import asyncio import contextlib import logging import os import platform import signal import socket import ssl import subprocess import sys import time from typing import Callable, NoReturn, Set from unittest import mock from uuid import uuid4 import pytest from aiohttp import ClientConnectorError, ClientSession, ClientTimeout, WSCloseCode, web from aiohttp.test_utils import make_mocked_coro from aiohttp.web_runner import BaseRunner # Test for features of OS' socket support if hasattr(socket, "AF_UNIX"): with socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as _abstract_path_sock: try: _abstract_path_sock.bind(b"\x00" + uuid4().hex.encode("ascii")) except FileNotFoundError: _abstract_path_failed = True else: _abstract_path_failed = False finally: del _abstract_path_sock else: _abstract_path_failed = True skip_if_no_abstract_paths = pytest.mark.skipif( _abstract_path_failed, reason="Linux-style abstract paths are not supported." ) del _abstract_path_failed HAS_IPV6 = socket.has_ipv6 if HAS_IPV6: # The socket.has_ipv6 flag may be True if Python was built with IPv6 # support, but the target system still may not have it. # So let's ensure that we really have IPv6 support. try: with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_STREAM): pass except OSError: HAS_IPV6 = False def skip_if_on_windows(): if platform.system() == "Windows": pytest.skip("the test is not valid for Windows") @pytest.fixture def patched_loop(loop): server = mock.Mock() server.wait_closed = make_mocked_coro(None) loop.create_server = make_mocked_coro(server) unix_server = mock.Mock() unix_server.wait_closed = make_mocked_coro(None) loop.create_unix_server = make_mocked_coro(unix_server) asyncio.set_event_loop(loop) return loop def stopper(loop): def raiser(): raise KeyboardInterrupt def f(*args): loop.call_soon(raiser) return f def test_run_app_http(patched_loop) -> None: app = web.Application() startup_handler = make_mocked_coro() app.on_startup.append(startup_handler) cleanup_handler = make_mocked_coro() app.on_cleanup.append(cleanup_handler) web.run_app(app, print=stopper(patched_loop), loop=patched_loop) patched_loop.create_server.assert_called_with( mock.ANY, None, 8080, ssl=None, backlog=128, reuse_address=None, reuse_port=None ) startup_handler.assert_called_once_with(app) cleanup_handler.assert_called_once_with(app) def test_run_app_close_loop(patched_loop) -> None: app = web.Application() web.run_app(app, print=stopper(patched_loop), loop=patched_loop) patched_loop.create_server.assert_called_with( mock.ANY, None, 8080, ssl=None, backlog=128, reuse_address=None, reuse_port=None ) assert patched_loop.is_closed() mock_unix_server_single = [, "/tmp/testsock1.sock", ssl=None, backlog=128), ] mock_unix_server_multi = [, "/tmp/testsock1.sock", ssl=None, backlog=128),, "/tmp/testsock2.sock", ssl=None, backlog=128), ] mock_server_single = [ mock.ANY, "", 8080, ssl=None, backlog=128, reuse_address=None, reuse_port=None, ), ] mock_server_multi = [ mock.ANY, "", 8080, ssl=None, backlog=128, reuse_address=None, reuse_port=None, ), mock.ANY, "", 8080, ssl=None, backlog=128, reuse_address=None, reuse_port=None, ), ] mock_server_default_8989 = [ mock.ANY, None, 8989, ssl=None, backlog=128, reuse_address=None, reuse_port=None ) ] mock_socket = mock.Mock(getsockname=lambda: ("mock-socket", 123)) mixed_bindings_tests = ( ( # type: ignore "Nothing Specified", {}, [ mock.ANY, None, 8080, ssl=None, backlog=128, reuse_address=None, reuse_port=None, ) ], [], ), ("Port Only", {"port": 8989}, mock_server_default_8989, []), ("Multiple Hosts", {"host": ("", "")}, mock_server_multi, []), ( "Multiple Paths", {"path": ("/tmp/testsock1.sock", "/tmp/testsock2.sock")}, [], mock_unix_server_multi, ), ( "Multiple Paths, Port", {"path": ("/tmp/testsock1.sock", "/tmp/testsock2.sock"), "port": 8989}, mock_server_default_8989, mock_unix_server_multi, ), ( "Multiple Paths, Single Host", {"path": ("/tmp/testsock1.sock", "/tmp/testsock2.sock"), "host": ""}, mock_server_single, mock_unix_server_multi, ), ( "Single Path, Single Host", {"path": "/tmp/testsock1.sock", "host": ""}, mock_server_single, mock_unix_server_single, ), ( "Single Path, Multiple Hosts", {"path": "/tmp/testsock1.sock", "host": ("", "")}, mock_server_multi, mock_unix_server_single, ), ( "Single Path, Port", {"path": "/tmp/testsock1.sock", "port": 8989}, mock_server_default_8989, mock_unix_server_single, ), ( "Multiple Paths, Multiple Hosts, Port", { "path": ("/tmp/testsock1.sock", "/tmp/testsock2.sock"), "host": ("", ""), "port": 8000, }, [ mock.ANY, "", 8000, ssl=None, backlog=128, reuse_address=None, reuse_port=None, ), mock.ANY, "", 8000, ssl=None, backlog=128, reuse_address=None, reuse_port=None, ), ], mock_unix_server_multi, ), ( "Only socket", {"sock": [mock_socket]}, [, ssl=None, sock=mock_socket, backlog=128)], [], ), ( "Socket, port", {"sock": [mock_socket], "port": 8765}, [ mock.ANY, None, 8765, ssl=None, backlog=128, reuse_address=None, reuse_port=None, ),, sock=mock_socket, ssl=None, backlog=128), ], [], ), ( "Socket, Host, No port", {"sock": [mock_socket], "host": "localhost"}, [ mock.ANY, "localhost", 8080, ssl=None, backlog=128, reuse_address=None, reuse_port=None, ),, sock=mock_socket, ssl=None, backlog=128), ], [], ), ( "reuse_port", {"reuse_port": True}, [ mock.ANY, None, 8080, ssl=None, backlog=128, reuse_address=None, reuse_port=True, ) ], [], ), ( "reuse_address", {"reuse_address": False}, [ mock.ANY, None, 8080, ssl=None, backlog=128, reuse_address=False, reuse_port=None, ) ], [], ), ( "reuse_port, reuse_address", {"reuse_address": True, "reuse_port": True}, [ mock.ANY, None, 8080, ssl=None, backlog=128, reuse_address=True, reuse_port=True, ) ], [], ), ( "Port, reuse_port", {"port": 8989, "reuse_port": True}, [ mock.ANY, None, 8989, ssl=None, backlog=128, reuse_address=None, reuse_port=True, ) ], [], ), ( "Multiple Hosts, reuse_port", {"host": ("", ""), "reuse_port": True}, [ mock.ANY, "", 8080, ssl=None, backlog=128, reuse_address=None, reuse_port=True, ), mock.ANY, "", 8080, ssl=None, backlog=128, reuse_address=None, reuse_port=True, ), ], [], ), ( "Multiple Paths, Port, reuse_address", { "path": ("/tmp/testsock1.sock", "/tmp/testsock2.sock"), "port": 8989, "reuse_address": False, }, [ mock.ANY, None, 8989, ssl=None, backlog=128, reuse_address=False, reuse_port=None, ) ], mock_unix_server_multi, ), ( "Multiple Paths, Single Host, reuse_address, reuse_port", { "path": ("/tmp/testsock1.sock", "/tmp/testsock2.sock"), "host": "", "reuse_address": True, "reuse_port": True, }, [ mock.ANY, "", 8080, ssl=None, backlog=128, reuse_address=True, reuse_port=True, ), ], mock_unix_server_multi, ), ) mixed_bindings_test_ids = [test[0] for test in mixed_bindings_tests] mixed_bindings_test_params = [test[1:] for test in mixed_bindings_tests] @pytest.mark.parametrize( "run_app_kwargs, expected_server_calls, expected_unix_server_calls", mixed_bindings_test_params, ids=mixed_bindings_test_ids, ) def test_run_app_mixed_bindings( run_app_kwargs, expected_server_calls, expected_unix_server_calls, patched_loop ): app = web.Application() web.run_app(app, print=stopper(patched_loop), **run_app_kwargs, loop=patched_loop) assert patched_loop.create_unix_server.mock_calls == expected_unix_server_calls assert patched_loop.create_server.mock_calls == expected_server_calls def test_run_app_https(patched_loop) -> None: app = web.Application() ssl_context = ssl.create_default_context() web.run_app( app, ssl_context=ssl_context, print=stopper(patched_loop), loop=patched_loop ) patched_loop.create_server.assert_called_with( mock.ANY, None, 8443, ssl=ssl_context, backlog=128, reuse_address=None, reuse_port=None, ) def test_run_app_nondefault_host_port(patched_loop, aiohttp_unused_port) -> None: port = aiohttp_unused_port() host = "" app = web.Application() web.run_app( app, host=host, port=port, print=stopper(patched_loop), loop=patched_loop ) patched_loop.create_server.assert_called_with( mock.ANY, host, port, ssl=None, backlog=128, reuse_address=None, reuse_port=None ) def test_run_app_multiple_hosts(patched_loop) -> None: hosts = ("", "") app = web.Application() web.run_app(app, host=hosts, print=stopper(patched_loop), loop=patched_loop) calls = map( lambda h: mock.ANY, h, 8080, ssl=None, backlog=128, reuse_address=None, reuse_port=None, ), hosts, ) patched_loop.create_server.assert_has_calls(calls) def test_run_app_custom_backlog(patched_loop) -> None: app = web.Application() web.run_app(app, backlog=10, print=stopper(patched_loop), loop=patched_loop) patched_loop.create_server.assert_called_with( mock.ANY, None, 8080, ssl=None, backlog=10, reuse_address=None, reuse_port=None ) def test_run_app_custom_backlog_unix(patched_loop) -> None: app = web.Application() web.run_app( app, path="/tmp/tmpsock.sock", backlog=10, print=stopper(patched_loop), loop=patched_loop, ) patched_loop.create_unix_server.assert_called_with( mock.ANY, "/tmp/tmpsock.sock", ssl=None, backlog=10 ) def test_run_app_http_unix_socket(patched_loop, unix_sockname) -> None: app = web.Application() printer = mock.Mock(wraps=stopper(patched_loop)) web.run_app(app, path=unix_sockname, print=printer, loop=patched_loop) patched_loop.create_unix_server.assert_called_with( mock.ANY, unix_sockname, ssl=None, backlog=128 ) assert f"http://unix:{unix_sockname}:" in printer.call_args[0][0] def test_run_app_https_unix_socket(patched_loop, unix_sockname) -> None: app = web.Application() ssl_context = ssl.create_default_context() printer = mock.Mock(wraps=stopper(patched_loop)) web.run_app( app, path=unix_sockname, ssl_context=ssl_context, print=printer, loop=patched_loop, ) patched_loop.create_unix_server.assert_called_with( mock.ANY, unix_sockname, ssl=ssl_context, backlog=128 ) assert f"https://unix:{unix_sockname}:" in printer.call_args[0][0] @pytest.mark.skipif(not hasattr(socket, "AF_UNIX"), reason="requires UNIX sockets") @skip_if_no_abstract_paths def test_run_app_abstract_linux_socket(patched_loop) -> None: sock_path = b"\x00" + uuid4().hex.encode("ascii") app = web.Application() web.run_app( app, path=sock_path.decode("ascii", "ignore"), print=stopper(patched_loop), loop=patched_loop, ) patched_loop.create_unix_server.assert_called_with( mock.ANY, sock_path.decode("ascii"), ssl=None, backlog=128 ) def test_run_app_preexisting_inet_socket(patched_loop, mocker) -> None: app = web.Application() sock = socket.socket() with contextlib.closing(sock): sock.bind(("", 0)) _, port = sock.getsockname() printer = mock.Mock(wraps=stopper(patched_loop)) web.run_app(app, sock=sock, print=printer, loop=patched_loop) patched_loop.create_server.assert_called_with( mock.ANY, sock=sock, backlog=128, ssl=None ) assert f"{port}" in printer.call_args[0][0] @pytest.mark.skipif(not HAS_IPV6, reason="IPv6 is not available") def test_run_app_preexisting_inet6_socket(patched_loop) -> None: app = web.Application() sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6) with contextlib.closing(sock): sock.bind(("::1", 0)) port = sock.getsockname()[1] printer = mock.Mock(wraps=stopper(patched_loop)) web.run_app(app, sock=sock, print=printer, loop=patched_loop) patched_loop.create_server.assert_called_with( mock.ANY, sock=sock, backlog=128, ssl=None ) assert f"http://[::1]:{port}" in printer.call_args[0][0] @pytest.mark.skipif(not hasattr(socket, "AF_UNIX"), reason="requires UNIX sockets") def test_run_app_preexisting_unix_socket(patched_loop, mocker) -> None: app = web.Application() sock_path = "/tmp/test_preexisting_sock1" sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX) with contextlib.closing(sock): sock.bind(sock_path) os.unlink(sock_path) printer = mock.Mock(wraps=stopper(patched_loop)) web.run_app(app, sock=sock, print=printer, loop=patched_loop) patched_loop.create_server.assert_called_with( mock.ANY, sock=sock, backlog=128, ssl=None ) assert f"http://unix:{sock_path}:" in printer.call_args[0][0] def test_run_app_multiple_preexisting_sockets(patched_loop) -> None: app = web.Application() sock1 = socket.socket() sock2 = socket.socket() with contextlib.closing(sock1), contextlib.closing(sock2): sock1.bind(("localhost", 0)) _, port1 = sock1.getsockname() sock2.bind(("localhost", 0)) _, port2 = sock2.getsockname() printer = mock.Mock(wraps=stopper(patched_loop)) web.run_app(app, sock=(sock1, sock2), print=printer, loop=patched_loop) patched_loop.create_server.assert_has_calls( [, sock=sock1, backlog=128, ssl=None),, sock=sock2, backlog=128, ssl=None), ] ) assert f"{port1}" in printer.call_args[0][0] assert f"{port2}" in printer.call_args[0][0] _script_test_signal = """ from aiohttp import web app = web.Application() web.run_app(app, host=()) """ def test_sigint() -> None: skip_if_on_windows() with subprocess.Popen( [sys.executable, "-u", "-c", _script_test_signal], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, ) as proc: for line in proc.stdout: if line.startswith(b"======== Running on"): break proc.send_signal(signal.SIGINT) assert proc.wait() == 0 def test_sigterm() -> None: skip_if_on_windows() with subprocess.Popen( [sys.executable, "-u", "-c", _script_test_signal], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, ) as proc: for line in proc.stdout: if line.startswith(b"======== Running on"): break proc.terminate() assert proc.wait() == 0 def test_startup_cleanup_signals_even_on_failure(patched_loop) -> None: patched_loop.create_server = mock.Mock(side_effect=RuntimeError()) app = web.Application() startup_handler = make_mocked_coro() app.on_startup.append(startup_handler) cleanup_handler = make_mocked_coro() app.on_cleanup.append(cleanup_handler) with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): web.run_app(app, print=stopper(patched_loop), loop=patched_loop) startup_handler.assert_called_once_with(app) cleanup_handler.assert_called_once_with(app) def test_run_app_coro(patched_loop) -> None: startup_handler = cleanup_handler = None async def make_app(): nonlocal startup_handler, cleanup_handler app = web.Application() startup_handler = make_mocked_coro() app.on_startup.append(startup_handler) cleanup_handler = make_mocked_coro() app.on_cleanup.append(cleanup_handler) return app web.run_app(make_app(), print=stopper(patched_loop), loop=patched_loop) patched_loop.create_server.assert_called_with( mock.ANY, None, 8080, ssl=None, backlog=128, reuse_address=None, reuse_port=None ) startup_handler.assert_called_once_with(mock.ANY) cleanup_handler.assert_called_once_with(mock.ANY) def test_run_app_default_logger(monkeypatch, patched_loop): patched_loop.set_debug(True) logger = web.access_logger attrs = { "hasHandlers.return_value": False, "level": logging.NOTSET, "name": "aiohttp.access", } mock_logger = mock.create_autospec(logger, name="mock_access_logger") mock_logger.configure_mock(**attrs) app = web.Application() web.run_app( app, print=stopper(patched_loop), access_log=mock_logger, loop=patched_loop, ) mock_logger.setLevel.assert_any_call(logging.DEBUG) mock_logger.hasHandlers.assert_called_with() assert isinstance(mock_logger.addHandler.call_args[0][0], logging.StreamHandler) def test_run_app_default_logger_setup_requires_debug(patched_loop): patched_loop.set_debug(False) logger = web.access_logger attrs = { "hasHandlers.return_value": False, "level": logging.NOTSET, "name": "aiohttp.access", } mock_logger = mock.create_autospec(logger, name="mock_access_logger") mock_logger.configure_mock(**attrs) app = web.Application() web.run_app( app, print=stopper(patched_loop), access_log=mock_logger, loop=patched_loop, ) mock_logger.setLevel.assert_not_called() mock_logger.hasHandlers.assert_not_called() mock_logger.addHandler.assert_not_called() def test_run_app_default_logger_setup_requires_default_logger(patched_loop): patched_loop.set_debug(True) logger = web.access_logger attrs = { "hasHandlers.return_value": False, "level": logging.NOTSET, "name": None, } mock_logger = mock.create_autospec(logger, name="mock_access_logger") mock_logger.configure_mock(**attrs) app = web.Application() web.run_app( app, print=stopper(patched_loop), access_log=mock_logger, loop=patched_loop, ) mock_logger.setLevel.assert_not_called() mock_logger.hasHandlers.assert_not_called() mock_logger.addHandler.assert_not_called() def test_run_app_default_logger_setup_only_if_unconfigured(patched_loop): patched_loop.set_debug(True) logger = web.access_logger attrs = { "hasHandlers.return_value": True, "level": None, "name": "aiohttp.access", } mock_logger = mock.create_autospec(logger, name="mock_access_logger") mock_logger.configure_mock(**attrs) app = web.Application() web.run_app( app, print=stopper(patched_loop), access_log=mock_logger, loop=patched_loop, ) mock_logger.setLevel.assert_not_called() mock_logger.hasHandlers.assert_called_with() mock_logger.addHandler.assert_not_called() def test_run_app_cancels_all_pending_tasks(patched_loop): app = web.Application() task = None async def on_startup(app): nonlocal task loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() task = loop.create_task(asyncio.sleep(1000)) app.on_startup.append(on_startup) web.run_app(app, print=stopper(patched_loop), loop=patched_loop) assert task.cancelled() def test_run_app_cancels_done_tasks(patched_loop): app = web.Application() task = None async def coro(): return 123 async def on_startup(app): nonlocal task loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() task = loop.create_task(coro()) app.on_startup.append(on_startup) web.run_app(app, print=stopper(patched_loop), loop=patched_loop) assert task.done() def test_run_app_cancels_failed_tasks(patched_loop): app = web.Application() task = None exc = RuntimeError("FAIL") async def fail(): try: await asyncio.sleep(1000) except asyncio.CancelledError: raise exc async def on_startup(app): nonlocal task loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() task = loop.create_task(fail()) await asyncio.sleep(0.01) app.on_startup.append(on_startup) exc_handler = mock.Mock() patched_loop.set_exception_handler(exc_handler) web.run_app(app, print=stopper(patched_loop), loop=patched_loop) assert task.done() msg = { "message": "unhandled exception during shutdown", "exception": exc, "task": task, } exc_handler.assert_called_with(patched_loop, msg) def test_run_app_keepalive_timeout(patched_loop, mocker, monkeypatch): new_timeout = 1234 base_runner_init_orig = BaseRunner.__init__ def base_runner_init_spy(self, *args, **kwargs): assert kwargs["keepalive_timeout"] == new_timeout base_runner_init_orig(self, *args, **kwargs) app = web.Application() monkeypatch.setattr(BaseRunner, "__init__", base_runner_init_spy) web.run_app( app, keepalive_timeout=new_timeout, print=stopper(patched_loop), loop=patched_loop, ) def test_run_app_context_vars(patched_loop): from contextvars import ContextVar count = 0 VAR = ContextVar("VAR", default="default") async def on_startup(app): nonlocal count assert "init" == VAR.get() VAR.set("on_startup") count += 1 async def on_cleanup(app): nonlocal count assert "on_startup" == VAR.get() count += 1 async def init(): nonlocal count assert "default" == VAR.get() VAR.set("init") app = web.Application() app.on_startup.append(on_startup) app.on_cleanup.append(on_cleanup) count += 1 return app web.run_app(init(), print=stopper(patched_loop), loop=patched_loop) assert count == 3 class TestShutdown: def raiser(self) -> NoReturn: raise KeyboardInterrupt async def stop(self, request: web.Request) -> web.Response: asyncio.get_running_loop().call_soon(self.raiser) return web.Response() def run_app(self, port: int, timeout: int, task, extra_test=None) -> asyncio.Task: num_connections = -1 class DictRecordClear(dict): def clear(self): nonlocal num_connections # During Server.shutdown() we want to know how many connections still # remained before it got cleared. If the handler completed successfully # the connection should've been removed already. If not, this may # indicate a memory leak. num_connections = len(self) super().clear() class ServerWithRecordClear(web.Server): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._connections = DictRecordClear() async def test() -> None: await asyncio.sleep(0.5) async with ClientSession() as sess: for _ in range(5): # pragma: no cover try: with pytest.raises(asyncio.TimeoutError): async with sess.get( f"http://localhost:{port}/", timeout=ClientTimeout(total=0.1), ): pass except ClientConnectorError: await asyncio.sleep(0.5) else: break async with sess.get(f"http://localhost:{port}/stop"): pass if extra_test: await extra_test(sess) async def run_test(app: web.Application) -> None: nonlocal test_task test_task = asyncio.create_task(test()) yield await test_task async def handler(request: web.Request) -> web.Response: nonlocal t t = asyncio.create_task(task()) await t return web.Response(text="FOO") t = test_task = None app = web.Application() app.cleanup_ctx.append(run_test) app.router.add_get("/", handler) app.router.add_get("/stop", self.stop) with mock.patch("aiohttp.web_app.Server", ServerWithRecordClear): web.run_app(app, port=port, shutdown_timeout=timeout) assert test_task.exception() is None return t, num_connections def test_shutdown_wait_for_handler( self, aiohttp_unused_port: Callable[[], int] ) -> None: port = aiohttp_unused_port() finished = False async def task(): nonlocal finished await asyncio.sleep(2) finished = True t, connection_count = self.run_app(port, 3, task) assert finished is True assert t.done() assert not t.cancelled() assert connection_count == 0 def test_shutdown_timeout_handler( self, aiohttp_unused_port: Callable[[], int] ) -> None: port = aiohttp_unused_port() finished = False async def task(): nonlocal finished await asyncio.sleep(2) finished = True t, connection_count = self.run_app(port, 1, task) assert finished is False assert t.done() assert t.cancelled() assert connection_count == 1 def test_shutdown_timeout_not_reached( self, aiohttp_unused_port: Callable[[], int] ) -> None: port = aiohttp_unused_port() finished = False async def task(): nonlocal finished await asyncio.sleep(1) finished = True start_time = time.time() t, connection_count = self.run_app(port, 15, task) assert finished is True assert t.done() assert connection_count == 0 # Verify run_app has not waited for timeout. assert time.time() - start_time < 10 def test_shutdown_new_conn_rejected( self, aiohttp_unused_port: Callable[[], int] ) -> None: port = aiohttp_unused_port() finished = False async def task() -> None: nonlocal finished await asyncio.sleep(9) finished = True async def test(sess: ClientSession) -> None: # Ensure we are in the middle of shutdown (waiting for task()). await asyncio.sleep(1) with pytest.raises(ClientConnectorError): # Use a new session to try and open a new connection. async with ClientSession() as sess: async with sess.get(f"http://localhost:{port}/"): pass assert finished is False t, connection_count = self.run_app(port, 10, task, test) assert finished is True assert t.done() assert connection_count == 0 def test_shutdown_pending_handler_responds( self, aiohttp_unused_port: Callable[[], int] ) -> None: port = aiohttp_unused_port() finished = False async def test() -> None: async def test_resp(sess): async with sess.get(f"http://localhost:{port}/") as resp: assert await resp.text() == "FOO" await asyncio.sleep(1) async with ClientSession() as sess: t = asyncio.create_task(test_resp(sess)) await asyncio.sleep(1) # Handler is in-progress while we trigger server shutdown. async with sess.get(f"http://localhost:{port}/stop"): pass assert finished is False # Handler should still complete and produce a response. await t async def run_test(app: web.Application) -> None: nonlocal t t = asyncio.create_task(test()) yield await t async def handler(request: web.Request) -> web.Response: nonlocal finished await asyncio.sleep(3) finished = True return web.Response(text="FOO") t = None app = web.Application() app.cleanup_ctx.append(run_test) app.router.add_get("/", handler) app.router.add_get("/stop", self.stop) web.run_app(app, port=port, shutdown_timeout=5) assert t.exception() is None assert finished is True def test_shutdown_close_idle_keepalive( self, aiohttp_unused_port: Callable[[], int] ) -> None: port = aiohttp_unused_port() async def test() -> None: await asyncio.sleep(1) async with ClientSession() as sess: async with sess.get(f"http://localhost:{port}/stop"): pass # Hold on to keep-alive connection. await asyncio.sleep(5) async def run_test(app: web.Application) -> None: nonlocal t t = asyncio.create_task(test()) yield t.cancel() with contextlib.suppress(asyncio.CancelledError): await t t = None app = web.Application() app.cleanup_ctx.append(run_test) app.router.add_get("/stop", self.stop) web.run_app(app, port=port, shutdown_timeout=10) # If connection closed, then test() will be cancelled in cleanup_ctx. # If not, then shutdown_timeout will allow it to sleep until complete. assert t.cancelled() def test_shutdown_close_websockets( self, aiohttp_unused_port: Callable[[], int] ) -> None: port = aiohttp_unused_port() WS = web.AppKey("ws", Set[web.WebSocketResponse]) client_finished = server_finished = False async def ws_handler(request: web.Request) -> web.WebSocketResponse: ws = web.WebSocketResponse() await ws.prepare(request)[WS].add(ws) async for msg in ws: pass nonlocal server_finished server_finished = True return ws async def close_websockets(app: web.Application) -> None: for ws in app[WS]: await ws.close(code=WSCloseCode.GOING_AWAY) async def test() -> None: await asyncio.sleep(1) async with ClientSession() as sess: async with sess.ws_connect(f"http://localhost:{port}/ws") as ws: async with sess.get(f"http://localhost:{port}/stop"): pass async for msg in ws: pass nonlocal client_finished client_finished = True async def run_test(app: web.Application) -> None: nonlocal t t = asyncio.create_task(test()) yield t.cancel() with contextlib.suppress(asyncio.CancelledError): await t t = None app = web.Application() app[WS] = set() app.on_shutdown.append(close_websockets) app.cleanup_ctx.append(run_test) app.router.add_get("/ws", ws_handler) app.router.add_get("/stop", self.stop) start = time.time() web.run_app(app, port=port, shutdown_timeout=10) assert time.time() - start < 5 assert client_finished assert server_finished def test_shutdown_handler_cancellation_suppressed( self, aiohttp_unused_port: Callable[[], int] ) -> None: port = aiohttp_unused_port() actions = [] async def test() -> None: async def test_resp(sess): t = ClientTimeout(total=0.4) with pytest.raises(asyncio.TimeoutError): async with sess.get(f"http://localhost:{port}/", timeout=t) as resp: assert await resp.text() == "FOO" actions.append("CANCELLED") async with ClientSession() as sess: t = asyncio.create_task(test_resp(sess)) await asyncio.sleep(0.5) # Handler is in-progress while we trigger server shutdown. actions.append("PRESTOP") async with sess.get(f"http://localhost:{port}/stop"): pass actions.append("STOPPING") # Handler should still complete and produce a response. await t async def run_test(app: web.Application) -> None: nonlocal t t = asyncio.create_task(test()) yield await t async def handler(request: web.Request) -> web.Response: try: await asyncio.sleep(5) except asyncio.CancelledError: actions.append("SUPPRESSED") await asyncio.sleep(2) actions.append("DONE") return web.Response(text="FOO") t = None app = web.Application() app.cleanup_ctx.append(run_test) app.router.add_get("/", handler) app.router.add_get("/stop", self.stop) web.run_app(app, port=port, shutdown_timeout=2, handler_cancellation=True) assert t.exception() is None assert actions == ["CANCELLED", "SUPPRESSED", "PRESTOP", "STOPPING", "DONE"]