[testenv] description = perform primary checks (tests, style, types, coverage) deps = setenv = PYTHONWARNDEFAULTENCODING = 1 commands = pytest {posargs} usedevelop = True extras = testing [testenv:diffcov] description = run tests and check that diff from main is covered deps = {[testenv]deps} diff-cover commands = pytest {posargs} --cov-report xml diff-cover coverage.xml --compare-branch=origin/main --html-report diffcov.html diff-cover coverage.xml --compare-branch=origin/main --fail-under=100 [testenv:docs] description = build the documentation extras = docs testing changedir = docs commands = python -m sphinx -W --keep-going . {toxinidir}/build/html python -m sphinxlint \ # workaround for sphinx-contrib/sphinx-lint#83 --jobs 1 [testenv:finalize] description = assemble changelog and tag a release skip_install = True deps = towncrier jaraco.develop >= 7.23 pass_env = * commands = python -m jaraco.develop.finalize [testenv:release] description = publish the package to PyPI and GitHub skip_install = True deps = build twine>=3 jaraco.develop>=7.1 pass_env = TWINE_PASSWORD GITHUB_TOKEN setenv = TWINE_USERNAME = {env:TWINE_USERNAME:__token__} commands = python -c "import shutil; shutil.rmtree('dist', ignore_errors=True)" python -m build python -m twine upload dist/* python -m jaraco.develop.create-github-release