import asyncio import os import random import string import tempfile from contextlib import AsyncExitStack, ExitStack from itertools import chain from unittest.mock import patch import aiohttp # Third Party import pytest import aiobotocore.session from aiobotocore.config import AioConfig host = '' _PYCHARM_HOSTED = os.environ.get('PYCHARM_HOSTED') == '1' @pytest.fixture( scope="session", params=[True, False], ids=['debug[true]', 'debug[false]'] ) def debug(request): return request.param def random_bucketname(): # 63 is the max bucket length. return random_name() def random_tablename(): return random_name() def random_name(): """Return a string with presumably unique contents The string contains only symbols allowed for s3 buckets (alphanumeric, dot and hyphen). """ return ''.join(random.sample(string.ascii_lowercase, k=26)) def assert_status_code(response, status_code): assert response['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPStatusCode'] == status_code async def assert_num_uploads_found( s3_client, bucket_name, operation, num_uploads, *, max_items=None, num_attempts=5, ): paginator = s3_client.get_paginator(operation) for _ in range(num_attempts): pages = paginator.paginate( Bucket=bucket_name, PaginationConfig={'MaxItems': max_items} ) responses = [] async for page in pages: responses.append(page) # It sometimes takes a while for all the uploads to show up, # especially if the upload was just created. If we don't # see the expected amount, we retry up to num_attempts time # before failing. amount_seen = len(responses[0]['Uploads']) if amount_seen == num_uploads: # Test passed. return else: # Sleep and try again. await asyncio.sleep(2) f"Expected to see {num_uploads} uploads, instead saw: {amount_seen}" ) @pytest.fixture def aa_fail_proxy_config(monkeypatch): # NOTE: name of this fixture must be alphabetically first to run first monkeypatch.setenv('HTTP_PROXY', f'http://{host}:54321') monkeypatch.setenv('HTTPS_PROXY', f'http://{host}:54321') @pytest.fixture def aa_succeed_proxy_config(monkeypatch): # NOTE: name of this fixture must be alphabetically first to run first monkeypatch.setenv('HTTP_PROXY', f'http://{host}:54321') monkeypatch.setenv('HTTPS_PROXY', f'http://{host}:54321') # this will cause us to skip proxying monkeypatch.setenv('NO_PROXY', '') @pytest.fixture def session(): session = aiobotocore.session.AioSession() return session @pytest.fixture def region(): return 'us-east-1' @pytest.fixture def alternative_region(): return 'us-west-2' @pytest.fixture def signature_version(): return 's3' @pytest.fixture def server_scheme(): return 'http' @pytest.fixture def s3_verify(): return None @pytest.fixture def config(request, region, signature_version): config_kwargs = request.node.get_closest_marker("config_kwargs") or {} if config_kwargs: assert not config_kwargs.kwargs, config_kwargs assert len(config_kwargs.args) == 1 config_kwargs = config_kwargs.args[0] connect_timeout = read_timout = 5 if _PYCHARM_HOSTED: connect_timeout = read_timout = 180 return AioConfig( region_name=region, signature_version=signature_version, read_timeout=read_timout, connect_timeout=connect_timeout, **config_kwargs, ) @pytest.fixture def mocking_test(): # change this flag for test with real aws # TODO: this should be merged with return True def moto_config(endpoint_url): kw = dict( endpoint_url=endpoint_url, aws_secret_access_key="xxx", aws_access_key_id="xxx", ) return kw @pytest.fixture def patch_attributes(request): """Call unittest.mock.patch on arguments passed through a pytest mark. This fixture looks at the @pytest.mark.patch_attributes mark. This mark is a list of arguments to be passed to unittest.mock.patch (see example below). This fixture returns the list of mock objects, one per element in the input list. Why do we need this? In some cases, we want to perform the patching before other fixtures are run. For instance, the `s3_client` fixture creates an aiobotocore client. During the client creation process, some event listeners are registered. When we want to patch the target of these event listeners, we must do so before the `s3_client` fixture is executed. Otherwise, the aiobotocore client will store references to the unpatched targets. In such situations, make sure that subsequent fixtures explicitly depends on `patch_attribute` to enforce the ordering between fixtures. Example: @pytest.mark.patch_attributes([ dict( target="aiobotocore.retries.adaptive.AsyncClientRateLimiter.on_sending_request", side_effect=aiobotocore.retries.adaptive.AsyncClientRateLimiter.on_sending_request, autospec=True ) ]) async def test_client_rate_limiter_called(s3_client, patch_attributes): await s3_client.get_object(Bucket="bucket", Key="key") # Just for illustration (this test doesn't pass). # mock_attributes is a list of 1 element, since we passed a list of 1 element # to the patch_attributes marker. mock_attributes[0].assert_called_once() """ marker = request.node.get_closest_marker("patch_attributes") if marker is None: yield else: with ExitStack() as stack: yield [ stack.enter_context(patch(**kwargs)) for kwargs in marker.args[0] ] @pytest.fixture async def s3_client( session, region, config, s3_server, mocking_test, s3_verify, patch_attributes, ): # This depends on mock_attributes because we may want to test event listeners. # See the documentation of `mock_attributes` for details. kw = moto_config(s3_server) if mocking_test else {} async with session.create_client( 's3', region_name=region, config=config, verify=s3_verify, **kw ) as client: yield client @pytest.fixture async def alternative_s3_client( session, alternative_region, signature_version, s3_server, mocking_test ): kw = moto_config(s3_server) if mocking_test else {} config = AioConfig( region_name=alternative_region, signature_version=signature_version, read_timeout=5, connect_timeout=5, ) async with session.create_client( 's3', region_name=alternative_region, config=config, **kw ) as client: yield client @pytest.fixture async def dynamodb_client( session, region, config, dynamodb2_server, mocking_test ): kw = moto_config(dynamodb2_server) if mocking_test else {} async with session.create_client( 'dynamodb', region_name=region, config=config, **kw ) as client: yield client @pytest.fixture async def cloudformation_client( session, region, config, cloudformation_server, mocking_test ): kw = moto_config(cloudformation_server) if mocking_test else {} async with session.create_client( 'cloudformation', region_name=region, config=config, **kw ) as client: yield client @pytest.fixture async def sns_client(session, region, config, sns_server, mocking_test): kw = moto_config(sns_server) if mocking_test else {} async with session.create_client( 'sns', region_name=region, config=config, **kw ) as client: yield client @pytest.fixture async def sqs_client(session, region, config, sqs_server, mocking_test): kw = moto_config(sqs_server) if mocking_test else {} async with session.create_client( 'sqs', region_name=region, config=config, **kw ) as client: yield client @pytest.fixture async def batch_client(session, region, config, batch_server, mocking_test): kw = moto_config(batch_server) if mocking_test else {} async with session.create_client( 'batch', region_name=region, config=config, **kw ) as client: yield client @pytest.fixture async def lambda_client(session, region, config, lambda_server, mocking_test): kw = moto_config(lambda_server) if mocking_test else {} async with session.create_client( 'lambda', region_name=region, config=config, **kw ) as client: yield client @pytest.fixture async def iam_client(session, region, config, iam_server, mocking_test): kw = moto_config(iam_server) if mocking_test else {} async with session.create_client( 'iam', region_name=region, config=config, **kw ) as client: yield client @pytest.fixture async def rds_client(session, region, config, rds_server, mocking_test): kw = moto_config(rds_server) if mocking_test else {} async with session.create_client( 'rds', region_name=region, config=config, **kw ) as client: yield client @pytest.fixture async def ec2_client(session, region, config, ec2_server, mocking_test): kw = moto_config(ec2_server) if mocking_test else {} async with session.create_client( 'ec2', region_name=region, config=config, **kw ) as client: yield client @pytest.fixture async def kinesis_client( session, region, config, kinesis_server, mocking_test ): kw = moto_config(kinesis_server) if mocking_test else {} async with session.create_client( 'kinesis', region_name=region, config=config, **kw ) as client: yield client async def recursive_delete(s3_client, bucket_name): # Recursively deletes a bucket and all of its contents. paginator = s3_client.get_paginator('list_object_versions') async for n in paginator.paginate(Bucket=bucket_name, Prefix=''): for obj in chain( n.get('Versions', []), n.get('DeleteMarkers', []), n.get('Contents', []), n.get('CommonPrefixes', []), ): kwargs = dict(Bucket=bucket_name, Key=obj['Key']) if 'VersionId' in obj: kwargs['VersionId'] = obj['VersionId'] resp = await s3_client.delete_object(**kwargs) assert_status_code(resp, 204) resp = await s3_client.delete_bucket(Bucket=bucket_name) assert_status_code(resp, 204) @pytest.fixture async def bucket_name(region, create_bucket): name = await create_bucket(region) yield name @pytest.fixture async def table_name(create_table): name = await create_table() yield name @pytest.fixture async def create_bucket(s3_client): _bucket_name = None async def _f(region_name, bucket_name=None): nonlocal _bucket_name if bucket_name is None: bucket_name = random_bucketname() _bucket_name = bucket_name bucket_kwargs = {'Bucket': bucket_name} if region_name != 'us-east-1': bucket_kwargs['CreateBucketConfiguration'] = { 'LocationConstraint': region_name, } response = await s3_client.create_bucket(**bucket_kwargs) assert_status_code(response, 200) await s3_client.put_bucket_versioning( Bucket=bucket_name, VersioningConfiguration={'Status': 'Enabled'} ) return bucket_name try: yield _f finally: await recursive_delete(s3_client, _bucket_name) @pytest.fixture async def create_table(dynamodb_client): _table_name = None async def _is_table_ready(table_name): response = await dynamodb_client.describe_table(TableName=table_name) return response['Table']['TableStatus'] == 'ACTIVE' async def _f(table_name=None): nonlocal _table_name if table_name is None: table_name = random_tablename() _table_name = table_name table_kwargs = { 'TableName': table_name, 'AttributeDefinitions': [ {'AttributeName': 'testKey', 'AttributeType': 'S'}, ], 'KeySchema': [ {'AttributeName': 'testKey', 'KeyType': 'HASH'}, ], 'ProvisionedThroughput': { 'ReadCapacityUnits': 1, 'WriteCapacityUnits': 1, }, } response = await dynamodb_client.create_table(**table_kwargs) while not (await _is_table_ready(table_name)): pass assert_status_code(response, 200) return table_name try: yield _f finally: await delete_table(dynamodb_client, _table_name) async def delete_table(dynamodb_client, table_name): response = await dynamodb_client.delete_table(TableName=table_name) assert_status_code(response, 200) @pytest.fixture def tempdir(): with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as td: yield td @pytest.fixture def create_object(s3_client, bucket_name): async def _f(key_name, body='foo'): r = await s3_client.put_object( Bucket=bucket_name, Key=key_name, Body=body ) assert_status_code(r, 200) return r return _f @pytest.fixture def create_multipart_upload(request, s3_client, bucket_name, event_loop): _key_name = None upload_id = None async def _f(key_name): nonlocal _key_name nonlocal upload_id _key_name = key_name parsed = await s3_client.create_multipart_upload( Bucket=bucket_name, Key=key_name ) upload_id = parsed['UploadId'] return upload_id def fin(): event_loop.run_until_complete( s3_client.abort_multipart_upload( UploadId=upload_id, Bucket=bucket_name, Key=_key_name ) ) request.addfinalizer(fin) return _f @pytest.fixture async def aio_session(): async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: yield session def pytest_configure(): class AIOUtils: def __init__(self): self.assert_status_code = assert_status_code self.assert_num_uploads_found = assert_num_uploads_found pytest.aio = AIOUtils() @pytest.fixture def dynamodb_put_item(dynamodb_client, table_name): async def _f(key_string_value): response = await dynamodb_client.put_item( TableName=table_name, Item={'testKey': {'S': key_string_value}}, ) assert_status_code(response, 200) return _f @pytest.fixture def topic_arn(region, create_topic, sns_client, event_loop): arn = event_loop.run_until_complete(create_topic()) return arn async def delete_topic(sns_client, topic_arn): response = await sns_client.delete_topic(TopicArn=topic_arn) assert_status_code(response, 200) @pytest.fixture def create_topic(request, sns_client, event_loop): _topic_arn = None async def _f(): nonlocal _topic_arn response = await sns_client.create_topic(Name=random_name()) _topic_arn = response['TopicArn'] assert_status_code(response, 200) return _topic_arn def fin(): event_loop.run_until_complete(delete_topic(sns_client, _topic_arn)) request.addfinalizer(fin) return _f @pytest.fixture async def sqs_queue_url(sqs_client): response = await sqs_client.create_queue(QueueName=random_name()) queue_url = response['QueueUrl'] assert_status_code(response, 200) try: yield queue_url finally: response = await sqs_client.delete_queue(QueueUrl=queue_url) assert_status_code(response, 200) @pytest.fixture async def exit_stack(): async with AsyncExitStack() as es: yield es pytest_plugins = ['tests.mock_server']