os: linux dist: xenial language: python python: - 2.7 - 3.4 - 3.5 - 3.6 - 3.7 - &mainstream_python 3.8 - nightly - pypy - pypy3 install: - pip install --upgrade --force-reinstall "setuptools; python_version != '3.3'" "setuptools < 40; python_version == '3.3'" - pip uninstall --yes six || true - pip install --upgrade --force-reinstall --ignore-installed -e . - pip install "pytest==4.6.9; python_version != '3.3'" "pytest==2.9.2; python_version == '3.3'" "typing; python_version < '3'" - &py_pkg_list pip list --format=columns || pip list script: - py.test - echo Checking whether installation flow is not broken... - pip uninstall --yes six || true - pip install --ignore-installed . - *py_pkg_list jobs: fast_finish: true include: - python: 3.3 dist: trusty - stage: upload new version of python package to PYPI (only for tagged commits) python: *mainstream_python install: skip script: skip deploy: provider: pypi on: tags: true all_branches: true python: *mainstream_python user: __token__ distributions: "sdist bdist_wheel" password: secure: "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" cache: pip: true after_failure: - echo "Here's a list of installed Python packages:" - *py_pkg_list