该风格模版时,你现有的提示词会替换风格模版中的{prompt}", + "Do not do anything special": "什么都不做", + "Which algorithm to use to produce the image": "使用哪种算法生成图像", + "Euler Ancestral - very creative, each can get a completely different picture depending on step count, setting steps to higher than 30-40 does not help": "Euler Ancestral - 非常有创意,可以根据迭代步数获得完全不同的图像,将迭代步数设置为高于 30-40 不会有正面作用", + "Denoising Diffusion Implicit Models - best at inpainting": "Denoising Diffusion Implicit models - 最擅长局部重绘", + "Produce an image that can be tiled.": "生成可用于平铺(tiled)的图像", + "Use a two step process to partially create an image at smaller resolution, upscale, and then improve details in it without changing composition": "使用两步处理的时候,以较小的分辨率生成初步图像,接着放大图像,然后在不更改构图的情况下改进其中的细节", + "Determines how little respect the algorithm should have for image's content. At 0, nothing will change, and at 1 you'll get an unrelated image. With values below 1.0, processing will take less steps than the Sampling Steps slider specifies.": "决定算法对图像内容的影响程度。设置 0 时,什么都不会改变,而在 1 时,你将获得不相关的图像。\n值低于 1.0 时,处理的迭代步数将少于“采样迭代步数”滑块指定的步数", + "How many batches of images to create": "创建多少批次的图像", + "How many image to create in a single batch": "每批创建多少图像", + "Classifier Free Guidance Scale - how strongly the image should conform to prompt - lower values produce more creative results": "无分类器指导信息影响尺度(Classifier Free Guidance Scale) - 图像应在多大程度上服从提示词 - 较低的值会产生更有创意的结果", + "A value that determines the output of random number generator - if you create an image with same parameters and seed as another image, you'll get the same result": "一个固定随机数生成器输出的值 - 以相同参数和随机种子生成的图像会得到相同的结果\n🎲 将随机种子设置为-1,则每次都会使用一个新的随机数\n♻️ 重用上一次使用的随机种子,如果想要固定输出结果就会很有用", + "Set seed to -1, which will cause a new random number to be used every time": "将随机种子设置为 -1,则每次都会使用一个新的随机数", + "Reuse seed from last generation, mostly useful if it was randomed": "重用上一次使用的随机种子,如果想要固定结果就会很有用", + "Seed of a different picture to be mixed into the generation.": "将要参与生成的另一张图的随机种子", + "How strong of a variation to produce. At 0, there will be no effect. At 1, you will get the complete picture with variation seed (except for ancestral samplers, where you will just get something).": "想要产生多强烈的变化。设为 0 时,将没有效果。设为 1 时,你将获得完全产自差异随机种子的图像(此功能对带有 a 后缀的采样器无效)", + "Make an attempt to produce a picture similar to what would have been produced with same seed at specified resolution": "尝试生成图像,与同一随机种子在指定分辨率下生成的图像相似", + "Disable dynamic prompts by unchecking this box.": "取消勾选来禁用动态提示词", + "Instead of generating random prompts from a template, combinatorial generation produces every possible prompt from the given string.\nThe prompt 'I {love|hate} {New York|Chicago} in {June|July|August}' will produce 12 variants in total.\nDon't forget to increase the 'Batch count'/'Batch size' value accordingly.\n\t\nThe value of the 'Seed' field is only used for the first image. To change this, look for 'Fixed seed' in the 'Advanced options' section.": "组合生成从给定的字符串中生成所有可能的提示词,而非随机其中一个\n'I {love|hate} {New York|Chicago} in {June|July|August}' 总共会生成 12 句提示词变体\n别忘记相应地增加 “批次(Batch count)” 和 “批量(Batch size)” 值\n\t\n“随机种子” 的值只用于第一图像,可在 “高级选项” 中的 “固定随机种子” 修改此行为", + "Re-run your combinatorial batch this many times with a different seed each time.\nThe maximum number of outputs = Combinatorial batches * Batch size * Batch count.\nTo specify the maximum number of prompt combinations use 'Batch count'/'Batch size' options.": "重复做多批次组合生成,每次用不同的随机种子\n最大输出数为 组合批次 * 批量(Batch size) * 批次(Batch count)\n在 “批次” 和 “批量” 处指定提示词组合的最大数量", + "Magic Prompt adds interesting modifiers to your prompt for a little bit of extra spice.\nThe first time you use it, the MagicPrompt model is downloaded so be patient.\nIf you're running low on VRAM, you might get a CUDA error.": "魔法提示词在提示词中加入有趣的修饰,额外增添趣味\n首次使用时会下载 MagicPrompt 模型,请耐心等待\n在低显存情况下可能会导致 CUDA 报错", + "Controls the maximum length in tokens of the generated prompt.": "按 token 数控制提示词生成的最大长度", + "Adjusts the generated prompt. You will need to experiment with this setting.": "调整生成的提示词,使用时要尝试调整此设置", + "Uses the lexica.art API to create random prompts.\nThe prompt in the main prompt box is used as a search string.\nLeaving the prompt box blank returns a list of completely randomly chosen prompts.\nTry it out, it can be quite fun.": "用 lexica.art API 生成随机提示词\n提示词框中的内容会作为搜索字符串\n留空提示词框会得到一组完全随机选择的提示词\n用用看,它会很有趣", + "Randomly selects a keyword from the prompt and adds emphasis to it. Try this with Fixed Seed enabled.": "随机强调提示词中的一个关键词,尝试前要启用固定随机种子", + "The generated file is a slugified version of the prompt and can be found in the same directory as the generated images.\nE.g. in ./outputs/txt2img-images/.": "生成的文件包含处理过的提示词,和生成的图像在同一目录\n例如 ./outputs/txt2img-images/", + "Be sure to check the 'Write prompts to file' checkbox if you don't want to lose the generated prompts. Note, one image is still generated.": "不想丢失生成的提示词的话,需确保勾选 “将提示词写入文件”\n注意依然会生成一张图像", + "Jinja2 templates are an expressive alternative to the standard syntax. See the Help section below for instructions.": "Jinja2 模板是标准语法富有表现力的一种替代品,相关说明参见下方帮助栏", + "Check this if you want to generate random prompts, even if your seed is fixed": "勾选此选项以在固定随机种子的情况下依然生成随机提示词", + "Ignore the negative prompt. Magic Prompt and I'm feeling lucky generate negative prompts by default, check this to disable that functionality.": "忽略负面提示词\n魔法提示词和手气不错默认生成负面提示词,勾选此选项以禁用这种功能", + "Select this if you want to use the same seed for every generated image.\nThis is useful if you want to test prompt variations while using the same seed.\nIf there are no wildcards then all the images will be identical.": "勾选此选项以对每张生成的图像用同样的随机种子\n这在想用同样的随机种子测试提示词变化时会有用\n没有通配符则所有图像会相同", + "This text is used to rotate the feature space of the imgs embs": "此文本用于旋转图集 Embeddings 的特征空间", + "Comma separated list": "以逗号分割的列表", + "Range of stepped values (min, max, step)": "含步幅的随机范围 (最小, 最大, 步幅)", + "Float value from 0 to 1": "从 0 到 1 的浮点数数值", + "Loads weights from checkpoint before making images. You can either use hash or a part of filename (as seen in settings) for checkpoint name. Recommended to use with Y axis for less switching.": "在生成图像之前从 Stable Diffusion 模型(ckpt) 中加载权重。你可以使用哈希值或文件名的一部分(如设置中所示)作为 Stable Diffusion 模型(ckpt) 名称。建议用在Y轴上以减少过程中模型的切换", + "Comma separated list. Specify ckpt OR ckpt:word": "以逗号分割的列表。用以指定 ckpt 或 ckpt:字词", + "Separate values for X axis using commas.": "使用逗号分隔 X 轴的值", + "Separate values for Y axis using commas.": "使用逗号分隔 Y 轴的值", + "Write image to a directory (default - log/images) and generation parameters into csv file.": "将图像写入目录(默认 - log/images)并将生成参数写入 csv 表格文件", + "Open images output directory": "打开图像输出目录", + "How much to blur the mask before processing, in pixels.": "处理前要对蒙版进行多强的模糊,以像素为单位", + "What to put inside the masked area before processing it with Stable Diffusion.": "在使用 Stable Diffusion 处理蒙版区域之前要在蒙版区域内放置什么", + "fill it with colors of the image": "用图像的颜色(高强度模糊)填充它", + "keep whatever was there originally": "保留原来的图像,不进行预处理", + "fill it with latent space noise": "于潜空间填充噪声", + "fill it with latent space zeroes": "于潜空间填零", + "Upscale masked region to target resolution, do inpainting, downscale back and paste into original image": "将蒙版区域(包括预留像素长度的缓冲区域)放大到目标分辨率,进行局部重绘。\n然后缩小并粘贴回原始图像中", + "Resize image to target resolution. Unless height and width match, you will get incorrect aspect ratio.": "将图像大小调整为目标分辨率。除非高度和宽度匹配,否则你将获得不正确的纵横比", + "Resize the image so that entirety of target resolution is filled with the image. Crop parts that stick out.": "调整图像大小,使整个目标分辨率都被图像填充。裁剪多出来的部分", + "Resize the image so that entirety of image is inside target resolution. Fill empty space with image's colors.": "调整图像大小,使整个图像在目标分辨率内。用图像的颜色填充空白区域", + "How many times to repeat processing an image and using it as input for the next iteration": "重复处理图像并用作下次迭代输入的次数", + "In loopback mode, on each loop the denoising strength is multiplied by this value. <1 means decreasing variety so your sequence will converge on a fixed picture. >1 means increasing variety so your sequence will become more and more chaotic.": "在回送模式下,在每个循环中,重绘幅度都会乘以该值。<1 表示减少多样性,因此你的这一组图将集中在固定的图像上。>1 意味着增加多样性,因此你的这一组图将变得越来越混乱", + "For SD upscale, how much overlap in pixels should there be between tiles. Tiles overlap so that when they are merged back into one picture, there is no clearly visible seam.": "使用 SD 放大(SD upscale)时,图块(Tiles)之间应该有多少像素重叠。图块(Tiles)之间需要重叠才可以让它们在合并回一张图像时,没有清晰可见的接缝", + "A directory on the same machine where the server is running.": "服务器主机上某一目录", + "Leave blank to save images to the default path.": "留空以将图像保存到默认路径", + "Result = A * (1 - M) + B * M": "结果 = A × (1 - M) + B × M", + "Result = A + (B - C) * M": "结果 = A + (B - C) × M", + "The name of the model to create.": "要创建的模型的名称", + "1st and last digit must be 1. ex:'1, 2, 1'": "第一个和最后一个数字必须是 1。例:'1, 2, 1'", + "Path to directory with input images": "带有输入图像的目录路径", + "Path to directory where to write outputs": "进行输出的目录路径", + "Path to classifier ckpt, can be empty": "分类器的路径,可留空", + "The model to train.": "要训练的模型", + "Load model paramters from the last training session.": "从上次训练中加载模型参数", + "Generate a checkpoint at the current training lvel.": "生成当前训练级别的模型(ckpt)权重进度", + "Cancel training.": "取消训练", + "Start training.": "开始训练", + "Import a model from Huggingface.co instead of using a local checkpoint.": "从 Huggingface.co 导入模型而非使用本地的 Stable Diffusion 模型(ckpt)", + "The URL to the model on huggingface. Should be in the format of 'developer/model_name'.": "huggingface 模型的 URL。应为 'developer/model_name' 的格式", + "Your huggingface token to use for cloning files.": "用于下载文件的 huggingface 令牌(token)", + "The source checkpoint to extract for training.": "用于训练的要提取的源 Stable Diffusion 模型(ckpt)", + "Schedule to use for official training stuff.": "选择要用于训练官方东西的调度器", + "Create the danged model already.": "创建一个本就很牛的模型", + "Calculate training parameters for a human subject. Enables prior preservation.": "计算训练人物主体需要的参数。并启用先验存留(prior preservation)", + "Calculate training parameters for a non-human subject. Disables prior preservation.": "计算训练非人物主体需要的参数。并禁用先验存留(prior preservation)", + "Total number of training steps to perform. If provided, overrides num_train_epochs.": "要执行的训练迭代步数总数。如果填了,则覆盖 '训练多少期(num_train_epochs)'", + "Train multiple concepts from a JSON file or string.": "从 JSON 文件或字符串训练多个概念", + "The path to the concepts JSON file, or a JSON string.": "储存概念的 JSON 文件的路径,或 JSON 字符串", + "Path to JSON file with concepts to train, or a JSON string.": "包含要训练的概念的 JSON 文件的路径,或 JSON 字符串", + "Optionally use [filewords] to read image captions from files.": "可选择使用 [filewords] 去从文件中读取图像的描述", + "The directory containing training images.": "包含训练图像的目录", + "A prompt for generating classification/regularization images. See the readme for more info.": "生成分类/规范化图像用的提示词。详细信息请参阅 readme", + "The directory containing classification/regularization images.": "包含分类/规范化图像的目录", + "(Optional) Path to directory with classification/regularization images": "(可选)带有分类/规范化图像的目录路径", + "Total number of classification/regularization images to use. If no images exist, they will be generated. Set to 0 to disable prior preservation.": "要使用的分类/规范化图像总数。如果没有图像,就生成一些。设置为 0 以禁用先验存留(prior preservation)", + "A negative prompt to use when generating class images. Can be empty.": "生成类图像时使用的否定提示。 可以为空。", + "The Classifier-Free Guidance Scale to use for classifier/regularization images.": "用于分类/规范化图像的提示词相关性(CFG Scale - 无分类器指导信息影响尺度(Classifier-Free Guidance Scale))", + "The number of steps to use when generating classifier/regularization images.": "生成分类/规范化图像时使用的步数", + "The resolution of input images. You probably want to pre-process them to match this.": "输入图像的分辨率。你可能希望对它们进行预处理以匹配它", + "Leave blank to use base model VAE.": "留空以使用基底模型的 VAE", + "Scale the learning rate by the number of GPUs, gradient accumulation steps, and batch size.": "通过 GPU 数量、梯度累加步数(gradient accumulation steps)和每批数量(batch size)来缩放学习率", + "The rate at which the model learns. Default is 0.000005. Use a lower value like 0.000002 or 0.000001 for more complex subjects...like people.": "模型的学习速率。默认为 0.000005。对于更复杂的主体......比如人物,使用较低的值,如 0.000002 或 0.000001", + "Number of steps for the warmup in the lr scheduler.": "学习率调度器中的预热步数", + "The learning rate scheduler to use.": "要使用的学习率调度器", + "Save a checkpoint every N steps.": "每 N 步保存一次模型权重进度(ckpt)", + "Generate preview images every N steps.": "每 N 步生成一次预览图像", + "The prompt to use when generating preview images.": "生成预览图像时使用的提示词", + "Leave blank to use instance prompt.": "留空以使用实例提示词", + "A negative prompt to use when generating preview images.": "生成预览图像时使用的负面提示词", + "How many samples to generate per subject.": "每个主体生成多少样本", + "The seed to use when generating samples. Set to -1 to use a random seed every time.": "生成样本时使用的随机种子。设置为 -1 时每次都使用随机的种子", + "Number of sampling steps to use when generating preview images.": "生成预览图像时要使用的采样迭代步数", + "Attempt to automatically set training parameters based on total VRAM. Still under development.": "尝试根据总显存(VRAM)自动设置训练参数。仍在开发中", + "How many images to process at once per training step?": "每步训练要处理多少张图像?", + "How many classifier/regularization images to generate at once.": "一次生成多少分类/规范化图像。", + "Guess what - this will be incredibly slow, but it will work for < 8GB GPUs.": "你猜怎么着 - 这将非常地慢我的老伙计,但它适用于 < 8GB 显存(VRAM)的 GPU", + "When this box is *checked* latents will not be cached. When latents are not cached, you will save a bit of VRAM, but train slightly slower": "当此框被*选中*时,将不会缓存潜空间参数(latents)。当潜空间参数(latents)没有被缓存时,你会节省一点显存(VRAM),但训练速度会稍微慢一些", + "Enabling this will provide better results and editability, but cost more VRAM.": "启用此功能将提供更好的结果和可编辑性,但会消耗更多显存(VRAM)", + "Enable this to save VRAM.": "启用此项以节省显存(VRAM)", + "Don't checkpoint the gradients, Duh. Set to False to slightly increase speed at the cost of a bit of VRAM.": "保存权重进度时不要保存梯度,啊不废话。设置为 False 以消耗一点显存(VRAM)为代价略微提高速度", + "Set this to 2 to increase speed?": "将此设置为 2 以提高速度?", + "You probably want this to be 'fp16'.": "如果你想要设置为半精度(fp16)的话", + "If an image is too large, crop it from the center.": "如果图像太大,裁掉边缘", + "Randomly decide to flip images horizontally.": "随机决定要不要水平翻转图像", + "Set this or number of steps to train for, not both.": "设置这个或者'训练迭代步数',两者不能同时用", + "The beta1 parameter for the Adam optimizer.": "Adam 优化器的 beta1 参数", + "The beta2 parameter for the Adam optimizer.": "Adam 优化器的 beta2 参数", + "Weight decay for the Adam optimizer, duh.": "Adam 优化器的权重衰减(废话)", + "Max Gradient norms.": "最大梯度范数(Max Gradient norms)", + "Pad the input images token lenght to this amount. You probably want to do this.": "将输入图像的词元长度垫齐到此数量。你可能会想要这样做", + "Subject class to crop (leave blank to auto-detect)": "要裁剪的主体类别(Subject class)(留空以自动检测)", + "Subject Name to replace class with in cations": "描述文本中要替换类(class)的主体名(subject)", + "Restore low quality faces using GFPGAN neural network": "使用 GFPGAN 神经网络修复低质量面部", + "symbol:color-hex, symbol:color-hex, ...": "文字:颜色代码, 文字:颜色代码, ...", + "e.g. A portrait photo of embedding_name": "示例: A portrait photo of embedding_name", + "Input images directory": "输入图像目录", + "Prompt for tokenization": "给词元化准备的提示词", + "Ids for tokenization (example: 9061, 631, 736)": "用于词元化的 ID (例: 9061, 631, 736)", + "Use following tags to define how filenames for images are chosen: [steps], [cfg], [prompt], [prompt_no_styles], [prompt_spaces], [width], [height], [styles], [sampler], [seed], [model_hash], [prompt_words], [date], [datetime], [datetime], [datetime